^ o I Y ^ ^ ->it- 1 i o ^==5 3 ; 523 C7 jW6 3^^i Woodworth, C.W. Key to the Cocci dae of California KEY to the COCCIDAE OF CALIFORNIA C. W. WOODWORTH Published by the Author Berkeley, California a INTRODUCTION The Scale insects of this State have received a great deal of attention particularly along economic lines. This is the first attempt at making a synopsis for the recognition of our species. The form of the synopsis and of the refer- ences is uniform with the author's Key to Orthoptera, in which full explanations will be found. The study of these insects requires ability to use the compound microscope and considerable microscopic tech- nique. A laboratory guide for the study of scale insects is being prepared for publication for the use of those who may wish to take up the subject by themselves and desire a detailed description of the study methods. The most useful books on scale insects are Newstead's Monograph of the British Coccidae, which contains the fullest general account of these insects, and Fernald's Catalogue of the Coccidae of the World, which is the best guide to the literature. For references to the literature of the local fauna, the present work will be found useful. The author hopes that this key will stimulate many ento- mologists on this coast to collect and study in this group. C. W. WOOUWORTH. University of California, October, 1903. SYNOPSIS COCCIDAE Female with flattened chitinous lobes at hind end of body Diaspinae without With triangular supraanal plates Coccinae without supraanal plates Adult females with antennae twelve jointed Monophlebinae nine- jointed or less Adult without mouth parts Margarodinae with mouth parts Dactylopiinae MONOPHLEBINAE Icerya purchasi Mask 78M220 81C347 82C48 50 65 86 83C23 132 83C132 84C19 22 35 42 50 87C36 42 50 61 65 213 345 348 359 361 379 450 561 87M1 87O1 87R459 466 88887 177 179 184 246 260 262 273 279 88Mi 88R64 no 126 89Hi82 89R220 268 89\Vi6 900252 9oL207 334 384 394 469 472 480 484 489 494 496 498 90R92 90813 53 59 349 477 484 486 488 9iM3i9 9iR307 423 457 154 160 920455 92L20O 287 93RI35 94C84 96 101 103 368 372 374 427 437 96057 132 140 143 147 154 158 96Tio 40 97C94 99C5 56 113 i-43 T 53 99W1 02C7 61 226 237 02A229 345 03F25 maskelli 97C94 99C113 03F27 crawii 97C84 99C113 03F27 MARGARODINAE Xylococcus quercus Ehr OOE311 03F33 1778 Modeer Act Goth i 28 Costa Atti del R Inst d Incor- rug iv 35 Costa Fauna 78 Maskell Trans New Zealand Inst xi 81 Comstock Rep U S Comm Agr 82 Cooper et al Rep Hort Comm Calif 83 Chapin et al Rep State Bd Hort Calif 84 Chapin et al Bien Rep State Bd Hort Calif 87 Cooper et al Bien Rep State Bd Hort Calif 87 Morse Bull Calif Agr Exp Sta Ixxi 87 Ormerod Notes on Australian Bug 87 Riley et al Rep U S Comm Agr 88 Morse Bull Calif Agr Exp Sta Ixxix 88 Riley et al Insect Life i 88 Scott et al Bien Rep State Bd Hort Calif iii 89 Howard Insect Life i 89 Ril'ey et al Insect Life i 89 Willits Insect Life ii 90 Coquillett Insect Life ii 90 Lelong et al Rep State Bd Hort Calif 90 Riley et al Insect Life iii 90 Sec- retary et al Rep State Bd Hort Calif 91 Morse Rep Calif Agr Exp Sta 91 Riley -et al Insect Life iii 92 Craw Rep St Bd Hort Calif 92 Lelong et al Rep State Bd Hort Calif 93 Riley Insect Life iv 94 Craw et al Rep State Bd Hort Calif 96 Craw et al Rep State Bd Hort Calif 96 Townsend Tech Bull U S Div Ent iv 97 Cockerell Psyche viii 97 Cockerell Proc U S Nat Mus xix 99 Craw et al Rep State Bd Hort Calif 99 Woodworth Bull Calif Agr Exp Sta cxxii 02 Craw et al Rep State Bd Hort Calif 02 Austin et al Rep State Bd Hort Calif viii 03 Fernald Bull Hatch Exp Sta Ixxxviii Cottony-cushion scale=I. purchasi HEMIPTERA 31 DACTYLOPIINAE Antennae nine-jointed c eight-jointed b six or seven-jointed a five-jointed Sphaerococcus disticlium Kuw 02K134 03F85 no antennae Young insect fringed with spines Kermes not End of abdomen strongly chitinous Cerococcus not Pollinia pollini Costa 94C438 96C43 03F60 coccus 28C202 a Body naked Ripseriella kelloggi Ehr & Ccc 01E166 03F115 bordered with wax Gossyparia spuria Modeer 02K52 03F68 Coccus 1778M43 all covered with wax Young insect fringed with spines Eriococcus not Body six mm long Dactylopius coccus Costa 35C16 03*80 not over three mm long Ripseria b Legs absent Lecaniodiaspis rubescens 99E104 99C267 03F56 Prosopophora 93C151 pres- ent Body oval Pseudococcus globular Erium erigoni Ehr 99E103 02C465 03F112 c Anal ring without hairs Phae- nococcus with six hairs Ceroputo Kermes Body with longitudinal constriction a without Color grey with black spots galliformis Riley 81R481 03F61 brown with white lines austini Ehr 91E104 OOC44 OOK81 03F60 a Segments gibbose cockerelli Ehr 98E185 OOC44 OOK80 03F61 not nigropunctatus Ehr & Coc 98E186 99C10 OOC45 OOK80 03F63 Cerococcus Sac of white wax ehrhorni Coc 95C255 95S363 01P387 03F57 yellow wax quercus Corns 81C213 83C130 01P387 03F57 Eriococcus Antennae six-jointed palmeri Coc 99C268 02C23 03F77 seven-jointed Anal ring of six spines artemisiae 1778 Modeer Act Goth i 28 Costa Atti del R Inst d Incor iv 35 Costa Faun Regn Nap Cocc 78 Maskell Trans N Z Ins xi 81 Cooke Treat Ins Inj Fruit 81 Riley Am Nat xv 81 Comstock Rep U S Dept Agr 83 Comstock Rep Dept Ent Corn Univ ii 91 Ehrhorn Canad Ent xxxi 93 Cocker- ell Science xxii 94 Craw Bien Rep Cal Bd Hort iv 95 Cockerell Psyche vii 96 Craw Bien Rep Cal Bd Hort v 98 Cockerell Canad Ent xxx 98 Ehrhorn Canad Ent xxx 98 Ehrhorn Ent News ix 99 Cockerell Proc Acad Nat Sci Phila 99 Cockerell Biol Cent Am ii 99 Cockerell Canad Ent xxxi 99 Ehrhorn Canad Ent xxxi 00 Cockerell Psyche ix 00 Ehrhorn Canad Ent xxxii 00 King Psyche ix 01 Ehrhorn & Cockerell Proc Biol Soc Wash xiv 01 Patterson Proc Cal Acad Sci ii 01 Kuwani Proc Cal Acad Sci ii 02 Cockerell Ann & Mag Nat Hist ix 02 Kuwani Ent News xiii 03 Fernald Bull Hatch Exp Sta Ixxxviii 32 INSECTS OF CALIFORNIA Kuw 01K399 03F71 eight spines Anal tubercles with three spines adenostomae Ehr 98E244 98C246 03F70 with one auricariae Mask 78M218 96C40 03F71 03C73 Rhizococcus 81C339 Ripseria Length three mm festucae Kuw 01K401 02C21 03*117 one and a half mm villosa Ehr 99E6 03F120 Pseudococcus * With dense ventral cottony cushion iceryoides Mask 03F103 Dactylopius 91M33 93R286 94C34 ventral wax not more than dorsal Band of yellow powder on back aurilanatus Mask 03F97 Dactylopius 89M151 96C45 not banded Antennal joint two longer than seven a equal Joint four shortest citri Risso Dorthesia 13R Dactylopius 89C121 destructor 99R128 as long as six sequoiae Col 03F109 Dactylopius 01C109 a Anal appendages as long as body longispinis Targ Dactylopius 69T32 longifilis 90C43 adon- idum 92C286 96C40 shorter First antennal joint shorter than fifth b longer Anal filaments half as long as body maritimus Ehr 03F106 Dactylopius OOE315 not over a third First antennal joint longer than third dudlei Col Dacty- lopius 03C63 73 shorter Second antennal joint longer than fourth andersoni Col Dactylopius 03C67 73 equal ryani Coq 03F108 Dactylopius 89C122 94C100 97C773 b Fifth anten- nal joint four times as long as broad ephedrae Coq 03F101 Dactylopius 90C43 90S305 only twice Cephalic filaments present salinus Coc 03F109 Dactylopius 02C21 absent Pos- terior lateral filaments nearly as long as anal azaleae Tin 13 Risso Essai Hist Nat Oranges 69 Targione-Tossetti Catalogue 78 Ashmead Canad Ent x 78 Maskell Trans N Z Ins xi 81 Comstock Rep U S Dept Agr 89 Coquillett West Am Sci vi 89 Maskell Trans New Zealand Inst xxii 90 Coquillett West Am Sci vii 90 Sharp Zool Rec xxvii 91 Maskell Trans New Zealand Inst xxiv 92 Craw Rep Cal State Bd Hort 93 Riley & Howard Insect Life v 94 Cockerell Canad Ent xxvi 95 Loundsbury Rep Mass Agr Coll xxxii 97 Cockerell Proc U S Nat Mus xix 98 Cocker- ell Canad Ent xxx 98 Ehrhorn Canad Ent xxx 99 Ehrhorn Canad Ent xxxi 99 Rust et al Rep State Bd Hort Calif vi 00 Ehrhorn Canad Ent xxxii 01 Coleman Proc Cal Acad Sci ii 01 Kuwani Proc Cal Acad Sci ii 02 Cockerell Ann & Mag Nat Hist ix 03 Coleman Journ N Y Ent Soc xi 03 Fernald Bull Hatch Exp Sta Ixxxviii * Orthesia edwardsii Ash 78A203 95L125 03F323 probably male of Pseudococcus Mealybugs=Pseudococcus HEMIPTERA 33 03F98 Dactylopius 98T319 much shorter Body light yellow crawii Coq 03F101 Dactylopius 89C122 greenish brown quercus Ehr 03F108 Dactylopius OOE315 Phenacoccus Fourth antennal joint slightly shorter than ninth artemisiae Ehr OOE313 03F90 slightly longer stachyos Ehr OOE313 03F93 much shorter Length 1.6 mm kuwanae 03C62 73 3 mm simplex King 02K42 03F93 Ceroputo Body with three ridges of cottony tufts bahiae Ear 01C166 03F94 Phenacoccus OOE134 not tufted yuccae Coq 01C166 03F95 ceanothi 03C163 Blastothrix yuccae 90C44 Pseudococcus 93R40 96T12 COCCINAE Body entirely covered by cottony secretion Exaertopus caricis Ehr 02E193 03F143 with only a cottony ovisac behind Pulvinaria covered with horny plates Cero- plastes with horny starlike projections Vinsonia stellifera Westw 03F159 Coccus 71W3 naked or nearly so Antennae minute or wanting Aclerda californica Ehr 03F210 Nidu- laria 99E103 Pseudolecanium OOP135 about as long as the legs Body at least half as high as long a flat Surface strongly reticulate Eucalynnatus perforatus Newst 03F166 Lecanium 94N233 tesselatum 96W256 96T263 scarcely reticulate Coccus a Dorsum much wider than sternum Physokermes equal Pits in dorsum not further apart than four times their diameter Saissetia nine or ten times Eulecanium Pulvinaria Body as broad as long ehrhorni King 01K145 03F132 longer than broad Third and fourth antennal joints equal vitis Linn 92L203 Coccus 1758L456 third the longest Fourth and fifth joints equal psidii Mask 92M223 96C47 03F137 fourth the longer Sixth and eighth equal bigeloviae 1758 Linaeus Sys Nat i 71 Westwood Proc Ent Soc Lond 89 Coquillett West Am Sci vi 90 Coquillett West Am Sci viii 92 Lelong ibid 92 Maskell Trans New Zealand Inst xxv 93 Riley and Howard Insect Life vi 94 Newstead Ent Mo Mag xxx 96 Craw Rep Cal State Bd Hort 96 Tyrrell Rep Cal Agr Exp Sta 96 Woodworth ibid 98 Ehrhorn Ent News ix 98 Tinsley Canad Ent xxx 99 Ehrhorn Canad Ent xxxi 00 Ehrhorn Canad Ent xxxii 00 Parr Bull Kans Agr Exp Sta xcviii 01 Cockerell Proc Biol Soc Wash xiv 01 King Canad Ent xxxiii..02 King Ent News xiii 03 Coleman Journ N Y Ent Soc xi 03 Fernald Bull Hatch Exp Stat Ixxxviii 34 INSECTS OF CALIFORNIA Coc 93C366 03F129 eighth the longer First and sixth with a single hair rhois Ehr 98E186 03F138 with two or three innumerabilis Rathv 87K379 90C54 92C287 03F134 Coccus 54R256 Ceroplastes Wax plates of adult fusing together a dis- tinct Length 7 mm cistudiformis Towns 92T256 98C119 about 5 mm cirripediformis Corns 81C333 90G480 a Length two to four mm b six to ten Tail short irregularis Coc 93C351 03F153 rather long ceriferus Auds 96C44 Coccus 1791A b Wax dull red or pinkish throughout rubens Mask 92M214 96C44 brownish on dorsum dirty white at edge floridensis Corns 81C331 90C480 03F151 Coccus Antennae with seventh joint longest hesperidum Linn 1758L455 03F168 Lecanium 81C335 87K359 362 365 369 379 88C177 89R299 90C193 282 285 90M474 490 90C53 92C286 93C103 94C96 146 369 371 377 379 383 431 96C40 96C132 147 154 96T267 96W255 97C736 99P145 02C192 229 236 346 03C73 third or fourth longer than seventh ventralis Ehr 03F174 Lecanium 98E245 99C230 Physokermes Sixth antennal joint the longest concolor Col 03C73 sihorter than the second Fourth joint the shortest taxifoliae Col 03C73 longer than fifth insignicola Craw 95C258 97C591 Lecanium 94C92 94C625 96T263 96W256 Saissetia Pits of do'rsum enclosed in polygonal areas oleae Bern 03F205 Chermes 1782B Lecanium 82D19 35 65 1758 Linnaeus Syst Nat i 1782 Bernard Mem Hist Nat Acad Mars 1791 Anderson Mon Cocc 54 Rathvon Penn Farm Journ 81 Comstock Rep U S Dept Agr 82 Dwinell et al Rep Cal State Bd Hort 87 Klee ibid 88 Cooper et al ibid 89 Riley Insect Life 90 Coquillett West Am Sci viii 90 Craw Rep Cal State Bd Hort 90 Comstock ibid 90 Gray ibid 90 Motheral ea al ibid 92 Craw ibid 92 Maskell Trans New Zealand Inst xxv 92 Townsend Zoe iii 93 Cockerell Trans Am Ent Soc xx 93 Cockerell The Ent xxvi 93 Cockerell Insect Life vi 94 Craw et al Rep Cal State Bd Hort 94 Cockerell Proc U S Nat Mus xvii 95 Cockerell Canad Ent xxvii 96 Craw Bull U S Div Ent Tech iv 96 Craw Rep Cal State Bd Hort 96 Tyrrell Rep Cal Agr Exp Sta 96 Woodworth ibid 97. Cockerell Proc U S Nat Mus xix 97 Cockerell Am Nat xxxi 98 Cockerell Proc The Ent xxxi 98 Ehrhorn Ent News ix 99 Cockerell and Parr The Indust 99 Pryal et al Rep Cal Agr Exp Sta 02 Craw Rep Cal State Bd Hort 03 Coleman Journ N Y Ent Soc xi 03 Fernald Bull Hatch Exp Sta Ixxxviii Soft brown scale=C. hesperidum Black scale =S. oleae HEMIPTERA 35 85 86 87 83C21 87C35 44 45 52 346 348 353 356 359 366 369 88C142 183 246 267 276 90C195 197 281 282 334 385 420 425 472 475 480 484 489 490 491 492 496 500 90L13 59 281 484 486 90P98 90R248 379 91H578 91R182 91R163 92B39 116 200 285 392 93C253 93R10 27 103 94C93 99 103 146 358 363 369 371 374 426 96C40 96C57 143 146 154 157 160 96T265 96W253 97C736 99L5 77 128 139 143 153 155 99W1 01L10 61 64 69 226 235 241 02C91 201 229 233 238 347 364 03C74 not hemi- sphaericum Targ 03F202 Lecanium 67T26 81C334 87K379 90C192 93C103 94M379 961154 96T266 hibernaculorum 97C744 Eulecanium First antennal joint the shortest adenos- tomae Kuw 03F180 Lecanium 01K402 longer than fifth or sixth Seventh joint shorter than first or second pubescens Ehr 99C237 03F194 Lecanium 98E244 longer Third joint shorter than fourth and fifth together quercitronis Fitch 03F195 Lecanium 58F805 kermoides Tyr 96T256 longer Sec- ond joint longer than fourth pruinosum Coq 03F193 Leca- nium 91C382 90L13 92C33 96T268 shorter Fourth joint longer than seventh crawii Ehr 98E245 99C237 shorter armeniacum Craw 03F181 Lecanium 88K246 90L198 469 477 489 494 90L13'92B39 116 197 286 94C97 375 96E158 96T268 01C67 232 02C193 195 200 215 226 233 DIASPINAE Female scale round or oval a more than 1 58 Fitch Rep Ins N Y v 67 Targioni Tozetti Studii Cocc 81 Comstock Rep U S Dept Agr 83 Chapin Rep Cal State Bd Hort 87 Cooper et al ibid 87 Klee ibid 88 Cooper et al ibid 88 Klee ibid 90 Comstock et al ibid 90 Lelong ibid 90 Packard Rep U S Ent Com v 91 Coquillett Insect Life iii 91 Howard Proc U S Nat Mus xiv 91 Riley Insect Life iii 91 Riley et al Insect Life iv 92 Block et al Rep Cal State Bd Hort 92 Coquillett Bull U S Div Ent xxvi 93 Coquillett Insect Life v 93 Riley et al ibid vi 94 Craw et al Rep Cal State Bd Hort 94 Mclntyre ibid 96 Craw ibid 96 Craw Bull U S Ent Teck iv 96 Ehrhorn Rep Cal State Bd Hort 96 Tyrrell Rep Cal Agr Exp Sta 96 Wood- worth ibid 97 Cockerell Proc U S Nat Mus xix 98 Ehr- horn Canad Ent xxx 99 Cockerell & Parr The Industrialist 99 Lelong et al Rep Cal State Bd Hort 99 Woodworth Bull Cal Agr Exp Stat cxxii 01 Craw et ai Rep Cal State Bd Hort 01 Kuwana Proc Cal Acad Sci ii 01 Lelong et al Rep Cal State Bd Hort 02 Craw et al ibid 03 Coleman Journ N Y Ent Soc xi 03 Fernald Bull Hatch Exp Sta Ixxxviii Brown apricot scale=E. armeniacum 36 INSECTS OF CALIFORNIA twice as long as broad Spinnerets absent Leucaspis in five groups Lepidosaphes three groups Ischnaspis longirostris Sign filiformis 96C40 Mytilaspis longirostris 82S35 a Male scale round or oval c elongate Tubular glands absent Fiorina fiorinae Targ G3F246 cameliae 96C40 Diaspis fiorinae 67T14 Spinnerets absent Howardia biclavis Corns 03F227 Chionaspis 83C97 91C14 present Tubular glands ar- ranged in bands b irregular Plates branching Parlatoria pergandii Corns 81C327 96C130 149 03F319 simple Scale white Phenacaspis not Diaspis b Median lobes on the sjdes of a depression Aulacaspis not Female scale with exuviae central or nearly so Epidiaspis piricola Del 03F250 Aspidiotus 94D142 Diaspis 97C4 02E233 marginal Apices of median lobes touching Hemichionaspis aspidistrae Sign 99C45 03F239 Chionaspis 69S443 distant Chionaspis c Dorsum with lattice work posteriorly Pseudaonidia not Lobes wanting Odontaspis babusarum Coc 03F299 Aspid- iotus 98C191 subobsolete Targionia bigeloviae Coc OOL226 03F296 Aspidiotus 97C20 99N25 99C278 one or two pairs distinct Aspidiotus three pairs distinct Chrysomphalus Leucaspis One pair of lobes cupressi Col'03C71 75 three pairs kelloggi Col 03C68 75 four pairs japonicus Coc 97C53 98C111 03F244 Lepidosaphes Lobes serrate beckii Newm 03F305 Coccus 69N217 Mytilaspis citricola 90C478 92L195 94C84 95 105 362 440 96C41 96L60 143 149 99R127 143 153 01H225 236 240 243 245 02B223 230 236 not serrate Lobes pointed gloverii Pack 67 Targioni Tozetti Studii sul/Cocc 69 Newman The Ent iv 69 Signoret Ann Soc Ent Fr 81 Comstock Rep U S Dept Agr 82 Signoret Ann Soc Ent Fr 83 Comstock Rep Cornell Dept Ent ii 90 Gray Rep Cal State Bd Hort 91 Craw ibid 92 Lelong ibid 94 Craw et al ibid 94 Del Guer II Nat Sicil 96 Craw Bull U S Ent Tech iv 96 Craw Rep Cal State Bd Hort 96 Lelong ibid 97 Cockerell Bull U S Ent Tech vi 98 Cockerell Psyche viii 99 Cooley Spec Bull Hatch Exp Sta 99 Cockerell & Parr The Indust 99 Newell Cont Iowa Ag Coll iii 99 Rust et al Rep Cal State Bd Hort 00 Leonardi Gen et sp Dias 01 Hamilton et al Rep Cal State Bd Hort 02 Bishop et al ibid 02 Ehrhorn ibid 03 Coleman Journ N Y Ent Soc xi 03 Fernald Bull Hatch Exp Sta ixxxviii Purple scale=L. beckii HEMIPTERA 37 03F309 Coccus 69P527 Mytilaspis 90C479 91R487 92L196 94C95 96C41 96M149 rounded Anterior spinnerets three newsteadi Sulc 95S8 G3C74 eleven to seventeen ulmi Linn 03F314 Coccus 1758L455 Mytilaspis pomorum 90C184 477 91R487 92L195 94B360 363 365 961154 01S217 02J219 Aspid- iotus conchiformis 82C56 66 72 84 83C22 84C32 87K345 558 Chionaspis With a single median lobe quercus Corns 81C319 83C105 90P103 03F223 with two median lobes Spin- nerets wanting citri Corns 83C101 96C38 about six lateral assimilis Mask 88M102 96C35 03F214 about ten euonymi Corns 81C313 91R487 96C38 over twenty Second and third lobes notched dificilis Coc 96C21 96C41 96C38 divided into lobules Inner lobule of second lobes at least half as wide as median lobes a about a third as wide Lateral spinnerets more than fifty-five wistariae Cool 97C280 99C39 03F226 less spartinae Corns 83C106 03F226 Outer lobule of second lobes nearly as long as inner pinifoliae Fitch 99C30 03F221 03C74 Aspidiotus 55F488 about half as long Two spines at base of median lobes ortholobis Corns 81C317 99C17 03F221 one Inner lobule of second lobe narrowed outwardly fur- fura Fitch 99C88 Aspidiotus 56F352 not salacisnigrae Walsh 99C19 Aspidiotus 68W40 Aulacaspis Lateral spinnerets about continuous rosae Douche 03F236 Aspidiotus 34B14 Diaspis 96C40 not contin- uous Median spinnerets not over thirteen pentagona Targ 1758 Linnaeus Syst Nat i 34 Bouche Naturg Ins 55 Fitch Rep Ins N Y ii 56 Fitch Rep Ins N Y iii 68 Walsh Rep Ins 111 i 69 Packard Guide Study Ins 81 Comstock Rep U S Dept Agr 82 Chapin Rep Cal State Bd Hort 83 Chapin ibid 83 Comstock Rep Cornell Dept Ent ii 84 Chapin Rep Cal State Bd Hort 85 Targioni Tozetti Rev Bacc 87 Klee Rep Cal State Bd Hort 88 Maskell Trans Roy Soc S Aust 90 Comstock et al Rep Cal State Bd Hort 90 Packard Rep U S Ent Comm v 91 Riley & Howard In- sect Life iii 92 Lelong Rep Cal State Bd Hort 94 Barber et al ibid 94 Craw et al ibid 96 Craw ibid 96 Craw Bull U S Div Ent Tech iv 96 Melville Rep Cal State Bd Hort 97 Cockerell Cal Fruit Grower 97 Cooley Canad Ent xxix 98 Cockerell Psyche viii 99 Cooley Spec Bull Hatch Exp Sta 01 Stewart Rep Cal State Bd Hort 02 Janssen ibid 02 Cockerell The Ent xxxv 03 Coleman Journ N Y Ent Soc xi 03 Fernald Bull Hatch Exp Sta Ixxxviii Oyster shell scale=L. ulmi 38 INSECTS OF CALIFORNIA 03F234 Diaspis 85T11 not under twenty -four crawii Ccc 02C59 03F233 Diaspis 98C190 Phenacaspis Lateral lobes divided into three lobules latissima Coc 03F238 Chionaspis 97C45 97C282 into two Median lobes separate at base chinensis Coc 03C48 03F237 Chionaspis 96C37 united About ten plates beyond lateral lobes aucubae Cool 03F237 Chionaspis 97C279 about five plates cockerelli Cool 03F237 Chionaspis 97C279 Diaspis Exuviae marginal cattleyae Coc 02C59 03F229 Aulacaspis 99C30 back from the margin Lobes on sides of a depression boisduvalii Sign 69S432 not carulei Targ 69T43 03C74 Pseudaonidia With two groups of spinnerets paeoniae Coc 03F283 Aspidiotus duplex 99C105 five groups duplex Coc 03F283 Aspidiotus 96C20 96C33 Aspidiotus With four pairs of lobes californicus Col 03C64 74 two or three a one One pair of incisions aesculi Johns 96J386 96J152 97C20 97C735 99N13 two Incisions 'minute ehrhorni Col 03S68 74 conspicuous Plates much shorter than lobes coniferarum Coc 98C201 shastae 03C74 equal or longer rapax Corns 81C307 82C65 83C22 84C34 87K347 349 359 375 558 90L173 489 91R487 93C27 93R214 94B363 379 01B236 convexus 90L22 174 camilliae 96M148 69 Signoret Ann Soc Ent Fr ix 69 Targioni Tozetti Cat 81 Comstock Rep U S Dept Agr 82 Chapin Rep Cal State Bd Hort 83 Chapin ibid 84 Chapin ibid 85 Targioui Tozetti Rev Bacc 87 Boggs et al Rep Cal State Bd Hort 87 Klee ibid 90 Lelong et al ibid 90 Riley Insect Life ii 91 Riley & Howard Insect Life iii 92 Craw et al Rep Cal State Bd Hort 92 Riley & Howard Insect Life v 93 Coquillet Insect Life vi 93 Riley Insect Life v 94 Babcock et al Rep Cal State Bd Hort 95 Howard Insect Life vii 96 Cockerell Psyche vii suppl i 96 Cockerell Bull U S Ent Tech iv 96 Craw et al Rep Cal State Bd Hort 96 Johnson Bull 111 State Lab N H iv 96 Johnson Ent News vii 96 Melville Rep Cal State Bd Hort 97 Cockerell Cal Fruit Grower 97 Cooley Canad Ent xxix 97 Cockerell Bull U S Ent Tech vi 97 Cockerell Proc U S Nat Mus xix 98 Cockerell Psyche viii 99 Cockerell Biol Cent Am ii 99 Cockerell Canad Ent xxxi 99 Newell Contr Iowa Agr Coll iii 99 Pease et al Bull Cal State Bd Hort 01 Bosworth ot al ibid 02 Craw et al ibid 03 Coleman Journ N Y Ent Soc xi 03 Fernald Bull Hatch Exp Sta Ixxxviii Greedy scale=A. rapax HEM1PTERA 3 99P 145 a Spinnerets wanting perniciosus Corns 81C304 82C65 68 86 83C22 23 91 84C22 34 42 53 87B12 15 40 45 53 220 344 351 359 362 366 370 379 389 404 477 558 565 88D91 191 245 261 263 265 27G 278 281 89R298 90R312 90R69 169 90L22 120 283 333 390 468 473 480 483 486 489 90L12 39 65 452 483 486 489 91R487 92C18 25 39 116 196 198 285 392 394 92R53 93C251 93C27 G3R280 294 94C97 100 102 146 358 365 369 372 375 379 94R360 95H283 95R360 96C56 132 139 141 148 160 99L56 76 102 153 155 157 01S217 242 02C193 220 226 229 235 238 346 349 present Plates simple juglansregiae Corns 81C300 93C61 90P335 96L108 148 01H226 03F265 toothed Two groups of spinnerets abietus Schr 03C74 Coccus 1776S48 five groups oestraeaeformis Curt 43C805 96C19 four groups Large branching plates beyond third lobes hederae Vail 03F260 nerii 81C301 83C61 83C22 84C34 88K263 94C102 365 96C40 96M148 96T11 99P143 145 Chermes hedreae 29V30 none florencii Col 03C66 74 Chryscmphalus Four groups of spinnerets aonidum Linn 03F286 Coccus 1758L455 Aspidiotus ficus 90C481 92L197 96M148 none Plates scarcely branched tenebricosus Corns 03F294 Aspidiotus 81C308 strongly aurantii Mask OOM268 03F287 Aspidiotus 78M199 81C293 83C21 84C34 87R49 52 1758 Linnaeus Syst Nat i 1776 Schrank Beitr Z Natur 29 Vallot Mem Acad Dijon 43 Curtis Gard Chron iii 78 Mas- kell Trans New Zealand Inst xi 81 Comstock Rep U S Dept Agr 82 Chapin Rep Cal State Bd Hort 83 Chapin ibid 83 Comstock Rep Cornell Dept Ent ii 84 Chapin Rep Cal State Bd Hort 87 Boggs et al ibid 87 Rose et al ibid 88 Dwinell et al ibid 88 Klee ibid 89 Riley & Howard Insect Life i 90 Craw Rep Cal State Bd Hort 90 Lelong et al ibid 90 Packard Rep U S Ent Comm v 90 Riley Insect Life ii 90 Riley & Howard ibid iii 91 Riley & Howard ibid iii 92Craw et al Rep Cal State Bd Hort 92 Lelong ibid 93 Coquillett Insect Life v 93 Coquillett ibid vi 93 Riley ibid v 94 Craw Rep Cal State Bd Hort 94 Riley & Howard Insect Life vi 95 Howard ibid vii 95 Riley & Howard ibid vii 96 Craw et al Rep Cal State Bd Hort 96 Cockerell Bull U S Div Ent Tech vi 96 Lelong et al Rep Cal State Bd Hort 96 Melville ibid 96 Townsend Bull U S Div Ent Tech iv 99 Pease et al Rep Cal State Bd Hort 00 Mar- latt Year Book U S Dept Agr 01 Hamilton et al Rep Cal State Bd Hort 01 Stewart et al ibid 02 Craw et al ibid 03 Coleman Journ N Y Ent Soc xi 03 Fernald Bull Hatch Exp Sta Ixxxviii Red scale=A. aurantii 40 INSECTS OF CALIFORNIA 104 351 359 362 370 376 389 453 470 88C177 183 226 244 260 277 89R299 90L22 163 284 333 337 420 469 472 480 485 489 496 500 90L13 39 58 349 351 477 484 90R312 330 176 182 91R427 92C25 211 284 289 95C25 101 93R281 94C82 85 101 105 146 362 368 374 381 428 437 441 94H227 96C40 96C60 132 143 147 158 97C732 99R128 136 139 143 153 155 01H225 232 239 02C203 222 citri 81C8 citricola 90W480 citrinus 90C347 484 91R427 92C19 196 93C252 93R281 94C97 102 362 96C 57 148 96C40 99P143 01B235 02C192 346 Aonidia aurantii 90R1 91R417 92L197 ~ INDEX OF NAMES abietus 39 Aclerda 33 adenostomae 32 35 aesculi 38 ander- soni 32 Aonidia 40 aonidum 39 armeniacum 35- artemisiae 31 33 Aspidiotus 36 3 37 rj 38 3 40 3 aspidistrae 36 assimilis 37 aucubae 38 Aulacaspis 36 37 38 aurantii 40 2 auricariae 32 aurilanatus 32 austini 31 azaliae 32 bahiae 33 bambusarum 36 beckii 36 2 biclavis 36 bigloviae 33 36 Blastothrix 33 boisduvalii 38 californicus a 33 38 camelliae 36 38 caracis 33 carulei 38 cattleyae 38 ceanothi 33 ceriferus 34 Cerococcus 31 1 Cero- plastes 33 34 Ceroputo 31 33 Chermes 39 Chionaspis 36 3 37 38 4 chinensis 38 Chrysomphalus 36 39 cirripediformis 34 cistudiformis 34 citri 32 37 40 citricola 36 40 citrinus 40 Coccidae 30 Coccinae 30 33 coccus 31 Coccus 31 33' 34 3 36 37 2 39 40 cockerelli 31 38 conchiformis 37 concolor 34 coniferarum 38 convexus 38 crawii 33 38 cupressi 36 Dactylopinae 30 31 Dactylopius 31 32 10 33 3 destructor 32 Diaspinae 30 35 Diaspis 36 3 37 38 2 diflcilis 37 disticlium 31 Dorthesia 32 dudlei 32 duplex 38 2 edwardsii 32 ehrhorni 31 33 38 ephedrae 32 Epidiaspis 36 81 Comstock Canad Ent xiii 88 Cockerell Rep Cal State Bd Hort 89 Riley & Howard Insect Life i 90 Gray Rep Cal State Bd Hort 90 Lelong ibid 90 Riley Insect Life ii 90 Riley ibid iii 90 Willis Rep Cal State Bd Hort 91 Riley & Howard Insect Life iii 92 Craw et al Rep Cal State Bd Hort 93 Coquillett Insect Life vi 93 Riley & Howard ibid v 94 Craw et al Rep Cal State Bd Hort 94 Howard Insect Life vi 96 Craw Bull U S Ent Tech iv 96 Craw Rep Cal State Bd Hort 97 Cockerell Proc U S Nat Mus xix 99 Rust et al Rep Cal State Bd Hort 99 Pease et al ibid 01 Bosworth et al ibid 01 Hamilton et al ibid 02 Craw et al ibid 03 Fernald Bull Hatch Exp Sta Ixxxviii Eriococcus 31 2 erigoni 31 Erium 31 Eucalymnatus 33 Eule- canium 33 35 euomymi 37 Exaeretopus 33 Festucae 32 ficus 40 filiformis 36 Fiorina 36fiorinae 36- floreccii 39 floridensis 34 furfura 37 galliformis 31 gloverii 36 Gossyparia 31 hedreae 39 2 Hemichionaspis 36 hemisphaericum 35 hes- peridum 34* hibernaculorum 35 Howardia 36 Icerya 30 2 iceryoides 32 innumerabilis 34 insignicola 34 irregularis 34 Ischnaspis 36 japponicus 36 juglansregiae 39 kelloggii 31 36 Kermes 31 2 kermoides 35 kuwanae 33 latissima 38 Lecaniodiaspis 31 Lecanium 33 34 4 35 5 Lepid- osaphes 36 2 Leucaspis 36 2 longifilis 32 longirostris 36 3 longi- spinis 32 Margarodinae 30 2 maritimus 32 Monophlebinae SO 2 Mytil- aspis 36 3 37 2 nerii 39 newsteadi 37 Nidularia 33 nigropunctatus 31 Odontaspis 36 oestraeformis 39 oleae 34 2 Orthesia 32 or- tholobis 37 palmeri 31 Parlatoria 36 pentagona 37 peonae 38 perfor- atus 33 pergandii 36 perniciosus 39 2 Phenacaspis 36 38 Phenacoccus 31 33 2 Physokermes 33 34 pinifoliae 37 piricola 36 pollini 31 Pollini 31 pomorum 37 Prosopophora 31 pru- inosum 35 Pseudaonidia 36 38 Pseudococcus 31 32 3 33 Pseu- dolecanium 33 psidii 33 pubescens 35 Pulvinaria 33 2 pur- chasi 30 2 quercitronis 35 quercus 30 31 33 37 rapax 38 Rhizococcus 32 rhois 34 Ripsaria 31 32 Ripsari- ella 31 rosae 37 rubescens 31 34 rubens 34 ryani 32 Saissetia 33 34 salacis nigrae 37 salinus 32 sequoiae 32 shastae 38 simplex 33 spartinae 37 Sphaerococcus 31 spuria 31 stachyos 33 stellifera 33 Targionia 36 taxifoliae 34 tenebricosus 40 tessellatum 33 ulmi 37 ventralis 34 villosa 32 Vinsonia 33 vitis 33 wistariae 37 Xylococcus 30 yuccae 33 2 Library use only NOTICE This is one of a series of keys to the Californian repre- sentatives of the various groups of insects. The price of this number is ten cents. A key to the Orthoptera of California has already ap- peared. It contains besides the synopses, quite full direc- tions for the collection and preservation of these insects, a full explanation of the names of the structures used in classification, and suggestions for using the synopses. It is intended for the use of the beginner in Entomology. The price is twenty-five cents. A key to the Hemiptera will appear early next year. The synopses in these keys are extracted from the author's "Insects of California," which will contain, when completed, the synonymy and bibliography of all the insects credited to this region. 'Subscription price $3.00, payable on delivery, at the rate of 15c for each part of 16 pages. Address C. W. WOODWORTH, Berkeley, California.