■11 Fy%^^^|" :/ -J--il a/ trie i ^7Ti^ • ■ •' ^^^^^^^^^^^^1 1m '^^^^^^^^^B THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA GIFT OF Robert Koshland S K ^ ^ Children of the Ghetto «^ Children of the Ghetto A Study of a Peculiar People BY I. ZANGWILL Author of "The Bachelors' Club," "The Big Bow Mystery, " The Old Maids' Club," " The King of Schnorrers," etc. Neb] gorit MACMILLAN AND CO. AND LONDON 1896 All rights reserved Copyright, 1892, by THE JEWISH PUBLICATION SOCIETY OF AMERICA. Copyright, 1895, By MACMILLAN AND CO. Set up and electrotyped April, 1895. Reprinted September, 1895 ; January, 1896. t / NorfaootJ 59reg8 J. S. Cushino; & Co. — Berwick & Smith Norwood Mass. U.S.A. p f(y^ 0^ GIFT ( hi Preface to the Third Edition, 'T^HE issue of a o7te-volume edition gives 7ne the oppor- timity of thanking the public and the critics for their kindly reception of this chart of a terra incognita, and of restoring the original sub- title, which is a reply to sotne criti- cisms upon its artistic form. The book is intended as a study, through typical figures, of a race ivhose pe?'sistence is the most 7'emarkable fact i7i the history of the world, the faith and morals of which it has so largely inoulded. At the request of numei'ous readers I have reluctantly added a glossary of ' Yiddish ' words and phrases, based on one sup- plied to the American edition by another haiid. I have omitted only those words which occur but once afid are then explained in the text ; and to each word I have added ari indication of the language from which it was drawft. This may please those who share Mr. Andrew Lang^s and Miss Rosa Dartle's desire for information. It will be seen that most of these despised words are pure Hebrew ; a language which never died off the lips of men, and which is the meditmi in which books are written all the world over even unto this day. I. Z. London, March, 1893. M899444 Contents, Book I. The Children of the Ghetto. CHAPTER PAGE Proem ......... ix I. The Bread of Affliction ...... 3 II. The Sweater lO lit Malka 30 IV. The Redemption of the Son and the Daughter . 47 V. The Pauper AUen 64 VI. " Reb " Shemuel 75 VII. The Neo-Hebrew Poet 84 VIII. Esther and her Children ..... 98 IX. Dutch Debby 113 X. A Silent Family ....... 121 XL The Purim Ball . 127 XII. . 141 XIII. Sugarman's Barmitzvah Party .... ■ 154 XIV. The Hope of the Family . 165 XV. The Holy Land League ..... 178 XVI. The Courtship of Shosshi Shmendrik . ■ 193 XVII. The Hyams's Honeymoon 209 XVIII. . 221 XIX. With the Strikers ...... • 234 CONTENTS. CHAPTER XX. The Hope Extinct XXI. The Jargon Players XXII. " For Auld Lang Syne, My Dear " XXIII. The Dead Monkey XXIV. The Shadow of Religion XXV. Seder Night Book II. The Grandchildren of the Ghetto I. The Christmas Dinner . II. Raphael Leon III. " The Flag of Judah " . IV. The Troubles of an Editor V. A Woman's Growth VI. Comedy or Tragedy? . VII. What the Years brought VIII. The Ends of a Generation IX. The " Flag " flutters . X. Esther defies the Universe XL Going Home XII. A Sheaf of Sequels XIII. The Dead Monkey again XIV. Sidney settles down XV. From Soul to Soul XVI. Love's Temptation XVII. The Prodigal Son . XVIII. Hopes and Dreams PAGE 249 259 266 275 284 297 319 358 375 388 398 422 431 435 445 457 468 491 497 505 523 536 542 PROEM. Not here in our London Ghetto the gates and gaberdines of the olden Ghetto of the Eterjial City ; yet no lack of signs ex- ternal by whicii one may k?iow it, and those who dwell tJierein. lyts narrow streets have no specialty of architecture ; its dirt is jiot picturesque. It is no longer the stage for the high-buskined tragedy of tfiassacre and martyrdom ; ofily for the obscurer, deeper tragedy that evolves from the pressure of its own inward forces, and the long-drawn-out tragi-comedy of sordid and shifty poverty. IJVatheless, this London Ghetto of ours is a region where, amid uncleamtess and squalor, the rose of rojnaiice blows yet a little lotiger i7i the raw air of English reality ; a world which hides beneath its stony and iinlovely surface an ijuier world of dreams, fantastic and poetic as the jnirage of the Orient where they were woven, of superstitions grotesque as the cathedral gargoyles of the Dark Ages in which they had birth. And over all lie tenderly some streaks of celestial light shifting from the face of the great Lawgiveh, The folk who compose our pictures are children of the Ghetto ; their faults are bred of its hover iiig miasma of persecution, their virtues straitened and intensified by the narrowness of its hori- zon. And they who have won their way beyond its boundaries jnust still play their parts in tragedies atid comedies — tragedies of spiritual struggle, comedies of material ambition — which are the after?nath of its centuries of dominance, the sequel of that long cruel night in Jewry which coincides with the Chris- tian Era. If they are not the Children, they are at least the Grandchildren of the Ghetto. The particular Ghetto that is the dark background upon which our pictures will be cast, is of voluntary formation. X PROEM. People who have been Hving in a Ghetto for a couple of cen- turies, are not able to step outside merely because the gates are thrown down, nor to efface the brands on their souls by putting off the yellow badges. The isolation imposed from without will have come to seem the law of their being. But a minority will pass, by units, into the larger, freer, stranger life amid the execrations of an ever-dwindling majority. For better or for worse, or for both, the Ghetto will be gradually abandoned, till at last it becomes only a swarming place for the poor and the ignorant, huddling together for social warmth. Such people are their own Ghetto gates ; when they migrate they carry them across the sea to lands where they are not. Into the heart of East London there poured from Russia, from Poland, from Ger- many, from Holland, streams of Jewish exiles, refugees, settlers, few as well-to-do as the Jew of the proverb, but all rich in their cheerfulness, their industry, and their cleverness. The majority bore with them nothing but their phylacteries and praying shawls, and a good-natured contempt for Christians and Chris- tianity. For the Jew has rarely been embittered by persecution. He knows that he is in Golitth, in exile, and that the days of the Messiah are not yet, and he looks upon the persecutor merely as the stupid instrument of an all-wise Providence. So that these poor Jews were rich in all the virtues, devout yet tolerant, and strong in their reliance on Faith, Hope, and more especially Charity. In the early days of the nineteenth century, all Israel were brethren. Even the pioneer colony of wealthy Sephardim — descendants of the Spanish crypto-Jews who had reached Eng- land via Holland — had modified its boycott of the poor Ashke- nazic immigrants, now they were become an overwhelming majority. There was a superior stratum of Anglo-German Jews who had had time to get on, but all the Ashkenazic tribes lived very much like a happy family, the poor not stand-offish towards the rich, but anxious to afford them opportunities for well-doing. The Schjiorrer felt no false shame in his begging. He knew it was the rich man's duty to give him unleavened bread at Pass- over, and coals in the winter, and odd half-crowns at all seasons ; PROEM. xi and he regarded himself as the Jacob's ladder by which the rich man mounted to Paradise. But, like all genuine philanthropists, he did not look for gratitude. He felt that virtue was its own reward, especially when he sat in Sabbath vesture at the head of his table on Friday nights, and thanked God in an operatic aria for the white cotton table-cloth and the fried sprats. He sought personal interviews with the most majestic magnates, and had humorous repartees for their lumbering censure. As for the rich, they gave charity unscrupulously — in the same Oriental, unscientific, informal spirit in which the Dayanim, those cadis of the East End, administered justice. The Takif, or man of substance, was as accustomed to the palm of the men- dicant outside the Great Synagogue as to the rattling pyx within. They lived in Bury Street, and Prescott Street, and Finsbury — these aristocrats of the Ghetto — in mansions that are now but congeries of "apartments.'^ Few relations had they with Bel- gravia, but many with Petticoat Lane and the Great Shool, the stately old synagogue which has always been illuminated by candles and still refuses all modern light. The Spanish Jews had a more ancient s/ioga, but it was within a stone's throw of the "Duke's Place" edifice. Decomm was not a feature of synagogue worship in those days, nor was the Almighty yet con- ceived as the holder of formal receptions once a week. Wor- shippers did not pray with bated breath, as if afraid that the deity would overhear them. They were at ease in Zion. They passed the snuff-boxes and remarks about the weather. The opportunities of skipping afforded by a too exuberant liturgy pro- moted conversation, and even stocks were discussed in the terri- ble longueurs induced by the meaningless ministerial repetition of prayers already said by the congregation, or by the official recitations of catalogues of purchased benedictions. Sometimes, of course, this announcement of the offertory was interesting, especially when there was sensational competition. The great people bade in guineas for the privilege of rolling up the Scroll of the Law or drawing the Curtain of the Ark, or saying a par- ticular Kaddish if they were mourners, and then thrills of rever- ence went round the congregation. The social hierarchy was to xii PROEM. some extent graduated by synagogal contributions, and whoever could afford only a little offering had it announced as a "gift" — a vague term which might equally be the covering of a reticent munificence. Very few persons, " called up '' to the reading of the Law, escaped at the cost they had intended, for one is easily led on by an insinuative official incapable of taking low views of the donor's generosity and a little deaf. The moment prior to the decla- ration of the amount was quite exciting for the audience. On Sabbaths and festivals the authorities could not write down these sums, for writing is w^ork and work is forbidden ; even to write them in the book and volume of their brain would have been to charge their memories with an illegitimate if not an impossible burden. Parchment books on a peculiar system with holes in the pages and laces to go through the holes solved the problem of bookkeeping without pen and ink. It is possible that many of the worshippers were tempted to give beyond their means for fear of losing the esteem of the Shatninos or Beadle, a potent personage only next in influence to the President whose overcoat he obsequiously removed on the greater man's annual visit to the synagogue. The Beadle's eye was all over the Shool at once, and he could settle an altercation about seats without missing a single response. His automatic amens resounded magnificently through the synagogue, at once a stimulus and a rebuke. It was probably as a concession to him that poor men, who were neither seat-holders nor wearers of chimney-pot hats, were penned within an iron enclosure near the door of the build- ing and ranged on backless benches, and it says much for the authority of the Shammos that not even the Schnon-er contested it. Prayers w-ere shouted rapidly by the congregation, and elab- orately sung by the CJiasan. The minister was Vox et praterea nihil. He was the only musical instrument permitted, and on him devolved the whole onus of making the service attractive. He succeededSC^e was helped by the sociability of the gather- ing — for the Synagogue was virtually a Jewish Club, the focus of the sectarian life/^ "sHard times and bitter had some of the fathers of the Ghetto, ■i PROEM, xiii but they ate their dry bread with the salt of humor, loved their wives, and praised God for His mercies. ,' Unwitting of the genealogies that would be found for them by their prosperous grandchildren, old clo' men plied their trade in ambitious con- tent. They were meek and timorous outside the Ghetto, walking warily for fear of the Christian. Sufferance was still the badge of all their tribe. Yet that there were Jews who held their heads high, let the following legend tell : Few men could shuffle along more inoffensively or cry "• Old Clo' '" with a meeker twitter than Sleepy Sol. The old man crawled one day, bowed with humility and clo'-bag, into a military mews and uttered his trem- ulous chirp. To him came one of the hostlers with insolent beetling brow. " Any gold lace ? '^ faltered Sleepy Sol. " Get out ! " roared the hostler. " ril give you de best prices,'' pleaded Sleepy Sol. "Get out!" repeated the hostler and hustled the old man into the street. ''If I catch you 'ere again, I'll break your neck." Sleepy Sol loved his neck, but j;he profit on gold lace torn from old uniforms was high. Next week he crept into the mews again, trusting to meet another hostler. "Clo' ! Clo' !" he chirped faintly. Alas! the brawny bully was to the fore again and recognized him. " You dirty old Jew," he cried. " Take that, and that ! The next time I sees you, you'll go 'ome on a shutter." The old man took that, and that, and went on his way. The next day he came again. " Clo' ! Clo' ! " he whimpered. " What ! " said the ruffian, his coarse cheeks flooded with angry blood. "Ev yer forgotten what I promised yer?" He seized Sleepy Sol by the scruff of the neck. " I say, why can't you leave the old man alone ? " The hostler stared at the protester, whose presence he had not noticed in the pleasurable excitement of the moment. It was a Jewish young man, indifferently attired in a pepper-and-salt suit. The muscular hostler measured him scornfully with his eye. xiv PROEM. "What's to do with you?'^ he said, with studied contempt. " Nothing," admitted the intruder. " And what harm is he doing you? " " That's my bizness," answered the hostler, and tightened his clutch of Sleepy SoPs nape. "Well, you'd better not mind it," answered the young man calmly. " Let go." The hostler's thick lips emitted a disdainful laugh. "Let go, d'you hear?" repeated the young man. "I'll let go at your nose," said the hostler, clenching his knobby fist. " Very well," said the young man. " Then 111 pull yours." " Oho ! " said the hostler, his scowl growing fiercer. " Yer means bizness, does yer ? " With that he sent Sleepy Sol staggering along the road and rolled up his shirt-sleeves. His coat was already off. The young man did not remove his ; he quietly assumed the defensive. The hostler sparred up to him with grim earnest- ness, and launched a terrible blow at his most characteristic feature. The young man blandly put it on one side, and planted a return blow on the hostler's ear. Enraged, his oppo- nent sprang upon him. The young Jew paralyzed him by putting his left hand negligently into his pocket. With his remaining hand he closed the hostler's right eye, and sent the flesh about it into mourning. Then he carelessly tapped a little blood from the hostler's nose, gave him a few thumps on the chest as if to test the strength of his lungs, and laid him sprawl- ing in the courtyard. A brother hostler ran out from the stables and gave a cry of astonishment. " You'd better wipe his face," said the young man curtly. The newcomer hurried back towards the stables. " Vait a moment," said Sleepy Sol. " I can sell you a sponge sheap ; I've got a beauty in my bag." There were plenty of sponges about, but the newcomer bought the second-hand sponge. "Do you want any more?" the young man affably inquired of his prostrate adversary. PROEM. XV The hostler gave a groan. He was shamed before a friend whom he had early convinced of his fistic superiority. " No, I reckon he don't/' said his friend, with a knowing grin at the conqueror. "Then I will wish you a good day," said the young man. " Come along, father." "Yes, ma son-in-law," said Sleepy Sol. "Do you know who that was, Joe?" said his friend, as he sponged away the blood. Joe shook his head. " That was Dutch Sam," said his friend in an awe-struck whisper. All Joe's body vibrated with surprise and respect. Dutch Sam was the champion bruiser of his time ; in private life an eminent dandy and a prime favorite of His Majesty George IV., and Sleepy Sol had a beautiful daughter and was perhaps pre- possessing himself when washed for the Sabbath. "Dutch Sam!" Joe repeated. "Dutch Sam! Why, we've got his picter hanging up inside, only he's naked to the waist." "Well, strike me lucky! What a fool I was not to rekkernize 'im!" His battered face brightened up. " No wonder he licked fii me; Except for the comparative infrequency of the more bestial types of men and women, Judaea has always been a cosmos in little, and its prize-fighters and scientists, its philosophers and " fences," its gymnasts and money-lenders, its scholars and stock- brokers, its musicians, chess-players, poets, comic singers, luna- tics, saints, publicans, politicians, warriors, poltroons, mathema- ticians, actors, foreign correspondents, have always been in the first rank. NiJiil alieniDii a se JitdcEiis piitat. Joe and his friend fell to recalling Dutch Sam's great feats. Each out-vied the other in admiration for the supreme pugilist. Next day Sleepy Sol came rampaging down the courtyard. He walked at the rate of five miles to the hour, and despite the weight of his bag his head pointed to the zenith. "Clo'!" he shrieked. "Clo'!" xvi PROEM. Joe the hostler came out. His head was bandaged, and in his hand was gold lace. It was something even to do business with a hero's father-in-law. But it is given to few men to marry their daughters to cham- pion boxers ; and as Dutch Sam was not a Don Quixote, the average peddler or huckster never enjoyed the luxury of prancing gait and cock-a-hoop business cry. The primitive fathers of the Ghetto might have borne themselves more jauntily had tliey fore- seen that they were to be the ancestors of mayors and aldermen descended from Castilian hidalgos and Polish kings, and that an unborn historian would conclude that the Ghetto of their day was peopled by princes in disguise. T They would have been as surprised to learn who they were as to be informed that they were orthodox. The great Reform split did not occur till well on towards the middle of the century, and the Jews of those days were unable to conceive that a man could be a Jew without eating kosher meat, and they would have looked upon the modern distinctions between racial and religious Jews as the sophistries of the convert or the missionary^' If their religious life converged to the Great Shool, their social life focussed on Petticoat Lane, a long, narrow thoroughfare which, as late as Strype's day, was lined with beautiful trees ; vastly more pleasant they must have been than the faded barrows and beggars of after days. The Lane — such was its affectionate sobriquet — was the stronghold of hard-shell Judaism, the Alsatia of " infidelity " into which no missionary dared set foot, especially no apostate-apostlei^> Even in modern days the new-fangled Jewish minister of the fashion- able suburb, rigged out like the Christian clergyman, has been mistaken for such a Meshiimad, and pelted with gratuitous vege- tables and eleemosynary eggs. The Lane was always the great market-place, and every insalubrious street and alley abutting on it was covered with the overflowings of its commerce and its mud. Wentworth Street and Goulston Street were the chief branches, and in festival times the latter was a pandemonium of caged poultry, clucking and quacking and cackling and scream- ing. Fowls and geese and ducks were bought alive, and taken to have their throats cut for a fee by the official slaughterer. At PROEM. xvii Purim a gaiety, as of the Roman carnival, enlivened the swampy Wentworth Street, and brought a smile into the unwashed face of the pavement. The confectioners^ shops, crammed with " stuffed monkeys " and '' bolas,'' were -besieged by hilarious crowds of handsome girls and their young men, fat women and their children, all washing down the luscious spicy compounds with cups of chocolate ; temporarily erected swinging cradles bore a vociferous many-colored burden to the skies ; cardboard noses, grotesque in their departure from truth, abounded. The Purim spiel or Purim play never took root in England, nor was Haman ever burnt in the streets, but Shalachmonos, or gifts of the season, passed between friend and friend, and masquerading parties burst into neighbors' houses. But the Lane was lively enough on the ordinary Friday and Sunday. The famous Sun- day Fair was an event of metropolitan importance, and thither came buyers of every sect. The Friday Fair was more local, and confined mainly to edibles. The Ante-Festival Fairs combined something of the other two, for Jews desired to sport new hats and clothes for the holidays as well as to eat extra luxuries, and took the opportunity of a well-marked epoch to invest in new every things from oil -cloth to cups and saucers. Especially was this so at Passover, when for a week the poorest Jew must use a supplementary set of crockery and kitchen utensils. A babel of sound, audible for several streets around, denoted Market Day in Petticoat Lane, and the pavements were blocked by serried crowds going both ways at once. It was only gradually that the community was Anglicized. Under the sway of centrifugal impulses, the wealthier members began to form new colonies, moulting their old feathers and replacing them by finer, and flying ever further from the centre. Men of organizing ability founded unrivalled philanthropic and educational institutions on British lines ; millionaires fought for political emancipation ; brokers brazenly foisted themselves on 'Change ; ministers gave sermons in bad English ; an English journal was started ; very slowly, the conventional Anglican tradition was established ; and on that human palimpsest which has borne the inscriptions of all languages and all epochs, was xviii PROEM. writ large the sign-manual of England. Judaea prostrated itself before the Dagon of its hereditary foe, the Philistine, and re- spectability crept on to freeze the blood of the Orient with its frigid finger, and to blur the vivid tints of the East into the uniform gray of English middle-class life. Qn the period within which our story moves, only vestiges of the old gaiety and brotherhood remained ; the full al fresco flavor was evaporated^ And to-day they are all dead — the Takeefitn with big hearts and bigger purses, and the humorous Sc/uiorrers, who accepted their gold, and the cheerful pious peddlers who rose from one extreme to the other, building up fabulous fortunes in marvellous ways. The young mothers, who suckled their babes in the sun, have passed out of the sunshine ; yea, and the babes, too, have gone down with gray heads to the dust. Dead are the fair fat women, with tender hearts, who waddled benignantly through life, ever ready to shed the sympathetic tear, best of wives, and cooks, and mothers ; dead are the bald, ruddy old men, who ambled about in faded carpet slippers, and passed the snuflf-box of peace ; dead are the stout-hearted youths who sailed away to Tom Tiddler's ground, and dead are the buxom maidens they led under the wedding canopy when they returned. Even the great Dr. Sequira, pompous in white stockings, physician ex- traordinary to the Prince Regent of Portugal, lies vanquished by his life-long adversary and the Baal Shem himself. King of Cabalists, could command no countervailing miracle. Where are the little girls in white pinafores with pink sashes who brightened the Ghetto on high days and holidays? Where is the beauteous Betsy of the Victoria Ballet? and where the jocund synagogue dignitary who led off the cotillon with her at the annual Rejoicing of the Law? Worms have long since picked the great financier's brain, the embroidered waistcoats of the bucks have passed even beyond the stage of adorning sweeps on May Day, and Dutch Sam's fist is bonier than ever. The same mould covers them all — those who donated guineas and those who donated " gifts," the rogues and the hypocrites, and the wedding-drolls, the observant and the lax, the purse-proud and the lowly, the coarse and the genteel, the wonderful chap- PROEM. xix men and the luckless Schlemzhls, Rabbi and Dayan and Shochet^ the scribes who wrote the sacred scroll and the cantors who trolled it off mellifluous tongues, and the betting-men who never listened to it ; the grimy Russians of the capotes and the ear- locks, and the blue-blooded Dons, " the gentlemen of the Mahamad," who ruffled it with swords and knee-breeches in the best Christian society. Those who kneaded the toothsome " bolas " lie with those who ate them ; and the marriage-brokers repose with those they mated. The olives and the cucumbers grow green and fat as of yore, but their lovers are mixed with a soil that is barren of them. The restless, bustling crowds that jostled laughingly in Rag Fair are at rest in the " House of Life ; " the pageant of their strenuous generation is vanished as a dream. They died with the declaration of God's unity on their stiffening lips, and the certainty of resurrection in their pulseless hearts, and a faded Hebrew inscription on a tomb, or an unread entry on a synagogue brass is their only record. And yet, perhaps, their generation is not all dust. Perchance, here and there, some decrepit centenarian rubs his purblind eyes with the ointment of memory, and sees these pictures of the past, hallowed by the consecration of time, and finds his shrivelled cheek wet with the pathos sanctifying the joys that have been. Book I. CHILDREN OF THE GHETTO. CHAPTER I. THE BREAD OF AFFLICTION. A DEAD and gone wag called the street " Fashion Street," and most of the people who live in it do not even see the joke. If it could exchange names with " Rotten Row," both places would be more appropriately designated. It is a dull, squalid, narrow thor- oughfare in the East End of London, connecting Spitalfields with Whitechapel, and branching off in blind alleys. In the days when little Esther Ansell trudged its unclean pavements, its extremities were within earshot of the blasphemies from some of the vilest quarters and filthiest rookeries in the capital of the civilized world. Some of these clotted spiders'-webs have since been swept away by the besom of the social reformer, and the spiders have scurried off into darker crannies. There were the conventional touches about the London street- picture, as Esther Ansell sped through the freezing mist of the December evening, with a pitcher in her hand, looking in her oriental coloring like a miniature of Rebecca going to the well. A female street-singer, with a trail of infants of dubious mater- nity, troubled the air with a piercing melody ; a pair of slatterns with arms a-kimbo reviled each other's relatives ; a drunkard lurched along, babbling amiably ; an organ-grinder, blue-nosed as his monkey, set some ragged children jigging under the watery rays of a street-lamp. Esther drew her little plaid shawl tightly around her, and ran on without heeding these familiar details, her chilled feet absorbing the damp of the murky pavement through the worn soles of her cumbrous boots. They were mas- culine boots, kicked off by some intoxicated tramp and picked up by Esther's father. Moses Ansell had a habit of lighting on windfalls, due, perhaps, to his meek manner of walking with bent head, as though literally bowed beneath the yoke of the Captiv- 3 4 CHILDREN OF THE GHETTO. ity. Providence rewarded him for his humihty by occasional treasure-trove. Esther had received a pair of new boots from her school a week before, and the substitution of the tramp's foot-gear for her own resulted in a net profit of half-a-crown, and kept Esther's little brothers and sisters in bread for a week. At school, under her teacher's eye, Esther was very unobtrusive about the feet for the next fortnight, but as the fear of being found out died away, even her rather morbid conscience condoned the deception in view of the stomachic gain. They gave away bread and milk at the school, too, but Esther and her brothers and sisters never took either, for fear of being thought in want of them. The superiority of a class-mate is hard to bear, and a high-spirited child will not easily acknowledge star- vation in presence of a roomful of purse-proud urchins, some of them able to spend a farthing a day on pure luxuries. Moses Ansell would have been grieved had he known his children were refusing the bread he could not give them. Trade was slack in the sweating dens, and Moses, who had always lived from hand to mouth, had latterly held less than ever between the one and the other. He had applied for help to the Jewish Board of Guardians, but red-tape rarely unwinds as quickly as hunger coils itself; moreover, Moses was an old offender in poverty at the Court of Charity. But there was one species of alms which Moses could not be denied, and the existence of which Esther could not conceal from him as she concealed that of the elee- mosynary breakfasts at the school. For it was known to all men that soup and bread were to be had for the asking thrice a week at the Institution in Fashion Street, and in the Ansell household the opening of the soup-kitchen was looked forward to as the dawn of a golden age, when it would be impossible to pass more than one day without bread. The vaguely-remembered smell of the soup threw a poetic fragrance over the coming winter. Every year since Esther's mother had died, the child had been sent to fetch home the provender, for Moses, who was the only other available member of the family, was always busy praying when he had nothing better to do. And so to-night Esther fared to the kitchen, with her red pitcher, passing in her childish eagerness THE BREAD OF AFFLICTION. 5 numerous women shuffling along on the same errand, and bearing uncouth tin cans supphed by the institution. An individualistic instinct of cleanliness made Esther prefer the family pitcher. To-day this liberty of choice has been taken away, and the regulation can, numbered and stamped, serves as a soup-ticket. There was quite a crowd of applicants outside the stable-like doors of the kitchen when Esther arrived, a few with well-lined stomachs, perhaps, but the majority famished and shivering. The feminine element swamped the rest, but there were about a dozen men and a few children among the group, most of the men scarce taller than the children — strange, stunted, swarthy, hairy creat- ures, with muddy complexions illumined by black, twinkling eyes. A few were of imposing stature, wearing coarse, dusty felt hats or peaked caps, with shaggy beards or faded scarfs around their throats. Here and there, too, was a woman of comely face and figure, but for the most part it was a collection of crones, prematurely aged, with weird, wan, old-world features, slip-shod and draggle-tailed, their heads bare, or covered with dingy shawls in lieu of bonnets — red shawls, gray shawls, brick-dust shawls, mud-colored shawls. Yet there was an indefinable touch of romance and pathos about the tawdriness and witch-like ugli- ness, and an underlying identity about the crowd of Polish, Rus- sian, German, Dutch Jewesses, mutually apathetic, and pressing forwards- Some of them had infants at their barff breasts, who drowsed quietly with intervals of ululation. The women devoid of shawls had nothing around their necks to protect them from the cold, the dusky throats were exposed, and sometimes even the first hooks and eyes of the bodice were unnecessarily undone. The majority wore cheap earrings and black wigs with preter- naturally polished hair ; where there was no wig, the hair was touzled. At half-past five the stable-doors were thrown open, and the crowd pressed through a long, narrow white-washed stone cor- ridor into a barn-like compartment, with a white-washed ceiling traversed by wooden beams. Within this compartment, and leaving but a narrow, circumscribing border, was a sort of cattle- pen, into which the paupers crushed, awaiting amid discomfort 6 CHILDREN OF THE GHETTO. and universal jabber the divine moment. The single jet of gas-light depending from the ceiling flared upon the strange simian faces, and touched them into a grotesque picturesque- ness that would have delighted Dore. They felt hungry, these picturesque people ; their near and dear ones were hungering at home. Voluptuously savoring in imagination the operation of the soup, they forgot its operation as a dole in aid of wages ; were unconscious of the grave econom- ical possibilities of pauperization and the rest, and quite willing to swallow their independence with the soup. Even Esther, who had read much, and was sensitive, accepted unquestioningly the theory of the universe that was held by most people about her, that human beings were distinguished from animals in having to toil terribly for a meagre crust, but that their lot was lightened by the existence of a small and semi-divine class called Takeejiin^ or rich people, who gave away what they didn't want. How these rich people came to be, Esther did not inquire ; they were as much a part of the constitution of things as clouds and horses. The semi-celestial variety was rarely to be met with. It lived far away from the Ghetto, and a small family of it was said to occupy a whole house. Rep- resentatives of it, clad in rustling silks or impressive broad-cloth, and radiating an indefinable aroma of superhumanity, some- times came 40 the school, preceded by the beaming Head Mistress ; and then all the little girls rose and curtseyed, and the best of them, passing as average members of the class, astonished the semi-divine persons by their intimate acquaint- ance with the topography of the Pyrenees and the disagree- ments of Saul and David, the intercourse of the two species ending in effusive smiles and general satisfaction. But the dullest of the girls was alive to the comedy, and had a good- humored contempt for the unworldliness of the semi-divine persons who spoke to them as if they were not going to recom- mence squabbling, and pulling one another's hair, and copying one another's sums, and stealing one another's needles, the moment the semi-celestial backs were turned. To-night, semi-divine persons were to be seen in a galaxy THE BREAD OF AFFLICTION. 7 of splendor, for in the reserved standing-places, behind the white deal counter, was gathered a group of philanthropists. The room was an odd-shaped polygon, partially lined with eight boilers, whose great wooden lids were raised by pulleys and balanced by red-painted iron balls. In the corner stood the cooking-engine. Cooks in white caps and blouses stirred the steaming soup with long wooden paddles. A tradesman be- sought the attention of the Jewish reporters to the improved boiler he had manufactured, and the superintendent adjured the newspaper men not to omit his name ; while amid the soberly-clad clergymen flitted, like gorgeous humming-birds through a flock of crows, the marriageable daughters of an east-end minister. When a sufficient number of semi-divinities was gathered together, the President addressed the meeting at considerable length, striving to impress upon the clergymen and other phi- lanthropists present that charity was a virtue, and appealing to the Bible, the Koran, and even the Vedas, for confirmation of his proposition. Early in his speech the sliding door that sepa- rated the cattle-pen from the kitchen proper had to be closed, because the jostling crowd jabbered so much and inconsiderate infants squalled, and there did not seem to be any general desire to hear the President's ethical views. They were a low material lot, who thought only of their bellies, and did but chatter the louder when the speech was shut out. They had overflowed their barriers by this time, and were surging cruelly to and fro, and Esther had to keep her elbows close to her sides lest her arms should be dislocated. Outside the stable doors a shifting array of boys and girls hovered hungrily and curiously. When the President had finished, the Rabbinate was invited to address the philanthropists, which it did at not less length, eloquently seconding the proposition that_ charity was a virtue. Then the door was slid back, and the first two paupers were admitted, the rest of the crowd being courageously kept at bay by the super- intendent. The head cook filled a couple of plates with soup, dipping a great pewter pot into the cauldron. The Rabbinate then uplifted its eyes heavenwards, and said the grace : 8 CHILDREN OF THE GHETTO. " Blessed art Thou, O Lord, King of the Universe, according to whose word all things exist." It then tasted a spoonful of the soup, as did also the President and several of the visitors, the passage of the fluid along the palate invariably evoking approving ecstatic smiles ; and indeed, there was more body in it this opening night than there would be later, when, in due course, the bulk of the meat would take its legitimate place among the pickings of office. The sight of the delighted deglutition of the semi-divine persons made Es- ther's mouth water as she struggled for breathing space on the outskirts of Paradise. The impatience which fretted her was almost allayed by visions of stout-hearted Solomon and gentle Rachel and whimpering little Sarah and Ikey, all gulping down the delicious draught. Even the more stoical father and grand- mother were a little in her thoughts. The Ansells had eaten nothing but a slice of dry bread each in the morning. Here before her, in the land of Goshen, flowing with soup, was piled up a heap of halves of loaves, while endless other loaves were ranged along the shelves as for a giant's table. Esther looked ravenously at the four-square tower built of edible bricks, shiver- ing as the biting air sought out her back through a sudden in- terstice in the heaving mass. The draught reminded her more keenlv of her little ones huddled together in the fireless garret at home. Ah! what a happy night was in store. She must not let them devour the two loaves to-night ; that would be criminal extravagance. No, one would suffice for the banquet, the other must be carefully put by. " To-morrow is also a day," as the old grandmother used to say in her quaint jargon. But the banquet was not to be spread as fast as Esther's fancy could fly ; the doors must be shut again, other semi-divine and wholly divine persons (in white ties) must move and second (with eloquence and length) votes of thanks to. the President, the Rabbinate, and all other available recipients ; a French visitor must express his admiration of English charity. But at last the turn of the gnawing stomachs came. The motley crowd, still babbling, made a slow, forward movement, squeezing painfully through the narrow aperture, and shivering a plate glass window pane at THE BREAD OF AFFLICTION. 9 the side of the cattle-pen in the crush ; the semi-divine persons rubbed their hands and smiled genially ; ingenious paupers tried to dodge round to the cauldrons by the semi-divine entrance ; the tropical humming-birds fluttered among -the crows; there was a splashing of ladles and a gurgling of cascades of soup into the cans, and a hubbub of voices ; a toothless, white-haired, blear- eyed hag lamented in excellent English that soup was refused her, owing to her case not having yet been investigated, and her tears moistened the one loaf she received. In like hard case a Russian threw himself on the stones and howled. But at last Esther was running through the mist, warmed by the pitcher which she hugged to her bosom, and suppressing the blind im- pulse to pinch the pair of loaves tied up in her pinafore. She almost flew up the dark flight of stairs to the attic in Royal Street. Little Sarah was sobbing querulously. Esther, con- scious of being an angel of deliverance, tried to take the last two steps at once, tripped and tumbled ignominiously against the garret-door, which flew back and let her fall into the room with a crash. The pitcher shivered into fragments under her aching little bosom, the odorous soup spread itself in an irreg- ular pool over the boards, and flowed under the two beds and dripped down the crevices into the room beneath. Esther burst into tears ; her frock was wet and greased, her hands were cut and bleeding. Little Sarah checked her sobs at the disaster. Moses Ansell was not yet returned from evening service, but the withered old grandmother, whose wizened face loomed through the gloom of the cold, unlit garret, sat up on the bed and cursed her angrily for a Schleinihl. A sense of injustice made Esther cry more bitterly. She had never broken anything for years past. Ikey, an eerie-looking dot of four and a half years, tot- tered towards her (all the Ansells had learnt to see in the dark), and nestling his curly head against her wet bodice, murmured : " Neva mind, Estie, I lat oo teep in my new bed." The consolation of sleeping in that imaginary new bed to the possession of which Ikey was always looking forward was appar- ently adequate ; for Esther got up from the floor and untied the loaves from her pinafore. A reckless spirit of defiance possessed 10 CHILDREN OF THE GHETTO. her, as of a gambler who throws good money after bad. They should have a mad revelry to-night — the two loaves should be eaten at once. One (minus a hunk for father's supper) would hardly satisfy six voracious appetites. Solomon and Rachel, irre- pressibly excited by the sight of the bread, rushed at it greedily, snatched a loaf from Esther's hand, and tore off a crust each with their fingers. " Heathen,'' cried the old grandmother. " Washing and bene- diction." Solomon was used to being called a '• heathen " by the Bube. He put on his cap and went grudgingly to the bucket of water that stood in a corner of the room, and tipped a drop over his fingers. It is to be feared that neither the quantity of water nor the area of hand covered reached even the minimum enjoined by Rabbinical law. He murmured something intended for Hebrew during the operation, and was beginning to mutter the devout little sentence which precedes the eating of bread when Rachel, who as a female was less driven to the lavatory ceremony, and had thus got ahead of him, paused in her ravenous mastication and made a wr}^ face. Solomon took a huge bite at his crust, then he uttered an inarticulate " pooh,"* and spat out his mouth- ful. There was no salt in the bread. CHAPTER II. THE SWEATER. The catastrophe was not complete. There were some long thin fibres of pale boiled meat, whose juices had gone to enrich the soup, lying about the floor or adhering to the fragments of the pitcher. Solomon, who was a curly-headed chap of infinite resource, discovered them, and it had just been decided to neu- tralize the insipidity of the bread by the far-away flavor of the meat, when a peremptory knocking was heard at the door, and a dazzling vision of beauty bounded into the room. THE SWEATER. 11 " 'Ere ! What are you doin', leavin' things leak through our ceiling?'' Becky Belcovitcli was a buxom, bouncing girl, with cherry cheeks that looked exotic in a land of pale faces. She wore a mass of black crisp ringlets aggressively suggestive of singeing and curl-papers. She was the belle of Royal Street in her spare time, and womanly triumphs dogged even her working hours. She was sixteen years old, and devoted her youth and beauty to buttonholes. In the East End, where a spade is a spade, a buttonhole is a buttonhole, and not a primrose or a pansy. There are two kinds of buttonhole — the coarse for slop goods and the fine for gentlemanly wear. Becky concentrated herself on superior buttonholes, which are worked with fine twist. She stitched them in her father's workshop, which was more comfortable than a stranger's, and better fitted for evading the Factory Acts. To-night she was radiant in silk and jewelry, and her pert snub nose had the insolence of felicity which Aga- memnon deprecated. Seeing her, you would have as soon con- nected her with Esoteric Buddhism as with buttonholes. The Bube explained the situation in voluble Yiddish, and made Esther wince again under the impassioned invective on her clumsiness. The old beldame expended enough oriental metaphor on the accident to fit up a minor poet. If the family died of starvation, their blood would be upon their grand- daughter's head. " Well, why don't you wipe it up, stupid ? " said Becky. " 'Ow would you like to pay for Pesach's new coat ? It just dripped past his shoulder." " I'm so sorry, Becky," said Esther, striving hard to master the tremor in her voice. And drawing a house-cloth from a mysterious recess, she went on her knees in a practical prayer for pardon. Becky snorted and went back to her sister's engagement- party. For this was the secret of her gorgeous vesture, of her glittering earrings, and her massive brooch, as it was the secret of the transformation of the Belcovitcli workshop (and living room) into a hall of dazzling light. Four separate gaunt bare 12 CHILDREN OF THE GHETTO. arms of iron gas-pipe lifted hymeneal torches. The labels from reels of cotton, pasted above the mantelpiece as indexes of work done, alone betrayed the past and future of the room. At a long narrow table, covered with a white table-cloth spread with rum, gin, biscuits and fruit, and decorated with two wax candles in tall, brass candlesticks, stood or sat a group of swarthy, neatly-dressed Poles, most of them in high hats. A few women wearing wigs, silk dresses, and gold chains wound round half- washed necks, stood about outside the inner circle. A stoop- ing black-bearded blear-eyed man in a long threadbare coat and a black skull cap, on either side of which hung a corkscrew curl, sat abstractedly eating the almonds and raisins, in the central place of honor which befits a Maggid. Before him were pens and ink and a roll of parchment. This was the engagement contract. The damages of breach of promise were assessed in advance and without respect of sex. Whichever side repented of the bargain undertook to pay ten pounds by way of compensation for the broken pledge. As a nation, Israel is practical and free from cant. Romance and moonshine are beautiful things, but behind the glittering veil are always the stern realities of things and the weaknesses of human nature. The high contracting parties were signing the document as Becky returned. The bridegroom, who halted a little on one leg, was a tall sallow man named Pesach Weingott. He was a boot-maker, who could expound the Talmud and play the fiddle, but was unable to earn a living. He was marrying Fanny Belcovitch because his parents-in-law would give him free board and lodging for a year, and because he liked her. Fanny was a plump, pulpy girl, not in the prime of youth. Her complexion was fair and her manner lymphatic, and if she was not so well-favored as her sister, she was more amiable and pleasant. She could sing sweetly in Yiddish and in English, and had once been a panto- mime fairy at ten shillings a week, and had even flourished a cutlass as a midshipman. But she had long since given up the stage, to become her father's right hand woman in the work- shop. She made coats from morning till midnight at a big THE SWEATER. 13 machine with a massive treadle, and had pains in her chest even before she fell in love with Pesach Weingott. There was a hubbub of congratulation (JMazzoltov^ MazzoltoVy good luck), and a palsy of handshaking, when the contract was signed. Remarks, grave and facetious, flew about in Yiddish, with phrases of Polish and Russian thrown in for auld lang syne, and cups and jugs were broken in reminder of the transiency of things mortal. The Belcovitches had been saving up their already broken crockery for the occasion. The hope was expressed that Mr. and Mrs. Belcovitch would live to see '• rejoicings " on their other daughter, and to see their daughters' daughters under the Chuppah, or wedding-canopy. Becky's hardened cheek blushed under the oppressive jocu- larity. Everybody spoke Yiddish habitually at No. i Royal Street, except the younger generation, and that spoke it to the elder. "I always said, no girl of mine should marry a Dutchman." It was a dominant thought of Mr. Belcovitch's, and it rose spon- taneously to his lips at this joyful moment. Next to a Christian, a Dutch Jew stood lowest in the gradation of potential sons-in- law. Spanish Jews, earliest arrivals by way of Holland, after the Restoration, are a class apart, and look down on the later im- ported As/ikenaznn, embracing both Poles and Dutchmen in their impartial contempt. But this does not prevent the Pole and the Dutchman from despising each other. To a Dutch or Russian Jew, the " Pullack," or Polish Jew, is a poor creature ; and scarce anything can exceed the complacency with which the "PuUack" looks down upon the '• Litvok " or Lithuanian, the degraded being whose Shibboleth is literally Sibboleth, and who says ''ee" where rightly constituted persons say " oo." To mimic the mincing pronunciation of the " Litvok " affords the " Pullack " a sense of superiority almost equalling that possessed by the English Jew, whose mispronunciation of the Holy Tongue is his title to rank far above all foreign varieties. Yet a vein of brotherhood runs beneath all these feelings of mutual superiority ; like the cliqueism which draws together old clo' dealers, though each gives fifty per cent, more than any other dealer in the 14 CHILDREN OF THE GHETTO. trade. The Dutch foregather in a district called "The Dutch Tenters ; '^ they eat voraciously, and almost monopolize the ice- cream, hot pea, diamond-cutting, cucumber, herring, and cigar trades. They are not so cute as the Russians. Their women are distinguished from other women by the flaccidity of their bodices ; some wear small woollen caps and sabots. When Esther read in her school-books that the note of the Dutch character was cleanliness, she wondered. She looked in vain for the scmpulously scoured floors and the shining caps and faces. Only in the matter of tobacco-smoke did the Dutch people she knew live up to the geographical " Readers." German Jews gravitate to Polish and Russian ; and French Jews mostly stay in France. Ici on ne pai'le pas Fi'anqais, is the only lingual certainty in the London Ghetto, which is a cosmopolitan quarter. " I always said no girl of mine should marry a Dutchman." Mr. Belcovitch spoke as if at the close of a long career devoted to avoiding Dutch alliances, forgetting that not even one of his daughters was yet secure. "Nor any girl of mine," said Mrs. Belcovitch, as if starting a separate proposition. " I would not trust a Dutchman with my medicine-bottle, much less with my Alte or my Becky. Dutch- men were not behind the door when the Almighty gave out noses, and their deceitfulness is in proportion to their noses." The company murmured assent, and one gentleman, with a rather large organ, concealed it in a red cotton handkerchief, trumpeting uneasily. " The Holy One, blessed be He, has given them larger noses than us," said the Afaggid, " because they have to talk through them so much." A guffaw greeted this sally. The Maggid'^s wit was relished even when not coming from the pulpit. To the outsider this disparagement of the Dutch nose might have seemed a case of pot calling kettle black. The Maggid poured himself out a glass of rum, under cover of the laughter, and murmuring " Life to you," in Hebrew, gulped it down, and added, " They oughtn't to call it the Dutch tongue, but the Dutch nose." THE SWEATER. 15 "Yes, I always wonder how they can understand one another," said Mrs. Belcovitch, ''with their cJiatiichayacatigeiuesepoopa.'''' She laughed heartily over her onomatopoetic addition to the Yiddish vocabulary, screwing up her nose to give it due effect. She was a small sickly-looking woman, with black eyes, and shrivelled skin, and the wdg without which no virtuous wife is complete. For a married woman must sacrifice her tresses on the altar of home, lest she snare other men wdth such sensuous baits. As a rule, she enters into the spirit of the self-denying ordinance so enthusiastically as to become hideous hastily in every other respect. It is forgotten that a husband is also a man. Mrs. Belcovitch's head was not completely shaven and shorn, for a lower stratum of an unmatched shade of brown peeped out in front of the shaitel, not even coinciding as to the route of the central parting. Meantime Pesach Weingott and Alte (Fanny) Belcovitch held each other's hand, guiltily conscious of Batavian corpuscles in the young man's blood. Pesach had a Dutch uncle, but as he had never talked like him Alte alone knew. Alte wasn't her real name, by the way, and Alte was the last person in the world to know what it was. She was the Belcovitches' first successful child ; the others all died before she was born. Driven frantic by a fate crueller than barrenness, the Belcovitches consulted an old Polish Rabbi, who told them they displayed too much fond solicitude for their children, provoking Heaven thereby ; in future, they were to let no one but themselves know their next child's name, and never to whisper it till the child was safely married. In such wise, Heaven would not be incessantly reminded of the existence of their dear one, and w'ould not go out of its way to castigate them. The ruse succeeded, and Alte was anxiously waiting to change both her names under the C/iiippah, and to gratify her life-long curiosity on the subject. Meantime, her mother had been calling her " Alte," or " old 'un," which sounded endearing to the child, but grated on the woman arriv- ing ever nearer to the years of discretion. Occasionally, Mrs. Belcovitch succumbed to the prevailing tendency, and called her "Fanny," just as she sometimes thought of herself as Mrs. Bel- 16 CHILDREN OF THE GHETTO. covitch, though her name was Kosminski. When Alte first went to school in London, the Head Mistress said, " Whaf s your name? " The little " old 'un'' had not sufficient English to understand the question, but she remembered that the Head Mistress had made the same sounds to the preceding applicant, and, where some little girls would have put their pinafores to their eyes and cried, Fanny showed herself full of resource. As the last little girl, though patently awe-struck, had come off with flying colors, merely by whimpering " Fanny Belcovitch,*' Alte imitated these sounds as well as she was able. ''Fanny Belcovitch, did you say?" said the Head Mistress, pausing with arrested pen. Alte nodded her flaxen poll vigorously. " Fanny Belcovitch," she repeated, getting the syllables better on a second hearing. The Head Mistress turned to an assistant. *' Isn't it astonishing how names repeat themselves ? Two girls, one after the other, both with exactly the same name." They were used to coincidences in the school, where, by reason of the tribal relationship of the pupils, there was a great run on some half-a-dozen names. Mr. Kosminski took several years to understand that Alte had disowned him. When it dawned upon him he was not angry, and acquiesced in his fate. It was the only domestic detail in which he had allowed himself to be led by his children. Like his wife, Chayah, he was gradually per- suaded into the belief that he was a born Belcovitch, or at least that Belcovitch was Kosminski translated into English. Blissfully unconscious of the Dutch taint in Pesach Weingott, Bear Belcovitch bustled about in reckless hospitality. He felt that engagements were not every-day events, and that even if his whole half-sovereign's worth of festive provision was swal- lowed up, he would not mind much. He wore a high hat, a well-preserved black coat, with a cutaway waistcoat, showing a quantity of glazed shirtfront and a massive watch chain. They were his Sabbath clothes, and, like the Sabbath they honored, were of immemorial antiquity. The shirt served him for seven Sabbaths, or a week of Sabbaths, being carefully folded after THE SWEATER. 17 each. His boots had the Sabbath poHsh. The hat was the one he bought when he first set up as a Baal Habaas or respectable pillar of the synagogue ; for even in the smallest Chevra the high hat comes next in sanctity to the Scroll of the Law, and he who does not wear it may never hope to attain to congregational dignities. The gloss on that hat was wonderful, considering it had been out unprotected in all winds and weathers. Not that Mr. Belcovitch did not possess an umbrella. He had two, — one of fine new silk, the other a medley of broken ribs and cotton rags. Becky had given him the first to prevent the family dis- grace of the spectacle of his promenades with the second. But he would not carry the new one on week-days because it w^as too good. And on Sabbaths it is a sin to carry any umbrella. So Becky's self-sacrifice was vain, and her umbrella stood in the corner, a standing gratification to the proud possessor. Kos- minski had had a hard fight for his substance, and was not given to waste. He was a tall, harsh-looking man of fifty, with griz- zled hair, to whom life meant work, and work meant money, and money meant savings. In Parliamentary Blue-Books, English newspapers, and the Berner Street Socialistic Club, he was called a " sweater,'' and the comic papers pictured him with a protuber- ant paunch and a greasy smile, but he had not the remotest idea that he was other than a God-fearing, industrious, and even philanthropic citizen. The measure that had been dealt to him he did but deal to others. He saw no reason why immigrant paupers should not live on a crown a week while he taught them how to handle a press-iron or work a sewing machine. They were much better off than in Poland. He would have been glad of such an income himself in those terrible first days of English life when he saw his wife and his two babes starving before his eyes, and was only precluded from investing a casual twopence in poison by ignorance of the English name for anything deadly. And what did he live on now? The fowl, the pint of haricot beans, and the haddocks which Chayah purchased for the Sab- bath overlapped into the middle of next week, a quarter of a pound" of coffee lasted the whole week, the grounds being decocted till every grain of virtue was extracted. Black bread and potatoes c 7 18 CHILDREN OF THE GHETTO. and pickled herrings made up the bulk of the every-day diet. No, no one could accuse Bear Belcovitch of fattening on the entrails of his employees. The furniture was of the simplest and shabbiest, — no aesthetic instinct urged the Kosminskis to overpass the bare necessities of existence, except in dress. The only concessions to art were a crudely-colored Mizrach on the east wall, to indicate the direction towards which the Jew should pray, and the mantelpiece mirror which was bordered with yellow scalloped paper (to save the gilt) and ornamented at each corner with paper roses that bloomed afresh every Passover. And yet * Bear Belcovitch had lived in much better style in Poland, pos- , sessing a brass wash-hand basin, a copper saucepan, silver spoons, a silver consecration beaker, and a cupboard with glass doors, •and he frequently adverted to their fond memories. But he . brought nothing away except his bedding, and that was pawned in Germany on the route. When he arrived in London he had with him three groschen and a family. " What do you think, Pesach,'' said Becky, as soon as she could get at her prospective brother-in-law through the barriers of congratulatory countrymen. ''The stuff that came through there" — she pointed to the discolored fragment of ceiling — "was soup. That silly little Esther spilt all she got from the kitchen.'" '•'■ Achi nebbich, poor little thing,'' cried Mrs. Kosminski, who was in a tender mood, " very likely it hungers them sore upstairs. The father is out of work.'' " Knowest thou what, mother," put in Fanny. " Suppose we give them our soup. Aunt Leah has just fetched it for us. Have we not a special supper to-night ? " " But father?" murmured the little woman dubiously. "Oh, he won't notice it. I don't think he knows the soup kitchen opens to-night. Let me, mother." And Fanny, letting Pesach's hand go, slipped out to the room that served as a kitchen, and bore the still-steaming pot upstairs. Pesach, who had pursued her, followed with some hunks of bread and a piece of lighted candle, which, while intended only to illumine the journey, came in handy at the terminus. And THE SWEATER. 19 the festive company grinned and winked when the pair dis- appeared, and made jocular quotations from the Old Testament and the Rabbis. But the lovers did not kiss when they came out of the garret of the Ansells ; their eyes were wet, and they went softly downstairs hand in hand, feeling linked by a deeper love than before. Thus did Providence hand over the soup the Belcovitches took from old habit to a more necessitous quarter, and demonstrate in double sense that Charity never faileth. Nor was this the only mulct which Providence exacted from the happy father, for later on a townsman of his appeared on the scene in a long capote, and with a grimy woe-begone expression. He was a "greener^' of the greenest order, having landed at the docks only a few hours ago, bringing over with him a great deal of luggage in the shape of faith in God, and in the auriferous char- acter of London pavements. On arriving in England, he gave a casual glance at the metropolis and demanded to be directed to a synagogue wherein to shake himself after the journey. His devotions over, he tracked out Mr. Kosminski, whose address on a much-creased bit of paper had been his talisman of hope during the voyage. In his native town, where the Jews groaned beneath divers and sore oppressions, the fame of Kosminski, the pioneer, the Croesus, was a legend. Mr. Kosminski was pre- pared for these contingencies. He went to his bedroom, dragged out a heavy wooden chest from under the bed, unlocked it and plunged his hand into a large dirty linen bag, full of coins. The instinct of generosity which was upon him made him count out forty-eight of them. He bore them to the ''greener" in over- brimming palms and the foreigner, unconscious how much he owed to the felicitous coincidence of his visit with Fanny's betrothal, saw fortune visibly within his grasp. He went out, his heart bursting with gratitude, his pocket with four dozen farthings. They took him in and gave him hot soup at a Poor Jews' Shelter, whither his townsman had directed him. Kos- minski returned to the banqueting room, thrilling from head to foot with the approval of his conscience. He patted Becky's curly head and said : ' 20 CHILDREN OF THE GHETTO. " Well, Becky, when shall we be dancing at your wedding?" Becky shook her curls. Her young men could not have a poorer opinion of one another than Becky had of them all. Their homage pleased her, though it did not raise them in her esteem. Lovers grew like blackberries — only more so; for they were an evergreen stock. Or, as her mother put it in her coarse, peasant manner, Chasanim were as plentiful as the street- dogs. Becky's beaux sat on the stairs before she was up and became early risers in their love for her, each anxious to be the first to bid their Penelope of the buttonholes good morrow. It was said that Kosminski's success as a " sweater " was due to his beauteous Becky, the flower of sartorial youth gravitating to the work-room of this East London Laban. What they admired in Becky was that there was so much of her. Still it was not enough to go round, and though Becky might keep nine lovers in hand without fear of being set down as a flirt, a larger number of tailors would have been less consistent with prospective monogamy, " Fm not going to throw myself away like Fanny," said she confidentially to Pesach Weingott in the course of the evening. He smiled apologetically. " Fanny always had low views,"" con- tinued Becky. " But I always said I would marry a gentleman." "And I dare say," answered Pesach, stung into the retort, " Fanny could marry a gentlemen, too, if she wanted." Becky's idea of a gentleman was a clerk or a school-master, who had no manual labor except scribbling or flogging. In her matrimonial views Becky was typical. She despised the status of her parents and looked to marry out of it. They for their part could not understand the desire to be other than themselves. " I don't say Fanny couldn't," she admitted. " All I say is, nobody could call this a luck-match." " Ah, thou hast me too many flies in thy nose," reprovingly interposed Mrs. Belcovitch, who had just crawled up. "Thou art too high-class." Becky tossed her head. " Tve got a new dolman," she said, turning to one of her young men who was present by special grace. "You should see me in it. I look noble." " Yes," said Mrs. Belcovitch proudly. " It shines in the sun." THE SWEATER. 21 "Is it like the one Bessie Sugarman's got?" inquired the young man. " Bessie Sugarman ! " echoed Becky scornfully. " She gets all her things from the tallyman. She pretends to be so grand, but all her jewelry is paid for at so much a week." " So long as it is paid for," said Fanny, catching the words and turning a happy face on her sister. " Not so jealous, Alte," said her mother. " When I shall win on the lotter^^, I will buy thee also a dolman." Almost all the company speculated on the Hamburg lottery, which, whether they were speaking Yiddish or English, they invariably accentuated on the last syllable. When an inhabi- tant of the Ghetto won even his money back, the news circulated like wild-fire, and there was a rush to the agents for tickets. The chances of sudden wealth floated like dazzling Will o' the Wisps on the horizon, illumining the gray perspectives of the future. The lottert'^ took the poor ticket-holders out of them- selves, and gave them an interest in life apart from machine- cotton, lasts or tobacco-leaf. The English laborer, who has been forbidden State Lotteries, relieves the monotony of exist- ence by an extremely indirect interest in the achievements of a special breed of horses. " Nii^ Pesach, another glass of rirni," said Mr. Belcovitch ge- nially to his future son-in-law and boarder. "Yes, I will," said Pesach. " After all, this is the first time Pve got engaged." The rimi was of Mr. Belcovitch's own manufacture ; its ingre- dients were unknown, but the fame of it travelled on currents of air to the remotest parts of the house. Even the inhabitants of the garrets sniffed and thought of turpentine. Pesach swallowed the concoction, murmuring "To life" afresh. His throat felt like the funnel of a steamer, and there were tears in his eyes when he put down the glass. " Ah, that was good," he murmured. "Not like thy English drinks, eh?" said Mr. Belcovitch. " England! " snorted Pesach in royal disdain. " What a coun- try! Daddle-doo is a language and ginger-beer a liquor." 22 CHILDREN OF THE GHETTO. " Daddle doo " was Pesach's way of saying "ThatUl do." It was one of the first English idioms he picked up, and its puerility made him facetious. It seemed to smack of the nursery; when a nation expressed its soul thus, the existence of a beverage like ginger-beer could occasion no further surprise. "You shan't have anything stronger than ginger-beer when we're married,"' said Fanny laughingly. " I am not going to have any drinking." " But I'll get drunk on ginger-beer," Pesach laughed back. "You can't," Fanny said, shaking her large fond smile to and fro. " By my health, not." "Ha! Ha! Ha! Can't even get shikktir on it. What a liquor! " In the first Anglo-Jewish circles with which Pesach had scraped acquaintance, ginger-beer was the prevalent drink; and, generalizing almost as hastily as if he were going to write a book on the country, he concluded that it was the national beverage. He had long since discovered his mistake, but the drift of the discussion reminded Becky of a chance for an arrow. " On the day when you sit for joy, Pesach," she said slily, " I shall send you a valentine." Pesach colored up and those in the secret laughed ; the refer- ence was to another of Pesach's early ideas. Some mischievous gossip had heard him arguing with another Greener outside a stationer's shop blazing with comic valentines. The two for- eigners were extremely puzzled to understand what these mon- strosities portended ; Pesach, however, laid it down that the mi- crocephalous gentlemen with tremendous legs, and the ladies five-sixths head and one-sixth skirt, were representations of the English peasants who lived in the little villages up country. " When I sit for joy," retorted Pesach, " it will not be the sea- son for valentines." "Won't it though!" cried Becky, shaking her frizzly black curls. " You'll be a pair of comic "uns." " All right, Becky," said Alte good-humoredly. " Your turn'U come, and then we shall have the laugh of you." "Never," said Becky. "What do I want with a man?" THE SWEATER. 23 The arm of the specially invited young man was round her as she spoke. " Don't make schiiecks^'' said Fanny. " Ifs not aifectation. I mean it. What's the good of the men who visit father? There isn't a gentleman among them." " Ah, wait till I win on the lotter^^/' said the special young man. "Then, vy not take another eighth of a ticket?" inquired Sugarman the Shadcha7i, who seemed to spring from the other end of the room. He was one of the greatest Talmudists in London — a lean, hungry-looking man, sharp of feature and acute of intellect. "Look at Mrs. Robinson — Pve just won her over twenty pounds, and she only gave me two pounds for myself. I call it a cherpah — a shame." " Yes, but you stole another two pounds," said Becky. " How do you know ? " said Sugarman startled. Becky winked and shook her head sapiently. "Never you mind." The published list of the winning numbers was so complex in constraction that Sugarman had ample opportunities of bewil- dering his clients. "I von't sell you no more tickets," said Sugarman with right- eous indignation. "A fat lot I care," said Becky, tossing her curls. "Thou carest for nothing," said Mrs. Belcovitch, seizing the opportunity for maternal admonition. "Thou hast not even brought me my medicine to-night. Thou wilt find it on the chest of drawers in the bedroom." Becky shook herself impatiently. " I will go," said the special young man. " No, it is not beautiful that a young man shall go into my bedroom in my absence," said Mrs. Belcovitch blushing. Becky left the room. " Thou knowest," said Mrs. Belcovitch, addressing herself to the special young man, " I suffer greatly from my legs. One is a thick one, and one a thin one." The young man sighed sympathetically. 24 CHILDREN OF THE GHETTO. "Whence comes it ?" he asked. " Do I know ? I was born so. My poor lambkin (this was the way Mrs. Belcovitch always referred to her dead mother) had well-matched legs. If I had Aristotle's head I might be able to find out why my legs are inferior. And so one goes about." The reverence for Aristotle enshrined in Yiddish idiom is probably due to his being taken by the vulgar for a Jew. At any rate the theory that Aristotle's philosophy was Jewish was advanced by the mediaeval poet, Jehuda Halevi, and sustained by Maimonides. The legend runs that when Alexander went to Palestine, Aristotle w'as in his train. At Jerusalem the phi- losopher had sight of King Solomon's manuscripts, and he forthwith edited them and put his name to them. But it is noteworthy that the story was only accepted by those Jewish scholars who adopted the Aristotelian philosophy, those who rejected it declaring that Aristotle in his last testament had admitted the inferiority of his writings to the Mosaic, and had asked that his works should be destroyed. When Becky returned with the medicine, Mrs. Belcovitch mentioned that it was extremely nasty, and offered the young man a taste, whereat he rejoiced inwardly, knowing he had found favor in the sight of the parent. Mrs. Belcovitch paid a penny a week to her doctor, in sickness or health, so that there was a loss on being well. Becky used to fill up the bottles with water to save herself the trouble of going to fetch the medicine, but as Mrs. Belcovitch did not know this it made no difference. " Thou livest too much indoors," said Mr. Sugarman, in Yid- dish. "Shall I march about in this weather? Black and slippery, and the Angel going a-hunting?" "Ah!" said Mr. Sugarman, relapsing proudly into the vernac- ular, " Ve English valk about in all vedders." Meanwhile Moses Ansell had returned from evening service and sat down, unquestioningly, by the light of an unexpected candle to his expected supper of bread and soup, blessing God for both gifts. The rest of the family had supped. Esther had THE SWEATER. 25 put the two youngest children to bed (Rachel had arrived at years of independent undressing), and she and Solomon were doing home-lessons in copy-books, the candle saving them from a caning on the morrow. She held her pen clumsily, for several of her fingers were swathed in bloody rags tied with cobweb. The grandmother dozed in her chair. Everything was quiet and peaceful, though the atmosphere was chilly. Moses ate his sup- per with a great smacking of the lips and an equivalent enjoy- ment. When it was over he sighed deeply, and thanked God in a prayer lasting ten minutes, and delivered in a rapid, sing- song manner. He then inquired of Solomon whether he had said his evening prayer. Solomon looked out of the corner of his eyes at his Bube, and, seeing she was asleep on the bed, said he had, and kicked Esther significantly but hurtfuUy under the table " Then you had better say your night-prayer." There was no getting out of that ; so Solomon finished his sum, writing the figures of the answer rather faint, in case he should discover from another boy next morning that they were wrong ; then producing a Hebrew prayer-book from his inky cotton satchel, he made a mumbling sound, with occasional enthusiastic bursts of audible coherence, for a length of time proportioned to the number of pages. Then he went to bed. After that, Esther put her grandmother to bed and curled her- self up at her side. She lay awake a long time, listening to the quaint sounds emitted by her father in his study of Rashi's com- mentary on the Book of Job, the measured drone blending not disagreeably with the far-away sounds of Pesach Weingott's fiddle. Pesach's fiddle played the accompaniment to many other people's thoughts. The respectable master-tailor sat behind his glazed shirt-front beating time with his foot. His little sickly-looking wife stood by his side, nodding her bewigged head joyously. To both the music brought the same recollec- tion — a Polish market-place. Belcovitch, or rather Kosminski. was the only surviving son of a widow. It was curious, and suggestive of some grim law of 26 CHILDREN OF THE GHETTO. heredity, that his parents' elder children had died off as rapidly as his own, and that his life had been preserved by some such expedient as Alters. Only, in his case the Rabbi consulted had advised his father to go into the woods and call his new-born son by the name of the first animal that he saw. This was why the future sweater was named Bear. To the death of his brothers and sisters, Bear owed his exemption from military service. He grew up to be a stalwart, well-set-up young baker, a loss to the Russian army. Bear went out in the market-place one fine day and saw^ Chayah in maiden ringlets. She was a slim, graceful little thing, with nothing obviously odd about the legs, and was buying onions. Her back was towards him, but in another moment she turned her head and Bear's. As he caught the sparkle of her eye, he felt that without her life were worse than the conscription. With- out delay, he made inquiries about the fair young vision, and find- ing its respectability unimpeachable, he sent a Shadchan to propose to her, and they were affianced ; Chayah 's father under- taking to give a dowry of tw^o hundred gulden. Unfortunately, he died suddenly in the attempt to amass them, and Chayah was left an orphan. The two hundred gulden were nowhere to be found. Tears rained down both Chayah's cheeks, on the one side for the loss of her father, on the other for the prospective loss of a husband. The Rabbi was full of tender sympathy. He bade Bear come to the dead man's chamber. The venerable white-bearded corpse lay on the bed, swathed in shroud, and Talith or praying-shawl. " Bear," he said, '' thou knowest that I saved thy life." "Nay," said Bear, "indeed, I know not that." "Yea, of a surety," said the Rabbi. "Thy mother hath not told thee, but all thy brothers and sisters perished, and, lo ! thou alone art preserved ! It was I that called thee a beast." Bear bowed his head in grateful silence. " Bear," said the Rabbi, " thou didst contract to wed this dead man's daughter, and he did contract to pay over to thee two hundred gulden." " Truth," replied Bear. THE SWEATER. 27 " Bear," said the Rabbi, " there are no two hundred gulden." A shadow flitted across Beard's face, but he said nothing. " Bear," said the Rabbi again, "there are not two gulden." Bear did not move. " Bear," said the Rabbi, "- leave thou my side, and go over to the other side of the bed, facing me." So Bear left his side and went over to the other side of the bed facing him. " Bear," said the Rabbi, " give me thy right hand." The Rabbi stretched his own right hand across the bed, but Bear kept his obstinately behind his back. '^ Bear," repeated the Rabbi, in tones of more penetrating solemnity, "give me thy right hand." " Nay," replied Bear, sullenly. " Wherefore should I give thee my right hand ? " "■ Because," said the Rabbi, and his tones trembled, and it seemed to him that the dead man's face grew sterner. '*• Because I wish thee to swear across the body of Chayah's father that thou wilt marry her." " Nay, that I will not," said Bear. " Will not ? " repeated the Rabbi, his lips growing white with pity. " Nay, I will not take any oaths," said Bear, hotly. " I love the maiden, and I will keep what I have promised. But, by my father's soul, I will take no oaths!" " Bear," said the Rabbi in a choking voice, " give me thy hand. Nay, not to swear by, but to grip. Long shalt thou live, and the Most High shall prepare thy seat in Gan Iden." So the old man and the young clasped hands across the corpse, and the simple old Rabbi perceived a smile flickering over the face of Chayah's father. Perhaps it was only a sud- den glint of sunshine. The wedding-day drew nigh, but lo! Chayah was again dis- solved in tears. "What ails thee?" said her brother Naphtali. " I cannot follow the custom of the maidens," wept Chayah. "■ Thou knowest we are blood-poor, and I have not the where- 28 CHILDREN OF THE GHETTO. withal to buy my Bear a Talith for his wedding-day ; nay, not even to make him a Talitk-h2Lg. And when our father (the memory of the righteous for a blessing) was alive, I had dreamed of making my chosan a beautiful velvet satchel lined with silk, and I would have embroidered his initials thereon in gold, and sewn him beautiful white corpse-clothes. Perchance he will rely upon me for his wedding Talith, and we shall be shamed in the sight of the congregation.'" " Nay, dry thine eyes, my sister," said Naphtali. " Thou knowest that my Leah presented me with a costly Talith when I led her under the canopy. Wherefore, do thou take my praying-shawl and lend it to Bear for the wedding-day, so that decency may be preserved in the sight of the congregation. The young man has a great heart, and he will understand,'" So Chayah, blushing prettily, lent Bear Naphtali^s delicate Talith, and Beauty and the Beast made a rare couple under the wedding canopy. Chayah wore the gold medallion and the three rows of pearls which her lover had sent her the day before. And when the Rabbi had finished blessing husband and wife, Naphtali spake the bridegroom privily, and said : "Pass me my Talith back.''' But Bear answered : " Nay, nay ; the Talith is in my keep- ing, and there it shall remain.'" " But it is my Talith,^'' protested Naphtali in an angry whis- per. " I only lent it to Chayah to lend it thee.'" " It concerns me not," Bear returned in a decisive whisper. "The Talith is my due and I shall keep it. What! Have I not lost enough by marrying thy sister? Did not thy father, peace be upon him, promise me two hundred gulden with her? " Naphtali retired discomfited. But he made up his mind not to go without some compensation. He resolved that during the progress of the wedding procession conducting the bridegroom to the chamber of the bride, he would be the man to snatch off Bear's new hat. Let the rest of the riotous escort essay to snatch whatever other article of the bridegroom's attire they would, the hat was the easiest to dislodge, and he, Naphtali, would straightway reimburse himself partially with that. But THE SWEATER. 29 the instant the procession formed itself, behold the shifty bride- groom forthwith removed his hat, and held it tightly under his arm. A storm of protestations burst forth at his daring departure from hymeneal tradition. ''Nay, nay, put it on," arose from every mouth. But Bear closed his and marched mutely on. " Heathen," cried the Rabbi. " Put on your hat." The attempt to enforce the religious sanction failed too. Bear had spent several gulden upon his head-gear, and could not see the joke. He plodded towards his blushing Chayah through a tempest of disapprobation. Throughout life Bear Belcovitch retained the contrariety of character that marked his matrimonial beginnings. He hated to part with money ; he put off paying bills to the last moment, and he would even beseech his "' hands " to wait a day or two longer for their wages. He liked to feel that he had all that money in his possession. Yet "at home," in Poland, he had always lent money to the officers and gentry, when they ran temporarily short at cards. They would knock him up in the middle of the night to obtain the means of going on with the game. And in England he never refused to become surety for a loan when any of his poor friends begged the favor of him. These loans ran from three to five pounds, but whatever the amount, they were very rarely paid. The loan offices came down upon him for the money. He paid it without a murmur, shaking his head compassionately over the poor ne'er do wells, and perhaps not without a compensating consciousness of superior practicality. Only, if the borrower had neglected to treat him to a glass of rum to clench his signing as surety, the shake of Bear's head would become more reproachful than sympathetic, and he would mutter bitterly : " Five pounds and not even a drink for the money." The jewelry he generously lavished on his woman- kind was in essence a mere channel of investment for his sav- ings, avoiding the risks of a banking-account and aggregating his wealth in a portable shape, in obedience to an instinct gen- 30 CHILDREN OF THE GHETTO. erated by centuries of insecurity. The interest on the sums thus invested was the gratification of the other oriental instinct for gaudiness. CHAPTER III. MALKA. The Sunday Fair, so long associated with Petticoat Lane, is dying hard, and is still vigorous ; its glories were in full swing on the dull, gray morning when Moses Ansell took his way through the Ghetto. It was near eleven o'clock, and the throng was thickening momently. The vendors cried their wares in stentorian tones, and the babble of the buyers was like the con- fused roar of a stormy sea. The dead walls and hoardings were placarded with bills from w^hich the life of the inhabitants could be constructed. Many were in Yiddish, the most hopelessly corrupt and hybrid jargon ever evolved. Even when the lan- guage w^as English the letters were Hebrew. Whitechapel, Public Meeting, Board School, Sermon, Police, and other mod- ern banalities, glared at the passer-by in the sacred guise of the Tongue associated with miracles and prophecies, palm-trees and cedars and seraphs, lions and shepherds and harpists. Moses stopped to read these hybrid posters — he had nothing better to do — as he slouched along. He did not care to re- member that dinner was due in two hours. He turned aim- lessly into Wentworth Street, and studied a placard that hung in a bootmaker's window. This was the announcement it made in jargon : Riveters, Clickers, Lasters, Finishers, Wanted. Baruch Emanuel, Cobbler. Makes and Repairs Boots. Every Bit as Cheaply as MORDECAI SCHWARTZ, of 12 Goulston Street. MALKA. 31 Mordecai Schwartz was written in the biggest and blackest of Hebrew letters, and quite dominated the little shop-window. Baruch Emanuel was visibly conscious of his inferiority to his powerful rival, though Moses had never heard of Mordecai Schwartz before. He entered the shop and said in Hebrew " Peace be to you." Bai"uch Emanuel, hammering a sole, an- swered in Hebrew : " Peace be to you." Moses dropped into Yiddish. ^'I am looking for work. Peradventure have you something for me ? " " What can you do ? " " I have been a riveter." "I cannot engage any more riveters." Moses looked disappointed. " I have also been a clicker," he said. "I have all the clickers I can afford," Baruch answered. Moses's gloom deepened. " Two years ago I worked as a finisher." Bamch shook his head silently. He was annoyed at the man's persistence. There was only the laster resource left. " And before that I was a laster for a week," Moses answered. " 1 don't want any! " cried Baruch, losing his temper. " But in your window it stands that you do," protested Moses feebly. " I don't care what stands in my window," said Baruch hotly. " Have you not head enough to see that that is all bunkum ? Unfortunately I work single-handed, but it looks good and it isn't lies. Naturally I want Riveters and Clickers and Lasters and Finishers. Then I could set up a big establishment and gouge out Mordecai Schw^artz's eyes. But the Most High denies me assistants, and I am content to want." Moses understood that attitude towards the nature of things. He went out and wandered down another narrow dirty street in search of Mordecai Schwartz, whose address Baruch Emanuel had so obligingly given him. He thought of the Maggid's ser- mon on the day before. The Maggid had explained a verse of 32 CHILDREN OF THE GHETTO. Habakkuk in quite an original way which gave an entirely new color to a passage in Deuteronomy. Moses experienced acute pleasure in musing upon it, and went past Mordecai's shop with- out going in, and was only awakened from his day-dream by the brazen clanging of a bell. It was the bell of the great Ghetto school, summoning its pupils from the reeking courts and alleys, from the garrets and the cellars, calling them to come and be Anglicized. And they came in a great straggling procession recruited from every lane and by-way, big children and little children, boys in blackening corduroy, and girls in washed-out cotton ; tidy children and ragged children ; children in great shapeless boots gaping at the toes ; sickly children, and sturdy children, and diseased children ; bright-eyed children and hol- low-eyed children ; quaint sallow foreign-looking children, and fresh-colored English-looking children ; with great pumpkin heads, with oval heads, with pear-shaped heads ; with old men's faces, with cherubs' faces, with monkeys' faces ; cold and fam- ished children, and warm and well-fed children ; children con- ning their lessons and children romping carelessly ; the demure and the anaemic ; the boisterous and the blackguardly, the inso- lent, the idiotic, the vicious, the intelligent, the exemplary, the dull — spawn of all countries — all hastening at the inexorable clang of the big school-bell to be ground iil the same great, blind, inexorable Governmental machine. Here, too, was a miniature fair, the path being lined by itinerant temptations. There was brisk traffic in toffy, and gray peas and monkey-nuts, and the crowd was swollen by anxious parents seeing tiny or truant offspring safe within the school-gates. The women were bare-headed or be-shawled, with infants at their breasts and little ones toddling at their sides, the men were greasy, and musty, and squalid. Here a bright earnest little girl held her vagrant big brother by the hand, not to let go till she had seen him in the bosom of his class-mates. There a sullen wild-eyed mite in petticoats was being dragged along, screaming, towards dis- tasteful durance. It was a drab picture — the bleak, leaden sky above, the sloppy, miry stones below, the frowsy mothers and fathers, the motley children. MALKA. 33 ''Monkey-nuts! Monkey-nuts! " croaked a wizened old woman. "Oppea! Oppea!" droned a doddering old Dutchman. He bore a great can of hot peas in one hand and a lighthouse-look- ing pepper-pot in the other. Some of the children swallowed the dainties hastily out of miniature basins, others carried them within in paper packets for surreptitious munching. " Call that a ay-puth ? '^ a small boy would say. "Not enough!" the old man would exclaim in surprise. "Here you are, then!" And he would give the peas another sprinkling from the pepper-pot. Moses Ansell's progeny were not in the picture. The younger children were at home, the elder had gone to school an hour before to run about and get warm in the spacious playgrounds. A slice of bread each and the wish-wash of a thrice-brewed pennyworth of tea had been their morning meal, and there was no prospect of dinner. The thought of them made Moses's heart heavy again; he forgot the Maggid^s explanation of the verse in Habakkuk, and he retraced his steps towards Mordecai Schwartz's shop. But like his humbler rival, Mordecai had no use for the many-sided Moses ; he was " full up " with swarthy " hands," though, as there were rumors of strikes in the air, he prudently took note of Moses's address. After this rebuff, Moses shuffled hopelessly about for more than an hour; the dinner-hour was getting desperately near ; already children passed him, carrying the Sunday dinners from the bakeries, and there were wafts of vague poetry in the atmosphere. Moses felt he could not face his own children. At last he nerved himself to an audacious resolution, and elbowed his way blusterously towards the Ruins, lest he might break down if his courage had time to cool. " The Ruins " was a great stony square, partly bordered by houses, and only picturesque on Sundays when it became a branch of the all-ramifying Fair. Moses could have bought anything there from elastic braces to green parrots in gilt cages. That is to say if he had had money. At present he had noth- ing in his pocket except holes. What he might be able to do on his way back was another D 34 CHILDREN OF THE GHETTO. matter ; for it was Malka that Moses Ansell was going to see. She was the cousin of his deceased wife, and Uved in Zachariah Square. Moses had not been there for a month, for Malka was a wealthy twig of the family tree, to be approached with awe and trembling. She kept a .second-hand clothes store in Hounds- ditch, a supplementary stall in the Halfpenny Exchange, and a barrow on the "Ruins'" of a Sunday; and she had set up Ephraim, her newly-acquired son-in-law, in the same line of business in the same district. Like most things she dealt in, her son-in-law was second-hand, having lost his first wife four years ago in Poland. But he was only twenty-two, and a second- hand son-in-law of twenty-two is superior to many brand new ones. The two domestic establishments were a few minutes away from the shops, facing each other diagonally across the square. They were small, three-roomed houses, without base- ments, the ground floor window in each being filled up with a black gauze blind (an invariable index of gentility) which allowed the occupants to see all that was passing outside, but confronted gazers with their own reflections. Passers-by post- ured at these mirrors, twisting moustaches perkily, or giving coquettish pats to bonnets, unwitting of the grinning inhabi- tants. Most of the doors were ajar, wintry as the air was ; for the Zachariah Squareites lived a good deal on the door-step. In the summer, the housewives sat outside on chairs and gos- siped and knitted, as if the sea foamed at their feet, and wrinkled good-humored old men played nap on tea-trays. Some of the doors were blocked below with sliding barriers of wood, a sure token of infants inside given to straying. More obvious tokens of child-life w'ere the swings nailed to the lintels of a few doors, in which, despite the cold, toothless babes swayed like monkeys on a branch. But the Square, with its broad area of quadrangular pavement, was an ideal playing- ground for children, since other animals came not within its precincts, except an inquisitive dog or a local cat. Solomon Ansell knew no greater privilege than to accompany his father to these fashionable quarters and whip his humming-top across the ample spaces, the while Moses transacted his business with MALKA. 35 Malka. Last time the business was psalm-saying. Milly had beein brought to bed of a son, but it was doubtful if she would survive, despite the charms hung upon the bedpost to counter- act the nefarious designs of Lilith, the wicked first wife of Adam, and of the Not-Good Ones who hover about women in child- birth. So Moses was sent for, post-haste, to intercede with the Almighty. His piety, it was felt, would command attention. For an average of three hundred and sixty-two days a year Moses was a miserable worm, a nonentity, but on the other three, when death threatened to visit Malka or her little clan, Moses became a personage of prime importance, and was summoned at all hours of the day and night to wrestle with the angel Azrael. When the angel had retired, worsted, after a match sometimes protracted into days, Moses relapsed into his primitive insignifi- cance, and was dismissed with a mouthful of rum and a shilling. It never seemed to him an unfair equivalent, for nobody could make less demand on the universe than Moses. Give him two solid meals and three solid services a day, and he was satisfied, and he craved more for spiritual snacks between meals than for physical. The last crisis had been brief, and there was so little danofer that, when Milly's child was circumcised, Moses had not even been bidden to the feast, though his piety would have made him the ideal saiidek or god-father. He did not resent this, knowing himself dust — and that anything but gold-dust. Moses had hardly emerged from the little arched passage which led to the Square, when sounds of strife fell upon his ears. Two stout women chatting amicably at their doors, had suddenly developed a dispute. In Zachariah Square, when you wanted to get to the bottom of a quarrel, the cue was not " find the woman," but find the child. The high-spirited bantlings had a way of pummelling one another in fistic duels, and of calling in their re- spective mothers when they got the worse of it — which is cow- ardly, but human. The mother of the beaten belligerent would then threaten to wring the "year,"" or to twist the nose of the vic- torious party — sometimes she did it. In either case, the other mother would intervene, and then the two bantlings would re- 36 CHILDREN OF THE GHETTO. tire into the background and leave their mothers to take up the duel while they resumed their interrupted game. Of such sort was the squabble betwixt Mrs. Isaacs and Mrs. Jacobs. Mrs. Isaacs pointed out with superfluous vehemence that her poor lamb had been mangled beyond recognition. Mrs. Jacobs, per contra^ asseverated with superfluous gesture that it was her poor lamb who had received irreparable injury. These statements were not in mutual contradiction, but Mrs. Isaacs and Mrs. Jacobs were, and so the point at issue was gradually ab- sorbed in more personal recriminations. " By my life, and by my Fanny's life. Til leave my seal on the first child of yours that comes across my way! There!'' Thus Mrs. Isaacs. " Lay a finger on a hair of a child of mine, and, by my hus- band's life, I'll summons you ; I'll have the law on you." Thus Mrs. Jacobs; to the gratification of the resident populace. Mrs. Isaacs and Mrs. Jacobs rarely quarrelled with eacli other, uniting rather in opposition to the rest of the Square. They were English, quite English, their grandf^ither having been born in Dresden ; and they gave themselves airs in consequence, and called their kinder '" children," which annoyed those neighbors who found a larger admixture of Yiddish necessary for conversa- tion. These very kinder^ ^g'^i'"*? attained considerable impor- tance among their school-fellows by refusing to pronounce the guttural " ch '' of the Hebrew otherwise than as an English ''k." " Summons me, indeed," laughed back Mrs. Isaacs. '• A fat lot I'd care for that. You'd jolly soon expose your character to the magistrate. Everybody knows \\\\dL\ you are." " Your mother! " retorted Mrs. Jacobs mechanically ; the ellip- tical method of expression being greatly in vogue for conversation of a loud character. Quick as lightning came the parrying stroke. "Yah! And what was your father, I should like to know?" Mrs. Isaacs had no sooner made this inquiry than she became conscious of an environment of suppressed laughter ; Mrs. Jacobs awoke to the situation a second later, and the two women stood suddenly dumbfounded, petrified, with arms akimbo, staring at each other. MALKA. 37 The wise, if apocryphal, Ecclesiasticus, sagely and pithily re- marked, many centuries before modern civilization was invented: Jest not with a rude man lest thy ancestors be disgraced. To this day the oriental methods of insult- have survived in the Ghetto. The dead past is never allowed to bury its dead; the genealogical dust-heap is always liable to be raked up, and even innocuous ancestors may be traduced to the third and fourth gen- eration. Now it so happened that Mrs. Isaacs and Mrs. Jacobs were sisters. And when it dawned upon them into what dilemma their automatic methods of carte and tierce had inveigled them, they were frozen with confusion. They retired crestfallen to their respective parlors, and sported their oaks. The resources of repartee were dried up for the moment. Relatives are unduly handicapped in these verbal duels ; especially relatives with the same mother and father. Presently Mrs. Isaacs reappeared. She had thought of some- thing she ought to have said. She went up to her sister's closed door, and shouted into the key-hole : '' None of my children ever had bandy-legs ! '' Almost immediately the window of the front bedroom was flung up, and Mrs. Jacobs leant out of it waving what looked like an immense streamer. "Aha,'' she observed, dangling it tantalizingly up and down. " Morry antique ! " The dress fluttered in the breeze. Mrs. Jacobs caressed the stuff" between her thumb and forefinger. " Aw-aw-aw-aw-aw-awl silk," she announced with a long ecstatic quaver. Mrs. Isaacs stood paralyzed by the brilliancy of the repartee. Mrs. Jacobs withdrew the moire antique and exhibited a mauve gown. " Aw-aw-aw-aw-aw-awl silk."" The mauve fluttered for a triumphant instant, the next a puce and amber dress floated on the breeze. "Aw-aw-aw-aw-aw-awl silk." Mrs. Jacobs's fingers smoothed it lovingly, then it was drawn within to be instantly replaced by 38 CHILDREN OF THE GHETTO. a green dress. Mrs. Jacobs passed the skirt slowly through her fingers. " Aw-aw-aw-aw-aw-awl silk ! " she quavered mockingly. By this time Mrs. Isaacs's face was the color of the latest flag of victory. " The tallyman ! " she tried to retort, but the words stuck in her throat. Fortunately just then she caught sight of her poor lamb playing with the other poor lamb. She dashed at her oif- spring, boxed its ears and crying, '• You little blackguard, if I ever catch you playing with blackguards again, Til wring your neck for you/' she hustled the infant into the house and slammed the door viciously behind her. Moses had welcomed this every-day scene, for it put off a few moments his encounter with the formidable Malka. As she had not appeared at door or window, he concluded she was in a bad temper or out of London ; neither alternative was pleasant. He knocked at the door of Milly's house where her mother was generally to be found, and an elderly char-woman opened it. There were some bottles of spirit, standing on a wooden side-table covered with a colored cloth, and some unopened bis- cuit bags. At these familiar premonitory signs of a festival, Moses felt tempted to beat a retreat. He could not think for the moment what was up, but whatever it was he had no doubt the well-to-do persons would supply him with ice. The char-woman, with brow darkened by soot and gloom, told him that Milly was upstairs, but that her mother had gone across to her own house with the clothes-brush. Moses's face fell. When his wife was alive, she had been a link of connection between '^' The Family " and himself, her cousin having generously employed her as a char-woman. So Moses knew the import of the clothes-brush. Malka was very particular about her appearance and loved to be externally speckless, but somehow or other she had no clothes-brush at home. This deficiency did not matter ordinarily, for she practically lived at Milly's. But when she had words with Milly or her husband, she retired to her own house to sulk or schmull, as they called it. The carrying away of the clothes- brush was, thus, a sign that she considered the breach serious MALKA. 39 and hostilities likely to be protracted. Sometimes a whole week would go by without the two bouses ceasing to stare sul- lenly across at each other, the situation in Milly's camp being aggravated by the lack of a clothes-brush.- In such moments of irritation, Milly's husband was apt to declare that his mother- in-law had abundance of clothes-brushes, for, he pertinently asked, how did she manage during her frequent business tours in the country? He gave it as his conviction that Malka merely took the clothes-brush away to afford herself a handle for return- ing. But then Ephraim Phillips was a graceless young fellow, the death of whose first wife was probably a judgment on his levity, and everybody except his second mother-in-law knew that he had a book of tickets for the Oxbridge Music Hall, and went there on Friday nights. Still, in spite of these facts, experience did show that whenever Milly's camp had outsulked Malka's, the old woman's surrender was always veiled under the formula of : " Oh Milly, I've brought you over your clothes-bmsh. I just noticed it, and thought you might be wanting it." After this, conversation was comparatively easy, Moses hardly cared to face Malka in such a crisis of the clothes-brush. He turned away despairingly, and was going back through the small archway which led to the Ruins and the outside world, when a grating voice startled his ear. " Well, Meshe, whither fliest thou? Has my Milly forbidden thee to see me ? " He looked back. Malka was standing at her house-door. He retraced his steps. " N-n-o," he murmured. " I thought you still out with your stall." That was where she should have been, at any rate, till half an hour ago. She did not care to tell herself, much less Moses, that she had been waiting at home for the envoy of peace from the filial camp summoning her to the ceremony of the Redemp- tion of her grandson. "Well, now thou seest me," she said, speaking Yiddish for his behoof, " thou lookest not outwardly anxious to know how it goes with me." 40 CHILDREN OF THE GHETTO. '• How goes it with you? " "As well as an old woman has a right to expect. The Most High is good!" Malka was in her most amiable mood, to em- phasize to outsiders the injustice of her kin in quarrelling with her. She was a tall woman of fifty, with a tanned equine gypsy face surmounted by a black wig, and decorated laterally by great gold earrings. Great black eyes blazed beneath great black eye- brows, and the skin between them was capable of wrinkling itself black with wrath. A gold chain was wound thrice round her neck, and looped up within her black silk bodice. There were numerous rings on her fingers, and she perpetually smelt of peppermint. "A^//, stand not chattering there," she went on. "Come in. Dost thou wish me to catch my death of cold?" Moses slouched timidly within, his head bowed as if in dread of knocking against the top of the door. The room was a per- fect fac-simile of Milly's parlor at the other end of the diagonal, save that instead of the festive bottles and paper bags on the small side-table, there was a cheerless clothes-brush. Like Milly's, the room contained a round table, a chest of drawers with decanters on the top, and a high mantelpiece decorated with pendant green fringes, fastened by big-headed brass nails. Here cheap china dogs, that had had more than their day squatted amid lustres with crystal drops. Before the fire was a lofty steel guard, which, useful enough in Milly's household, had survived its function in Malka's, where no one was ever likely to tumble into the grate. In a corner of the room a little staircase began to go upstairs. There was oilcloth on the floor. In Zachariah Square anybody could go into anybody else's house and feel at home. There was no visible difference between one and another. Moses sat down awkwardly on a chair and refused a peppermint. In the end he accepted an apple, blessed God for creating the fruit of the tree, and made a ravenous bite at it. " I must take peppermints,"' Malka explained. ^ It's for the spasms." " But you said you were well," murmured Moses. "And suppose? If I did not take peppermint I should have MALKA. 41 the spasms. My poor sister Rosina, peace be upon him, who died of typhoid, suffered greatly from the spasms. It's in the family. She would have died of asthma if she had lived long enough. Nu, how goes it with theeP^'S'he went on, suddenly remembering that Moses, too, had a right to be ill. At bottom, Malka felt a real respect for Moses, though he did not know it. It dated from the day he cut a chip of mahogany out of her best round table. He had finished cutting his nails, and wanted a morsel of wood to burn with them in witness of his fulfilment of the pious custom. Malka raged, but in her inmost heart there was admiration for such unscrupulous sanctity. " I have been out of work for three weeks," Moses answered, omitting to expound the state of his health in view of more urgent matters. "Unlucky fool! What my silly cousin Gittel, peace be upon him, could see to marry in thee, I know not." Moses could not enlighten her. He might have informed her that olov hasholoni, " peace be upon him," was an absurdity when applied to a woman, but then he used the pious phrase himself, although aware of its grammatical shortcomings. " I told her thou wouldst never be able to keep her, poor lamb," Malka went on. " But she was always an obstinate pig. And she kept her head high up, too, as if she had five pounds a week ! Never would let her children earn money like other people's children. But thou oughtest not to be so obstinate. Thou shouldst have more sense, Meshe ; thoii belongest not to my family. Why can't Solomon go out with matches? " '' Gittel's soul would not like it." '* But the living have bodies ! Thou rather seest thy children starve than work. There's Esther, — an idle, lazy brat, always reading story-books ; why doesn't she sell flowers or pull out bastings in the evening?" " Esther and Solomon have their lessons to do." "Lessons!" snorted Malka. "What's the good of lessons? It's English, not Judaism, they teach them in that godless school. I could never read or write anything but Hebrew in all my life ; but God be thanked, I have thriven without it. All 42 CHILDREN OF THE GHETTO, they teach them in the school is EngHsh nonsense. The teachers are a pack of heathens, who eat forbidden things, but the good Yiddishkeit goes to the wall. Fm ashamed of thee, Meshe ; thou dost not even send thy boys to a Hebrew class in the evening." " I have no money, and they must do their English lessons. Else, perhaps, their clothes will be stopped. Besides, I teach them myself every Shabbos afternoon and Sunday. Solomon translates into Yiddish the whole Pentateuch with Rashi." "Yes, he may know T^Vrt//,"'' said Malka, not to be baffled. " But he'll never know Geinorah or MisJmayis.'''' Malka herself knew very little of these abstruse subjects beyond their names, and the fact that they were studied out of minutely-printed folios by men of extreme sanctity. "He knows a little Geniora/i, too," said Moses. "I can't teach him at home because I haven't got a Geniorah, — it's so expensive, as you know. But he went with me to the Beth- Medrash, when the Maggid was studying it with a class free of charge, and we learnt the whole of the Tj-actate IViddah. Solo- mon understands very well all about the Divorce Laws, and he could adjudicate on the duties of women to their husbands." "Ah, but he'll never know Cabbu/a/i,'*'' smd Malka, driven to her last citadel. " But then no one in England can study Cab- bulah since the days of Rabbi Falk (the memory of the righteous for a blessing) any more than a born Englishman can learn Talmud. There's something in the air that prevents it. In my town there was a Rabbi who could do Cabbidah ; he could call Abraham our father from the grave. But in this pig-eating country no one can be holy enough for the Name, blessed be It, to grant him the privilege. I don't believe the SJwchctim kill the animals properly ; the statutes are violated ; even pious people eat tripha cheese and butter. I don't say thou dost, Meshe, but thou lettest thy children." " Well, your own butter is not kosher,'''' said Moses, nettled. " My butter ? What does it matter about my butter ? I never set up for a purist. I don't come of a family of Rabbonim. I'm only a business woman. It's \\\^ frooDi people that I complain MALKA. 43 of; the people who ought to set an example, and are lowering the standard of Froojnkeit. I caught a beadle's wife the other day washing her meat and butter plates in the same bowl of water. In time they will be frying steal^s in butter, and they will end by eating trip/ia meat out of butter plates, and the judgment of God will come. But what is become of thine apple? Thou hast not gorged it already?" Moses nervously pointed to his trousers pocket, bulged out by the mutilated globe. After his first ravenous bite Moses had bethought him- self of his responsibilities. " It's for the kinder,'''^ he explained. " A7/, the kinder!'''' snorted Malka disdainfully. "And what will they give thee for it ? Verily, not a thank you. In my young days we trembled before the father and the mother, and my mother, peace be upon him, patched my face after I was a married woman. I shall never forget that slap — it nearly made me adhere to the wall. But now-a-days our children sit on our heads. I gave my Milly all she has in the world — a house, a shop, a husband, and my best bed-linen. And now when I want her to call the child Yosef, after my first husband, peace be on him, her own father, she would out of sheer vexatiousness, call it Yechezkel." Malka's voice became more strident than ever. She had been anxious to make a species of vicarious reparation to her first husband, and the failure of Milly to acquiesce in the arrangement was a source of real vexation. Moses could think of nothing better to say than to inquire how her present husband was. " He overworks himself," Malka replied, shaking her head. " The misfortune is that he thinks himself a good man of busi- ness, and he is always starting new enterprises without consult- ing me. If he would only take my advice more ! " Moses shook his head in sympathetic deprecation of Michael Birnbaum's wilfulness. " Is he at home? " he asked. " No, but I expect him back from the country every minute. I believe they have invited him for the Pidyun Haben to-day." '' Oh, is that to-day ? " 44 CHILDREN OF THE GHETTO. " Of course. Didst thou not know ? " " No, no one told me.'" " Thine own sense should have told thee. Is it not the thirty- first day since the birth.? But of course he won't accept when he knows that my own daughter has driven me out of her house." " You say not ! " exclaimed Moses in horror. " I do say," said Malka, unconsciously taking up the clothes- brush and thumping with it on the table to emphasize the out- rage. "I told her that when Yechezkel cried so much, it would be better to look for the pin than to dose the child for gripes. ^I dressed it myself. Mother,' says she. 'Thou art an obstinate cat's head, Milly,' says I. 'I say there is a pin.' 'And I know better,' says she. 'How canst thou know better than I?' says I. 'Why, I was a mother before thou wast born.' So I unrolled the child's flannel, and sure enough underneath it just over the stomach I found — " "The pin," concluded Moses, shaking his head gravely. " No, not exactly. But a red mark where the pin had been pricking the poor little thing." "And what did Milly say then?" said Moses in sympathetic triumph. "Milly said it was a flea-bite! and I said, 'Gott in Himmel, Milly, dost thou want to swear my eyes away? My enemies shall have such a flea-bite.' And because Red Rivkah was in the room, Milly said I was shedding her blood in public, and she began to cry as if I had committed a crime against her in looking after her child. And I rushed out, leaving the two babies howl- ing together. That was a week ago." "And how is the child?" "How should I know? lam only the grandmother. I only supplied the bed-linen it was born on." " But is it recovered from the circumcision?" "Oh, yes, all our family have good healing flesh. It's a fine child, imbeshreer. It's got my eyes and nose. It's a rare hand- some baby, i/nbeshreer. Only it won't be its mother's fault if the Almighty takes it not back again. Milly has picked up so many ignorant Lane women who come in and blight the child, by MALKA. 45 admiring it aloud, not even sdiy'mg vubeshreer. And then there's an old witch, a beggar-woman that Ephraim, my son-in-law, used to give a shilling a week to. Now he only gives her nine- pence. She asked him 'why?' and he said, ' Tm married now. I can't afford more.' 'What!' she shrieked, ' you got married on my money ! ' And one Friday when the nurse had baby downstairs, the old beggar-woman knocked for her weekly allow- ance, and she opened the door, and she saw the child, and she looked at it with her Evil Eye! I hope to Heaven nothing will come of it." " 1 will pray for Yechezkel," said Moses. " Pray for Milly also, while thou art about it, that she may remember what is owing to a mother before the earth covers me. I don't know what's coming over children. Look at my Leah. She will marry that Sam Levine, though he belongs to a lax English family, and I suspect his mother was a proselyte. She can't fry fish any way. I don't say anything against Sam, but still I do think my Leah might have told me before falling in love with him. And yet see how I treat them ! My Michael made a Missheberach for them in synagogue the Sabbath after the engagement ; not a common eighteen-penny benediction, but a guinea one, with half-crown blessings thrown in for his parents and the congregation, and a gift of five shillings to the minister. That \vas of course in our own Chevrah, not reckoning the guinea my Michael shnodared at Duke's Plaizer Shoot. You know we always keep two seats at Duke's Plaizer as well." Duke's Plaizer was the current distortion of Duke's Place. " What magnanimity," said Moses overawed. " I like to do everything with decorum," said Malka. " No one can say I have ever acted otherwise than as a fine person. I dare say thou couldst do with a few shillings thyself now." Moses hung his head still lower. " You see my mother is so poorly," he stammered. " She is a very old woman, and without anything to eat she may not live long." " They ought to take her into the Aged Widows' Home. I'm sure I gave her ;;// votes." "God shall bless you for it. But people say I was lucky 46 CHILDREN OF THE GHETTO. enough to get my Benjamin into the Orphan Asylum, and that I ought not to have brought her from Poland. They say we grow enough poor old widows here." " People say quite right — at least she would have starved in a Yiddishe country, not in a land of heathens." " But she was lonely and miserable out there, exposed to all the malice of the Christians. And I was earning a pound a week. Tailoring was a good trade then. The few roubles I used to send her did not always reach her." "Thou hadst no right to send her anything, nor to send for her. Mothers are not everything. Thou didst marry my cousin Gittel, peace be upon him, and it was thy duty to support her and her children. Thy mother took the bread out of the mouth of Gittel, and but for her my poor cousin might have been alive to-day. Believe me it was no MitzvahP Mitzvah is a " portmanteau-word." It means a commandment and a good deed, the two conceptions being regarded as inter- changeable. " Nay, thou errest there," answered Moses. " Gittel was not a phoenix which alone ate not of the Tree of Knowledge and lives for ever. Women have no need to live as long as men, for they have not so many Mitzvahs to perform as men; and inas- much as" — here his tones involuntarily assumed the argumenta- tive sing-song — "their souls profit by all the Mitzvahs performed by their husbands and children, Gittel will profit by the Mitzvah I did in bringing over my mother, so that even if she did die through it, she will not be the loser thereby. It stands in the Verse that man shall do the Mitzvahs and live by them. To live is a Mitzvah., but it is plainly one of those Mitzvahs that have to be done at a definite time, from which species women, by reason of their household duties, are exempt ; wherefore I would deduce by another circuit that it is not so incumbent upon women to live as upon men. Nevertheless, if God had willed it, she would have been still alive. The Holy One, blessed be He, will provide for the little ones He has sent into the world. He fed Elijah the prophet by ravens, and He will never send me a black Sabbath." THE REDEMPTION OF SON AND DAUGHTER. 47 " Oh, you are a saint, Meshe,*" said Malka, so impressed that she admitted him to the equality of the second person plural. " If everybody knew as much Terah as you, the Messiah would soon be here. Here are five shillings. •■ For five shillings you can get a basket of lemons in the Orange Market in Duke's Place, and if you sell them in the Lane at a halfpenny each, you will make a good profit. Put aside five shillings of your takings and get another basket, and so you will be able to live till the tailoring picks up a bit." Moses listened as if he had never heard of the elementary principles of barter. "May the Name, blessed be It, bless you, and may you see rejoicings on your children''s children." So Moses went away and bought dinner, treating his family to some beuglich, or circular twisted rolls, in his joy. But on the morrow he repaired to the Market, thinking on the way of the ethical distinction between " duties of the heart " and " duties of the limbs," as expounded in choice Hebrew by Rabbenu Bachja, and he laid out the remnant in lemons. Then he stationed himself in Petticoat Lane, crying, in his imperfect English, " Lemans, verra good lemans, two a penny each, two a penny each ! " CHAPTER IV. THE REDEMPTION OF THE SON AND THE DAUGHTER. Malka did not have long to wait for her liege lord. He was a fresh-colored young man of thirty, rather good-looking, with side whiskers, keen, eager glance, and an air of perpetually doing business. Though a native of Germany, he spoke English as well as many Lane Jews, whose comparative impiety was a cer- tificate of British birth. Michael Birnbaum was a great man in the local little synagogue if only one of the crowd at " Duke's Plaizer." He had been successively Gabbai and Parnass, or treasurer and president, and had presented the plush curtain, with its mystical decoration of intersecting triangles, woven in silk, that hung before the Ark in which the scrolls of the Law 48 CHILDREN OF THE GHETTO. were kept. He was the very antithesis of Moses Ansell. His energy was restless. From hawking he had risen to a profitable traffic in gold lace and Brummagem jewelry, with a large clientele all over the countrv, before he was twentv. He touched nothing which he did not profit by ; and when he married, at twenty- three, a woman nearly twice his age, the transaction was not without the usual percentage. Very soon his line was diamonds, — real diamonds. He carried a pocket-knife which was a com- bination of a corkscrew, a pair of scissors, a file, a pair of tweezers, a toothpick, and half a dozen other things, and which seemed an epitome of his character. His temperament was lively, and, like Ephraim Phillips, he liked music-halls. Fortu- nately, Malka was too conscious of her charms to dream of jealousy. Michael smacked her soundly on the mouth with his lips and said: "Well, mother!'' He called her mother, not because he had any children, but because she had, and it seemed a pity to multiply domestic nomenclature. "Well, my little one," said Malka, hugging him fondly. " Have you made a good journey this time? " "No, trade is so dull. People won't put their hands in their pockets. And here?" " People won't take their hands out of their pockets, lazy dogs! Everybody is striking, — Jews with them. Unheard-of things! The bootmakers, the capmakers, the furriers! And now they say the tailors are going to strike ; more fools, too, when the trade is so slack. What with one thing and another (let me put your cravat straight, my little love), it's just the people who can't afford to buy new clothes that are hard up, so that they can't afford to buy second-hand clothes either. If the Almighty is not good to us, we shall come to the Board of Guardians ourselves." "Not quite so bad as that, mother," laughed Michael, twirling the massive diamond ring on his finger. " How's baby? Is it ready to be redeemed ? " "Which baby?" said Malka, with well-affected agnosticism. THE REDEMPTION OF SON AND DAUGHTER. 49 " Phew! " whistled Michael. "What's up now, mother?" . '' Nothing, my pet, nothing." "Well, Pm going across. Come along, mother. Oh, wait a minute. I want to brush this mud off my trousers. Is the clothes-brush here ? " " Yes, dearest one," said the unsuspecting Malka. Michael winked imperceptibly, flicked his trousers, and with- out further parley ran across the diagonal to Milly's house. Five minutes afterwards a deputation, consisting of a char- woman, waited upon Malka and said : " Missus says will you please come over, as baby is a-cryin' for its grandma." "Ah, that must be another pin," said Malka, with a gleam of triumph at her victory. But she did not budge. At the end of five minutes she rose solemnly, adjusted her wig and her dress in the mirror, put on her bonnet, brushed away a non-existent speck of dust from her left sleeve, put a peppermint in her mouth, and crossed the Square, carrying the clothes-brush in her hand. Milly's door was half open, but she knocked at it and said to the char-woman : "Is Mrs. Phillips in?" " Yes, mum, the company's all upstairs." " Oh, then I will go up and return her this myself." Malka went straight through the little crowd of guests to Milly, who was sitting on a sofa with Ezekiel, quiet as a lamb and as good as gold, in her arms. " Milly, my dear," she said. " I have come to bring you back your clothes-brush. Thank you so much for the loan of it." " You know you're welcome, mother," said Milly, with uninten- tionally dual significance. The two ladies embraced. Ephra- im Phillips, a sallow-looking, close-cropped Pole, also kissed his mother-in-law, and the gold chain that rested on Malka's bosom heaved with the expansion of domestic pride. Malka thanked God she was not a mother of barren or celibate children, which is only one degree better than personal unfruitfulness, and testifies scarce less to the celestial curse. "Is that pin-mark gone away yet, Milly, from the precious E 50 CHILDREN OF THE GHETTO. little thing?" said Malka, taking Ezekiel in her arms and dis- regarding the transformation of face which in babies precedes a storm. ^' Yes, it was a mere flea-bite," said Milly incautiously, adding hurriedly, " I always go through his flannels and things most carefully to see there are no more pins lurking about." "That is right! Pins are like fleas — you never know where they get to," said Malka in an insidious spirit of compromise. "Where is Leah?" " She is in the back yard frying the last of the fish. Don't you smell it?" "It will hardly have time to get cold." " Well, but I did a dishful myself last night. She is only pre- paring a reserve in case the attack be too deadly." " And where is the Cohen ? " " Oh, we have asked old Hyams across the Ruins. We expect him round every minute." At this point the indications of EzekiePs facial barometer were fulfilled, and a tempest of weeping shook him. '''■Nal Go then! Go to the mother!" said Malka angrily. " All my children are alike. It's getting late. Hadn't you bet- ter send across again for old Hyams?" " There's no hurry, mother," said Michael Birnbaum sooth- ingly. "We must wait for Sam." " And who's Sam?" cried Malka unappeased. " Sam is Leah's Chosan^'' replied Michael ingenuously. "Clever!" sneered Malka. " But my grandson is not going to wait for the son of a proselyte. Why doesn't he come?" " He'll be here in one minute." " How do you know?" "We came up in the same train. He got in at Middles- borough. He's just gone home to see his folks, and get a wash and a brush-up. Considering he's coming up to town merely for the sake of the family ceremony, I think it would be very rude to commence without him. It's no joke, a long railway journey this weather. My feet were nearly frozen despite the foot-warmer." THE REDEMPTION OF SON AND DAUGHTER. 51 " My poor lambkin,"" said Malka, melting. And she patted his side whiskers. Sam Levine arrived almost immediately, and Leah, fishfork in hand, flew out of the back-yard kitchen lo greet him. Though a member of the tribe of Levi, he was anything but ecclesiastical in appearance, rather a representative of muscular Judaism. He had a pink and w^hite complexion, and a tawny moustache, and bubbled over with energy and animal spirits. He could give most men thirty in a hundred in billiards, and fifty in anecdote. He w^as an advanced Radical in politics, and had a high opinion of the intelligence of his party. He paid Leah lip-fealty on his entry. "What a pity ifs Sunday !" was Leah's first remark when the kissing was done. " No going to the play," said Sam ruefully, catching her meaning. They always celebrated his return from a commercial round by going to the theatre — the-etter they pronounced it. They went to the pit of the West End houses rather than patronize the local dress circles for the same money. There were two strata of Ghetto girls, those who strolled in the Strand on Sab- bath, and those who strolled in the Whitechapel Road. Leah was of the upper stratum. She was a tall lovely brunette, exu- berant of voice and figure, with coarse red hands. She doted on ice-cream in the summer, and hot chocolate in the winter, but her love of the theatre w^as a perennial passion. Both Sam and she had good ears, and w^re always first in the field with the latest comic opera tunes. Leah's healthy vitality was prodigious. There was. a legend in the Lane of such a maiden having been chosen by a coronet ; Leah was satisfied with Sam, who was just her match. On the heels of Sam came several other guests, notably Mrs. Jacobs (wife of "Reb" Shemuel), with her pretty daughter, Hannah. Mr. Hyams, the Cohen., came last — the Priest whose functions had so curiously dwindled since the times of the Temples. To be called first to the reading of the Law, to bless his brethren with symbolic spreadings of palms and fingers in a mystic incantation delivered, standing shoeless before the 62 CHILDREN OF THE GHETTO. Ark of the Covenant at festival seasons, to redeem the mother^s first-born son when neither parent was of priestly lineage — these privileges combined with a disability to be with or near the dead, differentiated his religious position from that of the Levite or the Israelite. Mendel Hyams was not puiTed up about his tribal superiority, though if tradition were to be trusted, his direct descent from Aaron, the High Priest, gave him a longer genealogy than Queen Victoria's. He was a meek sexagenarian, with a threadbare black coat and a child-like smile. All the pride of the family seemed to be monopolized by his daughter Miriam, a girl whose very nose Heaven had fashioned scornful. Miriam had accompanied him out of contemptuous curiosity. She wore a stylish feather in her hat, and a boa round her throat, and earned thirty shillings a week, all told, as a school teacher. (Esther Ansell was in her class just now.) Probably her toilette had made old Hyams unpunctual. His arrival was the signal for the commencement of the proceedings, and the men hastened to assume their head-gear. Ephraim Phillips cautiously took the swaddled-up infant from the bosom of Milly where it was suckling and presented it to old Hyams. Fortunately Ezekiel had already had a repletion of milk, and was drowsy and manifested very little interest in the whole transaction. " This my first-born son," said Ephraim in Hebrew as he handed Ezekiel over — " is the first-born of his mother, and the Holy One, blessed be He, hath given command to redeem him, as it is said, and those that are to be redeemed of them from a month old, shalt thou redeem according to thine estimation for the money of five shekels after the shekel of the sanctuary, the shekel being twenty gerahs ; and it is said, ' Sanctify unto me all the first-born, whatsoever openeth the womb among the children of Israel, both of man and of beast ; it is mine.' " Ephraim Phillips then placed fifteen shillings in silver before old Hyams, who thereupon inquired in Chaldaic : " Which wouldst thou rather — give me thy first-born son, the first-born of his mother, or redeem him for five selaim, which thou art bound to give according to the Law ? " THE REDEMPTION OF SON AND DAUGHTER. 53 Ephraim replied in Chaldaic : '' I am desirous rather to re- deem my son, and here thou hast the value of his redemption, which I am bound to give according to the Law.*" Thereupon Hyams took the money tendered, and gave back the child to his father, who blessed God for His sanctifying com- mandments, and thanked Him for His mercies ; after which the old Cohen held the fifteen shillings over the head of the infant, saying : " This instead of that, this in exchange for that, this in remission of that. May this child enter into life, into the Law, and into the fear of Heaven. May it be God's will that even as he has been admitted to redemption, so may he enter into the Law, the nuptial canopy and into good deeds. Amen." Then, placing his hand in benediction upon the child's head, the priestly layman added : " God make thee as Ephraim and Manasseh. The Lord bless thee and keep thee. The Lord make His face to shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee. The Lord turn His face to thee and grant thee peace. The Lord is thy guardian ; the Lord is thy shade upon thy right hand. For length of days and years of life and peace shall they add to thee. The Lord shall guard thee from all evil. He shall guard thy soul.'' " Amen," answered the company, and then there was a buzz of secular talk, general rapture being expressed at the stolidness of Ezekiel's demeanor. Cups of tea were passed round by the lovely Leah, and the secrets of the paper bags were brought to light. Ephraim Phillips talked horses with Sam Levine, and old Hyams quarrelled with Malka over the disposal of the fifteen shillings. Knowing that Hyams was poor, Malka refused to take back the money retendered by him unde* pretence of a gift to the child. The Cohen, however, was a proud man, and under the eye of Miriam a firm one. Ultimately it was agreed the money should be expended on a Missheberach, for the infant's welfare and the synagogue's. Birds of a feather flock together, and Miriam forgathered with Hannah Jacobs, who also had a stylish feather in her hat, and was the most congenial of the company. Mrs. Jacobs was left to discourse of the ailments of childhood and the iniquities of servants with Mrs. Philips. 54 CHILDREN OF THE GHETTO. Reb Shemuers wife, commonly known as the Rebbitzin, was a tall woman with a bony nose and shrivelled cheeks, whereon the paths of the blood-vessels were scrawled in red. The same bones were visible beneath the plumper padding of Hannah's face. Mrs. Jacobs had escaped the temptation to fatness, which is the besetting peril of the Jewish matron. If Hannah could escape her mother's inclination to angularity she would be a pretty woman. She dressed with taste, which is half the battle, and for the present she was only nineteen. "- Do you think it's a good match ? '' said Miriam Hyams, in- dicatino; Sam Levine with a movement of the eyebrow. A swift, scornful look flitted across Hannah's face. "Among the Jews," she said, " every match is a grand Shiddiich before the marriage ; after, we hear another tale." "There is a good deal in that," admitted Miriam, thought- fully. " The girl's' family cries up the capture shamelessly. I remember when Clara Emanuel was engaged, her brother Jack told me it was a splendid Shidduch. Afterwards I found he was a widower of fifty-five with three children." "But that engagement went off," said Hannah. "I know," said Miriam. " I'm only saying I can't fancy my- self doing anything of the kind." " What ! breaking off an engagement? " said Hannah, with a cynical little twinkle about her eye. " No, taking a man like that," replied Miriam. " I wouldn't look at a man over thirty-five, or with less than two hundred and fifty a year." " You'll never marry a teacher, then," Hannah remarked. " Teacher ! " Miriam Hyams repeated, with a look of disgust. " How can one be respectable on three pounds a week? I must have a man in a good position." She tossed her piquant nose and looked almost handsome. She was five years older than Hannah, and it seemed an enigma why men did not rush to lay five pounds a week at her daintily shod feet. " rd rather marry a man with two pounds a week if I loved him," said Hannah in a low tone. " Not in this century," said Miriam, shaking her head incredu- THE REDEMPTION OF SON AND DAUGHTER. 55 lously. " We don''t believe in that nonsense now-a-days. There was Alice Green, — she used to talk like that, — now look at her, riding about in a gig side by side with a bald monkey." "Alice Greenes mother," interrupted Maika, pricking up her ears, "married a son of Mendel Weinstein by his third wife,' Dinah, who had ten pounds left her by her uncle Shloumi." " No, Dinah was Menders second wife," corrected Mrs. Jacobs, cutting short a remark of Mrs. Phillips's in favor of the new interest. "Dinah was Mendel's third wife," repeated Malka, her tanned cheeks reddening. " I know it because my Simon, God bless him, was breeched the same month." Simon was Malka's eldest, now a magistrate in Melbourne. "His third wife was Kitty Green, daughter of the yellow Melammed," persisted the Rebbitzin. " I know it for a fact, because Kitty's sister Annie was engaged for a week to my brother-in-law Nathaniel." " His first wife," put in Malka's husband, with the air of arbi- trating between the two, "was Shmool the publican's eldest daughter." " Shmool the publican's daughter," said Malka, stirred to fresh indignation, " married Hyam Robins, the grandson of old Benjamin, who kept the cutlery shop at the corner of Little Eden Alley, there where the pickled cucumber store stands now." " It was Shmool's sister that married Hyam Robins, wasn't it, mother? " asked Milly, incautiously. " Certainly not," thundered Malka. " I knew old Benjamin well, and he sent me a pair of chintz curtains when I married your father." " Poor old Benjamin! How long has he been dead? " mused Reb Shemuel's wife. " He died the year I was confined with my Leah " "Stop! stop! " interrupted Sam Levine boisterously. "There's Leah getting as red as fire for fear you'll blab out her age." " Don't be a fool, Sam," said Leah, blushing violently, and looking the lovelier for it. 66 CHILDREN OF THE GHETTO. The attention of the entire company was now concentrated upon the question at issue, whatever it might be. Malka fixed her audience with her piercing eye, and said in a tone that scarce brooked contradiction : " Hyam Robins couldn't have married ShmooPs sister because Shmool's sister was already the wife of Abraham the fishmonger." "Yes, but Shmool had two sisters," said Mrs. Jacobs, auda- ciously asserting her position as the rival genealogist. " Nothing of the kind," replied Malka warmly. " Fm quite sure," persisted Mrs. Jacobs. "There was Phoeby and there was Harriet." " Nothing of the kind," repeated Malka. " Shmool had three sisters. Only two were in the deaf and dumb home." ' " Why, that wasn't Shmool at all," Milly forgot herself so far as to say, " that was Block the Baker." " Of course! " said Malka in her most acid tone. '^^ My kinder always know better than me." There was a moment of painful silence. Malka's eye mechan- ically sought the clothes-brush. Then Ezekiel sneezed. It was a convulsive "' atichoo," and agitated the infant to its most inti- mate flannel-roll. " For thy Salvation do I hope, O Lord," murmured Malka, piously, adding triumphantly aloud, " There ! the kind has sneezed to the truth of it. I knew I was right." The sneeze of an innocent child silences everybody who is not a blasphemer. In the general satisfaction at the unexpected solution of the situation, no one even pointed out that the actual statement to which Ezekiel had borne testimony, was an asser- tion of the superior knowledge of Malka's children. Shortly afterwards the company trooped downstairs to partake of high tea, which in the Ghetto need not include anything more fleshly than fish. Fish was, indeed, the staple of the meal. Fried fish, and such fried fish! Only a great poet could sing the praises of the national dish, and the golden age of Hebrew poetry is over. Strange that Gebirol should have lived and died without the opportunity of the theme, and that the great Jehuda Halevi him- self should have had to devote his genius merely to singing the THE REDEMPTION OF SON AND DAUGHTER. 57 glories of Jerusalem. " Israel is among the other nations," he sang, ''as the heart among the limbs.'" Even so is the fried fish of Judcea to the fried fish of Christendom and Heathendom. With the audacity of true culinary genius, Jewish fried fish is always served cold. The skin is a beautiful brown, the substance firm and succulent. The very bones thereof are full of marrow, yea and charged with memories of the happy past. Fried fish binds Anglo-Judaea more than all the lip-professions of unity. Its savor is early known of youth, and the divine flavor, endeared by a thousand childish recollections, entwined with the most sacred associations, draws back the hoary sinner into the paths of piety. It is on fried fish, mayhap, that the Jewish matron grows fat. In the days of the Messiah, when the saints shall feed off the Leviathan ; and the Sea Serpent shall be dished up for the last time, and the world and the silly season shall come to an end, in those days it is probable that the saints will prefer their Leviathan fried. Not that any physical frying will be necessary, for in those happy times (for whose coming every faithful Israelite prays three times a day), the Leviathan will have what taste the eater will. Possibly a few highly respectable saints, who were fashionable in their day and contrived to live in Kensington without infection of paganism, will take their Levia- than in conventional courses, and beginning with hors cfa'uvres may will him everything by turns and nothing long ; making him soup and sweets, joint and entree, and even ices and cofl"ee, for in the millennium the harassing prohibition which bars cream after meat will fall through. But, however this be, it is beyond question that the bulk of the faithful will mentally fry him, and though the Christian saints, who shall be privileged to wait at table, hand them plate after plate, fried fish shall be all the fare. One suspects that Hebrews gained the taste in the Desert of Sinai, for the manna that fell there was not monotonous to the palate as the sciolist supposes, but likewise mutable under voli- tion. It were incredible that Moses, who gave so many imperish- able things to his people, did not also give them the knowledge of fried fish, so that they might obey his behest, and rejoice before the Lord. Nay, was it not because, while the manna fell, 58 CHILDREN OF THE GHETTO. there could be no lack of fish to fry, that they lingered forty years in a dreary wilderness? Other delicious things there are in Jewish cookery — Lockschen, which are the apotheosis of vermicelli, Ferfel, which are Lockschen in an atomic state, and Creplick, which are triangular meat-pasties, and Kuggol, to which pudding has a far-away resemblance ; and there is even gefilllte Fisch, which is stuffed fish without bones — but fried fish reigns above all in cold, unquestioned sovereignty. No other people possesses the recipe. As a poet of the commencement of the century sings : The Christians are ninnies, they can't fry Dutch plaice, Believe me, they can't tell a carp from a dace. It was while discussing a deliciously brown oblong of the Dutch plaice of the ballad that Samuel Levine appeared to be struck by an idea. He threw down his knife and fork and exclaimed in Hebrew. '-'' Sheinah benil'''' Every one looked at him. "Hear, my son!" he repeated in comic horror. Then relaps- ing into English, he explained. " IVe forgotten to give Leah a present from her chosany "A-h-h!" Everybody gave a sigh of deep interest; Leah, whom the exigencies of service had removed from his side to the head of the table, half-rose from her seat in excitement. Now, whether Samuel Levine had really forgotten, or whether he had chosen the most effective moment will never be known ; certain it is that the Semitic instinct for drama was gratified within him as he drew a little folded white paper out of his waistcoat pocket, amid the keen expectation of the com- pany. " This," said he, tapping the paper as if he were a conjurer, "was purchased by me yesterday morning for my little girl. I said to myself, says I, look here, old man, you've got to go up to town for a day in honor of Ezekiel Phillips, and your poor girl, who had looked forward to your staying away till Pass- over, will want some compensation for her disappointment at seeing you earlier. So I thinks to myself, thinks I, now what THE REDEMPTION OF SON AND DAUGHTER. 59 is there that Leah would hke? It must be something appro- priate, of course, and it mustn't be of any value, because I can't afford it. It's a ruinous business getting engaged ; the worst bit of business I ever did in all my born days."' Here Sam winked facetiously at the company. "And 1 thought and thought of what was the cheapest thing I could get out of it with, and lo and behold I suddenly thought of a ring." So saying, Sam, still with the same dramatic air, unwrapped the thick gold ring and held it up so that the huge diamond in it sparkled in the sight of all. A long '• O — h — h" went round the company, the majority instantaneously pricing it mentally, and wondering at what reduction Sam had acquired it from a brother commercial. For that no Jew ever pays full retail price for jewelry is regarded as axiomatic. Even the engagement ring is not required to be first-hand — or should it be first-finger? — so long as it is solid ; which perhaps accounts for the superiority of the Jewish marriage-rate. Leah rose entirely to her feet, the light of tlie diamond reflected in her eager eyes. She leant across the table, stretching out a finger to receive her lover's gift. Sam put the ring near her finger, then drew it away teasingly. " Them as asks shan't have," he said, in high good humor. " You're too greedy. Look at the number of rings you've got already." The fun of the situation diffused itself along the table. " Give it me," laughed Miriam Hyams, stretching out her finger. " I'll say ' ta ' so nicely." '^ No," he said, " you've been naughty ; I'm going to give it to the little girl who has sat quiet all the time. Miss Hannah Jacobs, rise to receive your prize." Hannah, who was sitting two places to the left of him, smiled quietly, but went on carving her fish. Sam, growing quite bois- terous under the appreciation of a visibly amused audience, leaned towards her, captured her right hand, and forcibly adjusted the ring on the second finger, exclaiming in Hebrew, with mock solemnity, " Behold, thou art consecrated unto me by this ring according to the Law of Moses and Israel." 60 CHILDREN OF THE GHETTO. It was the formal marriage speech he had learnt up for his approaching marriage. The company roared with laughter, and pleasure and enjoyment of the fun made Leah's lovely, smiling cheeks flush to a livelier crimson. Badinage flew about from one end of the table to the other ; burlesque congratula- tions were showered on the couple, flowing over even unto Mrs. Jacobs, who appeared to enjoy the episode as much as if her daughter were really off" her hands. The little incident added the last touch of high spirits to the company and extorted all their latent humor. Samuel excelled himself in vivacious repartee, and responded comically to the toast of his health as drunk in coffee. Suddenly, amid the hubbub of chaff and laughter and the clatter of cutlery, a still small voice made itself heard. It same from old Hyams, who had been sitting quietly with brow corrugated under his black velvet koppel. " Mr. Levine," he said, in low grave tones, " I have been thinking, and I am afraid that what you have done is serious." The earnestness of his tones arrested the attention of the company. The laughter ceased. " What do you mean ? '^ said Samuel. He understood the Yiddish which old Hyams almost invariably used, though he did not speak it himself. Contrariwise, old Hyams understood much more English than he spoke. '' You have married Hannah Jacobs.'" There was a painful silence, dim recollections surging in everybody's brain. "Married Hannah Jacobs! " repeated Samuel incredulously. " Yes,'' affirmed old Hyams. " What you have done consti- tutes a marriage according to Jewish law. You have pledged yourself to her in the presence of two witnesses." There was another tense silence. Samuel broke it with a boisterous laugh. " No, no, old fellow," he said ; " you don't have me like that! " The tension was relaxed. Everybody joined in the laugh with a feeling of indescribable relief. Facetious old Hyams had gone near scoring one. Hannah smilingly plucked off the glittering bauble from her finger and slid it on to Leah's. Hy- THE REDEMPTION OF SON AND DAUGHTER. 61 ams alone remained grave. "Laugh away!" he said. "You will soon find I am right. Such is our law." "May be," said Samuel, constrained to seriousness despite himself. " But you forget that I am already engaged to Leah." " I do not forget it," replied Hyams, '• but it has nothing to do with the case. You are both single, or rather you were both single, for now you are man and wife." Leah, who had been sitting pale and agitated, burst into tears. Hannah's face was drawn and white. Her mother looked the least alarmed of the company. "Droll person!" cried Malka, addressing Sam angrily in jar- gon. "What hast thou done? " " Don't let us all go mad," said Samuel, bewildered. " How can a piece of fun, a joke, be a valid marriage? " " The law takes no account of jokes," said old Hyams solemnly. "Then why didn't you stop me?" asked Sam, exasperated. " It was all done in a moment. I laughed myseM"; I had no time to think." Sam brought his fist down on the table with a bang. " Well, ril never believe this! If this is Judaism ! " " Hush ! " said Malka angrily. " These are your English Jews, who make mock of holy things. I always said the son of a pros- elyte was " " Look here, mother," put in Michael soothingly. " Don't let us make a fuss before we know the truth. Send for some one who is likely to know." He played agitatedly with his complex pocket-knife. " Yes, Hannah's father, Reb Shemuel is just the man," cried Milly Phillips. " I told you my husband was gone to Manchester for a day or two," Mrs. Jacobs reminded her. " There's the Maggid of the Sons of the Covenant," said one of the company. " Fll go and fetch him." The stooping, black-bearded Maggid was brought. When he arrived, it was evident from his look that he knew all and brought confirmation of their worst fears. He explained the law at great length, and cited precedent upon precedent. When he 62 CHILDREN OF THE GHETTO. ceased, Leah's sobs alone broke the silence. SamuePs face was white. The merry gathering had been turned to a wedding party. "You rogue! "burst forth Malka at last. "You planned all this — you thought my Leah didn't have enough money, and that Reb Shemuel will heap you up gold in the hands. But you don't take me in like this." " May this piece of bread choke me if I had the slightest iota of intention!" cried Samuel passionately, for the thought of what Leah might think was like fire in his veins. He turned appeal- ingly to the Maggid ; " but there must be some way out of this, surely there must be some way out. I know you Maggidivi can split hairs. Can't you make one of your clever distinctions even when there's more than a trifle concerned?" There was a savage impatience about the bridegroom which boded ill for the Law. " Of course there's a way out," said the Maggid calmly. " Only one way, but a very broad and simple one." "What's that?" everybody asked breathlessly. " He must give her Gett ! " "Of course!" shouted Sam in a voice of thunder. "I divorce her at once." He guffawed hysterically ; " What a pack of fools we are! Good old Jewish law! " Leah's sobs ceased. Everybody except Mrs. Jacobs was smiling once more. Half a dozen hands grasped the Maggid'^s ; half a dozen others thumped him on the back. He was pushed into a chair. They gave him a glass of brandy, they heaped a plate with fried fish. Verily the Maggid, who was in truth sore ahungered, was in luck's way. He blessed Providence and the Jewish Marriage Law. " But you had better not reckon that a divorce," he warned them between two mouthfuls. " You had better go to Reb Shemuel, the maiden's father, and let him arrange the Gett beyond reach of cavil." " But Reb Shemuel is away," said Mrs. Jacobs. "And I must go away, too, by the first train to-morrow," said Sam. " However, there's no hurry. I'll arrange to run up to THE REDEMPTION OF SON AND DAUGHTER. 63 town again in a fortnight or so, and then Reb Shemuel shall see that we are properly untied. You don't mind being my wife for a fortnight, I hope, Miss Jacobs?" asked Sam, winking gleefully at Leah. She smiled back at him and they laughed together over the danger they had just escaped. Hannah laughed too, in contemptuous amusement at the rigidity of Jewish Law. '• ril tell you what, Sam, can't you come back for next Satur- day week? " said Leah. " Why ? " asked Sam. " What's on ? " '■" The Purim Ball at the Club. As you've got to come back to give Hannah Gett, you might as well come in time to take me to the ball." " Right you are," said Sam cheerfully. Leah clapped her hands. " Oh that will be jolly," she said. "And we'll take Hannah with us," she added as an after- thought. "Is that by way of compensation for losing my husband?" Hannah asked with a smile. Leah gave a happy laugh, and turned the new ring on her fin- ger in delighted contemplation. "All's well that ends well," said Sam. "Through this joke Leah will be the belle of the Purim Ball. I think I deserve another piece of plaice, Leah, for that compliment. As for you, Mr. Maggid, you're a saint and a Talmud sage! " The MaggiiVs face was brightened by a smile. He intoned the grace with unction when the meal ended, and everybody joined in heartily at the specifically vocal portions. Then the Maggid left, and the cards were brought out. It is inadvisable to play cards before fried fish, because it is well known that you may lose, and losing may ruffle your tem- per, and you may call your partner an ass or your partner may call you an ass. To-night the greatest good humor prevailed, though several pounds changed hands. They played Loo, " Klobbiyos," Napoleon, Vingt-et-un, and especially Brag. Solo whist had not yet come in to drive everything else out. Old Hyams did not spiel, because he could not afford to, and Hannah Jacobs because she did not care to. These and a few 64 CHILDREN OF THE GHETTO. other guests left early. But the family party stayed late. On a warm green table, under a cheerful gas light, with brandy and whiskey and sweets and fruit to hand, with no trains or busses to catch, what wonder if the light-hearted assembly played far into the new day? Meanwhile the Redeemed Son slept peacefully in his crib with his legs curled up, and his little fists clenched beneath the coverlet. CHAPTER V. THE PAUPER ALIEN. Moses Ansell married mainly because all men are mortal. He knew he would die and he wanted an heir. Not to in- herit anything, but to say Kaddish for him. Kaddish is the most beautiful and wonderful mourning prayer ever written. Rigidly excluding all references to death and grief, it exhausts itself in supreme glorification of the Eternal and in supplication for peace upon the House of Israel. But its significance has been gradually transformed ; human nature, driven away with a pitchfork, has avenged itself by regarding the prayer as a mass, not without purgatorial efficacy, and so the Jew is reluctant to die without leaving some one qualified to say Kaddish after him every day for a year, and then one day a year. That is one reason why sons are of such domestic importance. Moses had only a mother in the world when he married Gittel Silverstein, and he hoped to restore the balance of male relatives by this reckless measure. The result was six children, three girls and three Kaddishwi. In Gittel, Moses found a tireless helpmate. During her lifetime the family always lived in two rooms, for she had various ways of supplementing the household income. When in London she chared for her cousin Malka at a shilling a day. Likewise she sewed underlinen and stitched slips of fur into caps in the privacy of home and midnight. For all Mrs. AnselFs industry, the family had been a typical group of wandering Jews, straying from town to town in search of better things. The congregation they left (every town which could THE PAUPER ALIEN. 65 muster the minimum of ten men for worship boasted its KehillaJi) invariably paid their fare to the next congregation, glad to get rid of them so cheaply, and the new Kehillah jumped at the opportunity of gratifying their restless- migratory instinct and sent them to a newer. Thus were they tossed about on the battledores of philanthropy, often reverting to their starting- point, to the disgust of the charitable committees. Yet Moses always made loyal efforts to find work. His versatility was mar- vellous. There was nothing he could not do badly. He had been glazier, synagogue beadle, picture-frame manufacturer, cantor, peddler, shoemaker in all branches, coat-seller, official executioner of fowls and cattle, Hebrew teacher, fruiterer, cir- cumciser, professional corpse-watcher, and now he was a tailor out of work. Unquestionably Malka was right in considering Moses a Schleinihl in comparison with many a fellow-immigrant, who brought indefatigable hand and subtle brain to the struggle for existence, and discarded the prop of charity as soon as he could, and sometimes earlier. It was as a hawker that he believed himself most gifted, and he never lost the conviction that if he could only get a fair start, he had in him the makings of a millionaire. Yet there was scarcely anything cheap with which he had not tramped the country, so that when poor Benjamin, who profited by his mother's death to get into the Orphan Asylum, was asked to write a piece of composition on *' The Methods of Travelling," he excited the hilarity of the class-room by writing that there were numerous ways of travelling, for you could travel with sponge, lemons, rhubarb, old clothes, jewelry, and so on, for a page of a copy book. Benjamin was a brilliant boy, yet he never shook off some of the misleading associations engendered by the parental jargon. For Mrs. Ansell had diversified her corrupt German by streaks of incorrect English, being of a much more energetic and ambitious temperament than the conserva- tive Moses, who dropped nearly all his burden of English into her grave. For Benjamin, " to travel " meant to wander about selling goods, and when in his books he read of African trav- 66 CHILDREN OF THE GHETTO. ellers, he took it for granted that they were but exploiting the Dark Continent for small profits and quick returns. And who knows ? Perhaps of the two species, it was the old Jewish peddlers who suffered the more and made the less profit on the average. For the despised three-hatted scarecrow of Christian caricature, who shambled along snuffling " Old cloV' had a strenuous inner life, which might possibly have vied in intensity, elevation, and even sense of humor, with that of the best of the jeerers on the highway. To Moses, "travelling" meant straying forlornly in strange towns and villages, given over to the worship of an alien deity and ever ready to avenge his crucifixion ; in a land of whose tongue he knew scarce more than the Saracen damsel married by legend to a Becket's father. It meant praying brazenly in crowded railway trains, winding the phylacteries sevenfold round his left arm and crowning his fore- head with a huge leather bump of righteousness, to the bewilder- ment or irritation of unsympathetic fellow-passengers. It meant living chiefly on dry bread and drinking black tea out of his own cup, with meat and fish and the good things of life utterly banned by the traditional law, even if he were flush. It meant carrying the red rag of an obnoxious personality through a land of bulls. It meant passing months away from wife and children, in a solitude only occasionally alleviated by a Sabbath spent in a synagogue town. It meant putting up at low public houses and common lodging houses, where rowdy disciples of the Prince of Peace often sent him bleeding to bed, or shamelessly despoiled him of his merchandise, or bullied and blustered him out of his fair price, knowing he dared not resent. It meant being chaffed and gibed at in language of which he only understood that it was cruel, though certain trite facetiae grew intelligible to him by repetition. Thus once, when he had been interrogated as to the locality of Moses when the light went out, he replied in Yiddish that the light could not go out, for "' it stands in the verse, that round the head of Moses, our teacher, the great law-giver, was a perpetual halo." An old German happened to be smoking at the bar of the public house when the peddler gave his acute answer ; he laughed heartily, slapped the Jew on the back and THE PAUPER ALIEN. 67 translated the repartee to the convivial crew. For once intellect told, and the rough drinkers, with a pang of shame, vied with one another in pressing bitter beer upon the temperate Semite. But, as a rule, Moses Ansell drank the cup of affliction instead of hospitality and bore his share to the full, without the remot- est intention of being heroic, in the long agony of his race, doomed to be a byword and a mockery amongst the heathen. Assuredly, to die for a religion is easier than to live for it. Yet Moses never complained nor lost faith. To be spat upon was the very condition of existence of the modern Jew, deprived of Palestine and his Temple, a footsore mendicant, buffeted and reviled, yet the dearer to the Lord God who had chosen him from the nations. Bullies might break Moses's head in this world, but in the next he would sit on a gold chair in Paradise among the saints and sing exegetical acrostics to all eternity. It was some dim perception of these things that made Esther forgive her father when the Ansells waited weeks and weeks for a postal order and landlords were threatening to bundle them out neck and crop, and her mothers hands were worn to the bone slaving for her little ones. Things improved a little just before the mother died, for they had settled down in London and Moses earned eighteen shil- lings a week as a machinist and presser, and no longer roamed the country. But the interval of happiness was brief. The grandmother, imported from Poland, did not take kindly to her son's wife, whom she found wanting in the minutiae of ceremonial piety and godless enough to wear her own hair. There had been, indeed, a note of scepticism, of defiance, in Esther's mother, a hankering after the customs of the heathen, which her grandmother divined instinctively and resented for the sake of her son and the post-mundane existence of her grandchildren. Mrs. Ansell's scepticism based itself upon the uncleanliness which was so generally next to godliness in the pious circles round them, and she had been heard to express contempt for the learned and venerable Israelite, who, being accosted by an ac- quaintance when the shadows of eve were beginning to usher in the Day of Atonement, exclaimed : 68 CHILDREN OF THE GHETTO. " For heaven's sake, don't stop me — I missed my bath last year." Mrs. Ansell bathed her children from head to foot once a month, and even profanely washed them on the Sabbath, and had other strange, uncanny notions. She professed not to see the value to God, man or beast of the learned Rabbonim, who sat shaking themselves all day in the Beth Haviidrash., and said they would be better occupied in supporting their families, a view which, though mere surface blasphemy on the part of the good woman and primarily intended as a hint to Moses to study less and work longer, did not fail to excite lively passages of arms between the two women. But death ended these bickerings and the Bube^ who had frequently reproached her son for bringing her into such an atheistic country, was left a drag the more upon the family deprived at once of a mother and a bread-winner. Old Mrs. Ansell was unfit for anything save gnmibling, and so the headship naturally devolved upon Esther, whom her mother's death left a woman gettinor on for eiijht. The commencement of har reign coincided with a sad bisection of territory. Shocking as it may be to better regulated minds, these seven people lived in one room. Moses and the two boys slept in one bed and the grandmother and the three girls in another. Esther had to sleep with her head on a supplementary pillow at the foot of the bed. But there can be much love in a little room. The room was not, however, so very little, for it was of un- gainly sprawling structure, pushing out an odd limb that might have been cut off with a curtain. The walls nodded fixedly to one another so that the ceiling was only half the size of the floor. The furniture comprised but the commonest necessities. This attic of the Ansells was nearer heaven than most earthly dwell- ing places, for there were four tall flights of stairs to mount be- fore you got to it. No. i Royal Street had been in its time one of the great mansions of the Ghetto; pillars of the synagogue had quaffed kosJicr wine in its spacious reception rooms and its corridors had echoed witli the gossip of portly dames in stiff bro- cades. It was stoutly built and its balusters were of carved oak. But now the threshold of the great street door, which was never THE PAUPER ALIEN. 69 closed, was encrusted with black mud, and a musty odor perma- nently clung to the wide staircase and blent subtly with far- away reminiscences of Mr. Belcovitch's festive turpentine. The Ansells had numerous housemates, for No. i Royal Street was a Jewish colony in itself and the resident population was periodi- cally swollen by the " hands '^ of the Belcovitches and by the " Sons of the Covenant," who came to worship at their syna- gogue on the ground floor. What with Sugarman the Shadchan, on the first floor, Mrs. Simons and Dutch Debby on the second, the Belcovitches on the third, and the Ansells and Gabriel Ham- burg, the great scholar, on the fourth, the door-posts twinkled with Meziizahs — cases or cylinders containing sacred script with the word Shaddai (Almighty) peering out of a little glass eye at the centre. Even Dutch Debby, abandoned wretch as she was, had this protection against evil spirits (so it has come to be regarded) on her lintel, though she probably never touched the eye with her finger to kiss the place of contact after the manner of the faithful. Thus was No. i Royal Street close packed with the stuff of human life, homespun and drab enough, but not altogether prof- itless, may be, to turn over and examine. So close packed was it that there was scarce breathing space. It was only at imme- morial intervals that our pauper alien made a pun, but one day he flashed upon the world the pregnant remark that England was well named, for to the Jew it was verily the Enge-Land, which in German signifies the country without elbow room. Moses Ansell chuckled softly and beatifically when he emitted the remark that surprised all who knew him. But then it was the Rejoicing of the Law and the Sons of the Covenant had treated him to rum and currant cake. He often thought of his witticism afterwards, and it always lightened his unwashed face with a happy smile. The recollection usually caught him when he was praying. For four years after Mrs. Ansell's charity funeral the Ansells, though far from happy, had no history to speak of. Benjamin accompanied Solomon to Shool morning and even- ing to say KaddisJi for their mother till he passed into the 70 CHILDREN OF THE GHETTO. Orphan Asylum and out of the lives of his relatives. Solomon and Rachel and Esther went to the great school and Isaac to the infant school, while the tiny Sarah, whose birth had cost Mrs. Ansell's life, crawled and climbed about in the garret, the grand- mother coming in negatively useful as a safeguard against fire on the days when the grate was not empty. The Bute's own con- ception of her function as a safeguard against fire was quite other. Moses was out all day working or looking for work, or pray- ing or listening to Droshes by the Maggid or other great preach- ers. Such charities as brightened and warmed the Ghetto Moses usually came in for. Bread, meat and coal tickets, god- sends from the Society for Restoring the Soul, made odd days memorable. Blankets were not so easy to get as in the days of poor Gittel's confinements. What little cooking there was to do was done by Esther before or after school ; she and her children usually took their mid-day meal with them in the shape of bread, occasionally made ambro- sial by treacle. The Ansells had more fast days than the Jewish calendar, which is saying a good deal. Providence, however, generally stepped in before the larder had been bare twenty- four hours. As the fast days of the Jewish calendar did not necessarily fall upon the Ansell fast days, they were an additional tax on Moses and his mother. Yet neither ever wavered in the scrupu- lous observance of them, not a crumb of bread nor a drop of water passing their lips. In the keen search for facts detri- mental to the Ghetto it is surprising that no political economist has hitherto exposed tlie abundant fasts with which Israel has been endowed, and which obviously operate as a dole in aid of wages. So does the Lenten period of the " Three Weeks,'' when meat is prohibited in memory of the shattered Temples. The Ansells kept the "Three Weeks" pretty well all the year round. On rare occasions they purchased pickled Dutch herrings or brought home pennyworths of pea soup or of baked potatoes and rice from a neighboring cook shop. For Festival days, if Malka had subsidized them with a half-sovereign, Esther some- times compounded Tsifinnus^ a dainty blend of carrots, pudding THE PAUPER ALIEN. 71 and potatoes. She was prepared to write an essay on Tzmimus as a gastronomic ideal. There were other pleasing Polish com- binations which were baked for twopence by the local bakers. Tabechas^ or stuffed entrails, and liver, lights or milt were good substitutes for meat. A favorite soup was Borsch^ which was made with beet-root, fat taking the place of the more fashionable cream. The national dish was seldom their lot ; when fried fish came it was usually from the larder of Mrs. Simons, a motherly old widow, who lived in the second floor front, and presided over the confinements of all the women and the sicknesses of all the children in the neighborhood. Her married daughter Dinah was providentially suckling a black-eyed boy when Mrs. Ansell died, so Mrs. Simons converted her into a foster mother of little Sarah, regarding herself ever afterwards as under special responsibilities toward the infant, whom she occasionally took to live with her for a week, and for whom she saw heaven encour- aging a future alliance with the black-eyed foster brother. Life would have been gloomier still in the Ansell garret if Mrs. Simons had not been created to bless and sustain. Even old garments somehow arrived from Mrs. Simons to eke out the corduroys and the print gowns which were the gift of the school. There were few pleasanter events in the Ansell household than the falling ill of one of the children, for not only did this mean a supply of broth, port wine and other incredible luxuries from the charity doctor (of which all could taste), but it brought in its train the assiduous attendance of Mrs. Simons. To see the kindly brown face bending over it with smiling eyes of jet, to feel the soft, cool hand pressed to its forehead, was worth a fever to a motherless infant. Mrs. Simons was a busy woman and a poor withal, and the Ansells were a reticent pack, not given to expressing either their love or their hunger to outsiders ; so altogether the children did not see so much of Mrs. Simons or her bounties as they would have liked. Nevertheless, in a grave crisis she was always to be counted upon. "I tell thee what, Me'she," said old Mrs. Ansell often, "that woman wants to marry thee. A blind man could see it." 72- CHILDREN OF THE GHETTO. " She cannot want it, mother/^ Moses would reply with infinite respect. "What art thou saying? A wholly fine young man like thee," said his mother, fondling his side ringlets, " and one so froojn, too, and with such worldly wisdom. But thou must not have her, Meshe." " What kind of idea thou stuifest into my head! I tell thee she would not have me if I sent to ask/' „^ " Talk not thyself thereinto. Who wouldn't like to catch hold of thy cloak to go to heaven by? But Mrs. Simons is too much of an Englishwoman for me. Your last wife had English ideas and made mock of pious men and God's judgment took her. What says the Prayer-book? For three things a woman dies in childbirth, for not separating the dough, for not lighting the Sab- bath lamps and for not — " " How often have I told thee she did do all these things! " in- terrupted Moses. "Dost thou contradict the Prayer-book?" said the Dube angrily. " It would have been different if thou hadst let me pick a woman for thee. But this time thou wilt honor thy mother more. It must be a respectable, virtuous maiden, with the fear of heaven — not an old woman like Mrs. Simons, but one who can bear me robust grandchildren. The grandchildren thou hast given me are sickly, and they fear not the Most High. Ah! why did'st thou drag me to this impious country? Could'st thou not let me die in peace? Thy girls think more of English story books and lessons than of Yiddishkcit^ and the boys run out under the naked sky with bare heads and are loth to wash their hands before meals, and they do not come home in the din- ner hour for fear they should have to say the afternoon prayer. Laugh at me, Moses, as thou wilt, but, old as I am, I have eyes, and not two blotches of clay, in my sockets. Thou seest not how thy family is going to destruction. Oh, the abominations! " Thus warned and put on his mettle, Moses would keep a keen look-out on his hopeful family for the next day, and the seed which the grandmother had sown came up in black and blue bruises on the family anatomy, especially on that portion of it THE PAUPER ALIEN. 73 which belonged to Solomon. For Moses's crumbling trousers were buckled with a stout strap, and Solomon was a young rogue who did his best to dodge the Almighty, and had never heard of Lowell's warning. You've gut to git up airly, Ef you want to take in God. Even if he had heard of it, he would probably have retorted that he usually got up early enough to take in his father, who was the more immediately terrible of the two. Nevertheless, Solomon learned many lessons at his father's knee, or rather, across it. In earlier days Solomon had had a number of confidential trans- actions with his father's God, making bargains with Him accord- ing to his childish sense of equity. If, for instance, God would ensure his doing his sums correctly, so that he should be neither caned nor " kept in," he would say his morning prayers with- out skipping the aggravating Longe VeracJuun, which bulked so largely on Mondays and Thursdays ; otherwise he could not be bothered. By the terms of the contract Solomon threw all the initiative on the Deity, and whenever the Deity undertook his share of the contract, Solomon honorably fulfilled his. Thus was his faith in Providence never shaken like that of some boys, who expect the Deity to follow their lead. Still, by declining to praise his Maker at extraordinary length, except in acknowledgment of services rendered, Solomon gave early evidence of his failure to inherit his father's business incapacity. On days when things at the school went well, no one gabbled through the weary Prayer-book more conscientiously than he ; he said all the things in large type and all the funny little bits in small type, and even some passages without vowels. Nay, he included the very preface, and was lured on and coaxed on and enticed by his father to recite the appendices, which shot up one after the other on the devotional horizon like the endless-seeming terraces of a deceptive ascent ; just another little bit, and now that Httle bit, and just that last bit, and one more very last little bit. It was like the infinite inclusiveness of a Chinese sphere, or the farewell performances of a distinguished singer. 74 CHILDREN OF THE GHETTO. For the rest, Solomon was a Chine-poniin^ or droll, having that inextinguishable sense of humor which has made the saints of the Jewish Church human, has lit up dry technical Talmudic discussions with flashes of freakish fun, with pun and jest and merry quibble, and has helped the race to survive (^pace Dr. Wallace) by dint of a humorous acquiescence in the inevitable. His Chitie helped Solomon to survive synagogue, where the only drop of sweetness was in the beaker of wine for the sanctifi- cation service. Solomon was always in the van of the brave boys who volunteered to take, part in the ceremonial quafling of it. Decidedly, Solomon was not spiritual, he would not even kiss a Hebrew Pentateuch that he had dropped, unless his father was looking, and but for the personal supervision of the Bute the dirty white fringes of his '* four-corners "" might have got tangled and irredeemably invalidated for all he cared. In the direst need of the Ansells Solomon held his curly head high among his school-fellows, and never lacked personal pos- sessions, though they were not negotiable at the pawnbroker's. He had a peep-show, made out of an old cocoa box. and repre- senting the sortie from Plevna, a permit to view being obtain- able for a fragment of slate pencil. For two pins he would let you look a whole minute. He also had bags of brass buttons, marbles, both commoners and alleys ; nibs, beer bottle labels and cherry " hogs,'' besides bottles of liquorice water, vendible either by the sip or the teaspoonful, and he dealt in ''assy- tassy," which consisted of little packets of acetic acid blent with brown sugar. The character of his stock varied according to the time of year, for nature and Belgravia are less stable in their seasons than the Jewish schoolboy, to whom buttons in March are as inconceivable as snow-balling in July. On Purim Solomon always had nuts to gamble with, just as if he had been a banker's son, and on the Day of Atonement he was never without a little tin fusee box filled with savings of snufF. This, when the fast racked them most sorely, he would pass round among the old men with a grand manner. They would take a pinch and say, " May thy strength increase."' and blow their delighted noses with great colored handerchiefs, and Solomon ''REB'' SHEMUEL. 75 would feel about fifty and sniff a few grains himself with the air of an aged connoisseur. He took little interest in the subtle disquisitions of the Rabbis, which added their burden to his cross of secular learning. He wrestled but perfunctorily with the theses of the Bible commen- tators, for Moses Ansell was so absorbed in translating and enjoying the intellectual tangles, that Solomon had scarce more to do than to play the part of chorus. He was fortunate in that his father could not afford to send him to a Chedar, an insani- tary institution that made Jacob a dull boy by cutting off his play-time and his oxygen, and delivering him over to the leathery mercies of an unintelligently learned zealot, scrupulously unclean. The literature and history Solomon really cared for was not of the Jews. It was the history of Daredevil Dick and his con- geners whose surprising adventures, second-hand, in ink-stained sheets, were bartered to him for buttons, which shows the advantages of not having a soul above such. These deeds of derring-do (usually starting in a Sturm tmd Drang school-room period in which teachers were thankfully accepted as created by Providence for the sport of schoolboys) Solomon conned at all hours, concealing them under his locker when he was supposed to be studying the Irish question from an atlas, and even hiding them between the leaves of his dog-eared Prayer-book for use during the morning service. The only harm they did him was that inflicted through the medium of the educational rod, when his surreptitious readings were discovered and his treasures thrown to the flames amid tears copious enough to extinguish them. CHAPTER VI. "REB" SHEMUEL. " The Torah is greater than the priesthood and than royalty, seeing that royalty demands thirty qualifications, the priesthood twenty-four, while the Torah is acquired by forty-eight. And these are they: By audible study; by distinct pronunciation ; by understanding and discernment of the heart ; by awe, reverence, meekness, cheerfulness ; by ministering to the sages ; by 76 CHILDREN OF THE GHETTO. attaching oneself to colleagues ; by discussion with disciples ; by sedate- ness ; by knowledge of the Scripture and of the Mishnah ; by moderation in business, in intercourse with the world, in pleasure, in sleep, in conversa- tion, in laughter; by long suffering ; by a good heart ; by faith in the wise ; by resignation under chastisement ; by recognizing one's place, rejoicing in one's portion, putting a fence to one's words, claiming no merit for oneself; by being beloved, loving the All-present, loving mankind, loving just courses, rectitude and reproof; by keeping oneself far from honors, not boasting of one's learning, nor delighting in giving decisions ; by bearing the yoke with one's fellow, judging him favorably and leading him to truth and peace ; by being composed in one's study ; by asking and answering, hearing and add- ing thereto (by one's own reflection) ; by learning with the object of teach- ing and learning with the object of practising, by making one's master wiser, fixing attention upon his discourse, and reporting a thing in the name of him who said it. So thou hast learnt. Whosoever reports a thing in the name of him that said it brings deliverance into the world, as it is said — And Esther told the King in the name of Mordecai." — {Ethics of the Fathers, Singer's translation,) Moses Ansell only occasionally worshipped at the synagogue of " The Sons of the Covenant,''' for it was too near to make attendance a Mitzvah, pleasing in the sight of Heaven. It was like having the prayer-quorum brought to you, instead of your going to it. The pious Jew must speed to Shool to show his eagerness and return slowly, as with reluctant feet, lest Satan draw the attention of the Holy One to the laches of His chosen people. It was not easy to express these varying emotions on a few flights of stairs, and so Moses went farther afield. In subtle minutiae like this Moses was facile princeps, being as Wellhausen puts it of the vi?'tuosi oi roWgxon. If he put on his right stock- ing (or rather foot lappet, for he did not wear stockings) first, he made amends by putting on the left boot first, and if he had lace-up boots, then the boot put on second would have a com- pensatory precedence in the lacing. Thus was the divine prin- ciple of justice symbolized even in these small matters. Moses was a great man in several of the more distant C/ievras, among which he distributed the privilege of his presence. It was only when by accident the times of service did not coincide that Moses favored the *" Sons of the Covenant/' putting in an "REB'' SHEMUEL, 77 appearance either at the commencement or the fag end, for he was not above praying odd bits of the service twice over, and even sometimes prefaced or supplemented his synagogal perform- ances by solo renditions of the entire ritual of a hundred pages at home. The morning services began at six in summer and seven in winter, so that the workingman might start his long day^s work fortified. At the close of the service at the Beth Hamidrash a few morn- ings after the Redemption of Ezekiel, Solomon went up to Reb Shemuel, who in return for the privilege of blessing the boy gave him a halfpenny. Solomon passed it on to his father, whom he accompanied. "Well, how goes it, Reb Meshe?'' said Reb Shemuel with his cheery smile, noticing Moses loitering. He called him " Reb " out of courtesy and in acknowledgment of his piety. The real " Reb " was a fine figure of a man, with matter, if not piety, enough for two Moses Ansells. Reb was a popular corruption of " Rav " or Rabbi. " Bad," replied Moses. " I havenH had any machining to do for a month. Work is very slack at this time of year. But God is good." "Can't you sell something?" said Reb Shemuel, thoughtfully caressing his long, gray-streaked black beard. " I have sold lemons, but the four or five shillings I made went in bread for the children and in rent. Money runs through the fingers somehow, with a family of five and a frosty winter. When the lemons were gone I stood where I started." The Rabbi sighed sympathetically and slipped half-a-crown into Moses''s palm. Then he hurried out. His boy, Levi, stayed behind a moment to finish a transaction involving the barter of a pea-shooter for some of Solomon's buttons. Levi was two years older than Solomon, and was further removed from him by going to a " middle class school." His manner towards Solomon was of a corresponding condescension. But it took a great deal to overawe Solomon, who, with the national humor, possessed the national Chutzpah^ which is variously translated enterprise, audacity, brazen impudence and cheek. 78 CHILDREN OF THE GHETTO. " I say, Levi/' he said, " we've got no school to-day. Won't you come round this morning and play I-spy-I in our street? There are some splendid corners for hiding, and they are putting up new buildings all round with lovely hoardings, and they're knocking down a pickle warehouse, and while you are hiding in the rubbish you sometimes pick up scrumptious bits of pickled walnut. Oh, golly, ain't they prime ! " Levi turned up his nose. "We've got plenty of whole walnuts at home," he said. Solomon felt snubbed. He became aware that this tall boy had smart black clothes, which would not be improved by rub- bing against his own greasy corduroys. " Oh, well," he said, " I can get lots of boys, and girls, too." " Say," said Levi, turning back a little. " That little girl your father brought upstairs here on the Rejoicing of the Law, that was your sister, wasn't it ? " " Esther, d'ye mean ? " "How should I know? A little, dark girl, with a print dress, rather pretty — not a bit like you." " Yes, that's our Esther — she's in the sixth standard and only eleven." "We don't have standards in our school! " said Levi contempt- uously. " Will your sister join in the I-spy-I ? " "No, she can't run," replied Solomon, half apologetically. " She only likes to read. She reads all my * Boys of England' and things, and now she's got hold of a little brown book she keeps all to herself. I like reading, too, but I do it in school or in S/iool, where there's nothing better to do." "Has she got a holiday to-day, too?" " Yes," said Solomon. " But my school's open," said Levi enviously, and Solomon lost the feeling of inferiority, and felt avenged. " Come, then, Solomon," said his father, who had reached the door. The two converted part of the half-crown into French loaves and carried them home to form an unexpected breakfast. Meantime Reb Shemuel, whose full name was the Reverend Samuel Jacobs, also proceeded to breakfast. His house lay *'REB" SIIEMUEL. 79 near the Shoo!, and was approached by an avenue of mendicants. He arrived in his shirt-sleeves. " Quick, Simcha, give me my new coat. It is very cold this morning.'" " YouVe given away your coat again ! " shrieked his wife, who, though her name meant '' Rejoicing," was more often upbraid- ing. " Yes, it was only an old one, Simcha," said the Rabbi dep- recatingly. He took off his high hat and replaced it by a little black cap which he carried in his tail pocket. "You'll ruin me, Shemuel!" moaned Simcha, wringing her hands. " You'd give away the shirt off your skin to a pack of good-for-nothing Schnorrers P "Yes, if they had only their skin in the world. Why not?" said the old Rabbi, a pacific gleam in his large gazelle-like eyes. " Perhaps my coat may have the honor to cover Elijah the prophet." "Elijah the prophet!" snorted Simcha. "Elijah has sense enough to stay in heaven and not go wandering about shiver- ing in the fog and frost of this God-accursed country." The old Rabbi answered, "Atschew!" " For thy salvation do I hope, O Lord," murmured Simcha piously in Hebrew, adding excitedly in English, " Ah, you'll kill yourself, Shemuel." She rushed upstairs and returned with another coat and a new terror. " Here, you fool, youVe been and done a fine thing this time ! All your silver was in the coat youVe given away ! " "Was it?" said Reb Shemuel, startled. Then the tranquil look returned to his brown eyes. " No, I took it all out before I gave away the coat." "God be thanked!" said Simcha fervently in Yiddish. "Where is it? I want a few shillings for grocery." " I gave it away before, I tell you! " Simcha groaned and fell into her chair with a crash that rattled the tray and shook the cups. " Here's the end of the week coming," she sobbed, " and I shall have no fish for Shabbos.'''' 80 CHILDREN OF THE GHETTO. "Do not blaspheme!" said Reb Shemuel, tugging a little angrily at his venerable beard. " The Holy One, blessed be He, will provide for our Shabbos.'''' Simcha made a sceptical mouth, knowing that it was she and nobody else whose economies would provide for the due celebra- tion of the Sabbath. Only by a constant course of vigilance, mendacity and petty peculation at her husband's expense could she manage to support the family of four comfortably on his pretty considerable salary. Reb Shemuel went and kissed her on the sceptical mouth, because in another instant she would have him at her mercy. He washed his hands and durst not speak between that and the first bite. He was an official of heterogeneous duties — he preached and taught and lectured. He married people and divorced them. He released bachelors from the duty of marrying their deceased brothers' wives. He superintended a slaughtering department, licensed men as competent killers, examined the sharpness of their knives that the victims might be put to as little pain as possible, and inspected dead cattle in the shambles to see if they were perfectly sound and free from pulmonary disease. But his greatest function was paskenmg, or answering inquiries ranging from the simplest to the most complicated problems of ceremonial ethics and civil law. He had added a volume of Shaalot/i-2i-Tshuvoth, or " Questions and Answers " to the colos- sal casuistic literature of his race. His aid was also invoked as a Shadchan, though he forgot to take his commissions and lacked the restless zeal for the mating of mankind which animated Sugarman, the professional match-maker. In fine, he was a witty old fellow and everybody loved him. He and his wife spoke English with a strong foreign accent ; in their more inti- mate causeries they dropped into Yiddish. The Rebbitzin poured out the Rabbi's coffee and whitened it with milk drawn direct from the cow into her own jug. The butter and cheese were equally kosher, coming straight from Hebrew Hollanders and having passed through none but Jewish vessels. As the Reb sat himself down at the head of the table Hannah entered the room. ''REB'' SHEMUEL. 81 " Good morning, father," she said, kissing him. ^' What have you got your new coat on for? Any weddings to-day? '^ '' No, my dear," said Reb Shemuel, " marriages are falling off. There hasn't even been an engagement since Belcovitch's eldest daughter betrothed herself to Pesach Weingott." "Oh, these Jewish young men!" said the Rebbitzin. "Look at my Hannah — as pretty a girl as you could meet in the whole Lane — and yet here she is wasting her youth." Hannah bit her lip, instead of her bread and butter, for she felt she had brought the talk on herself She had heard the same grumblings from her mother for two years. Mrs. Jacobs's maternal anxiety had begun when her daughter was seventeen. " When /was seventeen," she went on, " I was a married woman. Now-a-days the girls don't begin to get a Chosan till they're twenty." " We are not living in Poland," the Reb reminded her. "What's that to do with it? It's the Jewish young men who want to marry gold." " Why blame them ? A Jewish young man can marry several pieces of gold, but since Rabbenu Gershom he can only marry one woman," said the Reb, laughing feebly and forcing his humor for his daughter's sake. " One woman is more than thou canst support," said the Rebbitzin, irritated into Yiddish, "giving away the flesh from off thy children's bones. If thou hadst been a proper father thou wouldst have saved thy money for Hannah's dowry, instead of wasting it on a parcel of vagabond Schnorrers. Even so I can give her a good stock of bedding and under-linen. It's a re- proach and a shame that thou hast not yet found her a hus- band. Thou canst find husbands quick enough for other men's daughters ! " " I found a husband for thy father's daughter," said the Reb, with a roguish gleam in his brown eyes. "Don't throw that up to me! I could have got plenty better. And my daughter wouldn't have known the shame of finding nobody to marry her. In Poland at least the youths would have flocked to marry her because she was a Rabbi's daughter, G 82 CHILDREN OF THE GHETTO. and theyM think it an honor to be a son-in-law of a Son of the Law. But in this godless country ! Why in my village the Chief Rabbi's daughter, who was so ugly as to make one spit out, carried off the finest man in the district." " But thou, my Simcha, hadst no need to be connected with Rabbonim ! " " Oh, yes ; make mockery of me." " I mean it. Thou art as a lily of Sharon." "Wilt thou have another cup of coffee, Shemuel?" "Yes, my life. Wait but a little and thou shalt see our Hannah under the CJuippahy " Hast thou any one in thine eye? " The Reb nodded his head mysteriously and winked the eye, as if nudging the person in it. "Who is it, father?" said Levi. "I do hope it's a real swell who talks English properly." "And mind you make yourself agreeable to him, Hannah," said the Rebbitzin. " You spoil all the matches Pve tried to make for you by your stupid, stiff manner." "Look here, mother!" cried Hannah, pushing aside her cup violently. " Am I going to have my breakfast in peace ? I don't want to be married at all. I don't want any of your Jewish men coming round to examine me as if I were a horse, and wanting to know how much money you'll give them as a set-off. Let me be ! Let me be single ! It's my business, not yours." The Rebbitzin bent eyes of angry reproach on the Reb. "What did I tell thee, Shemuel? She's vieshiigga — quite mad! Healthy and fresh and mad!" " Yes, you'll drive me mad," said Hannah savagely. " Let me be ! Fm too old now to get a C/iosan, so let me be as I am. I can always earn my own living." " Thou seest, Shemuel ? " said Simcha. " Thou seest my sorrows ? Thou seest how impious our children wax in this godless country." " Let her be, Simcha, let her be," said the Reb. " She is young vet. If she hasn't any inclination thereto — ! " ''REB'' SHEMUEL. 83 "And what is her inclination? A pretty thing, forsooth! Is she going to make her mother a laughing-stock! Are Mrs. Jewell and Mrs. Abrahams to dandle grandchildren in my face, to gouge out my eyes with them! It isn^t that she canH get young men. Only she is so high-blown. One would think she had a father who earned five hundred a year, instead of a man who scrambles half his salary among dirty Schnorrers.'''' "Talk not like an Epicurean,^'' said the Reb. "What are we all but Schnorrers, dependent on the charity of the Holy One, blessed be He? What! Have we made ourselves? Rather fall prostrate and thank Him that His bounties to us are so great that they include the privilege of giving charity to others." "But we work for our living !" said the Rebbitzin. "I wear my knees away scrubbing." External evidence pointed rather to the defrication of the nose. " But, mother," said Hannah. "You know we have a servant to do the rough work." " Yes, servants ! " said the Rebbitzin, contemptuously. " If you don't stand over them as the Egyptian taskmasters over our forefathers, they don't do a stroke of work except breaking the crockery. Pd much rather sweep a room myself than see a Shiksah pottering about for an hour and end by leaving all the dust on the window-ledges and the corners of the mantelpiece. As for beds, I don't believe Shiksahs ever shake them ! If I had my way Td wring all their necks." "What's the use of always complaining?" said Hannah, im- patiently. " You know we must keep a Shiksah to attend to the Shabbos fire. The women or the little boys you pick up in the street are so unsatisfactory. When you call in a little barefoot street Arab and ask him to poke the fire, he looks at you as if you must be an imbecile not to be able to do it yourself. And then you can't always get hold of one." The Sabbath fire was one of the great difficulties of the Ghetto. The Rabbis had modified the Biblical prohibition against having any fire whatever, and allowed it to be kindled by non-Jews. Poor women, frequently Irish, and known as Shabbos-goyahs or fire-goyahs^ acted as stokers to the Ghetto 84 CHILDREN OF THE GHETTO. at twopence a hearth. No Jew ever touched a match or a candle or burnt a piece of paper, or even opened a letter. The Goyah, which is literally heathen female, did everything required on the Sabbath. His grandmother once called Solomon Ansell a Sabbath-female merely for fingering the shovel when there was nothing in the grate. The Reb liked his fire. When it sank on the Sabbath he could not give orders to the Shiksah to replenish it, but he would rub his hands and remark casually (in her hearing), " Ah, how cold it is ! '' " Yes,"" he said now, " I always freeze on Shabbos when thou hast dismissed thy Shiksah. Thou makest me catch one cold a month." "/make thee catch cold!" said the Rebbitzin. "When thou comest through the air of winter in thy shirt-sleeves ! Thou'lt fall back upon me for poultices and mustard plasters. And then thou expectest me to have enough money to pay a Shiksah into the bargain! If I have any more of thy Schnorrers coming here I shall bundle them out neck and crop." This was the morhent selected by Fate and Melchitsedek Pinchas for the latter's entry. CHAPTER VII. THE NEO-HEBREW POET. He came through the open street door, knocked perfunctorily at the door of the room, opened it and then kissed the Mesiizah outside the door. Then he advanced, snatched the Rebbitzin's hand away from the handle of the coffee-pot and kissed it with equal devotion. He then seized upon Hannah's hand and pressed his grimy lips to that, murmuring in German : " Thou lookest so charming this morning, like the roses of Carmel." Next he bent down and pressed his lips to the Reb^s coat-tail. Finally he said: "Good morning, sir," to Levi, who replied very affably, "• Good morning, Mr. Pinchas." " Peace be THE NEO-HEBREW POET. 85 unto you, Pinchas," said the Reb. " I did not see you in SJiool this morning, though it was the New Moon.'" "No, I went to the Great Shoo^'' said Pinchas in German. " If you do not see me at your place yoa.may be sure Fm some- where else. Any one who has lived so long as I in the Land of Israel cannot bear to pray without a quorum. In the Holy Land I used to learn for an hour in the SJiool every morning before the service began. But I am not here to talk about myself. I come to ask you to do me the honor to accept a copy of ray new vol- ume of poems: Metatoro)Cs Flames. Is it not a beautiful title? When Enoch was taken up to heaven while yet alive, he was converted to flames of fire and became Metatoron, the great spirit of the Cabalah, So am I rapt up into the heaven of lyrical poetry and I become all fire and flame and light.'" The poet was a slim, dark little man, with long, matted black hair. His face was hatchet-shaped and not unlike an Aztec's. The eyes were informed by an eager brilliance. He had a heap of little paper-covered books in one hand and an extinct cigar in the other. He placed the books upon the breakfast table. "At last,'' he said. "See, I have got it printed — the great work which this ignorant English Judaism has left to moulder while it pays its stupid reverends thousands a year for wearing white ties." "And who paid for it now, Mr. Pinchas? " said the Rebbitzin. "Who? Wh-o-o?" stammered Melchitsedek. "Who but myself? " " But you say you are blood-poor." " True as the Law of Moses ! But I have written articles for the jargon papers. They jump at me — there is not a man on the staff of them all who has the pen of a ready writer. I can't get any money out of them, my dear Rebbitzin, else I shouldn't be without breakfast this morning, but the proprietor of the largest of them is also a printer, and he has printed my little book in return. But I don't think I shall fill my stomach with the sales. Oh! the Holy One, blessed be He, bless you, Rebbitzin, of course I'll take a cup of coffee ; I don't know any one else who makes coffee with such a sweet savor ; it would do 86 CHILDREN OF THE GHETTO. for a spice oflfering when the Almighty restores us our Temple. You are a happy mortal, Rabbi, You will permit that I seat myself at the table ? " Without awaiting permission he pushed a chair between Levi and Hannah and sat down ; then he got up again and washed his hands and helped himself to a spare egg. " Here is your copy, Reb Shemuel," he went on after an interval. " You see it is dedicated generally : ' To the Pillars of English Judaism.' They are a set of donkey-heads, but one must give them a chance of rising to higher things. It is true that not one of them understands Hebrew, not even the Chief Rabbi, to whom courtesy made me send a copy. Perhaps he will be able to read my poems with a dictionary ; he certainly can't write Hebrew without two grammatical blunders to every word. No, no, don't defend him, Reb Shemuel, because you're under him. He ought to be under you — only he expresses his ignorance in English and the fools think to talk nonsense in good English is lo be qualified for the Rabbinate.'" (The remark touched the Rabbi in a tender place. It was the-one worry of his life, the consciousness that persons in high quarters disapproved of him as a force impeding the An- glicization of the Ghetto. He knew his shortcomings, but could never quite comprehend the importance of becoming English. He had a latent feeling that Judaism had flourished before Eng- land was invented, and so the poet's remark was secretly pleasing to himo '^ You know very well," went on Pinchas, ^' that I and you are the only two persons in London who can write correct Holy Language." " No, no," said the Rabbi, deprecatingly. "Yes, yes," said Pinchas, emphatically. "You can write quite as well as I. But just cast your eye now on the especial dedication which I have written to you in my own autograph. 'To the light of his generation, the great Gaon, whose excel- THE NEO-HEBREW POET. 87 lency reaches to the ends of the earth, from whose lips all the people of the Lord seek knowledge, the never-failing well, the mighty eagle soars to heaven on the wings of understand- ing, to Rav Shemiiel, may whose light n-ever be dimmed, and in whose day may the Redeemer come unto Zion.' There, take it, honor me by taking it. It is the homage of the man of genius to the man of learning, the humble oiTering of the one Hebrew scholar in England to the other." "Thank you," said the old Rabbi, much moved. "It is too handsome of you, and I shall read it at once and treasure it amongst my dearest books, for you know well that I con- sider that you have the truest poetic gift of any son of Israel since Jehuda Halevi." " I have ! I know it ! I feel it ! It burns me. The sorrow of our race keeps me awake at night — the national hopes tingle like electricity through me — I bedew my couch with tears in the darkness " — Pinchas paused to take another slice of bread and butter. " It is then that my poems are born. The words burst into music in my head and I sing like Isaiah the restora- tion of our land, and become the poet patriot of my people. But these English ! They care only to make money and to stuff it down the throats of gorging reverends. My scholarship, my poetry, my divine dreams — what are these to a besotted, brutal congregation of Men-of-the-Earth ? I sent Buckledorf, the rich banker, a copy of my little book, with a special dedica- tion written in my own autograph in German, so that he might understand it. And what did he send me? A beggarly five shillings? Five shillings to the one poet in whom the heavenly fire lives! How can the heavenly fire live on five shillings? I had almost a mind to send it back. And then there was Gideon, the member of Parliament. I made one of the poems an acros- tic on his name, so that he might be handed down to posterity. There, that\s the one. No, the one on the page you were just looking at. Yes, that's it, beginning : ' Great leader of our Israel's host, I sing thy high heroic deeds, Divinely gifted learned man." 88 CHILDREN OF THE GHETTO. " I wrote his dedication in English, for he understands neither Hebrew nor German, the miserable, purse-proud, vanity-eaten Man-of-the-Earth." "Why, didn't he give you anything at all? " said the Reb. " Worse ! He sent me back the book. But Til be revenged on him. Til take the acrostic out of the next edition and let him rot in oblivion. I have been all over the world to every great city where Jews congregate. In Russia, in Turkey, in Germany, in Roumania, in Greece, in Morocco, in Palestine. Everywhere the greatest Rabbis have leaped like harts on the mountains with joy at my coming. They have fed and clothed me like a prince. I have preached at the synagogues, and every- where people have said it was like the Wilna Gaon come again. From the neighboring villages for miles and miles the pious have come to be blessed by me. Look at my testimonials from all the greatest saints and savants. But in England — in Eng- land alone — what is my welcome? Do they say: 'Welcome, Melchitsedek Pinchas, welcome as the bridegroom to the bride when the long day is done and the feast is o'er ; welcome to you, with the torch of your genius, with the burden of your learning that is rich with the whole wealth of Hebrew literature in all ages and countries. Here we have no great and wise men. Our Chief Rabbi is an idiot. Come thou and be our Chief Rabbi?' Do they say this? No ! They greet me with scorn, coldness, slander. As for the Rev. Elkan Benjamin, who makes such a fuss of himself because he sends a wealthy congregation to sleep with his sermons, Til expose him as sure as there's a Guardian of Israel. 1*1] let the world know about his four mistresses." " Nonsense ! Guard yourself against the evil tongue," said the Reb. " How do you know he has ? " "It's the Law of Moses," said the little poet. "True as I stand here. You ask Jacob Hermann. It was he who told me about it. Jacob Hermann said to me one day : ' That Ben- jamin has a mistress for every fringe of his four-corners.' And how many is that, eh? I do not know why he should be allowed to slander me and I not be allowed to tell the tmth about him. One day I will shoot him. You know he said that THE NEO-HEBREW POET. 89 when I first came to London I joined the Meshumadim in Palestine Place." "Well, he had at least some foundation for that," said Reb Shemuel. ''Foundation ! Do you call that foundation — because I lived there for a week, hunting out their customs and their ways of ensnaring the souls of our brethren, so that I might write about them one day? Have I not already told you not a morsel of their food passed my lips and that the money which I had to take so as not to excite suspicion I distributed in charity among the poor Jews? Why not? From pigs we take bristles." " Still, you must remember that if you had not been such a saint and such a great poet, I might myself have believed that you sold your soul for money to escape starvation. I know how these devils set their baits for the helpless immigrant, offer- ing bread in return for a lip-conversion. They are grown so cunning now — they print their hellish appeals in Hebrew, knowing we reverence the Holy Tongue." " Yes, the ordinary Man-of-the-Earth believes everything thafs in Hebrew. That was the mistake of the Apostles — to write in Greek. But then they, too, were such Men-of-the Earth." " I wonder who writes such good Hebrew for the mission- aries," said Reb Shemuel. " I wonder," gm-gled Pinchas, deep in his coffee. " But, father," asked Hannah, " don't you believe any Jew ever really believes in Christianity ? " ''How is it possible?" answered Reb Shemuel. "A Jew who has the Law from Sinai, the Law that will never be changed, to whom God has given a sensible religion and common-sense, how can such a person believe in the farrago of nonsense that makes up the worship of the Christians ! No Jew has ever apostatized except to fill his purse or his stomach or to avoid persecution. ' Getting grace ' they call it in Eng- lish ; but with poor Jews it is always grace after meals. Look at the Crypto-Jews, the Marranos, who for centuries lived a double life, outwardly Christians, but handing down secretly 90 CHILDREN OF THE GHETTO. from generation to generation the faith, the traditions, the observances of Judaism."" " Yes, no Jew was ever fool enough to turn Christian unless he was a clever man," said the poet paradoxically. " Have you not, my sweet, innocent young lady, heard the story of the two Jews in Burgos Cathedral ? " " No, what is it ? " said Levi, eagerly. " Well, pass my cup up to your highly superior mother who is waiting to fill it with coffee. Your eminent father knows the story — I can see by the twinkle in his learned eye." " Yes, that story has a beard," said the Reb. " Two Spanish Jews," said the poet, addressing himself defer- entially to Levi, " who had got grace were waiting to be baptized at Burgos Cathedral. There was a great throng of Catholics and a special Cardinal was coming to conduct the ceremony, for their conversion was a great triumph. But the Cardinal was late and the Jews fumed and fretted at the delay. The shadows of evening were falling on vault and transept. At last one turned to the other and said, ' Knowest thou what, Moses? If the Holy Father does not arrive soon, we shall be too late to say Diincha.'' " Levi laughed heartily ; the reference to the Jewish afternoon prayer went home to him. "That story sums up in a nutshell the whole history of the great movement for the conversion of the Jews. We dip our- selves in baptismal water and wipe ourselves with a Talith. We are not a race to be lured out of the fixed feelings of countless centuries by the empty spirituality of a religion in which, as I soon found out when I lived among the soul-dealers, its very professors no longer believe. W^e are too fond of solid things," said the poet, upon whom a good breakfast was beginning to produce a soothing materialistic effect. " Do you know that anecdote about the two Jews in the Transvaal?" Pinchas went on. '' That's a real Chiney "I don't think I know that Maaseh^'' said Reb Shemuel. "Oh, the two Jews had made a trek and were travelling onwards exploring unknown country. One night they were sit- THE NEO-HEBREW POET. 91 ting by their campfire playing cards when suddenly one threw up his cards, tore his hair and beat his breast in terrible agony. 'What's the matter?' cried the other. 'Woe, woe,' said the first. ''To-day was the Day of Atonemeijt! and we have eaten and gone on as usual.' 'Oh, don't take on so,' said his friend. ' After all. Heaven will take into consideration that w-e lost count of the Jewish calendar and didn't mean to be so wicked. And we can make up for it by fasting to-morrow.' '"Oh, no! Not for me,' said the first. 'To-day was the Day of Atonement.' " All laughed, the Reb appreciating most keenly the sly dig at his race. He had a kindly sense of human frailty. Jews are very fond of telling stories against themselves — for their sense of humor is too strong not to be aware of their own foibles — but they tell them with closed doors, and resent them from the outside. They chastise themselves because they love them- selves, as members of the same family insult one another. The secret is, that insiders understand the limitations of the criti- cism, which outsiders are apt to take in bulk. No race in the world possesses a richer anecdotal lore than the Jews — such pawky, even blasphemous humor, not understandable of the heathen, and to a suspicious mind Pinchas's overflowing cornu- copia of such would have suggested a prior period of Continental wandering from town to town, like the Afinnesingers of the middle ages, repaying the hospitality of his Jewish entertainers with a budget of good stories and gossip from the scenes of his pilgrimages. "Do you know the story?" he w^ent on, encouraged by Simcha's smiling face, " of the old Reb and the Havdolah ? His wife left town for a few days and when she returned the Reb took out a bottle of wine, poured some into the consecration cup and began to recite the blessing. ' What art thou doing ? ' demanded his wife in amaze. ' I am making HavdolaJi^ replied the Reb. ' But it is not the conclusion of a festival to-night,' she said. ' Oh, yes, it is,' he answered. ' My Festival's over. You've come back.' " The Reb laughed so much over this story that Simcha's brow 92 CHILDREN OF THE GHETTO. grew as the solid Egyptian darkness, and Pinchas perceived he had made a mistake. "But listen to the end," he said with a creditable impromptu. "The wife said — 'No, you're mistaken. Your Festival's only beginning. You get no supper. It's the commencement of the Day of Atonement.' " Simcha's brow cleared and the Reb laughed heartily. " But I don't see the point, father," said Levi. " Point ! Listen, my son. First of all he was to have a Day of Atonement, beginning with no supper, for his sin of rudeness to his faithful wife. Secondly, dost thou not know that with us the Day of Atonement is called a festival, because we rejoice at the Creator's goodness in giving us the privilege of fasting? That's it, Pinchas, isn't it?" " Yes, that's the point of the story, and I think the Rebbitzin had the best of it, eh ? " " Rebbitzins always have the last word,'' said the Reb. " But did I tell you the story of the woman who asked me a question the other day? She brought me a fowl in the morning and said that in cutting open the gizzard she had found a rusty pin which the fowl must have swallowed. She wanted to know whether the fowl might be eaten. It was a very difficult point, for how could you tell whether the pin had in any way contributed to the fowl's death ? I searched the Shass and a heap of ShaalotJm- Tshuvos. I went and consulted the Maggid and Sugarman the Shadchan and Mr. Karlkammer, and at last we decided that the fowl was trifa and could not be eaten. So the same evening I sent for the woman, and when I told her of our decision she burst into tears and wrung her hands. 'Do not grieve so,' I said, taking compassion upon her, ' I will buy thee another fowl.' But she wept on, uncomforted. ' O woe ! woe ! ' she cried. ' We ate it all up yesterday.'" Pinchas was convulsed with laughter. Recovering himself, he lit his half-smoked cigar without asking leave. " I thought it would turn out differently," he said. '' Like that story of the peacock. A man had one presented to him, and as this is such rare diet he went to the Reb to ask if it was kosher. THE NEO-HEBREW POET. 93 The Rabbi said ' no ' and confiscated the peacock. Later on the man heard that the Rabbi had given a banquet at which his peacock was the crowning dish. He went to his Rabbi and reproached liim. ' / may eat it/ replied the Rabbi, ' because my father considers it permitted and we may always go by what some eminent Son of the Law decides. But you unfortunately came to 7ne for an opinion, and the permissibility of peacock is a point on which I have always disagreed with my father.'' '' Hannah seemed to find peculiar enjoyment in the story. "Anyhow,'' concluded Pinchas, " you have a more pious flock than the Rabbi of my native place, who, one day, announced to his congregation that he was going to resign. Startled, they sent to him a delegate, who asked, in the name of the congrega- tion, why he was leaving them. ' Because,' answered the Rabbi, 'this is the first question any one has ever asked me! ' " " Tell Mr. Pinchas your repartee about the donkey," said Hannah, smiling. " Oh, no, it's not worth while," said the Reb. " Thou art always so backward with thine own," cried the Rebbitzin warmly. " Last Purim an impudent of face sent my husband a donkey made of sugar. My husband had a Rabbi baked in gingerbread and sent it in exchange to the donor, with the inscription '• A Rabbi sends a Rabbi.' " Reb Shemuel laughed heartily, hearing this afresh at the lips of his wife. But Pinchas was bent double like a convulsive note of interrogation. The clock on the mantelshelf began to strike nine. Levi jumped to his feet. " I shall be late for school! " he cried, making for the door. ''Stop! stop!" shouted his father. " Thou hast not yet said grace." " Oh, yes, I have, father. While you were all telling stories I was be7i5hing q^\\qX\)' to myself." " Is Saul also among the prophets, is Levi also among the story-tellers.?" murmured Pinchas to himself. Aloud he said: " The child speaks truth ; I saw his lips moving." Levi gave the poet a grateful look, snatched up his satchel and 94 CHILDREN OF THE GHETTO. ran off to No. i Royal Street. Pinchas followed him soon, in- wardly upbraiding Reb Shemuel for meanness. He had only as yet had his breakfast for his book. Perhaps it was Simcha's presence that was to blame. She was the Reb's right hand and he did not care to let her know what his left was doing. He retired to his study when Pinchas departed, and the Reb- bitzin clattered about with a besom. The study was a large square room lined wdth book-shelves and hung with portraits of the great continental Rabbis. The books were bibliographical monsters to which the Family Bibles of the Christian are mere pocket-books. They were all printed purely with the consonants, the vowels being divined grammati- cally or known by heart. In each there was an island of text in a sea of commentary, itself lost in an ocean of super-commentary that was bordered by a continent of super-super-commentary. Reb Shemuel knew many of these immense folios — with all their tortuous windings of argument and anecdote — much as the child knows the village it was born in, the crooked by-ways and the field paths. Such and such a Rabbi gave such and such an opinion on such and such a line from the bottom of such and such a page — his memory of it was a visual picture. And just as the child does not connect its native village with the broader world without, does not trace its streets and turnings till they lead to the great towns, does not inquire as to its origins and its history, does not view it in relation to other villages, to the coun- try, to the continent, to the world, but loves it for itself and in itself, so Reb Shemuel regarded and reverenced and loved these gigantic pages with their serried battalions of varied type. They were facts — absolute as the globe itself — regions of wisdom, perfect and self-sufficing. A little obscure here and there, per- haps, and in need of amplification or explication for inferior in- tellects — a half-finished manuscript commentary on one of the super-commentaries, to be called "The Garden of Lilies," was lying open on Reb Shemuel's own desk — but yet the only true encyclopaedia of things terrestrial and divine. And, indeed, they were wondeiful books. It was as difficult to say what was not in them as what was. Through them the old Rabbi held com- THE NEO-HEBREW POET. 95 munion with his God whom he loved with all his heart and soul and thought of as a genial Father, watching tenderly over His froward children and chastising them because He loved them. Generations of saints and scholars linked Reb Shemuel with the marvels of Sinai. The infinite network of ceremonial never hampered his soul ; it was his jo3'ous privilege to obey his Father in all things and like the king who offered to reward the man who invented a new pleasure, he was ready to embrace the sage who could deduce a new commandment. He rose at four every morning to study, and snatched every odd moment he could during the day. Rabbi Meir, that ancient ethical teacher, wrote : " Whosoever labors in the Torah for its own sake, the whole world is indebted to him ; he is called friend, beloved, a lover of the All-present, a lover of mankind ; it clothes him in meekness and reverence ; it fits him to become just, pious, upright and faithful ; he becomes modest, long-suffering and forgiving of insult." Reb Shemuel would have been scandalized if any one had applied these words to him. At about eleven o''clock Hannah came into the room, an open letter in her hand. " Father," she said, " I have just had a letter from Samuel Levine." "Your husband?'' he said, looking up with a smile. "My husband," she replied, with a fainter smile. " And what does he say ? " " It isn't a very serious letter ; he only wants to reassure me that he is coming back by Sunday week to be divorced." "All right; tell him it shall be done at cost price," he said, with the foreign accent that made him somehow seem more lovable to his daughter when he spoke English. " He shall only be charged for the scribe." " He'll take that for granted," Hannah replied. '' Fathers are expected to do these little things for their own children. But how much nicer it would be if you could give me the Gett yourself." " I would marry you with pleasure," said Reb Shemuel, " but 96 CHILDREN OF THE GHETTO. divorce is another matter. The Din has too much regard for a father's feelings to allow that." "And you really think I am Sam Levine's wife?" " How many times shall I tell you ? Some authorities do take the intention into account, but the letter of the law is clearly against you. It is far safer to be formally divorced." " Then if he were to die — " " Save us and grant us peace," interrupted the Reb in horror. " I should be his widow." "Yes, I suppose you would. But what Na?'rischkeit I Why should he die? It isn't as if you were really married to him," said the Reb, his eye twinkling. " But isn't it all absurd, father? " " Do not talk so," said Reb Shemuel, resuming his gravity. " Is it absurd that you should be scorched if you play with fire? " Hannah did not reply to the question. " You never told me how you got on at Manchester," she said. " Did you settle the dispute satisfactorily?" " Oh, yes," said the Reb ; " but it was very difficult. Both parties were so envenomed, and it seems that the feud has been going on in the congregation ever since the Day of Atonement, when the minister refused to blow the SJiofar three minutes too early, as the President requested. The Treasurer sided with the minister, and there has almost been a split." " The sounding of the New Year trumpet seems often to be the signal for war," said Hannah, sarcastically. " It is so," said the Reb, sadly. " And how did you repair the breach ? " "Just by laughing at both sides. They would have turned a deaf ear to reasoning. I told them that Midrash about Jacob's journey to Laban." " What is that ? " " Oh, it's an amplification of the Biblical narrative. The verse in Genesis says that he lighted on the place, and he put up there for the night because the sun had set, and he took of the stones of the place and he made them into pillows. But later on it says that he rose up in the morning and he took the stone which he THE NEO-HEBREW POET. 97 had put as his pillows. Now what is the explanation?" Reb Shemuers tone became momently more sing-song : " In the night the stones quarrelled for the honor of supporting the Patriarch's head, and so by a miracle tltey were turned into one stone to satisfy them all. Now you remember that when Jacob arose in the morning he said : ' How fearful is this place ; this is none other than the House of God.' So I said to the wran- glers : 'Why did Jacob say that? He said it because his rest had been so disturbed by the quarrelling stones that it reminded him of the House of God — the Synagogue.' I pointed out how much better it would be if they ceased their quarrellings and became one stone. And so I made peace again in the Ke]iil- lahP " Till next year," said Hannah, laughing. " But, father, I have often wondered why they allow the ram's horn in the ser- vice. I thought all musical instruments were forbidden." "It is not a musical instrument — in practice," said the Reb, with evasive facetiousness. And, indeed, the performers were nearly always incompetent, marring the solemnity of great mo- ments by asthmatic wheezings and thin far-away tootlings. '■ But it would be if we had trained trumpeters," persisted Hannah, smiling. " If you really want the explanation, it is that since the fall of the second Temple we have dropped out of our worship all musi- cal instruments connected with the old Temple worship, espe- cially such as have become associated with Christianity. But the ram's horn on the New Year is an institution older than the Temple, and specially enjoined in the Bible." " But surely there is something spiritualizing about an organ." For reply the Reb pinched her ear. " Ah, you are a sad Epikoiiros^'' he said, half seriously. " If you loved God you would not want an organ to take your thoughts to heaven." He released her ear and took up his pen, humming with unc- tion a synagogue air full of joyous flourishes. Hannah turned to go, then turned back. "Father," she said nervously, blushing a little, "who was that you said you had in your eye ? " H 98 CHILDREN OF THE GHETTO. " Oh, nobody in particular," said the Reb, equally embarrassed and avoiding meeting her eye, as if to conceal the person in his. " But you must have meant something by it," she said gravely. " You know Fm not going to be married off to please other people." The Reb wriggled uncomfortably in his chair. " It was only a thought — an idea. If it does not come to you, too, it shall be nothing. I didn't mean anything serious — really, my dear, I didn't. To tell you the truth," he finished suddenly with a frank, heavenly smile, " the person I had mainly in my eye when I spoke was your mother." This time his eye met hers, and they smiled at each other with the consciousness of the humors of the situation. The Reb- bitzin's broom was heard banging viciously in the passage. Hannah bent down and kissed the ample forehead beneath the black skull-cap. " Mr. Levine also writes insisting that I must go to the Purim ball with him and Leah," she said, glancing at the letter. " A husband's wishes must be obeyed," answered the Reb. "No, I will treat him as if he were really my husband," re- torted Hannah. " 1 will have my own way ; I shan't go." The door was thrown open suddenly. " Oh yes thou wilt," said the Rebbitzin. " Thou art not going to bury thyself alive." CHAPTER VIII. ESTHER AND HER CHILDREN. Esther Ansell did not welcome Levi Jacobs warmly. She had just cleared away the breakfast things and was looking for- ward to a glorious day's reading, and the advent of a visitor did not gratify her. And yet Levi Jacobs was a good-looking boy with brown hair and eyes, a dark glowing complexion and ruddy lips — a sort of reduced masculine edition of Hannah. ESTHER AND HER CHILDREN. 99 " Tve come to play I-spy-I, Solomon/' he said when he entered. " My, don't you live high up! " " I thought you had to go to school," Solomon observed with a stare. " Ours isn't a board school," Levi explained. " You might introduce a fellow to your sister." "Garn! You know Esther right enough," said Solomon and began to whistle carelessly. "How are you, Esther?" said Levi awkwardly. " I'm very well, thank you," said Esther, looking up from a little brown-covered book and looking down at it again. She was crouching on the fender trying to get some warmth at the little fire extracted from Reb Shemuel's half-crown. Decem- ber continued gray ; the room was dim and a spurt of flame played on her pale earnest face. It was a face that never lost a certain ardency of color even at its palest : the hair was dark and abundant, the eyes were large and thoughtful, the nose slightly aquiline and the whole cast of the features betrayed the Polish origin. The forehead was rather low. Esther had nice teeth which accident had preserved white. It was an arrestive rather than a beautiful face, though charming enough when she smiled. If the grace and candor of childhood could have been disengaged from the face, it would have been easier to say whether it was absolutely pretty. It came nearer being so on Sabbaths and holidays when scholastic supervision was removed and the hair was free to fall loosely about the shoulders instead of being screwed up into the pendulous plait so dear to the educational eye. Esther could have earned a penny quite easily by sacrificing her tresses and going about with close-cropped head like a boy, for her teacher never failed thus to reward the shorn, but in the darkest hours of hunger she held on to her hair as her mother had done before her. The prospects of Esther's post-nuptial wig were not brilliant. She was not tall for a girl who is get- ting on for twelve ; but some little girls shoot up suddenly and there was considerable room for hope. Sarah and Isaac were romping noisily about and under the beds ; Rachel was at the table, knitting a scarf for Solomon ; the 100 CHILDREN OF THE GHETTO. grandmother pored over a bulky enchiridion for pious women, written in jargon. Moses was out in search of work. No one took any notice of the visitor. "What's that youVe reading?" he asked Esther politely. " Oh nothing," said Esther with a start, closing the book as if fearful he might want to look over her shoulder. " I don't see the fun of reading books out of school," said Levi. "Oh, but we don't read school books," said Solomon defensively. "I don't care. It's stupid." " At that rate you could' never read books when you're grown up," said Esther contemptuously. " No, of course not," admitted Levi. " Otherwise where would be the fun of being grown up? After I leave school I don't intend to open a book." "No? Perhaps you'll open a shop," said Solomon. " What will you do when it rains?" asked Esther crushingly. " I shall smoke," replied Levi loftily. " Yes, but suppose it's Shabbos^'' swiftly rejoined Esther. Levi was nonplussed. "Well, it can't rain all day and there are only fifty-two SJiabbosim in the year,"' he said lamely. "A man can always do something." " I think there's more pleasure in reading than in doing some- thing," remarked Esther. "Yes, you're a girl," Levi reminded her, "and girls are ex- pected to stay indoors. Look at my sister Hannah. She reads, too. But a man can be out doing what he pleases, eh, Solo- mon?" " Yes, of course we've got the best of it," said Solomon. "The Prayer-book shows that. Don't I say every morning '■ Blessed art Thou, O Lord our God, who hast not made me a woman ' ? " " I don't know whether you do say it. You certainly have got to," said Esther witheringly. "'Sh," said Solomon, winking in the direction of the grand- mother. ESTHER AND HER CHILDREN. 101 " It doesn't matter/' said Esther calmly. " She can't under- stand what Fm saying." " I don't know," said Solomon dubiously. " She sometimes catches more than you bargain for." " And then yoii catch more than you bargain for," said Rachel, looking up roguishly from her knitting. Solomon stuck his tongue in his cheek and grimaced. Isaac came behind Levi and gave his coat a pull and toddled off with a yell of delight. " Be quiet, Ikey ! " cried Esther. " If you don't behave better I shan't sleep in your new bed." "Oh yeth, you mutht, Ethty," lisped Ikey, his elfish face growing grave. He went about depressed for some seconds. " Kids are a beastly nuisance," said Levi, " don't you think so, Esther?" " Oh no, not always," said the little girl. " Besides we were all kids once." "That's what I complain of," said Levi. "We ought to be all born grown-up." " But that's impossible ! " put in Rachel. "It isn't impossible at all," said Esther. " Look at Adam and Eve!" Levi looked at Esther gratefully instead. He felt nearer to her and thought of persuading her into playing Kiss-in-the-Ring. But he found it difficult to back out of his undertaking to play I-spy-I with Solomon ; and in the end he had to leave Esther to her book. She had little in common witli her brother Solomon, least of all humor and animal spirits. Even before the responsibilities of headship had come upon her she was a preternaturally thought- ful little girl who had strange intuitions about things and was doomed to work out her own salvation as a metaphysician. When she asked her mother who made God, a slap in the face demonstrated to her the limits of human inquiry. The natural instinct of the child over-rode the long travail of the race to con- ceive an abstract Deity, and Esther pictured God as a mammoth cloud. In early years Esther imagined that the "body" that 102 CHILDREN OF THE GHETTO. was buried when a person died was the corpse decapitated and she often puzzled herself to think what was done with the iso- lated head. When her mother was being tied up in grave-clothes, Esther hovered about with a real thirst for knowledge while the thoughts of all the other children were sensuously concentrated on the funeral and the glory of seeing a vehicle drive away from their own door. Esther w'as also disappointed at not seeing her mother's soul fly up to heaven though she watched vigilantly at the death-bed for the ascent of the long yellow hook-shaped thing. The genesis of this conception of the soul was probably to be sought in the pictorial representations of ghosts in the story-papers brought home by her eldest brother Benjamin. Strange shadowy conceptions of things more corporeal floated up from her solitary reading. Theatres she came across often, and a theatre was a kind of Babel plain or Vanity Fair in which performers and spectators were promiscuously mingled and wherein the richer folk clad in evening dress sat in thin deal boxes — the cases in Spitalfields market being Esther's main as- sociation with boxes. One of her day-dreams of the future was going to the theatre in a night-gown and being accommodated with an orange-box. Little rectification of such distorted views of life was to be expected from Moses Ansell, who went down to his grave without seeing even a circus, and had no interest in art apart from the '' Police News" and his " Mizrach "' and the syn- agogue decorations. Even when Esther's sceptical instinct drove her to inquire of her father how people knew that Moses got the Law on Mount Sinai, he could only repeat in horror that the Books of Moses said so. and could never be brought to see that his arguments travelled on roundabouts. She sometimes regretted that her brilliant brother Benjamin had been swallowed up by the orphan asylum, for she imagined she could have dis- cussed many a knotty point with him. Solomon was both flip- pant and incompetent. But in spite of her theoretical latitudi- narianism, in practice she was pious to the point of fanaticism and could scarce conceive tlie depths of degradation of which she heard vague horror-struck talk. There were Jews about — grown-up men and women, not insane — who struck lucifer ESTHER AND HER CHILDREN. 103 matches on the Sabbath and housewives who carelessly mixed their butter-plates with their meat-plates even when they did not actually eat butter with meat. Esther promised herself that, please God, she would never do anything^ so wicked when she grew up. She at least would never fail to light the Sabbath can- dles nor to kasher the meat. Never was child more alive to the beauty of duty, more open to the appeal of virtue, self-control, abnegation. She fasted till two o'clock on the Great White Fast when she was seven years old and accomplished the perfect feat at nine. When she read a simple little story in a prize-book, inculcating the homely moralities at which the cynic sneers, her eyes filled with tears and her breast with unsel- fish and dutiful determinations. She had something of the tem- perament of the stoic, fortified by that spiritual pride which does not look for equal goodness in others ; and though she disapproved of Solomon's dodgings of duty, she did not sneak or preach, even gave him surreptitious crusts of bread before he had said his prayers, especially on Saturdays and Festivals when the praying took place in Shool and was liable to be prolonged till mid-day. Esther often went to synagogue and sat in the ladies' com- partment. The drone of the "Sons of the Convenant '' down- stairs was part of her consciousness of home, like the musty smell of the stairs, or Becky's young men through whom she had to plough her way when she went for the morning milk, or the odors of Mr. Belcovitch's rum or the whirr of his ma- chines, or the bent, snuffy personality of the Hebrew scholar in the adjoining garret, or the dread of Dutch Debby's dog that was ultimately transformed to friendly expectation. Esther led a double life, just as she spoke two tongues. ■ The knowl- edge that she was a Jewish child, whose people had had a special history, was always at the back of her consciousness ; sometimes it was brought to the front by the scoffing rhymes of Christian children, who informed her that they had stuck a piece of pork upon a fork and given it to a member of her race. But far more vividly did she realize that she was an Eng- 104 CHILDREN OF THE GHETTO. lish girl ; far keener than her pride in Judas Maccabeus was her pride in Nelson and Wellington; she rejoiced to find that her ancestors had always beaten the French from the days of Cressy and Poictiers to the days of Waterloo, that Alfred the Great was the wisest of kings, and that Englishmen dominated the world and had planted colonies in every corner of it, that the English language was the noblest in the world and men speaking it had invented railway trains, steamships, telegraphs, and everything worth inventing. Esther absorbed these ideas from the school reading books. The experience of a month will overlay the hereditary bequest of a century. And yet, beneath all, the prepared plate remains most sensitive to the old impressions. Sarah and Isaac had developed as distinct individualities as was possible in the time at their disposal. Isaac was just five and Sarah — who had never known her mother — just four. The thoughts of both ran strongly in the direction of sensu- ous enjoyment, and they preferred baked potatoes, especially potatoes touched with gravy, to all the joys of the kindergarten. Isaac's ambition ran in the direction of eider-down beds such as he had once felt at Malka's and Moses soothed him by the horizon-like prospect of such a new bed. Places of honor had already been conceded by the generous little chap to his father and brother. Heaven alone knows how he had come to con- ceive their common bed as his own peculiar property in which the other three resided at night on sufferance. He could not even plead it was his by right of birth in it. But Isaac was not after all wholly given over to worldly thoughts, for an intellectual problem often occupied his thoughts and led him to slap little Sarah's arms. He had been born on the 4th of December while Sarah had been born a year later on the 3d. " It ain't, it can't be,'' he would say. " Your birfday can't be afore mine.'' " 'Tis, Esty thays so,"* Sarah would reply. " Esty's a liar,"' Isaac responded imperturbably. "Ask Tat ah y ^^Tatah dunno. Ain't I five ?" ESTHER AND HER CHILDREN. 105 «Yeth." " And ain't you four ? " "Yeth/' " And ain't I older than you ? " "Courth." " And wasn't I born afore you ? " " Yeth, Ikey." " Then 'ow can your birfday come afore mine ? " "'Cos it doth." " Stoopid ! " " It doth, arx Esty," Sarah would insist. " Than't teep in my new bed," Ikey would threaten. " Thall if I like." " Than't ! " Here Sarah would generally break down in tears and Isaac with premature economic instinct, feeling it wicked to waste a cry, would proceed to justify it by hitting her. Thereupon little Sarah would hit him back and develop a terrible howl. " Hi, woe is unto me," she would wail in jargon, throwing herself on the ground in a corner and rocking herself to and fro like her far-away ancestresses remembering Zion by the waters of Babylon. Little Sarah's lamentations never ceased till she had been avenged by a higlier hand. There were several great powers but Esther was the most trusty instrument of reprisal. If Esther was out little Sarah's sobs ceased speedily, for she, too, felt the folly of fruitless tears. Though she nursed in her breast the sense of injury, she would even resume her amicable romps with Isaac. But the moment the step of the avenger was heard on the stairs, little Sarah would betake herself to the corner and howl with the pain of Isaac's pummellings. She had a strong love of abstract justice and felt that if the wrong- doer were to go unpunished, there was no security for the con- stitution of things. To-day's holiday did not pass without an outbreak of this sort. It occurred about tea-time. Perhaps the infants were fractious because there was no tea. Esther had to economize 106 CHILDREN OF THE GHETTO. her resources and a repast at seven would serve for both tea and supper. Among the poor, combination meals are as common as combination beds and chests. Esther had quieted Sarah by slapping Isaac, but as this made Isaac howl the gain was dubious. She had to put a fresh piece of coal on the fire and sing to them while their shadows contorted themselves grotesquely on the beds and then upwards along the sloping walls, terminating with twisted necks on the ceiling. Esther usually sang melancholy things in minor keys. They seemed most attuned to the dim straggling room. There was a song her mother used to sing. It was taken from a Purim-Spiel., itself based upon a Midrash, one of the endless legends with which the People of One Book have broidered it, amplifying every minute detail with all the exuberance of oriental imagina- tion and justifying their fancies with all the ingenuity of a race of lawyers. After his brethren sold Joseph to the Midianite merchants, the lad escaped from the caravan and wandered foot- sore and hungry to Bethlehem, to the grave of his mother, Rachel. And he threw himself upon the ground and wept aloud and sang to a heart-breaking melody in Yiddish. Und hei weh ist mir, Wie schlecht ist doch mir, Ich bin vertrieben geworen Junger held voon dir. Whereof the English runs : Alas ! woe is me ! How wretched to be Driven away and banished, Yet so young, from thee. Thereupon the voice of his beloved mother Rachel was heard from the grave, comforting him and bidding him be of good cheer, for that his future should be great and glorious. Esther could not sing this without the tears trickling down her cheeks. Was it that she thought of her own dead mother and applied the lines to herself? Isaac's ill-humor scarcely ever survived the anodvne of these mournful cadences. There was ESTHER AND HER CHILDREN. 107 another melodious wail which Alte Belcovitch had brought from Poland. The chorus ran : Man nemt awek die chasanim voon die callohs Hi, hi, did-a-rid-a-ree! They tear away their lovers from the maidens, Hi, hi, did-a-rid-a-ree! The air mingled the melancholy of Polish music with the sad- ness of Jewish and the words hinted of God knew what " Old unhappy far-off things And battles long ago." And so over all the songs and stories was the trail of tragedy, under all the heart-ache of a hunted race. There are few more plaintive chants in the world than the recitation of the Psalms by the ''Sons of the Covenant^' on Sabbath afternoons amid the gathering shadows of twilight. Esther often stood in the passage to hear it, morbidly fascinated, tears of pensive pleasure in her eyes. Even the little jargon story-book which Moses Ansell read out that night to his Kinder.^ after tea-supper, by the light of the one candle, was prefaced with a note of pathos. " These stories have we gathered together from the Gemorah and the Midrash, wonderful stories, and we have translated the beautiful stories, using the Hebrew alphabet so that every one, little or big, shall be able to read them, and shall know that there is a God in the world who forsaketh not His people Israel and who even for us will likewise work miracles and wonders and will send us the righteous Redeemer speedily in our days, Amen." Of this same Messiah the children heard endless tales. Oriental fancy had been exhausted in picturing him for the con- solation of exiled and suffering Israel. Before his days there would be a wicked Messiah of the House of Joseph ; later, a king with one ear deaf to hear good but acute to hear evil ; there would be a scar on his forehead, one of his hands would be an inch long and the other three miles, apparently a subtle symbol of the persecutor. The jargon story-book among its ''stories, wonderful stories," had also extracts from the famous 108 CHILDREN OF THE GHETTO. romance, or diary, of Eldad the Danite, who professed to have discovered the lost Ten Tribes. Eldad's book appeared towards the end of the ninth century and became the Arabian Nights of the Jews, and it had filtered down through the ages into the Ansell garret, in common with many other tales from the rich storehouse of mediaeval folk-lore in the diffusion of which the wandering Jew has played so great a part. Sometimes Moses read to his charmed hearers the description of Heaven and Hell by Immanuel, the friend and contemporary of Dante, sometimes a jargon version of Robinson Crusoe. To- night he chose Eldad's account of the tribe of Moses dwelling beyond the wonderful river, Sambatyon, which never flows on the Sabbath. " There is also the tribe of Moses, our just master, which is called the tribe that flees, because it fled from idol worship and clung to the fear of God. A river flows round their land for a distance of four days' journey on every side. They dwell in beautiful houses provided with handsome towers, which they have built themselves. There is nothing unclean among them, neither in the case of birds, venison nor domesticated animals ; there are no wild animals, no flies, no foxes, no vermin, no ser- pents, no dogs, and in general, nothing which does harm ; they have only sheep and cattle, which bear twice a year. They sow and reap; there are all' sorts of gardens, with all kinds of fmits and cereals, viz. : beans, melons, gourds, onions, garlic, wheat and barley, and the seed grows a hundred fold. They have faith; they know the Law, the Mishnah, the Talmud and the Agadah ; but their Talmud is in Hebrew. They introduce their sayings in the name of the fathers, the wise men, who heard them from the mouth of Joshua, who himself heard them from the mouth of God. They have no knowledge of the Tanaim (doc- tors of the Mishnah) and Amoraim (doctors of the Talmud), who flourished during the time of the second Temple, which was, of course, not known to these tribes. They speak only Hebrew, and are very strict as regards the use of wine made by others than themselves, as well as the rules of slaughtering animals ; in this respect the La\y of Moses is much more rigorous than that of ESTHER AND HER CHfLDREN. 109 the Tribes. They do not swear by the name of God, for fear that their breath may leave them, and they become angry with those who swear ; they reprimand tliem, saying, ' Woe, ye poor, why do you swear with the mention of the name of God upon your lips? Use your mouth for eating bread and drinking water. Do you not know that for the sin of swearing your children die young ? ' And in this way they exhort every one to serve God with fear and integrity of heart. Therefore, the children of Moses, the servant of God, live long, to the age of loo or 120 years. No child, be it son or daughter, dies during the lifetime of its parent, but they reach a third and a fourth generation, and see grandchildren and great-grandchildren with their off- spring. They do all field work themselves, having no male or female servants; there are also merchants among them. They do not close their houses at night, for there is no thief nor any wicked man among them. Thus a little lad might go for days with his flock without fear of robbers, demons or dan- ger of any other kind; they are, indeed, all holy and clean. These Levites busy themselves with the Law and with the com- mandments, and they still live in the holiness of our master, Moses ; therefore, God has given them all this good. Moreover, they see nobody and nobody sees them, e.xcept the four tribes who dwell on the other side of the rivers of Gush ; they see them and speak to them, but the river Sambatyon is between them, as it is said : ' That thou mayest say to prisoners. Go forth " (Isaiah xlix., 9). They have plenty of gold and silver; they sow flax and cultivate the crimson worm, and make beautiful garments. Their number is double or four times the number that went out from Egypt. " The river Sambatyon is 200 yards broad — ' about as far as a bowshot ' (Gen. xxi., 16), full of sand and stones, but without water ; the stones make a great noise like the waves of the sea and a stormy wind, so that in the night the noise is heard at a distance of half a day^s journey. There are sources of water which collect themselves in one pool, out of which they water the fields. There are fish in it, and all kinds of clean birds fly round it. And this river of stone and sand rolls during the six 110 CHILDREN OF THE GHETTO. working days and rests on the Sabbath day. As soon as the Sabbath begins fire surrounds the river and the flames remain till the next evening, when the Sabbath ends. Thus no human being can reach the river for a distance of half a mile on either side; the fire consumes all that grows there. The four tribes, Dan, Naphtali, Gad and Asher, stand on the borders of the river. When shearing their flocks here, for the land is flat and clean without any thorns, if the children of Moses see them gathered together on the border they shout, saying, ' Brethren, tribes of Jeshurun, show us your camels, dogs and asses,' and they make their remarks about the length of the camel's neck and the shortness of the tail. Then they greet one another and go their way." When this was done, Solomon called for Hell. He liked to hear about the punishment of the sinners ; it gave a zest to life. Moses hardly needed a book to tell them about Hell. It had no secrets for him. The Old Testament has no reference to a future existence, but the poor Jew has no more been able to live without the hope of Hell than the poor Christian. When the wicked man has waxed fat and kicked the righteous skinny man, shall the two lie down in the same dust and the game be over? Perish the thought! One of the Hells was that in which the sinner was condemned to do over and over again the sins he had done in life. " Why, that must be jolly! " said Solomon. " No, that is frightful," maintained Moses Ansell. He spoke Yiddish, the children English. "Of course, it is," said Esther. "Just fancy, Solomon, having to eat toffy all day." "It's better than eating nothing all day," replied Solomon. "But to eat it every day for ever and ever!" said Moses. " There's no rest for the wicked." "What! Not even on the Sabbath?" said Esther. " Oh, yes ; of course, then. Like the river Sambatyon, even the flames of Hell rest on S/iabbosy "Haven't they got no ^re-goyas f'' inquired Ikey, and every- body laughed, ESTHER AND HER CHILDREN. Ill " SJiabbos is a holiday in Hell," Moses explained to the little one. " So thou seest the result of thy making out Sabbath too early on Saturday night, thou sendest the poor souls back to their tortures before the proper time." Moses never lost an opportunity of enforcing the claims of the ceremonial law. Esther had a vivid picture flashed upon her of poor, yellow hook-shaped souls floating sullenly back towards the flames. Solomon's chief respect for his father sprang from the halo of military service encircling Moses ever since it leaked out through the lips of the Bube, that he had been a conscript in Russia and been brutally treated by the sergeant. But Moses could not be got to speak of his exploits. Solomon pressed him to do so, especially when his father gave symptoms of inviting him to the study of Rashi's Commentary. To-night Moses brought out a Hebrew tome, and said, " Come, Solomon. Enough of stories. We must learn a little." " To-day is a holiday," grumbled Solomon. "It is never a holiday for the study of the Law." " Only this once, father; let's play draughts." Moses weakly yielded. Draughts was his sole relaxation and when Solomon acquired a draught board by barter his father taught him the game. Moses played the Polish variety, in which the men are like English kings that leap backwards and forwards and the kings shoot diagonally across like bishops at chess. Solomon could not withstand these gigantic grasshop- pers, whose stopping places he could never anticipate. Moses won every game to-night and was full of glee and told the Kinder another story. It was about the Emperor Nicholas and is not to be found in the official histories of Russia. "Nicholas was a wicked king, who oppressed the Jews and made their lives sore and bitter. And one day he made it known to the Jews that if a million roubles were not raised for him in a month's time they should be driven from their homes. Then the Jews prayed unto God and besought him to help them for the merits of the forefathers, but no help came. Then they tried to bribe the officials, but the officials pocketed their gold 112 CHILDREN OF THE GHETTO. and the Emperor still demanded his tax. Then they went to the great Masters of Cabalah, who, by pondering day and night on the name and its transmutations, had won the control of all things, and they said, 'Can ye do naught for us?' Then the Masters of Cabalah took counsel together and at midnight they called up the spirits of Abraham our father, and Isaac and Jacob, and Elijah the prophet, who wept to hear of their children's sorrows. And Abraham our father, and Isaac and Jacob, and Elijah the prophet took the bed whereon Nicholas the Emperor slept and transported it to a wild place. And they took Nicho- las the Emperor out of his warm bed and whipped him soundly so that he yelled for mercy. Then they asked : ' Wilt thou re- scind the edict against the Jews?' And he said M will.'' But in the morning Nicholas the Emperor woke up and called for the chief of the bed-chamber and said, ' How darest thou allow my bed to be carried out in the middle of the night into the for- est? ' And the chief of the bed-chamber grew pale and said that the Emperor's guards had watched all night outside the door, neither was there space for the bed to pass out. And Nicholas the Emperor, thinking he had dreamed, let the man go unhung. But the next night lo! the bed was transported again to the wild place and Abraham our father, and Isaac and Jacob, and Elijah the prophet drubbed him doubly and again he promised to remit the tax. So in the morning the chief of the bed-chamber was hanged and at night the guards were doubled. But the bed sailed away to the wild place and Nicholas the Emperor was trebly whipped. Then Nicholas the Emperor annulled the edict and the Jews rejoiced and fell at the knees of the Masters of Cabalah." "But why can't they save the Jews altogether?" queried Esther. " Oh," said Moses mysteriously. " Cabalah is a great force and must not be abused. The Holy Name must not be made common. Moreover one might lose one's life." "Could the Masters make men? " inquired Esther, who had recently come across Frankenstein. " Certainly," said Moses. "And what is more, it stands writ- DUTCH DEB BY. 113 ten that Reb Chanina and Reb Osheya fashioned a fine fat calf on Friday and enjoyed it on the Sabbath."" " Oh, father! '' said Solomon, piteously, " don't you know Cabalah ? " CHAPTER IX. DUTCH DEBBY. A YEAR before we got to know Esther Ansell she got to know Dutch Debby and it changed her hfe. Dutch Debby was a tall sallow ungainly girl who lived in the wee back room on the second floor behind Mrs. Simons and supported herself and her dog by needle-work. Nobody ever came to see her, for it was whispered that her parents had cast her out when she presented them with an illegitimate grandchild. The baby was fortunate enough to die, but she still continued to incur suspicion by keep- ing a dog, which is an un-Jewish trait. Bobby often squatted on the stairs guarding her door and, as it was very dark on the staircase, Esther suffered great agonies lest she should tread on his tail and provoke reprisals. Her anxiety led her to do so one afternoon and Bobby's teeth just penetrated through her stock- ing. The clamor brought out Dutch Debby, who took the girl into her room and soothed her. Esther had often wondered what uncanny mysteries lay behind that dark dog-guarded door and she was rather more afraid of Debby than of Bobby. But that afternoon saw the beginning of a friendship which added one to the many factors which were moulding the future woman. For Debby turned out a very mild bogie, indeed, with a good English vocabulary and a stock of old London yonrnals, more precious to Esther than mines of Ind. Debby kept them under the bed, which, as the size of the bed all but coincided with the area of the room, was a wise arrangement. And on the long summer evenings and the Sunday afternoons when her little ones needed no looking after and were traipsing about playing " whoop! " and pussy-cat in the street downstairs, Esther slipped into the wee back room, where the treasures lay, and there, by the open window, overlooking the dingy back yard 114 CHILDREN OF THE GHETTO. and the slanting perspectives of sun-flecked red tiles where cats prowled and dingy sparrows hopped, in an atmosphere laden with whiffs from a neighboring dairyman^s stables, Esther lost herself in wild tales of passion and romance. She frequently read them aloud for the benefit of the sallow-faced needle- woman, who had found romance square so sadly with the reali- ties of her own existence. And so all a summer afternoon, Dutch Debby and Esther would be rapt away to a world of brave men and fair women, a world of fine linen and purple, of champagne and wickedness and cigarettes, a world where nobody w^orked or washed shirts or was hungry or had holes in boots, a world utterly ignorant of Judaism and the heinousness of eating meat with butter. Not that Esther for her part correlated her conception of this world with facts. She never realized that it was an actually possible world — never indeed asked herself whether it existed outside print or not. She never thought of it in that way at all, any more than it ever occurred to her that people once spoke the Hebrew she learned to read and translate. " Bobby '^ was often present at these readings, but he kept his thoughts to himself, sitting on his hind legs with his delight- fully ugly nose tilted up inquiringly at Esther. For the best of all this new friendship was that Bobby was not jealous. He was only a sorry dun-colored mongrel to outsiders, but Esther learned to see him almost through Dutch Debby^s eyes. And she could run up the stairs freely, knowing that if she trod on his tail now, he would take it as a mark of camaraderie. " I used to pay a penny a week for the London yoiirnal^'^ said Debby early in their acquaintanceship, " till one day I discovered I had a dreadful bad memory." "And what was the good of that?" said Esther. "Why, it was worth shillings and shillings to me. You see I used to save up all the back numbers of the London Journal because of the answers to correspondents, telling you how to do your hair and trim your nails and give yourself a nice com- plexion. I used to bother my head about that sort of thing in those days, dear ; and one day I happened to get reading a story in a back number only about a year old and I found I was DUTCH DEB BY. 115 just as interested as if I had never read it before and I hadnH the slightest remembrance of it. After that I left oif buying the Journal ■B.wdi. took to reading my big heap of back numbers. I get through them once every two years." Debby interrupted herself with a fit of coughing, for lengthy monologue is inad- visable for persons W'ho bend over needle-work in dark back rooms. Recovering herself, she added, "And then I start afresh. You couldn't do that, could you? " " No," admitted Esther, with a painful feeling of inferiority. " I remember all IVe ever read." " Ah, you will grow up a clever woman! " said Debby, patting her hair. "Oh, do you think so?" said Esther, her dark eyes lighting up with pleasure. " Oh yes, you're always first in your class, ain't you ? " "Is that what you judge by, Debby?" said Esther, disap- pointed. " The other girls are so stupid and take no thought for anything but their hats and their frocks. They would rather play gobs or shuttlecock or hopscotch than read about the ' Forty Thieves.' They don't mind being kept a whole year in one class but I — oh, I feel so mad at getting on so slow. I could easily learn the standard work in three months. I want to know everything — so that I can grow up to be a teacher at our school.'^ "And does your teacher know everything? " " Oh yes ! She knows the meaning of every word and all about foreign countries." "And would you like to be a teacher?" " If I could only be clever enough ! " sighed Esther. " But then you see the teachers at our school are real ladies and they dress, oh, so beautifully ! With fur tippets and six-button gloves. I could never afford it, for even when I was earning five shillings a week I should have to give most of it to father and the children." " But if you're very good — I dare say some of the great ladies like the Rothschilds will buy you nice clothes. I have heard they are very good to clever children." 116 CHILDREN OF THE GHETTO. " No, then the other teachers would know I was getting charity ! And they would mock at me. I heard Miss Hyams make fun of a teacher because she wore the same dress as last winter. I don't think I should hke to be a teacher after all, though it is nice to be able to stand with your back to the fire in the winter. The girls would know — " Esther stopped and blushed. " Would know what, dear?" "Well, they would know father/' said Esther in low tones. " They would see him selling things in the Lane and they wouldn't do what I told them." " Nonsense, Esther. I believe most of the teachers' fathers are just as bad — I mean as poor. Look at Miss Hyams's own father." " Oh Debby ! I do hope that's true. Besides when I was earn- ing five shillings a week, I could buy father a new coat, couldn't I ? And then there would be no need for him to stand in the Lane with lemons or ' four-corner fringes,' would there ? " " No, dear. You shall be a teacher, I prophesy, and who knows ? Some day you may be Head Mistress ! " Esther laughed a startled little laugh of delight, with a sus- picion of a sob in it. "What ! Me ! Me go round and make all the teachers do their work. Oh, wouldn't I catch them £05- siping ! I know their tricks ! " "You seem to look after your teacher well. Do you ever call her over the coals for gossiping ? " inquired Dutch Debby, amused. " No, no," protested Esther quite seriously. " I like to hear them gossiping. When my teacher and Miss Davis, who's in the next room, and a few other teachers get together, I learn — Oh such a lot ! — from their conversation." " Then they do teach you after all," laughed Debby. " Yes, but it's not on the Time Table," said Esther, shaking her little head sapiently. " It's mostly about young men. Did you ever have a young man, Debby ? " " Don't — don't ask such questions, child ! " Debby bent over her needle-work. DUTCH DEB BY. 117 " Why not ? " persisted Esther. " If I only had a young man when I grew up, I should be proud of him. Yes, youVe trying to turn your head away. Pm sure you had. Was he nice like Lord Eversmonde or Captain Andrew Sinclair ? Why you're crying, Debby! " "Don't be a little fool, Esther! A tiny fly has just flown into my eye — poor little thing ! He hurts me and does himself no good." " Let me see, Debby," said Esther. " Perhaps I shall be in time to save him." "No, don't trouble." " Don't be so cruel, Debby. You're as bad as Solomon, who pulls off flies' wings to see if they can fly without them." "He's dead now. Go on with 'Lady Ann's Rival;' we've been wasting the whole afternoon talking. Take my advice, Esther, and don't stuff your head with ideas about young men. You're too young. Now, dear, Pm ready. Go on." "Where was I? Oh yes. ' Lord Eversmonde folded the fair young form to his manly bosom and pressed kiss after kiss upon her ripe young lips, which responded passionately to his own. At last she recovered herself and cried reproachfully, Oh Sigismund, why do you persist in coming here, when the Duke forbids it ? ' Oh, do you know, Debby, father said the other day I oughtn't to come here ? " " Oh no, you must," cried Debby impulsively. " I couldn't part with you now." "Father says people say you are not good," said Esther candidly. Debby breathed painfully. "Well !" she whispered. " But I said people were liars. You are good ! " " Oh, Esther, Esther ! " sobbed Debby, kissing the earnest little face with a vehemence that surprised the child. "I think father only said that," Esther went on, "because he fancies I neglect Sarah and Isaac when he's at Shool and they quarrel so about their birthdays when they're together. But they don't slap one another hard. Pll tell you what ! Suppose I bring Sarah down here ! " 118 CHILDREN OF THE GHETTO. "Well, but won't she cry and be miserable here, if you read, and with no Isaac to play with?" " Oh no/' said Esther confidently. " She'll keep Bobby company." Bobby took kindly to little Sarah also. He knew no other dogs and in such circumstances a sensible animal falls back on human beings. He had first met Debby herself quite casually and the two lonely beings took to each other. Before that meeting Dutch Debby was subject to wild temptations. Once she half starved herself and put aside ninepence a week for almost three months and purchased one-eighth of a lottery ticket from Sugarman the SJiadchan, who recognized her exist- ence for the occasion. The fortune did not come off. Debby saw less and less of Esther as the months crept on again towards winter, for the little girl feared her hostess might feel constrained to offer her food, and the children required more soothing. Esther would say very little about her home life, though Debby got to know a great deal about her school- mates and her teacher. One summer evening after Esther had passed into the hands of Miss Miriam Hyams she came to Dutch Debby with a grave face and said : " Oh, Debby, Miss Hyams is not a heroine." " No ? " said Debby, amused. " You were so charmed with her at first." " Yes, she is very pretty and her hats are lovely. But she is not a heroine." "Why, what's happened?" " You know what lovely weather it's been all day ? " "Yes." " Well, this morning all in the middle of the Scripture les- son, she said to us, ' What a pity, girls, we've got to stay cooped up here this bright weather' — you know she chats to us so nicely — ' in some schools they have half-holidays on Wednes- day afternoons in the summer. Wouldn't it be nice if we could have them and be out in the sunshine in Victoria Park?' 'Hoo, yes, teacher, wouldn't that be jolly?' we all cried. Then teacher said : ' Well, why not ask the Head DUTCH DEB BY. 119 Mistress for a holiday tliis afternoon? YouVe the highest standard in the school — I dare say if you ask for it, the whole school will get a holiday. Who will be spokes-woman?' Then all the girls said I must be because I was the first girl in the class and sounded all my h's, and when the Head Mistress came into the room I up and curtseyed and asked her if we could have a holiday this afternoon on account of the beautiful sunshine. Then the Head Mistress put on her eye-glasses and her face grew black and the sunshine seemed to go out of the room. And she said ' What ! After all the holidays we have here, a month at New Year and a fortnight at Passover, and all the fast-days ! I am surprised that you girls should be so lazy and idle and ask for more. Why don't you take example by your teacher? Look at Miss Hyams.'' We all looked at Miss Hyams, but she was looking for some papers in her desk. 'Look how Miss Hyams works!' said the Head Mistress. ' She never grumbles, she never asks for a holiday ! ' We all looked again at Miss Hyams, but she hadn't yet found the papers. There was an awful silence ; you could have heard a pin drop. There wasn't a single cough or rustle of a dress. Then the Head Mistress turned to me and she said : '■ And you, Esther Ansell, whom I always thought so highly of, I'm surprised at your being the ringleader in such a disgraceful request. You ought to know better. I shall bear it in mind, Esther Ansell.' With that she sailed out, stiff and straight as a poker, and the door closed behind her with a bang." "Well, and what did Miss Hyams say then?" asked Debby, deeply interested. " She said : ' Selina Green, and what did Moses do when the Children of Israel gRimbled for water?' She just went on with the Scripture lesson, as if nothing had happened." " I should tell the Head Mistress who sent me on," cried Debby indignantly. " Oh, no," said Esther shaking her head. " That would be mean. It's a matter for her own conscience. Oh, but I do wish," she concluded, " we had had a holiday. It would have been so lovely out in the Park." 120 CHILDREN OF THE GHETTO. Victoria Park was the Park to the Ghetto. A couple of miles off, far enough to make a visit to it an excursion, it was a per- petual blessing to the Ghetto. On rare Sunday afternoons the Ansell family minus the Bube toiled there and back en ?nasse, Moses carrying Isaac and Sarah by turns upon his shoulder. Esther loved the Park in all weathers, but best of all in the summer, when the great lake was bright and busy with boats, and the birds twittered in the leafy trees and the lobelias and calceolarias were woven into wonderful patterns by the garden- ers. Then she would throw herself down on the thick grass and look up in mystic rapture at the brooding blue sky and forget to read the book she had brought with her, while the other chil- dren chased one another about in savage delight. Only once on a Saturday afternoon when her father w^as not with them, did she get Dutch Debby to break through her retired habits and accompany them, and then it was not summer but late autumn. There was an indefinable melancholy about the sere landscape. Russet refuse strewed the paths and the gaunt trees waved flesh- less arms in the breeze. The November haze rose from the moist ground and dulled the blue of heaven with smoky clouds amid which the sun, a red sailless boat, floated at anchor among golden and crimson furrows and glimmering far-dotted fleeces. The small lake was slimy, reflecting the trees on its borders as a network of dirty branches. A solitary swan ruffled its plumes and elongated its throat, doubled in quivering outlines beneath the muddy surface. All at once the splash of oars was heard and the sluggish waters were stirred by the passage of a boat in which a heroic young man was rowing a no less heroic young, woman. Dutch Debby burst into tears and went home. After that she fell back entirely on Bobby and Esther and the London Journal and never even saved up nine shillings again. A SILENT FAMILY. 121 CHAPTER X. A SILENT FAMILY. SuGARMAN the Shadchan arrived one evening a few days before Purim at the tiny two-storied house in which Esther's teacher lived, with Httle Nehemiah tucked under his arm. Nehemiah wore shoes and short red socks. The rest of his legs was bare. Sugarman always carried him so as to demon- strate this fact. Sugarman himself was rigged out in a hand- some manner, and the day not being holy, his blue bandanna peeped out from his left coat-tail, instead of being tied round his trouser band. "Good morning, marm,'' he said cheerfully. "Good morning, Sugarman," said Mrs. Hyams. She was a little careworn old woman of si.xty with white hair. Had she been more pious her hair would never have turned gray. But Miriam had long since put her veto on her mother's black wig. Mrs. Hyams was a meek, weak person and submitted in silence to the outrage on her deepest instincts. Old Hyams was stronger, but not strong enough. He, too, was a silent person. " P'raps you're surprised," said Sugarman, " to get a call from me in my sealskin vest-coat. But de fact is, marm, I put it on to call on a lady. I only dropped in here on my vay." "Won't you take a chair?" said Mrs. Hyams. She spoke English painfully and slowly, having been schooled by Miriam. " No, I'm not tired. But I vill put Nechemyah down on one, if you permit. Dere! Sit still or I potch you! P'raps you could lend me your corkscrew." " With pleasure," said Mrs. Hyams. " I dank you. You see my boy, Ebenezer, is Barmitzvah next Shabbos a veek, and I may not be passing again. You vill come?" " I don't know," said Mrs. Hyams hesitatingly. She was not 122 CHILDREN OF THE GHETTO. certain whether Miriam considered Sugarman on their visiting list. " Don't say dat. I expect to open dirteen bottles of lemonade! You must come, you and Mr. Hyams and the whole family.'" "Thank you, I will tell Miriam and Daniel and my hus- band." " Dat's right. Nechemyah, don't dance on de good lady's chair. Did you hear, Mrs. Hyams, of Mrs. Jonas's luck?" " No." " I won her eleven pounds on the lotter*?^." "How nice," said Mrs. Hyams, a little fluttered. "I would let you have half a ticket for two pounds." "I haven't the money." " Veil, dirty-six shillings! Dere! I have to pay dat myself." " I would if I could, but I can't." " But you can have an eighth for nine shillings." Mrs. Hyams shook her head hopelessly. " How is your son Daniel?" Sugarman asked. "Pretty well, thank you. How is your wife?" " Tank Gawd ! " "And your Bessie?" "Tank Gawd! Is your Daniel in?" " Yes." "Tank Gawd! I mean, can I see him?" "It won't do any good." " No, not dat," said Sugarman. " I should like to ask him to de Confirmation myself." "Daniel! " called Mrs. Hyams. He came from the back yard in rolled-up shirt-sleeves, soap- suds drying on his arms. He was a pleasant-faced, flaxen-haired young fellow, the junior of Miriam by eighteen months. There was will in the lower part of the face and tenderness in the eyes. " Good morning, sir," said Sugarman. " My Ebenezer is Bar- viitzvah next Shabbos week ; vill you do me the honor to drop in wid your moder and fader after Shoolf'' Daniel crimsoned suddenly. He had "No" on his lips, but suppressed it and ultimately articulated it in some polite periph- A SILENT FAMILY. 123 rasis. His mother noticed the crimson. On a blonde face it tells. " Don't say dat," said Sugarman. " I expect to open dirteen bottles of lemonade. I have lent your good moderns corkscrew." " I shall be pleased to send Ebenezer a little present, but I can't come, I really can't. You must excuse me.'' Daniel turned away. " Veil," said Sugarman, anxious to assure him he bore no malice. " If you send a present I reckon it de same as if you come." "That's all right," said Daniel with strained heartiness. Sugarman tucked Nehemiah under his arm but lingered on the threshold. He did not know how to broach the subject. But the inspiration came. " Do you know I have summonsed Morris Kerlinski ? " " No," said Daniel. " What for ? " "He owes me dirty shillings. I found him a very fine maiden, but, now he is married, he says it was only worth a suvran. He offered it me but I vouldn't take it. A poor man he vas, too, and got ten pun from a marriage portion society." " Is it worth while bringing a scandal on the community for the sake of ten shillings? It will be in all the papers, and SJiad- chan will be spelt shatcan, shodkin, shatkin, chodcan, shotgun, and goodness knows what else." "Yes, but it isn't ten shillings," said Sugarman. "It's dirty shillings.'' " But you say he offered you a sovereign." " So he did. He arranged for two pun ten. I took the suvran — but not in full payment." " You ought to settle it before the Beth-din," said Daniel ve- hemently, "or get some Jew to arbitrate. You make the Jews a laughing-stock. It is true all marriages depend on money," he added bitterly, " only it is the fashion of police court reporters to pretend the custom is limited to the Jews." " Veil, I did go to Reb Shemuel," said Sugarman " I dought he'd be the very man to arbitrate." "Why? "asked Daniel. 124 CHILDREN OF THE GHETTO. "Vy? Hasn't \\^ h^itvv z. Shadchati himself? From who else shall we look for sympaty ? " " I see," said Daniel smiling a little. " And apparently you got none." "No," said Sugarman, growing wToth at the recollection. " He said ve are not in Poland." " Quite true." "Yes, but I gave him an answer he didn't like," said Sugar- man. " I said, and ven ve are not in Poland mustn't ve keep none of our religion ? " His tone changed from indignation to insinuation. " Vy vill you not let me get you a vife, Mr. Hyams? I have several extra fine maidens in my eye. Come now, don't look so angry. How much commission vill you give me if I find you a maiden vid a hundred pound? " "The maiden!" thundered Daniel. Then it dawned upon him that he had said a humorous thing and he laughed. There was merriment as well as mysticism in Daniel's blue eyes. But Sugarman went away, down-hearted. Love is blind, and even marriage-brokers may be myopic. Most people not con- cerned knew that Daniel Hyams was "sweet on '^ Sugarman's Bessie. And it was so. Daniel loved Bessie, and Bessie loved Daniel. Only Bessie did not speak because she was a woman and Daniel did not speak because he was a man. They were a quiet family — the Hyamses. They all bore their crosses in a silence unbroken even at home. Miriam herself, the least reti- cent, did not give the impression that she could not have hus- bands for the winking. Her demands were so high — that was all. Daniel was proud of her and her position and her clever- ness and was confident she w^ould marry as well as she dressed. He did not expect her to contribute towards the expenses of the household — though she did — for he felt he had broad shoul- ders. He bore his father and mother on those shoulders, semi- invalids both. In the bold bad years of shameless poverty, Hyams had been a wandering metropolitan glazier, but this open degradation became intolerable as Miriam's prospects improved. It was partly for her sake that Daniel ultimately supported his A SILENT FAMILY. 125 parents in idleness and refrained from speaking to Bessie. For he was only an employe in a fancy-goods warehouse, and on forty- five shillings a week you cannot keep up two respectable estab- lishments. Bessie was a bonnie girl and could not in the nature of things be long uncaught. There was a certain night on which Daniel did not sleep — hardly a white night as our French neighbors say ; a tear-stained night rather. In the morning he was resolved to deny himself Bessie. Peace would be his' instead. If it did not come immediately he knew it was on the way. For once be- fore he had struggled and been so rewarded. That was in his eighteenth year when he awoke to the glories of free thought, and knew himself a victim to the Moloch of the Sabbath, to which fathers sacrifice their children. The proprietor of the fancy goods was a Jew, and moreover closed on Saturdays. But for this anachronism of keeping Saturday holy when you had Sun- day also to laze on, Daniel felt a hundred higher careers would have been open to him. Later, when free thought waned (it was after Daniel had met Bessie), although he never returned to his father's narrowness, he found the abhorred Sabbath sanctifying his life. It made life a conscious voluntary sacrifice to an ideal, and the reward was a touch of consecration once a week. Dan- iel could not have described these things, nor did he speak of them, which was a pity. Once and once only in the ferment of free thought he had uncorked his soul, and it had run over with much froth, and thenceforward old Mendel Hyams and Beenah, his wife, opposed more furrowed foreheads to a world too strong for them. If Daniel had taken back his words and told them he was happier for the ruin they had made of his prospects, their gait might not have been so listless. But he was a silent man. "You will go to Sugarman's, mother," he said now. "You and father. Don't mind that I'm not going. I have another appointment for the afternoon." It was a superfluous lie for so silent a man. " He doesn't like to be seen with us," Beenah Hyams thought. But she was silent. 126 CHILDREN OF THE GHETTO. " He has never forgiven my putting him to the fancy goods," thought Mendel Hyams when told. But he was silent. It was of no good discussing it with his wife. Those two had rather halved their joys than their sorrows. They had been married forty years and had never had an intimate moment. Their marriage had been a matter of contract. Forty years ago, in Poland, Mendel Hyams had awoke one morning to find a face he had never seen before on the pillow beside his. Not even on the wedding-day had he been allowed a glimpse of his bride's countenance. That was the custom of the country and the time. Beenah bore her husband four children, of whom the elder two died ; but the marriage did not beget affection, often the inverse offspring of such unions. Beenah was a duti- ful housewife and Mendel Hyams supported her faithfully so Ions: as his children would let him. Love never flew out of the window for he was never in the house. They did not talk to each other much. Beenah did the housework unaided by the sprig of a servant who was engaged to satisfy the neighbors. In his enforced idleness Mendel fell back on his religion, almost a profession in itself They were a silent couple. At sixty there is not much chance of a forty year old silence being broken on this side of the grave. So far as his personal happiness was concerned, Mendel had only one hope left in the world — to, die in Jerusalem. His feeling for Jerusalem was unique. All the hunted Jew in him combined with all the bat- tered man to transfigure Zion with the splendor of sacred dreams and girdle it with the rainbows that are builded of bitter tears. And with it all a dread that if he were buried elsewhere, when the last trump sounded he would have to roll under the earth and under the sea to Jerusalem, the rendezvous of resurrection. Every year at the Passover table he gave his hope voice : "Next year in Jerusalem.''' In her deepest soul Miriam echoed this wish of his. She felt she could like him better at a distance. Beenah Hyams had only one hope left in the world — to die. THE PURIM BALL. 127 CHAPTER XI, THE PURIM BALL. Sam Levine duly returned for the Purim ball. Malka was away and so it was safe to arrive on the Sabbath. Sam and Leah called for Hannah in a cab, for the pavements were un- favorable to dancing shoes, and the three drove to the " Club/' which was not a sixth of a mile off. "The Club" was the People's Palace of the Ghetto; but that it did not reach the bed-rock of the inhabitants was sufficiently evident from the fact that its language was English. ^ The very lowest stratum was of secondary formation — the children of immigrants — while the highest touched the lower middle-class, on the mere fringes of the Ghetto. It was a happy place where young men and maidens met on equal terms and similar sub- scriptions, where billiards and flirtations and concerts and laugh- ter and gay gossip were always on, and lemonade and cakes never off; a heaven where marriages were made, books borrowed and newspapers read. Muscular Judaism was well to the fore at "the Club," and entertainments were frequent. The middle classes of the community, overflowing with artistic instinct, sup- plied a phenomenal number of reciters, vocalists and instrumen- talists ready to oblige, and the greatest favorites of the London footlights were pleased to come down, partly because they found such keenly appreciative audiences, and partly because they were so much mixed up with the race, both professionally and socially. There were serious lectures now and again, but few of the mem- bers took them seriously ; they came to the Club not to improve their minds but to relax them. The Club was a blessing with- out disguise to the daughters of Judah, and certainly kept their brothers from harm. The ball-room, with its decorations of evergreens and winter blossoms, was a gay sight. Most of the dancers were in evening dress, and it would have been impos- sible to tell the ball from a Belgravian gathering, except by the 128 CHILDREN OF THE GHETTO. preponderance of youth and beauty. Where could you match such a bevy of brunettes, where find such blondes ? They were anything but lymphatic, these oriental blondes, if their eyes did not sparkle so intoxicatingly as those of the darker majority. The young men had carefully curled moustaches and ringlets oiled like the Assyrian bull, and figure-six noses, and studs glit- tering on their creamy shirt-fronts. How they did it on their wages was one of the many miracles of Jewish history. For socially and even in most cases financially they were only on the level of the Christian artisan. These young men in dress-coats were epitomes of one aspect of Jewish history. Not in every respect improvements on the " Sons of the Covenant," though ; replacing the primitive manners and the piety of the foreign Jew by a veneer of cheap culture and a laxity of ceremonial observ- ance. It was a merry party, almost like a family gathering, not merely because most of the dancers knew one another, but because "all Israel are brothers'' — and sisters. They danced very buo3'antly, not boisterously ; the square dances symmet- rically executed, every performer knowing his part ; the waltzing full of rhythmic grace. When the music was popular they ac- companied it on their voices. After supper their heels grew lighter, and the laughter and gossip louder, but never beyond the bounds of decorimi. A few Dutch dancers tried to intro- duce the more gymnastic methods in vogue in their own clubs. where the kangaroo is dancing master, but the sentiment of the floor was against them. Hannah danced little, a voluntary wall- flower, for she looked radiant in tussore silk, and there was an air of refinement about the slight, pretty girl that attracted the beaux of the Club. But she only gave a duty dance to Sam, and a waltz to Daniel Hyams, who had been brought by his sister, though he did not boast a swallow-tail to match her flowing draperies. Hannah caught a rather unamiable glance from pretty Bessie Sugarman, whom poor Daniel was trying hard not to see in the crush. "Is your sister engaged yet?" Hannah asked, for want of something to say. "You would know it if she was," said Daniel, looking so THE PURIM BALL. 129 troubled that Hannah reproached herself for the meaningless remark. " How well she dances ! " she made haste to say. " Not better than you," said Daniel, gallantly. " I see compliments are among the fancy goods you deal in. Do you reverse .'' " she added, as they came to an awkward corner. "Yes — but not my compliments," he said smiling. "Miriam taught me." " She makes me think of Miriam dancing by the Red Sea," she said, laughing at the incongmous idea. "She played a timbrel, though, didn't she?" he asked. "I confess I don't quite know what a timbrel is." "A sort of tambourine, I suppose," said Hannah merrily, "and she sang because the children of Israel were saved." They both laughed heartily, but when the waltz was over they returned to their individual gloom. Towards supper-time, in the middle of a square dance, Sam suddenly noticing Hannah's soli- tude, brought her a tall bronzed gentlemanly young man in a frock coat, mumbled an introduction and rushed back to the arms of the exacting Leah. "Excuse me, I am not dancing to-night," Hannah said coldly in reply to the stranger's demand for her programme. " Well, I'm not half sorry," he said, with a frank smile. " I had to ask you, you know. But I should feel quite out of place bumping such a lot of swells." There w'as something unusual about the words and the man- ner which impressed Hannah agreeably, in spite of herself. Her face relaxed a little as she said : "Why, haven't you been to one of these affairs before?" " Oh yes, six or seven years ago, but the place seems quite altered. They've rebuilt it, haven't they? Very few of us sported dress-coats here in the days before I went to the Cape. I only came back the other day and somebody gave me a ticket and so I've looked in for auld lang syne." An unsympathetic hearer would have detected a note of con- descension in the last sentence. Hannah detected it, for the K 130 CHILDREN OF THE GHETTO. announcement that the young man had returned from the Cape froze all her nascent sympathy. She was turned to ice again. Hannah knew him well — the young man from the Cape. He was a higher and more disagreeable development of the young man in the dress-coat. He had put South African money in his purse — whether honestly or not, no one inquired — the fact re- mained he had put it in his purse. Sometimes the law confis- cated it, pretending he had purchased diamonds illegally, or what not, but then the young man did not return from the Cape. But, to do him justice, the secret of his success was less dis- honesty than the opportunities for initiative energy in unex- ploited districts. Besides, not having to keep up appearances, he descended to menial occupations and toiled so long and terri- bly that he would probably have made just as much money at home, if he had had the courage. Be this as it may, there the money was ; and, armed with it, the young man set sail literally for England, home and beauty ; resuming his cast-off gentility with several extra layers of superciliousness. Pretty Jewesses, pranked in their prettiest clothes, hastened, metaphorically speaking, to the port to welcome the wanderer ; for they knew it was from among them he would make his pick. There were several varieties of him — marked by financial ciphers — but whether he married in his old station or higher up the scale, he was always faithful to the sectarian tradition of the race, and this less from religious motives than from hereditary instinct. Like the young man in the dress-coat, he held the Christian girl to be cold of heart, and unsprightly of temperament. He laid it down that all Yiddishe girls possessed that warmth and chic which, among Christians, were the birthright of a few actresses and music-hall artistes — themselves, probably, Jewesses ! And on things theatrical this young man spoke as one having authority. Perhaps, though he was scarce conscious of it, at the bottom of his repulsion was the certainty that the Christian girl could not fry fish. She might be delightful for flirtation of all degrees, but had not been formed to make him permanently happy. Such was the conception which Hannah had formed for herself of the young man from the Cape. This latest specimen of the THE PURIM BALL. 131 genus was prepossessing into the bargain. There was no deny- ing he was well built, with a shapely head and a lovely mous- tache. Good looks alone were vouchers for insolence and conceit, but, backed by the aforesaid purse — ! She turned her head away and stared at the evolutions of the " Lancers " with much interest. " TheyVe got some pretty girls in that set," he observed admiringly. Evidently the young man did not intend to go away. Hannah felt very annoyed. " Yes," she said, sharply, "which would you like ? " " I shouldn't care to make invidious distinctions," he replied with a little laugh. "Odious prig!" thought Hannah. ''He actually doesn''t see Fm sitting on him!" Aloud she said, "No? But you can't marry them all." "Why should I marry any?" he asked in the same light tone, though there was a shade of surprise in it. "Haven't you come back to England to get a wife? Most young men do, when they don't have one exported to them in Africa." He laughed with genuine enjoyment and strove to catch the answering gleam in her eyes, but she kept them averted. They were standing with their backs to the wall and he could only see the profile and note the graceful poise of the head upon the warm-colored neck that stood out against the white bodice. The frank ring of his laughter mixed with the merry jingle of the fifth figure — "Well, I'm afraid I'm going to be an exception," he said. "You think nobody good enough, perhaps," she could not help saying. " Oh! Why should you think that ? " " Perhaps you're married already." "Oh no, I'm not," he said earnestly. "You're not, either, are you? " "Me? " she asked ; then, with a barely perceptible pause, she said, " Of course 1 am." 132 CHILDREN OF THE GHETTO. The thought of posing as the married woman she theoretically was, flashed upon her suddenly and appealed irresistibly to her sense of fun. The recollection that the nature of the ring on her finger was concealed by her glove afforded her supplementary amusement. "Oh!" was all he said. "I didn't catch your name exactly.'" " I didn''t catch yours,"" she replied evasively. "David Brandon,"' he said readily. "It^s a pretty name," she said, turning smilingly to him. The infinite possibilities of making fun of him latent in the joke quite warmed her towards him. " How unfortunate for me I have destroyed my chance of getting it." It was the first time she had smiled, and he liked the play of light round the curves of her mouth, amid the shadows of the soft dark skin, in the black depths of the eyes. " How unfortunate for me ! " he said, smiling in return. "Oh yes, of course! " she said with a little toss of her head. " There is no danger in saying that now." " I wouldn't care if there was." "It is easy to smooth down the serpent when the fangs are drawn," she laughed back. '• What an extraordinary comparison ! " he exclaimed. " But where are all the people going? It isn't all over, I hope." " Why, what do you want to stay for? You're not dancing." " That is the reason. Unless I dance with you." " And then you would want to go?" she flashed with mock resentment. " I see you're too sharp for me," he said lugubriously. " Roughing it among the Boers makes a fellow a bit dull in compliments." " Dull indeed ! " said Hannah, drawing herself up with great seriousness. " I think you're more complimentary than you have a right to be to a married woman." His face fell. " Oh, I didn't mean anything,*' he said apolo- getically. " So I thought," retorted Hannah. THE PURIM BALL. 133 The poor fellow grew more red and confused than ever. Hannah felt quite sympathetic with him now, so pleased was she at the humiliated condition to which she had brought the young man from the Cape. " Well, ril say good-bye," he said awkwardly. " I suppose I mustn't ask to take you down to supper. I dare say your husband will want that privilege."" " I dare say," replied Hannah smiling. " Although husbands do not always appreciate their privileges." " I shall be glad if yours doesn't," he burst forth. • " Thank you for your good wishes for my domestic happiness," she said severely. "^ Oh, why will you misconstrue everything I say? "he pleaded. " You must think me an awful Shlemihl, putting my foot into it so often. Anyhow I hope I shall meet you again some- where." " The world is very small," she reminded him. " I wish I knew your husband," he said ruefully. "Why?" said Hannah, innocently. " Because I could call on him," he replied, smiling. " Well, you do know him," she could not help saying. "Do I? Who is it? I don't think I do," he exclaimed. " Well, considering he introduced you to me ! " " Sam ! " cried David startled. "Yes." " But — " said David, half incredulously, half in surprise. He certainly had never credited Sam with the wisdom to select or the merit to deserve a wife like this. " But what ? " asked Hannah with charming naivete. . " He said — I — I — at least I think he said — I — I — under- stood that he introduced me to Miss Solomon, as his intended wife." Solomon was the name of Malka's first husband, and so of Leah . " Quite right," said Hannah simply. " Then — what — how ? " he stammered. " She was his intended wife," explained Hannah as if she were lU CHILDREN OF THE GHETTO. telling the most natural thing in the world. " Before he married me, you know." " I — I beg your pardon if I seemed to doubt you. I really thought you were joking." " Why, what made you think so?" " Well," he blurted out. " He didn't mention he was married, and seeing him dancing with her the whole time — " " I suppose he thinks he owes her some attention," said Han- nah indifferently. " By way of compensation probably. I shouldn't be at all surprised if he takes her down to supper in- stead of me." ''There he is, struggling towards the buffet. Yes, he has her on his arm." '-' You speak as if she were his phylacteries," said Hannah, smiling. " It would be a pity to disturb them. So, if you like, you can have me on your arm, as you put it." The young man's face lit up with pleasure, the keener that it was unexpected. " I am very glad to have such phylacteries on my arm, as you put it," he responded. " I fancy I should be a good dt2i\ f roomer if my phylacteries were like that." " What, aren't youyvvw;//.^" she said, as they joined the hungry procession in which she noted Bessie Sugarman on the arm of Daniel Hyams. " No, Pm a regular wrong'un," he replied. '' As for phylac- teries, I almost forget how to lay them." " That is bad," she admitted, though he could not ascertain her own point of view from the tone. " Well, everybody else is just as bad," he said cheerfully. "All the old piety seems to be breaking down. It's Purim, but how many of us have been to hear the — the what do you call it.-* — the Megillah read? There is actually a minister here to-night bare-headed. And how many of us are going to wash our hands before supper or boisli afterwards, I should like to know. Why, it's as much as can be expected if the food's kosher, and there's no ham sandwiches on the dishes. Lord! how my old dad, God rest his soul, would have bean horrified by such a party as this! " THE PURIM BALL. 135 "Yes, it's wonderful how ashamed Jews are of their religion outside a synagogue ! ^' said Hannah musingly. " My father, if he were here, would put on his hat after supper and bensh, though there wasn't another man in the room to follow his example." "And I should admire him for it," said David, earnestly, " though I admit I shouldn't follow his example myself. I sup- pose he's one of the old school." " He is Reb Shemuel," said Hannah, with dignity. "Oh, indeed!" he exclaimed, not without surprise, "I know him well. He used to bless me when I was a boy, and it used to cost him a halfpenny a time. Such a jolly fellow! " " I'm so glad you think so," said Hannah flushing with pleasure. "Of course I do. Does he still have all those Greeners com- ing to ask him questions? " " Oh, yes. Their piety is just the same as ever." " They're poor," observed David. " It's always those poorest in worldly goods who are richest in religion." "Well, isn't that a compensation?" returned Hannah, with a little sigh. " But from my father's point of view, the truth is rather that those who have most pecuniary difficulties have most religious difficulties." " Ah, I suppose they come to your father as much to solve the first as the second." " Father is very good," she said simply. They had by this time obtained something to eat, and for a minute or so the dialogue became merely dietary. " Do you know," he said in the course of the meal, " I feel I ought not to have told you what a wicked person I am? I put my foot into it there, too." "No, why?" " Because you are Reb Shemuel's daughter." " Oh, what nonsense! I like to hear people speak their minds. Besides, you mustn't fancy I'm 2.sfroo?n as my father." " I don't fancy that. Not quite," he laughed. " I know there's some blessed old law or other by which women haven't got the same chance of distinguishing themselves that way as men. I 136 CHILDREN OF THE GHETTO. have a vague recollection of saying a prayer thanking God for not having made me a woman/' "Ah, that must have been a long time ago," she said slyly. "Yes, when I was a boy,'' he admitted. Then the oddity of the premature thanksgiving struck them both and they laughed. " YouVe got a different form provided for you, haven't you ? " he said. " Yes, I have to thank God for having made me according to His will." "You don't seem satisfied for all that," he said, struck by something in the way she said it. "How can a woman be satisfied?" she asked, looking up frankly. " She has no voice in her destinies. She must shut her eyes and open her mouth and swallow what it pleases God to send her." " All right, shut your eyes," he said, and putting his hand over them he gave her a titbit and restored the conversation to a more flippant level. " You mustn't do that," she said. " Suppose my husband were to see you." "Oh, bother!" he said. "I don't know why it is, but I don't seem to realize you're a married woman." " Am I playing the part so badly as all that ? " " Is it a part?" he cried eagerly. She shook her head. His face fell again. She could hardly fail to note the change. " No, it's a stern reality," she said. " I wish it wasn't." It seemed a bold confession, but it was easy to understand. Sam had been an old school-fellow of his, and David had not thought highly of him. He was silent a moment. " Are you not happy ? " he said gently. "Not in my marriage." " Sam must be a regular brute!*' he cried indignantly. "He doesn't know how to treat you. He ought to have his head punched the way he's going on with that fat thing in red." " Oh. don't run her down," said Hannah, struggling to repress THE PURIM BALL. 137 her emotions, which were not purely of laughter. " She's my dearest friend." " They always are,'' said David oracularly. " But how came you to marry him? " "Accident," she said indifferently. "Accident!" he repeated, open-eyed. " Ah, well, it doesn't matter," said Hannah, meditatively con- veying a spoonful of trifle to her mouth. " I shall be divorced from him to-morrow. Be careful! You nearly broke that plate." David stared at her, open-mouthed. " Going to be divorced from him to-morrow ? " "Yes, is there anything odd about it?" " Oh," he said, after staring at her impassive face for a full minute. "' Now I'm sure you've been making fun of me all along." " My dear Mr. Brandon, why will you persist in making me out a liar? " He was forced to apologize again and became such a model of perplexity and embarrassment that Hannah's gravity broke down at last and her merry peal of laughter mingled with the clatter of plates and the hubbub of voices. "I must take pity on you and enlighten you," she said, "but promise me it shall go no further. It's only our own little circle that knows about it and I don't want to be the laughing-stock of the Lane." " Of course I will promise," he said eagerly. She kept his curiosity on the qui vive to amuse herself a little longer, but ended by telling him all, amid frequent exclamations of surprise. "Well, I never!" he said when it was over. "Fancy a relig- ion in which only two per cent, of the people who profess it have ever heard of its laws. I suppose we're so mixed up with the English, that it never occurs to us we've got marriage laws of our own — like the Scotch. Anyhow I'm real glad and I congratulate you." " On what ? " 138 CHILDREN OF THE GHETTO. "On not being really married to Sam." " Well, you're a nice friend of his, I must say. I don^t con- gratulate myself, I can tell you." " You don't? " he said in a disappointed tone. She shook her head silently. "Why not?" he inquired anxiously. " Well, to tell the truth, this forced marriage was my only chance of getting a husband who wasn't pious. Don't look so puzzled. ■ I wasn't shocked at your wickedness — you mustn't be at mine.- You know there's such a lot of religion in our house that I thought if I ever did get married I'd like a change." " Ha! ha! ha! So you're as the rest of us. Well, it's plucky of you to admit it." " Don't see it. My living doesn't depend on religion, thank Heaven. Father's a saint, I know, but he swallows everything he sees in his books just as he swallows everything mother and I put before him in his plate — and in spite of it all — " She was about to mention Levi's shortcomings but checked herself in time. She had no right to unveil anybody's soul but her own and she didn't know why she was doing that. " But you don't mean to say your father would forbid you to marry a man you cared for, just because he \\2isn\ f?'oom ? '''' " I'm sure he would." " But that would be cruel." " He wouldn't think so. He'd think he was saving my soul, and you must remember he can't imagine any one who has been taught to see its beauty not loving the yoke of the Law. He's the best father in the world — but when religion's concerned, the best-hearted of mankind are liable to become hard as stone. You don't know my father as I do. But apart from that, I wouldn't marry a man, myself, who might hurt my father's posi- tion. I should have to keep a kosher house or look how people would talk ! " " And wouldn't you if you had your own way ? " " I don't know what I would do. It's so impossible, the idea of my having my own way. I think I should probably go in for a change, I'm so tired — so tired of this eternal ceremony. THE PURIM BALL. - 139 Always washing up plates and dishes. I dare say it's all for our good, but I am so tired." " Oh, I don't see much difficulty about Koshers. I always eat kosher meat myself when I can get it, providing it's not so beastly tough as it has a knack of being. Of course it's absurd to expect a man to go without meat when he's travelling up country, just because it hasn't been killed with a knife instead of a pole-axe. Besides, don't we know well enough that the folks who are most particular about those sort of things don't mind swindling and setting their houses on fire and all manner of abominations ? I wouldn't be a Christian for the world, but I should like to see a little more common-sense introduced into our religion ; it ought to be more up to date. If ever I marry, I should like my wife to be a girl who wouldn't want to keep any- thing but the higher parts of Judaism. Not out of laziness, mind you, but out of conviction." David stopped suddenly, surprised at his own sentiments, which he learned for the first time. However vaguely they might have been simmering in his brain, he could not honestly accuse himself of having ever bestowed any reflection on " the higher parts of Judaism '' or even on the religious convictions apart from the racial aspects of his future wife. Could it be that Hannah's earnestness was infecting him? "Oh, then you w^///<^ marry a Jewess! " said Hannah. " Oh, of course," he said in astonishment. Then as he looked at her pretty, earnest face the amusing recollection that she was married already came over him with a sort of shock, not wholly comical. There was a minute of silence, each pursuing a sep- arate train of thought. Then David wound up, as if there had been no break, with an elliptical, •' wouldn't you?" Hannah shrugged her shoulders and elevated her eyebrows in a gesture that lacked her usual grace. " Not if I had only to please myself," she added. "Oh, come! Don't say that," he said anxiously. "I don't believe mixed marriages are a success. Really, I don't. Besides, look at the scandal ! " Again she shrugged her shoulders, defiantly this time. 140 CHILDREN OF THE GHETTO. "I don''t suppose I shall ever get married," she said. "I never could marry a man father would approve of, so that a Christian would be no worse than an educated Jew." David did not quite grasp the sentence ; he was trying to, when Sam and Leah passed them. Sam winked in a friendly if not very refined manner. " I see you two are getting on all right," he said. "Good gracious!" said Hannah, starting up with a blush. " Everybody's going back. They will think us greedy. What a pair of fools we are to have got into such serious conversation at a ball." " Was it serious ? " said David with a retrospective air. " Well, I never enjoyed a conversation so much in my life." " You mean the supper," Hannah said lightly. " Well, both. It's your fault that we don't behave more appropriately.'' " How do you mean?" " You won't dance." "Do you want to? " " Rather." " I thought you were afraid of all the swells." " Supper has given me courage." " Oh, very well if you want to, that's to say if you really can waltz." "Try me, only you must allow for my being out of practice. I didn't get many dances at the Cape, I can tell you." "The Cape!" Hannah heard the words without making her usual grimace. She put her hand lightly on his shoulder, he encircled her waist with his arm and they surrendered them- selves to the intoxication of the slow, voluptuous music. THE SONS OF THE COVENANT. 141 CHAPTER XII. THE SONS OF THE COVENANT. The " Sons of the Covenant " sent no representatives to the club balls, wotting neither of waltzes nor of dress-coats, and pre- ferring death to the embrace of a strange dancing woman. They were the congregation of which Mr. Belcovitch was President and their synagogue was the ground floor of No. i Royal Street — two large rooms knocked into one, and the rear partitioned off for the use of the bewigged, heavy-jawed women who might not sit with the men lest they should fascinate their thoughts away from things spiritual. Its furniture was bare benches, a raised platform with a reading desk in the centre and a wooden curtained ark at the end containing two parchment scrolls of the Law, each with a silver pointer and silver bells and pomegran- ates. The scrolls were in manuscript, for the printing-press has never yet sullied the s^anctity of the synagogue editions of the Pentateuch. The room was badly ventilated and what little air there was was generally sucked up by a greedy company of wax- candles, big and little, struck in brass holders. The back window gave on the yard and the contiguous cow-sheds, and " moos " mingled with the impassioned supplications of the worshippers, who came hither two and three times a day to bat- ter the gates of heaven and to listen to sermons more exegetical than ethical. They dropped in, mostly in *their work-a-day garments and grime, and rumbled and roared and chorused prayers with a zeal that shook the window-panes, and there w^s never lack of tniiiyan — the congregational quorum of ten. (\n the West End, synagogues are built to eke out the income of poor jnmyan-jnen or professional congregants ; in the East End rooms are tricked up for prayer. This synagogue was all of luxury many of its Sons could boast. It was their salon and their lecture-hall. It supplied them not only with their religion but their art and letters, their politics and their public amuse- 142 CHILDREN OF THE GHETTO. ments. It was their home as well as the Almighty's, and on occasion they were familiar and even a little vulgar with Him. It was a place in which they could sit in their slippers, meta- phorically that is ; for though they frequently did so literally, it was by way of reverence, not ease. They enjoyed themselves in this Shool of theirs ; they shouted and skipped and shook and sang, they wailed and moaned ; they clenched their fists and thumped their breasts and they were not least happy when they were crying. There is an apocryphal anecdote of one of them being in the act of taking a pinch of snuff when the " Confes- sion " caught him unexpectedly. " We have trespassed," he wailed mechanically, as he spas- modically put the snuff in his bosom and beat his nose with his clenched fist. They prayed metaphysics, acrostics, angelology, Cabalah, his- tory, exegetics, Talmudical controversies, memcs, recipes, priestly prescriptions, the canonical books, psalms, love-poems, an undi- gested hotch-potch of exalted and questionable sentiments, of communal and egoistic aspirations of the highest order. It was a wonderful liturgy, as grotesque as it was beautiful — like an old cathedral in all styles of architecture, stored with shabby antiquities and side-shows and overgrown with moss and lichen — a heterogeneous blend of historical strata of all periods, in which gems of poetry and pathos and spiritual fer\'or glittered and pitiful records of ancient persecution lay petrified. And the method of praying these things was equally complex and un- couth, equally the bond-slave of tradition ; here a rising and there a bow, now three steps backwards and now a beating of the breast, this bit for the congregation and that for the minis- ter, variants of a page, a word, a syllable, even a vowel, ready for every possible contingency. Their religious consciousness was largely a musical box — the thrill of the ram's horn, the cadenza of psalmic phrase, the jubilance of a festival "Amen" and the sobriety of a work-a-day "Amen," the Passover mel- odies and the Pentecost, the minor keys of Atonement and the hilarious rhapsodies of Rejoicing, the plain chant of the Law and the more ornate intonation of the Prophets — all this was THE SONS OF THE COVENANT. 143 known and loved and was far more important than the meaning of it all or its relation to their real lives ; for page upon page was gabbled off at rates that could not be excelled by automata. But if they did not always know what- they were saying they always meant it. If the serv'ice had been more intelligible it would have been less emotional and edifying. There was not a sentiment, however incomprehensible, for which they were not ready to die or to damn. "All Israel are brethren/' and indeed there w^as a strange antique clannishness about these ''Sons of the Covenant" which in the modern world, where the ends of the ages meet, is Socialism. They prayed for one another while alive, visited one another's bedsides when sick, buried one another when dead. No mercenary hands poured the yolks of eggs over their dead faces and arrayed their corpses in their praying-shawls. No hired masses were said for the sick or the troubled, for the psalm-singing services of the " Sons of the Covenant " were always available for petitioning the Heavens, even though their brother had been arrested for buying stolen goods, and the ser- vice might be an invitation to Providence to compound a felony. Little charities of their own they had, too — a Sabbath Meal Society, and a Marriage Portion Society to buy the sticks for poor couples — and when a pauper countryman arrived from Poland, one of them boarded him and another lodged him and a third taught him a trade. Strange exotics in a land of prose carrying with them through the paven highways of London the odor of Continental Ghettos and bearing in their eyes through all the shrewdness of their glances the eternal mysti- cism of the Orient, where God was born ! Hawkers and ped- dlers, tailors and cigar-makers, cobblers and furriers, glaziers and cap-makers — this was in sum their life. To pray much and to work long, to beg a little and to cheat a little, to eat not over-much and to " drink " scarce at all, to beget annual children by chaste wives (disallowed them half the year), and to rear them not over-well, to study the Law and the Prophets and to reverence the Rabbinical tradition and the chaos of com- mentaries expounding it, to abase themselves before the " Life 144 CHILDREN OF THE GHETTO. of Man" and Joseph Caro's '' Prepared Table'' as though the authors had presided at the foundation of the earth, to wear phylacteries and fringes, to keep the beard unshaven, and the corners of the hair uncut, to know no work on Sabbath and no rest on week-day. It was a series of recurrent landmarks, ritual and historical, of intimacy with God so continuous that they were in danger of forgetting His existence as of the air they breathed. They ate unleavened bread in Passover and blessed the moon and counted the days of the Omer till Pentecost saw the synagogue dressed with flowers in celebration of an Asiatic fruit harvest by a European people divorced from agriculture ; they passed to the terrors and triumphs of the New Year (with its domestic symbolism of apple and honey and its procession to the river) and the revelry of repentance on the Great White Fast, when they burned long candles and whirled fowls round their heads and attired themselves in grave-clothes and saw from their seats in synagogue the long fast-day darken slowly into dusk, while God was sealing the decrees of life and death ; they passed to Tabernacles when they ran up rough booths in back yards draped with their bed-sheets and covered with green- ery, and bore through the streets citrons in boxes and a waving combination of myrtle, and palm and willow branches, where- with they made a pleasant rustling in the synagogue ; and thence to the Rejoicing of the Law when they danced and drank rum in the House of the Lord and scrambled sweets for the little ones, and made a sevenfold circuit with the two scrolls, supplemented by toy flags and children's candles stuck in hollow carrots ; and then on again to Dedication with its celebration of the Maccaba^an deliverance and the miracle of the unwaning oil in the Temple, and to Purim with its masquerading and its exe- cration of Haman's name by the banging of little hammers ; and so back to Passover. And with these larger cycles, epicycles of minor fasts and feasts, multiplex, not to be overlooked, from the fast of the ninth of Ab — fatal day for the race — when they sat on the ground in shrouds, and wailed for the destruction of Jerusalem, to the feast of the Great Hosannah when they whipped away willow-leaves on the Shool benches in symbolism THE SONS OF THE COVENANT. 145 of forgiven sins, sitting up the whole of the night before in a long paroxysm of prayer mitigated by coffee and cakes ; from the period in which nuts were prohibited to the period in which marriages were commended. And each day, too, had its cycles of religious duty, its compre- hensive and cumbrous ritual with accretions of commentary and tradition. And every contingency of the individual life was equally pro- vided for, and the writings that regulated all this complex ritual are a marvellous monument of the patience, piety and juristic genius of the race — and of the persecution which threw it back upon its sole treasure, the Law, Thus they lived and died, these Sons of the Covenant, half- automata, sternly disciplined by voluntary and involuntary pri- vation, hemmed and mewed in by iron walls of form and poverty, joyfully ground under the perpetual rotary wheel of ritualism, good-humored withal and casuistic like all people whose religion stands much upon ceremony ; inasmuch as a ritual law comes to count one equally with a moral, and a man is not half bad who does three-fourths of his duty. And so the stuffy room with its guttering candles and its chameleon-colored ark-curtain was the pivot of their barren lives. Joy came to bear to it the offering of its thanksgiving and to vow sixpenny bits to the Lord, prosperity came in a high hat to chaffer for the holy privileges, and grief came with rent garments to lament the beloved dead and glorify the name of the Eternal. The poorest life is to itself the universe and all that therein is, and these humble products of a great and terrible past, strange fruits of a motley-flowering secular tree whose roots are in Canaan and whose boughs overshadow the earth, were all the happier for not knowing that the fulness of life was not theirs. And the years went rolling on, and the children grew up and here and there a parent. The elders of the synagogue were met in council. " He is greater than a Prince," said the Shalotten Shamitios. " If all the Princes of the Earth were put in one scale," said L 146 CHILDREN OF THE GHETTO. Mr. Belcovitch, " and our Maggid, Moses, in the other, he would outweigh them all. He is worth a hundred of the Chief Rabbi of England, who has been seen bareheaded." " From Moses to Moses there has been none like Moses," said old Mendel Hyams, interrupting the Yiddish with a Hebrew quotation. " Oh no," said the Shalotten Sha7nmoSy who was a great stickler for precision, being, as his nickname implied, a master of ceremo- nies. " I can't admit that. Look at my brother Nachmann." There was a general laugh at the Shalotten Shaimnos's bull ; the proverb dealing only with Moseses. " He has the true gift," observed Froovi Karlkammer, shaking the flames of his hair pensively. " For ihe letters of his name have the same numerical value as those of the great Moses da Leon." Frooni Karlkammer was listened to with respect, for he was an honorary member of the committee, who paid for two seats in a larger congregation and only worshipped with the Sons of the Covenant on special occasions. The Shalotten Shavtutos, how- ever, was of contradictory temperament — a born dissentient, upheld by a steady consciousness of highly superior English, the drop of bitter in Belcovitch's presidential cup. He was a long thin man, who towered above the congregation, and was as tall as the bulk of them even when he was bowing his acknowledg- ments to his Maker. "How do you make that out?" he asked Karlkammer. "Moses of course adds up the same as Moses — but while the other part of the Maggid''s name makes seventy-three, da Leon's makes ninety-one." " Ah, that's because youVe ignorant of Gematriyah^'' said little Karlkammer, looking up contemptuously at the cantankerous giant. " You reckon all the letters on the same system, and you omit to give yourself the license of deleting the ciphers." In philology it is well known that all consonants are inter- changeable and vowels don't count ; in Gemairiyah any letter may count for anything, and the total may be summed up anyhow. Karlkammer was one of the curiosities of the Ghetto. In a THE SONS OF THE COVENANT. 147 land oifroo/n men he was ihtfroomest. He had the very genius of fanaticism. On the Sabbath lie spoke nothing but Hebrew whatever the inconvenience and however numerous the misun- derstandings, and if he perchance paid a visit he would not per- form the " work " of lifting the knocker. Of course he had his handkerchief girt round his waist to save him from carrying it, but this compromise being general was not characteristic of Karlkammer any more than his habit of wearing two gigantic sets of phylacteries where average piety was content with one of moderate size. One of the walls of his room had an unpapered and unpainted scrap in mourning for the fall of Jerusalem. He walked through the streets to synagogue attired in his praying-shawl and phylac- teries, and knocked three times at the door of God's house when he arrived. On the Day of Atonement he walked in his socks, though the heavens fell, wearing his grave-clothes. On this day he remained standing in synagogue from 6 a.m. to 7 p.m. with his body bent at an angle of ninety degrees ; it was to give him bending space that he hired two seats. On Tabernacles, not having any ground whereon to erect a booth, by reason of living in an attic, he knocked a square hole in the ceiling, covered it with branches through which the free air of heaven played, and hung a quadrangle of sheets from roof to floor ; he bore to syna- gogue the tallest Lulav of palm-branches that could be procured and quarrelled with a rival pietist for the last place in the floral procession, as being the lowliest and meekest man in Israel — an ethical pedestal equally claimed by his rival. He insisted on bearing a corner of the biers of all the righteous dead. Almost every other day was a fast-day for Karlkammer, and he had a host of supplementary ceremonial observances which are not for the vulgar. Compared with him Moses Ansell and the ordinary " Sons of the Covenant '' were mere heathens. He was a man of prodigious distorted mental activity. He had read omnivo- rously amid the vast stores of Hebrew literature, was a great authority on Cabalah, understood astronomy, and, still more, astrology, was strong on finance, and could argue coherently on any subject outside religion. His letters to the press on specifi- 148 CHILDREN OF THE GHETTO. cally Jewish subjects were the most hopeless, involved, incompre- hensible and protracted puzzles ever penned, bristling with Hebrew quotations from the most varying, the most irrelevant and the most mutually incongruous sources and peppered with the dates of birth and death of every Rabbi mentioned. No one had ever been known to follow one of these argumen- tations to the bitter end. They were written in good English modified by a few peculiar terms used in senses unsuspected by dictionary-makers ; in a beautiful hand, with the t^s uncrossed, but crowned with the side-stroke, so as to avoid the appearance of the symbol of Christianity, and with the dates expressed according to the Hebrew Calendar, for Karlkammer refused to recognize the chronology of the Christian. He made three copies of every letter, and each was exactly like the others in every word and every line. His bill for midnight oil must have been extraordinary, for he was a business man and had to earn his living by day. Kept within the limits of sanity by a religion without apocalyptic visions, he was saved from predicting the end of the world by mystic calculations, but he used them to prove everything else and fervently believed that endless mean- ings were deducible from the numerical value of Biblical words, that not a curl at the tail of a letter of any word in any sentence but had its supersubtle significance. The elaborate cipher with which Bacon is alleged to have written Shakspeare's plays was mere child's play compared with the infinite revelations which in Karlkammer's belief the Deity left latent in writing the Old Tes- tament from Genesis to Malachi, and in inspiring the Talmud and the holier treasures of Hebrew literature. Nor were these ideas of his own origination. His was an eclectic philosophy and religionism, of which all the elements were discoverable in old Hebrew books ; scraps of Alexandrian philosophy inextricably blent with Aristotelian, Platonic, mystic. He kept up a copious correspondence with scholars in other countries and was universally esteemed and pitied. "We haven't come to discuss the figures of the Maggid's name, but of his salary," said Mr. Belcovitch, who prided himself on his capacity for conducting public business. THE SONS OF THE COVENANT. 149 "I have examined the finances," said Karlkammer, "and I don't see how we can possibly put aside more for our preacher than the pound a week.'" "But he is not satisfied," said Mr. Belcovitch. " I don't see why he shouldn't be," said the Shalotten Shain- mos. " A pound a week is luxury for a single man." The Sons of the Covenant did not know that the poor con- sumptive Maggid sent half his salary to his sisters in Poland to enable them to buy back their husbands from military service ; also they had vague unexpressed ideas that he was not mortal, that Heaven would look after his larder, that if the worst came to the worst he could fall back on Cabalah and engage himself with the mysteries of food-creation. " I have a wife and family to keep on a pound a week," grum- bled Greenberg the Chazan. Besides being Reader, Greenberg blew the horn and killed cattle and circumcised male infants and educated children and discharged, the functions of beadle and collector. He spent a great deal of his time in avoiding being drawn into the contend- ing factions of the congregation and in steering equally between Belcovitch and the Shalotten Shammos. The Sons only gave him fifty a year for all his trouble, but they eked it out by allow- ing him to be on the Committee, where on the question of a rise in the Reader's salary he was always an ineffective minority of one. His other grievance was that for the High Festivals the Sons temporarily engaged a finer voiced Reader and advertised him at raised prices to repay themselves out of the surplus congregation. Not only had Greenberg to play second fiddle on these grand occasions, but he had to iterate " Pom " as a sort of musical accompaniment in the pauses of his rival's vocalization. " You can't compare yourself with the Maggid,^'' the Shalotten Shammos reminded him consolingly. " There are hundreds of you in the market. There are several morceaux of the service which you do not sing half so well as your predecessor; your horn-blowing cannot compete with Freedman's of the Fashion Street Chevrah, nor can you read the Law as quickly and accu- rately as Prochintski. I have told you over and over again you 150 CHILDREN OF THE GHETTO. confound the air of the Passover Yigdal\v\\\\ the New Year ditto. And then your preliminary flourish to the Confession of Sin — it goes ' Ei, Ei, Ei, Ei, Ei, Ei, Ei ' '' (he mimicked Greenberg^s mel- ody) " whereas it should be ' Oi, Oi, Oi, Oi, Oi, Oi.' " "Oh no," intermpted Belcovitch. "All the Chazanwi Fve ever heard do it ' Ei, Ei, Ei.' " " You are not entitled to speak on this subject, Belcovitch," said the Shalotten Shainjnos warmly. '• You are a Man-of-the- Earth. I have heard every great Chazan in Europe." " What was good enough for my father is good enough for me," retorted Belcovitch. "The Shool\\^ took me to at home had a beautiful Chazan^ and he always sang it ' Ei, Ei, Ei.' " "I don't care what you heard at home. In England every Chazaji sings ' Oi, Oi, Oi.' " " We can't take our tune from England," said Karlkammer re- provingly. " England is a polluted country by reason of the Re- formers whom we were compelled to excommunicate." "Do you mean to say that my father was an Epicurean?" asked Belcovitch indignantly. " The tune was as Greenberg sings it. That there are impious Jews who pray bareheaded and sit in the synagogue side by side with the women has nothing to do with it." The Reformers did neither of these things, but the Ghetto to a man believed they did, and it would have been countenancing their blasphemies to pay a visit to their synagogues and see. It was an extraordinary example of a myth flourishing in the teeth of the facts, and as such should be useful to historians sifting "the evidence of contemporary writers." The dispute thickened .; the synagogue hummed with " Eis " and " Ois " not in concord. " Shah! " said the President at last. " Make an end, make an end!" " You see he knows I'm right," murmured the Shalotten Shainmos to his circle. " And if you are! " burst forth the impeached Greenberg, who had by this time thought of a retort. "And if I do sing the Passover Yigdal instead of the New Year, have I not reason, see- THE SONS OF THE COVENANT. 151 ing I have 7W bread in the house ? With my salary I have Pass- over all the year round." The Chazan's sally made a good impression on his audience if not on his salary. It was felt that he had a just grievance, and the conversation was hastily shifted to the original topic. " We mustn't forget the Maggid draws crowds here every Sat- urday and Sunday afternoon," said Mendel Hyams. "Suppose he goes over to a Chevrah that will pay him more! " " No, he won't do that," said another of the Committee. " He will remember that we brought him out of Poland." " Yes, but we shan't have room for the audiences soon," said Belcovitch. "There are so many outsiders turned away every time that I think we ought to let half the applicants enjoy the first two hours of the sermon and the other half the second two hours." " No, no, that would be cruel," said Karlkammer. " He will have to give the Sunday sermons at least in a larger synagogue. My own Shool, the German, will be glad to give him facilities." " But what if they want to take him altogether at a higher salary?" said Mendel. " No, Pm on the Committee, Pll see to that," said Karlkammer reassuringly. " Then do you think we shall tell him we can't afford to give him more?" asked Belcovitch. There was a murmur of assent with a fainter mingling of dis- sent. The motion that the Maggid's application be refused was put to the vote and carried by a large majority. It was the fate of the Maggid to be the one subject on which Belcovitch and the Shalotten Sha7n?nos agreed. They agreed as to his transcendent merits and they agreed as to the adequacy of his salary. " But he's so weakly," protested Mendel Hyams, who was in the minority. " He coughs blood." " He ought to go to a sunny place for a week," said Belcovitch compassionately. " Yes, he must certainly have that," said Karlkammer. " Let us add as a rider that although we cannot pay him more per 152 CHILDREN OF THE GHETTO. week, he must have a week's holiday in the country. The Sha- kitten Sham;nos shall write the letter to Rothschild.'" y^ Rothschild was a magic name in the Ghetto ; it stood next to I the Almighty's as a redresser of grievances and a friend of the / poor, and the Shalotten Sha?nmos made a large part of his in- come by writing letters to it. He charged twopence halfpenny I>er letter, for his English vocabulary was larger than any other scribe's in the Ghetto, and his words were as much longer than theirs as his body. He also filled up printed application forms for Soup or Passover cakes, and had a most artistic sense of the proportion of orphans permissible to widows and a correct instinct for the plausible duration of sicknesses. The Committee agreed iiem. con. to the grant of a seaside holiday, and the Shalotten Shammos with a gratified feeling of importance waived his twopence halfpenny. He drew up a letter forthwith, not of course in the name of the Sons of the Covenant, but in the Maggid''s own. He took the magniloquent sentences to the Maggid for signa- ture. He found the Maggid walking up and down Royal Street waiting for the verdict. Tlie Maggid walked with a stoop that was almost a permanent bow, so that his long black beard reached well towards his baggy knees. His curved eagle nose was grown thinner, his long coat shinier, his look more haggard, his corkscrew earlocks were more matted, and when he spoke his voice was a tone more raucous. He wore his high hat — a tall cylinder that reminded one of a weather-beaten turret. The Shalotten Shammos explained briefly what he had done. " May thy strength increase! "' said the Maggid in the Hebrew formula of gratitude. "Nay, thine is more important," replied the Shalotten Shain- 7nos with hilarious heartiness, and he proceeded to read the letter as they walked along together, giant and doubled-up wizard. " But 1 haven't got a wife and six children,'' said the Maggid^ for whom one or two phrases stood out intelligible. " My wife is dead and I never was blessed with a Kaddish.'''' " It sounds better so," said the Shalotten Shammos authori- THE SONS OF THE COVENANT. 153 tatively. " Preachers are expected to have heavy families dependent upon them. It would sound lies if I told the truth. ""^ This was an argument after the MaggicVs own heart, but it did not quite convince him. "But they will send and make inquiries," he murmured. " Then your family are in Poland ; you send your money over there." " That is true," said the Maggid feebly. " But still it likes me not." " You leave it to me," said the Shalotten Shammos impres- sively. "A shamefaced man cannot learn, and a passionate man cannot teach. So said Hillel. When you are in the pulpit I listen to you ; when I have my pen in hand, do you listen to me. As the proverb says, if I were a Rabbi the town would burn. But if you were a scribe the letter would burn. I don't pretend to be a Maggid, don't you set up to be a letter writer." " Well, but do you think it's honorable? " "Hear, O Israel! " cried the Shalotten Shammos, spreading out his palms impatiently. " Haven't I written letters for twenty years ? " The Maggz'd W2LS silenced. He walked on brooding. "And what is this place, Burnmud, I ask to go to? " he inquired. " Bournemouth," corrected the other. " It is a place on the South coast where all the most aristocratic consumptives go." " But it must be very dear," said the poor Maggid, affrighted. "Dear? Of course it's dear," said the Shalotten Shajnmos pompously. " But shall we consider expense where your health is concerned ? " The Maggid felt so grateful he was almost ashamed to ask whether he could eat kosher there, but the Shalotten Shammos, who had the air of a tall encyclopaedia, set his soul at rest on all Doints. 154 CHILDREN OF THE GHETTO. CHAPTER Xm. sugarman's bar-mitzvah party. The day of Ebenezer Sugarman's Ba7'-mitzva/i duly arrived. All his sins would henceforth be on his own head and everybody rejoiced By the Friday evening so many presents had arrived — four breastpins, two rings, six pocket-knives, three sets of Machzorim or Festival Prayer-books, and the like — that his father barred up the door very carefully and in the middle of the night, hearing a mouse scampering across the floor, woke up in a cold sweat and threw open the bedroom window and cried "Ho! Buglers!" But the "Buglers" made no sign of being scared, everything was still and nothing purloined, so Jonathan took a reprimand from his disturbed wife and curled himself up again in bed. Sugarman did things in style and through the influence of a client the confirmation ceremony was celebrated in " Duke's Plai- zer Shook '' Ebenezer, who was tall and weak-eyed, with lank black hair, had a fine new black cloth suit and a beautiful silk praying-shawl with blue stripes, and a glittering watch-chain and a gold ring and a nice new Prayer-book with gilt edges, and all the boys under thirteen made up their minds to grow up and be responsible for their sins as quick as possible. Ebenezer walked up to the Reading Desk with a dauntless stride and intoned his Portion of the Law with no more tremor than was necessitated by the musical roulades, and then marched upstairs, as bold as brass, to his mother, who was sitting up in the gallery, and wlio gave him a loud smacking kiss that could be heard in the four corners of the synagogue, just as if she were a real lady. Then there was the Bar-mitzvah breakfast, at which Ebenezer delivered an English sermon and a speech, both openly written by the Shalotten S/iainwos, and everybody commended the boy's beautiful sentiments and the beautiful language in which they SUGARMAN'S BAR-MITZVAH PARTY. 155 were couched. Mrs. Sugarman forgot all the trouble Ebenezer had given her in the face of his assurances of respect and affec- tion and she wept copiously. Having only one eye she could not see what her Jonathan saw, and what.vvas spoiling his enjoy- ment of Ebenezer''s effusive gratitude to his dear parents for having trained him up in lofty principles. It was chiefly male cronies who had been invited to break- fast, and the table had been decorated with biscuits and fruit and sweets not appertaining to the meal, but provided for the refreshment of the less-favored visitors — such as Mr. and Mrs. Hyams — who would be dropping in during the day. Now, nearly every one of the guests had brought a little boy with him, each of whom stood like a page behind his father's chair. Before starting on their prandial fried fish, these trencher-men took from the dainties wherewith the ornamental plates were laden and gave thereof to their offspring. Now this was only right and proper, because it is the . prerogative of children to '■'■ nash'''' on these occasions. But as the meal progressed, each father from time to time, while talking briskly to his neighbor. allowed his hand to stray mechanically into the plates and thence negligently backwards into the hand of his infant, who stuffed the treasure into his pockets. Sugarman fidgeted about un- easily ; not one surreptitious seizure escaped him, and every one pricked him like a needle. Soon his soul grew punctured like a pin-cushion. The Shalotten Shanunos was among the worst offenders, and he covered his back-handed proceedings with a ceaseless flow of complimentary conversation. "Excellent fish, Mrs. Sugarman," he said, dexterously slipping some almonds behind his chair. "What?"" said Mrs. Sugarman, who was hard of hearing. " First-class plaice ! " shouted the Shalotten S/ia^/unos, negli- gently conveying a bunch of raisins. " So they ought to be/' said Mrs. Sugarman in her thin tink- ling accents, "they were all alive in the pan." "Ah, did they twitter?" said Mr. Belcovitch, pricking up his ears. 156 CHILDREN OF THE GHETTO. " No,'' Bessie interposed. " What do you mean? " "At home in my town," said Mr. Belcovitch impressively, "a fish made a noise in the pan one Friday." ''Well? and suppose?" said the Shalotten Sha??wws, passing a fig to the rear, " the oil frizzles." " Nothing of the kind," said Belcovitch angrily. " A real liv- ing noise. The woman snatched it out of the pan and ran with it to the Rabbi. But he did not know what to do. Fortunately there was staying with him for the Sabbath a travelling Saint from the far city of Ridnik, a Chasid, very skilful in plagues and purifications, and able to make clean a creeping thing by a hun- dred and fifty reasons. He directed the woman to wrap the fish in a shroud and give it honorable burial as quickly as possible. The funeral took place the same afternoon and a lot of people went in solemn procession to the woman's back garden and buried it with all seemly rites, and the knife with which it had been cut was buried in the same grave, having been defiled by contact with the demon. One man said it should be burned, but that was absurd because the demon would be only too glad to find itself in its native element, but to prevent Satan from rebuking the woman any more its mouth was stopped with fur- nace ashes. There was no time to obtain Palestine earth, which would have completely crushed the demon." " The woman must have committed some Avirah^'' said Karl- kammer. '* A true story ! " said the Shalotten Shanimos, ironically'. "That tale has been over Warsaw this twelvemonth." " It occurred when I was a boy," affirmed Belcovitch indig- nantly. '' I remember it quite well. Some people explained it favorably. Others were of opinion that the soul of the fish- monger had transmigrated into the fish, an opinion borne out by the death of the fishmonger a few days before. And the Rabbi is still alive to prove it — may his light continue to shine — though they write that he has lost his memory." The Shalotten Shammos sceptically passed a pear to his son. Old Gabriel Hamburg, the scholar, came compassionately to the raconteur's assistance. SUGARMAN'S BAR-MI TZVAH PARTY. 157 ^' Rabbi Solomon Maimon," he said, "has left it on record that he witnessed a similar funeral in Posen.'' "' It was well she buried it/' said Karlkammer. " It was an atonement for a child, and saved its life." The Shalotten Sham?nos laughed outright. "Ah, laugh not," said Mrs. Belcovitch. "Or you might laugh with blood. It isn't for my own sins that I was born with ill- matched legs." " I must laugh when I hear of God's fools burying fish any- where but in their stomach," said the Shalotten Shammos, trans- porting a Brazil nut to the rear, where it was quickly annexed by Solomon Ansell, who had sneaked in uninvited and ousted the other boy from his coign of vantage. The conversation was becoming heated ; Breckeloff turned the topic. " My sister has married a man who can't play cards," he said lugubriously. " How lucky for her," answered several voices. "No, it's just her black luck," he rejoined. "For he will play." There was a burst of laughter and then the company remem- bered that Breckeloff was 2i Badchan or jester. "Why, your sister's husband is a splendid player," said Sugarman with a flash of memory, and the company laughed afresh. " Yes," said Breckeloff. " But he doesn't give me the chance of losing to him now, he's got such a stuck-up Kotzon. He belongs to Duke's Plaizer Shool and comes there very late, and when you ask him his birthplace he forgets he was a Pullack and says he comes from 'behind Berlin.'" These strokes of true satire occasioned more merriment and were worth a biscuit to Solomon Ansell vice the son of the Shalotten Sham7nos. Among the inoffensive guests were old Gabriel Hamburg, the scholar, and young Joseph Strelitski, the student, who sat together. On the left of the somewhat seedy Strelitski pretty Bessie in blue silk presided over the coffee-pot. Nobody knew 158 CHILDREN OF THE GHETTO. whence Bessie had stolen her good looks ; probably some re- mote ancestress! Bessie was in every way the most agreeable member of the family, inheriting some of her father's brains, but wisely going for the rest of herself to that remote ances- tress. Gabriel Hamburg and Joseph Strelitski had both had rela- tions with No. I Royal Street for some time, yet they had hardly exchanged a word and their meeting at this breakfast table found them as great strangers as though they had nev-er seen each other. Strelitski came because he boarded with the Sugarmans, and Hamburg came because he sometimes con- sulted Jonathan Sugarman about a Talmudical passage. Sugar- man was charged with the oral traditions of a chain of Rabbis, like an actor who knows all the " business " elaborated by his predecessors, and even a scientific scholar like Hamburg found him occasionally and fortuitously illuminating. Even so Karl- kammer's red hair was a pillar of fire in the trackless wilder- ness of Hebrew literature. Gabriel Hamburg was a mighty savant who endured all things for the love ot knowledge and the sake of six men in Europe who followed his work and profited by its results. Verily, fit audience though few. But such is the fate of great scholars whose readers are sown throughout the lands more sparsely than monarchs. One by one Hamburg grappled with the countless problems of Jewish literary history, settling dates and authors, disintegrating the Books of the Bible into their constituent parts, now inserting a gap of centuries between two halves of the same chapter, now flashing the light of new theories upon the development of Jewish theology. He lived at Royal Street and the British Museum, for he spent most of his time groping among the folios and manuscripts, and had no need for more than the little back bedroom, behind the Ansells, stuffed with mouldy books. Nobody (who was anybody) had heard of him in Eng- land, and he worked on, unencumbered by patronage or a fall stomach. The Ghetto, itself, knew little of him, for there were but few with whom he found intercourse satisfying. He was not "orthodox"" in belief though eminently so in practice SUGARMAN'S BAR-MITZVAH PARTY. 159 — which is all the Ghetto demands — not from hypocrisy but from ancient prejudice. Scholarship had not shrivelled up his humanity, for he had a genial fund of humor and a gentle play of satire and loved his neighbors for their folly and narrowmindedness. Unlike Spinoza, too, he did not go out of his way to inform them of his heterodox views, content to comprehend the crowd rather than be misunderstood by it. He knew that the bigger soul includes the smaller and that the smaller can never circumscribe the bigger. Such money as was indispensable for the endowment of research he earned by copying texts and liunting out references for the numerous scholars and clergymen who infest the Museum and prevent the general reader from having elbow room. In per- son he was small and bent and snuify. Superficially more intelligible, Joseph Strelitski was really a deeper mystery than Gabriel Hamburg. He was known to be a recent arrival on English soil, yet he spoke English fluently. He studied at Jews' College by day and was preparing for the examinations at the London University. None of the other students knew where he lived nor a bit of his past history. There was a vague idea afloat that he was an only child whose parents had been hounded to penury and death by Russian persecu- tion, but who launched it nobody knew. His eyes were sad and earnest, a curl of raven hair fell forwards on his high brow ; his clothing was shabby and darned in places by his own hand. Beyond accepting the gift of education at the hands o^ dead men he would take no help. On several dis- tinct occasions, the magic name, Rothschild, was appealed to on his behalf by well-wishers, and through its avenue of almo- ners it responded with its eternal quenchless unquestioning generosity to students. But Joseph Strelitski always quietly sent back these bounties. He made enough to exist upon by touting for a cigar-firm in the evenings. In the streets he walked with tight-pursed lips, dreaming no one knew what. And yet there were times when his tight-pursed lips un- clenched themselves and he drew in great breaths even of Ghetto air with the huge contentment of one who has known 160 CHILDREN OF THE GHETTO. suffocation. " One can breathe here," he seemed to be saying. The atmosphere, untainted by spies, venal officials, and jeering soldiery, seemed fresh and sweet. Here the ground was stable, not mined in all directions ; no arbitrary ukase — veritable sword of Damocles — hung over the head and darkened the sunshine. In such a country, where faith w^as free and action untrammelled, mere living was an ecstasy when remembrance came over one, and so Joseph Strelitski sometimes threw back his head and breathed in liberty. The voluptuousness of the sensation can- not be known by born freemen. When Joseph Strelitski^s father was sent to Siberia, he took his nine-year old boy with him in infringement of the law which prohibits exiles from taking children above five years of age. The police authorities, however, raised no objection, and they permitted Joseph to attend the public school at Kansk, Yeniseisk province, where the Strelitski family resided. A year or so after- wards the Yeniseisk authorities accorded the family permission to reside in Yeniseisk, and Joseph, having given proof of brilliant abilities, was placed in the Yeniseisk gymnasium. For nigh three years the boy studied here, astonishing the gymnasium with his extraordinary ability, when suddenly the Government authorities ordered the boy to return at once " to the place where he was born.'" In vain the directors of the gymnasium, won over by the poor boy^s talent and enthusiasm for study, peti- tioned the Government. The Yeniseisk authorities were again ordered to expel him. No respite was granted and the thirteen- year old lad was sent to Sokolk in the Government of Grodno at the other extreme of European Russia, where he was quite alone in the world. Before he was sixteen, he escaped to Eng- land, his soul branded by terrible memories, and steeled by solitude to a stern strength. At Sugarman's he spoke little and then mainly with the father on scholastic points. After meals he retired quickly to his busi- ness or his sleeping-den, which was across the road. Bessie loved Daniel Hyams, but she was a woman and Strelitski's neu- trality piqued her. Even to-day it is possible he might not have spoken to Gabriel Hamburg if his other neighbor had not been SUGARMAN'S BAR-MITZVAH PARTY. 161 Bessie. Gabriel Hamburg was glad to talk to the youth, the outlines of whose English history were known to him. Strelitski seemed to expand under the sunshine of a congenial spirit ; he answered Hamburg's sympathetic inquiries about his work without reluctance and even made some remarks on his own initiative. And as they spoke, an undercurrent of pensive thought was flowing in the old scholar's soul and his tones grew tenderer and tenderer. The echoes of Ebenezer's effusive speech were in his ears and the artificial notes rang strangely genuine. All round him sat happy fathers of happy children, men who warmed their hands at the home-fire of life, men who lived while he was think- ing. Yet he, too, had had his chance far back in the dim and dusty years, his chance of love and money with it. He had let it slip away for poverty and learning, and only six men in Europe cared whether he lived or died. The sense of his own loneliness smote him with a sudden aching desolation. His gaze grew hu- mid ; the face of the young student was covered with a veil of mist and seemed to shine with the radiance of an unstained soul. If he had been as other men he might have had such a son. At this moment Gabriel Hamburg was speaking of paragoge in He- brew grammar, but his voice faltered and in imagination he was laying hands of paternal benediction on Joseph Strelitski's head. Swayed by an overmastering impulse he burst out at last. " An idea strikes me! " Strelitski looked up in silent interrogation at the old man's agitated face. " You live by yourself. I live by myself. We are both stu- dents. Why should we not live together as students, too?" A swift wave of surprise traversed Strelitski's face, and his eyes grew soft. For an instant the one solitary soul visibly yearned towards the other; he hesitated. "Do not think I am too old," said the great scholar, trembling all over. " I know it is the young who chum together, but still I am a student. And you shall see how lively and cheerful I will be." He forced a smile that hovered on tears. "We shall be two rackety young students, every night raising a thousand M 162 CHILDREN OF THE GHETTO. devils. Gaudeainus igitiirP He began to hum in his cracked hoarse voice the Burschen-lied of his early days at the Berlin Gymnasium. But Strelitski's face had grown dusky with a gradual flush and a deepening gloom ; his black eyebrows were knit and his lips set together and his eyes full of sullen ire. He suspected a snare to assist him. He shook his head. " Thank you," he said slowly. ^' But I prefer to live alone." And he turned and spoke to the astonished Bessie, and so the two strange lonely vessels that had hailed each other across the darkness drifted away and apart for ever in the waste of waters. But Jonathan Sugarman's eye was on more tragic episodes. Gradually the plates emptied, for the guests openly followed up the more substantial elements of the repast by dessert, more devastating even than the rear manoeuvres. At last there was nothing but an aching china blank. The men looked round the table for something else to " nash^'' but everywhere was the same depressing desolation. Only in the centre of the table towered in awful intact majesty the great Bar-niitsvah cake, like some mighty sphinx of stone surveying the ruins of empires, and the least reverent shrank before its austere gaze. But at last the Shalotten SJianunos shook off his awe and stretched out his hand leisurely towards the cake, as became the master of ceremonies. But when Sugarman the Shadchan beheld his hand moving like a creeping flame forward, he sprang towards him, as the tigress springs when the hunter threatens her cub. And speaking no word he snatched the great cake from under the hand of the spoiler and tucked it under his arm, in the place where he carried Nehemiah, and sped therewith from the room. Then consterna- tion fell upon the scene till Solomon Ansell, crawling on hands and knees in search of windfalls, discovered a basket of apples stored under the centre of the table, and the Shalotten Sham- mos's son told his father thereof ere Solomon could do more than secure a few for his brother and sisters. And the Shalotten Shammos laughed joyously, " Apples," and dived under the table, and his long form reached to the other side and beyond, and SUGARMAN'S BAR-MI TZVAH PARTY. 163 graybearded men echoed the joyous cry and scrambled on the ground Hke schoolboys. " Leolom tikkach — always take," quoted the Badchan glee- fully. When Sugarman returned, radiant, he found his absence had been fatal. " Piece of fool! Two-eyed lump of flesh," said Mrs. Sugarman in a loud whisper. '• Flying out of the room as if thou hadst the ague." " Shall I sit still like thee while our home is eaten up around us?" Sugarman whispered back. " Couldst thou not look to the apples? Plaster image! Leaden fool! See, they have emptied the basket, too." "Well, dost thou expect luck and blessing to crawl into it? Even five shillings^ worth of nash cannot last for ever. May ten ammunition wagons of black curses be discharged on thee ! " replied Mrs. Sugarman, her one eye shooting fire. This was the last straw of insult added to injury. Sugarman was exasperated beyond endurance. He forgot that he had a wider audience than his wife ; he lost all control of himself, and cried aloud in a frenzy of rage, "What a pity thou hadst not a fourth uncle! " Mrs. Sugarman collapsed, speechless. "A greedy lot, marm," Sugarman reported to Mrs. Hyams on the Monday. "I was very glad you and your people didn't come ; dere was noding left except de prospectuses of the Ham- burg lotter^^ vich I left laying all about for de guests to take. Being Shabbos I could not give dem out." "We were sorry not to come, but neither Mr. Hyams nor my- self felt well," said the white-haired broken-down old woman with her painfully slow enunciation. Her English words rarely went beyond two syllables. "Ah!" said Sugarman. "But Pve come to give you back your corkscrew." "Why, it's broken," said Mrs. Hyams, as she took it. " So it is, marm," he admitted readily. " But if you taink dat I ought to pay for de damage you're mistaken. If you lend me 164 CHILDREN OF THE GHETTO. your cat " — here he began to make the argumentative movement with his thumb, as though scooping out imaginary kosher cheese with it ; ''if you lend me your cat to kill my rat,'' his tones took on tlie strange Talmudic singsong — "and my rat instead kills your cat, then it is the fault of your cat and not the fault of my rat/' Poor Mrs. Hyams could not meet this argument. If Mendel had been at home, he might have found a counter-analogy. As it was, Sugarman re-tucked Nehemiah under his arm and de- parted triumphant, almost consoled for the raid on his provisions by the thought of money saved. In the street he met the Sha- lotten S/tam?nos. " Blessed art thou who comest,'' said the giant, in Hebrew ; then relapsing into Yiddish he cried : " Fve been wanting to see you. What did you mean by telling your wife you were sorry she had not a fourth uncle?'' " Soorka knew what I meant," said Sugarman with a little croak of victory. " I have told her the story before. When the A\m\g\\iy Shade k an was making marriages in Heaven, before we were yet born, the name of my wife was coupled with my own. The spirit of her eldest uncle hearing this flew up to the Angel who made the proclamation and said: 'Angel! thou art making a mistake. The man of whom thou makest mention will be of a lower status than this future niece of mine.' Said the Angel: 'Sh! It is all right. She will halt on one leg.' Came then the spirit of her second uncle and said : ' Angel, what blazonest thou ? A niece of mine marry a man of such family?' Says the Angel: 'Sh! It is all right. She will be blind in one eye.' Came the spirit of her third uncle and said: 'Angel, hast thou not erred? Surely thou canst not mean to marry my future niece into such a humble family.' Said the Angel: 'Sh! It is all right. She will be deaf in one ear.' Now, do you see? If she had only had a fourth uncle, she would have been dumb into the bargain ; there is only one mouth and my life would have been a happy one. Before I told Soorka that history she used to throw up her better breeding and finer family to me. Even in public she THE HOPE OF THE FAMILY. 165 would shed my blood. Now she does not do it even in pri- vate." Sugarman the Shadchan winked, readjusted Nehemiah and went his way. • CHAPTER XIV. THE HOPE OF THE FAMILY. It was a cold, bleak Sunday afternoon, and the Ansells were spending it as usual. Little Sarah was with Mrs. Simons, Rachel had gone to Victoria Park with a party of school-mates, the grandmother was asleep on the bed, covered with one of her son's old coats (for there was no fire in the grate), with her pious vade mecum in her hand ; Esther had prepared her lessons and was reading a little brown book at Dutch Debby's, not being able to forget the London Journal sufficiently ; Solomon had not prepared his and was playing " rounder ''"' in the street, Isaac being permitted to '' feed '''' the strikers, in return for a prospective occupation of his new bed ; Moses Ansell was at S/iool, listening to a Lfesped or funeral oration at the German Syna- gogue, preached by Reb Shemuel over one of the lights of the Ghetto, prematurely gone out — no other than the consumptive ALaggid, who had departed suddenly for a less fashionable place than Bournemouth. '' He has fallen," said the Reb, " not laden with age, nor sighing for release because the grasshopper was a burden. But He who holds the keys said : ' Thou hast done thy share of the work ; it is not thine to complete it. It was in thy heart to serve Me, from Me thou shalt receive thy reward.'" And all the perspiring crowd in the black-draped hall shook with grief, and thousands of working men followed the body, weeping, to the grave, walking all the way to the great cemetery in Bow. A slim, black-haired, handsome lad of about twelve, dressed in a neat black suit, with a shining white Eton collar, stumbled up the dark stairs of No. i Royal Street, with an air of unfamiliarity and disgust. At Dutch Debby's door he was delayed by a brief 166 CHILDREN OF THE GHETTO. altercation with Bobby. He burst open the door of the Ansell apartment without knocking, though he took off his hat invol- untarily as he entered Then he stood still with an air of dis- appointment. The room seemed empty. "What dost thou want, Esther? " murmured the grandmother rousing herself sleepily. The boy looked towards the bed with a start He could not make out what the grandmother was saying. It was four years since he had heard Yiddish spoken, and he had almost forgotten the existence of the dialect The room, too, seemed chill and alien, — so unspeakably poverty-stricken. "Oh, how are you, grandmother?" he said, going up to her and kissing her perfunctorily. " Where's everybody?" "Art thou Benjamin?" said the grandmother, her stern, wrinkled face shadowed with surprise and doubt. Benjamin guessed what she was asking and nodded. "But how richly they have dressed thee! Alas, I suppose they have taken away thy Judaism instead. For four whole years — is it not — thou hast been with English folk. Woe! Woe! If thy father had married a pious woman, she would have been living still and thou wouldst have been able to live happily in our midst instead of being exiled among strangers, who feed thy body and starve thy soul. If thy father had left me in Poland, I should have died happy and my old eyes would never have seen the sorrow. Unbutton thy waistcoat, let me see if thou wearest the ' four-corners ' at least." Of this harangue, poured forth at the rate natural to thoughts running ever in the same groove, Benjamin understood but a word here and there. For four years he had read and read and read English books, absorbed himself in English composition, heard nothing but English spoken about him. Nay, he had even deliberately put the jargon out of his mind at the commencement as something degrading and humiliating. Now it stiuck vague notes of old outgrown associations but called up no definite images. " Where's Esther? ' " he said. "Esther," grumbled the grandmother, catching the name. " Esther is with Dutch Debby. She's always with her. Dutch THE HOPE OF THE FAMILY. 167 Debby pretends to love her like a mother — and why? Because she wants to be her mother. She aims at marrying my Moses. But not for us. This time we shall marry the woman I select. No person like that who knows as mueh about Judaism as the cow of Sunday, nor like Mrs. Simons, who coddles our little Sarah because she thinks my Moses will have her. It's plain as the eye in her head what she wants. But the Widow Finkel- stein is the woman we're going to marry. She is a true Jewess, shuts up her shop the moment Shabbos comes in, not works right into the Sabbath like so many, and goes to Shool even on Friday nights. Look how she brought up her Avromkely, who intoned the whole Portion of the Law and the Prophets in Shool before he was six years old. Besides she has money and has cast eyes upon him." The boy, seeing conversation was hopeless, murmured some- thing inarticulate and ran down the stairs to find some traces of the intelligible members of his family. Happily Bobby, remem- bering their former altercation, and determining to have the last word, barred Benjamin's path with such pertinacity that Esther came out to quiet him and leapt into her brother's arms with a great cry of joy, dropping the book she held full on Bobby's nose. "O Benjy — Is it really you? Oh, I am so glad. I am so glad. I knew you would come some day. O Benjy! Bobby, you bad dog, this is Benjy, my brother. Debby, I'm going up- stairs. Benjamin's come back. Benjamin's come back." " All right, dear," Debby called out. " Let me have a look at him soon. Send me in Bobby if you're going away." The words ended in a cough. Esther hurriedly drove in Bobby, and then half led, half dragged Benjamin upstairs. The grandmother had fallen asleep again and was snoring peacefully. " Speak low, Benjy," said Esther. " Grandmother's asleep." "All right, Esther. I, don't want to wake her, I'm sure. I was up here just now, and couldn't make out a word she was jabbering." " I know. She's losing all her teeth, poor thing." 168 CHILDREN OF THE GHETTO. "No, it isn't that. She speaks that beastly Yiddish — I made sure she'd have learned English by this time. I hope you don't speak it, Esther." " I must, Benjy. You see father and grandmother never speak anything else at home, and only know a few words of English. But I don't let the children speak it except to them. You should hear little Sarah speak English. It's beautiful. Only when she cries she says '■ Woe is me ' in Yiddish. I have had to slap her for it — but that makes her cry 'Woe is me ' all the more. Oh, how nice you look, Benjy, with your white collar, just like the pictures of little Lord Launceston in the Fourth Standard Reader. I wish I could show you to the girls! Oh, my, what'll Solomon say when he sees you! He's always wearing his corduroys away at the knees." "Butw^here is everybody? And w^hy is there no fire?" said Benjamin impatiently. " It's beastly cold." "Father hopes to get a bread, coal and meat ticket to-morrow, dear." "Well, this is a pretty welcome for a fellow!" grumbled Benjamin. "I'm so sorry, Benjy! If I'd only known you were coming I misfht have borrowed some coals from Mrs. Belcovitch. But just stamp your feet a little if they freeze. No, do it outside the door; grandmother's asleep. Why didn't you write to me you were coming?" "I didn't know. Old Four-Eyes — that's one of our teachers — was going up to London this afternoon, and he wanted a boy to carry some parcels, and as Tm the best boy in my class he let me come. He let me run up and see you all, and I'm to meet him at London Bridge Station at seven o'clock. You're not much altered, Esther." "Ain't I?" she said, with a little pathetic smile. "Ain't I bigger? " "Not four years bigger. For a moment I could fancy I'd never been away. How the years slip by! I shall be Bar- initzvah soon." '^ Ves, and now I've got you again I've so much to say I don't THE HOPE OF THE FAMILY. 169 know where to begin. That time father went to see you I couldn't get much out of him about you, and your own letters have been so few." " A letter costs a penny, Esther. Where am I to get pennies from?" " I know, dear. I know you would have liked to write. But now you shall tell me everything. Have you missed us very much ? " " No, I don't think so," said Benjamin. "Oh, not at all? " asked Esther in disappointed tones. " Yes, I missed you^ Esther, at first," he said, soothingly. " But there's such a lot to do and to think about. It's a new life." "And have you been happy, Benjy? " "Oh yes. Quite. _[ust think! Regular meals, with oranges and sweets and entertainments every now and then, a bed all to yourself, good fires, a mansion with a noble staircase and hall, a field to play in, with balls and toys — " "A field!" echoed Esther. "Why it must be like going to Greenwich every day." " Oh, better than Greenwich where they take you girls for a measly day's holiday once a year." " Better than the Crystal Palace, where they take the boys ? " " Why, the Crystal Palace is quite near. We can see the fire- works every Thursday night in the season." Esther's eyes opened wider. " And have you been inside ? " " Lots of times." "Do you remember the time you didn't go?" Esther said softly. "A fellow doesn't forget that sort of thing," he grumbled. " I so wanted to go — I had heard such a lot about it from the boys who had been. When the day of the excursion came my Shabbos coat was in pawn, wasn't it ? " "Yes," said Esther, her eyes growing humid. "I was so sorry for you, dear. You didn't want to go in your corduroy coat and let the boys know you didn't have a best coat. It was quite right, Benjy." 170 CHILDREN OF THE GHETTO. " I remember mother gave me a treat instead/' said Benjamin with a comic grimace. " She took me round to Zachariah Square and let me play there while she was scrubbing Malka's floor. I think Milly gave me a penny, and I remember Leah let me take a couple of licks from a glass of ice cream she was eating on the Ruins. It was a hot day — I shall never forget that ice cream. But fancy parents pawning a chap's only decent coat." He smoothed his well-brushed jacket complacently. " Yes, but don't you remember mother took it out the very next morning before school with the money she earnt at Malka's." " But what was the use of that? I put it on of course when I went to school and told the teacher I was ill the day before, just to show the boys I was telling the truth. But it was too late to take me to the Palace." " Ah, but it came in handy — don't you remember, Benjy, how one of the Great Ladies died suddenly the next week! " ''Oh yes! Yoicks! Tallyho!" cried Benjamin, with sudden excitement. " We went down on hired omnibuses to the ceme- tery ever so far into the country, six of the best boys in each class, and I was on the box seat next to the driver, and I thought of the old mail-coach days and looked out for highwaymen. We stood along the path in the cemetery and the sun was shining and the grass was so green and there were such lovely flowers on the coflin when it came past with the gentlemen crying behind it and then we had lemonade and cakes on the way back. Oh, it was just beautiful! I went to two other funerals after that, but that was the one I enjoyed most. Yes, that coat did come in useful after all for a day in the country." Benjamin evidently did not think of his own mother's inter- ment as a funeral. Esther did and she changed the subject quickly. " Well, tell me more about your place." '' Well, it's like going to funerals every day. It's all country all round about, with trees and flowers and birds. Why, I've helped to make hay in the autumn." Esther drew a sigh of ecstasy. •" It's like a book," she said. THE HOPE OF THE FAMILY. 171 "Books!'' he said. "We've got hundreds and hundreds, a whole hbrary — Dickens, Mayne Reid, George EHot, Captain Marryat, Thackeray — I've read them all." "Oh, Benjy! " said Esther, clasping her hands in admiration, both of the librar}' and her brother. " I wish I were you." " Well, you could be me easily enough." " How? " said Esther, eagerly. " Why, we have a girls' department, too. You're an orphan as much as me. You get father to enter you as a candidate." "Oh, how could I, Benjy?" said Esther, her face falling. " What would become of Solomon and Ikey and little Sarah? " "They've got a father, haven't they? and a grandmother?" "Father can't do washing and cooking, you silly boy! And grandmother's too old." "Well, I call it a beastly shame. Why can't father earn a living and give out the washing? He never has a penny to bless himself with." "It isn't his fault, Benjy. He tries hard. I'm sure he often grieves that he's so poor that he can't afford the railway fare to visit you on visiting days. That time he did go he only got the money by selling a work-box I had for a prize. But he often speaks about you." "Well, I don't grumble at his not coming," said Benjamin. " I forgive him that because you know he's not very presentable, is he, Esther? " Esther was silent. "Oh, well, ev'erybody knows he's poor. They don't expect father to be a gentleman," " Yes, but he might look decent. Does he still wear those two beastly little curls at the side of his head ? Oh, I did hate it when I was at school here, and he used to come to see the mas- ter about something. Some of the boys had such respectable fathers, it was quite a pleasure to see them come in and overawe the teacher. Mother used to be as bad, coming in with a shawl over her head." "Yes, Benjy, but she used to bring us in bread and butter when there had been none in the house at breakfast-time. Don't you remember, Benjy?" 172 CHILDREN OF THE GHETTO. "Oh, yes, I remember. We\'e been through some beastly bad times, haven't we, Esther? All I say is you wouldn't like father coming in before all the girls in your class, would you, now ?'^ Esther blushed. " There is no occasion for him to come,"" she said evasively. " Well, I know what I shall do ! " said Benjamin decisively ; " Fm going to be a very rich man — " "Are you, Benjy?" inquired Esther. "Yes, of course. Fm going to write books — like Dickens and those fellows. Dickens made a pile of money, just by writ- ing down plain every-day things going on around." " But you can't write ! " Benjamin laughed a superior laugh. "Oh, can't I? What about Our Own, eh?" "What's that?" "That's our journal. I edit it. Didn't I tell you about it? Yes, I'm running a story through it, called ' The Soldier's Bride,' all about life in Afghanistan." "Oh, where could I get a number?" "You can't get a number. It ain't printed, stupid. It's all copied by hand, and we've only got a few copies. If you came down, you could see it." " Yes, but I can't come down," said Esther, with tears in her eyes. " Well, never mind. You'll see it some day. Well, what was I telling you? Oh, yes! About my prospects. You see, I'm going in for a scholarship in a few months, and everybody, says I shall get it. Then, perhaps I might go to a higher school, perhaps to Oxford or Cambridge ! " "And row in the boat-race!" said Esther, flushing with excitement. "No, bother the boat-race. I'm going in for Latin and Greek. I've begun to learn French already. So I shall know three foreign languages." "Four!" said Esther, "you forget Hebrew !" "Oh, of course, Hebrew. I don't reckon Hebrew. Every- THE HOPE OF THE FAMILY, 173 body knows Hebrew. Hebrew's no good to any one. What I want is something that'll get me on in the world and enable me to write my books.'' "But Dickens — did he know Latin or Greek?" asked Esther. " No, he didn't," said Benjamin proudly. '•'' That's just where I shall have the pull of him. Well, when I've got rich I shall buy father a new suit of clothes and a high hat — it is so beastly cold here, Esther, just feel my hands, like ice! — and I shall make him live with grandmother in a decent room, and give him an allowance so that he can study beastly big books all day long — does he still take a week to read a page? And Sarah and Isaac and Rachel shall go to a proper boarding school, and Solomon — how old will he be then? " Esther looked puzzled. '■'■ Oh, but suppose it takes you ten years getting famous! Solomon will be nearly twenty." "It can't take me ten years. But never mind! We shall see what is to be done with Solomon when the time comes. As for you — " "Well, Benjy," she said, for his imagination was breaking down. "I'll give you a dowry and you'll get married. See!" he concluded triumphantly. " Oh, but suppose I shan't want to get married ? " "Nonsense — every girl wants to get married. I overheard Old Four-Eyes say all the teachers in the girls' department were dying to marry him. I've got several sweethearts already, and I dare say you have." He looked at her quizzingly. " No, dear," she said earnestly. " There's only Levi Jacobs, Reb Shemuel's son, who's been coming round sometimes to play with Solomon, and brings me almond-rock. But I don't care for him — at least not in that way. Besides, he's quite above us." '■''Oh, is he? Wait till I write my novels." " I wish you'd write them now. Because then I should have something to read — Oh ! " "What's the matter? " " I've lost my book. What have I done with my little brown book?" 174 CHILDREN OF THE GHETTO. "Didn't you drop it on that beastly dog?" " Oh, did I? People'!! tread on it on the stairs. Oh dear! ri! run down and get it. But don't call Bobby beastly, please." " Why not? Dogs are beasts, aren't they?" Esther puzzled over the retort as she flew downstairs, but could find no reply. She found the book, however, and that consoled her. " What have you got hold of ? " replied Benjamin, when she returned. "Oh, nothing! It wouldn't interest you." "All books interest me," announced Benjamin with dignity. Esther reluctantly gave him the book. He turned over the pages carelessly, then his face grew serious and astonished. " Esther! " he said, " how did you come by this? " " One of the girls gave it me in exchange for a stick of slate pencil. She said she got it from the missionaries — she went to their night-school for a lark and they gave her it and a pair of boots as well." "And you have been reading it?'^ " Yes, Benjy," said Esther meekly. " You naughty girl I Don't you know the New Testament is a wicked book? Look here! There's the word 'Christ' on nearly every page, and the word ' Jesus ' on every other. And you liaven't even scratched them out! Oh, if any one was to catch you reading this book ! " " I don't read it in school hours," said the little girl depre- catingly. " But you have no business to read it at all ! " "Why not? " she said doggedly. "I like it. It seems just as interesting as the Old Testament, and there are more miracles to the page." "You wicked girl!" said her brother, overwhelmed by her audacity. " Surely you know that all these miracles were false ? " " Why were they false ? " persisted Esther. "Because miracles left off after the Old Testament! There are no miracles now-a-days, are there ? " THE HOPE OF THE FAMILY. 175 " No," admitted Esther. "Well, then," he said triumphantly, "if miracles had gone overlapping into New Testament times we might just as well expect to have them now." " But why shouldn't we have them now ? " " Esther, Fm surprised at you. I should like to set Old Four- Eyes on to you. He'd soon tell you why. Religion all hap- pened in the past. God couldn't be always talking to His creatures." " I wish I'd lived in the past, when Religion was happening," said Esther ruefully, " But why do Christians all reverence this book? Fm sure there are many more millions of them than of Jews!" " Of course there are, Esther. Good things are scarce. We are so few because we are God's chosen people." " But why do I feel good when I read what Jesus said?" " Because you are so bad," he answered, in a shocked tone. " Here, give me the book, Fll burn it." "No, no! " said Esther. " Besides there's no fire." " No, hang it," he said, rubbing his hands. "Well, it'll never do if you have to fall back on this sort of thing. Fll tell you what Fll do. Fll send you Our Own.'''' " Oh, will you, Benjy ? That is good of you," she said joyfully, and was kissing him when Solomon and Isaac came romping in and woke up the grandmother. " How are you, Solomon ? " said Benjamin. " How are you, my little man," he added, patting Isaac on his curly head. Sol- omon was overawed for a moment. Then he said, " Hullo, Benjy, have you got any spare buttons ? " But Isaac was utterly ignorant who the stranger could be and hung back with his finger in his mouth. " That's your brother Benjamin, Ikey," said Solomon. " Don't want no more brovers," said Ikey. " Oh, but I was here before you," said Benjamin laughing. "Does oor birfday come before mine, then?" " Yes, if I remember." Isaac looked tauntingly at the door. " See ! " he cried to the 176 CHILDREN OF THE GHETTO. absent Sarah. Then turning graciously to Benjamin he said, " I thant kiss oo, but FU lat oo teep in my new bed." '' But you must kiss him," said Esther, and saw that he did it before she left the room to fetch little Sarah from Mrs. Simons. When she came back Solomon was letting Benjamin inspect his Plevna peep-show without charge and Moses Ansell was back, too. His eyes were red with weeping, but that was on account of the Maggid. His nose was blue with the chill of the cemetery. "He was a great man," he was saying to the grandmother. "He could lecture for four hours together on any text and he would always manage to get back to the text before the end. Such exegetics, such homiletics! He was greater than the Em- peror of Russia. Woe! Woe!" "Woe! Woe!" echoed the grandmother. "If women were allowed to go to funerals, I would gladly have followed him. Why did he come to England? In Poland he would still have been alive. And why did I come to England? Woe! Woe!" Her head dropped back on the pillow and her sighs passed gently into snores. Moses turned again to his eldest born, feel- ing that he was secondary in importance only to the Maggid, and proud at heart of his genteel English appearance. " Well, you'll soon be Baf'-7nitzvah, Benjamin," he said, with clumsy geniality blent with respect, as he patted his boy's cheeks with his discolored fingers. Benjamin caught the last two words and nodded his head. " And then you'll be coming back to us. I suppose they will apprentice you to something." "What does he say, Esther?" asked Benjamin, impatiently. Esther interpreted. "Apprentice me to something!" he repeated, disgusted. "Father's ideas are so beastly humble. He would like every- body to dance on him. Why he'd be content to see me a cigar- maker or a presser. Tell him I'm not coming home, that I'm going to win a scholarship and to go to the University." Moses's eyes dilated with pride. " Ah, you will become a THE HOPE OF THE FAMILY. 177 Rav," he said, and lifted up his boy's chin and looked lovingly into the handsome face. " What's that about a Rav, Esther? '' said Benjamin. " Does he want me to become a Rabbi — Ugh! Tell him I'm going to write books." "My blessed boy! A good commentary on the Song of Songs is much needed. Perhaps you will begin by writing that." " Oh, it's no use talking to him, Esther. Let him be. Why can't he speak English ? " " He can — but you'd understand even less," said Esther with a sad smile. "Well, all I say is it's a beastly disgrace. Look at the years he's been in England — just as long as we have." Then the humor of the remark dawned upon him and he laughed. " I suppose he's out of work, as usual," he added. Moses's ears pricked up at the syllables " out-of-work," which to him was a single word of baneful meaning. "Yes," he said in Yiddish. " But if I only had a few pounds to start with I could work up a splendid business." "Wait! He shall have a business," said Benjamin when Esther interpreted. " Don't listen to him," said Esther. " The Board of Guardians has started him again and again. But he likes to think he is a man of business." Meantime Isaac had been busy explaining Benjamin to Sarah, nnd pointing out the remarkable confirmation of his own views as to birthdays. This will account for Esther's next remark being, " Now, dears, no fighting to-day. We must celebrate Benjy's return. We ought to kill a fatted calf — like the man in the Bible." "What are you talking about, Esther?" said Benjamin suspi- ciously. "I'm so sorry, nothing, only foolishness," said Esther. "We really must do something to make a holiday of the occasion. Oh, I know ; we'll have tea before you go, instead of waiting till supper-time. Perhaps Rachel'll be back from the Park. You haven't seen her yet." N 178 CHILDREN OF THE GHETTO. " No, I can't stay/^ said Benjy. " It'll take me three-quarters of an hour getting to the station. And you've got no fire to make tea with either." "Nonsense, Benjy. You seem to have forgotten everything; weVe got a loaf and a penn'uth of tea in the cupboard. Solo- mon, fetch a farthing's worth of boiling water from the Widow Finkelstein." At the words " widow Finkelstein/' the grandmother awoke and sat up. "No, I'm too tired," said Solomon. " Isaac can go." " No," said Isaac. " Let Estie go." Esther took a jug and went to the door, " Meshe," said the grandmother. " Go thou to the Widow Finkelstein." " But Esther can go," said Moses. " Yes, I'm going," said Esther. "Meshe!" repeated the Bube inexorably. "Go thou to the Widow Finkelstein." Moses went. " Have you said the afternoon prayer, boys ? " the old woman asked. "Yes," said Solomon. "While you were asleep." "Oh-h-h!" said Esther under her breath. And she looked reproachfully at Solomon. "Well, didn't you say we must make a holiday to-day.?" he whispered back. CHAPTER XV. THE HOLY LAND LEAGUE. "Oh, these English Jews!" said Melchitsedek Pinchas, in German. "What have they done to you now?" said Guedalyah, the greengrocer, in Yiddish. The two languages are relatives and often speak as they pass by. " I have presented my book to every one of them, but they THE HOLY LAND LEAGUE. 179 have paid me scarce enough to purchase poison for them all," said the little poet scowling. The cheekbones stood out sharply beneath the tense bronzed skin. The black hair was tangled and unkempt and the beard untrimmed, the eyes darted venom. ''One of them — Gideon, M. P., the stockbroker, engaged me to teach his son for his Bar-niitzvah. But the boy is so stupid! So stupid! Just like his father. I have no doubt he will grow up to be a Rabbi. I teach him his Portion — I sing the words to him with a most beautiful voice, but he has as much ear as soul. Then I write him a speech — a wonderful speech for him to make to his parents and the company at the breakfast, and in it, after he thanks them for their kindness, I make him say how, with the blessing of the Almighty, he will grow up to be a good Jew, and munificently support Hebrew literature and learned men like his revered teacher, Melchitsedek Pinchas. And he shows it to his father, and his father says it is not written in good English, and that another scholar has already written him a speech. Good English! Gideon has as much knowledge of style as the Rev. Elkan Benjamin of decency. Ah, I will shoot them both. I know I do not speak English like a native — but what language under the sun is there I cannot wTite? French, German, Spanish, Arabic — they flow from my pen like honey from a rod. As for Hebrew, you know, Guedalyah, I and you are the only two men in England who can write Holy Language grammatically. And yet these miserable stockbrokers, Men-of-the-Earth, they dare to say I cannot write English, and they have given me the sack. I, who was teaching the boy true Judaism and the value of Hebrew literature." " What! They didnH let you finish teaching the boy his Por- tion because you couldn't write English ? " " No ; they had another pretext — one of the servant girls said I wanted to kiss her — lies ^nd falsehood. I was kissing my finger after kissing the Meziizah, and the stupid abomination thought I was kissing my hand to her. It sees itself that they don't kiss the Meziizahs often in that house — the impious crew. And what will be now? The stupid boy will go home to break- fast in a bazaar of costly presents, and he will make the stupid 180 CHILDREN OF THE GHETTO. speech written by the fool of an Englishman, and the ladies will weep. But where will be the Judaism in all this? Who will vaccinate him against free-thinking as I would have done? Who will infuse into him the true patriotic fervor, the love of his race, the love of Zion, the land of his fathers ? " " Ah, you are verily a man after my own heart ! " said Gue- dalyah, the greengrocer, overswept by a wave of admiration. " Why should you not come with me to my Beth-Haviidrash to-night, to the meeting for the foundation of the Holy Land League? That cauliflower will be four-pence, mum." "Ah, what is that?" said Pinchas. " I have an idea ; a score of us meet to-night to discuss it." "Ah, yes! You have always ideas. You are a sage and a saint, Guedalyah. The Beth-Ha»iidrash which you have estab- lished is the only centre of real orthodoxy and Jewish literature in London. The ideas you expound in the Jewish papers for the amelioration of the lot of our poor brethren are most states- manlike. But these donkey-head English rich people — w'hat help can you expect from them ? They do not even understand your plans. They have only sympathy with needs of the stomach." "You are right! You are right, Pinchas!" said Guedalyah, the greengrocer, eagerly. He was a tall, loosely-built man, with a pasty complexion capable of shining with enthusiasm. He was dressed shabbily, and in the intervals of selling cabbages projected the regeneration of Judah. " That is just what is beginning to dawn upon me, Pinchas," he went on. "Our rich people give plenty away in charity; they have good hearts but not Jewish hearts. As the verse says. — A bundle of rhubarb and two pounds of Brussels sprouts and threepence halfpenny change. Thank you. Much obliged. — Now I have bethought myself why should we not work out our own salvation? It is the poor, the oppressed, the persecuted, whose souls pant after the Land of Israel as the hart after the water-brooks. Let us help ourselves. Let us put our hands in our own pockets. With our Groschen let us rebuild Jerusalem and our Holy Temple. We will collect a fund slowly but surely — from all parts of the East End and the provinces the pious THE HOLY LAND LEAGUE. 181 will give. With the first fruits we will send out a little party of persecuted Jews to Palestine ; and then another ; and another. The movement will grow like a sliding snow-ball that becomes an avalanche." " Yes, then the rich will come to you," said Pinchas, intensely excited. "Ah! it is a great idea, like all yours. Yes, I will come, I will make a mighty speech, for my lips, like Isaiah's, have been touched with the burning coal. I will inspire all hearts to start the movement at once. I will write its Marseil- laise this very night, bedewing my couch with a poet's tears. We shall no longer be dumb — we shall roar like the lions of Lebanon. I shall be the trumpet to call the dispersed together from the four corners of the earth — yea, I shall be the Messiah himself," said Pinchas, rising on the wings of his own eloquence, and forgetting to puff at his cigar. " I rejoice to see you so ardent ; but mention not the word Messiah, for I fear some of our friends will take alarm and say that these are not Messianic times, that neither Elias, nor Gog, King of Magog, nor any of the portents have yet appeared. Kidneys or regents, my child?" " Stupid people! Hillel said more wisely: 'If I help not my- self who will help me?' Do they expect the Messiah to fall from heaven? Who knows but I am the Messiah? Was I not born on the ninth of Ab?" " Hush, hush! " said Guedalyah, the greengrocer. " Let us be practical. We are not yet ready for Marsellaises or Messiahs. The first step is to get funds enough to send one family to Palestine." " Yes, yes," said Pinchas, drawing vigorously at his cigar to rekindle it. " But we must look ahead. Already I see it all. Palestine in the hands of the Jews — the Holy Temple rebuilt, a Jewish state, a President who is equally accomplished with the sword and the pen, — the whole campaign stretches before me. I see things like Napoleon, general and dictator alike." " Truly we wish that," said the greengrocer cautiously. " But to-night it is only a question of a dozen men founding a collect- ing society." 182 CHILDREN OF THE GHETTO. "Of course, of course, that I understand. You're right — peo- ple about here say Guedalyah the greengrocer is always right. I will come beforehand to supper with you to talk it over, and you shall see what I will write for the Mizpeh and the Arbeiter-freund. You know all these papers jump at me — their readers are the class to which you appeal — in them will I write my burning verses and leaders advocating the cause. I shall be your Tyrtaeus, your Mazzini, your Napoleon. How blessed that I came to England just now. I have lived in the Holy Land — the genius of the soil is blent with mine. I can describe its beauties as none other can. I am the very man at the very hour. And yet I will not go rashly — slow and sure — my plan is to collect small amounts from the poor to start by sending one family at a time to Palestine. That is how we must do it. How does that strike you, Guedalyah. You agree? " "Yes, yes. That is also my opinion." "You see I am not a Napoleon only in great ideas. I under- stand detail, though as a poet I abhor it. Ah, the Jew is king of the world. He alone conceives great ideas and executes them by petty means. The heathen are so stupid, so stupid! Yes, you shall see at supper how practically I will draw up the scheme. And then I will show you, too, what I have written about Gid- eon, M. P., the dog of a stockbroker — a satirical poem have I written about him, in Hebrew — an acrostic with his name for the mockery of posterity. Stocks and shares have I translated into Hebrew, with new words which will at once be accepted by the Hebraists of the world and added to the vocabulary of mod- ern Hebrew. Oh! I am terrible in satire. I sting like the hor- net ; witty as Immanuel, but mordant as his friend Dante. It will appear in the Mizpeh to-morrow. I will show this Anglo- Jewish community that I am a man to be reckoned with. I will crush it — not it me." " But they don't see the Mizpeh and couldn't read it if they did." "No matter. I send it abroad — I have friends, great Rabbis, great scholars, everywhere, who send me their learned manu- scripts, their commentaries, their ideas, for revision and improve- THE HOLY LAND LEAGUE. 183 ment. Let the Anglo-Jewish community hug itself in its stupid prosperity — but I will make it the laughing-stock of Europe and Asia. Then some day it will find out its mistake ; it will not have ministers like the Rev. Elkan Benjamin, who keeps four mistresses, it will depose the lump of flesh who reigns over it and it will seize the hem of my coat and beseech me to be its Rabbi. ^^ "We should have a more orthodox Chief Rabbi, certainly," admitted Guedalyah. "Orthodox? Then and only then shall we have true Judaism in London and a burst of literary splendor far exceeding that of the much overpraised Spanish School, none of whom had that true lyrical gift which is like the carol of the bird in the pairing season. O why have I not the bird's privileges as well as its gift of song? Why can I not pair at will? Oh the stupid Rab- bis who forbade polygamy. Verily as the verse says : The Law of Moses is perfect, enlightening the eyes — marriage, divorce, all is regulated with the height of wisdom. Why must we adopt the stupid customs of the heathen ? At present I have not even one mate — but I love — ah Guedalyah! I love! The women are so beautiful. You love the women, hey?" "I love my Rivkah," said Guedalyah. "A penny on each gingerbeer bottle." " Yes, but why haven't / got a wife ? Eh ? " demanded the little poet fiercely, his black eyes glittering. "I am a fine tall well-built good-looking man. In Palestine and on the Continent all the girls would go about sighing and casting sheep's eyes at me, for there the Jews love poetry and literature. But here ! I can go into a room with a maiden in it and she makes herself unconscious of my presence. There is Reb Shemuel's daughter — a fine beautiful virgin. I kiss her hand — and it is ice to my lips. Ah, if I only had money ! And money I should have, if these English Jews w-ere not so stupid and if they elected me Chief Rabbi. Then I would marry — one, two, three maidens." " Talk not such foolishness," said Guedalyah, laughing, for he thought the poet jested. Pinchas saw his enthusiasm had carried him too far, but his tongue was the most reckless of organs and 184 CHILDREN OF THE GHETTO. often slipped into tlie truth. He was a real poet with an extraor- dinary faculty for language and a gift of unerring rhythm. He wrote after the mediaeval model — with a profusion of acrostics and double rhyming — not with the bald duplications of primitive Hebrew poetry. Intellectually he divined things like a woman — with marvellous rapidity, shrewdness and inaccuracy. He saw into people's souls through a dark refracting suspiciousness. The same bent of mind, the same individuality of distorted insight made him overflow with ingenious explanations of the Bible and the Talmud, with new views and new lights on history, philology, medicine — anything, everything. And he believed in his ideas because they were his and in himself because of his ideas. To himself his stature sometimes seemed to expand till his head touched the sun — but that was mostly after wine — and his brain retained a permanent glow from the contact. "Well, peace be with you!" said Pinchas. "I will leave you to your customers, who besiege you as I have been besieged by the maidens. But what you have just told me has gladdened my heart. I always had an affection for you, but now I love you like a woman. We will found this Holy Land League, you and L You shall be President — I waive all claims in your favor — and I will be Treasurer. Hey?" " We shall see ; we shall see," said Guedalyah the green- grocer. " No, we cannot leave it to the mob, we must settle it before- hand. Shall we say done? " He laid his finger cajolingly to the side of his nose. " We shall see," repeated Guedalyah the greengrocer, impa- tiently. "No, say! I love you like a brother. Grant me this favor and I will never ask anything of you so long as I live." "Well, if the others — " began Guedalyah feebly. "Ah! You are a Prince in Israel," Pinchas cried enthusias- tically. " If I could only show you my heart, how it loves you." He capered off at a sprightly trot, his head haloed by huge volumes of smoke. Guedalyah the greengrocer bent over a bin of potatoes. Looking up suddenly he was startled to see the THE HOLY LAND LEAGUE, 185 head fixed in the open front of the shop window. It was a nar- row dark bearded face distorted witli an insinuative smile. A dirty-nailed forefinger was laid on the right of the nose. " You won't forget," said the head coaxingly. "Of course I won't forget," cried the greengrocer querulously. The meeting took place at ten that night at the Beth Hamid- rash founded by Guedalyah, a large unswept room rudely fitted up as a synagogue and approached by reeking staircases, unsavory as the neighborhood. On one of the black benches a shabby youth with very long hair and lank fleshless limbs shook his body violently to and fro while he vociferated the sentences of the Mishnah in the traditional argumentative singsong. Near the central raised platform was a group of enthusiasts, among whom Froom Karlkammer, with his thin ascetic body and the mass of red hair that crowned his head like the light of a pharos, was a conspicuous figure. "Peace be to you, Karlkammer!" said Pinchas to him in Hebrew. " To you be peace, Pinchas ! " replied Karlkammer. "Ah!" went on Pinchas. "Sweeter than honey it is to me, yea than fine honey, to talk to a man in the Holy Tongue. Woe, the speakers are few in these latter days. I and thou, Karlkammer, are the only two people who can speak the Holy Tongue grammatically on this isle of the sea. Lo, it is a great thing we are met to do this night — I see Zion laughing on her mountains and her fig-trees skipping for joy. I will be the treas- urer of the fund, Karlkammer — do thou vote for me, for so our society shall flourish as the green bay tree." Karlkammer grunted vaguely, not having humor enough to recall the usual associations of the simile, and Pinchas passed on to salute Hamburg. To Gabriel Hamburg, Pinchas was occasion for half-respectful amusement. He could not but reverence the poet's genius even while he laughed at his pretensions to omnis- cience, and at the daring and unscientific guesses which the poet oiTered as plain prose. For when in their arguments Pinchas came upon Jewish ground, he was in presence of a man who knew every inch of it. 186 CHILDREN OF THE GHETTO. " Blessed art thou who arrivest,'' he said when he perceived Pinchas. Then dropping into German he continued — "I did not know you would join in the rebuilding of Zion." " Why not ? " inquired Pinchas. " Because you have written so many poems thereupon." " Be not so foolish," said Pinchas, annoyed. " Did not King David fight the Philistines as well as write the Psalms?" " Did he write the Psalms ? " said Hamburg quietly, with a smile. "No — not so loud! Of course he didn't! The Psalms were written by Judas Maccabaeus, as I proved in the last issue of the Stuttgard Zeitschrift. But that only makes my analogy more forcible. You shall see how I will gird on sword and armor, and I shall yet see even you in the forefront of the battle. I will be treasurer, you shall vote for me, Hamburg, for I and you are the only two people who know the Holy Tongue grammati- cally, and we must work shoulder to shoulder and see that the balance sheets are drawn up in the language of our fathers." In like manner did Melchitsedek Pinchas approach Hiram Lyons and Simon Gradkoski, the former a poverty-stricken pietist who added day by day to a furlong of crabbed manu- script, embodying a useless comm.entary on the first chapter of Genesis ; the latter the portly fancy-goods dealer in whose warehouse Daniel Hyams was employed. Gradkoski rivalled Reb Shemuel in his knowledge of the exact loci of Talmudical remarks — page this, and line that — and secretly a tolerant latitudinarian, enjoyed the reputation of a bulwark of orthodoxy too well to give it up. Gradkoski passed easily from writing an invoice to writing a learned article on Hebrew astronomy. Pinchas ignored Joseph Strelitski whose raven curl floated wildly over his forehead like a pirate's flag, though Hamburg, who was rather surprised to see the taciturn young man at a meeting, strove to draw him into conversation. The man to whom Pinchas ultimately attached himself was only a man in the sense of having attained his religious majority. He was a Har- row boy named Raphael Leon, a scion of a wealthy family. The boy had manifested a strange premature interest in Jewish THE HOLY LAND LEAGUE. 187 literature and had often seen Gabriel Hamburg^s name in learned foot-notes, and, discovering that he was in England, had just written to him. Hamburg had replied; they had met that day for the first time and at the lad's own request the old scholar brought him on to this strange meeting. The boy grew to be Hamburg's one link with wealthy England, and though he rarely saw Leon again, the lad came in a shadowy way to take the place he had momentarily designed for Joseph Strelitski. To- night it was Pinchas who assumed the paternal manner, but he mingled it with a subtle obsequiousness that made the shy simple lad uncomfortable, though when he came to read the poet's lofty sentiments which arrived (with an acrostic dedica- tion) by the first post next morning, he conceived an enthusiastic admiration for the neglected genius. The rest of the '' remnant '' that were met to save Israel looked more commonplace — a furrier, a slipper-maker, a lock- smith, an ex-glazier (Mendel Hyams), a confectioner, a Me- lainmed or Hebrew teacher, a carpenter, a presser, a cigar-maker, a small shop-keeper or two, and last and least, Moses Ansell. They were of many birthplaces — Austria, Holland, Poland, Russia, Germany, Italy, Spain — yet felt themselves of no coun- try and of one. Encircled by the splendors of modern Babylon, their hearts turned to the East, like passion-flowers seeking the sun. Palestine, Jerusalem, Jordan, the Holy Land were magic syllables to them, the sight of a coin struck in one of Baron Edmund's colonies filled their eyes with tears ; in death they craved no higher boon than a handful of Palestine earth sprinkled over their graves. But Guedalyah the greengrocer was not the man to encourage idle hopes. He explained his scheme lucidly — without high- falutin. They were to rebuild Judaism as the coral insect builds its reefs — not as the prayer went, " speedily and in our days." They had brought themselves up to expect more and were disappointed. Some protested against peddling little measures — like Pinchas they were for high, heroic deeds. Joseph Stre- litski, student and cigar commission agent, jumped to his feet 188 CHILDREN OF THE GHETTO. and cried passionately in German: "Everywhere Israel groans and travails — must we indeed wait and wait till our hearts are sick and strike never a decisive blow ? It is nigh two thousand years since across the ashes of our Holy Temple we were driven into the Exile, clanking the chains of Pagan conquerors. For nigh two thousand years have we dwelt on alien soils, a mockery and a byword for the nations, hounded out from every worthy employ and persecuted for turning to the unworthy, spat upon and trodden under foot, suffusing the scroll of history with our blood and illuminating it with the lurid glare of the fires to which our martyrs have ascended gladly for the Sanctification of. the Name. We who twenty centuries ago were a mighty nation^ with a law and a constitution and a religion which have been the key-notes of the civilization of the world, we who sat in judgment by the gates of great cities, clothed in purple and fine linen, are the sport of peoples who were then roaming wild in woods and marshes clothed in the skins of the wolf and the bear. Now in the East there gleams again a star of hope — why shall we not follow it? Never has the chance of the Restoration flamed so high as to-day. Our capitalists rule the markets of Europe, our generals lead armies, our great men sit in the Coun- cils of every State. We are everywhere — a thousand thousand stray rivulets of power that could be blent into a mighty ocean. Palestine is one if we wish — the whole house of Israel has but to speak with a mighty unanimous voice. Poets will sing for us, journalists write for us, diplomatists haggle for us, million- aires pay the price for us. The sultan would restore our land to us to-morrow, did we but essay to get it. There are no obstacles — but ourselves. It is not the heathen that keeps us out of our land — it is the Jews, the rich and prosperous Jews — Jeshurun grown fat and sleepy, dreaming the false dream of assimilation with the people of the pleasant places in which their lines have been cast. Give us back our country ; this alone will solve the Jewish question. Our paupers shall become agriculturists, and like Antaeus, the genius of Israel shall gain fresh strength by contact with mother earth. And for England it will help to solve the Indian question — Between European Russia and India THE HOLY LAND LEAGUE. 189 there will be planted a people, fierce, terrible, hating Russia for her wild-beast deeds. Into the Exile we took with us, of all our glories, only a spark of the fire by which our Temple, the abode of our great One was engirdled, and -this little spark kept us alive while the towers of our enemies crumbled to dust, and this spark leaped into celestial flame and shed light upon the faces of the heroes of our race and inspired them to endure the horrors of the Dance of Death and the tortures of the Auto-da-fe. Let us fan the spark again till it leap up and become a pillar of flame going before us and showing us the way to Jerusalem, the City of our sires. And if gold will not buy back our land we must try steel. As the National Poet of Israel, Naphtali Herz Imber, has so nobly sung (here he broke into the Hebrew IVacht Am Rhem, of which an English version would run thus) : "THE WATCH ON THE JORDAN. I. " Like the crash of the thunder Which splitteth asunder The flame of the cloud, On our ears ever falhng, A voice is heard calling From Zion aloud : ' Let your spirits' desires For the land of your sires Eternally burn. From the foe to deliver Our own holy river, To Jordan return.' Where the soft flowing stream Murmurs low as in dream. There set we our watch. Our watchword, ' The sword Of our land and our Lord ' — By the Jordan then set we our watch, II. " Rest in peace, lov^d land, For we rest not, but stand, 190 CHILDREN OF THE GHETTO. Off shaken our sloth. When the bolts of war rattle To shirk not the battle, We make thee our oath. As we hope for a Heaven, Thy chains shall be riven, Thine ensign unfurled. And in pride of our race We will fearlessly face The might of the world. When our trumpet is blown. And our standard is flown, Then set we our watch. Our watchword, ' The sword Of our land and our Lord ' — By Jordan then set we our watch. III. "Yea, as long as there be Birds in air, fish in sea. And blood in our veins ; And the lions in might, Leaping down from the height, Shake, roaring, their manes; And the dew nightly laves The forgotten old graves Where Judah's sires sleep, — We swear, who are living, To rest not in striving. To pause not to weep. Let the trumpet be blown. Let the standard be flown. Now set we our watch. Our watchword, ' The sword Of our land and our Lord ' — In Jordan NOW set we our watch." He sank upon the rude, wooden bench, exhausted, his eyes glittering, his raven hair dishevelled by the wildness of his gestures. He had said. For the rest of the evening he neither moved nor spake. The calm, good-humored tones of Simon Gradkoski followed like a cold shower. THE HOLY LAND LEAGUE. 191 " We must be sensible,'^ he said, for he enjoyed the reputation of a shrewd conciliatory man of the world as well as of a pillar of orthodoxy. " The great people will come to us, but not if we abuse them. We must flatter them up and tell them they are the descendants of the Maccabees. There is much political kudos to be got out of leading such a movement — this, too, they will see. Rome was not built in a day, and the Temple will not be rebuilt in a year. Besides, we are not soldiers now. We must recapture our land by brain, not sword. Slow and sure and the blessing of God over all.*' After suph wise Simon Gradkoski. But Gronovitz, the He- brew teacher, crypto-atheist and overt revolutionary, who read a Hebrew edition of the "Pickwick Papers'' in synagogue on the Day of Atonement, was with Strelitski, and a bigot whose relig- ion made his wife and children wretched was with the cautious Simon Gradkoski. Froom- Karlkammer followed, but his drift was uncertain. He apparently looked forward to miraculous interpositions. Still he approved of the movement from one point of view. The more Jews lived in Jerusalem the more would be enabled to die there — which was the aim of a good Jew's life. As for the Messiah, he would come assuredly — in God's good time. Thus Karlkammer at enormous length with frequent intervals of unintelligibility and huge chunks of irrel- evant quotation and much play of Cabalistic conceptions. Pin- chas, who had been fuming throughout this speech, for to him Karlkammer stood for the archetype of all donkeys, jumped up impatiently when Karlkammer paused for breath and denounced as an interruption that gentleman's indignant continuance of his speech. The sense of the meeting was with the poet and Karl- kammer was silenced. Pinchas was dithyrambic, sublime, with audacities which only genius can venture on. He was pungently merry over Imber's pretensions to be the National Poet of Israel, declaring that his prosody, his vocabulary, and even his grammar were beneath contempt. He, Pinchas, would write Judaea a real Patriotic Poem, which should be sung from the slums of White- chapel to the Veldts of South Africa, and from the Mellah of Morocco to the Jtidengasseti of Germany, and should gladden 192 CHILDREN OF THE GHETTO. the hearts and break from the mouths of the poor immigrants saluting the Statue of Liberty in New York Harbor. When he, Pinchas, walked in Victoria Park of a Sunday afternoon and heard the band play, the sound of a cornet always seemed to him, said he, like the sound of Bar Cochba's trumpet calling the warriors to battle. And when it was all over and the band played " God save the Queen,'' it sounded like the p^an of vic- tory when he marched, a conqueror, to the gates of Jerusalem. Wherefore he, Pinchas, would be their leader. Had not the Providence, which concealed so many revelations in the letters of the Torah, given him the name Melchitsedek Pinchas, whereof one initial stood for Messiah and the other for Palestine. Yes, he would be their Messiah. But money now-a-days was the sinews of war and the first step to Messiahship was the keeping of the funds. The Redeemer must in the first instance be the treasurer. With this anti-climax Pinchas wound up, his child- ishness and naivete conquering his cunning. Other speakers followed bat in the end Guedalyah the green- grocer prevailed. They appointed him President and Simon Gradkoski, Treasurer, collecting twenty-five shillings on the spot, ten from the lad Raphael Leon. In vain Pinchas reminded the President they would need Collectors to make house to house calls ; three other members were chosen to trisect the Ghetto. All felt the incongruity of hanging money bags at the saddle-bow of Pegasus. Whereupon Pinchas re-lit his cigar and muttering that they w-ere all fool-men betook himself uncere- moniously without. Gabriel Hamburg looked on throughout with something like a smile on his shrivelled features. Once while Joseph Strelitski was holding forth he blew his nose violently. Perhaps he had taken too large a pinch of snuff. But not a word did the great scholar speak. He would give up his last breath to promote the Return (provided the Hebrew manuscripts w^ere not left behind in alien museums) ; but the humors of the enthusiasts were part of the great comedy in the only theatre he cared for. Mendel Hyams was another silent member. But he wept openly under Strelitski's harangue. THE COURTSHIP OF SHOSSHI SHMENDRIK, 193 When the meeting adjourned, the lank unhealthy swaying creature in the corner, who had been mumbling the tractate Baba Kama out of courtesy, now burst out afresh in his quaint argumentative recitative. "What then does it refer to? To his stone or his knife or his burden which he has left on the highway and it injured a passer-by. How is this? If he gave up his ownership^ whether according to Rav or according to Shemuel, it is a pit, and if he retained his ownership, if according to Shemuel, who holds that all are derived from ' his pit,' then it is ^ a pit,' and if according to Rav, who holds that all are derived from ^ his ox,' then it is ' an ox,' therefore the derivatives of ' an ox ' are the same as "^ an ox ' itself." He had been at it all day, and he went on far into the small hours, shaking his body backwards and forwards without remission. CHAPTER XVI. THE COURTSHIP OF SHOSSHI SHMENDRIK. Meckisch was a Chasid, which in the vernacular is a saint, but in the actual a member of the sect of the Chasidiin whose centre is Galicia. In the eighteenth century Israel Baal Shem, " the Master of the Name," retired to the mountains to meditate on philosophical truths. He arrived at a creed of cheerful and even stoical acceptance of the Cosmos in all its aspects and a convic- tion that the incense of an enjoyed pipe was grateful to the Creator. But it is the inevitable misfortune of religious founders to work apocryphal miracles and to raise up an army of disciples who squeeze the teaching of their master into their own mental moulds and are ready to die for the resultant distortion. It is only by being misunderstood that a great man can have any influence upon his kind. Baal Shem w'as succeeded by an army of thaumaturgists, and the wonder-working Rabbis of Sadagora who are in touch with all the spirits of the air enjoy the revenue of princes and the reverence of Popes. To snatch a morsel of o 194 CHILDREN OF THE GHETTO. such a Rabbi's Sabbath Kuggol, or pudding, is to insure Paradise, and the scramble is a scene to witness. Chasidis7n is the ex- treme expression of Jewish optimism. The Chasidim are the Corybantes or Salvationists of Judaism. In England their idio- syncrasies are limited to noisy jubilant services in their Chevrah, the worshippers dancing or leaning or standing or writhing or beating their heads against the wall as they will, and frisking like happy children in the presence of their Father. Meckisch also danced at home and sang "Tiddy, riddy, roi, toi, toi, toi, ta," varied by " Rom, pom, pom " and " Bim, bom " in a quaint melody to express his personal satisfaction with existence. He was a weazened little widower with a deep yellow complexion, prominent cheek bones, a hook nose and a scrubby, straggling little beard. Years of professional practice as a mendicant had stamped his face with an anguished sup- pliant conciliatory grin, which he could not now erase even after business hours. It might perhaps have yielded to soap and water but the experiment had not been tried. On his head he always wore a fur cap with lappets for his ears. Across his shoulders was strung a lemon-basket filled with grimy, gritty bits of sponge which nobody ever bought. Meckisch's mer- chandise was quite other. He dealt in sensational spectacle. As he shambled along with extreme difficulty and by the aid of a stick, his lower limbs which were crossed in odd contortions appeared half paralyzed, and, when his strange appearance had attracted attention, his legs would give way and he would find himself with his back on the pavement, where he waited to be picked up by sympathetic spectators shedding silver and copper. After an indefinite number of performances Meckisch would hurry home in the darkness to dance and sing " Tiddy, riddy, roi, toi, bim, bom." Thus Meckisch lived at peace with God and man, till one day the fatal thought came into his head that he wanted a second wife. There was no difficulty in getting one — by the aid of his friend, Sugarman the S/iadchan — and soon the little man found his household goods increased by the possession of a fat, Russian giantess. Meckisch did not call in the authorities to marry him. THE COURTSHIP OF SHOSSHI SHMENDRIK. 195 He had a " still weddingj"" which cost nothing. An artificial canopy made out of a sheet and four broomsticks was erected in the chimney corner and nine male friends sanctified the cere- mony by their presence. Meckisch and the Russian giantess fasted on their w^edding morn and everything was in honorable order. But Meckisch's happiness and economies were short-lived. The Russian giantess turned out a tartar. She got her claws into his savings and decorated herself wdth Paisley shawls and gold necklaces. Nay more! She insisted that Meckisch must give her " Society " and keep open house. Accordingly the bed-sitting room which they rented was turned into a salon of reception, and hither one Friday night came Peleg Shmendrik and his wife and Mr. and Mrs. Sugarman. Over the Sabbath meal the current of talk divided itself into masculine and feminine freshets. The ladies discussed bonnets and the gentlemen Talmud. All the three men dabbled, pettily enough, in stocks and shares, but nothing in the w^orld would tempt them to transact any negotiation or discuss the merits of a prospectus on the Sab- bath, though they were all fluttered by the allurements of the Sapphire Mines, Limited, as set forth in a whole page of adver- tisement in the Jewish Chronicle, the organ naturally perused for its religious news on Friday evenings. The share-list would close at noon on Monday. " But when Moses, our teacher, struck the rock," said Peleg Shmendrik, in the course of the discussion, " he was right the first time but wrong the second, because as the Talmud points out, a child may be chastised when it is little, but as it grows up it should be reasoned with." " Yes," said Sugarman the Shadchan, quickly ; " but if his rod had not been made of sapphire he would have split that instead of the rock." " Was it made of sapphire ? " asked Meckisch, who was rather a Man-of-the-Earth. " Of course it was — and a very fine thing, too," answered Sugarman. " Do you think so? " inquired Peleg Shmendrik eagerly. 196 CHILDREN OF THE GHETTO. " The sapphire is a magic stone,'' answered Sugarman. " It improves the vision and makes peace between foes. Issachar, the studious son of Jacob, was represented on the Breast-plate by the sapphire. Do you not know that tlie mist-like centre of the sapphire symbolizes the cloud that enveloped Sinai at the giving of the Law ? " '' I did not know that,"" answered Peleg Shmendrik, " but I know that Moses's Rod was created in the twilight of the first Sabbath and God did everything after that with this sceptre." " Ah, but we are not all strong enough to wield Moses's Rod ; it weighed forty seahs," said Sugarman. " How many seahs do you think one could safely carry? " said Meckisch. "Five or six seahs — not more," said Sugarman. "You see one might drop them if he attempted more and even sapphire may break — the First Tables of the Law were made of sapphire, and yet from a great height they fell terribly, and were shattered to pieces." " Gideon, the M. P., may be said to desire a Rod of Moses, for his secretary told me he will take forty," said Shmendrik. "Hush! what are you saying!" said Sugarman. "Gideon is a rich man, and then he is a director." " It seems a good lot of directors," said Meckisch. "Good to look at. But who can tell?" said Sugarman, shak- ing his head. "The Queen of Sheba probably brought sapphires to Solomon, but she was not a virtuous woman." "Ah, Solomon! " sighed Mrs. Shmendrik, pricking up her ears and interrupting this talk of stocks and stones, "If he'd had a thousand daughters instead of a thousand wives, even his treas- ury couldn't have held out. I had only two girls, praised be He, and yet it nearly ruined me to buy them husbands. A dirty Greener comes over, without a shirt to his skin, and nothing else but he must have two hundred pounds in the hand. And then you've got to stick to his back to see that he doesn't take his breeches in his hand and off to America. In Poland he would have been glad to get a maiden, and would have said thank you." THE COURTSHIP OF SHOSSHI SHMENDRIK. 197 " Well, but what about your own son? " said Sugarman. "Whv haven't you asked me to find Shosshi a wife? It's a sin against the maidens of Israel. He must be long past the Talmudical age." " He is twenty-four," replied Peleg Shmendrik. " Tu, tu, tu, tu, tu!" said Sugarman, clacking his tongue in horror, " have you perhaps an objection to his marrying? " "Save us and grant us peace!" said the father in deprecatory horror. '"Only Shosshi is so shy. You are aware, too, he is not handsome. Heaven alone knows whom he takes after." "Peleg, I blush for you," said Mrs. Shmendrik. "What is the matter with the boy? Is he deaf, dumb, blind, unprovided with legs? If Shosshi is backward with the women, it is because he ' learns ' so hard when he's not at work. He earns a good living by his cabinet-making and it is quite time he set up a Jewish household for himself. How much will you want for finding him a Calloh ? " " Hush! " said Sugarman sternly, " do you forget it is the Sab- bath ? Be assured I shall not charge more than last time, unless the bride has an extra good dowry." On Saturday night immediately after Havdalah, Sugarman went to Mr. Belcovitch, who was just about to resume work, and informed him he had the very CJiosaji for Becky. " I know," he said, " Becky has a lot of young men after her, but what are they but a pack of bare-backs? How much will you give for a solid man ? " After much haggling Belcovitch consented to give twenty pounds immediately before the marriage ceremony and another twenty at the end of twelve months. " But no pretending you haven't got it about you, when we're at the Shool, no asking us to wait till we get home," said Sugar- man, " or else I withdraw my man, even from under the Chiippah itself. When shall I bring him for your inspection ? " " Oh, to-morrow afternoon, Sunday, when Becky will be out in the park with her young men. It's best I shall see him first! " Sugarman now regarded Shosshi as a married man! He rubbed his hands and went to see him. He found him in a little 198 CHILDREN OF THE GHETTQ. shed in the back yard where he did extra work at home. Shosshi was busy completing little wooden articles — stools and wooden spoons and money boxes for sale in Petticoat Lane next day. He supplemented his wages that way. " Good evening, Shosshi,'^ said Sugarman. " Good evening," murmured Shosshi, sawing away. Shosshi was a gawky young man with a blotched sandy face ever ready to blush deeper with the suspicion that conversa- tions going on at a distance were all about him. His eyes, were shifty and catlike ; one shoulder overbalanced the other, and when he walked, he swayed loosely to and fro. Sugar- man was rarely remiss in the offices of piety and he was nigh murmuring the prayer at the sight of monstrosities, " Blessed art Thou who variest the creatures." But resisting the temp- tation he said aloud, " I have something to tell you." Shosshi looked up suspiciously. " Don't bother ; I am busy," he said, and applied his plane to the leg of a stool. " But this is more important than stools. How would you like to get married ? " Shosshi's face became like a peony. " Don't make laughter," he said. "But I mean it. You are twenty-four years old and ought to have a wife and four children by this time." "But I don't want a wife and four children," said Shosshi. "No, of course not. I don't mean a widow. It is a maiden I have in my eye." " Nonsense, what maiden would have me ? " said Shosshi, a note of eagerness mingling with the diffidence of the words. " What maiden? Gott in Himmcll A hundred. A fine, strong, healthy young man like you, who can make a good living! " Shosshi put down his plane and straightened himself. There was a moment of silence. Then his frame collapsed again into a limp mass. His head drooped over his left shoulder. " This is all foolishness you talk, the maidens make mock." " Be not a piece of clay! I know a maiden who has you quite in affection!" THE COURTSHIP OF SHOSSHI SHMENDRIK. 199 The blush which had waned mantled in a full flood. Shosshi stood breathless, gazing half suspiciously, half credulously at his strictly honorable Mephistopheles. It was about seven o'clock and the moon was a yellow cres- cent in the frosty heavens. The sky was punctured with clear- cut constellations. The back yard looked poetic with its blend of shadow and moonlight. "A beautiful fine maid," said Sugarman ecstatically, "with pink cheeks and black eyes and forty pounds dowry." The moon sailed smilingly along. The water was running into the cistern with a soothing, peaceful sound. Shosshi con- sented to go and see Mr. Belcovitch. Mr. Belcovitch made no parade. Everything was as usual. On the wooden table were two halves of squeezed lemons, a piece of chalk, two cracked cups and some squashed soap. He was not overwhelmed by Shosshi, but admitted he was solid. His father was known to be pious, and both his sis- ters had married reputable men. Above all, he was not a Dutchman. Shosshi left No, i Royal Street, Belcovitch's accepted son-in-law. Esther met him on the stairs and noted the radiance on his pimply countenance. He walked with his head almost erect. Shosshi was indeed very much in love and felt that all that was needed for his happiness was a sight of his future wife. But he had no time to go and see her except on Sunday after- noons, and then she was always out. Mrs. Belcovitch, however, made amends by paying him considerable attention. The sickly- looking little woman chatted to him for hours at a time about her ailments and invited him to taste her medicine, which was a compliment Mrs. Belcovitch passed only to her most esteemed visitors. By and by she even wore her night-cap in his presence as a sign that he had become one of the family. Under this encouragement Shosshi grew confidential and imparted to his future mother-in-law the details of his mother's disabilities. But he could mention nothing which Mrs. Belcovitch could not cap, for she was a woman extremely catholic in her maladies. She was possessed of considerable imagination, and once when Fanny 200 CHILDREN OF THE GHETTO. selected a bonnet for her in a milliner's window, the girl had much difficulty in persuading her it was not inferior to what turned out to be the reflection of itself in a side mirror. " Pm so weak upon my legs," she would boast to Shosshi. " I was born with ill-matched legs. One is a thick one and one is a thin one, and so one goes about." Shosshi expressed his sympathetic admiration and the court- ship proceeded apace. Sometimes Fanny and Pesach Weingott would be at home working, and they were very affable to him. He began to lose something of his shyness and his lurching gait, and he quite looked forward to his weekly visit to the Belco- vitches. It was the story of Cymon and Iphigenia over again. Love improved even his powers of conversation, for when Bel- covitch held forth at length Shosshi came in several times with "So?" and sometimes in the right place. Mr. Belcovitch loved his own voice and listened to it, the arrested press-iron in his hand. Occasionally in the middle of one of his harangues it would occur to him that some one was talking and wasting time, and then he would say to the room, ''Shah! Make an end, make an end," and dry up. But to Shosshi he was especially polite, rarely interrupting himself when his son-in-law elect was hanojino; on his words. There was an intimate tender tone about these can series. "I should like to drop down dead suddenly," he would say with the air of a philosopher, who had thought it all out. "I shouldn't care to lie up in bed and mess about with medicine and doctors. To make a long job of dying is so expensive." "So?" said Shosshi. "Don't worry. Bear! I dare say the devil will seize you sud- denly," interposed Mrs. Belcovitch drily. " It will not be the devil," said Mr. Belcovitch, confidently and in a confidential manner. " If I had died as a young man, Shosshi, it might have been different." Shosshi pricked up his ears to listen to the tale of Bear's wild cubhood. "One morning," said Belcovitch, "in Poland, I got up at four o'clock to go to Supplications for Forgiveness. The air was raw THE COURTSHIP OF SHOSSHI SHMENDRIK. 201 and there was no sign of dawn ! Suddenly I noticed a black pig trotting behind me. I quickened my pace and the black pig did likewise. I broke into a run and I heard the pig's paws patting furiously upon the hard frozen ground. A cold sweat broke out all over me. I looked over my shoulder and saw the pig's eyes burning like red-hot coals in the darkness. Then I knew that the Not Good One was after me. ' Hear, O Israel/ I cried. I looked up to the heavens but there was a cold mist covering the stars. Faster and faster I flew and faster and faster flew the demon pig. At last the Shool came in sight. I made one last wild effort and fell exhausted upon the holy threshold and the pig vanished.'' " So ? " said Shosshi, with a long breath. " Immediately after Shool I spake with the Rabbi and he said '■ Bear, are thy Tephillin in order ? ' So I said ' Yea, Rabbi, they are very large and I bought them of the pious scribe, Naphtali, and I look to the knots weekly.'' But he said, ' I will examine them.' So I brought them to him and he opened the head- phylactery and lo ! in place of the holy parchment he found bread crumbs." " Hoi, hoi," said Shosshi in horror, his red hands quivering. "Yes," said Bear mournfully, "I had worn them for ten years and moreover the leaven had defiled all my Passovers." Belcovitch also entertained the lover with details of the internal politics of the " Sons of the Covenant." Shosshi's affection for Becky increased weekly under the stress of these intimate conversations with her family. At last his pas- sion was rewarded, and Becky, at the violent instance of her father, consented to disappoint one of her young men and stay at home to meet her future husband. She put off her consent till after din- ner though, and it began to rain immediately before she gave it. The moment Shosshi came into the room he divined that a change had come over the spirit of the dream. Out of the cor- ners of his eyes he caught a glimpse of an appalling beauty standing behind a sewing machine. His face fired up, his legs began to quiver, he wished the ground would open and swallow him as it did Korah. 202 CHILDREN OF THE GHETTO. "Becky," said Mr. Belcovitch, "this is Mr. Shosshi Shmen- drik." Shosshi put on a sickly grin and nodded his head affirmatively, as if to corroborate the statement, and the round felt hat he wore slid back till the broad rim rested on his ears. Through a sort of mist a terribly fine maid loomed. Becky stared at him haughtily and curled her lip. Then she giggled. Shosshi held out his huge red hand limply. Becky took no notice of it. " Nu, Becky ! " breathed Belcovitch, in a whisper that could have been heard across the way. " How are you ? All right ?" said Becky, very loud, as if she thought deafness was among Shosshi^s disadvantages. Shosshi grinned reassuringly. There was another silence. Shosshi wondered whether the co7ivenances would permit him to take his leave now. He did not feel comfortable at all. Everything had been going so delightfully, it had been quite a pleasure to him to come to the house. But now all was changed. The course of true love never does run smooth, and the advent of this new personage into the courtship was distinctly embarrassing. The father came to the rescue. " A little rum ? " he said. " Yes," said Shosshi. " Chayah! nu. Fetch the bottle! " Mrs. Belcovitch went to the cliest of drawers in the corner of the room and took from the top of it a large decanter. She then produced two glasses without feet and filled them with the home-made rum, handing one to Shosshi and the other to her husband. Shosshi muttered a blessing over it, then he leered vacuously at the company and cried, " To life! " "To peace!" replied the older man, gulping down the spirit. Shosshi was doing the same, when his eye caught Becky's. He choked for five minutes, Mrs. Belcovitch thumping him maternally on the back. When he was comparatively recovered THE COURTSHIP OF SHOSSHI SHMENDRTK. 203 the sense of his disgrace rushed upon him and overwhelmed him afresh. Becky was still giggling behind the sewing ma- chine. Once more Shosshi felt that the burden of the conver- sation was upon him. He looked at his boots and not seeing anything there, looked up again and grinned encouragingly at the company as if to waive his rights. But finding the com- pany did not respond, he blew his nose enthusiastically as a lead oif to the conversation. Mr. Belcovitch saw his embarrassment, and, making a sign to Chayah, slipped out of the room followed by his wife. Shosshi was left alone with the terribly fine maid. Becky stood still, humming a little air and looking up at the ceiling, as if she had forgotten Shosshi's existence. With her eyes in that position it was easier for Shosshi to look at her. He stole side-long glances at her, which, growing bolder and bolder, at length fused into an uninterrupted steady gaze. How fine and beautiful she was! His eyes began to glitter, a smile of approbation overspread his face. Suddenly she looked down and their eyes met. Shosshi's smile hurried off and gave way to a sickly sheepish look and his legs felt weak. The terribly fine maid gave a kind of snort and resumed her inspection of the ceiling. Gradually Shosshi found himself examining her again. Verily Sugarman had spoken truly of her charms. But — overwhelming thought — had not Sugarman also said she loved him? Shosshi knew nothing of the ways of girls, except what he had learned from the Talmud. Quite possibly Becky was now occupied in expressing ardent affection. He shuffled towards her, his heart beating violently. He was near enough to touch her. The air she was humming throbbed in his ears. He opened his mouth to speak — Becky becoming suddenly aware of his proximity fixed him with a basilisk glare — the words were frozen on his lips. For some seconds his mouth remained open, then the ridiculousness of shutting it again without speaking spurred him on to make some sound, however meaningless. He made a violent effort and there burst from his lips in Hebrew : " Happy are those who dwell in thy house, ever shall they 204 CHILDREN OF THE GHETTO. praise thee, Selah! " It was not a compliment to Becky. Shos- shi's face lit up with joyous relief. By some inspiration he had started the afternoon prayer. He felt that Becky would under- stand the pious necessity. With fervent gratitude to the Al- mighty he continued the Psalm : " Happy are the people whose lot is thus, etc." Then he turned his back on Becky, with his face to the East wall, made three steps forwards and commenced the silent delivery of the Amidah. Usually he gabbled off the "Eighteen Blessings 'Mn five minutes. To-day they were pro- longed till he heard the footsteps of the returning parents- Then he scurried through the relics of the service at lightning speed. When Mr. and Mrs. Belcovitch re-entered the room they saw by his happy face that all was well and made no opposition to his instant departure. He came again the next Sunday and was rejoiced to find that Becky was out, though he had hoped to find her in. The court- ship made great strides that afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Belcovitch being more amiable than ever to compensate for Becky's private refusal to entertain the addresses of such a Shniuck. There had been sharp domestic discussions during the week, and Becky had only sniffed at her parents' commendations of Shosshi as a '' very worthy youth." She declared that it was "remission of sins merely to look at him." Next Sabbath Mr. and Mrs. Belcovitch paid a formal visit to Shosshi's parents to make their acquaintance, and partook of tea and cake. Becky was not with them; moreover she defiantly declared she would never be at home on a Sunday till Shosshi was married. They circumvented her by getting him up on a weekday. The image of Becky had been so often in his thoughts now that by the time he saw her the second time he was quite habituated to her appearance. He had even imagined his arm round her waist, but in practice he found he could go no further as yet than ordinary conversation. Becky was sitting sewing buttonholes when Shosshi arrived. Everybody was there — Mr. Belcovitch pressing coats with hot irons ; Fanny shaking the room with her heavy machine ; Pesach Weingott cutting a piece of chalk-marked cloth ; Mrs. Belcovitch THE COURTSHIP OF SHOSSHI SHMENDRIK. 205 carefully pouring out tablespoonfuls of medicine. There were even some outside " hands/' work being unusually plentiful, as from the manifestos of Simon Wolf, the labor-leader, the slop manufacturers anticipated a strike. Sustained by their presence, Shosshi felt a bold and gallant wooer. He determined that this time he would not go without having addressed at least one remark to the object of his affec- tions. Grinning amiably at the company generally, by way of salutation, he made straight for Becky's corner. The terribly fine lady snorted at the sight of him, divining that she had been out-manoeuvred. Belcovitch surveyed the situation out of the corners of his eyes, not pausing a moment in his task. '•'■ Nil, how goes it, Becky?" Shosshi murmured. Becky said, "All right, how are you?" "God be thanked, I have nothing to complain of," said Shosshi, encouraged by the warmth of his welcome. "My eyes are rather weak, still, though much better than last year." Becky made no reply, so Shosshi continued : " But my mother is always a sick person. She has to swallow bucketsful of cod liver oil. She cannot be long for this world." "Nonsense, nonsense," put in Mrs. Belcovitch, appearing sud- denly behind the lovers. " My children's children shall never be any worse ; it's all fancy with her, she coddles herself too much." " Oh, no, she says she's much worse than you," Shosshi blurted out, turning round to face his future mother-in-law. " Oh, indeed! " said Chayah angrily. " My enemies shall have my maladies! If your mother had my health, she would be lying in bed with it. But I go about in a sick condition. I can hardly crawl around. Look at my legs — has your mother got such legs? One a thick one and one a thin one." Shosshi grew scarlet; he felt he had blundered. It was the first real shadow on his courtship — perhaps the little rift within the lute. He turned back to Becky for sympathy. There was no Becky. She had taken advantage of the conversation to slip away. He found her again in a moment though, at the other end of the room. She was seated before a machine. He crossed the room boldly and bent over her, 206 CHILDREN OF THE GHETTO. "Don't you feel cold, working?" B7'-r-r-r-7'-r-h I It was the machine turning. Becky had set the treadle go- ing madly and was pushing a piece of cloth under the needle. When she paused, Shosshi said : "Have you heard Reb Shemuel preach? He told a very amus- ing allegory last — " Br-r-r-r-r-r-r-h ! Undaunted, Shosshi recounted the amusing allegory at length, and as the noise of her machine prevented Becky hearing a word she found his conversation endurable. After several more mono- logues, accompanied on the machine by Becky, Shosshi took his departure in high feather, promising to bring up specimens of his handiwork for her edification. On his next visit he arrived with his arms laden with choice morsels of carpentry. He laid them on the table for her admira- tion. They were odd knobs and rockers for Polish cradles! The pink of Becky's cheeks spread all over her face like a blot of red ink on a piece of porous paper. Shosshi's face reflected the color in even more ensanguined dyes. Becky rushed from the room and Shosshi heard her giggling madly on the staircase. It dawned upon him that he had displayed bad taste in his se- lection. "What have you done to my child?" Mrs. Belcovitch in- quired. " N-n-othing," he stammered ; " I only brought her some of my work to see." "And is this what one shows to a young girl?" demanded the mother indignantly. " They are only bits of cradles," said Shosshi deprecatingly. " I thought she would like to see what nice workmanly things I turned out. See how smoothly these rockers are carved ! There is a thick one, and there is a thin one! " "Ah! Shameless droll! dost thou make mock of my legs, too?" said Mrs. Belcovitch. "Out, impudent face, out with thee!" THE COURTSHIP OF SHOSSHI SHMENDRIK. 207 Shosshi gathered up his specimens in his arms and fled through the door. Becky was still in hilarious eruption outside. The sight of her made confusion worse confounded. The knobs and rockers rolled thunderously down the stairs ; Shosshi stumbled after them, picking them up on his course and wishing himself dead. All Sugarman's strenuous eiforts to patch up the affair failed. Shosshi went about broken-hearted for several days. To have been so near the goal — and then not to arrive after all! What made failure more bitter was that he had boasted of his conquest to his acquaintances, especially to the two who kept the stalls to the right and left of him on Sundays in Petticoat Lane. They made a butt of him as it was ; he felt he could never stand be- tween them for a whole morning now, and have Attic salt put upon his wounds. He shifted his position, arranging to pay six- pence a time for the privilege of fixing himself outside Widow Finkelstein's shop, which stood at the corner of a street, and might be presumed to intercept two streams of pedestrians. Widow Finkelstein's shop was a chandler''s, and she did a large business in farthing-worths of boiling water. There was thus no possible rivalry between her ware and Shosshi's, which con- sisted of wooden candlesticks, little rocking chairs, stools, ash- trays, etc., piled up artistically on a barrow. But Shosshi's luck had gone with the change of locus. His clientUe went to the old spot but did not find him. He did not even make a hansel. At two o'clock he tied his articles to the barrow with a complicated arrangement of cords. Widow Fink- elstein waddled out and demanded her sixpence. Shosshi re- plied that he had not taken sixpence, that the coign was not one of vantage. Widow Finkelstein stood up for her rights, and even hung on to the barrow for them. There was a short, sharp argu- ment, a simultaneous jabbering, as of a pair of monkeys. Shos- shi Shmendrik's pimply face worked with excited expostulation, Widow Finkelstein's cushion-like countenance was agitated by waves of righteous indignation. Suddenly Shosshi darted be- tween the shafts and made a dash oiT with the barrow down the side street. But Widow Finkelstein pressed it down with all 208 CHILDREN OF THE GHETTO. her force, arresting the motion like a drag. Incensed by the laugliter of the spectators, Shosslii put forth all his strength at the shafts, jerked the widow off her feet and see-sawed her sky- wards, huddled up spherically like a balloon, but clinging as grimly as ever to the defalcating barrow. Then Shosshi started off at a run, the carpentry rattling, and the dead w'eight of his living burden making his muscles ache. Right to the end of the street he dragged her, pursued by a hooting crowd. Then he stopped, worn out. " Will you give me that sixpence, you Gonofl " " No, I haven't got it. You'd better go back to your shop, else you'll suffer from worse thieves." It was true. Widow Finkelstein smote her wig in horror and hurried back to purvey treacle. But that night when she shut up the shutters, she hurried off to Shosshi's address, which she had learned in the interim. His little brother opened the door and said Shosshi was in the shed. He was just nailing the thicker of those rockers on to the body of a cradle. His soul was full of bitter-sweet memories. Widow Finkelstein suddenly appeared in the moonlight. F'or a moment Shosshi's heart beat wildly. He thought the buxom figure was Becky's. "I have come for my sixpence." Ah! The words awoke him from his dream. It was only the Widow Finkelstein. And yet — ! Verily, the widow, too, was plump and agree- able ; if only her errand had been pleasant, Shosshi felt she might have brightened his back yard. He had been moved to his depths latterly and a new tenderness and a new boldness towards women shone in his eyes. He rose and put his head on one side and smiled amiably and said, " Be not so foolish. I did not take a copper. I am a poor young man. You have plenty of money in your stocking." "How know you that?" said the widow, stretching for- ward her right foot meditatively and gazing at the strip of stocking revealed. " Never mind ! " said Shosshi, shaking his head sapiently. THE HYAMS'S HONEYMOON. 209 "Well, it's true," she admitted. "I have two hundred and seventeen golden sovereigns besides my shop. But for all that why should you keep my sixpence?" She asked it with the same good-humored smile. The logic of that smile was unanswerable. Shosshi's mouth opened, but no sound issued from it. He did not even say the Evening Prayer. The moon sailed slowly across the heavens. The water flowed into the cistern with a soft soothing sound. Suddenly it occurred to Shosshi that the widow's waist was not very unlike that which he had engirdled imaginatively. He thought he would just try if the sensation was anything like what he had fancied. His arm strayed timidly round her black- beaded mantle. The sense of his audacity was delicious. He was wondering whether he ought to say She-hechyoni — the prayer over a new pleasure. But the Widow Finkelstein stopped his mouth with a kiss. After that Shosshi forgot his pious instincts. Except old Mrs. Ansell, Sugarman was the only person scandalized. Shosshi's irrepressible spirit of romance had robbed him of his commission. But Meckisch danced with Shosshi Shmendrik at the wedding, while the Calloh footed it with the Russian giantess. The men danced in one-half of the room, the women in the other. CHAPTER XVH. THE HYAMS'S HONEYMOON. ' " Beenah, hast thou heard aught about our Daniel? " There was a note of anxiety in old Hyams\s voice. "Naught, Mendel." "Thou hast not heard talk of him and Sugarman's daughter?" " No, is there aught between them ? " The listless old woman spoke a little eagerly. " Only that a man told me that his son saw our Daniel pay court to the maiden." "Where?" p 210 CHILDREN OF THE GHETTO. "At the Purim Ball." " The man is a fool ; a youth must dance with some maiden or other/' Miriam came in, fagged out from teaching. Old Hyams dropped from Yiddish into English. "You are right, he must.'' Beenah replied in her slow painful English. " Would he not have told us ? " Mendel repeated : — " Would he not have told us? " Each avoided the other's eye. Beenah dragged herself about the room, laying Miriam's tea. " Mother, I wish you wouldn't scrape your feet along the floor so. It gets on my nerves and I am so worn out. Would he not have told you what? And who's he?" Beenah looked at her husband. " I heard Daniel was engaged," said old Hyams jerkily. Miriam started and flushed. "To whom?" she cried, in excitement. "Bessie Sugarman." " Sugarman's daughter?" Miriam's voice was pitched high. " Yes." Miriam's voice rose to a higher pitch. "Sugarman the Shadchaiis daughter?" "Yes." Miriam burst into a fit of incredulous laughter. " As if Daniel would marry into a miserable family like that!" " It is as good as ours," said Mendel, with white lips. His daughter looked at him astonished. " I thought your children had taught you more self-respect than that," she said quietly. " Mr. Sugarman is a nice person to be related to! " "At home, Mrs. Sugarman's family was highly respected," quavered old Hyams. " We are not at home now," said Miriam witheringly. " We're in England. A bad-tempered old hag! " "That is what she thinks me," thought Mrs. Hyams. But she said nothing. THE H YAMS' S HONEYMOON. 211 " Did you not see Daniel with her at the ball ? " said Mr. Hyams, still visibly disquieted. " Pm sure I didn't notice,^' Miriam replied petulantly. " I think you must have forgot the sugar, mother, or else the tea is viler than usual. Why don't you let Jane cut the bread and butter instead of lazing in the kitchen? " "Jane has been washing all day in the scullery/' said Mrs. Hyams apologetically. " H'm! " snapped Miriam, her pretty face looking peevish and careworn. "Jane ought to have to manage sixty-three girls whose ignorant parents let them run wild at home, and haven't the least idea of discipline. As for this chit of a Sugarman, don't you know that Jews always engage every fellow and girl that look at each other across the street, and make fun of them and discuss their united prospects before they are even intro- duced to each other." She finished her tea, changed her dress and went oiT to the theatre with a girl-friend. The really harassing nature of her work called for some such recreation. Daniel came in a little after she had gone out, and ate his supper, which was his dinner saved for him and warmed up in the oven. Mendel sat studying from an unwieldy folio which he held on his lap by the fireside and bent over. When Daniel had done supper and was standing yawning and stretching himself, Mendel said suddenly as if try- ing to bluff him : " Why don't you ask your father to wish you Mazzoltov ? " ^^ Mazzoltov ? What for?" asked Daniel puzzled. " On your engagement." "My engagement!" repeated Daniel, his heart thumping against his ribs. " Yes — to Bessie Sugarman." Mendel's eye, fixed scrutinizingly on his boy's face, saw it pass from white to red and from red to white. Daniel caught hold of the mantel as if to steady himself. " But it is a lie! " he cried hotly. " Who told you that? " " No one ; a man hinted as much." " But I haven't even been in her company." 212 CHILDREN OF THE GHETTO. " Yes — at the Purim Ball." Daniel bit his lip. "Damned gossips!" he cried. "Til never speak to the girl again." There was a tense silence for a few seconds, then old Hyams said : " Why not? You love her." Daniel stared at him, his heart palpitating painfully. The blood in his ears throbbed mad sweet music. " You love her," Mendel repeated quietly. " Why do you not ask her to marry you? Do you fear she would refuse? " Daniel burst into semi-hysterical laughter. Then seeing his father's half-repi*oachful, half-puzzled look he said shamefacedly : " Forgive me, father, I really couldn't help it. The idea of your talking about love ! The oddity of it came over me all of a heap." " Why should I not talk about love ? " " Don't be so comically serious, father," said Daniel, smihng afresh. "What's come over you? What have you to do with love? One would think you w-ere a romantic young fool on the * stage. It's all nonsense about love. I don't love anybody, least of all Bessie Sugarman, so don't you go worrying your old head about ;/// affairs. You get back to that musty book of yours there. I wonder if you've suddenly come across anything about love in tliat, and don't forget to use the reading glasses and not your ordinary spectacles, else it'll be a sheer waste of money. By the way, mother, remember to go to the Eye Hospital on Saturday to be tested. I feel sure it's time you had a pair of specs, too." "Don't I look old enough already?" thought Mrs. Hyams. But she said, " Very well, Daniel," and began to clear away his supper. " That's the best of being in the fancy," said Daniel cheerfully. "There's no end of articles you can get at trade prices." He sat for half an hour turning over the evening paper, then went to bed. Mr. and Mrs. Hyams's eyes sought each other involuntarily but they said nothing. Mrs. Hyams fried a piece of Wiirst for MiriT.m*s supper and put it into the oven to keep THE H YAMS' S HONEYMOON. 213 hot, then she sat down opposite Mendel to stitch on a strip of fur, which had got unripped on one of Miriam's jackets. The fire burnt briskly, little flames leaped up with a crackling sound, the clock ticked quietly. Beenah threaded her needle at the first attempt. " I can still see without spectacles," she thought bitterly. But she said nothing. Mendel looked up furtively at her several times from his book. The meagreness of her parchment flesh, the thickening mesh of wrinkles, the snow-white hair stnjck him with almost novel force. But he said nothing. Beenah patiently drew her needle through and through the fur, ever and anon glancing at Mendel's worn spectacled face, the eyes deep in the sockets, the forehead that was bent over the folio furrowed painfully beneath the black Koppel, the complexion sickly. A lump seemed to be rising in her throat. She bent determinedly over her sewing, then sud- denly looked up again. This time their eyes met. They did not droop them ; a strange subtle flash seemed to pass from soul to soul. They gazed at each other, trembling on the brink of tears. " Beenah." The voice was thick with suppressed sobs. "Yes, Mendel." " Thou hast heard ? " " Yes, Mendel." " He says he loves her not.'*' " So he says." " It is lies, Beenah." " But wherefore should he lie? " " Thou askest with thy mouth, not thy heart. Thou knowest that he wishes us not to think that he remains single for our sake. All his money goes to keep up this house we live in. It is the law of Moses. Sawest thou not his face when I spake of Sugarman's daughter ? " Beenah rocked herself to and fro, crying : " My poor Daniel, my poor lamb! Wait a little. I shall die soon. The All-High is merciful. Wait a little." Mendel caught Miriam's jacket which was slipping to the floor and laid it aside. 214 CHILDREN OF THE GHETTO. " It helps not to cr}%" said he gently, longing to cry with her. " This cannot be. He must marry the maiden whom his heart desires. Is it not enough that he feels that we have crippled his life for the sake of our Sabbath ? He never speaks of it, but it smoulders in his veins." "Wait a little! " moaned Beenah, still rocking to and fro. "Nay, calm thyself." He rose and passed his horny hand tenderly over her white hair. "We must not wait. Consider how long Daniel has waited." "Yes, my poor lamb, my poor lamb!" sobbed the old woman. "If Daniel marries," said the old man, striving to speak firmly, "we have not a penny to live upon. Our Miriam requires all her salary. Already she gives us more than she can spare. She is a lady, in a great position. She must dress finely. Who knows, too, but that w-e are in the way of a gentleman marrying her? We are not fit to mix with high people. But above all, Daniel must marry and I must earn your and my living as I did when the children were young." " But what wilt thou do ? " said Beenah, ceasing to cry and looking up with affrighted face. " Thou canst not go glazier- ing. Think of Miriam. What canst thou do, what canst thou do? Thou knowest no trade! " " No, I know no trade," he said bitterly. " At home, as thou art aware, I was a stone-mason, but here I could get no work without breaking the Sabbath, and my hand has forgotten its cunning. Perhaps I shall get my hand back." He took hers in the meantime. It was limp and chill, though so near the fire. " Have courage," he said. " There is naught I can do here that will not shame Miriam. We cannot even go into an almshouse without shedding her blood. But the Holy One, blessed be He, is good. I will go away." "Go aw^ay!" Beenah's clammy hand tightened her clasp of his, " Thou wilt travel with ware in the country?" "No. If it stands written that I must break with my children, let the gap be too wide for repining. Miriam will like it better. I will go to America." • THE H YAMS' S HONEYMOON. 215 "To America!" Beeiiah's heartbeat wildly. "And leave me?" A strange sense of desolation swept over her. "Yes — for a little, an3diow. Thou must not face the first hardships. I shall find something to do. Perhaps in America there are more Jewish stone-masons to get work from. God will not desert us. There I can sell ware in the streets — do as I will. At the worst I can always fall back upon glaziering. Have faith, my dove." The novel word of affection thrilled Beenah through and through. " I shall send thee a little money ; then as soon as I can see my way clear I shall send for thee and thou shalt come out to me and we will live happily together and our children shall live happily here." But Beenah burst into fresh tears. "Woe! Woe!" she sobbed. " How wilt thou, an old man, face the sea and the strange faces all alone? See how sorely thou art racked with rheumatism. How canst thou go glazier- ing? Thou liest often groaning all the night. How shalt thou carry the heavy crate on thy shoulders?" " God will give me strength to do what is right." The tears were plain enough in his voice now and would not be denied. His words forced themselves out in a husky wheeze. Beenah threw her arms round his neck. "No! No! "she cried hysterically. " Thou shalt not go! Thou shalt not leave me!" " I must go," his parched lips articulated. He could not see that the snow of her hair had drifted into her eyes and was scarce whiter than her cheeks. His spectacles were a blur of mist. "No, no," she moaned incoherently. "I shall die soon. God is merciful. Wait a little, wait a little. He will kill us both soon. My poor lamb, my poor Daniel! Thou shalt not leave me." The old man unlaced her arms from his neck. " I must. I have heard God's word in the silence." "Then I will go with thee. Wherever thou goest I will go." 216 CHILDREN OF THE GHETTO. " No, no ; thou shalt not face the first hardships. I will front them alone ; I am strong, I am a man." "And thou hast the heart to leave me?" She looked pite- ously into his face, but hers was still hidden from him in the mist. But through the darkness the flash passed again. His hand groped for her waist, he drew her again towards him and put the arms he had unlaced round his neck and stooped his wet cheek to hers. The past was a void, the forty years of joint housekeeping, since the morning each had seen a strange face on the pillow, faded to a point. For fifteen years they had been drifting towards each other, drifting nearer, nearer in dual loneli- ness ; driven together by common suffering and growing aliena- tion from the children they had begotten in common ; drifting nearer, nearer in silence, almost in unconsciousness. And now they had met. The supreme moment of their lives had come. The silence of forty years was broken. His withered lips sought hers and love flooded their souls at last. When the first delicious instants were over, Mendel drew a chair to the table and wrote a letter in. Hebrew script and posted it and Beenah picked up Miriam's jacket. The crackling flames had subsided to a steady glow, the clock ticked on quietly as before, but something new and sweet and sacred had come into her life, and Beenah no longer wished to die. When Miriam came home, she brought a little blast of cold air into the room. Beenah rose and shut the door and put out Miriam's supper; she did not drag her feet now. " Was it a nice play, Miriam? " said Beenah softly. "The usual stuff and nonsense!" said Miriam peevishly. " Love and all that sort of thing, as if the wt rid never got any older." At breakfast next morning old Hyams received a letter by the first post. He carefully took his spectacles off and donned his reading-glasses to read it, throwing the envelope carelessly into the fire. When he had scanned a few lines he uttered an excla- mation of surprise and dropped the letter. "What's the matter, father? " said Daniel, while Miriam tilted her snub nose curiously. THE H YAMS' S HONEYMOON. 217 "Praised be God! " was all the old man could say. "Well, what is it? Speak I'' said Beenah, with unusual ani- mation, while a flush of excitement lit up Miriam's face and made it beautiful. " My brother in America has won a thousand pounds on the lotter^^ and he invites me and Beenah to come and live with him." "Your brother in America!" repeated his children staring. " Why, I didnH know you had a brother in America," added Miriam. " No, while he was poor, I didn't mention him," replied Men- del, with unintentional sarcasm. " But I've heard from him several times. We both came over from Poland together, but the Board of Guardians sent him and a lot of others on to New York." " But you won't go, father! " said Daniel. "Why not? I should like to see my brother before I die. We were very thick as boys." " But a thousand pounds isn't so very much," Miriam could not refrain from saying. Old Hyams had thought it boundless opulence and was now sorry he had not done his brother a better turn. "It will be enough for us all to live upon, he and Beenah and me. You see his wife died and he has no children." "You don't really mean to go?" gasped Daniel, unable to grasp the situation suddenly sprung upon him. " How will you get the money to travel with ? " "Read here!" said Mendel, quietly passing him the letter. " He oifers to send it." " But it's written in Hebrew! " cried Daniel, turning it upside down hopelessly. " You can read Hebrew writing surely," said his father. " I could, years and years ago. I remember you taught me the letters. But my Hebrew correspondence has been so scanty " He broke off with a laugh and handed the letter to Miriam, who surveyed it with mock comprehension. There was a look of relief in her eyes as she returned it to her father. 218 CHILDREN OF THE GHETTO. " He might have sent something to his nephew and his niece," she said half seriously. " Perhaps he will when I get to America and tell him how pretty you are," said Mendel oracularly. He looked quite joy- ous and even ventured to pinch Miriam's flushed cheek roguishly, and she submitted to the indignity without a murmur. " Why jK 396 GRANDCHILDREN OF THE GHETTO. " Couldn't your sister Adelaide do you a story? " "Addie?" he repeated laughing. "Fancy Addie writing stories! Addie has no literary ability." "That's always the way with brothers. Solomon says — " She paused suddenly. " I don't remember for the moment that Solomon has any proverb on the subject/' he said, still amused at the idea of Addie as an authoress. " I was thinking of something else. Good-bye. Remember me to your sister, please." " Certainly," he said. Then he exclaimed, " Oh, what a block- head I ami I forgot to remember her to you. She says she would be so pleased if you would come and have tea and a chat with her some day. I should like you and Addie to know each other." " Thanks, I will. I will write to her some day. Good-bye, once more." He shook hands with her and fumbled at the door. "Allow me!" she said, and opened it upon the gray dulness of the dripping street. "When may I hope for the honor of another visit from a real live editor? " " I don't know," he said, smiling. " I'm awfully busy. I have to read a paper on Ibn Ezra at Jews' College to-day fortnight." "Outsiders admitted?'' she asked. " The lectures at'e for outsiders," he said. " To spread the knowledge of our literature. Only they won't come. Have }ou never been to one ? " She shook her head. "There!" he said. "You complain of our want of culture, and you don't even know what's going on." She tried to take the reproof with a smile, but the corners of her mouth quivered. He raised his hat and went down the steps. She followed him a little way along the Terrace, with eyes growing dim with tears she could not account for. She went back to the drawing-room and threw herself into the arm-chair where he had sat, and made her headaciie worse by thinking A WOMAN'S GROWTH. 397 of all her unhappiness. The great room was filling with dusk, and in the twilight pictures gathered and dissolved. What girlish dreams and revolts had gone to make that unfortunate book, which after endless boomerang-like returns, from the publishers, had appeared, only to be denounced by Jewry, ignored by its journals and scantily noticed by outside criticisms. Mordecai Josephs had fallen almost still-born from the press ; the sweet secret she had hoped to tell her pa- troness had turned bitter like that other secret of her dead love for Sidney, in the reaction from which she had written most of her book. How fortunate at least that her love had flickered out, had proved but the ephemeral sentiment of a romantic girl for the first brilliant man she had met. Sidney had fascinated her by his verbal audacities in a world of nar- row conventions ; he had for the moment laughed away spirit- ual aspirations and yearnings with a raillery that was almost like ozone to a young woman avid of martyrdom for the happiness of the world. How, indeed, could she have expected the handsome young artist to feel the magic that hovered about her talks with him, to know the thrill that lay in the formal hand-clasp, to be aware that he interpreted for her poems and pictures, and incarnated the undefined ideal of girlish day-dreams? How could he ever have had other than an intellectual thought of her ; how could any man, even the religious Raphael? Sickly, ugly little thing that she was! She got up and looked in the glass now to see herself thus, but the shadows had gathered too thickly. She snatched up a newspaper that lay on a couch, lit it, and held it before the glass ; it flared up threateningly and she beat it out, laughing hysterically and asking herself if she was mad. But she had seen the ugly little face ; its expression frightened her. Yes, love was not for her ; she could only love a man of brilliancy and culture, and she was nothing but a Petticoat Lane girl, after all. Its coarseness, its vulgarity underlay all her veneer. They had got into her book ; everybody said so, Raphael said so. How dared she write disdainfully of RaphaePs people? She an upstart, an outsider? She went 398 GRANDCHILDREN OF THE GHETTO. to the library, lit the gas, got down a volume of Graetz's history of the Jews, which she had latterly taken to reading, and turned over its wonderful pages. Then she wandered restlessly back to the great dim drawing-room and played amateurish fantasias on the melancholy Polish melodies of her childhood till Mr. and Mrs. Henry Goldsmith returned. They had captured the Rev. Joseph Strelitski and brought him back to dinner. Esther would have excused herself from the meal, but Mrs. Goldsmith insisted the minister would think her absence intentionally dis- courteous. In point of fact, Mrs. Goldsmith, like all Jewesses a born match-maker, was not disinclined to think of the popular preacher as a sort of adopted son-in-law. She did not tell her- self so, but she instinctively resented the idea of Esther marry- ing into the station of her patroness. Strelitski, though his position was one of distinction for a Jewish clergyman, was, like Esther, of humble origin ; it would be a match wliich she could bless from her pedestal in genuine good-will towards both parties. The fashionable minister was looking careworn and troubled. He had aged twice ten years since his outburst at the Holy Land League. The black curl hung disconsolately on his forehead. He sat at Esther's side, but rarely looking at her, or addressing her, so that her taciturnity and scarcely-\'eiled dislike did not noticeably increase his gloom. He rallied now and again out of politeness to his hostess, flashing out a pregnant phrase or two. But prosperity did not seem to have brought happiness to the whilom poor Russian student, even though he had fought his way to it unaided. CHAPTER VL COMEDY OR TRAGEDY? The weeks went on and Passover drew nigh. The recurrence of the feast brought no thrill to Esther now. It was no longer a charmed time., with strange things to eat and drink, and a com- COMEDY OR TRAGEDY? 399 parative plenty of them — stranger still. Lack of appetite was the chief dietary want now. Nobody had any best clothes to put on in a world where everything was for the best in the way of clothes. Except for the speckled Passover cakes, there was hardly any external symptom of the sacred Festival. While the Ghetto was turning itself inside out, the Kensington Terrace was calm in the dignity of continuous cleanliness. Nor did Henry Goldsmith himself go prowling about the house in quest of va- grant crumbs. Mary O'Reilly attended to all that, and the Goldsmiths had implicit confidence in her fidelity to the tradi- tions of their faith. Wherefore, the evening of the day before Passover, instead of being devoted to frying fish and provision- ing, was free for more secular occupations ; Esther, for example, had arrano^ed to go to see the debut of a new Hamlet with Addie. Addie had asked her to go, mentioned that Raphael, who was taking her, had suggested that she should bring her friend. For they had become great friends, had Addie and Esther, ever since Esther had gone to take that cup of tea, with the chat that is more essential than milk or sugar. The girls met or wrote every week. Raphael, Esther never met nor heard from directly. She found Addie a sweet, lovable girl, full of frank simplicity and unquestioning piety. Though dazzlingly beautiful, she had none of the coquetry which Esther, with a touch of jealousy, had been accustomed to associate with beauty, and she had little of the petty malice of girlish gossip. Esther summed her up as Raphael's heart without his head. It was unfair, for Addie's own head was by no means despicable. But Esther was not alone in taking eccentric opinions as the touchstone of intellectual vigor. Anyhow, she was distinctly happier since Addie had come into her life, and she admired her as a mountain torrent might admire a crystal pool — half envying her happier temperament. The Goldsmiths were just finishing dinner, when the expected ring came. To their surprise, the ringer was Sidney. He was shown into the dining-room. "Good evening, all," he said. "Fve come as a substitute for Raphael." 400 GRANDCHILDREN OF THE GHETTO. Esther grew white. " Why, what has happened to him ? '' she asked. " Nothing. I had a telegram to say he was unexpectedly de- tained in the city, and asking me to take Addie and to call for you." Esther turned from white to red. How rude of Raphael! How disappointing not to meet him, after all ! And did he think she could thus unceremoniously be handed over to somebody else? She was about to beg to be excused, when it struck her a refusal would look too pointed. Besides, she did not fear Sid- ney now. It would be a test of her indiiference. So she mur- mured instead, "What can detain him?" " Charity, doubtless. Do you know, that after he is fagged out with upholding the Flag from early morning till late eve, he devotes the later eve to gratuitous tuition, lecturing and the like." " No," said Esther, softened^ "■ I knew he came home late, but I thought he had to report communal meetings." "That, too. But Addie tells me he never came home at all one night last week. He was sitting up with some wretched dying pauper." " He'll kill himself," said Esther, anxiously. " People are right about him. He is quite hopeless," said Percy Saville, the solitary guest, tapping his forehead signifi- cantly. "' Perhaps it is we who are hopeless," said Esther, sharply. "I wish we were all as sensible," said Mrs. Henry Goldsmith, turning on the unhappy stockbroker with her most superior air. " Mr. Leon always reminds me of Judas Maccabaeus." He shrank before the blaze of her mature beauty, the fulness of her charms revealed by her rich evening dress, her hair radi- ating strange, subtle perfume. His eye sought Mr. Goldsmith's for refuge and consolation. " That is so," said Mr. Goldsmith, rubbing his red chin. " He is an excellent young man." " May I trouble you to put on your things at once. Miss Ansell?" said Sidney. "I have left Addie in the carriage, and COMEDY OR TRAGEDY? 401 we are rather late. I believe it is usual for ladies to put on ^things/ even when in evening dress. I may mention that there is a bouquet for you in the carriage, and, however unworthy a substitute I may be for Raphael, I may at least claim he would have forgotten to bring you that." Esther smiled despite herself as she left the room to get her cloak. She was chagrined and disappointed, but she resolved not to inflict her ill-humor on her companions. She had long since got used to carriages, and when they arrived at the theatre, she took her seat in the box without heart-fluttering. It was an old discovery now that boxes had no connection with oranges nor stalls with costers' barrows. The house was brilliant. The orchestra was playing the over- ture. " I wish Mr. Shakspeare would write a new play," grumbled Sidney. "All these revivals make him lazy. Heavens! what his fees must tot up to! If I were not sustained by the presence of you two girls, I should no more survive the fifth act than most of the characters. Why don't they brighten the piece up with ballet-girls ? " "Yes, I suppose you blessed Mr. Leon when you got his tele- gram," said Esther. " What a bore it must be to you to be sad- dled with his duties!" " Awful ! " admitted Sidney gravely. " Besides, it interferes with my work." "Work?" said Addie. "You know you only work by sun- light." " Yes. that's the best of my profession — in England. It gives you such opportunities of working — at other professions." "Why, what do you work at?" inquired Esther, laughing. " Well, there's amusement, the most difficult of all things to achieve! Then there's poetry. You don't know what a dab I am at rondeaux and barcarolles. And I write music, too, lovely little serenades to my lady-loves and reveries that are like dainty pastels." "All the talents!" said Addie, looking at him with a fond smile. " But if you have any time to spare from the curling of 2D 402 GRANDCHILDREN OF THE GHETTO. your lovely silken moustache, which is entirely like a delicate pastel, will you kindly tell me what celebrities are present?'' " Yes, do,'' added Esther. '' I have only been to two first nights, and then I had nobody to point out the lions." "Well, first of all I see a very celebrated painter in a box — a man who has improved considerably on the weak draughtsman- ship displayed by Nature in her human figures, and the amateur- ishness of her glaring sunsets." "Who's that?" inquired Addie and Esther eagerly. "I think he calls himself Sidney Graham — but that of course is only a noin de pinceau.'''' "Oh! " said the girls, with a reproachful smile. " Do be serious! " said Esther. " Who is that stout gentleman with the bald head?" She peered down curiously at the stalls through her opera-glass. "What, the lion without the mane? That's Tom Day, the dramatic critic of a dozen papers. A terrible Philistine. Lucky for Sliakspeare he didn't flourish in Elizabethan times." He rattled on till the curtain rose and the hushed audience settled down to the enjoyment of the tragedy. " This looks as if it is going to be the true Hamlet," said Esther, after the first act. "What do you mean by the true Hamlet?" queried Sidney cynically. "The Hamlet for whom life is at once too big and too little," said Esther. " And who was at once mad and sane," laughed Sidney. "The plain truth is that Shakspeare followed the old tale, and what you take for subtlety is but the blur of uncertain handling. Aha! You look shocked. Have I found your religion at last?" " No ; my reverence for our national bard is based on reason," rejoined Esther seriously. "To conceive Hamlet, the typical ninteenth-century intellect, in that bustling picturesque Eliza- bethan time was a creative feat bordering on the miraculous. And then, look at the solemn inexorable march of destiny in his tragedies, awful as its advance in the Greek dramas. Just as the marvels of the old fairy-tales were an instinctive prevision of COMEDY OR TRAGEDY? 403 the miracles of modern science, so this idea of destiny seems to me an instinctive anticipation of the formulas of modern science. What we want to-day is a dramatist who shall show us the great natural silent forces, working the weal and woe of human life through the illusions of consciousness and free will/' "What you want to-night, Miss Ansell, is black coffee," said Sidney, ''and Fll tell tlie attendant to get you a cup, for I dragged you away from dinner before tlie crown and climax of the meal ; I have always noticed myself that when I am inter- rupted in my meals, all sorts of bugbears, scientilic or otherwise, take possession of my mind/' He called the attendant. "Esther has the most nonsensical opinions," said Addie gravely. "As if people weren't responsible for their actions! Do good and all shall be well with thee, is sound Bible teaching and sound common sense." " Yes, but isn't it the Bible that says, ' The fathers have eaten a sour grape and the teeth of the children are set on edge'?" Esther retorted. Addie looked perplexed. "It sounds contradictory," she said honestly. "Not at all, Addie," said Esther. "The Bible is a literature, not a book. If you choose to bind Tennyson and Milton in one volume that doesn't make them a book. And you can't complain if you find contradictions in the text. Don't you think the sour grape text the truer, Mr. Graham?" "Don't ask me, please. Tm prejudiced against anything that appears in the Bible." In his flippant way Sidney spoke the truth. He had an almost physical repugnance for his fathers' ways of looking at things. " I think youVe the two most wicked people in the world," exclaimed Addie gravely. "We are," said Sidney lightly. "I wonder you consent to sit in the same box with us. How you can find my company endurable I can never make out." Addie's lovely face flushed and her lip quivered a little. " It's your friend who's the wickeder of the two," pursued 404 GRANDCHILDREN OF THE GHETTO. Sidney. " For she's in earnest and Pm not. Life's too short for us to take the world's troubles on our shoulders, not to speak of the unborn millions. A little light and joy, the flush of sun- set or of a lovely woman's face, a fleeting strain of melody, the scent of a rose, the flavor of old wine, the flash of a jest, and ah, yes, a cup of coffee — here's yours. Miss Ansell — that's the most we can hope for in life. Let us start a religion with one commandment : ' Enjoy thyself.' " " That religion has too many disciples already," said Esther, stirring her coff'ee. " Then why not start it if you wish to reform the world," asked Sidney. "All religions survive merely by being broken. With only one commandment to break, everybody would jump at the chance. But so long as you tell people they mustn't enjoy themselves, they will. It's human nature, and you can't alter that by Act of Parliament or Confession of Faith. Christ ran amuck at human nature, and human nature celebrates his birthday with pantomimes." "Christ understood human nature better than the modern young man," said Esther scathingly, "and the proof lies in the almost limitless impress he has left on history." "Oh, that was a fluke," said Sidney lightly. "His real influ- ence is only superficial. Scratch the Christian and you find the Pagan — spoiled." " He divined by genius what science is slowly finding out," said Esther, "when he said, ' Forgive them for they know not what they do ' ! — " Sidney laughed heartily. "That seems to be your King Charles's head — seeing divinations of modern science in all the old ideas. Personally I honor him for discovering that the Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath. Strange he should have stopped half-way to the truth!" "What is the truth?" asked Addie curiously. "Why, that morality was made for man, not man for moral- itv," said Sidnev. " That chimera of meaningrless virtue which the Hebrew has brought into the world is the last monster left to slay. The Hebrew view of life is too one-sided. The Bible COMEDY OR TRAGEDY? 405 is a literature without a laugh in it. Even Raphael thinks the great Radical of Galilee carried spirituality too far." "Yes, he thinks he would have been reconciled to the Jewish doctors and would have understood them better," said Addie, " only he died so young." "That's a good way of putting it!" said Sidney- admiringly. " One can see Raphael is my cousin despite his religious aberra- tions. It opens up new historical vistas. Only it is just like Raphael to find excuses for everybody, and Judaism in every- thing. I am sure he considers the devil a good Jew at heart ; if he admits any moral obliquity in him, he puts it down to the climate." This made Esther laugh outright, even while there were tears for Raphael in the laugh. Sidney's intellectual fascination re- asserted itself over her; there seemed something inspiring in standing wdth him on the free heights that left all the clogging vapors and fogs of moral problems somewhere below ; where the sun shone and the clear wind blew and talk was a game of bowls with Puritan ideals for ninepins. He went on amusing her till the curtain rose, with a pretended theory of Mohammedology which he was working at. Just as for the Christian Apologist the Old Testament was full of hints of the New, so he contended was the New Testament full of foreshado wings of the Koran, and he cited as a most convincing text, " In Heaven, there shall be no marrying, nor giving in marriage." He professed to think that Mohammedanism was the dark horse that would come to the front in the race of religions and win in the west as it had won in the east. " There's a man staring dreadfully at you, Esther," said Addie, when the curtain fell on the second act. "Nonsense!" said Esther, reluctantly returning from the realities of the play to the insipidities of actual life. " Who- ever it is, it must be at you." She looked aiTectionately at the great glorious creature at her side, tall and stately, with that winning gentleness of expression which spiritualizes tlie most voluptuous beauty. Addie wore pale sea-green, and there were lilies of the valley at her bosom, 406 GRANDCHILDREN OF THE GHETTO. and a diamond star in her hair. No man could admire her more than Esther, who felt quite vain of her friend^s beauty and happy to bask in its reflected sunshine. Sidney followed her glance and his cousin's charms stiiick him with almost novel freshness. He was so much with Addie that he always took her for granted. The semi-unconscious liking he had for her society was based on other than physical traits. He let his eyes rest upon her for a moment in half-surprised appreciation, figuring her as half-bud, half-blossom. Really, if Addie had not been his cousin and a Jewess! She was not much of a cousin, when he came to cipher it out, but then she was a good deal of a Jewess ! " Tm sure it's you he's staring at," persisted Addie. " Don't be ridiculous," persisted Esther. " Which man do you mean ? " "There! The fifth row of stalls, the one, two, four, seven, the seventh man from the end! He's been looking at you all through, but now he's gone in for a good long stare. There! next to that pretty girl in pink." " Do you mean the young man with the dyed carnation in his buttonhole and the crimson handkerchief in his bosom ? " " Yes, that's the one. Do you know him ? " " No," said Esther, lowering her eyes and looking away. But when Addie informed her that the young man liad renewed his attentions to the girl in pink, she levelled her opera-glass at him. Then she shook her head. " There seems something familiar about his face, but I cannot for the life of me recall who it is." " The something familiar about his face is his nose," said Addie laughing, " for it is emphatically Jewish." " At that rate." said Sidney, '' nearly half the theatre would be familiar, including a goodly proportion of the critics, and Hamlet and Ophelia themselves. But I know the fellow." "You do? Who is he?" asked the girls eagerly. " I don't know. He's one of the mashers of the Frivolity. I'm another, and so we often meet. But we never speak as we pass by. To tell the truth, I resent him." COMEDY OR TRAGEDY? 407 rit's wonderful how fond Jews are of the theatre/' said EstlTer, •' and how they resent other Jews going/' " Thank you/' said Sidney. " But as Fm not a Jew the arrow glances off." "Not a Jew? " repeated Esther in amaze. " No. Not in the current sense, (j^lways deny Fm a Jew." " How do you justify that? " said Addie incredulously. C" Because it would be a lie to say I was. It would be to pro- duce a false impression. The conception of a Jew in the mind of the average Christian is a mixture of Fagin, Shylock, Roths- child and the caricatures of the American comic papers. I am certainly not like that, and Fm not going to tell a lie and say I am. In conversation always think of your audience. It takes two to make a truth. If an honest man told an old lady he was an atheist, that would be a lie, for to her it would mean he was a dissolute reprobate. To call myself ' Abrahams ' would be to live a daily lie. I am not a bit like the picture called up by Abrahams. Graham is a far truer expression of myself." / " Extremely ingenious," said Esther smiling. " But ought you not rather to utilize yourself for the correction of the portrait of Abrahams ? " Sidney shrugged his shoulders. " Why should I subject my- self to petty martyrdom for the sake of an outworn creed and a decaying sect? " "We are not decaying," said Addie indignantly. " Personally you are blossoming," said Sidney, with a mock bow. " But nobody can deny that our recent religious history has been a series of dissolving views. Look at that young masher there, who is still ogling your fascinating friend ; rather, I suspect, to the annoyance of the young lady in pink, and compare him with the old hard-shell Jew. When I was a lad named Abrahams, painfully training in the way I wasn't going to go, I got an insight into the lives of my ancestors. Think of the people who built up the Jewish prayer-book, w^ho added line to line and precept to precept, and whose whole thought was intertwined with religion, and then look at that young fellow with the dyed carnation and the crimson silk handker- 408 GRANDCHILDREN OF THE GHETTO. chief, who probably drives a drag to the Derby, and for aught I know runs a music hall. It seems almost incredible he should come of that Puritan old stock." " Not at all," said Esther. " If you knew more of our history, you would see it is quite normal. We were always hankering after the gods of the heathen, and we always loved magnifi- cence ; remember our Temples. In every land we have produced great merchants and rulers, prime- ministers, viziers, nobles. We built castles in Spain (solid ones) and palaces in Venice. We have had saints and sinners, free livers and ascetics, martyrs and money-lenders. Polarity, Graetz calls the self-contradiction which runs through our history. I figure the Jew as the eldest- born of Time, touching the Creation and reaching forward into the future, the true blase of the Universe ; the Wandering Jew who has been everywhere, seen everything, done everything, led everything, thought everything and suffered everything." " Bravo, quite a bit of Beaconsfieldian fustian," said Sidney laughing, yet astonished. '' One would think you were anxious to assert yourself against the ancient peerage of this mushroom realm." "It is the bare historical truth," said Esther, quietly. "We are so ignorant of our own history — can we wonder at the world's ignorance of it? Think of the part the Jew has played — Moses giving the world its morality, Jesus its religion, Isaiah its millennial visions, Spinoza its cosmic philosophy, Ricardo its political economy, Karl Marx and Lassalle its socialism, Heine its loveliest poetry, Mendelssohn its most restful music, Rachael its supreme acting — and then think of the stock Jew of the American comic papers! Tliere lies the real comedy, too deep for laughter." " Yes, but most of the Jews you mention were outcasts or apostates," retorted Sidney. " There lies the real tragedy, too deep for tears. Ah, Heine summed it up best : ' Judaism is not a religion ; it is a misfortune.' But do you wonder at the intol- erance of every nation towards its Jews? It is a form of hom- age. Tolerate them and they spell ' Success,' and patriotism is an ineradicable prejudice. Since when have you developed this COMEDY OR TRAGEDY? 409 extraordinary enthusiasm for Jewisli history ? I always thought you were an anti-Semite." Esther blushed and meditatively sniffed at her bouquet, but fortunately the rise of the curtain relieved her of the necessity for a reply. It was only a temporary relief, however, for the quiz- zical young artist returned to the subject immediately the act was over. " I know you're in charge of the aesthetic department of the Flag^'' he said. " I had no idea you wrote the leaders." "Don't be absurd! " murmured Esther. " I always told Addie Raphael could never write so eloquently ; didn't I, Addie ? Ah, I see you're blushing to find it fame, Miss Ansell." Esther laughed, though a bit annoyed. " How can you sus- pect me of writing orthodox leaders? " she asked. '•Well, who else /i- there? " urged Sidney, with mock naivete. " I went down there once and saw the shanty. The editorial sanctum was crowded. Poor Raphael was surrounded by the queerest looking set of creatures I ever clapped eyes on. There was a quaint lunatic in a check suit, describing his apocalyptic visions ; a dragoman with sore eyes and a grievance against the Board of Guardians ; a venerable son of Jerusalem with a most artistic white beard, who had covered the editorial table with carved nick-nacks in olive and sandal-wood ; an inventor who had squared the circle and the problem of perpetual motion, but could not support himself; a Roumanian exile with a scheme for fertilizing Palestine ; and a wild-eyed hatchet-faced Hebrew poet who told me I was a famous patron of learning, and sent me his book soon after with a Hebrew inscription which I couldn't read, and a request for a cheque which I didn't write. I thought I just capped the company of oddities, when in came a sallow red- haired chap, with the extraordinary name of Karlkammer, and kicked up a deuce of a shine with Raphael for altering his letter. Raphael mildly hinted that the letter was written in such unin- telligible English that he had to grapple with it for an hour before he could reduce it to the coherence demanded of print. But it was no use ; it seems Raphael had made him say some- 410 GRANDCHILDREN OF THE GHETTO. thing heterodox he didn't mean, and he insisted on being allowed to reply to his own letter! He had brought the counter- blast with him ; six sheets of foolscap with all the t's uncrossed, and insisted on signing it with his own name. I said, ' Why not? Set a Karikammer to answer to a Karlkammer/ But Raphael said it would make the paper a laughing-stock, and between the dread of that and the consciousness of having done the man a wrong, he was quite unhappy. He treats all his visit- ors with angelic consideration, when in another newspaper office the very office-boy would snub them. Of course, nobody has a bit of consideration for him or his time or his purse." " Poor Raphael! " murmured Esther, smiling sadly at the gro- tesque images conjured up by Sidney's description. " I go down there now whenever I want models,'' concluded Sidney gravely. " Well, it is only right to hear what those poor people have to say," Addie observed. " What is a paper for except to right wrongs?" '' Primitive person! " said Sidney. "A paper exists to make a profit." "Raphael's doesn't," retorted Addie. " Of course not," laughed Sidney. " It never will, so long as there's a conscientious editor at the helm. Raphael flatters nobody and reserves his praises for people with no control of the communal advertisements. Why, it quite preys upon his mind to think that he is linked to an advertisement canvasser with a gorgeous imagination, who goes about representing to the unwary Christian that the Flag has a circulation of fifteen hundred." ''Dear me!" said Addie, a smile of humor lighting up her beautiful features. " Yes," said Sidney, " I think he salves his conscience by an extra hour's slumming in the evening. Most religious folks do their moral book-keeping by double entry. Probably that's why he's not here to-night." ''It's too bad!" said Addie. her face growing grave again. '" He comes home so late and so tired that he always falls asleep over his books." COMEDY OR TRAGEDY? 411 "I don't wonder,"' laughed Sidney. "Look what he reads! Once I found hhn nodding peacefully over Thomas a Kempis." '• Oh, he often reads that,'' said Addie. " When we wake him up and tell him to go to bed, he says he wasn't sleeping, but thinking, turns over a page and falls asleep again.'' They all laughed. "Oh, he's a famous sleeper," Addie continued. " It's as diffi- cult to get him out of bed as into it. He says himself he's an awful lounger and used to idle away whole days before he in- vented time-tables. Now, he has every hour cut and dried — he says his salvation lies in regular hours." " Addie, Addie, don't tell tales out of school," said Sidney. "Why, what tales?" asked Addie, astonished. "Isn't it rather to his credit that he has conquered his bad habits?" " Undoubtedly ; but it dissipates the poetry in which I am sure Miss Ansell was enshrouding him. It shears a man of his heroic proportions, to hear he has to be dragged out of bed. These things should be kept in the family." Esther stared hard at the house. Her cheeks glowed as if the limelight man had turned his red rays on them. Sidney chuckled mentally over his insight. Addie smiled. "Oh, nonsense. I'm sure Esther doesn't think less of him because he keeps a time-table." " You forget your friend has what you haven't — artistic instinct. It's ugly. A man should be a man, not a railway system. If I were you, Addie, I'd capture that time-table, erase lecturing and substi- tute ' cricketing.' Raphael would never know, and every afternoon, say at 2 p.m., he'd consult his time-table, and seeing he had to cricket, he'd take up his stumps and walk to Regent's Park." "Yes, but he can't play cricket," said Esther, laughing and glad of the opportunity. "Oh, can't he?" Sidney whistled. "Don't insult him by tell- \\\Z him that. Whv, he was in the Harrow eleven and scored his century in the match with Eton ; those long arms of his send the ball flying as if it were a drawing-room ornament." " Oh yes," affirmed Addie. " Even now, cricket is his one temptation." 412 GRANDCHILDREN OF THE GHETTO. Esther was silent. Her Raphael seemed toppling to pieces. The silence seemed to communicate itself to her companions. Addie broke it by sending Sidney to smoke a cigarette in the lobby. "Or else I shall feel quite too selfish," she said. "I know you're just dying to talk to some sensible people. Oh, I beg your pardon, Esther." The squire of dames smiled but hesitated. " Yes, do go," said Esther. " There's six or seven minutes more interval. This is the longest wait." " Ladies' will is my law," said Sidney, gallantly, and, taking a cigarette case from his cloak, which was hung on a peg at the back of a box, he strolled out. " Perhaps," he said, " I shall skip some Shakspeare if I meet a congenial intellectual soul to gossip with." He had scarce been gone two minutes when there came a gentle tapping at the door and, the visitor being invited to come in, the girls were astonished to behold the young gentleman with the dyed carnation and the crimson silk handkerchief. He looked at Esther with an affable smile. "Don't you remember me?" he said. The ring of his voice woke some far-off echo in her brain. But no recollection came to her. " I remembered you almost at once," he went on, in a half- reproachful tone, " though I didn't care about coming up while you had another fellow in the box. Look at me carefully, Esther." The sound of her name on the stranger's lips set all the chords of memory vibrating — she looked again at the dark oval fiice with the aquiline nose, the glittering eyes, the neat black mous- tache, the close-shaved cheeks and chin, and in a^ash the past resurged and she murmured almost incredulously,V" Levi ! " The young man got rather red. "Ye-e-s!" he stammered. ''Allow me to present you my card." He took it out of a little ivory case and handed it to her. It read, "Mr. Leonard JameTA An^used smile flitted over Esther's face, passing into one of welcome. She was not at all displeased to see him. COMEDY OR TRAGEDY? 413 "Addie/'she said. "This is Mr. Leonard James, a friend I used to know in my girlhood." " Yes, we were boys together, as the song says/' said Leonard James, smiling facetiously. Addie inclined her head in the stately fashion which accorded so well with her beauty and resumed her investigation of the stalls. Presently she became absorbed in a tender reverie induced by the passionate waltz music and she forgot all about Esther's strange visitor, whose words fell as insensibly on her ears as the ticking of a familiar clock. But to Esther, Leonard James's conversation was full of interest. The two ugly duck- lings of the back-pond had become to all appearance swans of the ornamental water, and it was natural that they should gabble of auld lang syne and the devious routes by which they had come together again. "You see, Fm like you, Esther," explained the young man. " Em not fitted for the narrow life that suits my father and mother and my sister. TheyVe got no ideas beyond the house, and religion, and all that sort of thing. What do you think my father wanted me to be? A minister! Think of it! Ha! ha! ha! Me a minister! I actually did go for a couple of terms to Jews' College. Oh, yes, you remember! Why, I was there when you were a school-teacher and got taken up by the swells. But our stroke of fortune came soon after yours. Did you never hear of it? My, you must have dropped all your old acquaint- ances if no one ever told you that! Why, father came in for a couple of thousand pounds! I thought Ld make you stare. Guess who from?" " I give it up," said Esther. " Thank you. It was never yours to give," said Leonard, laughing jovially at his wit. "Old Steinwein — you remember his death. It was in all the papers; the eccentric old buffer, who was touched in the upper story, and used to give so much time and money to Jewish affairs, setting up lazy old rabbis in Jerusalem to shake themselves over their Talmuds. You remem- ber his gifts to the poor — six shillings sevenpence each because he was seventy-nine years old and all that. Well, he used 414 GRANDCHILDREN OF THE GHETTO. to send the pater a basket of fruit every Yointov. But he used to do that to every Rabbi, all around, and my old man had not the least idea he was the object of special regard till the old chap pegged out. Ah, there's nothing like Torah, after all." " You don't know what you may have lost through not becom- ing a minister," suggested Esther slily. "Ah, but I know what IVe gained. Do you think I could stand having my hands and feet tied with phylacteries?" asked Leonard, becoming vividly metaphoric in the intensity of his repugnance to the galling bonds of orthodoxy. " Now, I do as I like, go where I please, eat what I please. Just fancy not being able to join fellows at supper, because you mustn't eat oysters or steak? Might as well go into a monastery at once. All very well in ancient Jerusalem, where everybody was rowing in the same boat. Have you ever tasted pork, Esther?" " No," said Esther, with a faint smile. " I have," said Leonard. " I don't say it to boast, but I have had it times without number. I didn't like it the first time — thought it would choke me, you know, but that soon wears off. Now I breakfast off ham and eggs regularly. I go the whole hog, you see. Ha! ha! ha! " " If I didn't see from your card you're not living at home, that would have apprised me of it," said Esther. " Of course, I couldn't live at home. Why the guvnor couldn't bear to let me shave. Ha! ha! ha! Fancy a religion that makes you keep your hair on unless you use a depilatory. I v/as articled to a swell solicitor. The old man resisted a long time, but he gave in at last, and let me live near the office." " Ah, then I presume you came in for some of the two thou- sand, despite your non-connection with Torah ? " "There isn't much left of it now," said Leonard, laughing. " What's two thousand in seven years in London ? There were over four hundred guineas swallowed up by the premium, and the fees, and all that." "Well, let us hope ifll all come back in costs." "Well, between you and me," said Leonard, seriously, "I should be surprised if it does. You see, I haven't yet scraped COMEDY OR TRAGEDY? 415 through the Final ; they're making the beastly exam, stiffer every year. No, it isn't to that quarter I look to recoup myself for the outlay on my education." "No?" said Esther. "No. Fact is — between you and me — I'm going to be an actor." "Oh!" said Esther. " Yes. I've played several times in private theatricals ; you know we Jews have a knack for the stage ; you'd be surprised to know how many pros are Jews. There's heaps of money to be made now-a-days on the boards. Tm in with lots of 'em, and ought to know. It's the only profession where you don't want any training, and these law books are as dry as the Mishna the old man used to make me study. Why, they say to-night's 'Hamlet' was in a counting-house four years ago." " I wish you success," said Esther, somewhat dubiously. "And how is your sister Hannah? Is she married yet?" "Married! Not she! She's got no money, and you know what our Jewish young men are. Mother wanted her to have the two thousand pounds for a dowry, but fortunately Hannah had the sense to see that it's the man that's got to make his way in the world. Hannah is always certain of her bread and butter, which is a good deal in these hard times. Besides, she's naturally grumpy, and she doesn't go out of her way to make herself agreeable to young men. It's my belief she'll die an old maid. Well, there's no accounting for tastes." " And your father and mother? " "They're all right, I believe. I shall see them to-morrow night — Passover, you know. I haven't missed a single Seder at home," he said, with conscious virtue. "It's an awful bore, you know. I often laugh to think of the chappies' faces if they could see me leaning on a pillow and gravely asking the old man why we eat Passover cakes." He laughed now to think of it. " But I never miss ; they'd cut up rough, I expect, if I did." " Well, that's something in your favor," murmured Esther gravely. He looked at her sharply ; suddenly suspecting that his auditor 416 GRANDCHILDREN OF THE GHETTO. was not perfectly sympathetic. She smiled a little at the images passing through her mind, and Leonard, taking her remark for badinage, allowed his own features to relax to their original amiability. " YouVe not married, either, I suplpose,"" he remarked. "No,"'' said Esther. " Fm like your sister Hannah." He shook his head sceptically. " Ah, I expect you'll be looking very high," he said. " Nonsense," murmured Esther, playing with her bouquet. A flash passed across his face, but he went on in the same tone. "Ah, don't tell me. Why shouldn't you? Why, you're looking perfectly charming to-night." " Please, don't," said Esther. " Every girl looks perfectly charming when she's nicely dressed. Who and what am I? Nothing. Let us drop the subject." " All right ; but you must have grand ideas, else you'd have sometimes gone to see my people as in the old days." "When did I visit your people? You used to come and see me sometimes." A shadow of a smile hovered about the tremu- lous lips. " Believe me, I didn't consciously drop any of my old acquaintances. My life changed; my family went to America; later on I travelled. It is the currents of life, not their wills, that bear old acquaintances asunder." He seemed pleased with her sentiments and was about to say something, but she added : " The curtain's going up. Hadn't you better go down to your friend? She's been looking up at us impatiently." " Oh, no, don't bother about her." said Leonard, reddening a little. "She — she won't mind. She's only — only an actress, you know. I have to keep in with the profession in case any opening should turn up. You never know. An actress may become a lessee at any moment. Hark! The orchestra is strik- ing up again ; the scene isn't set yet. Of course I'll go if you want me to! " " No, stay by all means if you want to,'' murmured Esther. "We have a chair unoccupied." "Do you expect that fellow Sidney Graham back?" COMEDY OR TRAGEDY? 417 "Yes, sooner or later. But how do you know his name?'' queried Esther in surprise. " Everybody about \o\\\\ knows Sidney Graham, the artist. Why, we belong to the same dub — the Flamingo — though he only turns up for the great glove-fights. Beastly cad, with all due respect to your friends, Esther. I was introduced to him once, but he stared at me next time so haughtily that I cut him dead. Do you know, ever since then Fve suspected he's one of us; perhaps you can tell me, Esther? I dare say he's no more Sidney Graham than I am." "Hush! " said Esther, glancing warningly towards Addie, who, however, betrayed no sign of attention. "Sister?" asked Leonard, lowering his voice to a whisper. Esther shook her head. "Cousin; but Mr. Graham is a friend of mine as well and you mustn't talk of him like that." "Ripping fine girl! " murmured Leonard irrelevantly. "Won- der at his taste." He took a long stare at the abstracted Addie. "What do you mean? " said Esther, her annoyance increasing. Her old friend's tone jarred upon her. "Well, I don't know what he could see in the girl he's en- gaged to." Esther's face became white. She looked anxiously towards the unconscious Addie. " You are talking nonsense," she said, in a low^ cautious tone. " Mr. Graham is too fond of his liberty to engage himself to any girl." "Oho!" said Leonard, with a subdued whistle. "I hope you're not sweet on him yourself." Esther gave an impatient gesture of denial. She resented Leonard's rapid resumption of his olden familiarity. " Then take care not to be," he said. " He's engaged privately to Miss Hannibal, a daughter of the M. P. Tom Sledge, the sub-edi- tor of the Cor}iwrant, told me. You know they collect items about everybody and publish them at what they call the psychological moment. Graham goes to the Hannibals' every Saturday after- noon. They're very strict people ; the father, you know, is a prom- inent Wesleyan and she's not the sort of girl to be played with." 2 E 418 GRANDCHILDREN OF THE GHETTO. " For Heaven's sake speak more softly," said Esther, though the orchestra was playing fortissimo now and they had spoken so quietly all along that Addie could scarcely have heard without a special effort. " It can't be true ; you are repeating mere idle gossip." " Why, they know everything at the Cormorant^' said Leonard, indignantly. " Do you suppose a man can take such a step as that without its getting known? Why, I shall be chaffed — envi- ously — about you two to-morrow! Many a thing the world little dreams of is an open secret in Club smoking-rooms. Gen- erally more discreditable than Graham's, which must be made public of itself sooner or later." To Esther's relief, the curtain rose. Addie woke up and looked round, but seeing that Sidney had not returned, and that Esther was still in colloquy with the invader, she gave her atten- tion to the stage. Esther could no longer bend her eye on the mimic tragedy ; her eyes rested pityingly upon Addie's face, and Leonard's eyes rested admiringly upon Esther's. Thus Sidney found the group, when he returned in the middle of the act, to his surprise and displeasure. He stood silently at the back of the box till the act was over. Leonard James was the first to perceive him ; knowing he had been telling tales about him, he felt uneasy under his supercilious gaze. He bade Esther good- bye, asking and receiving permission to call upon her. When he was gone, constraint fell upon the party. Sidney was moody ; Addie pensive, Esther full of stifled wrath and anxiety. At the close of the performance Sidney took down the girls' wrappings from the pegs. He helped Esther courteously, then hovered over his cousin with a solicitude that brought a look of calm hap- piness into Addie's face, and an expression of pain into Esther's. As they moved slowly along the crowded corridors, he allowed Addie to get a few paces in advance. It was his last opportunity of saying a word to Esther alone. " If I were you. Miss Ansell, I would not allow that cad to presume on any acquaintance he may have." All the latent irritation in Esther's breast burst into flame at the idea of Sidney's constituting himself a judge. COMEDY OR TRAGEL'Y? 419 " If I had not cultivated his acquaintance I should not have had the pleasure of congratulating you on your engagement," she replied, almost in a whisper. To Sidney it sounded like a shout. His color heightened ; he was visibly taken aback. '"What are you talking about?" he murmured automatically. "About your engagement to Miss Hannibal." "That blackguard told you!" he whispered angrily, half to himself. " Well, what of it ? I am not bound to advertise it, am I? It's my private business, isn't it? You don't expect me to hang a placard round my breast like those on concert-room chairs — ' Engaged ' ! " " Certainly not," said Esther. " But you might have told your friends, so as to enable them to rejoice sympathetically." " You turn your sarcasm prettily," he said mildly, " but the sympathetic rejoicing was just what I wanted to avoid. You know what a Jewish engagement is, how the news spreads like wildfire from Piccadilly to Petticoat Lane, and the whole house of Israel gathers together to discuss the income and the pros- pects of the happy pair. I object to sympathetic rejoicing from the slums, especially as in this case it would probably be ex- changed for curses. Miss Hannibal is a Christian, and for a Jew to embrace a Christian is, I believe, the next worse thing to his embracing Christianity, even when the Jew is a pagan." His wonted flippancy rang hollow. He paused suddenly and stole a look at his companion's face, in search of a smile, but it was pale and sorrowful. The flush on his own face deepened ; his feat- ures expressed internal conflict. He addressed a light word to Addie in front. They were nearing the portico ; it was raining outside and a cold wind blew in to meet them ; he bent his head down to the delicate little face at his side, and his tones were changed. " Miss Ansell," he said tremulously, " if I have in any way misled you by my reticence, I beg you to believe it was uninten- tionally. The memory of the pleasant quarters of an hour we have spent together will always — " "Good God!" said Esther hoarsely, her cheeks flaming, her ears tingling. " To whom are you apologizing? " He looked at 420 GRANDCHILDREN OF THE GHETTO. her perplexed. "Why have you not told Addie?'' she forced herself to say. In the press of the crowd, on the edge of the threshold, he stood still. Dazzled as by a flash of lightning, he gazed at his cousin, her beautifully poised head, covered with its fleecy white shawl, dominating the throng. The shawl became an aureole to his misty vision. " Have you told her? " he whispered with answering hoarseness. "No," said Esther. " Then don't tell her," he w^hispered eagerly. "I must. She must hear it soon. Such things must ooze out sooner or later." "Then let it be later. Promise me this." " No good can come of concealment." " Promise me, for a little while, till I give you leave." His pleading, handsome face was close to hers. She won- dered how she could ever have cared for a creature so weak and pitiful. " So be it," .she breathed. " Miss Leon's carriage," bawled the commissionaire. There was a confusion of rain-beaten umbrellas, gleaming carriage- lamps, zigzag reflections on the black pavements, and clattering omnibuses full inside. But the air was fresh. " Don't go into the rain, Addie," said Sidney, pressing for- wards anxiously. " You're doing all my work to-night. Hallo! where ^xdiyou spring from? " It was Raphael who had elicited the exclamation. He sud- denly loomed upon the party, bearing a decrepit dripping umbrelhi. "1 thought I should be in time to catch you — and to apologize,'' he said, turning to Esther. " Don't mention it," murmured Esther, his unexpected appear- ance completing her mental agitation. " Hold the umbrella over the girls, you beggar," said Sidney. " Oh, I beg your pardon," said Rapliael, poking the rim against a policeman's helmet in his anxiety to obey. " Don't mention it." said Addie smiling. " All right, sir," growled the policeman good-humoredly. COMEDY OR TRAGEDY? 421 Sidney laughed heartily. "Quite a general amnesty/' he said. ^*Ah! here's the car- riage. Why didn't you get inside it out of the rain or stand in the entrance — youVe wringing wet.'' "I didn't think of it," said Raphael. "Besides, I've only been here a few minutes. The 'busses are so full when it rains I had to walk all the way from Whitechapel." " You're incorrigible," gmmbled Sidney. " As if you couldn't have taken a hansom." "Why waste money?" said Raphael. They got into the carriage. "Well, did you enjoy yourselves?" he asked cheerfully. "Oh yes, thoroughly," said Sidney. " Addie wasted two pocket-handkerchiefs over Ophelia ; almost enough to pay for that hansom. Miss Ansell doated on the finger of destiny and I chopped logic and swopped cigarettes with O'Donovan. I hope you enjoyed yourself equally." Raphael responded with a melancholy smile. He was seated opposite Esther, and ever and anon some flash of light from the street revealed clearly his sodden, almost shabby, garments and the weariness of his expression. Ke seemed quite out of har- mony with the dainty pleasure-party, but just on that account the more in harmony with Esther's old image, the heroic side of him growing only more lovable for the human alloy. She bent towards him at last and said : " I am sorry you were deprived of your evening's amusement. I hope the reason didn't add to the unpleasantness." " It was nothing," he murmured awkwardly. "A little unex- pected work. One can always go to the theatre." " Ah, I am afraid you overwork yourself too much. You mustn't. Think of your own health." His look softened. He was in a harassed, sensitive state. The sympathy of her gentle accents, the concern upon the eager little face, seemed to flood his own soul with a self-compassion new to him. " My health doesn't matter," he faltered. There were sweet tears in his eyes, a colossal sense of gratitude at his heart. He 422 GRANDCHILDREN OF THE GHETTO. had always meant to pity her and help her ; it was sweeter to be pitied, though of course she could not help him. He had no need of help, and on second thoughts he wondered what room there was for pity, '■' No, no, don't talk like that/' said Esther. " Think of your parents — and Addie." CHAPTER Vn. WHAT THE YEARS BROUGHT. The next morning Esther sat in Mrs. Henry Goldsmith's bou- doir, filling up some invitation forms for her patroness, who often took advantage of her literary talent in this fashion. Mrs. Gold- smith herself lay back languidly upon a great easy-chair before an asbestos fire and turned over the leaves of the new number of the AcadcBum. Suddenly she uttered a little exclamation. "What is it?" said Esther. " They've got a review here of that Jewish novel.'" "Have they?" said Esther, glancing up eagerly. "I'd given up looking for it." "You seem very interested in it," said Mrs. Goldsmith, with a little surprise. "Yes, I — I wanted to know what they said about it," explained Esther quickly; "one hears so many worthless opinions." " Well, I'm glad to see we were all right about it," said Mrs. Goldsmith, whose eye had been running down the column. " Lis- ten here. 'It is a disagreeable book at best; what might have been a powerful tragedy being disfigured by clumsy workman- ship and sordid superfluous detail. The exaggerated unhealthy pessimism, which the very young mistake for insight, pervades the work and there are some .spiteful touches of observation which seem to point to a woman's hand. Some of the minor personages have the air of being sketched from life. The novel can scarcely be acceptable to the writer's circle. Readers, how- ever, in search of the unusual will find new ground broken in this immature study of Jewish life.'" WHAT THE YEARS BROUGHT. 423 " There, Esther, isn't that just what Fve been saying in other words ? '' " It's hardly worth bothering about the book now," said Esther in low tones, " it's such a long time ago now since it came out. I don't know what's the good of reviewing it now. These literary papers always seem so cold and cruel to unknown writers." ''Cruel, it isn't half what he deserves," said Mrs. Goldsmith, "or ought I to say she? Do you think there's anything, Esther, in that idea of its being a woman? " " Really, dear, I'm sick to death of that book," said Esther. " These reviewers always try to be very clever and to see through brick walls. What does it matter if it's a he, or a she?" " It doesn't matter, but it makes it more disgraceful, if it's a woman. A woman has no business to know the seamy side of human nature." At this instant, a domestic knocked and announced that Mr. Leonard James had called to see Miss Ansell. Annoyance, surprise 'and relief struggled to express themselves on Esther's face. " Is the gentleman waiting to see me?" she said. " Yes, miss, he's in the hall." Esther turned to Mrs. Goldsmith. "It's a young -man I came across unexpectedly last night at the theatre. He's the son of Reb Shemuel, of whom you may have heard. I haven't met him since we w^re boy and girl together. He asked per- mission to call, but I didn't expect him so soon." " Oh, see him by all means, dear. He is probably anxious to talk over old times." " May I ask him up here ? " "No — unless you particularly want to introduce him to me. I dare say he would rather have you to himself." There was a touch of superciliousness about her tone, which Esther rather resented, although not particularly anxious for Levi's social rec- ognition. " Show him into the library," she said to the servant. " I will 424 GRANDCHILDREN OF THE GHETTO. be down in a minute." She lingered a few minutes to finish up the invitations and exchange a few indifferent remarks with her companion and then went down, wondering at Levi's pre- cipitancy in renewing the acquaintance. She could not help thinking of the strangeness of life. That time yesterda}' she had not dreamed of Levi, and now she was about to see him for the second time and seemed to know him as intimately as if they had never been parted. Leonard James was pacing the carpet. His face was per- turbed, though his stylishly cut clothes were composed and immaculate. A cloak was thrown loosely across his shoulders. In his right hand he held a bouquet of Spring flowers, which he transferred to his left in order to shake hands with her. '• Good afternoon, Esther,"' he said heartily. " By Jove, you have got among tip-top people. I had no idea. Fancy you ordering Jeames de la Pluche about. And how happy vou must be among all these books! Tve brought you a bouquet. There! Isn't it a beauty? I got it at Covent Garden this morning.'" ''It's very kind of you," murmured Esther, not so pleased as she might have been, considering her love of beautiful things. " But you really ought not to waste your money like that." " What nonsense, Esther! Don't forget I'm not in the posi- tion my father was. I'm going to be a rich man. No, don't put it into a vase ; put it in your own room where it will remind you of me. Just smell those violets, they are awfully sweet and fresh. I flatter myself, it's quite as swell and tasteful as the bouquet you had last night. Who gave you that, Esther?" The "Esther" mitigated the off-handedness of the question, but made the sentence jar doubly upon her ear. She might have brought herself to call him " Levi " in exchange, but then she was not certain he would like it. "-Leonard" was impos- sible. So she forbore to call him by any name. ''I think Mr. Graham brought it. Won't you sit down?" she said indifferently. "Thank you. I thought so. Luck that fellow's engaged. Do you know, Esther. I didn't sleep all night." WHAT THE YEARS BROUGHT. 425 "No?" said Esther. "You seemed quite well when I saw you." " So I was, but seeing you again, so unexpectedly, excited me. You have been whirling in my brain ever since. I hadn't thought of you for years — " " I hadn't thought of you," Esther echoed frankly. "No, I suppose not," he said, a little ruefully. "But, any- how, fate has brought us together again. I recognized you the moment I set eyes on you, for all your grand clothes and your swell bouquets. I tell you I was just struck all of a heap ; of course, I knew about your luck, but I hadn't realized it. There wasnH any one in the whole theatre who looked the lady more — 'pon honor; you'd have no cause to blush in the company of duchesses. In fact I know a duchess or two who don't look near so refined. I was quite surprised. Do you know, if any one had told me you used to live up in a garret — " "Oh, please donH recall unpleasant things," interrupted Esther, petulantly, a little shudder going through her, partly at the picture he called up, partly at his grating vulgarity. Her repulsion to him was growing. Why had he developed so disagreeably? She had not disliked him as a boy, and he cer- tainly had not inherited his traits of coarseness from his father, whom she still conceived as a courtly old gentleman. "Oh well, if you don't like it, I won't. I see you're like me; I never think of the Ghetto if I can help it. Well, as I was say- ing, I haven't had a wink of sleep since I saw you. I lay tossing about, thinking all sorts of things, till I could stand it no longer, and I got up and dressed and walked about the streets and strayed into Covent Garden Market, where the inspiration came upon me to get you this bouquet. For, of course, it was about you that I had been thinking." " About me ? "' said Esther, turning pale. "Yes, of course. Don't make Schnecks — you know what I mean. I can't help using the old expression when I look at you ; the past seems all come back again. They were happy days, weren't they, Esther, when I used to come up to see you in Royal Street ; I think you were a little sweet on me in 426 GRANDCHILDREN OF THE GHETTO. those days, Esther, and I know I was regular mashed on you." He looked at her with a fond smile. " I dare say you were a silly boy," said Esther, coloring un- easily under his gaze. ''However, you needn't reproach yourself now." '•Reproach myself, indeed! Never fear that. What I have been reproaching myself with all night is never having looked you up. Somehow, do you know, I kept asking myself whether I hadn't made a fool of myself lately, and I kept thinking things might have been different if — "" " Nonsense, nonsense," interrupted Esther with an embar- rassed laugh. "You've been doing vei-y well, learning to know the world and studying law and mixing with pleasant people." " Ah, Esther," he said, shaking his head, " it's very good of you to say that. I don't say Fve done anything particularly foolish or out of the way. But when a man is alone, he some- times gets a little reckless and wastes his time, and you know what it is. I've been thinking if I had some one to keep me steady, some one I could respect, it would be the best thing that could happen to me." "Oh, but surely you ought to have sense enough to take care of yourself. And there is always your father. Why don't you see more of him ? " " Don't chaff a man when you see he's in earnest. You know what I mean. It's you I am thinking of." "Me? Oh well, if you think my friendship can be of any use to you I shall be delighted. Come and see me sometimes and tell me of your struggles." " You know I don't mean that," he said desperately. " Couldn't we be more than friends? Couldn't we commence again — where we left off? " " How do you mean? " she murmured. "Why are you so cold to me?" he burst out. "Why do you make it so hard for me to speak? You know I love you, that I fell in love with you all over again last night. I never really forgot you; you were always deep down in my breast. All that WHAT THE YEARS BROUGHT. 427 I said about steadying me wasn't a lie. I felt that, too. But the real thing I feel is the need of you. I want you to care for me as I care for you. You used to, Esther; you know you did." "I know nothing of the kind/' said Esther, "and I can't understand why a young fellow like you wants to bother his head with such ideas. You've got to make your way in the world — " " I know, I know ; that's why I want you. I didn't tell you the exact truth last night, Esther, but I must really earn some money soon. All that two thousand is used up, and I only get along by squeezing some money out of the old man every now and again. Don't frown ; he got a rise of screw three years ago and can well afford it. Now that's what I said to myself last night ; if I were engaged, it would be an incentive to earning something." " For a Jewish young man, you are fearfully unpractical," said Esther, with a forced smile. "Fancy proposing to a girl without even prospects of prospects." "Oh, but I have got prospects. I tell you I shall make no end of money on the stage." " Or no beginning," she said, finding the facetious vein easiest. " No fear. I know Eve got as much talent as Bob Andrews (he admits it himself), and he draws his thirty quid a week." " Wasn't that the man who appeared at the police-court the other day for being drunk and disorderly? " " Y-e-es," admitted Leonard, a little disconcerted. " He is a very good fellow, but he loses his head when he's in liquor." " I wonder you can care for society of that sort," said Esther. " Perhaps you're right. They're not a very refined lot. I tell you what — Ed like to go on the stage, but Em not mad on it, and if you only say the word Ell give it up. There! And Ell go on with my law studies ; honor bright, I will." " I should, if I were you," she said. "Yes, but I can't do it without encouragement. Won't you say 'yes'? Let's strike the bargain. I'll stick to law and you'll stick to me." She shook her head. " I am afraid I could not promise any- 428 GRANDCHILDREN OF THE GHETTO. thing you mean. As I said before, I shall be always glad to see you. If you do well, no one will rejoice more than I." "Rejoice! What's the good of that to me? I want you to care for me ; I want to look forward to your being my wife.''' " Really, I cannot take advantage of a moment of folly like this. You don't know what youVe saying. You saw me last night, after many years, and in your gladness at seeing an old friend you flare up and fancy youVe in love with me. Why, who ever heard of such foolish haste? Go back to your studies, and in a day or two you will find the flame sinking as rapidly as it leaped up." " No, no! Nothing of the kind! " His voice was thicker and there was real passion in it. She grew dearer to him as the hope of her love receded. " I couldn't forget you. I care for you awfully. I realized last night that my feeling for you is quite unlike what I have ever felt towards any other girl. Don't say no! Don't send me away despairing. I can hardly realize that you have grown so strange and altered. Surely you oughtn't to put on any side with me. Remember the times we have had together." " I remember," she said gently. " But I do not want to marry any one; indeed, I don't." "■ Then if there is no one else in your thoughts, why shouldn't it be me? There! I won't press you for an answer now. Only don't say it's out of the question." "I'm afraid I must." " No, you mustn't, Esther, you mustn't," he exclaimed excitedly. "Think of what it means for me. You are the only Jewish girl I shall ever care for ; and father would be pleased if I were to marry you. You know if I wanted to marry a Shiksah there'd be awful rows. Don't treat me as if I were some outsider with no claim upon you. I believe we should get on splendidly together, you and me. We've been through the same sort of thing in childhood, we should understand each other, and be in sympathy with each other in a way I could never be with another girl and I doubt if you could with another fellow." WHAT THE YEARS BROUGHT. 429 The words burst from him like a torrent, with excited foreign-looking gestures. Esther^s lieadache was coming on badly. "What would be the use of my deceiving you?'' she said gently. " I don't think I shall ever marry. Tm sure I could never make you — or any one else — happy. Won't you let me be your friend ? " "Friend!" he echoed bitterly. "I know what it is; I'm poor. I've got no money bags to lay at your feet. You're like all the Jewish girls after all. But I only ask you to wait ; I shall have plenty of money by and by. Who knows what more luck my father might drop in for? There are lots of rich religious cranks. And then I'll work hard, honor bright I will." " Pray be reasonable," said Esther quietly. " You know you are talking at random. Yesterday this time you had no idea of such a thing. To-day you are all on fire. To-morrow you will forget all about it." "Never! Never!" he cried. "Haven't I remembered you all these years? They talk of man's faithlessness and woman's faithfulness. It seems to me, it's all the other way. Women are a deceptive lot." " You know you have no right whatever to talk like that to me," said Esther, her sympathy beginning to pass over into annoyance. " To-morrow you will be sorry. Hadn't you better go before you give yourself — and me — more cause for regret ? " "Ho, you're sending me away, are you?" he said in angry surprise. " I am certainly suggesting it as the wisest course." "Oh, don't give me any of your fine phrases!" he said brutally. "I see what it is — I've made a mistake. You're a stuck-up, conceited little thing. You think because you live in a grand house nobody is good enough for you. But what are you after all? 2i Schnorrer — that's all. A ScJinorrer living on the charity of strangers. If I mix with grand folks, it is as an independent man and an equal. But you, rather 430 GRANDCHILDREN OF THE GHETTO. than marry any one who mightn't be able to give you carriages and footmen, you prefer to remain a ScJinorrery Esther was white and her hps trembled. "Now I must ask you to go," she said. "All right, don't flurry yourself!" he said savagely. "You don't impress me with your airs. Try them on people who don't know what you were — a Schnorrer's daughter. Yes, your father was always a ScJmorrer and you are his child. It's in the blood. Ha! Ha! Ha! Moses Ansell's daughter! Moses Ansell's daughter — a peddler, who went about the country with brass jewelry and stood in the Lane with lemons and schnorred half-crowns of my father. You took jolly good care to ship him off to America, but 'pon my honor, you can't expect others to forget him as quickly as you. It's a rich joke, you refusing me. You're not fit for me to wipe my shoes on. My mother never cared for me to go to your garret ; she said I must mix with my equals and goodness knew what disease I might pick up in the dirt ; 'pon my honor the old girl was right." " She was right," Esther was stung into retorting. " You must mix only with your equals. Please leave the room now or else I shall." His face changed. His frenzy gave way to a momentary shock of consternation as he realized what he had done. " No, no, Esther. I was mad, I didn't know what I was say- ing. I didn't mean it. Forget it." "I cannot. It was quite true," she said bitterly. " I am only a Sc/uiorrer^s daughter. Well, are you going or must I ? " He muttered something inarticulate, then seized his hat sulkily and went to the door without looking at her. " You have forgotten something," she said. He turned ; her forefinger pointed to the bouquet on the table. He had a fresh access of rage at the sight of it, jerked it con- temptuously to the floor with a sweep of his hat and stamped upon it. Then he rushed from the room and an instant after she heard the hall door slam. She sank against the table sobbing nervously. It was her first THE ENDS OF A GENERATION. 431 proposal! A Schno?'rer and the daughter of a Schnorrer. Yes, that was what she was. And she had even repaid her bene- factors with deception! What hopes could she yet cherish? In literature she was a failure ; the critics gave her few gleams of encouragement, while all her acquaintances from Raphael down- wards would turn and rend her, should she dare declare herself. Nay, she was ashamed of herself for the mischief she had wrought. No one in the world cared for her ; she was quite alone. The only man in whose breast she could excite love or the semblance of it was a contemptible cad. And who was she, that she should venture to hope for love? She figured herself as an item in a catalogue ; '• a little, ugly, low-spirited, absolutely penniless young woman, subject to nervous headaches." Her sobs were interrupted by a ghastly burst of self-mockery. Yes, Levi was right. She ought to tliink herself lucky to get him. Again, she asked herself what had existence to offer her. Grad- ually her sobs ceased ; she remembered to-night would be Seder night, and her thoughts, so violently turned Ghetto-wards, went back to that night, soon after poor Benjamin's death, when she sat before the garret fire striving to picture the larger life of the future. Well, this was the future. CHAPTER Vni. THE ENDS OF A GENERATION. The same evening Leonard James sat in the stalls of the Colosseum Music Hall, sipping champagne and smoking a che- root. He had not been to his chambers (which were only round the corner) since the hapless interview with Esther, wandering about in the streets and the clubs in a spirit compounded of out- raged dignity, remorse and recklessness. All men must dine ; and dinner at the Flamingo Club soothed his wounded soul and left only the recklessness, which is a sensation not lacking in agreeableness. Through the rosy mists of the Burgundy there began to surge up other faces than that cold pallid little face 432 GRANDCHILDREN OF THE GHETTO. which had hovered before him all the afternoon like a tantaliz- ing phantom ; at the Chartreuse stage he began to wonder what hallucination, what aberration of sense had overcome him, that he should have been stirred to his depths and distressed so hugely. Warmer faces were these that swam before him, faces fuller of the joy of life. The devil take all stuck-up little saints! About eleven o'clock, when the great ballet of Venetia was over, Leonard hurried round to the stage-door, saluted the door- keeper with a friendly smile and a sixpence, and sent in his card to Miss Gladys Wynne, on the chance that she might have no supper engagement. Miss Wynne was only a humble coryphee^ but the admirers of her talent were numerous, and Leonard counted himself fortunate in that she was able to afford him the privilege of her society to-night. She came out to him in a red fur-lined cloak, for the air was keen. She was a majestic being with a florid complexion not entirely artificial, big blue eyes and teeth of that whiteness which is the practical equivalent of a sense of humor in evoking the possessor's smiles. They drove to a restaurant a few hundred yards distant, for Miss Wynne detested using her feet except to dance with. It was a fashionable restau- rant, where the prices obligingly rose after ten, to accommodate the purses of the supper-^//>«/^/^. Miss Wynne always drank champagne, except when alone, and in politeness Leonard had to imbibe more of this frothy compound. He knew he would have to pay for the day's extravagance by a week of comparative abstemiousness, but recklessness generally meant magnificence with him. They occupied a cosy little corner behind a screen, and Miss Wynne bubbled over with laughter like an animated champagne bottle. One or two of his acquaintances espied him and winked genially, and Leonard had the satisfaction of feeling that he was not dissipating his money witliout purchasing enhanced reputation. He had not felt in gayer spirits for months than when, with Gladys Wynne on his arm and a ciga- rette in his mouth, he sauntered out of the brilliantly-lit restau- rant into the feverish dusk of the midnight street, shot with points of fire. " Hansom, sir!" THE ENDS OF A GENERATION. 433 A great cry of anguish rent the air — Leonard's cheeks burned. Involuntarily he looked round. Then his heart stood still. There, a few yards from him. rooted to the pavement, with stony staring face, was Reb Shemuel. The old man wore an un- brushed high hat and an uncouth unbuttoned overcoat. His hair and beard were quite white now, and the strong countenance lined with countless wrinkles was distorted with pain and aston- ishment. He looked a cross between an ancient prophet and a shabby street lunatic. The unprecedented absence of the son from the Seder ceremonial had filled the Reb's household with the gravest alarm. Nothing short of death or mortal sickness could be keeping the boy away. It was long before the Reb could bring himself to commence the Hagadah without his son to ask the time-honored opening question ; and when he did he paused every minute to listen to footsteps or the voice of the wind without. The joyous holiness of the Festival was troubled, a black cloud overshadowed the shining table-cloth, at supper the food choked him. But Seder was over and yet no sign of the missing guest ; no word of explanation. In poignant anxi- ety, the old man walked the three miles that lay between him and tidings of the beloved son. At his chambers he learned that their occupant had not been in all day. Another thing he learned there, too ; for the Mezuzah which he had fixed up on the door-post when his boy moved in had been taken down, and it filled his mind with a dread suspicion that Levi had not been eating at the kosher restaurant in Hatton Garden, as he had faithfully vowed to do. But even this terrible thought was swallowed up in the fear that some accident had happened to him. He haunted the house for an hour, filling up the intervals of fruitless inquiry with little random walks round the neighbor- hood, determined not to return home to his wife without news of their child. The restless life of the great twinkling streets was almost a novelty to him ; it was rarely his perambulations in London extended outside the Ghetto, and the radius of his hfe was proportionately narrow, — with the intensity that narrowness forces on a big soul. The streets dazzled him, he looked blink- 2F 434 GRANDCHILDREN OF THE GHETTO. ingly hither and thither in the despairing hope of finding his boy. His lips moved in silent prayer ; he raised his eyes be- seechingly to the cold glittering heavens. Then, all at once — as the clocks pointed to midnight — he found him. Found him coming out of an unclean place, where he had violated the Pass- over. Found him — fit climax of horror — with the "strangle woman '' of The Proverbs, for whom the faithful Jew has a hered- itary hatred. His son — his, Reb Shemuers! He, the servant of the Most High, the teacher of the Faith to reverential thousands, had brought a son into the world to profane the Name! Verily his gray hairs would go down with sorrow to a speedy grave! And the sin was half his own ; he had weakly abandoned his boy in the midst of a great city. For one awful instant, that seemed an eternity, the old man and the young faced each other across the chasm which divided their lives. To the son the shock was scarcely less violent than to the father. The Seder, which the day's unwonted excitement had clean swept out of his mind, re- curred to him in a flash, and by the light of it he understood the puzzle of his father's appearance. The thought of explaining rushed up only to be dismissed. The door of the restaurant had not yet ceased swinging behind him — there was too much to ex- plain. He felt that all was over between him and his father. It was unpleasant, terrible even, for it meant the annihilation of his resources. But though he still had an almost physical fear of the old man, far more terrible even than the presence of his father was the presence of Miss Gladys Wynne. To explain, to brazen it out, either course was equally impossible. He was not a brave man, but at that moment he felt death were preferable to allowing her to be the witness of such a scene as must ensue. His resolution was taken within a few brief seconds of the tragic rencontre. With wonderful self-possession, he nodded to the cabman who had put the question, and whose vehicle was drawn up opposite the restaurant. Hastily he helped the unconscious Gladys into the hansom. He was putting his foot on the step himself when Reb ShemuePs paralysis relaxed suddenly. Out- raged by this final pollution of the Festival, he ran forward and THE FLAG FLUTTERS. 435 laid his hand on Levi's shoulder. His face was ashen, his heart thumped painfully ; the hand on Levi's cloak shook as with palsy. Levi winced; the old awe was upon him. Through a blind- ing whirl he saw Gladys staring wonderingly at the queer-looking intruder. He gathered all his mental strength together with a mighty effort, shook off the great trembling hand and leaped into the hansom. •' Drive on ! " came in strange guttural tones from his parched throat. The driver lashed the horse ; a rough jostled the old man aside and slammed the door to ; Leonard mechanically threw him a coin ; the hansom glided away. " Who was that, Leonard ? " said Miss Wynne, curiously. " Nobody ; only an old Jew who supplies me with cash." Gladys laughed merrily — a rippling, musical laugh. She knew the sort of person. CHAPTER IX. THE FLAG FLUTTERS. The Flag of Jiidah^ price one penny, largest circulation of any Jewish organ, continued to flutter, defying the battle, the breeze and its communal contemporaries. At Passover there had been an illusive augmentation of advertisements proclaim- ing the virtues of unleavened everything. With the end of the Festival, most of these fell out, staying as short a time as the daffodils. Raphael was in despair at the meagre attenuated appearance of the erst prosperous-looking pages. The weekly loss on the paper weighed upon his conscience. "We shall never succeed," said the sub-editor, shaking his romantic hair, " till we run it for the Upper Ten. These ten people can make the paper, just as they are now killing it by refusing their countenance." 436 GRANDCHILDREN OF THE GHETTO. " But they must surely reckon with us sooner or later," said Raphael. " It will be a long reckoning, I fear ; you take my advice and put in more butter. It'll be kosher butter, coming from us." The little Bohemian laughed as heartily as his eyeglass per- mitted. " No ; we must stick to our guns. After all, we have had some very good things lately. Those articles of Pinchas's are not bad either." " They're so beastly egotistical. Still his theories are ingen- ious and far more interesting than those terribly dull long letters of Henry Goldsmith, which you will put in." Raphael flushed a little and began to walk up and down the new and superior sanctum with his ungainly strides, puffing furi- ously at his pipe The appearance of the room was less bare ; the floor was carpeted with old newspapers and scraps of letters. A huge picture of an Atlantic Liner, the gift of a Steamship Company, leaned cumbrously against a wall. " Still, all our literary excellencies," pursued Sampson, " are outweighed by our shortcomings in getting births, marriages and deaths. We are gravelled for lack of that sort of matter. What is the use of your elaborate essay on the Septuagint, when the public is dying to hear who's dead?" "■ Yes, I am afraid it is so," said Raphael, emitting a huge vol- ume of smoke. " Tm sure it is so. If you would only give me a freer hand, I feel sure I could work up that column. We can at least make a better show ; I would avoid the danger of discovery by shifting the scene to foreign parts. I could marry some people in Bom- bay and kill some in Cape Town, redressing the balance by bringing others into existence at Cairo and Cincinnati. Our contemporaries would score off" us in local interest, but we should take the shine out of them in cosmopolitanism." "No, no; remember that Meshujuad^^'' said Raphael, smiling. " He was real ; if you had allowed me to invent a corpse, we should have been saved that coiitretonps. We have one ■ death ' this week fortunately ; and I am sure to fish out another in tlie THE FLAG FLUTTERS. 437 daily papers. But we haven't had a ' birth "' for three weeks run- ning; it's just ruining our reputation. Everybody knows that the orthodox are a fertile lot, and it looks as if we hadn't got the support even of our own party. Ta rara ta! Now you must really let me have a ' birth.' I give you my word, nobody'll sus- pect it isn't genuine. Come now. How's this?" He scribbled on a piece of paper and handed it to Raphael, who read : " Birth, on the 15th inst. at 17 East Stuart Lane, Kennington, the wife of Joseph Samuels of a son." "There!" said Sampson proudly, "Who would believe the little beggar had no existence ? Nobody lives in Kennington, and that East Stuart Lane is a master-stroke. You might suspect Stuart Lane, but nobody would ever dream there's no such place as East Stuart Lane. Don't say the little chap must die. I begin to take quite a paternal interest in him. May I announce him ? Don't be too scrupulous. Who'll be a penny the worse for it? " He began to chirp, with bird-like trills of melody. Raphael hesitated : his moral fibre had been weakened. It is impossible to touch print and not be defiled. Suddenly Sampson ceased to whistle and smote his head with his chubby fist. "Ass that I am! " he exclaimed. " What new reasons have you discovered to think so ? " said Raphael. "Why, we dare not create boys. We shall be found out; boys must be circumcised and some of the periphrastically styled 'Initiators into the Abrahamic Covenant' may spot us. It was a girl that Mrs. Joseph Samuels was guilty of." He amended the sex. Raphael laughed heartily. "Put it by; there's another day yet ; we shall see." "Very well," said Sampson resignedly- " Perhaps by to-mor- row we shall be in luck and able to sing ' unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given.' By the way, did you see the letter complaining of our using that quotation, on the ground it was from the New Testament? " " Yes," said Raphael smiling. " Of course the man doesn't know his Old Testament, but I trace his misconception to his 438 GRANDCHILDREN OF THE GHETTO. having heard HandePs Messiah. I wonder he doesn't find fault with the Morning Service for containing the Lord's Prayer, or with Moses for saying • Tliou shalt love thy neighbor as thy- self.' '' " Still, that's the sort of man newspapers have to cater for," said the sub-editor. " And we don't. We have cut down our Provincial Notes to a column. My idea would be to make two pages of them, not cutting out any of the people's names and leaving in more of the adjectives. Every man's name we men- tion means at least one copy sold. Why can't we drag in a couple of thousand names every week?" '• That would make our circulation altogether nominal/' laughed Raphael, not taking the suggestion seriously. Little Sampson was not only the Mephistopheles of the office, debauching his editor's guileless mind with all the wily ways of the old journalistic hand ; he was of real use in protecting Ra- phael against the thousand and one pitfalls that make the edi- torial chair as perilous to the occupant as Sweeney Todd's ; against the people who tried to get libels inserted as news or as advertisements, against the self-puffers and the axe-grinders. He also taught Raphael how to commence interestmg corre- spondence and how to close awkward. The Flag played a part in many violent discussions. Little Sampson was great in invent- ing communal crises, and in getting the public to believe it was excited. He also won a great victory over the other party every three weeks ; Raphael did not wish to have so many of these victories, but little Sampson pointed out that if he did not have them, the rival newspaper would annex them. One of the earli- est sensations of the Flag was a correspondence exposing the misdeeds of some communal officials ; but in the end the very persons who made the allegations ate humble pie. Evidently official pressure had been brought to bear, for red tape rampant might have been the heraldic device of Jewish officialdom. In no department did Jews exhibit more strikingly their marvellous powers of assimilation to their neighbors. Among the discussions which rent the body politic was the question of building a huge synagogue for the poor. The Flag THE FLAG FLUTTERS. 439 said it would only concentrate them, and its word prevailed. There were also the grave questions of English and harmoniums in the synagogue, of the confirmation of girls and their utilization in the choir. The Rabbinate, whose grave difficulties in recon- ciling all parties to its rule, were augmented by the existence of the Flag^ pronounced it heinous to introduce English excerpts into the liturgy ; if, however, they were not read from the central platform, they were legitimate ; harmoniums were per- missible, but only during special services ; and an organization of mixed voices was allowable, but not a mixed choir ; children might be confirmed, but the word " confirmation " should be avoided. Poor Rabbinate! The politics of the little community were extremely complex. What with rabid zealots yearning for the piety of the good old times, spiritually-minded ministers working with uncomfortable earnestness for a larger Judaism, radicals dropping out, moderates clamoring for quiet, and schis- matics organizing new and tiresome movements, the Rabbinate could scarcely do aught else than emit sonorous platitudes and remain in office. And beneath all these surface ruffles was the steady silent drift of the new generation away from the old landmarks. The syna- gogue did not attract ; it spoke Hebrew to those whose mother- tongue was English ; its appeal was made through channels which conveyed nothing to them ; it w^as out of touch with their real lives ; its liturgy prayed for the restoration of sacri- fices which they did not want and for the welfare of Babylonian colleges that had ceased to exist. The old generation merely believed its beliefs ; if the new as much as professed them, it was only by virtue of the old home associations and the inertia of indifference. Practically, it was without religion. The Reform Synagogue, though a centre of culture and prosperity, was cold, crude and devoid of magnetism. Half a century of stagnant reform and restless dissolution had left Orthodoxy still the Estab- lished Doxy. For, as Orthodoxy evaporated in England, it was replaced by fresh streams from Russia, to be evaporated and replaced in turn, England acting as an automatic distillery. Thus the Rabbinate still reigned, though it scarcely governed 440 GRANDCHILDREN OF THE GHETTO. either the East End or the West, For the East End formed a Federation of the smaller synagogues to oppose the dominance of the United Synagogue, importing a minister of superior ortho- doxy from the Continent, and the Flag had powerful leaders on the great struggle between plutocracy and democracy, and the voice of Mr. Henry Goldsmith was heard on behalf of White- chapel. And the West, in so far as it had spiritual aspirations, fed them on non-Jewish literature and the higher thought of the age. The finer spirits, indeed, were groping for a purpose and a destiny, doubtful even if the racial isolation they perpetuated were not an anachronism. While the community had been battling for civil and religious liberty, there had been a unifying, almost spiritualizing, influence in the sense of common injustice, and the question ciii bow had been postponed. Drowning men do not ask if life is worth living. Later, the Russian persecu- tions came to interfere again with national introspection, sending a powerful wave of racial sympathy round the earth. In England a backwash of the wave left the Asmonean Society, wherein, for the first time in history, Jews gathered with nothing in common save blood — artists, lawyers, writers, doctors — men who in pre- emancipation times might have become Christians like Heine, but who now formed an effective protest against the popular conceptions of the Jew, and a valuable antidote to the dispropor- tionate notoriety achieved by less creditable types. At the Asmonean Society, brilliant free-lances, each thinking himself a solitary exception to a race of bigots, met one another in mutual astonishment. Raphael alienated several readers by uncompromising approval of this characteristically modern move- ment. Another symptom of the new intensity of national brother- hood was the attempt towards amalgamating the Spanish and German communities, but brotherhood broke down under the disparity of revenue, the rich Spanish sect displaying once again the exclusiveness which has marked its history. Amid these internal problems, the unspeakable immigrant was an added thorn. Very often the victim of Continental persecu- tion was assisted on to America, l^ut the idea that he was hurtful to native labor rankled in the minds of Englishmen, and the Jew- THE FLAG FLUTTERS. 441 ish leaders were anxious to remove it, all but proving him a boon. In despair, it was sought to anglicize him by discourses in Yid- dish. With the Poor Alien question was connected the return to Palestine. The Holy Land League still pinned its faith to Zion, and the Flag was with it to the extent of preferring the ancient father-land, as the scene of agricultural experiments, to the South American soils selected by other schemes. It was generally felt tliat the redemption of Judaism lay largely in a return to the land, after several centuries of less primitive and more degrading occupations. When South America was chosen, Strelitski was the first to counsel the League to co-operate in the experiment, on the principle that half a loaf is better than no bread. But, for the orthodox the difficulties of regeneration by the spade were enhanced by the Sabbatical Year Institute of the Pentateuch, ordaining that land must lie fallow in the seventh year. It happened that this septennial holiday was just going on, and the faithful Palestine farmers were starving in volun- tary martyrdom. The Flag raised a subscription for their bene- fit. Raphael wished to head the list with twenty pounds, but on the advice of little Sampson he broke it up into a variety of small amounts, spread over several weeks, and attached to imaginary names and initials. Seeing so many other readers contributing, few readers felt called upon to tax themselves. The Flag received the ornate thanks of a pleiad of Palestine Rabbis for its contribution of twenty-five guineas, two of which were from Mr. Henry Goldsmith. Gideon, the member for Whitechapel, remained callous to the sufferings of his brethren in the Holy Land. In daily contact with so many diverse interests, Raphael's mind widened as imperceptibly as the body grows. He learned the manners of many men and committees — admired the gen- uine goodness of some of the Jewish philanthropists and the fluent oratory of all ; even while he realized the pettiness of their outlook and their reluctance to face facts. They were timorous, with a dread of decisive action and definitive speech, suggesting the differential, deprecatory corporeal wrigglings of the mediaeval few. They seemed to keep strict ward over the technical privi- leges of the different bodies they belonged to, and in their capac- 442 GRANDCHILDREN OF THE GHETTO. ity of members of the Fiddle-de-dee to quarrel with themselves as members of the Fiddle-de-dum, and to pass votes of condo- lence or congratulation twice over as members of both. But the more he saw of his race the more he marvelled at the omni- present ability, being tempted at times to allow truth to the view that Judasim was a successful sociological experiment, the moral and physical training of a chosen race whose very dietary had been religiously regulated. And even the revelations of the seamy side of human character which thrust themselves upon the most purblind of editors were blessings in disguise. The office of the Flag was a forcing-house for Raphael ; many latent thoughts developed into extraordinary maturity. A month of the Flag was equal to a year of experi- ence in the outside world. And not even little Sampson him- self was keener to appreciate the humors of the office when no principle was involved ; though what made the sub-editor roar with laughter often made the editor miserable for the day. For compensation, Raphael had felicities from which little Sampson was cut off; gladdened by revelations of earnestness and piety in letters that were merely bad English to the sub-editor. A thing that set them both laughing occurred on the top of their conversation about the reader who objected to quotations from the Old Testament. A package of four old Flags arrived, accompanied by a letter. This was the letter; " Dear Sir : •"Your man called upon me last night, asking for payment for four advertisements of my Passover groceries. But I have changed my mind about them and do not want them ; and therefore beg to return the four numbers sent me You will see I have not opened them or soiled them in any way, so please cancel the claim in your books " Yours truly, " Isaac Wollberg." " He evidently thinks the vouchers sent him are the adver- tisements,"' screamed little Sampson. THE FLAG FLUTTERS. 443 " But if he is as ignorant as all that, how could he have written the letter?" asked Raphael. " Oh, it was probably written for him for twopence by the Shalotten Sham;nos, the begging-letter writer." "This is almost as funny as Karlkammer! " said Raphael. Karlkammer had sent in a long essay on the Sabbatical Year question, which Raphael had revised and published with Karlkammer's title at the head and Karlkammer's name at the foot. Yet, owing to the few rearrangements and inversions of sentences, Karlkammer never identified it as his own, and was perpetually calling to inquire when his article would appear. He brought with him fresh manuscripts of the article as originally written. He was not the only caller; Raphael was much pes- tered by visitors on kindly counsel bent or stern exhortation. The sternest were those who had never yet paid their subscrip- tions. De Haan also kept up proprietorial rights of interference. In private life Raphael suffered much from pillars of the Montagu Samuels type, who accused him of flippancy, and no communal crisis invented by little Sampson ever equalled the pother and commotion that arose when Raphael incautiously allowed him to burlesque the notorious Mordecai yosephs by comically ex- aggerating its exaggerations. The community took it seriously, as an attack upon the race. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Goldsmith were scandalized, and Raphael had to shield little Sampson by accepting the whole responsibility for its appearance. *' Talking of Karlkammer's article, are you ever going to use up Herman's scientific paper?" asked little Sampson. " Fm afraid so," said Raphael ; '■' I don't know how we can get out of it. But his eternal kosher meat sticks in my throat. We are Jews for the love of God, not to be saved from con- sumption bacilli. But I won't use it to-morrow; we have Miss Cissy Levine's tale. It's not half bad. What a pity she has the expenses of her books paid! If she had to achieve publica- tion by merit, her style might be less slipshod." " I wish some rich Jew would pay the expenses of my opera tour," said little Sampson, ruefully. " My style of doing the thing would be improved- The people who are backing me up 444 GRANDCHILDREN OF THE GHETTO. are awfully stingy, actually buying up battered old helmets for my chorus of Amazons." Intermittently the question of the sub-editor^s departure for the provinces came up ; it was only second in frequency to his " victories." About once a month the preparations for the tour were complete, and he would go about in a heyday of jubilant vocalization ; then his comic prima-donna would fall ill or elope, his conductor would get drunk, his chorus would strike, and little Sampson would continue to sub-edit The Flag of Jiidah. Pinchas unceremoniously turned the handle of the door and came in. The sub-editor immediately hurried out to get a cup of tea. Pinchas had fastened upon him the responsibility for the omission of an article last week, and had come to believe that he was in league with rival Continental scholars to keep Melchitsedek Pinchas's effusions out of print, and so little Sampson dared not face the angry savant. Raphael, thus de- serted, cowered in his chair. He did not fear death, but he feared Pinchas, and had fallen into the cowardly habit of bribing him lavishly not to fill the paper. Fortunately, the poet was in high feather. " DonH forget the announcement that I lecture at the Club on Sunday. You see all the efforts of Reb Sliemuel, of the Rev. Joseph Strelitski, of the Chief Rabbi, of Ebenezer vid his blue spectacles, of Sampson, of all the phalanx of English Men-of-the- Earth, they all fail. Ah, I am a great man." '' I wonH forget," said Raphael wearily. '' The announcement is already in print." "Ah, I love you. You are the best man in the vorld. It is you who have championed me against those who are thirsting for my blood. And now I vill tell you joyful news. There is a maiden coming up to see you — she is asking in the publisher's office — oh such a lovely maiden!" Pinchas grinned all over his face, and was like to dig: his editor in the ribs. "What maiden? " " I do not know; but vai-r-r-y beaudiful. Aha, I vill go. ESTHER DEFIES THE UNIVERSE. 445 Have you not been good \.0 7He? But vy come not beaudiful maidens to ;//* ^-s