JAN 11191? LIBRARY OF THK UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA OiFT OF Class PRECISION TOOL5 PRATT & WHITNLY COMPANY HARTFORD, CONNLCTICUT Copyright, iqn, by Pratt & Whitney Company, Hartford, Connecticut 226969 PRATT & WHITNEY COMPANY HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT 5ALL5 OFFICL5 New York Trinity Building, 1 1 1 Broadway Boston Oliver Building, 141 Milk Street Chicago Commercial National Bank Building Philadelphia . Twenty-first and Callowhill Streets Pittsburg Frick Building St. Louis 5 i 6 North Third Street Hamilton, Ohio Care Miles Tool Works Company Detroit Majestic Building Cleveland Rockefeller Building DOMESTIC AGE.NT5 Le Sourd & Walpole .... Brown-Marx Building, Birmingham, Ala. Hendrie & Bolthoff Mfg. and Supply Company . 1639 J 7 tn Street, Denver Harron, Rickard & McCone . . .139 Townsend Street, San Francisco Harron, Rickard & McCone . . 164 N. Los Angeles Street, Los Angeles Portland Machinery Company Portland, Oregon Hallidie Machinery Company Seattle, Washington The Hallidie Company, Inc Spokane, Washington FORFJGN AGLNT5 Great Britain . Buck & Hickman, Ltd., 2 Whitechapel Road, London, E. Great Britain Pratt & Whitney Co., Exchange Bldgs., New St., Birmingham Great Britain Niles-Bement-Pond Company, 25 Victoria Street, London, S. W. France, Belgium and Switzerland .... Fenwick Freres & Company, 8 Rue de Rocroy, Paris Germany . F. G. Kretschmer & Company, Gutleutstr. 2, Frankfurt, aM. Argentine F. H. Bagge, 121 San Martin, Buenos Aires Austria . . Ernst Krause & Company, Engerthstrasse 165, Vienna XX/2 Brazil A. Cazzani, Boite Postale 802, Rio de Janeiro Canada . . The Canadian Fairbanks Company, Ltd., Montreal, Toronto, Winnipeg and Vancouver Mexico R. M. Wiggin, Apartado 97-6, Mexico City Denmark and Norway V. Lowener, Copenhagen, B. Italy Ing. Ercole Vaghi, Corso Porta Nuova 34, Milan Japan F. W. Home, yo-C. Yokohama Russia O. R. San Galli, Nikolajewskaja ly, St Petersburg Sweden Aktiebolaget V. Lowener, Stockholm INTRODUCTION THEL Pratt & Whitney Company invites attention to the Precision Machinery illustrated and described herein. A broad experience, unexcelled facilities and unfaltering determination, this Company believes, have solved the essentials of modern machinery requirements in a manner which will appeal to the discriminating judgment of the Mechanical World. Design In the design of these machines every known necessary requirement as regards stability, power, accuracy, convenience and rapidity of operation have been carefully considered. In their solution every opportunity for improvement has been accepted, many new features and refinements having been incorporated resulting in the production of machinery which, for its adaptation to the end sought, has an enviable reputation the world over. Separate departments and engineering forces devoted to the various types of machines are maintained at the Works; thus the several lines are under constant observation and improvements are made from time to time to meet the changing conditions and to increase their efficiency. Material The very best, so proven by experience and careful investigation, is always used, regardless of cost. Workmanship The mechanics employed by the Pratt & Whitney Company are of an exceptionally high order. The best devices and methods known for the accurate and rapid production of machinery are freely made use of. The inspection system covers material, detail parts, constant attention during process of construction, as well as a most thorough test of the finished machine for alignment, operation, etc. No work except of the highest possible order is tolerated. Standard Equipments The tool equipments and appliances as furnished for the various machines fully cover the general requirements. The aim is to make these tools distinctive for their simplicity and ease of operation combined with the necessary rigidity. Special Equipments For work out of the ordinary the Pratt & Whitney Company is in a position, due to the separate manufacturing and engineering departments maintained for the various lines, to design and equip the machines with special tools and appliances of the most modern approved type. Inquiries All inquiries should be accompanied with detailed information regarding the matter in question, and where there is any doubt full dimensioned blue prints or samples should be furnished. Blue prints and samples will be returned when desired. If these suggestions are adhered to, the solution of the matter involved is very often simplified and invariably considerable time is saved. A list of branch offices and agents is printed on opposite page. The representatives in these offices are experts and are kept in close touch with the Works regarding improvements, deliveries, prices, etc., and are pleased to be of service. Visitors The Works are always open to visitors who are interested in machinery manufactured by the Pratt & Whitney Company. This catalogue contains in a concise form specifications and general information concerning the line of machinery manufactured by the Pratt & Whitney Company. Separate catalogues giving more explicit and detailed information concerning the various types of machines are also published, as well as a separate catalogue devoted to Gauges and Standards ; also one for Small Tools. Catalogues are furnished upon request. Code Attention is called to telegraphic code, page 265. P R E. C I 5 I O N T O O L 5 W H I O M BLNCH LATHL The Bench Lathe properly equipped and understood undoubtedly presents the widest field for usefulness of any machine tool in use at the present time. For the toolmaker it is an indispensable tool ; its convenience of operation, accuracy and universal features making possible an unlimited variety of work. Extreme care is exercised in the manufacture of the Lathes and the various attachments, all parts being made to master standards to insure their being interchangeable with one another. 5PLCIFICATION5 RANGE. HE.AD5TOCK 5PINDLL Length of Bed Center Distance, maximum . . . Swing over Bed Swing over Bed, with Raising Blocks Back-rests, capacity Tool Post takes Tool Collet Capacity Tool Steel (H. & G.) ; Front Bearing, double taper 5 Rear Bearing, cylindrical. Boxes, Tool Steel (H. & G.), adjustable for wear. Hole through Chuck Seat *Taper Hole in Spindle Collet, No. 4 Jarno. Front End, conical. TAIL5TOCK SPINDLE. 5PE.LD5 . . Diameter Travel *Taper Hole, No. 4 Jarno. Spindle Speeds (6), R. P. M. . . jCone (Spindle), diameter (3 steps) Cone (Counter.), diameter (3 steps) Countershaft Pulley (tight and loose) diameter Countershaft V-Grinding Pulley, 10" diameter, R. P. M. Belt Width (Cone) Belt Width (Countershaft Pulleys) Countershaft Speed, R. P. M 3 1 1 6" "> and .650" .750 3" BLNCH 5PACL Bench Space WEIGHTS 144 to 1208 5" 413 and 1667 125 and 500 6// * 35" Machine Regular Equipment, net pounds Boxing Material, approximate pounds Box, cubic feet 100 50 5 *For detailed information, sec " Tapers", page 247. t Index Holes in Cone Flange, 48 and 60. Code words, page 265. PRECISION TOOL5 Rear View with Thread Cutting Attachment Thrown Back Hob Screw Regular Tool Post Special Threading Tool WHITNLY COM BENCH LATHE. EQUIPMENT Important Notice In ordering attachments state explicitly whether for old or new model, as some of the attachments will not interchange. All Bench Lathes with " Pratt & Whitney " cast on bed are new model. Attachments applied to the bed work equally well on either old or new model, with exception of the Threading Attachment. Special brackets and spindle gear are furnished to order, which enables the old model Threading Attachment to be used on the new model lathe. Attachments which fit the headstock or tailstock will not interchange, as there is a difference in the size of collets and in taper of centers. Special spindle to accommodate old style collets can be furnished to order. Regular Equipment Comprises : Bed with Rear Slide planed for Threading Attachment ; Headstock with Face Plate, Center Collet and Center ; Tailstock with Center ; T-Rest with Binder. Threading Attachment Consists of: Chasing Bar and Brackets ; One Spindle Gear ; One Intermediate Gear ; 6-Change Gears (permitting any multiple of Hob Screw from I to 6 to be cut) ; One Hob Screw any standard pitch as specified below ; Hand Lever and Arm for carrying Threading Tool ; Plain Tool Post with either English or Metric Micrometer Adjustment and Stop-plate attached to bed. Hob Screws with Hob for chasing nut, standard pitches: 10, II, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 and 20. Special Threading Tool and Holder for Threading Attachment, furnished to order. Brackets, Long and Short, also Spindle Gear to enable old model Thread- ing Attachments to be used on new model lathes, furnished to order. o o o Raising Blocks Raising Blocks 3 inches high, increasing swing of lathe to 13 inches ; 3 in set: one each for Head, Tailstock and one for Compound Rest or other attachments. Two-speed Wall Countershaft with Grinding Attachment Countershafts Two-speed Wall with or without grinding attachment ; Two- speed Wall-rod with or without grinding attachment. Wall Countershafts bolt directly to the wall ; Wall -rod Countershafts are bolted to Wall-rods, which is preferable when a number of lathes are used together or are placed in front of windows. Wall-rod Brackets and Wall-rods I inch diameter, are carried in stock and furnished to order. PRATT & WHITNLY COMPANY 3/45 Combination Chucks : 4 and 6-inch with 2 sets of Jaws and Chuck- plate 2483 ^407 7-inch Face-plate Chuck with Tapped Holes 7-inch Face-plate Chuck with T-slots '7 o Collet Collets English sizes, ^ 4 " to y^" varying by 64th or .025 .005. Metric sizes, .5 to 12 m/m varying by .5 m./m. 5" varying by Blank Split Step-chuck and Closer 5tep-chucks and Closers Made in five sizes. Chuck Chuck A (C. B (C Chuck C (C. Chuck D (C. Chuck E (C. .) Maximum Recess 1.25" Diameter x .I^z > / ' Deep .) Maximum Recess 1.75" Diameter x .125" Deep .) Maximum Recess 2.25" Diameter x .125" Deep .) Maximum Recess 2.75" Diameter x .125" Deep .) Maximum Recess 3-25" Diameter x .125" Deep Closers A, B, C, D, E for above Chucks. PRATT & WHITNLY COMPANY Chuck Jaws: For Face-plate Chucks with T-slots. Also used for Face-plate Quills with T-slots 3740 Face Emery Wheel and Face Lead Lap Drill Pads: 1 , 2, 4 and 6-inch Diameter PRLC15ION TOOL5 Plain V-center Swiveling V-center Large Plain Center and Female Center PRATT & WHITNEY COMPANY Compound Slide-rest: Graduated in Degrees for Angles and Provided with Micrometer Dials either English or Metric Double Slide-rest with Lever, Rack and Pinion Movement. Also made with Screw Movement PRECISION TOOLS Grinding Rest with Traversing Spindle: Graduated in Degrees for Angles and Provided with Micrometer Dials Slide-rest Traverse-spindle Grinder 357' Tool-post Grinder and Appliances PRATT & WHITNLY, COMPANY Plain Lever Tailstock Lever Tailstock with Cross Slide 23 P R F. C I 5 1-0 N T O O L 5 Arbors: K, % and Vz inch, for Milling Attachment Back-rests: 3, 4, 5 and 6-inch Capacity PRATT & WHITNEY COMPANY 3750 Open Tailstock with Extra Spindle and Dog. Also made with Full Bearings and Pulley on Spindle Milling Attachment with Extra Cutter Head PRECISION TOOLS Triangular Table-rest, 2fs-inch Rectangular Table-rest, 4 x 6-inch 42.21 Angle Plate, 2 \ 3K-inch 26 PRATT & WHITNEY COMPANY Quill-rest Chuck Quill Face-plate Quill with Tapped Holes in Face-plate. Also made with T-slots in Face-plate PRLCI5ION TOOLS 2384 Index Plate: Number of Notches as Ordered Index Pawl and Block 28 PRATT & WHITNLY COMPANY Filing Attachment and Driver Files of various shapes furnished to order PRECISION TOOL5 I 10-inch Toolmakers' Lathe with Plain Llevating Rest and Tool Equipment W H I 10-INCH LATHE SPECIFICATIONS RANGE, HLAD5TOCK 5PINDLL Length of Bed Center Distance, maximum Swing over Bed, with Plain Elevating Rest Swing over Bed, with Compound Elevating Rest .... Swing over Carriage, with Plain Elevating Rest .... Swing over Carriage, with Compound Elevating Rest . Steady Rest Capacity Follow Rest Capacity Tool Post takes Tool Collet Capacity Taper Attachment, graduated in both degrees and inches, will turn taper 20 degrees including angle i 2" long, in any position on bed. Special Steel ; Bearings, cylindrical ; Front Rear Bearings Boxes, C. I., lined with Babbitt, adjustable for wear. Hole through *Taper Hole in Spindle Collet, No. 6 farno. Front End, conical (H. & G.) ; Thread, - ; ^ // diameter; 6 Pi., U. S. F. 5 29 TAIL5TOCK SPINDLE. Diameter Travel *Taper Hole, No. 6 Jarno. 5PLE.D5 . . . Spindle Speeds, back gears in (5), R. P. M. Spindle Speeds, back gears out (5), R. P. M. Back Gear Ratio Cone Diameters (5), large and small . Pulley (Counter. Friction) Belt Width (Cone) Belt Width (Counter. Friction Pulley) Countershaft Speed, R P. M 10 to 59 78 to 460 3 180 FHLD5 .... Carriage Longitudinal (6), P. R. Sp. . Transverse Feed, hand only. Micrometer Dials, graduated in thousandths. .002 to .0154 THRE.AD1NG . English Lead Screw, 6 Pi., Acme, will cut English Threads \y 2 to 156 Pi., inc. \\YT, Pi. Metric Threads, 18 to 25 m/m P., inc. 75 and 90 m/m P. Metric Lead Screw, 4 m/m P., will cut Metric Threads 13 to 25 m/m P., inc. 75 and 90 m/m P. English Threads, i l / 2 to 39 Pi., inc. \\]/ z Pi. FLOOR 5PACL Floor space WLMGHT5 . . Machine, with Regular Equipment, net pounds. Tool Equipment, net pounds Crating Material (domestic), approximate pounds Boxing Material (foreign), approximate pounds . Box, cubic feet . 1300 180 200 5 00 ' 7 1 ''For detailed information, see "Tapers", page 247. Code words, page 265. PRECISION TOOLS 2914 ( Patented ) 1 0-inch Toolmakers' Lathe with Compound Elevating Rest and Tool Equipment PRATT WHITNEY COMPANY 10-INCH LATHL EQUIPMENT REGULAR The machine with English Lead, Cross Feed Screws and Dials; Rise and Fall EQUIPMENT Elevating Rest; Taper Attachment; Collet Attachment, with 9 Collets, ^ to ^ by i6ths; 2 Centers; Spindle Cap ; Face Plates, IO^ /X and 6^" diameter; Stationary Rest ; Follow Rest ; 23 Change Gears; Gear Cabinet ; Screw Driver; Set of Wrenches; Countershaft (double friction). (The Collet Attachment, with exception of Collets, is a part of the machine proper and cannot be sold separate). EQUIPMENT Differs from the above in that Metric Lead, Cross Feed Screws and Dials are furnished ; also Metric Collets, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14 and 16 m/m. COMPOUND ELEVATING REST Can be furnished in place of Rise and Fall Rest. (See cut on page 32). Can be furnished for Compound Elevating Rest. (Same as 1 6" Lathe on page WITHDRAWING ATTACHMENT 38). CHUCK- PLATES 3" ur 3/^" diameter, ready to receive Chuck, are carried in stock. TOOL LQUIPMLNT CHUCKS . STEP-CHUCK AND CLOSERS I 4", 3~}aw Combination, with 2 sets of Jaws. i 6", 3 -Jaw Combination, with 2 sets of Jaws. i Spanner Wrench, for above Chucks. i -A/' Drill Chuck, with stem. i y'g-" Drill Holder, size "A", No. 60 to -^^' capacity. 2 Step-chucks, fy" to 2" capacity (steel, blank). 2 Step-chucks, 2" to 4" capacity (steel, blank). 2 Step-chucks, 4" to 6" capacity (steel, blank), i Closer for 2" Step-chucks, i Closer for 4" Step-chucks. I Closer for 6" Step-chucks. TOOL HOLDERS i Threading Tool Holder, No. 2 F. & W., with i Cutter, Sharp "V" single. i Cutter, Sharp "V" double off-set. i Cutter for Center Turning. 12 Cutters, U. S. S., from 6 to 20 Pi. (English Equipment). 12 Cutters, Int. Std., from i to 5.5 m/m P. (Metric Equipment). 12 Cutters, Whitworth Std., 5 to 20 Pi. (to order only). j Knurling Tool Holder, with 3 pairs of knurls ; fine, medium and coarse. i Combination Tool Holder, with 13 High-speed Cutters; 2 Small Boring Bars and Holder; i Centering Tool ; I Wrench. i Cutting-orF Tool Holder, No. o Johnson, with 12 blades. 18 Center Reamers, 6 each %"> YS" > anc ^ l /2.'' ' i Screw Pitch Gauge. i Center Gauge. i Female Center. I Cabinet for Tools. i Pyramid for Chucks^ etc. Code words, page 265. PRECISION TOOLS PRATT & WHITNEY COMPANY 14-INCH LATHL SPECIFICATIONS RANGE. HLAD5TOCK SPINDLE Length of Bed . . . . Center Distance, maximum Swing over Bed Swing over Carriage Steady Rest Capacity . . Follow Rest Capacity . Tool Post takes Tool . . Attachments (see description) 6', 8', 10' 36", 60", 84' Special Steel ; Bearings, cylindrical ; Front ... Rear Bearings Boxes, C. I., lined with Babbitt, adjustable for wear. Hole through *Taper Hole in Spindle, No. 13 Jarno. *Taper Hole in Spindle Collet, No. 10 Jarno. Front End, cylindrical, ^fy" diameter ; Thread diameter ; 6 Pi., U. S. F. x 4 3fY TAIL5TOCK 5PINDLL 5PLLDS Diameter Travel *Taper Hole, No. 10 Jarno. Spindle Speeds, back gears in (4) Spindle Speeds, back gears out (4) . Back Gear Ratio Cone Diameters (4), large and small Countershaft Pulley, diameter Belt Width (Cone) Belt Width (Countershaft Pulley) . Countershaft Speed, R. P. M. . . 2 6" 8 to 43 77 to 400 9 iff to l " and 3 3 4^ 2"X 4 J4" 3" 4" 125 FLLDS Carriage Longitudinal (6), P. R. Sp. Carriage Transverse Feed (6), P. R. Sp. . Micrometer Dials graduated in thousandths. .0064" to .0456' .0057" to .0408' THREADING . English Lead Screw, 6 Pi., Acme, will cut English Threads 2 to 92 Pi., inc. 11)4 Pi- Metric Threads, 12 to .^ m/m P., inc. .75 and .9 m/m P. (Extra Gears 127 and 85-T necessary for Metric Threads). Metric Lead Screw, 4 m/m P., Acme, will cut Metric Threads 12 to .5 m/m P., .75 and .9 m/m P. English Threads, 2 to 22 Pi., inc. \\ l / 2 Pi. (Trans- lating Gear i2y-T necessary for English Threads). FLOOR 5PACL Length : length of Bed plus 2 feet in all cases. Width : 39" in all cases, Taper Attachment included. WEIGHTS . . IMachine, with Regular Equipment (6' Bed), net pounds . 2200 JPan and Oiling Attachment (6' Bed), net pounds . . . 400 Crating Material (domestic), approximate pounds . . . 250 Boxing Material (foreign), approximate pounds .... 650 Box, cubic feet 61 and 14 *For detailed information, see " Tapers ", page 247. fFor each additional ^' of bed add 200 pounds. JFor each additional if of pan add 150 pounds. Code words, page 265. PRECISION TOOLS Draw-back Collet Attachment Expanding Arbor Step-chucks and Closers W H I 4-INCH LATHL LQUIPMLNT REGULAR EQUIPMENT The Machine with English Lead, Cross Feed Screws and Dials (metric if ordered) 5 Taper Attachment ; Plain Compound Rest ; Stationary Rest 5 Follow Rest 5 Face Plates, 14" diameter (not finished on race) and 9" diameter; 17 Change Gears 5 Countershaft (double friction); Set of Wrenches. PAN AND OIL PUMP EQUIPMENT COMPOUND ELEVATING RE5T PLAIN TURN- ING REST Q D UICK WITH- RAWING ATTACHMENT Furnished for all lengths of Beds. (Similar to 16" Lathe shown on page 40). Furnished in place of Plain Compound Rest. (Similar to 1 6" Lathe shown on page 38). Furnished in place of Plain Compound Rest. For threading, furnished to order. (Similar to I 6" Lathe shown on page 38). TAPER ATTACHMENT Is graduated in both degrees and inches ; it will turn taper to I $ degrees including angle, 22" long, in any position on Bed. It is part of the Regular Equipment, but if not wanted suitable allowance will be made. (Similar to 1 6" Lathe shown on page 47). COLLET Consists of Draw-in Spindle; Closer; Drift Plug; 9 Collets, y%" to T/%" by i6ths; ATTACHMENT 01 - 9 Collets 8, 9, 10, 12, 14, 1 6, 1 8, 20 and 22 m/m. (Collets and Closer are hardened and ground, special treatment and care being used to insure accuracy). TOOL RACK EXPANSION ARBORS AND BUSHINGS For Collets and arbors (furnished to order). Consists of : I Arbor each, No. i, No 2 and No. 3. 4 Bushings (for No. I Arbor), ^", \''$" > '/$"> \\" 8 Bushings (for No. 2 Arbor), \" to i J^" by i6ths. 5 Bushings (for No. 3 Arbor), \y 2 " to 2," by 8ths. i Draw-in Spindle. (Same as Collet Attachment. Specify if not wanted). METRIC BUSHINGS 5 Bushings (for No. I Arbor), 19, 20, 22, 24 and 26 m/m. 6 Bushings (for No. 2 Arbor), 28, 30, 32, 34, 36 and 38 m/m. 6 Bushings (for No. 3 Arbor), 40, 42, 44, 46, 48 and 50 m/m. (Arbors and Bushings are hardened and ground, special treatment and care being used to insure accuracy). STEP-CHUCK AND CLOSER ATTACHMENT CHUCK-PLATE.5 Consists of: 2 Step-chucks, ~/^" to 3" capacity. 2 Step-chucks, 3" to 6" capacity. i Closer for 3"' Chuck. i Closer for 6" Chuck. i Draw-in Spindle. (Same as Collet Attachment. Specify if not wanted). (Closers are hardened and ground ; Step-chucks are made of cast iron). T > l /2." ar >d l" diameter, blank, ready to receive Chuck. TRANSLATING GEARS I2.7-T (English Threads from Metric Screw). 85 and I27-T (Metric Threads from English Screw). Code words, page 265. 37 PRECISION TOOLS W H I O M 16-INCH LATHL-5PLCIFICATION5 RANGE. . . . HLAD5TOCK SPINDLE TAIL5TOCK SPINDLE. 5PLLD5 CONE. HE.AD 5PE.E.D5 GE.ARE.D HE.AD FE.E.DS THREADING . FLOOR SPACE. WEIGHTS Length of Bed Center Distance, maximum Swing over Bed Swing over Carriage Steady Rest Capacity .... Follow Rest Capacity Tool Post takes Tool Attachments (see description). Special Steel ; Bearings, cylindrical j Front Rear Bearings Boxes (Cone Head), C. I., lined with Babbitt, adjustable for wear. Boxes (Geared Head), Bronze, adjustable for wear. Hole through *Taper Hole in Spindle, No. 16 Jarno. *Taper Hole in Spindle Collet, No. 10 Jarno. Front End, conical (H. & G.) ; Thread 4^" diameter; V* Pi., 3/s Lead. 6', 8', 10' 36", 60", 84' 10" 5" 4-" W * \M" 3i% Diameter Travel *Taper Hole, No. 10 Jarno. Spindle Speeds, back gears in (8) Spindle Speeds, back gears out (8) Back Gear Ratio Cone Diameters (4), large and small Countershaft Pulley, diameter Belt Width (Cone) Belt Width (Countershaft Pulley) Countershaft Speed, R. P. M (For further information, see Lathe Catalogue). Spindle Speeds (16) Ratio of Driving Pulley to slow Sp. Speed Diameter of Driving Pulley Belt Width (Driving Pulley) Belt Width (Countershaft Pulley) Countershaft Speed, R. P. M (For further information, see Lathe Catalogue). Carriage Longitudinal, P. R. Sp Carriage Cross Feed, P. R. Sp Micrometer Dials graduated in thousandths (For further information, see Lathe Catalogue). English Gear Box and Lead Screw, 3 Pi., Acme, will cut English Threads i l / 2 to 88 Pi. Metric Gear Box and Lead Screw 8 m/m P., Acme, will cut Metric Threads .5 to 15 m/m Lead. (For further information, see Lathe Catalogue). Length : length of Bed plus 2 feet in all cases. Width : 3' 6" in all cases, Taper Attachment included. (Machine with Regular Equipment (6 / Bed), net pounds JPan and Oiling Attachment (6' Bed), net pounds . . Crating Material (domestic), approximate pounds .... Boxing Material (foreign), approximate pounds .... Box, cubic feet 2 6" to 440 9ro to 14 * 4X" 3" 4" I 14 and 150 8 to 450 45 to l 10" x 3^" 3" 250 and 315 .0015 to .091 .0014" to .082' 2700 700 300 700 NOTE Geared Head Machine with 6' Bed weighs 3500 pounds net. *For detailed information, see " Tapers ", page 247. fFor each additional ^ / of bed add 200 pounds. jFor each additional 2 / of pan add 150 pounds. Code words, page 265. P R L C I 5 I O N O if W H I O M 6-INCH LATHL EQUIPMENT REGULAR EQUIPMENT GLARED HEAD PAN, OIL PUMP COMPOUND REST, PLAIN ELEVATING RE5T, PLAIN BALL TURNING REST ROLLER BACK-REST TAPER ATTACHMENT RELIEVING ATTACHMENTS COLLET ATTACHMENT TOOL RACK . EXPANSION ARBORS AND BUSHINGS METRIC BUSHINGS STEP-CHUCK AND CLOSER ATTACHMENT CHUCK PLATES MULTIPLE INDEXING FACE PLATE MICROMETER CLAMP The machine with Cone Head ; Compound Elevating Rest ; English Lead, Cross Feed Screws, Dials and Gear Box (metric if ordered) ; Quick Withdrawing Attachment ; Taper Attachment ; Spindle Bushing ; 2 Centers ; Stationary Rest 5 Follow Rest 5 Face Plates, I 6" and 9" diameter; 5-Change Gears; Countershaft (double friction); Set of Wrenches. Can be furnished in place of Cone Head. Can be furnished for all lengths of Beds. Can be furnished in place of Compound Elevating Rest. (Same as 14" Lathe illustrated on page 34). Can be furnished in place of Compound Elevating Rest. (Cut on page 43). With hand and power feeds in both directions. Adjustments both for diameter of work and of circle are easily obtained, micrometer dial being provided. (Cut on page 43). For high speed turning. Furnished in place of regular. Is graduated in both degrees and inches; it will turn taper to 15 degrees including angle, 22 inches long, in any position on Bed. It is a part of the Regular Equipment, but if not wanted suitable allowance will be made. (Illustrated on page 47). (See pages 47, 48 and 49). Consists of Draw-in Spindle; Collet Closer; Drift Plug; 15 Collets, y<&" to i%" by l6ths; or 15 Collets, 8, 9, 10, II, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32 m/m. (Collets and Closer are hardened and ground, special treatment and care being used to insure accuracy). Cut on page 44. For Collets and Arbors. (Furnished to order). Consists of: I Arbor each, No. i, No. 2 and No. 3. 4 Bushings (for No. i Arbor), $/'' ', y!", 7 /&" , \\" 8 Bushings (for No. 2 Arbor), \" to I T V' ^ v !6ths. 5 Bushings (for No. 3 Arbor), l%" to i" by 8ths. i Draw-in Spindle (same as Collet Attachment. Specify if not wanted). Cut on page 44. 5 Bushings (for No. I Arbor), 19, 20, 22, 24 and 26 m/m. 6 Bushings (for No. 2 Arbor), 28, 30, 32, 34, 36 and 38 m/m. 6 Bushings (for No. 3 Arbor), 40, 42, 44, 46, 48 and 50 m/m. (Arbors and Bushings are hardened and ground, special care and treatment being used to insure accuracy). Cut on page 44. insists of: Step-chucks, 7/v," to 3^" capacity. Step-chuck, ^fy" to 7" capacity. Step-chuck, with 4 Adjustable Jaws, ^ l /2." capacity. Closer for 3^" Chucks Closer for 7" and 4 / I /^ // Chucks. Spindle Bushing for Step-chucks. Draw-in Spindle (same as Collet Attachment. Specify if not wanted). (Step-chucks are made of steel, and Closers of cast iron). Cut on page 45. '/' and 7" diameter, blank, ready to receive Chuck. For the cutting of Multiple Threads, as on Hobs, Taps, etc. Cut on page 46. For accurately governing Ipngitudinal movement of carriage. Cut on page 46. Code words, page 265. PRECISION TOOLS I i 0) ~ r Ijj X! C I MOTOR DRIVE. The Geared Head can be furnished with a Motor Base, as shown, suitable gears and guard in place of countershaft. Motor should be 3 to 5 horse-power (according to requirements), constant speed, with starting box, any standard make. If motor is furnished by customer, full specifications are required. PRATT & WHITNLY C O M P A N VY ( Patented ) Plain Llevating Rest Ball-turning Rest for 1 6-inch Lathe P R . L C I 5 I O N TOOLS Section of Draw-back Collet Mechanism Expanding Arbor with Work in Position 44 PRATT & WHITNLY COMPANY Section of Step-chuck and Closer Step-chuck with Adjustable Jaws and Closer 45 PRECISION TOOLS 1987 Indexing Face-plate for Cutting Multiple Threads (Patented) Micrometer Clamp PRATT & WHITNEY COMPANY I ' I J 5 1 o o o 3 C. C "3 QJ O 7' 8 x 3^" 2" 3" 300, 400, 540 55 WEIGHTS . . Machine Equipment "A", net pounds Crating Material (domestic), approximate pounds Boxing Material (foreign), approximate pounds Box, cubic feet 925 200 400 43 Code words, page 265. o o o 1 1 o> to PRATT W H I T N L Y COMPANY TURRLT LATHL, 1 X 15-INCH MADL WITH OR WITHOUT POWLR FLF_D TO TURRE.T SLIDL SPECIFICATIONS RANGE. Chuck Capacity (round) Chuck Capacity (square across Hats) Chuck Capacity (hexagonal across flats) Length ; maximum turning Swing over Bed Swing over Cross Slide Threading Capacity TURRF.T Hexagon, Faces Hat; 6 holes, 1^/2." diameter. Stock can be fed through Turret. Turret Hole Center to Top of Turret Slide Turret Hole Center to Top of Cross Slide Turret Face to Spindle End, maximum *#" *%" 1 8" SPINDLF Special Steel ; Cylindrical Bearings ; Front ...... Boxes, C. I., lined with Babbitt, adjustable for wear Hole through Plunger ............ Hole through Spindle ............ Front End, 3j/g" diameter 5 Thread, 3 y<&" diameter; 8 Pi., U. S. F. 5PLLDS Spindle Speed Changes (9), R. P. M 112 to 1000 Cone on Machine (3 steps), diameter 4", 6^" an d 9" Pulleys (Countershaft) i 2" x 4^2" Belt Width (Cone) 3^" Belt Width (Counter. Pulleys) 4X" Countershaft Speeds, R. P. M 200, 300, 400 FE.E DS Turret Slide, Hand Feed through rack, pinion and turnstile. Power Feed Variations (3), P. R. Sp 00$" to .01 19" Cross Slide, Hand Feed, Combination Screw and Lever Type. Stock Feed, improved Lever Type. STOPS Stock Stop in Turret. Turret Stops, Independent Adjustable Stop for each Turret Face. Cross Slide Stops, adjustable, governing forward and backward movement of Slide. FLOOR SPACE. Without Rod Feed . . With Rod Feed WF.IGHT5 . . . Machine Equipment "A", net pounds Crating Material (domestic), approximate pounds Boxing Material (foreign), approximate pounds . Box, cubic feet 66" x 24" 9 S X/ x 24" i 300 250 500 59 Code words, page 265. PRECISION TOOLS P R W H I C O M P A N TURRET LATHE, \% X 18- INCH SPECIFICATIONS RANGE. TURRET SPINDLE SPEEDS FEEDS STOPS FLOOR SPACE WEIGHTS. Chuck Capacity (round) Chuck Capacity (square across flats) Chuck Capacity (hexagonal across flats) Length 5 maximum turning . Swing over Bed Swing over Cross Slide Threading Capacity 1 8" H" Hexagon, Faces Dovetailed; 6 holes, 1%"" diameter. Stock can be fed through Turret. Turret Hole Center to Top of Turret Slide . . . Turret Hole Center to Top of Cross Slide .... Turret Face to Spindle End, maximum .... Special Steel ; Cylindrical Bearings ; Front Boxes, C. I., lined with Babbitt, adjustable for wear Hole through Plunger Hole through Spindle Front End, 3 i-jt" diameter; Thread, 4" diameter; 8 Pi., U. S. F. Spindle Speed Changes (27), R. P. M Back Gear Ratio Cone on Machine (3 steps), diameter Pulleys (Countershaft) Belt Width (Cone) Belt Width (Counter. Pulleys) Countershaft Speeds, R. P. M Turret Slide, Power Feed Variations (3), P. R. Sp. . . Hand Feed through rack, pinion and turnstile. Cross Slide, Transverse Power Feed Variations (3), P. R. Sp. Hand Feed through screw and hand-wheel. Cross Slide, Longitudinal, adjustable by hand through screw and hand-wheel. Stock Feed, Improved Lever Type. Stock Stop on Head, independent of Turret or Turret Slide. Turret Stops, Independent Adjustable Stop for each Turret Face. Cross Slide Stops, adjustable, governing both forward and backward movement of Slide. Without Rod Feed With Rod Feed Machine Equipment "A", net pounds Crating Material (domestic), approximate pounds Boxing Material (foreign), approximate pounds . . . . Box, cubic feet . . ,. r x 4^' 20 to 800 2.38 and 7 to 4X" 150, 250, 400 .007" to .01 (3" 7 9x2 ii' i' 3" x if II 2300 300 600 116 Code words, page z65. O 0) V W H I TURRLT LATHL, 2 X 26-INCH SPECIFICATIONS RANGE TURRLT. SPINDLE. SPEEDS FEEDS STOPS . FLOOR 5PACL WEIGHTS Chuck Capacity (round) i Chuck Capacity (square across flats) i Chuck Capacity (hexagonal across flats) I Length ; maximum turning 26 Swing over Bed i 6 Swing over Cross Slide 8 Threading Capacity Hexagon, Faces Dovetailed; 6 holes, "l%" diameter. Stock can be fed through Turret. Turret Hole Center to Top of Turret Slide 3 Turret Hole Center to Top of Cross Slide 3 Turret Face to Spindle End, maximum Special Steel; Cylindrical Bearings; Front lY^>" x 5" Boxes, C. I., lined with Babbitt, adjustable for wear. Hole through Plunger 2,^" Hole through Spindle 2 rV Front End, 4%"" diameter; Thread, 5" diameter; 6 PL, U. S. F. Spindle Speed Changes (27), R. P. M 14 to 694 Back Gear Ratio 2.57 and 7 to i Cone on Machine (3 steps), diameter 7/^"> 9^2 "> H^z Pulleys (Countershaft) 14" x 4^" Belt Width (Cone) 3^" Belt Width (Counter. Pulleys) 4-X" Countershaft Speeds, R. P. M 120,235,385 Turret Slide, Power Feed Variations (4), P. R. Sp. . . .007" to .02" Hand Feed through rack, pinion and turnstile. Cross Slide, Transverse Power Feed Variations (4), P. R. Sp. .0012" to .0035" Hand Feed through screw and hand-wheel. Cross Slide, Longitudinal, adjustable by hand through screw and hand-wheel. Stock Feed, Automatic Positive Power Type. Stock Feed, maximum Travel without returning Stock Stop on Head, independent of Turret or Turret Slide. Turret Stops, Independent Adjustable Stop for each Turret Face. Cross Slide Stops, adjustable, governing forward and back- ward movement of Slide Without Rod Feed . With Rod Feed . Machine Equipment "A", net pounds Crating Material (domestic), approximate pounds . Boxing Material (foreign), approximate pounds Box, cubic feet .... 9 4 x 3' M' x 3' 3600 500 1 100 179 Code words, page z6j. o W H I O M TURRLT LATHL, 3 X 36-INCH 5PLCIFICATION5 RANGE, Chuck Capacity (round) .... Chuck Capacity (square across flats) . Chuck Capacity (hexagonal across flats) Length ; maximum turning . Swing over Bed Swing over Cross Slide Threading Capacity TURRLT SPINDLE. 5PLE.DS Hexagon, Faces Dovetailed 5 6 holes, ^y^' diameter. Stock can be fed through Turret. Turret Hole Center to Top of Turret Slide . . Turret Hole Center to Top of Cross Slide .... Turret Face to Spindle End, maximum .... Special Steel ; Cylindrical Bearings ; Front .... Boxes, C. I., lined with Babbitt, adjustable for wear. Hole through Plunger Hole through Spindle Front End, 6^%" diameter 5 Thread, 6^" diameter; 4 Pi. U. S. F. Spindle Speed Changes (27), R. P. M Back Gear Ratio Cone on Machine (3 steps), diameter Pulleys (Countershaft) Belt Width (Cone) Belt Width (Counter. Pulleys) . . Countershaft Speed, R. P. M. . . 5/8 3^ 46" " * 3 T Y 9 to 55<> 3.01 and 8.4 to i 9", ii l / 2 ", 14" id" x 43^" 4" 4#" 95, 170, 300 FLLD5 5TOP5 Turret Slide, Power Feed Variations (4), P. R. Sp. . . .007" to .02 3' Hand Feed through rack, pinion and turnstile. Cross Slide, Transverse Power Feed Variations (4), P. R. Sp 0013" to .0042' Hand Feed through screw and hand-wheel. Cross Slide, Longitudinal, adjustable by hand through screw and hand-wheel. Stock Feed, Automatic Positive Power Type, with Com- pensating device which will automatically grip stock Jg" plus or minus of given size with the same uniform pressure. Stock Feed, Follower Travel without returning .... 50" Stock Stop on Head, independent of Turret or Turret Slide. Turret Stops, Independent Adjustable Stop for each Turret Face. Cross Slide Stops, adjustable, governing forward and back- ward movement of slide. FLOOR SPACE. WEIGHTS Without Rod Feed With Rod Feed . Machine Equipment "A", net pounds . . Crating Material (domestic), approximate pounds Boxing Material (foreign), approximate pounds Box, cubic feet 12' x 3' 7 17' 3" x 3' 7' 6200 400 1500 Code words, page 265. I O o o ; 60 PRATT WHITNEY COMPANY TURRET LATHL, % X 4^ -INCH EQUIPMENTS "A" MACHINL | ARRANGED FOR ROD WORK WITHOUT TOOL5 i y^" x 4j^" Turret Lathe, with Oil Pump, Tank and Piping. 3 Oil Guards. Countershaft (Three-speed friction). Set of Wrenches. Cross Slide, with Back and Front Tool Posts. Automatic Rod Chuck, with I Collet, any size within capacity (ffi' Round if not specified). Rod Feed, Improved Lever Type, with 1 Rod Support. 2 Stock Collars. 4 Stock Bushings. METRIC Differs from the above only in that a Metric Collet is substituted. (See Equipment EQUIPMENTS" B " for sizes). "B" MACHINE Includes Equipment "A" (minus Collet), and f or R R o A D N ^o D R K 7 " Y&" ar >d %"" across flats. Turret Rod Stop. i Single Turner, with Tangent Cutter. i Single Turner, with Radial Cutter. i Multiple Turner, with two Tangent Cutters. i Multiple Turner, with two Radial Cutters. i End Forming and Pointing Tool. i 24^", Self-opening Die-head, with roughing and finishing attachments and 8 Sets of Chasers, %", f > 6 -", / 8 ", &'', / 2 ", ft", ft" and #", U. S. S. i Box for Collets and Chasers. METRIC Includes Regular Equipment " B ", with these modifications: EQUIPMENT "B" n Collets (round), 8, 9, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24 and 26 m/m. 4 Collets (hexagon), 12, 16, 20 and 24 m/m across corners. 3 Collets (square), 12, 1 6 and 18 m/m across flats. 8 Sets of Chasers for Self-opening Die-head, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14 and 1 6 m/m, International Standard. WHITWORTH EQUIPMENT "B" Includes Regular Equipment " B ", with these modifications : 4 Collets (hexagon) .525", .601", .joy", .820" diameter across flats. Chasers for Self-opening Die-head, Whitworth Standard. Code words, page 265. P R E. C T O O L 5 64 PRATT & WHITNLY COMPANY TURRET LATHE, \% X 18-INCH -EQUIPMENTS "A" MACHINE, ARRANGLD FOR ROD WORK WITHOUT TOOL5 I \y 2 " x 1 8" Turret Lathe, with Oil Pump, Tank and Piping. 2 Oil Guards. Countershaft (Three-speed friction). Set of Wrenches. Cross Slide, with Back and Front Tool Posts. Automatic Rod Chuck, with I Set of Chuck Jaws, any size within capacity (\Y?." Round if not specified). Rod Feed, Improved Lever Type, with i Rod Support. 3 Stock Collars. 6 Stock Bushings. Rod Stop on Headstock, with 3 Rods. MLTRIC Differs from the above only in that Metric Chuck Jaws are substituted. (See LQUIPMLNT "A" Equipment B " for sizes). "B" MACHINL Includes Equipment "A" (minus set of Chuck Jaws), and ARRANGLD FOR ROD WORK WITH TOOLS 15 Sets of Chuck Jaws (round), Y%" to ij^" inclusive by i6ths. 4 Sets of Chuck Jaws (hexagon), 7/$," , \\" , I y 1 g // ar >d 1 /" across flats. 3 Sets of Chuck Jaws (square), 2^", y%" and i" across flats. 2 Universal Turners, with " V" Back-rests, i Universal Turner, with Roller Back-rests. I Open-side Turner, i End Forming and Pointing Tool. i Bell-mouth Pointing Tool. i i%" Self-opening Die-head, with roughing and finishing attachment, and Sets of Chasers, l / 2 ", y 9 /', ft", %", j", \" ', ift" and i X", U. S. S. I Box for Chuck Jaws and Chasers. MLTRIC LQUIPMLNT"B" Includes Regular Equipment " B ", with these modifications: ^ Sets of chuck j aws ( round ) ? , 4> , 5> ,6, 17, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34, 36 and 38 m/m. 4 Sets of Chuck Jaws (hexagon), 20, 24, 28 and 32 m/m across corners. 3 Sets of Chuck Jaws (square), I 6, 20 and 24 m/m across flats. 8 Sets of Chasers for Self-opening Die-head, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24 and 28 m/m, International Standard. WH1TWORTH Includes Regular Equipment "B", with these modifications: LQUIPMLNT "B" , 4 s ets O f Chuck Jaws (hexagon), .919", i.on", 1.101", 1.301" diameter across flats. Chasers for Self-opening Die-head, Whitworth Standard. Code words, page 265. P R L C I O N T O O L 5 PRATT & WHITNEY COMPANY TURRLT LATHL, 2 X 26-INCH LQUIPMLNT5 "A" MACHINE ARRANGED FOR ROD WORK WITHOUT TOOLS METRIC EQUIPMENT "A" I 2" x 26" Turret Lathe, with Oil Pump, Tank and Piping. 2 Oil Guards. Countershaft (Three-speed friction). Set of Wrenches. Cross Slide, with Back and Front Tool Posts. Automatic Rod Chuck, with I Set of Chuck Jaws, any size within capacity (2" Round if not specified). Rod Feed, Automatic Positive Screw Type, with I Rod Support (plain). i Rod Support (revolving), with 2 sets of Jaws. I Rod Follower Bar. 4 Stock Collars. 4 Stock Bushings. Rod Stop on Headstock, with 4 Rods. "B" MACHINE ARRANGED FOR ROD WORK WITH TOOLS Differs from the above only in that Metric Chuck Jaws are substituted. (See Equipment "B" for sizes). Includes Equipment "A" (minus set of Chuck Jaws), and 17 Sets of Chuck Jaws (round), ^" to I ^ " by i6ths, and \y z " to 2" by 8ths. 5 Sets of Chuck Jaws (hexagon), \\" , i^", *%" , I rV / anc * I ffi' across flats. 4 Sets of Chuck Jaws (square), 7/%", i" , i l /%" and \%" across flats. 2 Universal Turners, with " V " Back-rests. I Universal Turner, with Roller Back-rests. i Open-side Turner. i End Forming and Pointing Tool. i Bell-mouth Pointing Tool. I i/*^", Self-opening Die-head, with roughing and finishing attachment, and 8 Sets of Chasers, ffi', ^" , 7/&", i", i l /%", !#", i ^$" and i %." , U. S. S. i Box for Chuck Jaws and Chasers. METRIC EQUIPMENT "B" Includes Regular Equipment " B ", with these modifications : 17 Sets of Chuck Jaws (round), 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, 44, 46, 48 and 50 m/m. 5 Sets of Chuck Jaws (hexagon), 24, 28, 32, 40 and 48 m/m across corners. 4 Sets of Chuck Jaws (square), 20, 24, 28 and 32 m/m across flats. 8 Sets of Chasers for Self-opening Die-head, 16, 18, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36 and 38 m/m, International Standard. WHITWORTH Includes Regular Equipment " B ", with these modifications: EQUIPMENTS" 5 Sets O f C h U ck Jaws (hexagon), i.oii", i.ioi", 1.301", 1.479", 1.670' diameter across flats. Chasers for Self-opening Die-head, Whitworth Standard. Code words, page 165. 67 P R L C I I O N TOOLS c o 0) H ll PRATT & WHITNLY COMPANY TURRET LATHE, 2 X 26-INCH -EQUIPMENTS (Continued) 'C"2 X 26-INCH LOCOMOTIVL EQUIPMENT METRIC EQUIPMENT "C" WHITWORTH EQUIPMENT "C" Includes Equipment "A" (minus Chuck Jaws and Power Feed to Cross Slide), and ii Sets of Chuck Jaws (round), fy" to 2" inclusive, by 8ths. 3 Sets of Chuck Jaws (hexagon), ly^", l %" an ^ I y'k // across flats. 3 Sets of Chuck Jaws (square), i", I y%" and \]^" across flats. I 12,", 3~Jaw, Geared Scroll Chuck, with 2 sets of Jaws, for inside and outside gripping. i Forging Chuck, with if' Shank. 1 6" Lever Scroll Chuck, fitted to Turret. 2 Universal Turners, with *'V" Back-rests, i Universal Turner, with Roller Back-rests. i Open-side Turner. i Taper Turner (Bar J^" Taper to foot. Specify if otherwise). i Bell-mouth Pointing Tool. i l^" Self-opening Die, with roughing and finishing attachment, and 8 Sets of Chasers, ^", ft", #", %", 7/ & " i", i ^", i#", U. S. S. i Box for Chuck Jaws and Chasers. Includes Regular Equipment " C ", with these modifications : ii Sets of Chuck Jaws (round), 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, 44, 46, 48 and 50 m/m. 3 Sets of Chuck Jaws (hexagon), 32, 40 and 48 m/m across flats. 3 Sets of Chuck Jaws (square), 24, 28 and 32 m/m across flats. 8 Sets of Chasers, 12, 14, 1 6, 18, 20, 22, 24 and 28 m/m, International Standard. Includes Regular Equipment " C ", with these modifications : 3 Sets of Chuck Jaws (hexagon), 1.301", 1.479", 1.670" diameter across fiats. Chasers for Self-opening Die-head, Whitworth Standard. Code words, page 265. 69 PRECISION TOOLS PRATT & WHITNEY COMPANY TURRET LATHL5, 3 X 36-INCH LQUIPMLNT5 "A" MACHINE. ARRANGED FOR ROD WORK WITHOUT TOOLS i 3" x 36" Turret Lathe, with Oil Pump, Tank and Piping. 2 Oil Guards. Countershaft (Three-speed friction). Set of Wrenches. Cross Slide with Back and Front Tool Posts. Automatic Rod Chuck, with i Set of Chuck Jaws, any size within capacity (3" Round if not specified). Rod Feed, Automatic Positive Power Screw Type, with Compensating Device, i Rod Support (plain). i Rod Support (revolving), with two sets of Jaws, i Rod Follower Bar. 4 Stock Collars. 7 Stock Bushings. Rod Stop on Headstock, with 4 Rods. METRIC EQUIPMENT "A" "B" MACHINE ARRANGED FOR ROD WORK WITH TOOLS METRIC EQUIPMENT "B' Differs from the above only in that Metric Chuck Jaws are substituted. (See Equipment " B " for sizes). Includes Equipment "A" (minus set of Chuck Jaws), and 9 Sets of Chuck Jaws (round), 2" to 3" inclusive, by 8ths. 5 Sets of Chuck Jaws (hexagon), i}f ", 2", 2^,", 2^" and 2 T V' across flats. 6 Sets of Chuck Jaws (square), I ^", I ffi', i^", i^j", i" and 2}^" across flats. 2 Universal Turners, with " V" Back-rests. i Universal Turner, with Roller Back-rests. I End Forming and Pointing Tool. I Bell-mouth Pointing Tool. I 2", Self-opening Die-head, with roughing and finishing attachment, and I set of Chasers, any standard size within capacity of Tool, U. S. S. i 3" Tool Holder for Round Shanks. i Box of Chuck Jaws and Chasers. Includes Regular Equipment " B ", with these modifications: 9 Sets of Chuck Jaws (round), 44, 46, 48, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75 m/m. 5 Sets of Chuck Jaws (hexagon), 52, 56, 64, 68 and 72 m/m across corners. 6 Sets of Chuck Jaws (square), 40, 42, 44, 46, 48 and 52 m/m across flats. i Set of Chasers for Open Die-head, any size from i 8 to 48 m/m, International Standard. WHITWORTH Includes Regular Equipment " B ", with these modifications: EQUIPMENT "B" ? Sets of chuck j avvs (hexagon), 1.860", 2.043", 2.215", 2.413", 2.576" diameter across flats. Chasers for Self-opening Die-head, Whitworth Standard. Code words, page 2.65. o o TURRET LATHE. TOOLS AND APPLIANCES Geared Scroll Chucks Are recommended for use in connection with casting and forging work. The 12 -inch chuck is suitable for either the i i^ or 2 -inch machine and the I 5-inch for the 3-inch machine; 7^ and 9-inch chucks may also be used on either of these machines. Chucks are regularly furnished with chuck-plate fitted to the spindle, also with two sets of jaws for outside and inside gripping. Jaws can also be furnished to accommodate special forms if desired. Geared Scroll Chuck T T W H I COM TURRET LATHL TOOL5 AND APPLIANCES -Continued Step-chuck and Closer CAPACITY OF 5TLP-CHUCK RLGULARLY FURNISHED x 4^-inch Machine ; x 15 -inch Machine; I -inch Machine 5 to 3 inches to 3 3^ inches / to 5 inches 2 x 26-inch Machine ; 2 to 6^ inches 3 x 36-inch Machine 5 3 to 7 inches Drill Chucks Are recommended for holding straight shank tools in the three largest size machines. Chucks are fitted to turret and may be furnished to order with taper split sleeves to accommodate standard taper shanks. Chuck furnished for the I ^ -inch machine has a capacity of I inch; for the 2-inch machine, \y z inches ; and for the 3 -inch machine, 2 inches. Drill and Counterbore Holders (See page 82). 73 o 5333 Two-jaw Chuck, Solid Flat Jaws TWO-JAW CHUCK5 These chucks are made in the most substantial manner possible, steel forgings being used in their construction throughout, with the exception of the jaw screw, which is made of tool-steel They are furnished either with solid jaws flat or grooved, or with inserted jaws flat or grooved. Jaws are also fitted to accommodate special forms as desired. 5IZL5 Machine used on ^x 4^ -inch i x 15-inch i^xi8-inch Inches Inches Inches 2 x 26-inch 2)4 x 26-inch Inches 3 x 36-inch 2)4 x 26-inch Inches Diameter of Body or Hub Length over all ... Depth of Jaws Width of Jaws . . . Swing 4 4 3 2 6 l / s X i l A iH 6X 8 1/ 834: IO 3/2 Hole through .... 2/8 3/8 PRATT WHITNLY COMPANY TURRET LATHL TOOL5 AND APPLIANCES Continued Forging Chuck and Lever Scroll Chuck Used in combination for centering and turning forged bolts, the heads of which are more or less eccentric. These chucks are especially recommended for use in railroad shops and are included with locomotive equipment " C " for the 2 -inch machine, also furnished to order for the 3-inch machine. Forging Chuck Lever Scroll Chuck I O N o o TURRET LATHL TOOL5 AND APPLIANCL5 Continued Single Turner with Tan- gent Cutter Although very rigid this tool is still sensitive and very easily adjusted. Cutter of high-speed steel is located over-shot or tangent to the work. Back-rests are of high-speed steel, wedge shaped. Made for the 5/ 8 -'mch machine only. (Patented) Single Turner with Tangent Cutter, H x 4% Turret Lathe Single Turner with Tan- gent Cutter and "V" Back- rests This tool is similar to the single tool with tangent cutter, with the exception that V" back-rests are furnished. Made for the I -inch machine only. +375 (Patented) 76 W H I O M TURRET LATHL TOOLS AND APPLIANCES -Continued Single Turner with Radial Cutter A sizing or finishing tool in which the cutter is located radially, and both cutter and back-rests are capable of very fine adjustment. Made for the $/% and i-inch machines only. ( Patented ) Turner with Radial Cutter, 3 /& x 4% and 1x15 Turret Lathes Multiple Turners Are essentially manufacturing tools, found very useful for the production of a large number of duplicate pieces and also on complicated work where the necessary tool equipment exceeds the capacity of the turret. Regularly made with two cutter holders and two back-rests, a third cutter holder may be added if necessary. Made in two styles, with tangent cutters and with radial cutters, for the $/% and i-inch machines only. (Patented) Multiple Turner with Radial Cutters, 5 A x 4 l /z and 1 x 15 Turret Lathes 77 o TURRET LATHL TOOL5 AND APPLIANCES Continued Universal Turner with "V" Back-rests Suitable for bar work and is equally effective for turning toward the spindle as is usually the custom on short work, or away from the spindle which is frequently desirable on long, slender work. Cutter is made of high-speed steel and mounted in a slide provided with liberal radial adjustment, which is governed by efficient stops. Back-rest jaws are made of high-speed steel and can be easily reversed to accommodate different diameters by swinging away the strap which takes the backward thrust of the jaws. Made for the i^, 2 and 3 -inch machines only. Universal Turner with Roller Back-rests Similar in construction to the universal turner with " V " back-rests, with the exception that roller back-rests are furnished. Rollers are made of high-speed steel, hardened and ground and run on hardened and ground tool steel studs. Jaws are reversible for either leading or following the work as desired. Made for the i*^, 2 and 3 -inch machines only. (Patented) Universal Turner with Roller Back-rests, for 1 V 2 x 1 8, 2 x 26 and 3x36 Turret Lathes, is particularly adapted for quick turning This tool W H 1 O M TURRET LATHL TOOL5 AND APPLIANCES Continued Open Side Turner Recommended for turning short work beyond the capacity of the universal turner. It is similar in construction to the universal turner previously described, with the exception that no provision is made for back-resting the work. Made for the \Yz t 2 and 3 -inch turret lathes. Bell-mouth Pointing Tool Used for chamfering the ends of rough work preparatory to turning. The I */ and 2-inch are made with round shank to fit the turret hole; the 3 -inch being made in a slightly modified form to fit the turret face. Bell-mouth Pointing Tool, 1^x18 and 2x26 Turret Lathes Lnd Forming and Pointing Tool Adapted for general end forming and pointing work on finished bars, and for this purpose it is provided with adjustable back- rests. Both jaws and cutters are made of high-speed steel. Made for all size machines. ( Patented ) Lnd Forming and Pointing Tool, \% x 1 8, 2 x 26 and 3 x 36 Turret Lathes 79 o o o TURRLT LATHL TOOL5 AND APPLIANCES -Continued (Patented) TAPER TURNING TOOL Suitable for turning tapers from either bar stock or forgings. Back-rest jaws may be set to follow or lead the tool as occasion may demand. The cutting tool is directly controlled by an accurate taper bar for angle, the work produced, therefore, is of a superior order and is fully equal to that obtained from an engine lathe. The radial adjustment of the tool slide which permits roughing and finishing cuts is accomplished through the taper bar-block screw, accurate adjustments being possible by means of the micrometer dial. In order to produce the required taper it is only necessary to plane a bar to a taper one-half of that required on the piece to be turned; thus, if the desired taper is ^ inch to the foot the bar should be planed to i^ inch to the foot. One taper bar planed to produce tapers ^ inch to the foot (unless otherwise specified) is furnished with each tool. Made for the i, i^, 2 and 3 -inch machines. PRATT & WHITNLY COMPANY 2310 5LLF-OPLNING DIL 5PLCIFICATION5 Size Inches Used on Turret Lathe Inches Capacity Inches Shank, Diameter Inches ft H % to % 1/8 3/ i l /\. to ^ I i y z 34 to I 13^ I \/ \y i and 2 ^ to i 1^ I ^ tl/^ T2 *I^, 2 and 3 *2 and 3 >^ to \y 2 3^ to 2 3 3 3 1 l /2 to 3 4 : Special Holders required. t Also used on Turntable Lathe. Round Tool Holder Is used for holding round shank tools in the 3 x 36-inch ma- chine, also for holding \y 2 -in. die-head to the \Y^ x 1 8-inch machine, and the 2-inch die-head to the 2 x 26- inch machine. o TURRLT LATHL TOOLS AND APPL1ANCL5 -Continued DRILL AND COUNTLRBORL HOLDLR5 Turret Lathe Inches Bushing Hole Diameter Inches Shank Diameter Inches Hole Inches H* 4/2 i x ic; 1/2 X 18 \H 1/8 IK I# * I I 5787 RLLLA5ING TAP AND DIL HOLDLR 5PLCIFICATION5 Turret Lathe, Inches Shank, Diameter, Inches Hole, Diameter, Inches # * 4 / 2 1/8 1 r% I x 15 I/^ I y% or I ^ 1/2 X 18 I|J 2 *2 X 26 2 X 2 K *3 x 36 3 t2 *Also used on Turntable Lathe t May be enlarged to 3 inches PRATT WHITNEY COMPANY 38, FLOATING RLAMLR HOLDLR SPECIFICATIONS Turret Lathe, Inches >^x 4^ I x 15 l l /2 X I 8 *2 X 26 *3 x 36 *Also used on Turntable Lathe Shank, Diameter, Inches 2% 3 Driving Ring Hole, Inches T6 DOVLTAIL FORMING TOOL HOLDLR-FOR ALL 5IZL MACHINES ^ x 4^ inches A ify [ inches B j ^ inches C yk inch D 35 I x 15 inches A 2 l / A '. inches B I 7/s inches C ^ inch D 35 I l /z x l8 inches A 2 y j inches ,B 3 inches C ^ inch D 350 2 x 26 inches A 3 inches B 3 inches c 3j inch D 35 3 x 36 inches A ; inches B 3 inches c ^ inch D 35 PRECISION TOOLS 8 4 PRATT WHITNEY COMPANY TURNTABLE. LATHE., 2% X 26-INCH A new machine in which is embodied every required refinement known for easy, convenient, rapid and accurate operation. It is provided with a Constant-Speed, All-Geared Head and a Cross- Feeding Turntable. It is practically universal in adaptability and is suitable for an endless variety of work on castings, forgings and from the bar with the simplest tool equipment. SPECIFICATIONS RANGE, TURNTABLE . SPINDLE. SPEEDS FEEDS STOPS . FLOOR SPACE. WEIGHTS *Rod Chuck Capacity (round) .... *Rod Chuck Capacity (square across flats) . *Rod Chuck Capacity (hexagonal across flats) Length ; maximum turning Swing over Bed Swing over Special Forming Slide "to 2^' " to I T>/^' " to *rY 26" 2O X/ I i" Hexagon, 18" across flats, 6 Tool Seats. Turntable Top to Center of Spindle Turntable Top to Top of Cross Slide . Turntable Edge to Spindle End, maximum Bearings (3), all cylindrical, diameter Boxes, Bronze ; conical on O. D., adjustable for wear. Front End, 4 " diameter; Thread, 4^" diameter; 4 Pi. U. S. F. Hole through Spindle Speeds (8), R. P. M. Pulley, Driving on Head .... Pulley, Driving on Countershaft . Pulleys, Friction on Countershaft . Belt Width (Driving Pulley) . . . Belt Width (Counter. Friction Pulleys) Countershaft Speed, R. P. M. . . 10 to 251 14" x 4" 1 8" x 4" 14" x 4^ 310 Carriage Longitudinal (6). P. R. Sp. Turntable Transverse (6), P. R. Sp. Micrometer Dials graduated in thousandths. .0081 to .0559 .01 1 1 to .0767 Carriage Longitudinal (9), 6 regular, 3 supplementary. Turntable Transverse (8). Stock Stop (i) on Head, adjustable to any desired length. Machine, without Rod Feed Machine, with Rod Feed Machine, with Countershaft (no tools), net pounds Crating Material (domestic), approximate pounds Boxing Material (foreign), approximate pounds Box, cubic feet 15' 5500 600 1200 I 60 *For detailed information see table on page Code words, page 265. P R E. C 1 5 I O N T O O L 5 PRATT & WHITNEY COMPANY TURNTABLL LATHL, 2% X 26-INCH LQUIPMLNT5 "A" MACHINE. ARRANGED FOR ROD WORK WITHOUT TOOLS "B" MACHINE ARRANGED FOR ROD WORK WITH TOOLS I 2^" x 26", 20" Swing Turntable Lathe, with Oil Pump, Tank and Piping. 2 Oil Guards. Countershaft (double friction). Set of Wrenches. Automatic Rod Chuck, with *i Set of Jaws, any size within capacity. Automatic Power Rod Feed Device, with I Rod Support (plain). I Rod Support (revolving), with 2 Sets of Jaws. I Rod Follower Bar. 5 Rod Collars. 5 Rod Bushings. Rod Stop on Headstock. Includes Equipment "A" (minus Chuck Jaws), and *I5 Sets of Jaws, suitable for Round Rod, ^" to T. 1 /^" ( 19 to 64 m/m) across flats. Square Rod, fy" to I $" (19 to 44 m/m) across flats. Hexagon Rod, 3^" to 2 r 3 (T " (19 to 55 m/m) across flats. I Set of Jaw Spreaders for Hexagon Rods. 3 Universal Turners (2 regular, i with open-side slide), with 2 Pairs of Roller Back-rests (following). I Pair of Roller Back-rests (leading). I Pair of " V" Back-rest Holders. I Pair of " V" Back-rests (small). I Pair of " V " Back-rests (large). i Bell-mouth Pointing Tool. i End Forming and Pointing Tool. i Turntable Cut-off and Forming Tool. i 3" Round Tool Holder, with 2^" Bushing. I 2X" Round Tool Holder. i \Yz'\ Self-opening Die-head, with roughing and finishing attachment, and 8 Sets of Chasers $" ', ^", ^", i", I l /s", i%" ', I yj' and i l / 2 ", U. S. S. (Specify if otherwise than U. S. S.). i Box for Chuck Jaws. METRIC Differs from the above only in Chasers substituted for the ify" Die-head as EQUIPMENT "B" foUows . i 6, 1 8, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36 and 38 m/m, International Standard. "C" MACHINE i 2^" x 26", 20" Swing Turntable Lathe, with ARRANGED FOR O il Pump, Tank and Piping. CASTING AND _ .. FORGING WORK ^ O,l Guards. WITHOUT Countershaft (double friction). TOOLS Set of Wrenches. i i (3" Face Plate Equipment, i Chuck Plate (blank). ' *For detailed information, see table, page 103. Code words, page 265. P R L C 1 5 O N TOOLS 88 PRATT & WHITNF. Y COMPANY TURNTABLL LATHL, 2% X26-INCH-LQUIPMLNT5 (Continued) "D" MACHINE, ARRANGED FOR CASTING AND FORGING WORK WITH TOOLS "L" MACHINE ARRANGED FOR ROD WORK, CASTINGS AND FORCINGS WITH TOOLS Includes Equipment "C" (minus Blank Chuck Plate), and 1 15", 3-Jaw, Geared Scroll Chuck (extra heavy), with 2 Sets of Jaws for outside and inside gripping. I Set of Jaws (soft, blank), for special work. 2 Triple Tool Holders. 2 Tool Post Holders, with 2 Tool Posts each. 1 3" Round Tool Holder, with 2" Bushing. 2 -2.%" Round Tool Holders, with \y 2 " Bushing. I \Y%" x 10" Boring Bar, with Adjustable Cutter. I I l /2." x i 2" Boring Bar, with Adjustable Cutter. 3 Taper Adapters. Includes Equipment "A" (minus Chuck Jaw^s), and ^15 Sets of Jaws, suitable for Round Rod, j^" to 2^" (19 to 64 m/m). Square Rod, 3//" to i 3/j/' (19 to 44 m/m) across flats. Hexagon Rod, fy" to 2 T 3 g-" (19 to 55 m/m) across flats. i 15", 3-Jaw, Geared Scroll Chuck (extra heavy), with 2 Sets of Jaws, for outside and inside gripping. 1 Set of Jaws (soft, blank), for special work. i I 6" Face Plate Equipment. 3 Universal Turners (2 regular, I with open-side slide), and 2 Pairs of Roller Back-rests (following). I Pair of Roller Back-rests (leading). i Pair of "V" Back-rest Holders. i Pair of "V" Back-rests (small). I Pair of " V " Back-rests (large). I End Forming and Pointing Tool. i Bell-mouth Pointing Tool. 1 Turntable Cut-off and Forming Tool. 2 Triple Tool Holders. 2 Tool Post Holders, with 2 Tool Posts each. 1 3" Round Tool Holder, with I each 2" and 2^" Bushings. 2 1}^" Round Tool Holders, with I^ x/ Bushings each. i I y%" x 10" Boring Bar, with Adjustable Cutter. i 1^2" x 12" Boring Bar, with Adjustable Cutter. 3 Taper Adapters (i each No. 2, 3, 4, Morse Taper). i \ l /z" ', Self-opening Die-head, with roughing and finishing attachment, and i Set of Chasers each, $/%" , 3^", 7/ & '' ', i" , I ^j", I X"> *H" an( * U. S. S. (Specify if otherwise than U. S. S.). i Box for Collet Jaws and Chasers. METRIC Differs from the above only in Chasers furnished for the I y^' Die-head. (See EQUIPMENT "L"| Equipment B"). 'For detailed information, see table, page 105. Code words, page 265. 89 PRATT & WHITNEY C OMPANY PRECISION TOOLS 5425 Turntable Lathe Arranged with Motor Drive W H I O M TURNTABLE. LATHL APPLIANCES AND TOOLS Motor Drive Motor base is cast integral with front pedestal. It is provided with an automatic belt tightener and will accommodate any standard motor. Motor should be 7^ horse-power, constant speed not over 1200 revolutions per minute. If motor is furnished by customer full specifications are required. (Furnished to order). Special Forming Slide For heavy forming operations. It is mounted on bed and provided with six power transverse feed changes. Longitudinal adjustment is by hand through rack and pinion. Front and rear tool posts of improved type are provided. (Furnished to order). Threading Attachment An attachment extremely simple in design, attached to the machine proper in a most convenient manner. It is equally well suited and efficient on either long or short, external or internal work. Longitudinal travel of carriage is automatically controlled in either direction by means of conveniently located adjustable stops. Carriage return is accomplished through threading attachment, entirely independent of countershaft. As regularly furnished, it will cut threads from I y% to 20 pi., including 4.^2, 5^ and n}4 pi. Special gears may be furnished to order to practically meet any requirement. Threading Tool Holder A threading tool holder is made which permits the withdrawing and accurate returning of the tool to the previous depth independent of the cross slide. While this tool is not necessary for the satisfactory working of the attachment it has been found very convenient on certain classes of work. 15-inch Three-jaw Geared Scroll Chuck Is of an extra heavy type and is regularly furnished with two sets of jaws for outside and inside gripping, and one set of soft blank jaws that can be turned to suit special work. 15-inch Three-jaw Geared Scroll Chuck W H TURNTABLE LATHL APPLIANCES AND TOO L5 Continued TWO -jaw Chuck (See Two-jaw Chucks, page 74). Forging and Lever Scroll Chucks Used in combination for the centering and turning of forged bolts, the heads of which are more or less eccentric. These chucks are especially recommended for use in railroad shops. (Furnished to order). See page 75 for illustration. Chuck -plate (Blank) These plates are finished to fit the spindle and are of sufficient diameter to accommodate any desired chuck. Step- chuck with Adjustable Jaws and Closer Closer is made of gun iron ; step-chuck is made of steel and provided with four adjustable jaws with a maximum capacity of I 2 inches. The closing mechanism is controlled by means of an eccentric, which is operated by a crank wrench. For second operation work, such as gear blanks, and for other work which must be finished absolutely true, this step-chuck has no equal. (Furnished to order). 5tep-chuck, with Adjustable Jaws and Closer 95 I 5 I O TURNTABLL LATHL APPLIANCL5 AND TOOLS -Continued 16- inch Face-plate with Lquipment Consists of a face-plate fitted to the spindle with suitable straps, bolts, bunters, etc. It is found very convenient for rigidly holding a variety of work especially on second operations. Face-plate with Lquipment Tool Post Holder Is f l w construction, made of steel and is provided with T-slots which permit the use of the same reliable type of tool posts as used on the engine lathe. Two tool posts are furnished with each holder. Tool Post Holder PRATT W H I T N L Y COMPANY TURNTABLL LATHE. APPLIANCES AND TOOL5 Continued Off-set Tool Post Holder Similiar in design to the regular tool post holder, the off- set tool carrying surface, however, particularly adapting it for outside turning. Two tool posts are furnished with each holder. (Furnished to order). Off-set Tool Post Holder Triple Tool Holder For holding two rectangular and one round shank tool simultaneously. Round hole is i^-inch diameter to accommodate the regular boring bar. 5028 Triple Tool Holder 97 o o o TURNTABLL LATHL APPLIANCES AND TOO L5 Continued Round Tool Holders Made in two sizes, 2^ and 3 -inch for holding round shank tools to the turntable, such as die-head, bell-mouth pointing tool, etc. Bushings are furnished as ordered. The 1^/2 -inch bushing is carried in stock for the 2 i^ -inch holder, and the 2 and 2^ -inch for the 3 -inch holder. 3029 Round Tool Holder Multiple Tool Holder For the accommodation of several tools at once which may be freely adjusted latterly in any desired relation to one another and still be rigidly held in their adjusted positions. Tool accommodating space is 6^4 x i/ (Furnished to order). 533J (Patented) Multiple Tool Holder PRATT W H I T N L Y COMPANY TURNTABLE LATHL APPLIANCL5 AND TOOLS -Continued Boring Bars with Adjustable Cutter Made of steel, hardened and ground in two sizes, i/$ x 10 and 14 x 1 2-inch. Boring Bars with Adjustable Cutters Taper Drill and Reamer Adapters Are regularly made with Nos. 2, 3 and 4 Morse taper holes. Nos. 2 and 3 are i^-inch diameter, and the No. 4, z-inch diameter. 3788 Taper Drill and Reamer Adapters Floating Reamer Holder (See specifications on page 83). Double Lnd Cutter Bar Is sometimes found desirable for special boring and turning operations. It consists of a bar 3 inches in diameter, 30 inches long, with two high-speed steel cutters and suitable holding blocks. (Furnished to order). TURNTABLE LATHL APPLIANCES AND TOOL5 Continued Universal Turner F r bar work up to 2^-inch diameter. It is designed to permit the use of roller or " V " back-rests as desired. The back-rests are made to interchange and can be readily removed for the substitution of others. Roller back-rests are made in two styles, either following or leading, with hardened and ground rolls running on hardened and ground tool steel studs. The " V " back-rests are made in two sizes, large and small, and are mounted in holders which permit the easy reversing of the jaws from leading to following. NOTE In ordering this tool care should be taken to specify the equipment of back-rest required. (Patented) Universal Turner with full equipment of Jaws Universal Turner with Open Side 51ide Is similar in construction to the regular universal turner, with the exception that the cutter seat on the tool slide is extended and open, which is found very convenient on certain classes of work where it is necessary to turn very close to the chuck -jaws without interference. One set of "V" back-rest holders with two sets of jaws, one large and one small, are regularly furnished. PRATT & WHITNE.Y C. O '.tf :p A N Y TURNTABLL LATHL APPLIANCES AND TOOL5- Continued Turntable Cut-off and Forming Tool Tool slide is operated by means of a rack and pinion actuated by long lever which may be clamped to the pinion stud in any desired position to afford convenience in operation. Adjustable stops determine the movement of the tool slide. Tools rest on rockers and can be adjusted vertically. The construction permits the inverting of the rear tool if desired, thus it can be used without reversing the machine. Turntable Cut-off and Forming Tool Bell -mouth Pointing Tool For chamfering the ends of rough rods preparatory to turning. It is provided with a round shank 2^ inches in diameter. Back-rests, jaws and cutter are of high-speed steel. Bell-mouth Pointing Tool o o o TURNTABLE LATHL APPLIANCL5 AND TOOL5 Continued Lnd Forming and Pointing Tool For pointing and forming the ends of finished bars. Back-rests are provided which can be easily reversed for different diameters. Jaws and cutter are made of high-speed steel. Self -Opening Die This die has a roughing and finishing attachment which insures threads of superior accuracy and finish. The I y z -inch capacity is recommended with this machine, but die-heads with 2 -inch capacity may be furnished if desired. See page 79 for illustration. Taper Turning Tool Suitable for turning tapers from either bar stock or forgings. Back-rest jaws may be set to follow or lead the tool as occasion may demand. Taper is governed by an accurate taper bar and the work produced, therefore, is of a superior order and is fully equal to that obtained from an engine lathe. One taper bar, planed to produce tapers T T g- inch to the foot (unless otherwise specified), is furnished with each tool. 3687 X|($) (Patented) Taper Turning Tool, with Following and Leading Back-rests Open Side Turner Is recommended for turning short work above 2^ inches diameter when back-rest jaws are not required. It is similar in construction to the universal turner, with the exception that no provision is made for back-resting the work. (Furnished to order). Releasing Tap and Die Holder (See specifications on page 82). PRATT W H I T N L Y C O M P A N Y 2% X 26 TURNTABLE. LATHE. LIST OF COLLET JAWS AND SIZES OF STOCK THAT CAN BE HELD English Sizes Nominal Sizes Will Take Stock Round Hexagon Square X H to if H to If Iff to If H It to If it to if it to || i il to ift tt to ift n to i T v i l A I<5 5 f ^ I r 3 g !<5 5 -r t( ) ift I & to ift \% lit to i T 5 6 r it t( ) I T 5 G !^| to r ^ ^% ill to ift III ^ Ift ill to ift I l /2 i|! to ift I || tO Ift ill to ift 1/8 i|i to i fl if^ to i! it! to in \H it! to in ift to i [| if! to in lit t0 1 H ift to ii| 2 Ifl tO 2ft ifl to 2ft 2 X 2 U tO 2ft -64 2 /8 2fl tO 2ft 2/2 2 lf tO 2ft Metric Sizes Nominal Sizes Will Ta -Tex. (Flats) Stock Round 1 Hex. (Corners) Square 19 17.5 to 20.5 I 7-5 to 20.5 20.0 to 24.0 17.5 to 20.5 22 21. tO 24.0 2I.O tO 24.0 24.5 to 27.5 2I.O tO 24.0 25 24.5 to 27.0 24.5 to 27.0 28.0 to 31.0 24.5 to 27.0 29 27.5 to 30.0 27.5 to 30.0 31-5 to 35.0 27.5 to 30.0 3 2 30-5 to 33.5 30.5 to 33.5 35-5 to 38-5 30-5 to 33.5 35 34-o to 36.5 34.0 to 36.5 39.0 to 42.0 34.0 to 36.5 38 37.0 to 39.5 37.0 to 39.5 42.5 to 46.0 37.0 to 39.5 41 40.0 to 43.0 40.0 to 43.0 46.5 to 49.5 40.0 to 43.0 44 43.5 to 46.0 43.5 to 46.0 50.0 to 53.0 43.5 to 46.0 48 46.5 to 49.0 46.5 to 49.0 53-5 t 57-o 51 49.5 to 52.5 49.5 to 52.5 57.5 to 60.5 54 53- to 55.5 53.0 to 55.5 61.0 to 64.0 57 5 6 - to 58.5 60 59.0 to 62.0 64 62.5 to 65.0 NOTE When holding Hexagon Stock use but Three Jaws. 103 PRECISION TOOLS No. 1 Hand Screw Machine W H I O M NO. 1 HAND 5CRLW MACHINL-5PLCIFICATION5 RANGE Collet Capacity (round) .... Collet Capacity (square across flats) . Collet Capacity (hexagonal across flats) Length, maximum turning Swing over Bed Swing over Cut-off Slide .... Threading Capacity TURRET Diameter (round) Holes (6), y-' ff " diameter (4 or 8 holes to order). Turret Hole Center to Top of Turret Slide 4H' SPINDLE . SPEEDS FEEDS . Special Steel; Cylindrical Bearings; Front Boxes, C. I., lined with Babbitt, adjustable for wear. Hole through Plunger Hole through Spindle Front End, i/j" diameter; Thread, \]^"\ 14 Pi., U. S. F. Spindle Speeds (3), R. P. M. Cone Diameters (3), large diameter Pulleys (Friction on Counter.) Belt Width (Cone) .... Belt Width (Counter. Pulleys) . Countershaft Speed, R. P. M. Turret Slide, Hand Lever Feed. Cross Slide, Hand Lever Feed. Rod Feed, Lever Type. 310 to 865 6" 8" X 23^" 3 IO FLOOR SPACE With Rod Feed . Without Rod Feed WEIGHTS REGULAR EQUIPMENT Machine, with Regular Equipment, net pounds Crating Material (domestic), approximate pounds Boxing Material (foreign), approximate pounds Box, cubic feet Machine, with Wire Feed Mechanism (push type). Lever Cut-off, with 2 Tool Posts. Hand Feed Lever, for Turret Slide. Stock Stand, with 4 Bushings and 2 Collars. 2 Oil Pots. Set of Wrenches. Countershaft (double friction). 30" x 6' 30" x 4' 500 150 300 36 DRAW-BACK TYPE OF WIRE FEED Furnished to order. RACK AND PI FEED TO N Furnished to order in place of Lever Feed. TURRET SLIDE SCREW FEED CI IT OFF Furnished to order in place of Lever Cut- t-off. OIL PUMPAND. Furn i 8 hed to order. Code words, page 265. 105 o o No. 2 Hand Screw Machine W H I N Y NO. 2 HAND SCRLW MACHINE SPECIFICATIONS RANGE. . Collet Capacity (round) .... Collet Capacity (square across flats) Collet Capacity (hexagon across flats) Length ; maximum turning Swing over Bed Swing over Cut-off Slide Threading Capacity Regular No. 2 Head i TURRET SPINDLE. Diameter (round) .......... Holes (6), size (4 or 8 holes to order) .... Turret Hole center to top of Turret Slide Special Steel ; Cylindrical Bearings ; Front Boxes, C. I., lined with Babbitt, adjustable for wear. Hole through Plunger ......... Hole through Spindle ......... Front End, diameter ......... Thread Diameter and Pi., U. S. F ...... tt" , 12 Pi. SPEEDS FEEDS .. FLOOR SPACE WEIGHTS . Spindle Speeds (3), R. P. M Cone Diameters (3), large Pulleys (Friction on Counter ) 241 toj54 241 toj54 Belt Width (Cone) Belt Width (Counter. Pulleys) Countershaft Speed, R. P. M #" 3" 220 3" 22O Turret Slide, Hand Lever Feed. Cross Slide, Hand Lever. Rod Feed, Lever Type. With Rod Feed T.I" x 7' o" T: I " X l' Q" Without Rod Feed 3 1 " x 4-' 9" 3 1 " x 4' 9" Machine, with Regular Equipment, net pounds Crating Material (domestic), approximate pounds Boxing Material (foreign), approximate pounds . Box, cubic feet 875 200 35 4/%' by 8ths; or 12, 13, 14, 15, 1 6, I 8, 20, 22, 24 and 30 m/m. Code words, page 265. I O N O O So No. 00 Hand Bench Milling Machine WHI MPAN NO. 00 BE.NCH MILLING MACHINE. This machine is a precision tool, made in the very best manner possible and is largely used on a class of work where accuracy and convenience of operation are important factors. SPECIFICATIONS RANGE. Table Working Surface (Sides, 30 degrees angle) . . ,, Longitudinal Travel (combination lever and screw) Center to End of Spindle, maximum ,, Transverse Adjustment (by screw) ,, Top to Center of Spindle, maximum ,, Vertical Adjustment (by screw) ,, T-slot, .35" wide. MICROMETER DIALS VISE . INDEX QUILL CENTERS Graduated in thousandths. (Swivel graduated in degrees), total height . Width, depth and opening of Jaws . . . . Swing .... * SPINDLE SPEEDS . Tool Steel (H. & G.) ; Front Bearings, Double Taper. Boxes, Tool Steel (H. & G. ), adjustable for wear. Hole through Chuck Seat Front End, conical. .650' Spindle Speeds (6), R. P. M Cone Diameters (3) Pulleys (Countershaft, tight and loose), diameter Belt Width (Cone) Belt Width (Counter. Pulley) Countershaft Speed, R. P. M 1 13 to 1228 5" '#" 128 and 512 BE.NCH SPACE WEIGHTS Bench Space Machine, with Regular Equipment, net pounds Boxing Material, approximate pounds 5 REGULAR EQUIPMENT Includes the Machine, with Set of Wrenches and Countershaft (2-speed Wall). INDEX QUILL CENTERS Consists of Quill-rest with Quill (Spindle Nose same as Head Spindle) and 6onotch Index Plate ; Tailstock with Center. (Furnished to order). SWIVEL VISE . Graduated with H. & G. Jaws. (Furnished to order). Right angle piece. (Furnished to order)., * Spindle is same as on Bench Lathe and all spindle attachments will interchange. Table is of suitable form for the accurate and convenient accommodation of attachments. C;ode words, page 2.65. PRECISION TOOLS No. 1 Hand Milling Machine with Overhanging Arm Also made without Arm, similar to No. 2, on page 1 1 6 W H I M P A N NO. 10 HAND MILLING MACHINE MADE, WITH OR WITHOUT OVLRHANGING ARM These machines are modern tools in every respect and are peculiarly adapted for milling small parts of guns, sewing machines, typewriters, automobiles, etc. Knees and slides are all mounted upon long dovetailed bearings and are provided with taper gibs for maintaining proper relation between bearing surfaces. Stops are provided by which various movements of knees and slides can be very accurately governed. RANGE . VI5L . MICROMETER DIALS SPINDLE. SPLLD5 FLOOR 5PACL WEIGHTS . REGULAR EQUIPMENT COMBINATION LEVER AND SCREW TRANSVERSE MOVEMENT VERTICAL MILLING ATTACHMENT VISES AND ARBORS SPECIFICATIONS Table Working Surface Longitudinal Travel (by lever) . . Center to End of Spindle, maximum . Transverse Adjustment (by screw) Top to Centre of Spindle, maximum . Vertical Adjustment (by lever) Top to Underside of Arm, minimum T-slot (i), width 1 6" Size, No. 2^. Width, depth and opening of Jaws Graduated in thousandths. Special Steel 5 Bearings, cylindrical ; Front Boxes, Bronze ; O. D., conical, adjustable for wear. Hole through *Taper Hole, No. o Power m/m. Spindle Speeds (4), R. P. M. . Cone Diameters (4), large Pulley (Counter.) Belt Width (Cone) Belt Width (Countershaft Pulley) Countershaft Speed, R. P. M. . 76 to 400 8" 10" x 3" Floor Space Machine, with Regular Equipment, net pounds Crating Material (domestic), approximate pounds . Boxing Material (foreign), approximate pounds Box, cubic feet 975 125 250 3 1 The Machine, with Oil Pot; Set of Wrenches; Counter- shaft (tight and loose Pulley). Can be furnished in place of Regular Screw Movement. (Illustrated on page 114). (Seepage 135). (See pages 132-133). *For detailed information, see " Tapers ", page 247. Code words, page 265. PRECISION TOOL5 No. 1 Hand Milling Machine with Combination Lever and Screw, Transverse Movement 3633 Hand Milling Machine Motor Driven PRECISION TOOL5 4150 No. 2 Hand Milling Machine without Overhanging Arm Also made with Arm, similar to No. 1 0, on page 1 1 2 1 16 W H I N O M ANY NO. 2 HAND MILLING MACHINE MADE WITH OR WITHOUT OVERHANGING ARM This machine is similar in design to the No. 10, its wider range, however, making it suitable for a class of work beyond the capacity of the smaller machine. SPECIFICATIONS RANGE VISE MICROMETER DIALS 5PINDLL Table Working Surface V" X I '/" Longitudinal Travel (by lever) Center to End of Spindle, maximum . Transverse Adjustment (by screw) ... 5" ... 7" e" Top to Center of Spindle, maximum Vertical Adjustment (by lever) Top to Underside of Arm, minimum " T-slot (i), width . . . 10" ... 9" - 6&" . . . w Size, No. 1 1 Width, depth and opening of Jaws $", i"i 3" Graduated in thousandths. Special Steel ; Bearings, cylindrical ; Front . Boxes, Bronze ; O. D., conical, adjustable for wear. Hole through *Taper Hole, No. I Power m/m. SPEEDS FLOOR 5PACL WLIGHT5 Spindle Speeds (4), R. P. M Cone Diameters (4), large Pulley (Countershaft) Belt Width (Cone) Belt Width (Countershaft Pulley) .... Countershaft Speed, R. P. M Floor Space Machine, with Regular Equipment, net pounds Crating Material (domestic), approximate pounds Boxing Material (foreign), approximate pounds . Box, cubic feet 75 to 375 10" a"x 3 X 3" 3 / s 36" x 40" 1 1 50 150 300 40 REGULAR EQUIPMENT VERTICAL MILLING ATTACHMENT VISE AND ARBORS The Machine, with Oil Pot ; Set of Wrenches and Countershaft (tight and loose Pulley). (See page 135). (See pages 132-133). *For detailed information, see " Tapers ", page 247. Code words, page 265. PRECISION TOOLS 4163 No. 2 Hand Milling Machine with Vertical Vise Slide 118 PRATT WHITNEY COMPANY NO. 2 HAND MILLING MACHINE WITH VERTICAL VI5E 5LIDE SPECIFICATIONS RANGE . . . Table Working Surface 4^" x 6" Longitudinal Travel (by lever) 6" Center to End of Spindle, maximum %%" Transverse Adjustment (by screw) 5" Top to Center of Spindle, maximum \\" Vertical Adjustment by Lever 2" Vertical Adjustment by Screw \\" " T-slot (i), width ft" VISE ... Size No 2*/ Width, depth and opening of Jaws 4f6"> %" ^jHi" MICROMETER DIALS Graduated in thousandths. SPINDLE . . . Special Steel; Bearings, cylindrical; Front i" x $y%" Boxes, Bronze ; O. D., conical, adjustable for wear. Hole through $/&" fTaper Hole, No. i Power m/m. SPEEDS . . . Spindle Speeds (4), R. P. M. . j? to 17 c Cone Diameters (4), large . . . io /r Pulley (Counter) . \2" x 7 \L" Belt Width (Cone) 3" Belt Width ( Countershaft Pulley) 3^" Countershaft Speed, R. P. M . . 125 FLOOR SPACE Floor Space . 36" x 40' WEIGHTS Machine, with Regular Equipment, net pounds Crating Material (domestic), approximate pounds Boxing Material (foreign), approximate pounds Box, cubic feet 1150 150 300 40 REGULAR EQUIPMENT Includes the Machine, with Oil Pot; Set of Countershaft (tight and loose Pulley). Wrenches and VISE AND ARBORS (See pages 132-133). NOTE This Machine is also made with Overhanging Arm which will accommodate the No. i. Vertical Milling Attachment. f For detailed information, see " Tapers ", page 247. Code words, page ^6$. PRECISION TOOL5 No. 2 Column Power Milling Machine PRATT & WHITNEY COMPANY NO. 2 COLUMN POWER MILLING MACHINE. This machine is particularly adapted for various milling operations on guns, typewriters, sewing machines, automobiles, etc. The quick return of table by hand, coupled with the simple construction and convenient arrangement of the other operating requirements, enables one operator to take care of several machines. SPECIFICATIONS RANGE. .... Table Working Surface 5" x 24" Longitudinal Travel (by rack and pinion) ... 18" Center to End of Spindle, maximum 7/^" Transverse Adjustment (by screw) 4" Top to Center of Spindle, maximum 12^" Vertical Adjustment (by screw) i2j/" Top to Underside of Arm, minimum STS" T-slot (i), y%" wide. VISE. Size, No. n. Width, depth and opening of Jaws 5", i", 3" SPINDLE . . . Special Steel ; Cylindrical Bearings 5 Front 2" x 5 3/%" Boxes, Bronze ; conical on O. D., adjustable for wear. *Taper Hole, No i Power m/m. Hole through y%" SPEEDS . . . Spindle Speeds (3), R. P. M 9410300 Cone Diameters (3) 5", lYs", 9^" Pulley (Counter., tight and loose) 14" x 4/^5" Belt Width (Cone) 4" Belt Width (Counter. Pulleys) 4#" Countershaft Speed, R. P. M 125 FEEDS .... Power to Table (5), P. R. Sp 004" to .0193" FLOOR SPACE. Floor Space 48" x 53" WEIGHTS . . . Machine, with Regular Equipment, net pounds .... 1500 Crating Material (domestic), approximate pounds .... 150 Boxing Material (foreign), approximate pounds .... 350 Box, cubic feet 63 REGULAR LQUIPMLNT VERTICAL MILLING ATTACHMENT The Machine, with Overhanging Arm. Oil Pot. Tool Pan (attached to column). Set of Wrenches. Countershaft (tight and loose Pulley). (See page 135). VISE AND ._ XT . ARBORS ( Same as No - 2 Hand. See pages 132-133). * For detailed information, see "Tapers", page 247. Code words, page 265. RECISION TOOLS No. 12 Lincoln Milling Machine PRATT WHITNEY C O M P A N NO. 12 LINCOLN MILLING MACHINE These machines have recently been re-designed and, while retaining the general characteristics of the Lincoln Type, differ from the original in the following manner : Machines are far more rigid and powerful ; Oil Pans surround and are cast integral with the bed and table ; Tables are provided with T-slots ; Spindles are hollow and are provided with draw-back rods ; Adjustments, vertical of spindle and transverse of tables, are through bevel gears actuated by crank at front of machine. SPECIFICATIONS RANGE. VISE, SPINDLE SPEEDS Table Working Surface l l /2," x 3 2 ' Longitudinal Travel 15" Center to End of Spindle, minimum 4/4" Transverse Adjustment 6/^" Top to Center of Spindle, maximum .... 8^2" Vertical Adjustment of Spindle 7" Table Top to Top of Bed 6^" Head Spindle to Tailstock Spindle, maximum .... I 5/^ // T-slots ; number, size, distance apart 3", ^&", 2^ i _ Size, No. 12 Width, depth and opening of Jaws 7", I ]/+" , 3 y\ Special Steel; Bearings, cylindrical; Front 2^g x/ x 3 ^' Boxes, C. I., lined with Babbitt, adjustable for wear. Hole through T 9 S " *Taper Hole, No. 1 1 Jarno. Spindle Speeds (3), R. P. M 22 to 50 Gearing Ratio 4^ to i Cone Diameters (3), large 12" Pulleys (Countershaft) 12" x 3^' Belt Width (Cone) 3" Belt Width (Countershaft Pulley) 3" Countershaft Speeds, R. P. M 150 FEEDS . . . Table Longitudinal (4), by Feed Cones, P. R. Sp. FLOOR SPACE. Floor Space WEIGHTS RLGULAR EQUIPMENT Machine, with Regular Equipment, net pounds Crating Material (domestic), approximate pounds . Boxing Material (foreign), approximate pounds Box, cubic feet .0123" to .046'' 54" x 57" 1720 275 55 62 The Machine, with Oil Pump, Tank and Piping 5 Set of Wrenches; Countershaft (tight and loose Pulley). (Vise and Arbors furnished to order, see pages 132-133). *For detailed information, see " Tapers ", page 247. Code words, page 265. PRECISION TOOLS 4183 No. \3 Lincoln Milling Machine T T W H O M NO. 13 LINCOLN MILLING MACHINE The machine is similar in design to the No. I 2, its wider range making it suitable for the heavier class of work beyond the capacity of the smaller machines. SPECIFICATIONS RANGE. . VISE. . . Table Working Surface Longitudinal Travel Center to End of Spindle, minimum . Transverse Adjustment Top to Center of Spindle, maximum . Vertical Adjustment of Spindle . . ' . Table Top to Top of Bed Head Spindle to Tailstock Spindle, maximum . T-slots ; number, size, distance apart .... 1 1'' x 36" 20" 9" 8" Size, No. 12. Width, depth and opening of Jaws SPINDLE, . . . Special Steel ; Bearings, cylindrical ; Front Boxes, C. L, lined with Babbitt, adjustable for wear. Hole through -I .^" *Taper Hole, No. 12 Jarno. SPEEDS . . . Spindle Speeds (3), R. P. M 231043 Gearing Ratio 5^ to i Cone Diameters (3), large 14" Pulleys (Countershaft) 14" x 4^ x/ Belt Width (Cone) 3^" Belt Width ( Countershaft Pulley ) 4" Countershaft Speeds, R. P. M 150 FEEDS Table Longitudinal (4), by Feed Cones, P. R. Sp 0142" to .0534' FLOOR 5PACL Floor Space 66" x 64" WEIGHTS . . . Machine, with Regular Equipment, net pounds .... 2600 Crating Material (domestic), approximate pounds . . . 300 Boxing Material (foreign), approximate pounds .... 650 Box, cubic feet Iio REGULAR The Machine, with Oil Pump, Tank and Piping. EQUIPMENT Set of winches. Countershaft (tight and loose Pulley). (Vise and Arbors furnished to order. See pages I *For detailed information, see " Tapers '', page 247. Code words, page 265. PRECISION TOOLS No. 2 Lincoln Milling Machine 126 PRATT W H I T N E. Y COMPANY NO. 2 LINCOLN MILLING MACHINE These machines are peculiarly adapted and extensively used in the manufacture of small arms sewing machines, automobiles, typewriters and on a large variety of other duplicate milling work. SPECIFICATIONS RANGE, VISE, . SPINDLE, 5PE.E.D5 FLE.DS . Table Working Surface Longitudinal Travel Center to End of Spindle, minimum . Transverse Adjustment Top to Center of Spindle, maximum . Vertical Adjustment of Spindle Table Top to Top of Bed Head Spindle to Tailstock Spindle, maximum . 6" x 3 z" 12" 5iY if)" Size, No. 4. Width, depth and opening of Jaws Special Steel ; Bearings, cylindrical ; Front Boxes, C. I., lined with Babbitt, adjustable for wear. *Taper Hole, No. 2 Power m/m. VA Spindle Speeds (3), R. P. M. . Gearing Ratio Cone Diameters (3), large Pulleys (Countershaft) . . . Belt Width (Cone) .... Belt Width (Countershaft Pulley) Countershaft Speeds, R. P. M. . 8 to 40 to i Table Longitudinal (4), by Feed Cones, P. R. Sp 0119" to .0446' FLOOR SPACE. Floor Space WE.IGHT5 . . Machine, with Regular Equipment, net pounds .... J 4 2 5 Crating Material (domestic), approximate pounds ... 100 Boxing Material (foreign), approximate pounds .... 400 Box, cubic feet 52 RE.GULAR The Machine, with Set of Wrenches and Countershaft LQUIPME.NT ( tight and loose p u n ey ). (Vise and Arbors furnished to order. See pages 132-133. * For detailed information, see " Tapers ", page 247. Code words, page 265. PRECISION TOOLS No. y/z Double Horizontal Milling Machine 128 W H I NO. 3^ POWER MILLING MACHINE MADE. TO ORDLR ONLY Bed is made in lengths to accommodate tables from 4 to 14 feet. Machine has two heads, which have both vertical and longitudinal adjustment. Table is driven by large worm and worm rack and is provided with quick power return. 5PLCIFICATION5 RANGE 5PINDLL Table Length Width Travel ,, Top to Center of Spindle, minimum ,, Top to Center of Spindle, maximum ,, Center to End of Spindle, minimum ,, Center to End of Spindle, maximum Spindles Distance between Ends, minimum ,, Distance between Ends, maximum T-slots 5 number, size and distance apart Special Steel ; Bearings, cylindrical 5 Front Boxes, Bronze 5 adjustable for wear. Hole through *Taper Hole, No. 3 Power m/m. Front End 5 Thread, 3 j^"; 5 Pi., one each R. & L. Hand. 4' to 14' 4' to 14' 1 6" 2 7 .!> ^"> 5' SPEEDS FEEDS . Spindle Speeds (8), R. P. M Gearing Ratio Cone Diameters (4), largest Pulleys (Regular Countershaft), 2 sets . Pulleys (Quick Return Countershaft), i set Belt Width (Cone) Belt Width (Countershaft Pulleys) . . . Countershaft Speeds (Regular), R. P. M. . Countershaft Speeds (Quick Return), R. P. Table (24), P. R. Sp M. FLOOR 5PACL Machine, with 4' Table WEIGHTS REGULAR EQUIPMENT Machine, Regular Equipment (4' Table), net pounds Additional, per foot of Table Crating Material (domestic), approximate pounds .... Boxing Material (foreign), approximate pounds .... Box, cubic feet The Machine, with Swinging Oil Pots; Set of Wrenches; suitable Supporting Jacks and Feed Change Gears ; 2 Countershafts (one 2-speed tight and loose Pulley and one quick return ). ^ to 42 12.3 to i 15 x 4 10" X 2 3 74 208 and 262 .024 1 " to .38 56' I2 r 3" X 9' 7600 400 8 5 2OOO * For detailed information, see " Tapers '', page 2.47. Code words, page 265. P R E, C 5 I O N TOOLS No. 2 Vertical Spindle Milling Machine PRATT WHITNEY COMPANY NO. 2 VERTICAL MILLING MACHINL MADL TO ORDER ONLY Made in one size, with either one or two spindles. Table is made in various lengths ; both table and spindles are provided with power feed in either direction. SPECIFICATIONS RANGE. SPINDLE, 5PE.E.D5 FE.E.D5 Table Length . . . . Width .... Travel .... ,, Top to End of Spindle, minimum . ,, Top to End of Spindle, maximum . Distance between Uprights T-slots (5); size, ^"; dis- tance apart, 4^". Special Steel ; Bearings, cylin- drical ; Front .... Hole through *Taper Hole (Power Milling Machine ) Front End Spindle Speeds (6), R. P. M. Gearing Ratio Cone Diameters (3), large . One Sp. 6' 6' Two Sps. 22" 6' No. 3 ", 5 Pi, R. H. i I Yi to 6 1 6.85 to i 19" Pulleys (Countershaft), 2 sets i8"x 4" and I 2" x Belt Width (Cone) ... 3^" Belt Width (Counter. Pulleys) 3^" and 4/^" Counter Speeds, R. P. M. . i 10 and 300 Table, by Feed Cones (4), R. P. Sp Head Transverse (4) . .0378 to .325 .0366 to .03 14 No. 3 atf", 5 Pi-> R. H. \\y z to 6 1 5.56 to I '.^" x 4^4" and 14" x 4" 4" and 6 3^" i 60 and 430 .0378 to .325 .0366 to .0314 FLOOR 5PACL Floor Space WLIGHT5 . . . Machine, with Countershaft, net pounds Additional, per foot of Table Crating Material (domestic), approximate pounds Boxing Material (foreign), ap- proximate pounds Box, cubic feet . . ,. . 8800 I 1900 500 jOO 800 800 2OOO 2700 Z76 37 *For detailed information, see " Tapers '', page 247. Code words, page 2.65. VI5L5 FOR MILLING MACHINL5 Vises are regularly furnished with hardened and ground Jaws fitted, and with suitable Crank Wrench. Nos. 4 and 1 2 are furnished with Extension Crank Wrenches. Where Jaws and Cranks are not wanted suitable allowance will be made. Used on Machine Size Jaws Weight Number Width De P th ! Opening pj^ Inches Inches Inches HAND MILLING MACHINE. No. 10 . . . ^ No. 2. Vertical > 2^ 4 5/ Vise Slide . ) No. 2. Regular ^ No. 2. Column I I 5 Power . . ) , ^ 2^ 21 i 3 29 LINCOLN MILLING MACHINE. No. 2 4 No. 12 ) ,No. 13 f ' ' ' ' I2 7 i# 3X S 2 iX 3/8 62 '32 W H I O M Arbor without Arm Support No, 2 and No. 10 Hand Milling Machine Arbor with Arm Support No. 2 and No. 10 Hand Milling Machines Also No. 2 Column Power Milling Machine Artior for No. 2 Lincoln Milling Machine Arbor for No. \2 and No. 13 Lincoln Milling Machine ARBOR5 FOR MILLING MACHINLS Hand Milling Machine Arbors are made in two styles, with or without Arm Support. Lincoln Milling Machine Arbors are made in one style only, with Arm Support ; the No. 2 is provided with tang, and the Nos. 12 and 13 drilled and tapped for Pull-back ; Arbors are splined for cutters. All Arbors are made in two lengths, hardened and ground, and are furnished with suitable collars and nut. Cutter Length Number Diameter * Taper No Arm With Arm t # ^> and 3^2 2 and 4 No. o. Power M. M. 10 # 3 and 5 4 and 6 No o. Power M. M. HAND ( i l and C 4 and 6 No 0, Power M. M. MILLING MACHINE I # and 3^ t2 and 4 No I. Power M. M. # 3 and 5 1 4 and 6 No I. Power M. M. < i 3 and 5 J4 and 6 No I. Power M. M. I i 6 and 9 No 2_ Power M. M. ll A 6 and 9 No 2. Power M. M. LINCOLN \ i 6 and 9 No. l l . Jarno MILLING i# 6 and 9 No. 1 1. Jarno MACHINE j IO and M No. 12. Jarno 13 \ iX IO and H No. I 2. Jarno f i# 10 and H i No. I 2. Jarno * For detailed information, see Tapers, page 247. t Are also used on No. 2 Column Power Milling Machine o o INDEX MILLING FIXTURE Made in one size. Regularly furnished with 8 -Notch Index Ring, tool steel (hardened and ground); 2-Javv Chuck with Blank Inserted Jaws and suitable Wrenches. No. Hole through Jaws, width . Total height of fixture Base, dimensions Weight, pounds i 35 134 W H I VERTICAL MILLING ATTACHMENT Made for the Nos. 2 and 10 Hand Milling Machines. The No. 2 attachment is also suitable for the No. 2 Column Power Milling Machine. The attachment is very rigid and is securely clamped to the overhanging arm, which is reversed end for end. The vertical spindle is driven by means of mitre gears from the main spindle of the machine, the taper hole being same as in machine spindle (see machine specifications). It can be operated at any desired angle, accurate graduations being provided. This attachment is found very convenient for taking angular cuts with cylindrical cutters, also for cutting T-slots, key-seating, etc. '35 PRECISION TOOLS I Spline Milling Machine 136 W H I O M 5PLINL MILLING MACHINE A new tool of exceptional merit, designed for the economical milling of slots and splines with closed ends, such as gun receivers, adjustable sights, tang-slots in collets, etc. Machine can be furnished with special fixtures for milling circular, spiral or irregular grooves. The automatic features of the machine, coupled with the inexpensive and durable Fish-tail Type of cutters used, reduces the operating expense to the minimum. SPECIFICATIONS RANGE. . Table Travel Table Top to Center of Cutter Spindles Cutting Diameter, maximum Cutting Depth (using both Spindles), maximum Cutting Depth (using one Spindle), maximum o to 4 3^" \" 4" 2" SPEEDS FEEDS FLOOR SPACE. Spindle Speeds (6), R. P. M. . Cone Diameters (3), large diameter Pulleys ( Counter. Friction ) Belt Width (Cone) .... Belt Width (Counter. Pulley) . Countershaft Speeds, R. P. M. . Table Feeds (5), P. R. Sp. strok Table Feeds (5), P. R. Sp. 4" stroke . Spindle Feed, per notch of Feed Ratchet Floor Space 40 1 to 1532 12" 12" x " 250 and 325 .0007'' to .0057' .01 12" to .092' .OO28" WEIGHTS . REGULAR EQUIPMENT Regular Equipment, net pounds Crating Material (domestic), approximate pounds Boxing Material (foreign), approximate pounds . Box, cubic feet 1800 100 450 62 The Machine, with Oil Pump, Tank and Piping. Universal Vise and Foot Stock for Round Stock. 4 Draw-in Collets (2 each, %" and ^g"). 2 Cutters, any size, with 2 or 4 lips. Countershaft (2-speed Friction). Set of Wrenches. (See attachments on following pages). Code words, page 265. i37 PRLC 5 I O N TOOL5 Universal Vise and Foot Stock for Round Work Sample of Work Shown in Place 41 16 Universal Vise for Square and Flat Stock with Work in Place 138 PRATT & WHITNLY COMPANY Two and Four-lip Fish-tail Cutters as used with Spline Milling Machine PRECISION T O O L 5 (Patented) Grinding Machine for Fish-tail Cutters PRATT W H I T N E. Y COMPANY FI5H-TAIL CUTTLR GRINDER This machine is designed for grinding fish-tail cutters as used on the Spline Milling Machine. The wheel and cutter slides are located in the proper relation to one another to always maintain the correct angles on the cutters. SPECIFICATIONS RANGE. Cutter Slide Adjustment (by lever) Wheel Slide Adjustment (by screw GRINDING (Cupped), 2^" diameter; ft" wide ; 3^" hole WHE.E.L5 5PE.E.D5 Spindle Speed, R. P. M Pulley (Spindle), Grooved, diameter Pulley (Counter., tight and loose) Belt Width (Spindle Pulley), #" round. Countershaft Speed, R. P. M. . . . 5H3 i %" 6" xi ft' 600 FLOOR SPACE. Floor Space 27" Circle WE.IGHT5 Machine, Regular Equipment, net pounds . Crating Material (domestic), approximate pounds Boxing Material (foreign), approximate pounds Box, cubic feet 5 100 22 RLGULAR E.QUIPME.NT The Machine, with 1 Grinding Wheel. 2 Collets " and md Countershaft. Code words, page 265. PRECISION TOOLS (Patented) x 12-inch Thread Milling Machine with Draw-back Collet Attachment PRATT & WHITNEY COMPANY 4^ X 12-INCH THREAD MILLING MACHINE For cutting small precision screws, worms, lead and feed screws, spiral gears, also for splining and oil grooving shafts, etc. It is far superior to the engine lathe in accuracy, finish of work and economy of operation. SPECIFICATIONS RANGL Length that can be cut between Centers 12" Diameter that can be cut 4/ / 2 // Lead that can be cut (Regular Gear), minimum and maximum 24 Pi. to 12" Lead that can be cut (Special Gear), minimum and maximum 40 Pi. to 12" Depth that can be cut {;/' Collet Capacity (Spindle) \" Collet Capacity ( Draw-back Attachment ) y%" Hole through Spindle l IT," Follow Rest Capacity i%(" Index Ring (Regular), 48 notches Lead Screw (Regular), 2 Pi.; (Metric), 12 m/m P. CUTTLR5 SPEEDS . FLOOR SPACE. WEIGHTS . REGULAR EQUIPMENT Diameters Hole Work Spindle Speed Changes Work Spindle Speed, minimum . Work Spindle Speed, maximum . . Cutter Spindle Speeds, R. P. M. . . Countershaft Speeds, R. P. M. . . . Pulleys (Countershaft, tight and loose) . Floor Space INTERNAL MILLING CUTTERS DRAW-BACK COLLET MECHANISM Machine, with Regular Equipment Crating Material (domestic), approximate pounds Boxing Material (foreign), approximate pounds Box, cubic feet and 64 rev. in 4 mm. i 6 R. P. M. 271 and 346 2^0 and 320 10" x -\" 1850 200 55 65 The Machine, with Oil Pump, Tank and Piping. i Spindle Collet (round), any standard size up to i " diameter. I Follow Rest, with Bushing, any specified size up to i ^" diameter. i Index Ring (48 notches). 12 Change Gears. i Cutter, any Pi. specified. Countershaft. Set of Wrenches. The Machine can be arranged for internal milling, to order. Cutters either U. S., V., International or Whitworth Standards, i %" and i ^" diameters, are carried in stock. With Collets, any size from l /^" to y" inclusive, by i6th, can be furnished to order. Code words, page 265. PRECISION TOOLS (Patented) 6 x 14-inch Thread Milling Machine PRAT \\ H I 6-INCH THREAD MILLING MACHINE For cutting precision screws, worms, lead and feed screws, spiral gears, hobs and taps, also for splining and oil grooving shafts, etc. It is far superior to the engine lathe in accuracy, finish of work and economy of operation. SPECIFICATIONS RANGF. CUTTE.R5 5PE.LD5 . Length that can be cut between Centers Diameter that can be cut . . 14", 48 ", 80", 132' 6" be cut (Regular Gears), minimum and Lead that can maximum Lead that can be cut (Special Gears), minimum maximum Depth that can be cut (Regular Cutter Head) Depth that can be cut (Oversize Cutter Head) Collet Capacity, Spindle (Regular Head) .... Collet Capacity, Spindle (Oversize Head) .... Collet Capacity, Drawback (Regular and Oversize) . Hole through Spindle (Regular Head) Hole through Spindle (Oversize Head) .... Follow Rest Capacity (Regular) Follow Rest Capacity (Oversize) Index Ring (Regular), 48 notches. Lead Screw (Regular), 2 Pi. 5 (Metric), 12 m/m P. and 12 Pi. to 15" 24 Pi. to 24" TV, Diameter for Regular Cutter Head Diameter for Oversize Cutter Head Hole for Regular Cutter Head Hole for Oversize Cutter Head Work Spindle Speed Changes Work Spindle Speed, minimum (Direct Sp. Drive) . Work Spindle Speed, maximum (Direct Sp. Drive) . Work Spindle Speed, minimum (Lead Screw Drive) Cutter Spindle Speeds (3), R. P. M Countershaft Speed, R. P. M Pulleys ( Countershaft, tight and loose ) .... * > ~/q- > 2 W and 54 [ rev. in 6 min. 5 ft R. P. M. rev. in 25 min. 118, 144, 177 215 12" x " FLOOR 5PACF. Machine 6" x 14" 6" x 48" 6" x 80" 6" x 132" Floor Space 41" x 61", 4i // x7 / u // , 41" x 10' 7", 4i"xi4'n' WEIGHTS 6" x 14" 6" x 48" 6" x 80" 6" Machine, Regular Equipment, net pounds 2650 3200 3^ Crating Material (domestic), approximate pounds . . 3 35 600 1000 Boxing Material(foreign), approxi- mate pounds 900 1000 1 200 2000 Box, cubic feet 117 153 19*5 275 Code words, page 265. '45 PRECISION T O O L 5 Z oo ^ "c -c C) (0 146 PRATT & WHITNLY COMPANY 6-INCH THRLAD MILLING MACHINL REGULAR EQUIPMENT The Machine, with Oil Pump, Tank and Piping. Spindle Collet, 2" hole. Spindle Collet Bushing (round), any size up to I ^". Follow Rest, with I Bushing, any size up to 2". Stationary Rest (on 6" x 80" and 6" x 1-52" Machines). Live Center and Work Driver. Index Ring (48 notches). Lead Screw, 2 Pi. or 12 m/m P. 7 Change Gears. 1 Cutter, any Pi specified. 2 Countershafts. Set of Wrenches. OVLR5IZL HLAD TAIL5TOCK AND FOLLOW REST With "\" capacity, will be found advantageous when machine is to be regularly used for screw cutting beyond 2" diameter. Furnished in place of regular parts to order. 5PLCIAL Designed for Cutters up to 3^" diameter, i" hole, and is capable of milling HLAVY thread $/%" deep at one cut. Furnished to order in place of regular cutte CUTTLR HLAD head and especially recommended in connection with oversize head parts. The machine can be furnished to order, with an Internal Milling Attachment, INTLRNAL suitable for milling threads of moderate pitch in holes from ij^" ' n diameter MILLING to about 6". When machine is thus arranged it is adapted for internal milling only. Cut on page 148. BACKING-OUT To enable depth of cut to be tapered out to zero in three turns of spindle. ATTACHMENT ( Furnished to order ). COMPOUND With special carriage and bed, furnished to order on 6" x 14" and 6" x 48" TAPLR machines. The attachment is designed to permit the accurate threading ATTACHMENT ^ both t ^ ie tapers ar >d cylindrical portion of work if desired, such as on certain screws, taps, etc. Cut on page 149. POWER QUICK RETURN Furnished to order on 6" x 80" and 6" x 132" machines. DEVICE DRAW-BACK COLLET With Collets from y<&" to '/' inclusive by i6th. (Furnished to order). Cut on page 149. ATTACHMENT CUTTERS ... \j g ^ y ^ International, Worm and Acme Standards are carried in stock. SPECIAL These machines may be furnished with special equipments to meet demands out of EQUIPMENTS the ordinary. Full information furnished upon receipt of drawings or samples. Code words, page 165. P R L C I 5 I O N TOOLS (Patented) 6 x 14-inch Thread Miller, Arranged for Internal Multiple Thread Cutting 48 PRATT & WHITNEY COMPANY 5606 Draw-back Collet Attachment A573 (Patented) Taper Milling Attachment PRECISION TOOLS (Patented) Automatic Cutter Grinder 150 PRATT W H I T N L Y COMPANY AUTOMATIC GRINDER FOR THREAD MILLING CUTTERS This grinder is provided with three-wheel heads and will automatically grind both the sides and tops of cutters simultaneously. Accurate graduations are provided in order to obtain the desired angles. SPECIFICATIONS RANGE Travel of Grinding Wheel Spindles Capacity Cutter, diameter, maximum .... Graduation in degrees, any desired angle obtainable. GRINDING WHELLS Grinding Wheels, i]/z" x y" and y%" Hole. SPEEDS . . . Spindle Speed, R. P. M Pulley ( Counter., tight and loose ) Belt Width (Spindle Pulley), >" Twisted Rawhide. Belt Width (Machine Driving), *^" round. Belt Width (Counter., tight and loose) . Countershaft Speed, R. P. M 7000 6" x i 5/ 400 FLOOR 5PACL Floor Spact 11" Circle WEIGHTS . . Machine, Regular Equipment, net pounds . Crating Material (domestic), approximate pounds Boxing Material (foreign), approximate pounds Box, cubic feet 265 5 200 24 REGULAR EQUIPMENT The Machine, with 3 Index Plates (24, 30 and 34 teeth). 3 Grinding Wheels. 2 Countershafts. i Cutter Adapter, either T 7 g", ^" or \" diameter. (Spindle end is y'v/' diameter). Set of Wrenches. Code words, page 265. P R L C 1 5 1 O N TOOLS ~, F= u v I * i g 152 W H I 12 X 48-INCH THREAD MILLING MACHINE This machine is particularly designed for heavy work such as large elevator and gun-mount worms, heavy screws and other work, which is beyond the capacity of the 6-inch machine. 5PLCIFICATION5 RANGE. .... Length that can be cut between Centers ..... Diameter that can be cut .......... Lead that can be cut, minimum and maximum ... Depth that can be cut ........... Collet Capacity ............. Hole through Spindle ........... Follow Rest Capacity . ........ Index Ring (Regular), 24 notches. Lead Screw (Regular), i" Lead; (Metric), 24 m/ni Lead. 48" i 2" Pi. to 96" Lead CUTTE.R5 5PLLDS Diameters, Regular Cutter Head 4", Diameters, Oversize Cutter Head, maximum .... Hole, Regular Cutter Head Hole, Oversize Cutter Head !#' Work Spindle Speed Changes for each Cutter Speed . 24 Spindle Speed, minimum i rev. in 37 min. Spindle Speed, maximum i rev. in I ^ min. Cutter Spindle Speeds (6), R. P. M 31 to 65 Countershaft Speeds, R. P. M 320 and 440 Pulleys (Countershaft, tight and loose) \\" and 15" x 6^ FLOOR 5PACE. Floor Space . 5 9 5 WEIGHTS . RLGULAR LQUIPMLNT Machine, Regular Equipment, net pounds . Crating Material (domestic), approximate pounds Boxing Material (foreign), approximate pounds . Box, cubic feet 6800 800 1800 217 Machine, with Oil Pump, Tank and Piping. i Master Collet, 3/^" diameter. i Collet Bushing (round), any size up to i Tailstock Bushing, any size up to 3/^ i Cutter (any pitch specified). i Follow Rest, with Adjustable Jaws. 1 Index Ring (24 notches). 17 Change Gears. 2 Countershafts and Set of Wrenches. ." diameter. Code words, page 265. 153 o o PRATT WHITNEY COMPANY (Patented) Thread Milling Cutter P R L C I 5 O N TOOLS 5656 (Patented) 4 x 30-inch Cylindrical Automatic Sizing Grinder 56 W H I 4 X 30-INCH CYLINDRICAL AUTOMATIC SIZING GRINDER In the design are embodied many new important improvements which greatly increase its production capacity and also make possible a greater degree of accuracy. Automatic Sizing Device A very simple device, very easy to operate, which, after setting to the required diameter, will automatically grind any number of pieces to the exact size irrespective of wear of wheel. In operation it controls and utilizes both the roughing and finishing feeds, thereby obtaining the maximum output. Back-rest Rigid, Automatic Positive Feeding Type, which automatically follows up and correctly supports the work without yielding, at a pressure easily governed to meet any requirement. In action it readily demonstrates its superiority over either the yielding or hand adjusted type. Overhead Driving Mechanism Consists of but a tight and loose pulley countershaft. The other necessary driving parts have been simplified and placed within easy reach of the operator by being made a part of the machine proper. SPECIFICATIONS RANGE. GRINDING WHEELS WHEEL 5PINDLL SPEEDS . FEEDS . Center Distance, maximum Swing over Table Taper, per foot, maximum Diameter Width Hole . 12 tO I 5" Tool Steel (H. & G.); Cylindrical Bearings, diameter . Boxes, Bronze 5 conical, on O. D., adjustable for wear. *Taper Hole in H ead and Tailstock Spindles, Jarno Taper, No. 5 . Wheel Speeds (2), R. P. M .......... Work Speeds (4), R. P. M. ........ Pulley (Counter., tight and loose) ........ Belt Width ( Wheel Spindle Driving Pulley ) ..... Countershaft Speed, R. P. M .......... i 3^" and i J-$" x 5' 1890 and 2980 100 to 384 12" x 5j^" 3" 410 Table Feeds (6), inches per minute ....... 21 to 101 Wheel Feeds, % to 12 teeth feed, reducing diameter of work .00012,5" to 003' FLOOR SPACE, WEIGHTS . Floor Space Machine, with Regular Equipment, net pounds Crating Material (domestic), approximate pounds Boxing Material (foreign), approximate pounds Box, cubic feet 10' 8" x 46^' 4000 350 I 100 180 REGULAR EQUIPMENT The Machine, with Automatic Sizing Device. I Grinding Wheel. i Wheel Truing Device. 1 Center Grinding Attachment. 2 Universal Back-rests. 36 Back-rest Shoes (2 each, %" to 2"). 1 6 Work Dogs ( l / ^ r " to 2,^"). Set of Wrenches and Countershaft. *For detailed information, see " Tapers ", page 2.47. Code words, page 265. PRECISION TOOLS 5656 (Patented) 6 x 48-inch Cylindrical Automatic Sizing Grinder 58 PRATT W H I T N L Y COMPANY 6 X 48- INCH CYLINDRICAL AUTOMATIC SIZING GRINDLR This Grinder is similar in design to the 4 x ^o-inch, but its greater range makes it suitable for a large variety of work beyond the capacity of the smaller machine. 5PLCIFICATION5 RANGE. Center Distance, maximum Swing over Bed . . . . Taper, per foot, maximum GRINDING Diameter . . WHF.F.L5 width . . Hole . WHF.F,L 5PLE.D5 Tool Steel ( H. & G.) ; Cylindrical Bearings, diameter. . I 3-^" and i\%" x 5' Boxes, Bronze; conical on O. D., adjustable for wear. "-"'Taper Hole in Head andTailstock Spindles, JarnoTaper, No. 8. Wheel Speeds (2), R. P. M Work Speeds (4), R. P. M Pulley (Counter., tight and loose) . Belt Width (Wheel Spindle Driving Pulley) . Countershaft Speed, R. P. M 1890 and 2980 82 to 313 I2"x 5 X" 3 410 FE.LD5 . Table Feeds (6), inches per minute 21 to 101 Wheel Feeds, l / z to I 2 teeth feed, reducing diameter of work .0001 2 5" to .003' FLOOR 5PACF. Floor Space . WLIGHT5 . . Machine, with Regular Equipment, net pounds Crating Material (domestic), approximate pounde Boxing Material (foreign), approximate pounds Box, cubic feet 4400 400 i 200 190 REGULAR LQUIPMrLNT The Machine, with Automatic Sizing Device. i Grinding Wheel. i Wheel Truing Device 1 Center Grinding Attachment. 2 Universal Back-rests. 36 Back-rest Shoes (2 each, %" to 2"). i 8 Work Dogs ( %" to 2% /// ). Set of Wrenches and Countershaft. * For detailed information, see " Tapers ", page 247, Code words, page 265. '59 PRECISION TOOLS Cylindrical Grinder: Rear View PRATT WHITNLY COMPANY (Patented) Automatic Sizing Device: 4 x 30 and 6 x 48-inch Cylindrical Grinders Automatic Positive Feeding Back-rests for Cylindrical Grinders PRECISION TOOLS (Patented) 3-foot Vertical Surface Grinder 162 PRATT W H T N E Y COMPANY 3-FOOT VERTICAL SURFACE. GRINDER This machine, of entirely new design, is not only handling the regular lines of vertical grinding, but is also rapidly replacing the Planer and Milling Machine on a large variety of work where too much metal does not have to be removed, doing the work with greater accuracy and at a fraction of previous costs. SPECIFICATIONS RANGE. .... Table Working Surface Table Top to (new) Grinding Wheel, maximum Table Travel, maximum ROTARY (Plain), diameter, 16"; height, 4^ CHUCK *( Magnetic), diameter, I 6" ; height, "RECTANGULAR MAGNETIC Working Surface, 7%" x 31"; height, 4' CHUCK " x 36' '3"~ 36" WHEELS SPEEDS FEEDS Diameter, 12"; height, 4" ; thickness, I %." . (Wheels and Mounts, 14" diameter, furnished to order). Spindle Speed, R. P. M 1133 Pulley (Spindle) 12" x 4^" Pulley (Driving on Counter.) 10" x &%" Pulleys (Counter., tight and loose) 14" ^ 8" Belt Width (Spindle Pulley) 4" Belt Width (Counter. Driving Pulleys) 6" Belt Width (Counter., tight and loose Pulleys) .... 8" Revolving Chuck Speeds (2), R. P. M. 68 and 140 Countershaft Speed, R. P. M 425 Table Power Feed (2), inches per minute 5 ! -3 ' an ^ 105.2 Table Power Feed, per rev. of Spindle 45 // anc ^ -93 Table Hand Feed, per rev. of Hand Wheel 1.14" Head, Vertical, i to 10 teeth, giving 0002" to .002'' FLOOR SPACE Floor Space WEIGHTS . Machine, Regular Equipment, net pounds . Crating Material (domestic), approximate pounds Boxing Material (foreign), approximate pounds Boxes (2), cubic feet 136' 4700 800 i 200 202 PLAIN The Machine, with LQUIPMF.NT Water Pump and suitable Piping. i Grinding Wheel. Wheel Truing Device. Set of Wrenches. Countershaft (tight and loose Pulley). ( When machine is ordered with both Plain and Magnetic Chucks two Emery Wheels are furnished). *Whcn Magnetic Chucks are ordered ascertain voltage for which they must he arranged. Code words, page 1^5. PRECISION TOOLS I 164 PRATT & WHITNEY COMPANY 6-FOOT VERTICAL SURFACE GRINDER The design and construction of" this larger machine are very similar to the smaller one, the same distinctive features which tend toward rigidity and accuracy being retained. This machine, although weighing twenty-four thousand pounds, is a precision tool ot extreme accuracy, every precaution necessary to obtain this result being exercised in its manufacture. SPECIFICATIONS RANGE. . . . Table Working Surface Table Top to (new) Grinding Wheel, maximum Table Travel, maximum ROTARY CHUCK (Plain), diameter, 30"; height, 9". *( Magnetic), diameter, 30"; height, 12''. RECTANGULAR MAGNETIC Working Surface, 21" x 63^"; height, 3^". CHUCK WHEELS . Diameter, 30"; height, 6^"; thickness, 4". SPEEDS . . . Spindle Speed, R. P. M. . Pulley (Spindle), diameter .... Belt Width (Spindle Pulley) . . . Belt Width ( Motor Driving Pulley ) . Revolving Chuck Speeds (2), R/P. M. Motor Speed, R. P. M., approximate 55 3" l" 10" 25 and 63 900 FEEDS Table Power Feed (2), inches per minute. Table Hand Feed, per revolution of Hand Wheel Head Vertical Feed ; i to 8 teeth, giving 48 and 122 .0005" to .004' FLOOR SPACE Floor Space, including Motor Space 24' x 10' WEIGHTS . Machine, Regular Equipment, net pounds . Crating Material (domestic), approximate pounds Boxing Material (foreign), approximate pounds Boxes (2), cubic feet 24000 i 500 4000 5 2 5 PLAIN The Machine, Motor Driven, with 50 H. P. Motor. EQUIPMENT Water Pump and suitable Piping. i Grinding Wheel, i Wheel Band. Wheel Truing Device. Set of Wrenches. * When Magnetic Chucks are ordered ascertain voltage for which they are to be arranged. Code words, page 265. ,65 PRECISION TOOLS I (Patented) No. 1 1 Adjustable Multiple Spindle Drill 1 66 PRATT & WHITNEY COMPANY NO. 11 MULTIPLE 5PINDLL DRILL Machines are furnished with either square or rectangular heads, with or without power feed. All heads are fitted with full number of spindle driving gears in all cases, thus, if desired, additional spindles may be added if full number is not originally ordered. Countershaft and wrenches are furnished with all machines. SPECIFICATIONS RANGE.. . . . Table Working Surface (Square Head) . . . Table Working Surface (Rectangular Head) . *Table Top to (%"") Spindle Ends, minimum *Table Top to ( %"") Spindle Ends, maximum Vertical Travel of Knee on Column .... Column Face to Head Center (Square Head) Column Face to Head Center (Rectangular Head) Drilling Capacity (diameter, Drills) SPINDLES SPEEDS Spindle Center Distance, minimum diameter ot Spindle plus Spindle Center Distance, maximum (Square Head) . Spindle Center Distance, maximum ( Rectangular Head ) . Spindles, maximum number in Square Head Spindles, maximum number in Rectangular Head Spindles, Vertical Adjustment (see page 173). Spindle Diameters, largest regularly used Spindles, Taper Hole (see page 173). Spindle Speeds, Square Head (2), R. P. M. . . Spindle Speeds, Rectangular Head (2), R. P. M. Pulley (Driving on Head) Pulley (Countershaft) Belt Width (Driving Pulley) Belt Width (Counter. Pulleys) Countershaft Speed, R. P. M x 7 x 13' 12 16 i i 10 and 1470 I 100 and 1460 12" x 2" 10" x " tFEEDS Power to Knee, Square Head (4), R. P. Sp. Power to Knee, Rectangular Head (4), R. P. Sp. .00096 to .0042 .00097 to .0043 FLOOR SPACE. Floor Space WEIGHTS . Machine, Square Head and Counter., net pounds Crating Material (domestic), approximate pounds Boxing Material (foreign), approximate pounds Box, cubic feet x 33 930 400 53 IMPORTANT Inquiries tor Multiple Spindle Drills should be accompanied by full dimensioned prints ot" work to be done. *Spindles in central positions. Code words, page 2.65. tSpecial Feeds to order. PRECISION T O O L 5 (Patented) No. 12 Adjustable Multiple Spindle Drill 1 68 PRATT WHITNEY COMPANY NO. 12 MULTIPLE SPINDLE. DRILL Machines are furnished with either square or rectangular heads, with or without power feed. All heads are fitted with full number of spindle driving gears in all cases, thus, if desired, additional spindles may be added if full number is not originally ordered. Countershaft and wrenches are furnished with all machines. SPECIFICATIONS RANGE. .... Table Working Surface (Square Head) Table Working Surface (Rectangular Head) *Table Top to (i^") Spindle Ends, minimum .. *Table Top to (ij^") Spindle Ends, maximum .. Vertical Travel of Knee on Column Vertical Adjustment of Table in Knee Column Face to Head Center (Square Head) .. Column Face to Head Center (Rectangular Head) . Drilling Capacity (diameter, Drills) 23^" x 20^' 2 9/4 " x I ^^ / 4^ " 34" 5P1NDLE.5 . . Spindle Center Distance, minimum diameter of Spindle plus Spindle Center Distance, maximum (Square Head) . Spindle Center Distance, maximum (Rectangular Head) Spindles, maximum number in Square Head .... Spindles, maximum number in Rectangular Head Spindles, Vertical Adjustment (see page 173). Spindle Diameters, largest regularly used Spindles, Taper Hole (see page 173). 10 x 10 8" x 17" 12 16 SPE.E.DS . Spindle Speeds, Square Head ( 3 ) , R. P. M. . . Spindle Speeds, Rectangular Head (3), R. P. M. Pulley (Driving on Head) . . .... Pulley ( Countershaft ) Belt Width (Driving Pulley) Belt Width (Counter. Pulleys) Countershaft Speed, R. P. M 307 to 582 297 to 562 19" * ^y 2 " 10" x 4X" 2^" 4" 55 1 FE.E.DS Power to Knee, Square Head (4), R. P. Sp. . . Power to Knee, Rectangular Head (4), R. P. Sp. .0024 to .0076 .0025 to .0079 FLOOR SPACE. Floor Spaa 32 x 50 WLIGHTS . . . Machine, Square Head and Counter., net pounds , Crating Material (domestic), approximate pounds Boxing Material (foreign), approximate pounds Box, cubic feet 2050 225 600 99 IMPORTANT Inquiries for Multiple Spindle Drills should be accompanied by full dimensioned prints of work to be done. < *Spindles in central positions. Code words, page 265. tSpecial Feeds to order. 169 P R L C I 5 I O N T O O L 5 (Patented) No. 13 Adjustable Multiple Spindle Drill 170 W H I O M NO. 13 MULTIPLE SPINDLE DRILL Machines are furnished with either square or rectangular heads, with or without power feed. All heads are fitted with full number of spindle driving gears in all cases, thus, if desired, additional spindles may be added if full number is not originally ordered. Countershaft and wrenches are furnished with all machines. SPECIFICATIONS RANGE SPINDLE.5 SPF.E.DS . Table Working Surface (Square Head) .... Table Working Surface (Rectangular Head) . *Table Top to ( i %") Spindle Ends, minimum *Table Top to (i^") Spindle Ends, maximum Vertical Travel of Knee on Column Vertical Adjustment of Table in Knee .... Column Face to Head Center (Square Head) Column Face to Head Center (Rectangular Head) . Drilling Capacity (diameter, Drills) Spindle Center Distance, minimum diameter of Spindle plus Spindle Center Distance, maximum (Square Head) . Spindle Center Distance, maximum ( Rectangular Head ) Spindles, maximum number in Square Head Spindles, maximum number in Rectangular Head Spindles, Vertical Adjustment (see page 173). Spindle Diameters, largest regularly used Spindles, Taper Hole (see page 173). Spindle Speeds, Square Head (3), R. P. M Spindle Speeds, Rectangular Head (3), R. P. M. . . . Pulley (Driving on Head) Pulley (Countershaft) Belt Width (Driving Pulley) Belt Width (Counter. Pulleys) Countershaft Speed, R. P. M 29^4 x 26;4 343^" x 2614" x 13 X 2l' 12 16 235 to 43 2 229 to 422 2i"x 3^" i2"x4^" 3X" 4#" 55 t FE.E.D5 Power to Knee, Square Head (4), R. P. Sp. Power to Knee, Rectangular Head (4), R. P. Sp. FLOOR 5PACL Floor Spat .0025" to .0078' .0025" to .008" 44" x 65" WEIGHTS . . Machine, Square Head and Counter., net pounds Crating Material (domestic), approximate pounds Boxing Material (foreign), approximate pounds Box, cubic feet 377 250 850 '55 IMPORTANT -Inquiries for Multiple Spindle Drills should be accompanied by full dimensioned prints of >rk to be done. *Spindles in central positions. Code words, page 265. fSpecial Feeds to order. P R L C I 5 I O N TOOLS Adjustable Multiple Spindle Drill, Motor Driven 172 P R W H I 5PINDLL5 AND DRILL5 FOR MULTIPLE. 5PINDLL DRILL5 Size Inches Spindles Used on Machine Numbers Taper* Hole Number Vertical Adjustment Inches Sizes of Drills Recommended Steel Inches Cast-iron Brass Inches Wood Rubber Inches y* 11,12 ^ II, 12, 13 |. 'Drill [Collet % II, 12, 13 J H 12, 13 1 12, I 3 y* 12, 13 Y Morse y* 12,13 | H if ^ H NOTE All spindles ^ /x and under are provided with blank drill collet. * For detailed information, see u Tapers '', page 147. PRECISION TOOLS 2,983 (Patented) No. 14 Adjustable Multiple Spindle Drill PRATT W H T N L Y COMPANY NO. 14 MULTIPLE, 5PINDLL DRILL MADE. TO ORDLR An exceptionally powerful and rigid machine, calculated to use "high speed" drills (I inch maximum capacity) to the limit of their efficiency. Furnished with either square or rectangular head. Countershaft and wrenches are furnished with each machine. 5PLCIFICATION5 RANGL .... Base Working Surface 45" x 5: Base Top to (largest) Spindle Ends, maximum . . . 40" Vertical Travel of Head on Column 32" Column Face to Head Center (Square Head) . . . 18" Column Face to Head Center (Rectangular Head) . . 18" Drilling Capacity (diameter, Drills) y 2 " to \' T-slots in Base (5); 7 /&" wide; 7^" apart. BOX TABLE. (To order only), dimensions T-slots, II" wide. SPINDLL5 5PLLD5 Spindle Center Distance, minimum diameter of Sps. plus Spindle Center Distance, maximum (Square Heads) . . Spindle Center Distance, maximum (Rectangular Heads) Spindles in Square Head, maximum number .... Spindles in Rectangular Head, maximum number . . Spindle, Vertical Adjustment (2^" Spindle) ... Spindle Diameters, largest regularly used ..... Spindle Taper Hole, No. 3 Morse. Spindle Speeds (6), R. P. M. . . Cone Diameters (3), largest diamete Pulley (Counter., tight and loose) . Belt Width ( Cone ) Belt Width (Counter. Pulleys) . . Countershaft Speed, R. P. M. . . and 26" x 26' x 32" 12 16 3" 239 to 464 *3#" 1 8" x 8" 6" itt" 280, 320 FLLD5 Power to Head (4), R. P. Sp ( )uick return by power or hand in either direction .004 to 0123 FLOOR 5PACE. Floor Spac 7' 2^" X 9' I I WLIGHT5 . . . Machine, with Square Head, net pounds Crating Material (domestic), approximate pounds Boxing Material (foreign), approximate pounds . Box, cubic feet . 14000 1000 3000 5 11 Code words, page 265. PRECISION TOOL5 (Patented) No. 7, Type G, Adjustable Multiple 5pindle Drill PRATT W H I T N E. Y C O M P A N NO. 7, TYPL "G", MULTIPLE. 5PINDLL DRILL MADL TO ORDLR Designed for drilling valves and cylinder flanges up to 36-inch diameter. Furnished with 24. or 36-inch head. Regular number of spindles 16, but may be varied in building to suit requirements. 5PLCIFICATION5 RANGE. Base Working Surface Base Top to Spindle Ends, maximum Vertical Travel of Head on Column Column Face to Head Center (24" Head) Column Face to Head Center (36" Head) Drilling Capacity (diameter, Drills) . . . 50" x 48" 5PINDLE.5 . . Spindle Center Distance, minimum .... Spindle Center Distance, maximum (24" Head) Spindle Center Distance, maximum (36" Head) Spindles, number used Spindle, Vertical Adjustment Spindle, diameter Spindle Taper Hole, No. 3 Morse. SPE.E.D5 . . . Spindle Speeds (3), R. P. M. . . Cone Diameters (3), large diameter Pulley (Counter., tight and loose) Belt Width (Cone) .... Belt Width (Counter. Pulley) . Countershaft Speed, R. P. M. . 24 36" 8 to 1 6 97 to 199 M" a8" x 8" 6" iK" 380 FF.E.D5 Power to Head, R. P. Sp. .005 to .012 FLOOR 5PACL Floor Space .... WE.IGHT5 . . Machine, with Countershaft, net pounds Crating Material (domestic), approximate pounds Boxing Material (foreign), approximate pounds Box, cubic feet ... 28200 1 200 5500 7.00 Code words, page 265. P R L C I O N T O O L 5 (Patented) No. 10, Type H, Adjustable Multiple Spindle Drill Motor Driven: Special Arrangement for Track Table ,78 W H I COM NO. 10, TYPE "H", MULTIPLE 5PINDLL DRILL MADL TO ORDLR As regularly made, uprights are mounted upon bed-plate, but they can be specially mounted to accommodate track for truck-table if desired. Heads are made either circular or rectangular. Furnished with motor drive when desired. SPECIFICATIONS RANGE. 5PINDLL5 5PE.E.D5 Base Working Surface 78" x 50" Base Top to Spindle Ends (Rectangular Head) .... 52" Base Top to Spindle Ends (Circular Head) 47" Vertical Travel of Head on Uprights 24'' Uprights, distance between T^Y^' Drilling Capacity ( diameter, Drills ) i 5 " Spindle Center Distance, minimum 4/^2" Spindle Center Distance (Rectangular Head), minimum . 24^5" x 13^ Spindle Center Distance (Rectangular Head), maximum . 40" x 32" Spindle Center Distance (Circular Head), minimum . . 18" Circle Spindle Center Distance (Circular Head), maximum . . 37" Circle Spindles, number used 10 or less Spindles, diameter 3/^" Spindle, Vertical Adjustment 4^" Spindle Taper Hole, No. 4 Morse. Spindle Speeds vary 5 approximate, R. P. M 65 to 244 Cone Diameters (3), large diameter 28" Pulley (Counter., tight and loose) 22" x 6^'' Belt Width (Cone) 4" Belt Width (Counter. Pulleys) 6^" Countershaft Speed, R. P. M 385 FE.E.D5 Power to Head, R. P. Sp., varies 5 approximate . ( Quick return by power or hand in either direction ) . .002 to .007 FLOOR SPACE. F loor Space . . i 50" x 61" WLIGHT5 lO-Spindle Machine, with Countershaft Crating Material (domestic), approximate pounds Boxing Material (foreign), approximate pounds Box. cubic feet 30500 I 500 6000 700 Code words, page 165. PRECISION TOOL5 >> q 8 4. No. 1 1 Gang Drill 180 P R W H I O M N Y NO. 11 GANG DRILL This machine is particularly adapted for drilling work having a number of holes of varying diameters. It is also used on work where a series of operations can be performed by means of drills, counterbores or other piloted tools. SPECIFICATIONS RANGE. Table Working Surface Table Top to Spindle Ends, maximum . Vertical Movement of Table .... Vertical Adjustment of Knee on Column Column Face to Spindle Center . Drilling Capacity (diameter, Drills) . '9 l" iz" 8" SPINDLES . . Number (4); Tool Steel; Bearings, cylindrical; Lower Spindles Gear Driven I l /$" x Boxes, Bronze. Taper Hole, No. 2 Morse. Center Distance between Spindles 4" SPEEDS . . . Spindle Speeds, 2 Central Spindles (4), R. P. M. Spindle Speeds, L. H. Outer Spindle (4), R. P. M. Spindle Speeds, R. H. Outer Spindle (4), R. P. M. Pulley (Head) Cone Diameters (2) Pulleys (Counter. Friction) Belt Width (Head Pulley) Belt Width (Cone) Belt Width (Counter. Pulleys) Countershaft Speeds, R. P. M 289 to 477 463 to 764 723 to 1193 j if' * i A", 9ir 8" x " 250, 300 FEEDS To Table j Hand by Lever and Treadle. ( Power to order). FLOOR 5PACL Floor Space 28" x 40" WEIGHTS . Machine, with Regular Equipment, net pounds Crating Material (domestic), approximate pounds Boxing Material (foreign), approximate pounds Box, cubic feet REGULAR Machine, with EQUIPMENT Set of Wrenches. Countershaft (two-speed double friction). (Power Feed to Table to order). Code words, page 265. 1175 I 5 450 53 181 PRECISION TOOLS Four-spindle Sensitive Drill W H I 5LN5ITIVL DRILL5 SPECIFICATIONS One Spindle Table Working Surface . 9J^ // X 12^ Table Top to Chuck, maxi- mum distance Table, Vertical Adjustment Heads, Vertical Adjustment DrillingCapacity (*diameter Drills) o" to r<5 Drilling Capacity, diameter work (Outer Spindle) . \z" Drilling Capacity, diameter work (Center Spindle) . Spindles, Vertical Movement Spindles, Center Distance apart Spindle Taper Hole, Morse Taper Two Spindle Three Spindle 19^" io"x27^ // Four Spindle 2" x 34 r 14 2 1 / No. i No. Bench Drill 33 3 2 " 3X" 3X" *H" 3 0// 3" 26" 26" 6" " fo J>*" 6" r>" rn 5" 6" 6" 6" Spindle Speeds ( 3 ),R. P.M. 468101505 468101505 468101505 468101505 720102016 Pulley ( tight and loose on 8" 6" machine), diameter . . 4" 5" Speed of tight and loose Pulley, R. P. M. . . 45 45 6" 450 450 450 FLOOR 5PACF, Floor Space .... 22" x 30" 22 /x X3i WE.IGHT5 Machine, net pounds . 310 440 Crating Material (domes- tic), approx. pounds . 125 150 Boxing Material(foreign), approximate pounds . 1 60 175 Box, cubic feet ... 31 35 00 44 250 53 16 40 60 10 RLGULAR LQUIPMLNT The Machine, with Wrenches and belted ready for use. NOTE No holes are put in two, three or tour-spindle tables unless appendages are ordered. * %-inch Drills are often used, in which case drill chuck is removed and taper hole in spindle utilized. Code words, page z6j. PRECISION TOOLS (Patented) No. 1 1 Profiling Machine, Gear Driven 184 PRATT & WHITNEY COMPANY NO. 11 PROFILING MACHINE. These machines are invaluable for work which can be reproduced from a master form. In gun and sewing machine factories, where they are extensively used, the process of hand-fitting has been practically eliminated upon parts finished in this manner. The machines are made with either gear or belt drive. For high speed work the belt driven machine is recommended, although special high speed gears may be furnished to meet certain requirements. SPECIFICATIONS RANGE. .... Table Working Surface . . . . *Table Top to Bottom of Cross Slide . Table Longitudinal Movement Cross Slide, Transverse Movement . Head, Vertical Movement .... Uprights, distance between .... SPINDLES . . Two Spindles, Special Steel; Bearings, cylindrical; Front . J r'V" x ^rV Boxes, Bronze; conical on O. D., adjustable for wear. Center Distance between Spindles 9" {Center Distance between Spindle and Guide-pin .... 3" Center Distance, maximum adjustment of Guide-pin . . . y 1 ^/' ^Taper Hole, Jarno Taper, No. 5. Pull-back Rods provided. SPEEDS Spindle Speed, Gear Driven (3), R. P. M 435 to 860 Spindle Speed, Belt Driven (3), R. P. M 1165 to 2300 Counter Speed, Gear Driven, R. P. M 450 Counter Speed, Belt Driven, R. P. M 480 Cone Diameters (3), large diameter and width .... Sj-'g" x I]/?," Pulley (Countershaft), Gear Driven 9" x i%" Pulleys (Countershaft), Belt Driven 7" X 2,3^" FLOOR SPACE Gear Driven Machine . Belt Driven Machine . 55 x 49 58" x 65" WEIGHTS Machine, Regular Equipment, net pounds . Crating Material (domestic), approximate pounds Boxing Material (foreign), approximate pounds Box, cubic feet 2IOO 300 650 105 REGULAR The Machine, with Oil Pump, Tank and suitable Piping ; EQUIPMENT Set of Wrenches ; Countershaft (tight and loose Pulley). (Friction Countershaft can be furnished to order). *Raising Blocks to increase this distance furnished to order. tlf other than specified standard, special guicje-pin blocks can be furnished to order. JSpindles with special tapers furnished to order. For detailed information concerning Jarno Tapers, see -Tapers", page ^ 47 . Code words, page z6 S . ,85 PRECISION TOOLS -Of) (Patented) No. 12 Profiling Machine, Gear Driven i SO \\ I T N O M NO. 12 PROFILING MACHINE. Made with either gear or belt drive. For high speed work the belt driven machine is recommended, although special high speed gears may be furnished to meet certain requirements. 5PLCIFICATION5 RANGE. Table Working Surface . *Table Top to Bottom of Cross Slide Table Longitudinal Movement Cross Slide, Transverse Movement . Head, Vertical Movement Uprights, distance between 12 X 15 sX" *3#" 26%- 3 3 4" SPINDLES . . Two Spindles, Special Steel ; Bearings, cylindrical j Front Boxes, Bronze ; conical on O. D., adjustable for wear. Center Distance between Spindles t Center Distance between Spindle and Guide-pin . . . . Center Distance, maximum adjustment of Guide-pin . jTaper Hole, Jarno Taper, No. j. Pull-back Rods provided. I " x 2 }-!:' It) 1 O SPEEDS Spindle Speed, Gear Driven (3), R. P. M. , Spindle Speed, Belt Driven (3), R. P. M. Counter Speed, Gear Driven, R. P. M. . . Counter Speed, Belt Driven, R. P. M. . . . Cone Diameters (3), large diameter and width Pulley (Countershaft), Gear Driven . . , Pulleys (Countershaft), Belt Driven 318 to 716 818 to 1850 350 35 ia"xa#" 10" x 3" 10" x 3" FLOOR SPACE. Gear Driven Machine Belt Driven Machine 53 65" WEIGHTS . . Machine, Regular Equipment, net pounds . Crating Material (domestic), approximate pounds Boxing Material (foreign), approximate pounds Box, cubic feet 2800 400 750 144 REGULAR EQUIPMENT The Machine, with Oil Pump, Tank and suitable Piping ; Set of Wrenches ; Countershaft (tight and loose Pulley). (Friction Countershaft can be furnished to order). *Raising Blocks to increase this distance furnished to order. tlf other than specified standard, special guide-pin blocks can be furnished to order. ^Spindles with special tapers furnished to order. For detailed information concerning Jarno Tapers, sec u Tapers ", page 2.47. Code words, page 265. 187 PRE.CI5ION TOOLS 2.^2.7 (Patented) No. 13 Profiling Machine, Gear Driven PRATT W H I T N F_ COMPANY NO. 13 PROFILING MACHINE. Made with either gear or belt drive. For high speed work the belt driven machine is recommended, although special high speed gears may be furnished to meet certain requirements. SPECIFICATIONS RANGE. .... Table Working Surface . . . . *Table Top to Bottom of Cross Slide Table Longitudinal Movement Cross Slide, Transverse Movement . Head, Vertical Movement Uprights, distance between 19" 1 8" SPINDLE.5 . . One Spindle, Special Steel ; Bearings, cylindrical ; Front Boxes, Bronze; conical on O. D., adjustable for wear tCenter Distance between Spindle and Guide-pin . Center Distance, maximum adjustment of Guide-pin . JTaper Hole, Jarno Taper, No. 5. Pull-back Rod provided. SPEEDS Spindle Speed, Gear Driven (3), R. P. M. . Spindle Speed, Belt Driven (3), R. P. M. . Counter Speed, Gear Driven, R. P. M. . . Counter Speed, Belt Driven, R. P. M. . . . Cone Diameters (3), large diameter and width Pulleys (Countershaft), Gear Driven Pulleys (Countershaft), Belt Driven . . . 435 to 860 1165 to 2300 45 480 8^" X 2/ 8 " 9" x 2 X" " x *" FLOOR SPACL Gear Driven Machine Belt Driven Machine 55" x 49 58" x 65' WEIGHTS . . . Machine, Regular Equipment, net pounds . Crating Material (domestic), approximate pounds Boxing Material (foreign), approximate pounds Box, cubic feet 1800 250 500 90 REGULAR The Machine, with Oil Pump, Tank and suitable Piping ; EQUIPMENT Set of Wrenches ; Countershaft ( tight and loose Pulley ) . (Friction Countershaft can be furnished to order). * Raising Blocks to increase this distance furnished to order. f If other than specified standard, special guide>-pin blocks can be furnished to order. \ Spindles with special tapers furnished to order. For detailed information concerning Jarno Tapers, see Code words, page 265. " Tapers ", page 247. 180 PRECISION TOOL5 ^709 (Patented) No. 1 4 Profiling Machine, Gear Driven W H I COM NO. 14 PROFILING MACHINE Made with either gear or belt drive. For high speed work the belt driven machine is recommended, although special high speed gears may be furnished to meet certain requirements SPECIFICATIONS RANGE .... Table Working Surface . . . *Table Top to bottom of Cross Slide Table Longitudinal Movement Cross Slide, Transverse Movement Head, Vertical Movement . . Uprights, distance between '9 26" SPINDLES Two Spindles, Special Steel; Bearings, cylindrical; Front Boxes, Bronze ; conical on (). D., adjustable for wear. Center Distance between Spindles f Center Distance between Spindle and Guide-pin Center Distance, maximum adjustment of Guide-pin . JTaper Hole, Jarno Taper, No. 5. Pull-back Rods provided. SPEEDS Spindle Speed, Gear Driven (3), R. P. M. . Spindle Speed, Belt Driven (3), R. P. M. . Counter Speed, Gear Driven, R. P. M. . , Counter Speed, Belt Driven, R. P. M. . , Cone Diameters (3), large diameter and width Pulley (Countershaft), Gear Driven . . Pulleys (Countershaft ), Belt Driven. . . . 4-5^ to 860 1165 to 2300 450 FLOOR SPACE Gear Driven Machine Belt Driven Machine 72 72 x 49 x 65" WEIGHTS . . Machine, Regular Equipment, net pounds . Crating Material (domestic), approximate pounds Boxing Material (foreign), approximate pounds Box, cubic feet 2100 300 650 I 10 REGULAR The Machine, with Oil Pump, Tank and suitable Piping; EQUIPMENT ' . _ n n \ Set or Wrenches; Countershaft (tight and loose Pulley). (Friction Countershaft can be furnished to order). *Raising blocks to increase this distance furnished to order. tlf other than specified standard, special guide-pin blocks can be furnished to order. JSpindles with special tapers furnished to order. For detailed information concerning Jarno Tapers, see " Tapers ", page 247. Code words, page 265. PRECISION TOOLS 3900 (Patented) Profiling Machine, Belt Drive PRATT & WHITNE.Y COMPANY 3574- , (Patented) Side View: Profiling Machine, Belt Drive 193 P R E. C I 5 I ON TOOLS Cutters for Profiling Machines 5672 Five-degree Taper Cutter Straight Cutter Facing Cutter T T W H I N L O M P A N CUTTLR5 FOR PROFILING MACHINE, Machine Numbers Style Size Inches n, 12, 13, 14 Straight % II, 12, 13, 14 Straight H II, 12, 13, 14 Straight H 12 Straight 7 A 12 Straight i 12 Straight *H II, 13, 14 Facing X II, 12, 13, 14 Facing II, 12, I 3 , 14 Facing i % 12 Facing '# II, 12, 13, 14 50 Taper X II, 12, 13, 14 50 Taper % II, 12, 13, 14 50 Taper X 12 50 Taper y* 12 .50 Taper i 12 50 Taper '^ COLLLTS Collets with No. 3 Jarno or other inside taper can be furnished to fit machine. Price quoted upon application. PRECISION TOOLS W H I O M NO. 1 GUN BARREL AND TUBE. DRILLING MACHINE These machines have practically revolutionized the method of making rifle and gun barrels and are extensively used in arms factories the world over, including the United States Government Arsenals and those of foreign countries. They are also used for deep hole drilling on such work as hollow spindles, locomotive axles, bridge-pins, printing press rolls and work of a like nature. RANGL . SPEEDS FLOOR SPACE. WEIGHTS . RLGULAR EQUIPMENT SPECIFICATIONS Length of Bed (A) . . Drilling Capacity, length (B) Drilling Capacity, diameter Swing over Bed .... f (A) 6' -(B) \ (A) 9^' (B) [ (A) 13' -(B) 53^ H" Spindle Speed Changes (3), R. P. M. Number of Spindles Driving Pulley Pulleys (Counter., tight and loose) . Countershaft Speed, R. P. M. . . 1250 to 2500 2 750 Floor Space (9^' Bed) 1 1' 3" x 28" Machine, Regular Equipment (y/4' Bed), net pounds Crating Material (domestic), approximate pounds Boxing Material (foreign), approximate pounds Box, cubic feet 3000 400 IOOO 128 The Machine, with Oil Pumps, Tank and Piping. i each, Drill and Support Bushing for Spindle. Set of Change Gears. Set of Wrenches. Countershaft (tight and loose Pulley). (3 -change Pulleys are furnished with Counter). Code words, page 265. o o PRATT & WHITNEY COMPANY NO. 1 y 2 GUN BARREL AND TUBE DRILLING MACHINE MADE! TO ORDLR ONLY SPECIFICATIONS RANGE. . SPEEDS Length of Bed ( A ) . . Drilling Capacity, length (B) Drilling Capacity, diameter Swing over Bed . . . . Spindle Speed Changes (4), R. P. M. Number of Spindles Gearing Ratio Cone Diameters (4), largest . Pulleys (Counter., tight and loose) . Countershaft Speed, R. P. M. . . (A) 8' (B) 9l y (A) 12' (B) 33 T y (A) 16' (B) S7r y' (A) 20' (B) 8i T y (A) 22' (B) 93^" (A) 24' (B) io 5i y 63 to 922 2 3 T 3 o to J 9" 10" x 2^" Plain, 300; B. G., 375 FLOOR 5PACL Floor Space (i2 x Bed) 13' 4' x 44' WEIGHTS . Machine, Regular Equipment (12' Bed), net pounds Crating Material (domestic), approximate pounds Boxing Material (foreign), approximate pounds Box, cubic feet REGULAR EQUIPMENT The Machine, with Oil Pumps, Tank and Piping. I each, Drill and Support Bushing for Spindle. Set of Change Gears. Set of Wrenches. Countershaft (tight and loose Pulley). NOTE Machine can be furnished with Back Gears it" desired. Code words, page 265. 5600 500 1200 I6 5 P R E. C I 5 I O N TOOLS Ol PRATT WHITNEY COMPANY NO. 2 GUN BARRLL AND TUBL DRILLING MACHINE MADL TO ORDLR ONLY SPECIFICATIONS RANGE SPEEDS . Length of Bed (A) . . . Drilling Capacity, length (B) Drilling Capacity, diameter Swing over Bed .... Spindle Speed Changes (4), R. P. M. Number of Spindles Gearing Ratio Cone Diameters (4), largest . Pulleys (Counter., tight and loose) . Countershaft Speed, R. P. M. . . FLOOR SPACE. WEIGHTS . P'loor Space (20' Bed) . . . . j (A) 20' (B) 72" . . . I (A) 40' (B) 1 8 6" 3" Machine, Regular Equipment (20' Bed), net pounds Crating Material (domestic), approximate pounds Boxing Material (foreign), approximate pounds Box, cubic feet REGULAR The Machine, with EQUIPMENT oji p umpS) Tank and Piping. i each, Drill and Support Bushing for Spindle. Set of Change Gears. Set of Wrenches. Countershaft (tight and loose Pulley). 36 to 125 i 6 T PRATT WHITNLY COMPANY GUN BARREL AND TUBL REAMING MACHINE MADL TO ORDER ONLY Built in one size for reaming holes in small caliber guns. SPECIFICATIONS RANGE. Length of Bed Capacity, length of Hole, maximum . Capacity, diameter of Hole, maximum Cone Diameters (3), largest Pulley (Counter., tight and loose) Belt Width (Cone) Belt Width (Counter. Pulleys) . . Countershaft Speed, R. P. M. . . FLOOR SPACE. Floor Space WLIGHT5 REGULAR LQUIPMLNT Regular Equipment, net pounds Crating Material, approximate pounds Boxing Material, approximate pounds Box, cubic feet The Machine, with Oil Pump and suitable Piping ; Set of Wrenches and Countershaft (tight and loose Pulley). 2000 250 500 75 Code words, page 265. PRATT & WHITNEY COMPANY GUN BARRLL LAPPING MACHINE MADL TO ORDLR This machine is designed for lapping out gun tubes or similar work up to 4-inch bore. SPECIFICATIONS RANGE .... Length of Bed 24' Capacity, length of Tube, maximum . . 12' Capacity, diameter Hole, maximum 4" Cone Diameters (2), largest diameter 1 8" Pulley ( Countershaft, tight and loose ) 10" x 5^ Belt Width (Cone) 3 Belt Width (Countershaft Pulley) sX" Countershaft Speed, R. P. M . . 480 FLOOR 5PACL Floor Space 25' 8" x 3' WEIGHTS . . . Machine, with Regular Equipment, net pounds .... 6200 Crating Material (domestic), approximate pounds . . . 600 Boxing Material (foreign), approximate pounds .... 1800 Box, cubic feet 195 EQUIPMENT "The Machine, with Countershaft and Set of Wrenches. Code words, page 265. PRECISION TOOLS T T W H I O M NO. 3 RIFLING MACHINE. These machines have proven a most important factor in the modern method of manufacturing guns and, like the Gun Barrel Drilling Machines, are extensively used in arms factories and government arsenals the world over. Their design represents years of careful study and experience in dealing with problems and conditions entirely foreign to the average mechanic. They are arranged for either Uniform or Increased Twist and with Scrape or Hook Cutter as ordered. SPECIFICATIONS RANGE. . FLOOR SPACE. WE.IGHTS . REGULAR LQUIPMLNT Swing over Bed Length of Bed RiH'ing Length, maximum .... Rifling Pitch, straight to one turn in Rifling Grooves (usual number) . . Carriage Travel, maximum Carriage Cutting Speed, per minute . Carriage Returning Speed, per minute Hole through Spindle Feed Screw, diameter and pitch . . Pulley (Driving on Machine) Pulley ( Counter., tight and loose) Belt Width (Driving Pulley) . . . Belt Width (Counter. Pulley) . . Countershaft Speed, R. P. M. . . I 2' 4 36" 5" 4, 5, 6 46" 3' 3' !/', i" Double 9" X i ^ " 234 Floor Space Machine, Regular Equipment, net pounds . Crating Material (domestic), approximate pounds Boxing Material (foreign), approximate pounds Box, cubic feet 3100 35 IOOO '45 Machine arranged for Uniform Twist and Scrape Cutter. 2 Countershafts (tight and loose Pulley). i Rifling Rod. Set of Wrenches. (Machine arranged with Hook Cutter, to order). Code words, page 265. PRECISION TOOLS 216 PRATT WHITNEY COMPANY NO. 3^ RIFLING MACHINE MADE TO ORDER ONLY SPECIFICATIONS RANGE Swing over Bed Length of Bed Rifling Length, maximum Rifling Pitch, straight to one turn in Rifling Grooves (usual number) . Carriage Travel, maximum Carriage Cutting Speed, per minute . Carriage Returning Speed, per minute Hole through Spindle Feed Screw, diameter and pitch Pulley (Driving on Machine) . . Pulley (Counter., tight and loose) Belt Width (Driving Pulley) . . Belt Width (Counter. Pulley) . . Countershaft Speed, R. P. M. . . 6' 18' atf" // ,|" 15" Divisions in Circle, maximum 2148 3600 3720 Index Ratchets furnished 67 64 67 Ratio of Index Gear and Pinion 12 tO I 20 to I 20 to i Work Spindle, diameter . tcYz" 5" 9" Cutter Spindle Bearings . 23^" X Ilj" 3"x 13^" 3^" x 173/6" Cutter Spindle, Vertical Ad- ^ V" I/" iV" justment j 2 4 4 Cone, number of steps 3 3 4 Cone, largest step 1 8" \1%" 25" Belt Width (Cone) .... ^/z" 4" 4/^ x/ Countershaft Pulleys . . > 12" and 12" and 14" and 1 14" x 5^"" i6 /x x 5^" 1 8" x 53^" Countershaft Speeds, R. P. M. 400 and 500 155 and 270 400 and 500 FLOOR 5PACE Floor Space 6'x8' 7' 6" x n' IO X X I2 X WEIGHTS . . . Spur Machine, net pounds 6200 9800 Worm Machine, net pounds . . 6300 1 0000 Spur and Worm Machine, net pounds 7000 I I COO 26000 Crating Material (domes- ) tic), approximate pounds ) / v ~' v -' v -' 1 300 500 IOOO Boxing Material (foreign), | approximate pounds . . j 1800 3000 5000 Box, cubic feet 260 300 550 RE.GULAR EQUIPMENT The Machine, with Suitable Index Ratchets, Change Gears. Work and Cutter Arbors. Cutter Center Gauge. Countershaft (2-speed tight and loose Pulley). Set of Wrenches. Code words, page z65. 239 PRECISION TOOLS Oil Pump for Low Pressures 5810 No. 2 High Pressure Oil Pump PRATT & WHITN ROTARY OIL PUMP5 These pumps are of approved design, made in the most substantial manner and give excellent results. The Nos. o, 3 and 1 2 are low pressure pumps for use on milling machines, screw machines, etc. Special attention is directed to the No. 2, perfectly balanced, high pressure pump. In the design the usual stuffing box has been eliminated. Bearings are hardened and ground and, in fact, both design and workmanship ensure the highest possible efficiency in pump construction. It is used on the gun barrel drilling machines and for similar purposes where a high pressure oil supply is necessary. SPECIFICATIONS No. o No. 2 No. 3 No. 12 *Capacity, quarts per minute i# 6 9 6 Pressure per square inch, pounds . IOO 500 to 1000 IOO IOO Pipes, inlet and delivery y%" y%" 1 A" Yz" Speed, R. P. M 150 300 150 15 Driving Pulley, diameter 3" 9" 7" 5" Belt Width i" 3" 2" iX /x Base Dimensions 3" x 3X" 3X //X 4/^" 6 " x 6 j^ " 3/ / ^ // x 3X" Weight, net pounds 8 2 5 3 1 20 Boxing Material, approximate pounds 4 5 8 5 *Based on lift of 4' and varies directly as the speed. Code words, page 265. PRECISION TOOLS 1866 Sub-press Base and Stand Sub-press Base Showing Dies and Blanks & W H I SUB-PRESS BASLS AND STANDS Ready for the insertion of punches and dies. All sizes are of a uniform height of 8^" from base to top of button when punches and dies are together. Piston bearing is of Babbitt metal with means provided for taking up the wear. Sub-press Dies are made to order to drawings or models, and are made either simple or compound. No. I . . . . . Piston diameter 1.25 No. 2 Piston diameter 1.75 No. 3 Piston diameter 2.25 No. 4 Piston diameter 2 -75 No. 5 Piston diameter 3.25 No. 6 Piston diameter 3.75 Code words, page z65. P R L C SIGN TOOLS A T W H I T N COM 245 P R E. C 5 I O N TOOLS it- &** Uo*4 V A SEPARATE CATALOGUE IS DEVOTED TO THE COMPLETE LINE OF SMALL TOOLS, SUCH AS TAPS, DIES, MILLING CUTTERS, TWIST DRILLS, ETC., ETC., MANUFACTURED BY PRATT & WHITNEY COMPANY 246 W H I O M TAPERS DETAIL OF TAPLRS U5E.D, SLL MACHINE. SPECIFICATIONS FOR NUMBERS 1 - Taper No. A B C D Jarno 2 .250 .20 i .600 Jarno 3 -375 -3 I */2 .6OO Jarno 4 .500 .40 2 .6OO Jarno 5 .625 .50 2 l /2 ,6OO Jarno 6 75 .60 3 .600 arno 7 -875 .70 3^ .600 arno 8 .000 .80 4 .600 arno 9 1.125 .90 .600 arno 10 .250 .00 5 .600 arno ii 375 -io S/2 .600 arno 12 .500 .20 6 .600 arno 13 1.625 .30 6^2 .600 Jarno 14 1.750 .40 7 .600 Jarno 1-875 50 7^2 -600 Jarno 16 2.OOO .60 8 .600 Jarno 17 2.125 .70 8^ .600 Jarno 18 2.250 .80 9 .600 Jarno 19 2-375 -90 9 l / 2 .600 Jarno 20 2.500 2.OO 10 .600 Morse i 475 3 6 9 2% .600 Morse 2 .700 572 2 T 9 ^ .602 Morse 3 938 .778 3rV - 6 2 Morse 4 1-231 I.O2O 4i6 - 62 3 Power M.M. o -873 .685 4^ -53 Power M.M. i 1.014 797 6 435 Power M.M. 2 1.285 1.047 5H .516 Power M.M. 3 1 H 1-477 ^2 Drill Socket 2 .540 .409 2^ .629 Drill Collet 3 X .211 1! T 9 5" Drill Collet 4 .281 .230 T 9 S Drill Collet 5 .378 .300 1^5 T 9 * Gang Drill 2 749 -555 4 -581 Lathe 2 5" 1.528 1.246 6 .564 Lathe 1 8" 1.083 854 4?/S 5643 All dimensions are in inches. I O UNITED STATUS STANDARD THRLAD 7"*!i!*-" o | No. threads per inch x^tii^ 'f ^IH^ Formula^ */ depth=/X.64952 Diameter Inches No. Threads per Inch Diameter ^^ IncheS per Inch D T iam K Cter Threads ' D T ia " IncheS per Inch No. icter , , Threads nes T , per Inch 1 2O 18 16 12 II 10 9 i 8 1/8 7 X /8 6 % 6 H s l /2 % 5 /& 5 2 4^ 2 X 4 l /2 3 3 A 3X 2 H 4 3 l /2 3X 2l A 4 3 5 A 3X 2^ 4 3X 3 2 X 4 3^o 3 2/8 3^ 4 3 3 3^ 3^ Z l /2 SHARP "V" THRLAD (THEORETICAL) A n ^<- A 1 t> oitch Formula =pitch .-60-- I />=?' Formula -< Jdt INTERNATIONAL STANDARD Diameter Millimeters 6 8 9 10 1 1 12 M 1 6 18 Pitch Millimeters 1.0 I.O 1.25 1.25 r -5 i-5 2.O 2O 2-5 Diameter Millimeters 20 22 24 27 30 $ 39 42 45 Pitch Millimeters 2-5 2-5 3- 3-5 3-5 4.0 4.0 4-5 4-5 Diameter Millimeters 48 5 2 f 60 64 68 72 76 80 Pitch Millimeters 5- 5- 5-5 1:1 6.0 6-5 6-5 7.0 FRENCH STANDARD Diameter Pitch Diameter Pitch Diameter Pitch Millimeters Millimeters Millimeters Millimeters Millimeters Millimeters 3 4 0-5 0-75 16 18 2.O 2-5 36 38 4.0 4.0 I 0-75 .O 20 2-5 2-5 40 42 4.0 4-5 8 9 .O .O .O 24 26 28 3-o 3-o 3-o 44 46 48 4-5 4-5 5-o 10 5 30 3-5 50 5.0 12 5 32 3-5 14 2.0 34 3-5 249 o WHITWORTH STANDARD THREAD pitch No. threads perinch Formula-] X-64C>33 = radius=/>X .1373 No. No. Diameter ,-p, , Diameter _,, . Inches Inches per Inch per Inch No. Diameter , Threads Inches T , per Inch Diameter Inches No. Threads per Inch X 20 # 9 2 3/ 3X T\ 18 if 9 2/8 \y^ 3/4 H 16 8 4 3^ 3% yV 14 I i/g 7 2/8 4 3^8 3/4 YI 12 _ /T- 7 2/4 4 3^ 3 9 12 1/8 6 2^ 4 3 H II 1/4 6 2 ^ 3K 4 3 H II l % 5 2% 3^2 X 10 i# 5 3 3^ H 10 i^ 4/ 3/8 3 1 A BRITISH ASSOCIATION STANDARD THREAD pitch FormulaX -6 = radius = 1 1 No. Diameter Millimeters Pitch Millimeters No. Diameter Millimeters Pitch Millimeters o 6.0 I.OO 7 2 -5 0.48 i 5-3 0.90 8 2.2 0-43 2 4-7 0.81 9 i-9 0-39 3 4.1 0-73 10 i-7 -35 4 3.64 0.66 12 1.3 0.28 5 3-2 o-59 H I.O 0.23 6 2.8 o-53 16 79 0.19 250 W H ACME STANDARD SCREW THREAD p = pitch = No. threads per inch d = depth = y 2 p -\- .OIO / = flat on top of thread = p X .3707 /"' = flat on bottom of thread = p X .3707 0052 Pitch No. of Threads per Inch Depth of Thread Width at Top of Thread Width at Bottom of Thread Space at Top of Thread Thickness at Root of Thread 2 X I. OIO .7414 .7362 1.2586 1.2637 1^6 9475 .6950 .6897 1.1799 1.1850 I ^ .8850 .6487 6 435 I.IOI2 1.1064 I % A .8225 .6025 5973 I.O226 1.0277 \y> .7600 55 6 .5508 9439 .9491 A H 7287 5329 5277 .9046 .9097 T 8 T 6 975 597 545 .8652 .8704 I T \ M .6662 .4865 .4813 .8259 .8311 : X 635 4633 .4581 .7866 .7918 I T \ A .6037 .4402 435 7472 7525 i /^ 57 2 5 .4170 .4118 .7079 7I3 1 'A if .5412 3938 .3886 .6686 6739 i .510 3707 3655 .6293 6345 If r .4787 3476 3424 .5898 595 fs 4475 .4162 3243 .3012 3 I 9 I .2960 5506 .5112 5558 .5164 % 1 1// 385 .2780 .2728 .4720 4772 H I 5 3537 .2548 .2496 4327 4379 /3 1 /^ 3433 .2471 .2419 .4194 .4246 ^ I i 3225 .2316 .2264 3934 .3986 9_ I | .2912 .2085 2033 3539 .3591 y* 2 .260 1853 .1801 3M7 3*99 A 2 f .2287 .1622 .1570 2752 .2804 2/^J .210 .1482 .1430 .2518 .2570 ^ 2% T 975 .1390 1338 2359 .2411 i/ 3 .1766 I2 35 .1183 .2098 .2150 A .1662 .1158 .1106 .1966 .2018 f 3,^ .1528 .1059 .1007 .1797 .1849 X 4 T 35 .0927 0875 1573 .1625 4^2 .1211 .0824 .0772 .1398 .1450 1 5 .1 IO .0741 .0689 .1259 .1311 A .1037 .0695 .0643 .1179 .1232 1 6 3 0933 .0617 .0565 .1049 .IIOI 1 7 .0814 053 .0478 .0899 .0951 M? 8 .0725 .0463 .0411 .0787 .0839 A 9 10 .0655 .060 .0413 .0371 .0361 .0319 .0699 .0629 07 5 i .0681 A- 16 .0412 .0232 .0180 .0392 .0444 251 A. 5. M. L. STANDARD FOR MACHINE SCREWS United States Standard Form of Thread r No. threads per inch Formula^. j = depth =fX .64952 This standard for machine screws was recommended by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers at the Indianapolis meeting, May 28-31, 1907. For full and complete details concerning this standard and the Engineers' recommendations, see their report, Volume 28, No. 9. 5TANDARD 5CRLW5 NOTE Maximum sizes given are the standard sizes. Basic Size Outside Diameter Pitch Diameter Root Diameter No. O. D.- T. P. I. Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum o .060-80 .0572 .0600 0505 .0519 .0410 .0438 I .073-72 .0700 .0730 .0625 .0640 .0520 .0550 2 .086-64 .0828 .0860 .0742 0759 .0624 .0657 3 -099-56 955 .0990 .0857 .0874 .0721 .0758 4 .112-48 .1082 .II2O .0966 .0985 .0808 .0849 5 .125-44 .1210 .1250 .1082 .IIO2 .0910 0955 6 -138-40 1338 .1380 .1197 .1218 .1007 I0 55 7 -iS 1 ^ 6 .1466 .I5IO .1308 133 .1097 .1149 8 -164-36 .1596 .1640 .1438 .1460 .1227 .1279 9 -I77-3 2 .1723 .1770 1544 .1567 .1307 .1364 10 -190-30 .1852 .I9OO .1660 .1684 .1407 .1467 12 .216-28 .2111 .2l6o .1903 .1928 l6 33 .1696 14 .242-24 .2368 .2420 .2123 .2149 .1807 .1879 16 .268-22 .2626 .2680 2 35 8 2385 .2013 .2090 18 .294-20 .2884 .2940 .2587 2615 .2208 .2290 20 .320-20 3 J 44 .3200 .2847 .2875 .2468 .2550 22 .346-18 .3402 .3460 .3070 399 .2649 .2738 24 .372-16 .3660 .3720 .3284 33M .2810 .2908 26 .398-16 .3920 .3980 3544 3574 .3070 .3168 28 .424-14 .4178 .4240 3745 3776 .3204 33 i 2 30 .450-14 443 8 .4500 .4005 .4036 3464 3572 Continued on next page 252 PRATT WHITNEY COMPANY A. 5. M. L. STANDARD SPECIAL 5CRLWS NOTE Maximum sizes given are the standard sizes No. I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 iasic Size Outside Diameter Pitch Diameter Root Diameter 0. D.-T. P. I. Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum .073-64 .0698 .0730 .0612 .0629 .0494 .0527 .086-56 .0825 .0860 .0727 .0744 .0591 .0628 .099-48 .0952 .0990 .0836 .0855 .0678 .0719 .112-40 .1078 .1120 0937 .0958 .0747 795 .112-36 .1076 .1120 .0918 .0940 .0707 .0759 .125-40 .1208 .1250 .1067 .1088 .0877 .0925 125-36 .1206 .1250 .1048 .1070 .0837 .0889 138-36 1336 .1380 .1178 .I2OO .0967 .1019 138-32 1333 .1380 II54 .1177 .0917 .0974 151-32 .1463 .1510 .1284 .1307 .1047 .1104 'S 1 ^ .1462 .1510 .1269 .1294 .1017 -1077 .164-32 1593 .1640 .1414 T 437 .1177 .1234 .164-30 .1592 .1640 1399 1423 .1147 .1207 177-3 .1722 .1770 .1529 1553 .1277 1337 .177-24 .1718 .1770 1473 .1499 .1158 .1229 .190-32 1853 .1900 .1674 .1697 1437 .1494 .190-24 .1848 .1900 .1603 .1629 .1287 1359 .216-24 .2108 .2160 .1863 .1889 1547 .1619 .24220 .2364 .2420 .2067 .2095 .1688 .1770 .268-20 .2624 .2680 .2327 2355 .1948 .2030 .294-18 .2882 .2940 .2550 2579 .2129 .2218 .320-18 .3142 .3200 .2810 .2839 .2389 .2478 .346-16 .3400 .3460 .3024 354 2 55 .2648 .372-18 .3662 .3720 3330 3359 .2909 .2998 .398-14 .3918 .3980 .3485 .35i6 .2944 35 2 .424-16 .4180 .4240 .3804 .3834 333 .3482 .450-16 .4440 .4500 .4064 .4094 3590 .3688 253 o o CONSTANTS FOR FINDING DIAMETER AT BOTTOM OF THREAD Threads U. S. Standard per Inch Constant "V" Thread Constant Threads per Inch U. S. Standard Constant "V" Thread Constant 64 .02030 .02706 16 .08119 .10825 60 .02165 .02887 14 .09279 .12372 56 .02320 .03093 !3 -09993 T 33 2 3 5 .02598 .03464 12 .10825 14434 48 .02706 .03608 II .11809 .15746 44 .02952 393 6 10 .12990 .17321 40 .03248 0433 9 14434 .19245 36 .03608 .048 1 1 8 .16238 .21651 32 .04059 05413 7 .18558 24744 30 0433 05773 6 .21651 .28868 28 .04639 .06186 5/2 .23619 .31492 26 .04996 .06662 5 .25981 34641 24 05413 .07217 4% .28868 .38490 22 05905 07873 4 -32476 43301 20 .06495 .08660 3 1 A 37"5 .49487 18 .07217 .09623 3 -43301 57733 C = Constant for number of threads per inch. D = Outside diameter. D i = Diameter at bottom of thread. Di=D C. EXAMPLE, Given outside diameter of U. S. S. screw thread, 2 inches ; 4^ threads per inch ; find diameter at bottom of thread. D=2 inches; for 4^ threads U. S. S., constant, C = . 2 8 8 6 ; then diameter at bottom of thread, D I = 2 . 2886=1.7114 inches. 254 W H I O M TAP DRILLS FOR U. 5. STANDARD THREAD Size Inches Size of Drill Size Inches Size oi * D $ 1 5 / y% N 7 /& i s I X i! 1/8 | tt l ~S Size Inches Size of Drill FOR U. 5. FORM OF THRLAD T V TO H-INCH DIAMLTLR Diameter Inches Number of Threads to the Inch Exact Diameter Bottom of Thread Inches Gauge Number of Drill Diameter ^" mbe / f Inches T ^ds to the Inch Exact Diameter Bottom of Thread Inches Gauge Number of Drill A 60 .041 57 A 56 55 53 A 64 .042 56 ^ 60 .056 53 A 48 .067 50 & 40 .077 46 A 5 .068 5 *V 44 .080 45 3" 3 2~ 56 .071 49 A 48 .082 44 A 60 .072 48 32 .100 37 /^ 40 093 4i <5 9 r 3 6 .105 35 y% 44 .096 40 ^f 40 .108 34 l /8 48 .098 39 i 3 2 .131 29 A 32 .n6 31 U 36 .136 28 A 36 y& ri 40 139 27 & 40 .124 3 ?! 24 .149 24 A 24 .133 29 if 28 !57 20 A 28 .141 27 if 32 .162 T 9 T 3 s 3 -M4 26 J 4 36 .167 18 T 3 e 3 2 -147 25 t 24 .180 i -} T 3 6 36 .152 23 r| 28 .188 10 7T2 2 4 .164 19 J f -3-> .194 8 A 28 .172 16 '1 36 .198 7 32 32 .178 14 4 18 T 93 9 36 .183 12 1 20 .201 5 !* 18 .178 14 \ 24 .211 3 X 20 .185 12 1 26 .216 2 X 22 .190 IO 4 32 .225 I X 2 4 .196 8 X 26 .2OO 6 255 TAP DRILL5 FOR MACHINE 5CRLW TAP5 These drills will give a thread near enough full for all practical purposes, but not full thread. Size of No. of Size of Size of No. of Size of Taps Threads Drills Taps Threads Drills 2 4 8 51 12 24 19 2 56 5 1 3 20 19 2 64 49 13 24 '5 3 40 49 M 20 1 6 3 4 8 48 M 22 13 3 56 44 14 24 9 4 3 2 48 15 18 4 36 45 15 20 IO 4 5 40 3 44 44 ;i 2 4 16 6 i3 5 3 2 43 16 18 IO 5 36 16 20 6 5 40 40 16 24 > 6 3 41 17 1 6 7 6 3 2 37 '7 18 4 6 36 36 20 2 6 40 33 18 16 3 7 28 35 18 18 7 3 34 18 20 A 7 3 2 3 1 19 16 i 8 24 34 19 18 B 8 3 30 !9 20 D 8 3 2 30 20 16 C 9 24 30 20 18 E 9 28 2 9 20 20 H 9 3 28 22 16 H 9 3 2 27 22 18 J 10 24 28 24 14 K 10 28 26 24 16 L 10 3 24 24 18 N IO 3 2 24 26 14 N II 24 24 26 16 II 28 21 28 14 Q II 3 19 28 16 s 12 20 24 3 14 T 12 22 2O 30 16 V 256 O M TAP DRILLS FOR A. 5. M. L. STANDARD MACHINL SCRLW TAPS The diameter given for each hole to be tapped allows for a practical clearance at the root of the thread of the screw and will not impose undue strain upon the tap in service. Size of Tap Number of Threads 80 64 72 48 56 36 40 48 36 40 44 40 30 30 24 30 Size of Drill .0465 .0595 .0670 .070 .076 .0785 .oSo .082 .089 935 .098 0995 .1015 .1065 .no TI 3 .116 .120 .1285 .1285 .136 .1285 .136 Size of Tap 9 10 10 IO 12 12 14 14 1 6 16 1 8 18 20 2O 22 24 24 26 26 28 28 30 3 Number of Threads 32 24 3 3 2 24 28 20 24 20 i 8 20 18 20 16 18 16 18 H 16 H 16 14 i 6 Size of Drill .1405 .140 152 154 .166 .209 295 .302 . 3 l6 323 339 348 .368 377 PRECISION T O O L 5 STANDARD DIMENSIONS OF WROUGHT-IRON WELDED TUBES BRIGGS' STANDARD Diameter of Tubes Screwed Ends Thickness Nominal Inside Inches Actual Inside Inches Actual Outside Inches of Metal Inches No. of Threads per Inch Length of Perfect Thread Inches H 0.270 0.405 0.068 27 0.19 X 0.364 0.540 0.088 18 0.29 y% 0.494 0.675 0.091 18 0.30 YI 0.623 0.840 0.109 14 o-39 % 0.824 1.050 o.i 13 M 0.40 i 1.048 1.315 0.134 I I Yi 0.51 1 1 4 1.380 1. 660 0.140 ] 1 Yi 0.54 1 / / 2 1.610 1.900 0.145 I i YZ -55 2 2.067 -375 0.154 i \y 2 0.58 2 /4 2.468 2.875 0.204 8 0.89 3 3.067 0.217 8 o-95 3-543 4.000 0.226 8 .00 4 4.026 4.500 0.237 8 .05 4.508 5.000 0.246 8 .10 5 5-45 5-5^3 0.259 8 1.16 6 6.065 6.625 0.280 8 .26 7 7.023 7.625 0.301 8 1.36 8 7.982 8.625 0.322 8 .46 * 9 9.000 9.688 0.344 8 57 10 10.019 10.750 0.366 8 .68 Taper of conical tube ends, I in 32 to axis of tube (^ inch per foot). The sizes of twist drills to be used in boring holes to be reamed with pipe reamer, and threaded with pipe tap, are as follows : Size, Tap % inch % inch Y% inch ^ inch % inch i inch Diameter, Drill M inch T T 6 ' mCn T 9 ^ inch -|| inch 11 inch i i/s inches Size, Tap I X inches ij-2 inches i inches 1^2 inches j inches Diameter, Drill i ^ inches i|4 inches 2^g inches . 2 1 1 inches inches *By the action of the manufacturers of wrought-iron pipe and boiler tubes, at a meeting held in New York, May 9, 1889, a change in size of actual outside diameter of g-inch pipe was adopted, making the latter 9.625 instead of 9.688 inches, as given in the table of Briggs' Standard pipe diameters. 258 PRATT WHITNLY COMPANY DIFFERENT STANDARDS FOR WIRE. GAUGE. IN U5L IN THE. UNITED STATES DIMENSIONS OF SIZES IN DECIMAL PARTS OF AN INCH No. of Wire Gauge American or Brown & Sharpe Bir- mingham or Stubs' Wire \Vashburn & Moen Mfg. Co. Worcester Mass. Trenton Iron Co. Trenton N.J. Stubs' Steel Wire U. S. Standard for Plate No. of Wire Gauge OOOOOO . . .46875 OOOOOO OOOOO . 45 . 4375 OOOOO oooo 46' 454 3938 4 .40625 oooo ooo .40964 425 3625 36 375 ooo oo .3648 38 33'Q 33 34375 oo .32486 34 3065 305 3 r2 5 I .2893 3 .2830 .285 .227 .28125 I 2 25763 .284 .2625 .265 .219 .265625 2 3 .22942 259 2437 245 .212 25 3 4 .20431 .238 2253 .225 .207 -34375 4 5 .18194 .2070 205 .204 .21875 5 6 .16202 .203 .1920 .19 .201 203125 6 7 .14428 .18 .1770 J 75 .199 .1875 7 8 .12849 .165 .1620 .16 .197 .171875 8 9 II443 .148 .1483 .145 .194 .15625 9 10 .10189 134 135 i3 .I 9 I .140625 10 ii .090742 .12 .1205 i>75 .188 I2 5 1 1 12 .080808 .109 1055 .105 .I8 5 .109375 12 J 3 .071961 095 .0915 .0925 .182 09375 J 3 14 .064084 .083 .0800 .08 .180 .078125 M 15 .057068 .072 .0720 07 .I 7 8 .0703125 15 16 .05082 .065 .0625 .061 T 75 0625 16 i? .045257 .058 .0540 0525 .172 .05625 '7 18 .040303 .049 0475 .045 .168 05 18 19 035 8 9 .042 .0410 .04 .,64 04375 19 20 .031961 035 .0348 035 .161 375 20 21 .028462 .032 03175 .031 '57 034375 2 I 22 025347 .028 .0286 .028 155 .03125 22 23 .022571 .025 .0258 .025 T 53 .028125 23 24 .O2OI .022 .0230 .0225 '5 1 .025 24 2 5 .0179 .02 .0204 .02 .148 .021875 2 5 26 .01594 .018 .0181 .018 .146 .01875 26 27 .014195 .Ol6 0173 .017 143 .0171875 27 28 .012641 .014 .0162 .016 139 .015625 28 29 .011257 .013 .0150 015 '34 .0140625 29 3 .010025 .012 .0140 .014 .127 .0125 3 3 1 .008928 .OI .0132 .013 .1 20 .0109375 3 1 3 2 .00795 .009 .0128 .012 i[ 5 .01015625 32 33 .00708 .008 .01 1 8 .Oil .112 009375 33 34 .006304 .007 .0104 .01 .110 oo859375 34 35 .005614 .005 .0095 .0095 .108 .0078125 35 36 .005 .004 .0090 .OO9 .106 .00703125 36 37 004453 . . .0085 .103 .006640625 37 38 003965 . . .008 .101 .00625 38 39 003531 .0075 .099 39 40 003144 .OO7 .097 . . . . 40 259 o WEIGHTS OF SQUARE AND ROUND BAR5 OF WROUGHT IRON IN POUNDS PER LINEAR FOOT- KENT Iron weighing 480 pounds per cubic foot. For steel add 2 per cent. Thickness of Diameter in Inches Weight of Square Bar One Foot Long Weight of Round Bar One Foot Long Thick- ness of Diameter in Inches Weight of Square Bar One Foot Long Weight of Round Bar One Foot Long Thick- ness of Diameter in Inches Weight of Square Bar One Foot Long Weight of Round Bar One Foot Long O 2}i 24.08 18.91 5^8 96.30 75-64 T\ .013 .Oio X 25.21 19.80 T5 98.55 77.40 >S .052 .041 1 3 Tfi- 26.37 20.71 /t loo.S 79.19 A .117 .092 "/& 27-55 21.64 T6 103.1 8 1. oo X .208 .164 it 28.76 22.59 H 105-5 82.83 A .326 .256 3 i 30.00 23-56 H 107.8 84.69 Xs .469 .368 T~5 31.26 24-55 X I 10.2 86.56 IS .638 .501 /S 32-55 25-57 tt 112. 6 88.45 /2 833 .654 T 3 ,I 33- 8 7 26.60 I I ;.I 90.36 A l -SS .828 X 35-21 27.65 ] 5 1 t) II7-5 92.29 1.302 1.023 T 5 6 36.58 28.73 6 I20.O 94.25 H 1.576 1-237 H 37-97 29.82 1 A I25.I 98.22 74 1-875 1-473 T% 39-39 30-94 X 130.2 102.3 ft 2.201 1.728 l /z 40.83 32.07 H J 35-5 106.4 $ 2 -55 2 2.004 ^ 42.30 33- 2 3 /* 140.8 1 10.6 if 2.930 2.301 5 /8 43.80 34-40 H 146.3 114.9 i 3-333 2.618 H 45-33 35-60 H 151.9 "9-3 TV 3-763 2-955 X 46.88 36.82 /& 157-6 123-7 i2 4.219 3-3 J 3 if 48.45 38.05 i 163-3 128.3 A 4.701 3-692 H 50.05 39-31 # 169.2 132.9 X 5.208 4.091 il 51.68 40.59 4 175-2 13/6 A 5-742 4.510 4 53-33 41.89 ^8 181.3 142.4 /8 6.302 4.950 A 55-oi 43- 21 l /2 187.5 147-3 T6 6.888 5-4io y% 56.72 44-55 % 193.8 152.2 % 7.500 5.890 A 58.45 45-91 x 3 4 200.2 157-2 8.138 6.392 X 60.21 47.29 ^' 2O6.7 162.4 i 8.802 6.913 i% 61.99 48.69 8 213-3 167.6 Trt 9.942 7-455 >_s 63.80 50.11 X 226.9 178.2 x 10.21 8.018 T'^ 65.64 5 T -55 ^ 240.8 189.2 If 10-95 8. 60 1 ^2 67.50 53- 01 H 2 55- 2 200.4 % 11.72 9.204 T'V 69-39 54-5 9 270.0 212. 1 It 12.51 9.828 ^ 71-3 56.00 X 285.2 224.0 I 3-33 10.47 H 73-24 57-52 X 300.8 236.3 A 14.18 11.14 X 75-2i 59-7 X 316.9 248.9 K T 5-5 11.82 H 77-20 60.63 10 333-3 261.8 T 3 15-95 12-53 ^ 79.22 62.22 X 350-2 275- 1 ^ 16.88 !3- 2 5 it 81.26 63.82 l /2 367-5 288.6 5 Tt5 17-83 14.00 5 83-33 65-45 X 385-2 302.5 H 18.80 14-77 F 85-43 67.10 1 1 403-3 316.8 7 y r, 19.80 '5-55 87-55 68.76 X 421.9 33i-3 X 20.83 16.36 3 T5 89.70 70.45 l /z 440.8 346.2 Tff 21.89 i 7.19 X 91.88 72.16 X 460.2 361.4 ^ 22.97 18.04 A 94.08 73- s 9 12 480.0 377-0 To compute the weight of sheet steel : Divide the thickness, expressed in thousandths, by 25 5 the result is the weight, in pounds, per square foot. W H I O M TABLE GIVING THE. AMOUNT OF TAPLR IN A CLRTAIN LLNGTH WHLN THL TAPLR PLR FOOT IS GIVLN Length of 1 i Cl JC1 _l UUL Tapered Portion A :^ % X H % *6oo H % i iX h .0002 .OOO2 .OOO3 .0007 .OOIO .0013 .0016 .0016 .0020 .0026 .0033 & .OOOJ .OOO5 .OO07 .0013 .0020 .0026 .0031 0033 .0039 .0052 .0065 y& .0007 .0010 .OOI3 .0026 .0039 .0052 .0062 .0065 .0078 .0104 .0130 fV .OOIO .0015 .O020 .0039 .0059 .0078 .0094 .0098 .01 17 .0156 .0195 X .0013 .0020 .OO26 .0052 .0078 .0104 .0125 .0130 .01 56 .0208 .0260 5 .OOl6 .0024 0033 .0065 .0098 .0130 .0156 .0163 .0195 .0260 .0326 H .0020 .0029 .0039 .0078 .0117 .0156 .0187 .0195 .0234 .0312 .0391 TV .002 3 .0034 .0046 .0091 0137 .0182 .0219 .0228 .0273 03 6 5 -45 6 y z .0026 .0039 .0052 .0104 .0156 .0208 .0250 .0260 .0312 .0417 .0521 15 .OO29 .0044 .0059 .01 17 .0176 .0234 .0281 .0293 35 2 .0469 .0586 H 33 .0049 .0065 .0130 .0195 .0260 .0312 .0326 .0391 .0521 .0651 1 1 ~f~5 .0036 .0054 .0072 .0143 .0215 .0286 0344 0358 .0430 .0573 .0716 k .0039 .0059 .0078 .0156 .0234 .0312 0375 .0391 .0469 .0625 .0781 1 3 i i; .0042 .0063 .0085 .0169 .0254 0339 .0406 .0423 .0508 .0677 .0846 7 /8 .0046 .0068 .OO9I .0182 .0273 3 6 5 0437 .0456 .0547 .0729 .0911 1 5 T"0 .0049 .0073 .0098 .0195 .0293 .0391 .0469 .0488 .0586 .0781 .0977 .0052 .0078 .0104 .0208 .0312 .0417 .050 .0521 .0625 .0833 .1042 2 .0104 .0156 .0208 .04 r 7 .0625 0833 .100 .1042 .125 .1667 .2083 3 .0156 .0234 .0312 .0625 937 .1250 .150 ..562 '875 .250 .3125 4 .0208 .031 2 .0417 o833 .125 .1667 .200 .2083 .250 3333 -4167 5 .0260 .03 9 I .052. .1042 .1562 .2083 .250 .2604 3' 2 5 .4167 .5208 6 .0312 .0469 .0625 .125 1875 .250 .300 3*25 375 .500 .625 7 .0365 .0547 .0729 .1458 .2187 .2917 35 .3646 4375 5833 -7292 8 .0417 .0625 0833 .1667 .250 3333 .400 .4167 .500 .6667 .8333 9 .0469 .0703 0937 1875 .2812 375 45 .4687 5625 75 -9375 10 .0521 .0781 .IO42 .2083 3 T2 5 .4167 .500 .5208 .625 8333 1-0417 1 1 0573 .0859 .1146 .2292 3437 4583 55 5729 .6875 .9167 1.1458 12 .0625 0937 .125 .250 375 .500 .600 .625 750 .000 1.250 13 .0677 .IOl6 r 354 .2708 .4062 54i7 .650 .6771 .8.25 -0833 1.3542 M .0729 .1094 .1458 .2917 4375 .5833 .700 .7292 .875 .1667 1.4583 15 .0781 .1172 .1562 3 I2 5 .4687 .625 75 .7812 9375 .250 1.5625 16 0833 .125 .1667 3333 .500 .6667 .800 8333 .000 3333 1-6667 T 7 .0885 .1328 .1771 3542 53 12 .7083 850 .8854 .0625 .4167 1.7708 18 0937 .1406 .1875 375 5625 75 .900 9375 I2 5 .500 1.875 19 .0990 .1484 .1979 3958 5937 .7917 .950 .9896 .,875 5833 T -979 2 20 .1042 .1562 .2083 .4167 .625 8333 1. 000 1.0417 .250 .6667 2.0833 21 .1094 .1641 .2187 4375 .6562 .875 1.050 I -937 3' 2 5 .750 2.1875 22 .1 146 .1719 .2292 .4583 .6875 .9167 I.1OO 1.1458 375 .8333 2.2917 23 .1.98 .1797 .2396 .4792 .7187 9583 1.150 1.1979 4375 .9167 2.3958 2 4 I2 5 .1875 .250 .500 750 1. 000 1 .200 1.250 1.500 2.OOO 2.500 *Pratt & Whitney Standard Taper. 261 o TABLE. OF DECIMAL EQUIVALENTS OF MILLIMETERS AND FRACTIONS OF MILLIMETERS Millimeters Inches -J a = . 00039 -| -=.ooo79 Millimeters Inches Millimeters Inches Millimeters Inches TO'O = -oo 1 97 T7 V = . 00276 r ! " = . 00394 rVo = -00433 r l o 3 _ .03740 T 6 (f\T = .02559 Tojo .03780 To'i) = .02598 .03819 To'o = .02638 Too .03858 TIKI = .02677 9 9 Tod .03898 l'(M> = .02717 I = 03937 T 7 o0 = .02756 2 = .07874 T 7 oV) = .02795 3= .IlSlI T'O'O = . 02835 4 = .15748 T~(H> = .02874 5 = .19685 T T 4 = .02913 6= .23622 fop = .02953 7 = 27559 = .02992 8 = .31496 iVo = .03032 9 = 35433 TJM: = .03071 10 = 39370 Toi = .031 10 11 = 43307 Too = .031 50 12 = .47244 T 8 o J o = .03189 13 = .51181 T 8 2 = .03228 I 4 = .55118 iVo = .03268 15 = 59055 y 8 ^ =-03307 16= .62992 T S o 5 ( = .03346 17 = .66929 _8J 18 = .70866 87 10( = .03425 19= .74803 20 = .78740 sa = .03504 21 = .82677 T 9 0< = .03543 22 = .86614 T'TTT = .03583 2 3 = .955 T T ! o 2 ( = .03622 24 = .94488 T ^3. = .03661 25 = .98425 TO ( = .03701 26 = 1.02362 10 m/m=i centimeter = o.3937 inches. 10 cm. = i decimeter =3. 93 7 inches. 10 dm. = i meter=39.37 inches. 25.4 m/m=i English inch. W H I O M uJ z: i z. o UJ u O uJ GO o vp p ^toq 01 vp p 'too 01 vp p "too ci vp p 'too ci vp p ro ON TJ- d LO d vd r^, oi r^. rood TJ- ON T}- d LO vd <-> r^cicd M -^-r^O ci Lot^-O ci Lot^o ci Lot^d ro LOOO O fo LOOO O oi vp p 'too ci vp p "3~oq oi vo p 'too c-1 vp p ~*Gq 01 vp p ^t ci r^. rood ro ON TJ- d LO d vd - r-^ci r^. rood *-o r^ O c-i LOI^O M M ci oi ci 01 rooorO't'tTt-tLOLOLo LOVO 1-1(0 "-' *> od ro ON Tt Ov LO d vd vd ci fx. rood ff ^ \r 10 \O ci t^oioO ro ON T^ ON LO O vO vd ci t^, rood r o ON 't O Tl"VO ON TJ- vO ON > < Tl~vO ON CI TJ- f^ ON d ^ r^ CN 01 'T fx, O TJ-CNLOO LO-'VO ci r^ciod roON"td\Lodvd -vd ci r^. rood - rovo ON - TJ-VO ON - ^tvO ON - rf ^O ONOI rt-t^ONCi ^tr^ON M ,_, M ci M oi oi rorororO'tTt-'t'tLOLOLOLO LopNCpr^. LOON 01 oo rooo "^t ON LO o LO M vo ci r^ 01 CO ro ON ^ ON LO o vo ' vo i rovO CO ro^O ON i < Tt"VO ON ' Tt~\O ON * < Tt*vo ON oi -^j- tx, Q\ ** vO ' t^ ci CO rooo "^t ON LO O LO vO oi r^. 01 CO ro ON -1- cK LO ' rovO CO rovO GO ^-^ -rovO ON ^^ TTvO ON < ^vo ON * ^"VO ON ON-'tC) LO M VO w r^-ciod rood -^O^LOO LO M VO oi t^oiod ro rovo CO - rovO CO - rovO GO - rovO ON - ^vo ON - -tvO ON T^- Tj- i_o LO LO LO t^ rooo ^tON-'tO LO vo rx,cioo rooo ~^t ON LO d LO vd oi ro LOOO O rovo GO - rovO CO - rovO 00 - rovo ON - "^fvO ON M M _ H 01 01 M ci rorororO't^'^-^tLOLOLOLO vd t--. oi od rood -rfo"NLod LOi_ivd t^ciod rood "t ON <-o d ro LOOO O ro LOCO O rovo oo - rovo OO - rovO CO -< rovo ON oq 01 vp p 'too ci vp p ^toq ci vp p *toq oi vp p "too ci vp O TJ- d LO vd t^ ci od rood TJ- ON LO d LO vd oi rx. ci od ro ON ro LOGO O ro LOOO O ro LOCO O rovo oo - rovo r ^ - rovO GO wvp p ""too civp p ^toq f'vp p "too fivp O -^-oq N vp p *t rooo 't ON "^- d LO t-H \o ^^ t^^ c^ oo rooo ^t ON LO d LO i i vo ci t^ oi LO r^ O ro LOOO O ro LOCO O ro LOCO O rovo GO - rovO GO vp p "too civp p "too ?]^o p 'too fjvp p LOOO 01 vp p 'too M LO r^ O oi LO t^ o ro LOOO O ro LOOO O ro LOGO O rovo OO w M oi ri M ci rorororO"3-'t^t^tLOLOLoi-o p 'too ci vp p -^oq oi vp p "too ci vp p "^"GO oi vp p 'too 01 O LO O vO i i r^ 01 r^, rooo 't s ^" d LO vo i^ 01 od rooo ^" .. ociLor^OoiLot^Oro LOOC O ro LOGO O ro LOGO O - oi ro -t LOVO r^oo ON O - 01 ro "t- LOVO t^OO ON O - M ro _ _ _ _ M M oi ci ci ci 263 o TABLE OF DECIMAL EQUIVALENTS OF EIGHTHS, SIXTEENTHS, THIRTY-SECONDS AND SIXTY-FOURTHS OF AN INCH 015625 If. . . 5^625 A 03125 1 7 3"? ' ' ' 53^5 A- 046875 35. 546875 1-16 0625 9-16 . . 5625 A 078125 u 578125 A- < 09375 it 59375 A 109375 1! ... 609375 1-8 1250 5-8 . . 6250 6 9 4 ' - 140625 11 640625 5 '5625 li . . 65625 1 1 64 ' ' 171875 1! 671875 Vi6 1875 11-16 . . 6875 if 203125 M . 703125 A 21875 II . . . . 71875 1 5 64 ' ' 2 34375 11 734375 1-4 . 2500 3-4 75oo tt- 265625 !! 765625 A -28125 !! 78125 if 296875 !!-.... 796875 5-i6 . 3125 13-16. . . 8125 ft 328125 If . . . . 828125 H 34375 II . . . . 84375 ft 359375 55 64 ' 859375 3-8 . 3750 7-8 ... 8750 It 390625 f 1 . . . . 890625 i* . . 40625 II 90625 n - . 421875 If- 921875 7-16 . 4375 15-16 . . 9375 I 9 r 453^5 11 953^5 it- 46875 fi . . . 96875 |1 . j.8/137 c 63 o3j.'J7 c 6 4 ' 1-2 5000 I . . . . . . . . i.oooo 264 W H I CABLE. AND TLLEGRAPH CODL YERAF *Bolt Cutter, No. 4. YETOM YERDA Regular Equipment with Taps and Dies. YEVAK YE REG Regular Equipment without Taps and Dies. YEVEL YERFE Taps and Dies only, complete set. With Rectangular Head, no Power Feed, no Spindles. With Rectangular Head and Power Feed, no Spindles. Spindles (specify number and size). YERGI *Centering Machine, 4-inch. YERHO Regular Equipment with Drills and Reamers. YERIH Regular Equipment without Drills or Reamers. YERKU *Centering Machine, 6-inch. YERLY Regular Equipment with Drills and Reamers. YEROK Regular Equipment \vithout Drills or Reamers. YEVHA *Drill, No. 12 Multiple Spindle. YEVKE With Square Head, no Power Feed, no Spindles. YEVLI With Square Head and Power Feed, no Spindles. YEVON With Rectangular Head, no Power Feed, no Spindles. YEVPY With Rectangular Head and Power Feed, no Spindles. YEVUP Spindles (specify number and size). YERUL *Cutting-off Machine, 2^ -inch YESAG Regular Equipment. YESEH *Cutting-off Machine, 3% -inch YES FA Regular Equipment. YFSGE *Die Sinking Machine, No. 2. YESHI Regular Equipment without Tools. YES IK Regular and Tool Equipment. YESKO Tools only, complete set. YESLU *Die Sinking Machine, No. 3. YESOL Regular Equipment without Tools. YETAH Regular and Tool Equipment. YETEIv Tools only, complete set. YETGA *Drill, No. n Gang. YETHE Regular Equipment. YETIL Regular Equipment and Power Feed to Table. YEWAL *Drill, No. 13 Multiple Spindle. YEWEM With Square Head, no Power Feed, no Spindles. YEWKA With Square Head and Power Feed, no Spindles. YEWLE With Rectangular Head, no Power Feed, no Spindles. YE WOP With Rectangular Head and Power Feed, no Spindles. YEWPU Spindles (specify number and size). YEWRY YEXAM YEXEN YEXIP Drill, No. 14 Multiple Spindle. With Square Head. With Rectangular Head. Spindles (specify number and size). YEXLA Drill, No. 7 Type "G" Multiple. YEXME With 24" Head. YEXNI With 36" Head. YEXOR Spindles (specify number and size). YETKI *Drill, No. n Multiple Spindle. YEXPO VETLO With Square Head, no Power YEXRU Feed, no Spindles. YEXSY YETNY With Square Head and Power YEXUS Feed, no Spindles. *May be furnished with Direct-connected Motor, see page 285. Drill, No. 10 Type "H" Multiple. With Rectangular Head. With Circular Head. Spindles (specify number and size). 265 o o CABLE AND TLLLGRAPH CODL- Continued YEZAN Drill, Sensitive. YEZEP One-spindle, Regular Equipment. YEZIR Two-spindle, Regular Equip- ment. YEZMA Three-spindle, Regular Equip- ment. YEZNE Four-spindle, Regular Equip- ment. YEZOS Bench, Regular Equipment. YEZPI Drill Chuck (s). YEZRO Bell Center. YEZSU Dead Center. YEZTY "V" Block with Extension. YIFUB Gear Cutting Machine, 6o-inch. YIFWI For Spur Gears only. YIFXO For Worm Gears only. YIFZU For Spur and Worm Gears. YIGBU Internal Gear Cutting Attach- ment. YIHUD *Grinder, 3-foot Vertical Sur- face. YIHWA With Plain Equipment. YIHXE With Plain Rotary Chuck. YIHZI With Rectangular Magnetic Chuck. YIKAZ With Plain Rotary and Rectan- gular Magnetic Chucks. YIKBI With Plain Rotary, Rectangular Magnetic and Rotary Magnetic Chucks. YIKCO With Rectangular Magnetic and Rotary Magnetic Chucks. YIKDU Plain Rotary Chuck. YIKEB Rectangular Magnetic Chuck. YIKFY Rotary Magnetic Chuck. YIKIC Magnetic Chuck, arranged for no volts direct current. YIKOD Magnetic Chuck, arranged for 220 volts direct current. YIKUF Grinding Wheel, suitable for YIGC Y Gear Cutting Machine, go-inch. YIGEX For Spur Gears only. YIGIZ For Worm Gears only. YIGOB For Spur and Worm Gears. YIGUC Internal Gear Cutting Attach- ment. YIGVA Gear Cutting Machine, 120- inch. YIGWE For Spur and Worm Gears. YIGXI Internal Gear Cutting Attach- ment. YIGZO *Grinder, 4X3o-inch Cylindrical. YIHAX Regular Equipment with Auto- matic Sizing Device. YIHBO Regular Equipment without Automatic Sizing Device. YIHCU Grinding Wheel. YIHDY *Grinder, 6 x 4 8-inch Cylindrical. YIHEZ Regular Equipment with Auto- matic Sizing Device. YIIIIB Regular Equipment without Automatic Sizing Device. YIHOC Grinding Wheel. YIKXA *Grinder, 6-foot Vertical Sur- face. YIKZE \Vith Plain Equipment. YILAB With Plain Rotary Chuck. YILBE With Rectangular Magnetic Chuck. YILCI With Plain Rotary and Rectangu- lar Magnetic Chucks. YILDO With Plain Rotary, Rectangular Magnetic and Rotary Magnetic Chucks. YILEC With Rectangular Magnetic and Rotary Magnetic Chucks. YILFU Plain Rotary Chuck. YILGY Rectangular Magnetic Chuck. YILID Rotary Magnetic Chuck. YILOF Magnetic Chuck, arranged for 1 10 volts direct current. YILUG Magnetic Chuck, arranged for 220 volts direct current. YILZA Grinding Wheel, suitable for YIMAC Grinder, Thread Milling Ma- chine Cutter. YIMBA Regular Equipment. YIMCE Grinding Wheels. *May be furnished with Direct-connected Motor, see page 285. W H I O M CABLL AND TLLLGRAPH CODL- Continued YIMDI Grinder, Fish-tail Cutter. VIMED Regular Equipment. YIMFO Grinding Wheels. YIMGU Grinder, Gun Barrel Drill. YIMHY Regular Equipment. YIMOG Grinding Wheels (front). YINAU Grinding Wheels (back). YINCA Gun Barrel and Tube Drilling Machine, No. i. YINDE Regular Equipment, 6 X Bed. YINEF Regular Equipment, 9%' Bed. YINFI Regular Equipment, 13' Bed. YINGO Regular Equipment, 17' Bed. YINHU Machine to drill holes dia. deep. YINKY *Gun Barrel and Tube Drilling Machine, No. \y z . YINOH Regular Equipment, 8' Bed. YIPAF Regular Equipment, 12' Bed. YIPDA Regular Equipment, 16' Bed. YIPEG Regular Equipment, 20' Bed. YIPFE Regular Equipment, 22' Bed. YIPGI Regular Equipment, 24" Bed. YIPHO Machine to drill holes dia. -deep. YIPIH With Back Geared Head. YIPKU *Gun Barrel and Tube Drilling Machine, No. 2. YIPLY Regular Equipment, 19' Bed. YIPOK Regular Equipment, 40' Bed. YIPUL Machine to drill holes dia. deep. YIRAG -Gun Barrel and Tube Drilling Machine, No. 3. YIREH Regular Equipment, 20' Bed. Y1RFA Regular Equipment, 25' Bed. YIRGE Regular Equipment, 40' Bed. Y1RIII Regular Equipment, 46' Bed. YIRIK Machine to drill holes dia. deep. YIRKO *Gun Barrel and Tube Drilling Machine, No. 4. YIRLU Regular Equipment, 40' Bed. YIRMY Machine to drill holes dia. deep. YIROL *Gun Barrel and Tube Drilling Machine, No. 12. YISAH Regular Equipment, 16' Bed. YISEK Regular Equipment, 27' Bed. YISGA Regular Equipment, 33' Bed. YISHE Machine to drill holes dia deep. YISIL Gun Barrel Turning Machine. YISKI Regular Equipment. YISLO Gun Barrel Reaming Machine. YISNY Regular Equipment. YISOM Gun Barrel and Tube Lapping Machine. YITAK Regular Equipment. YITEL YITHA YITIM YITKE YITLI YITMO YITON YITPY YITUP YIXAN YIXEP YIXIR YIXMA Gun Barrel Rifling Machine, No. 3. Regular Equipment, Uniform Twist and Scrape Cutter. Regular Equipment, Uniform Twist and Hook Cutter. Regular Equipment, Increased Twist and Hook Cutter. Gun Barrel Rifling Machine, NO. 3 ^. Regular Equipment, Uniform Twist (specify rifling length). Regular Equipment, Increased Twist (specify rifling length). Gun Barrel Rifling Machine, No. 4. Regular Equipment, Uniform Twist (specify rifling length). Regular Equipment, Increased Twist (specify rifling length). Gun Barrel Rifling Machine, No. 5. Regular Equipment, Uniform Twist (specify rifling length). Regular Equipment, Increased Twist (specify rifling length). *May be furnished with Direct-connected Motor, see page 285. 267 o CABLL AND TLLLGRAPH CODL Continued YIXNE Pistol Rifling Machine. YIXOS Regular Equipment. YIXPI Gun Barrel Chambering Ma- chine. YIXRO Regular Equipment. YIXSU Gun Receiver, Splining Ma- chine. YIXTY Regular Equipment. YIXUT Lathe, No. 3 Bench. YIZAP Regular Equipment. Y I Z E R Countershafts : YIZIS Two-speed Wall. YIZNA Two-speed Wall Rod. YIZOT Two-speed Wall with Grinding Attachment. YIZFE Two-speed Wall Rod with Grind- ing Attachment. YIZRI Wall Rod Brackets. YIZSO Wall Rods. YIZTU Collets: YIZVY Draw-back Collets, English or Metric (specify sizes). YOBAS Center Collets. YOBET Chucks, Combination and Drill Type: YOBRA 4" Three-jaw Comb., 2 Sets of Jaws and Chuck-plate. YOBSE 6" Three-jaw Comb., 2 Sets of Jaws and Chuck-plate. YOBTI Chuck-plate, Blank. YOBUX Drill Chuck, fi with Taper Stem. YOBVO Chucks, Face-plate Type: YOBXY With Tapped Holes. YOCAT With T-slots. YOCOX Set of 4 Jaws for Chuck with T-slots. YOCSA Step-chucks and Closers : YOCTE Chuck "A". YOCUZ Chuck "B". YOCVI Chuck "C". YOCWO Chuck "D". YOCZY Chuck "E". YODBY Closer "A". YODIX Closer "B". YODOZ Closer "C". YODTA Closer"!)". YODUB Closer "E". YODWI Complete Set and Closers. of Step -chucks YODXO Centers: YODZU Large, Plain. YOFBU Female. YOFCY Plain "Y". Y'OFEX Swivel "V". YOFIZ Drill Pads: YOFOB i" Diameter. YOFVA 2" Diameter. YOFWE 4" Diameter. YOFXI 6" Diameter. YOFZO Indexing Parts : YOGAX Index Pawl and Block. YOGBO Index Plate for Head (specify notches). YOGCU Angle Plate. YOGDY Raising Blocks, Set of Three. YOGEZ Slide-rests. YOGIB Compound Slide-rest, English Screws and Dials. YOGOC Compound Slide-rest, Metric Screws and Dials. YOGUD Double Slide-rest with Lever Movement. YOGWA Double Slide-rest with Screw Movement. Y O G X E Grinding Rests : YOGZI With Traversing Spindles, Eng- lish Screws and Dials. YOHAZ With Traversing Spindles, Metric Screws and Dials. YOHBI Slide - rest, Traverse Spindle Grinder. YOHCO Slide-rest, Tool Post Grinder. YOHDU Quill Parts: YOHEB Quill Rest. YOHFY Chuck Quill. YOHIC Face-plate Quill with Tapped Holes in Face-plate. YOHOD Face-plate Quill with T-slots in Face-plate. YOHUF Quill Driver. 268 W H I COM CABLL AND TLLLGRAPH CODL Continued YOIIXA Table Rests: YOHZE Triangular. YOKAB Rectangular. YOKBE Back-rests: YOKCI 3" Capacity. YOKDO 4" Capacity. YOKEC 5" Capacity. VOKFU 6" Capacity. YOKGY Tail stocks: YOK1D Lever Tailstock, Plain. YOKOF Lever Tailstock with Cross Slide. YOKUG Open-Tailstock with one Spindle and Pulley. YOKZA Half Open-Tailstock with one Spindle and Dog. YOLAC Extra Spindle and Dog for Half Open-Tailstock. Y O LB A Milling A ttach m ent : YOLCE With 48 -Notch Index Plate, English Screws and Dials. YOLDI With 48 -Notch Index Plate, Metric Screws and Dials. YOLEO Cutter Head for Milling Attach- ment. YOLGU Arbors for Milling Attachment (specify sizes). Y O L H Y Filing A ttach m en t : YOLIF Complete with Driver. Y OLOG Threading- Attac/iment : YOLUII With English Micrometer Ad- justment. YOMAD With Metric Micrometer Adjust- ment. YOMCA Hob Screws with Hob for Chas- ing Nut (specify pitches). YOMDE Threading Tool and Holder. YOMEF Brackets and Gear for accom- modating Old Model Thread- ing Attachment to New Model Lathe. YOMEI Lathe, lo-inch Toolmakers'. YOMGO Regular Equipment, English. YOMHU Regular and Tool Equipment, English. YOMIG Regular Equipment, Metric. YOMKY Regular and Tool Equipment, Metric. YOMOII Compound Elevating Rest in place of Rise and Fall Rest. YOMUK Quick Withdrawing Mechanism for Compound Elevating Rest. YONAF Collets, English or Metric (speci- fy sizes). YONDA Chuck - plate, 3" dia. (Blank), ready to receive Chuck. YONEG Chuck -plate, 3^" dia. (Blank), ready to receive Chuck. YONFE YONGI YONHO YONIH YONKU YONLY YONOK YONUL YOPAG YOPEII YOPFA YOPGE YOPHI YOPIK YOPKO YOPLU YOPMY YOPOL YORAH YOREK YORGA Tool Equipment lo-inch Lathe. Chucks: 14" Three-jaw Comb, with 2 Sets of Jaws and Plate. i 6" Three-jaw Comb, with 2 Sets of Jaws and Plate. i fV Dri11 Chuck with Taper Stem. i T 5 5 " Drill Holder, Size "A", No. 60 to y 5 ,/' Capacity. Step-chucks and Closers : 2 Step-chucks ft Capacity. 2 Step-chucks 2" to 4" Capacity. 2 Step-chucks 4" to 6" Capacity. T Closer for 2" Step-chucks. i Closer for 4" Step-chucks. i Closer for 6" Step-chucks. Tool Holder s: i Threading Tool Holder, No. 2 P. & W, with "V" Single Cutter. i Cutter "V" Double Off-set. i Cutter for Center Turning. 12 Cutters, U. S. S., from 6 to 20 Pi. (English Equipment). 12 Cutters, Int. Std., from i to .5 m/m P. (Metric Equipment). 12 Cutters, Whitworth Std., 5 to 20 Pi. (to order only). i Knurling Tool Holder with 3 pairs of Knurls, fine, medium and coarse. YORHE i Combination Tool Holder with 13 High Speed Cutters, 269 o o o CABLL AND TLLLGRAPH CODE Continued YOTNO YOTOP YOTPU YOTRY YOTUR YOVAM 2 Small Boring Bars and YOTMI Holder, i Centering Tool, i Wrench. YORIL i Cutting-off Tool Holder, No. o Johnson, with 12 Blades. YORKI 18 Center Reamers, 6 each #", Y%" and Y*." cut. YORLO i Screw Pitch Gauge YORNY i Center Gauge. YOROM i Female Center YOSAK i Cabinet for Tools. YOSEL i Pyramid for Chucks, etc. YOSHA Tool Equipment Complete, English. YOSIM Tool Equipment Complete, Metric. YOSKE Tool Equipment Complete, Whit worth. YOSLI Lathe, i4-inch. YOSMO 6' Bed, Regular Equipment, English . YOSON 6' Bed, Regular Equipment, English, also Pan (no Oil Pump). YOSPY 6' Bed, Regular Equipment, English, also Pan and Oil Pump. YOSUP 6' Bed, Regular Equipment, English, also Regular Reliev- ing Attachment, Spiral Reliev- ing Attachment, Draw-back Collet Attachment, complete with Collets, Expansion Ar- bors and Bushings, complete set. YOTAL Above Equipment, ditto, also Pan (no Oil Pump). YOTEM Above Equipment, ditto, also Pan and Oil Pump. YOTIN 8' Bed, Regular Equipment, English. YOTKA 8' Bed, Regular Equipment, English, also Pan (no Oil Pump). YOTLE 8' Bed, Regular Equipment, English, also Pan and Oil YOVRU Pump. YOVEN YOVIP YOVLA YOVME YOVOR YOVPO 8' Bed, Regular Equipment, English, also Regular Reliev- ing Attachment, Spiral Re- lieving Attachment, Draw-back Collet Attachment, complete with Collets, Expansion Arbors and Bushings, complete set. Above Equipment, ditto, also Pan (no Oil Pump). Above Equipment, ditto, also Pan and Oil Pump. 10' Bed, Regular Eqiiipment English . 10' Bed, English, Pump). 10' Bed, English, Pump. 10' Bed, English, lieving Regular Equipment, also Pan (no Oil Regular Equipment, also Pan and Oil Regular Equipment, also Regular Re- Attachment, Spiral Relieving Attachment, Draw- back Collet Attachment, com- plete with Collets, Expansion Arbors and Bushings, complete set. Above Equipment, ditto, also Pan (no Oil Pump). Above Equipment, ditto, also Pan and Oil Pump. 6' Bed, Regular Equipment, Metric. 6' Bed, Metric, Pump) 6' Bed, Metric, Pump. 6' Bed, Regular Equipment, Metric, also Regular Reliev- ing Attachment, Spiral Re- lieving Attachment, Draw-back Collet Attachment, complete with Collets, Expansion Ar- bors and Bushings, complete set. Above Equipment, ditto, also Pan (no Oil Pump). Regular Equipment, also Pan (no Oil Regular Equipment, also Pan and Oil W H I COM CABLL AND TLLLGRAPH CODL Continued YOXTU YOVSY Above Equipment, ditto, also Pan and Oil Pump. YOWAN 8' Bed, Regular Equipment, Metric. YOWEP 8' Bed, Regular Equipment, Met- ric, also Pan (no Oil Pump). YOWIR 8' Bed, Regular Equipment, Met- ric, also Pan and Oil Pump. YOWMA 8' Bed, Regular Equipment, Met- ric, also Regular Relieving At- tachment, Spiral Relieving Attachment, Draw-back Col- let Attachment, complete with Collets, Expansion Arbors and Bushings, complete set. YOWOS Above Equipment, ditto, also Pan YOXSO (no Oil Pump). YOWPI Above Equipment, ditto, also Pan and Oil Pump. YOWRO 10' Bed, Regular Equipment, Metric, YOWTY 10' Bed, Metric, Pump. YOXAP 10' Bed, Metric, Pump. YOXER lo'Bed, Regular Equipment, Met- ric, also Regular Relieving Attachment, Spiral Reliev- ing Attachment, Draw-back Collet Attachment, complete with Collets, Expansion Arbors and Bushings, complete set. YOXIS Above Equipment, ditto, also Pan (no Oil Pump). YOXNA Above Equipment, ditto, also Pan and Oil Pump. YOXOT Quick Withdrawing Mechanism. YOXPE Appliances (for i4-inch Lathe). YOXRI 14" x b' Lathe. Complete with Taper Attachment and the following appliances : Relieving Attachment for YOXVY straight and taper taps, and Milling Cutters with straight flutes; including Spiral Reliev- ing Attachment with additional Regular Equipment, also Pan (no Oil Regular Equipment, also Pan and Oil sleeve, shaft and cutter, for mill- ing spiral grooves in shaft as required; Draw-back Collet Mechanism complete with nine (9) collets from ffc" to ^"diam- eter varying by sixteenths ; complete set of Expansion Arbors, comprising three (3) arbors, Nos. i, 2 and 3, with adjusting screws and nineteen (19) expanding bushings, hard- ened and ground, from ^" to i y^" diameter, advancing by sixteenths and from i l / 2 " to 2", advancing by eighths. 24" x 6' LatJie. With the same equipment as above, and, in addition, with Oil Pump, Piping and Inde- pendent Countershaft for Oil Pump, Oil Pan, Cabinet and Reservoir Legs. 14" x 6' Lathe. Complete with Taper Attachment and the following appliances : Relieving Attachment for straight and taper taps, and Milling Cutters with straight flutes;including Spiral Relieving Attachment with additional sleeve, shaft and cutter for milling spiral grooves in shaft as required; Draw-back Collet Mechanism with nine (9) col- lets, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20 and 22 millimeters in diame- ter ; complete set of Expansion Arbors,comprising three arbors, Nos. i, 2 and 3, with adjustable screws, and seventeen Expand- ing Bushings, hardened and ground, 19, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 3> 3 2 ' 34> 3 6 3 8 > 40, 42, 44. 46, 48 and 50 m/m diameter. 14" x 6' Lathe. With the same equipment as above, and, in addition, with Oil Pump, Piping and Inde- pendent Countershaft for Oil 271 o o CABLL AND TLLLGRAPH CODL Continued Pump, Oil Pan, Cabinet and Reservoir Legs. YOZAR //' x 8' Lathe. Complete with Taper Attachment and the following appliances : Relieving Attachment for straight and taper taps, and Milling Cutters with straight flutes ; including Spiral Reliev- ing Attachment with additional sleeve, shaft and cutter for milling spiral grooves in shaft as required ; Draw-back Collet Mechanism, complete with nine (9) collets from 3/" to 7/%" diameter varying by sixteenths ; complete set of Expansion Ar- bors, comprising three (3) arbors, Nos. I, 2 and 3, with adjusting screw, and nineteen (19) Expanding Bushings, hard- ened and ground, from 3^" to \y%" diameter, advancing by sixteenths and from \ l / 2 " to 2" ', advancing by eighths. YOZES 14" x 8' Lathe. With the same equipment as above, and, in addition, with Oil Pump, Piping and Inde- pendent Countershaft for Oil Pump, Oil Pan, Cabinet and Reservoir Legs. YOZIT 14" x 8' Lathe Complete with Taper Attachment and the following appliances : Relieving Attachment for straight and taper taps, and Milling Cutters with straight flutes ; including Spiral Reliev- ing Attachment with additional sleeves, shaft and cutter for milling spiral grooves in shaft as required ; Draw-back Collet Mechanism with nine (9) col- lets, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20 and 22 millimeters in di- ameter; complete set of Exten- sion Arbors, comprising three arbors, Nos. i, 2 and 3, with adjustable screws, and seven- teen Expanding Bushings, hard- ened and ground, 19, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, 44, 46, 48 and 50 m/m diameter. YOZPA 14" x 8' Lathe. With the same equipment as above, and, in addition, with Oil Pump, Piping and Inde- pendent Countershaft for Oil Pump, Oil Pan, Cabinet and Reservoir Legs. YOZRE 14" x 10' Lathe. Complete with Taper Attachment and the following appli- ances : Relieving Attachment for straight and taper taps, and Milling Cutters with straight flutes; including Spiral Relieving Attachment with ad- ditional sleeve, shaft, and cutter for milling spiral grooves in shaft as required ; Draw r -back Collet Mechanism, complete with nine (9) collets from 3," to y%" diameter, varying by sixteenths ; complete set of Expansion Arbors, comprising three (3) arbors, Nos. i, 2 and 3, with adjusting screw, and nineteen (19) Expanding Bush- ings, hardened and ground, from 3^" to \y%" diameter, advancing by sixteenths and from \y z " to 2", advancing by eighths. YOZSI 14" x 10' Lathe. With the same equipment as above, and, in addition, with Oil Pump, Piping and Inde- pendent Countershaft for Oil Pump, Oil Pan, Cabinet and Reservoir Legs. YOZTO 14" x 10' Lathe. Complete with Taper Attachment and the following applian- ces : Relieving Attachment for 272 w H I CABLL AND TLLLGRAPH CODL Continued straight and taper taps, and Milling Cutters with straight flutes; including Spiral Reliev- ing Attachment with additional sleeve, shaft, and cutter for milling spiral grooves in shaft as required ; Draw-back Collet Mechanism with nine (9) col- lets, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20 and 22 millimeters in diameter; complete set of Expansion Arbors, comprising three arbors Nos. i, 2 and 3, with adjustable screws, and seventeen Expand- ing Bushings, hardened and ground, 19, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, 44, 46, 48 and 50 m/m diameter. YOZWY //' x 10' Lathe. With the same equipment as above, and, in addition, with Oil Pump, Piping and Inde- pendent Countershaft for Oil Pump, Oil Pan, Cabinet and Reservoir Legs. YUBAT Taper Attachment: YUBOX Taper Attachment not wanted. Y U B S A Relieving A ttach m cnt : YUBTE Regular Relieving Attachment. YUBUZ Spiral Relieving Attachment. YUBVI Collet Attachment: YUBWO Collet Attachment Complete with Collets. YUBZY Collet Attachment without Col- lets. YUCBY Collets, English or Metric (speci- fy sizes). YUCIX Rack for Collets and Expansion Arbors. YUCOZ Expansion Arbors and Bushings; YUCTA No. I Arbor. YUCUB No. 2 Arbor. YUCWI No. 3 Arbor. YUCXO 4 Bushings for No. i Arbor, Regular Sizes, English. YUCZU 8 Bushings for No. 2 Arbor, Regular Sizes, English. YUDBU 5 Bushings for No. 3 Arbor, Regular Sizes, English. YUDCY 5 Bushings for No. I Arbor, Regular Sizes, Metric YUDEX 6 Bushings for No. 2 Arbor, Regular Sizes, Metric. VUDIZ 6 Bushings for No. 3 Arbor, Regular Sizes, Metric. YD DOB Draw-in Spindle. YUDUC Complete Set of Arbors and Bushings with Draw r -in Spindle, English. YUDVA Complete Set of Arbors and Bushings without Draw-in Spindle, English. YUDWE Complete Set of Arbors and Bushings with Draw-in Spindle, Metric. YUDXI Complete Set of Arbors and Bushings without Draw -in Spindle, Metric. YUDZO Step - chuck and Closer Attach- ment: YUFAX 2 Step-chucks, y&" to 3" Capacity. YUFBO 2 Step-chucks, 3" to 6" Capacity. YUFCU i Closer for 3" Chuck. YUFDY i Closer for 6" Chuck. YD FEZ Drawn-in Spindle. YUFIB Complete Set of Chucks and Closers with Draw-in Spindle. YUFOC Complete Set of Chucks and Closers without Draw-in Spin- dle. YUFUD Chuck-plates : YUF^YA 7" dia. (Blank) ready to receive Chuck. YUFXE 2>y 2 " dia. (Blank) ready to receive Chuck. YUFZI Translating Gears : YUGAZ 127 Teeth. YUGBI 85 and 127 Teeth. YUGCO Micrometer Stof> Clamp: o CABLL AND TLLLGRAPH CODE Continued YUGDU *Lathe, i6-inch. YUGEB 6' Bed, Regular Equipment, English. YUGFY 6' Bed, Regular Equipment, English, also Pan (no Oil Pump). YUGIC 6' Bed, Regular Equipment, Eng- lish, also Pan and Oil Pump. YUGOD 6' Bed, Regular Equipment, English, also Regular Reliev- ing Attachment, Spiral Re- lieving Attachment, Draw-back Collet Attachment, complete with Collets, Expansion Ar- bors and Bushings, complete set. YUGUF Above Equipment, ditto, also Pan (no Oil Pump). YUGXA Above Equipment, ditto, also Pan and Oil Pump. YUGZE 8' Bed, Regular Equipment, English . YUHAB 8' Bed Regular Equipment, English, also Pan (no Oil Pump). YUHBE 8' Bed, Regular Equipment, English, also Pan and Oil Pump. YUHCI 8' Bed, Regular Equipment, Eng- lish, also Regular Relieving At- tachment, Spiral Relieving Attachment, Draw-back Col- let Attachment, complete with Collets, Expansion Arbors and Bushings, complete set. YUHDO Above Equipment, ditto, also Pan (no Oil Pump). YUHEC Above Equipment, ditto, also Pan and Oil Pump. YUHFU 10' Bed, Regular Equipment, English. YUHGY 10' Bed, Regular Equipment, English, also Pan (no Oil Pump). YUHID 10' Bed, Regular Equipment, English, also Pan and Oil Pump. YUHOF 10' Bed, Regular Equipment, English, also Regular Reliev- ing Attachment, Spiral Re- lieving Attachment, Draw-back Collet Attachment, complete with Collets, Expansion Arbors and Bushings, complete set. YUHUG Above Equipment, ditto, also Pan (no Oil Pump). YUHZA Above Equipment, ditto, also Pan and Oil Pump. YUKAC 6' Bed, Regular Equipment, Metric. YUKBA 6' Bed, Regular Equipment, Met- ric, also Pan (no Oil Pump). YUKCE 6' Bed, Regular Equipment, Met- ric, also Pan and Oil Pump. YUKDI 6' Bed, Regular Equipment, Met- ric, also Regular Relieving At- tachment, Spiral Relieving Attachment, Draw-back Col- let Attachment, complete with Collets, Expansion Arbors and Bushings, complete set. YUKED Above Equipment, ditto, also Pan (no Oil Pump). YUKFO Above Equipment, ditto, also Pan and Oil Pump. YUKGU 8' Bed, Regular Equipment, Metric. YUKHY S' Bed, Regular Equipment, Met- ric, also Pan (no Oil Pump). YUKIF 8' Bed, Regular Equipment, Met- ric, also Pan and Oil Pump. YUKOG 8' Bed, Regular Equipment, Met- ric, also Regular Relieving At- tachment, Spiral Relieving Attachment, Draw-back Col- let Attachment, complete with Collets, Expansion Arbors and Bushings, complete set. YUKUH Above Equipment, ditto, also Pan (no Oil Pump). YULAD Above Equipment, ditto, also Pan and Oil Pump. YULCA 10' Bed, Regular Equipment, Metric. YULDE 10' Bed, Regular Equipment, Metric, also Pan (no Oil Pump). *May be furnished with Direct-connected Motor, see page 285. 274 W H I O M CABLE AND TLLLGRAPH CODL Continued Regular Equipment, also Pan and Oil YULEF 10' Bed, Metric, Pump. YULFI 10' Bed, Regular Equipment, Metric, also Regular Relieving Attachment, Spiral Reliev- ing Attachment, Draw-back Collet Attachment, complete with Collets, Expansion Arbors and Bushings, complete set. YULGO Above Equipment, ditto, also Pan (no Oil Pump). YULHU Above Equipment, ditto, also Pan and Oil Pump. YULIG Appliances (for i6-inch Lathe). YULKY 1 6" x 6' Lathe. Complete with Taper Attach- ment and the following appli- ances : Relieving Attachment for straight and taper taps, and Milling Cutters with straight flutes ; including Spiral Reliev- ing Attachment with additional sleeves, shaft and cutter for milling spiral grooves in shaft as required; Draw-back Collet Mechanism, complete with fif- teen (15) collets from f" to I X" by sixteenths; complete set of Expansion Arbors, com- prising three (3) arbors, Nos. I, 2 and 3, with adjusting screws, and seventeen (17) Expanding Bushings, hardened and ground, from ^" to i 7/%" diameter, advancing by six- teenths and from ij^" to 2", advancing by eighths. YUMAF 1 6" x 6' Lathe. With the above named equip- ment, and, in addition, Oil Pump and Piping, Oil Pan and Swinging Tank. YUMDA 2 6" x 6' Lathe. Complete with Taper Attach- ment and the following appli- ances : Relieving Attachment for straight and taper taps, and Milling Cutters with straight flutes; including Spiral Reliev- ing Attachment w r ith additional sleeve, shaft and cutter for milling spiral grooves in shaft as required; Draw-back Collet Mechanism, complete w r ith fif- teen (15) collets (metric), 8, 9, 10, n, 12, 14, 16, j8, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30 and 32 milli- meters diameter; complete set Expansion Arbors, comprising three (3) arbors, Nos. i, 2 and 3, with adjusting screws, and seventeen( 1 7) Expanding Rings (metric), 19, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, 44, 46, 48 and 50 millimeters. YUMEG 16" x 6' Lathe. With the above named equip- ment, and, in addition, Oil Pump and Piping, Oil Pan and Swinging Tank. YUMFE 1 6" x 8 f Lathe. Complete with Taper Attach- ment and the following appli- ances: Relieving Attachment for straight and taper taps, and Milling Cutters with straight flutes; including Spiral Reliev- ing Attachment with additional sleeve, shaft and cutter for milling spiral grooves in shaft as required; Draw-back Collet Mechanism, complete with fif- teen ( 1 5) collets, from y%" to i }/\" by sixteenths; complete set of Expansion Arbors, com- prising three (3) arbors, Nos. i, 2 and 3, with adjusting screws and seventeen (17) Ex- panding Bushings, hardened and ground, from |^" to I ^" diameter, advancing by six- teenths and from i^ /x to 2", advancing by eighths. 275 o o CABLL AND TLLLGRAPH CODL Continued YUMGI 1 6" x 8' Lathe. With the above named equip- ment, and, in addition, Oil Pump and Piping, Oil Pan and Swinging Tank. YUM HO 1 6" x S' Lathe. Complete with Taper Attach- ment and the following appli- ances : Relieving Attachment for straight and taper taps, and Milling Cutters with straight flutes; including Spiral Reliev- ing Attachment with additional sleeve, shaft and cutter for milling spiral grooves in shaft as required; Draw-back Collet Mechanism, complete with fif- teen (15) collets ( metric), 8, 9, 10, n, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30 and 32 milli- meters diameter; complete set of Expansion Arbors, compris- ing three arbors, Nos. i, 2 and 3, with adjusting screws, and seventeen (17) Expanding Rings (metric), 19, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, 44, 46, 48 and 50 millimeters. YUMIH 1 6" x 8 f Lathe. With the above named equip- ment, and, in addition, Oil Pump and Piping, Oil Pan and Swinging Tank. YUMKU 1 6" x 10' Lathe. Complete with Taper Attach- ment and the following appli- ances : Relieving Attachment for straight and taper taps, and Milling Cutters with straight flutes; including Spiral Relieving Attachment with ad- ditional sleeve, shaft and cutter for milling spiral grooves in shaft as required ; Draw-back Collet Mechanism, complete with fifteen (15) collets from y%" to ij^ /x by sixteenths; complete set of Expansion Arbors, comprising three (3) arbors, Nos. i, 2 and 3, with adjusting screws, and seven- teen ( 17 ) Expanding Bushings, hardened and ground from, 3/C" to i y^" diameter, advanc- ing by sixteenths, and from I X // to 2 /x , advancing by eighths. YUMLY 1 6" x 10' Lathe. With the above named equip- ment, and, in addition, Oil Pump and Piping, Oil Pan and Swinging Tank. YUM OK j -6" x 10' Lathe. Complete with Taper Attach- ment and the following appli- ances : Relieving Attachment for straight and taper taps, and Milling Cutters with straight flutes; including Spiral Reliev- ing Attachment with additional sleeve, shaft and cutter for milling spiral grooves in shaft as required; Draw-back Collet Mechanism, complete with fifteen (15) collets (metric), 8, 9, 10, n, 12, 14, 1 6, 1 8, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30 and 32 milli- meters diameter; complete set of Expansion Arbors, compris- ing three arbors, Nos. i, 2 and 3, with adjusting screws, and seventeen (17) Expanding Rings (metric), 19, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, 44, 46, 48 and 50 millimeters. YUNAG 1 6" x 10' Lathe. With the above named equip- ment, and, in addition, Oil Pump and Piping, Oil Pan and Swinging Tank. Y U N EH Geared Head ; YUNFA Geared Head in place of Cone Head. YUNGE Tool Rests: YUNHI Plain Compound Rest in place of Compound Elevating Rest. 276 W H I COM CABLL AND TLLLGRAPH CODL- Continued YUNIK Plain Elevating Rest in place of Compound Elevating Rest. YUNKO Ball Turning Rest. YUNLU Roller Follow Rest. YUNOL Taper Attachment: YUPAH Taper Attachment not wanted. YU PEK Relieving Attachment : YUPGA Regular Relieving Attachment. YUPHE Spiral Relieving Attachment. YUPIL, Side Relieving Attachment. Y U P K I Collet A ttach m ent : YUPLO Collet Attachment Complete. YUPNY Collet Attachment without Collets. YUPOM Collets, English or Metric (specify sizes). YURAK Rack for Collets and Expansion Arbors. YUREL Expansion Arbors and Bushings: YURHA No. i Arbor. YURKE No. 2 Arbor. YURLI No. 3 Arbor. YURMO 4 Bushings for No. i Arbor, Regular Sizes, English. YURON 8 Bushings for No. 2 Arbor, Regular Sizes, English. YURPY 5 Bushings for No. 3 Arbor, Regular Sizes, English. YUSAL* 5 Bushings for No. r Arbor, Regular Sizes, Metric. YUSEM 6 Bushings for No. 2 Arbor, Regular Sizes, Metric. YUSIN 6 Bushings for No. 3 Arbor, Regular Sizes, Metric. YUSKA Draw-in Spindle. VUSLE Complete Set of Arbors and Bushings with Draw-in Spin- dle, English. YUSMI Complete Set of Arbors and Bushings without Draw-in Spindle, English. YUSNO Complete Set of Arbors and Bushings with Draw-in Spin- dle, Metric. YUSOP Complete Set of Arbors and Bushings without Draw-in Spindle, Metric. YUSPU Step -chuck and Closer Attach- ment: YUSRY 2 Step - chucks, 7/^" to 3^" Capacity. YUTAM i Step -chuck, $%" to 7" Capacity. YUTEN i Step-chuck with 4 Adjustable Jaws, 4^ x/ Capacity. YUTIP i Closer for 334'" Chuck. YUTLA j_Closer for 7" and 4^" Chucks. YUTME i Spindle Bushing for Step- chucks. YUTNI i Draw-in Spindle. YUTOR Complete Set of Chucks and Closers with Draw-in Spindle. YUTPO Complete Set of Chucks and Closers without Draw - in Spindle. YUTRU Chuck-plates: YUTSY 7" dia. (Blank) ready to receive Chuck. YUTUS 3^2 " dia. (Blank) ready to receive Chuck. YUXAR Indexing Face-plates for Multiple Thread Cutting. YUXES Micrometer Stop Clamp. YUXIT *Lathe, ~/ 8 x 4^-inch Turret. YUXPA Equipment "A", English. YUXRE Equipment " B ", English. YUXSI Equipment "A", Metric. YUXTO Equipment " B ", Metric. YUXWY Equipment " B ", Whitworth. YUZAS Machine without Rod Chuck or Rod Feed Mechanism. YUZET Internal Oiling Arrangement to Turret. YUZRA Collets, Round (specify sizes). YUZSE Collets, Hexagon (specify sizes). YUZTI Collets, Square (specify sizes). YUZVO Two-jaw Chuck (specify jaws). ZABAV Step - chuck and Closer At- tachment. ZABBY Extra Step - chucks (specify number). ZABIX Turret Stop for Rod Feed. ZABOZ Single Turner with Tangent Cutter. o CABLL AND TLLLGjlAPH CODE Continued ZABTA Single Turner with Radial Cutter. ZABUB Multiple Turner with two Tan- gent Cutters. ZABWI Extra Cutter and Holder for Multiple Tangent Turner. ZABXO Multiple Turner with two Radial Cutters. ZABZU Extra Cutter and Holder for Multiple Radial Turner. ZACAW End Forming and Pointing Tool. ZACBU Reamer Holder, Floating Type. ZACCY Tap Holder, Releasing Type. ZACEX Drill and Counterbore Holder. ZACIZ Dovetail Forming Tool Holder. ZACOB Die -head, T y, Self -opening (specify chasers, sizes and form of thread). ZACUC Die-head, ^'g", Self-opening, with seven sets of Standard Chasers, U. S. S. ZACVA *Lathe, i x is-inch Turret. ZACWE Equipment "A" without Power Feed, English. ZACXI Equipment "A" with Power Feed, English. ZACZO Equipment "B" without Power Feed, English. ZADAX Equipment "B" with Power Feed, English. ZADBO Equipment "A" without Power Feed, Metric. ZADCU Equipment "A" with Power P'eed, Metric. ZADDY Equipment " B " without Power Feed, Metric. ZADEZ Equipment " B " with Power Feed, Metric. ZADIB Equipment " B " without Power Feed, Whitworth. ZADOC Equipment " B " with Power Feed, Whitworth. ZADUD Machine without Rod Chuck or Rod Feed Mechanism. ZADWA Internal Oiling Arrangement to Turret. ZADXE Collets, Round (specify sizes). ZADZI Collets, Hexagon (specify sizes). ZAFAZ Collets, Square (specify sizes). ZAFBI Two-jaw Chuck (specify jaws). ZAFCO ZAFDU ZAFEB ZAFFV ZAFIC ZAFOD ZAFUF ZAFXA ZAFZE ZAGAB ZAGBE ZAGCI ZAGDO ZAGEC ZAGFU ZAGGY ZAGID ZAGOF ZAGUG ZAGZA ZAHAC ZAHBA ZAHCE ZAHDI ZAHED ZAHFO ZAHGU ZAHIF ZAHOG ZAHUH ZAKAD ZAKCA Step-chuck and Closer Attach- ment. Extra Step-chucks (specify number). Turret Stop for Rod Feed. Single Turner with Tangent Cut- ter and "V" Back-rests. Single Turner with Radial Cutter. Multiple Turner with two Tangent Cutters. Extra Cutter and Holder for Mul- tiple Tangent Turner. Multiple Turner with two Radial Cutters. Extra Cutter and Holder for Mul- tiple Radial Turner. End Forming and Pointing Tool. Tape Turner. Reamer Holder, Floating Type. Tap Holder, Releasing Type. Drill and Counterbore Holder. Dovetail Forming Tool Holder. Die - head, fy'' ', Self -opening (specify chasers, sizes and form of thread). Die-head, ^", Self-opening, with eight sets of Standard Chasers, U. S. S. *Lathe, i^ Equipment Equipment Equipment Equipment Equipment x i8-inch Turret. "A", English. ', English. Metric. ', Metric. ' Whitworth. 'B' 'A" 'B' 'B' Machine without Rod Chuck or Rod Feed Mechanism. Internal Oiling Arrangement to Turret. Chuck Jaws, Round (specify sizes). Chuck Jaws, Hexagon (specify sizes). Chuck Jaws, Square (specify sizes). y, f ( Three-jaw Geared Scroll Chuck with two sets of Jaws for inside and outside gripping. Two-jaw Chuck (specify jaws). *May l>e furnished with Direct-connected Motor, see page 285. 278 W H I COM CABLL AND TLLLGRAPH CODL Continued ZAKDE ZAKEF ZAKFI ZAKGO ZAKIIU ZANEK ZANGA ZANIIE ZANIL ZANKI ZANLO ZANNV ZANOM ZAPAK ZAPEL ZAPHA ZAPIM ZAPKE ZAPLI ZAPMO ZAPON ZAPPY ZAPUP ZARAL ZAREM ZARIN ZARKA ZARLE ZARMI ZARNO ZAROP ZARRY ZARUR *May be furnished with Direct-connected Motor, see page 285. ZAKKY ZAKOII ZAKUK ZALAF ZALDA ZALEG ZALFE ZALGT ZALHO Z A LI 1 1 ZALKU ZALLY ZALOK ZALUL ZAMAG Drill Chuck, \" capacity, fitted to Turret. Three-taper Split Sleeves for Drill Chuck (specify tapers). Drill and Counterbore Holder. Step -chuck and Closer Attach- ment. Extra Step - chucks (specify number). Universal Turner with "V" Back- rests. Universal Turner with Roller Back-rests. Bell-mouth Pointing Tool. End Forming and Pointing Tool. Open Side Turner. Taper Turner. Reamer Holder, Floating Type. Tap Holder, Releasing Type. Dovetail Forming Tool Holder. Die - head, i" ', Self - opening ( specify chasers sizes and form of thread). Die-head, i", Self-opening, with eight sets of Standard Chasers, U. S. S. Die - head, iX"> Self-opening (specify chasers, sizes and form of thread). ", Self - opening, sets of Standard S. S. ^ x/ , Self-opening (specify chasers, sizes and form of thread). ^", Self - opening, sets of Standard S. S. Holder, 2 / ^ // > for Die - head, i with eight Chasers, U. Die - head, i I )ie - head, i with eight Chasers, U. Round Tool Die-head. ZAMEH ZAMFA ZAMGE ZAMHI ZAMIK ZAMKO ZAMLU ZAMOL ZANAH *Lathe, 2 x Equipment Equipment Equipment Equipment Equipment Equipment Equipment Equipment 26-inch Turret. "A", English. "B", English. "C", English. "A", Metric. "B" Metric. "C ", Metric. " B ", Whitworth. "C", Whitworth. Machine without Rod Chuck or Rod Feed Mechanism. Internal Oiling Arrangement to Turret. Chuck Jaws, Round (specify sizes). Chuck Jaws, Hexagon (specify sizes). Chuck Jaws, Square (specify sizes). Three-jaw Geared Scroll Chuck with two sets of Jaws for inside and outside gripping. Forging Chuck with 2" Shank. Lever Scroll Chuck, 6" fitted to Turret. Two-jaw Chuck (specify jaws). Drill Chuck, i y 2 " capacity, fitted to Turret. Four-taper Split Sleeves for Drill Chuck (specify tapers). Step -chuck and Closer Attach- ment. Extra Step - chucks (specify number). Universal Turner with " V" Back- rests. Universal Turner with Roller Back-rests. Bell-mouth Pointing Tool. End Forming and Pointing Tool. Open Side Turner. Taper Turner. Reamer Holder, Floating Type. Tap Holder, Releasing Type. Dovetail Forming Tool Holder. Die -head, Self- opening (specify chasers, sizes and form of thread). Die -head, 1%", Self - opening, with eight sets of Standard Chasers, U. S. S. Die - head, i^", Self-opening (specify chasers, sizes and form of thread). Die -head, i^ /7 , Self - opening with eight sets of Standard Chasers, U. S. S. 279 o o CABLL AND TLLLGRAPH CODL- Continued ZASAM ZASEN ZASIP ZASLA ZASME ZASNI ZASOR ZASPO ZASRU ZASSV ZASUS ZATAN ZATEP ZATIR ZATMA ZATNE ZATOS ZATPI ZATRO YATSU ZATTY ZATUT ZAVAP ZAVER ZAVIS ZAVNA ZAVOT ZAVPE ZAVRI ZAVSO ZAVTU Die -head, 2", Self - opening (specify chasers, sizes and form of thread). Die - head, 2", Self - opening, with eight sets of Standard Chasers, U. S. S. Round Tool Holder, 3", for 2" Die-head. *Lathe, 3 x 36-inch Turret. Equipment "A" English. Equipment "B" English. 'A" Metric. 'B" Metric. Equipment Equipment Equipment B" Whitworth. '5 Machine without Rod Chuck or Rod Feed Mechanism. Internal Oiling Arrangement to Turret. Chuck Jaws, Round (specify sizes). Chuck Jaws, Hexagon (specify sizes). Chuck Jaws, Square (specify sizes). f Three-jaw Geared Scroll I Chuck with two sets of Jaws for inside and outside gripping. Forging Chuck. 8^" Lever Scroll Chuck with Holder. Two-jaw Chuck (specify jaws). Drill Chuck, 2" capacity, with 2%" Round Shank. Five-taper Split Sleeves for 2" Drill Chuck (specify taper). Step-chuck and Closer Attach- ment. Extra Step-chucks (specify number). Universal Turner with "V" Back- rests. Universal Turner with Roller Back-rests. Bell-mouth Pointing Tool. End Forming and Pointing Tool. Open Side Turner. Taper Turner. Reamer Holder, Floating Type. ZAVVY Tap Holder, Releasing Type. ZAWAR Dovetail Forming Tool Holder. ZAWES Die -head, \y z ", Self -opening (specify chasers, sizes and form of thread ). ZAWIT Die - head, i ^"', Self- opening, with eight sets of Standard Chasers, U. S. S. ZAWPA Die -head, 2", Self -opening (specify chasers, sizes and form of thread). ZAWRE Die-head, 2", Self-opening, with eight sets of Standard Chasers, U. S. S. ZAWSI Die -head, 3'' ', Self - opening (specify chasers, sizes and form of thread). ZAWTO Die-head, 3", Self-opening, with eight sets of Standard Chasers, U. S. S. ZAXAS Round Tool Holder, 2%", for \Yt" Die-head. ZAXET Round Tool Holder, 3" Die-head. ZAXRA Round Tool Holder, 4' Die -head. for 3' ZAXSE *Lathe, 2; 2 X 26 - inch table. ZAXTI Equipment "A" ZAXYO Equipment "B ", English. ZAZAT Equipment "B ", Metric. ZAZOX Equipment "C ". ZAZSA Equipment "D ". ZAZTE Equipment "E '', English. ZAZUZ Equipment "E ", Metric. ZAZVI Special Fon mim r Slide with Turn- ZAZWO ZAZZY ZEBBU ZEBCY ZEBEX ZEBIZ Transverse Feed. Lead Screw and Change Gears for Thread Cutting. Tool Holder for inside and out- side Thread Cutting. 15", Three-jaw Geared Scroll Chuck, with three sets of Jaws. Two-jaw Chuck, 6^" diameter (specify jaws). Two-jaw Chuck, 8*4" diameter (specify jaws). Forging Chuck. *May be furnished with Direct-connected Motor, see page 285. 280 T T W H I O M CABLL AND TLLLGRAPH CODL Continued ZKBOB Lever Scroll Chuck, 6". ZEBUC Chuck Jaws for Rod Chuck (specify sizes). ZEBVA Chuck Plate, Blank. ZEBWE Step-chuck and Closer Attach- ment. ZEBXI Extra Step - chucks (specify number). ZEBZO Face-plate Equipment. ZECAX Universal Turner with "V" Back- rests. ZECBO Universal Turner with Back-rests, Leading. ZECCU Universal Turner with Roller Back-rests, Following. ZECDY Universal Turner (Blank). ZECEZ Roller Back-rest, Leading. ZECIB Roller Back-rest, Following. ZECOC " V " Back-rest Holders. ZECUD " V " Back-rest, Large. ZECWA " V " Back-rest, Small. ZECXE Open Side Turner. ZECZI Bell-mouth Pointing Tool. ZEDAZ End Forming and Pointing Tool. ZEDBI Turntable Cut-off and Pointing Tool. ZEDCO Triple Tool Holder. ZEDDU Tool Post Holder with two Tool Posts. ZEDEB Off-set Tool Post Holder with two Tool Posts. ZEDFY Round Tool Holder, 3", without Bushings. ZED 1C Bushings for 3" Round Tool Holder (specify size). ZEDOD Round Tool Holder, 2%", with- out Bushings. ZEDUF Bushings for 2%" Round Tool Holder (specify size). ZEDXA Multiple Tool Holder. ZEDZE Boring Bar with Adjustable Cut- ter, \y%" x 10". ZEFAB Boring Bar with Adjustable Cut- ter, \y>" x 12". ZEFBE Taper Adapter, No. 2 Morse. ZEFCI Taper Adapter, No. 3 Morse. ZEFDO Taper Adapter, No. 4 Morse. ZEFEC Taper Adapter, No. 5 Morse. ZEFFU Reamer Holder, Floating Type. ZEFGY ZEFID ZEFOF ZEFUG Roller ZEGAC ZEGBA ZEGCE ZEGDI ZEGED ZEGFO ZEGHY ZEGIF ZEGOG ZEGUH ZEHAD ZEHCA ZEHDE ZEHEF ZEIIFI ZEIIGO ZEHIG ZEHKY ZEHOH ZEIIUK ZEKAF ZEKDA ZEKEG ZEKFE ZEKGI Tap Holder, Releasing Type. Taper Turner. Double End Cutter Bar with two Cutters and Holding Blocks. Die-head, i^", Self-opening (specify chasers, sizes and form of thread). Die-head, i^", Self-opening, with eight sets of Standard Chasers, U. S. S. Die-head, 2", Self -opening (specify chasers, sizes and form of thread). Die-head, 2", Self-opening, with eight sets of Standard Chasers, U. S. S. Measuring Machine. 12-inch. 24-inch. 36-inch 48-inch. 8o-inch. 3OO-millimeter. 6oo-millimeter. i ooo-millimeter. 1200-millimeter. 2OOO-millimeter. Combination English and Metric Machine. Milling Machine, No. oo Bench. Regular Equipment. Index Quill and Center. Swivel Vise. Right Angle Piece. *Milling Machine, No. 10 Hand. Regular Equipment, no Arm, no Vise. Regular Equipment, no Arm, with Vise. Regular Equipment with Arm, no Vise. Regular Equipment with Arm and Vise. Combination Screw and Rack Transverse Feed. *May be furnished with Direct-connected Motor, see page 285. 281 o o o CABLE AND TLLLGRAPH CODL Continued ZEKHO Vertical Milling Attachment. ZEKIH Vise, No. 2^. ZEKKU Arbor, no Arm (specify diameter and cutter length). ZEKLY Arbor with Arm (specify diame- ter and cutter length). ZEKOK *Milling Machine, No. 2 Hand, Regular. ZEKUL Regular Equipment, no Arm, no Vise. ZELAG Regular Equipment, no Arm, with Vise. ZELEH Regular Equipment with Arm, no Vise. ZELFA Regular Equipment with Arm and Vise. ZELGE Vertical Milling Attachment. ZELIK Vise, No. n. ZELKO Arbor, no Arm (specify diameter and cutter length). ZELMY Arbor with Arm (specify diame- ter and cutter length). ZELOL *Milling Machine, No. 2 Hand, Vertical Vise Slide. ZEMAH Regular Equipment, no Arm, no Vise. ZEMKK Regular Equipment, no Arm, with Vise. ZEMGA Regular Equipment with Arm, no Vise. ZEMHE Regular Equipment with Arm and Vise. ZEMIL Vertical Milling Attachment. ZEMKI Vise, No. 2>. ZEMLO Arbor, no Arm ( specify diameter and cutter length ). ZEMOM Arbor with Arm (specify diame- ter and cutter length). ZENAK *Milling Machine, No. 2 Column Power. ZENEL Regular Equipment, no Vise. ZENHA Regular Equipment with Vise. ZENIM Vertical Milling Attachment. ZENKK Vise, No. u. ZENLI Arbor (specify diameter and cut- ter length). ZENON Milling Machine, No. 2 Lincoln. ZENPY Regular Equipment, no Vise. ZEPAL Regular Equipment with Vise. ZEPEM Vise, No. 4, with Extension Crank Wrench. ZEPIN Vise, No. 4, with Plain Crank Wrench. ZEPKA Arbor (specify diameter and cut- ter length ). ZEPLE Milling Machine, No. 12 Lincoln. ZEPMI Regular Equipment, no Vise. ZEPNO Regular Equipment with Vise. ZEPOP Oil Pump Equipment not wanted ZEPRY Vise, No. 12, with Extension Crank Wrench. ZEPUR Vise, No. 12, with Plain Crank Wrench. ZERAM Arbor (specify diameter and cut- ter length). ZEREN Milling Machine, No. 13 Lincoln. ZERIP Regular Equipment, no Vise. ZERLA Regular Equipment with Vise ZERME Oil Pump Equipment not wanted. ZERNI Vise, No. 12, with Extension Crank Wrench. ZEROR Vise, No. 12, with Plain Crank Wrench. ZERPO Arbor (specify diameter and cut- ter length). ZERRU Milling Machine, No. 3^ Power. ZERSY Regular Equipment (specify length of table). ZERUS Milling Machine, No. 2 Vertical. ZESAN Regular Equipment (specify length of table). ZESEP ZESIR ZESMA ZESNE ZESOS Milling Fixture, Index. Regular Equipment. 'Milling Machine, Spline. Regular Equipment. Universal Vise for Square and Flat Stock. *May be furnished with Direct-connected Motor, see page 285. 282 W H I CABLE AND TLLLGRAPH CODL Continued ZESPI Universal Vise and Foot Stock for Round Stock. ZESRO Taper Bushing Chuck (small), no Bushings. ZESTY Bushings for Small Taper Bush- ing Chuck (specify tapers). ZESUT Taper Bushing Chuck (large), no Bushings. ZETAP Bushings for Large Taper Bush- ing Chuck (specify tapers). ZETER Cutters, Two-lip (specify sizes). ZETIS Cutters, Four-lip (specify sizes). ZETNA *Milling Machine, 4^ x 1 2-inch Thread. ZETOT Regular Equipment, English. ZETPE Regular Equipment, Metric. ZETRI Machine arranged for Internal Milling. ZETSO Spindle Collets (specify sizes). ZETVY Follow Rest Bushings (specify sizes). ZEVAR Draw-back Collet Mechanism with one Collet (specify sizes). ZEVES Draw-back Collets (specify sizes). ZEVIT Cutters (specify form, diameter and pitch). ZEVPA *Milling Machine, 6-inch Thread. ZEVRE 6 x 14" Regular Equipment, English. ZEVSI 6 x 14" Regular Equipment, Metric. ZEVTO 6 x 48" Regular Equipment, English. ZEWAS 6 x 48" Regular Equipment, Metric. ZEWET 6 x 80" Regular Equipment, English. ZEWRA 6 x 80" Regular Equipment, Metric. ZEWSE 6 x 132" Regular Equipment, English. ZEWTI 6 x 132" Regular Equipment, Metric. ZEWXY Oversize Head, Tailstock and Follow Rest in place of Regular. ZP:XAT Oversize Cutter Head in place of Regular. ZEXOX ZEXSA ZEXTE ZEXUZ ZEXVI ZEXZY ZKZBY ZEZIX ZEZOZ ZEZTA ZEZUB ZEZWI ZIBAX ZIBBO ZIBCU ZIBDY ZIBEZ ZIBIB ZIBOC ZIBUD ZIBWA ZIBZI ZICAZ ZICBI ZICCO ZICDU ZICEB ZICFY ZICGT ZICIC Backing-out Attachment. Compound Taper Attachment. Stationary Rest. Power Quick Return Device. Draw-back Collet Attachment with one Collet (Regular Head). Draw-back Collet Attachment with one Collet, Oversize Head. Draw-back Collets for Regular or Oversize Head (specify sizes). Spindle Collets Regular Head (specify sizes). Spindle Collets Oversize Head (specify sizes). Bushings, Collet for Regular Head (specify sizes). Bushings, Collet for Oversize Head (specify sizes). Bushings, Follow Rest, Regular Head (specify sizes). Bushings, Follow Rest Oversize Head (specify sizes). Bushings, Tailstock, Regular Head (specify sizes). Bushings, Tailstock, Oversize Head (specify sizes). Cutters (specify form, diameter and pitch). ^Milling Machine, 12 x 48-inch Thread. Regular Equipment, English. Regular Equipment, Metric. Oversize Cutter Head in place of Regular. Bushings, Collet (specify sizes). Bushings, Tailstock, H. & G. (specify sizes). Bushings, Tailstock, C. I. (specify sizes). Cutters (specify form, diameter and pitch). *Profiling Machine, No. n. Regular Equipment, Gear Drive. Regular Equipment, Belt Drive Oil Pump Equipment not wanted. Raising Blocks (specify height). Spindles with special Tapers (specify tapers). *May be furnished with Direct-connected Motor, see page 285. 283 o o CABLL AND TLLLGRAPH CODL Continued ZICOD Cutters (specify style and size). ZICUF *Profiling Machine, No. 12. ZICXA Regular Equipment, Gear Drive. ZICZE Regular Equipment, Belt Drive. ZIDAB Oil Pump Equipment not wanted. ZIDBE Raising Blocks (specify height). ZIDCI Spindles with special Tapers (specify tapers). ZIDDO Cutters (specify style and size). ZIDEC *Profiling Machine, No. 13. ZIDFU Regular Equipment, Gear Drive. ZIDGY Regular Equipment, Belt Drive. ZIDID Oil Pump Equipment not wanted. ZIDOF Raising Blocks (specify height). ZIDUG Spindle with special Taper (specify taper). ZIDZA Cutters (specify style and size). ZIFAC ^Profiling Machine, No. 14. ZIFBA Regular Equipment, Gear Drive. ZIFCE Regular Equipment, Belt Drive. ZIFDI Oil Pump Equipment not wanted. ZIFED Raising Blocks (specify height). ZIFFO Spindles with special Tapers ( specify tapers ). ZIFGU Cutters (specify style and size). ZIKLU Sr ZIFHY Pumps, Rotary. ZIKMY R( Z1FIF Xo. o. ZIKOL Sc ZIFOG No. 2. ZILAII Cc ZIGAD No. 3. ZIGCA No. 12. ZILEK Su ZILGA N< ZIGDE Roll Grooving Machine, No. i. ZILHE N< ZIGEF Regular Equipment. ZILIL N< ZILKI N< ZIGF1 Roll Grooving Machine, No. 2. ZILLO N. ZIGGO Regular Equipment. ZILNY N< INUWI Motor driven. INVEG INUXO Motor driven, including constant speed, alternating current mo- tor ( -volts). INVIB INUZU Motor driven, including constant speed, direct current motor ( volts). INVOC INVAZ Motor driven, including variable speed, direct current motor (_ -volts). *May be furnished with Direct-connected Motor, see page 2,85. ZIGHU Screw Machine, No. i Auto- matic. ZIG1G Regular Equipment cammed. ZIGKY Regular Equipment Uncammed. ZIGUK Collets (specify sizes). ZIHAF Feed Tubes (specify sizes). ZIHDA Screw Machine, No. 2 Auto- matic. ZIHEG Regular Equipment, Cammed. ZIHFE Regular Equipment, Uncammed. ZIHGI Collets (specify sizes). ZIHLY Feed Tubes (specify sizes). ZIHOK Screw Machine, No. i Hand. ZIHUL Regular Equipment. ZIKAG Collets (specify sizes ). ZIKEH Screw Machine, No. 2 Hand. ZIKFA Regular Equipment, Regular Head. ZIKGE Regular Equipment, Oversize Head. ZIKHI Screw Cut-off in place of Lever. ZIKIK Rack and Pinion Feed for Turret Slide. ZIKKO Collets (specify sizes). Shaving Machine, No. 2. Regular Equipment. Screw Cut-off in place of Lever. Collets (specify sizes). Sub-press Bases and Stands, i. No. 3. No. 4. No. 5. No. 6. Motor driven, purchaser to fur- nish constant speed, alternating current motor. Motor driven, purchaser to fur- nish constant speed, direct current motor. Motor driven, purchaser to fur- nish variable speed, direct current motor. PRATT & WHITNLY COMPANY CABLL AND TELEGRAPH CODL- Continued ALTERNATING CURRENT VOLTAGLS, CYCLL5 AND PHA5E. Phase Volts Cycles Single Two Three VOXHE VUBEN VUCRO no VOXIL VUBIP vucsu I IO 2 5 VOXKI VUBLA VUCTY I 10 40 VOXLO VUBME VUDAP no 60 VOXNY VUBNI VUDER 220 VOXOM VUBOR VUDIS 220 25 VOZAK VUBPO VUDNA 22O 40 VOZEL VUBRU VUDOT 220 60 VOZHA VUBSY VUDPE 440 VOZIM VUBUS VUDRI 440 2 5 VOZKE VUCAN VUDSO 440 40 VOZLI VUCEP VUDTU 440 60 VOZMO VUCIR VUDVY 55 VOZON VUCMA VUFAR 550 25 VOZPY VUCNE VUFES 550 40 VOZUP vucos VUFIT 55 60 VUBAM VUCPI VUFPA DIRECT CURRENT VOLTAGES VUFRE I IO VUFWY 250 VUGRA 55 VUFSI I2 5 VUGAS 440 VUGSE 600 VUFTO 220 VUGET 500 VUGTI HORSE-POWER MOTORS VUGUX i VUKWI 6 VUPAB i 7 y 2 VUGVO iy 2 VUKXO 6y 2 VUPBE 18 VUGXY 2 VUKZU 7 VUPCI 19 VUHAT 2% VULBU 7^ VUPDO 19^ VUHOX 2*4 VULCY 8 VUPEC 20 VUHSA 2^ VULEX 10 VUPFU 23 VUHTE 3 VULIZ ii VUPGY 25 VUHUZ T.y 2 VULOB 12 VUPID 30 VUKBY 324: VULUC 12^ VUPOF 35 VUKIX 4 VULVA 13 VUPUG 40 VUKOZ 4 y 2 VULWE 15 VUPZA 45 VUKTA 5 VULXI 16 VURAC 50 VUKUB $y 2 'VULZO 17 285 PRATT & WHITNLY COMPANY INDE.X Arbors for Milling Machines 133 Barrel (gun) and Tube Drilling Machines 197 Barrel (gun) Lapping Machine 213 Barrel (gun) and Tube Reaming Machine 211 Bolt Cutter, Turret Head 233 Centering Machines 229 Chucks, Two-jaw 74 Code, Cable and Telegraph 265 Die Sinking Machines and Tools . . . 223 Drills : No. 1 1 Gang i 8 1 Sensitive 183 Multiple Spindle 167 Gauges 245 Gear Cutting Machines 239 Grinders : Cylindrical 157 Vertical Surface 163 Automatic for Thread Milling Machine 150 Fish-tail Cutter 140 Gun Barrel Drill 209 Gun Barrel and Tube Drilling Machines 197 Gun Barrel and Tube Reaming Machine 211 Gun Barrel Drill Grinding Machine 209 Gun Barrel Lapping Machine . 213 Gun Barrel Rifling Machines . . 215 Grooving Machines, Roll 235 Lathes : 7 x 32-inch Bench 13 i o-inch Toolmakers' 31 1 4-inch Gib - 35 1 6-inch Toolmakers' 39 Turret Lathes and Tools 51 Turntable Lathes and Tools 85 Measuring Machines, Standard 244 Milling Machines: No. oo Bench i i i Hand 113 No. 2 Column Power 121 Lincoln 123 No. 3^ Power . 129 No. 2 Vertical 131 287 o INDEX Continued Milling Machines Continued : 4^ x 12-inch Thread 143 6-inch Thread 145 12 x 48-inch Thread 153 Spline 137 Vises for Milling Machines 132 Arbors for Milling Machines 133 Index Milling Fixture . . 134 Pumps, Rotary 241 Profiling Machines 185 Rifling Machines 215 Roll Grooving Machines 235 Screw Machines, Turret-head Hand 105 Shaving Machine No. 2 109 Small Tools, Machinists' 246 Sub-presses and Dies 243 Thread Milling Machines, 4^ x I 2-inch 143 Thread Milling Machines, 6-inch 145 Thread Milling Machines, 12 x 48-inch 153 Turret Lathes and Tools 5 T Turntable Lathe and Tools . 85 Tables 247 Vises for Milling Machines 132 Bartlett-Orr Press, New York THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW AN INITIAL FINE OF 25 CENTS WILL BE ASSESSED FOR FAILURE TO RETURN THIS BOOK ON THE DATE DUE. 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