^0 REESE LIBRARY OP THK UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. Received K./2&.^^ _ . _ i88^, . Accessions No. j^^9jJA Shelf No. _ Digitized by the Internet Arciiive in 2007 witii funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation littp://www.arcliive.org/details/courseoflecturesOOduerricli A COURSE OF LECTURES CONSTITUTIONAL JURISPRUDENCE UNITED STATES, !>«»-* IVERED ANNUALLY IN COLUMBIA COLLEGE, NEW-YORK. V^iLLIAM ALEXANDER DUER, LL.D., LATE PRESIDENT OF THAT INSTITUTION. mir' HARPER & BROTHERS, PUBLISHERS, 329 ± 331 PEAUL STREET, FRANKLIN SQUARE. 1S74. r^ Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1843, by Harper & Brothers, In the Clerk's Office of the Southern District c f New-Yoju. JAMES KE My dear Sir, Relying for forgiveness upon " an uninterrupted pos* session''^ of your friendship " of more than twenty/ years, under colour,'" at least, " of title,''' I venture, without your knowledge or consent, to inscribe to you a Treatise on the Constitutional Jurisprudence of the United States. In this act I do but make restitution of your own property, or, perhaps, to exprj^ss myself more properly, tender payment for the use of it ; for you will soon discover that, next to the contempo raneous expositions of the authors of "The Feder- alist," I have drawn my materials more largely and freely from your " Commentaries" and the lucid and deep investigations of the late Chief-justice Mar- shall than from any other source. And although the responses of that great oracle of the Constitution have ceased, yet may we hope that the inspiration will not be withdrawn while your corresponding ad- judications and opinions shall be quoted as authority in the court wherein he so long and auspiciously pre- sided. iV DEDICATION. That you may continue, my dear sir, lo enjoy to the last the same vigour and activity of mind and body which distinguishes you at an age approaching the utmost limit assigned to man's earthly pilgrimage, is the fervent prayer of your faithful, constant, and hereditary* friend, W. A DuERo Morristown, N. /., May 1, 1843. * See Appendix Ik PREFACE. In submitting the following work to the public, there seems a necessity, as well as a propriety, in of- fering a preliminary explanation of its character and design ; especially as he whose name it bears claims neither the merit of originality for his production, nor the title of author for himself. The present pub- lication consists substantially of the course of Lec- tures on the Constitutional Jurisprudence of the Uni ted States, delivered annually to the Senior Class in Columbia College, while he had the honour of pre- siding in that venerable and noble institution. The " Outlines" of those Lectures were published some years ago, at the request of " The American Lyce- um," an association consisting principally of persons engaged in the practical duties of instruction, who conceived that the study of our national Constitu- tion might be introduced with advantage into the general system of public education. That little treatise, accordingly, appeared in a form adapted to the views of those who had suggested its prepara- tion ; which were, fitness as a text-book for lectu- rers, a class-book for academies and common schools, and a manual for popular use. Except, therefore, * as to method and arrangement," as was observed VI PREFACE. in issuing it from the press, " there could be little scope for originality in a work of which the essen- tial value must depend on the fidelity with which the provisions of the Constitution, the legislative enact- ments for giving it effect, and the judicial construc- tion which both have received, are stated and ex- plained." The same remark may be repeated in ref- erence to the present publication, and a similar dis- claimer made as to its pretensions to originality. On the present occasion the author has again " implicit- ly followed those guides, whose decisions are obli- gatory and conclusive, upon such points as have been definitively settled" by judgments of the Supreme Courts of the United States ; while " upon questions which have arisen in public discussion, but have nei- ther been presented for judicial determination, nor re- ceived an approved practical construction from the other branches of the government, he has had re- course to those elementary writers whose opinions are acknowledged to possess the greatest weight, ei- ther from their intrinsic value, or their conformity with the general doctrines of the authoritative ex- pounders of the Constitution ; and in the absence ol both authority and disquisition, he has ventured to rely on his own reasonings, and has advanced his own opinions so far only as he conceives them to be confirmed by undeniable principles, or established by analogous cases." The remaining sources drawn from on that occa- uion, have been resorted to again ; and he now re^ PREFACE. Vi: peats llie acknowledgment of his obligations, not onlv to the illustrious triumvirate whose combined labours were bestowed on the " Federalist," to Chief-jus- tice Marshall, and to Chancellor Kent, but also to Mr. Rawle's " View of the Constitution," and to the elaborate and voluminous " Commentaries" of the learned, ingenious, and indefatigable Mr. Justice Sto- ry. The same observation may be repeated as to the different views taken in this work, as well as in its precursor, from those exhibited in the elementary treatises of the two former ; with regard, in the one case, to the supremacy, and, in the other, to the per- petual obligation of the Federal Constitution. On both these important points the author still adheres to principles more favourable, as he believes, to the powers and stability of the National Government. He did not, however, at that time, nor does he now, venture to differ from such eminent jurists, without being supported by the opinions of some of the most distinguished statesmen of the day of different par- ties — by the author of the celebrated Proclamation of President Jackson against the anti-federal proceed- ings in South Carolina, and the speeches of Mr. Webster in vindication of its doctrines ; nor without being sanctioned by the judicial authority of the late chief-justice — expressly upon one of the points in question, and virtually upon the other, by his affirm- ance of principles which it involves, and by which Its decision must eventually be governed. In again referring to the venerated name of Chief- Vm PREFACE. justice Marshall, the author can but rei««,rate his former wish to be " understood, on this and all other occasions, as adopting his individual opinions, not less from deference to their official authority, than from the conviction wrought by the luminous and profound reasonings by which they are elucidated and supported. As this eminent and revered judge has himself declared it auspicious to the Constitution and to the country that the new government found such able advocates and interpreters as the authors of * Thf, Federalist,' so it may be regarded as one of the most signal advantages attending its ca- reer, that its principles should have been developed and reduced to practice under a judicial administra- tion so admirably qualified, in every respect, to ex- pound them truly, and firmly to sustain them." Since this feeble tribute to his wisdom and virtues, this great judicial magistrate has been summoned to the bar of a higher than any earthly tribunal, there to receive, we may be certain, that justice, tempered with mercy, which was the exemplar of his own ad- ministration ; and to obtain, as we may hope, from the favour of his God, the reward due to his public services and private worth. There needs no monu- iient to perpetuate the memory of his virtues but the record of his services. These, too, may serve as the fairest monument of the great political party of which he was the ornttment and the boast. But if to designate the spot of earth consecrated to his re- mains a tablet be required, let it be as simple and PREFACE. IX massive as was his mind^ and let it be inscribed, *'Here lies the last of the Federalists." Since the period referred to, the statesman to whom the work was dedicated — the last surviving member of that august assembly that formed tlic Constitution, and sole remaining luminary of thai bright constellation of genius and talent, which, in vindicating that instrument from the objections of its first assailants, succeeded in recommending it to the adoption of the people ; he who, in discharging the highest duties of its administration, proved the sta bility and excellence of the Constitution in war as well as in peace, and determined the experiment in favour of Republican institutions and the right of self- government ; and, in his retirement, raised a warning voice against heresies in the construction of the na- tional compact, which, for a moment, threatened to overthrow it — has also disappeared from among us, full of years and honours. The enumeration of such services recalls the name of Madison ; and great as were those services, honoured as was that name, the brightest glory that attends them both springs from the association of his genius, his learning, and his labours, with those of his once kindred spirits, Ham- ilton and Jay. *'Vita enim mortuorum, vi unitafor- tioTy in memoria vivonim est posita,''^ Morristown, N. J. Ist May, 1843. B ANALYSIS. kntrodtiction. { Detmhion aM origin of political Constitutions, as derived, 1. From tradition, or the act of the Government itself. 2. From written fundamental compacts. Either of which may be formed, 1. On a simple principle of 1. Monarchy. 2. Aristocracy. 3. Democracy. 2. Or combine these three forms in due proportions, by means of the principle of representation, ap- plied, 1. To the powers of Government; which are, 1. The Legislative. 2. The Executive. 3. The Judicial. 2. To the persons represented in the Govern- ment. I) Foundations of representative Governments were laid, 1. Partially, in the British Colonies, in which were es- tablished, 1. Royal Governments. 2. Proprietary Governments. 2. Universally, in the American States, upon the estab- lishment of independent Governments, which secured the enjoyment of, 1. The inalienable natural rights of individuals. 2. The political and civil privileges of the citizens, designed for maintaining, or substituted as equiva- lents for, natural rights. III. The same fundamental principles were recognised and adopted upon the establishment of a Federal Government by the people of the several States. 1 . In regard to the principle of representation, as applied, 1. To the three great departments of Government. 2. To the individual citizens of the United States, and to the several States of the Union. 2. In regard to the distribution of the powers of Govern- ment, as the Constitution of the United States contains, XU ANALYSIS. 1. A general delegation of the Legislative, Execu- tive, and Judicial powers to distinct departments; and, 2. Defines the powers and duties of each department respectively. OUTLINES of that branch of Jurisprudence which treats of the principles, powers, and construction of the Constitution, are therefore to be traced. First. With regard to the particular structure and or- ganization of the Government. Second. In relation to the powers vested in it, and the restraints imposed on the States. T. Of the structure and organization of the Govern- ment, and the distribution of its powers among its several departments. i. Of the Legislative power, or Congress of the United States. 1. Of the constituent parts of the Legislature, and the modes of their appointment. 1. Of the House of Representatives. 2. Of the Senate. 2. Their joint and several powers and privileges. 3. Their method of enacting laws, with the times and modes of their assembling and adjourning. 2. Of the Executive power, as vested in the President. 1. His qualifications ; the mode and dur-ation of his appointment, and the provision for his sup- port. 2. His powers and duties. 3. Of the Judicial power. 1. The mode in which it is constituted. . 2. The objects and extent of its jurisdiction. 3. The manner in which its jurisdiction is distrib- uted. L Of the Court for the trial of Impeachments. 2. Of the Supreme Court. 3. Of the Circuit Courts. 4. Of the District Courts. 5. Of the Territorial Courts. 6. Of powers vested in State Courts and Ma- gistrates by laws of the United States. II. Of the nature, extent, and limitation of the power's vested in the National Government, and the re- straints imposed on the States, reduced to diflerent classes^ as they relate, 1. To scciffity from Ibreign danger; which class com- preheiids the powers, ANALYSIS. XUI 1. Of declaring war, and granting letters of marque and reprisal. •2. Of naaking rules concerning captures by land and water. 3. Of providing armies and fleets, and regulating and calling forth the militia. 4. Of levying taxes and borrowing money. , To intercourse with foreign nations ; comprising the powers, 1. To make treaties, and to send and receive am- bassadors and other public ministers and con- suls. 2. To regulate foreign commerce, including the power to prohibit the importation of slaves. 3. To define and punish piracies and felonies com- mitted on the high seas, and offences against the laws of nations. To the maintenance of harmony and proper inter- course among the States, including the pow- ers, 1. To regulate commerce among the several States, and with the Indian tribes. 2. To establish postoffices and postroads, 3. To coin money, regulate its value, and to fix the standard of weights and measures. 4. To provide for the punishment of counterfeiting the securities and public coin of the U. States. t». To establish a uniform rule of naturalization. 6. To establish uniform laws on the subject of bankruptcies. 7. To prescribe, by penal laws^ the manner in which the public acts, records, and judicial proceedings of each State shall be proved, and the effect they shall have in other States. To certain miscellaneous objects of genera] utility ; comprehending the powers, 1. To promote the progress cf science and the useful arts. 2. To exercise exclusive legislation over the dis- trict within which the seat of government should be permanently established; and over all places purchased by consent of the State Legislatures for the erection of forts, magazines, arsenals, dockyards, and other needful buildings. 3. To declare the punishment of treason against the United States. XIV ANALYSIS. 4. To admit new States into the Union. 5. To dispose of, and make all needful rules and regulations respecting, the -territory and other property of the United States. 6. To guaranty to every State in the Union a re- publican form of government, and to protect each of them from invasion and domestic vio- lence. 7. To propose amendments to the Constitution, and to call conventions for amending it, upon the application of two thirds of the States. 5. To the Constitutional restrictions on the powers of the several States ; which are, 1. Absolute restrictions, prohibiting the States from, 1. Entering into any treaty of alliance or confederation. 2. Granting letters of marque and reprisal. 3. Coining money, emitting bills of credit, or making anything but gold or silver coin a lawful tender in payment of debts. 4. Passing any bill of attainder, expostfacU law, or law impairing the obligation of con- tracts. 5. Granting any title of nobility. 2, (Qualified limitations ; prohibiting the States, without the consent of Congress^ from, 1. Laying imposts on imports or exports, oi duties on tonnage. 2. Keeping troops or ships of war in time ol peace. 3. Entering into any agreement or compact with another State, or with a foreign power. 4. Engaging in war, unless actually invaded, or in such imminent danger as will not ad- mit delay. i\ To the provisions for giving efficacy to the powers vested in the Government of the United States; consisting of, 1. The power of making aL laws necessary and proper for carrying into execution the othei enumerated powers. 2. The declaration that the Constitution and laws of the United States, and all treaties under their authority, shall be the Supreme Law of the land. 3. The powers specially vested in the Executive ANALYSIS. XV and Judicial departments, and particulaiy the provision extending the jurisdiction of the latter *o all cases arising under the Constitution, 4. The requisition upon the Senators and Repre- sentatives in Congress; the members of the State Legislatures; and all Executive and Judicial officers of the United States and of the several States, to be bound by oath or affirma- tion to support the Constitution of the United States. 5. The provision that the ratifications of the Con- ventions of nine States should be sufficient for the establishment of the Constitution between the States ratifying the san' e. Conclusion. CONTENTS. Fag« Dedication , lii Preface v Analysis ... . . , xi LECTURE I. Introductory .19 LECTURE IL Fundamental Principles of the Constitution ... 41 LECTURE m. On the Legislative Power 59 LECTURE IV. On the Executive Power 81 LECTURE V. On the Judicial Power 110 LECTURE VL On the Distribution of the Judicial Power among the several Courts . . 125 LECTURE VII. On the Powers vested in the Federal Go\ernment relative to Security from Foreign Danger 150 LECTURE VIIL On the Powers vested in the Federal Government for regula- ting Intercourse with Foreign Nations . . . .180 LECTURE IX. On the Powers vested in the Federal Government for mamte- nance of Harmony and proper Intercourse among the States 210 LECTURE X. On the Powers vested in the Federal Government relative t« certain Miscellaneous Objects of general Utility . . 241 XVIU CONTENTS. LECTURE XI. Pag. On the Constitutional Restrictions on the Powers of the sever- al States 271 LECTURE XII. On the Provisions for giving Efficacy to the Powers vested in the Federal Government 305 Appendix A. — Declaration of Independence .... 337 " B. — Articles of Confederation .... 342 " C. — Constitution of the United States . . . 351 " D.— Correspondence with James Madison . . 367 " E. — Proclamation of the President of the United States of the 10th of December, 1833 . . .373 ** F. — Opinion as to the Constitutional Validity of the Laws of New-York, granting exclusive Privile- ges of Steam Navigation 394 •• G. — Ordinance for the Government of the Territo- ry of the United States Northwest of the River Ohio 400 r^^^., // Xv- or THE , LEtrimEC&c. LECTURE T. INTRODUCTORY. A KNOWLEDGE of the history, organization, and principles of the government under which he lives, must be beneficial to every man, wheresoever he may dwell, and under whatsoever form of government his lot may have been cast, and may be regarded as pe- culiarly advantageous in free states, where every citizen must possess an influence more or less pow- erful in the administration of public affairs. It is obviously indispensable where the political rights of all are equal, and where the obscurest individual has a voice in the election of his rulers, and is himself eligible to the highest stations in the government. It was, therefore, with reason, considered a de- fect in the prevailing systems of education, that the study of our constitutional jurisprudence should have been either altogether omitted, or deferred to that period of life when our youth are called on to par- ticipate in the active duties of society, or that it should have been regarded only as necessary to law- yers and politicians. For, however essential as is a profound knowledge of the Constitution to states- men and jurists, some acquaintance with its prin- ciples and details must, in the opinion of all who entertain liberal views of public education, and cor- rectly estimate their privileges as citizens, be re- quisite for those whose ambition rises no higher than the mere exercise of those privileges at elec- 20 LECTURES ON tions of their representcatives in the government, without a wish themselves for political influence or public station. It is gratifying to find, however, that of late years a greater interest has been man- ifested among the more intelligent portion of the community with regard to the origin, structure, and principles of our political institutions. This certain ly evinces that one class, at least, of our citizens ap- preciates the value of our political system, and that so far, therefore, it is better understood. But reason and common sense suggest that such information cannot be acquired too soon, and experience teaches us that it cannot be too widely diffused. The public interest and welfare, if not the stability of our polit- ical system, not less than the safety and happiness of individuals, and the security of their persons and property, require that, in common with other impor- tant branches of public education, the knowledge in question should be extended to every portion, and, if possible, to every member of the body politic. Until lately, it was a reproach to our college that it sent forth its graduates more familiar with the con- stitution of the Roman Republic, and the principles of the Grecian confederacies, than with the funda- mental laws of their own country. To remedy this evil, it was proposed to ingraft this new branch of study upon the general course pursued in this insti- tution ; but in preparing my lectures I shall not lose sight of their possible usefulness to foreigners ; for it will hardly be denied that more accurate informa- tion in regard to the organization and powers of the Federal Government is desirable in European statesmen, ministers, and lawyers, while their want of it is not only mortifying to our national pride, but prejudicial to our national interests. Much vexa- tious difficulty and fruitless negotiation would douDi- CONSTITUTIONAL JURISPRUDENCE. 21 less have been prevented, had the public men of Great Britain and France been better informed in regard to them. By way of introducing the subject to your notice, I shall present you w^ith a rapid sketch of the origin and progress of the American Confederation, until it reached a result so auspicious as the establishment of the present Federal Constitution ; and this histor- ical review will, I trust, prove the more useful, as it will serve not only to exhibit the genius and practi- cal excellence of the government, but also to facili- tate the study of its organization and powers. While the American people were subjects of the British crown, and the elder of these states were as yet British colonies, it was perceived that their union was essential to their safety and prosperity. Both general and partial associations were accordingly formed among them for temporary purposes, and on sudden emergencies, long before their permanent union to resist the claims and aggressions of the mother-country, a measure which produced the Rev- olution, and ended in the acknowledgment of the col- onies as free and independent states. The common origin and interests of the New-England provinces, the similarity of their manners, laws, religious tenets, and civil institutions, naturally led to a more intimate connexion among themselves, and induced, at a very early period, the habit of confederating together for their common defence. These colonies, as far back as the year 1643, apprehending danger from the war- like and formidable tribes of Indians by which they were surrounded, entered into an offensive and de- fensive league, which they declared should be firm and perpetual, as well as that they should thenceforth be distinguished as " The United Colonies of New- England " III this transaction, the provincial gov- 22 LECTURES ON ernmeiits, who were parties to it, acted, in fact, as independent sovereignties ; and circumstances ena- bled and encouraged them to assume an exemption from the control of any superior power. By the charters from the crown, under which they had been founded, and which prescribed their re- spective forms of government, and settled its funda- mental principles, the people of those colonies were authorized, by the suffrages of the freemen of the several towns, to elect, not only their immediate rep- resentatives in the popular branch of their legisla- tures, but also the chief executive magistrate, or governor, and his assistants, or councillors, who formed a second and co-ordinate branch of those provincial assemblies. The supremacy, therefore, of the British crown or Parliament over the colonies in question had, at all times, been little more than nominal, in comparison with the authority exercised over those provinces, where the governors and coun- cillors were appointed by the crown, and held their offices at its pleasure, and which in other respects, also, were kept in closer and more immediate sub- jection. The civil war in which Great Britain was at that time plunged occupied, moreover, her whole attention ; and this measure of her colonies, tending 80 directly to future independence, was suffered to pass without much notice, and without any animad- version. From the terms of this association, it may justly be regarded as the first step towards the establish- ment of independent government in A^merica ; with some occasional alterations, it subsisted for nearly half a century, and for a part of that time with the countenance of the British government ; nor was it dissolved until the charters of the New-England prov- inces were, in effect, annulled by James the Second. CONSTITUTIONAL JURISPRUDENCE. 23 Subsequently, however, to that arbitrary procedure, congresses of governors and commissioners from the other colonies, as well as from New-England, were held from time to time, to consult on matters relative to their common welfare, and to adopt measures for the protection of the frontiers. An assembly of this description took place at Albany in 1722. But a more general and memorable convention was held at the same place in 1754, consisting of commissioners from all the New-England colonies, and from the provinces of New- York, Pennsylvania, and Mary- land. This Congress was called at the instance of the government in England ; and although the object of the ministry in proposing it was merely to promote and facilitate the negotiation of treaties with the In- dians, the colonial legislatures, who promptly acce- ded to the proposal, evidently entertained more ex- tensive views with respect to the proceeding. Two of the provinces expressly instructed their delegates to enter into articles of confederation with the other colonies, for their general security in time of peace, as well as in war ; and one of the first acts of the commissioners, when they assembled, was a unani- mous resolution that a union of the colonies was ab- solutely necessary for their preservation. After re- jecting several proposals for the division of the colo- nies into separate confederacies, they agreed to a plan of federal government for the whole, consisting of a president-general, to be appointed by the crown, and a general legislative council, to meet once in ev- ery year, and to be composed of delegates chosen tri- ennially, by the provincial assemblies. This celebrated plan of union was draw up by Doctor Franklin, who attended as a delegate from Pennsylvania, and is to be found in the more recent 24 LECTURES OJN editions of his works, together with an exposition of the reasons and motives which guided him in form- ing it. The confederacy was to embrace all the then existing colonies ; and the rights of war and peace, in respect to the Indian nations, were vested in the general council of the confederates, subject to the immediate negative of the pr^^-ident-general, and the ultimate approval of the crown. It was to possess the farther power " to raise troops and build forts for the defence of the colonies, and to equip vessels of war to guard the coasts and protect commerce ;" and for these purposes the general council was to have power to levy such general imposts and taxes as should seem most just and equal. ^ Besides the venerable name of Franklin, there were enrolled among the delegates to this Congress some others of the greatest distinction in our colonial history. In the course of their proceedings, these en- lightened men asserted and promulgated those prin- ciples, the reception of which, in the minds of the people of this country, prepared them for future inde- pendence, and laid the foundations of our present na- tional government. But the times were not yet pro- pitious — the season had not yet arrived, nor were public sentiment and intelligence sufficiently ma- tured for so comprehensive and liberal a proposition. The master-minds who governed that assembly had gone before their age ; and their bold project of con- tinental union had tiie singular fate of being rejected, not only in England, but by every provincial legisla- ture. By the mother-country, it was probably sup- posed that union would soon reveal to her colonies the secret of their strength, and afford them the op- ()ortunity and the means of giving it effect ; while on the part of the colonies, a dread of the prepondera- iirig influence of the loyal prerogative, in the opcra» CONSTITUTIONAL JURISPRUDENCE- 2b tion of the proposed system, condemned them to re- main for some y»ars longer separate and insignifi- cant communities, emulous in their obedience to the parent state, and in devotion to her interests, but jeal- ous of each other's prosperity ; gradually estranged by conflicting pretensions and narrow views of local policy ; and in some instances kept apart by mutual prejudices, or the dissimilarity of their institutions and manners. The necessity of union had, nevertheless, been felt ; its advantages perceived ; its principles explained, and the way to it clearly pointed out ; and at length, the sense of common danger and oppres- sion brought the colonies once more together, and led them to adopt the same measures of defence and se- curity, not, indeed, against the vexatious and irregular warfare of the savage tribes, but in resistance to the formidable claims, and still more formidable power, of the mother-country. When the first attack was made by Parliament upon the chartered privileges of the colonists, and their inherent rights as subjects of the English law, by the celebrated Stamp Act of 1763, a congress of deputies from all the colonial assemblies was rec- ommended by the popular branch of the Massachu- setts Legislature ; and in the month of October, in that year, delegates from most of the provinces as- sembled at New- York. Without delay or hesitation, they jmblished a declaration of the rights and grie\ nnces of the colonists, in which they asserted their title to the enjoyment of all the rights and privileges of British subjects, and especially the exclusive power of taxing themselves. They complained more particularly of the act of Parliament imposing stamp duties, and other direct taxes in the colonies ; and their remonstrances were so far successful that this obnoxious measure was rescinded, although its. re- C 26 LECTURES ON peal was accompanied by a declaratory assertion of the power of Parliament to tax the polonies in all ca- ses whatever. This reservation, however, of the abstract right gave little umbrage to the colonists, who regarded it merely as an emollient for the offended pride — a salvo for the wounded honour of Great Britain, and verily believed that no new attempt would be made to reduce the principle to practice. But it was soon discovered that they had reposed too much faith i^* the intelligence, prudence, and moderation of the British statesmen of that day. Before two years had elapsed, the very men who had consented to the repeal of the Stamp Act brought into Parliament a bill equally objectionable in principle, though less odious in its features and oppressive in its operation ; ^ and this bill became a law, almost without opposition. \ After a long course of patient remonstrance and con- stitutional resistance to the execution of this act, a general congress was proposed at town meetings in New- York and Boston, and more formally recom- mended by a majority of the Virginia Assembly, upon the dissolution of that body in consequence of its opposition to the claims of Parliament. The committees of correspondence established in the sev- eral colonies selected the city of Philadelphia as the place, and appointed the tenth of September, 1774, as the time of meeting of the first Continental Con- gress. The members of that illustrious body were in general elected by the colonial legislatures ; but in some instances a different method was pursued, which, for the most part, was adopted from necessity. In New-Jersey and Maryland, the elections were made by committees chosen in the several coun- ties for that purpose ; and in New- York, where the CONSTITUTIONAL JUniSPRUDENCE. 27 royal party being the stronger, it was improbable that a legislative act authorizing the election of rep- resentatives in Congress could be obtained, the peo- ple themselves assembled in those places where the spirit of opposition prevailed, and elected dele- gates, who were readily received as members of the Congress. The powers with which the deputies of the several colonies were invested were of vari- ous extent ; although the recommendations for their appointment had been expressed in the most gen- eral and comprehensive terms, and requested that they should be clothed with *' authority and discre- tion to meet and consult together for the common loel- farc^ Most generally they were empowered to con- sult and advise on the means most proper to secure ^he liberties of the colonies, and restore the harmony »brinerly subsisting between them and the parent ^tate. In some instances, the powers conferred seemed to contemplate only such measures as would operate on the commercial connexion between the two countries ; in others, the discretion of the dele- i>"ates was unlimited. Deputies from eleven of the provinces appeared at Philadelphia on the day appointed, and took into im- mediate consideration the calamitous aspect of public affairs ; and especially the sufferings of those colo- nies which had been foremost and most active in re- sistance to the oppressive measures of the mother- country. By a series of declaratory resolutions, they asserted what they deemed to be the absolute and inalienable rights of the colonists, as men, and as free subjects of Great Britain ; pointed out to their constituents the systematic aggression which had been pursued, and the impending violence pre- meditated against them ; and enjoined them, by their regard to honour, and their love of country, to re- 28 LECTURES ON nounce commerce with Great Britain, as the most effectual means of averting the dangers with which they were threatened, and of securing those liberties which they claimed from the bounty of their Creator, and as an inheritance from their fathers. This requisition received prompt and universal obedience ; and the Union thus formed, and con- firmed by these resolutions, was continued by suc- cessive elections of delegates to the General Con- gress, and was maintained through every period of the Revolution which immediately ensued, and every change in our Federal and State Governments, and is revered and cherished by every true American as the source of our national prosperity, and the only solid foundation of our national independence. In the month of May, 1775, a new Congress, con- sisting of delegates from twelve provinces, clothed with ample discretionary powers, met at Philadel- phia ; and soon after it assembled, the accession of Georgia completed the confederation of the Thirteen Colonies of North America. These delegates were instructed to " concert and prosecute such measures as they should deem most fit and proper to obtain a redress of grievances ;" and, in more general terms, corresponding with the formula of classic antiquity, to "take care of the liberties of the country." Charged thus solemnly with the protection of the common rights and interests, the representatives of the American people prepared for resistance, sus- tained by the confidence, and animated by the zeal of their constituents. They published a declaration 3f the causes and necessity of resorting to arms, and proceeded to levy and organize forces by land and sea ; to contract debts and emit a paper cur- rency, pledging the faith of the Union for its redemp- tion; and gradually assuming all the powers of na- CONSTITUTIONAL JURISPRUDENCE. 29 tional sovereignty, this Congress at length declared the United Colonies free and independent states.* Preparatory to this momentous and uncompromi- sing measure, by which our Revohition may he said to have been consummated, an important preUminary step had been taken by Congress, which in itself was considered decisive of the question of independence. It had previously recommended to particular colo- nies to establish temporary institutions for conduct- ing their affairs during the contest with the mother- country ; but when independence was perceived to be the inevitable result, it was proposed by Congress, to the respective assemblies and conventions of the provinces where no government adapted to the exi- gencies of the crisis had already been formed, to adopt such constitutions as should be most conducive to the happiness and safety of their immediate con- stituents, as well as of the nation at large. The pro- vincial assemblies acted on this recommendation ; and the several colonies, already contemplating them- selves as independent states, adopted the principle, then considered visionary in Europe, of limiting the constituted authorities by a written fundamental in- strument; and thus the doctrine of the " Social Con- tract," hitherto advanced merely as an ingenious the- ory, or regarded as. a bold and fanciful speculation, was first actually exemplified, and successfully ro duced to practice. To secure and perpetuate these state institutions ^ it was deemed expedient, while these measures were maturing, to explain more fully, and by a formal in- strument, the nature of the federative compact, and to define both the powers vested in the General Government, and the residuary sovereignty of the * Vide Appendix A. 30 LECTURES ON Stales. But the measure was attended with so much embarrassment and delay, that notwithstanding they were surrounded by the same common danger, and were together contending for the same inestimable principles and objects, it was not until late in the ibllowing autumn that the discordant interests and prejudices of these thirteen distinct commonwealths could be so far blended and compromised as to in- duce their agreement to the terms of the proposed Federal Union ; and when submitted to the state legislatures for ratification, the system was declared by Congress to have been the result of impending necessity, consented to, not for its intrinsic excel- lence, but as the best that could be adapted to the circumstances of the states respectively, and, at the same time, afford any reasonable hope of general assent. The " Articles of Confederation" met with still greater obstacles in their progress through the states. Most of the state legislatures, indeed, ratified them with a promptitude which evinced a due sense on their part of the necessity of preserving the confed- eracy, and, to that end, of the duty of exercising a liberal spirit of accommodation. But some of the states withheld their assent for several years after the declaration of independence ; and one, in partic- ular, persisted so long in its refusal, as to injure the common cause, afford encouidgement to the enemies, and depress the hopes of every friend of .America. Tbe perception of these consequences at icnglh in- duced the state in question to abandon its objec- tions ; and on the first of March, 1781, these arti- cles of Union received, upon the accession of Mary> land, the unanimous approbation of the states.* * Vide Appendix B. CONSTITUTIONAL JURISPRUDENCE. 31 By the terms of this compact, cognizance and ju- risdiction of foreign affairs ; the power of declaring war and concluding peace ; and authority to make unlimited requisitions of men and money, were ex- clusively vested in Congress ; and a compliance with these powers, when exercised by that body, was rcn dered obligarory upon the several states. But these rights of political supremacy, extensive as they were, had been conferred in a very imperfect manner, and under a most imperfect organization. The articles, indeed, were but a written digest, and even a limita^ tion of the discretionary powers which had been del- egated to Congress in 1775, and which had always been freely exercised, and implicitly obeyed. The powers themselves, now formally enumerated and de- fined, might, nevertheless, have proved competent for all the essential purposes of union, had they been duly distributed among the several departments of a well-balanced government, and brought to bear upon the individual citizens of the United States by means of a federal executive and judicial, as well as legis- lative authority. Congress, as then constituted, was, in fact, an improper and unsafe depository of politi- cal power, since the whole national authority, in one consolidated mass of complicated jurisdiction, was vested in a single body of men ; while, in imitation of all former confedejacies of independent sovereign- ties, the decrees of ux^ federal council affected the states only in their corporate capacity, as contradis- tinguished from the individuals of whom they arc composed. This was considered by the ablest states- men of that day as the radical defect of the first con- federation ; " and although this vicious principle did not," as one of them has justly remarked, "run through all the powers delegated to the Union, yet it pervaded and governed those on which the efficacy 32 LECTURES ON of the rest depended." Except as to the rule of ap portionraeiit, Congress had an hidefinite discretion tc make requisitions for men and money ; but they had no authority to raise either the one or the other by regulations extending to the individual citizens of the American Republic, Like the warrior-magician ot the great dramatic poet, they could " call up spirits from the yeasty deep," but none would " come when they did call." The consequence was, that though in theory the resolutions of Congress were equiva- lent to laws, yet in practice they were found to be mere recommendations, which the states, like other irresponsible sovereigns, observed or disregarded, according to their own good will and gracious pleas- ure. The next most palpable defect, therefore, in the system was the absence of all power in Congress to compel obedience to their decrees ; or, in legal parlance, the total want of a sanction to their laws. There was no express delegation of authority to use force against delinquent members of the confederacy, and no such right could be ascribed to the federal head, as resulting from construction, or derived by inference from the nature of the compact, inasmuch as Congress was actually restricted from any as- sumption of implied powers, however essential to the complete exercise of those which were express- ly given. Fortunately for the country, there was then too much public virtue in that body to assume a power not warranted by the Constitution. Had its members possessed less wisdom and integrity, and stretched their authority under the plea of an impe- rious necessity, which might often have been alleged on stronger and more plausible grounds than at any subsequent period, it would have been usurpation ; and had they been clothed with the power of enfor. CONSTITUTIONAL JURISPRUDENCE. 33 cing their constitutional requisitions, it might, from the accumulated jurisdiction vested in them, have proved fatal to public liberty. The only remedy, therefore, for a violation of the compact was war upon the refractory party, by such others of the con- federates as might think proper to resort to it. But the application of this remedy would probably have produced dismemberment, and thus have proved worse even than the disease itself. The want of a mutual guarantee of the state gov- ernments to protect them from internal violence and rebellion ; the principle by which the contributions of the states were made to the common treasury •, the want of a power in Congress to regulate com- merce ; the right of equal suffrage possessed by the states in Congress, as well as the omission of dis- tinct and independent executive and judicial de- partments, were also regarded as fundamental errors in the confederation. In these leading particulars, and in some others of inferior importance, it had proved totally incompetent to fulfil the ends for which it had been devised. Almost as soon as it was finally ratified, the states began to fail in prompt and faithful observance of its provisions. As the dangers incident to revolution and war receded, in- stances of neglect and disobedience became more gross and frequent ; and, " by the time peace was concluded," it was observed by one of our constitu- tional jurists* that " the disease of the government had displayed itself with alarming rapidity." The inequality in the application of the principle of con- tributions produced delinquencies in many of the states ; and the delinquencies of one state became the pretext or apology for those of another, until the project of supplying the pecuniary exigencies of the * Chancellor Kent. 84 LECTURES ON nation by requisitions upon the individual states waa discovered to be altogether delusive in its concep- tion, and hopeless in its execution. The Continental government, destitute, as we have seen, of power to adopt regulations of commerce binding on the states, each state established its sep- arate system, on such narrow and selfish principles, and executed it in so partial and unequal a manner, that the confidence of foreign nations in our commer- cial integrity and stability, and the mutual harmony and freedom of intercourse among the states them- selves, were impaired, if not destroyed. The na- tional engagements, indeed, seem, in most cases, to have been abandoned ; and, in the indignant lan- guage of the " Federalist," " each state, yielding to the voice of immediate interest or convenience, success- ively withdrew its support from the confederation, until the frail and tottering edifice was ready to fall on the heads of the people, and crush them beneath its ruins." In the most persuasive and manly remonstrances. Congress had endeavoured to obtain from the states the right of levying, for a limited time, a general im- post on goods imported from abroad, for the exclu sive purpose of providing for the discharge of the national debt. But it was impracticable to unite so many independent sovereignties in this or any other measure for the safety and honour of the confedera- cy. Disastrous, how^ever, as their refusal appeared at the time, and deeply regretted as it was by every intelligent friend of the Union, it may be deemed providential that the state legislatures withheld from Congress the power solicited ; for, had it then been granted, it is the opinion of the constitutional jurist to whom I have already referred, that " the subse- quent efl^ort to amend the system of federal govern- ment would never, probably, have been made, an^^ CONSTITUTIONAL JURISPKUDENC. 35 the people of this country might have continued to this day the victims of a feeble and incompetent con- federacy." The necessary tendency of affairs at that period was either to an entire annihilation of the na- tional authority, or to a civil war in order to maintain it. Universal poverty and distress were spreading dismay throughout the land. Agriculture, as well as commerce, was crippled ; private confidence, as well as public credit, was destroyed ; and every expedient was resorted to by men of desperate fortunes to in- flame the minds of the people, and cast odium upon -hose who laboured to preserve the national faith, and establish an efficient government. Notwithstanding the sufferings of the people and the imbecility of the government, there were many citizens, of high respec- tability and undoubted patriotism, who still adhered to the old confederation ; and, from their preference or their possession of state authority, and their jeal- ousy of federal power, could see nothing in the pro- posed renovation of the Union but oppression and tyranny. They apprehended, indeed, nothing less than the entire destruction of the state governments by the overwhelming influence of the national insti- tjitions, and determined to resist the contemplated change. But a large majority of those who had con- ducted the country in safety through the Revolution, united their influence taput an end to the public ca- lamities, by establishing a political system which should be adequate to the exigencies of nationa/ union, and act as an efficient and permanent govern ment on the several states. The foremost among these patriots was General Washington. At the close of the Revolutionary war, he had addressed a circular letter to the governors of the several states, urging an indissoluble union as essential to the well-being, and even to the existence of the nation ; and now. from 36 LECTURES ON his retirement, he strove, in all his intercourse and correspondence with his fellow-citizens, to impress upon the public mind the necessity of such a meas- ure. At his seat at Mount Vernon, in the year 1785 it was agreed by certain commissioners from Vir- ginia and Maryland, whose visit had reference to far inferior objects, to propose to their respective governments the appointment of new commissioners, with more extensive powers in regard to the com- mercial arrangements between these states. This proposal was not only adopted by the Virginia Legis- lature, but was so enlarged as to recommend to all the other states to unite in the appointment of com- missioners from each, to meet and consult on tht general subject of the commercial interests and rela- tions of the confederacy. And this measure, thus casual and limited in its commencement, terminated in a formal proposition for a general convention to revise the state of the Union. When the period arrived for the meeting of this body, the objects of its assembling had been carried much farther than at first expressed by those who perceived and deplored the complicated and increas- ing evils flowing from the inefficiency of the exist- ing confederation. Representatives from New- York, New-Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Delaware were all that assembled on this occasion, in addition to those from Virginia and Maryland ; and upon proceeding to discuss the subjects for which they had convened, it was soon perceived that a more general represen- tation of the states, and powers more extensive than had been confided to the delegates actually attending, would be requisite to efl'ect the great purposes in con- templation. This first convention, therefore, broke up without coming to any specific resolution on the p'lrticular matters referred to them ; but, previously CONSTITUTIONAL JURISPRUDENCE. 37 » adjoiirniDg, they agreed to a report to be made to their respective states, and transmitted to Congress, representing the necessity of extending the revision of the federal system to all its defects, and recom- mending to the several legislatures to appoint depu- nes to meet for that purpose, in convention, at Phila- delphia, on the second of the ensuing May. On receiving this report, the Legislature of Vir- ginia immediately appointed delegates for the ob- ject specified in the recommendation ; and within the year every state except Rhode Island had ac- ceded to the proposal, and elected delegates with power to carry that object into full effect. The Gen- eral Convention, thus constituted and empowered, met at Philadelphia on the day appointed ; and hav. ing chosen General Washington (whose name was first on the list of the deputies from his native state) • for their president, proceeded, with closed doors, to deliberate on the momentous and extensive subjects submitted to their consideration. The crisis was most important in respect to the welfare and prosper- ity of America, if not of the whole civilized world. The fruits of our glorious Revolution, and, perhaps, the final destiny of Republicanism itself, were involv' ed in the issue of this experiment to reform the sys- tem of our national government ; and, happily for the people of America — auspiciously for the liberties of mankind — the Federal Convention comprised a rare assemblage of the best experience, talents, character and information which this country afforded, and it commanded that universal public confidence at home and abroad which such qualifications were calculated to inspire. With regard to the great principles which should constitute the basis of their system, not much contrariety of opinion is understood to have prevailed ; but on the application of those principles, in theii 38 LECTURES ON various forms and intricate modifications, an equal de- gree of harmony was not to have been expected. Eventually, however, the high importance attached to the preservation of the Union triumphed over local interests and personal feelings ; and after several months of arduous deliberation, the Convention final- ly agreed, with unexpected and unexampled unanimi- ty, on that plan of government which is contained in the Constitution of the United States.* The new system was directed by the Convention to be laid before Congress, to be by them transmitted to conventions to be chosen by the people in each state, for their assent and ratification. It was, more- over, provided in the Constitution itself, that, as soon as it should be ratified by nine states, it should be carried into operation among them, in a mode pre- scribed by a separate act of the Federal Convention ; and in their letter transmitting it to Congress, they declared the Constitution to be " the result of a spirit of amity, and of that mutual deference and conces- sion which the peculiarity of their political system rendered indispensable." The course pointed out by the Convention was pur- sued by Congress, and the request formally commu- nicated to the state legislatures. The people were, accordingly, invited to choose delegates to meet in each state, for the purpose of deliberating and deci- ding on the national constitution. Besides the sol- emn and authoritative examination of the subject in those assemblies, the new scheme of government was subjected to severe scrutiny and animated dis- cussion, both in private circles and in the public prints But neither the intrinsic merits of the Constitution itself, nor the preponderating weight of argument and character by which it was supported, gave assurance * Vide Appendix C. CONSTITUTIONAL JURISPRUDENCE. 39 eo its advocates that it would be eventually accepted. It contained provisions for the preservation of the public faith and the support of private credit which interfered with the views, and counteracted the in- terests and designs, of those by whom public and pri- vate credit were equally disregarded ; and against the jealous opposition of such objectors the powers of reason were exerted in vain, because their real motives could not be avowed. There were, how- ever, among the opponents of the new Constitution individuals of a different character, upon whom the force of argument, it was hoped, might make its due impression. Men of influence and authority were to be found in every state, who, from an honest convic- tion of its justice and policy, were desirous of retain- ing unimpaired the sovereignty of the states, and re- ducing the Union to a mere alliance between kindred nations. Others supposed that an irreconcilable op- position of interests existed between different parts of the Continent, and that the claims of that portion to which they themselves belonged had been surren- dered without an equivalent: while a more numer- ous class, who felt themselves identified with the state institutions, and thought their ambition restrain- ed to state objects, considered the government now proposed for the United States, in some respects, a foreign one ; and were, consequently, disposed to measure out power to the National Legislature with the same sparing hand with which they would con- fer authority on agents neither chosen by themselves nor accountable to them for its exercise. The friends and opponents of the Federal Consti- tution were therefore stimulated in their exertions by motives equally powerful ; and during the inter- val between its publication and adoption, every fac- ulty of the superior minds of both the parties was 40 LECTURES ON Strained to secure the acceptance or rejection of the new system. The result was for some time ex- tremely doubtful. The amendments proposed by several of the states as conditions of their accession show with what reluctance their assent was given, and clearly evince that the dread of dismemberment, rather than sincere approbation of the Constitution, had in many instances induced its adoption. Never- .neless, the cause of political wisdom and justice at length prevailed. Within one year from its promul- gation the new government was assented to by eleven of the states, and ratified by Congress. Delaware was the first to accede to it ; and the assent of New- Hampshire, as the ninth state, rendered it certain that the Constitution would be carried into effect by the states which had already adopted it. The important states of Virginia and New- York, in each of whicli its fate remained uncertain, were probably deter- mined in its favour by the previous ratification of New-Hampshire:* so that, by the spring of 1780, the Federal Government was duly organized under the new Constitution, and went immediately into full and successful operation, without the concurrence of Rhode Island or North Carolina, who were after- ward admitted, in succession, to the Union. The final establishment of this admirable system of government, so well adapted to the genius, charac- ter, and circumstances of the people, and to the situ- ation and extent of the country ; so skilfully ingrafted upon the pre-existing institutions, amid all the diffi- culties and impediments which have been exhibhed, aflfords a signal example of the benignant influence of peaceful deliberation and calm decision, combined with a spirit of moderation and mutual conciliation, not only oeyond all precedent, but, when we reflect * Vide Appendix D. CONSTITUTIONAL JURISPRUDENCE 41 ou the fate of similar attempts in other countries, be- yond the hope of imitation. And while the felici- tous issue of this experiment, and the universal ac- knowledgment of its hitherto successful results, con- stitute lasting proofs of the wisdom and patriotism of the founders of our government, we must ever venerate their names, adhere to their principles, and cherish their remembrances of services, which are entitled equally to the gratitude and admiration of their posterity. We shall never, I trust, disregard or undervalue the blessings which, under Providence, they secured to us, nor forget the dangers and evils w:'iv'h were averted by their persevering and devoted plTo»*ts — dangers and evils to which the people of t.i.*e states would again be exposed, in every de- gree and form of aggravation, should the wisdom and energy of the fathers of our country be rendered abortive by the madness and folly of their sons. If threatened with such a reverse, we shall, I trust, ever be ready to respond to the sentiments called forth in a happy hour from one of our late chief magistrates, that at every sacrifice, except of the inalienable rights and liberties which the Constitution was intended to perpetuate, " The Union ml'st be preserved."* LECTURE II. FUNDAMENTAL PRIXCIPLES OF THE CONSTITUTION. Having in the former lecture presented a rapid sketch of the origin and progress of the American Confederation down to the establishment of the pres- t:m Constitution, I now propose to treat more partic- * Vide Appendix E. u 42 LECTURES ON ularly o/ the fundamental principles on which th* Federal Government was formed, and exhibit a gen- eral view of its organization and powers. This statement of the subjects of discussion comprises a definition of the terms by which they are designa- ted ; for by a constitution is meant, not only the form in which a government is organized, but the principles upon which it is founded ; and that branch of jurisprudence — which treats of those principles, of the practical exercise of the powers of government in conformity with them, and the construction to be given to them in such their application — has beer* denominated by jurists " Constitutional Law.'' It has been justly observed by a writer on this subject,* that " the origin of political constitutions is as various as their forms. In a pure and unmixed monarchy, we seldom hear," he remarks, " of a con- stitution ; in a despotism, never." The subjects oi the slaves of such governments may nevertheless be roused or driven to the vindication of their natural rights ; and the absolute king or the obdurate tyrant may be compelled to adopt fixed, if not liberal princi- ples of administration, or they may voluntarily con- cede them in favour of their subjects. So, too, a successful conqueror may, from motives of policy^ establish certain forms and principles for the govern- ment of a people whom he may have subdued. In any of these cases, if the government obtained be the result of general consent, whether actually ex- pressed or fairly to be implied, such nation or peo- ple may be said to possess a constitution. The same may be affirmed of an aristocracy^ if the peo- ple at large agree to deposite all the powers of gov- ernment in a select fsw ; as it may also be said of a democracy, in which the people retain, under such * Mr. llawle CONSTITUTIONAL JURISPRUDENCE. 43 modifications as they conceive most conducive to their own safety and liberty, all sovereignty within iheir own control. The great difficulty, however, in every such case, is to regulate the subdivisions of authority granted, so that the portion of it vested in one department or body of men shall bear a due propor- tion to that vested in another. Each branch of the government should be sufficient for its own support in the exercise of its appropriate functions, yet all should be made to harmonize and co-operate. To alter and amend an existing system by adding new parts to the old machinery, and particularly to attempt to infuse a new spirit into the existing gov- ernment contrary to its original genius, produces an irregular and jarring combination, discordant in its elements and confused in its operation. An ex- emplification of this idea is affi)rded by the late re- form of the Parliament in England, where, although the elective branch has been rendered a more per- fect representative of the Commons, the members of the upper house continue to sit in their individual right, and still constitute an hereditary and perma- nent body. We Americans may be pardoned for considering that the best mode of forming a political community is the voluntary association of a sufficient number of individuals, on the ground of an original contract, specifying the terms on which they are to be united, and thus to establish a new constitution or plan of government adapted to their situation, character, exigencies, and prospects. Indeed, this may be asserted to be the only true origin and firm basis of a republic. The constitution of a government on a single prin- ciple, whether of monarchy, aristocracy, or democ- racy, is undoubtedly the most practical and easy, from its greater simplicity. But a constitution may 44 LECTURES ON embrace any two of those principles, as that of an cient Rome and those of some of the Grecian States, and, in more modern times, those of Genoa and some of the smaller communities of Italy ; or a constitution may, like that of England, unite the three simple forms : a government of which description, although antiquity afforded no example of it, was pronounced by Cicero to be, if rightly organized and justly bal- anced, the most perfect. Modern times and our own country have shown that all the power con- ceded to an hereditary monarch may be safely vest- ed in the elective head of a Democratic Republic, and that all the advantages arising from the unity of the executive power may be secured, without neces- sarily incurring the evils of an hereditary succes- sion. These ends are effected by the application of that great discovery of modern politics, the principle of representation. By the proper distribution of the powers of government among several distinct branch- es, according to this fundamentaf principle, each of them becomes, in its respective sphere, the immedi- ate and equal representative of the people, as the di- rect source of its authority, and sole ultimate deposi- tary of the sovereign power. By the powers of government, I mean those dis- tinguished from each other, as appertaining to the legislative, executive, and judicial departments ; which division, founded as it is on moral order, can- not be too carefully preserved. In the wise distri- bution of these powers, and the application of proper aids and checks to each, consists the optima consii' tuta Respuhlica, contemplated by the Roman oratoi as an object of desire and admiration rather than of hope. Should these three powers be injudiciously blend* ed — for insrtance, should the legislative and execu CONSTITUTIONAL JURISPRUDENCE. 45 live, or the legislative, and judicial branches be uni* ted in the same hands, the combination would be dangerous to public liberty, and the evils to be appre- hended would be the same, whether the powers in question were devolved on a single magistrate, or vested in a numerous body. If, moreover, the prin- ciple of representation be applied only to a part uf the government, where other parts exist independ- ently of that principle, with an equal or superior weight to that constituted in conformity to it, the ben- efits of the one must obviously be partial, and the danger to be apprehended from the others, in propor- tion to their predominance. As representation may thus be partial in respect to the powers of the government, so it may be confined to a portion only of the governed ; and in this case, the restriction is objectionable in exact proportion to the number of those excluded from representation, or from the exercise of a f ^e and intelligent voice in the choice of their rulers. In some countries pos- sessing constitutions, the right or power of election is variously limited. In Venice, it was formerly, and in some of the aristocratical republics of Switzerland, it still is, the exclusive privilege of a few families, in the limited or mixed monarchies of England, France, Holland, and Belgium, it is confined to persons pos- sessing property of a certain description or amount. With us, the rights of representation and suflfrage aie, according to the theory of the Constitution, univei- sal ; but in practice they are both qualified — Avithout, however, impairing the general principle. It is in defining the limits of the three great de- partments of government, and, by proper checks and securities, preserving the principle of representation in regard both to the exercise of the power, and the enjoyment of the right, that a written constitution 46 LECTURES OM possesses great and manifest advantages over those which rest on traditionary information, or which are to be collected from the acts of the government it- self. If the people can refer only to the ordinances and decrees of their rulers to ascertain their rights, it is obvious that, as every such act may introduce a new principle, there can be no stability in the Con- stitution. The powers of the representative and of the constituent are inverted ; and the Legislature is, from its omnipotence, enabled to alter the Constitu- tion at its pleasure. Nor can such laws be question- ed by individuals, or declared void by the courts of justice, as they may with us, where the power of the Legislature itself, is controlled by the Constitution. A written constitution, therefore, which may thus be appealed to by the people, and construed and en- forced by the judicial power, is most conducive to the happiness of the citizen, and the .safety of the commonwealth ; and it was reserved for the present age, and the citizens of this country, fully to appre- ciate and soundly to apply the great principle of popu- lar representation, and to afford the first practical ex- ample of a " Social Contract." In England, one only of the co-ordinate branches of government is sup- posed, by the Constitution, to represent the people ; and the provincial constitutions of the American Col- onies (with but few exceptions) had, at the period of our Revolution, been modelled in conformity with the same theory. Their charters were originally flamed, or subsequently modified, so as to exclude the principle of representation from the executive department, of which, as in England, the judicial was considered as a subordinate branch. The solid foundations of popular government had, nevertheless, been laid ; and the institutions received from the mother-countrv were admirably adapted to prepare CONSTITUTIONAL JURISPRUDENCE. 47 the way for a temperate and rational Democratical Republic. As the discoveries which had been made in Amer- ica by European navigators were deemed to confer the exclusive right of occupancy upon their respect- ive sovereigns, those parts of the Continent which had been claimed as the reward of English enter- prise, were appropriated as British colonies, either by extensive grants of territory and jurisdiction to fa- voured individuals, or by encouraging settlers at large by limited territorial grants, reserving the general domain of the province to the crown, and providing for the exercise of the whole jurisdiction, under its authority. Hence two sorts of provincial govern- ments had arisen : first, those denominated royal gov- ernments, in which the general domain continued in the crown ; and, secondly, proprietary governments, in which both the territory and jurisdiction were granted by the king to one or more of his subjects. In the former case, the chief executive magistrate was appointed by the crown : in the latter, by the propri- etaries : in both, the legislative power was vested, wholly or partially, in the people ; subject, in the one case, to the control of the king in council, and in the other, to that of the proprietary. In some few of the colonies, indeed, the power of legislation was uncontrolled, as we have seen, by the parent-state ; so that, previously to the Revolution, the colonists liad long been accustomed to elect representatives to compose the more numerous branch of their Legisla- ture, and in some instances the second, or less nu- merous branch, and even their chief executive ma- gistrate. No hereditary powers had ever existed in die colonial governments, and all political power ex ercised in them was derived either from the people &a from the king. 48 LECTURES ON The powers of the crown being abrogated by th** successful assertion of our independence, the peopI<3 remained the only source of legitimate authority ; and when the citizens of the several states proceeded to form their respective constitutions, the materials in their possession, as well as their former habits, and modes of thinking and acting on political sub- jects, were peculiarly favourable to governments rep- resentative in all the three departments ; and, accord- ingly, such governments were universally adopted. Under various modifications and forms, produced ir a great degree by ancient habits, the same general principles were established in every state. In gen- eral, the legislative, executive, and judicial powers were kept distinct, with the manifest intention of rendering them essentially independent of each oth- er. The Legislature was, for the most part, divided into two branches, and all persons holding offices of trust or profit were excluded from it. The su- preme executive magistrate was also rendered elect- ive, and a strong jealousy of his power was every- where apparent. The superior judges received their appointments from the Legislature or the executive, and in most instances the tenure of their offices was during good behaviour. These principles formed the common and original basis of the American Republics, and were adhered to in the Federal Constitution, v/hich, while it unites ihcm as one nation, guaranties their separate and residuary sovereignty. The same fundamental prin- ciples have also been recognised and adopted in the new states since erected from the territory ceded by individual states for the common benefit, or ac- quired by negotiation oi purchase, and subsequent- ly admitted into the Union. There were, how- ever, several departures (run) this genera] outline, CONSTITUTIONAL JURISPRUDENCE. iU which in some instances have been superseded by subsequent amendments, and in others retained in the original Constitution, and imitated in some of I hose which have been more recently established. In some cases the Legislature consisted of a single Dody ; but this peculiarity was soon very generally ib'ii.Joned, and, except in Vermont, no longer exists, [n some of the slates the tenure of judicial office is for a term of years ; and in Connecticut, until the adoption of a new Constitution in 1818, the judges were elected annually, and formed one branch of die Legislature ; as is still the case in Rhode Island, whose colonial charter has even been copied in the first of these particulars by some of the younger members of the National Union."*^ The qualifications requisite to confer the privileges of an elector, and to constitute eligibility to office, are also various ; and the second branch of the Legislature is frequently differently constituted in different states. On some, a sfreater — on others, a less effect is discernible, to render it an effectual check upon the more numerous or popular branch, either by prolonging the term for which its members are elected, or requiring higher qualifications in them, or their constituents. In constituting the executive power, there appears equal variety. It is now, however, uniformly vested, either wholly or restrictively, in a single person. In some states he is eligible for longer, and in others for shorter periods. In some he is invested with a qualified negative upon the laws, which in others is withheld from him. In some few of the states he is intrusted with power to make appointments to office, either absolutely, or subject to the approval of a coun- * Since this work was sent to the press, a new Constitution hao been estabhshed in that state, by which the usuaJ division i» de of the Legislature into two branches. E 50 LECTURES ON cil, or of the second branch of" the Legislature ; while in most states that power is exercised exclusively by both branches of the latter. In some instances the executive magistrate is enabled to pursue the dictates of his own unbiased judgment ; and in others he is divested of all actual responsibility — either directly, by being placed under the control of a council, or in- directly, from his being chosen by the legislative body, or its more numerous branch. In general, however, the ancient institutions, which the provinces Jiad de- rived by charter from the crown of England, were, at the change of government, so far preserved as was compatible with the abolition of royal authority and colonial dependance. Among the most valuable of the institutions retain- ed by the states on the change of government, was that system of jurisprudence by which the absolute and inalienable rights of the people were recognised and secured, their relative rights or civil privileges regulated and maintained, and offences against pub- lic justice investigated and punished. It was held as a fundamental maxim, that the colonists, as English subjects, were entitled to the benefits and protection of the common law, and of such parts of the statute law of Great Britain as were applicable to their sit- uation. This system of jurisprudence prevailed in all the colonies. It was brought from England by the original settlers, in those planted under her au- thority, and had been gradually and silently extended to those provinces which had been conquered by her arms ; so that before the Kevolution it had been universally established as their municipal code, so far as it was adapted to their circumstances ; and it was claimed by the Congress of 1774 as a branch of those " indubitable rights and liberties tf wiiiph the respective colonies were entitled." CONSTITUTIONAL JURISPRLDENCE. 61 The most essential of these privileges were those natural rights, which are, indeed, common to all man- kind, but which, in virtue of Magna Charta, and oth- er fundamental laws of the mother- country, were deemed to be the peculiar birthright and inherit- ance of British subjects. They comprise, according to Sir William Blackstone, that residuum of natural liberty which is not required by the laws of society to be sacrificed to public convenience, as well as those civil priviles^es which society engages to provide in lieu of those natural liberties so given up by indi- viduals. In the first class, the learned commentator comprehends, 1st. The right of personal security; 2d. 'fhe right of personal liberty ; and, 3d. The right of private property. The other privileges of the same character, but subordinate in degree, to which, as English subjects, the colonists were entitled, were, 1st. The Constitution, powers, and privileges of their provincial legislatures ; 2d. The limitation of the king's prerogative by certain and notorious bounds ; 3d. The right of applying to the courts of justice for the redress of injuries ; the most Taluable incidents to which privilege, were the right of trial by -ury and the benefit of the writ of Habeas Corpus ; 4th. The right of petitioning the king, or either branch of the imperial or provincial Legislature, for the re- dress of grievances ; and, 5th. That of keeping arms for their defence ; which was, indeed, a public al- lowance, under certain restrictions, of the natural right of resistance and self-preservation. In these several articles are contained what are emphatically termed *' the liberties of Englishmen." To their enjoyment, the colonists were entitled by birthright as British subjects ; and, to vindicate that right, they first took up arms against the parent-state, and ultimately withdrew from her dominion. Upon that separation, and th^ sul)sequent establishment of 52 LECTURES ON new governments of their own choice, they were careful to provide for the secure and permanent en- joyment of these their natural rights, and of the civil privileges designed for their maintenance, or substi- tuted as their equivalents. As additional safeguards for their protection, they established, moreover, those great engines of modern opinions, freedom of speech and the liberty of the press, uncontrolled by any but proper moral restraints. But while some of the states expressly recognised, and others tactily accepted, as a part of their municipal code, those portions of the common law which had been previously in force in the colonies, and were now farther modified by the change of government, they universally abolished, either by their constitutions, or by statutes deemed fundamental, that feature of the English system of real property which, in its character of a mere civil regulation, is, nevertheless, like most others of the same feudal origin, powerfully and essentially politi- cal in its eflects— I mean the right of Primogeni- ture. This harsh and inequitable regulation, which, indeed, is not peculiar to England, but prevails in most of the feudal monarchies of Europe, was re- jected in all the American States, and each state en- acted its own law of descents, differing, indeed, in their details, but agreeing in the general principle of equal distribution. The frequent violation of the natural and social rights of the colonists by both king and Parliament, and the repeated denials of redress, were set forth in the Declaration of Independence as the cause and justification of dissolving the mutual ties of sovereign- ty and allegiance ; and upon forming the state con- stitutions, these rights were in some form or others and with a greater or loss degree of particularity and precision, enumerated, and declared inalienable, and reserved inviolably to every citizen. CONSTITUTIONAL JURISPRUDENCE. 53 Such were the institutions of the several states, and such the rights of their individual citizens, when they conjointly became parties to the federal com- pact. The same great principle of representation^ which had been imbodied in the state constitutions, was adopted as the foundation of the new govern- ment established for the Union ; and the same natu- ral, political, and civil rights and privileges which had been declared to be the inalienable inheritance of the people, as citizens of the respective states, were asserted to belong to them as citizens of the Union ; among which, as we have seen, are included- such provisions of the common law as were applica- ble to their situation and circumstances. There are besides, many recognitions of the existence, at least, of the common law, both in the Constitution of the United States, and in the articles by which it has been amended ; and both contain frequent references to the principles, provisions, and terms peculiar to that system of jurisprudence. It has, nevertheless, been a subject of much dis- cussion, whether the United States, in their national capacity, have actually adopted it ; and to what ex- tent, if at all, it may be considered as forming a part of the national jurisprudence. But whatever may be the doubts — whether the common law, in its broadest sense, and to the same extent, mutatis mutandis^ as it prevails in England, was recognised as the com- mon law of the Union — it cannot be denied that it forms the substratum of the laws of all the original members of the confederacy ; nor that the Constitu- tion of the United States, as well as the constitutions and laws of the several states, were made in refer- ence to the pre-existing validity of the common law, in the colonial and state governments. In many ca- ses, the language of these public acts would be inex- 54 LECTURES ON plicable without recourse to the common law of Eng /and ; and not only is the existence of that system supposed by the Constitution of the United States, but it is constantly appealed to for the construction of powers granted to the Federal Government. The general question, however, as to the application and influence of the system, in reference to our national institutions, has not been settled upon clear and defi- nite principles, and may still be regarded, especially in civil cases, as open for farther judicial investi- gation. The prevailing opinion at present seems to be, that, under the Federal Government, the common law, considered as a source of jurisdiction, was never in force, but considered merely as a means or instru- ment of exercising the jurisdiction conferred by the Constitution, it does exist in full validity, and forms a safe and beneficial portion of our national code. The Constitution erected on this basis, and from these materials, is declared, by its preamble, to be *' ordained and established hy the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, estab- lish justice, ensure domestic tranquillity, provide for the common defence, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to themselves and their posterity." By the terms, therefore, of this compact, the states are no longer known to each other merely in their sovereign and corporate ca- pacities ; but, without destroying their previous or- ganization, the people of the respective states united with each other in founding a new government, operating directly on themselves as individuals, for the attainment of objects for which neither the states separately, nor the former confederation had been found competent. The principle of representation is applied in it, not only to the individual citizens of the respective states as citizens of the United States, CONSTITUTIONAL JURISPKUDENCE. 55 but also to the individual states themselves ; and it pervades the three great departments of which the government consists. Besides a general delegation of the legislative, ex- < cutive, and judicial powers to distinct departments, so far as necessary to effect the purposes of national union, the Constitution specially defines the powers and duties of each of those branches of the govern- ment. This was essential to peace and safety, in a government invested with specific powers for national objects, and formed from the union of several inde- pendent states, as well as of the individuals com- posing them ; each of the former yielding for that purpose the requisite portion only of its sovereignty, while they retained the executive control of their lo- cal concerns. In analyzing the Federal Constitution, it may there- fore be considered, as has already been indicated, un- der two principal points of view, viz. : First. With regard to the particular structure and organization of the government, and the distribution of its powers among the several branches, in refei- ence to which, the necessary provisions for their or- ganization into separate departments, for making, executing, and expounding the laws ; for rendering efficient those powers, and for confining them to their respective spheres, as well as for ascertaining the limits between the national and state jurisdictions, are all contained in that instrument. Besides which, it comprises the necessary regulations in respect, Secondly, To the nature, extent, and limitation of the powers conferred on the government of the Union, and the restraints imposed on the state governments. All the powers requisite to secure the objects of national union are vested in the Federal Govern- ment, while those powers only, which aie not essen- 56 LECTURES OiN tial to these objects are reserved to the state govern- ments, or to the people. In all other respects, the sovereignty of the individual states remains unaltei- ed. The respective obligations of duty and allegi- ance to them are unimpaired, except that, in all cases within the range of its jurisdiction, the higher obh- gations of duty and allegiance to the General d'ov- ernment necessarily supersedes that which womd otherwise have remained to the separate states. From the nature of the case, the national and state sovereignties cannot be coequal ; for two govern- ments of concurrent right and authority in every respect, cannot exist in the same society. The su- premacy was, consequently, conferred on the Federal Government, as the government of the whole, rather than on the governments of the constituent parts ; otherwise, the establishment of the former, instead of " promoting domestic tranquillity," would have produced perpetual discord and disorder. The Con vention therefore declared, in the name of the people, that the " Constitution, and the laws of the United States made in pursuance thereof, and all treaties" made under 'he authority of the Union, should be the supreme law of the land. The powers thus conferred on the government of the United States may be reduced to difierent classes, as they relate to different objects, each of which will be the subject of distinct, full, and particular investi- gation, under their appropriate heads and subdivis- ions. But from the view already presented of the fundamental principles of the Federal Government, in connexion with the general outline exhibited of its organization, it may be perceived that the Constitu tion of the United States was erected on the founda lion of those inalienable rights, which the people of the several states derive, in common with all man CONSTITUTIONAL JURISPRUDENCE. 57 kind, from their Creator, and of those institutions and privileges which they inherited from their ancestors as subjects of the British crown, modiiied by their situation and circumstances as colonists, and subse- quently varied by their successful vindication of their natural and political rights in the assertion of their independence ; that it was formed on the Republican {principle oi representation in all its branches, adopted i)y the people themselves, and not by their state le- gislatures, and establishes a government proper, operating upon every individual residing under r.s jurisdiction, and extending over the Union as one national community or body politic — composed, not only of the people of the several states, but to a cer- tain degree of the states themselves, thus happily combining the principles of federation and consoli- dation, for the purpose of investing the states, as well as the people, with one national character ; that, as the Union thus formed constitutes the nation, so the people of the several states have, for all the purposes of the Constitution, become one people, owing local allegiance to the states in which they reside, para- mount allegiance to the National Government ; that all the powers requisite to secure the objects of national union are vested in the General Government, while those only which are not essential to that purpose are reserved to the states or the people ; that the National Government, though united in its powers to national objects, is supreme in the exercise of those powers ; and that, whenever any of those powers, in their exercise, come in collision with the powers re- served to the states, the state authority, which is suhordijiate, must yield to the national authority, which is supreme. Each state, nevertheless, although no longer pos- sessing the absolute independence essential to it aa 58 LECTURES ON a separate national sovereignty, must slill be regard- ed as sovereign in all matters not transferred to the General Government. The supremacy of the Union on all those points which are thus surrendered, and the sovereignty of the states in those not ceded to the nation, have been justly considered as two co- ordinate qualities, in attempting to ascertain the real meaning of the Constitution, in cases which, from the uncertainty and imperfection of human language, it is liable to dispute or doubt. As different views and interests have prevailed, different theories for the construction of the Constitution have been advanced. It has sometimes been regarded as a mere confeder- acy or alliance between the states, implying no sur- render of their sovereign power or character ; but this opinion is inconsistent with the nature of the federal compact, as explained by judicial interpreta- tion of conclusive authority. Some jurists and poli- ticians, how^ever, who admit that it constitutes a government, have yet contended that, inasmuch as it establishes a government of limited powers, it should be construed strictly ; while others have asserted that, from the extensive and high objects to be ac- complished by the exercise of these powers, the most liberal interpretation should be allowed. As, on the one hand, a strict adherence to the letter, without regarding the spirit or pursuing the manifest sense of the instrument, can only proceed from groundless jealousy or concealed hostility to the system, so, on the other, a liberal construction may, from the possession or desire of power under it, be carried to a pernicious extreme. Limitations and restrictions may be conceived to exist, by some, which would render nugatory the national authority, and were, therefore, never meant to be imposed ; while concessions of power may be imagined or as* CONSTITUTIONAL JURISPRUDENCE. 59 sumed by others, incompatible with the sovereignty actually retained by the states, if not necessary to give effect to the federal supremacy. The true rule of interpretation seems to be no other than that which is applied, in all cases of correct and impartial exposition, to deduce the meaning of the contract from its known design and entire language ; to reconcile, and, if possible, give effect, to every part of the instrument, and, at the same time, preserve the unity and harmony of the whole, in due regard to the expressions as well as the intentions of the parties. On many questions which have already arisen, we have the benefit of the learned elucidations of the judicial departments of the General, and many of the State Governments ; and wherever the supreme federal tribunal has pronounced its solemn decision, its authority must be deemed conclusive, because that court, and that alone, possesses ultimate juris- diction upon all points of controversy arising under the Constitution of the United States. But where a guide so certain and authoritative cannot be found, 1 must endeavour, with the aid of' inferior lights, to discover the true, but latent meaning of a Constitution which, in the language of that venerable and accom- plished jurist, the late chancellor of this state, " must always be more admired as it is more considered And better understood." LECTURE III. OF THE LEGISLATIVE POWFPw. The first general point of view in which it was proposed to consider the Federal Constitu- 60 LECTURES ON tion was, " with regard to the particular structure and organization of the government^ a?id the distri- bution of its powers among its several branches,^'* I have already had occasion to advert to the rule inculcating the separation of the legis- lative, executive, and judicial departments of government, and to remark that it had been sub- stantially adhered to in framing our National Constitution. These different branches, how- ever, have not, in all cases, been kept entirely dis- tinct; and it therefore becomes necessary to as- certain, in limine^ the meaning of a political ap- othegm, of which none is of more intrinsic value, or stamped with the approbation of more en- lightened authority. From the sense in which the maxim in question was first applied by Montesquieu to the English Constitution, as well as from the mode in which it has been practically acknowledged in several of our state constitutions, it is evident that it was never understood to require that the three departments should be wholly unconnected with each other ; on the contrary, it has been satisfac- torily shown by the authors of the "Federalist," that, unless they be so far connected and blend- ed as to give to each a constitutional control over the others, the degree of separation which the rule requires cannot be maintained. It is obvi- ous, indeed, that the powers properly belonging to one of the departments ought not to be direct- ly and completely administered by either of the others. It is equally clear that, in reference to each other, neither branch should possess, di- rectly or indirectly, an overruling influence in the execution of their respective powers. And although in our governments each department CONSTITUTIONAL JURISPRUDENCE 61 derives its authority from the same source, and equally represents the people, yet the legislative branch, as its constitutional powers are at once more extensive and less susceptible of precise limitation than either of the others, must neces- sarily possess a greater preponderance in the political system, and act with greater force upon the public mind. In order, therefore, to main- tain in practice the requisite partition of pow- er, the internal structure of the government would be so contrived as to render its constituent parts, by their mutual relations, the means of keeping each other within their proper spheres of action. The great security against a gradual concen- tration of the several powers of government in the same hands consists in giving to those who administer them in one department the ne- cessary constitutional means and personal mo- tives to resist encroachments from the others. A dependance on the people is, no doubt, the primary control on the government j but experi- ence had show^n the framers of our Constitution the necessity of auxiliary precautions; and the remedy they devised for the natural predomi- nance of the legislative authority was the divis- ion of the legislative body into two branches, and rendering them, by different modes of elec- tion and principles of action, as little connected with each other as the nature of their common functions and dependance on the people would admit. The comparative weakness of the exec- utive branch, on the other hand, was fortified, by investing it with a qualified negative on the acts of the Legislature, and connecting it w^tli the weaker branch of that stronger power, by allow- ing the latter to participate in certain executive 62 LECTURES ON duties ; while the judicial department was deem* ed to be equally secure, from the nature of its constitutional powers, the permanency of its character, and the independent tenure by which its functionaries hold their offices. Thus the mutual participation, to a limited extent, of the several branches of the goverment in each oth- er's power, ^as rendered subservient to their mutual independence, and the apparent violation of a fundamental principle of the Constitution converted into a security for its preservation. 1 now proceed to examine and explain the or- ganization of these separate departments of gov- ernment, as established by the Federal Constitu- tion, in their order, and commence with a review of the Legislative Power ; under which title 1 shall consider. First. The constituent parts of the Legislature, with the mode of their appointment. Secondly. Their joint and several powers and privileges. And, Thirdly. Their method of enacting laws, with the times and modes of assembling and ad- journing. I. All legislative powers granted by the Con- stitution are vested in a Congress of the United States, consisting of a Senate and a House of Representatives. These terms, conferring the legislative authority, impart its limitation to the objects specified in the Constitution. And, be- sides the end already stated to have been pro- posed by the division of the Legislature into two separate and independent branches, another im- portant object is accomplished by it, and that is, preventing the evil effects of excitement and pre- cipitation, which had been found, by sad experi« CONSTITUTIONAL JURISPRUDENCE. ()3 snce, to exert a powerful and dangerous sway in single assemblies. No portion of the political history of mankind, according to the elder President Adams,* is more full of instructive lessons on this subject, or con- tains more striking proofs of the factious insta- bility and turbulent misery of states under the dominion of a single unchecked legislature, than the annals of the Italian Eepublics of the Middle Ages. They arose in great numbers, and with dazzling but transient splendour, in the interval between the falls of the Western and Eastern Empires, and were all constituted with, a single unbalanced legislative assembly. They were alike wretched in existence, and all ended in similar disgrace. At the commencement of* the French Revolution, many of their speculative writers, pseudo-philosophers, and visionary pol- iticians, seem to have been struck with the sim- plicity of a legislature consisting of a single cham- ber, and concluded that more was useless and expensive. This led the veteran statesman to write and publish, during his residence in Eu- rope, his great work, entitled, " ^ Defence of tlu Constitutions of Government of the United States, ^^ in which he vindicates, with great learning and ability, the advantage and necessity of dividing the Legislature into two branches, and of distrib- uting the powers of government among distinct departments. He reviewed the history and ex< amined the constitutions of all the mixed and free governments which had existed from the earliest records of time, in order to deduce, with more certainty and force, his great practical truth, that single legislatures, without check or ♦ Defence of the American Constitutions. 64 LECTURES ON balance, or a government with all authority col* jected in one centre or department, were vio- lent, intriguing, corrupt, and tyrajinical domina- tions of majorities over minorities, uniformly and rapidly terminating their career in profligate despotism. This visionary notion of a single assembly was, nevertheless, imbodied in the constitution, adopted by France in 1791 ; and the same false and vicious principle continued for some time to prevail with the sublimated theorists of that coun- try. A single chamber was again established in the plan> of government published by the Con- vention in 1793. Their own suilerings, however, It length taught the French people to listen to :hat* oracle of wisdom, the experience of other nations and other ages, which, amid the tumult and violence of the passions which influenced them, they had utterly disregarded, and which, under any circumstances, their national vanity would otherwise have led them to despise. " No people," said Boissy (TJinglas^ one of their great- est orators, " no people can testify to the world, with more truth and sincerity than the French, the dangers inherent in a single legislative assem- bl}^, and the point to which faction may mislead an assembly without check or counterpoise." We accordingly find, that in the next of their ephemeral constitutions, which appeared in 1797, there was a division of the Legislature into twc co-ordinate branches ; and the idea of two cham hers was never abandoned, either under the mil itary despotism of the empire, or in the charters obtained upon the restoration of the monarchy, or upon the subsequent revolution and change wf dynasty. CONSTITUTIONAL JURISPRUDENCE. 65 Our country had, indeed, afforded more than one instance in point, in which, fortunately, how- ever, the evil consequences were by no means so great as those experienced in France. The legislatures of Pennsylvania and Georgia con- sisted originally of a single house 5 but the in- stability and passion Avhich marked their pro- ceedings, far short as they were of the least of the atrocities of the French National Convention, were the subject of much public animadversion at the time ; and in the subsequent reforms of their constitutions, the people of those states were so sensible of this defect, and of the evils they had suffered from it, that a Senate was in- troduced into both of their amended constitu- tions. There was a farther reason for the divis- ion of the legislative powers in the government of the United States, arising from its federative character, but which, from its peculiar impor- tance, deserves a fuller explanation. On those just principles of public polity on which our Constitution is founded, it is essential that in communities, thoroughly incorporated into one nation, the inhabitants of every geo graphical district or territorial subdivision should have their proportional share in the government j while among independent sovereign states, bound together by a simple league, the several parties, however unequal in respect to territory and popu- lation, should have an equal share in the public councils. It was therefore reasonable and prop- er, that in a republic partaking both of the na- tional and federal characters, the government should be founded on both those principles of representation. Hence, in the constitution of the legislative powers, the House of Representatives F 66 LECTURES ON was constructed on the principle o^ proportional^ and the Senate on that of equal, representation 5 and although this equality in the latter was evi- dently the result of a compromise between the lar- ger and smaller states, yet it afforded a convenient and effectual mode of applying the rule of com- bined representation to that co-ordinate branch, and necessarily induced a separation of the two bodies of which Congress is composed. I. The House of Representatives was according- ly founded on the principles of proportional rep- resentation ; yet not purely and abstractedly so, but with as much conformity to that principle as was practicable. It is composed of representa- tives of the people of the several states, not of the people of the United States at large; and in this respect it partakes of the federative quality. Nei- ther are the qualifications of the electors uni- form, as much variety of opinion and practice exists concerning them in the several states. The representatives in Congress are chosen ev- ery second year, by the people of the several states who are qualified to vote for the most nu- merous branch of the State Legislature. No per- son can be a representative until he has attained the age of twenty-five years, and has been seven years a citizen of the tJnited States ; nor unless he is an inhabitar.t of the state for which he is chosen. When vacancies happen, from death or resignation, in the representation of any state, its executive authority is directed to issue writs of election to fill them, either at a general or special election. The general qualifications of electors of the most numerous branch of the state legislatures nre, that they be past the age of twenty-one CONSTitUriONAL J U R I ^MlWf^i±f{^K>^^ (jl years, free resident citizens jbi'thd -state, in wjji^'h they vote, and have paid taifes. In seme ^of i}^ states ihey are required to pWsess property of a^ \ certain description or amoun\ and in others ;io ^ be white as well as free citizens. These d'lRcr^i^ K» qualifications are, in sonne instances, diffbYeatly "* combined, or restricted and modified j^in^j^iii- most others, are so large as to include all persons who are of competent discretion, and interested in the welfare of the government, liable to per- form any of its duties, or bear any of its burdens : so that the House of Representatives may be said very fairly to represent the whole body of the people. Several of the state constitutions have pre- scribed the same, if not higher, qualifications in the elected than in the electors, and some of them require a religious test. But the Constitution of the United States requires no evidence of prop- erty in the representative, nor any declaration of his religious belief. He is merely required to be a citizen of competent age, and free from undue bias or dependance, by not holding any office of trust or profit under the United States. The term for \vhich he is elected to serve is not so short as to prevent his obtaining a compre- hensive acquaintance with his duties, nor so long as to tempt him to forget his dependance on the approbation of his constituents. Frequent elections, moreover, have a tendency to dimin- ish the importance of the office, and to render the people indifferent to the exercise of their right ; while, on the other hand, long intervals between the elections are apt to produce too great excitement, and, consequently, to render the pe^'iods of their return a season of too se- 68 LECTURES ON vere competition and conflict for the public tran quillity. The Constitution has certainly not de- viated in this respect to the latter extreme, in the establishment of biennial elections. Consid- ering the situation and extent of the country, the medium adopted combines as many advan- tnges, and avoids as many inconveniences, as any other term which might have been adopted. The representatives are directed to be appor- tioned among the states according to numbers, which are determined in each state by adding to the whole number of free persons, exclusive of Indians not taxed, three fifths of all other per- sons. This rule of apportionment is obnoxious to the objection that three fifths of the slaves in those states where slavery still exists are compu- ted in settling the representation. But the pro- vision which thus permits them to swell the pop- ulation, and thereby increase the political weight and influence of the states in which their mas- ters reside, was the result of necessary compro- mise j and the same rule that apportions the rep- resentatives extends to direct taxes: so that while their slaves give to the states in question an increased number of representatives in Con- gress, they contribute also, when that mode of taxation is resorted to, to increase the measure of their contributions. The mischief, however, remains, that their preponderance in the public councils, obtained by these very means, has hith- erto prevented the imposition of direct taxes, ex- cept during a part of the short periods in which this country has been engaged in war. The Constitution directed an actual enumera- tion of the people to be made within three years after the first meeting of the Congress it cro- CONSTITUTIONAL JURISPRUDENCE. 69 ated, and provides one to be taken, in virtue of acts passed for that purpose, within every subsequent period of ten years. The number of representatives cannot exceed one for every thirty thousand, but eacli state is entitled to at least one representative. Upon the return of the census^ it was conceived by Congress that, without invading the Constitution, the principle of apportionment might with advantage be so moditied as to prevent the loss in the number of representatives, arising from the fractional parts produced by the application of the ratio of representation, to the representative population of the respective states. The aggregate numbers of the population of the United States, as ascer- tained by that census, was accordingly divided by the ratio adopted in the bill, which was thirty thou- sand, and the operation was found to produce the quotient of one hundred and twenty ; whereupon that number of representatives was apportioned among the several states, until as many represent- atives as it would give were assigned to each state respectively j and then the residuary or sur- plus number was distributed among the states hav- ing the highest fractional numbers, until the whole number of one hundred and tw^enty was exhausted. After much debate and strong opposition, this bill passed both houses of Congress ; but the correct and independent mind of President Washingtou could not reconcile its provisions with the Con- stitution, and he returned the bill to the House of Eepresentatives, in which it had originated, with this objection, "that the Constitution had provided that the number of representatives should not exceed one for every thirty thousand, which ra£io was to be applied to the respective 70 LECTURES ON numbers of the states ; whereas the bill allotted to several of the states more than one represent- ative for every thirty thousand of its popula- tion." As there was not a constitutional major- ity to pass the bill notwithstanding the objec- tion, it was subsequently rejected, and a new one immediately brought in and passed, adopt- ing the raiio of thirty-three thousand, and apply- ing it to the numbers of the states respectively, without providing for the representation of the fractional parts. This course has been pursued on every subsequent occasion; although, on the return of the fifth census, a proposal for the rep- resentation of the fractional parts, similar irk principle to the former, was made and adopted in the Senate, but rejected in the House of Rep- resentatives. In this case, indeed, the ratio adopt- ed exceeded thirty thousand, and was fixed by the amendment of the Senate at forty-seven thou- sand seven hundred ; but this ratiOy as before, was applied to the aggregate number of the whole representative population, in order to ob- tain the number of representatives, who were then, in like manner, apportioned among the several states, and the residuary members dis- tributed among those having the highest frac- tional numbers exceeding twenty-five thousand. In this respect, therefore, the amendment in question was liable to the objection of assigning a representative to a less number than thirty thousand. But had it even assigned the surplus to the states having fractions equal to or exceed- ing that number, it would still have contravened the provision of the Constitution which directs the ratio to be applied to the representative num- bers of the several states without in any man- CONSTITUTIONAL JURISPRUDENCE. 71 ner noticing the fractional parts resulting from the apportionment, or contemplating any other computation than the one expressly directed. To guard against a refractory disposition, should it ever appear in any of the sister states, in the neglect or refusal to exercise the right vested in them by the Constitution, of prescri- bing the time, places, and manner of holding elec- tions of representatives, Congress is empowered, at any time, to make or alter such regulations 3 and this power was, for the first time, partially exercised by the present Congress. The act referred to directs the state legislatures to di- vide their respective states into as many dis- tricts, for the election of their representatives in Congress, as there are representatives to be elect- ed in each ; and requiring that each district shall consist of contiguous territory, and contain an equal number of persons, as nearly as may be, without dividing counties, or other similar subdi- visions. Several of those states in which the principles of anti-federalism and nullification pre- vail, demurred in carrying this regulation into ef- fect, and at last yielded only a reluctant consent ; and the State of Missouri still holds out against a provision, of which the expediency is as un- doubted elsewhere as its constitutionality. By the act apportioning the representatives among the several states according to the last census, the ratio of seventy-four thousand for a repre- sentative was adopted, which gives a total num- ber of two hundred and twenty-three members in the next House of Representatives. The House of Representatives possesses the sole power of impeachment, or of presenting ac- cusations *igainst public officers of the United 72 LECTURES ON States for malversation in their offices. It has also the exclusive right of originating all bills for raising revenue j and this is the only privi- lege which that house possesses, in its legisla- tive character, which is not equally shared with the other ; and even these revenue bills are amend- able by the Senate at its discretion : so tluii, in all business appertaining to legislation, each house is an entire and perfect check upon tiie other. The proceedings in the House of Eepre- seniatives are conducted with open doors, ex- cept on very special occasions. This publicity affords the people early and authentic informa- tion of the progress, reason, and policy of meas- ures pending befoie Congress, and is, moreover, a powerful stimulus to industry and research, and to the cultivation of talent and eloquence in debate. These advantages, indeed, may be ac- quired at the expense of much useless discussion and much valuable time, yet the balance of util- ity is greatly in favour of open deliberation ; and it is very certain, from the opposition made to the experiment of the first Senate to sit with closed doors, that such a practice by any legis- lative body in this country would not be endured. If. The Senate of the United States consists of two senators from each state, chosen by its Legislature for six years, and each senator has one vote. If a vacancy happen during a recess of the Legislature, the executive power of the state may make temporary appointments until the next meeting of the Legislature, when the vacancy must be filled in the ordinary manner. Each state, therefore, has its equal voice and weight in the Senate of the Union, without re- gard to disparity of population, wealth, or terri CONSTITUTIONAL JURISPRUDENCE. 73 tory. The number of two senators from each state would, however, have been found inconve- nient, if the votes in the Senate had been taken, as in the old Congress, by states. There, if the delegates from a state were divided, its vote was lost, and this, of course, rendered an uneven number preferable. But from the numerical vote taken upon all questions in the Senate, a division of opinion between the senators of a particular state has no influence on the general result. The election of senators in Congress by the state legislatures has the double advantaofe of favouring a select appointment, and of giving to the state governments such an essential agency in the formation of the General Government as recognises and preserves their separate and in- dependent existence, and renders them, in their sovereign character, living and active members of the federal body. Whether the choice of senator should be made by the joint or concur- rent vote of the two branches of the state legis- latures, the Constitution does not direct. Diffi- culties have hence arisen as to its meaning. The legislatures are not only to elect the mem- bers of this branch of the National Congress, but to prescribe the times, places, and manner of holding the election, and Congress is author- ized to alter such regulations, except as to the place. The difference between the two modes of election is, that on a joint vote, the members of both branches of the Legislature assemble to- gether for the purpose, and vote niimericaUy ; while a concurrent vote is taken by each house separately, and the decision of one is subject to the approval of the other The difficulties allu- ded to have arisen in cases of their disaorr e- 74 LECTURES ON ment ; but as the legislatures may prescribe the manner of choosing senators, it has been consid- ered and settled, in the State of New- York and several other states, that the Legislature may direct them to be chosen by the joint vote, or ballot, of both houses, in cases of non-concur- rence ; and then, of course, the weight of the least numerous branch is dissipated and over- come by the heavier vote of the other. This construction has been found the most conveni- ent, and has been too long settled, by the recog- nition of senators so elected, to be now disturb- ed ; but were the question an open one, I think it might be maintained that, when the Constitu- tion directed the federal senators to be chosen in each state '' by the Legislature thereof," it meant the Legislature in the true technical sense of the term, consisting of two branches, acting in their separate and organized 'capacities, Avith the ordinary constitutional negative on each oth- er's proceedings, and not the members of the two houses per capita. The smaller number and longer duration of the Senate were intended to render it a safe- guard against those paroxysms of heat and pas- sion which prevail occasionally in more popular assemblies. The characteristic qualities of the Senate, in the intendment of the Constitution, are wisdom and experience. The legal pre- sumption, therefore, is, that it will entertain more enlarged views of public policy, and feel a high- er and juster sense of national character, and a greater regard for stability and permanence in the administration of the government, than a more numerous and changeable body. These qualities, indeed, may be found, too, in the other branch CONSTITUTIONAL JURISPRUDENCE. 7Jo of the Legislature, but its constitutional struc- ture is not so well calculated to produce them j for as the House of Representatives comes more immediately from the people, and its members hold their seats for a much shorter term, they are presumed to partake, with a quicker sensi- bility, of the prevailing temper and irritable dis- position of the times, and to be in much more danger of adopting measures with precipitancy and changing them with levity, than the more sage and experienced members of the more select and less numerous body. In order, therefore, to counteract these propensities, to maintain a greater confidence in the government, and to en- sure its safety at home and its character abroad, it was necessary that another body of men, com- ing likewise, though mediately, from the people, and equally responsible to them for their con- duct, but resting on a more permanent basis, and constituted with stronger inducements to moderation in debate and tenacity of purpose, should be placed as a check upon the natural in- temperance of the younger and more popular branch. W The Senate, at its first organization, was divi- ded, in the mode pointed out in the Constitution, into three classes. The rotation intended by that division was originally determined by lot, and the seats of one of the classes became va- cant at the expiration of every second year; so that one third of the Senate is regularly chosen every two years. This provision was borrowed from some of the state constitutions, of which that of Virginia gave the first example ; and it is admirably well calculated, on the one hand, to infuse into the Senate renewed confidence and 76 LECTURES ON vigour, and, on the other, to retain a large por- tion of experienced members, duly initiated into the general principles of national policy, and the forms and course of legislative business. The Senate has the sole power of trying im- peachments. The first recognition of a court for that purpose is in the article of the Constitu- tion we are now examining, which declares that "the House of Representatives shall have the sole power of impeachment," and that " the Senate shall have the sole power to try all impeachments." The term is thus introduced as of a known and definite signification ; and a well-constituted court for the trials of impeachments was consid- ered by the authors of *' The Federalist" as an object not more to be desired than difficult to be obtained, in a government wholly elective. The delicacy and magnitude of a trust which so deep- ly concerns the political reputation and exist- ence of every one engaged in the administration of public affairs, may be readily perceived ; as will also the difficulty of placing it rightly in a government in which the most conspicuous per- sons are the leaders, and too often the instru- ments of party, and can, therefore, hardly be ex- pected to possess the neutrality requisite in re- gard to those whose conduct may be submitted to their scrutiny. It would be improper, too, to commit the cognizance of those ofl^ences which are the objects of an impeachment to the ordina- ry courts of justice, as the complexities and va- riety of political delinquencies are too numerous and artful to be anticipated by positive enact- ments, and sometimes too subtile and mysteriou? to be fully detected and exposed, in the limited period of ordinary investigation. A peculiar tri- CONSTITUTIONAL JURISPRUDENCE. 77 bunal seems, thereiore, useful and necessary ; an institution of a liberal and comprehensive character; conhned as little as possible to strict forms j enabled to continue its sessions as long as the nature of the case before it may require j qualified to view the charge in all its bearings and dependances, and to appreciate, on sound princi- ples of public policy, the defence of the accused. To compose this court of persons wholly dis- tinct from the other branches of the government, and forming a permanent body for the single purpose of exercising this jurisdiction, would have been as inconvenient as to appoint and col- lect temporary judges whenever an impeachment may be determined on. The Convention who formed the Constitution thought it most fit and safe to make the Senate the depositary of this important trust ; and, upon a review of all the departments of the government, no other could have been found so suitable for the exercise of this important jurisdiction. The model from which this institution was borrowed was the British House of Peers, and it had been previ- ously adopted in several of the state constitu- . tions. Besides the reasons already suggested against vesting it in the ordinary courts, there remains this farther consideration, that the pun- ishment consequent upon conviction is not the only one to which the offence is liable. The judgment, in cases of impeachment, extends no farther than removal from office, and disqualifi- cation to hold in future any office of trust or profit under the United States. But the party convicted is, nevertheless, subject to prosecu- tion according to the usual course of administer- ing the law; and it would be obviously i>nprop- 78 LECTURES ON er, if not in a high degree dangerous, that the same tribunal who had already disposed of the fame and character of the accused, and of his most valuable political rights as a citizen, should, in another trial for the same offence, be also the arbiter of his life, liberty, or property. The only persons liable to impeachment with us are those, we have seen, who are, or have been, in public office. But a construction has been giv- en to the Constitution, by which a member of the Senate was held not to be liable to impeachment. The deliberations of the court being held in se- cret, we can only infer from the arguments urged at the bar, that the term " officers" used in the Constitution was held not to include senators; and on the same principle, members of the House of Representatives would also be exempt from liabilitj^ to this jurisdiction. The grounds of the distinction may probably have been that the power of impeachment was considered merely as a check given to the Legislature upon the other two departments, and that, as each house of Congress was the judge of its own members, all the ends of punishment might be attained by expelling a delinquent member. When sitting as a court for the trial of im- peachments, the senators are put under oath or affirmation faithfully and impartially to discharge their judicial functions. No person can be con- victed but v/ith the concurrence of two thirds of the members of the court ; the Vice-president of tlie United States, as President of the Senate, being a member of the court ^ with a constant in- stead of a contingent vote, presides in it, excep; uhen the President of the United Slates is tried j :)]) which occasion tb« s'Hief-justice presides. CONSTITUTIONAL JURISPRUDENCE. 79 The Senate, moreover, in its exclusive con- nexion with the executive department, has a neg- ative upon the appointment of all officers of the United States whose appointment is not other- wise provici^d for in the Constitution; and the advice and consent of two thirds of the senators present are requisite to all treaties which are sub- mitted by the consideration of the Senate alone. The Senate, however, is not consulted in the first instance ; but when a treaty is agreed on by the agents employed for its negotiation, the Presi- dent, unless he disapprove it, submits it to the Senate, and renders to them from time to time such information relative to it as they may re- quire. The Senate may wholly reject a treaty, or they may ratify it in part, or recommend ad- ditional or explanatory articles, which, if the Pres- ident approve, again become the subject of ne- gotiation with the foreign power ; when the whole receives the sanction of the Senate, the ratifications are exchanged, and the treaty be- comes obligatory upon both nations. Although not expressly required by the Constitution, yet, from the fitness and exigency of the case, the proceedings of the Senate on these occasions are always with closed doors ; and the contents of the treaty, and the information connected with it, are, from motives of delicacy and good policy, kept secret until the publication, or other termi- nation of the negotiations in regard to it, render such reserve no longer necessary. From the su- perior weight and delicacy of the trusts thus con- fided to the Senate, the Constitution requires that a senator should be thirty years of age, nine years a citizen, and, at the time of his election, an in- habitant of the state for which he is chosen. 60 LECTURES ON The Constitution directs that Congress shall assemble at least once in every year, and that such meeting shall be on the first Monday in De- cember, unless another day be appointed by law. So that, until the time fixed, either bj^ the Consri- tuiion or the law, the action of Congress cannot commence, unless the President, in the exercise of his constitutional power, shall, on an extraor- dinary occasion, think proper to convene them *ooner. Congress also, by a concurrent resolu- tion, to which, in this case, the assent of the President is not required, fixes the time of its own adjournments. But during a session neither house, without the consent of the other, can ad- journ for more than three days, nor to any oth- er place than that in which it is sitting. Although Congress may be convened by the President, and in cases of disagreement between the two houses as to the time of their adjourn- ment, he may adjourn them to such time as he may think proper, yet our National Legislature possesses this great advantage over all others, which may in all cases be adjourned or dissolv- ed at the pleasure of the executive authority, that if, in the opinion of Congress itself, the pub- lic good may require it, they may continue un interruptedly in session until the expiration of the term for which the House of Representatives 48 elected ; and it may appoint as early a day an it thinks proper for the meeting of the next Con- gress. And among the benefits of our written Constitution, it may be accounted as one of the most valuable, that no act of Congress can pro- long its own existence beyond the time fixed by that fundamental law. CONSTITUTIONAL JURISPRUDENCE. 81 LECTURE IV. OF THE EXECUTIVE POWER. L\ the construction of a Republican government, there is no point more difficult of adjustment than the proper constitution of the executive power. The ob- ject of this department being the execution of the laws, good policy requires that it should be organi- zed in the mode best calculated to effect that end with precision and fidelity. In the proceedings of the other branches of the government, deliberation is necessary. Both in making and expounding the laws, caution and consultation are implied as indis- pensable duties. But when laws are duly made and promulgat^.d, they only remain to be executed. No discretion is vested in the executive officer in regard to their wisdom and expediency. What has been declared^ under the forms of deliberation prescribed by the Constitution, to be the meaning and intention of the Legislature, should be carried into prompt ex- ecution, and due effect given to it by the executive department, until repealed by the legislative power, or pronounced unconstitutional by the judiciary, in which latter case, the act of the Legislature is ascer- tained to be void, and neither public officers nor pri- vate citizens are responsible for its neglect or viola- tion . But every individual is bound to obey a constitu- tional law, however objectionable in other respects it may appear to him ; and whosoever refuses or withholds obedience to a law on the ground even of Its unconstitutionality, does so at his peril ; for if the question be judicially decided, by a competent tribu- nal, in favour of its validity, he is liable to all the le- G 82 LECTURES ON gal consequences of disobedience. The presiimp* tion, moreover, is always in favour of a law^ passed according to the forms of the Constitution ; and where the chief executive magistrate has a negative upon the acts of the Legislature, that presumption is, of course, the stronger against him, especially as tc laws passed under his own administration, and which must, therefore, have received his official approval. For in such a case, the existence alone of the law is evidence of his admission of its constitutionality if the negative he possesses be absolute ; and, if qualified, it shows that his objections were overruled, and the law subsequently passed on a reconsidera- tion, as required on such occasions by the Constitu- tion. If the law to which he objects were passed under a former administration, his official, if not his personal obligation, is not less absolute and per- emptory. For the negative vested in him is a legis- lative, and not a judicial power, and to allow a con- trary doctrine would be to admit the existence of a right in the executive department to repeal laws with- out the intervention of the Legislature. As, therefore, the executive power is not only bound to obey, but to carry into effect the law, the essential qualities re- quired in that department are promptness, vigour, and responsibility. A prompt submission to the law, and an immediate preparation to enforce it, are absolutely necessary in respect to the authority from which it emanates. In regard also to its effect — whenever the time of acting on a law has arrived, its operation should be imme- diate and decisive, otherwise the sense of its protec- tion and control will be weakened, and its powei unfelt and forgotten. On general principles, there- fore, as delay is reprehensible, promptness is a duty, the non-performance of which, in certain cases, ena- CONSTITUTIONAL JURISPRUDENCE. 83 tt2i>^ Ji<5 iransgresiior to escape punishment. Fot ttiis veason, it is both wise and humane that the ex- ecution 01 tne law should be speedy, and that no un- necessary interval should oe allowed between its idolaiion and ihe adoption of measures to enforce ii. For this purpose, the executive magistrate should be endowed witn sufhcient energy. A feeble execu- tive department implies a leeblc execution of the government, which is but another name for a bad ex- ecution ; and a government in which the laws are not faithfully executed, whatever it m>ay be in theory, must in practice be a bad one. A vigour of action duly proportioned to the exigencies which arise must be imparted to the executive power. But for this purpose, the proportion of power vested to the occasions that may be expected to require its exer- cise should be as exact as possible ; for if the power fall short, the evils already adverted to will en- sue ; and if it exceed its true proportion, the liberties of the people would be endangered. It is difficult, however, in a written Constitution, to adopt general expressions precisely descriptive of the proper ex- tent and limitation of this power. To guard, there- fore, against its abuse, as well as to ensure a faithful execution of the general trust reposed in this de- partment, it is requisite that it should be held respon- sible to the people for official delinquencies. These three qualities of promptness, vigour, and rcsponsihility are certainly most likely to exist where the executive authority is limited to a single person, moving at the discretion of a single will. In some republics, the fear of danger from such a head has led to the introduction of councils, and other subdi- visions of the executive power, and the consequent imbecility and distractions of those governments have probably contributed to the preference given in 84 LECTURES ON Europe to monarchies. It was falsely conceived that to vest the executive power in a single person was inconsistent with the nature and genius of a re- public, or that a republic thus constituted could long maintain its freedom against the ambitious views of a single chief. But during the American Revolu- lion, neither the fervour of Republican principles, nor resentment towards the monarchy then arrayed against us, overpowered the deliberate judgments ol our statesmen, and, upon the establishment of inde- pendent governments, almost all the states adopted the principle of unity in the executive power. The experience of more than half a century has evinced that, under proper limitations, no abuse of the power is to be apprehended merely from its unity, while every government, ancient and modern, constituted upon the scheme of a compound executive authority, has suffered from the evils of division, indecision, and delay, while the public interests have been sac- rificed, or have languished under a feeble and irregu- lar management. In those states of our Union where executive councils have been tried, this weakness and inefficiency have been strikingly exemplified. In most instances in which they were at first adopt* ed, they were speedily abandoned, and a single per- son substituted, in accordance with the lights afforded to the states in question by their own experience, or the institutions of their neighbours. Unity not only increases that efficiency which is necessary to preserve tranquillity at home and com- mand respect abroad, but it is requisite to secure the responsibility of the executive power. Where there is but one agent, every act can be traced and brought home to him ; nor can there be any concealment of the real author, and generally none of the true mo- tives of public measures, where there are no associ* CONSTITlrnONAL JURISPRUDENCE. 85 ates to divide or mask responsibility. The eyes ot the people will be constantly directed to a single conspicuous object, and for these reasons, De Lolme considers it a sound maxim of policy, that the ex- ecutive power is more easily confined where it is one and indivisible. " If the execution of the laws," he observes, " be intrusted to a number of hands, the true cause of public evils is hidden. Tyranny in such states does not always beat down the fences that are set around them, but it leaps over them. It mocks the efforts of the people, not because it is in- vincible, but because it is unknown." In accordance with these principles, the Federal Constitution vests the executive power in a single person, who is styled *' The President of the Uni- ted States ;" the qualifications and election, the powers and duties of which high officer will now be the subject of consideration. I. The Constitution requires that the President should be a natural-born citizen of the United States at the time of its adoption ; have attained the age of thirty-five years, and have been fourteen years a resi- dent within them. Considering the magnitude of the trust, and that the executive department is the ulti- mately efficient power in the government, these re- strictions will not appear useless nor unimportant. The qualification required of citizenship was intend- ed to prevent ambitious foreigners from intriguing ibr the office, and to cut off all those inducements from abroad to corruption, intervention, and war, which have frequently and fatally harassed the elect- ive monarchies of Europe. The age required in the President is suflicient to have formed his public and private character, and the previous term of do- mestic residence is intended to afford his fellow-citi zens the opportunity of gainino- a correct knowledge 86 LECTURES ON of his principles and capacity, and to enable him to acquire habits of attachment and obedience to the laws, and of practical devotion to the public welfare. The mode of his appointm.ent presented one of the most difficult questions that occupied the Con- vention ; and if ever the tranquillity of this nation is to be disturbed, and its peace jeoparded, by a strug- gle for power among ourselves, it is the opinion of some of our wisest statesmen that it will be on this very subject of the choice of President. It is there- fore the more remarkable, that this was almost the only part of the federal system, of any importance, which escaped without the severest censure, or re- ceived the slightest mark of approbation from its oppo- nents. By the authors of " The Federalist," the man- ner of choosing the President was affirmed to be, " if not perfect, at least excellent," and to unite, in an eminent degree, all the advantages of which the selection and association were to be desired. It is, nevertheless, considered by Mr. Chancellor Kent as " the question which is to try the strength of the Constitution ;" and that, " if we are able, for half a century hereafter, to continue to elect the chief ma- gistrate of the Union, with discretion, moderation, and integrity, we shall undoubtedly stamp the high- est value on our national character, and recommend our Republican institutions, if not to the imitation, yet certainly to the esteem and admiration of the more enlightened part of mankind." The experience of ancient and modern Europe has certainly, as this eminent jurist observes, been unfavourable to the practicability of the fair and peaceable election of the executive of a great nation. It was found impossible to guard such elections from the mischiefs of foreign intrigue and domestic turbu- lence, from violence or corruption ; and men have CONSTITUTIONAL JURISPRUDENCE. 87 generally sought refuge from the dangers of popular elections in hereditary chief magistrates, as the lesser evil of the two. Archdeacon Paley condemns all elective monarchies, and thinks nothing gained by a popular choice w^orth the dissensions, tumults, and interruptions of regular industry with which it is in- separably connected. But these consequences rare- ly attend our elections, and no such evils as he de- scribes have ever been experienced in our elections of a President by the electors ; although on one mem- orable occasion, of which I shall speak hereafter, much riotous and violent conduct was exhibited in the House of Representatives, when, upon an equali- ty of electoral votes between Mr. Jefferson and Colo- nel Burr, in ISOl, the choice between them devolved on" that body. Nor can any serious danger be appre- hended in future from such occurrences, when we reflect on the nature of the precautions which have been so happily concerted to prevent them — in the manner of electing the President, and the limitations in the nature, extent, and duration of his power. The question, too, with us, was very different from the wisdom 01 policy of preferring hereditary to elective monarchies in Europe ; where the same restraints on the executive authority do not exist to diminish its value in the estimation of competitors — where different orders and ranks are established in the com- munity, and large masses of property are accumula- ted in the hands ol individuals — where ignorance and poverty are widely diffused, and standing armies are requisite to preserve the stability of the government. The state of society and property in this country, and the moral and political habits of the people, have enabled us to adopt the Republican principle in rela- tion to the chief executive magistrate, and to main- tain it hitherto with signal success. From the pe- 88 LECTURES ON cuLar character of our Federative Union, in whic^ the concerns only of the nation, as such, are confided to the General Government, and those of a local de- scription to the states — from the nature of the civil and municipal institutions of the states, which favoui the exertions of industry by the certainty of adequate rewards, and secure enjoyment, but discourage and prevent the accumulation of overgrown estates — from the spread of knowledge and the prevalence of mo- rality and religious habits, we may reasonably hope that the checks which the Constitution has provided against the dangerous propensities of our system, al- though sometiaies contemned by ambitious popular leaders, will prove continually and ultimately suc- cessful. The election, however, of a supreme ma gistrate for a whole nation, aflects so many interests, addresses itself so strongly to popular passions, and holds forth such powerful temptations to ambition, that even under the most favourable circumstances and wisest regulations, it necessarily becomes a for- midable trial to public virtue, and sometimes hazard- ous to the public tranquillity. The framers of our Constitution, from an enlightened view of all the dif- ficulties of the case, did not think it safe or prudent to refer the election of the President immediately to the people, but confided that power to a small body of fdectors appointed in each state, under the direc- tion of the Legislature ; and in order to close the door as eflfectually as possible against negotiation, intrigue, and corruption, they declared that Congress might determine ihe day on which the election should be held, and that the day of election should be the same in every state. It was essential that the sense of the people should operate in the choice of a person to whom so im- portant a trust was to be confided ; and this end is CONSTITUTIONAL JURISPRUDENCE. 89 answered b; committing the right of election, not to any pre-established body, but to men chosen by the people for the special purpose, and under such cir- cumstances as would best ensure the freedom and nurity of the election. It was also 'desirable that the immediate election should be made by men capable of analyzing the qualities adapted to the station, and acting under circumstances favourable to delibera- tion, and to a judicious combination and comparison of all the reasons and inducements proper to govern their choice ; and it was fairly and reasonably sup- posed that a small number of persons, selected by their fellow-citizens from the general mass, would be most likely to possess the information and discern- ment requisite to such an investigation. It was, moreover, peculiarly desirable to afford as little op- portunity as possible to tumult and disorder ; and it was therefore considered that the choice of several^ to form an intermediate body of electors, would be much less apt to convulse the community with any extraordinary or violent emotions, than the choice of one, who would himself be the first object of the pub- lic wishes ; and by requiring the electors chosen in each state to assemble and vote in the state in which they are appointed, it was intended that they should be less exposed to heats and ferments communicated to them from the people, than if they were all to be assembled at the same place. Nothing more was to be desired, and nothing was more anxiously attempted, than that every practica- ble obstacle should be opposed to cabal, intrigue and corruption. These deadly foes to Republicanism were naturally to be expected to make their ap- proaches from more than one quarter ; but chiefly from abroad — from the desire of foreign powers tc gain an improper ascendency in our public councils ; H 90 LECTURES ON and it was apprehended that they might effect this by raising a creature of their own to the chief ma- gistracy of the Union. The Convention, therefore, guarded against all danger of this sortwhh the most provident and judicious attention. Another, and not less important object was, that the President should be independent for his continuance in office on all but the people themselves. This object was also designed to be secured by making, as we have seen, his re-election depend upon a special body of repre- sentatives, deputed by the nation for the single pur- pose of his election, instead of permitting his contin- uance in office to depend on the will of Congress ; to whose favour he might, in that case, be tempted to sacrifice his' duty and official consequence. Such were the advantages intended to be combi- ned and ensured by the plan devised by the Conven- tion. Whether they have been altogether realized, we shall hereafter have occasion to inquire ; for the present, it is as well to suggest that the contest which arose in 1801 has not been imitated, at least by none of equal violence, since the adoption of an amend- ment of the Constitution, intended to prevent such violence for the future. It has, nevertheless, been deemed expedient, by some of our ablest and most experienced statesmen, to propose a farther amend- ment, disqualifying the President from re-election. The Constitution ordains that each state shall a]>- point, in such manner as its Legislature may direct, a number of electors equal to the whole number of sen- ators and representatives which the state is entitled to send to Congress ; and to prevent the President in office at the time of the election from having an improper influence on his re-election by his ordina- ry agency in the government, it is declared that no senator or representative in Congress, nor any per- CONSTITUTIONAL JURISPRUDENCE. 91 son holding an office of trust or profit under the Uni- ted States, shall be appointed an elector. In no oth- er respect has the Constitution defined the qualifica- tions of the electors. In several of the states the electors were formerly chosen by the Legislature it- self, in a mode prescribed by law, and this method still prevails in Delaware and South Carolina. But it is to be presumed that there will be less opportu- nity for dangerous coalitions, for ambitious, selfish, or party purposes, where the choice of the electors is referred, as, according to the clear sense of public opinion, it now almost universally is, to the people at large. The electors are directed by the Consti- tution to meet in their respective states on the same day throughout the Union, which, in pursuance of . the discretionary power vested in Congress, has been fixed by law on the first Wednesday in December, in every fourth year succeeding the last election. The place of meeting rests in the discretion of the state legislatures, and is usually at the seat of the state government. When thus assembled, and fully organized, by filling up vacancies occurring from the death or absence of any of their number, the electors proceed to vote by ballot for two persons, one of whom, at least, must not be an inhabitant of the same state with themselves. According to the original Constitution, they were not to designate which of the two they vote for as President, and which as Vice- president ; who was, nevertheless, to be elected at the same time, in the same manner, and for the samt> term as the President. It was merely provided thai the person having the greatest number of votes should be the President, if such number were a majority of the whole number of electors chosen, and that the person having the next greatest number of votes of the electors should be the Vice-president. But the 02 LRCTURES OM difficulty already adiided to as having occurred ip 1801, in procuring a constitutional choice from an equality in the electoral votes between two individ- uals, which threatened the peace, if not the stability of the Union, the Constitution w^as so amended as t(? require the electors to name in distinct ballots the persons voted for respectively as President and Vice- president. They are, then, by this amendment di- rected to make distinct lists of all voted for as Presi- dent and Vice-president, and of the number of votes given for each respectively. These lists they are to sign, certify, and transmit sealed to the seat of gov- ernment of the United States, directed to the Presi- dent of the Senate, before the first Wednesday in January next ensuing the election. An act of Con- gress, passed in March, 1792, requires that body to be in session on the second Wednesday in Februar-y, when the President of the Senate, in the presence of both houses of Congress, opens the certificates re- ceived, and the votes are then counted. The Con- stitution does not explicitly declare by whom the votes are to be counted, and the result proclaimed ; but the practice has been for the President of the Senate to perform those duties., the two houses being present as spectators, to witness the fairness and ac- curacy of the proceeding, and to be ready to act in case no choice be made by the electors. The person having the greatest number of voles for President is declared to be elected to that office, if such number be a majority of the whole number of electors appointed : but if no person have such ma- jority, then from the persons having the highest num- bers, not exceeding three on the list of those voted for as President, the House of Representatives are im- mediately, by ballot, to choose the President. Bui on this occasion tlie votes are to be taken by states, CONSTITUTIONAL 3 ORISPRUDENCE. 93 ihe representation from each state having one vote. A quorum for the purpose, of a member or members from two thirds of the states, and a majority of all ihe states, is necessary Jo a choice. Although the Constitution directs that, when no person is found to have a majority of the electoral votes, the choice shall be immediately made by the House of Represent- atives, yet it is not held obligatory upon that house to proceed to the election directly upon the separation of the two l/.ouses, but it may proceed to it either at that time and place, or omit it until afterward. This con- struction was adopted before the amendment of the Constitution, and there can be no question since in regard to its correctness, as the amendment express- ly declares the choice of the house to be valid, if made before the fourth of March following the day on which the electoral votes are counted. Accord- ingly, in 1825, when there was again no choice by the electors, the House of Representatives retired to their own chamber, and on both occasions the Sen- ate were allowed to be present as spectators only of the result. In case no choice of President be made by the House of Representatives before the time thus limited for their action, it is declared that the Vice-president shall act as President, as in the case of the death or constitutional inability of the President. The amend- ment in question provides, farther, that the person having the greatest number of votes for that office shall be Vice-president, if such votes be a majority of the whole number of electors appointed ; and that if no person have such majority, then from the two highest numbers on the list the Senate shall choose the Vice-president. A quorum for this purpose con- sists of two thirds of the whole number of senators and a majority of the whole is necessary to a choice 94 LECTURES ON But no person constitutionally ineligible as President can be elected Vice-president. The Constitution, as thus amended, does not prescribe specifically when or where the Senate is to choose the Vice-president in case no choice be made by the electors, and no case has occurred to form a precedent ; but from an- alogy to the provision and practice in regard to the President, it is presumed that the Senate may elect one at any time before the ensuing fourth of March With respect to the day to which the secondary elec- tion is in both cases limited, it is to be remarked that it was adopted in reference to a law existing previous- ly to the amendment of the Constitution, which had already declared that the term of four years for which the President and Vice-president are elected, shoidd commence on the fourth day of March next succeed- ing the day on which the votes of the electors are given. The effect of the amendment, therefore, is to render the provisions of the act of Congress, rela- tive to the specific times appointed for the several duties enjoined by the Constitution, in regard to the election of President and Vice-president, as perma- nent as the original instrument itself. Although the wisdom and policy of this amend- ment of the Constitution has been doubted by some of our ablest jurists and statesmen, there are others who consider it an improvement, not only with re- spect to voting separately for President and Vice- president, in reducing the number of candidates from which the congressional selection of a Presi- dent is to be made, from five to three, while the Sen- ate, in their choice of a Vice-president, is confined to the two highest numbers of those voted for by the electors. In another particular, also, the amendment may be considered beneficial. By the former mode of proceeding, the Senate was restrained from acting CONSTITUTIONAL J UKlSiMlUDENCE. 95 until the bouse had made its selection of a President, wliicb, if parties ran high, might be indefinitely de- layed. By the amendment, the Senate may proceed to choose a Vice-president immediately on the decla- ring of the elect ral votes. Under the original mode, if the House of Representatives, in the event of no choice by the electors, did not choose a President by the fourth of March, tbe Vice-president then in office was to act as President for the next official term : so that, notwithstanding the public confidence might have been wholly withdrawn from him, he would actually become President for the ensuing four years, when he had been chosen by the electors in refer- ence — not in form, but in fact — to the Vice-presiden- cy, and that, too, for the preceding term ; whereas, on the plan now in force, if no President be chosen either by the electors or by the House of Representa- tives, the Vice-president, then to fill the office of President, will have recently received the siifTrages of the electors as well as of the Senate. After all, however, it may well be doubted whether a greater evil has not been introduced by the amendment in the greater facility it affords to party organization, and the selection of mere party leaders, which was the very evil intended to be guarded against by the former regulation. From a review of these various provisions, the mode of electing the supreme magistrate of the Union appears to be well calculated to secure a dis- creet choice, and to avoid those evils which the par- tisans of monarchy have ascribed, and the experi- ence of past ages have shown to belong, to popular elections. It must, nevertheless, be acknowledged, that the large and elevated views of the men who planned the Constitution, and the expectations of those who defended this portion of it, upon the re- 96 LECTURES ON fined theoretical reasoning I have adverted to, have not been realized in its practical operation and ef- fects. It was supposed, as I have mentioned, that the election of the President would be committed to men not likely to be swayed by party or personal bias ; who would act unfettered by previous commit- ments, uncontrolled by combinations or discipline, and be subject neither to intimidation nor corruption ; and it was thought that the choice of an intermedi- ate body of electors, consisting of several members, would be much less apt to agitate and convulse the community than the election of a single person, who was himself to be the first object of their wishes. Perhaps those views and expectations were founded on too exalted an estimate of human nature ; and that, making all due allowances for human frailty and imperfection, they have not been altogether frus- trated. Experience, however, has proved that the electors do not, in fact, assemble for a strictly free exercise of their own judgments, but for the pur- pose of sanctioning the choice of a particular candi- date, previously designated by their party leaders. In some instances, the principles on which they are constituted have been so far forgotten, that the indi- vidual opinion of the electors has submitted to the dictation of those by whom he was chosen ; and in others the electors have even pledged themselves beforehand to vote for a candidate prescribed to them by the managers of their party ; and thus the whole foundation of the elaborate theory on which this part of the Constitution was built has been subverted in practice. The essential ends of the Constitution have, nevertheless, been attained ; and in a govern- ment in which parties must ever exist, that system may be deemed salutary in its operation which re- sults in the election of the most eminent, or even the CONSTITUTIONAL JURISPRUDENCE. 97 most popular statesman of the most numerous party Had any other mode of election been adopted, it would have been impossible, in a Republican gov- ernment, to have excluded party considerations, in- terests, and feelings. The great objects were to preserve purity as well as harmony in the election, and secure integrity as well as independence in the executive power. Had the choice of President been referred in the first instance to Congress, it would, without excluding party views and motives, have rendered him too dependant on the immediate au- thors of his elevation to comport with the requisite energy of his department, Jind have tempted him to indulge in intrigues and manoeuvres utterly subver- sive of the fairness of the election and the purity of his own character. He would then no longer con- sider himself responsible to the people, but w^ould be prone to obey, and fearful to offend, a power which, in that case, would have shown itself greater than the people themselves. Whether greater ferments and commotions would accompany a general election of the President by the whole body of the people, than have hitherto attended the elections by electors (and certainly these have as yet excited no real alarm), or whether that mode of election would, with regard to the pre scribed ratio of representation, be conveniently prac tised, remains, indeed, to be ascertained. It has beei^ objected that such a measure would " lead to an en* tire consolidation of the government, and the annihi- fation of the state sovereignties, so far as concerns the organization of the executive department." Bui if the difference should consist merely in the form and not in the objects of the election, nor in the au- thority which orders and controls it — if, for instance, the people, in their several states, instead of votiau 9g lectures on for electors, should in the same manner, at the same times and places, and under the same regulations, vote directly for the President, and the whole num- ber of votes to which the state is entitled under the present provisions of the Constitution, should be computed as given to the person receiving the high- est vote from the people, I must confess my inability to discover why any greater danger should be appre- hended to the sovereignty of the states than exists under the present system. Nor can I conceive any sound objection to such an amendment, if it should include a provision superseding, by a secondary re- sort to electors, the ultimate reference now made in case of no choice by the electors to Congress. On the contrary, upon mature consideration, I am con- vinced that such an alteration would be found an es- sential improvement. It has, indeed, been actually proposed and urged in Congress with great force of argument, especially the part which substitutes a final election by electors, in place of the last resort to the House of Representatives, in cases where no choice is made by the people. From the example of the illustrious individual who first held the office of President, a practice has arisen, and seems now to be permanently established, for the President to decline a second re-election. As this precedent has never as yet been, and proba- bly never will be departed from, it has, in elfect, limited the period of service to eight years, subject, however, to an intermediate election. But to render the President more independent, the administration more stable, and the people more secure, it would be better that this improvement should be sanctioned and legalized by being incorporated in the system ; and this amendment of the Constitution, in connexion with that already suggested, has been actually brought CONSTITUTIONAL JURISPRUDENCE. 99 forward, and appears to be favoured by somcj of the most intelligent and upright of our public men Having fully explained the manner in which ihe ;supreme executive office is constituted, and the mode of electing the President, I proceed to con- sider, II. The powers with which he is invested. 1. The first of these which offers itself to obser vation is one which has already been adverted to in reviewing the legislative department, and the con- nexion between it and the executive power, for the preservation of their mutual independence — I mean the qualified negative of the President upon the con- current acts of Congress, or his right of returning bills and resolutions, with his objections to them, to the house in which they originated, for reconsider- ation, whereby they are prevented from taking effect as laws, unless again passed by two thirds of the members present in each house respectively. The propensity of the legislative department to in- trude upon the rights and absorb the powers of the other weaker branches of the government, and the consequent necessity of furnishing the latter with constitutional arms for their defence, have already been the subject of remark. From clear and indubi-* table principles, it has been shown that, without this control over the proceedings of Congress, the ex- ecutive department would be unable to sustain itself aoainst the encroachments of the Legislature. The President might be gradually stripped of his authority by concurrent resolutions of Congress, or so weak- ened as ultimately to be annihilated by a single vote even of the -more popular branch of the Legislature ; and by the one mode or the other, the legislative and executive powers might speedily be united in the same hands. Indeed, if no tendency had ever been 100 LECTURES ON manifested in legislative bodies to invade the rights of the executive power, just reasoning and theoretic propriety would of themselves teach us that the one ought not to be left to the mercy of the other, but should, on the contrary, be endow^ed with a constitu- tional and effectual power of self-defence. But the power in question has a farther use. It not only serves as a shield to the executive author- ity, but affords an additional security against the en- actment of improper laws. It establishes a salutary guard upon the legislative power, well calculated to defend the community against the effects of faction, precipitancy, or any impulse hostile to the public good, which may happen for a moment to influence the majority of Congress. The propriety of resting such a power in the chief magistrate has been sometimes combated on the ground of its presuming that a single individual was possessed of more wis- dom and virtue than a numerous assembly. The question, however, does not depend upon the suppo- sition of superior wisdom and virtue in .the Presi- dent, but upon the presumption that the Legislature, if possessed of those qualities in the highest degree, would still be fallible ; that the love of power would sometimes dispose them to acts injuHous lo the rights of the other members of the government ; that a spirit of faction might sometimes pervert their delib- erations ; and that momentary impressions might sometimes impel them to measures which, upon ma ture reflection, they would themselves condemn. Thus the primary inducement of conferring this power on the President is to enable him to defend himself; the secondary, to increase tha chances in favour of the community against the passage of bad laws by Congress, through haste, inadvertence, or design. CONSTITUTIONAL JURISPRUDENCE. _ 101 2. The President is consliluted commander-iii- «hief of the army and navy of the United States, and of the militia of the several states when called into the service of the Union. The command and direc- tion of the public force, to execute the laws, maintain peace and tranquillity at home, and resist invasion Irom abroad, are powers so obviously of an executive nature, and so peculiarly demand the exercise ol qualities characteristic of that department — these duties have been so uniformly appropriated to it in every well-organized government, and are so con- sonant to the precedents of the state constitutions, that little is necessary to explain or enforce them. Of all the cares or concerns of government, the management of war, which implies the direction ol the public force, demands most peculiarly the exer- cise of power by a single hand ; and even those oi our states which have, in other matters, coupled their chief magistrate with a council, have, for the most part, concentrated the military authority exclusively in him. 3. The President has the sole power of granting reprieves and pardons for offences against the Uni- ted States, except in cases of impeachment. The necessity of such an authority in every government arises from the infirmities incident to the adminis . tration of human justice. And were it possible in every case to maintain a just proportion between the crime and the penalty ; were the rules of testi- mony, and the mode of trial, so perfect as to pre- clude every possibility of mistake or injustice ; even then policy would sometimes require the remission of a punishment strictly due for a crime clearly as- certained. Both humanity and policy dictate that this benign prerogative of mercy should be as little as possible fettered and embarrassed, and suiiiiesi 102 LECTURES ON as plainly the expediency of vesting it in the Presi- dent. As the sense of responsibility is always stronger in proportion as it is undivided, it may justly be in- ferred that one man will be most ready to listen to the force of motives and reasons for mitigating the rigour of the law, and least apt to yield to induce- ments calculated to shelter a fit object from its ex- emplary visitation ; while, on the other hand, as men generally derive confidence from their numbers, it may, with equal justice, be apprehended that they might often encourage each other in acts of obduracy, and be less sensible to the dread of censure for an injudicious or affected clemency. The power of pardon vested in the President is not, however, with- out limitation. He is precluded, as we have seen, in cases of impeachment, from screening public officers, with whom he might possibly have formed a danger- ous or corrupt coalition, or may frequently be his fa- vourites and dependants. 4. The President has power, by and with the ad- vice and consent of the Senate, to make treaties, pro- vided two thirds of the senators present concur. Much difference of opinion seems to prevail among writers on government upon the question whether, in the natural distribution of power, the authority to negotiate and conclude compacts and arrangements with foreign nations is properly of legislative or of ex- ecutive cognizance. As treaties are declared by the (Jonstitution to be a part of the supreme law of the land ; as by means of these national engagements new relations are formed, and new obligations con- tracted, it seems more consonant to the principles of the government to consider the right of entering into them as falling within the jurisdiction of the Legis- lature. On the other hand, the preliminary negotia- CONSTITCTIONAL JURtSR^UD: tions which may be require(|( and;^the secrecwAi despatch proper to take advattagJe of a sudd^ al^ favourable turn in public affairs, ^render it expedierU''^ \ to place this power in the hand$ of tlie execiit^^e. ^^ The framers of the Constitution were influence'd by the latter more than the former consideration ;\ but although the power in question, if we carefufly at- tend to its operation, will be found to partake more of the legislative than of the executive character, yet it does not seem to fall strictly within either. The essence of the legislative power is to prescribe laws for the regulation of the commonwealth ; while the execution of those laws, and the employment of the public force, either for that purpose, or for the common defence, comprise all the proper functions of the executive magistrate. The power of making treaties relates neither to the execution of subsisting laws, nor to the making of new ones. Its objects are contracts, which have, indeed, the force of laws, but derive that force, not from legislation, but from the obligations of good faith. They are not rules pre- scribed by the supreme legislative power to the citi- zens of the state, but agreements between sovereign and independent states. This power, then, forms a distinct department, and the Constitution has wisely confided it to the President. The qualities indispensable in the management of international intercourse and negotiation, point to the President as the most fit organ of communication with foreign powers, and the efficient agent in the conclusion of treaties ; while the vast importance of the trust, and the operation of treaties as laws, strongly recommend the participation of a portion, at least, of the legislative power in the office of making them. The Senate was most judiciously selected for that purpose, not only as the deposite of the power in 104 LECTURES U^ that body imparts additional strength and security to it as the weaker branch of the Legislature, but be- cause from its smaller number and greater perma- nence, it may be more readily convened, and is gov- erned by steadier and more systematic views of pub- lic policy, and enabled to act with due promptitude and firmness. 5. The President is invested with the power to nominate, and, with the advice and consent of the Senate, to appoint ambassadors, and other public ministers, and consuls, judges of the Supreme Court, and all other officers of the United States whose ap- pointments are not otherwise provided for, and which shall be established by lav/. But Congress may vest the appointment of such inferior office'-s as they may think proper in the President alone, ir\ the courts of law, or in the heads of departments. The exercise by the people at large of this power of appointing the subordinate officers of the govern- ment would be impracticable ; and a concurrent right of nomination by the Legislature, or any other select body, would afford great temptation and opportunity to intrigue, favouritism, and corrupt cabals, besides releasing the appointing power from all responsibility. No plan, I think, could have been devised better cal- culated, on the whole, to promote a judicious choice of men to fill the public offices, than that which was udopted. The power of selecting the heads of de- partments (which, by-the-way, are not otherwise rec- ognised in the Constitution) established by law, to aid the President in the discharge of his executive du- ties ; of nominating agents, to whom the immediate conduct of our international affairs and the negotia- tion of foreign treaties are confided ; and of selecting the proper men for high judicial stations, is, with pe- culiar propriety, vested in the President, who is held CONSTITUTIONAL JURISPRUDENCE. 105 responsible for those acts of his immediate assistants and confideAtial advisers which receive his sanction, who is charged with the management of foreign af- fairs, and bound to see both treaties and the laws faithfully executed. But the association of the Senate with the Presi- dent in the exercise of this power is an exception to the general delegation of the executive authority which, were it not accompanied by the provision vesting in him the exclusive right of nomination, would be attended by the evils already adverted to. This power of nomination is, for all the useful pur- poses of restraint, equivalent to the power of abso- lute appointment, and imposes upon the President the same vivid sense of responsibility, and the same necessity of meeting the public approbation or cen- sure ; while the advice and consent of the Senate, which are necessary to render the nomination effect- ual, can never be attended with any mischievous consequences, and must at all times prove a check upon the misinformation or errors of the President. To prevent the inconvenience which would arise from occasional vacancies in office when the Senate is not in session, the President has power to fill up those which happen during recess, by granting com- missions which expire at the end of the next ses- sion of Congress. 6. The remaining duties of the President consist in giving information to Congress of the state of the Union, and recommending to their consideration such measures as he shall judge necessary or expe- dient. He may, on extraordinary occasions, con- vene both houses of Congress, or either of them, and in case of disagreement between them, he may, as we have seen, adjourn them to such time as he may think proper. It is his duty to receive ambassadors I 106 LECTURES ON and other public ministers, to commission all officers of the United States, and generally and comprehen- sively to take care that the laws be faithfully execu- ted. III. The supjjort of the President, which is the next subject of examination, is secured by a provis- ion in the Constitution, which declares that he shall, at stated times, receive for his services a compensa- tion, which shall neither be increased nor diminished during the period for which he was elected ; and that he shall not receive within that time any other emolument from the United States, or any of them. This provision was intended to strengthen and pre- serve the proper independence and energy of the ex- ecutive department. It would be in vain to declare that the different departments of the government should be separate and distinct, if the Legislature possessed a control over the salaries of the chief ex- ecutive magistrate and the judicial officers. This, indeed, would be to disregard the voice of experi- ence, and the operation of invariable principles of human conduct. The Constitution of Virginia, for instance, considers it a fundamental axiom of gov- ernment, that the three great departments should be kept distinct, so that neither of them should exercise the powers properly belonging to another. But, with- out taking any precautions to preserve this principle in practice, it renders the governor dependant upon the Legislature for his annual existence and support. The result was, as Mr. Jefferson informs us, *' that during the whole session of the Legislature, the direc- tion of the executive by that body was habitual and familiar." The Constitution of Massachusetts discovered more wisdom, and aflbrded the first example of a constitutional provision for the support of the execu- COiNSTITUTiONAL JURISPRUDENCE. 107 tivc magistrate, by declaring that the governor should have a salary of a fixed and permanent value, amply sufficient, and established by standing laws. Those state constitutions which have been made or amend- ed since the adoption of the Constitution of the Uni- ted States, have generally followed the example which it happily set to them in this and many other particulars ; and it has been well observed by one of our jurists, that " we may consider it as one of the most signal blessings bestowed on this country, that we have such a fabric as the Federal Constitution constantly before our eyes, not only for national pro- tection, but for local imitation and example." The appointment of an extraordinary person as Vice-president of the United States, and ex officio President of the Senate, was originally objected to as superfluous, if not mischievous. But it was jus- tified principally on two considerations : the first was, that, to secure at all times a definite resolution of the Senate, it was necessary that the president of that body should have a casting vote ; and to take a sena- tor from his seat as senator, and place him in that of the presiding officer, w^ould be, in regard to the state from which he came, to exchange a constant for a contingent vote. The other consideration was, that as the Vice-president may occasionally become a substitute for the President in the supreme executive office, all the reasons which recommend the mode of election prescribed in the first instance for the one, apply with great, if not with equal force, to the other. The powers and duties of President devolve on the Vice-president, not only when no choice is made by the electors or the House of Representatives, but also in case of the President's removal from office, or of his death, resignation, or inability to discharge his duties j and Congress is authorized to provide by 108 LECTURES ON law for the case of vacancies in the offices of both President and Vice-president. In pursuance of this power, it has been enacted that, in the event of such vacancies, the President of the Senate pro tempore^ and in case there should be no such President oi' the Senate, that the Speaker of the House of Represent- atives for the time being, shall act as President of I he United States until the vacancy be supplied The evidence of a refusal to accept, or of a resigna- tion of the office of President or Vice-president, is declared by the same act of Congress to be a decla- ration in writing, liled in the office of the Secretary of State. As it might become a question who would be the person to serve, if the office of President should de- volve on the Speaker of the House of Representa- tives, after the Congress for which the last speaker was chosen had expired, and before the new Con- gress meet, it is usual for the Vice-president to with- draw from the Senate shortly before the adjourn- ment of the session, in order to afford an opportunity to that body to choose a president pro tempore ; and if he should die or resign during the recess of Con- gress, and a casual vacancy occur in the offices of President and Vice-president, the former speaker would probably be deemed the person upon whom the office was intended to devolve. If the Vice- president succeeds to the office of President, he con- tinues in it until the expiration of the term for which the President was elected ; and if both offices are vacant, it is made the duty of the Secretary of State to take measures, under the act of Congress, for the election of a President. But, as that act was passed before the amendment of the Constitution, and that amendment omitted, perhaps intentionally, to piovido CONSTlTUTId NAL JURISPRUDENCE. 109 for the case, a Vice-president cannot be elected, m case of a vacancy, until the next regular period.* In addition to all the other precautions to prevent ibuse of the executive trust, in the mode of the Pres- ident's appointment, in the limitation of his term of office, and in the precise and definite restrictions on the exercise of his powers, the Constitution has ren- dered him amenable to justice for mal-administration. The President, as well as all other officers of the government, may be impeached, as we have seen, for treason, bribery, and other high crimes and mis- demeanours, and, upon conviction, removed from of- fice. The inviolability of the supreme magistrate, as maintained in the English law, is incompatible with the theory of our government, as well as with the principles- of retributive justice ; and if neither the sense of duty, the force of public opinion, nor the transitory nature of his power, prove sufficient to se- cure the faithful discharge of the executive office — if the President of the United States will use the au- thority of his station to violate the Constitution and laws, even he, as easily and as promptly as any subordinate officer, may be arrested in his course by an impeachment. Considering the nature and extent of the authority necessarily incident to the sta- tion, it was difficult to constitute the office of Presi- dent so as to render it equally safe and efficient, by combining, in the structure of its power, a due pro- {)ortion of energy and responsibility. The former is necessary to maintain a firm administration of the laws ; the latter, to preserve inviolate the rights of the people and of the states. " The authors of the Federal Constitution," says the abfe jurist I have so frequently quoted, " appear to have surveyed these * Mr, Justice Story, in his Commentaries, § 14, 77, hints a doubi whether this act be constitutional no LECTURES ON two objects w\th profound disceriiineiit, and have or- ganized the executive department with consummate skill." LECTURE V. OF THE JUDICIAL POWER. As the personal security and private property of every individual depend on the wisdom, stability, and integrity of the courts of justice, the judicial power interferes more directly and uniformly than either of the other departments with ail the concerns of social and private life. No government can be complete in its form, or perfect in its principles of organiza- tion, without this power. To make laws and exe- cute them are the respective objects of the other two departments, and are, indeed, the two principal oper ations of government. But laws cannot be fully and correctly executed unless there be a power in the state to expound and apply them. This power be- ing auxiliary to the executive authority, partakes, in some degree, of its nature. But its office is, in some cases, to control the exercise of executive power ; and those acts of the latter, which are judicially de- clared to be unconstitutional or unlawful, are thereby rendered inoperative and void. The judicial depart- ment may also be said to participate in the legisla- tive power, as its construction of legislative acts is binding and conclnsive, although this does not prevent the Legislature from repairing defects or explaining ambiguities, by subsequent laws operating on subse- quent cases. A higher function, moreover, appertains to this de- CONSTITUTIONAL JURISPRUDENCE. Ill partment, under a written constitution, founded upon true principles of representation, and establishing a just separation of the three varieties of government ; and that is to expound the Constitution, and thereby test the validity of the acts of the Legislature, as well as those of the executive department, in all cases where the question as to their construction arises in a suit at law, or in equity. Hence the more impe- rious and absolute necessity of securing, by funda- mental provisions, the independence of the judicial power. A constitution which omitted to establish an adequate judicial power could not successfully be carried into effect ; and if, instead of being rendered independent, that power be united with one or both of the other departments, or if those charged with its administration were made dependant on either of them, its dignity and utility would be destroyed. The judicial power, in every government, must be coextensive with the power of legislation. Were there no power to interpret, pronounce, and enforce the law, the government, if it did not perish by its own weakness, would be corrupted by the usurpation of new powers by the Legislature, to the subversion of public liberty. But the judicial authority cannot, by the force of language, be made to exceed the le- gislative power, for such excess would be inconsist- ent with its nature ; and if, by express terms, it should, on the other hand, be so restricted as to em- brace a part only of the subjects of actual legislation, 'he integrity and efficiency of the whole system would he materially impaired. The Constitution, therefore, establishes the judicia power as a substantive, inte- gral, and independent branch of the government ; and this was the more necessary, from the extraordinary complications of the authority of the United States with that of the several states, resulting unavoidably 112 LECTURES ON from the nature of the Federal Union. The judicial power of the National Government is accordingly vested " in one Supreme Court, and in such inferior courts as Congress may from time to time ordain and establish." A chief-justice is recognised in the article which provides that when the President shall be im- peached, the chief-justice shall preside ; and the exist- ence of other judges is contemplated by the provision which prescribes the manner of their appointment. The complete organization, however, of the Supreme Court, as well as the establishment of inferior and subordinate courts, is provided for by statute. In the survey which I propose to take of this in- teresting and important branch of the Federal Gov- ernment, I shall consider, Firsts the manner in which it is constituted, and. Secondly^ the extent and distri- bution of its authority. The first point embraces these several objects, viz. : the mode in which the judges of the several courts of the United States are appointed^ the tenure by which they hold their offices, the provision for their support^ and the precautions to secure their re- sponsihility . \st. The mode of appointing public officers, by the President and Senate, I have already spoken of as generally advantageous, and it seems to me pe- culiarly fit and proper with respect to the judicial de- partment. The just and vigorous investigation and punishment of every species of fraud and violence, and compelling every man punctually to fulfil his con- tracts, are duties not certainly of the most popular character, although the faithful discharge of them will always command the approbation of the candid and judicious. The fittest men would probably pos- sess too much reserve and too much severity of mor- als to secure an election depending on universal CONSTITUTIONAL JURISPRUDENCE. 113 suffrage ; nor would the mode of appointment by a large deliberative assembly be entitled to unqualified approbation. There are too many occasions, and too many temptations for intrigue and party prejudices, and too much scope for the interference of local in- terests, to permit such a body to act in such cases with a sulliciently single and steady regard for the public welfare. 2iZ. The jud.ges, voth of the supreme and inferior courts, hold their offices during good behaviour. This tenure, as a standard for the duration and continuance in office of the judicial magistracy, is considered by the authors of " The Federalist" as one of the most valuable of modern improvements in the practice of government. In a monarchy, it is a necessary barrier against the despotism of the prince ; in a republic, it is no less essential as a defence aigainst the encroachments of the executive and legislative powers ; and it is the best expedient that can be devised in any government, to secure ; a steady, upright, and impartial administration of the laws. This principle, which has been the sub- ject of so much deserved eulogy, is one of the many benefits derived from the land of our forefathers, where the judges anciently held their seats at the pleasure of the crown, as does the chancellor to this day. It is easy to conceive what a dangerous influence this must have given to the king in the ad- ministration of justice, in those cases where the claims or pretensions of the government were made to bear on the rights of a private individual. And although, in the reign of James the First, the barons of the exchequer, being the court in which jurisdic- tion is taken of all matters relative to the revenues and property of the crown, were created during good behaviour ; and although the commissions of the oth» 114 LECTURES ON er judges also were made so to run at the restora* tion of Charles the Second, it still remained at the pleasure of the crown to prescribe the form of the commission, until the statute of WilUam and Mary established the commissions of all the common- law judges to be quam diu bene se gesserint. The excellence of this provision has recommended its adoption by other nations of Europe, and it prevails in most of our state constitutions, but in some of them under modifications more or less extensive and injurious. Whoever attentively considers the different de- partments of power, must perceive that, in a govern- ment in which they are separated from each other, the judiciary, from the nature of its functions, will al- ways be the least dangerous to the political rights secured by the Constitution, because it will have the least capacity to invade or injure them. The execu- tive power not only dispenses the honours, but wields the sword of the community ; the Legislature not only holds the public purse, but prescribes the rules by which the rights and duties of every citizen are to be enjoyed and regulated. But the judicial power has no command over the sword or the purse ; no direction either of the strength or the wealth of the society, and can take no active resolution whatsoever. It has been truly and emphatically said to have " nei- ther force nor will, but merely judgment ;" and even for the exercise of this faculty, it must depend on the protection and support of the executive arm. This view of the subject shows, in the first place, that the judicial is, beyond all comparison, the weakest of the three departments of power ; that it can never attack, with success, either of the others, and that all possible care is required to defend it against attacks from them. It also shows that, although individual CONSTITUTIONAL JURISPRUDENCE. 115 oppression may now and then proceed from the courts of justice, yet the general liberty of the people can never be endangered from that quarter, so long as the judicial, remains truly distinct from the legislative and executive powers. And it shows, lastly, as a conse- quence of these previous deductions, and bearing immediately on the point we are considering, that no- thing can contribute so much to the firmness and in- dependence of the judicial power as permanency in office. This quality, therefore, may justly be re- garded as an indispensable ingredient in its consti- tution, and as rendering it the great security of pub- lic justice, liberty, and safety. 3d. In addition to the tenure by which the judges hold their offices, the permanent provision for their support is admirably adapted to secure their inde- pendence. It tends, also, to secure a succession of learned men for the bench, who, in consequence of a certain fixed support, are induced to relinquish the lu- crative pursuit of their practice at the bar for the duties of a more important and honourable station — a seat on the bench. The Constitution declares, on this sub- ject, that all the judges of the United States " shall, at stated times, receive for their services a compensation which shall not be diminished during their continu- ance in office ;" and this provision was deemed an improvement upon the previously existing constitu- tions of the states. It was ordained in the Consti- tution of Massachusetts, that permanent and honour- able salaries should be established by law for the judges. But this was not sufficiently precise and definite, and the more certain provision in the Fed- eral Constitution has been wisely followed in the subsequent constitutions of several of the individual states. The complete and perfect independence of the IIB J.ECTLUIES UN judges is peculiarly requisite in a limited constitution, which, like that of the United States, contains certain specific restrictions upon legislative authority, both of the Federal and State Governments ; such, for in- stance, as that '• Congress shall pass no bills of at- tainder or ex post f ado law," and that " no state shall coin money, emit bills of credit, or pass laws im- pairing the obligation of contracts." Limitations of neither of these kinds can be preserved in practice in any other way than through the instrumentality of courts of justice ; and it is a wise and necessary principle of our government, as I shall show more fully hereafter, that the acts both, of the Federal and State Legislatures are subject to the severe scrutiny and impartial interpretation of tribunals who are bound to regard the Constitution as the paramount law, and the highest evidence of the will of the people ; and, consequently, to declare void all acts contrary to its tenour. Without this power, not only all the limita- tions and restrictions such as I have specified, but all the reservations of rights and privileges, either to the several states, or their individual citizens, would be ineffectual and nugatory. 4//i. But while the Constitution has thus rendered the federal courts independent of undue influence from the other departments of the government, it has adopted a precaution for their responsibility, by ren- dering them amenable for any corrupt violation of iheir trust ; and the judges of the United States may be held to answer upon an impeachment ; and, if con- victed, they may be removed from the bench, and dis- qualified from holding any office in the government. This, perhaps, is the only provision consistent with the necessary independence of the judicial character in a government of the complex nature of that of the United States, and is the only one to be found rela- tive to the subject, in the Constitution. CONSTITUTIONAL JURISPRUDENCE. 117 The want of a provision for removing tlie judges ^n account of inability, or upon the address of the Le- gislature, which exists not only in England, but in some of the states of this Union, afforded ground of objection when the Federal Constitution was under discussion in the state conventions. But the most wise and considerate men of that period believed that such a provision could not be reduced to practice, or, in a government like ours, be more liable to abuse than productive of good consequences. A provision similar to that in the Constitution of New-York, which limits the duration of the highest judicial officers to .he age of sixty years, was also complained of as an amission in the Federal Constitution ; but it was ad- aiirably replied by General Hamilton, one of the ablest and most illustrious defenders of that instru- ment, that, " in a republic where fortunes are not affluent, and pensions not expedient, the dismission of men from stations in which they have served their country long and usefully — on which they depend for subsistence, and from which it will be too late to re- sort to any other occupation, should have some bet- ter apology to humanity than is to be found in the imaginary danger of a superannuated bench." The Federal Judiciary being established, as I have explained, on principles essential to maintain that department in a proper state of independence, and to secure a pure and vigorous administration of the law the Constitution proceeds to designate the objects of its jurisdiction. It extends the judicial power of the United State> to all cases in law and equity arising under thi Constitution and laws of the Union, and treaties mad* under their authority ; to all cases affeciing amhas sadors, other public ministers, and consuls ; to all ca ses o{ admiralty and maritime jurisdiction ; to contrc lis LECTURES ON versies ^o which the United States are. a party ; to controversies between two or more states ; between a state, when "plaintiff, and citizens of another state ; be- tween citizens of the same state claiming land undei grants from different states ; and to controversies be- tween citizens of the United States and for eig7i states y citizens, or subjects. As it stood originally, the judi- cial power of the United States extended to suits prosecuted against an individual state by a citizen of another state of the Union, or by citizens or subjects of any foreign state. The states, however, were not willing to be arraigned as defendants before the Fed- eral Courts at the instance of private persons ; and it was subsequently declared, by an amendment to the Constitution, that the judicial power should not be construed to extend to any suit of law or equity commenced or prosecuted against one of the United States by citizens of another state, or by citizens or subjects of any foreign state. The propriety of vesting the jurisdiction, as it now stands, in thejudicial department of the United States, seems to result necessarily from their union as one nation ; and its exercise by the national tribunals may be considered requisite to the existence of the Federal Government. It may be profitable, how- ever, at the present moment, to view this branch of our snbject somewhat in detail, in particular refer- ence to questions arising under the Constitution and laws of the United States. The fitness of extending the jurisdiction of the Federal Courts to cases arising under the Constitu- tion, in contradistinction to those arising under the laics passed in virtue of its authority, results from the obvious necessity of a constitutional method of giving efficacy to those provisions of the compact which neither require nor admit of an act on the part CONSTITUTIONAL JURISPRUDENCE. 119 of the National Legislature to sanction or enforce ihem. What, for instance, would avail the restric- tions on the states, without some constitutional mode of compelling their observance ? The individual states are prohibited from the performance of a va- riety of acts, some of which are incompatible with the objects and interests of the Union, and others with the principles of good policy. The imposition by state authority of duties on imported articles is an example of the first, and the emission of bills of credit a specimen of the second. Now, in the face of the experience afforded under the former confed- eration, it will hardly be pretended that such prohi- bitions would be scrupulously regarded without some effectual power in the government to restrain or cor- rect their violation. The power must either be a di- rect negative on the state laws, vested in the execu- tive power of the Union (which, indeed, was propo- sed as the alternative in the General Convention), or an authority in the Federal Courts to overrule such laws of the several states as contravene the National Constitution. The latter expedient was preferred by the Convention, and was unquestionably most ac- ceptable to their constituents ; and there is no third course that can be imagined, short of the doctrine of nullification^ which assumes a power in any one state to suspend, if not to subvert, within its own limits, the acts and operations of every department of the Federal Government, though every other member of the Union admit their validity and submit to theii authority. As to extending the jurisdiction of the national courts to all cases arising under the laws of the United States, it seems impossible, by any argument or illustration, to render its propriety clearer than it appears from the mere statement of the question. 120 LECTURES ON If there be such things as political axioms or truths in the science of government too plain to be dis- puted, the principle already stated, that " the judicial power must be coextensive with the power of legis- lation," must certainly be one of them ; and in gov- f-rnments formed from the union of the people of so many separate and independent states, as well as of those states themselves, as one nation, organized un- cjer a written compact of government, the mere ne- (;essity of uniformity in the interpretation of the national laws is suthcient to decide the question. If the courts of the United States have not this para- mount jurisdiction, it must remain without control in the tribunals of the states ; and six-and-twenty inde- pendent judicatures, with final jurisdiction over the same kind of causes, arising under the same laws, would present a monstrous anomaly in judicial or- ganization and procedure, from which nothing but contradiction and confusion could ensue. The peo- ple of the United States have declared that the Con- stitution and the laws, and all treaties made in pur- suance of it, shall be the supreme law of the land ; and that the judges in every state shall be bound by it, '* anything in the constitution and laws of any state to the contrary notivithstanding.^^ Congress, no more than the state legislatures, have power to pass laws repugnant to the Federal Constitution ; because that (Constitution is not only the 2mramou7it, but also the ffindamental law ; and those laws only which are passed in pursuance of the Constitution are declared to be supreme, in reference to the constitutions and laws of the states. Every act, therefore, of Congress, as well as of the state legislatures, and every part of the constitution of any state, which is repugnant to the Constitution of the United States, is necessarily void. This we must re^rard as a clear and setiled CONSTITUTIONAL JURISPRUDENCE. 121 principle of our national jurisprudence, unalterable by any authority but that from which the national compact is derived, and not liable to change even by that authority, except in the mode prescribed by the instrument itself. Now, as the judicial power of the Union is declared to extend to all cases arising un- der the Constitution, to that power it must neces- sarily belong, in cases wherein the question is ju- dicially presented for decision, to determine what is the supreme law ; and the judgment of the Supreme Court must be final and conclusive, because the Con- stitution invests that tribunal with the power to de- cide, and gives no appeal from its decision. But if an act of Congress admit of two interpretations, one of which brings it within, and t^e other presses it beyond the constitutional authority of Congress, it is the duty of the courts to adopt the former construction, because a presumption ought never to be indulged that Congress meant to exercise or usurp any uncon- stitutional authority. Some perplexity exists in regard to the right of courts of justice to pronounce legislative acts void, on the ground of their unconstitutionality, from apprehen- sion that the doctrine would establish a superiority of the judicial over the legislative power. As the sub- ject is of great practical importance, a rapid survey of the grounds on which it was defended by our most eminent statesmen cannot be disadvantageous ; es- pecially as it exhibits a contemporaneous construe tion of the highest authority of that part of the Cou stitution. " There is no position," say the illustri- ous authors of " The Federalist," " which depends on clearer principles, than that every act of a delegated authority, contrary to the commission under which it is exercised, is void." No legislative act, therefore contrary to the Constitution, which is the comml* K 122 LECTURES ON sion by which every department of the governniert equally derives its authority from the people, can be valid. To deny this would be to affirm that the deputy is superior to his principal ; that the servant is above his master ; that the representatives of the people are greater than the people themselves ; and that persons acting in virtue of a delegated authority not only assume what their powers do not authorize, but what they expressly forbid. If it be alleged that legislative bodies are themselves the constitutional judges of their own powers, and that their own con^ struction of them is conclusive upon the other depart- ments, it may be answered, that this cannot be the natural presumption where it is not to be collected from the particular provisions of the fundamental compact. Without such express provision, it is not to be intended that the Constitution meant to enable the representatives of the people to substitute their own will in the place of that of their constituents : it is far more rational to conclude that the courts of justice were only intended to represent the sov- ereignty of the people, in a co-ordinate and independ- ent department ; and, in that capacity, to act as an intermediate body between the people and the Legis- lature, in order, among other things, to keep the lat- ter within the limits assigned to its authority. The interpretation of the laws is the proper and peculiar province of the courts ; and the Constitu- tion is, in fact, and must be regarded by them, as a fundamental law. It must therefore belong to them to ascertain its meaning, as well as the meaning of any particular act proceeding from the legislative body. If there should happen to be an irreconcila- ble variance between the two, that which has the superior obligation ought, of course, to be preferred : in other words, the Constitution ought to be preferred CONSTITUTIONAL JURISPRUDENCE. 123 lO llie statute ; the intention of the people to the in- tention of their agents. Nor does this conclusion, by any means, suppose a superiority of the judicial to the legislative power. It only presumes that the power of the people is superior to both ; and where the will of the Legislature, declared in the statute- book, stands opposed to the will of the people, de- clared in the Constitution, the judges are to be governed by the latter rather than the former, and ought to regulate their decisions by that fundament- al law, over which the Legislature has no control, rather than by those which it may at any time alter or repeal, and which derive their validity and effect from the Constitution alone. It can be of no weight to say that the courts of justice, under the pretence of a repugnancy between a law and the Constitution, may substitute their own pleasure in the stead of the constitutional intentions of the Le- gislature, for this supposition not only involves a pe- tition of the question, but might as well happen in the case of two contradictory statutes, or in every separate adjudication upon the same statute. The courts are bound to declare the meaning of the law ; and if they should be disposed to exerci^^e will in- stead of judgment, the consequence in the one case, as well as the other, would be the substitution of their own pleasure in lieu of the pleasure of the Legis- lature. The objection, therefore, if it proved any- thing, would prove that there should be no judges distinct from the legislative body. But the danger of intrusting judicial and legislative powers in the same hands has already been pointed out ; and I have shown, I think, that the object of their separa- tion was not only to create a distinct and independ- ent body to expound the laws, but also to erect a bul- wark to defend a constitution, limited in its powers, 124 LECTURES ON against legislative encroachments or executi\e usur* pation, while it was itself restrained within its proper bounds by corresponding checks, in the hands of the other departments, or arising from its own constitu- tion. The design of this separation of the judicial power from the other departments, and of the precautions for maintaining its independence, was, moreover, to afford protection to the Federal Government, in the exercise of its acknowledged powers, against the in- roads or influence of the state sovereignties ; and all the requirements and illustrations adduced in support of the right and duty of the Federal Courts, in the ordinary administration of their authority, to declare void those acts of Congress which, in their judgment, are repugnant to the Constitution, apply with equal, if not greater force, to establish a more extensive pow- er in regard to the acts and proceedings of the state governments. We have seen that the people of the several states, in their adoption of the Federal Con- stitution, acknowledged that constitution, and the laws and treaties made in pursuance of its authority, to be the supreme law of the land, and as of para- mount obligation to the constitutions , as well as the laws, of any of the states. So far, then, from admit- ting each party to the national compact to interpret that instrument for itself, those very parties, by de- claring that the judicial power of the Union should extend to all cases arising under it, vested in tho proper department authority to determine its con- struction, in every case in which such a. question should judicially arise, whether directly between the parties to the suit, or collaterally between the parties to the "^o- cial contract. ^^ CONSTITUTIONAL JURISPRt'DENCE. 125 LECTURE VI. OF THE DISTRIBUTION OF THE JUDICIAL POWER AMONG THE FEDERAL COURTS. We now proceed to ascertain in what man- ner the Federal jurisdiction has been distributed among the several courts, either by the Constitu- tion, or the acts of Congress, carrying the sys- tem into complete effect : in reference to which it may be observed, generally, that the disposition of this power, except in a few specified cases, is left to Congress; and the courts cannot exercise jurisdiction in every case to which the judicial power extends without the intervention of Con- gress ; who, moreover, are not bound to enlarge the jurisdiction of the respective tribunals to ev- ery subject which the Constitution warrants, al- though the whole judicial power ought at all times to be vested in some of the courts created under the authority of the United States. It is laid down as a rule, in the eighty-second number of The Federalist," that the state courts retained all pre-existing authority, or the juris- diction which they had before the adoption of the Constitution ; except where it was taken away either by an exclusive authority granted in ex- press terms to the Union, or in a case where a particular authority is granted to the Union, and the exercise of a like authority prohibited to the states, or in the case where an authority is grant- ed to the Union, with which a similar authority in the states would be incompatible. A concur- rent jurisdiction in the state courts was admitted 126 LECTURES ON h\ all such cases; but this doctrine is applicable only to those descriptions of causes of which the state courts had previous cognizance, and not to cases growing out of the new Constitution. Con- gress, in the course of its legislation, may com- mit the decision of cases arising under its own laws to the Federal Courts exclusively ; but un- less the state courts were expressly excluded by the act of Congress, they would, of course, take concurrent jurisdiction of the causes to which those acts may give birth, under the qualifications mentioned ; and before the adoption of the Consti- tution, it was asserted and maintained by its ablest commentators, that in all cases of concurrent ju- risdiction, an appeal would, when it was ratified, lie to the Supreme Court of the United States ; and that, Avithout such appeal, the concurrent jurisdic- tion of the state courts in matters of national con- cern would be inadmissible, because, in that case, it would be inconsistent with the authority and ef- ficiency of the National Government. The prac- tice of that government has been conformable to this doctrine, and the exclusive and concurrent jurisdiction conferred upon the Federal Courts by the acts of Congress are clearly distinguish- ed and marked in correspondence with it. It is, nevertheless, manifest that the judicial power of the United States may in all cases which it com- prehends be made exclusive of all state authority, at the election of Congress. Hence the concur- rent jurisdiction of the state tribunals depends altogether upon its pleasure, and w^henever Con- gress thinks proper,it may be revoked and extin- guished in every case which can constitutionally be made cognizable in the Federal Courts ; but without an express provision to the contrary, the CONSTITUTIONAL JURISPRUDENCE. 127 state courts retain a concurrent jurisdiction in all jases of which, previous to the Federal Con- stitution, they possessed the jurisdiction. The state courts, moreover, may, in the exercise of their ordinary original jurisdiction, take cogni- zsiuc e, incide7it ally , of cases arising under the Con- stitution, laws, and treaties of the United States ; yet to all these cases the judicial power of the Union extends by means of its appellate jurisdic- tion. In order to ascertain to what extent, and in what manner, the Federal jurisdiction, both original and appellate^ has been disposed of, ei- ther by the Constitution itself, or by act of Con- gress, we must review, as we proposed, the vari- ous courts established by the one or ordained by the other. I. The Supreme Court of the United States^ although created by the Constitution, received its organi- zation from the Judiciary Act of 1789, and the several supplementary laws which have at differ- ent times subsequently been passed in addition thereto. The Constitution had merely declared that there should be a Supreme Court^ with cer- tain original and appellate powers ; it is merely to be implied from that instrument that the chief-jus- tice should preside in it, with one or more judges to be associated with him ; but by the existing acts of Congress, it consists of the chief-}ustice and eight associate judges, any five of whom con- stitute a quorum. It holds one term annually at the seat of the General Government, commen- cing on the first Monday in January; and al- though the presence of five judges is required for the general business of the court, yet any one or more of them may make all necessary or- de^fs in a suit, preparatory tc* the hearing or tri- 128 LECTURES ON al ; and it is made the special duty of the chief justice to attend at Washington on the first Mon day in August annually for the same purpose. The Supreme Court has, by the Constitution, exclusive original jurisdiction of all controversies of a civil nature, where a state can be made a party, except in suits by a state agamst one or more of its citizens, or against citizens of other states, or against aliens ; in which cases it has ori- ginal^ hut not exclusive jurisdiction. It has also, exclusively^ such jurisdiction of suits or proceed- ings against ambassadors, or other public minis- ters, or their domestics, as a court of law can ex ercise consistently with the law of nations, and original^ but not exclusive jurisdiction of all suits Z>rowgA^ 6y ambassadors, or other public ministers, or in which a consul or vice-consul may be a party. The Constitution also confers on it an appellate jurisdiction, under such exceptions or regulations as Congress may prescribe ; and by the first judiciary act it is declared that appeals shall lie to this court from the Circuit Courts of the United States, and, in certain cases, from the highest courts of the several states. Final judgments and decrees in civil actions, and suits in equity in the Circuit Courts, where brought there by original process, or removed thither from tlie state courts, or by appeal from the District Courts of the United States, where the matter in dis- pute exceeds a specified sum, may be re-examined, and reversed or afllrmed, in the Supreme Court; and final judgments and decrees of the Circuit Courts, in cases of admiralty or maritime jurisdic- tion, and in questions of prize or no prize, whore the matter in dispute exceeds the same amount, may be reviewed on appeal in the Supreme Court; and in CONSTITUTION-^L JURISPRUDENCE. 129 these cases, new evidence is admitted on the appeals conformably with the general doctrines and usages of appellate courts of admiralty. So, also, a final judgment or decree of the highest court of law or equity in a state may be brought up on the allega- tion of error in point of law to the Supreme Court of the United States ; if the validity of a treaty, of an act of Congress, or of an authority exercised under the Government of the United States, was drawn in question in the state court, and the decision was against that validity ; or if the validity of any state '.aw or authority was drawn in question, on the ground of its being repugnant to the Constitution, treaties, and laws of the United States, and the de- cision was in facoiLV of its validity ; or if the con- struction of any clause of the Constitution, or of a treaty, or of a statute of the United States, or of a commission held under them, Avas drawn in question, and the decision was against the title, right, privilege, or exemption specially claimed under the authority of the Union. Upon these appeals from the decision of a state court, however, no other error can be as- signed or regarded in the Supreme Court, than such as appears on the face of the record, and immediate- ly respects the question of the validity or construc- tion of the Constitution, treaties, statutes, commis- sions, or authority in dispute. The original jurisdiction of the Supreme Court, or that cognizance which it takes of causes in their in- itiatory proceedings, is, as you may have perceived, of a very limited character. It is confined by the Constitution to those cases which affect ambassadors, and other public ministers and consuls, and those in which a state is a party ; and it has been made a question whether the original jurisdiction was in- tended to be exclusive- of the inferior courts of the I. 13v) LECTURES ON United States, or of the state tribunals. The act ol 1789 seems to have considered it competent for Congress to vest concurrent jmisdiction in the above specified cases in other courts ; for it gives a con- current jurisdiction in some of them to the Circuit Courts ; and it has been held* that the word original was not here to be taken to imply exclusive cogni- zance of the cases enumerated. But an opinion of the Supreme Court, in another case, goes far towards establishing the principle of exclusive jurisdiction in that court in all these cases of original jurisdiction ; although this last decision was subsequently consid- ered as shaking the first, yet the question was after- ward left in doubt by the Supreme Court, and a de- cision upon it purposely waived.! Admitting, then, that this original jurisdiction of the Supreme Court can be shared by other courts in the discretion of Congress, it has been decided that it can- not be enlarged ; and that the Supreme Court cannot be invested with an original jurisdiction, by act of Con- gress, in cases other than those described by the Con- stitution. Congress has no authority to give it ori- ginal jurisdiction, where the Constitution has declared that the jurisdiction shall be appellate ; nor appellate, where Congress has declared that it shall be origi- nal.J The Constitution gives to the Supreme Court original jurisdiction in those cases in which a state shall be a party, and the Supreme Court has laid down as a rule§ that it must be a case in which a state is either nominally or suhstmitially the party, and thai it is not sufficient that the state may be consequen- tially affected. And although the judicial power of the Union extends to '* controversies between a state * United States vs. Ravaree, 2 Dall., 297. t Marbury vs. Madison, 1 Cranch, 137. 5 Sarjent and Rawle, 645 11 Wheaton, 4C7. % 1 Cranch, 137. ^ 3 Dal).. 411. CONSTITUTIONAL JURISPRUDENCE. 131 and ft>feign states, citizens, or subjects, and the Con- stitution gives to the Supreme Court original juris- diction in all cases in which a state shall bo a party, yet it was held, in the celebrated case of the Chero- kee Indians,* that theij were not a " foreign nation" within the meaning of the Constitution. They were, indeed, considered to be a political community or .state, and had uniformly been treated as such since the first settlement of the country. The numerous treaties with them by the United States recognises them as a people capable of maintaining the relations of peace and war ; of being responsible in their po- litical character for any violation of their engage- ments, or any aggressions upon our citizens by any individual of their tribe. Laws have been enacted in the spirit of those treaties, and the courts are held to be bound by those acts of the government, which have thus plainly recognised this nation of Indians as a state. The condition of the Indian tribes, in regard to their connexion with the United States, bears little re- semblance to the relations between any other two peo- ple in the world. In general, nations not owing a com - mon allegiance are foreign to each other. But the relation of the Indians to the government of the Uni- ted States is marked by peculiar and cardinal distinc- tions. The Cherokees were acknowledged to have an unquestionable, and, until that controversy arose, an unquestioned right to the lands they occupied, until that right were extinguished by a voluntary cession to the Federal Government. It was, nevertheless, doubted whether they, or any of the tribes residing within the acknowledged boundaries of the United States, could with accuracy be denominated foreign * 5 Peters, 1. 13'-^ LECTURES ON States. They may more correctly be called domes- tic, dependant nations, occupying a territory over which our government assert a right independent of their will, and which must take effect in point of possession when their right of possession ceases. In the mean time, their relation to the United States resembles that of a ward to his guardian : they look to the Federal Government for protection, rely on its kindness, and appeal to its sympathies for the relief of their wants. Under these circumstances, the Cherokees souglit to restrain the State of Georgia (within whose terri- torial limits their lands were situate) from the forci- ble exercise of legislative power over them, claim- ing their independence as a separate and neighbour- ing people ; their right to which the state denied. The court held its power to interpose for their pro- tection to be, at least, doubtful ; but intimated that the mere question of right might perhaps be settled in a proper case with proper parties. But it was asked on that occasion to do more than decide on the title : it was called on to control the Legislature of Georgia, and to restrain the exertion of its phys- ical force ; and the propriety of such an interposition might well be questioned, as it savoured too much of the exercise of political power to be within the prov-. ince of the judicial department ; and it refused to interfere. Thus much for the original jurisdiction of the Supreme Court. We now proceed to that which is appellate. It is the appellate power of the Supreme Court which gives to it most of its dignity and efficacy, and renders it a constant object of solicitude and at- tention to the government and people of the several states. We have seen that, by the act of Congress, a fmal judgment or decree of the highest court of law CONSTITUTIONAL JURISPRUDENCE. 133 or equity in a state may, in certain cases, under various circumstances, be reviewed, and reversed or affirmed, in the Supreme Court of the United States. In cases of reversal, the cause may be remanded to the State Court for final judgment, to be rendered according to the opinion of the supreme Federal tribunal, or that court may, at its discretion, if the cause have once before been remanded, proceed itself to a final decis- ion and av^^ard execution. Under this authority, it has been declared by the Supreme Court, that if the high- est court in a state reverse the judgment of a subordi- nate court, and on appeal the judgment of the highest court be, in its turn, reversed by the Supreme Court or the United States, it becomes a mere nullity ; and the mandate for execution may issue xlirectly from the Su- preme Court to the inferior state court.* But in a subsequent case, a writ of error from the Supreme Court of the United States was directed to the Court of Appeals in Virginia, being the highest court in that state, upon a judgment rendered on appeal from an inferior state court against a right claimed under the treaty with Great Britain, and the judgment of the Court of Appeals was reversed by the Supreme Court ; the cause was remanded, and the Virginia Court of Appeals was required to cause the original judgment, which had been reversed in that court, to be carried into due execution. The Court of Appeals, when the case came back to them, resolved that the appellate power of the Supreme Court did not ex- tend to the state courts ; that the act of Congress was not warranted by the Constitution ; and that the proceedings in the Supreme Court were invalid in relation to the Court of Appeals ; which, consequent- ]f^ declined obedience to the mandate of the former. f * eiarke vs. Sherwood, 3 DalL, 341. t Fairfax vs. Hunter 7 Cranch, C03. 134 LECTURES ON A new writ of error was awarded upon this refusal, and the case came up again before the Supreme Court, as a case in which the court below drew in question, and denied the validity of the act authori- zing an appeal from a state court. In the luminous opinion delivered on that occasion by the venerable and learned Chief-justice Marshall, he observed, that the judicial power of the United States had been declared by the Constitution to ex- tend to all cases arising under treaties made under the authority of the United States, which was an ab- solute grant of jurisdiction in that case ; and that it was competent for 'the people to invest the General Government with that, or any other powers which they might deem necessary and proper, as well as to prohibit the states from the exercise of any powers which, in their judgment, were incompatible with the objects of the general compact. Congress were bound by the injunctions of the Constitution to create inferior courts, in which to vest all that judicial jurisdiction which was exclusively vested in the United States, and of which the Supreme Court cannot take any other than appellate cognizance. The whole judicial power must at all times be vested, either in an origi- nal or appellate form, in some courts created under the authority of the United States. The grant of the judicial power was thus declared to be absolute, and it was held to be imperative upon Congress to pro- vide for the appellate jurisdiction of the Federal Courts in all cases in which the judicial power was granted exclusively to the United States, by the Con- stitution, and not already given, by way of original jurisdiction, to the Supreme Court. This eminent judge, in his examination of the judicial power, upon which he then entered, took a distinction between \he two classes of enumerated cases, and held that CONSTITUTIONAL J UlllSPKUDENCE. 135 the Constitution intended that the judicial power, either in an original or appellate form, should extend absohilely to all cases in law or equity arising under the Constitution and laws of the United States, and the treaties made under its authority, to all cases af- f cting ambassadors, other public ministers, and con- suls, and to all cases of admiralty and maritime ju- risdiction, because those cases were of vital impor tance to the sovereignty of the Union, entered into the public policy, and affected the national rights, and the law and comity of nations. The original or appellate jurisdiction ought, therefore, in these cases, to be commensurate with the mischiefs and the poli- cy in view. But in respect to another class of cases, it was held that the Constitution had designedly dropped the word all, so as not absolutely to extend the jurisdiction of the Federal judiciary to all contro- versies, but merely to controversies in which the United States were a party, or between two or more states, or between citizens of different states, &c., leaving it to Congress to qualify the jurisdiction, original or appellate, in such manner as public policy might dictate. But whatever weight is due to this distinction, it is manifest that the judicial power was unavoidably, in some instances, exclusive of all state authority and in all others may be made so at the discretion of Congress. The act of 1789 assumed, that in all the cases to which the judicial power of the United States oxtended. Congress might rightfully vest exclusive jurisdiction in their own courts. The criminal and the admiralty jurisdiction must be exclusive ; and it is only in those cases where, previously to the Con- stitution, the state tribunals possessed jurisdiction in- dependently of national authority, that they can now constitutionally exercise a concurrent jurisdiction 136 LECTURES ON The appellate jurisdiction was not considered as lim- ited by the Constitution to the Supreme Court ; but Congress may create a succession of inferior tribu- nals, in each of which it may vest appellate as well as original jurisdiction. The appellate jurisdiction of the Supreme Court, in cases wherein it has not ori- gmal jurisdiction, is declared by the Constitution to be subject to such exceptions and regulations as Con- gress may prescribe. It remained, therefore, entire- ly in the discretion of Congress to provide for the exercise of judicial power in all the various forms of appeal. The right of removing a cause from a state court by a defendant entitled to try his right, or as- sert his privileges in the national /orwm, is, in fact, the exercise of an appellate jurisdiction, as that pow- er may exist as well before as after judgment, and is. not limited to cases pending in the courts of the Uni- ted States. Had it been so limited, it would neces- sarily have followed that the jurisdiction of the Fed- eral must have been exclusive of the state courts in all the cases enumerated in the Constitution ; and, inasmuch as the judicial power of the United States embraces all those cases, the state courts cannot, consistently with the express terms of the Federal compact, entertain any jurisdiction in them without (he right of appeal to the Federal tribunals. For if ^he state courts were allowed to exercise a concur- rent jurisdiction in those cases free from such con- trol, the appellate jurisdiction of the Union would, as to the cases in question, have no existence ; which would be contrary to the manifest intent of the Fed- eral Constitution. The appellate power of the Federal Courts must continue to extend to the state courts, so long as the latter entertain any concurrent jurisdiction over the cases which the Constitution has decb.ired to fall CONSTITUTIONAL JURISPRUDENCE. 137 within the judicial cognizance of the United States, It is clear that the Constitution contemplated that such cases would not only arise in the state courts in the ordinary exercise of their concurrent jurisdic- tion, but that those tribunals would incidentally take cognizance of questions of which the courts of the United States have exclusive jurisdiction. Inas- much, therefore, as the judicial power of the Union extends to both the above specified classes of cases, it follows, as a necessary consequence, that the appel- late jurisdiction of the Federal Courts must and does extend to the state tribunals, and attach to every case within the Federal judicial power. All the enumer- ated cases of Federal cognizance are those which touch the safety, peace, and sovereignty of the Union, or in which it may be presumed that state attach- ments, prejudices, jealousies, or interests might sometimes obstruct or control the regular administra- tion of justice. To all such cases the appellate power is applied on the plainest principles of policy and wisdom ; and this is requisite to fulfil effectually the great and beneficial ends of the Constitution ; and especially to give efficacy to the power of deci- ding in all cases of conflict between the several states, or collision between powers claimed by a state and those claimed by the General Government ; and especially to maintain the declared supremacy of the C'onstitution, laws, and treaties of the Union over the constitution and laws of the respective states. The existence ofsuch a power was, moreover, deemed necessary to preserve uniformity of decision through- out the United States upon all subjects within the purview of the Constitution ; and to prevent the mis- chiefs of opposite constructions and contradictory de* cisions in the several states on these points of gen- eral concern. 13S LECTURES ON The appellate powoi of the Federal judiciary ov^er the atate tribunals does not, however, extend to a final judgment in a state court on a question arising under the authority of the Union, although a state he a party ; because that jurisdiction was given to the Federal Courts m two classes of cases ; in the one, it depends on the character of the cause, whosoevei may be ihe parties ; in the other, it depends entirely on the character of the parties, and then the subject of the controversy is wholly unimportant. In the celebrated case of the Georgia Missionaries,* where the validity, or, at least, the construction of the trea- ties made by the United States with the Cherokee Indians, was drawn in question in the highest court of that state, and the decision had been, if not *' against their validity," against a " right, privilege, and exemption claimed under them ;" and where had also been drawn in question the validity of a law of Georgia, on the ground of its being " repug- naxit to the Constitution, treaties, and laws of the United States," and the decision had been " in fa- vour of its validity;" it was considered by the Su- pr^.me Court too clear for controversy, that the judi- ciary act of Congress had given it the power, and, of course, imposed on it the duty, of exercising an appellative jurisdiction in the case, notivithstanding it 'arose upon a criminal prosecution, in the state court, founded upon an act of the State Legislature. The law of Georgia was held to be repugnant to the (constitution, laws, and treaties of the United States ; and the chief-justice, who delivered the opinion of the court, declared that its jurisdiction was no less clear in that cose than in civil cases. He consider- ed ihe parties not less interested iH the operation of ♦ fi Peters's Rep., 515. CONSTITUTIONAL JURISPRUDENCE. 139 this unconstituiional law than if it had affected their property ; nor less entitled to the protection of the General Government, when the judgment of the state court affected their personal liberty, and in flicted a disgraceful punishment. The court, there fore, ordered the proceedings against the mission aries o be annulled, and that they should be released from their imprisonment. The special mandate is sued to fhe court below, to carry that judgment into effect, was not obeyed, and compulsory proceedings were in progress to enforce it, when the matter was compromised by the discharge of the missionaries, upon their withdrawing the suits they had com- menced against the state officers for their deten- tion. In a more recent case, the Supreme Court observed that if the state legislatures may annul the judg ments of the courts of the United States, and the rights thereby acquired, the Constitution becomes a solemn mockery, and the nation is deprived of the means of enforcing its laws by its own tribunals : so fatal a result must be deprecated by all ; and the peo- ple of every state must feel a deep interest in resist- ing principles so distructive to the Union, and in averting consequences so fatal to themselves.*^ The Supreme Court is also clothed with that su- perintending authority over the subordinate courts of the United States, which should be deposited in the highest tribunal and last resort of the people for justice. It has power to issue prohibitory writs to the District Courts, when proceeding as courts of admiralty and maritime jurisdiction ; and mandatory process in cases warranted by the principles and usages of law, to any courts established, or persons * 12 Peters Rep., 357. 140 LECTURES ON holding office under the authority of the United States. The Supreme Court, and all the Federal Courts, have power to issue all writs not specially provided by statute, which may be necessary for the exercise of their respective jurisdictions, and con- formable to the principles and usages of law ; and the individual judges of all of them may, by writ of Habeas Corpus, relieve all persons from all manner of unjust imprisonment or restraint occurring under, or by colour of, the authority of the United States. Under the power granted to Congress of erecting tribunals subordinate to the Supreme Court, two de- scriptions of inferior courts, differing materially in the nature and extent of their respective jurisdic- tions, have been established. For this purpose, the United States have been divided into nine judicial circuits ; and each circuit consists of three or more districts ; each district, for the most part, comprises an entire state ; but in some of the larger and more populous states there are two districts. Some dis- tricts are not embraced within any circuit, and have only District Courts ; which, however, exercise the powers of a Circuit Court within their respective districts, except in cases of error and appeal. In the District of Columbia, which comprises the terri- tory ceded to the United States for the seat of the Federal Government, there is both a Circuit and a District Court, specially and differently organized for that district. The former is composed of a chief- justice and two associate judges, from whose de- cisions writs of error and appeals lie to the Supreme Court of the United States. The jurisdiction vested m these courts respectively, corresponds with that i^ested in the Circuit and District Courts established or the Union at large. II. The Circuit Coirts are held annually in each CONSTITUTIONAL JURISPRUDENCE. 141 judicial district by a justice of the Supreme Court, assigned by law to the particular circuit, and the judge of the district, for which the court is held But the Supreme Court may, in cases where special circumstances in their judgment render it necessary, assign two justices of the Supreme Court to attend the Circuit Court. If a vacancy happen by the death of the justice of the Supreme Court to whom the circuit is allotted, the district judge may, under the act of Congress, discharge all the duties of the Circuit Court for his district, except that he cannot sit upon a writ of error, or upon an appeal from his own court; and where the district judge is ab- sent, or has been of counsel, or is interested in the cause, the Circuit Court may be holden by the jus- tice of the Supreme Court alone. If an opposition of opinions between the justice of the Supreme Court and the district judge occurs, in a case in which the Circuit Court has original jurisdiction, the point on which they disagree is directed by law to be certi- fied to the Supreme Court ; whereupon the cause is removed into that court for final judgment or decree ; but in all cases of appeal or removal from a District to a Circuit Court, judgment is to be rendered in the latter according to the opinion of the justice of the Supreme Court presiding therein. . The Circuit Courts, thus organized, are invested with original and exclusive jurisdiction, except in cer- tain cases hereafter mentioned, of all crimes and of- ences cogniiable under the authority of the United States, exceeding the degree of ordinary misdemean- ours ; and of those, they have concurrent jurisdiction with the District Courts. They have original cog- nizance, concurrently with the courts of the several states, of all suits of a civil nature at common law, or in equity, where the matter in dispute exceeds a certain 142 LECTURES ON sum, and the United States are plaintiff? ; or an alien is a party, or the suit is between a citizen of the state where it is brought and a citizen of another state. They have also original jurisdiction in equity, and at law, of all suits arising under the acts of Congress relative to copy-rights, and the rights growing out of inventions and discoveries; and they likewise have concurrent jurisdiction with the District Courts of the United States, and with the courts and magis- trates of the several states, of all suits at common law, where the United States, or an officer thereof, sues under the authority of an act of Congress, how ever small the amount. The Circuit Courts of the United States have appellate jurisdiction in all final judgments and decrees and judgments of the District Courts ; and if any suit be commenced in a state court against an alien, or by a citizen of the state in which the suit is brought against a citizen of another state, the defendant, on giving security, may remove the cause to the Circuit Court for the Federal judicial district 'n which the suit is brought.* A Circuit Court, although an inferior court in the language of the Constitution, is not so in the sense which the common law attaches to the term ; nor are its proceedings subject to the narrow rules which apply to inferior courts of common law, or courts of special jurisdiction. On the contrary, the Circuit Courts of the United States are courts of original and durable jurisdiction, and as such, are entitled to liberal intendments in favour of their powers. They are, nevertheless, courts of limited jurisdiction, and have cognizance, not of causes generally, but only of a few, under .special circumstances, amounting to *■ A Dallas. II. 2 ibid., 340. 5 Craiich, 185. CONSTITUTIONAL JURLaf|Eui)^p^?^V^43 a small proportion of the case^ whicn an unlimited \ jurisdiction would embrace ; aiid. the legal presump*/^ tion is, that a cause is without their jurisdiction until '^ the contrary appears. ^ ^ III. The District Courts are derived from tiie sam« i> constitutional power of Congress as the Cir^it Courts. They hold annually four stated terms, and special courts at the discretion of the respective judges. The District Courts of the United States have, ex- clusively of the state courts, cognizance of all lesser crimes and offences against the United Stat^, com- mitted within their respective districts, or upon the high seas, and which are punishable by fine and im- prisonment, to a small amount, and for a short term. They have also exclusive original cognizance of all civil cases of admiralty and maritime jurisdiction ; of seizures under the impost, navigation, and trade laws of the Union, where the seizures are made on the high seas or in waters within their district, navi- gable from the ocean by vessels of ten or more tons' burden ; and also of all other seizures made under the laws of the United States ; and of all suits for penalties or forfeitures incurred under those laws. They have, moreover, cognizance, concurrent with Circuit Courts and the state courts, of causes in which an alien sues for the violation of a right accru. ing to him under the law of nations, or a treaty of the United States ; and of all suits at common law, in which the United States are plaintiffs, and the matter in dispute is of a certain small amount. They have jurisdiction likewise, exclusive of the state courts, of all suits against consuls or vice-consuls, except of of- fences of a higher'degree than those which have been mentioned. They have also exclusive cognizance of proceedings to repeal patents, obtained surrepti- 144 LECTURES ON tiously, and upon false suggestions; and of com- plaints, by whomsoever instituted, in cases of cap- ture made within the waters of the United States, oi within a marine league of their courts. The judges of the District Courts have, in cases where the party has not had reasonable time to apply to the Circuit Courts, as full power as is exercised by the justices of the Supreme Court, to grant writs of injunction in equity causes, to operate within their respective districts, and continue in force until the next sitting of the Circuit Court. IV. Whe Courts of the Territories of the United States have been created, from time to time, by the several acts of Congress establishing Territorial gov- ernments in those vast regions in the western parts of the Continent which were either ceded by indi- vidual states for the common benefit, upon condition that the proceeds of sales of the public lands therein should be applied to the payment of the national debt incurred during the Revolutionary war, or compri- sing those obtained by treaty from foreign powers, and never included within the boundaries of any of the original members of the Union. These Territo- ries (as they are politically, as well as geographical- ly termed) are not in either case considered distinct political societies, known to the Constitution as states; but Congress has always assumed to exer- cise over them supreme powers of sovereignty ; and has generally adopted for that purpose the princi- ples of an ordinance established under the confeder- ation for governing the territory northwest of the River Ohio, which now contains the States of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, and Michigan. This ordinance was formed upon sound and enlightene(i principles of civil jurisprudence, and the judges appointed in that tnr- litory hold their ofiices during good behaviour, as CONSTITUTIONAL JURISPRUDENCE. 145 well as those in the territories which were succes sively elected from the residuary parts of it. In the existing territories of Florida, Wisconsin, and Iowa, however, the governor and members of the legisla- tive council, as well as- the judges, are appointed by the President and Senate, but are all removable at the pleasure of the President ; and the judges, subject to such removal, hold for four, and the governor for three years. In the first, the judicial power is vested in two Superior Courts, and in such inferior courts and magistrates as the legislative council may establish. The legislative power in all these terri- tories is vested in the governor, and a legislative council consisting of nine members, appointed by the President and Senate, to continue in office for five years, and of a House of Representatives, chosen by the inhabitants biennially. The Superior Courts in those territories have exclusive cognizance of all capital offences, and the trial by jury is secured, to- gether with many other great fundamental principles of civil liberty. The legislatures are prohibited from interfering with the primary disposal of the soil, or from taxing land belongmg to the United States, or from imposing higher taxes on land belonging to non-resident proprietors than on those of residents. In the organization of the territorial governments of East and West Florida, one of the Superior Courts, consisting of a single judge, is assigned to each di- vision respectively ; and has within its limits the same jurisdiction, in all cases arising under the Con- stitution and laws of the United States, which is vest- ed in the District Courts of the United States, in those districts in which the latter have the powers of a Circuit Court ; and writs of error, and appeals from the decisions of these territorial courts, may be taken Vo the Supreme Court of the United States, in the M 146 LECTURES ON same cases, and under the same regulations, as from the Circuit Courts of the Union. From these various regulations, it appears that Con- gress possesses supreme power in regard to all these territories, depending solely. on the exercise of its sound discretion. Neither the District of Columbia nor a territory is a state^ within the meaning of the Constitution, or entitled to claim the privileges se- cured to the members of the Union.* Nor will a writ of error or an appeal lie from a territorial court to the Supreme Court, unless there be a special statuto- ry provision for the purpose.! '.' If," observes Mr. Chancellor Kent, " the govern- ment of the United States should carry into execu- tion the project of colonizing the great valley of the Oregon west of the Rocky Mountains, it would af- ford a subject of grave consideration, what would be the future civil and political destiny of that country. It would be a long time," he continues, '• before it would be populous enough to be created into one or more in- dependent states ; and, in the mean time, upon the doc- trine taught by the acts of Congress, and the judicial decisions of the SupremS Court, the colonists would be in a state of most complete subordination, and as dependant upon the will of Congress as the people of this country would have been upon the king and Parliament of Great Britain, if they could have sus- tained their claim to bind us, in all cases whatsoever. Such a state of absolute sovereignty on the one hand, and of absolute dependance on the other, is not at all congenial with the free and independent spirit of our native institutions ; and the establishment of distant territorial governments, ruled according to will and* pleasure, would have a very natural tendency, as all ♦ 2 Cranch, 445. 1 Wheaton, 91. t 1 Grand), 212. 3 ib., 159. CONSTITUTIONAL JURISPRUDENCE. 147 proconsular governments have had, to abuse and op- pression." V. The State Courts ami Magistrates are in some cases invested by Congress with cognizance of cases arising under the laws of the United States. It seems, indeed, that Congress, in the course of its le- gislation upon the subjects intrusted to it, may com- mit the decision of causes arising under a particular act, solely, if deemed expedient, to the courts of the Union ; but in every case in which the state courts are not expressly excluded, they may take cogni- zance of causes growing out of an act of Congress : and although Congress cannot confer jurisdiction upon any courts but such as exist under the Consti- tution and its own laws, yet the state courts may ex- ercise it in cases authorized by the laws of the state, and not prohibited by the exclusive jurisdiction of the Federal Courts.* Various duties have been imposed by Congress on the state courts and magistrates ; and they have been invested with jurisdiction in civil suits, and in com- plaints and prosecutions for fines, penalties, and for- feitures, accruing under the laws of the United States. In civil suits, the state courts entertain such jurisdic- tion ; but in criminal and penal cases they have in several instances declined it. In what cases, and to what extent, they will exercise criminal jurisdiction under the laws of the Union ; and under what cir- cumstances, and how far, the judges of the state courts have power to issue a Habeas Corpus^ and decide on the validity of a commitment or detainer under the authority of the National Government, are questions which have been variously determined in the states, and have never been definitively settled in th^ Su- * 5 Wheaton, 1. 148 LECTURES ON preme Court 3f the United States, where the ultimate right of determining them resides. The doctrine, however, seems to be admitted, that Congress can- not compel a state court to entertain jurisdiction in pny case. It only permits such of those tribunals as Hxe competent, and bave inherent jurisdiction ade- ']uate to the case, to entertain such suits in given ca- fes ; and they do not thereby become Superior Courts, in the sense of the Federal Constitution, because they are not ordained and established by Congress. The state courts are left to consult their own duty, from their state authority and organization ; but if they do voluntarily entertain jurisdiction of causes cognizable under the authority of the United States, they do it upon the condition that the appellate jurisdiction of the Federal Courts shall apply.* Their jurisdiction of Federal causes must, nevertheless, be confined to civil actions, for civil demands, or to enforce penal statutes. They cannot hold criminal jurisdiction over offences exclusively against the United States ; for every criminal prosecution must charge the offence to have been committed against the sovereign whose court sits in judgment upon the offender, and whose authority can pardon him. From the survey I have now completed of the or- , ^uization of our Federal judicial establishment, you will have perceived that the leading features of the pystem are to be found in the act so often referred to, passed in 1789, at the first session of the first Con- gress under the present Constitution. It was under- stood to have been drawn up by Mr. Oliver Ells- worth, a senator from Connecticut, and has stood the test of severe experience since that time, with very little alteration or improvement ; a fact which affords • 14 Johns. Reps., 95. CONSTITUTIONAL JURISPRUDENCE. i 49 the strongest evidence of the wisdom of the plan, and its skilful adaptation to the interests and convenience of the country. It was evidently the result of much profound rellection and great legal knowledge • and the system thus formed and reduced to practice, has been so successful and beneficial in its operation, that the administration of justice in the Federal Courts has been constantly rising in influence and reputa- tion. In this review of the most important points which have arisen with respect to the constitutional powersof the judicial department, we have seen that it is competent, not only to pronounce on the consti- tutionality of laws of the United States, and on the validity of the constitutions and laws of the several states, and to declare either of them void, when re- pugnant to the Federal Constitution, or to a law or treaty of the Federal Government, but also to revise the judgments of a state court, enforcing any uncon- stitutional ordinance. We have seen, moreover, that the Federal Courts must either possess exclusive ju- risdiction in all cases affecting the Constitution, laws, and treaties of the Union, or they must have power to review the judgments rendered on all such ques- tions by the state tribunals ; and that, so far as the latter power has hitherto been controverted, it has been sustained by the supreme national tribunal with great ability and success, and with equal learning, dignity, and discretion. 1 50 LECTURES ON LECTURE VII. OS THE POWERS VESTED Ix\ Tf E FEDERAL GOVERN* MENT, RELATIVE TO SECURITY FROM FOREIGW DANGER. We are now to enter upon the second general di- vision of our subject, which rehites to " the nature, extent, and limitation of the powers vested in the Federal Government, and the restraints imposed by the Constitution on the states.^ The powers conferred on the National Govern- ment may be reduced, as I have already mentioned, to different classes, as they relate to the following different objects, viz. : First. Security from foreign danger. Second. Intercourse with foreign nations. Third. Harmony among the states. Fourth. Miscellaneous objects of general utility. Fifth. Restrictions on the powers of the states ; and, Sixth. Provisions for giving efficacy to the powers vested in the Union. As security from foreign danger is one of the pri- mary objects of civil society, so it was an avowed and essential purpose of the union of the states ; and, accordingly, the powers requisite to attaining it were effectually confided to the National Government, and consist, 1^/. Of the powers of declaring war, and granting letters of marque and reprisal. 2d. Of making rules concerning captures by land and water. 3J. Of providing armies and fleets, and of regu* CONSTITUTIONAL JURISPRUDENCE. l51 (ating And calling forth the militia of the states ; and, as connected with these, the substantive and distinct power of levying taxes and borrowing money. I. The right of self-defence is a part of the law of our nature, and it is the indispensable duty of civil society to protect its members in the enjoyment of their rights, both of person and property. This is a fundamental principle of every social compact ; and it is laid down by all approved writers on public law, that on this principle, an injury done or threat- ened to the perfect rights of a nation, or any of its members, and susceptible of no other redress, is jus: cause of war. But as the evils of war are certain, and its results doubtful, both wisdom and humanity require that every possible precaution should be ta- ken, and every necessary preparation made, before engaging in it. It was formerly usual to precede hostilities by a public declaration communicated in form to the enemy ; but in modern times this prac- tice has been discontinued ; and the nation proclaim- ing war now confines itself to a declaration within its own territory, and to its own people. The power of declaring war is vested by the Con- stitution of the United States in Congress ; without whose consent no state can engage in war, unless actually invaded, or in such imminent danger of in- vasion as will not admit delay. So that this power of Congress is not only of its own nature exclusive, but its concurrent exercise is expressly prohibited ; nor is it easy to conceive where else but in Congress it could be properly and prudently deposited. Al- though Congress alone, by its solemn act, passed, like other laws, according to the forms of the Con- stitution, can subject the nation to the hazardous events of war, yet the interposition of a smaller por- tion of the government has power to restore peace. 152 LECTURES ON Hostilities may be terminated by a truce^ which muy be made by the President alone, as commander-in- chief of the military forces of the Union, and of which the duration may be indefinite ; while treaties, by which peace is completely restored, may be made, as we have seen, by the President and Senate, with- out the intervention of the House of Representatives. As delay in making war may be sometimes detri- mental to individuals who may have sufiered from the depredations of foreign powers, Congress is invested also with the power of issuing letters of marque and reprisal ; the latter signifying a " taking in return ;" the former, "passing the frontier in order to such taking."* This power is, in all cases, plainly deri- ved from that of making war. It induces, indeed, only an incomplete state of hostilities, but generally ends in their formal denunciation. By the law of nations, letters of marque and reprisal may be grant- ed whenever the subjects of one state are oppressed and injured by those of another, and justice is denied by the state to which the oppressor belongs. They are in the nature of a commission granted by the gov- ernment to particular citizens, authorizing them to seize the bodies or goods of citizens of the offending nation, wherever they may be found, until satisfac- tion be made. And although this procedure seems to be dictated by Nature herself, yet the necessity is obvious, of calling on the sovereign power to deter- mine when it may be resorted to ; as, otherwise, ev- ery private individual might act as a judge in his own '^ This is the literal meaning of the terms ; but the only practical distinction seems to be the one given in the note to Mr. Dupon- ceau's vahiable edition of Bynkcrshnck, p. 183, which is between Letters of Marque, and Letters of Marque and Reprisal. The latter, he says, is " the old technical expression for what we now call a privateer's commission ; the former is applied to a vessel fitted out for war and merchandise, and armed merely for defence." CONSTITUTIONAL JURISPRUDENCE. 153 cause, and. to avenge his private injury, involve the nation to which he belongs in war. II. The 'power of making ''''rules concerning cap- tures on land and water ^^^ which is superadded to the constitutional power of declaring war, is not confined to captures made beyond the territorial limits of the United States, but comprehends rules respecting the property of an enemy found within those limits. It is an express grant to Congress of the power of con- fiscating such property, as an independent substan- tive power, not included in the power of declaring war; and when a v/ar breaks out, the question as to the disposition of enemy-property in the country, is a question of policy for the consideration of the Na- tional Legislature, and not proper for the considera- tion of the judicial power, which can only pursue that course in regard to such property as Congress may direct.* According to the best writers on the law of nations a declaration of war by the sover- eign power of one state against another, implies that the whole nation declares war ; and that all the sub- jects of the one are enemies to all the subjects of the other. But although a declaration of war has this effect with regard to individuals, and thus gives to them those mutual and respective rights under the law of nations which a state of war confers, yet the mere declaration does not, by its single operation, produce any of those results which are usually ef- fected by the ulterior measures of the government, consequent upon the declaration of war. By a strict interpretation, indeed, of the ancient public law, war gives to a nation full right to tax the persons arid confiscate the property of its enemy, wherever found ; and the mitigation of this rule which the policy of * 8 Cranch, .09. 154 LECTURES ON modern times has introduced into practice, although it may affect its exercise, can never impair the right itself; and whenever the Legislature chooses to bring it into operation, the judicial department must give it effect. Until the legislative will, however, is distinctly declared, no power of condemnation can exist in the courts ; and, from the structure of our government, proceedings to condemn enemy's property found in the country at the declaration of war, can be sus- tained only on the principle of their having been commenced in execution of an existing law. An act of Congress simply declaring war, does not, by its own operation, so vest such property in the gov- ernment as to support judicial proceedings for its seizure and condemnation ; but vests merely a right, of which the assertion depends on the future action of the Legislature.* III. The power of raising armies and equipping fleets seems to be involved in the power of declaring war ; and to have left it to be exercised by the states, under the direction of Congress, as was the case un- der the confederation, would have inverted a primary principle of the new Constitution, and, in practice, transferred the case of the common defence from the Federal head to the individual members of the Union The various inconveniences which would attend the system of a separate organization of the national force must be obvious. They had been experi- enced during the war of our Revolution, and had proved that such a system was oppressive to some states, and dangerous to all. Under our present Constitution, sufficient reasons have appeared to in- duce an apprehension that the state governmenta * 8 Cranch, 109. CONSTITUTIONAL JURISPRUDENCE. 155 are naturally prone to rivalship with the government of the Union ; and if, in addition to this, their am- bition were stimulated by the separate and inde- pendent possession of military forces, too strong a temptation and too great a facility would be given them to subvert the constitutional authority of the Union. The liberties of the people would, moreover, be less safe under such an arrangement than undei that which leaves the national forces in the hands of the National Government. So far as an army may be likely, in this country, to become an instrument of ambition or power, it had better be at the disposal of that power of which the people are most apt to be jealous ; for it is a truth which the experience of ages has attested, that the people are commonly most in danger when the means of invading their rights are at the command of those of whom they are the least suspicious. Standing armies in time of peace have, indeed, been objected to, as dangerous to our free institu- lions ; but there can scarcely be ground for such ap- prehension, from the nature of the Federal Govern- ment ; while the impolicy of restraints on its discre- tion with respect to raising forces by land or sea, is manifest, from the consideration that the efficiency of the power depends on its being indefinite, and upon its extending to the maintaining them in peace as well as in war ; for with no show of propriety could the force requisite for defence be limited by those who have no power to limit the strength and power of offence possess^ed by an enemy : nor, un- less our government could set bounds to the ambition, injustice, or exertions of other nations, could re- straints be safely imposed upon its discretion, oi limits prescribed to it for self-preservation. Besides a readiness for war w time of peace, is not only no 156 LECTURES ON cessary for self-defence, but affords the most certain means of preventing aggression, by exhibiting such resources and preparations for repelling it as may discourage or deter an enemy from attempts, which, from that very circumstance, would probably prove unavailing. A prohibition, therefore, against raising and maintaining armies and fleets in time of peace, would not only exhibit the extraordinary spectacle of a nation incapacitated by its constitution from pre- paring for defence before it was actually invaded, but would be altogether inconsistent with the public safety, and the exigencies of self-protection, uidess by its constitution it could in like manner prohibit the preparations and establishments of every hostile power. The means of security can only be regu- lated by the means, probabilities, and dangers of at- tack ; and it would be worse than useless to oppose constitutional barriers to the impulse of self-preserva- tion, because it would imbody in the Constitution the temptation, if not the necessity of resorting to usur- pations of extraordinary power, every precedent of which would be the excuse for unnecessary and multiplied repetitions of measures far more danger- ous to public liberty than a standing army, in a coun- try with a population and under a government like ours. The jealousy which would abolish our military establishments in time of peace, may be traced to those habits of thinking which the inhabitants of the United States derived from the people from which ihey sprung, and upon the* prevailing sentiments on the subject at the period of our Revolution. As inci- dent to the undefined and unrestricted power of ma- king war, it was the acknowledged prerogative of the British crown to maintain, by its own authority, regular troops in time of peace. The abuse of this CONSTITUTIONAL JURISPRUDENCE. 157 prerogative, among others, led to the public execution of one king, and the expulsion of another ; and to guard for the future against the exercise of power so dangerous, the Bill of Rights, framed by the Conven- tion-Parliament, and acceded to by King William, at the revolution of 1688, declared that "raising or keeping a standing army in time of peace, unless with the consent of Parliament, was against law." The events which led to our own Revolution quick- ened the public sensibility on every point connected with the security of popular rights ; and the princi- ples which taught our fathers to be jealous of the power of an hereditary monarch, were afterward ex- tended to their own representatives. In the consti- tutions of Pennsylvania and North Carolina, prohibi- tions of military establishments in time of peace were introduced ; and in those of New-Hampshire, Massachusetts. Delaware, and Maryland, a declara- tion was inserted similar to that of the English Bill of Rights, although that declaration was inapplicable to any of the state governments ; for the power of rais- ing and keeping on foot standing armies could by no possible construction be deemed, at that time, to re- side anywhere else than in the legislatures them- selves. It was therefore superfluous, to say the least of it, to declare that a measure should not be adopted without the consent of that body' which alone had the power of adopting it. Those state constitutions which have been most approved are silent on the subject ; and the only •direct restriction on Congress in regard to the ex- ercise of its military powers, is contained in an amendment to the Federal Constitution, which de- clares that " no soldier shall, in lime of peace, be quartered in any house without the consent of the owner ; nor in time of war hut in a manner to bt 158 LECTURES ON prescribed by law." Even in those stale constitu tions which seem to have meditated a total interdic- tion of military establishments during peace, the expressions used are monitory rather than 2j}ohibltO' ry ; and the ambiguity of their terms appears to have resulted from a conflict between the desire of exclu- ding such establishments, and the conviction that the measure would be unwise and hazardous. The union of the states under the National Constitution removes every pretext for a military establishment in any of the states which could be dangerous ; while our distance from the powerful nations of Europe afl^ords sufficient security that the Federal Government will never be able to persuade or de- lude the people into the support of large and ex- pensive peace establishments. The^anger, indeed, is the other way ; and it is rather to be feared that mistaken notions of economy, if not of jealousy, will always tend to render our military force not merely too w^eak for the protection, but reduce it too low even for the preservation of our forts and arsenals. The Union itself, however, is our best protection and de- fence, and our principal security against danger from abroad, internal commotion, or domestic usurpation. It may, moreover, be numbered among the blessings vouchsafed to our country, that the Union itself is tne great source of our maritime strength ; while the palpable necessity of a navy, and its proved efficien- cy as an arm of national defence, have silenced the jealousy or the scruples which at one period pre- vented due attention to fostering it in time of peace. It has since fought its way to the patronage of the government, and it always enjoyed the favour of the people. V. The power of regulating the militia, and com- manding its services in cases oi insurrection or in* CONSTITUTIONAL JUlllSPUUDENCE. 159 vasioTi; are incident to the duties of superintending the common defence, and of watching over the inter- nal peace of the Union. Uniformity in the organization and discipline of the militia must evidently be attended with the most beneficial results whenever they are called into ser- vice, as it enables them to discharge their duties with mutual intelligence and concert. This desira- ble uniformity could only be accomplished by confi- ding the regulation of the militia of the several states to the General Government. It was therefore es- sential that Congress should have authority, not only " to provide for calling forth the militia to execute the laws of the Union, to suppress insurrections, and repel invasions," but also " to provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining them ; and for governing such parts of them as may be employed in the ser- vice of the United States." The President is constituted, as we have seen, commander-in-chief of the militia when called into the actual service of the Union ; and he is author- ized by law, in cases of invasion, or imminent dan- ger thereof, to call forth such numbers of the militia most convenient to the scene of action as he may judge necessary. The militia so called forth are subject to the rules of war ; and the law imposes a fine on every delinquent who disobeys the summons, to be adjudged by a court-martial composed of mili- tia officers only, and held and conducted according to the articles of war. During the war of 1812, the authority of the President over the militia of the sev- eral states became the subject of doubt and difficult} between the Federal Government and some dF the state governments. It was the opinion of the Con- necticut Government, not only that the militia could not be called out at the requisition of the Genera] 160 LECTURES ON Goveniment except in a case founded upon the ex« istence of one of the specified exigencies, to be judged of by the state government , but that, when called out, they could not be taken from the com mand of the officers duly appointed by the state, and placed under the immediate command of an of- ficer of the United States army : nor could the Uni- ted States, in the opinion of that government, law- iully detach a portion of the privates from the body of their company. Similar difficulties arose between the Federal authorities and the government of Mas- sachusetts ; the governor of which state, as well as the governor of Connecticut, refused to furnish de- tachments of militia for the defence of the maritime frontier on an exposition of the Federal Constitution which they, no doubt, believed to be sound and just. In Connecticut, the claim of the governor to judge whether the exigency existed to authorize a call of the militia of the state, or any portion of it, into the service of the Union, and the claim on the part of the state to retain the command of them when duly ordered out against any subordinate officer of the United States army, were submitted to the consider- ation of the State Legislature, and received the strong and decided sanction of that body. In Massachu- setts, the governor consulted the judges of the Su- preme Court of that state as to the true construction of the Constitution on both those points. The judge* were of opinion that it belonged to the governors of ihe several states to determine when any of the ex- igencies contemplated by the Federal Constitution existed to require them to transfer the militia, or any part fif it, to the service of the Union and command of the President. It was supposed that the Consti tution did not give the power of judging as to the ex istence of the exigency^ by any express terms, to the CONSTITUTIONAL JURISPRUDENCE. 161 President or to Congress ; and that, inasmuch as it was not prohibited to the states, the right of deciding upon that point was, of course, reserved to them. A different construction would, it was alleged, place all the militia in effect at the will of Congress, and produce a military consolidation of the states. The act of Congress vested in the President the power of calling forth the militia when any one of the exi- gencies existed ; and if to that were superadded the power of determining the casus /(zderis, the militia would, in fact, be under the President's control. As to the question how the militia were to be commanded when duly called out, the Massachusetts judges were of opinion that the President alone, of all the officers acting under the United States, was authorized to command them ; and that he must com- mand them as they were organized under officers ap- pointed by the state, as they could not be transferred to the command of any officer, not of the militia, ex- cept the President. But these learned judges, act- ing as councillors, did not undertake to determine how the militia were to be commanded in case of the absence of the President ; or of a junction of militia with regular troops ; or whether they were to act under their separate officers, but in concert, as foreign allies ; or whether the officer present of the highest rank, either of the militia or of the regular army, was authorized to command the united forces : these were found, it seems, to be questions too diffi- cult and perplexing for extra-judicial decision. Mr. Madison, one of the most prominent members of the Convention which formed the Constitution, and one of its ablest defenders, was, at the time of these disputes, President of the United States, and as such declared that these constructions of the constitutional powers of the General Government over the militia N 162 LECTURES ON were "novel and unfortunate." In a message to Congress, to which they gave occasion, he observed that, " if the authority of the United States to call into service, and to command the militia, could thus be prostrated, we were not one people for the purpose most of all requiring that we should be united." Since that period, many and deeply interesting questions arising on the powers of the Union have been inves- tigated and decided in the Federal Courts ; and the progress of public opinion, as well as the tenour of those decisions, have been favourable to a much more liberal and enlarged construction of the Constitution than that which was adopted by the states in ques- tion ; so that the doctrines of the General Govern- ment, as now understood, fully support the claim of Mr. Madison, as President of the United States, to judge, exclusively of state authority, of the existence of the exigency upon which the militia may b& called into the service of the Union. The acts of Congress already referred to, as well as the act for establish- ing a uniform militia throughout the Union, were considered by the Supreme Court of the United States, in the first case''^ that came before them on the subject, as covering the whole ground of Federal legislation in regard to it. The manner in which the militia are to be organized, armed, disciplined, and governed, is fully prescribed ; provision is made for draughting, detaching, and calling forth the state quotas when required by the President ; his orders are to be given to the chief magistrate of the state, or to any inferior militia officer he may think proper ; neglect or refusal to obey his orders is declared to be a public offence, and subjects the offender to trial and punishment by a court-martial ; and the mode of pro- * 5 Wheat. R., 1 CONSTITUTIONAL JURISPRUDENCE. 163 ceeding is perspicuously detailed. The question before the court was whether it was competent for a court-martial, deriving its jurisdiction under state au- thority, to try and punish militiamen draughted, de- tached, and called forth by the President into th(» service of the United States, and who had refused and neglected to obey the call. The court decided that the militia, when called into the service of the United States, were not to be considered as being in that service until they were mustered at the place of rendezvous ; and that, until then, the state retained a right concurrent with the United States to punish their delinquencies. But after the militia had thus actually entered into the service of the Union, their character changed from state to national militia ; and the authority of the General Government over such detachments became exclusive. In a subsequent case,* which came up on a writ of error on a judgment of the highest court in the State of New- York, where the decision had been against this power of the President over the militia, his claim was unanimously sustained by the Supreme Court. The power confided to the President was, indeed, considered of a very high and delicate nature, but one which could not be executed without corre- sponding responsibility. It is, nevertheless, limited in its terms, and confined to cases of actual invasion or imminent danger ; and upon the question whether the President was the sole and exclusive judge of the existence of the exigency, or whether it was one which every oflicer to whom his order was address- ed might decide for himself, the court was of opin- ion that the authority to decide belonged exclusively to the President, and that his decision was conclu- * 12 Wheaton, 19. Ib4 LECTURES ON sive upon all other persons. This construction was lield necessarily to result from the nature of the pow- er given by the Constitution, and from the manifest object contemplated by the act of Congress. The power itself is to be exercised on sudden emergen- cies, and under circumstances which may vitally af- fect the existence of the Union, and a prompt and unhesitating obedience is indispensable to the attain- ment of the object. The service is a military ser- vice, and the command of a military nature ; and in such cases, every delay and obstacle to an efficieni and immediate compliance, necessarily tends to pui in jeopardy the public interests. While subordinate officers or soldiers are pausing to consider whether they ought to obey, or are scrupulously weighing the evidence of the facts on which the commander-in- chief exercises the right to demand their services, the hostile enterprise may be accomplished without the means of resistance. If the power of regulating the militia, and of commanding its services in times of insurrection and invasion, be, as has been alleged, natural incidents to the duty of superintending the common defence, and watching over the internal peace of the Union, then must this power be so con- strued, with respect to its exercise, as not to defeat the important ends in view. If the governor of a state, or other superior officer, has a right to contest the orders of the President, upon his own doubts as to the existence of the exigency, it must: be equally the right of every inferior officer, and of every pri- vate sentinel ; and every act of any person in fur- therance of such orders would render him liable in a civil suit, in which his defence must finally rest upon his ability to establish, by competent proof, the facts upon which the exigency was said to have arisen Such a course would obviously be subver- CONSTITUTIONAL JURISPRUDENCE. 165 sive of all discipline, and expose the best-intentioned officers to the chances of a ruinous litigation ; and in many instances, the evidence on which the President may have decided might not constitute technical proof, or its disclosure might reveal important secrets of state, which the public interests, and even safety, might require to remain concealed. This power, therefore, '* to provide for calling forth the militia to execute the laws, suppress insurrec- tions, and repel invasions," confided to Congress by the Constitution, is carried into effect by the law which provides that, when any such exigency exists, the militia of the states may be " called forth" by the chief magistrate of the Union, who, by the Constitu- tion, is commander-in-chief of the militia when in the actual service of the United States, whose. duty it is " to take care that the laws be faithfully execu- ted," and whose responsibility for an honest dis- charge of his official obligations is secured by the highest sanctions. He is necessarily to judge, in the first instance, and is bound to act according to his belief of the facts. If he decide to call forth the militia, and his requisitions, which are orders, for this purpose, are in conformity with the provisions of the law, it would seem to follow, as a necessary consequence, that every subordinate officer is bound to obey them. Whenever the law gives to the Pres- ident a discretionary power, to be exercised by him upon his own opinion of certain facts, it is a sound rule of construction, that the statute constitutes him the sole and exclusive judge of the existence of those facts, and it is not a valid objection that such power may be abused ; for there is no power that is not sus- ceptible of abuse. The remedy for this, and all other official misconduct, is to be found in the Constitution itself. In a free government the danger must be re- 166 LECTURES ON mote, since, in addition to the high qualificationa which the chief magistrate must be presumed to pos- sess, the frequency of elections, and the watchful- ness of the national representatives, carry with them all the checks that can be useful to guard against usurpation or tyranny. It has, however, been objected, that even admit- ting the judgment of the President to be conclusive as to the existence of the exigency, still it is neces- sary that it should appear that the particular exigen- cy in fact existed ; and the same principles were al- leged to be applicable to the delegation and exercise of this power intrusted to the President for great political purposes, as are applied to the humblest agent of the government, acting under the most nar- row and special authority. But when the President exercises an authority confided to him by law, the presumption is, that it is exercised in pursuance of the law. Every public officer, indeed, is presumed to act in obedience to his duty, until the contrary be shown ; and a fortiori, that presumption ought to be favourably applied to the chief magistrate. Nor can the non-existence of the exigency be averred and shown by the delinquent party ; for if it could be aver- red, it would be traversable, and, of course, might be passed upon by a jury ; and thus the legality of the order would depend, not on the judgment of the Presi- dent, but upon the finding of those facts upon the proof submitted to the jury. It must therefore be sufficient if the President determine the exigency to exist, and all other persons must be bound by his decision. IV. The power of raising money by taxation and loans being the main sinew of that which is to be exerted in the national defence, is therefore properly arranged in the same class, especially as this object is specified in the Constitution as one of the purposes CONSTITUTIONAL JURISPRUDENCE. 167 of vesting it in Congress. The support of the na- tional forces, the expense of raising troops, of build- ing and equipping fleets, and all the other expendi- tures in any wise connected with military and naval plans and operations, are not, however, the only ob- jects to which the jurisdiction of Congress, with re- spect to revenue, extends. The terms by which the j)ower is conferred embrace a provision for the sup- port of the civil establishments of the United States, the payment of the national debt, and, in general, for all those objects for which " the general welfare" re- quires the disbursement of money from the national treasury. The necessity of vesting this power in the Federal Government seems to be too obvious to require elucidation. Money is, indeed, the vital prin- ciple of the body politic. It is that which sustains its life and motion, and enables it to perform its most essential functions. No government, therefore, can he supported without possessing the means within itself, independently of the concurrence of others, of procuring a regular and adequate supply of revenue, so far as the resources at its command will permit. There must, of necessity, then, be interwoven in the texture of every government a power of taxation in some shape or other. In the government of the United States, it is coextensive with the purposes of the Constitution. Congress is accordingly invest- ed with power " to lay and collect taxes, duties, im- posts, and excises, to pay the debts, and provide for the common defence and general welfare ;" and it has also a distinct power " to borrow money on th? credit of the United States." It was originally urged as an objection to the Con- stitution, and it is still occasionally contended, that the latter branch of the former of these clauses amounts, in terms, to a commission to exercise every 168 Lt::CiURt:s on power which may be alleged to be necessary for the ^''general welfare." But this construction was prompt- ly refuted by the authors of '• The Federalists :" " Had no other enumeration or definition of the powers of Congress," say they, " been found in the Constitu- tion, there might have been some colour for this in- terpretation, though it would then have been difficult to have found a reason for so awkward a form of describing an authority to legislate in all possible cases." It is evident that the expressions in ques- tion must be taken in connexion with the preceding branch of the clause, and were intended merely as a specification of the objects for which taxes are to be laid, and not to convey a distinct and independent power to provide for " the general welfare."* The power of taxation is, moreover, limited, by re- quiring that " capitation and other direct taxes shall be apportioned among the several states according to their respective numbers, as ascertained by the cen- sus, and determined by the rule for the apportionment of representatives in Congress." It is qualified, also, by a provision that " all duties, imposts, and excises shall be equal throughout the United States ;" and it is farther restricted by a prohibition upon Congress to " lay any tax or duties on articles exported from the United States." The Constitution does not de- fine or select subjects for exclusive taxation by the Federal Government ; although, in some instances, an interference must have been foreseen from the ex- ercise of a concurrent power with the states. But it was fhought better that a particular state should sustain this mconvenience, than that the national ne- cessities should fail of supply ; and it was manifest- ly intended that Congress should possess full power * Federalist, No. 41. CONSTITUTIONAL JURISPRUDENCE. 169 subject to the restrictions and exceptions I have men- tioned, over every species of taxable property. The term " taxes" is general, and was made use of in the Constitution to confer a plenary authority in all cases of taxation to which the powers vested in the Union extend. The most familiar general di- vision of taxes is into direct and indirect ; and al- though the Constitution designates only the former species, it necessarily implies the existence of the latter. The general term, then, includes, \st. Direct taxes, which are, properly, capitation taxes, and taxes upon land ; although a direct tax might be laid on other subjects, such as generally pervade all parts of the Union. 2d, Duties, imposts, and excises ; and, 3(i. All other taxes of an indirect operation. A direct tax operates and takes effect independent- ly of consumption or expenditure ; w^hile indirect taxes affect expense or consumption ; and the revenue ari sing from them is dependant thereupon. This dis- tinction between the different species of taxes is of practical importance, arising from the different modes in which they are levied ; direct taxes being required to be " apportioned among the several states accord- ing to the respective numbers of their inhabitants ;" while indirect taxes, not admitting of such appor- tionment, are directed to be " uniform throughout the United States." Whether direct or indirect taxation were most con- sistent with the interests of the country, and the ge- nius of its government, was a point much discussed when the Fed-eral Constitution was imder the con- sideration of the state conventions ; and even among those who admitted the necessity of surrendering to the National Government sources of revenue suffi- O 170 LECTURES ON cie.1t to (ILscliarge its debts, and adequate to its siip- port, tliere were some who were jealous of the povv* ers conferred on it for those purposes, and wished to reserve all objects of internal taxation to the states, yielding to the United States the power merely of imposing duties on imported articles. But this dis- crimination, it was urged, would violate that funda- mental maxim of good sense and sound policy, which holds that every power should be proportionate to its object ; and that the General Government would still be left in such dependance on the several states as would be inconsistent with its proper vigour and ef- ficiency. Commercial imports alone were shown to be unequal to the exxsting necessities and future ex- igencies of the Union ; and as the latter did not ad- mit of calculation or limitation, it was evident that the power of providing for them ought also to be un- confined, especially as, in the usual course of public affairs, the necessities of a nation, in every stage of its progress, are generally found to be at least equal to its resources. Whether the present financial condition of this country may not form an exception in its favour, it would, perhaps, be premature to decide ; and as the power in question was, at all events, vested in the Federal Government, the only practical importance of the distinction between direct and indirect taxation, consists in the diflerent modes in which they are re- spectively to be levied. Direct taxes are required, as we have seen, to be apportioned among the states a^jcording to their respective numbers, while indirect taxes, not admitting of this apportionment, are to be uniform throughout the United States. Thus, if Con- gress should think proper to raise a sum of money bv direct taxation, the quMa of each state must be CONSTITUTIONAL JURISPRUDENCE. 171 fixed according to the census, ano in conformity to the rule of apportionment prescribed by the Constitu- tion. If indirect taxation be resorted to, the same duty must be imposed on the article liable to it, wheth- er its quantity or consumption be greater or less in the respective states. The judicial construction given to the powers of Congress relative to taxation has generally turned on this distinction. By an act passed in 1794, a duty was laid upon carriages for the conveyance of per- sons ; and the question arose whether it were a di- rect tax, within the meaning of the Constitution. If it were not a direct tax, it was admitted to be rightly laid ; but if it were a direct tax, it was not constitu- tionally imposed ; because, in that case, it should have been laid according to the representative num- bers of the several states. The Circuit Court for Virginia, where the question arose, w^as divided in opinion ; but on appeal to the Supreme Court, it was decided that the tax in question was not a direct tax, and had, therefore, been levied according to the Con- stitution. It was observed, on this occasion, that the Constitution contemplated no taxes as direct taxes but such as could be laid in proportion to the census ; and that the rule of apportionment could not apply to tho tax on carriages ; nor could such a tax be laid by that rule, without great inequality and injustice ; and the argument by which this inequality and injus- tice were shown was conclusive against the contrary construction.* But although duties must be uniform, and direct taxes apportioned according to numbers, yet the provision of the Constitution with respect to the latter does not restrict the power of Congress to * 3 Dallas, 171. 172 LECTURES ON impose taxes on the inhabitants of the states only, but extends equally to all places over which the Federal Government has jurisdiction ; and applies to the District of Columbia, and to the territories, which are not represented in Congress.* The pow- er of Congress to exercise exclusive legislation, in all cases whatsoever, over the District of Columbia, includes the power of taxing its inhabitants. But Congress are not absolutely to exercise that power, though they may, in their discretion, extend a tax to all the territories of the United States, as w^ell as to the states. A direct tax, if laid at all, must be laid according to the census ; and, therefore. Congress has no authority to exempt any state from its due share of the burden ; and although they are not un- der the same necessity of extending a tax to the un- represented district, set apart for the seat of the Na- tional Government, nor to the national territories, yet, if the tax be actually extended to them, the same con- stitutional rule of apportionment must be applied in levying it. This construction allowing a discretion in Congress as to the imposition of taxes upon the inhabitants of these territories, must, at all events, be admitted to be the most convenient, as the expense of collecting a tax in some of them might exceed its amount. Nor can this departure from the rule which holds representation and taxation to be inseparable, be considered very material or important with respeci to those settlements which are still in their infancy, though rapidly advancing to manhood, and looking forward with perfect confidence to complete equality as soon as they attain the requisite maturity. As it relates to the District of Columbia, the construction ♦ 5 Wheaton, 317. CONSTITUTIONAL JURISPRUDENCE. 173 in question can hardly be regarded as impugning the great principle alluded to, inasmuch as its inhabitants have voluntarily relinquished the right of representa- tion, and adopted the whole body of Congress as its legitimate government. A question, however, of much greater interest and importance has arisen, in regard to this power of tax- ation, which, of late years, has been much discussed in our public councils, and has not yet ceased to agitate a portion of the Union. I refer to the author- ity of Congress to impose duties on articles of for- eign importation for the encouragement and protection of domestic manufactures ; and to the proceedings which call in question and deny the constitutional ex- istence of any such authority in Congress, and de- nounce its exercise as usurpation. The constitutional validit)'- of those acts of Congress which impose duties on importations, with that end in view, has never been presented as a point for adjudication in the Federal Courts, but a legislative construction in favour of the right of Congress to pass them was adopted and acted upon at the earliest period of the existence and operation of the Federal Government. Of late years, however, a controversy has arisen on the subject, which at one time threatened the peace and integri- ty of the Union ; and which, though suspended, can ny no means be considered as definitively settled, ftome examination of its merits may be useful, if not necessary. Although Congress has the express and exclusive power " to lay and collect duties, imposts, and ex- cises, to pay the debts, and provide for the common defence and general welfare of the United States," yet it is denied that these words confer authority to lay duties and imposts for any other purposes than those of discharging the national debts, supporting 174 LECTURES ON the civil and military establishments of the govern- ment, and of carrying into effect the powers specifi- cally enumerated, and vested by the Constitution in Congress ; thus excl jding from all share of meaning the last member of the clause, which specifies the " general welfare'* as one of the objects for which vhis branch of taxation was wholly given up to the National Government. And while some contend that there is no express authority granted to Congress to lay duties on foreign commodities, in order to favour or protect similar productions and fabrics of our own growth or manufacture — nor any power, express or implied, to encourage domestic industry by any means whatsoever ; and that no such authority or power arises from intendment, as necessary to carry into effect any of the enumerated powers ; others allege that this authority, if it exist at all, can only be con- stitutionally exercised indirectly, as resulting inci- dentally from the power to regulate commerce with foreign nations ; and that imposts beyond what may be requisite to provide a revenue to meet the necessa- ry and ordinary expenditures of the government, can only be imposed to the extent required to countervail the commercial restrictions of other countries. You will perceive, in the first place, that this ex- position of the power in question denies, in effect, any operation whatever to that branch of the clause in the Constitution by which it is supposed to be conferred ; and thus adopts the opposite extreme to that latitude of construction which would give to the expressions relative to providing for the " general welfare," a meaning more extensive than any other part of the Constitution, and invest Congress with a general power of legislation, it is, however, a sound rule of construction, and admitted to be universal in its application, that the diOerent parts of the same in- CONSTITUTIONAL JURISPRUDENCE. 175 struinent are to be so expounded as to give effect to the whole, and to every portion susceptible of meaning. It is not to be presumed that the words in question were introduced without some object; they are not, therefore, to be excluded from all share in the interpre- tation of the clause, unless incapable of bearing any signification in connexion with those with which they are conjoined. But the speciric ends embraced by these general terms cannot certainly be supposed to be comprised among those more definite objects, sub- sequently enumerated in another and separate clause in the same article of the Constitution ; and it must therefore be intended that other objects were meant to be accomplished by means of the taxing power, than the payment of the " public debt," and providing for the " common defence :" and that those farther ob- jects comprehend everything to which the " general w^elfare" required the power to be applied, as the di- rect means of effecting the end proposed. A different view was, indeed, taken of this clause of the Constitution by the authors of " The Federal- ist ;"*' and that high authority has been quoted in support of a very different interpretation. In answer- ing the objection urged against the general expres sions with which the clause concludes, as conferring a distinct and substantive power " to provide for the common defence and general welfare of the United States," the authors of*' The Federalist" do not advert to the circumstance that those expressions are used merely as a general and summary designation of the purpose for which taxes were to be laid, independ- ently of the objects subsequently specified; but in refuting the objection, they seem to adopt, in part, the construction of their adversaries, and admit that the * No. 41. 176 LECTURES ON words in question confer a substantive and independ- ent power, distinct from the power of taxation ; and they meet the argument drawn from these terms, against this extensive and sweeping operation of the power, by alleging that it was restricted by the sub- sequent enumeration of the specific powers of Con- gress in the same section. It has since, however, been judicially decided, and is even admitted by those who, nevertheless, seek to avail themselves of this authority, that these words do not invest Con- gress with any power whatsoever distinct from the power of taxation, but that they merely refer to the purposes for which that power may be exercised. So far, moreover, from affording support to the argu- ment against the power of Congress to encourage man- ufactures, two of the authors of " The Federalist," soon after the organization of the government, offi- cially asserted that power to be exclusively vested in Congress, which body, they contended, was bound to exercise it. They derived it, indeed, from the power to regulate commerce ; but the acknowledged construction of the clause conferring the power of taxation, referring to the exercise of that power, as the means or instrument of providing for the general welfare, affords an ampler basis for the right ; and in order to establish it on this broader and more solid foundation, it becomes necessary to show that the •' general welfare" is, in fact, promoted by imposing duties on foreign commodities to such an amount as to foster our home-manufactures. This is clearly a question of national policy and le- gislation, involving facts and opinions not cognizable, from their nature, in the judicial tribunals, but depend- ing for their determination upon a sound exercise of legislative discretion. Their decision must of neces- sity belong to the National Legislature ; for the states CONSTITUTIONAL JURISPRUDENCE. 177 s^annot afford the protection in the mode contemplated, inasmuch as they are prohibited from laying any da- ties on imports, except such as may be necessary for executing their own health and inspection laws, and have no power whatsoever to regulate commerce. Whatever, therefore, may be the opinions of the mosi enlightened men as to the policy of protecting do- mestic manufactures, or, in other words, as to the question whether the " general welfare" is promoted by the imposition of duties on imports with that view, those opinions must necessarily be founded on facts and principles of political economy, concerning which none but the National Legislature can, for any prac- tical purpose, authoritatively decide. The necessity of vesting in Congress the power of determining such a question, may be illustrated by analogy from the power of the President to judge of the existence of the exigency upon which his power of calling forth the militia is made to depend. Without such authority, we have seen that both the existence of the exigency and the legality of the proceedings would turn, not on his knowledge or belief of the one, or his judg- ment on the other, but upon the verdict of a jury as to the facts, and the judgment of the court on the le- gal questions they might present. So with respect to the power now under consideration : unless Con- gress have authority to decide on the circumstances upon which the exercise of their legislative discre- tion depends, both facts and principles of a complica- ted character, concerning which great conflict of opinions exists, would be subject to judicial exami- nation, and a construction given to the Constitution, not merely by the judgment of the court on the ques- tion whether Congress is authorized " to lay duties to provide for the general welfare," but upon the opinion of the jury whether "the general welfare'* 17^3 LECTURES ON was, upon sound principles of public policy, in fact promoted by protecting duties. With regard to the existing laws imposing duties on imported articles, the objection, so far as founded on the nature of the objects to which the revenue thus produced is applied, loses much of its force, from the circumstance that these laws were passed before the extinction of the public debt, for the pay- ment of which, as well as to the support of the na- tional institutions, the proceeds of those duties were intended to be applied. Whether they have in fact been so applied, or to what purposes the surplus arising from them has been, from time to time, ap- propriated, are questions wholly independent of the constitutional validity of laws merely authorizing such duties to be collected. When collected, and paid into the national treasury, they are mingled with the general mass of funds, and are at the disposal of Congress ; and as^ by the Constitution, " no money can be drawn from the treasury but in pursuance of appropriations made by law," the question as to the constitutionality of the objects to which any part of the public revenues may be applied can never arise, until a law be proposed or enacted for their specific appropriation. It has been, moreover, objected that the existing laws, imposing duties on imports, are unequal in their operation, and therefore contrary to that pro- vision of the Constitution which requires all duties to be '^ uniform throughout the United States." But the uniformity required is plainly in the imposition, and not in the operation of the duties ; and whatever may be the fact as to the inequality of their opera- tion, it is equally plain that it never can be controlled by the Legislature, but must always be regulated by ihe consumption of the article ; for all indirect taxes, CONSTITUTIONAL JURISPRUDENCE. 179 except imposts on articles of absolute necessity, may be said to be voluntary in their operation ; as the amount paid by any individual must always depend on his spontaneous purchase of the article. The power of harrowing money on the credit of the United States is conferred on the National Govern- ment in general terms ; but as the public credit of the Union must depend on the sources of revenue placed at its command, this power must have been intended to be exercised in anticipation of the na- tional resources, and must, consequently, be subject to the same restrictions as to its objects, to w4iich the power of taxation is limited and confined. When the present Constitution was adopted, the United States were indebted to foreign nations for the expenses of our Revolutionary war ; and many of our own citizens had large claims either upon the confederacy, or upon its separate members, for ser- vices and supplies during that eventful contest. To liquidate and consolidate those debts, discharge a part of them, and secure the remainder, were meas- ures necessary to the preservation of the public faith, and the maintenance of the pubUc interests, both at home and abroad. But to have resorted to taxation, in order immediately to accomplish these objects, would, had it even been practicable, have proved injurious to the nation, and ruinous to private individuals. It was foreseen that many of the pub- lic creditors would be satisfied w4th the assumption or recognition by the new government of the princi- pal, and the payment of the interest of the public debts. Under the power conferred on Congress to borrow^ money, it was enabled to make the necessary provisions for combining the whole expenses of the war, whether incurred by the confederacy or the states, in one general amount, and funding it as one 180 LECTURES ON consolidated debt. The sources of revenue placed al the disposal of the Federal Government have since enabled it to discharge, not only the whole of this debt, but that, also, which occurred in the late v^^ar. But in case of future exigencies, or a failure of the usual supplies of revenue, similar means are at its com- mand for continuing its operations, maintaining its existence, and vindicating its honour. LECTURE VIII. ON THE POWERS VESTED IN THE FEDERAL GOVERN- MENT FOR REGULATING INTERCOURSE WITH FOR- EIGN NATIONS. The powers vested in the General Govern- ment for regulating foreign intercourse, consist, First, Of the powers to make treaties ; and to send and receive ambassadors, and other public ministers, and consuls. Secondly, Of the power to define and punish piracies and felonies committed on the high seas, and other offences against the law of na- tions ; and, Thirdly, Of the power of regulating foreign commerce ; including a power to prohibit, after a certain period, now elapsed, the importation of slaves. This class of powers forms an obvious and es- sential branch of Federal administration ; for if the United States are one nation in any respect^ they are most clearly so in respect to other na- tions. I. The powers to make treaties, and to send and receive ambassadors and other public minis- CONSTITUTIONAL JURISPRUDENCE. 181 ters, are essential attributes of national sover- eignty, and of that international equality which the interests of every sovereignty require it to preserve. Both powers were possessed bj'- Con- gress under the Confederation, but not to the extent to which they are now enjoyed ; for then the former power was embarrassed by an excep- tion, under which treaties might be substantially frustrated by regulations of the states, and the latter did not comprehend •' other public minis- ters and consuls." As treaties with France and Holland, and es- pecially the treaty of peace with ^reat Britain^ existed when the Constitution was adopted, it became necessary to vary its terms in regard to treaties, from those relative to the laws of the United States j the declaration it contains in re- spect to the supremacy of the latter operating only in future, while in reference to the former the terms are, " all treaties made, or which shall he made, under the authority of the United States, shall be the supreme, law of the land." These terms were intended to apply equally to previ- ously existing treaties, as well as to those made subsequently to the Constitution ; and it has, ac- cordingly, been adjudged, by the Supreme Court, that they effectually repeal so much of the state laws and constitutions as are repugnant to them.* More general and extensive terms, also, are used in vesting the power with respect to trea- ties, than in conferring that relative to laws ; and, while the latter is laid under several restrictions, there are none imposed on the exercise of the former, notwithstanding it is committed to the * .'^ Dalla ■., 10). 182 LECTURES ON President and Senate, in exclusion of the House of Eepresentatives, and is executed through the instrumentality of agents, delegated for the pur- pose. And although the President and Senate are thus invested with this high and exclusive control over all those subjects of negotiation with foreign powers, which, in their consequen- ces, may affect important domestic interests, yet it would have been impossible to have defined a power of this nature, and, therefore, general terms only were used. These general expres- sions, however, ought strictly to be confined to their legitimjUe signification ; and in order to as- certain whether the execution of the treaty-ma- king power can be supported in any given case, those principles of the Constitution, from which the power proceeds, ought carefully to be applied to it. The power must, indeed, be construed in subordination to the Constitution ; and however, in its operation, it may qualify, it cannot super- sede or interfere with, any other of its funda- mental provisions, nor can it ever be so inter- preted as to destroy other powers granted by that instrument. A treaty to change the organi- zation of the government, or annihilate its sov- ereignty, or overturn its Republican form, or to deprive it of any of its constitutional powers, would be void; because it would defeat the will of the people, which it was designed to fulfil. A treaty, in its general sense, is a compact entered into with a foreign power, and extends to all matters which are usually the subject of compact between independent nations. It is, in its nature, a contract^ and not a legislative act; and does not, according to general usage, effect of itself the objects intended to be accomplished CONSTITUTIONAL JL'RISPRUDENCE. d 83 by it, but requires to be carried into execution by some subsequent act of sovereign power by the contracting parties, especially in cases where it is meant to operate within the territories of either of them. With us, however, a different principle is established. It has been settled by the Supreme Court,* that, inasmuch as the Con- stitution declares a treaty to be the law of the land, it is to be regarded in courts of justice as equivalent to an act of the Legislature, whenever it operates of itself without requiring the aid of any legislative provision. But when the terms of any treaty stipulation import an executory con- tract, it addresses itself to the political, and not to the judicial, department for execution, and Congress must pass a law in execution of the compact, before it becomes a rule for the courts. The Constitution does not expressly declare whether treaties are to be held superior to the acts of Congress, or whether the laws are to be deemed coequal with or superior to treaties but the representation it holds forth to foreign powers, is that the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, may bind the nation in all legitimate contracts ; and if pre-ex- isting laws, contrary to a treaty, could only be abrogated by Congress, this representation would be fallacious. It would subject the public faith to just imputation and reproach, and destroy all confidence in the national engagements. The immediate operation of a treaty must, therefore, be to overrule all existing laws incompatible with its stipulations. Nor is this inconsistent with the power of * 2 Peter« iJ14 184 LECTURES ON Congress to pass subsequent laws, qualifying, al- tering, or wholly annulling a treaty ; for such an authority, in certain cases, is supported on grounds wholly independent of the treaty-making power. For, as Congress possesses the sole right of declaring war, and as the alteration or ab- rogation of a treaty tends to produce it, the pow- er in question may be regarded as an incident to that of declaring war. The exercise of such a right may be rendered necessary to the public welfare and safety, by measures of the party with whom the treaty was made, contrary to its spir- it, or in open violation of its letter 5 and on such grounds alone can this right be reconciled ei- ther with the provisions of the Constitution or the principles of public law. A memorable in- stance has occurred in our history of the annul- ment of a treaty by the act of the injured party. In the year 1798, Congress declared that the treaties with France were no longer obligatory on the United States, as they had been repeated- ly violated by the French government, and our just claims for reparation disregarded. Never- theless, all treaties, as soon as ratified by com- petent authority, become of absolute efficacy, and, as long as they continue in force, are bind- ing upon the whole nation. If a treaty require the payment of money to carry it into effect, and the money can only be raised or appropriated by an act of the Legislature, it is morally obligatory upon the legislative power to pass the requisite law j and its refusal to do so would amount to a breach of the public faith, and afford just cause of war. That department of the government which is intrusted with the power of making treaties may bind the national faitli at its dis. CONSTITUTIONAL JURISPRUDENCE. 185 cretion ; for the treaty-making power must be co- extensive with the national exigencies, and neces- sarily involves in it every branch of the national sovereignty, of which the operation may be ne- cessary to give effect to negotiations and com- pacts with foreign nations. i[ a nation have conferred on its executive department, without reserve, the right of treating and contracting with other sovereignties, it is considered as hav- ing invested it with all the power necessary to make a valid contract, because that department is the organ of the government for the purpose, and its contracts are made by the deputed will of the nation. The fundamental laws of the state may withhold from it the power of alienating the public domain, or other property belonging to it ; but if there be no express provision of that kind, the inference is that it has confided to the de- partment, charged with the duty and the power of making treaties, a discretion commensurate with all the great interests of the nation.* The concurrence of each branch of the legis- lative power, we have seen, is necessary to a declaration of war, while the President, with the advice and consent of the Senate alone, may conclude a treaty of peace. Now a power to make treaties necessarily implies a power to settle the terms on which they shall be conclu- ded 5 and foreign states could not deal safely with the government on any other presumption. That branch of the government which is in- trusted thus largely and generally with authori- ty to make valid treaties of peace, can, of course, bind the nation by the alienation of part of its P 186 LECTURES ON territorj^ ; and this, according to an approved wri ter on the law of nations,* is equally the case, whether that territory be already in the occupa- tion of the enemy, or remain in possession of the nation, or whether the property be public or pri- vate. In a case decided in the Supreme Court of the United States, it was admitted that indi- vidual rights acquired by war, and vested rights of the citizen, might be sacrificed by treaty for national purposes. f And in another case it was held to be a clear principle of national law, that private rights might be surrendered by treaty to secure the public safety, but the government would be bound to make compensation and in- demnity to the individual whose rights had thus been sacrificed. The conclusion of a treaty of commerce and navigation with Great Britain, in 1794<, gave rise to much public discussion as to the nature and extent of the treaty-making power. A resolu- tion was passed by the House of Representatives requiring the President to lay before them a copy of his instructions to the minister who conduct- ed the negotiation, with the correspondence, and other documents, relative to the treaty, except. ing such papers as any existing negotiations might render it improper to disclose. The illus- trious individual who then held the office of Pres- ident returned for answer, ''that, in his opinion, the power of making treaties was exclusively vested in the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, provided two thirds of the senators present concurred in the ratifica- tion 5 and that any treaty so made and ratified * Vattel, b. i., ch. xxi., i) 2, 32 ; b. iv., ch ii., ^11,12. t 1 Cranch., 103. CONSTITUTiONAr. JURISPRUDENCE. 187 on being duly pronnulgated, became the law of the land. It was thus," he added, *' that the treaty-making power had been understood by foreign nations; and that in all treaties made with them, we had declared, and they had be- lieved, that when so ratified, they became obli- gatory on the nation." In this construction of the Constitution, every former House of Represent- atives had acquiesced, and until that time not a doubt or suspicion had appeared, to his knowl- edge, that it was held not to be the true con- struction ; and he concluded by observing that "it was perfectly clear to his understanding, that the consent of the House of Representatives was not necessary to the validity of a treaty. As the treaty in question exhibited in itself all the ob- jects requiring legislative provision, upon which the papers called for could throw no light, and that, as it was essential to the due administration of the government that the boundaries fixed by the Constitution between the different depart- ments should be preserved, a just regard to the Constitution, and to the duties of his office, for- bade a compliance with their request." The principles thus laid down by General Washington were so far acquiesced in by the House, that they passed a resolution, disclaim- ing the power to interfere in making treaties ; but asserting the right of the House of Repre- sentatives, whenever stipulations are made on subjects committed by the Constitution to Con- gress, to deliberate on the expediency of carry- ing them into effect ; and subsequently it was declared, by a small majority, to be expedient to pass the laws necessary for carrying the treaty into efi'ect. From that time the question re 188 LECTURES ON mained undisturbed until the conclusion of a convention with Great Britain, in 1815, when the House of Kepresentatives, after much debate, passed a bill specifically enacting, on a particu- lar subject, the same provisions which were con- tained as stipulations' in the treaty. This dan- gerous innovation on the treaty-making power was warmly opposed by a minority in the House, and disagreed to by the Senate ; but, after sev- eral conferences between them, the affair termi- nated in a compromise, which it is difficult to reconcile with a sound construction of the Con- stitution. The law passed on the occasion brief- ly declares that so much of any act as imposes a duty on tonnage, contrary to the provisions of the convention with Great Britain, should, /row the date of that instrument^ and during its continu- ance, be of no force or effect ; thus setting a precedent which may produce future difficulty in our national legislation, though the judicial tri- bunals would probably regard such a law as a 5^k of supererogation, or a mere nullity, and, .rom its retroactive operation, at variance with the spirit of the Constitution. Treaties of every kind, when made by compe- ) t authority, are not only to be observed with the most scrupulous good faith, but are to receive a fair and liberal interpretation. Their meaning is to be ascertained by the same rules of construc- tion and course of reasoning as are applied to the interpretation of private contracts ; and, accord- ing to the most authoritative writers on interna- tional law, if a treaty should be in fact violated by one of the parties, either by proceedings in- compatible with its nature, or by an intentional breach of any of its articles, it res^s with the in- CONSTITUTIONAL J^lSPRlflfeii^E.'^Xl 89 [ ' ^ J^T J. ^ / ^ '^'^i,X jured party alone to proriouncis it -broken. "^KJk treaty," in such cases, is ri^t absolutely void^ M^\ voida le at the election of the injured party^^lT he chooses not to come to aXupture, the tretiti remains obligatory. He may waive or remit ^ the infraction, or demand a just satisfaction. But the violation of any one article of a treaty is n violation of the whole ; for all its articles are de- pendant on each other, and are to be deemed mutual conditions of each other; and the breach of a single article may, at the election of the in- jured party, overthrow the whole treaty. This consequence may, however, be prevented by an express provision in the treaty itself, that if one article be broken, the others shall, nevertheless, continue in full force ; and in such a case. Con- gress could not annul the treaty on the ground of the breach. The nullification of a treaty by an act of the legislative power, under the cir- cumstances which render such an act justifiable, or its termination by war, does not divest rights of property acquired under it,* Nor do treaties become, ipso facto^ extinguished by war between the parties. Those articles which stipulate for a permanent arrangement of territorial or other national rights, are, at most, suspended during the war, and revive at the restoration of peace, unless waived by the parties, or new or repug- nant arrangements are made in a new treaty. The supplementary power of sending and re- ceiving ambassadors, and other public ministers and consuls, results as a necessary incident to the leading part in the treaty-making power as- signed to the President ; and it was first ex * e Wheaton, 492. 190 LEOTLRJLS Or% ercised by General Washington, who broke ofl all intercourse with Citizen Genet^ and demand- ed his recall by the French government, in con- sequence of his insolent assumption of authority to commission private vessels of war, equip them in our ports, and erect consular tribunals, with admiralty jurisdiction, within our territory. The only instance of the kind which has since oc- curred was that of the British minister, Mr. Francis Jackson, who had previously obtained some notoriety at Copenhagen, and, by his con- duct on his extraordinary mission to this coun- try relative to the attack on the Chesapeake frig- ate by a British line-of-battle ship, fully vindica- ted the nom de guerre which he had earned by an attack of a similar character, though on a lar- ger scale, which he had promoted and sanctioned on the former occasion. It was very generally believed that he was selected by Mr. Canning as envoy to the United States in consequence of the celebrity he had gained in the Baltic ; but a better motive was found in England, in the pri- vate friendship existing between the secretary of state and his envoy, derived from the grati- tude of Mr. Canning to the father of his friend, Dr. Cyril Jackson, dean of Christ Church, Ox- ford,* under whose tuition he had been at that university. Be this as it may, the son behaved in this country as unlike as possible to w^hat the conduct and manners of his father would have been in such a situation ; and in consequence of his insolence, he was dismissed by Mr. Madi- son. II. The power to define and j)unish piracies and * The character of this learned and aV)le man is admira ily and faithfully drawn in Mr. Ward's novel of " Ih V'ctc." CONSTITUTIONAL JUIIISPRUDENCE 191 ftlonies committed on the high seas^ and offences against the law of nations, is substantively and separately vested in Congress j although, as to the former objects, it seems unavoidably incident to the power of regulating foreign commerce ; and, as to the latter, to be implied from the au- thority to declare war and make treaties. The power to define as well as punish seems rather applicable to felonies and ofiences against the law of nations than to piracies, as piracy is well defined by the law of nations ; and by the high seas is understood not only the ocean out of sight of land, but waters on the seacoast beyond the boundary of low-water mark. Piracy, according to the most approved wri- ters on international law, consists in robbery, or a forcible depredation on the high seas, without lawful authority. But felonies on the ocean, or on waters on the coast, beyond low-water mark, and offences against international law, are by no means completely ascertained and de- fined by any code recognised by the common consent of nations 5 so that, with respect to this species of offence, there was a peculiar fitness in granting to Congress the powder to define as well as to punish. Nor, in executing the power inregard to piracy, was it necessary for Congress to insert in the statute a definition of the crime in terms; it was enough to refer for its definition to the law of nations, as it is there defined with reasonable certainty,* and does not depend on the particular provisions of any municipal code, ei- ther for its definition or its punishment.* Con- gress has the right to pass laws to punish pirates, * 5 Wheaton, 153. 192 . LECTURES ON though they may be foreigners, and have com- mitted no particular offence against the United States 5 and in executing this power, it has de clared, in conformity with the law of nations, that the punishment of piracy shall be leath. The act of Congress, which declares certain of- fences to be piracy which are not so by the law of nations, was intended to punish them at offences against the Unite ^ States, and not as )ffences against the human race ;* and such an offence, committed by a person not a citizen of the United States, on board of a vessel belonging exclusively to subjects of a foreign state, is not piracy under the statute, nor punishable in the Federal Courts The offence, in such cases, must be left to be punished by the nation under whose flag the vessel sails, and whose particular jurisdiction extends to all on board ; for it is a clear and set- tled principle, that the jurisdiction of every na- tion extends to its own citizens, on board of its own public and private vessels, at sea.f But murder and robbery committed on the high seas by persons on board of a vessel not at the time belonging to any foreign power, but in possession of a crew acting in defiance of all law, and ac- knowledging obedience to no government, is within the act of Congress, and punishable in the courts of the United States ; for although the statute does not apply to offences committed against the particular sovereignty of a foreign power, and on board of a vessel belonging at the time, in fact as well as of right, to a subject of a foreign state, and in virtue of such property sub- ject to his control, yet it does extend to all of- fences committed against all nations, by persons * 3 Wheaton CIO. f Rutherford's Inst., b, li., ch, xi. CONSTITUTIONAL JURISPRUDENCE. 193 who, by common consent, are amenable to the laws of all nations.* In pursuance of this principle, the moment a vessel assumes a piratical character, she loses all claim to national character, and the crew, whether citizens or foreigners, are equally pun- ishable under the statute, for acts which it de- clares to be piracy. The laws of the United States declare those acts piracy on one of their own citizens, which would be merely belligerant acts if committed on a foreigner ; and a citizen of the United States who offends against the government or his fellow-citizens, under colour of a foreign commission, is punishable in the same manner as if he had no commission. The acts of an alien, under the sanction of a national commission, maybe hostile, and his government may be responsible for them, but they are not regarded as piratical; and this rule extends to the Barbary powers, who are now regarded, by the law of nations, as lawful powers, and not as they deserve to be, pirates. Felony^ when committed on the high seas, amounts in effect to piracy, and has, to a consid- erable extent, been so declared by Congress, who, in pursuance of the authority vested in them by the Constitution, have enacted that any person, on the high seas, or in any open road- stead or bay where the sea ebbs and flows, com- mitting the crime of robbery in and upon any vessel, or its crew or lading, shall be adjudged a 'pirate; and farther, that "if any person con- cerned in any piratical cruise or enterprise, or be- ing of the crew or ship's company of any piratical ship or vessel, shall land and commit robbery on * 5 Wheaton. J 44. Laws of U. S., 1820, (j 3 194 LECTURES ON shore, such person shall be adjudged Ti pirate f^ m which last respect, the statute seems to be mere- jy declaratory of the law of nations.* The power to define and punish piracy and felonies on the high seas is exclusive in its na- ture j but it has been doubted whether the power to punish other offences against international law ought not to be considered as exclusively vest- ed in Congress, on the ground that the law of nations forms a part of the common law of every state in the Union, and that violations of it may be committed on land as well as at sea. The jurisdiction of the several states is certainly su- perseded in regard to those offences against in- ternational law which are committed, at sea j but it does not seem, however, to follow, as a neces- sary consequence, that it is also superseded in regard to those committed on shore. These of- fences are of various kinds, and the power to de- fine and punish them is, with great propriety, given to Congress, as it prevents difficulties which might arise from the doubt of a concur* rent jurisdiction of them by the states \ and, so far as they have been defined by Congress, they may be said to arise under the Constitution and laws of the United States, and to be finally, if not ex- clusively, cognizable under the Federal authority. But there are some such oflences not enumer- ated in the acts of Congress ; and if the doctrine be sound, that the criminal jurisdiction of the Union is confined to cases expressly provided for by Congress, either those violations of inter- national law, of which the punishment remains unprovided for by Congress, must go unpunished, or the state courts must entertain juri-dictioo * Doug., 015. CONSTITUTIONAL JURISPRUDENCE. 195 of them. The United States being alone re- sponsible to foreign nations for all that affects their nnutual intercourse, it rests with the Na- tional Government to declare what shall consti- tute offences against the law regulating that in- tercourse, and to prescribe suitable punishments for their commission. But if cases arise for which no provision has been made by Congress, both the national and state governments, within the spheres of their respective jurisdictions, are thrown upon those general principles, which, be- ing enforced by other nations, those nations have a right to require to be applied in their favour. The offences falling more immediately under the cognizance of the law of nations are, besides piracy, violations of safe-conducts^ and infringe- ments of the rights of ambassadors and other public ministers. A safe-conduct or passport contains a pledge of the public faith that it shall be duly respect- ed, and the observance of this duty is essential to the character of the government which grants it. In furtherance of the general sanction of public law. Congress has provided that persons violating a safe-conduct or passport granted by the government of the United States, shall, on conviction, be subjected to fine and imprison- ment. The same punishment is inflicted upon persons offering violence to ambassadors or oth- er public ministers, or being concerned in prose- " cuting or arresting them ; and the process where- by their persons, or those of their domestics, may be imprisoned, or their goods seized or at- tached, is declared void. The policy of these laws regards such proceedings against foreign ministers as highly injurious to a free and libera] 196 LECTURES ON communication between difterent governments, and mischievous in their consequences to any nation. They tend, most certainly, to- provoke the resentment of the sovereign whom the en- voy represents, and to bring upon the country the calamity of war ; and, therefore, every civil- ized nation has an equal interest in upholding the privileges of their representatives abroad, and punishing the breaches of them by its own citizens. III. The power of regulating foreign commerce is intimately connected with the power of conclu- ding treaties, especially those of commerce and navigation, and is, with equal propriety, submit- ted to the National Government. The oppressed and degraded state of com- merce before the adoption of the Federal Consti- tution, and the injury it sustained from the impo- tent and disconnected efforts of the several states to counteract the restrictions imposed on it by for- eign nations, with a view to their own interests, contributed more, perhaps, to the introduction of our present system of government, than any other of the numerous evils proceeding from the feeble- ness of the Confederation. The former Congress, indeed, possessed the power of making commer- cial treaties, but its inability to enforce them rendered that power, in a great degree, useless ; and all who were capable of estimating the influ- ence of commerce on national prosperity, per- ceived the necessity of giving the control over ihis important subject to the General Govern- ment, [t is not, therefore, matter of surprise, that the grant should be as extensive as the mis- chiefs that had been experienced ; and it is equally apparent that to construe the grant so C0NST1TUT10^^\L JURISPRUDENCE. 197 as to impair its efficacy, would tend to defeat an object in the attainment of which the American people felt that deep interest which arose from a strong and just conviction that the whole com- Tierce of the nation should be regulated by Con- gress. From its very nature, this power must be considered «s exclusive , for if the several states had retained the right of regulating their own commerce, each of them, as experience had indi- cated, would probably have pursued a different system ; mutual jealousies, rivalries, restrictions, and prohibitions would have ensued, which a com- mon superior alone could prevent or cure, and, at the same time, command that confidence of foreign nations, which is necessary to the nego- tiation of commercial treaties. But the nature and extent of this power has been fully and ably discussed, and satisfactorily settled by the Supreme Court of the United States, especially in a case which drew in ques- tion, and overruled the constitutionality of the laws of New-York, vesting in certain individu- als the exclusive right of steam navigation upon its waters.* On that occasion it was held, that the general power to regulate commerce was not restricted merely to the buying and selling or exchanging commodities, but included the nav- igation of vessels, and commercial intercourse in all its branches, and extended to all vessels, by whatsoever force propelled, and to whatever pur- pose appropriated. It was observed by the ven- erable and lamented Chief-justice Marshall, in * 19 Wheaton, 446. Having beer consulted by the late Mi- Gibbons before he determined to try the validity of this grant, it may not be improper to subjoin the opinion given on that ocra sion. Vide Appendix F. 198 LECTURES ON delivering the opinion of the court, that, if com merce did not include navigation, the govern ment of the Union had no direct power ovei that subject, and could make no law prescribing the requisites to constitute American vessels, or require them to be navigated by American sea- men ; yet this power had been exercised from the beginning of the government, with the universal consent of the states and of the Union, and had been as universally understood to be a commer- cial regulation. The word commerce^ indeed, must have been understood to comprehend navigation when the Constitution was adopted, as the pow- er over both was one of the primary objects for which the Constitution was formed ; and in that comprehensive sense is the term used in the Con- stitution. It is a rule of construction universal- \Y acknowledged, that the exceptions from a pow- er mark its extent ; for it would be absurd as well as useless to except from a power granted, that which the words of the grant could never com- prehend. If, therefore, the Constitution contains plain exceptions from the power over naviga- tion — plain inhibitions against the exercise of that power in a particular way — it is evident that the power to whicl^ they apply must have been intended to have been granted. The power to regulate commerce, thus under- stood, is held to extend to every species of com- mercial intercourse between the United States and foreign nations, and among the states; and although the expressions relative to the states were not intended to comprehend that commerce which is completely internal, and carried on be- tween individuals in a state, or different parts ol the same state, without extending to, or affect^ CONSIITUTIONAL JURISPRUDENCE. 199 ing Other states, yet, in regulating" commerce with foreign nations, the power of Congress does not stop at the jurisdictional lines of the several states. It would be a very useless power if it could not pass those limits. The commerce of the United States with foreign nations is the commerce of the whole Union, and every district has a right to participate in it. The deep streams v^^hich penetrate our country in every directioii pass through the interior of almost every state in the Union, and furnish the means of exercising this right. If Congress have the power to regu- late, that power must be exercised wherever the subject exists. If it exist within the states — if a foreign voyage may commence or terminate at a port within a state-^then the power of Congress may be exercised within a state. The power to prescribe the rule by which com- merce is to be governed, like all other powers vested in Congress, is complete in itself, and may be exercised to its utmost extent, without any limitations but such as are prescribed in the Con- stitution. The restrictions on the powers of Con- gress are there plainly expressed, and not one of them affects the power in question. If, then, as has always been understood, the sovereignty of Congress, though limited to specific objects, be, nevertheless, plenary as to those objects, the power over commerce w^ith foreign nations, and among the several states, is as absolutely vested in the government of the Union, as it would be in the government of any single state, if the Union did not exist, and the state Constitution had con- tained the same restrictions on the exercise of the legislative power as are found in the Consti- tution of the United States. The wisdom and 200 LECTURES ON the discretion of Congress 5 the identity of its members with the people j and their dependance on their constituents, are in this instance, as in that of declaring war, and many others, the sole restraints upon which the community have relied to secure them from the abuse of the power they have granted ; and such are the securities upon which the people must often, of necessity, rely in all representative governments. From these considerations, the power of Con- gress was held to comprehend navigation within the limits of every state in the Union, so far as that navigation may be in any manner connected with " commerce with foreign nations, or among the several states, or with the Indian tribes." Although this extensive power, like many other of the powers formerly exercised by the several states, is now transferred to the government of the Union, yet the state governments constitute an important part of our system, and have retain- ed a concurrent power of legislation over many subjects of Federal jurisdiction. The power of taxation, for instance, is indispensable to their existence, and is a power which in its own nature is capable of residing in, and of being exercised by, different authorities at the same time. But the power of Congress to lay and collect taxe? and duties for the purposes of the Union doe? not, as we have seen, necessarily interfere Avith the power of the states to impose taxes for state objects; nor is the exercise of that power by the states an exercise of any portion of the power granted to the United States. In imposing taxes for state purposes, the state legislatures are not exercising a power vested in them even concur- rently with Congress ; for Congress is not em- CONSTITU'I'IONAL J[JRISPIIUDENCE. 20 J powered to levy taxes for objects within the ex- clusive province of the states. Each government therefore, when it respectively exercises its prop- er power of taxation, does not exercise the power of the other. But when a state proceeds to reg- ulate commerce with foreign nations, or among the several states, it exercises the identical pow- er which is granted to the Union, and does the very thing that Congress is authorized to do. The sole question, then, is, whether the states can exercise the power of regulating commerce concurrently with the U?iited States. It was insisted, in the case last referred to, that the states possessed such concurrent power, and the party maintaining the proposition relied on the restriction in the Federal Constitution, which prohibits the states from laying duties on im- ports or exports. It was alleged, very truly, that limitations of a power furnish a strong argument in favour of its existence, and that the prohibi- tion in this case proved that the power to which it related might have been exercised had it not been expressly forbidden ; and hence it was in- ferred that any commercial regulation, not ex- pressly prohibited, to which the power of the state was originally competent, might still be made by its Legislature. it was admitted, indeed, on the other hand, that the restriction in question proved that the states might have imposed duties on imports and exports, had they not been expressly prohibited ; but it was denied that it followed, as a conse- quence from that concession, that a state may Regulate commerce. The levying of duties on imports and exports w^as held to be a branch of the taxing power, and entirely distinct from the Q 202 LECTURES ON power to regulate commerce. The latter powei is enumerated in the Constitution subsequently to the former, and each is substantively and in- dependently conferred on Congress. The power of imposing duties on imports is classed with the power of levying taxes ; but the power of levy- ing taxes conferred on Congress, although it abridges the subjects of state taxation, can nev- er be considered as abridging the right of the states relative to taxation itself ; and they might, consequently, have exercised it by levying duties on imports and exports, had not the Constitution forbidden them. This prohibition, then, is an exception from the acknowledged power of the states to levy taxes, and not from the questiona- ble power to regulate commerce. So, also, the exception in the Constitution, with regard to du- ties on tonnage, is considered as a restriction on the power of taxation, not on that to regulate commerce ; and, like the former prohibition, pre- supposes the existence of that Avhich it restrains, and not of that which it does not purport to re- strain. Neither are the state inspection laws regarded as commercial regulations, although they may have a remote and important influence on com- merce, and are certainly recognised in the Con- stitution as proceeding from the exercise of a power remaining in the states. But these, togeth- er with quarantine regulations, and health laws of every description, as well as laws regulating the internal commerce of a state, and those which relate to canals, turnpike-roads, and ferries, are component parts of that .immense mass of legis- , Jation which embraces everything within the ter- /itory of a state not surrendered to the General CONSTITUTIONAL JURISPRUDENCE. 203 Governmtnt, and which, being of a local charac- ter, can be more advantageously regulated by the states themselves. No direct general power be- ing given over these subjects to Congress, they consequently remain subject to state legislation ; and if the legislative power of the Union reaches them at all, it is for national purposes, and must then be either where the power is expressly giv- en for a special purpose, or where it is clearly incidental to some power expressly given to the National Government. A state has the same un- deniable and unlimited jurisdiction over all per- sons and things within its territorial limits, as any foreign nation, when that jurisdiction is not sur- rendered or restrained by the Federal Constitu- tion. The laws of the United States regulating the transportation of passengers in vessels arri- ving from foreign ports, are obviously regulations of commerce, as they only affect, through the power over navigation, passengers on their voy- age^ and until they have landed ; after that, and when they have ceased to be passengers, the acts of Congress, applying to them only as such, and as such only professing to legislate in regard to them, have then performed their office, and can with no propriety of language be said to come into conflict with the laws of a state requiring the master of every vessel arriving therein from -ibroad to make a report in writing of the names, ages, and last legal settlement of his passengers; lOr such law does not assume to regulate co?i> merce ;* its operation begins only where the laws of Congress end, and is not even on the same sub- ject ; for although the persons on whom it oper- ates are the same, yet, having ceased to be pas* «• 11 Peters, 103. 204 LECTURES ON sengers, they no longer stand in the only relation in which the laws of Congress either professed or intended to act upon them. It is obvious, however, that the government of the Union, in the exercise of its express pow ers, may use means which may also be employ- ed by a state in the exercise of its acknowledged powers. If Congress, for instance, license ves- sels to sail from one port to another in the same state, the act is supposed to be necessarily inci- dental to the power expressly granted to regu- late commerce with foreign nations and among the states, and implies no claim of a direct pow- er to regulate the purely internal commerce of a state, or to act directly on its system of domes- tic police. So, if a state, in passing laws on sub- jects acknowledged to be within its control, and, with a view to those subjects, adopt a measure of the same character with one which Congress may adopt, the state does not derive its authori- ty from the residuum which it retains of the par- ticular power granted to the Union, but from some other power which remains with the state, and may be executed by the same means used for the execution of the power by Congress. All experience shows that the same measure, or measures, scarcely distinguishable from each oth- er, may flow from distinct powers ; but this does not prove that the powers are identical ; and al- though the means used in their execution may sometimes approach each other so nearly as to be confounded, thete are other situations in which they are sufficiently distinct to establish their in- dividuality. In our complex system, presenting the rare and difficult scheme of a Federal Government, CONSTITUTIONAL JURISPRUDENCE. 205 fiupreme over the whole of its members, but pos- sessing only certain enumerated powers, and of numerous state governments, retaining and exer- cising all power not delegated to the Federal head, contests respecting power must necessari- ly arise. Measures taken respectively by the governments of the Union and of the states, in the execution of their acknowledged powers, must often be of the same description, and may some- times interfere. But this does not prove that the one is, in fact, exercising, or has a right to exer- cise, the powers of the other. The states may sometimes enact laws, the validity of which may depend on their not interfering with, or being contrary to, an act of Congress passed in pursu- ance of its constitutional powers ; in all such ca- ses, the inquiry is, whether the state law has, in its application, come into collision with the act of Congress ; and should an actual collision be found to have take place, it would be immaterial whether the former were passed by the state in virtue of its concurrent power with Congress, oi in virtue of a distinct and independent power re- lating to a different subject : in either case, the act of the State Legislature, and the right or privilege conferred by it, must yield to rights and privileges derived from the act of Congress. It was therefore held, in the case referred to, that a license under the acts of Congress, for regula- ting the coasting trade, is not merely intended to confer a national character on vessels enga- ging in it, but gives to them permission to carry on that trade ; and as the power of Congress to regulate commerce extends to navigation carried on in vessels exclusively employed in the trans- portation of passengers, whether those vessels be 206 LECTURES ON propelled by steam, or by the instrumentality of wind and sails — on waters wholly within a state^ but which may be approached by the ocean — a case of actual collision w^as presented between the exclusive privilege conferred by the state law on the one side, and the authority to carry on the coasting trade derived, on the other, from the act of Congress ; and in so far as this interfe^ rence extended, the state law was declared to be void, as repugnant to the Federal Constitution. In a subsequent case, it was laid down by the same authority, that, as the power to regulate commerce thus reaches the interior of a state, and may there be exercised, it must be capable of authorizing the sale of those articles which it introduces, because its efficacy would not be complete if it ceased to operate at the point where the continuance of its operation is indis- pensable to its value. The power to allow im- portation would, indeed, be nugatory, if unac- companied with the power to authorize the sale of the thing imported ; for sale is the object of importation, and an essential ingredient of that commercial intercourse of which importation con- stitutes a part, and is as indispensable to the ex- istence of that intercourse as importation itself. The right of sale, as well as the right to import, was, therefore, considered as involved in the pow- er to regulate commerce ; and it was according- ly held that Congress had a right, not only to authorize importation, but to authorize the im- porter to sell. An act of the Legislature of Mary- land, requiring all wholesale importers and sell- ers of foreign goods to obtain a license from that state, and to pay a sum of money on receiving it, was consequently adjudged to be void, as re* CONSTITUTIONAL JURISPRUDENCE. 207 pugnant not only to that provision of the Federal Constitution which declares that " no state shall, without the consent of (Congress, lay any impost or duty on imports or exports," but to that also which invests Congress with power " to regulate commerce."* The principles laid down on this occasion apply equally to importations from an- other state, as, in both cases, the powers remain- ing in the states, when so exercised as to come in conflict with those vested in Congress, that which is not supreme must yield to that \vhich is This great universal truth is inseparable from the nature of things ; and the Constitution has appli- ed it to the often interfering powers of the Gen- eral and State Governments, as a vital principle of perpetual operation, so long as the power to regulate commerce is admitted to be exclusive. It has been so considered by every department of the government, and by all classes of citizens in every quarter of the Union, ever since the adop- tion of the Federal Constitution. It was, indeed, to effect this transfer of power that the Constitu- tion was established. This was the primary and avowed motive for assembling the Convention of 1787. The exclusive grant of this power to the National Government was essential to impart to our shipping engaged in foreign commerce its nationality and protection \ and the surrender of this power became, in several of the states, the most formidable obstacle to the ratification of the new Constitution. The State of New-York, where the opposition was the strongest, possess- ed the finest harbour on the coast \ the fertility of its yet uncultivated western territory was al- * 9 Wheaton, 1. 208 LECTURES ON ready known 5 the rapid increase of its popula- tion had been confidently anticipated j the tide of immigration had begun to flow in upon it ; and the consequent accession of wealth and power afforded the most seductive objects to gratify the ambition of its statesmen and politicians. These causes, indeed, combined to delay and render doubtful its adoption of the Federal Consti- tution, until it was rendered certain, by the assent of nine of the thirteen members of the Confed- eration, that the new government would go into immediate operation among the states which had already acceded to it ; and that the recusant states would thereby be deprived of the benefits both of the former confederacy, and of the new compact by which it was superseded. The power of prohibiting the importation of slaves into the United States, after a certain pe- riod had elapsed, and of imposing a duty on their importation during the intermediate period, is vir- tually included in the power to regulate com- merce, as the exception which postponed its ex- ercise arose from an express restriction of the general power. The words of the Constitution vesting this power are, " The migration or import- ation" (not of slaves^ for that word is not to be found in the Constitution, but) " of such persons as any of the states now existing shall think proper to admit, shall not be prohibited prior to the year 1808." It is by no means difficult to account ei- tiier for the existence of this restriction, or for the terms in which it is expressed ; and although it is certainly to be wished that the power in question had been free from it, yet it ought to be remembered that a great point was gained in fa- vour of humanity by fixing a period for the tcr- CONSTITUTIONAL JURISPRUDENCE. 209 mination of this barbarous traffic. Before the time arrived, the interdiction was prospectively enacted by Congress, and it took effect in time to afford an example to civilized Europe of abol- ishing a species of commerce which had been the opprobrium of modern policy. This interdiction was followed up by denouncing the foreign slave- trade as piracy, and rendering it punishable with death when pursued by our own citizens j and, by the late treaty with Great Britain, we have stipulated to co-operate wdth her, by means of our navy, to suppress it more effectually. But still the blot remains; for, though the toleration granted by the Constitution was confined to the states "then existing," yet Congress has refused to imitate the example of their predecessors un- der the Confederation, who prohibited slavery in the territories ceded by the elder states for the common benefit, by a similar restriction upon the new states created in them ; it has abstained from suppressing the domestic slave-trade, or " the mi- ^ration of such persons as any of the states then existing should think proper to admit," which was not exempted from the power of regulating com- merce among the states for any longer period than the foreign slave-trade was tolerated as an exception to the power of regulating commerce with foreign nations. Nor has it listened to the numerous petitions for abolishing slavery and the slave-trade in the territories under its exclusive jurisdiction, and especially in the District of Co- lumbia, the seat of the National Government, the residence of the representatives of the foreign sovereigns, and the resort of strangers and visit- ers from all quarters of the globe. Yet the evil is not beyond cure. A remedy, slow but sure, R 210 LECTURES ON has been for some years, and still is, in opera- tion. Those of the original states which bound ed on others from which slavery is excluded, have been compelled to abandon slave labour, from its inability to compete successfully with the labour of freemen. Every year increases the efficiency of this remedy, and the sphere of its operation. Unfortunately, however, the crisis has been retarded by the untoward and rash in- terference of those empirical zealots, who claim to be the exclusive friends and infallible advocates of emancipation, who, with the blindness of igno- rance, the virulence of bigotry, and madness of fanaticism, denounce every man or woman who refuses or hesitates to unite in their measures, or adopt their narrow dogmas. Nevertheless, be- fore many years expire, the natural influence of benevolence, of mildness, and of Christian for- bearance and moderation, will advance in geo- metrical progression, until the foul blot on our national escutcheon shall be removed, rather by the hand of Providence than by any act or co-op- eration of our own. " DeuSf hcBC fortasse benigna, Reducit in sedem, vice." LECTURE IX. ON THE POWERS VESTED IN THE FEDERAL GOVERN- MENT FOR MAINTAINING HARMONY AMONG THE STATES. The authority vested in the General Government to provide for the maintenance of harmony and prop- er intercourse among the states, comprises the third CONSTITUTIONAL JURISPRUDENCE. 211 class of powers enumerated in the Constitution. Under this head might be induded the particular re- straints on the authority of the states, and certain powers vested in the judicial department; but the former are reserved for a distinct head of considera- tion, and the latter have already been reviewed in our examination of the structure and organization of the government. The remaining powers comprehended in this de- scription are, First. To regulate commerce among the several states, and with the Indian tribes. Second. To establish postoffices and postroads. Third, To coin money, and regulate the value thereof, and of foreign coin ; to fix the standard of weights and measures. Fourth. To provide for the punishment of coun- terfeiting the securities and current coin of the Uni- ted States. Fifth. To prescribe by general laws the manner in which the public acts, records, and judicial pro- ceedings of one state shall be proved, and the effect they shall have in another. Sixth. To establish uniform laws on the subject of bankruptcies ; and. Seventh. To establish a uniform rule on the sub- ject of naturalization throughout the United States. I. The power to regulate commerce among the states had been clearly pointed out, by experience under the Confederation, to be essential to the General Gov ernment. Without this supplemental provision, in- deed, the primary and indispensable power of regu- lating foreign commerce would have been incom- plete and ineffectual, if not altogether nugatory. A very material object of the power was to secure those states which import and export through other states ^12 LECTURES ON from unjust contributions levied on them by the lat- ter. It was foreseen that, if the se\eral states were left at liberty to regulate their mutual commerce, means would be discovered or devised to load arti- cles of produce and merchandise, in their transit, with duties that would eventually fall on the growers or manufacturers of the one, and the consumers of the other. Such practices had prevailed, and it was justly apprehended that their continuance would nourish increasing animosities, and not improbably terminate in serious interruptions of the public tran quillity. In the important case referred to in the last lecture, the whole doctrine relative to the construction of this part of the Constitution was largely and deliberately discussed, and definitively and satisfactorily settled It was declared on that occasion, that the power to regulate commerce among the states did not extend to that commerce which is completely internal ; and that, comprehensive as are the terms in which it is conferred, the power in question is, nevertheless, re- stricted to that commerce which concerns more states than one. Those terms would hardly have been se- lected to indicate the completely interior traffic of a state, because they are not apt terms for that pur- pose ; and the enumeration of the particular classes of commerce to which the power was to extend would not have been made, had the intention been to extend the power to commerce of every description. The specification itself presupposes something not specified, and from the language and subject of the clause, it would seem that the exclusively internal commerce of a state is not comprehended. The genius and character of the whole government, in- deed, evince that its action is to be applied to all the external concerns of the nation, and to those CONSTITUTIONAL JURISPRUDENCE. 213 internal concerns which affect the states generally, but not to those which are completely within a par- ticular state, which do not affect other states, and with which it is not necessary to interfere for the purpose of executing any of the general powers of the Federal Government. The completely internal commerce, therefore, of every state is reserved for the state itself. But as the power of Congress in regulating foreign com merce does not stop at the jurisdictional lines of the states, and would be a very useless power if it did not pass those limits, it is, if possible, clearer that the power to regulate commerce among the states is not limited by state boundaries. For not only do waters communicating with the ocean penetrate into the interior of the country, and pass in their course through several states, but in many cases — in the sig- nal instance of the Western Lakes — there are waters in and upon the boundaries of several states, which are not navigable to the sea for the purposes of for- eign commerce, while they furnish means of com- mercial intercourse between those states, and, conse- quently, afford occasions to Congress for the exercise of the power in question. This power must be ex- ercised wherever the subject exists, and if the means of commercial intercourse among the states exist within a state — if a coasting voyage may commence or terminate within a state — then the power of Con- gress to regulate commerce among the several states may be exercised wiihin a state. The states either join each other, in which case they are separated by a mathematical line, or they are remote from each other, in which case other states lie between them. How, then, it has been asked, is com- mercial intercourse between them to be conducted ? A trading expedition between two adjoining states 214 LECTURES ON cannot commence and terminate beyond iho limit* of either ; and if the trading intercourse be between two states remote from each other, it must commence in one, terminate in another, and pass through al least a third. Commerce among the states must of necessity, then, be commerce within a state. In the regulation of the trade with the Indian tribes, the ac- tion of the law, especially when the Constitution was made, was chiefly within a state ; and in this case, as well as in regard to commerce among the states, the power of Congress is coextensive with the sub- ject on which it acts. It cannot, in either case, be stopped at the external boundary of a state, but must enter the limits, and be exercised within the territo- rial jurisdiction of all the states. The grant of Con- gress, however, to regulate commerce on the navi- gable waters of the several states, contains no ces- sion of territory, or of public or private property ; the states may regulate the use of fisheries within their territorial limits, though upon navigable waters, pro- vided their free use for the purposes of navigation and commerce be not interrupted.* The power of Congress to regulate commerce among the states, extends to the regulation of navi- gation, and to the coasting trade, and fisheries with- in, as well as without any state, wherever they are connected with the commercial intercourse with any other state, or with foreign nations. It extends also to the regulation and government of seamen ; to con- ferring privileges upon vessels engaged in the coast- ing trade ; and to the navigation of vessels engaged solely in carrying passengers, as well as to those en-^ gaged in traffic, whetl fer propelled by steam or oth- erwise. * 4 Wash. Cir. Kep., 371. cojNSTItutional jurisprudence. 215 The principles laid down in another case, also re- ferred to in my last lecture, where an act of a legis- lature requiring importers and venders of foreign goods to pay for a license from a state government ill order to entitle them to pursue that branch of mercantile business, were declared repugnant to the (Constitution, were held to apply equally to a similar interference with importations from one state into an- other. In that case, although the power of the state to regulate its purely internal commerce, and to es- tablish its own police to control and promote that trade and intercourse, and to guard the public health and safety, was held to be sacred ; yet it was by no means admitted that these, or any other acknowl- edged state powers, could, consistently with the Fed- eral Constitution, be so used as to obstruct or defeat the power of Congress to regulate commerce in any of its branches. But it was again explicitly decla- red that, whenever the powers remaining in the states are so exercised as to come into conflict with those vested in Congress, the former must yield to what the Constitution has ordained to be the supreme law of the land. Nevertheless, if measures undoubted- ly within the powers of the states do not come into actual collision with those of the General Govern- ment, the Federal Courts can take no cognizance of them or their effects.* With respect to commerce with the Indian tribes^ we are to adopt the same broad interpretation of the power of Congress. Under the Confederation, this power was restrained to Indians not members of any of the states ; and was -not to violate or infringe the legislative right of any state within its own limits. But what description of Indians were to be deemed * '?. Peters, ?50. 216 LECTURES ON members of a state, was a question of perplexity ami contention in the Federal councils, and was never set- tled ; and how the trade with the Indians not mem- hers of a state, yet residing within its legislative ju- risdiction, could be regulated by Congress without intruding upon the right of internal legislation, seems to have been considered incomprehensible by that compact. The power in question was, therefore, very properly, unfettered by the new Constitution from limitations which rendered the former provision so obscure and contradictory. As it now stands, it is applicable to all the Indian tribes ; and it is im- material whether they continue within the bounda- ries of a state, or inhabit a part of one of the territo- ries, or roam at large through regions over which the United States have no jurisdiction ; the trade with them is, in all its forms, subject exclusively to the regulation of Congress. By the wisdom and benev- olence of this provision, the Indians are no longer distracted by the discordant regulations of different sovereignties, but are taught to trust to one supreme head, whose justice they should ever have as much reason to respect, as cause to fear its power. The relation of the aborigines to the Government of the United States is marked by peculiar and car- dinal distinctions. The Indian territory is admitted to compose a part of the Federal domain ; in all our maps, geographical treatises, histories, and laws, it is so considered : in all our intercourse with foreign nations ; in our commercial regulations ; in any at- tempt at intercourse between the Indians and foreign powers, they are considered as within the jurisdic- tional limits of the United States, subject to many of those restraints which are imposed on our own citi zens. They acknowledge themselves in \heir treat- ies to be under the protection of the Federal Gov- CONSTITUTIONAL JURISPRUDENCE. 217 ernment ; they admit that it shall have the sole and exclusive right of regulating the trade with them, and managing all their atlairs as it may think proper. In the jmrticular instance of the Cherokees, they were allowed by a treaty, which preceded the present Constitution, " to send a deputy of their choice, when- ever they saw tit, to Congress ,•" and, under the un- settled construction of the Articles of Confederation, treaties were made with some tribes by the State of New-York, by which they ceded all their unsettled lands within that state, taking back a limited grant to themselves, in which they admit their dependance on that state. As to those tribes which reside within the ac- knowledged boundaries of the Union, we have seen that they are not deemed foreign nations within the meaning of the Constitution, but are considered as domestic dependant nations ; they occupy a territory to which we assert a title which must take effect when their right of occupancy ceases ; and, in the mean time, they are in a state of pupilage to the Federal Government. They and their country are considered by foreign nations, as well as ourselves, as being so completely under the sovereignty and dominion of the United States that any attempt to acquire their lands, or form a political connexion with them, would be considered as a hostile invasion of our territory. They are distinguished in the Con- stitution by an appropriate name from foreign na- tions, as well as from the several states of the Union ; and the objects to which the power now under con- sideration may be directed, are divided into distinct classes corresponding with that distinction. A brief reference to the origin of these discriminations will explain the principles on which they are founded, and enable us to determine with greater accuracy 218 LECTURES ON the nature and character of the subsisting relations between the United State and the Indian tribes. When the great maritime powers of Europe visit- ed and discovered different parts of this continent at nearly the same time, the principle adopted for de- ciding their respective rights was, " that discovery gave title to the government by whose subjects or by whose authority it was made against all other Euro- pean governments, which title might be consum- mated by possession."* The admission of this prin- ciple gave to the nation making a discovery, as an inevitable consequence, the sole right of acquiring the soil and of making settlements upon it ; and while the principle itself was, as to them, an exclusive one, and shut out the right of competition among those who agreed to it, it could not annul the previously acquired rights of those who had never adopted or acknowledged it. It regulated the right given by discovery among the European claimants, but could not affect the rights of those already in possession, either as original occupants, or as occupants by vir- tue of a discovery beyond the memory of man. It gave an exclusive right to purchase, but did not found that right on a denial of the right of the occu- pant to sell. The relation between the Europeans and the na- tives was determined in each case by the particular government which asserted, and could maintain, this pre-emptive privilege in the particular place. The United States succeeded to all the claims of Great liritain, both territorial and political ; but no attempt, so far as is known, has been hitherto made to enlarge them. So far as they existed merely in theory, or were, in their nature, exclusive only of the claims of * 8 Wheat., 573. CONSTITUTIONAL JURISPRUDENCE. 211J Other civilized nations, they still retain their original character, and continue dormant. But so far as they have been practically exerted, they exist in fact : tiicy are well understood by both parties ; have been asserted by the one and admitted by the other. When the war of the Revolution commenced, so far from advancing a claim to their lands, or asserting any right of dominion over their persons, Congress re- solved "that the securing and preserving the friend- ship of the Indian nations was a subject of the utmost moment." Commissioners were appointed " to treat with the Indians, in the name and on the behalf of the United Colonies, in order to preserve their peace and friendship ;" and the most strenuous ex- ertions were made to procure those articles on which Indian friendships were supposed to depend ; and, in short, everything was done to promote trade and avoid hostilities with them. The general law of European sovereigns, respect- ing their claims in America, limited the intercourse of individuals, in a great degree, to the particular po- tentate whose ultimate right of domain was acknowl- edged by the others. The consequence was, that their supplies were derived chiefly from that nation, and their trade confined to it. Goods indispensable to their comfort, in the shape of presents, were re- ceived from the same hand ; and, what was of still more importance, the strong arm of government was interposed to restrain the disorderly and licentious from intrusions into their country, encroachments on their lands, and from those acts of violence which were often attended by reciprocal bloodshed and slaughter. The Indians perceived, in this protec- Uon, only what was beneficial to themselves. It in- volved, practically, no claim upon their lands ; no do- Tiinion over their persons ; but merely bound them 220 LECTURES ON to tLe British crown before the Revolution, and to the United States afterward, as dependant allies, claiming the protection of a powerful friend and neighbour, and receiving the advantages of that pro- tection, without involving a surrender of their na- tional character. From the commencement of the government, Con- gress has, from time to time, passed laws to regulate trade and intercourse with the Indian tribes, which treat them as nations^ respect their rights, and manifest a firm purpose to afford that protection to them which treaties stipulate. All these acts, and especially the law now in force, obviously consider the several Indian nations as distinct political com- munities, having territorial boundaries, within which their authority is exclusive. The treaties and laws of the United States contemplate the Indian territory as completely separated from that of the states, and provides that all intercourse with them shall be car- ried on exclusively by the Government of the United States ; while the powers to regulate commerce, de- clare war, make peace, and conclude treaties, com- prises all that is required for regulating our inter- course with the Indian tribes. II. The power to establish posioj/ices and postroads is necessarily connected with the regulation of com- merce and the promotion of the general welfare. A regular system of free and speedy communication is not only of vital importance to the mercantile inter- ests of the country, but, on a more enlarged view of the subject, must be admitted to be of great general benefit. In time of peace, it facilitates and pro- motes commercial intercourse, tends to keep the people informed of their political interests, assists the measures of government and the private com- munications between individuals. In war, the rapid CONSTITUTIONAL JURISPRUDENCE. 221 transmission of intelligence by means of the public mails, and the greater facility of transferring bodies of troops, and transporting military stores, by means of good and substantial roads, are advantages as evi- dent as they are desirable. If the establishment of postoffices and postroads should in practice be productive of no revenue to the j)ublic, the expense would be properly chargeable on the general funds of the Union, arid the proceeds of taxation in the common forms be justly applied to defray it. If, however, as has proved to be the case, the postoffice establishment should continue to yield a revenue, which, in common with the other funds of the Union, is applicable only to the pur- poses of the General Government, it is obvious that no state should be permitted to interfere by establish- ing a postoffice department of its own. The power, therefore, vested in Congress is exclusive, so far as relates to the conveyance of letters, and other arti- cles transmissible by post. In regard to postroads, it would be unnecessary, and therefore unwarrant- able, in Congress to make another road where a sufficient one already exists ; while, on the other hand, no state has power to deny or obstruct the passage of the mails, the marching of troops, or the transportation of the property of the United States over its public roads. The power of Congress in relation to the subject was brought into operation soon after the adoption of the Constitution, and various provisions respecting it have since, at diffisrent times, been enacted, all found- ed on the principle of its being exclusive, so far as it respects the establishment of postroads, and the con- veyance of letters and other articles by post. Under this power, in conjunction with the powers of Con- 222 LECTURES ON gress to raise money to provide for the general wel tare, and to pass all laws necessary and proper to carry into execution the other powers vested in the General Government, Congress has from time to time set apart funds for internal improvements, in the several states, by means of roads and canals. This power has been exercised for a long series of years ; and although often questioned and denied, is now vindicated by precedent. The practice ha& been to allow to the new states, on their admissior into the Union, a certain proportion of the proceeds arising from the sale of the public lands therein, tc be laid out in the construction of roads and canals within those states, or leading thereto. In the yeai 1806, Congress authorized a road to be opened from Nashville in Tennessee to Natchez in the then Mis- sissippi Territory, without asking the consent of the State of Tennessee ; and in 1809, the President was authorized to cause the canal De Carondelet, leading from the Lake Ponchar train to the city of New- Orleans, to be extended to the River Mississippi. The bill authorizing the former of these works was objected to by Mr. Jefferson, but was, upon recon- sideration, passed, notwithstanding his objections, by the constitutional majority of two thirds of the mem- bers present in both houses of Congress ; while the bill authorizing the latter was not objected to, though passed under the same administration, from the cir- cumstance, it may be presumed, that the improve- ment it contemplated was wholly within a territory of the United States. The Cu7nherland Road, upon which so much has been said in and out of Congress, and so much pub- lic money has been expended, was first authorized by an act of Congress, passed also in 1806, and was constructed under a covenant with the State of Ohio, CONSTITUTIONAL JURISPRUDENCE. 223 that a portion of the proceeds of the public lands ly- ing within that state should be applied to the open- ing of roads leading to it, with the consent of the states through which the road might pass. But the expenditures upon it having exceeded the proceeds of the lands appropriated for its construction, Presi- dent Madison, in 1810, objected to a bill appropria- ting a fund, of which a portion would have been available for continuing it, on the ground that the Constitution did not extend to making roads and ca- nals, and improving water-courses through the dif- ferent states ; and that the assent of those states could not confer the power. Afterward, in 1822, President Monroe objected to a bill appropriating money for repairing the Cumberland Road, and estab- lishing gates and tolls upon it, on similar grounds ; and in both instances the bills were eventually lost. On these and other similar occasions, there was, however, a decided difference of opinion between the majority of Congress and the President. Mr. Jefferson in 1806, Mr. Madison in 1816, and Mr. Monroe in 1822, denied any such power in Con- gress as these bills assumed to exist ; or that it could be vested in that body, either by the consent of the states to the works proposed, or in any other mode than an amendment of the Federal Constitution. On the other hand, it appears that Congress claims the power to lay out, construct, and improve postroads and military roads, at all events with the assent of the states through which they pass, as well as to cut canals for promoting internal commerce, and the more safe and economical transportation of military stores in time of war, leaving, in all these cases, the ju- risdictional right over the soil in the respective states. By an act passed in 1824, with the assent of Mr. Monroe, the necessary surveys, plans, and estimates -2i LECTl KES ON were directed to be made of such roads and canals as the President might deem of material importance in a commercial or military point of view, or neces- sary for the transportation of the public mail, and appropriated a sum of money for the purpose. The younger President Adams, in his inaugural address in 1825, alluded to this question ; and his opinion seemed to be in favour of the right, as well as the policy, of a liberal application of the national resources to the internal improvement of the country. He intimated that speculative scruples on the subjecl would probably be solved by the practical blessings resulting from the application of the power. But in the year 1836, this subject was again discussed in Congress, and a bill passed by both houses, appropri- ating a sum of money for a subscription to the stock of a turnpike road, exclusively within the State of Ken- tucky, but leading from Maysville, in the interior of that state, to the River Ohio. This bill was returned by General Jackson, and, on the question of its pas- sage notwithstanding the objections of the President, was finally lost in the House of Representatives, in which it had originated. In his annual message at the commencement of the session, the President had ad- vened to the difficulties which had before attended ap- propriations for purposes of internal improvement, and expressed a hope that some plan might be devised to attain its benefits in a satisfactory manner. He ob- served, that the mode adopted on former occasions had been deprecated b3^many as an infraction of the Constitution, while it had been viewed by others as inexpedient, and that all felt that it had been em- ployed at the expense of harmony in the public councils. Upon returning the bill relative to the Maysville Road, he referred to the sentiments he had expressed at the opening of the session, and proceed* CONSTITUTIONAL JURISPRUDENCE. 225 ed to consider the constitutional power of the Gen- eral Government to construct or promote works of internal improvement, as then presenting itself, in two points of view : first, as bearing on the sovereignty o^ the states within whose limits the execution was contemplated, if jurisdiction of the territory they oc- cupy were claimed as necessary to their preserva- tion and use ; the second, as asserting the simple right to appropriate money from the national treasury' in aid of such Avorks when undertaken by state au- thority, surrendering the claim of jurisdiction on the part of the United States. In the first view, he regarded the question of pow- er as an open one, which could be decided without the embarrassments attending the other, arising from the practice of the government. To the extent con- templated by this first view of the power. He asserted that, although frequently and strenuously attempted, it had never been attained in a single instance. The government, he insisted, did not possess it ; and he therefore declared that no bill admitting it *woul(J receive his official sanction. But in the other view of the power, he considered the question differ- ently situated, and remarked, that the ground taken at an early period of the governiflent was, that when- ever money raised by the general authority w^as pro- posed to be applied to a particular measure, a ques- tion arose whether that measure was within the enu- merated authorities vested in Congress. If it were, the money requisite might be applied to it. If it were not, no such application could be made. In all cases, he averred, in which the power to apply mon- ey had, in fact, been exercised by the General Gov- ernment, such grants had always been professedly under the control of the general principle, that the works thus aided should be of a general, not local i S £26 L.ECTURES ON of a national, not of a state character. This distinc- tion he considered sufHciently definite and impera- tive to forbid his approbation of a bill of the charac- ter of that in question, which he was not able to view in any other light than as a measure purely local. ■ As to the principle^ indeed, he was indubitably right, but he was wrong in its application ; for most as- suredly, a road terminating on the very river which forms the great line of communication between the Western and the Atlantic States, must be considered of infinitely more importance in its general and na- tional, than in its local and state character. The true rule on the subject, which seems to have been forgotten or disregarded on this occasion, had been laid down by Chief-justice Marshall long before, and is this : ".That the action of the General Government should be applied to all the external concerns of the nation, and to those internal concerns which affect the states generally, but not to those which are com- pletely within a particular state, which do not affect other states, and with which it is not necessary to interfere for the purpose of executing any of thp gen- eral powers of the government y* III. The powers to coin money, to regulate its value, and that of foreign coins, and to fix the standard of weights and measures, were possessed by the old Con- gress, with the exception of that relating to foreign coins. The new Constitution, therefore, supplied a material omission in the Articles of Confederation, by which the power of Congress was restrained to coin struck by its own authority, or that of the re- spective states. It must be obvious that the propo- sed uniformity in the value of the current coin might be destroyed by subjecting the foreign coin to the * 10 Wheaton, 44G. CONSTITUTIONAL JURISPRUDENCE. 227 different regulations of the several states. The pow- er with respect to the coin, both domestic and foreign j is rendered exclusive, by a subsequent provision of the Constitution, prohibiting the individual states from its exercise. And the power of fixing the standard of weights and measures seems also prop- er to be exclusively exercised by Congress ; but until it shall legislate on the subject, each state, it is pre- sumed, retains the right of adopting and regulating its own standard. The power of providing for the punishment of coitn- terfeiting the public securities and current coin of the United States is incidental to the foregoing powers relative to the coin, and in itself seems to purport the exclusion of state power, as it is an appropriate means for carrying into effect other delegated pow- ers not antecedently existing in the states. It ap- pears, nevertheless, by the acts of Congress rela- tive to this subject, that cognizance of such cases may, under certain circumstances, be concurrently exercised by the state courts. The Judiciary Act of 1789, vested, as we have seen, in the Federal Courts, exclusive jurisdiction of all offences cog- nizable under the authority of the United States, unless where their laws should otherwise direct.* The states, therefore, could not exercise a concur- rent jurisdiction in those cases without coming into direct collision with the laws of Congress. But by a proviso in a subsequent act concerning counterfeit- ers of the current coins of the United States, Con- gress has declared that the jurisdiction of the Federal Courts, in certain specified cases, should not be ex- clusive ; so that the concurrent jurisdiction of the state courts is restored, so far as it can be exercised und«r state authority. There aip, besides, other acta * Wheaton, 26, 11 . J. R., 549. 228 LECTURES ON of Congress which permit jurisdiction over the oflen- ces described in them to be exercised by the state courts mider the same condition, and in all these cases where the jurisdiction of the state courts is made concurrent with that of the Federal Courts, the sentences of the one, whether of acquittal or convic- tion, are a bar to the prosecution in the other for the same offence. IV. The 'power to prescribe by general laws the man ner in which the public acts, records, and judicial pro- ceedings of each state shall be proved, and the effect they shall have in other states, is referred to this class by the authors of " The Federalist." It is an evi- dent and valuable improvement on the provision re- lating to the same subject in the Articles of Con- federation, of which the meaning was so indetermi- nate as to render it of little practical importance. The power, as it now stands, has been found, as was intended, to be a convenient instrument of jus- tice, and particularly beneficial on the borders of con- tiguous states, where persons and effects liable to judicial process may be suddenly and secretly with- drawn to a foreign jurisdiction. The clause in the Constitution which vests this power in Congress, previously declares that " full faith and credit shall be given in each state to the public acts, records, and judicial proceedings of every other state." And the act passed by Congress in execution of this power, prescribes the manner of authenticating such acts, records, and proceedings, and declares that, when so authenticated, they " shall have such faith and credit given to them in every court within the United States, as they have by law or usage in the courts of the state from whence they are takes:."* ^ - * Laws U. S., 1790, ch. 38. t ^> of CONSTITUTIONAL JUU!(sritUD1fijjJ>E. , Under the clause of the Constitution, -and this legis- ^v lative provision for giving it effect, if a judgment have the efiect of record evidence, or, in otiier vvorjs,* Ja^^ N > conclusive evidence, i. e., admitting neither of ;;^im-'*^\y peachment nor contradiction in the courts oflhe state " in w^hich it was rendered, it has the same effect in the courts of all the other states.*" And the Supreme Court of the United States, in so ruling, declared that the common law gives to a judgment of the courts of one state the effect of prima facie evidence, i. c, evidence open to impeachment, explanation, or con- tradiction, in the courts of every other state ; but that the Constitution contemplates a power in Con- gress to give a conclusive effect to such judgments ; which power it has exercised by rendering a judg- ment conclusive when the courts of the particular 8tate would pronounce the same decision.! And in a recent case, it was declared that the clause in ques- tion cannot, by any just construction of its words, be held to embrace an alleged error in a decree of a state court, asserted to be in coUsion with a prior decision of the same case.J V. The power '* to establish a uniform system ofnat- uralizalion" which was the next we proposed to ex- amine, is necessarily exclusive ; especially as it is provided, in a subsequent part of the Constitution, that *' the citizens of each state shall be entitled to all the privileges and immunities of citizens in the several states." The dissimilarity of the rules of naturalization which existed in the different states, had given rise, under the Confederation, to some intricate and deli- cate questions, from the ambiguous terms of the ar- ticle in relation to the subject. To put an end to all ♦ 7 Cranch, 481. 3 Wheaton. 234. % 14 Petors, 48i. 230 J.fiCTURES ON such questions in future, the new Constitution au- thorized the General Government to establish a uni- form rule throughout the United States. There is indeed, no express prohibition of state legislation ii? regard to it ; but if each state retained the power ol naturalization, while the citizens of each state wert entitled to the privileges of citizens in the several states, any one state might impose on all the oth ers such persons as citizens whom it might think proper to admit. In one state, a short residence, with a slight declaration of allegiance, as was the case un- der the first Constitution of Pennsylvania, might con- fer the right of citizenship : in another, higher qual- ifications, as was, in fact, generally the case, might be required ; and an alieriy desirous of eluding the lat- ter, might, by complying with the former, become a citizen of a state in opposition to its own regulations ; and thus the laws of one state might become para- mount in a matter of vital consequence to another. Hence the importance of rendering this power ex- clusive. That it is, indeed, so vested in Congress, was considered incontrovertible by the Supreme Court of the United States, in a case in which the decision depended on that point ;* and it was decla- red, subsequently, to have been so held on the ground of a direct repugnancy or incompatibility in the exer- cise of a similar power by the states-t No definition of the character of a citizen is con- tained in the Constitution of the United States. The term is used with a plain indication that its meaning must have been generally understood, by reference to that system of national jurisprudence which, as I had occasion to observe in a former lecture, is justly regarded as the means or instrument of exercising the * 2 Wheaton, 2G9. t 5 Wheaton, 41i. CONSTITUTIONAL JURISPRUDENCE. 231 jurisdiction conferred by the Constitution. At the time of its adoption, the citizens of the several states collectively constituted the citizens of the United States. They were either native citizens, or those born within the states, or riaturalized citizens, or per- sons born elsewhere, but who, upon assuming the al- legiance, became entitled to the privileges of native citizens. All who were resident citizens at the time of the Declaration of Independence, and deliberately yielded to that measure an express or implied assent, became parties to it, and are considered as natives, their social tie being coeval with the nation itself. It has been admitted, both in the English courts and our own,* that all persons born within the colo- nies, while subject to the crown of Great Britain, were natural-born British subjects ; but it was held as a necessary consequence that this character was changed by the separation of the colonies from the parent state, and the acknowledgment of their inde- pendence. The rule, however, as to the point of time at which Americans born before the separation ceased to be British subjects, differs in this country and in England. The rule established by the Eng- lish courts adopts the date of the treaty of peace in 1783, while ours have fixed upon that of the Decla- ration of Independence. But in the application of the rule to different cases, some difference of opinion may arise. The settled doctrine in this country is, that a person born here, who left the colonies before the Declaration Independence, and never returned, thereby became an alien ; and, as a general rule, the character in which Americans born before the Revo- lution are to be regarded, depends on the situation of the party, and the election made by him, at the Dec* * 3 Peters, 128 232 LECTURES ON laration of Independence, according to our rule, and at the treaty of peace, according to the English. Dif- ficulties, however, have occurred where rights liave accrued between these dates. But if the right of election be admitted at all, it must be determined by what took place during the Revolution, and between the Declaration of Independence and the treaty of peace. It is a doctrine of the English law, that natural- born subjects owe an allegiance which is intrinsic and perpetual, and which cannot be diverted by any act of their own. But it has been a question fre- quently and gravely debated whether this doctrine ol perpetual allegiance applies in its full extent to the United States. The best writers on public law* have treated this subject rather loosely, but seem generally to favour the right of the citizen to emi- grate and abandon his native country, unless there be some positive restraint by law, or he is, at the time, in possession of some public trust, or his coun- try be in distress, or at war, and in need of his ser- vices. The principle declared in some of our state constitutions, that the citizens have a natural and in- herent right to emigrate, goes far towards a renun- ciation of the doctrine of the English law, as repug- nant to the natural liberty of mankind — provided cm- igration is intended in those cas'es to be used as sy- nonymous with expatriation. But the allegiance of our citizens is due, not merely nor principally to the local government of the state in which they reside, but primarily and chiefly to the United States, which government alone aflfords them national protection, and imparts to them their national character ; and the doctrine of final and absolute expatriation, though ♦ Grotius, b. ii„ ch. v. Puffend., b. viii., ch. xi. Vattel, b. i. cb. xix. CONSTITUTIONAL JURISPRUDENCE. 2?i3 frequently discussed in our courts, remains yet to be settled, and requires to be defined with precision, and subjected to certain established limitations, before it can be admitted into our jurisprudence, or laid down broadly as a wise and salutary rule of national policy. It is not, however, applied by the English courts to the American ante-nati ; as is manifest from a case decided some years since in the Court of the King's Bench,* iri which the treaty of peace was considered as a release from their allegiance of all British subjects who remained in this country. The British doctrine, therefore, is that the American au" te-nati, by remaining in this country after the peace, lost their character as British subjects ; and our doc- trine is, that by withdrawing from this country they lost, or, perhaps, more properly speaking, they never acquired the character of American citizens. AH persons born out of the jurisdiction of the Uni- ted States are termed aliens. There are, however, some exceptions to this rule derived from the ancient English law ; as in the case of the children of pub- lic ministers born abroad, for their parents owed not even a local allegiance to the foreign power. So, also, in every case, the children born abroad of Eng- lish parents were considered as natives of England if the father went and* continued abroad in the char- acter of an Englishman. By the existing law of the United States relative to naturalization, it is declared that the children of persons who were or had been citizens of the United States at the time of passing the act, should, though born out of the United States, be considered as citizens ; but that the right of citi- zenship should not descend to persons whose fathers had never resided within the United States. This pro- vision not being prospective in its operation, the ben- "^ 2 C^FQ. anr" ^rp«w,, 779. 234 LECTURES ON efit of it narrows rapidly by lapse of time, and the pe- riod will soon arrive when there will be no statutory regulation in favour of children born abroad of Amer- ican parents ; and, imless one be made in season, they will be driven to resort for aid to the dormant and doubtful principles of the common law. Aliens coming to this country with the intention of making it their permanent residence, have many inducements to become citizens. • They are incapa- ble, until naturalized, of holding a stable interest in land in many of the states ; or of holding any civil office ; or of voting at elections ; or of taking any ac- tive share in the administration of the Federal or State Governments. A convenient and easy mode (perhaps too easy and convenient) has been provi- ded by Congress for removing the disabilities of alienage ; and the terms on which every alien, be- ing a free white person, can obtain the qualifications and privileges of a natural-born citizen, are prescri- bed in the several acts of Congress on the subject.* The right of aliens to the privileges of naturaliza- tion are, by these laws, submitted to the decision of any court of record within the United States ; and a person duly naturalized (which he may be after a residence of five years) becomes entitled to all the privileges and immunities of a natu- ral-born citizen, except that a residence of seven years is requisite to enable him to hold a seat in the House of Representatives, of nine years to hold a seat in the Senate, and that he remains always inel- igible to the offices of President of the United States and governor in several of the states. The policy of these laws have been strongly doubted by some ol our wisest and best statesmen and native politicians ; * Laws of U. S., 1802, ch. xviii. ; 1813, ch. clxxxiv. ; 1816, ch. 2^xxii. CCNSTITUTIONAL JURISPRUDENCE. 235 and every year's experience tends amply to confirm chose doubts. For a short period, during the admin- istration of the elder Adams, the term of residence prescribed by law to entitle an alien to naturalization was fourteen years. But the passing of that law was one of the most powerful causes of the expul- sion of Mr. Adams and the Federal party from the administration of the General Government ; and however some of his successors may have regretted its repeal, they have been too well convinced of the difficulty of recalling a popular concession to attempt its re-enactment. There are two improvements, however, that seem equally practicable and desirable, and would go far to remedy the existing evils of the system : the one is, to render, by an amendment of the Constitution, the naturalized citizen incapable of holding any office of trust or profit ; the second, to vest, by an amendment of the statutes, the jurisdic- tion in cases of naturalization exclusively in the Federal Courts. VI. The power of Congress " to establish uniform laws on the subject of bankruptcies^^ is intimately con- nected with the regulation of commerce ; and there are peculiar reasons why the National Governmerrt should be intrusted with this power, arising from the importance of preserving uniformity and equality of rights among the citizens of all the states, and of maintaining commerce, credit, and intercourse with foreign nations. It has been found necessary, in governments which authorize personal arrests and mprisonment for debt, to interpose and provide reliel Tor the debtor in cases of inevitable misfortune ; and this has been particularly the case in regard to in- solvent merchants, who are frequently tempted, if not obliged, by the habits, pursuits, and enterprising nature of trade, to give and receive credit, and en- 236 LECTURES ON counter extraordinary hazards ; and, besides relieving the debtor, bankrupt and insolvent laws are intended to secure the application of his effects to the pay- ment of his debts. Bonkrwptcy. in the English law, has by long and settled usage received an ap- propriate meaning ; and has been considered appli- cable to unfortunate or fraudulent traders, who do certain acts affording evidence. of their inability to pay their debts, or of their intention to avoid it. But the line of partition between bankrupt and insolvent laws is not so distinctly marked as to enable laymen or lawmen to determine with positive precision what belongs exclusively to the one or to the other ; and it is the more difficult to discriminate between them, because bankrupt laws may, and frequently do, con- tain regulations which are generally found in insolvent laws ; and in insolvent laws, some that are common in a bankrupt law. And although bankrupt laws are generally and properly confined to the trading class- es, who are most exposed to pecuniary vicissitudes, yet, as misfortune and poverty may also overtake those who pursue otner occupations, the latter ought not to be excluded from the humane protection of the state legislatures. Nor, indeed, should the former, or their creditors, be left without the means of relief, in case Congress does not in its discretion think proper to exercise the power vested in them in relation to bankruptcy. This power of Congress has, accordingly, been held not to exclude the right of the states to legislate on the same subject, except where the power has been already executed by a subsisting law of Congress with which the state law would conflict.* Whenever, indeed, the terms in which a power ia granted by the Constitution, or the nature and cbar- * 4 Wheat., 122. 12 Wheat., 2ia CONSTITUTIONAL JURISPRUDENCE. 237 acter of the power itself, require tliat it should be ex- ercised exclusively by Congress, the subject, as we have already seen, is as completely taken away from the state as if its Legislature had been expressly for- bidden to act on it. But the power now in question is held not to be of this description ; and a state has a right, consistently with the provision in the Federal Constitution, to pass bankrupt and insolvent laws, provided they do not impair the obligation of contracts, and there be no act of Congress in force with which the state laws would come into collision. Nor is the right of a state to pass bankrupt laws extinguished by the enactment of a uniform law by the Legislature of the Union ; but is only suspended while the law of Congress exists, and so far only as the state law might be found to conflict with it. While the act of Congress remains in force, the power of the state continues over such cases which the act of Congress does not embrace. Hence the power of passing in- solvent laws, not coming within the technical de- scription of bankrupt laws, is always in force ; and from the expiration or repeal of a bankrupt law of Congress, the ability of the state to exercise its con- current power in regard to bankruptcy, qualilied as I have mentioned, immediately revives. The Legislature of the Union, then, possesses the power of enacting bankrupt laws, and those of the states of passing insolvent laws ;* and a state has, moreover, authority to pass a bankrupt law when no act of Congress exists on the subject with which the state law might conflict ; but no state bankrupt or insolvent law is permitted to impair the obligation of * Mr. Justice Story, however, observes, in reference to the case of Sturges vs. Crowninshield, that "no distinction was ever prac- :;ically, or even theoretically, attempted to be made between bank -jptfie: and insolvencies." — Comm., HOG. 238 LECTURES ON contracts. There is this farther limitation upon the powei of the several states to pass either bankrupt or insolvent laws — that they cannot, in the exercise of that power, act upon the rights of citizens of other states ; and hence the greater necessity of investing Congress with power to establish a uniform system of bankruptcy throughput the Union ; as a discharge un- der a state law would be no bar to a suit by a citizen of another state in the courts either of the United States, or any other state than that in which the discharge was obtained. It only operates upon contracts made within the state : between its own citizens or suitors subject to state powers.* And it is a principle of universal law, that the municipal law of the state is the law of the contract made and to be executed within the state, and that it travels with it, whereso- ever the parties to it may be found ; unless it refei to the law of some other country, or be immoral, or contrary to the policy of the country where it is sought to be enforced ; and, consequently, the dis- charge of the contract, or of the party where the con- tract was made, is a discharge everywhere. But a dis- charge under a state law is no bar to a suit on a con^ tiact not existing when the law loas passed ; as the exercise of the power remaining in the states to pass bankrupt and insolvent laws does not, in the sense of the Federal Constitution, impair the obligation of posterior contracts, but only of those made antecedent' ly to the law. The first bankrupt law passed by Congress pursued strictly the power vested in that body, and was in its terms confined to merchants and traders. It was but a few years in operation, and was suffered to expire by its own limitation. Nor was any attempt made * 12 Wheaton, 213. CONSTITUTIONAL JURISPRUDENCE. 239 for a long time to revive the system ; and whenever afterward, the effort was made, it was unsuccessful, until the last session of Congress. The obstacles to its revival were such as to repress every hope of re- newing the experiment until a material change was wrought in public opinion. These objections were, in the first place, the difficulty of defining, to the sat- isfaction of all parts of the Union, the precise class of debtors who could, consistently with the constitu- tional jurisdiction of Congress, be made subjects of a bankrupt law. It seemed, on all these occasions, to be taken for granted that the power of Congress extended no farther than to bankruptcy in its techni- cal and limited sense, by which its operation is re- stricted to merchants and traders. But the more gen- eral, and, perhaps, more substantial objection, was the expense, delay, and litigation which had been found to attend its proceedings ; and the still more griev- ous abuses and frauds to which the system leads, notwithstanding the vigilance and integrity of those to whom its administration was committed. It was observed by the chancellor and the judges of the Supreme Court of New-York, in a report made to the Legislature of that state, by whom their opinions had been requested as to the expediency of the in- solvent laws, that, "judging from their former expe- rience, and from observation in the course of their judicial duties, they were of opinion that it was a source of fraud and perjury. They were apprehen- sive,'' they stated, " that the evil was incurable, and arose principally from the infirmity inherent in such a system." With respect to the infirmilies of the English system of bankruptcy, which are the growth of more than two centuries, during which it has been (constantly under the view of Parliament, and matu- rincr by the wisdom of a succession of distinguished 240 LECTURES ON judges, the late Lord Eldon, one of the ablest min isters and soundest lawyers of modern times, aftei his appointment as chancellor, took the earliest op- portunity to express his indignation at the frauds which had been committed under cover of that sys- tem, and emphatically remarked, that " the abuse o( the bankrupt law was a disgrace to the country." In the face of such testimony, thus derived from men of the greatest learning and experience in the practice and administration of the law both in Eng* land and in this country, the friends and advocates of the bankrupt system have persevered, and by strain- ing the constitutional point, and inducing Congress to adopt a latitude of construction which had not been thought of on any of the former occasions, eventually procured the passage of an act which, under the title of a Bankrupt Law, embraces provis- ions peculiar to insolvent laws, rendering it the vol- untary refuge of the debtor, and extending its bene- fits to every description of persons owing debts, with the exception of those created in consequence of a defalcation as a public officer, or as an executor, ad- ministrator, guardian, or trustee, or while acting in any other fiduciary capacity. It moreover subjected merchants, traders, bankers, factors, brokers, and un- derwriters to be declared bankrupt on the petition of their creditors, and proof of their having committed an act of bankruptcy. And this measure prevailed more from the atrophy under which commercial en- terprise and credit had laboured for the few prece- ding years, than from real conviction of its consist- ency either with the provisions of the Constitution, or the rules of sound policy. It was, indeed, con- sidered as a temporary expedient, to be abandoned when it had performed its ofllce, and the causes which produced it had ceased to operate : and it (JON'STl'I UTIONAL JURISPRUDENCE. 241 hasj accordingly, been since repealed. None of the states have enacted bankrupt laws, technically so called. Most of them, however, have permanent in- solvent laws ; but, inasmuch as they cannot discharge the debtor from the obligation of his contract, and imprisonment for debt has been abolished in many states, the operation of those laws is, in effect, confi- ned to the person of the debtor in the states where (hat relic of a barbarous age is still preserved, " And where he cannot be discharged, Till nature tire with its own weight, and then Is he but more undone to be at liberty." LECTURE X ON THE POWERS VESTED IN THE FEDERAL GOVERN- MENT RELATIVE TO CERTAIN MISCELLANEOUS OB- JECTS OF GENERAL UTILITY. The first to be enumerated in this class is the power " to promote the progress of science and the useful arts, by securing for limited times, to authors and inventors, the exclusive right to their writings and discoveries y The claims of authors and inventors are so congenial to our notions of natural justice, and accord so harmoniously with the ultimate objects jf society in establishing the rights of property, '.hat, at first sight, it seems strange that the ex istence of this right should ever have been made ii question. It was so, however, in the great case i)f literary property which arose in England. It w;)s, nevertheless, finally settled, by a solemn j ilnment of the House of Lords, that, although buch right had existed at common law, yet that T 242 LECTURES ON the statute passed in the reign of Queen Anne foi securing copy-rights had limited the right, which had hefore been perpetual, to a term of years But those judges, whose opinions were overruled by this reversal of an almost unanimous opinion of the Court of King's Bench,* and who, reason- * This celebrated case is reported in 4 Burrow, 2303, under the title of Miller vs. Taylor, which was the cause decided in the Court of King's Bench, all the judges, excepting Mr. Justice Yates, agreeing that an author had the sole right of printing and publish- ing his work in perpetuity by the common law, and that such right is in no wise impeached by the statute of Anne. A writ of error was afterward brought, but the plaintiff in error" suffered himself to be non-prossed ; and the Court of Chancery granted an injunction in 1770. In 1774, the case of Donaldson vs. Becket brought the question on appeal before the House of Lords. The lords commissioners of the great seal had granted an injunction against violating a copy-right at common law ; and when the appeal from that decree was brought up to the Lords, the judges were di- rected to deliver their opinions upon the following questions, viz. : 1. Whether, at common law, an author had the sole right oi first printing and publishing his book for sale ; and might bring an ac- tion against any person who printed, published, and sold the same without his consent ? 2. If the author had such right originally, did the law take it away upon his printing and publishing his work for sale ; and might any person afterward reprint and sell it for his own benefit against the will of the author? 3. If such action would have laid at common law, is it taken away by the statute of Anne ? And is an author by that statute precluded from every remedy, except on the foundation of said statute, and on the terms and conditions prescribed thereby? 4. Whether the. author of any literary composition, and his as- signs, had the sole right of printing and publishing the same in perpetuity by tlie common law ? 5. Whether this right is in any way impeached, restrained, or taken away by the statute ? Qp )n the hrst question, the judges were eight to three in the afiirmative ; on the second, seven to four; on the third, six to five in the negative : so that the general result was, " that an au- thor had the sole right in perpetuity at common law, and that such right was in no wise impeached by the statute." It was known that Lord Mansfikld adhered to the opinion delivered by him in the Court of King's Bench ; and therefore concurred with the eight upon the first question ; and with the seven U])on the second ; and with the five on the third. But, it being unusual tor a peer to support his own judgment on an appeal, he gave no CONSTITUTIONAL JURISPRUDENCE. 243 tng upon different principles, arrived at a differ- ent result, were perplexed by the indefinite na ture of the right, and embarrassed by the conse- quences of admitting it. On the one hand, to deprive men of genius of the right to the profits of invention was discouraging literature and the useful arts, and throwing impediments in the wiy of science and learning. On the other hand, an unlimited right to the exclusive enjoyment of the fruits of genius and discovery, though for a time it might stimulate both, yet, in its conse- quences, would levy a perpetual tax on posteri- ty, and check the progress of invention itself The full result of admitting an exclusive and perpetual right of property in the produce of intellectual labour was not, and could not be fully known or estimated ; but that it would operate as a bar to the advancement of human knowl- edge, and powerfully retard the progress of so- ciety, was clear to demonstration. Yet, to deny to inventors the fair profits derivable from their talents and exertions, seemed to be at variance with every idea of natural justice and every dic- tate of liberal policy. It was, in effect, to deny to genius its appropriate reward, and to withhold from the powers of intellect one of the strongest stimulants to their exertion. From a balanced consideration, therefore, of both sides of this important question, the statute of Anne, limiting the rights of authors and inventors, in their wri- tings and discoveries, to a term of years, was regarded as a compromise, by which the claims opinion; and the Lord Chanckllor (Apsley) seconding Lord Camden's, his predecessor's, motion "to reverse," the decree of the Court of Chancery was reversrd. So that the decision of the Peers was, in ellect, that the right was perpetual at common law, \i)ut reversed by the statute to a term of years. 244 LECTURES ON of the inventor were acknowledged, his right* defined and protected, and his reward secured ; while a public interest was effectually created and a barrier against injurious consequences erected for the benefit of posterity. Hence may be collected both the origin and the policy of the act of Parliament. With this stat- ute before them, and with a full knowledge of the principles and policy on which it was founded, the several states ceded to Congress "a power to promote the progress of science and the use- ful arts, by securing to authors and inventors the exclusive right to their writings and discov- eries." The English law had limited the right to a term of years. The power ceded by our Con- stitution was to secure it '•'-for limited times :" the former restricting the right to a definite pe- riod ; the latter adopting the same principle, but leaving the quantum of interest to the dis- cretion of the National Legislature. In execu- tion of this power, several acts have been passed by Congress, and are now in force, defining the limits for which the exclusive rights of authors and inventors to their writings and discoveries shall be enjoyed, and securing such enjoyment for different periods in different cases, by penal- ties and other appropriate remedies against those who violate the right. The object, therefore, of this provision of the Constitution, and of the laws enacted in virtue of it, is twofold : first, to secure to inventors and to authors a reward for their labours ; and, secondly, to secure to the public the benefit of their works, by bringing the property in them into the common stock, after the expiration of the times limited for the exclusive privilege • CONSTITUTIONAL JURISPRUDENCE. 245 and it is manifest that this double object can only be effected by such a construction of the Consti- tution as will leave to Congress the exclusive power of legislation on the subject. Prior to the adop- tion of the Federal Constitution, legislative acts in favour of valuable discoveries and improve- ments had been passed in several of the states; but their efficacy being confined to the limits of those states, the privileges thus secured were of little value ; and, whatever they were worth, all these state enactments ceased as soon as the Federal Constitution was adopted. For greater caution, however, it was provided, in one of the first acts of the National Legislature, that the ap- plicant for the benefit of the protection of Con- gress should surrender his right under the state law, and that his obtaining a patent under the laws of the United States should be evidence of such surrender. An important and protracted controversy, nev- ertheless, arose in the State of New- York as to the nature and extent of the power in question, which occupied, at different times, the attention both of the Legislature and courts for several years before it was happily set at rest by the Su- preme Court of the United States — not by an ex- press construction of this particular power, but by a series of decisions upon analogous cases involving similar principles, and bearing in one case on the subject itself. I refer to the case of Livingston and Van Ingen, in which the question arose as to the validity of the grant made by the Legislature of New-York to certain individuals, of the exclusive right of navigating its waters with boats propelled by means of fire or steam.* * 10 Wheat., 466. 246 LECTURES OiN Before the adoption of the present Constitution, an act was passed by the Legislature of that state granting and securing to one John Fitch *' the sole right and advantage of employing the steamboat hy him lately invented,''^ and investing him and his rep- resentatives " with the exclusive right and privilege of navigating all kinds of boats, propelled by the force of fire or steam, within all the waters within the ter- ritory and jurisdiction of" the State of New-York, " for the term of twenty years" from the passing of that act, in March, 1789. In March, 1798, nearly ten years subsequent to the ratification of the Fed- eral Constitution, and after Congress had passed that act, in execution of the power under discussion, which contains the provisions requiring the surren- der by applicants under it of the state rights before granted to them, another act was passed by the Legislature of the same state, of which the pream- ble sets forth, " that Robert R. Livingston had rep- resented that he was possessed of a mode of apply- ing the steam-engine to propel a boat on new and advantageous principles ; but that he was deterred from carrying it into efiect by the uncertainty and hazard of a very expensive experiment, unless he could be assured of an exclusive advantage from it should it he found successful ;" and that " he was also deterred from the enterprise by the existence of the previous act in favour of Fitch, who was stated to be dead, or to have withdrawn from this state icithout having made any attempt to execute the plan for which he had obtained the exclusive privilege," whereby it was alleged to have been justly forfeited : it was " therefore enacted that privileges similar to those granted to John Fitch" should be extended to Mr. Livingston and his representatives, for the term of twenty years, upon condition that he should, with- CONSTITUTIONAL JURISPRUDENCE. 247 in one year, build a boat to be propelled by fire or steam, " the mean rate of whose progress should not be less than four miles an hour ; and that he should at no time omit, for the space of one year, to have a boat," of a certain construction, '' plying between the cities of New-York and Albany." These conditions not having been performed with- in the period specified, the time for fulfilling them was repeatedly enlarged by successive acts of the Legislature for the purpose. One of these, passed after the former ones had expired, revived the privi- leges granted by them in favour of Robert R. Liv- ingston and Robert Fulton. In the year 1807, the proof required of performance of the first condition of the grant was duly exhibited, and a boat propelled by steam, at the rate of more than four miles an hour, began to " ply between the cities of New- York and Albany," in piyisuance of the second. Other boats were subsequently built by the grantees of the state, and after they had continued for some years in suc- cessful operation, rival boats, propelled in the same manner, were established, in defiance of the state grant, both on the Hudson River and on Lake Cham- plain, by persons denying its validity. Application for redress was speedily made by Messrs. Livingston and Fulton to the state courts of New-York, and the question presented was, whether the grant made to them by the Legislature was not absolutely void, as made in contravention of the powers of Congress to promote the progress of science and the arts, and to regulate commerce. It was decided in the Court of Chancery that the state grant was void on the ground alleged ; but on an appeal to the Court of Errors and Appeals, that decision was overruled, and it was de- clared by this tribunal of the last resort in the state, that the grant was not absolutely void, on two dis* 24S LECTURES ON tinct grounds, viz. : that, considering Messrs. Liv- ingston and Fulton as inventors, the state had a con current power with Congress to reward them as such, by the grant of exclusive privileges to be exercised within its jurisdiction ; and, secondly, that, consider- ing them merely as the possessors and importers of a foreign invention, the state had an independent power to reward them for the introduction of such invention into beneficial use upon its waters — a power not ce- ded to Congess at all. It was observed, however, by one of the judges, that " if the opposite party could have shown aright hy patent from the United States, as inventors, they must have prevailed, and the state law would have given way to the superior power cf. Congress." For it must be borne in mind that the opponents of Messrs. Livingston and Fulton claimed no right or title whatsoever, either under a patent or coasting license ; and for aught that speared, their mode of applying the steam-engine in the navigation of their boats might be, as in fact it was, the same which had been introduced by the grantees of the etate.* After notice of an appeal, on the part of their ad- versaries, to the Supreme Court of the United States, Messrs. Livingston and Fulton offered terms of com- promise which were too advantageous to be refused by the other side, and, consequently, these questions were not then carried up to the Federal Court ; and ill the subsequent case,t referred to in a former lec- ture, the question respecting the nature and effect ot the power to promote the progress of science and the arts did not arise. That case turned wholly upon the collision between the exclusive privilege granted by the State Legislature and the power of Congies^ * .Tohn. Kep., 537. -f 10 Whca' . 4'ir. CONSTITUTIONAL JURISPRUDENCE. 249 to regulate commerce ; and the state laws were de- clared to be void, merely from their repugnance to the exercise of that powder by the Federal Govern- ment, The leading principles, however, of that de- cision, as well as much of the reasoning in the case relative to the licenses required by the State of Ma- ryland from importers of foreign goods, apply with equal force to the power now under discussion ; and Although the invalidity of the state grant has thus been established, and the question relative to the na- ture and operation of a patent from the United States can never arise with respect to that grant, yet it may become material in other controversies, and, from its general importance, deserves examination. With all due deference to the opinion of " the highest court in the State" of New- York, I shall endeavour to show the obvious meaning of the Constitution to be, that Congress shall secure " the exclusive rights of authors and inventors to their respective writings and discoveries," by the exercise of an exclusive power of legislation. In a confederated government, extending, like ours over many independent sovereignties, it seems diffi- cult to conceive in what manner the right in question can possibly be secured, except by vesting such ex- clusive power in a paramount authority ; and the ne- cessity of such a power to the attainment of the end was an adequate reason for vesting it in the Supreme Legislature of the Union. The power under consid- eration comes under that class of cases enumerated in the thirty-second number of " The Federalist," to which the exercise of a similar power in the states v/ould be repugnant and contradictory. The exam- ple which the learned and eloquent author of that pa- per selected to illustrate his reasoning involved a contjadiction by direct implication, from the force oj U 250 I.ECTURES ON the terms. It was an example taken from the powei of Congress to establish a uniform system of natu- ralization ; and it was argued that such power must necessarily be exclusive, because, if each state had power to prescribe a distinct rule, the rule of Con- gress could not be uniform. In the present case, the power given is necessarily exclusive, both from the lenns and the nature of the grant. The words are ».hat '* Congress shall have power to secure the ex- clusive rights of authors and inventors, for limited timesy Now, if a state have a concurrent power with Congress over the subject, it must be a power arising from the unceded portion of its sovereignty, and, consequently, a powder to grant without limit oj time. But how could Congress secure to the invent- or, ybr a limited "period^ the enjoyment of that which the state might grant to another forever ? It was said, on the occasion referred to, in the Court of Er- rors, by one of its most eminent judges, " that if an author or inventor, instead of resorting to the act of Congress, should apply to the State Legislature for an exclusive right to his production, there is nothing to prevent the state from granting such exclusive privilege, provided it be confined in its exercise to the particular jurisdiction." But, with all due sub- mission, if this opinion be correct, one of two things must follow : either that Congress may secure to an inventor or author an exclusive right in his discovery or writing, and the state secure to another, either as author ox possessor of the same invention, the exclu- sive right to use it within its own jurisdiction ; oi that Congress cannot secure such a right to the in- ventor after the state has secured it to the possessor. In the former conclusion this consequence seems to be involved : that Congress may grant an exclusive right to one person to the use of a certain thing CONSTITUTIONAL JURISPRUDENCE. 251 throughout the Union ; and that the individual state may grant an exclusive right to another person to use the same thing within the limits of a particular district ; or, in other words, that over the same sub- ject, and within the same jurisdiction, two co-ordi- nate powers may grant exclusive privileges to differ- ent persons. The other branch of the dilemma sup- [)oses the state to derogate, by an assumption of pow- er, from the express terms of its grant to the Feder- al Government, and actually to exercise an exclusive power to secure exclusive privileges, in direct con- tradiction to the terms of the power ceded to Con- gress. Nor does it obviate this repugnancy to say that, when these separate powers come into direct conflict, the grant of the state must yield to " the su preme law of the land," because the repugnancy is, from the nature of the subject, different from that arising under the power to regulate commerce, and is directly deducible from the propositions themselves, and not from any casual effects or consequences arising from the accidental collision of concurrent or of independent powers. The power now in question is, moreover, exclusive, from the nature of the grant ; because, if each state have a concurrent power, its exercise would defeat the twofold object for which the Federal Constitu- tion intended to provide. That object, we have seen, was to secure to the public the benefit and transmission of invention, as well as to secure to genius a reward for its productions and discoveries, [hit if the individual states have a concurrent power with Congress, neither branch of this object can be secured by the latter ; for, in regard to the former branch, if Congress prescribe fourteen years as the limit of exclusive rights, and render them common at the expiration of that period, each state might fix 252 LECTURES ON a different period, or might secure a right of property lO authors and inventors in perpetuity. Nor could the latter branch of the object be secured by Con- gress if the states could exercise a concurrent power; because each state might, upon that suppo- sition, reduce the term of exclusive enjoyment to a minimum, or declare, at once, the fruits and industry of genius to be common property. The arguments against the exclusive nature of this power of Congress, drawn from the nature and effect of a patent in merely securing, as was alleged, a title or right of property, without conferring a right of sale or of use ; and the objection deduced from the right of legislation retained by the states in regard to their purely internal trade and intercourse, and their police, health, and inspection laws,* have, in effect, been met and refuted by the Supreme Court, in their opinions declaring that a coasting license not only ascertains the national character and owner- ship of a vessel, but confers a right of navigation ; that a right to import goods involves the right to sell them ; and that, whenever those rights come into collision with state laws, passed in virtue either of a concurrent or of an independent right of legislation, on these, or any otl^r subjects, and the exercise of the Federal and state authorities are found repug- nant or irreconcilable to each other, the state law must yield to the superior power of Congress. So a patent or a copy -right not only ascertains the title of the patentee or author, but confers the same para- mount right of using, and vending to others to use, their respective discoveries and writings. In applying, however, the reasoning of Chief-jus- * Vide a pamphlet entitled "A Vindication of the Laws of New York, granting exclusive privileges to Robert U. Livingston and Itobert Fulton," by Cadwallader D. Golden, Esq., Albany, 1818 CONSTITUTIONAL JURISPRUDENCE. 253 tice Marshall to the case of a patent or copy-right, it IS, perhaps, necessary to remark, that the property which an author may have in his Avritings appears to be somewhat different from that which an inventor may have in his discoveries. The former has no beneficial use or property whatever in his writings, independently of that which may be derived from the sale of them. The latter may, though in a very re- stricted sense, use his invention for purposes of profit ; to both, however, a right of sale is indispen- sable, but more manifestly so in the first case than in the last. Every other subject of property may be partially enjoyed, though the right of sale be restrict- ed or forbidden ; but the right of property of authors and inventors is so essentially connected with the right of sale, that the inhibition of that right anni- hilates the whole subject. The right of sale, in these instances, therefore, is an elementary princi- ple in the very idea of property. Separate it from the rest, and the complex legal notion of property is destroyed : the value — the thing intended to be se- cured, is lost to it. All human laws proceed upon the assumption of value as implicitly involved in the idea of property ; and as new discoveries in science, and new improvements in the arts, give rise to new m.odifications of property, the first thing that attracts the attention of the Legislature to any subject as be- ing capable of appropriation or exclusive ownership is its VALUE. Accordingly, we find that the laws passed by Congress* in virtue of the Constitutional power now in question, secure to an author or his assignee " the sole right and liberty of printing, re- printing, publishing, and vending^^ his work ; and to a patentee, " the full and exclusive right and liberty » Laws U. S., 1 Cong., 2 Sess., ch. xv. , 2 Cong., 2 Sess., ch. xl 254 LECTURES QN of making, constructing, using, and vending to others to be used," his invention or discovery within the several times limited for the enjoyment of their respective privileges. How far the exercise of this right of property is liable to be controlled and regulated by the municipal laws of the several states, depends, in a great meas- ure, on the principles recognised and established, in the two cases to which I have so often referred, as decided in the Supreme Court of the United States. In the prior case,* decided in the Court of Errors of the State of New- York, it was held that the Legislature of a state may prohibit the use of any particular invention, as noxious to the health, injuri- ous to the morals, or in any respect prejudicial to the welfare of its citizens. But, in addition to the qualifications which this assertion must receive from the doctrine of the Supreme Court, it seems to mo that the Government of the Union must possess ex- clusively the power of determining whether an in- vention for which a patent is sought be useful or pernicious ; or, in other words, whether it be one for which a patent ought to be granted. The object of the constitutional power of Congress is the pro- motion of the " useful arts ;" an invention useless or pernicious would not be a proper subject for its ex- ercise ; but should a patent for such an invention have unadvisedly issued, there can be no doubt that the Federal authority might repeal the patent, and interdict the use of the noxious discovery. If a thing ill itself pernicious be patented, the patentee could recover no damages for the violation of his right, as his patent would confer no right of property upon him. If it be useful in itself, but the art or * 9 \. R., 507. t;ONSriTUTIONAL JURISPRUDENCE. 255 manufacture to which it relates be injurious, in its exercise, to the public health, the patent would af- ford no protection for the nuisance, because private interests must yield to the public good, and not be- cause the Federal power is superseded or controlled by the state law. So, if the author of an immoral or libellous book prosecute for the invasion of his copy- right, he could receive no indemnity ; and if prose- cuted for his offence against the state law, in issuing such a publication, the authority of the United States would not protect him, as, in the one case, his copy- right would invest him with no right of property, and, in the other, would convey no right to use his prop- erty to the injury of others. Nor would the patentee of a newly-invented vehicle, any more than the owner of a post-coach conveying the mail of the United States, be entitled to pass over a state turnpike-road without paying the toll, nor a patented steamboat permitted to ply on a ferry established by state au- thority, without being subjected to the accustomed ferriage, or to the penalties provided in cases of such violation of the particular right to the ferry, any more than that or any other vessel would be exempted from them by a coasting license. Restrictions of this na- ture are general in their operation! They are not confined to the 'patentee, and in no sense do they derogate from the exclusive power of Congress in relation to the promotion of science and the useful arts. But a construction of the Constitution admit- ting that the states, in the exercise of an absolute discretion, may prohibit the introduction or use of any particular invention for which a patent had been regularly obtained, would render the power in ques- tion completely nugatory, and the states would re- tain substantially the very power they had nominally parted with. 256 LECTURES ON This power of securing to authors and inveMors a right of beneficial ownership in their writings and discoveries has been surrendered to Congress, and any encouragement to invention, invitation to the in- troduction of improvements, or attempt to promote the progress of literature, science, and the arts, which interferes with, or prevents the exercise of that power, is an assumption of authority fairly, and on good con- sideration, yielded to the General Government. The several states, nevertheless, retain all other means of securing rewards to genius, of promoting learning and science, of encouraging new discoveries, and inviting improvements in the arts, except the power thus ceded to the Union. And although an indi- vidual state can neither secure to an inventor an ex- clusive property in his invention, nor, for any known and used improvement, grant exclusive privileges in the use of anything that may become the subject of a patent, yet it may promote the progress of learn- ing, encourage new discoveries in science, and in- vite the introduction of new improvements in all the liberal and useful arts, in any other way that human ingenuity can devise, or good policy may dictate, and which does not interfere with the exercise of the power vested for the same purposes in Con- gress. And the reason of the difference is simply this : that all the other modes of effecting those ob- jects may, without danger of being defeated by the clashing laws of co-ordinate legislatures, be safely committed to the several states, while the simple mode of securing the right of property must be pos- sessed by the supreme Federal authority alone ; for, in the peculiar condition and circumstances of the country, that end cannot otherwise be effected. . II. The power vested in Congress " io exercise ex* elusive legislation^ in all cases lohatsoever, over such CONSTITUTIONAL JURISPRUDENCE. 257 district, not exceeding ten miles square, as ??iay, by cession of jmrticular states, and the acceptance of Con- gress, become the seat of the Government oj the United States; and to exercise like authority over all places ^purchased by the consent of the legislatures of the states in which the same shall be situated, for the erec- tion of forts, magazines, arsenals, dockyards, and oth- er needful buildings.''^ This power was granted to Congress from a con- viction of the indispensable necessity of investing that body with complete supremacy and control at the seat of the National Government. Without the pos- session of such a power, the Federal authority might be insulted, and its proceedings interrupted with im- punity ; and the depend ance of the functionaries of the General Government on one of the states for pro- tection in the exercise of their duties, might subject the national councils to the imputation of partiality, and be productive of an influence equally dishonour- able to the government, and dissatisfactory to the other membei^ of the Union. This consideration was of greater weight, as the public archives liable to destruction would accumulate, and the gradual multiplication of public improvements at the perma- nent residence of the National Government would, it w^as thought, create so many additional obstacles to its removal, and still farther abridge its necessary independence. The necessity of a like authority over the forts, arsenals, and dockyards, and their ap- pendages, established by the Federal Government, was supposed to be not less evident. The public money expended on such establishments, and the pub- lic property deposited in them, require their exemption from the local authority of the state where they aro situated. Nor would it be proper that places on which the security of the entire Union may depend should 258 LECTURES ON be in any degree dependant on a particular member; and all objections and scruples were obviated by re- quiring the concurrence of the states concerned in every such establishment. The cessions of territory contemplated by the Con- stitution were duly made by the States of Maryland and Virginia, whereby Congress was enabled to ex- ecute this power by establishing, under its own juris- diction, a permanent seat for the National Govern- ment. This territory was erected into a *' district," under the exclusive jurisdiction of Congress, by the name of the " District of Columbia." The City of '' Washington" was built, and the necessary edili- ces for the accommodation of all the different branch- es of the Federal Government were erected on the banks of the Potomac, in conformity with a favourite wish of General Washington, and almost in sight of the place of his residence in life, and of his repose in death. The seat of government was removed thence at the commencement of the present century. Muni- cipal corporations were created by Coi^ress for man- aging the local concerns of the " Federal city," and of the cities of Georgetown and Alexandria situated within the " ten miles square," ceded by the respec- tive states within whose limits they had been hitherto confined. Laws have from time to time been pass- ed by Congress for the government of the District of Columbia, and local courts established, as we have seen, for the administration of justice within its lim- its. But the acts of Congress adopted the laws of Maryland and Virginia as the laws of the several portions of the district ceded by those states respect- ively, with such alterations only as were rendered necessary by the change of jurisdiction.* Nor wxre * 1 Cranch, 252. CONSTITUTIONAL JURISPRUDENCE. 259 the separation of the territory and the transfer of the jurisdiction permitted to affect existing contracts be- tween individuals. * Although the inhabitants of the District of Colum- bia, by its separation from Maryland and Virginia, ceased to be citizens of those respective states, yet, as citizens of the United States, they are entitled to the benefit of all commercial and political treaties with foreign powers, and to the protection of the Union at home, as well as abroad. t And notwith- standing the power of Congress to exercise exclu- sive legislation over this Federal territory includes the power of taxing its inhabitants, they do not in any manner participate in the election of members of the House of Representatives. I have already had occasion to explain upon what principles this anomaly in the Constitution has been justified ;J and it may now be added, that the adequate provisions lor their local government, and the advantages deri- ved from the residence of the General Government, are deemed by the inhabitants themselves sufficient to counterbalance their political disabilities ; that no public inconvenience has been experienced from their existence ; and that the circumstance was known be- fore the cession of the territory, and when the in- habitants voluntarily established their residence with- in it. III. The next power falling within this miscella- neous class is the power of Congress " to declare the punishment of treason^'' against the United States. It is a general principle, that every government contains within itself the means and capacity for its own preservation. Had the express enumeration, therefore, of this power been omitted in the Consti • 6 Cranch, 192. t 2 ib., 243. X 5 Wheaton, 324. 260 LECTURES ON tulion, it could not have been intendeti tbat the Fed eral Government was to depend upon the individua states to protect it from treason and conspiracies ; yet, to have left the power of self-defence to inference or argument, would have been unwise and unsafe. As the fcrime of treason against the United States was one which might be committed, the United States themselves might, without this express authority , have punished its perpetrators ; but as artificial and con- structive treasons had been frequently made engines of oppression by tyrannical governments, and, during the prevalence of vindictive factions, by such as were comparatively free, it was deemed expedient to insert in the Constitution a definition of the crime, to prescribe the proof necessary for conviction, and to restrain Congress, in punishing it, from extending the consequences of guilt beyond the person of its author. Treason against the United States is, accordingly, declared to " consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort." The term *' levying war" is of technical signification, and is adopted from the Eng- lish statute of treasons, and receives the same con- struction with us which has been given to it in Eng- land ; and the " war," included in the term, embra- ces internal rebellion, as well as hostilities from with- out. A conspiracy to subvert by force the govern- ment of the United States, violently to dismember the Union, to coerce the repeal of a general law, or to revolutionize a territorial government by force, if carried into effect, by imbodying and assembling an armed force in a military posture, is an overt act of levying war ; and not only those who bear arms, but those who perform the various essential parts which must be assigned to dilferent persons for th^ CONSTITUTIONAL JURISPRUDENCE. 261 purpose of proseciuing the war, are guilty of the crime.* But a mere conspiracy for any such pur- pose, unaccompanied by any overt act, is not treason ; and to constitute a " levying of war," there must be an assemblage of persons, with intent to effect by force a treasonable purpose. f The mere enlistment of men for the purpose is not sufficient. Nor is it necessary, on the other hand, that an individual should •ppear in arms against his country to constitute the fviXi of treason. If v/ar be actually levied, that is. 'if a body of men be actually assembled in arms fox .he purpose of effecting by force a treasonable de- sign, all those who perform any part in the conspira* cy, however minute, or however remote themselve? horn, the scene of action, if actually leagued in the general enterprise, are considered as traitors. Simi- tar acts committed against the government or laws o^ a particular state are punishable according to tho ;.aw of that state, but adhering to a foreign nation at war with the United States, and affording it aid in vhe prosecution of hostilities, is treason against tha United States, and not against the particular state of which the party is a citizen.J The Constitution farther declares, that " no person shall be convicted of treason unless on the testimo- ny of two witnesses to the same overt acl, or on con- Cession in open court." A confession out of court, although before a magistrate, is not sufficient ;§ but after the treason is proved by two witnesses, such confession may be given in evidence by way of cor- roboration. The testimony of the two witnesses must be to the same overt act, and not, as in Eng- land, to two different overt acts of the same treason. The restriction on Congress with respect to the pun- * 4 Ciancli, 470. t 4 ih., 75-12G. t H J- R-, 553. 6 Frics's Case, in V>. S. Clrc. Ct. for Pennsylvania. 262 LECTURES ON ishment is, that " no attainder of treason shall work corruption of blood or forfeiture, except during the life of the person attainted." Corruption of blood, in common with many better things, we derive again from the common law. It signifies that an attaint- ed person can neither inherit land from his ancestors, retain that of which he is in possession, nor transmit it to his heirs ; and that he is, moreover, incapable of transmitting a title derived by descent through him, even from a remote ancestor. This is visiting the sins of the fathers upon the children with a ven- geance, as it is not confined to the third and fourth generations, but extends to a man's latest posterity. The doctrine is founded upon a legal fiction ; and is equally at variance with the liberal principles of mod- ern times, and the very elements of justice. And in carrying this power into execution. Congress has humanely stopped short of their constitutional author- ity ; for, in affixing the punishment of death to the crime of treason, it has declared, that "no conviction or judgment shall work corruption of blood, ^r any forfeiture of estate •^'' thus acting upon a constriction of the Constitution which assumes a discretion in omitting the latter as a part of the punishment of treason, even during the life of the offender himself. IV. The fourth power of a miscellaneous nature vested in Congress is that of " admitting new states into the Unions No provision of this kind was made in the Articles of Confederation, and great inconvenience, and much assumption of power, were the necessary consequen- ces. With great propriety and advantage, therefore, the new Constitution supplied this /lefect. But t*he power was not granted without restriction ; for " no new state" can *' be formed or erected within the juris- diction of any other state ; nor can any state be form* CONSTITUTIONAL JURISPRUDENCE. 263 cd by the junciion of two or more states, without the consent of the legislatures of the states concerned, as well as of Congress." These precautions, which prevent eiilier the partition of a large state, or the junction of small ones, without their consent, were necessary to allay the jealousies existing on the sub- ject, both in the more powerful and in the weaker nu;mbers of the conl'ederacy. Upon the purchase of Louisiana by the United Slates, some doubt was entertained whether the power of the General Government to admit new states into the Union extended to territories not com- prised within the boundaries of the United States at the adoption of the Constitution. This question, al- though never presented in a form for judicial decis- ion, was, however, decided in the aliirmative by large majorities of both houses of Congress, on the sever- al occasions of admitting diflerent parts of that prov- ince into the Union, as the separate States of Lou- isiana, Mississippi, iMissouri, and Arkansas ; which acis"were severally approved by successive chief magistrates of the Union. It must therefore be con- sidered as practically settled, and it would savour too much of the spirit of controversy, and betray too much self-con lidence, to ofier, at this time of day, any ar- gument in support of the negative side of that ques- tion, and to assert that such a measure required not only the consent of the inhabitants of the territory, but an amendment of the Constitution to render it valid. All doubt, indeed, seems long since to have subsided, and public ophiion has sustained the gov- ernment in this exercise of the power in question, on the ground of constitutional right, as strongly as it has been declared in favour of its policy. V. The power " to dispose of and make all need- ful regulations respecting the territory or other prop- 264 LECTURES ON erty belonging to the United States," is the next ono comprehended in this class. It was required that this power should be vested in Congress, by considerations similar to those upon which rests the propriety of its possessing the power next preceding it ; and it is accompanied by a condi- tion, not only proper in itself, but which was proba- bly rendered absolutely necessary by the jealousies and controversies that existed concerning the West- ern territory, and which provides that " nothing in the Constitution shall be so construed as to preju- dice any claims of the United States, or of any par- ticular state." The authority, thus restricted, is adapted to all the territorial rights of the Federal Government, beyond the limits of any of the states ; but is not applicable, it seems, to a fortress which has never been actually ceded to the United States ; nor to any land occu- pied by the General Government for any similar pur- pose, with the tacit consent of the state, although the title to the soil may have been conveyed to the United States. It is under this power that Congress claims authority to legislate for the Territories, erect- ed in provinces, acquired, like Louisiana and the Floridas, since the adoption of the Federal Constitu- tion. But if the Federal Government possessed au- thority to purchase them, there seems no necessity for resting the right of legislation in regard to them on such narrow and insufficient grounds, for the pow- er of governing a territory is the inevitable conse- quence of the right to acquire and hold it. VI. The guarantee by the "United States to ev- ery state in the Union of a Republican form of gov- ernment ; to protect each of them against invasion ; Hnd on application of the Legislature, or of the ex- ecutive, when the Legislature cannot be convened CONSTITUTIONAL JURISPRUDENCE. 265 against domestic violence," may also be classed among the miscellaneous powers of the Federal Government, as it gives to it a right of interference to effect the objects of the guarantee. Governments of dissimilar principles and forms have been found less adapted to a Federal coalition of any sort, than those of a kindred nature. In a confederacy founded on Republican principles, and composed of Republican members, the paramount su- perintending government created by it ought certain- ly to possess the authority to defend the whole sy? tern against innovation ; and the more intimate tho union, the greater the interests of its members ir the separate institutions of each other, and the great- er the right to insist that the respective forms of gov- ernment under which the general compact was en- tered into should be substantially maintained. But a right implies a remedy, and nowhere else could an effectual remedy be found in such a case than where it is actually deposited by the Constitution. The mere stipulation, w^ithout the power to enforce its observ- ance, would be of little value ; hence the term " guar- antee'^ indicates that the United States are authorized to oppose, and, if possible, prevent every state in the Union from abandoning the Republican form of government. But the authority extends no farther, and it presumes the pre-existence of governments of the form guarantied. So long, therefore, as the Re- publican forms existing at the time the Constitution was adopted are continued by the states, they are guarantied by the Federal Government, and the Fed- eral Constitution imposes no other restriction upon the alteration of the respective state constitutions than that they shall not vary from the Republican form. Whenever a state may choose to substitute another Republican government in place of that pre- X 266 LECTURES ON viousiy existing, it has a right so to do, and is equal ly entitled to claim for it the benefit of a Federal guarantee. Protection against invasion is due from every so ciety to the members composing it, and the latitude of the expressions used in the Constitution secures each state, not only from foreign hostility, but against the ambitious or vindictive enterprise of its more powerful neighbours. The protection against do- mestic violence is added with equal policy and pro- priety, as it aflfords the means of enforcing the guar- antee before provided for, whenever a faction or mi- nority in a state endeavours by violence to subvert the Republican form of its Constitution. It is by no means, however, confined to that particular case, nor that particular object, but extends to protection against the acts even of a majority of the people of a state, when directed to any object of unconstitutional vio- lence. For, although it may at the first view ap- pear inconsistent with the Republican theory either that the minority will have the power, or that a ma- jority have not the right to subvert the government, yet mere speculative reasoning must in these cases, as in all others, be qualified by the lessons of prac- tice and experience. Unlawful combinations for purposes of violence may be formed by a majority of persons in a state, especially in a slaveholding state, as well as by a majority of a county, or other subdivision of a state ; and if the authority of the state is bound in the lat- ter case to protect the local magistracy, the Govern- ment of the Union is equally bound in the former to protect the state authority. Besides, there are cer- tain parts of the state constitutions which are so in- terwoven with the Federal compact, that a violent assault cannot be made on the one without injury CONSTITUTIONAL JURISPRUDENCE. 5^67 io the other. The power in question, however, can only be exercised when the blow is directed against the state constitution and authority, or when it inci- dentally or indirectly affects the Government of the United States. Where the violence is immediately directed against the Federal authority, the General Government is invested with power to suppress it, independently of any requisition of the state govern- ment. But insurrections against the state govern- ments will rarely require Federal interposition, un- less the number of those concerned in them bears some proportion to the friends of the state constitu- tion ; and it will then be much better that the violence should be suppressed by the superintending power, than that even a majority in a state should be left to maintain its cause by a bloody and obstinate con- test. The existence itself of the right of the Gen- eral Government to interpose will, however, general ly prevent the necessity of exercising the power ; and in cases where it may be doubtful on which side justice lies, no better umpire could be desired in a state quarrel than the representative authority of the Union, who would be free from the influence of local interests, and from participation in local or personal animosities. VII. The power of Congress to "'propose amend- ments to the Constitution, and call conventions for the purpose" is the last to be referred to in this class oi the Federal powers. That useful alterations would be suggested by ex- perience, could not but have been foreseen by the framers of the Constitution. It was requisite, there- fore, that a mode for introducing amendments should he provided ; and that which was adopted guards equally against that extreme facility which would render the Constitution too mutable, and the extreme 268 LECTURES ON difficulty which might perpetuate its faults. The article in question provides that " Congress, when- ever two thirds of both houses shall deem it neces- sary, shall propose amendments to the Constitution ; or, on the application of the leojislatures of the sev- eral states, shall call a convention for proposing amendments, which, in either case, shall be valid to all intents and purposes, as part of the Constitution, when ratified by the legislatures of three fourths oi the states, or by conventions in three fourths thereof, as the one or the other mode of ratification may be proposed by Congress : provided that no amendment, which may be made prior to the year 1808, shall in any manner affect" the previous provisions respect- ing the importation of slaves, and the proportional imposition of capitation and other direct taxes ; *' and that no state, without its consent, shall be deprived of its equal suffrage in the Senate." Thus the General and State Governments are equal- ly enabled to originate amendments, as their neces- sity is pointed out by experience ; and I have al- ready had occasion to remark that those proposed or adopted since the ratification of the Constitution were few in number. They consist only of three : first, that which declares *' that the judicial power of the United States shall not be construed to extend to any suit in law or equity commenced or prosecuted •^eainst one of the United States by citizens of an- v^tuer state, or by citizens or subjects of any foreign -tate ;" second, that which changed the mode of bal- loting for President and Vice-president by the elect- ors ; and, third, an amendment ordaining that, *' if any r.itizen of the United States shall accept, claim, re- ..:ve, or retain any title of nobility or honour; or shall, without the consent of Congress, accept or re- tain any present, pension, office, or emolument of eONiTITUTIONAL JURISPRUDENCE. 269 any kind whatever, from any emperor, king, prince. or foreign povver, such person shall cease to be a citizen of the United States, and shall be incapable of holding any office of trust or profit under them, or either of them." The previous and more numerous amendments were proposed by some of the states as conditions o( their accession to the Constitution. They all oper- ate as general restrictions upon the powers of Con- gress, and are, for the most part, affirmative either ol the inalienable rights of individuals, or of the civil and political rights and privileges substituted in their stead, as explained in our review of the fundamental principles of the government ; and they were man- ifestly adopted from superabundant caution, inasmuch as those rights were already sufficiently guarded by the state constitutions and bills of rights. The fol- lowing, however, may be enumerated as exceptions, viz. : 1st. That which prohibits Congress from making any law respecting a religious establishment, pro- hibiting the free exercise of religious worship, or abridging the freedom of speech or of the press. 2d. That *' the enumeration in the Constitution of certain rights shall not be construed to deny or dis- parage others retained by the people." And, 3d. That " the powers not delegated to the Uni- ted States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it lo the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people." The second of these amendments was intended to prevent any perverse or ingenious misapplication oi the maxim that " an affirmation in particular cases implies a negation in ail others." The one last spe- cified is merely an affirmation of a necessary rule for the interpretation of the Constitution ; which, being an 270 LECTURES ON instrument of limited and enumerated powers, what 19 not conferred by it is withheld, and retained by the state governments, if vested in them by their constitu- tions, and if not so vested, remains with the people, as a part of their residuary sovereignty. This amend- ment, however, does not confine the Federal Govern- ment to the exercise of express powers ; for hnp/icd j)Owers must necessarily have been admitted, unless the Constitution had descended to the regulation oi the minutest details of legislation. It is a general principle, that ail bodies politic possess all the pow- ers incident to a corporate capacity, without any ex- press declaration to that effect ; and one of those de- fects of the Confederation which led to its abolition, was its prohibiting Congress from the exercise of any power "not expressly delegated." It could never, therefore, have been intended by the amendment in question to abridge any of the powers granted under the new Constitution, wheth- er express or implied, direct or incidental. Its man- ifest and sole design was to exclude any interpreta- tion by which other powers should be assumed be- yond those granted. All the powers granted by the Constitution, whether express or implied, direct or incidental, are left by the amendment in their origi- nal state, while all powers " not delegated''^ (not all powers " not expressly delegated") and not prohibit- ed are reserved. In these, and all the other restrictions on the le- gislative powers of the Union, the two great objects were to secure the rights of the people^ and to preserve the Federal sy stein. CONSTITUTIONAL JURISPRUDENCE. 271 LECTURE XI. OF THE CONSTITUTIONAL RESTRICTIONS UPON THK POWERS OF THE SEVERAL STATES. The fifth class of provisions in favour of the Fed- eral authority consists of restrictions on the powers of the several states. These may be distinguished by their character as two sorts : the first compre- hending those limitations which are absolute; and the second, such as are qualified. I. The former prohibit any state from entering into any treaty of alliance or confederation ; from granting letters of marque and reprisal ; from coin- ing money, emitting bills of credit, or making any- thing but gold or silver coin a tender in payment of debts ; from passing any bill of attainder, ex post facto law, or law impairing the obligation of con- tracts ; and from granting any title of nobility. 1^/,. The prohibition against treaties, alliances, and confederations was contained in the articles of the former union of the states, and copied in the new Constitution. If every state were at liberty to enter into treaties, alliances, and confederacies with for- eign states, or with other members of the Union, the power confided to the National Government in re- gard to the former would be rendered nugatory, while the Constitution itself might be subverted by the exercise of such a power among the states. The prohibition of letters of marque and reprisal was also a part of the old system, and adopted, but with some extension, in the new. According to the former, they might be granted by the states, after a declaration of war by Congress ; under the latter, 272 LECTURES ON thoy must be obtained, as well during the war as pre- viously to its declaration, from the General Govern- ment. This alteration is fully justified by the ad- vantages of uniformity, in all points relating to for- eign powers ; and by the necessity of an immediate responsibility to the nation, in all matters in whicli the nation itself is responsible to others. Moreover, were it otherwise, it would be in the power of a sin- gle state to involve the whole Union in war, at its pleasure ; and although the issuing of letters of marque is not always designed as a preliminary or provocative to war, yet, in its essence, it is a meas- ure of hostile retaliation for unredressed grievances, real or supposed, and is most generally succeeded by open hostilities. 2d. The prohibition of the states to coin money was necessary to give complete effect to the power of the Union in relation to the current coin, and arose from a consideration of the danger and facility of cir- culating base or spurious coins, where the coins are various in value and denomination, and issued by several independent and irresponsible authorities Under the Confederation, it was left in the hands of the states as a concurrent right, with an exception in favour of the exclusive right of Congress to regu- late the alloy and the value. In this particular, these two provisions have been found to be an improve- ment on the old ; for while the alloy and the value de- pended.on the General Government, a right of coinage in the individual states could have no other effect than to multiply expensive mints, and diversify the forms and weights of the coins in circulation. The latter measure was found to defeat the purposes for which th(i power was originally submitti^d to the Federal auihoriiy ; and so far as the former might prevent the easy remittance of gold and silver to the ONSTITUTIONAL JURISPRUDENCE. 27b central mint for recoinage, the end can be as well attained by local mints established by the General Government in particular states. But the general substitution of a paper medium for a metallic cur- rency obviates the objection entirely, and gives, there- fore, greater importance to the extension of the pro- hibition to " hills of credit^ The loss which this country had sustained be- tween the war of the Revolution and the adoption of the Federal Constitution, from the fatal effects of paper money on public and private confidence, on the industry and morals of the people, the national repu- tation, and the character of Republicanism itself, could be redeemed in no other way than by the vol- untary surrender by the several states of the power which had been rendered the instrument of such profligate and destructive mischief. In addition to these considerations, the same reasons which evince the necessity of denying to the individual states the power of regulating the coin, apply with equal force to inhibit them from substituting a paper medium in it^ place. Were every state at liberty to regulate the value of its metallic currency, there would be as many different currencies as states ; and thus the commercial intercourse between them would be em barrassed and impeded ; retrospective alterations ol the value of its coin might be made by any state, in fraud not only of its own citizens, and those of other states, but of foreigners, which would not merely in terrupt the harmony among the states, and engender animosities between them, but discredit and com- promise the Union with foreign nations, by the indis- cretion or profligacy of a single state. Nor are these mischiefs less incident to a power in the states to emit bills of credit than to coin money ; and the power to make anything l)ut gold or silver coin a tender in pay 274 LECTURES ON ment of debts is withdrawn from the states, on the same principle as that of issuing a paper currency. This restriction upon the power of the states has received a construction of the utmost importance, both to their individual rights and the authority of the Federal Government. It has been ruled by the Supreme Court, that although the term ** bills of credit," in its enlarged, and, perhaps, in its literal sense, may comprehend any instrument by which a state engages to pay money at a future day, thereby including a certificate given for money borrowed, yet that the language of the Constitution, and the mis- chief intended to be prevented, equally limit its in- terpretation. The word " emit," it was observed, is never employed in describing those contracts by which a state binds itself to pay money at a future day, for services actually received, or money bor rowed for immediate use. Nor are instruments ex ecuted for such purposes denominated in common language " bills of credit." To emit hills of credit conveys to the mind the idea of issuing paper, re- deemable at a future day, in anticipation of the pub- lic resources, and intended to circulate as money.* This is the sense, indeed, in which the terms have always been understood, and in which they were interpreted by the court. The Constitution, more- over, considers the emission of bills of credit, and the enactment of tender laws, as distinct operations, which may be separately performed, independently of each other. ' Both acts are forbidden ; and to af- firm, as has been done in some of the states,! that bills of credit may be emitted, if not made a legal tender, is, in effect, to expunge that distinct and in* (h'pondent prohibition, and to read the Constitution » 4 Peters, 431. + 8 ibid., 40, CONSTITUTIONAL JURISPRUV-:x.CE. 275 as if that branch of the clause had been omitted. But there is too much reason to fear that such an expedient has since been resorted to, or, rather, that a successful attempt has been made to elude tbi? wholesome restriction. The Legislature of Kentucky, in the year 1820, passed an act establishing a bank, and constituting the president and directors a corporation, with a capi- tal consisting of all moneys paid into the treasury of the state for the sale of its vacant lands, and other property. The bank was authorized to receive mon- ey on deposite, to make loans, and issue promissory notes ; and was the exclusive property of the state. In relation to this bank, thus constituted, with such a capital, and so owned, it was held that its notes thus issued v^ere not bills of credit within the mean- ing of the Constitution.* It was admitted, indeed, that to constitute a hill of credit within the purview of the prohibition, it must be issued by a state, on the faith of a state, and designed to circulate as money ; that the paper which it issues must cir- culate on the credit of the state, and be so received and used in the ordinary business of life ; that the persons issuing it must have power to bind the state ; they must act as agents, and, of course, not incur any personal responsibility, nor impart as individuals any credit to the paper. These were admitted to be the leading characteristics of a bill of credit, and yet the notes issued by this " Bank of the Commonwealth of Kentucky" — for such, moreover, was its title — were held not to be hills of credit within the meaning of the Federal Constitution. Before we assent to this conclusion, let us bring the question to a test, I will not say of common sense, but of the character^^^jf^ * 11 Peters, 257. 276 LECTURES ON specified by the court. These shall serve ?s inter- rogatories, to which answers shall be drawn from its own statement of the facts. 1st. Were the notes of this bank issued by the state 1 Answer. The bank was established by the state : its capital consisted of the funds of the state, and it was authorized by the state to issue its notes. 2d. Did its paper circulate on the credit of the state ? Ans. Its issues were founded on its capital, whict was the property of the state. 3J. Had the persons w^ho issued its notes author ty to bind the state ? Ans, The bank was the property of the state, wh - named or appointed its directors in the act of incor • poration. 4/A. Did the directors or officers of the bank ac* as agents of the state, without incurring personal re- sponsibility ? Ans. Of course. There was no other stockholder than the state ; and they could not have acted on any other responsibility to the public than that of the state, as they were not made personally responsible as principals by the act of incorporation. bth. Did the directors or officers of the bank im- part any credit, as individuals, to the notes of the bank? Ans, No other than is imparted by the signatures of the officers of every other bank. It is to the cap- ital of the bank, and to the responsibility of the stock- holders, that the public look for security, and not to the persons whose oficial signatures are affixed to its notes. If there be any " other matter or thing" which may be put by way of general interrogatory, the answer CONSTITUTIONAL JURISPRUDENCE. 277 is obvious : *' Qui facit per allum, facit per 5c." In short, if a state wisiies to evade the Coiistitiitiori and emit bills of credit, it has merely to incorporate its public officers, or other agents, as a bank, and thus render a prohibition intended to prevent a recurrence of those evils, which had been found from experience to attend the practice, a dead letter.* 3d. Bills of attainder, ex post facto laws, and laws impairing the obligation of contracts, are contrary to the first principles of the social contract, and to ev- ery principle of sound legislation. The two former are expressly prohibited to Congress by the Federal Constitution, and to some of the state legislatures, by declarations of rights prefixed to their constitutions. The framers of the Federal compact were, neverthe- less, admonished by their own experience of the ne- cessity of additional bulwarks in favour of personal security and private rights ; and the experience of their successors has shown that, in imposing these restrictions, the Convention maintained its character for strict integrity, high moral sense, and sound prac- tical wisdom. Bills of attainder are such special acts of the Le- gislature as inflict capital punishment upon persons' whom they declare to be guilty of high offences, with- out trial or conviction in the ordinary course of judi cial proceedings. They have generally been confi ned to cases of treason, and have never been resort ( d to but in times of internal commotion and arbitrary misgovernment. If the bill inflict a milder punish- ment than death, it is called a bill of pains and pen- allies ; but, in the sense of the Constitution, bills of * The decision in this case was made after the death of Chief- justice Marshall, and the opinion of the court delivered by Mr Justice M-Lean ; Mr. Justice Thompson concurring, and Mr. Ju: tice Siorv dissenting. 278 LECTURES ON Aitainder include bills of pains and penalties, as tht- former may affect the life of an individual, or maj confiscate his property, or both. Ex post facto laws are often supposed to signif}) all laws having a retroactive operation ; but theii technical meaning is confined to such as render crim- inal an act done before the law was passed, which was then innocent ; or to such as aggravate the of- fence, or render it more criminal than it was when committed ; or such as inflict a greater punishment than the law annexed to the crime when perpetrated ; or such as alter the rules of evidence, and admit differ- ent, or less testimony than was required. at the time the oflence was committed to convict the ofiender. With more comprehensive brevity, these laws have been defined by Chief-justice Marshall as "those which render an act punishable in a manner in which it was not punishable when committed ;" and this definition includes both laws inflicting personal or pecuniary penalties for acts before innocent, and laws passed after the commission of an unlawful act, which enhance its guilt or aggravate its punishment. 4/^. A similar restriction with regard to bills of attainder and ex post facto laws is imposed by tht. Constitution on Congress, as well as upon the state legislatures ; but not with regard to laws impairi?ig the obligation of contracts, which are also retro^^pec- tive in their operation, and equally inconsistent with sound legislation, and the fundamental principles of the social compact. The reason of this difference is obvious. By con- tracts, in the sense of the Constitution, we are to un- derstand every executed agreement, whether between individuals, or between individuals and a state, by which a right is vested ; and also every executory agreement which confers a right of action, or creaies 'CONSTITUTIONAL JURISPRUDENCE. 279 A oinding obligation in relation to subjects of a valu- able nature, which may be asserted in a court of justice ; but it does not comprehend the political re- lations between a government and its citizens. The ])Ovver possessed by a State Legislature to which everything not expressly reserved is granted, and the temptations to abuse that power, render express re- strictions, if not absolutely ncjcessary, at least prudent and useful ; but the National Legislature has no pow- er to interfere with contracts, except where it is ex- pressly given to it. By the obligation of contracts, in the meaning and intendment of the Constitution, is understood not merely the moral, but the legal obliga- tion ; and in this sense a system of bankruptcy im- pairs the obligation of contracts, when it releases the party from the necessity of performing them ; but Congress is expressly invested with this power in regard to bankruptcies, as an enumerated, and not as iin implied power, and in no other form can it impair ihe obligation of a contract. This prohibition in regard to the states extensive- ly and deeply affects their legislative authority ; and there is no part of the Federal Constitution that has given rise to more various and able discussions, or to more obstinate and protracted litigation. A com- pact between two states, or a grant from a state (which amounts to a contract) to individuals, is as much protected by it as a grant from one individual to another, and the state is as effectually inhibited from impairing its own contracts, or those to which it is a party, as it is from impairing the obligation of a contract between two individuals. The clause under consideration was first brought into direct ju- dicial discussion by an act of the Legislature of Georgia^ passed in the year 1795. This act author- ized the sale of a large tract of wild land, in what 280 Ll!:CTUIlES ON was called the Yazoo country, and a grant was made in pursuance of the law, to a number of individuals, under the name of the " Georgia Company." But by an act passed the next year, the Legislature de- clared its previous grant to be null and void, on the ground of fraud and corruption in obtaining it. One of the questions presented to the Supreme Court of the United States for decision arose upon a sale to a third person, by a grantee of the state under the first act, and it was this : Whether the Legislature of Georgia had the constitutional power to repeal the former law, and avoid the sale made under its author- ity. The court declared that, when a law in its na- ture imports a contract, and absolute rights have vest- ed under it, its repeal could neither divest those rights, nor annihilate or impair the title thus acqui- red.* A party cannot pronounce his own deed inva- lid, whatever cause may be assigned to impeach it, although that party be the Legislature of a state. It was accordingly declared that an estate held un- der the act of 1795, having passed into the hands of a bona jide purchaser for a valuable consideration, the State of Georgia was disabled by the Constitu- tion from passing any law by which that estate could be legally impaired and rendered void. The next case in which this prohibition was brought in review was from the State of New- Jer- sey ; on which occasion it was held that, where a State Legislature declared by law that certain lands 'o be purchased for the use of some Indians should not be subject to taxation, such act amounted to a contract, which could not be rescinded by a subse- quent Legislature.! In this case the (Colonial Legis- lature, in 1758, authorized a purchase of lands foi ♦ C Cranch, 87. t 7 Cranch. 101. CONSTITUTIONAL JURISPRUDENCE. 281 the Delaware Indians, and made the stipulation men- tioned. The Indians occupied the land in pursuance of the law until the year 1803, when it was sold un- der the authority of the Legislature. In 1804, ihe Legislature repealed the act exempting the land from taxation ; but the act of 1758 was held to be a con- tract, and that of 1804 a breach of it, and it was ac- cordingly declared void, under the Constitution of the United States : thereby at once confirming the former decision, and recognising the principle allu- ded to in a former lecture, that a change of government does not affect the previously-vested rights of prop- erty. In a subsequent case from the State of Virginia, the same points again arose, and the court went more largely into the consideration of this delicate and in- teresting constitutional doctrine, not only establishing the last-mentioned principle, in regard to the efTect of a resolution on prior contracts, but at the same time declaring that a legislative grant, competently made, vested an indefeasible and irrevocable title.* There is, indeed, no authority which can support on principle the contrary position. Nor can the Legis- lature of a state repeal statutes creating private cor- porations, or confirming to them property acquired under the faith of previous laws, and by such repeal vest it in others, without the consent or default of the corporators. Such a provision would be equally repugnant to the letter and spirit of the Constitution, and to the principles of natural justice. But the pro- vision we are considering has never been understood to embrace any other contracts than those relating to property, or some object of value, capable of being Bsserted in a court of justice. * 9 Cranch, 43. Y 282 LECTURES ON Where the legal interest in literary or charitable institutions is vested by law in trustees, in order to promote the objects for which they were incorpora- ted, and donations made to them, they are considered as within the protection of the Constitution ; and it was in the great case of Dartmoulh College that this inhibition upon the states received the most elaborate discussion, and the most efficient and instructive ap- plication.* It was there decided that the charter granted by the British crown to that institution, in 1769, was a conlract within the meaning of the Con- stitution, and protected by the clause in question. It was held that the college was a private charitable in- stitution, not liable to legislative control, and that a law of New-Hampshire, altering the charter in a material point, without the consent of the corpora- tion, was a " law impairing the obligation" of the charter, and it was, consequently, declared to be un- constitutional and void. Chief-justice Marshall, in delivering the opinion of the court, observed that " Dartmouth College was a private eleemosynary in- stitution, endowed with a capacity to take and hold property for objects unconnected with government. Its funds were bestowed by individuals on the faith of the charter, and consisted entirely of private do- nations. The corporation was not invested with any portion of political power, nor did it, in fact, partake in any degree in the administration of civil govern- ment. It was instituted as a private corporation for general charity ; and the charter was a contract to which the donors, the trustees, and the crov/n were the original parties, and it was made on a valuable consideration for the security and disposition of prop- erty." * 4 Wheat.. 518. CONSTITUTIONAL JURISPRUDENCE. 283 The legal interest in every literary and charitable institution is vested in trustees, to be asserted by them, and they claim or defend in behalf of the object to promote which the corporation was cre- ated and the donations made. Contracts of thi.s kind are most reasonably considered within the pur view and protection of the Constitution. The one in question remained unchanged by the Revolution, and the duties as well as the powers of the former government devolved on the people of New-Hamp- shire. But the law of that state transferred the whole power of governing the college from the trus- tees, under the charter, to the executive of New- Hampshire ; and the will of the state was thereby substituted for the will of the donors, in every essen- tial operation of the college. The charter was re- organized in such a manner as to convert a literary institution, moulded according to the will of its found- ers, into a machine entirely subservient to the will of the state. A proceeding thus subversiv(^. of the contract on the faith of which the donors invested their property was, consequently, held to be repug- nant to the Constitution. This celebrated case, it has been well said,* " contains one of the most full and elaborate expositions of the constitutional sanc- tity of contracts anywhere to be met with ; and has done more than any other single act proceeding from the authority of the United States to throw an im- pregnable barrier around all rights and franchises derived from the grant of government, and to give solidity and inviolability to the literary, charitable, and commercial institutions of the country." In another case, in which this prohibitory clause of the Federal Constitution came again under dis- * 1 Kent's (^om. 284 LECTURES ON oussion, it was observed by the court that the objec' tion to a law, on the ground of its impairing the vio- lation of contracts, did not depend on the extent of the change effected hy the law; any deviation from the terms of the contract, by accelerating or postponing the period of performance, which the latter pre- scribes, imposing conditions not expressed in it, or dispensing with the performance of those which are, however minute or apparently immaterial or partial in their effect on the contract, impairs its obligation. The material point decided on this occasion was, that a. compact between tivo states was a contract within the constitutional prohibition.* Another case, which led to a very extensive in- quiry into the operation of this constitutional restric- tion, arose under an insolvent act of New-York, passed in 1811. This law was retrospective, and discharged the debtor, upon his single petition and the surrender of his property, without the concur- rence of any creditor, from all pre-existing debts, and from all liability and responsibility by reason of them. The court on this occasion recognised the doctrine adverted to in a former lecture, that until Congress exercise its power on the subject of bank- ruptcy, the individual states may pass bankrupt laws, provided they contain no provision violating the obli- gation of contracts. It was admitted that the states might discharge debtors from imprisonment, because imprisonment is no part of the contract, but only a means for coercing its performance. It was also admitted that a state may pass statutes of limitations, as they are termed, for these also relate only to thf, remedy, and not to the obligation of the contract ; and it was stated that the insolvent laws of far the greater * 8 Wheat., \. CONSTITUTIONAL JURISPRUDENCE. 285 number of states only discharged the person of the debtor, and left the obligation to pay in full force. But a law which discharged the debtor from his contract, and released him without" payment, im- paired, because it entirely discharged the obligation of the contract ; for it is to be observed that there is an obvious distinction, in the nature of things, be- tween the oUigalion of a contract, and the remedy to enforce it. The latter may be modified as the wis- dom of the Legislature may direct. But the Consti- tution, intending to restore and preserve completely the public credit and confidence, established as a fundamental principle that the former shall be invio- lable.* The case in which the above decision was made had arisen in the Federal Courts, and the contract existed when the state law was passed. But it was afterward held that there was no difference when the suit in such a case is brought in a court of the state of which both the parties were citizens, and in which the contract was made and the discharge ob- tained, and where the parties continue to reside un- til the suit be brought.! A distinction, however, was taken in the courts of New- York and Massachusetts between a contract made before and one made after the passing of the state law.J The doctrine they established w^as this, that an insolvent act in force when the contract was made did not, in the sense of the Constitution, impair its obligation, because the parties to every contract have reference to the exist- ing laws of the country where it is made, and are presumed to make their contract in reference to them. This distinction was supposed to be consist- ent with the decision of the Supreme Court of the «• 4 Wheat., 122 f 6 ibid., 131. X 16 J. R., 233 V J. C. R., 297, 13 Mass. Rep., 1. 286 LECTURES ON United States ; but in a subsequent case, where the discharge was under an insolvent law of a different state from that in which the contract was made, the Supreme Court went a step farther, and held that a discharge under such a law existing when the debt was contracted, was equally within the principle be- fore established.* It remained, however, to be settled whether a state could constitutionally pass an insolvent law which should effectually discharge the debtor from a debt contracted after the passing of the act, and within the state in which the law was passed. The gen- eral language of the court on the last occasion seemed to reach even this case ; but the fiicts on which the question then arose did not cover the whole ground. The decision, therefore, was not au- thority to the extent mentioned ; and it was subse- quently ruled, by a bare majority of the court, and after much apparent hesitation, that a bankrupt or insolvent law of a state, discharging both the person of the debtor and his future acquisitions of property, is not a law " impairing the obligation of contracts," in respect to debts contracted within the state suhse- quently to its enactment. \ The venerable Chief-justice Marshall was among the minority of the court, and delivered the reasons for their dissent. He admitted that none of the for- mer decisions comprehended the question then pre- sented, and that it was, consequently, an open one. He also admitted that there was an essential differ- ence in principle betwigen laws that act on past or future contracts ; and that, while those of the former description could seldom be justified, those of the lat- ter were proper subjects of ordinary legislative dis- ♦ 4 Wheat.. 209. t 13 ibid.. 213. CONSTITUTIONAL JUIUSTRUDENCE. 287 cretion. A constitutional restriction, therefore, on the power to pass laws of the one class might very well consist, with entire legislative freedom, in regard to the other. Yet, when we consider the nature of the Union ; that it was intended to make us in a great measure one people, as to commercial objects ; that, so far as respects the intercommunication of indi- viduals, the lines of separation between states are in many respects obliterated, it would be matter of sur- prise if, on the delicate subject of contracts actually formed, the interference of state legislation should be greatly abridged or entirely, forbidden. In the nature of the existing provision, then, there seems to be nothing which should induce us to adopt the lim- ited construction which had been given in that case to the prohibitory clause. The former part of the section, comprehending the prohibition, enumerates the cases in which the ac- tion of the state legislatures is absolutely and entire- ly forbidden ; while the latter part specifies those in which the prohibitions are qualified. The former comprehends two classes of powers : those of the first class are political and general in their nature, consisting in the exercise of sovereignty without af- fecting the rights of individuals ; while the second class comprehends those laws which operate upon individuals, and includes, among others, " laws im- pairing the obligation of contracts." In all the cases embraced in both classes, whether the thing prohib- ited be the exercise of mere political power or legis- lative action on individuals, the prohibition is com- plete and total. Legislation of every discription on those subjects is, without any exception, com])re- hended and forbidden. A state is as entirely pro- hibited from passing laws impairing the obligation of contracts as from making treaties or coining money. 288 LECTURES ON So much of the prohibition as restrains the power o the state to punish offenders in criminal cases, and inhibits bills of attainder and ex post facto laws, is, in its very terms, confined to pre-existing cases. But that part of the clause which relates to the civil transactions of individuals is expressed in more gen- eral terms — in terms which comprehend, in their or- dinary acceptation, cases which occur after as well as before the passing of the act. It forbids a state to make anything but gold or silver coin a tender in payment of debts, or to pass any law impairing the obligation of contracts. These prohibitions relate to kindred subjects ; they contemplate legislative inter- ference with private rights, and restrain such inter- ference. In construing that part of the clause which respects tender laws, a distinction has never been attempted between debts existing at the time the law may be passed and those afterward contracted. The prohibition in that case is total ; and yet the differ- ence in principle between making property a tender in payment of debts contracted after the passage of the act, and discharging those debts without pay- ment or by a surrender of property, in other words, between an absolute and a contingent right to tender in payment, is not clearly discernible. Nor is the difference in language so obvious as to denote plain- ly a difference of intention in the framers of the Constitution. The same train of reasoning which would confine the words relative to contracts to those contracts only which existed at the passage of the law, would go far in limiting those relative to a ten- der in payment of debts to such as previously exist- ed ; yet the distinction between these and such as were contracted subsequently to the law seems nev- er before to have occurred to any expourtde** of lh« CONSTITUTIONAL JURISPRUDENCE. 289 Constitution, and would unquestionably defeat the object of the clause. A point of greater difficulty, and that upon which the decision of the question appears to have turned, was the nature of the original obligation of the con- tract made after the passage of such an insolvent law : whether it were unconditional to perform the very act stipulated ; or whether a condition were im plied that, in the event of insolvency, the contract should be satisfied by a surrender of property. It was admitted on all hands that the Constitution re- fers to, and preserves the legal, not the moral obli- gation of a contract ; because obligations purely moral are not enforced by the agency of human laws ; and the restraints imposed on the states by the Con- stitution are intended for objects which, if not re- strained, would be the subject of state legislation. The principle insisted on by the chief-justice was, that laws act upon a contract, and do not enter into it and become a stipulation of the parties. " Socie- ty," he observed, " affords a remedy for breaches of contract, and if that remedy has been applied, the claim to it is extinguished." The external action ot law upon contracts, by administering the remedy for their breach, is the usual exercise of legislative pow- er ; and an interference with those contracts, by in- troducing into them conditions not agreed to by the parties, would be a very unusual and extraordinary exercise of the power of legislation, and one not^ certainly, to be gratuitously attributed to laws which do not profess to claim it. If the law becomes part of the contract, change of place will not expunge the condition. A contract made in New-York would be the same in any other state ; and would still retain the stipulation original- ly introduced into it — tbat the debtor should be dis Z 290 LECTURES ON chA.^ed by the surrender of his estate. It cannot be true that contracts are entered into in contempla* lion of the insolvency of parties to be bound by them. They are framed with the expectation that they will be literally performed. Insolvency, undoubtedly, is a casualty which may possibly occur, but it is never expected. In the ordinary course of human transac- tions, if its probability be even suspected, security is taken against it. But when it comes unlooked for, it would be entirely contrary to reason to consider it as a part of the contract. However, therefore, a law may act upon contracts, it does not enter into them and become a part of them. The effect of such a principle would be a mischievous abridgment of legislative power over subjects within the proper ju- risdiction of a state, by arresting its power to repeal or modify such laws with respect to existing contracts. But it has been objected that " a contract, being a creature of civil society, derives its obligation from the law, which, although it may not enter into the agreement, still acts externally upon it, and deter- mines how far the principle of coercion shall be ap- plied to it; and this rule being universally under- stood, no individual can justly complain of its appli- cation to himself." This argument was illustrated by reference to the statutes to prevent frauds, which require certain contracts to be reduced to writing, in order to render them obligatory ; to those against usury, which declare an usurious contract void from its origin ; and to the statutes of limitations, which enable one party to prevent the other from enforcing the contract between them, after the expiration of a certain period from its breach or non-performance. But here the fallacy lies at the very foundation of the argument, as it assumes that the contract is the mere creature of civil society, and derives all its ob- JONSTITUTIONAL JURISPRUDENCE. 291 ligation from human legislation ; that it is not the stipulation that the individual makes which binds him, but some declaration of the supreme power of the body politic to which he belongs ; and that, though the original declaration to this effect be lost • xn remote antiquity, yet it must be presumed to be the origin of the obligation of contracts. It is, how- ever, an objection of no considerable weight against the truth of this position, that no trace exists of any such enactment. As far back as human research extends, we find the judicial power administering remedies to violated rights or broken contracts, and applying those remedies on the idea of a pre-exist- ing obligation on every man to do that which he has promised to do ; that the breach of this obligation is an injury for which the party has a just claim for compensation ; and that society ought to afford him a remedy for that injury. We find, too, allusions to the modes of acquiring property ; but from the earli- est time, we find no allusion to any supposed act of the governing power as giving obligation to contracts. On the contrary, all the proceedings respecting them, of which we know anything, support the notion of. a pre-existing obligation, which human laws merely enforce. Upon this supposition, that the obligation of the contract is derived from the agreement of the parties, let us proceed to inquire how far laws act externally upon contracts, and in that way control their obliga- tion. It was not denied that a law might have such an effect upon subsequent contracts ; nor that it may be capable of discharging a debtor, under the circum^ stances and conditions prescribed in the statute, which was relied on in the case referred to. But as that was an effect neither contemplated nor intended by the parties, an act of the Legislature can only have 292 LECTURES ON ^ this operation when it has the full force of law. A law may determine the obligation of a contract on the happening of a contingency, because it is the law. But if it be noi the law, it cannot have this effect ; and when its existence or force as law is denied, they cannot either of them be proved by showing Avhat are the quaUties of a law. Law has been defined to be " a rule of civil conduct, prescri- bed by the supreme power in a state." In our sys- tem, the Legislature of a state is the supreme power in all cases in which its action is not restrained by the state constitution or the Constitution of the Uni- ted States. Where it is so restrained, the state Le- gislature ceases to be the supreme power, and its acts are not law. It was, therefore, begging the question to say that, because contracts may be dis- charged by a law previously enacted, it was dis- charged in that case by the act of the Legislature set up for the purpose : for the question returned. Was that act LAW? Was it consistent with, or repug- nant to, the Constitution of the United States ? It was readily admitted that the whole subject of contracts was under the control of society, and thai all the power of society over them resides in the state legislatures, except in those special cases where restraint is imposed by the Federal Constitu- tion. The extent of the restraint on the power to impair the obligation of contracts cannot, however, be ascertained by showing that the Legislature may prescribe the circumstances on which their original validity may be made to depend. If the legislative will were that certain agreements should be in wri- ting ; that they should be sealed, and attested by a given number of witnesses ; that they should be re- corded, or assume any prescribed form before they became obligatory, all these are regulations which CONSTITUTIONAL JURISPRUDENCE. 29^; society may rightfully make ; and they do not come within the restriction of the Constitution, because they do not impair the obligation of the contract. The obligation must exist before it can be impaired •, and a prohibition to impair it when made, does not imply an inability to prescribe those conditions which shall create its obligation. The statutes of frauds which have been enacted in the several states, and which are acknow^ledged to flow from the proper ex ercise of state sovereignty, prescribe regulations which must precede the obligation of the contract, and, consequently, cannot impair it. Acts of this description, therefore, are most clearly not within the prohibition. The acts against usury are of the same character : they declare the contract to be void from the beginning, and deny that the instrument ever became a contract ; they deny it all original obligation, and that it cannot, therefore, impair that which never came into existence. Statutes of limit- ation approach more nearly to the subject under con- sideration, but can never be identified with it : they defeat a contract once obligatory, but, as has been before ebserved, they relate only to the remedies fur- nished to enforce the contract, and their language is generally confined to the remedy ; they do not pur- port to dispense with the performance of the con- tract, but proceed upon the presumption that a cer- tain length of time, if unexplained by circumstances, aflx)rds reasonable evidence of its having been per- formed. In prescribing the proofs that shall be re- ceived in their courts, and the efifect of those proofs, the states exercise their acknowledged powers, as they also do in regulating the remedies and modes of proceeding in those courts. It was, nevertheless, insisted that the right to reg- ulate the remedy, and to modify the obligation of the 294 LECTURES ON contract, were the same ; that obligation and remedy were identical and synonymous. But the answer given to this proposition seems to be conclusive. It was, " that the obligation and the remedy originate at different times." The obligation to perform is certain- ly coeval with the contract itself, and operates ante- rior to the time of performance ; while the remedy acts upon a broken contract, and enforces a pre-ex isting obligation. The right to contract is the ac- knowledged attribute of a free agent, and he may rightfully coerce performance from another free agent who violates his faith. Contracts have, consequent- ly, an intrinsic obligation. When men enter into so- cieties, they can no longer exercise this original and natural right of coercion ; it is surrendered for the means of coercion afforded by society But the right to contract is not surrendered with the right to co- erce performance. The former is still incidental to that degree of free agency which the laws of society leave to every individual, and the obligation of the contract is the necessary consequence of the right to make it. Laws regulate this right ; and where it is not regulated, it is retained in its original extent. Obligation and remedy, then, are not identical ; they originate at different times, and are derived from dif- ferent sources. But it was alleged that " the power of the state over the remedy might be used to the destruction ol all beneficial results from the right ;" and hence il was inferred that ^' the construction which maintains the inviolability of the obligation must be extended to the power of regulating the remedy." The ditH- culty, however, which this view of the subject pre- sents, does not proceed from the identity or connex- ion of right and remedy, but from the existence of distinct governments, ac*'ng on kindred subjects CONSTITU'/IONAL JURISPRUDENCE. 295 The Constitution of the United States contemplates restraint as to the obligation of contracts, not as to the application of the remedy. If this restraint affect a power which the Constitution did not mean to touch, it can only be when that power is used as an instru- ment of hostility to invade the inviolability of con- tracts, which is placed beyond its reach. A state may use many of its acknowledged powers in such a manner as to come into conflict with the provisions of the Federal Constitution ; thus the powers over the domestic police, and the power to regulate its purely internal commerce, may, as we have already seen, be so exercised as to interfere with the regula- tion by Congress of commerce with foreign nations, or among the states. In such cases, as we have be- fore observed, the power which is supreme must con- trol that which is subordinate. This principle nei- ther involves self-contradiction, nor denies the exist- ence of the several powers in the respective govern- ments. So, if a state shall not merely modify or with- hold a particular remedy, but shall apply it in such a manner as to extinguish the obligation without per- formance of a contract, it would be an abuse of pow- er which could scarcely be misunderstood ; but it would not prove that remedy could not be regulated without regulating obligation. It was urged, however, as a conclusive argument against the existence of a distinct line of division between obligation and remedy, that " the same pow- er which can withdraw the remedy against the per- son of the debtor, can also withdraw that against his proper^?/," and thus effectually defeat the obligation. " The Constitution," it was said, " did not deal with form, but with substance ; and could not be presumed, if it designed to protect the obligation of contracts from state legislation, to have left it thus obviously 296 LECTURES ON exposed to destruction." The answer is, that the state law goes farther, and annuls the obligation without affording the remedy which satisfies it ; or, if its action on the remedy be such as palpably to impa'.r the obligation of the contract, the very case arises which was supposed to be prohibited. If the law leaves the obligation untouched, but withholds the remedy, or affords one which is merely nominal, why, this is like all other cases of misgovernment, and leaves the debtor still liable to his creditors, should he, or his property, be found where the laws afford a rem- edy. But should it even be determined that such tx law was a successful evasion of the Constitution, it would not follow that an act which operates directly on the contract after it is made was not within the restriction imposed on the states. The validity of a law acting immediately upon the obligation is not proved by showing that the Constitution has provided no means for compelling the states to enfore the con- tract. The prohibition in question is, therefore, not incompatible with the fair elxercise of that discretion which the state legislatures possess, in common with all governments, to regulate the remedies aflbrded by their own courts. It is impossible to look back to the history of the times when the august spectacle was exhibited of a whole people assembling by their representa- tives in order to unite thirteen independent sovereign- ties under one government, so far as might be neces- sary for the purposes of union, without being sensi- ble of the great importance which was attached to this article of the Constitution. The power of changing the relative situations of debtor and credit- or, of interfering with contracts, a power which comes home to the business of every man, touches the interest of all classes, and controls the conduct CONSTITUTIONAL JURISPRUDENCE. 297 of every indiv^idiial in those things which he suppo- ses proper for his own exckisive management, had been abused to such an excess by the state legisla- tures as to break in upon the ordinary intercourse of society, and destroy all confidence between man and man. The mischief had become so great and so alarming, as not only to impede commercial inter- course and threaten the existence of public credit, but to injure the morals of the people, and destroy the sanctity of private faith. To guard against the recurrence of such evils was an object of deep inter- est with all the truly wise and virtuous men in the community, as well as in the Convention, and one of the most important benefits anticipated and realized from the reform of the government. The imposition of restraints on state legislation in regard to this delicate subject was thought necessa- ry by all who took an honest, enlightened, and com- prehensive view of the situation of the country, and the principle in question obtained an early admission into the various schemes of government submitted to the Convention. In framing a national compact in- tended to be perpetual, the presumption is, that every important principle introduced into it was intended to be perpetual also ; and, if expressed in terms which give it operation in all future time, the fair inference is, that it w^as intended so to operate. But, if the construction against which we have been contending be the true one, the Constitution will have imposed a restriction in words, which every state in the Union may elude at pleasure. The obligation of contracts in force at any given period is but of short duration, and if the inhibition be of retrospective laws only, a very short lapse of time would remove every subject on which the act is forbidden by the Constitution to operate, and render this provision so far useless. 298 LECTURES ON Instead of introducing a great principle prohibiting all laws of this obnoxious character, the Constitution would only suspend their operation for a season, oi only except pre-existing cStses : an object which would hardly have been deemed of sufficient impor- tance to have found a place in that instrument. Such a construction, moreover, would change the charac- ter of the provision, and convert an inhibition to pass laws impairing the obligation of contracts into an in- hibition to pass retrospective laws. Had this been all that was intended by the Convention, it would probably have been expressed in those very words : the prohibition would have been against " any retro- spective law^^ instead of the more general one against " any law impairing the obligation of contracts ;" or, if the intention had been not to embrace all retro- spective laws, but those only which related to con- tracts, the State Legislature would have been forbid- den to pass " any retrospective law impairing the oh- ligation of contracts^'' or " any law impairing the obligation of contracts previously made.'''' For if the minds of the Convention, in framing this prohibition, had been directed not generally to the operation of laws upon the obligation of contracts, but particularly to their retrospective operation, it is scarcely conceiv- able, notwithstanding the imperfection of human lan- guage, that some words would not have been used to indicate that idea, and limit their intention. In in- struments prepared on great consideration, and es- pecially in those granting political power, general terms, comprehending a whole subject, are seldom employed to designate a particular or minute portion of it. The general language of this clause is such as might be suggested by a general intent to prohibit state legislation on the subject to which that language is applied — the obligation of contracts — not such as CONSTITUTIONAL JURISPRUDENCE. 29& would be suggested by a particular intent to prohibit retrospective legislation. Besides, the laws Avhicn had effected all the mischief the Constitution, intend- ed to prevent, were prospective, as well as retro- spective in their operation. They embraced future; contracts as well as those previously made ; from this circumstance, therefore, there is less reason foi imputing to the Convention an intention not manifest- ed by their language, and adopt a construction which would confine a restriction designed to guard againsi those mischiefs in future to retrospective legislation. Notwithstanding all this, the decision of the ma- jority of the Supreme Court, in the case which gave rise to this discussion, was, as we have mentioned, in favour of the validity of a discharge under a state insolvent law, where the contract was made between citizens of the state under the insolvent system of which the discharge had been obtained, and in whose courts it had been pleaded. But upon the question whether a discharge of a debtor, under a state insolvent law, would be valid against a creditor or citizen of anoth- er state, who had never voluntarily subjected himselt to the state authority, otherwise than by the origin of his contract, one of the judges in the majority agreed with those in the minority on the former ques- tion, that the discharge was not available in an. ac- tion brought by a citizen of another state, either in the courts of the United States, or of any other state than that in which the discharge was obtained. So that the decision in favour of state insolvent laws impairing the obligation of subsequent contracts, is restricted to cases in which the contract was mad© within the state, and between citizens of the same state, or aliens, but is sought to be enforced in the courts of that state in which the law was passed.* * Tliat a state law may be retrospective in its character, an^ 300 LECTURES ON II. The other limitations on the state powers are those in which the prohibition is qualified, and re- strict a state, without the consent of Congress, from laying " any imposts or duties on imports or exports except what may be absolutely necessary" for exe- cuting its inspection laws ; from laying any duty on tonnage ; keeeping troops or ships of war in time of peace ; entering into any agreement or compact with another state, or with a foreign power, or from engaging in war, unless actually invaded, or in such imminent danger of invasion as will not admit of delay. 1st. The restraint on the power of the states as to imports and exports is enforced by all the argu- ments which prove the necessity of submitting the regulation of commerce to the General Government, p'rom the vast inequality between the different states devest private rights, without violating the Federal Constitution, unless it also impairs the obligation of contracts, was affirmed, more recently, by the Supreme Court of the United States, in a case brought up on appeal from the highest court of Massachusetts. The Legislature of that state had granted to Harvard College the liberty and power of disposing of a ferry from Charlestown to Bos- ton, and of receiving a rent for it. Afterward the Legislature in- corporated a company to erect a bridge over Charles River, at the place where the ferry had been established, the company paying annually to the college a certain sum of money. The charter gave the company the right to take tolls for forty years, and afterward extended it to seventy. Before the forty years expired, the Legis- lature authorized the erection of another bridge, so near the first as injuriously to affect its tolls. The proprietors of the first bridge applied to the Massachusetts Court to restrain by injunction the construction of the second bridge ; but the court dismissed the bill, and the case was carried by appeal to the Supreme Court of the United States, on the ground that the first charter was a con- tract, and the grant of the second a violation of it. The decree of the Massachusetts court was affirmed; and in giving its opinion, the Supreme Court observed, that "a uniform course of action, in- volving the right to the exercise of an important power by the state government for half a century, and this almost without question was not satisfactory evidence that the power was rightfully ex ercised." — Vide \\ Peters's Rep,, 257. CONSTITUTIONAL JURISPRUDENCE. 301 as lo commercial advantages, few subjects were viewed with deeper interest, or excited greater irri tation, than the manner in which the several statesi exercised, or seemed under the Confederation dis posed to exercise, the power of laying duties on im ports. From motives which were thought sufficieni by the Convention, the general {jower of taxation indispensably necessary as it was, and jealous ai the states were of any encroachments upon it, was so far abridged as to forbid their touching imports oi exports, with the single exception specified in the Constitution ; and they were thus restrained, from a general conviction that the interest of all would be promoted by placing the whole subject under the ex- clusive control of Congress. In considering the power of Congress to regulate commerce, I referred to a decision of the Supreme Court, declaring unconstitutional an act of a State Legislature requiring importers of foreign goods, and the venders of the same at wholesale, to obtain a license from the state, and pay a sum of money for the same to the state treasury.* This act was also declared to be repugnant to the prohibition of the states from laying duties on exports and imports with- out the consent of Congress. An impost or duty on imports is a custom or tax levied upon articles brought into the country for sale or use ; and is most usually secured before the importer is allowed to ex- ercise his right of ownership over them, because evasions of the revenue laws can be prevented more certainly by executing them while the articles are in the custody of the government. It would not, how- ever, be less an impost on the articles if it were lev- ied on them after they were landed. The policy, * 12 Wheaton, 419. / ^2 LECTURES ON and consequent practice of levying or securing the duty before or on entering the port, does not limit llie exercise of the power to that period ; and, conse- quently, the prohibition on the states is not limited Ko that state of circumstances, unless the true meaning of the clause so confines it. If we resort either to tech- nical authority or to common usage for the meaning of the term "imports," we find it signifies " the things im- ported," or the articles themselves, which are brought into the country. It is not in its literal sense confi- ned to a duty levied while the article is entering the country, but extends to a tax levied after it has ac- tually entered it. Again, if we look to the objects of the prohibition, we find that there is no difference, in efl!ect, between the power to prohibit the sale of an article and a power to prohibit its introduction. The one is a necessary consequence of the other. No goods would be imported if none could be sold ; nor can any object of any description be accomplish- ed with equal certainty by laying a duty on the thing imported in the hands of the importer ; and it is obvious that the same power which imposes a light duty might impose one amounting to a prohi- bition. The prohibition on the states to lay a duty on imports may, indeed, come in conflict with their acknowledged power to tax persons and property within their jurisdiction ; and although this power, and the restriction of it, are easily distinguishable v'hen they do not approach each other, yet they may approach so nearly as to perplex us in marking the distinction between them. The distinction, never- theless, exists, and must be defined as the cases in which it exists arise. It was deemed sufficient, in the case referred to, to say generally, that when the importer has so dealt with the thing imported that it has become incorporated arid mixed up with the CONSTITUTIONAL JURISPRUDENCE. 303 /nass of property in the country, it Las, perhaps, lost its distinctive character as an import, and become subject to the taxing power of the state ; but while it continues the property of the importer, and remains in his warehouse in the original form or package in which it was imported, a tax upon it is too plainly a duty on imports to escape this prohibition of the Con- stitution. The general power of taxation is retained by the states, without being abridged by the grant of a simi- lar power to the Government of the Union, and is to be concurrently exercised by both governments, un- der their respective constitutions ; but, from the par- amount authority of the General Government, the states are restrained, without any express prohibition, from any exercise of their taxing power, which, in its nature, is incompatible with, or repugnant to, the constitutional laws of the Union. As they have no power, by taxation or otherwise, to retard, impede, burden, or in any manner to control the operation of constitutional laws enacted by Congress to carry into execution any of the powers vested in the Fed eral Government, they cannot tax certificates issued by it for money borrowed on the credit of the United States, nor the stock of a bank chartered by Con- gress ; the latter is an instrument, and the former in- cidents of a power essential to the fiscal operations of the Union. 2d. The other qualified prohibitions have their origin in the same general policy which absolutely forbids any state from entering into any treaty, alli- ance, or confederation, and from granting letters of marque and reprisal ; and they are supported by the same reasoning which establishes the propriety of confiding everything relative to the power of decla- ring war to the exclusive direction and control of the 304 LECTURES ON General Government. Treaties of alliance, for pur- poses of peace or war, of external political depend- ance, or general commercial privileges ; treaties of confederation for mutual government, political co- operation, or the exercise of political sovereignty, or for conferring internal political jurisdiction, are ab- solutely prohibited to the states. But compacts and agreements, which apply to the mere private rights of sovereignty, such as questions of boundary be- tween a state and a foreign province, or another state ; interests in land situate within their respect- ive boundaries, and other internal regulations for the mutual accommodation of states bordering on each other, may be entered into by the respective states, with the consent of Congress. A total interdiction of such agreements or contracts might have been attended vvith permanent inconvenience, or public injury to the states ; and the consent of Congress to their being entered into is required to guard against every infringement of the national rights, which might be involved in them. As the maintenance of an army and navy by a state in time of peace might produce jealousies and alarm in neighbouring states, and in foreign nations bordering on its territory, the states are prohibited from such establishments, unless with the consent of the General Government. But as a state may be so situated in time of war as to render a military force necessary to resist an invasion, of which the danger may be too imminent to admit of delay in organizing it, the states have a right to raise troops, and fit out fleets for its own safety in time of war, without ob- taining the consent of Congress. CONSTITUTIONAL JURISPRUDENCE. 305 LECTURE Xll. • ON THE PROVISIOJNS CONTAINED IN THE CONSTITU TION FOR GIVING EFFICACY TO THE FEDERAL I'OWERS. The sixth, and last class of powers enumerated in the Constitution, consists of certain provisions by which efficiency is given to the rest. The first of these is the power "^o make all laws ne- cessary and proper for carrying the foregoing powers into execution.^'* 1. It was remarked by the authors of '' The Fed- eralist," that " without the substance of this pow- er, the whole Constitution would be a dead let- ter j" and, as few parts of that instrument had been assailed with more intemperance, they just- ly inferred that ^' it was the form only of the pro- vision that was objected to, and they according- ly proceeded to consider" whether a better one could have been substituted. " There were four other methods," they observe, "which the Con- vention might have pursued : they might have copied the article of the Confederation which prohibited the exercise of any power not express- ly delegated; they might have attempted a posi- tive enumeration of the powers comprehended under the general terms necessary and proper , they might have attempted a negative enumera- tion of them, by specifying the powers excepted from the general definition , or they might have been altogether silent on the subject, and left these necessary and proper powers to construc- tion and inference." A A 306 LECTURES ON Had the first method been adopted, it is evi« dent that the new Congress, like their predeces- sors, would have been continually exposed to the alternative, either of construing the term " ex- pressly" with so much rigour as to disarm the government of all real authority, or with so much latitude as altogether to destroy the force of the restriction. It would be easy to show, were it necessary, that no important power delegated by the Articles of Confederation was or could have been executed by Congress, without recur- ring, more or less, to the doctrine of construc- tion or implication. As the powers delegated under the new system were more extensive, the government, which was to administer it, would have found itself still more frequently driven to the dilemma of doing nothing, or violating the Constitution, by exercising powers indispensa- bly necessary^ but not expressly granted. Had the Convention made a positive enumera tion of the powers necessary and proper for car- rying the other powers into effect, it would have involved a complete digest of laws on every sub- ject to which the Constitution relates; accommo- dated, too, not only to the existing state of things, but to all possible changes which futurity might produce. Had they attempted to enumerate the particular powers or means not necessary or proper for carrying the general powers into exe cution, the undertaking would have been no less chimerical, and would, moreover, have been lia ble to this farther objection, that every defect ill the enumeration would have been equivalent to a positive grant of authority. If, to avoid this consequence, they had attempted a partial enumeration of exceptions, and described thd CONSTITUTIONAL JURISPRUDENCE. 301 residue by the general terms " necessary and Droper," the enumeration must have comprehend- ed oxily a [ew of the excepted cases, and those the least likely to be assumed or tolerated j be- cause the enumeration would, of course, have selected such as would have been least necessary tnd proper, and, therefore, the unnecessary and improper powers included in the remainder *rould be less forcibly assumed than if no par- ticular enumeration had been made. Had the Constitution been silent on this sub- •-^.ct, there can be no doubt that all the particu- »Hr powers requisite, as means of executing the (general powers, would have resulted to the gov- ernment by unavoidable implication. No axiom is more clearly established in law or reason, than that, wherever an end is required, the means are authorized ; wherever a general power to do a thing is given, every particular power necessa- ry for doing it is included. Had this last meth- od, therefore, been pursued, every objection urged against this part of the Constitution would have remained, in all its plausibility, and the real in- convenience felt of not removing a pretext which might be used on critical occasions for drawing in question the essential powers of the Union. But, with the view of quieting the excessive jeal- ousy which had been excited by this provision, an amendment of the Constitution was adopted, which, omitting the word " expressly" in the Articles of Confederation, simply declares that the powers "not delegated to the United States, nor prohibited to the states, are reserved to the states or to the people 5" thus leaving the ques- tion, whether the particular power, which may become the subject of controversy, has been del 308 LECTURES ON egated to the one government or the other, to depend upon a fair construction of the whole in- strument. The first occasion which called for an inter- pretation of this part of the Constitution, arose during the first Congress assembled under its '.iihority. General Hamilton, at that time Sec- retary of the Treasury, had recommended the institution of a National Bank, as of primary im- portance to the prosperous administration of the finances, and of the greatest utility in the oper- ations connected with the support of public cred- •^ The bill introduced into the House of Rep- resentatives for that purpose was opposed, as unconstitutional. It was contended that the Fed- eral Government was limited to the exercise of its enumerated powers, and that the power to incorporate a bank was not one of them 5 that if such powder was vested in the government, that it must be an implied power, and that the power given to Congress to pass all laws necessary and proper to execute the specified powers must be limited to means necessary to the end, and incident to the nature of the specified power. On the other side, it was urged that incidental as well as express powers necessarily belong to eve- ry government ; and that when a power was del- egated to effect particular objects, all the known and usual means of effecting them followed, as incidental to it 5 and it was on this ground in- sisted that a bank was a known and usual instru- ment which several of the enumerated powers of the government required for their due execu- tion. After the bill had passed both houses of Con- gress^ the question touching its conformity to CONSTITUTIONAL JURISPRUDENCE. 309 the Constitution was agitated with equal ability and ardour ia the executive cabinet. Mr. Jeffer- son, the Secretary of State, and Mr. Edmund Randolph, the Attorney-general, conceived that Congress had transcended its powers ; but the Secretary of the Treasury maintained the oppo- site opinion, and was supported by General Knox, the Secretary of War. it was argued against the validity of the act, that "the power to incorporate a bank was not among the enu- merated powers j and to take a single step be- yond the boundaries specially drawn around the powers of Congress, would be to take possession of an undefined and undefinable field of power ; that, though Congress were authorized to make all laws necessary and proper for carrying into execution the enumerated powers, they were confined to those means which were necessary, and not merely convenient. It meant those means without which the grant of the power would be nugatory 5 and if such a latitude of con- struction were allowed as to give to Congress any implied powers on the ground of conveni- ence, it would swallow up all the enumerated powers, and reduce the whole list to one phrase." To this it was replied, that "every power vest- ed in a government was, in its nature, sovereign, and gave a right to employ all the means fairly ap- plicable to the attainment of the end of the pow- er, and not specially precluded by specified exce])- tions, nor contrary to the essential ends of politi- cal society ; and though the government of the United States was one of limited and specified powers, it was sovereign with regard to its proper objects and declared purposes and trusts j that it was incident to sovereign power to erect corpora- 310 ^ LECTURES OIN l-ions, and, consequently, it was incident to lh» government of the United States to erect one ir relation to the objects intrusted to its manage ment ; that implied powers are as completely dele gated as those which are expressed, and the pow- er of erecting a corporation may as well be im plied as any other instrument or means of carrying into execution any of the specified powers j that the exercise of the power in that case had a nat- ural relation to the lawful ends of the government.^ and it was incident to the sovereign power to regulate the currency, and to employ all the means which apply with the best advantage to that regulation ;, that the word necessary in the Constitution oiiglit not to be confined to those means without Avhich the grant of the power would be nugatory y that it often means no more than needful ^reqmsite^usefnly or conducive to ^ and that this was the sense in w^hich the word was used in the Constitution. The relation between the measure and the end was the criterion of constitutionality, and not w^hether there was a greater or less degree of necessity or utility. The infinite variety, extent, and complexity of national exigencies, necessarily required great latitude of discretion in the selection and application of means j and the authority intrusted to govern- ment ought and must be exercised on principles of liberal construction." General Washington gave to these arguments a deliberate and profound consideration, which ter- minated in his conviction that the incorporation of a bank was a measure authorized by the Constitu- tion. The bill for that purpose, accordingly, re- ceived his approval, and became a law. The same question came before the Supreai«» CONSTITUTIONAL JURISPRUDENCE. 311 (/ourt of the United States, in 1819, in reference to the then existing bank, which had been incor- porated in 1816, and upon which the State of Maryland hadT subsequently imposed a tax ; and although the question had twice been settled, so far as a legislative act could settle it, yet it was thought worthy of a renewed discussion in the ju- dicial department. The chief-justice,* however, observed " that it could hardly be considered an open one, after the principle had been so early introduced and recognised by many successive legislatures, and had acted upon the judiciary as a law of undoubted obligation." He, neverthe- less, admitted that it belonged to the Supreme Court alone to make a final decision, and that the question involved a consideration of the Con- stitution in its most interesting and vital parts. It was, moreover, admitted that " the govern- ment of the United States was one of enumerated powers J but, though limited in its powers, that it was suprevie within its sphere of action." There was nothing, however, in the Constitution which excluded incidental or implied powers. The Ar- ticles of Confederation, indeed, gave nothing to the United States but what was expressly grant- ed ; but the amendment, to the new Constitution had dropped the word " expressly," and left the question whether a particular power was grant- ed to depend, as we have seen, on a fair con- struction of the whole instrument. *' No Consti- tution," he continued, '' can contain an accurate detail of all the subdivisions of its powers, and of all the means by which they may be carried into execution. Its nature required that only the MarsnalV/ ^ OF the *' ^r 'VBPwSIT 312 LECTURES ON great outlines should be marked and its impor- tant objects designated, and all the minor ingre- dients left to be deduced from the nature of those objects. The sword and the purse, all the ex- ternal relations, and no inconsiderable portion o( the industry of the nation, were intrusted to the General Government ; and a government intrust- ed with such ample powers, on the due execu- •.ion of which the happiness and prosperity of the nation vitally depend, must also be intrust ed with ample means for their execution; and, unless the words imperiously require it, we ought not to adopt a construction which w^ould impute to the framers of the Constitution, w^hen granting great powers for the public good, the intention of impeding their exercise by withhold- ing a choice of means." " The powers given to the government," he said, "imply the ordinary means of execution, and the government, in all sound reasoning and fair interpretation, must have the choice of the means which it deems the most convenient and appropriate to the execution of the powder. The power of creating a corporation, though apper* taining to sovereignty, was held not to be a great, substantive, and independent power, but merely a means by which other objects are accomplish- ed ; in like manner, as no seminary of learning is instituted in order to be incorporated, but the corporate charter is conferred to subserve the purposes of education. The power of creating a corporation, indeed, was never used for its own sake, but always for the purpose of effecting something else. It was nothing, therefore, but the ordinary means of attaining some public and useful end. But the Constitution had not left CONSTITUTIONAL JURISPRUDENCE. 313 the right of Congress to employ the necessary means for the execution of its powers to general reasoning : it was expressly authorized to em- ploy such means ; and ' necessary means^ in the sense of the Constitution, did not import an ab- solute physical necessity so strong that one thing could not exist without the other, but the term signified any means calculated to produce the end." " The word necessary^'* it was observed, *' ad- mitted of all degrees of comparison. A thing might be necessary^ or very necessary, or absolute- ly and indispensably necessary ; to no mind would the same idea be conveyed by these several phrases j" and the remark was well illustrated by a reference to that article of the Constitution which prohibits a state from laying " imposts or duties on imports or exports, except what may be absolutely necessary iov carrying into execution its inspection laws." It is impossible to com- pare this clause with that under consideration, without feeling a conviction that the Convention understood itself to change materially the mean- ing of the word " necessary," by prefixing to it the word " absolutely" in the one case, and to qualify its signification by dropping it in the other. The word " necessary," then, like many oth- ers, is used in various senses; and in fixing its construction, the intention, the subject, the con- text, are all to be taken into view. The powers of the General Government were given for the welfare of the nation ; they were intended to endure for ages, and to be adapted to the various exigencies of human affairs. To have prescribed the specific means by which the government d LECTURED ON should, in all future time,. execute its powers, would have changed entirely the character of the Constitution, and given it the properties of a legal code. It would have been an unwise at- tempt to provide by immutable rules for cases which, if foreseen at all, must have been per- ceived indistinctly, and which could have been better provided for as they occurred. To have declared that the best means should not be used, but those only without which the power given would be nugatory, would have deprived Con- gress of the capacity to avail itself of experi- ence, or to exercise its reason and accommodate its legislation to circumstances. If the end be legitimate, and within the scope of the Constitution, all means which are appro- priate and plainly adapted to those ends, and which are not prohibited, are la\vful ; and a cor- poration was considered as a means not less usual, nor of higher dignity, nor more requiring a particular specification, than other means. A National Bank was deemed a convenient, useful, and essential instrument in the prosecution of the fiscal operations of the government. It was early an appropriate measure ; and while the wourt declared it to be within its power, and its duty to maintain that an act of Congress ex- ceeding its constitutional power of legislation was not the law of the land, yet, if a law was not prohibited by the Constitution, and was real- ly calculated to effect an object intrusted to the government, it did not pretend to the power to in- quire into the degree of its necessity, as that would be passing the line which circumscribes the judicial power, and treading on legislative ground CONSTITUTIONAL JURISPRUDENCE. 315 The court, therefore, decided that the law creating the bank was made in pursuance of the Constitution, and that the branches of the Na- tional Bank, proceeding from the same stocky and conducing to the complete accomplishment of its objects, were equally consistent with the Constitution.* It was afterward led, in some degree, to review this decision, and, in a subse- quent case, admitted that Congress could not create a corporation for its own sake or for pri-^ vate purposes. f It was observed on this occa- sion, that the opinion in the former case was founded on and sustained by the idea that the Bank was an instrument which was " necessary and proper for carrying into effect the powers" vested in the government. It was created for national purposes only, though it was undoubt- edly capable of transacting private as well as public business 5 and while it was the great in- strument by which the fiscal operations of the government were effected, it was also engaged in trading with individuals for its own advan- tage It could not, en any rational calculation, effect its object unless it were endowed with the faculty of dealing in money, which, indeed, was necessary to render the Bank competent to ful- fil the purposes of the government, and was, therefore, constitutionally and rightfully ingraft- ed on the institution. II. The next provis'on for giving effect to the powers of the Federal Constitution is that re- quiring the senators and representatives in Con- gre-'sSj and the members of the state legislatures, ana all executive and judicial officers^ both of the Unitea ^ 4 Wheat., 316. + 9 lb., 860. 316 LECTURES ON States and of the several states^ tc he hound by oath or affirmation to support the Constitution of the United States. The election of the President and Senate de- pends, in all cases, on the legislatures of the sev- eral states ; and the election of members of the House of Representatives depended in the first instance, and still, in fact, depends on the same authority, and will probably always be conducted by the officers, and according to the laws of the states. In order, therefore, to ensure the stabil- ity, and, as far as possible, the perpetuity of the Federal Government, it was necessary to provide a sanction similar to that relied on for the con tinuance of the state governments, and to ot tain, by an appeal to the consciences of individ uals, an equal security in both cases. This de- pendance on the action of the state governments for the organization of the executive and legis- lative branches of the National Government, and especially for the appointment of electors of Pres- ident and Vice-president, and the election of senators, has been used as an argument in sup- port of the right of a state, in virtue of its sov- ereign power, to secede from the Union. But were it even true that the legislative powers of the Union would be suspended if all the states, or a majority of them, were to refuse to elect sena- tors, yet, if any one state should refuse, Congress would not, on that account, be the less capable of performing all its functions. The same rea- soning would apply to any number of states less than a majority of the whole ; and the argument founded on this delinquency proves rather the subordination of the parts to the whole than the complete independence of any one of them. The CONSTITUTIONAL J UllISPllUDl£ISCE. 317 tramers of the Constitution were unable to make any provision whicii siiould protect it against a general combination of the states or of the peo- ple for itS' destruction, and, conscious of this inability, they did not make the attempt. But they were able to provide against the operation of measures adopted in any one state, the ten- dency of which might be to arrest the execution of the laws of the Union ; and this they have done. To this it may be added, that they provided against a dissolution of the Union, and against any direct or indirect attempts on the part of a state to withdraw from the Union, not only by this provis- ion requiring all officers, civil and military, of the state governments to take an oath to support the Federal Constitution, but by creating distinct ex- ecutive and judicial departments, and by adopt- ing various other provisions, operating immedi- ately and individually upon the people of the several states. Thus the Constitution exacts no pledge from the states to maintain its inviolability, but makes its preservation depend on individuuL obligation and duty. It permits no man to sit in the Legislature of a state who is not first sworn to support the Constitution of the United States From the obligation of this oath no state power can discharge them. All the members of all the state legislatures are as religiously bound to sup- port the Federal Constitution as they are to sup- port those of their own^ate constitutions, and as solemnly sworn to do so as the members of Con- gress. No member of a state legislature can re- fuse to proceed at the appointed time to elect sen- ators in Congress, or to provide for the choice of electors of President and Vice-president, any . more than the members o^the Senate of the Uni« 318 LECTURES ON ted States can refuse, when the appointed time arrives, to meet the members of the other house to witness the counting of the votes given by the electors for those officers, and ascertain who are chosen. In either case, the duty binds with equal strength the conscience of the individual, and is imposed on every member by an oath in the same words. It cannot, therefore, be a mat- ter of discretion with the states whether they will continue the government or break it up, by refusing to elect senators and appoint electors. Nor can the members of their legislatures neg- lect or evade those duties, Avhen the times arrive for their performance, without such a violation of their oaths and duties as would destroy any other government. III. Among the provisions for giving efficacy to the Federal legislative powers may be inclu- ded those specially vested in the executive and judicial departments, and especially the provis- ion extending the jurisdiction of. the Federal Courts to all cases arising under the Constitution of the United States. But these powers have al* ready been subjected to particular examination in our review of the structure and organizatioii of the government, and do not, perhaps, require any farther elucidation. It may, however, be as well here to observe, that the provision last spe- cified in effisct creates in the Supreme Court of the United States a co]M#dn arbiter in all cases of collision between the power and authority of the Union and of the several states. Such collis- ions, we have seen, have already taken place, in times, too, of no extraordinary commotion, and have hitherto been happily adjusted. " But a constitution," said its great judicial oracle, ^- i» CONSTITUTIONAL JURISPRUDENCE. 31/ framed for ages to come, and designed to ap proach immortality as nearly as human institu tions can attain to it. Its course cannot always be tranqUii: experience as well as reason teach es us that it is exposed to storms and tempests.^' The same lesson had been taught to its frame'-s under the Confederation, and had confirmer^ ^he suggestions of their own experience, and Jidu- ced them to devise a new form of p^ovprranent for themselves and their posterity. They ac- cordingly provided it, as far as its nature would permit, with the means of self-preservation from the perils it was destined to en^o'irter. They well understood that no governp^e'it should be so defective in its organization f\s not to contain within itself the means of securing the execution of its own laws against othc* fkmgers than those of ordinary occurrence. They were aware that courts of justice were Ui'i means most usually employed ; and under the full pressure of the evils which had arisen from the want of such a power under the Confederation, they created in the new system a distinct and independent judi- cial department ; they conferred on it the power of construing the Constitution and laws of the Union, in the last resort, in all cases, and of pre- serving them from all violation from any quar- ter, so far as judicial decisions could preserve them ; and they conferred on the chief executive magistrate the powers necessary to carry into ef- fect the judgments and decrees of the courts, ei- ther directly in the Constitution itself, or indi- rectly, by vesting in the legislative department authority to do so. IV. The next provision for giving eflect to the powers of the General Government is the decla- 320 LECTURES ON ration that the " Constitution^ and the laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof a?id all treaties made^ or which shall be made^ under the authority of the United States^ shall be the supreme law of the land ; and the judges in every state shall be bound thereby^ anything in the Consti- tat ion and laws of any state to the contrary notwith- sf a tiding y Without this provision the Constitution would have been evidently and radically defective. To be fully sensible of this, we need only suppose, with the authors of " The Federalist," that the supremacy of the state constitutions had been left complete by a saving clause in their favour. In the first place, as those constitutions invested the state legislatures with absolute sovereignty in all cases, not excepted by the Articles of Con- federation, all the authorities contained in the present Constitution, so far as they exceed those enumerated in the Confederation, would have been annulled, and the new Congress would have been reduced to the same impotent condition as their predecessors, which it was the avowed and leading design of the Convention in this particu- lar to amend. In the next place, as the consti- tutions of some of the states did not expressly and fully recognise the powers even of the for- mer confederacy, an express saving of such con- stitutions would in those states have brought in question every power contained in the new Con- stitution. In the third place, as the constitutions of the states differ much from each other, it might have happened that a treaty, or national law of great importance to the states, would interfere with some, and not with others, of the state con- stitutions, and would, consequently, have been CONyTlTUTlONAL JURISPRUDENCE. 321 ralid in some states, and not in others. In the last place, there would have been exhibited a system (such as some modern theorists and po- litical visionaries have conceived the Federal Constitution to be), founded on an inversion of the fundamental principles of all government, in which the authority of the whole society would be subordinate to that of the parts, the head un- der the direction of each of the members. But the provision in question marks the char- acteristic distinctions between the Government of the Union and the governments of the states ; and when the Constitution or laws of a state have been deemed repugnant to, or incompatible with, the Federal Constitution, with laws made in pursuance of it, or with treaties negotiated under its author- ity, the validity of the former has been inquired into and decided upon in a variety of cases j and in every instance where the repugnance existed, such state constitutions or laws, or such parts of them as were incompatible with the former, have been, as we have seen, judicially abrogated and annulled. In the important case of the Bank of the United States, referred to in the last lecture,* it was declared that the law of Maryland impo- sing a tax on the Bank was unconstitutional and void, on the ground that the state governments have no right to tax any of the constitutional means employed by the Government of the Union to execute its constitutional powers 5 nor, by tax- ation or otherwise, to retard, impede, burden, or in any manner control the operation of constitu- tional laws enacted by Congress, to carry into effect the powers vested in the National Govern- ment. * 4 Wheaton, 316. • B B 322 LECTUltES ON It was contended, on that occasion, v>rs Vi^half of the state authority, that the powers of the Gen- eral Government were delegated by the state governments, and that the Federal authority mu?t be exercised in subordination to the states, who alone possessed supreme dominion. But the im- possibility of sustaining such a proposition was fully and clearly demonstrated. It was admit* ted, indeed, that the Convention that framed the Constitution was elected by the state legisla- tures ; but that instrument, when it came from the hands of the Convention, was a mere proposal, without actual obligation, or any pretension to it. It was reported to the then existing Congress, to "be submitted to a Convention of delegates to be chosen in each state by the people thereof, under the recommendation of its Legislature, for their assent and ratification." This mode of pro- ceeding was adopted, and the proposed Constitu- tion was accordingly submitted to the people, who acted upon it in the only manner in which they can act efl'ectually and wisely on such sub- jects, by assembling in conventions. They as- sembled in their respective states^ not merely from convenience, but from necessity. There existed no authority under the Confederation, as now ex- ists under the Constitution, for calling a general convention ; and if such authority had existed, that mode would not have been the proper one, in a case where the people were, in effect, to pass upon virtual amendments and partial abrogations of their state coiistitutions. They assembled and acted, therefoic, in their several states, the peo- ple of each svaic thus exercising a separate and independent voice m the adoption of the Federal Constitution.. But the measure they adopted ^lid CONSTITUTIONAL JURISPRUDENCE. 323 not on that account cease to be the act of the people themselves, or become the measure of the state governments. From these state convenlions, then, the Con- stitution of the United States owes its whole au- thority. The instrument submitted to them pur- ports on the face of it to proceed from " the peo- ple of the United States^''' to be " ordained and es- ablished" in their name ; and is declared to be thus ordained and established ''in order to form a more perfect union, to establish justice, ensure domestic tranquillity, and secure the blessings of liberty to them and their posterity." Now, if the people of the United States had never before acquired a common character, they assumed it then. The preamble to the Federal Constitution, containing these declarations, is an essential and necessary part of that instrument; and it not only enumerates the objects for which it was formed, but designates the parties by whom, and by whose authority alone, it was "ordained and established." The assent of the states in their sovereign capacities is implied, if not expressed, in calling their conventions, and thus submitting the new scheme of government to the people. But the people of each state were at perfect lib- erty to accept or reject it, and their act was final. The Constitution required not the affirmance of the state governments, nor could it be negatived by their act ; but, Avhen ratified by the people, it became of perfect obligation, and bound the states. It has, to be sure, been said that the people had already surrendered all their powers to the state governments, and had nothing more to give. But the question whether the people may 324 LECTURES ON resume and modify the powers granted by them to the state or general governments for their own benefit, does not, surely, remain to be settled in this country. The same sovereign powers which had separately established the state gov- ernments, united with each other in forming a paramount sovereignty, and establishing a su- preme government. For this purpose each yield- ed a portion of its individual sovereignty, and modified its state constitution, by rendering it subordinate to the Federal power. Their au- thority to do this cannot for a moment be seri- ously doubted. Much more, indeed, might the .egitimacy of the Federal Government have been questioned, had it been erected by the states to operate upon the individual citizens of the sever- al states. The powers delegated to the state governments were to be exercised by themselves, not by a distinct and independent sovereignty erected by them. To the formation of a league such as the Confederation, the state governments were certainly competent. But when, "in order to form a more perfect union^'* and change that league into an effective government, clothed with high sovereign powers for national objects, and acting directly on the people as individuals, the necessity of referring it to the people themselves, and deriving its powers immediately from them, was universally felt and acknowledged ; and the article of the Constitution which provides, as one of the modes for its amendment, a convention oj the people of the United States^ is conclusive as to the real character of the instrument, and the sense in which it must have been understood. The Government of the Union, then, is em phatically nnd truly a government of the people CONSTITUTIONAL JURISPRUDENCE. 325 In form and substance, it emanates from them ; its powers are granted by them, and are to be exercised directly on them as individuals, and for their common benefit ; and can be abrogated only by their consent. This government, however, is acknowledged by all to be a government of enumerated powers. The principle that it can only exercise the powers granted to it is admit- ted on all hands; but questions respecting the extent of the powers actually granted to it are, as we have seen, perpetually arising, and will probably continue to arise, as long as the system shall exist. In discussing these questions, the conflicting powers of the General and State Gov- ernments must be brought into view ; and the supremacy of their respective laws, when in op- position to each other, must be settled by that power in the Federal Constitution which was created, among others, for this express purpose Though limited in its powers, it would seem to result necessarily, from the nature of the Genera. Government, that it should be supreme within its sphere of action. It is the government of all ; its powers are delegated by all ; it represents all ; and it acts for all, and upon all. Though any one state may be willing to control its operations, no other state is willing that other states should control them. The Mation^ on those subjects upon which it can act at all, must necessarily bind its component parts. But th^ question is not left to mere reason ; the people have in ex- press terms decided it, by adopting the clause now under discussion, in conjunction with that requiring the oath to support the Federal Con- stitution to be taken by every state, as well as Federal officer. And yet we have witnessed an 326 LECTURES ON attempt on the part of one of the states, not merely to assert and vindicate its own suprema* cy, in cases of collision with the authority of the Union, and to reject the control and jurisdiction of the suPuEME ARBITER on all constitutional ques- tions, but by its own act to repudiate and nullify an act of Congress, which it took upon itself to pronounce to be contrary to the Constitution, and insisted that its decision \yas final. This mon- strous claim it even pretended to reconcile with the doctrines of the Federal Constitution itself, founding it principally on the amendment which declares that '^ the powers not delegated to the United States, nor prohibited to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the peo- ple," and thereby assuming that the power exer- cised by Congress in passing the law in question was not delegated to the General Government, and that the power claimed by the state was not prohibited to it by the Federal Constitution, which were no other than the very points in contro- versy. But this heresy was promptly met and ably re- futed by the proclamation issued on the occasion by the President of the United States.* This admirable document, which confers more dura- ble and honourable fame on the name of General Jackson than even the victory of New-Orleans, exhibits the true doctrines of the Constitution in strict conforjpfiity with those principles of con- struction which I have endeavoured to explain and enforce. In language becoming the dignity and responsibility of his station, the chief magis- * This celebrated state paper is well known to have been the production of the late Edward Livingston, then Secretary of State. — Vide Appendix K. CONSTITUTION A I, JUU I SPRUDENCE. 327 trate of the Union reminds the individuals concern- ed in these proceedings of their paramount obliga- tions as citizens of the United States, and warns them of the treasonable tendency of their acts ; and upon his subsequent reference of the subject to the National Legislature, he recommended the adoption of such measures as were necessary to enforce the laws of the Union, and suppress the opposition to their execution, devised by evil councils and authorized in an evil hour, by the State of South Carolina. The act required was passed ; and thus has every department of the government concurred in the declaration appro- ved and sanctioned by a vast majority of the peo- ple, that the Government of the United States is supreme within its limited jurisdiction, and that its laws in pursuance of the Constitution form the supreme law of the land, " anything in the Consti- tution and laws of any state to the contrary not- withstanding;" and that the existence and effect of a collision between them must be decided by the general head, and not by any of the members of the Union. V. The last provision contained in the Consti- tution for giving efficacy to its powers is that by which effect and operation were given to the system by declaring that " ^Ae ratifications of the conventions of nine states should be sufficient for its establishment between the states so ratifying the %ame?^ The express authority of the people alone could give validity to the Constitution ; and to have re- quired the unanimous ratification of the people of the several states would have subjected the es sential interests of the whole to the caprice or corruption of the smallest minority in any one 328 LECTURES ON state. But a question of a very delicate nature arose with respect to this article when the Con- stitution was proposed for adoption — a question similar in its character to the one which has just been discussed. It was asked by the objectors to the Federal system upon what principle it was that the Confederation, which stood in the solemn form of a compact between the states, could be su- perseded without unanimous consent ; and it was thereupon suggested by Mr. Madison, in one of the numbers of " The Federalist," that an answer might be found without searching beyond the principles of the former compact itself. It had been noted among its defects, that in many of the states it had received no higher sanction than a mere legislative ratification. The princi- ciple of reciprocity, therefore, seemed to require that its obligation on the other states in which it had been ratified by the people in their conven- tions should be reduced to the same standard. A compact between independent sovereigns, found- ed, as was the Confederation, upon acts of legis- lative authority, could pretend to no higher va- lidity than a league or treaty between the par- ties ; and it is the established doctrine that all the articles of a treaty are mutual conditions ; a breach of any one article is a breach of the whole ; and a breach committed by any of the parties absolves the others, and authorizes them, if they choose, to pronounce the compact viola- ted, and at an end. Had it been necessary to appeal to these prin- ciples as a justification for dispensing with the consent of particular states to a dissolution of the compact then existing, it would by no means have been difficult to confront the objecting par- CONSTITUTIONAL JURISPRUDENCE. 329 .ies with multiplied and important infractions of the Articles of Confederation. But a more di rect answer was given to them by recurring to the absolute necessity of the case, to the great principle of self-preservation, to the transcendent law of God and nature, which declares the safe- ty and happiness of society to be the objects which all political institutions should aim to ac- complish, and for which they may all be sacrifi- ced J and from what is known of the state of pub- lic affairs at that portentous crisis, w^e cannot doubt that this answ^er was felt to be conclusive. It is, however, well worthy of observation, that it was not pretended on this occasion that any of the states could withdraw even from the Confederation, considered merely as a treaty of alliance, at its mere will and pleasure 5 nor ab- solve itself at its own discretion from its perpet- ual obligation, except in cases of the extreme ur- gency of self-preservation, or of the breach or violation of the compact by some other of the parties, of which the several parties, from the very nature of the Confederation, as a treaty betw^een independent sovereigns, were themselves the judges. It has, nevertheless, been contended, as we have already had occasion to lament, that a state has a right, under the present Constitution, independently of the natural right of self-preser- vation, and resistance to intolerable oppression to secede, at its own will and discretion, from tht Union. But if the Federal Constitution be a gov- ernment owing protection to individuals and en- titled to their obedience, whether formed by the people of the United States in the aggregate, or by the same people as citizens of the respective states, no state authority can dissolve the rela- Cc '^di) LECTURES ON tions subsisting between that government and the individuals subjected in either mode to its au- thority. From the very nature of those relations, nothing can dissolve them but revolution ; and there can, therefore, be no such thing as secessio?i without revolution. The Constitution establishes a union between the people of the several states, intended to be perpetual. It contains numer- ous provisions founded on that supposition, and among them, one for its own amendment ; none for its abandonment. It declares that new states may be admitted into the Union, but not that old states may withdraw from it. The Union is not, like the Confederation, reducible even to a per- petual alliance between the states, much less to a temporary one ; but it is an association of the people of the several states in one mass, under a permanent and paramount constitution of gov- ernment, operating upon them as individuals, created and assented to by that power in each state which alone had authority to abrogate its particular Constitution, or so far to modify it as to surrender powers to the General Government which had previously been delegated to the state governments. JVb staie^ therefore, can undo what the people have done, nor absolve its citizens from their obligations to obey the laws of the Union. It cannot divest them of their paramount rights as citizens of the United States ; nor can the mem- bers of the state legislatures renounce their own oaths to support the Federal Constitution as the supreme law of the land ; neither can any con- vention of the people of any state, any more than the people themselves, collectively or individu- ally, dispense with their obligations, or dissolve their allegiance to the United States, unless they CoNSTlTUllONAL JURISPRUDENCE. 331 respectively possess the constitutional power of settling for themselves the construction of this supreme law in all doubtful cases. The practical result of this great question turns, then, on this single point. It has not as yet been seriously pretended that each individual may judge for himself, and determine in his own case, ihe nature and extent of his obligations as a mem- ber of the Union. But if the state within whose local jurisdiction he may happen to reside, may judge for him, or for itself, in a case of an alle- ged violation of the Federal Constitution, and rinal- /y decide and execute their respective decisions by their own powers, the inference follows that, oeing sovereign^ there is no power to control the decision of the state, and its own judgment on its own contract must be conclusive. But this doc- trine is founded in mere theory and assumption ; rtnd is refuted, not only by plain and express con- stitutional provisions, but by the very nature of the compact. It has been shown most conclu- sively, in the legislative halls,*as well as in the judicial tribunals of the Union, that the Govern- ment of the United States possesses, in its appro- priate departments, the authority of final decis- von on all these questions of power, both by ne ^essary implication and express grant, 1. If the Constitution be, indeed, a govern- ment existing over all the states, operating upon individuals, and not a mere treaty of alliance, it nust, upon general principles, possess the au- Jiority in question, as it is, in fact, an authority naturally belonging to all governments. And al- though the Constitution establishes a govern- * Vide the speeches of Mr. Webster on this subject in the Sen ale of the United States. 332 LECTURES ON merit of limited powers, yet, as it extends equal- ly over all the states, it follows, independently ot the express declaration to that effect, that to the extent of those powers it must necessarily be supreme ; while, from the nature of the powers granted, that government must be Mational in its character, as well as Federal in its principles ol organization. The inference, then, appears tc be irresistible, that the government, thus created by the whole, for the whole, and extending over the whole, must possess an authority superior to that of the particular governments of any of its parts. As the Government of the Union, it has a, legislative power of its own, and a judicial pow- er coextensive with the legislative power. To hold, therefore, that these are not supreme, but subordinate in authority to.the legislative and ju- dicial powers of a state, is equally repugnant to common sense, and to all sound reasoning and established principles. The legislative, execu- tive, and judicial departments of the Union must each necessarily judge of the extent of its own powers, as often as it is called on to exercise them ; and that independently of state control, or they could not act at all. Without any ex- press declaration, therefore, to that effect in the Constitution, the whole question is necessarily decided by those provisions which create a legis- lative, an executive, and a judicial power; for if the powers exist in a government intended for the Union, the inevitable consequence is, that the acts of the Federal Legislature and the decisions of the Federal judiciary must be binding over the whole Union, and on each of its federative part?. From the nature of the case, then, and as an inference wholly unav i>idable, the laws of Con CONSTITUTIONAL JURISPRUDENCE. 333 ^ress and the decisions of the Federal Courts must be of higher authority than those of the states. 2. But the Constitution, as we have already- seen, has not left this point without full and ex- plicit provision. For if the express grant to Con- gress of distinct and substantive power to make all laws necessary and proper* for carrying into execution all other powers vested in the Gov- ernment of the United States mean anything, it means that Congress may determine what is ne- cessary and proper for that purpose ; and if Con- gress may judge of what is requisite for the ex- ecution of those powers, it must of necessity judge of their extent, as well as interpret them. With regard to the judicial power, the Constitu- tion is still more explicit and emphatic. If any case arise depending on the construction of the Federal Constitution, the judicial power of the Union, we have seen, extends to it, in whatsoever court it may originate. Of all such cases the Su- preme Court of the Union has appellate jurisdic- tion, and its judgments are final and conclusive. Nothing more effectual could have been done for subjecting all constitutional questions, whenever and wherever they may arise, to the ultimate de- cision of the Supreme Court than has actually been accomplished by this salutary provision oi the Constitution. Congress was saved by it from the necessity of any supervision of the state laws ; and while the whole sphere of state legislation was thus left untouched, an adequate security was obtained against any infringenient of the con- stitutional power of the General Government It is clear, then, that the Constitption, bj^ ex- press grant, as well as by necessary implication, S34: LECTURES ON has rendered the Government of the United States, in its several departments, the judge of its own powers ; and that the Supreme Court, in order to preserve uniformity in the interpretation and administration of tlie laws of the Union, must be the ultimate tribunal to decide in the last resort upon them, in all cases of a constitutional nature which arise in a suit at law or equity, either in the Federal or State Courts. The early legisla- tion of Congress, the Judiciary Act of 1789, and the whole course of judicial decisions since that period, concur in proving that there is, in fact and in truth, a supreme law, and a final interpreter of the Constitution, created by the Constitution it- self, to the exclusion of the authority and jurisdic- tion of the several states. A state, therefore, hav- ing no power to interpret the Constitution finally for itself, cannot secede from the Union without adopting a proceeding essentially revolutionary in its character ; and every attempt by a state to ab- rogate or nullify a law of Congress is not only a usurpation of the powers of the National Govern- ment, but of the rights of the other states ; for if the states, as such, have equal rights in matters concerning the whole, then for one state to set up its judgment against that of the others, and to insist on executing its own judgment by force, is a manifest usurpation upon the rights of all the rest ; and if that be revolutionary which arrests the legislative, executive, and judicial powers of the General Government in their course, dispen- ses with existing oaths, dissolves the obligations of allegiance to the supreme authority of the Union, and elevates another power in its place, then are nullification and secession, in character und principle, equally revolutionary. CONSTITUTICNAL JURISPRUDENCE. 335 1 have now completed the proposed examina- Uoti of the powers vested in the General Govern- ment, as well as of its fundamental principles and organization. And I trust it has abundantly and .satisfactorily appeared, 1. That all the powers requisite to secure the objects of National Union are vested in the Federal Government, while those only which are not essential to that object are reserved to the states, or to the people. 2. That this National Government, though limited in its powers to national objects, is supreme in the exercise of those powers, whether exclusive or concurrent, express or implied ; and that, when- ever any of these powers come into collision with the concurrent or independent powers of the states, the state authority, which is subordi- nate, must yield to that of the nation, which is supreme. 3. That this Constitution, the laws made in pursuance of it, and treaties existing under its authority, are the supreme law of the landy and, both from the nature of the case, and the provisions of the Constitution, the National Legislature must judge of and interpret the su- preme law, as often as it exercises its legislative functions 5 that the chief executive magistrate of the Union, in like manner, possesses the right of judging of the nature and extent of his political authority 5 and that, in all cases assuming the character of a suit in law or equity, the supreme judicial tribunal of the Union is the final inter- preter of the Constitution. 4. That no state au- thority has power to dissolve the relations be- tween the Government of the United States and the people of the several states, and that, conse- quently, no state has a right to secede from the Union, except under such cixcumstances as 336 LECTURES ON would justify a revolution ; and that an attempt by any state to abrogate or annul an act of the National Legislature is a direct usurpation of the powers of the General Government, an in- fringement of the rights of all the other states, and a violation of the paramount obligation of its members to support and obey the Federal Con- stitution. In this exposition, it has, I trust, been rendered also manifest, that unless such were the nature and principles of that Constitution, it w^ould nev- er have accomplished, as it has most effectually and happily, the great ends for which it was or- dained, nor delivered the people of this country from the evils they had experienced under the Confederation. I trust, too, that, in revicAving' this system of government in its practical opera- tion and results, you will have perceived that we have abundant cause of gratitude to Heaven, not only for defending us from those former evils, which must necessarily have increased under a mere alliance between the states, but for bestow- ing on us, in their stead, those blessings of liber- ty, law, order, peace, and prosperity, which, un- der Providence, the present Constitution has se- cured to the present generation and promises to posterity. And, finally, I trust, most confidently, that you will not hesitate to join with me in ear- nest and devout prayer to the Supreme Ruler of the universe that our National Government, as established by this Constitution, and the happi- ness hitherto enjoyed under it, may stand as fast and endure as long as the vast continent over which it seems destined to extend its influence or its sway. APPENDIX. A, p. 29. DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE. In Congress, July 4, 1776. When, in the course of human events, it becomes neces sary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume, among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature's God entitle them, a de- cent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separa- tion. We hold these truths to be self-evident : that ail men are created equal ; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights ; that among these are life, liber- ty, and the pursuit of happiness ; that to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed ; that whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute a new government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that governments long established should not be changed for light and tran- sient causes ; and, accordingly, all experience hath shown that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object, svinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such govern- ment, and to provide new guards for their future security. Such has been the patient sufferance of these colonies, and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former systems of government. The history of the present King o* Great Britain is a history of repeated injii- 338 APPENDIX. ries and usurpations, all having in direct object the estab- lishment of an absolute tyranny over these states. To prove this, let facts be submitted to a candid world. He has refused his assent to laws the most wholesome and necessary for the public good. He has forbidden his governors to pass laws of immediate and pressing importance, unless suspended in their opera- tion till his assent should be obtained ; and when so sus- pended, he has utterly neglected to attend to them. He has refused to pass other laws for the accommodation of large districts of people, unless those people would relin- quish the right of representation in the Legislature ; a right inestimable to them, and formidable to tyrants only. He has called together legislative bodies at places unusual, uncomfortable, and distant from the depository of their pub- lic records, for the sole purpose of fatiguing them into com- pliance with his measures. He has dissolved representative houses repeatedly, for opposing, with manly firmness, his invasions on the rights of the people. He has refused for a long time, after such dissolutions, to cause others to be elected ; whereby the legislative powers, incapable of annihilation, have returned to the people at large for their exercis^ ; the state remaining, in the mean time, exposed to all the dangers of invasion from without, and convulsions within. He has endeavoured to prevent the population of these states ; for that purpose obstructing the laws for naturali- zation of foreigners ; refusing to pass others to encourage tlieir migrations hither, and raising the conditions of new appropriations of lands. He has obstructed the administration of justice, by lefu- sing his assent to laws for establishing judiciary powers. He has made judges dependant on his will alone for the tenure of their offices, and the amount and payment of their salaries. He has erected a multitude of new offices, and sent hith- er swarms of officers, to harass our people and eat out their substance. He has kept among us, in times of peace, standing armies, without the consent of our legislatures. He has affected to render the military independent of and superior to, the civil power. He has combined with others to subject us to a jurisdic- tion foreign to our Constitution, and unacknowledged byoui APPENDIX. 339 iaws ; giving his assea*^ to their acts of pretended legisla- tion ; For quartering large bodies of armed troops among us : For protecting them, by a mock trial, from punishment for any murders which they should commit on the inhabitants of these states : For cutting off our trade with all parts of the world: For imposing taxes on us without our consent : For depriving us, in many cases, of the benefits of trial by jury : For transporting us beyond seas to be tried for pretended offences : For abolishing the free system of English laws in a neigh bouring province, establishing therein an arbitrary govern- ment, and enlarging its boundaries, so as to render it at once an example and fit instrument for introducing the same absolute rule into these colonies : For taking away our charters, abolishing our most valua- oie laws, and altering fundamentally the forms of our gov- ernments : For suspending our own legislatures, and declaring them- selves invested with power to legislate for us in all cases whatsoever. He has abdicated government here, by declaring us out of his protection, and waging war against us. He has plundered our seas, ravaged our coasts, burned our towns, and destroyed the lives of our people. He is, at this time, transporting large armies of foreign mercenaries to complete the works of death, desolation, and tyranny, already begun with circumstances of cruelty and perfidy scarcely paralleled in the most barbarous ages, and totally unworthy the head of a civilized nation. He has constrained our fellow-citizens, taken captive on the high seas, to bear arms against their country, to become the executioners of their friends and brethren, or to fall themselves by their hands. He has excited domestic insurrections among us, and has endeavoured to bring on the inhabitants of our frontiers the merciless Indian savages, whose known rule of warfare is an undistinguished destruction of all ages, sexes, and conditions. In every stage of these oppressions, we have petitioned for redress in the most humble terms : our repeated peti- tions have been answered only by repeated injury. A prince, whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a tyrant, is unfit to be the ruler of a free people. 340 APPENDIX. Nor have we been wanting in attentions to our British brethren. We have warned them, from time to time, of attempts by their Legislature to extend an unwarrantable jurisdiction over us. We have reminded them of the cir- cumstances of our emigration and settlement here. We have appealed to their native justice and magnanimity, and we have conjured them, by the ties of our common kindred, to disavow these usurpations, which would inevitably inter- rupt our connexions and correspondence. They, too, have been deaf to the voice of justice and of consanguinity. We must, therefore, acquiesce in the necessity which denounces our separation, and hold them, as we hold the rest of man- kind, enemies in war, in peace, friends. We, therefore, the representatives of the United States of America, in General Congress assembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our in- tentions, do, in the name, and by authority of the good peo- ple of these colonies, solemnly publish and declare, that these United Colonies are, and of right ought to be, Free and Independent States ; that they are absolved from all allegiance to the British crown, and that all political con- nexion between them and the state of Great Britain is, and ought to be, totally dissolved ; and that, as free and inde- pendent states, they have full power to levy war, conclude peace, contract alliances, establish commerce, and to do all other acts and things which independent states may of right do. And for the support of this declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honour JOHN HANCOCK c Josiah Bartlett, New-Hampshire. < William Whipple, ( Matthew Thornton. f Samuel Adams, Massachusetts BayJ ^Rl^^n Tr^^l Paine, VElbridge Gerry. Rhode island. &c. { ^^.t^ K"' ''Roger Sherman, ^ .. . J Samuel Huntington, Connecticut. 1. For the more convenient management of the general interests of the United States, delegates shall be an- nually appointed, in such manner as the Legislature of each state shall direct, to meet in Congress on the first Monday in November of every year, with a power reserved to each state to recall its delegates, or any of them, at any time within the year, and to send others in their stead for the remainder of the year. ^ 2. No state shall be represented in Congress by less than two, nor more than seven members ; and no person shall be capable of being a delegate for more than three years, in any term of six years ; nor shall any person, being a dele- gate, be capable of holding any office under the United States for which he, or any other for his benefit, receives any salary, fees, or emolument of any kind. ^3. Each state shall maintain its own delegates in a meeting of the states, and while they act as members of the committee of the states. <^ 4. In determining questions in the United States in Con- gress assembled, each state shall have one vote. ^ 5. Freedom of speech and debate in Congress shall no* be impeached or questioned in any court or place out of Congress, and the members of Congress shall be protected in their persons from arrests and imprisonments during thr time of their going to and from, and attendance on Con- gress, except for treason, felony, or breach of the peace. Art. VI. ^ I. No state, without the consent of the Unite States in Congress assembled, shall send any embassy to or receive any embassy from, or enter into any conference agreement, alliance, or treaty with any king, prince, or state nor shall any person holding any office of profit or trust un der the United States, or any of them, accept of any present, emolument, office, or title of any kind whatever, from any king, prince, or foreign state ; nor shall the United States in Congress assembled, or any of them, grant any title of nobility. ^ 3. No two or more states shall enter into any treaty, confederation, or alliance whatever between them, without ilie consent of the United States in Congress assembled, specifying accurately the purposes for which the same is to be entered into, and how long it shall continue. 344 APPENDIX. ^ 3. No state shall lay any imposts or duties which may mterfere with any stipulations in treaties, entered into by the United States in Congress assembled, with any king, prince, or state, in pursuance of any treaties already pro- posed by Congress to the courts of France and Spain. ^ 4. No vessels of war shall be kept up in time of peace by any state, except such number only as shall be deemed necessary by the United States in Congress assembled for the defence of such state, or its trade : nor shall any body of forces be kept up by any state in time of peace, except such number only as, in the judgment of the United States in Congress assembled, shall be deemed requisite to garrison the forts necessary for the defence of such state ; but every state shall always keep up a well-regulated and disciplined militia, sufficiently armed and accoutred, and shall provide, and constantly have ready for use, in public stores, a due number of fieldpieces and tents, and a proper quantity of arms, ammunition, and camp equipage. <^ 5. No state shall engage in any war, without the con- sent of the United States in Congress assembled, unless such state be actually invaded by enemies, or shall have re ceived certain advice of a resolution being formed by some nation of Indians to invade such state, and the danger is so imminent as not to admit of delay till the United States in Congress assembled can be consulted ; nor shall any state grant commissions to any ships or vessels of war, nor let- ters of marque or reprisal, except it be after a declaration of war by the United States in Congress assembled ; and then only against the kingdom or state, and the subjects thereof, against which war has been so declared, and under such regulations as shall be established by the United States in Congress assembled, unless such state be infested by pi- rates ; in which case vessels of war may be fitted out for hat occasion, and kept so long as the danger shall continue, or until the United States in Congress assembled shall de- termine otherwise. Art. VII. When land-forces are raised by any state for the common defence, all officers of or under the rank of colonel shall be appointed by the Legislature of each state respectively by whom such forces shall be raised, or in such manner as such state shall direct, and all vacancies sha^l be filled up by the stale which first made the appointment Art. Vill. All charges of war, and all other expense* *^iv^ sH;»il be incurred for the common defence or general •" ^ APPENDIX. li\5 fare, and allowed by the United States in Congress assem- bled, shall be defrayed out of a common treasury, which shall be supplied by the several states, in proportion to the value of all land within each state, granted to or surveyed lor any person, as such land, and the buildings and improve-' ments thereon, shall be estimated, according to such mode as the United States in Congress assembled shall, from time to time, direct and appoint. The taxes for paying that pro- portion shall be laid and levied by the authority and direc- tion of the legislatures of the several states within the time agreed upon by the United States in Congress assembled. Art. IX. <^ 1. The United States in Congress assembled shall have the sole and exclusive right and power of deter- mining on peace and war, except in the cases mentioned in the sixth article ; of sending and receiving ambassadors , entering into treaties and alliances, provided that no treaty of commerce shall be made whereby the legislative power of the respective states shall be restrained from imposing such imposts and duties on foreigners as their own people are subjected to, or from prohibiting the exportation or im- portation of any species of goods or commodities whatsoev- er ; of establishing rules for deciding in all cases what cap- tures on land or water shall be legal, and in what manner prizes taken by land or naval forces in the service of the Ilnited States shall be divided or appropriated ; of granting letters of marque and reprisal in times of peace ; appointing courts for the trial of piracies and felonies committed on the high seas ; and establishing courts for receiving and deter- mining finally appeals in all cases of captures : provided that no member of Congress shall bL appointed a judge of any of the said courts. <5) 2. The United States in Congress assembled shall alsa be the last resort on appeal in all disputes and differences now subsisting, or that hereafter may arise between two or more states concerning boundary, jurisdiction, or any other cause whatever ; which authority shall always be exercised in the manner following : Whenever the legislative or ex- ecutive authority, or lawful agent of any state in controversy with another, shall present a petition to Congress, stating the matter in question, and praying for a hearing, notice thereof shall be given by order of Congress to the legisla- tive or executive authority of the other state in controver- sy, and a day assigned for the appearance of the parties by the/r lawful agents, who shall then be directed to appoint Dd 346 APPENDIX. by joint consent commissioners or judges to constitute a court for hearing and determining the matter in question ; but if they cannot agree, Congress shall name three persons out of each of the United States, and from the list of such persons each party shall alternately strike out one, the peti- tioners beginning, until the number shall be reduced to thir- teen ; and from that number not less than seven, nor more than nine names, as Congress shall direct, shall, in the presence of Congress, be drawn out by lot ; and the persons whose names shall be so drawn, or any five of them, shall be commissioners or judges, to hear and finally determine the controversy, so always as that a major part of the judg- es who shall hear the cause shall agree in the determina- tion ; and if either party shall negject to attend at the day appointed, without showing reasons which Congress shall judge sufficient, or, being present, shall refuse to strike, the Congress shall proceed to nominate tnree persons out of each state, and the secretary of Congress shall strike in be- half of such party absent or refusing ; and the judgment and sentence of the court, to be appointed in the manner before prescribed, shall be final and conclusive ; and if any of the parties shall refuse to submit to the authority of such court, or to appear or defend their claim or cause, the court shall, nevertheless, proceed to pronounce sentence or judgment, which shall in like manner be final and decisive ; the judg- ment or sentence and other proceedings being in either case transmitted to Congress, and lodged among the acts of Con- gress, for the security of the parties concerned : provided that every commissioner, before he sits in judgment, shall take an oath, to be administered by one of the judges of the Supreme or Superior Court of the state where the cause shall be tried, " well and truly to hear and determine the matter in question, according to the best of his judgment, without favour, aflfection, or hope of reward." Provided, also, that no state shall be deprived of territory for the benefit of the United States. <^ 3. All controversies concerning the private right of soil claimed under the diflferent grants of two or more states, whose jurisdictions, as they may respect such lands, and the states which passed such grants, are adjusted, the said grants, or either of them, being, at the same time, claimed tc have originated antecedent to such settlement of jurisdic Hon, shall, on the petition of either party to the Congress o the United States, be finally detormmed, as near as may be APPENDIX. S47 m the same manner as is before prescribed for deciding dis- putes respecting territorial jurisdiction between different states. <^ 4. The United States in Congress assencibled shall alsc have the sole and exclusive right and power of regulating the alloy and value of coin struck by their own authority, or by that of the respective states ; fixing the standard of weights and measures throughout the United States ; regu lating the trade and managing all affairs with the Indians, not members of any ot the states : provided that the legis- lative right of any state within its own limits be not infrin- ged or violated ; establishing and regulating postoffices from one state to another, throughout all the United States, and exacting such postage on the papers passing throngii the.same as may be requisite to defray the expenses of the said office ; appointing all officers of the land-forces in the service of the United States, excepting regimental officers ; appointing all the officers of the naval forces, and commis- sioning all officers whatever in the service of the United States ; making rules for the government and regulation of the said land and naval forces, and directing their opera- ions. ^ 5. The United States in Congress assembled shall have •-.uthority to appoint a committee, to sit in the recess of 'congress, to be denominated A Committee of the States, and U) consist of one delegate from each state ; and to appoint such other committees and civil officers as may be necessa- ry .^or managing the general affairs of the United States un- aer their direction ; to appoint one of their number to pre- side, provided that no person be allowed to serve in the of- •iice of president more than one year in any term of three ^ears ; to ascertain the necessary sums of money to ha 'aised for the service of the United States, and to appropri- ate and apply the same for defraying the public expenses ; to borrow money or emit bills on the credit of the United States, transmitting every half year to the respective states an account of the sums of money so borrowed or emitted ; u) build and equip a navy ; to agree upon the number of vand-forces, and to make requisitions from each s-tate for its j^uota, in proportion to the number of white inhabitants in juch state, which requisition shall be binding ; and there- jpon the Legislature of each state shall appoint the regiment- al officers, raise the men, and clothe, arm, and equip them in a soldierlike manner, at the expense of the United States ; 348 APPENDIX. and the oflicers and men so clothed, armed, and equipped, shall march to the place appointed, and within the time agreed on by the United States in Congress assembled ; but if the United States in Congress assembled shall, on consid- eration of circumstances, judge proper that any state should not raise men, or should raise a smaller number than its ({uota, and that any other state should raise a greater num- ber of men than the quota thereof, such extra number shall be raised, officered, clothed, armed, and equipped in the same manner as the quota of such state, unless the Legisla- ture of such state shall judge that such extra number can- not be safely spared out of the same, in which case they shall raise, officer, clothe, arm, and equip as many of such extra number as they judge can be safely spared ; and the officers and men so clothed armed, and equipped, shall march to the place appointed, and within the time agreed on by the United States in Congress assembled. ^ 6. The United States in Congress assembled shall never engage in a war, nor grant letters of marque and reprisal ill time of peace, nor enter into any treaties or alliances, i'«or coin money, nor regulate the value thereof, nor ascer- tain the sums and expenses necessary for the defence and welfare of the United States, or any of them, nor emit bills, nor borrow money on the credit of the United States, nor appropriate money, nor agree upon the number of vessels of war to be built or purchased, or the number of land or sea forces to be raised, nor appoint a commander-in-chief of the army or navy, unless nine states assent to the same : nor shall a question on any other point, except for adjourn- ing from day to day, be determined, unless by the votes of a majority of the United States in Congress assembled. ^ 7. The Congress of the United States shall have power to adjourn to any time within the year, and to any place within the United States, so that no period of adjournment be for a longer duration than the space of six months, and shall publish the journal of their proceedings monthly, ex- cept such parts thereof relating to treaties, alliances, or mil- itary operations as in their judgment require secrecy ; and the yeas and nays of the delegates of each state on any question shall be entered on the journal, vv'hen it is desired by any delegate ; and the delegates of a state, or any of them, at his or their request, shall be furnished with a tran- script of the said journal, except such parts as are above excepted; to lay before the legislatures of the several states. APPENDIX. 349 Art. X. The Comnittee of the States, or any nine ofthem, shall be authorized to execute, in the recess of Congress, such of tlie powers of Congress as the United States in Congress assembled, by the consent of nine states, shall froni time to time thinic expedient to vest tliem with ; pro- . fided that no power be delegated to the said committee, for the exercise of which, by the Articles of Confederation, the voice of nine states, in the Congress of the United States assembled, is requisite. Art. XL Canada, acceding to this confederation, and join- ing in the measures of the United States, shall be admitted into, and entitled to all the advantages of this Union ; but no other colony shall be admitted into the same, unless such admission be agreed to by nine states. Art. XII. All bills of credit emitted, money borrowed, and debts contracted by, or under the authority of Congress, be- fore the assembling of the United States, in pursuance of the present confederation, shall be deemed and considered as a charge against the United States, for payment and sat- isfaction whereof the said United States and the public faith are hereby solemnly pledged. Art. XIII. Every state shall abide by the determinations of the United States in Congress assembled, in all questions which by this confederation are submitted to them. And the articles of this confederation shall be inviolably observed by every state, and the Union shall be perpetual ; nor shall any alteration at any time hereafter be made in any of them, unless such alteration be agreed to in a Congress of the United States, and be afterward confirmed by the legis latures of every state. AiVD v/HEREAS it hath pleased the great Governor of the world to incline the hearts of the legislatures we respect- ively represent in Congress to approve of, and to authorize us to ratify the said Articles of Confederation and perpetual Union, Kxovv ye, that we, the undersigned delegates, by virtue of the power and authority to us given for that pur- pose, do, by these presents, in the name and behalf of ot]i respective constituents, fully and entirely ratify and confirm each and every of the saLd Articles of Confederation and per- petual Union, and all and singular the matters and things therein contained. And we do farther solemnly plight and engage the faith of our respective constituents, that they shall abide by the determinations of the United States in Congress assembled, in all ouestions which by the said con- 350 APPENDIX. federation are subniitted to them ; and tliat tfic artic^(*« thereof shall be inviolably observed by the states we re- spectively represent, and that the Union shall be pcrpetnai. Lv vviTxXEss whereof, we have hereunto set our hands in Congress. Done at Philadelphia, in the State of Pennsylvania, the 9th day of July, in the year of our Lord 1778, and in the third year of the Independence of America. Tvj xj , • i Josiah Bartlett, New-Hampshire. \ j^,,„ Wentworth, Jun. ^John Hancock, Samuel Adams, Massachusetts Bay J ElbridgeGerry, Rhode Island, &c. Connecticut. New- York. New-Jersey. Pennsylvania Delaware. Maryland. Virginia Francis Dana, I James Lovell, \. Samuel Holten. i William Ellery, < Henry Merchant. ( John Collins. /'Roger Sherman, j Samuel Huntington, < Oliver Wolcott, j Titus Hosmer, V Andrew Adams. I' James Duane, } Francis I^ewis, [ William Duer, I Governeur Morris. ^ John Witherspoon, i Nathaniel Scudder. /'Robert Morris, I Daniel Roberdieu, < Jonathan Bayard Smith, j Wilham Clingan, V Joseph Reed. ( Thomas M'Kean, < John Dickinson, / Nicholas Vandyke. ( John Hanson, \ Daniel Carrol. /-Richard Henry Lee. I John Banister, <; Thomas Adams, I John Harvey, iFr.-^ncis Lifehtfoot Lee. APPENDIX. 351 ( John Penn, North Carolina. < Cornelius Harnett, ( John Williams. ( Henry Laurens, I William Henry Drayton, South Carolina. <( John Matthews, I Richard Hutson, V Thomas Heyward, Jun. i John Walton, Georgia. < Edward Taliafero, ( Edward Longworthy. C, p. 38. CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES. The Constitution framed for the United States of America, by a Convention of Deputies from the States of New- Hampshire , Massachusetts, Connecticut, New-York, New- Jersey, Penn- sylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia, at a session begun May 25, 2nd ended September 17, 1787. We, the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect Union, establish justice, ensure domestic tran- quillity, provide for the common defence, promote the gen- eral welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America. ARTICLE I. SECTION I. All legislative powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Sen- ate and House of Representatives. SECTION II. 1. The House of Representatives shall consist of mem- bers chosen every second year, by the people of the several states ; and the electors in each state shall have the qualifi- cations requisite for electors of the most numerous branch of the State Legislature. 3. No person shall be a representative who shall not have 352 APPENDIX. attrtined to the a^e of tvventy-nve years, and been seven years a citizen of the United States, and who shall not, when elected, be an inhabitant of that state in which he shall be chosen. 3. Representatives anil direct taxes shall be apportioned among the several states which may be included within this. Union, according to their respective numbers, which shall be determined by adding to the whole number of free persons, including those bound to service for a term of years, and excluding Indians not taxed, three fifths of all other persons. The actual enumeration shall be made with- in three years after the first meeting of the Congress of the United States ; and, within every subsequent term of ten years, in such manner as they shall by law direct. The number of representatives shall not exceed one for every thirty thousand ; but each state shall have at least one rep- resentative ; and, until such enumeration shall be made, the State of New-Hampshire shall be entitled to choose three ; Massachusetts eight ; Rhode Island and Providence Planta- tions one ; Connecticut live ; New- York six ; New- Jersey four ; Pennsylvania eight ; Delaware one ; Maryland six ; Virginia ten ; North Carolina five ; South Carolina five ; and Georgia three. 4. When vacancies happen in the representation from any state, the executive authority thereof shall issue writs of election to fill such vacancies. 5. The House of Representatives shall choose their speak- er and other officers, and shall have the sole power of im- peachment SECTION III. 1. The Senate of the United States shall be composed of two senators from each state, chosen by the Legislature thereof, for six years ; and each senator shall have one vote. 2. Immediately after they shall be assembled, in conse- quence of the first election, they shall be divided, as equally as may be, into three classes. The seats of the senators of the first class shall be vacated at the expiration of the second year ; of the second class, at the expiration of the fourth year ; and of the third class, at the expiration of the sixth year : so that one third may be chosen every second year. And if vacancies happen, by resignation or otherwise, during the recess of the Leiii&^ature of any state, the execu- APPENDIX. 353 tive thereof may make temporary appointments until the next meeting of the Legislature, which shall then fill such vacancies. 3. No person shall be a senator who shall not have at- tained to the age of thirty years, and been nine years a cit- izen of the United States, and who shall not, when elect- ed, be an inhabitant of that state foe which he shall be chosen. 4. The Vice-president of the United States shall be Pres ident of the Senate, but shall have no vote unless they bo equally divided. 5. The Senate shall choose their other officers, and also a president pro-tempore in the absence of the Vice-president, or when he shall exercise the office of President of the Uni ted States. 6. The Senate shall have the sole power to try all im peachments. When sitting for that purpose, they shall be on oath or affirmation. When the President of the United States is tried, the chief- justice shall preside ; and no per- son shall be convicted without the concurrence of two thirds of the members present. 7. Judgment, in cases of impeachment, shall not extend farther than to removal from office; and disqualification to hold and enjoy any office of honour, trust, or profit under the United States. But the party convicted shall, never- theless, be liable and subject to indictment, trial, judgment, and punishment, according to law. SECTION IV. 1. The times, places, and manner of holding elections for senators and representatives shall be prescribed in each state by the Legislature thereof; but the Congress may, at any time, by law, make or alter such regulations, except as to the places of choosing senators. 2. The Congress shall assemble at least once in every year ; and such meeting shall be on the first Monday iii December, unless they shall, by law, appoint a diffurcni day, SECTION v. 1. Each house shall be the judge of the elections, returns, and qualifications of its own members ; and a majority of each shall constitute a quorum to do business ; but a small- er number may adjourn froni day to day, and may be au- 354 APPENDIX. thorized to compsl the attendance of absent members, m such manner and under such penalties as each house maj provide. 2. Each house may determine the rules of its proceed- ings ; punish its members for disorderly behaviour ; and, with the concurrence of two thirds, expel a member. 3. Each house shall keep a journal of its proceedings, and, from time to time, publish the same, excepting such parts as may in their judgment require secrecy ; and the yeas and nays of the members of either house on any question shall, at the desire of one fifth of those present, be entered on the journal. 4. Neither house, during the session of Congress, shall, without the consent of the other, adjourn for more than three days, nor to any other place than that in which the two houses shall be sitting. SECTION VI. 1. The senators and representatives shall receive a com- pensation for their services, to be ascertained by law, and paid out of the treasury of the United States. They shall, in all cases except treason, felony, and breach of the peace, be privileged from arrest during their attendance at the session of their respective houses, and in going to and re- turning from the same : for any speech or debate in either house, they shall not be questioned in any other place. 2. No senator or representative shall, during the time for which he was elected, be appointed to any civil office, under the authority of the United States, which shall have been created, or the emoluments of which shall have been in- creased, during such time ; and no person holding any of- fice under the United States shall be a member of either house during his continuance in office. SECTION VII. 1. All bills for raising revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives ; but the Senate shall propose or concur with amendments, as on other bills. 2. Every bill which shall have passed the House of Rep- resentatives and the Senate shaU, before it become a law, be presented to the President of the United States. If he approve it, he shall sign it ; but if not, he shall return it, with his objections, to that house in which it shall have origina- ted, who shall enter the objections at large on their journal, APPENDIX. 355 and proceed to reconsider it. If, after such reconsidera- tion, two thirds of that house shall agree to pass the bill, it shall be sent, together witn the objections, to the other house, by which it shall likewise be reconsidered ; and, il approved by two thirds of that house, it shall become a law. But in all such cases the votes of both houses shall be de- termined by yeas and nays ; and the names of the persons voting for and against the bill shall be entered on the jour- nal of each house respectively. If any bill shall not be re- turned by the President within ten days (Sundays excepted) after it shall have been presented to him, the same shall be a law, in like manner as if he had signed it, unless the Con- gress, by their adjournment, prevent its return ; in which case it shall not be a law. 3. Every order, resolution, or vote to which the concur- rence of the Senate and House of Representatives may be necessary (except on a question of adjournment), shall be presented to the President of the United States, and, be- fore the same shall take effect, be approved by him ; or, be- ing disapproved by him, shall be repassed by two thirds of both houses, according to the rules and limitations prescribed in the case of a bill. SECTION VIII. The Congress shall have power, 1 . To lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts, and excises, to pay the debts and provide for the common defence and general warfare of the United States ; but all duties, im- posts, and excises shall be uniform throughout the United States : 2. To borrow money on the credit of the United States : 3. To regulate commerce with foreign nations, and among the several states, and with the Indian tribes : 4. To establish a uniform rule of naturalization, and uni- form laws on the subject of bankruptcies throughout the United States : 5. To coin money, to regulate the value thereof, and of for- eign coin, and fix the standard of weights and measures : 6. To provide for the punishment of counterfeiting the securities and current coin of the United States : 7. To establish postoffices and postroads : 8. To promote the progress of science and useful arts, by securing, for limited times, to authors and inventors, the exclusive right tc theii respective writings and discoveries : 356 At^PENDIX. 9. To constitute tribunals inferior to the supreme court: 10. To define and punish piracies and felonies committed on the high seas, and offences against the law of nations : 11. To declare war, grant letters of marque and reprisal, and make rules concerning captures on land and water : 12. To raise and support armies ; but no appropriation of money for that use shall be for a longer term than two years : ^3. To provide and maintain a navy : 14. To make rules for the government and regulation of the land and naval forces : 15. To provide for calling forth the militia to execute the laws of the Union, suppress insurrections, and repel. inva- sions : 16. To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining the militia, and for governing such part of them as may be employed in the service of the United States, reserving to the states respectively the appointment of the officers, and the authority of training the militia according to the disci- pline prescribed by Congress. 17. To exercise exclusive legislation, m all cases whatso- ever, over such district (not exceed mg ten miles square) as may, by cession of particular states, and the acceptance of Congress, become the seat of the government of the United States ; and to exercise like authority over all places pur- chased by the consent of the Legislature of the state in which the same shall be, for the erection of forts, magazines, arsenals, dockyards, and other needful buildings ; and, 18. To make all laws which shall be necessary and prop- er for carrying into execution the foregoing powers, and all other powers vested by this Constitution in the government of the United States, or in any department or office thereof - SECTION IX. I. The migration or importation of such persons as any of the states now existing shall think proper to admit, shall not be prohibited by the Congress prior to the year one thousand eight hundred and eight ; but a tax or duty may /be imposed on such importation, not exceeding ten dollars j for each person. ^ 2. The privilege of the writ of habeas corpus shall not be suspended, unless when, in cases of rebellion or invasion, the public safety may require it. 3. No bill of attainder or ex jiost fanin law shall bo passed. APPENDIX. 357 4. No capitation or other direct tax shall be laid, unless in proportion to the census or enumeration herein before di- rected to be taken. 5. No tax or duty shall be laid on articles exported fiou) iny state. 6. No preference shall be given by any regulation of com- nerce or revenue to the ports of one state over those of an- )ther : nor shall vessels bound to, or from one state, be ol)liged to enter, clear, or pay duties in another. 7. No money shall be drawn from the treasury but in consequence of appropriations made by law ; and a regular statement and account of the receipts and expenditures of all public money shall be published from time to time. 8. No title of nobility shall be granted by the United States ; and no person holding any office of profit or trust under them shall, without the consent of the Congress, ac- cept of any present, emolument, office, or title of any kind whatever, from any king, prince, or foreign state. SECTION X. 1. No state shall enter into any treaty, alliance, or con federation ; grant letters of marque and reprisal ; com mon- ey ; emit bills of credit ; make anything but gold and silver coin a tender in payment of debts ; pass any bill of attain- der, ex post facto law, or law impairing the obligation of con- tracts ; or grant any title of nobility. 2. No state shall, without the consent of the Congress, lay any imposts or duties on imports or exports, except what may be absolutely necessary for executing its inspec- tion laws ; and the nett produce of all duties and imposts, laid by any state on imports or exports, shall be for the use of the treasury of the United States ; and all such laws shall be subject to the revision and control of the Congress. 3. No state shall, without the consent of the Congress, lay any duty on tonnage, keep troops or ships of war in time of peace, enter into any agreement or compact with another state, or with a foreign power, or engage in war, unless ac- tually invaded, or in such imminent danger as will not ad • mit of delay. ARTICLE II. SECTION I. 1. The executive power shall be vested in a President of tb.-. United States of America. He shall hold his office du- 358 APPENDIX. ring the term of four years, and, together "with the Vice- president, chosen for the same term, be elected as follows : 2. Each state shall appoint, in such manner as the Legis- lature thereof may direct, a number of electors, equal to the whole number of senators and representatives to which the state may be entitled in the Congress ; but no senator or representative, or person holding any office of trust or profit under the United States, shall be appointed an elector. 3. The electors shall meet in their respective states, and vote by ballot for two persons, one of whom at least shall not be an inhabitant of the same state with themselves. And they shall make a list of all the persons voted for, and of the number of votes for each ; which list they shall sign and certify, and transmit sealed to the seat of the government of the United States, directed to the President of the Sen- ate. The President of the Senate shall, in the presence of the Senate and House of Representatives, open all the cer- tificates, and the votes shall then be counted. The person naving the greatest number of votes shall be the President, if such number be a majority of the whole number of elect- ors appointed ; and if there be more than one who have such majority, and have an equal number of votes, then the House of Representatives shall immediately choose by bal- lot one of them for President ; and if no person have a ma- jority, then from the five highest on the list the said House shall in like manner choose the President. But in choosii^ the President, the votes shall be taken by states, the repre- sentation from each state having one vote : a quorum foi this purpose shall consist of a member or members from two thirds of the states, and a majority of all the states shall be necessary to a choice. In every case, after the choice of the President, the person having the greatest num- ber of votes of the electors shall be the Vice-president. 13ul if there should remain two or more who have equal votes, the Senate shall choose from them by ballot the Vice-presi- dent. 4. The Congress may determine the time of choosing the electors, and the day on which they shall give their votes ; which day shall be the same throughout the United States. 5. No person, except a natural-born citizen, or a citizen of the United States at the time of the adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the office of President ; neither shall any person be eligible to that office who shaL APPENDIX. i^59 not have attained to the age of thirty-five years, and been fourteen years a resident within the United States. 6 In case of the removal of the President from office, or of his death, resignation, or inabihty to discharge the powers and duties of the said office, the same shall devolve on the Vice-president ; and the Congress may by law provide for the case of removal, death, resignation, or inability, both of tlie President and Vice-president, declaring what officer shall then act as President, and such officer shall act ac- cordingly, until the disability be removed, or a President be elected. 7. The President shall, at stated times, receive for his services a compensation, which shall neither be increased nor diminished during the period for which he shall have been elected, and he shall not receive within that period any other emolument from the United States, or any of them. 8. Before he enter on the execution of his office, he shall take the following oath or affirmation : " I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully exe- cute the office of President of the United States, and will, to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States." SECTION II. 1. The President shall be commander-in-chief of the army and navy of the United States, and of the militia of the sev- eral states when called into the actual service of the United States ; he may require the opinion, in writing, of the prin- cipal officers in each of the executive departments, upon any subject relating to the duties of their respective offices, and he shall have power to grant reprieves and pardons for offences against the United States, except in cases of im- peachment. 2. He shall have power, by and with the advice and con- sent of the Senate, to make treaties, provided two thirds of the senators present concur ; and he shall nominate, and by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, shall appoint ambassadors, other public ministers and consuls, judges of the Supreme Court, and all other officers of the United States whose appointments are not herein otherwise provi- ded for, and which shall be established by law ; but the Congress may by law vest the appointment of such infeiior officers as they think proper in the President alone, in thfi urts of law, or in the heads of the departments. 360 APPENDIX. 3. The President shall have power to fill up all vacancies that may happen during the recess of the Senate, by grant- ing comniissions which shall expire at the end of their next session. SECTION III. He shall, from time to time, give to the Congress in formation of the state of the Union, and recommend to theii consideration such measures as he shall judge necessarj and expedient; he may, on extraordinary occasions, con- vene both houses, or either of them, and, in case of disa- greement between them with respect to the lime of ad- journment, he may adjourn them to such time as he shall think proper ; he shall receive ambassadors and other pub- lic ministers ; he shall take care that the laws be faithfully executed, and shall commission all the officers of the Uni- ted States. SECTION IV. The President, Vice-president, and all civil officers of the United States, shall be removed from office on impeachment for, and conviction of treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors. ARTICLE III. SECTION I. The judicial power of the United States shall be vested in one supreme court, and in such inferior courts as the Congress may, from time to time, ordain and establish. The judges, both of the supreme and inferior courts, shall hold their offices during good behaviour, and shall, at stated times, receive for their services a compensation, which shall not be diminished during their continuance in office. SECTION II. I. The judicial power shall extend to all cases in law nnd equity arising under this Constitution, the laws of the United States, and treaties made, or which shall be made, under their authority ; to all cases affecting ambassadors ; other public ministers, and consuls ; to all cases of a^'mi- ralty and maritime jurisdiction ; to controversies to which the United States shall be a party, to controversies between two or more states, between a state and citizens of anothei state, between citizens of different states, between citizens APPENDIX. 361 It the same state claiming lands under grants of different states, and between a state, or the citizens thereof and for- eign states, citizens, or subjects. 2. In all cases affecting ambassadors, other public mm- ■sters, and consuls, and those in which a state shall be a oarty, the^Supreme Court shall have original jurisdiction. m all the other cases before mentioned, the Supreme Court rhall have appellate jurisdiction, both as to law and fact, 'vith such exceptions, and under such regulations, as the Congress shall make. 3. The trial of all crimes, except in cases of impeach- ment, shall be by jury, and such trial shall be held in the state where the said crimes shall have been committed ; but when not committed within any state, the trial shall be at such place or places as the Congress may by law have di- rected. SECTION III. 1. Treason against the United States shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open court. 2. The Congress shall have power to declare the punish- ment of treason ; but no attainder of treason shall work corruption of blood or forfeiture, except during the life of ♦he person attainted. ARTICLE IV. Full faith and credit shall be given, in each state, to the public acts, records, and judicial proceedings of every other state. And the Congress may, by penal laws, prescribe th(5 manner in which such acts, records, and proceedings shall he proved, and the effect thereof. SECTION II. 1. The citizens of each state shall be entitled to all tha privileges and immunities of citizens in the several states. 2. A person charged in any state with treason, felony, or other crime, who shall flee from justice and be found in an- other state, shall, on the demand of the executive authority of the state from which he fled, be delivered up, to be remo- •red to the state having jurisdiction of the crime K E 362 APPENDIX. 3. No person, held to service or labour in one state unJer the law thereof, escaping into another, sliall, in consequence of any law or regulation therein, be discharged from such service or labour ; but shall be delivered up on claim of the party to whom such service or labour may be due. SECTION III. * 1. New states may be admitted by the Congress into this Union ; but no new state shall be formed or erected within the jurisdiction of any other state ; nor any state be formed by the junction of two or more states, or parts of states, without the consent of the legislatures of the states con- cerned, as well as of the Congress. 2. The Congress shall have power to dispose of and make all needful rules and regulations respecting the territory or other property beloncring to the United States ; and nothing in this Constitution snail be so construed as to prejudice any claims of the United States, or of any particular state. SECTION IV. The United States shall guaranty to every state in this Union a republican form of government, and shall protect each of them against invasion ; and on application of the Legislature, or of the executive (when the Legislature can- not be convened), against domestic violence. ARTICLE V. The Congress, whenever two thirds of both houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose amendments to this Con- stitution, or, on the application of the legislatures of two thirds of the several states, shall call a convention foi proposing amendments ; which, in either case, shall be val- id to all intents and purposes, as part of this Constitution, when ratified by the legislatures of three fourths of the sev- eral states, or by conventions in three fourths thereof, as the one or the other mode of ratification may be proposed by the Congress : Provided that no amendment which may be made prior to the year one thousand eight hundred and eight, shall in any manner affect the first and fourth clauses in the ninth section of the first article ; and that no state, without its consent, shall be deprived of its equal suflfrage in the Senate APPENmx. 363 ARTICLE VI. 1. All debts contracted, and engagements entered into before the adoption of this Constitution, shall be as valid against the United States under this Constitution as under the Confederation. 2. This Constitution, and the laws of the United States w'hich shall be made in pursuance thereof, and all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States, shall be the supreme law of the land, and the judges in every state shall be bound thereby, anything in the Constitution or laws of any state to the contrary not- withstanding. 3. The senators \nd representatives , before mentioned, and the members ol the several state legislatures, and all executive and judicial officers, both of the United States and of the several states, shall be bound, by oath or affirmation, to support this Constitution ; but no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust un- der the United States. ARTICLE VII. The ratification of the convention of nine states shall be sufficient for the establishment of this Constitution between the states so ratifying the same. Done in the Convention by the unanimous consent of the states present, the seventeenth day of September, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty- seven, and of the independence of the United States of America the twelfth. In witness whereof, we have sub- scribed our names. GEORGE WASHINGTON, President, and Delegate from Virginia, Massachusetts. \ Ruflj^^^J^g""'"'''""' Connecticut. \ William Samuel Johnsor,., ( Roger Sherman. New- York. Alexander Hamilton. /William Livingston, Ne\r-Jersev J ^^^^^ Brearley, ISQV jersey. < william Paterso. ^Jonathan Dayton. 364 APPENDIX. Pennsylvania. Delaware. Maryland. Virginia. North Carolina. South Carolina Georgia. Attest, ^Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Mifflin, Robert Morris, George Clymcr, Thomas Fitzsimmons, Jared Ingersol, James Wilson, Gouverneur Morris. George Read, Gunning Bedford, Jun., John Dickinson, Richard Bassett, Jacob Broom. James M'Henry, Daniel of St. Thomas Jenifer, Daniel Carroll. SJohn Blair, James Madison, Jun. c William Blount, < Richard Dobbs Spaight, ( Hugh Williamson. /"John Rutledge, J Charles C. Pinck'nev, \ Charles Pinckney, V Pierce Butler. ( William Few, I Abraham Baldwin. William Jackson, Secvtinj, AMENDMENTS The jollowing Articles in addition to, and amendment of, the Constitution of the United States, having been ratified by the Legislatures of nine Slates, are equally obligatory with the Constitution itself I. Congress shall make no law respecting an establish ment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, oi abridging the freedom of speech or of the press ; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances. II. A well-regulated militia being necessary to the secu- rity of a free state, the right of the pec pie to keep and bea» arms shall not be infringed APPENDIX. 365 III. No soldier shall, in time of peace, be quartered in any house, without the consent of the owner ; nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law. IV. The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated ; and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirm- ation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or tilings to be seized. V. No person shall be held to answer for a capital or oth- erwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indict- ment of a grand jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the militia, when in actual service, in time of war, or public danger ; nor shall any person be sub- ject, for the same offence, to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb ; nor shall be compelled, in any criminal case, to be witness against himself; nor be deprived of life, liber- ty, or property, without due process of law ; nor shall pri- vate property be taken for public use, without just compen- sation. VI. In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy aq4 public trial, by an impartial jury, of the state and district wherein the crime shall have been committed ; which district shall have been previously as- certained by law ; and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation ; to be confronted with the witness- es against him ; to have compulsory process for obtaining vvitnesses in his favour ; and to have the assistance of coun- sel for his defence. VII. In suits at common law, where the value in contro- versy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved ; and no fact tried by jury shall be other- wise re-examinad in any court of the tJnited States than according to the rules of the common law. VIII. Excessive bail shall not be required ; nor excessive fines imposed ; nor cruel and unusual punishment inflicted. IX. The enumeration in the Constitution of certain rights shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people. X. I'he powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people. XI. The judicial power of the United States shall not be construed to extend to any suit in law or equity commenced 3(3(5 APPENDIX. or prosecuted against one of the United Slates by citizens of another state, or by citizens or subjects of any foreign state. XII. The electors shall meet in their respective states, and vote by ballot for President and Vice-president, one of whom, at least, shall not be an inhabitant of the same state with themselves ; they shall name in their ballots the per- son voted for as President, and in distinct ballots the per- son voted for as Vice-president ; and they shall make dis- tinct lists of all persons voted for as President, and of all persons voted for as Vice-president, and of the number of votes for each, which lists they shall sign and certify, and transmit sealed to the government of the United States, di- rected to the President of the Senate ; the President of the Senate shall, in the presence of the Senate and House of Representatives, open all the certificates, and the votes shall then be counted ; the person having the greatest number of votes for President shall be the President, if such number be a majority of the whole number of electors appointed ; and if no person have such majority, then from the persons having the highest numbers not exceeding three on the list of those voted for as President, tte House of Representa- tives shall choose immediately, by ballot, the President. But, in choosing the President, the votes shall be taken by states, the representation from each state having one vote ; a quorum for this purpose shall consist of a member or members from two thirds of the states, and a majority of all the states shall be necessary to a choice. And if the House of Representatives shall not choose a President vv^henever the right of choice shall devolve upon them, before the fourth day of March next following, then the Vice-president shall act as President, as in the case of the death or other consti- tutional disability of the President. The person having the greatest number of votes as Vice-president shall be Vice- president, if such number be a majority of the whole numbei of electors appointed ; and if no person have a majority, then from the two highest numbers on the list the Senate shall choose the Vice-president : a quorum for the purpose shall consist of two thirds of the whole number of senators, and a majority of the whole number shall be necessary to a choice. But no person constitutionally ineligible to the of- fice of President shall be eligible to that of Vice-presid ent of the United States. APPENDIX. 367 D, p. iv. WILLIAM DUER TO JAMES MADISON. New- York, June 23d 1788. Dear Sir, As it is probable you may not hear by this post from our mutual friend Colonel Hamilton, I take the liberty of giving you a short sketch of our political prospects in this quarter on the great question of the Constitution. My information is from Colonel Lawrence, who left Poughkeepsie on Satur- day. A considerable majority of the Convention are undoubt- edly Anti-Federal ; or, in other words, wish for amend ments previous to the adoption of the government. A few of the leaders (among which I think I may, without scruple, class the governor) would, if they could find support, go farther, and hazard everything rather than agree to any sys- tem which tended to a consolidation of our government. Of this, however, I have at present no apprehensions, many of their party having avowed themselves friends to the Union. With respect to amendments, as far as I can understand the party in opposition, they cannot agree among themselves. It is therefore possible that this circumstance may create a division in favour of the Federalists. As to the rejection of the Constitution, there is not the least prob- ability of it. The great points of discussion will probably be, whether they will adjourn without coming to any deci- sion, or whether they will adopt it conditionally, or follow the example of Massachusetts and South Carolina. • The conduct of your Convention will influence, in a great degree, ours. If you adjourn without doing anything, we shall do the same ; but, if you do not, there is still some hope that we may adopt, with proposed amendments : for, as to the second point, the inconsistency of it will, I think, be too apparent after a decision to command a majority. While I am writing, a gentleman has favoured me with a copy of a letter from an mtelligent by-stander,* who has at- tended the debates. of the Convention ; I therefore enclose it, as a more faithful history than I can give. I am, with sentiments of the most profound esteem. Your obedient, humble servant, William Duer. * James Kent, then a student at law with Mr. E. Benson. 368 APPENDIX. JAMES KENT TO ROBERT TROUf. Poughkeepsie, Friday, June 20ih, 1788. Devr Sir, I had the pleasure of receiving your letter hy Mr. Hai- rison, and in compliance with your desire, I shall shortly state to you the proceedings of the Convention hitherto. They met on Tuesday in pretty full house, and elected Governor Clinton president, and appointed hy ballot Duane, Morris, Lansing, Jones, and Hening, a committee for re- porting rules for the regulation of the Convention. On Wednesday, the rules were adopted, the Constitution read, and a motion made by Mr. Lansing, and agreed to, that they would on the next day resolve themselves into a commit- tee of the whole, for the purpose of discussing the Consti- tution. On Thursday, which was yesterday, the house re- solved itself into a committee, Mr. Couthout, of Albany, chairman. Chancellor Livingston rose and called our at- tention to a fine introductory speech of one hour's length. He mentioned the importance of the occasion, and the pe- culiar felicity of this country, which had it in its power to originate and establish its government from reason and choice, while on the Eastern Continent, their governments and the reforms of them were the children of force. He then pointed out the necessity of Union, particularly in this state, from its local situation, which rendered it peculiarly vulnerable, not only to foreigners, but to its neighbours. He stated that a Union was to be expected only from the old Confederation, or from the government now under their consideration. He then demonstrated the radical defects of the Confederation ; that its principle was bad, in legisla- ting for states in their political capacity, as its constitution- al demands could only be coerced by arms ; that it was equal- ly defective inform, as the Congress was a single body, too small and too liable to faction, from its being a single body, to be intrusted with legislative power, and too numerous to be intrusted with executive authority. The chancellor, on this head, only gave a summary of the arguments of Publius*^\ie\\ treating on the defects of the Confederation ; but the summary was neither so perfect nor so instructive, by a vast difference, as the original. It was not, however, to be expected in a short address. He concluded that sur- vey by entreating the house to divest themselves of preju- * The si{;u;iture adopted by the authors of " The Federalist." lice and warmth, to examine th^ plan submitted with the utmost coolness and candour, to dpnsrder themselves as cit- izens assembled to consult for the^ general good, and not ^s^ ,v Btate officers, who might be opposed, in that capacity, to^^ every determination of their authority. He conciaded* kis speech by a motion which, with some amendments, wrfs^'^, agreed to by the house, that they would discuss the 'G'onsii- tution by paragraphs, and any amendments which might b^^ proposed in the course of the debate, without taking llie question as to any paragraphs, or as to any amendments which might be offered, until the whole Constitution was discussed. This, sir, is a sketch of the proceedings of the Convention to this day. We expect they will this morning enter on the subject by paragraphs. I imagine they will be some time engaged in the discussion, probably three weeks. As to the result, I can only say I look forward to it with anxious uncertainty. I do not abandon hope. I think the opposition discover great embarrassment. I believe they do not know what to do. Some of them, I am told, have said they will not vote against it. l^he decision in New- Hampshire and Virginia, we are flattering ourselves, will be favourable ; and that they will give energy to the debate on one side in our Convention, and confusion, if not abso- lute despair, to the other side. I hope you and our friends in New- York will give 'us the earliest information from those states. In giving you the heads of the chancellor's speech, I be- lieve 1 am not mistaken. He spoke rather low, and there was so much noise, and the bar so much crowded, that I confess I lost at least one third of the speech, though I trust not the general course of reasoning. What I regret- ted more, I lost some of his figures, for which he is pecu- liarly eminent. I shall take the liberty to trespass on your patience by every opportunity, as I trust your curiosity will excuse me. I am, &c., &c. James Kent. P.S. I am directed by Mr. Benson to request you will communicate this information to Colonel Duer. WILLIAM DUER TO JAMES MADISON. 1788. My dear Sir, Our iQuTual friend, Hamilton, has communicated to me, in ooafidence, the substance of your letter on the political pros 376 APPENDIX. pects in Pennsylvania and Virginia. I learn with extreme regret the division of the Federalists in the former state, and the malignant perseverance of the opponents to the Constitution in your own. I trust, however, that we shall have the benefit of your councils and exertions in the House of Representatives, notwithstanding Mr. Henry's manoeuvres to prevent it. You may remember some conversation 1 once had with you on the subject of electing Mr. John Adams as Vice- president. I have ascertained, through General Knox, that this gentleman, if chosen, will be a strenuous opposer against calling a Convention, which, in the present state of parties, I consider as a vital stab to the Constitution ; and not only that, I have been informed, in a mode perfectly satisfactory, that he and his old coadjutor, R. H. Lee, will be altogether opposite in all measures relative to the establishment of the character and credit of the government. I am therefore anxious that the Federalists to the southward may join in supporting his nomination. A greater knowledge of the world has cured him of his old party prejudices, and I am satisfied nothing is to be feared from that quarter ; on the contrary, should he be elected to that station (which I am fully convinced is his wisb), the weight of his state would be cast into the Federal scale. Interested as I know you are in the welfare of the Union, I cannot omit giving you this information, on the .authenti- city of which you may rely, that you may (without commit- ting my name) make such use of it as you think proper. I am, with sentiments of great esteem, Your obedient, humble servant, William Duer. P.S. I have no objection to Messrs. Robert and Gouv erneur Morris seeing this letter. JAMES MADISON TO WILLIAM A. DUER. ; Montpelier, May 5th, 1835. Dear Sir, I have received your letter of April 25th, and, with the aid of a friend, an amanuensis, have made out the following an swer. On the subject of Mr. Pinckney's proposed plan of a Con- stitution, it i« to be observed, that the plan printed in the journal was T**)t the document, actually presented by him tc APPENDIX. 371 the Convention. That document was in no otherwise no- ticed in the proceedings of the Convention than by a refer- ence of it, with jMr- Randolph's plan, to a committee of the whole, and afterward to a committee of detail, with others ; and not being found among the papers left with President Washington, and finally deposited in the Department of State, Mr. Adams, charged with the publication of them, ob- tained from Mr. Pinckney the document in the printed jour- nal as a copy supplying the place of the missing one. In this there must be error ; there being sufficient evidence, even on the surface of the journals, that the copy sent to My. Adams could not be the same with the document laid before the Convention. Take, for example, the article con- stituting the House of Representatives — the corner-stone of the fabric ; the identity, even verbal, of which, with the adopted Constitution, has attracted so much notice. In the first place, the detail and phraseology of the Constitution appears to have been the result of successive discussions, and are too minute and exact to have been anticipated. In the next place, it appears that, within a few days after Mr. Pinckney presented his plan to the Convention, he moved to strike out from the resolution of Mr. Randolph the pro- vision for the election of the House of Representatives by the people, and refer the choice of that house to the legis- latures of the states ; and to this preference he appears to have adhered in the subsequent proceedings of the Conven- tion. Other discrepancies might be found, in a source also within your reach, in a pamphlet published by Mr. Pinckney soon after the close of the Convention, in which he refers to parts of his plan which are at variance with the document in the printed journal.* Farther evidence on this subject await a future, perhaps a posthumous disclosure. One con- jecture explaining the phenomena has been, that Mr. Pinck ney interwove with the draught sent to Mr. Adams passages as agreed on in the Convention in the progress of the work, and which, after a lapse of more than thirty years, were not separated by his recollection. The resolutions of Mr. Randolph, the basis ion which the deliberations of the committee proceeded, were the result of a consultation among the Virginia deputies, who thought * Observations on the Plan of Government submitted to the Federal Con- vention, on the 28lh of May, 1/87, by Charles Pinckney, &c., &c. Vide " Select Facts," vol. ii., in tlie library of tl Historical Society of New- Vork. 372 APPEI^DIX. It possible that, as Virginia had taken so leading a part in reference to the Federal Convention, some initiative propo- sitions might be expected from them. They vi^ere under- stood not to commit any of the members, absolutely or de- finitively, on the tenour of them. The resolutions will be seen to present the characteristic provisions and features of a government as complete, in some respects, perhaps more so, than the plan of Mr. Pinckney, though without be ing thrown into a formal shape. The moment, indeed, a real Constitution was looked for as a substitute for tlie con federacy, the distribution of the government into the usuaj departments became a matter of course with all who specu- lated on the prospective change, and the form of general resolutions was adopted, as most respectful to the Conven- tion, and as the most convenient for discussion. It may be observed that, in reference to the powers to be given to the General Government, the resolutions comprehended as well the powers contained in the Articles of Confederation, with- out enumerating them, as others not overlooked in the res- olutions, but left to be developed and defined by the Con- vention. With regard to the plan proposed by Mr. Hamilton, I may say to you, that a Constitution such as you describe was never proposed in the Convention, but was communicated by him to me, at the close of it. The original draught being in the possession of his family, and their property, I have considered any publicity of it as lying with them. Mr. Yates's .notes, as you observe, are very inaccurate ; they are also, in some respects, grossly erroneous. The desulto- ry manner in which he took them, catching sometimes but half the language, may in part account for it. Though said to be a respectable and honourable man, he brought with him to the Convention the strongest prejudices against the existence and objects of that body, in which he was strength- ened by the course taken in its deliberatioLS. He left the Convention long before the opinions and views of many members were finally developed into their practical applica- tion. The p£fesion and prejudice of Mr. Luther Martin, be- trayed in his public letter, could not fail to discolour his rep- resentations. He also left the Convention before the com- pletion of their work. I have heard, but will not vouch for the fact, that he became sensible oi, and admitted his error ; certain it is that he joined the party who favoured the Con- stitution in its most liberal construction. APPENDIX. 373 I had, as you may recollect, an acquaintance with your father, to which his talents and social accomplishments were very attractive ; and there was an incidental correspondence between us, interchanging information at a critical moment, when the elections and state conventions which were to decide the fate of the new Constitution were taking place. You are, I presume, not ignorant that your father was the author of several papers auxiliary to the numbers of *' The Federalist." They appeared, I believe, in the Gazette of M-. Childs. With great respect and cordial salutations, yours, James Madison. E, p. 41. PROCLAMATION BY ANDREW JACKSON, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. Whereas a convention assembled in the State of South Carolina have passed an ordinance, by which they declare " that the several acts and parts of acts of the Congress of the United states, purporting to be laws for the imposing of duties and imposts on the importation of foreign commodi- ties, and now having actual operation and effect within the United States, and more especially" two acts, for the same purposes, passed on the 29th of May, 1828, and on the 14th of July, 1832, " are unauthorized by the Constitution of the United States, and violate the true meaning and intent thereof, and are null and void, and no law," nor binding on the citizens of that state or its offiers ; and by the said or- dinance ^t is farther declared to be unlawful for any of the constituted authorities of the state, or of the United States, to enforce the payment of the duties imposed by the said acts within the same state, and that it is the duty of the Legislature to pass such laws as may be necessary to give full effect to the said ordinance : Aiid ivhereaSf by the said ordinance it is farther ordained that, in no case of law or equity, decided in the courts of said state, wherein shall be drawn in question the validity of the said ordinance, or of the acts of the Legislature that may be passed to give it effect, or of the said laws of the United States, no appeal shall be allowed to the Supreme Court of the United States, nor shall any copy of the record be permitted or allowed for that purpose ; and that any per- 374 APPENDIX. son attempting to take such appeal shall be punished as fot a contempt of court : And, finally, the said ordinance declares that the people of South Carolina will maintain the said ordinance at every hazard ; and that they will consider the passage of any act by Congress abolishing or closing the ports of the said state, or otherwise obstructing the free ingress or egress of ves- sels to and from' the said ports, or any other act of the Fed- eral Government to coerce the state, shut up her ports, de stroy or harass her contmerce, or to enforce the said acts otherwise than through the civil tribunals of the country, as inconsistent with the longer continuance of South Carolina in the Union ; and that the people of the said state will thenceforth hold themselves absolved from all farther obli- gation to maintain or preserve their political connexion with the people of the other states, and will forthwith proceed to organize a separate government, and do all other acts and things which sovereign and independent states may of right do: And whereas, the said ordinance prescribes to the people of South Carolina a course of conduct in direct violation of their duty as citizens of the United States, contrary to the laws of their country, subversive of its Constitution, and having for its object the destruction of the Union — that Union, which, coeval with our political existence, led oui fathers, without any other ties to unite them than those of patriotism and a common cause, through a sanguinary strug- gle to a glorious independence — that sacred Union, hitherto inviolate, which, perfected by our happy Constitution, has brought us, by the favour of Heaven, to a state of prosperity at home, and high consideration abroad, rarely^ if ever, equalled in the history of nations. To preserve This bond of our political existence from destruction, to maintain in- violate this state of national honour and prosperity, and to justify the confidence my fellow-citizens have reposed in me, I, Andrew Jackson, President of the United States, have thought proper to issue this my PROCLAMATION, stating my views of the Constitution and laws applicable to the measures adopted by the convention of South Carolina, and to the reasons they have put forth to sustain them, decla- ring the course which duty will require me to pursue, and, appealing to tlie understanding and patriotism of the people, warn them of the consequences that must inevitably resul' from an observance of the dictates of the convention. APPENDilv. 'S7b Strict duty would require of rne nothing more than the exercise of those powers with which I am now, or may licreafter be, invested, for preserving the peace of the Union, and for the execution of the laws. But the imposing aspect vviiich opposition lias assumed in this case, by clothing it- self witli state authority, and the deep interest which the people of the United States must all feel in preventing a re- son to stronger measures, while there is a hope that any- rliing will be yielded to reasoning and remonstrance, perhaps demand, and will certainly justify, a full exposition to South Carolina and the nation of the views I entertain of this important question, as well as a distinct enunciation of the course which my sense of duty will require me to pur- sue. The ordinance is founded, not on the indefeasible right of resisting acts which are plainly unconstitutional, and too oppressive to be endured, but on the strange position that any one state may not only declare an act of Congress void, but prohibit its execution ; that they may do this consist- ently with the Constitution ; that the true construction of that instrument permits a state to retain its place in the Union, and yet be bound by no other of its laws than those it may choose to consider as constitutional. It is true, they add, that, to justify this abrogation of a law, it must be pal- pably contrary to the Constitution ; but it is evident that, to give the right of resisting law^s of that description, coupled with the uncontrolled right to decide what laws deserve that character, is to give the power of resisting all laws. For as by the theory there is no appeal, the reasons alleged by the state, good or bad, must prevail. If it should be said that public opinion is a sufficient check against the abuse of this power, it may be asked why it is not deemed a sufficient guard against tlie passage of an unconstitutional act by Congress. There is, however, a restraint in this last case, which makes the assumed power of a state more inde- fensible, and which does not exist in the other. There are two appeals from an unconstitutional act passed by Con- gress — one to the judiciary, the other to the people and the states. There is no appeal from the state decision in theo- ry ; and the practical illustration shows that the courts are closed agamst an application to review it, both judges and jurors being sworn to decide in its favour. But reasoning on this subject is surperfluous when our social compact, in ex- press terms, declares that the laws of the United States, its 376 APPENDIX Constitution, and treaties made under it, are the supreme! law of the land ; and, for greater caution, adds, " that the judges in every state shall be bound thereby, anything in the constitution or laws of any state to the contrary not- withstanding." And it may be asserted, without fear of ref- utation, that no federative government could exist without a similar provision. Look for a moment to the consequence. If South Carolina considers the revenue laws unconstitu- tional, and has a right to prevent their execution in the port of Charleston, there would be a clear constitutional objection to their collection in every other port, and no revenue could be collected anywhere ; for all imposts must be equal. It is no answer to repeat that an unconstitutional law is no law, so long as the question of its legality is to be decided by the state itself; for every law operating injuriously upon any local in- terest will be perhaps thought, and certainly represented, as unconstitutional ; and, as has been shown, there is no appeal. If this doctrine had been established at an earlier day, the Union w^ould have been dissolved in its infancy. The excise law in Pennsylvania, the embargo and non-intercourse law in the Eastern States, the carriage-tax in Virginia, were all deemed unconstitutional, and were more unequal in their operation than any of the laws now complained of ; but, for- tunately, none of those states discovered that they had the right now claimed by South Carolina. The war into which we were forced, to support the dignity of the nation and tlip rights of our citizens, might have ended in defeat and dis- grace, instead of victory and honour, if the states, who sup- posed it a ruinous and unconstitutional measure, had thought they possessed the right of nullifying the act by which it was declared, and denying supplies for its prosecution. Hardly and unequally as those measures bore upon several members of the Union, to the legislatures of none did this efficient and peaceable remedy, as it is called, suggest itself The discovery of this important feature in our Constitu- tion was reserved to the present day. To the statesmen of South Carolina belongs the invention, and upon the citizens of that state will, unfortunately, fall the evils of reducing it to practice. If the doctrine of a state veto upon the laws of the Union carries with it internal evidence of its impracticable absurd- ity, our constitutional history will also afford abundant proof that it would have been repudiated with indignation, had it been proposed to form a feature in our government. APPENDIX. 37" In our colonial state,althougli dependant on anothor pow er, we very early considered ourselves as connected 1)) common interest with each other. Leagues were formev, for common defence, and before the Declaration of Independ« ence, we were known in our aggregate character as tub United Colonies of America. That decisive and impor. tant step was taken jointly. We declared ourselves a natioi? by a joint, not by several acts ; and when the terms of our confederation were reduced to form, it was in that of a sol- emn league of several states, by which they agreed that they would, collectively, form one nation for the purpose of con- ducting some certain domestic concerns, and all foreign re- lations. In the instrument forming that union, is found an article which declares that " every state shall abide by the determinations of Congress on all questions which by that confederation should be submitted to them." Under the Confederation, then, no state could legally an nul a decision of the Congress, or refuse to submit to its ex- ecution ; but no provision was made to enforce these decis- ions. Congress made requisitions, but they were not com- plied with. The government couldvnot operate on individu- als. They had no judiciary, no means of collecting revenue. But the defects of the Confederation need not be detailed Under its operation, we could scarcely be called a nation. We had neither prosperity at home nor consideration abroad. This state of things could not be endured, and our present happy Constitution was formed ; but formed in vain, if this fatal doctrine prevails. It was formed for important objects that are announced in the preamble made in the name and by the authority of the people of the United States, whose delegates framed, and whose conventions approved it. The most important among these objects, that which is placed first in rank, on which all the others rest, is, " to form a more •perfect unions Now, is it possible that, even if there were no express provision giving supremacy to the Constitution and laws of the United States over those of the states, it can be conceived that an instrument made for the jair- pose of ^^ forming a more perfect union" than that of the Con- federation, could be so constructed by the assembled wisdom of our country as to substitute for that Confederation a form of government dependant for its existence on the local inter- est, the party spirit of a state, or of a prevailing faction in a state '? Every man of plain, unsophisticated understanding, who hears the question, will give such an answer as will 37!^ APPENDIX. Dreserve the Union. Metaphysical subtilty, in puisuit of an impracticable theory, could e attempt to persuade the people that a constitutional '-•'r»edy had been sought and refused. If the Legislature of 6outh Carolina " anxiously desire" a general convention to consider their complaints, why have they not made applica- tion for it in the way the Constitution points out 1 The as- sertion that they " earnestly seek'* it is completely negatived by the omission. This, then, is the position in which we stand A small majority of the citizens of one state in the Union have elect- ed delegates to a state convention : that convention has or- dained that all the revenue laws of the United States must be repealed, or that they are no longer a member of the Union. The governor of that state has recommended to tlie Legislature the raising of an army to carry the secession into effect, and that he may be empowered to give clearan- ces to vessels in the name of the state. No act of violent opposition to the laws has yet been committed, but such a state of things is hourly apprehended ; and it is the intent of this instrument to proclaim, not only that the duty imposed on me by the Constitution " to take care that the laws be faithfully executed," shall be performed to the extent of the powers already vested in me by law, or of such other as the wisdom of Congress shall devise and intrust to me for that purpose, but to warn the citizens of South Caroli- na, who have been deluded into an opposition to the laws, of the danger they will incur by obedience to the illegal and disorganizing ordinance of the convention ; to exhort those who have refused to support it to persevere in their deter- mination to uphold the Constitution and laws of their coim- try. and to point out to all the perilous situation into which the good people of that state have been led ; and that the course they are urged to pursue is one of ruin and disgrace to the very state whose rights they affect to support. Fellow-citizens of my native state ! let me not only ad- monish you, as the first magistrate of our common country, not to incur the penalty of its laws, but use the influenct APPENDIX. 389 that a father would over his children whom he saw rushing to certain ruin. In that paternal language, with that pater- nal feeling, le^. me tell you, my countrymen, that you are de- luded hy men who are either deceived themselves or wish to deceive you. Mark under what pretences you have been led on to the brink of insurrection and treason, on which you stand ! First, a diminution of the value of your staple com- modity, lowered by over-production in other quarters, and the consequent diminution in the value of your lands, were the sole effect of the tariff laws. The effect of those laws are confessedly injurious, but the evil was greatly exaggera- ted hy the unfounded theory you were taught to believe, that its burdens were in proportion to your exports, not to your consumption of imported articles. Your pride was roused by the assertion that a submission to those laws was a state of vassalage, and that resistance to them was equal, in pa Iriotic merit, to the opposition our fathers offered to the op- pressive laws of Great Britain. You were told that this opposition might be peaceably — might be constitutionally made ; that you might enjoy all the advantages of the Union, and bear none of its burdens. Eloquent appeals to your passions, to your state pride, tu your native courage, to your sense of real injury, were used to prepare you for the period when the mask which con cealed the hideous features of disunion should be taken off. It fell, and you were made to look with complacency on ob- jects which, not long since, you would have regarded with horror. Look back at the arts which have brought you tc this state — look forward to the consequences to which it must inevitably lead ! Look back to what was first told you as an inducement to enter into this dangerous course. The great political truth was repeated to you, that you had the revolutionary right of resisting all laws that were palpa- bly unconstitutional and intolerably oppressive : it was ad- ded that the right to nullify a law rested on the same j)rij^ pie, but that it was a peaceable remedy J This characte? which was given to it, made you receive, with too much con- fidence, the assertions that were made of the unconstitution- ality of the law, and its oppressive effects. Mark, my fei low-citizens, that by the admission of your leaders, the un- constitutionality must he palpable, or it will not justify either resistance or nullification ! What is the meaning of the word palpable^ in the sense in which it is here used ] — that which is ap/arent to every one • that which no man of or- 390 APPENDIX. ojnary intellect will fail to perceive. Is the unconstitution- ality of these laws of that description 1 Let those among your leaders who once approved and advocated the princi-. pie of protective duties, answer the question ; and let them choose whether they will be considered as incapable then of perceiving that which must have been apparent to every man of common understanding, or as imposing upon your coniidence, and endeavouring to mislead you now. In either case, they are unsafe guides in the perilous path tliey urge you to tread. Ponder well on liiis circumstance, and you will know how to appreciate the exaggerated language they iiddress to you. They are not champions of Jiberty, emulating the fame of our revolutionary fatliers ; nor are you an ()}>- pressed people, contending, as they repeat to you, against worse than colonial vassalage. You are free members of a flourishing and happy Union. There is no settled design to oppress you. You have, indeed, felt the unequal operation of laws which may have been unwisely, not unconstitution- ally passed ; but that inequality must necessarily l>e remo- ved. At the very moment when you were madly urged on the unfortunate course you have begun, a change in public opinion had commenced. The nearly approaching payment of the public debt, and the consequent necessity of a diminu- tion of duties, had already produced a considerable reduc- tion, and that, too, on some articles of general consumption in your state. The importance of this change was under- stood, and you were authoritatively told that no farther al- leviation of your burdens was to be expected, at the very time when the condition of the country imperiously demand- ed such a modification of the duties as should reduce them to a just and equitable scale. But, as if apprehensive of the effect of this change in allaying your discontents, you were precipitated into the fearful state in which you now find yourselves. I have urged you to look back to the means that were used to hurry you on to the position you have now assumed, and forward to the consequences it wdl produce. Something more is necessary. Contemplate the condition of that coun try of which you still form an important part ! Consider it:^ government, uniting in one bond of common interests and general protection so many different states, giving to all their inhabitants the proud title of American citizens, ])ro- tecting their commerce, securing llieir literature and tlieir arts, facilitating their intercommunication, defending theii APPENDIX. 391 frontiers, and making their name respected in the remotest parts of the earth ! Consider the extent of its territory, its increasing and happy population, its advance in arts, which render life agreeable, and the sciences, which elevate the mind ! See education spreading the lights of religion, hu- manity, and general information into every cottage in this wide extent of our territories and states ! Behold it as the asylum where the wretched and the oppressed find a refuge and support ! Look on this picture of happiness and hon- our, and say, We, too, are citizens of America ; Carolina is oiffe of these proud states : her arms have defended, her best blood has cemented this happy Union ! And then add, if you can, without horror and remorse, this happy Union we will dissolve ; this picture of peace and prosperity we will deface ; this free intercourse we will interrupt ; these fertile fields we will deluge with blood ; the protection of that glorious flag we renounce ; the very names of Ameri- cans we discard. And for what, mistaken men ! — for what do you throw away these inestimable blessings — for what would you exchange your share in the advantages and hon- our of the Union '? For the dream of a separate independ- ence — a dream interrupted by bloody conflicts with your neighbours, and a vile depend ance on a foreign power. If your leaders could succeed in establishing a separation, what would be your situation 1 Are you united at home — are you free from the apprehension of civil discord, with all its fearful consequences'! Do our neighbouring republics, every day suffering some new revolution, or contending with some new insurrection — do they excite your envy 1 But the dictates of a high duty oblige me solemnly to announce that you cannot succeed. The laws of the United States must be executed. I have no discretionary power on the subject — my duty is emphat- ically pronounced in the Constitution. Those who told you that you might peaceably prevent their execution, deceived you — they could not have been deceived themselves. They know that a forcible opposition could alone prevent the ex- ecution of the laws, and they know that such opposition must be repelled. Their object is disunion ; but be not de- ceived by names ; disunion, by armed force, is treason. Are you really ready to incur its guilt 1 If you are, on the heads of the instigators of the act be the dreadful consequen- ces — on their heads be the dishonour, but on yours may fall the punishment — on your unhappy state will inevitably fall 392 APPENDIX. all the evils of the conflict you force upon the government of your country. It cannot accede to the mad project of disunion of which you would be the first victims — its first magistrate cannot, if he would, avoid the performance of his duty — the consequence must be fearful for you, distressing to your fellow-citizens here, and to the friends of good gov- ernment throughout the world. Its enemies have beheld our prosperity with a vexation they could not conceal : it was a standing refutation of their slavish doctrines, and they will point to our discord with the triumph of malignant joy. It is yei ii. your power to disappoint them. There is ye#time to show that the descendants of the Pinckneys, the Sump- ters, the Rutledges, and of the thousand other names which adorn the pages of your revolutionary history, will not aban- don that Union to support which so many of them fought, and bled, and died. I adjure you, as you honour their mem- ory — as you love the cause of freedom, to which they dedi- cated their lives — as you prize the peace of your country, the lives of its best citizens, and your own fair fame, to re- trace your steps. Snatcii from the archives of your state the disorganizing edict of its convention ; bid its members to reassemble and promulgate the decided expressions of your will to remain in the path which alone can conduct you to safety, prosperity, and honour ; tell them that, compared to disunion, all other evils are light, because that brings with it an accumulation of all ; declare that you will never take the field unless the star-spangled banner of your country shall float over you ; that you will not be stigmatized when dead, and dishonoured and scorned while you live, as the authors of the first attack on the Constitution of your coun- try ! Its destroyers you cannot be. You may disturb its peace — you may interrupt the course of its prosperity — you may cloud its reputation for stability — but its tranquillity will be restored, its prosperity will return, and the stain upon its national character will be transferred, and remain an eternal blot on the memory of those wlio caused the dis- order. Fellow-citizens of the United States ! The threat of un- hallowed disunion— the names of those, once respected, by whom it is uttered — the array of military force to support it — denote the approach of a crisis in our affairs on which the continuance of our unexampled prosperity, our political existence, and perhaps that of all free governments, may depend. The conjunction demanded a free, a full, and ex- plicit enunciation, not only of my intentions, hut of my prin- APPENDIX. 3C3 ciples of action ; and as the claim was asserted of a right by a state to annul the laws of the Union, and even to se- cede from it at pleasure, a frank exposition of my opinions in relation to the origin and form of our government, and Ihe construction I give to the instrument by which it was crea- ted, seemed to be proper. Having the fullest confidence in the justness of the legal and constitutional opinion of my duties which has been expressed, I rely with equal conli- dence on your undivided support in my determination to ex- ecute the laws — to preserve the Union by all constitutional means — to arrest, if possible, by moderate but firm meas- ures, the necessity of a recourse to force ; and, if it be the will of Heaven that the recurrence of its primeval curse on man for the shedding of a brother's blood should fall upon our land, that it be not called down by any offensive act on the part of the United States. Fellow-citizens ' The momentous case is before you. On your undivided support of your government depends the decision of the great question it involves, whether your sacred Union will be preserved, and the blessings it secures to us as one people shall be perpetuated. No one can doubt that the unanimity with which that decision will be expressed will be such as to inspire new confidence in Republican institutions, and that the prudence, the wisdom, and the courage which it will bring to their defence, will transmit them unimpaired and invigorated to our children. May the great Ruler of nations grant that the signal bless- ings with which He has favoured ours may not, by the mad- ness of party or personal ambition, be disregarded and lost ; and may His wise providence bring those who have pro- duced this crisis to see the folly, before they feel the mis- ery of civil strife ; and inspire a returning veneration foi that Union which, if we may dare to penetrate His designs, He has chosen as the only means of attaining the high des tinies to which we may reasonably aspire. In testimony wliereof, I have caused the seal of the Uni- ted States to be hereunto affixed, having signed the same with my hand. Done at the city of Washington this 10th day of Decem- ber, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hun- dred and thirty-tw^^), and of the Independence of tha United States the fifty-seventli. A.NDREW JACKSON By the President : Edw. Livingston, Sfr.refary of Slate. 394 APPENDIX. F, p. 360. ortNION AS TO THE CONSTITUTIONAL VALIDITY OF THE LA.WS OF NEW- YORK GRANTING EXCLUSIVE PRIVILEGES Of STEAM NAVIGATION. On considering the case submitted to me on behalf of Mr. Gibbons, I am of opinion that he has a perfect right, founded on the documents, of which copies are appended to the case, to navigate his steamboats on all the waters of this state, which it enjoys in common with New- Jersey, and which communicate either with a port or place in the State of New- York, or empty into the Atlantic Ocean ; and that such right is not taken away, atfected, or impaired by the legislative grant to Messrs. Livingston and Fulton. I should, therefore, advise Mr. Gibbons, instead of making the appli- cation he contemplates to the Legislature, to bring the questions at issue between him and its grantees, to trial in the courts of the United States. The reasons that govern my opinion I shall briefly state. The case of Livingston and Fulton vs. Van Ingen and oth- ers (9 Johns. Rep., 507) furnishes, as I humbly conceive, no inferences hostile to the claim of Mr. Gibbons ; but, prop- erly considered, strengthens the arguments which occur to me in support of this right. The great question in that cause was twofold, viz. : Whether the grant to Jjivingston and Fulton was absolutely void, as made in contravention of the constitutional powers of Congress, first, " To pro- mote the progress of science and the useful arts ;" and, sec- ondly, whether it were repugnant to the power vested in Congress "to regulate commerce." I. On the first point, the court decided that the grant w^as not absolutely void, on two grounds : first, that, considering Messrs. Livingston and Fulton as inventors, the state had a concurrent right with Congress to reward them as invent- ors, by the grant of exclusive privileges ; secondly, that, con- sidering them not as inventors, but as possessors and im- .porters of a foreign invention, the state had an independent power to reward them as such ; w hich power had not been ceded to Congress at all. It must be borne in mind, that Van Ingen and his associ- ates showed no right or title whatever ; and, for aught that appears, their mode of applying the steam-engine in the navigation of their boats was the same that had alrea^ APPENDIX. 395 been introduced by Livingston and Fulton. Throughout the whole discussion, the powers of the state were assimi- lated to the powers of Congress ; and two of the learned judges, by whom opinions were delivered, Mr. Justice Thompson and Mr. Justice Yates, explicitly admit that the state powers can only be legitimately exercised in harmoni/ with, and in subordination to, the superior power of Congress In strict reasoning, therefore, no more can be inferred from the decision of the Court of Errors than that the grant to Livingston and Fulton is so far valid as to secure to them, and their representatives, an exclusive right to that peculiar mode of navigating vessels by steam or fire which they intro- duced into practice, and of which the act of March, 1798, states Mr. Livingston to be in possession. Such is the extent of the constitutional power of Congress, to which the state powers are resembled ; and it is only by this limited construction of the grant that the reasoning of the learned judges can be rendered applicable and consistent. As it is, then, only that a " collision" between this exercise of the state sovereignty and the constitutional power of Congress can possibly be prevented, certainly the Court of Errors has not said, nor is there any ground for supposing that it meant to say, that the state, by virtue, either of its concurrent power to re- ward inventors, or its independent power to reward the im- porters of foreign inventions, can prohibit the introduction and use, within its jurisdiction, of all future inventions, al- though secured by patent, in relation to the same object ; or, by a still more violent stretch of authority, transfer the ex- clusive right to such inventions from the patentee to the legislative favourite. Yet, if the terms of the original grant to Messrs. Livingston and Fulton, and of the various laws passed to enlarge and secure that grant, are to be ta- ken in their literal extent, such was to be their operation. By the act of March, 1798, all the privileges granted before lo John Fitch and his representatives were transferred to Mr. I^ivingston. These privileges were "the sole and exclusive right of constructing, making, using, employing, or naviga- ting all, and every species or kind of boats or water-craft, which might be urged or propelled through the waters of this state, by force of fire or steam, in all creeks, rivers, cStc, within the territory and jurisdiction of this state." It must be remembered, that the grant to Fitch was made previous- ly to the adoption of the present Federal Constitution, and he fore the state had surrendered this portion of its sovereign 396 APPENDIX. ty to the General Government ; while it remained m full and acknowledged possession of the powers to reward genius and skill, and to encourage and foster navigation and com- merce, by the means resorted to in favour of John Fitch. But she had ceded those powers, which, to be effectual, must be exclusive, to the United States, before the monopo- ly — for this is the proper, though odious term, by which such grants should be designated — was attempted to be vested in Messrs. Livingston and Fulton. The only limitation of this monopoly of navigation is, that steam or fire be made use of as the propelling force ; and the general terms of the grant comprehend every possible mode of producing and ap- plying that force, which human ingenuity has discovered or can invent. By the act of 1808, creating the forfeiture, it is declared that " no person or persons, without the license of the per- sons entitled to the exclusive right, shall navigate on the wa- ters of this state, or witliin the jurisdiction thereof, any boat or vessel moved by steam or fire." Thus the introduction into this state of any future invention, however original or valuable, in navigating vessels by steam or fire, is in terms prohibited without the sanction of the individuals in whom the right to employ all such inventions is exclusively vested. The very ground on which invention is to work is seized upon and preoccupied, and an exclusive privilege given, which not only prevents the future reward of security to in- ventors, but, in one important region, would stop the prog- ress of discovery itself The very elements by which im- provements can be made is monopolized, and the occasion snatched from Congress of exercising the power given to it by the Constitution. Now, if this can be done in one state, in relation to any one subject, why may it not be done in all, and in relation to alU Where are we to fix the limit of state power 1 Why may not the states, respectively, grant monopolies embracing all the possible elements aiul materials, of which inventions can be framed, and every possible subject upon which ingenuity can operated and thus anticipate and frustrate, m /oto, the exercise of the con- stitutional power of Congress, to secure an exclusive right to inventors. It may be said that this is an extreme and improbable supposition. I admit it to be improbable that the states will attempt such an exercise of power , bu* it is by ex- treme cases, or. to speak with more propriety, it is by pur- APPENDIX. 397 \ suing a doctrine to its legitimate consequences, that ^ve are frequently best enabled to detect or illustrate its absurdity. If the constitutional power of Congress can he taken away by the grant of a state monopoly in any case, I am at a loss to conceive why it may not, by similar means, be taken away in all cases. The principle once admitted, the conse- quence, of necessity, follows. It was affirmed in argument, by one of the learned counsel "*■ by whom the claim of Messrs. l.ivingston and Fulton was so ably vindicated in the Court of Errors, that the only effect of a patent is to confer on the inventor a?i exclusive right of properly in his discovery; that, at common law, an invention or discovery is converted into a chattel, a subject to which a right of property can attach. The exercise, however, of this right of property is, as it was said, still liable to be controlled and regulated by the muni- cipal law^s of the several states, who may prohibit the use o-^ any particular invention, as noxious to the health, injuri- ous to the morals, or in any other respect prejudicial to the welfare of its citizens. When I declare that I cannot help entertaining the strongest doubts of the truth and soundness of this doctrine, I must be understood to speak with the ut- most diffidence in my own judgment, and with the highest respect for the authority of those by whom the doctrine has been advanced or adopted. It seems to me that Congress possesses exclusively the power to determine whether an invention for which a patent is sought be useful or perni- cious ; in other words, whether it be one for which a patent ought or ought not to be granted. The object of tbe con- stitutional power of Congress to secure an exclusive right to inventions, is the promotion of the ^'useful arts." An invention useless or pernicious, it is evident, would not be a proper object for its exercise. Should a patent for such an invention unadvisedly have issued, there can be no doubt that Congress might repeal the patent, and interdict thv use of the noxious discovery. The grant of the power in question to Congress would, as it appears to me, be completely nugatory, by the admis sion that the states, in the exercise of an absolute discre tion, may prohibit the introduction or use of any particular mvention, for which a patent has been regularly obtained Were this construction of the Constitution to prevail, tho statps. it seems to me, would retain, substantiai'v. the very * The late Thomas Addis Emmet 399 APPENDIX. pf vver they nominally have parted with. What is the Con- stitution 1 It is the instrument hy which the states have severally ceded to the Federal Government a certain por- tion of their own sovereignty, to be exercised for the com- mon good. The power of securing the exclusive right of inventors is thus given. But if the states not only possess a concurrent power of granting exclusive privileges within their respective limits, but may, in effect, repeal and annul, ad libitum, any and all patents which Congress may have issued, what power, I may ask, in relation to this subject, have they parted with 1 What portion of their sovereignty, quoad hoc, have they ceded 1 The whole value of a patent consists, I apprehend, in the exclusive privilege of using the inven- tion, which it is meant to ascertain and secure. To strip the inventor of this, in ordef to confer upon him a barren metaphysical right, is not to reward, but to mock and insult him. It may be a good scholastic distinction, but it is very contradictory to common sense to say that a man's right of property is not invaded when his use and enjoyment of it are interdicted. Suppose a State Legislature, jealous of the overgrown and accumulating wealth of some unpopular landlord, should, on the common pretext of the public good, release his tenants, in perpetuuin, from the payment of rents, would the lord of the manor of Clermont consider this no invasion of the right of property, because the fee-simple, technically speaking, would still remain vested in the ob- noxious proprietor ". It is admitted by those who urge the doctrine against which I am contending, that the states cannot, in direct terms, divest or take away an exclusive right secured by patent. But to prohibit the exercise of such a right within the jurisdiction of a state, and during the whole period for which the patent has been granted, is, in effect, so far as the power of the state extends, to take away the right itself There may be a difference in the terms employed, but the injury to the patentee is in both cases precisely the same. Nor can I believe that the Federal Courts would listen to the verbal distinction by which such a usurpation of power IS attempted to be justified. It is not my intention to deny that the states may, by their own laws, define and modify the rights of property within their respective jurisdictions, ivhcn such rights have their origin in the state or nfunicipql law. I am free to allow, that not only the exercise of those rights may, by the san. > law, bo controlled and regulateil, APPENDIX. 399 but even that the rights themselves may be annulled and jlestroyed. But it seems to have been forgotten that the right of a patentee is not derived from state authority, but lias its foundation in the Constitution and laws of the Uni- ted States. As the state prohibition of its exercise, in whatever terms expressed, under whatsoever pretext made, however coloured and disguised, would, m truth, be a vio- lation of the right itself, I am forced to the conclusion that such a legislative act would be wholly void, as repugnant to that law which is confessed by all to be supreme and far- amount. II. I censor the grant to Messrs. Livingston and Ful- ton as repugnant, also, to that clause of the Constitution of the United States which vests in Congress the power " to regulate commerce with foreign nations and among the several states ;" which power I regard also as necessarily exclusive. It has been so treated by every department of the government, and by all classes of citizens, in every quarter of the Union, ever since the adoption of the Federal Constitution. It was to effect this transfer of power that the Constitution owes its origin. This was the express mo- tive for assembling the Federal Convention. The exclusive grant of this power was essentially requisite to give to our shipping its nationality and protection ; and the surrender of this power was, in this state, the most formidable obsta cle to the ratification of the new Constitution. It possessed the best harbour upon the Atlantic coast ; the fertility of its western territory was known ; the rapid increase of its pop- ulation was confidently anticipated ; the tide of immigration had begun to flow in upon it ; and the consequent accession of wealth and power promised from these sources afforded the most seductive objects to the ambition of its statesmen and politicians. These were the causes, indeed, which combined to delay and resist the adoption of the Constitu- tion in tliis state, until it became certain that, by the assent of "ymie states,'" it would go into immediate operation among them, while this state and the other recusant mem- bers of the old Confederacy would thus be deprived of the benefits both of the former compact, and of the government by which it was superseded. It remains only to consider in what manner. Mr. Gibbons may best avail himself of the rights conferred by his pat- ents and coasting license under the Constitution and laws of the United States. My advice is, that he send his boat 400 APPENDIX. into those waters between this state and New- Jersey which are claimed as lying within the territorial boundary, as well as the jurisdiction of the former, without confining her navigation to those waters which, though admitted to be within the limits of the latter, yet over which New-York claims, nevertheless, exclusive jurisdiction. Nor need he i)e deterred by fear of having his boats seized under the act of 1811, authorizing Messrs. Livingston and Fulton imme- diately to seize and keep possession of his property before condemnation, and without trial ; thus giving them the ben- efit of an execution before the verdict of a jurv or the judg- ment of a court, and without the interventionlW'the sherilf; for I hold this monstrous provision to be so clearly repug- nant to that fundamental law which man derives from his Creator, and which is paramount to all human authority, . that no judge on earth will venture to execute it. W. A. DUER. Albany, July 14th, 1816. G,p. A.N ORDINANCE FOR THE GOVERNMENT OF THE TERRITO- RY OF THE UNITED STATES NORTHWEST OF THE RIVER OHIO. Be it ordained by the United States in Congress assembled^ that the said territory, for the purposes of temporary gov- -ornment, be one district ; subject, however, to be divided into two districts, as future circumstances may, in the opin ion of Congress, make it expedient. Be it ordained by the authorihj aforesaid, that the estates i)oth of resident and non-resident proprietors in the said ter- ••itory dying intestate, shall descend to, and be distributed imong their children, and the descendants of a deceased child, in equal parts ; the descendants of a deceased child or grandchild to take the share of their deceased parent in equal parts among them ; and where there shall be no chil (Iren or descendants, then in equal parts to the next of kin, In equal degree ; and among collaterals, the children of a deceased brother or sister of the intestate shall have in equal parts among them their deceased parents' share ; and there shall in no case be a distinction between kindred of the whol** and half blood ; saving in all cases to the widow of the intestate her third part of the real estate for life, and one third part of the personal estate ; and this law relatiye to APPENDIX. 401 descents and dower shall remain in full force until altered by the Legislature of the district. And until the governor and judges shall adopt laws as hereinafter mentioned, es- tates in the said territory may be devised or bequeathed by wills in writing, signed and sealed by him or her in whom the estate may be (being of full age), and attested by three witnesses ; and real estates may be conveyed by lease and release, or bargain and sale, signed, sealed, and delivered by the person, being of full age, in whom the estate may be, and attested by two witnesses, provided such wills be duly proved, and such conveyances be acknowledged, or the ex- ecution thereof duly proved, and be recorded within one fear after proper magistrates, courts, and registers shall be appointed for that purpose ; and personal property may be transferred by delivery ; saving, however, to the French and Canadian inhabitants, and other settlers, of the Kaskas- ties, Saint Vincent's, and the neighbouring villages, who ^ave heretofore professed themselves citizens of Virginia, \heir laws and customs now in force among them, relative 10 the descent and conveyance of property. Be it ordained by the authority aforesaid^ that there shall be appointed from time to time, by Congress, a governor, whose commission shall continue in force for the term of three years, unless sooner revoked by Congress : he shall reside in the district, and have a freehold estate therein in ^ne thousand acres of land, w^hile in the exercise of his of- fice. There shall be appointed from time to time, by Congress, a secretary, whose commission shall continue in force for four years, unless sooner revoked ; he shall reside in the district, and have a freehold estate therein in five hundred acres of land, while in the exercise of his office : it shall be his duty to keep and preserve the acts and laws passed by the Legislature, and the public records of the district, and the proceedings of the governor in his executive department ; and transmit authentic copies of such acts and proceedings, every six months, to the secretary of Congress : there shalJ also be appointed a court, to consist of three judges, any two of whom to form a court, who shall have a common law ju- risdiction, and reside in the district, and have each therein a freehold estate in five hundred acres of land, while in the exercise of their offices ; and their commissions shall con- tinue in force during good behaviour. The governor and judges, or a majority of them, shali Hh 402 APPENDIX. adopt and publish in the district such laws of the original states, criminal and civil, as may be necessary and best suited to the circumstances of the district, and report them to Congress from time to time ; which laws shall be in force in the district until the organization of the General Assembly therein, unless disapproved of by Congress ; but afterward the Legislature shall have authority to alter them as they shall think fit. The governor for the time being shall be commander- in-chief of the militia, appoint and commission all officers in the same below the rank of general officers ; all general Dfficers shall be appointed and commissioned by Congress. Previous to the organization of the Geneial Assembly, the governor shall appoint such magistrates and other civil offi- cers, in each county or township, as he shall find necessary for the preservation of the peace and good order in the same : after the General Assembly shall be organized, the powers and duties of magistrates and other civil officers shall be regulated and defined by the said assembly ; but all magis- trates and other civil officers not herein otherwise directed shall, during the continuance of this temporary government, be appointed by the governor. For the prevention of crimes and injuries, the laws to be adopted or made shall have force in all parts of the district, and for the execution of process, criminal and civil, the gov- ernor shall make proper divisions thereof; and he shall proceed from time to time, as circumstances may require, to lay out the parts of the district in which the Indian titles shall have been extinguished into counties and townships, subject, however, to such alterations as may thereafter be made by the Legislature. So soon as there shall be five thousand free male inhabi- tants, of full age, in the district, upon giving proof thereof to the governor, they shall receive authority, with time and j)lace, to elect representatives from their counties or town- ships to represent them in the General Assembly ; provided that for every five hundred free male inhabitants, there shall be one representative, and so on progressively with the number of free male inhabitants shall the right of represent- ation increase, until the number of representatives shall amount to twenty-five ; after which the number and propor- tion of representatives shall be regulated by the Legislature : provided that no person be eligible or qualified to act as a representative unless he shall have i)een a citizen of one of APPENDIX. 403 the United States three years, and be a resident m the dis- trict, or unless he shall have resided in the district three years ; and in either case, shall likewise hold in his own right, in fee-simple, two hundred acres of land within the same : provided, also, that a freehold in fifty acres of land in the district, having been a citizen of one of the states, and being resident in the district, or the like freehold, and two years residence in the district, shall be necessary to qualify a man as an elector of a representative. The representatives thus elected shall serve for the term of two years ; and in case of the death of a representative, or removal from office, the governor shall issue a writ to the county or township for which he was a member to elect another in his stead, to serve for the residue of the term. The General Assembly, or Legislature, shall consist of the governor, legislative council, and a house of representatives. 'I'he legislative council shall consist of five members, to continue in oflice five years, unless sooner removed by Con- gress, any three of whom to be a quorum ; and the mem- bers of the council shall be nominated and appointed in the following manner, to wit : As soon as representatives shall be elected, the governor shall appoint a time and place for them to meet together, and when met, they shall nominate ten persons, residents in the district, and each possessed of a freehold in five hundred acres of land, and return their names to Congress ; five of whom Congress shall appoint and commission to serve as aforesaid ; and whenever a va- cancy shall happen in the council, by death or removal from oflice, the House of Representatives shall nominate two per sons, qualified as aforesaid for each vacancy, and return their names to Congress, one of whom Congress shall ap- point and commission for the residue of the term. And - every five years, four months at least before the expiration of the time of service of the members of council, the said house shall nominate ten persons, qualified as aforesaid, and return their names to Congress ; five of whom Congress shall appoint and commission to serve as members of the council five years, unless sooner removed. And the gov- ernor. Legislative Council, and House of Representatives shall have authority to make laws, in all cases, for the good government of the district, not repugnant to the principles and articles in this ordinance established and declared. An(J all bills having passed by a majority in the house, and by a 404 APPENDIX. majority in the council, shall be referred to the governor loi his assent ; but no bill or legislative act whatever shall be of any force without his assent. The governor shall 'have power to convene, prorogue, and dissolve the General Assem- bly, when in his opinion it shall be expedient. The governor, judges, legislative council, secretary, and such other officers as Congress shall appoint in the district, shall take an oath or affirmation of fidelity, and of office ; the governor before the president of Congress, and all other officers before the governor. As soon as a legislature shall be formed in the district, the council and house, assembled in one room, shall have authority, by joint ballot, to elect a delegate to Congress, who shall have a seat in Congress, with a right of debating, but not of voting during this tem- porary government. And for extending the fundamental principles (^f civil and religious liberty, which form the basis whereon these repub- lics, their laws and constitutions, are erected ; to fix and establish those principles as the basis of all laws, constitu tions, and governments, which forever hereafter shall be formed in the said territory ; to provide also for the estab- lishment of states, and permanent government therein, and for their admission to a share in the Federal councils, on an equal footing with the original states, at as early pe- riods as may be consistent with the general interest : It is hereby ordained and declared, by the authority aforesaid^ that the following articles shall be considered as articles of compact between the original states and the people and states in the said territory, and forever remain unalterable, unless by common consent, to wit : Article I. No person demeaning himself in a peacea[>id and orderly manner, shall ever be molested on account of his mode of worship or rehgious sentiments in the said ter- ritory. Art. II. The inhabitants of the said territory shall always be entitled to the benefits of the writ of habeas corpus, and of a trial by jury ; of a proportionate representation of the people in the Legislature, and of judicial proceedings accord- ing to the course of the common law. All persons shall be bailable, unless for capital offences, where the proof shall be evident, or the presumption great. All fuies shall be moderate, and no cruel or unusual punishments shall be ui dieted. No man shall be deprived of his liberty or ])rop- ♦'ily but by tlic judgment of his peers or the law f»f the APPENDIX. 405 fand ; and should the public exigencies make it necessary, for the common preservation, to take any person's property, or to demand his particular services, full compensation shall be made for the same. And in the just preservation of rights and property, it is understood and declared that no law ought ever to be made, or have force in the said terri- tory, that shall in any manner whatever interfere with, or aflfect private contracts or engagements, bona fide, and with- out fraud previously formed. Art. III. Religion, morality, and knowledge being neces- sary to good government and the happiness of mankind, schools and the means of education shall forever be en- couraged. The utmost good faith shall always be observed towards the Indians ; their lands and property shall never be taken from them without their consent ; and in their property, rights, and liberty, they never shall be invaded or disturbed, unless in just and lawful wars authorized by Congress ; but laws founded in justice and humanity shall from time to time be made, for preventing wrongs being done to them, and for preserving peace and friendship with them. Art. IV. The said territory, and the states which may be formed therein, shall forever remain a part of this confeder- acy of the United States of America, subject to the Articles of Confederation, and to such alterations therein as shall be constitutionally made, and to all the acts and ordinan- ces of the United States in Congress assembled conforma- ble thereto. The inhabitants and settlers in the said terri- tory shall be subject to pay a part of the Federal debts, con- tracted or to be contracted, and a proportional part of the expenses of government, to be apportioned on them by Congress, according to the same common rule and measure by which apportionments thereof shall be made on the other states ; and the taxes for paying their proportion shall be laid and levied by the authority and direction of the legisla- tures of the district or districts or new states, as in the original states, within the time agreed" upon by the United States in Congress assembled. The legislatures of those districts or new states shall never interfere with the pri- mary disposal of the soil by the United States in Congress assembled, nor with any regulations Congress may find ne cessary for securing the title in such soil to the bona fide purchasers. No tax shall be imposed on lands the property of the United States : and in no case shall non-resident 406 APPENDIX. proprietors be taxed higher than residents. The navigable waters leading into the Mississippi and St. Lawrence, and the carrying places between the same, shall be common highways, and forever free, as well to the inhabitants of the said territory as to the citizens of the United States, and those of any other states that may be admitted into the Con- federacy, without any tax, impost, or duty therefor. Art. V. There shall be formed in the said territory not less than three, nor more than five states ; and the bounda- ries of the states, as soon as Virginia shall alter her act of cession, and consent to the same, shall become fixed and established as follows, to wit : The western state in the said territory shall be bounded by the Mississippi, the Ohio, and Wabash Rivers ; a direct line drawn from the Wabash and Post Vincent's due north to the territorial hne between the United States and Canada ; and by the said territorial line to the Lake of the Woods and Mississippi. The middle state shall be bounded by the said direct line, the Wabash from Post Vincent's to the Ohio ; by the Ohio, by a direct line drawn due north from the mouth of the Great Miami to the said territorial line, and by the said territorial line. The eastern state shall be bounded by the last-mentioned district line, the Ohio, Pennsylvania, and the said territori- al line : Provided, however, and it is farther understood and declared, that the boundaries of these three states shall be subject so far to be altered, that if Congress shall hereafter find it expedient, they shall have authority to form one or two states in that part of the said territory which lies north of an east and west line drawn through the southerly bend or extreme of Lake Michigan. And whenever any of the said states shall have sixty thousand free inhabitants therein, such state shall be admitted, by its delegates, into the Congress of the United States, on an equal footing with the original states, in all respects whatever, and shall be at liberty to form a permanent constitution and state govern- ment : Provided the constitution and government so to be formed shall be republican, and in conformity to the princi- ples contained in these articles ; and so far as it can be consistent with the general interest of the confederacy, such admission shall be allowed at an earlier period, and when there may be a less number of free inhabitants in the state than sixty thousand. Art. VI. There shall be neither slavery nor involuntary servitude in the said territory, otherwise than in punish- APPENDIX. 407 >nent of crimes, whereof the party shall have heen duly con- victed : Provided, always, that any person escaping into the same, from whom labour or service is lawfully claimed in any one of the original states, such fugitive may be lawfully reclaimed, and conveyed to the person claiming his or her lal?our or service as aforesaid. Dope by the United States, in Congress assembled, the thirteenth day of July, in the year of our Lord one thou- sand seven hundred and eighty-seven, and of their sover oi^nty and independence the twelfth. WILLIAM GRAYSON, Chairman. Charles Thomson, Secretary. INDEX. Page Admiralty JuRisDtoTiON. Scv District Courts, Judi- cial Power, &c. Admission of States. Power of admitting new states 262 Construction given to it . . 269 Aliens. Who so termed . . .233 [nducements for them to be- come citizens . . . 234 Mode prescribed . . . ib. Rights acquired thereby . . ib. See Naturalization. Alleoianck. Nature of that due by citizens of the United States . . 232 Ambassadors. By whom appointed . . 104 In what courts they may sue and be sued . . . 128-130 Power of sending and receiving 159 Infringements on their rights, how punishable . . . 195 Amendment of Constitution. Necessity of such power . . 267 Mode of exercising it . . 268 Restrictions upon it . . . ib. Amendments adopted . . 269 Their nature and design . 270 Effect and construction of one ib. Appeals. See Judicial Power, Supreme Court, &c. Appointments. Power of, where vested . . 104 Vacancies, how supplied . 105 What vacancies intended . ib. Arbiter. Seo Judicial Power, Supreme Court. &e. Army and Navy. Commander-in-chief of . .101 Power of raising and equipping 154 Necessity and extent of power 150 Restrictions on the states re- lating to them . . , ib. upon Congress 157 Arsenals and Forts. See Local Jurisdiction. Arts (useful). See Science. Attainder. See Bills of Attainder Authors and Invertors See Science. Auxiliary Powers Power to make laws "neces- sary and proper" to execute other powers . . . JOfi Foundation and meaning of it ib. Judicial construction of it . 312 Implied powers, how delegated 314 See Powers of Government. Bane. See Corporations. Bankruptcy. Power to establish uniform sys- tem 235 Why vested in National (Jov- ernment .... ib. Object of bankrupt laws . . ib. How distinguished from insol- vent laws .... 236 Bankruptcy defined . . . ib. To what persons confined . ib. Nature of power relative to it ib. Power retained by states . 237 State laws cannot discharge from contracts, except in cer- tain cases .... 238 Why no uniform system \xam "n 410 INDEX. Page Bills of Attainder. Prohibited to states . . . 273 Delinitions of . . . . ih. To what cases confined . . ib. Dills of Credit. Their issue prohibited to states 273 Reasons therefor . . . ib. Judicial construction of the power of Congress in relation to them 275 Borrowing Money. Power of, where vested . .179 How conferred . . . ib. Extent and construction . . ib. Captures. Rules concerning . . . 153 Power of Congress to make them ib. Nature and extent of the power ib. Judicial construction of it . 154 Circuit Courts. Organization and sessions . 140 Legislative regulations of their proceedings .... 141 Original and exclusive jurisdic- tion ib. Tn regard to crimes and offences ib. Original and concurrent juris- diction ib. In civil suits .... ib. Jurisdiction as to copy-rights and patents .... 142 (n cases where United States are parties .... ib. A p|)ellate jurisdiction . . ib. I n what sense "Inferior Courts" ib. Proceedings, how to be inter- preted 143 Citizens. Who are citizens of U. S. . 231 Who native citizens . . 232 Persons born within the U. S., who are not citizens . . 233 Persons born abroad, who are ib. See Aliens, Allegiance, Nat- uralization, &c. Coasting License. See Commerce. Coin and Coinino. 8cc Money, Powers of Gov- ernment, &c. Fsge Commerce. Power of regulating it with for- eign nations .... 196 Where and how vested . , ib. Its nature and necessity . . ib. To what it extends . . .197 With what exception . . ib. Judicial construction of it ib. How far it comprehends navi- gation within a state . 198 To what vessels it extends 203 How far it authorizes sale of imported articles . . . 206 States, how far restricted from preventing such sale . . ib Extends incidentally to other and what objects . . .20'* Applied to protection of domes- tic industry .... ib. To prohibition of slave-trade 206 Power of regulating commerce among the states . . .213 Its general objects and extent iG How far restricted . . . 21S What commerce reserved to states ib. When power of Congress may be exercised within a strjte 214 Judicial construction of this power ib Applied to incidental objects . ib. Restrictions on states . . ib. Power of regulating Indian trade 215 How vested and interpreted . 220 Extent of its operation . . ib. Trade and intercourse with In- dians by individuals, how re strained ib. See Indian Tribes. Common Arbiter. .See Judicial Power, Supreme Court, &c. Common Law. How far established in the col- onies 50 Benefit of, claimed by Congress ib. Protects absolute rights . . 51 Regulated relative rights of col- onists . . . . ib Punished offences against pub- lic justice . . . , ib How far adopted by states . 52 Basis of their laws . . ib. State Constitutions made in rcf- erenco to its validity . ib INDEX, 411 lu existence presupposed by Constitution of U. S. . . 52 Referred to for explanation of its powers and provisions . 54 How fur Common Law in force under the Constitution of U. S lb. Congress. IIow constituted . . .62 Disabilities of members . . G6 Their privileges and powers . ib. Elections, returns, and qualifi- cations ib. In what manner these powers are exercised . . .67 Qiioruin of each HouSe . . ib. Adjournments and journals . ib. Freedom of debate . . . ib. Time and manner of assem- bling 80 Time and manner of adjourning 81 Period of dissolution . . ib. Sec Legislative Power, House of Representa- tives, Senate, &.c. Constitution. Definition of one . . • 43 Oriuinofthem .... ib. Where they may exist . . ib. • When derived from act of the Government . . . .43 When from written compact . ib. Dirterent modes of framing one ib. Which most practicable . . ib. Which preferable . . . ib. How obtained .... ib. Theory of a Republican Ctmsti- tution 44 Advantages of a written one . ib. Evils of a traditionary one . 45 Reasons for preferring one writ- ten . . . . . ib. Constitution of United States. On what foundation erected . 47 On what principles formed . ib. From what materials . . 48 In what manner adopted . ib. Fnr what objects designed . 54 Effect of its adoption on the states ib. Elfect of its adoption on the former Confederation . . ib. Principle of representation, how applied in it . . . . ib. Powers of Government, liow delegated by it . 55 PapB How to be examined . . £5 Constitutional Law defined 42 Constitutions (State). Foundations, how laid . . 47 Source of their authority . 43 On what principle founded . ib. Powers of Government, how vested and distributed by them 43 Former civil and municipal in- stitutions, how far retained 50 Natural and moral rights se cured 51 See State Governments, States, &c. Consuls and Vice-consuls. By whom appointed . . 104 In what Courts they may sue and be sued or prosecuted 128-9 See Judicial Power. Contracts. See Laws impairing Contracts. Copy-right. See Science. Corporations. Grants, of irrevocable . . 262 Are Contracts within the mean- ing and protection of the Con- stitution . . . . ib Creation of, incident to sover- eignty 315 Nature and extent of power ib. See Auxiliary Powers, Laws impairing Contracts, &c. Counterfeiting. Power of punishing . . .221 To what objects it extends . ib Nature and necessity of power ib See Powers of Government. Courts. See Impeachments, Judicial Power, Circuit Courts, District Courts, State Courts, and Magistrates, and Supreme Court. Debts. See Tender Laws. Declaration of Independknck Sec iNDEPEJi^ENCK. 412 INDEX. District Courts. Page How organized . . .143 Stated and special terms . ib. Exclusive jurisdiction . . ib. Original jurisdiction . . ib. Admiralty jurisdiction . . ib. Concurrent jurisdiction with Circuit Courts . . . ib. Jurisdiction exclusive in certain cases of State Courts . . ib. With respect to patents . . 144 Power of judge at chambers . ib. See Judicial Power. District of Columbia. Seat of Government . . 258 Courts organized therein . . ib. Privileges of its inhabitants . 259 Their disabilities . . . ib. See Local Jurisdiction. Dock Yards. See Local Jurisdiction. Domestic Industry. Encouraged by protecting du- ties 173 Upon what construction . . 174 By whom question of Constitu- tionality must be decided 176 Commercial restrictions applied to the purpose . . .197 To what extent, and upon what ground of construction . . ib. How point must be decided . ib. See Commerce, Powers of Government, and Taxa- tion and Taxes. DUTIFS. See Imposts and Duties, Tax- ation AND Taxes, &c. Electors (or President and Vice-president). How chosen . . . .90 Number in each s*ate . . ib. Requisite qualifications . . ib. At what time to be chosen . 91 Time for their assembling . ib. Mode of their proceeding to election . ... 92 I>jl.tA &ubacqi»f nt to election ib. See PJIB8IDENT OF U. S. r.irprrTivE Power (•euer.i) functions 44 81 Objects of this department Extent of discretionary power Obligation to obey and enforce laws Requisite qualities . Power apportioned to it . Advantage of its unity . Evils of its division or plurality How vested by Constitution of U. S. . . See President of U. S. Expatriation. Right of. denied by English law 232 How regarded by writers on public law .... ib. How far admitted by State Con stitutions .... ib. How far settled in Courts of U. S 233 See Naturalization, &c. Ex POST facto Laws. Prohibited to states , . 277 Definition and meaning . . ib Felonies (on the Sea). Power to define and punish . 191 To what they amount in eflect 193 To what extent declared piracy, • and punished as such . . ib. Power, how far exclusive . 104 See Piracy. Fleets. See Army and Navy. Forts. See Local Jurisdiction Government. Different forms of ... 42 Powers of, how divided . 44 How far distinct . . .45 Separate departments . . ib Provincial governments . . 4'J How organized . . . ib See Constitution of U. S., Constitutions (State), Powers of Government, State Governments. Guarantees. Nature, terms, and effect of tho gunranlees to the states CIGI Tbpir r^(>np<'i'>tv find extent ib. INDEX. 4ia Page Republican form of Govern- ment 265 Protection from invasion . 266 from domestic vio- lence ib. When to be enforced . . 267 Habeas Corpus. Benefit of writ secured . . 51 By whom to be allowed . . 140 House of Representatives. How constituted . . .66 On what principle of represent- ation ib. Members, how^ chosen . . ib. For what term . . . ib. •Qualifications of electors . ib. of members . 67 How apportioned among the states 68 Number of representatives . ib. /?af/o of representation . . 69 Exclusive p»wers of House of Representatives . . .71 Money bills . . . .72 When to choose President of U. S 93 Mode of conducting election . ib. See Congress, Legislative Power, &c. Impeachments. Nature of power, and where vested 71 Court of Impeachments . . 76 Impeachments, whence derived ib. Senate, why selected as court . ib. Objects of the jurisdiction . 77 Causes of impeachment . . ib. Persons liable thereto . . ib. Construction of Constitution in relation to them . . . ib. Quorum of the court . . ib. President of the court . . ib. When chief-justice presides . ib. Power of presiding officer . ib. •See Judicial Power, Senate, &c. Implied Powers. S'cc'' Auxiliary Powers, Pow- ers OF Government, &c. Imposts and Duties. How (ar prohibited to states, reason and necessity of ■* 300 Page Judicial construction . . 301 See Powers of Government, Taxation, and Taxes. Independence. Effect of its declaration . . 48 As to persons born previously 231 As to citizenship . . . ib. As to British subjects . . 232 Indian Tribes. Intercourse with, regulated . 215 What relations acluiowledged 216 Those residing within limits of U. S., how considered . . 217 How distinguished from "for- eign nations" . . . ib. Relations with European dis- coverers, how determined . 219 How far same principle adopted by U. S ib. Practical results . . . 220 How considered in treaties and laws ib. Their territory, how regarded ib. See Commerce, Judicial Power &c. Internal Improvements. Right of appropriating money for, claimed under what pow- er 222 How far admitted . . . 224 See Commerce, Postoffices, and postroads, &c. Interpretation of Constitu- tion. Right of interpreting Constitu- tion, where vested . . 121 Final interpreter provided . 333 See Judicial Power, Supreme Court, Supreme Law. Judicial Power. General functions and objects . 44 Nature of the power . .110 Effect of its omission . . 11 J How far auxiliarj' to executive ib. How far it partakes of legisla- tive power .... ib. Objects of this department . ib. Coextensive with legislative power ib How recognised in Constitution ib. How vested . . . 112 414 INDEX. rage In \vha.t manner constitutea . 112 Appointment of judges . . ib. Tenure of their offices . .113 x\dvantages of such tenure . ib. Provision for their support . 115 Necessity of their independence ib. Responsible for misconduct .116 Objects of jurisdiction . . 117 Necessity and advantages of it 119 As to cases arising under Con- stitution .... ib. As to cases arising under the laws of tlie U. S. . . . ib. As to treaties .... ib. As to interpreting Constitution 121 Objects of separating judicial from other departments . 124 Power over Constitutions and laws of the states . . ib. Power of final interpretation . ib. Distribution of jurisdiction . 125 Supreme Court . . . 127 Appellate jurisdiction . . ib. In what cases extended to de- cisions of state courts . . 133 Power of U. S. Courts to issue process, &c 134 Of judges to relieve by Habeas Corpus 140 Circuit Courts .... ib. Judicial Districts . . . ib. District Courts . . .143 Territorial Courts . . .144 State Courts and magistrates . 147 See Courts, Powers ok Gov- ernment, &c. Jurisdiction. See Courts, Local Jurisdic- tion, Judicial Power, &.c. Law. Ree Common Law, Supreme Law, &c. liAW OF Nations. Power to punish offences against 191 !l(»w far exclusive . . . 194 Part of common law of states . ib. Ollences against, wliat . . 195 How punishable . . . ib. Policy of the law . . . ib. See Judicial Power. Laws impairing Contracts. Prohibited to the states . . 278 I'. »l icy of the restriction . . ib. / Pag« To what contracts it extends 279 Obligation of contracts . . ib. Judicial construction of . . 280 See Powers of Government. Legislative Power. General functions . . .44 How organized in colonies . 47 in the states . 48 How vested by Const, of U. S. ^^9 ' Constituent parts . . .62 Objects of its division . . ib. Evils of a single legislative body 63 Examples of ... . ib. Farther reason for division in Government of the U. S. . 6i» Upon what principle effected . 66 Objects to which the legislative power of the U. S. extends . ib. See Congress, House of Rep- resentatives, Senate, &c. Letters of Marque. See Marque and Reprisal. Loans. See Borrowing Money. Local Jurisdiction. Power of exclusive legislation 25b To what places it extends . 257 Necessity of such power . . ib. In what mode executed . . 258 See District of Columbia, &c. Manufactures. See Domestic Industry. Marque and Reprisal. Signification of . . .152 By what authority granted . ib. Elfect of the grant . . . ib. In what cases granted . . ib Nature and necessity of power ib. Prohibited to states . . .271 Upon what grounds . . .272 Militia. Power of regulating and calling forth 158 Objects of the power . .150 Extent, and cases for its exer- cise *^' Effect of its exercise on militia 163 Mode of their organization, &c. ib. By whom " called forth" . ib Who to judge of exigencies . •* INDEX. Page Obligation of the Slates . . 164 Duty of state officers . . ib. When concurrent power of states over militia ceases . 165 When militia become JVational ib. Ministers (Public). See Ambassadors. Money. Power of coining . . . 226 Regulating value of coins . ib. How rendered exclusive . . 227 Its necessity and advantage . ib. Objects of rendering power ex- clusive ib. Why prohibited to the states . 272 See Borrowing Money, Coins AND Coining, &c. Naturalization. Power to establish uniform sys- tem 229 Necessarily exclusive . . ib. Who may be naturalized . 233 Mode of proceeding . . . 234 Effect of naturalization . . ib. See Aliens, Citizens, &c. Natural Rights. In what they consist . . 50 Privileges subordinate thereto 51 How secured in colonies . . ib. — in the states . ib. Additional securities . . 52 How recognised and secured by Constitution of U. S. . . 53 Navigation. See Commerce. Navy. See Army and Navy. Nobility. See Titles of Nobility. Oath to support Constitution. 3y whom to be taken . .315 Intention and effect . . . 316 States cannot discharge from . 317 See Powers of Government, States, &c. Obligation of Contracts. Sec Laws impairing Contracts. Passport.^. See Law of Nations, Powers OF Government, &c. . j Patents. 415 ?»«• See Science. Piracy. Power to define and punish . 19 ) Exclusive in its nature . .191 Definition of piracy . . . ji,. Mode of defining it . . . a,'. Who are deemed pirates by law of nations . . . 193 Jurisdiction exercised over them j'j How punished . . . .' n,. Where they may be tried . ib. Acts declared piracy by Con- , giess j-j. Jurisdiction in such cases . ib. Particular acts declared piracy 193 How punished . . . . ib. Postoffices and Postroads. Power to establish them . . 220 How far exclusive . . . ^] What power claimed as inci- dent j-j How far admitted . . . 226 See Internal Lmprovements. Powers of Government. How distinguished . . .44 How to be organized . * 45 Consequences of uniting them ' ib. How distributed in the colonies 47 How organized in the states . 48 How vested by Constitution of U. S 50 Extent of their separation . ib Object of their partial union . ib. End thus effected in Govern- ment of U.S. . . .53 Legislative power . . ! 59 Executive power . .* * gl Judicial power . . . no Nature of powers vested in Gov- ernment of U. S. . . . ]50 Reduced to different classes .' ib Powers relative to security from foreign danger . . , n, Relative to war . . .251 taxation . . .* ]66 borrowing money . 179 foreign intercourse ib. treaties , . . n,^ ambassadors, &c. . ib. piracy . . .190 — felonies at sea . 193 offences against law of nations .... lo» 416 INDEX. Relative to foreign commerce . 19G slave-trade . . 208 intercourse between the states . . . .210 commerce among the states . . . .211 with the Indians 215 postoffices and post- roada 220 coining money, &ic. 226 weights and meas- ures 227 punishment of coun- terfeiting .... ib. state records . . ih. naturalization . . 228 bankruptcy . . 235 miscellaneous ob- jects 241 science and useful arts ib. local jurisdiction . 256 punishment of trea- son 259 ■ admission of new states 262 territory and prop- erty 263 guarantees to the ^tates 264 amendment of Con- stitution .... 267 Implied and reserved powers . 270 Restrictions on the states . 271 absolute against . ib. treaties, &c. . . ib. letters of marque and reprisal .... ib. coining money . 272 bills of credit . 273 . tender laws . .274 bills of attainder . 277 Ex post facto laws ib. laws impairing con- tracts ib. Qualified restrictions . . 300 upon duties on im- ports, &c ib. relative to troops and ships of war .... 303 corni>act and agree- ments ib. engaging in war . 304 Auxiliary jxiwers . . . 305 . laws *' necessary and proptr" for executing pow- »;fr .... ib Pac< Auxiliary oath to si pport Con- stitution of US.. . 315 declaration of su- preme law .... 319 right of final interpre- tation 326 its ratification by the people 327 President of United States. Q,ualifications for election . 9ft Mode of election . . . ib For what term elected . . 91 Provision for his support . . ib. When to be declared elected by electors 9^ IIow appointed when no choice by electors . . . .93 Commander-in-chief . . 101 Reprieves and pardons . . ib. Power as to treaties . . . 102 Nominates to what offices . 104 Power of filling vacancies . 105 as to removal from office ib, as to convening and ad- journing Congress . . ib. Duty with respect to ambassa- dors, &c. .... ib. General duties .... ib. Powers and duties . . . 106 Negative upon laws, &c. . ib. Evidence of his refusal to ac- cept, or of his resignation . 108 How vacancies in office sup- plied ib. Liability to impeachment -.109 See Executive Power. Ratification of Constitution. Provision for ratifying Consti- tution 327 Its nature and eflbcts . . 329 Mode of ratification adopted . ib. How ratified by people . . 330 Assent of states, how implied . ib. Consequences of such ratifica- tion ib. See Secession. Representation. On what principle founded In government . . . .44 How to be applied . . .45 In reference to powers of gov- ernment .... ib. As to parlies delegating them . ib. Practical exception . . 46 INDEX. 417 Page llow fur principle prevailed in colouitil governments . . 47 How extended in state consti- tutions 48 How applied in Constitution of U. S 53 Representatives. Sec House of Representa- tives. Restrictions on States. See Powers of Government, States, &c. Revenue. See Taxation, &c. Rights. See Natural Rights. Safe Conducts. See Law of Nations, Powers OF Government, &c. Senate. How constituted . . .72 On what principle of represent- ation ib. Number of senators . . . ib. In what manner they vote . ib. By whom chosen . . . ib. Manner of their election . . 73 For what term elected . . ib. Qualifications of senators . 74 Powers exclusive of House of Representatives . . .76 Why consent of Senate required to treaties . . . ,78 Why associated with President in appointing power . . 79 When to choose Vice president of U. S 93 Sec Congress, Legislative Power, &c. Science. Power to promote its progress . 241 Foundation, origin, and policy . ib. Mode in which executed . . 244 Objects of the power . . ib. By what construction effected 245 Former stale laws . . . ib. Mature and extent of power vested in Congress , . 249 Distinction between pro|)erty of authors and that of inventors 253 !*rivilcgc.> secured to both ib. Extent and limitation of slate power in regard to them . 254 See Powers of Government. Secession. Whether states may secede from the Union . . . 329 Consequences of secession .330 See Powers of Government, States, &c. Slave-trade. Power of prohibiting . . 208 How executed by Congress . 209 See Powers of Government. State Courts and Magistrates See Judicial Power. State Governments. Power over militia . . . 165 Jurisdiction of offences against laws of nations . . . 193 Powers reserved to them . . 204 Subordinate to Union . . 205 Restricted as to imposts, &c. . 206 commerce . 207 Concurrent power of legislation in certain cases with Con- gress Restrictions as to preventing sale of imported articles Restrictions as to protecting duties Regulation of internal com- merce 211 Efiect of their collision with powers of Union . . . 213 Power in cases of bankruptcy and insolvency to promote science, &c. of punishing treason Guarantee of Republican Gov- ernment Power as to amendment of Con - stitution of U. S. . Restrictions on their powers Restricted as to war Cannot discharge individuals from their allegiance to the U. S. . . . . 317 Assent of State Governments to Constitution of U.S.. . 323 States cannot annul or abrogate the Federal powers . . 326 Sen Constitutions (State), Powers of Government, States, &.c. I ib. ib. ib. . 235 241 259 , 264 , 267 , 271 , 300 418 INDEX. Pago State Records. Power of Congress in relation to them -20 Their effect in other states . 229 Effect of judgments of State Courts as evidence in other states ib. States. Powers reserved to them . Their jurisdiction, how far su- perseded in maritime cases . Preservation of harmony among Commerce among them regu- lated Internal concerns, how far af- fected by Constitution of U. S. Internal commerce of Proof and effect of their records Their powers, how affected by collision with those of Con- gress Citizens of the several states . Treason against a state . Admission of new states . Guarantees to the states . Reserved rights Restrictions on their power Bound by whose construction of the Constitution of U. S. . No discretion as to organizing Government of the U. S. Cannot secede from Union See Constitutions (State), Powers of Government, State Governments. Supreme Court. Judges recognised in Constitu- tion, &c. . . . . Tenure of their offices Court created by Constitution . organized by law . Number of judges Number to form quorum . Terms of the court . Jurisdiction, original appellate - exclusive In "cases against ambassadors, &c where a state is a p:ir 'y In suits by a state Concurrent jurisdiction . In suits by ambassadors . Where a stale is a party . Whether original jurisdiction is in all cases exclusive . . 133 . Jurisdiction as to Indians . ib. Mode of exercising appellate jurisdiction .... ib. Writs of error and appeals . ih. In what cases allowed . . ib. From judgments of what courts 1.36 Restrictions on the right . . ib. Proceedings in case of reversal ib. Regulations respecting writs of errors and appeals . . ib. Judicial construction in regard to them 137 Exceptions from appellate juris- diction ib Appeals from state courts . ib. Superintending power over in- ferior courts .... 139 See Judicial Power. Supreme Law. Declared by Constitution . . 320 Effect of conflict between Fed- eral and state powers . . 322 Duty of courts in such cases . 324 States bound by interpretation of Constitution by Supreme Court of the U.S.. . .325 Taxation and Taxes. Power of levying taxes . . 166 Its objects and purposes . . 167 Its necessity and extent . . ib. Where vested, and in what terms ib. How qualified in its exercise . 168 Subjects of taxation . . . ib. In what sense term "Taxes" used 169 Different kinds of taxes . . ib. Importance of distinguishing them ib. Judicial construction of power 171 Restrictions on states respect- ing it 300 Judicial construction thereof . 301 See Legislative Power. Pow- ers OF Government, &.c. Tender Laws. How iSiir prohibited to states . 271 What allowed as legal tender in payment of debts . . 272 See Powers of Government. Territorial Courts. Where established . . .144 INDEX. 419 Page Tenure of )udges . . . 145 Courts there, how organized . ib. Jurisdiction vested in the sever- al courts .... ib. Special jurisdiction of certain territorial courts . . . ib. Territorial Regulations. Power of disposing of and reg- ulating territory and other property of the Union . . 262 Condition annexed to it . . 2C3 Construction of power , . ib. See Powers of Government. Titles of Nobility. Power of granting, prohibited to the states . . . .271 Treason. Power to declare its punish- ment 259 Treason against U. S. defined . 260 Evidence requisite to convict . 261 Judicial constructions . . ib. Treason against a state . . ib. Effect of a confession . . ib. Punishment of treason against U. S 262 Treaties. Nature of power to make . 180 To what extent declared su- preme law .... 183 How and where the power is vested ib. How treaties are to be con- strued 188 How defined by law of nations ib. How regarded by courts of U. S. ib. Their effect and operation . ib. Power of Congress ov er them . 189 Obligation of treaties Extent of the power Interpretation of treaties . . 189 Consequencesof their violation 190 Effect of partial violations . ib. How such effect prevented . ib. Power of annulling treaties . ib. Effect of its exercise . . ib. States restricted in regard to them 27] Sec Powers of Government, President of U. S., Senate, &c. Vice-president of U. S. His powers in cases of impeach- ment 78 How chosen, and qualifications 90 For what tenh elected . . 91 How appointed in case of no choice by electors . . .94 His duties as President of Senate ib. When to act as President of U. S 95 Evidence of h's refusal to ac- cept ib. How long he continues to act as President of U. S. . . ib. War. Whence right of declaring it derived . . 151 Causes of war . . ib. Forms of declaring it . ib. Power of declaring it, where vested . . ib. In what mode declared . ib. Effect of declaration . L-ia "Levying war" — what . 260 Weights and Measures. Power to fix standards . . 226 How far exclusive . . . 227 Writs of Error. See Supreme Court. THE EN1> A Course of Lectures on the CoxNstitutional Juris- prudence OF the United States, delivered annually in Columbia College, New- York, by William Al- EXANDER Duer, LL.D., latc President of that Insti tution. From Mr. Madison. "Montpelier, Sept. 4th, ISa.?. "Dear Sir— I have received your letter of the 28th ultimo, en- closing the outlines of your work on the Constitutional Jurispru- dence of the United States. The object of the work is certainly important and well chosen, and the plan marked out in the anal- ysis gives full scope to the instructive execution which is anticipa- ted. I am very sensible, sir, of the friendly respect which sug- gested my name for the distinguished use made of it, and am not less so of the too partial terms which are applied to it. I shall re- ceive, sir, with great thankfulness, the promised volume, with the outlines of which I have been favoured ; though such is the shat- tered state of my health, added to the eighty-three years of my age, that I fear I may be little able to bestow on it all the attention I might wish, and doubt not it will deserve. " With great respect and cordiai salutations, "James Madison" Frotn Chief -j-iistice Marshall. "Washington, Mardt 17, 1834. * Dear Sir — I had the pleasure of receiving, at the commence- ment of the session of the Supreme Court, your " Outlines of the Constitutional Jurisprudence of the United States," for which I am gi-eatly indebted to you. " Tab pressure of official duty has been such as not to leave me leisure enough to give it that attentive perusal to which it has the fairest claim. That agreeable task must be deferred until my re- turn to Virginia. I have, however, passed rapidly through it, and that rapid glance has eatistied me of the value of the A^ork, and the correctness of its principles and statements. I wish very much that this and similar works could be introduced into all our serni- oaHpe for pdnratinn ^r ^ snv^rnmont like ours. if. if! of thp last importance that early impressions should be just. Permit me I thank you for this flattering mark of your attention, and to make my acknowledgments for the kind and partial manner in which you speak of the Chief-justice of the United States in your pref ace. With very great respect and esteem, " I am, sir, your ob't, " J. Marshall." From Edward Livingston, late U. S. Minister to France. "Paris, Nov. 22d, 1833 " My dear Sir — I am very much obhged to you for your very valuable little book. It is a work of great use, and must attract great attention in Europe, where all our institutions are scanned, and their operation watched, from different motives, by friends and foes "You are now instructing a royal pupil. Last night, at the Tuileries, the Due d'Orleans asked me many questions respecting our Constitution and Laws, and seemed so desirous of obtaining correct information, that I told him I had just received from a learn- ed friend a small volume, in which all he required to know could be found, and havmg obtained permission, I sent him your work. " 1 am, dear sir, with high regard, your friend and servant, " Edw. Livingston." From Mons. de 7'ocqueville. *' Sir — I have received the work which you had the goodness to send us, and will not await the return of M. de Beaumont to ex- press in his name, as well as my own, our gratitude for it. The work you address to us, sir, appears to me to be eminently calcu- lated for the purpose to which you destine it. It demonstrates, with as much clearness as precision, the Federal Constitution ; and although short, is not superficial. I have no doubt but that it would excite a very great curiosity in France, if the knowledge ){■ the English language was more general among us. For my part, sir, I have personal reasons for offering you my thanks. I am occupied at present with a work upon the American Institutions, nnd consider your book one of my best documents. "I am, very respectfully, sir, youi obedient servant, "Alexis de Tocqueville.** Faris, November 24th, 1833." tl^^illt'sL^'/^ °^ 25 CENTS TH.s BOOK In^^° DArr"-""^ ^° "^""N WILL 'NCREASE TO so C^v^o"^- """^ "^NALt!? DAY A) ^° '^^NTS ON THE FOURTH iitUU U.C.BERKELEY LIBRARIES CDMblDb^bfi A felfJJ"