'S SERIES. SB 30b 577 ^ AT BISTORT ELEMENTS OF BOTANY. PREPARED FOR THE USE OF SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES, W. S. W. RUSCHENBERGER, M.D. Surgeon in tba U. B. Navy ; Fello-w of the College of Physicians ; Hoa. *-"ho Poiladelpliia Medical Society; Member of the j o; Kc.tunbd bcienccs of Philadelphia, Jco. &o. FROM THE TEXT OF MILNE EDWARDS, AND ACHILLE COMTE, TROFESSORS OF NATURAL HISTCRY IN THE COLLEGES OF HENRI IV, AND CHARLEMAGNE. WITH PLATES. PHILADELPHIA: GR1GG & ELLIOT, NO. 9 NOBTH FOURTH 3T&Ei5T, 1840. \T THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA S&DCAIIOH LIBS, NEW AND IMPORTANT SCHOOL BOOKS. TO TEACHERS, PRINCIPALS AND CONTROLLERS OF SCHOOLS, ACADEMIES AND COLLEG-ES We take the liberty of calling your attention to a Series of Books on the subject of Natural History, which, in the opinion of many of the most eminent men in our country, is second to no branch of knowledge now taught in schools. We ask your attention to these books, because we believe them to be superior to any works of the kind ever offered to the American public. They are small in size, extremely cheap, as accurate in scientific arrangement as the most voluminous works on similar subjects, and in every respect, such as parents and teachers would wish to place in the hands of their children. In confirmation of this opinion of the worth of these works, we respectfully invite your attention to the following testimonials. Very respectfully, your obedient servants, GRIGG & ELLIOT, JVb. 9 North Fourth Street, Philad'a These books have been introduced into the Public Schools of Pennsylvania and Ohio, and no doubt will, ere long, be introduced into all the public schools of our other States. "We regard the introduction of these works into our public schools, among the highest compliments they have received ; for we feel sure that the gentlemen who constitute the committee for selecting books, possess too much discernment and general knowledge, to pass favourably upon works of inferior pretensions. The following gentlemen composed the Committee for selecting books for the use of Public Schools." GEORGE M. WHARTON, Esq. THOMAS H. FORSYTH, Esq. GEORGE EMLEN, Jr., Esq. * FRANCIS LYONS, Esq. JOHN C. SMITH, Esq. Philadelphia. In addition to the following flattering notices of the American Press, the pub- lishers have received upwards of one hundred recommendations from the most prominent professors and distinguished teachers of our country, to the superior claims of these works, and urging their introduction as Class Books into all the Schools, Academies, &c., throughout the United States. RUSCHENBERGER'S SERIES. FIRST BOOKS OF NATURAL HISTORY, SCHOOLS, COLLEGES, AND FAMILIES. 1. ELEMENTS OF ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. 2. ELEMENTS OF MAMMALOGY, The Natural History of Quadrupeds. 3. ELEMENTS OF ORNITHOLOGY, The Natural History of Birds. 4. ELEMENTS OF HEEPETOLOGY AND ICHTHYOLOGY, The Natural History of Reptiles aud Fishes. 5. ELEMENTS OF CONCHOLOGY, The Natural History of Shells and Mollusca. 6. ELEMENTS OF ENTOMOLOGY, The Natural History of Insects. 7. ELEMENTS OF BOTANY, The Natural History of Plants. 8. ELEMENTS OF GEOLOGY, The Natural History of the Earth's Structure. This interesting series of books has already met with the mosl flattering reception ever extended to any work issued from the Amer- ican press. Introduced into the Public Schools of Pennsylvania, and in nearly all the first class seminaries of learning in the United States. RECOMMENDATORY NOTICES. " Ruschenberger's Series of Books on Natural History, are among the most valuable and useful works, for the use of Schools that have ever been published. A knowledge of Natural History, is not only valuab'e, but deeply interesting; and no one's education can, with such faciliiies as these works afford, be considered complete without it." National Intelligencer. "These are the most valuable ndditions of the day to our stock of School Books. The avidily with which they have been seized upon is unprece- dented. Though the first vol. w.is published for the first time only a few months ngo, it has already gone through its fifth edition; the. second is fol- lowing close upon its heels; and the third promises even to be more popular than either of the other two. These books have been adopted by the * Koyal Council of Public Instruction,' for the use of Sehoo's throughout France. They are recommended and have been adopted by some of the most emi nent teachers in the United States." Southern Literary Messenger. From ' The Ladies' Companion, a Monthly Magazine." June, 1842, New York. W. Snowden, 109, Fulton Street. "RUSCHENBKRGER'S ORNITHOLOGY: Grigg & Elliot. This is an excel- lent boo!?, by one who shows himself perfectly qualified for the task he haa undertaken, which is the publishing of a series of works on the different branches of education, for the use of schools and colleges. The present issue is a general and synopt:?al view of Ornithology, one of the most interesting subjects in Nature! History, and will be found of great service, both to teacher and student." " This is a compendious, and, as it seems to us. a judiciously compiled treatise on Ornithology, and one well calculated for the use of Schools ; for which object it is intended." N. Y. Courier and Enquirer. " In the work before us, the plan is happily carried out. In its small compass it embraces an immense amount of useful and interesting infor- mation." Buffalo Adv. and Journal. " Ornithology. This is evidently, like its predecessors, an excellent work of instruction; and ha^ been, in all respects well got up by the publishers."' Pennsylvanian, " A valuable little work, and is divided up and classified admirably. The glossary, giving the derivation of the names of birds, is of itself worth the price of the volume." New York Aurora. "An exceedingly interesting, and very instructive book, and one which possesses special attraction for young ladies." Baltimore Sun. "RUSCHENBERGER'S SERIES : Second Book. A highly useful and instructive school book. Third Book. This we consider as decidedly an acquisition to our list of school books, the subject is treated of in such a plain style as to be adapted to the simplest capacity. Altogether we think the above series as worthy to lake a high and permanent place among our school books." Buffalo Democrat. u We wish we could induce our teachers generally to examine this, as well as the earlier works of Dr. Ruschenberger ; they are admirably arranged, and just the very books needed for schools. The work before us on the Natural History of Birds is an admirable one, and no teachel should neglect to introduce the series. 'Cincinnati Gazette. * It is an excellent text book of an interesting science, comprising much knowledge in a brief space, presented in a clear style and with lucid arrangement. Dr. Rupchenberger, who has already achieved a high charac cer in the literary world, is acquiring additional claims by his exertions j Ihe field of Natural Science.- Spectator, Washington City. RECOMMENDATORY NOTICES. ** Ruschenberger's Series. These volumes are constructed upon a new and admirable plan, combining great simplicity of arrangement, with a perspicuity and sententiousness of style seldom found in works of this class; and which has elicited the highest encomiums of upwards of thirty of the leading professors of the country, whose opinions have again been endorsed by most of the public prints." U. States Adv. "The developement of the principles of classification, is among the very best we have ever seen. Science is here dressed in her own native sim- plicity and beauty, so that the philosopher may admire, while the child may acquire it. Medical Reporter. " It is a choice, and well digested work." Atlas. " An excellent publication adapted to the youthful mind, and a great help to the more matured." Mercury. "The study of Natural History though generally neglected in schools, is of undoubted use : the present work contains a great amount of infor. malion within a small compass, and properly condenses it for the young mind." N. Y. Journal of Commerce. " Ruschenberger's Series. The subjects are Well treated, and from the exceeding cheapness, and admirable arrangemeuiof these elementary works, they are well fitted for general use in public schools and academies." New York American. "We do not hesitate to say, that this is the best work of the kind and dimensions, that has even fallen under our notice. We hope all will embrace the first opportunity of procuring a copy, as we are sure they will prize it highly." Botanic Recorder. "A well digested and carefully arranged abstract of the most interesting parts of Natural Science." Philadelphia Gazette " Admirably adapted to convey an elementary knowledge on the subject of which it treats; and will be found an excellent book for the student." Public Ledger. " Valuable in every respect, it contains a vast amount of information, condensed into an available form, for the use of schools." Spirit of the Times. " Just such a work as is wanted for elementary instruction, in this pleas, ing branch of science." New York Evening Post. "We regard this series as eminently useful, supplying adequately the instruction in natural history necessary to a proper school education." North American. '* It is an excellent little work for the purpose designed, written in a clear and familiar style, and will not fail to facilitate the studies of those who wish to make themselves* acquainted with the subject." Saturday Courier. "Admirably adapted for elementary instruction." Saturday Chronicle. " We have great pleasure in recommending it as an excellent elementary manual on the subject." Medical Examiner. "Ornithology This book is equal in merit to the first and second, and is a most valuable work. It is intended for the use of schools and acade- mies, and we would call the attention of parents and others to the series of books to which this belongs, assuring them at the same time, that it will answer the purpose for which it is intended, better than any other work of the kind that we ever saw, or, in our opinion, that was ever published in this country. It is divided into questions and answers, contains an exten- sive and valuable Glossary, and is illustrated by eight Plates ; and what la more the price is so very low that every person can aftord to purchase it. JVffw Yoik New Era. RECOMMEiNDATORY NOTICES. it has been justly observed, that " the double effect of the study f I\ f atural TIL'toi jr IB to impart certainty to the mind, and religion to the heart," and the Christian no les than the man of science, must rejoice in every effort to throw more widely open the sublime and boundless field which it presents. Tins is the design of Dr. Ruschenberger, in a series of First Books of Natural History, which he is preparing foi the use of schools and colleges. Banner of the Cross. The series have i/iet a demand and sale in France almost unparalleled, and the words are well adapted, not only for schools, but for popular reading and instruction. Thia work is from the French of Edwards and Comte, and has received the warm commen- dation of many of the best physicians and scholars in this country JV". Y. Eve. Tattler. It is highly commended by the very best authorities. JV*. Y. Tribune. This book is highly commended by competent judges, and we therefore give our so- lemn opinion that it is an excellent work. Boston Daily Times. A small, but very valuable work. Boston Evening Transcript. We have examined this new book for schools and colleges, with peculiar gratification. The style is succinct and clear, and the subject illustrated by appropriate drawings. We tliould be glad to see this work introduced into all the schools. It teaches knowledge Ihe most important, which has been, however, strangely overlooked in our school and college system. It is a book which should not be confined to seminaries alone It may be used with advantage by all individuals in society. We repeat, it is in all respects a most excellent work, and we hope will receive the attention and patronage it merits. Brooklyn Evening Star. A valuable work; we have read it with profit. JV". Y. Mercury. We are highly pleased with this work. For elementary instruction in families, schools, and colleges, it is decidedly superior to any thing of the kind we have seen. It gives much valuable information in a very small space, and in style it is generally free from obstruse technicalities It has already received the highest recommendations from a large number of professional men in different parts of the country ; and it must have, we think, a general circulation. It gives that kind of knowledge which should be dif. fused among the mass of the people, and it must and will be patronised as far as its merits are known. Zion's Watr.hm.an. This is a fine little book, containing the elements of much useful learning, illustra- ted by anatomical plates of the human figure, its organs and (heir functions. It is a highly useful work to the student indeed to every citizen it shows how fearfully and wonderfully we are made, and what slight causes may derange and utterly destroy lite complicated machine. The Olive Branch A very useful little work. JV. Y. dtlas. As far as we are competent to determine, it may safely be welcomed as an important addition to the means of elementary instruction in natural science, The Friend. We recommend it as a highly instructive publication. JV". Y. Times and Eve. Star. This is a most valuable work, by Dr. Ruschenberger, and most admirably are the plates, representing all the different parts of the body, done. It is cheap, and every pa rent should place one in the hands of their children. JV". Y. Herald. We have examined this little volume with much pleasure, and think it admirably adapted to the purpose for which it is intended. Animal Mechanism, as a study, has generally been neglected, except by the few, whose profession requires a knowledge of it, and who have time to spare in acquiring that knowledge. A prominent cause of the neglect of this useful and interesting science by the general student, is, the want of a suitable treatise upon the subject, those extant being too voluminous, technical, and expensive for general use. The little work before us is happily calculated to sup- ply this want. It will, we think, be introduced into our schools and colleges as a text- book, but its circulation ought not to be confined there. Every private library should be considered incomplete without it. JV". Y. Mechanic. It seems to us to be well suited for the object for which it is designed, and it witi doubtless be introduced into many of our elemer \ary schools. The American Juurn4 of Uie Medical Sciences. OPINION OF THE PUBLIC PRESS. ** Such a little treatise is just the thing for our schools and academies and no time should be lost in introducing it." Neia York Mirror. " This is a most excellent work, and we would most respectfully recom- mend it to our common school tru tees, as worthy of introduction into the temples of learning 1 under their supervision." New York New Era. "The plan and arrangement of the work are admirable, and eminently calculated to facilitate the progress of the pupil. We recommend it to teachers and head.s of families." Philadelphia Sat. Chronicle. " We know of no books better calculated to convey elementary instruction than these, and heartily recommend those which have appeared." Brothei Jonathan. "We cannot too earnestly recommend it to public attention." Cincinnati Enquirer. " Decidedly one of the best elementary works on the subject with which we have ever met." New York Lancet. "The information it contains is at once lucid, intelligible, and satisfactory; it forms an excellent text-book for classes in schools, and cannot fail to infuse into the young mind a knowledge and love of Natural History. It is concise and comprehensive, and must if adopted in seminaries of learning be exceedingly useful in inculcating a correct knowledge of the elements o Zoology. The plan is excellent, and must be found eminently useful." Alexandria Gazette. " It is one of the most valuable works of the kind we have erer read. Such are the books we like to see disseminated among the people." New Orleans American. "The reputation of the author is a guarantee that the work is a good one. On examination we find it to be so. tt is an admirable compend of the subjects of which it treats: we should think, indeed, that it would attract the attention of teachers, both from its cheapness, and the admirable manner in which it is arr mged." Cincinnati Gazette. " The Second Book: this number treats of all animals that in infancy feed on the milk of their mothers; from the human being down to the mus- quito-catching bat. Like the " First Book," it is divided into questions and answers, and a glossary ; and is illustrated by six plates. It is as cheap as dirt; and contains an abundance of useful information. There are thousands of persons in this country, and millions in Europe, who do not know that whales give milk." New York Era. "We do not know a more useful set than this promises to be : and IS." New York Aurora. " We hesitate not to say that it is a valuab!e work, and fully entitled to the high encomiums bestowed upon it ; taken as a whole the work may be juhily regarded as invaluable to schools." New York Standard. u It is a most valuable work, and one which we believe has no superior in our seminaries, we know of nothing equal to it. It is very flatteringly recommended by the most distinguished men in France and in the United States, and deserves it." New York Courier and Enquirer. Ruschenberger's So cond- Book of. Natural History. "This is another o. those useful volumes, which Dr. Ru.*chenberger is so beneficially in editing. His former volume has already been received into some of our public school* and we hope both it and the present may find their way into all." American Medical Intelligencer. The present work, is in our opinion quite a desideratum, and abounds with information of the most useful and, at the same time, most necessary character, every parent should place it in the hands of his children, and no public instructor should neglect to give it a place in his academy. Phila delphia Spirit of the Times. RECOMMENDATORY NOTICES. ORNITHOLOGY. This is No 3, and like its predecessors is excellent These are the most valuable additions of the day to our stuck of School- Books. The avidity with which they have been seized upon is unproce dented. Though the first vol. was published 'or the first time only a Ie\\* months ago, it has already gone into the fifth edition; the second is fol- lowing close upon its heels; and the third promises to be even more popular than either of the other two. These books h ive been adopted by the "Royal Council of Public In.-truotion" lor the use of Schools ihrougliout France. They are recommended and have been adopted by some of the most eminent teachers in the United States. Southern Lit Mes, The present book conveys a large amovnt of useful and pleasing information on Ornithology. The structure, functions, and habits of Birds, are classified and grouped in such a manner as to gratify the student of Natural History, and at l\ e same time to aid the tyro in remembering the oeculiarities of individual birds, and their various points of resemblances to others of their family. Bulletin of Medical Science. The Third Book of Natural History is worthy of being placed alongside the first and second. Ol thrse we have already spoken; and we may now, we presume, congratulate Dr. Ruschenberger and the publishers, that sufficient encouragement has been received t> induce them to Continue their interesting and instructive series. American Medical Intelligencer. The series of books of which this forms a part has been highly and justly commended bv the ablest judge?, HS furnishing rare facilities in the acquisition of branches of knowledge, but too much neglected in our schools. We have examined the volumes with much care, and we find them well deserving all the praise bestowed on them. Cody's Lady's Book. DR. RUSCIIENBFRGER'S series of books on Natuial History are among the most valuable and u-eful works for the use of schools that have ever been published. The text is that of two d. stugir.shed French Naturalists, Milne Edwards and Achille Comte translg'.ed und prepared for the use of schools and colleges by Dr. Ruschenberger, who deserves great credit for thus devoting his leisure to so useful an object. A knowledge of Natural History is not only valuable, but deeply interesting, nnd no one's education can, with such facilities as are now offered, be considered complete without it. Simple and comprehensive as the elements of this science have been made by the French professors and Dr. R., and adopted as they should be, in schools and colleges, it would be inexcusable in any youth to be ignorant of these elements, and having acquired them he will find it equally easy and pleasant to enlarge his knowledge by consulting more extended works, and devoting his attention to the study of the various branches of this interesting science. The present book on Ornithology is upon the same plan and possesses the same merit as those that have preceded it, and which have been received with deserved commendation. It is brief and compre- hensive, but sufficiently full to give the student a thorough knowledge of the elements of Ornithology. It contains also a Glossary of the terms used in this branch of Natural History, and a number of wood cuts illustrative of the matter contained in the body of the work. Washington Nationa, Intelligencer Precisely the work to place in the hands of young people. Madisonian. " We have much pleasure in commending this series of works the third ef which now before us, is rn Ornithology, It will be found useful in the chool-roorw, 01 the private study." U. S Gazette. 7 RECOMMENDATORY NOTICES. From the Carolinian, Fayetteville, N. C. These books are the first books, or elements of the different studies of which they treat ; calculated to convey the ideas without that labour of thought which might otherwise be attendant upon the commencement of the study. The great difficulty with the mind is to get a clear conception or understanding of first principles or rudiments of a study ; these once ob- tained, and the whole course is clear and smooth. These books of Grigg & Elliot, we think, so far as we are capable of judging, are admirably calcu- lated to this end of simplifying, what to the young learner would appear abstruse. They are for sale at Mr. Hardie's Book Store, on Hay Street. From the Daily Herald, New Haven, Conn. They are published by Messrs. Grigg & Elliot, of Philadelphia, and are for sale in this city by Messrs. A. H. Maltby and S. Babcock. As element- ary works they can hardly fail to be found useful in the stuily of the various branches of science which they embrace, and are at least worthy of the can- did examination of all Teachers and Proprietors of Schools, Academies and Colleges, to whom the publishers' notice is particularly addressed. Ques- tions, Glossaries, &c., are appended, to give all the necessary facilities to the student and the teacher. From the Morning Courier, New Haven, Conn. From a cursory examination of the work, and the consideration of the importance of a knowledge of the history of the various subjects treated of, as well as from the numerous testimonials which accompany the work we are inclined to the belief that it is one of much merit, and worthy the atten- tion of both teachers and learners. OPINION OF JOHN FROST, A. M., Professor of Belles Leltres in the High School of Philadelphia. Dear Sir, I am delighted with your little book. It will form a very im- portant addition to the means of elementary instruction in natural science. The subjects which it embraces form a part of our course of instruction in the Central High School of this city, and we consider this branch among the most important means of developing the powers, storing the minds and form- ing the habits of our students. I shall do my utmost to bring your book into general use; because I am greatly pleased with your plan, and I think it will do much towards directing the public attention to that much neglected, but important branch of science the natural history of man. Very truly and respectfully yours, To DH. RUSCHESBERGKR. JOHN FROST. GRIGG & ELLIOT'S NEW SERIES OF COMMON SCHOOL READERS, NUMBERS FIRST, SECOND, THHID, AND FOURTH. These books are particularly adapted for an introduction into the School* generally in the South and West ; and Teachers who feel a deep interest m promoting the welfare of their pupils, will no doubt, after a careful examina tioi, give them a preference over all other Readers now in use. GRIGG & ELLIOT'S NEW SERIES OF COMMON SCHOOL READERS, Numbers First, Second, Third, and Fourth. These books are particularly adapted for an introduction into the Schools gene- rally in the South and West ; and Teachers who feel a deep interest in promoting the welfare of their pupils, will, no doubt, after a careful examination, give them the preference over all other Readers now in use. To Teachers, Principals and Controllers of Schools, Acade- mies and Colleges, throughout the United States. LEE'S PORT, BERKS Co., AUG. 25, 1845. Messrs. Grigg $ Ettiot : GENTLEMEN, Accept my thanks for the series of Readers you were so kind as to send me by my friend Dr. Darrah, when he was last in the c;ty. I consider them decidedly the best School Readers I have met with. I have introduced them into the school at this place, and find them fully to answer my expectations. I have also introduced Grimshaw's History of the United States, another of your valuable School publications. I arn very much pleased with Dr. Ruschenberger's works on Anatomy and Botany, which you kindly sent me. They appear to be just the works needed to bring the subject of Natural History within the compass of our Common Schools ; and I intend, during the coming winter, to make an effort to introduce the subject into the school here ; and for this purpose, I would like to possess the whole series of eight uniform volumes, which I have requested Dr. Darrah to procure for me. Very respectfully, H. C. BAKER, Principal Lee's Port Seminary. From the WTiig Courier, Pulaski, Tenn. SCHOOL BOOKS. We have received, by the hands of Messrs. Martin & Topp, of Messrs. Grigg & Elliot, Philadelphia, a copy of their " New Series of Common School Readers." As this series has been so often recommended to Teach- ers, School Committees and Parents, by the press, and so far as we are able to judge, justly, properly and worthily too, we feel no hesitancy in endorsing the fol- lowing from JOHN FROST, LL.D., Professor of Belles Letters in the Philadel- phia High School : ' I have examined your Readers with great pleasure, and have no hesitation in recommending them to the special favour of Parents, Teachers, and School Com- mittees ; they are calculated to be eminently interesting to the young, from the happy style of narration, dialogue and description, which pervades the series ; but their chief excellence is their UNEXCEPTIONABLE MORAL TENDENCY. It would hardly be too much to say, they comprise a complete system of moral instruction, and in this point of view, I know of no books used in Common Schools which are preferable to them." GRIGG & ELLIOT'S COMMON SCHOOL READERS. From the Philadelphia Gazette. These are four little volumes to be used in schools, as reading books. They afford progressive exercises for the learner in the art of reading, at the same time that they convey a large amount of useful knowledge, particularly adapted to the vrants of the rising generation of this country. This is a most important part of elementary instruction, to which less than due attention has been paid. We cor- dially endorse the commendation of the series given by Professor Frost, of the High School. From the Alabama Reporter, Talladega. Messrs. Grigg & Elliot, of Philadelphia, have kindly sent us a copy of then* series of Common School Readers, numbered 1, 2, 3 and 4. We have examined them carefully and find them first rate books for children just commencing to read, number 2 being for those a little further advanced, and number 3 for those still further. Their moral tendency is unexceptionable, and withal they amuse the learner, while they convey instruction in the rudiments of the most valuable arts and sciences, and history. We take great pleasure in recommending them with confidence to parents, teachers, and all those who have the care of the young of either sex. The books are for sale by Messrs. John Hardie & Co. of Mardisville. From the Philadelphia Enquirer $ Courier. Messrs. Grigg & Elliot, No. 9 north Fourth street, have just published Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4 of their new series of Common School Readers. These are among the best works of the kind that are issued in our country. Professor Frost, of the High School, recommends them to the especial attention of parents, teachers and school committees, and says they are calculated to be eminently interesting to the young, from the happy style of narration, dialogue and description, which pervades the series ; but their chief excellence is their unexceptionable moral tendency. They are issued in a cheap and substantial form, and are sold at very low prices. From the North American. Messrs. Grigg & Elliot have issued four books, designed as progressive exer- cises in reading, for the use of learners. The object of publications of this kind is an important one, and, until of late years, it has not sufficiently engaged the atten- tion of those who labour especially in the cause of juvenile instruction. The plan of these books is to afford not only exercises in reading as an art, but to convey at the same time, peculiarly useful knowledge for the rising generation of this country. We cordially endorse the commendation of the series given by Professor Frost, of the High School. From the Democratic Recorder, Fredericksburg, Va. We are indebted to the publishers, Messrs. Grigg & Elliot, Philadelphia, for a new series of reading books for schools, just issued by them. We have examined them with care, and recommend them with much pleasure. The introductory le- GRIGG & ELLIOT'S COMMON SCHOOL READERS. sons are well calculated to induce a fondness for reading, and to imprint upon the youthful mind the soundest moral impressions. One great fault of some other read- ing books, is completely remedied in this : the transition from one book to the other is easy and natural. The scholar is not presumed to have doubled his know- ledge when his text book is doubled in size. The embellishments (a thing not to be neglected when catering for juveniles) are remarkably good. To be had at White's. t- From the Washington (Pa.) Reporter. We are indebted, through Mr. H. M. Koontz & Co., to the firm of Grigg & El- liot, extenlive book publishers of Philadelphia, for a complete "series of Common School Readers," comprised in 4 volumes. We have given them a cursory peru- sal, and also handed them to an esteemed female teacher, an admirable judge in such matters, who unites with us in pronouncing them most meritorious. The series is handsomely gotten up, being interspersed with appropriate engrav- ings. The arrangement is excellent, and the matter unexceptionable in its moral tone and tendency. From the Heading Gazette. Messrs. Grigg & Elliot, of Philadelphia, have favoured us with copies of their new series of Common School Readers, selected from some of the best works of their kind, and prepared for the gradual instruction of scholars, which would be found of great service if introduced into all our common schools. The Reader, No. 1, is prepared specially for beginners, and contains pieces easily intelligible, instructive and interesting, illustrated with engravings, and treats of matters and in language such as any child can understand. Reader, No. 2, is the old Pleasing Companion, a work which has, for some years, held a deserved esteem in school instruction. The selections it comprises, it is well known, are of the most pleasing kind ; and instead of making reading a task, sufficiently interests the scholar to read and understand its fascinating instruc- tions. Reader, No. 3, is another work of reputation and its admirable lessons of moral and religious instruction, have secured it a place in many schools. The object of the work " to inculcate the necessity and duty of general, domestic and national economy and simplicity of manners," is one of interest to every patriot ; and there certainly can be no better mode to perpetuate that object, than to instruct the rising generation in its principles. An examination of the work will strictly satisfy, that if the end be not accom- plished, it is no fault of the compiler. From the Gallatin (Tenn.) Union. We acknowledge the receipt, from Messrs. Grigg & Elliot, Philadelphia, of four volumes of reading books for common schools. From a cursory review of their contents we are well pleased with them, and would recommend them to be used in our schools. GRIOO & ELLIOT'S COMMON SCHOOL READERS. From the U. S. Gazette. Messrs. Grigg & Elliot have published a series of reading books for common schools, prepared with a special reference to the progression of scholars, each les- son referring to some subject of interest to the young, so that the pupil will have an interest in his lesson, and not read merely because " it is his turn now." The compiler of the work has had a special eye to sound morals, to pure bene- volence, and to the application for good of all his pieces, and hence his series com- mend themselves to high approval. We have some special acquaintance with the use of the works, and are glad to see that the first is a proper introduction to its successor ; so that we may, and do, confidently recommend the series as eminently deserving a place in schools, as well from their moral tendency, as from the adapta- tion of the contents to the progression of the scholar in classes. From the Olive Branch, Youngstown, Ohio. Grigg & Elliot, of Philadelphia, Pa., have published a new series of Common School Books, Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4. They are, so far as our opinion is worth any thing, worthy of being adopted by an enlightened public ; their chief excellence being the moral instructions communicated. They are highly recommended by distinguished literary gentlemen in the east. Messrs. Grigg & Elliot have a variety of other School Books, which they flatter themselves are equally worthy of general reception by the intelligent part of our community. From the Harrison Republican, Cadiz, Ohio. We have now on our table, through the politeness of Messrs. Grigg & Elliot, of No. 9, North 4th St. Philadelphia, their New Series of Common School Readers, comprising Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4. The books are particularly adapted to the West and we think no way inferior to the Eclectic Readers, that have gained so much celebrity among us which have been imposed upon the public at an exorbitant price by the publisher. The New Series are intended to answer the place of the Eclectic, at much lower prices, and embracing all of the facilities of the former. From the Charleston Mercury. Messrs. Grigg &. Elliot, Philadelphia, have published an interesting series of books, which we commend to the attention of teachers. A series of Readers, adapted to successive classes, which seem to us well selected and arranged. A far more important series, and one long called for, in the shape of elementary scientific treatises on the following subjects : MAMMALOGY : ORNITHOLOGY : HERPETOLO- LOGY and ICHTHYOLOGY : BOTANY : CONCHOLOGY : ANATOMY arid PHYSIOLOGY. These works are prepared by Dr. Ruschenberger, on the plan and materials of similar books used in the public schools of France. They are illustrated with the necessary plates, and are complete in their treatment of the subject, and undoubt- edly deserve a place in our now meagre list of elementary class books of science. These works are for sale by McCarter & Allen. GRIGG & ELLIOT'S COMMON SCHOOL READERS. From the Indiana State Journal, Indianapolis, Ind. Our friend Davis has now for sale a new and valuable lot of books, among which is a very valuable series of School Books, viz : Grigg <$ Elliot's New Series of Common School Readers. These Readers are comprised of four parts adapted to the youngest and more advanced class of children. We have attentively exa- mined these books, and have no hesitation in recommending them as the cheapest and most useful series that has come under our observation. From the Sangamo Journal. We have received from Messrs. Grigg & Elliot, Philadelphia, a scries of read- ing books for common schools; "prepared with a special reference to the pro- gression of scholars, each lesson referring to some subject of interest to the young, so that the pupil will have an interest in his lesson, and not read merely because 'it is his turn now.' " From the Galena Sentinel. Grigg & Elliot's new series of Common School Readers, comprising four num- bers, have been laid on our table ; they will be found for sale at the store of F. & N. Stahl. After giving them a careful examination, we cannot give them a better recommendation than the flattering notices we have seen, from John Frost, LL.D., Professor of Belles Lettres in the Philadelphia High School, and others. From the Caddo Gazette, Shreeveport, La. We have received from Messrs. Grigg & Elliot, of Philadelphia, through our fellow townsman, J. W. Morris, four numbers of the Common School Reader, designed for the use of common schools and families. From the examination which we have given them, we are compelled to say that they are admirably adapted to the purposes for which they were designed. No. 1 contains a series of simple narratives entirely within the comprehension of any child, and the syllables are divided so as greatly to facilitate pronunciation. Nos. 2 and 3 contain, the first, familiar stories, well calculated to interest the youthful mind; the last a " Moral Instructor and Guide to Virtue, being a Compendium of Moral Philosophy with Practical Rules for the Conduct of Life." The books possess much merit, and we doubt not that they will eventually obtain general circulation and use. From the Highland Messenger, Asheville, N. C. We have received from the publishers, Messrs. Grigg & Elliot, of Philadelphia, copies of their series of Common School Readers, Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4. They have been recently published, and we have no hesitancy in recommending them to pa- rents and teachers, on account of their great moral excellence, as well as their per- fect adaptation to the wants of the community, as a complete and thorough system of instruction in reading. 8 ORIGQ & ELLIOT'S COMMON SCHOOL READERS. From the Peoria (III.} Register. Through the politeness of Andrew Gray, Esq., who has just returned from the city of Philadelphia, we have been presented with a copy of Grigg & Elliot's new series of Common School Readers, intended for the instruction of children, and upon a careful examination of them, we feel justified in saying that a better series of school books cannot be put into the hands of the rising generation. RUSCHENBERGER'S FIRST BOOKS OF NATURAL HISTORY, For Schools, Colleges and Families. 1. Elements of Anatomy and Physiology, 2. Elements of Mammalogy, the Natural History of Quadrupeds, 3. Elements of Ornithology, the Natural History of Birds, 4. Elements of Herpetology and Ichthyology, the Natural History of Reptiles and Fishes, 6. Elements of Conchology, the Natural History of Shells and Mol- lusca, 6. Elements of Entomology, the Natural History of Insects, 7. Elements of Botany, the Natural History of plants, 8. Elements of Geology, the Natural History of the Earth's Structure. To Teachers, Principals and Controllers of Schools, Academies and Colleges. We take the liberty of calling your attention to a Series of Books on the subject of Natural Hia- tory, which, in the opinion of many of the most eminent men in our country, is second to no branch of knowledge now taught in schools. We ask your attention to these books, because we believe them to be superior to any works of the kind ever offered to the American public. They are small in size, extremely cheap, as accurate in scientific arrangement as the most voluminous works on similar sub- jects, and in every respect, such as parents and teachers would wish to place in the hands of their children. Very respectfully, your obedient servants, GRIGG & ELLIOT. These books have been introduced into the Public Schools of Pennsylvania and Ohio, and no doubt will, ere long, be introduced into all the public schools of our other States. " We regard the introduction of these works into our public schools, among the highest compliments they have received ; for we feel sure that the gentlemen who constitute the committee for selecting books, possess too much discernment and general knowledge, to pass favourably upon works of infe- rior pretensions. The following gentlemen composed the Committee for selecting books for the use of Public Schools." GEORGE M. WHARTON. Esq. THOMAS H. FORSYTH. Esq. GEORGE EMLEN, Jr., Esq. ^_ FRANCIS LYONS, Esq. JOHN C. SMITH. Esq. Philadelphia. ^^^~^~^~~^~~~~~~~~ In addition to numerous flattering notices of the American Press, the publishers have received up- wards of one hundred recommendations from the most prominent professors and distinguished teachers of our country, to the superior claims of these works, and urging their introduction as Class Books into all the Schools, Academies, &c., throughout the United States. These Books can be procured from Country Merchants and Booksellers generally throughout the United States. NEW AND IMPORTANT SCHOOL BOOKS,-; -^ TO TEACHERS, PRINCIPALS AND CONTROLLERS OF SCHOOLS, ACADEMIES AND COLLEGES. SMILEY'S ARITHMETICAL RULES AND TABLES FOR YOUNG BEGINNERS. This is the best work of the kind now in print ; but teachers are particu- larly requested to examine for themselves. SMILEY'S ARITHMETIC, or the New Federal Calculator, in dollars and cents. This work contains, among other important im- provements, Questions on the Rules and Theory of Arithmetic, which are considered by teachers generally, very conducive to the improvement of the pupil. Although a prejudice exists among some teachers in favour of the old works on arithmetic, yet the very liberal patronage which this work has received, must be considered as decisive evidence of the great estimation in which it is held by most of the instructors of youth. Upwards of 300,- 000 copies have been printed and sold. The sums being altogether in dol- lars and cents, gives it a decided preference over any other arithmetic in use. The most distinguished teachers of our city and country pronounce it superior to any other like work ; therefore the publisher sincerely hopes this useful improvement will overcome the prejudice that many teachers have to introducing new works, particularly those preceptors who wish to discharge their duty faithfully to parent and child. The editors of the New York Telegraph, speaking of Smiley's Arithme- 1 2 GRIGG & ELLIOT'S SCHOOL BOOKS. tic, observe, " We do not hesitate to pronounce it an improvement upon every work of that kind previously before the public, and as such recom- mend its adoption in all our schools and academies." A KEY TO THE ABOVE ARITHMETIC ; in which aU the examples necessary for a learner are wrought at large, and also solu- tions given of all the various rules. Designed principally to facilitate the labour of teachers, and assist such as have not the opportunity of a tutor's aid. By T. T. Smiley, author of the New Federal Calculator, &c. &c. CONVERSATIONS ON NATURAL PHILOSOPHY; in which the Elements of that Science are familiarly explained. Illustrated with plates. By the author of" Conversations on Chemistry," &c. With considerable additions, corrections, and improvements in the body of the work, appropriate Questions, and a Glossary. By Dr. Thomas P. Jones. CONVERSATIONS ON CHEMISTRY; in which the Ele- ments of that Science are familiarly explained and illustrated by Experi- ments and Engravings on wood. From the last London edition. In which all the late Discoveries and Improvements are brought up to the present time, by Dr. Thomas P. Jones. The learned and distinguished Professors Silliman and Bigelow, speak- ing of these works, observe: "They are satisfied that the Works contain the fundamental principles, and truths of the Sciences, expressed in a clear, intelligible, and interesting manner, and that the present editions are de- cidedly more valuable than any preceding ones. The high character of the author, as a lecturer, and a man of science, will, we doubt not, secure for these Works the good opinion of the public, and cause their extensive adoption among Seminaries and Students." TEACHERS in ordering would do well to say "Jones' Improved Editions." THE BEAUTIES OF HISTORY, or Examples of the Opposite Effects of Virtue and Vice, for the use of Schools and Families, with Questions for the Examination of Students. 1 vol. 12mo., with plates. This work is introduced into our High School. It is particularly adapted for a Class Book in all our male and female Seminaries, &c. " We have received from the publishers, Messrs. Grigg & Elliot, a very neat duodecimo volume, entitled 'The Beauties of History; or, Examples of the opposite effects of Virtue and Vice, drawn from real life.' After a careful examination of this book, we can conscientiously recommend it to parents and teachers as a most meritorious performance. There are here collected, within a narrow compass, the most striking examples of indivi- dual virtue and vice which are spread forth on the pages of history, or are GRIGG & ELLIOT'S SCHOOL BOOKS. 3 recorded in personal biography. The noblest precepts are recommended .or the guidance of youth; and in the most impressive manner is he taught to conquer the degrading impulses which lower the standard of the human character. We have not lately met with a volume which, in design and execution, seemed so acceptable as this. The book, moreover, is hand- somely got up, and illustrated with wood engravings." GRIMSHAWS HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. Recently brought up by the author to the present time. Also, Questions adapted to the above History ; and a Key, adapted to the Questions, for the use of Teachers and Private Families. GRIMSHAWS HISTORY OF ENGLAND. Recently brought up by the author to the present time. Also, Questions adapted to the above History; and a Key, adapted to the Questions, for the use of Teachers and Private Families. GRIMSHAWS IMPROVED EDITION OF GOLDSMITH'S HISTORY OF GREECE, with a Vocabulary of the Proper Names contained in the work, and the Prosodial Accents, in conformity with the pronunciation of Lempriere. Also, Questions adapted to the above History ; and a Key, adapted to the Questions, for the use of Teachers and Private Families. GRIMSHAWS IMPROVED EDITION OF GOLDSMITH'S HISTORY OF ROME, revised and corrected, and a Vocabulary of Proper Names appended, with Prosodial Marks to assist in their pro- nunciation. . Also, Questions adapted to the above History; and a Key, adapted to the Questions, for the use of Teachers and Private Families. GRIMSHAWS HISTORY OF FRANCE, with Key and Questions. GRIMSHAWS HISTORY AND LIFE OF NAPOLEON. The editor of the North American Review, speaking?of these"'Histories, observes, that "Among the Elementary^Books of American History, we do not remember to 'have seen any one more^deserving approbation than Mr. Grimshaw's History of the United States. It u is a small volume, and a great deal of matter is brought into a narrow space; but the author has succeeded so well in the construction of his periods, and the arrangement of his materials, that perspicuity is rarely sacrificed to brevity. 4 GRIGG & ELLIOT'S SCHOOL BOOKS. "The chain of narrative is skilfully preserved, and the author's reflec- tions are frequently such as make the facts more impressive, and lead the youthful mind to observe causes and consequences which might otherwise have been overlooked. As a school book it may justly be recommended. "What has been said of this volume will apply generally to his other historical works. They are each nearly of the same size as the one jus noticed, and designed for the same object, that is, the use of classes in schools. " The History of England is an original composition ; but the Grecian and Roman Histories are Goldsmith's, improved by Mr. Grimshaw, in which he has corrected the typographical errors, with which the later edi- tions of Goldsmith's Abridgments so much abound; and removed any grossness in language, which, in some few instances, render these valua- ble compends less useful in the schools to which youth of both sexes resort. He has also added a Vocabulary of Proper Names, accentuated, in order to show their right pronunciation, which is a valuable appendage to the History. "All these books are accompanied with very full and well-digested Tables of Questions, for the benefit of Pupils, and also with Keys to the same, for the convenience of Teachers." [Teachers generally, who have examined Mr. Grimshaw's Histories of the United States and England, and Improved Editions of Goldsmith's Greece and Rome, have given them a decided preference to any other Histories in use as School Books and any person who will examine them, will find about one thousand errors in each corrected; and teachers order- ing those works will do well to say " Grimshaw's Improved Editions."] GRIMSHAW'S LADIES' LEXICON, and Parlour Com- panion ; containing nearly every word in the English language, and ex- hibiting the plurals of nouns and the participles of verbs, being also particularly adapted to the use of Academies and Schools. By William Grimshaw, Esq., author of the Gentlemen's Lexicon, &c. THE GENTLEMEN'S LEXICON, or Pocket Dictionary; containing nearly every word in the English language, and exhibiting the plurals of nouns and the participles of verbs; being also particularly idapted to the use of Academies and Schools. By William Grimshaw, author of the Ladies' Lexicon, History of England, of the United States, &c. "The public are again indebted to the talents of Mr. Grimshaw, for the very useful books which he has called ' The Ladies' and Gentlemen's Lexicon.' The peculiarity and advantages of these works may be col- lected from the following portion of the preface. * They differ from all GRIGG & ELLIOT'S SCHOOL BOOKS. 5 preceding works of the kind in this, that they exhibit the plurals of all nouns which are not formed by the mere addition of the letter S, and also the participles of every verb now generally used, and unless accompanied by a particular caution. No word has been admitted which is not now of polite or popular use, and no word has been excluded which is required either in epistolary composition or conversation.'" In the Nashville Republican, we observe the following notice of this very useful book : " In recommending the ' Ladies' Lexicon,' therefore, to all our readers, male and female, who have ever experienced the difficulties which it is so admirably calculated to remedy, we but do an ordinary jct of justice to the author and publisher. We consider the 'Ladies' Lexicon,' and recom- mend it to our readers, as a work that possesses superior claims on their attention and patronage." In giving the above extracts, we take occasion to say, that teachers will find the "Ladies' and Gentlemen's Lexicons" works admirably adapted to take the place, with advantage to their pupils, of the different works re- cently put into their hands under the name of Expositors, &c. 0^ The above work has been introduced as a Class Book into many of our Academies and Schools with great approbation. BIGLAND'S NATURAL HISTORY of Animals, Birds, Fishes, Reptiles and Insects, illustrated with numerous and beautiful en- gravings. By John Bigland, author of a "View of the World," "Letters on Universal History," &c. Complete in 1 vol. 12mo. (J^T This work is particularly adapted for the use of Schools and Fami- lies, forming the most elegantly written and complete work on the subject of Natural History ever published, and is worthy of the special attention of the Teachers of all our Schools and Academies. BIGLAND'S NATURAL HISTORY OF ANIMALS, illus- trated with 12 beautifully coloured engravings. BIGLAND'S HISTORY OF BIRDS, illustrated with 12 beautifully coloured engravings. PERSIA. A DESCRIPTION OF. By Shoberl, with 12 coloured plates. These works are got up in a very superior style, and well deserve an introduction to the shelves of every family library, as they are very inte- resting, and particularly adapted to the juvenile class of readers. 6 GRIGG & ELLIOT'S SCHOOL BOOKS. CONVERSATIONS ON ITALY, in English and French, designed for the use of Schools, Academies, &c. By Miss Julia S. Hawkes, in 1 vol. 12mo. CC/- This work is spoken very highly of by Miss C. Beecher, (who form- erly taught in Hartford, Conn., and who has done as much for the elevation of the female character, and for education generally, as any other lady in this country,) and has received the highest recommendation from our most distinguished Teachers, and the American press. MURRAY'S EXERCISES, adapted to his Grammar. Grigg and Elliot's stereotype edition. MURRAY'S KEY TO THE EXERCISES. Grigg and Elliot's stereotype edition. HORACE DELPHINI. Grigg and Elliot's new corrected stereotype edition. The Delphin Classics (of which Horace Delphini and Virgil Delphini are two,) were prepared at the express command of the King of France, for the education of his son, the Dauphin. They are not the result of the labours of a single man, but of many of the most learned men of whom France could boast; and consequently they ought, by every thinking mind, to be considered as near perfection as it is possible to approach. They are illustrated in the margin by an ordo, and at the foot of each page by most copious and learned notes in the Latin language ; and they are sub- mitted to the judgment of every teacher. VIRGIL DELPHINI. Grigg and Elliot's new corrected stereotype edition. For remarks respecting this work and the Delphin Classics generally, ^see note to " Horace Delphini," immediately above. HUTCHINSON'S XENOPHON, with notes, and a Latin translation under the Greek in each page, by Thomas Hutchinson, A. M. This edition of the above valuable work is printed on a large and bold Greek type; and has, in order to insure its accuracy, been stereotyped. The classical elegance and well-known celebrity of Xenophon demand of every teacher, that he should place it unmutilated and complete in the hands of his scholars, instead of being content with the meagre extracts which are made from it in many of the Greek compilations for schools of the day. VALUABLE WOKKS FOR PUBLIC AND PRIVATE LIBRARIES, PUBLISHED BY GRIGG * ELLIOT, And for Sale by Booksellers and Country Merchants generally throughout the United States. SPLENDID LIBRARY EDITIONS, &c. Crabbe, Heber and Pollok's Poetical Works, steel portraits, complete in 1 vol. 8vo., bound, library style. The same work, calf extra, embossed gilt, and calf extra gilt. Byroji's Works, complete in 1 vol. 8\ro., including all his suppressed and attributed poems, bound, lib. style. The same work, calf extra, embossed gilt, and calf extra gilt. Cowper and Thomson's Prose and Poetical Works, complete in 1 vol. 8vo., bound, library style. The same work, calf extra, embossed gilt, and calf extra gilt. Rogers, Campbell, Montgomery, Lamb and Kirk White's Poetical Works, complete in 1 vol. 8vo., bound, library style. The same work, calf extra, embossed gilt, and calf extra gilt. Milton, Young, Gray, Beattie and Collins' Poetical Works, complete in 1 vol. 8vo., bound, library style. The same work, calf extra, embossed gilt, and calf extra gilt. Mrs. Hemans' Poetical Works, complete in 1 vol. 8vo., bound, lib. style. The same work, calf extra, embossed gilt, and calf extra gilt. (j* This is a new and complete edition, with a splendid engraved like- ness of Mrs. Hemans, on steel, and contains all the Poems in the last Lon- don and American editions. McMahon's American Gardener, 9th edition, greatly improved, 8vo., fine edition. Goldsmith's Animated Nature, beautifully illustrated, 2 vols. 8vo., about 300 cuts. Laurence Sterne's Works, with a Life of the Author, written by himself, 8vo., engraved portrait. Burder's Village Sermons. For Family Reading. Josephus' Works, 2 vols. 8vo., sheep, gilt. tfj* The only readable edition published in this country. Say's Political Economy, 8vo., new edition. Mason's Popular System of Farriery, new edition. 7 8 GRIGG & ELLIOT'S MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS. Hind's Popular System of Farriery, new edition. The Stock Raiser's Manual, by W. Youatt, with plates. The Importance of Family Religion, by Rev. S. G. Winchester, 1 vol. 12mo. Seneca's Morals. " Should be found in every library." Shoberl's History of Persia, with 12 fine coloured plates, fancy paper. Bigland's Natural History of Animals, 12 fine coloured plates, fancy paper. Bigland's Natural History of Birds, Fishes, &c., 12 coloured plates, fancy paper. Dictionary of Select and Popular Quotations, 9th edition. The American Chesterfield, containing a complete Treatise on Carving, with cuts. The Southern and Western Songster, plate. The Daughter's Own Book. Bennett's Letters to Young Ladies. ; <' i / The Gentlemen and Ladies' Book of Politeness, and Propriety of Deport- ment, by Mrs. Celnart. The Life of General Jackson. Winchester's Family Prayers, fine edition. The New Testament, royal 8vo., large type, new edition, for Family use. Letters from a Father to his Sons in College, by Samuel Miller, D. D. Bigland's Natural History, with 24 coloured plates, half mor. ext. gilt ed., and plain School edition. Shakspeare's Plays, various editions. Weems' Life of Marion. I)o. do. Washington. Polyglott Bible, 18mo., plain sheep, rolled ed. Do. do. morocco tucks, gt. ed. Do. do. plain Eng. calf, gilt ed. Do. do. Eng. calf, super ex. do. -. . , T) (J . Do. do. Turkey, mor. gilt ed. Pearl Pocket Bible, best ed. published, plain sheep. Do. do. do. mor. tucks, gt. ed. Do. f^rg do. do. plain Eng. calf, gt. ed. Do. do. do. calf, sup. extra gt. Do. do. do. Tur. mor., extra gt. ed. OCj All the above Bibles are in the best Philadelphia binding. lO 01 Public, private, and social libraries, and all who purchase to sell again, supplied on the most reasonable terms with every article in the Book and Stationery line ; including new novels, and all new works in every department of literature and science. All orders will be thankfully received and promptly attended to. RUSCHENBERGER'S SERIES. FIRST BOOKS OF NATURAL HISTORY. ELEMENTS OE BOTANY; PREPARED FOR THE USE OF SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES, BY W. S. W. ^USCHENBERGER, M.D. SURGEON IN THE U. S. NAVY J FELLOW OF THE COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS } HON. MEMBER OF THE PHILADELPHIA MEDICAL SOCIETY; MEMBER OF THE ACADEMY OF NATURAL SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA, ETC., ETC. FROM THE TEXT OF MILNE EDWARDS AND ACHILLE COMTE, PROFESSORS OF NATURAL HISTORY IN THE COLLEGES OF HENRI IV., AND CHARLEMAGNE. WITH PLATES. PHILADELPHIA: GRIGG & ELLIOT, NO. 9 NORTH FOURTH STREET EDUCATION Entered, according to the Act of Congress, in the year 1844, by W. S. W. RUSCHENBERGER, M.D., in the clerk's office of the District Court of the United States in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. J. Fagan, Stereotyper. T. K. & P. O. Collins, Printers. (4) 3 EDUG PREFACE. The SEVENTH in the Series of FIRST BOOKS OP NATURAL HISTORY, comprises the Elements of Botany. This subject is deeply interesting, useful, and consequently popular, which may be readily inferred from the great number of books published on this branch of Natural Science. Whether the little volume now presented will find favour with the public, among the many that have been well received, time will show. It is brief, and I have attempted to make it clear to beginners. The explanations and etymologies of technical words are given as they occur, either in the text, or in foot notes, and in many, if not in all cases, the pronunciation of these words has been designated by accents. When it occurs, the Greek omega has been marked thus (6), and italics have been substituted for Greek characters, because, it is presumed, many who may use this volume are unacquainted with the dead languages. An ample glossary has also been appended. Besides the work of Messrs. Edwards and Comte, which forms the skeleton of this, I have freely consulted the writings of Lindley, Loudon, Smith, Gray, Reed, and others, and as freely appropriated whatever seemed useful to us in carrying out the design of forming an accurate, brief, and simple treatise on the Elements of Botany, suitable for beginners, whether young or old> i M788534 PREFACE. The numerous illustrations, engraved by Mr. G. Thomas (65 South Third Street, Philadelphia), have been well executed, and do credit to the artist. The present edition has been carefully revised, and several new figures have been added; this little volume now contains one hundred and sixty-four illustrations. W. S. W. R. U. S. Naval Hospital, New York. ) July, 1644. ( CONTENTS , OF BOTANY. LESSON I. Botany. Definition of Plants Structure of Plants Nomenclature of Organs. LESSON II. Functions of Nutrition. Absorption and Ascent of Sap Roots; their Structure and Forms Stem ; its Divisions, Varieties, &c. Structure of the Stem, in Ex'ogens Medullary Canal Pith Medullary Sheath Wood Medullary Rays Bark Epider'mis Cork Structure of tho Stem in En'dogens. LESSON III. Mechanism of the Absorption and Ascent of the Sap. Ascending Sap- Exhalation Respiration Leaves Parts of Leaves; their Structure, Shape, and Position Stipules Tendrils Examples of the Forms of simple and compound Leaves Exhalation Respiration Distribution of the nutritive Juices Descending Sap Secretions Excretions- Succession of Crops Proper Juices Lignin Fecula Growth of Plants Grafting Effects of the Seasons on the Nutrition of Plants The Age of Plants. LESSON IV. Generation of Plants. Multiplication of Plants by Division Formation of adventitious Roots Multiplication of Plants by Grafting ; by Tuber- cles Phanero'gamous and Crypto'gamous Plants defined Structure of Flowers Peduncle Pedicil Floral Leaf Bract Involucre Spathe Glume Torus Receptacle Inflorescence Perianth Calyx Corolla Petals Forms of the Corolla Nectary ^Estivation Essen. tial Parts of Flowers Stamens Anther Pollen Pistil Carpel Ovary, (7) viii CONTENTS OF BOTANY. LESSON V. Development and Functions of Flowers. Flora's Calendar Flora's Clock Fertilization of Flowers Fruit Epi-carp Meso-carp Endo-carp Carpels Classification of Fruits Seeds ; their Structure Embryo Coty'ledons Germination. LESSON VI. Classification of Plants. Natural and Artificial Methods Artificial Sys- tem of Linnaeus The Natural Method of Jussieu. Crypto'gamous Plants. Lichens, Fungi, Agarics, Truffle, Algae, Mosses, Ferns. Phanero'gamous Plants. Monocoty'ledons Grasses Wheat, Rye, Barley, Malt, Oats, Rice, Maize, Sugar-cane, Sugar, Sugar-candy Palms- Narcissus Dicoty'ledons A'petalous Dicoty'ledons Monope'talous Di- coty'ledons Potato, Tobacco, Belladonna, Olive, Sage, Coffee Polype'- talous Dicoty'ledons Hemlock Mallow, Cotton, Flax, Orange, Tea, Vine, Wine, Poppy, Sensitive Plant, Apple, Pear, Plum, Cherry, Apricot, Peach, Strawberry, &c. Dicli'nero Hop, Hemp, Elm, Bread-fruit, Oak, Chestnut, Ash, Pine Of the Uses of Plants Examples of Ornamental Plants. GLOSSARY. ELEMENTS OF BOTANY! THE NATURAL HISTORY OF PLANTS LESSON I. BOTANY. Definition of Plants Structure of Plants Nomen- clature of Organs. 1. Botany (formed from the Greek word botane, a plant) is that division of Natural History which treats of vegetables. 2. The science of Botany is divided into three branches : namely, the Anatomy of Plants, Vegetable Physiology, and Descriptive Botany, which last comprises the classification of plants and their especial history. 3. Botany, therefore, does not consist, as is commonly ima- gined by the ignorant, in merely " getting by heart" a great number of names of plants, and of being able to apply their names to the objects to which they belong ; but in a knowledge of the plants themselves, of their organization, their growth, their manner of living, their properties, and the relations they bear to each other, as well as the characters by which they are distin- guished from each other. 4. Dejinition of Plants. Plants are beings organized for living ; but they are not endowed, like animals, with the faculties of sensation and of performing voluntary motion. 5. Like animals, these beings are readily distinguished from inorganic bodies by their mode of structure, by their nutritive function, through the means of which their substance is renewed and augmented, by their origin, and by the limited duration of their existence. 6. They differ from animals not only in being destitute of the functions of relation, but also in many other respects. Almost all vegetables live fixed in the soil ; they absorb, from without, nutritive matters which they assimilate, without previously di- 1. What is Botany? 2. How is the science of Botany divided ? 3. What is to be learned by studying Botany ? 4. What are plants ? 5. How are plants distinguished from inorganic bodies ? 6. How do plants differ from animals ? (9) 10 SENSIBILITY OF PLANTS. gesting them, and they have nothing which resembles a stomach ; by the act of respiration, they possess themselves of the carbonic acid of the air, and exhale the oxygen. 7. We have said that vegetables are destitute of the faculty of sensation, and the faculty of performing voluntary motion : this is very evident in an immense majority of instances ; but there are some plants which, at first sight, seem to form an ex- ception to this rule. For example, the branches and leaves of all plants are directed to that side from which they receive the light and air. Certain plants on the approach of night, or the morning dawn, close their leaves or flowers : and there are some that contract themselves in this manner when they are touched by any foreign body. The small shrub called the Sensitive Plant exhibits this phenomenon in a very remarkable manner : and a plant of certain Carolina marshes, Venus's Fly-trap, Dionma mus~ cipula (jig. 1) performs these motions most singu- larly ; the leaves, which are formed of two lobes, are so irritable that they close on the slightest touch ; when an insect alights upon the internal face of one of them, the two lobes immediately approximate each other, and the ani- mal, caught upon the thorns with which these lobes are armed, dies in this species of natural snare. The Sundew, Drosera, the white flow- ers of which often deck the pools in France, are somewhat analogous, for the hairs which fringe Fi S- L VENUS'S FLY-TRAP. their broad round leaves, lie down the moment they are irritated by the contact of a foreign body. 8. But these phenomena differ essentially from the voluntary movements of animals ; there is no proof that the plants we have 7. Do plants feel ? Are they capable of voluntary motion ? 8. Is there any positive proof that vegetables feel, or move of their own will? STRUCTURE OF PLANTS. 11 just mentioned experience sensations, nor that the motions per- formed by them are directed by will : sometimes these move- ments result from the action of heat or humidity upon certain parts of their tissues, and at other times they can only be com- pared to the automatic movements, which are readily brought about by means of electricity or galvanism, in animals that have been recently killed and deprived of the functions of relation. Of the Structure of Plants in General. 9. Although plants differ very widely from each other in their external forms, they closely resemble each other in the materials of which their organs are composed : if we examine the internal structure of plants by the aid of a microscope, we find they con- sist entirely of cellular tissue alone, or at most of cellular tissue united to vessels. 10. Plants that are composed entirely of cellular tissue are called cellular plants, and those formed of cellular tissue and vessels are named vascular plants. Of Cellular Tissue. 11. The cellular or utricular tissue of vege- tables consists of a multitude of vesicles (minute cells) filled with a liquid or -other substance; sometimes these little bladders are rounded and loosely attached to each other (fig. 2); but in general they are so strongly pressed against each Fl 8- other that they are flattened at the points where VESICLES. they touch, and take the form of polygons (from the Greek, polus, many, and gone, sides, jigs. 3 and 6, g, c) ; at the same time their union be- comes so intimate that it is difficult to separate them, and the cells formed by their cavities seem to be separated only by simple partitions, as cavi- ties would be if hollowed out of a continuous or solid mass, like the cells of a honey-comb, for example. Explanation of Fig. 2. Utricula or cells of the cellular tissue, which have preserved their primitive form, magnified. Explanation of Fig. 3. The same cells which have become poly'gonal in consequence of pressing against each other. 9. Do plants differ from each other in their internal structure as much as they do in their external form ? 10. What are cellular plants ? What are vascular plants ? 11. Of what does the cellular tissue of plants consist? Are all cells of the same form ? ' 12 CELLS VESSELS. Fig. 4. VESICLES. 12. The form of these cells varies very much : sometimes they are spherical or octa'gonal, at other times flat or very much elongated, and tapered at their extremities like spindles (fg- 4) ; in the latter case they are often designated under the name of clostres. Their surface frequently presents rays or points which resemble pores, but in reality these vesi- cles are completely closed, and are without openings or orifices ; their parietes are naturally transparent, and almost colourless ; but ordinarily these cells con- tain granules which are deposited on their internal surface, and, when these corpuscles (little bodies) are green, brown, red, &c., their parietes appear to be coloured in the same manner. The colour of different parts of plants depends upon this circumstance. 13. The cellules (little cells) of the cellular tissue often have between them empty spaces of more or less extent, called inter- cellular mcdtvs, or inter-cellular pores, or passages: these cavities, which are of irregular form, are very important, as we shall see in the sequel. Of Vessels. 14. The vessels of plants are generally cylindrical tubes, which sometimes resemble excessively elon- gated cells (fg. 5). They differ*very much in their structure, and they are divided into trachese, false tra- cheae, punctuated or dotted vessels, moniliform vessels, reticular vessels, mixed vessels and proper vessels. 15. Trachea. We give the name of trachea? to tubes, which closely resemble the trachea? of insects, for, like them, they are formed of a thread spirally folded (Jig. 6). This thread, which .,.,,, , is silvery white, is very elastic and easily a i cd e f g unrolled; and if we carefully break a leaf Fig. 6. TRACHEA. of a rose tree, or dog- wood, for example, we Explanation of Fig. 4. Clostres or fusiform cells of wood, magnified. Explanation of Fig. 5. A punctuated or dotted vessel, magnified. Explanation of Fig. 6. Vertical section of a stem, showing the cellular tissue of which the epidermis is composed (a) ; the cellular tissue of the bark (6) ; the clostres of the fibre of the wood (c) ; a punctuated vessel (d) ; a rayed vessel (e) ; a tracheae (/) ; and soft cellular tissue (^). 12. What are clostres? ] 3. What are inter-cellular passages ? 14. How are the vessels of plants divided ? 15. What are tra'chese ? (Trachete, the plural of trachea, pronounced Ira'-ke-ah wind-pipe.) Fig. 5. VESSEL. VESSELS. 13 find the two fragments united to each other by filaments, similar to spider's web, which are, in fact, the unrolled tracheae. Sometimes, instead of being formed of a single spiral thread, these vessels are composed of two or three parallel threads rolled together. Their length is, in general, very considerable, and it seems that they terminate in a point at each extremity ; they do not branch or ramify like blood-vessels in animals, and ordinarily they are united in bundles. 16. The false trachea, which are also called annular, or radiated vessels, are unramified lubes, marked by transverse parallel rays (fig- 6, e). When the rays are very close toge- ther, these vessels resemble tracheae very much, but they are not elastic and cannot be unrolled. 17. The punctuated or dotted vessels (fig. 5) are cylindrical tubes like the preceding, but their parietes are dotted with small opaque points arranged in parallel or oblique series. They were formerly called porous vessels, because it was be- lieved that these dots were holes, but we are now assured that they are not pores. 18. The reticular vessels are cylindrical tubes, the surface of which being covered by oblong transverse spots, gives them the appearance of a net. 19. The mixed vessels are tubes which at different points in their length seem to possess alternately the characters of the three kinds of vessels we have just mentioned. 20. The moni'liform, or bead-like vessels, are punctuated tubes which ramify, and are contracted or strangulated at dif- ferent points (fig- 7). Many botanists sup- pose they consist of series of cells at- tached to each other, end to end. Fig. 8. VESSELS. 21. The proper vessels (fig. 8, Explanation of Fig. 7. Moni'liform (bead-like) vessels, magnified. Explanation of Fig: 8. Vertical section of a stem, showing cellular tissue with elongated cells (a) ; and the reservoirs of the peculiar or proper juices (J>, 6). 16. What are false tra'cheae ? 17. What are punctuated or dotted vessels ? 18. What are reticular vessels ? (Reticular ; from the Latin, rete, a net.) 19. What are mixed vessels ? 20. What is meant by moniliform vessels ? (Moni'liform, from the Latin, monile, a necklace, a string of beads, and forma, form.) 21. What arfe proper vessels? m .-.a 14 FIBRES. EPIDERMIS. b) are cavities which are sometimes in the form of short blunt tubes, and sometimes they are elongated very much ; they en- close the particular juices of the various species of plants. 22. Finally, the vessels of the latex are ramified canals, which may be considered as a sort of proper vessels ; according to some botanists, they are lined by a proper membrane, but ac- cording to other observers, they have no lateral parietes, and are merely inter-cellular passages or meatus. (Latex is a Latin word, signifying a peculiar fluid, which is usually turbid, and coloured red, white or yellow; often, however, colourless.) Of the Compound Constituent Parts of Organs. 23. The elementary parts of plants we have just mentioned constitute, either alone or by their union, the tissues and the dif- ferent organs which, in their turn, concur in the formation of the various apparatuses constituting the body of these beings. Such are the fibres, the epidermis, the hairs, the glands, &c. 24. Fibres. The fibres which are often found in the different parts of plants, but chiefly in the stems, are not composed of a peculiar tissue, but are formed of vessels united in bundles, inter- mingled with clostres or elongated cells. Among these vessels, we sometimes find tra'cheze, but most of them are punctuated vessels. The filaments thus formed are arranged parallel to each other, and joined together by a more or less loose cellular tissue; it is therefore much easier to separate them lengthwise than transversely. 25. Epidermis (from the Greek epi, upon, and derma, skin). The epidermis or cuticle is a thin membrane which covers the external surface of plants ; it is especially distinct in the young stems, the leaves and roots ; it is composed of k & jl cellular tissue, : the cells of which adhere more strong- ** 9-.cAL SECTION or A LEAF. ly to each other than to the subjacent parts, and for this reason Explanation of Fig. 9. Vertical section of a leaf magnified ; a. the epidermis of the upper surface ; b. the paren'chyma formed of cellular tissue, in which we observe inter-cellular passages or mea'tus ; c, c. epi- dermis of the lower surface;*?, d, d. the stomata cut transversely. 22. What are the latex vessels? 23. What elementary parts constitute the tissue of plants? 24. What are fibres ? 25. What is meant by epidermis? W T hat are sto'mata ? Where are they 'found? HAIRS. SCURF. 15 -ILL/ it is, in general, easily raised up (fig. 9, a and c) : we often re- mark in it little openings called sto'mata (from the Greek, stoma, mouth), which are not visible without the assistance of a magni- fying-glass (fig. 10, 6) ; the a edges of these pores are formed by two oval or glo- bular cells filled with green globules, and their opening e corresponds with the inter- cellular vacuities or lacuna? (fig. 9, fe), the uses of which appear to be very important in the respiration of plants. No sto'mata are found upon the roots ; many cellular plants, such "as mushrooms Fi ?' ^.-HORIZONTAL SECTION OF A LEAF. and mosses, are altogether without them, and they are also want- ing in certain plants that live in water. . 26. The hairs of plants are external appendages formed of elongated and projecting cellules ; sometimes they are simple, that is, composed of a single cell ; sometimes they are partitioned, that is, formed of several cells arranged in a row, end to end, and at other times they are more or less branching ; sometimes they lie upon glands, and serve as an excretory canal to the caustic juices secreted by these organs. Hairs vary extremely in length, density, rigidity, ancf other particulars ; on this account they have received the following names : Down, or pubescence,when they form a short soft layer, which only par- tially covers the cuticle or epidermis. Hairiness (hirsutus), when they are rather longer and more rigid. Pilosity (pilosus}, when they are long, soft, and erect. Villosity (villosus), when they are very long, very soft, erect, and straight. Crini (crinitus) are this variety in excess. Velvet (velutinus\ when they are short, very dense and soft, but rather rigid, and forming a surface like velvet. Cilia;, eye-lashes (ciliatus\ when long, and fbiming a fringe to the margin, like an eye-lash. Bristles (setts, sctosus), when short and stiff. Stings (stimuli slimulans\ when stiff and pungent, giving out an acrid juice if touched, as in the nettle. Glandular hairs (pili capilati), when they are tipped with a glandulai exudation. 'Hooks (hami, unci, rostelld), when curved back at the point. Barbs (glochis glochidatus\ if forked at the apex, both divisions of the fork being hooked. Explanation of Fig. 10. Horizontal section of a leaf, magnified : dermis; b. stomata; c. cellular tissue of the paren'chyma. 26. What are hairs ? Mention some of their varieties. epi- 16 FUNCTIONS OF NUTRITION. 27. SCURF consists of thin flat membranous disks, with a ragged margin, formed of cellular tissue springing from the epidermis. It may be considered as a modification of hairs ; for it differs from those bodies only in being more compound. 28. Prickles are conical hairs of large size, sharp pointed, and having their tissue very hard. They differ from thorns in being fixed to the bark ; the thorn is fixed to the wood. 29. Glands. We give the name of glands to those organs which are destined for the secretion of particular liquids : they are found in almost all parts of plants; they are small cavities, sometimes formed of cellular tissue only, and sometimes of very little cells mingled with a great number of vessels ; in other respects, they do not appear to differ essentially from the tubiform reservoirs we have already mentioned under the name of proper vessels. CLASSIFICATION OF THE ORGANS AND FUNCTIONS OF VE- GETABLES. 30. The functions of vegetable are referred to two classes. One belongs to the individual life of the vegetable, that is, the functions which effect its nutrition : the other refers to its multi- plication or the preservation of the species. 31. The parts of plants that serve the functions of nutrition, are the roots, the stem, and the leaves. 32. The parts which are especially designed to secure the mul- tiplication of plants are the organs of fructification ; namely, the flowers and fruits. LESSON II. FUNCTIONS OF NUTRITION. Absorption and Ascent of Sap Roots, their Structure and Forms Stem, its Divisions, Varieties, fyc. Structure of the Stem in Ex'ogens Medul- lary Canal Pith Medullary Sheath Wood Medullary Rays Bark Epidermis Cork Structure of the Stem in En'dogens. FUNCTIONS OF NUTRITION. 1. The phenomena of the life of nutrition in plants are referred to five distinct functions ; namely, 27. What is scurf? 28. \Vnat are prickles ? How do they differ from thorns? 29. What are glands ? 30. How many kinds of functions do plants possess ? 31. What parts serve the function of nutrition ? 32. What parts serve the function of multiplication, or reproduction of plants ? 1, What are tne several functions of the life of nutrition? ROOTS. 17 1st. The absorption of nutritive matter: 2d. The transportation of the nutritive liquid or sap to the organs of respiration. 3d. The process of respiration and elaboration (or prepa- ration) of the nutritive juices in the interior of the respiratory organs. 4th. The transportation of the sap thus elaborated to different parts of the plant, and the deposition or assimilation of its ele- ments in its various parts. 5th. The secretion of peculiar juices effected by special organs. 2. The roots of plants absorb the nutritive matter necessary for the maintenance of vegetable life, and the liquids, thus in- troduced into the body of the vegetable, constitute what is called the ascending sap. This sap rises through the stem by means of particular canals, and in this manner reaches the leaves and other green parts of plants; there it is modified by the effects of transpiration and of respiration, and after having been thus pre- pared, the sap descends, following a new route, and is distributed to those parts for the growth of which it is destined. We will study successively these phenomena, and the organs which are the seat of them, both in vascular and cellular plants. OF THE ABSORPTION AND ASCENT OF SAP. 3. The absorption of nutritive matters is principally effected by the extremity of the roots, and by passing through these organs and mounting along the stem, they reach the leaves, in the sub- stance of which the alimentary juice is rendered fit for the nutri- tion of the plant. These two phenomena, the absorption and ascent of the sap, are very intimately united ; and in order to un- derstand them, we must, in the first place, study the structure of .the two portions of the plant which are the seat of them, namely, the roots and stem. OF THE ROOT OR DESCENDING AXIS (RADIX). 4. We give the name of root to that inferior portion of plants which serves to fix them in the soil, and which, by its growth, increases in length in an opposite direction to the stem. 5. With the exception of some plants that live under water, or float upon its surface, all vegetables are provided with roots, 2. What is ascending sap ? -What becomes of this ascending sap? 3. Through what part of a plant is matter chiefly conveyed for its nour- ishment. 4. What is meant by the root of the plant? 5. Are all plants provided with roots? Where are the roots usually found ? What are adventitious roots ? 2* 18 STRUCTURE OF ROOTS. and these organs are almost always buried in the earth. Some- times the roots float freely in the water, and there are some plants that insinuate them into cracks in walls, or in crevices of the stem of some other plant, as the mosses, for example. There are certain plants, the roots of which arise at a considera- ble distance above the surface of the soil, and have only their ex- tremity buried in the earth, so that the greater part of their length remains exposed to the air. To such roots we give the name of aerial or adventitious roots; the maize or Indian corn and many other American plants have them. 6. We see now that it is not a constant character of roots to be covered up in the earth ; and, on the other hand, we should be equally deceived if we were to regard as roots all parts of plants that are buried in the soil ; for it sometimes happens that the stem, instead of rising up through the air, creeps horizontally under ground ; but the structure of the two parts is different, and prevents them from being confounded with each other. The tissue of roots is whitish, and never becomes green by exposure to the action of light, which occur to all other parts of plants. [Those stems which creep along under the ground, are called root-stalks, or subterranean, or rhizome (from the Greek ridsa, root) stems ; the stems of the orris root, ginger, and potato, upon which grow the tubers we eat, are instances of this kind.] 7. The root, considered as a whole, generally consists of three distinct parts : First, the body or middle part, which is sometimes globular, and, at others, similar in form to a descend- ing stem ; Second, the radicles, the more or less delicate fibres which terminate the root at its lower part ; and, third, the neck or collum, the point that separates it from the stem, and which is often marked by being smaller. 8. The internal structure of roots varies ; in general, it is di- vided into the cortical part, or bark of the root, and central or ligneous part. 9. The bark of the root, which is often very thick, is entirely composed of cells ; its epidermis is always without sto'mata. 10. The ligneous body of the root is not ordinarily composed of distinct fibres, and we do not find tracheae in it as in the stalk or stem of vascular plants ; nor has it pith in the centre. 6. Are roots always under ground ? Does the stem ever grow under ground ? How is a root distinguished from a stem that grows under ground ? How is the tissue of roots characterized ? How are those stems which grow under the soil designated ? 7. How is the root divided ? 8. How is the internal structure of roots divided ? 9. What is the structure of the bark of the root ? 10. What is the ligneous body of the root ? DIVISION OF ROOTS. 19 11. The extremities of the radicles are unprovided with epi- dermis, and are composed only of rounded cellular tissue ; these parts are called spongioles (little sponges), and, as we shall pre- sently see, play a very important part in absorption. 12. The general form of roots varies much, and gives rise to numerous distinctions, the chief of which are the following : DIVISION OF ROOTS. Roots are primarily divided into Simple and Compound or Multiple Roots. SIMPLE ROOTS have a single base continuous with the stem; they are called Tap-roots, when they descend perpendicularly, and have almost the whole of their spongioles united at their extremity. These are Fusiform, when they are shaped like carrots, and Napiform, Tuberous, &c., when they are swelled and rounded like turnips. Fibrous, when they are very branching and ordinarily furnished with numerous spongioles. These are Knotted, when they present swellings along the course of their fibres, and Creeping, or Repent, when they run along near the surface of the soil. The second primary division of roots is The COMPOUND ROOTS : they arise in great numbers from the neck of the plant. They are said to be Branching, or Capillary, when each fibre, which is distinct at its origin, gives off branches in abundance ; Knotted, when the fibres have swellings or knots in their course ; and Fusiform, or Fasciculate, when they are formed by the union of a great many more or less elongated tubercles. 13. We may add that roots are said to be fleshy, when they are more succulent (juicy) and larger than the base of the stem, and ligneous, when their tissue resembles wood. They frequently present swellings or tubers, which are always masses of nutritive matter destined to supply the wants of the plant at a certain period. 14. Finally, we give the name of adventitious roots to those which, in certain instances, arise from the stem, but are in other respects analogous to ordinary roots. (See pages 63 and 64.) OF THE STEM (CAULIS). 15. We give the name of STEM (Cavlis, Stalk) to that part of plants which is intermediate between the roots and the leaves. 11. What are spongioles ? 12. What is a simple root? What is a tap-root? What is a fusirbrm root? What is a napiform root? What is a fibrous root? What is a knotted root ? When is a root said to be creeping ? What is a compound root ? What is a capillary root ? 13. What is meant by a fleshy root ? What is meant by a ligneous root? What is the use of those swellings or tubers found on certain roots ? 14. What are adventitious roots ? 15. What do you mean by stem ? 20 STEMS. 16. The stem grows in an opposite direction to the root, and seeks the air and light ; in general, it rises vertically above the soil, and serves to support the leaves, flowers, and fruit. 17. Generally this part of a vegetable is very apparent and easily recognised ; sometimes it is simple, at others branching, and when it is simple below, and branching in its superior part, the first part is called the trunk, and to the second we give the name of branches. 18. All vascular plants are provided with a stem, but some- times it is so short and so enveloped in leaves, or so completely hidden in the ground, that it seems not to exist ; vegetables thus formed, are named a'caulous plants (from the Greek, a, without, and kavlos, stem or stalk) ; but this absence of the stem is only in appearance. 19. Thus, in tulip and other bulbs, there exists amidst the leaves in form of scales, of which the greater part of these bodies is composed, a tissue which separates these appendages from the roots, and which constitutes a true stem (Jig. 11); only, instead of being elongated and cylindrical, as is ordinarily the case, it is gene- rally globular and flattened above, an arrange- ment which has procured for it the name of cormus or plateau. Fi &- H- BULB. 20. Subterraneous or rhizome stems have the appearance of roots, but are distinguished from them by their structure and several other characters ; their tissue becomes green by the ac- tion of light, which is never the case in true roots, and, under the influence of moisture, branches spring up covered with leaves, but radicles never grow from them. Sometimes these subterra- neous stems bear, here and there, irregular tubercles. 21. The stem of a plant assumes numerous and very different appearances in different plants. Explanation of Fig. 11. A bulb or onion, showing the roots (o) ; the cormus, or plateau, or representative of the stem (ft) ; and the leaves or scales (c) ; Cormus (from the Greek Arormos, a stem), a rhizome, or subter- raneous stem. 16. In what direction does the stem grow ? What is the use of the stem? 17. What is meant by trunk and by branches ? 18. Are all plants provided with a stem? 19. What is a cormus ? 20. How are subterraneous stems distinguished from roots ? What is the effect of light on the colour of plants ? 21. Is the form of the stem in all parts the same ? What are the forms ? What is a scape ? . V " ' STEMS. 21 If above ground, it is root-shaped, or knotted ; ascending ; creeping ; articulated ; leafless, succulent, and deformed ; or leafy. If it bears the flowers, proceeding immediately from the soil or near it, it is a scape. 22. The stem, in most plants, rises vertically in the air, but sometimes it wants strength to sustain itself, and rests drooping on the surface of the ground, to which it often attaches itself by roots (stems of this kind are named repent or creeping), or they sustain themselves upon some other more robust plant, as is seen in the climbing plants, &c. It is observed that the latter often wind themselves spirally round whatever supports them; they are then called twining or voluble ; and it is worthy of note, that the direction according to which different individuals of the same species wind themselves, never varies; in some, such as the haricot or bean, and bind-weed, it is from right to left ; in others, such as the honeysuckle and hop, it is constantly from left to right. 23. While young, stems are always of a soft consistence and similar to grass ; they often remain in this state, and live but a year ; they are then called herbaceous stems. In other instances they acquire more or less hardness, their interior is transformed into wood, and they live out of the ground many years : in this case they are called ligneous stems. 24. When the stem, although it be persistent, remains watery and more or less soft, it takes the name of fleshy stem. 25. We generally apply the name of shrub to those plants with a ligneous stem which branch at their base, and do not much exceed a man in height, such as the rose or lilac ; and we give the name of tree to those with a ligneous (woody) stem that branch only at the superior part, and rise to a considerable height. The branches are only divisions of the trunk which di- verge more or less from it, and are again subdivided in their turn ; upon their arrangement depends the general form of the plant ; sometimes they stand up, which gives the tree a pyramidal form ; sometimes they are spread out, and at others they are pendent or hanging. 26. Stems of certain plants present at intervals knots or enlarge- 22. What is meant by a creeping stem ? What is meant by twining or voluble stems ? What is especially remarkable in these stems? 23. What is an herbaceous stem 1 What is a ligneous stem ? 24. What is a fleshy stem ? 25. What is a shrub? How does a tree differ from a shrub? 26. What is a culm ? 22 STEMS. Fig. 12. DATE PALM. merits, produced by an indura- tion and a swelling of their tissue; when they are also hollow internally, they are designated under the name of culm or straw. The stems of wheat, barley, and oats are of this kind. 27. We give the name of stipe to stems which resemble a round column, as large above as below, and crowned with a cluster of leaves or flowers, like the stems of palms (jig- 12). 28. The stem of all vascular plants is composed of fibres ar* ranged in bundles (fasciculi), or layers, and variously sur- rounded by cellular tissue ; but we observe very great dif- ferences in their structure ; and these variations, which coincide with differences not less important in their mode of growth, have caused vas- cular plants to be divided into two groups; namely, EX'OGENS and EN'DOGENS.* * EX'OGENS (Exogenous plants). From the Greek, ex, from, and geinomai, I grow. A term applied to those plants, a transverse slice of whose stem exhibits a central cellular substance or pith, an external cellular and fibrous ring or bark, and an intermediate woody mass, and certain fine lines radiat- ing from the pith to the bark through the wood, and called medullary rays. They are called EX'OGENS, because they add to their wood by successive external additions ; and are the same as what are otherwise called dicoty'- ledons. They constitute one of the primary classes into which the vegetable world is divided, characterized by their leaves being reticulated ; by their stems having a distinct deposition of bark, wood, and pith ; by their em- bryo having two cotyledons ; and by their flowers being usually formed on a quinary type. EN'DOGENS (Endogenous plants). From the Greek, endon, within, and geinomai, I grow. One of the primary classes of plants, so called because their stems grow by successive additions to the inside. They are usually 27. What is a stipe ? 28. What is the nature of the stem in vascular plants ? lar plants divided ? How are vascu- STEMS OF EXOGENS. 23 29. The CLASS OF EX'OGENS comprises all the trees and shrubs of our forests, and is composed of vascular plants, the stem of which has a medullary canal in the centre, and grows by super-posed layers (Jig- 13). 30. The CLASS OF EN'DOGENS comprises those plants in which the stern has neither a central canal nor concentric layers (fig* 14). The palms belong to this division. Structure of the Stems of Exogenous Plants. 31. In the stems of these plants we distinguish two principal parts : the bark, and the central, or ligneous part, which might be called the body of the stem. Each one of these portions is in turn composed of several different parts ; the central portion of the stem is formed by a central pith, by ligneous layers, and by medullary rays ; the bark, or cortical portion, is composed of the epidermis of a cellular envelope, and of a fibrous part named liber, or cortical layers. (Liber, Latin, bark, is the interior lining of the bark of ex'ogenous plants.) 32. If we cut through an elder, or any other ex'ogenous tree, transversely, we observe in the centre a canal, which is ordi- narily angular, or very nearly cylindrical, and which, in the young branches, if not in the whole plant, is filled with a round cellular tissue (Jig- 13, a); this cavity is called the medullary canal, and the cellular tissue found in it is named the pith of the plant. 33. This central pith is of a soft consistence, and of a very homoge'neous* structure; while young it is always humid, and of a light greenish tint ; but with the progress of age, the cells of which it is composed become empty, dry, and assume a re- markable whiteness ; sometimes it is torn by the effect of the elongation of the stem, and separates in laminae or bundles, as may be easily seen in branches of jasmine that have attained one year old. known by the veins of their leaves running parallel with each other, with- out branching or dividing. Grasses, lilies, the asparagus, and similar plants belong to this class, which in warm countries contains trees of large size, such as palms and screw pines. * Homoge'neous. From the Greek, omou, together, and genas, kind. Of the same kind. Bodies whose constituent elements are of one and the same kind, are said to be homoge'neous. 29. What is the general character of those plants which constitute the class of Ex'ogens ? 30. What kind of plants does the class of En'dogens comprise ? 31. How is the stem of ex'ogenous plants divided ? What is the central portion ? What is bark ? 32. What is the medullary canal of plants ? What is meant by pith ? 33. What is the character of pith ? 24 PITH. WOOD. 34. In herbaceous plants, and in ligneous plants of very rapid growth (such as the elder), the space occupied by the pith is very considerable ; but in trees, the wood of which is very hard, such as the oak, the medullary canal or sheath is generally very small. 35. The parietes of the canal, containing the central pith, called the medullary sheath, are formed of longitudinal fibres, ordinarily arranged in a circle, and of a layer composed of tra- cheae, false tracheae, and porous vessels. It is the only part of the stem in which true tracheae have been observed. 36. Between the medullary canal and the bark, is the ligneous body, or wood, which is composed of concentric layers, the number of which is more or less considerable, according to the c b a Fig. 13. TRANSVERSE SECTION OF AN Ex'OGENOUS STEM. age of the plant (Jig. 13, 6, c) ; each of these layers is com posed of longitudinal fibres, united to the subjacent layer by eel lular tissue. These fibres are formed nearly in the same manner as those of the medullary sheath, except that no tracheae are found in them ; they are composed only of clostres or elongated cells, or dotted or rayed vessels. 37. The ligneous body constitutes what is generally termed wood ; its central portion is harder than its external part, and is Explanation of Fig. 13. Transverse section of an ex'ogenous stem : a. the pith ; b. layers of the heart of the wood ; c. layers of the albur'num or sap-wood ; d. the bark. 34. How does the pith vary in quantity in different plants ? 35. What is meant by medullary sheath ? What is remarkable in its structure ? 36. What is meant by the ligneous body ? How is it formed ? 37. What is wood ? What is meant by true wood ? What is meant by alburnum ? In what respect does true differ from sap wood ? BARK. 25 ordinarily of a different colour : it is this part which is commonly called the heart of the wood, and which botanists designate under the name of true-wood, heart-wood, or duramen, while they give the name of albur'mtm or sap-wood to the external ligneous layers, the solidity of which is less, and the colour whiter (Jig- 13, c). In other respects the structure of these parts is the same, only the ligneous fibres of the true or perfect wood are filled with solid matters deposited in their interior, while the proportion of liquids is more considerable in the sap-wood or alburnum. In trees of slow growth the line of demarcation is very distinct be- tween I he heart and sap-wood, and in the coloured woods, such as ebony, mahogany, &c., it is the heart only that possesses their peculiar colour, the sap-wood being usually white. In trees of very rapid growth, such as the poplar, willow, &c., there is, on the contrary, but little difference between these two ligneous lay- ers. As we shall see in the sequel, the albur'num is gradually converted into perfect wood, and it is by the formation of new ligneous layers between those already formed and the bark, that the stem increases in thickness. 38. The medullary rays are the divergent lines which run from the centre of the stem towards its circumference ; they are composed of vertical laminae of compressed cellular tissue, and are very analogous to the pith, from which they seem to arise. These rays come in part from the external ligneous layers, and terminate in the bark, thus establishing a communi- cation between the superficial and central parts of the stem. 39. The bark is composed first of a layer of cellular tissue, which constitutes the epidermis, and of a deeper layer formed of clostres grouped together so as to form fibres, but without being united with tracheae ; in the progress of age, new alter- nating zones of cellular tissue and fibres, are formed beneath the preceding, and there results from it a series of super-posed lay- ers, which resemble those of the wood, but differ from them es- sentially in their mode of growth ; we have observed that the latter are formed successively one on top of the other ; in the bark, on the contrary, growth takes place from without inwards. 40. We give the name of liber to the inner layers of the bark, because they are easily detached in thin "plates or laminae, and because the ancients made use of it, as we do paper, to write upon.* * Some of our young readers may remember the Latin word, liber, and its several versions, given as follows : " Liber, book ; liber, tree ; Liber, child, and liber, free." 38. What are medullary rays? 39. How is bark formed ? In what respect does bark differ in its man- ner of growth from wood ? 40. What part is culled liber 7 3 26 CORK. STEMS OF ENDOGENS. 41. The external layer of cellular tissue constitutes the epi- dermis, and is what botanists term the herbaceous envelope of the bark. In the course of the growth of the subjacent parts, it soon becomes strongly compressed, and at a certain epoch, we see it crack and tear in flexible lamina?, or detach itself in scales or patches ; the neighbouring cortical layers undergo the same al- terations, and when the part of the bark thus modified has been raised up, the laminae of cellular tissue thus exposed becomes for a brief period a kind of epidermis, until it is itself in turn detached. For this reason the thickness of the bark is never very considera- ble, and its surface is continually renewed. In some plants the herbaceous layer becomes very much developed, and the portion of bark that is thus separated is of sufficient consistence and thick- ness to be very useful to us in the arts. Cork, for example, b only the superficial part of the bark of a particular species of oak, quercus robvr, which detaches itself from the liber every eight or nine years, and it may be removed more frequently with- out any danger of destroying the tree. 42. Bark often contains, in its interior, cavities which are reservoirs of proper juices, and, in particular, those called the vessels of the latex. Structure of the Stem of Endogenous Plants. 43. The stem of these plants, that of a palm, for example (Jig. 14), is formed of a consi- derable mass of cellular tissue, analogous to pith, through which penetrate bundles of fibres in various ways, but never forming concentric layers, as in the ex'o- genous plants. Each of these fibres is composed of elongated cellules, of large dotted vessels, of tracheae, of proper vessels, and of polyhedral cells; they are closer together near the centre of the stem than towards its cir- cumference, and their superior extremity is abruptly curved out- wards to be continued into the Explanation of Fig. 14. Section of the stem of an endogenous plant, fa palm) ; a. cellular tissue ; b. fibres ; c. external pellicle. 41. What is epidermis ? How is it formed ? What is cork ? 42. What does bark contain ? 43. What is the structure of the stem in endogenous plants ? ^.-SECTION OF AN ENDOGEN. ABSORPTION AND ASCENT OF SAP. 27 leaves (c). It is to be remarked also, that in general there is no distinct bark, and that the external pellicle never grows in layers, as is the case in the Ex'ogens. CELLULAR PLANTS never present parts that are really analo- gous to the organs we have just spoken of, and to which we shall again recur. LESSON III. MECHANISM OF THE ABSORPTION AND ASCENT OF THE SAP. Ascending Sap Exhalation Respiration Leaves Parts of Leaves ; their Structure, Shape, and Position Stipules Tendrils Examples of the Forms of Simple and Compound Leaves Exhalation Respiration Distribution of the Nutritive Juices Descending Sap Secretions Ex- cretions Succession of Crops Proper Juices Lignin Fecula Growth of Plants Grafting Effects of the Sea- sons on the Nutrition of Plants The Age of Plants. MECHANISM OF THE ABSORPTION AND ASCENT OF THE SAP. 1. It is by the process of absorption that plants derive from the soil in which they are fixed, the nutritive matters necessary for their growth and the maintenance of their existence. 2. The nutritive matters, to be pumped up in this manner, must necessarily be in a fluid state ; in the solid form they could not be absorbed ; and it is, in fact, water holding various sub- stances in solution, that thus penetrates the plant and serves for its nourishment. 3. It is chiefly, and sometimes exclusively, by the extremity of the roots that this operation is effected . The epidermis, which covers almost the whole plant, in general offers obstacles to the passage of these liquids ; but the spongioles, as we have already seen, are unprovided with this envelope, and constitute a cellular tissue which gives a ready passage to water ; for this reason we must consider these spongioles as the chief organs of absorption. 4. Some plants also absorb by the leaves; and when the 1. By what process do plants derive nourishment from the soil in which they grow ? 2. In what state or condition must the food of plants be before it can nourish them ? 3. What are the chief organs of absorption ? How is this operation effected ? 4 Is absorption carried on by the roots alone ? 28 ASCENDING SAP. stem of a plant is cut across, its internal tissue being thus laid hare, also pumps up water in which it may be placed ; but in the ordinary state of a plant, these cases are exceptions, and the ab- sorption of liquids is carried on in the most active manner by the spongioles. 5. It has been remarked that water, rendered thick and viscid by the presence of foreign substances, was absorbed very slowly and willi difficulty, but when its fluidity is not diminished by matters that it holds in solution, it penetrates vegetables just as if it M^ere pure. Now, the water which reaches the roots of plants always holds in solution a greater or less quantity of air, earthy salts, and organic matter ; and consequently it introduces these substances into the interior of the plant, which is either benefited or injured according as they are proper for its nutrition, or as they exert an injurious influence upon its organs. 6. The liquids thus absorbed by the roots constitute the as- cending sap, which rises through the stem to reach the leaves. 7. The ascent of the sap is always effected through the ligneous body ; and it is remarked that it takes place more actively through the albur'num than through the perfect wood. 8. It is not known with certainty by what way the absorbed liquids rise up in this manner; many botanists think that it is only by the intercellular passages ; others believe that it is by the vessels; and in fact, if we place the roots of a plant in coloured water, we are not long in perceiving that the vessels of the stem assume the same colour, which seems to indicate that it is through these tubes that the liquids mount up towards the leaves. Nevertheless, under ordinary circumstances, we find these vessels empty, or at least filled with air, and it would seem that it is chiefly through their interior that the air, absorbed by the roots, ris^s in the stem of the plant. 9. The rapidity and force with which the ascent of sap takes- place, are sometimes extremely great. In the experiments made upon this subject, it has been shown that a branch of an apple tree cut across and surmounted by a tube, raised water contained in the laiter several feet in the space of some hours ; and what are called vine tears, is nothing but the ascending sap, which escapes in abundance when the plant is trimmed. In other experiments made to ascertain the force with which the sap 5. How are earthy salts introduced into the substance of living plants ? 6. What constitutes the ascending sap ? 7. Through what part of the plant does the sap ascend ? 8. What is the manner of the ascent of the sap ? 9. What is the force and rapidity of the ascent of the sap? EXHALATION. RESPIRATION. LEAVES. 29 mounts in the grape vine, it was found to be sometimes so great as to sustain the weight of a column of water, over forty feet in height. 10. The circumstances that have most influence upon the as- cent of the sap are heat and light. OF EXHALATION AND RESPIRATION. 11. To render it fit for the purpose of nutrition, the ascending sap undergoes, in the interior of the plant, considerable changes ; these changes are the result of two important phenomena ; name- ly, exhalation and respiration. 12. The leaves are the chief seat of these two functions, and must be regarded as their special organs. We will now study their structure. OF LEAVES. 13. The leaves of vascular plants are the lateral appendages of the stem, formed of more or less distinct fibres and cellular tissue, enclosing, in its interior, a great deal of green colouring matter. 14. The fibres of the leaf are the continuation of those of the stem, but ordinarily they contain more trachece ; in general, they form at first a cylindrical fasciculus (bundle), caniculated (that is, hollowed in a gutter on the opposite side), or laterally compressed, which is named petiole, or leaf-stalk ; then they expand and join again to form the flat part called the blade or limb of the leaf. When the fibres separate immediately on springing from the stem, the leaf has no pedicle or petiole, and is then said to be sessile (from the Latin, sedeo, I sit). The petiole of dicotyle'donous* plants is separated from the stem by an articulation or joint, that is, a line at which its tissue offers but little resistance, the cells and vessels of which it is composed being placed end to end, instead of being mingled as usual ; it is on account of this arrangement that the leaves fall when they fade, while those of which the limb or blade arises directly from the stem are destroyed only little by little, and remain adherent at their base. The first are called caducous, or articulate leaves, * DICOTYLE'DONOUS. (From the Greek, dis y double, and kotuledon, a seed leaf.) Having a double seed-leaf or seed-lobe. 10. What circumstances most influence the ascent of the sap? 11. Does the ascending sap undergo any change in the interior of plants ? 12. In what part of plants do exhalation and respiration take place ? 13. What are leaves ? 14. How are leaves formed ? What is the petiole ? What is the limb of a leaf? When is a leaf said to be sessile ? What are caducous or articu. late leaves ? What are persistent leaves ? 3* 30 STRUCTURE OF LEAVES. and to the second we give the name of persistent ; the leaves of fir trees are persistent. 15. When all parts of the leaf are equally adherent to each other, it is named a simple leaf, whatever may be the divisions of its blade ; for example, the leaves of the lilac, the ranunculus, of the vine, &c. (see figs. 17 to 57) ; sometimes the same tail or peduncle supports several petioles, each of which is articu- lated upon this peduncle, as it itself is upon the stem, and then this assemblage is called a compound leaf. (Examples of com- pound leaves are seen in the sensitive plant, the leaves of the acacia, of the chestnut, &c. See Jigs. 58 to 74.) 16. The fibres, by expanding in the limb, constitute the nerves of the leaf, and the cellular tissue lodged between these bundles of fibres, thus ramified, constitutes the paren'chyma^ of the leaf (fig. 15). 17. The form of the leaf depends principally upon the disposition of the nerves ; in general, the nerves expand on a single plane so as to form a plate or membrane with two Fig. 15. SECTION OF A LEAF. surfaces, a superior and an inferior; but they sometimes ramify in all directions, and then give rise to leaves characterized by be- ing thick, cylindrical, triangular, or swelled, as we observe in certain fleshy plants. The large nerves that arise immediately from the petiole are called primary nerves (figs. 25 and 26) ; those which arise from the latter are secondary nerves (fig. 28) ; we sometimes give the name of tertiary nerves (fig* 43) to those ramifications which spring from the secondary nerves, and we apply the name of veins of the leaf to those terminal divisions of the nerves which are visible to the eye, but too small to make any projection on the surface. [The veins are merely a continuation * PAREN'CHYMA (pronounced pareri-ke-ma). From the Greek, partg- cliuein, to strain through. The spongy and cellular tissue of vegetables and animals is so called. Explanation of Fig. 15. Section of a leaf showing the epidermis (, a) ; the paren'chyma (&, &) ; the dense cellular tissue (c, c) ; and the vessels (rf) of which its fibres are composed. 35. What is a simple leaf? What is meant by a compound leaf? 16. What are the nerves of a leaf ? What is paren'chyma ? 17. Upon what does the form of the leaf depend ? What are primary nerves ? What are secondary nerves ? What are the veins of leaves ? NERVES OF LEAVES. 31 of the nerves, and both are constituted of the same fibres and vessels. It must not be supposed from the names that have been arbitrarily given them, that these parts are similar in function to those parts of animals of the same name. 18. Sometimes the leaf presents one or more primary nerves which diverge in a straight line from the base of the blade, and give rise to more slender nerves, that separate from each other, following a straight line, and forming an angle with the first (Jig. 28) : at other times the principal nerves are curved from their base (fi,g. 34). 19. We give the name of angu'linerve leaves to those in which the primary and secondary nerves are straight, and form angles with each other (Jig. 26), and we call those curvinerve leaves in which the primary nerves are curved (figs. 37 and 43). The first belong chiefly to ex'ogenous or dicotyle'donous plants, and the second to endogenous or monocotyle'donous plants. (Monocotyle'donous. From the Greek, monos, single, and kotu- ledon, seed-lobe. Applied to plants that have but one seed-lobe or cotyledon in the embryo.) 20. The angu'linerve leaves present four principal arrange- ments ; sometimes they are penninerve; that is, provided with a middle nerve (called also midrib), which is a prolongation of the petiole, and which gives off to the right and left secondary nerves, like the feathers of a pen (for example, the olive leaf, Jig. 22, the leaf of the yoke-elm, and of the beech tree) ; some- times they are palminerve^ that is, provided with several primary nerves which separate from each other at the base of the blade, like the divisions of a fan (Jig. 28) ; for example, the leaf of the grape vine, which has five primary nerves, and that of the mal- lows, in which we count seven or even nine : the number of these nerves is always unequal, and that of the middle appears to be the prolongation of the petiole ; peltinerve (fig. 45), that is, provided with nerves that radiate on an oblique plane relatively to the petiole, so as to constitute a sort of disk or shield, placed upon its peduncle (foot), (for example, the leaf of the nastur- tium) ; and in others again they are pedalinerve, that is, having a very short central nerve or midrib, from which spring two largely developed lateral nerves, the ramifications of which are very small towards the external side (edge) of the leaf and very 1 8. Are the nerves of all leaves alike in arrangement ? 19. What are anguli nerve leaves ? 20. What is a penninerve leaf? (Penninerve, from the Latin, penna, pen or feather.) What is a palminerve leaf? (Palminerve, from the Latin, palma, palm of the hand.) What is a peltinerve leaf? (Peltinerve, from the Latin, pelta, a shield.) FORMS OF LEAVES. strong towards the centre of the blade, like the leaves of the foetid hellebore (fig. 72), and some of the arums, for example. 21. The curvinerve leaves, in general, have a great number of slightly projecting nerves, which most generally ramify near their summit, and are often nearly parallel in the greater part of their length (for example, the leaves of the narcissus and fig,.fe.37). 22. It sometimes happens that the space comprised betwixt the nerves is not filled by cellular tissue, which produces a very singular arrangement ; the leaf is then full of holes and resem- bles a trellis-work (for example, the leaves of the Hydrogeton fenestralis) ; or the holes are irregular, as we see in the leaves of the Dracontium pertvsum. 23. At other times the cellular tissue which surrounds the nerves is spread out in such a way as to completely unite them to their utmost extremity, in which case the leaf is said to be entire (for example, the leaf of the lilac, and of the olive, figs. 22, 52, and 53). But between these two very different modes of conformation, there is a great number of intermediate degrees. Sometimes the paren'chyma completely unites all the ramifica- tions of a secondary nerve, but does not extend between the different nerves that arise from the primary nerve, so that the blade is divided into several segments or lobes ; sometimes these lobes are joined at the base or as far as the middle of their length, and then the leaf is said to be partite or divided, and the intervals between the lobes are called fissures (fig. 32). According to the number of these fissures or divisions, the terms trifid, quin- qvifid, &c., are used. In some instances this junction is com- plete, but the paren'chyma which separates the last nerves does not extend entirely to their extremity, and the edges of the leaf are then dentate, as in the rose (fig. 47). When these small marginal divisions are rounded instead of being pointed, they are called crenulations, and the leaf is said to be crenulate (fig. 41). 24. The two surfaces of the leaf are ordinarily covered with an epidermis, which often has hairs upon the nerves, and stomata on the paren'chyma ; these appendages and orifices are, in gen. eral, especially numerous on the inferior surface; and on this account it is almost always paler than the superior surface of the 21. What is remarked of curvinerve leaves? 22. Is the space between the nerves of the leaves always filled by cel r lular tissue ? 23. What is meant by an entire leaf ? When are leaves partite ? What are fissures of leaves ? What is the difference between a dentate and a crenulate leaf? (Dentate, from the Latin, dens, a tooth.) 24. Why is the inferior surface of a leaf generally palest ? What is found in leaves besides the nerves and cellular tissue ? POSITION OF LEAVES. STIPULES. 33 leaf. Sometimes there are no stomata on the superior surface, and the arrangement of the cells of the paren'chyma is not the same as beneath. In the thickness of the leaf there are, ordi- narily, cavities or intercellular lacunse which contain air, and communicate externally through stomata (Jigs. 9 and 10) ; some- times we also find in the paren'chyma, glands or reservoirs of the proper juices. [The distribution of the vascular tissue through the limb of the leaf is termed its venation or nervation, because the course of the vessels (of which these nerves are made up) have been supposed to bear some resemblance to the distribution of veins and nerves in certain parts of the animal struc- ture. The bundles of vessels constituting the nerves, maintain nearly a parallel course in their passage through the petiole, and are closely con- densed together; but on arriving at the limb they separate, and, as we have seen, are distributed in various ways. It will be observed they may all be referred to one or the other of two classes, called the angulinerve and curvinerve arrangement.] 25. The position of the leaves on the stem and branches varies in different plants, and furnishes very useful characteristics to botanists for the distinction of species ; sometimes they are oppo- site, that is, they rise in pairs at the same point from two sides of the stem or peduncle (Jig. 70) ; sometimes they are verticil- late, that is, grouped, three or more together, around the same part of the stem ; and at other times they are alternate, that is, they arise separately at different points. 26. It is remarked, also, that opposite leaves are almost always so arranged that the different pairs cross each other. When they touch each other at the base, instead of arising from the opposite sides of the stem, they are called gemini, or geminate leaves. 27. On the stems of many plants, we observe on both sides of each leaf, small organs named stipules, which seem to be very analogous to leaves, but their ; ,^ ,1 nature is not fully ^ \ x ^ '* ascertained (Jig. 16, s,s). They are only / ; found in the dicotyle'- donous plants, and they sometimes re- semble little leaves, p at others, scales. Fig-. 16. STIPULES. Explanation of Fig. 16 : s,, stipules arising at the axil of the leaf, that is, where the petiole joins the stem ; Z, leaf ; p. petiole ; st. stem. 25. When are leaves opposite ? When are leaves said to be verticillate ? 26. When are leaves geminate ? 27. What are stipules? To what description of plants are they con. fined ? What is their use ? 34 STIPULES. TENDRILS. [Whatever arises from the base of a petiole, or of a leaf, if sessile, oc- cupying the same place, and attached to each side, is considered a stipule. The appearance of this organ is so extremely variable, some being large and leaflike, others being mere rudiments of scales, that botanists are obliged to define it by its position, and not by its organization. Stipules, the margins of which cohere in such a way that they form a membranous tube sheathing the stem, are called ochrea. Example, the rhubarb. Lindley.] 28. The filamentous appendages, known under the name of tendrils, which twine themselves round neighbouring bodies, serve to sustain weak and climbing plants, are frequently petioles or stipules, modified in a particular manner, but they are also often formed by the peduncle of flowers that have proved abortive in development. 29. According to their duration on the stem, the leaves are Caducous, when they fall early, as in the plane tree. Deciduous, when they fall before the new leaf appears, as in the horse- chestnut, and most other trees. Marcescent, when they wither before falling, as in the oak, and many other trees. Persistent or Evergreen (Semper vir ens), when they remain on the ve- getable one winter or longer, as the ivy, the pine, the myrtle, the com- mon laurel, &c. Plants of this kind are called evergreens. The various shapes of leaves, and the names given to them, as well as the variety of their margins, may be seen in the following EXAMPLES OF THE FORMS OF SIMPLE LEAVES. The side or edge of the leaf in which the petiole is inserted, is termed the base, and the opposite extremity, the apex of the leaf. A linear leaf folium linear -e (Jig. 17). (Folium, Latin, a leaf; lineare, Latin, line-shape.) The two edges straight and equidistant throughout, except at the two extremities. The Jester linearifolius, the star-flower, as well as Indian corn, and the grasses generally, have leaves of this kind. When it embraces the stem it is vaginate or sheathing. Fig. 17. A subulate leaf folium subulatum (fig' LINEAR, is). (Subulate, from the Latin, subula, an awl awl-shaped.) Linear at bottom, but gradually lessening towards the top, and ending acute. The Phascum subulatum, one of the mosses, and the jonquil, Fig. 18. have a leaf of this description. SUBULATE, 28. What are tendrils ? 29. What is the difference between a caducous and a deciduous leaf? 'Caducous, from the Latin, cado, I fall. Deciduous, from the Latin, de- cido, I fall off.) When are leaves said to be marcescent ? (Marcescent, from the Latin, marceo, I wither.) What are persistent leaves? (Per- istent, from the Latin, per, through, and sisto, I remain.) FORMS OF SIMPLE LEAVES. 35 Fig. 19. OBTUSE. Fig. 20. OBCORDATE, Fig. 21. EMARGINATE. An a'cerose leaf (from the Latin, acer, a needle), in the form of a needle, is seen on pines ; it is linear acuminate. An obtuse leaf folium obtusum (fig- 19), blunt pointed ; the apex is broader than the base, and forms the segment of a circle. The primrose has a leaf of this kind. An obcordate leaf folium obcordatum (fig. 20). The Latin word ob is prefixed to technical terms, to indicate that a thing is inverted : obcordate means inversely cordate (see fig. 51), the notch being at the apex instead of the base of the leaf. Example : the Oxalis acetosella, sheep-sorrel. An ema'rginate leaf folium ema.rgina.tum (fig. 21). Emarginate (from the Latin, e, from, and margo, margin, or edge), notched. Having a notch at the end. Example : the Geranium emarginatum. When the notch or sinus is very obtuse, it is said to be retuse, or almost emarginate. A. lanceolate leaf folium lanceolatum (fig- 22) lance-shaped, as in the olive. Narrowly ob- Fig. 22. LANCEOLATE. long and tapering to each end. The peach tree has leaves of this description. An acute leaf folium acutum (fig. 23). Sharp pointed. Terminating in an acute point without Fig-. 23. ACUTE. tapering suddenly. The Solidago odora, an aromatic plant, is an instance. A seta'ceo-acuminate leaf folium setaceo-acumina- tum (fig. 24). (From the Fig. 24. SETACEO-ACUMINATE. Latin, seta, a bristle.) The point of the leaf terminated by a straight bristle-like projection. The Quercus phellos, willow- leaved oak, is an example. Leaves are Mucronatc (from the Latin, mucro, in the genitive, mucronis, a sharp point), when an obtuse leaf terminates in a short, rigid point, formed by the projection of the midrib. Cuspidate (from the Latin, cuspis, the point of a spear or other weapon), when it is more gradually prolonged into a rigid point. Pungent, when it terminates in a hard sharp point, like the leaves of thistles. FORMS OF SIMPLE LEAVES. Awned aristate (from the Latin, arista, a beard of wheat), when it terminates in a long, hard bristle or beard. An acuminate leaf folium acuminatum 1g. 25). -(From the itin, acumen, a point.) It has an extended ter- mination, and in this r . 25. ACUMINATE. respect differs from the lanceolate leaf. The Cornus alternifolia and reed are examples. This figure (25) and the following (26) show the primary nerves, which arise directly from the petiole and midrib. A hastate leaf folium hastatum (fg. 26). (From the Latin, hasta, a spear or halbert halbert- shaped.) Triangular with lobes projecting perpen- dicularly to the petiole. The Polygonum hasta- tum and bitter-sweet are Fig. 26. HASTATE. . examples. This leaf is an instance of an angulinerve leaf. A sagittate leaf folium sagittatum (fig- 27). (From the Latin, sagitta, an arrow.) A leaf resem- bling the head of an arrow : the lobes at the base are Fig. 27. SAGITTATE. elongated, and scarcely diverging from the petiole. Example: Polygonum sagittatum, called tear-thumb, and turkey-seed. A palmato-lobate leaf folium palmato - lobatum (fig. 28). (From the Latin, palma, palm of the hand.) Having lobes which give it some resemblance to the hand. This figure illustrates a palminerve leaf. Example: the Liquid- ambar styracifera, called Fig. 28. PALMATO-LOBATE. sweeUgum. FORMS OF SIMPLE LEAVES. 37 A palmate leaf folium palmatum (Jig- 29). Hand-shaped, divided nearly to the insertion of the petiole into oblong lobes of similar size, but leaving a space entire like the palm of the hand. Examples : the Viola palmata, the pas- sion flower, and castor-oil plant ; also, the red and sugar mapJes. A trilobate leaf folium trilobatum (Jig. 30). (From the Latin, tres, three.) A leaf formed of three lobes, the margins of which are rounded. A , lyrate leaf folium lyratum (f,g. 31). (From the Latin, Z/ro, a lyre.) A leaf supposed to resemble the shape of a lyre. It is cut into several transverse seg- ments, gradually larger to- wards the extremity of the Ieaf,which is rounded,as in the Salvia lyrata, Lyre-leaved sage, and garden radish. A sinuate, or sinuose leaf folium sinuatum (Jig. 32). A leaf having deep fissures or sinuses. Bending in and out. (Sinus: the bays or recesses formed by the lobes of leaves or other bodies, are so called.) Example : the Argemone mexicana. Fig. 29. PALMATE. Fig. 30. TRILOBATK. Fig. 31. LYRATE. Fig. 32. SINUATE. FORMS OF SIMPLE LEAVES. Fig. 34. REPANDATE. Fig. 35. AMPLEXICAULE. A' doubly serrate leaf folium duplicate- serratum (Jig. 33). (From the Latin, serra, a saw.) Having teeth like a saw: the larger teeth being notched also with teeth. (See fig. 48.) Fig. 33 shows the second- ary nerves arising from the primary. A repand leaf folium repan- dum (fig. 34). (From the Latin, repandus, bent.) A leaf having a margin undulated, and unequally dilated, is so called. Example : the Hydrocotyle. An amplexicaule leaf -folium amplexicaule (figure 35). (From the Latin, amplecto, I embrace, and caulis, stem, stem - embracing.) A leaf or bract whose base projects on each side, so as to clasp the stem with its lobes. Example : the Papaver somni- ferum. Fig. 36. CONNATE. A connate, or double-perfoliate, or doubly amplexicaule leaf folium connatum (fig. 36). (From the Latin, con, together, and natus, grown.) Joined together at the base. Example : the Eupatorium perfoliatum, bone-set. FORMS OF SIMPLE LEAVES. 39 A perfoliate leaf folium perfoliatum (fig- 37). (From the Latin, per, through, andybZit/m, leaf.) A leaf having the stem running through it. The annex- ed figure (37) is an illustration of acurvi- nerve leaf. Example: the Uvularia perfoliata, or bell-wort. Fig. 37. PERFOLIATE. Fig. 33. PANDURATE. A pandurate leaf folium panduratum (fig- 38 )- (From the Latin, pandus, bent or bowed inward in the middle.) Fiddle-shaped. It is also termed panduri- form. It is oblong, broad at the two extremities, and contracted in the middle. Example : Convolvulus panduratus, Virginia Bindweed, and Convolvulus imperati, native of Egypt, Italy, &c. A runcinate leaf folium runcin'atum (fig' 39). (From the Latin, run'cina, a large saw, to saw timber.) Example: Leontodon ta- Jfc. 39. - RUNCINATK. ra xacum, common dande- lion. (Dandelion, a corruption of the French, dent de lion, lion's tooth.) An undulate leaf folium undulatum (figure 40). (From the Latin, undula, a little wave.) Having the edges irregularly waved. Example : Asclepias obtu- sifolia. A crenate leaf folium crenatum (figure 41). Having rounded teeth, which are not directed towards either extremity of the leaf, as in the garden pink, ground ivy, and heart's ease. Fig. 41. CRENATE. Crenulate, finely crenate. Some leaves are doubly crenate, that is, bicrenate. Example : the Quercus prinus, chestnut oak of Pennsylvania. 40 FORMS OF SIMPLE LEAVES. Fig. 44. SPATULA TE. A lobate leaf folium loba- turn (Jig. 42). Divided more deeply than toothed or dentate, by somewhat obtuse incisions of an uncertain depth : each portion is termed a lobe. The number of lobes is sometimes specified. Example : the Liriodendron tulipifera, or tulip tree; also called poplar, canoe-wood, sugar maple. A reniform leaf folium reni- forme (Jig. 43). (From the Latin, ren, kidney ; and forma, form, shape.) Kidney-shaped. A short, broad, round leaf, with a sinus or hollow at the base. This figure shows the tertiarv nerves springing from the second- ary. Example: the Asarum cana dense, colt's foot. A spatulate leaf folium spatula- tn m (Jig. 44). (From the Latin, Spathvla, a broad slice or knife to spread plasters.) Oblong or obverselv ovate, with lower part much attenuated. Example: the Poly gala lutea. A peltate leaf folium peltatum (fig. 45). (From the Latin, pelta a shield.) Where the petiole is inserted into the middle of the leaf on the under side, like the arm of a man holding n shield. This figure (45) is also an illus- tration of a peltinerve leaf. Example : the common nasturtium. r, 45. PELTATE. FORMS OF SIMPLE LEAVES. 41 A deltoid leaf folium deltoides (fig. 48). (From the Greek letter A, delta, and eidos, re- semblance.) Example : the Populus nigra. A dentate leaf folium dentatum (fig> 47). (From the Latin, dens, a tooth.) The edge having horizontal, distant teeth. This term, as well as the following, refers only to the edge or margin of the leaf, without regard to its general form. Example : Populus grandidentata. A serrate leaf folium serratum (fig. 48). (From the Latin, serra, saw.) The edge being cut into notches, like saw Fig. 46. DELTOID. Fig. 47. DENTATE. Fig. 48. SERRATE. Fig. 49. RHOMBOID. teeth, ending in sharp points, which incline towards the apex of the leaf. The nettle, rose, and peach, are examples. A rhomboid leaf folium rhom- boideum ($^.49). Rhomb-shaped - A rhomb, in geometry, is a four-sided figure, having its opposite sides equal. When the angles are right angles, it becomes a square. An auriculate, or eared leaf folium auriculatum (fig- 50 ); (From the Latin, auricula, a little ear.) It has two small rounded lobes, projecting _ AURICULATE< at the base. The Magnolia auriculata and Rumex acetosella are ex- amples. 4* 42 FORMS OF SIMPLE LEAVES. A cordate leaf folium cordatum (fig- 51 ). (From the Latin, cor, a heart.) Heart - shaped, ovate, with two rounded lobes at the base. Example : the Pente- Fig. 51. CORDATE. deria cordata, and com- mon morning-glory. Obcordate is the cordate reversed ; the sinus and lobes being at the summit instead of the base of the leaf. (See Jig. 20.) An obovate leaf folium obovatum (fg> 52). (From the Latin, ovum, egg.) The re- verse of ovate, egg-shaped, with the base broader than the apex ; and length greater than the Fig. 5-2. OBOVATE. breadth. (See Jig. 20.) Example : the Arbutus uvi ursi. An elliptic or oval leaf folium ellipticum (fig. 53). Having a regular outline, resembling an ellipse : the curves of both ends are alike, and it is longer than it is wide. Example : the Magnolia Fig. 53. ELLIPTIC. glauca, common magnolia or beaver tree. An orbiculate leaf folium orbiculatum (figvre 54). (From the Latin, orbis, an orb.) Having a circular outline. Example : the Glycine to- mentosa. A cuniate or cunieform leaf folium cunieforme (fg> 55). (From the Latin, cuneus, a wedge.) Wedge-shaped. Broad and obtuse at the summit, and tapering gradually almost to a point at the base. Example : the Quercus nigra, the true black oak or black jack. Fig. 54. ORBICULATE. Fig. 55. CUNIEFORM. FORMS OF SIMPLE LEAVES. A partite leaf folium partitum, is one deeply divided nearly to the base, as Helleborus viridis : and according to the number of its divisions it is bipartite, tripartite, or multipartite. A multipartite leaf folium multipartitum (figure 56). ' (From the Latin, multus, many ; and pars, part much divided.) Having very deep and very distinct divisions. Fig. 56. MULTIPARTITE. A laciniate leaf folium laciniatum (fig* 57). (From the Latin, lacinia, a lappet; a separate fold of a garment.) Divided by deep incisions ; the lacinise or parts being quite slender and numerous. Examples : the Dentaria laciniata, and the Rudbeckia laciniata. Also, the lower leaves of the Clematis flam- mula, sweet virgin's bower. . Fig. 57. LACINIATE. EXAMPLES OF COMPOUND LEAVES. Compound leaves may be referred to two classes or divisions ; one containing digitate, and the other pinnate leaves, accordingly as they are supposed to resemble fingers (digitus) or feathered stems (pinnatus). First, of digitate leaves : A conjugate or binate leaf (Jig- 58). (Conjugate, from the Latin, conjugatum, which is formed from con, together, and jugum, a yoke, yoked together. Binate, from the Latin, bis, two, and natus, grown.) When a common petiole bears two leaflets on its summit. Fig. 58. CONJUGATE. 44 FORMS OF COMPOUND LEAVES. Fig. 59. TERNATE. A ternate leaf folium terna- turn (Jig. 59). (From the Latin, ternus, three and three.) When three leaflets arise from one petiole. Example: the Trifolium pra- tense, red clover. Biternate, twice three leaved : the petiole divided into three parts, and each part bearing three leaflets. Triternate, three times three leaved : a common petiole divided into three parts, and each of these parts subdivided into three, and each subdivision bearing three leaflets, as in the wind flower. A ternate leaf, which is also doubly serrate (Jig. 60), that is, folium ternatum, foliis du- plicato-serratis, a ternate leaf, with doubly serrate leaflets, as in Indian physic, Spir&a trifoliata. Fig. 60. TERNATE. A quaternate leaf folium quaternatum (Jig. 61). (From the Latin, quatcr, four.) Having four leaflets growing from a com mon petiole or leaf-stalk. Fig. 61. QUATERNATE. FORMS OF COMPOUND LEAVES. 45 A quinquefoliate or quinate folium quinquefoliatum (fig. 62). (From the Latin, qmnque, five, and folium, leaf.) Having five leaflets growing from one common petiole. Example : ginseng Panax quinqucfolium. Panax is de- rived from the Greek, pan, all, and akos, a reaiedy; a remedy for all things. It is an almost universal medicine among the Tartars and Chinese, and ac- cording to them, it is capable of relieving iatigue both of body and min~- a 103 and 104). Generally they are distinct b from each other, and entirely free, but some- times they are joined together, and in this 1c way form, one or more bodies, to which we give the name of androphor (from the 1%. 104. Greek, andros, the genitive of aner, man, anther, and phoreo, I support anther-bearer:^^. 105). In certain plants, such as the mallows, this cohesion takes place between the filaments of all the stamens, so that the androphor constitutes a tube of greater or less length, in the interior of which the pistil is lodged (fig. 110, p. 81). At other times the stamens are united in two or more bundles (fasciculi) and then form two or more androphors. And there are flowers in which the anthers cohere to each other, although the filaments are distinct (fig. 105, a). 44. The point where the stamens cease to adhere to the neighbouring parts varies ; some- times they arise below the portion of the pistil called the ovary (figure 104); they are then Fig. 105. termed hypogy'nous (from the Greek, upo, under, and gune, woman or pistil) ; at other times these organs, as well as the petals, seem to arise at a greater or less distance above the calyx, and are then termed perigy'nous (fig. 81) (from the Greek, peri, around, and gune, pistil). At other times again, the portion of the pedicle which bears them is prolonged in the same way between the calyx and the ovary, but adheres to the latter organ as well as to the calyx, and in this instance the stamens seem to arise above the ovary, and are named epigy'nous (from the Greek epi, upon, and gune, woman or pistil). Fig. 106 : o, the ovary ; e, the stamens ; s, the stigma. 45. In consequence of these differences, the stamens may have four different and fixed posi- Fig. 106. tions : Explanation of Fig. 104. A vertical section of the same flower, to show the interior of the ovary ; a, the lodges or cells of the ovary ; b, the ovules ; c, the torus or receptacle ; rf, filament of the stamen. Fig. 105. A flower opened to show the coherence of the stamens by the anthers (a) while the filaments are distinct. 44. What is meant by a hypogy'nous stamen ? What is meant by a perigy'nous stamen ? What is meant by an epigy'nous stamen ? 45. What are the several positions of the stamens? 80 ANTHER. POLLEN. 1st. Upon the internal parietes qftJie tube of the J corolla, when it is monopetalous, as in the lilac. Fig. 107 represents the flower of a primrose opened, showing the pistil (a) and the stamens (&) attached to the corolla (c). 2d. Upon the ovary, which takes place when the Fig. 107. corolla is epipeHalous, as in umbelliferous plants. 3d. Beneath the ovary, which happens when the corolla is hypope'talous, as in the poppy, the cruci'fera, the vine (fig. 115), &c. 4th. Upon live calyx, which always occurs when the calyx bears the petals, as in the rose (fig. 82). 46. The corolla always has the same position as the stamens ; in all monopetalous corollas, the stamens are attached to the corolla, and in all polype'talous flowers the stamens are not attached to the corolla. 47. Anther. The anther is the most essential part of the stamen, and occupies its summit (fig. 103, c); its colour is almost always yellow, and it may be compared to the limb of a very small leaf, that has become thickened, narrow, and folded upon itself. In its interior the pollen is formed,- and it ordinarily con- sists of two small membranous sacks, named cells or lodges, which are joined together back to back, or by a portion of the superior extremity of the filament, called the connective. Some- times there is but one of these cells, which seems to be owing to the abortion of one of these pouches, or to the bifurcation of the filament; and at other times there are four. There are some also that are divided internally by partitions. The form and mode of insertion of the anthers vary ; sometimes these organs are elongated, at other times rounded, cordiform, &c. Sometimes they adhere to the filament for a great part of their length ; at other times they are attached by one of their extremities only, and at other times again, they are fixed at their middle upon the very extremity of the filament. 48. Pollen. The pollen is a yellow dust that is enclosed in the cells of the anther, which by falling upon the pistil causes the development of germs and the formation of seeds. It is composed of extremely small grains, the surface of which is sometimes smooth, sometimes covered by asperities, and their interior is filled with extremely fine dust. The envelope of these grains of pollen is composed of two membranes, and when they come to be 46. Where are the stamens attached in monopetalous flowers ? Where are they attached in polypetalous flowers ? 47. Describe the anther. What is meant by the connective ? Is the form of all anthers the same ? Are their attachments alike in all flowers ? 48. What is pollen ? Where is it formed ? What is the use of it ? PISTIL. CARPELS. 81 moistened, the internal vesicle swells, tears the external mem- brane, and escapes, forming species of tubes of greater or less length. 49. Pistil. The pistil (figs. 108, 109), or organ that produces the germ, occupies the centre of the flower, and is surrounded by the stamens, by the perianth (figs. 103, 110). The portion of the torus or extremity , e of the pedicel where it springs sometimes takes its rise above the origin of other parts of the flower, so as to form for this organ a Fig 108 special support, named a gymnophore (from PISTIL. the Greek, gumnos, naked, and phoreo, I support). The pistil is composed of ap- pendages, named carpels, which are somewhat analogous to leaves, but they are folded inwards, and bear on their %' ^ 9 edges the ovules destined to become seeds (fig. 110). 50. In each carpel we distinguish three parts : the ovary (fig. 110, o), the style (e), and the stigma (d). The ovary occupies its lower part and encloses a cavity or cell (fig* 108, e), in which the germs are developed. The style (fig. Ill, c), is a superior pro- longation of the ovary, which is, however, much less, and is often even as slender as a . ' c thread ; it varies extremely in length. And ( ~" the stigma (fig. 110, d), is the terminal por- tion of the pistil which surmounts the style ; ^ -a or, when this latter organ is wanting, it rests on the ovary, and is generally composed of a soft and, to appearance, glandular tissue. 51. The number of carpels varies much; j PISTIL . sometimes there is only one, sometimes two or three, or even more, and, as we have seen in the case of sepals and petals, these organs cohere more or less Explanation of Fig. 108. Pistil, with the ovary (e) opened. Explanation of Fig. 109. Pistil of the jasmine magnified. Explanation of Fig. 110. Vertical section of a polypetalous flower, showing the manner in which the androphor sheaths the pistil : a, the calyx ; b, the corolla ; c, the androphor open ; /, the anthers ; d, the stigmas ; e, the styles, the upper portion of which is free and the lower part adherent ; o, the ovaries. 49. What is the pistil ? Where is it situate ? Of what is it composed ? What is a gymnophore ? 50. What parts compose a carpel ? (Carpel : from the Greek, karpos, fruit.) What is the ovary ? What is a style? What is the stigma? 51. Is the number of carpels always the same ? CARPELS. completely to each other. When the carpels remain entirely separate from each other, they constitute several distinct pistils, and when they are united into one mass, they form what is ordi- narily called a single pistil. Sometimes this coherence takes place through the whole length of the carpels, sometimes in the ovaries, without the styles partici- pating, so that the single mass formed by the ovaries, and ordinarily called a single ovary, is surmounted by two or more styles ; and when the styles are united, the stigmas of the different carpels may be separate (fig. 110), or they may cohere (fig. 104). 52. The number of cells we find in an ovary when we cut through the lower part of a pistil, depends upon Fig. 111. the number of carpels that are united together : some- TIL * times there is but one, at other times two, three, four, five, or even more. Its general form is commonly ovoid (egg-shaped). Finally, the cell of each carpel encloses one or more ovules, which, by being developed, become seeds. 58. The relations of the ovary with other parts of the flower vary, and fur- nish important characters for the classi- fication of plants. Sometimes the base of this organ corresponds to the point at which both the stamens and perianth are inserted, so that the ovary is free at the bottom of the flower ; it is then termed a super -ovary (fig. 112). At other times it is uni- ted entirely round the tube of the perianth, so as to form one body with the calyx, and is only free at its upper part ; in this case the stamens and petals seem to arise above the ovary, and is said to be infra (below), or adherent (fig. 113). This latter arrangement carries with it the coherence of the sepals to each other: therefore, whenever the ovary is infra, the calyx Fig. 113. NARCISSUS. is necessarily monose'palous. Explanation of Fig. 111. The pistil : a, the torus ; 6, the ovary; c, the style ; ; 3. An ARTIFICIAL SYSTEM or classification of plants is a mode of arrangement by means of which we may readily obtain a knowledge of the name of a plant, by examining the characters furnished in the conformation of certain parts of these beings. In this kind of classification we divide and subdivide the vege- table kingdom into groups, into each one of which we range all those plants which possess a certain character, selected arbitrarily, and exclude all those that do not possess this same character, without considering whether we separate in this way, plants that resemble each other in all the most important relations, or whether we bring together in the same division, other plants that 1. What is meant by classification ? 2. By what modes are plants classified ? 3. What is understood by the artificial method or system of classifica- tion ? NATURAL AND ARTIFICIAL SYSTEMS. possess scarcely any properly in common with each other. On this principle we might class plants according to the variations observed in the form and structure of the leaves, or of the corolla of the flower, or any other organ ; but by proceeding in this way, we should learn almost nothing in relation to the organization of these beings, or in respect to the degrees of resemblance or dis- similarity they possess. 4. A natural method or classification is, on the contrary, a sort of synoptical table of all the modifications that nature has produced in the conformation of plants, a table in which these modifications are arranged according to their relative importance, and serve for the establishment of divisions and successive sub- divisions. In consequence of this, plants arranged according to this method have more important and more numerous points of resemblance to each other in proportion to their approximation to each other in the classification ; for instance, when two plants are placed in two different divisions, it is because they differ from each other in more respects than either of them differs from all the other plants with which it is arranged, and these differences are less important between different species of the same genus than between the different genera of the same family. Those characters which distinguish the families from each other are, in their turn, of less importance than those employed to separate from each other the groups formed by the union of several of these families, and so on. By the assistance of these methods we determine the name of a plant we wish to know with less facility than by an artificial system, but we acquire much more important knowledge, because, having thus ascertained the place a plant occupies in a classification of this kind, we know the principal features of its mode of organization, and consequently its physiological history also. 5. Botanists have successively employed different artificial systems and the natural method in the classification of plants. Among the first, there is one which, from its simplicity, and the celebrity it for a long time enjoyed, merits being cited here ; it is the System of Linnceus (a Swedish botanist who died in 1778), which is based upon the differences that plants present in the various essential parts of their flowers, but especially in their stamens. 6. In this system of classification plants unprovided with stamens and pistils form a particular class, and those which pos- sess these organs are divided : frst, according to the existence of stamens and pistils in the same flower, or in different flowers ; 4. What is meant by the natural method ? 5. Which method or system of classification is employed by botanists ? 6. Upon what principle is the artificial system of Linnaeus based ? 100 LINN^EAN SYSTEM. second^ according to the cohesion of the stamens to each other or with the pistil, or according to their not cohering ; third, accord- ing to the relative length of the stamens ; fourth, according to the number of stamens, &c. 7. The first eleven classes are characterized by the number of stamens. The names of these and the two succeeding classes are formed from the Greek by prefixing the proper numerals to the word nner (man), used metaphorically for stamen. Class 1. MOXAXDRIA : includes all plants with perfect flowers that have but one stamen. 2. DIAXDRJA : two stamens. 3. TRIANDRIA : three stamens. 4. TETRAXDRIA : four stamens. 5. PENTANDRIA : five stamens. G. HEXANDRIA : six stamens. 7. HEPTAJJDRIA : seven stamens. 8. OCTANDRIA : eight stamens. 9. ENXEANDR.IA : nine stamens. 10. DECANDRIA : ten stamens. 11. DODECANDRIA : eleven to nineteen stamens. 8. The two succeeding classes are characterized by the num- ber of the stamens with their mode of insertion. 12. ICOSAXDRIA : twenty or more stamens which are attached to or stand upon the calyx ; as in the apple, cherry, &,c. 13. POLYANDRIA: twenty or more stamens which do not ad- here to the calyx, that is, the stamens are hypogy'nous. 9. The two following classes are characterized by the relative length of their stamens : 14. DIDYNA'MIA (from the Greek, dis, two, and dunamis, power) : two long and two shorter stamens, as in mint. 15. TETRADYXA'MIA (from the Greek, tetleres, four, and duna- mis, power) : four long, and two short stamens, the longer stamens are supposed to be the most powerful. 10. The four following classes are characterized by the con- nexion of the stamens. 16. MOXODE'LPHIA (from the Greek, monos, single, and del- phos, brotherhood) : having the filaments of all the stamens united into a set or tube, constituting a single brotherhood , Example, the mallow. 17. DIABE'LPHIA (from the Greek, dis, two, and delphos) having the filaments of the stamens united in two sets, as in the pea. 7. How are the first eleven classes of the Linnsean system named and characterized ? 8. How is the class Icosa'ndria characterized ? How is the class Poly, andria characterized ? 9. How is the class Didyna'mia recognised ? What are the characters of the class Tetradyria'mia ? 10. What are the characters of the class Monodelphia ? What are the characters of Dia'delphia? What are the characters of Polya'delpbia ? LINN^JAN SYSTEM. 101 18. POLYDE'LPHIA (from the Greek, polus, many, and delphos) : having the filaments of the stamens united into more than two sets. 19. SYNGENE'SIA (from the Greek, 'sun, together, and geinomai, to arise, to grow) : having the stamens united by their anthers in a ring or tube, as in the sunflower. 20. GYNA'NDRIA (from the Greek, gune^ woman, used meta- phorically for pistil, and oner, stamen) : having the stamens, in appearance, growing out of the pistil, as in the ladies' slipper. In all the preceding classes the flowers are perfect. 11. The next three classes are characterized by the stamens and pistils being separately contained in different flowers. 21. MONOZ'CIA (from the Greek, monos, single, and oikia, house) : the stamens and pistils are in separate flowers, but both grow on the same plant, or both dwell in the same house, as the name denotes. 22. DKE'CIA (from the Greek, dis, two, and oikia} : the stamens and pistils are not only in separate flowers, but on different individuals, they are in two households. 23. POLYGA'MIA (from the Greek, polus, many, and gamos, marriage or union) : the stamens and pistils are separate in some flowers, and united in others, all on the same, or on two or three individuals of the same species. 12. The last class includes flowers in which neither stamens nor pistils are visible. They are now termed flowerless plants. 24. CRYPTOGA'MIA (from the Greek, kruptos, concealed, and gamos, marriage) : having the essential organs of the flower concealed from view. A synoptical view of the Linua3an classes is seen in the following : What are the characters of Syngenesia? What are the characters of Gynandria ? 11. What are the characters of Monoecia ? What are the characters of Dicecia ? What are the characters of Polygamia ? 12. What are the characters of the class Cryptoga'mia ? 9* 102 LINN^JAN SYSTEM. PLANTS LINNJEAN SYSTEM. 103 13. In the first thirteen classes of the Linnsean system, the orders are founded on the number of styles, and when these are wanting, on the number of stigmas. The names of these orders are formed by prefixing numerals from the Greek to the word gynia, from gune (woman), metaphorically used for pistil. Order 1 . MONOGYNIA : 1 style, or sessile stigma. 2. DIGYNIA : 2 styles, or sessile stigmas. 3. TRIGYNIA : 3 " 4. TETRAGYNIA : 4 " 5. PENTAGYNIA : 5 u 6. HEXAGYNIA : 6 " 7. HEPTAGYNIA : 7 " 8. OCTAGYNIA : 8 " 9. ENNEAGYMA : 9 " 10. DECAGYNIA: 10 u 11. DODECAGYNIA : 12, or about twelve. 12. POLYGYNIA: more than 12. The sixth, seventh, eighth, and ninth orders are very rarely found. 14. The 14th class, Didyna'mia, contains two orders, named and characterized as follows : GYMNOSPE'RMIA (from the Greek, gumnos, naked, and sperma, seed) : has naked seed, commonly four in number. ANGIOSPE'RMIA (from the Greek, aggeion, a vessel, and sperma, seed) : has the seeds, which are usually numerous, enclosed in a seed-vessel. lo. The 15th class, Tetradyna'mia, has two ordersj distin- guished by the form of the fruit. SILICULO'SA : fruit a silicle or roundish pod. SILIQUO'SA : fruit a silique. 16. The orders of the 16th, 17th, and 18th classes are founded on the characters of the first thirteen classes. For example, the mallow, which belongs to the 16th class, Monodel- phia, has more than 20 stamens, and therefore belongs to the order Polyandria of that class. 17. The 19th class, Syngenesia, has five orders, characterized by the nature of the florets, whether perfect, separated, or barren. 1. POLYGAMIA ^EQUALIS has perfect florets, that is, furnished with both stamens and pistils. Example, the thistle. 2. POLYGAMIA SUFE'RFLUA has the florets of the disk perfect, and those of the ray furnished with pistils only. Example, the aster. 13. On what characters are the orders of the first 13 classes of the Linnsean system founded ? 14. What are the orders of the class Didynamia ? 15. What are the orders of Tetradynamia ? 16. On what characters are the 16th, 17th, and 18th classes founded ? 17. What are the orders of Syngenesia ? 104 NATURAL METHOD. 3. POLYGAMIA FRUSTRANEA : has the, florets of the disk per feet; those of the ray without either stamens or pistils which are well formed. Example, the sunflower. 4. POLYGAMIA NECESSARIA : has the florets of the disk with stamens only, the stigmas being imperfect ; and those of the ray with pistils only. Example, silphium. 5. POLYGAMIA SEGREGATA : has all the florets perfect, and each floret has a well formed calyx, the whole being enclosed in an involucre. Example, elephantopus. The orders of the 20th, 21st, and 22d classes are for the most part characterized by the number of stamens. 18. The 23d class, Polygamia, has three orders founded on the immediately preceding orders. 1. MONOZCIA has both separated and perfect flowers on the same individual. 2. DIOSCIA : when one individual bears the perfect, and another the two kinds of separated flowers. 3. TRICECIA : when one bears the perfect, a second the stami- nate, and a third the pistillate flowers. The Ferns, Mosses, Algse, Fungi, &c., constitute the orders of the 24th class, Cryptogamia . 19. The basis of the natural method was proposed by a French botanist, Bernard de Jussieu, and this classification, per- fected by the labours of Antoine Jussieu (pronounced jus-sue), and the botanists of his school, is the one now generally adopted. According to this classification, we bring together, in groups called genera, all the species of plants which resemble each other throughout, in the important characters of their organiza- tion ; and in the same manner we bring together, into divisions of higher rank, named natural families, the different genera, the most essential organs of which possess an analogous mode of structure: then we group together the natural families accord- ing to the same principle, and finally obtain a small number of divisions which comprise all the subdivisions we have mentioned above, and which, by their union, include the whole vegetable kingdom. 20. The most important differences among plants, consist in the absence or presence of flowers or organs of fructification, and this difference almost always coincides with their peculiar modes of organization in all their parts, such as the absence or presence of distinct vessels in the tissue of the plant. There- lore, in a natural method, we must first divide the vegetable kingdom into two groups ; one containing plants which are re- produced by means of flowers, and the other including plants 18. What are the orders of the class Polygamia? 19. What is the basis of the natural method of arranging plants ? 20. What are the most important differences among plants ? Into how many groups is the vegetable kingdom divided ? What are they ? NATURAL METHOD. 105 which are not multiplied in this way, and unprovided with flowers. This is, in fact, the course followed ; we ordinarily designate the first of these divisions under the name of cot.yle donous or pha- nerogamous plants, and the second under the name of acotyle'- donous or crypto' gamous plants. 21. The phanerogamous (from the Greek, phaneros, evident, and gamos, marriage) or cotyle' donous plants all resemble each other in the most important particulars of their organization, but nevertheless very greatly differ from each other ; in some, the seed contains but a single coty'ledon, and the stem is en'dogen- ous ; the others have seeds provided with two or more cotyledons, and an ex'ogenous stem ; consequently we divide them into two groups, which are called monocoty 'ledons and dicotyledons. 22. Among the crypto' gamous plants, there are some which are composed exclusively of cellular tissue, and do not possess any distinct organs that are analogous either to roots, stems, or leaves; there are others which, although composed chiefly of cellu- lar tissue like the first, often acquire vessels at a certain period of their development, and are provided with parts analogous to tho roots and leaves of ordinary plants. In order that the classifies* tion of these plants be natural, that is, the expression of the more or less important resemblances or differences they present, we must, therefore, form them into two divisions ; that of cellular plants properly so called, and that of semi-vascular plants. 23. We subdivide the monocotyle'donous and dicotyle'donous plants into classes according to the structure of their flowers, and, to characterize the groups thus formed, we ordinarily take into consideration, first, the absence or existence of a corolla, &c., then we make a distinction between the monopetalous and polypetalous corolla ; then we consider the manner of insertion of the stamens or petals when they possess stamens. Finally, the classes thus formed are subdivided into natural families ac- cording as nature has variously modified the general mode of organization of the seed, of the fruit, of the flower, &c. The following table, in which we have placed the most import- ant natural families, shows at a glance the successive degrees through which we arrive at the division of the vegetable king- dom, according to the natural method or classification of Jus- sieu : 21. In what respects do phanerogamous plants differ from each other? How are phanero'gamous plants divided ? 22. How do crypto'gamous plants differ from each other? How are they divided ? 23. On what principle are these divisions subdivided ? TABLE OF THE CLASSIFICATION OF PLANTS, ACCORDING TO THE NATURAL METHOD OF JUSSIEU. f Cellulares. C Algae. < Fungi. 5 v ;> f Lichenes. ' Cryptoga' mia or inembryonatze-^coiy/edons -^ l Hepa'lices. j. Semi-vasculares. < Aphylls?. ( Fi'lices. fife7b?lovvThTovar^: j Monohypogy>nea.< Grami'nese. Stamen perigy'nous, C ( Palmaj. Mmocoty 1 le- fixed on the calyx < Monoperigy 1 nea. around the ovary. ( < Asphode'leae. ( Lilia'ceae. dons. Stamons epigy ' nous, f fixed on the upper part^ Monoepigy' nea. ^ Iri'dete. I of the ovary. ( f Stamens epigy'nous. ^ Epistami' nea. ^ Aristolo'chise. ih With- <( Stamens perigy'nous. ^ Peristami 1 nea. { Lauri'neffi. 1 out pe | o 00 tals. (.Stamens hypogy'nous.<{ Hypostami 1 nea. <( Amaranta'cea;. 3 o C Sola'neae. a c f Corolla hypogy' nous. { Hypocoro' llea. < Labia'tae. M "Q o s ( Convolvula'ceaB. s Mono-^ Corolla perigy'nous. <{ Pericoro' llea. { Campanula'cete. te or Phai aphrodite P! 1 ^ 1 " Corolla ( 8 f Anthers ( ^ OU8 ' epigy- JfJ united. | ^-"^'r-. 1 nous, f S ' Anthers ( _ . .|L distinct. \Consanthe' rea. { Synanthe'reee. { Rubia'ceae. a C - Stamens epigy'nous. { Epipeta'lea. ^ Umbelli' ferae. o 1 ">, fRanuncula'ceae. jt Malva'ceae. S 1 Aurantia'cea?. w c K Poly- Stamens hypogy' nous. ( Hy pop eta' lea. I Papavera'cea?. s pet ill- - Cruci' ferae. 1 one 1 Caryophi'lleas. J' LAmpeli'deae, Vite? . f Ficoi'deae. Q Cucurbita'ceae. .Stamens perigy'nous. ^ Peripeta' lea. J Myrta'ces3. 1 Rosa'ceffi. Legumino'see. LTerebintha'cae. fEuphorbia'cess Flowers unisexual, borne on two ( .,.., individuals. | *** ncd! - Urti'ceae. ( Cupuli' ferae. | Coni'feras. tCyca'deas. (106) CELLULAR PLANTS. LICHENS. 107 CRYPTO'GAMOUS PLANTS. Division of Cryptoga'mia. (See table on page 102.) 24. Crypto' gamous plants are constituted exclusively, or chiefly of cells, and during the first period of their growth, or even throughout their existence, are unprovided with vessels and stigmas ; they also differ from phanero' gamous plants in their mode of propagation, for their multiplication always takes place without the aid of various reproductive organs, analogous to stamens and pistils, and is effected by the division or by the development of sporules, bodies which resemble the seeds of ordinary plants, but have no protecting envelope like a pericarp, nor a depot of nutritive matter similar to the albumen, or to cotyledons. We divide these plants into two groups; cellular plants properly so called, and semi-vascular plants. 25. CELLULAR PLANTS properly so called are composed ex- clusively, and at all periods of their existence, of cellular tissue, which forms a homogeneous mass and is rarely green ; their forms, which are very various, do not at all resemble those of ordinary plants ; we can distinguish in these plants neither roots nor organs similar to stems or leaves, and absorption seems to take place throughout the whole extent of their surface. When their tissue is membranous and flat, we give the part thus con- stituted the name of thallus, and when branched and spread out, it constitutes what is called a frond or frons. The sporules are sometimes naked, sometimes contained in one or more membran- ous sacks which seem to be ordinary cells. 26. This group is divided into three natural families; Lichenes, Fungi, and Alga3. 27. LICHENS are perennial plants which grow upon the trunks of trees, on rocks, or on the surface of the ground, and are com- posed of a thallus (possibly from the Greek, thaleia, the bloom- ing one) having the appearance of filaments, of foliaceous mem- branes or hardened pulve'rulent crusts. This thallus consists of two layers, one external or cortical, variously coloured, but never green ; and an internal or medullary, which often contains green matter and gives origin to young plants, either by the division of its tissue or by the production of spores (from the Greek, spora, 24. What are the general characters of crypto'gamous plants? How do they differ from phanero'gamous plants ? What are sporules ? How are crypto'gamous plants divided ? 25. What are the general characters of cellular plants ? What is a thallus? What is a frond ? . 26. How are cellular plants divided ? 27. What are lichens ? What is the character of the thallus in lichens f f 108 MUSHROOMS. seed) called apothecum or scutum (Latin, a shield), because their form is frequently like that of a small shield. 28. There are more than two thousand species of lichens known ; they grow in the most arid places, and constitute the greater part of the vegetation of the regions near the pole. One species, the cenomy'ce range-ferina (reindeer) (cenomy'ce, from the Greek, kenos, empty, and mukes, a minute fungus), forms the food of the reindeers of Lapland for the greater part of the year and several are used as dye-stuffs, as the archil. 29. The FUNGI, mushrooms, are plants of various forms, and are never green. In general, they consist of cellular tissue c - -^aiiim^. formed into globular masses, or having a peduncle (Jig- 128, d) surmounted by a cap, pileus (c), which is ordinarily convex, and the inferior surface is furnished with radiating laminse (fig' 128). They are distinguished from lichens and algae by the absence offrons or crust, bearing organs of fructification. The sporules are sometimes . naked, and sometimes enclosed in little cap- Fig. 128. MUSHROOM. , , sules ; in common mushrooms, the union of these capsules constitutes a membrane named the hyme'nium (from the Greek, umen, a membrane), which is ordinarily plaited, and covers, entirely or in part, the surface of the plant. These sporules become free, sometimes by the rupture of their envelope, sometimes by the decay of the tissue which surrounds them ; and when they germinate, we observe arising from them white fila- ments upon which spring bodies, from point to point, that seem- ingly constitute the mushroom, but in reality they appear to be only the spores, that is, the reproductive organs. These plants are developed, in general, in shady, damp, and warm situations, and are found especially numerous where organic matters in a state of putrefaction abound ; many live as parasites upon peren- nial plants, and some grow on the surface of water, but most of them inhabit the surface of the earth, or are buried in the soil ; sometimes they grow with extraordinary rapidity ; frequently we see thousands of mushrooms growing up in a single night, and the greater part of them do not live beyond a few days at most ; there are some however that grow slowly and live many years. Explanation of Fig. 128. A mushroom (fungus); a, 6, the volva or wrapper ; c, the pileus or cap ; J, the peduncle or stipe. 28. How many species of lichens are known ? To what uses are lichens applied ? 29. What are the general characters of fungi ? What is a hyme'nium ? Where are fungi found ? AGARICS. 109 30. This family is very numerous, and is divided into several groups, the most important of which are agarics or mushrooms, properly so called, lycopodia'cece, and the rnuscidinea, moss tribe. 31. Agarics or mushrooms, properly so called, are plants ordi- narily of fleshy consistence, the sporules of which are placed on the surface of an external membrane and enclosed in distinct capsules. Some have a sort of stem surmounted by an um- brella-shaped cap, the inferior surface of which is lined by the sporiferous membrane ; others are club-shaped or branched ; others again form irregular masses of a gelatinous consistence. They are commonly found in shady, damp woods, at the foot of old trees, and a great many are known. Several of them may be used as food, and are even very much esteemed, but others are violently poisonous, and there are no general characters by which good mushrooms may be certainly distinguished from bad ones ; it is only when we are able to recognise perfectly the species known to be good that we should venture to eat those found in forests, because there are poisonous mushrooms which so closely resemble the edible species that mistakes are easily made. We should invariably reject those which change colour quickly after being gathered ; those which contain a milky juice, or are of a very soft and watery structure; those that have a peppery, bitter, or astringent taste, and disagreeable odour ; a bright red colour is also frequently an indication of poisonous qualities. 32. The mushrooms most used as food are the edible agaric agaricus edulis, the mousserron agaric, the orange, chant relle, morille, ceps, or boletus edulis, or edible bole; but the only species cultivated is the edible agaric, which is propagated at pleasure by means of the white filaments that spread out in the soil where the sporules have germinated, and are known to gardeners under the name of white of mushrooms. 33. One of the most poisonous mushrooms is the false oronge, which resembles the true oronge, which is among the most esteemed species, and is very common in the South of France. 34. Tinder or spunk is a species of mushroom of the genus Agaric. 30. What are the most important divisions of the family of Fungi ? 31. What are agarics ? How are edible mushrooms recognised ? 32. What species of mushrooms are used for food ? What species is cultivated ? 33. Name one of the most poisonous species of mushroom. 34. What is spunk? 10 110 TRUFFLES. 35. The division of the Lycopodia! cece comprises mushrooms, the sporules of which are not enclosed in especial capsules. We place among them truffles (Jig. 129), singular plants of irregu- larly rounded form, which grow under ground without being attached to any other body and without ever appearing above the surface. The edible truffle, so much esteem- ed by gourmands, is of a brown colour, strong odour, and peculiar taste ; its size varies from that of an egg to that of a fist, and it grows five or six inches under ground. It is chiefly met with in forests of ash, chest- . 19r . . . - * f> * J? *M* J-/*J"~'J nut, or oak, and in soils composed of sand and clay. To gather these subterranean mushrooms we take advantage of the instinct of hogs, which root them up with their snout. They have not been multiplied by cultivation as yet. 36. The mucedinea or moulds are also plants of the family of Fungi, and we also place in this natural division certain parasitic plants that grow on other living plants, often producing in them very remarkable injurious alterations. Of this number is a species of fungus named aredo, which is sometimes developed on wheat, and occasions what farmers call blight. 37. The FAMILY OF ALGJE Sea- weeds is composed of marine and other aquatic plants, the structure of which is very simple. The fuel which cover the rocks on our coast belong to this group. The genus Fucus (fig. 130) yields iodine, a useful medicine. The Chondrus crispus or Carageen moss of Ireland, which also grows on our own coast, is converted into size ; it also yields a fine jelly for invalids, and is often used in the composition of blancmange. 38. The SEMI-VASCULAR PLANTS are at first composed of cellular tis- sue alone like cellular plants, but often acquire, at a certain period of their development, vessels and stomata like phanero'- gamous plants. They are provided with roots like the latter, 35. What species of mushroom belong to the division of Lycopodia'cea,- ? What are the general characters of the edible truffle ? Where are they found ? Are they cultivated ? 36. What are mucedi'nese ? What is aredo ? 37. What are Algae ? What do we obtain from the genus Fucus ? 38. What are the general characters of the semi-vascular plants ? Fig. 130. FUCUS. MOSSES. FERNS. Ill and with expansions or fronds, ordinarily green, analogous to leaves ; the latter often arise from an axis similar to a stem, and sporules are developed upon their external or inferior surface. 39. In this division we place the mosses, musci, the ferns, felices, and some other families of less importance. 40. The MOSSES Musci (Jigs. 131 and 132) have a very short, herbaceous stem, fixed on the ground, on stones, or the bark of trees, by small brown roots, and covered by little leaves in form of scales ; there are no vessels in their interior; finally, their spores are enclosed in lateral or terminal buds, surrounded by a sort of perigon, and arise from the internal parietes of a sort of urn (Jig- 132). "Mosses rank among the smallest of plants ; Fig. 131. MOSS. Fig. 132. MOSS. they seldom exceed the height of a few inches ; and many are so minute that they would wholly escape our observation if they did not grow in patches. Several species, indeed, are scarcely visible to the naked eye ; and yet they have a stem, leaves, fruit, and other organs, as the largest plants of the family." Gray's Elements of Botany. 41. The FERNS Felices (figs. 133 and 134) are herbaceous or arborescent plants, the fronds or leaves of which are alternate, often lobate, and grow upon a sort of vertical stem or rhizome ; we find stomata on the leaves, and trachea? and other vessels in their petioles. Their organs of fructification are found on the inferior surface, of the leaves, towards the edge, at the extremity of the veins (fig. 133). "Although the ferns of the United States and of all northern cli- mates have prostrate stems, and consequently do not Fig. 133. FERN. Explanation of Fig. 132. A magnified view of the capsule of a moss, enclosing the sporules. The sporule case, or theca, also called capsule, is a little oblong urn-shaped body, which in a few cases is sessile, but is usually borne on a filiform fruit stalk or seta (Jig. 131). The tall cap-like part of the figure above, somewhat like an extinguisher, is called a caly'ptra, and when of this form is said to be mitriform. 39. What families belong to the semi- vascular plants? 40. What are the general characters of the mosses ? 41. What are the general characters of the ferns ? 112 PHANEROGAMOUS PLANTS. Fig. 134. FERN. rise, at most, above three or four feet in height, yet in tropical countries their trunks are often erect, and fre- quently attain the height of seventy or eighty feet. The tree ferns of the tropics are said to be objects of incom- parable beauty ; their straight, unbranched trunks often rising, like those of palms, as high as forty or fifty feet, without a leaf." Gray. 42. We also place in this division of the vegetable king- dom the chara (Jig. 135), an aquatic plant, which is very re- markable on account of the singular circulation observed in the interior of the cellules of its tissue. Of the structure of the charse very little is cer- tainly known. They consist of submersed water-plants, hav- ing slender jointed stems desti- tute of leaves, but furnished with whorled branches resembling the Fi S- 135. CHARA. stem. There are only a few species, but these abound in stag- nant waters. PHANERO'GAMOUS PLANTS. 43. This great division of the vegetable kingdom comprises all plants that bear flowers and are multiplied by means of true seeds. They are also called cotyle 'donous plants, because the embryo or germ, contained in the seed, is always provided with one or more coty'ledons, organs which serve as depots of food for the nourish- ment, of the young plant during the first part of its existence, and are not found in the cryptoga'mia. Vessels as well as cellular tissue always enter into the composition of these plants, and for this reason botanists sometimes designate them under the name of vascular plants. They are divided, as we stated before, into two groups, the monocoty'ledons and dicoty'ledons. MONOCOTYLE'DONOUS PLANTS. 44. The most remarkable characteristics of the organization of plants of this division are : Explanation of Figl 134. The leaf of a fern (magnified) seen from below, showing the capsules containing the sporules. 42. What are the characters of the genus Chara ? 43. What description of vegetables belong to the division of phanero'ga- mous plants? 44. What are the most remarkable characteristics of the monocotyledons ? MONOCOTYLEDONS. GRASSES. 113 1st. The existence of a single coty'ledon in the seed, a circum- stance which corresponds with a particular mode of germination. 2d. The existence of an endogenous stem, that is, a stem in which the new fibres do not form concentric layers around the old, but are arranged in scattered bundles. 3d. The arrangement of the nerves of the leaves is almost al- ways parallel ; as in Indian corn. 4th. The existence of a single floral envelope, called perianth or glume, which takes the place of calyx and corolla. 45. These plants are also distinguished from the dicoty'ledons by their aspect and by some other characters. We place in this group the Grami'neae, Palma'ceee, Asparagi'nea3, Lilia'cese, Nar- cissa'cese, Pridese, Orchi'deas, and several other natural families. 46. The FAMILY OF GRAMI'NE^E Grasses (figs. 136 and 139) belongs to the class of monocotyledons with stamens inserted below the ovary, named for this reason, monohypogy'nia (from the Greek, monos, single, upo, below, and gune, woman, metaphorically, pistil, that is, hav- ing the stamens fixed below the ovary). They are for the most part herbaceous plants ; their stem, which is cylindrical and ordinarily hollow, pre- sents at different points knots from which the leaves arise ; it is called a culm or straw. The flowers are generally united in a spike or in panicles (fig. 137); their ovary is simple, and the seed, sometimes naked, and sometimes fur- nished with an envelope named glume, is composed of an albu- men or farinaceous perisperm, having a lateral pit near its base which lodges the embryo. It is this perisperm which ren- ders many of these plants so useful, by furnishing to man an abundant and wholesome arti- cle of food, flour, and meal, &c. Fig. 136. 47. This family is composed DARNEL. of a great many genera, among Fig. 137 DARNEL. Explanation of Fig. 137. A magnified flower of the darnel, Lo'lium perenne, sometimes called ray-grass, &c. 45. What natural families belong- to the class of monocoty'ledons ? 46. What are the general characters of the grasses? What is a sulm ? 47. What genera belong to the family of Grami'nece ? 10* 114 WHEAT. which are wheat, rye, barley, oats, maize (Indian corn), rice, and sugar-cane, as well as bamboo and reeds. We also place in this family different herbs which constitute the bottom-grass of all natural prairies, such as fescue, alopecurus (from the Greek, alopeXj a fox, and oura, tail, fox-tail), timothy, festuca, meadow- grass, and darnel or tare (jig. 136). 48. Common wheat Tri'ticum the most important of all the grasses, is an herbaceous annual plant, with a stem (culm) four or five feet high, furnished with some leaves, which is ter- minated by a spike composed of flowers united in groups of from three to six, called spikelets, in a common enve- a a lope, which consists of two scales, bearing the common name of glume; each flower bears three stamens enclosed between two unequal palese (from the Latin, palea, chaff), the external of which often but not always terminates in a long beard or barb, called awn (fig. 138 a). The seed is oval, larger than that of most other grasses, convex on one side, and on the other hollowed by a longitudinal groove ; on an average, there are forty seeds on each spike. It is filled by a white, farinaceous substance, chiefly consisting of fecula, and a peculiar sub- . 13 o_ stance named gluten. These two substances, crushed by a mill-stone, constitute the flour which we use for making bread. Fecula consists of minute grains, filled with a matter of a gummy consistence, which, by the action of heat and various chemical agents, burst and permit their contents to escape ; this is the reason why, when we boil fecula in water, it suddenly thickens and becomes paste. Gluten is a very elastic substance, which may be separated from fecula by washing wheat flour, wrapped in a cloth, under a stream of water, for some time. 49. Wheat is sown at two different periods; in the autumn Explanation of Fig. 138. The glume or husk ; a, a, the awns; g, g, the glume. This term is most generally applied to the outer and thicker set of scaly leaves next to the sexual organs in grasses, two in number, and embracing each other at the base (fig. 138), in which are seen the outer scales (glume or calyx, g, g) and the inner scales with the awn (a) attach- ed. The stamens and pistils are removed. The small thin leaves to which the awns are attached, are called palea. When these scaly leaves embrace several flowers, they are called bractese (bracts). 48. What are the characters of wheat? What is a glume? What ia meant by the paleae ? What is fecula ? What is gluten ? 49. What is the difference between fall and spring wheat ? RYE BARLEY OATS. 115 and in the spring ; the first is called winter or " fall" wheat, and the second spring wheat; the season of the harvest varies accord- ing to the climate. 50. There is a species of wheat called spelt, the seeds of which are not separated from their envelope by thrashing, and still another called dog or couch-grass, having a long spreading root, which is very injurious on account of the rapidity with which it overspreads wheat-fields. 51. Common rye Secale very much resembles wheat, but it never has more than two flowers joined in the same glume, and forming a spikelet. It is said to have come originally from the Levant, but is cultivated in the United States and all parts of Europe ; it succeeds better than wheat in cold countries, and in dry and arid soils. It is sown earlier than the other cereals, and generally flowers in the month of May ; and it is usually gathered fifteen or twenty days before the wheat (generally in the month of July). Rye flour is not so white as that of wheat, but is used for the same purposes. 52. Barley Hordeum is distinguished from the preceding species by its simple, compact spike, formed of spikelets of a single flower, arranged three and three ; its height does not exceed two or three feet. It is the easiest of the cereals to cultivate, and the most rapid in its development ; but barley flour is even less nourishing than rye. What is called pot barley is made by grind- ing off the husk, and pearl barley is made by carrying the opera- tion so far as to produce roundness of the grains. Malt is the chief purpose for which barley is cultivated in Great Britain arid the United States. In order to understand the process of malting-, it may be necessary to observe, that the cotyledons of a seed, before a young plant is produced, are changed by the heat and moisture of the earth into sugar and mucilage. Malting is only an artificial mode of effecting this object, by steeping the grain in water, and fermenting it in heaps, and then arresting its progress towards becoming a plant, by kiln-drying it, in order to take advantage of the sugar in the distillation of spirits, or fermentation for beer. 53. Oats Arena has its flowers arranged in an open panicle, composed of multiflorous spikelets hanging on their peduncles. The seeds adhere to the glume, and are oblong and acute ; they are much used as food for horses. Oats are sown in the autumn or spring, and are gathered from the middle of July to the first of September. The flour, called oat meal, is also made into bread, and forms what is termed groats by grinding off the husk. 50. Are there other kinds of wheat ? 51. What are the characters of rye ? 52. How is barley distinguished from wheat and rye ? What is the dif ference between pot and pearl barley ? What is malt ? 53. What are the characters of oats ? 116 RICE. MAIZE. SUGAR-CANE. 54. Rice Ory'za* also has flowers arranged in a panicle, but the spikelets are uniflorous ; it is an annual plant, and delights most in low humid situations, and even in inundated places ; its culm rises three or four feet high, and its leaves are very long. It is originally from India : it is cultivated in Italy, but Asia, Africa and America furnish most ; Carolina rice is considered amongst the very best; it constitutes the principal article of diet of all the nations of the East. 55. Maize, or Indian Com Zea (from the Greek, zeb, I live) is also an herbaceous annual grass ; its fibrous roots give rise to one or more stems five or six feet high, the summit of which bears a panicle nearly a foot long, formed of male flowers in great numbers on several spikes ; the female flowers are very nume- rous, sessile, attached upon a common axis in the axil of the su- perior leaves. The grains are round- ed, of the size of a common pea, ordinarily of a yellow colour, com- pressed one against the other, and ar- ranged longitudinally in six or eight rows. This plant is originally from America ; but was long ago intro- duced into Europe, and is cultivated in all the south of France, Spain and Italy, and is used as food both for men and many domestic animals. 56. Sugar-cane Saccharum^ (Jig. 139)^also belongs to the fami- ly of Grami'nese; its white, silky flowers, all of which are hermaphro- dite, are arranged in fasciculated spikes, with two flowers at each arti- culation ; its stem, which is from eight to twelve feet high, is full of sweet juice, which, being compressed and evaporated by boiling, yields su- gar. It grows in the East and West Indies, United States, South America, Fig. 139. SUGAR-CANE. and South Sea Islands. * ORY'ZA. From the Arabic word eruz, the Greeks coined their word orwza, and the various modern nations of Europe, their rice, riz, rets, arrdz, &c. t SACCHARUM. From its Arabic name soukar, from which the Greeks 54. What are the general characters of the rice plant ? 55. What are the characters of Indian corn ? 56. What are the characters of sugar-cane ? How is sugar made ? How is sugar-candy prepared ? What is rock-candy ? What is barley .sugar ? What is rum ? SUGAR. BAMBOO. 117 [The cane in the West Indies is propagated by cuttings from the root end, planted in hills or trenches in spring or autumn, something in the manner of hops. The cuttings take root at the joints under ground, and from those above send up shoots, which, in from eight to fourteen months, are from six to ten feet long, and fit to cut down for the mill. A plantation lasts from six to ten years. Sugar mills are merely iron rollers placed vertically or horizontally, between which the canes are passed and repassed. The juice thus squeezed out is collected and boiled with quicklime, which imbibes the superfluous acid, which otherwise would impede crystallization : impuri- ties are skimmed off, and the boiling is continued till a thick syrup is pro- duced, when the whole is cooled and granulated in shallow vessels of earthen ware, which permit the molasses (a part that will not granulate) to drain off. It is now the brown or raw sugar of commerce. A further purifica- tion is effected by dissolving it in water, boiling, skimming, adding lime, and clarifying from the oily or mucila'ginous parts, by adding blood or eggs, which incorporate with them and form a scum. When boiled to a proper consistency, it is put into unglazed earthen vessels of a conical shape, with a hole at the apex, but placed in an inverted position, and the base, after the sugar is poured in, covered with clay. When thus drained of its impurities, it is taken out of the mould, wrapped in paper, and dried or baked in a close oven. It is now the loaf sugar of the shops, and according to the number of operations it undergoes, is called single or double refined. The operation of refining is seldom or never performed by the growers, but forms a sepa- rate branch of business. Sugar-candy is formed by dissolving loaf sugar in water over a fire, boil- ing it to a syrup, and then exposing it to crystallize in a cool place. When crystallized upon strings put into the syrup, it is called rock-candy. This is the only sugar esteemed in the East. Barley-sugar is a syrup from the refuse of sugar-candy, hardened in cylindrical moulds. Rum is distilled from the fermented juice of sugar and water.] 57. The Bamboo Bambu'sa (from the Indian name Bam- bos) an arborescent plant of the equatorial regions, also belongs to the family of Grami'nea3. The bamboo is applied to a great variety of purposes. In India it is used for building- houses and bridges, for masts, for boats, for making boxes, baskets, cups, mats, tables, chairs, fences, paper, and a variety of other pur- poses ; and the tops of the tender shoots are, in the West Indies, pickled. It grows about forty feet high. The genus Bambu'sa, belongs to the class Hexandria, order Monogy'nia of Linnreus. 58. The FAMILY OF PALMS Palma'cece^fig. 140) is com- posed of monocoty'ledons with perigy'nous stamens; the stem, which is cylindrical and resembles a column, is crowned by a fasciculus of large leaves. We have already spoken of its struc- ture (page 26). Their flowers, which are generally unisexual, formed sackchar, and modern European nations sugar. The genus Sac' charum belongs to the class Tria'ndria, order Trigy'nia, of the Linneoan arrangement. 57. What is bamboo ? To what uses is it applied ? 58. How is the family of Palms characterized' What is sago? 118 PALMS. form catkins or a great bunch called raceme; the fruit is a fleshy or fibrous drupe contain- ing a very hard, bony nut. Nearly all these large and beau- tiful trees belong to the inter- tropical regions ; many of them furnish the inhabitants of the countries in which they grow naturally, wholesome and plea- sant food ; the date tree and cocoa-nut yield excellent fruits ; the cabbage-tree palm bears a terminal bud which may be com- pared to our common cabbage, and several other species yield a fecula named sago. By in- cision into the spathe at the top of the stems of some, a saccha- rine liquor, termed siceet toddy, is procured, which when fer- mented constitutes Palm wine, and yields by distillation arrack, or rack. The date tree Fivx- nix (the Greek name of the Fig. 140. DATE PALM. date) furnishes a great part of the diet of the inhabitants of Arabia and part of Persia. They make a conserve of it with sugar ; and even grind the hard stones in their handmills for their camels. The leaves are manufactured into baskets, bags, brushes, &c., and the stem is used in building, and another part of the plant is made into rope and rigging for small vessels.* The palms of Scripture are the leaves of the date tree. The genus Ca'lamus (from the Greek kalamos, a reed) fur- nishes the several species of rattan-canes, whose flexible stems when split are woven into chair-bottoms. 59. The FAMILY OF ASPHODE'LF^E, or Asparigi'nese, belongs to the class of Monoperigy'nia, and is composed of herbaceous plants with fibrous roots, the fruit of which is a capsule with three cells, or a globular berry. Common asparagus, the young shoots of which are eaten, is the type of this gro*up. * The Phoenix, according to the Linnean arrangement, is in the class Dicecia, order Triandria ; while the Calamus, another genus of the Pal- macege, is in the class Hexa'ndria, and order Monogy'nia. What is sweet toddy ? What is arrack ? What tree furnishes dates ? What are rattans ? L 59. What are the characters of the Asphode'leae ? LILIES. 60. The FAMILY OF LILIA'CE^E is also placed in the class of Monoperigy'nia ; it is composed of plants with bulbous or fibrous roots, and a stem (or shaft) generally naked ; the leaves are sessile or sheathing ; several species of this family are remarkable from having flowers with a coloured calyx, such as the lilies, tulips, hyacinths, tuberoses, imperials, &c. 61. The FAMILY OF AMARY'LLID^E or NARCI'SSE^: (Jig. 141), and the family of IRI'DE^E belong on the con- trary to the Mono-epigy'nia : among the first is the common Narcissus (Jig' 141), the Agave americana, and among the second the Iris florentina, which furnishes orris root, and the Crocus sativus, which has long, orange-coloured stigmas, which, when dried, form saf- fron. The plants of the family of Iri'dea? are herbaceous under shrubs, with fibrous or bulbous roots ; gene- rally their flowers are large, beautiful, and variegated in different colours. Fig. 141. NARCISSUS. DICOTYLE'DONOUS PLANTS. " . V 62. The plants of this division are chiefly characterized : 1st. By the existence of an embryo with two cotyledons; sometimes however we find three, or even more. 2d. By the internal organization of the stem, all parts of which are arranged in concentric layers, the growth of which is ex'ogenous. 3d. By the arrangement of the leaves, the nerves of which are ramified. 4th. By the very frequent presence of both a calyx and a corolla, &c. 63. They are divided into four groups; the Apeta'lese, Mono- peta'leae, Polypeta'lese, and Dicli'nese. 60. What are the characters of the Lilia'ceae ? 61. To what family does the common narcissus belong? What is orris root ? What is saffron ? 62. What are the chief characters of the dicotyledons ? 63. How is the division of dicotyledons divided ? 120 BIRTHWORT. LAURELS. Fig. 142. APE'TALOUS DICOTY'LEDONS. 64. This group of dicotyle'donous plants is characterized by the absence of a corolla, or at least of a double floral envelope, for the perianth as often resembles a corolla as a calyx. We place in it Aristolo'chiae, Lauri'nesc, &c. 65. The FAMILY OF ARIS- TOLO'CHIA Birthwort (from the Greek, arisos, excellent, and lochos, female, because it was supposed to be excellent for females in particular conditions) is composed of twining plants with epigy'nous stamens (figure 142), with alternate and internal leaves, some species of which are cultivated in gardens the com- mon Aristolo'chia, for example (fg- 143). The Aristolo 1 chia serpentaria Virginia snake- root belongs to this family. 66. The FAMILY OF LAURI'NE^: (from the Latin, laurus, the laurel or bay tree) belongs to the class of Peristami'nese (from the Greek, peri, around, and stamen fig* 144), and is composed of trees or shrubs with per- sistent leaves and fleshy fruit. The type of the family is the laurels, one species of which, the laurel of Apollo, is originally from Greece, and was used by the ancients for decorating the crowns of their conquer- ors. Cinnamon is the bark of another species of laurel which grows in India ; and camphor is derived from another tree of the same genus. 67. We will also mention in this class the FAMILY OF CHENO- PO'DE^E (from the Greek, chen, a goose, and pous, foot goose- foot), because we find in it one of the plants which at present occupies a good deal of attention among agriculturalists, espe- Fig. 143. ARISTOLOCHIA. Fig. 144. LAURUS. Explanation of Fig. 144. Flower of a laurel; a, the perigon ; b, stamen ; c, pistil. 64. How are Apeta'leae characterized ? 65. How is the family of Aristolo'chia (pronounced aristolokea) charac- terized ? 66. From what is cinnamon obtained ? From what genus of plants is camphor derived ? 67. To what family does the sugar-beet belong ? SUGAR-BEET. POTATOE. 121 cially in France ; namely, the sugar-beet. This plant, originally from the southern parts of Europe, is annual or biennial ; it has a spindle-shaped, fleshy root, sometimes as thick as one's leg, which contains a considerable quantity of sugar, precisely like that of the sugar-cane ; the leaves of the sugar-beet constitute an abundant and wholesome food for cattle, but it is especially cultivated in France for its sugar. MONOPE'TALOUS DICOTY'LEDONS. 68. This division, which is much more numerous than the preceding, is characterized by having a corolla distinct from the calyx, and composed of a single piece. In it we place the Sola'neti), Primula'ceae, Jasmi'nea?, Labia'tae, Synanthe'reae, and Rubia'cece, &c. 69. The FAMILY OF SOLA'NE^E is composed of monope'talous, dicotyle'donous plants with hypogy'nous stamens, the flowers of which have a monose'palous, persistent calyx, with five lobes, a regular corolla, divided into from four to five lobes, four or five stamens, and a style bearing a stigma with two lobes, the fruit of which is a capsule or n berry containing a great many seeds, and the leaves are commonly alternate. Most of the Sola'neje contain a narcotic (stupifying) substance, which sometimes renders them very dangerous; tobacco, henbane, stramonium (Jamestown weed), are of this kind ; we find it even in the leaves of the common night-shade, and the Solanum tubcrosum. This last plant, the stem of which is herbaceous, and the flowers white or slightly violet, has at irregular intervals on its long, fibrous roots, large tubers, which are ordinarily rounded or oblong, which contain an immense quantity of fecula, and are known under the name of potatoes. The potatoe is originally from America (growing- at this time wild in Mexico and Peru), and was first introduced to Europe by Sir Walter Raleigh, about the year 1587, who carried it to England, whence it was soon spread upon the continent ; it is now cultivated in almost every part of the world. This plant may be reproduced, multiplied in two ways ; namely, by the seed, or by the development of the root-buds or eyes, which we see on the surface of the tubers. By sowing the seed we obtain a great variety; but the multiplication by the root-buds produces, without any alteration in the form or colour, potatoes like those from which the tuber- cles were taken. This last mode of culture is most generally used, and to succeed, it is only necessary to place entire tubers in the ground ; we may divide them into several pieces, provided each fragment has one or more root-buds upon it, for the development of which the feculent matter of the 68. How are the Monopeta'lese characterized ? 69. What are the general characters of the Sola'neoj ? What plant pro- duces potatoes ? Where were potatoes originally found ? How are they cultivated ? 11 122 TOBACCO. BELLADONNA. potatoe furnishes the nourishment. In those countries where frosts are feared in the spring, these vegetables are planted about the month of April, and gathered towards the end of October ; a sandy and rich soil suits them best ; in moist clayey land they become pasty. By the ordinary method of cultivation, the potatoe yields but seven or eight for one, but by hoeing the stems, that is, by heaping up the earth to a certain height around them, we obtain twelve or thirteen for one, and we are assured that by bedding and covering them with earth the product may be increased to sixty for one. 70. Tobacco Nicotiana tabac- cum (fg> 145) is a plant of the enus Nicotiana, which is a native of America ; it is actively culti- vated for its large leaves, the uses of which are known by every body. Introduced into the stomach it acts as a poison, and the smoke it yields when burnt commonly excites nau- sea and giddiness in persons not accustomed to it ; but they may become readily habituated to its use, which, either in the form of snuff, cigars, or smoking and chew- ing tobacco, has become almost uni- versal. It is now cultivated in France, and in most countries of Europe, and several parts of India, as well as in various parts of America. It is sown about the month of March ; and about the middle of July, they begin to gather the leaves ; this harvest continues until the period of frost, which the plant does not resist, and after drying the leaves thus obtained, and having removed from them the large nerves (stems), they are sprinkled with salt and water, and for a certain time permit- ted to ferment; tobacco for smoking is then coarsely cut up, and exposed to a moderate heat which curls it ; tobacco for snuff is cut into strips, which are pressed into masses, which are after- wards reduced to powder by a mill. 71. Belladonna Atropa belladonna is another plant of the family of Sola'nese which is also very poisonous ; it is common under walls and in the woods. Its stem is branching, three or four feet high, and slightly hairy ; its leaves are large, ovate, acu- minate, and diffuse a disagreeable odour ; its corolla, in form of an elongated bell, has five lobes, is of a dull red ; its fruit is fleshy, Fig. 145. TOBACCO. 70. Where is tobacco found ? What are its qualities ? 71. What are the properties of belladonna? OLIVES. 123 Fig. 146. JASMIN. about the size of a cherry, at first green, then reddish, and lastly black. It then resembles a black-heart cherry ; its taste is insipid, but this fruit is extremely poisonous. The henbane (hyosciamus), bitter-sweet (dulcamara), and se- veral other plants of the same family are also active poisons. 72. The FAMILY OF JASMI'NEJE, also, belongs to the class of the Hypocoro'llese, and is com- posed of trees and shrubs with, commonly, op- posite leaves ; the corolla of the flower has four or five lobes, but only two stamens (figs. 146, 147). We place in it the jasmine, olive, ash, &c. 73. The Olive Olea europea (fig. 148) is a tree originally from Asia Minor, and the south of Europe, now extensively culti- vated in the southern departments of France ; in the East it grows from forty to fifty feet high, but in France it rarely exceeds twenty- five. It is extremely long-lived. Its leaves are opposite, lanceolate, of a bronze green colour above, and whitish below. Its flowers are small and arranged in little clusters (fig. 149); its fruit is a fleshy, oval drupe, contain- Fig. 148. BRANCH OF OLIVE. i ng a nut with a single seed. A symbol of peace, and consecrated to Minerva, this tree was an object of a species of worship among the Greeks, and its destruc- tion was prohibited under severe penalty : it is still cultivated with care, but for other reasons its fruit and its oil. (Olive, or sweet oil, may be said to form the cream and butter of Spain and Italy. Olive oil is made by crushing the fruit to a paste, then pressing it through a woollen bag, adding hot water as long as any oil is pro- 72. To what class does the family of Jasmi'neoe belong ? 73. What are the general characters of the olive tree ? How is sweet oil prepared ? What is the difference between French and Spanish olives ? Fig. 149. OLIVE. 124 SWEET OIL. MANNA. duced. The oil is afterwards skimmed off the water, and put in tubs, barrels, and bottles for use. Pickled olives are prepared from unripe fruit, by repeatedly steeping them in water, to which quick- lime or any alkaline substance is sometimes added to shorten the operation. Afterwards they are soaked in pure water, and then taken out and bottled in salt and water, with or without an aro- matic. Spanish olives differ from the French in consequence of being prepared from ripe fruit.) 74. The Ash Ffaxinus is among the largest and most beau- tiful forest trees ; it delights in a humid, light soil ; its wood, which is white, longitudinally veined and very pliant, is much employed in carriage-building, &c. 75. The Manna-ash, or round-leaved ash Fraxinus omus which grows in Calabria, and on the coast of Africa, permits a sugar-like substance to exude through its bark, which hardens in the airj and is known under the name of manna. Fig. 150. SCARLET SAGE. Fig. 151. SAGE. 76. FAMILY OF LABIA'TJE (Jigs. 150 and 151) belongs to the same division as the preceding : these plants, which are almost all herbaceous, have a square stem and a tubular corolla, divided into two lips, one of which is superior to the other (fig. 151); the fruit is composed of four monospermous ache- niums enclosed in a persistent calyx, and the leaves are sessile and opposite. Most of the Labia'tse are very aromatic ; they are employed in medicine, and for the preparation of scented waters ; such are the mint, lavender, rosemary, sage, thyme, balm, &c. 74. What use is made of the ash ? 75. From what tree is manna obtained ? 76. What are the general characters of the family of Labia'tae? BINDWEED. MARIGOLD. 125 The FAMILY OF BORRAGI'NE^E is closely allied to the Labia'tse ; the type of this family is the barrage. 77. The FAMILY OF CONVOLVU- LA'CE^E, which is also composed of hypogy'nous, monopetalous plants, has the bindweeds as its type (figure 152), which are common in our fields and gardens. A species of the bindweeds furnishes jalap, an active purgative medicine. 78. We also place in the class of Hypocoro'lleae the FAMILY OF PRIMU- LA'CE^J, the type of which is the prim- rose, the gentia'nre, and several others. 79. The FAMILY OF SYNANTHE'- REJE (from the Greek, sun, with, and anthos, flower) or COMPOSITE, which belongs to the division of monopetalous Epicoro'llece, is very remarkable for the arrangement of its flowers. They are generally small, and united in a close mass, called capi'tulum, upon a com- mon receptacle ; they a are of two kinds ; one has a regular corolla in form of a funnel, and called flosculous ; the others have an irregu- lar corolla, laterally warped in form of a little tongue. Finally, the anthers are united, and form a tube which is traversed by the style (figure 110). Sometimes the capitulums (fig. 80) are composed only of florets like the thistle (fig. 154, a) and artichoke ; sometimes in demi- florets, as the dandelion and lettuce ; and sometimes of florets in the centre, and demi-florets occupying the circumference, as the sunflower and marigold (Jig. 153). The first are frequently designated under the name of flosculous, the second are called semi-flosculous, and the last radiate. 77. From what family of plants is jalap obtained ? 78. To what class does the family of Primula' CCEB belong? 79. What are the general characters of the Synanthe'reae ? 11 * Fig. 153. MARIGOLD. Fig. 154. MILK THISTLE. 126 COFFEE. 80. Other monopeta'leae with epigy'nous corollae, have the anthers distinct, and form the class named Corisanthe'rece, which is divided into several families, among which are the CAPRI- FOLIA'CE^E, of which the honeysuckle is the type, and the RUBIA'CE.E, a group in which we find the coffee, Peruvian bark, and ipecacuanha, &c. 81. The Coffee tree (figure 155) appears to be originally from Ethiopia, whence it was carried by the Arabians to dif- ferent parts of Arabia, but par- ticularly to the province of Yemen, and especially to the environs of Mocha. Towards the close of the seventeenth century, the Dutch carried it to Batavia, and about 1710, one of these precious plants was sent from this colony to Am- sterdam ; it was carefully culti- vated in the botanical garden, and soon produced fruit, the seeds of which furnished the means of its rapid multiplica- tion, for one of these young trees thus obtained, having been sent to Louis XIV., flourished in the garden of plants, near Paris, and afforded the French govern- ment the means of introducing its cultivation into Martinique ; it soon spread through the West Indies, and Brazil, &c. The trunk of the coffee tree is cylindrical, and rises to from fifteen to twenty feet high ; its branches are somewhat knotty ; its leaves are lanceolate, shining, and of a deep green ; its flowers are white and almost sessile; and its fruit is fleshy, ovoid berries, which are at first green, then red, and finally black ; each berry encloses two fleshy nuts, each containing a seed convex outwardly and flat within, and marked on the flat side by a longitudinal groove. This shrub ordinarily flowers twice a year, but there is scarcely an interval between these periods, so that it is always loaded with flowers and fruit ; the latter generally ripens four months after inflorescence, and must be gathered with care according to its state of maturity. Fig. 155. COFFEE. 80. To what class do the families Capri folia' cess and Rubia'ceso belong ? 81. What are the characters of the coffee tree ? Where does it grow ? HEMLOCK. 127 82. The plant which furnishes us the medicine called ipeca- cuanha, used as an emetic, bears considerable analogy to the coffee tree, and is found in South America. 83. The Cinchona or Peruvian bark, so valuable in the treat- ment of intermittent fevers, is the bark of certain trees which also belong to the family of Rubia'cea? ; they grow in Peru. POLYPE'TALOUS DICOTY'LEDONS. 84. This division is distinguished from the two preceding by having flowers, the corolla of which is composed of several separate petals. It is also divided in accordance with the inser- tion of the stamens into three sections called Epipeta'lece (epi, upon), Hypopeta' lecB (hypo, beneath), and Peripeta! lea (pexi, around), which, in their turn, are subdivided into families, the most remarkable of which are the Umbelli'ferse, the Malva'cese, the Gerana'cese, the Aurantia'ceaB, the Papavera'ceoe, the Cary- ophy'llere, the Ampe'lidse, the Cucurbita'cese, the Myrta'cese, the Rosa'ceae, the Legumino'sa3, the Terebintha'cea?, &c. Fig. 156. HEMLOCK. 82. Where does ipecacuanha grow ? 83. To what family does Peruvian bark belong ? 84. What are the general characters of the polypetalous dicoty'ledons 7 How are they divided ? : *" ?b?.>- .-- :.-. V= iriCV^.^." ivs? 3* 128 MALLOWS. COTTON. 85. The FAMILY or UMBELLI'FER,E is composed of plants of the class Epipeta'lese, the flowers of which are very small, and arranged in an umbel. One of the most remarkable genera of this group is that of the tomlocks (fig- 156), the poisonous action of which is very powerful. Several species are known ; the spotted hemlock Coni'um macvla'tum has a cylindrical, fistulous stem, longitudinally striated, branching, and marked at its inferior part with irregular spots of a dark purple, which are also seen on the leaves ; these are very large, three-lobed, and of a very deep green ; the whole plant diffuses a strong odour, especially when rubbed between the fingers. This hemlock is biennial, and grows in stony places, near hedges. 86. The Carrot, Fennel, Angelica, Anis, Assafatida, Am- moniac, Galbanum, and several other plants which are not at all poisonous, belong to this family. 87. The FAMILY OF MAL- VA'CE^ the type of which is the marsh-mallows (figure 157), be- longs to the class of Hypopeta'lese; its principal characters are a mono- se'palous calyx with from three to five divisions, and a corolla with five petals adhering, at their base, to the filaments of the stamens, which are united into a tube (fg. 110). The uniform character of the mallow tribe is to abound in mucilage, and to be totally desti- tute of all unwholesome qualities. 88. The most important plants of this family are the cotton trees, the fruit of which furnishes the texible (weaveable) material, known under the name of cotton. Many species of this genus are known : one called herbaceous cotton, varies much in its appearance ; some- times it is an herbaceous annual plant growing scarcely beyond eighteen or twenty inches in height ; at other times a shrub from four to six feet high, the stem of which is ligneous and perennial at its lower part. This cotton tree grows in Egypt, Syria, and 85. What are the general characters of hemlock ? To what class and family does it belong ? 86. Name some of the plants of this family. 87. How is the family of Malva'ceee characterized ? 88. What is cotton ? What part of the plant furnishes cotton ? How is the cotton wool separated from the seeds ? Fig. 157. MARSH MALLOW. COTTON. FLAX. 129 India, and is also cultivated in Sicily. The arborescent cotton tree was originally from India : it is now cultivated in Brazil and Peru, and constitutes one of the most important products of the United States : it grows to the height of from fifteen to twenty feet. The leaves of these plants are alternate, petiolate, and divided into five digitate lobes ; the flowers, borne upon peduncles in the axils of the upper leaves, are yellowish or purplish. The fruit is an egg-shaped capsule, divided into from two to five cells, each of which contains several seeds ; the cotton is found sur- rounding these seeds. The Gossy'pium herba'ceum herbaceous cotton " grows from four to six feet high, and produces two crops annually ; the first in eight months after sowing the seed ; the second within four months after the first ; and the produce of each plant is reckoned at about one pound weight. The branches are pruned or trimmed after the first gathering ; and if the growth is over luxuriant, this should be done sooner. When a great part of the pods are expanded, the wool is picked, and afterwards cleared from the seeds by a machine (invented by Whitney, an American) called a cotton-gin, com- posed of two or three wooden rollers of about one inch diameter, ranged horizontally, close and parallel to each other ; and the central roller being moved by a treadle or foot-lath, resembling that of a knife-grinder, makes the other two revolve in contrary directions. The cotton is laid in small quantities at a time upon these rollers, whilst they are in motion, and readily passing between them, drops into a bag placed underneath to receive it, leaving the seeds, which are too large to pass with it, behind. The cotton thus separated from the seeds, is afterwards hand-picked and cleansed thoroughly from any little particles of the pods or other substances which may be adhering to it. It is then stowed in large bags, where it is well trodden down, that it maybe close and compact ; and the better to answer this purpose, some water is every now and then sprinkled upon the outside of the bag ; the marketable weight of which is usually three hundred pounds.** London. 89. The Flax Linum usitati' ssimum which is employed in a like manner, belongs to another family of the same class, called the family of GERANIA'CE^J, the type of which is the Geraniums of our gardens and green-houses. This well-known thread or clothing plant has been cultivated from the remotest antiquity for its cortical fibres, which, when separated from the woody matter, form the lint and tow, which is spun into yarn, and woven into linen cloth. Flax-seed yields a valuable oil, by expression, called linseed oil, used in painting ; in powder it is much used for poul- tices ; and the refuse, after pressing for oil, forms a cake fit to fatten cattle, and for manure. The stem of the flax is simple and cylindrical, from two to three feet high, and branching only towards the top ; the leaves are sparse and lanceolate, and the terminal flowers are of a delicate blue ; the calyx has five sepals, 89. To what family does the flax plant belong ? What is linen ? What is linseed oil ? 130 ORANGE LEMON. SHADDOCK. and the corolla, which is campanulate, is composed of the same number of petals, and encloses five stamens, and as many stigmas. 90. The FAMILY OF AURANTIA'CE^ or HESPERI'DEJE, which includes the orange and lemon, belongs to the same class as the two preceding, and is composed of trees or shrubs, bearing articu- late leaves, furnished with small vesicular glands, filled with a transparent volatile oil ; their flowers are composed of a mono- se'palous persistent calyx, with from three to five divisions, and a corolla with from three to five petals; the style is simple ; and the fruit is fleshy, internally separated by very thin membranous partitions, and covered by a thick pericarp, which, like the leaves, is furnished with vesicles filled with a volatile oil. 91. The common orange Citrus auran'tium is a tree which may grow to thirty or forty feet in height, but in our climate seldom attains to twenty feet. It does not resist the cold of our winters, and during this season it must be protected by a proper temperature. Orange trees do not often yield fruit after they are twenty years old ; but they may live for centuries ; there are orange trees still existing at Cordova, that date back to the time of the Moorish kings ; one of these trees is said to be between six and seven hundred years old. At Versailles, there is a biiter orange tree, that, it is said, was sown in the year 1421, in the garden of the Queen of Navarre, at Pampeluna ; it after- wards belonged to the Constable of Bourbon, and after his death, this tree, then the only one in France, was transported from Chantilly to the chateau of Fontainebleau, whence Louis XIV. carried it to the orangery of Versailles in 1684. 92. The uses of the orange, the lemon (Ci'trus me'dica), the citron (a variety of the Ci'trus me'dica), the lime (Ci'trus acida), and the shaddock (Ci'trus decumana], are well known. They all contain an agreeable acid, which renders them favourites as dessert fruits, or for making acidulous drinks, for preserves, confections, &c. The rind is generally bitter, and abounds in volatile oil. There are two principal varieties ; the sweet or China orange, and the bitter or Seville orange. An agreeable distilled water is prepared from the flowers of the orange. The oil of bergamot is obtained from the rind of the fruit of a species of Citrus. 90. What are the characters of the family of Aurantia'cece ? 91. To what family does the orange tree belong ? Are orange trees very short-lived ? 92. What are the uses of the orange ? TEA. VINE. 131 93. Most botanists place in this family the tea-plant (fig. 158) Camellia (from Camellus or Kamel, the name of a Jesuit bota- nist). This remarkable genus fur- nishes the domestic tea in universal use, and flowering trees and shrubs which are universally admired. There are two species, the Camel- lia bohe'a, and the Camel' Ha viri- dis, which furnish tea. This article is prepared with great care, and considerable labour. The leaves are carefully picked one by one ; dried in shallow, iron pans, over a slow fire ; exposed to the air, fre- quently turned, and finally passed through a winnowing machine, such as is commonly used by our farmers for wheat, &c. In this way the kinds of tea are separated, the lightest falling farthest from " the fan ;" the first and the heaviest is the " imperial," next the young hyson, then gunpowder, and so on. Both green and black tea are said to be from the same plant ; but the green tea is longest over the fire. Rusckenberger's Voyage round the World. 94. The VINI'FEK^E, or VITES, or AMPELLI'DE^E, form another nat-ural family closely resembling the preceding, which belongs to the same class ; it is composed of bushes or sarment- ous (trailing or climbing) shrubs, which support themselves by tendrils growing in the place of the peduncles ; with simple or digitate, alter- nate leaves, having two stipules at the base, and small greenish flowers ar- ranged in racemes opposite to the leaves ; calyx very short, and the corolla com- posed of five petals, and five stamens opposite to the petals ; the fruit is a Pi* 159 globular berry containing from one to VINE. ' four seeds. Annexed are representations VINE. 93. To what family does the tea-plant belong ? What is the genus of the tea-plant ? Where does it grow ? 94. What are the characters of the family Viniferae? How many species of vine are cultivated in France ? What are raisins ? What are currants ? Fig. 158. TEA-PLANT. 132 WINE. OPIUM. of the flowers of the vine. Figure 159 is the unexpanded flower magnified. The Common vine Vitis vinifera was originally from Arabia, but is now widely spread through the tropics and temperate zones of both hemispheres. The varieties are very numerous, and there are no less than fourteen hundred said to be cultivated in France alone. The fruit of the vine (the grape, when newly gathered, and the raisin, when dried) is extensively used as an article of dessert, and its juice furnishes wine by fer- mentation. Verjuice, a harsh acid juice, is obtained from the unripe grape. Currants or Corinthian raisins are obtained from a remarkably small variety of black grape, called the Black Corinth. 95. Wine is the product of the fermentation of the juice of the grape ; its colour, as we know, varies from red to a very pale yellow : red wines are made from black grapes from which the pericarp or envelope of the fruit is not separated from the juice ; white wines are from white grapes or from black grapes, the skins of which are not permitted to remain in the juice while fermenting. During fermentation there is a great quantity of carbonic acid disengaged, and when the wine is put into bottles before this process is terminated, this gas remains imprisoned in the liquid, and, escaping the mo- ment the cork is withdrawn, renders the wine sparkling and frothy : Champagne is of this kind. 96. The FAMILY OF PAPA- VERA'CE^E (Jig. 161) also be- longs to the class of Hypope- ta'Iese ; the type of this family is the poppies, plants from which opium is obtained. The flower of the poppy has a calyx with two concave and very cadu'cous sepals ; a corolla with four large petals, which, before their ex- pansion, are plaited or wrinkled ; a great many stamens, a one- celled ovary, which becomes an oval capsule enclosing a great number of seeds. The red poppy Fig, 1 61. RED POPPY. Papaver rlweas (fig. 161) 95. What is wine ? What Benders some wine sparkling ? 96. To what class does the family of Papavera'cea- belong ? What is o'pium ? What is lau'danum ? CRUCIFEILE. LEGUMINOS^J. 133 so common in our gardens, belongs to this genus ; but the most celebrated species is the white poppy Papaver somni'ferum because the juice that is extracted from the capsules constitutes opium, a peculiar substance which has the property of calming pain and inducing sleep, when taken in small quantity, but in a large dose, is a violent poison. Dissolved in proof-spirits it con- stitutes lau'danum. 97. The FAMILY OF RANUNCU- LA'CE.E or Crowfoot tribe (fig* 162) also belongs to the class of Hypopeta'leae. It consists of herbs or very rarely shrubs. The petals are from three to fifteen, hypo- gy'nous, in one or more rows. The leaves are alternate or oppo- site, generally much divided, with the petiole dilated and forming a sheath half clasping the stem. The Anemone, Buttercup, Monk's- hood, and Traveller's-joy, are of this tribe. The plants of this family are in general acrid and caustic, and some are even poison- ous. 98. The FAMILY OF CRUCI'FEKJE is also composed of plants with hypogy'nous stamens ; almost all of them are herbaceous ; the leaves are alternate, and the flower has four ungui'culate petals arranged in the form of a cross, and six tetrady'namous stamens (four long and two short), and the fruit is a silique. In it we place mustard Sina2)is Cabbages Bras' sica Radish Raphanus sati- vus, &c. 99. The FAMILY OF RESEDA'CE^E, the type of which is the Reseda or Mignonette, that of the VIOLA'CK^E, which includes Violets, &c., that of the CARYOPHI'LLE^E, which includes the caper-bush (Capparis spinosa), &c., and several other families belong to the class of Hypopeta'lese. 100. The FAMILY OF LEGUMINO'S.E, of the class of Peripe- ta'leae, is, next to the grasses, one of the most useful, on account Fig. 162. RANUNCULUS. 97. What are the characters of the family of Ranuncula'cese ? 98. What are the characters of the family of Cruciferse ? 99. Name some other families of the class of Hypopeta'leae. 100. What are the characters of the family of Legumino's* ? 12 134 MIMOSA. of the abundant and various aliment it furnishes for man and the domestic animals. Some of these plants are herbaceous, and others are even very tall trees ; their flowers are generally com- posed of a monose'palous calyx, ordinarily campanu'liform or tubular, and a corolla with five unequal petals, the general form of which bears some resemblance to that of a butterfly ; the stamens are almost always ten in number, and joined together in two unequal fasciculi ; the fruit is a cod or legume, generally elongated, compressed, bivalve, and has a single cell enclosing seeds which are ordinarily globular or lenticular. The leaves are almost always alternate, and the stem varies much. 101. This very natural family has been divided into three sections, the Papiliona'cese, Cassia, and Mimosse. 102. The Papiliona 'cecz are characterized by the papiliona'- ceous corolla (Jig. 94), and have, in general, ten diadelphous stamens, as broom (Spartium scoparium), pea (Pisum sativum), laburnum (Cy'tisus laburnum]. 103. The Cassice have an equal and regular corolla of three or five petals, and ten stamens, of which some are frequently abortive, as the Senna shrub (Cassia senna), the Tamarind tree ( Tamarindus indica). 104. The Mimo'scB have a double calyx, the external small and of five teeth, the internal monosepalous and tubular (some- times called corolla), and numerous stamens, general- ly monodelphous, as the sen- sitive plant (fig. 163) (Mimosa pudica] the Gum Arabic tree (a'cacia vera), &c. The most common fea- ture of the family of Legu- minosse, is (Mr. Lindley ob- serves) " to have what are called papiliona'ceous flow- ers ; and when these exist, no difficulty is experienced in recognising the order, for papiliona'ceous flowers exist nowhere else. Another and more invariable character is Fig. 163. SENSITIVE PLANT. 101. How is the family of Legumino'sffi divided ? 102. How are the Papiliona' ceee characterized ? (from the Latin, papilio^ a butterfly, because the flower bears some resemblance to a butterfly.) 103. What are the characters of the Cas'siae ? 104. What are the characters of the Mimosas ? ROSACESAPPLE. PEARPLUM. 135 to have leguminous fruit; and by one of these two characters all the plants of the family are known." 105. Many plants of this family yield seeds, the coty'ledons of which are thick and fleshy, and formed chiefly of fecula, that serve us for food ; others furnish gum, the different a'cacice for example ; some are used as purgative medicines, such as the senna and tamarind ; and others yield colouring matters, which are very useful in the arts, such as indigo, campeachy wood, &c. 106. Most of our fruit trees belong to the FAMILY OF ROSA'CE^E, the type of which is the rose tree. This family takes its place near the Legumino'sa?, in the division of peripetalous dico- ty'ledons. The flower of these plants is composed of a mono- sepalous calyx, with four or five divisions, and a corolla almost always composed of from four to five petals regularly displayed ; the stamens are generally numerous; the leaves are alternate, and the form of the fruit varies a great deal. We place in this family, which also includes many ornamental plants, the apple, oear, plum, cherry, peach, apricot, quince, medlar, almond, strawberry, raspberry, dewberry, &c. 107. The apple tree Pyrus rnalus grows to from fifteen to twenty feet in height, and bears oval, dentate leaves, smooth on both sides, and white flowers tinted with rose colour externally. It is indigenous to the forests of Europe, and in the wild state, flowers about the beginning of May, but earlier when cultivated. The structure of its fruit has already been mentioned (fig. 116). More than a hundred varieties are known ; this tree only flourishes in temperate climates, and succeeds best in a deep and slightly humid soil ; it may live two hundred years. The apple is a wholesome and agreeable fruit ; the most important product from it is rider, a more or less spirituous liquor, obtained by ferment- ing the juice of the fruit, which is obtained by pressing it. 108. The pear tree Pyrus communis a tree similar to the preceding, is also indigenous to the forests of Europe ; it succeeds best in a rich soil, but also accommodates itself to dry and sandy situations. Pears are very much esteemed, and vary very much in taste as well as in form; their juice by fermentation yields a liquor very similar to cider, called perry. 109. The plum, apricot, peach, and cherry, differ from the preceding in the structure of their fruit, which is a fleshy, round 105. In what manner are the Mimosae valuable to us ? 106. What are the characters of the family of Rosa'ceae? What plants are included in this family ? 107. What are the characters of the apple tree ? What is cider ? 108. What is perry? 109. What are prunes ? 136 CHERRY APRICOT. PEACH. ALMOND. drupe, slightly furrowed on one side, containing a nut enclosing one or two oleaginous seeds. The domestic plum Prunus domestica is a hardy tree of middle size, which accommodates itself to all kinds of soil ; when left to itself it grows straight and pyramidal, but from trimming forms a rounded top ; the leaves are oval, smooth above and slightly pubescent below; its flowers are white; and its fruit, the colour and form of which varies, has a smooth skin, without down, and more or less covered by a very fine powder, called flour. Nearly all the species of plums may be dried in the sun or in an oven and con- verted into prunes. 110. The common clierry Prunus cera'sus is analo- gous to the plum; it appears to be originally from Asia, and Pliny informs us that in the year of Rome 880, Lucullus, after his victory over Mithridates, introduced it into Italy. This tree delights in temperate climates, and yields abundance of excellent fruit. 111. The apricot Prunus armeni'aca appears to be origin- ally from Armenia; every one knows the fruit of this tree, and the form of its stone or nut. The peach Amy'gdalus persica (of which the nectarin is a variety) and the almond Amy 'g. dalis communis and Amy'gdalus ama'ra belong to the same genus, but differ from the apricot in the nut, the surface, of which, instead of being smooth, is irregularly and deeply furrowed. The peach is originally from Persia, and does not prosper except in localities where it is exposed to the influence of the sun ; when carefully trimmed it may live forty years. The almond is a tree of twenty-five to thirty feet high ; its trunk is rugged, and cover- ed with an ash-coloured bark ; the leaves are straight, pointed and dentate; the flower is white, and expands before the leaves are developed ; the fruit is ovoid, elongated, a little fleshy, and of a green colour ; and the bony case which envelopes the almond kernel is sometimes thin and pliable, and at others, thick and very hard. There are two principal varieties; one called the bitter, and the other the sweet almond ; both contain a good deal of oil, and yield, when rubbed up in water, an emulsion called almond milk, which forms the basis of orgeat. Bitter almonds also contain, in very small quantity, a very volatile sub- stance, called hydrocy'anic or prussic acid, which is a most vio- lent poison. 112. The strawberry Fraga'ria vesca is an herbaceous 1 1 0. Where is the cherry tree from, originally ? 111. What are the characters of the almond tree ? What is orgeat ? 112. What are the characters of the strawberry 1 STRAWBERRY. RASPBERRY.MELONS. 137 plant with a very short stem ; almost all the leaves are radical, and ordinarily consist of three leaflets borne on a long petiole ; the collum of the root gives rise to slender, long, repent shoots, which take root, from point to point, put forth leaves, and thus form new stems ; from the midst of these leaves rise two or three simple, slender sterns, which bear on their summit from four to six white flowers. The red, fleshy body which succeeds the flower, and known under the name of strawberry, is commonly taken for the fruit of this plant, but is nothing but a prolongation of the common support of the seeds, which becomes succulent and very much developed ; the true fruit, that is, the seeds and their envelope, adhere to its surface. This plant grows through- out Europe, and in most places in North and South America. 113. Raspberries Rubus idceus which have nearly the same structure as the strawberry, are furnished by a shrub of the genus of bramble, which belongs to the family of Rosa'ceax Botanists call the raspberry the bramble of Mount Ida, because it grows wild on that mountain, but it is also originally from the northern regions of Europe and America ; it delights in a light and somewhat shaded soil. Its root is a ligneous stock which produces several straight stems armed with numerous fine thorns; its flowers are white, quite small, and borne on slender peduncles. Its fruit is composed of many small monospermous berries slightly attached to each other, and placed round a conical, fleshy sup- port. The dewberry Rubus ccesius yields a fruit of similar character, but it is without the taste and perfume of the rasp- berry. 114. The FAMILY OF CUCURBITA'CE^E belongs to the same class as the preceding, and is composed of large herbaceous plants, the fruit of which is a pepo. The pulpy matter found in the fruit of most of the plants of this family is wholesome and often very nutritious. The melon or cantaloupe, so much prized as a dessert fruit, is obtained from the Cu'cumis melo ; the com- mon cucumber is the fruit of the Cu'cumis sativus. Besides these, we have the water-melon Cu'cumis citrullus and the squash-gourd, &c. The FAMILY OF MYRTIA'CE^E or MYRT.E, and several others also take their place in the division of polype- talous dicotyledons. 113. What are raspberries ? 114. What are the characters of the Cucurbita'ces ? 138 FOP. HEMP. 115. To the same division of Peripeta'lese belong the Indian figs, or Ca'ctece, or Nopa'- lecs (Jig. 164) ; they are known by the stamens being indefinite, the calyx and corolla being im- perceptible, or very minute, and their succulent character. The fruits of many of the Ca'ctece are pulpy and refreshing. The milky juice of some of the plants in this family is very dan- gerous, as that of the Cactus grandiflorus, C actus flagelliformis, &c. The insect called Cochineal (Cocus cacti) is found on some species of cactus. DICLINOUS* DICOTY'LEDONS. 116. This fourth division of the dicoty'ledons is composed, in the method of Jussieu, of plants, the flowers of which are truly unisexual and diclinous, that is, the two sexes are not found in the same individual ; but it is not very natural and is not adopted by the majority of the botanists of the present day. In this division we place the Euphorbia'ceaa, the Cupuli'fera, or Amenta'cese, the Urti'cese, the Coni'ferae, &c. 117. The FAMILY OF URTI'CE,E is composed of plants, both herbaceous and ligneous, the juices of which are often milky, the flowers are apetalous, joined in a catkin or enclosed in a fleshy involucre, and have hypogy'nous stamens ; the fruit is composed of a crustaceous achenium enveloped by the calyx or involucre. We place in this family the hop (Humulus lupulus), which is valued in brewing for the bitter quality of its strobili or cones ; the banyan tree (Ficus religiosa) ; the fig (Ficus carica) ; nettle (Urtica dioica) ; the well known plant which furnishes hemp (Cannabis saliva) ; mulberry (Morus nigra). The bark of the Morus papyrifera furnishes the paper of the Chinese. The bread-fruit tree (Artocarjms incisa) ; the elm, &c. 118. The hemp Cannabis sativa belongs to the family of Urti'cese; it is an herbaceous, dioeceous plant, the male flowers of which are arranged in axillary and terminal panicles, and the female flowers are sessile in the axils of the superior ramuscules ; these flowers have a single envelope which takes the place of * DICLINOUS : (from the Greek, dis, two, and kline, bed.) This term is applied to plants in which the sexual organs exist separately in different flowers, that is, not having both sexes in the same flower, being unisexual. 115. How is the family of Nopa'leae known ? What is cochineal? 1 1 6. What kind of plants are included in the class of Dicli'neoe ? 117. What are the characters of the family of Urti'ceffl ? 1 18. What is hemp ? For what is it used ? ELM. BREAD-FRUIT. OAK. 139 calyx and corolla; it is entire, oblong or conical, and in the female flowers laterally cleft, while in the male, it presents five oblong and slightly concave parts. We know but one species of this genus ; its straight, quadrangular stem rises from five to six feet high ; the leaves are digitate, acuminate, and dentate ; at the base of the stem, opposite, and alternate above. In this plant, as well as almost all of the dicecia, the males are not so tall as the females, and, through a singular error, they are always regarded by the ignorant, as the female, and vice versa. Hemp is origin- ally from Persia, and has been as long in use as flax ; it is culti- vated in great quantity in different parts of Europe, and even grows there spontaneously. It is sown in the month of June in very rich soil ; the female plants, which ripen later than the male, are chiefly cultivated for the seed, from which an oil is obtained, for burning in France, for eating in Russia, and paint- ing in England. Within a few years hemp has been cultivated in the United States. It is manufactured into ropes for rigging ships, &c. 119. The elm is also a plant of the family of Urti'cese. Its flowers, which are hermaphrodite, are very small and united in clusters at the upper part of the ramifications of the stem ; they expand before the leaves, which are simple and alternate. This tree is indigenous in France, and acquires a great size ; it is. frequently employed in forming shady avenues, and its wood is useful. 120. The bread-fruit of the South Sea Islands bears a pulpy fruit, which, when gathered before being ripe, is roasted ; it tastes like bread made of wheat flour and potatoes. The inhabitants of Tahiti and the adjacent islands feed upon it nearly throughout the year. 121. The FAMILY OF CUPULI'FER,E or AMENTA'CEJE, contains several of our most important forest trees, such as the oak, beech, and chestnut. It is composed of trees with simple, alternate leaves; the male flowers are arranged in cylindrical and scaly catkins, and the female flowers are generally axillary and entirely, or in part, covered by a scaly cupule ; the fruit is always a gland, which is commonly unilocular, and always accompanied by a cupule. There are several species of oak known ; the com- mart or red oak is a magnificent tree which grows to a height of sixty or seventy feet; the leaves are laterally incised into obtuse lobes, and almost always regularly opposite; the male flowers 119. What are the general characters of the elm ? 120. Where is bread fruit found ? How is it eaten ? 121. What are the characters of the family of Cupuli'fenB ? (from the Latin, cupulum, a little cup, and fero, I bear.) What description of plants does this family contain ? What are the characters of the oak ? What is tan? 140 TAN. NUT-GALLS. CORK. form long, slender catkins at the upper part of the young branches ; and the female flowers are sessile, and grouped in the axils of the upper leaves. This tree grows slowly, but lives for a long time ; it rarely begins to bear glands (acorns) at an early age, but does not cease to grow till the end of three or four cen- turies. Its wood is very valuable on account of its hardness and durability, and is used for frame-work in building. Its bark, which is very astringent, is also very useful, because it serves to make tan, a substance by means of which skins are tanned, and form leather. 122. Nut-galls, which are employed for making ink, and for dyeing black, are excrescences produced by the sting or puncture of a little insect on the branches of a species of oak in Asia Minor. 123. The holm-oak or evergreen-oak which abounds in the South of Europe, has dentate leaves, which remain throughout the winter. The same is true of another species of this genus, known as the cork tree, because it furnishes cork. This sub- stance, which is spongy and elastic, is the herbaceous layer of the bark, which is removed from the tree every eight or ten years ; there are a great many of these trees in Spain, and also in the South of France. The outer bark is the cork, but there is an interior bark which is left on to protect the tree, so that stripping off the outer bark is so far from injuring the trees, that it is necessary to their continuation. Trees that are never bark- ed are said to die at the end of fifty or sixty years. The bark is removed for the first time when the tree is about fifteen years old. It is taken off in sheets, and after being detached, it is flat- tened by presenting the convex side to heat, or by pressure. In either case it is charred (slightly burned) on both surfaces to close the transverse pores previously to being sold. The car- bonized surface produced by this charring may be seen in bungs (for casks), but not in corks, which being cut in the lengthway of the bark, the charring is taken off in the rounding. 124. The live-oak Quercus virens grows to the height of forty or fifty feet, spreading its branches, when in open places, extremely wide ; it yields the finest and most durable ship-timber of any species known ; for which reason it is considered one of the most valuable trees in the United States. It is chiefly found in Florida, and the Southern States. 122. What are nut-gails ? What are they used for ? 123. What tree furnishes cork ? What is the reason that we see sheets of cork slightly charred ? 124. Where does live-oak grow ? CHESTNUT. ELM. PINES. 141 125. The chestnuts Casta'nea form another genus of the same family as the preceding; the fruit is a species of nut with a single cell, which encloses two or three seeds containing a good deal of fecula, and is entirely enveloped by the cupule, the sur- face of which is studded with sharp points. The common chest- nut is a large beautiful tree which grows spontaneously in the forests, nearly throughout Europe and different parts of North America; it sometimes acquires an enormous size; there is one on Mount Etna said to be one hundred and ten feet in circum- ference ; it is hollow, and a little house has been built in its interior, with a hearth where they cook chestnuts which are often gathered from the tree itself. In Cevennes, Limousin, and some other parts of France, the peasants live almost exclusively on chestnuts. The wood is used in building ; it is extremely durable, and in high esteem for posts and rails to construct fences. The chinquapin nut Casta'nea pu'mila is a small tree, or rather a shrub, growing to the height of thirty feet in the Southern States, but scarcely exceeding seven or eight in cold latitudes. The fruit is very sweet and agreeable to eat. 126. The yoke-elm also belongs to the family of Cupuli'ferae ; the male and female flowers are arranged in catkins, composed of imbricated scales. It is a tree easily shaped by trimming, and for this reason is often employed in Europe for hedges ; it some- times rises to fifty or sixty feet in height, and its wood, which is very hard, is much used by wheelwrights, and for fuel. 127. A great many European forests are formed of trees of the FAMILY OF CONI'FER^E, which is placed in the class of Di cli'neoc, alongside of the Cupuli'ferra ; they are generally designated under the title of evergreens and resinous trees, because they pre- serve their leaves through the winter, and because their wood contains a great quantity of resin (commonly called rosin). Almost all of them have stiff, linear, coriaceous leaves ; their flowers are unisexual, and arranged in cones or catkins which are ordinarily scaly; and generally the fruit also is a scaly qone. Fir trees and pines are types of this family ; these two genera are distinguished from each other by their aspect, by their leaves, which are solitary on the fir tree, and united in fasciculi or bunches of from two to five on the pines ; by the male flowers, the catkins of which are isolated and solitary on the pines, and united and grouped on the fir tree, and by several other charac- teristics. Both delight in mountainous regions, and on sandy 1 25. What are the characters of the chestnut tree ? What plant furnishes chinquapins ? 126. What are the characters of the yoke-elm? 127. What are the characters of the family of Coni'ferse ? (from the Latin, com/8, a cone, and /cro, I bear.) Where do pines most abound ? 142 USES OF PLANTS. plains. Pines abound especially in the north, where they form forests of vast extent ; the stem is straight, and their height, fre- quently colossal ; a great many species are known. 128. The Jersey pine, pitch, or scrub pine, is of middle size, straggling growth, and full of resin. Its branches are tougher than those of any other pine, and might be used for many pur- poses if its wood were not subject to so early a decay. The pitch pine is generally known in its native country by the name of Norway pine ; sometimes, particularly among the Canadian French, red pine. It grows in close forests, is very tall, and its bark remarkably smooth and red ; the limber is very heavy ; for which reason it is rejected for masts, though its shape and size appear to recommend it for that purpose. The yellow pine is most in use for building houses as well as shipping. The loblolly or old field pine is found in large tracts in the Southern States ; all the woods seem to be filled with its seeds ; for when any piece of clear land is neglected for any space of time, it will be covered by these pines. It is difficult, and in some cases almost imprac- ticable, to recover lands so run over, as the ground appears to have lost all fertile properties for other vegetation. The long- leaved, yellow, pitch, or brown pine, is a beautiful, as well as a very useful tree. The white or Weymouth pine grows in the State of Vermont, to an enormous size ; it is the best timber in America for masts. Turpentine, resin, tar, and pitch, are the products of several species of pines, and are exported in large quantities from the United States. The common fir is found in the same countries as the wild pine. Larch and cedar are very analogous to the fir tree. OF THE USES OF PLANTS. From the short sketch we have just given of the vegetable kingdom, we see how many important and varied services are rendered to us by plants. Either directly or indirectly, all ani- mals are nourished by plants; indeed, there is an immense num- ber of animated beings that eat nothing but vegetable substances, and those that feed upon meat would not find sufficient food, unless they devoured each other, without destroying those that are main- tained on vegetable food exclusively. There is scarcely a plant that does not nourish some animal ; almost all insects, for exam- ple, live either in the perfect or in the larva state, at the expense of the plant upon which they are habitually found ; and even in the highest classes of the animal kingdom, the number of 128. What species of pine are most prevalent in the United States ? What is tar procured from ? What plants yield turpentine ? USES OF PLANTS. 143 phyti'vorous* species is immense, for the quadruma'na,f the gnawers, the pa'chyderms,:}: and the ruminants, all observe a vegetable diet ; and man himself derives most of his food from the vegetable kingdom. Among the most important alimentary plants, the first are the cereals. Under this name we designate plants of the family of grasses, which afford nourishment to man and most domestic ani- mals ; namely, wheat, rye, barley, oats, maize, and rice. There is in the interior of their seed, betwixt the spermoderm and the embryo, a considerable deposit of amylaceous matter, designed to nourish the young plant, and designated by botanists under the name of albumen or perisperm ; it is this matter we use for food. We have already studied the history of these plants, con- sequently it is useless to repeat it. We will, however, add here, that the perisperm of the cereals, and consequently the flour obtained by grinding them, is essentially composed of fecula or starch, ordinarily mixed with a certain quantity, of a substance named gluten, which considerably resembles animal matter. Wheat flour contains more gluten than any other, and for this reason, it makes better bread and is more nutritious ; rye also contains it, but there is none in rice, oats, &c. Other plants also furnish abundance of fecula, but not from the same part as in those mentioned ; sometimes it is in the coty'le- dons of the seed, sometimes in tubercles, and at other times in the very substance of the stems or roots ; thus, peas and beans and some other plants of the family of Legumino'sae, furnish edible seeds, the coty'ledons of which contain the same as the albumen of the cereals, a great deal of fecula, and a certain quantity of gluten mixed with sugar and some other matters. Whatever part this fecula may occupy, it in general constitutes, as in the pericarp of the cereals, depositories of nutritive matter for the nourishment of the young plant, or of new shoots. The tubers of the potatoe owe their nutritious qualities to the quantity of fecula they contain ; the same is true of batatas\\ (the Spanish or sweet potatoe), a species of convolvulus, originally * Phyti'vorous. From the Greek, phuton, plant, and oro, I eat; plant, eating. t Quadruma'na. From the Latin, quadrinvs, formed from quatuor, four, and manus, hand ; having four hands. t Pa'chyderm. From the Greek, pachus, thick, and derma, skin. Amyla'ceous. From the Latin, amy'lum, starch ; starchy. || Batatas is either a Malay or Mexican word. The plant is a native of both the E.ast and West Indies, and China. It was first carried to Spain from the West Indies, and annually imported into England, and sold as a delicacy. It is the potatoe of Shakspeare and his cotemporaries, the com- rnon or Irish potatoe being then scarcely known in Europe. 144 USES OF PLANTS. from India, which is now cultivated in all warm regions in the world. The species of fecula, known under the name of cassava or tapioca, of which great use is made in the West Indies, is derived from the root of the manioc, a plant of the family of Euphorbia'cese, which also contains a very poisonous juice that is separated by means of water. Sago is another species of fecula obtained from the stem of a palm, and salep is also a fecula obtained from the stem of a monocotyle'donous plant of the family of Orchi'dese. The most esteemed of our fruits, the majority of them at least, are furnished by the family of Rosa'cese : for example, apples, pears, plums, cherries, peaches, apricots, strawberries, raspber- ries ; and to complete the list of fruit trees we must not omit the mention of some species of the family of Ampeli'dese, and the family of Aurantia'cese ; namely, the vine, the orange, and citron. Plants furnish us not only with wholesome and agreeable food, but also substances which are of the greatest utility in the manu- facture of clothing, and in the construction of our dwellings. Hemp, flax, and cotton, yield us long, flexible filaments, which constitute excellent materials for spinning and weaving ; and our forest trees, almost all of which belong to the family of Cupuli'- ferse, or that of the Coni'ferse, furnish abundance of wood for building our houses and ships, as well as for the manufacture of furniture, and instruments of various kinds. Ornamental plants which decorate our gardens and con- servatories are very numerous ; they are furnished by very various families, in the front rank of which we may place the rosa'cese, because it has for its type one of our most beautiful flowers, the rose. Many species and varieties of rose trees are known, and almost all of them may be cultivated in the open air, in our climate; they flourish best in a light soil and partial expo- sure to the sun. In the wild state, they have but five petals, in the midst of which we observe a great number of stamens ; but cultivation has transformed most of these latter organs into petals, and enhanced the beauty of the flowers. The dahlia, which was for some years so rare, but now every- where met in gardens, belongs to the family of Synanthe'rese; this beautiful herbaceous plant has a perennial root composed of bundles of horizontal, oblong tubercles, from which rises a cylin- drical, branching stem, bearing opposite leaves and large flowers, which appear from the end of July till the approach of frost. The dahlia may be multiplied by its seeds, or by the division of its roots. The genus aster, which comprises a great number of beautiful autumnal flowers, including the Queen Margaret, which was im- USES OF PLANTS. 145 ported from China into Europe, about a hundred years ago, also belongs to the family of Synanthe'rea3. The family of Caryophi'llese presents our gardens with dif- ferent species of carnations or pinks, known under the name of common pink, china pink, &c. The family of Legumino'sae gives us aca'cia, the sweet pea, &c. We have seen that a great many plants afford to man whole- some and abundant food ; that others are violent poisons to him, but very many even of the latter are useful, because when pru- dently administered they constitute powerful medicines. A great number of plants of the family of Sola'nese are of this kind; for example, belladonna, henbane, stramonium, to- bacco ; some species of the family of Papavera'ceaB, such as the poppies ; and hemlock, which belongs to the Umbelli'ferce, &c. &c. In our citation of poisonous plants, we must not omit the mush- rooms, the history of which we have already given. 13 GLOSSARY. BOTANY. ABO'RT. To bring forth before the time; to fail in complete produc- tion. A seed that fails to germi- nate may be said to abo'rt. ABO'RTION. The act of bringing forth untimely. ABO'RTIVE. That which fails to pro- duce or bring forth anything; fall- ing off without producing any fruit. ABSO'RPTION. The act of swallowing up (pages 17 and 27). ACA'CIA. From the Greek akantha, a thorn Systematic name of a ge- nus of plants. ACA'ULOUS. From the Greek, o, with- out, and kaulos, stem. Without a stem. A'ccESsoRY. Joined to another thing so as to increase it ; additional. ACERO'SE. From the Latin, acer, a needle. In form of a needle. ACHE'NIUM. From the Greek, a, with- out, and cAaino, I gape. A form of fruit. A'ciD. Sour, sharp. In chemistry this term is applied to all sub- stances which saturate and neu- tralize alkalies and other salifiable bases. ACOTY'LEDON. From the Greek, a, without, and kotuledon, a seed-lobe. A class of plants. A'COTYLE'DONOUS. Belonging or re- lating to acoty'ledons. ACU'MINATE. From the Latin, acu- men, a point. Pointed. ACU'TE. More gradually sharp point- ed than acuminate. In botanical language every angle is acute. ADVENTI'TIOUS. Accidental. Adven- titious roots are those which grow from the stem (page. 19). Adven- titious buds are those which grow on parts of the stem where they are not commonly met. IS. Latin. Equal ; even. . From the Latin, asti- vus, of or belonging to summer. A figurative expression employed to indicate the manner in which the parts of a flower are arranged before they unfold. Botanists speak of the aestivation of the calyx, of the corolla, of the stamens. A'GAMOUS. From the Greek, o, with- out, and gamos, marriage. A class of plants. AGA'RICUS. Latin. Agaric. AGGLU'TINATED. From the Latin, ad, together, and gluten, glue. Joined to, or united together. AGGREGATED. Collected together ; accumulated. When a fruit is com- posed of several agglutinated car- pels, it is said to be aggregate. AKE'NE. See Achenium. ALBU'MEN. From the Latin, albus, white. An immediate principle of animals and vegetables ; it con- stitutes the chief part of the white of eggs. ALBUR'NUM, Sap-wood. AL'G^E. Latin, plural of alga, sea. weed. Systematic name of a family of plants. ALIME'NTARY. Affording nourish- ment. ALOPECU'RUS. From the Greek, alo- pex, fox, and oura, tail. Name of a kind of grass. ALTE'RNATE. Being by turns ; one after another. AMA'RA. Latin. Bitter. AMARYL'LID^:. Also,Amaryllida'ceaB. Systematic name of an order of plants, formed from Amaryllis, the name of one genus of the order. AME'NTUM. Latin. A cat-kin. AME'NTA. Latin. Plural of Amentum. AMENTA'CE^J. Systematic name of a family of plants, in which the flow- ers are arranged in amenta or cat. kins. (H8) BOTANY. GLOSSARY. 147 L j American . AMERICA'NA. AMERICA NUS. AMPEI/IDE^E. From the Greek, Am- pelos, a vine. A systematic name of a family of vines. AMPLE'XJCAULE. From the Latin, am- plecto, I embrace, and cavils, stem. Stem - embracing. Applied to a fbrrn of leaf. AMPU'LLA. Latin. A bottle. Any- thing blown or puffed up. The name of a form of leaf. AMYG'DAUJP. Latin. From the Greek amugdalon, an almond. Generic name of the almond tree. AMYLA'CEOUS. From the Latin, amy'- lum, starch. Starchy ; of the na- ture of starch. ANA'LOGOUS. Similar ; bearing a re- semblance to. ANDRO'PHORE. From the Greek, an- dros, the genitive of alter, man anther, and phoreo, I bear. Anther- bearer. A kind of sheath to the pistil. ANDRO'PHORUM. Latin. Androphore. ANGIOSPE'RMIA. From the Greek, ag- geion, a vessel, and sperma, seed. Name of a Linnsean order of plants. ANGU'LINERVE. From the Latin, an- gulus, a corner, an angle, and ner- vus, a nerve or sinew. Having straight nerves which form angles with each other. A'NNUAL. From the Latin, annus, a year. Yearly. A plant which rises from the seed, reaches perfection and perishes within a year. A'NNULAR. From the Latin, annulus, a ring. In form of a ring. ANO'MALOUS. From the Greek, and- malos, unequal, irregular. A'NTHER. From the Greek, anthera, a flowery herb. A'NTHRACITE. From the Greek, an- thrax, charcoal. Mineral charcoal. A kind of stone coal, which is hard and difficult to inflame. APETA'LE^E. From the Greek, fl, with- out, and petalon, petal. Systematic name of a group of plants. APE'TALOUS. Applied to flowers that have a calyx and no corolla, or neither. A'PEX. The top, summit, or end. When applied to a leaf, it is tho point most remote from the base. APOCA'RPOUS. From the Gieek, apo, from, and karpos, fruit. Applied to fruits formed of a single carpel. APOTHE'CUM. From the Greek, apo- theke, a repository. APPARA'TUS. An assemblage of or- gans. ARBORE'SCENT. From the Latin, ar- bor, a tree. Stems of plants which are at first herbaceous and after- wards become somewhat woody and tree-like. A'RIL. A coat or covering of certain seeds, formed by the expansion of the funicula or placenta. ARI'LLUS. Latin. Aril. ARI'STATE. Awned. ARISTOLOCHI'A. From the Greek, arri- ses, excellent, and lochos, female, because it was supposed to be ex- cellent for females in particular conditions. Name of a family of plants. ARMENI'ACA. Latin. Armenian. AROMA'TIC. From the Greek, aroma, an odour. Spicy ; fragrant. ARTI'CULATE. Jointed. Articulate leaves are those attached to the stem by a sort of joint. ARTICULA'TION. A joint. ARTOCA'RPUS. From the Greek, artos, bread, and karpos, fruit. Generic name of the bread-fruit tree. ASCI'DHJM. From the Greek, askos, a bottle or pitcher. A kind of leaf. ASPARAGI'NE^E. From the Greek, spar- rosso, I tear, or asparagos, a term applied to the tender shoots of plants. Systematic name of a fa- mily of plants. ASPHODE'LEJE. From the Greek, as- phodelos, name of a flower. Sys- tematic name of a family of plants. ASSIMILA'TION. The act by which liv ing bodies (plants or animals) ap propriate and transform into their own substance, matters with which they may be placed in contact. As- similation is therefore a part of the function of nutrition. ASSO'LEMENT. French. The art of arranging crops in proper succes- sion, according to the soil, to secure the greatest production. 148 BOTANY. GLOSSARY. A'STER. From the Greek, aster, a star. Name of a genus of plants. AT'ROPA. From the Greek, atropos, " the Goddess of Destiny;" so called from its fatal effects. Name of a genus of plants. AURANTIA'CE^E. From the Latin, au- rantium, an orange. Name of an order of plants. AURA'NTIUM. Latin. An orange. AURI'CULATE. From the Latin, auri- cula, a little ear. A form of leaf which has ear-like lobes or projec- tions at the base. AUTOMA'TJC. From the Greek, avtos, self, maten, easily, or automates, spontaneously. That which acts of itself. A' VENA. Latin. Oats. AWNED. Terminating in a long hard bristle. A'XIL. From the Latin, axilla, arm- pit. The angle or point at which a leaf or branch unites with the stem. A'XILLARV. Belonging to an axil or axilla. A'ZOTE. From the Greek, a, priva- tive, and zoe, life. A name given to nitrogen because it will not sup- port animal life. BAMBU'SA. Bamboo. BATA'TAS. Sweet potatoes. BICRENATE. From the Latin, bis, two, and crena, a notch, a slit. Doubly crenate. BJE'NNIAL. From the Latin, bis, two, and annus, year. A term applied to plants which grow one year and flower the next, after which they perish; they only differ from an- nuals in requiring a longer time to produce fruit. BIFURCATION. From the Latin, bis, two, and furca, fork. The point where a part forms two branches like a fork. BIJU'GATE. From the Latin, bis, two, and jugum, yoke. A leaf formed of two pairs of leaflets. BILO'BATE. Having two lobes. BILO'CULAR. From the Latin, bis, two, and loculus, partition. Hav- ing two cells. BI'NATE. From the Latin, bis, two, and nalus, grown. A form of leaf composed of two leaflets. BIPIN'NATE. Doubly pinnate. BITE'RNATE. Doubly ternate. BITU'MINOUS. Relating to bitu'men; mineral pitch. BIVA'LVE. From the Latin, bis, two, and valva, door. Composed of two parts, joined together like doors. BORAGI'NE^E, or Boragina'ceae. Name of a family of plants of whicli the Borago is the type. BO'TANV. From the Greek, botane, a plant. Natural history of plants. BRA'SSICA. Latin. Cabbage. BRACT. From the Latin, bractea, a thin leaf of metal. A floral leaf different in colour from other leaves BRA'CTE^E. Latin. Bracts. BULB. A collection of fleshy scales arranged like those of a bud, of which the bulb is a slight modifi- cation, separating spontaneously from the stem to which it belongs, and emitting roots from its base. BU'LBOUS. Belonging or relating to a bulb. CADU'COUS. From the Latin, cado, I fall. Applied to leaves which fall off early. C^'sius. Latin. Grey. CA'LAMUS. A genus of palms. CA'LICES. Latin. Plural of calyx. CA'LYX. The cup of a flower. CALY'PTRA. From the Greek, kalup- tra, a covering. Part of the cap- sule of a moss. CA'MBIUM. A low Latin word for liquid which^ becomes glutinous. CAMEL' LIA. A genus of the family of Aurantia'ceae, named in honour of Ivamel, a botanist. CAMPA'NULATE. Bell-shaped. CAMPANU'LIFORM. From the Latin campanula, a little bell, and forma, shape. In shape of a bell. CANI'CULATED. Channelled or fur- rowed. CANNA'BIS. Latin. Hemp. CAPI'LLARV. From the Latin, capil- lus, a hair. Hair-like. CA'PITAL. From the Latin, caput, head. An assemblage of flowers on a common receptacle. CAPITA' TI, flores. Flowers collected into heads, as thistles and other plants, with compound flowers growing with a head. BOTANY. GLOSSARY. 149 CAPITA'TUS. Headed. CAPI'TULUM. Latin. A capital. CA'PPARIS. Latin. Caper-bush. CApRiFoLu'cEyE. Systematic name of a family of plants, formed from tlie genus Caprifolium, which is de- rived from the Latin, capra, goat, and folium, leaf. CAPSU'LE. From the Latin, capsula, a little casket or chest. A form of fruit. CA'RBON. See page 53. CA'RICA. Latin. A kind of dry fig. CA'RINA. Latin. A keel. CA'RPEL. From the Greek, karpos, fruit. Certain appendages or parts of the pistil are called carpels. CARYOPHYL'LE^:. From the Latin, caryo'phyllus, the garden pink. Systematic name of a family of plants. CARYOPHYLLA'CEOUS. Belonging or relating to the caryophylleae. CARYO'PSIS. From the Greek, karvon, a nut, and opsis, resemblance. Name of a form of fruit, as the grain of wheat, for example. CASTA'NEA. Latin. Chestnut. CA'TKIN. A form of inflorescence. CAU'DEX. Latin. A trunk of a tree. CAULIS. Latin. Stem. CAU'STIC. From the Greek, fond, I burn. Substances which possess the property of destroying organic structure are so termed. CE'LLULAR. Composed of cells. CENOMY'CE. From the Greek, kenos, empty, and mukes, a diminutive fungus. A kind of lichen. CERA'SUS. Latin. A cherry tree. CE'REAL. From the Latin, ceres, corn. Applied to grasses which produce the bread corns ; as wheat, rye, barley, oats, maize, rice and millet. CHENOPO'DE^E. From the Greek, chen, goose, and pous, foot. Name of a family of apetalous dicotyledons. CHICORA'CE^E. From the Greek, ki- chore, garden succory. Systematic name of a family of plants. CHOND'RUS (pronounced Tcond'rus). From the Greek, Chondros, carti- lage. Name of a genus of sea- weeds. 13* ICA'TRICES. Plural of cicatrix. CICA'TRIX. Latin. A scar. LIA'TUS. Latin (from cilium, eye- lash). Having the margin guarded by parallel bristles, like the eye- lash. NCHO'NA (pronounced sinkdnah). Name of Peruvian bark, so called from the Spanish Viceroy's lady, the Countess of Cinchon, who was cured of fever by it, at Lima, about 1638. CIRR'OSO-PIXNATE. From the Latin, cir'rus, a tendril, and pinna, wing. A form of pinnate leaf having ten- drils at the extremity. CI'TRUS. Latin. Lemon or orange tree. CITRU'LLUS. Latin. Diminutive of citrus. j CLAW. The inferior part of a petal, corresponding to the petiole of a leaf. CLO'STRES. Elongatcd,spindle-shapcd cells. CLUSTER. When flowers are borne on a common, irregularly branched peduncle, they form a cluster. CO'LLUM. Latin. Neck. The part between the stem and root. COMMU'NIS. Latin. Common. COM ' POS ITE. Com poun d . CONCE'NTRIC. Having a common cen- tre. CONCE'PTICLE. Envelope of a sporule. COM'FERJE. From the Latin, conus, a cone, and /ero, I bear. Cone-bearing. CONM'UM. From the Greek, koneion, hemlock. CON'JUGATE. From the Latin, con, together, and jugum, a yoke. Yoked or joined together. CON'NATE. From the Latin, con, to- gether, and natus, grown. Joined together at the base. CONNEC'TIVE. From the Latin, con- necto, I join together. CONVO'LVULUS. Latin. Bind-weed. (From convolo, I bind together or entwine.) CONVOLVULA'CE*:. Systematic name of a family of plants. COR'DATE. Heart-shaped. CO'RDJFORM. From the Latin, cor, the heart, and forma, shape. Heart- shaped. 150 BOTANY. GLOSSARY. CORIA'CEOUS. From the Latin, cori- um, liide of a beast. Leathery. CORISANTHE'RE.E. From the Greek, koris, St. John's wort, and anthos, flower. Systematic name of a class of plants. CO'RMUS. From the Greek, kormos, stern. The representative of the stem in bulbous plants. CORO'LLA. Latin. A little crown. CORO'LL^E. Plural of Corolla. CORFI/SCULE. From the Latin,corpws, body. A diminutive body. COR'RUGATED. From the Latin, con, together, and ruga, a wrinkle. Wrinkled. CO'RTICAL. From the Latin cortex, bark. Belonging to or partaking of the nature of bark. CO'RVMB. From the Greek korumbos, a helmet, a summit. COTY'LEDON. From the Greek, kotu- leddn, seed-lobe. COT YLE' DO NOUS. Belonging or relat- ing to a cotyledon. CRE'NATE. Having rounded teeth. CRE'NULATE. Finely crenate. CRENULA'TION. A rounded tooth. CRJ'NES. Latin. Hairs. CRI'NITUS. Latin. Hairy. CRUCI'FER^E. From the Latin, crux, a cross, and fero, I bear. The flow- ers being in form of a Maltese cross. Systematic name of an or- der of plants. CRU'CIFORM. Cross-shaped. CRYPTOGA'MIA. From the Greek, kruptos, concealed, and gamos, mar- riage. Name of a class of plants. CRYPTO'GAMOUS. Belonging or relat- ing to Crvptoga'mia. CUCU'MIS. Latin. A cucumber. CUCURBITA'CE^E. From the Latin, cucurbita, a gourd. Name of a fa- mily of plants. CULM. From the Latin, culrrws, a stem. The stems of the grasses. From the Latin, ,, Wege - CU'PULE. A little cup. CUPULI'FERJE. From the Latin, cu- Clum, a little cup, and fero, I nr. CURVINERVE. See page 32. CU'SPIDATE. From the Latin, cuspis, a point. A form of leaf terminal- ing in a point. CU'TICLE. From the Latin, cutis, skin. The scarf-skin. The exter- nal covering of plants. CYA'THIFORM. From the Latin, cya- thus, a drinking -cup, and forma, shape. A form of corolla. DECAGY'NIA. From the Greek, deca, ten, and gune, pistil. Name of an order of plants. DECA'NDRIA. From the Greek, deca, ten, and oner, stamen. Name of a class of plants. DE'CIDUOUS. From the Latin, decide, to fall off. Applied to plants whose leaves fall in the autumn, to distin- guish them from evergreens. DECOMPO'SE. When the chemical con- stitution of substances is altered, they are said to be decomposed. DEHI'SCKNT. From the Latin, dehi. scere, to gape wide open. Applied to certain fruits. DE'LTOID. From the Greek A, delta, and eidos, resemblance. A form of leaf (page 45). DE'NTATE. From the Latin, dens, tooth. Toothed. DIADE'LPHIA. From the Greek, dis, two, and delphos, brotherhood. Name of a Linnaean class. DIA'NDRIA. From the Greek, dis, two, and aner, stamen. Name of a class of plants. DIA'NDROUS. Having two stamens. DICU'NI^E. From the Greek, dis, two, and klinos, bed. Name of a divi- sion of plants. DICLI'NOUS. From theGr. United States.