[HE 1 [BRARY THE UNIVERSITY OF CAI [FORNIA LOS ANGELES /f ^ff^ PEDES FI^TITJM; OR, FINES RELATING TO THE COUNTY OF SURREY, LEVIED IN THE KING'S COURT, FROM THE SEVENTH YEAR OF RICHARD I. TO THE END OF THE REIGN OF HENRY VII. EXTRACTED AND EDITED BY FRANK B. LEWIS, B.A. SURREY ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. EXTRA VOLUME I. PRINTED FOB THE SURREY ARCKffiOLOGICAL SOCIETY. 1894, DA PREFACE. THE Fines (Pedes Finium), which are the subject of this Calendar, form part of a large collection preserved at the Public Eecord Office. In this collection the fines relating to each county are arranged in a separate series under the name of that county, and the fines which refer to several counties are grouped in two large classes, called ' Divers Counties ' and ' Various Counties.' Each fine is numbered at the foot, and the same number appears before the title in the Calendar referring to it, so that if an applicant at the Eecord Office wishes to see any particular fine, he would refer to it as Surrey Fines, 1 Kichard I., No. 1, 9 ; Henry III., No. 73, etc. The different series date, as a rule, from temp. Eichard I. (though there are a few earlier) to 1834, when a statute was passed 'For the Abolition of Fines and Eecoveries, and the substitution of more simple modes of assurance.' Probably every member of the Society knows what a fine is, but if perchance there be some who do not, the following brief description may give them some interest in this Calendar, which would otherwise to them be a mere list of names and places. A fine was so called from the words Finalis Concordia with which it begins, and also from its effect in putting a final end to all suits and contentions, was an amicable agreement or composition of the suit (whether fictitious or real) in which it was made. The fine, which commenced with the words Hcec est finalis 940544 iv PREFACE. Concordia, was the embodiment in a permanent form of the agreement or composition made between the parties with the license of the judges to concord, and was enrolled amongst the Kecords of the Court in which the suit was commenced : down to the time of Edward I. such enrolment is to be found in the Curia Eegis Eolls, and after that date for the most part in the De Banco Eolls. These fines related almost exclusively to free tenements and the incidents arising from or connected with them, such as tenures, services, rents, and grants of freedom, and were the means by which they might be transferred, settled, or limited. Mr. Scargill Bird, in his Guide to the Documents at the Public Record Office, says, in the section dealing with Fines and Eecoveries : ' They are said to be of equal antiquity with the first rudiments of the law, instances having been produced of them even prior to the Norman invasion, and they no doubt originated in actual suits for recovering the possession of lands or other hereditaments, the possession thus gained being found so sure and effectual that fictitious actions were soon introduced for the sake of obtaining the same security.' The view that what afterwards came to be the process of levying a fine was originally a real action tried before the Court, is sup- ported by the fact that the various stages of the early forms of both are identical, and I have seen cases, temp. H. III., where what was apparently a contentious action had been begun and various steps in the action taken, and then the parties have come and prayed for license to concord, which has been given, and a day for the parties to have the chirograph appointed. The early process of levying a fine was this : A preecipe or writ was issued, and on the fourth day after service the parties appeared in Court and prayed for license to concord, which was granted ; the terms of concord were then entered into, sometimes there being an adjournment for this purpose, and a day was given for them to attend and receive the chirograph, when they attended, and each party received PREFACE. V a part of this engrossment of the final concord, the third part being enrolled by the Court. Further, information can be obtained by reference to Cruise's Essay on Fines and Recoveries, 1794, or for a brief but very succinct account of the fine used as a conveyance, settlement, or transfer, the reader should refer to the article in Mr. Scargill Bird's Guide to the Public Records, previously referred to. In the index of this Calendar I have collected together as far as possible the different variants of the name of a person or place under one heading with cross references, but I would warn those referring to the index that it is almost impossible to do this in every case, and that they must look for possible variants themselves to render their search complete. The multiplicity of variants in some cases is very per- plexing, and would seem to depend in some cases either upon the education or sobriety of the clerk who engrossed the fine, or of the person who instructed him, and in others as to whether the clerk entered on the roll the original English name spelt properly or misspelt, as the case may be, or what he considered to be the French or Latin equivalent of it. For example, see Wandsworth, Windsor, Abinger, and Southwark : amongst the names of places and persons, and amongst the names of persons, ' de molendino,' ' de molendinis,' ' atte mulne,' and ' del Molyn,' or ' atte Strete,' 'de la Strete,' ' del Strete,' and others, etc. Such entries as ' Eobert de Bath fiP Eobert de Weston,' p. 28, or ' Thomas atte Doune fiT Eichard Puffe,' p. 151, are very interesting topics for discussion, as are the place, trade, and nicknames to be found in this Calendar, and the various theories which have been propounded thereon, but however much one is tempted to do so, this is not the place to enter into a disquisition on such subjects. The Calendar will be of interest not only to Surrey anti- VI PREFACE. quaries, but also to antiquaries in general, as there are a very large number of fines classified with the county of Surrey which relate to South wark and the adjacent parishes and manors. In many cases where a party to a fine was a citizen of London, mention is made of the City Guild to which he belonged, and possibly many missing links in genealogy or other debateable points may be traced out and settled. Some five years ago I wished to obtain some information relative to certain places in Surrey which the county histories of Manning and Bray, Allen, and Walford did not disclose, and to complete my search it became necessary to examine the series of pedes finium relating to the county. To my dismay, and probably others have experienced the same feeling, I found that until temp. Henry VII., with the exception of Hunter's transcripts*, temp, Richard I., and John, there was no Calendar, and that I should have to look through about 3,000 Surrey and 7,000 divers counties' fines to see if the informa- tion I wished to obtain was to be found amongst them. With a view of making these fines more accessible to myself I compiled this Calendar, and finding it of very great use to myself, I considered that it would be of equal use to Surrey antiquaries and others, and I offered to give it to our County Society provided that it was printed en bloc. This offer was accepted, and the result is now put before the members of this society in the hope that by throwing open this, for practical purposes, new source of information as to field names, tenures, services, etc., our local antiquarian research may be generally aided and developed. I must mention that I am greatly indebted to Mr. Mill Stephenson, one of the hon. secretaries of the Society, for the assistance which I have received from him from time to time. F. B. LEWIS. 11, OLD JEWRY CHAMBERS, E.C. November. 6, 1894. A CALENDAR OF THE FEET OF FINES F.OH SURKEY. 1 th Rich* I 1 Mabel de Mumbrai r. the Prior and Convent of Sudwerke in Sudmeresfeld in Banested 2 The Prior of Mereton r. Gilbert Morin in Mordon and Awylton 3 Alexander fil' Henry r. Eoger de London in Wallewurd 4 Walter de Windeshores r. Hugh de Polested & Cecilia his wife in Conton 5 Eobert fil' Eobert r. Richard de Breges in Awell 8 th Rich d I John de Stokewell by Pentecost de Wandeswrd v. Gunnilda de Hesse in Hesse 7 Margaret de Normenwil r. Emma de Normenvile in Tit- inges Beverink & Mades 8 John Blund of Anton v. William Blund his brother in Auton D Julia de Normenwil r. Emma de Normenvil in Titinges Beverink & Mades 1 2 SURREY FINES. 10 Kose de Normenvil r. Emma de Normenvil in Boverink Totinges & Hame 11 John the Abbot of Waverle by Hugh his Monk r. William de Wico in Wickes 12 Reginald de Cornhull r. Eoger fil' Roger de Sutwerke in Sutwerke 18 Christina fil' Baldwin v. Godwin de Certesey in Certesey 14 Robert de Gatton v. Eva del Broc in Waibreg 15 Richard Dignus r. Thomas fil' Hervey in Sandres 16 Alexander fil' Henry v. Edward de Dudelea in Walewrth 17 Godfrey de Tichesey v. William fil' Odo de Tichesey in Chelesham and Netlested. 9 th Rich* I 18 William de Chiriton r. Reginald de Grace in Mikeleham 19 Pagan fil' Samar r. Herbert de Polesdene in Polesdene 20 Martin the Abbot of Certesey and the Convent there v. Gilbert fil' Ralph in Certeshey 21 Alan de Wicton r. Roger fil' Roger de Sudhiwerke in Wicham & Sudhiwerke 22 Robert fil' Davit v. Martin the Abbot of Certesey in Certesey 23 William fil' Robert r. Robert de Waleton in Sudmaresfeld (Bansted) 24 Stephen de Bendenges r. Simon de Berkes in Wike 25 Gilbert de Pudindene v. Odo the Abbot of Battle by Robert le Sauvage in Gamelingedene (near Regate) 2G Mabel de Mumbre v. the Prior & Convent of Suthwerk in Benefited 27 Christina Smith r. Norman Smith in Sudhiwerke 28 Gunilda de Hese c. Peter fil' Walter de Badrichesey in Hese 29 Roger fil' Peter v. Adam Ruff us in Chelesham 30 Robert de Valeignes & Matilda his wife r. William de Pudindene & Lucy his wife in Billesersse 31 William de Hames r. Ralph de Penherste in Warlingham 10 RICHARD I. 1 JOHN. 3 Rich* I 32 Walter de Lingefeld r. William de Wonham in Bech- eswrde 33 Hugh de Beseville v. Alexander de Wicford in Aulton 34 Thurbert de Bosco v. Eichard le Curt in Puteham 35 Philip Mareschall r. Wlric fil' Recluse in Edinton 36 Gilbert Kersere r. Ralph P... in Kingestun 37 John fil' Ailvard r. Richard fil' John in ... 38 Alan de Wieton r. Alexander Cecii by Fulk de Ruerhee in Sudhiwerk 38a Herbert de Wandleswrde and Juliana his wife r. Henry fil' Robert in Wandleswrde 39 Emma widow of William (de Fenne) r. William de Fenne fil' William de Fenne in Fenne 40 Agnes widow of Thomas Malemoillier r. Philip de Lehe in Camerwell 41 Juliana Ernhina Emma Alice & Rose by Richard de Coter- faude r. Akina widow of Philip Blund and Philip his son in Polested 42 Emma fil' Aldwin r. W... Baker & Albrea his wife in Certesey 43 Vitalis fil' Ralph r. John de Cruce in Suthton 44 William Pentecost r. Geoffrey Warner by Robert de Ruerhee in Reigat 45 Hugh de Beseville v. William the Prior of St. Mary Sudhiwerke in Awelton 46 Alexander fil' Ailbric r. Alan de Wichton in Sudhiwerk 1 st John 1 Walter Tropmell & Avelina his wife r. Walter de Hexestede in Kingestun 2 Gocelin fil' Ailward r. Robert fil' Gocelin & Estrilda his wife in Bechom 3 Geoffrey the Prior of the Convent of Canterbury by Elias de St. Albans his monk r. Editha de Horslee in Horslee 12 4 SURREY FINES. 4 Gilbert de Suthill & Gunilda his wife v. Gilbert de la Feld & Matilda his wife in Waleton & Westmoleseie 5 Simon fiT Koger & Richard fil' Hamo by Homund Clerk v. Philip de Lega in Camerwell 6 William de Hertmere v. Thomas fil' Philip in Hertmere 7 John Cumin v. Martin the Abbot of Certesey in Awelton 8 Vitellus fil' Eobert v. Richard his brother in Banested 9 Peter de Cudinton v. William Pentecost in Cherlewude & Cheiham 10 Eva de Broc by Walter de^Folebroc r. Avice fil' Hugh Bolle by Reginald de Clifton in Waibrige 11 Amabel & Ysabel fil' Ranulph r. Suanilda fil' Ranulph in Wikes 12 William Pentecost v. Roger Enganet in Batrichesey 13 Hugh de Logos & Margaret his wife v. Richard de Dol in Burg Wandleswrth and Remdon 14 Ernald de Mecham v. Gilbert de Waleton and John his brother in Mecham 15 Walter de Pirlee r. John the Abbot of Hyde by Master Elias in Pirlee & Sandested 16 Walter fil' Hamo r. Ralph de Grava in Horslee 17 Eva de Broc by Walter de Folebroc v. Adam de Wdeham by Reginald de Clifton in Billed 18 Robert de Besevill v. William Flandr and Matilda de Covel his wife in Awelton 19 Geoffrey (Ben)dinges r. Robert de Baseville by Alan de Wicton in Puteham 2 nd John 23 William le Franceis r. Ralph fil' Walter de Cunton in Slifeld 21 Martin the Abbot of Certesey v. John Chaper in Clendon 22 William Hansard & his wife Aveline v. Walter the Prior of Merton in Kingeswude, Chauvesdone, Tadeswurthe, & Tuleswerthe 34 JOHN. 5 3 rd John 23 Gilbert fiF Ralph r. Eobert Mandut in Micheham 24 Philip de Winlesore v. William Bastard in Bergh 25 Martin the Abbot of Certesey v. Robert fil' Peter in Egham 26 Gilbert de Boveney r. Robert Ma(ndut) and Ernald de Mecham in Mecham 27 Beatrice de Sandres r. William Maubanc in Sandres 28 Eva de Keisney v. Milo fil' Robert & Alice his wife in Dritham 29 Hugh de Loges & Margaret his wife by John Brule v. Samson de Mulesey in Geldeford 30 Walter de Hecsted and Matilda his wife v. Adam de Wudeham in Halgheford and Biflete 31 Walter de Polesdon v. Walter the Prior of Merton by Adam the canon in Fechham and Polesdene 82 Edward fil' Ailwin de Micheham v. Odo de Stafald & Juliana his wife & Haenilda her sister in Micheham 4* John 33 Alvina fil' Godwin v. Robert de Barevill in Stok 34 Walter fil' Gilbert v. Henry fil' Robert in Wenleswrth 35 Robert fil' Reginald de Rinssam v. Geoffrey de Middelton in Egeham 36 Robert fil' John by Walter de St. Michael v. Peter de Fonte in Cudinton. 37 Ralph de Hailing v. Hugh the Prior of Bermundesey in Waddon 38 Philip Vitdeniers v. Hugh the Prior of Bermundesey in Rutherhey 39 Henry Smith v. John the Abbot of Waverleg in Ockestate 40 Turebut fil' Tureb(ut) v. Osbert fil' Ralph in Effingham 41 Robert Chaplain v. Gonilda & Matilda in Geldeford 42 Henry le Engleis & Emma his wife by Henry Bacun v. Edward de Budele in Lamhee 43 Theobald fil' Godric v. William Akr in Suberton 6 SURREY FINES. 44 Eanulph de Eokesbir v. Walter de Holeherst in Holeherst &Dun 45 Thomas grandson of Adam Cook v. Deodatus de Dunes & Agnes his wife in Polesden 46 Elwin fil' John v. Eoger de Holeg hi Holeg 47 Edith fil' Leufric v. William Croc & Gunnilda his wife in Horton 48 Alice Magant v. Hugh Magant in Cleigat 49 Osbert Hors v. Godfrey the Bishop of Wincester by William Testard in Kingestun 50 Theobald de Ferming v. Eichard de Dol in Badricheshee & Wanlesworth 5 th John 51 Henry fil' Ail win v. Walter fil' Walter in Waldingham 52 Eichard fil' John v. Eeginald Juvenis in Awelle 53 Geoffrey the Prior of Christchurch, Canterbury, by Elyas his monk v. Alan de Wicton by John Clerk in Sudwurk 54 Eobert le Crew & Matilda his wife v. Eichard fil' Eanulf in la Wudecote & Awelton 55 Adam de Cumpewrthe v. Henry fil' Ailwin in Waldingham 56 Lecia fil' Walter Vinitor r. John le Franceis in Eeigate 57 Ealph the Abbot of Westminster v. William de Ginnei & Matilda his wife in Badrichesey 6* John 58 Ealph Pothel v. Walkelin Eabus by John Eabus in Subertone 59 Hamo fil' Gilbert v. Norman fil' Hamo & Beatrice his wife hi Kingeston 60 Walter fil' Gilbert r. Matilda fil' Wlwold in Sudhiwerke 61 Walter de Edelmeton & Juliana his wife v. William de la Leie in West Mulesey 62 John the Prior of Newark by William his canon r. William Maubanc in Sandes 62a Siward de Ewelle r. Eeginald Juvenis in Ewelle 6 9 JOHN. 7 63 Robert prior of the Hospital of Jerusalem by brother Robert de Waie r. Thomas de St. Christopher in Horsemad (Suthwark) 64 Robert fil' John r. William de Minthurst in Cudinton 65 Brother Robert treasurer of the Hospital House of Jeru- salem by Robert de Waie v. Cristiana fil' Goding by Ralph Black clerk in Sudwurc 66 Hugh de Dol v. Richard de Dol in Loselee and Litlington 67 John de Brius & Margary his wife v. Ralph de Cameis whom Hubert de Anesti & Matilda his wife called to warranty in Wissele 8* John 68 Alvina widow of Tom by Gilbert her son r. William fil' Baldewin in Leddrede 69 John Marescall v. Richard fil' William in Awelton 70 Felicia widow of Ernald r. Robert Manduit in Mecham 71 Robert Manduit v. Walter fil' Gilbert by William Bataille in Mestham 72 John Marescall r. Reginald Pinget & Cristiana his wife in Awelton 73 Wulneva widow of Geoffrey r. Geoffrey fil' Dunning in Cumbe 74 Hugh de Horsie r. Agnes de Heiwude who called to warranty Deodonatus de Dune & Agnes his wife in Heiwude 75 William de Chissedon by Stephen Bonchristien v. Germanus de Chissedon in Chissedon (Brian fil' Ralph a.s.c.) 76 Gilbert Blund r. Peter Tholy who Robert Blund called to warrant in Kingeston 77 Roger fil' Simon & Alice his wife r. Jocelin de Scaudeford in Scaudeford 9* John 78 Robert de Lurdune v. Walter the Prior of Mereton in Ewelle 8 SURREY FINES. 79 Robert de Hameledon /. William de Brademer in Fecham Ledrede and Hameledon 80 William de Eokesbir r. Edgar de la Linde & his wife Gunnilda in Eokesbir . 81 Luke.de Waleton r. William Banastre in Waleton 82 Siward de Ewelle r. Reginald Juvenis in Awelle 83 Roger fil' William de Tom r. Walter de Holeherst in La Dune 84 Hugh de Windlessores by Roger de Remdon r. Michael de Foisted who called to warranty Cecilia de Foisted in Witetrewe and Chidingefald . '. 10 th John 85 Walter the Prior of Merton r. Richard de Bures in Kinges- wude 86 William de Sandes & Lucy his wife v. Stephen de Turne- ham & Edelina his wife in Stlifeld II th John 87 Robert le Sauvage v. Roger fil' Alan by Stephen Bon- .-. cristien in Geldeford 88 John the Prior ' de Novo Loco de Andebir ? (Newark) by Alexander the canon r. Beatrice Maubaric by William de Pappewrth in Sande U th John 89 William fil' Siward r. Reginald Juvenis in Ewelle 90 Maisent fil' William Carbonell by Ralph Carbonell v. Thomas de Katenham clerk in Katenham 91 Walter the Prior of Merton v. Nicholas Malesmeins in Ockel and Holebroc 92 Walter the Prior of Merton v. Brian fil' Ralph & Gunnora his wife by Peter de Badelesmere in Meandon 93 Walter the Prior of Merton v. Brian fil' Ralph & Gunnora his wife by Peter de Badelesmere in Mandon 15 th John. 94 Letitia widow of William le Bole by Ralph. Chaplain v. William le Bole in Horslee 15 JOHN 3 HENRY III. 9 95 John le Chaloner & Grace his wife v. Master Amisius archdeacon of Surrey and master of the New Hospital of St. Thomas the Martyr in Sudwerc, in Sudwerc (S. Archbishop of Canterbury a.s.c.) 96 John le Carpenter & Elena his wife v. Master Amisius &c. (see 95) in Sudwerc (S. Archbishop of Canterbury a.s.c.) 97 Ralph deKameis and Matilda his wife by Philip de Scaude- ford v. Peter de la Ruebern in la Ruebern 98 Richard fil' Ralph & Cecilia his wife v. Master Amisius &c. (see 95) in Sudwerc (Stephen, Archbishop of Canter- bury a.s.c.) 99 Walter the prior of Merton v. Samson de Mulesey in Muleseye 100 Stephen de Suthwerc clerk v. William de Warlingeham in Sutwerc 2 nd Henry III 1 William Testard v. William de Bath in Geldeford 2 Reginald de Kent & his wife Dionisia v. Martin le Corder in Suwerc 3 Martin de Covenham & his wife Eva v. Gilbert de Abernun & his wife Matilda in Hadlee 4 Alexander de Wikeford & his wife Isabel v. Peter de Berg in Berg & Sutton 5 Freehisent widow of William Blenche v. Peter de Berges in Awell 6 Roger fil' Albric v. Walter de Colle in Colle 7 Alvina- de Stokes by William fil' Geri v, William, Bishop of London by William de Bukingham in Stokes 3 rd Henry III 8 William del Geyt v. Ralph Manduit in Mecheham 9 Savaric de Stanes v. Henry de Middleton in Egeham 10 Robert de Wintersell and his wife Margaret v. Roland de Axstede who Herlewin de Traz and William Blund called to warranty in Graweshull and Axstede 10 SURREY FINES. 11 William de Oauestok v. Gilbert de Chabham and his wife Alice in Crauestok 12 Roger Saft v. William Sutor in Esse 13 Martin Carpenter and his wife Avice v. Eobert Blanche in Kinggeston 14 Alice widow of Michael Belet by Walter de Tinbreg v. Thomas the Prior of Merton by brother Hugh in Scenes 15 William de Wauton v. Aulbrey de Teill in Micheham 16 John fiT Algod and Eobert fil' Mathew v. Eandulf de Burstohe in Horlie (Peter de Berge a.s.c.) 17 Hamo fil' Ealph and William fil' Siward v. William de Wicumb and Sailda his wife in Norbinton 18 Walter de Euda v. Geoffrey Heremitam in Hoteressaham 19 Swein Predome and his wife Helewisia and William Sweting and his wife Matilda v. William fil' Savaric in Eeherth 20 Eobert fil' William de Litleton v. William Slow of Litleton in Litleton 21 Ailleva fil' Leuric v. Eichard de Graveneye in Thorp 22 Gilbert de Cruce and his wife Alice v. Adam fil' Segar and William Godeman in Suberton 23 Henry Gresley and wife Alice v. Alexander de Wicsted in Micheham 24 Gilbert Euffus v. Edelina fil' Osebert de la Dene in Dorkingg 25 Thomas fil' Eobert v. Jordan fil' Amfred in Ledred 26 Godefrid Chaplain of Kinggeston v. Hugh le Stut and his wife Milisant in Kinggestun 27 Harding fil' Semer v. Aveline widow of Eobert Miller in Kinggestun 28 William the Abbot of Westminster by Stephen de Berkingg v. Walter Woderowe in Peyng 29 Adrian fil' Ealph Eswy v. Eeginald Bretinghull in Pecham 30 Gilbert de Teler v. Eeginald Clerk and Simon le Wessere in Wikeford 3 5 HENRY III. 11 31 Robert de Quodeham John Algod and Gunnora de Cudinton v. Pentecost de Wandlesworth in Horle 32 Henry Bataille r. William Aquillun and his wife Johanna in Edinton 33 Alan de Bercherst r. John de Ymbeloge in Bercherst 34 William Long by Elyas fil' Ralph v. Ralph Morin in Thatlefeld 35 John fil' Roger de Heure v. William de Heure in Horle 36 William fil' Edward de Bodel v. Clement de Doure and his wife Isabel in Suwerc 37 Lucy fil' Walter de la Neuland v. Robert master of St. Thomas' Hospital Suwerc in Suwerc 38 William fil' Robert v. Basilia de Ponehurst in Penehurst 39 Hugh de Windlessores v. Hugh de Nevill and his wife Johanna by Roland de Acsted in Horsleg and Okelege 40 Gilbert fil' Roger v. Hugh Kolswein and his wife Beatrix by William de Elmedon in Wodecote 41 Alexander de Wikeford v. Deodatus de Dune and his wife Agnes in Polesdene 42 Roger Harding v. Ordmer Storm in Kingeston 4 th Henry III 43 Richard fil' Godwin v. Warin de Chelese in Certesey 44 Richard fil' Godwin v. Ranulf de Stanore in Certesey 45 Richard fil' Godwin v. John le Draper in Certesey 46 Richard fil' Godwin v. Peter de Podeshal in Certesey 47 Thomas fil' Odo de Criol v. John de Criol in Chepstede 48 Margaret Con de Give widow of Alured le Paumer v. Robert Squattechese in Suthwerc 49 Richard fil' Ralph v. William fil' Hubert in Kamerwell 5 th Henry III 50 Reginald de Neubir Clerk v. Robert de Bekeham in Bedin- ton 51 Geoffrey Goldsmith v. Robert de Bagschate who called to warranty Ralph Hoppeschort in Bagschate 12 SURREY FINES. 52 Robert de Turn v. Reginald de Brittinghurst in Pecham 53 Deodatus de Dune and his wife Agnes v. Robert de Pun- tinton in Coveham 54 Isabel widow of Walter de la Neweland v. Geoffrey Godes- grace who called to warranty Ralph fiT Ralph Carbonel in Suwerc 55 Bartholomew Smith and his wife Alice and her sisters Cecilia and Mabel v. Reginald Smith in Croherst 56 Richard de Cumbe v. Nicholas de Pirile who called to warranty the Abbot of Hide in Sandersted 6* Henry III 57 William de Land clerk v. Joceus le Pesur and his wife Mary in Retherhey and Bermundesey 58 William de Belce v. Godard de Caterham who Gilbert de Pudindon called to warranty in Wudemarethorn 59 Richard de Newedegate v. Reginald Juvenis in Ewell 60 Richard de Langhurst and his wife Alice and Thomas de Eumeham and his wife Cecilia v. Julian fiT Goda by Gerard fil' Ralph in Slifeld 61 Thomas H...arl v. William de Bekeham in Bedinton 7 th Henry IH 62 William fil' Benedict v. Henry fil' Henry de Taiden in Micham 63 Philip Vitdeners v. John de Tichesey who Agnes de Tiche- sey called to warranty in Camerwell 64 -Ralph Deyrell v. Hugh the Prior of Bermundesey in Chelesham 8^ Henry III 65 Thomas de Banelingham and his wife Mabel v. Richard, Bishop of Salesbyr in the Hundred of Godalming 66 Baldewin de Bechum and his wife Johanna by Robert Baillemunt v. Matilda prioress of Haliwell by Nicholas the chaplain in Kamerwell 67 Luke de Kingeswod v. Luke fil' Robert in Gatton 813 HENRY III. 13 68 William Pentecost of Wandleswurth v. Geoffrey cle Par co in Gatton 69a Philip Vitdeners v. Matilda prioress of Haliwell by Nicholas the chaplain in Camerwell 69b Hamo de Gatton v. Petronilla de Bellevale in Gatton 70 William fil' Benedict v. Henry fil' Henry de Taidon in Michani 71 Peter le Poter v. Isabel widow of Ralph Lungis in Gelde- ford 72 William fil' Benedict de London v. Philip de D... in Eetherhethe 9* Henry III 73 Philip Vitdeners v. Ralph de Wik and his wife Ascelina by Peter le Crisp in Camerwell 10 th Henry III 74 John de Wanton and his wife Alice by Thomas de Grava and William de Kingeston v. Thomas the Prior of Tenrugg in Tenrugge 75 John de Wauton and his wife Alice by same v. William Earl Warrenne in Herewardesle 76 John de Wauton and his wife Alice by same v. John de St. John hi Wolknested 77 Hugh the Prior of Bermundesey v. John de Tichesey, Reginald de Bretinghurst, Geoffrey le Ridere, William Brun & John Garland in Dilewis & Camerwell II th Henry III 78 Hubert de Burg, Earl of Kent and his wife Margaret v. Nigell de Hubray in Benested 79 Geoffrey de Saukevill, Richard de Cumbe and Sibilla his wife by Robert de Dene v. Petronilla de Belevale and Hamo de Gatton in Gatton 13* Henry III 80 William Churn v. Albred de Strode in Utterwrth 81 William de Colevil r. William de Besevile and William de 14 SURREY FINES. Besevile who John de Bedinton and his wife Isabel called to warranty in Kersawelton (John Jocelin a.s.c.) 82 Thomas Raven and his wife Sarra v. Alban Fisher who the Abbot of Battle called to warranty by Philip de Esford in Sudwerk 83 Richard de Horse v. John de Hale in Neudegate 84 Walter fil' John v. John de Tichesey who William fil' Reginald called to warranty and John de Tichesey, who Gunnora widow of Reginald Smith called to warranty in Croherst 85 John de Kemesinges and his wife Idonea by Philip de Benchesam v. Peter de Bendenges in Benchesham 86 Ralph fil' Robert v. William Topplere in Bandon 87 John de Grapelingeham and his wife Acelina and her sister Agnes v. William Testard in Cudiford 88 William Tony v. William le Greder in Kingeston 89 Ralph de Chetwode v. Ralph de Berkinges and his wife Margaret in Berges 90 Gilbert Textor and William de Monasterio v. Hugh le Franklein and his wife Alice in Wikford 91 William de Munested v. Reginald Giffard in Chedinge- feld 92 Mabel widow of Ralph de Halink v. Ralph de Halink in Croindon, Waddon, & Bedinton 98 Walter de Uttewrth v. Ruald de Sandes in Sandes 94 Ralph fil' John v. William Faukes and Alice his wife in Wandleswrth 95 William fil' Ailbric v. Walter fil' Britgive in Wolknested (John de Wauton and his wife Alice a.s.c.) 96 Ralph le Mukere v. Richard Smith in Kingeston 97 Frichesand' filia William v. Gilbert Walensis who William Halpeni called to warranty in Certesey 98 William de Dene v. Alwin de Dene & Algar le Fulur and his wife Agnes in Bromlegh 13 HENRY III. 15 99 William Goldsmith and his wife Roesia v. Jordan de Monte in Holecroft 100 Richard de Stafaud v. Robert le Bukere in Alfaude 101 Editha de la Stronde v. John Ingel and his wife Swonilda in Gingeston 102 David fiT Nicholas v. John Newman in Weston 103 "William fiT William Carpenter v. Robert de la Done in Wandeswrth 104 William Testard by Thomas fiT Simon v. John Wode in Geldeford 105 Thomas Pinchun v. Gilbert de Oxenecroft in Ledrede 106 Stephen fiT Robert v. Hugh le Nappere in Gingeston 107 Henry del Yl v. Henry fiT Ralph in Merstham 108 Alice widow of Gerard de Saklesford v. John fiT Robert de Essinge in Saklesford 109 Maurice de E waken v. John de Horton in Horton 110 Maurice de Ewaken v. William Croc in Horton 111 Seman fiT Thurston v. Lewin Bule in Gingeston 112 John Hardegray v. Osbert Peper in Kingeston 113 William de Bakewrth v. William Rufin in Cherlwude (Walter de Collye, a.s.c.) 114 John de Bures v. John de Scaldeford in Ewell 115 William de Gerston by Richard de Home v. Richard the Prior of Renecester by Alured Tellekin in Blechingeleg 116 William Monke v. John de Chereburg who Henry fiT Jordan called to warranty in Ledred 117 Henry fiT Richard v. Geoffrey fiT Geoffrey and his mother Agnes and Robert de Tichesey in Kamerwell 118 Almar Knicht v. Gilbert fiT Edwin in Kingeston 119 Ivo de Hallink v. Ralph de Hallink in Bedinton and Bendon 120 Eylena widow of Henry Cook v. William Molde in Sire 121 William Scot and his wife Alice v. William de Ditton in Ditton 16 SUBREY FINES. 122 Almar Knicht v. William Greder in Kingeston 123 Pagan Wronge v. Avice cle Dorking in Hamsted 124 Adam cle la Tey v. John fiT Elias in Wauton 125 William Goldsmith and Eoesia his wife v. John Bundy and his wife Margaret in Guldeford 126 Hugh Spring v. Forth win de Norbofcon in Gingeston 127 Pagan Wronge v. Richard de Westcote and his wife Avice in Hamstede 128 Richard fiT John v. Richard fiT Gerard in Polsted 129 Walter de Suthwerc and his wife Leuina v. Simon de Chivening in Putinden 130 Walter fiT John v. John de Tichesey who William fiT Roger called to warranty and John de Tichesey who Gunnora widow of Reginald Smith called to warranty in Croherst 131 Bruna de Chedingefeld v. Thomas de Banelingeham, Grant of her Freedom 132 Peter fiT John and wife Lucy v. Robert le Tyg and his wife Matilda & John Baker and his wife Albreda in Gingeston 133 Odo de Prinkeham v. Ailward Crips in Lunnsfeld 134 Walter fiT Warm v. Edward le Paumer and his wife Edith in W T est Mulesey 135 Geoffrey de Godelegh v. Robert Carter in Chidingefold 136 Robert Baker v. Mathew fiT Geoffrey in Gingeston 137 Alexander de Thorp v. Geoffrey de Starith who Alan fiT Hairun called to warranty in Certesey 138 Reginald fiT Reiner v. Henry le Saltere in Camerwell 139 William Paramurs and his wife Isabel v. Reginald fiT Roger in Suwerc 140 Gilbert de Haywod v. Gunnilda de Polesden in Pollesden 141 Richard fiT Richard v. John Barbarius in Okelinge 142 Mathew de Einton and his wife Juliana by Philip de Benchesham v. John de Tichesey in Crohurst 1315 HENRY III. 17 143 Eeginald de Brettingherst v. William de Funtenay and his wife Frechesant in Pecham 144 Matilda fiT Edelina v. Philip de Henlegee who Eobert Fareman and his wife Goda called to warranty in Han- legee 145 Daniel le Franceis v. Gilbert de Holeghe and his wife Margery in Merewe 146 Dionisia fil' William de Wymbeldon v. Kichard de Wyngth by Eobert de Le in Wymbeldon 147 Ealph Morin v. Walter de Tatlesfeld in Tatlesfeld 148 Matilda de Kilcham v. William de la Eughebern in Horsleg 14* Henry III 149 Godefrey Dodekin and his wife Constance and William fil' Eobert and Cristiana his wife v. John de Chelesham in Chelesham 150 Eoger de la Dune and his wife Alice by Eobert de Hor- mede v. John Belot who Eoger de Shen called to warranty by John Planez in Shene 151 Gregory de la Dune v. Eobert, Bishop of Salisbury in Ledling 152 William de London v. Stephen fil' Thomas Nicolas and Isabella his wife in Eithereye 153 Geoffrey de Frowik v. John de Kemesing and his wife Idonea in Benchisam 154 Agnes and Avelina daughters of Mathew de Daunmartin v. Katherine, prioress of Eugespere in Newdegate 15 th Henry III 155 Margery widow of Thomas de St. Martin v. William master of St. Thomas' Hospital Suthwerc, in Bedinton and Bandon 156 Thomas de Oldbridge v. William fil' Edward de Budele in Budele and Suwerk 2 18 SURREY FINES. 16 th Henry III 157 Hugh de Wendlesores v. Hamo de la Wudecote in Horsleg 158 Odo Goldsmith v. Geoffrey de Farleg and Helena his wife in Suwerck 159 Thomas Black v. Henry Bee & Dionisia his wife in Middleton and Vinecumb 160 Eobert de Eggeham v. Kobert de Sudinton in Sudinton 17 th Henry III 161 Golda widow of William le Fleming v. Humphrey prior of Suwerk, John de Ymewurth, Richard Cokespur, Robert Ruffus & William Duddel in Adinton, Cheles- ham and Farleg 162 Robert de Watervill v. Ralph the Abbot of St. Leofrid by. Fulc Chamberlain in Esschere 163 Pentecost de London clerk v. Hugh the Prior of Bermun- desey who Adam the Chaplain called to warranty in Suwerc 164 Thomas le Neir v. Robert de Watervill and Alina his wife in Mikelham 165 Roger de Walecote and Alice his wife by Richard de Walecote v. William Mandut who Henry prior of Merton called to warranty in Mecham 166 Roger de London v. Robert the Abbot of St. Augustine's Canterbury by brother Robert de Hastinges his monk in Suwerck 167 Henry the Prior of Merton v. Alan the Abbot of Certesey by Ralph de Certesey in Sutton 18 th Henry III 168 William fil' Benedict v. Robert de Retherhee and his wife Agnes in Hachesham 19 th Henry III 169 Geoffrey de Ho and William de la Rude v. Thomas de Melewys and his wife Johanna in Wokyng 170 John Crane v. William le Taillur and Letitia his wife in Wolkenested 19 HENRY III. 19 171 Richard le Veil and his wife Goldina v. Eobert de la Dune in Wendleswurth 172 Henry le Barbur and his wife Helewysa v. William de Wakeherst in T-hrule 173 Matilda widow of Eobert de Basing v. Eobert de Eeingny in Bagshet 174 Mathew Hog v. Nicholas Duket in Kingeston 175 Peter Ateruwebern v. Eoger de Upton in Upton 176 Peter Ateruwebern v. Eichard Harm in Upton 177 Eichard the Prior of Sandon by Gilbert de Sandon chaplain v. Eoger de Bydon in Brunningesfaud, Wy- theresfaud, Ottewurth and Chelewurth 178 Matilda fiF Baldric v. Eichard the Abbot of Westminster by brother Theobald his monk in Mordon 179 William de Stoke v. Peter de Bidun in Twengham 180 Eichard Harm v. Alan the Abbot of Certesey in Covenham 181 Gilbert Oisel and his wife Eichalda v. Adam the Prior of Tenrig in Tenrig 182 Thomas the Prior of Newark v. Nicolas de Arundell in Sendes (Eualdus de Sandes a.s.c.) 183 William le Parinenter and his wife Edelina and Eichard de Tichesey and his wife Viviana v. Eobert de Molendino in Wolkenested 184 Alice the Abbess of Fontevraud by William the Prior of Leyton v. John de Faye in Bromlegh & Ottewurth 185 Eichard de Hereford and his wife Felicia v. Gerard de Chisenden and his wife Matilda and Alice her sister in Ewell 186 John Oter and Lucy his wife and Mathew de Hurcle and Annora his wife v. Eobert de Hecstede who Simon de Hecsted, Henry Nutheuseband, Eichard Ismanger, Adam Puke, Ralph Sevoghel and Eylerd de Holm called to warranty in Wolkenested 187 William, Bishop of Exeter v. John le Chanu and his wife 22 20 SURREY FINES. Katherine and John le Chanu and wife Katherine who Walter Chaplain called to warranty in Tyting 188 Eobert Joye v. Ealph de Kameis in Wodeton 189 Ascer de la Dune v. William de Watevill in Meandon 190 Gilbert Marescall v. Walter de Ottewurth and his wife Ida in Scyre 191 William fil' Ralph v. John fil' Wolward in Temes Ditton 192 Agnes widow of Richard Gulafre v. Thomas Chamberlain and Thomas Suel in Waleton 193 Richard de Wudecot v. Giles de Westwod and Christiana his wife in Waleton 194 Herbert fil' Elias v. John de Fay in Danhurst (John de Caburg a.s.c.) 195 Simon fil' Thedruc v. William fil' Odo in Dorking 196 Henry de la Ford and his wife Agnes v. Ralph de Pape- worth in Papeworth 197 Gilbert Kempe r. Philip de Henleg in Certesey 198 Beatrice fil' Edgar r. Mathew fil' Juliana in Micham 199 William Poleyn r. Beatrice fil' Warin Goldsmith in Kyngeston 200 Thomas fil' Richard v. Hemeric fil' Hemeric in Suth- lameye 201 Alexander de Torp v. Ralph de Gardino in Torp 202 Richard de Newdegate v. Roger de London who Thomas Testard called to warranty in Newdegate 20^ Henry III 203 Golda widow of William le Fleming r. John de Chelesham who Richard Forester, Lawrence de Straton, Thomas de la Witesand, Drugo de Richescumbe and William Scrift called to warranty in Wolknested 204 John de Lobricth and his wife Felicia v. Margaret fil' Cristiana in Katerham Wolkenested Tenrig & La New- lond 21 22 HENRY III. 21 21" Henry III 205 Brother William Gracien master of the Hospital of St. Mary of Ospreng r. Henry de Scrikeston and his wife Beatrice in Merewe 206 Eobert de Wyk and his wife Lecia r. Laurence de St. Michael, Eoger Frilent and Matilda his wife, Vitalis de Burgh and William Frilent in Cudinton 207 Humphrey the Prior of St. Mary Suwerc v. William fiP Eichard and his wife Tephania in Suwerc 208 John Belemeyns r. William de la Mare by Ealph le Engleis, and William de la Mare who Henry fiT William called to warranty in Ested and Newdegate 209 Henry the Prior of Merton by David de Merton clerk v. Nicholas de Pyrle and his wife Johanna in Westmordon 210 Eichard Ouberkyn by William de Wandleswurth v. Paul Blund and Matilda his wife in Suwerk Brugge & Gatton 22 nd Henry III 211 Felicia the Prioress of Ambresbiry by brother William de Ambresbiry r. John de Fay in Bromleg 212 Eobert de Haringe r. Aldred de Stoke and his wife Alvina in Stok 213 William de St. John v. Eoger de Clare and his wife Alice in Chepstede 214 Gunnora widow of Mathew fiP Geoffrey r. Peter fil' Baldewyn in Kingeston 215 John fil' Ealph r. Eobert de Eeney and the said Eobert de Eeney who John fil' Eobert Godric, Eobert fil' Ealph le Naper and his wife Mabel called to warranty in Bageset and Wyndesham 216 Eoger de London v. Wyschard the Prior of St. Saviour's Bermundesey by brother John de Dunestaple his monk and Geoffrey Pikerin in Eotherhuthe 217 Ealph the Abbot of Battle by John de Iham r. Hervey fil' 22 SURREY FINES. Fulk and Alice his wife in Suwerk (Ealph de Hibernia a.s.c.) 218 William de Eading and his wife Margery v. Kobert Feyrchild and his wife Beatrice in Gudeford 219 Master Thomas Aswy r. Eobert Keeve of Eetherhethe and his wife Agnes in Eitherheth 23 rd Henry III 220 William fil' William de la Eude 7-. William fir Walter de la Eude and the same person who Eichard de Graveney and his wife Editha and Hugh Garget and Dionis his wife called to warranty in Horishill 221 Albreda fil' Aylbright de Horton v. John fil' Gilbert de Horton in Horton 222 William de Gyrund v. William de Fednes by Hugh Harpur in Kersalton & Cloppeham 223 Walter de Merton clerk r. John le Blench of Ewell in Ewell 224 Cristiana widow of Luke de Trye v. Simon de Putindene in Lingefeld 225 Eeyner de Suthull and his wife Alice, Alexander de Parco and his wife Emma, & Juliana de Pirifrith v. Walter de Tangel and his wife Matilda in Werplesden 226 Gilbert de Ewell and his wife Agnes v. John le Blench of Ewell in Ewell 227 Eoger de Horn v. Nicholas de la Nobrith in Wolknested (John de Nobrihte and his wife Felicia a.s.c.) 24^ Henry III 228 Eichard le Pessuner and his wife Alice by Andrew de St. Swythun v. Peter fil' John de Suwerk in Suwerk 229 Peter de Pirif right r. the Prior of Newark in Pirif right 230 Lucy widow of Eichard de la Bere by William de la Bere r. William le Due in Chelesham 25" 1 Henry III 231 William de Adburton r. Stephen Miller in Crohurst 25 HENRY III. 23 232 Agnes de Linngefeld and Eobert Cook and his wife Mabel v. John de Lobright and his wife Felicia, John de Eugge, William Pollard and Edmund atte Neweland in Warlingham, Crohurst and Lingfeld 233 Ealph de Bradel and Basilia his wife v. William Baldewin and his wife Mabel in Bradel 234 Hillary fil' Gilbert r. Hugh de Windles in Horseleg 235 Simon fil' Mary and his wife Avice by John de Wynton v. Henry Inkel in Gamer well 236 Geoffrey the Parson of Tichesey Church r. Gilbert Gow- brith and Emma fil' Siward in Tichesey (Hamo de Valoynes a.s.c.) 237 The Abbess of Wherwell by Eobert de Sutton v. Walter de Ottewurth in Chelewurth 238 John de Berkinges and his wife Alice v. William de Stocwell in Betrecheseye 239 Joel de St. German r. Thomas de Pollesden and his wife Sarra in Gundeslee 240 Eobert de Inegefeld r. Agnes de Inegefeld in Crohurst, Lingefeld & Warlingham 241 Thomas Kentwyn and his wife Johanna v. William Goldsmith in Tenrigge (Ealph le Cuver a.s.c.) 242 William de Widewell r. Gilbert de Basevill in Werplesden 243 William fil' William Picot r. the Master of the Hospital of St. Mary Magdalen of Sindon in Chissenden Taleworth (William de Daunmartin a.s.c.) 244 Agnes fil' John de Yenefeld r. Hervey fil' Fulc and Godefrey fil' William Cook who Isaac the Jew of Suwerk called to warranty in Suwerk 245 Stephen de Pollingfold r. John de la Hale and his wife Editha in Blakehok 246 The Prioress of Haliwell r. Henry de Dilewis in Canaerwell 247 Ealph de Certesey v. Alexander de Thorp in Thorp and Egham 24 SURREY FINES. 248 John de Lobright and his wife Felicia and Margery Malemeins v. Gilbert Malemeyns hi Tanerig 249 Hagenilda fil' Eoger r. Geoifrey Brond in Sutlame- hethe 250 Hugh de Clere v. Walter de Ottewrth in Ottewrth & Chelewrth 251 Letitia widow of Godefrey Bonejoie v. the Prior of Sutwerk in Michham 252 Henry Inkel of Sutwerk r. William fil' Eichard and his wife Theophania & John de Dunlegh in Sutwerk 253 John fil' Pagan and his wife Emma Augustin le Mercer and his wife Bella, Eobert de Lenn and wife Alice by William de Vallibus who William Bolaun called to warranty in Sutwerk 254 Henry Luvel r. Eichard de Craneford in Craneford 255 Ealph Grasvassal v. Nicholas fil' Joceus in Suwerk 256 Eobert Herman v. Eobert le Furber and his wife Anastasia in Geldeford 257 Brother Eobert de Sanford master of the Knights Templars in England by brother Hugh de Stokton v. Walter de Morton in Adinton 258 Eichard de la Horse and his wife Leuina r. Andrew de Wigepol and his wife Mabel and Walter de Wigepol in Cherlewod 259 Brother Eichard master of the Hospital of the Holy Ghost Sandon v. Walter de Ottewurthe in Chelewurth and Ottewurth 260 Eobert fil' Augustin v. Eodland de Aksted who Isabella de Aksted and Gregory fil' Sampson called to warranty in Aksted 261 Gilbert de Jarpenvill r. Eichard de Oxehagh and Hughe- line his wife in Pinkehurst 262 Margery fil' Ascelina v. Ascelina de Wike in Camberwell and Pecham 2526 HENRY III. 25 263 Gunilda de Dorkinges r. Thomas de Taynturer and Gilbert Oslang in Dorkinges 264 John de Chayham r. The Prior of Suwerk and the Prior of Suwerk who Vitalis de la Dene called to warranty in Bansted 265 Nicholas de Wapfold v. Eichard de Oxehagh and his wife Hugheline in Abingewrth 266 Brother Kobert de Sanford master of the Knights Templars in England r. Gilbert Walerand in Merwe 267 Brother Robert de Sanford master of the Knights Templars in England r. Eoger de Craft by Thurstan fil' Geofrey de Weston in Merwe 268 Michael fil' Michael r. Peter fil' John de Suthwerk who William le Wympler called to warranty in Suwerk 269 James Haunsard and his wife Agatha r. James le Bel in Fermesham 270 Reginald fil' Walter r. Alice widow of Geoffrey le Weyte in W'andleswurth (the heirs of Hamo de Gravelee a.s.c.) 271 Richard de Warwik and his wife Juliana and her sister Johanna r. John de Gatwik & John de Gatwik who John de Fulbrok called to warranty in Cherlwod 272 Swan de Weston r. Robert de Reygni in Baggesayte 26 tt Henry III 273 The Abbess of Werwell by John de Sutton r. John de Parco in Hertindon 274 The Abbess of Werwell by John de Sutton r. Richard de Frollebir in Hertindon 275 The Abbot of Battle r. Ralph de la Quarere and his wife Agnes in Lyrnenesfeld 276 Peter de Bedinton by Eudo Moryn r. Andrew de Waddon and his wife Avice in Bandon 277 Master Thomas Assewy r. Henry Fiscer and his wife Editha in Suthwerk 26 SURREY FINES. 278 Hymbert prior of Bermundesey v. Giles fil' Luke de Trie in Warlingham 279 The Abbess of Wberwell by Kobert de Button r. Jordan de Montibus in Hertinden 27" 1 Henry III 280 Kobert prior of Merton by Nicholas de Hegham v. Lawrence fil' William in Micham 281 Richard Harm r. Hugh de Windesoure in Westhorslegh & Esthorslegh 282 Walter le Bufle and his wife Dionisia by Walter de Lichesfeld r. Kobert le Brus in Wysselegh 283 John fil' Adrian v. William fil' William de Fakeham in Brokham 284 Thomas the Prior of Newark r. Henry de Bovill in Saundres 285 Alan the Abbot of Certesey by brother Kichard his monk v. John de Daggenhal and his wife Agnes in East Cleyndon & West Clendon 286 Master Henry deacon and chaplain of St. Paul's London v. Thomas de Dunelm in Geldeford & Stoke 287 Adam de la Thye r. John de Berkinkes and his wife Alice in Merstham (Hamo de Shotemere a.s.c.) 28* Henry III 288 Isabel widow of Kobert de Wymbeldon by William de Hege r. Floerin fil' Kobert in Wymbeldon 289 Gilbert fil' William Rauf and his wife Alice r. Richard Swyfth and his wife Amabel in Horlee (The abbot of Certesey a.s.c.) 290 Margery fil' Kichard de Wyk r. Ascelina de Wyke in Camereswell 291 Alice widow of Hamo de la Berwe r. Adam Stef in La Berne 292 Alexander treasurer of St. Pauls London r. Kobert de Talewrth by John de Talewrth in Talewrth 293 John the Prior of Tunebrigg by brother Roger de Thune- 2831 HENRY III. 27 brigg his canon r. Bartholomew fil' Bartholomew and his wife Matilda and Hugh fil' Oliver and his wife Mary in Chelesham 294 Thomas Kavon and his wife Sarra r. Ealph de Ymewrthe in Ditton 295 Kobert the Abbot "de loco sancti Edwardi" by brother Philip his monk r. Eoger de Clere in Shire 296 John the Prior of Saundelford by Mathew Harand of Herliston r. John de Hamme and his wife Matilda in Bromleg 297 Cecilia fil' Ealph Blundel by William Gery r. Peter de Bydun in Twangham. 298 Adam le Buteler v. William de Camera and his wife Mabel in Taunrigge & Wolknested 299 Laurence fil' William v. William Bolle and Agnes his wife in Eetherhethe 20 th Henry III 300 Eichard de Hurell and his wife Katherine r. William fil' Peter in Wymbeldon 301 William de W T andeleswurth r. William de Eytun and his wife Emma in Wymedon 302 William de Ebor reeve of Beverley v. Gilbert de Berham and his wife Lucy in Apse 303 John de Abernun r. Eichard de Stokes and r. Eichard de Stokes who Adam Dru called to warranty in Fecheham 304 John Adryan r. Giles le Neyr in Brocham, Estbechewrth and Mykeleham 305 Eobert the Prior of Merton by Eobert de Cirencester r. William de Suwerk and his wife Theoph (ania) in Suthwerk 31" Henry III 306 Symon fil' Eichard r. Walter de Merton in Mendon, Maldon and Farnl (William de Wattervill and his wife Egidia a.s.c.) 28 SUKREY FINES. 307 Avice widow of James Goldsmith r. Laurence fil' William in Ketherhethe & Hechesham 308 Brother Eobert de Sanford master of the Knights Templars in England by William de Fraxino v. Walter de Morton in Adington and Selysdon 309 Warin de Monte Canis by Peter Garden v. Walter the Abbot of St. Wlfmar Bonon in Notfeud 330 Ralph the Abbot of Battle by Eichard le Marescall v. Geoffrey fil' Jordan in Axstede 311 Master Robert de Bandon r. Theobald Cook and his wife Alice in Bandon 312 John fil' Faber v. Odo de Crohurst in Crohurst 313 Gyffard the Abbot of Waverle by Richard de Ferkcles v. William Braunche and his wife Johanna in Pyperharg 314 Andrew Turbut and his wife Matilda r. William Faukes in Wandleswrthe, Totinges & Wymbeldon 315 Geoffrey de Newcastle v. Geoffrey le Deveneys and his wife Margery in Hacstede 316 John de Kynardele v. Walter de Kynardele and his wife Alice in Kersawelton 32 nd Henry III 317 Alice fil' Philip Vitdeners & William Bolle and his wife Agnes v. Laurence fil' William in Rutherhee 318 Matilda de la Faye by Henry de la Breche v. Gyffard the Abbot of Waverle by John de Dunmere in Bromleye 319 Richard de Clare Earl of Gloucester by Richard le Waleys v. Ymbert the Prior of Bermundesey by brother Henry de North his monk in Camerwell 320 Roger de St. John v. Alice de Daumartin in Wolknested 321 John le Fleming v. Robert de Gatton in Gatton and Stanstede 322 Terricus Bunt v. William de Clerholt and his wife Alice in Mickelham 323 Robert de Bath fil' Robert de Weston by William de 32 HENRY III. 29 Glastingebir r. Ely as fil' Nicholas de la More in Wym- beldon 324 Peter del Punt v. Gilbert fil' William and Rose his wife in Upton 325 Elyas fil' William r. Walter de Snodeham in Bromley 326 Geoffrey le Dyn r. Thomas the Prior of Newark, Joel de St. Jerman, Henry Pyrun, Robert de Papwrth, Richard de Grava, and Reginald Maubank in Saundes 327 Stephen the Prior of St. Mary Suthwerk r. Thomas Gerlonde in Suthwerk 328 Lecia fil' John r. Master Adam de Cudinton and r. Master Adam de Cudinton who Walter prior of Merton called to warranty in Cudinton 329 John le Morin r. Richard Waukelin in Suwerk 330 Henry de Balun, Robert de Waleton and Johanna de London r. John de Mickelham in Mikelham 331 Stephen the Prior of St. Mary Suthwerk r. Thomas de la Folkelaunde in Adington 332 John Brother r. William Bonvadlet in Suwerk 333 William fil' Odo de la Hombreth r. Thurstan le Doul in Dorking 334 Stephen the Prior of St. Mary Suwerk by Robert de Stoke v. Richard le Cutiller of Suwerk, quit claim of money in arrear 335 Walter de la Sonde v. Osbert del Ore and his wife Agnes in Dorking 336 Ralph de Bradele r. William fil' Baldewin de Ledred by Philip le Neir in Ledred (Henry le Berker and his wife Sibil a.s.c.) 337 William fil' Ralph r. John Burel in Suthwerk 338 Osbert de Cornburg r. James Anshard in Effingeham 339 Walter de Brugges r. John de Berking and his wife Alice in Wendeswrth and Bruges 340 Henry de la Boxe r. Henry de la Forde in Saundis 30 SURREY FINES. 341 Eobert Malemeyns v. Adam de Certeshey and his wife Alice in Hadleg 342 Agnes fil' Arnulf r. Stephen the Prior of St. Mary Suwerk who John le Estreis called to warranty in Suthwerk 343 Alice fil' Philip and William Bole and Agnes his wife v. Saerus fil' Henry in Camerewell and Eetherhee 344 Thomas Goldsmith of London Bridge and his wife Cecilia v. Master Alan de Stokwell in Suthwerk 345 Alice de la Puyle r. Henry Mercator and his wife Gunnora, & Alice widow of Philip le Clerk in Kyngeston 346 Alice de la Puyle r. Henry Mercator and his wife Gunnora, & Alice widow of Philip le Clerk in Kingeston 347 Alan the Abbot of Certesey by brother Eichard de Certesey v. Geoffrey de Bacsete and his brother William in Esse 348 Margery fil' Osbert Clate and her sister Matilda r. John fil' Albred in Kingeston 349 Henry de la Lithe r. Eobert de Hedenescumbe in Bromleg 350 Walter de Hecstede r. Eobert de Hecstede in Walkested and Lingesfeld 351 Alan abbot of Certesey by brother Eichard de Certesey his monk v. Eobert de Yattelegh in Esse 352 Thomas the Prior of Newark r. Matilda de Faye by Ealph de Gattele in Putteham 353 Geoffrey Belami r. Herding Lovechild in Dorking 354 Thomas de Ottewirthe r. Walter de Otteworth in Brom- legh Ottewirth 355 John fil' Henry de Molendinis r. Brother Terricus the Prior of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in England by Brother Eobert de Hegham in Suthwerk 356 Ealph de Hybern r. William de Say in Suthwerk 357 John Brother r. Eobert Inkel in Suwerk 358 Lucy widow of Peter de Gardino r. Eeginald Lutte in Kingeston 32 HENRY III. 31 359 Symon de Sywelle r. William de Arras by William de Pesemere in Est Shenes 360 Imbert the Prior of Bermundesey by brother Henry de Norhamton r. John fiT Hervey in Retherhee 361 Matilda fil' William le Clerk and her sister Basilia r. Giles de Westcote who Walter le Bachelor called to warranty in Westcote 362 Margery fil' Osbert date and her sister Matilda r. Eichard Clate in Kingestun 363 Imbert the Prior of Bermundesey by brother Henry de Norhamton r. Geoffrey fil' Norman and his wife Alice in Wallewrth 364 John Russel and Cecilia his wife v. Peter le Tenapler who Waukelin and his wife Beatrice called to warranty in Kingeston 365 Richard le Saunner r. Simon le Clerk of Beremundesey and his wife Margaret in Beremundesey 366 Philip de Fraunkelee r. Margery prioress of Keleburn in Middelton 367 Thomas de Warblinton r. Alice Damartin in Tanrich, Chepstede, & Emngham 368 John de Bromleg and his wife Matilda r. Isaac the Jew of Suwerk in Suwerk (the Prior of Bermundesey a.s.c.) 369 Robert the Prior of Merton by Robert de Cyrencester r. Amisius de Wauton in Michham 370 Syrnon de Sywelle r. Elyas de Graphlingesham in Scaudeford 371 Alice fil' Henry r. William de Yfelde in Shyre 372 John Baret chaplain v. Matilda Baret in Reygate 373 Richard Knotte r. William fil' Alexander in Bedington 374 John de Cudinton clerk r. John Russel and his wife Cecelia in Kingeston 375 Robert Luvekyn r. Ralph de Sulameheth in Sudwerk 32 SURREY FINES. 376 Peter le Templer v. Lucy widow of Peter de Gardino in Kingeston 377 John Eussel and his wife Cecelia v. William Page in Kingiston 378 Nicholas the Prior of Holy Trinity Canterbury r. William de Sayten in Suwerk 378b Peter de Scaudeford r. William de Bradmere and his wife Alice in Scaudeford 33 rrf Henry III 379 Nicholas Malemeins v. John de Gatesden and v. the said John de Gatesden who Letitia de Gatesden called to warranty in Dorking, Okeleg, Hamsted, & Cumpton 380 William fiP Luth v. Johanna widow of William fir Ralph Karbonell by Thomas de Ardern in Suwerk and Lamiheth 381 Master Thomas Ayswy r. William fiT Ealph in Suwerk and Lameye 382 Jordan de Suwerk and his wife Emma r. Stephen the Prior of St. Mary Suwerk by Robert de Stock in Suwerk 383 Robert de Temes Ditton v. Robert Fisher and his wife Mazeline in Temesditton 384 William de Wendleswrth r. Nicholas Prior of Holy Trinity Canterbury in Merstham 385 Agnes de Monte Acuto and Nicholas Malemeins v. William le Enfaunt and his wife Alice in Suwerk 386 Ernald Geraudon by Jordan le Chanu r. Imbert the Prior of Bermundesey by Brother Richard de Kingeston his Monk, grant of a corrody 387 Brother Robert de Saunford master of the Knights Templars by brother Henry de Safray r. Walter de la Grave and his wife Alice in Adinton 84 th Henry III 388 Adam Gurdun v. William de Cantilupe and his wife Emma in Padesdon 3435 HENRY in. 33 389 Giles the Prior of Saundon v. Eobert le Butiler and his wife Dulcia in Weston & Waleton 390 Geoffrey de Brayboef r. Alexander de la Berne in Cherle- wude 391 Imbert prior of Burmundesey v. Saerus fiT Henry in Bermundesey and Eotherheye 392 William Prest v William le Faunt and his wife Alice in Suthwerk 393 William Smith of Axstede v. Walter le Sumeter and his wife Emma in ' villa Pontis Edulfi ' (Eden- bridge) 35 th Henry III 394 Peter de Eyvall r. Eobert de Mikelham in Hoke 395 Stephen Knotte r. Stephen de Sutton and his wife Helewyse in Clopham 396 Eobert le Pestur and his wife Matilda v. Alan the Abbot of Certesey in Certesey and Thorp 397 Johanna de Stangrave r. Eobert Cook of Blachingeleg and his wife Mabel in Blachingeleg 398 Peter Drui v. Adam Drui in Ledrede & Fecham 399 Eoger de St. John r. John Pypart and his wife Emma and Geoffrey Prest of London and his wife Goldyna in Welkenested 400 John fil' Hamo r. John fil' Thomas in Wendleswrth 401 John the Prior of Seleburne v. Peter de Eyvall in Sholaund & Putham 402 John the Prior of Seleburne r. William de Wintereshull and his wife Beatrice in Sholaund & Puteham 403 Geoffrey fil' Wm. de Ledrede v. Ealph de Haling by Ivo de Haling in Croydon 404 Geoffrey de Trie and his wife Idonea r. Eobert Hardelton in Buddeleg 405 Peter de Eyvall r. Valence fil' William de Cesterton in la Sholaunde 3 34 SURREY FINES. 406 Thomas de Uttewrth r. Walter de Uttewrth. in Uttewrth Chelewrth 407 Alice in" Eichard de la Frythe v. Ealph de Immewrth in Immewrth 408 Kichard Auberkin v. John de Berking and his wife Alice in Wendleswrth 409 Henry de Aperdele v. William de Aperdele in Ledrede & Mykelham 410 William Michel v. John de Berking and his wife Alice in Merstham 411 Andrew Turbut i'. John de Gravenel in Wendleswirth 87* Henry III 412 Elias de Garschirche r. Henry Garlaunde and his wife Johanna in Suwerk 413 Eichard Auberkin r. John de Berekinges and his wife Alice in Wan dies worth 414 Brother Henry master of the Hospital of Eeygate r. Eobert de Watevill in Mikelham 415 Thomas de la Poylle r. Eichard Testard in Guide- ford 416 Peter de Egoblaunch Bishop of Hereford v. William de Eyton and his wife Emma in Wymbeldon 417 Adam Gurdun v. William de Cantelupe and his wife Eva in Padesdon 418 Sarra de Wodeham v. Eicherus Maunsel and his wife Cecilia in Hunnewaldeham 419 Johanna widow of William de Honewaldesham v. Eicherus Mauncell in Honewaldesham 420 William de Swynebroc v. Eobert le Butiler and his wife Margery in Apse, Waleton, Weston, Moleseye and Tamesditton 38 th Henry III 421 Nicholas Malemeyns v. John de Gatesden in Ockele (Eoger de la Hide a.s.c.) 38 39 HENRY in. 35 422 Symon de Cheyham v. John de Berking and his wife Alice in Cheyham 423 Master John de Cheyham v. John de Berking and his wife Alice in Cheyham 424 Nicholas the Prior of Holy Trinity Canterbury by brother John Pykenot his monk v. Master William de Ludham in Neuton 425 Gilbert North v. Richard Schayl and his wife Inga in Aspe 426 Walter de Merton v. Keyner the Prior of Tortington in Farlegh 427 Walter de Kynardesle v. John de Colevil and his wife Milicent in Berhes 428 Master Hericus de Witemersse v. Reginald de Dorking and his wife Avice in Suthewerk 29 th Henry III 429 Mathew de Bovill r. Cristiana de Ulsefeld in West Clandon 429a John le Minur v. John de Bekeham in Kersauton 430 Ralph de Beck and his wife Agnes v. William Huskard in Bedington 431 John de Burstowe v. Peter de Burstowe in Burstowe 432 Thedric Coleman r. William de Sonde in Hemstede 433 Richard de la Barre, William fil' Matilda, Matilda widow of Benedict le Heymonger, Philip le Gresmonger and his wife Beatrice v. Elias Maunsell in Geldeford 434 Robert de Spineto v. Florius de Wyrabeldon in Wymbeldon 435 Master Thomas Ayswy v. William fil' William fil' Thomas in Suthewerk 436 Thomas de Weston v. John de Weston in Weston 437 Richard de Billingehurst v. Gilbert Malemeins in Has- cumbe 438 Peter le Chevaler v. Henry de Sutherst in Windlesham 439 Alice Wytdeniers and her sister Agnes v. John de Tyches- eye who Reginald de Rockele and Grecia his wife called to warranty in Kambreswele 32 86 SURREY FINES. 440 Adam le Timbermonger v. Alan Kockel and Leuina his wife in Suthlamehethe (B. Archbishop of Canterbury and Baldewin de Insula a.s.c.) 441 Adam le Timbermonger v. William fil' Luke in Suthewerk 442 John fil' John v. Symon le Barbur in Suthewerk 443 Symon de Dunstaple and his wife Beatrice v. Peter le Orfeure of Kingeston in Kingeston 40^ Henry III 89 Thomas de Stokes and his wife Emma v. Alan the Abbot of Certeseye in Certheseye 90 Nicholas fil' Hugh and his wife Margery, Gilbert fil' Thomas and his wife Alice v. Nicholas Jacob of Gelde- ford and who Walter de Eugwik called to warranty in Geldeford 91 Thomas fil' Eichard de Bandon and his wife Alice r. Alured fil' Walter de Wodecote and his wife Cecilia in Bandon 92 Master John de Gloucester cementer v. Geoffrey fil' William de Stokewell in Stokewell, Lambeth, Hese and Wyke 41 s * Henry III 93 Dulcia de Meandon v. William de Watville who Ascer de la Dune called to warranty in Chyssendon 94 John de Ebbesham r. Henry Luvel in Sutton & Ker- shaulton 95 Pagan fil' Adam and his wife Isabel v. Walter le Cord- waner of Suwerk and his wife Beatrice in Suwerk 96 Matilda widow of William Longespey by Henry de Mont- fort v. John fil' Geoffrey in Schaldeford and Eldefolde 97 James Haunshard and his wife Agatha v. James le Bel in Fermesham and Pytfaude 98 Eichard de Eltharn and John de Gatingdon clerk v. John de Berking and his wife Alice in Lamethethe 99 Henry Lovel v. Eichard de la Grave and his wife Alice in Egeham 42 43 HENRY III. 37 42** Henry III 100 William de Kynardele and his wife Alice v. William de Berghes in Suttone 101 Quintin de Neuport and his wife Sabinia v. Dyonisia prioress of Cestrehunt in Feltham 102 Adam de Basinges and his wife Johanna v. Walter de Frowik in Benchesham 103 Eobert de Waleton and his wife Beatrice v. Thomas de Holeg in Culesdon 104 Fulc, Bishop of London by Eobert de Trumpeton r. Peter de Pyrefryth in Wockyng 105 William de Meleburne r. Kobert de Meleburn and his wife Emma Oliver in West Shene 106 John Maunsel treasurer of York and reeve of Beverle v- Eobert de Meleburn and his wife Emma Oliver in Shene 107 Matilda de Burn by Alexander de Brumle v. Symon de Sewell and his wife Isabella in Estshene and Mortelake 108 Hugh le Bigot by Walter de Gernemuth v. Alan Basset and his wife Petronilla in Bruges 109 Eichard fil' Eichard Oysel r. Eichard Oysel in Newenton extra barram de Suwerk 110 Eichard Eussel r. David le Tynterer and his wife Alice in Mandon 111 John de Wyntereshull v. William de Wyntereshull and his wife Beatrice in Bromley, Puteham & Wonerse 112 Thomas de Yford r. Aylard de Dorking and his wife Avice in Ewelle & Chepested 113 Ealph the Abbot of Westminster r. Eichard the Prior of Newark in Horsille 114 Eobert de Brywes r. Dyonisia widow of Walter de Bufle by John fil' John de Edelmeton in Why sell 43 rd Henry III 115 Ealph de Champeneys r. John le Lung in Sutwerk 38 SURREY FINES. 116 Eichard the Prior of Newark by brother Adam de Wuburn his canon v. Thomas de Hertmere by Phillip de Hert- mere his son in Hertmere & Wytleg 117 Eichard de Clare Earl of Gloucester and Hertford by Eichard de Middelton v. Alexander de Eameseye and his wife Matilda in Effingham 118 William de Swynbrok r. Hugh de Stok and his wife Agnes in Waleton 119 Gilbert de Dunton r. William de Neudegate in 120 Walter de Areblaster v. Warin de Keniton and his wife Cristiana & Thomas le Eluminor and his wife Johanna in Suwerk 121 Eichard the Prior of Newark v. Geoffrey le Dyne in Saunde 44" 1 Henry III 122 Eobert de Scothon and his wife Margery v. Adam master of the Hospital of St. Thomas de Acre in Colisdon 123 John de Bures v. Eoger de Stominholl and his wife Isabel in Horle 124 William Cusin and his wife Alice v. Henry de Hervy and his wife Aylith in Suthwerk 125 William de Wyndes" by William de Forneys v. John de Gatesden by Eobert de la Hyde in Comton 126 Eichard Oysel senior v. Eichard Oysel junior in Newenton & Suwerk (Alice wife of Geoffrey Norman a.s.c.) 127 Eobert de Ludham v. Nicholas le Thaylur of Jernemue & his wife Elicia in Suthwerk 128 John fil' William v. Eobert de Brymarton in Effyng- ham 129 Eichard the Prior of Newark v. Walter Wace and his wife Hawyse in Hertmere 130 Gunnilda Maubaunc v. Eobert Maubaunc in Sende 131 Peter fil' William v. William de Strode & Matilda his wife in Cumbe Nevill 132 William de Ebbesham r. Nicholas fil' Hugh & his wife 44 45 HENRY III. 39 Margaret and Gilbert le Teynturer of Dorking & his wife Alice in Gildeford 133 Heming de Godlaund and his wife Matilda v. Osbert le Champeneys in Coveham 134 Joel de la Greston and his wife Philippa v. William de Haselwode in la Newlond and Colisdon 135 John le Moyne by Nicholas de Sandon v. Eichard de Kendal and his wife Cecilia in Suwerk 136 Ingeram de Fenles v. Stephen de Sutton in Clopham 137 Kalph abbot of Battle by William de Lewes v. John le Blund of Lymenesfeld and his wife Agnes in Lyme- nesfeld 138 John Knotte of London v. Eoger Knotte of Kersaulton in Kersaulton 139 Baldewyn de Insula by Adam de Stratton v. Alan the Prior of St. Mary Suwerk in Micham 140 Eobert le Treur v. William de Burdens & his wife Sibil in Geldeford 141 Walter Box of London v. Thomas de Godinton & his wife Matilda in Eeygate 142 William de Lilleswrth & his wife Alice v. William Pykot in Chissendon 143 Peter de Gildeford v. John de Welere & his wife Agnes in Gildeford 45* Henry III 144 Henry Walemund v. William Schort & his wife Cristiana in Eedereye (The Prior of Bermundesey a.s.c.) 145 Johanna abbess of Fontevraud John de Leython r. Thomas de Ottewrth, 10 marks 146 Geoffrey le Fraunceys r. Walter le Mouner & his wife Elicia in Dilwysse 147 Eoger de Mildenhall and his wife Katharine r. Henry de Eyselberge and his wife Margery in Mortelak 148 Margery Dygun r. Eichard Dygun in Benstede 40 SURREY FINES. 149 Henry de Aspeleg & his wife Matilda v. William Gerard in Est Horsseleg 150 Brunning Attewyke v. Nicholas Quatremars & his wife Beatrice in Merwe 151 Symon Passelewe r. Hugh de Polstede in Cumpton 152 Walter de la Felde & his wife Agatha v. John fiT John de Ho, Clement West & his wife Emma, William de la Eude & his wife Beatrice, William de Horyshill & his wife Agatha, Matilda widow of Eobert le Turnur in Werplesden 153 John de Nevill by Nicholas de Freton r. Peter Goldsmith in Kyngeston 154 William de Mortimer & Master Hugh de Mortimer v. John le Moingne in Benchesham 155 Alan abbot of Certesey by Brother John de Waring his monk v. Master Andrew le Gunners by William de Vadis in Chabbeham 156 William de Gysilham and his wife Agnes v. William fiT Eichard the keeper of London Bridge in Pecham 157 Eustace the Prior of Merton by Eobert de Hamme r. Baldewyn de Insula in Mycham 158 Mathias de Mara, John la Warre, Eeginald de Mortinger by William deMara v. Eichard the Prior of Newark in Ested 159 John de la Garston r. Matilda de la Garston in Bleching- leg and Wolkested 160 Brother William master of the hospital of St. Thomas the Martyr ' de Aconia ' by Brother Nicholas de Crawe- don v. Henry de Lacy in Katerham 161 William le Arblester of Sussex v. William le Arblester of la Vacherie in Cranleye 162 Henry Wyppetratel r. William de Burdegala & his wife Sibil in Ertedon 163 William de Assesham r. Eichard le Macone and his wife Emma in Assche 45 47 HENRY III. 41 164 Symon the Abbot of Waltham by Thomas de Rankedich v. William Hereward & his wife Mabel in Chauledone 165 William le Wyrdrawere & his wife Alice r. Pagan le Clerk & his wife Isabel in Suthwerk 166 Nicholas de Wuburn & his wife Matilda r. Emma widow of Henry Pyron in Saundres & Horslegh 167 Eichard fil' Nigel de Neuton v. Isabel de Aldebyr in Micham (Peter fil' William de Aldebyr a.s.c.) 168 John de Wyntereshull v. William de Godalming & his wife Johanna in Great Bocham & Wyntershull 47 th Henry III 169 John the Abbot of Certeseye r. John de Wyngham by Robert de Dovere in Horle 170 Eustace the Prior of Merton by Richard de Heyford v. Philip le Juvenis of Ewelle in Ewelle (Richard le Constable a.s.c.) ' 171 Edmund Pippard & his wife Margaret r. Eudo de Gude- ford in Gudeford 172 Andrew de Dunstanstede & his wife Agnes r. John fil' John fil' Geoffrey in Craneley (Peter le Rus a.s.c.) 173 Gilbert Thedric & his wife Mabel r. Edmund de Hersetelesheye in Lingefeud 174 Roger de Loges r. Geoffrey de Slifeld & Agnes his wife in Eifingham 175 William Bolle r. Robert Payn in Chellesham 176 Humphrey the Prior of Tanrigge r. Thomas de Warbling- ton in Tannerigge 177 Hervey de Hecheham & his wife Isolde r. John de Eston & Agnes his wife who William fil' Hugh de Meynyl called to warranty in Dalby de Wauz 178 William de Appilderleye r. Mary fil' William Dammartin in Horleye 179 William de Stonehame r. Simon de Stonham in Tenregg & Katrehamme 42 SUEREY FINES. 180 Gilbert atte Pyrie v. John Haunsard in Effingham & Littille Bokhara 181 Margery prioress of Ankerwyk v. John de Pappeworth concerning 40s. rent 182 William fiT John de Dorkinge v. Ealph atte Herne & his wife Elena in Horleye 183 Henry atte Cherche & his wife Alice, Emeric de Stanstede & his wife Isabel & Roger le Pestur & Cecilia his wife r. John de Botteleg in Walken- nested 184 Walter de la Poylle v. Richard Testard & his wife Felicia in 185 Jordan de la Stonhall & his wife Agnes v. William le Prest & Isabel his wife in Camerwell 48 th Henry III 186 Gilbert Coleman & Roesia his wife r. Richard Syplle- bord & his wife Margery in Suthwerk 4Q th Henry III 187 Walter Dragun v. Hubert de Haunlegh & his wife Clernencia in Chelesham (John fiT John de Stangrave a.s.c.) 188 William de Chamberleg of Bruges r. William de la Sale of Stokes & his wife Lucy in Stokes & Gilde- ford 189 Roger de St. John by Ranulph de Essex v. Odo fil' Walter le Fevere of Tenrigg & his wife Matilda in Wolknestede 190 Alan the Prior of St. Mary Sutwerk v. Robert de Beleshale & Lecia his wife in Sutwerk 191 Ralph de Hegstede by John de Merlawe r. William the Abbot of Hyde by William de Stanstede in Lyngefelde 192 Gilbert de Ewelle & his wife Agnes by Walter atte Wyke v. Robert fil' David de Weston & his wife Matilda in Ewelle 50 52 HENRY III. 43 50 th Henry III 193 William de Wintereshull & his wife Beatrice by Nicholas Thebaut r. John de la Eoede who Geoffrey de Braybof called to warranty in Duntesfaud Hassecumbe Bromleg & Tunchamstede 194 John fil' John r. John de Suthinton in Hegge- ham 195 Eobert de Ebbegate r. Eeginald le Fevre in Suwerk 196 Gilbert de Ewelle & his wife Agnes by Walter de Attewyk r. John de Yenefeld & his wife Isabel & Elias de la Chaumbre & his wife Johanna by William Dodekin in Ewelle 51 st Henry III 197 William de Bernewell & his wife Isabel r. John fil' Eichard Walkelin & his wife Lucy in Suwerk (Brother Arbelard master of the Knights Templars in England a.s.c.) 198 Adam le Treur & Elicia his wife and William fil' Adam and Elicia his wife r. Henry fil' Martin in Suthwerk Lamhuth, Arpitle & Longehope 199 Eichard Eussel r. John Gregor & his wife Johanna in Eggeham, Euebrigge & Berttemers 52 nd Henry III 200 Brother Eoger de Ver prior of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in England by John de Dinggeleg r. Eichard de Bereleye & his wife Margery in Suwerk 201 John fil' Gilbert v. William de Bylisersse & his wife Juliana in Lyngefeld 202 Adam le Escot r. Saerus fil' Martin by Eeginald le Forester in Suthwerk 203 Eichard de Derby & his wife Christiana r. Alan la Zouche by Henry Martin in Suthwerk 204 John de Ebbegate & his wife Juliana r. Nicholas de Kent & his wife Adriana in Neuton 44 SURKEY FINES. 205 John le Mouner & his wife Mabel v . Lewin de Sunde- resse & his wife Agnes in Suthwerk 206 John de Eeygate & Kalph Burouhard v. John le Balk in Eeygate 207 Ealph de Thorp & his wife Avice v. Kobert de Be- champton in Cherteseye (Thomas de la Porte & his wife Emma a.s.c.) 208 Geoffrey the Prior of Newark by brother Adam de Wuburn his canon v. Henry de Suthhurst in Wyndle- sham 209 John de la Fanne v. Walter de Snodeham & his wife Emma in le Fanne (William de la Fenne a.s.c ) 210 John de Eegate v. William de Covenham & his wife Alice in Gyldeford 211 Eobert fiP Ealph r. John fil' Hugh in Wyndles-ham 212 William Hervi v. Eichard Gargat of Merewe & his wife Alice in Merewe 213 Adam le Clive & his wife Elicia v. Thomas Lammesse & his wife Alice in Suthwerk & Walewrth. 214 Ealph de Dorsete & Luuina his wife v. William fil' Baudric in Bedigton 215 Juliana de Pappewrth v. Johanna de Pappewrth in Sende (John de Pappeworth a.s.c.) 53 rd Henry III 216 William de Wyntereshill r. John de Pappewrth & his wife Alice in Bromlegh 217 William le Corniser & Aveline atte Hacche v. Matilda prioress of Eeleburn in Myddleton 218 Eoger de Home and his wife Matilda v. Joel de la Garston and his wife Philippa in Colesdon 219 Gilbert the Prior of Merton v. Gilbert de Clare Earl of Gloucester & Hertford in Effingham 220 Gilbert Auberkyn v. Isabel widow of Symon de Suwell in Wandleswrth 53 55 HENRY III. 45 221 Kobert de Ebbegate & his wife Juliana v. Nicholas de Kent & his wife Adriana in Newton 222 John the Prior of Bermundeseye by Walter de Hallynbir his monk v. Adam le Treur & his wife Elicia in Suth- werk (John de Eeda & his wife Clemence a.s.c.) 223 Eobert fiT Eobert le Norreys v. Mary la Noresche by Hugh le Noreys in Eonewelle 224 Thomas de Leukenore v. Peter de Pylefrith in Chepstede 54 th Henry III 225 Eoger de Mildenhale & his wife Katharine and Henry de Welwyk & his wife Margery v. Christiana Sperlyng in Mortelak 226 William de Mardwyr v. Thomas Lammesse & his wife Alice in Neuton 227 John de Warenn Earl of Surrey by Eichard de la Vache v. William de Gyseleham & his wife Agnes in Suwerk 228 William de Sutton clerk v. Walter le Ferur & his wife Margery in Wolknestede 229 Eobert de Ebbegate & his wife Juliana v. Gilbert le Melkere & his wife Matilda in Neuton 230 John de Welwes & his wife Matilda by Geoffrey Scapereng v. Abraham de Osyngehurst & his wife Letitia by Eobert de Brynkehurst in Okeleg 231 John de Welwes & his wife Matilda by Geoffrey Scapereng v. Abraham de Osyngehurst by Eobert de Brynkehurst in Okeleg 55 th Henry III 232 Eichard le Gras v. Nicholas de Basyng & his wife Isabel in Okstede and Lemenesfeld 233 Walter Box v. John fiT Adam de Braynford & his wife Agnes in Wendesworth 234 Walter de Eokesle & his wife Lucy v. William fiT Baldric de la Wodecote & his wife Agnes in Bandon 46 SURREY FINES. 235 Kobert de Wyveleshole v. Thomas atte Hoke of Pudeham & his wife Cristiana in Suthwerk 236 John de Hadestok r. Nicholas le Tayllur and his wife Elicia in Suthwerk 237 John le Ferun v. Nicholas le Tayllur & his wife Elicia in Suthwerk 238 Editha fiT Hervey v. Keginald the Abbot of Battle by William Gyffard in Suthwerk 56 th Henry III 239 Bartholomew de Heddresham v. Peter de Katerham & his wife Alice in Nutfield 240 Margaret de Ynyngefeud by John de Wendleswurth v. Robert de Home in Lyngefeud, Crauhurste and Tan- rugge (John fiT John de Stanigrave, a.s.c.) 241 William de Mortimer parson of St. Peter's Church Yweherst v. Herbert de Somerbergh in Yweherst 242 Eichard le Grant v. Reginald de Inworthe & his wife Matilda in Walleton 243 John Marescall of Suwerk v. Thomas le Burser & his wife Felicia in Suwerk 244 Master Reginald de Croydon v. Ralph de Saunford & his wife Isabel in Burstowe 245 Richard de Derby and his wife Christiana v. Peter de Micham and Helewysia his wife in Lambheyth 246 William de Wyntereshull v. John de Middelton by John de Rouleboys in Cumpton 247 Robert de Ebbegate & his wife Juliana r. Walter le Cordwaner & Dyonisia his wife in Neuton. 248 Richard de Pleyshamel & his wife Johanna v. Thomas de Stok & his wife Emma in Certesey 249 Robert de Garscherche v. William de Bernewell & his wife Isabel in Suwerk 250 Gilbert de Crawestok & his wife Albreda v. John abbot of Certesey by John de Wendlesworth in Chabham 56 HENRY III. 47 252 Thomas Haunsard & his wife Alice v. Walter le Stut & his wife Alice by John de Wendlesworth in Ebbe- sham 253 Thomas de Tycheseye by William de Kelleshulle v. Eeginald de Kokesle & his son William by Walter de Bedenested in Chelesham and Tycheseye 254 Hugh fil' Hugh de Wyndesor by Eichard de Wyndesor v. Ealph de Berners in Westhorslegh, in Schyre, Cran- leye, Chydingfald, Sende, Effingham, Wyschele Okham, Okele, Esthorsleg 255 John de Cobham r. John de Pettestede & his wife Ada in Boosted & Manhefeud 256 Ealph de Berners and Cristiana his wife v. Hamo de Gatton and his wife Johanna in Westhorsleg 257 Eichard de Horton and his wife Johanna v. William le Vineter in Suthewerk 258 Eeginald de la Hamme v. John le Heuere and his wife Johanna in Blechingeleye (John de Stanygrave a.s.c.) 259 Eobert de Eedinghersth v. Eudo de Gyldeford in Gylde- ford 260 Henry de Dune and Isabel his wife v. William le Ken in Bokham 261 John le Fevre of Certeseye and his wife Margery v. John the Abbot of Certesey by Eichard de Twangham in Certesey 262 Eobert Burnel by Henry de Lenn v. Hugh fil' Hugh de Wyndesor by Eichard de Wyndesor in Schene (Hamo de Gatton and his wife Johanna, a.s.c.) 263 William Wyleman and his wife Sibil v. William atte Muln and his wife Alice in Wolkested (Alice fil' Alice de Welkestede and Amice and Clemence her sisters a.s.c.) 264 Jordan le Barbur by Eichard Punchard v. John le Eede and his wife Clemence in Suthewerk 48 SURREY FINES. 265 Mabel fil' John Smith v. John le Fevre and his wife Margery in Certesey 266 Philip de Burgate v. Eichard de Bremingefeld in Dunter- feld 267 Eobert de Cokefeld by John Buntyng v. Richard de Dereby and his wife Cristiana in Suthewerk 268 John de Souwy and Johanna his wife v. James de Wodeham in Honewoldesham 269 Gilbert le Mareschall v. Eichard Garget and his wife Alice in Merwe 270 Eobert Lambyn and his wife Juliana v. John de Eame- seye and his wife Agnes in Suthewerk 271 Geoffrey the Prior of Newark v. Aylwyn de Tywele and his wife Margaret in Gyldeford 272 Eobert de Esche clerk v. Serlo le Halveloverd of Esche in Esche 273 John the Abbot of Certesey v. Symon de Blechynglegh and his wife Emma in Certeseye 274 Vincent le Ferun and his wife Johanna v. William Hardel in Suthewerk 275 Eoger fil' Peter de Northwode v. William fil' William de Northwode in Effmgham 276 Geoffrey the Prior of Newark v. John de Henle in Essinge 277 William fil' Peter v. Peter de Chabeham and his wife Matilda in Chabeham 278 Eeginald de Domere v. William de Dommer and his wife Margaret in Fernham 279 John de Newenham r. William le Pestur & his wife Matilda in Effingeham 280 John de Dommere v. William de Dommere & his wife Margaret in Fernham 282 Matilda de Certesey v. Walter Auverey & his wife Edith in Ockele, Ewakne and Wudeton 1 2 EDWARD I. 40 1 st Edivard I 1 Hugh de Oyldebof v. Symon Bernard and his wife Koysia in Polstede 2 William Davy r. Jordan le Barbur and his wife Alice in Suthwerk 3 Gilbert the Prior of Merton by William de Mildenhall v. Adam le Treur and his wife Elicia in Suthwerk 4 Peter Cosin r. Eichard de Derby and his wife Cristiana in Lameth 5 William de Storteford r. Geoffrey le Bakere and his wife Beatrice in Suwerk 6 William de Breuse by Kobert Eose r. Nicholas le Tayllur and his wife Elicia in Suthwerk 2 nd Edivard I 7 John de Boclaunde and his wife Johanna r. Thomas de Terling in Suthwerk 8 Eobert Pykeman, fishmonger of London r. Eobert de Ebbegate and his wife Juliana in Neuton, Walewurth and Suthwerk 9 John de Flore v. Ealph Maunsel and his wife Alice in Wolkenstede & Tanrugge and v. Eoger fil' Ealph Maunsel and his wife Isabel in Wolknestede 10 John de Flore r. Ealph Maunsel in Wolknested & Tanrugg. 11 Geoffrey Turgis and his wife Matilda r. John Sauntere and his wife Agnes in Certeseye 12 Eichard le Graunt v. Hugh de Stokes and his wife Agnes in Waleton 13 Master Odo de Westminster r. Peter de Montfort and his wife Matilda in Eeygate 14 John fil' William r. William le Paumer of Eadesole in Puteham 15 Peter Cusyn r. William de Tothill and his wife Felicia in Larnhythe 4 50 SURREY FINES. 3 rd Edward I 16 Hugh de Oyldebof r. William le Hare and his wife Johanna in Polstede 17 Master Eeginald le Sauser r. Edmund de Wrotting and his wife Margery in Gyldeford 18 Geoffrey de Walehale r. Eobert de Beverlay and his wife Cecilia in Puryford 3 rd Edward I and 55 th Henry III 19 Eoger de Covert r. John Haunsard and Gundreda his wife in Chelvedon (James Haunsard a.s.c.) 20 James Haunsard r. Gundreda Haunsard by Herbert de Candevere in Kateram 4 th Edward I 21 William Trug and his wife Olivia r. Eoger le Tayllur and his wife Agnes in Lamhuthe 22 John fil' John de Eyppeleye v. Eeginald de Chelsham and his wife Alice in Saundrestede 23 Eobert de Campania r. Eobert de Crevquor in Tat- lesfeld 24 Ernald de Suthwerk Clerk and his wife Johanna r. William de Bernewell and his wife Isabel in Suthwerk 25 Edmund de Wrottyng and his wife Margery r. Thomas de Pyuelesdori and his wife Elena in Mycham. 26 Adam de Blechingeleye v. Ealph de St. Laudo and his wife Beatrice in Blechingel 27 Peter de Wyntreshull parson of Neweton Church r. John fil' Eichard le Lymbernere and Johanna his wife in Neuweton 28a Bartholomew the Abbot of Certeseye by brother Thomas de Ocham r. Geoffrey de Walehale and his wife Matilda in Certeseye. 29 Peter de Cramplingesham and his wife Margery r. Eichard Stacy of Longeditton and his wife Matilda in Kingeston and Longe Ditton 5 6 EDWARD I. 51 5 th Edward I 28 Eoger fil' Walter r. Henry de Watdone in Merstham (Robert Polbre and his wife Margery a.s.c.) 30 Matilda widow of Eoger de Home r. Stephen de Graves- hende and his wife Amy by Geoffrey Gyan in Effingham 31 William de la Leye r. Thomas de Merewe and his wife Alice in Effingham 32 John fil' Juliana and his wife Alice r. Stephen de Graves- hende and his wife Amy by Geoffrey Gyan in Kersauton and Bedinton 33 Bartholomew the Abbot of Certeseye by brother Thomas de Ocham his monk r. Thomas Haunsard and his wife Alice in Coveham 34 John de Warenn Earl of Surrey by Robert de Chamberleyn r. Hugh de Laval and his wife Matilda in Kenyngton extra London 6" 1 Edward I 35 William de Buritton r. Nicholas the Prior of Tenrugge in Chepstede 36 Hugh Prowet r. William Wenche and his wife Johanna in Guldeford 37 Geoffrey Norman by John de Gretton r. Robert de Mortimer and his wife Jacosa by William de Deveneys in Suthwerk 38 Brother Joseph prior of the Hospital of St. John of Jeru- salem in England r. Richard de Schorne of Litteling- ton and his wife Matilda in Kingeston 39 John de Dudham and his wife Matilda r. Ralph de Dunton and his wife Johanna in Chelesham. 40 Robert le Croys v. Adam de Chelesham and his wife Lora by Adam de Scheyntone in Chelesham & Maldon 41 Henry le Marschal of Guldeford r. Richard le Dyke and Nichola his wife in Guldeford 42 Gilbert prior of Merton by Richard de Merton r. Henry Brunyng and his wife Gunnilda in Kyngeston 42 52 SURREY FINES. 48 William Baudri and his wife Mabel v. Agnes prioress of Bromhale by William de Ford in Wyndlesham (John Baudri a.s.c.) 1 th Edward I 44a Eobert fiT John de Stangrave junior by Philip de Podyn- denn v. Luke de Hecstede in Crowehurste & Lyngefeld 44b William Aumesas and his wife Johanna v. Bartholomew the Abbot of Certeseye in Kersanton 45 Eobert de Beregh and his wife Matilda v. John de Yenefeld and his wife Isabel in Banested, Mikelham, Ebbesham, Ewell and Codynton 46 William le Suur of Waleton and his wife Amabel v. Peter le Knyt and his wife Beatrice in Micham 47 Eichard le Peyntur of Certeseye v. Eoger de la Stret and his wife Beatrice in Certeseye 48 Margaret fiT Eobert de Fremeswrth r. John de Thorp and his wife Alice in Bocham 49 Henry de la Felde and his wife Johanna v. Henry de la Sonde in Dorkyng 50 Thomas de la Fenne v. Laurence de Yatele and his wife Isabel in Godalming and Fenne 51 John Heythorn and Helewisia his wife r. Geoffrey the Prior of Newark in Sende 52 John de Thorp v. William de Forde and his wife Beatrice in Certeseye 53 Walter le Parker and his wife Paulina r. John de Warenn Earl of Surrey by Ealph le Messager in Eeygate 54 William Hervy of Guldeford r. Henry de la Doune and his wife Alditha in Stok juxta Guldeford 55 Master Peter de Abyndon master of the ' domus scolarius ' of Merton v. Walter de Portesmuth in Cudynton 56 Eichard de la Watere and his wife Avice, John le Par- menter and his wife Alice & Clementina de Shyrefeld v. William atte Melne of Wolkestede in Wolkestede 7 8 EDWARD I. 53 57 Frechesenta fil' Hamo de Brecia, Hugh fil' Letitia and John fil' Isabel by Peter de Mallyng v. Peter the Prior of Beremundeseye in Ketherheth 58 Mabel Abbess of Wherewell by Master Walter de Tychefeld r. Thomas de Ottewrthe in Chelewurth and Ottewrth 59 Walter de Codeston r. Eobert Attefrith and his wife Alice in Tenrygge (Thomas fil' William de Warblington a.s.c.) 60 John de Puthurst r. John de Wykeford and his wife Margaret in Chetyngfaud 61 Henry le Mareschal r. Walter Purbyk and his wife Dulcia in Guldeford 62 Frechesenta widow of Thomas de Codeham by Peter de Mallyng v. Peter the Prior of Beremundeseye in Eetherheth 63 Irnbert de Monte Eegali by Henry de Guldeford v. Walter le Parker of Guldeford in Guldeford 64 Walter Herman and his wife Margaret v. Laurence de la Sale and his wife Isabel in Gyldeford 65 Edward Lovekyn and his wife Matilda r. Hugh del Molyn and his wife Alice in Kyngeston 66 Eobert Deumars v. Eobert de Merton and his wife Avice in Kyngeston 67 Eichard le Gros and his wife Margery r. Thomas le Gros in Kyngeston 68 Eobert Bishop of Bath and Wells by John de Berewyk r. Ealph de Berners and his wife Cristiana in Shene 69 Laurence de Suwelle r. Edmund de Totenhale and his wife Margery in Wendlesworth 70 Geoffrey the Prior of Newark v. Peter de la Wode and Alice his wife in Sendes 8* Edward I 71 William Aumbesas and his wife Johanna v. Ealph de Hegthon and his wife Eoesya in Bechinton 72 Peter Cosyn citizen of London v. Alexander de Tothull and his wife Emma in Lamheth 54 SURREY FINES. 73 John le Orfevere of Kyngeston v. Hugh atte Melne and his wife Alicia in Kyngeston 74 Eobert le Mareschal v. Laurence de Yatelegh and his wife Isabella in Guldeford & Wokynghe 75 Walter Herman r. Laurence de Yateleghe and his wife Isabella in Guldeford 76 Eobert Bishop of Bath and Wells by Eichard de Middelton v. Laurence de St. Michel by Eobert de Batesford in Eetherheth and Wolwyg 77 John fil' John Adryan of London and his wife Cecilia r. Eeginald de Immeworth and his wife Matilda in Farne- cumbe 78 William de North wode and his wife Agnes v. Eoger Chapre in Ocham 79 Simon de Bosco v. John fil' Simon de Bosco in Cumpton & Farncumbe 80 Henry de Somerbyr v. Nicholas Malemeyns in Wodeton 9 . Eobert William fiF John William in St. Mary Magdalene Suthwerk 190 SURREY FINES. 38 John Alvyn v. John Pycher of Horsham & his wife Margaret in Horle 39 Thomas Warham, William Thwaytes & William Clon v. Hugh Kyngeston & his wife Johanna v, Thomas Wesen- ham esquire in Croydon, Adescompe & le Wode 40 William Wode & Eichard Estney v. Thomas Mortymer & his wife Elena in Micham 31 st Henry VI 41 John Elmebrugge & William Burton chaplain v. Thomas Eylone & his wife Elizabeth in Blecchyngley 42 William Skerne v. Philip Leweston & his wife Margaret in Wymbildon, Maldon & Wandesworth 32 nd Henry VI 43 John Gaynesford esquire, John Kympynden & Philip Amondesham v. Ealph Amondesham & his wife Milicent in Apese, Eypley, Wokkyng & West Horsley 44 John Bruton & Elias Ingulf v. William Ode & his wife Agnes in Pekham 45 John Penycot esquire & his wife Johanna v. Thomas Wyntershull senior esquire & his wife Johanna in Chakedon & Worplesdon 46 William Holt citizen and mercer of London, John Pontrell esquire, Humfrey Hayford citizen & goldsmith of London & William Skerne gentilman v. Thomas Grene esquire & his wife Matilda in Karsalton 47 The Master & Chaplains of the College of St. Peter of Lyngfeld r. Ealph Earl of Westmorland & his wife Margaret & Thomas Cobham Kt. in Hexstede, Bylysshersh, Lyngefeld, Suthwerk & Lymynesfeld 48 Nicholas Sybyle & Eichard Derman v. Ealph Earl of Westmorland & his wife Margaret & Thomas Cobham Kt. in Lyngfeld 49 John Stone of London taillour & his wife Margaret, John Prynce, Thomas More & William Lynde r. John Chancy 3235 HENRY VI. 191 junior esquire & his wife Johanna in Batersey & Wandesworth 50 Eichard Colcock senior & John Skynner v. Kichard Merston esquire & his wife Margaret in Kyngeston on Thames & Talworthe 51 Thomas Cook of London draper v. Thomas Chaloner & his wife Margaret in Watviles, Chelsham, Adyngton & Farleygh 33 rd & 34" 1 Henry VI 55 William Gaynesford, John Clerk, & Ealph Agmondesham r. Thomas Chaloner of Cokefeld in Essex & his wife Margaret in Lambhith & Camerwell M th Henry VI 52 Thomas Eliot r. Arnald Brocas esquire & his wife Margaret in Shaldeford 53 Robert Whyte, Thomas Palshudde, Henry Pakkere, William Dernwynd John Sturmyn & Eoger Bolton v. John Edyngton of Guldeford barbour & his wife Alice in Guldeford, Stoke juxta Guldeford & Shaldeford 54 Thomas Warham, William Thwaytes, William Clon, & William Warham r. William Kyng of Suthwerk & his wife Kersandria in Suthwerk 56 William Aclond r. John Stone late of Bedyngton & his wife Alice in Walyngton Cressalton & Sutton 57 John Belde of London dyer, Thomas Chambre, William Pulpyt & John Bartlot v. Thomas Leget of London goldsmyth & his wife Johanna in Croydon 58 Arnald Brocas & his wife Margaret r. William Brocas esquire & Thomas Dauberichecourt in Guldeford & Ertyngdon 35 th Henry VI 59 Eobert Wode r. Henry Appulton & his wife Florence in Camerwell & Bredyngherst 60 Eeginald, Bishop of Coventry & Lichfield, John, Bishop- 192 SURREY FINES. of Hereford, John Barre Kt., William Catesby Kt. Thomas Mille esquire & Henry Honsom esquire r. John Chancy & his wife Johanna in Batrichesey & Wandeles- worth 61 Thomas Wesenham, John Skynner & Eoger Wullowe r. James Janyn & his wife Dionisia & Thomas Warham of Croydon in Walyngton & Cressalton 62 John Grene of West Shene & William Sonde r. John Benet of Wodemancote & his wife Johanna in Newedegate 64 Eobert Burstowe & Bichard Jay r. John Maryotte & his wife Alice in Horley 63 Robert Whyte r. John Weston esquire & his wife Johanna in Farnham & Puttenham 65 Thomas Bulchild r. Bichard Lambert & his wife Margaret in the parish of St. Mary Guldeford 66 Bichard Bykeman & his wife Johanna r. John Wastell & his wife Agnes in Croydon 37 tft He)irtJ VI 67 Richard Flemmyng Nicholas Marchall iremonger, & Thomas Fermory v. Thomas Leget citizen & goldsmith of London & his wife Johanna, John Parker & William Walton in Croydon 68 William Gaynesford, William Moraunt & John Bedell v. John Maynard & his wife Agnes, Richard Luggesford & his wife Matilda & Richard Cook & his wife Sibil in Tanregge, Okstede, Wolkestede & Croweherst 69 John Tudham & John Weller of Wolkestede r. John Maynard & his wife Agnes, Richard Luggersford & his wife Matilda & Richard Cook and his wife Sibil in Horle, Cherlewode, Bokelond '& Reygate 70 Thomas Warham, William Clon & Thomas Elyot r. Richard Lynder & his wife Isabella & William Baven & his wife Margaret in Croydon 37 HENRY VI. 4> EDWARD IV. 193 71 Emma Bodely widow, John Skynner, John Molton, Henry Balford & William Povy v. Eichard Culpeper esquire & his wife Sibil in the parish of St. Margaret Suth- werk 72 Henry Kukbare clerk v. Robert Lovell & his wife Johanna in West Chayham 1 s * Edward IV 2 John Underbill v. Thomas Aleyn & his wife Cristina in Wolkestede 3 Richard Byndewyn gentilman, & Edward Stone gentil- man, v. William Stone & his wife Isabella & Henry Riseberger & his wife Agnes in Kyngeston on Thames 4 Philip Squery & John Squery v. John Chattok & his wife Johanna in Hamme Shyrley & Croydon 2 nd Edward IV 5 John Elmebrygge & his wife Isabella v. Thomas Hexstall & his wife Anna in Suthwerk 3 rd Edivard IV 6 William Kele clerk v. John Wode senior esquire & his wife Elizabeth in Mulsey 4 th Edward IV 7 William Burstowe & Robert Burstowe r. Robert Boweman of London draper & his wife Isabella one of the daugh- ters & heirs of Thomas Englond in Horlee S Thomas Wattys citizen & breadseller of London, William Syward otherwise Peryn of Northampton mercer, John Gybbon chaplain & Richard Bray citizen & fuller of London r. William Skryeven of Wandelsworth & his wife Agnes in Wandelesworth 9 John Snell, Thomas Snell, Reginald Shirley, William Redeknapp & Robert Snell v. John Rumney & his wife Johanna in Croydon 13 194 SURREY FINES. 5 th Edward IV .7 10 Keginald Shirley & William Rawelyn r. John Chattok & his wife Johanna in Croydon 6* Edward IV 11 Thomas Danyell citizen & dyer of London, Humfrey Starky gentilman, Eobert Vaus gentilman, Thomas Lewes citizen & vintner of London & Henry Benet r. John Lyende of Westhorslegh & his wife Elizabeth in Shaldeford and Bromle 12 William Stede William Eotheley & Peter Morison r. John Reynold & his wife Margaret in Totyng Graveney 13 Richard Illyngworth Kt. Chief Baron of the Kyngs Exchequer, John Denham esquire, Hugh Fenne, William Essex & Henry Merland v. Richard Forde & his wife Mercia, William Saundre & his wife Johanna & John Collard in Westburgh, Bansted, Ewell & Sandon. 14 John Scot Kt. James Goldwell clerk Thomas Goldwell Thomas Wynbussh & John Goldwell v. John Sellyng esquire & his wife Margaret in Bencham 8 th Edward IV 15 Richard Aubrey r. Alexander Fayreford & his wife Agnes in Strode 16 Nicholas Bray & John Skynner v. William Bray & his wife Johanna in Nutfeld 9 th Edward IV 17 John Goryng & Thomas Covert v. William Clement & his wife Johanna widow of John Fitz John in Guldeford & Shaldeford 18 Richard Illyngworth Kt. Nicholas Gaynesford Peter Baxster clerk, Henry Merland & Robert Bardsey v. William Wower & his wife Johanna in Coveham & Walton on Thames 19 Edmund Shaa, John Assheton Kt., Henry Balknap esquire, John Norbury esquire, Nicholas Gaynesford esquire, 9 13 EDWARD IV. 195 Geoffrey Dowenys, Henry Merland & John Shaa v. Thomas Slyfeld & his wife Anna in Pollesdon, Great Bokeham, Dorkyng, Chertesey, Lethered & Stoke- dabernon II th Edward IV 20 William, Bishop of Winchester, David Husbond clerk, William Gyfford clerk, John Neel clerk, Ealph Legh esquire, Thomas Pounde esquire & William Danvers r. Laurence Dowens & his wife Margery in Suthwerk 21 John Nutfeld v. William Walter & his wife Johanna v. Thomas Motte & his wife Agnes in Lemmesfeld 12* Edward IV 22 Thomas Stonor esquire, Humfrey Forster, Thomas Hampden esquire Thomas Ramsey esquire & William Weston clerk r. John Arundell Kt. & his wife Katharine in Ravenesbury 23 Ralph Wolseley v. Stephen Cole & his wife Agnes one of the sisters of John Martyn son & heir of Henry Martyn lately of Retherhithe & John Gary & his wife Cristina the other sister of John Martin in Retherhithe 24 Robert Hughlot v. John Grace & his wife Johanna in Wyndlesham & Bagshote 13 th Edu-ard IV 1 William Welbek citizen and haberdasher of London John Welbek gentilman, Richard Welbek gentleman & Robert Billesdon alderman citizen & haberdasher of London v. Nicholas Gaynesford esquire & his wife Margaret in Wymbeldon, Potenhith, Est Shene, Westhall, Hampton & Mortlake 2 William Essex gentilman & John Shelley citizen & mercer of London r. Thomas Bassett esquire & his wife Amy in Clandon, Burgham, Terrisworthe, Worplesdon, Chidynge- folde & Bramley 132 19G SURREY FINES. 3 Laurence, Bishop of Durham, Thomas Bryan Chief Justice " de Banco " of the Lord King, Guy Fairfax & Eichard Pygot sergeants at law of the Lord King, Hugh Damlet clerk, Thomas Portyngton clerk, Gervase Clyston esquire, Eobert Forster & Kobert Marler v. Koger Philipot & his wife Johanna in Batersey 4 Thomas Shouve v. John Mersher & his wife Alice in Horle 5 William Welbek citizen & haberdasher of London & Eichard Welbek gentleman v. John Aunger citizen & vintner of London late of London vyntener & his wife Alice in Wymbeldon 16* Edward IV 6 Nicholas Gaynesford esquire, John Forster esquire, William Cornu esquire, Edward Gower esquire, Eichard Skynner, Eichard Tynkylden & John Slowe citizen & stokfysshe- monger of London v. John Walshe & his wife Alice & Simon Arnold & his wife Agnes in the parish of St. Olave's Southwerk 7 John Apsle, Eichard Apsle, Edmund Crofter clerk & Henry Belknapp v. William Uvedale & his wife Anna & Elizabeth Sydney in Godelmyng, Compton, Wonersshe, Shaldeford, Chedyngfold & Seynt Nicholas in Gylford 16 th & 17* Edward IV 8 Walter Forde, Edmund Denny & Valentine Dunne v. William Merston esquire & his wife Anna in Britgrave 17* Edward IV 9 William Mich ell, Thomas Eyngston, Eobert Hoge & John Mawetson v. Thomas Michell & his wife Elizabeth in Bedyngton 18* Edward IV 10 Eobert Bardesey v. Eobert Broke & his wife Margery, Arnald Danse & his wife Agnes & William Gryflyn & his wife Matilda in Walton, Coveham & Wysshele 11 John Saundir & his wife Margaret v. Eichard Edward of 1821 EDWARD IV. 197 Colbroke in Buckinghamshire chapman & his wife Elizabeth in Egham 12 John Holgrave, John Skynner & Ealph Tykkyll v. Thomas Aylove & his wife Agnes in Nutfield, Blecchynglegh & Horley 19 th Edward IV 13 John Perkyns & his wife Agnes r. William Wyghtryng & his wife Johanna in the parish of St. Mary Guldeford 14 William Collowe sergeant at Lawe, Thomas Trennayle sergeant at law, Hugh Stepulton gentilman, William Donnyngton gentilman, Nicholas Lathell Gentilman, Thomas Burgh gentilman, & Eobert Rede Gentilman v. William Lettres & his wife Agnes in Suthwerk 15 Edmund Dantre, John Threle esquire, Henry Samford gentilman, John Westbroke gentilman & Arnald Cham- pyon v. John atte Hyll & his wife Alice in Dunsfold & Hascombe 19 th & 20^ Edward IV 16 John Fenys Kt, Thomas Bourghchier Kt, Thomas Fenys esquire, John Devenyssh, Thomas Oxbrygge, John Ran- dolf, John Hardy & John Codyngton r. Thomas Burgh of Walyngton in Surrey gentleman & his wife Alice in Walyngton 20" 1 Edward IV 17 John Exwold senior & his wife Margaret r. William Scotfce & his wife Agnes in Worplesdon 18 John Couper & William Couper v. John Kirkeman & his wife Johanna in Nutfeld 19 John Graunt v. Thomas Eylove & his wife Agnes in Blecchynglegh 21" Edward IV 20 The King r. Thomas Stanley of Stanley Kt. & his wife Margaret Countess of Richemund in Bagshote 21 Robert Bradsha goldsmith, Richard Chawry salter, Thomas 198 SURREY FINES. Wode goldsmith & Richard Chambre v. James Piers & his wife Johanna in Croydon & Adescombe 22 Eoger Philpot & Eichard Cobham v. Nicholas Silverton & his wife Johanna in Kentisshestrete 28 Thomas Bowre citizen & baker of London ?:. John Byrte citizen & fuller of London r. Thomas Gwynne & his wife Juliana widow of John Eykkell in Wandelesworth 24 Eichard Scopeham & his wife Katherine, Edward Wyde- vyle Kt, Thomas Bourghchier Kt, Thomas Pynde, Eichard Kelet & Valentine Doune v. Eobert Thornton & his wife Amy & Thomas Shirwode & his wife Margaret in Newenton & Waleworth 22 nd Edward IV 25 Thomas Wheler of Stoke & John Wheler r. William Vernon & his wife Johanna in Guldeford, Shalford & Stoke juxta Guldeford 1 st Edward V (inserted as l s< Edward IV in the last bundle) 1 John Thetcher, John Burton, Thomas Billyngton & Eichard Bengeman v. Eichard Stevenson & his wife Margaret, William Warboys & Thomas Bate in Suthwerk I st Eichard III 4 Eeginald Sondes esquire v. William Gage esquire & his wife Alice, Thomas Hoo esquire, Eichard Leukenore esquire senior, William Hapton clerk & John Byssh in Lynge- feld 1 Humfrey Conyngesby, Eobert Worthyngton & John Ag- mondesham v. Eanulph Billyngton & his wife Johanna in Bermondesey 2 Eoger Johnson v. John Edward & his wife Alice in Croydon 8 Eichard Skymer v. William Swayneslond & his wife Alice in Chipstede 5 John Holnherst, Oliver Knyght, Thomas Palmer, Eichard Martyn & William Webbe v. Eichard Morden & his wife Alice in Sutton 1 RICHARD III. 4 HENRY VII. 199 6 John Benet v. John Bank of Est Horsley & his wife Margery in Lethered 7 William Capell esquire, Eoger Philpot gentleman, John Broun gentleman v. William Vernon of London grocer & his wife Johanna in Suthwerk I st Henry VII 5 Henry Saunder v. John Kirkeman & his wife Johanna in North Talworth, South Talworth & Long Ditton 2 nd Henry VII 13 John Dynham Kt Lord Dynham v. John Grave & his wife Anna hi Lambheth 15 John Bevyll notary & Richard Fenrother chaplain v. Edward Waker & his wife Margery in Waybrigge 2 William Capell Kt, John Gardener & Eanulph Bank v. Clement Naylyngherst & his wife Elizabeth in Croydon 3 rd Henry VII 18 Eichard Tyngylden, William Bukke & William Milbourne v. Eichard Forde & his wife Agnes in Suthwerk 5 Thomas Wilkynson clerk v. William Slefeld Kt. & his wife Alianor in Wymbaldon 38 Eobert Eede sergeant at law, Eichard Higham, Robert Weston, Stephen Jenyn & Thomas Vocatour v. Edward Hexstall & his wife Elizabeth in Croydon & Streteham 4 th Henry VII 10 Thomas Bourghchier Kt, Christofer Warde Kt, Nicholas Lathell a Baron of the King's Exchequer, John Fitz- herbert, William Barowe, John Westbroke, Richard Elyot, William Wode, John Polstede & Henry Norbrigge v. William Wyghtryng & his wife Johanna in Wurples- don & Sende 25 Nicholas Nynes & Maurice Taillour v. John Hert & his wife Isabella, Thomas Denton & his wife Margaret, Eobert Boughton & his wife Margaret, & John Barnard & his wife Alice in Barnes 200 SURREY FINES. 24 Eichard Chawery, Thomas Twisaday, Eichard Adyff, Eobert Haukyns & Eeginald Pegge v. John Wodesdon & his wife Dionis in Wolstede 5 Eichard Steven & his wife Johanna v. Thomas Compton & his wife Margaret in Blechynglegh 5 th Henry VII 25 John Legh & Edmund Deny v. John Yong & his wife Alice in Padynden & Abingeworth 39 Henry Somer citizen & haberdassher of London v. Eichard Puttok & his wife Margaret in Croydon 37 John Mathewe citizen & alderman of London, John Hawe, Cristofer Hawe mercer & Henry Wodecok scrivener r. Edward Hexstall gentleman & his wife Elizabeth in Croydon 3 Edward Willoughby & John Sky lie v. William, Marquis of Berkele in Eeygate, Dorkyng, Guldeford & Suthwerk 20 John Legh & Edmund Denny v. John Yonge & his wife Alice in Guldeford 5 Owen Kydlay & Eoger Eydlay v. William Vernon & his wife Johanna in Chertesay Q tk Henry VII 7 Henry Colet Kt., Eobert Turburvyle esquire, John Parker, John Bigge, Gilbert Girpen & Eobert Parys & his wife Alice v. John Abell & his wife Elizabeth in Chirchsey 18 John Otwey v. William Bisshop & his wife Alice in Ferne- borowe & Aldebury 22 John Legh esquire, John Banaster clerk, William Fissher gentleman, Ealph Tykhill gentleman, Eichard Haweles gentleman, Eichard Merland gentleman, Eichard Illyng- worth gentleman, Eichard Skynner gentleman, Edmund Denny gentleman, John Skynner gentleman & John Eodford v. John Down of Effyngham Surrey gentleman & his wife Johanna in Effyngham & Legh 20 Thomas Bowre citizen and baker of London, William 68 HENRY VII. 201 Maryner citizen & salter of London & Henry Somer citizen and haberdasher of London v. Thomas Gwynne & his wife Juliana widow of John Eikhill senior of Wandelesworth & Eichard Eikhill son of John Eikhill in Wandlesworth 14 Ealph Tikhill, Eichard Illyngworth, Thomas Elyngbrigge, John Legh of Stokwell, John Legh of Adyngton & Eichard Merland v. John Marchall gentleman & his wife Eliza- beth widow of Eichard Iwe late of London gentleman & Thomas Iwe gentleman in Sandirstede, Waddon, Coles- don, Whatyngdon & Mestham 8* Henry VII 2 Eeginald Bray Kt., John Elryngton gentleman, Eichard Stone & Henry Barnes late of Horndon on the Hill in Essex son & heir of Eichard Bernes & his wife Anna in Sydewode, Busshelegh, Pyreford & Horshull 18 Henry Heyward v. John Castell & his wife Johanna in Wokkyng 25 William Batyson tailor, Eichard Barley skinner & Henry Clough tailor & citizens of London v. Alianor Martyn widow of John Martyn late citizen and mercer of London in Bedyngton 32 John Wylde, Eichard Skynner & Thomas Burgeys r. Cecilia Wyther widow one daughter & heir of William Elrnet late citizen & dyer of London & Eichard Aubrey citizen & haberdasher of London & his wife Elizabeth the other daughter & heir of the said William Elmet in Newenton 36 William Curteys, Bartholomew Eeed, John Shaa, Cristofer Elyot & Elyot & Henry Wodecok v. Henry Vavasour & his wife Alice in Suthewerk 19 Thomas Morton esquire, John Morton, Henry Edyall clerk, Thomas Madys clerk, Eobert Turbervyle esquire & Clement Clerk v. Eichard Pole esquire & his wife Eliza- 202 . SURREY FINES. beth one daughter & heir of John Goldwell & Henry Wadlose & his wife Emma another daughter & heir of the said John Goldwell in Benchamp & Croydon 6 Ealph Tykhull gentleman, Frank Marycie & his wife Isoda in Oxsted 15 Thomas Grace & his wife Johanna v. William Lyon & his wife Margeret & Johanna Grove widow in Button & Micham 17 Richard Eliot & John Neuton v. Laurence Normanton & his wife Mary in Wandelesworth 9 th Henry VII 28 William Goldsmyth clerk v. Henry Stoughton senior in Stoughton & Stoke juxta Guldeford 45 John Legh, Ralph Legh & Edmund Denney v. Thomas Baker & his wife Johanna v. John Bolle junior & his wife Margaret in Lambehith 33 Ralph Legh & Edmund Denney v. John Neudegate senior & his wife Isabella in Westlond, Ewehurst, Okeley, Wotton & Abingeworth 46 Michael Skynner, John Scote & John Skynner r. Cristofer Middelton & his wife Margaret in Colde Abbey 8 Edward Bouchier esquire, Robert Tywell, Henry Tykkell, Thomas Schurley, Richard Cooke, Robert Dawse & John Potter senior v. Richard Potter & his wife Johanna in Croydon 22 Anna Seyntleger, Gregory Skipwith, John Westbroke, Thomas Clyfforde & Richard Hungerford v. Richard Marten & his wife Elizabeth in Shaldeford 25 Thomas Thwaytis Kt v. Roger Leukenore esquire son of Roger Leukenore Kt & his wife Anna in Barnes, Put- teneth & Mortlake 18 Reginald Bray Kt, David Phylyp, John Shawe, Bartholomew Rede & John Argentyne clerk v. Thomas Allerton & his 911 HENRY VII. 203 wife Johanna widow of Thomas Warner in Waybrugge & Walton 13 Henry Wodecok, Thomas Butsyde, Edmund Tasburgh & Henry Walter r. Thomas Baker & his wife Johanna in Lambeheth 10 th Henry VII 22 John Legh esquire, Edmund Denny, Ealph Legh, Thomas Barbon & Nicholas Elyot v. Cristofer Burford & his wife Agnes in Asshested 24 Lawrence Aylmere & Thomas Aylmere v. Thomas Fenys Kt, Lord Dacre son & heir of John Fenys Kt. & his wife Anna in Walyngton & Bedyngton 31 William Bishop of Lichfield & Coventry, William Hody Kt, Hugh Oldam clerk, Eichard Emson, William Cooke, Humfrey Conyngesby & Nicholas Compton v. James Seynt-Leger in Shire, Vachery & Aldfold 29 The same v. William Boleyn Kt in Shire, Vachery & Aldfold 27 The same r. Thomas Ormond Lord Ormond, William Boleyn Kt. & his wife Margaret & James Seynt Leger esquire, & his wife Anna in Shire, Vachery & Aldfold II th Henry VII 16 John Comporth of Adyngton & John Atwode of Croydon v. William Wody & his wife Elizabeth in Croydon 20 Thomas Benet r. William Lylly & his wife Elizabeth in Water Lambhith 2 Robert Haukyns & Richard Spencer v. George Gaynesford esquire & his wife Isabel in Hourne 8 John Brystowe senior r. Robert Cornwaleys & his wife Elizabeth in Horley 15 Thomas Giles v. William By knell in Worplesden 6 Henry Norbrugge r. Henry atte Lee & his wife Margaret in Guldeford 25 Lawrence Aylmer, John Alymer, Thomas Aylmer, & John 204 SURREY FINES. Chaunterell v. Henry Hunte & his wife Margaret & William Horseham & his wife Mercy in Bedyngton & Cressalton 12* Henry VII 4 Thomas Elmebrigge, John Legh, Kichard Carewe, Eobert Gaynesford, John Gaynesford, Edward Ferrers, Henry Burton & Henry Saunder v. John Newdegate senior & his wife Isabel in Nutfeld 2 William, Bishop of Lincoln, Keginald Bray Kt, William Hody Kt, Hugh Oldam clerk, Humfrey Conyngesby sergeant at law, Eichard Emson, & William Coope v. James Audeley of Audeley Kt, & his wife Johanna in Craineley & Shire 7 John Archer clerk, John Pasrner & John Worsop v. Adam Grene & his wife Agnes in Nudegate, Capell, Occle & Charlewode 13 th Henry VII 29 John Wylde, John Skynner, William Burgeys v. Eobert Hunte & his wife Isabel in Cullesdon, Caterham & Watyngdon 19 John Danhurst & his wife Johanna v. John Montgomery & his wife Cristina in Chertesey, Walton on Thames & Chabeham 3 Eobert Haukyns v. William Wode in Totyng Graveney 9 Andrew Tudham v. Thomas Kyng & his wife Agnes in Home 27 George Nevill of Burgavenny Kt, Lodewic Clifford, Walter Eoberth, Walter Culpepyr, John Gaynesford of Crow- hyrst, John Eober, William Assheburneham, Hugh Pemberton, Eeginald Pympe, Eobert Nayler & William Brent r. Eichard Culpepyr & his wife Margaret & Nicholas Culpepyr & his wife Elizabeth in Ockeley, Bysshecourt, Eoweley, Ockeley, Abymoure, Dorkyng, 13 14 HENRY VII. 205 Hoorne, Byrstowe, Goddestone, Charlewode, Craweley & Ifelde 21 Bartholomew Eede citizen & goldsmith of London, John Shaa Kt, Henry Wodcok & Christofer Elyot v. John Arnold & his wife Johanna daughter of Elizabeth daughter of John Wodham & one of the next heirs of John Wodham in Waybrigge & Biflete 34 William Mede & his wife Edith r. John Scotte & his wife Agnes in Micham 14* Henry VII 4 Roger Thorney & John Pykeryng v. John Colyns mercer in Suthwerk 44 William, Bishop of Lincoln, Reginald Bray Kt, William Hody Kt, John Shaa Kt, Hugh Oldam clerk, Humfrey Conyngesby sergeant at law, Richard Emson, William Coope & Nicholas Compton v. Richard Bysbrygge & his wife Katherine in Cranley 47 John Legh esquire, Ralph Legh & Edmund Denny v. George Gaynesford in Godstone & Wolkestede 15 Roger Grove citizen & grocer of London, William Spynk & William Carkeke r. Richard Constabull & his wife Johanna in Suthewerk 32 John Agmondesham v. John Rympyngden in Leddrede & Fetcham 39 Ralph Legh, Edmund Denny & Richard Clerk r. John Myllys & his wife Margaret in Wolkensted & Tanrygge 43 John Agmondesham, John Legh of Stokwell esquire, Richard Merlond & John Caryll v. Thomas Ryall in Pachenesham 12 Amy Mcrston v. Henry Frowyk & his wife Margaret & Anthony Forde in Bryttesgrave 34 Gilbert Stoughton & Henry Norbrugge r. John Haccher & his wife Katherine in Est Horseley, Effingham, Okham and Byflete 206 SURREY FINES. 33 Ralph Merton & his wife Juliana v. Thomas Carter & his wife Rose in Effyngham, Est Horslegh, Little Bokham, Chertesey and Wokkyng 27 William, Bishop of Lincoln, Reginald Bray Kt, William Hody Kt., Hugh Oldham clerk, Humfrey Conyngesby sergeant at law, Richard Emson, William Cope & Oliver Sandys r. Thomas Huchecok son & heir of Richard Huchecok & his wife Alice in Alfold 18 William Danvers a Justice of the Common Bench & Thomas Danvers gentleman r. William Fynall & his wife Johanna in Saint Margaret's Suthewerk 13 John Hurste & his wife Elizabeth r. John Scrace citizen & vintner of London late of London vyntner & his wife Margery in Suthwerk & Newenton I4 th & 15 th Henry VII 19 Henry Heyward v. Thomas Colney in Walton on Thames 15 th Henry VII 22 Mathew Brown Kt, Richard Marlond, Henry Burton, Robert Wodford gentleman & Thomas Horncastell clerk v. Thomas Wode & his wife Johanna in Est Chenam, West Chenam and Codyngton 23 Robert Bilby, John Brown, Henry Waleram & John Rynge v. William Pygot & his wife Alianor in Kynges- ton on Thames 54 John Stone & John Gardener v. John Benyk & his wife Agnes in Croydon 20 Philip Hardys v. John Baker & his wife Agnes in Tattys- feld, Tytsay, Codeham and Westram 35 John Agrnondesham, Thomas Champeneys & Cristofer Hawe v. John Rympynden & Thomas Rympynden his brother in Leddrede and Fetcham 13 Gilbert Stoughton & Thomas Purnoche v. Johanna West- broke in Loseley, Imham, Godalmyng and Compton 23 Lawrence Aylmer r. Leonell son & heir of John Donton 15 17 HENRY VII. in Totyng Graveney, Totyng Beke, Moredon, Mecham & Walyngton 4 John Eeed, Bartholomew Reed, Hugh Peyntwyn clerk & Richard Laken v. Humfrey Riggeley & his wife Alice in Walton on Thames 27 Brian Palmes, Walter Ruddeston, Guy Palmes, Edmund Burton, Edward Greene, John Ryplyngham clerk r. John Hurst & his wife Elizabeth in Suthwerk & Newyngton 15 th & U th Henry VII 30 John Shaa Kt., Thomas Frowyk sergeant at law, Edmund Dudley, John Mondy & William Capell v. Robert Wone- ham & his wife Margaret in Wolkestede, Godstone & Tanrugge 56 William Shert r. John Wrethier & his wife Alice in Shal- ford, Hascombe, Dunfold & Brande 16* Henry VII 77 John Wylde senior, Richard Masham & Humfrey Wylde v. John at Hyll & his wife Margaret daughter & heir of Cristina Pode in Camberwell & Lambehithe 8 Henry Knyght r. Mathew Mylshe & his wife Alianor in Croydon 9 Edward Alye, William Stratford clerk, John Alye & John Longherst & his wife Alice v. John Wyllot & his wife Agnes in Abyngeworth 12 Philip Hardys r. Thomas Kempsall & his wife Sibil in Tytsey & Westram 14 Thomas Kempsall v. Philip Hardys & his wife Alice in Tatesfeld & Codam 13 John Legh of Abyngeworth & John Auncell v. Robert God- man & his wife Johanna in Capell & Mylton 17 th Henry VII 20 Richard Illyngworth & his wife Anna r. Richard Trewe & his wife Agnes in Mycham 208 SURREY FINES. 33 Thomas Vicars .v. Thomas Doyle & his wife Alice in Guide- ford 7 Walter Champyan r. John Wryther & his wife Alice in Guldeford 8 John a Lee & Humfrey a Lee v. Nicholas Daly & his wife Johanna in Okley 18 th Henry VII 49 John Legh Kt, Ealph Legh, Edmund Denny, Anthony Forde, Thomas Barbon & Eichard Clerk v. Nicholas Daye & his wife Margaret in Bokeham 38 Thomas Kneesworth citizen & fishmonger of London, Edmund Denny gentleman & John Smith citizen & fish- monger of London r. Thomas Fulbourne & his wife Katharine in Suthwerk 21 Henry Ive & William Blundell v. Stephen Hylle gentleman & his wife Elizabeth widow of Humfrey Barton in Croydon & Adescompe 16 John Grigge clerk, Kichard Marlond, Thomas Purwoche & Henry Wykes v. Eichard Hert & William Andrewe & his wife Alice daughter & heir of Eobert Constable gentle- man in Maldon 27 Eichard Aubrey, Eustace Knyll, Hugh Lechard & James ap Meryk v. William Bonde & his wife Johanna in Strode & Egham 38 John Kyngesmyll sergeant at law, Edmund Dudley, Eichard Hungerford & John Otewell v. Thomas Fenys of Dacre Kt & his wife Anna in Wandeles worth, Batersey, Totyng & Putney 5 Thomas Marowe & William Smart v. William Irelond & his wife Johanna in Clapham lQ th & 19" 1 Henry VII (this is in the last bundle) 31 John Legh esquire, Ealph Legh & Edmund Denney v. James Homwode & his wife Oliva in Merstham & Gatton 1820 HENRY VII. 209 18 th & 19 Wl Henri/ VII 40 John Skynner John Scott senior r. Thomas Tylle & his wife Alice in Lambhith 19 th Henry VII 14 John Mongar & William Hamond v. Henry Norbrigge & his wife Alice in Bramley, West Shalford, Donnysfold & Guldeford 11 Eichard Carpenter r. William Fygge & his wife Alice in Fernecombe 10 William Penycod & John Payto v. Anna Basset widow of Eichard Basset in Chydyngfold 33 Edmund Hyll, Edward Hyll, Eichard Martyn & John Eedforde v. William Wynchester in Ditton on Thames & Emworth 24 John Legh Kt & Edmund Denny r. John Doune, son & heir of Thomas Doune & his wife Samithia, & his wife Margery Cade in Effyngham & Legh 20" 1 Henry VII 3 Henry Norbrugge v. Thomas Westbroke & his wife Alice in Guldeford 5 William Warre & his wife Agnes v. Thomas Squyrry & his wife Juliana in Croydon and Addescombe 31 Eeginald Pegge, William Buttrye & George Turton clerk r. Thomas Barnewell & his wife Margaret in Bernes, Mort- lake, Eokehampton, Putneth & Wymbelton 33 Henry Wyatt esquire, Eichard Wyatt, William Buttry, Eeginald Pegge & George Turton clerk r. Thomas Lucas & his wife Isabel in Barnes 36 Henry Wyatt, esquire, John Scott, John Skynner r. John Sande & his wife Cristina in Walworth 17 William Irelond, William Yong, Bartholomew Spardour clerk and John Mydenale T. Amy Debenham widow daughter & one heir of William Edward late citizen & alderman of London in Clapham 14 210 SURREY FINES. 21* Henry VII 62 George Monouxe & his wife Amy r. Peter Skarisbrig & his wife Cecilia in St. Olave Suthwerk 31 Kobert Fenrother, Henry Worley, Nicholas Worley, Kobert Hardyng, Thomas Caterall & William Kebyll v. William Stoure & his wife Elizabeth in Longe Ditton, Temmys ditton & Kyngeston on Thames 23 John Legh Kt & Edmund Denny v. Eichard Govell & his wife Margaret in Eeygate 4 John Legh Kt, Eichard Button, Ealph Legh, John Button, George Button & John Legh clerk v. Eoger Legh & his wife Agnes in Wodmersthorn, Chepstid, Purbright, Cold Abbey, Nutfeld, Pekham & Kynworsley in Horley 11 Nicholas Hughson & Thomas Hyldersham r. Thomas Calcot in Pachenesham, Letherhed & Feccham 16 John Gaynesford esquire & his wife Anna v. Eichard Underhyll & his wife Elizabeth in Lyngefeld & Crowe- herst 21 s ' & 22 nd Henry VII 7 Giles Daubeney Kt, Charles Somerset Kt, David Owen Kt, Thomas West Kt, Edmund Dudley esquire, Jasper Owen gentleman, William Greyvyle & John Neudigate r. John Gage esquire & his wife Philippa in Wolkestede 22 nd Henry VII 33 John Eeed v. John Scotte gentleman & his wife Anna in Suthwerk 11 John Couper, John Fenner, Thomas Polsted, John Skynner junior & Nicholas Merden v. Thomas Ful- bourne & his wife Katharine & Anna Fulbourne in Lynkefelde, Eeygate & Gatton 29 John Eichardson senior, William Marston, Henry Saunder, John Grofham, Eichard Godman, Edward Hogeson & Eichard Tayllour r. John Hatton & his wife 2223 HENRY VII. 211 Johanna, Kichard Wenright & his wife Clemence, John Vese & his wife Margaret & Anna Mersher in Nut- feld 4 William Sharp, John Degon & Robert Stanford r. John Gaynesford of Croweherst esquire & his wife Anna in Lyngfeld & Crowherst 22 George Emeryson, Eichard Wyatt clerk & Henry Wyatt esquire r. Richard Hole & his wife Margaret in Wale- worth & Horsmongerlond in Neweton 23 rd Henry VII 45 John Scott, Mathew Broun, Henry Wyatt, John Skynner senior & John Skyner junior v. Edward Burton & his wife Isabel in Kennersley, Carshalton, Sutton, Mordon & Walyngton 13 Robert Fenrother, Henry Warley & William Kebyll v. Lambert Drax & his wife Cecilia in Kyngeston on Thames and Longditton 15 John Scott, John Lewes, John Skynner gentleman & John Scragge citizen of London v. Thomas Wode & his wife Johanna in Bermondesey 49 John Cokkys senior, John Bysshop, John Chowne, Thomas Burnell & John Cokkys junior v. Benedict Foscue & his wife Matilda in St. Olave's (Suthwerk) 32 Richard Broke, Anthony Fitzherbert, Thomas Polstede & Richard Marble v. John Pecche Kt & his wife Elizabeth in Bermondesey 5 Nicholas Hughson & Thomas Hildersham c. Thomas Cotton in Pachenesham, Letherhed & Feccham 1 Thomas Best, John Best, John Ravelyn & Richard Derby u. William Kebyll & his wife Elizabeth in Wandeles- worth 14 John Legh Kt, Ralph Legh & Edmund Deny v. Richard Lee late of London gentleman in Est Cheham & Codyngton 142 212 SURREY FINES. 24* Henry VII 59 John Legh Kt, Kalph Legh & Edmund Denny v. Stephen Eommyng & his wife Anna & Thomas Playter & his wife Juliana in Asshestede 24 William Batell senior, William Brayborne, John Mylle, Thomas Brayborne & John Brayborne v. Thomas Wryght & his wife Elizabeth in Farneham DIVEES COUNTIES. 10* Richard I 61 Stephen de Turnham & his wife Edelina v. the Abbot of Westminster in Patricheseie UNKNOWN COUNTIES. 13* Henry III 50 William de Colevile v. William de Besevile & William de Colevile v. William de Beseville who Johanna widow of Hugh de Besevile called to warranty and William de Colevile v. William de Besevile who John de Bedington & his wife Johanna called to warranty in Kersawelton 41" & 42 nd Henry III 133 Fulc the Bishop of London by Eobert de Trumpeton v. Peter de Pyrefryth in Wokyng 52 nd Henri/ III 155 Adam de Stratton v. John fil' Saerus in Eetherheth 54* Henry III 158 Adam de Stratton v. John fil' Saerus in Eetherheth DIVEES COUNTIES. 7 th Henry III 25 John, prior of Holy Trinity Canterbury by William le Curteis v. Hugh de Nevill & his wife Johanna in Wale- wurth & Neweton 1333 HENRY in. 213 13* Henry III 69 William de Nortoft & his wife Matilda, Ealph de Ealegh & his wife Mabel & Godelot sister of Matilda & Mabel v. John de Lascy the Constable of Chester in Condington U th Henry III 72 John fil' Geoffrey v. Koger de Dantesy & his wife Matilda by the Prior extra Bissopesgate in Ditton 15* & 16* Henry III 89 Margery widow of Odo de Daumartin v. John de Wauton & his wife Alice by William de Kingeston and the said Margery r. Eoger de Clare & his wife Alice in Chipsted Effingeham & Mikelham 21 st & 22 nd Henry III 137 Ealph de Freschenevil r. .William, Earl Warenne in Dorking 24* Henry III 156 Eoger de Bavet & his wife Sarra by Sampson de Bales- ford v. John de Sey in Hachesham 160 Eoger de Bavent & his wife Sarra v. Peter de Codington who called to warranty Walter de Merton in Farlegh 25* Henry III 170 Ealph de Cameys' r. John le Haud in Wudeton 26* Henry III 179 Master Thomas Ayswy v. William de Wylehal in Clop- ham 28* and 29* Henry III 199 John fil' Geoffrey v. Eoger de Shyre & his wife Matilda in Shyre 32 nd Henry III 228 Saerus fil' Henry v. William fil' William in Eetherhe & Hagesham 33 rd Heni-y III 239 William de Wintreshull & his wife Beatrice v. Phillippa de Nevill in Bromleg, Puttenham and Uners 214 SURREY FINES. Henry III 292 Eustace de Tycheseye r. John de Tycheseye in Chelsham, Codeham & Wycham 87* and 38* Henry III 297 Emma Belet v. John de Valetort & his wife Alice in Westshenes 89 th Henry III 311 Richard de Mares & John & Henry his Brothers v. William de Mares in Tetlesfeld 42 d Henry III 338 William de Brademere v. John de Ynglesham in Kynge- ston & Ditton 344 Katharine de Ely by Henry le Enveyse v. Edward de Westminster in Suthwerk 43 rd and 44* Henry III 372 The King v. Peter de Sabaudin in Wytteleye 52 nd Henry III 427 Walter de Merton v. Philip Basset & his wife Ela Countess of Warwick by Henry de Meleburn in Leddrede. 52 nd and 53 rd Henry III 447 Adam de Stratton v. John fiT Saerus in Eetherheth 54* Henry III 462 Adam de Stratton v. John fiT Saerus in Retherheth 465 Johanna widow of Umfrey de Bohun by Adam Russel v. Umfrey de Bohun Earl of Hereford & Essex in Waleton 471 William la Zuche v. William de Wylburham & his wife Emma in Shenes 55 th Henry III 48'2 Master Peter de Abyndon keeper of the Scholars House of Merton v. Walter de Merton in Meldon, Farleg & Leddrede 55* and 56* Henry III 491 Richard de Breous & his wife Alice v. William de Breous by Nicholas de Dytton in Brumleg 56 HENRY III. 10 EDWARD I. 215 56"' Henry III 500 Ela widow of Philip Basset by Milo le Messager r. Koger de Bygod Earl of Norfolk & Marshal of England & his. wife Alina by John de Livermore in Wockyng and Sutton VAEIOUS COUNTIES. 20 th Henry III 62 Eoger de Clere by William fiF Symon v. John de Gatesden by Eichard de Gatesden in Shyre & Crayle. 39 th Henry III 123 Walter de Merthon v. Cecilia de Gravenel in Chissyndon and Mendon DIVEES COUNTIES. I st and 2 nd Edward I 11 Adam, Prior of St. Mary Suthwerk by Brother Hugh de his canon v. John fiT William Haunsard and James fil' William Haunsard in North Adeworth and Little Bocham. 12 John, the Dean and the chapter of St Paul's London r. Eichard le Fraunceys & his wife Pagan a in Bernes 2 nd Edward I 18 The King r. John de Burgh in Bansted 6 th Edward I 70 Eichard de Knolle r. Alan de Hawernan & his wife Amicia in Bagshete, Wyndesham & Chabeham 7* Edward I 82 Henry de Boun r. Humfrey de Boun Earl of Hereford & Essex in Waleton 9 th Edward I 104 Nicholas Kyriel r. Eoger de Northwode hi Crawham 10* Edward I 121 Nicholas de Cryel fil' Nicholas de Cryel r. Agnes fil' Eobert de la Lese of Eyneford in Crawham 216 SUKREY FINES. 122 William de Kirkeby & his wife Cristiana by Eobert de Babbegrave v. Agnes fil Eobert de la Lese of Eyneford in Crouham 124 William de Kirkeby & wife Cristiana by Kobert de Babbegrave v. Agnes fil Eobert de la Lese of Eyneford in Crouham 14 th Edward I 163 John fil' Peter de Montefort v. Peter de Montefort in Assested 15* Edward I 179 Eobert de Litlebury r. William de Hoo in Kyngeston 16 th Edward I 189 Eeginald de Cobeham & his wife Johanna r. Thomas, parson of Chartham church in Lyngtrefeld 19^ Edward I 210 Simon de Goldburg & his wife Agnes r. William de Eton in Eggeham & Ingefeld 1 st Edward II 3 John fil' Eobert de Clere & his wife Johanna r. James le Bel of Fermesham in Chert I st and 2 nd Edward II 7 John Joce & his wife Cristiana r. John de Listen in Suthwerk 9 John de Ethebrigg & his wife Margery r. William de Esthall in Betherheth, Suwerk, Camerwell & Bermundeseye Qth and 7 th E dward II 84 Gilbert de Clare Earl of Gloucester & Hertford & his wife Matilda by Adam de Brom r. Gilbert de Sancto Audoeno in Bechesworth 9 th Edward II 116 William de Basyngestok r. Eobert fil' William le Tannur of Kyngeston & his wife Margaret in Kyngeston 118 Hugh de Hereford of London v. John le Frenshe of London joynour, & his wife Juliana in Westgrenewych & Camerwelle 10 EDWARD II. 15 EDWARD II. 217 10* Edward II 144 Simon fil' Simon de Wodeham & his wife Katherine v. John de Matham in Certeseye, Wodeham & Pyryford 11* Edward II 150 William de Pyncebek v. William de Derham & his wife Alice in Hacchesham 11* & 12* Edward II 165 Isabella widow of Hugh Bardolf v. Master James de Moun in Adyngton 13* & 14* Edward II 189 Eobert fil' John Allard of Wynchelse by Bertram de Suthwerk v. Hugh de Hereford of London in West- grenewich & Camerwell 190 Eobert fil' John Allard of Wynchelse by Bertram de Suthwerk r. Hugh de Hereford of London in West- grenewich & Camerwell 191 Hugh de Audele junior & his wife Margaret v. Hugh le Despenser junior & his wife Alianora in Chelsham & Warlingham 192 John de Hastynges by Eobert de Lalleford v. John Bernard parson of Wenreret Church & Ealph de Bockyng in Westcote 14< A Edward II 204 John de Hastynges by Eobert de Lalleford v. John Bernard parson of Wenreret Church & Ealph de Bockyng in Westcote 205 John le Latymer & his wife Johanna & Eobert fil John v. Lambert de Trikyngham in Est Shenes, Mortelake & Wymbeldon 15* Edward II 209 Eobert de Stenesgrave & his wife Johanna v. John Mason chaplain & Eoger atte Pyrie in Blecchyngelegh, Wolkestede, Crowehurst, Lingefelde, Tanregge, Okstede & Lemenesfeld 218 SURREY FINES. 17 th Edward II Eobert Fitz-Payn & his wife Ela v. Jordan de Byntre parson of Wrocheshale church & Geoffrey de Gode- manston parson of Wodelouch in Whisshele 231 John Inge parson of Lynleye church v. Fremmund Inge & his wife Cristiana by John de Bledelawe in Neude- gate & Cherlewode 2 nd Edward III 17 Alan le Fraunceys of Wrydelyngton & John Seman of Berton r. Nicholas le Fraunceys of Wrydelyngton & his wife Florence in Micham & Morden 3 rd & 4 ' INDEX NOMINUM. le Mukere, Ralph, 14 de Mulesey, Samson, 5, 9 le Muleward, Alice, 132 Henry, 132 Richard, 85 Mulle, John, 174 atte Muln, see del Molyn Multon, Agnes, 165 Thomas, 165 de Multon, Walter, 138 de Mumbrai, or de Mumbre, 1, 2 Mundy, John, 187 de Munested, William, 14 de Munketon, see de Moncketon Munnyng, Richard, 106 Munpelers, Robert, 55 Roesia, 55 Muriele, Johanna, 162 Muryweder, Alice, 132 John, 132 de Muscote, James, 68 de Muskham, Isabella, 112 de Mussendene, Simon, 107 de Myddelton, see de Middleton Mydenale, John, 209 Myles, Robert, 95 Mylle, John, 212 Myllys, John, 205 Margaret, 205 Mylshe, Alianor, 207 Matthew, 207 Mymmys, Emma, 139 Nicholas, 139 Myre, Letice, 189 William, 189 atte Nalerette, Johanna, 100 John, 100 Nantes, John, 178 de Naples, William, 115 Nappere, le Nappere, or le Naper Hugh, 15 Mabel, 21 Robert fil' Ralph, 21 Walter, 131 Narburgh, William, 165 atte Nasshe, Johanna fil' John, 86 John, 86 Margaret fil' John, 86 Naward, Margery, 171 Walter, 171 Naylyngherst, Clement, 199 Elizabeth, 199 Neder, Richard, 228 de la Nedre, Robert, 54 Neel, or Nele Alice, 225 John, 195 William, 225, 229 le Neir, or le Neyr Giles, 27 Philip, 29 Thomas, 18 Netelfold, Hugh, 156 Johanna, 156 de Nethersole, Robert, 127 de Netoelfeld, John, 76 de Neubir, Reginald, 11 Neubrigg. de Neubrigg, Neubrigge, or Neubrugge William, 112, 115, 120 (2), 123 (2), 126, 127 (2), 128 Neudegate, see Newdegate Neulond, see Newelond Neuport, William, 139 de Neuport, Quintin, 37 Sabinia, 37 Neuton, John, 202 de Neuton, Richard fil' Nigel, 41 Nevill, Nevile, or Nevyll George, 204 Richard, 162 Robert, 231 de Nevill, Hugh, 11, 212 Johanna, 11, 212 John, 40, 149, 221 Philippa, 213 Newark, Geoffrey, Prior of, 44, 48 (2), 52, 53 John, Prior of, 6, 8 Richard, Prior of, 37, 38 (2), 40 Roger, Prior of, 100 Thomas, Prior of, 19, 26, 29, 30 Walter, Prior of, 65 Newcastle under Lyme, Master Peter of, 83 de Newcastle, Geoffrey, 28 Peter, 62 de Newdegate, de Newedegate, de Neudegate, Neudegate, or Neudigate Isabella, 202, 204 John, 180, 202, 204, 210, 223 Richard, 15, 20 William, 38, 133, 135, 137 Neweam, Matilda, 179 Thomas, 179 INDEX NOMINUM. 2,89 atte Neweland, Edmund, 23 de la Newelond, or de la Neulond Isabel, widow of Walter, 12 Lucy fiP Walter, 11 le Neweman, John, 84 Matilda, 84 Newenham, William, 225 de Newenham, John, 48 Newerk, John, 182 Katharine, 182 Newetymbyr, Nicholas, 180 Newman, John, 15 Nichol, or Nichole Johanna, 90 John, 87, 92 John fil' John, 90 Scolastica, 87, 92 fil' Nicholas, David, 15 Nicholas, Isabella, 17 Stephen fil' Thomas, 17 Nicolet, Johanna, 171 William, 171 de la Nobrith, or de Nobrihte Felicia, 22 John, 22 Nicholas, 22 Noel, Robert, 80 de Norboton, Forth win, 16 Norbrigge, Northbrigge, or Nor- brugge Alice, 209 Henry, 199, 203, 205, 209 (2) Peter, 182, 187 Norbury, Anna, 227 John, 194 Henry, 227 atte Nore, Juliana, 126 Simon, 126 Noreys, le Noreys, le Norreys, or la Noresche Hugh, 45 John, 78 John fil' John, 93 Mary, 45 Peter, 124 Robert fil' Robert, 45 Norfolk, Elizabeth, Duchess of, 229, 230 John, Duke of, 229 de Norhamton, Henry, 32 (2) Norman, Agnes, 139 t_ Alice, 38 ~ Geoffrey, 38, 51 Johanna, 129, 130 Norman, Walter, 129, 130, 139 William, 55, 56, 75 fil' Norman, Geoffrey, 31 Alice, wife of, 31 Normanton, Laurence, 202 Mary, 202 de Normenvile, or de Normenwil Emma, 1 (2), 2 Julia, 1 Rose, 2 Margaret, 1 North, Gilbert, 35, 83 William, 168 de North, Henry, 28 Northbrigge, or Northbrugge, see Norbrigge de Northbury, Johanna, 133 William, 133 de Northland, John, 108 Northrigge, Johanna, 155 Robert, 155 Northrug, or Northrugge Agnes, 65 Alice, 144 Beatrice, 65 John, 65 John fil' John, 65 Margery, 83 Robert, 83, 144 North wod, John, 161 Juliana, 161 de North wode, Agnes, 53 Elizabeth, 218 John, 61, 71 Nicholas, 102 Roger, 56, 215, 218 Roger fil' Peter, 48 Thomas fil' William, 7V William, 53, 71, 77 William fil 1 William, 48 de Northwyk, William, 79, 104 de Nortoft, Matilda, 213 William, 213 Norton. Johanna, 164, 165, 224 John, 156, 163, 164, 165, 169, 183, 224, 227 Margery, 169 Robert, 168 de Norton, John, 88 Margaret, 150 Ralph, 150 Richard, 61 de Norwich, Richard, 121 William, 80 19 290 INDEX NOMINUM. Norwych, Robert, 134 Notebourne, Robert, 145 (2) Notte, John, 220 de Notion, Isabel, 124 William, 123, 124 Notyngham, Isabella, 153 Richard, 153 de Notyngham, Matilda, 124 Richard, 120 Roger, 124 atte Novene, Mabel, 104 Richard, 104 Thomas, 104 Nowel, or Nowell Alice, 128 Matilda, 135 Robert, 128, 135 Nutfeld, John, 195 Nutheuseband, Henry, 19 Nynes, Nicholas, 199 de Nytymbre, Margery, 113 William, 113 de Ockeleye, or de Okkelyghe Agatha, 104 Matilda, 75 Walter, 104 William, 75 Ode, Agnes, 190 William, 190 Odyerne, Juliana, 78 William, 78 Je Of bam, John, 111,124 Ogger, Johanna, 178 William, 178 Ogham, John, 225 Oisel, or Oysel Gilbert, 19 Richalda, 19 Richard, 37, 38 Richard fil' Richard, 37, 38 atte Oke, Alan, 54 de Okebourne, John, 128 Margery, 128 de Okham, or de Ocham Nicholas, 69 Thomas, 50, 51 de Okhurst, John, 126 Okore, Philip, 224 Okstede, Roger, Parson of, 114 de Okstede, Isabel, 108 John, 108 Thomas, 85 William, 60 Okwod, Alice, 138 John, 138 Oky, Elena, 59 John, 59 Oldam, or Oldham Hugh, 203, 204, 205, 206, 231 de Oldbridge, Thomas, 17 Oldcastell, Johanna, 225 John, 225 Oliver, or Olyver Emma, 37 (2) Johanna, 160 John, 141, 160 John fil' Thomas, 119 Katharine, 119 Robert, 95 Thomas, 89 Walter, 92 William, 89, 94 fil' Oliver, Hugh, 27 Mary, wife of, 27 Olmestede, William, 140 Olney, John, 227 de Olneye, John, 151 Onderheld, John, 181 (2) Onley, John, 231 del Ore, Agnes, 29 Osbert, 29 le Orfevere, or le Orfeure Beatrice, 58 James, 58 John, 54 Peter, 36 Orgar, Alice, 124 Thomas, 124 Ormesby, Arthur, 177, 186 Mercy, 186 Ormond, Thomas Lord, 203 de Orreby, Florence, 79, 87 (2), 90 Philip, 79, 87 (2), 90 Osbarn, Osbern, Osebarn, or Ose- bern Gocelyn, 98 Margaret, 126 Margery, 98 Richard, 173, 176 Thomas, 126, 184 William, 110 Oslang, Gilbert, 25 Ospreng, William Gracien, Master of the Hospital of St. Mary of, 21 de Osyngehurst, Abraham, 45 (2) Letitia, 45 INDEX NOMINUM. 291 Oter, John, 19 Lucy, 19 Otewell, John, 208 atte Otlond, Robert, 60 Sibil, 60 Otte, Alice, 72 (2) John, 72 Stephen, 72, 82 Stephen fil' Stephen, 72, 82 de Otteford, John, 63 Juliana, 63 Otteley, Robert, 180 Otteworth, de Ottewortb, de Otte- wurtb, de Ottewirtbe, de Ottewrtb, de Ottewrthe, or de Uttewrth Edmund, 57 Ida, 20 Laurence, 57 Thomas, 30, 34, 39, 53 Walter, 14, 20, 23, 24 (2), 30, 34 William, 176 Ottour, Isabella, 187 John, 187 Otwey, John, 200 Oundel, Henry, 147, 156 Owen, David, 210 Jasper, 210 Oxbrygge, Thomas, 197 de Oxehagh, Hugheline, 24, 25 Richard, 24, 25 de Oxenecroft, Gilbert, 15 Oxeneye, Salamon, 156, 177 de Oyldebof, Hugh, 49, 50 Oysel, see Oisel P , Ralph, 3 Paas, Johanna, 157 John, 157 Pacchyng, Thomas, 158, 225 de Padbroke, or de Padebrok Cassandra, 55 John, 55, 78 fil' Pagan, John, 24 Emma, wife of, 24 Page, Agnes, 139 Alice, 127 Henry, 139 John, 127, 140 Matilda fil' Adam, 96 William, 32 de Pakenham, Lucy, 117 William, 117 Pakkere, 174, 186, 189 (2), 191 Palmer, John, 154 Philip, 172 Thomas, 172, 198 William, 227 le Palmere, James, 112 (2) Sarra, 112 Palmes, Brian, 207 Guy, 207 Palshudde, Thomas, 191 Papellioun, William, 99 de Papeworth, de Pappeworth, de Papewrth, or de Pappewrth Agnes, 94 Alice, 44, 78 Johanna, 44 John, 42, 44 (2) Juliana, 44 Ralph, 20 Robert, 29 Thomas fil' Robert, 55 Walter, 78 William, 8 Paramurs, Isabel, 16 William, 16 de Parco, Alexander, 22 Emma, 22 Geoffrey, 13 John, 25 de Paris, le Parys, or Parys Agatha, 94 (2) Alice, 65, 200 John, 65 Matilda, 81, 82 Richard, 81, 82 Robert, 200 Simon, 94 (2) Park, John, 169 atte Park, Juliana, 171 Roger, 171 Parker, le Parker, or le Parkere Agnes, 108 Alice, 137, 165 Cassandra, 70 Elicia, 57 Emma, 134 John, 108, 110, 137, 165, 18G, 187 (2), 192, 200 Margaret, 186, 187 (2) Paulina, 52 Peter, 79 Robert, 57 Thomas, 134 Walter, 52, 53, 108 192 292 INDEX NOMINUM. atte Parkgate, Nicholas, 72 Parlebien, Richard, 156 le Parmenter, Alice, 52 Edelina, 19 John, 52 William, 19 de Parnycote, de Pernycote, or Pernecote Robert, 105, 219 Thomas, 74, 219 Parnyng, Isabel, 115 Pasmer, John, 204 Passelewe, Symon, 40 Paston, William, 226 Palhorn, Thomas, 141, 142 de Patmere, Clemence, 102 Richard, 102 Patrik, Isabel, 115 Robert, 114 Paul, John, 95 le Paumer, Alured, 11 Edith, 16 Edward, 16 William, 49 Pavy, Richard, 172 Pawelyn, Richard, 177 Payn, or Payne Agnes, 155 Alice fiT Robert, 73 Andrew, 95 Henry, 155, 168 Isolde, 228 Johanna, 93, 96 (2), 100 John, 76 (2), 77, 93, 96, 100, 173, 187, 230 Lucy, 76 Margaret, 230 Philip, 96 Richard, 96 Robert, 41, 95, 228 Simon, 76 Paynel, or de Paynel Margaret, 69, 73 William, 61, 69, 73 Payto, John, 209 Peche, or Pecche Adam, 152 Elizabeth, 211 John, 211, 222 Mary, 152 le Pedeler, or le Pedelere William, 102 (2), 103 Pedewyn, William, 168 Pegge, Reginald, 200, 209 (2) Pego, Nicholas, 146 Pelham, Johanna, 147 William, 147 Pemberton, Hugh, 204 Pembroke, Margery, 162 Walter, 162 atte Pende, Agnes, 146 Johanna, 142 Nicholas, 146 Richard, 142 de Penhnrste, Ralph, 2 Penne, Isabella, 172 William, 172 atte Penne, Thomas, 162 de la Penne, Elicia, 56 (2) Robert, 56 (2) Pentecost, John, 101 William, 4 (2), 13 Peny, John, 173 Nicholas, 150 Penycod, William, 209 Penycot, Johanna, 190 John, 190 Peper Osbert, 15 Percy, Thomas, 224 de Percy, Henry, 221 Peres, John, 173 de Perham, Johanna, 56 William, 56 Perkyns, Agnes, 197 John, 197 Perlee, William, 226 Pernel, Thomas, 139 Pernersh, or Pernersshe Johanna, 126 Matilda, 164 Richard, 164 Walter, ]26 de Pernestede, Geoffrey, 75 Isabel, 75 Perneys, John, 183 (2) de Pernycote, see de Parnycote Person, Alice, 154 John, 142, 154 Pertrycb, Margery, 172 William, 172 Perveys, John, 176 Peryn, William, 193 de Peseiuere, William, 32 Peshauwe, Agnes, 136 Richard, 136 le Pessuner, Alice, 22 Richard, 22 le Pestur, Cecilia. 42 INDEX NOMINUM. 293 le Pestur, Matilda, 33, 48 Robert, 33 Roger, 42 William, 48 le Pesur, Joceus, 12 Mary, 12 fil' Peter, Robert, 5 Roger, 5 William, 27, 48 Petirburgh, Robert, 165 (2) Petit, Emma, 74, 95 William, 74, 95 Petresfeld, Frebern, 146 de Petresfeld, Alice, 118 John, 118 de Pettestede, Ada, 47 John, 47 de Pettys, Archangelus, 187 Margaret, 187 Pevensey, Henry, 185 Johanna, 185 Peverel, Andrew, 222 Katharine, 222 Peyforer, Lora, 82 William, 82 le Peyntur, Johanna, 69 John, 68 Richard, 52 Robert, 69 Peyntwyn, Hugh, 207 le Peystur, John, 65 Margery, 65 fil' Philip, Alice, 30 Thomas, 2 Philip, or Phylyp David, 202 Mathew, 188 William, 229 Philpot, or Philipot Johanna, 196 Roger, 196, 198, 199, 229 Picot, or Pykot Alice, 55 Henry, 55 William, 39 William fil' William, 23 Piers, James, 198 Johanna, 198 Pikerin, Geoffrey, 21 Pilketon, John, 165 Margaret, 165 Pilton, or Pylton John, 164 (2), 176, 171 Margaret, 164 (2), 167, 171 Pinchun, or Pynchon Cecilia fil' John, 74 Thomas, 15, 104 Pinget, Cristiana, 7 Reginald, 7 Pippard, Edmund, 41 Margaret, 41 Pirie, Pi rye, or Pyrye Alice, 129, 172 John, 172, 176 Juliana, 108 Peter, 106. 108, 129 Richard, 172 de Pirifrith, de Pirif right, de Pyre- frith, or Pyrefryth Juliana, 22 Peter, 22, 37, 212 de Pirile, de Pirlee, de Purle, or de Pyrle Alice, 116 Johanna, 21 John fil' Peter, 116 (2) John fil' William, 64 Nicholas, 12, 21 Walter, 4 de Piriton, or de Pyriton John fil' William, 109 Richard, 221 Piryman, Gilbert, 156 Matilda, 156 de Piwelesdon, or de Pyuelesdon Elena, 50 Emeline, 69 Roger fil' Thomas, 69 Thomas, 50 Planez, John, 17 Playter, Juliana, 212 Thomas, 212 Plecy, John, 224 Peter, 224 Plegge, Agnes, 182 William, 182 de Plesyngton, Robert, 149 de Pleyshamel Johanna, 46 Richard, 46 ! atte Pleystowe, Alice, 130 Richard, 130 Plofyld, Edmund, 186 Plomer, Plomere, le Plomer, or Plummer Johanna, 100, 103 John, 100, 103 Simon, 122, 125, 130 Pobelowe, Robert, 157, 225 294 INDEX NOMINUM. Pode, Cristina, 207 de Podenhale, Margaret, 129 Richard, 129 de Podeshal, Peter, 11 de Podyndenne, de Podyndenn, de Podydene, de Pudindon, de Pudindene, de Pudingden, or de Putindene Adam, 119, 123 Gilbert, 2, 12 Johanna, 119 Lucy, 2 Philip, 52 Simon, 22. 55 William, 2 le Poer, Alice, 55 Geoffrey, 55 Poignaunt, Adam, 99 de Pokeuord, John, 95 Juliana, 95 Polbre, Margery, 50 Robert, 50 Pole, Elizabeth, 201 Richard, 129, 201 atte Pole, Johanna, 131 Walter, 131 de Polesdon, de Polesden, or de Polesdene Godwyn, 65 Gunnilda, 16 Herbert, 2 Sarra, 23 Thomas, 23 Walter, 5 le Poleter, Isolde, 85 Walter, 85 Poleyn, Alice, 110 John, 110 William, 20 Pollard, John, 146 William, 23 Polle, Emma, 74 Martin, 74 Pollebroke, Alice, 187 Walter, 187 de Pollingfold, or de Polyngfold Robert, 105 Stephen, 23 Pollowe, John, 125 de Foisted, de Polstede, or de Polebted Cecilia, 1, 8 Hugh, 1, 40 John, 199 de Polsted, de Polstede, or de Polested Michael, 8 Thomas, 210, 211 de Polton, Isabel, 72 Thomas, 72 Polynge, Matilda, 154 Richard, 154 de Ponshurst, de Poneherst, de Ponisherst, or de Ponshurst Alice, 69, 72 (2), 76 (2), 82, 83 Basilia, 11 John, 72 (2), 76 (2), 83 John fiT John, 69 Ponte, Johanna, 136 Richard, 136 Pontrell, John, 190 Ponynges, or Ponyngges Edward, 232 Margaret, 227 Robert, 183, 227 de Ponynges, Michael, 134 Robert, 179 Pope, Johanna, 135 John, 108, 135 Thomas, 61, 63 le Pope, Ralph, 131 Popy, Robert, 155 Porkelee, Elizabeth, 227 Guy, 227 de Porkele, William fiT William, 97 Porland, William, 180 Port, William, 227 atte Port, Richard, 157 de la Porte, Emma, 44 Thomas, 44 Porter, Agnes, 156 John, 156 Richard, 164 le Porter, Alice, 122 John, 122 de Portesmuth, Walter, 52 Portyngton, Thomas, 196 Postel, Gilbert, 85 Margery, 85 Ralph, 89 le Potager, Agnes, 100 Walter, 100 de Potenhale, Richard, 11 Rose, 118 le Poter, Peter, 13 Pothel, Ralph, '6 INDEX NOMINUM. 295 Potom, John, 111 de Pottenhethe, or de Puttenhuthe John, 138 Margaret, 138 Thomas, 98 Potter, Johanna, 202 John, 202 Richard, 202 Potyer, John, 181 Potyn, Margaret, 96 Nicholas, 142 Walter, 96 Poulche, Beatrice, 90 Peter, 90 Pounde, Thomas, 195 Pountfreyt, Henry, 224 Juliana, 149 Robert, 149 Povy, William, 193 Powe, William, 160 Power, Lacy, 99 Robert, 99 Poydras, Walter, 71 de la Poylle, de la Pay lie, or de la Pyle Alice, 30 (2), 72 Margaret, 123 Robert, 123 Thomas, 34, 72 Walter, 42 de Poynton, William, 113 Poynt, Alice, 188 Richard, 188 Poyser, Constance, 232 Henry, 232 Prat, Thomas, 98, 165 Pratyn, Agnes, 161 John, 161 Predome, Prodom, Prodomme, Pro- dhomme, or Prudhum Adam, 85, 92 Emma, 85, 92 Helewisia, 10 Johanna, 74, 96, 100, 158 John, 74, 82, 96, 100 Richard, 222 Simon, 158 Swein, 10 Prentout, Simon, 178 Prentys, or Pryntys Margaret, 170 Thomas, 159, 163, 164, 169 William, 170, 174 Pressen, John, 175 Prest, Freest, or le Prest Geoffrey, 33 Goldyna, 33 Isabel, 42 Nicholas, 181 William, 33, 42 Preston, Johanna, 182 John, 161, 182 de Preston, Alice, 79 Daniel, 76 Margaret, 56, 58 Robert, 56, 58 Stephen, 73 Primerole, Cecilia, 66 Richard, 66 de Prinkeham, Odo, 16 Prior, Priour, or Priur Ingebran, 173 John, 66 Lecia, 66 Matilda, 173 Robert, 161 Thomas, 165 (2) Prodom, Prodomme,or Prodhomme, see Predome Profale, John, 98 Profyt, Alice, 159 William, 159 Prophet, Thomas, 160 Prophete, John, 225 Prou, Agatha, 130 Walter, 130 Prowet, Hugh, 54 Prudhum, see Predome Pruet, Johanna, 115 Richard, 112, 113, 115, 117, 133 Prynce, John, 190 Puddyng, John, 155 de Pudindon, de Pudindene, or de Pudingden, see de Podyndenne Puffe, Richard, 151 Puke, Adam, 19 Pukelyn, John, 80 Matilda, 80 Pulpit, or Pulpyt William, 179, 191 Pultebem, Robert, 91 le Pulter, Nicholas, 129 Punchard, Richard, 47 Punshurst, John, 153 del Punt, Peter, 29 de Puntinton, Robert, 12 Purbyk, Dulcia, 53 Margaret, 115 296 INDEX NOMINUM. Purbyk, Roger, 115 Walter, 53 Purchase, Henry, 181 de Purle, see de Pirile Purnoche, Thomas, 206 Purse, Agnes, 95 Richard, 95 Purte, Geoffrey, 81 Purwoche, Thomas, 208 de Puthurst, John, 53 de Putindene, see de Podyndenne de Puttenhuthe, see de Pottenhethe Puttock, Anabel, 185 Etnerus, 140 Isabella, 140 John, 140, 185 Margaret, 140, 200 Richard, 200 de la Puylle, see de la Poylle Pyard, John, 117 Pycard, Agnes, 176 Thomas, 176 Pycas, John, 178 Pycher, John, 190 Margaret, 190 Pygas, John, 158 Pygot, Alianor, 206 Lawrence, 187 Richard, 196 William, 206 Pykeman, Adam, 95, 183 Andrew, 133, 145 Emma, 183 Johanna, 1S3, 145, 192 Matilda, 95 Richard, 192 Robert, 49 Pykenot, John, 35 Pykeryng, John, 205 Pykeslegh, William, 151 Pykot, see Pioot Pykworth, John, 176 de la Pyle, see de la Poylle de Pylefrith, Peter, 45 Pylgrym, Agnes, 125 Roger, 125 Pympe, Reginald, 204 de Pyncebek, William, 217 Pynchon, see Pinchun Pynde, Thomas, 198 Pynkhurst, Pynkehurst, or de Pynkhurst Adam, 126, 140 Johanna, 126 Pynkhurst, Pynkehurst, or de Pynkhurst Letice, 110 Thomas, 110 Walter, 110 William, 220 Pynnok, Nicholas, 1 14, 124 Pynselegh, John, 121 Katharine, 121 Pynwell, William, 175 le Pyp, Robert, 97 Pypart, Emma, 33 John, 33 Pyrefrith, see Pirifrith atte Pyrie, or atte Pyrye Agnes, 141 Alice, 159 Gilbert, 42 Godfrey, 159 Henry, 141 Roger, 217 de Pyriton, see de Piriton de Pyrle, see de Pirile Pyrot, Henry, 55 Pyrun or Pyron Alice, 67 Emma, 41 Henry, 29, 41 Robert, 67 Pyrye, see Pirie de Pyuelesdon, see de Piwelesdon atte Quarere, Thomas, 118 de la Quarere, Agnes, 25 Ralph, 25 Quatremars, Beatrice, 40 Nicholas, 40 Quecche, Hugh, 164 Queen, Elizabeth the, 230 de Quenhethe, Avice, 92 William, 92 Quynaton, Robert, 176 Quyntyn, John, 138 Rabus, John, 6 Walkelyn, 6 Radclyff, Roger, 229 de Radelee, Adam, 111, 115 Matilda, 111, 115 de Radesole, John, 112, 115 Margaret, 112, 115 de Rading, Margery, 22 William, 22 le Rakyere, Hagenilda, 102 INDEX NOMINUM. 297 le Rakyere, Roger, 102 de Ralegh, Mabel, 213 Godelot, sister of, 213 Margaret fil' John, 86 Ralph, 213 fil' Ralph, Brian, 7, 8 (2) Gunnora, wife of, 8 (2) Elyas, 11 Gerard, 12 Gilbert, 2, 5 Hamo, 10 Henry, 15 John, 21 Osbert, 5 Richard, 9, 11 Cecilia, wife of, 9 Robert, 44 Vitalis, 3 William, 20, 29, 32 de Rameseye, Agnes, 48 Alexander, 38 John, 48 Matilda, 38 Robert, 124 de Rameshulle, William, 87 Ramsey, Thomas, 195 Rand, John, 183 Randolf, or Randolph Elizabeth, 120 Emma, 70 Katharine, 145, 222 John, 120, 197 Nicholas, 172 Walter fil' Robert, 70 William, 145, 222 de Rankedich, Thomas, 41 fil' Ranulph, Amabel, 4 Isabel, 4 Richard, 6 Robert, 2 Suanilda, 4 de Rattescroft, Alice, 62 Robert, 62 Rauf, Alice, 26 Gilbert fil' William, 26 Raum, Philip, 130 Ravelyn, John, 211 Raven, or Ravon Johanna, 135 Robert, 135 Sarra, 14, 27 Thomas, 14, 27 de Ravenser, John, 138 Rawelyn, William, 194 Raynford, William, 228 de Recchynge, John, 107 fil' Reclnse, Wlric, 3 Rede or Reed, Bartholomew, 201, 202, 205, 207, 231 (2) Edmund, 172, 177 Isabella, 167, 172 John, 167, 172, 207, 210 Petronilla, 161 Ralph, 161 Robert, 197, 199 de Rede, or de Reda Adam, 73 Alice, 92 Clemence, 45, 47 Edith, 73 John, 45, 47, 92 Mabel, 70, 83 Robert, 64, 70, 83 Redeforde, or Redforde Johanna, 177 John, 209 William, 177 Redeknapp, William, 193 de Redenhale, Amicia, 67, 70 Roger, 67, 70 Redeston, William, 158, 188 Redhond, Alice, 125 Richard, 125 de Redinghersth, see de Ridyngersh Redmane, Mathew, 134 Redyng, Cecilia, 149 John, 149 le Rees, Matilda, 93 Thomas, 93 Reeve, Agnes, 22 Robert, 22 Reffawe, John, 180 Margaret, 180 Regaud, Matilda, 54 Richard, 54 Regge, John, 168 fil' Reginald, William, 14 fil' Reiner, Reginald, 16 de Remdon, Roger, 8 de Remenham, Robert, 102 Thomas, 102 Remys, Thomas, 158, 167, 170 Renecester, Richard, Prior of, 15 Renehawe, Annora, 158 John, 158 de Resham, Rich eras, 84, 96 John, 84, 109 298 INDEX NOMINUM. Beson, William, 134 de Retherhee, Agnes, 18 atte Revere, Richard, 176 de Reygate, or de Regate Cristina, 76 John, 44 (2), 76 Reygate, Brother Henry, Master of the Hospital of, 34 de Reygni, de Reingny, or de Reney Robert, 19, 21 (2), 25 Reyner, Cristina, 109 Isabel, 62 Johanna, 62 John, 62, 180 Thomas, 62, 109 de Reynham, or de Reyngham Alesia, 141, 143 Edmund, 104, 110 Isolde, 104, 110 Nicholas, 141, 143 Reynold, or Reynald Johanna, 135 John, 133, 183, 194 Mabel, 133 Margaret, 194 William, 135 Richard, Johanna, 99, 185 John, 90, 169 Robert, 78 Thomas, 99 William, 185 fil' Richard, Henry, 15 Richard, 16 Symon, 27 Thomas, 20 William, 21, 24 Tephania, wife of, 21, 24 Richardson, John, 210 Riche, Thomas., 231 (2) Richebele, Isabel, 118 Peter, 118 Richemund, Margaret, Countess of, 197, 230 Richer, John, 158 de Richescumbe, Drugo, 20 le Rideler, William, 126 le Ridere, Geoffrey, 13 de Ridyngersh, de Rydingehers, or de Redinghersth John, 110 Margery, 110 Matilda, 69 Robert, 47, 69 atte Rigge, Richard, 99 Riggeley, Alice, 207 Humfrey, 207 de Rikethorn, Elena, 85 William, 85 Rikhill, Rikill, Rykhull, or Ryk- kell John, 198, 201 (2) Nicholas, 226 Richard, 201 William, 151, 224 (2) de Rinssam, Robert til' Reginald, 5 Ripon, John, 183 Riseberger, Agnes, 193 Henry, 193 de la Rithe, Cecilia, 54 William, 54 Robelot, William, 163 Rober, John, 204 fil' Robert, Floerin, 26 Henry, 3, 5 Luke, 12 Milo, 5 Alice, wife of, 5 Ralph, 14 Richard, 4 Robert, 1 Stephen, 15 Thomas, 10 Vitellus, 4 William, 2, 11, 17 Cristina, wife of, 17 Roberth, Walter, 204 Robkyn, Alice, 153 William, 153 Robyn, Alice, 146 William, 146 Roce, Hillary, 87 (2) John, 121, 223 Margery, 87 (2) Walter, 95 William, 102, 103, 219 Rocheford, Richard, Parson of, 221 de Rockele, Grecia, 35 Reginald, 35 Rodelond, Elena, 188 Robert, 188 de Rodesham, William, 118 Rodford, John, 200 atte Rodgate, Adam, 77 Matilda, 77 de la Roede, John, 43 Roger, Johanna, 90 John, 90 INDEX NOMINUM. 299 Roger, Walter, 94 fil' Roger, Gilbert, 11 Hagenilda, 24 Reginald, 16 Simon, 4 William, 16 Roghheye, Johanna, 159 John, 159 Roke, John, 163