^JJf^^^^^^.^^f'fr^J^^ -^^ " '■-- '*^ ^S ^^^4s S^^ f^ CXCfC cc .*■ /^ ■ _X. Cc/^^ i^:^^^^ THE DATE OF CAXTON'S EETUEN TO ENGLAND. Hampstead, June 8/ 1877. Now that the Caxton Celebration is close at hand, it may not be uninteresting to your readers to point out a piece of fresh evidence— hitherto unknown, as far as I can ascertain — with regard to the exact date of Caxton's return into England. In a volume of the 'Collectanea' of Camden, among the Cotton MSS., I discovered the follow- ing entry in his own hand, " In the year 1471, William Caxton, Mercer and Merchaunt of London, brought it into England, where the Abbot of Westminster, well likinge the deuice, imprinted the destruction of Troyes, the first booke w''^ was ever imprinted in England." This gives a strong support to the independent testi- mony of Stow, who also gives the date 1471 in his ' Survey of London.' It is quite impossible to believe that Caxton, who had held such a high position at Bruges, and had lived for thirty years in connexion and correspondence from abroad with the Mercers' Company at home, could sink sud- denly into such utter oblivion and silence as not to be once mentioned in his adopted city for more than six years. On the other hand, it is only natural that, returning to his native country after an absence of so many years, he should have passed a life of retirement and obscurity, holding no ofiicial position, and unknown by fame in the vicinity of his new residence. »As to any data founded on his well-known device, no conclusions could be more erroneous or absurd. It is abso- lutely certain that Caxton never saw or heard of the use of such a figure as is taken for the numeral seven on his device, it was invariablv formaA lika^ a pair of open compasses at that time, and that is the shape of that figure as always used by him. As regards the other character, it is, undoubtedly, like the numeral four as used about that period, but our printer never used it himself, his figure being almost identical with the four now in use, as may be seen in many of his books. EpwARD Scott. ^ 2^ Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from Microsoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/biographytypograOObladrich THE BIOGRAPHY TYPOGRAPHY WILLIAM CAXTON, ENGLAND'S FIRST PRINTER, WILLIAM BLADES. Uontron : TRUBNER & CO., 67 & 59, LUDGATE HILL. KARL I. TRUBNER. 1877. LONDON ! PRINTED BY BLADES. EAST A BLADES, 11, ABCHUROH LANE. E.C. PREFACE. HE "Caxton Celebration'* is in full progress, and many per- sons are requiring information about our first Printer, his life and works. To supply that demand the present Volume is issued. In 1861-63, two volumes quarto were published, entitled " The Life and Typography of William Caxton," in which the most full information then obtainable was afforded; but being both costly and cumber- some, it has been thought desirable to issue a new **Life " in a more handy form. The particulars of the biographical portion have, where necessary, been re-cast ; but only one additional fact of any importance has been added, viz., that Caxton was married, and left IV PREFACE. behind him a married daughter, information kindly supplied to me by Mr. Gairdner, of the Eecord Office. The bibliography has been necessarily cur- tailed, the account of the old manuscripts of Caxton's printed books having been omitted, as well as the details under " Existing Copies " and "statistics." On the other hand, some new works, of which the "Ars moriendi," "Sex Epistolae," and the "Officium beatse Mariae," are the chief, have been added to the Catalogue of Caxton's productions, and de- scribed in full. It has also been thought necessary to retain the full Collation of each work. It is a pleasing task to acknowledge assist- ance, and to E. A. Graves, Esq., of the British Museum, I owe my best thanks for revising the proofs of the biographical portion, and for numerous suggestions. The Plates, as in the former edition, are from the skilful hand of G. I. E. Tupper, Esq., of Pudding Lane, Eastcheap, whose ability in this description of work is beyond praise. To him also are due many of the remarks on the various types, both in this and the former edition. PREFACE. But chiefly I am indebted to Henry Brad- shaw, Esq., Librarian to the University of Cambridge, for the use of his annotated copy of *'The Life and Typography of William Caxton," which has enabled me to rectify several mistakes in that work, and to assign with a greater degree of accuracy the undated books to their proper years. Mr. J. C. C. Smith, Probate Registry, Somerset House, kindly informed me of the discovery of another portion of the Will of Robert Large, Caxton's Master. The woodcut head-pieces, tail-pieces, and initials are from the hand of Noel Humphreys, Esq., who on this occasion kindly resumed his pencil for the subject's sake. W. B. CONTENTS PART I. CHAPTER I. William Caxton — His Birthplace and Parentage ... 1 CHAPTEE 11. William Caxton — An Apprenticeship 7 CHAPTER III. Caxton Abroad 15 CHAPTER IV. Literature in the Fifteenth Century 88 CHAPTER V. Development of Printing 39 CHAPTER YT. Cplard Mansion 59 CHAPTER VII. Caxton a Printer 55 CONTENTvS. CHAPTER VIII. Caxton at Westminster ... ... ... ... ... 69 CHAPTER IX. The Master Printer — the Paper — the Type — Presses — Pressmen — Ink — the Bookbinder — the lUuminator 94 APPENDIX. Containing Mercers' Records — Will of Robert Large — Burge's Records — St. Margaret's Records — Docu- ment from Record Office 1 43 PAET II.— LIST OE PRINTED BOOKS. Books printed in Type No. 1 165 Books printed in Type No. 2 181 Books printed in Type No. 3 235 Books printed in Type No. 4 243 Books printed in Type No. 5 309 Books printed in Type No. 6 329 Doubtful Works 359 Index 371 CHAPTER I. l^IRTirrLACE AND PARENTAGE. WAS bom and lerned myn enj^lissh in Kente in the weeld where I doubte not is spoken as brode and rude englissh as is in ony place of euglond." Thus briefly does William Caxton record the place of his birth and early years, and notwithstand- ing prolonged and careful research nothing more precise has been ascertained. The name of " weald," rendered by Halliwcll " forest," or " woody country," betokens the nature of the district, which at the time of the Conquest, and for centuries after, was covered with dense woods where thousands of wild hogs roamed and fattened. This extensive tract of country had no legally defined boundaries, and one can easily understand how Lam- barde, the Kentish historian, was so puzzled when he attempted to describe it, that he declared it easier to deny altogether the existence of the weald than to define its boundaries with any accuracy. An approximate idea of its geographical position may be gained by observing that a traveller, starting from Edenbridge, and journeying through Tunbridge, Harden, Biddenden, and Tenterden to the Romney marshes, would pass through its centre. A century before Caxton's birth a great change had com- menced in the weald of Kent. Hitherto the wool for which B WILLIAM CAXTON. England was famous had been purchased by merchants and carried over to Flanders, for the purpose of being made into cloth, which was brought back for sale in England. Edward III, struck by the wealth and power which accrued to Flan- ders from the cloth manufacture established there, determined to try the experiment of establishing a factory in England. The weald, covered as it then was with forests, was of little value as land ; and hither, aided in his design by the sanguinary feuds at that time raging among the trade guilds of the Low Countries, the King induced about eighty respect- able Flemish families to migrate and carry on the manu- facture of cloth in the country which produced the wool. Exempt from taxation, and favoured by the royal patronage and many special privileges, the colony throve and grew rapidly. The Flemish settlers soon became naturalised, and increased in wealth and influence year by year ; so that in the fifteenth century " their trade was of great importance, and exercised by persons who possessed most of the landed property in the weald." Thus writes Hasted in 1778, and adds, " Insomuch that almost all the antient famihes of these parts, now of large estates, are sprung from ancestors who have used this staple manufacture." "We read Caxton's narrative of his birth in a new light, when we bear in mind that the inhabitants of the Weald had a strong admixture of Flemish blood in their best families, and that cloth was their chief, and, probably, only manufac- ture. "We understand why the Kentish dialect was so broad and rude, and we enter more heartily into the amusing anecdote in Caxton's preface to the "Eneydos," where he tells of the good wife of Kent who knew what the Flemish word " eyren " meant, but understood not the Enghsh word "eggs." "Certayn marchaunts," says Caxton, "were in a ship in tamyse for to have sayled over the see into zelande, and for lacke of wynde thei taryed atte forlond . and wente to lande for to refreshe them And one of theym named shefiTelde a mercer cam in to an hows and axed for mete . and specyally he axed after eggys And the good wyf answerde . that she cotide speke no frenshe. And the marchaunt was BIRTHPLACE AJS'D PARENTA(JE. an^rj . for he also coiide speke no frenshe . but wolde hare hadde egges, and she undersfcode hym not, And thenne at last a nother sajd that he wolde have eyren, then the good wyi* sayd that she understod hym wel." Dr. Pegge, in his " Alphabet of Kenticisms," gives " eiren " as the equivalent of "eggs" in the Kentish dialect of old English. Here, then, in some rural homestead, surrounded by people who spoke English " not to be understonden," was Caxton bom. Kentish historians, anxious to localise the honour of having given birth to so famous a man, claim the ancient manor of Caustons, near Hadlow, in the Weald of Kent, as the original seat of the Caxton family. In the fifteenth century the name Caxton was usually pronounced Cauxton or Causton, the letter a having a broad sound, and the u being frequently inserted after it. Numerous instances are given in the " Archaeologia Cantiana," Vol. V., of names of Kentish towns having this broad pronunciation. Thus Francklyn occurs in old deeds as Frauncklyn ; Mailing as Mauling, and Wanting as Waunting. The letters s and x were often interchanged, and so Caxton writes AUsaumUr for Alexander, while to ask appears in the " Chess Book " as to axe. We may further note that Caxton^ in Cambridgeshire, is spelt in old documents, Caustoriy and, in the records of the Mercers* Company, a certain Thomas Cacston appears as one of the liverymen appointed to wel- come King Edward IV on his entry into London, and is immediately after entered as Thomas Cawston. Many years before Caxton's birth, the manor of Caustons had been alie- nated from the Caxton family, by whom it had 'long been held ; and although some offshoots may have remained in the neighbourhood, the most important branch appears to have taken root in Essex, and there adopted the name of the old Kentish hundred for their new residence; for among the wills now preserved at Somerset House is that of Johannes Cawston, of Hadlow Hall, Essex, dated 1490. Nothing, how- ever, of interest can be gleaned from it. We therefore conclude that William Caxton probably de- scended from the old stock of the Caustons, who owned the manor of Caustons, near Hadlow, in the Weald of Kent. The B 2 WILLIAM CAXTON. evidence is not strong, but yet there is no other locality in the Weald in which can be traced the slightest connection, either verbal or otherwise, with the family. Caxton's pedigree is quite unknown, no trace of any of his relatives, except a married daughter, having been discovered. The "William Caxton" who was buried in 1478, in the church of St. Margaret, Westminster, is asserted by some biographers to have been the father of our printer. This may be possible ; but no relationship can be assumed from mere identity of name, for Caxtons, Caustons, or Cauxtons are to be found in many parts of England during ©©© the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries. William de Caxtone owned a house in the parish of St. Mary Abchurch, London, in 1311 : a man of the same name paid his tax to the City authorities in 1441 : and there was a family of Caxtons fa- mous for centuries as mer- chants at Norwich, who used as their trade-mark three Cakes and a Tun. The will of Robert Caxton, alias Causton, is pre- served at Canterbury; and at Sandwich, Tuxford, Newark, Beckenham, Westerham, and frequently in the early records of London does the name appear. The will of John Caxton, of Canterbury, likewise still exists : he was " of the parish of St. Alphage, Mercer," and left to the church some wooden " deskys," upon which the following device may still be seen. BIRTHPLACE AND PAIIENTAGE. When was Caxton bom ? To this question a more satis- factory answer can be given, for the date of his apprenticeship has fortunately been preserved in the records of the Mercers* Company. It has generally been assumed that 1412 was the date of his birth, upon the sole ground that Caxton himself complained, in 1471, that he was gro\Ning old and weak, from which the inference has been drawn that he must then have seen at least sixty years. That this date, however, must be advanced is proved by the following extract from the earliest volume of the "Wardens' Accounts" in the Archives of the Mercers* Company. The entry occurs in a list of fees for the binding and enrolment of apprentices "pur Ian deunt passe cest assauoir des Fest de Saynt John Bap** Ian xvj du Roy Henr sisme ; " that is, " for the year last passed that is to say from the Feast of St. John Baptist in the 16th year of King Henry YI. [June 24, 1438]," and is literally as follows : — Entres des Appiitices. Item John large, i les appntices de .... Item Will'm Caxston, ) Kobert Large We have here recorded the interesting fact that in 1438 Caxton was apprenticed to Robert Large. It is the first genuine date in his life with which we are acquainted, and affords us a starting point from which can be reckoned, with some degree of certainty, the date of his birth. The age of twenty-one has always been considered as the period when a man arrives at his legal majority ; but in the fifteenth century there was also what may be termed the civic majority, which was not attained until three years later. This custom prevailed to the end of the seventeenth century; for in 1693 an Act of Common Council was passed enjoining the Chamberlain to ascertain that every candidate for admission to the freedom of the City had "reached the full age of twenty-four." The phrase " quousque ad etatem suam xxiiij annorum peruenerit," so commonly found in old wills, refers to this custom ; and in \iew of it the indenture of an appren- tice was always so drawn that on the commencement of his WILLIAM CAXTOX. twenty-fifth year he might issite from his apprenticeship. This necessarily caused a considerable variation in the length of servitude, which ranged according to the age of the youth, from seven years, the shortest term, to fourteen years. Taking the "entries" and "issues" in the Mercers' records as a guide, ten years appears to have been the term most usual in the fifteenth century ; but if we calculate his servitude to have lasted but seven years, Caxton could not have been more than seventeen years of age when apprenticed, and would therefore have been bom not later than the year 1421. That he was not much younger is evident from the position he had gained for himself at Bruges only eleven years after he entered his apprenticeship, when he was accepted as surety for a sum equal to £1500 at the present day; so that we cannot be far \^Tong if we assume 1422-3 as the date of his birth. CHAPTER II. AN APPRENTICESHIP. AXTON tells us, in his prologue to " Charles the Great," that, previously to his apprenticeship, he had been to school, but whether in Kent or in London he does not say. He only thanks his parents for their kind foresight in giving him a good education, by which he was enabled in after years to earn an honest living. No other particulars of his early history being known, we will pass at once to the year 1438, and imagine him, fresh from the Weald, already in- stalled in the household of Alderman Large, and duly invested with all the rights and privileges of a London apprentice. "When we remember how many of these apprentices were young men about four-and-twenty years of age, we can readily believe that very strict rules were required to keep them ■within bounds, and that when they did break loose it was sometimes beyond the combined power of all the city autho- rities to restrain them. The Evil May Day, as it was called, in 1517, when the apprentices rose against the foreigners, especially the French, and, notwithstanding the efforts of the Lord Mayor and aldermen, ravaged the City, burning houses and killing many persons, is recorded by the old chroniclers. The day was long remembered by the masters vvith fear, and by the apprentices "with pride — although twelve of the latter ignominiously perished by the hands of the hangman after the suppression of the riot by the King's troops. WILLIAM CAXTON. The master's duties to his apprentice were to feed him, clothe him, and teach him well and truly his art and craft. Failing the fulfilment of these duties, the apprentice could, on complaint and proof shown before the Court of Aldermen, have his indentures cancelled, or be turned over to another master. On the other side, the apprentice made oath to serve his master well and truly, to keep all his secrets, to use no traffic on his own account, and to obey all lawful commands. The London merchants of those days were very exclusive in their reception of apprentices, and perhaps none of them more so than the Mercers, who took precedence of all the City companies. The leading men of the great companies, as was natural, apprenticed their sons to one another, and thus the family names of Caxton's fellow-apprentices are the names also of the wardens, and the most substantial citizens of the period. The family name of " Caxton " does not, indeed, figure among those of the City mag-nates, but William Caxton's admission to the household of one of London's most eminent merchants, and his being apprenticed at the same time as his master's son, go far to prove the family to have been well connected. In one case only does there seem a probability of relationship. The records of the Mercers' Company contain many notices of the " entries " and " issues " of apprentices, and in 1447 it is recorded that one Kichard Caxton finished his term of servitude with John Harrowe, whose son was one of the apprentices of Eobert Large at the same time as William Caxton, Large and HaiTowe were fellow Mercers, and evidently on friendly terms, so that it is probable the two young Caxtons were of the same family. Robert Large, Caxton's master, was one of the richest and most influential merchants in the City. He was a Mercer, and the son of a Mercer, and a native of the City of London. In 1430 he filled the office of Sheriif, and in 1439-40 that of Lord Mayor. The Mercer's Company was then, as now, the oldest chartered company in existence, and among its members were comprised the merchants of highest standing in the City. It paid more money to the king's revenue, sent to a "riding" more well-mounted men, spent larger sums on Plate I. From Aygas's Map of London, showing the Home of Alderman Large, Caxion's Master (marked f J. The Arms of Large in right hand comer. BIRTHPLACE AND PAEEin^AOB. its "liveries," and yielded from its ranks more sheriffs and majors than any two City companies besides. Large was elected "Gardein" (the old term for Warden) in 1427, and apiKjars to have made himself very popular, if we may judge from the unusual expenditure on the Lord Mayor's Day when he succeeded to the mayoralty. Carriages not having yet come into use, the procession to Westminster was on horse- back, the Mercers on that occasion riding in new robes, preceded by sixteen trumpeters, blowing silver trumpets pur- chased for the occasion. A few liverymen who absented themselves were heavily fined. The house in which Alderman Large resided no doubt presented a great contrast to Caxton's home in the Weald. It stood at the north end of the Old Jewry, and appears to have been a very ancient and extensive mansion. Stow, writing in 1598, gives a curious account of its vicissitudes, and sums up its history thus: — "sometime a Jews' Syna- gogue, since a house of friars, then a nobleman's house, after that a merchant's house, wherein mayoralties have been kept, but now a wine tavern." Large resided there until his death. The household of which Caxton had become a member consisted of at least, eighteen persons, exclusive of domestic ser\^ants — Alderman Kobert Large and his second wife Johanna ; four sons, Robert, Thomas, Richard, and John, all under age (24 years), the last being bound apprentice at the same time as Caxton; two daughters, Alice and Elizabeth, both mider age (21 years) ; two "servants," or men who had served their apprenticeship, and eight apprentices. Large did not long survive his mayoralty. His mU is dated April 11th, 1441, and he died on the 24th of the same month. He was buried in St. Olave's, Old JewTy, in the same grave as his first wife Elizabeth, and their monument, with the following inscription, existed in the time of Stow : — " Hie requiescat in Gratia et misericordia Dei, Robertus Large, quondam Mer- cems et Maior istius civitatis." An imperfect copy of Large's will is preserved iu the Principal Registry of the Court of Probate at Somerset House. From it we learn that he owned the manor of Horham, in Essex, and that he left various sums 10 WILLIAM CAXTON. to the parish churches of Shakeston, Aldestre, and Overton, where some of his relatives were buried. It would have been interesting to find that Large had a family connection mth Caxton's native county ; but although no trace of this can be discovered, it is remarkable that two of his apprentices should have had Kentish names, Caxton being merely another form of Causton, a manor near Hadlow, and the hundred of Strete being represented by Caxton's fellow-apprentice, Randolph Streete. He left liberal bequests to his parish church of St. Olave, Old Jewry, and for religious purposes generally, as well as considerable sums for the completion of a new aqueduct then in coui'se of construction, for the repair of London Bridge, for cleansing the watercourse of Walbrook, for mar- riage portions of poor girls, for relief of domestic servants, and for the use of various hospitals of London, among which may be noticed " Bedleem," Bishopsgate Without, St. Thomas of Southwark, and the Leper Houses at " Hakeney-les-lokes." Among the many bequests in Large's will, the following are worthy of notice as showing the names and approximate ages of Caxton's fellow apprentices, of whom he appears, both by the order in which he is mentioned, and by the dates in the Mercers' records, to have been the youngest. Richard Bonyfaunt (issued 1 440) ... 50 marks. Henry Okmanton (entered 1434) ... 50 pounds. Robert Dedes ( ). . .20 marks. Christopher Heton (issued 1443). . .20 pounds. William Caxton (entered 1437)... 20 marks. Besides the above there were Randolph Streete, who issued in the same year as that in which Caxton was bound, Thomas Neche, who issued in 1440, and John Harrowe, who issued in 1443. These are all entered in the Mercers' books as " appiitices de Rob*- Large." Before proceeding with the account of Caxton, we may here briefly state what is known of the subsequent history of the family in which he lived. Mistress Large (whose son Richard Tumat, by her first husband, is mentioned in Large's will) was now again a widow, with a large fortune of her own AN APPRENTICESHIP. 11 and the care of two stepsons, each of whom was also well pro- \ided for. Her second bereavement appears for a time to have affected her most deeply. Over the body of her deceased husband she thus solemnly and publicly vowed to devote the remainder of her days to charity and chastity : — " I, Johanna, that was sometime the wife of Robert Large, make mine avow to (tod and the high blissful Trinity, to our Lady Saint Mary, and to all the blissfiU company of Heaven, to live in chastity and cleanness of my body from this time forward as long as my life lasteth, never to take other spouse but only Christ Jesu." At the same time a ring was placed upon her wedding finger, and a coarse bro^Ti veil thrown over her by the priest. Her celibacy was not, however, of long duration, as in about three years she married for the third time, as we learn from the following quaint entry in the second edition of Stow's " Survey of London." Writing of John Gedney, Lord Mayor in 1427, he says, "This Godnay in the yeare 1444 wedded the widdow of Robert Large late Maior, which widdow had taken the Mantell and ring, and the vow to Hue chast to God tearnie of her life, for the breach whereof, the marriage done they were troubled by the Church, and put to penance, both he and she." All the children menti(jned by Tiarge in his ^\'ill were by EHzabeth, his first wife. Robert and Thomas did not long survive their father; John died soon after the expiration of his apprenticeship, which, as we have seen, was contempo- raneous with that of Caxton, and his name, accordingly, does not occur in Large*s will. Richard, the sole survivor, suc- ceeded, as was his father's wish, to all the property demised to his two elder brothers, and his claims were allowed by the Court of Aldermen on his "attaining his age of 24 years" in the year 1444. Large's daughter Alice does not appear to have claimed her patrimony on arriving at her majority ; she therefore, in all probability, died previously; but Elizabeth maiTied soon after her father's death, and her husband, Thomas Eyre, son of the Lord Mayor, received her dowry in 1446. The three years which Caxton passed as apprentice with 12 WILLIAM CAXTON. Large were very eventfiil, and, as it was during this period that he must have received his most vivid impressions of life, it may not be amiss to take a rapid glance at a few of the events which agitated the minds of the people. Caxton, no doubt, was witness of the great jousts in Smithfield in 1438, which lasted three weeks, and are so graphically described in one of the Lansdowne Manuscripts in the British Museum (No. 285), and his intense love for knightly sports may have there been first developed. But though sights of knights at tournaments were to be seen for nothing, common bread was very dear, and many deaths from starvation occurred in the same year. An old chronicle tells us that, "Men ate rye bread and barly, and bred mad of benes, peses, and fetches : and wel were hym that myghte haue ynowe thereof." In his own additions to the " Polycronicon " Caxton is more than usually minute in his record of the events which occurred during the time of his apprenticeship. Speaking of this year, he recounts that "Come was soo skarce that in some places poure peple made hem brede of fern rotes." This makes one cease to wonder at tumults and rebellion, and possibly some chord of pity was struck in Caxton's breast when certain men from his native county of Kent, called "Risers," were beheaded, and the heads of five of them were stuck on poles and left to rot over the southern gateway of London Bridge. In 1439 Large was elected Mayor, and at his "riding" to Westminster and back, all his apprentices no doubt assisted to sweU the shout in honour of their master, and to drink the wine which flowed freely from the conduits. But ere that year was ended a sad spectacle was seen on Tower Hill, when Richard Wyche, Vicar of Deptford, an old man of eighty years of age, was burnt for Lollardism. An old chronicler, at the end of his account of this martyrdom, adds, " for the which Sir Richard was made grete mom among the comyn peple ;" and well they might moan, for his love and charity had won for him the strongest affection among the poor. He was first degraded " at Powly's," and then taken away to Tower Hill, where he was roasted over a slow fire. The excitement among the people was intense, and on the night of this event all the AN APPRENTICESHIP. 18 watches throughout the city were doubled, bo great were the fears entertained of a general rising. The impression made on the mind of Caxton may be gathered from his own rela- tion : — " This yere Syr Rychard wiche, vycary of hermettes- worth was degrated of his prysthode, at powlys, and brente at toure hylle as for an heretyk on saynt Botolphus day, how wel at his deth, he deyde a good crysten man, wherefore after his dethe moche people cam to the place where he hadde ben brente, and oflryd and made a heepe of stones, and sette vp a crosse of tree, and helde hym for a saynt till the mayer and shreves, by commaundement of the kynge and bisshops destroyed it, and made there a donghyll." Another grievous event appears, in the following year, to have excited the com- passion of our young apprentice. On three alternate days Eleanor Chobham, the beautiful wife of Duke Humphrey, was landed on the banks of the Thames, and, accompanied by the mayor, sheriffs, and guilds of the city, walked to St. Paul's barefooted, clad in a white sheet, and holding a taper, as a penance for her presumed sorceries with the witch of Eye. Caxton has narrated this at unusual length. There were great tournaments again this year in the Tower, as well as a despe- rate fight between the citizens and a body of courtiers, for which the former, although first attacked, were heavily fined by the king. The old chronicler describes the fray as "a great debate by the night time, where through shots of bows there were many hurt foul and slain." But the chief event of this period, considered in its bearing upon Caxton's destiny, was the conclusion of a three years' peace between England and Flanders. This, coupled with the termination of the war which had raged furiously between Holland and Zealand and Hamburgh, was probably a material cause in determining Caxton's departure from England. We do not know what were the exact duties which de- volved upon Caxton during his apprenticeship; but as an assistant to Large, who had extensive connections, and was doubtless in frequent correspondence mth Bruges, the great centre of English commerce abroad, he must have obtained considerable insight into the customs of foreign trade, and 14 . WILLIAM CAXTON. become personally known to many Flemish merchants, who, when in London, would probably stay in Large's house. We must not forget that Caxton was not released from his indentures by the death of his master. If he wished to continue his career as a merchant, whether in England or abroad, he was obliged to serve out his apprenticeship ; and that he did so we gather from his admission in after years to the livery of the Mercers' Company. Executors were bound to pro\ide the apprentices of a deceased trader with a new home; and it would seem that the original master might appoint a new master by his will, or of his ovm accord assign the apprentice during his lifetime, without making the appren- tice himself a party to the assignment. So far as we know, Large made no arrangement of this kind; and it appears probable that the usual course of pro\'iding a new master for the bereaved apprentice was adopted by the executors in Caxton's case. Moreover, it was not uncommon for young men in his position to be sent to some foreign town to obtain experience in trade. Wheeler says, " The Merchants Adven- turers send their yong men, sonnes, and servantes or appren- tices, who for the most parte are Gentlemens sonnes, to the Marte Townes beyonde the seas, there to leame good facions and knowledge in trade." Whether Caxton left England by his own desire, or at the instance of his new master, or by the invitation of a foreign friend, is unknown ; but that he took up his abode in the Low Countries, and probably at Bruges, in 1441, the year in which his first master died, we gather from his own words in the prologue to " The Eecuyell," where he states that he had then, in 1471, been abroad for thirty years. Thither probably he carried with him no more than the twenty marks (equal to about £150 at the present day) bequeathed to him by Alderman Large. CHAPTER III. CAXTON ABROAD. HE City of Bruges had long been not only the seat of government of the Dukes of Burgundy, but also the metro- polis of trade for all the neighbouring countries. Thither resorted merchants from all parts of Europe, certain of finding there the best market for their wares. English traders especially abounded, having been greatly favoured by Philip the Good, who had been almost from a child brought up in the Court of England, and who in 1446 gave great privileges to the Merchant Adventurers under the name of The English Nation^ by which title they were ever after commonly known in foreign parts. So greatly were the Duke's dominions indebted to the trade in wool and cloth with England, that Philip the Good, when he instituted in 1429 a new Order of Knighthood, adopted for its title and badge " The Golden Fleece." The " Athenaeum" for Decem- ber 5th, 1863, gives a curious account of the choice of this name. " Philip, wearied with suggestions for the name and badge of his new Order, at last said it might be named in some reference to the season of the year in which the matter had been discussed. That season included the months of July, August, September, October and November. As the initial letters of those months (the same in French and Dutch as in English) made the word Jason, the name of the Hero of the Golden Fleece, the conclusion was hilariously arrived at that the new Order should be named accordingly." 16 WILLIAM CAXTON. Caxton issued out of his apprenticeship about 144G, and became a freeman of his guild, though, as this happened abroad, no notice of it occurs in the Company's books. It would appear that he immediately entered into business on his own account, and that he prospered, for in 1450 we find him in Bruges, and so far successful as to be thought sufficient security for the sum of £110 sterling, more than equal to £1,500 now. This appears from the following curious law proceedings preserved in the archives of the City of Bruges. William Craes, an English merchant, in the year 1450, sued in the Town Hall of Bruges, before the burgomasters, mer- chants, and councillors of the city, John Selle and William Caxton, both English merchants, for a sum of money. William Craes deposed that John Granton, of the Staple at Calais, was indebted to him in the sum of £110 sterhng, for which the said John Selle and William Caxton had become sureties, and that the said John Cranton having departed from the city without payment made, he, the said Craes, had caused his sureties to be arrested. The defendants admitted that they were tho. sureties for John Granton, but pleaded that as Granton was very rich, complainant should wait and look to him for payment, if indeed the money had not been already paid. Judgment was given by Roeland de Vos and Guerard le Groote in favour of the complainant, the defendants having to give security for the sum demanded, but it was also decreed that if John Granton on his return to Bruges should prove payment previously to his departure, the complainant should then pay a fine double in amount to that of the sum claimed. We learn from their records that the Mercers were, at this period, engaged in a considerable trade with the Low Coun- tries, but this soon after received a check from an edict of the Duke of Burgundy which prohibited the importation of all English cloths. The item in the Mercers' accounts — " To Richard Burgh for bearing of a letter over the sea, 6s 8^," probably refers to this, although from the small sum paid in comparison with several similar entries, it may be inferred that he was not a special messenger, but that he took charge of the letter, having to go to Bruges on his own account. CAXTON ABROAD. t7 The date when Caxton was admitted to the freedom of hw Company does not appear, but it was doubtless shortly after he had issued from his apprenticeship. It must have occurred before 1453, for in that year he made a journey from Bruges to London, accompanied by Richaert Burgh and Esmond Redeknape, when all three were admitted to the Livery of the Mercers' Company, a privilege to which the admission to the freedom was a necessary step. Like Caxton, Burgh and Rede- knape were probably English traders settled at Bruges : Rede- knape was most likely a relative of the W. Redeknape of London, who appears farther on as a merchant trading ^vith Bruges, and we have already noticed Burgh as the bearer of a letter to that city. We may likewise remark that the usual fees on their taking up the livery seem to have been remitted, the whole entry in the volume of accounts being erased by the pen. The Mercers' accounts of the same year show charges for sending two letters to the Duchess of Burgundy, who was not above trading in cloth on her owti account, with the special privilege from her brother, Edward lY, of being freed from the payment of import and export duties. In 1453 Geoffrey Felding, Mercer, was mayor, and the names of William Caxton, Ric. Burgh, Thos. Bryce, and William Pratt appear, charged with fines of 35. 4^. each for not attending at his riding (quils fautent de chiuachier ouesque le mair). As an English merchant residing in Bruges, Caxton would necessarily be subject to the laws and regulations of the Chartered Company called the Merchant Adventurers, whose Governor had control over all English and Scotch traders in those parts. All foreign trade was then carried on by means of Trading Guilds. These associations, which occupy a prominent position in the early history of European commerce, had in most cities a common place of residence, and were governed by laws and charters granted on one side by the government of their own country, and on the other side by the government of the country in which they had settled. They appear to have originated in a common necessity. The trader in a foreign country was always an object of suspicion to the inhabitants, and often found him- 18 WILLIAM CAXTON. self restricted by its laws as to the articles he should buy or sell, and to the prices he should give or receive. These laws being frequently imjust and subversive of all legitimate trade, besides being often strained to the great injury of indi- viduals, it was found expedient for all traders in foreign lands to unite, and by combined ax^tion to secure that recognition of their rights which the individual could not obtain. Hence arose the Association of Merchant Adventurers, which con- sisted of English merchants, who ventured their goods in foreign markets. The Mercers, whose foreign trade far ex- ceeded that of all other Companies, appear to have originated this Association in the thirteenth century, under the name of the Guild or Fraternity of St. Thomas-a-Becket, and to have retained the principal management of its affairs until their disconnection in the sixteenth century. Although Grocers, Drapers, Fishmongers, and several other trade guilds yielded their quota of members, and added their influence when support was needed, yet there were more Mercers among the Merchant Adventurers than liverymen of any other company ; the meetings of the Association at their head-quarters in London were held in Mercers' Hall, and their transactions entered in the same minute-book with those of the Mercers' Company itself until 152G, when they became entirely inde- pendent, although the last hnk was not severed before the Great Fire of London in 1666 destroyed the office which the Merchant Adventurers held of the Mercers under their Hall. It appears, however, from the records of the Founders' Com- pany, that the Merchant Adventurers became their tenants in 1565; that the Founders borrowed a large sum of money from them, for which, in 1647, £200 was paid for interest; and that in 1683 the Founders leased the Sising Eoom and the Gown Room of their new Hall in Lothbury to the Mer- chant Adventurers for £16 per ammm. Several charters were granted by English kings to their subjects in various parts of Europe for their internal government. In 1407, Henry IV granted authority to the English merchants in Holland, Flan- ders, Prussia, and other States, to assemble and elect governors, with power to nile all English merchants repairing thither. CAXTON ABROAD. 19 and to make reasonable ordinances. Henry VI renewed these powers in 1444. On the accession of the House of York, the Mercers consulted the City Recorder and "Rigby" re- specting their Corporation, and by the statute 1 Ed. IV, c. i., passed for confii-ming the titles of those who held under grants of any of the three preceding kings, therein described as " in fact and not in right " kings of England, all grants to the wardens of the Mercers were specially confirmed. The Merchant Adventurers now obtained a larger charter, dated April IGth, 1462, which Hakluyt calls " The Merchant Adven- turers' Patent," for the better government of the English merchants residing in Brabant, Flanders, &c., and under its provisions William Obray was appointed " Governor of the English Merchants " at Bruges. Whether Obray died about this time is not known, but he does not appear to have acted long in his new capacity, for between June 24th,- 1462, and June 24th, 1463, the Mercers' books record that William Caxton was performing the official duties of governor, and was in correspondence not only with the wardens of the Mercers' Company, but also with the Lord Chancellor, writing to both about the best method of regu- lating the buying of ware at Bruges. The charge for boat- hire incurred by the wardens in delivering Caxton's letter to the Lord Chancellor is thus entered in the annual accounts : — Item for botehyre for to shewc to ye lords of ye coiiscU the I're y* came from Caxton & ye felaship by yond ye See vjd. Wlien Caxton's name next appears in the Mercers' books there is no doubt of his position, as he is addressed by the title of " governor." It was one of the duties of the governor at Bruges by his "correctors" to see that all goods exported to England were of just weight and measure, and at a Court of Adventurers, held in Mercers' Hall on August 16th, 1465, WiUiam Redeknape, William Hende, and John Sutton com- plained that they had received both cloth and lawn deficient in breadth as weU as length ; whereupon it was decided that a letter should be dispatched to " William Caxton, Governor heijond the Sea" for reformation of the abuse. This being 20 WILLIAM CAXTON. an unusually interesting entry, we quote it here as it is on folio cxl. of the original minute book : — A° xiiij° Ixvo- Courte of aventurers holden the xvj*^ daye of August the yere aboue written. ffor euell mesure ffor asmuche as Will™ Kedeknape Will™ hende of cloth & lawne. & John Sutton w* other complayne as well for lak of mesure in all white clothe and brown clothe as in brede of the same/ and in lykewise in lawne nyvell & purpell hit is accorded that a letter shal be made to Will™ Caxton gouno*" by yonde the see as well for refourmacion of the p'sidentes as other &c. A lettre of the same and other was sent by henry Bomsted the iiij*^ day of September A^ Rs e. iiij'i iiijto. Whether Henry Bomsted was a special courier does not appear ; but the same year another letter was sent at a cost representing more than £15 at the present day, and entered thus : — Item to Jenyne Bakker, Currour for berying a letter to Caxton ovir ye see xviiij s viij d Caxton being now established in the city of Bruges, in the influential position of Grovernor of the English Nation in the Low Countries, it may be as well to take a brief survey of his duties and emoluments at this period. These are expressly laid down in the charter already noticed, granted only two years before. The governor had full power to govern by himself or deputies all merchants and mariners, to make such minor regulations for the conduct of trade (not contrary to the International Treaties) as seemed needful, to decide all quarrels, and to pass sentence in a court composed of himself as governor and twelve justicers to counsel and advise him ; the justicers to be chosen by the " common merchants and mariners," subject to his approval, six sergeants being allowed " to do the executions and arrests of the said court." He was to appoint at pleasure correctors and brokers to witness all bargains, as well as folders and packers to make up the packs of the merchants (who were not allowed to pack their own CAXTON ABROAD. 21 goods, lest any prohibited articles should be included), and he was to be present at the unpacking of goods newly arrived. No parcel was to leave the city without being sealed. The officers were paid by a fee charged on packing or unpacking every pack : the governor being paid at the rate of 2d. for every pack sealed for exportation, and Id. for every bargain witnessed by his deputies, besides several smaller levies which •are not mentioned in the charter, except under the tei-m " accustomed dues." From all this it will be seen that the governor ruled over his countrymen with almost unlimited authority. His duties must at times have been very onerous, involving much responsibility, and requiring talents of no mean order. To him likewise would be made all communi- cations from the Government under which they lived, and to his diplomatic skill and influence would be due to a large extent the comfort or discomfort of all the English residents. By the charter Obray would appear to have been the nominee of the king himself, but this was only a form, as the custom seems to have been for the Court of the Adventurers to recommend "a fit person" to the king, who thereupon appointed him. The following example will show in whose hands the executive power really resided : — Tlie name of John Pykering appears in the Mercers' books as the successor of Caxton in the office of " Governor of the English Nation." This Pykering, who was a Mercer of reno^\Ti, having spoken against the wardens of his Company, was summoned before an assembly of the "Adventurers of the different Fellowships " •in London. There disdaining to "stond bare bed," and speaking " alle hawty and roiall," he was by the advice of the Court of the Mercers discharged from his office of governor, and heavily fined. Shortly after, he appears to have repented his boldness, for we find him humbly asking pardon on his knees before a full Court. Nothing could more fiilly prove the power exercised by the Mercers' Company, which was, in fact, mainly instrumental in obtaining the new charter for the Adventurers, or, as they are usually termed, "our felawship by yond the See," for which in the year following they are charged by the Mercers' Company £47 Os. lOd. 22 WILLIAM CAXTON. The " English Nation," as we have ah-eady remarked, was a very important body at Bruges, and hke the Esterlings, the Florentines, and other merchants, had their o^ti " House," which existed in its original state when Sanderus, who calls it " Prastorium peramplum," wrote his " Flandria Illustrata." The engraving of the Domus Angliae, occupied by the Mer- chant Adventurers, and in which William Caxton resided for many years, is taken from this work, which contains numerous illustrations of the ancient buildings of Bruges, including the residences of the various guilds. A great similarity prevailed in the internal management of all foreign guilds, arising from the fact that foreigners were regarded by the natives with jealousy and suspicion. The laws which governed the Esterlings in London, who lived in a strongly-built enclosure, called the Steel Yard, the site of which is now occupied by the City station of the South Eastern Kailway Company, were much the same as those under which the English Nation lived in Bruges and other cities. The foreign merchant had, in Caxton's time, to brave a large amount of popular dislike, and to put up Adth great restraints on his liberty. Not only did he trade under harassing re- strictions, but he resigned all hopes of domestic ties and family life. As in a monastery, each member had his o^ti dormitory, whilst at meal-times there was a common table. Marriage was out of the question, and concubinage was followed by expulsion. Every member was bound to sleep in the house, and to be in-doors by a fixed time in the evening, and for the sake of good order no woman of any description Avas allowed within the walls. When Caxton entered upon his duties as governor, he acted under the articles of a treaty of trade between the two countries, which had been many years in force, but which would terminate on November 1st, 14G5. It was highly neces- sary that a renewal of this treaty should be made before that date, and we accordingly find that the king issued a com- mission, dated October 24:th, 1464, in which he showed great wisdom by joining in one mission a clever statesman and a ELiccessfiil merchant. These were Sir Richard Wliitehill, who Plate II. The House in which Caxton lived nt Bruges. CAXTON ABROAD. 28 had already been employed in several important embassies, and William Caxton, who, as the chief Englishman in Bruges, and well acquainted with all trade questions was " a most fit person." They were, however, unsuccessful, although for what reason does not appear, and the treaty being still unrenewed, a " convencion of lordes " was fixed to meet at St. Omer on October 1st, 1465, to consider the matter. This convention does not appear to have taken place, for on the 14th of the same month, the wardens of the Mercers' Company wrote a long letter to Caxton, informing him that " the convention holdeth not ;" that the king, taking into consideration the near approach of the term of the existing treaty, had written to the mayor of London requesting him " to provide a person " to go over to the Duke of Burgundy about the prorogation of the intercourse ;" that the wardens of the Mercers with the wardens of divers Fellowships, Adventurers, considering that hitherto in similar cases the kmg, "with the advice of his council, had made provision in that behalf," and that it was not their part to take upon themselves a matter of such great weight, had urged the mayor to \^Tite a letter to the king in the most pleasant wise that he could, beseeching him " to provide for this matter ; " and that, considering the near approach of the term of the treaty and the uncertainty of any speedy action by the king, Caxton had better consult with his fellow merchants at Bruges in as " goodly haste " as possible as to the best means of protecting their goods and persons mitil such time as the treaty might be renewed. This inte- resting letter, which appears in fall in the Mercers' books, was signed by the four wardens, and addressed " a W. Caxton." A very anxious year must this have been with Caxton, for not only was the treaty unrenewed, but the Duke of Bur- gundy decreed the exclusion of all English-made cloth from his dominions. This of course induced retaliation, and the importation of all Flemish goods into England was prohibited by Act of Parliament ; but neither the Flemish nor the English merchants could suffer their trade to be paralyzed, and so the traffic was carried on by a more circuitous and expensive route, being smuggled through the neighbouring States. Next 24 WILLIAM CAXTON. year the Earl of War\\'ick (the nobleman to whom Caxton afterwards dedicated the first edition of his " Chess Book "), wrote to Caxton, calling upon him to enforce the Act of Par- liament forbidding the purchase of wares by English traders in the Duke of Burgundy's dominions. Caxton immediately communicated this order to the lord mayor and to the wardens of the Mercery at London, in a letter dated 27th May, 146G, desired to be informed what the " lordes intent " was, and whether they had received a letter which he had sent by way of St. Omer, at the same time requesting early news of any " ioperdy that shulde fall." The letter arrived in London on June 3rd, when a full court of Adventurers w^as instantly summoned, at which it was determined that an immediate answer should be returned. This was accordingly despatched next day by the hands of Simon Preste, addressed " a Will""- Caxton, Gunor de la nac' deng'" and signed by the four wardens. In it Caxton was instructed that the Act of Par- liament must be observed and the fines enforced in every case of infringement ; that, being themselves ignorant of the intention of the Lords, they could give no information on that point ; and, that as to any threatened jeopardy, it was likely to be known sooner in Bruges than in London.* Matters remained in this unsatisfactory state until the death of Philip the Good, June 15th, 1467, who was succeeded by his son, Charles the Bold. The tide of affairs now turned in favour of England, and in the following year the Lords Hastings and Scales, John Kussell, and others were sent as ambassadors to conclude a treaty of marriage between Charles the Bold, Duke of Bur- gundy, and the Princess Margaret, sister of King Edward IV. Lord Scales, afterwards Earl Rivers, w^as in later years one of Caxton's most liberal patrons, and his translation of "The Dictes and Sayings of the Philosophers " was the first book with the date of imprint which issued from Caxton's press. John Russell, " Docteur en Decret, and Arcediacre de Berk- * Verbatim copies of all these letters may be seen in " The Life and Typography of William Caxton," Vol. I., pp. 90-92. CAXTON ABROAD. suir," who subsequently became Bishop of Lincoln and Lord High Chancellor, appears to have l)een an ancestor of the Bedford family, and his oration delivered at the investiture of the Duke of Burgundy with the Order of Garter, on February 4th, 1470, is also one of the earliest works printed by Caxton. The marriage was solemnized in Bruges on the 5th of June, 1468, with the greatest possible pomp ; and long accounts of the splendour of the ceremony, and of the accompanying festivities, are given by the old chroniclers. Caxton, by reason of his position as " governor," would no doubt take part in them, and be in close intercourse with the many English nobles frequenting the Flemish court. It is not improbable that it was at this period that he attracted the notice, and gained the good-will, of the duchess herself, for he was cer- tainly in her service two years later. The nuptial feasts were soon followed by negociations for treaties of trade. The king having, by the advice of his counsel, determined to send an embassy to the Duke of Bur- gundy for the " enlarging of woollen cloth in his dominions," issued a special command to the Mercers' Company that they would present unto liim certain persons of their number " to go out in^embassage with diverse ambassadors into Maunders," the Mercers thereupon nominated William B;edeknape, John Pykeryng, and William Caxton. This took place on Septem- ber 9th, 1468, and the three ambassadors having been approved by the king, the Court of the Mercers met again on the 28th of the same month, and voted £40 " out of the Cundith mony " for the costs and charges of Redeknape and Pykeryng in this embassy. The omission of Caxton's name from this grant leads us to infer that he was then engaged in the discharge of the duties of governor at Bruges, and would therefore not require any travelling expenses. The mission was successful, and the intercourse was renewed between the two countries in October of the same year. The duties of Caxton's office must necessarily have occu- pied a great portion of his time, and obliged him, in the interests of the traders he represented, to pay visits to the various towns in which the English merchants resided. The 26 WILLIAM CAXTON. old records of Utrecht of the years 1464, 1465, and 1467, mention free passports having been granted to Caxton, his servants and goods. Nevertheless, he seems to have found leisure for those literary pursuits to which he was so much attached. It was in March, 1468, or, as we should now say, 1469, that he began to translate the favourite romance of that age, " Le Recueil des Histoires de Troye." This, he informs us in a Prologue, he undertook to avoid sloth and idleness ; and indeed the constant use of phrases in which he excuses himself for his translations by urging the duty of eschewing sloth and idleness, vvould almost lead one to imagine that Caxton was of an indolent nature, did not the whole of his life, and especially those few last years in which he performed such prodigies of literary labour, give a satisfactory denial. Phrases of this kind were among the conventionalities of the age, and nearly every writer in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries seems to have considered the avoidance of sloth as the proper excuse for bringing forward any literary work. In the manuscripts of Caxton's time, these deprecatory pre- faces are very common ; and a comparison with the French original will shov/ that these sentiments, although adopted by Caxton, are in reality those of the original author, and not the spontaneous avowal of the translator. This explana- tion is necessary in order to prevent too great weight being attached to Caxton's phraseology in the Prologue to the "^Histories of Troy," for he was stiU " governor," an office necessarily entailing a considerable amount of responsibility and work, when he commenced that translation. Indeed, if Anderson be correct when he states in his " History of Com- merce," that there were at this period sometimes more than a hundred vessels in Sluis, the port of Bruges, Caxton must have had ample work upon his hands. But whether he really had " no great charge or occupation," or whether he w^as too busy to devote the needful time to his translation, he himself tells us that he then proceeded no further than with five or six quires. Each quire or section consisting of eight or ten leaves, this would amount to between forty and sixty leaves of manuscript. At this point, dissatisfied with the results of CAXTON ABROAD. 27 his labour, he laid them aside, without any intention of ever completing his translation. About two months later Caxton appears to have had more " occupation " than he could get through alone ; for, although still acting as " governor," a judgment was delivered in his name, wherein he was styled ""William Caxton marchant dangleterre maistre et gouvemeur des marchans de la nation dangleterre par deca." The case in dispute being between an EngUshman and a Genoese merchant, they agreed to submit it to the arbitration of William Caxton and Thomas Perrot as mutual friends ; but Caxton being obhged to leave Bruges for some cause not mentioned in the document, a full court of merchants was summoned, and the judgment delivered in the names of the arbitrators. This judgment is dated May 12th, 14 G 9, and is the latest instance, as yet discovered, in which. Caxton's name appears in his oJEcial capacity. There is, however, another notice of Caxton lately dis- covered in the archives at Bniges, but whether it is to be referred to a period before or after his resignation of office is uncertain. It is a document containing a list of persons who, on August 13th, 14G9, were considered by the town council to be of sufficient importance to share in the gifts of the "Vins d'honneur" usually distributed on gi'cat public occa- sions. Caxton received four kans of wine, but whether it was presented to him as " governor," or as an official m the ser- vice of the Duchess of Burgimdy, is unkno\\ii. Treaties were certainly being negociated by ambassadors from England who were at Bruges in 1469, and received, on June 11th, a present of " trois pieces de viu," but this was two months earlier than the date of the gift to Caxton. On February 4th, 1470, an imposing ceremony took place at Ghent, ambassadors being sent by Edward IV to invest the Duke of Burgundy with the Order of the Garter, but there is no direct evidence to support the supposition that Caxton was present on this occasion. That he was at Ghent, though appai-ently a year later, is stated in his prologue to " The RecuycU," and he appears to have been connected with the printing of the Latin oration delivered by Dr. RusseU. 58 WILLIAM CAXTON. In October of the same year Edward IV, accompanied by many of his nobles, took refuge in the capital of the duke's dominions from the machinations of the Earl of Warwick. Here Caxton, either as "governor" or as a servant of the duchess, had an excellent opportunity of assisting his country- men, who were in great need, until the restoration of their sovereign. That he did so may be inferred from the royal favour extended to him in after years. The exact date when Caxton entered the service of the duchess, as well as that when he relinquished his governor- ship, is uncertain. The two events may have borne the rela- tionship of cause and effect. Caxton's own narrative shows that about two years after his first essay at translating " The Recuyell," or about March, 1471, he was in the service of the duchess, receiving a yearly salary and other benefits. He was then instructed to resume his literary work, and the " dreadful command " of his royal mistress seems to have been obeyed with wonderful alacrity ; for, although he was at one time at Ghent and at another time at Cologne, the translation was not again neglected till, on the 19th of September, 1471, the whole was completed, and offered by Caxton to the duchess, by whom he was handsomely rewarded for his trouble. The nature of the service rendered by Caxton to the duchess is very uncertain. He says of himself that he was her servant, receiving a yearly fee, and other good and great benefits. That it was an honourable office admits of no doubt, and that it was moreover one in which Caxton's knowledge and talents as a merchant would be serviceable seems very probable. We must not forget that in those days princes, nobles, and even ecclesiastics, did not consider it inconsistent with their dignity to trade on their own account, and this they frequently did under special exemptions from the taxes to which the ordinary merchant had to submit. Edward IV and many of his nobility owned ships of merchandise. In 1475 the Wardens of the Mercers' Company TVTote to Antwerp concerning a ship called "The Sterre," belonging to Earl Rivers, and a document of the year 1472 throws some light on the nature of the services which a merchant like CAXTON ABBOAD. 29 Caxton might have rendered to his royal mistress. Edward IV in that year granted to his sister, the Duchess of Bur- gundy, special privileges and exemptions with regard to her own private trading in English wool. The late duchess, wife of Philip the Good, likewise engaged in similar transactions, in which, if we may judge from the following entries in the Mercers' accounts, her ladies also were apparently in some degree interested : — 1450, Item paid to John Stnbbes for peiys to the Gentilwoman of the Duchesse of Bnrgeyn vj d 1461. Item paid to Hewe Wyche for a writ directe to Sandewyche for the gownys of the gentil womans of the duches of Bm-geyn ij s vj d 1454. Item — Pour la copie dune lettre enuoie a la duchesse de Burge xij s 1455. Item — a M Gervers pour une lettre & la copie enuoi a la duchesse de Burg* xx s The question naturally arises — How was it that Caxton, holding the influential and lucrative position of "Governor of the English Nation " at Bruges, resigned that post to enter upon duties of a much less ambitious character ? There is. no reference in the Mercers* records to any disagreement between Caxton and the home authorities, nor had he at this time (1469) entertained the idea of returning to his native country. We must, however, remember that during a very eventful and anxious period he had for some years held an office of the gravest responsibility, and we may assume from his complaint of two years later, that age was daily creeping upon him and enfeebling his body, that the troubles of official life had undermined his health. We can, therefore, easily imagine that he would gladly embrace the opportunity of exchanging the cares of office for the easy service of the Duchess of Burgundy, which would allow him to indulge in the congenial pursuit of Hterature and the "strange meruaylous historyes" in which he so much delighted. Or perchance his complaint of "age creeping upon him" was simply one of the conventional self- depreciating remarks common to writers of his time, while the real cause of. bia 80 WILLIAM CAXTOX. resignation was a wish to marry and to enjoy those home joys and comforts which had hitherto been impracticable. That Caxton was a married man, and that he could not have married much later than 1469, is a new fact in the biography of Caxton, discovered by Mr. Gairdner, of the Public Eecord Office, who recently came across a paper docu- ment, without seals or signatures, and therefore only a copy of the original, made for production in court in connection with some law-suit. It was found among the miscellaneous records of the Exchequer, formerly preserved in the Chapter House at Westminster, and was first printed in the "Academy" for April 4th, 1874. The tenor of the document, which is given in fall in the appendix, is as follows: — ^A variance having arisen between Gerard Croppe, merchant tailor, of Westminster, and Elizabeth his wife, daughter of William Caxton, the matter was brought before the archdeacon and the king's chaplain, who heard the case in St. Stephen's Chapel, Westminster. It was then agreed that they should live apart, and not vex, sue, or trouble one another, each being bound under a penalty of £100 (which vrould represent about £1500 at the present day). Upon the signing of a deed to that effect, the said Gerard Croppe was to receive from the executors of William Caxton "twenty printed legends," valued at 13s id each (the sum total of which would now be equivalent to £200), and to give the executors a fall acquittance of any farther claim upon the estate. This document, which is dated May 20th, 1496, throws no light upon the cause of quarrel, unless it were concerning a legacy left by Caxton to his daughter. Now, assuming that Caxton was married in 1469, which was about the period when he resigned his official position and entered the royal service, and that his daughter Eliza- beth was bom soon after, she would have been about twenty- one years of age at the time of her father's death in 1491, and twenty-six years of age when separated from her hus- band. We have already seen how John Stubbs and Hugh Wyche were in communication with the gentlewomen of the Duchess of Burgundy. Caxton, no doubt, was also in fre- CAXTON ABROAD. 81 quent attendance upon them, and may perhaps have induced one of them to become his wife. Whether this be so or not, it is now an ascertained fact that after some forty-six years of compulsory celibacy, Caxton took to himself a wife, who, it may be hoped, was truly his helpmate and solace of his decHning years. It is not unlikely that the following entry in the Churchwardens' Accounts of St. Margaret, Westmin- ster, under the year 1490, may refer to Caxton's wife : — *' Item. — Atte bureying of Mawde Caxton for torches & tapres iij s ij d." Reverting to the " Histories of Troye," and the presenta- tion of a manuscript copy to the duchess, no doubt can be entertained that this was the turning-point in Caxton's life. In the Prologue to Book I. he nan*ates in simple language the causes which led him to undertake the translation: — " Whan I remembre that euery man is bounden by the comandement & counceyll of the wyse man to eschews slouthe and ydelness whyche is moder and nourysshar of vyces and ought to put myself \Tito vertuous occupacion and besy- nesse/ Than I hauynge no grete charge of ocupacion folow- ynge the sayd counceyll/ toke a frenche boke and redde therein many strange and meruayUous historyes where m I had grete pleasyr and delyte/ as well for the nouelte of the same as for the fayr langage of frenshe . whyche was in prose so weU and compendiously sette and wreton/ whiche me thought I understood the sentence and substance of euery mater/ And for so moche as this booke was newe and late maad and drawen in to frenshe/ and neuer had seen hit in oure englissh tongue/ I thought in my self hit shold be a good besynes to translate hyt in to oure englissh/ to thende that hyt myght be had as well in the royame of Englond as in other landes/ and also for to passe ther\N7th the tyme . and thus concluded in my self to begynne this sayd worke." The new "Historic" was a welcome novelty to his countrymen, who had hitherto been accustomed to read such works only in French, which still retained its pre-eminence as the language of the court and of literature, notwithstand- ing the great advance and improvement which had been 82 WILLIAM CAXTON. made in English. The demand for Caxton's translation soon became greater than could possibly be supplied. His hand grew "wery and not stedfast" with much writing, as he states in the epilogue of the printed edition, and his eyes were "dimed with overmoch lokyng on the whit paper." Then it was, with Colard Mansion at hand to teach and help him, that he turned his attention to the new-born Art of Printing, CHAPTER IV. LITERATURE IN THE FIFTEENTH CENTURY. &iP^amBi^| HE revival of literature in Europe, com- K8™M^BSH menciug with the latter part of the four- 'hmSbTjio ^JH teenth centuiy, its steady growth, and its wonderful development in the suc- ceeding age, have been dwelt upon by many wTiters. Nowhere was this revival more strongly marked than in France and the Low Countries. The French kings and the princes of the royal blood had been for many generations the constant patrons of authors and of all engaged in the production of books. In 1350, John II, who has the credit of having founded the library of the Louvre, ascended the throne of France. No parti- culars concerning the library of this monarch ha\'e been preserved, and it was probably of no gTcat extent; but his literary tastes descended to each of his four sons, and from the inventories which have come down to us of the libraries of these princes, we obtain very interesting information a»s to the number, the description, the illuminations, the bind- ings, and the market value of the books which they contained. Charles, the eldest son, who succeeded his father in 1304, had a highly-developed taste for every thing connected with the fine arts. He greatly increased the number of volumes in the Louvre library, so that in the ninth year of his reign, when Gilles MaUet drew up a catalogue, they amounted to 1)10, the greater number of which were written on fine D 34 • WILLIAM CAXTON. vellum, and were magnificently bound, and enriched with gold clasps and precious stones. This library, the Duke of Bedford, when Regent of France, is supposed to have trans- ported to England in 1429. In after years, a few of the volumes returned to France, but the famous library of the Louvre never recovered its ancient splendour. Louis, Duke of Anjou, second son of King John, shared to a gi-eat degree the love of books and works of art displayed by his elder brother. The third son, John, Duke of Berry, formed an extensive library at his chfiteau at Bicetre, near Paris, inferior only to that of the king himself. But of all the king's sons, Philip, who soon equalled his eldest brother in power, far surpassed him in the number and splendour of his literary treasures. King John's second wife was Jane, widow of the Duke of Burgundy, and in her right he succeeded to that duchy on the death of her only son. When dividing his kingdom among his four sons. King John apportioned Bur- gundy to the youngest, Philip the Hardy, who, by his marriage with Margaret, only daughter and heiress of Louis, Count of Flanders, inherited, on the death of his father-in-law in 1384, a large extent of territory. Philip, who has the character of having been a generous prince, was well read in the literary lore of his age. He was passionately addicted to music and to the collection of fine books, and he spared no expense in the employment of artists, and in the purchase of their most choice productions. Nor did he rest satisfied with the en- couragement of artists alone, but gathered round him some of the most learned and able authors of his time, who enriched his library with new works. This prince died in 1404, and was succeeded by his son, John the Fearless, who, although distracted by continual wars, maintained and even added somewhat to his father's library. Christine de Pisan received one hundred crowns for two books which she presented to him. But all previous patronage is eclipsed by the encourage- ment given to literature by Philip the Good, who succeeded to the dukedom of Burgundy upon the decease of John in 1419. At Bruges, where he kept his court, he gave continual employment to a crowd of authors, translators, copyists, and LITERATURE IN THE FIFTEEKTII CENTURY. 35 illuminators, who enriched his library with their best pro- ductions, and did not forget to sing the praises of their generous patron. David Aubert, a celebrated scribe, thus describes the duke in 1457: — "This renowned and virtuous prince has been accustomed, for many years past, to have ancient histories read to him daily. His library surpasses all others, for from his youth he has had in his service numerous translators, scholars, historians, and scribes in various coun- tries, all diligently working, so that now there is not a prince in all Christendom who has so varied and so rich a library." In the account which M. Barrois gives of the library of this sovereign, he enumerates nearly two thousand works, the greater part being magnificent folios on vellum beautifully illuminated, and bound in velvet, satin, or damask, studded with gems, and closed by gold clasps, jewelled and chased. Many of these are still preserved in the Royal Library at Brussels. The taste of successive rulers spread its influence among their subjects, and fashion lent its aid in multiplying libra- ties. No present was more acceptable than a beautiftdly executed manuscript, and the opulent nobles of the French and Burgundian courts offered costly books to their sove- reigns and their friends. The records and inventories of this period contain numerous entries of such gifts, often with their estimated value. Among the nobles at the court of Philip the Good, many emulated the literary taste of their sovereign, but none showed greater judgment and liberality in the formation of his library than Louis de Bruges, Seigneur de la Gruthuyse. This nobleman, who had risen by his talents to the highest position, received, at his chAteau of Oostcamp, near Bruges, in 1470, Edward IV of England, when he sought refuge from the Lancastrians in Flanders, and was afterwards re- warded by that king with the title of Earl of Winchester. His library was scarcely inferior to that of his sovereign, and nearly the whole of the manuscripts were the production of Flemish artists at Bruges or Ghent. The large size of the volumes, thebeauty of the vellum, the elegance of the writing, d2 3G WILLIAJVI CAXTOX. the artistic merit of the illuminations and ornaments, and the luxury displayed in the bindings, are evidences of the deep interest taken by the Seigneur de la Gruthuyse in the formation of his library. On his death it passed to his son, Jean de Bruges, and was soon after added to the collection already existing at the chateau of Blois, belonging to the kings of France. Great pains were then taken to obliterate the armorial bearings, devices, and monograms which showed the former ownership of the manuscripts, which efforts were but partially successful, as about a hundred volumes, now among the most precious treasures of the Bibliotheque Rationale at Paris, still attest that they once belonged to this celebrated collection. As the patron of literary men and of artists, Louis de Bruges takes a high place in the annals of his country, whilst the friendly attitude he assumed towards Colard Mansion, in the early career of that unfortunate pioneer of the press, should ever endear his name to biblio- graphers. This passion for beautiful books was not confined to the dukedom of Burgundy, but existed equally in France, Italy, Germany, England, and other countries. Henry YI of England had a valuable library, and many of the books \mtten and illuminated for him are still among the Eoyal MSS. in the British Museum. The Duke of Bedford, whose love for literature was no doubt gi-eatly stimulated during the time he held the office of Regent of France, was surpassed by none of his countrymen in his patronage of the fine arts, and the celebrated Missal, ^\Titten and illuminated for him, still re- mains as one of the choicest productions of his age. Hum- phrey, Duke of Gloucester, the protector of England during the minority of Henry YI, was also greatly attached to his library, and many manuscripts are extant, over which the antiquary pauses with respect and interest as he reads the boldly-written autogTaph, " Cest a moy Homfrey." Owing to these causes, the various artists connected with bookwTiting and bookbinding, as well as the trades necessary to them, received much encouragement, while, to ensure ra- pidity as well as excellence of workmauship, division of labour was carried out to a great extent. Indeed, so important a LITERATUHR IN THE FTFTEENTH CENTURY. 37 branch of commerce had the manufactui-e of books now be- come, and BO numerous were the different classes of craftsmen thus employed in Bruges, that there sprang up in that. city a guild, apparently very similar to the trade companies m London, to which, in 1454, the duke granted a formal charter and special privileges. The company is styled "der ghilde van sinte jan Ewagz," or " The Guild of St. John the Evan- gelist," who was the patron saint of scribes ; and the volume of receipts and expenditure of this guild, beginning with the entrance fees of the original members, exists still in a perfect state of preservation in the city archives of Bruges. Van Praet gives some interesting extracts from this volume, which show that .the guild comprised members of both sexes, to whose names their respective trades are affixed, thus indicat- ing the various branches of industry employed at that time in the manufacture of books. Librariers et bockvcrkopers {Boohsellersi). Prenter-vercoopers {Printsellcrs) . Scilders (^Painters). Vinghette makers {Painters of Vignettes). Scrivers et bouc-scrivers {Scriceners and copyvits of hooJa). Verlichtcrs (^Illuminators). Prenters (^Printers, whether from blocks or typea). Bouc-binders {Boohhinders). ]^eimmakers (^Curi'iers). Drooch-scherrers {Cloth sihearers). Parkement makers et fransyii makers {Parchment and Vellum makers). Guispel snyders {Boss carvers). Letter sniders {Letter engravers). Beelde makers {Figure engravers). Similar corporations existed in other cities. Thus, at Antwerp, the Guild of St. Luke was formed before 1450, and included trades like those of the Guild of St. John at Bruges ; and at Brussels there was a guild of writers called " Les Freres de la Plume." These guilds supported their own chapel and chaplain, and sometimes had considerable pro- perty. Nearly all the early printers whose names are now famous in the annals of Flemish typogi'aphy were enrolled in one or other of these associations. 88 WILLIAM CAXTON. The object of the foregoing sketch, and its bearings on the subject of this memoir, will be evident to the reader who recalls to mind that it was while the pursuit of literature in Bruges was most ardent — that it was during the reign of the greatest bibliophile of the fifteenth century, when Bruges teemed with authors, translators, scribes, and illuminators, who resorted thither from all parts of Europe to Philip the Good as to a second Maecenas — that it was during the time when the bibliographical treasures of Philip the Hardy, en- riched by the numerous additions of his son and grandson, and the libraries of Louis de Bruges and other nobles of the Flemish court were concentrated in the same city — that William Caxton was, for thirty-three years at least, a resident in Bruges. Access to these libraries would be easy to him, and that he availed himself of the privilege seems all the more probable, since we find, without exception, that the books which he translated for his own press may be traced in the catalogues of these noble libraries. As " Governor of the English Nation," through whom all negotiations between the English and the Burgundian governments would be car- ried on, Caxton would be well acquainted with the nobles and oflicers of the court, and hence he would naturally become the agent for the literary wants of his countrymen. He would also be brought into close contact with the most clever authors, scribes, and illuminators of the time, among whom were Colard Mansion and Jean Brito, originally artistic book- writers, but afterwards the first to introduce the art of print- ing into the city of Bruges. CHAPTER V. DEVELOPMENT. OSTUME, that sure guide of the historian and the antiquary, is perhaps nowhere more discernible than in Uterature, not km]HKKn||klM merely in the dress of language and ex- ^ M^j^g ^ pression, but also in the visible exponents ^"^^' ""^^l: of that dress — writing and printing. Thus, a manuscript or a printed book may, by the character of its writing or printing alone, be ascribed to a determinate era. In other words, a careful investigation of the mode of con- struction wiU, in most cases, enable us to determine the approximate age of any book, from the early manuscript to the machine-printed volume of the present day. In tracing the early development of printing, we are able to note those successive deviations from the form of its parent, Caligraphy, which were necessitated by the peculiarities of the new art. Commencing simply as a substitute for manu- script, it was naturally a close imitation thereof, and hence the first printers laboured under many inconveniences, which were shaken off as the capabilities of the new discovery be- came better understood. These changes often afford the only satisfactory evidence of the place and date of printing, as well as well as of the printer's name. We propose, therefore, as an aid to chronological arrangement, to notice the points of similarity between the earliest printed books and manuscripts, especially wiih. reference to the productions of Colard Mansion 40 WILLIAM CAXTON. and William Caxton, and then to trace the novelties, purely t}"pographical, introduced by the printers. 1. There was a selection of material. The scribe natu- rally wrote his choicest productions on fine vellum, carefully sorted in order to secure evenness in tone and quality; and with the same idea the early printers sorted out their paper before beginning to print. This is frequently seen when two or three copies of the same book are compared together. One is found to be printed entirely on thick, while another is wholly on thin paper — one has no defects, whereas another is made up of what the modern stationer calls " outsides." The two copies of Caxton's " Knyght of the Toure " preserved in the British Museum present a remarkable instance of this plan of selection. 2. It was a common practice with the scribes, when em- ploying paper for their books, to use parchment for the inmost sheet of every section. The object of this was to give a firm hold to the thread of the binder, and thus strengthen the volume, but the alternation of paper and parchment did not present a pleasing appearance to the eye. Caxton adopted a modification of this plan, and instead thereof pasted a strip of vellum dovvii the centre of the section. In books which have had the good fortune to escape the modern bookbinder, the observer may still sec either the slips themselves or their traces in the b^o^^^l stains left by the paste. 3. When commencing a book, the scribes had a custom of passing o^'er the first leaf, and beginning on the third page, probably with the intention of protecting the first page during the execution and binding of the work. This practice was followed in the early works which issued from the presses of Flanders and of England, but unfortunately, in most of these books, on which an expensive modern binding has been placed, the blank leaf has been rejected as too coarse for a fly-leaf, thus causing many volumes, although perfect as re- gards the print, to be described by bibliographers as wanting the title-page. 4. The scribe necessarily wrote but one page at a time, and, curiously enough, in this the early printers also assimi- , DEVELOPMENT. 41 lated their practice. Whether from want of sufficient type to set up the requisite number of pages, or from the small size of the platen of the early presses, there is certain evidence of the first books from Caxton's press having been printed page by page. Thus, in all the books printed with type No. 1, instances are found of pages on the same side of the sheet being out of parallel, which could not occur if two pages were printed together. A positive proof of the separate print- ing of the pages may, however, be seen in a copy of " The Recuyell of the Histories of Troye," in the Bodleian Library ; for there the ninth recto of the third quintemion has never been printed at all, while the complementary page, which falls on the same side of the sheet, has been properly printed. A variation in the colour of the ink, though often very notice- able, is not a sure proof that the two pages so differing were printed separately, as that may have occurred through imper- fect beating. 5. Many bibliographers, neglecting the study of manu- scripts, and confining their examination of early books to the products of the printing press, have WTitten and argued as if " signatures " were an invention of printers. This is an erro- neous idea. It was as necessary for the scribe to mark the sequence of the sheets which he wrote as for the typographer to mark the order of those which he printed ; because when the sheets, whether manuscript or printed, had to be bound, it was an absolute necessity for the binder to have every sheet signed, for the signatures were his only guide in the collation of the volume. There would seem to have been, for a long time, an antipathy to these useful little signposts, which, being needed only so long as the book remained unbound, were placed by the scribe as near as possible to the bottom of the leaf, that they might disappear under the plough of the binder. This is what has happened in the great majority of cases, but in every instance of the manuscript being preserved uncut they may still be seen. It is interesting to notice the manner in which the early printers adopted and afterwards modified this custom of the scribes. As it was very inconvenient for them to print sig- 42 WILLIAM CAXTON. natures of one or two letters away from the solid page, at the extreme margin of the sheet, and as the idea of disfiguring the text by making them a part of it was objectionable, they continued the old practice for some time, and actually signed every sheet by hand with pen and ink after it was printed. The uncut copy of " The Recuyell," at Windsor Castle, is an example of a book with manuscript signatures at the extreme foot of every sheet. After some time, however, the prejudice was overcome, and the signatures were printed close up to the bottom line of the page. They were first introduced at Cologne in 1472 and adopted by Caxton in 1480. 6. The upper portion of the first written leaf of a manu- script was frequently left blank, for an illustration by the vignette-painter. Space was also left at the beginning of every chapter, and sometimes of every sentence, for an illu- minated initial. For many years the early printers likewise followed this plan, every book they issued requiring the hand of the illuminator to complete it. This illumination was a distinct branch of trade, and the workmen employed in it did nothing but paint in the initials and paragraph marks. Through carelessness or ignorance a wrong initial was occa- sionally painted in, but as far as possible to prevent this, both scribes and printers inserted a smaU letter as a guide, which was usually covered over by the coloured capital. 7. When transcribing a book, it was seldom thought a matter of any importance to add the date of transcription and the writer's name, though occasional instances of this are found. It was probably a Hke feeling which made the early printers foUow a practice which has caused the modern bibliographer much doubt on many chronological points of the greatest interest. So needless was it thought to inform the reader when, where, or by whom a book was printed, that out of twenty-one works known to have issued from the press of Colard Mansion at Bruges, not more than five have a date affixed to them, and of nearly one hundred publications assigned to Caxton's press, considerably more than two-thirds appear without any indication of the year of imprint. 8. The similarity, amounting almost to identity, between DEVELOPMENT. 43 the printed characters of the early typographers and the written ones of their contemporaries, must also be noted. It was this similarity which probably first gave rise to the now admitted fable of Fust selling his bibles at Paris as manuscripts, his impeachment before the parliament as a sorcerer, and the necessity he was under of revealing his secret to save his life. The first printer, when he set about forming his alphabet, could not have been troubled as to the shape he should give his letters. The form which would naturally occur to him would be that to which both he and the people to whom he hoped to sell his productions had been accustomed. It is not therefore at all wonderful, that the types used in the earliest printed books should closely resemble the T\Titten characters of the period, nor that this imitation should be extended to all the combinations of letters which were then in use by the scribes. Thus the bibles and psalters which appeared in Germany, among the first productions of the press, were printed in the characters used by the scribes for ecclesiastical service-books, while the general literature was printed in the common bastard-roman. When Sweynheym and Pannartz, emigrating from Germany, took up their abode in the famous monastery of Subiaco, near Rome, they cut the punches for their new types in imitation of the Roman letters indigenous to the country. In the dominions of the Duke of Burgundy, where the labours of the scribes had been most extensively en- couraged, the same plan was pursued. Colard Mansion, the first printer at Bruges, was also a celebrated caligrapher, and the close resemblance between his printed books and the best manuscripts of his time is very marked. The same character of wTiting was also in use in England, and Caxton's types accordingly bear the closest resemblance to the hand-TVTiting in the Mercers* books, and to the volumes of that period in the archives at Guildhall. Nevertheless Dibdin thus censures Caxton for not adopting Roman types : — " That perfect order and symmetry of press work, so immediately striking in the pages of foreign books of this period, are in vain to be sought for among the volumes which have issued from 44 WILLIAM CAXTOX. Caxton's press; and the uniform rejection of the Roman letter so successfully introduced by the Spiras, Jenson, and Sweynheym and Pannartz is, unquestionably, a blemish on our printer's typographical reputation." 9. The short spacing of the early printers also deserves remark.* — The uneven length of the lines, so noticeable in manuscripts, was a necessity, as the "writer could not forecast the space between the words so as to make all the lines of an even length. But it certainly was no necessity with the printer ; for although in this respect the time-honoured custom of the scribes was followed for a few years, the improved appearance which evenness gave to the work was soon observed, and thus a typographical step in advance was estab- lished. At Mentz and Cologne this occurred at a very early stage. The first Psalter, printed in 1457, and the Mazarine Bible of 1455 show, now and then, lines slightly deficient in length, as do some of the earliest productions of Ulric Zel ; but this rudeness soon gave way to a systematic plan of spacing the lines to one even length. In the early specimens from the Bruges and Westminster presses, the practice of * We may here observe, that bibliographers often misuse the word "justification" when referring to the practice of placing all the space at the end of lines. The printer's term " justification " does not neces- sarily refer to the spacing out of the words in a line. Every line in a page must be "justified" or made of the normal length, and the last line in a paragraph, containing perhaps no more than one word, must be justified equally with the full-length line. Short lines are justified with quadrats, or pieces of metal, which fill up the line, but, being lower than the type, do not print. What is called " short," or "bad," or "imperfect justification," is sure to reveal itself, to the dismay of the compositor, by allowing the faulty line to drop out when the " fortoe," or mass of type, is lifted. The probable reason why Colard Mansion and Caxton did not space their lines to an even length is, that at that time they had not begun to use the setting-ride. This useful little slip of metal enables each letter as it is picked up by the compositor, to be passed along on an even surface to its destination, instead of catching in every unevenness or burr of the previous line. Its absence would entail many obstractions to the spacing-out of lines, and render the plan of leaving all the spare space at the end, which was actually adopted, at once more easy, expeditious, and free from accident. DEVELOPMENT. 45 placing all the spare space at the end of the lines, instead of dividing it between the words, gives a very rude appearance to the page, and in these books it is carried to a greater extent than in the works of any German, Italian or French printers. Colard Mansion abandoned this practice in 1479, and Caxton in 1480. It. will be apparent, from the foregoing remarks, that the books of our first printers bore no slight resemblance to manuscripts, and indeed, until quite recently, a copy of the Mazarine Bible, in the Library of Lambeth Palace, was so regarded ;* but this resemblance was soon modified, in many particulars, to suit the requirements of typography. The execution of manuscript capitals being both tedious 'and expensive led to the early introduction of large letters en- graved on wood, which were either printed in black at the same impression as the other portion, or in red by a subsequent operation. Colard Mansion seems never to have adopted them, although several of his books are illustrated by large and numerous woodcuts. Caxton inserted illustrations engraved on wood in two or three books before 1484, the date of "^sop," in which woodcut initials first appear. Title-pages, likemse, are purely typographical in their origin, the scribes having been content with heading their page with "Hie incipit" and the name of the treatise. Caxton followed the usage of the scribes in this particular; for, with one exception only, and at the very end of his career, where the title of the book is printed alone in the centre of the first page, his books appear without any title- page whatever. Wynken de Worde adopted, the use of title-pages imme- diately after the death of his master, but Machlinia of London, and the schoolmaster-printer of St. Alban's, never used them. ♦ In 1856, an old established bookseller, in one of our largest cathe- dral towns, marked a copy of Caxton's " Statutes of Hen. VII " as an old MS., and »old it for 2a'. Qd. ! See also the remarks on Verard's " Euryalus ct Lucrecc," in the Catalogue of the Harleian MSS., vol. III, No. 4392. 46 WILLIAM CAXTON. These minute details may appear, at first sight, to be hardly worthy of record ; but when we remember that two- thirds of Caxton's books are without any date, and that, by careful examination of the workmanship, we can trace the printer gradually developing the changes from manuscript to typographical character, we appreciate the existence of a mass of technical evidence which, like the strata of the earth, or the mouldings of a cathedral arch, afibrds chronological data quite independent of any other source, and enables us, with a near approach to accuracy, to determine the age of any undated book. To this evidence may be added some other important signs which sometimes bear witness to the date when a book was printed. Such are the size of the printed page, its depth and width, the number of lines in a page, the number of sheets in a section, and, above all, the sequence in the use of various types. In Caxton's books this sequence is very re- markable, as will be seen by the annexed table, where only books with fixed dates are entered, so that the reader may form his own judgment as to the chronological order of the above-mentioned peculiarities. Some interesting facts may be gathered from this table. 1. The types used by Caxton bear a definite chronological relation to one another. Type No. 1 goes out of use, and is succeeded, in 1477, by No. 2. Type No. 3 is principally em- ployed for headlines during the use of Nos. 2 and 4. In 1480 type No. 4 makes its appearance, but not till No. 2 is about to disappear. In 1483 type No. 4* supersedes its predecessor, and, in its turn, makes way for Nos. 5 and 6, which close the list. If the books were added which give the dates of their translation, which almost always coincide with those of their printing, the result would be the same. 2. All the books printed before 1480 were with hues of an uneven length, whilst aU printed subsequently were spaced out evenly. 3. Signatures and even spacing of the lines were syn- chronous improvements, and both, when once adopted, were never afterwards abandoned. In the signatures themselves a curious fact may be noted — that whereas the custom of Caxton DEVELOPMENT. 47 •o' §§§§§§§§§is§§§§§§888i^88| 5 s cafic3accaepiesflscfiBpcis:i?^{S{C(fScit g s ^i-§)ti)SD^s a Sl,s s s s s s s a s s ^ S g § S 2 g g«^^«V-^§ 2^ g g g g § g g 1 g 1 53 g g § § § g a'i'i'i'^'i a al a a a a a a a a a a t^a 5c(5eo5^?44-*-*"*'*co-<*COOD<:OQOOCCiCS3> fl 1 j^ ,_,_,,_(,_(,uL4,_,,^,_,,_,,_,,_,_^,_,^^,_I^H,_r-l.-^^^#H Ph la 1 Illlllj |«t>8a2 1 48 WILLIAM CiVXTON. was generally to use letters and Roman numerals, as t ), for his signatures, yet in the three years 1481 to 1483, and at no other period, he used Arabic numerals, thus t 1, or 2 1. We may further add that the use of the paragraph mark (IT) never appears before 1483 ; that the great device makes no appearance, till 1487, the printed date to the third edition of the "Dictes" notwithstanding; and that initials in wood first appear in the "^sop" in 1484. By the application of these tests to the undated books we are enabled to assign each of them, with tolerable certainty, to a particular period. '>>.^ 'C ^r ,>• ^^ @,^Aw^y^L{^ ^^0^ S3^^ "j^^ ■>^»^Y— ^^^^^^^( ^ v^n\ ^p.^^^^ ^^^^5^^ w//i^^ •o >?^ ^^«K ^^o >^^1^ ^"T^ v^ CHAPTER VI. COLAED MANSION. RUGES, the old metropolis of Flanders, offers many points of the greatest inte- rest to the historian and the antiquary. In the fifteenth century, it was the chosen residence of the sovereigns of the House of Burgundy, and to its marts resorted the most opulent merchants of Europe. There the arts, as well as commerce, were developed to a degree of excellence unequalled since the Augustan age, and even Paris was sur- passed in literary and artistic treasures. Artists and crafts- men were consequently numerous, and, as we have already seen, those of them who were connected with the production of books, were enrolled as a trade guild. And this pre- eminence is not immaterial to our enquiry, for William Caxton was not only for more than thirty years a constant resident in Bruges, holding for a considerable period a posi- tion of great authority, but in this city likewise took his first lessons in typography and obtained the materials necessary for the introduction of the New Art into his native country. Colard Mansion is generally admitted to have been the first printer at Bruges, but of his history little is knoTVTi. His name occurs many times in the old records still preserved in the municipal library, and always in connection either with his trade of fine-manuscript writer, or with the guild of St. John. The first time it appears it is written "Collinet," a diminutive of Collaert, from which Van Praet, his first E 50 , WILLIAM CAXTON. biographer, thinks he was at that time under age. In 1450 "Colinet" received fifty-four livres from the Duke of Burgundy for a novel, entitled " Eomuleon," beautifully illuminated and bound in velvet. This copy is now in the Eoyal Library at Brussels, and another copy, ^wTitten in characters exactly like the types used twenty years later by Colard Mansion, is in the British Museum. Both the Seig- neur de la Gruthuyse and the Seigneur de Creveceur were his patrons ; the former, indeed, was at one time on such fi'iendly and familiar terms with Mansion, that he stood godfather to one of his children. It does not, however, appear that in later years, when poverty laid its heavy hand on the unfor- tunate printer, any of his patrons came to his assistance. From 1454 to 1473 the name of Mansion is found, year by year, as a contributor to the guild of St. John, the formation of which has been already noticed. In 1471 he was "doyen" or dean, an office which he held for two years, at the expira- tion of which time he is supposed to have left Bruges for a twelvemonth in order to learn the new art of printing. This is a needless assumption, grounded solely on his subscription for 1473 having been paid through a brother of the guild. From 1476 to 1482 his name does not appear at all as a contributor, although the dates of the " Boece," the " Quadri- logue," and the "Somme rurale," show that he was still at Bruges, and pursuing his vocation. His subscription to the guild is again entered in 1483, and his name occurs in the guild records for the last time in 1484. This was a disas- trous year to Colard Mansion ; for, although not overtaken by death, as his early biographers have assumed, disgrace, poverty, and expatriation awaited him. He appears to have been in straitened circumstances for some years, as in 1480 he could not execute the commission of Monseigneur de Gazebeke for an illuminated copy of " Valerius Maximus," in two volumes, without several advances of money. The re- ceipts for these instalments are still preserved, as is also a notice of Mansion's place of residence, which was in one of the poorest streets in Bruges, leading out of the Rue des Carmes. ^is typographical labours were carried on in one of COLARD MANSION. 61 two rooms over the porch of the church of St. Donatus, for which we may assume that he paid the same rent as the next tenant, six livres per annum. It was in this room that Colard Mansion, in May 1484, finished his beautiful edition of Ovid's "Metamorphoses," a magnificent folio of 386 leaves, full of woodcuts, printed-in separately from the text. We know nothing of the sale of this noble production ; but the expenses connected with it were probably his ruin, for about three months later he left the city. The Chapter of St. Donatus, feeling uneasy about their rent, soon made inquiries afi to the probability of his return, there being an opportunity of letting the room to a better tenant ; but all was in vain, and in October 1484 the apartment in which Mansion had for so many years been labouring at those volumes which are now prized as among the glories of Bruges, was made over to Jean Gossin, a member of the same guild as Mansion, and, like him, engaged in the manufacture of books. The Chapter, however, took care not to lose by their tenant's flight, for the conditions upon which his room (and probably a large stock of printed sheets besides) was made over to Gossin were that the latter should pay up all arrears of rent. Nothing more is known of Mansion after this sad event ; and it is mournful to contemplate the poor man turning his back upon his native city, to begin life anew at the age of nearly sixty, after so many years spent in literary labour. It has been suggested that he took refuge in Paris, as the names of Paul and Robert Mansion appear as printers in that city in 1650 ; but on this point there is no evidence whatever. In examining the productions of Colard Mansion's press, it is somewhat perplexing to the lover of accuracy to find that he, like all the earliest printers, issued most of his produc- tions without date, and many without even name or place. In this he merely followed the example of his predecessors, the scribes, who seldom afl&xed their names, or the date of the transcript. Van Praet enumerates twenty-one works from his press, and another has been since discovered. These, to the eye of a printer, naturally divide themselves into two classes. E 2 52 WILLIAM CAXTON. 1st. Those printed in a large bold Secretary type. 2nd. Those printed in a smaller semi-roman character, known as " Lettres de Somme." No one acquainted, although but slightly, with the prac- tical features of typography can doubt that the early books attributed to Caxton, and the early books issued by Mansion, came from the same press. Mansion employed for his first type a very bold secretary, exactly similar in character to the type first used at Westminster. In PL II and III they may be seen in juxtaposition. It also closely resembled in shape and size in the character in which Mansion was accus- tomed to execute his manuscripts. He likewise printed, at the head of each chapter, the summary in red ink ; and here he displayed so curious an instance of typographical ingenuity that the reader's attention is particularly requested to it. If we closely examine into the appearance which the red ink, as used by Mansion in his "Boccace" "Boece," "Somme rurale," and "Ovide," presents, it will be noticed that it is very du'ty in colour, and moreover that the black lines, nearest the red, have their edges tipped with red, a defect Avhich the separate printing of lines in red ink afibrds no opportunity for producing. The following explanation will satisfactorily show the modus operandi. The two colours were printed by one and the same pull of the press, all the type, both for black and red, being included in the same form. But it was impossible to beat the form with the balls, and leave a single line in the middle untouched ; so the whole page was inked black, and then (a space for play being always left above and below) the black ink was carefuUy wiped from the intended red line, and that line re-inked with red by the finger, or by other means, after which the sheet was puUed. A two-fold inconvenience attended this clumsy process, — the black could never be removed so completely that it would not taint the ensuing red, and the utmost care would not usually prevent the black lines nearest the red receiving a slight touch from the red finger, or ball. Iil fact, both these defects appear in every book printed by Colard Mansion, in which the two colours were used, and to these was frequently added a third COLARD MANSION. 58' — the loss of a portion of the black ink nearest to the red caused by the wiping process. Actual experiment shows that this mode of working both colours at once is the only solution of the appearance, and the inducement for its adoption waa in all probability the perfect accuracy of " register " it secured, as there was thus no fear of the red lines not fitting exactly in their proper places — an accuracy very difficult to obtain, by separate printings, at a rudimentary press. This peculiarity of workmanship in the Bruges printer is not found in any book from the Mentz or Cologne presses ; indeed all the typo- graphical habits of the Bruges and Cologne printers were so distinct and opposite that it is difficult to believe in any con- nection between them. It has been already shown that in early books uneven spacing is a sure sign that the workmanship is prior to that of books from the same press in which the lines are all of equal length. The dated books of Colard Mansion are only six in number, which fully bear this out. Le Jardin de Devotion before 1476 uneven lines Boccace du Dechiet des Nobles Hommes 1476 „ Boece de la Consolation de Philosophie 1477 „ Le Quadrilogue d'Alaiu Chartier 1478* even lines La Somme rurale 1479 „ Les Metamorphoses d'O vide 1484 „ Taking, then, 1478 as the year in which Mansion changed his practice, we may assume, without fear of error, that all the undated books, with short-spaced lines, were anterior, and all the undated books, with their Hues spaced to one length, posterior to the " Quadrilogue." On this basis his undated productions may be thus arranged. Before 1478, having lines of an uneven length : — Les Dits moraux des Philosophes short-spaced Les Invectives contre la Secte de Vanderie „ La Controversie de Noblesse ,, Debat entre trois valeureux Princes * The only date in the volume is 1477, which was the year when the Prologue was composed : the printing must have been later than this. 54 WILLIAM CAXTON. After 1478, having lines of an even length : — Lea Advineaux amoureux. Edit. 1 full-spaced Le Doctrinal du temps present „ La Doctrine de bien vivre ., L'Art de bien mourir ,, La Purgatoire des man vais Maris „ Ii 'Abuse en court „ Les Evangiles des Quenouilles „ Le Donat espirituel „ Les Adeuineaux amoreux. Edit, 2 „ Dionysii Areopagiticte liber „ Colard Mansion seems never to have produced works from his press with rapidity; therefore, as the "Boccace of " 1476 contained nearly 600 pages in large folio, and the " Boece " of 1477 about the same, we may fairly assume that the five other short-spaced works were anterior to the "Boccace." This hypothesis would make Mansion a printer in Bruges about the time when Caxton finished his translation of " Le Recueil des Histoires de Troyes." In the next Chapter it is proposed to show how all the peculiarities noticeable in the printed productions of Colard Mansion may be traced in those attributed to William Caxton. 1^ 1—1 .SJ -^ o IlivEl flfi ^ ^ Ills #1 a ill * "I '5 ~S . J* c ^-^ -« Itlli lA e s ^ 2^ 1 1" sij sC ^1 2 CD i f <* 3 3^g^ ^s tn 8 > 00 i9t r S o O S o r^ ft *5t ft it iff I? fill I i e.f f « Gt ^ 8 ^i a: ^ I- I i Si' f »-* P CD <1 CHAPTER VII. CAXTON A PRINTER. HE evidence as to where and from whom Caxton acquired his knowledge of the Art of Printing has been considered by nearly every bibliographer as being confined en- tirely to the information obtained from Caxton's own Prologues and Epilogues, with the one addition of the well-known quatrain of Wynken de Worde, at the end of his " Bartholomaeus de Proprietatibus Rerum." The argument from technical peculiarities in the books themselves has hitherto been almost entirely overlooked, although a mass of the truest, because unintentional evidence may be found from the attentive study of these dumb witnesses. Mr. Bradshaw, of Cambridge, has most truly observed, in his " Classified Index," that the bibliographer should " make such an accurate and methodical study of the types used and haUts of printing observable at different presses as to enable him to observe and be guided by these characteristics in settling the date of a book which bears no date upon the sur- face." * But the great difficulty in the way of this systematic study is the impossibility of having the books side by side, for their rarity is so great that in no one existing library can they all be found. The books printed in Caxton's type No. 1, used only at * A classified Index of the fifteenth-centnry books in the collection of M. J. de Meyer. 8vo. London, 1870. 5G WILIJAM CAXTON. Bruges, are five in number, althougli we can trace his direct connection with but two of them. 1. "The Recuyell of the Historyes of Troye," with Pro- logues and Epilogues. 2. " Le Recueil des Histoires de Troye." 3. " The Game and Playe of the Chesse," with Prologue by Caxton. 4. " Les Pais et Proesses du Chevalier Jason." 5. " Meditacions sur les Sept Pseaulmes penitenciaulx." To these must be added one book printed at Bruges in type No. 2. ry^ 6. " Les Quatre Derrennieres Choses." Before analysing the evidence supplied by Caxton's re- marks and dates, it is necessary to explain how easily a mistake may be rtiade, and an erroneous conclusion drawn, unless care be taken to remember the effect of the change of style upon the commencement of the year. In England, from the thirteenth century until 1752, the new year began on March 25th ; while in Holland and Flanders it commenced on Easter Day. Neglect of this fact has led to many historical errors. Thus, one historian states that Charles I. was be- headed on January 30th, 1C48, whereas others assert that the event took place on the same day in 1649 ; one dates the flight of James II. from his kingdom in February, 1688, whilst others date it in 1689. In these and many other instances one WTiter takes the old style of beginning the year, whilst others take the new style, each being right from his own stand-point. In a lately discovered tract printed by Caxton, and kno^^Ti as the " Sex Epistolae," we have the text of several letters which passed between the Pope and the Doge of Venice, which will be more particularly described under " Books in type No. 4." It is merely mentioned here as affording an apt illustration of the foregoing remarks. The letters commence on December 11th, 1482, and succeed one another in due order until the 7th of January, 1482, and the end of February, 1482. This was no blunder, for the old year continued until March 25th, which was New- Year's Day, 1483. Returning now to the consideration of Caxton's first. CAXTON A PRINTER. 57 lessons in the Art of Printing, we will examine each of the books attributed to him, commencing with "The Recuyell." — This occupies the foremost place, because Caxton himself tells us that with it he began his career as a printer. Its Prologues and Epilogues contain curious and interesting gossip from Caxton's own pen, telling us how the Duchess of Burgundy, in whose service he then was, commanded him to complete the translation, which he had begun but not advanced with. He tells us that he began to translate the work at Bruges on March 1st, 1468, which, as the year in Flanders did not then commence till Easter, was really 1469, that he continued it at Ghent, and finished at Cologne on September 19th, 1471, thus making a period of two years and a half ; that on its completion he presented it it to the Duchess, who rewarded him handsomely; that many persons desired copies of it, so that, finding the labour of writing too wearisome for him, and not expeditious enough for his friends, he had practised and learnt, at his great charge and expense, to ordain the book in print, to the end that every man might have them at once. As was natural to a person making practical acquaintance for the first time with the effects of typography, Caxton ends ^vith noticing what in his eyes, accustomed to see one copy finished before another was begun, was the most wonderful feature of the new art, namely, that all the copies were begun upon one day, and were finished upon one day. The periods of time here mentioned by Caxton require notice. He began to translate on March 1st, 1469, but soon relinquished his self-imposed task, after writing no more than five or six quires (or sections of four or five sheets each). After the lapse of two years, in March, 1471, he resumed the translation, and in the following September he presented the Duchess with the completed work. Now, six months would have been a very likely time for the translation and a fair copy thereof to take ; but it would have been impossible to have accomplished the printing also in that space of time, especially as the whole translation was finished before the first sheet was printed, as will be hereafter shown. We may 58 WILLIAM CAXTON. also notice, that the duration of Caxton's visit to Cologne must have been very short, as his absenee from Bruges lasted no more than six months. "Le Recueil" has but one date, and that evidently refers to the literary compilation alone, and affords no clue whatever to the year of printing. Indeed, the numerous copies still extant in manuscript prove that the work enjoyed considerable popularity before it came under the hands of the printer. The date of the printing of this book has been fixed, by several writers, between 1464 and 1467, from the consideration that Le F^vre, the compiler, is spoken of in the prologue as chaplain to the Duke of Burgundy, and in such a manner as to signify that the duke was then living. But in the English version there is a material difference : Le Fdvre is not styled there as in the French, " Chappellain de montres redoubte seigneur MonseigTieur le Due Phillipe de Bourgoingne," but " chapelayn vnto the ryght noble glorious and mighty prynce, in his tyme, Phelip due of Bourgoyne." Philip, therefore, was alive when " Le Recueil " was printed, but dead when "The Recuyell" went to press. The duke died in 1467; and it is therefore inferred that "Le Recueil" must date between 1464 and 1467, while "The Recuyell" must be later than 1467. That this should be considered as proving anything more than that the original French was compiled during the lifetime of Philip, and that when Caxton translated the same the duke was dead, seems unaccountable. AU the copies of " Le Recueil," both manuscript and printed, followed the wording of the original, and the printer would no more think of altering it in 1476, the probable date of imprint, than the transcriber would in copying the same twenty-five years later. The National Library at Paris has a manuscript of this very book written after 1500, but repro- ducing exactly the clause which, in the printed edition, is considered to be a proof of its having been executed prior to 1467. Caxton altered the prologue of Le Fevre to suit his own time, because he was translating ; but, in printing from the manuscript of another (assuming his connection with " Le Recueil"), he would have been in opposition to the practice CAXTON A PRDTTEE. 59 of his age had he altered the original. His translation was in its turn printed and reprinted, word for word, long after it was out of date. There is, therefore, no reason whatever for asserting that "Le Recueil," written in 1464, was printed before "The Recuyell," translated in 1474, and sent to press about the same date. In fact, the whole tone of the epilogue to Book III. of " The Recuyell," leads unquestionably to the conclu- sion that that was the very first occasion on which Caxton had busied himself with typography. He would never have said, "I have learned to ordain this loolc in printe at my great charge and expense," if he had already printed one or two others. M. Bernard assumes that Caxton had nothing to do with the printing of "Le Recueil," and that it was executed before he turned his attention to the new art. This opinion, however, has not a single fact to support it. " The Chess Book " affords but little evidence of value, its prologue being, for the most part, merely a translation of that written by Jehan de Vignay for the French original. It offers, indeed, one date ; but that is open to question in its application. " Fynysshid the last day of marche, 1474," are the concluding words of the epilogue. But what was finished, the translation, or the printing ? From the context it was probably the translation, although the printing was not many months later. This date also must be advanced a year ; for, as already noticed, the new year did not commence, in Flanders, till Easter Day, which fell, in that year, on April 10th ; so that March 31st, 1474, was, according to the modern reckoning, March 81st, 1475. The prologue to the second edition throws a httle light on the history of the first. Caxton there says, in reference to his connection with the book : " .... an excellent doctor of divinity .... made a book of the Chess moralised, which, at such time as I was resident in Bruges^ came into my hands. .... And to the end that some which have not seen it, nor understand french nor latin, I deUberated in myself to translate into our maternal tongue ; and when I had so achieved the said translation, / did do set in imprinter a certain number of CO WILLIAM CAXTON. them which anon were depesshed and sold." He here appears to mean that upon the completion of the translation he em- ployed some one else to print it : — " I did do set in imprinte." " Did do," according to the idiom of those days, was commonly used for doing a thing through the medium of another. The phrase was borrowed from the French — "plain pouoir de prendre et faire prendre les larrons," is the wording of an ordinance dated in the fifteenth century. "He did do be said to the messenger," for " he caused to be said," is found on folio 22 of the " History of Jason." " The Emperor did do make a gate of marble" occurs in the second edition of the " Chess Book," fol. 85. Similar examples abound, so that we may fairly conclude that Caxton did not himself print the first edition of the " Chess Book," but that both the transla- tion and the printing were executed in Bruges. The other books, namely, the French "Jason," the "Medi- tacions," and the " Quatre Derrennieres Choses," contain the bare text without remark or date of any kind, being, as bibliographers say, sine uUd notd. The whole of the literary evidence therefore may be briefly summed up thus: "The Eecuyell" was translated in 1471, and printed some time after ; the " Chess Book " was printed after 1474, and probably in the latter half of 1475 ; and " Le Recueil" was compiled in 1464, but, like the other four, affords no evidence of date of the printing, which was pro- bably about 1476. We will now examine the testimony afforded by a com- parison of the technical peculiarities of these six books. In collating " The Recuyell," the make-up of the sections, at the beginning of the volume, is worth noting. It was the practice of Caxton, as of other printers, to commence the printing of his books mth the text, any preface which might be requisite, being added afterwards in a separate section, with a different kind of signature. When, however, the whole of the manu- script, prologue as well as text, was complete before it came into the printer's hands, there was no occasion for any such arrangement. This appears to have been the case with regard to "The Recuyell," where nothing has been added at the ^ I IJ fit ^ ^ o I If J lit I, CAXTON A PRINTER. 01 beginning, as the first section of five sheets includes all the introductory matter, as well as a portion of the text. Now the first page, which bears the date of the conclusion of the translation, being on the same sheet as a portion of the text, it is evident that the whole volume must have been in manuscript before any part was set up in type. We may infer, indeed, from his own description of the effect that so much T\Titing had upon him, that Caxton issued several manuscript copies before he thought of using the printing- press. The copy presented to the Duchess was undoubtedly manuscript ; or else how could Caxton have chronicled in the printed w^ork her acceptance of the book and his reward for the present ? And this again leads to the supposition that the portion of the epilogue relating to the printing was added by Caxton to his original manuscript when he determined to print it. For precisely similar reasons, Caxton's prologue to the " Chess Book," which was a translation or adaptation of the original French, is also a portion of the first section of the volume. None of the other books under review having pro- logues, we will proceed to a comparison of some other typo- graphical particulars. The following table ^ill show some of the technical features of each book, and some of what may be called the " habits " of the printer : — No. Title. Size. ^0. No. of Sheets in a Section. No. of Lines in a page. Measure- ment of Page. Inches. Spacing of Lines. i 1 GD 1 TheRecyuell Fol. 2 LeRecueil Fol. 3 The Chess Book ... Fol. 4 Les Fais du Jason . Fol. 5 Meditacions Fol. 6 Les 4*™ derrennieres choses Fol. 2 5 5 4 4 4 4 31 31 31 31 31 28 5 X 7f 5 X 71 5 X 7f 5 X 7| 5 . 7| 5 X 7| uneven uneven uneven even even uneven none none none none none uone From this table we perceive,— First, That the first five books are printed with the same 62 WILLIAM CAXTON. types, are all of the same size, and all without signatures; that all agree exactly in the size of the page ; and that the even spacing of the lines in the "Meditacions" and the "Jason" proves that they were produced later than the others. Secondly, That the five books in type No, 1 may be con- sidered as the production of one printer. ^Yho, then, was this printer ? When we attentively ex- amine the shape of the letters in type No. 1, we notice a remarkable similarity between it and that of the writing of many Bruges manuscripts of the same period, which would induce us, at first sight, to attribute the design of the type to some artist of that city. M. Bernard, whose opinion is of great weight, where his nationality is not concerned, traces the pattern of type No. 1 directly to Colard Mansion of Bruges. Speaking of a manu- script in the National Library at Paris, written by Colard Mansion's own hand, he says, " This book is ^vritten in old batarde, and in exactly the same character as the types of ' Le Kecueil des histoires de Troyes ;' " yet he attributes the cutting of the types to a French artist, and the printing to a German, Ulric Zel. The paper he also claims for a French mill, on account of the fleurs de Us, and the Gothic p with the quatrefoil, ignoring the fact that these are common Flemish watermarks of the fifteenth century, and found in abundance in the books from the Bruges and Westminster presses. That any of these books in type No. 1 were printed by Ulric Zel, or any other Cologne printer, I cannot for a moment believe. It is possible, of course, that Zel, if employed to do so, could have designed and cut types of the gros-bAtarde pattern, although, as a fact, he never used such types himself ; but all the Cologne printers of that period had their own peculiarities and habits, which were not at all those of the Bruges printers. Zel, from an early period, printed two pages at a time, as may be easily verified where a crooked page occurs; for the other page printed on the same side of the sheet wiU in every case be found crooked also. Now, the " Recuyell " was certainly printed page by page, as were like- CAXTON A PRINTER. 03 wise all the books from Mansion's press. And Caxton, when printing liis smaller books, even cut the paper up and printed one page only at a time. This accounts for the entire rejec- tion by Mansion,* and the sparing use by Caxton of the quarto size for their productions, as it necessitated twice as much press-work as the larger size. But stronger evidence is to be found in the fact that Zel, after 14C7, always spaced out the lines of his books to an even length, and would have taught any one learning the art from him to do the same j yet this improvement was not adopted by either Mansion or Caxton until several years later. Whoever may have been the instructor of Mansion and Caxton, and whatever may have been the origin of their typography, the opinion that either of them, after learning the art in an advanced school such as that of Cologne, would have adopted in their first produc- tions, without any necessity for so doing, primitive customs which they had never been taught, and returned in after years by slow degrees to the rules of their original tuition, has only to be plainly stated to render it mitenable. The printer of all these works was undoubtedly Colard Mansion, who had just before established his press at Bruges — who cast the types on his own model for Caxton, and in- structed him in the art while printing * iviih and for him "The Recuyell" and the "Chess Book"— who ceriuinhj printed "Les Quatre Derrennieres Choses" — ^who supplied Caxton with the material for the establishment of a press in England — ^who, about the time of Caxton's departure, used the same type for "Le Recueil" — and who, at a still later period, printed alone the "Jason" and the "Meditations." We will now examine "Les Quatre Derrennieres Choses," of which the only copy knoTVTi is in the Old Royal collection in * Van Praet, Bninet, and especially Campbell in his " Annales de la Typographie Neerlandaise," err in describing "Le purgatoire des mauvais Maris," printed by Colard Mansion, as a *' petit in-4o." The copy described is cut a little more than usual, but the watermark which i* in the middle of tlie page proves the size to be folio, whereas had it been quarto the watermark must have been in the back and partly hidden by the binding. 64 WILLIA^I CAXTON. the British Museum. Like all Colard Mansion's books, and unlike any one of Caxton's, it is in French. It is printed in type No. 2, the type of the " Dictes " of 1477, and all the early books which issued from the Westminster press. Then the peculiar appearance of the red ink at once attracts atten- tion. The two colours have been evidently printed at the same pull of the press, as was Colard Mansion's practice. Here the same process of wiping the black ink off lines purposely isolated, and then re-inking them with red, has been resorted to, and here, too, as in the acknowledged productions of the Bruges press, the same defects have been produced; the red ink having a tarnished appearance from the subjacent remains of the black, and the black lines nearest the red having received a red edging which, however inter- esting as a connecting link between two celebrated printers, by no means increases their typographical beauty. Now, as no Cologne printer is known to have resorted to this unique method of working in colours, .1 feel no hesitation in ascribing " Les Quatre Derennieres Choses " either to Colard Mansion or to Caxton working under his tuition ; and as this peculiarity is nowhere found in Caxton's productions of the Westminster press, the former would seem the more likely conjecture. The connection thus established between the types used by Caxton in his first attempts in England and those used by Colard Mansion is still further strengthened by the fact that the form of the &c., peculiar to type No. 1, is in several instances, by an evident mixing of the founts, used instead of the proper sort belonging to type No. 2. This famishes positive proof that the two founts were under one roof, whether at Cologne or Bruges, or elsewhere. Whoever printed the five books in type No. 1 most certainly owned type No. 2 also. Against all this, however, has to be placed the direct assertion of Wynken de Worde, who, in the proheme to his undated edition of " Bartholomasus de Proprietatibus Rerum," gives the following rhyme : — " And also of your chary te call to remembraunce The soule of William Caxton first prynter of this boke In lateh tonge at Coleyn hyself to auauce That euery well disposyd man may thereon loke." CAXTOy A PRINTER, 65 The phraseolo^ of this rerse is very ambiguous. Arc we to understand that the editio princeps of " Bartholomaeus " pro- ceeded from Caxton's press, or that he only printed the first Cologne edition ? that he issued a translation of his own, which is the only way in which the production of the work could advance him in the Latin tongue ? or, that he printed in Latin to advance his own interests ? The last seems the most probable reading. But though the words will bear many constructions, they are evidently intended to mean that Caxton printed " Bartholomaeus" at Cologne. Now this seems to be merely a careless statement of Wynken de Worde ; for if Caxton did really print " Bartholomaeus " in that city, it must have been with his own types and presses, as the workmanship of his early volumes proves that he had no connection with the Cologne printers, whose practices were entirely different. The time necessary for the production of so extensive a work would have been considerable ; therefore, as Caxton's stay at Cologne on the occasion of his finishing the translation of " Le Recueil " was but short, the printing of this apocryphal "Bartholomaeus" would have been at a subsequent ^isit, of which there is no record. No edition has yet been discovered which can, by any stretch of the imagina- tion, be attributed to Caxton, although there is more than one old undated edition belonging to the German school of print- ing. Accuracy of information was in those days not much studied, and to a general carelessness about names and dates Wynken de "VVorde added a negligence peculiarly his own. We may excuse him for using Caxton's device in several books which by their dates and types are knowii to have been printed by himself, as well as for putting Caxton's name as printer to the edition of the " Golden Legend," printed in 1493, two years' after his master's death. Such inaccuracies were at that time thought but little of. But how can we account for the blundering alteration in the 1495 edition of the " Polycronicon," where Wynken de AVorde, making himself the speaker in Caxton's prologue, promises to carry the history down to 1485; or for the still greater error in the "Dictes" of 1528, in which, while adopting Caxton's epilogue, but F 66 WILLIAM CAXTON. substituting his own for Caxton's name, he makes all the trans- actions there related happen between Earl Elvers and himself ? Wynken de Worde's blunders in statements are well matched by his blunders in workmanship, of which, however, we will quote but two. In Caxton's edition of the " Stans Puer ad Mensam," the third and fourth pages of the poem were acci- dentally transposed ;. yet Wynken de Worde, notwithstanding the break of sequence, blindly reprints the error ! Again, in his edition of " The Horse, the Shepe, and the Ghoos," he actually omits a whole page without discovering his mistake ! Other examples might easily be quoted, but enough has been adduced to show that Wynken de Worde was by no means careful in his statements.* We must remember that Wynken de Worde, moreover, was too young to have had any personal knowledge of Caxton's early efforts, and that the vast importance of the art to the entire world, and the interest attaching to its origin, were ideas which would find no place in the mind of a fifteenth- ^ century printer. We must not, therefore, regard De Worde's statement as deliberately made for the purpose of telling posterity something about Caxton. Lewis, Caxton's first biographer, was very sceptical concerning this Cologne edition of " Bartholomaeus." "Its ha^dng a Latin title," he says, * William Caxton, except in the occasional interchange of i and y, which were at that period considered as equivalents, never altered the orthography of his name, a fact the more noticeable as the name certainly varied in pronunciation : but Wynken de Worde, although mentioning his master's name but eight times, contrived to make the four variations of Caxton, Caxston, Caston, and Caxon. With regard to his own name Wynken de Worde appears to have tried how many variations he could invent, of which the following list is not even complete : — Wynken de Worde. Wynandus de Worde. Wynden de Worde. Wynandus de word. Wynkyn de Worde. winandus de worde. Wynkyn Theworde. Vunandus de worde. Wynkyn the Worde. Vuinandi de vuorde. Wynkyn de Word. Winand i Wordensi. VVinquin de Worde. Winandi de Wordensis. CAXTON A PEINTER. C7 "might possibly deceive De Worde, and make him think it was printed in Latin. However this may be, it does not appear that any edition of it, printed by Caxton or any one else, either in Latin or English, that year, is now in being." Perhaps De Worde, who reprinted the "Recueil," had some vague recollection of Caxton having stated that he had been at Cologne, and so carelessly adopted the idea as giving point and rhyme to his verses. The following anecdotes illustrate in a curious manner the typographical connection between Mansion and Caxton. A bookseller of Paris purchased an old volume for the moderate sum of one louis. He took it to M. de La Serna Santander, and asked him if he thought two louis too dear. "No," replied the wary bibliographer, and gave him the money. That volume is now in the National Library at Paris, and contains, bound together in the original boards, the " Quadri- logue," printed by Mansion at Bruges, and the French "Jason," printed in Caxton's type No. 1. Something similar to this happened in 1853, when Mr. Winter Jones discovered in the Library of the British Museum, "Les Quatre Derrenieres Choses," in Caxton's type No. 2, bound up with the " Medi- tacions," in type No. 1, and with contemporary handwTiting running from the last page of one work to the first of the other, the volume being evidently in its original state, just as it was printed and bound at Bruges, in the little workshop of Colard Mansion over the church porch of St. Donatus. Here, perhaps, I may be excused if I venture to build a brief history, founded, in the absence of sure foundation, in many parts on probability only, but which may neverthe- less be welcome to some as an attempt to draw into a con- sistent narrative the scattered threads of Caxton's career between 1471 and his establishment at Westminster. Caxton, having finished and been rewarded for his trouble in translating " Le Eecueil " for the Duchess of Burgundy, found his book in great request. The English nobles at Bruges wished to have copies of this the most favourite romance of the age, and Caxton found himself unable to supply the demand with sufficient rapidity. This brings us F 2 C8 WILLIAM CAXTON. to the year 1472 or 1473. Colard Mansion, a skilful cali- grapher, must have been known to Caxton, and may even have been employed by him to execute commissions. Man- sion, who had ol)tained some knowledge of the art of printing, although certainly not from Cologne, had just begun his typo- graphical labours at Bruges, and was ready to produce copies by means of the press, if supported by the necessary patron- age and funds. Caxton found the money, and Mansion the requisite knowledge, by the aid of which appeared "The Recuyell," the first book printed in the ncAV type, and more- over the first book printed in the English language. This, probably, was not accomplished till 1474, and was succeeded, on Caxton's part, in another year, by an issue of the " Chess Book," which, as we are informed in a second edition, was " anone depesshed and solde." Mansion, finding success at- tended the new adventure, printed the French "Recueil," and, after Caxton's return to England, the French " Jason " and the " Meditacions." The three French works were doubtless published by Mansion alone, as Caxton is not known to have printed a single book in French, although perfectly acquainted with that language. Caxton, having thus printed at Bruges "The Recuyell" and the "Chess Book" with types either wholly or in part belonging to Mansion, now obtained a new fount of the pattern of the large batarde already in use by Mansion, but smaller in size, with the intention of practising the art in England. To test its capabilities, "Les Quatre Derrennieres Choses" was then produced under the immediate supervision of Mansion. Early in 147G Caxton appears to have taken leave of the city where he had resided for five and thirty years, and to have returned to his native land laden with a more precious freight than the most opulent merchant-adventurer ever dreamt of, to endow his country with a blessing greater than any other which had ever been bestowed, save only the intro- duction of Christianity. CHAPTER Vlll. WESTMINSTER. N^ the preceding chapters Caxton's career as an Apprentice, as a Merchant, as Governor of the Merchant- Adventurers, as a Magis- trate, and as an Ambassador, has been traced; the revival of literary tastes in P]nrope has been briefly sketched, as well as the literary influences by which Caxton was surrounded ; and we have seen his translation of a romance for the Duchess of Burgundy obtain such popularity that he was forced to have recourse to the new art of printing, in order to multiply copies quickly: but we have yet to investigate the most important period of his history — those last fifteen years, to which the whole of his former life seems but the introduction — that short period which alone has caused the name of Caxton to be inscribed on the tablets of history, and the typographical relics of which form the best and only memorial which England possesses of her first printer.* We left Caxton early in 1476 preparing to return to Eng- land, after having disposed of his printed copies of the "Chess Book" in Bruges. The next certain notice of him is after * There is certainly the Roxburghe tablet in St. Margaret's Churcli, Westminster ; and, better still, there is a " Cajrton Pension" in connec- tion with the " Printers' Corporation," by which the needs of sonic afflicted successors in Caxton's ci'aft are alleviated ; but a memorial worthy of our first printer and of his countrymen has never yet been attempted. 70 WILLIAM CAXTOX. his settlement at Westminster, when, in Novemher 1477, he had printed his first edition of the "Dictes and Sayings of the Philosophers." This book is, in fact, the earliest we have from Caxton's press with an indispntable imprint. It is evident that his arrangements for settling in England, the engagement of assistants, and all the other matters inseparable from a novel nndeitaking, mnst have occupied a considerable time. If, therefore, we assume that Caxton commenced his new career in this country about the latter half of 1476 we cannot be far wrong. A cautious man, he began to try his powers, and ascertain the probable sale for his productions, by printing small pieces. Copland, one of his workmen, who served with Wynken de Worde after his first master's death, has a curious remark upon this in the prologue to his edition of " Kynge Apolyn of Thyre," with which romance he appears to have commenced his career as a printer. " Whiche booke I, Roberte Copland, have me applyed for to translate oute of the Frenshe language into our maternal tongue, at the exhor- tacyon of my forsayd mayster [Wynken de Worde], gladly foUowynge the trace of my mayster Caxton, J)pgynnynge tvith small storijes and immfleteSj and so to other'' That West- minster was the locality in which Caxton first settled, there is, fortunately, no room to doubt; but as the exact spot has given rise to considerable discussion, it may be useful to collect all the instances in which Caxton connects his o\mi name with a definite locality. We therefore give the follow- ing extracts taken verlatim et literatim from his works : — 1477. DiCTES AND Sayings. First edition. Epilogue, en- prynted by me william Caxton at trestmestre. 1478. Moral Proverbs. Colophon. Ihaue enprinted .... At westmestre. 1480. Chronicles of England. First edition. Colophon. enprinted by me William Caxton Jn thabbey of west- mynstre by london. 1480. Description of Britain. First edition. Prologue. ths comyn cronirles of enylond ben .... now late en- printed at westmynstre. WESTMINSTER. 71 1481. MiRROUR OF THE WoRLD. First edition. Prologue. Ajid empriscd hy me .... to translate it i?ito our maternal tongue .... in thahhay of tvestm/'sfre by london. 1481. Reynard THE Fox. First edition. Epilogue, ly m^ tvilVm Caxton translated . ... in tlmlhey of tvest- mcstre. 1481. Godfrey of Bologne. Epilogue, sette informs and emjjrynted .... i?i thabiey of icestm£ster. 1483. Pilgrimage of the Soul. Colophon. Enprynted at tvestmestre hy ivilliam Caxton. 1483. Liber Festivalis. First edition. Colophon. Em- prynted at Westmynster by tvyUyam Caxton. 1483. Quatuor Sermones. First edition. Colophon. En- prynted by Wylliam Caxton at Westmestre. 1483. CoNFESSio Amantis. Colophon. Enprynted at tvest- mestre by me ivillyam Caxton. 1483. Golden Legend. First edition. Epilogue, fynysshed it at westmpstre. 1483. Caton. Colophon. Translated . ... by William Caxton in thabbey of Westmynstre. 1483. Knight of the Tower. Colophon, enprynted at Westmynstre. 1484. ^sop. Epilogue, enprynted by me uHliam Caxton at westmynstre in tMbbay. 1484. The Order of Chivalry. Epilogue, translated .... by me William Caxton divellymje in Westmynstre besyde london. 1485. King Arthur. Colophon, emprynted and fynysshed in thabbey westmestre. 1485. Paris and Yienne. Colophon, translated . ... by wylliam Caxton at Westmestre. [1489.] DiRECTORiUM Sacerdotum. Colophon. Impresstim .... ajmd Westmonesterium. 1489. Doctrinal of Sapience. Colophon, translated .... by wyllyam Caxton at Westmestre. To these must be added Caxton's Advertisement, printed about 1480. 72 WILLIAM CAXTON. " If it plese ony man spirituel or temporel to bye ony pyes of two and thre comemoracios of salisburi vse enpryiitid after the forme of this preset lettre whiche ben wel and truly cor- rect, Mg liijm cmne to tvestmomster in to tJw aJmonesrye at the reed pale and he shal haue them good chepe." The following quotations are from titles or colophons of books printed by Wynken de Worde in the house of his late master, only three of which are dated. ScALA Perfectionis, 1493. And Wynkyn de Worde this hath sett in print. In William Caxstons hoics so fyll the case. DiRECTORiUM Sacerdotum, 1495. In domo Caxton Wynlcyn fieri fecit. Lyndewode's Constitutiones, 1496. A2md Westmonaste- rium. In domo caxston. The XII Profytes of Tribulacyon. Enprynted at West- myster in Caxtons Jwiis. DoxATus Minor. In domo Caxton in tvestmonasterio. Whital's Dictionary. Imp)rynted in the late hous of Wit- liam Caxton. Accedence. Prynted in Caxons house at westmynstre. The Chorle and the Byrde. Emprynted at westmestre in Caxtons house. DocTRYNALLE OF Dethe. Enprynted at westmynster Jn Caxtons hous. Ortus Vocabulorxjm. prope ceUherrimum monasterium quod ivestmy7istre appellatur imjjj^essum. Adding to the foregoing the testimony of Stow, we shall have before us all the evidence of any authority. " Neare vnto this house westward was an old chappel of S. Anne, oner against the which the Lady Margaret, mother to King H. the 7. erected an Almeshouse for poore women .... the place wherein this chappell and Almeshouse standeth was called the Elemosinary or Almory, now corruptly the Ambry, for that the Almes of the Abbey were there distri- buted to the poore. And therin Islip, Abbot of Westmin. WESTMINSTER. 78 erected the first Pres^e of booke printing that euer was in England about the yeare of Christ 1471. William Caxton, cittizen of London, mercer, brought it into England, and was the first that practised it in the sayde Abbey." Reviewing the foregoing quotations, it will be noticed that although the precise expression, Printed in t/te Ahhey of Westminster f is affixed to some books, yet the more general phrase Printed at Westminster is also used, and e\'idently refers to the same locality, for otherwise we must suppose Caxton to have carried on two separate printing-offices for many years. The word "Abbey" did not assume its modern sense, as applying only to the fabric, until after the Refonna- tion; and the phrase "dwelling at Westminster," used in 1484, just after "printed in the Abbey," 1483, and before "printed in the Abbey," 1485, proves that Caxton himself attached to the word no very restrictive idea. We find also, from the above-mentioned advertisement, that "Westminster" in that instance meant "The Almonesrye," where Caxton occupied a tenement, called " The Red-pale." The Almonry was a space within the Abbey precincts, where alms were dis- tributed to the poor ; and here the Lady Margaret, mother of King Henry VIL, and one of Caxton's patronesses, built alms- houses. Other houses were also there ; and we therefore con- clude that by the words in the Ahhey Caxton meant nothing more than that he resided within the Abbey precincts. The position of St. Anne's Chapel and the Almonry, in relation to that of the Abbey Church, seems to have been misunderstood by all the biographers of Caxton. Dr. Dibdin, Charles Knight and others, place them on the site of the Chapel of Henry YII, which is the east end of the Abbey. The Almonry was considerably to the west, and the following statements, gathered from Stow, will give its exact locahty. After describing the monastery and the king's palace, he pro- ceeds to say, "now \vill I speake of the gate house, and of Totehill streete, stretching from the west part of the Close .... The gate towards the icest is a Gaile for offenders .... On the Southside of this gate, king H. the 7. founded an almes- house .... Neare vnto this house westward was an old chappel WILLIAM CAXTON. of S. Anne .... the place wherein this chappel .... standeth was called the Almory." The Almonry was therefore west- south-west of the western front of the Abbey. It has been argued that Caxton was permitted by the abbot to use the "Scriptorium" of the abbey as a printing- office. Printing, even in these days of improvement, is neces- sarily in some parts a very unclean operation, but it was much more so in its earlier years, some of the processes employed being extremely filthy and pungent. The Abbot of West- minster would never have admitted into the scriptorium any thing so defiling, much less within the sacred walls of the church itself. There is, indeed, no evidence that any portion of the abbey was ever appropriated as a scriptorium: no mention of such a place is made by any historian, nor has any manuscript been recognised as having issued thence. The Abbot of Westminster, at the time of Caxton's arrival in England, was John Esteney, who succeeded to that office in 1474, upon the promotion of Thomas Milling to the Bishopric of Hereford. Those \vTiters who maintain that Caxton returned to England before 1474 have mentioned Milling as his patron. George Fascet succeeded Abbot Esteney in 1498, and was in turn succeeded by John Islip in 1500. Stow's chronology is very faulty in ascribing to Abbot Islip any connection with Caxton, whose death occurred about nine years before Islip's election to the abbacy. There is nothing to lead to the supposition that Caxton and Abbot Esteney were on intimate terms ; indeed, the pro- bability is that they knew but little of each other. Our printer mentions Esteney but once, and that only casuaUy, as illustrating the difficulty which even educated men experienced in deciphering documents of a bygone age. In the prologue to the " Eneydos," Caxton says, " My lord abbot of West- mynster did do shelve to me late certayn euydences wryton in old Englisshe, for to reduce it into our Englisshe now vsid." The sense of "Did do shewe," as already noticed, would seem merely to signify "caused to be shewn;" or in other words, the abbot only sent the documents. Caxton always appears to have recorded, in prologue or epilogue, the WESTMINSTER. 75 names of those by whom he was employed; and if he had received any favour or patronage from the abbot, he would in all likelihood have dedicated one of his numerous translations to him, as he did to so many of his patrons, some of whom, like Hugh Brjxe and William Praat, were plain " Mercers " only. It is unlikely, therefore, that Caxton went to Westminster by invitation of the abbot, or that he occupied any place within the church itself, or that he stood in any other rela- tion to the abbot than that of tenant. The rent-roll of the abbey was under the immediate charge of the abbot's cham- berlain, and with him Caxton would have to agree as to his tenure of "The Red-pale" in the Almonry. The reason of Caxton's preference for the Almonry is not at all evident, though his being a Mercer may, possibly, have had some connection with his choice, as the Mercers' Com- pany held certain tenements of the abbots of Westminster. Some of these were in the parish of St. Martin Otewich (Broad Street Ward), within the city walls ; and there was also a tenement called " The Pye," and another called " The Grehounde," the localities of which are not mentioned. The rents paid for these are duly entered in the " Renter Wardens' Account-books," at Mercers' Hall. But whatever induced Caxton to settle at Westminster, we may safely infer, from his own mention, not more than two or three years later, of " The Red-pale" as his house, that it was there he originally estab- lished himself, that there his translations were made and works printed, and that there, surrounded by his books and presses, and soothed by the loving attentions of his daughter, he breathed his last. Wynken de Worde, his immediate successsor, printed several books in the same place, dating them from " Caxton's house in Westminster." This phrase was considered, by the early biographers of Caxton, as proving that he had migrated from the side chapel, where they assumed he first set up his press, and established himself in a new residence. Bagford, with his usual fertility of invention, identified the very street and house into which Caxton moved, and assigned reasons WILLIAM CAXTON. for his ejection from the abbey. For many years an old house in the Almonry was currently believed to have been that in which our first printer dwelt ; but Mr. Nichols, who, as well as Knight, gives a T^^oodcut of it, is of opinion that the house could not be older than the time of Charles I. Upon its demolition in 184G, portions of the beams were made into walking-sticks and snuff-boxes, and presented to various patrons of literature as genuine relics of the famous printer. Interesting, indeed, would it have been if we could have identified the exact spot where the first press was placed on English soil, and still more so if we could have stood in the very room where Caxton worked ; but uncertainty hangs over all this part of our history. The printers of the fifteenth century, especially in Hol- land and Flanders, very frequently used armorial bearings for their trade-marks, the shield being repre- sented as hanging from the branch of a tree. A broad band do^Tn. the centre of the shield is, in heraldic language, called a " pale," and this, if painted red, would be a " red pale." Doubtless this was the sign used by Caxton to designate his house. The woodcut oppo- site, taken from Holtrop's " Monumens Typo- graphiques," pi. 71, shows a house of the fifteenth century, which has two tenants, both printei*s, each of whom has a sign. This was in Antwerp. The printers at Delff, in Holland, used a "black pale" for their marks. "We have already mentioned " The Greyhound " as being held by the Mercers' Company from the Abbots of West- minster. From the same " Account-book " it appears that in 1477 the "livelihode" made a "visitation," and "kept a dinner" at "The Greyhound," which cost them 26s Sd, be- sides 2d for washing the table-cloth. There is nothing to indicate the locality of this tenement ; but from the fact that mercers, as wtU as drapers, dealt largely in cloth and various woollen goods, they would necessarily be much interested in the great staple of wool, held at fixed intervals, not far from WESTMINSTER. 77 the abbey walls.* They would therefore require a place in the neighbourhood for meeting during their visitation which would, at the same time, afford them good accommodation for a dinner at its close. And here we may remark that, although so much of his attention was devoted to translating and printing, Caxton probably still took considerable interest in his old vocation. The wool-staple at Westminster was an important mart, and many of the merchants resorting thither were fellow mercers * Stow says the Abbots of Westminster had six wool-honses in the Staple granted them by King Henry VI. 78 WILLIAM CAXTON. and benefactors to St. Margaret's Church. Some of them were also fellow members with Caxton of the "Fraternity or Guild of our Blessed Lady Assimiption." Several of the "Account-books" of this brotherhood are still preserved in the vestry of St. Margaret's ; and although they nowhere state its objects, it seems, from the entries of salaries paid to priests, from money spent in obits, wax, and vestments, and from the granting of a few pensions, to have been somewhat like the "benefit societies" of the j^resent day, with the addi- tional advantage of prayers for the repose of the souls of deceased members. And yet, if only a religious guild, it is not apparent why they required certain tenements in Alder- mary, which they leased of the Mercers' Company, not far from the Steel Yard of the Hanse merchants, w^here large quantities of raw wool were stapled. But whatever may have been the objects of this guild, their accounts, made up by their clerk every three years, show that towards the end of the fifteenth century they were in a flourishing state, mth a good balance to their credit; and that, on Midsummer-day, they, too, had a " general feast," on which they spent a large portion of their income. The expenses of these lavish feasts, each time filling at least two folio pages, are entered in the accounts mth gi-eat minuteness, from the amount paid to the "chief cok" as a reward (which Avas more than twelve guineas of modem money), down to the boat-hire for the " turbuts," and nearly £l for "pottes broken and wasted at the same fest." * Of this guild Caxton was a member for some years before his death. * After an entry of the payment of six priests' salaries, there occur — " Costes and pcelles allowed by the hole Brotherhode toward thexpenccs of the j^eiiall fest in iij'ie yere of this accorapt." These " Costs and Parcels " occupy two folio pages, and contain the following among other items : — *' A tonn of wyne vj li " " Paide to John Drayton chief sole for his re- ward XXV s " " Also for the hire of xxiiij doseyn of erthen pottes for ale & wyne iiij s " WESTMINSTER. 79 It is pleasant to think of our printer as retaining the friendship of the city merchants after all official relationship between them had been dissolved. That this was the case is proved by his warm eulogy of the City of London, and his continuance as a member of the Mercers' Company. He, no doubt, had many personal friends and supporters ; indeed, it would be hardly a stretch of the imagination to fancy that, during the holding of the great wool-staple at Westminster, Caxton would be no disinterested observer, and that at its close, when the wardens and the " livelihode " flocked to the "dener kept at the grehounde," if not there by right as a liveryman of the Mercers* Company, the printer would be always a welcome guest. Surely, before parting, in remem- brance of past associations and services one of the drinking pledges would be, " The health of William Caxton, late gover- nor of our fellowship beyond the sea." But to return to facts. There is no doubt that Caxton was residing in his tenement in the Almonry when he printed the " Dictes" in 1477. He would, therefore, be in the parish of St. Margaret : and it is somewhat remarkable that a person bearing the same name was buried there about two years later. In 1479 the parochial records show an entry among ** Also for ertlien pottes broken & wasted at the same fest vj s viij d " " Also to iiij players for their labour xij s x d " " Also to iij mynstrelles ix s xd " " Also for the mete of diuers strangers xvj s " '* Also for russhes ij s iiij d " " Also for vj doseyn of white cnppes iij s " " Also for portage and botehyre of the Turbut iiij d " " Also for ix Turbutts xv s ij d " Besides scores of " Capons, chekyns, gese, conyes, and peioncs (pigeons), the chief "cok" provided them with "swannys" and " herons," with all sorts of fish, including oysters and '* see pranys," or prawns, with all sorts of meats and game, with jellies in " ix doscn gely dishes," and with abundance of fruits. The quantity of ale, wine, and ypocras provided by the butler is marvellous, and one cannot wonder at the heavy entries for "pottes and cnppes broken and wasted." The cook seems to have been paid much more liberally than the wardens, who had but xxx s between them " for their diligence." 80 WILLIAM CAXTON. the receipts of the burial fees of twenty pence for two torches and three tapers at a low mass for William Caxton. Dibdin assumes this man to have been our printer's father : possibly so, but there is no evidence of kindred. We may notice, however, that although the amount paid may to us seem trifling, yet it was more than double the average burial fees of that period, as is evidenced by the same accounts. About this time the king ordered a payment of £30 (equal to £400 or £450 now) to be made to Caxton for "certain causes or matters performed by him for the said Lord the King." Might not this have been for assistance to Edward IV and his retinue when fugitives at Bruges ? Caxton, as might be expected, held a high position in his parish ; and, within a very short time of his amval, his name appears as auditor of the parish accounts. The parish audit seems to have been a very simple affair. It was open to all the parishioners, and the accounts were probably read aloud by the clerk who was engaged by the churchwardens to keep them. The balance in cash, and the custody of the "trea- sures" in the church, were then handed over to the incoming wardens, and the names of the most substantial parishioners present were added by the clerk to the usual form declaring the correctness of the accounts. The business on these occa- sions, was fitly concluded by a good "supper." Caxton's name appears annexed to the audit for the years 1478-80, 1480-82, 1482-84 ; and it would have been most gratifying to have found that the signatures at the end of these and other accounts were genuine autographs. All the names, how- ever, are in the same handwriting, which is that of the scribe or priest engaged to keep the parish books. Caxton did not enter upon his new adventure of printing books without good and able patronage. Edward IV, as we have seen, paid him a sum of money for certain ser\dces per- formed; and Caxton printed "Tully" and "Godfrey" under the king's "protection." Edward's sister Margaret, Duchess of Burgundy, was his friend and supporter, and perchance may have paid a visit to her old servant at the " Eed-pale," when she visited England in 1480. Margaret, Countess of Rich- WESTMINSTER. 81 raond, mother of King Henry VII, also favoured his designs. Earl Rivers, brother to the queen, was a fast friend, with whom Caxton seems to have enjoyed a considerable degree of intimacy, and the Earl of Warwick likewise must have had some knowledge of him, as Caxton dedicated to him the "Chess-Book." The "Order of Chivalry" was dedicated to Richard III. Henry VII personally desired Caxton to trans- late and print the "Fayts of Arms," and the "Eneydos" was specially presented to Arthur, Prince of Wales. Master William Daubeney, King Henry VI's treasurer, was his " good and synguler friend." William, Earl of Armidel, took great interest in his progress, and allowed him the "yearly fee" of a buck in summer and a doe in winter. Sir John Fastolf, a great lover of books, of whose library several volumes still exist; Hugh Bryce, mercer and king's ambassador; William Pratt, a rich mercer ; and divers unnamed " gentylmen and ladyes," are known to have employed him. Some of these, like the " noT)le lady with many faire doughters," for whom he produced "The Knyght of the Toure," engaged him to translate as well as to print. In 1486 death deprived Caxton of his old friend William Pratt, who, on his death-bed, requested him to print " The Book of Good Manners." The terms in which Caxton men- tions Pratt as a fellow mercer, an honest man, and " a singular friend of old knowledge," show that a close bond of union existed between the two. It is to be hoped that their mutual object — "the amendment of manners, and the increase of virtuous living" — ^w-as promoted by the publication. In 1490 died, and was buried at St. Margaret's, one "Mawde Caxton," of whose relationship to William Caxton there is no direct evidence. It may have been the Maude who, twenty-nine years earlier, became his mfe while he was yet in Bruges : if so, it will explain, in a most interesting manner, the reason why he in that year suspended printing the " Fayts of Arms," until he had finished a new under- taking, "The Arte and Crafte to Die Well." The history of Caxton after his settlement at Westminster is almost confined to a catalogue of the productions of his 82 WILIJAM CAXTOX. press. Fortunately many were printed from his own manu- script, and have additions which often afford the date of translation or of printing. The foUomng table presents an arrangement of these books, from which we may obtain some DATES. TRANSLATION. PRINTING. 1477— Nov. 18... 1478— Feb. 20... 1479— Feb. 3... Mar. 24... 1480— Apr. 22... June 10... Aug. 18... 1481— Jan. 2... Mar. 8... Mar. 12... June 6... June 7... Aug. 12... Nov. 20... 1482-Julv 2... Oct. 8... 1483— June 1... June 6... June 30... Sept. 2... Not. 20... Dec. 23... 1484— Jan. 31... Mar. 26... Sept.' 13... 1485— June 18... July 31... Aug. 31... Dec. 1... Dec. 19... 1480- June 8... 1487— May 11... 1489— Jan. 23... May 7... July 8... 1490— June 15... June 22... July 14... Dictes, 1st edition (e) Moral Proverbs (e) Cordyale (b) Cordyale (c) Chronicles, 1st edit, (e) Description, 1st ed. (age8, three and a half months; "Good Manners," lo2 images, eleven months; and " Fayts of Arms," 286 pages, more than a year. Caxton's o^\^l translations made in this country were The Whole Life of Jason ; the Mirror of the World ; Reynart the Fox; Godfrey of BuUoyn; the Golden Legend; the book called Caton ; the Knight of the Tower ; ^sop's Fables ; the Order of Chivalry ; the Royal Book ; the Life of Charles the Great ; the History of the Knight Paris and the Fair Vienne ; the Book of Good Manners ; the Doctrinal of Sapience ; the Fayts of Arms ; the Art and Craft to Die Well ; Eneydos ; the Curial ; the Life of St. Winifred ; Blanchardin and Eglan- tine; the Four Sons of Aymon; and the Gouvernayle of Health. These contain more than 4,500 printed i)ages. The total produce of his press, excluding the liooks printed at Bruges, reaches to above 18,000 pages, nearly all of folio size. These figures speak more forcibly than any argument for the great industry and pei*8everance of Caxton ; and to this list must be added the translation of the "Yitfe Patnim," w'hich 84 WILLIAM CAXTON. he finished only a few hours before his death, but did not live to print. Those who have blamed Gaxton for not choosing the Bible, or the works of Greece and Rome for the use and instruction of his countrymen, have quite overlooked the impossibility of making a business profitable (and Caxton tells us, in " Charles the Great," that he earned his living by it), unless it supplied the wants of the age. The demand in England in the fifteenth century was not for Bibles in the vernacular, nor for Horace, nor for Homer, whose ^\Titings very few could read in the original texts;* but the clergy wanted Service-books, and Caxton accordingly provided them with Psalters, Commemorations, and Directories ; the preachers wanted Sermons, and were supplied with the "Golden Legend," and other similar books ; the " prynces, lordes, barons, knyghtes & gentilmen" were craving for "joyous and pleysaunt his- toryes" of chivalry, and the press at the " Bed-pale" produced a fresh romance nearly every year. Poetry and history require for their appreciation a more advanced mental education, and of these, therefore, the issue was more scanty. By thus bring- ing his commercial experience to bear upon his new vocation, and by accommodating the supply to the demand, while, at the same time, he in no slight degree directed the channel in which that demand should flow, Caxton contrived to earn an honest living by the produce of his press, and to avoid the fate of his typographical brethren at Rome, Sweynheim and Pannartz, who, having printed too many works of the * The historian Gibbon regrets that in the choice of authors Caxton '* was reduced to comply with the vicious taste of his readers ; to gratify the nobles with treatises on heraldry, hawking {^Caxton printed notJiing of the sorf^y and the game of Chess ; and to amuse the popular credulity with romances of fabulous knights and legends of some fabulous saints. The father of printing expresses a laudable desire to elucidate the liistor}' of his country ; but instead of publishing the the Latin chronicle of Kadulphus Higden {^wJiich very few could liave read'] he could only venture on the English version by John de Trevisa .... the world is not indebted to England for one frstt edition of a classic author! " WESTMINSTER. 85 classic authors, about 12,000 volumes in five years, became bankrupt, and sank under the dead weight of their unsold volumes. Thus, in the selection of books for his press, some of which he obtained "with grete instaunce, labour, and coste" — in translating and printing — in friendly communication and intercourse with the best educated men of his day — in the discharge of the social duties of his position — Oaxton passed the few remaining years of his life. In 1491, when close upon seventy years of age, but still in full vigour of mind, he undertook the translation of the "Vitas Patrum." Whether disease was at this time gradually undermining his health, or whether, as the following colophon renders more probable, he was taken off suddenly, is unknoT^^l ; but it is an interesting fact that he was spared to work at his favoiuite task of translation till within a few hours of his death. The following is Wynken de Worde's colophon to the " Vit^e Patrum : " — " Thus endyth the moost vertuouse hys- torye of the deuoute and right renowned ly^-es of holy faders lyuynge in deserte, worthy of remembraunce to all wel dysposed persones which hath be translated oute of Frenche into Englisshe by William Oaxton of Westmjiistre late deed and fynysshed at the laste daye of hys lyff," The exact date of his death has not been ascertained ; but the burial is entered in the parish accounts for 1490-92, and from the position of the entry would appear to have taken place towards the close of the year 1491. .This date is con- finned by the following manuscript note, quoted by Ames : — "There is wrote dowTi in a very old hand in a Fnwtm Tpmpoi'um of my friend Mr. Ballard's, of Cambden, in Glou- cestershire : — * Of your charitee pray for the soul of Mayster Wyllyam Caxton, that in hys time was a man of moche oniate and moche renommed Avysdome and connyng, and decessed fill crystenly the yere of our Lord MCCCC lxxxxj.' " " Moder of Merci shyld him fro thorribul fynd, And bryng hym to lyff eternall that ucuyr hath }Tid.'* He was buried in his o^^^l parish churchyard, and in the 80 WILLIAM CAXTOX. account-books of the churchwardens appear the ft)llowin^ funeral charges : — Item atte Burcyng of William Caxton for iiij torches ... vj s viij d Item for the belle atte same bureyng vj d These fees are considerably higher than those paid by the majority of the parishioners, and ai-e equalled in but very few instances; they thus afford farther evidence of the superior position held by our printer in his parish. Caxton's property consisted probably of little more than his stock in trade. He nevertheless left a will, as fifteen copies of the "Golden Legend" are recorded in the parish accounts as having been " bequothen to the chirch Ixihove by WiUiam Caxston." The " Golden Legend " was first printed in 1484, but the second edition, of which the bequest proba- bly consisted, was not executed till four or five years later. By the churchwardens' account for 1496-98, it appears that by that time they had disposed of three of the fifteen copies : one for 6s Sd, and another for 6s 4^, by the agency of William Ryolle ; and one for Gs Sd to the parish priest, probably for his own use. Within the next two years William Geiffe took five copies at an average of 5s 4:d each ; John Crosse one copy at 5s 8^; Walter Marten one at 5s 11^; and Daniel Aforge one at 5s 10^; another being sold in "Westmynster halle" for 5s 8^. This should have left remaining, in 1500, four copies to be accounted for, but the "Memorandum" acknowledges only th?^ee ; probably one copy had been appro- priated by the churchwardens to the use of their church. Two more copies were sold in the ensuing two years, and one left unaccounted for. The discovery of Caxton's will would probably settle satis- factorily many questions about his family and relations, but all the registries in which it might possibly have been depo- sited have been searched without success. That our knowledge of William Caxton is confined ahnost entirely to his public life, is much to be regretted. We can trace to some extent his career in commerce as well as in diplomacy. As a printer too, we can judge of him by an WESTMIK8TER. 87 examination of his works ; but when we wish to portray the man as a master, or in domestic life, or we desire to know what his neighbours thought of him, we fail for want of reliable material. From his appending a bitter satire on " women " to the " Dictes and Sayings of the Philosophers," we might have inclined to think him a bachelor, did we not know that he had a wife and daughter when he came to England ; but that he was unmarried while " governor " at Bruges is almost certain, as the rules of celibacy were very strict among mer- chants living out of their own countries. The Steel Yard merchants had a stringent law on the subject, and the Mer- chant Adventurers were doubtless guided by the same policy. We naturally turn to the prologues and epilogues attached to Caxton's translations for traits of character, but here again, we are surrounded by difficulties. There existed in those days no rights in literature. Every author took from others what best suited his puri)ose, and that without acknowledg- ment, except to give authority to his o\^ii opinions. This practice has involved many of the worlds of that period in considerable obscurity. Caxton was not free from this charac- teristic of his age, and we accordingly find him appropriating whole prologues and epilogues from the French originals, altering them only when inapplicable to himself Such in- stances may be seen in the "Chess Book," the "Mirror," the " Golden Legend," " Charles," and others. Great care is therefore requisite to distinguish between Caxton's o\^ii thoughts and the mere translation of those of others. But, after making due allowance for all this, there yet remains, in Caxton's prologues and epilogues, a substratum of indi- viduality, which muist be the basis for any right appreciation of his character. His repeated eulogies of Edward IV, and the members of his family, indicate that all his political sympathies were with the House of York. This wiis but natural, for the development of trade consetiuent upon amity between England and the princes of the Low Countries, made all the English merchants staunch adherents to the White Rose. His AVTitings also reveal that he had a deep sense of religion, and was strict in the observance of his Christian 88 WILLIAM CAXTON. duties. Although in one sense the greatest reformer that this country has ever known, he was quite unconscious of the tendency of the art wliich he introduced. In the tone of his mind he was indeed eminently conservative, comparing the good old times of his apprenticeship mth the degeneracy of the succeeding generations, when in the youth of London there was " no kernel nor good corn found, but chaff for the most part." Much concerned was he to note in his latter days the decline of chivalry, and he urged his Sovereign to take imme- diate measures for its revival, even to the extent of engaging in a new crusade against the Turks for the recovery of the " holy cyte of Jherusalem." Conservative as he was in theory, there seems reason to believe that he was no less so in practice. Caxton never gave in to the new-fangled ideas of printers about the advantage of title-pages to books, though if we may judge from the fact of Wynken de Worde using them imme- diately after his master's death, he was of the reverse opinion. In the adoption of signatures, initials, and lines of an even length, he was very tardy, and from the use of red ink he was evidently averse. As a linguist, Caxton undoubtedly excelled. In his native tongue, notwithstanding his self-depreciation, he seems to have been a master. His Amtings, and the style of his trans- lations, will bear comparison Mith Lydgate, with Gower, with Earl Rivers, the Earl of Worcester, and other contempo- raneous writers. Many of his readers, indeed, thought him too " ornate " and " over curious " in his diction, and desired him to use more homely terms ; but, since others found fault with him for not using polished and courtly phrases, we may fairly presume that he attained the happy medium, " ne over rude, ne over curious," at which he aimed. When excited by a favourite subject, as the "Order of Chivalry," he waxed quite eloquent ; and the appeal of Caxton to the knighthood of England, has been often quoted as a remarkable specimen of fifteenth-century declamation. AYith the French tongue he was thoroughly conversant, although he had never been in France ; but Bruges was almost French, and in the Court of Burgundy, as well as in that of England, French was the WESTMINSTER. 89 chief medium of conversation. With Flemish he was also well acquainted, as shown by his translation of " Reynart ;" indeed, this language, after so long a residence in Bruges, must have become almost his mother-tongue. Caxton's knowledge of Latin has often been denied or underrated ; but as goveni(fr of the EngUsh nation in Bruges, and as ambassador, he must have been able to read the treaties he assisted to conclude, and the correspondence )i\ith the king's council. Moreover, he printed books entirely in the Latin tongue, some of which were full of contractions, and could only ha^'e been undertaken by one well acquainted with that language. These were the "Infancia Salvatoris," three editions of the "Directorium Sacerdotum," a "Psal- terium," " Horae," " Tractatus de Transfiguracione," and several "Indulgences." To "ordain in print" a Latin manu- script of the fourteenth or fifteenth century required a knowledge of the language on the part of the workman as well a£ of the master ; for, as the letters n and u were identical in shape, and as m and t varied only in the number of strokes, the latter being without a dot, it was impossible to read some words — for instance, mitiiiiiuiii (minimum), where fifteen parallel strokes distract the eye — apart from their context. We have, however, in the English translation of the " Golden Legend" positive evidence on this point; for, in the "Life of Saynt Rocke," the printer says, "which lyff is translated oute of latyn in to englysshe by me wyllyam Caxton." As translator, editor, and author, Caxton has not received his due meed of praise. The works wliich he undertook at the suggestion of his patrons, as well as those selected by himself, are honestly translated, and, considering the age in which he lived, are well chosen. Romances, the favourite literature of his age, were Caxton's great delight — and that not merely for the feats of personal prowess which they nar- rated, although no quality was more desirable in the fifteenth century, but rather, a« he himself says, for the examples of "courtesy, humanity, friendliness, hardiness, love, cowardice, murder, hate, \'irtue, and sin," which " inflamed the hearts of the readers and hearere to eschew and flee works vicious and 90 WILLIAM CAXTOX. dishonest." In Poetry Caxton shows to great advantage, for he printed all the works of any merit which then existed. The prologue to his second edition of the " Canterbury Tales" proves how anxious he was to be correct, and at the same time shows the difficulty he had in obtaining manuscripts free from error. The poetical reverence with which Caxton speaks of Chaucer, " the first founder of ornaie eloquence in our English," and the pains he took to reprint the " Canter- bury Tales " when a purer text than that of his first edition was offered to him, show his high appreciation of England's first great poet. In History the only available works in English were the "Chronicle of Brute" and the "Polycroni- cou;" the latter Caxton carried down, to the best of his ability, to nearly his owii time. It was, indeed, as a writer of history that Caxton was best knoTNoi to our older authors, some of whom, while including his name among those of English historians, have overlooked the far more important fact that he was also England's prototypographer. AU reference to the literary forgery of Atkyns, who, in the seventeenth century, to support his claim to certain exclusive privileges of printing under the king's patent, invented the foolish story of the abduction, by Tumour and Caxton, of one of the Haarlem workmen, and his settlement at Oxford in 1464, has here been purposely omitted. The whole account is so evidently false, so entirely at variance with the known facts in Caxton's history, and has been so often disproved in works on English typography, that it needs no further refutation. As to Caxton's industry, it was marvellous : at an age when most men begin to take life easily, he not only embarked in an entirely new trade, but added to the duties of its general supervision and management, which could never have been light, the task of supplying his workmen with copy from his own pen. The extraordinary amount of printed matter, original, and translated, which he put forth has already been noticed ; but there seems reason to beheve that some of his works, both printed and manuscript, have been entirely lost. Of his translation of the " Metamorphoses of Ovid," only Book XV has been preserved ; but we may be certain that Caxton WESTMIKSTEE. 91 never would have begun to translate at the end of a work ; and it seems probable, as the manuscript is evidently intended for the press, that the whole was printed as well as translated. Moreover several of Caxton's works being unique, and others having been but recently discovered, we may conclude that time will yet reveal to us other specimens. Great interest would attach to a veritable portrait of Caxton, but although two or three have been published, they are all apocryphal. The only one that has any appearance of probability is the small defaced illumination in the maim- gcript of " Dictes and Sayings" at Lambeth Palace, which has received too much praise from Horace Walpole, who engraved it for his " Royal and Noble Authors." King Edward IV is represented on his throne, with the young prince (to whom Earl Rivers was tutor) standing by his side: there are two kneeling figures, one of which. Earl Rivers, is presenting to the king a copy of his own translation, which Horace Walpole assumes to have been printed by the other, who of course would then be Caxton. If this were the case it would be very interesting ; but unfortunately the second figure is evi- dently an ecclesiastic, as shown by his tonsure, and apparently represents " Hay wardc " the scribe, who engrossed the copy, and probably executed the illumination. The portrait com- monly received as that of Caxton, and which first appeared in his " Life," by Lewis, is thus accounted for by Dr. Dibdin : — " A portrait of BurcMeUo, the Italian poet, from an octavo edition of his work on Tuscan poetry, of the date of 1554, was inaccurately copied by Faithorne for Sir Hans Sloane, as the portrait of Caxton." In Lewis's " Life," this portrait was "improved" by adding a thick beard to Burchiello's chin, and otherwise altering his character ; and in this form the Italian poet made his appearance, upon copper, as Caxton. Ames, Herbert, Marchand, and others, have reproduced this absurd engraving. From a note, however, TVTitten by Lewis to Ames, it appears that, although Lewis admitted the portrait, it was Bagford's creative genius that invented it, as may also be inferred from Lewis's own subscription " mv. Bafifard," upon the plate. 92 WILLIAM C.VXTON. As an instance of his appreciation of a higher life than can be obtained from riches alone, we will quote an anecdote which Caxton himself wrote, and added as an appendix to " JSsop's Fables." " There were dwelling in Oxford two priests, both Masters of Art, of whom that one was quick and could put himself forth, and that other was a good simple priest. And so it happened that the master that was pert and quick was anon promoted to a benefice or two, and after to prebends, and for to be a dean. So after long time this worshipful man, this dean, came riding into a good parish with ten or twelve horses, like a prelate, and came into the church of the said parish, and found there tliis good simple man, sometime his fellow, which came and welcomed him lowly. And that other bade him. Good morrow. Master John, and took him slightly by the hand and axed him where he dwelled. And the good man said. In this parish. How ! said he. Are ye here a soul-priest or a parish-priest ? Xay, sir, said he ; for lack of a better I am parson and curate of this parish. Then that other availed his bonnet and said. Master parson, I pray you be not displeased, I had supposed you not to be beneficed; but, master, said he, I pray you, what is this benefice worth to you a year ? Forsooth, said the good simple man, I wot not, for I make never account thereof, although I have had it four or five yeai-s. And know you not what it is worth ! it should seem a good benefice? No, forsooth, said he; but I wot well what it shall be worth to me. Why, said he, what shall it be worth ? Forsooth, if I do my true dihgence in the cure of my parishioners in preaching and teaching, and do the part belonging to my cure, I shaU have heaven therefor. And if their souls be lost, or one of them by my default, 1 shall he punished therefor, and hereof am I sure. And with that word the rich dean was abashed. This was a good answer of a good priest and and honest." No attempt has been made in the preceding sketch to exalt Caxton at the expense of historical truth. As England's first typographer, a never-dying interest will surround his name. Except as a printer, he nowhere shines forth pre- WESTMINSTEB. 93 eminent. But although we cannot attribute to him those rare mental powers which can gra«p the hidden laws of nature, nor the still more rare creative genius which endures through- out all time, we can claim for him a character which attracted the love and respect of his associates — a character on which history has chronicled no stain — a character which, although surroimded, through a long period of civil war, by the worst forms of cruelty, hypocrisy, and injustice in Church and State, retained to the last its innate simplicity and truthfiilness. CHAPTER TX. THE MASTER PRINTER. HE question of the exact spot upon which England's first printing press was estab- lished has already been discussed. The well-kno^^^l advertisement of Caxton, which states that pies of Salisbury use were on sale at the "Red-pale," in the almonry, at Westminster, not only indicates the position of his house, but also the sign by Avhich it was known. The precise appearance of the almonry in the fifteenth century nnist be to some extent imaginary, but we know that alms- houses were there, and probably two or three structures besides that occupied by Caxton. We will now ask the reader to imagine fourteen years passed since Caxton first began working at his new art. It is not difficult to picture the wooden building in the almonry occupied by his sedate but busy workmen. We can look in at yonder window, and see the venerable master printer him- self "sittjiig in his studye where lay many and dyuerse paunflettis and bookys." The great towers of Westminster Abbey cast their shadow across the room, for he is an early riser and already at work upon his translation of the new French romance, called "Eneydos." The "fayre and ornate termes" of his author give him "grete plasyr," and he labours, almost without intermission, till the low sun, blazing from the western windows, w-ams him of the day's decline. THE MASTER PRINTER. Again, we watch him pass with observant eye through the rooms where his servants are at work ; we see the movements of the Compositors, who ply their rapid fingers close to the narrow windows ; we hear the thud-thud of the wooden presses as the workmen "pull to" and "send home" the "bar," discussing meanwhile the latest news; and we sympathise with the binder, who, hammering away at the volume between his knees, looks in despair at the ever-increasing progeny of his master's art. Piles of books and printed " quayers " rise on all sides, and many a wise head is ominously shaken at the folly of supposing that purchasers can be found for so many books. Nevertheless Caxton pursues his busy course, ever at work with mind and body, preparing copy for the press, and guiding and instructing his workmen in the art which he had learned in Bruges at " grete charge and dispense," and the practices of which are to be explained in the following chapter. Of all the workmen employed at the " Red-pale," the names of three only have descended to us. Wynken de "Worde, who was probably a native of the town of Worth in Belgium, appears to have been the chief man. When he entered Caxton's service is unknown ; it was probably at an early age, as he was still living in the year 1535. In 1491 he succeeded to the stock in trade of his deceased master, but he did not append his ovm name to his books until 1493. He used many varieties of Caxton's " mark." Richard Pynson speaks respectfully of Caxton as " my worshipful master." He at first set up a press just outside Temple Bar, and used Caxton's device in his books. William Copland remained for some time after Caxton's death in the service of Wynken de Worde. He, too, in his prologue to "Kynge Apolyne of Thyre," mentions "my master Caxton." Doubtless there were many others, and some have supposed that Machlinia, Lettou, and Tr^eris were among the number; but there is no evidence that these printers were ever reckoned among Caxton's workmen. We come now to the mechanical means by which, during fourteen years, Caxton carried on his business. Was the 96 WILLIAM CAXTON. process of book-making the same as it is at the present time ? What sorts of types, and how many founts were used ? How were the types made, and what were their sizes ? Did the compositors use upper and lower case, sticks, chases, brass rule, reglets, farniture, and the various appliances of a modern composing-room ? What were the presses like, and the practices of the pressmen ? And lastly. In what form were Caxton's books issued to the public ? To most of these questions it would, at first sight, seem as though no definite answer could be given ; but when attention is directed to the books themselves, undesigned, and therefore most trustworthy, evidence will be fomid in them as to many technical customs and peculiarities of the early printers. Before the invention of printing, the art of book-making, mechanically considered, was divided into three departments : the manufacture of the material upon which to Avrite, almost entirely parchment or vellum ; the ink making and the writ- ing, the scribe being his own ink maker ; and the binding. Illuminators there were, of course, but their work was merely ornamental, and by no means necessary to the idea of a book. In monasteries famous for the diffusion of learning all these branches were carried on together. So- has it been with printers, who, from the infancy of their art to the present time, have occasionally included everything necessary to a perfect book in one establishment. If all the trades which, either directly or indirectly, are called into operation by printers were to be enumerated, few indeed would be omitted ; nevertheless, the absolute necessaries for the production of a book are — the material upon which to print, the types and presses mth which to print, and the workmen to handle them. We will, therefore, consider Caxton's books under the follow- ing heads : — The paper. j To these may be added, al- The types. | though not as necessary The compositor. | assistants : The press, the pressman, and the ink. The bookbinder. The rubricator, illuminator, and wood-engTaver. THE MASTER PIUNTEIl. 97 THE PAPER. Fortunately, there is no need to enter here upon the obscure origin of the manufacture of paper. The only ques- tion which concerns us is — What kind of paper did C ax ton use, and whence did he obtain it ? He certainly had several sizes ; the largest, which was probably found too unwieldy, was used only for the first two editions of the " Golden Legend," an uncut copy of which, in the University Library at Cam- bridge, gives 22 X 15| inches for the full measurement of a whole sheet. The large size of this ' book was, doubtless, suited to its intended use — ^in the public services of the church. He likewise used several smaller sizes, which varied according to the moulds in which the sheets were made, from 18i X 13 inches to 16 x 11 inches. The quality of the paper varied considerably, though not to the extent apparent in the books as they now exist — chemical " doctoring " and washing, which have in many instances been resorted to for cleansing purposes, having weakened and rotted much of the paper so treated, whilst the untouched specimens remain strong and fibrous. We observe in books still in the original bindings, and apparently untouched, that the paper was rough — sometimes very rough — on the surface, with long hairs frequently imbedded in it, and marks where many more had been removed ; of a strong fibrous texture, unbleached, and of a clear mellow whiteness, indicating an absence of colouring matter in the pulp. The axicompanying woodcut shows a paper-mill of this period. A water-wheel was arranged to turn a wooden shaft upon which were rows of cogs which continually hfted up to the height of a few inches a number of wooden pestles, and then let them fall upon the material, which was always in shallow water. The whole of the fibre was thus retained with its length and strength uninjured. Wlien the pulp was ready it was taken up, in small quantities, into the hand-mould, and formed into a sheet. There would be no difficulty what- ever in making paper nowadays in a similar manner, only no one in the trade would spare the time and labour, and no one H 98 WILLIAM CAXTON. out of the trade would pay for the cost and trouble of its production. The unevenness in thickness and colour to which the manufacture was liable at this early period, appears to have necessitated a sorting of the sheets after they came from the mill ; those nearest to each other in colour and weight being put together. This system of selection was adopted occa- sionally for single copies, economy being doubtless the induce- ment. When two or three examples of a book can be com- pared together this fact is often very evident, as in the two copies of "The Knight of the Tower" which are in the British Museum, where the variation in quality is too great to be accounted for except by this practice of selection. Several other instances show that Caxton, when preparing to print a new volume, told off the paper separately for certain copies. This custom also accounts for the astonishing variety of water-marks frequently found in one volume. Some possessors of uncut specimens of Caxton's press have imagined them to be " large paper copies," but we have no evidence that Caxton designedly printed special copies, except, perhaps, in the instances of the vellum " Doctrinal " and THE MASTER PRIKTER. 99 " Directorium," hereafter to be noticed, but of these the appearance is by no means that of livres de luxe. Watermarks are of much less value in bibliography than some writers have ima^ned. In but very few instances can a hmit of time be fixed for their use ; and as the marks might be repeated, or the paper itself kept for any length of time, and imported to any place, they cannot be used as evidence either of the date when, or the place where, a book passed through the press. The arms of France — three fleurs-de-lis on a shield, surmounted by a crown — ^which appear as a watermark in "Le Recueil des Histoires de Troyes," have been adduced by M. Bernard as evidence of the French origin of the printed work. He was doubtless unaware that the same watermark appears in " The Eecuyell," " Canterbury Tales," 1st edition, "Mirrour," 1st edition, "Jason," "Chronicles," "Polycronicon," "Speculum Vitae Christi," "Dictes," 2nd edition, and many others, embracing the whole of Caxton's typographical career. When, however, paper bears the arms of a nation or a city, Ave may, in such a case, fairly conjecture, although not with certainty, the seat of its manufacture. It appears likely that all Caxton's paper was imported from the Low Countries, and it was in all probability purchased from some old connection in the great mart of Bruges. But where- ever obtained, there was a great intermixture of quaUties, including the make of several mills. "We have never yet seen one of Caxton's books in which the same watermark runs through the whole volume, and in many cases the variety is astonishing. Thus, in a copy of the first edition of the " Canterbury Tales," now in the library of Mr. Huth, there appear no less than fifteen distinct watermarks. A few of the marks found in Caxton's books are here given. As already remarked, they indicate the Low Coun- tries as the land of their origin, and most of them are found also in the block-books, the works of Colard Mansion, Gerard Leeu, and other early printers. No. 1. The Bull's Head, which appears in the earliest speci- mens of paper known, and was a favourite symbol with H 2 100 WILLIAM CAXTON. No. 1. No. 4. THE MASTER PRINTEB. 101 No. 5. No. 6. 102 WILLIAM CAXTOJf. paper makers of the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries. The varieties of it are very numerous. No. 2. The Arms of John the Fearless, son of Philip the Hardy. As eldest son the field is charged with a label : the superimposed cross referring to his crusade in 1395. This and the six succeeding marks have a direct connection with the ruling dynasty in Flanders and the Low Countries. No. 3. The letter p is very common in Caxton's books, and is perhaps the initial of Philip the Good ; although paper bearing a p had also been made in the reign of Philip the Hardy. Its varieties are very numerous. No. 4. The letter g is thought by Sotheby to be the initial of Ysabel, third wife of Philip the Good. Mr. Sotheby, in his hst of Caxton's watermarks, mentions the p and g combined, as occurring in the British Museum copy of "Jason." During a careful search, however, in the same copy, I was unable to detect any such mark. No. 5. The Unicorn — a symbol of powder adopted by PhiUp the Good, who chose two unicorns as supporters of his coat-of-arms. The same figure was used extensively as an ornament in his palace and furniture. No. 6. The Arms of France. These were frequently used by paper-makers of the Low Countries, probably in refer- ence to the direct descent of the House of Burgundy from the Kings of France. No. 7. The Arms of Champagne. This province was ceded to the Duke of Burgundy in 1430 by the King of France. No. 8. The Hand, over which is a single fleur-de-lis, the peculiar badge of the House of Burgundy. In Caxton's books the p is the most common among the watermarks, the order of frequency among the others being as follows : — The Hand or Glove ; the Arms of Champagne ; the Bull's Head ; the Arms of France ; the Greyhound ; the the Arms of John the Fearless ; Shears ; a Pot ; an Anchor ; an Unicorn ; a Bull ; a Cross ; Grapes ; a Pelican, &c. THE MASTER PEINTER. 103 The reader curious on this point may see numerous other watermarks figured by Mr. Sotheby in the third volume of his " Principia Typograpliica." Many of these are merely varia- tions of the mark, the paper being made in the same mould. An accidental injury, or even the wear and tear of the mould by constant use, often caused a contortion of the wires. In rare instances the watermark occurs uninjured in shape, but quite at the edge of the paper. This has been accounted for by supposing the fine wires which held the watermark in its place on the mould to have become loosened by decay, or some accident, and so allowed the mark to slide along the face of the mould, but it is more probably caused by the use of large sheets of paper cut down to a smaller size. Of the value of paper in Caxton's time we may form some idea from the prices paid by the directors of the Kipoh press, at Florence, between 1474 and 1483. An originaT "Cost book" of this establishment is still extant in the Magliabechian library at Florence. It is one of the most interesting docu- ments connected with early typography, and has been edited and published by the Padre Vincenzio Fineschi. From this it appears that the following nine sizes or qualities of paper were then in use, the EngUsh prices given being about the present equivalent, reckoning the lira at 3s 9^?. PER REAM. 1. Large paper of Bologna in common folio, about £l 4 2 2. Middling ditto ditto . . 33 2 J 3. Small ditto ditto . . 11 3^ 4. Paper of Fabriauo, with a crossbow for water- mark 12 4J 5. Ditto, with a cross for watermark .... 8 7^ 6. Paper of CoUe 8 7^ 7. Paper of Prato 9 4J 8. Paper of Pescia, with spectacks for watermark 10 10 J 9. The same, with a ^Zoi'e for watermark ... 9 Zanetti quotes a document, dated 1483, which states the price of paper in Florence to have been, at that period, for " Carta reale, quaderni 10... 3 lir. 6 sol.8d ;" and for " Carta da 104 WILLIAM CAXTON. Bcrivere il quademo...l8 sol.;" that is, royal paper about 12s 5d per ten quires, and writing paper 3s 4^ per quire. The first paper maker in England was John Tate. He manufactured specially for Caxton's successor, Wynken de Worde, who thus announces the fact in his edition of " Bar- tholoma3us de Proprietatibus," printed about the year 1498 : — "And John Tate the younger, Joye mote he broke, Whiche late hath in Englond doc Made this paper thynne, • That now in oure englisshe This boke is prynted Innc." Tate, who died in 1514, and whose A\ill is preserved in the principal registry of the Court of Probate, left considerable property, several of his legacies being in paper. It is somewhat remarkable that Caxton should have made so sparing a use of vellum for his books, and should have been so indifferent about the quality of the skins which he did employ. The only examples known are a copy of the " Doc- trinal of Sapience," at Windsor Castle, for a long time thought to be unique, and a "Speculum vitas Christi," now in the British Museum, to which may be added a few slips on which Indulgences are printed. THE TYPES. The question of the invention of moveable types, like that of the origin of paper, is one into which we have no need here to enter. The majority of writers on this subject having been unacquainted with the characteristics of type, have strayed far and wide in the discussion. M. Bernard, however, WTiting as a practical printer, has done much to dispel numerous misapprehensions, and especially that common error of supposing that the first moveable types were cut in wood. We now proceed to lay before the reader the earliest notices of typefounders, and such evidence as may explain the mechanics of typefounding in the fifteenth century, especially with reference to the types of Caxton. THE MASTER PRINTER. 105 Perhaps no part of the Typographic Art is hidden in more utter darkness than the early manufacture of the types. Oonsiderable secrecy no doubt accompanied all the operations of the first printers, and was maintained down to a com- paratively late period. Moreover, it was but natural that the results of the new art should hold a more prominent place in men's minds than the processes by which those results were produced, and thus, although printers and printing were often mentioned, we find nothing concerning the mechanical part of typefounding anterior to that curious little book of trades, with illustrations by Jost Amman, which was issued at Frankfort in 1568 The author, in the few lines which accom- pany the illustration, omits all reference to the process, but, from the woodcut of the " SchriflFfcgiesser " and his tools, we shall further on draw some practical inferences concerning early typefounding. Whether Caxton, whose account of his first typographical venture is contained in the prologue to the Third Book of " The Recuyell," made himself acquainted with the manufac- . ture as well as with the use of his types there is no evidence to prove. He simply remarks, " Therefore I have practysed and lerned at my grete charge and dispense to ordeyne this said book in prynte." If he only procured types and presses, and the requisite knowledge to control their use, it no doubt cost him a considerable sum. The probability is that his first two founts were cast at Bruges according to his instructions, and that he brought the second over with him to Westminster. But, when once settled in his native country, we may weU consider whether he would not, for convenience sake, have become his own typefounder. No stray hint or remark can be found to incline us to the one opinion or the other. Several generations of printers passed away before we find in any work the slightest allusion to English typefounders. The earliest appears in Archbishop Parker's preface to Asser's Chronicle of King Alfred, where, in speaking of the Saxon types with which the book was printed, the editor states that as far as he knew. Day, the printer, was the first to cut them : — " lam ver5 cumDayus typographus primus (& omnium 106 WILLIAM CAXTON. certe quod sciam solus) has formulas seri inciderit : facile quae Saxonicis Uteris perscripta sunt, iisdem typis diuulgabuntur." This leads us to suppose that John Day was only one type- founder among others, and that therefore the art was at that time by no means a novel one in England. Seventy years later we find typefounding a distinct trade in London, and under rigid Government protection, as we learn from the following decree : — "Decreed by the Court of Starre-Chamber, 11th July, 1637:— "That there shall be Four Founders of letters for printing and no more. "That the Archbishop of Canterbury or the Bishop of London, with Six other High Commissioners, shall supply the places of those four as they shall become void. "That no master Founder shall keep above two Apprentices at one time." Despite this restrictive care, however, the typefounders of Holland and Flanders supplied English Printers with better types than native art could produce, until the estabhshment of a foundry by the first Caslon. The only English author before the rise of encyclopsedias, who described the process of type manufacture was Joseph Moxon. This ingenious author, writing in 1683, gives an account of the whole Art of Printing, as practised in an im- proved style by himself, and devotes several chapters to the various methods of punch cutting, matrix sinking, and type founding. The process then adopted was very similar to that still in use, and difiered greatly from that of Caxton, or Caxton's typefounder. The practice of Moxon, like that of modern typefounders, was to cut each letter in relief on a piece of steel to form the punch — to strike this punch into a small piece of copper, which made the matrix — and then to fit this matrix to the bottom of an iron mould into which the liquid metal was poured. The mould, which formed the shank of the type, was capable of a sliding adjustment, widthwisc, to the width of the various letters (from an i to THE MASTER PRINTER. 107 an ^); the depth or size of the bodi/ always remaining the same throughout the fount. Thus, by using each matrix successively in the same mould, exactness in size of body was insured. The want of this exactness, indicated by the uneven appear- ance of the lines, and other considerations, lead to the con- clusion that the fifteenth-century printers did not practise this method, but is very difficult even to speculate upon that which they did employ in the production of their types. The examination of many specimens has led me to conclude that two schools of typography existed together. The ruder con- sisted of those printers who practised their art in Holland and the Low Countries, and who, by degrees only, adopted the better and more perfect methods of the school founded in Germany by the celebrated trio — Fust, Gutenberg, and Schoeffer. None of these divulged the secrets of their art. One fact, however, we know with certainty, and that is that the German school employed the very best artists that Europe could produce to cut the patterns, or rather punches, for their types. In an interesting tract from the pen of Sir Anthony Panizzi it is proved that the celebrated Bolognese goldsmith, medallist and painter, Francia, was the artist w-ho cut all the Aldine types, the elegance of which ^N-ill for ever associate the name of Aldus with the perfection of printing. From the " Cost Book " of the Ripoli press, at Florence, we find also that steel, iron, and tin were used in the manufacture of types about 1480. But the English printers, whose prac- tice seems to have been derived from the Flemish school, were far behind their contemporaries in the art. Their types show that a very rude process of founding was practised, and the use, as will be described presently, of old types as patterns for new, evinces more of commercial expediency than of artistic ambition. That Caxton's types were really cast is evident from identity in the face of the same letter, w^here even a flaw may be noticed as recurring continuously; but the material of which the matrices were formed must be to a great extent conjectural. M. Bernard has given an interesting account of 108 WILLIAltf CAXTOir. some successful efforts to cast letters in sand, but his speci- men has not a single overhanging letter in it, and, from its size, was certainly much easier to produce than would have been the small types of Caxton ; yet in one respect, the " bad lining," or irregular heights of the letter, it has an interesting similitude to Caxton's types. In the office of Messrs. Caslon there are still in existence some large Roman capital letters (about 3 -line pica), which an old workman assured me he had himself used in by-gone years to form sand-moulds for type, a practice then by no means uncommon. We will now turn to the little book of engravings already mentioned as giving the earliest notice of the art. We there see somewhat of the practices of the Frankfort typefounders in 1568. The woodcut shows that even a century after the invention of the art there was an important difference from the modem plan, although probably the principle of punch, matrix and mould, was the same. There is a small furnace, with the pan of metal sunk in the top ; by the side are the bellows, basket of charcoal, and tongs. Close to the type- founder is the bowl into which he drops each type as it is cast ; and the artist has correctly dra^vn these types with the " break " of the letter still attached. The workman holds the mould in his left hand, and is pouring in metal from a ladle. On the table at his back is what appears to be a nest of very shallow drawers, which hold the matrices in alphabetical arrangement, while upon the top of the drawers are three or four matrices for immediate use. On the wooden shelves opposite are three moulds, some sieves, and crucibles. The sieves were probably for sifting the sand in which might be cast the large types, and in which the small ingots for use in the melting pot would be run. The main interest of this woodcut lies ui the type moulds, in which we notice a differ- ence in shape from those now used ; while the absence of the long wire spring which holds the matrix firm up to the mould indicates that, during its use, the matrix was a fixture in the mould. The foremost of the three moulds on the shelf shows in its side a hole which may possibly have been used for the insertion of a matrix. THE ItfASTER PRINTER. 109 As the early moulds were so dissimilar to those of modem use, let us look to the types themselves for evidence. Antici- pating the result of the analysis of the various founts used by Caxton (which will follow in its proper place) we find the conclusion inevitable that hard-metal punches were not used, and that even types themselves were used either as punches, or in some analogous way for the production of new founts. The use of large types to fonn matrices in sand (as in the case of Messrs. Caslon's foundry, above alluded to), was not uncommon in bygone years ; and that letters of a much smaller size can also be effectively employed as punches is interestingly illustrated by the shifts to which Benjamin Franklin, America's pioneer-printer, was put in the early days of the Transatlantic press. Franklin thus narrates his own practice : " Our printing-house often wanted sorts, and there was no letter-foundry in America ; I had seen types cast at James's in London, but without much attention to the manner ; however, / contrived a mouldy and made use of the letters we had as puncheons, struck the matrices in lead, and thus supplied, in a pretty tolerable way the deficiencies. / also engraved several things on occasion." The metal of which Caxton's types were cast can only be conjectured. The probability is that it was soft, and if even BO soft as lead it would have been sufficiently durable to have performed the work for the small impression required of each book. In demonstration of this the author procured, by the kindness of Messrs. Figgins, a fount of their Caxton types in pure lead, and composed a page of Caxton's " Chess Book," working it in the usual way, at a common hand press, and numbering each impression as it came from the tympan in order to note its gradual wear. The paper was royal cartridge of the common rough quality, and was worked dry. After 500 pulls, perceiving no appreciable wear, the author stopped the experiment, being sufficiently satisfied. Our conclusions then, in respect of the founding, are mainly negative. The moulds were unlike those now in use, and the punches were not of steel. The process, whatever it may have been, admitted of contrivances incompatible with 110 WILLIAM CAXTON. our present mode ; and we conjecture that the type-metal, if not of lead, was jet sufficiently soft to allow of it being easily trimmed up with a chisel. This trimming up, so often visible in Type No. 2*, misled the late Mr. Vincent Figgins, who, when examining the second edition of the " Game and Play of the Chess," came to the erroneous conclusion that the whole book was printed from types cut separately by hand, a con- clusion which he would never have adopted had he extended his examination to other and earlier works of Caxton in the same types. Let us now see what the founts of types really were that Caxton used. When we look at the long list of English authors who have written upon early typography, and when we recognise among the names those of Moxon, Palmer, Smith, Bowyer, Nichols, Stower, Watson, Hansard, and Timperley, all of whom were, as printers, practically acquainted with the art which employed their pens, it is a matter of some surprise that nothing like a correct account of Caxton's types ap- peared. Nor is it less remarkable that the only history of English typefounding is that by Rowe Mores, a well-knoTvn antiquarian, who was brought up for the Church, and who devoted many of the later years of his life to the collection of old moulds and matrices. He purchased all the old stock of the last of the old race of lelterfounders, Mr. James, of Bar- tholomew Close, whose extensive collection was said to date from the days of Wynken de Worde ; and it is much to be regretted that, after the death of Mr. Mores, his collections were not preserved intact. His catalogues of matrices exist- ing in his own day, or in his own possession, are probably exact enough ; but his account of the types used by Caxton and Wynken de Worde is ftdl of errors. During Caxton's career as a printer, viz., from about 1476 to 1491-2, or a period of seventeen years, he used eight separate founts or castings of letters. These eight founts we have called, according to their chronological appearance. No. 1, No. 2, No. 2*, No. 3, No. 4, No. 4*, No. ,5, and No. 6. THE MASTER PRINTER. Ill If we divide them into character of letter we find tliree 1st. Type No. 1 is distinct in character, and unlike any other known type. On comparison with a manuscript in the holograph of Colard Mansion, of Bruges, M. Bernard came to the conclusion that it was formed upon the handwriting of that celebrated caligrapher. 2nd. Types 2, 2*, 4, 4*, and 6, are of the same cha- racter as the early type of Colard Mansion, known as " gros batarde." 3rd. Types 3 and 5, were designed, like the characters of the Bible and Psalter of the early Mentz printers, upon the Church Text of the scribes, and approach nearer than any other of Caxton's types to what modem printers call " black letter." If, however, we divide the eight founts into distinct cuttings, we find five : — 1st. Type No. 1. 2nd. Type No. 2, modified first into No. 2*, and again into No. 6. 3rd. Type No. 8. 4th. Type No. 4, modified into No. 4*. 5th. Type No. 5. Type No. 1. Although we believe that Caxton had less to do with this than with any of the later types, yet, as it is the first with which his name is associated — as it is that by using which he obtained a knowledge of the art of printing — and as it is the type of the first English-printed book, — ^it is clothed with an interest peculiarly its o^n. The books printed with this fount are five : — The Recuyell of the Histories of Troy .... 1472-74 -^^^^5 ^^-6 ^x(^ The Game and Play of the Chess, 1st edition . . 1475-76 -5/V; ^''^> ^'^/ Le Recueil des Histoires de Troyes 1475-76 ^-i^ ^^/^, Les Fais du Chevalier Jason after 1476J7.^^n^ 'P!:i>'S, Les sept Pseaulmes penitenciaulx after 1476 >^JVT 112 WILLIAM CAXTON. From the rarity of " Les Fais du Jason," only one copy being in England, and that inconvenient for prolonged ex- amination, its peculiar features, if any, are not noticed in the following remarks. The first thing we observe in type No. 1 is, that its gene- ral appearance is more free and manuscript-like than would be thought the case from the square-set figure of each indi- vidual letter. This is, to a considerable extent, caused by the great variety of letters, there being only five for which there were not more than one matrix, either as single letters or in combination : for, although the differences between the various matrices of the same letter may be but very slight, we have here the fundamental principle of freedom, namely, a recurrence of modified sameness. The execution of the type is good, sharp, and decided, with sufficient difference between the repetitions of the same letter to indicate independence of of tracing or mechanical contrivance; hence probably the work of one accustomed to cut letters. The body of the type, which is identical throughout the five books, is the same as the recognised Great Primer of modern printers. The complete fount embraced at least 163 sorts, of which we remark upon the following : — a is not used in the English books, but often occurs in the French books. t is not used in " The Eecuyell " or the " Chess Book," but often occurs in " Le Recueil " and " Les sept Pseaulmes." It is often used for an 1^ in the French books, but always correctly in the English books. /I. — This incongruous and badly-cut letter appears about twelve times, in various grades of bad casting, before the recto of folio 36 of " The Recuyell," after which it is not found. i^ is only found in the English books, where it is sometimes used for a M. Arabic numerals do not occur in this fount. There are only three marks of punctuation, which may be called — the comma, or oblique stroke (/), the colon (:), and the full point (.). They are used arbitrarily as to THE MASTER PKINTER. 113 power, and in numerous varieties of combination, such as, •/ V A ./' •/• // :. ♦:• ••.:••. &c., &c. From the foregoing remarks it wall be seen that there are certain letters peculiar to the English and others peculiar to the French books printed in this type ; and as these are not in any way attributable to the fashion of the language, the fact strongly corroborates the opinion that, although from the same printer, the compositor, and perhaps the cases, were changed. Type No. 2. This was the first fount used in England when Caxton set up his presses at the " Eed-pale" in the Almonry, and, before remarking upon its peculiarities, we will give a list of the books knoA^Ti to have been printed from it. Of these, as will be shown further on, there are two easily-distinguished classes; those printed first, with type No. 2, and those printed after- wards, with a re-casting of the fount, which we call type No. 2*. TYPE No. 2. Les quatre derrenieres choses anU 1477 -^-^^ » History of Jason circa 1477 ^^V'. cvir^ Dictes and Sayings of the Philosophers, 1st edition . 1477 ^A', ^^r^^^^ Horae, 1st edition circa 1477 <^^-0 Canterbury Tales, 1st edition ante 1478 Moral Proverbs 1478 Propositio clarissimi Johannis Russell .... ante 1479 Stans Puer ad Mensam ante 1479 Parvus Catho and Magnus Catho, 1st edition . ante 1479 Ditto ditto 2nd edition . ante 1479 The Horse, the Sheep, and the Goose, 1st edition ante 1479 Ditto ditto 2nd edition . ante 1479 Infancia Salvatoris ante 1479 The Temple of Glass ante 1479 The Chorle and the Bird, 1st edition .... ante 1479 Ditto 2nd edition ante 1479 The Temple of Brass ante 1479 The Book of Courtesy, 1st edition ante 1479 I 114 WILLIAM CAXTON. Anelida and Arcyte circa 1478 Boethius de Consolatione Philosophise 1478 TYPE xo. 2*. Cordial 1470 Laurentius Griilielmus de Saona de Nova Rhethorica, circa 1479 Dictes and Sayings of the Philosophers, 2nd edit., circa 1480 An Indulgence 1480 Parvus Catho and Magnus Catho, 3rd edition . circa 1480 Mirrour of the World, 1st edition 1480 Eeynard the Fox, 1st edition 1480 Tully of Old Age, and of Friendship 1481 The Game and Play of the Chess, 2nd edition . circa 1481 Tliis type has a more dashing, picturesque, and elaborate character than type No. 1. It is an imitation of the "gros- batarde " type of Colard Mansion, with same variation in the capital letters, which are extremely irregular, not only in size but also in design, some being of the simplest possible con- struction, whilst others have spurs, lines, and flourishes. The general appearance of type No. 2 is very different from that of No. 2*, many letters in the earlier fount having a bolder and thicker face than in the later ; and the fact of there being a perfect division of the books into two distinct classes prevents our attributing this difference to either wear of type or faulty printing — the former would be gradual, the latter irregular. On comparing the two classes, letter by letter, we find several single and compound letters occurring in the one and not in the other. Thus tXi (not final) is peculiar to the first class, while two forms of fe without a loop in the head, double U without loops, X% toa, toe, and toO are found in the second class only. Other letters are so entirely different that a single example is convincing of their not having been printed from the same founts; and the remainder, although often very nearly alike, so constantly preserve some slight characteristic peculiar to each section, that a close examination of numerous instances, after making allowance for faulty printing, leads to THE MASTER PRINTER. 115 the conclusion that no letters of the first section are identical with those of the second. A minute examination discloses the general fact, that the letters of Type No. 2* are somewhat thinner than those of Type No. 2, and that, in numerous instances, the tops, the descending tails, and the titles generally, have been truncated. For example, examine the letter f and its combinations in the two types; the second shows always a thinner-faced letter than the first. Again, notice how the tops of the various tjs, the tails of eit and in, and the tails generally appear in the second, state. Observing that the two founts (2 and 2*) are never mixed, and that all the books dated before 1479 occur in Type No. 2, and all those dated after 1479 in No. 2*, the two types appear to indicate two distinct periods; and, taking into consideration the peculiarities just noticed, it would seem that, upon the types becoming worn, some of the best were selected, trimmed up with a graver, and used for making matrices for a new casting. If this were not the case, how should we account for the new fount being so nearly like the old? for, the two not having been used together, there was no reason for such care to make them match. The body of Type No. 2 is the same as that of Type No. 2*, and is exactly equal to two lines of " Long Primer " (Caslon's standard), w^hich is very near to " Paragon." A complete fount of Type No. 2 consisted of 217 sorts, and Type No. 2* of 254 sorts. The $ct of Type No. 1, which, if it occurred at all, might have been expected in the first fount used in England, is found only in books printed with Type No. 2*. We may notice here that the sorts If, e^, bt, and others, presume an intended French use of Type No. 2, a probability strengthened by the tj? and the combinations of to, l>eing • later additions to the fount in No. 2*. Type No. 3. This grand type, which was in use from about 1479 to 1483, has perhaps less direct interest for us than any of the others. No English book in this type is known, and until a I 2 116 WILLIAM CAXTON. very recent period it was considered merely as a supple- mentary fount used by Caxton for headings, &c. But the discovery of a ** Psalterium," fragments of a " HoraB," and a **Directorium" proves that three works at least were printed entirely with this fount. Upon these, especially the "Psal- terium," and upon the headings of '* Boethius," the " Golden Legend," and " Tully," the following remarks are based. The small letters 'are an exact copy of those cast by the early German founders, Fust and Schoeffer, and are equally well executed. The capital letters, however, are very unlike Fust's, being for the most part a modification of the Flemish "Secretary," as already presented to us in the gros-bAtarde type of Colard Mansion. The body is identical, or very nearly so, with type No. 2, and is used with it to distinguish proper names, &c., in the " Cordial " and in " Tully," but, having a much larger face, it is never in line. The complete fount comprised 194 sorts. The stops generally are smaller than those of type No. 2, which is remarkable, as the face of the letter is much larger. This type was intended for Latin works, as the contrac- tions sufficiently prove. All the books we have in it are in Latin, except headings in the first edition of the "Golden Legend," &c., and proper names, as in the "Cordial" and " Tully." Used almost entirely for Church Service books, it does not seem to have been much in favour with Caxton ; but upon his death his successor, Wynken de Worde, came into possession of it, and used it continually. Type No. 4. Types No. 4 and 4* may be spoken of generally as onej there being the same intimate connection between them as between Nos. 2 and 2*; unlike them, however, there is a slight variation in the body, type No. 4 being, as compared with the re-casting of it, or type No. 4*, as 20 is to 19. In other words, the body of type No. 4 is rather smaller than that of Type No. ,4*. This of course would only be possible by direct intention with modem typefounders, who use the THE MASTER PRINTER. 117 same moulds and matrices for as many founts of the type as are required ; but as is shown in the chapter on typefounding, the moulds and matrices were in those days very different. The engraving of the types is neat, and appears to have been executed by the same hand that cut type No. 2 ; but there is this difference between the second states of the two founts — type No. 2* was, as already shown, cast from matrices formed by the use of old casts of type No. 2 as punches, after being trimmed by hand, but for types Nos. 4 and 4* there is the strongest evidence of the same punches having been used, and therefore the variation of body is the more remark- able, as it would have been as easy to make the re-casting agree in size with the original as to make the letters of each fount agree among themselves. The variation, however, is a fact. The body of type No. 4 is very near indeed to modem English (Caslon's standard), and is the smallest of any used by Caxton. The re-casting, or type No. 4* (which loses 1 in 20 — that is to say, 19 lines of type No. 4* take up only the same depth as 20 of type No. 4) is exactly two lines of minion. The total number of sorts in type No. 4 appears to have been 194, and in No. 4* 187, a few sorts not having been re-cast. We will now give a list of the works for which this type, in its two states, was employed. TYPE Na 4. The Chronicles of England, 1st edition 1480 The Description of Britain 1480 An Indulgence 1481 Curia Sapientiae circa 1481 Godfrey of Boloyne 1481 The Chronicles of England, 2nd edition 1482 Polycronicon 1482 The Pilgrimage of the Soul 1488 A Vocabulary 1488 Servitium de Visitatione circa 1488 Confessio Amantis {mostly) 1488 118 WILLIAM CAXTON. The Knight of the Tower {partly) 1484 Sex Epistolas (mostly) 1483 TYPE No. 4*. The Festial, 1st edition 1483 Quatuor Sermones, 1st edition 1483 Confessio Amantis {partly) 1483 The Knight of the Tower {mostly) 1484 Caton circa 1484 Golden Legend circa 1484 Death-Bed Prayers circa 1484 ^sop 1484 Order of Chivalry circa 1484 Canterbury Tales, 2nd edition circa 1484 Book of Fame circa 1484 The Curial circa 1484 Troylus and Creside circa 1484 Life of our Lady circa 1484 Life of St. Winifred circa 1485 Life of King Arthur 1485 Life of Charles the Great 1485 Paris and Yienne 1485 The commas have a notable chronological bearing. The short comma (/) was used alone up to the second edition of the " Chronicles," in 1 482 — is used occasionally with the long- comma (/) in 1483 — and disappears entirely after that year. A good test by which to distinguish 4 and 4* is the shape of the lower-case \U; the letter with the curled top distin- guishing the book at once as belonging to type No. 4, whereas its absence is a sure sign that the type is No. 4*. Type No. 4* makes its first appearance among Caxton's founts in a very peculiar manner. In the autumn of 1483 he was engaged in printing two works, Gower's "Confessio Amantis" and the "Knight of the Tower." At sig. g of " Confessio Amantis" we find that the inmost sheet is in type No. 4*, the three other sheets of the section being in type No. 4. Several pages in sig. ^ are also in No. 4*, and on THE MASTER PRINTER. 119 sig. ^ iiii recto the first column is in No. 4, while the second column is in No. 4*. This mixture of founts by no means proves that the two were in use at the same time ; it only shows that before the cases containing type No. 4 were finally emptied out to make room for the new fount, one compositor had worked ahead of his fellows, who had not finished their taking of copy when the new letter supplanted the old. The table, although placed at the commencement of the book, was necessarily printed last, and therefore, as a matter of coursCj we find type No. 4* used for it. In the "Knight of the Tower," sig. f introduces the new fount to us, all that follows, as well as the introductory matter, being type No. 4*. Type No. 5. There is much similarity of design between this and type No. 3, the likeness between some of the letters being so close as lead to the conclusion that one artist cut both. The books printed in this letter are as follows : — The Royal Book circa 1487 The Book of Good Manners . 1487 Directorium Sacerdotum, 1st edition .... circa 1487 Speculum Yitae Christi circa 1488 Commemoratio Lamentationis circa 1488 The Boctrmal of Sapience 1489 Horae circa 1490 Servitium de Transfiguratione circa 1491 In the 2nd edition of the "Golden Legend" (1487?), all the headings, both of chapters and pages, are in this type. Type No. 5 has no exact counterpart in the bodies of modern foimders. The nearest would be two lines of brevier, than which it is slightly larger, losing one line in thu*ty-five. The total number of sorts in use appears to have been 153. The comparative scarcity of double letters is very noticeable. No Arabic numerals are used. The large Lombardic capitals used with this fount have a bold and striking appearance. Unlike any former fount of 120 WILLIAM CAXTON. Caxton's) they are all cast with the largest face the body will bear, and without the least beard. They are used, more or less, in every book printed with this type, although in some books {e.g. "Royal" and "Speculum") they appear very seldom. They do not look at all well when used as initials to a word, on account of their size preventing them ranging with the sequent letters, and this may have been the cause why Caxton, except in the " Directorium," made a very sparing use of them, save indeed that he converted them into quadrats. For this purpose they were doubtless adapted by some shortening process, which, however, has not pre- vented them cropping out continually in the blank spaces of the head lines and signature lines, where they often assume a very puzzling appearance. In the latest books printed with type No. 5 these Lombardic capitals appear as red initials, printed at a separate operation. This use for them was, doubtless, the invention of Caxton's successor, Wynken de Worde, who appears to have inherited his master's working materials. Type No. 6. The body of this fount is great primer (Caslon's standard) within a shade, being almost the same as type No. 1. The number of sorts in the fount is, for Caxton, very small, amounting to only 138. It may be called Caxton's last fount, for it came into use in 1489, and was used for books up to 1491, the date of Caxton's death. Indeed, there seems good reason for supposing that for some time after Caxton's death it served his successor, Wynken de Worde. With it the following works were printed : — The Fayts of Arms . 1489 Statutes of Henry YII circa 1489 The Grouvernal of Health circa 1489 Reynard the Fox, 2nd edition circa 1489 Blanchardin and Eglantine circa 1489 The Four Sons of Aymon circa 1489 Directorium Sacerdotum, 2nd edition .... circa 1489 Eneydos circa 1490 THE MASTER PRINTER. 121 The Fifteen Oes, &c circa 1490 The Dictes and Sayings of the Philosophers 3rd edition circa 1490 The Mirrour of the World, 2nd edition . . . circa 1490 Divers Ghostly Matters circa 1490 The Art and Craft to know well to Die . . . circa 1491 The Book of Courtesy, 2nd edition .... circa 4491 The Festial, 2nd edition circa 1491 Quatuor Sermones, 2nd edition circa 1491 The Chastising of God's Children circa 1491 A Treatise of Love circa 1491 We have in this fount another remarkable instance of the contrivances employed by the early typefounders. A new fount was required, but whether Caxton gave the founders instructions concerning its size, or whether the fount was cast first, and then sold to our printer, there seems no possibility of discovering ; but this we can prove from the pages them- selves, that the greater portion of type No. 6 was made from the punches, or from old letters of Caxton's Nos. 2 and 2*. The body is rather smaller, nine lines occupying the same depth as eight lines of No. 2 ; and it is amusing to observe the shifts and contrivances resorted to for reducing those letters which, in type No. 2, occupied the full body. For instance, the ^, |H, and ^ have the flourish which passes under the letter brought close up to the letter itself. The Wi was also treated in the same way, but the violence used has damaged the flourish so much that, in most instances, it broke away ; in some cases, however, it remains in a most pitiable and crippled condition. The corresponding flourish in the ^ has been boldly cropped off. Jf and 3 are strangely transformed, evidently by a blow on the soft metal, length- wise. A few characters altogether new appear, and a few interpolations from other founts, besides a quaint set of Lom- bardic capitals, among which occurs now and then a letter from the Lombardic fount used with type No. 5. The total number of sorts was 141. But here the question may very naturally be asked, How do we know that the books in the foregoing lists which are 122 WILLIAM CAXTON. without date, witliout place, and without printer's name, although printed with the same types as those of Caxton, are not really from the workshop of another printer, who had obtained his material from the same source as our printer ? The evidence is entirely negative, but it is nevertheless very strong. When a new branch of industry becomes sufficiently deve- loped, one of the immediate consequences is a division of labour. Thus typefounders became separated from printers, as soon as the latter became sufficiently numerous to keep the former in constant employment. The earliest printers were almost of necessity their own typefounders, and it appears that they each made or otherwise exclusively possessed those patterns of types which they used. There is certainly no evidence that prior to the end of the 15th century the tj^es of one printer were at the same time in use by another. This exclusive use of types has been accepted as a fact by the best authorities, and has been of great use to the bibliographer in identifying the printer of books sine ulld 7iofd, for a printer may thus be recognised at once by his types, just as a man may be distinguished by his handwriting. THE COMPOSITOR. We will now suppose a fount of type delivered -over to the compositors to be laid in the cases, an operation requiring much more care than in the present day, on account of the numerous double letters and combinations. One effect of the combinations would be to equalise the size of the boxes, as the letter "e" for instance, which now requires the largest box, would then most frequently occur in combination with one of the consonants, and not be used alone oftener than many other letters. Counting the respective numbers used of each sort throughout many pages of diffisrent books, the fact is ascertained that single vowels and single consonants were more often required than any one particular combina- tion. Arranging a case on the basis that the sorts most in use should be placed before the compositor in the position most accessible to his fingers, and remembering that in all THE MASTER PKUTTEU. 128 the old representations of a " case " there is no division into upper and lower as now, we arrive at the accompanying plan, which is doubtless a tolerably exact representation of a com- positor's case as used by Caxton. There are 209 boxes, which would lead to some little difficulty in keeping " clean cases ;" and one need feel no surprise at finding \\Tong letters so often making their appearance in Caxton's pages. The combina- tions of illy niy uUf nUf nn, tm, mi were often found in the WTong boxes, and have brought down to the present day the strongest evidence against the usefulness of logotypes. In the earliest representation of a printing office the press is always made the most prominent object ; very often, how- ever, as in Plate VII, with a compartment for the compositor. Figure 1 is the earliest instance, and we there see a com- positor at work. Before him is the case divided into even boxes, and raised on a cleft stick is the copy. The composing- stick is in his ric/ht hand, doubtless owing to the engraver not having reversed the drawing from which he copied : it is held correctly by the man in PI. YIII. We have already noticed the use of a composing-stick and setting-rule, and the even- ness of lines consequent thereon. It was not adopted at Westminster until 1480, although Caxton must often have seen the improved appearance which lines of an even length gave to the page in the numerous works pre\iously issued from all the Continental presses. He would, doubtless, have imitated them had his mechanical appliances permitted ; but we do not find evenness of page until the arrival of type No. 4, in the year 1480; and then, probably for the first time, composing-sticks, setting-rules, and chases were seen in the Westminster printing office. Before this the types were no doubt, as M. Bernard has shown to be the case in the later block books and the early examples of Dutch printing, taken straight from their boxes, and placed side by side in a sort of cofiin, made of hard wood, with a stout bottom, and screws at the foot to tighten the page when completed. The width of the page could not be extended beyond the internal measurement of the " coffin," but might be reduced at plea- sure by placing down either side a straight piece of wood. 124 WILLIAM CAXTON. The depth would be regulated in a similar manner, by varying the thickness of the foot-block against which the screws worked. Let us, then, imagine the workman with his wooden box before him. The further end would be slightly raised, to keep the types from falling forward. He begins at the left- hand corner, and adding, from the case, letter to letter, soon gets to the end of the first line, and, not ha^dng room for the next word, makes it quite tight with quadrats or spaces. Then comes the second line, and this, as well as all the rest, would not be so easy. Placing rough types upon rough types admits of very little shifting or adjustment, and to this fact, I imagine, we must attribute the practice of leaving the lines of an uneven length in early books. Any attempt to push along the words of a line in order to introduce more space between them, without some plan of easing the friction, would l)e certain to break up the line altogether — and so the lines were left just as they happened to fall, whether frill length or short. Sometimes, when a word would come into the line with a little reduction of the space between the last two words, the space was reduced accordingly ; but more often a syllable at the end of the line was contracted, such as "men" into "me," or "vertuous" into "vertuo^" Most often the compositor, knowing the practice to be understood by his readers, would finish his line with just so many letters as his measure would take, and accordingly it is common to find words divided thus: — why-|che th|at wjymen w|iche m I an. But when once the " setting-rule " was brought into use all that was altered, and the various words of a line could be pushed about, and the spaces between them augmented or reduced with ease. Having completed his proper number of lines, the foot-piece would be placed after the last line for the foot-screws to work upon, and the "form" would be ready for press. There being a bottom to the box, nothing could fall out, and, although doubtless not very tight in some parts, the sloppy ink then used would not, like modern stiff ink, draw up any loose letters. If the sides of these cofiins, or wooden boxes, were equal THE MASTER PRINTER. 125 in height with the types they enclosed they would, like them, leave their mark on the paper. This was the case in some of the early Dutch block-books, where the sides of the chase appear occasionally printed in the margin. I have searched in vain for any marks of the chase in the margins of Caxton's books. But whatever method he used — ^^vhether he screwed up the types in wooden boxes, or whether he used iron chases, — one thing is very plain in nearly every book he issued either the "justification" was bad, or the pages were "locked up" very loosely, for quadrats and spaces are continually "working up" and showing themselves. The composing-sticks were originally of hard wood, with- out any sliding adjustment ; one set, all the same, were for folio pages, another for quai'to, another for octavo. " Reglets," or thin pieces of hard wood the length of a line, appear never to have been used. Wlien a "white" line was wanted under a chapter head or over a colophon, em quadrats were ranged side by side for the purpose, and very often capital letters which had been reduced in height for the pur- pose, although often not sufficiently. These low capitals would often W'Ork up while at press, and make undesirable appearances in very conspicuous places. For examples the reader may examine the " Royal Book," and " Speculum vitae Christi," in the British Museum. The "balls" with which the page was inked before taking an impression appear to have midergone no change in shape or make from the earliest times until the very beginning of the present century. TVlien, however, the flexible composi- 126 WILLIAM CAXTOX. tion now in use was invented it soon superseded entirely the old plan, and now it is a matter of great difficulty to find an old pair of balls. These balls were hollow hemispheres of wood with a handle. Wool was fitted into the hollow, upon which the skin, or " pelt," was nailed on the side more than half-way round ; then more wool was pushed in till the skin was extended and tight : the last nails were then hammered in, and the balls fit for use. The page having been completed by the compositor, it went to press in its chase or wooden box without any further operation. The business of "reader" as yet was not. All the workmen's blunders and errors, the turned letters, the wrong sorts, and the numerous literal mistakes were, left uncorrected. ' Even whole lines were occasionally omitted by the workman, and the omission remained throughout the edition, affording indisputable evidence that "proof sheets" after composition were quite unknown. At page 125 of Lewis's " Life of Caxton," we read concerning our printer — " As he printed long before the present Method of adding the Errata at the End of Books was in Use and Practice, so his extraordinary Exactness obliged him to take a great deal more Pains than can easily be imagined; for, after a Book was printed off^ his way was to revise it, and correct the Faults in it with red Ink, as they then used to correct their ^\Titten Books. This being done to one Copy, he caused one of his Servants to run through the whole Impression, and correct the Faults he had noted with a Stanesil or Red-lead Pencil, which he himself afterwards compared with his own corrected Copy, to see that none of the Corrections he had made were omitted." A most laborious task indeed, had so foolish an idea ever entered the mind of so practical a man as Caxton, but the whole assertion is a mere fiction, started by Bagford, adopted by Lewis, and repeated by every subsequent writer, without a shadow of evidence to support it. The only books in which manuscript additions were made at the time of publication were the " Polycronicon " and " Mirrour of the World." The former, in the majority of copies, has the year of the world and the regnal year engrossed in red ink on the Plate VII. The oldest knaum representation of a PrinttTig Press. Paris, 1507. Luther's Press. Av^stmrg, 1522. Plate VIII. TJie ''Prelum Asc^nsianum." Paris, 1520. ^ b3 3 I b X f 1: ^^^^^W^^^^^S THE MASTER PRINTER. 127 side margins; and the latter, in the woodcut of the seven concentric circles whicli represent the astronomical heavens, has the names of the celestial spheres written in black ink between each circle. But although I have examined about five hundred of Caxton's books, 1 have never seen anything approaching to a grammatical correction coeval with the date of the book. PRESSES, PRESSMEN, AND PRINTING INK. The method adopted by the earliest printers to obtain impressions from their blocks was to lay the sheet to be printed on the already inked block, and to rub it carefully. Wood-engravers of the present day take proofs in the same manner. The plan was continued for block printing many years after the invention of moveable types. The method of obtaining an impression by a direct pressure down- wards is generally supposed to have been synchronous with the use of moveable types. Mr. Ottley, however, describes several of the earliest wood-blocks, which he had no doubt were printed by means of a press. Of one he states, "I am in possession of a specimen of wood engraving, printed in black oil colour on both sides the paper by a downright pres- sure, which I consider to have been, without doubt, printed in or before the year 1445." There can be no question, therefore, that the earliest type printers found a press ready to their hands ; but as we have no description of the mechan- ism of the early presses, we must, as in the instance of type founding, have recourse to the first dated engravings. The earliest representations of a printing-press are found in the works of Jodocus Badius Ascensius, the celebrated printer of Paris. Two of these are delineated in Plates VII and VIII, whereof the earlier is found as a printer's device in the title of a work dated 1507. The large press, Plate IX, having upon its basement the date 1520, was taken from the Bagford collection, and has hitherto been generally considered as the earliest representation of a printing-press. The small press was taken from a tract of Luther's dated 1522. The other comes also from the Bagford fragments, and appears to be 128 WILLIAM CAXTON. about the middle of the sixteenth century, as the mechanism of the spindle is evidently improved. It is represented here, however, principally on account of the figure of a type- founder seen through a door in the background, a feature very rarely pourtrayed: I have not been able to trace the work for which this woodcut was designed. In aU these presses the principle is the same. There is a simple worm screw, with a long pin for a lever ; the head of the press and the table bear the pressure, and the " hose," as the transverse piece between the screw and the platen was called, served to steady the downward pressure. The girths, dram, and handle served to run the table out and in, and the tympans and frisket were identical in principle, if not in appearance, with those now used. In Plate IX we see some of the pressman's appliances exposed to view. There is the shears for cutting out his tympan-sheet, and for general purposes ; next to it is a pick-brush for cleaning out picks in the type; a pair of compasses for accurately testing the "furniture" between the pages ; and, lastly, a screw point for making " register." To each press is assigned two workmen; one is pulling lustily at the bar, while the other is distributing ink upon the balls previously to beating the form. The two heaps of printed and white paper, in Fig. 2, appear to our modern notions very awkwardly placed, being both on the off side of the press, so that the workman had to reach over the form whenever he took up or laid do\Mi a fresh sheet of paper. As however this peculiarity is represented continually, and so late as the seventeenth century, it was doubtless a common custom. No doubt the ink was better and the impression harder in the time of these presses than in Caxton's time. His ink was of the weakest description, and the amount of power required for a " pull " of the press proportionately weak, the one neces- sitating the other. His presses, in the earlier part of his printing career, did not take more than a post folio page; and, with a very sloppy ink, the pull, if strong, would have made a confused mass of black instead of a legible impression. As it is, the ink has been almost invariably squeezed over the THE MASTER PRINTER. 129 edge of the letters, and has contorted their shape. Few indeed although practical men, would imagine the deceptive nature of an impression taken from new types with weak ink and light pressure. In such a case the type appears at one time much thicker than it is, from the "spuing" of the ink — at another time battered, with some portion of it broken — and again, to use a technical term, as if it were all " off its feet." The representation of the "Printer" in the "Book of Trades," 1569, shows that the presses then were fitted with both ''tympans" and "frisket;" and many signs lead to the belief that similar appliances were used by Caxton's workmen. In short pages we often find a few lines of matter put at the bottom, which was blocked out by the frisket, and answered the purpose of a " bearer." Several instances occur in the "Godfrey," at the Public Library, Cambridge; also in the " Life of Our Lady," at the British Museum. In " Speculum vitae Christi" we actually find "a bite," half of the bottom line remaining unprinted. We have already noticed that only one page at a time was worked in the earlier part of Caxton's career, although later, at the probable introduction of Wynken de Worde, two pages were managed. This necessitated great care in getting the unsigned pages in their right places, and that such care was needed is proved by several instances of transposition. Before leaving this portion of our subject, a peculiarity probably connected with the mechanism of the press must be noticed. A smaU hole at the four comers of each sheet appears in every book printed with type No. 1. Such holes (first noticed by Mr. Tupper), have not been observed in any books printed with the later types, except "Quatre derren- nieres choses." The employment of points by modem press- men to obtain accuracy of register, and the punctures (called "point holes") in the paper, consequent upon the use of them, are well known. The holes under notice certainly sug- gest a similar practice. After due time allowed for the ink to dry upon the paper, the printed sheets passed into the hands of the binder, whose operations come next under consideration. K 130 WILLIAM CAXTON. THE BOOKBINDER. The art of bookbinding had not in England, in the fif- teenth century, reached the perfection seen in the beautiful Continental specimens of the same period. Nor indeed was any uncommon binding required for the cheap productions of Caxton's press. His sheets were not, as in modern prac- tice, pressed between glazed boards after being printed, but went, without further process, from the press side to the hands of the binder. The few specimens which have reached us in a pristine state show the indentation, more or less distinct, made by the types. The edition of "Eneydos," 1490, was hurried through the binder's hands so soon after the first section (which, containing the prologue and table, necessarily went to press last) was printed, that all the leaves of that section, in every copy I have seen, show a very bad "set-off" from the type on the opposite pages. To enable the binder to collate the sheets of each section correctly, it was the custom, as weU with the scribes as with the printers, to place distinguishing marks on the first page of each sheet; these were called signatures, and as Caxton used only 4"^ for his boolcs, the binder (as a rule) was sure that when he had got sheets aj, ait, ail}, aiiif together his section was complete. Some printers, who were irregular as to the number of sheets in a section, adopted the plan of signing the centre sheet of every section upon the third as well as the first page, so that the binder by this distinguishing mark might directly see the number of sheets intended for each section, however great the irregularity. In such cases the 4*^ would be signed on the first five rectos, leaving only three unsigned. Caxton, however, never adopted this plan, his sections always containing the same number of unsigned as of signed leaves. The sheets having been collected into sections, the signatures served again to collate the sections into volumes, the only use for which they are now retained. All the early books from Caxton's press are described as unsigned, because the signatures were not printed, but inserted in manuscript at the extreme bottom of the page. THE MASTER PRINTER. IW The modem binder begins by folding all his sheets into quarto, octavo, &c., according to the size of the book, each folded sheet making a section; they are then collated and bound. In Caxton's books the collation of the sheets pre- ceded the folding. It has been already observed that the quarto sizes were treated, both in printing and binding, as folio, the paper being cut in half before going to press. The type was so arranged that when three, four, or five sheets were folded one inside another, quirewise, the pages should be in their proper sequence. The open sheets of each section being gathered were knocked even, and folded in the middle. This adoption of one plan for books of aU sizes was in accord- ance with the old usage of the scribes, who necessarily cut their veUum sheets to the intended size before the manuscript was commenced, and varied their sections from three sheets, if very thick, to six or seven, if very thin. The section of three sheets was called "temio" — of four sheets "quatemus" —of five sheets "quintemus" — and so on. Caxton adopted the "quaternus" or "quaternion" for all his books, using a larger or smaller section only if the beginning or end required it. Wynken de Worde, however, made frequent use of the temion. From the foregoing remarks we see that the temion and quaternion must necessarily be arranged in the order of the following diagrams, by consulting which the reader may easily know the pages belonging to any given sheet. A Ternion — Three sheets of paper folded in half, quire- wise," or one inside another. This gives six leaves, or twelve vg22. A Quaternion — Four sheets of paper folded in half, quirewise, or one inside another. This gives eight leaves, or sixteen pages. k2 182 WILLIAM CAXTON. If this arrangement be kept in mind it will be found very UBefiil in many ways. For instance, it is often important to know whether a leaf preceded the first printed page, and, if so, whether the blank leaf found in many volumes is that leaf. It is plain that if a quaternion was adopted for the first section, then the first and the eighth leaf would belong to the same sheet of paper; and therefore if sig. a 8 had a watermark sig. a j should not have any ; if a ij had a water- mark, a 7 should be without, and so on with a iij and a 6, and with a iiij and a 5, where we arrive at the middle sheet of the section, and where a careful examination in the fold will cer- tainly show the thread of the binder, always a true sign of the centre. These indications are often the only decisive evidence of the completeness or incompleteness of a volume, and enable us to decide, even where printed signatures are wanting, the true collation of a book. Catchwords are not found in any of Caxton's books, although here and there a word by itself at the foot of a page may look very like one ; but in every instance this word wlQ be found to form an integral part of the text, and there- fore in no sense a catchword, which by its very nature must be treated as the first word of the next page. In paper manuscripts of the fifteenth century it is not uncommon to find vellum used for the inmost sheet of each section, or to find a slip of parchment pasted down the centre of each section. This was to give an increase of strength to the back where the binder's thread would be likely to tear through the paper. Instances where these slips are used are common in " unwashed " specimens from Caxton's press. The manuscript volume at Althorp, containing " Pro- positio," is treated so throughout, and in the quarto poems at THE MASTEE PRINTER. . t$$ Cambridge the marks of the paste, where the slip was torn away at the rebinding of the volume, are very visible. The earliest pictorial representation of a binder at work is displayed in the little " Book of Trades," to which reference has already been made ; but as there is nothing in it peculiar to the age we will pass on to the material of the covers. This was very frequently only a stiff piece of parchment, with tlie edges tiu-ned in, and a blank leaf pasted down inside as a lining. A few books still remain in this state, just as issued from the " Ked-pale " by Caxton. Such are the copies of *' TuUy de Senectute " in Queen's CoUege, Oxford ; the " Art and Craft," " Directorium," and the " Game and Play of the Chess," in the Bodleian ; and the " Godfrey of Boloyne" in the library of Mr. Holford. If intended to be more durable, Caxton used "boards" sometimes made of oak, or beech, and some- times (fortunately for bibliographers) of waste sheets from the press pasted together. These were covered with browTi sheep- skin, upon which was a simple pattern of circles, or crosses, or dragons, &c. Instances may stiU be seen in the 2nd edition of the "Festial" at the British Museum; in the "Servitium de Transfiguratione," lately purchased for the same library ; in the 2nd edition of the " Mirrour of the World," at Bristol ; and at other libraries. In the last-mentioned volume four leaves of the unique " Fifteen Oes " were used as linings for the inside of the boards. An account of a " Boethius," of which the interior of the covers was composed entirely of "waste sheets," is given in the description of that work. When bound, we may consider that the book was generally ready for delivery to the purchaser. It was so with all Caxton's later publications, but the earlier books still required the services of the rubrisher. THE ILLUMINATOR, THE RUBRISHEB, AND THB WO OD-ENGR A VER. It has already been noticed that, in the latter half of the fifteenth century, the great development of book manufacture led to a corresponding division of labour. Thus in Bruges we find there were Scrivers, or persons who wrote the text 184 , WILLIAM CAXTON. only of books, Verlichters, or Eubrishers, who probably con- fined their attention to illuminated capitals, and Vinghetfe makers (miniatores), who were artists capable of designing and painting subjects. In only one instance do the books of Caxton suggest the idea that the services of the Vinghette maker were to have been employed. At the commencement of his edition of Gower's "Confessio Amantis" (sig. 1, 4), the prologue of the author is begun more than half-way down the page. The blank was evidently intended for a design of some sort, possibly for a large woodcut, after the fashion of Colard Mansion, who printed all the great cuts to his "Ovid" by a separate working. As a rule, however, Caxton's books required no help from the vinghette maker, although he certauily employed, so late as 1485, the services of a rubrisher, to insert the initial letters at the beginning of chapters, and to make paragraph marks in appropriate places. For this purpose a vermilion ink was nearly always used, although occasionally a light blue alternated. For the initial of the first chapter a square space was left equal to the depth of four or five lines of type : for succeeding chapters a space of two lines was generally considered suflacient. The first use of woodcut initials was in 1484, after which year they were never (except on rare occasions when a sort ran short) omitted. Caxton had only two or three of each letter, and sometimes only one, as may easily be seen by the recurrence of a particular initial. Some of them have their heavy blackness relieved by a few white dots punctured in the face of the letter, a practice frequently adopted by the German school to lighten the groundwork of early woodcuts. Caxton's initials are varied in shape, and often elegant in design, but with the exception of the floriated ^ at the begin- ning of the "Order of Chivalry," and "-^sop," and perhaps the IS in " Eneydos," they demand no especial notice. A few of them are given here. The woodcut illustrations to Caxton's books have not received much attention from the writers on the early his- tory of wood engraving. Strutt, Singer, and Ottley in his " Enquiry " have omitted to notice them. Dibdin and Jackson THH- MASTER PBrNTER. 18i have devoted a few pages to their consideration ; and Ottley, in the posthumous work on the " Invention of Printing," has some interesting remarks on the early use of the art in Eng- land. His opinions are enforced by a facsimile of some rude woodcuts in his own possession, which he believed to have been executed as early as the celebrated S. Christopher of 1423. From his arguments we may conclude that although no great amount of vitality can be attributed to the art of wood engraving in England in the early part of the fifteenth century, it nevertheless was known and practised by native artists ; and that the use of native talent for Caxton's books was therefore possible. At the same time it requires no artistic education to see that there is a great similarity in general appearance between the illustrations in some of the early Dutch books, and the woodcuts of Caxton's " Chess Book," " Golden Legend," and others. In the " Troy Book," folio, printed at Augsburg in 1483, and the French-printed "^sop," 1476, the broad out- line and heavy black feet of the figures at once suggest a similarity of style if not identity of artist. But whether Caxton's cuts be native or foreign there can be little doubt of the origin of the designs. His artist merely copied the outUnes found in the manuscript from which the book was being (or to be) printed. At that period there were a certain number of standard works always in demand, and for each of these the illimiinators had a conventional treatment, which appears repeated over and over again in different books. To those who have examined the illuminated manuscripts of the fifteenth century, executed in the Low Countries (of which there are numerous examples in the Eoyal Collection of the British Museum), the identity of design and treatment in Caxton's engravings will be evident. It is somewhat remarkable that woodcut illustrations pre- ceded the use of woodcut initials in Caxton's books by about four years. In the " Fables of ^sop," 1484, we meet with printed initials for the first time, while woodcuts, illustrative of the text, had been used in great abundance for the "Golden Legend," the " Chess Book," the " Mirrour of the World," Ist 186 WILLIAM OAXTOlSr. edition, and " Parvus et Magnus Catho," the last dating about 1481. The following is a list of all the books printed by Caxton with woodcut illustrations : — Parvus et Magnus Catho.) _ ^ r^ 3rd edit. ... :}U81? Two designs. Mirrour of the World, 1st ) ^^ , . Tj, y 1481 Numerous designs. The Game and Play of the) ^ ^. Chess, 2nd edit. . . .} 1481 ? Sixteen designs. Grolden Legend .... 1484 Very numerous designs. Canterbury Tales, 2nd edit. 1484 Yery numerous designs. -T^ .^. r Yery numerous designs. ^°P 1^8*1 Initials first used? Order of Chivalry . . . 1484 Large floriated ^. Eoyal Book 1487? Seven small designs. Speculum vitse Christi . . 1488 ? Numerous designs. Doctrinal of Sapience . . 1489 Two designs. ^ 1 -.., . ^^ (^ fragment, with one Hora=, 3rd edit. . ... 1490 ?| ^^/^^ Servitium Transfiguratione 1490? One small design. ^, ^.^, ^ , r The Crucifixion cut and The Fifteen Oes. . . . 1490? { ^^^^^ Divers Ghostly Matters . 1490 ? One small design. Had Caxton's opportunities allowed, he would probably have used the wood-engraver's art to a much greater extent. The above table shows that in 1481, when he first employed woodcuts, he also discontinued them : that in 1484 he again, for one year only, used them ; and that in 1487 they took a permanent position in his typography. This seeming capri- ciousness was probably owing to the difficulty experienced in obtaining the services of a wood engraver. The engravings in 1481, 1484, and partly in 1487-8, appear to have come from the hand of the same artist. In the last year, however, we find considerable improvement, as THE MASTEE PRINTER. 187 shown in the illustrations to the " Royal Book," and " Specu- lum VitsB Christi ;" but Caxton's best specimen of the wood- engraver's art, and one which has been much praised by Dibdin, and especially Jackson, for its composition and feeling, is the well-known " Crucifixion." This design is fre- quently seen in the books of Wynken de Worde, who received great credit for it until its earlier use was discovered as a frontispiece to Caxton's " Fifteen Oes." The largest woodcut known to have been used in Caxton's books is the Assembly of Saints, at the beginning of all the editions of the " Golden Legend," and the smallest, of which there are four, are found in illustrations to the text in the " Speculum vitae Christi." This portion must not, however, be dismissed without a few words upon that most interesting of all Caxton's wood- cuts, the large device. Caxton used but one; the small device, of a similar design, which is commonly attributed to him, and which is first seen in the "Chastising of God's Children," being certainly not earlier than 1491. The interpretation of the device offers a question by no means of easy solution. The common reading W&i, (ft, 74, meaning William Caxton, 1474, is, I think, correct, and we may dismiss, as unworthy of serious notice, the suggestions that the figures should be reversed to read 1447, or that the 74 or 47 refer to Caxton's age and not to a particular year. The problem to be solved is, does the design mean 74, and if if so, why did Caxton use the year 1474 on his device ? Bibliographers have hitherto assumed that it must be in reference to the introduction of printing into England, and quote the colophon to the 1st edition of the " Chess Book " in support of the argument. But, os already shown, the date of the " Chess Book " refers to the translation of the work, the printing having been certainly accomplished at Bruges, and probably in 1476, Caxton's settlement at "Westminster not having occm*red until late in that year, or in 1477. On the whole it seems most natural that a date used in that manner would refer to some turning point in Caxton's typographical career; and I therefore believe that the old 138 WILLIAM CAXTOX. reading of 1474 is correct, and that the reference is to the date of printing " The Eecuyell," which, although translated in 1471, was circulated for a considerable time in manuscript only. Caxton certainly learnt the art while assisting to print this book: it appears also from his description that it was the first-fruit of his authorship, and at the same time the first book printed in his native language — all which circum- stances might lead him to look back upon 1474 as an epoch to be commemorated. The theory has been started that the so-called figures are not meant as such, but are only a fanciful interlacement of lines, such as may often be seen in fifteenth-century merchants' marks ; that Caxton did not make his figures like these, nor would he have used Arabic figures but full Eoman numerals for any date he wished to note. In fact that this design is simply Caxton's trade mark, which he used as a merchant, revived with ornamentations. The reader must judge for himself: certainly, in the form adopted by Wynken de Worde, who used them all his life, the 74 are much less like Arabic figures than in Caxton's device. The opinion that the interlacement is a trade mark only is much strengthened by the discovery of its original use. In 1487, Caxton wishing to print a Sarum Missal, and not having the types proper for the purpose, sent to Paris, where it was printed for him by W. Maynyal, who in the colophon states plainly that he printed it at the expense of William Caxton, of London. When the printed sheets reached West- minster, Caxton wishing to make it quite plain that he was the publisher, engraved his design and printed it on the last page, which happened to be blank. This is the first occasion on which it is known to have been used. The unique copy of this Missal is in the possession of Stephen Legh, Esq., M.P. The following list of books in which the device is found shows that it was not until the end of Caxton's typographical life that he adopted this distinguishing mark. Missale ad Usum Sarum 1487 Speculum vitae Christi circa 1488 Doctrinal of Sapience 1489 THE MASTBB TEDTTBR. 18ft The History of Reynard the Fox, 2nd edition . circa 1489 Directorium Sacerdotum, 2nd edition .... circa 1489 Eneydos 1490 The Dictes and Sayings of the Philosophers, 3rd edition circa 1490 The Mirrour of the World, 2nd edition . . . circa 1490 Divers Ghostly Matters circa 1490 The Festial, 2nd edition circa 1490 Four Sermons, 2nd edition circa 1490 St. Katherine of Senis circa 1491 The magnum opus of Caxton was undoubtedly the edition of "The Golden Legend," 1484. The translation alone of this great work must have been no slight task, while, as to number of leaves and size of both paper and printed page, it far exceeded his edition of " King Arthur," which was the next largest. The smallest pieces of his printing now extant are " The Advertisement " and the " Indulgences." The commercial results of Caxton's trade as a printer are unknown ; but as the fees paid at his bm-ial were far above the average, and as he evidently held a respectable position in his parish, we must conclude that his business was profitable. The preservation of the " Cost Book " of the Ripoh press has already been noticed, and some extracts of interest translated therefrom. We may presume that Caxton also kept exact accounts of his trade receipts and expenditure, and if such were extant the many doubts which now surround the opera- tions of his printing-oflSce would be definitely solved. We should then know the price at which he sold his books, how many pence he asked for his small quarto " quayers" of poetry, or his pocket editions of the "Horse" and "Psalter," how many shillings were required to purchase the thick foUo volumes, such as " Canterbury Tales," " King Arthur," &;c. That the price was not much dearer than that paid for good editions now, we may infer from the rate at which fifteen copies of the "Golden Legend" sold between 1496 and 1500. These realised an average price of Qs. Sd. each, or about £2 135. 4:d. of modem money, a sum by no means too great 140 WILLIAM CAXTON. for a large illustrated work. This, however, would depend on the number of copies considered necessary for an edition, which probably varied according to the nature of the work. On a blank leaf in the 1st edition of "Dictes," at Althorp, is written, apparently by Bagford, "IST.B. — Caxton printed 44 books, 25 of which were with Dates, and 19 without." One would imagine that so definite a statement must have had some foundation, but it appears to rest entirely on the writer's bare assertion. Some foreign printers issued so many as 275 or 300 copies of editions of the " Classics," but it is not pro- bable that Caxton ventured upon so large an impression, as the demand for his publications must have been much more restricted. APPENDIX TO BIOGRAPHY. OEIGINAL DOCUMENTS ILLUSTRATIVE OF THE LIFE AND TIMES OF WILLIAM CAXTON. .,.A *..^. '^'*'^- -s:-^*^!^ mm^. APPENDIX. MERCERS' RECORDS.— WARDENS' ACCOUNTS. (Mercers' Hall, London.) FOLIO Volume in the Archives of the Mercers' Company, written on parchment by yarions scribes in the I4th and 15th Centuries, extending from 1344 to 1464. The contents of the volume include — a rent-roll — the oath of householders — of linen cloth meters — of liverymen — of brethren — of brokers —of apprentices on their entry and issue — of free- men — an almanack — and the balance-sheets of the whole Company. The accounts of the receipts and disbursements of the Company are annual, and reckoned by the regnal year of the King. These accounts are generally made up under the following heads :— The annual fee of every liveryman — fees paid on the entries of apprentices — fees paid on the issues of apprentices — fines — quit-rents — general expenses — and foreign expenses. The last head comprises all payments made for goods and service not included in the legitimate business of the Company. Oath taken by Caxton on " issuing" from his apprenticeship. Ye shall swere that ye shal be true vnto oure liege lorde the kyng and to his heires kynges/ ye shall also be obedient & Redy to come at all leffull Sumonns & Warnyng of the Wardenis of the mercery/ whan and as often as ye be duly monysshed & warned by them/ or by any of them/ by their Bedell/ or by ony other in their name/ leffuU excuse alwey except/ All Ordynaunces & Rules by the ffeliship of the merceri Ordeyned made and stablished and here after for the wele worship & profitt of the seid feliship to be made/ ye shall holde and kepe/ All coicacons necessarij Ordynaunces and Cowncels for the welfare of the seid ffeliship and the secrets therof to you shewed/ ye shall kepe secrete 144 WILLIAM CAXTON, & holde for councell/ and them ne ony of theym to discoyer or shew by ony meane or collour vnto ony persoone or persoones of ony other ffeli- ship. Ye shall also be contributory to all charges to yon putt by the wardeins & ffeliship & to here & pay yo"" parte of charge sett for yo' degre like as other of the same ffeliship shall do for their degre. Moreou ye shall not departe oute of the seid ffeliship for to serve ne ye shall not accompany you w* ony persoone or persoones of ony other feliship wher- through preiudice & hurte may in ony wise growe vnto the seid ffeliship of the mercery And on this ye shall swere that during the tyme of your seruyce ye shall neither bey ne sell for yo'* owne self ne for ony other persone ne that ye shall Keceive ony goodes or marchandise by ony collour belonging vnto ony other p'soon than oonly to yo"" maist whiche that ye now serue or shall seme w^ynne the ffeliship of ye mercerie except by his speciall license & will And also that ye shall not take ony shop hous ch'mbre seller ne warehous by ony collo^ for to ocupie byeing and sellyng vnto suche tyme as that ye have ben w* the wardeins of the mercery for the tyme beyng and by oon of hem for shopholder amytted sworn and entred Ne that ye shall take ne haue ony apprentice or ony se for to ocupye vnto that he by yon vnto oon the seid Ward, for apprentice first presented & by the seid Wardein so amytted All which poynts & eny of hem to y"^ power wele & truly ye shall hold & kepe so help you god &c. The oath administered to Caxton upon taking up his freedom. Ye shall swcre that ye shal be good and trew vnto o"* liege Lord kyng of Englond and to his Eyres kyngs/ obeisaunt & obedyent to the Mayor &; to the minysters of this Cite/ The ffrunchises and Custumes thereof ye shal maynteyne and the cite kepe harmles in that that in you is/ ye shall be contributary to al man' charges w* in this cite as somons watches contribucions taskes tallays lotte and skotte and all other charges here yo' parte as ony other frema shall/ ye shall colo' no foreyns good wherby the kyng might lose his custume or his auauntage/ Ye shall know no foreyn to bey sell nor merchundise w* another fforeyn within this Cite nor the fraunches therof but ye wame the Chaumberleyn therof or some mynysters of the chamber/ ye shall emplede no frema out of this Cite while ye mow have right & lawe here within/ ye shall take none apprentice but if he be fre borne and for no lesse time than for vij yers/ within the first yere ye shall do hym be enrolled and at the termes end ye shall make hym fre if he have wele and truly served you/ ye shall also kepe the peace/ in yo' owne persone/ ye shall know no gader}'ngs con- venticles nor conspiracies made ayenst the peace but ye wame the Maier thereof & let it to yo' power All these poyntes ye shall wele and truly kepe accordyng to all the Lawes & Custumes of this Cite to yo'* power so help you god and holidame &; by this Boke/ 145 1348. The Fellowship in the 22nd year of Etlward III numbered 4 Wardens and 101 Liverymen, and in this year among those who paid their fees appear — Richard de Causton Theobald de Canston Michael de Causton Nichol de Causton William de Causton Roger de Causton Henry de Causton Also in the 2nd year of Henry VI. — Stevyn Causton. 1401. Under the 2nd year of Henry IV, among the " Entrees des Appren- tices," is — William Causton/ Appr. de Thos. Gedeney . . . ij s 1427—1428. Under the 6th year of Henry VI the name of Robert Large appears for the first time. Cest la compte de John Whatley, Robert Large, Thomas Bataill, et John Pidiuyll fait alffeste de Seint John Baptist Ian vj™« aps. le con- quest en quils ils estoient gardeins de la mistere del mercerie come piert apres. Under the same year, among " Entrees des Apprentices," — Robert Halle \a~. -tn^.x Randolf Streete(^PP"'y'^"^°^^^^"^ ' ' ' "'J« 1430—1431. Under the 9th year of Henry VI, among the " Entrees des Appren- tices," — Item ress. de Thoms Nyche appnt de Rob* Large . ij s Item ress. de Rich Bonifaunt appnt de Rob* Large ) .... Item de James heton appnt de dit Rob* . . . . ) ^ 1431—1432. The following item is from the Warden's Receipts in the 10th ye^r of Henry VI. — Item. lis soy chargent qilz ount ressu de Thos. Staunton flfrere et Attone de Robert Large de monye quil ad ressu outre mere en ptie de paiement de les xli prestres a John Wavyn pics gardenis de Ian passe. • 1436—1436. Among the Entries of Apprentices in the 14th year of Henry VI. — It de Henr. Onkmanton le aprenticc de Robert Large ij s L 146 WILLIAIVI CAXTON. 1437—1438. Among the Issues of Apprentices in the 16th year of Henry VI. — It Randolffe Streete lappfitice de Robert Large . . ij s Among the entries for the same year — It John large ), ^,. ■, r^ ■, , -r It Willm' Caxston 1 ^"' ^PP"^^^^^ ^e Robert Large . iiij s 1438—1439. Among the Wardens' Receipts in the 17th year of Henry VI. — It lis soy chargeont pour argent ressu p^ fynes de dius persones en lo'^ temps p' ces qils fautent de chiuachier ouesqz le mair Robert large. In the same account, under " fforein expenses." Item paie a xvi trumpetts le xxix i'^ doctobre Ian xviij™^ du (jit Roy Hen vj"»e pour le chiuachee de Robert large maij v li vi s viij d 1440—1441. From the Warden's Receipts in the 19th year of Henry VI. — It ils soy chargeont pour argent rescue des Executos Robert large del legace du dit Robert xx li In the same year under the Issue of Apprentices — It Thomas Neche qui fuist appntice de Rob* large . . i j s In the next year, under the Issue of Apprentices — It Rich Bonefant q fuist appntice de Rob* large . . i j s 1442—1443. Among the Issues of Apprentices in 21 Henry VI. — Xrofer Heton appntice de Rob* large ij s Among the Entries — Richard large appntice de Geffrey Felding . . . . ij s Among the Issues of Apprentices in 22 Henry VI. — John Harrowe appntice de Robert large i j s Among the Issues of Apprentices in 2.5 Henry VI. — Richard Caxton* s'unt de John Harrowe i j s 1448—1449. In Foreign Expenses for the 27th year of Henry VI. — To Richard Burgh for berynge of a I're our the See vj s viij d 1450—1451. Under Foreign Expenses in the 29th year of Henry VI. — Item. Paid to John Stubbes for Perys to the Gentilwoman of the Duchesse of Burgeyn vj d Item paid to Hewe Wyche for a TVTit directe to Sandewyche for the Gowmys of the Gentil womans of the duches of Burgeyn ij s vj d APPENDIX. ^ 1453. Lan du grace m cccc liij Et del Roy Herry sizme puis le con- queste xxxje Under the heading "Entre en la lyvere pra' An" — It Emond Redeknape vj 8 viij d It™ Richaert Burgh v j s viij d It™ William Caxton v j s viij d These names have been erased with the pen, and the following memo- randum added beneath — " qz int' debitores in fine copot9." In the list of persona fined ''qils fautent de chiuachier ouesque le mair Geffrey Felding" in the same year are the names of — William Caxton iij s iiij d j Thomas Biyce iij s iiij d Richard Burgh iij s iiij d I William Pratt iij s iiij d 1462—1463. Under Foreign Expenses in the 2nd year of Edward TV. — Item for botehyre for to she we to ye lords of ye coasell the I're y* came from Caxton & ye felaship by yonde ye See vj d 1464—1465. At the end of the Wardens* Account for the 4th year of Edward IV. — Dettours. Item. Ye ffelaship by yende ye see for yeir patents xlvij li x d Among the Foreign Expenses for the same year — Item to Jenyne Bakker, Currour, for berying of a letter to Caxton ovir ye see xxviij s viij d 1465. [Folio c xlj recto.] Anno xiiij« Ixv® . Courte holden of the hole felyshipp the xvij*i» daye of octobr' the yere aboue written. **♦*♦♦ A lettre sent ou Welboloned we grete you well certifiyng youe that the see. as towchyng the convencion of the lordes that was appoynted to begyn at sent Omers the first daye of the p'sent moneth of October/ the whiche we trusted vppon/ it is so that it holdith not/ Neu the lesse oure souaign lorde the kyng Remembryng that thentrecourse expired the ffirst day of Nouembre next comyug/ hath written a letter to the maire of london/ whereof ye shall receyue a copye closed in this letter/ And where as the kyng by his lettre willeth that suche a p'sone as shulde go in message for the bro- gacion of thentrecours shulde be p'vided in suche fonrme as ye may con- ceyve by the lettre it is thougth here that it is not oure parte here in the Citie to take vppon vs a mater of so grete weyght where that all tymes l2 148 WILLIAM CAXTON. here to fore the kyng by thavise of his lords of his Councell have made the p'vision in that behalfe and vppon this we have labored to the mayre w* the wardens of dius felyshippes aventerers that he will write an annsware to the kyng of his lettre in the most plesunt wise that he can that it will pleas his highnes by thavise of his Councell to p'vide for this mater for the weall of all his subietts/ wherfore consideryng that the day comyth nygh vppon and how that the kyngs wrytyng and his message shalbe spedde from hens we are not certen/ wherfor we pray youe for the welle of alle the kyngs subietts by thavise of the felishipp there in as goodly hast as ye can labo"" for a meane by the whiclie yo*" p'sones & goods may be in suretie for a reasonable tyme/ and in the mene whyle there com wrytyng from the kyng to the duke/ or eles from the duke to the kyng if it will so happen for p'rogacion of the same/ and suche costs as ye do vppon the suytt we will that they be generally levied there in suche man and fourme as ye seme most expedient/ written &c. John lambert John Warde | p . a W. Caxton. John Baker John Alburgh ) ^"s'^ses. 1466. [Folio C xliiij.] Courte of adventcrers holden the iij*^ (.§/c) day of June Ao xiiijc Ixvj. ffor a lettre send Hit is accorded by the said felishipp for by cause of a from Caxton lettre send from William Caxton and theryn a Copye Gouemo''- of a lettre sent to the said William by therle of Warwike for thabstinens of bying Wares forboden in the dukes londes of Burgoyne by acte of p'lement that a lettre shalbe made and sent to the said William by the Custoses and Adventerers whiche is made and sent in the fourme following &c. A lettre send Right trusty Sir We grete youe well/ lettyng youe ou to Caxton witt the dayc of makyng of this We receyved a lettre gouno'"- from you directed to the mayre and vs written at Brudgs the xxvij*^^ daye of maye last past and theryn closed a copye of a letter directed to youe from oure good lorde therle of Warwik whiche we haue well vnderstonde & conceyved/ and oppened it to our felishipp for whiche we desire and praye youe/ in that youe is to consider and fulfill thentent made by acte of p'lement and the speciall desire of oure forsaid lorde for the publique weall of this lande and that due inqueraunce be made there in that youe is for the complyshment of the same/ as right requyreth/ we willyng in no kynde the saide acte to be broken nor hurte by non of oure felyshipp in that vs is and that the p'sones founde quycly yf any suche be as god forbede that ye do cor- recion after th ordenauce there made and thentent of yo*" lettre and as for yof desire of aunsware of the lordes intent here as yitt we can not vnderstonde their disposicion but as sone as we have knowlege ye shall APPENDIX. 149 haue wittyng and as for the lettres that ye write ye shulde sent from seint Omers we receyued non as yitt and as for any ioperdy that shulde fall ye shall vnderstonde it ther soner than we here/ and if we knowe of any ye shall have wrytyng &c. Writ at london the iij''» day of June/ J. Tate/ J. Marshall/ Ed. Betts & J. Broun Custoses of the mercery & thaventerers of the same, a Willi" Caxton Gunor jg la nac9 deng^- Envoye p' symond preste le iiij*^ io'' de June. 1468. [Folio xij recto.] Anno xiiijo Ixviijo- Parsonesassiged Courte holden the ix daye of Septembr the yere aboue to go in ambas- writte hit was accorded and agreede thot for asmoche sate by the as the kyng & his Counsell desyred of the felisshipp kynges com- to haue certen p'sones of the same to go on in Am- maundment. bassatt w* dins Enbassatos into fflaunders as for the enlargjTig of WoUen clothe that theis persones vnder- written shnlde be p'seuted to the kynges highnes & his Councell/ they to do as shall pleas them/ William Redeknape John Pykeryng William Caxton [Same Folio and year.] Mony assigned Courte holden the xxviij daye of Septebr' the yere to the said am- aboue said bassatos for hit is accorded that William Redenape and John theire Costs. Pykeryng shall haue in honde xl li st'ling towarde thoire costs & charges for thambassatt of thenlargyng of Wollen clothe in the Duke of Burgun londes whiche shalbc leyde oute of the cundith mony at this tymc receyued vnto the tyme another Courte be had for the p'vision of the same by the advise of the Aldermen of onre felyshipp. MERCERS' RECORDS.—RENTER WARDEN'S ACCOUNTS. {Mercers^ Hall, London.) A folio Volume on paper, in the Archives of the Mercers' Company, written in the 15th Century, being a continuation, on a different plan, of the " Wardens' Accounts." It appears that about 1463-4 the wealth of the Mercers, especially in houses and lands, had so much increased, that it was found convenient 150 WILLIAM CAXTON. to appoint one out of the four Wardens, whose business it should be to keep an account of the Company's estate. Accordingly cA-^ery year a "Renter Warden" was chosen; and from this period the Rent-roll is the main feature in the books, the sum total only of the Fees and Ex- penses of the Company appearing under their separate heads. 1463—1464. Under " Qwj-terents." — 3rd Edward IV. Item paid to ye Chamberleyn of Westm'" for ye pye at S Martyns Otewich for iiij t'm^ at Est' A^ iij^" xxs 1464—1465. 4th Edward IV. Item to ye m' of S Giles in ye ffeld for tents at S Martyns Oteswich vj s viij d Item to ye Chamberleyn of yabbey of Westm"" fer ye same xx s 1467—1468. 7th Edward IV. Item paid for Rep'acs done at S Martyns Oteswich as ap'ith by ye pap' of yacopts/ as in tyleng and oy^ yings xx s vj d ob9. 1475. A^ xiiij c Ixxv. Under the head ** Discharge by Qwyterents of the mercery." Paid to the Chambleyn of West^" for the pye xx s Same year. Under " Qwyterents of Whet' " (Whittington). The Wards of O*" lady brethered of seint Margaret at Westm^ v s 1477. A° xiiij c Ixxvij. Under " Qwyterents of Whetyngton." It' of the Wardeyns of 0^ lady brethered of Seint Margarets at Westminster v s 1484. Under " Qwyterents." Itm to the Chawmburleyn of wesf for the grehound iiij s vj d Under '" Other paiements." Eor a dener kept at the grehound at the visitacion of the lyuelod xxvj s viij d Itm for wesshyng of a tabyll cloth ij d A" xiiij c Ixxxiiij Under the same. It of the wards of o^ lady brethered of seint marg'ets at Westemesf for their tenf in Aldermare v s APPE!n)IX. 151 THE WILL OF ROBERT LARGE, Citizen of London and Mercer — dated 11th April, 1441 — translated from the original copy in the book, called " Rouse," formerly deposited in the Prerogative Court, Doctors* Commons, and now in the Probate Registry of the High Court of Justice. TEANSLATION. 3jx tfje l^ame of ©©IB ^mtn. On the eleventh Day of the month of April in the Year of our Lord One Thousand CCCC and forty one in the nineteenth Year of King Henry the Sixth after the conquest I Robert Large Citizen and Mercer of the City of London being in perfect health and memory do hereby make execute and ordain my Will in this manner First I bequeath and commend my Soul to Almighty GOD my Creator and Saviour to the Blessed Virgin Mary His Mother and to all the Saints and my body to be buried in the parish Church of St. Olave in the Old Jewry Londbn to wit in the same place in which the body of Elizabeth my late wife lies buried which my body being buried I will and bequeathe first and principally that all and singular my debts shall be faithfully and entirely paid in full And afterwards I bequeath to the High Altar of the said Church of St. Olave that the Vicar of the same shall specially pray for the good of my soul C s Also I bequeath for the use of the structure of the same church to be applied wherever it shall be most requisite according to the sound discretion of the parishioners twenty marcs Also I leave twenty pounds for my executors to buy one set of vestments to be chosen according to the judgment of the aforesaid parishioners and such set of vestments I will to remain in the said church of St. Olave to serve for the glory of GOD so long as they shall last Also I bequeath two hundred marcs for the purpose of providing a Chaplain fit and honest and well instructed in those things which pertain to the holy offices to celebrate mass at the altar of the blessed Mary in the said church of St. Olave daily when it shall be appointed or otherwise according to the discretion of my wife and to be present at divine service at each hour appointed for prayer to officiate to pray and to minister according to the discretion of four approved most profitable for the salvation of my soul Also I bequeath to Alice my daughter one hundred pounds to be paid to her when she shall arrive at the age of twenty-one years to be spent in the purchase of furniture and utensils most necessary for her house according to sound advice and counsel Also I bequeath to Elizabeth my daughter five hundred marcs sterling and I mil that the said Elizabeth my daughter together with the aforesaid five hundred marcs left by me as above to the said Elizabeth my daughter be and remain in the governance of the aforesaid Stephen Tychemerssh until the said Elizabeth my daughter shall arrive at the age of twenty years or be married he the said Stephen finding sufficient security in the chamber of Guildhall in the City of 152 WILLIAM CAXTON. London according to the custom and usage of the said City to deliver up to the said Elizabeth my daughter the aforesaid five hundred marks sterling when the said Elizabeth my daughter shall arrive at the afore- said age of twenty years or be married without rendering any other interest therefor only and except the reasonable support of the said Elizabeth my daughtei* And if the said Elizabeth my daughter shall happen to die unmarried or before the age of twenty years then I will that two hundred and fifty marks of the aforesaid five hundred marks left by me as above to the said Elizabeth my daughter revert to the said Alice my daughter if she shall survive and if she be dead then the said two hundred and fifty marks together with the other said two hundred and fifty marks remaining be at the disposal of and distributed by my executors in pious uses and works of charity for the good of my soul and the souls above mentioned in manner as afore is set forth Also I be- queath to the common box of the Mystery of Mercers of the City of London for the support of the poor of the said mystery twenty pounds. Also I bequeath ten pounds to be disposed of according to the discretion of my executors in the purchase of a vestment to serve in the Mercers' chapel in the church of St. Thomas of Acan London so long as it will last Also I bequeath to each convent of the four orders of mendicant friars in the City of London to pray for my soul forty shillings Also I bequeath to the convent of friars of the order of St. Cross near the Tower of London twenty shillings. Also I bequeath one hundred shillings for the purchase of bedding linen and flannel according to the discretion of my executors to serve in the Hospital of St. Bartholomew in West Smith- field so long as they will last Also I bequeath one hundred shillings wherewith to purchase in like manner bedding for the new hospital called St. Mary Spital without the aforesaid thousand pounds left by me to him the said Thomas my son be and remain in the safe charge and government of the aforesaid Johanna my wife until the said Thomas my son shall arrive at the age of twenty-four years she the said Johanna my wife finding suflicient security in the Guildhall chamber of the city of London according to the manner and custom of the said City to deliver up to the said Thomas my son the aforesaid thousand pounds when he Thomas my son. shall arrive at his aforesaid age of twenty-four years without rendering any interest therefor only and except the reasonable support of my said son Thomas Also I bequeath to Robert my son one thousand pounds sterling and I will that the said Robert my son together with the aforesaid thousand pounds so left by me as above to the said Robert my son be and remain in the safe charge and governance of the aforesaid Thomas Staunton my brother until the said Robert my son shall arrive at the age of twenty-four years the said Thomas Staunton finding sufficient security in the Guildhall chamber of the City of London according to the manner and custom of the said City to deliver up to the said Robert my son the aforesaid thousand pounds so left by me as afore- said when the said Robert my son shall arrive at his aforesaid age of APPENDIX. 15S twenty-four years without rendering any interest therefor only and except the proper support of my said son Robert Also I bequeath to Richard my son one thoosand pounds sterling and will that the said Richard my son together with the said thousand pounds so be- queathed by me to him as above shall be and remain in the safe custody and governance of the aforesaid Johanna my wife until Richard my said son shall arrive at the age of twenty-four years the said Johanna my wife finding sufficient security for the said thousand pounds in the same way as above specified And in case one or more of my said sons Thomas Robert or Richard shall die before reaching the said age of twenty-four years then I will and bequeath that the portion or ix)rtion8 of that my son or those my sous so dying before the age of twenty-four years shall revert to that one or thase of my said sons surviving And if all my said sons shall die before arriving at the age of twenty-four years then I will and bequeath that the said three thousand pounds shall be disposed of and distributed by my executors in pious uses and works of charity for the good of my own soul and the souls of my parents my wives and my children also of my friends and benefactors for the souls of all I hold in esteem and of all the faithful departed this life in such way as my execu- tors may consider to be better for the pleasing of GOD and among poor unmarried men and women desirous of marriage Also I bequeath to the parish church of Shakeston where my father lies buried a vestment of the value of ten pounds to serve in the same church to the glory of GOD so long as it will last Also I bequeath to the parish church of Aldester where my ancestors are buried a vestment of the value of ten pounds Also I leave to the parish church of Overton where some of my relatives are buried a vestment of the value of ten pounds Also I bequeath to Thomas Nyche my servant 1 marks Also to Richard Bonyfaunt my apprentice 1 marks Also I bequeath to Henry Onkmonton my appren- tice 1 pounds Also I bequeath to Robert Dedes my apprentice xx marks Also I bequeath to Christopher my apprentice xx pounds Also I be- queath to William Caxton my apprentice xx marks Also I bequeath to John Gode my servant x pounds Also I bequeath to William Brydde my servant x marks Also I bequeath to William my kitchen servant xl shillings Also I bequeath to Katherine my servant x marks and to Isabella Lynde xl shillings Also I leave to William Sampson my ser- vant at my manor of llorham five marks Also I bequeath to Peter my servant at the same place xl shillings and to Thomas my servant at the same place xxvj shillings and viij pence Also I bequeath to John de Ramsey servant of Isabella Boteley x marks on his marriage Also I bequeath to Richard Tumat the son of Johanna my wife xx pounds Also I bequeath C marks to be divided by my executors among the children of John Chirch Citizen and Mercer of the City of London who shall be living at the age of xxiiij years Also I bequeath to Thomas Staunton my brother if he will undertake the charge of exe- cuting this my will and will act with good diligence in this office C 154 WILLIAM CAXTON. pounds Also I bequeath to Arnulph Strete Mercer on the same con- dition C marks and to Stephen Tychemerrsh on the same condition C marks Also I leave to Katherine my mother C marks Also I bequeath to Johanna my wife by way of gift and instead of her portion of all and singular my moveable goods and chattels by law belonging to her four thousand marks And in case that she Johanna my wife shall be dis- satisfied with this my said legacy then I will that this my legacy to the said Johanna do cease and become void in law and that then the said Johanna my wife do have of my moveable goods and chatties only that portion to which she is entitled by law without any addition or advan- tage whatsoever Also I bequeath to Thomas my son one thousand pounds sterling and I will that the said Thomas my son together with parishioners of the aforesaid church for twenty years next after my decease the said chaplain taking for his annual salary ten marks to be paid and administered at the hands of my executors in order that he the said Chaplain may specially commend to GOD my soul and also the souls of Elizabeth and Johanna my wives Eichard Herry my late master and the souls of all those whom I esteem and the souls of all the faithful departed Also I bequeath to the high altar of St. Margaret in Lothbury London C s Also I bequeath xx Pounds to be paid by my executors for the purchase of one set of vestments according to the expressed choice of the aforesaid parishioners which set of vestments I wish to remain in the said Church of Saint Margaret to serve for the worship of GOD so long as they shall last. Also I leave xx pounds to be disposed of and divided by my executors among the more indigent poor men and women of the ward of Coleman Street Also four pounds to be divided by my executors among the Chaplains and Clerks in the Churches of St. Olave and St. Margaret aforesaid within two years next after my decease that is to say xl s each year in order that the aforesaid Chaplains and Clerks may pray for my soul Also I bequeath for the new making and con- struction of an aqueduct lately begun in the City of London CCCC marks to be paid within four years according to the discretion of my executors on condition however that the aforesaid aqueduct be completed within four years next after my decease and not otherwise Also I bequeath for the work of making and repairing London Bridge C marks to be paid within four years according to the discretion of my executors Also I bequeath for the cleansing of the Watercourse called Walbrook near the church of St. Margaret Lothbury and for the enlargement and upholding of the same church to be disposed of according to the wise discretion of my executors and four approved parishioners of that Church CC marks or more if necessary so that it do not exceed CCC marks Also I bequeath C marks to be disposed of according to the wise discretion of my execu- tors for the marriage of ten poor girls of good character namely to each of these ten girls at her marriage ten marks whether in the country or in the City of London Also I bequeath C pounds to be divided by my executors among poor domestic servants in the counties of Lancashire APPENDIX. 155 and Warwickshire that is to 6&j one poor manservant ten shillings and to another twenty shillings and to another forty shillings as occasion may require so long as the said C pounds shall suffice Also I bequeath XX pounds to be distributed by my executors where it may be most needed Bishopsgate London so long as it will last. Also I leave five marks wherewith in like manner to purchase bedding for the hospital of the Blessed Saint Mary of Bethlehem without Bishopsgate aforesaid. Also I bequeath forty shillings wherewith in like manner to purchase bedding for the hospital of St. Thomas of Southwark near London. Also I bequeath six pounds wherewith in like manner to purchase bedding for the Lepershouses at Hakeney les lokes without the barriers of St George Southwark and of St Egidius beyond Holbom London namely to each of the said houses forty shillings Also I bequeath one hundred shillings wherewith to provide and purchase food and other things most necessary for the poor prisoners in Newgate London to be distributed according to the sound discretion of my executors Also I bequeath one hundred shillings to be distributed in like manner among the prisoners in Ludgate London Also I bequeath for repairs in the nave of the church of Thakstede five marks Also I bequeath for repairs in the body of the church of Chawrey in the county of Essex forty shillings Also I bequeath to Richard Foliet mercer twenty marks Also I bequeath to William Halle mercer lately my servant twenty pounds Also I bequeath to Agnes lately my servant forty shillings Also I bequeath to each of my two said daughters Alice and Elizabeth three cups with covers from among my cups called standing cups of silver-gilt whichever of such cups with the covers shall weigh twenty-four ounces and * ♦ * ♦ [^one leaf of tJie original is here mi^.ung'\ the s"i Richard Tumat dying without male heirs lawfully begotten, then I will that all the above lands and tenements with their appurtenances shall revert to the male heirs of my before-mentioned son Robert Large. Provided nevertheless that if the sA Richard Turnat shall take possession of all the aforesaid lands and tenements in Newton that then he shall be excluded entirely from the manor of Horham in the county of Essex with the lands and tenements and appurtenances belonging thereto. Then follows the Probate, dated May 6th, 1441, and proved before Zauobio Mulakyn, Dean of the Church of St. Mary-le-Bow, London. BRUGES RECORDS.— CIVIL JUDGMENTS. (^The Archives, Bruges.') The following document is found in one of the many volumes of Records preserved in the Archives of the City of Bruges. Like the other volumes of this interesting series it is in manuscript coeval with 156 WILLIAM CAXTON. the history it elucidates. The title at the beginning of the book is as follows : — " Registre van alle zaken ghehandelt by Scepen van Brugghe, in huerl. camere daer zy daghelicx vergaderen. Beghint in Septembre in 'tjaer dunst vierhondert xlvij."; or, " A register of all matters brought under the notice of the Councillors of Bruges, in their daily session assembled. Begun in the month of September, in the year one thousand four hun- dred xlvij." (Translation.) To all who see or hear these Presents — the Burgomasters, Sheriffs, and Council of the Town of Bruges send greeting. Be it known that William Craes, an English Merchant, Complainant, of the one part, and John Selle and William Caxton, English Merchants also, Defendants, of the other part, have this day appealed for justice before Roland de Vos and Guerard le Groote our Fellows, Sheriffs. The said Complainant says, that John Granton, Merchant, of the Staple at Calais, was bound and indebted to him in certain sums of money ; that is to say, firstly in &60 sterling for and because of a certain obligation, and further, in the sum of £50 sterling on account of a certain exchange which had taken place between them, as well as for expenses and costs incurred in that matter, amounting on the whole to £110 sterling. For this sum he had caused the said John Granton to be arrested in the Town of Bruges, and that the said John being arrested, the said John Selle and William Caxton became sureties for him, in equity and law. And because the said John had departed the Town of Bruges without having paid and satisfied him, or appealed for justice, he demanded that the said Defendants should be compelled and adjudged, as Sureties of the said John, to pay the said claim, The said Defendants, in answer, acknowledged that in the manner aforesaid they had become Sureties to the said William Craes for the said John Granton, but submitted that the said John was quite solvent, rich enough, and would certainly pay the amount ; requiring therefore that the said Complainant might seek his debt of the said John, who was the real debtor, and that they might be discharged from their said surety- ship : disputing also the sum demanded by the Defendant on account of the said exchange, for certain reasons thereupon alleged ; the aforesaid Plaintiff holding the validity of the said suretyship, and demanding as aforesaid ; together with many other reasons submitted by the said par- ties. And after hearing the said parties on the said questions, with their arguments, as well as certain Merchants, that the said dispute had been determined by our Fellows, Sheriffs, who had adjudged and decided : That the said Defendants should, as the Sureties of the said John Granton, pay and satisfy the said William Craes, firstly in the said sum of £60, of which the said obligation made mention, and furthermore in the sum of £35 sterling on account of the said exchange aad costs. And that, upon the surrender of the said obligation, good and sufficient 157 security amounting to the two said sums of £60 and £35 sterling should be given ; that in case at some future time the said John Granton should deny the debt of the said sums, or allege payment, that then, on the other hand, the said Plaintiff should be sentenced to render and repay the said two sums and more. Right of action being reserved to the said Defen- dants against the said John Granton, the original debtor, as law and equity direct. In witness whereof, &c., 2 January (1449). BRUGES RECORDS.— TOWN REGISTERS. {The ArcJiiveg, Bruges.) A Register written on paper in the fifteenth century, and containing Civil Judgments, given in the Town of Bruges during the years 1465-9. (Teanslation.) Whereas Daniel, son of Adrien, called Sheriff Daniel, Plaintiff of the one part, and Jeroneme Vento, for and in the name of Jaques Doric,* Merchant of Genoa, Defendant of the other part, have promised and agreed to leave all the differences between them to the judgment and arbitration of William Caxton, Merchant of England, and Master and Governor of the English Nation in these parts ; and of Thomas Perrot, as Arbitrators, and amicable Umpires and common friends, the said parties, and each of them, promising well and legally to abide by, observe and perform all that the said Arbitrators shall decide and adjudicate on the said differences, without opposition of any kind. And that the said Arbitrators having heard the pleas of the said parties, and formed thereon their sentence and judgment which they have reported to the full chamber of the Sheriffs of Bruges, it has been notified to the said parties, that, because the said William Caxton was unavoidably absent from the said City of Bruges, the said parties have been summoned before the said full chamber of the Sheriffs of Bruges, and have appeared. To whom has been signified the arbitration and judgment by the said Arbitrators, which was and is as follows ; that is to say — That the said Jeroneme Vento, for and in the name of the said Jaques Doric, shall pay to the said Scepheer Daniel promptly and in current money the sum of £4 gross ; and that the said Jeroneme above- named shall advance to the said Sheriff Daniel another £4 gross, the said Scepheer Daniel, however, giving good surety to the said Jeroneme that he will repay the said sum of £4 gross which he had advanced, within the first four voyages, in whatever country it may be, that Sheriff Daniel may make with his vessel, that is to say, on each voyage £1 gross. * Perhaps one of the celebrated Doiia family of Genoa. 158 WILLIAM CAXTOX. Provided always, that in case the said Daniel shall not make a voyage with his said ship within the next six months, and that the said Daniel, or his sureties, shall be bound to pay aud restore to the said Jeroneme Vento (without the said Jeroneme agree to a postponement) the other payments above-named. The observance of which judgment and arbitration by the said parties, and each of them, has been decreed in the said full chamber of Sheriffs of Bruges. Done the 12th of May, 1469. ISSUE KOLL OF THE EXCHEQUER. Under the date of '* Easter. 19 Edward IV, 15th June," is the fol- lowing : — To William Caxton. In money paid to his own hands in discharge of 20 1, which the Lord the King commanded to be paid to the same William for certain causes and matters performed by him for the said Lord the King. By writ of privy seal amongst the mandates of this term 20 1. ST, MARGARET'S RECORDS.— CHURCHWARDENS' ACCOUNTS. ( J» the Vestry of St. Margarets Clmrch Westminster.) A Volume of biennial Accounts of the Churchwardens, audited by the chief Parishioners, Each Account is written on a quire of parch- ment, complete in itself : they vary considerably in size, but have been carefully bound in one Volume, and are in beautiful condition. The period included in this Volume is 1464 to 1503. The contents consist of — Receipts of Pees for Burials, Obits, &;c. — Rents — Legacies, and Gifts — Payments for Repairs — Salaries — Pew-rents — Collections — and other expenses. 1474. " Compus Thome Frampton & Willi Stafford custod' bonor9 & oma- mentor9 ecclie p'ochial' see margarete Westm' videl't a xvij^ die Maij A" regis Edwardi quarti post conq'm AngF quarto vsqu xxij diem einsdem » ♦ * * In the List of Fees for Burial is — '* It™ rec** de Oliver Cawston die sepult' p' iiij tapr' viij d " Among the Miscellaneous Receipts for 1476 — " It™ of a rewarde for a boke & a Chales lent to Sir Ric' Wideuyle xx d " 169 1478. " Here folowith Thaccompt of John Wycam and of Nicholas Wolles- croft Wardeins of the parisshe Churche of seynt margarete of Westm* * * from the vij**» day of the moneth of may in the yere of our lord god Me CCCC Ixxviij ♦ ♦ ♦ vnto the xviij*i» day of may in the yere of our lord god M^ CCCC Ixxx " * * * In the List of Fees for Burial in the first year — " It™ the day of burying of William Caxton for ij torchis and iiij tapirs at a lowe masse xx d " The amount paid does not appear large ; but in a very long list of burial fees there are only four equal in amount, the common rate of fees being ij d, iiij d, or vj d. 1480. The same Account. In the List of Fees for burial in the second year — " It™ the day of bureying of Jone large for ij tapirs iiij d " 1481. The Audit at the end of the same Account is as follows : — " The whiche some of xxiij li. X s v d ob. q* the forsaide wardeyns haue paid and delyued in the fulle Audite vnto william Garard and William Hachet their Successours togeder w* the tresoures of and in the chirche aforeseid to them delyued in the begynn}Tig of this accompte * * in the presence of John Randolf squyer Richard Vmfrey gen- tilman Thomas Burgeys John Kendall notary William Caxton * ♦ - with other paryshyns " ♦ * 1490-92. In the Account for the years 1490-2, among the Burial Fees for the first year — *' Item atte Bureyng of Mawde Caxston for torches and tapres iij s ijd " In the second year — •' Item atte Bureying of William Caxton for iiij torches vj s viij d " " Item for the belle atte same bureyng vj d " Here we remark again that in both these cases the fees paid are con- siderably larger than usual. In the Accounts for 1496-8 among thr Legacies, and their produce — " It™ receyued by the handes of William Kyolle for oone of thoo printed bokes that were bequothen to the Churche behove by William Caxston vj s viijd '' " It™ receyued by the handes of the said William for a nother of the same printed Bokes called a legend vj s iiij d " 160 WILLIAM CAXTON. " It™ by the hands of the parisshe prest for a nother of the same legendes vj s viij d " At the end of the Account — " Memorand' there remayneth in store to the said Chirch " " It™ in bokes called legendes of the bequest of William Caxton xiij d " Among the Payments at the end of the same Account — " It™ paide for a supper gevyn vnto the Auditours herynge and determenyng this accompt and to the newe Chirchwardeyns as it hath ben vsed and accus- tumed here tofore xx s " In the Accounts for 1498-1500— "The Receites of Bookes called Legendes in the first yere of this accompte " — " Fyrst Receyued of John Crosse for a prainted legende "Item Receiued for a nother legende solde in West- mynster halle " Item Receiued of Willm geyfe for a nother of the same legendes "It™ receiued of the said Willm Geyfe for a nother Legende " Item R of Walter Marten for a nother legende In the second year of the same account — " Item R. of William Geiffe for ij legendes printed x s iiij d " " It™ R of Daniell af orge for a printed legended v s x d " *' Item R of William Geiffe for a printed legende v s " " Memorand' ther remayneth in store to the saide chirch " * * * " It™ in bokes called Legendes of the bequest of William Caxton iij " In the Accounts for 1500-2 there are not entered any sales of " Legends." "Ther remayneth in store to the saide chirche " * * * " Item a prjTited legende booke of the bequeste of Will'm Caxton." vs viij d " TS viij d " VS viijd" vs viij d " VS xj d" ST. MARGARET'S RECORDS. GUILD OF OUR LADY ; WARDENS' ACCOUNTS. {In tlie Vestry of St. MargareVs Churchy Westminster). A Volume of triennial Accounts of the Fraternity of our Blessed Lady Assumption, beautifully written on vellum, and in excellent pre- servation. It includes the period between 1474 and 1522, and is of very great interest in illustrating the customs of that period. The earlier as well as the later Volumes are not known to exist. The following are the principal headings of the various Accounts: — Arrears of Members — Rents received — Bequests and Gifts — Receipts for Obits of Members — APPENDIX. lei Fees of new Members — Rents paid — Payments of Salaries — Wages — Annuities to Almsmen and Women — House-repairs — Wax Candles, and other expenses, for the Shrine of our Lady in St. Margaret's Church — and Miscellaneous expenses. (24th June, 1474, to 24th June, 1477). The first Account is headed — " This is thaccompte of maister William Thirleby heniy marble gen- tilman and James Fytt maistres or Wardeyns chosen of the Frat'nte or gylde of oure blessed lady seint mary the virgyn wtin the p'issh chirch of peint margaret of the towne of Westm in the shire of midd' founded, that is to say from the fest of Natiuite of seint John Baptist in the yere of ye reigne of kyng Edward the iiij'^ after the conquest xiiij vnto the said fest of the Natiuite of seint John the xvijt*» yere of the reigne of the same kyng by three hole yeres as it p'ticulerly appiereth in p'cellez here folowyng that is to wete." Under Payments of Rent in the same Account — " Also the said late maistres charge themsilf w* a certeyn quite rent due by John RandolfF of london mercer for a licence of Pre entre of comyng in and going out for his tenntes thurgh the gate and an Alley called our lady Alley in the kynges Strete of the towne of westm'." In the same Account, under " thentre of diues p'sones of new to the said frat'nite is " John Caxston vj s viij d." Also among the Payments — '• Diuers payments by the said late maisters for the said Fratemite * * * of the which thay axe to be allowed in this accompt." " Of the money by them paid to the wardeins of the Craft of mercery of london for certain quite rent going out of the ten't in the p'isshe of Aldermarie Chirche of london at vs by the yere." The Fraternity appear also to have held tenements in King Street, Westminster, at Kensington, and at Stroud. In the same Account, after the payment of six priests' salaries — " Costes and p'celles allowed by the hole Brotherhode toward thexpences of the geiiall fest in iij^^® yere of this accompt." These " Costs and Parcels " occupy two full folio pages, and have yielded the following items : — " A tonn of wyne vj li " '* Paide to John Drayton chief cok for his reward xxv s " " Also for the hire of xxiiij doseyn of erthen pottes for ale & wyne iiij s " " Also for erthen pottes broken & wasted at the same fest vj s viij d " " Also to iiij players for their labour xi j s xd " M 162 WILLIAM CAXTON. " Also to iij mynstrelles ix s x d " " Also for the mete of diues of strangers xvj s " " Also for russhes ij s iiij d " " Also for yj doseyn of white cuppes iij s " ****** " Also for portage and botehjo-e of the Turbut iiij d " " Also for ix Turbutts xv s ij d " In addition to scores of " Capons, chekyns, gese, conyes, and peiones," (pigeons), the chief " cok " provided them with *' swannys " and " herons," with all sorts of fish, including oysters and " see pranys," or prawns, with all kinds of meats and game, with jellies in *' ix dosen gely disshes," and with abundance of fruits. The quantity of ale, wine, and ypocras provided by the butler is marvellous, and one cannot wonder at the heavy entries for '* pottes and cuppes broken, and wasted." The Cook seems to have been paid much more liberally than the Wardens, who had but XXX s between them *' for their dilligence." In the Accounts for 1490-3 are the Receipts of Rent from tenements, known as *' The Maidenhead," " The Sonne," " The Rose," and " The Wolstaple." Also, under payment of Rent — " For a certayn Quit rent paid out of a litell tent in the wolstaple to the mair of the staple at xxd by the yere." " Also for a certain Quit rent paid out of the Rents in Alderm'ay p'isshe to John More Renter of the Mercers xv s " From " Rymer's Foedera." Folio. London. 1710. Vol. XI. 536. (Teanslation.) CONCERNING THE TREATY OF BURGUNDY. The King to all whom it may concern, &c. Greeting. Be it known that Inasmuch as determinate arrangements concerning the intercourse of merchandise between our subjects and the subjects of our well-beloved Cousin the Duke of Burgundy have in a sure form and manner been accorded and agreed to in times past and since that time often renewed, We, Wishing on our part to hold good and observe such arrangements, and being well assured of the faithfulness and discretion of our well- beloved subjects Richard Whetehill, Knight, and William Caxton, Do make, ordain and constitute, by these presents, the said Richard and William our true and accredited Ambassadors, Agents, Nuncios, and several Deputies ; APPENDIX. 168 Giving and Granting to our said Ambassadors, Agents, Nuncios, and Deputies, and to either of them, full power and authority and general as well as special commandment to meet, to enter into treaty and to com- municate with our aforesaid Cousin or his Ambassadors, Agents, Nuncios, and Deputies delegated with suflRcient powers for this purpose by our said Cousin, concerning and upon the continuation and renewal of the aforesaid Intercourse, and, should occasion require, to make and conclude new arrangements, And to do and exercise all and singular other deeds which may be fit or necessary. Promising, in good faith and on our kingly word, always to hold as ratified, acceptable, and binding, all and any the Acts and Deeds of our said Ambassadors, Agents, Nuncios, and Deputies, or either of them, as aforesaid, which may be done, performed, or done by procuration, in the foregoing matters, or any portion thereof. As witness our hand at Wycombe, this 20th day of October (1464). A SHEET OF PAPER IN THE NATIONAL RECORD OFFICE. The manuscript is — *' To tharchedeacon of Westm' that nowe is and for the tyme shalbe. We, Richard Fitz James, Almoner and Counsaillor unto ourc souverain lord the King, and Richard Hatton, chaplayne and counsaillor vnto our said souverain lord, greting in our Lord God euerlasting. And whereas we, the said Richard and Richard, were appoynted, lymytted and assigned by our said souverain lord and the l^rdes of his most noble counsaill to . examine, determyne and pacific a certain variaunce depending betwene Gerard Croppe of Westminster, taillour, of the oone partie, and Eliza- beth, the doughter of William Caxton, wif to the said Gerard, of the othre partie ; We, the vij^^ dale of May, the xj*>' ye re of our said souverain lord, had the said parties before us in the Kinges Chapell within his palois of Westminster at this appoyntement and conclusion by thcire both assentes and aggrementes : — That noon of theim, ne any othre for theim, shall fromhensforth vexe, sue or trouble othre for any maner matier or cause theim concemying for matrimony betwix theim before had ; and every of theim to lyve sole from othre, except that the said Gerard shall mowe fynde the meanes to have the love and favour of the seid Elizabeth. For thaccomplisshment of which aggrement eithre of theim of their owne voluntarie willes bound theim self unto us by their faithes and trouthes, and never to varie from their said promyses. And therupon the said Gerard to have of the bequest of William Caxton, the fadre of the said Elizabeth, xx** piynted legendes at xiij s iiij d a legend. And the said Gerard to delyver a generall acquitaunce unto thexecutours of William Caxton, her said fadre, for their discharge in that behalf. And besides M 2 164 WILLIAM CAXTON. thies premisses both the said parties were aggreed before us to be bound, eche to othre, in C.li. by their dedes obligatorie with the condicions above wreten to perform e alle the premisses. In wittenesse whereof I, the said Richard FitzJames, have to thies preseutes sette the scale of myn office. And I, the said Richard Hatton, have setto my seal, and eithre of us subscribed our names with oure owne handes, the xx*' daie of May the xjth yere of the reigne of our said souverain Lord." DESCRIPTION OF BOOKS PRINTED TYPE No. 1. EXPLANATION OF TERMS. on, or QuiNTERNiON, means a section of five sheets folded together in half =10 leaves = 20 pages. 4n, or Quaternion — 8 leaves = 16 pages. 3n, or Ternion = 6 leaves = 12 pages. Eecto is the right-hand page of an open book. Verso is the reverse, or the left-hand page. A Director is the name given to the small letter placed where the Illuminator was intended to paint in a large initial. LIST OF BOOKS IN TYPE No. 1. Ctxnili, 0'', ^rnA, OkA 3. The Game and Play of the Chess Moralised . 1475-76 ? '??' "/^'''y-'S *• ^®^ ^^^® ^^ prouesses du noble et vaillant Chevalier Jason . HI-? >yi,r , ... 6. Meditacions sur les Sept Pseaulmes penitenciaulx . 1478? BOOKS PRINTED IN TYPE No. 1. No. 1. — The Recuyell of the Histories of Troy. Translated 1469-71. Folio. Without Place or Date. (1474?). Collation. — Book I has fourteen 5°' and one 4"= 148 leaves, of which the first is blank. Book II has nine 5"", one 4", and one 3"= 104 leaves. Book III has ten 5"*= 100 leaves. Total 351 printed leaves and one blank. Typographical Particulars. — Type No. 1 only. Lines of very uneven length ; full Hues measure 5 inches, but vary in different parts from 4 J to h\ inches. 31 lines to a full page. "Without signatures, catchwords, or numerals. Space is left, with a director, for 3 to 7-line initials. As may be seen by the collation, each book begins a fresh gathering, probably for the convenience of binding in three separate volumes. Commencing the work with a blank leaf, Caxton's preftice follows, printed in red ink, and occupying the second recto. The Text beguis thus : — ^xz begpnnett tije bolume intitulet anlr natnflJ t) tf)e recu:DrU of tl)e 1)i0torgcs of Croge/ composftr anti tJtatom out of tipucrre tookciss of latpn \\\ to ixtxi%%%z tg tt)e t|)0t)t benrratle prrsone anlr toor^ sftipfuU man , l^aoul le fffure . prrest antj rjaprlagn bnto tf)e rgg1)t notle glorpoug anti tnj)gt)t5 prpnre m \\% Xymz 13l)rUp tiur of ^ourpgne of -lijratanli ^^c 3i[n t1)e mxz of ^z SJnrarnacion of our lortj got! a tfiou^ santi foure i^ontierti siitg anti foure / ^nTi translatelr antj lirabjen out of fren^le in to englisste tp 2i2JliUpam (JTaiton mercer of ^ cgte of Uontjon / at tije comautjemet 168 WILLIAM CAXTOX. Of tt)e rigljt ij^it mggjtg anti berttmuse ^tgncesse i):D0 tetiouttgti latig . jilargarete ip ti^e grace of gotj . ©u^ ci^esse of Bcurgogne of Hotrgk of i^rafianti $^c/ ^lHf)ic5c jsagti tcanslacion an^ bierlte toas tiegonne in iSnigis in tf)c OTountee of dFlauntjrejs tfje fgrst trag of mardje tf\t pere of tije 3Jncarnacion of our m^ lorti goti a tjousanti foure i^ontfertr stxtp anti cggl^te / Enti entieti antj fpnpssibitJ in t|e Ijolp cgte of (ITolen tf)e , xix ♦ tap of septembre ti)e pere of our saptr lorti got a tfiousant foure i)ontiert sia:tp ant eleuen $ct. Ent on ti^at otfier ^ite of tf)i!5 (eef folobjetf) tfje prologe Caxton's Prologue begins on the verso of the same leaf, with space for a 4-line initial "W. Jgan S rememtre tf)at euerp man is tounten The first book commences on the fifth recto, with space for a 7-line initial W. The second begins on the 149th, and the third on the 2 5 3rd recto, the whole ending with some Latin rhymes on the 352nd recto, the verso being blank. Remaeks. — No one speaking the English language can look at this patriarchal volume with indifference. Here, for the first time, om- forefathers saw their language in print; and, could our interest in any way have been heightened, it would have been by knowing it to have been printed in our o^vTi instead of a foreign land. The history of its origin is shortly this. In the original French it was a favourite novel of the English and Bm-gundian courtiers, for, although nomi- nally an account of the Trojan wars, it is really a series of love scenes mixed with mythology and knight-errantry. The manuscript translation made by Caxton for the Duchess of Burgundy, whose court was at Bruges, having excited great interest, a demand arose for copies quicker than Caxton could supply them. The printing-press having been just established in that city by Colard Mansion, Caxton, whose thoughts were now homewards, determined to use it as a means of multiply- ing his translation, and of learning at the same time a new trade which would support him on his return to England. This BOOKS PRINTED IN TYPE NO. 1. 109 he did at a great charge and expense, and then, ha\ing pro- cured a new fount of types and all the necessory material, came over to England and erected his press at Westminster. Fortunately this work cannot be reckoned among the rarities of Caxton's press, as there are copies in the British Museum, Sion College, College of Physicians, London, at Oxford, Cambridge, Paris, and fourteen other libraries. The Duke of Devonshire gave £1060 10s. for a copy in 1812, the same copy having been purchased by the Duke of Roxburgh a few years previously for £50. No. 2. — Le Recueil des Histoires de Troyes. Cmnpose en Van de grace 1464. Folio. Without Printer's Name, Place, or Date. (1476 ?). Collation. — Book /, twelve 5'"= 120 leaves, of which the first and last are blank. BooTc II, eight 5°" and one 3"= 86 leaves. Book III, eight 5°' =80 leaves. Total, 284 printed and two blank leaves. Typographical Particulars. — Type No. 1 only is used. The lines for the greater part are spaced out to one length, being more even in this particular than the two English books in this type. A full page has 31 lines, without signatures, numerals, headlines, or catchwords. A space two to four lines in depth has been left at the commencement of each chapter ^ for the insertion of an illuminated initial, a director being sometimes inserted. ^ The Text, 31 lines to a page, which is divided into three books, begins thus on the second recto, after a blank leaf: — dftj) commenre le bolume :5tititule le recueil tjes ^istoireja T>e Xtm% (Eompoise par beneratle l^omme raoul le feure prestre riiappellain tie men tresretiouftte seisneur iHonsei^ gneur le Buc ^i)flipp^ ^^ tourgoingne ^n Ian tie grace, mil . cccc . liiiii . : . and ends on the 286th verso. antipfjo' le rog eiestori' le rog protfienor et le rog odtomr'. * : * ijfriplicit * : * 170 WILLIAM CAXTON. Remarks. — The history of the Trojan War, a favourite subject for several centuries with European writers, was the foundation of numerous romances. Of these the chief were the apocryphal history by Dares Phrygius, a Trojan priest, celebrated by Homer ; the account of the same war by Dictys Cretensis, a supposititious historian ; and the History of the Siege of Troy by Guido of Colonna, a native of Messina in Sicily, who wrote in the thirteenth century. The rise of these histories, their growth under the editorial care of successive scribes, the incorporation of incidents from other romances, and their final development in the compilation of "Le Recueil des Histoires de Troye," form a curious and typical example of this class of literature. According to the unanimous testimony of all printed editions and all manuscripts of the complete work, "Le Eecueil" was the composition of Raoul Lefevre, chaplain and secretary to Philippe le Bon, Duke of Burgundy: but in a manuscript copy of this work in the National Library, Paris, the first two books are attributed to Guillaume Fillastre. And this is remarkable — that Lefevre succeeded Fillastre (who was a voluminous author) in the ofiice of secretary to the duke. Probably, finding his predecessor's history unfinished, he took it up, and, after adding Book III, issued the whole under his own name. In that age a similar course was by no means uncommon, nor was it an infringement of any recognised literary right ; we can hardly, therefore, with M. Paris, call it (even if true) " une grande fraude literaire." On the other hand, several copies were issued with the name of Lefe^TC while Fillastre was yet living, and Caxton, who was contem- porary with both writers, ascribes the whole work to Lefevre. Nor is there any noticeable variation in style between the two portions, as might be expected if composed by two authors ; indeed the style of " Le Recueil " is the same as that of " Les fais du Jason," an acknowledged work of Lefevre. Steevens asserts that Shakspere derived the greater por- tion of his materials for the play of "Troilus and Cressida" from Lydgate's metrical composition, "The last destruction of Troy ;" but Douce, in his " Illustrations," is far nearer the BOOKS PRINTED IN TYPK NO. 1. 171 truth in tracing the incidents employed by our great poet to Caxton's translation of " Le Recueil des Histoires de Troye." The latter was popular, and frequently reprinted long after Lydgate's laboured metre had become antiquated. There is a perfect copy in the British Museum, besides a large fragment. The National Library, Paris, has a copy, and four others are in private libraries. A fragment of eight leaves was purchased some years ago by a bookseller, and made into four thick volumes, each volume having two printed leaves with a hundred blank leaves on each side. These were all disposed of as specimens to lie open in the show-cases of museums. No. 3. — The Game and Play of the Chess Moralised. {Translated 1475). First Edition. Folio, WitJmit Printer's Narmf Placey or Date. (1475-76 ?) Collation. — Eight 4^" and one 5" =74 leaves, of which the 1st and 74th are blank. Typographical Particulars. — There is only one type. No. 1, used throughout the work. The lines are not spaced out ; the longest measure 5 inches ; a full page has 31 lines. Without title-page, signatures, numerals, or catchwords. The volume commences with a blank leaf, and on the second recto is Caxton's prologue, space being left for a 2-line initial, without director. The Text begins thus : — <© tf)e rigfit noble/ xi^X earcellent $c bertuoug prinre (George tiiic of Ollarence ©rl of ^IHartoglt anlr of saltsturpe/ grete rjamfterlagn of iiriiglonli $c leutmant of frelottti oltjrst trotirc of fei)nge iirtjtoaro tip ^t grace of goti fegnge of (irnglantj anti of frauce / jour most i)umtle seruant toiUiam OTaxton anionge otjer of j)ti\xx seruantes senties tinto goto peas . ftelttie , S^oge anb birto:^ rge bpon gour ilrnemges / i!\(gt)t i)igte pugssant ant> The Text ends on the 73rd recto, ^xCts gentje gob) t^accomplisstement of gour te^ witle . 172 WILLIAM CAXTOX. last trap of marc^e ti^e per of out lorti goli ♦ a ♦ tftousanti foure i)ontrerti antr ixxiiiu \:.:.\ The 74th leaf is blank. Eemarks. — " Fynjsshid the last day of Marche the yer of oure lord god a thousand foure honderd and Ixxiiii." The word " fynysshed " has doubtless the same signification here as in the epilogue to the second book of Caxton's translation of the Histories of Troy, " begonne in Brugis, contynued in Gaunt, and finysshed in Coleyn," which evidently refers to the trans- lation only. The date, 1476-76, has been affixed, because in the Low Countries at that time the year commenced on Easter- day; this in 1474 fell on April 10th, thus giving, as the day of the conclusion of the translation, 31st March, 1475, the same year being the earliest possible period of its appearance as a printed book. The literary history of the " Game and Play of the Chess" does not appear to have hitherto received that attention which is its due. Before 1285, ^^gidius Colonna had composed his renowned work entitled " De regimine principum," which treats of self-government, domestic government, and national government. The "Liber de ludo Scachorum" of J. de Cessolis appears to have been based upon this work, its chief originality being the representation of the several stations and duties of life by the pieces used in chess. About the middle of the fifteenth century two distinct French versions were made. The earlier was probably that by Jean Faron, in 1347, who translated it literally from the original Latin. About the same time appeared the favourite and standard work of Jehan de Vignay, who took great liberties with the text, and added many stories and fables. Both these men were of the order of Preaching Friars, and seem to have worked quite independently of one another. Caxton's edition was principally from the version of Jehan de Yignay, to whom he gives the title of "an excellent Doctor of Divinity, of the Order of the Hospital of St, John's of Jerusalem," which is remarkable, as in his preface Jean de Yignay styles himself BOOKS FEINTED IN TYPE NO. 1. 173 " hospitaller de I'ordre de haut pas," and he is so termed in all the manuscripts. On comparing the English and the two French versions, it is evident that Caxton must have been well acquainted with both. His prologue addressed to the Duke of Clarence contains, nominis mutatis, the whole of Jean de Vignaj's dedication to Prince John of France ; while Chapters I and III are taken entirely from the translation of Jean Faron. The remainder of the book is from the ver- sion of Jehan de Vignay, with one or two special insertions evidently from the pen of Caxton himself. To show the curious way in which Caxton adopted and adapted while translating, the dedication to the Duke of Clarence, hitherto considered as his own composition, is here given side by side with its French original. Caxton's Prologue to " The Game and Play of the Chess." TO the right noble /right excellent & vertuous prince George due of Clarence Erie of warwyk and of/ salisburye / grete chamberlayn of Eng- lond & leutenant of Irelond oldest broder of kynge Ed- ward by the grace of god kynge of England and of frauce / your most humble seruant william Caxton a- raonge other of your seruantes sendes vnto yow peas . helthe . loye and victorye vpon your Enemyes / Right highe puys- sant and redoubted pryrice/ For as moche as I haue vn- derstand and knowe / that ye are enclined vnto the comyn wele of the kynge our said Prologue of Jean de Vig- NAY TO HIS French trans- lation (A.D. 1860) OF THE " LUDUS SACCORLTff " OF J. DE CeSSOLIS. A Tres noble & excellent prince Jehan de france due de normendie & auisne filz de philipe par la grace de dieu Roy de france . Frere Jehan de vignay vostre petit Religieux entre les autres de vostre seignoire / paix sante Joie & victoire sur vos en- 174 WILLIAM CAXTON. saueryn lord . his nobles lordes and comyn peple of his noble royame of Englond / and that ye sawe gladly the Inhabitans of the same euformed in good . vertuous . prouffitable and honeste maners . Jn whiche your noble persone wyth guydyng of your hows ha- boundeth / gyuyng light and ensample vnto all other / Therfore I haue put me in deuour to translate a lityll book late comen in to myn handes out of frensh in to englisshe/Jn which I fynde thauctorites . dictees . and sto- ries of auncient Doctours phi- losophes poetes and of other wyse men whiche been re- counted & applied vnto the moralite of the publique wele as well of the nobles as of the comyn peple after the game and playe of the chesse/ whiche booke right puyssant and redoubtid lord I haue made in the name and vnder the shadewe of your noble protection / not presumyng to correcte or empoigne ony thynge ayenst your noblesse / For god be thankyd your excellent renome shyneth as well in strange regions as with in the royame of england gloriously vnto your honour and lande/ whiche god mul- nemis . Treschier & redoubte seign''/pour ce que Jay en- tendu et scay que vous veez & ouez volentiers choses pro- fl&tables & honestes et qui tendent alinformacion de bon- nes meurs ay Je mis vn petit liuret de latin en francois le quel mest venuz a la main nouuellement / ou quel plu»- sieurs auctoritez et dis de docteurs & de philosophes & de poetes & des anciens sages / sont Racontez & sont appli- quiez a la moralite des nobles hommes et des gens de peuple selon le gieu des eschez Ic quel liure Tres puissant et tres redoubte seigneur jay fait ou nom & soubz vmbre de vous pour laquelle chose treschr seign' Je vous suppli BOOKS PRINTED IN TYPE NO. 1. 175 teplye and encrece But to thentent that other of what estate or degre he or they stande in . may see in tliis sayd lityll book/yf they gouerned them self as they ought to doo/wherfor my right dere redoubted lord I requyre & supplye your good grace not to desdaygne to resseyue this lityll sayd book in gree and thanke/as well of me your humble and vn- knowen seruant as of a better and gretter man than I am / For the right good wylle that I haue had to make this lityll werk in the best Avjse I can / ought to be reputed for the sayte and dede / And for more clerely to procede in this sayd book I haue ordeyned that the chapitres ben sette in the begynnynge to thende that ye may see more playnly the mater wherof the book treteth & requier de bonne voulente de cuer que il vo' daigne plaire a receuoir ce liure en gre aussi bien que de vn greign' maistre de moy/car la tres bonne voulente que Jay de mielx faire se je pouoie me doit estre reputee pour le fait/Et po' plus clerement proceder en ceste ouure / Jay ordene que les chappitres du liure soient escrips & mis au commencement afin de veoir plus plainement la matiere de quoy le dit liure p'ole. &c. Before concluding this article we must give an interpola- tion of the text which has real interest as showing Caxton's feelings towards " men of law." His author is regretting the conduct of some lawyers of Rome and Italy, and Caxton adds with a natural burst of indignation, which suggests that per- sonal experience had something to do with it : — " Alas ! and in England what hurt do the advocates, men of law, and attorneys of court to the common people of the royaume, as well in the spiritual law as in the temporal : how turn they the law and statutes at their pleasure ; how eat they the people, how impoverish they the community. I 176 ~ WILLIAM CAXTON. suppose that in all Christendom are not so many pleaders, attorneys, and men of the law as be in England only, for if they were numbered all that long to the courts of the Chan- cery, King's Bench, Common Pleas, Exchequer, Receipt and Hall, and the bag-bearers of the same, it should amount to a great multitude. And how all these live and of whom, if it should not be uttered and told it should not be believed. For they extend to their singular weal and profit and not to the common." There are ten copies known of this book, of which two are in the British Museum, one at Oxford, one at Cambridge, and six in private libraries. No. 4. — Les fais et peouesses du noble et vaillant Chevaliee Jason. Folio. WUfwut Printer's Name, Place, or Dak. (147- ? Collation. — Sixteen 4°^ and one 3''= 134 leaves, of which the first and last two are blank. Typogeaphical Paeticulaes. — There is no title-page nor colophon. The type used is No. 1 only. The great majority of the lines are fully spaced out, agreeing in this respect more with the French editions of " Le Recueil " and the "Psaulmes'* than the English "Recuyell" and the "Chess Book." Full lines measure 5 and 5y\ inches ; 31 lines to a page. Without signatures, numerals, head-lines, or catch- words. A blank leaf commences the book; at the head of the succeeding recto, with space for a 4-line initial, and director. The Text begins thus : — I E gallee tie x(im m^in flotant na pa.-s long temps en la parfontieur ties mers tin plniseurg aneiennes f)istoire0 ainjsi comme ^t boulxjie me^ net xmn esperit en port tie tepos / soutiainement sapparu an pres tie mog bne nef continitte par bng Jomme The text ends on the verso of the 131st printed leaf: — ant a mon tienant tiit tresretionite seignenr / (&X atons ceitlc BOOKS PRINTED IN TYPE NO. 1. 177 qtti le contmu lie ce present bolume liront . ou orront lire . quil leur pimt te grace eictiser autant que men petit et ru lie eitfiin na sceu touchier ne peu comprentire ^c • : . O^acplicit The existence of this edition was first made known in England by a letter from M. Van Praet to Dr. Dibdin, who sent an account of it to the "Gentleman's Magazine" for July, 1812. Remakks. — ^All the books printed with these types are tra<;ed to Mansion, either alone or assisted by Caxton. In this work and the " Meditacions," the even length of the lines proves them to be later productions than those in which the lines are more uneven ; and this is plain evidence that if these two works were printed by Mansion (as doubtless they were) it must have been after 1478, the year in which he adopted the plan of even lines ; but if we attribute them to Caxton, we must suppose him to have forsaken his own establishment at the Red-pale, in or after the year 1480 (being the period when he first adopted the practice of making his lines of an even length) for the purpose of printing abroad what he had every facility for printing at home. Only three copies of this scarce book have been as yet discovered. A magnificent one is at Eton College, another in the National Library, Paris, which, when purchased in 1808, was bound up with " Le Quadrilogue," a work printed by Colard Mansion in 1478, and a third in the Library of the Arsenal, Paris. No. 5. — Meditacions sue les Sept Pseaulmes Peniten- CIAULX. Folio. Withotit Printer's Narm, Plucky or Date, (1478 ?) Collation. — Three 4"" and one 5° =34 leaves, of which the last only is blank. Typographical Particulars. — ^There is no title-page. The only type used is No. 1. The lines are for the most part fiilly spaced out, though now and then there is a deficiency in this respect, which only occurs, however, on the verso of the n 178 WILLIAM CAXTOIT. folios, the recto throughout being folly spaced. This pecu- liarity is observable to a greater or less extent in all the French books printed in this type. The full lines measure 5 inches, and 31 lines make a ftdl page. There are no signa- tures, folios, nor catchwords. The text begins on the first recto, — E brage penitance t^t comme aucune t^tfjitlU I . par laquelle lomme pecjeur qui jselcn la patatole tre leuuartflille trescentJg tie Sfjtxmalm. en 3f{ietico monta tie tecjief tie Sf^txita en SUfierusalem / eejst abision tie And ends on the 33rd verso, with a full page, followed by a blank leaf, — exultacuin tie leesee espitituelle/ ^Juis encores stl te plaint me tronne que par ee septenuaire tier pjseaulmes tie penitent ce lesquel^ correspontient aux gept affect^ tie Icimme prinjs pour leg sept tiegre^ tie lesc!) telle tie penitence St puiiessie mo- ter et paruenir atog en cette tant glorieuse cite tie f tierusa^ lem en laquelle tu i)al)ite0 et te of rir auec leg sains et ie? neure^ le sacrifice tie loenge sans fin / : ^M^^ Remarks. — This work is a translation from the original Latin of Cardinal Pierre d'Ailly, entitled " Meditacions Circa Septem Psalmos Penitentiales." It was composed about the end of the fourteenth century, and translated shortly after into French, but by whom is uncertain, although from the style it is supposed by several of his biographers to have been from the pen of the Cardinal himself. The Comm6ntary on the Penitential Psalms, printed by "Wynken de Worde was composed by Bishop Alcock, and has nothing in common with this. In all typographical particulars this work agrees with the French edition of "Jason," already described, and there is little doubt was printed by Colard Mansion at Bruges, about 1478. The only Existing Copy at present known was discovered in the General Library of the British Museum, in 1841, by Mr. J. Winter Jones, bound up with " Les Quatre Derrenieres BOOKS PRINTED IN TYPE NO. 1. 179 Choses." It K^ijerfect, in an excellent state of preservation, clean, and free from all disfigurements. It has the final blank leaf, the verso of which is covered with quotations in the handwriting of the fifteenth century. These quotations are extended over the first recto (which is also a blank) of the book mentioned above as being bound up with it, proving that they were bound together soon after printing. For an article on both works, from the pen of Mr. Jones, see " Archaelogia," vol. xxxi, page 412. n2 A DESCfilPTION OF BOOKS PRINTED IN TYPE No. 2. BOOKS PRINTED IN TYPE No. 2. ::37^r* - 6. ^.^-h ^^ ^.1. 37^r Ck^ -. I : 8. ISadi. 9. ^ 2*^ dCy J^£ -'^;io. /6 v" « c ^T r4.:r c 15. r'^.^.:^. 16. /v.».^.r«^^-. '■17. ^:'^..,^.... 18. Ca-f^Z- 19. C^r^-a • 20. '\'0Tt • • ' 21. Car^^.l.- 22. ^cT ^5 i • • • 23. r<5/77^--- . 24. '^.o-y/, A'.'7jr'-/r^>^25. - ^^>./i, :5^/^/A26. r^inv,-, ?/>-?"■' a, 27. rj 7*^. ^^y/ 30. %a,.^^Cyf.? 31. ^,^trn^ 32. »>, A- . - - 33. 7-»/". •?>■/•• ■ - '« 34. 'BnrI', S^ '.. • /.'''• Les Qnatre Derrenieres Choses The History of Jason . The Dictes and Sayings. First Edition Horae ..... The Canterbury Tales. First Edition The Moral Proverbs of Christine Propositio Johannis Russell Stans pner ad Mensam Parvus Catho. First Edition Ditto Second Edition . . , The Horse, the Sheep, and the Ghoos. First Edition Ditto ditto Second Edition Infancia Salvatoris .... The Temple of Glass .... The Chorle and the Bird. First Edition Ditto ditto Second Edition . Thef' Temple of Brass, or the Parliament of Fowls The Book of Courtesy. First Edition Queen Anelida ..... Boethius ..... Corydale ..... Fratris Laur. Gulielmi de Saona Margarita The Dictes and Sayings. Second Edition Indulgence .... Parvus et Magnus Chato. Third Edition The Mirrour of the World. First Edition Reynard the Fox. First Edition . Tully of Old Age The Game and Playe of the Chesse. Second Edition 1476 ? 1477? 1477 1478? 1478 ? 1478 . 1478 ? ante 1479 ante 1479 ante 1479 ante 1479 ante 1479 ante 1479 ante 1479 ante 1479 ante 1479 ante 1477 ante 1479 ante 1479 ante 1479 1479 1479-10 ? 1480? 1480 1481? 1481? 1431 1481 1481? BOOKS PRINTED IN TYPE No. 2. No. 6. — Les quatre derrenieees choses advenib. FoUo. Without Printer's NamCy Date, or Place. (1476?) Collation.— Nine 4"= 72 leaves, of which the first only is blank. Typographical Particulars. — Type No. 2 only is used. The lines are of very irregular length, 28 to a page. With- out signatures, folios, or catchwords. Commencing with a blank leaf, the table follows on the second recto, the first three lines being in red ink. The text begins : — (tt present tratctte t%X tftutse en (^uatre parttes prtnetpa W : ^t%%Mt\\t% ct)a$(cune tmXitnX ttow auttes singuli / res parties en la (ourme qui sensuit : and ends on 72nd verso : — quilf pourueissent aux eposes trerrenieres/ tiont la frequete menwire et recortiaeion ICapelle ties peej^ie^ a culpe mx ber tus et confenne en fiounes oeuures /par quog on paruient a la gloire etemelle :^men illFxplicit liter Ire quatour i^ouissimis An important typographical peculiarity in this work is the mode in which the printer has employed red ink for the title-lines or chapters. The inodus operandi and how the red ink overlies the black, is explained at p. 52, ante. This curiouB and primitive practice is not seen in any books except that under notice, and those printed by Colard Mansion of Bruges. Another typographical characteristic which intimately con- nects this book with those printed in Type No. 1 is the exist- 184 WILLIAM CAXTON. ence of two small holes on the outer margin of each leaf, made by points in use by the pressman. These, it should be noticed, occur in all the works for which type No. 1 was used, but none, except the present, printed with type No. 2, nor indeed in any English printed books. Again, we find among the undoubted first issues of the press at "Westminster that the books in folio, such as " The Life of Jason," " Dictes," " Canterbury Tales," " Cordyale," &c., have all 29 lines to the page, while "Les quatre derrenieres choses" has but 28. On taking, however, the actual measurement, it will be seen that the depth of the page is exactly the same as in the type No. 1 books. Evidence has been already produced to show that the five books in type No. 1 were printed in Bruges by Colard Mansion alone, or assisted by Caxton ; and to the same source we have no hesitation in ascribing " Les quatre der- renieres choses." Remakks. — The title, "De quatuor novissimis," was applied to many religious treatises of the fourteenth and fif- teenth centuries ; and so many Latin manuscripts of distinct works have come down to us that it is difficult to distinguish between them : nor were the early printed editions less nume- rous, Hain, in his "Repertorium Bibliographicum," giving the titles of twenty-one editions printed in the fifteenth cen- tury. They all agree, however, in one particular, viz. — that no copy gives the name of its author. The Latin original of one work on this subject is attributed to " Denis de Leewis, natif de Rikel," who died in 1471 : it was printed at Antwerp about 1486. But the Latin original of this particular version is given to Gerardus a Yliedenhoven, of which Mr. Holtrop gives an account of three editions. There is a fourth in the University Library, Cambridge, besides which there are four Dutch editions. Early French anonymous versions were also very numerous, and it is fortunate that a manuscript in the Royal Library, Brussels, has preserved the name of the author to whom we are indebted for the present translation. It bears the following colophon : " Cy fine le traittie des quatre dernieres choses, translate de latin en fi'ancois par Jo. Mielot I'an de grace mil cccc liij." BOOKS PRINTED IN TYPE NO. 2. 185 Philippe le Bon, as is well known, employed many secre- taries for the purpose of adding to the treasures of his library by translations, collations, commentaries, &c. In this way were employed Guy d'Angers, David Aubert, de Hesdin, Droi'n Ducret, de Dijon, and others. They brought into use that peculiar style of writing termed " grosse bAtarde," which, at a later date, Colard Mansion took as a pattern for his types. Among the duke's secretaries, one of the most inde- fatigable was Jean Mielot. He united in himself the quali- fications of author, translator, and scribe, as he lets us know in the manuscript, " Traite de vieillesse et de jeunesse," now in the Royal Library, Copenhagen. The only Existing Copy known of this edition was dis- covered by Mr. J. Winter Jones while re-cataloguing a portion of the old royal library in the British Museum. It was bound in the same volume as the " Meditacions," already described at page 177, to which the reader in referred for further particulars. No. 7. — The History op Jason. Folio. Without Printer's Name, Plaice, or Date. (1477 ?). Collation. — Eighteen 4"" and one 3°= 150 leaves, of which the first is blank. Typographical Particulars. — ^There is no title. The only type used is No. 2. The lines are very uneven in length, the longest measuring 5 inches. A fiill page has 29 lines. Without signatures, folios, or catchwords. Space is left at the commencemeut of chapters for the insertion of a 2-line initial, with director. The Text begins thus, on the second recto, the first leaf being blank : — ( <©r mxm^t as late bjf tje comautjement of tf)e rtgtjt tge ^ notle princesge mg rigf)t retioubtflj latjg / ^g lalj:p iEargarete ip t^e grate of go^ Huctesse of iiJour^ and ends on the 149th verso, among tlje most toortijp * Enti after tt)i0 present life eu^ lasting life \x^ Jeuen tofto grant t)im ^ bs ti)at fjougftte bs toitl) i)is tlootie tlessgtj 3ilt)us Unten -♦-^♦jrw ^IM WILLIAM CAXTON. Kemarks. — ^As already noticed when treating of the original French version of " Jason," its compiler was Raoul Lefevre, secretary to the Duke of Burgundy, and while in the service of the duchess, it seems most probable that Caxton became possessed of a copy. The date of imprint has been generally attributed by bibliographers to the year 1475, but this is, I think, too early. The features of Caxton's history about that time seem to point to 1476-77 as the date of his settlement in England; and November 18th, 1477, is, as we know, the day on which the printing of " Dictes " was finished. Now the typographical appearance of "Jason" proves it to have been one of the very earliest products of the West- minster press; and Caxton's remarks in the prologue to "Golden Legend/' show the translation to have followed "The Recuyell" and "Chess Book." The evidence, there- fore, seems to point to a date immediately preceding " Dictes" or the early part of 1477, when the young prince, to whom it was dedicated, would be six years old, and much more likely to make use of the work than if presented to him two years earlier. Gerard Leeu, at Antwerp, reprinted this English text in 1492, a fact noticed thus by Gerard Legh in "The Accidence of Armory," 1576 — "The History of Jason, which was trans- lated out of Frenche, and printed at Andwarpe by one of my name." Of the six known copies there is one in the British Museum, one in the Bodleian, and four in private libraries. No. 8. — The Dictes and Sayings of the Philosophers. Folio. ^^ Enprynted hj me William Caxton at West- mestre" 1477. First Edition; without Colophon. ^^ Collation. — ^Nine 4"" and one 3°= 78 leaves, of which the first and two last are blank. Typographical Particulars. — There is no title-page. Only type No. 2 is used. The lines are of very uneven length, the longest measuring 5 inches; 29 lines to a fuU page. Without folios, catchwords, or signatures. Space is left at BOOKS PRINTED IN TYPE NO. 2. 187 the beginning of chapters for the insertion of 8-line initials, with director. Commencing with a blank leaf, Earl Eivers's prologue follows. The Text begins thus, on the second recto : — Jgere it 10 j(o tf)at euetp fjumapn (ftxtdituu bp tt)e tD mWxmtt of our lorli go^ is torn ^ or^eigneti to tt mtqettt anti ti^ral bnto tf)e stormes of fortune Entr 330 in trinerse ^ mang sontrri? togseg man is perplei^: The work concludes on the verso of the 73rd folio at foot, and is followed on the 74th recto by Caxton's epilogue and additions, commencing with space for 3-line initial. (&xt entiett) tf)e toofe nametr ttje tifcteg or sapengis f) of ti&e pi)ilogopf)res enprgntetr /tg me toiUiam O^axton at toestmestre tt)e pere of our lorli * M * (^(B(t(t * Hxibir * Mafiicte toolt is late translated out of The Text ends on the 76th verso, Avith a short page of sixteen lines — posieion in tijis toorltr/EnlJ after tftgs Igf to Igue euer^^ lastgnglp in fieuen ^men a^t m est fini^ r r Remaeks. — ^This book is remarkable as being the first which bears a plain statement of the place and time of its execution. It is thought by some to be really the first book printed in England. A few of the quai-to pieces may perhaps have preceded it, but there is none that can be proved of earlier workmanship ; and if, as there seems good reason for supposing, Caxton did not settle at Westminster before 1476-77, he would not have had time to produce much. The history of the English translation of this work is interesting. It appears that Earl Rivers, moved thereto by a remembrance of relief from many worldly adversities, deter- mined to pay his vows at the shrine of St. James of Com- postella. In the British Museum (C. 18. e. 2) is "An Abbre- viation of the graces and indulgences which Alexader vj l^S WILLIAM CAXTON. granteth to all true believing people of every sexe or com- munitie of the grete hospytall of Saynt James of Cdpostella." This shrine had been for many years the favourite resort of those who intended a short pilgrimage. Many ships, and those of the largest burthen, were engaged in this passenger traffic, the chief port of embarkation being Southampton. Thence in the year 1473 the earl sailed, and while on the voyage Lewis de Bretaylles, a Gascon knight celebrated for his great prowess, at the court of Edward lY, showed the earl a copy, in French, of " Les dits moraux des philosophes," with which Lord Rivers was greatly delighted, retaining it for more intimate perusal. On his return to England, in the same year, the king appointed him one of the governors of the Prince of Wales ; and now, having more leisure, the earl began a translation of the work into EngMsh, which, however, notwithstanding the assistance of an earlier translation by Scrope, occupied him some years, supposing it to be com- pleted only a short time previously to its being printed in 1477. Earl Rivers evidently had a good opinion of Caxton's literary abilities, for he requested him "to oversee" his trans- lation before printing it, and the result was the addition of a chapter " towching wymmen," introduced by a very character- istic prologue from Caxton's own pen. This prologue is replete with a quiet humour, which reveals to us more of Caxton's real disposition than all his other writings. It proves also the intimate terms which must have existed between Lord Rivers and himself. "We may infer from this, the first edition, had a rapid sale, as about 1481 a second edition (described further on) was produced in the same type, and page for page, the same as the original. There is an oft-quoted but much overrated manuscript of this translation in the Archiepiscopal Palace, Lambeth. It is on vellum, and has one inconsiderable illumination, famous only on account of giving the sole representation known of Edward V. Earl Rivers is presenting a copy on bended knee (probably this very one) to the prince, who is seated on his throne. By the earl's side is pourtrayed an ecclesiastic BOOKS PRINTED IN TYPE NO. 2. 189 with shaven crown, probably "Haywarde," whose name appears at the end of the volume as the writer. We may suppose the earl to be in the act of reciting the metrical prologue which appears at the commencement, and the first five lines of which are — This boke late translate here in sight By Anthony Earl (erasure) that vertueux knyght Please it to accepte to youre noble grace And at youre conueniens leysoure and space It to see reede and vnderstonde The writing is the usual secretary hand of the fifteenth century, and the date of transcription, as given in the colo- phon, is December 29th, 1477, or about six weeks after the publication of Caxton's printed edition, of which it is a ver- batim copy, with the addition of the metrical prologue already noticed, and the following paragraph which precedes Caxton's prologue to the chapter on women — "And suffice you with the translation of the sayinges of thes Philosophres, And one William Caxton atte desire of my lorde Ryuers / emprinted many bokes after the tonour and forme of this boke / whiche Willm saide as foloweth :" then comes Caxton's chapter. A different and somewhat earlier translation is in the Ms. department of the British Museum (Harl. 2266), "late trans- latyd out of frensh tung in to englysh the yer of our lord M cccc 1 to John Fostalf knyght for his contemplacion and solas by Stevyn Scrope squyer sonne in law to the seide Fos- talle." Literary taste is not often associated with the name of Sir John Falstaff. Thirteen copies of this edition are known — Two in the British Museum, one at Cambridge, and the remainder in private libraries. The Rev. T. Corser's copy, sold in 1868, wanting three leaves, sold for £110. No. 9. — Fragment op a " HoRffi." Octavo. Without Printer's Name, Place, or Date. (1478 ?) Four leaves only. Type No. 2. Lines very uneven in length, the longest measuring 2^ inohes; twelve lines to a fiill page. Without signatures, catchwords, or numerals. 190 WILLIAM CAXTOX. From the small portion remaining of the original work, it is impossible to state with accuracy under what par- ticular class of service-books it should be ranged. To all appearance it is part of a primer, or "Horae secundum consuetudinem Angliae ;" though its diminutive size renders it improbable that it contained, as well as the Hours, the Litany, the Vigils of the Dead, and all the miscellaneous prayers usually found in this class of books. The above fragment will be found to include the following portions of Suffi-agia at Lauds : — St. Thomas of Canterbury (the last few words only), St. Nicholas, St. Mary Magdalene, St. Katha- rine, St. Margaret; after which, in the four leaves that are wanting, there is room for All Saints, the Prayer for Peace, the Versicle and Eesponse, Benedicamus domino, Deo gracias, and the commencement of the Suffragia of the Three Kings, the rest thereof occupying, as above, the head of the second portion of the fragment. Then follow the Suffragia of St. Barbara ^nd the concluding verse Benedicam' dno Deo gs, with which the service ends. On comparing this with the Horae of the same period it will be seen that these prayers always occur at the end of Lauds, and are peculiar in their order to the English Church, with the exception of the Three Kings and St. Barbara, which, in this sequence, are peculiar to this fragment. Suffragia of the Three Kings, and of St. Barbara, are found amongst the miscellaneous commemora- tions in most of the English primers; but those of St. Barbara, as found in this fragment, differ altogether from those which occur elsewhere. The evidence which a perfect volume might afforcf being wanting, the following suggestion, by Mr. Bradshaw, of Cambridge, is offered : — It is well known that the Esterlings were a thriving and influential corporation in Caxton's time, consisting of German merchants from the City of Cologne and the other towns in the Hanseatic League, and occupying the Steel Yard in Cannon Street as their London residence, with All Hallows the Great as their parish church, and St. Barbara as their patron saint. Now in their accustomed service, comprising Matins and Lauds, the Suf- frages of the Three Kings of Cologne, which, as already BOOKS FEINTED IN TYPE NO. 2. 191 remarked, do not commonly occur at those hours, would be most appropriate, not on account of the name so much as the subject of the prayer, which is for success in trade, and for peace and health in travelling ; — " concede propitius .... ut itinere quo ituri sumus, celebritate, letitifi, gratia et pace, ad loca destinata in pace et salute et negotio bene peracto cum omne prosperitate, salvi et sani redire valeamus." This aJone proves very little ; but when we find that the next suf- frages ai-e those of St. Barbara, whose name never occurs in the English Lauds, but to whom the Esterlings prayed as their patron saint, it becomes probable that the fragment before us was part of an Anglican primer (or Horae), with additional prayers, for their especial use. And if these German merchants, in whose country the typographic art had made great progress, wished to have this, their daily service, printed, to whom could they go but to Caxton, the only printer then in England. Should this view be correct it considerably increases the bibliographical value of the fragment, which is otherwise of great interest as being, in all probability, the earliest English- printed service in existence, and which, from the unevenness in the printing and the early types, must have been one of the first products of the Westminster press. The fragment on which the foregoing remarks have been founded is in the Bodleian Library (Douce Fragments). When originally extracted from an old book-cover it formed a half-sheet, but now two quarters. No. 10. — Chaucer's Canterbury Tales. Folio. Sine ulld mtd. First Edition. (1478 ?) Collation. — Forty 4°", one 3°, one 5°, one 3°, one 6", one 3°, one 5°, and one 2°, making together 372 leaves, of which the first only is blank. Typographical Particulars. — ^There is no title-page. The only type used is No. 2. The lines in the prose portions are very unevenly spaced, but the longest measure 5 inches ; 29 lines to a fiill page. Without folios, signatures, or catch- 192 WILLIAM CAXTON*. words. The book commences with a blank leaf, after which the Text begins thus : — 38an ti&at Ipprill Mtf^ W sijouriis 0ote to Entr tje Ijrougfite of marcfte i^atS pcitj ge rote EntJ tatrilr euerp begne in suci^^ licout <©f to!)icf)e bettu engentJtitJ is tije flout On the 372nd leaf recto are the following lines, being the conclusion of the Parson's tale : — tificacion of ^i^nnt / Co tfiat l^f fte bss ttgnge ti&at tougi^t toiti) j^is precgous tlootr Emen. Q^x^litii Ctactattis ^alftgtji O^i&aucer tie ^enitencia bt tricitut pro fatula iiectoriss* The reverse is occupied by what is called Chaucer's retrac- tion, commencing — n (©b) prag S to fiem alle ti&at i^erlteiie tftis litil treatpse and ending — tietig ♦ ^er omnia gecula siectilojES ^men» which concludes the volume. Nine copies are known, of which two are in the British Museum, one at the Bodleian, one at Merton College, Oxford, and the others in private libraries. No. 11. — The Moral Peoverbs of Cristyne. Folio. " Enprinted dy Caxton At Westmesfre," 1478. Collation. — Two sheets, or four leaves, all printed. Typographical Particulars. — The only type used is No. 2. 28 lines to a page. Without signatures, catchwords, or folios. The Text begins, with a head-line on the first recto, thus : — Ci^e morale prouertes of (Eristpne i W St^te bertuj8 of oure eltiers notable <©fte to remembre ijs tijing profitable an liappp Jou0 iisi ♦ tojere bbjelleti^ prubence BOOKS PRINTED IN TYPE NO. 2. 198 and ends on the fourth verso, at toestmestre . of feuerer tf)e . xx . "bage Enti of kpng (fB^jtoarti / tt)e . ibir . B^e brage iil^nprinteTr tjD (Kaarton 3Jn feuerer tf)e colTre season Remarks. — Cristyne de Pise was) with the single excep- tion of Joan of Arc, the most famous woman of her age. She was bom A.D. 1363, in Italy, and, at the early age of fifteen, married Etienne Castel. After a few happy years her hus- band was taken from her by death; and now, although, to quote her own words, " nourri en delices et mignottemens," she found herself ahnost in destitution, with aged parents and three young children dependent upon her. Fortunately her father, who had been physician to Charles V of France, had taken great pains in her education, by which she had well profited. Urged on by necessity, she devoted herself to a literary life, and soon became famous. Her writings, which show a vast amount of reading, were ever on the side of virtue, morality, and peace. Her unimpeachable life assisted the tendency of her writings, and both were an honour to the age in which she lived. For many years her labours were incessant. After a last song of rejoicing on the victories of the French arms under " La Pucelle" she retired to a convent for the remainder of her days. The date of her death is unknown. The biogTaphers of Cristyne vie with one another in her praises. There is a charming monograph upon her, by M. Raimond Thomassy, entitled "Essai sur les Ecrits Politiques de Christine de Pisan." 8vo. Paris, 1888. See also " Les Msc. Franc," vol. iv, p. 186 ; and " Mem. de I'Acad. des Insc," vol. ii, p. 762. "Les prouerbes moraulx" were originally composed as a supplement to " Les enseignemens moraux," written by Cris- tyne for the instruction of her son, Jean Castel, who passed a part of his youthful days in the service of the Earl of Salis- bury, in England. The translation of these proverbs into English by Earl o 194 WILLIAM CAXTON. Elvers appears to have taken place about the same period as his longer eifort the " Dictes of the Philosophers." And here we may notice that the earl has been credited by Horace Walpole and Dr. Dibdin with the pedantic design of making nearly all the lines of his translation end with the letter " e." A very cursory examination of the poetry of the fifteenth century would have shown that the terminal e was common in all writings of that period. In the "Fayttes of Arms," translated and printed by Caxton at a later period, we meet -with another production of the same authoress. The only copies known are in the libraries of Earl Spencer, Earl of Jersey, and Mr. Christie-Miller. No. 12. — Propositio Joha^nis Russell. Quarto. Without Printer's Nanie, Date, or Place. (147- ?) Collation. — Four printed leaves, the recto of the first and the verso of the last being blank. Typographical Particulars. — There is no title-page. Only one type. No. 2, is used. The lines are very irregular in length, a fall line measuring 4 inches. A full page has 22 lines, Avithout signatures or catchwords. The speech, which is all in one paragraph, bears evidence of having been printed a page at a time. It commences with a 2-line space for the insertion of an initial, with a small director, and has been reprinted in fuU by Dr. Dibdin. The Text begins on the first verso : — iianttijs ^mmW tiecretorum troctoris ac atitimc amta^siatorig xpianissimi Megis (i^^titoartJi and ends with twelve lines on the fourth recto, of which the last three are — TjfyBXt all tiei lautiem / et exaltationem finti xpta ne/no0tti q^ %mmm\m tegiis rotur^solacium re uelationem q^ / et glotiam pleftig sue » amen BOOKS PRINTED IN TYPE NO. 2. 195 In the eighth volume of the " Censura Literaria," page 851 , appeared the first public notice of this tract, which till then had been mistaken for a manuscript. Whether printed at Bruges, which is not unlikely, or at Westminster is difficult to decide. John Russell, "Orator clarissimus," Bishop of Lincoln and Lord Chancellor, held many offices of trust under three sovereigns. He was bom in the parish of St. Peter's, Win- chester, in the beginning of the reign of Henry VI, and com- menced his education there. At an early age he went to the University of Oxford, where he obtained the degree of Doctor of Decrees. In 1449 he was made fellow of New College ; was afterwards appointed to a prebendal stall in Salisbury, and in 1466 to the Archdeaconry of Berkshire. On the latter appointment he removed to court, where he was much noticed by Edward IV. In September, 1467, he was commissioned by the king, together with Lord Hastings, Lord Scales, and others, to conclude a treaty of marriage between the king's sister Margaret and the Duke of Burgimdy. A few months later he was engaged in arranging the trade relationship between this country and Flanders. It was probably then, if not at an earlier period, that he became acquainted with our printer. His name appears often after this as assisting in the negotiation of various treaties. In February, 1469-70, " Messire Galiard, chevalier ; Thomas Vaghan, Escuier et Tre- sorier de la Chambre ; et Jehan Russell, Docteur en Decret, Arcediacre de Berksuir," accompanied by Garter King at Arms, were commissioned by King Edward IV to invest the Duke of Burgundy with the order of the Garter. On this occasion the oration which forms the foundation of the pre- sent article was delivered. The investiture took place at Ghent, and here, if Caxton were present, of which however there is no positive evidence, he would again make acquaint- witli John Russell. In 1476 the Archdeacon was raised to the bishopric of Rochester, and in 1480 translated to Lincoln. In March, 1483, he appeared as "Orator" before Po|)e Sixtus IV (see Harleian MS. No. 433), and was probably in Rome when his Sovereign, Edward IV, who had appointed him one 2 WILLIAM CAXTON. of his executors, breathed his last. In the short reign of Edward V he was appointed Lord Chancellor, to which office he was re-appointed by Richard III. In 1485 he retired to private life, and died in January 1494. He was interred in Lincoln Cathedral, under an altar tomb in the Chantry Chapel, founded by him on the south side of the Lady Chapel. He was the first Chancellor of Oxford appointed for life, in which university he was very popular. England also should keep his name in memory if only for the great change he iniated in promulgating the statutes of the realm in the vulgar tongue, instead of Latin or French, a practice con- tinued ever after. Sir Thomas More thus draws his character: " A wyse man and a good, and of much experyence ; and one of the best learned menne undoubtedly that Engiande had in hys time." An interesting autograph, as showing the Archdeacon at Bruges in 1467, when Caxton was governor, occurs in a volume of "Cicero de Officiis," in the Public Library of Cambridge: — " Empt' p Jo. Rnscel . archidiaconu berk- shyrie apud oppidu bruggense flandrie a° 1467 mens' Ap4' 17° die." A fine uncut copy is in the magnificent library of Earl Spencer. It appears to have been bound up by mistake in a volume of blank paper intended for manuscript alone, being in the original binding, and the whole volume otherwise con- sisting of the common manuscript hand of the fifteenth cen- tury, which aflPord no indication of local execution. It was discovered in cataloguing the library of John Brand, which was sold in 1807, and where it appeared among the manu- scripts (Part I, Lot 30) " A work on Theology and Religion, with five leaves at the end, a very great curiosity, very early printed on wooden blocks or type." The Marquis of Bland- ford bought it at the reasonable price of £2 5s. At the sale of his library in 1819 (Lot 5752), Earl Spencer was obhged to give £126 for it. It was for many years considered as unique, until another copy was discovered in the library at Holkham. BOOKS rniXTED IN TYPE NO. 2. 197 No. 13. — Stans Puer ad Mensam — Moral Distichs — SaTjVE Regina. Quarto. Sine ulld tiohi. {Ante 1479). Collation. — Foiu* leaves, all printed. There is no title-page. Type No. 2 only is used. There are 23 lines to a page, or tlu-ee stanzas in " Balad Royal," ^'' with a blank line between the stanzas. Long lines measure 4 niches. Without signatures or catchwards. The Text begins, on the first recto, thus ; — • Stanis puer a^ mensam . m W trere cf)ilTje first ti^g selfe enable 515Eiti) all tfiin jierte to bertuo' tJisciplme ^fore ti)g soueragn stonligng at tje tatile The poem concludes with two stanzas on the third recto, the latter of which is : — oftanne0 kentrale Curcipelerius W^M u ^ commissatius E sanctissitiw in xw^Xfi patre | et tiomino nostro tiomituj Stxto tiiuma ptouitiencia papa quarto tX bigore littetatum suatum pro expe^ | tritione contra perft^os turcfio^ xpristtani nominis ftostes ♦ in tiefensionem inmXt W^M ^ ft^ei catjoli^ | tt facta tX facicntia concessarum atr infraisctpta p brtiuersum orbem tiCputatUS ♦ Bilect' mW in ipo | Symoni Mountfort et Emms vxori ei' Salutc in tjtto sctttpitcrtta ^Prouenit tx Xnz tjcuottoniis afcctu po romaita | 3ln quor' ftticm Jas Vim nostras Sigilli nostri ap | pensionc munitas Utxi inmimm atq^ mantjauimus , Bat' ultimo die Mesis inarcij EnitO tJOttlini | JHillesimo pat^ rmgcntc0imo octoQcsimo Remarks, — The following particulars concerning John Kendal are gathered from an article in ArcIuBologia, vol. xxvii, BOOKS PRnn'ED IN TYPE NO. 2. 221 page 172, written by Sir F. Madden, and entitled "Docu- ments relating to Perkin Warbeck." In a deposition made by ^one Bernard de Vignoles, at Rouen in 1495, concerning a plot against the king's life, one of the persons implicated was John Kendal, Grand Prior of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem in England. He is also remarkable as having been the subject of the earliest contem- porary English medal in existence, which is dated 1480, the period of the Siege of Rhodes. On this he is styled " Turco- polier," or General of the Infantry of the Order, the office of which was annexed to that of Grand Prior of England. Yet although the medal so designates him, it is not probable that he was actually present at the siege, as in that very year {RymeVy April, 1480) Edward IV ordered all persons to assist John Kendal, in Ireland, in procuring aid and money against the Turks. In this proclamation he is styled " Turcopolier of Rhodes, and locum tenens of the Grand Master in Italy, England, Flanders, and Ireland." In Browne- Willis (Mit. Abb.) Kendal appears in 1491 and 1501 as Prior of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in London. He was lieu- tenant of the Grand Master in Italy, England, Flanders, and Ireland, and was amply furnished with indulgences and par- dons for all who give personal service. In this office of recruiting he was occupied at the time of the celebrated Siege of Rhodes in 1480. His arms, impaled with those of England, may still be seen on the walls of an hotel at Rhodes. In the Numismatic department of the British Museum is a medal connected with John Kendal. Ohv. Bust of Kendal in armour marked with the cross of the Knights of St. John ; head bare ; hair straight and long ; legend, lo. kendal rhodi TVRCVPELARivs. Rev. Arms of Kendal. Cross of St. John in Chief. Legend, ^ tempore obsidionis tvrchorvm MCCCCLXXX. There are probably two Existing Copies, although but one is a present known. This is in the British Museum (C. 18, e. 2), and was purchased in 1845. The blank space for the name is filled in with " Symoni Mountfort et Emrm vxori ei% and it is dated the last day of March, 1480. 222 WILLIAM CAXTOX. The Rev. Joseph Hunter noticed the existence of this " Indulgence," and wrote to Herbert about it, but it was not then recognised as a production of Caxton's press; and, although the same document, must have been another copy, as the blanks were filled in with the names of Eichard Cattlyn and John Cattlyn, April 16th, 1480. No. 30. — Parvus et Magnus Chato. Folio. Sim ulld notd. With Woodcuts. Third Edition. (1481 ?) Collation. — a i C 4"', li 2" = 28 leaves, of which a ( is blank. Typographical Particulars. — There is no title-page. Two sizes of type occur. No. 2* and No. 8, the latter being used for the Latin couplets as well as the "Incipit" and " Explicit " lines. Length of long lines 4 J inches ; 29 lines to a page. Signatures are met here for the first time, lower- case letters and Roman numerals being used. "Without folios or catchwords. Commencing with a blank leaf the title-line follows, on a ij recto, in type No. 8. The Text begins thus : — ?gic tncipit patuus (Ki^ato ( Woodcnt of Four Pupils, one of ivhom wears a fooVs cap, kneeling before a Tutor, wJio, rod in hand, sits in a higli-hacked chair). Wim aia ^^uttUxt quami&oies gtauitet: errata 512Ej&an % atmerte in mg tememtraunce EtttJ see f)ob3 fele (olfees erren gteuouslg On sig. a Hi) recto, 512aftan ge it tetie let not gout f)ette ie tjence ^ut tiotf) as tf)is saptf) toiti^ al gour entente Jgie Uni^ parui eatf)onis ( Woodcut of Five Pupils kneeling before ilieir Tutor, who, seated in a chair, is teaching them from a book upon a lectern before him), " Parvus Chato " contains 7 stanzas, and is followed, on Big. a Hi verso, by J^ic imiTi^iX magnus O^fiato BOOKS FEINTED IN TYPE NO. 2. 228 The Text ends, on 4th recto of sig. ti — Jgere f)me S ^onti tjat sfial ge gtti?tie antj le^e Streggfit to fiootJ fame ^ leue sou in t)Br t)ous il!^ipUcit (2^5ato Remarks. — ^The Text is evidently a reprint from one of the early editions in quarto (see pages 200 and 203, ante)y and was by no means intended as a kind of supplement " to the " Cathon glossed," printed a year or two later by Caxton, as supposed by Dr. Dibdin in Tyjp. Ant, vol. i, page 201. Two woodcuts add to the interest of this volume ; one being at the beginning and one at the end of the " Parvus Chato." (See Plate 27.) The same cuts also appear in the " Mirrour of the World," which raises the question of pre- cedency. Here, at first sight, one would give priority to the "Mirrour," as the cuts appear newer and cleaner; but this is very deceptive, depending more upon the amount of ink and pressure used than on the condition of the cuts. The breakage of some of the lines in the " Mirrour " is a much more sure sign, and this tells strongly in favour of " Parvus Chato." The greater appropriateness of the designs to the "Parvus Chato," a boy's book, than to the illustration of grammar and logic as in the " Mirrour," leads to the same conclusion. It is therefore considered that these two cuts were designed originally for the " Parvus Chato," which in that case must have been printed previously to the "Mirrour," 1481. There is nothing to induce us to attribute to foreign artists the production of these woodcuts, which show no amount of skill either in design or execution, which is not far surpassed in the undoubted productions of English scribes and miniature painters of the same period. They may, there- fore, be considered as probably the earliest specimens of wood- engraving in England. Two perfect copies are known : one in St. John's College, Oxford, and the other at Althorpe. 224 WILLIAM CAXTON. No. 31. — The Mirrour of the World. Folio. First Edition. Translated 14:81. Woodcuts. Without Printer's NavMy Date or Places but in 1481. Collation.— a ictiefgi^ifelmare 4^^% n is a 2° = 100 leaves, of which a 1 and the verso of n 4 are blank. Typographical Particulars. — There is no title-page. The only type used is No. 2*. A full page contains 29 hnes, which are fully spaced out and measure 4| inches. Without folios or catchwords. Signatures in lower-case letters and Arabic numerals. The number of woodcuts is 34. After the first (blank) leaf the " Table " commences on sig a 2 recto. The Text begins thus : — J^ere beggnnetib tje taile of tt^t ruiticeg of tt^i^ presen it bolume namta tt^t Miuoux of tfie toorltr or ttigmage of tfie eame ends on the 4th recto of sig. n, the verso being blank, teltje / antr after ftfi^ si&ort ^ transitorge Ipf i&e trgnge f)gm anti be in to i^is relcstgal blgsse in fieuene Emen/ Remarks. — The origin of this work cannot be traced very satisfactorily; but as showing a much better acquaintance with the cosmology of the world than any previous compo- sition, it may be interesting to examine the evidence of its authorship. Vincent de Beauvais, of the Order of Preaching Friars, who, from the dedication attached to several of his produc- tions, appears to have flourished in the reign of St. Louis, composed an extensive work in Latin, consisting of four parts — " Speculum Naturale," " Speculum Doctrinale," " Spe- culum Historiale," and " Speculum Morale." The whole was entitled " Speculum majus," for the follomng reason, given in the third chapter of the First Book, "Majus autem, ad differ- entiam parvi libelli jamdudum editi, cujus titulus Speculum vel Imago mimdi, in quo scilicet hujus mundi sensibilis dis- positio et omatus paucis verbis describitur. M. Daunou thinks that the " parvus libeUus " here referred to was the " Imago BOOKS PRINTED IN TYPE NO. 2. 225 Muudi" from which "Lyraage du Monde" waa translated, and that it was a previous composition of Vincent de Beau- vais ; and Montfaucon quotes a manuscript in the St. Germain collection (Fonds Latin, 92G) in support of the same view, in which we read " Iste liber intitulatus Speculum vel Imago Mundi editus a fre. Vincentio ordinis fratrum predicatoram." But Vincent's reference to a Speculum Mundi, " jamdudum editus," by no means suggests that he wrote that as well as his own; and unfortunately as no copy is known, the fact even of its agreement with " Lymage du Monde " cannot be verified. The manuscript quoted by Montfaucon is no evidence at all, as M. Paris, on examination, found it to be identical with the " Speculum Historiale," or the Third Part of Vin- cent's " Speculum Majus," which is by no means " a rational description of the world and its products shortly described." The compilation of " Speculum Mundi," from Vincent's " Spe- culum Naturale," as suggested by Greswell, is equally far from the truth. Although no copy of the Latin " Speculum vel Imago Mundi," referred to by Vincent, is known, there appears little reason to doubt that it existed in the thirteenth century. Perhaps an earlier copy of the Latin manuscript in the Cotton Library, already described, may have formed the foundation of the French version, although in that case, as in Vignay's translation of the " Chess Book," considerable additions have been made. The history of the " Mirrour of the World" may be sunmied up thus: — Before the middle of the thirteenth century an unknown author wrote in Latin " Speculum vel Imago Mundi;" of this no copy has yet been recognised {Cottony Vesp. E iii ?) In 1245 this was turned into French metre for the Duke of Berry, of which manuscripts in several libraries attest the popularity {Sloane 2435 ; Royal 20, A iii). Shortly afterwards the French metre was turned into French prose, probably by " Maistre Gossonin." (Eayal 19, A. ix ; Bib. Imp., Paris, No. 7070). Here we find the Text used by Caxton for his translation, who even adopted a considerable portion of the French prologue (see ante Vol. I, page 153). Who this " Gossouin " or " Gossevin " was, and whether he was the author or only the scribe is qnite unknown. Q 22Q WILLIAM CAXTOX. The celebrated Cardinal Pierre d'Ailly compiled, in 1409, a work entitled " Tractatus de ymagine mundi " {Harl. MS. 637), which, however, is principally astronomical, having a portion of the same as the work under review. The publishing of this book was not a speculation on Caxton's part. He was employed, as we learn from the pro- logue (printed verbatim in Yol. I), to translate and probably to print it by Hugh Brice, citizen and alderman of London, who wished to make a present to Lord Hastings. To adom, as well as illustrate the pages, the art of the wood-engraver was employed, and we may consider the figures here displayed as some of the earliest specimens of that art in England. The designs were borrowed from the manuscript copy, the illumi- nations in the French manuscripts showing the same treat- ment. All the copies issued from Caxton's press have the words necessary for the explanation of the diagrams inserted with the pen, instead of being engraved on the wood, wiiich may perhaps be an argument for their home execution, as the Flemish artists were certainly well skilled in engraving words in their blocks. They all appear to have been perfected by the same scribe, which probably induced Oldys to assert that they are in Caxton's autograph. Of this there is no evidence. Hugh Brice, of the same county as Caxton, where he held the manor of Jenkins {LysonSy vol. iv, page 75), Avas also of the Mercers' Company, although Stow calls him a goldsmith {Thoms's Stow, page 77). He was knighted about 1472 ; and in that year accompanied John Kussell and others on a trade embassy to Bruges. John Russell was the orator whose cele- brated speech, upon the reception of the Order of the Garter by the Duke of Burgundy, is one of the earliest pieces attri- buted to the press of Caxton. In 1473, Hugh Brice, who is called " Clericus in officio Contrarotulatoris Monetas nostras," was sent on a similar embassy, " De difficultatibus super inter- cursu BurgTindiae removendis ;" and on both occasions would necessarily become personally acquainted with Caxton, who at that time was in the service of the Duchess of Burgnindy at Bruges (Rymer, edit. 1727, vol. xi, page 738, &c. &c.) He also held the offices of Keeper of the King's Exchange, BOOKS PRINTED IN TYPE NO. 2. 227 London ; Governor of the King's Mint in the Tower, under Lord Hastings; and Mayor of London, 1494. He died in 1496. Fifteen copies are knowTi : British Museum (2), Cam- bridge, Bodleian, St. George's, Windsor, and ten in private libraries. No. 32. — The History of Reynard, the Fox. First Edition. Folio. Translated in the Alley of Westmin- ster hy William Caxton, 1481, lut ivithout Printer's Name^ Place, or Date. Collation.— a t C t( e f g J i are 4^", fe and I are 3°% a 1 and I 6 being blank. Between the leaves f) 8 and i 1 is in- serted a leaf half printed on both sides. This was probably owing to the accidental omission of a page by the compositor. Total, 84^ leaves, of which the first and last are blank. Typographical Particulars. — There is no title-page. The type is No. 2*, none other being used throughout the volume. The lines are spaced out to one length, and measure 4| inches. A full page has 29 lines. Without folios or catch- words. Arabic figures are used in the signatures. Spaces 2 lines deep are left for the insertion of initials. The Text begins, on sig. a 2 recto, thus : — W^\% i% ^t table of tje iiistorge of tegnart tfie foare ending half-way down sig. a 3 recto, Jgoh) tje foxe toiti^ W ftenties tieparteti itoblg fro tt)e kgnge ^ \x\mXt to W pastel malepertiugs / capitulo x\\\\ On the verso begins the story — ?&»er teggnnetf) ttpstotse of xmwCts ti^e foxe ending half-way down the verso of the 5th folio of sig. I, ?12af)ere tfieg s^al fpntie faute /jFor S !)a«e not dXtsfn ne mpnussjeti tut i)aue folotoeti as npgfie as 3 can mp coppe tottcSe teas m tiutcfie / anti tig me toillm OTaiton trans^ latetJ in to tt)is tutie ^ sprnple englpssi) in tt)atieg of bent? Q2 228 WILLIAM CAXTOX. mestre . fsnpssjeti tje br tfage of ^ugn tje pete of our lortj * IE , afarorar . Hxxxi . ^ tfie xxi gere of tf)e tegne of fegnge ©titoarti ti^e iiijtf) / Jgere entretf) tfte Jistorge of i^egnattJ tje foxe ^c Remarks. — The date of printing this book is nowhere stated, though it was probably put to press directly after if not dui'ing the translation, which was finished on the 6 th of June, 1481. The literary history of this fable is very obscure. It appears to have had great popularity for some centuries previous to Caxton's time, as quotations from it appear so early as the twelfth century. Caxton's translation was made from " Die Historic van Reinaert die Yos, ghepreiit ter goude in hoUant by mi gheraert leeu Jnt iaer Mcccc en Lxxix," or perhaps from the still earlier edition in Dutch, discovered in 1854, and described in K. Godike's Deutsche Wochenschrift for that year, Heft 8, page 256. Copies are in the British Museum, Eton College, and two private libraries. No. 33. — TuLLY OF Old Age ; Tully of Friendship ; The Declamation of Noblesse. Folio. " Emprynfed hy 7iie symple persons William Gaxtonr No Place. 1481. Collation. — Old Aye : sigs. 1 and a are 3"% with 1 1, and a 6 blank — t) e ti e f g 1^ are 4*^' — ( is a 2% with l 4 blank. Friendship and the Declamation : a t) e iJ e f are 4"^, with no blanks. The first section in the " De Senectute " is signed in Arabic numerals only, thus : 1 2 — 1 3 — 1 4, the rest of the work being signed in letters and Arabic numerals. The three tracts together have 117 printed and three blank leaves. Typographical Particulars. — There is no title-page to any of the three treatises. The type is all No. 2*, except where Latin quotations or proper names are introduced, when Caxton's largest type, No. 3, is used. The lines are fully spaced out, and the long lines measure 4 J inches ; 29 lines make a fall page. Without folios or catchwords. Space is left at the beginning of the chapters with a director, for the BOOKS PRINTED IN TYPE NO. 2. 229 insertion of 2 fco 5-liue initials. The peculiar ^c belonging to tyi)e No. 1 is used in this book. After a blank leaf the Text begins on sig. 1 2, space being left for a 2-line initial Jt^ with director, i) (i^xt tjeggnnetf) ti^e proftemge upon tje retiucmge/ iotf) out of latgn as of frenssfie in to our mfilgggf) tongue /of ti)e polgtgque took nametJCu I Uu0 tjc geneci tute , tof)ici)e tjat CulUus torote bpon t^e Ijisputacong ^ The treatise "De Senectute" ends, with the following colophon, at the head of the 3rd recto of sig. i, ^f^m entietf) tf)e bolte of CuUe of oltie age translatel» out of latgn into frensi&e bp lautence tje primo farto at tf)e comaunljement of tt)e noble ptpnce Hobogsi Buc of 13urbon / anb enprgntetJ b^ ^^ spmple petsone MEilliam iHaxton into d^riQl^mi^t at tije plaj)0ir solace anb reue^ rence of men grobjgng in to olbe age tf)e lij bag of ^xi^ gust ti)e pere of our lorb . iE , ararorar . Imj : A blank leaf, and then the " De Senectute " begins with a new series of signatures on a j, the whole work ending on the 8th verso of sig. f, tf)at toe at our bepartgng mage beparte in 0ucf)e togse/ tjat it mage please our lorb gob to recegue bs in to i)is niir^ lastgng blgsse , Emen : O^xplicit ^er Olaxton Although in three distinct treatises, Caxton intended them to form but one volume, as is plainly stated in the epilogue, which renders it difficult to imagine a reason for his printing the volume with two sets of signatures. We learn from Caxton's own pen, that the translation of Cicero's " De Senectute" and " De Amicitid" into French was made by the command of Louis Duke of Bourbon, in 1405, by Laurence de Premierfait. This learned priest was a native of the city of Troyes, and obtained great celebrity by his niunerous translations. 280 WILLIAM CAXTON. To Jean Mielot we must attribute the French version of " The Declamation," in which he styles the author " Surse Pistoie, Docteur en Loix, et grand Orateur." This was one of the first books that issued from the press of Colard Mansion at Bruges. The English translation of the " De Senectute " was accom- plished, as we learn from the first prologue, at the ordinance and desire of Sir John Fastolfe. It has been ascribed by Leland to the Earl of Worcester, and by Anstis to Wyllyam de Wyrcestre ; in both cases without eyidence. We have seen already that the"Dictes and Sayings of the Philosophers" had been translated in 1450 for Sir John Fastolfe, by Stephen Scrope, his son-in-law (see page 180, ante), and this possibly came from the same pen. Whoever the translator may have been he took for his text the work of Laurence Premierfait, of which this version is a most literal translation, notwith- standing his assurance (see the end of the first prologue) that " this book is more amply expounded and more sweeter to the reader, Izee'ping the just sentence of the Latin." The English version of " De Amicitia " and the " Declamation " are attri- buted by Caxton to the Earl of Worcester, a great traveller, a great collector of books, and a great orator. The Earl's history and acquirements have been 'described by Fuller, Dr. Henry, and many others ; Caxton's admiration for him is expressed in the most touching and characteristic terms. Pro- bably their love of literature was a friendly bond. The Earl also translated, at a later period, Caesar's Commentaries, which Rastell printed. Of 22 copies extant, twelve are in the chief corporate libraries in England, and ten in private hands. No. 34. — The Game and Play of the Chess. Second Edition. Folio. Woodcuts. ^'Explicit per Caxton.'' Without Place or Date. (1481 ?) Collation.— a t) c ti e f g i^ i are 4"^ fe I are 3"^ = 84 leaves, of which the first is blank. Typographical Particulaes. — There is no title-page. The only type used is No. 2*. The lines are spaced out to BOOKS PRINTED IN TYPE NO. 2. 231 an even length, and signatures are used. A full page has 29 lines, and a full line measures 4J inches. Space left for the insertion of 2 or 3-line initials, with director. Without folios or catchwords. After the blank leaf the prologue of Caxton commences on sig. a ii). The text begins thus : — J8e f)olp appo0tle antj tioctour of tijt ptpit gagnt t ^oule sagtl) in Jis qj^stle , ^Ue t1)at is torsten ij3 torgten bnto our Tjoctrgne ant for our ler^ n^riQ . WBf^ntfaxt mang notle clerlus 1)aue entjeuogretr The table of chapters follows on the verso, and ends on a Hi recto, the verso being blank. On a Hi} recto, the first chapter commences, and is illustrated with a woodcut repre- senting King Evilmerodach, son of Nebuchadnezzar, " a joUj man without justice who did do hew his father his body into three hundred pieces." The Text ends on I 6 recto, the verso being blank — man (jut as a teste . Ctjenne late euerp man of tof)at contigcion f)e he tiiat retjgtf) or fteritt) t'^i^ litel toofe retJtie • tafee ti)erbB ensaumple to amentie tgm * dlrxplieit per dUaxton. The woodcuts in this volume number only sixteen, not twenty-four, as Dibdin and other ^Titers say, eight of them being impressions from blocks used for previous chapters. As already noticed, there seems a probability that the two cuts for " Parvus Chato," third edition, were the earliest used by Caxton. These were soon after printed again, mth the addition of many others in the " Mirrour of the World." The present cuts were perhaps the third essay of Caxton in this department, and for these, judging by the general style, and greater breadth of treatment, he appears to have employed another artist. The literary history of the work has been given under the fii*st edition, but we must notice that the original prologue WILLIAM CAXTON. " EVILMERODACH, A JOLLY MAN WITHOUT JUSTICE WHO DID DO HEW HIS FATHER IN PIECES." BOOKS PRINTED IN TYPE NO. 2. 238 dedicated to the Duke of Clarence, the major portion of which was a translation from the French, has been superseded in this edition by a prologue from Caxton's own pen, the ideas in which, with the exception of the first few lines, and almost the very words, are often met with in manuscripts of that age. The year in which this edition is generally considered to have been issued seems to me very incorrect. Ames assigns no date to it, but Dibdin, probably misled by Bagford's obser- vations, thinks it one of Caxton's earliest efforts, while in sume remarks attached to a reprint of this edition by Mr. Figgins, it is considered as the earliest specimen of the West- mhister press, and to have been printed from md metal types. An examination of the work, however, with a tj'pographical eye does not afford a single evidence of very early workman- sliip. All Caxton's early books were uneven in the length of their lines — this is quite even. Not one of the early works had any signatures — this is signed throughout. These two features alone are quite sufficient to fix its date of impression at least as late as 1480, when Caxton first began the use of signatures. Copies are in the British Museum; the Pepysian and Trinity, Cambridge ; Bodleian and St. John's, Oxford ; Impe- rial Library, Vienna ; and six in private hands. A DESCRIPTION OF BOOKS PRINTED IN TYPE No. 3. BOOKS PRINTED IN TYPE No. 3. if»,r, Tie^Uj^' • 35. An AdTertisement ...... 1477-78? CBl^f, 36. Directoriuni. First Version . . . 1477-78? J<^Vv^ 37. Horae. Second Edition . . . . . ]480? S^V . 38. Psalterium, &c 1480-83 ? BOOKS PRINTED IN TYPE No. 3. No. 85. An^ Advertisement. Octavo. Westminsfer. No Bate. (Abmd 1477-78.) Typographical Particulars. — ^The type is all No. 3, the whole advertisement being in one paragraph of seven lines, unevenly spaced, the longest measuring five inches. The verso is blank. Sf It plcse ong man gpirituel or temporel to ige on? pges of tb30 antj ttire comemoracios of galisburi b0e enprgntili after tf)e forme of tjis preset lettre toSiefte ben toel anti trulg eorreet / late !)pm eome to toestmo- nester in to tt)e almonesrge at tt)e reetr pale mti ije stial t)aue tj^em goolr cftepe , * . * Supplieo jitet ce^ula Remarks. — This is an interesting relic, not only as giving us the name of the house inhabited by our first printer — the Red-pale (" reed " was commonly used by Caxton for " red ") — ^but also as a specimen of advertisements in the fifteenth century. Although small in size it may also be considered as the earliest instance known of a " broadside " printed in this country. Our printer was not alone in advertising his books, although, from the fugitive nature of such productions, speci- mens are very rarely to be found. An interesting list of books printed by Coburger, at Nuremberg, in the fifteenth century, is in the British Museum (C. 18. e. 2. 27), to which is attached the following heading : — " Cupientes emere libros 238 WILLIAM CAXTON. infra notatos venient ad hospicium subnotatum Yenditorem habituri largissimiiin," &c. The " Pye " * was a collection of rules to show the priest how to deal (under every possible variation in Easter) with the concurrence of more than one office on the same day. In reading Caxton's Advertisement the question arises, " In what respect did the " pyes of two and three commemorations of Salisbury use " differ from the ordinary pyes of Salisbury use ? The very RcA^erend Canon Rock, D.D., has kindly placed at my disposal for an explanation which confines the "pye of two commemorations " to the rules for Easter and Whitsun- tide, and the " pye of three commemorations " to the rules for Easter, Whitsuntide, and Trinity, f Caxton's Advertise- ment, therefore, refers to separately published portions of the common " Directorium sen Pica Sarum," applicable, perhaps, to the current year only. In the succeeding article is de- scribed a " Pica," which, in some particulars, agrees entirely with. Caxton's description. * The Pica type of printers is commonly supposed to derive its name from having been used for printing the early *' Pica sen Directorium." I have searched in vain among the earliest editions of the Directorium for a copy printed in types approaching the size of Pica. They are mostly the size of modem Brevier. f " Easter being a moveable feast, and ruling the time for Septua- gesima, Sexagesima, and Quinquagesima Sundays, and the beginning of Lent, as well as the Sundays for Whitsuntide and the beginning of Trinity, makes great and ever-recurring alterations in the Service of the Calendar on Saints' days. Hence was it to show the Cleric at a glance how to commemorate the Saints' days that came in the ever- changing times of Lent, Easter, "Whitsuntide ; and the Octave of the Trinity, the Pica began by giving a table of the Dominical letters, which make the keys of all the rest of the Pica ; and after such a way no matter what month or week Easter might fall on, the manner of commemorating the Saints' days happening then, or of putting them off till another time, was accurately described for all variations. But as the chief variations in keeping the Saints' days happened at Easter and its following week — at Whitsuntide and its week or Octave — and at Trinity and its Octave ; and, as during these three great feasts, with their Octaves, the occurring feast itself was chiefly celebrated with mere mention, or Collect, or Commemoration ; and as people in Caxton's BOOKS PRINTED IN TYPE NO. 8. 289 A poor copy is among the Douc^ fragmentB in the Bod- leian ; and a good one, formerly in Dr. Farmer's library, at Althorpe. It has been suggested that the first line being very short, the syllable co has accidentally dropped out, and that the text should read " to buy any copies," &c. ; but the word " copy," in that sense, was unknown in the fifteenth century. No. 36. — DiRECTORiUM, SEU PiCA Sarum. First Version. Quarto. Sine ulld nofd. (About 1477-8.) No perfect copy of this book being known, the Collation is necessarily omitted. The four fragments from the covers of the St. Alban's " Boethius " are from separate half sheets in quarto, making a total of sixteen pages. Typographical Particulars. — Only one type. No. 3, is used in these fragments. The lines are not spaced out to one length. The longest measure 3f inches. A full page has 22 lines. Without signatures, or catchwords, or printed folios to the leaves. There are no initial letters, nor is there any space left for them. The whole is in very contracted Latin. Remarks. — There can be no doubt that this was the pro- duct of Caxton's press, as all the circumstances connected mth it tend to prove. It was extracted from the covers of a book which was evidently bomid in Caxton's workshop, and for the binding of which he had used waste sheets from the press (see ajite, page 214). The fragments belonging to known books were all printed by Caxton before 1481; while the "Advertisement" and " Directorium," reasoning from the days had not printed but handwritten Breviaries without the Plea or Pj/e in them, Caxton printed, to supply their want, " pyes of two and three commemorations," — that is to say, directions for saying tlie whole office of two Octaves or Commemorations, say of Easter and AVhitsun- tide, and of three Octaves, Easter, Whitsuntide, and Trinity. It should be borne in mind, as I have pointed out in t. i, p. 139 of " The Church of our Fathers " that the Laity as well as the Clergy used to say the Breviary. Hence Caxton's invitation to buy his '' pyes " to the Laity too. — Extract from a Utter to J. F. Goulding, Esq., from the Very B&i'. Canon JR^ch. D.D. February ^ 1 862. 240 WILLIAM CAXTON. measurement of the lines and their uneven length, were cer- tainly printed before 1480, and probably about the same time as the later set of quarto poetic pieces, i. e. about 1478. This " Directorium" is not the same version as that printed by Caxton, about 1486, in type No. 5, and a second edition of which was issued a few years later in type No. 6. These last are the text revised for Bishop Eotherham, founded upon an earlier version, of which latter the leaves under notice appear to be a portion. Formerly in the library of the St. Alban's Grammar School ; they are now in the British Museum. No. 37. — HoR^ AD USUM Sarum. Second Edition. Quarto. (1480-83.) No perfect copy being kno^\Ti, the Collation is of neces- sity omitted, and the following remarks are made from three fragments rescued from the St. Alban's " Boethius," already noticed. Typographical Particulars. — The only type used, judging from these fragments, was No. 3. The lines are spaced out, and measure 3| inches. A full page has 20 lines. The initials and paragTaph marks are not inserted. The first fragment, a quarto leaf printed on both sides, but very defective, contains part of the " Suffragia of the Three Kings," which are among the additions to the first part of the " Primer ;" and in an early edition by Wynken de Worde, immediately precede the Latin " Fifteen Oes." The second fragment is also but one leaf, and contains the commencement of Part II of the " Horse," the " Ne Reminiscaris " being the anthem belonging to the Seven Penitential Psalms. The third fragment consists of two pages of prayers, con- taining the first of the " Fifteen Oes " in Latin, and some prayers near the end of the Litany. Remarks. — As all the " Fifteen Oes " and the Litany, as well as other prayers, intervene between the tAvo pages of the third fragment, it is evident they were not intended to be BOOKS PRINTED IN TYPE NO. 8. 241 printed on one sheet ; this, added to the fact that the paper is printed only on one side, makes it clear that these are proof pages. This edition of " Horse " is entirely unknown to any of our bibliogra})hers, and was doubtless a second edition of that akeady noticed at p. 189. These fragments, now in the British Museum, were pur- chased in 1874. They were formerly in the library of King Edward VI Grammar School, St. Alban's. No. 88. — PsAi.TERiiTM, ETC. Quarto. Sine ulld mtd. (1480- 83?) Collation.— a ictiefgi) ifelmnoiJqtJStttiXB are 4°% with a 1 blank ; but as only one copy is known to be in existence, and that imperfect, no complete collation can be given. Typographical Particulars. — ^There is only one type, No. 8, used throughout the work, excepting for the signatures, where the Arabic numerals belong to type No. 2. The lines, which are spaced out, measure 3| inches, and a full page has 20. "Without printed folios or catchwords. Space for the insertion of 2 to 4-line initials, generally without director, is left at the beginning of paragraphs. The signatures are in letters and Arabic numerals, a mode of signing used by Caxton only between the years 1480 and 1483. The book doubtless commenced with a blank leaf for a 1, which is wanting in this copy. The Text begins at the head of a 2 recto, thus : — f Seronimus tie lauTre ^zi supe. pgalterium 3^cf)il enim est m f)ac bita M mortali in quo possumu0 fa^ miliarius interrrr tJfo q) W vix\m lautiitius. i^uUus r'm mor- " Jheronimus super Psalteriimi " ends on a 6 recto, and is followed by two prayers and a metrical hymn. R 242 WILLIAM CAXTON. The Psalter finishes on sig. t 3 recto, and is followed by the Canticles, Te Deum, Athanasian Creed, a general Litany, including most of the prayers now in use, and ends imper- fectly on sig. g 7 verso. There is an eighth leaf, which at first sight is very defective, seeming to be g 8; in fact it is an intercallary leaf, consisting of two pages accidentally omitted between x 7 and x 8, and bound up wrongly after g 7, the real g 8 being absent. The only copy at present known is in the British Museum, having formed a portion of the old Eoyal Library. It was recognised as being printed with Caxton's types by Mr. Bullen, through whose hands it passed for re-cataloguing. "I ^^ f li. f .«♦■<. f.X's t Y f \ y\ i,\>\<\ \. !P A DESCRIPTION OF BOOKS PRINTED IN TYPE No. 4. r2 BOOKS PRINTED IN TYPES No. 4 AND 4*. 0-n>.A, tr-^!/, - ■ 39. Chronicles. First Edition . Type 4 1480 W, Cs,7^ S. Cn e,^ 40. Description of Britain . . Type 4 1480 hv,. Hf Spfi^c, 41. Curia Sapientiae Type 4 1481 ? {AT.(%r.^&, 42. Godfrey of Bologne . Type 4 1481 7:Ar' ■ - ' ■ 43. Indulgence. First Edition . Type 4 1481 'i'i^t't ^^^n^r^^j,.: 44. Ditto Second Edition . • Type 4 1481 45. Chronicles. Second Edition Type 4 1482 46. Polychronicon . . . . . Type 4 1482 .1, inr.H^lS,O^J^ -< 47. Pilgrimage of the Soul Type 4 1488 ..-., ^M'-'-- /5&v-^-^^ 48. A Vocabulary .... . Type 4 1483? M. T^QciL Jj^i^^i'. P49. The Festial .... Type 4* 1483 \:.i, r' -./■-,. ^v-T'** '■ 60. Four Sermons .... . Type 4* 1483? 3->l ^ 61. Servitium de Visitatione Type 4 1483? J^rJ^:Uu^t^^( 62. Sex Epistolae .... Type 4 and 4* 1483? r^v.,-, P^.^.l-U, (rf< V; 63. Confessio Amantis . Type 4 and 4* 1484 M . G.v^.tv Cxi ' 54. The Knight of the Tower Type 4 and 4* 1484? M, {\\Jy. C^f'^ 66. Caton .... Type 4* 1484 66. Golden Legend .... Type 4 and 4* 1484 67. Death-bed Prayers . Type 4* 1484? usiu.. fiM. ^^^^■ 68. ^sop ..... . Type 4* 1484 69. Order of Chivalrye . Type 4* 1483-85 60. Canterbury Tales. Second Edition . Type 4* 1484? -}. C/"tut.-t^/ l'(f U'\''./ v'' ? 61. Book of Fame Type 4* 1484? l^H, ^yv^^^s- 62. The Cuiial .... . Type 4* 1484? 3,M, Cyif£'fh^M''' 63. Troilez and Cresside Type 4* 1484? 64. Life of our Lady . Type 4* 1484? 66. St. Winifred Type 4* 1485? ■ 3 M " 66. King Arthur .... . Type 4* 1485 67. Charles the Great . Type 4* 1485 68. Paris and Vienne . Type 4* 1486 69. The Golden Legend. Second Edition Type 4* 1487 BOOKS PRINTED IN TYPE No. 4. No. 39. — The Chronicles op England. Folio. **Bm- prynted hy me William Caxton in thabley of West- mynstre" June 10th, 1480. First Edition, with short commas. Collation. — Prologue and table a 4'', signed J, i\\, and tilt, the first leaf being blank, a (a j blank) 5 c tr e f B f) i ItlmnolJqtJJtUiare 4"*; p is a 8°. Total 182 leaves, of which two are blank. Typograpical Particulars. — There is no title-page. Type No. 4 only is used. There are forty lines to a ftdl page. The lines are spaced out to an even length, and measure 4} inches. The signatures are in lower-case letters and Arabic numerals. Spaces left for the insertion of initials. Without folios or catchwords. Commencing with a blank leaf, the prologue follows on sig. i\ recto, the Text beginning, with a space for a 5-line initial, $1 ti&e sete of tfigncarnacion of out lort» f Ju tx\%X M* O^atata^ , \xxx , Unt in ti)e xx , gere of tf)e i^egne of 3f Itpng (irtihjarti tje fourtfie / Ette tequejJte of bguwe genttlmen § fiaue entieuourt me to enprinte tf)e cro- nicies of ^nglonli as in ti^is toolte stall ig tje suf^ fraunce of goti folotoe/ Enti to i^trCHt ttiat euerg mon mas see antr The Chronicle ends on the sixth recto of sig. g, the verso being blank, Cf)tis entieti^ tiftis present toolte of tje ctonicles of englontj/ enpn | tth bp me toilliam OTaxton S^ ttjaifteg of toestmpnstre bg lontjon | dF8nBSSi)it( anti aecomplissSOj 24 G WILLLiM CAXTON. tje X ♦"bap of 3fu3)n f^t gere of tf^in^ \ carnacion of our lottj gotr M ♦ (S:(t(EQt . Ixxx . ant» in tf)t xx . gm of | tje tegne of Itgng iStitoattr tje fotitti^ Kemakks.^— The use of short commas, which characterises the early state of this type, would induce us to give priority to this edition over the other, in which the long commas are used, independently of any printed date. The history here printed by Caxton differs but little from the "Cronicle of Brute," one of the most popular of the fifteenth and sixteenth century books. It is, however, carried further than any manuscript chronicle I have seen, and it appears probable that, as any writer who felt competent made his own additions in transcribing, so Caxton added more or less to his copy, and brought the history down, as he acknow- ledges having done in " Polycronicon," to the battle of Towton. The old " Cronicle of Brute " was so called from the opening chapter which describes the settlement of Brutus, the descendant of the iEneas in Britain. The respective parts due to Nennius, Douglas of Glastonbury, and Geoffrey of Monmouth, are probably too obscure to determine. The St. Alban's Chronicle, printed two or three years later, and in types somewhat resembling those of Caxton, is the same text, interpolated throughout with a history of the Popes and ecclesiastical matters. This, and the edition of Machlinia (Caxton's text), about the same date, are not unfrequently catalogued erroneously as from Caxton's press. This work is often called " Caxton's Chronicle " by old writers, probably from the publicity he gave it both as editor and printer, and he is often blamed for its inaccuracies, although, with the exception of the last few pages, he had nothing to do with its compilation ; nor indeed does he in any way lay claim to it. Of this edition with the short commas there are copies at Cambridge, Bodleian (2), St. John's, Oxford, Hunterian Museum, Glasgow, and Lambeth Palace. Six are in private hands. BOOKS FEINTED IN TYPE NO. 4. 247 No. 40. — The Desceiption op Beitain. Folio. "Fynyshed by me William GaxtonJ' No Place, l^th Augmt, 1840. Collation.— Three 4"" and one 3^ unsigned. Thirty leaves, the last being blank. Typographical Particulaes. — ^There is no title-page. Type No. 4 only is used. There are forty lines to a fiill page. The Hues are spa<;ed out to an even length, and measure 4J inches. Spaces left for the insertion of initials. Without signatures, folios, or catchwords. The signatures were pro- bably omitted on account of the limited extent of the work. The text begins, on the verso of the first leaf, thus : — 3^it is so ti^at in manp antj tjiuerse places ti)e comgn ctonicles of englon^ ten Jat^ antr also noto late enptinte^ at hjestmgnstre and ends on the 29th recto, lateti ti^e fioolt of ^^olietonicon into engliss^ / dFgnpsstietJ Jg me toilliam i?raa:ton tf)e ibiir . Irag of August tf)e gere of our lortr golJ M ♦ (t(^(ft(^ . \xxx . anb tje xx . gere of tje regne of Itgng (frtrtoartr tje fourtjie . Remarks. — " The Description of Britain " is one of the chapters out of Ralph Higden's " Polycronicon." Caxton printed it as a supplement to the Chronicles, and evidently intended it to follow on after the termination of that work. The blank leaf at the end instead of the beginning favours this idea. It is improbable that a second edition of " The Description of Britain " was issued, as no copy with the long commas ( / ) has yet been found. Copies are in British Museum, Cambridge, Oxford (3), St. John's, Oxford, Lambeth, Glasgow, and four in private libraries. 248 WILLIAM CAXTON. Ko. 41. — Cuba Sapienti^; or the Court of Sapience. Folio. Without Printer's Name, Place, or Date. (1 48 1 ?) Collation. — a f) C t are 4"", e is a 3'' = 38 leaves, of which the first is blank. Typographical Particulars. — There is no title-page. The type is No. 4 throughout. The whole work is in " Balad Eoyal," or stanzas of seven lines, of which there are five to each page. Without folios or catchwords. Space is left for the insertion of 3-line initials. After a blank the Text begins on a \\ recto, with space for a 3-Kne initial, with director, lie latere' $c g^ most merueglo' toetifees <©f sapience sgn firste regtieti nature t M^ purpos iis to tell as toriten clerltes ^nti specBallg t)er moost notatle cure The Text ends half-way down the second column, on the sixth verso of the same signature, Ifiupng / netieful toerfees/ antr tiretieful tietjes of toge anti of pegne Remarks. — The only manuscript copy of this poem is preserved in the library of Trinity College, Cambridge. It belonged formerly to John Stow, who has noted several omis- sions in the text, as compared with some other copy, probably the printed edition ; and who has written over the top, " By John Lydgate." The poem itself is headed " Here beginneth a brief compiled treatise called by the xiuthor thereof Curia Sapientim." The following description by Oldys is taken from Bii. Harl. Vol. Ill, No. 3313 : "Though neither the author's nor printer's name appears to this poem, it was visibly enough printed by Caxton and composed by Lidgate, had we not the authority of John Stowe for it, in the catalogue of his writings. The author tells us it was written at the command of his Sovereign (perhaps King Hen. V), and it seems to be one of the scarcest of his pieces extant. There seems to be more invention in it and variety of matter than in most other BOOKS PRINTED IN TYPE NO. 4. 249 poems of his composition, displaying, after a copious debate between Mercy and Truth, Justice and Peace, a distinct sur- vey throughout the palace and domains of Sapience, of all the products of nature, in distinct chapters, and of arts and sciences ; with his further reference, at the end of each, to the authors who have written on them." Ames says ( Typ. Ant, page 67), after quoting the whole of the " Prohemium," " I take Caxton to be the poet or author, by the above verses." This opinion was perhaps too readily adopted. Although there is a curious parallel between the poet's statement of his rude and corrupt speech, and the apology of Caxton in his addi- tions to "The Recuyell" for his " vnperfightness " in English, owing to his having been educated where was "spoken as brode and rude englissh as is in ony place of englond;" and although we know that Caxton could put together a few verses, as in the instance of the last two stanzas of " Moral Proverbs;" yet, judging from the literary ability of his known works and translations, we should hardly be justified in ascribing the authorship of "Curia Sapientiae" to him. The plan of this work, in which theology, geography, natural history, horticulture, grammar, rhetoric, arithmetic, geometry, music, and astronomy are all in turn described, was certainly too high a flight for our printer. The titles given to this book, " The werke of Sapience " and " Tractatus de Fide et Cantus famule sue," adopted by Ames and other bibliographers, were taken from the first and last lines of the poem. The proper title, "Curia Sapientiae," appears at the end of " Liber Primus." Caxton's edition is very scarce. St. John's, Oxford, and Earl Spencer, have copies, and fragments are in the Bodleian and the British Museum. No. 42. — The History of Godfrey of Boloyne ; or the Conquest of Jerusalem. Folio. Printed the 20th November, in the Abbey of Westminster, by William Gaxtm, 1481. Collation. — a is a 8", with a ; blank ; b a 2°, 5 1 being blank; 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, and 250 WILLIAM CAXTON. 16 are all 4°% 17 is a S'' = 144 leaves, of which two are blank. Excepting the first two gatherings, the signatures are entirely in Arabic numerals. Dibdin corrects Ames, and says he counted 146 leaves, but Ames was right. Typographical Paeticulars. — There is no title-page. The type is entirely No. 4. A full page has forty lines, which are of an even length, and measure 4| inches. Without folios or catchwords. Space at the commencement of chapters is left for the insertion of 3 to 7-hne initials. The volume commences with a blank leaf, after which fol- lows the prologue, the Text beginning on a 2, with a space for a 4-Hne initial, W Jge couraggouis fagtes / anti balpaunt attm oi t mUe SUmtxom ant bertuous pensonneis ten yii^nt to te mountetr / put in memotge/ anti toteton. tci ti)ente tf)at tjer ma:D ie gguen to tf)em name Jfnmortal tg ^o- ueragn lante antr pregsgng* ^nt» also for to moeue antr tentlah) | ending half-way down the recto of the sixth folio of sig. 17, the verso being blank, mgng, tofticje tmot S i^flan in marcje tj&e xii trape antr fgn^S' I sf)fitr tSe bir trap of f ugn/ tfte pere of out lortr* ifE . (EOrarai: * Ixxxj l ^ tje tje xir sere of tf)e tegne of our sapti saueragn lortr Itgng ^ | toarti ti&e fourtj , ^ in tjis maner gette in forme ^ enprgnteti tje | xx tiag of nouem:^ fire tf)e gere a forisagtJ in tjatfiag of toestmesiter | fig tj^e saitJ bjglliam OTaxton In the British Museum is a splendid manuscript of this work, a large folio, on vellum, fifteenth century, with nume- rous illuminations. The character of the writing is very similar to the large type of Colard Mansion, and it begins " Les anciennes histoires diet que eracles fut moult bon x'pien et gouuemeur de lempire de romme." The text is without doubt the original of Caxton's translation, with which it agrees chapter for chapter, but is carried much further than the death of Godfrey, with which Caxton concludes. The author appears to be unknown. , BOOKS PRDTTED VS TYPE NO. 4. 251 An edition was printed at Paris, in 1600, with the title " Les faits et Gestes dc preux Godefroy de Bovillon et de ses chevalereux freres Baudouin et Eustache." Copies are in the British Museum, Cambridge (2), Impe- rial Library, Vienna, Hunterian College, Glasgow, Baptist College, Bristol, with four in private libraries. The copy belonging to S. Holford, Esq., is specially interesting ; it is in its original vellum cover, and contains the following inter- esting notice : — " This was king Edw. y* fourth Booke." Also the autographs, " p'tinet Rogero Thorney," and " Rob* Well- borne." The former of these names is worth a comment, because it throws some doubt upon the accuracy of the pre- vious notice. Roger Thorney, like other literary mercers of his time, was probably a friend and supporter of Caxton : he certainly patronised his successor, Wynken de Worde, as the following lines from the " Polychronicon " of 1495, show : — this bote of Policronicon " Whiche Roger Thorney Mercer hath exhorted " Wynken de Worde of vertuous entent " Well to correcte, and gretely hym comforted, " This specyal boke to make and sette in prente." How then did Roger Thorney become possessed of the copy of " The History of Godefroy of Bulloyn," belonging to his king ? On the inside cover is also the book-plate of Sir John Dolben, Bart., of Finedon, in Northamptonshire. This volume was sold among the books of Secondary Smyth, in 1682, and passed into the library of the Earl of Peterborough. It was afterwards in the Vernon collection, which is now included in that of Mr. Holford. No. 43. — Lettees of Indulgence feom Johannes de Leigliis, alias De Liliis, issfed in 1481 on the authority of Pope Sixtus IV, for assistance AGAINST THE TuRKS. Oil Parchment This Indulgence is represented by two slips of parch- ment, extracted from the St. Alban's " Boethius." (See ante, page 214). WILLIAM CAXTON. Originally in one, the document was cut in two pieces by Caxton's binder, who- used them for strengthening the back of the book. They were pasted, one at the beginning and one at the end, down the whole length, inside the boards. When the volume was dissected they were, unfortunately, subjected to the usual soaking in water. This has entirely changed their original appearance, as the print has necessarily participated in the shrinking of the parchment. From per- sonal examination, while the volume was in its original state, the following particulars are obtained : — Typographical Particulars. — The Type is all No. 4. The lines, which are spaced to an even length, measured nine inches. The complete document, apparently, contained 13 lines. The second slip containing the date, is as follows : — mutate lifiere tt lititt | . ti jiinguloru t^it pxt^ senteis gigilli Qtntsjsicnis intinlgeciaru tt Wpmmcmu jiancte cruciate qu , . | mm et (ecimuis appensione com ♦ ♦iri/lBatum ^ie mentis | oroi^arat , Ixxxi . Ec pontitcatuis pvefati sanctiisjiimi Ircmmi nostri ^0 ♦ ini Aixti pape . . The two slips, now measuring each 7j x 1 inches, were originally about 11x2 inches. They are now in the British Museum. No. 44. — Letters of Indulgence issued m 1481, on the authority of Pope Sixtus IV, for assistance AGAINST the Turks. Second Edition. On parchment. 1481. The type is all No. 4. The lines are spaced to an even length. The whole document is printed on one side of a slip of paper. The only two copies known are pasted inside the " Royal Book " printed by Caxton, and now in the Bedford Library, Bedford. They measure 8x6 inches. A slip of parchment containing four lines was discovered by Mr. Bradshaw in the Library of King's College, Cambridge. BOOKS FKimTED IN TYPE NO. 4. 258 No. 46. — The Chronicles of England. Folio. ** Em- prynted by me william Caxton In thahbey of west- mestrey" October Sth, 1482. Second Edition^ with Imuj commas. Collation. — Prologue and title a 4", signed if, {{], and itij, the first leaf being blank, a (a \ blank) i}Ctiefgi)ife I m n p q r t U X are 4*"; p is a 3''. Total 182 leaves, of which two are blank. Typographical Particulars. — There is no title-page. Type No. 4 only is used. There are forty lines to a full page. . The lines are spaced out to an even length, and measure 4| inches. The signatures are in lower-case letters and Arabic numerals. Spaces left for the insertion of initials. Without folios or catchwords. The above collation and particulars are identical with those of the first edition, described at page 245, ante. Commencing with a blank leaf, the prologue follows on sig. \\ recto, the Text beginning with space for a 4-line initial, la tfte pere oC ti)pncarttacpon of our lortr f t)u crtgt M (^(t(t(t I Xxxx I ^xCts in tfte xx pere of t1)e Itegite of X fepngiSl^titoartJttefourtJ/iEtte request of tiguerse gen tgimen 3 iftaue entjeugrgtj me to enprpnte t^e ai:ro:= ngcleg of ©nglonVa^ iit tftis toolt j^fial tip tt)e suffraunee of got( The Text ends on the sixth recto of sig. g, the verso being blank, Cf)ui8 entretift tfim preisent ioolt of t^e Otronpcles of ->t^AA 3 A' (l!^nglonV<5Ttpr:pnteti ip tne ?15aiUiam (ttaxton gjn tfjabiirp v;?,^ ^ . tt of toejstmegtretiglontJon/dFpngssfietj/anli aecomplgsgfts^ -t.^ /v <"vA '^' tje / biij / bag of (©ctobre / W^t gere of tf)e Snearnaegon of v4f ivT/t #^v our lortj (goti / M I (^(t(t(t I \xxx\\ ^nli in t^e iiij gere of ^y^ 4.^ /„ v^ U^. tfie regne of fegng O^toartx tf)e fourth a../v,. »/-cal Copies are in the British Museum (2) and Oxford, with three in private libraries. ^ r cr u ji^ ( t--^-^ ^4. >-* ' 254 WILLIAM CAXTON. No. 46. — PoLYCRONicON. Folio. ''Imprinted and set in forme hy me William Caxton^ Without place or Date. Translation ended 2nd July, 1482. Collation. — a i) are 4''', with the first leaf of a blank ; (?^ is a 2° ; sigs. 1 to 28 are 4% the first and 5th leaves of sig. 1 being blank ; sig. 28 is followed by an unsigned single sheet, of which but one leaf is printed, the other being blank ; 29 to 48 are 4"^; 49 a 2^^; 50 to 55 are 4^^^ with the last leaf of 55 blank ; sig. 50 is followed by 52, sig. 51 being accident- ally oniitted=450 leaves, of which five are blank. Typooeaphical Particulars. — There is no title-page. The type is all No. 4. The lines, which measure 4| inches, are fully spaced out, and forty make a full page. Space is left at the beginning of the chapters for the insertion of initials. The first gatherings have the signatures in Roman numerals, but all the rest are signed with Arabic numerals. After the introductory matter folios are introduced, although with many errors. The Text, preceded by a blank, begins on sig. a 2 recto, with space for a 4-line initial, Ig ten f)ountje to geltje antt offre bnto bjtgters of Jps:: totpegi / b3lj(ci)e gtetelg i^aue prouf gtetr cure mortal Igf/tjat !5f)eh)e bnto tje xt^stx% antJ ^txtx% bg tf)e ensampleg of tlj^nges passgti/bjjat tftgnge is to tie treispretj/ The Text ends on the recto of 55-7 ; the verso and 55-8 being blank. totptpnge / Q^nt»etJ ti)e secontr tfag of gngll tje xxi\ pere of ti)e tegne of ttgnge i]|^t(h)artJti&e fourtf) ^ of tf)e Jfncar^ nacion of oure lottr a ti^oujsantr four fiontiertr foure score antJ tbegne/ dFpnsssftelJ pet daxton Remarks. — Few of Caxton's books have excited more interest and research than the " Polycronicon." It appears BOOKS PRINTED IN TYPE NO. 4. 355^ to have had its origin with Roger, Monk of St. Werberg, in Chester, who, about the beginning of the fourteenth century, made an extensive compilation in Latin from several of the old chronicles and works on natural history then in existence. Ralph Higden, of the same monastery, who died before 1360, amplified this compilation, entitling his work, "Polycronicon;" and this, judging from the numerous copies still extant, had a very extended popularity. In 1387 Trevisa, chaplain to the Earl of Berkeley, translated the Latin of Higden into English prose. An account of Trevisa, with a history of his works, is given by Dr. Dibdin, in Typ. Ant. vol. i, page 140, who, how- ever, has not included in his list Trevisa's English translation of the Gospel of Nicodemus {Addit MS. 16165). Trevisa's translation of the Bible is expressly mentioned by Caxton in his prologue. Nearly a century later, Caxton revised the antiquated text of Trevisa, which, together with a continua- tion of the history to the year 1460, was finished on July 2nd, 1482, and printed soon after. Caxton entitled his continuation "Liber ultimus," and it is most interesting as being the only original work of any magnitude from our printer's pen. Caxton tells us very little of the sources of his information. He mentions two little works, "Fasciculus temporum" and "Aureus de Vniverso," from which, however, he certainly obtained but little material for his " Liber ultimus," which treats almost entirely of English matters. As a specimen or the alteration made by our printer, when he " a lytyl embellyshed " the text as rendered by Trevisa, the following quotation is given, in which the consequences of Man's fall are graphically described. The embellishment chiefly consists in modernising the old English, although here and there Caxton added sentences to the text. ■>«i TREVISA'S TEXT, 1387. CAXTON'S TEXT, 1483. .ij (Harleian MS., No. 1900, fol. 94*). (Sig. 10 4 verso). From that day forthward Fro that day forth the body ye body y* is corrupt by syne that is corrupt by synne greu- 256 WILLIAM CiXTOX. greuey y® soule / Ye flesche couetiy azen' y® soule / and manes wittes tomey & as- sentith liztlich to euel A manes owne meynal wittes bey his owne enemyes |[ So y* al a manes lif is tempta- cion while he lyuey here in erye Also man is eu failynge and awey ward . he may nouzt stidfastlich abide he falliy liztliche bot he may nouzt lightlich arise . P'fite is of birye sorowe & care i lyuyng/ and man mot nedes deye And thouz alle oy* yat bey made haue schelles • ryndes * skynnes • wolle . heer . bristels ' fethers • wynges other skales* man is y bore wiyout eny helyng / naked & bar . anone at his birye he gyney forto wepe atte bygynyng liche to a best . but his lymes failey hym & may nouzt help hym- self . But he is febler yan any oy' beste • he kan noon helpe • he may nouzt do of hymself but wepe wiy al his myzte. No best hay lif more brutel and vnsiker Noon hay seke- nesse more greuous * noon more likynge to do oy'wise than he sholde / noon is more cruwel Also oy"" bestes louey eiieche oye of ye same kynde & woney to gedres & bey nouzt cruwel but to bestes eth the soule The flesshe coueyteth ayenste the soule and mannes wyttes tome and assente lightly to euyl A mannes oune meynal wyttes / be his owne enemyes / so that al mannes lyf is in temptacion whyle he lyueth here in erthe . & the disposipon of the soule ruleth meynteneth / helpeth and conforteth the body / But ayeinward the wretched dis- posicion of the bodye dis- tourbeth the soule • Also man is euer fayllyng and wayward he may not stydfastly abyde / he falleth lightly but he may not lightly aryse / Profyt of byrth is sorow and care in lyuyng and man must nedes dye And thaugh oil other that be made haue shelles ryndes skynnes . wolle heer bristels feders wynges owther skals / Man is born withoute ony helyng or keueryng nakede and bare / anone at his birth . he gynneth for to wepe atte begynnyng lyke a beest but his lymmes fayllen hym and maye not helpe hym self "but he is febler than ony other beeste / he can noon helpe / he may nought doo of hym self but wepe with al his myght No beest hath lyf more brutyl & vnseker / None hath sekenesse more greuous BOOKS PRINTED IN TYPE NO. 4. 257 of other kynde y* ben con- noon more lykyng to do other- trairie to hem But man wyse than he shuld . none is tomey y* maner doyng vpso- more crael Also other bestea dou & is contr'ie to hym self loue eueryche other of the & cruel to oy' men same kynde . and dwell to gyder and be not cruel / but to beestes of other kynde that be contrary to hem / But man tometh that maner doyng vp so downe and is contrary to hymself and cruel to other men/ This is one of the most common of Caxton's works, at least thirty copies being known, of which half are in various public libraries. No. 47. — ^The Pilgrimage of the Soul. " Emprynted at westmestre by William Caxtoriy and fynysshed the sixth day of June" 1483. Collation. — An unsigned 2", with the first leaf blank ; abctiefgtlfeltttnare 4^, with a ) blank ; O is a 3°, with the last two leaves blank. Total 114 leaves, of which four are blank. Typographical Particulars. — There is no title-page. The type throughout is No. 4. The lines are of an equal length, and measure 4J inches. A full page has forty lines. There is a running head to the pages, and the leaves have printed folios, numbered very carelessly. Space has been left for the insertion of 2, 3, and 6 -line initials. Commencing with a blank, the title and table follow on folio tj, which is unsigned. The Text begins, on the second leaf, thus : — Cftis boolt is mtgtleti ti)e pglgremage of tf)e sotole/trans- latiti II oute of dFrenssftc \x\. to (i?ngli)S0f)e / toijirSe tooli \% ful of tieuonte || maters touciigng tfte sotole/ anti manp quejj^ 258 WILLIAM CAXTON. tgons assogUtf to ca || use a man to Igue ti)e tetter in tf). Both this and the second edition are printed upon very large sheets of paper, larger indeed than Caxton ever used before or after. The edition of 1493 is upon the usual size. The first leaf is blank; on the second recto is a large woodcut of Saints, 9 x 6 J inches, under which the Text begins thus, making a ftdl page : — (^Woodcut of Saints). t tioctout II mm '^^m toerltsis || ^ te^torges trans^ gaptib tjps aitcto || tgte / ^^^^^ ^^^ ^^ ixt\xm\^t \\ in to toetlte/to tSente tf)at tf)e ^^^ gentplmen / 11 as t^. beupl fgntie II tf)e not stile/ ^^^^^ ^^ ^fie tecugel of Entitf)ef)olptJoctour||sagnt Crose/ltlje took of tl^e au0tgn sagtf) in tje boolt ci^esise/tfjeljgistorBeof ||Sa^ of ti)e II laiour of monfees/ son/CJe ijptorge of tje tf)at no man stronge || or msrrour || of tje tootltr / t^e wggi&tg to latoure ougf)t to ib fiooltes of J^eta^ || inor^ be stlellfor toftie!) cause pjeseosinto^geiie tieeneon- tofien 3J i^atr parfour^ || me^ tegneti || BOOKS KEtlNTBD IN TYPK NO. 4. 279 '* This prologue finishes, half-way down the second column, on the verso of the same leaf. On the third recto is another woodcut, 8x4^ inches, of a horse galloping past a tree, l)earing a lable, J^lp CtUISte 3^0 (see a facsimile in Dibdin's Typ. Ant.y vol. i, page 186). Underneath this commences Caxton's own prologue, with space for a 3-line initial E, iat» for m mocje as also fiaue eitprpnteti it in tt)e tf)is II sagti \x^txkz teas moost best || W^j)%t ti)at 3f grete $c ouer || ctatfle- i^aue coulje or mpgi^t / anti || atile to me taeeomplisste || f presente tf)is saptj toook to fergtr me in ti)e begenngng ^is gootJ ^|| noble lorTJSf)gp/ of tt)e II as efjgef eauser of t!)e || This occupies the whole page. On the third verso the table is begun, ending on the sixth recto, with sixteen lines in the first column, the rest of the page being blank. The last line is — Sues folio arorararnbir iil^xplieit On sig. a j the original Text is begun, space being left for a 6-line C, Ji^e tgme of tftatruet qugsst)it» of ignorance ^ gmpuissauce / 1| to ge pf t)e or comgng of our i)ati so eome to fore/pauen^ ture II man mgg!)t sage pt tg lorti in to tijis toorlti ftis otone merites || The Text ends on fell 5 recto, half-way down the second column, afore is matre menepon/ Mat)ict)e toerliellil f)aue accomplissfteti at t^e eom- maun^lltiementeanti requeste of tje noble antj ipupssaunte erle / anti mg special gootJ || lor^ ?l2iJpllgam erle of aron^ ^el / ^ Saue || fgngss t)et» it at 280 WILLIAM CAXTON. of nouemtre / tt)e ^txt of our lorbiiE/orai^arar/iiiaciu/ ^ttef8t0tserc||ofti)etegpe of msngiaBd)artr t|e |1 tiifirti 13g me bJgUsam OTaiton In the latter half of the thirteenth century. Jacobus de Voragine, Archbishop of Genoa, who died in 1298, compiled a book called "Legenda Aurea," in which the lives and miracles of numerous saints were narrated. This was found very useful to the priests in their sermons, and soon become so popular that it was translated into nearly every European language. The Latin text of " Voragine " has been reprinted from an early manuscript, and edited by Dr. Th. Graesse, 8vo, Lipsige, 1840. It has also received a modern French dress under the title " La L6gende doree, par Jacques de Voragine, traduit du Latin, par M. G. B., 8vo, Paris, 1843." In the early part of the fourteenth century, Jean Belet, an author but little known to modern bibliographers, though often quoted by the -writers of his age, translated the Latin of Jacobus into French, not, however, without embellishing it with many new additions. Shortly after the production of Belet, Jehan de Yignay, who has been already noticed as trans- lating the Book of Chess, undertook a new version in French of " La Legende doree," which he accomplished before 1380, as he dedicated it to " Jeane, royne de France." His translation, however, was founded on the previous labours of Belet, which he amplified, adding about 44 new legends. About the middle of the fifteenth century, certain " worthy Clerks and Doctors of Divinity" compiled a " Book of the Life of Saints," which they describe as " drawn into English after the tenor of the Latin." These worthy Clerks and Doctors, however, would have given a much more true account of their labours had they stated that, with the exception of some additional fables not traceable in the original Latin, they owed the whole of ' their compilation to "La Legende doree" of Jehan de Vignay. BOOKS PRnrrED in type no. 4. 281 It is probable that in Caxton's time the English version here noticed was well known ; indeed we may infer this from the antgtletr t^e iSoolte of tfte ortjre of c^gualrp ot ifen^g^tj^o^e 288 WILLIAM CAXTON. The Text ends:— bettuouse IretJe / ant» 31 si^alle pmg alm^^ tg got! for f)is long Ipf ^ prosperous \xitU fare/^ t^at f)e mag fiaue bictorg of al i^is enemies/ antJ after tf)is s!)ort ^ transitory Igf to ftaue euerlastgng Ipf in fteuen / b3f)e=: re as is 3?oge anTr tigsse bjorlti bitjout entfeEmen/ The date of printing, which was in the reign of Eichard III, must have been between June 26th, 1483, and August 22nd, 1495. The "Order of Chivalry" has no connection with "L'ordene de chevalerie." Dibdin, in the Typ. Ant., and Moule in Bib. Herald^ both err in this matter. Two copies are in the British Museum, and two in private libraries : no others are known. No. GO. — Chaucer's Cai^terbury Tales. FoUo. Second Edition, ivith Woodcuts. ^' By Wylliam Caxton.'^ Without Place or Date. (1484 ?) Collation.— a betiefgi^ifelmnopqrstare 4^^^ with a I blank ; b a 3^^ ; aa bt) ce bb ee ff gg f)i& are 4°" ; a a 8^ a i3 or B ii^ dF <© ?§ f i^ are 4-; E a 2^ In aU 312 leaves, of which one is blank. Typographical Particulars. — There is no title-page. The type of the Text is No. 4*, the heads being all in No. 2*. The lines in the prose portion are spaced to an even length, and measure 4J inches. 38 lines to a page. Without catch- words or folios, and almost without punctuation. This second edition, Caxton tells us, was printed six years after the first. Having fixed the year 1477-8 as about the date of the first, that "v^ill give about 1484 for this. Commencing mth a blank leaf, the prohemye follows on aij. BOOKS FAINTED IN TYPE NO. 4*. i69 i^ete tfjanfees latolje antr i^onour/oufii^t to be gj^ uen bnto tf)e cletfeeisf/poetes/antf ftistoriograptis g ti^at t)aue toreton mane noble toltes of topgrtom of tf)e lguefii/pa00io3c;/-&mBraclr0 of 1)01? gapntes of tgstorges / of notle artti famous ^rtes / anij faittes / EntJ of tfte crongcles sitt) ti^e tegpitnpng of tje creaciott of ti^e toorlTi/bnto ti)p present tgme/bg toSgcfje The proheme, which is an excellent and indubitable speci- men of Caxton's own composition, and reflects as much credit upon his disposition as upon his literary abilities, finishes on the verso of sig. a if — after tjgs si^ort antr transitorge Igf lue mas ««i^ to ener- lastgng II Igf in Jeuen / ^men i^s 2l2agUiam (Braxton On sig. a Hi recto, with room for a 4-line initial, 3^an tfiat ^prgll toptf) figs siiouris sote to CJ)e tirougi&te of marcte t)ati& percgti t^e rote ^nti bati^gtr energ begne in suciie Ipeour <©f toftgefie bertue engentjrgti is tje flour Hajanne j^epjerus efee togtj) figs sote bretf) The Parson's Tale finishes on sig. H iij verso, and is fol- lowed by the Retraction. The Text ends with seven lines on sig. It 4 recto, tt one of f)em at tje tiag of trome tjat sftal ie saupti/@ui eumllpatre et spiritu saneto biuit et regnat tjeus/^Per omnia seeula || seeulorum ^M^B^I The verso is blank. The wood-cut illustrations appear to be by the same artist that was engaged upon -ffisop. The wife of Bath is repre- sented thus : — V S90 WILLIAM CAXTON. "THE WIFE OF BATH." FROM THE SECOND EDITION OF CHAUCER'S "CANTERBURY TALES.' BOOKS PBINTBD TS TYPE NO. 4*. 291 Two copies are in the British Museum, and one in each of the following libraries — Magdalen and Pepysian, Cambridge ; St. John's, Oxford; Royal Society, London; Earl of Ash- bumham, and Earl Spencer. In the year 1858 I discovered a copy in the Library of the French Protestant Church, in a torn and dirty state, having been used for some time to light the vestry fire. I drew attention to its great value and inte- rest, and it was doubtless saved from further mutilation. Some time afterwards it disappeared from the library alto- gether, and no one now knows what has become of it. For identification the following particulars are here given: — it wants all before sig. f) 5 ; p 7 ; 1 8 and b ij ; ttl if and tiTl 8 ; E f; ^iii and 4 ; and all after (^S. In the original binding. Tom, dirty, and ill used. Measurement, lOf x 7}. Auto- graph "• • Rawlinson A*" 1717." Also, "Ex dono * • * Bateman Bibliopola." No. 61. — The Book of Fame. Folio, "Emprynisd hy wylliam Caxfm" Without Place or Date. (1484 ?) CoLLATiON.-^a f) C are 4"% a r being blank ; tj a 3°, tJ 6 being blank = 30 leaves, of which two are blank. Typographical Particulars. — There is no title-page. The type is entirely No. 4*. In the epilogue, which is the only prose part, the lines are fiilly spaced out, and measure 4| inches. 38 lines to a page. Without folios or catchwords. Space left for the insertion of 2 or 3-line initials, with directors. Commencing mth a blank leaf, the Text follows on sig. a \S recto, Ci)e \m\ of dFame matie tg <^ef ereg Ol^ftaucer <©ti tome t» euer^ trreme to gootr dFor it is bjonlrer tf)gttg tg tlje rooti Co mp topt / tof^at causjpti) stoeiienps €^n ti)e mototoe / ot on euengs TT 2 292 WILLIAM CAXTON. The poem ends on sig. t( 5 recto, Ci^us in bremgng antJ in game iil^nljeti) tjgs Igtgl toofe of dFame The epilogue immediately follows, the Text ending, § fiumblg fiesecfie ^ ptage polu /nnonge pour ptaget0/to temem^llto Jgs soule/on b)f)8cf)e/ant( on alle ctfisten souliis / f tesecfie aU \\ m^g^t^ gotr to iiaue mercg Emen iirmprfintetr tg bglliam Olaxton The epilogue has considerable interest, as showing Caxton's opinion of Chaucer, and is here given verbatim. " J fjnde nomore of this werke to fore sayd / For as fer as I can vnnderst5de / This noble man Gefferey Chaucer fynysshyd at the sayd conclusion of the metyng of lesyng and sothsawe / where as yet they ben cheldied and maye not departe / whyche werke as me semeth is craftyly made / and dygne to be ^^Teton & knowen / For he towchyth in it ryght gi-ete wysdom & subtyll vnderstondyng / And so in alle hys werkys he excellyth in myn oppyny / on alle other wryters in in our Englyssh / For he wrytteth no voyde wordes / but aUe hys mater is ful of hye and quycke sentence / to whom ought to be gyuen laude and preysyng for hys noble makyng and wrytyng / For of hym alle other haue borowed syth and taken / in alle theyr wel sayeing and wrytyng / And I humbly beseche & praye yow / emonge your prayers to remembre hys soule / on whyche and on alle crysten soulis I beseche almyghty god to haue mercy Amen " As will be seen by the list of Existing Copies, the printed text of Caxton is almost as rare as manuscript; so is the reprint by Pynson in 1526. Manuscripts of this poem were, probably, even in our printer's time, difi&cult to obtain. The copy used by him was certainly very imperfect. Many lines are altogether omitted, and in the last page Caxton was • evidently in a great strait, for his copy was deficient 66 lines, probably occupying one leaf in the original. We know from BOOKS PRINTED IN TYPE NO. 4*. 29S his own writings the great reverence in which our printer held the " noble poete," and we can imagine his consternation when the choice had to be made, either to follow his copy and print nonsense, fi'om the break of idea caused by the deficient verses, or to step into Chaucer's shoes and supply the missing links from his own brain. He chose the latter course, and thus instead of the original 66 lines, we have two of the printer's own, which enable the reader to reach the end of the poem 'without a break down. These lines are in the following quotation printed in italics ; the entire extract being the first six lines of the last page : — They were a chekked bothe two And neyther of hym myght out goo And wyth t?ie noyse of themtvo Caxton J Sodeynly awoke anon tJw And remembryd what I had seen And how hye and ferre I had been It should be noticed that Caxton has here placed his name in the margin to make known his responsibility to his readers. The " out " not having been hitherto noticed, the position of his name there has been a puzzle to the bibliographers, until explained by Mr. Bradshaw. Copies are in the British Museum ; Cambridge ; Imperial Library, Vienna, and Althorpe. No. 62. — The Ctjrial. "Translated thus in En^hjsshe hj wylliam Caxionr Without Printer's Namey Place, or Date. (1484 ?) Collation. — ^A 3°, signed j, ij, and i\), without any blanks. In all six leaves. Typographical Particulars. — There is no title-page. The type is entirely No. 4*. The lines, which are spaced to an even length, measm-e 4J inches, and there are 38 to a full page. Without catchwords or folios. The Text begins on sig. f recto, Jgere foiotoetf) tfie copge of a lettre toftpc^e maistre aiagn II (t^uzXitx totot^ to Jbs brotjer / tofigctie ^mxtti to 294 WILLIAM CAXTON. come titoelle in \\ Olourt/ in b35scf)e ^e xef)erseti) mang mg^ The " Curial " finishes on the sixth recto, to fioti g comantje ti&e ig ti)gs birgtsng bfigdje gfiue Qe ftps gta||a/^men Ci&us entietf) tf)e a]:urial matie ig magstre ^lain Otjarcetier || ^tanslateti ifjm in (f^nglgssi) ig toplliam O^axton On the verso Caxton has given us his translation of a ballad, written by Alain Chartier, consisting of 28 lines. It has a burthen : — " Ne chyer but of a man Joyous," and com- mences thus : — Cf)er ne is ^angger / tut of a bglagn j}le prg^e / tut of a poure man entgcf)et» The Text ends on same page, with Caxton's name at foot, Efitx is no 0peci^e/f)nt it te curtogs iae pregsgng of ram / tut after tj^egr Igf iBte ci&ger tut of a man Jfogous <3!laa:ton Eemarks. — Caxton translated the Curial from the French, *' for a noble and virtuous Erie " probably Lord Rivers, who was beheaded at Pomfret, on June 13th, 1483. Alain Chartier, born in Normandy about 1386, earned for himself the appellation of " excellent orateur, noble poete, et tres-renomme rhetoricien." He held the office of " Secretaire de la Maison " to both Charles VI and Charles VII. He died about 1457. The most complete editions of his works are those by Galiot du Pre, IGmo, Paris, 1529 ; and by Duchesne, 4to, Paris, 1617. In the former, however, is an error which has led to some confusion, as " Li\Te de I'Esperance " is there entitled " Le Curial," the real Curial being a much shorter piece, and totally different in design. By the " Curial " being addressed to his brother it is supposed to have been written by Alain to Jean Chartier, known as the author of " Histoire BOOKS PRINTED IN TYPE NO 4*. 295 de Charles VII." As an instance of the great repute, in which the writings of Chartier were held in his age, it is reported that Margaret, the wife of the Dauphin of France, afterwards Louis XI, finding liim one day asleep in his chair, kissed his lips to the great astonishment of her attendants. " Je ne baise pas la personne mais la bouche dont estoient sortes tant de beux discours," she exclaimed. There is a painting in Add. M.S. 15300, vividly depicting this scene. Of the only two known copies, one is in the British Museum, and the other at Althorpe. No. 63. — Troylus and Creside. Folio. Without Printer's Name, Place, or Date. (1484 ?) Collation. — a i c tr e f g are 4°% the first leaf of a being blank; f) a 5°; i fe I m It are 4°"; p a 3", with the last two leaves blank. In all 120 leaves, of which 3 are blank. Typographical Particulars. — There is no title-page. The type throughout is No. 4*. Each page contains five stanzas of seven lines each, with a blank line between each stanza. Without folios or catchwords. Commencing with a blank leaf, the poem follows on sig. a ij recto, beginning thus : — t t Jfte tiouile sorobj of Cropluis to telle iK;sng ^tBamus gone of Croge 3fn lougng/ftoto t)p auentures felle dFrom tooo to toele / anti after out of 3Joge MVi purpog ijs / or ti^at S parte froge Book I ends on sig. h 8 verso ; Book II on f j recto ; Book III on i^ 10 recto; Book IV on m f recto ; Book V on p 4 recto. On sig. p 4 recto is also Chaucer's dedicatory stanza to the " Moral Gower." The Text ends on the same page, So malte bs §f\tm for ti^g ntercp tipgne JTor loue of magtien/ .&: motier tjgn benpgne Jftere enTjeti) Croplujs / as touci)pna OTresetje ^xpUdt per OTaxton 296 WILLIAM CAXTON. Remaeks. — ^A good account of the source of this poem, and a comparison between it and Shakspere's " Troilus and Creside," with which, however, it appears to have had little connection, will be found in Bell's edition of Chaucer's works. Two copies are in the British Museum, one at St. John's, Oxford, and one at Althorp. No. 64. — The Life of our Lady. — Folio. ^^ Empryntyd by WyUyam Caxtonr Without Place or Bate. (1484 ?) Collation. — Two unsigned leaves ; atictiefgi^iltl are 4"^; m a 3", the last leaf being blank. In all 96 leaves, of which one is blank. Typographical Particulars. — There is no title-page. The type is entirely No. 4*. A page has five stanzas of seven lines each, the space of one line being left between each stanza. The lines in the prose part measure almost 5 inches. Without catchwords or folios. Space left for the insertion of initials of one to three lines deep, with directors. The Text begins, with a space for a 3-line initial, on the recto of the first leaf, t Jgis Uot bjas compBletJ tg tian §of^n legate montt oi tux^t I at ti^e ocitacion anH jstBtgitg of tf)e noUt antr bictotpous prgnce / i^png fiarrg ti)e fgftje / in tjonoute filotge ^ xtmxmtt at tfjt tgrti)e of our moste ilessptr latrg/magtie || iugf /antj motitx of our lorti §f)tm rr^st/ cf)apgtretJ as folobetj || ts tjis taUe The table follows immediately, finishing with nine lines on the verso of the second leaf. The poem commences on sig. a J recto, with space for a 2 -line initial, Cf)ougtful fitxtt plunggtr in tistreisse ^Mitf^ ^Wtxt of sloutj tf)is long bgnteris nggjt On the lower half of the fourth verso of sig. m, Jgere tntsttt) tt^t toolt of ti)e Igf of our latjg malre is tjan gjotjn Igtigate monlte of turg / at tfignstaunre of ti)e moste crgsten tgnge / itpng fiarrg tiie fgftj^ BOOKS PRINTED IN TYPE NO. 4*. 297 ii} is printed M Uh and C (j is printed Sir. Typographical Particulars. — There is no title-page. The type throughout is No. 4*. The Hnes are spaced out to an even length of 4f inches, and 38 make a full page. With- out folios, head-lines, or catchwords. Initials in wood of three to five lines in depth. Commencing with a blank leaf, Caxton's prologue follows on sig. ii, with a 3-line initial in wood. The Text begins thus : — )§i i&gstorges as bjel of contcmplacpon as of otiier i)»i8to rgal antJ biorltilg actes of grete conquerours ^ prpn ces/antJ also certegn ioofees of ensaumples antr troctt^ne/ The Text ends on the recto of the sixth leaf of sig. tt, the verso being blank. C ^i^us entietf) ti^gs noble anb SKogotis boofe entptletr le morte || Harti^ur / ^otbjgttstontigns it treateti^ of t Je bgrtj / Ipf/antJ II actes of ti^e sagti Itgng Ertjut/of jis noble Itngg^tesof ti^ellrounbe table /tfiegrmernagllous enquestes anb abuentures / 1| tbac^peugng of tbe sangteal/ ^ in tftenbe ti^e bolorous betf) $c \\ bepartgng out of tjgs bjotlb of tjem al / b3f)iei^e boofe bias re 1| buceb in to englpssi^e bp s^r Ciftomas iHalorg Itnggfit as afore || is sagb/antr bg me bengbetJ in to nf booltes cljapgtreb anb enprpnteb/anb fgnpssjeb in tfiabbeg bjestmestre tje last bap || of 3?u5l tje gere of our lorb / M I (^(^(t(^ I Ixnb / C (Braxton me fteri fecit Remarks. — There does not appear to be any trace in the collections of the British Museum, or elsewhere, of a manu- script of Sir Thomas Malory's text. Of Sir Thomas himself, BOOKS PBINTBD IN TYPE NO. 4*. 808 all we know is contained in the last sentence of his own book : ** This book was ended the ninth year of the reign of King Edward the fourth by Sir Thomas Malory, Knight ;" that is about 1470. Caxton tells us in his prologue, that Sir Thomas had " reduced it from certain books in French." These books, judging from the conduct of the story, were the celebrated romances of Merlin, Launcelot, Tristram, the Quest du S. Graal, and Mort Artus, on the origin of which romances very little appears to be known, though much has been written. Manuscript copies of all of them are in the British Museum. Caxton's edition was reprinted several times, the last being the well-known 4to. volume, edited by Robert Southey, who has prefixed a learned dissertation on the rise and de- velopment of the story. A very interesting essay upon the character, epoch, and authors of the various romances of the Round Table is contained in Les Msc. Frang.y par M. Paris, vol. i, page 160. See also the introduction of Thomas Wright to his reprint of the 1634 edition, entitled The HisUrry of King Arthur, 3 vols. London, 1858. Also Les Homam de la Table Ronde et les Confes des anciens BretonSy par M. le, Vicomte Hersart de la Villemarqu6. 8vo. Paris, 1860. The only perfect copy known is in the library of Earl of Jersey ; Earl Spencer has a copy, and a fragment is in the British Museum. There is not a copy at Lichfield, as stated by Mr. Botfield. No. 67. — ^The Life of the noble and Christian Prince, Charles the Great. Folio. *' Explicit per William Caxton." Without Place. "Enprynted thefyrst day of : demnhre / M CCCC Ixxxv:' Collation.— a ficlrefgjifelm are 4"». In all 96 leaves, of which a j and m 8 appear to have been blank. The last leaf, however, may have had the device. Typographical Particulars. — There is no title-page. The type is all No. 4*. The pages have two columns, with 39 Unes to a column. Tlie lines, which are spaced to one length, measure 2f inches. Without folios or catchwords. Woodcut initials three lines deep. 304 WILLIAM CAXTON. Commencing with a blank leaf, the prologue of the French translator follows, on sig a ij, with a 3-Hne printed initial. The Text begins thus : — ^gnt ^oul tjoctour of somme toerltes Jaultagne ' bergte sagtt to bs tjat tioon || $c compseti 5g tjeir al tf)gngeg ti^at ten re^ grete strengti^ || ^ tggfit at- Irucetr tg torgtgng / ten tiannt courage /to ti)e||ex^ torgton II altaegon of tje etgsten f agtj This preface finishes with five lines down the first column of the verso, and is followed by Caxton's prologue, in the same column, which is finished on the 26th line of the opposite column. C3 I 'JtKnne/for asmocftelJ 'late f)atj fgngssiietr in ntprgntge tje toolt of tiie notle ^llbgctorgous Itgng ^ttfiur fgrisit II The Text ends with the following colophon, 212af)pci)e bjetlte teas fg^ npsisietr || in ti)e tetiuepng of jft in to en || glpsissi^e tf)e ibiij tiag of Stign tje || secontr gere of Itgng l^pcfiattJ || tfie ti}vxti I ^ntJ tf)e pere of our || lorti m (t(^(^(t Irab/ ^nti II enprgntetr tje fgret tag of tre^ || eemtre tje same gere of our lortr || ^ tfie fgrst gere of Itpng JgarrgHtJe seuentj l\\ C ^x)^\itit p toilliam Olarton Remarks. — Histories and romances of " Karlemaine," in French and in Latin, in prose and in verse, existed so early afi the twelfth and thirteenth centuries. These became incor* BOOKS PRINTED IN TYPE NO. 4*. 806 porated later in the general histories, such as the " Speculum Historiale," the " Fleur des Histoires," &c. The compilation of the romance under notice is recounted by the anonymous Author himself in his preface and envoye. From these we learn that Henry Bolomyer, Canon of Lausanne, regretting the existence of several " disjoined " accounts of Charles the Great, "excited" our anonymous Author to compile a con- tinuous history of the first Christian King of France. This he did, and the sources of his narration, as well as the con- tents, cannot be described better than in his own words, thus translated by Caxton (sig. ttl, 7 recto), " it is so that at the requeste of the sayd venerable man to fore named Maister henry bolonnyer chanonne of lausaune J haue been Incyted to translate & reduce into Frensshe the mater tofore reduced. As moche as toucheth the fyrst & the thyrd book / J haue taken & drawen oute of a book named myrrour hystoryal for the moost parte / & the second book J haue onely reduced it out of an olde romaiice in frensshe." On comparing the first and last books of the text under notice with the chapters devoted to Charlemagne, in Verard's edition of the Speculum Historiale (vol. iv, book 25), it is evident that the compiler did not confine himself to the account of Vincent de Beauvais. The Second Book, he tells us, was taken from an old romance in French ; perhaps the same as is still extant in Royal MS. 4 C. xi. 10, or the manu- script in the Imperial Library, Paris, No. 6795. It is the French compilation of Henry Bolomyer which Caxton was requested by "some persons of noble estate and degree " — " my good singular lords and special masters " as he calls them — to reduce into English. Among these his good friend Master WiQiam Daubeny, treasurer of the king's jewels, who is the only one mentioned by name, seems to have most influenced him. The only Existing Copy at present known is in the Bri- tish Museum, King's Library (C. 10. b. 9). It is perfect, and in excellent preservation. Measurement, lOj x 7} inches. 306 WILLIAM CAXTON. No. 6S. — The knight Paeis and the fair Yienne. Folio. *^ Explicit per Caxton. Westminster. December l^thy 1485." Collation.— a i t are 4°', tj and z 3°' = 36 leaves, of which the last only is blank. Note. — tf \ is misprinted c i. Typograpical Particulars. — There is no title-page. The type is all No. 4*; in double column, the lines being spaced to an even length, and measuring 2| inches ; 39 lines to a column. Without folios or catchwords. Woodcut initials. The Text begins on sig. a \ recto, C W^t JeggnnetS tj^stotge mag or ougf)t to Jaue / W^z of II tf)e not)le rggjt balgaunt sagtj || tiaulpl^gn tjenite anti $c toor- II tSs ltnpfif)t ^Pargs / ti^is notle || lai:D trgane hjere anlr of tje || fap mgene/ bij gm to gg^ 1 W tofitjowte tie tiaulpJeng tou^ Ugl^ter of ^%mz tjat mocje || tjeg tJe^ bgennogsi / tfte b)f)gcf)e || sgreti to f)aue / antr pragetr || jsuffreli mang atrtieregtees our lorti Jiotje nggi^t ^ trag tjg'llrauge of tjegr true tftat || tfieg mggi)t f)aue cftgl:: loue or ti^eg II coutie enioge tiren plag||saunt anti tetig ti^e effect tjerof of || eeje to figs beugne || iserugce / otfier/ antj our lorti tjorugf) || The Text ends thus, on sig. e 5 recto, with sixteen lines in the first column, mag aeeompange tjem in ti&e per II truraile glorge of teuen ^men/ C ^!)us enteti) ti&gstorge of tt)e II noble anti balgaunt ltng8f)tpa'||rg!S/anti ti)e fagr bgenne bougf) || ter of tfte tjoulpjgn of ^gen^ II nogg / translatetj out of frensslie || in to englgsisfie bg bjgUiam (tda:^ II ton at bjesttnestre fgngssjeb tje || (aist Ijag of BOOKS PRINTED IN TYPE NO. 4*. 807 aiigu0t tje jere of || our lotti itt arorarar uixb/aniJii oipipnteti tt)e xir tjag of tecem^ il tre tt)e same pere/ anlK tfte fprst || gete of tte regne of fepng Jljarrp || tf)e seuenti^/ C Explicit p OTaxton Remarks. — Although frequently copied in manuscript, and often printed in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, there are few romances so rare as " Paris and Vienne." Trans- lated into the " langage provengal," from the original compo- sition, which was in " Catalane," it was turned into Latin, French, Italian, Flemish, and English. The French, which was the translation Caxton used, was accomplished about the beginning of the fifteenth century, by Pierre de la Sippade, of Marseilles. The first printed edition was in Italian, at Trevise, 1482; the second, Caxton's, 1485. G. Leeu, at Antwerp, 1487, brought out two impressions, one in German and one in French. Wynken de Worde made an early reprint of Caxton's edition. The admiration which Jean de Pins, Bishop of Rieux, one of the most elegant scholars of his age, conceived for this romance, induced him to turn it into Latin, for the instruction of the children of his friend the Chancellor Duprat. It was printed in 151G. The Jesuit Charron, in his Memoirs of Jean de Pins {Avignoiiy 8vo, 1748), speaks thus of this romance: "As for children, it would be impossible to find a work more fitted to imbue the mind with correct taste and elegance of style, to influence then- characters by the wisdom of its reflections, or to forearm their hearts against those assaults of passion which blindly precipitate the young into the abysses of misery. The work is truly admirable. The situations are so interesting and the denouinent so happy, that their conception would reflect honour on the best writers of the most renowned ages." (See Histoire du Chevalier Paris, et de la belle Vtentie, 8vo, Paris, 1835). The only Existing Copy is in the British Museum. It x 2 308 WILLIAM CAXTON. FIRST EDITION. sig. X, 6 leaves ^ unsigned 1 „ J was formerly in Ames's possession, but after the issue of " The Typographical Antiquities," passed into the library of Sir Hans Sloane, and thence into the King's Library, St. James's. No. 69. — The Golden Legend. Largest Folio. Second Edi- tion. Small Head-lines. (1487 ?) Collation. — The same exactly as the first edition, with the exception of sigs. X and g, in which appears the follow- ing variation : — SECOND EDITION. sig. X = 8 leaves. signed to X liij, and followed by sig. aa. In order to get the matter of the two signatures into one, the sixteen pages of X in the second edition are all made a line longer than in the first. This arrangement was evidently considered as an improvement, and therefore was later in point of time than the edition in which it does not occur. Typographical Particulars. — These in the main are identical with the edition already described, the chief pecu- liarity being that the head-lines of the pages and the head- lines of the various lives, which in the first edition are all in type No. 3, are in the second edition all in type No. 5. We must also notice that in places {e.g. sig. X \ recto) the large capital letters, used in type No. 6, make an accidental appearance in the head-lines, where they were occasionally used instead of quadrats. This evinces a much later period for the impression than the first edition. Ebmarks. — The absence of any complete copy, or indeed of any copy having prologues or colophon, suggests the idea that certain sheets only may, for some reason, have been re- printed to supply deficiencies ; if so, the reprint is so exten- sive, that, for the sake of accuracy, it is better to look upon it as a separate edition. Existing Copies. — British Museum, Cambridge, Oxford, Duke of Devonshire. A DESCRIPTION OF BOOKS PRINTED IN TYPE No. 5. BOOKS PRINTED IN TYPE No. 5. fa V. V (>, r^^/tv.iS-iA^./*. 70. Good Manners ..... May 11th, 1487 ;B H> (A^vU^r^^'^'^^^' 71. Speculum. First Edition ..... 1487? "B h.f/^^^C'^*"^'^ 72. Directorium. First Edition .... 1487? ^ ^>l 73. Horaj. Third Edition . . . . . 1488? 'BM c>*vu>"; 74. Royal 1488? CcLy^x^Cj- '' 75. Image of Pity ...... 1489? Cft^..J> C-J:k'^.i^^^i''^^-^OQ\xmQ\ ..... May 7th, 1489? ? . 77. Speculum. Second Edition .... 1490 ? CA^^ia' 78. Commemoratio ...... 1491 ? 3 • M ^ 79. Transfiguratione ...... 1491 ? 3^K ' 80. llor* 1491? M (D I— I P4 ^6 ^ ^ St 2 x: iw jC^ 4>^ iHercurir C Cereia paru parauentur tjere hjitf) a fetoe smal fpssftes tjiat oure latig jatr II ortiegnetr ti&eme as gotJ b)ollr/& 000 tfiertoitt) t^e aungeljs co^ || The " Speculum" ends at foot of sig. i recto, lorti i^tm mti fiig motier ^arg note anli euer toit^oute entie ame C ii^xplicit speculum bite Qtxi^ti . On the verso begins a treatise on the Sacrament of Christ's body, C ^ sftorte treatpce of tje iiBftest antj most toorttijp sarra^ mente || of crgstes Utm^ boig . antj tje meruepUes tjerof . which finishes on sig. 1 3 recto TNith the follo^nng imprint : — 814 WILLIAM CAXTON. There appear to have been two, if not more, original works on the " Life of Christ " in the Hbraries of the fifteenth cen- tury. One by Father Ludolphe, or Rudolphe (Addit. 16609), was translated, as already noticed, into French, and thence into English ; but this is an entirely different work to that printed by Caxton. St. Bonaventure, in 1410, wrote "The Life of Christ" in Latin {Royal 17, D. xvii), which became very popular, and was translated several times into French, with amplifications more or less. In the early part of the fifteenth century Jean de Gallopes, already noticed as the translator of " The Pilgrimage of the Soul " (ante page 259), made a French prose translation of Bonaventure's Latin work {Royal 20, B. iv). This bears a close resemblance to the English text as printed by Caxton, was dedicated by Gallopes to Henry Y, and probably had considerable currency among the English, to whom Gallopes, if not an Englishman himself, was well known from his connection with the Duke of Bed- ford. The author of Caxton's English text is unknown, but he professes to have borrowed largely from the Latin of Bona- venture. Of the "Speculum vitas Christi" two distinct editions Avere issued, both printed with the same types, page for page, line for line (with few exceptions), and nearly letter for letter. The typographical minutiae do not enable us with facility to determine which edition has the better claim to priority of workmanship. The greatest variations will be found in the head-lines, where, from sig. fe to the end of the volume, there is a difference in every page ; one edition (A) using the word ill a in the heads, while the other (B) has the full word (Eapi- tUlUttl, In the University Library, Cambridge, there is a copy of each edition. There is a curious transposition of pages in the copy belong- ing to W. E. Watkyn Wynne, Esq., proving that even so late as 1489, the practice of printing one page at a time was retained. This is shown by the verso of sig. t lit j being printed on the recto of sig. 1 6, and vice versa. In sig. z there are several instances of the side notes having been blocked out in the printing. Pressmen call it " a bite." BOOKS PRINTED IN TYPE NO. 5. 815 Existing Copies. — British Mnseum (2); Cambridp^e (2); Hunterian Museum, Glasgow; Lambeth, and six in private libraries. One of the copies in the British Museum is on vellum, and has quite a romantic history. No. 72. — DiRECTORiuM Sacerdotum, una cum Depensorio EJUSDEM ; ITEM TrACTATUS QUI DICITUR CREDE MIHI. Folio. Second Version^ First Edition. Per 1- William Caxton apud ivesfmonesteriu. WitJwut Date. (1487?) Collation.— Kalendar a 3°, signed \ \\ \\]\ a ll C tr e f g ft i fe I m n p q are 4"" ; t a 5° ; t are 4°^ In all ICO leaves. In the only copy known the whole of the kalendar is inserted between the firet and second leaves of sig. a, making a j appear as the first leaf in the book. Note. — The signature to e j is not printed. Typographical Particulars. — Without title-page. The type is all No. 5. The lines, which are fully spaced out, measure 4f inches. Exclusive of head-lines there are 33 to the page. Without folios or catchwords. A few 2-line wood- cut initials. The work conmiences with a kalendar of the months, a month to a page, each being headed by a Latin couplet on unlucky days, and a woodcut KL. The Text begins on sig. f recto, m\M \ ^^^w^3i^^^^^weit0ij{,&3s;eptimatruncatbtcngi0 ■ ^1 ^ l^anuariug ftet ^m xxx\ / luna be to xxx m a Sanuarij (Hircusicio lim tiup fm ix Vt The Text ends on sig. 1 8 verso, tje mict)i/illa qui preticajs rcgulas mrmoritec tenet bix pote:= nt errare in seruicio biuino / ©eo gta^ / C (JfTajrton me fieri fecit 816 WILLIAM CAXTON. The, engraying, which is really on sig. a } verso, is here transposed, very naturally, to precede the Kalendar, which at first misleads one to believe that it does not belong to the volume. It measures 9 x 5| inches, and occupies the entire page, being thus described by Herbert — " In the middle part Christ is seen naked, half length, as at a window, with his arms across and his head inclined, showing the wounds on his hands and under the right breast ; a spear erect on the right and a sponge on the left ; over his head is a tablet with INRI. On a tablet beneath the window the title appears evidently to have been printed, but from this copy has been indiscreetly cut out. About this middle part are 28 square divisions, each containing some symbol of the passion, forming a kind of border." An engraving similar in design was used for the " Hora3," described at page 318 post. There was another edition of this work printed in 1489 (see page 341), but the present edition, from the type being earlier, and from the absence of the almanac at the beginning, appears to have been the first. In both the Latin is printed with many contractions. In the various editions of " Typo- graphical Antiquities," the two editions being treated as one has led to several errors. The numerous and constantly varying alterations in the daily order of Church Service must have rendered, in all ages, a book of directions most necessary to all officiating priests. But the introduction of new Feasts and Commemorations would, in course of time, render any such book incorrect. Thus it happened that Clement Maydestone, a monk of the order of St. Bridget, and a priest, finding, as he tells us in his prologue, that one of the most important festivals in the year, that of Corpus Christi, with its Octave, was, according to the written directions, celebrated aim regimine chor% while the admitted and general custom of the Salisbury rule was to celebrate that festival sine regimine cJmi; finding also several necessary things omitted altogether, and a WTong disposition made of others, determined, by the consent of his superiors, to correct and supply all defects. Allien Clement Maydestone had thus refonned and renewed the Pica, he gave his work BOOKS PRUITED IN TYPE NO. 5. 817 the now reoognised title of " Directorium Sacerdotum." This is the text as printed by Caxton. Clement Maydestone appears to have been the son of Thomas Maydestone (probably of Hounslow, Middlesex), and flourished in the reign of Henry V. An account of the mar- tyrdom of Archbishop Scroop is also ascribed to him. In the latter half of the fifteenth century the reformed Pica of Maydestone was again collated with the true " Sarum Ordinale," by one Clarke, a singing man of King's College, Cambridge, by order of the University, which at this period evidently followed the Salisbury use. A notice of Clarke's work may be seen in the prologue appended by Pynson to his "Directorium" of 1497. In the copy of this edition, lately purchased of Mr. Maskell for the British Museum, are nume- rous notes in the autograph of Bishop Wagstaffe, the nonjuror, which have supplied material for some of the above remarks. The only Existing Copy at present known is that in the King's Library, British Museum (C. 10. b. 16), which is per- fecty in fair condition, and measures 10^x7^ inches. On a fly-leaf is the autograph " W. Bayntun, Gray's Inn, bought of a man introduced by Doctor Nugent." This copy, which is catalogued by Dr. Middleton as being in the University Library, Cambridge, was stolen thence between 1772 and 1778. Before 1787 it was purchased by W. Bayntun — and probably (though, of course, in ignorance) from the thief himself. No. 73. — HoKas — ^A Fragment. Third Edition. 8vo. Sine ulld notd. (1488 ?) The Collation cannot be given, eight leaves, or the whole of sig. m being all that is known at present. Typographical Particulars. — The type is No. 5 only. The lines, of which there are seventeen to the page, are fully spaced out and in length measure 2f inches. Large full-faced capital letters are used. On sig. m \ recto the Text begins, laott Umxi 318 WILLIAM CAXTON. The first words on the recto of each leaf is— 1, noit; 2, petjanc ; 3, Jaiitatlile ; 4, a MOXO -, 5 (injured); 6, woodcut ; 7, IBomine ; 8, S tones ; the last word on the eighth verso, coispui. The woodcut on in 6 recto is an " Image of Pity," very similar in treatment to that noticed on page 316. It occupies only the depth of ten lines of text, and beneath, in six lines, is the following : — Co if)tm tf)at before * * * * pma ge ofpgte tjeuoutl^ seg ♦ b ♦ ^'r no«;ter/b-^upesi ^ a * * * * pg- teouslg tejoligng ****** of Xp^s passgon at graunteti * * * * ifE / bit , of ^ Jb / gwsi of partion These unique leaves, which have evidently been rescued from the binding of an old book, were presented, in 1858, by Mr. Maskell to the British Museum (C. 35. a). Measurement 55- X 4 inches. They are in the same binding as the fragments of another Hor83 described at p. 328. No. 74. — The Royal Book or Book foe a King. Folio. Without Prmter's Name, Places or Date, " Translated out of frenssJie into englysshe hy tne wyllyam Caxton / whiclie translacion was fynysshed the xiij day of sep- tembre in the yere of our lord M / CCCG . Ixxxiiijr (1488 ?) Collation.— a iclrefQflifelmnopqtJSltare 4"% the first leaf of a being blank ; U a 5°, with the last leaf blank. In all 162 leaves, of which two are blank. Note. — ni \\S is wrongly signed m if ; and n ] is wrongly signed n Xii]. Typographical Particulars. — There is no title-page. The type is entirely No. 5. The lines are fully spaced out, and measure 4f inches, 33 forming a full page. Without folios or catchwords. 2-line initials in wood are used at the commencement of the chapters. There are six small vignette illustrations in wood, all of which, however, except the first. BOOKS PRINTED IN TYPE NO. f). 819 which appeared in the " Golden Legend," are from the " Spe- culum" just described, where they are suited to the text, and not, as here, used without any reference to fitness. Commencing mth a blank leaf, the prologue follows on a i) recto, with a 2 -line initial. The Text begins thus : — jfWJ^an W xmmtxt antj take f^tht of tf)e cmun^acm ^^of II bs tfiat Igue in tf^m toretcijetr Igf . in b3f)icf) is no mxttt II nt statle abgtjgng ♦ ^nH also ti&e contgnuel besgnes of etterg The Text ends, with a full page, on sig. u 9 recto, ^Pftelgp of dFraunce m tfte gere of ttgncarnacgon of our (oiti / ifa ♦ 010^ • Ixjix , $c translateti or tetiuceli out of frenssfie in || to englgsste bg me togUgam OTaarton . atte requejste of a toor^ || sftipful marcjaunt ^ mercer of lonljon . tofticje Ifnstauntlg re^ to be calleti Ugall / as tofore is sagt» . to^iefie translation or re=: II trucgng oute of frenssfte in to englgssfte toos artgeueti . fgngs II si^eti $c accomplgssftetr tje xiii tiag of ^eptemtre in tje gere of tftgncarnacgon of our lortr .M/ (tdtdtiS: . Ixxxiiii / Enlr in tf)e || seconTi gere of efie Hegne of i^gng i^gcfiartr t!)eti)grti/ In Caxton's printed epilogue (ante vol. i, page 187) we thus read: — "Which book is called in French "Le livre Royal," that is to say the royal book, or a book of a king ; for the Holy Scripture calleth every man a king which wisely and perfectly can govern and direct himself after virtue." But " Le li\Te Royal" was by no means the title by which Caxton's con- temporaries knew this work. The most common name is that found in Royal MS. 19 C. ii "Le livre des Vices et des Yertus ;" although it was sometimes entitled " La Somme de Roi," or " La Somme des Vices et des Vertus." By whatever name known it was for centuries a favourite book, as is proved 320 WILLIAM CAXTON. by the numerous copies still extant. Its author is said to be " Frere Laurent de I'ordre des predicateurs et confesseur de Phillippe le Hardi " {Les Msc. Frang. t. iii, page 388), but his name does not appear in any of the above-mentioned manu- scripts of the work. Very soon after its appearance it was favourably received in England, where, in the year 1340, it was translated by a priest of Kent, for the purpose of being read to the people in their own dialect. This was called " The Ayenbite of Inwdt," and was printed from the Arundel MS. (No. 57) in the British Museum, in 1855, for the Roxburghe Club. Another and purer translation into English (Addit. 17013) was also made in the fourteenth century. Existing copies — Bedfordshire General Library, British Museum, Cambridge (2), and four in private collections. No. 75. — Image of Pity. Qnurto Broadside. Sine ulld notd. (1489 ?). This is a woodcut measuring 5^x31 inches, printed on one side of a quarto. Like the folio woodcut described at page 315, and the 8vo cut described at page 318, there is a central figure of our Saviour upon the Cross, surrounded by eighteen smaU compartments, each having some reference to the Passion. Beneath the central figure the block has been cut, and the following sentence inserted in type No. 5 : — Co tftem ti^at before ti^is pmage of pgte tre tioutlB isage b ^t xa b ^ues $c a Olretio PB:= teuouslp fiei&oltigttfi X\)zu ar of Xp0 passio at grautelr xxxi].MM\M $c Ib-geres of pattJon* No. 76. — The Doctrinal of Sapience. Folio. '' Caxton me fieri feciV Without Place or Date. Translated May 7th, 1489. Collation.—^ 13 0^ IB <1[^ dF <^ ?& 3 are 4"^ 3K: and it 5"'. In all 92 leaves. No blanks. BOOKS PRDmED IN TTFE NO. 5. 821 C Typographical Paeticulars. — ^There is no title-page. The type throughout is No. 5. The lines, which are spaced to an even length, measure 4f inches, and there are 33 to a page. Without folios or catchwords. There are side-notes, which, however, never exceed the three letters (&XAy which are placed in the margin whenever an " Example " occurs in the Text. Two woodcuts and printed initials. The Text begins on sig. ^ } recto, with a 3-line initial, i)ij3 ti&at ij3 toriten in tf)ti8 Igtjpl bofee ougt)t tt)r prestrw to lerne anli ttci^t to ti)egr pargsstejs : ^nti also it is ne- cessatg for sgmple prestes ti)at bnlietstotie not t^r scrip This prologue is followed by the table, which commences on the bottom line of sig. H j verso, and finishes at foot of ^ iij recto ; and on the verso, with a woodcut down the side of the type, and a 2-line initial (&, is the conunenocment of the work. , : (f^^erg crpsten man ^ I Woodcut from '^ Speculum;* tooman ougl)t to hi I of Jesws in the Temple. leue Utmti^ tJC XU artp^ cUs of tftc^ rristen fritj . On ^ jis another woodcut, the Crucifixion, also from the " Speculum." On the verso of sig. JJ if, the 64th chapter is thus dismissed : — C ®f tije neclpgences of tf)e masse anti of tt)e remcljpes 31 pas II se ouer for it appertegnetf) to prestes ^ not to laie mm . IX TYPK NO. 5. 825 1)1)0 tnotjer iHarpe noto anti euer h)jDtt)out enli ^men C i^xplicit speculum bite Olrwti . On the verso begins a treatise on the Sacrament of Christ's body, C ^ JEftorte tteatgce of tje i)gf)est anti most toortt)p sacra:: mtnU II of crgstes blesjaiiti botip . aitti tfte mcrutpUeg t^erof / which finishes on sig. 1 3 recto with the following imprint : — C ©mprgittcti ig togllBam caxton Some prayers follow, and on the verso of the same leaf the Text ends, C ft^su lorti tt)p tlcssgti Igf/i^clpe anti comforte oure toret II cf)iti Ipf • amen * 000 mote it tie (!?iplpcit speculum ^itt (txi^ti complete/ C 3ln omni tribulacione / temptacione * necessitate ^ an^ gustga II succurce nobis pijssima birgo maria Emen . The recto of sig. 1 4 is blank, and the verso occupied with Caxton's device. No. 78. — CoMMEMORATio Lamentationis sive Compassionis BEAT^ Marije in morte filii. Quurto. Without Narmy Place, or Date. (1491?). Collation. — a b C Tl are 4°", signed on the first and third leaves only. Altogether 32 pages. If a sheet is printed in 4to, a signature on the first page is sufficient guide for the binder; and two sheets so printed, and the second inserted after folding inside the first, would gi^e signatures as in this copy, and, as in the " Servitium," No. 79, which has Caxton's imprint. This method, however, points to a late period of Caxton's career, and the date 1491 has therefore been affixed. Typographical Particulars. — There is no title-page. Type No. 5 only. The lines are evenly spaced, and 24 to a full page. Without folios or catchwords. One small woodcut is on the first page. ^26 WILLIAM 0AXT05. The Text begins on a j recto, OTometmiraco Eametacois sine copajisioijs hit Mmt i morte filtj ^ tit a^omemoraco ite ma^ tie pietatis br gmemoraco pietatiis q celetrart ^(htt fecia siexta imeliiate pcetrete Vomica i passi one p eo (|) ipo tiie legif i eccria lie tesuseitaeoe la^ati etc The Commemoration ends on sig. b 8 verso. This particular Commemoration seems quite unknown to all bibliographers ; and of the edition printed bj Caxton, the only copy known is preserved in the Public Library at Ghent. Tt was first recognised as a Caxton by Mr. M. F. A. Gr. Camp- bell, chief librarian of the Koyal Library, The Hague. No. 79. — Servitium de Transfiguratione Jhesu Christi. Quarto. Caxton me fieri fecit. Without Place or Bate. (1491 ?). Collatio:n^. — Sig. a consists of a sheet folded in quarto, having a half-sheet inside; the first recto of the sheet is unsigned, but upon the first recto of the half-sheet, which is the third recto in the book, is the sig. a (j. Sig. t is a whole sheet, signed only on the first recto, t j. There are altogether ten leaves and no blanks. Typographical Particulars. — There is no title-page. The type is No. 5 only. The lines are spaced to an even length, and measure 3f inches. 24 lines to a full page. Without folios or catchwords. One small woodcut of the transfiguration on the first recto. The initial letter in wood, with many rubrics, are printed in red, not as noticed in " Quatre derennieres choses," by the same pull of the press, but by a separate operation. The Text begins on an unsigned leaf, in red ink, C (©ctauo S^9 Engusti fiat setuic' / "be tnsfigu The Text ends on sig. 1 4 verso, m tie9 . ^tt oia gcra iseculoru amen C iiTaiton me fieri fecit/ BOOKS PRINTED IN TYPE NO. 5. 827 Remakks. — This little tract has considerable interest for the bibliographer, for although Oaxton had already printed several service books before this was undertaken, such as the two (if not three) editions of the " Horae" (pages 189 and 240 ante\ the Psalter with Service for the Dead (page 105 anU\ and the "Servitium de Visitatione" (page 2G4 ante\ not to mention the service books for the priests, such as " The Festial " and the three editions of " Directoriuni," yet this can certainly claim a unique distinction in two particulars, for it is the only perfect service book in the types of Caxton, and it is the only one known to have his imprint. The observations concerning the printing of the " Horae," last noticed, might be repeated here. This also has every appearance of being a very late issue. No other book from the same press was signed in a similar way. The first sheet was evidently, like sig. f), printed four pages at once, in which case it would be only nepessary to sign the first page, so as to show the binder how to fold it. As in the first sheet the red ink title and the woodcut would answer that purpose we find no signature at all ; but the first page of the half-sheet, which is the third leaf in the tract, is signed a ij. This is very systematic, and according to the same plan the second sheet is signed d j on the first recto only ; but it is an advance in the art, beyond the usual practice of Caxton. This service is one of the numerous additions made to the " Church Calendar" in the fifteenth century, and, being newly ordained by the Church, would not be found in the old manu- script "Service Books." To supply this deficiency it was, therefore, printed separately. The only Existing Copy was purchased many years ago in a volume of theological tracts by Joshua Wilson, Esq., of Tunbridge Wells. When, in 1831, Mr. Wilson presented a large portion of his collection to the Congregational Library, Blomfield Street, London, this volume was among the number. Here it was first noticed, in 1800, as containing a Caxton, by Mr. Cowper, who sent an account of the volume to Nctes and Queries. It was determined shortly after to dispose of it, and, in Julv 18t)2, it came under the hammer of Mr. Puttick, 828 WILLIAM CAXTON. when it fetched the high price of £200, and added another curiosity to the Caxtonian treasures of the British Museum. The volume is in its original binding, somewhat dilapidated, of oak boards covered with stamped leather, and contains besides four other black-letter tracts. No. 80. — HoR^ — A Fragment. Fourth Ediiion. Svo. Sine ummtd. (1490?)., The Collation cannot be given, as four leaves only, signed tl J, tl tj, t lij, t» Hi), are known. Typographical Particulars. — The type is No. 5 only. The lines, of which there are seventeen to a page, are folly spaced out, and measure 2f inches. Large full-faced Lom- bardic capitals are plentifully used, and printed in red ink separately, as are also such words as Psalmus and Versich. This points to quite a late production in the career of Caxton, probably after he had resigned the management of the practi- cal part to his successor, Wynken de Worde. The Text of sig. "tf j recto begins thus, with a 2-line capital <© in red ink. €). i^loriosa femina txtU ' la p'rper siitiera qui te cte^ auit prouitre lactajsti satto btere The first words on the succeeding recto are — 2, tUttl lite- rati; 3, trominum; 4, Beus. These unique leaves, which have evidently been used as binder's waste to form the covers of a book, were presented to the British Museum, in 1858, by Mr, Maskell (C. 35. A.). Measurement 5^ X 4 inches. A DESCRIPTION OF BOOKS PRINTED IN TYPE No. 6. BOOKS PRINTED IN TYPE No. 6. i ^-0 81. Fayts 82. Statutes . 83. Governal 84. Keynard. Second Edition 85. Blanchardyn 86. Four Sons of Aymon 87. Directorium Sacerdotum . 88. Eneydos . 89. Dictes. Third Edition 90. Mirror. Second Edition 91. Divers Ghostly 92. Fifteen Oes 93. Art and Craft 94. Courtesy. Second Edition . 95. Festial. Second Edition 96. Four Sermons. Second Edition 97. Ars moriendi ., 98. Chastising 99. Treatise of Love 1489 1489 1489 1489? 1489 ? 1489? 1489? 1490 1490? 1490? 1491? 1491? 1491? 1491 ? 1491 ? 1491? 1491? 1491 ? 1491 ? BOOKS PRINTED IN TYPE No. 6. No. 81. — The Fayts of Aems and of Chivalry. Folio. ** Fer Gaxtony Without Place. Printed the lAth day of July, the fourth year of the reign of K. Henry VII., or 1489. Collation. — Two unsigned leaves of table ; ^ 18 (E 10 <^dF<&mS^^Mm a 3", with the last leaf blank. In all 144 leaves, of which one is blank. Typographical Particulars. — There is no title-page. The whole book is in one type only, No. 6. The lines, which are fiilly spaced out, measure 4| inches, and there are 31 to a full page. Without folios or catchwords. Woodcut initial letters. The Text begins, with a 3-line initial, ^|i ^tc begpnneti) tt)e table of tt)e rubrpsi^ps of tte ^|« toke of tf)e fagt of armeg antj of (Kftpualrpe tofticfte gagli hokt 133 tiepartj)ti in to foure parties / C ^t^ ^Pt£(t pactge tieupset^ tt)e manece tt)at kgnges aniy On sig. ^ J recto, J^ete begpttnetf) tf)e took of fapttes of armes ^ of fo fe tt«cmnt/an^ 16 «fpatee^ ti) Stij.c^pyif<€ c^apgitse of (^ pt»fj)<& of goo5e i>plp cjomrpce/ t^«(i« fo fajje. ^ffme g ^16 ptofpfe/ 3l) (^ f)ttZ c^jipptw of fpj>«« of tiocafvx/i) % fpf t^c c^apigtrc ^tt) ami 3i) dbc ^j.c^pitzc ^Ito a ma») r()w^ b^ue %|ti) ti) Mrgn^im^ of ^te M:))n^e6/3t) i^ Sti.c^ap Rn gouetnfttince *Tr* '€ mtj>($ f;pn) d^at tbotl ^m fetwjc •^ Ipff tf> finotbc t^ ctaf «c of ^Ifome goj iTCtnep^. Qtn^ fo for to 6cpc (onipnmttpl^ W*of ^66c)^{'/fbtck(SimaBeno(o9info BOOKS PRINTED IN TYPE NO. 6. 337 fifteenth centuries, but the " Govemal " is not found among the works generally attributed to him. Whoever may have been the author, tlie work possesses small claims to originality, being a compilation from the medical works of the Arabian and Greek physicians, and quoting largely from the " Regimen Sanitatis Salernitauum." The "Medicina Stomachi" is con- tained in most collections of Lydgate's poetry, and in Harl. IK) is directly attributed to him. Both tracts were reprinted by Wynken de "Worde, sine ] (/ annOy who repeats all the blunders of the first edition. These ' editions are equally rare, the only copy of the second being in the Public Library, Cambridge. An annotated reprint of Caxton's text was issued privately by the editor of this work in 1858. On no other occasion does this interesting treatise, which was the earliest medical book printed in the English language, appear to have passed through the press. A good copy is in the old library of the Earls of Dysart, at Ham House, Surrey, and another in the Bodleian. No. 84. — The History of Keynard the Fox. Second Editmi. Folio. Sim ulld notu. (1489?) Collation. — An unsigned sheet of introductory matter ; sigs. a i) C "tJ e f 3 t) are 4°* ; i is a 3°. No blank leaves. In aU seventy leaves. Typographical Particulars. — There is no title-page. The type throughout is No. 6. The hues, which are fully spaced out, measure 5f inches, and there are 31 (sometimes 32) to a page. Woodcut initials are used. On the first recto is Caxton's device, underneath which is the following line only : — C C^iies is tf)e tatle of tf)e ttjs^torge of l^epnart tje foie/ On the verso commences the table, which ends seven lines down the second recto, underneath which is, C iftger beggnnct^ testorpc of regnarti tje foxe . The preface finishes the page. The second verso is blank. z <" 388 WILLIAM CAXTON. Onsig. aj, C ?&oto tije Igon ttgnge of aUe tiestgjci sent oute legist mautje || mentgis tftat alle teestgs sjoltre come to i)gs feegt anti court/ C iS'apitulo ^timo The conclusion of the text cannot be given, no perfect copy being at present known. For an account of the first edition of this celebrated allegory see ante page 227. The only Existing Copy is in the Pepysian Library, Cambridge. It unfortunately wants the last two leaves, con- taining the epilogue of Caxton, and ends on sig. ( 4 verso, with these words, ^xCti f)er togtt) toil ^ leue forb) fjat ijaue 3? to totgte of ti^gse rngstietiiiE; 3> |aue pnotoi) to troo It is in good condition, but cropped, measuring 9 x 6| inches. Pepys's arms on the binding, and his book-plate inside. The wanting leaves are supplied in manuscript of seventeenth century. No. 85. — The History of Blanchardin and Eglantine. Folio. Sim ulld notd. (1489 ?) Collation. — Imperfectly known. The introductory matter makes a 3", signed i, tt, tif, the sixth leaf being blank. ^'^ (ft B(&JF^MS^^MaTe 4"% and there were probably several other additional signatures. Typographical Particulars. — "Without title. The type is all No. 6. The lines, which are all of one length, measure 4f inches, and there are 31 to a full page. Woodcut initials. Without folios or catchwords. The Text begins on sig. j recto, with a prologue by Caxton, Wt^to ti)e rigftt nolile pugssaut ^ excellet prgncejsiiBie mg retioutteli latig mg latjg margarete liucftesge of So^ mercete/motier bnto our naturel ^ soueragn lorti anti mojit and finishes on the verso of the same leaf, 3fope0 ^mx^ in ti^gs present Igff : C ^nti after tjw sj^ort antr transptorpe Ipff . etierlaststige Igf in i)euen ^xatn/ BOOKS PRINTED IX TYPE NO. f>. 889 The table follows on sig. ij, with a 2-lme initial, ^iSlanctartigtt / uone of tfie mtlt Itgng of dFrpge and finishes on the 5th recto, which, however, in the only copy known, is unfortunately, in manuscript. This appears to have been copied from the very rare reprint by Wynken de Worde, the last four lines being — " How Blanchardin wedded his love the proude | pncelle in amours : And of the grete ioye that | was made there . and of the Kynge of Fryse deth capl° liiij** " The sixth leaf is blank. On sig. H f recto the first chapter commences as follows : — C Cft^ first cjapitre of ^i^ present hokt contegnetj t)oto ISlancftaclKgn tiepartetj out of tj)e court of i)is fatier kpnge of frpse / OTapitulo primo . ^Jgat tpme toi&en tt)e i^igi)t fiappg . toele of All the text after sig. JH Hi} is wanting in the only known copy. Remakes. — The prologue to Caxton's translation of this romance is fortunately preserved, from which we learn that Margaret, Duchess of Somerset, brought to Caxton the French version of this romance (which she had "long before" pur- chased of him), with her commands that he should translate it into English. Having made the translation, he presented it to Her Grace, probably as a manuscript, as he says nothing of any command to print it. It was, however, soon after put to press, perhaps at Caxton's own risk, as a trade speculation. As to the date, there are only the typographical particulars to guide us, which, however, all point to about the year 1489. The only known Existing Copy is in the library of Earl Spencer. It is, unfortunately, imperfect. No. 86.— The Four Sons op Aymon. Folio, Sine uUd notd, (1489?) The Collation cannot be given accurately, as no perfect copy is known. M^(tm(!^dr^V^S^^MB'^ z2 340 WILLIAM CAXTON. 1 <©i^S C mx 8 % aa t)fi re tjtJ ee ii gg !)fi u Hit II are all 4"^, mm being a 3^ with the sixth leaf, probably, blank. This makes a total of 278 leaves ; but it is more than likely that some introductory matter preceded sig. ^. Typographical Particulars. — Only one type, No. 6, is used. The lines, which are all of an even length, measure 4f inches, and there are 31 to a full page. Without folios or catchwords. Woodcut initials throughout. The only known copy of this edition begins on sig. IS \\), in the middle of a sentence, ilepnatotie one of tf)e sones of Egmon/bSerof jspecgallg tre The Text ends on the fifth verso of sig, mm, with the fol- lowing sentence : — \yi fapr lottjes tiienne tl)at tjis present toke sj^al re^ tie or ftere . toe sjall praj)e gotr $c tje glorious jsapnte Megnaube tje marter/tjat |e ggue bs graee to penseuere/ antj II rontgnue our liff in gooti lierfees . tg tf)e iDt)ief)e toe mag f)a || ue at our entignge ti)e lif tf)at euer si)aU laste/ Remarks. — Manuscripts of this favourite romance, con- cerning the original of which little appears to be known, mount up to the thirteenth century, and references to it are found in manuscripts of a still earlier date ; but all these are rytlmiical romances, and Caxton's translation (if we may give him the credit of it) was evidently made from a French prose text, perhaps that printed at Lyons, about 1480, under the title " Les quatre filz Aymon." Before the discovery of the volume under review, the earliest printed English text of "The four sons of Aymon" was the 1554 edition of R. Copland, to which was appended the following colophon : — *' €[ Here finishith the hystory of the | noble and valiaunt knyght Reynawde | of Mountawban, and his three bre- | thern ^ Imprinted at London, by | Wynken de Worde, the . viij. daye of | Maye, and ye yere of B(X)K8 PRINTED IN TYPE NO. 6. 841 our lorde . M ,C | CCCC iiii . at the request and com- | maandement of the noble and puis- | saunt eric, the Erie of Oxenforde, | And now Emprinted in the yere of | our Lord . M . CCCCC . 1 iiii . the | vi daye of Maye, By wylliam Cop- | land, for Thomas Petet." From Copland's colophon we learn that an edition was issued in 1504 by Wynken de Worde, although, unfortunately, not a single copy is now known to exist. He, of course, re- printed fi'om the text under review; and, indeed, the first portion of the colophon above quoted, so far as it concerns Wynken de Worde, is quite in Caxton's style, and recalls the numerous instances already noticed, in which Wynken de Worde, by altering the printer's name and the date, has falsi- fied both typographical and historical truth. That in this case he used Caxton's colophon, with alterations, is rendered almost certain when the prologue to Copland's edition is ])erused. Here we have all the peculiarities of our first printer's style, and his very diction. No manuscript or printed copy of Caxton's life of Robert, Earl of Oxford, is kno\\ii. The only known Existing Copy of Caxton's edition is in the library of Earl Spencer. It is imperfect, wanting all before sig. i3lif ; B 8, and ^ 8. No. 87. — DiRECTORiUM Sacerdotum, una cum Defensorio EJUSDEM ; ITEM TrACTATUS QUI DICITUB CREDE MIHI. Folio. Second Version. Second Edition. " Im2)rps- stim per Wilkhnu Cuxton apud westinoimsteriu prope London r' WUhyut Date. (1489?) Collation. — A preliminary 4", signed only on the fourth recto with the figure 4; atctiefgftililmnopqirst U X B are all 4"*; ^ is a 5". Total 194 leaves. No blanks. TYPOGRAPHiCAii PARTICULARS. — There is no title-page. The type is all No. 6. The lines, which are spaced to an even length, measure 4f inches. Exclusive of head-lines there are 31 to a page. A few 2-line woodcut initials. Without folios or catchwords. The " Kalendar," which has the same woodcut KL as in the first edition, commences on the first recto, thus :- — S42 WILLIAM CAXTOX. m ^xima Xim mtnm et septima tiucat bt mm Smmxm Jabet tJies nrt/luna bero xxx The Text ends on sig. ^10 verso, bix poterit etcare : in seruicio tJtuino Beo (^raciajf C Olaxton me Htxi fecit . Remarks. — From the fact of the Printer beginning his table for finding the Golden and Dominical Letters at the year 1489, we may safely assume that year to be the date of printing, as to print back years would be useless. The com- bination of red and black figures, the black form being first printed, and the red form secondly and separately, shows a great advance in workmanship over other books by Caxton. Like the first edition there is only one Existing Copy known of this, which is in the Bodleian Library. It is, with " The Art and Craft to know well to die " by the same printer, still in the original parchment wrapper, as issued from Caxton's workshop. It is perfect, and in good condition. No. 88. — Eneydos. Folio. Without Printer's Name, Place, or Date. " Translated hj me ivyllyam Caxton,'' June 22nd, 1490. Collation. — Sig. E a 3", with the first leaf blank ; iS (^ BiBdFi^JSSJltll are 4°% with U 8 blank. In all 86 leaves, of which two are blank. Dr. Dibdin erroneously ascribes only four leaves to sig. ^. Note. — Sig. a is very irregular : the first leaf, which is blank, is not reckoned in the signatures, the second and third leaves being signed respectively ^ j, and ^ tj. The fourth leaf, which, to agi-ee with the othei-s, should have been signed ^ ii\, has no- signature at all ; while the omitted signature, ^ Hi, appears on the sixth or last leaf of the 3". Typographical Particulars. — There is no title-page. The type is all No. 6. The lines are spaced to an even length. BOOKS FBINTED IN TYPE NO. 6. 343 and measure 4 J inches. There are 81 lines to a fdll page. Woodcut initials of two, three, and six lines in depth. After a blank leaf the prologue begins on the second recto, signed E j, after tiguergf toerltes watic / translateti anlr aci)ieuetj / i)a upng itoo tocrlte in ftantie . § sitting in mg stutipe tojere a0 lage mang tiguerse pauntlettig antj toofegs ♦ fiappeneti tftat The Text ends on sig. H 7 recto, with the follo^ving colophon : — lfl^(^^(& fpnpsfietf) tje tolte pf (i^nrgtios / comppleTi bg ®St^ II fiPl^/ tofttcje Jatje fie translatetr oute of latgite in to fcensje/ II ^nti oute of frensje xthuctti in to (il^nglpssfie fig me bjpUm || (Kaxton /tje iiir,1ia]ee of Su^n.if^t pere of out lorte.iE.iiiJIIOIlxxii. Cftefgtfie pete of tje i^egne of ftpnge JS^tp || tfte jfeuentft Caxton's device on the verso. The eighth leaf is a blank. Remaeks. — The " lytyl booke in frenshe, named Eneydos," which happened to come under our Printer's notice while sit- ting in his study surrounded with many divers pamphlets, is a free paraphrase of portions of " The -^neid," by Virgil. Had Gawin Douglas, who, in 1553, issued a Scotch metrical version of " The ^neid," read Caxton's preface, he would have seen that Caxton does not pretend to give a translation of the Latin poem, and might have spared himself the trouble of some hundreds of lines in abuse thereof. The " Eneydos " was issued only as a romance compiled from Virgil's "-ffineid" and Bocace's " Fall of Princes ;" and, with little merit, it seems to have gained little favour, even with the lovers of such compilations, for it never reached a second edition. It would appear, however, that a good sale was expected, and an impression more numerous than usual struck off, as few of Caxton's books are so common as " Eneydos." Existing Copies. — British Museum (8); Cambridge; Trinity CoUege, Cambridge ; Oxford (3) ; St. John's, Oxford ; Hunterian, Glasgow ; and 8 in private libraries. 344 WILLIAM CAXTON, No. 89. — The Dictes and Sayings op the Philosophees. Third Edition. Folio. Westminster. The year 1477 erroneously reprinted, the real date beiny about 1490. Collation. — The device and prologue occupy two un- signed leaves; then, ^ iS ^ B dr Jf (^ me 4"^ J^ and g 3"% the sixth leaf of ^f being blank. In all 70 leaves, of which the last is blank. Dr. Dibdin erroneously states " It contains only 66 leaves." There is no title-page. The only tjipe used is No. 6. The lines which are fully spaced out measure 4f inches. There are 30 and 32 lines to a page, but mostly 31. Without folios or catchwords. 2 and 3-line woodcut initials. Oaxton's device is in the centre of the first recto, the pro- logue commencing on the verso with a 2 -line wood initial, 201J J^ere it is so tfjat euerg creature tjg tf)e suf rannee of ^SKtlour lorti gotr is torn antr ortiegneti to tt stitgette antr tftrall bttto tf)e stormes of fortune , Enti so in tJiuerse mti ^tiect)ias toas ti^e ftrst. Uilosopfiir t^ tof)om )tf)rougft tf)e bgl antj pleaser of our lorti gotr, Sa^ pience teas bntierstantie antr laloes rescegueti. to})i=: eje. Setiecftias saitie ti)at euerp creature of gootr teleue The Text ends at foot of fifth recto of sig. ^f? 5Mi)om § tesecfte aimpg^tp gotf tencrece anti to continue in t)is bertuous tiisposicion m tf)is toorlti , Entr after t^is Igf to Ipue euer lastingly in i)eueit . ilmen , C (iTaxton me fieri fecit ♦ The verso and final leaf are blank. Remarks. — This is another instance of the original date and imprint of a book being reproduced in subsequent editions. AU* the typographical particulars prove it to have been about 1490; and the presence of signatures, printed initials, and evenly spaced lines, give direct testimony against the date 1477, at which time none of these had been adopted at Westminster. BOOKS PRINTED IN TYPE NO. 6. 845 For literary particulars, see the first edition, page 186, ants. Existing Copies. — Cambridge : St. John's College, Cam- bridge; Oxford, and Lambeth Palace. Three copies are in private libraries. No. 90. — The Mirrour of the World. Second Edition. Folio. The Name, Places and Date of the First Edition reprinfsd; but about 14:dO. Collation. — a !lcTjefgi)ifelare 4°', the last leaf occupied with the device only. In all 88 leaves. Typographical Particulars. — There is no title-page. The type is all No. 6. The lines, Avhich are spaced to an even length, measure 4f inches, and a full page contains 31. With- out folios or catchwords. 2 and 8-line initials in wood. Commencing with a blank leaf, the table follows on the second recto, signed, however, a j. The Text begins on a t recto, ^ U bolume nameli t^e msi;rour of tie tooclti or tig- mage of ti)c game/ The Text ends on the seventh verso of sig. I, aitlr transptorge Ipf fte trpnge Jgrn anti bs in to ftw celestg^ al tlfisse in teuene ^M^^ / C iHTaxton me fieri feeit . On the eighth verso is the device, the recto being blank. Remarks. — Although this book bears the same dates as the first edition, it is very e\ident from the type, from the device, from the use of a woodcut to head Chapter II, which had been used shortly before in the " Royal Book," and from many other more minute e\'idences, that it really was not printed till about 1490. It would seem that the proper cut for Chapter II, viz. a figure of a philosopher with the globe in his hand, having been injured or lost, that the workman chose the first which offered itself, and thus, in this edition, we have the very 346 WILLIAM CAXTON. inappropriate illustration of Christ's transfiguration, as head to the chapter, " Why God made and created tlie World." Existing Copies. — Cambridge: Pepysian, Cambridge; Exeter College, Oxford ; Hunterian, Glasgow; Baptist College, Bristol ; and seven in private hands. No. 91. — A Book of divers Ghostly matters, contain- ing : — The Seven points of true Love and ever- lasting Wisdom, or Orologifm Sapienti^: The Twelve profits of Tribulation ; — The Rule of St. Benet. Quarto. Wyllelmu Caxton. ^^ Emprynted westmynstrer Without Date. (1490?) Collation. — The " Seven points of True Wisdom " has aigarBa^dFigJl^fi^lliEaU 4-, or 96 leaves. The " Twelve profits of Tribulation" has E 13 (S: IB all 4"', or 32 leaves. The " Rule of St. Benet " has a f) 4'" and c a 2", or 20 leaves. Total of the three tracts, 148 leaves, all printed. Note. — The signatures to the third tract are unusual, viz. a is signed aa, a ij, aa iij, a iiif; ft is signed jbt) i i\, t ii\, t tiij; C is signed CC, t If. Typographical Particulars. — Without title-page. The type throughout is No. 6. The lines, which are spaced to an even length, measure 3f inches, and 24 make a full page. Without folios or catchwords. The Text of " The Seven points of True Wisdom " begin on sig. E j: — \^ of gf %t\xtxi pogntes of tretoe lone antr euerlastgng b)g0t»om tiratoen oute of ge jbookc gt ig totiten in latgn anti clepeti t8«« « gtotioue/^ egcaufo 6r falbc f t^ou^t nj ^iq rotage ^T Or mp?e not Jbng Cgnc/oe & Ite^icQ 6g fcng 5nao ft? 9g»»> ai) fef «3«/ 3tn{i2 9aooe no pW)« iw &«een found ; and the state of the block, which has fewer breakages than liny other knoA\Ti example, confirms the priority of this in a most interesting manner. Since 1484 Caxton had not used 364 WILLIAM CAXTON. woodcuts; but just at this time, 1487, he appears to have found some one for the purpose, and the "Eoyal Book" and the "Speculum" appeared with numerous cuts. The same artist was probably employed to design and engrave the new " trade mark." The only known copy is in the possession of "W. J. Legh, Esq., M.P., and was first made known in the Athenceum, March 21st, 1874. Bartholomeus de propeietatibus eerum. This work is supposed to have been printed by Caxton, at Cologne, on the strength of a statement by Wynken de Worde. As, however, this printer has perpetrated the most curious contradictions and mis-statements in many of his prologues and colophons, it seems more than probable that he blundered here also, as no connection whatever can be traced between the typographical customs of Caxton and those of the Cologne school ; nor does any copy of " Bartholomeus " exist which can, with any show of reason, be attributed to Caxton's press. For further remarks on this subject, see page 64. The Metamoephoses of Ovid. In the Pepysian library, Cambridge (2124) is an English manuscript of the fifteenth century, not improbably Caxton's autograph, and consisting of the Tenth, Eleventh, Twelfth, Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Books of Ovid's Meta- morphoses. Each book in the manuscript begins with a red- ink title, the first being : — " Here followeth the || xth booke of Ouyde ' || wherof the first fa II ble is of the mari || age of Orpheus !| and Erudice his lo II ue . Cap° p'm°." For an imitation of this paragraph see Dibdin's Typ. Ant., POSTHUMOUS AND DOUBTFUL WORKS. 8C5 vol. i, page 14. At the end of the volume is the following colophon : — " Translated and fynysshed by me William Caxton at West- mestre the xxij day of Apryll / the yere of our lord m . iiij* iiij" And the xx yere of the Regne of kyng Edward the fourth." Now Caxton, from what we know of his disposition, would never have begun a translation in the middle of a book. He therefore, no doubt, translated the former nine books also. But all Caxton's translations, and especially in the busy time of 1480, were made for the press. There seems, therefore, good reason to believe that the Metamorphoses were printed also by Caxton, although unfortunately no fragment of such a work is at present known. It seems not unlikely that the Pepysian MS. is in Caxton's own autograph. The Life and Miracles of Robert Earl of Oxford. In the preface to " The Four Sons of Aymon," Caxton says, " Therefore late at the request and commandment of the right noble and virtuous Earl, John, Earl of Oxford, my good singular and especial lord I reduced and translated out of French into our maternal and EngUsh tongue the life of one of his predecessors named Robert Earl of Oxford tofore said, with divers and many great miracles which god showed for him as well in his life as after his death as is showed all along in his said book." Having translated this Life, it is not improbable that Caxton also printed it. A Ballad. The "small fragment of an unknown work," preserved among some old ballads in the British Museum (643. m.) and 366 WILLIAM CAXTON. described by Sir Henry Ellis, and Dr. Dibdin in Typ. Ant, vol. i, page 359, is a portion of the " Cook's Tale," from^ Caxton's first edition of Chancer's " Canterbury Tales." Several works, such as " Statuta " (probably Machlinia's) " Lyndewode's Constitutiones," " The Lucidary," " An Accidence," and others, have been by various writers in- cluded among the books issued by Caxton, but in all cases erroneously. THE COMPARATIVE EARITY OF BOOKS PRINTED BY CAXTON, SHOWING THE NUMBER OF COPIES OF EACH WORK KNOWN TO EXIST. Quanta fwUti H tanta sunt Reliquin. No. of Copies known. Book of Courtesy, 2nd edit. .frag. Directorium Sacerdotnm,4to. frag. Horse, Ist edition . .frag. Ditto, 2nd ditto . frag. Ditto, 3rd ditto . . .frag. Indulgence — Sixtus IV . frag. Anelida and Arcyte. . 1 Ars moriendi ... 1 Aymon, Four Sons of . .1 Blanchardin and Eglantine . 1 Book of dburtesy, 1st edition . 1 Catho, Parrus et Magnus, Ist edition, 4to . . .1 Ditto, ditto, 2nd edition, 4to 1 Charles the Great . . .1 Chorle and the Bird, 1st edit. 1 Ditto ditto 2nd ditto 1 Commemoracio beatse Marias 1 Death-Bed Prayers . . 1 Directorium Sacerdotum, folio, Ist edition . . .1 Ditto ditto ditto 2nd ditto 1 Fifteen Oes . . . .1 Glass, Temple of . 1 Gouvemal of Health . 1 Horse, Sheep, and Goose, Ist edit. 1 Ditto ditto 2nd ditto 1^ Image of Pity ... 1 Infancia Salvatoris . .1 Indulgence — Sixtus IV 1 No. of CopiM known. Another, different . Meditacions sur les sept Pseaulmes Paris and Vienne . Psalterium .... Quatre derrenieres Choses Reynard the Fox, 2nd edition Servitium de Transfiguratione . Sex Litterffi .... Visitatio Marias Virginis . Brass, Temple of . Advertisement, An . .2 Arthur, Life of King . 2 Propositio Johannis Russell 2 Saona, Gnl. de . . . 2 StansPner . .2 -^Esop, Fables of . . 3 Art and Craft .... 3 Catho, Parvus et Magnus, folio, 3rd edition ... 3 Curia Sapientise .3 Curial, The .... 3 Dictes and Sayings, 2nd edition 3 Good Manners, Book of . 3 Jason, Les fais du . .3 Moral Proverbs ... 3 Rhodes, Siege of . . .3 Saint Winifred, Life of 3 Book of Fame .... 4 Chivalry, Order of . . 4 868 WILLIAM CAXTON. Testial, The, 1st edition . Treatise of Love . Naof Copies known. . 4 4 Chess, Game and Play of, 1st ed. Chronicles of England, 1480 . No. of Copies known. 10 10 Troilus and Creside . . 4 Cordial .... 10 Vocabulary .... Golden Legend, 2nd edition Pilgrimage of the Soul Four Sermons, 2nd edition 4 . 5 5 . 6 Description of Britain Godfrey of Boloyn Katherine, Life of St. Speculum Vitae Christi . 10 10 10 11 Divers Ghostly Matters . Festial, The, 2nd edition Knight of the Tower . 6 6 . 6 Caton Mirrour of the World, 2nd edit. 12 12 Recueil, Le . Reynard the Fox, 1st edition Statutes of Henry VII . 6 . 6 6 Dictes and Sayings, 1st edition Mirrour of the World, 1st edit. 15 15 Chronicles of England, 2nd edit. 7 Dictes and Sayings, 3rd edition 7 Jason, The Life of . . .7 Chastising of God's Children 8 Four Sermons, 1st edition . 8 Life of our Lady ... 8 Royal Book .... 8 Boethius 16 Confessio Amantis . . 16 Recuyell, The . . . .16 Eneydos . . . .18 Fayts of Arms . . .21 Tully of Old Age, &c. . . 23 Canterbury Tales, 1st edition . 9 Ditto 2nd ditto . 9 Chess, Game and Play of, 2nd edit. 9 Polycronicon . . . .25 Doctrinal of Sapience . . 9 Golden Legend, 3rd edition . 9 Golden Legend, 1st edition . 31 The reader who examines this list may well be astonished at the number here given of unique Caxtons. Out of 99 works above enumerated, no less than 38 are known to us by single copies, or by fragments only. The fact is almost incredible even to those most conversant with the rarities of the West- minster Press; and the question naturally arises — If about one-third of Caxton's issue has been nearly destroyed, how numerous may have been the editions of which we shall never learn the existence ? A glance at the titles of the uniques RARITY OF liOOKH I»RI.N'TE]J BY CAXTON. 369 will show that the books most liable to destniction, probably owing in part to their being much used, and in part to the destructiveness of religious sectarianism, are those, directly or indirectly, of an ecclesiastical character — such as " Horae," "Psalters," "Meditacions," &c. .School books also, such aa the " Stans Puer," " Catho," &c., are always difficult of pre- sentation. On the other hand, tliere seems no esjjecial reason for the almost total destruction of such works as the romances of " King Arthur," "The Four Sons of Aymon," "Blanch- ardin," " Charles the Great," the second edition of " Reynard," or the various short poems in quarto. The greatest number of copies ever brought together is 81, being the number now in the British Museum; but of these 25 are duplicates, leaving the number of works 50, of which three are mere fragments. The Caxtons in Earl Spencer's Library, although numerically less than those of the National Library, make nevertheless a more complete collec- tion, and embrace 57 separate works. Other Libraries come far behind these two. The Public Library, Cambridge, has 38 separate works, a total considerably augmented by the numerous unique pieces of poetry in quarto. The Bodleian has 28 separate works, and the Duke of Devonshire 25. INDEX. PAGE Abbey, Meaning of word ... 73 Adventurers {See Merchant Adventurers) Advertisement printed by Caxton 71,237 ^neid by Virgil 343 JSsop, The Fables of. printed by Caxton ... 48. 92, 294 Aforge, Daniel 86 Ailly, Cardinal Pierre d' ... 226 Alburgh, John 148 Alcock, Bishop 178 Aldus, Pius Romanns ... 107 Alfonse, The Fables of, printed by Caxton 48, 92 284, Almonry, The, Its position &c. ... 73,74,75,76,79 Alphage, St., Parish of ... 4 Ambassadors at Bruges ... 27 Ames, Joseph, Note on Caxton's death Amman, Jost Anderson's History of Com- merce Anelida, Queen, and False Arcyte, printed by Cax ton Anne, St., Chapel of . . .73, 74 Apprentices, Entry and Issues of 6 Apprentices, Duties of ... 8 Apprentices and Executors. . . 14 Apprentices, Oath of ... 143 Apprenticeship of Caxton... 5 Arbre de, Batailles 338 85 105 26 210 10 354 301 81 127 78 90 Arcyte, Queen Anelida, and False, printed by Caxton Ars moriendi, printed by Caxton Art, The, and Craft to know well to Die, printed by Caxton 342,350 Arthur, The Noble Histories of King, and of certain of his Knights, printed by Caxton Arundel, Earl of, his Device Ascensius Jodocus Badius... Assumption, Guild of Lady of Atkyns, Richard, Origin and Growth of Printing ... Aubert, David (a Scribe) 35, 185 A vian. The Fables of, printed 284 by Caxton 284 Ayenbit of Inwit, The ... 320 Aymon, The four Sons of, printed by Caxton ... 339 Bagford, John 75, 91 Baker, John 148 Bakker, Jenyne 147 Ballads, Some, printed by Caxton Ballad, A Ballard, Mr., of Cambden... Balls, Inking Bartholomaas de Proprietati- bus ... 55,64,66,336,364 Bath Cathedral 282 Bavaria, Henry, Duke of ... 849 Baynton, W. 317 R R 2 209 865 86 126 372 PAGE Beauvais, Vincent de 224, 225 Bedford, Duke of 34,36 Bedford Library 252 Bedfordshire General Library 320 Bedleem Hospital, Bequest to, by Large 10 Belet 280 Benet College Library ... 218 Bernard, M. A. ... 104, 107 Bernard, M. A., Opinion on Colard Mansion Berners, Juliana Betts, Edward Bequests, Various, of Large Bible, The Mazarine Bibles and Psalters, First . . . Bibles not in demand in Fif- teenth Century Bird, The Chorle and the, printed by Caxton 207, 208 Blanchardin and Eglantine, The History of, printed by Caxton Blanche, Queen of France. Blandford, Marquis of Blois, Library of ... Boat Hire Bocace, Fall of Princes Boethius de Consolatione Philosophise, translated into English by Geoffrey Chaucer, printed by Caxton Boke of Noblesse, The Bolomyer, Henry Boloyne, The History of Godfrey of, printed by Caxton Bomsted, Henry Bonet, Honore Bonifaunt, Rich Bowyer, William ... Bookbinder described Bookbinding 62 334 149 10 44 43 84 338 322 196 36 19 843 211 332 305 249 ... 20 ... 333 10, 145 ... 110 ... 130 ... 96 PAGE Book of Courtesey, The 1st Edition, printed by Caxton 209 Second Edition ... 361 Book of Good Manners, printed by Caxton 81, 311 Book, A, of Divers Ghostly Matters, printed by Cax- ton 346 Book of Fame, The, printed by Caxton 291 Book, The, which the Knight of the Tower made to the " enseygnement " and teaching of his daugh- ters, printed by Caxton 271 Books, Covers of 213 Books not printed by Caxton but having some connec- tion with his Types, &c. 359 Books, Passion for, in Europe 36 Botfield, Mr 303 Bouillon, Godefroy de ... 251 Bradshaw, H., concerning the Horae 190 Brand, John 196 Bretaylles, Louis de ... 188 Brice, Hugh ... 75, 226 Bristol 346 Brito, Jean 38 Broad, St. Ward 75 Brown, J 149 Browne, Willis (Mit. Abb.) 221 Bruges ... 13, 15, 27, 37, 38, 57, 80, 150 Bruges, City of, Caxton, a Merchant at 15, 17 Bruges, Ducal Library of ... 212 Bruges, Guild of St. John the Evangelist 37 Bruges, Records of... 155 to 158 Brute, Chronicle of ... 90 Bryant, Mr 32.", Boyce, H 81 378 326 191 288 301 268 PAGE Bryce, T 17 Bullen, Mr 242 Burdeux, John de 336 Burchiello, Portrait of ... 91 Burgh, Richard 16, 17, 146, 202, 203, 277 Burgundy, Duke of 15, 16, 24, 27, 34, 38, 58 Burgundy (Philip the Good) 38 Burial Fees for Wm. Caxton 80 Campbell, M.F.A.G. Canterbury Tales, IstEdition, printed by Caxton Canterbury Tales, 2nd Edi- tion, printed by Caxton Caradoc, Prince Carmen de Vera Caslon, W 106,108 Castel, Estienne 1 93 Catchwords 132 Catho Magnus, printed by Caxton, Ist Edition 200, 203 Catho Magnus, printed by Caxton. 202,203 Caton, printed by Caxton ... 275 Cattlyn, Richard and John... Caustons, Manor of Causton, Michael de ; Henry de ; Nichol de ; Richard de; Theobald de ; Roger de; William de; Steryn Cauxton and Causton, a form of Caxton Cawston, Johannes, Will of Cawston, Oliver Caxston, W Caxton, Elizabeth (daughter of Caxton) Caxton, Elizabeth : Deed of Separation Caxton, John Caxton, Maude Caxton, a Linguist, 88 ; a Master Printer, 94 to 222 3 143 3 158 146 30 163 4 81 PAGE 140 ; Anecdotes in Ap- pendix to jeep's Fables, 92 ; his Character, 92 ; his Daughter, 75 ; his knowledge of Printing, derived from Colard Mansion, and not at Cologne, 49 to 68 ; his large Device, 137 ; his Literary Attainments, 87 to 90 ; his Patrons, 31 ; his Printing Office and Workmen, 94 ; his Property at Death, 86 ; his Types, 104; his Will, 86 ; Auditor of Parish Accounts, 159 ; Burial Fees, 159; Classification of Works, 82 ; Death and Burial, 85 ; Ex- tracts fromWorks, show- ing a connecfion between his own name and a locality, 70 ; Judgment by, 157 ; List of AVorks, 82 ; Patronised by Edward IV., 80 ; Pay- ment by the King, 158 ; Pedigree, 4 ; Portraits of, 91 ; Price of his Books, 139 ; Receives a Payment from Edward IV., 80; Settles at West- minster, 70; Chess Book, Interpolation of, 175 ; Time taken for Trans- lation of Works ... 83 Caxton, AVilliam (not the Printer), 80 ; Burial Fees 4 Censuria literaria 1 95 Charles, King of France ... 33 Charles the Bold succeeds Philip the Good ... 24 Charles the Great (Prologue) 84 374 PAGE Charles the Great, the Life of the Noble and Christian Prince, printed by Caxton 303 Charron, The Jesuit ... 307 Charters, Mercers and Mer- chant Adventurers 18, 19, 20, 21 Chartier, Alain 294 Chases 123 Chastising, The, of God's Children, printed by Caxton 3oo Chato, et Parvus Magnus, 1st Edition, printed by Caxton 200 2nd Edition ... 222 Chaucer, Geoifrey, 90, 291 ; Envoi of, to Skogan, •printed by Caxton ... 209 Chaucer, Geoffrey, Canter- bury Tales, 1st Edition 191; 2nd Edition 288; Baethins de Consola- tione Philosophiae, printed by Caxton ... 211 Chaucer, The complaint of, to his purse, printed by Caxton 210 Chertsey, Andrew 351 Chess Book, The 56, 59, 61, 68, 81, 110, 285 Chess, Game and Play of, Ist Edition, printed by Caxton 24, 171 Chess, The Game and Play of the, 2nd Edition, printed by Caxton ... 230 Chivalry, The Order of, printed by Caxton ... 287 Chobham, Eleanor, her pen- ance 13 Chorle, The, and the Bird, printed by Caxton 207, 208 245 253 105 246 202 173 237 63 172 Chronicles of England, The, 1st Edition, printed by Caxton 2nd Edition Chronicle of King Alfred... Chronicle of Brute Churche, Daniel Clarence, Duke of Cloth, English, excluded by Duke of Burgundy ...16, 23 Coburger, Nuremberg, prin- ter Colard Mansion, ^Sle^ Mansion Cologne Colonna -ZEgidius Commission issued, 1464, for renewal of Treaty of Trade Complaint, The, of Chaucer to his purse, printed by Caxton Commemoratio Lamenta- iionis sive compassionis Beataj Mange in morte filii, printed by Caxton Composing Stick ... 123, 125 Compositor. The, described 122 Confessio Amantis, printed by Caxton Congregational Library ... Connection between Caxton and Colard Mansion ... Copenhagen, Royal Library Copland, R., 340 ; one of Caxton 's workmen Cropland, W. Corpus Christi College Cordyale, or the Four Last Things, printed by Cax- ton Court of Sapience, printed by Caxton Courtesy, Book of. printed by Caxton ... 209, 361 22 210 325 269 327 64 312 .. 70 95, 341 .. 218 214 248 INDEX. 875 PAOE Cowper, Mr 827 Craes, W IG Cravecenr, Signeur de ... 60 Crede Mibi, Traetatus, printed by Caxton 315, 341 Croppe, Gerard 80 Crosse, John 86 Crystine of Pisan — Moral Proverbs ... 192,193 Cura Sapientisv ; or the Court of Sapience, printed by Caxton 248, 293 Carial, The 294 D'Ailly, Pierre Cardinal ... 178 D'Anfrers, Guy 185 Dares Phrygius 170 Dauheny, William 81 Daunau, M 224 Day, John, Printer ... 105, 106 Death-bed Prayers, printed by Caxton 283 Dedes, Robert 10 DegnilleTille, Guillaume de, Pilgrimage of the Soul 268 Delff '. 76 Denis de Leewis 184 Description of Britain, The, printed by Caxton ... 247 Development of Printing ... 39 Device, Caxton 's ... 48,137 Devonshire, Duke of, Pur- chase of the Recuyell ... 169 Dictes and Sayings... 24, 65, 70, 79, 87, 186, 219, 344 Dictes and Sayings, printed by Caxton, Ist Edition, 186; 2nd Edition, 219 ; 3rd Edition 344 Dictys Creteusis 170 Dinner, Visitation of Mercers 76 Directorinm, sen Pica Samm, printed by Caxton ... 239 Directorium Sacerdotum, una cnm Defensorioejnsdem, item tractatuji qui dicitur crede mihi, printed by Caxton 315,341 Doctrinal de la foy Catholique 322 Doctrinal of Sapience, The, printed by Caxton ... 320 Domus Anglorum 22 Donatus, St., Church of ... 61 J)ouce, P 170 Douce Collection 352 Drapers, Merchant Adven- tures 18 Durham Cathedral 347 Dysart, Eariof 337 Echard, Script Ordin. Piie- dicat 347 Edward III. introduces cloth factories to England ... 2 Edward IV., 3, 27, 28, 29, 35, 80, 87 Elizabeth of Hungary, Saint, the Revelations of ... 861 Ellis, Sir Henry 366 Ene3do8, printed by Caxton, 2,81,842,74 English, First book in ... 168 English Nation, The ... 22 Est^rlings 22, 190 Essex, Eariof 202 Esteney John, Abbot of Westminster 74 Eton College 177,228 Eugenins ill., Pope 349 Evilmerodach, King ... 231 Exeier 213 Exeter College, Oxford, 277, 298, 346 Eye, witch of 13 Eyre Thomas, husband of Elizabeth Lage 11 Fables of .iEsop. the ; of Arian ; of Alfonse ; and of Page, the Florentine, printed by Caxton ... 284 876 PAGE Eaits d'Armes, les 332 Faits d'Armes et de Cheva- lerie 332 Fall of Princes 343 Fame, the Book of, printed by Caxton 291 Farmer's, Dr., Library ... 239 Faron, Jean 172 Fastolf, Sir John ... 81,230 Fayts of arms and of chiv- alry, the, printed by Caxton 81,331,334 Felding Geoffrey, Mayor ... 17 Festial, the, (Liber Festialis) 1st Edition, printed by Caxton 261, 327 Festial, the, (Liber Festialis) second edition, printed by Caxton 352 Fevre Ravne le 68 i'^ifteen Oes, the, and other Prayers, printed by Caxton 348 Figgins, V 109, 11 > Fillastre, Guillaume 170 Fineschi Vincenzio 103 Fishmongers, Merchant Ad- venturers 18 Flanders, Peace between England and 13 Flemish goods prohibited ... 23 Flemish settlers in England 2 Fostalf, John, Knight ... 189 F ounders ' Company 18 Four last things or Cordyale printed by Caxton ... 214 Four Sermons, printed by Caxton, Ist Edition ... 354 Four Sermon's &c. (Quatuor Sermones &c.) printed by Caxton, 2nd Edi- tion 263 Four sons of Aymon, the, printed by Caxton ... 339 PAGE Fowls, Parliament of, printed by Caxton 209 Frankfort type founders ... 108 Franklin, Benjamin ... 109 Freeman of London, Oath of 144 Friskets 129 Gairdner, Mr., Memorials of King Henry the Seventh 267 Galiard, Messire 195 Gallopes, Jean de ... 259,314 GaliotduPre 294 Godney, John 11 Geiffe, William 86 Gering, Ulrich 363 Gerson, chancellor 334 Gervers, M 29 Ghent 27 Ghent, Public Library at ... 326 Glass, the Temple of, printed by Caxton 206 Gloucester, Humphrey duke of 30 Godfrey of Bulloyne, printed by Caxton 86 Godike, K 228 Golden Fleece, order of ... 15 Golden Legend, 65, 97 ; Co- pies left by Caxton to St. Margaret's, Westmin- ster, 86 ; 1st Edition, printed by Caxton, 277; 2nd Edition, printed by Caxton, 308; third Edi- tion 361 Gossin, Jean 51,225 Gottingen, Royal University Library 209 Governal of Health, the, printed by Caxton 336, 355 Governor of English Mer- chants at Bruges — Du- ties of 20 Guido of Colonn a 1 70 Granton, John 16 INDEX. 877 PAOB Grenville Library 210 Greyhound, The ... 75, 176, 79 Groote, Guerard le 16 Gruthuyse, Louis de Bru- ges 35, 36, 50 Guilds : — St. John the Evan- gelist, 37 ; St. Thomas a Becket, 18 ; Lady As- sumption, 78 ; Vassel feasts, 78 ; Accounts, 78 ; "Les Freres de la plume" of Brussels, 37 ; St. Luke at Antwerp. Hadlow 3 Hague, Royal Library ... 327 Hall, Robert U5 Hamburgh 13 Ham House, Surrey ... 301 Hansard, T.C 110 Hanseatic League 190 Hardwicke Hall 203 Harrowe, John ... 10,146 Hasted on Kent 2 Hastings, Lord ... 24, 195, 227 Hawes 207 Haywarde, a Scribe ... 189 Health, The Governal of, printed by Caxton ... 336 Hecht-Heinean Library, Hal- berstadt 269 Hende, William 19 Henricus, Rex 349 Henry, Dr 230 Henry n 202 Henry IV 18 Henry VI 19,36,81 Henry VII 81 Heton, Christopher ... 10 Heton, Jas 145 Higden's, Ralph, rolycroni- con 247 History of Blanchardin and Eglantine, The, printed by Caxton 338 pAoa History of Godfrey, of Bologne, The ; or the Conquest of Jerusalem, printed by Caxton ... 249 Histoire du Chevalier Paris, et de labelle Vienne . 307 Holkham Library 196 Holtrop's Monumens Typo- graphiques. Woodcut from 76 Horse 316, 327, 348, 240, 317 Horae, printed by Caxton, 1st Edition, 189 ; 2nd Edition, 240 ; 3rd Edi- tion, 317 ; 4th Edition 328 Ilorham, Manor of 9, 11 Horse, Shepe, and Goose, printed by Caxton, 66, 203, 204 House of the English Na- tion 22 Hunter, Rev. Joseph ... 222 Illuminators 112, 96, 133 Image of Pity, printed by Caxton 318,320 Indenture of Apprentice ... 6 Infancia Salvatoris, printed by Caxton 205 Initials 42, 134 Ink for Printing 96 Jackson on Wood Engrav- ing 137 James, John, Typefounder. . . 109 Jason, English Edition by Caxton, 185 ; French Edition, 56, 60; 63, 170 176 Jason, Derivation of Name 15 Jean de Bruges 36 Jersey, Earl of '•• ... 303 Jerusalem, Conquest of, or the History of Grodfrey of Bolojne, printed by Caxton 249 378 INDEX. Joan of Arc John, Duke of Berry John II., King of France . John Stubbes Jones, J. Winter, 178, 185 " Justification " : a Printer's term Karlemaine Katherine, Saint, the Life of, printed by Caxton Kendal, John, Letters of Indulgence issued by, printed by Caxton, 220 Kentish Dialect King Apolyn of Tyre King Edward VI. Grammar School, St. Alban's Knight of the Tower, the. Book to the ensaygne- ment and teaching of his Daughters, printed by Caxton 40,81 Knight Paris, the, and the fair Vienne, printed by Caxton Konnecke, Dr. G. ... Lambert, John Large, Alice, 1 1 ; Elizabeth, 9, 11 ; Joan, 159; Jo- hanna, 9, 10, 11 ; Mar- ries John Godney, 11 ; John,5, 9, 146; Richard, 9 ; Robert, 1 45 ; a Mer- cer, 8 ; Sheriff and Lord Mayor, 8 ; Warden, 9 ; House in the Old Jewry, Account by Stow, 9 ; Family, 9 ; Death and Will, 9 ; Widow Large, Robert, his Will, 151 to 155; the younger, 5, 11; Thomas Latour, Landry Laurent, Frere PAGE PAGE 193 Le Recueil des Histoires de 34 Troye, (see Recueil) ... 26 Leeu Gerard ... 186 ,307 29 Lefevre, Raoul 186 213 Legenda Aurea Legends, Bequest from Cax- 280 44 ton 160 304 Legh Gerard 186 Legh, Stephen, M.P. 138 361 Legh, W. J., Esq 364 Legrand, Jacques 312 Leper Houses, Bequest to, 221 by Large 10 2 Letter to Caxton from Mer- 70 cers Letters of Indulgence from 23 241 Johannes de Giglis, printed by Caxton 251 Letters of Indulgence issued by John Kendal in 1480, printed by Caxton 252 271 Lettou 95 Lewis, Rev. John ... 91 215 Life of Christ 314 306 Life of Saint Katherine, The 361 269 Life, The, and Miracles of 148 Robert, Earl of Oxford Life, The,oftheHoly Blessed Virgin, Saint Winifred, 366 printed by Caxton 299 Life, The, of the Noble and Christian Prince, Charles the Great, printed by Caxton 303 Lilly, Mr 336 Lincoln Cathedral 282 Livre de Sapience ... 322 Lirre des bonnes Mjcws, le 312 10 Livre des Vices et des Vertus 319 Livre Royal, le 319 Louis de Bruges 35 9,11 Louis of Anjou 34 272 Louvre Library 33 320 Low Counties 30 i:nd£X. 879 PAGE Lacidary, The 366 Lydgate, John 171, 192, 204, 210, 259, 297, 337, 350 Lyf of our Ladye, printed by Caxton 297 Lyndewoode, Constitutiones 366 Machlinia ... 35, 95, 335, 366 Madden, Sir F 221 Maittaire 215 Mallet Gilles 33 Malory, Sir Thomas ... 302 Manipnlns Curatorum ... 322 Mansion Colard ... 36, 38, 40,42,43,45,49,54,63, 67, 110, 177, 212, 250, 351 Mansion Colard, a Skilful Caligrapher, begins to Print, 68; his Con- nection with Caxton, 54 ; Deanof theGuildof St. John, 50 ; Place of Residence and Work- shop, 50 ; Opinion by Bernard, 62; Peculiarity of his Printing, 52, 53, 54 : the first Printer at Bniges 40 Mansion, Paul and Robert. . . 57 Marchand, Guy 351 Margaret (of Flanders) ... 34 Margaret, Queen 282 Margaret's, St., Westminster, Records, 4, 31, 78, 79, 80, 86, 58, 162 Margarita Eloquentiae, Fra- tris Laurentii Gulielmi de Saona, printed by Caxton 216 Mariee Virginis Servitium de Visitatione, printed by Caxton 264 Marot, Jean .333 Marshall, J 149 Marten, Walter 86 PAQB Mart-Towns, Apprentices sent to the 14 Martin, St. Outwich ... 75 Maskell, Mr. ... 318,328 Maydestone, Clement ... 316 Maynyal, W. ... 138,368 Medicina Stomachi, printed by Caxton ... 336,337 Meditacions sur les Sept Psalmes Penitencianlx, printed by Caxton ... 177 Mercer's Company... 5, 6, 8, 16, 28, 29, 76, 144 Merchant Adventurers, their Institution, Object, and Charters ... 15,17, 18,21,24 Metamorphoses of Ovid ... 51 Meun, Jehan de 332 Middleton, Dr 317 Mielot, Jean 185,230 Mirkus, John 262 Mirrour of the World, printed by Caxton, 1st Edition, 224 ; 2nd Edition ... 233 Missale ad Usum Sarum, printed for Caxton ... 362 Montaiglon, M 273 Moral Distichs, printed by Caxton 197 Moral Proverbs, printed by Caxton 192 Mores, Rowe 110 Moule. Bib. Herald 288 Mountfort, Symon 221 Moxon, Joseph ... 110, 106 National Library, Paris ... 351 Neche, Thomas ... 10,146 Nichols, J. G 76 Noblesse, Declaration of ... 228 North, Mr 218 Nouns, Substantive, and Verbs, The proper appli- cation of certain, printed by Caxton ... 203,204 380 INDEX. PAGE Nngent, Dr 317 Nyche, Thomas 145 Obray, William, Governor of the English Mer- chants 19,21 Old Age, Tally of 228 Oldys 226 Onkmanton, Henry... 10, 145 Order of Chivalry, The printed by Caxton ... 287 Orford, Lord 216 Orologium Sapientije ... 347 Osborne 206 Ottley 127, 134 Ovid, Metamorphoses of 90, 364 Oxford, Robert Earl of 206, 365 Palmer, Samuel 110 Paper, its Value, 103 ; its Watermarks, 99 ; Large Paper Copies, 98 ; Paper Mill, 98; the kind used by Caxton 97 Paris, M 170,212 Parker, Archbishop 106, 218 Pannartz 84 Pannizzi, Sir Anthony ... 107 Pegge, Dr 3 Pembroke College, Cam- bridge 271 Pcpysian, 233, 338, 364, 346, 365 Perkin Warbeck 221 Perrot, Thomas 27 Peterborough, Earl of ... 251 Petrus Carmelianus, Sex Epistolae, printed by Caxton 265 Petzholdt, Dr. Julius ... 269 Philadelphia, Loganian Li- brary 282 Pica Sarum, seu Directorium, printed by Caxton ... 239 Pica, type of printers ... 238 Pilgrimage of the Soul, the, printed by Caxton ... 257 PAGE Pins, Jean de 307 Pisan, Christine de... ... 332 Poge, the Elorentine, the Fables of, printed by Caxton 284 Polycronicon, printed by Caxton 65,90 254 Portraits of Caxton 91 Pratt, William 17, 75, 81 812 Prayers, Death-Bed, printed by Caxton 283 Premierfait, Laurence de ... 229 Preste, Simon 24 Psalter, the First 44 Psalterium, «fec., printed by Caxton 241 Purgatorie des mauvais Maris 63 Pye, The, a Tenement ... 75 Pye, a collection of rules ... 238 Pykering, John, 149 ; Suc- cessor to Caxton as Governor of the English Nation, 21 ; summoned before the Court of the Mercers, and discharged from his office 21 Pynson, Richard ...95,200 292 Quadrilogue, Le, by Colard Mansion ... 67, 177 Quarternion, Meaning of, 131, 166 Quatre derrenieres Choses 56, 61. 63, 67, 68, 183, 326 Queen's College, Oxford ... 271 Quintemion, Meaning of ... 166 Rawlett's Library, Tam worth 282 Recto, Meaning of 166 Recueil, Le, des Histories de Troye ... 26, 51, 95, 60,53, 68, 169 Recuyell, The, of the His- tories of Troye, 26, 31, 32, 41, 56, 57, 59, 60, 63, 68, 105 881 PAGE Eedeknape Esmond 17 Kedeknape W, ... 17, 19, 149 Red Pale, The ... 76,80 Red Ink, Curious use of, by Caxtou and Mansion ... 183 Regimen Sanitatis Saterni- tanum 337 Reglets 125 Reinaert die Vos, die Historie Van 228 Reyelations of Saint Eliza- beth, of Hungary ... 361 Reynard, the Fox, History of, printed by Caxton, 1st Edition, 227 ; 2nd Edi- tion 337 Rhodes, The Siege of 221, 362 Richard HI 81, 196,288 Richmond, Margaret, Coun- tess of 81 Ripon Minster ... 213,261 Ripoli Press 103,107 Ritson, 199; Bib. Poet ... 203 Rivers, Anthoine, Earl of, 24, 28, 81, 215; trans- lated the Dictes ... 187 Robert, Monk of Shrews- bury 300 Rock, Canon, D.D 238 Roger, Monk of St. Werberg 255 Roman Types 43 Romans, les, de la Table Ronde et les contes des anciens Bretons ... 303 Romuleon, written by Colard Mansion 50 Rood of Oxford 263 Rotheram, Bishop 240 Roxburgh Club ... 205,210 Royal Book, the, or Book for a King, printed by Caxton 318,364 Roye, Guyde 322 Rubrisher, The 133 Rule of St. Benet, The, printed by Caxton,346, 347, 351 Rnssel, John, Bishop of Lincoln, 24, 195, 226; his " Propositio," printed by Caxton 194 Ryolle, William 86 Sacerdotum, Directorium, printed by Caxton ... 341 . Salisbury Missal 363 Salve Regina, printed by Caxton 197 Saona, Fratris Laurentii Gulielmi de, Marga- rita Eloquential, printed by Caxton ... 216,218 ScalaCoeli 322 Scales, Lord 24,195 Scriptorium of Westminster Abbey 74 Scrivers 133 Scroop, Archbishop ... 317 Selle, John 16 Seven Points, The, of True Love and Everlasting Wisdom, or Orologium Sapientiae, printed by Caxton 346 Sermons, Four, printed by Caxton 263,354 Sermons of Vitriaco, The... 322 Servitium de Transfigura- tione Jhesu Christi, printed by Caxton ... 326 Servitium de Visitatione B. Mariae Virginis, printed by Caxton ... 264,327 Sex pereleg antissima; Epis- tolac per Petrum Car- meliauum Emendatae, printed by Caxton ... 266 Shakspear, W. ... 170, 296 Shrewsbury, John Talbot, Earl of 332 382 PAGE Siege of llhodes ... 220,362 Signatures 41,42 Sixtus IV., Pope ... 195, 219 Skogan, John, Envoy of Chaucer to, printed by Caxton 209 Sloane, Sir Hans 308 Sluis, The Port of, Bruges. . . 26 Smithfield, Jousts in ... 12 Smith, John 110 Somerset, Margaret^ Duchess of 339 Somme de Roi, La ; or. La Somme des Vices et des Vertus 319 Sophologium 312 Sotheby, S.Leigh 108 Soushavie, or Souabe, Jehan Southey, Robert 803 Spacing 44 Speculum Historiale ... 306 Speculum Vitae Christi, printed by Caxton, 1st edition 312 ; 2nd edition 324 St. Alban's, the Printer- Schoolmaster of , 45, 217; Grammar School, 213, 240 ; St. Alban's Chronicle 246 St. Benet's Chapel, West- minster 212 St. George's, Windsor ... 227 St. James of Compostella ... 189 St. John College, Cambridge 345 St. John's College, Oxford, 223, 246 343 St. John's Hospital of Jeru- salem 172 St. John the Evangelist, Guild of 37 St. Martin's Otewich ... 160 St. Olave, Jewry 10 St. Omer, Proposed Con- vention at 23 PAGE Stans Puer ad Mensam, printed by Caxton 66 197 Stanzas, various, printed by Caxton 203 Star Chamber Decree ... 106 Statutes of Henry VII., printed by Caxton . . . 335 Staunton, Thos 145 Steel Yard 22, 190 78 Steevens, G 170 Stomach Medicina, printed by Caxton 336 Stow, John G 248 Stower, C 110 Streete, Randolph ...10, 146 146 Strete, Hundred of ^ 10 Stubbes, John ... 80, 146 Styles, Old and New in the year 296 Suso, Henry de 347 Sutton, John 19 Surigo, Stephen ^212 Surse, Pistoie 230 Sweynheim andPannartz ...43, 84 Tate, John 104,149 Temple of Brass, The, printed by Caxton, 1st Edition, 206, 2nd Edition 209 Terms, Explanation of ... 166 Temion, Meaning of 131, 166 Thomassy, Raimond ... 193 Thomey, Roger 261 Timperley, C. H 110 Title Pages 46 Tractatus de ymagine mundi 226 Trade Marks of Printers ... 76 Trades, List of, in the Guild of St. John the Evan- gelist 37 Trading Guilds 17 Treatise of Love, A, printed by Caxton 267 Treatise on Hunting and Hawking 334 DTOBX. 888 PAGE Treaty of Trade, Commission for renewal of 22 Tree of Battailes 333 Treveris, Peter 95 Troilns and Creside by Shakspere 170 Trojan War 170 Troy, Siege of 170 Trinity College, Cambridge 343 Trinity College, Dublin ... 220 Troylus and Creside, printed byCaxton 235 Tully of Old Age ; Tully of Friendship ; The De- clamation of Noblesse, printed by Caxton . . . 228 Tumat, Richard 10 Twelve Profits of Tribulation, The, printed by Caxton 346 Tympans 129 Typefounding 104 Type, No. 1, Books printed in, described ... 166 to 180 Type, No. 2 64 Type, No. 3 ... Ill Type, No. 5 119 Type, No. 6 120 Types 43, 104; 109 Upsala, University Library 219 Utrecht, Old Records ... 26 Vaghan, Thomas 195 Valerius, Maximus 60 Van Prffit, M., 37, 49, 51, 177 Vegetius, de re militari ... 332 Vellum used for Caxton's books 104 Von to, Jeronimo 158 Verard, Antome ... 334,351 Verso, meaning of 166 Vienna, Imperial Library, 233, 261, 293 PAOC Vignay, Jehan de ... 172,280 Vignoles, Bernard de ... 221 Vins d'honneur 27 Vitas Patrum 85 Vocabulary in French and English, printed by Caxton 260 Wagstaffe, Bishop 317 Walbrook, Watercourse of. . . 10 Walpole, Horace 194 Waide, John 148 Warwick, Earl of ... 24, 28, 81 Watermarks in Caxton books 99 Watson, James 110 Weald of Kent 1 Westminster, 70 ; Abbots of, 74 ; Wool Staple, at ... 79 Whitehill, Sir Richard ... 22 Whityngton, Quit Rents ... 150 Wide ville, Richard 158 Wilson, Joshua, Esq. . . . 327 Winchester, Earl of 36 Windsor, Royal Library ... 287 Winifred, Life of Saint, prin- ted by Caxton 299 Wright, Thomas Mr. ... 303 Wool-staple at Westminster 77 Worde, Wynkin de, 45, 75, 95 ; His blunders, 64, 66 ; Various ways he spelt his name 66 Wyche, Hewe ... 29,30,146 Wyche, Richard, burnt ... 12 Year. Old and new style of reckoning in England and Flanders York, Cathedral Library 205 208 Zanetti ... 103 Zel Ulric 44. 62, 63 PRINTED BY HLADES. EAST A BLADES 11 AECHURCH LANE. LONDON. E C. VB77 /fi,^ 4. i'~, b Af l^^ipi /Un> i-^'^ ll'X «^ ^">:> :3l3>' i>2J>> w >>23 '>^> ^> ^-^ <' -V >> > :-.^^S-%''VVv^^^--»?\^v^^^s« >i2iiseim£3msmms