LIBRARY OF CHARLES W. CLARK y ?// f EXJIBKB UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA ^3 JOHN HEW NASH LIBRARY SAN FRANCISCO PRESENTED TO THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA ROBERT GORDON SPRQUL, PRESIDENT MR.ANDMRS.MILTON S.RAY CECILY, VIRGINIA AND ROSALYN RAY RAY OIL BURNER COMPANY LIBRARY OF CHARLES W. CLARK PRINTED FOR CHARLES W. CLARK BY PAUL ELDER 6? COMPANY SAN FRANCISCO MCMXI LIBRARY OF CHARLES W. CLARK ADD I SON, CHARLES G. Damascus and Palmyra. Two Volumes. Illustrated. First Edition. Richard Bent- ley, London, 1838. ^ESOP Fables. Two Volumes. Illustrated. Printed for John Stockdale, London, 1793. AINSWORTH, W. H. Romance of Jack Sheppard. Three Volumes. Illustrated by George Cruikshank. First Edition. Richard Bentley, London, 1839. ALDINE PRESSES Description of Books Printed. One Volume. Illustrated. New York, 1885. ANDERSON, WM. Japanese Wood Engravings. One Volume. Illustrated. London, 1895. ANDREWS, WM. LORING Fragments of American His- tory. One Volume. Illustrated. New York, 1898. Sextodecimos et Infra. One Volume. Illustrated. New York, 1899. A 'Trio of Eighteenth Century French Engravers of Por- traits in Miniature. One Volume. Illustrated. New York, 1898. Roger Payne and His Art. One Volume. Illustrated. De Vinne Press, New York, 1892. LIBRARY OF CHARLES W. CLARK ANONYMOUS Handley Cross, 1851. Illustrated by John Leech. Plain or Ringlets, 1 8 5 1 . Illustrated by John Leech. Hawbuck Grange, 1847. Illustrated by Phiz. Mr. Romford's Hounds, 1852. Illustrated by John Leech and H. K. Browne. Mr. Sponge s Sporting Tour, 1 852. Illustrated by John Leech. Ask Mamma, 1 858. Illustrated by John Leech. Six Volumes. London. ANONYMOUS Tom Raw, the Griffin. One Volume. Poem in Twelve Cantos. Coloured Plates. Acker- mann, London, 1828. APULEIUS, Lucius The Golden Ass. One Volume. Translated by Wm. Adlington. With Portrait. Chis- wick Press. New York, 1904. De Cupidinis et Psyches Amoribus. One Volume. Illus- trated by Ricketts. Ballantyne Press. London, 1901. ARETINO, PIETRO Les Ragionamenti. Six Volumes. In Italian and French Translations. Illustrated, with Portrait and Engravings by Prunaire. Paris, 1882. ARIOSTE Roland Furieux. One Volume. In Italian and French Translations, by Alcide Bonneau. Illus- trated. Paris, 1879. AUSTIN, JANE Complete Works. Ten Volumes. Illus- trated. London, 1898. BACON, FRANCIS Complete Works. Ten Volumes. With Portrait Engraved by Fittler. London, 1826. BALZAC, HONORE DE Scenes de la Vie Priv'ee. Eleven Volumes. Paris, 1891. Maximes. One Volume. Humphreys, London, 1905. LIBRARY OF CHARLES W. CLARK B ARRAS, DE Memoir es. Four Volumes. Illustrated. Paris, 1895. BARRE, M. L. Herculanum et Pompei. Eight Volumes. I llus trated. Paris, 1875. BARRIE, J. M. Complete Works to 1896. Six Vol- umes. Illustrated. New York, 1896. BASIA Of Johannes Secundus. One Volume. Translated into English Verse by Wallace Rice. Illustrated. Colonial Press, Chicago, 1901. BEARDSLEY, AUBREY Last Letters. One Volume. London, 1904. Early and Later Works. Two Volumes. Author's Illus- trations. The Bodley Head, London, 1899. Some Early Works. Two Volumes. Illustrated by Author. The Bodley Head, London, 1898. BEAUMONT, FRANCIS, AND FLETCHER, JOHN Complete Works. Ten Volumes. Illustrated. Tonson, London, 1750. BELLOC, H. La Vie de Marie Antoinette. One Vol- ume. Illustrated. New York, 1909. BENTIVOGLIO, CARDINAL Letters. One Volume. Edited by G. Piagioli, Paris, 1 807. BEROALDE DE VERVILLE, FRA^OIS Le Moyen de Parvenir. Two Volumes. Paris, 1757. BEYLE, MARIE-HENRI La Chartreuse de Parme. Three Volumes. Translated by E. P. Robins. Illustrated. New York, 1895. [3] LIBRARY OF CHARLES W. CLARK BLEACKLEY, HORACE Ladies Fair and Frail of the Eighteenth Century. One Volume. Illustrated. The Bodley Head, London, 1909. BLUNT, WILFRID SCAWEN ^he Love Lyrics and Songs of Proteus. One Volume. Kelmscott Press, 1892. BOCCACCIO, M. GIOVANNI The Decameron. Four Volumes. Illustrated. Translated by Alfred Wallis, London, 1906. BONAR, JAMES Malthus and His Work. One Volume. London, 1885. BOSWELL, JAMES Life of Johnson. One Volume. Edited by Mowbray Morris, New York. Life of Johnson. Two Volumes. First Edition, with Por- trait. Henry Baldwin, London, 1791. BOUCHOT, HENRI La Vie de Catharine de Medicis. One Volume. Illustrated. Binding by Kaufmann, Goupil, Paris, 1899. BOURCHIER, JOHN, LORD BERNERS Arthur of Little Britain. One Volume. Translated from the Old French. With series of plates from illuminated draw- ings. London, 1814. Binding by Tout. BRANTOME, PIERRE DE BOURDEILLE The Book of the Ladies. One Volume. Translation of Les Dames Galantes, by Katharine P. Wormeley. Illustrated. Boston, 1899. BRAULT, CHARLES Eveque de Bayeux. Diurnal ou Office Complet en Latin et Fran^ais. One Volume. Illus- trated. Caen, 1805. [4] LIBRARY OF CHARLES W. CLARK BRILLAT-SAVARIN Physiologic du Gout. One Vol- ume. English Translation. Original Etchings by La- lauze, London, 1884. Binding by Zaehusdorf. BRINKLEY, CAPT. F. History of Japan. Eight Vol- umes. Oriental Series. Illustrated. Boston. History of China. Four Volumes. Oriental Series. Illus- trated. Boston. BRONTE, CHARLOTTE Life. One Volume. Edited by E. C. Gaskell. New York, 1897. BROOKE, STOPFORD A. AND ROLLESTON, T. W. A Treasury of Irish Poetry. One Volume. New York, 1900. BROWN, GLENN European and Japanese Gardens. One Volume. Illustrated. Philadelphia, 1902. BROWNING, ROBERT Complete Works. Twelve Vol- umes. Autograph Edition. Illustrated. New York, 1899. Letters of Robert Browning and Elizabeth Barrett. Two Volumes. Illustrated. New York, 1899. The Last Ride. One Volume. Illustrated. The Roycroft Press. East Aurora, 1900. BROWNING, ELIZABETH BARRETT Letters. Two Vol- umes. New York, 1898. BUELL,A. C. Life of Paul Jones. Two Volumes. Illus- trated. New York, 1903. BUNYAN, JOHN The Pilgrims Progress. One Volume. Illustrated by Rheads. New York, 1898. [5] LIBRARY OF CHARLES W. CLARK BURKE, EDMUND Complete Works. Twelve Volumes. Illustrated. Beaconsfield Edition. Boston, 1901. BURNE-JONES, EDWARD Memorials of, by G. B.-J. Two Volumes. Illustrated. New York, 1904. BURNS, ROBERT Complete Works. Twelve Volumes. Illustrated. Ellisland Edition. Philadelphia, 1896. Complete Works. Three Volumes. Oxford Press, Lon- don, 1896. BURTON, R. F. Arabian Nights and Supplemental Nights. Seventeen Volumes. Illustrated. Benares Edition. London. BURTON, JOHN HILL The Book Hunter. One Volume. Illustrated. Blackwood Press, Edinburgh, 1882. BUTLER Hudibras. Two Volumes. First Edition. Printed by T. H. London, 1678. BYRON, LORD Complete Works. Sixteen Volumes. Illustrated. Edition des Amateurs, Boston, 1900. CAREY, DAVID Life in Paris. One Volume. Illus- trated by Geo. Cruikshank. Fairburn, London, 1822. CARLYLE, THOMAS Complete Works. Twenty-six Vol- umes. Illustrated. Memorial Edition. Boston. CARMAN, BLISS Behind the Arras. One Volume. Illustrated. Boston, 1899. CASANOVA, JACQUES DE SEINGALT Memoires. Six Volumes. Bruxelles, 1872. CATULLUS, TIBULLUS, PROPERTIUS Opera. One Volume. Baskerville Press, Birmingham, 1772. [6] LIBRARY OF CHARLES W. CLARK CAVENDISH, GEORGE The Life of Thomas Wolsey. One Volume. Kelmscott Press, 1893. CAXTON, WM. The History of Reynard the Foxe. One Volume. Kelmscott Press, 1892. Godefrey of Eoloyne and of the Conquest of Iherusalem. i Volume. Kelmscott Press, 1893. CELLINI, BENVENUTO Life. Two Volumes. Trans- lated by John Addington Symonds. Ballantyne Press, London, 1900. CERVANTES SAAVEDRA, MIGUEL DE English Translation of Don Quixote. Four Volumes. Illustrated with Engravings from Designs by Richard Westall, London, 1820. CHAMBERLAIN, H. S. Life of Wagner. One Vol- ume. Illustrated. London, 1897. CHAMPNEY, ELIZABETH W. Romance of the Feudal Chateaux. One Volume. Illustrated. New York, 1903. Romance of the Bourbon Chateaux. One Volume. Illus- trated. New York, 1903. Romance of the Renaissance Chateaux. One Volume. Illus- trated. 1 904. Romance of the French Abbeys. One Volume. Illustrated. 1905. CHAUCER, GEOFFREY Complete Works. One Volume. Illustrated by Burne-Jones. Kelmscott Press, 1896. CHESHIRE, FRANK E. Bees and Bee Keeping. Two Volumes. Illustrated. London. [7] LIBRARY OF CHARLES W. CLARK CICERO, M. TULLIUS Opera. Ten Volumes. Lugd. Batavorum ex officina Elzeviriana, 1642. CLANVOWE, SIR THOMAS fhe Floure and the Leafe, and 'The Cuckow and the Nightingale. One Volume. Edited by F. S. Ellis. Kelmscott Press, 1896. CLAUDE, MONSIEUR Memoirs. One Volume. Trans- lated by Katharine P. Wormeley. Illustrated. Boston, 1907. CLEMENS, SAM'L B. Complete Works. Twenty-four Volumes. Illustrated. Autograph Edition. Hartford, 1899, etc. COLERIDGE, SAM'L TAYLOR Selected Poems. One Vol- ume. Kelmscott Press, 1896. CONGREVE, WILLIAM Complete Works. Three Vol- umes. First Edition. Jacob Tonson, London, 1710. COOK, THEODORE ANDREA Old Touraine. Two Vol- umes. Illustrated. New York, 1900. COPPEE, FRAN9ois CEuvres Completes. Ten Volumes. Illustrated. Paris, 1885. COQUILLART, GUILLAUME CEuvres. One Volume. Coustelier, Paris, 1723. CORNEILLE, P. CEuvres, avec Commentaires de Vol- taire. Twelve Volumes. Illustrated. Crapelet, Paris, 1817. CRETIN, GUILLAUME CEuvres. One Volume. Cou- stelier, Paris, 1723. CROSS, }.^. George Eliot's Life. Three Volumes. Illus- trated. London, 1885. [8] LIBRARY OF CHARLES W. CLARK DANIEL, REV. WM. E. Rura/ Sports. One Volume. Illustrated. Bunny & Gold, London, 1801. First Edition. Taffin-Lefort Binding. DANTE ALIGHIERI-- Complete. Three Volumes. Illustrated. Original and Translation by Israel Gol- lancz. London, 1901. Opera. Italian. Three Volumes. Oxford Press, 1897. Comedia Divina. One Volume. Illustrated. Gioanni Giolitto da Trino. Venezia, 1536. D'ARBLAY, MADAME Diary and Letters. Seven Vol- umes. Edited by her Niece. Illustrated with Inserted Engravings, etc. London, 1842. DAUDET, ALPHONSE. Complete Works. Ten Volumes. Translated by H. Frith. Illustrated. London, 1896. DECOLIBRI, L'ABBE LesContes. One Volume. Illus- trated. Paris, 1 88 1. DE COUVRAY, LOUVET Les Adventures du Chevalier de Faublas. Two Volumes. Illustrated by Baron, Fran- 9ais & Nanteuil. Paris, 1842. DEFOE, DANIEL Complete Works. Sixteen Volumes. Illustrated. New York, 1905. DE GONCOURT, EDMOND ET JULES Sophie Arnould. One Volume. Paris, 1902. DE HEREDIA, JOSE MARIA The Trophies. One Vol- ume. English Translation by Frank Savall. Illus- trated. Boston, 1900. DE LA WARR, COUNTESS A Twice Crowned ^ueen. One Volume. Illustrated. New York, 1907. [9] LIBRARY OF CHARLES W. CLARK DE LENCLOS, Nixon Memoires et Lettres. One Vol- ume. Illustrated. Joly, Amsterdam, 1763. DE LORDE, ANDRE Theatre d'Epouvante. One Vol- ume. Paris, 1909. DE MEN EVAL, BARON Memoirs of Napoleon. Three Volumes. Illustrated. Translated by R. H. Sherard. New York, 1894. DE MONTI FAUD, MARC Les Vest ales de I'Eglise. One Volume. Bruxelles, 1877. DE MUSSET, ALFRED Comedies et Proverbes. Three Volumes. Paris, 1897. DE TALLEMANT DES REAUX France dans la fjme, i6me et ijme Siecles. Six Volumes. Paris, 1862. DE VIGNY, ALFRED Cinq-Mars. Two Volumes. Illus- trated. Translated by Wm. Hazlitt. University Press, Boston, 1889. DE VORAGINE, JACOBUS fhe Golden Legend. Three Volumes. Illustrated. Translated by Wm. Caxton. Kelmscott Press, 1892. DICKENS, CHARLES Complete Works. Forty Volumes. Illustrated. New York, 1899. Complete Works. Forty-eight Volumes. First Edition, with Original Bindings Inserted. Illustrated with Orig- inal Engravings. London, 1837-1882. A Christmas Carol. One Volume. Illustrated by John Leech. London, 1843. [10] LIBRARY OF CHARLES W. CLARK DOBSON, AUSTIN Life ofWm. Hogarth. One Volume. Illustrated. London, 1891. Life of Horace W alp ole. One Volume. Illustrated. New York, 1890. Complete Poems. Two Volumes. Illustrated. New York, Four Frenchwomen. One Volume. Illustrated. Author's Autograph. London, 1893. DRAPER, J. W. fhe Intellectual Development of Europe. Two Volumes. New York. Du CERCEAU Jacques Androuet. French Chateaux and Gardens in the Sixteenth Century. One Volume. Illus- trated. Translated by W. H. Ward. London, 1909. DUMAS,ALEXANDRE(/>2n?) Celebrated Historical Crimes. Eight Volumes. Illustrated. Translated by I. G. Burnham. Philadelphia. EDWARDS, OSMAN Japanese Plays and Playfellows. One Volume. With Coloured Plates by Japanese Art- ists. New York, 1901. ELIOT, GEORGE Romola. Two Volumes. Illustrated. Florentine Edition. Philadelphia. ELIOT, GEORGE Complete Works. Twenty-four Vol- umes. Cabinet Edition. Edinburgh, 1878-1880. EMERSON, RALPH WALDO Complete Works. Twelve Volumes. Illustrated. Boston. EPICTETUS Works. One Volume. Translated by Elizabeth Carter. S. Richardson. London, 1758. LIBRARY OF CHARLES W. CLARK EPISTOLA DE CONTEMPTU MUNDI Edited by Chas. Fairfax Murray. Kelmscott Press, 1894. FAIFEN, PIERRE CEuvres. One Volume. Coustelier, Paris, 1723. FAIRCHILD, LEE The Tippler's Vow. One Volume. Illustrated with Original Dry-Points by Jean Paleo- logue. New York. FARMER, JAMES EUGENE Versailles and the Court Under Louis IV. One Volume. Illustrated. New York, 1905. FIELD, EUGENE Complete Works. Ten Volumes. Illus- trated. New York, 1897. A Little Book of Tribune Verse. One Volume. Denver, 1901. My Book. A Collection of Poems in Facsimile of Field's Handwriting and Drawings. One Volume. Published for Private Distribution. St. Louis. Poems of Childhood. One Volume. Illustrated by Max- field Parrish. New York, 1904. FIELDING, HENRY Complete Works. Twelve Vol- umes. Edited by Geo. Saintsbury, London, 1893. FITZGERALD, EDWARD Letters to FannyKemble. Two Volumes. London, 1902. FRASER, MRS. HUGH Letters from Japan. Two Vol- umes. Illustrated. New York, 1899. The Custom of the Country. One Volume. New York, 1899. [12] LIBRARY OF CHARLES W. CLARK FROISSART, SIR JOHN Chronicles. Two Volumes. Illustrated. Translated from the French by Thomas Johnes. London, 1868. GAMBADO, GEOFFREY Annals of Horsemanship. One Volume. First Edition. Wm. Jones. Dublin, 1792. GARDINER, SAM'L RAWSON Life of Oliver Cromwell. One Volume. Illustrated. Goupil, Paris, 1899. GARRETT, EDMUND H. Elizabethan Songs. One Vol- ume. Illustrated. Boston, 1891. Victorian Songs. One Volume. Illustrated. Boston, 1895. GASKELL, MRS. Cranford. One Volume. Illustrated. New York. GAY, JOHN Fables. Two Volumes. Illustrated. Printed for John Stockdale. London, 1793. GIBBON, EDWARD Roman Empire. Eight Volumes. Illustrated. Murray, London, 1854. GILBERT, W. S. Bab Ballads. One Volume. Illustrated by the Author. London, 1878. GOLDSMITH, OLIVER Complete Works. Twelve Vol- umes. Illustrated. Wakefield Edition. New York, 1900. Life of Richard (Beau) Nash. One Volume. First Edi- tion. J. Newbery. London, 1762. Binding by Riviere. GOSSE, EDMUND On Viol and Flute. One Volume. Illustrated. London, 1890. French Profiles. One Volume. London, 1905. [13] LIBRARY OF CHARLES W. CLARK GOSSE, EDMUND Continued Coventry Patmore. One Volume. Illustrated. New York, 1905. Seventeenth Century Studies. One Volume. New York, 1907. GRAY, JOHN HENRY 'The Chinese Empire, Past and Present. One Volume. Illustrated. New York. GROSSMAN, EDWINA BOOTH Life of Edwin Booth. One Volume. Illustrated. New York, 1894. HALLIWELL, J. O. Syr Perceyvelle of Gales. One Vol- ume. Kelmscott Press, 1894. Sire Degrevaunt. One Volume. Kelmscott Press, 1896. Syr Tsambrace. One Volume. Kelmscott Press, 1897. HALSEY, R. T. HAINES Figures of Early New York on Dark Blue Staffordshire Pottery. One Volume. Illus- trated. New York, 1899. HAMEL, FRANK Fair Women of Fontainebleau. One Volume. Illustrated. London, 1909. HAMERTON, PHILIP GILBERT the Art of the Ameri- can Wood -Engraver. One Volume. Illustrated. New York, 1894. 'Thoughts About Art. One Volume, with Portrait. Boston, 1888. 'The Intellectual Life. One Volume. Boston, 1891. HAMILTON, ANTOINE Memoires du Comte de Gram- mont. One Volume. Illustrated by Delort. Paris, 1888. [H] LIBRARY OF CHARLES W. CLARK HARTE, BRET Works. Fourteen Volumes. Illustrated. Riverside Press, Boston. H AWTHORNE, NATHANIEL Complete Works. Twenty- two Volumes. Illustrated. Autograph Edition. Bos- ton, 1900. HAY, JOHN Castilian Days. One Volume. Illustrated, and with Autograph Letter. Boston, 1906. HEARN, LAFCADIO Glimpses of Unfamiliar Japan. Two Volumes. Illustrated. Boston, 1901. Kotto. One Volume. Illustrated. New York, 1902. A Japanese Miscellany. One Volume. Illustrated. Boston, 1901. Out of the East. One Volume. Boston, 1900. HENRY, M. S. Aucassin and Nicolette. One Volume. Translated from the French. Boston, 1896. HERRICK, ROBERT Chosen Poems. One Volume. Kelm- scott Press, 1895. Selections from Poems. One Volume. Illustrated by Edwin Abbey. New York, 1882. HOLMES, OLIVER WENDELL Complete Works. Fifteen Volumes. Illustrated. Artists' Edition. Boston. HOLMES, C.].Hokusai. One Volume. Illustrated with Twenty Plates after Hokusai and Pupils. New York, 1901. HOLMES, R. R. Life of Queen Victoria. One Volume. Illustrated. Edition de Luxe. New York, 1897. E'5] LIBRARY OF CHARLES W. CLARK HOLMES, R. R. Continued Life of Queen Victoria. One Volume. Illustrated. Bind- ing by Kaufmann. Boussoud Valadon & Co., Paris, 1897. HOOKER, KATHARINE Wayfarer sin Italy. One Volume. Illustrated. San Francisco, 1902. H OR ATI US, QUINTUS FLACCUS Complete. One Vol- ume. Illustrated. J. Barbou, Paris, 1775. CEuvres Completes. Four Volumes. Illustrated. In Orig- inal and French Translation by Pierre Daru. Levrault, Schoell & Co., Paris, 1804. HO WELLS, W. D. Literary Friends and Acquaintance. One Volume. Illustrated. New York, 1902. Venetian Life. One Volume. Illustrated. Boston, 1907. HUEFFLER, FRANCIS Correspondence of Wagner and Liszt. Two Volumes. New York, 1897. HUGO, VICTOR CEuvres Completes. Forty-two Volumes. Illustrated. Edition Definitive. Paris, 1880. HUNEKER, JAMES Chopin, the Man and His Music. One Volume. New York, 1901. HUNT, LEIGH A Saunter Through the West End. One Volume. Illustrated with Portraits, Insertions, Let- ters, etc. London, 1 86 1. The Town. Two Volumes. Illustrated with Portraits, Insertions, Letters, etc. London, 1848. HYDE, DOUGLASS A Literary History of Ireland. One Volume. Illustrated. London, 1903. [16] LIBRARY OF CHARLES W. CLARK IBSEN, HENRIK Plays. Three Volumes. Edited by Wm. Archer. New York, 1902. Prose Dramas. One Volume. New York, 1902. INGOLDSBY, THOMAS fAe Ingoldsby Legends. Three Volumes. Illustrated. London, 1875. IRELAND, JOHN Hogarth. Three Volumes. Illus- trated. London, 1806. IRVING, WASHINGTON Complete Works. Forty Vol- umes. Illustrated. Holly Edition. New York. JACKSON, LADY CATHERINE Works. Fourteen Vol- umes. Illustrated. Grolier Edition, Paris. JAMES, HENRY Italian Hours. One Volume. Illus- trated in Color by Joseph Pennell. Boston, 1909. JERROLD, DOUGLAS 'The Shilling Magazine. Seven Volumes. Illustrated. London, 1845-1848. JESSE, CAPTAIN Life of George (Beau) Brummell. Two Volumes. Illustrated. London, 1886. JOHNSON, SAMUEL Complete Works. Twelve Volumes. Illustrated. London, 1792. KEATS, JOHN Poems. One Volume. Kelmscott Press, 1894. Poetical Works. One Volume. New York. KIPLING, RUDYARD Works. Eighteen Volumes. Illus- trated. New York. LA CHRONIQUE SCANDALEUSE Descriptive of French Morals in Eighteenth Century. Four Volumes. Illustrated. Paris, 1879. t'7] LIBRARY OF CHARLES W. CLARK LAMARTINE, A. DE CEuvres. Six Volumes. Illus- trated. Paris, 1875. LAMB, CHARLES Complete Works. Six Volumes. Illus- trated. New York, 1896. LANG, ANDREW Life of Prince Charles Edward. One Volume. Illustrated. Binding by Kaufmann. New York, 1900. LA ROCHEFOUCAULD CEuvres. Four Volumes, and One Volume of Engravings, Insertions, etc. Edited by M. D. L. Gilbert. Paris, 1868. LAUDES EEATJE MARINE VIRGINIS Latin Poems taken from a Psalter written in England about 1 200. Edited by S. C. Cockrell. Kelmscott Press, 1 896. LAVIGNAC, ALBERT 1250-1900. Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1902. RACAN, SEIGNEUR DE CEuvres. Two Volumes. Cou- stelier, Paris, 1724. RACINE, JEAN CEuvres. Seven Volumes. , Illustrated. Louis Cellot, Paris, 1768. RANKE, LEOPOLD The Popes of Rome in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries. Two Volumes. London, 1846. RETIF DE LA BRETONNE Les Contemporaines. Forty- two Volumes. Illustrated with Engravings from Old Plates. Leipsick, 1781. Le Paysan Perverti. Five Volumes. Illustrated with En- gravings from Old Plates. The Hague, 1776. Monsieur Nicholas. Fourteen Volumes. Paris, 1883. RHODES, W. H. The Case of Summerfield. One Vol- ume. Illustrated. San Francisco. RI LEY, JAMES WHITCOMB Works. Twelve Volumes. New York, 1897. LIBRARY OF CHARLES W. CLARK ROBERTSON, W. GRAHAM Old English Songs and Dances. One Volume. Decorated by Robertson, Lon- don, 1902. ROGERS, SAMUEL Italy. One Volume. Illustrated by Turner. First Edition. T. Cadell, London, 1830. Poems. One Volume. Illustrated by Turner. First Edi- tion. T. Cadell, London, 1834. ROSE, ELISE WHITLOCK Cathedrals and Cloisters of the South of France. Two Volumes. Illustrated. New York, 1906. ROSEBERRY, LORD Napoleon, the Last Phase. One Volume. London, 1901. ROSSETTI, DANTE GABRIEL Complete Poetical Works. One Volume. Author's Edition. Boston, 1894. Hand and Soul. One Volume. Kelmscott Press, 1895. Ballads and Narrative Poems. One Volume. Kelmscott Press, 1893. Sonnets and Lyrical Poems. One Volume. Kelmscott Press, 1894. ROSTAND, EDMOND Cyrano de Eergerac . One Volume. Paris, 1898. L* Aiglon. One Volume. Paris, 1900. Chantecler. One Volume. Paris, 1910. ROUTLEDGE, ROBT. Discoveries and Inventions of the Nineteenth Century. One Volume. Illustrated. Lon- don, 1903. [27] LIBRARY OF CHARLES W. CLARK ROYAUMONT, SIEUR mL' Historic du Vieux et du Nouveau Testament. One Volume. Illustrated. With Geo. Cruikshank's Autograph. Pru d'homme^ Saint Brieuc, 1802. RUSKIN, JOHN Complete Works. Twenty-seven Vol- umes. Illustrated. Venice Edition. Chicago. Letters to Elliot Norton. Two Volumes. Boston, 1905. Letters to M. G. and H. G. Two Volumes. New York, 1903. The Life of . By W. G. Collingwood. One Volume. Illus- trated. Riverside Press, Boston, 1902. The Nature of Gothic and a Chapter of the Stones of Venice. One Volume. Kelmscott Press, 1892. SAINTSBURY, GEORGE ^ History of the Nineteenth Century Literature. One Volume. New York, 1896. SAINT-SIMON, Due DE Memoirs. Four Volumes. Illustrated. Translated by K. P. Wormeley. Boston, 1899. SALWEY, CHARLOTTE M. Fans of Japan. One Volume. Illustrated. London, 1894. SCOTT, SIR WALTER The Journal of ] from the Original Manuscripts at Abbotsford. One Volume. Illustrated. Edinburgh, 1891. SECRET COURT MEMOIRS Grolier Edition. Ten Volumes. Illustrated. Paris. SHAKESPEARE, VI M. Complete Works. Twenty Vol- umes. Cambridge Edition, London, 1893. [28] LIBRARY OF CHARLES W. CLARK SHAKESPEARE, WM. Continued As Ton Like It. One Volume. Illustrated by W. H. Low. New York, 1900. Sonnets. One Volume. Illuminated by Ruth Adams Turner. University Press, Boston, 1897. Songs and Sonnets. One Volume. Illustrated. New York, 1866. Comedies. Four Volumes. Illustrated by Edwin Abbey. New York, 1896. Poems. One Volume. Kelmscott Press, 1893. 'The Passionate Pilgrim and the Songs in Shakespeare. One Volume. Illustrated. The Ballantyne Press, London, 1896. Thefempest. One Volume. Illustrated by Edmund Dulac. London. Reproduction in Facsimile of the First Edition 0/1593. One Volume. Containing Venus and Adonis, Rape of Lu- crece, Passionate Pilgrim, Sonnets and Pericles. Intro- duction and Bibliography by Sidney Lee. Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1905. SHELLEY, PERCY BYSSHE