m 851 BANCROFT LIBRARY o THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA 3 ON THE PLAGOPTERIN^E AND THE ICHTHYOLOGY OF UTAH BY EDWARD D..COPE, A.M. ON THE FL A.C3- OlFTEIR/IIsr JEJ AND THE ICHTHYOLOGY OF UTAH. BY EDWARD D. COPE, A.M. The observations recorded below are based on the collections made by the naturalists attached to the United States Geological and Topographical Survey west of the 100th meridian, under direction of Lieutenant Geo. M. Wheeler, and are published by permission of that officer. To Dr. Henry C . Yarrow, in charge of the department of zoology, and to A. W. Henshaw, assistant, the survey is indebted for material more fully illustrating the character and distribution of 'the cold blooded vertebrata of the valleys of the Colorado River and of Utah than any heretofore brought together. As one of the results derived from a study of it, it appears that the basin of the Colorado River is the habitat of a small group of fishes of the family Cyprinidse, which may be called the Plagop- terince, which embraces three genera Plagopteriis, Cope; Lepidomeda, Cope; and Meda, Girard. The group differs from others of the family in the possession of two strong osseous rays of the dorsal fin, the posterior of which is let into a groove in the hinder face of the anterior without being coossified with it, thus constituting a compound defensive spine. The rays of the ventral fin, excepting the first and second, are similarly modified. The greater part of their length consists of ari osseous dagger- shaped spine, with grooved posterior edge, which overlaps the border of the succeeding ray, when the fin, like a fan, is closed up. The articulated portion of the ray either emerges from the groove below the free acute apex of the spine, or appears as a continuation of the apex itself. It is worth observing that the only other instance of this ossification of the ventral rays is to be seen in the extinct family of the Saurodontidm of the cretaceous period, the nearest approach among recent fishes being the internal spine in the ventral fin of Amphacanthus. The dentition and intestine of these fishes show them to be of carnivorous habits. Interest attaches to the Plagopteriiwe as the only type of fishes not known from other waters than those of the Colorado basin. PLAGOPTERUS, gen. nov. Pharyngeal teeth, 2.5 4.2, raptorial uncinate, without masticatory surface. A terminal maxillary barbel. Scales, none; lateral line well developed. Dorsal fin with a strong spine composed of two, the posterior received into a longitudinal groove of the anterior. Ventral fins origin- ating (in the type species) a little anterior to the line of the dorsal, attached to the abdomen by a wide basis and length of inner radius* Superior labial fold continued round the end of the muzzle. This genus resembles Meda, Girard, in the presence of the dorsal spine, the aJhesion of the inner border of the ventral fin, and the absence of scales, and differs in the presence of barbels, and the inner dental series being 5 4 instead of 4 4. Physiognomy of RMnichthys. PLAGOFTERUS ARGENTISSIMUS, sp, nov. This is a small fish of slender proportions, with a rather broad head, with slightly depressed muzzle overhanging by a little a horizontal mouth of moderate size. The caudal peduncle is of medium depth, and the caudal fin is deeply forked. The eye is somewhat oval, and enters the length of the side of the head 4.2 times, and the interorbital width 1,5 times. The greatest depth (near the ventral fin) enters the total length nearly six times, or five and three quarters, exclusive of the caudal fin. The latter measurement is four times the length of the head. The origin of the dorsal is entirely behind the proper basis of the ventral ; its first spine is curved and longer than the second, and its basis is inter- mediate between the base of the caudal and the end of the muzzle. The dorsal rays behind the spine have the basal two-thirds to one-half thickened and completely ossified, the articulated portions issuing from the apices of the spines. Radial formula, D. II. 7 ; C, 19 ; A. I 10 9 ; V. 2. V ; P. 16, The first or osseous ray of the anal is rudimental ; the fifth spinous ray of the ventral is bound by nearly its entire length to the abdomen by a membrane. The pectoral rays from the second to the sixth exhibit a basal osseous spinous portion, which is not nearly so marked as hi the ventral?. The pectorals reach the basis of the latter. The lateral line is complete and is slightly deflexed opposite the dorsal fin. The lips are thin, and the end of the maxillary bone extends to the line of the front of the orbit. Total length M. 0.071 j ditto to middle of basis of caudal fin .0565 ; ditto to anterior basis of anal fin .040 ; ditto to basis rentral .021 ; ditto of head .0145 ; of muzzle .004 ; width at posterior nares .006 ; at middle of pterotic .0078. Color, pure silver for a considerable width above the lateral line. Dorsal region somewhat dusky from minute chromatophora?. Numerous specimens from the San Luis Valley, Western Colorado, MEDA, Girard. Proceed. Aoad. Nat. Sci., 1856, 192; U. S. and Mexican Bound. Survey, Ichthyology, p. 50. This genus resembles Plagopterus in the absence of sctles, while it differs in the absence of barbels andtlie reduction of the number of teeth of the larger pharyngeal series to 4 4. Girard also asserts twice that the dorsal spine is "articulated," a character not observed by me in any species of the group. His figure of M. fulgida represents the ventral radii as articulated ; but as there are other points in which it differs from the description, it is probably inaccurate. MEDA FULGIDA, Girard. A small species from the Rio San Pedro, a tributary of the Gila, in Southern Arizona. LEPIDOMEDA, gen. nov. Dorsal fin originating behind the line of the ventral s, which adhere to the belly by the inner ray. Body scaled, lateral line present. Pharyngeal teeth 4 4 in the inner row. No barbels, pramaxillary series complete. This genus has the physiognomy of Clinostomus. The presence of scales distinguishes it from Meda. The spinous rays are not articulated. LEPIDOMEDA VITTATA, sp. nov. Form moderately stout, the greatest depth (at the first dorsal ray) entering the length to the basis of the ciudal fin four and a quarter to a third times. The head is wide and fiat above, with decurved pterotics, and slightly depressed behind the interorbital region. Muzzle obtusely descending, not prominent ; mouth terminal and descending to a point below the anterior line of the pupil. Length of head, 3.75 times in total length to basis of caudal fin. Orbit round, 3.75 times in length of head, and 1.3 times in interorbital width. Tlfe latter is not uniform, but the middle plane is elevated a little above the superciliaiy ridges, and separated from them by a shallow groove. Nares sublateral. Teeth, 2.44.2. Preorbital trapezoid. Scales small, covering the whole body, except a space behind the pectoral fin, in twenty-six series above the lateral line, and fifty -six transverse in front of the dorsal fin. lladial formula, D. II. 7; C. 19; A. I. 8; V. 1. VI.; P. 15. There are several peculiarities in the consti- tution of the spines of the fins in which the species differs from Plagop- lerus argentissimus. Thus the second dorsal spine is wider than the first, and so deeply grooved behind as to represent a V in section; it also extends to the extremity of the first, while it is shorter in P. argentissimus. The remaining dorsal spines are less distinctly enlarged and ossified ; those of the ventrals are less developed, and their apices, instead of being free, continue into the terminal articulated portion. The pectoral radii 4 are scarcely enlarged at all The base of D. I. is nearer the basis of the caudal fin than the end of the muzzle, by the length of the latter to the posterior nares. Caudal fin deeply forked. Total length M. 0.085 ; ditto to basis caudal fin .0685 ; ditto to basis anal .047 ; ditto to basis ventral .0325; ditto of head .018; to orbit .043; width at posterior nares .006 ; at middle of pterotic .009. Color, silver to half way between lateral and dorsal lines, the upper part of it underlaid by a lead-colored band ; a median dorsal black band from front to caudal fin. Numerous specimens from the Colorado Chiquito river, Arizona, col- lected by Dr. Newberry, Jr., (5x). The largest species of the group. LEPIDOMEDA JAUROVII, sp. nov. A species resembling the last in many respects, but differs in a greater el jmgation of form, weakness of squamation and peculiarity of coloration. The fin radii are similar in number and character, but the dorsal is furnished with more slender spines. The chin projects a little beyond the upper lip when the mouth is closed. The depth of the body at the ventral fins enters the length to the basis of the caudal 5 to 5.25 times, and the head enters the same four times. The eye is larger than in L. vittata, entering the length of the head 3.25 times and equalling the interorbital width. The end of the maxillary bone reaches the line of the anterior border of the orbit. The pectoral fin reaches the ventral, but the latter does not attain the vent. The scales are difficult to detect ; there are 51 transverse series between the head and the dorsal fin. Total length, M. 0.081 ; do. to caudal fin .065 ; do. to anal .0465 ; do. to ven- tral .032; do. of head .0165; do. to orbit .0048 ; width between orbits .005 ; do. between middle of pterotics .008. Color olivaceous above with a median black vertebral band ; sides to above lateral line silvery, leaden edged above. Bases of ventral fins red. From the Colorado Chiquito river, Arizona. Dedicated to Dr. Henry C. Yarrow, Zoologist of the survey under Lieut. Wheeler (No. 505). The following species were also obtained by the expedition from Utah Lake, the largest body of pure fresh water in the basin of the Rocky Mountains, others of equal size being alkaline or salt. , SALMO VIRGINALIS, Girard, Maintains its distinctness from S. pleuriticus, Cope, from the streams which flow from the mountains on both sides, in its more slender form of head and body. The depth enters the length 5. 75 and 6 times, and equals the length of the head to the preoperculum. In 8. pleuriticus of equal size, it enters the length 4.66 times, and nearly equals the length of the head. COREGONUS VILLIAMSONII, Girard. SIBOMA ATRARIA, Girard. The largest of the lake Cyprinidte, specimens procured weighing one and two Ibs. ALBURNELLUS? sp. Scales TT. Anal radii I. 8 7. Teeth 2.4 4.2 without grinding face. From Beaver River, Lake Utah, and the Rio Grande, in Colorado. Tigoma rhimchthyoides, Cope. AlburneHus rhinichtJiyoides, Cope, Hay- den's Ann. Report U. S. Geolo. Survey, 1871, p. 1473. Teeth 1 . 44. 1 . Scales -^f- Abundant at Provo. CLINOSTOMUS HYDBOPHLOX, Cope. In Hayden's Geol. Survey Terrs., 1871, p. 475. Abundant. CLINOSTOMUS T^ENIA, sp. nov. A smaller species than the last, distinguished by the smaller number of anal radii, the elegant coloration and other characters. Body of average proportions, its depth entering the length without caudal fin four and one- third times, and exactly equal to the length of the head. The head is compressed and the lips equal : the mouth is oblique, the end of the maxillary attaining the anterior line of the orbit. The orbit is large, entering the head three times and a fifth, and equalling the width of the convex interorbital space. Scales if, thirty-three in front of dorsal fin ; lateral line complete, deflexed between pectoral and ven- tral fins. Radial formula D. I. 9 . A. I. 10 ; V. 9 ; P. 11 ; reaching ventrals, which reach vent. Dorsal first ray equidistant between the basis of the caudal and the anterior nostril. Total length .073 ; do. to anal fin .042 ; do. to ventral .031 ; do. of head .014 ; do. to orbit .0036 ; width to posterior nostrils .004 ; do. at middle of pterotic .0062. The sides are pure silvery to the lateral line of pores, above which a blackish vitta extends from the end of the muzzle to the caudal fin. Above this is a narrow very white line which extends to the base of the caudal fin, and above this the entire dorsal region is blackish. Fins unspotted. Numerous specimens from Provo, near the Lake, (No. 666, S.) RHLNICHTHYS HENSHAVII, sp. nov. An elongate species with small scales and overhanging but obtuse muzzle, resembling a Ceratichthys of the group of C. nubilus (Rhinich- thys,) Girard. The depth enters the total length 5.5 to 6 times, the head entering the same five times. Eye 4.3 times in length of head, 1.5 times in iuterorbital width. The base of the D. I. is intermediate between the base of the caudal fin and the anterior nostril. The ventral fins reach the anal, but are not reached by the pectoral. Dorsal fin originating behind the base of the ventrals. Radii, D. I. 9; A. I. 7; V. 8; P. 12. Scales i|. Color white with a few dark clouds on the caudal peduncle. Inferior fins reddish. The more anterior position of the dorsal lin is one point of difference from E. maxillosus. From Provo ; No. 48, a. Var. II, back dark ; a dark band from end of muzzle to caudal fin. Fins and lips red. D. I. 8 Provo ; 204 a ; 281 a ; Colorado Chiquito, 5x., 240 Twin Lake, Colorado. Var. III. Back dusky ; numerous large black spots all over the sides and head; fins and lips crimson, D. I. 8, No. 754, from Apache, Arizona. TIMPANOGENSIS, Sp. 11OV. A rather compressed species with mouth obliquely descending, and teeth 2.4 4.2, with strongly developed masticatory surfaces. The lateral line of tubules is imperfect in all the specimens, often only repre- resented by a short series in front of the dorsal fin. In larger specimens it is better developed, and in still larger it may be complete, a point which remains as yet uncertain. In the smaller specimens of Myloleucus parovanus, the series is imperfect for a short distance in front of the caudal fin, while it is complete in adults. I have observed the same in the Ilypsilepis anolostanus, Girard. Scales small 11. The dorsal fin 6 originates a little in front of a line drawn from the base of the first ven- tral ray. I'he pectorals do not reach the ventrals, while the latter attain the vent. Radii D. I. 9 ; A. I. 8 ; V. 8. The depth is one-fourth the length, less that of the caudal fin, and the length of the head enters the same 3.66 times. Orbit 3 3 times in length of head, 1.2 times in interorbital width ; longer than muzzle. Preorbital bone trapezoid. Total length M .047 ; do. to basis of dorsal .0315 ; of head .011 ; width at pterotics .005. There is a narrow leaden line from the pterotic region to the base of the caudal, below which the color is yellowish, and above brownish, all dusted with black points. Cheeks silvery. Fins dusky. Numerous specimens were taken at Provo by Messrs. Yarrow & Hen- shaw, and at Guunison (No. 668) by Mr. Klett. MlNOMUS PLATYRHYNCHUS, Sp. DOT. This Catostomoid belongs to the genus Minomus, Girard, as defined by the writer in Hayden's Annual Report of the U. S. Geological Survey for 1870, p. 434. It is of very elongate form, the depth of the body at the dorsal fin entering the total length seven and two-fifths times. The head is short and wide, with expanded and depressed muzzle ; its length en- ters the total five and three-quarter times. The scales are materially larger on the caudal peduncle than on the post-scapular region, and the dorsal fin originates considerably nearer the end of the muzzle than the basis of the caudal fin. Radial formula, D. I. 11 ; C. 18, openly emar- ginate ; A. I. 7 ; V. 9 not reaching vent ; pectoral reaching half-w ty to ventral. Scales it. The orbits are excavated at their superciliary border, and their diameter enters their frontal interspace 1.66 times, and the length of the head 4.6 times, twice in the length of the muzzle in front of its border. The muzzle considerably overhangs the mouth. The lip folds are tubercular and largely developed, forming a discoidal funnel. The posterior is deeply incised behind ; and there is a notch where it joins the anterior lip. The commisure is transverse and abruptly angu- late to the canthus, and covered witla a cartilaginous sheath as in Chon- drostoma. Isthmus very wide. Total length M. 0.168 ; do. to basis caudal .149 ; do. to basis ventral .082; do. to basis of dorsal .070 ; do. of head .029 ; width of muzzle at mouth .0115 ; with head at pterotics .0156. Color blackish, belly and ventral fins yellowish (? pink). This species resembles the Catostomus discobolus, Cope, but has larger scales, besides presenting generic differ- ences. Several specimens from near Provo. Messrs. Yarrow and Hen- shaw. MINOMFJS JARROVir, sp. nov. A less elongate species than the last, with a much less enlarged muzzle. The anterior scales are smaller than the posterior, and the first dorsal ray is nearly intermediate between the end of the muzzle and the basis of the caudal fin. Radii D. 9 ; C. 18 ; A. I. 7 ; V. 9, well removed from both vent and pectoral fin. Depth at dorsal fin 5.75 times in total length, into which the length of the head enters 5.3 times ; orbit small, 4,6 times in length of head ; twice in interorbital width, and 1.75 times in muzzle, the latter projecting a little beyond mouth, not depressed, but nar- rowed viewed from above. Labial folds well developed, tubercular, the anterior rather narrow, the posterior deeply incised. Commissure with acute cartilaginous edge, regularly convex forwards. Scales |i Total length M. .107 ; do. to basis of caudal .0933 ; do. to basis ven- tral .052 ; do. to basis dorsal .047 ; do, of head .0205 ; width muzzle at mouth .075 ; of head at pterotics .011. Color light brown with numerous dusky spots and clouds ; a narrow abdominal band light ; fins and chin ? red. Two specimens (204a) obtained by Messrs. Yarrow and Henshaw at Provo. Dedicated to Dr. Yarrow, whose zoological explorations in vari- ous portions of the United States have been productive of many inter- esting results. CATOSTOMUS ? GENEROSUS, Girard. U. S. Pacific R. R. SUIT. X, p. 221. From Provo, Utah, specimens of two and a-half pounds weight. 8 Recapitulation : The fishes of the Utah Lake above enumerated, number twelve species, as follows : SalmonidcB. Salmo virginalis, Girard. CoregonidcB. Rhinichthys henshavii, Cope. Coregonus villiamsonn, Girard. Catostomidce. Minomus platyrhynchus, Cope. Minomus jarrovii, Cope. Catostomus ? generosus, Girard. Siboma atraria, Girard. Alburnellus, sp. Alburnellus rhinichthyoides, Cope. Clinostomus hydrophlox, Cope. Clinostomus tsenia, Cope. Hybopsis timpauogensis, Cope. The following species were obtained at other localities in Utah and Arizona. CERATICHTHYS BIGUTTATUS, Kirtland. Baird, Girard, Cope Cyprinidae of Pennsylvania, p. 366, Tab. xi., fig.. 5, var. cyclotis, Cope, Proceed. Acad. Nat. Sciences, 1864, p. 278. Dr. Yarrow obtained a number of specimens of this abundant eastern fish at Harmony, in Southern Utah. This is an unexpected discovery, giving the species the greatest known range of any of our Cyprinidae, the Semotilus corporalis accompanying it to the eastern slope of the Rocky Mountains. The Smoky Hill River was the most western locality for the C. Mguttatus up to the present time. CERATICHTHYS VENTRICOSUS, sp. nov. Allied to C. henshavii, Cope, but distinguished by its deeper body and more numerous scales below the lateral line, which exceed in number those above it, contrary to the rule usual in Cyprinidce. Depth at ven- tral fin one-fourth length exclusive of caudal fin, and a little less than length of head, orbit a little less than one-fourth length of head and 1.33 times in length of muzzle and interorbital width. Muzzle compressed, projecting beyond the horizontal mouth ; maxillary bone reaching the line of the anterior nostril. Radii D. I. 7 ; A. I. 7 ; V. 7. Dorsal origi- nating behind line of ventrals. Scales it. The specimens are bleached by the action of spirits, but they appear to have been of uniform color, excepting an irregular dark band from the end of the muzzle to the caud- al fin. Length of a specimen to base of caudal M. .061 ; do. to base of anal .043 ; do. to base ventral .033 ; do. to base dorsal .035 ; length head .0162 ; width do. between orbits .0045 ; do. at middle of ptero- tics . 0073. Number cccl ; from Arizona. MYLOLETJCUS PAROVANUS, sp. nov. With a general similarity to Clinostomus montanus, this fish may be readily determined by the generic characters of the teeth and fins, as 9 well as by the reduced number of radii of the anal fin. The gemis Mifloleucus was established by the writer in 1871* for species resembling Siboma, in having the pharyngeal teeth of the longer row 4 5, and the origin of the dorsal fin situated in advance of the venlral, but differing in the possession of well-defined masticatory surfaces on the teeth. The typical species is M. pu'verulentus, Cope, from the warm springs of Utah, a fish which differs from the present one in the greater stoutness of form and smaller and more numerous scales. Form moderately stout ; muzzle short, conical, lips even, mouth very oblique, maxillary bone reaching anterior line of orbit. Profile of head and back gently arched. Depth of body equal length of caudal fin and measuring 4.25 in the total length less that fin ; length of head, 3.5 or 6 in the same. Orbit large 3. 1 times in length of head ; greater than muzzle, equal interorbital width. Scales o> the lateral line decurved in front* and continued to base of caudal fin. Radii, D. I. 9 ; A. I. 8 ; V. 9. The pectorals reach little more than half way to the ventrals ; the latter just attain the vent. Caudal well forked. The color is transparent, with a plumbepus lateral band, the ventral and pectoral fins dusky, the dorsal and caudal shaded with the same. Total length M. 0648 ; ditto to base caudal, .053 ; ditto to anal, .038 ; to ventral, .0288 ; of head, .014 ; to orbit, .003 ; width at middle pterotic*, .0064. Numerous specimens were obtained by Dr. Yarrow from Beaver River, in Southwestern Utah. This stream flows into the Sevier Lake, a very alkaline body of water, in which no fishes were found by the naturalists of the survey. CLINOSTOMUS PHLEGETHONTIS, sp. nov. Teeth, 1.5 42; body, deep, short; scales larger than in any other species of the genus, viz. : eleven longitudinal and thirty-seven transverse series. There is no lateral line, which may be due to the immature state of the only specimen at my disposal. The depth enters the length with- out the caudal fin 3.5 times, while the length of the head is counted in the same four times. The orbit is large, entering the head 2.75 times, and .2 greater than interorbital width ; in older fishes the orbit will be found as usual relatively smaller. The lips are even, and t!io mouth quite oblique, the end of the maxillary reaching the line of the orbit. Radii, D. I. 7 ; A.I. 8 ; the ventrals originate in front of the line of the dorsal, and extend to the vent, and are not nearly reached by the pectorals. Length without caudal fin, .034; ditto to basis of dorsal, .0186; length of head, .008; width ditto at pterotics, .0038. A broad plumbeous band on the side, below which the color is golden, above it probably translucent in life, with a dusky median dorsal line. Discovered in Beaver River, Utah, with the Myloleucus parovanus, by Dr. Yarrow. * In Hayden's annual Report of the U. S. Geological Survey, p. 475. 10 CATOSTOMUS ALTICOLUS, sp. nov. A stout, rather short species of sucker, with elongate head and narrowed muzzle. The scales are larger behind than anteriorly, and number sixty transverse, and nineteen longitudinal rows. The radial formula is, D. 10 ; C. 18 ; A. 7 ; V. 10, originating below the middle of the dorsal fin, and neither extending to the vent nor reached by the pectoral fin. Caudal with shallow emargination. The depth enters the length with caudal five times, which is three and two-thirds the length of the head, Orbit 4.33 times in head, 1.66 times in interorbital width. The muzzle is long (1.66 times orbit), but is not produced much beyond the mouth, but is truncate and narrowed viewed from above . Lip-folds well developed ; the superior pendant, the inferior full but incised to the symphysis, the surfaces tubercular. Vertex flat. Total length M., .0863 ; ditto to origin caudal fin, .070 ; ditto to origin anal, .0546 ; ditto to origin of dorsal, 0365 ; width head at posterior nares, .008 ; ditto at middle of pterotics, .010 ; color silvery, upper part of sides and back dusky. In specimens of this size the lateral line is in- visible, but in adults of eight inches obtained by my friend, J. S. Lip- pincott, it extends to the basis of the caudle fin. Numerous specimens from Twin Lake, Colorado, obtained by Dr. J. T, Rothrook, botanist of the survey. This lake is situated in the South Park, at an elevation of 9,500 feet above the sea (no. 120). CATOSTOMUS DISCOBOLUS, Cope. (Hayden's Annual Report, U. 8. Geological Survey, 1870, p. 435). Numerous specimens from the Zuni River, Arizona, and from another not specified locality in Arizona, (No. 504), obtained by Messrs. Henshaw and Newberry. HAPLOCHILUS FLORIPJNNIS, sp. nov. First dorsal ray standing above the second or third anal ; formula, D. 1011 ; A. 1314; V. 7. Scales large in ten longitudinal and 29 trans- verse series. First dorsal ray half as far from base of caudal as from end of muzzle. Length of head 4.66 times in total, a little less than 4 times to basis of caudal fin. Orbit large, 3.2 times in length of head and 1.6 times in interorbital width. Mandible projecting a little beyond pre- maxillary ; one external series of teeth in both jaws larger than the others. Total length M. .0595 ; do. to anal fin .0335 ; do. to basis of ventral fin .027 ; do. of head .0138 ; width of head at pterotics .008. Color olive gray, the scales with ochre borders. Fins yellow, broadly edged with crimson. Numerous specimens from the Platte River, near Denver, Colorado, No. 65. A species with large scales. URANIDEA WHEELERI, sp. nov. The only Physoclystous or spinous rayed fish as yet found in the Great Basin of Utah. 11 Radial formula, D. VII. 17 ; A. 12 ; P. 15 all simple ; Br. VI. The head is depressed and enters the length minus the caudal fin, three times. Orbit large one-fifth length of head, and twice the width of the frontal interspace. Greatest depft (at first anal ray) 6.75 times in length less caudal fin. Anal commencing opposite the third ray of the second dorsal. Lateral line deflexed opposite last ray of second dorsal. The recurved preopercular spine strong, the decurved small and obtuse. Palatine teeth present ; end of maxillary reaching line of pupil. Isthmus as wide as length of muzzle and orbit to front line of pupil. Skin every- where smooth. Total length .084 ; do. less caudal fin .069 ; do. to anal .042 ; do. to first dorsal .031 ; of head .022 ; width at maxillaries distally .0125 ; at preopercular spines .0185. From Beaver river S. W. Utah. The other species of the Rocky Mountains, C7. punctulata, Gill, has, according to that zoologist a much wider head, especially in the frontal region. This character is well ex- hibited by specimens in Dr. Hayden's collections. Dedicated to Lieut. Wheeler, Director of the U. 8. Survey west of the 100th Meridian. ON THE ZOOLOGY OF A TEMPORARY POOL ON THE PLAINS OF COLORADO. BY PROF. E. D. COPE. (Read before the American Philosophical Society, March 2Qt7i t 1874.) Some years ago, Thomas Kite, of Cincinnati, observed an Entomostra- cous crustacean swimming in a temporary pool of rain-water. A species no larger than a pin's head is abundant in horse-troughs, springs,