UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA agricultural experiment Station COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE E - J - WiCKSON. d. rector BERKELEY, CALIFORNIA CIRCULAR No. 73 (October, 1911) PURE INSECTICIDES BY C. W. WOODWORTH. Most of the chemicals used as insecticides and fungicides are entirely satisfactory when of low grade, provided the approximate strength is known. The California Insecticide Law permits any grade to be sold, requiring a statement of its composition and providing that it shall not be lower than within 5 per cent of the percentage claimed on the label. For high grade goods the limit of variation allowed under the law is too great, since it does not provide a means of fixing a minimum guarantee above 95 per cent, and then only when labeling them 100 per cent. Because of this 5 per cent variation permitted by the law the actual guarantee is below the label guarantee to the extent of the amounts shown in the following table : Label guarantee Actual guarantee % % 100 95 99 94.05 98 93.1 97 92.15 96 91.2 95 90.25 For the purpose of providing for the more accurate specification of high grade goods the following plan is suggested : 1st. Use the term "Pure" without the designation of per cent for goods that do not fall below 95 per cent. 2nd. Use the form "Guaranteed not less than 96%" for goods that Avill not fall below that figure, and a similar form for still higher grades. The following list of chemicals and crude drugs have been regis- tered under the percentages indicated, but are doubtless in most cases of high enough grade to justify the use of the higher forms of guar- antee suggested above : Caustic Soda (NaOH), 98%. Hydrated Lime (Ca20H), Borax (2B,0 3 . Na,0 + 10 H 2 0), 99.6%, 99%, 95-99%. Hellebore, 100%. Tobacco, 100%. Quassia, 100%. Sabadilla, 100%. Staphisagria, 100%. Carbolic Acid (C 6 H 5 OH), 96%, 95%. Cresylic Acid (C 8 H 4 OHCH„), 95-99%. Carbon Tetrachlorid (C Cl 4 ), 99.92%, 99.7%, 97-99.9%. Bluestone (CuS0 4 + 5H,0), 99.5%, 99%, 98-99%, 97i/>-98%, 96.5%, 95%. Copperas (FsS0 4 + 7H,0), 98%, 97%, 96%. Corrosive Sublimate (HgCL), 99.5%, 99%, 98-99.9%. Sulphuric Acid (H 2 S0 4 ), 99.5%. Distillate 28°, 100%. Distillate 32°, 100%. Napthalene (C 10 H 8 ), 100%, 99%%, 98%, 96.3%, 95-100%. Oil Myrbane, 100%, 99%. Oil Pennyroyal, 99%. Oil Peppermint, 99%. Pyrethrum, 99%. Pyrethrum flowers, 100%. Camphor, 98-100%. Permanganate of Potash (KMn0 4 ), 99%, 98%. Sodium FJuorid (NaF), 100%, 95%. Sulfur (S), 99.7%, 99.5-100%, 99.5%, 99-100%, 99%, 98-991/,%, 98-99%, 98%, 97%, 95%. Carbon Bisulfid (CS,), 97-99.9%, 97%. Dealers who wish to list their goods in accordance with these sug- gestions will be permitted to amend their application for License without further cost by simply filing a statement at the Insecticide Laboratory. When goods are guaranteed "Pure," or 100 per cent, they are considered as complying with the law if they do not fall below 95 per cent. Dealers using the expression "not less than" thereby ex- pressly waive the 5 per cent variation permitted under the law and become liable if their goods do not come strictly up to their guarantee. No dealer is required by law to make these higher guarantees, but when they have goods which they can safely guarantee higher than the law requires they have the right to the commercial advantage of their superior product, hence this plan for a voluntary higher guar- antee than provided by the Insecticide Law.