Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/catalogexhibitorsOOpanarich OFFICIAL CATALOGUE of EXHIBITS Panama-Pacific International Exposition SAN FRANCISCO 19 15 PRICE $2.00 THE WAHLGREEN COMPANY PUBLISHERS TEMPORARY CATALOGUE OF THE Department of Fine Arts Panama -Pacific International Exposition San Francisco, California 1915 Copyright 1915 by The Wahlgreen Company PricG 50 Cents. The Wahlgreen Company Publishers T.-?3 UNITED STATES SECTION. SCULPTURE. Adams, Herbert. 1. Bacchante. 2. Meditation. S. William Cullen Bryant. Aitken, Eobert. 4 Dancing Bacchante. 5. Dancing Faun, U. Tired Mercury. 7. A Thing of Beauty. 8. William H. Taft. Lent by Mrs. W. H. Taft. 9. Michael Angelo. 10. Outer Darkness. 11. Door for Gates Mausoleum. 12. Commemorative Medal of the Panama- Pacific Exposition. Lent by the United States Govt. Akeley, Carl E. 13. The Wounded Comrade. 14. Lion and Buffalo. 15. Stung. Alfano, Vincenzo. 16. Mother's Love. 17. Might Is Right. 18. Quousque Tandem. Austin, Amanda P. 19. Saint John. 20. Portrait of Miss Quinn. Baer, Lillian. 21. The Dance. Ball, Caroline Peddle. 22. Sun-dial. Barnhorn, Clement J. 23. Boy Pan with Frog. Bartlett, Paul Wayland. 24. Statue of Lafayette. 25. Philosophy. 26. Romance. 27. Religion. 28. Recumbent Lion. 29. No title. 30. No title. 31. No title. 32. No title. Bathurst, Clyde C. 33. Portrait of James Qrafly. Chester. Beyond. Edward. Muse Finding Head of Orpheus. Sun Dial, The Scalp. Wild Flower. Boy and Frog Fountain. Bishop, Emily Clayton. 40. Greed. Lent by The Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. Study— No. II. The Finish. The Bacchic Dancer. Portrait. Study— No. III. The Greek Maiden's Dance of Joy. Portrait of Margaret Tew. Comedy. The Little Dancer, Classicism and the Renaissance. And as Pretty a Piece of Flesh as Any in Messina. — Dogberry (Shakespeare.) Portrait. Passing of the Seasons (Winter into Spring.) Beach, 34. Berge, 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. Bitter, Karl. 54. Memorial to Dr. Henry P. Tappan, Lent by University of Michigan. Fountain Group. Lent by John D. Rockefeller, Esq. Signing of Louisiana Purchase Treaty. Lent by City of St. Louis. 57. Faded Flowers. 58, Statue of Thomas Jefferson. Borglum, Solon H. 50. Washington: 1753. Brenner, Victor D. 60. Womanhood. 61. Nature: the Consoler. 62. Dr. A. Blackwell. 55. 56. Boyle, John J. 63. Returning From the Hunt. 64. Stone Age. 65, Tired Out. 66. Colonel Barry Monument. Brooks , R. E. 67. Frame of Medals. Burroughs, Edith Woodman. 68. L'Arriere Pensee. 69. Fenella. 70. Vine Leaves. 71. Garden Figure. Calder, A. Stirling. 72. The American Stoic. 78. Historian. 74. A Woman. 75. Laughing Boy. 76. Seated Athlete. Chamberlin, F. ToUec. 77. The Cup Bearer. Clevenger, Shobal Vail. 78. Washington Allston. Lent by The Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. Cohen, Nessa. 79. Navajo Watching Women at Work. 80. Sunrise. Coonsman, Nancy. 81. Wistful Baby. 82. Portrait of Old Woman. Corbett, Gail Sherman. 83. Sundial Boy. 84. Bust of Rev. Samuel J. Calthrop. 85. Chameleon Boy. 86. Kirkpatrick Memorial Fountain. Crenier, Henri. 87. Girl and Butterflies. Dallin, Cyrus Edwin. 88. The Scout. 89. Passing of the Red Man. 90. My Boys. 91. Arthur. 92. Lawrence. 93. Lincoln. 94. Chief Antelope. 95. Medicine Man. 96. Cayuse at the Spring. 97. On the War Path. 98. Appeal to the Great Spirit. 99. The Scout. 100. Pretty Eagle. 101. Paul Revere. 102. Washakie. 103. Standing Elk. 104. Cliief Joseph. 105. Appeal of the Great Spirit. 106. The Medicine Man. 107. Apache. BErARTMENT OF FINE ARTS 121. 122. 123. 124. 125. 129. 130. 131. 108. Protect. 109. War or Peace. 110. My Mother. 111. Indian Hunter. Deming, Edwin Willard. 112. The American Bison. 113. Friendly Tussle. 114. The Playing Bear. 115. Indian Hunter. 116. Maternity. 117. The Fight Between a Panther and a Grizzly Bear. 118. The Antelope or American Prong- horn. Dietsch, C. Percival. 119. Destiny. Duveneck, Frank. 119A. Memorial: Mrs. Duveneck. Lent by the Cincinnati Museum Association. Eberle, Abastenia St. L«ger. 120. The Windy Door Step. Dancing in Avenue A. Slumber. Mother Bathing Child. Rag Picker. Rag Time. 126. Solitude. 127. Bacchanale. 128. The Little Brother. Washing. Girl Skipping Rope. Little Mother. EUerhusen, Ulrich H. 132. Buffalo — Gonel 133. Relief on Ludeke Monument. Fairbanks, Avard. 134. The Baby. 135. Old Bill Kidington. Faruham, Sally James. 136. Cave Woman. Fenton, Beatrice. 137. Peter Moran. Lent by the Art Club of Phila- delphia. Caroline. Lent by Gustavus Remak, Jr., Esq. Marjorie D. Martenet. Flanagan, John. 140. Frame of Medals. 141. Frame of Medals. 142. Frame of Medals. Fraser, James Earle. J!?- Portrait of G. C. Whitney. 144. Bust of J. E. C. 145. Portrait Study. 146. Portrait of .J. G. Flora and Sonny Whitney. Portrait Bust. Case of Medals. Frazee, John. 150. Bust of John Frazee. Lent by The Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. French, Daniel Chester. 151. Earle Dodge Memorial: Princton Stu- dent. Lent by Princeton University. Lincoln. Lent by State of Nebraska. Study of a Head. Alice Freeman Palmer Memorial. Frishmuth, Harriet W. 155. Saki: A Sun Dial. lo6. Young Girl With Fish: A Fountain. Fromen, Agnes Volborg. 157. The Last of His Tribe. 138. 139. 147. 148. 149. 152. 153. 154. Fry, Sherry Edmundson. 158. Peace: Fountain Figure. 159. Chief Mahaska. Ganiere, George Etieune . 360 Head of Lincoln. Gelbert, John. 161. Evening Prayer. 162. Theseus Courting Charles. The Surgeon. Lent by The Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. Thomas P. Anshutz. Lent by The Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. The Entomologist. Lent by Henry L. Viereck. Edwin Swift Clymer. The Oarsman. Maidenhood. George Harding. Edward W. Schofield. Joseph R. De Camp. William M. Paxton. Edward W. Redfield. Marble Head. Grafly, 163. 164. 165. 166. 167. 168. 169. 170. 171. 172. 173. 174. Grimes, Frances. 175. Mrs. Joseph Parsons. 176. George Goodyear, Esq. 177. Mrs. George Parsons. 178. Arthur Whiting. 179. Joseph Parsons. 180. Reginald Fincke, Jr. 181. Miss Pearmain. 182. Ralph Pulitzer, Jr. 183. Mrs. C. H. Crane. Harvey, Eli. 184. American Elk. 185. Lion combating. 186. Adonis: Young Greyhound. 187. Rex: Lion with Antelope. 188. Lioness Combating. 189. Adonis : Greyhound Recumbent. 390. Maternal Provisions. 191. Lion of the Desert. He^^er, 192. Ilering, 193. 15»4. 195. VM. 197. 198. 199. 1.J9A. 200. 201. 202. Hoard, 203. 204. Carl Augustus. Bondage. Henry. Frame of Medallions. Courage. Peace. Memory. Devotion. Running Diana. Portrait Relief: Stephen H. Olin. Portrait Relief: Mr. Evarts Tracy. Portrait Relief: Mrs. Tracy Dows. Bust of Augustus Saint Gaudens, L'Allegro. Margaret. The Old Woman. Eve. Hoffman, Malvina. 205. Les Orientals: Pavlowa and Novi- koff. 206. Portrait Bust: Bonarius Grimson. 207. Russian Dancers. 208. Russian Bacchanale. Holm, Victor L. 209. Prima Mater. 210. Halsey C. Ives, Esq. 211. Edmund Wuerpel, Esq. Hovenden, Martha M. 212. Girl and Kitten: Sundial. Humphriss, Charles H. 213. Indian Hunter. SCULPTURE Hyatt, Anna Vaughan. 214. Fighting Elephant*. 215. Jaguar Reaching. 216. Eight-Horse Group. 217. L'Orage. 218. Winter Group. 219. Lion and Lioness Group. 220. Colts in a Storm. 221. Tiger Group. 222. Great Dane. 223. Great Dane. Jaegers, Albert. 224. Portrait: Uncle Joe Cannon. Johnson, Grace Mott. 225. Chimpanzee. 226. Chimpanzees. 227. Goat. 228. Greyhound Pup. Kanno, Gertrude Boyle. 220. Head of William Keith. 230. Takeshi Kanno. Kemeys, Edward. 231. Deer with Large Antlers: Standing. Lent by The Art Institute of Chicago. 232. While the Mother Sleeps: Female Jaguar with Cubs. Lent by The Art Institute of Chicago, 233. Battle of the Bulls. Lent by The Art Institute of Chicago. 234. Peacock and Sleeping Rabbit. Lent by The Art Institute of Chicago. 235. Lion. No. 947. Lent by The Art Institute of Chicago. 23G. Mad Panther. Lent by The Art Institute of Chicago. 237. Wolf at Bay. Lent by The Art Institute of Chicago. 238. A Mountaineer: Rocky Mountain Sheep. 239. Buffalo and Wolves. 240. Battle of the Bulls. Lent by the Art Institute of Chicago, Kendall, Sergeant. 241. Quest. 242. Elisabeth. 243. Breton Girl. Knight, Charles Robert. 244. Polar Bear. 245. Leaping Tiger. 246. Kodiak Bear, Konti, Isidore. 247. Immortality of Genius. 248. Surprise. 249. Dying Melodies. 250. Solace. 251. Scherzo. 252. Wood Nymph. Kratlna, Joseph M. 252. Genius: Head of Baby. Krupka, Joseph. 254. Kiss of the Oceans. Ladd, Anna Coleman. 255. Sun-God and Python.. 256. Fountain Group. 257. Sleeping Furies. 258. Winged Head. 259. Rock and Flower Group for Pool. 260. Eleanora Duse. 261. The Sword. 262. The Human Instrument. 263. High Tide: Low Tide. 264. A Roman Lady. LaesBle, Albert. 205. Turtle and Prev. 266. King Crab and 'Beetle. 267. Turning Turtle. 268. The Squirrel. 269. Chanticleer. 270. King Fisher. 271. Fantail Pigeon. 272. Heron and Fish. 273. Frog and Katydid. 274. The Bronze Turkey. 275. An Outcast. 276. The Contented Hop-toad. 277. Locust and Pine Cone. 278. The Old Bullfrog. 279. Turtle and Snail. 280. The First Step. 281. Repletion. 282. Young Turtle. 283. La Source. 284. The Hunter. 285. Blue-eyed Lizard. Lee, Arthur. 286. The Nigger. Lent by Mrs. Harry Payne Whitney. 287. The Virgin. Lichtenauer, J. Mortimer. 288. Statuette. Longman, Eyelyn Beatrice. 289. Female Torso. 290. Female Torso. 291. Head of Bacchante. 292. L' Amour. Lukeman, Augustas. 293. Diana. McCartan, E. 294. Pan. Maclntosk, William W. 295. Portrait Relief: Mrs. L, C. M. McKenzie, Sohert Tait. 296. The Young Franklin. MacNeil, Carol Brooks. 297. First Lesson. 298. The Wave, 299. Farewell to the Fairies. 300. Betty. MacNeil, Hermon A. 301. Girl with Young Satyr. 302. Incoming Wave. Manatt, William N. 303. Nymph. Manor, Florence. 304. The Florence Madonna. Manship, Paul. 305. Little Brother. 306. Prong-horn Antelope. 307. Centaur and Dryad. 308. Portrait of a Baby. 309. Indian Hunter. 310. Spring Awakening. 311. Portrait Statuette. 312. Playfulness, 313. Lyric Muse. 314. Satyr and Sleeping Nymph. Mazur, Wladyslaw. 315. Portrait. 316. Coquetry. 317. Motherless. Mora, Joseph J. 318. No Title, 319. No Title, 320. No Title, 321. No Title, 321. No Title, 322. No Title. 323. No Title. 324. No Title. Muller, Olga Popoflf, 325. Primitive Man. 326. Head of Breton. 327. Idyl. 328. Meditation. 329. Centaur. Neilsen, M. P. 330. Double Medallion: Louis and Han- nah Sharngold. DEPARTMENT OF FINE ARTS Noquet, , Paul. 331. Weeping Man. 332. Despair. 333. Endless Grief. 334. Soldier of Marathon. Lent by Gutzon Borglum, Esq. O'Connor. Andrew. 335. No Title. 336. No Title. 337. No Title. 338. No Title. 339. No Title. 340. No Title. 0' Donovan, William R. 341. Bust of Dr. Talcott Williams. Lent by Dr. Talcott Williams. Parsons, Edith Barretto. 342. Fountain; Duck Baby. Partridge, William Ordway. 343. Bust of Dr. Weir Mitchell. Patigian, Haig. 344. No Title. 345. No Title. 346. No Title. 347. No Title. 348. No Title. 349. No Title. 350. No Title. Perry, B. Hinton. 351. Daughter of Pan. Piccirilli. Attilio. 352. A Soul. 353. Mater Consolatrix. 354. A Faun's Toilet. Piccirilli, Purio. 355. Eurydice. 356. Younng Mother with Child. Pietro, C. L. 357. Mother of the Dead. Pietz, . Adam. 358. Louis G. Heinze. Polasek, Albin. 359. Portrait Bust of Frank D. Millet. 360. The Sower. 361. The Maiden of the Roman Cam- - pagna. 362. Portrait Bust of Theodor N. Ely. 363. Maternal Love. 364. Aspiration. 365. Portrait of a Baby. 366. Fantasy. 367. Portrait of a Boy. Pope, Alexander. 368. Our Vanishing Wild Life. Portnoff, Alexander. 369. Portrait Bust. Poupelet, Jeanne. 370. Cock. 371. Donkey. 372. Toilet. Pratt, Bela L. 373. Polo Player. 374. Young Mother. 375. Bust of My Mother. 376. Upstream and Downstream. 377. Boy with Fish. 378. Bust of Mrs. Pratt. 379. Echo. 380. Study of a Young Girl. 381. Edward Everett Hale. 382. Nathan Hale. 383. River Nymph. 384. The Butterfly. 385. Lord Amherst. 386. St. Christopher. 387. Large relief No. 1. 388. Large relief No. 2. 389. Whaleman. Proctor, A. Phimister. 390. Alaskan Brown Bear: Heaa. 391. American Horse. 392. Buffalo. Q. H. 393. Buffalo. 394. Dog with Bone. 395. Charging Elephant. 396. Elk. 397. Faun. First model. 398. Indian on Horse. 399. Princeton Tiger. 22-inch Reduction. 400. Princeton Tiger. 9-inch Reduction. 401. Silver King Fish. 402. Lions. 403. American Bison. 404. American Bison. Putnam, Brenda. 405. The Parting. Quinn, Edmond T. 406. Audrey. 407. Nymph. 408. Nymph: Garden figure. 409. Portrait of C. H. Chavant, Esq. 410. Aspiration. 411. Edwin Markham, Esq. Kecchla, Richard H. 412. Bas-relief Portrait: 413. Bas-relief Portrait: 414. Bas-relief Portrait: 415. Bas-relief Portrait: 416. Golden Age No. 1. 417. Golden Age No. 2. 418. Relief: Boston Museum of Fine Arts No. 1. 419. Rehef: Boston Museum of Fine Arts No. 2. 420. Relief: Boston Museum of Fine Arts No. 3. Remington, Frederick. 421. Rattlesnake. 422. Cheyenne. 423. Broncho Buster. Richards, Lucy. 424. The Lillies: H. E. Smith. George Guest. F. C. Recchia. Bela L. Pratt. A Sun Dial. Risque, Caroline Everett. 425. The Old One. 426. In the Morning. 427. Bird Fountain. 428. Josef. 429. M6re Colaer. Roth, Frederick G. R. 430. The Booklover. 431. Equestrienne. 432. Hippopotamus. 433. The Butcher. 434. The Baker. 435. The Candlestickmaker. 436. Sea Lion. 437. Calf. 438. Seal. 439. Polar Bear. 440. Tug of War. 441. Polar Bear. Rumsey, Charles Carey. 442. Study for Centaur. 443. Lion Cub. 444. Hound Andirons. 445. Hound. 446. Scratching Dog. 447. Horse and Man Drinking. 448. Calf and Colt. 449. Stone Bull. Rush, William. 450. Bust of Lafayette. Lent by The Pennsylvania Acad- emy of the Fine Arts. 451. Bust of William Rush. Lent by The Pennsylvania Acad- emy of the Fine Arts. SCULPTURE Ryden, Henning. 452. Frame of Medals. Sahler, Helen. 453. Head of a Boy. Saint Gaudens, Annetta Johnson. 454. Carlota Saint-Gaudens. 455. Edward and John Lancaster Bur- ling. 456. Medallion: Baby. 457. Medallion: L. St. G, 458. Bedtime. 459. Paul Saint-Gaudens. 460. Louis Johnson. Saint Gaudens, Augustus. 461. Seated Lincoln. Saint Gaudens, Louis. 462. Medallion Portrait. 463. Head of Ceres. 464. Infant's Head. Salvatore, Victor H. 465. Seeking. 466. Head of Old Lady. 467. Study of Old Man. 468. Youth. 469. Study of a Young Girl. Schulenburg, Adele E. 470. Scrub Woman. Scudder, Janet. 471. Sea Weed Fountain. 472. Young Pan. 473. Fighting Boys. 474. Flying Cupid. 475. Shell Fountain. 476. Little Lady of the Sea. 477. Frog Fountain. 478. Fahnestock Medallion. 479. Tortoise Fountain. 480. Young Diana. Simons, Amory C. 481. Having a Hard Time. 482. Mastiff Dogs. 483. The Storm. Spicer-Simson, Theodore. 484. Portrait of Miss Hilda. Stackpole, Ralph W. 485. Charles Frederick Holder. 486. Head of Louis Sloss, Jr. 487. Nympth. Plaster. 488. Mrs. Sloss and Children. Sterling, Lindsey Morris. 489. Fountain: Afraid. 490. Investigation. 491. Water Witch Girl. 492. Mischief. 493. The Awakening. Stewardson, Edmund Austin. 494. Portrait of a Lady. Lent by the Pennsylvania Acad- emy of the Fine Arts. 495. Alexander Harrison. Lent by the Pensylvania Acad- emy of the Fine Arts. Taft, Lorado. 496. Fragment ot Fountain of Time. 497. Fragment of Fountain of Time. Troubetzkoy, Paul. 498. Mrs. Henderson. 499. Mrs. Crane. 500. Caruso. 501. Mr. Waterman. 502. Mrs. B. Harrison. 503. Mr. Shalkopf. 504. Mme. Svirky. 505. I.,ady Constantine Richardson. 506. Mrs. W. K. Vanderbilt. 507. Tolstoy on Horseback. 508. Miss B. Rutherford. 509. Samoyed Siberian Dogs. 510. Tolstoy. 511. Princess Troubetzkoy. 512. Mr. W. K. Vanderbilt. 513. Girl with a Lamb. 514. Hunting Dog. 515. Mrs. Ogden MilLs. 516. How Can You Eat No Lamb? 517. Princess Troubetzkoy. 518. Mrs. Castle. 519. Baroness Robert Rothschild, Vonnoh, Bessie Potter. 520. The Dance. 521. Good Night. 522. Youth. 523. Water Lillies. 524. A Young Mother, 525. Enthroned. 526. His First Journey. 527. Motherhood. 528. A Chance Acquaintance. 529. Girl Dancing. 530. The Scarf. 531. Grecian Draperies. 532 Butterflies. 533. Maidenhood. 534. The Intruder. Ward, John Quincy Adams. 535. Shakespeare. 536. Henry Ward Beecher. 537. General Washington. 538. Simon Kenton. 539. Norseman. 540. Pilgrim: A Sketch. 541. Freedman. 542. Indian Hunter. 543. General Hancock. Warner, Olin L. 544. Maude Morgan. Lent by C. E. S. Wood, Esq. 545. Maude Morgan. Lent by C. E. S. Wood, Esq. 546. C. E. S. Wood. Lent by C. E. S. Wood, Esq. 547. Mr. Cottier. Lent by C. E. S. Wood, Esq. 548. J. Alden Weir. Lent by C. E. S. Wood, Esq. 549. 550. 551. 552. 553. 554. 555. 556. 557. 558. 559. 560. 561. 562. 563. 564. Cupid and Psyche. Lent by C. E. S. Wood, Esq. The Wood Children. Lent by C. E. S. Wood, Esq. Seltice. Lent by C. E. S. Wood, Esq. Rosalie. liCnt by C. E, Sabina. Lent by C. E. Maxwell Wood. Lent by C. E. Dancing Nymph Lent by C. E. S The Spinner Lent by C. Mr. Woods: Lent by C. Mrs. Woods: Lent by C. Chief Moses: Lent by C. Young Chief S. Wood, Esq. S. Wood, Esq. S. Wood, Esq. Wood, Esq. E. S. Wood, Esq. Medallion. E. S. Wood, Esq. Medallion. E. S. Wood, Esq. Sullu-Tash-Kosha. E. S. Wood, Esq. Cayuse Indian. Lent by C. E. S. Wood, Esq. N-Cha-Ask-We: Chief of the Coeur d'Alenes: Medallion. Lent by C. E. S. Wood, Esq. Yatin-Ee-An-Witz: Chief of the Cayuses: Medallion. Lent by C. E. S. Wood, Esq. Lot: Chief of the Spokanes. Lent by C. E. S. Wood, Esq. Chief Joseph: Chief of the Nez Perce Indians: Medallion. Lent by C. E. S. Wood, Esq. DEPARTMENT OF FINE ARTS Weinman, Adolph Alexander. 565. Study for Lincoln at Hodgenville . 566. Frame of Medals and Plaques. 567. Chief Blackbird. 568. Heroic Courage. 569. Portrait of W. R. M., Esq. 570. Head of Lincoln. 571. Descending Night. 572. Lecturn for Clark Memorial Chap-el. 573. Frame of Medals and Plaques. Wendt, Julia M. Bracken. 574. Life Saver. 575. Mode Wineman. 576. Carl Oscar Borg. 577. Model: Chicago Society of Artists. Wheelock, Llla Audubon. 578. Ski: Russian Wolf Hound. Whitney, Gertrude Vanderbilt. 579. Fountain. Worthington, Beatrice Maude. 580. Grief. Wright, , Alice Morgan. 581. Beside the Pool. 582. Wood Nymph. 583. Piping Satyrs. Young, Mahonri M. 584. Tired Out. 585. The Heavy Sledge. 586. Stevedore. 587. The Piper at the Gates of Dawn. 588. Day Dreams. 589. Scrub Woman. 590. Peter Newell at Leonia. 591. Shoveler. 592. Chiseler. Zettler, Emil Robert. 593. Professor T. S. 594. David P. PAINTINGS AND DRAWINGS Abbey, 1001. 1002. 10003. 1004. 1005. 1006. 1007. 1008. 1009. 1010. 1011. 1012. 1013. 1014. 1015. 1016. 1017. 1018. 1019. 1020. Edwlu A. The Penance of Eleanor. Lent by the Carnegie Institute. Spring. Lent by Thomas L. Manson, Esq. Pavanne. Lent by Mrs. Whitelaw Reid. The Wind. Lent by Samuel T. Peters, Esq. The Lesson. Lent by Andrew Carnegie, Esq. Three Queens. Lent by Frank Mead, Esq. Gold Net. Lent by Frank Mead, Esq. The Widow. Let by Mrs. Edwin A. Abbey. The Quiet Life: Illustration for "The Vicar." Lent by Mrs. Howard Mans- field. In the Library. Lent by Mrs. L. H. Havemeyer. Sally in Our Alley. Lent by Mrs. L. H. Havemeyer. The Bird to Others Flew: A Love Song. Lent by Mrs. L. H. Havemeyer, Quince With His Own Hand. Lent by Mrs. L. H. Havemeyer. The Toast. Lent by Thomas L. Manson, Esq. Sally in Our Alley. Lent by Thomas L. Manson, Esq. Drawing No. 1. Lent by Mrs. Harry Payne Whitney. Drawing No. 2. Lent by Mrs. Harry Paine Whitney. Drawing No. 3. Mrs. Harry Paine 4. Mrs. 1G21. 1022. Lent by Whitney. Drawing No Lent by Whitney. Drawing No Lent by Whitney. St. Agnes' Ev«. Parson Dunkhardt Ackerman, Olga M. 1023. At a Concert. Adams, John Ottis. 1025. Winter Morning. Lent by the Muncie Art Asso- ciation. 1026. A Bit of the Whitewater. Adams, Philip. 1027. The Sailor. 1028. At the Spring. Ahrens, Ellen Wetherald. 1029. Miss G. C. 1030. A Brown Study. 1031. Little Bert. Aiken, Charles A. 1032. Portrait. Albert, Ernest. 1033. Ten Above Zero. Albright, Adam Emory. 1034. The Hill Road. Alexander, John W. 1035. Phyllis. Lent by the City Art Museum: St. Louis. Allen, Charles Curtis. 1036. Mountain and Cloud. Allen, Marion Boyd. 1037. Enameling. Allis, C. Harry. 1038. Evening: Montreuil, Allston, Washington. 1039. Bacchanal. Lent by Albert Rosenthal, Esq. Alma-Tadema, Sir Lawrence. 1040. Among the Ruins. Ames, Blanche. 1041. General Adelbert Ames. 1042. Pauline. Anderson, Karl. 1043. Fireflies. Anderson, Martinus. 1044. The Glittering Pageant. Harry Paine Anshutz, Thomas P. Mrs. Harry Paine 1045. Portrait of a Little Girl, Lent by Mrs. John E. D. Trask. 1046. The Incense Burner. Lent by Dr. Charles W. Gessler, 1047. A Rose, Lent by William S. Pardee, Esq, PAINTINGS AND DRAWINGS Archambault, A. Margaretta. 1048. Miss Clementine Dalcour. 1049. Miss Frances Brock. 1050. Miss M. Smith. 1051. Jacqueline. Arthur, Stanley Massey. 1052. Overland Transportation. Ashley, Clifford Warren. 1054. Chase of the Bowhead Whale, Austin, Amanda P. 1055. Market Scene: Port L'Abbe: Bre- tagne. Bacher, Otto H. 1056. July. Baer, William Jacob. 1057. Young Diana. 1058. Mrs. E. R. Hewitt. 1059. Loadicea. 1060. Betty. 1061. Girl with Violets. 1062. Friends. 1063. Doris. 1064. Primavera. 1065. Nymph and Cupid. 1066. The Apple. Bail, Joseph. 1067. A Lesson in Lacemaking, Bains, Ethel Frantslin Betts. 1068. The Story of Hansel and Gretel. 1069. The Frog Prince. 1070. Rumpelstiltskin. 1071. Snow White and Rose Red. 1072. Cinderella. 1073. The Story of the Six Swans. Baker, Bliss. 1074. Landscape. Lent by H. C, Henry, Esq. Baker, Geoge A. 1075. Portrait of Charles L, Elliot. Baker, Samuel Buxtis, 1076. Portrait of Miss Marion Howard, Bakhuysen, Jan. 1077. Marine with Figures. Balaxo, Paula Himmelsback. 1078. Parthenon: Moonlight. Ball, Robert E., Jr. 1079. The Palms. 1080. Moonlight: Gothic Arch »t St. Jean: Brittany. Ballin, Hugo. 1081. Sorrow. Barlow, M, 1082. Apples, 1083. Flowers, 1084. Fish Sellers. Barnard, Edward H. 1085. The Young Calves: Early August. Lent by the St. Botolph Club. Barnes, Gertrude. 1086. Girl with Persian Cat. Barnett, Tom P. 1087. Winter. Lent by the City Art Museum: St. Louis. Baroccio. 1088. .Portrait of Prince of Urbino. Lent by Dan Fellows Piatt, Esq. 1089 Portrait of Prince of Urbino. Lent by Dan Fellows Piatt, Esq. Bartlett, Frederic Clay. 1090. Spring Recess. 1091. Our Country Dining Room. Bassano, II. (Jacopo da Fonte). 1092. Nativity. Lent by William M. Paxton, Esq. 1093. Banquet of Dives. Lent by Dan Fellows Piatt, Esq. Bastien-Lepage, Jules Emile. 1095. Le Reve Bleu. Lent by Albert Rosenthal, Esq. Baumgartner, Thomas. 1096. Lady in Furs. Baxter, Martha Wheeler. 1097. Theodore. 1098. My Mother. 1099. The Peacock Fan. 1100. Portrait of Miss T. 1101. Boy Driving. Beal, Gifford. 1102. The Gossips. 1103. Summer Landscape. 1104. Old Town Terrace. 1105. The End of the Street. Beal, Reynolds. 1106. Orr's Mills. 1107. Lawrenceville Lock. Beard, W. H. 1108. Having Taken Possession. Lent by Fred Sander, Esq. B catty, John W. 1109. Plymouth Hills. Lent by the National Gallery. 1110. Plymouth Sand Dunes. Beaumont, Lilian Adele. 1111. The Satin Gown. Beaux, Cecilia. 1112. New England Woman. Lent by The Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. 1113. The Dreamer. 1114. Sita and Sarita. 1115. Dorothea and Francesca. 1116. Portrait Study. 1117. Portrait. c 1118. The Dreamer. 1119. Ernesta. Becker, Benno. 1120. At Lake Como. Becker, Eulabee Dix. 1121. Portrait of Esther Hoyt. 1122. Philip Dix Becker. 1123. Mrs. John Graves. Becker, Maurice. 1124. The Older Generation. 1125. The Boy and the Man. Beckington, Alice. 1126. Portrait of Mr. Lewis. 1127. Helen. 1128. The Morning Paper. 1129. Study of a Head in Shadow. 1130. Study in Blues and Greens. Eeckwith, J. Carroll. 1131. Portrait of George Coleman, Esq. Beechey, Sir William. 1132. Mr. Monroe Furgeson. Lent by the Hackley Gallery: Muskegon: Michigan. 1133. Group of a Nobleman's Family with a Dog. Beek, Alice D. Engley. 1134. Portrait Study. Belcher, Hilda. 1135. The Little Boston Girl. 1136. Day-dreamer. Bell, Clara Louise. 1137. Elizabeth. 1138. Little Girl with the Curls. Benda, W, T. 1139. Laila. 1140. Amazones. 1141. Amazones: II. 10 DEPARTMENT OF FINE ARTS Berlin, Harry. 1142. Motherhood. 1143. Vermont Hills'. Berneker, Louis F. 1144. Coral and Blue. Berninghaus, Oscar E. 1145. A Southwestern Pueblo. Bernstein, Theresa. 1146. Open Air Show. Best, Hans. 1147. Grandmother and Grandchild. Betts, Anna Whelan. 1148. At the Window. 1149. The Promenade. 1150. The Candle. 1151. Coral Beads. 1152. Preparations for Bed. 1153. The Dancing Class. 1154. The Trundle Bed. 1155. A Winter Day. Betts, Louis. 1156. Lady in White. Bierstadt, Albert. 1157. Grand Lake: Colorado. Lent by Miss Marion T. Meagher. 1158. No Title. Bissell, Helen Kathbun. 1159. A German Interior. 1160. Old Melodies. Bittinger, Charles. 1161. The Library of the Prince: Ver- sailles. 1162. After Supper. 1163. Isabel. 1164. Vanity. Blxbse, William. 1165. Winter. Blackburn, Jonathan B. 1166. Portrait of Mrs. Willis. Lent by Mrs. R. H. Pat-^.hin. 1167. Portrait of Mrs. Kennon. Lent by Mrs. R. H. Patchin. Blakelock, Ralph A. 1168. Sunset. Lent by Henry Smith, Esq. 1169. Ecstacy. Lent by Hackley Gallery: Mus- kegon: Michigan. Blaney, Dwight. 1170. Anemone Cave: Mt. Desert. 1171. Solitude. Bliii, Alma Hersig. 1172. An Italian Child. 1173. Study. Blumenschein, Ernest L. 1174. Wise-Man: Warrior: 1175. Love of Life No. I. 1176. Love of Life No. XL 1177. The Peacemaker. Blumenschein, Mary Greene. 1178. The Fan. 1179. A Girl. 1180. Valentine. Bodine, Helen. 1181. Inseparable. 1182. Portrait. Bobrowsky, Grlgori. 1183. Portrait of a Woman. Bohm, Max. 1184. Portrait. 1185. The Promenade. 118C. The Sea: Barblers. Bonheur, Bosa. 1187. Goats at Rest. Bonnington, Bichard P. 1188. Village Scene in Italy. Youth. Bonsall, Mary W. 1189. Study of Old Man. Boone, Cora. 1190. A Pot Of Flowers. 1191. Tulips. 1192. Cinerarias. Borg, Carl Oscar. 1193. Chateau Gaillard. 1194. Campagna Romana. 1195. Landscape. Lent by Mrs. P. A. Hearst. Borie, Adolphe. 119G. Nude. 1197. Lady with Black Scarf, 1198. A Woman Pensive. 1199. Spring. Bosley, Frederick A. 1200. The Dreamer. 1201. Girl in Pink Dress. 1202. Interior. 1203. Girl Against Chinese Screen. Boston, Joseph H. 1204. Mount Hamlin. Both, Jan. 1205. Landscape. Boudin, E. 1206. Sunset at Havre. Lent by C. E. S. Wood, Esq. Boughton, George H. 1207. The Fallen Angel. Lent by F. C. Havens, Esq. Bourne, Gertrude B. 1208. Rear View of Boston State House. 1209. Rhododendrons. Bowdoin, Harriette. 1210. A Venetian Highway. 1211. A Bit of Sunshine. Bower, Alexander. 1212. Tne White Shore. Boyle, Sarah Yocum McFadden. 1213. Maid Marion. 1214. Peggie. 1215. Portrait of Dr. William H. Mc- Fadden. Eoynton, Ray S. 1216. Aphrodite. 1217. Spokane Valley. 1218. Young Diana. 1219. Vanity. 1220. Venus. 1221. Eve. 1222. A Boy. Bradford, William. 1223. Caught in the Ice Floes. Bradley, Susan H. 1224. Grand Canyon. Erascassat, Jacques Raymond. 1225. Noonday Rest in France. Braun, Maurice. 1226. Sunlit Hills: Southern California. 1227. The Hillside Morning. 1228. Hills and Valley: Southern Cali- fornia. Breckenridge, Hugh H. 1229. Bowl of Fruit. 1230. Italian Pitcher and Fruit.' 1231. Studio Interior: The Tapestried Wall. 1232. The Studio Window. 1233. Corner of the Garden. 1234. The Open Garden. 1235. Tapestry and Fruit. 1236. Still Life: Blue and Gold. 1237. Studio Interior: Chinese Jar. 1238. White Vase. PAINTINGS AND DKAWINGS 11 Bredin, B. Sloan. 1239. The Farm. Bremmer, Anne M. 1240. Isabella. 1241. Gladiolas. 1242. The Fur Collar, 1243. The Villagre of Good Cheer. 1244. Marigold and Primrose. Breton, Jules. 1245. The Vintage. Breuer, H. J. 1246. Lake Louise. 1247. The Santa Inez Mountains. 1248. Mount Sir Donald. 1249. Mount Assinaboine. Breyfogle, John Winstanley. 1250. The Serpent. Lent by William H. Fox, Esq. Bringhurst, B. 1251. Journalism. Brinley, D. Putnam. 1252. Matins. 1253. Noon. Brooke, Bichard Norris. 1254. A Stony Outpost. Brouwer, Adrlaen. 1255. Head of Old Man. Brown, Benjamin Chambers. 1256. Cliffs: Golden Gate. 1257. Over the Roofs: Antwerp. Brown, Charlotte Harding. 1258. On the Hillside. 1259. The Squab Syndicate. 1260. Hump Yourself. Brown, George Loring. 1261. Castello U'oba. Brown, John G. 1262. The Detective Story. Browne, Charles Francis. 1263. La Vacherie: France. Browne, George Elmer. 1264. Port of Sottomarina. Brownell, Matilda. 1265. Girl in the Chinese Porcelain Room. 1266. Girl with Columbine. Brumback, Louise Upton. 1267. High Tide on the Beach. 1268. The Harbor: Gloucester. Brune, Heinrich. 1260. Picnic in the Woods. Bush, George de Frest. 1270. Portrait of a Lady. Lent by the Carnegie Institute. 1271. Andromeda. 1272. The Potter. Bryant, Everett L. 1273. Peonies. 1274. Snapdragon. 1275. Wild Honeysuckle. 1276. Snapdragon and Fan. Bryant, Maude Drein. 1277. Still Life: Crimson Ramblers. 1278. Still Life: Larkspur. 1279. Still Life: Asters. Badworth. Will S. 1280. Early Spring: Wakefield Woods. 1281. Afternoon Shadows: Chestertown. Buehler, Lytton Brlggs. 1282. The City of Pleasure. Bnehr. Earl Albert. 1283. Dejeuner sur I'Herbe. 1284. Une Gage d'Amour. Bull, Charles Livingston. 1285. Beauty and the Beast. 1286. The Sea Horse of Grande Terre. Bunker, Dennis M. 1287. Portrait of Miss Anne Page. Lent by Miss Anne Page, 1288. The Mirror. Lent by the Art Club of Phila- delphia. Burleigh, Sydney Bichmond. 1289. At the Wharf. Burmester, Ernst. 1290. Railroad Bridge. Burnham, Anita Willets. 1291. Day Dreaming. 1292. Napping. 1293. Twenty-first Chapter of Job. Burnside, C. 1294. Tlie Yellow Curtain. Bush, Ella Shepard. 1295. A Fairy Tale Princess. 1296. A Kappa of Washington. 1297. Balaustion, Bush-Brown, Margaret Lesley. 1298. Portrait of Moncure D. Conway. 1299. The Flute Lesson. Bushnell, Adelyn. 1300. Portrait of an Old Man. Butler, Edward B. 1301. The Brook. Butler, Howard Eussell. 1302. Spirits of the Twilight. Butler, J. J. P. 1303. No title given. Butler, Mary. 1304. Trees at Shubel's Mount: Nova Scotia. Butler, Theodore Earl. 1305. Sunrise. 1306. Afternoon. 1307. Peonies. Button, Albert Prentice. Girl of the Desert. In the Meadow, Girl in Gray, Ultima Thule. An October Day. Byne, Arthur. 1313, Patio in an Old Posada in Alcala. An Old Palace in Avila. Tarragona Cathedral Seen from the Cloister. A Fountain in Lugo. A Toledan Tenement. Vigo from the Bay. Cathedral Silhouette: Zaragoza. 1308 1309. 1310. 1311. 1312. 1314. 1315. 1316. 1317. 1318, 1319, 1320. The Bishop's Well: Palencia. Cadenasso, Guiseppe. 1321! Summer. 1322. The Reflection. Cahill, Arthur. 1323. Illustration for Western Story. Cahill, William V. 1324. The Bed Book. Caliga, I. H. 1325. Autumn, Callahan, Caroline B. 1326. Le Petit Dejeuner. Camp, Harold M. 1327. Turn in the River. 1328. Snow Cflouds. 1329. A Hill Top. Carew, Berta. 1330. The Late Archbishop Oorrigan. 12 DEPARTMENT OF FINE ARTS Carles, Arthur B. 1331. Nude. 1332. Torso. 1333. Repose. Carlsen, Emil. 1334. The Open Sea. Carlson, John Fahian. 1335. Cloud Legions. 1336. Silvered Acres. 1337. Spring Morning. 1338. Along the Stream. 1339. Grey Woods. 1340. Frost Bound. Carpenter, F. D. 1341. Portrait of Abraham Lincoln. Lent by the Union League Club, New York City. Carpenter, Fred G. 1342. The Gay Set. Carreno, Carreno de Miranda. 1343. Portrait. Lent by Dan Fellows Piatt, Esq. Carriere, Eugene. 1344. Lady With Dog. Lent by Martin Ryerson, Esq. Carrigan, William L. 1345. Midsummer Masque. Case, B. 1346. View: Sidi Ben Said: Tunis. Caser, Ettore. 1347. Musical Moment. 1348. Old Venice. 1349. The Fire. Cassatt, Mary. 1350. Femme et Enfant Avec echarpe Rose. 1351. Femme lisant dans un jardin. 1352. Femme a I'eventail. Casterton, Eda Nomoede. 1353. Miss Pauline Batchelder. Cauldwell, L. 1354. Portrait of Colonel W. Cazin, Jean Charles. 1355. The Repentance of Simon Peter. Lent by Rev. Frank W. Gun- saulus. 1356. The Retreat. Champaigne, Philippe de. 1357. Richelieu. Lent by Albert Rosenthal, Esq. Chandler, H. 0. 1358. Nevada Desert. Chapman, Carlton Theodore. 1359. The American Fleet Hoisting the Flag at Monterey, July 7th, 1846. Chapman, Charles S. 1360. The Marauder. Chappel, Alonzo. 1361. Lafayette: De Kalb: D'Estaing. Lent by Albert Rosenthal, Esq. 1362. Surrender of Lee. Lent by Albert Rosenthal, Esq. Chase, Adelaide Cole. 1363. The Violinist. 1364. Portrait of Mrs. Swan. Chase, Lila. 1365. Portrait. 1366. Elizabeth. Chase, William Merritt. 1367. Portrait of Mrs. O. Lent by Carnegie Institute. Woman With the White Shawl. Lent by the Pennsylvania Acad- emy of Fine Arts. Day Dream. Portrait of Whistler. Mrs. Mason. Self Portrait. 1368. 1369. 1369A. 1370. 1371. 1372. A Poor Man's Meal. 1373. Orangerie. 1374. Mrs. Vonnon. 1375. Friendly Advice. 1376. Mrs. Chase. 1377. A Passenger Boat. 1378. Venice. I."i79. Old Houses: Venice. 1380. On a Grand Canal. 1381. Italian Landscape. 1382. Long Island Landscape. 1383. Koto. 1384. Study of a Young Girl. 1385. Mrs. Labagean. 1386. Fruit. 1387. Portrait of Carriers. 1388. Miss Emmett. 1389. Helen. 1390. R. U. Johnson. 1391. Still Life: Fish. 1392. Big Copper Kettle and Pish. 1392. Back of the Villa. 1394. Steichen. 1395. Mrs. Sullivan. 1396. Just Onions. 1397; Portrait of an Artist. 1398. Salute. 1399. Mr. Sullivan. Chimona, Nicolas. 1400. Hellas. 1401. Les Isles du Prince. Christmas, E. W. 1402. El Cristo de los Andes. 1403. Moonlight in the Argentine. Church, Frederick Edwin. 1404. Niagara Falls. Lent by the Corcoran Galley of Art. Churchill, William W. 1405. The Model, 1406. The Manuscript. 1407. Pouring Tea. Clark, 1408. 1409. 1410. 1411. 1412. 1413, 1414. 1415. 1416. 1417, 1418. 1419. 1420. 1421. 1422. 1423, 1424. 1425, Clark, 1426 Alson Skinner. Sosa Hill From the Quarry. The Cut From Empire. Big Cranes: Miraflores. Three Hills From Culebra. Gates: Pedro Miguel. Cucaracha Slide. In the Cut. Dredges Under Gold Hill. Moving the Tressel. Culebra Slide. The Cranes: Miraflores. In the Lock: Miraflores. Pedro Miguel Locks. In Tropical Waters. Panama From the Pacific. Market in Panama. Gold Hill From Culebra. First Dredges Through Gatun. Freeman. The Climbers. Clark, Harriette A. 1427. Mme. Sherry. 1428. Mrs. Lefevre. 1429. Constance E. Fairchild. Clarke, Thomas Shields. 1430. The Dawn of New Life. Clarkson, Balph. 1431. Portrait : Edson Keith, Clement, Catherine. 1432. Portrait. Clonney, James Qoodwyn. 1433. Militia: Training. Lent by the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. Closson, William Baxter. 1434. A Glimpse of the Sea. PAINTINGS AND DRAWINGS 13 Clute, Walter Marshall. 1435. Romance. Cockroft, Edythe Varien. 1436. Portrait Study. 1437. Girl Reading. Coffin, William Anderson. 1438. Early Morning in May. 1489. September Afternoon. 1440. A March Evening. Cohen, Lewis. 1441. The Great Bridge: Toledo. 1442. A Stronghold of the Scaligers. Cole, George Townsend, 1443. Mrs. Gregory McLaughlin. 1444. Miss Aileen McCarthy. 1445. Mrs. H. Cole, J. Foxcroft. 144G. Landscape With Cattle. Cole, Thomas. 1447. Landscape. 1448. Four Sketches of the Voyage of Life. Cole, Thomas Casilear. 1449. Portrait of a Lady. Coleman, Charles Caryl. 1450. Sorrow. Coleman, Samuel. 1451. Caravan in the Desert. Lent by the Hillyer Art Gallery, Smith College. Colwell, Elizabeth. 1452. The Sea From Penobscot Light- hduse. Coman, Charlotte Buell. 1453. Pocono Hills in Winter. Comegys, George H. 1454. The Ghost Story. Lent by the Pennsylvania Acad- emy of the Fine Arts. Conant, Lucy Scarborough. 1455. The Beloved Pine: Campfer. 1450. Piz Languard From Rosegg Valley. 1457. The Matterhorn. 1458. The Sella Joch: Dolomites. 1459. The Jungfrau at Noon. 1460. The Silver Lakes of the Engadine. Conant, Marjorie. 1461. Late Afternoon. Congdon, T. E. 1462. The Greenroom. Connell, E. D. 1463. The Dunes. Conner, John Ramsey. 1464. Cottage Interior. 1465. The Little Seamstress. Coolidge, Bertha. 1466. Portrait of a Russian Girl. 1467. Portrait of Miss E. L. V. 1468. Woman in White. 1469. Portrait of Mrs. R. 1470. Portrait of Miss Gertrude Fiske. Coolidge, Mary Rosamond. 1471. Portrait of S. Burtis Baker. 1472. Portrait: Miss S. 1473. The Old-Fashioned Gown. Cooper, Colin Campbell. 1474. The White House. 1475. A Salem Residence. 1476. Mountain at Gruyeres: Switzerland. 1477. Bowling Green: New Yoi'k. 1478. Beauvais Cathedral. 1479. Fifth Avenue: New York. Cooper, Emma Lampert. 1480. Temple at Jaipur. 1481. Side Street: Beauvais. Copley, John Singleton. 1482. Portrait of Mrs. Elizabeth Willing Powell. Lent by the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. CocLues, Gonzales. 1483. Burgomeister and Family, Lent by Charles M. Cooke, Esq. Cornoyer, Paul. 1484. Winter: Columbus Circle. 1485. Old New York. Corot, Jean Baptists Camille. 1486. Landscape. Lent by Caroline A. McClees. 1487. Boy Sketching. Lent by Mrs. Henrietta E. Fail- ing. Courbet, Gustave. 1488. Study of a Thoroughbred. Lent by Albert Rosenthal, Esq. 1489. Young Man With Violincello. Lent by 0. E. S. Wood, Esq. Couse, E. Irving. 1490. The ITurquoise Beadmaker. 1491. An Indian Shepherd. 1492. Twilight: Taos Pueblo. Cox, Kenyon. 1493. Plenty. Lent by the National Gallery. Cox, Louise. 1494. Mayflowers. Lent by the National Gallery. 1495. A Daughter of Eve. Crane, Bruce. 1496. The Templed Hills. Crisp, Arthur. 1497. The Philanderer. 1498. A Song Hit. 1499. The Little Spinster. 1500. "Dim Yesterday's Pageant Back- grounds Today." Crome, John (Old Crome). 1501. The Blasted Tree. Cropsey, Jasper F. 1502. On the River. Lent by Harry W. Watrous, Esq. Cross, Sally. 1503. Portrait: Miss Lilian Gardener. 1504. Portrait of Miss Turner. 1505. Mrs. Quincy. 1506. Miss Dora Wetherbee. 1507. Portrait of Miss McKay and Peter, 1508. Portrait of Olin Downes, Esq. Crowley, Gray Price. 1509. Mrs. Alfred Gray. Cucuel, Edward. 1510. The Bath. 1511. Summertime. 1512. The Girl in Yellow. 1513. Autumn Sun. Cuneo, Rlnaldo. 1514. Notre Dame: Paris. Curran, Charles C. 1515. Daffodils. Currier, J. Frank. 1516. A Munich Boy. Lent by the Carnegie Institute. 1517. Whistling Boy. Lent by the John Herron Art In- stitute. 1518. Self Portrait. Ijent by William M. Chase, Esq. A Head. Lent by J. Harsen Rhoades, Esq. Curtis, William Fuller. 1519. The Golden God. 14 DEPARTMENT OF FINE ARTS Gushing, Howard Gardiner. 1520. Decorative Panel. 1521. Decorative Panel. 1522. Decorative Panel. 1523. Interior. 1524. Portrait. 1525. Portrait. 1526. Wardrobe. Dabo, Leon. 1527. The Rockets: Rain of Fire. Dagnan-Bouveret, Pascal Adolphe Jean. 1528. C'onsolatrix Afflictorum. Dana, Charles Edmund. 1529. The Canon's House: Gruyere's. 15.30. St. Augustine: Fribourg. 1531. Morat. 1532. Treves. 1533. Bazaar Okair Zoht. 1534. Abazzia San Gregorio: Venice. 1535. Bad-el-Metawaleh: Cairo. 1536. Bazaar: Gama Ibrahim Aga: Cairo. Daubigny, Charles Francois. 1537. The New Moon. Lent by Charles F. Adams, Esq. Davey, Randall. 1538. Captain Dan Stevens: Lighthouse Keeper. 1539. Girl in Blue. 1540. Segovian Man. Davis, Charles H. 1541. The Northwest Wind. 1542. May Morning. Davis, Stuart. 1543. The River. 1544. The Fog. 1545. A Back Yard. 1546. The Cafe Logue. Davol, Joseph Benjamin. 1547. Maine Coast. 1548. A Winter Coast: Moonlight. 1549. Where Sea and River Meet. Dawson, George Walter. 1550. An Old Cottage Rose. 1551. A New England Garden. 1552. Yellow Harrison Roses. 1553. Rhododendrons. 1554. Rose-Covered Wall: Spain. 1555. White Water Lily. 1556. Water Lily Among Rushes. De Camp, Joseph B. 1557. Portrait of Frank Duveneck. Lent by the Cincinnati Museum Association. De Jong, Betty. 1558. Beatrix. 1558. The Dancing Girl. 1560. Portrait of Miss Isabelle P. De Voll, P. Usher. 1561. East River: New York: Winter. 1562. Quebec From the Fortifications. 1563. The White City. 1564. Brooklyn Bridge: Winter. de Wentworth, Cecile. -565. Portrait of William Howard Taft. 1566. Taper to Saint Genevieve. Del Mue, Maurice. 1567. Late Afternoon in the Sierras. Deming, Adelaide. 1568. A Quiet Day. Deming, Edwin Willard. 1569. Prayer to the Manes of the Dead. 1570. Vow of Vengeance. Dewey, Charles Melville. 1571. The Harvest Moon. Diaz, Narcisso Vergilio de la Pena. 1572. No title. Dillaye, Blanche. 1573. The God of Good Fortune. 1574. The Evening Star. 1575. On the Grand Morin. 1576. Moonlight. Dimock, E. 1577. Sweat Shop Girls in the Country. 1578. East Side School Children. 1579. Group. 1580. Group. 1581. Group in New England. 1582. Sweat Shop Girls in the Country, Dirks, Rudolph. 1583. On the Dike. 1584. The Boatman. 1585. Head of Old Dutchman. 1586. Clearing Land. Dixon, Maynard. 1587. Navajo Women. 1588. The Trail in Oregon. 1589. The Palomino Mare. Dolph, J. H. 1590. The Rat Who Retired From the World. Lent by Mrs. H. F. Barnett. Donoho, Buger. 1591. The Rose Terrace. 1592. A Vail of Leaves. 1593. Wind Flowers. 1594. A Garden. Dougherty, Parke 0. 1595. Moonlight. 1596. Mount St. Michel. 1597. Winter Morning: Etretat. Dougherty, Paul. 1598. Toward the Sunlight. 1599. Changing Weather. 1600. Storm Gleams. -1601. From Clodgy Point. Doughty, Thomas. 1602. On the Susquehanna. Lent by the Pennsylvania Acad- emy of the Fine Arts. 1603. Landscape. Lent by the Pennsylvania Acad- emy of the Fine Arts. Dow, Arthur Wesley. 1604. The Great Shadow. 1605. The Enchanted Mesa. Du Bois, Guy Pene. 1006. Trapeze Performer. Duez, E. . 1607. By the Sea Shore. Dufner, Edward. 1608. Portrait: A Ray of Sunlight. 1609. Summer Evening. 1610. Moonlight on the Lake. 1611. Reflections. Dull, John J. 1612. Winter Landscape: No. 1. 1613. Winter Landscape: No. 2, 1614. Winter Landscape: No. 3. 1615. Winter Landscape: No. 4. Dumond, Frederic Melville. 1616. 1849. 1617. Portrait Sketch of Babette de Cernoe. 1618. Hoss Tradin' on the Reservation. 1619. Rat6n Pass. 1620. Sea Carvings. Dumond, Frank Vincent. 1621. The Bathers. 1622. May Bloom. 1623. July Afternoon. 1624. Gray Newfoundland. 1625. The Elopers. 1620. The Fairy Tale. Dumond, Helen Savier. 1627. An Arm of the Mediterranean. 1628. Southern France. PAINTINGS AND DRAWINGS 15 Dunbar, Harold C. 1629. Girl in Black. 1630. Portrait of Mrs. D. Dunlap, Helena. 1631. The Dressing Table. 1632. Mountain Cottages. 1633. The Senor's Garden. 1634. Summer Afternoon. Dunlap, William. 1635. Portrait. Lent by Albert Rosenthal, Esq. Portrait. Lent by Albert Rosenthal, Esq. President Tyler. Lent by Albert Rosenthal, Esq. Portrait of a Lady. Lent by Albert Rosenthal, Esq. Scene from Harvey Birch: The Spy. Lent by Albert Rosenthal, Esq. Durand, Asher Brown. 1640. The Morning of Life. Lent by the National Academy of Design. The Thunder Storm: Catskills. Lent by H. K. Bush-Brown, Esq. A. B. Durand as a Young Man. DuTkee, Helen Winslow. 1643. Baigneuse. 1644. Portrait of Miss D. 1645. Margaret. 1646. The Spanish Shawl. 1647. Hilda. William Ives, Esq. Autumn. Still Life. Kadidje. A Study. 1653. The Flowered Dress. 1654. Still Life. 1655. Portrait. Dustin, Silas S. 1656. Midnight in New England. Duveneck, Frank. 1657. Beechwoods: Polling: Bavaria. Lent by the Cincinnati Museum Association. Unfinished Portrait Study. Lent by the Cincinnati Museum Association. Head of a Young Girl. Lent by the Cincinnati Museum Association. Girl's Head. Lent by the Cincinnati Museum Association. Young Man With Red Skull Cap. Lent by the Cincinnati Museum Association. Girl's Head: Yellow Background. Lent by the Cincinnati Museum Association. Blind Old Man. Lent by the Cincinnati Museum Association. Sketch of a Nude. Lent by the Cincinnati Museum Association. Study of a Nude Back. Lent by the Cincinnati Museum Association. Young Man With a Ruflf. Lent by the Cincinnati Museum Association. Blacksmith. Lent by the Cincinnati Museum Association. Whistling Boy. Lent by the Cincinnati Museum Association. John W. Alexander. Lent by the Cincinnati Museum AsBociation. 1636. 1637. 1638. 1639. 1641. 1642. 1648. 1649. 1650. 1651. 1652. 1658. 1659. 1660. 1661. 1662. 1663. 1664. 1665. 1666. 1667. 1668. 1670. Head: Portrait of Mr. Mills. Lent by the Cincinnati Museum Association. 1671. Man With Red Hair. Lent by the Cincinnati Museum Association. 1672. Woman With Forget-Me-Nots. Lent by the Cincinnati Museum Association. 1673. Portrait of Man in Spanish Cos- tume. Lent by the Cincinnati Museum Association. 1674. Portrait of William Adams. Lent by the Cincinnati Museum Association. 1675. Turkish Page. Lent by the Pennsylvania Acad- emy of the Fine Arts. 1676. Italian Boy. Lent by George E. Hopkins, Esq. 1677. The Hunchback. Lent by Miss Jane Otis. 1678. Portrait of Frank Currier, Lent by Alfred Juergens. 1679. Blue Boy. Lent by Mrs. D. H. Holmes. 1680. Lady With a Veil. Lent by George E. Hopkins, Esq. 1681. Portrait of Professor Loeffts. Lent by Mrs. Herman Goepper. 1682. Portrait: Mrs. Francis Hinkle. Lent by W. H. Hinkle, Esq. 1688. Woman With a Fan. Lent by M. A. De Wolfe Howe, Esq. 1684. Sketch of a Turk. Lent by the Tavern Club. 1685. Portrait. Lent by William M. Chase, Esq, 1686. Portrait Sketch. Lent by the Tavern Club. 1687. Laguna: Venice. Lent by Cincinnati Museum Asso- ciation. 16S8. Venetian Bridge. Lent by Cincinnati Museum Asso- ciation. 1689. Riva degli Schiavoni No. 2. Lent by Cincinnati Museum Asso- ciation. 1690. Grande Canal: Venice. Lent by Cincinnati Museum Asso- ciation. 1691. Bridge of Sighs. Lent by Cincinnati Museum Asso- ciation. 1692. The Rialto: Venice. Lent by Cincinnati Museum Asso- ciation. 1693. Piazza San Marco: Venice. Lent by Cincinnati Museum Asso- ciation. 1694. View of the Grande Canal: Venice. Lent by Cincinnati Museum Asso- ciation. 1695. Palazza Ca Doro: Venezia (1883). Lent by Cincinnati Museum Asso- ciation. 1696. In the Bay of Venice. Lent by Cincinnati Museum Asso- ciation. 1697. Ponte Vecchio: Florence (1884). Lent by Cincinnati Museum Asso- ciation. 1698. San Pietro in Castildo: Venice. Lent by Cincinnati Museum Asso- ciation. 1699. Riva degli Schiavoni: Venice No. 1. Lent by Cincinnati Museum Asso- ciation. 16 DEPARTMENT OF FINE AflTS Eakins, Thomas. 1700. The Bohemian. 1701. Portrait of Henry O. Tanner. 1702. The Veteran. 1703. The Home Ranch. 1704. The Crucifixion. 1705. The Concert Singer, Eaton, Charles Warren. 1706. The Shawangunk Valley. 1707. Summer Night: Lake Como. Ebert, Charles. 1708. The Fog Boav. 1709. Monhegan Headlands. 1710. Early November. Edmondson, William J. 1711. The Garden. Edwards, George Wharton. 1712. No-Man's Ledge: Monhegan. Eichholtz, Jacob. 1713. Portrait: Mr. Arundel. Lent by Albert Rosenthal, Esq. 1714. Portrait: Mrs. Arundel. Lent by Albert Rosenthal, Esq. 1715. Portrait of Unknown Man. Lent by Dr. Gilbert L. Parker. Eisenlohr, E. G. 1716. First Furrows. Elliott, 1717. 1718. Charles Loring. Portrait of Colonel Thomas L. Mc- Kenney. Lent by the Corcoran Gallery of Art. Portrait of H. W. Hewitt. Lent by the Art Institute of Chi- cago. Portrait of Mrs. Mary A. Goulding. Elizabeth Shippen Green. The Princess. Antoine and the Little Wooden Soldier. The Moon World. The First Communion, Inspector Joly. Queen C'ophetua. Queen Jehan and Riczi. Elizabeth. 1719. Elliott, 1720. 1721. 1722. 1723. 1724. 1725. 1726. 1727. Engel, Otto H. 1728. Picnic on the Beach. Engelbrechtsen, Cornelis. 1729. Lot and His Daughters. Lent by Dr. Gilbert L. Parker. English, Frank F. 1730. River Wensum : Norwich. 1731. A Delaware Village. 17.S2. Cobb's Creek. 1733. A Home at Brookville. 1734. Millbank: Upper Darby. 17.35. A Mill on Cobb's Creek. 1736. A Summer Evening. 1737. Yarmouth. 1738. Folly Bridge: Oxford. 1739. Norwich. Enneking, John Joseph. 1740. November Twilight, 1741. December Thaw. Ericson, David. 1742. The Late Tea. 1743. Low Tide. Esser, Theodor. 1744. Interior. Evans, Frances. 1745. Portrait. Everett, Herbert Edward. 1740. Cottage Garden. 1747. Garden at Pipestave Hill. Fairchild, May, 1748. The Rose. Farley, Richard Blossom, 1749. Blue and Gold. 1750. Barnegat Beach, 1751. Dunes at Barnegat. Farndon, Walter. 1752. Wistaria Arbor, Fassett, Truman E. 1753,* Spanish Dancer. 1754. Portrait: Mrs. Fassett. Fechin, Nicholas, 1755. Lady in Pink. Feldman, Baruch M. 1756. Portrait Study: Introspection. Fenderson, Annie M. 1757. Portrait of Wilhelmina. Ferguson, Nancy M, 1758. The Old Homestead. 1759. A Rural liane. 1760. The Barber Shop. Fernow, Bernice P. Andrews. 1701. Pierpont Edwards Dutcher: Third. 17G2. Childhood. 1763. Mrs. E. J;. Smith. 1764. Mrs. Charles Palmer, Filerayr, Joseph J, 1765. The Silent Hour, Fink, Denman. 1766. Portrait of Mrs. F. Fink, F. 1707. Portrait of Artist in His Studio. Finkelnburg, Augusta. 1768. My Woodsie Park. 1769. The Old Homestead. Finn, James Wall. 1770. Girl With a Fan, Firebaugh, Nettie King. 1771. Professor Joseph Le Conte. 1772. Mrs. August Porter. Fiske, Gertrude. 1773. The Shadow. 1774. Study in Black and White. ritz. Eenjamin R. 1775. Tho Harvesters. Lent b.v the Hillyer Art Gallery: S:nith College. r?'"o-, Chrrjcs Noel. 1770. Port rait uf Paxil Wayland Bartlett. Lent by L. A. Wiley & Son. riagg, Jared. 1777. Po"trfiit of Judge Brown. Lent by the City of New York. Folder, Annie B, 177S. October Hillside: Nantucket. 1770. November Day: Nantucket. Tcctfi, Josephine J. 1780. .Junior. Footo, Mary. 1781. Portrait of Mrs. Herman Kobbe. 17.92. Mrs. John Carpenter. 1783. Portrait of August Jaccaci, Esq. 1784. Study. 1785. Portrait of Miss Matilda Brownell, Foote, Will Howe, 1786. Italian Girl's Head. 1787. Gloucester Harbor. 1788. Sunny Interior. 1789. Hydrangeas. Foresman, Alie. 1790. Portrait: Irish Rose. 1791. Portrait. Forsyth, William. 1792. Winter in the Hills. 1793. The Red Hill, 1794. A Sunny Corner, 1795. The Wind From the West, PAINTINGS AND DRAWINGS 1-7 Fortune, E. Charlton. 179G. The Galloway Inn. 17!)7. Moonlight. 1798. Betty. 1795). Sumujier. 1800. Cariiiel Mission. 1801. The Pier. 1802. The San Gabriel Vine. Fortuny y Carbo, Mariano. 1803. The Model: A Sketch. Lent by the Pennsylvania Acad- emy of the Fine Arts. 1804. The Arab Blacksmith. Lent by Mrs. Reginald Smith. Foss, Harriet Campbell. 1805. Pink Phlox. Foster, Ben. 1806. October Morning. Fournier, Alexis Jean. 1807. Peaceful Night on the Seine. 1808. Morning in Venice. Frieseke, Frederic Carl. 1809. The Garden Chair. 1810. Sleep. 1811. Youth. 1812. Boudoir. 1813. Girl Embroidering. 1814. The Bay Window. 1815. The Garden. 1810. Summers. Froelich, Maren M. 1817. The Chinese Robe. Fuller, George. 1818. Lorette. Lent by the Corcoran Gallery of 1819. A Head. Lent by W. B. Ayer, Esq. 1820. Marguerite. Fuller, Henry B. 1821. Triumph of Truth Over Error. Fuller, Lucia Fairchild. 1823. The Girl and the Net. 1823. In the Days of King Arthur. 1824. Portrait of a Child. 1825. Artemidora. 182G. The Red Flower. Funk, Wilhelm. 1827. Mrs. John W. McKinnon. Gaensslen, Otto Robert. 1828. Youth. Gainsborough, Thomas. 1829. Sir Wm. Lynch. Lent by the Hackley Art Gal- lery: Muskegon, 1830. Landscape. Lent by Charles M. Cooke, Esq. 1831. A Grand Landscape. Gale, Harrlette Draper. 1832. Study in Brown. Gallagher, Sears. 1833. From the Bridge. Gait, Charles Franklin. 1834. The Etcher. 1835. The Gypsy. Garber, DanieL 1836. Sister. 1837. The Sunlit Wall. 1838. Quarry: Evening. 1839. Cherry Blossoms. 1840. Little Village: Winter. 1841. From Tinicum Hill. Garrett, Edmund. 1842. Heart of New England. Gauley, Robert David. 1843. Reverie. 1844. Portrait: Pedro de Cordoba. Gay, Walter. i;>45. Iwcs Pigeons Savantes. Lent by Albert Rosenthal, Esq. Gelhaar, Emil. 184(). l^acker Hall, Gifford, Sanford R. 1S47. Tne Golden Horn. Lent by Hon. Charles H, Carey, Gihon, O. 1848. Peasant Houses. 1849. Haunted House, . 1850. A Corner: Rue de Vaugirard. Gilchrist, Wallace W., Jr. 1851. Girl in Pink. 1852. The Old Gold Screen. 1853. A Quiet Sea. 1854. Rocks: The Maine Coast. 1855. The Fish Dock. 1856. Towards the Sun, 1857. Twin Birches. 1858. Incoming Tide. Gilmore, Ada. 1859. Promenade, Glackens, William J. 18G0, Woman with Apple. 1861. Chez Moquin. 1862. Family Group. 1863. Girls Bathing. 1864. Green Car. Gleeson, Charles K. 1865. The Carriers. Glinteukamp, Henry J. 1866. Wmd Gap. Goetsch, Gustav F. 1867. Marblehead. 1868. In the Harbor. 1869. Marblehead Harbor. 1870. The Harbor. 1871. On the Harlem River. Gohler, Hermann. 1872. Schloss Favorite. Goodwin, Arthur Clifton. 1873. Boylston Street: Boston. 1874. T Wharf: Boston. 1875. Boylston Street: Boston. Gotthold, Florence Wolf. 1876. The Yellow Cat. Goya y Lucientes, Francisco Jose de. 1877. Don Juan Jose Perez Mora. Lent by the Hackley Gallery: Muskegon. 1878. Portrait of Isadoro Marquez. Lent by Martin A. Ryerson, Esq. Grabach, John R. 1879. Banks of the Connecticut River. Grant, L. 1880. Fishing Boats: Concarneau. Granville-Smith, Walter. 1881. The Boat Shop. 1882. Summer Breeze. 1883. The Landing. 1884. Queen's Lace. 1885. Clearing Mists. Gray, Frederick G. 1886. Early Morning. 1887. Portrait Study: tlon. Joseph C. Cannon. 1888. Portrait. Gray, Henry Peters. 1889. Cupid Begging His Arrows, Lent by the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. Gray, Percy. 1890. Out of the Desert: Oregon. Griffin, J, W. 1891. River Lee: Cork. 18 DEPARTMENT OF FINE ARTS Griffin, Walter. 1892. Church of S'. Trovaso: Venice. 1893. Late Afternoon: Breton Village. 1894. Springtime. 1895. Grand Canal: Venice No. 1. 1896. Grand Canal: Venice No. 2. 1897. May Morning. 1898. Bridge: Venice. 1899. Zattere: Venice. GroU, Albert Lorey. 1900. Arizona Desert. 1901. Lake Louise. 1902. Peace: Hopiland. Grossman, Edwin Booth. 1903. Still Life. Grover, Oliver Dennet. 1904. Ponte Vecchio: Florence. Lent by Mrs. J. B. Blackstone. 1905. Rocky Shore: Lake Garda. Guerin, Jules. 1906. Pigeon Mosque: Constantinople. 1907. Temple of Sunium. 1908. Eyub on the Golden Horn. 1909. The Great Bazaar: Constantino- ple. 1910. The Mosque of Sulieman: Con- stantinople. 1911. Cairo: The Blue Mosque. 1912. Landscape Near Siena. 1913. The Three Wise Men. Guido of Siena. 1914. Madonna. Lent by Dan Fellows Piatt, Esq. Gustin, Paul Morgan. 1915. Great Cloud. 1916. Mountain Snowflelds. 1918. The Cascades from Pyramid Park. 1918. Mount Rainier. 1919. November Evening: Puget Sound. 1920. A Clearing in the Northwest. Gutmann, Bernhard. 1921. Nude. Haggin, Ben All. 1922. Little White Dancer. Hailman, Johanna E. Woodwell. 1923. A Tropical Menage. 1924. To Market in the West Indies 1925. Tony. Hale, Lilian Westcott. 1926. Portrait. 1927. Lavender and Old Ivory. 1928. Bleeding Hearts. 1929. Anemonies. 1930. The Fortune Teller, 1931. Madonna Lillies. 1932. Portrait of Nancy. 1933. China Asters. 1934. Gardenia Rose. 1935. Celia's Arbor. Hale. FhUip Leslie. 1936. Sun Bath. 1937. La Princesse Lointaine. 1938. A Family Affair. 1939. Lillies of the Madonna. 1940. Autumn Fruits. 1941. A Passing Hour, 1942. Wisteria and the Miss Wistar. 1943. The Tower of Ivory. 1944. Portrait. 1945. Woman with Roses. Hale, Walter. 1948. The Walk Along the Ramparts. 1946. Ruined Castle on the Neckar. 1947. The Chapel on the Rock: Le Puy. Hall, Kleber. 1949. Constance. Mysterious Hallowell, George Hawley. 1950. Wood's Lake. 1951. Island Lake. 1953. The Driving Pitch. 1954. The Logan. 1955. The Snow Path. X956. The Choppers, Halpert, Samuel. 1957. Interior. 1958. 1959. Lake George. Still Life. Hamhuchen, Wilhelm. 1960. Early Autumn Morning. Hamilton, James. 1961. Old Ironsides. Lent by the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. 1962. The Ancient Mariner. Lent by the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. Hamilton, John McLure. 1963. Sketch. Gladstone. Pennell. Sir A. Serke. Mother. 1964. 1965. 1966. 1967. Hanailton, Mary Biter. 1968. Old Woman: Study. 1969. The Poor, Hamilton, Wilbur Dean. 1970. Portrait, 1971. Portrait of Justice McKenna, 1972. Spring. Hammond, Arthur J. 1973. The Old Artist. Hansen, Armin C. 1974. At the Breakfast Table. 1975. The Belated Boat. Harding, Chester. 1976. John Randolph of Roanoke. Lent by the Corcoran Gallery of Art. Harding, George. 1977. Night: Australian Desert. 1978. The Wreckers. 1979. The Fisherwoman. 1980. Colombo Harbor. 1981. Busy Day at the Docks. Harland, Mary. 1982. ItaHan Fisherman. Harper, Marian Dunlap. 1983. My Dear. 1984. Miss G. Harrison. Alexander. 1985. 1986, 1987, 1988, 1985, 1990. The Joy of Life. Sun: Sea. Wave Glitter, Sun Glitter. Moon Clouds, Nature's Mirror. Harrison, Birge. 1991. White Wings. 1992. Evening in Philadelphia. 1993. The Tow on the Lake. 1994. The Red Saw Mill. Hart, James McD. 1995. On the Croton. Lent by Fred Sander, Esq. Hartman, C. Bertram. 1996. Two Natures. Haseltine, Charles F. 1997. Summer Day in New Hampshire. 1998. Summer Day in the Woods. Haseltine, William Stanley. 1999. Cannes. PAINTINGS AND DRAWINGS 19 Hassam, 2000. 2001. 2002. 2003. 2205. 2006. 2007. 2208. 2009. 1010. 2011. 2012. 2013. 2014. 2015. 1016. 2017. 2018. 2019. 2020. 2021. 2022. 2023. 2024. 2025. 2026. 2027. 2028. 2029. 2030. 2031. 2032. 2033. 2034. 2035. 2036. 2037. CMlde. Puerta del Sol: Toledo. Isles of Shoals: Duck Island. Newfields: New Hampshire. The Old Home with Elms. The Squall: Gloucester. Lannion. Moonrise at Sunset. Brittany Cottage. Happy Valley: Harney Desert Skull Springs: Oregon. Der Groot House: Haarlem. Lannion. of Lannion The Quais The Fete Evening. Brelevenez: 2nd. Aphrodite. St. Michaels: Lannion. La Clarte. Brelevenez. Street in Haarlem. The Blue Sea: Appledore. Weir's Farm: the Rain. Cathedral Spire: Antwerp. The Terre Cuit Tea Set. The Strawberry Tea Set. The Woman with Black and Fire Opals. Sunset: New England Coast. In the Shadow of the Vme. The South Ledges. The Yachts: Gloucester Harbor. Diana's Bath. Portrait of a Young Girl. The Ancient Window of Nemours. The West Indian Girl. New England Peaches and Grapes. Couch on the Porch: Cos Cob. Reading the Letter. California Hills in Spring. Provincetown. Haweis, Stephen. 2038. Na Aissama: a Fijian Village. 2039. Vakamololo Dance: Fiji: 1. 2040. Vakamololo Dance: Fiji: 2. 3041. Vakamololo Dance: Fiji: 3. 2042. Vakamololo Dance: Fiji: 4: Three Girls. 2043. Na Moala: Fiji Islands. 2044. Fort Dei Marmi: Liguria. Hawley, Margaret Foote. 2045. Portrait of Clarence Williams. 2046. Portrait of Miss Jean Hooke. 2047. Sketch of a Jewish Boy. 2048. Portrait of Miss Barbara Quin. Haworth, Edith. 2049. Gibraltar. 2050. Midsummer. 2051. Cypress Tree. 2054. Village Street: 2052. African Coast. 2053. Rainy Evening. Hawthorne, Charles Wehster. 2055. The Market Woman. 2056. Une Fille d'un Pescheur. 2057. Mother and Child. 2058. Granddaughter. Hayden, Charles H. 2059. Landscape. Hazelton, Mary Brewster. 2060. Reverie. 2061. The Letter. Hazen, Wilhelmina. 2062. Twin Pearls. 2063. La Senora G. 2064. Brownie. Healy, G. P. A. 2065. Daniel Webster. Lent by John Frederick Lewis. Hecht, Victor David. 2066. Portrait of Mrs. Irving Stern. Heil, Charles Emile. 2067. Bluejay. 2068. Field Sparrow. 2069. Young Bluejay. 2071. Young Catbird: Phoebe. 2072. Black-cap Chickadee. 2074. Golden-crowned Kinglet No. 1. 2075. Golden-crowned Kinglet No. 2. Hellwag, Rudolph. 2076. The Pool of London. Grey Helsby, Alfredo. 2077. Chilean Farmhouses in Spring. 2078. A Coming Storm in the Andes. Henderson, A. Elizabeth. 2079. Lessons. 2080. The Daily Chapter. 2081. The Violin. Furs Henri, ! Robert. 2082. Blue Kimono. 2083. Herself. 2084. Lady in Black Velvet. 2085. Yen Tsidi (Ground Sparrow). 2086. Chinese Lady. 2087. Odalisque, 2088. Himself. Henry, Edward Lamson. 2089. The Presidential Election of 1844, Herkomer, Herman G. 2090. Mrs. Hamilton Griffin. 2091. Sir Hubert von Herkomer, R. A. 2092. Portrait: William Harvey, Esq. Herr, Margaret. 2093. Malvina. 2094. Portrait of Miss Dougal. Heu'ermann, Magda. 2095. My Father. 2096. Franz von Lenbach. 2097. Miss Virginia. Hicks, Thomas. 2098. A Friendly Warning. Lent by Robert M. Olyphant, Bsq. Higgins, Eugene. 2099. The Strange Land. Hildebrandt, Cornelia Ellis. 2100. Baby's Head. Hills, Laura Coombs. 2101. Psyche. 2102. Miss Margaret Curzon Hale. 2103. The Nymph. 2104. Portrait. 2105. The Morning Cup. 2106. Little Agnes. 2107. Girl with Violets. Hinkle, Clarence K. 2108. Portrait. Hitchcock, George. 2109. Vanquished. 2110. En Brabant. Hittle, Margaret A. 2111. Flower Beds at Reissigo. Hobart, Clark. 2112. The Blue Bay: Monterey. Hoeber, Arthur. 2113. Spray. 2114. The Meadow Brook. Hoffman, Harry Leslie. 2115. Saturday Morning: Savannah Market. 2116. A Mood of Spring. Hogarth, William. 2117. Viscountess Irwin. Lent by the Hackley Gallery: 20 DEPARTMENT OF FINE ARTS Hollister, Antoinette B. 2118. Bavarian Peasant Mother and Child. Holmboe, Thorolf. 2119. Eider Ducks. Homer, Winslow. 2120. The Wreck. Lent by the Carnegie Institute. 2121. Unruly Calf. Lent by the Brooklyn Museum. 2122. The Coming Storm. Lent by the Lotos Club: New York City. 2123. An Adirondack Lake. Lent by C. H. Henry, Esq. 2124. Afternoon Fog. Lent by John Calvin Stevens, Esq. 2125. Gathering Autumn Leaves. 2126. The Home Signal. 2127. The Water Melon Bug. 2128. Sunlight and Shadow. 2129. The Yellow Jacket. 2130. Fisherfolks: Tynemouth. 2131. A Country Lad. 2132. The Butterfly. 2133. Summer Afternoon. Hooper, Eosa. 2134. Doesn't Your Mamma Wash Your Face? 2135. A Frenchman. 2136. Grandfather. Hopkins, J. 2137. Beside the Lake. Hopkins, James E. 2138. Mandarin Blue. 2139. Frivolity. 2140. Memories. Hopkinson, Charles. 2141. Effect of Light. 2142. Effect of Light. 2143. Effect of Light. 2144. Effect of Light. 2145. Portrait. 2146. Knitting. 2147. Salem Bay: Massacvhusetts. Hoppner, John. 2148. The Marchioness of Wellesley and Children. Houlehan, Kathleen. 2149. Portrait. Hevenden, Thomas. 2150 by Edward H. Coates, Peonies. Lent Esq. 2151. Breaking Home Ties. Lent by Charles Custos Har- rison, Jr. Howard, Clara E, 2152. Cadet. Howe, William Henry. 2153. Low Lands: Holland. Howland, Alfred C. 2154. At Cernay la Ville. 2155. At Manchester: Vermont. 2156. Saturday Afternoon. Howland, Allen S. 2157. Portrait of Miss A. 2158. Portrait Study. Hubbard, Mary Wilson. 2159. A Portrait Sketch. Hubbell, Henry Salem. 2100. The Crimson Charger. Hubner, Ulrlch. 2161. Clear Weather. Hudspeth, E. N. 2162. Miss Dorithy Dodge. 2163. Rev. Canon Tremayne. Hunt, William Morris. 2164. The Flight of Night. Lent by the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. 2165. Woman's Portrait. Lent by Mrs. Inez Gilmore. 2166. Landscape: Newtonville: Mass. Hunter, Sara Katherine. 2167. Study of a Plead. Huntington, Daniel. 2168. Sketcher. Lent by the Brooklyn Museum, Huntington, Margaret Wendell. 2169. Still Liie. Hurley, Edward Timothy. 2170. Murmuring. 2171. The New Year. Hurley, Irene Bishop. 21 iZ. Portrait of Mrs. H. Hurry, Lucy W. 2173. The Concert in the Garden. 2174. Waiting for the Stagecoach, 2175. The Peacock. Hutchison, F. W. 2176. A Northern River. Hyde, William Henry. 2177. Vera. Hyett, Will J. 2178. Cross Roads: Ravenrock. Ingersoll, Emma K. H. Z179. Portrait Sl^etch. 2180. Baby Dan. 2181. Mary Meigs. Inman, Henry. 2182. Portrait of Henry Pratt. Lent by the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. 2183. Mumble-the-Peg. Lent by the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. 2184. Picnic on the Catskills. Lent by the Brooklyn Museum. Inness, George. 2185. The Clouded Sun. Lent by the Carnegie Institute. 2186. In the Berkshire Hills. Lent by the Rhode Island School of Design. 2187. The Coming Storm. Lent by the Buffalo Fine Arts Academy. Irvine, Wilson. 2188. Laughing June. 2189. The Bathing Beach. 2190. The Chasm. Isham, Samuel. 2191. In the Park. Lent by the Buffalo Fine Arts Academy. Isreals, Joseph. 2192. Poor Man's Harvest. Italian School. 2193. No Title. 2194. No Title, Jackson, Annie Hurlburt. 2195. Mrs. Pickering Almy. 2196. Lapis LazuU. 2197. Helen Kreek. 2198. Baby's Head. 2199. Child's Head. 2200. Little Newsie. 2201. The Blue Mantle. PAINTINGS AND DRAWINGS 21 Jakobi, Euth. 2202. On the Sand. 2203. Tlie Beach. 2204. Brooklyn Bridge. 2205. Atlantic City. 2206. City Square. 2267. Silent Street. 2208. Reaping. 2209. Towards Evening. 2210. Water Front. Jamar, S. Corinne. 2211. Bob. James, William. 2212. Portrait Study. Jaussor L, Alfred. 2213. Illinois Landscape. Jarvis, John Wesley. 2214. Portrait of a Gentleman. Lent by Clarence Winthrop Bowen, Esq. Jay, Cecil. ■ ■ Dansante. 2215. 2216. 2217. 2218. 2219. 2220. Jewett, 2221. Jahansen, 2222A. 2222B. 2222C. 2222D. 2222E. Johnson, 2223. Johnson, 2224. 2224A. Bacchante Maternity. Maternity. Maternity. The Love Letter. La Jupe Dechire, William. Portrait: Samuel L. Waldo. Lent by the National Academy of Design. John Christen. Venetian Arcade. The Rider. Portrait of Miss F. B. "Village Rider. Approaching Storm. David. Portrait: William S. Mount, Lent by Albert Rosenthal, Esq. Eastman. A Drummer Boy. Lent by the Union League Club.: New York City. Henry Codman Potter: Bishop of New York. Edwin Booth. 2224B. Johnson, Harry L. 2225. Moon Before Sundown. 2226. The Inquiry. 2227. The Garden. 2228. Wind in the Clouds. 2229. Mother and Child. 2230. Mother and Child. 2230. Earlv Spring: Rose Valley. 2231. Charybdis. Jones, Francis C. 2232. The Divan. Jones, Hugh Bolton. . 2233. Through the Trees. Jones, Leon Foster. 2234. Long Island Village. 2235. A Misty Day in Winter. Jouett, Matthew Harris. 2236. Artist's Wife. Lent by R. H. Menefee, Esq. 2237. Portrait of Boy and Dog. Juergeng, Alfred. 2238. In May. 2239. Garden Flowers. Jung, C. Jac. 2240. Winter Afternoon. Kaelin, Charles S. 2241. Bits of Snow. 2242. Boats in Harbor. 2243. Old Mil. Richard. From an Old Park. Kaiser, 2244, Kaula, Lee Lufkin. 2245. On the Old Settle. Kaula, William J, 2246. Clouds from the West. Keith, 2247. 2248. 2249. 2250. 2251. 2252. 2253. 2254. 2255. 2256. 2257. 2258. 2259. 2260. 2261. 2262. 2263. 2264. 2265. 2266. 2267. 2268. 2269. 2270. 2271. 2272. 2273. 2274. 2275. Keller, Arthur I. 2276. The Bach Double Concerto. 2277. The Young Critic. Keller, Edgar. 2278. Under the Bridge: Harlem River. Kelly, Hannah R. 2279. When Roses Bloom. Kendall, Margaret. 2280. Miss Helen Huntington. 2281. Springtime. 2282. In the Brook. 2283. Bruno and His Mistress. 2284. Thre« Little Sisters. William. Revelation. Lent by Mrs. E. N. Harmon. Quiet Pool. Lent by Mrs. E. N. Harmon. Shepherdess. Lent by Mrs. E. N. Harmon. Sunset. Lent by Mrs. E. N. Harmon. Landscape. Lent by Mrs. Reginald Smith. Grey Morning. Lent by Mrs. Mary C. Richard- son. Landscape. Lent by Mrs. Mary C. Richard- son. Sketch. Lent by Mrs. Mary C. Richard- son. , Water Color. Lent by Mrs. Mary C. Richard- son. The Impression. Lent by Mrs. Mary McHenry Keith. Spirit of Music. Lent by Mrs. Mary McHenry Keith. Midsummer Night's Dream. Lent by Mrs. Mary McHenry Keith. Landscape. Lent by the Joseph Worcester Estate. ■ ' No. Title. _ Lent by the Joseph Worcester Estate. Landscape. No. Lent by Mrs 1. Henrietta Zeile. Landscape. No. 2. Lent by Mrs. Henrietta Zeile. Landscape. No. 3. Lent by Mrs. Henrietta Zeile. Landscape. No. 4. Lent by Mrs. Henrietta Zeile. Landscape. No. 5. Lent by Mrs. Henrietta Zeue. Landscape. No. 6. Lent by Mrs. Henrietta Zeile. Cloudy Day. Rainy Day. The Symphony of Peace. Portals of the Woods. Silent Hour. Storm. Into the Storm. Landscape. Water Color. 22 DEPARTMENT OF FINE ARTS Kendall, Sergeant. 2285. Alison. 2286. Venetian Brocade, 2287. Devotion, 2288. Reflection, 2289. Phantasmata, Kensett, John Frederick. 2290. Rapids: Niagara Falls. Lent by Robert M, Olyphant, Esq, 2291. In the Adirondacks, Lent by Robert M. Olyphant, Esq. 2292. Mallett's Bay: Lake Champlain, Lent by Robert M. Olyphant, Esq, 2293. Autumn Afternoon, Lent by the National Academy of Design. Kent, Rockwell. 2294. A Mother and Her Sons, Kindlund, Anna Belle Wing. 2295. Madeleine Dabo. 2296. Love, 2297. Lady in Black. King, Charles B. 2298. John 0. Calhoun: When Secretary of War, Lent by Corcoran Gallery of Art. King, Edith Laurence. 2299. Nude. 2300. On the Beach: Capri. King, Paul. 2301. Winter. 2302. Snug Harbor. Kips, Erich. 2303. Steamer in Dock: Hamburg, Kirkpatrick, William A. 2304. Pleasing Reflections. Klein, Tillie V. Ryan. 2305. Portrait of Sir Wilfred Laurier. 2306. Portrait of William Keith. 2307. Portrait of Mrs. Thomas E. Flynn. JCneller, Sir Godfrey. 2308. Portrait. Lent by Albert Rosenthal, Esq, Knirr, Heinrich. 2309. Self Portrait. Knox, James. 2310. White Swan. Kohn, Irma. 2311. The Lighthouse on the Pier: St. Ives. 2312. Street in Stratford-on-Avon, Kopman, Benjamin D. 2313. Portrait of a Young Man. 2314. Plucking a Goose. Kretzinger, Clara Josephine. 2315. A Thoughtful Moment. Krimmell, John Lewis. 2316. Fourth of July in Centre Square. Lent by the Pennsylvania Acad- emy of the Fine Arts, KroU, Leon. 2317. River Industries, 2318. Weehawken Terminal. 2319. Lower Manhattan. 2320. Rockport Quarries. Kronberg, Louis. 2321. Ballet Girl in Green. 2322. Preparing for the Dance 2323. The Exercise. 2324. The Visitor. Kyle, Joseph. 2325. Portrait Group, Lent by Albert Rosenthal, Esq. La Farge, John. 2326. Woman Centaur. Lent by the Brooklyn Museum. 2327. Portrait of Richard Hunt. 2328. The Hillside Farm. 2329. Our Boatman. 2330. The Willow. 2331. The Ravine. Lamb, F. M. 2332. Our New England, 2333. Threatening. Lampert, Gertrude A. 2334. Black and Green. Lang, Annie Traquair. 2335. Prom My Window: Venice. 2336. The Gray Kimona. 2337. The Hotels: Venice. 2338. Japanese Print. Langhorne, Katherine. 2339. Rhode Island Pool. 2340. A Day Last Summer. Langtry, Mary. 2341. A September Night: Ipswich. 2342. Personally Conducted. La Touche, Gaston. 2343. The Masquerade Ball: Grand Opera House : Paris, Lathrop, William Langson. 2344. Coming Storm. Lent by Mrs. Genge Ellery Woods. The Canal. Lent by George Coffing Warner, Golden Afternoon. A Grey Day. Landscape. Summer Afternoon. 2345. 2346. 2347. 2348. 2349. Lavery, John. 2350. Portrait. Lent by Dan Fellows Piatt, Esq. Lawrence, Sir Thomas. 2351. Portrait of a Young Man. Lent by Albert Rosenthal, Esq. 2352. Lady Margaret: Second Daughter of the Earl of Kinnoul. Lawson, Ernest. 2353. Hills at Innwood. 2354. Beginning of Winter. 2355. Hudson River and Palisades. Le Brun, Charles. 2356. The Family of Darius at the Feet of Alexander. Lent by Art Institute of Chicago. Leigh, William Robinson. 2-db7. The Stampede. Lely, Sir Peter. •Z3o8. Portrait of a Lady. Lent by F. Tillmann, Esq. Lenbach, Franz von. 2359. Self Portrait. Lent by the San Francisco In- stitute of Art. 2360. Portrait of Mommsen. Lent by Mrs. Henrietta Ziele. Lepine, Stanislas. 2361. St. Cloud on the Seine. Lent by Martin A. Ryerson, 2362. River Scene. Lent by Charles F. Adams, Leutze, Emanuel. 2363. Portrait of Nathaniel Hawthorne. Lent by Henry Fairfield Osborn, Esq. 2364. Columbus Discovering America. PAINTINGS AND DRAWINGS 23 Lever, Hayley. 2365. 2366. 2367. 2368. 2369. Saint Ives Harbor. Winter: Harlem River. Smeaton's Quay: St. Ives. St. Ives Fishing Boats. Washington Bridge. Levy, William Auerbach. 2370. Central Park Impression, 2371. Song of Summer. 2372. Rainy Night. 2373. Normandy Fishermen. Levy, Beatrice S. 2374. The Draftsman. Lewis,Edmund D. 2375. Upper Delaware River. ^^376.^ Po'i-tTkit of C. R. Baxter, Esq. 2377. The Fichu. 2378. An American. 2379. Editha. 2380. Miss Whitelaw. 2381. Miss Lakeman. 2382 Portrait of an Actor. 2383. Miss Madge Kennedy. 2384. Miss H. Draper. 2385. Katherine. Lichtenauer, J. Mortimer. 2386. Study for Shubert Theatre. 2387. Study for Harris Theatre. Lie, Jonas. 2388. Palms m Wmd. 2389. Gates at Pedro Miguel. Liljestrom, Gustav P. ^ ^ ^ 2390. Vishnu Temple: Grand Canyon. Linde, Ossip L. . ^, . 2391. A Gateway m Venice. 2392. Venice. 2393. Steps: Venice. 2394. Chioggia: Venice. Lindin, Carl Eric. 2395. Evening. Linford, Charles. 2396. Landscape: Pennsylvania. Lippincott, William Henry. 2397. Love Finds the Way. Little, John Wesley. 2398. In Devonshire. Little, Philip. 2400. An Upland Meadow. 2401. The Upper Ipwich. 2402. The Making of New Lands. Lockman, De Witt M. 2403. Portrait of Miss D. Loeb, Louis. 2404. The Bud. „ .. „ ^ Lent by William Scott Bond, Esq, 2405. The Peacock. Lent by Emanuel Loeb, Esq, L6kke, Marie. ^^.,^ 2406. Portrait of a Child. Londoner, Amy. 2407. Park Bench. 2408. The Fairy Tale. 2409. Woman in Black. 2410. Trees and Mountains. 2411. The Bathers. 2412. Boardwalk: Atlantic City. 2413. Cripple Creek. 2414. A Strange House. Longacre, Lydla Eastwlck. 2415. Portrait of Mr. Gino C. Speranza. 2416. Miss Helene Pupke. Lopez-Masquita, Jos6 M. 2417. Matador. 2418. A Spanish Gipsy. Lowdon, Elsie Motz. 2419. Portrait of D. B, C, Loy. Mina. ., 2420. Lillah, Gaby and Amaranthe. 2421. The Etruscan Loggia. Lucas, Jean Williams. 2422. Man with Ruff. 2423 Mrs. Frederick M. Thomas. 2424. Paddie Cat and Mistress. 2425. Mrs. Alfred Williams Lucas. 2426. Miss Agnes Rogers. Ludovici, Alice E. ^ „„,•„, 2427. Portrait of Miss Ludovici. Luini, Bernardo. 2428. The Angel. _ „ ^, . . Lent by Dan Fellows Piatt, Esq. Luke, Kathryn Logan. ^ ,, -, , 2429. The Little French Model. 2430. Portrait of Mrs. Phillip Campbell. Luks, George. 2431. New York Boy. 2432. Children's Page. 2433. Man in Brown. 2434. The Mother. Lundborg, Plorence. 2435. Etna in the Afterglow. 2436. Old Fountain: Taormina. 2437. Stone Pines. ^ISa^'In^uTkl^yss: Grand Canyon. ^^2''4?9. ^Portrait of Henrietta E. Countiss. 2440. Marion Stanton. Mc Arthur, Stanley. 2441. The Spanish Legend. McCarter, Henry. 2442. Lust for Gold. 2443. Yearly Tribute to the King of 2444. Return' from the Foray: Early Ireland. McColl, Mary A. 2445. Reflections. McComas, Prancis. 2446. The Broken Oak. 2447. Oaks of the Monte. 2448. Wolpi: Arizona. 2449. Pines at Monterey. 2450. Lichomovi: Arizona. 2451. The Red Wagon. , 2452 The Navajo Gateway: Arizona. 2453. A Los Olivos Oak Tree. 2454. A City of the Dead. 2455. Mariano. McCormick, Howard. 2458. Hopi Ceremonial. McCormick, M. Evelyn. 2459. Old Custom House: Monterey, MacChesney, Clara T. 2460. A Good Story. Lent by the National Gallery. 2461. Still Life. MacDougall, John A. 2462. Dick. MacEwen, Walter. 2463. Vanity. 2464. Waiting. 2465. In the Studio. 2466. Yes or No. 2467. At the Burgomasters. 2468. An Interlude. 2469. The Betrothed. 2470. Oldebroeck. 24 DEPARTMENT OF FINE ARTS Building from West McFee.Henry Lee. 2471. Still Life. MacGilvary, Norwood. 2472. June in the Forest. 2473. Autumn Idyl. 2474. Nocturne. 2475. The Voices of Dreams. Mclntire, Katharine. 2476. Portrait of a Man. McKillop, William. 2477. Portrait of Robert W. Chanler 2478. The Letter. McLane, M. Jean. 2479. Brother and Sister: Portraits. Lent by Arthur H. Mac Kie, 2480. Group: Mother and Children. 2481. Portrait of Mrs. R. G. Arnold. McMillen, Mildred. 2482. Low Tide: Etaples. Maccari, Cesare. 2483. Music Hath Charms. 2484. Fond Memory. Macky, Constance. 2485. Portrait of Mrs. Frederick Roth. 2486. Roses. Macky, E. Spencer. 2487. Portrait. 2488. Mother and Child. 2489. Alice. Macrum, George H. 2490. Woolworth • Street. 2491. The Towering City. Macsoud, Nicholas S. 2492. Portrait of Julius A. Gross, Esq. 2493. Portrait of Miss Theresa Borman 2494. Portrait of My Mother. 2495. Portrait of a Boy. Mager, Gas. 2496. Flower Bouquet. 2497. The Laborer. 2498. Tulips and Irises. Magonigle, Edith M. 2499. The Queen of Hearts. 2500. The Secret Garden. 2501. Linet de Maris. 2502. Vice and Virtue. 2503. Louis Ayres, Esq. 2504. Gwendolyn Munroe. Major, Ernest L. 2505. Blonds in Blue. Makowsky, Alexander. 2506. Profile. Malbone, Edward Greene. 2507. Portrait of Joseph Marx Lent by the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, Manigault, E. Middleton. 2508. Pastoral. Mannheim, Jean. 2509. On Tuesday. 2510. Frolicking Times. Marchant, Edward D. 2511. Colonel E. D. Baker. Lent by Dr. Gilbert L. Parker. Maris, Matthew. 2512. Water Color. Mark, Louis. 2513. Preparing for a Walk. 2514. Before the Mirror. 2515. Lady with Parosol. 2ffl6. Breakfast Table. Marsh, Alice Randall. 2517. Michel and Maud Bouvier. 2518. Portrait Sketch of a Russian Girl. Marshall, W. E. 2519. Portrait of A. B. Durand. Lent by the National Academy of Design. Martin, Homer D. 2520. Saranac Lake. Lent by the Union League Club, New York City. 2521. Newport Neck. Lent by the Lotos Club. Martinez y Orozco, Xavier T. 2522. Land of Silence. 2523. The Storm. Mason, John. 2524. On the Road to Killingworth. 2525. Old Cider Mill. Mason, Maud M. 2526. Still Life. 5, Arthur F, The Carnation. Cypress Grove. Masque of Pandora. The Butterfly. Oaks. Monterey Bay. The Web. The Swan. Monterey Hills. Portrait. Cypress. Marine. Ghost Story. Eve. Mathews 2527. 2528. 2529. 2529A 2530. 2531. 2532. 2533. 2534. 2535. 2536. 2537. 2538. 2530. Mathews, Lucia K. 2540. Little Girl. 2541. Monterey Pine. Maurer, A. 2542. Bal Bullier. 2543. Jeanne. Maury, Cornelia F. 2544. One Shoe Off. 2545. The Three Bears Story. May, Edward Harrison. 2546. The Dying Brigand. Lent by the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts. Mayer, Louis. 2547. Portrait of Mrs. M. 2548. Lady with Black Veil. Maynard, Richard F. 2549. In and Out of an Oval Mirror. 2550. Reading. Mayr, 0. 2551. Reading the News. Lent by the National Academy of Design. Mazzanovich, Lawrence. 2552. Grey Glow. Meakin, Lewis Henry. 2553. Kicking Horse River. 2554. Rockport. 2555. Rocky Mountain Valley. 2556. Stormy Day. Mears, Helen Farnsworth. 2557. Portrait of My Mother. Meissonier, Jean Louis Ernest. 2558. St. John the Divine. Melcher, Bertha Corbett. 2559. My Daughter Charlotte. 2560. A Mountain Lassie. PAINTINGS AND DRAWINGS 25 Melchers, 2561. 2562. 2563. 2564. 2.^65. 2566. 2567. 2568. 2569. 2570. 2571. 2572. 2573. 2574. 2575. 2576. 2577. 2578. 2579. 2580. 2581. , Gari. Skaters. _ Lent by The Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Morning Room. Lent by Dr. George Woodward. Mother and Child. _ Lent by James Deermg, Esq. Sailor and His Sweetheart. Lent by Charles L. Freer, Esq. The Smithy. Portrait Group. The Open Door. Girl Sewing. Lily Pond. Madonna of the Fields. Young Woman at Toilet. Roomful of Color. House with Green Gable. The Fencing Master, Supper at Emmaus. Virginia. House on Canal. Breakfast Table. Maternity. Writing. The White Church. Mendenhall, Emma. n^^r,wnii 2582 Street in St. Ives: Cornwall. 2583. An English Village, 2584. Mulberry Street Hill. 2585. Luxembourg Gardens. Menzler, Bertha S. ,, ^^ ^ 2586. Twilight on the Dunes. Meryman, Richard S. 2587. Portrait. Messer, Edmund Clarence, 2588. Blue Ridge. Metcalf, Willard L. 2r.Rn. 2590. 2.^.91. 2592. 259.3. 2594. 2595. Salmon River: Norway. Early Spring Afternoon Park. Winter's Festival. Blossom Time. Trembling Leaves. October Afternoon. Cherry Blossoms. Central Meyn, George Ludwig. 2597. Frau v. Cotta. Michel, G. 2598. View from Montmartre, Lent by I. N, Pleishner, Esq. Mielziner, Leo. 2599 Mrs. Herbert Baer. 2fiOO. Mr. Philip Conway Sawyer, 2001. Character Head. 2502. Mr. Gustave Pollak, Miller, Addison J. 2503. Storm Warning. Miller, Kenneth Hayes. 2004. The Cloud. 2005. The Swan. Miller, Richard E. 2006. The Visit. 2607. Nude. Miiifi*;. Jean Francois. 2606. M«rcure Enlivant les Boeufs d' Argus. Lent by A. C. Balch, Esq. Mills, J. Harrison. 2609, Portrait of Charles W. Oouldock, the Actor. Lent by the Buffalo Fine Arts Academy. Milne, David, 2010. Broken Color. 2611. Dots and Dashes. 2612. Bronx Snow. 2613. Tricolor. 2614. Black and White No. 1. 2615. Black and White No, 2. 2616. Interior New York Pubhc Library. Mitchell, Arthur. , ^ T^ 2617. Close of a November Day. Mitchell, Eleanor B. 2618. Cleaning the Fish. 2619. Portrait. 2020. Portrait. 2621. Study of Lamplight. Moeller, Selma M. D. 2627. Portrait. 2628. Annette. 2629. Miss Stein, Molarsky, Morris. 2630. Reflections. Monet, Claude. 2631. Bateux Echoues, Fecamp, 2632. Meule Coucher de Soleil. 2633. La Seine & Portvillers. 26.34. Vetheuil, 2635. Les Nympheas, Paysage d Eau, 2636. Le Havre: Terrasse au Bord de la Mer. ^ . . 2637. La Promenade dans les Prairies a Argenteuil. Monges, Henry B. 2638. Sunset. Monticeili, Adolphe. 2639. Nymphs Bathing. „, ^ _ Lent by O. E. S. Wood, Esq. 2640. Fete Champetre. Lent by A. C. Balch, Esq. 2641. The White Horse, Lent by H, 0, Wortman, Esq. ^ Montizambert, Beatrice. 2642. Blue, Green, Gold. 2643. Orange Tulips, Mooney, Ed. 2644. Aphmet Ben Amar, Lent by the City of New York. Mora, F. Luis. 2645. Vacation Time. , ^. , r. „ 2646. Spanish Fair in the Time of Goya. 2047. Black, Grey and Rose. 2648. The Fortune Teller. Moran, Edward. 2649. Brush Burning. Lent by the Buffalo Fine Arts Academy. Moran, Peter. 2650. Water Bearer: San Juan. 2051. Pueblo of Zia. 2052. September Haze, Moran, Thomas, 2653. A California Forest. Morse, Samuel F. B. 2654. Wm. Paulding. Lent by the City of New York. 2655. Portrait of W. C. Bryant. Lent by the National Academy oi Design. 2656. Portrait: Mrs. David Olyphant, Lent by Robert M. Olyphant, Esq. Moser, James Henry „ * , 2657 November Sunset: Canaan Mountain. 2058. Showery Weather: Adirondacks. 2659. October in Cornwall. 2660. Pond Hill in October. 2661. Fog Lifting. ^ . , .„ 2662 Overlook Mountain: Catskills, 26 DEPARTMENT OF FINE ARTS Mount, William Sidney. 2663. The Painter's Triumph. Lent by the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts. 2664. Flowers. 2665. Portrait of President Van Buren. Muller, Peter Paul. 2666. Thousand Year Old Oaks. Muller, Richard. 2667. Leimer's Goat. Mundy, Ethel Farnces. 2668. Margaret Mundy. i 2669. Sally Cameron. 2670. Miss Ruth Wales. 2671. Mr. F. A. Saunders. Murphy, Ada Clifford. 2672. Sweet Apples. Murphy, Caroline Bowles. 2673. A Cloud. 2674. In the Azores. 2675. Hot Springs. Murphy, J. Francis. 2676. Frostbitten Wood and Field. Murphy, Hermann Dudley. 2677. The Sails. 2678. The Yellow Palace. 2679. Morro Castle: San Juan. 2680. The Green Door. 2681. The Salute. 2682. Fireworks. 2693. Wind. 2684. Venetian Brocade. 2685. In the Azores. 2686. Rio San Antonio. Murray, Grace H. 2687. Portrait of Mme. H. L. W. 2688. Minature Study. Myrick, Katharine. 2689. Study. Nahl, Perham W. 2690. Despair. Neagle, John. 2691. Junius Brutus Booth. Lent by Albert Rosenthal, Esq. Neilson, Raymond P. R. 2692. A Glass of Wine. 2693. The Hand of Glass. 2694. A String of Beads. Nell, Tony. 2695. Floating Feather. 2696. Study in Black. 2697. Paper Ladies. Nelson, Bruce. 2698. Along the Shore. 2699. The Summer Sea. 2700. The Golden Shore. 2701. Sea and Sky. Nettleton, Walter. 2702. When Sleeping Winter Dreams of Summer Skies. Neuhans, Engen. 2703. A Corner of Lake Merced. 2704. Monterey Dunes. «Z9^- Plo'w^ing at Ingleside. ?lnT 5v$^'^*^,^* Berkeley Hills. 2707. Cliffs at Westport. 2708. Helvetia Cemetery. Newell, Peter. 2709. My Daughter. 2710. Portrait of Miss Q. NichoUs, Rhoda Holmes. 2711. 1860. Nichols, Hobart. 2712. The Knob: Maine. Nlsbet, Robert H. 2713. The Emerald Robe. Noble, T. S. 2714. The Polish Exile. Nordell, Carl J. 2715. The Hostess. 2716. The Chinese Beads. 2717. The Listeners. 2718. The Pink Scarf. Norman, Mabel. 2719. Maestro Alessandro. 2720. Maestro Alessandro: Profile. 2721. Portrait of Mr. Charles H. Hapgood. 2722. Portrait of Mrs. Helene Anderson. 2<23. Portrait of Dr. George Cerio. 2724. Matilde. 2725. Portrait of Mrs. Wm. R. Hunter. Northcote, James. 2726. Portrait of Himself. Nourse, Elizabeth. 2727. h'Et6. Noyes, George L. 2728. Spring Morning: Medfield. 2729. Mount Lafayette. 2730. Late Autiunn. Nunn, Frederic. 2731. Harbor in Winter. 2732. Sand and Sea. 2733. A Seaside Roost. Oakley, Thornton. 2734. Bullock Cart: Rajputana. 2735. Fakir. 2736. The Guard of the Maharajah. 2737. Rajputana. 2738. Water Buffalo. 2739. Shinto Pilgrim. 2740. Fisherman. 2741. Faggot Gatherer. 2742. Peasant Woman. Oakley, Violet. 2743. The Tragic Muse. Lent by Edward H. Coates, Esq. 2744. The Divine Comedy of Dante. Lent by Robert J. Collier, Esq. Ochtman, Leonard. 2745. The Brook in Spring. 2746. Winter Morning: Mianus River. Olinsky, Ivan G. 2747. Two Girls. Oliver, Jean Nutting. 2748. Master Aldrich. 2749. The Shade Hat. Olson, Albert Byron. 2750. Ballet. 2752. Still Life. 2753. Decoration: The Three Sisters. Olson, Oliver Joseph. 2754. The Landscape Class. O' Lynch de Lynch Town, Charles. 2755. Zugspitz Group from Kranzber, near Mittenwald. Otis, Amy. 2756. Portrait of an Artist. 2757. A College Girl. Otis, Bass. 2758. Portrait of Mrs. Cornwall. Lent by Thomas O. Corner, Esq. Packard, Mabel. 2759. Study of a Head. 2760. Portrait: Miss P. Paddock, Ethel Louise. 2761. Red Haired Girl. 2762. Night. Paddock, JosepUne. 2763. The Blue Feather. 2764. Two Girls. 2765. Miss M. and a Parrot. 2766. Youth. 2767. Black Cap. PAINTINGS AND DRAWINGS 27 Parker, 2780. 2781. 2782. Parrish, 2783. Parrish, 2784. Parshall, 2785. 2786. Jack Allan Part- Page, Marie Dauforth. 2768. Tommy. 2769. Dressing Genevieve. 2770. Portrait of Anna Colman Ladd. Page, William. 2771. Mother and Child. Lent by The Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. Pages, Jules. 2772. On the Quais: Paris. Palmer, Pauline. 2773. The Ledge. Pancoast, Morris Hall. 2774. Afternoon: Tomkinsville. Pane, Philip Stuart. 2775. Me and Pussy. Pape, Eric. 2776. The Mexican Dance. 2777. Edith Wynne Mathison as Hermione. 2778. Mrs. John Hayes Hammond. Paradise, John W. 2779. Portrait. Lent by Albert Rosenthal, Esq. Lawton. Paresse. Portrait of Mrs. Ray Atherton. An English Girl. Clara Weaver. The Worshipper. Stephen. Winter Sunset: Cape Cod. De Witt. The Hermit Creek Canyon. Great Abyss. Partington, Gertrude. 2787. Portrait of Mrs. ington. Partington, J. H. E. 2788. The Old Bellman. Lent by R. L. Partington, Esq. Pattee, Elsie Dodge. 2790. At the Window. 2790. La Petite Brodeuse. 2791. The Pink Scarf. 2792. The Yellow Book. Patterson, Margaret. 2793. Basque Fishing Boats. Patterson, Rebecca Burd Peale. 2794. George, Jr. Paxson, Martha K. D. 2795. Muriel S. Paxton, Elizabeth Okie. 2796. In the Morning. Paxton, William McGregor. 2797. Portrait of James Paxton. 2798. The Housemaid. 2799. Glow of Gold and Gleam of Pearl. 2800. Daylight and Lamplight. 2801. Breakfast. 2802. Bellissima. 2803. Woman and Baby. Payne, Edgar. 2804. Infinitude. Peale, Charles Willson. 2805. Portrait of Colonel Charles Pettit. Lent by Arthur G. Hethering- ton, Esq. Peale, J. S. 2806. The Pet. Lent by the National Academy of Design. Peale, James. 2807. Portrait of Reuben Etting. Lent by The Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. 280S. 2809. Anna and Margaretta Peale. Lent by The Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. Portrait of Francis Gratz Etting. Lent by the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. Peale, Rembrandt. 2810. George Taylor. Lent by the Brooklyr> Museum. 2811. Henry Taylor. Pearce, Charles Sprague. 2812. The Beheading of John the Bap- tist. Lent by Art Institute of Chicago. Pearson, Joseph T. 2813. Ducks in a Marsh. 2814. Fox and Geese. Pelouse, G. 2815. Landscape. Lent by Albert Rosenthal, Esq. Pennoyer, Sheldon P. 2816. Trinket Vendor: Frascati. 2817. Market Scene: Frascati. Pepper, Meta A. 2818. Portrait of Young Man. 2819. Portrait of Christine Peper. Perard, Victor S. 2820. Brooklyn Bridge. Percy, Isabella C. 2821. Interior oi Mission: San Juan. Perrie, Bertha E. 2822. An English Garden. 2823. A Brittany Peasant Girl. Perrine, Van. 2824. Children of the Wind. Perry, Lilla Cabot. 2825. My Lamb. 2826. A Fairy Tale. 2827. Hildegarde. 2828. Open Air Concert. Peterson, Jane. 2829. Low Tide. 2830. Old Morlaix. 2831. Rapids Above Niagara. 2832. SunUght and Shadow: Venice. 2833. Old Venice. Peyraud, Frank C. 2834. October. 2835. Summer Evening. Pfeiffen, Justus. 2836. Central Park. PhDlips, Caroline King. 2837. Mrs. W. S. Burgess. 2838. Miss Carol S. Johnson. 2839. Graham Newell Fitch. 2840. Miss Elizabeth Johnson. 2841. Colonel Graham Denby Fitch. Piazzetta, G. B. 2842. Portrait of a GirL Lent by Dan Fellows Piatt. 2843. Portrait of a Boy. Lent by Dan Fellows Piatt. Piazzoni, Gottardo, F. P. 2844. The End of the Day. 2845. Lux Aeterna. Pierce, Lucy V. 2846. Carmel Landscape. Pietzsch, Richard. 2847. Spring in the Bavarian Foothills. Pine, Robert E. 2848. Portrait: General Henry Lee. Lent by John Frederick Lewis, Esq. 28 DEPARTMENT OF FINE ARTS Pissarro, Camille. 2849. The Orchard. Lent by Martin A. Ryerson, 2850. Village aux Knvirons de Mantes. 2851. Le Jardin du Fresbytere a Knoch. Pooke, Marion L. 2852. The Wall Flower. 2853. Silhouettes. 2854. Donna Italiana. Poor, Henry Varnum. 2855. The Orchardist and His Family. 2856. Baby's Toilet. Poore, Henry R. 2857. Twilight on the Moor. 2858. New England Winter. Potthast, Edward Henry 2859. Kiddies. 2860. A July Day. 2861. In the Surf. 2862. A Holiday. 2863. The Seaside. 2864. Splashing. 2865. Peace and Quiet. 2866. A Rift in the Clouds. 2867. The Illecilewaet Glacier. Powell, Arthur J. E. 2868. Bronx Kills. Powers, Marion. 2869. Encore. 2870. The Bouquet. 2871. A Tea Party. Pratt, Matthew. 2872. Portrait of Benjamin West. Lent by the Pennsylvania Acad- emy of Fine Arts. Preisler, James. 2873. Motive of Tale. Prendergast, Maurice B. 2874. The Sea. 2875. Canal: Venice. 2876. The Rocks. 2877. Salute: Venice. 2878. Under the Trees. 2879. The Beach. Preston, James. 2880. Mamburg: Bavaria. Regenburg: Bavaria. Landscape. Paris. No. 1. Paris. No. 2. Paris. No. 3. Paris. No. 4. 2881. 2882. 2883. 2884. 2885. 2886. 2887. 2888. 2889. 2890. 2891. Cafe: Paris. No. 5. Paris. No. 6. Paris. No. 7. Paris. No. 8. Paris. No. 9, Preston, May Wilson. 2892. Drawing. No. 1. 2893. Drawing. No. 2. 2894. Drawing. No. 3. 2895. Drawing. No. 4. 2896. Drawing. No. 5. 2897. Drawing. No. 6. Price, Eugene. 2898. Autumn. 2899. Portrait: Mary Angell. Purdie, Evelyn. 2900. Young Girl in Blue. 2901. An Old Woman. 2902. Mrs. Oakey. 2903. Miss Rice. 2904. Portrait of Nancy. Purefoy, Heslope. 2905. Jeanette. 2906. Portrait Study. 2907. Miss Clark. Puthuff, Hanson. 2908. Home of the Ranger. 2909. Gray Day in Summer. Putz, Leo. 2910. Tlie Shore. Puvis de Chavannes, Pierre. 2911. A Vision of Antiquity: Symbol of Form. Lent by the Carnegie Institute. Quartley, Arthur. 2912. A Breezy Day off Canonicut. Lent by Mrs. Grace Hall Jewett. Quinlan, Will J. 2913. Mt. Rainier from Pinnacle Peak. Baditz, Lazar. 2914. Self: Portrait. Eaeburn, Sir Henry. 2915. John Wauchope. Lent by Albert Rosenthal, Esq. Ramsey, Allan. 2916. Hon. Mary Lillian Scott. Ramsey, Charles F. 2917. A Garden. Rand, Ellen Emmet. 2918. Professor William James. 2919. Grenville. 2920. Madam M. P. T. 2921. In the Studio. 2922. Singing. Randolph, Lee. 2923. White Cosmos. 2924. Avignon: France. 2925. Winter: Northern France. 2926. The Grape Vine. Raphael, Joseph. 2927. In Holland. 2928. Spring Winds. 2929. Belgian Farm. 2930. Environs of Brussels. 2931. Tulip Fields. 2932. Market Day on the Canal. Ravlin, Grace. 2933. Gate of the Grand Soko: Tangiers. 2934. To the Cemetery: Venice. 2935. Grande Marche du Grande Soko: Tangiers. 2936. Soir au Marche: Tangiers. Redfield, Edward W. 2037. Road to the Village. Lent by the Cincinnati Museum Association. 2938. Foothills of the Blue Ridge. Lent by Frederick H. Gottlieb, Esq. 2939. The Breaking of Winter. 2940. On the River Banks. 2941. The Quarry Road. 2942. A Village in France. 2943. Cedar Hill. 2944. The Hills and River. 2945. Garden by the River. 2946. In the Clearing. 2947. Overlooking the Valley. 2948. The Briar Patch. 2949. The Green Sleigh. 2950. In the Woods. 2951. The Woodland Brook. 2952. The Road in Summer. 2953. Rhododendrons. 2954. In the Garden. 2955. The Coast of France. 2956. The English Channel. 2957. Autumn. 2958. In the Village. 2959. On the Delaware River. 2960. In New York Harbor. PAINTINGS AND DRAWINGS 29 2!jGl. Between Daylight and Darkness: New York City. 2962. Equilien: France. Redfield, Heloise Guillou. 2963. Mrs. A. Lesley. 2964. Mr. Martin Mawer. 2965. Miss A. 2966. Lady witli Furs. 2967. Robert S. Redfield. 2968. Mme. Alcide Berthier. 2969. Portrait of a Child. Redmond, Granville. 2970. Solitude. 2971. Lifting Fog. Eehu, Frank K. M. 2972. Where the Waves Sweep. Eeid,, Jean Arnot. 2973. Portrait of Lloyd Williams, Esq. 2974. Cecelia. 2975. Belle of 1861. Reid, Robert. 2976. The Japanese Screen. „„,„ _ Lent by Spencer Kellogg, Esq. 2977. The Gold Fish. 2978. Autumn. Reiflfel, Charles. 2979. Silverraine Valley. Remington, Frederic. 2980. Apache Fire-Signal „... L^'^t by Henry Smith, Esq. 2981. The Love Call. Lent by William A. Paine, Esq. Reni, Guido. 2982. St. Sebastian. ■L^"^ ^y William Berg, Esq. 2983. Mary Magdalene. Renoir, Pierre Auguste. 2984. Promenade au Bord de la Mtr 298'o. Fleurs et Fruits. 2986. Deux Fernmes Assises. 2987. Dans le Jardin. Reynolds, Sir Joshua. 2992. Lady Blessington. onno ^®"^ ^y ^- E. S. Wood, Esq. 2993. John Thomas, Bishop of Roches- ter. Lent by Mrs. Reginald Smith. Ribera, Juseppe de, Called Spagnoletto. 2994. St. Jerome. «n«^ ^ ^^^^ ^y Albert Rosenthal, Esq. 2995. St. Jerome's Last Prayer. Lent by Dr. Gilbert L. Parker. Rich, John Hubbard. 2996. The Blue Kimona. Richards, Lee Greene. 2997. A Man in a Cloak. Richards, William T. 2998. Old Ocean's Grey and Melancholy Wave. Lent by Edward H. Coates, Esq. 2999. Marine. Lent by F. Tillmann, Esq. Richardson, Mary Curtis. 3000. The Young Mother. 3001. The Sleeping Child. 3002. Portrait of Professor Paget. 3003. Undine. Richmond, Agnes M. 3004. Mending. Rimmer, William. 3005. Angel in the Garden. Lent by Miss Caroline Hunt Rimmer. 3006. At the Window. Lent by Miss Caroline Hunt Rimmer. Ring, Alice Blair. oUU7. Miniature No. 1, 3008. Miniature No. 2. 3009. Miniature No. 3. Ritschel, William. 3010. The Tide Pool: Carmel. 3011. Summer Night: Point Lobos. 3012. Fog and Breakers: Carmel. 3013. Blue Depths: Carmel. 3014. In the Shadow |of the Cliffs: Monterey. Rittenberg, Henry R. 3015. Still Life. Rittman, L. 3016. Early Morning. 3017. Breakfast. Roberts, Alice Mumford. 3018. The Laughing Girl. 3019. Red Peppers. 3020. Two Vaudeville Stars. Robinson, Alexander. 3021. Market: Tetuan: Morocco. 3022. Arab Girls. 3023. Arrival of the Feluccas: Spanish Coast. 3024. Tangier. 3025. Hadi Ben Hassan of Bagdad. 3026. Damascus Tale: The Incredulous Muleteer. 3027. The Daughter of the Khalif: De- sign in Red and Gold. 3028. Persian Romance: The Mockers. Robinson, Boardman. 3029. Louvain. 3030. Disease in the Wake of War: Balkans, '12. 3031. Viva What's His Name: Mexico, '12. 3032. T. R. in Old Madrid. Robinson, Theodore. 3033. Day Dreams. Lent by the Carnegie Institute. 3034. Le Val Arconville: Eure. Lent by the Hillyer Art Gal- lery, Smith College. 3035. Port Ben. Lent by the Pennsylvania Acad- emy of Fine Arts. 3036. Peeling Apples. Lent by Samuel T. Shaw, Esq. 3037. In the Sun. Lent by Samuel T. Shaw, Esq. 3038. Garden at Giverny. Lent by Samuel T. Shaw, Esq. 3039. On the Canal. Lent by Samuel T. Shaw, Esq. 3040. Grey Morning. Lent by Samuel T. Shaw, Esq. 3041. The Faggot Gatherer. Robinson, Thomas. 3042. Bull's Head. 3043. Laurel Blossoms. 3044. Group of White Birches. 3045. June Idyl. Roecker, Henry Leon. 3046. Calves Resting. Rogers, Franklin W. 3047. The Siesta. Rogers, Gretchen W. 3048. Still Life. 3049. Fur Hat. 3050. Girl with a Book. 3051. Young Girl. Rogers, Mary. 3052. Anna. 3053. The Red Hair. 30 DEPARTMENT OF FINE ARTS Bolshoveu, Julius. 3054. The Refectory of San Damiano: Assisi. Lent by the Detroit Museum of Art. Romney, George. 3055. Portrait of Mrs. Milles. Lent by Henry E. Huntington. 3056. Portrait of Mr. Milles. Lent by Henry E. Huntington. 3057. Portrait. Rook, Edward F. 3058. Dish of Fruit. 3059. Laurel. 3060. Snow, Ice and Foam. Rose, Guy. 3061. The Backwater. 3062. November Twilight. Rosen, Charles. 3063. Winter Morning: Maine Coast. 3064. The Delaware: Winter Morning. 3065. Floating Ice: Early Morning. Rosenthal, Albert. 3066. Dr. T. Cheston Morris. Lent by Dr. T. Cheston Morris. 3067. The Millinery. 3068. Helene. 3069. Mrs. Albert Rosenthal. 3070. Alberta Uhle-Smith. Roth, Ernest D. 3071. A Winter Landscape. Rothermel, Peter Frederick. 3072. Bacchanal. Lent by the Art Club of Phil- adelphia. 3073. Martyrdom of St. Agnes. Lent by Mrs. William H. Fox. 3074. Battle of Gettysburg. Lent by Albert Rosenthal, Esq. 3075. Sleeping Cupid. Lent by Albert Rosenthal, Esq. Rouland, Orlando. 3076. Portrait of John Burroughs. Rousseau, Theodore. 3077. Landscape. — 3078. Crepescule. Rungius, Carl. 3079. Canadian Rockies. 3080. On Wilcox Pass. Ryder, Albert. 3081. Jonah. Lent by C. E. S. Wood, Esq. 3082. Return of the Boats. Ryder, Chauncey F. 3083. The Ox Team. Sacks, Joseph. 3084. In Street Costume. Saint Gaudens, Carlota. 3085. Study in Red. 3086. Portrait: Mary Shipman. St. Memin, F6vret de. 3087. Drawing. Lent by Albert Rosenthal, Esq. Sandor, Mathias. 3088. The Pueblo of Wolpl. Sandona, Matteo. 3089. Studies of Miss H. M. Sullivan. 3090. Portrait of Mrs. Leo Lentelli. Sandzen, Sven Birger. 3091. The Granite Cathedral. Sargeant, Geneve Rlxford. 3092. Floating Clouds. Sargent, John Singer. 3093. Hon. John Hay. Lent by Clarence Hay, Esq. 3094. Spanish Courtyard. Lent by Louis B. McCagg, Esq. 3095. Spanish Gypsy. Lent by Louis B. McCagg, Esq. 3096. Madame Gautrin. 3097. Nude. 3098. Henry James. 3099. Rose. 3100. Jo Jefferson. 3101. Reconnoitring. 3102. Goats. 3103. Stable. Sartain, William. 3118. Jersey Sand Dunes. 3119. Along the Stream. 3120. Along the Loing. Sauter, G. 3121. Resurrection. 3122. Spring Veil. 3123. The Avenue. 3124. Spring: A Little Violet. 3125. Sphynx. 3126. Great Friend. 3127. Valley. 3128. Clouds. 3129. Weishorn. 3130. Rothorn. 3131. Dent Blanche. 3132. Rimpfischorn. Sawyer, Edith. 3133. Miss Katherine Ecob. 3134. Mrs. Andrew Sawyer. 3135. Freddy. Sawyer, Myra L. 3136. In a White Cap. 3137. Portrait of an Old Man. Saxton, John Gordon. 3138. Midwinter. Schanze, , Oscar. 3139. Portrait of Woman in Black. Schille, Alice. 3140. The Other Side of the Circus Wagon. 3141. Saturday Morning, 3142. St. Germain-des-Pres. 3142. The Pig Market. 3144. The Passing Years. 3145. The Gardener's Cottage. Schmauss, Peter. 3146. Easter. Schmidt , Karl, 3147. The Great Pacific. Schmitt, Albert Felix. 3148. In Wonderland. 3149. Peddlers at Gibralter. 3150. Blue and Gold. 3151. On the River Bank. Schofield, W. Elmer. 3152. Waterfall. 3153. The Hilltop. Schoonover, Frank E. 3154. The Trail of the North. 3155. The Fur Brigade. Schook, F. de Forest. 3156. Sunshine and Shadow. Schreyer, Adolph. 3157. A Moorish Chieftain. Lent by Henry Smith, Esq, Schultheiss, Karl Max. 3158. In March. Schussele, Christian. 3159. Dr. Benjamin Franklin Before the Privy Council in London, Jan- uary 29, 1773. Lent by Joseph T. Kinsley, Esq. PAINTINGS AND DRAWINGS 31 Schuster, Donna. 3160. Construction Work Beneath the Tower of Jewels. 3161. Concert in the Court of the Four Seasons, 3162. Construction Work to the South of the Tower of Jewels. Schwartz, Andrew Thomas. 3163. In Vermont. 31.64. Destiny, Hope: and Despair. 3165. Ice Floe. Searle, Alice T. 3166. Leslie Hall. Sears, Sarah Choate. 3167. Hibiscus: Bermuda. 3168. Pigeon Berries: Bermuda. 3169. Morning Glories: Bermuda. Sears, Taber. 3170. The Arab Merchant. 3171. Harbor of St. George. 3172. Bridge of the Canonica: Venice. 3173. York Cathedral. Seawell, Harry W. 3174. Interior. Segna di Bonaventura. 3175 Madonna. Lent by Dan Fellows Piatt, Esq. Selden, Dixie. 3176. Bunker's Hill. St. Ives. Selden, Henry Bill. 3177. October Morning. 3178. Cloudy Morning. Seyffert, Leopold. 3179. Juan. 3180. Julian. 3181. Spanish Peasants. 3182. Tired Out. Sharp, Joseph Henry. 3183. Crucita: Taos Indian Girl. Sharpies, John. 3184. Portrait. Lent by Albert Rosenthal, Shaw, Sydney Dale. 3185. Woodland Fete. 3186. Southwestern Summer. 3187. Nature's Screen. Esq. Shepard [, Clare. 3188. The Pale Flower. 3189. Bertha. 3190. Miss Fiske. 3191. Mary. 3192. Kathleen. 3193. The Golden Girl. 3194. Daphne. 3195. Suzanne. 3196. Howard. 3197. Mrs. C. 3198. David. 3199. J. B. 3200. Betrothed of the Raven. Shinn, Everett. 3201. Going to the Fire. 3202. Stage. 3203. The Shop Window. 3204. The Yellow Dancer. 3205. The Funny Man, 3206. Waiting. 3207. 18th Century. (Red Chalk.) 3208. Red Chalk. No. 1. 3209. Red Chalk. No. 2. Shuttleworth, Claire. 3212. A Small Boy. Siboni, Emma B. 3213. Little Miss Mary Armes. Simons, Marcuis. 3214. The Classic Land. Simpson, Edna Huestis. 3215. Miss Mortimer Anstice. 3216. Outdoor Sketch, 3217. The Green Gown. 3218. The Pool. 3219. Mrs, Frank Laurence Stiles. Singer, W. H. 3220. In My Garden. Shirlaw, Walter. 3210. Toning of the Bell. Lent by Mark S. Willing, Esq. Shore, Henrietta M. 3211. Sisters. Alfred. Landscape. Lent by Martin A. Ryerson, Une Avenue de Peupliers, Moret. St. Mammes. John. Gloucester Harbor. Renganeschis: Sunday iNght, McSorley's Old Ale-House, Woman on Roof. Return from Toil, Girl Undressing, At the Top of the Swing, George H. In the Berkshires. Lent by the Lotus Club. Charles L. A. The Returning Light. Howard Everett. Portrait of a Venetian Girl, The Convalescent. Jessie Willcoz. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. Jack and the Bean Stalk. Cinderella. Babes in the Wood. Little Red Riding Hood. May Mott. Portrait of a Woman. Miniature. Sea Foam. Louise Willis. 3245. Young Violinist. 3246. Portrait. 3247. Portrait of Miss Snead. Snell, Florence F. 3248. A Gate of Rothenburg, 3249. Cottages on the Cliff: Polperro. 3250. Roadside: St. Jean du Doigt. 3251. Street in Rothenburg. Snell, Henry B. 3252. Low Tide. 3253. The Cargo Boat, 3254. Twilight at Sea. 3255. The Passing Steamer. 3256. Still Life. 3257. The Quay: Paris. 3258. The Cove. 3259. The Devon Coast. 3260. The Lighthouse by Moonlight. Sohier, Alice Buggies. 3261. Giovanna. 3262. Reminiscence. Sotter, George W. 3263. Valley in Snow. 3264. Moonlight: Gloucester Harbor. 3265. Snow-bound Hills: Pittsburg. 3266. In Gloucester Harbor. Sisley, 3221. 3222. 3223. Sloan, 3224. 3225. 3226. 3227. 3228, 3229. 3230. Smillie, 3231. Smith, 3232. Smith, 3233. 3234. Smith, 3235. 3236. 3237. 3238. 3239, Smith, 3240. 3241. 3242. Smith, Rosamond L. 3243. Cinderella. 3244. Heirlooms. 32 DEPARTMENT OF FINE ARTS Souder, Mary E. 3267. Portrait of a Girl. 3268. Portrait of a Girl. 3318. 3319. 3320. Spaeth, Mary Haughton. 3269. Penelope Roberts. 3321. 3322. 3323 Spanish School. 3270. Portrait of a Man. Lent by Murtin A. Ryerson, 3324. 3325. Esq. Sparks, Arthur W. 3271. Midsummer Day. 3272. Mills at Rankin. Spear, Arthur P. 3273. Spring in the City. Speicher, Eugene E. 3274. Portrait of John Nelson Cole, 3275. In the Catskills. Jr. Spencer, Mary. 3276. Peonies. Spencer, Robert. 3277. The Grey Mills. 3278. Courtyard at Dusk, 3279. The Closing Hour. Sprinchorn, Carl. 3280. Beach at Laguna. 3281. Dancer. 3282. Dancers. 3283. Man with Dagger. 3284. Masquerade. 3285. Woman with Fan. 3286. Young Woman. 3287. Youth. 3288. Drawing. 3289. Drawing. 3290. Sea God. Springer, Eva. 3291. La Vieille. 3292. Italian Girl. 3293. Little Simone. Stacey, Anna Lee. 3294. In Furs. 3295. Moonlight: Granada. Stacey, John F. 3296. Midsummer: Gloucester. 3297. Morning in August. Staigg, Richard Morrell. 3298. Portrait of Daniel Webster. Lent by the Pennsylvania Acad- emy of Fine Arts. Stanton, Lucy M. 3299. Mrs. Hunnicutt. 3300. An Old Woman. 3301. Mr. Joel Chandler Harris. 3302. A Scheme in Blue and White. Stark, Otto. 3303. The Gravel Screen. 3304. Building Operations. Steele, Theodore C. 3305. The Poplars. 330G. November Afternoon. 3307. The Hill Country. Steele, Zelma. 3309. Nature's Tapestry. Steen, Jan Haircksz. 3309. The Drunken Woman. Lent by August Berg, Eiq. Stetson, Charles Walter. 3310. A Peace of Peace. 3311. Smugglers. .3312. Harmony. 3.313. In Praise of Dionysos. 3314. Portrait of Grace Ellery Ohanning- Stetson. 3315. October. 3316. Bather. 3317. Summer Joy. Moonrise Behind Cypresses. The Love Song. A Dance at the End of the Day. Girls Under a Tree. A Stream in Maremma. Ijandscape. Knights on Horseback. Near the Edge of the Ancient Burial Ground. Stewart, Jules. 332G. Wood Nymphs. 3327. Blue Butterfly. 3328. Venice. Stoddard, Alice Kent. 3329. The Sisters. .3.330. The White Waist. 33.31. Portrait of Gerald Stanley Lee. Stokes, Frank Wilbert. 3332. Aurora Borealis: Sea ice Foreground. 3333. Antartic Afterglow: Admiralty Sound. 33.34. Aurora Australis: Antartic Bergs. 3335. Antartic Glacier: Admiralty Sound. 3330. Belgica Channel. 3337. Gate of Hades: Sunset Effect: Green- land. Storrs, J. 3338. Portrait. 3.339. Marble Head. 3340. Wooden Shoe. Story, Julian. 3.341. Portrait of the Artist. 3342. Portrait of Mrs. Story. Strean, Maria Judson. 3.342. .3.344. 3345. 3340. 3347. 3348. 3349. Strozzi. 3350. Stuart, 3351. 3352. 3353. 3354. 3355. Portrait. Girl in Gray Coat. Boy in Pierrot Costume. Mrs. W. B. McKennan. Portrait of Miss Alexander. Dorothy. William. Portrait of a Woman. Lent by Dan Fellows Piatt. Gilbert. Portrait of President Monroe. Lent by Hon. Seth Low. Captain Joseph Anthony. Lent by Dr. J. Cheston Morris. Portrait of William Williamson. Lent by Mrs. Gustav Iladeke. Portrait. Lent by Albert Rosenthal, Esq. Portrait of Major General Henry Dearborn. Stuck, Franz von. 3356. Summer Night. Sully, Robert Matthew. 3357. Junius Brutus Booth. Lent by Albert Rosenthal, Esq. Sully. Thomas. 3358. Portrait of Francis Anne Kemble. Lent by the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. 3359. Study of a Head. Lent by the Estate of Samuel Bell Waugh. H. R. Street Scene: Povincetown. Sutter, 3300. Suydan 3301. J. A. In the Meadows. Tadama, F. 3362. Public Market: Seattle. Talcott, Allen B. .3.363. April at Chipmunk Point. .3304. The Ledges. Tanaka, Yasushi. 3365. The Shadow of the Madronft, PAINTINGS AND DRAWINGS 33 Tannahill, Mary H. '6sm. 33G7. 3369. Jane Chapman, Brothers. Girl with Parrot. A Young Mother. Tanner, Henry O. 0070. Christ at the Home of Lazarus. Tapley, J. J, Wooding. 0071. November. Tarbell, Edmund C. 3372. Girl in White. Lent by the Cincinnati Museum Association. 3373. Girl Reading. Lend by the Cincinnati Museum Association. 3374. The Turquoise Ring. Lent by the Art Club of Phila- delphia. 3375. The Mirror. • Lent by the Queen City Club. 3376. Interior, Lent by Dr. George Woodward. 3377. Girls Reading. Lent by Mrs. Daniel Merriman. 3378. Portrait: Hon. John W. Hammond. Lent by the Hon. John W. Ham- mond. 3379. The Golden Screen. 33S0. My Family. Taylor, Charles J. 3395. Mills at Swissvale. 3390. Coming from Work 3397. Pittsburgh from the Golf Club. 3398. Monongehela from Soho Hill, 3399. Rankin Mills. .3400. The Blowout: Soho. .3401. Sandy Creek. 3402. Sandy Creek Bridge. 3403. Springtime in the Suburbs. 3404. Boothbay Harbor. Taylor, Emily Drayton. 3405. Mrs. Allison. 340G. Mrs. John Innis Kane. 3407. Lifes' Bubbles. 3408. Spring. 3409. Miss Corine B. Freeman. 3410. Mrs. Paul Mills. Taylor, Frank Walter. 3411. The Villas: Trouville, 3412. The Beach: Brighton. 3413. The Pool: London. 3414. At the Races: Deauville. 3415. Fete de Nuit. 3410. Souvenir de Versailles. 3417. The Cargo: London. 3418. Illustration 3419. Illustration Taylor, Minnie C, 3420. Portrait. 3421. Robie. The Iron Woman. The Iron Woman. Teniers, David. 3422. Kitchen Scene. Lent by Charles M. Cooke, Esq. Ter Hell, Willy. 3423. Inland Sea, Thaulow, Fritz. 3424. Shenango River near Hamburg. Thcdy, Max. 3425. Dutch Girl. Thomas, Seymour. 3426. Portrait of Dr. W. A, Briggg. Thompson, George Albert. 3427. February Morning. Thompson, Leslie P. 3428. Girl with Mirror. .3429. Girl in White. Thor, Walter. 3430. Young Girl. Thorndyke, C. 3431. Eglise de Cargesse Corse, Tiepolo, Giovanni Battista. 3432. St. Dominico and the Saint. Lent by Martin A. Ryerson, Esq. Tingley, Blanche. 3433. Josephine Summer. TintDretto, Jacopo. 34.34. Head: Venetian Senator. Lent by Oliver Dennet Grover, Esq. Tissot, James Jacques Joseph. 3435. The Reception. Titcomb, M. Bradish. 3436. Summer Girl. 3437. The Distant City. 3438. Hillside and Harbor. Tompkins, Frank H. 3439. Self Portrait. Troccoli, Giovanni Battista. 3440. Portrait of Mr. Ferry. 3441. New England Woman. 3442. Portrait of Mrs. Brinckerhoff. 3443. Woman with a Handkerchief. Trott, Benjamin. 3444. Portrait of Solomon Etting. Lent by the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. Tryon, Dwight W. 34445. Evening in May. Lent by the Buffalo Fine Arts Gallery. Moonlight. Lent by Charles L. Freer, Esq. Early Night. Lent by Charles L. Freer, Esq. The Sea: Freshening Breeze, Lent by Charles L, Freer, Esq. The Sea: East Wind, Lent by Charles L, Freer, Esq, Evening: September, Lent by Charles L. Freer, Autumn Morning. Lent by Charles L. Freer, Sunlight: Autumn. Lent by Charles L. Freer, The Farm: Moonlight. Moonlight on the Water. Afternoon: October, Autumn, Night: The Sea. Sunset before Storm. Esq. Esq. Esq. 3446. 3447. 3448. 3449. 3450. 3451. 3452. 3453. 3454. 3455. 3450. 3457. 3458. Tucker, Allen. 3459. The Ice Storm. 3460. Portrait in Blue and Ivory. Turner, Helen M. 3461. Portrait. 3462. Mother and Child. 3463. Portrait of Miss Sherwood. 3464. Mr, Frank Regal, Turner, Joseph Mallord William. 3465. Sunset: Venice. Lent by Dr. Gilbert L. Parker. Turner, Ross Sterling. 3466. The Rover. 3467. Le Soliel Royal. Tuttle, Adrianna. 3468. Mrs. Charles Shearman Coxe. 3469. William Somerset Maugham. 3470. Portrait. Tuttle, Ruel Crompton. 3471. The Fountain: Windsor. 34 DEPARTMENT OF FINE ABTS Twachtman, John H. 3472. Meadow Flowers. Lent by the Brooklyn Museum.' 3473. River in Winter. Lent by the Carnegie Institute. 3474. Windmills. Lent by the Hillyer Art Gal- lery: Smith College. 3475. View on the Brette: Bethune: Pas-de-Calais. Lent by the Hillyer Art Gal- lery: Smith College. 3476. Flowers. Lent by Edward H. Coates, 3477. The Back Road. Lent by Childe Hassam, Esq. 3478. Niagara. Lent by W. J. Johnson, Esq. 3479. October. Lent by Charles A. Piatt, Esq. 3480. Waterfall: Yosemite. Lent by Mrs. Gustav Radeke. 3481. The Azaleas. Lent by Henry Smith, Esq. 3482. Waterfall. Lent by Henry Smith, Esq. 3483. Marine. Lent by Henry Fitch Taylor. 3484. Flowers. Lent by J. Alden Weir, Esq. 3485. Sketch. Lent by C. E. S. Wood, Esq. 3486. Summer. 3487. Hill at Arc-la-Bataille. 3488. Greenwich Hills. 3489. On the Upper Terrace. 3490. Sailing. 3491. Frozen Stream. 3492. Bridge in Spring. 3493. Harbor View Hotel. 3494. Phlox. 3495. Niagara. 3496. Mother and Child. 3497. Brush House: Cos Cob. Tyler, Carolyn D. 3498. Master Robert Gibson. 3499. Jeannette. Tyng, Margaret Fuller, 3500. The Silver Bowl. Tyson, Carroll S., Jr. 3501. Before Moo'nrise. 3502. Road to the Pier. 3503. A Midsummer's Day. Ufer, Walter. 3504. A Daughter of San Juan Pueblo. 3505. Rosa Cota of San Juan Pueblo. 3506. Taos Indian in Cornfield. Umbslaetter, Nelly Littlehale. 3507. The Woods. 3508. An Opal Day. 3509. Takesago. 3510. The White Birch. 3511. The Golden Pine. 3512. Old Thorn Trees. Valk, Ella Snowden. 3513. Dawn. 3514. Miss Frances Cocke. Van Boskerck, Robert W. 3515. The Valley at Delhi: New York. 3516. Gill Brook: Adirondacks. Van Dyke, Anthony. 3517. Countess of Southampton. Lent by Albert Rosenthal, Esq. Van Gogh, Vincent. 3518. Moulin de la Galette. Van Laer, Alexander T. 3519. November Afternoon. 3520. The Old Mill. Van Marcke, Emile. 3521. A Normandy Cow. Lent by the Buffalo Fine Arts Academy. 3522. Tavern Scene. Lent by William Berg, Esq. Van Sloun, Frank J. 3523. Portrait of an Actor. Velasquez, Diego Bodriguez de Silva y. (Attributed to) 3524. Portrait. Lent by Frank Duveneck, Esq. Vinton, Frederic Porter. 3525. Hon. Moorfield Storey. 3526. Portrait: Mrs. Vinton. Vita, Timoteo. 3527. Madonna. Lent by Dan Fellows Piatt. Vivian, Calthea. 3528. Moonlight: St. Francis Sutter Park. Vogt, Louis C. 3529. Morning: Cairo. 3530. An Old Street: Cairo. 3531. A Market Place on the Nile. 3532. Busy Street: Cairo. 3533. Late Afternoon: Cairo, Volk, Douglas. 3534. Maid of the Manor. 3535. Marion of Hewnoaks. 3536. Mother and Child. Volkerling, Hermann. 3537. Portrait. Volkert, E. C. 3538. Winter Evening: Connecticut. Volkermann, Hans von. 3539. Harvest. Vonnoh, Robert W. 3540. Poppies. 3541. Charles Francis Adams, Esq. 3542. Fantasy: Blue and Yellow. 3543. Portrait: Daniel Chester French. 3544. Bridge at Grez. Wagner, Frank Hugh. 3545. Mary Alice. 3546. Portrait of Mr. G. Wagner, Fred. 3547. The Village: Winter. 3548. Brooklyn Bridge. 3549. Across the Schuylkill. 3550. Valley of Snow. 3551. The Two Bridges. 3552. The Yellow Bridge. 3553. Shoveling Snow. 3554. Winter Evening. Wagner, Robert. 3555. Portrait of Stewart Edward White. Waite, Emily Burling. 3556. Tjmentje Pouring Water. 3557. A Morning in September. 3558. The Lavender Gown. 3559. Tjmentje Cleaning Brass. Walcott, Harry Mills. 3560. The Children's Cotillion. Walden, Lionel. 3561. Scene on the Brittany Coast. 3562. Avant la Peche. Walker, Horatio. 3563. Sheep Shearing. Lent by the Buffalo Fine Arts Academy. 3564. Ploughing in Acadia. 3565. Man Sawing Wood. 3566. Boy Feeding Calves. PAINTINGS AND DRAWINGS 35 Waltman, Harry Franklin. 3567. The Blue Fountain. 3568. Vermont. Waring, Leila. 3569. Mrs. T. Malbone Waring. Warner, Everett L. 3570. Brooklyn Bridge. Warren, Harold B. 3571. Autumn. 3572. The Matterhorn. Washington, Elizabeth F. 3573. The First Parasol. 3574. Abdul Baha. 3575. Nancy. Waterbury, Laura Prather. 3576. General W. R. Shafter. 3577. Portrait of Miss Nina Clay. WatrouB, Harry Willson. 3578. The Bursting Bubble. 3579. He Stood in the Moonlight. Watteau, Antoine. 3580. The Competitors. Waugh, Frederick J. 3581. The Southern Gulf Stream. 3582. The Maine Coast. 3583. Coming of the Line Storm. Waugh, Samuel Bell. 3584. Portrait of Thorwaldson. Weber, Sarah S. Stllwell. 3585. Water Baby. Webster E. Ambrose. 3586. In the Woods. 3587. On the Trail. Webster, Ethel Felder. 3588. Edith. 3589. Susan Kingsley Crawford. 3590. Grandfather. 3591. Louise. Webster, H. 3592. Rio Ogni Santi: Venice. 3593. Ponte alle Grazie: Florence. 3594. On the Arno: Florence. 3595. Ponte Santi Trinita. 3596. Ponte Vecchio: Florence. Weill, Edmond. 3597. October Haze. Weir, J. Alden. 3598. Midsummer. 3599. White Oak. 3600. In the Woods. 3601. Danburv Hills. 3602. Portrait. 8603. June. 3604. A New England Rye Field. 3605. Old Norwich Town: Connecticut. 3606. Towards Queenburgh Bridge: Nocturne. 3607. Plaza: Nocturne. Weir, John Ferguson. 3608. Forging the Shaft. Lent by the Metropolitan Mu- seum. Weiss, Samuel A. 3609. Sunshine. Welch, Katharine G. 3610. Profile. Welch, Mabel R. 3611. Miss Barler. 3612. Miss Fisher. 3613. Clorinda. Wells, Alice Rushmore. 3614. Miss Natalie Peck. 3615. Portrait. Wendel, Theodore. 3616. October Haze. 3617. Ipswich Marsh. 3618. Hillside Autumn. Wendt, William. 3619. The Land of Heart's Desire. 3620. Tahoma, the Eternal. Wenk, Albert. 3621. Stormy Sea. Wentz, Henry. 3622. November: Five P. M. Werner, Frank A. 3623. Tessie. WertmuUer. 3624. Portrait of Mrs. Hamilton. Lent by John Frederick Lewis, 3625. Portrait of Mr. Hamilton. Lent by John Frederick Lewis, Wessel, Herman H. 3626. The Harbor: He aux Moines. West, Benjamin. 3627. Mary Magdalene Anointing the Feet of Christ. Lent by the Art Institute of Chicago. 3628. Portrait of Miss Peel. Wetherill, E. K. K. 3629. The Dreamer. 36.30. Mysterious Thoughts. Wheeler, Janet. 3631. In Memoriam. Whistler, James McNeill. 3632. Study in Rose and Brown. Lent by the Hackley Art Gallery, Muskegon. 3633. Portrait: Mrs. Huth. Lent by E. Huth, Esq. 3634. The Daughter of the Concierge. Lent by Mrs. William A. Noyes. 3635. The Falling Rocket. Lent by Samuel Untermyer, Esq. 3636. Nude Figure. Lent by J. Alden Weir, Esq. 3637. Blue and Gold : The Rose Azalea. Lent by Charles L. Freer, Esq. 3638. White Symphony: Three Girls. Lent by Charles L. Freer, Esq. 3639. Green and Silver Bealileu Terrace. Lent by Charles L. Freer, Esq. 3640. Venus. Lent by Charles L. Freer, Esq. 3641. Variation in Blue and Green. Lent by Charles L. Freer, Esq. 3642. Symphony in White and Red. Lent by Charles L. Freer, Esq. 3643. Symphony in Blue and Pink. Lent by Charles L. Freer, Esq. 3644. Venus Rising from the Sea. Lent by Charles L. Freer, Esq. 3645. The White House. Lent by Charles L. Freer, Esq. 3646. Petite Mephiste. Lent by Charles L. Freer, Esq. 3647. The Sad Sea: Dieppe. Lent by Charles L. Freer, Esq. 3648. Gray and Silver: The Life Boat. Lent by Charles L. Freer, Esq. 8649. Portrait of Mrs. Whibley. Lent by Charles Freer, Esq. 3650. Grey and Silver: The Mersey. Lent by Charles L. Freer, Esq. 3651. Nude Figure and Cupid. Lent by Charles L. Freer, Esq. 3652. Wortley: Note in Green. Lent by Charles L. Freer, Esq. White, Edwin. 3653. The Sacred Lesson. Lent by Robert M. Olyphant, Esq. 36 DEPARTMENT OF FINE ARTS 3667, White, Orrin A. 8654. Autumn in the Canyon. 3655. Snow Blown Peaks. Whiteman, S. Edwin, 3656. Summer Breeze. Whitney, Beatrice, 3657. Odalisque, Whittemore, William John. 3658. Portrait of Father and Mother. 3659. Baby's Head. 3660. In the Nursery. Whittredge, Worthington. 3661. A Breezy Day, Lent by the Lotos Club. Wickwire, Jere E. 3663. Portrait of My Mother. Weiczarek, Max. 3663. Mother and Child. 3664. Young Girl. 3665. Mrs. John P. Jones. Wiles, Irving Ramsey. Arnold W. Brunner, Esq. Lent by the National Academy of Design. J, Francis Murphy, Esq. Lent by the National Academy of Design. Madame Gerville-Reache as Carmen. Williams, Alyn. 3669. Tiger Lily. 3670. The Cardinal. 3671. Mrs. Nicholas Longworth, Williams, George Alfred. 3672. The Witch. Boom Island Light: Ogonqiut. Storm Cleared Sea. The Drama of Life: The Plague. The Drama of Life: Daughters of Man. The Drama of the Sea: The Breakers. The Drama of Hell: Forest of Loves. 3680. Moonlit Breaker. 3681. The Idol. Williams, Isaac L, 3682. Portrait of John Neagle, Lent by the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Williams, J, Scott, 3683. In September, 3684. (No title,) Williamson, Ada C, 3685. Baby in a French Cap. Willson, Martha B. 3686. Girls' Profile. 3687. The Lace Cap. Wilson, Floyd. 3688. Chinatown ; 3673. 3674. 3675. 3676. 3677. 3678. Portland. Wolcott, , Katherine, 3689, On the Dunes, Wood, Kathryn Leone, 3690. Mother, Woodbury, Charles H. 3691. The Rainbow. 3692. The Bark, 3693. Nutmeg Island. 3694. Tropical Sea, 3695. Evening. 3696. Monadnock. 3697. The Tramp Steamer. 3698. New Empire. 3699. Cut at Empire, 3700. Near Pedro Miguel, 3701. Sea Wall: Panama. 3702. Culebra Out, 3703, The Great Slide. Woodville, R, Caton, 3704. War News from Mexico. Lent by the National Academy of Design. Woodward, Ellsworth. 3705. Felucca. 3706. Veere. Woodward, William. 3707. Old Cabildo: New Orleans. Woodwell, Joseph R. 3708. Sand Dunes. 370!). Squaw River. 3710. Mist from the Sea. Woolf, Samuel Johnson. 3711. The News Stand. 3712. The Underworld. 3713. Brown the Wheats. Workman, David Tice. 3714. Elvet Bridge: Old Durham. Wright, John. 3715. Sicilian Landscape. Wright, Joseph. 3716. Joseph Wright and Family. Lent by the Pennsylvania Acad- emy of Fine Arts. Wright, Louise Wood, 3717. In Dorsetshire. 3718. Corfe Castle: Dorset. Wuerpel, Edmund H. 37iy. 3720. -3721. 3722. 3723. 3724. Wyant, 3725. 3726. 3727. Wyeth, 3728. 3729. 3730. 3731. 3732. 3733. Wylie, 3734. 3735. The Call of Lingering Day. Harmony in Brown. Late Afternoon. An Evening Symphony. Gathering Clouds. The Sheltered Bay. Alexander H. A Mountain Brook. Lent by the Buffalo Fine Arts Academy. Afternoon near Arkville: N. Y. Lent by the Carnegie Institute. The Windy Day. N. 0. Ebenezer Balfour (Kidnapped). Captain Bones Routes Black Dog (Treasure Island). Old Pew (Treasure Island). The Picador. Chinese Pirates. Roaring Skipper, Robert, The Story Teller: Breton Inter- ior, Lent by the Pennsylvania Acad- emy of Fine Arts, A Breton Home, Yarrow, William H, K, 3736. Jansen: Ex-Sea-Captain, 3737. Still Life. 3738. In the Orchard. 3739. The Checkered Dress. Yates, Cullen 3740. Spring. 3741. Old Farm: November, 3742. November Snow. Young, Arthur. 3743. Love One Another. 3744. Mother Jones. 3746. This World of Creepers. 3746. The Supreme Court Obstructs Trar ffic. 3747. The Unemployed, 3748. Senatorial Courtesy. 3749. Pit and Dome. 3750. Extinct. 3751. The Game. PAINTINGS AND DRAWINGS 37 Young, Charles Morris. 3752, The Red Mill 8753. Winter Landscape with Crows. 3754. The Gray Mill. 3755. Winter Afternoon. 3756. My House in Winter. 3757. Farm House in Winter. Young, Mattie. 3758. Sister. Zaroubine, Victor. 3759. Clouds. Ziegler, Karl. 3760. Portrait Study of a Child. Ziem, Felix. 3761. Garden in Venice. Lent by Charles F. Adams, 3762. Stamboul. Zimmerman, M. W. 3763. The Chalet at Night. 3764. Across the Lake. 3765. Across the Valley. Zorach, Marguerite. 3766. The Waterfall. 3767. Legend. 3768. The Earth. 3769. Spring. Zorach, William. 3770. Flowers. 3771. The Country Valley. 3772. The Wood Cutters. 3773. Woods in Autumn. Esq. Zugel, Heinrich von. 3774. In the Rhine Meadows. H. A. VAN CAENEN TORCHIANA Commissioner General WILLEM WITSEN Commissioner of Fine Arts G. E. DE VRIES Assistant Commissioner of Fine Arts HOLLAND SECTION Addicks, Christian Johannes. 1. Mother and Child. Akkeringa, Johannes. 2. On the Edge of the Water. Arntzenius, Paul. 3. Native of Volendam. Asscher, Henriette. 4. Tailor Hands at the Old Men's Home. Bastert, Nicolaas. 5. My Village. 6. Enkhuizen Harbour. Bauer, Marius. 7. Oriental Equestrian. Bautz, David. 8. Dead Birds. Beek, Bernardus Antonie. 9. Dutch Landscape. Berg, Anna C. van den. 10. Larkspur. Berkemeyer, Ludolph. 11. On the Banks of a Dutch Lake. Bleckmann, W. C. 0. 12. Spring. Blommers, Bernardus Johannes. 13. On the Way Home. 14. Summer. Bodiffe, Paul. 15. Field of Blooming Poppies. Boer, G. J. de. 16. In the Woods. Breitner, G. H. 17. Amsterdam Timber-Port. Breman, 0. O. 18. The Bay of Naples. Chattel, Fredericus J. 19. To the Mill. Coert, Anthoni. 20. The Deserted House. Deutman, Frans. 21. Old Woman. Deventer, Johanna Cornelia van. 22. Beeches. Dooyewaard, Jacob. 23. Meditation. Duyl-Schwartze, Th. van. 24. The Fan. 25. Mahler's Bust by Rodin. 26. Portrait of H. M. the Queen of the Netherlands. Dysselhof, G. W. 27. Lobsters. Engel, Frederik. 28. Milking Time. Jan, van Essen. 29. Pelicans. Frankfort, E. D. 30. Along the Road. Gar Jeanne, J. 31. Shadows of the Clouds. Garms, Coenraad M. 32. The Enkhuizen St. Pancras Steeple. Gerdes, Ed. 33. Womanhood: 1913. Goedvriend, Theodoor. 34. From a Fairy of the Veluw County. 35. Old Cottage at Chailly: France. Gori, Berta. 36. Old Woman. Gorter, Arnold Marc. 37. Autumnal Day. Graafland, Roh. 38. Summer Day. Groot, G. de. 39. In the Kempen Country. Haverman, H. J. 40. Fresh Life. Hem, Piet van der. 41. Katwyk Fisherwoman. Hyner, Arend. 42. Village Talk. Israels, Isaac. 43. Spanish Cafe. 44. The Great Mare. Ives Browne, Robert. 45. Before the Mirror. Jans, Jan. 46. Standing Water on the Sand Hills: Spring Morning. Jurres, J. H. 47 Casting Stones at Don Quixote. Kerling, Anna E. 48. DiUgent Old Woman. 49. Providing with Fodder. Eoster, Anton Louis. oO. A Bulb Grower's House with Nur- sery of Darwin Tulips in Hol- land. 51. View on the River Spaarme near c Haarlem. Krabbe, H. M. 52. At Granny's. 53. First Steps. Kramer, Martinus. 54. Winter Time in Holland. Ledeboer, Hans. 55. What I Saw in My Dream. Lenselink, Rens. 56. March Weather in Holland. Maarel, M. van der. 57. Idleness. Martens, Willy. 58. Going to Church. Mastenbroek, Johan Hendrik van. 59. In the Lock at Delfshaven. 60. As Busy as Bees in the Harbor at Rotterdam. Mension, 0. J. 61. The Beast of Prey. Mesdag, H. W. 62. Sunset. Meyer, Johan. 63. Early Morning. Moen, Charles Antoine. 64. Begonias. Mondriaan, Frits. 65. The Hague Wood in October. Monnickendam, Martin. 66. Life's Joy. Nakken, Willem Carel. 67. Cart for the Conveyance of Stones. 68. Near Paris. Oldewelt, Ferdinand Gustaaf Willem. 69. For the Poor. 40 DEPARTMENT OF FINE ARTS Overbeek, G. J. van. 70. Cart Horses at the Bank of the River. Pieters, Evert. 71. Gypje. Eegt, P. de. 72. Dreary Day in Spring. Eepelius, Betsy. 73. Interior of a Dutch Home. Rhynuen, Jan van. 74. Charming Spot. Roelofs, Albert. 75. Meditation. Roelofs, Willem E., Jr. 76. In the Land of Tulips. Rosse, Hermann. 77. The Water Palace. 78. Carmel Bay. Schaap, E. R. D. 75). Spring. Schaap-van der Pek, H. W. J. 80. Ruins on a Mountain Top. Schermer, Cornells. 81. Billeting Dutch Lancers. Schildt, Martinus. 82. Interior of a Home. Schipperus, Pieter Adrianus. 83. Winter. Schulman, David. 84. A Winter Afternoon at Laren. Sluiter, Willy. 85. The Angelus. Sluyters, Jan. 86. Woman in Scarlet. 87. Woman in Yellow. Smith, Hobbe. 88. Old Woman Reading the Bible. Steelink, Willem. 89. On the Heath. 90. Along the Coast. Steere de Jong, J. F. 91. Sunday Morning at Laren. Surie, Jacoba. 99. Boy and Vegetables. Thol-Ruysch, Aletta van. 93. Mushrooms. Tholem, W. B. 94. Church Near Leidem. Tonge, Lammert van der. 95. Riches. Velsen, Suze. 96. Autumn. Vlaanderen, Job. 97. Country Road in the County of Overyssel. Vreedenburg, C. 98. Unloading Peat on the Edge of the Canal. Vredenburgb, Schotel M. 99. Slum in the City of Hattem. Waay, NicDlaas van der. 100. A Dutch Orphan House Girl. Wandscbeer, M. 101. Nasturtium. Waning, Cornells, Anthony van. 102. Ancient Part The Hague City. Weele, H. J. van der. 103. Dutch Ploughing Oxen. Weissembruch, Jan Willem. 104. View of a Dutch City. Westermann, G. 105. On the Pavement. Weyns, J. H. 106. Old Women's Home. Wiggers, Derk. 107. Full Moon. Willigen, C. A. van der. 108. Nasturtium. Witsen, W. 109. Binnenkant: Winter at Amsterdam. 110. Montelbaans Steeple: Oude Waal at Amsterdam. Wolbers, Hermanns Gerardus. 111. In the Meadow. Wolter, Hendrik Jan. 112. Fishing Fleet Leaving a Cornif:-h Harbor. Wysmuller, J. H. 113. View of Part of the City of Am- sterdam. Zoetelief, J. 114. On the Beach. Zon, Jacques. 115. Navying. GRAFISCKE KUNST Arntzenius, Paul. 116. The Training Ship. 117. The Old Dutch Wateriand. Bauer, M. A. J. 118. The Holy Camel. 119. A Damascus Bazar. 120. An Oriental Prince. Bosch, Etienne. 121. Salerno. 122. Notre Dame de Paris. Dupont, P. 123. Western Church Steeple. 124. Old Church Steeple. Graadt van Roggen (Johannes Mattheus). 125. Old Bridge. 126. Showery Weather. Harting, Dirk. 127. Amersfoort Canal. 128. The Amsterdam Lock. 129. Beggar. 130. Generalife. 131. Ass Drivers. Hemelman, Albert. 132. Small Ghelder Yard. 133. Pile Driver at Amsterdam. Hosrtema, Th. van. 134. White Herons. 135. Cactus. Jong, Toon de. 136. Meere Cathedral. 137. Tjalk Outside Dordrecht. Koekkoek, Gerard. 138. Delfshaven Harbour. Eouw, Casper Marinus Leendert. 139. On the Dyke. 140. Thistle. Krabbe, H. M. 141. Portrait of a Child. 142. Portrait of a Lady. Kramer, Martinus. 143. To the River. 144. Downs-Oaks. Moul3m, S. 145. Le Chateau de Beaufort. 146. Study of the Nude. 147. Villa d'Este. Nieuwenkamp, W. O. J. 148. Woodcutters. 149. Edam. 150. On the Lake. 151. Dropping Leaves. HOLLAND SECTION 41 Poortenaar, Jan. 152. Trafalgar Square. 153. Jerusalem Chamber: Westminster Abbey. Proost, Johannes. 154. Brick Kiln. Schelfhout, Lodewyk. 155. Winter Tree. 156. Les Angles. Tholen, , W. B. 157. Nave. 158. Harbour. 159. The Philosopher. IGO. Cage. 161. Grass. Veldheer, J. G. 162. The Borough. 163. The Old Watchman, 164. Rotterdam. 165. Harlem St. Anne. Velsen, Suze. 166. Sunny Doorlet. 167. Old Dutch Slum. Witsen, W. 168. Reconstruction in Old Amsterdam. Zwart, W. de. 169. The Kran Lock. 170. Steeple Montelbaan: Oude Waal. 171. Sunny Tree-Lined Path. 172. Cattle Market. EEELDHOUNKUNST Clercct, T. le. 1. I'erdition. Dantzig, Rachel M. van. 2. Mother and Ciiild. 3. Italian Farmer's Wife and Kid. Hesselink, Abraham. 4. Narcis. 5. Lidia. Jeltsema, T. E. 6. Rythmus of Dance: Isidora Dun- can. 7. Young Sportsman Sitting Down: Ready to Start Again. Mesdog, H. W. 8. A Stormy Sea. Schreve-Yzerman, Jo. 9. Amsterdam Orphan Girl. 10. Da War es od und Leer. Wyk, Charles van. 11. On the Way Home. 12. Sheep and Lamb. 13. Cessation from Labor. A. D. DUFFNER Executive Officer of the Portuguese Commission PORTUGUESE SECTION Aires, Frederico Pereira. 1. A View of Minho. 2. The Great Overflowing. 3. Fog in River Tagus. 4. The Shore of Buarcos. 5. Cape Mondego. 6. The Country of Santarem. Azevedo e Silva, Antonio Gongalves. 7. 10. 11. The Top. A Love Affair. The Parrot. Errand Boy. Testing the New Wine. Batalba Reis, D. Zo6. 12. On a Festival Day, 13. The Cup of Tea. 14. Chilly. Bordalo Pinheiro, Columbano. 15. Portrait of the Portuguese Poet Bulhao Pato. 16. Portrait of the Portuguese Actor Vale. 17. The White Glove. 18. Oranges. 19. Oysters. Bonvalot, Carlos. 20. Job. 21. Study. 22. The Grandmother. Brito, Jose de. 23. The Wave. 24. Tired of Waiting. Calderon, Leandro Joao. 25. A Court in Minho. 26. The Road to Louza. 27. The Ancient Monastery of Alco- baca. Campas, Jose. 28. Idyl. Cardoso. Artur Alves. 29. A Cork Tree in the Afternoon. 30. A Country Home. 31. Weaving. 32. A Farm in Alentejo. 33. The Beautiful Apple Tree. 34. The Granddaughter Amusing Her^ self. 35. Portrait. 36. Portrait. Condeixa, Ernesto Ferreira. 37. The Vintage. 38. A Seaman. Correa de Lacerda, Alberto V. da Rocha Por- tugal. Blindman's Buff. The Church of Santa Clara-a- Velha: Coimbra. At Dawn. The Porta da Agua: Alfeite. Cristino da Silva, Joao Ribeiro. 43. A Court in the Environs of Leiria, 44. Sunset at Belem: Para. Fonseca, Martinbo Gomes da. 45. An English Lady. 46. A Child's Head. 47. Leda Surprised. Gon. High schools and academies, manual training schools, commercial high Schools. Class 14. Training and certification of teachers. Legislation, organization, statistics. Buildings : plans and models. Supervision, management, methods of instruction, results obtained. GROUP 7 diGHER ElJUCATION Class li). College examination and inspection boards in relation to college entrance require- ments. Class 10. Colleges and universities. Class 17. Scientific, technical and engineering schools and institutions. Class IS. Professional schools. Class 19. liibraries. Class L'O. Muselims. Legislation, organization, statistics. Building: plans and models. Curricula, regiilations, methods, administration, investigfltions, etc. GROUP 8 SPECIAL EDUCATION IN FINE ARTS (Institutions for Teaching Drawing, Painting and Music.) Class 21. Art schools and institutes. Claso 22. Schools and .departments of music, conservatories of music. Methods of instruction; resxilts obtained. I^egislation, organization, general statistics. GROUP 9 SPECIAL EDUCATION IN AGRICULTURE Class 23. Agricultural education in the elementary and secondary schools. Boys' and Girls' Agricultural Clubs. Class 24. Agricultural colleges aiid departments, experiment stations, instruction in forestry; methods and results. Curricula, experiments and investigations, results. Methods of transportation and shipment. J^egislation, organization, general statistics. Buildings: plans and models. GROUP 10 SPECIAL EDUCATION IN COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY Commercial Education Class 25. Business and commercial schools, higher instruction in commerce, GROUP 10-A Industrial Education Class 2P>. Industrial and trade schools, evening industrial schools. Class 27. Education of the Indian. Class 28. Education of the Negro. :!0 DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Class 20. Class 30. Class 31. Class 32.' Class .33. ejass 34. GROUP 11 EDUCATION OF THE SUBNORMAL Education of defectives and delinquents. Institutions for the blind, publications for the blind. ■InstitutiDiisfor the deuf-^nd dumb. "* '_ ' ' -Institutions for "the feebie'ininded. Special schools for cripples. Open-air schools for tubercular childje^i etc. Management, methods, courses of study, results. Spesial appliances for instruction. Legislation, organization, statistics. Buildings: plans and models. - - GROUP 12 - ' SPECIAL FORMS OF EDUCATION, TEXT BOOKS, SCHOOL FURNITURE AND SCHOOL APPLIANCES Summer schools. Extension courses; popular lectures and people's institutes; correspondence schools. Scientific institutions, societies and associations; scientific expeditions, and investi- gations. Educational publications, text books, etc. School furniture, school appliances." GROUP 13 PHYSICAL TRAINING OF THE CHILD AND ADULT Lectures and conventions, physiology and hygiene of exercise, anthropometry, Class 35, Class 30, Class 37, Class 38, Class 39, Class 40. school games, school exercises, theory of physical training, etc Class 41. Exhibits of work, photographs and plans of gymnasiums, fields, classes^ teams, etc. Class 42. Exhibits of class work illustrative of school work, systems of gymnastics, etc. GROUP 6 SECONDARY EDUCATION State of California. Av. B, bet. 4th & 5th Sts. Out-of-door education. Friction Transfer Pattern Company, The, New York, N. Y. Education vocational schools. V. I., 2nd St., bet. Avs. C & D. State of Illinois. Av. B & 3rd St. State educational exhibit. Gary Public Schools. Gary, Ind. Wider use of the schools. Av. B and 4th St. Indiana Educational Committee. Indianapolis, Ind. 4th St., bet. Avs. A & B. McCormick, Elizabeth Memorial Fund. Chicago, 111. Av. C, bet. 4th & 5th Sts. State Board of Education. Salem, Ore. Rural System. Cor. Av. A and 5th St. State of Arkansas. Education 20 years ago and today. 2nd St., bet. Avs. B & C. GROUP 7 HIGHER EDUCATION American Library Association. Chicago, III Av. A, bet. 3rd & 4th Sts. Librarv Equip- ment, growth of public and institutional libraries, aids for establishing libraries, etc. A national organization, established in 1876, to promote the welfare of libraries in America. Headquarters, 78-E Wash- ington St., Chicago. Carnegie Institution of Washington. Wash- ington, D. C. Av. C, bet. 4th & 5th Sts. Scientific research. Exhibits consisting of publications, transparencies, models, photo- graphs, drawings and diagrams represent- ing work of ten departments of research. Education, Board of. St. Louis, Mo. 3rd St., bet, Avs A & B. ^^"'il' J^® ^- ^■' ^'^^"c School of the Field Museum of Natural History. Chicago 111. Av. A, bet. 3rd & 4th Sts. Massachusetts. Collective exhibit of photo- graphs from following. Av. C, bet. 5th & 0th Sts.: Amherst College, Amherst. Boston College, Boston. Boston University, Boston. Clark College, Worcester. Clark University, Worcester. Harvard University, Cambridge. Holy Cross College, Worcester. . Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston. Mt. Holyoke College, South Hadley. Radcliffe College, Cambridge. Simmons College, Boston. Smith College, Northampton. Tufts College, Medford. Wellesley College, Wellesley. Wheaton College, Norton. Williams College, Williamstown. Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester. Smith College. Northampton, Mass. Higher Education of Women. Av. A7 and 4th St. State of Wisconsin. State and LTniversity Extension. Av. B, bet. 5th & 6th Sts. St. Louis, Missouri. Educational Museum. 3rd St., bet. Avs. A & B. The University of the State of New York, State Education Department, Albany. Cor. Av. C & 3rd St. Centralization of the state educational system. U. S. Steel Corporation and Subsidiary Co's. New York. Collective. Ed. Ex. Min. Pal. GROUP S SPECIAL EDUCATION IN FINE ARTS Board of Education, Oakland, Cal. Education in music in the public schools including chorals, orchestras and bands. Commission on Fine, Applied and Manual Arts Education, San Francisco, Cal. Ex- hibit on Fine. Applied and Manual Arts education gathered from schools in the United States. High and Endowed Schools. San Francisco, Cal. Art Room. 6th St. and Av. B. AND SOCIAL ECONOMY 11 GROUP 9 SPECIAL EDUCATION IN AGRICULTURE Agricultural Coaiege, Logan, Utah; The State at large, -:the: college campus. Sfd St. & Av. B. ..■ .... - ■■ ^•.■^.■■- - ■ " ' Hough Company,. Rofmeyh B., Lowville, N. Y. Aids In study of woods and trees. 5th St. and North Wall of Pal. "American Woods "^^-a publication illustrated by speci- mens. ''Handbook of Trees," photo-de- ' ^criptive, mounts of woods for lantern and microsope. Pictures in tree studies. Wood- en cross'-sectton cards. International Harvester Co. of America, Chicago, U. S. A. Agr. Pal. 4th St., bet. Avs. B & , C. Agricultural education in the elementary and secondary schools; Boys' and Girls' Agricultural Clubs; Agri- cultural colleges and departments, . experi- ment stations, instruction in forestry, me- thods and results. , , State of -Iowa. Agricultural education. 4th St., bet. Avs. A & B. United States Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. Collective Exhibit on Agnculturai Education. Av. B, bet. 3rd & 4th Sts. College of Agriculture of the University of Cal., Berkeley, O'al. ; College of Agriculture of the University Of Illinois, Urbana, 111.; Iowa State College of Agri- culture and Mechanic Arts, Ames, Iowa ; Kansas State Agricultural College, Manhat- tan, Kan.; Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical College, Ba- ton Rouge, La.; Massachusetts Agricultural College, Amherst, Mass. ; College of Agri- culture of the University of Minnesota Iniversity Farm, St. Paul, Minn.; Col- lege of Agriculture of the Universitv of Missouri, Columbia, Mo. ; Rutgers College, the New Jersey State College for the Bene- fit of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts, NeAv Brunswick, N. J.; New York State Col- lege of Agriculture, Ithaca, N. Y. ; Oregon State Agricultural College, Corvallis, Ore. ; Institution of Animal Nutrition of the Pennsylvania State College, State College, Pa.; The Clemson Agricultural College of South Carolina. Clemson College, S C • South Dakota State College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts, Brookings, S D • The Agricultural College of Utah, Logan, Utah • College of Agriculture of the University of Vermont, Burlington, Vt. ; College of Agri- culture of the University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin. GROUP 10 SPECIAL EDUCATION IN COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY Standard Commercial School, San Francisco, t/al. Commercial education. 6th St. & Av. Gregg Publishing Company. Palmer Company, A. N, Remington Typewriter Company. Yawman-Erbe Company. Thirty students will be given a six months course in stenography, bookkeeping, type- writing and salesmanship. School term : April to October. Location: Main East Entrance. GROUP 10-A Massachusetts. State-aided Vocational Schools and Textile Schools. Av. C, bet. 5th & 6th Sts. Ashfield, Vocational, Agricultural Dept. Sanderson Academy. Pictures of pupils' work. Beverly Independent Industrial School. Pictures of pupils* work, charts, product. Boston Day Industrial Schooi Pictures of pupils' work, course of 's^tyiffyi P^^O" duct. Boston Trade School for Girls. Pictures of pupils' work, product. Brlnfield^ Vdcatibnai; Agricultural " Dept. .HltchcSclg'iFree Acaderiiy.- Pictures of pupils.v:#<5rk.- ," . Bristol County Agricu.ltur|kl. School, ..Seg- regahset. ' Pictures of pupils' work. Concord, Vocational Agricultural Dept. High School. Pictures of pupils' work. Essex County AgricuUural Sptiopl,. IJaw- r'thorne. .Pictures of pupils' work. ,- iladley. Vocational Agricultural -Dept. Hop- kins. Academy,' Pictures of pupils' work. Harwich, "Vocational tAgricultural Dept. High School.. Pictures of pupils' work. Holyoke, 'VoCUtional Sclrool. PicthtfeS of pupils' work. Lowell Vocational School. Pictures ' of pupils' work. Marlborough Vocational Agricultural Ddpt. High School. : Pictures of pupils' work. New Bedford Independent Industrial School. Pictures of pupils' work, product. Newton Vocational School. Charts, pic- tures of pupils' work, product. Smith's Agricultural School and Northamp- ton School of Industries. Pictures of pupil's work. . _ . , . North Easton Vocational Agricultural Dept. High School. Pictures of pupils' work. Petersham Vocational Agricultural Dept. High School. Pictures of pupils' work. Quincy Industrial School. Charts, pictures of pupils' work, product. Somerville Vocational School for Boys. Picture of pupils' work. Somerville Vocational School for , Girls. Cliarts, pictures of pupils' work, pro- duct. , ., , Westfield Trade School. Pictures of pupils work. Worcester Boys' Trade School. Picture of pupils' work, product. Worcester Girls' Trade School. Pictures of pupils' work, product. Boston Evening Industrial School, Dear- born School, Roxbury. Pictures of pupils' work, product. Boston Evening Practical Arts Courses, Warren School, Charlestown. Pictures of pupils' work. Boston Evening Practical Arts Courses, Washington Allston School. Pictures of pupils' work. Holyoke Independent Evening Industrial School. Pictures of pupils' work. Lawrence Independent Evening Industrial School. Pictures of pupils' work, pro- duct. North Attleborough Independent Evening Industrial School. Pictures of pupils' work. Quincy Independent Evening Industrial School. Pictures of pupils' work. Taunton Independent Evening Industrial School. Pictures of pupils' work. WakejBeld Independent Evening Industrial School. Pictures of pupils' work. Bradford Durfee Textile School, Fall River. Charts, pictures of pupils' work, pro- duct, course of study. Lowell Textile School. Cliarts, course of study, pictures of pupils' work, product. Massachusetts Board of Education. Ad- ministration, charts, maps, models, re- ports, statistics and slides. Massachusetts Nautical School. Charts, course of study, maps, pictures of pupils' work. 12 DfiiPAiRTMENT 6t EDUCATION GROUP 11; ttileWild,, vmt. The Atypibal child. Av, C. bet. 4th & 5th Sis. GkOUP 12 SPBCIAL FORMS 0^ JBDUCATION, TEXT BOOKS, SCHOOL FUBNITURE AND SCrtOOL APPLIANCES American Crayvh Co., The, Sandusky, O. Art ekhibition of crayon dra\i'ings. Av. B & 0th St. The pioneer crayon mfrs, estab- lished 183D. Makers of Waltham and Em- pire brands \frhite and enahlel black board crayons, Hygieia Dustless Crayons, Pas- tello, Crayograph, Crdyonart, drjiwing crayons. Marking, checking, lumber, tailors', i-ailroad and carpenters' crayons. Andrews tJo,, A. tt., Chicago, 111. Mfrs. chairs for theaters and churches, school desks, furniture and appliances. San Francisco Branch, 728 Mission St, Binney ft Smith Co., New York City. Ci-ay- ons, etc. 5th St., and North Wall of Pal. Coleman, Rfebrge A., 1635 C^dar St., Berkeley, Cal. Av. A and 4th St., North Entrance No. 3. Observation Bee Hives, Bees and Queens. Bee Books, Be6 Keepers Supplies (A. I. Root), Nature Study Books and Sup- plies. Milton Bradley, Boston, Mass. School Sup- piles. 5th St. and North Wall of Pal Brigham, Miss Louise, New York, N. Y. Furnished rooms equipments. 6th St. and Av. E. Manuel D. Christinides, New York. Method of teaching English to Immigrants. 5th St. and North Wall of Pal. Glnn & Co., Boston, Mass. Publishers. 5th St., Av. A. School and college textbooks. International Harvester Co. of America, Chicago, U. S. A. Agr. Pal. 4th St., bet. Avs. B & C. Extension courses, popular lectures and people's institutes, correspond- ence schools. Laird & Lee, Chicago, 111. Publisliers. 5th St. and North Wall, of Pal. Dictionaries, etc. ^®rTu°"a.* ^°," -v^®^ ^''''^ C"y- Publishers, oth St. and ^orth AVall of Pal. Educa- tiorial publications. Palmer Co., The A. N., New York City. Penmanship. 5th St. and North Wall of Singer Sewing Machine Co., NeW York. N Y V. I. Pal 1st St. Av. D, 2nd St. & "Av! E. Educational publications relative to the operation of sewing machines. Victor Talking Machine, Camden, N. J. Pho- nographs Lib Ar Pal. Av. C, 4th & 5th Sts. Talking Machines. THE GOVERNMENT OF THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. BUREAU OF EDUCATION MANILA. ^^Location: First Street, between Avs. A GROUP 5 Written work charts, motion pictures, photographs, statistics, system: Luzon, Mindanao, Cebu, Leyte, Samar, Negros, Panay, Palawan, Bohol, Romblon, Masbato, Batanes, Mindoro. Model building, unit system construction: Kawit, Cavite. Philippine publitf school ^§3^'st em Bureau of education, y^n^la, '' GROUP 6 Written work, charts, nibtion pictures, t)hotographs, statistics, ctirricUla : Philippine Normal School, Manila, Written work, charts, statistics : Cagayah High School, Tugttegarao, Ca^A- yan. , ^ llocos Noi-te High Sfefcool, Laoftg, Ilocos Norte. llocos Siir High School, Vigftn,I10fcos Sur. Bangiied High School, Abra, Bahgiied. La Union High School, San Fernando, La Union. Niifeva Vizcaya High School, Bayombong, Nueva VizcAya. Pangasinah High School, Lingtkyene, Pan- gasinan. Tarlac High School, Tairlac, Tarlac. Pampanga High School, San Fernando, Pampanga. Bulacan High School, Malolos, Bulacan. Bataan High School, Balanga, Bataan. Rizal High School, Pasig, Rizal. Laguna High Schol, Santa Cruz, Laguna. Tayabas High School, Lucena, Tayabas. Batartgas High School, Batangas, Batan- gas. Zambales High School. Iba, Zambales. Nueva Ecija High School, San Isidro, Nueva Kcija. Cavite High School, Cavite, Cavite. Sorsogon High School, Sorsogon, Sorsogon. Albay High School, Albay, Albay. Camarines High School, Naga, Camarines. Samar High School, Catbalogan, Samar, Leyte High School, Tacloban, Leyte. Cebu High School, Cebu, Cebu. Iloilo High School, Iloilo, Iloilo. Capiz High School. Capiz, C'apiz. Antique High School, San Jose, Antique. Occidental Negros High School, Bacolod, Occidental Negros. Oriental Negros High School, Dumaguete, Oriental Negros. Bohol High School. Tagbilaran, Bohol. Surigao High School. Surigao, Surigao. Misamis High School, Cagayan de Misa- niis. Manila High School, Manila, Isabela High School, Iligan, Isabela, Mindoro High School, Calapan, Mindoro. Palawan High School, Cuj'e, Palawan. Libraries: Tayabas High School and high schools listed above, and three hundred intermediate schools. Museums: Bureau of Education, Manila. Philippine School of Commerce, Manila ; museums in provincial capitals listed in this group. GROUP 7 Publications, photographs, chart: The University of the Philippines, Manila. GROUP 8 Drawings : Philippine School of Arts and Trades, Manila. GROUP 9 Photographs, charts, statistics, courses: Datac Farm School, Datac, Ilocos Norte. Central Luzon Agricultural School, Mu- noz, Nueva Ecija. Santa Maria Farm School, Santa Maria, Ilocos Sur. Indang Farm School, Indang, Cavite. Guinobatan Farm School, Guinobatan, Al- bay. Iba Farm School, Iba, Zambales. Tacloban Farm School, Tacloban, Leyte. and other special agricultural schools. AND SOCIAL ECONOMY 13 GROUP 10 Written woi*k, photo^rajphs, curricula : Philippine School of Comnierfce, Manila. GROUP 10-A Curricula, charts, statistics, articles, pho- tographs, motion pictures: Islands entered in Group 5. GROUP 32 Photographs, courses, publications, charts, statistics: Philippine formal School and vacation assemblies held ftt provincial capitals listed under Grbtip 6. Educational publications, textbooks : Blireau of Education, Manila. GROUP 13 Photographs, charts, statistics, publica- tions, motion pictures: Islands entered in Group 5. State Extiibits Education State of Uta& State of Utah — Co-operation and consolidation made easily possible by the settlement of the state by towns. A closely knit School system distributing its advantaged brdadly. 8rd St. and Av. B. Group 9: Agricultural College, Logan, Utah. The State at Large, the College Campus. Group 6: Granite, Jordan, Box Elder and other consoliclated school districts. The efficiency and economy of consolidation. Group 6: Ogden, Utah. School work and the industries of the city correlated. Group 13: Salt Lake City, Utah. The concern of the schools for the pupils physical welfare. Group 7: University of Utah, Salt Lake City. The educational opportunity in the great natural resources of the state. Foreign Section Argentine. Av. C, bet. 2nd & 3rd Sts. Col- lective educational exhibit. Bepublic of China. Both sides of 2nd St., bet. Avs. A & C. Collective educational exhibit. "Uraguay. Av. B, bet. 5th & 6th Sts. Col- lective exhibit on education. JAPAN GROUP G Monbusho — Historical explanation of period when Commodore Perry arrived at Japan. Photos of school conducted by Americans in Japan. Educational statistics. GROUP 7 Kyushu Teikoku Daigaku — Photographs and diagrams. Tokyo Teikoku Diagaku— Photographs and rules of Imperial University. GROUP 8 Ishikawakenritsu Kogyo Gakko — Porcelain and other work. Toyamakenritsu Kogyo Gakko— Sculpture and other work. Shiritsu Joshi Bijutsugakko — Japanese paint- ing, oil painting, knitting, embroideries and sewing. Shiritsu Osaka Kogyo Gakko — Students' work and models. Shiritsu Nippon Joshi Daigakko — Photographs and diagrams. Shiritsu Kyoritsu Joshi Shokugyo Gakko — Dress, furniture, ornaments. Shiritsu Nogoya Shogyo Gakko — Photos and students' work. Sagakenritsu Arita Kogyo Gakko — Porcelains and other work. Tokyo Joshi Koto Shihan Gakko— Students' work and photos. Tokyo Koto Kogyo Gakko — Model of present Japanese house. Dyed fabrics and porce- lain. Tokyo Bijutsu Gakko — Japanese picture, de- signs, lacquer. Tokyo Furitsu Kogei Gakko — Furniture and ornaments. Wakayamenken Kuxoye Choritus Shiki Gakko - — Lacquer ware. Tokyo Furitsu Shokko Gakko — Furniture and photograph. Tokyo Furitsu Shokusen Gakko — Dyed cot- ton fabric. Tohoku Teikoku Daigaku Noka Diagaku — Models and photographs showing the de- velopment of the college of agriculture. Uyeda Sanshi Senmongakko — Pictures show- ing spinning and silk worm, silk, cocoon and eggs. Aichikenritsu Norin Gakko — Model school, model of forest, specimen of forest pro- ducts. Nigatakenritsu Nobu Suisangakko — Models of fishery apparatus, canned goods, diagrams, photos. GROUP 10 Kyoto Shiritsu Bijutsu Mogei Gakko — Stud- ents' work. Kyotofuritsu Daiichi Koto Jogakko — Students' work. Kyotofuritsu Daiichi Koto Jogakko — Students' work. Shiritsu Joshi Eigaku Juku — Students' work, diagrams. Tokyo shi Sakamoto Jinjo Shogakko— Students' work. TOkyofu Aoyama Shihan Gakko — System of teaching and drilling students, work of the students. Kyoto Koto Kogei Gakko — Process of mak- ing "Yuzen" fabrics, the designs. Tokyo Koto Shihan Gakko — Photograph of school. GROUP 12 Tokyo Mo Gakko — Photo of raised type text books. Tokyo Moa Gakko — Text book system of teaching. Tokyofu Daiichi Chugakko— ^Text books, students' work, photographs. Official Catalogue of Exhibitors Panama - Pacific International Exposition San Franciscot California, i9t5 ^^.^a CHARLES C MOQRE President Director -in -Chief FREDERICK J, V. SKIFF -03f*V.J!> -.-■ Division of Exhibits ASHER CARTER BAKER, Director Department C SOCIAL ECONOMY ALVIN E. POPE, Chief Preliminary Edition Published for the Division of Exhibits by The Wahlgreen Company, Official Publishers San Francisco, J9J5 SOCIAL ECONOMY Official Catalogue Department C CLASSIFICATION OF EXHIBITS Agencies for the Study, Investigation and Better- ment of Social and Economic Conditions Economic Resources and Organizations Demography, Eugenics Hygiene Alcohol, Drugs and Tobacco Labor Co-operative Institutions Banks and Provident Institutions Charities and Correction Preparation, Enactment and Enforcement of Legis- lation Nomination and Election Systems Public Utilities and Their Regulation Municipal Advancement Recreation HOW TO LOCATE AN EXHIBIT The Palace of Social Economy is laid out in blocks, which are consecutively numbered from 1 to 34, inclusive, as shown on the floor plan. The aisles are designated as streets (First to Sixth),, running- north to south, and as avenues (A to E), from east to west. To locate an exhibitor refer to the name, alphabetically arranged under the exhibit group to which each belongs in the official classi- fication, and note the aisles location following each name. Street and Avenue signs are erected at their intersection on the corners of all blocks. All Exhibits entered in this Catalogue are located in the Palace of Social Economy, unless otherwise indicated after the entry. The following are abbreviations used in this Catalogue to designate other Exhibit Palaces: Fine Arts Palace Fn. A. Pal. Education Palace Ed. Pal. Liberal Arts Palace Lb. A. Pal. Manufactures Palace Mfr. Pal. Varied Industries Palace V. I. Pal. Machinery Palace Mch. Pal. Transportation Palace Trns. Pal. Agriculture Palace Agr. Pal. Food Products Palace Fd. Pr. Pal. Live Stock Palace Lv. St. Pal. Horticulture Palace Hor. Pal. Mines and Metallurgy Palace Min. Pal. AND SOCIAIi ECONOMY 17 DEPARTMENT OF 30CIAL ECONOMY Official Classification of Exhibits GROUP 14 AGENCIES FOB THE STUDY, INVESTIGATION AND BETTERMENT OF SOCIAL ANI> ECONOMIC CONDITIONS Public bureaus, offices, comiuis^ions, etc. Societies: humane, institutional, church and other. Private agencies, commercial organizations, museums, etc. Economic and social reform associations, special educational agencies, literature, congresses. Surveys and special community investigations. GROUP 15 ECONOMIC RESOURCES AND ORGANIZATIONS Class 47. Physical resources and characteristics, location and organization of industrial enterprises, general industrial statistics. Governmental promotion of industry. Class 48. Conservation of national resources. Class 48. Class 44. Class 45. Class 40. Class 49. Class 50. Class 51. Class 52. Class 58. Class 54. Class 55. Class 50. Class 57. Class 58. Class 59. Class GO. Class Gl. Class 62. Class 63. Class 64. Class 65. Class 66. Class 67. Class 68. Class 69. Class 70. Class 71. Class 72. Class 73. Hass 74. Class 75. Class 76. Class 77. Class 78. Class 79. Class SO. GROUP 16 DEMOGRAPHY, EUGENICS characteristics and movement of population; statistical methods. Composition machines and appliances employed. Immigration. Eugenics. GROUP 17 HYGIENE Vital statistics. Growth and nutrition, food. Hygiene of infancy and childhood. Communicable diseases. State and municipal hygiene, public-health work and health laboratories. Care of the sick, nursing. Care of defectives. Life saving. Industrial hygiene, occupational diseases. Special hygiene: traffic and transportation, military, naval, tropic, mental, sex, dental. Educational publicity. GROUP 18 ALCOHOL, DRUGS AND TOBACCO Physiological and other effects of alcohol, drugs and tobacco. Statistics of con- sumption and economic cost. Organized efforts for lessening intemperance and use of drugs and tobacco. Legal regulation of trade in liquor, di'ugs and tobacco. Private and public manage- ment of liquor trade. GROUP 19 LABOR Regulation and inspection of factories, mines and other work. Woman and child, labor. Organization of employees. Organization of employers. Systems of industrial remuneration. Wages and cost of living. Industrial disputes and their settlement. Statistics of unemployment, treatment of unemployed. Statistics of industrial accidents and means for prevention. Employers' liability. Workmen's compensation. Welfare work, GROUP 20 CO-OPERATIVE INSTITUTIONS Co-operative societies for production and distribution. Co-operative credit and banking institutions, rural credit systems. Co-operative building societies. Co-operative agricultural societies. GROUP 21 BANKS AND PROVIDENT INSTITUTIONS National, state and private banks; loan and trust companies. Savings banks, postal savings banks, provident savings and loan institutions. Insurance: life, fraternal,_ accident, fire, marine, fidelity, and other forms. Social insurance. Retirement provisions for public employees. GROUP 22 CHARITIES AND CORRECTION Care of dependent and neglected children. Institutional care of destitute adults. Institutional care of defectives. Relief of needy families in their homes. Preventive social work. Supervisory and educational movements. 18 DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Class 81. Statistics of crime. Identification of criminals. Class 82. Prisons, jails, work-houses, lock-ups. Prison labor, peonage. Class S3. Reformatories ; education of delinquents. Class 84. The juvenile offender. Defective delinquents. Class 85. Indeterminate sentence, probation and parole. Aid and relief. GROUP 23 PREPARATION, ENACTMENT AND ENFORCEMENT OF LEGISLATION Class 86. Legislative reference bureaus, commissions, etc. Operation of initiative, referendum and recall. Results of efforts for uniform state and municipal legislation. Police systems and police administration. Courts^ Reform in court procedure. GROUP 24 NOMINATION AND ELECTION SYSTEMS Class 87. Qalifications of voters. Party organization. Nomination and election systems. Australian ballot, short ballot, voting machines. Restrictions and publicity of election expenditures. Corrupt practice legislation. GROUP 25 PUBLIC UTILITIES AND THEIR REGULATION State, municipally and privately owned utilities. Public service commissions. GROUP 26 MUNICIPAL ADVANCEMENT Municipal statistics. Local government and the State. Charters. Systems of government. Municipal activities; methods, instrumentalities and results. Public and private agencies for promoting economy and efficiency. GROUP 27 Town and city planning. Housing. GROUP 28 RECREATION Class 88. Class 89. Class 90. Class 91. Class 92. Class 93. Class 94. Parks, playgrounds and recreation centers, beaches. Utilization of school house as Commercial recreation. Baths, swimming pools and bathing social center. Public entertainments. GROUP 14. AGENCIES FOR THE STUDY, INVESTI- GATION AND BETTERMENT OF SO- CIAL AND ECONOMIC CONDITIONS. Federal Council of Churches, San Francisco, Cal. Coll. Exh. on religious education. Av. D to South Wall of Pal., bet. 1st & 2nd Sts. Buddhist Churches in America. Oceana, Cal. N. S. West Ent. No. 10 & 1st St. Civic Center League, Los Angeles, Cal. Uni- fied Social Center Exhibit. Av. C, bet. 5th & 0th Sts. "The Rural Social Center with genesis of the Social Center at Rochester," by Mr. E. J. Ward, for Wisconsin; "Ex- tent and Variety of Wider Use," by Dr. E. W. Still, for New York; "Recreation Center in High Schools with Cultural As- pects," by Mrs. Eva White for Boston; "Recreational use of School Houses under Teacher Management," by Mr. J. D. Shoop, for Chicago; "An intensive recreational use of school buildings with club-like char- acteristics in the material equipment of the centers," by O. A. Berg for Mil- waukee; "A school plant constructed for wider use and a school system favoring social and recreational work," by Supt. Wm. A. Wirt, for Gary; "The high school as an Art Center," by Supt. J. T. Giles, for Richmond, Indiana; "School archi- tecture designed for social center uses and school orchestras for community use, and use of school buildings for political meet- ings and balloting," by Supt. A. C. Bark- er, for Oakland, Cal.; "The Civic Center and Civic Education of Immigrants," by Mr. C. C. Kelso, for Los Angeles; "How to begin Social Center Development," by Mr. E. B. de Groot, for San Francisco; "The Suburban Social Center," by Wm. Kent; "School Equipment for Social Centers," by Mr. Dwight H. Perkins, for Chicago; "Rural Social Centers on the Pacific Coast," by Mr. C. C. Thomassen, for Olympia, Washington; "A Typical High School Social Center," Walter Nagle, Sec. Chamber of Commerce, for Santa Rosa, Cal. Christian Science Publishing Society, The. Boston, U. S. A. Publications. Ed. Pal., cor. 2nd St. & Av. D. Council of Jewish Women, The. Headquar- ters 3437, Kansas City, Mo. 6th St. bet. Avs, D & C. Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society. Berkeley, Cal. Av. D, bet. Isk & 2nd Sts. Missionary work. Hoffman, Mrs. F. Burrall, Washington, D. C. Catholic Cathedral exhibit. 5th St. op, Av. D. Joint Board of Sanitary Control. New York, N. Y. Welfare work. Av. D, bet. 5th & 6th Sts. Liberty Bell Bird Club, Philadelphia, Pa. An association for the protection of all song and insectivorous birds. Membership and button free. Rosicrucian Fellowship. Headquarters, Ocean- side, Cal. Pal. of Ed, & Social E., Blk. 12, nr. W. En. No. 10. Theosophical Society. Los Angeles, Cal. No. side W. Ent. No. 10 & 1st St. Theosophy. Unitarian Church, First, Education Bldg., Rel. educational. 1st St., nr. So. Side W. Ent. No. 10. U, S, Steel Corpn, & Subsid, Cos. New York, Collective Sec. & Economic Exh, Mines Pal, GROUP 16. Carnegie Institution of Washington, Wash- ington, D. C. Av. C, bet. 4th & 5th Sts. Scientific research. Exhibits consisting of publications, transparencies, models, photo- graphs, drawings and diagrams represent- ing work of ten departments of research. AND SOCIAL ECONOMY 19 ChristiDides, Manual D. New York, N. Y. Teaching to innnigvants. The Bace Betterment Foundation. Battl« Crwk, Mich. Race methods. Av. C & Grd.St. GROUP 17. ArequipA Sanitorium & Pottery. Fairfax, Marin Co., Cal. Care tuberculous. Av. E & 3rd St. Barrett Mfg. Co. Frankford, Phil. Disinfec- ^tans. Mill. Pal., 7th St., bet Avs. C & D. Bureau of Health for the Philippine Islands. Manila. Tropical Hvgiene. Av. E, het. :5rd & 4th Sts. Boston, Massachusetts. Medical inspection of public schools. Av. C, bet. 5th & 6th Sts. California State Board of Health. Sacramen- to, Cal. Tuberculosis. .3rd St., nr. Av. E. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Department of Health. Av. D, bet. 4th & ,'th Sts. Mouth Hygiene Association of America, San Francisco, Cal. Physicians Bldg. Av. E & 4th St. Mouth hygiene. American Social Hygiene Association, New York, N. Y. 4tb St. & Av. D. Social hygiene. American Medical Association, New York, N. Y. 4th St., bet. Avs. D & E. Educational work in personal hygiene, patent medicine, quack doctors and fake medical schools. Board of Health of Baltimore, Md. 3rd St., bet. Avs. D & E. Sanitation, city high pressure water system and sewage dis- posal system. Cuban Government, Havana, Cuba. Both sides of main west entrance 11th and 2nd Sts. Tropical diseases. Massachusetts. Quarantine. Av. C, bet. 5th & Gth Sts. New York State Dept. of Health, Albany, N. Y. Health education. Av. D, bet. 3rd & 4th Sts. Rockefeller Foundation, International Health Com. New York City. Hookworm. 4th St., bet. Avs. D & E. Hookworm diseases, life- size models of persons afflicted, male and female hookworms, embryos, eggs, greatly enlarged, embryos passing through skin, hookworms attached to intestine; transpa- rencies, photographs. Workmen's Compensation Service Bureau'. New York City. Liability. Pal. Mines, 2nd St., bet. D & C. GROUP 18 Anti-Saloon League of America. Westerville, Ohio. Publishing interests. 5th St. & Av. E. Effects of alcohol; methods of work. (Exhibit of Scientific Temperance Federa- tion.) Prohibition National Committee. Chicago, HI. Anti-liouor display. Ed. Pal., 1st St., bet. Avs. D & E. 5,000,000 Enrollment Head- quarters. Liquor traffic in politics pictured. Harley H. Gill and David H. Gill in charge. World's Woman's Christian Temperance Union. London, England. Av. D & Srd St. National Woman's Christian Temperance Union, Evanston. 111. Physiological effects of alcohol and other habit-forming drugs. GROUP 19 American Federation of Labor. Washington, D. C. Social welfare. Gth St., bet. Avs.C&D. Ford Motor Company. Detroit, Mich. Welfare work. S. E. Sec. Mines Bldg., 3rd St., bet. Avs. D & C. International Harvester Company of America. Chicago, U. S. A. Agr. Pal., 4th St., bet. Avs. B & C. Regulation and inspection of factories, statistics of industrial accidents and means for prevention, employer's lia- bility, welfare work. National Consumers' League. New York. La- bor. Av. D, bet. 5th & Gth Sts. United States Steel Corpn. & Subsid. Cos. New York. Col. accident prevention. Mines Pal. National Child Labor Committee, New York, N. Y. Gth St. and Av. D. Child labor and its results. Industrial Accident Commission of California, San Francisco, Cal. Accident prevention work. 2nd St. & Av. D, Min. Pal. GROUP 21 BANKS AND PROVIDENT INSTITUTIONS Aetna Life Insurance Co. Hartford, Conn. Mines Bldti-., A v. 1) & 2nd St. Safety ap- Ijliances. Collective Insurance and Universal Safety Exhibit. S. E. Sec, Mines Bldg., 1st St, A v. B. Hartford Fire Insurance Company. Hartford, Conn. Mines Bldg., Av. CI & 1st St. Fire prevention and protection. International Harvester Company of America. Chicago, U. S. A. Agr. Pal., 4th St., bet. Avs. B & C. Social instirance, retirement provisions for piiblic employes. Maryland Casualty Company. Baltimore, Md. Insurance bonding. Av. B & 2nd St., Pal. of Mines. Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, New York, N. Y. Exhibit of welfare work for policy holders and employees. Pal of Min., 1st St., Avs. C & D. This exhibit outlines various measures for safeguarding the health of over ten million policyholders and seven- ten thousand employees. Cliarts and photo- graphs in one division describe the visit- ing nurse service, the Health and Happi- ness League, the company's publications on hygiene and various forms of co-operation Avith health officers and other civic and social agencies. The charts in the second division outline the company's policy with reference to luncheons for employees, the Staff Savings Fund, the educational acti- vities, working conditions, and other fea- tures which operate most successfully in the developing an efficient and satisfied working staff. Prudential Insurance Company of America. Mines Bldg., S. S. Main W. Entrance & 1st St. Relation of life insurance to pub- lic welfare. Bankers Trust Company, New York, N. Y. Intersection of Av. C and 3rd St. Ameri- can Bankers Association Travelers' Cheques. Internat'l Order of King's Daughters & Sons, Oakland, Cal. ]st St., bet. Avs. D & E. Pictures and literature of the order. Modern Woodmen of America. Rock Island. Mines Bldg., 2nd St., bet. Avs. C & D. Royal Neighbors of America and Woodmen of the World. Fraternal insurance. Workmen's Compensation Service Bureau. Rock Island. Mines Bldg., 2nd St., bet. Avs. C & D. Workmen's compensation, in- surance and accident prevention. World's Insurance Congress Events. S. E. Sec, Mines Bldg., 1st St. and Av. B. National Union Insurance Co., San Francisco, Cal. 2nd St. & Av. C, Min. Pal. Fraternal insurance. 20 DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION GROUP 22 CHARITIES AND CORRECTION New York State Dept. of Prisons. Identifica- tion of criminals. Av. C, bet. 3rd & 4th Sts, GROUP 24 NOMINATION AND ELECTION SYSTEMS American Voting Machine Co. Boston, Mass. Voting machine. 6th St., bet. Avs. C & D. Congressional Union for Woman's Suffrage. Washington, D. C. 6th St., nr. Av. C. GROUP 26 MUNICIPAL ADVANCEMENT Brigham, Miss Louise. New York, N. Y. School of manual economics. 6th St. & Av.E. GROUP 27 TOWN AND CITY PLANNING. HOUSING Pad Portable Cons. Co. Los Angeles, Cal. Housing. The mine. Min. Pal. United States Steel Corpn. & Subsid. Cos. New York. Col. model housing exh. Mines Pal. GROUP 28 RECREATION Girl's Friendly Society of California. S. ¥., Cal. .^th St., nr. Av. E. Work and progress of Girls' Friendly Society. United States Steel Corpn. & Subsid. Cos. New York. Col. recreation and entertain- ment exhibit. Mines Pal. THE GOVERNMENT OF THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. BUREAU OF EDUCATION. MANILA. GROUP 14 Cliarts, exhibits, publications, statistics: Bureau of Education, Manila. GROUP 15 Exhibit, publications, statistics: School of Household Industries, Manila. Bureau of Education, Manila. GROUP 17 Publications, photographs: Bureau of Education, Manila. GROUP 28 Charts, photographs, statistics, publica- tions: Bureau of Education, Manila. Official Catalogue I of Eixhibitom l|\NAAA - PACIFIC 5 NTlRNAriONAL EXPOSITION SAN FRANCI5CO 1915 Price^ OUR EXHIBIT will be found on 5th Street, bet. Avenues C and D Block 22 ESTABLISHED 1867 FACTORY AT HOBOKEN, N. J. Drawing Materials Mathematical and Surveying Instruments Naval and Nautical Instruments Measuring Tapes SLIDE RULES for the use of the MERCHANT, CHEMIST. ELECTRICIAN and ENGINEER KEUFFEL & ESSER CO. NEW YORK 127 Fulton St. SAN FRANCISCO 48-50 Second St. (Tel. Kearny 5706) General Office and Factories Hoboken, N. J. CHICAGO ST. LOUIS MONTREAL PANAMA-PACIFIC INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITION SAN FRANCISCO OFFICE OF THE FRESIDENT July 10 19X4; To Whoa It May Concern:* This is to certify that the Vahlgreen Company, cf ^icb Mr* G. A. Wahlgreen is the President and Manager, has been given a con- tract by the Panaoa-Pacifie International Exposition Company authorising and requiring the Viahl green Company to publish the official dcily pro- gramme, official catalogue, official hand-book, official guide and of- ficial maps of the Exposition. Copyright PANA3IA.PAGIFIC INTERNA.TIONAL EXPOSITION San Francisco, 1915. w > Z;L:2 -Official Catalogue of Exhibitors Panama -Pacific International Exposition San Franc Jscot California, J9I5 CHARLES C MOORE President Director- in -Chief FREDERICK J* V. SKIFF Division of Exhibits ASHER CARTER BAKER, Director Department D LIBERAL ARTS THEODORE HARDEE, Chief Preliminary Edition Published for the Division of Exhibits by The Wahlgreen Company, Official Publishers San Francisco, J9J5 PREFACE By Asher Carter Baker, Director of Exhibits A modern, universal exposition is an encyclopedia of man's words and ; works. It is a collection of the achievements and productivity of man for exam- ; ination by the International Jury of Awards, and constitutes a compact, classified, | indexed compendium of man's activity in all phases, extending to the most material as well as to the most refined products. It is estimated that a million objects are exposed in the various displays installed within the palaces, in foreign, state and special pavilions. To properly classify, group and arrange alphabetically all the exhibits of an exposition of such international scope, is a task of such magnitude as to make it impossible to provide a complete catalogue of these exhibits on opening day of the Exposition. This edition of the official catalogue is therefore presented preliminary to the revised and complete catalogue which will be issued within a few weeks, and to the preparation of which, in realization of its extraordinary value as a document of general and commercial reference, special care is being given. | ; i The present volume, however, capably serves the purpose for which it is designed, as an early index of the infinite variety of interesting exhibits which : are the concrete evidences of the industrial, educational and artistic advancement • of the world. i Acknowledgment is hereby offered of the excellent co-operation received in the compilation of this catalogue from the Commissioners-General of participating nations, officers of State Commissions, individual exhibitors, and more particularly, the various officers of the Division of Exhibits, and the Official Catalogue Com- pany, publishers of the catalogue. UBERAL ARTS OFFICIAL CATALOGUE Department D TYPOGRAPHY BOOKS AND PUBLICATIONS MAPS AND APPARATUS FOR GEOGRAPHY MANUFACTURE OF PAPER PHOTOGRAPHY INSTRUMENTS OF PRECISION PHILOSOPHICAL APPARATUS COINS AND MEDALS MEDICINE AND SURGERY CHEMICAL AND PHARMACAL ARTS MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS THEATRICAL EQUIPMENT ELECTRICAL METHODS COMMUNICATION MODELS FOR PUBLIC WORKS ARCHITECTURE ARCHITECTURAL ENGINEERING NORTH ENTRANCE MAIN NORTH ENTRANCE -'pQ( y w n 19 COURT OF THt UNIVELRJE I I I MtllNUC A " * ' - 20 "_■ FORE p M n 22 ST- !^^^3£~^34^ 301/TW ENTRAN N-IO MAIN SOUTH ENTRANCE .5pUTH GARDENS ' fi t T ! I r T . - FLOOR PLAN PALACE OF LIBERAL-ARTS PANAMA-PACIFIC -INTERNATIONAL KtPOSITION oPtN.%..»^A,mo 5AN FRANCISCO U.S.A. (915 ' cue... oic.m,« . ^^ w**? 4-a ii»^< INTRODUGTION ■ -- •' 3:1. 2v'. "f^ ^ri? iii_ inlhe '^ "; ^ ' '*' I nstallation of Exh i bits Department oiOberal Arts By Theodore Hardee, Chief of Department. The Palace of -Liberal Afts is approximately 585 feet long by 470 fipet wide, with walls 55 feet high, and covers nearly six acres of ground; The main front of the building 'jfaces the South Gardens and the> westerly end fronts -on the "Court of Palms" and the "Court of the Four Seasons"; the northerly wa^l'i^ divided from the Palate ot Agriculture by an dblong garden connecting the "Court of the Four Seasorre" with the grand central "Court of the Universe,'' which, with its wide approach from the lofty '^Tower of Jewels, "opposite the main entrance to the Exposition grounds, forms the northeasterly "and easterly boundaries of the Palace of Liberal Arts. The doiftfe in center of the Palace is 1 60 feet high and the tower over the southwest tornfer rises to a height of 195 feefc. Wide entrances at convenient intervals afford ready access-to the building and make pleasing and improsing effects. ■ ■^^■^:'^\ .v ..: v ^ .,- . . -.A ■''•' } The aisles of the Palace are designated as-aVertties (by letters) inning east and west, and as streets (by numbers) from north to south. Ail exhibits may thus be readily located by reference to the Official Catalog for this Department. ' - - The general schenie Tor installation of exhibits m the Palace of Liberal Arts provides for location of commercial and scientific exhibits from the United States in "industrial" groups corresponding to the Official Classification for this Depart- ment. The Foreign exhibits are displayed in groups according to their respective nationalities. The Domestic Section occupies the entire southern half and the upper portion of the northeastern quarter of the Palace. The Foreign Groups are located in the northeastern quarter. The whole northwest quarter is devoted to the United States Government exhibits. Owing to limitation of space in the Palace of Liberal Arts, the exhibits of Printing Presses, their processes, and kindred equipment. Road Rollers and similar heavy products of the Liberal Arts classification are installed in the northeast comer of the Palace of Machinery, where a * 'Liberal Arts Section** is established for this purpose. "While these exhibits are not displayed in the Palace of Liberal Arts, they arc listed in the Official Catalog as exhibits of Liberal Arts and are subject to review as such by the International Jury on Awards for the Department of Liberal Arts. The three groups composing the Graphic Arts, consisting of typography, books and publications and maps, occupy three blocks just south of Avenue **C** in the southwestern corner and one block in the northeastern quarter of the Liberal Arts Palace. Adjoining the Graphic Arts are the Medical and Surgical exhibits, and next come the Musical Instruments. Photography covers the two blocks along the southern wall directly opposite. On the eastern side of Fifth Street, below Avenue C, the Instruments of Precision and Electrical Methods of Communication exhibits occupy the first three blocks and opposite, along the south wall, is the Engineering group. The Chemical and Pharmacal group follows in the next three blocks. Theatrical Equipment is shown along the southeast wall. Adjoining the main east entrance to Avenue C is a small block containing an important * 'working exhibit** which forms the central Fire Alarm and Police Signal station for the entire Exposition. The Domestic Architectural displays are in the northeastern part of the Foreign Section. As a matter of accommodation, and for other important reasons, many ex- hibits classified as Liberal Arts may be found installed in other exhibit palaces, the Exposition Hospital, and elsewhere on the Exposition grounds. A number are in use by the Exposition management, as "working exhibits,*' throughout its ad- ministrative offices. The immense Pipe Organ in Festival Hall is a "working ex- hibit** of the Musical Instrument group. The Garbage and Refuse Disposal Plant at the extreme western end of the Exposition grounds, and the great "Panama Canal*' concession on the "Zone,** are both "working exhibits** in the Civil and Military Engineering group of this Department. In the extreme southeast comer of the building are located the public service booths for Telephoning, Telegraphing and Typewriting. Under the dome in the center of the palace is a great Telescope, with a 20-inch lens and forty feet long, emblematic of the Applied Sciences which the Department of Liberal Arts represents. HOW TO LOCATE AN EXHIBIT The Palace of Liberal Arts is laid out in blocks, which are con- secutively numbered from 1 to 37, inclusive, as shown on the floor plan. The aisles are designated as streets (First to Tenth), running north to south, and as avenues (A to D), from east to west. To locate an exhibitor refer to the names, alphabetically arranged under the exhibit group to which each belongs in the official classification, and note the aisle location following each name. Street and Avenue signs are erected at their intersection on the corners of all blocks. All Exhibits entered in this Catalogue are located in the Palace of Liberal Arts, unless otherwise indicated after the entry. The following are abbreviations used in this Catalogue to designate other Exhibit Palaces: Fine Arts Palace Fn. A. Pal. Education Palace.,... , Ed. Pal. Liberal Arts Palace Lb. A. Pal. Manufactures Palace ...Mfr. Pal. Varied Industries Palace V. I. Pal. Machinery Palace Mch. Pal. Transportation Palace Tms. Pal. Agriculture Palace Agr. Pal. Food Products Palace Fd. Pr. Pal. Live Stock Palace Lv. St. Pal. Horticulture Palace Hor. Pal. Mines and Metallurgy Palace Min. Pal. INDEX United States Netherlands France New Zealand Japan Portugal Great Britain Sweden 10 DEPARTMENT OF LIBERAL ARTS DEPARTMENT OF LIBERAL ARTS Official Classification of Exhibits Class 95. copper- etc. Class 96. Class 97. Class 98. Clan's 99. Class 100. Cflass 101. Class 102. GROUP 29 TYPOGRAPHY— VARIOUS PRINTING PROCESSES- •".; .:, (Equipment, Processes and Products.) ; ' . Machinery, presses and other apparatus used in typography, lithography ple^te printing, autography, engraving on.' stone, ..copper, .zinc,' ajuminum Machinery used for photo-mechanical printing. Equipment, apparatus and products of type foundries, and other auxiliary and miscellaneous printing office applia,pces and labor-saving .deyice.s of stereotyping, ' electrotyping, electrolytic appliances and processes ;' elecfro-thermic appliances ,and processes. . .L^ ,.. „ ; . , . ,1./ .. ■ »*^/; . Machines for setting and distributing type, casting type, etc. Special equipment for jirirlting bank notes, postage st'sfmps, l)dn ■. / ,--, ._-,.,/- ,-;--.■:.? ,r'V , .^ ■,-»{!;'; . Materials^ inst'rupieuts '{uxd appar.»M^,. of'ph'^d^o^gr&pii^',^ ^'tfMp^W,^3^hotographic studios, stereopticons, m.u)osrapft5K\k|/i^tpscbiiegj;' t^^ 'pidlii^es, etc. . Ne^tJEe and positive photograpky on glass,, paper, wogd, cloth, films, enamel, etc. Photog¥»ir.iice in intaglio and in f elie'f ; photocollographyr- phptolithography. Stereoscopic pi'inte.i. Enlarged ian4' mici>6graphic photographs,. Color photogra- phy. Direct, indirect and photo-C|Qfl§Bf'JiMf^tj^g*rnAS5vientific and other applica- tionis of phetcigr^hy. . :. ^ - -i ;;' : > ,. Pictorial photography. '■■ ^^ ■■.::"'. "v-'^Qp^it^^'s^ INSTRUMENTS OF PRECISION, PHILOSOPHICAL APPARATUS, ETC., COINS AND MEDALS (Equipment, Processes and Products.) ,' Laboratory apparatus for physical investigations ; mathematical instruments; instruments for practical geometry; instruments for. rjefined physical measure- ment; sensitive- balances, high grade thej:mometers, indicators, integrators, chronographs, etc. Lecture room apparatus. Instruments for and methods of land surveying,- including plane, topographic and geodetic surveying. Surveyors' compasses, leveling instruments, transits, geographic instruments, pedometers, heliotropes, etc. Astronomical instruments • and methods; telescopes and fittings, astronomical photographic apparatus 'and photographs;' reflectors, helioscopes, astronomical clocks. Navigation instruments and equipment;;, including sextants, mariners' compasses, alidades, patent logs, sounding ma.chines,i chronometers, etc. Meteorological instruments, thermometers, barometers, wind current meters, etc. Electrical instruments and apparatus for scientific investigations or research work; electrical furnaces for laboratory use; thermal batteries ; electrical standards. - ' ■ • ■ Photometry: apparatus for determining thje intensity, dislribtition and illuminating c power of light. Standards. ' . ' ,, .^ ',}'■[ Transferred to Class 542. ■ !c,M.r.'rf Optical instruments for general use; tel«8«opes> «'^inbctllfti;av opera, field and marine glasses, magnifying glassefc'^^L^es^ fefci' tertihg vision; eye glasses and spectacles. ■■';).;■ f»,J rj:v'r;?r ;';r h'xTui-<. Calculating machines; cash regii^tefs^; ¥tkl^sV"Wiglbts''and m^ of various countries. - • ,, , ,. •= ' '"'^ Equipment for the manufacture of CQiris^p^d./in'edais. ■ Appliances for weighing the metal, testing the standard of alloys, inelting and casting, rolling, stamp- ing out, milling, washing, verification of weight of coins, counting, striking, and checking them before delivery ; equipment for the preparation of stamps and dies, coins and medals; treatises upon coins, economical, statistical, etc. GROUP 35 MEDICINE AND SURGERY Class 135. Appliances, instruments and apparatus for work in anatomy, histology bacteriology; anatomical models; normal and pathological, histological bacteriological preparations. Class 136. Apparatus for sterilizing instruments and wpund-dressing appliances, and other purposes of sterilization. , ., ; Class 137. Instruments for general and special medical research. Class 138. Instruments and apparatus for general, special and local surgerj\ C^ass 139. Electricity as applied in therapeutics, surgery and dentistry: X-ray apparatus; electric sterilizers, ozonizers. ' , Class 140. Appliances for dressing wounds. ' Class 141. Apparatus for plastic and mechanical prosthesis; orthopedic apparatus; apparatus for hernia; appai-atus for medical gymnastics; material, instruments and apparatus for special therapeutics. , Class 142. Instruments and apparatus used in the practice of dentistry; dental surgery, bridge and plate work, etc. ■':.,,,. Class 143. Appliances for the use of the infirm, of invalids, «nd of lunatics; artificial limbs, artificial eyes. ■ Class 144. Chests and cases of instruments and medicines for the use of surgeons of the army and navy; appliances for rendering aid to the wounded on the field of battle; appliances for rendering aid in case of accident; ambulance service, etc. Class 145. Appliances for rendering aid to persons apparently drowned or asphyxiated. Class 146. Instruments and appliances for veterinary surgery. - . Class 147. Equipment and utensils used by druggists arid pharmacists.' Clas8^122 Class 123, Class 124 Class 125. Class 126 Class 127 Class 128, Class 129. Class 130. Class 131. Class 132. Class 133 Class 134. and and for 12 DEPARTMENT OF IiIBERAL ARTS Class 148. Class 149. Class 150. Class 151. Class 152. Class 153. Class 154. Class 155. Class 156. Class 157. Class 158. Class 159. Class 160. Class 161. Class 162. Class 163. Class 164. Class 165, Class 166. Class 167. Class 168. Class 169. Class 170. Class 171. Class Class 172. 173. Class 174. Class Class Class Class Class 175. 176. 177. 178. 179. Class Class 180. 181. Class Class Class 182. Class 185. Class 186. Class 187. GROUP 86 CHEliaOAIi AND PHABMACAL ABTS (Equipment, Processes and Products.) Laboratory apparatus and utensils; lamps, blow-pipes; presses, drying ovens, filters; furnaces, ovena, etc., used in chemical laboratory work. Apparatus and instruments for making industrial and eommercial analyses. Equipment and processes used in the chemical treatment of animal substances, with their products; superphosphates, soaps, candles, glycerine. Apparatus and processes for the production of electrolysis of hydrogen peroxide, chlorine, hypochlorites, chlorates, soda, bleaching materials, and various other chemicals. Also electro-thermal apparatus and processes for chemical manu- facture not otherwise specified, Equipment and processes used in the manufacture of vegetable essences. Transferred to Class 776. By-products for pharmacal use obtained from the treatment of mineral substances such as petroleum and coal tar derivatives, etc. Equipment and processes used in treating waste matter from factories (by chemical or electrical methods) with a view to permitting their return to water courses or to the atmosphere. Equipment for charcoal work and the production of various derivatives; methy- lated spirit, acetone, acetic acid, tar, wood alcohol, pyroligneous acid. Products of charcoal burning. Apparatus and processes for the compression and liquefaction of gas. Liquefied gases. Apparatus and processes for the manufacture of artificial textiles. Appliances and processes used in the manufacture of pharmacal products. Raw materials of pharmacy; sera and other biological products, as bacterines, vaccines, tuberculines, etc.; drugs of mineral, animal and vegetable origin, crude, powdered and compound; special appliances for collecting, cleaning, peeling, slicing, cutting and garbeling crude drugs. Disinfectants; standardization of disinfectants; manufacture of disinfectants; drug preservation, drug sterilization, ampuls, etc. Acids, alkalies, salts and compounds of every kind. Chemical elements derived from their compounds and chemical compounds not otherwise classified. Refined sulphur and derivatives from sulphur. Equipment and processes used, and products obtained in the manufacture of phosphorus and matches. Drug adulteration; methods of adulteration; methods of detecting adulteration. Various products of chemical industries; tanning materials, waxes, essential oils, glue and gelatine; perfumes, cosmetics and extracts; various glazes, printing ink, blacking. (Transferred to Manufactures and Agriculture.) (Transferred to Mines and Metallurgy.) Alcohols modified for industrial purposes. Equipment and appliances for producing calcium carbide, and for the storage of acetylene gas. Insecticides; fungicides; parasiticides and methods of manufacture and use. Pyrotechnics, bombs, signals, etc. GROUP 37 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS (Materials, Processes and Products.) Materials and processes for manufacturing musical instruments. Wind instruments of metal or wood, having openings with or without keys, simple mouth pieces, pipes or reeds, with or without reservoir of air. Metal wind instruments, plain or with lengthening pieces, slides, pistons, keys or reeds. Wind instruments with key-board; organs, accordions, etc. ,t Stringed instruments without key-board, played with the fingers or with a bow. Pianos, player pianos, and other stringed instruments with key-board. Instruments played by percussion or friction; drums and cymbals. Automatic instruments: barrel organs, bird organs, musical boxes, piano' and organ players, bandonians, orchestrions, etc. Phonographs, talking machines, graphophones and similar devices. Separate parts of musical instruments and orchestral appliances ; strings for musical instruments. GROUP 38 THEATRICAL APPLIANCES AND EQUIPMENT Interior equipment and special furniture for theaters. Arrangements for preventing and extinguishing fires. (See also Class 463.) Scenery; curtains, metallic curtains, gauzes, nets; colors, brushes, palettes. cordage; special iron work; lighting; electrical apparatus, candelabra, colored screens, apparatus for imitating flame, smoke, lightning, fireworks; projections; spectres ; phosphorescence. Machinery; windlasses, drums, chests, traveling platforms, slides, trolleys, traps, counterweights, flies. Costumes; special materials, printing on different materials, armor; Jewelry; foot-gear; dancing shoes; wigs, beards, make-up; paints for making up. Properties for imitation of various phenomena, such as thunder, hail, wind, snow, gun-firing; card-board work of all kinds; furniture made in perspective. DEPARTMENT OF LIBERAL ARTS 13 Class 188. Class 189. Class 190. Class 191. Class 192. Class 193. Class 194. Class 195. Class 196. Class 197. Class 198. Class 199. Class 200. Class 201. Class 202. Class 203. Class 204. Class 205. Class 206. Class 207. Class 208. Class 209. Class 210, Class 211. Class 232. Class 213. Class 214. Class 215. GROUP 39 ELECTRICAL METHODS OF COMMUNICATION Telephone, telegraph and wireless instruments, dictographs, devices for the deaf, etc.; their apparatus and specific equipment. Fire alarm systems and equipment; police signals and patrol box systems and equipment; electric annunciators and other electric signal apparatus not classified. GROUP 40 CIVIL AND MILITARY ENGINEERING (Transferred to Mines and Metallurgy.) Methods of testing structural materials, and apparatus used therefor, (Transferred to Class 215.) Methods used in earth work, such as the construction of canals, railroads, levees, embankments, etc. Equipment and methods for the construction and maintenance of roads, streets, promenades and highways. Equipment for and methods used for preparing foundations; piles, pile-drivers, screw-piles, pneumatic apparatus, caissons, diving apparatus, wire trams, etc. Passenger elevators, pneumatic tubes, etc. Military defenses and accessories: engineering material employed in the operation of an army. (Transferred to Classes 197 and 532.) Equipment for and methods used in storing and distributing water. (See Class 759 for special methods in mining.) Equipment for and methods of city sanitation. GROUP 41 MODELS, PLANS AND DESIGNS FOR PUBLIC WORKS Roads and other public highways. Construction and maintenance of streets in cities. Inland navigation; improvement of rivers, construction of canals, lifts, ship railways, reservoirs, spillways and feeders ; dredges, pile drivers, current deflectors, scraping and water-jet devices sand-bars, etc.; pumping stations, mechanical towing and warping; equipment used for the development of river ports. Sea ports (general arrangements); piers, docks, jetties, basins; equipment for development (not including shipping). Bridges and viaducts; railway, road and foot bridges. Maritime canals. Protection against flooding by rivers or by sea; levees, dikes and sea walls. Railways as regards plan and profile of the line, and engineering works, subways, elevated lines, tunnels. Statistics, maps and publications relative to public works; transactions and other features pertaining to engineering societies. GROUP 42 ARCHITECTURE Drawings, models and photographs of completed buildings. Drawings, models and photographs of artistic architectural details. Designs for mosaics and for mosaic and leaded glass. GROUP 43 ARCHITECTURAL ENGINEERING Models and working plans of public and commercial buildings, large and small dwelling houses, flats, apartment houses, and other architectural structures. Models, detail drawings and specifications for foundations, walls, partitions, floors, roofs and stairways, wood and metal framing, etc. Designs and models of special contriTances for safety, comfort, and convenience in the operation of moving stairways, doors, windows, house signals, fire escapes, ventilators, etc. Working plans for the trades, mason, carpenter, etc., connected with building construction ; designs and models of bonds, arches, coping, vaulting, etc. ; plastering and construction of partitions. dams, locks, pile sinkers, for removing 14 DEPARTMENT OF LIBERAL ARTS GROUP 29. TYPOGRAPHY— VAillOUS PRINTING ; PROCESSIJS.,,, Acorn Brass Mfg. Co., The, Cbicago, HI. Thexton Envelop* Seal6rs. 1st Sti^j bet. Avs. C & D, Represented byH. S. O'rooker ■- Co., 565 Market St., San Francisco. Addressograph Co., The, Chicago, 111. Ad- ■ ^ dressing Machines. 1st St., bet. Avs. G & ' D. Represented by H. S. Crocker Co., "565" ' Market St., San Francisco. > i' American Automatic Press Co., 'New York, U".' ' Y., San Francisco, Cal. Mch. Pal., Av. A, cor. 3d St. New H,oag Auto. .Ptg. Press. .. American Multigraph Sales Co., The, Cleveland, O. Multigraph,«tc. Work'g exh. in Lv.St.Pal. Beck Duplicator Co., The, New York, N. Y. Duplicating Copy Machine. 1st St:, bet.' Avs. C & D. Represented by H. S. Crocker' Co., 565 Market St., San Francisco. Blair-Murdock Company, San Francisco, CaL* Printing plant. Mch. Pal., Av. A, cor. 4th St. Printers and Publishers ; Edition Printing and Binding; Illustrated Catalogs and Booklets; Advertising Literature prepared;. Printers of the Panama-Pacific International Exposition Official Guide Book. Brown Barotype Ct>., The, Chicago, 111. Compos- ing Machines., Mch.Pal., 5th St.,bet.Avs.A&B Columbia Graphophone Co., New York, N. Y. Dictaphones. Av.D, 4th arid 5th Sts. ' ' ^" ' Columbia. Graphophdpe Co., New York, N/Y. Dictaphones. Wkg. exh. Adm.offices of. Expo. Corona Typewriter Co., Groton, N. Y. F61d- ing Typewriters. 1st St., bet. Avs. C &' D'. Crocker Co., H. S., San Francisco, Cal. Col- i lective exhibit. 1st St., bet. Avs. C & D. Denny, Hilborn & Rosenbach, Philadelphia, Pa. Embossing Inks. Mch.Pal., 5th St, cor. Av.A Dick Co., The A. B., Chicago, 111. Mimeo- graphs. 1st St., bet. Avs. C &■ D. Edison- Dick Mimeographs and Supplies. Repre- sented by H. S. Crocker Co., 565 Market St., San Francisco. Egry Register Co., The, Dayton, O. Manifold- ing Registers. 2d St., bet. Avs. C & D. Funk & Wagnalls Company, New York, N. Y. Lithographic Work. 2d St., bet. Avs. C & D. Interesting exhibit showing the produc- tion of lithographic work step by step. Graphic Arts Co;, The, Philadelphia, Pa. Etch- ing Machine. Mch. Pal., 5th St., cor. Av. A. Hearst, W. R. New York, N. Y. Hearst publi- cations. Mch. Pal., 4th St., Avs. A and B. Hoe & Co., R., TS^yf York,N.Y» Printing Presses. Mch. Pal. In Hearst exhibit. Lanston Monotype Mach. Co., Phil., Pa. Type- setting machines. Mch.Pal., 5th St., cor^Av.B. ■ Levy, Jos. B., Philadelphia, Pa. Cameras. Mch. Pal., 5th St., cor. Av. A. Photo- Engravers, Process Cameras and Stands. Levy, Max, Philadelphia, Pa. Engraved Grat- ings. Mch. Pal., 5th St., cor. Av. A. Lisenoy Manufacturing Co., Fresno, Cal. Mul- ticolor Press. Mch. Pal., .5th St. and Av. B. Mayer & Company, Robert, New York, N. Y. Mch. Pal., 5th St., cor. Av. A. Lithograph- ing Inks; Bronzing Machines; Parks Litho- graphic Hand Presses ; Lithographic Ma- chinery. Geo. Russell Reed Co., San Fran- cisco, Distributors. Mergenthaler Linotype Co., New York, N. Y. ' Lrnotype Machines. Mch.Pal., 5th St.cor.Av.A Miiller, E. C, New York, N. Y. Engraving Tools, etc. Mch.Pal., 5th -St., cor. Av. A. Peerless Check Pro«tecting Co., Rochester, N.Y. . Peerless Check Writers. 1st St., bet. Avs.C'&D Reed 'Co., Geo. Russell, Sah Francisco, CaL Collective exh. Mch. Pal.,'^5th'St., cor. Av.A. Reed Co., Geo. Russell, San Francisco, Cal. Printers' Inks,etc. Mch. Pal. ,5th St.,cor.Av.A ^Se^tnihgton Typewriter Company, New York, ► f. jj;,.Y. Remington Typewriters. Working ex- 1,, hibitifr in all Administrative offices of the Exppsition. Remington Typewriter Company, New York, N.Y. l^ypewriters. Ay. C^ l.st and 2d Sts. Remington, Smith-Premier and Monarch Typewriters. Typewriters, Typewriter- Add- ing Machines and Supplies, manufactured and sold, by Remington Typewriter C'om- > .pany. Inc., comprising Remington, Smith- .. Premier and Monarch Typewriting Machines :^ and Remington Wahl Typewriter-Adding ' Machines. Royle & Sons, John, Paterson, N. J. Routing Machines, etc. Mch. Pal. ,5th St., cor. Av. A. f Schmidt Lithograph Co., San Francisco, Cal. "•Lithographic work. 1st St., bet. Avs. C & D. Schniedewend & Co., Paul, Chicago, 111 Print- ers' Equipment. Mch. Pal. ,5th St., cor. Av. A. Scott- Hiner Co., The, San Francisco, Cal. Art- ■' ist^arid Designers. 2d St., bet. Avs. C & D. Sheip Mfg. Co., Henry H., Philadelphia, Pa.; phprrv Wood Blocks. Mch.Pal.,5thSt.cor.AvA Sibley, E. L., Bennington, Vt. Challenge Eye- . .let Presses. 1st St., bet. Avs. C & D. Rep- -; resented by H. S. Crocker Co., 565 Market ■St., San Francisco. S^iireigard Ideal Co., Chicago, 111. Contact • Frames. Mch. Pal., 5th St., cor. Av. A. TaylDr-IIobson Corjipany, New York, N. Y. Photo-engraving Lenses. Mch. Pal., 5th St., c'orl Av.. A. Cooke Process Lenses. GROUP 30.. BOOKS AND PUBLICATIONS— BOOK-BINDING. American Roll Gold Leaf Co., Providence, R. I. Mch. Pal., 4th St., Avs. B & C. (Anderson & Son, C. F., Chicago, 111. Folding Machines. Mch.Pal., 4th St., Avs. B & C. Annals of Surgery, Philadelphia, Pa. Medical "Publications. Work'g exh. in Expo. Hospital. Appleton & Co., D., New York, N. Y. Medical Publications. Work'g exh. in Expo. Hospital. Brown Folding Machine Co., Erie, Pa. Mch. Pal., 4th St., Avs. B & C. Burton's Son, A. G., Chicago, 111. Numbering Machines, etc. Mch. Pal. ,4th St., Avs. B & C. Challenge Machine Co., Grand Haven, Mich. Paper Cutters. Mch. Pal., 4th St., Avs. B & C. Christian Science Publishing 'Society, The, Bos- ton, U. S. A. Publications. Ed. Pal., cor. 2d St. and Av. D. Exhibiting the works of Mary Baker Eddy. Publishers of "The Christian Science Journal," "The Christian Science Sentinel," "Der Herold der Chris- tian Science," "The Christian Science Mon- itor," and other publications pertaining to Christian Science. Chronicle Publishing Company, San Fran- cisco. Newspaper, Av. C, cor. 2nd Street. Drawings, Zinc Etchings, Stereotype Metal, and materials used in producing a news- paper. DEPARTMENT OF LIBERAL ARTS 15 dleveland Folding Machine Cd., Cleveland, O. Folding Machines. Mch. Pal. ,4th St.,Avs.B&C. Collier & Son, P. F., New York, N. Y. Publi- cations. Wkg. exh. in Lib. Arts Dept. Offices. Covina Pub. Co., Covina, Cal. Publications. Working exhibit in Lib. Arts Dept. offices. Elder & Co., Paul, San Francisco, Cal... Pub- lications and Bindings. Av. D, cor. 2d St. Publications by Paul Elder & Co.; Books on California ; Fine and Rare Books ; Leaf- lets, etc. ■ ' . Encyclopedia Britannica, The, New York, N. Y. Encyclopedias, etc. Ave D, Cor. 1st St. Funk & Wagnalls Co., New York, N. Y, Med. ref. library. Wkg. exh. in Expo. Hospital. Funk & Wagnalls Co., New York, N. Y. , The Literary Digest, 2nd St. bet. Avs. C & D. Publications, Periodicals; new books " and new editions of old books; drawings; New Standard Dictionary; Standard Dic- tionary Abridgments ; Works of Reference. Gane Bros. & Co., Chicago, 111. Embossing -Machines, Mch. Pal., 4th St., Avs. B & C. Grolier Society, The, New York, N. Y. En- cyclopedia. 1st St. bet. Avs. C & D. Hall Co., The Norman F., San Francisco, Cal. Coll. exhibit. Mch. Pal., 4th St., Avs. B&C. Hearst, W. R., New York, N. Y. Hearst Pub- lications, Mch. Pal., 4th St., Avs. A & B. Hickok Mfg. Co., The W. O., Harrisburg, Pa. Mch. Pal., 4th St., Avs. B&C. Ruling Machine and Feeder; Gilding Press; Fin- ishing Stand, Ruling Pens & Paper Ruling Machine. Hill Publishing Co., New York. Tech. Books. Mch. Pal., 1st St., bet. Avs. C & C2. Horton Mfg. Co., Minneapolis, Minn. Pulleys. Mch. Pal., 4th St., bet. Avs. B & C. Howell, John, San Francisco, Cal. Publica- tions and Bindings. 2d St. bet. Avs. C & D. ' 14th & 15th Century manuscripts on parch- ment illuminated ; Importer and Publisher, Old and Rare Books, Manuscripts, Auto- graph Letters. Jacques & Son, John, Worcester, Mass. Table Shears. Mch. Pal., 4th St., Avs. B & C. .Lang Mfg. Co., E. G., New York, N. Y. Index Tabs. Mch. Pal., 4th St., bet. AvS. B&C. Lippincott, J. B., Philadelphia, Pa. Med. Ref. Library, Wkg. exhibit in Expo. Hospital. Marriott, F., San Francisco, Cal. Publications. 6t.h St., bet:. Avs. C and D. ■ Master Mind Pub. Co., Los Angeles, Cal. Pub- lications. 2d St., bet. Avs, C & D. McGraw Publishing Co., New York. Tech. Books. Mch. Pal., 2nd St. & Av. C. Merriam Co., G. & C, Springfield, Mass. Web- ' ster Dictionaries & Pubs. 2d, bet. Avs. C&D. Methodist Book Concern, The, Cincinnati, O. Books, Periodicals, Charts, etc. Ave. C, cor. 1st St. The Abingdon Press, Pounded 1789, - Cinciiinati; NeW Books, New Editions of Old Books; Sunday School Periodicals. Pa- <'ific Coast Headquarters — Our own build- ing, 3-5-7 City Hall Av., San Francisco, Cal. Munder, Norman T. A. & Co., Baltimore, Md. ' Printing, Advertising Literature, Framed Pictures. 2nd St., bet. Avs. C&D. Muller, Chas. A., New York, N. Y. Glueing .Machine,. Mch. Pal., 4th St., Avs. B & G. Munder Co., Norman T. A., Baltimore, Md. Books & Fmd Pictures. 2d St., Avs. C & D. Pacific Press Publishing Association, Moun- tain View, Oal. Publications. Mch. Pal., 5th St., cor. Av. B. Bound books in various languages, complete and process of manu- facture. • Seventh-day Adventist Publica- tions, Books, Tracts and Periodicals in - various languages. Main Offices, Mountain View, Cal. Branches, Kansas City, Mo. ; Portland, Ore.; College View, Neb.; Cal- gary, Alta., Can. ; Review & Herald Pub. Assn. Main Office, Takoma Park, Washing- ton, D. C. Branches, 32 Union Square, New York City ; South Bend, Ind. ; Southern Pub. Assn. Main Office, Nashville, Tenn. Branches, Atlanta, Ga. ; Fort Worth, Texas. Plimpton Transfer Truck, Norwood, Mass. Tfr. .Trucks. Mch. Pal., 4th St., Avs. B&C. Rebman Co., New York, N. Y. Medical Publi- cations. Wkg. Exh.' in Expo. Hospital. Beed Co., Geo. Russell, San Francisco, Cal. Glue & Cement. Mch. Pal., 5th, cor. Av. A. Roberts & Co., H. L., New York, N. Y. Silk Stiching Mchns.. Mch. Pal., 4th, Avs. B&C. Rosback Co., The F. P., fienton Harbor, Mich. Book Mkg. Mchy. Mch. Pal., 4th, Avs. B&C. Saunders Co., w! B., Philadelphia, Pa. Medi- cal Books. Wkg. Exh. in Expo. Hospital. Scott-Hiner Co., The, San Francisco, Cal. Artists & Designers.' 2d St., bet. Avs. C&D. Seybold Machine Co., Dayton, O. Book-mak- ing Mchy. Mch. Pal., 4th St., Avs. B&C. Smyth Co., Jos. E., Chicago, 111. National Sewing Mach. Mch. Pal., 4th St., Avs. B&C. Standard Mchy. Co., The, Mystic, Conn. Book Making Mchy. Mch. Pal., 4th St., Avs. B&C. C Sunset Magazine, San Francisca, Cal. Publi- cations. 2nd St., bet. Avs. C&D. The Pacific Monthly, reflecting the life of the Pacific Slope. Its Service Bureau gives impartial information. Tatum Co., iSamuel .C., dincinnati, O. Book Making Mchy. Mch. Pal., 4th St., Avs. B&C. Technical Publishing Co., S. F. Tech. Books. Mch. Pal., Main West Entrance. Wood & Co., Wm., New York, N. Y. Medical Publications. Wkg. Exh. in Expo. Hospital. GROUP 31. MAPS AND APPARATUS FOR GEOGRAPHY, COSMOGRAPHY, TOPOGRAPHY. Cahill World Map Co., San Francisco. New Map of World. 2nd St., bet. Avs. C&D. GROUP 32. MANUFACTURE OF PAPER. Disston & Sons, Inc. Henry, Philadelphia, Pa. Paper cutters. Mfr. Pal., Av. C, cor. 6th St. Paraffine Paint Company, The, San Francisco, Cal. Roofing Papers. Min. Pal., 7th St., cor. Av. C. Plastic Caulking Cement; Wall Board; Building and Roofing Papers. GROUP 33. PHOTOGRAPHY. Ansco Company, Binghamton, N. Y. Photo Supplies. Av. D, bpp. ord St. Photographic Supplies and Apparatus. Booth, Mary A., Springfield, Mass. Photomi- crographs. Sprague-Hathaway booth. Eastman Kodak Company, Rochester, N. Y. Photography. Av. D,. cor. 5th St. Cameras ; Kodaks ; Color Photography ; Photographic ^ Films; Photographic Paper; Photographic Plates ; Photographic Supplies ; Photo- graphic Enlargements. 16 DEPARTMENT OF LIBERAL ARTS Hopkins, Kathryn, San Francisco, Cal. Pho- tographs. Av, D, opp. 1st St. Power Co., Nicholas, New York, N. Y. Motion Picture Machines, Ed. Pal., Av. D, at So, Ent. No. 10. Power Co., Nicholas, New York, N. Y. Moving Pictures. The Mine, Min. PaL Precision Machine Co., The, New York, N. Y. Ed. Pal., Av. A, cor, 5th St. Motion picture projector. Precision Machine Co., The, New York, N. Y. Motion Picture Machines. Ed. Pal., 5th St. & north wall of Palace & east end of Av. B, Robin, J. E., 317 East 34th St., New York. Cinematograph Engineering. Ed. Pal., 5th St. and North Wall of Palace. Simplex Photo Products Co., New York, N.Y. Photographic and Cinematographic Appara- tus and Materials. 1st St., bet. Avs. C & D. Sprague-Hathaway Co., W. Somerville, Mass. Portraiture. Av, D, bet. 1st and 2nd Sts. Vanoscope Co., Chicago, 111. Motion Picture Projectors. Av. D, opp. 2nd St. Worden, Willard E., San Francisco, Cal. Av, D, bet. 3rd & 4th Sts. Photographs. Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. Mch. Pal., 2nd & 4th Sts. Motor Generator Sets and Control of mov- ing picture machines. Displays of photo- graphs of Westinghouse Plants and Appa- ratus of all kinds. GROUP 34. INSTRUMENTS OF PRECISION, PHILO- SOPHICAL APPARATUS, ETC. COINS AND MEDALS. (Equipment Processes and Products.) Bausch & Lomb Optical Co., Rochester, N. Y. Optical Goods. 5th St., cor. Av. D. Brashear Company, John A., Pittsburgh, Pa. Lenses ; instruments. Av. C & 6th St. Bristol Co., The, Waterbury, Conn. Speed Recorders. Mch. Pal., 2nd St. & Av. D. Burroughs Adding Machine Co., Detroit, Mich. Adding Machines, Av. D & 6th St. Coin Machine Mfg. Co., Portland, Ore. Coin handling devices. 6th St., bet. Avs. C & D. Dalton Adding Machine Co., San Francisco, Cal. Calculating Machines. Av. D, cor 7th St. Adding machines; Adding typewriters. DeZeng-Standard Company, Camden, N. J. 7th St., bet. Avs, C & D. Makers of Optical Instruments. San Francisco Address, 146 Grant Street. Felt & Tarrant Mfg. Co., Chicago^ 111. Adding and Calculating Machines. Av. D, cor. 2nd St. _ Manufacturers of the Comptometer; adding and calculating machine. Felt & Tarrant Mfg. Co., Chicago, 111. "Comp. tometer." Wkg. exh. in And. Office, Expo. Gurley, W. & L. E., Troy, New York. Mea* sures. 7th St., bet. Avs. C & D. Branch Factory, Seattle, Wash.; Civil Engineers and Surveyors Instruments; Standard Weights and Measures; Guaranteed Accu- rate Thermometers. Industrial Instrument Co., The, Foxboro, Mass. Recdg. Instr. Mch. Pal., 3d & Av. C2. Keuffel & Esser Co., Hoboken, N. J. Scien- tific Instruments. 5th St., bet. Avs< C & D. Lletz Co., The A., San Francisco, Cal. Naut. & Surv. insts. Av. D, cor, 6th St. Marchant Calculating Machine Co., Inc., Oak> land, Cal. Av. D, cor. 7th St. San Fran- cisco Office, 34 Powell St. National Cash Register Co., Dayton, O. Na- tional Cash Registers. Av. C, 5th & 6th Sts. Shore Instrument & Mfg. Co., New York, N.Y. Pyroscopes. Mch. Pal., 5th, bet. Avs. B&C. Thordarson Elec. Mfg. Co., Chicago, 111. Lab. Apparatus. Mch. Pal., 1st & 2nd St. & Av.D. Toledo Scale Co., Toledo, Ohio. Scales. 5th St., bet. Avs. Cf & D. Weighing Machines; Automatic Springless; Computing; Heavy Capacity; Dormant; and Portable for fac- tory use; Person Weighing Machines; Par- cel Post; Laboratory Scales. United Autographic Register Co., Chicago, 111. Autographic Registers. 7th St., bet. Avs. C & D. Autographic Registers and Roll Pa- per; Typewriter Attachments and supplies. Warner & Swasey Co., Cleveland, Ohio. Tel- escope under Great Dome, Lib, Arts Pal. Warner & Swasey Co., Cleveland, Ohio. Scien- tific instruments. Av. C, cor. 6th St. Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. Trns. Pal., under Dome. Harmonic Analyzer; Portable and Preci- sion Instruments. GROUP 35. MEDICINE AND SURGERY. Aladdin Company, New York, N. Y. Therapeu- tic Appar. Mch. Pal., 1st St. & Av. D. American Sterilizer Co., Erie, Pa. Sterilizers, Disinfectors. Working Exhibit in Exposi* tion Hospital. Combination of electric heat- ed dressing water; utensil and instrument sterilizers. F. A. Hamilton, 1025 Hearst Building, San Francisco; Sun Drug Com- pany, Los Angeles, Sales Agents. Aunger Artificial Limb Co., San Francisco. Artificial Limbs. 3rd St., bet. Avs, C & D. Bausch & Lomb Optical Co., Rochester, N. Y, Hospital Equip, Wkg, exh. in Expo, Hos, Bristol Co,, The, Waterbury, Conn, Speed Pressure Recorders. Mch. Pal., 2d & Av. D. Campbell Electric Co., Lynn, Mass, X-Ray & high frequency appar, 3d, bet, Avs. C & D. Cames Artificial Limb Co., Kansas City, Mo. Artificial Arms. 3rd St., bet. Avs. C & D. Chicago Artificial Limb Co., San Francisco. Artificial Limbs, 3rd St., bet. Avs. C & D. Columbus Dental Manufacturing Co., The, Co« Inmbus, Ohio. Interchangeable, artificial teeth for crown and bridge work, Av, D, cor, 3rd St, Steele's Interchangeable Fac- ings; Steele's Interchangeable Posteriors; Bridge-Work Models; Steele's Rugapaks. Dentists Supply Company, New York, N. Y. Manufacturers. Av. D, cor. 3rd Street, Artificial teeth. DeZeng-Standard Company, Camden, N, J. 7th St., bet, Avs. C & D. Surgical Diagnostic Equipment; Electrically Lighted Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Diagnostic Instruments. San Francisco Office, 146 Grant avenue. Draeger Oxygen Apparatus Co., The, Pitts- burgh, Pa. Wkg, exh. in Expo. Hospital. Eastern Electric Co. of Cleveland, San Fran- cisco, Cal. 3d St., bet. Avs, and D. Gantner & Mattern Co., San Francisco. Ab« dominal Bands. V. I. Pal., 4th, cor. Av. E. Harvard Co., The, Canton, O. Dental Equip- ment. 3rd St., bet. Avs. C & D. Industrial Instrument Co., The, Foxboro, Mass. Blood Pressure Recorders. Mch. Pal., 3rd St. & Av. 02. DEPARTMENT OF LIBERAL ARTS 17 Johnson & Johnson, New Brunswick, N. J. Surg. Dressings and Appliances. C, cor, 3rd. Marcon Company, The, Brooklyn, N. Y. Shoe Supplies. 3rd St., bet. Avs. C & D. Arch Supports; Orthopedic Supplies. Marks Co., A. A., New York, N. Y. Artificial Limbs. 3rd St., bet. Avs. C & D. Invalid Rolling Chairs; Crutches, Marland, W. J. Oakland, Cal. Collective Exhibit. Mch. Pal., 1st St, & Av. D. Meinecke & Co,, New York, N. Y. Hospital Supplies. Working exh, in Expo. Hospital. Ohio Chemical & Mfg. Co., The, Cleveland, O. Working Exhibit in Expo. Hospital. Ohio Chemical & Mfg. Co., The, Cleveland, O. Anesthesia Equip. 10th St., bet. Avs, C'&D. Salem Glass Works, Salem, N. J. Hospital Supplies. Wkg. exh. in Expo. Hospital. Scheidel-Western X-Ray Coil Company, Chi- cago, Illinois. X-Ray Apparatus; Working exhibit in Exposition Hospital. Apparatus for producing the X-Ray for radiography, fluoroscopy & therapy, with all the work- ing Darts, supplies and accessory apparatus. Schrader's Son, Inc., A., Philadelphia, Pa. Druggists Supplies. Av. C, cor. 3rd St. Shelton Electric Co., New York. Elec. Vibrat- ors. Mch. Pal., 1st St, & Av. D. Stevens Inventions Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Health Inventions. 3rd St., bet. Avs, C & D. Breathing and Inhaling Outfits, Semi* Automatic Pumps, Sprays, Inhaling and other health outfits for physicians, office and prescription uses. Portable Internal Bath, two sizes, Taylor Instrument Cos., Rochester, New York. Working exh. in Expo. Hospital, "Tycos Sphygomanometer. ' ' Thordarson Elec. Mfg. Co., Chicago, 111. X- Ray Transformers. Mch. Pal., 1st & 2nd Sts. & Av. D. Troeger Mfg. Co., Geo. E., Chicago, 111, Arch Supports, 10th St,, bet. Avs. C & D,. Victor Electric Co., Chicago, 111. Hospital Equipment. A working exhibit in Exposi* tion Hospital showing: Victor Bone Sur- gery Engine ; Victor Combistat ; Victor Giant Magnet; Victor Electric Centrifuge; Victor Vibrator; Headlamps, etc.; Physi- cians' No. 2 Portable Faradic Battery, Nei- swanger's Magnifying Glass, Victor Elec- tric Centrifuge Dome Protector; their ex- tensive and complete line of X-Ray and Electro-Medical apparatus being on display at their San Francisco branch office, 150 Post Street, W. O. Eddy, B. S., being in charge. Visiting physicians invited. Westinghouse Electric & Mfg. Co., Pittshurgh, Pa. Mch. Pal., 4th St., bet. Avs. E & F, 2nd & 4th Sts., Avs. C & C2. Wizard Foot Appliance Co., St. Louis, Mo, 3rd St., bet. Avs. C & D. Devices for relief of foot troubles. GROUP 36. CHEMICAL AND PHARMACAL ARTS. Am. Druggists Synd., New York. Collective Chemical Drug Exh. Av. D, cor. 8th St. Anti-Uric Co., San Francisco. Patent Medi- cines. 8th & 9th Sts., bet. Avs. & D. Aseptic Products Co., Long Island City, N. Y. Chemical and pharmacal arts. Av. D, cor, 8th St. Barrett Mfg. Co., Frankford, Phil., Pa. In- secticides, etc. Min. Pal., 7th St., bet. C&D. Bennett Co., E. W., San Francisco, Cal. Metal Polish. Working Exh. in Expo. Hospital. Buffalo Specialty Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Liquid Veneer. Mfr, Pal., 5th St., cor, Av. B. Caire Co., Justinian, S. F. Lab. Equipment. Fd, Pr. Pal., 2nd & 3rd Sts. & Avs. C&D. California Perfume Co., New York, N. Y. Toi- let Requisites. 10th St., bet. Avs. C&D. Channell Chemical Co., Chicago, 111. 0-Cedar Products. 8th & 9th Sts. Conway, Jessie B., L. A., Cal. Plasters. 10th St., bet. Avs. C&D. Dr. Conway's M. D. Plasters, Cutter Laboratory, The, Berkeley, Cal. Bio- logical Prod. 8th & 9th Sts., bet. Avs. CAD. Denny-Hilbom & Rosenback, Philadelphia, Pa. Stamping Inks. Mch. Pal., 5th, cor. Av. A. Drucker Co., August E., San Francisco, Cal. Tooth Powder. 9th St., bet, Avs, C&D. Drucker' 8 Revelation Tooth Powder, Emerson Drug Oo,, Baltimore, Md. Bromo- Seltzer, Av. D, bet. 9th & 10th Sts. Fitch Co., The F. W., Boone, la. Toilet Prep- arations, Cor. Av. D & 9th St. Ciraton & Knight Mfg. Co., Worcester, Mass. Mch. Pal. Belt Cement & Dressing. Hoffman Co., The Geo. Wm., Indianapolis, Ind. Metal Polishes. 9th St., bet. Avs. C&D, Laughlin Fruit Refining Co., Los Angeles, Cal. Toilet Articles, "Citrus Cream," 9th & 10th, bet. Avs. C&D. Levey Co., Fred'k H., New York, N. Y. Ptg. Inks. Mch. Pal., 5th St., cor. Av. A. Mayer & Co., Robert, New York, N. Y. Litho- graphing Inks. Mch. Pal., 5th St., cor, Av.A. Orion Laboratories Co., Long Island City, N.7. CTiemical and pharmacal arts. Av. D, cor. 8th St. Pitman-Moore Company, Indianapolis, Ind. Bi- ological Products. Lv.St.Pal. Anti-Hog-Chol- era serum. Radium Therapy Corporation, New York, N.Y. Radio-Rem Outfits. Av. C, cor. 9th St. To produce Radio-active water of uniform strength, Schieffelin & Co., N. Y., Dis- tributors. Reed Company, Geo. Russell, San Francisco, Cal. Printers* Inks & Supplies. Mch. Pal., 5th St., cor. Av. A. Collective exhibit of Printers Inks; Photo Engravers Machinery — Supplies. Rieger & Co., Paul, San Francisco, Cal. Per- fumes, Extracts, etc. Av. C, 8th & 9th Sts. Roseeu Toilet Co., San Francisco, Cal. Toilet Specialties. 9th St., bet, Avs. C & D. Safe-T-Eross Mfg. Co., Long Island City, N. 7. Chemical and pharmacal arts. Av. D, cor. 8th St. Saks Stamping Co., Long Island City, N. 7. Chemical and pharmacal arts. Av. D, cor. 8th St. Sanitol Chemical Co., St, Louis, Mo. Sanitol Tooth Powder and Sanitol Toilet Prepara- tions. 8th & 9th Sts., bet. Avs. C&D. Solax Chemical Co,, Long Island City, N. 7. Chemical and pharmacal arts. Av. D, cor. 8th St. Solvay Process Co., The, Syracuse, N. Y. Alkali Products. Av. D, 8th & 9th Sts. Standard Oil Co. of New York, San Francisco, Cal. Candles. Min. Pal,, Av. C, bet. 6th & 7th Sts. Candles for Banquet, Coach, Domestic, Christmas, Church, Mining, Par- affine Wax for sealing. 18 DEPARTMENT OP LIBERAL ARTS Stern, Joe, Butte, Mont. Toilet Preparations. 9th St., bet. Avs. C & D. Sweetser, L. H., New York, N. Y. ; San Fran- cisco, Cal. Polish. 9th St., bet. Avs. C & D. Union Oil Company of California, San Fran- cisco, Cal. Asphalt Products. Min. Pal., 6th St. & Av. B.^ Asphalt for Printers' Ink. Vermilax Company, Inc., New York, N. Y. Doff Remedies. Av. D, cor. 8th St. Dog Remedies and accessories. Headquarters for Dog Fanciers. • Vogue Perfume C6., Long Island City, N. Y. Chemical and pharmacal arts. Av. D, cor. 8th St. Western Carbonic Oa& Co., Agnew, Cal, Car: bonic Gas. 8th & 9th Sts., bet. Avs.. C & D. West Disinfecting Co., New York*. N. Y. Disr infectants; Insecticides, Av. C, cor. 10th St. Willett, Walter M,, San Francisco, Cal, Cam- elline, etc. 8th & 9th. Sts., bet. Av^ C&D. GROUP 37. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. ••*«(■ American Electrelle, Philadelphia, Pa., & NlY. Musical Instrumefits. 5th St. &' Av," A. American Graptophone Co., New York, N. Y. Talking Machines. Av. D, bet. '4tli & 5th Sts. Grafonolas, Talking Machines, Graph- ophones. Records, Record Cabinets, Acces- sories. Austin Organ Company^ Hastford, Oojm. Pipf Organs. Large pipe organ, in Festival Hall, as working exhibit. Local representative, R. F. Tilton, 1.35 Kearny. St., San Frait cisco. . Autopiano Co., The, New Vork,. N. Y. Musical Instruments. 5th St. & Av. A. Autopurumatic Action Co., ^New York, N. Y. Musical Instruments. 5th St. & Av. A. Cary & Sons, E. H., Stockton, Cal. Drums & accessories. 4th- St., bet. Avs. C&D. Cheney Talking Machine Co., Chicago, 111. Tlkg. mchns. 4th & 5th Sts., bet. Avs. C&D. Chickering & Sons, Boston, Mass, Musical Instruments. 5th St. & Av. A. Columbia Graphophone Co., New York, N. Y. Talking machines. Av. D, 4th & 5th Sts. Grafonolas, Talking Machines, Grapho- phones. Records, Record Cabinets, Acces- sories. Conn, Inc., C. G., Elkhart, Ind. Band and Or- chestra Instruments. Av. C, cor, 4th St. Eilers Music House, Portland, Ore. Collective exhibit. .5th St. & Av. A, • Galleazzi, J,, San Francisco, Cal. Musical Reed Instruments. 4tH St., bet. Avs'. C & D. Kimball Cq., W. W., Chicago, 111. Musical Instruments. 5th St. & Av. A." ~ Kumalae, Jonah, Honolulu,H.I. Hawaiian Prod .4th St.. bet. Av§. C & D. Ukuleles, etc. Lahini, Alfred, San Jose, Cal. Violins. 5th St. & Av. A. Marshall & Wendell Piano Co., Rochester, N. Y. Musical Instruments. 5th St. & Av. A. Masteroll Perforating Co., San Francisco, Cal. Musical Instruments. 5th St. & Av. A. Organ Power Co., The, Hartford, Conn. Two 20-h. p. :^,-pressure 7-stage "Orgoblos" in- stalled on Austin Pipe Organ, Festival Hall. Palmer, James A., Boston, Mass. Musical Instruments. 5th St. & Av. A. Parker & Co., Chas., Meriden, Conn. Musical Instruments. 5th St. & Av. A. Peerless Piano Player Co., St. Johnsville, N.Y. Musical Instruments. 5th St. & Av. A. Vanoscope Co., Chicago, 111. Phonographs. Av. D, opp. 2nd St. Victor Talking Machine Company, Camden, • New Jersey, Talking Machines. Av. C, 4th & 5th Sts, M,anufacturers of the Victor, the Victrola and Victor Records. Concert morning and afternoon. Wurlitzer Co., The Rudolph, Cincinnati, O. Unit Orchestra. Min. Pal., Av. D & 7th St. GROUP 38, THEATRICAL APPLIANCES AND EQUIPMENT Gantner & Mattern Co,, San Francisco, Cal. Theatrical Tights. V. I. Pal., 4th, cor. Av.E. Hejrwobd Bros. & Wakefield Co,, N, Y. Opera Chairs. Working exhibit Festival Hall. Wisconsin Seating Co,, New London, Wis. Theatre Chairs. 10th St. at E. Ent. No. 7. ^i, GROUP 39. ■^•'ELECTRICAL METHODS OF COMMU- NICATION. Aero Fire Alarm Co., Seattle, Wash. Fire Alarm Equip., 10th St., at Entr. No. 7. American Telegraphone Co., Springfield, Mass. Telegraphone. 6th St., bet. Ays. C and D. American Telephone & Telegraph Co., N, Y, Av. ,C, 7th & 8th Sts. Central Telephone & Electric Co., St, Louis, Mo,, U, S, A. Manufacturers Electric Lan- terns & Telephones. De Forest Radio Tel. & Tel. Co., New York. Av. D, cor. 1st Street. Dictaphone, The, Columbia Graphophone Com- pany, New York, The ideal amanuensis. Direct method of dictation. Official Dicta- tion Machine Panama-Pacific International Exposition Company and is the only dicta- tion machine employed in dictating and transcribing the correspondence of the Ex- position. Edwards & Co., Inc., New York, N, Y, Fire Alarm Equip, Mfr, Pal., 8th St. & Av. C. General Acoustic Co., New York, N. Y. De- vices for deaf. Av. D and 8th St. Gem Ear Phone Co., New York, N. Y. De- vices for deaf. 6th St., bet. Avs. C&D. Globe Ear Phone Co., Boston Massachusetts, Aids for deaf. 7th St., bet. Avs. C&D. Church and Theatre Ear-Phones. Secret phones for Detective use. Announcing Phone Systems. Gray Telephone Pay Station Co., The, Hart- ford, Conn, Mfr, Pal., 8th St. & Av. C. Standard Underground Cable Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. Tel. Wires. Mch. Pal., 3rd St. & Av. D. Star Electric Co., Binghamton, N. Y. Fire Alarm and Police TeJ. Av. C, cor. 10th St. Seaman Co., W. S., Milwaukee, Wis, Tele- phone booths, Mfr. Pal., 8th St. & Av. G. Western Union Telegraph Co., New York. Telegraph. Av. C, cor. 7th St. GROUP 40. CIVIL AND MILITARY ENGINEERING. Austin-Western IV^achinery Co., Chicago, 111. ■ Road leaking machinery. Mch. Pal., 4th & 5th ^Sts., Avs. B & C. Canal and levee . making machinery. Railroad construction • machinery. Ore and rock crushing and • handling machinery. Street cleaning mach- inery. Bacon Co., Edw, R., San Francisco. Coll. Exh. Mch. Pal., 4th & 5th Sts., Avs. C & C2. DEPARTMENT OF LIBERAL ARTS 19 Baker Mfg. Co., Springfield, 111. Machinery. Mch. Pal., 4th & 5th Sts., Avs. C & C2. Barber Asphalt Paving Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Road Rollers. Mch. T»al., oth St. & Av. I. Bartlett & Snow Co., C. O., Cincinnati, O. Gar- bage & Refuse Disposal Plant. Wkg. exh. ' Exposition Grounds. Barrett Mfg. Company, New York, N. Y. Macadam roads. Min. Pal., 7th, bet. C & D. Buffalo Steam Roller Co., Buffalo, N^Y. Steam Road Rollers. Mch. Pal., Av. A, cor. 4th St. Buffalo Steam Roller Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Road Rollers. Wkg. exh. on Expo. Grounds. Carnegie Steel Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. Steel Sheet Piling and uses. Min. Pal., Av. D. Chain Belt Co., Milwaukee, Wis. Concrete Mixers. Mch. Pal., 4th St., bet. Avs. C & D. C.H.&E. Mfg. Co., luc, Milwaukee, Wis. Con- tractors' Equip. Mch. Pal., 5th, bet. H & I. City Street Improvement Co., San Francisco, Cal. Street Svireep.er. Wkg.exh.on Expo.Gnds. Concrete Appliance Co., Los Angeles, Cal. Con- crete Mixers. Mch. Pal., 5th St. & Av. I. Economy Engineering Co., Chicago, III. Man- ufacturers. Mch. Pal., Av. H, bet. 3rd & 4th Sts. Elevators, Portable, Standard and special designs. Erie Machine Shops, Erie, Pa. Mch. Pal., 4th St. & Av. C-2. Tandem Steam Rollers. Foote Mfg. Co., Nunda, N. Y. Mch. Pal., 4th Sc 5th Sts., bet. Avs. C & C-2. Road machinery and equipment. Gallon Iron Works & Mfg. Company, Gallon, O. Mch. Pal., 4th & 5th Sts., bet. Avs. C & C-2. Road machinery and equipment. Cor- rugated pipe. Graves-Spears Road Mchy. Co., Oakland, Cal. Coll. exh. Mch. Pal., Av. A, cor. 4th St. Harron, Rickard ^ McCone, San Francisco, Coll. Exh. Mch. Pal., 4th & 5th, Avs. G&H. Headley Good Roads Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Machinery. Mch. Pal., 4th St. & Av. D. Hvass & Co., Chas., New York. Road Oilers & Sweepers, Mch. Pal., 4th St. & Av. D. International Harvester Company of America, Chicago, U. S. A. Agr. Pal., 4th St., bet. Avs. B & C. Equipment and methods for the construction and maintenance of roads, streets, highways, etc. Iroquois Iron Works, Buffalo, N. Y. Road Rollers. Parrott and Company, San Fran- cisco, Cal., Representative. See ad on front cover of Machinery catalog. Jaeger Machine Co., The, Columbus, O. Mch, Pal., 4th & 5th Sts., bet. Avs. C & C-2. Road machinery and equipment. Kelly Springfield Road Roller Co. The, Spring- field, O. Mch. Pal., 4th St. & Av. D. Koehring Machine Co., Milwaukee, Wis. Man- ufacturers. Mch. Pal., 4th St., bet. Avs. F&G. Koehring Concrete Mixer. Koehring Paving Mixer. Koehring Hot Mixer. MacLeod Co., The, Cincinnati, O. Incinerators. Mch. Pal., 1st St. & Avs. H & I. Marland, W. J., Oakland, Cal. Collective Ex- hibit. Mch. Pal., 1st St. & Av. D. McKiernan-Terry Drill Co., New York, N. Y. Pile driving hammer. Min. Pal., Av. D. Meese & Gottfried Co., San Francisco, Cal. Coll. Exh. Mch. Pal., 2d & 3d, Avs. H & I. Merrltt Hydraulfc Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Sew age Pumping. Mch. Pal., 1st St. & Av, D. Municipal Engineering & Contracting Co., Chl^ . cago, .111. lload making machinery. Mch. Pal., 3r4 St., cor. Av. B. Ohio Road Machinery Co., The, Oberlia,^ O. Road mchy. Mch. Pal., Av. A, cor. 4th St. Olsen Testing Machine Co., Phil., Pa. Testing Mchy. & Ins. Mch. Pal., 3rd St. & Av. E, Otis Elevator Co., N. Y. Passenger elevators & equip. Mch. Pal.j 1st St. & Avs. F & G. Pacific Tank & Pipe Co., San Francisco, Cal. Min. Pal., 6th St., bet. Avs. A * B. Wood Caissons, Tanks, Pipe; Sewers for city sanitation. Parrott & Co., San Francisco, Cal. Collective Exhibit. Mch. Pal., 4th & 5th Sts. & Av. I. Patent Scaffolding Co., The, New York. Build- ing Scaffolds. Mch. Pal., 5th St. & Av. H. Pawling k Harnlschfeger Co., Milwaukee. Mch. Pal., 4th & 5th Sts, & Av. 02. Trac- tion tamper and equipment. Pittsburgh, Des Moin«s Steel Co., Pittsburgh, . Pa. Water Storage Tanks. Mch. Pal., 5th St. & Av. E. Power & Mining Machinery Co., Cudahy, Wi». Concrete Mixer. Mch. Pal., Av. A, cor. 4th. Russell Grader Manufacturing Company, Min- neapolis, Minn. Road Machinery, Mch, PaU, cor. Av. I & 4th St. Parrott & Co., San Francisco, Cal., Representatives. See ad on front cover of Machinery catalog. Schrader's Sons, Inc., A., Philadelphia, Pa. Submarine Armor and Diving Apparatus. Av, C, cor. 3rd St. Simonds Machinery Co., S. F., Cal. Collective Exhibit, Mch. Pal., 1st $s 2nd Sts. & Av. E. Smith Co., The T. L., Milwaukee, Wis, Con- c tractors' Equip. Mch. Pal., Av, I, bet. 4th & 5th Sts. Smith Mfg. Co., The A. P., East Orange, N. J. Water Wks, Equip, Mch. Pal., 2nd St. & Av. G2, Smith & Sons Mfg. Co., The, Kansas City, Mo. Road Bldg., Road Mchy. Mch. Pal., Av. A, cor. 4th St. Sterling Wheelbarrow Co., The, AlUs, Wis. Contractors' Material. Mch. Pal., Av. G, bet. 4th & 5th Sts. Sturtevant Mill Co., Boston, Mass. Contract- ors' Material. Mch. Pal., 5th, bet. Ava.F&G. Universal Crusher Co., Cedar Rapids, la. Con- tractors' Material. Mch. Pal., 4th & 5th Sts. U. S. Steel Corp'n & Subsidiary Co's,, New York, N. Y. Col. exh., Av. D, Min. Pal. Waterloo Cement Corpn., Waterloo, la. Con- tractors' Mchy. Mch. Pal., 4th St. & Av. D. Weber Subterranean Pump Co., N. Y. Sewage Pumps. Mch, Pal., cor. 1st St. & Av. 02. Western Pipe & Steel Co., San Francisco, Cal. Metal Culvert. Av, D, Min. Pal. Wood & Co., R. D., Philadelphia, Pa. Water Works Equipment. Mch. Pal., So. entrance. Young Machinery Co., A. L., San Francisco. Collective Exh. Mch. Pal., 4th St. & Av. D. GROUP 41. MODELS, PLANS AND DESIGNS FOR PUBLIC WORKS Armco Iron Culvert Manufacturers Associa- tion, Middletown, Ohio. Corrugated Armco Iron Culverts. Mch. Pal., 7th St., bet. Avs. C & D. Automatic Flood Gates. Pressure Head Gates. Baker Mfg. Co., Springfield, 111. Mch. Pal., 4th & 5th, bet. C & D. Street cleaning mchy. 20 DEPARTMENT OF LIBERAL ARTS Barrett Mfg. Co., New York. Brick, wood, block pavement. Min. Pal., 7th, bet. C & D. Modesto Chamber Of Commerce, Modesto, Cal. Av. D, bet. 6th & 7th Sts. Irrig. Dam. New York State, Eng.&Surv. of, Albany, N.Y. Models of locks, dams, etc. Bet. 6th & 7th Sts., Av. D & 5th St. Panama Canal Exhibition Co., The, Chicago, 111. Working exhibit in "Zone." U. S. Steel Corp'n & Subsidiary Co's., New York, N. Y. Coll. exh., Av. D, Min. Pal. GROUP 42. ARCHITECTURE. Cantin, Alexander A., San Francisco, Cal. Drawings. Court of Universe Blvd., cor. 7th. GROUP 43. ARCHITECTURAL ENGINEERING. Barrett Mfg. Co., New York, N. Y. Models for Roofs. Min. Pal., 7th St., bet. Avs. C & D. Broadway Park Place Co., New York, N. Y. Av. A, cor. Court of Universe Blvd. Eclipse Scaffolding Co., The, Omaha. Building Scaffolds. Mch. Pal., 5th St. n,ear Av. H. Henderson, W. D., San Francisco, Cal. Bldg. C'onstr. Court of Universe Blvd., Av. D & 7th St. Patent Scaffolding Co., The, New York. Build- ing Scaffolds. Mch. Pal., 5th St. & Av. H. Randall Elevator Door Control Co., San Fran- cisco, Cal. Mch. Pal., 3rd St., cor. Av. C. Pneumatic device for opening and closing elevator doors, and automatically locking elevator while door is open. United States Section Government Exhibit. Location: Northwest quarter of the Palace of Liberal Arts. Department of State. Department of the Treasury. Bureau of Public Health Service, Supervising Architect's Office. Department of War. Medical Corps. U. S. Military Academy (West Point). Department of the Navy. Bureau of Medicine and Surgery. U. S. Naval Academy (Annapolis). And other educational institutions. Department of the Interior. Office of Secretary National Parks. General Land Office. Office of Indian Affairs. Reclamation Service. Department of Commerce. Bureau of Census. Foreign and Domestic Commerce. Bureau of Standards. Coast and Geodetic Survey. Smithsonian Institution. National Museum. Civil Service Commission. The Panama Canal. The Commission of Fine Arts. American National Red Cross. Library of Congress. Motion Picture Exhibit. SWEDEN The exhibits of Sweden, classified in this De- partment, are installed in the Swedish Build- ing, Avenue of Nations. NETHERLANDS Location: Av. C, 5th & 6th Sts. GROUP 29 TYPOGRAPHY— VARIOUS PRINTING PROCESSES Ensschede & Zonen, Johan, Haarlem. Letter- types, printing material and art printing. GROUP 32 / MANUFACTURE OF PAPER Ensschede & Zonen, Johan, Haarlem. Money paper, stamps, etc. GROUP 35 MEDICINE AND SURGERY Koninklyke Fabriek van Verbandstoflfen, Voorheen Utermohlen & Co., Amsterdam. Bandages. Oostwoud, M. Rytuigfabriek, Franeker. Am- bulance service. Pool & Zonen, L., Amsterdam. Tooth clean- ing means. Instruments of dentistry. GROUP 36 CHEMICAL AND PHARMACAL ARTS Koninklyke Stearinekaarsen Fabriek "Gou- da," Gouda. Glycerine, stearine, etc. GROUP 40 CIVIL AND MILITARY ENGINEERING Van Beest, A. G., Rotterdam. Building ma- terials. Foreign Section NEW ZEALAND Location: Avs. C & D, 6th & 8th Sts. PALACE OF AGRICULTURE GROUP 33 PHOTOGRAPHY Hobday, B., Fielding. Landscape photographs. Schmidt, W. J., Auckland. Portraiture. Winkelmann, Henry, Auckland. Marine pho- tography. GROUP 37 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Williamson, J., Wellington. Violins. PORTUGAL Location: Southeast cor. Av. B-C & 7th St. GROUP 31 MAPS AND APPARATUS FOR GEOGRAPHY, COSMOGRAPHY AND TOPOGRAPHY Victoria Pereira, J. E. Cacella de, Lisbon. Chart of Portugal in relief. GROUP 33 PHOTOGRAPHY Alvao, Domingos, Oporto. Frames with photo- graphs. Guedes, Paulo Emilio, Lisbon. Photographs. Silva, J. Carlos, Lisbon. Frames with photo- graphs. GROUP 41 . MODELS, PLANS AND DESIGNS FOR PUBLIC WORKS Victoria Pereira, J. E. Cacella de, Lisbon. Topographic maps. Indoorr and Out o'doors Citrus Cream gives you that enviable clear- ness and radiant freshness of complexion which every one ad- mires — and desires! the ne^ cleansing cream made enfirelii of lemons* Visit the Citrus Cream Exhibit in the Liberal Arts Building (Comer nearest the Tower of Jewels) and witness the manufacture of this unique California product. QUIET REST ROOMS. LEMONADE SERVED. liliiililiilliijiiiiiiii Francisco in 1915 /i liliiiiiliiill n II! liiilini gjs^rs has been erected |kv^W^:i|^',; afc the prodvicts '|!j^h^ eiiergy. And in this jliiyiSi.-^een played hy 'M'ORa ' 1 '"■!•' i "'il^lsion of an>' city rests p(i>rs are inade practical t thev are and where j[|{liipating and meeting every iir^t'iB'^yiyt-^tor service. The;^^ji)^9^rf?i,i5is elevator's development, the the methods of :ation to our are pACtv4r^squply, revealed in the \\hii\imni\ iiiliery iliiiiir ^^e World nee, Be sure to iJiUf! liililiiiiiiii 11 m iiiililiili - .- oj-^AMED INDUSME5 iDfficial Catabgue^ExMbitor? PANAAA - PACIFIC INTERNAriC*JAL EXPOSITION SAN FRANCl I9I5 1 Vnce25^ t ''Save Your Back With a Cadillac'' FOUR MODELS OF Electric Vacuum Cleaners $25.00 Up CADILLAC RELIABLE LITTLE BEN BIG BEN AS WELL AS THE Cadillac Combination Vacuum and Carpet Sweepers Demonstrated in Our Booth, Sixth Street, between Avenues C and D, Section 21, in the Paiace of {Manufactures Cadillac Vacuum Cleaners are manufactured and guaranteed by CLRMENTS MFG. CO, CHICAGO, ILL. '; FOR SALE BY S. F. COMPRESSED AIR CLEANING CO. SUTTER AND STOCKTON STREETS., SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. F.C. KINGSTON & CO. ;;: :%'i' 719 WEST SEVENTH STREET, LOS ANGELES, CAL. PANAMA-PACIFIC INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITION SAN FKANTCISCO OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT July 10 1914*. To Whoa It May Concern:* This is to certify that the IBahlgreen Company, of ivhich Mr. G. A. WahlgreeTi is the President end Manager, has been given a con- tract by the Panama-Pacific International Exposition Company euthcrixing and requiring the Vtehlgreen Company to publish the official deily pro- grsiane, official catalogue, official hand-book, official guide and of- ficial maps of the Exposition. Copyright PANAMA-PACIFIC INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITION San Francisco, 1915 ^tiB^Any o# tm UNIVtf^SlTY Official Catalogue of Exhibitors Panama-Pacific International Exposition San Francisco, California, J9I5 CHARLES C. MOORE President Director-in-Chief FREDERICK J. V. SKIFF Division of Exhibits ASHER CARTER BAKER, Director Department E MANUFACTURES CHAS. H. GREEN Chief Preliminary Edition Published for the Division of Exhibits by The Walgreen Company, Official Publishers San Francisco, J9J5 PREFACE By Asher Carter Baker, Director of Exhibits A modern, universal exposition is an encyclopedia of man's words and works. It is a collection of the achievements and productivity of man for exam- ination by the International Jury of Awards, and constitutes a compact, classified, indexed compendium of man's activity in all phases, extending to the most material as well as to the most refined products. It is estimated that a million objects are exposed in the various displays installed within the palaces, in foreign, state and special pavilions. To properly classify, group and arrange alphabetically all the exhibits of an exposition of such international scope, is a task of such magnitude as to make it impossible to provide a complete catalogue of these exhibits on opening day of the Exposition. This edition of the official catalogue is therefore presented preliminary to the revised and complete catalogue which will be issued within a few weeks, and to the preparation of which, in realization of its extraordinary value as a document of general and commercial reference, special care is being given. The present volume, however, capably serves the purpose for which it is designed, as an early index of the infinite variety of interesting exhibits which are the concrete evidences of the industrial, educational and artistic advancement of the world. Acknowledgment is hereby offered of the excellent co-operation received in the compilation of this catalogue from the Commissioners-General of participating nations, officers of State Commissions, individual exhibitors, and more particularly, the various officers of the Division of Exhibits, and the Official Catalogue Com- pany, publishers of the catalogue. MANUFACTURES Official Catalogue Department E CLASSIFICATION OF EXHIBITS Stationery, Desk Accessories, Artists' Materials. Cutlery. Silversmiths' and Goldsmiths' Ware. Jewelry. Clock and Watch Making. Objects Exhibited More for Their Ornamental Design Than for Their UtiHty. Ornamental Productions in Marble, Bronze, Cast Iron and Wrought Iron. Leaded, Stained and Mosaic Glass. Brushes, Fine Leather Articles, Fancy Articles and Basket Work. Articles for Traveling and for Camping, India Rubber and Gutta Percha Industries. Hunting Equipment and Products of Hunting. Fishing Equipment and Products. Toys. Permanent Decoration and Fixed Furniture for Buildings and Dwellings. Office and Household Furniture and Utilities. Mortuary Monuments and Undertakers' Furnishings. Hardware and Woodenware. Electro-Thermal Apparatus. Insulating Materials for Electricity. Paper Hanging. Carpets, Tapestries and Fabrics for Upholstery. Upholsterers' Decorations. Ceramics. Plumbing and Sanitary Materials. Glass and Crystal. Apparatus and Processes for Heating and Ventilation. Manufacture, Distribution and Uses of Gas for Light and Fuel. Apparatus and Methods for Lighting, Not Otherwise Classified. Textile Materials, Spinning and Rope Making. Equipment and Processes Used in the Manu- facture of Textile Fabrics. Equipment and Processes Used in Bleaching, Dyeing, Printing and Finishing Textiles in Their Various Stages. Equipment and Processes Used in Sewing and Making Wearing Apparel. Threads and Fabrics of Cotton. Threads and Fabrics of Flax, Hemp, Etc.; Cordage. Yarns and Fabrics of Animal Fibers. Silk and Fabrics of Silk. Laces, Embroidery and Trimmings. Industries Producino^ Wearing Appa-el for Men, Women and Children. Furs and Skins, Fur Clothing ; I eather, Boots and Shoes. Various Industries Connected with Clothing. Safety Appliances. -m- rL COURT OF A^UNDANCE I 1 ao 1 1 I 1 1 26 1 1 I II- 10 9 ~ ■ 26 I IWXM I I, SOUTH ENTRANCE 30UTH O^TRANCC AVENUE OF PALMS FLOOR PLAN PALACE OF IVIANUFACTURES PANAMA-PACinc INTERNATIONAL EXPOSmON OPENS FEBRUAPy zo 5AN FRANC15CO U.SJ\.I915. closes ok:e«mi.« INTRODUCTION Department of Manufactures by CHARLES H. GREEN, CHIEF. The civilization of a nation is reflected by its manufactures. Science and in- dustry, applied to natural resources, contribute to the development of mankind by lessening his burdens, allowing leisure for cultural pursuits with accumulative bene- fits affecting each succeeding generation. The primary wealth of a nation lies in its natural resources. The increase of wealth through the transformation of raw material into finished articles of com- merce in the United States alone in 1913 amounted to more than $10,500,000,- 000. A further idea of the importance of manufacture is gained when the fact is recited that some 275,000 manufacturing concerns are interested in the display made at the Panama-Pacific International Exposition; that 6,000,000 wage- earners are on the payrolls of these establishments; and that approximately 100,- 000,000 consumers look to these industries for their supplies. The importance which manufacture assumes in the world's affairs is expressed in the number of exhibit palaces devoted to this use in the Panama-Pacific International Exposition. The Palace of Manufactures and the Palace of Varied Industries, containing the exhibits of the Department of Manufactures, adjoin the Tower of Jewels on the east, and facing the Avenue of Palms, form a quarter of the main group of Exhibit Palaces, the facade of each palace being of different design, to har- monize with the Court effect connecting the various palaces. The interior construction is especially designed with regard to the require- ments of exhibitors in the display of their products. The aisle plan is that of city blocks, all avenues running east and west ; streets north and south. The specific lines of trade represented in this mammoth display are manifold, covering hundreds of industries, including not only the goods one would find in the principal retail shops of a large city, but also everything that goes into the interior finish and decoration of public and private dwellings, including the plumb- ing, heating and ventilating, lighting, art wares, and certain forms of machinery. The following classification, each item carrying numerous subdivisions, rep- resents the general scope of products embraced in the Department of Manufactures and Varied Industries : Stationery, Desk Accessories, Artists' Materials. Cutlery, Silversmiths* and Goldsmiths' Ware. Jewelry, Clock and Watch Making. Objects of Ornamental Design. Glass. Brushes, Fine Leather Articles, Fancy Articles and Basket Work. Traveling and Camping Articles. India Rubber and Gutta Percha Industries. Hunting Equipment and Products of Hunting. Fishing Equipment and Products. Toys. Permanent Decoration and Fixed Furniture, Office and Household Fur- niture and Utilities. Mortuary Monuments and Undertakers' Furnishings. Hard- ware and Woodenware. Electro-Thermal Apparatus. Insulating Materials for Electricity. Paper Hanging. Carpets, Tapestries and Fabrics for Upholstery. Upholsterers' Decorations. Ceramics. Plumbing and Sanitary Materials. Glass and Crystal. Heating and Ventilating Apparatus and Processes. Gas in Various Phases. Lighting Methods and Apparatus. Textile Materials, Spinning and Rope Making. Equipment and Processes in Textile Manufacturing. Equipment and Processes for Finishing Textiles. Sewing Equipment and Processes. Threads and Cotton Fabrics. Threads and Fabrics of Flax, Hemp, etc. Cordage, Yarns and Fabrics of Animal Fibres. Silk and Silk Fabrics. Laces, Embroidery, Trim- mings. Industries Producing Wearing Apparel. Furs and Skins, Fur Clothing. Leather, Boots and Shoes. Various Industries Connected with Clothing. Safety Appliances. In the Palace of Manufactures proper, where the idea of utility controls, there are two great divisions; one inclusive of heating, hardware, glass, lighting and merchandise in woods and metals; in the other, clothing, textiles, etc. In the Palace of Varied Industries, where ornamentation of the beautiful controls, are installed the articles which add to use, such as the contents of the House Beautiful. Of the total vast area embraced within the spacious confines of these great structures, 55 per cent of the floor space is given over to the exhibition of the products of American manufacturers, and 45 per cent to those of the foreign na- tions. The United States exhibits are arranged in industrial groups, while the foreign displays are classified according to nationality. HOW TO LOCATE AN EXHIBIT The Palace of Manufactures is laid out in blocks, which are consecutively numbered from 1 to 33, inclusive, as shown on the floor plan. The aisles are designated as streets (First to Eighth) running north to south, and as avenues (A to D), from east to west. To locate an exhibitor refer to the name, alphabetically arranged under the exhibit group to which each belongs in the official classi- fication, and note the aisles location following each name. Street and Avenue signs are erected at their intersection on the corners of all blocks. All Exhibits entered in this Catalogue are located in the Palace of Manufactures, unless otherwise indicated after the entry. The following are abbreviations used in this Catalogue to designate other Ebchibit Palaces : Fine Arts Palace Fn. A. Pal. Education Palace Ed. Pal. Liberal Arts Palace Lb. A. Pal. Manufactures Palace Mfr. Pal. Varied Industries Palace V. I. Pal. Machinery Palace Mch. Pal. Transportation Palace Trns. Pal. Agriculture Palace .Agr. Pal. Food Products Palace Fd. Pr. Pal. Live Stock Palace Lv. St. Pal. Horticulture Palace ...Hor. Pal. Mines and Metallurgy Palace Min. Pal. DEPARTMENT OF MANUFACTURES Official Classification of Exhibits DEPARTMENT E GROUP 44 STATIONERY, DESK ACCESSORIES, ARTISTS' MATERIALS Class UIO. Equipment for and processes used in making or preparing stationery, account books, copy books, envelopes, bags, wrappers. Class 217, Made-up paper and card- board; ruled, bordered or ornamented paper, note paper, envelopes, pockets, bags ; school copy books, memorandum books, note books, letter-copying books, account books, book covers; menu cards, playing cards, paper boxes, cases ; packages of cigarette papers, etc. Class 218. Desk furnishings, inks, pens, pencils, penholders, crayon holders, wax and wafers, paper weights, ink stands, letter presses, etc. Class 219. Artists' materials for painting, architecture, sculpture, pyrography, and draw- ing; canvases, panels, crayons, brushes, hair pencils; mathematical instruments for architects, etchers, engravers, burners, sculptors; tracing papers and cloths; parchments ; colors, varnishes, charcoals, pastels, stumps, lay figures, easels ; color boxes and other artists' material not named above. GROUP 45 CUTLERY Class 220. Special equipment for the manufacture, grinding and polishing of cutlery. Class 221. Table cutlery, pocket knives, knives with fixed blades. Class 222, Cutlery for gardens, and for various trades. Class 223. Scissors and work-box accessories. Class 224. .Razors of all kinds. Class 225. Fine cutlery in polished steel. Class 226. Small silversmiths' ware. Class 227. Side arms of all kinds. GROUP 46 SILVERSMITHS' AND GOLDSMITHS' WARE (Appliances, Processes and Products.) Class 228. Special equipment for manufacture, hand tools; outfits for casting machinery (lathes, scales, etc.) ; outfits for electro-plating, etc. Methods of work. Class 229. Goldsmiths' and silversmiths' work for religious or common uses in gold, silver, bronze or other metal; plated ware; articles gilt or silver-plated by any process. Class 2.30. Enameled work:, goldsmiths' enamel; enamels painted upon metal. GROUP 47 JEWELRY (Equipment, Processes and Products.) Class 231. Special equipment. Methods of work. Class 232. Fine jewelry; gold and silver jewelry; jewelry in platinum, aluminum, etc; jewelry set with precious stones; jewelry in debased gold for exportation. Class 233. Lapidary work; diamond cutting, cutting of gems; engraving of fine stones; engraving of hard cameos and of shells. Class 234. Imitation lapidary work. Imitation of precious stones, pearls, etc. Class 235. Gilt jewelry; imitation jewelry in copper and other metals; steel jewelry; mourn- ing jewelry in jet and glass; jewelry in coral, amber, mother-of-pearl, etc. GROUP 48 CLOCK AND WATCH MAKING (Equipment, Processes and Products.) Class 236. Special equipment for manufacturing clocks and watches; hand tools; machine tools (lathes and other tools) ; measuring instruments. Class 237. Preparation of various metals used by watch and clock makers; separate parts of watch and clock work; springs; watch cases in precious or common materials; holes and fittings in rubies or in other jewels; enameled or other dials, etc. Class 238. Clocks for churches and public buildings, time recorders. Class 239. Astronomical clocks. Marine chronometers. Glass 240. Clocks moved by electricity, air or water. Class 241. Ornamental clocks and timekeepers ; regulators ; alarm clocks. Class 242. Watches, pocket chronometers; watchmen's time registers. Class 243. Metronomes, various recording instruments. Clepsydras and hour glasses. Class 244. Chimes connected with clock work. 12 DEPARTMENT OF MANUFACTUBERS Glass 245. Class 24U. Class U47. Class 248 Class 249. Class 250. Class 251. Class 252. Class 253. Oass 254. Class 255. Class 256. Class 257. GROUP 49 OBJECTS EXHIBITED MORE FOR THEIR ORNAMENTAL DESIGN THAN FOR THEIR UTILITY Special designs and patterns in glass. {special designs in earthenware, pottery or porcelain. Special designs in metal. _ Special designs in leather. Special designs in wood. Special designs in textiles. GROUP 50 ORNAMENTAL PRODUCTIONS IN MARBLE, BRONZE, CAST IRON AND WROUGHT IRON (Equipment, Processes and Products.) Special equipment for the manufacture of ornamental metal objects; types of loundries; patterns ana moulas. Outfit for and specimens of repousse work; processes for mechanical reduction. Reproductions of works of art in marble, stone, plaster, terra cotta, wax, etc. Urnamentaliy stampea and damascened metals. GROUP 51 LEADED, STAIJSED AND MOSAIC GLASS Glass for churches, public buildings and private dwellings. Speciments of various kinds of glass useu lor uecorative winaows. Special enamels. GROUP 52 ■ BRUSHES, FINE LEATHER ARTICLES, FANCY ARTICLES AND BASKET WORK (Equipment, Processes and Products.) Equipment and methous used in the manufacture of brushes, fine leather articles, lancy articles and basket work. Brushes; toilet brushes designated as fine brushes; brushes for household, harness and stable use, etc., designated as coarse brushes ; brushes for house painting, aesignated as paint brushes; leather brushes; brooms; lioor brushes. Fine leather gooas ; scaooards, portmonnaies, poi'tfolios, toilet cases, note book covers, cigar cases, small objects and fancy articles in skins; clasps for port- monnaies and handbags. " Fancy articles; work boxes and small fancy furniture; liquor cases, glove boxes, jewel cases; turneu articles, engine turned, carved, engraved in ivory, tortoise shell, mother-oi-pearl, etc., pipes and smokers' articles, snulf boxes; toilet and other combs in ivory, tortoise shell, horn, celluloid, boxwood, etc. ; various articles in lacquer work, small bronzes. Class 258. Basket work; basket and hampers for common use; fancy baskets for confec- tioners, tor household use, traveling, etc. GROUP 53 ARTICLES FOR TRAVELING AND FOR CAMPING. INDIA RUBBER AND GUTTA PERCHA INDUSTRIES Trunks, valises, bags, satchels, baskets, dressing and traveling cases ; packing cases and boxes; shawl straps, etc. Locks and other fittings for trunks, valises, etc. Cushions. Alpenstocks, grapnels, parasols. Various requisites for travelers. Portable equipment specially prepared for traveling and for scientific expeditious ; outfits lor geologists, mineralogists, naturalists, colonists, pioneers, explorers, etc. Tents and accessories. Beds, hammocks, seats, folding chairs, and other camp furniture and equipment. Portable houses. Tents and furniture of military types. Equipment and methods used in the manufacture of India rubber and gutta percha goods. Commercial products of the India rubber and gutta percha industry. Water- proof clothing and boots and shoes. Rubber tloor covering. Substitutes for rubber. GROUP 54 HUNTING EQUIPMENT AND PRODUCTS OF HUNTING Sportsmen's and trappers' arms and accessories; sportsmen's ammunition. Hunting equipment; appliances for training dogs. Material, dress and equipment for games and sports. Sporting goods and supplies ; tracks paraphernalia. Skins and furs in the rough; skins prepared for the furrier. Taxidermists' work. Horn, ivory, bone, tortoise shell. GROUP 55 FISHING EQUIPMENT AND PRODUCTS Floating appliances used in fishing. Nets, tackle, boats; devices and implements for sea fishing. Nets, traps and appliances for fresh water fishing. Anglers' apparel, rods, reels and lines. Machines and equipment for making nets. Class 259. Class 260. Class 261. Class 262. Class 263. Class 264. Class 265. Class 266. Class 267. Class. 268. Class 269. Class 270. Class 271 Class 272, Class 273. Sea and fresh water pearls; pearl shells and mother-of-pearl; sponges; corals. AND VARIED INDUSTRIES 13 GROUP 56 TOYS Class 274. Equipment and processes used in the manufacture of toys. Class 275. Playthings: dolls, talking dolls and accessories, playthings in metal, dolls' dinner and tea services, children's watches, mechanical toys, arms and equipment for children, musical instruments, dolls' furniture, horses, animals, carts, toys in India rubber and in gold beaters' skin, scientific and educational toys. Games, Children's books. GROUP 57 PERMANENT DECORATION AND FIXED FURNITURE FOR BUILDINGS AND DWELLINGS Class 276. Plans, drawings and models of interior decorations. Class 277. Carpentry; models of frame work, roof work, vaults, domes, wooden partitions, etc, Class 278. Ornamental joiner work ; doors, windows, panels, inlaid floors, organ cases, choir stalls, etc. Class 279. Permanent decorations in marble, stone, plaster, papier-mach6, carton pierre, etc. Class 280. Ornamental carvings and pyrographics. Class 281. Iron work and locksmiths' work applied to decoration; grill work and doors in cast or wrought iron; doors and balustrades in bronze; roof decoration in lead, copper, zinc; dormers, spires, finials, vanes; crest and ridge work. Decorative paintings on stone, wood, metal, canvas or other surfaces. Signs of Class 282. Class 283. all varieties, Mosaic decorations in stone and vaulted surfaces. or marble for flooring; enameled mosaic for walls Class 284. Various applications of ceramics to the permanent decoration of public buildings and dwellings. (See also Ceramics.) GROUP 58 OFFICE AND HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AND UTILITIES Class 285. Sideboards, bookcases, tables, stands, beds, mirrors, desks, files, filing systems, cabinets, wardrobes, chiffoniers, chairs, settees, couches and lounges, billiard tables, etc. ; vacuum cleaners, carpet sweepers, washing machines, etc. GROUP 59 MORTUARY MONUMENTS AND UNDERTAKERS' FURNISHINGS Class 286. Marble, stone and metal monuments : mausoleums and fittings. Class 287. Coffins, caskets and undertakers' furnishing goods. GROUP 60 HARDWARE AND WOODENWARE Class 288. Special tools (not included in the class of machine tools) used by smiths, farriers, bolt makers, screw cutters, wire drawers, nail makers, buckle makers, chain makers, copper-smiths, tin-smiths, edge tool makers, iron founders, ironmongers, locksmiths, model makers, etc. Class 289. Hardware not otherwise provided for, made of plates, forgings, or castings. Fittings, cocks, taps, etc. Bells; buckles; machine-made bronzes; shoes for horses and for other animals; flatirons, etc. Class 290. Bolts, nuts and screws for wood or metal. Class 291. Products of nail makine and wire drawing; nails, brads, tacks, staples; wire ropes, barbed wire, wire fencing, wire cloth, and wire gauze; wire springs; rings and hooks. Class 292. Chain making products and kindred industries. Class 293. Metal plates, flanged, stamped, decorated, perforated, etc., builders' work in sheet metals. Class 294. Enameled plates and castings for buildings, household and general use. Class 295. Hollow ware (cast or pressed) plain, polished, japanned, enameled, granitized or porcelain lined. Metal household utensils. Class 296. Articles from the re-mannfacture of sheet metals, produced by cutting, drawing, stamping, spinning; including caps, ferrules, small boxes, cans, metal vessels, lamp shades, etc. Class 297. Woodworking hand tools; axes, adzes, hatches, chisels, planes, boring tools, saws, hammers, etc. Class 298. Builders' and upholsterers' hardware: fittings and fastenings for doors, windows, etc. ; casters, clamps, brackets, pulls, etc. Class 299. Safes, safety vaults and accessories ; safe locks. Class 300. Metal work feast, wrought, or wire) for stair railings, balusters, gratings, bal- conies, grill work, etc. Class 301. Metal work (plated, enameled, etc.) for bed-steads, gas and electric light fixtures, store fixtures, cash carriers, etc. Class 302. Summer houses and pavilions in metal; lawn bird cages, aviaries, awnings, awning fittings, verandas. Class 303. Metal shutters for windows, doors ; screens and Venetian blinds. 14 DEPARTMENT OF MANUFACTURERS Class 304. Various products of exact rolling or of beating of gold, silver and tin; metallic foils. Class 305. Various hardware products of gilding, silver-plating, copper-plating, bronzing, gal- vanizing, nickel-plating, electro-plating. Class 306. Woodenware for household use. Miscellaneous manufactured articles of wood not otherwise classified. Baskets and boxes of split wood. Class 307. Class 308. Class 309. Class 310. Class 311. Class 312. Class 313. Class 314. Class 315. Class 316. Class 317. Class 318. Class 319. Class 320. Class 321. Class 322. Class 323. Class 324. Class 325. Class 326. Class 327. Class 328; Class 329. Class 330. GROUP 61 ELECTRO-THEBMAIi APPARATUS Electric cooking devices, clothes pressing irons, air heaters, etc. GROUP 62 INSULATING MATERIALS FOR ELECTRICITY Insulating materials of mica, glass, rubber, porcelain and other substances ; insulat- ing compounds and fabrics. (For devices made of insulating materials see Class 510.) GROUP 63 PAPER HANGING (Raw Materials, Equipment, Processes and Products.) Special raw materials used in the manufacture of wall i>aper. Machinery for printing wall paper and fancy papers. Machines for engraving printing rollers. Flat wood blocks or copper plates, engraved by hand. Draw- ing pens. Machines for varnishing, glazing, calendering, embossing, gilding, flocking, rolling and cutting. Special brushes and cloths used in the laying of wall paper. Stained papers, printed papers. Flocked, marbled, veined, gilt, enameled and glazed paper. Imitations of wood, leather and tapestry. CARPETS, GROUP 64 TAPESTRIES AND FABRICS FOB UPHOLSTERY (Materials, Equipment, Methods and Products.) Special machinery for the manufacture of carpets and tapestry; high warp looms, low warp looms, bobbin-winders, etc. Carpets, moquette, tapestry, brussels, or velvet. Felt carpets, mats, etc. Furniture and wall covering materials in silk, wool, cotton, linen, jute, ramie, grass, plain, mixed, brocaded, printed, embroidered. Horse-hair cloths, vege- table leather, moleskin, etc. Tjcather for hangings and for covering furniture. Oil cloths, linoleums and similar floor coverings. GROUP 65 UPHOLSTERERS' DECORATIONS Decoration for public and private festivals, for religious services, etc. Buntings, flags. Bed furnishings; upholstered chairs; canopies, curtains, window shades and fit- tings ; hangings of cloth or tapestry ; frames, etc. •GROUP 66 CERAMICS (Raw Materials, Equipment, Processes and Products.) Raw materials, particularly chemical products used in ceramic industries. Equipment and methods used in the manufacture of earthenware; machines for turning, pressing and moulding earthenware; furnaces, kilns, muffles, and baking apparatus for earthenware; appliances for preparing and grinding enamels. Various porcelains. Bisque of porcelain and of earthenware. Earthenware of white or colored body, with transparent or tin glazes. Faience. Earthenware and terra cotta for agricultural purposes. Stoneware, plain and decorated. Tiles, plain, encaustic and decorated; mosaics, tiles and bricks for floors. (See also Group 153.) Fire-proof materials. (See also Group 153.) Statuettes, groups and ornaments in terra cotta. Enamels applied to ceramics. Borders for fireplaces and mantels. GROUP 67 PLUMBING AND SANITARY MATERIALS Sanitary earthenware; bathing apparatus and attachments, lavatory fittings, laundry tubs, basins, cocks, draws, etc.; sewerage apparatus, plumbers' appliances. AND VARIED INDUSTRIES 15 GROUP 68 GLASS AND CRYSTAL (Raw Materials, Equipment, Processes and Products.) Class 331. Raw materials and particularly chemical products used in the manufacture of glass. Class 332. Equipment and processes used in the manufacture of glass and crystal; equip- ment for the preparation of raw materials; furnaces; blowing apparatus ; moulds ; lathes for engraving and shaping; apparatus for cutting and for casting, etc. Class 333. Window glass, white or colored, fluted, curved, enameled, etc. Glass for photog- raphy. Class 334. Plate glass, rough or polished. Silvered glass. Glass for pavements. Mirrors for projections. Glass with surface in relief. Class 335. Table glass; glass crystal, white or colored, cut or engraved; glassware and glass apparatus for scientific uses. Class 336. Ornamental glass. Fused quartz products. Class 337. Bottles. Class 338. Enamels; their application to glass. Class 339. Mosaics of glass. (Architectural mosaics excepted.) Class .340. Imitation of precious stones. Class 341. Watch glasses. Class 342. Glass used for optical purposes ; spectacle glass. Lens grinding machinery. GROUP 69 APPARATUS AND PROCESSES FOR HEATING AND VENTILATION Class 343. Plans and models showing methods of heating buildings, including public build- ings, factories, dwelling houses. Plans and models for sanitation and ventila- tion of kitchens and small living, rooms. Class 344. Methods of conveying and distributing steam, hot water and hot air, used sepa- rately or in combination. Class 345. Plans, methods and equipment for natural ventilation; ventilation by exhaustion; updraft ventilators: ventilators operated by wind or by difference of temperature; ventilation by mechanical means and their combination. Class 346. Stoves, furnaces and boilers, peculiar to the various systems of hot air, hot water and steam heating. Heating stoves using wood, coal, gas or other fuel. Fit- tings for sam«. Class 347. Radiators of heat used in connection with heating systems. Class 348. Kitchen ranges and fittings, steam cooking ranges, hot water boilers, combined cooking and heatine stoves, special forms of cooking stoves and apparatus. Ranges ar»d other kitchen equipment for preparing food in large quantities. Cooking utensils. Class 349. Accessories to heating and ventilation. Measuring and registering apparatus; ordinary and self-registering thermometers, pyrometers, anemometers; regulators of temperature, of draft, of pressure; automatic drip cocks and air cocks, cocks especially fitted for heating apparatus, electric thermostats. Class .350. Chimney fittings. Dampers for chimneys, flue stoppers, special sheet iron chimney pots. Openings for hot air and ventilation; gratings and plates. Class 351. Stoves and chimneys in earthenware. Fireplace and chimney pottery. Earthen- ware and refractory materials for heaters, stoves and chimneys. Class 352. Hearth furnishings; fire lighters; ash sifters; utensils for cleaning and repairing heaters and stoves; other accessories. GROUP 70 MANUFACTURE, DISTRIBUTION AND USES OF GAS FOR LIGHT AND FUEL C^ass 353. Manufacture of gas: processes and apparatus for manufacturing gas from coal; processes and appar^tiiR for manufacturing water gas; processes and apparatus for manufacturing oil gas; apparatus and materials for the physical and chemical cleansing of gas; apparatus for testing crude materials and manufactured gas. Class .354. Distribution of gas : pipe, pipe fittings, valves, pressure-regulating apparatus ; tools used in laying mains or services; meters and eras measuring apparatus; appli- ances for the transmission of gas, including exhausters and compressors. (See Class 464.) Class 355. Uses of gas: incandescent gas lamps and mantels, gas burners, and appliances for gas lighting; appliances for cookina: bv gas;, appliances for heating by gas, including water heaters and hot air furnaces ; appliances for utilizing gas for industrial purposes. GROUP 71 APPARATUS AND METHODS FOR LIGHTING. NOT OTHERWISE CLASSIFIED Class 356. TvierhtinGr bv means of vegetable or mineral oils, petroleum, shale heavy oil, heavy oil sprayed. Lamps, burners, wicks, lamr) fhimnevs, and other accessories. Apparatus for domestic, industrial and public lighting. Class 357. Lighting by acetylene gas or vaporized s-asoline, alcohol, etc. Lamps, burners, chimneys, and other accessories and apparatus for domestic, industrial and public lighting. Class 358. Accessories to lighting: lighters, glasses, globes, shades, reflectors, screens, smoke consumers, chandeliers and fixtures. 16 DEPARTMENT OF MANUFACTURERS Class 359. Class 350. Class 361. Cflass 362. GROUP 72 TEXTILE MATERIALS, SPINNING AND ROPE MAKING* Machinery and apparatus used in preparing and spinning textile materials. Speci- mens of materials showing progress of work. Detached parts of spinning machinery and special machines for their manufacture. Apparatus used in subsequent operations; spooling, winding, twisting, throwing. Mechanical finishing of goods. Apparatus for sorting, testing and registering. Apparatus for perfecting. Equip- ment for making cordage, GROUP 73 EQUIPMENT AND PROCESSES USED IN THE MANUFACTURE OF TEXTILE FABRICS* *Textile machinery not in operation as part of a process exhibit will be installed in Machinery Hall. Class 363. Apparatus used in operations preliminary to winders. Card preparing machines. Hand and power looms for weaving plain cloths and embroidered fabrics, box looms. Knitting machinery for hosiery. Machinery for making lace and tulle. Machinery for making trimmings. GROUP 74 AND PROCESSES USED IN BLEACHING, DYEING, PRINTING AND FINISHING TEXTILES IN THEIR VARIOUS STAGES Apparatus for singeing, brushing and shearing textile fabrics. Apparatus for washing in lye, scouring, washing, drying and moistening various textile materials, whether matted, combed in thread or in web. Apparatus for boiling and staining dye stuffs and stuffs for thickening fabrics. Equipment for engraving in relief, or in incised work patterns, for printing on Class 364. Class 365. EQUIPMENT Class 366, Class 367. Class 368. Class 369. weaving; machines for warping, cop Looms for weaving brocaded textiles. Class 370. Machines for starching, dyeing or printing. Apparatus for steaming. Class 371. Machinery of all kinds for finishing goods, for fulling, and for teaseling; tenter- frames, calenders, machines for glazing, watering, embossing, beetling. Machines for measuring, folding, etc. Class 372. Appliances used for dyeing silks, for beating, shaking up, pinning out, lustering, etc. Class 373. Sweating boxes for thickening, apparatus for spotting, apparatus for bleaching by electricity. Class 374. Equipment and processes for laundry work. Washing and rinsing, bluing, drying, bleaching, ironing and finishing. Class 375. Industry of the dyers and scourers; dry cleaning by benzine and by other sub- stances; cleaning by wet process; dyeing, pressing. Class 376. Specimens of textile materials bleached or dyed before spinning. Class 377. Specimens of threads or yarns of cotton, linen, wool, silk, etc., pure or mixed, bleached, dyed or mottled. Class 378. Specimens of textile fabrics bleached, dyed or printed. Class 379. Specimens of threads, yarns or fabrics which have been sized. Class 380. Specimens of chemical thickening of textile materials before they have been spun or woven. GROUP 75 EQUIPMENT AND PROCESSES USED IN SEWING AND MAKING WEARING APPAREL Class 381. Common implements used in needle work. Class 382. Machines for cutting cloth, skins and leathers. Class 383. Machines for sewing, stitching, hemming, embroidering, etc. Class 384. Machines for making button-holes ; for sewing gloves, leather, etc. ; for plaiting straw. Class 385. Tailors' geese, flatirons and equipment. Class 386. Busts and figures for trying on garments. Class 387. Machines for plaiting straw for hats and making hats of straw, felt, etc. GROUP 76 THREADS AND FABRICS OF COTTON Class 388. Cotton prepared and spun. Class 389. Fabrics of cotton, pure or mixed, plain or figured, unbleached, dyed or printed. Class 390. Cotton velvets. Class 391. Cotton ribbons. Class 392. Counterpanes. AND VARIED INDUSTRIES 17 Class 393, Class 394. GROUP 77 THREADS AND FABRICS OF FLAX, HEMP, ETC.; CORDAGE Thread of flax, hemp, jute, ramie and other vegetable fibers. Plain and figured canvas. Ticking, Damask linen. Cambrics and lawns. hemp, jute or ramie. Plain and fancy handkerchiefs. Fabrics of flax, or herrp, mixed with cotton or silk. Fabrics and vegetable fibres other than cotton, flax, Cordage, cables, rope, twine, etc. GROUP 78 YARNS AND FABRICS OF ANIMAL FIBERS Combed animal fibers. Yarn of combed animal fibers. Carded animal fiber. Rovings unbleached or dyed. Yarn of carded animal fibers. Cloths of combed or carded animal fibers. Cloths for ladies' wear, made from animal fiber. Dress goods of combed or carded animal fibers, mixed with cotton or silk. Muslin delaine, tweeds, merinos, china-satins, serges, mohairs, etc. Fabrics of carded animal fibers, not fulled or slightly fulled; flannels, tartans, molletons, etc. Knitted stuffs in combed or carded animal fibers. Shawls of animal fibers, pure or mixed. Cashmere shawls. Ribbons and braids of animal fibers, pure or mixed with cotton, flax, silk or floss silk. Fabrics of hair, pure or mixed. Blankets. Felts of animal fibers for carpets, hats, boots and shoes, etc. GROUP 79 SILK AND FABRICS OF SILK Silk raw, thrown, twisted. Floss silk and silk waste. Threads of floss silk and silk waste. Artificial silks. Fabrics of pure silk, silk floss, or silk waste; with gold, silver, wool, cotton, thread, etc., bleached, dyed or printed. Velvets and plushes. Ribbons of silk, or silk floss, pure or mixed. Shawls of silk or silk floss, pure or mixed. GROUP 80 LACES, ElMBROIDERY AND TRIMMINGS Lace made by hand; laces, blonde or guipure, wrought needle or crochet, made of flax, cotton, silk, wool, gold. Laces made by machinery; tulles, plain or embroidered; and guipure, in thread of every kind. Embroidery made by hand ; embroidery by needle or crochet with thread of every kind, on all kind's of grounds (fabric, net, tulle, skin, etc.) including needle work upon canvas as well as embroidery applique, or ornamented with gems, pearls, jet, spangles of metal, or other material, feathers, shells, etc. Embroidery made by rrachinery, with the foundation preserved, or with the foundation cut or burned away. Trimmings: galloons, lace or braids, fringes, tassels, all kinds of applique and ornamental work, hand-made or woven, for millinery or garments, ecclesiastical vestments, civil or military uniforms; for furniture, saddlery, carriages, etc. Threads and plates of metai, gold or silver, real or imitation, spangles, chenilles, and all other articles used for trimmings. Church embroidery; church ornaments and linen; altar cloths, banners and other objects for religious ceremonies in fabrics, ornamented with lace, embroideries and trimmings. Curtains with lace, guipure, or embroidery, upon tulle or fabrics; blinds, screens, portieres, lambrequins, and other draperies, ornamented with lace, embroidery and trimmings. GROUP 81 INDUSTRIES PRODUCING WEARING APPAREL FOR MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN Class 426. Clothing to measure for men and boys; ordinary costumes, suits for hunting and riding, leather breeches and similar articles, suits for gymnastic uses and games, military and civil uniforms, campaign clothing of special types, robes and costumes for magistrates, members of the bar, professors, ecclesiastics, etc., liveries, various costumes for children. Clothing, ready made for men and boys. Clothing to measiire for women and girls; dresses, vests, jackets, cloaks (made by ladies' tailors, dress makers, or cloak makers), riding habits, sporting suits. Clothing ready made for women and girls. Patterns, Class 395, Class 396 Class 397, Class 398. Class 399. Class 400. Class 401. Class 402. Class 403, Class 404. Class 405. Class 406. Class 407. Class 408. Class 409. Class 410. Class 411. Class 412, Class 413, Class 414. Class 415, Class 416. Class 417. Class 418. Class 419. Class 420. Class 421. Class 422. Class 423. Class 424. Qass 425. fabrics of silk or silk floss mixed , plain, figured, or brocaded, un- on pillow or with the silver or other threads. imitation lace, blonde Class 427. Class 428. Class 429. 18 DEPARTMENT OF MANUFACTURERS GROUP 82 rUES AND SKINS, FUR CLOTHING; LEATHER, BOOTS AND SHOES Class 430. Furs and skins, dressed and tanned. Class 431. Fur clothing, caps, hats, hoods, gloves, boots, etc. Class 432. Fur mats and robes ; fur trimmings. Class 433. Leather in every variety; tanned, curried, enameled, patent leather, wash leather, etc. Class 434. Machines for cutting and preparing parts of boots or shoes; machines for sew- ing boots or shoes; machines for lasting, pegging, nailing, screwing. Class 435. Boots and shoes, for men, women and children ; boots, bootees, shoes, slippers, pumps, overshoes, soles, accessories, etc. ; gaiters. Class 436. Military and naval campaign footwear. Class 437. Gloves made of skins. GROUP 83 VARIOUS INDUSTRIES CONNECTED WITH CLOTHING Class 438. Hats; hats of felt, wool, straw, or silk; caps; trimmings for hats. Class 439. Artificial flowers for dressing the hair, for dress, and for all other uses. Feathers, Millinery. Hair: coiffures, wigs and switches. Class 440. Shirts and underclothing for men, women and children. Class 441. Hosiery and gloves of cotton, wool, silk and floss silk, etc., knitted hosiery; cravats and neck-ties. Class 442. Corsets. Class 443. Elastic goods, suspenders, garters, belts. Class 444. Canes, whips, riding whips, sun-shades, parasols, umbrellas. Class 445. Buttons : buttons of china, metal, cloth and silk, mother-of-pearl, and other shell, ivory-nut, horn, bone, papier-mache, etc. Class 446. Buckles, eyelets, hooks and eyes, pins, needles, etc. Class 447. Fans and handscreens. GROUP 84 SAFETY APPLIANCES Class 448. Safety appliances and devices for protection of those engaged in manufacturing work and processes, not exhibited in connection with machines. (See also Classes 472 and 476.) AND VARIED INDUSTRIES 19 GROUP 44 Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Co., Pittsburg, Pa. Electric Eraser Outfits. Mch., 4th St., bet. Avs. E & F., 2nd and 4th St., bet. Avs. C & 02. GROUP 45 CUTLERY Simmons Hardware Company, St. Louis, Mo., Manufacturers. 5th St. cor. Av. C. Manu- facturers and distributers of Keen Kutter Tools, Cutlery and Hardware. 8(),000 items cataloged. GROUP 52 BRUSHES, FINE LEATHER ARTICLES. FANCY ARTICLES AND BASKET WORK Bisseli Carpet Sweeper Co., The, Gd. Rapids, Mich. Cpt. Swprs. Mfr., 8th St. & Av. D. Cassard, Hamilton, Baltimore, Md. Broom & Brush Sewing Mches. Mfr., 8th St. & Av.D. Hoag Duster Company, The, Monticello, la. Feather Dusters. Mfr., 8th St. & Av. D. Levenson Company, San Francisco, Cal. Brooms and Brushes. Mfr., 8th St. & Av. D. Malm, C. A. & Co., S. F., Cal. Mfrs 7th St., bet. Avs. B&C. Portfolios, toilet cases, etc. National Veneer Products Company, Misha- waka, Ind. Bags, Suitcases, etc. Mfr., Av. B, cor. 8th St. "Indestructo" Sanitary Hampers. 0-So-Ezy Mop Co., Detroit, Mich. Polish mops, dustless dusters. Mfr., 7th St., cor. Av. D. Ox Fibre Brush Co., Frederick, Md. Brushes. Mfr., 8th St. & Av. D. Reese, Fred W., Paris, 111. Broom winding & ti-imming machines. Mfr., 8th St. & Av. D. Wizard Products Company, Chicago, 111. Mops, dusters, brushes. Mfr., 8th St. & Av. D. GROUP 53 ARTICLES FOR TRAVELING AND FOR CAMPING. INDIA RUBBER AND GUTTA PERCHA INDUSTRIES Ceresit Waterproofing Co., Chicago, 111. Wa- terproofing materials. Mch. Pal., 5th St. & Av. I. Parrott & Co., S. F., Coast Repre- sentative. See ad on front cover of Ma- chinery Catalogue. Graton & Knight Mfg. Co., Worcester, Mass. Trunk and suitcase accessories. Block 13, Palace of Machinery. Hartmann Trunk Co., The, Racine, Wis. Mfr. Av. B, cor. 7th St. Trunks, etc. Malm, C. A. & Co., San Francisco, Cal. Mfr., 7th St., bet. Avs. B&C. Trunks, etc. National Veneer Products Company, Misha- waka, Ind. Trunks, etc. Mfr., Av. B, cor. 8th St. "Indestructo" trunks, lug- gage and Veneer specialties. Traveling bags, suitcases: N. V. P. trunks. Union Oil Company of California, San Fran- cisco, Cal. Min. Pal., 6th St. & Av. B. Asphalt as rubber substitute. Westinghsuse Electric & Manufacturing Com- pany, Pittsburgh, Pa. Trans. Pal., 5th St. & Av. C. Vulcanizer. GROUP 54 HUNTING EQUIPMENT AND PRODUCTS OF HUNTING Brunswick-Balke-Collender Co., The, of Cali- fornia, S. F., Cal. Mfr., Av. A, cor. 6th St. Hercules Powder Company, San Francisco, Cal. Explosives. Min. Pal., Av. B & 7th St. Black sporting powder. Smokeless sporting powder. See exhibit in Section 30, in Palace of Mines & Metallurgy. National Veneer Products Company, Misha- waka, Ind. Trunks, etc. Mfr., Av. B. cor. 8th fit. "Indestructo" Golf Bags. Remington Arms-Union Metallic Cartridge Co., Bridgeport, Conn. Mfr. Av. C, cor. 7th. Remington Arms. Winchester Repeating Arms Co., New Haven, Conn. Mfr., bet. Avs. C & D, 7th St. Sports- man's arms & ammunition. GROUP 55 FISHING EQUIPMENT AND PRODUCTS Owen Bucket Co., Cleveland, Ohio. Clam shell buckets. Mch. Pal., 5th St. & Av. I. Parrott & Co., S. F., Cal., Representatives. See ad on front cover of Machinery Catalogue. GROUP 57 PERMANENT DECORATION AND FIXED FURNITURE FOR BUILDINGS AND DWELLINGS National Veneer Products Company, Misha- ■ waKa, Ind. Veneer panels. Mfr., Av. B, cor. 8th. Paraffine Paint Company, The, San Francisco, Cal. Roofing Felt. Mines & Metallurgy, Av. B & 7th St. Imitation of wood; floor covering. Deadening felt, roofing felt. GROUP 58 OFFICE AND HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AND UTILITIES American Radiator Co., Chicago, 111. Mfr., Av. D & 6th St. Vacuum Cleaners. The Arco Wand. Bisseli Carpet Sweeper Co., The, Gd. Rapids, Mich. Mfr. 8th St. & Av. D. Suction C'lnrs. Brunswick-Balke-Collender Co., The, of Calif., S. F., Cal. Mfr. Av. A, cor. 6th St. Brunswick-Balke-Collender Company, The, of California. Mfr., Av. A, cor. 6th St. Bil- liard supplies, billiard and pocket billiard tables; bowling alleys and supplies; bar, cigar, and soda counters; Backus Ten-pin Setting Machines. Continental Bedding Manufacturing Co., S. F., Cal. Mfr., 5th, bet. Avs. B&C. Library furniture. Doten-Dunton Desk Co., Cambridge, Mass. Mfr., 5th Sst., Av. A & 6th St. Commer- cial furniture. Gunn Furniture Co., The, Grand Rapids, Mich. Mfr. Av. A & 6th St. Sectional bookcases. Hartman Trunk Co., The, Racine, Wis. Mfr. Av. B, cor. 7th. Hartman Wardrobe Spec. Home Washing Machine Co., Brooklyn, N. Y. Washing machines. Mch. 1st St. & Av. D. Hoover Suction Sweeper Co., The, New Ber- lin, Ohio. Suction Sweepers. Mfr., 8th St., bet. Avs. B&C. San Francisco Represent- ative, W. A. Hawley, Office, 320 Market St. Innovation Electric Co., N. Y. Portable & suction cleaners. Mch. 1st St. & Av. D. Karpen, S. & Bros., Chicago, 111. Mfr. 5th St., cor. Av. A. Upholstered Furniture. Kewanee Private Utilities Company, Kewanee, 111. Vacuum C'lnrs. Mch., 1st & 2nd Sts. & Av. E. Marland, W. J., Oakland, Cal. Washing Ma- chines. Mch. Coll. Exh. 1st St. & Av. D. Peck & Hills Furniture Co., Chicago, 111. Home Furnishings. Mfr., 5th St., bet Avs. A & B. Branch offices in New York, San Francisco, Oakland, Los Angeles and Den- ver. Singer Sewing Machine Co., New York, N, Y. Household Furniture. 1st St., Av. D, 2nd St. & Av. E, V. I. Pal., Sewing Machines and supplies. Spencer Turbine Cleaner Co., The, Hartford, Conn. Vacuum cleaning apparatus. Mfr. 7th St., Av. B & 8th St. Van Dorn Iron Wks. Co., Cleveland, O. Metal Furniture. Min. Pal. Com. with U. S. Steel Corpn. Exhibit. "1900" Washer Co., The, Binghamton, N. Y. Washing Machines. Mfr. 8th St. & Av. D. 20 DEPARTMENT OF MANUFACTURERS (iKOUP fiO HARDWARE AND WOODENWARE American Pulley Co., The, Philadelphia, Pa. Mch. Pal., 4th St. & Av. L. Pressed metal sash pulleys; miscellaneous pressed and drawn metal shapes; sash pulleys. Am. Bridges Co., Pittsburg, Pa. Nuts, bolts, clevises, etc. Min. Pal. Am. Sheet & Tin Plate Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. Steel roofinj; & siding: sheets. Min. Pal. Am. Steel & Wire Co., Chicago, 111. Fencing, nails, wire products, horseshoes. Min. Pal. Atkins, E. C. & Co., Indianapolis, Ind. Saws. Mfr. 5th St., bet. Avs. C & D. Bliss Company, E. W., Brooklyn, N. Y. Steel pinions. Mch., 3rd St. & Avs. F & G. Ercderick & Bascom Rope Co., St. Louis, Mo. Wire Rope. Mfr. Av. C, cor. 6th St. Yellow Strand ' 'Powersteel" Rope. California Redwood Burl Co., Eureka, Cal. V. I., Av. B, cor. 3rd St. Novelties. Disston, Henry & S?ns, Inc., Philadelphia, Pa. Mfr. Av. C, cor. 6th St. Tools. Graton & Knight Mfg. Co., Worcester, Mass. Belt Makers' Tools. Block 1.3, Palace of Machinery. Herm.ann Safe Co., The, San Francisco, Cal. Mfr., 6th St., bet. Avs. C & D. Safes. Lukenheimer Co., The, Cincinnati, O. Pal. of Machinery. 1st St. & Av. G. Ground Key Work. Meurer Eros. Co., Brooklyn, N. Y. Mfr. Av. D, bet. ()th .J F RANCISCO U. & A. 1915 CLOStSDtCtMBtR* HOW TO LOCATE AN EXHIBIT The Palace of Varied Industries is laid out in blocks, which are consecutively numbered from 1 to 32, inclusive, as shown on the floor plan. The aisles are designated as streets (First to Sixth), running north to south, and as avenues (A to E), from east to west. To locate an exhibitor refer to the names, alphabetically arranged under the exhibit group to which each belongs in the official classi- fication, and note the aisle location following each name. Street and Avenue signs are erected at their intersection on the corners of all blocks. All Exhibits entered in this Catalogue are located in the Palace of Varied Industries, unless otherwise indicated after the entry. The following are abbreviations used in this Catalogue to designate other Exhibit Palaces : Fine Arts Palace Fn. A. Pal. Education Palace Ed. Pal. Liberal Arts Palace Lb. A. Pal. Manufactures Palace Mfr. Pal. Varied Industries Palace V. I. Pal. Machinery Palace Mch. Pal. Transportation Palace ..Tms. Pal. Agriculture Palace Agr. Pal. Food Products Palace Fd. Pr. Pal. Live Stock Palace Lv. St. Pal. Horticulture Palace Hor. Pal. Mines and Metallurgy Palace Min. Pal. 28 DEPARTMENT OF MANUFACTURERS GROUP 44 Champion-Internat'l. Co., Lawrence, Mass. Pa- pers. Lawr. Coll. Exh. V. I., 2nd St., Av. A & 3rd. ,^ „ Eaton, Crane & Pike Co., Pittsfield, Mass. Fine Stationery. 4th St., cor. Av. A. Paber, Eberhard, Brooklyn, N. Y. Lead pen- cils, pen holders, crayons. 4th, cor. Av. B. Nat'l Folding Box & Paper Co., The, New Haven, Conn. Folding Paper Boxes. Av. B & 2nd St. ^ _ , Novelty Cutlery Co., The, Canton, O. Desk furnishings, etc. (See Multiplex Display Fixtures). Av. A, cor. 2nd St. GROUP 45 Meriden Cutlery Co., Meriden, Conn. Cutlery. Av. A, bet. 8rd & 4th Sts. Novelty Cutlery Co., The, Canton, O. Cutlery. (See Multiplex Display Fixture.) Av. A, cor. 2nd St. Simmons Hardware Co., St. Louis, Mo., Keen Kutter Cutlery. Mfr. V. I., 5th St., cor. Av. C. GROUP 46 Baird-North Co., Providence, K. I. Silver- ware. Collective Exhibit. V. I., 3rd St., Av. E & 4th St. Baldwin Jewelry Co., San Francisco, Cal. Silverware. V. I., Av. B, cor. 4th St. Gorham Co., The, New York. Silver & plated ware, etc. V. I., 3rd St., Av. 0. & 4th St. International Silver Co., Meriden, Conn. Sil- versmiths. 4th St., bet. Avs. B & 0. Sterling Silver, Hotel Silverware. Gold and Silver Plate. Ecclesiastical Ware. Cut Glass. Salesrooms, New York, Chicago and San Francisco, 150 Post St. Regal Silver Mfg. Co., The, New Haven, Conn. Plated ware and coffee percolators. Av. B & 2nd St. GROUP 47 Baird-North Company, Providence, B. I. Jewelry. Collective Exh. V. I., 3rd St. Av. E & 4th St: California Gem Co., S. F., Cal. Precious and semi-precious stones. Av. B, cor. 4th St. Chapard Mfg. Co., Providence, E. I. Jewelry. Collective Exhibit. V. I., 3rd St., Av. E & 4th St. Low-Taussig-Karpeles Co., Providence, B. I. Jewelry. Collective Exhibit. V. I., 3rd St., Av. E & 4th St. Lyons Manufacturing Co., Providence, E. I. Collective Exhibit. V. I., 3rd St., Av. E & 4th St. Marden & Kettlety Co., Providence, E. I. Jewelry. Collective Exhibit. V. I., 3rd St., Av. E & 4th St. Wightman & Hough Co., Providence, E. I. Coll. Exh. V. I., 3rd St., Av. E & 4th St. elty Indian Blankets. Av. E & 3rd St. GROUP 48 Bristol Co., The, Waterbury, Conn. Electric Time Recorders. Mch., 2nd St. & Av. D. Herschede Hall Clock Co., The, Cincinnati, O., U. S. A. 3rd St., bet. Avs. B & 0. Exclusive makers of high grade Chime Hall Clocks and Mantel Clocks; Chime Hall Clock Movements; Hall Clocks complete; Mantel Clocks complete; Hall and Mantel Clock cases, especially selected solid oak and mahogany, designed to harmonize with any surroundings in the home, institution or public building. Industrial Instrument Co., The, Fozboro, Mass. Elec. Time Recorders. Mch. 3rd St. & Av. C2. New Haven Clock Co., The, New Haven, Conn. Clocks & Watches. (New Haven Coll. Exh.) Av. B & 2nd St. Waltham Watch Co., The, Waltham, Mass. Instruments and Instruments of Precision, liiul St., Av. C & 3rd St. Western Clock Co., La Salle, 111. Av. B, cor. ;]rd St. Makers of Alarm Clocks, Watches and Movements. "Made in La Salle, 111., by Westclox" ; Big Ben Alarm Clock; Baby Ben Alax-m Clock; Sleepmeter Back Bell Alarm Clock; Sleepmeter Intermittent Alarm Clock; America Alarm Clock; The Lookout Alarm Clock; Ironclad Alarm _ Clock; Bingo Intermittent Alarm Clock; Bovproof Watch. Offices, La Salle, 111.; Factories, Peru, 111. ; Pacific Coast Agents, Schloss Manufacturing Co., 42 Beale St., San Francisco, Cal. GROUP 49 California Redwood Burl Co., Eureka, Cal. Novelties from Sequoia or Redwood. V. I., Av. B, cor. 3rd St. Gorham Co., The, New York, N. Y. Bronzes. 3rd St., Av. C & 4th St. Oregjn City Mfg. Co., Oregon City, Ore. Nov- elty Indian Blankets. Av. E and 3rd St. GROUP 50 Fulper Pottery Co., Flemington, N. J. Art Novelties. 2nd St., bet. Avs. B & C. Gorham Co., The, New York, N. Y. Bronzes. 3rd St., Av. C & 4th St. Vermont Marble Co., Proctor, Vt. Works of Art in Marble. Av. E & 2nd St. GROUP 51 Gorham Co., The, New York, N. Y. Cathedral Windows. 8rd St., Av. C & 4th St. GROUP 52 Arlington Company, The, Arlington, N. J. Mfrs. V. I. Av. B, cor. 3rd St. Brushes for toilet use. Combs, dressing and fine combs. Mirrors for toilet use. Toilet goods and fancy goods. Pyralin Lacquers and Enamels. Arlington waterproof collars and cuffs. Transparent Pyralin Sheeting. Opaque Pyralin Sheeting in all colors. Baird-North Co., Providence, E. I. Leather Goods. Collective Exhibit. V. I., 3rd St., Av. E & 4th St. Cal. Leather Novelty Wks., S. F., Cal. Purses & Leather Novelties. Av. A, cor. 2nd St. Fulper Pottery Co., Flemington, N. J. Fancy Articles. 2nd St., bet. Avs. B & C. Gorham Co., The, New York, N. Y. Fine Leather Goods. 3rd St., Av. C & 4th St. GROUP 53 Faber, Eberhard, Brooklyn, N. Y. Rubber Bands & Rubber Erasers. 4th St., cor. Av.B. Tyer Rubber Co., Lawrence, Mass. Druggists' Rubber Sundries. (Lawrence Coll. Exh.) 2nd St. & Av. A & 3rd St. GROUP 54 Gantner & Mattem Co., San Francisco, Cal. Knit Goods. 4th St., cor. Av, E, Liebes, H. & Co., S. F., Cal. Rough and pre- pared furs, skins, etc. Av. D, cor. 3rd St. Oregon City Mfg. Co., Oregon City, Ore. Hunt- ing and Outdoor Apparel, Av. E, & 3rd S; Pfister. J. J., Knitting Co., San Francisco, Cal. Knit Goods. Knit goods in Silk, Wool and Cotton, comprising Sweaters, Jerseys, Coat Sweaters, Gymnasium and Athletic Goods. Bathing Suits and Accessories. In- fants' Hoods and Toques, Salesroom, 114 Sansome St., corner of Bush St. Mill at 8th and Parker Sts.. Berkeley, CaL Av. D, cor. 3rd St. Winona Mills, New Haven, Conn, Sweaters. (New Haven Coll. Exh.) Av. B & 2nd St. AND VARIED INDUSTRIES 29 GROUP 55 Ashaway Line & Twine Mfg. Co., Providence, R. I. Collective Exhibit. V. I., 3rd St., Av. E & 4th St. GROUP 56 Mysto Mfg. Co., The, New Haven, Conn. Me- chanical toys. (New Haven Coll. Exh.) Av. B & 2nd St. GROUP 57 Fulper Pottery Co., Flemington, N. J. Cera- mics for permanent decoration. 2nd St., bet. Avs. B & C. Holt, Chas. L., Lawrence, Mass. Roof Connec- tion & Expansion Joint. (Lawrence Coll. Exh.) 2nd St., Av. A & 3rd St. Vermont Marble Co., Proctor, Vt. Marble ma- terial for all purposes. Av. E & 2nd St. GROUP 58 Peck & Hills Furniture Co., Chicago, 111. Home Furnishings. V. I., 5th St., bet. Avs. A & B. Branch offices in New York, San Fran- cisco, Oakland, Los Angeles, and Denver. GROUP 59 Vermont Marble Co., San Francisco, Cal. Mar- ble Monuments and Mausoleums. Av. E, 2nd. GROUP 60 Ashaway Line & Twine Mfg. Co., Providence, R. I. Collective Exhibit. V. L, 3rd St., Av. E & 4th St. California Redwood Burl Co., Eureka, Cal. Novelties. Av. B, cor. 3rd St. Crescent Tool Co., Jamestown, N. Y. Pliers & Wrenches. (See Multiplex Display Fix- tures.) Av. A, cor. 2nd St. Sargent & Co., New Haven, Conn. Hardware Specialties. (New Haven Coll. Exh.) Av. B & 2nd St. l^\ Watrous-Acme Mfg. Co., Des Moines, la. Fit- tines for doors, etc. (See Multiplex Dis- play Fixtures.) Av. A, cor. 2nd St. GROUP 64 Plymouth Mfg. Co., Lawrence, Mass. Rugs. (Lawence Coll. Exh.) 2nd St., Av. A & 3d. GROUP 65 California Cotton Mills Co., Oakland, Cal. Comforters. Av. E, cor. 2nd St. Oregon City Mfg. Co., Oregon City, Ore. Wool- en Bed Blankets, etc. Av. E. & 3rd St. GROUP 66 Friction Transfer Pattern Co., The, N. Y. Friction Transfer Patterns for China. 2nd St., bet. Avs. C & D. Fulper Pottery Co., Flemington, N. J. Stone- ware, plain and decorated. 2d, bet. B & C. Samish's Ceramic Art, San Francisco, Cal. Hand-Painted China. 2nd St;,. Av. B. Dinner ware, lamps, portraits, mantels. Studio, 230 Stockton St., opp. Union Square. GROUP 67 Malleable Iron Fittings Co., New Haven, Conn. Collective Exhibit. Av. B & 2nd St. Peck Bros. & Co., The, New Haven, Conn. Plumbers' Supplies. (New Haven Coll. Ex- hibit.) Av. B & 2nd St. GROUP 68 International Silver Co., Meriden, Conn. Cut Glass. 4th St., bet. Avs. B & C. GROUP 69 Fulper Pottery Co., Flemington, N. J. Cooking Utensils, Earthenware, etc. 2d, Avs. B & C. GROUP 70 Sentinel Automatic Gas Appliance Co., The, New Haven, Conn. Gas Appliances. (New Haven Coll. Exh.) Av. B & 2nd St. GROUP 71 De Laitte Automatic Gas Syndicate, San Fran- cisco, Cal. Mch. Fulper Pottery Co., Flemington, N. J. Lamps. 2nd St., bet. Avs. B & C. GROUP 72 David Brown Co., Lawrence, Mass. Bobbins. (Lawrence Coll. Exh.) 2nd St., Av. A & 3d. Moorehouse, A. D., Lawrence, Mass. Picker Straps. (Lawrence Coll. Exh.) 2nd St., Av. A & 3rd St. Robinson Bramley Co., Lawrence, Mass. Loom Pickers, etc. (Lawrence Coll. Exh.) 2nd, Av. A & 3rd. Union Shuttle Co., Lawrence, Mass. Power Loom Shuttles. (Lawrence Coll. Exh.) 2nd St,. Av. A & 3rd St. GROUP 74 Forsyth Dyeing Co., The, New Haven, Conn. Dved Cotton Material. (New Haven Coll. Eih.) Av. B & 2nd St. Singer Sewing Machine Co., New York, N. Y. Sewing Machines for attaching marking tapes to articles to be laundered and for name writing and darning on towels and other articles. 1st St., Av. D, 2nd St. & Av. E. GROUP 75 Friction Transfer Pattern Company, The, New York, N. Y. Implements for Needle- work. 2nd St., bet. Avs. C & D. C Greist Mfg. Co., The. New Haven, Conn. Sew- ing Machine Attachments. (New Haven Coll. Exh.) Av. B & 2nd St. Singer Sewing Machine Company, New York, N. Y. Machines. 1st St., Av. D, 2nd St. & Av. E. Sewing machines for family use & for various kinds of manufacturing pur- poses requiring stitching processes, hem- ming, embroidering, etc. GROUP 76 California Cotton Mills Co., Oakland, Cal. Toweling & Duck. Av. E. cor. 2nd St. Everett Mills, Lawrence, Mass. Cotton Fab- rics. 2nd St., Av. A & 3rd St. (Lawrence Collective Exhibit.) Pacific Mills, Lawrence, Mass. Cotton Fab- rics, 2nd St., Av. A & 3rd St. (Lawrence Collective Exhibit.) Pacific Print Works, Lawrence, Mass. Cotton Fabrics. 2nd St., Av. A & 3rd St. (Law- rence Collective Exhibit.) Tubular Woven Fabric Co., Pawtucket, R. I. Collective Exh. 3rd St., Av. E & 4th St. GROUP 77 California Cotton Mills Co., Oakland, Cal. Damask, Jute Burlaps and Art Burlap. Fabrics of flax and hemp. Ropes & Twines. Av. E, cor. 2nd St. International Harvester Company of America, Chicago, U. S. A. Agr., 4th St., bet. Avs. B & C. Cordage, cables, rope and twine. Littwitz, Max, New York, N. Y. Hand spun linens. Av. D, cor. 2nd St. Pemberton Mills, Lawrence, Mass. Tickings, Shirtings and Awning Canvas. (Lawrence Coll. Exh.) 2nd St., Av. A & 3rd St. Smith & Dove Mfg. Co., Lawrence, Mass. Linen Thread, Yarn & Twine. (Lawrence Coll. Exh.) 2nd St., Av. A & 3rd St. 30 DEPARTMENT OF MANUFACTURERS GROUP 78 Ayer Mills, Lawrence, Mass. Worsted Fab- rics. (Lawrence Coll. Exh.) 2d, Av. A & 3d. Brightwood Mfg. Co., Lawrence, Mass. Wor- sted Fabrics. (Lawrence Coll. Exh.) 2nd St., Av. A & 3rd St. Gantner & Mattern Co., San Francisco, Cal. Knit Goods. 4th St. & Av. E. Pemberton Mills, Lawrence, Mass. Flannels. (Lawrence Coll. Exh.) 2nd St., Av. A & 3d. Oregon City Mfg. Co., Oregon City, Ore. Flan- nel cloths, etc. Av. E & 3rd St. Pacific Mills, Lawrence, Mass. Woolen Fab- rics. (Lawrence Coll. Exh.) 2nd, Av.A & 3d. Pfister, J. J. Knitting Co., Inc., Berkeley, Cal. Knitted stuffs in combed or carded animal fibers. Av. D, cor. 3rd St. Washington Mills, Lawrence, Mass. Woolen & Worsted Fabrics. (Lawrence Coll. Exh.) 2nd St., Av. A & 3rd St. Wood Worsted Mills, Lawrence, Mass. Wor- sted Fabrics. (Lawrence Coll. Exh.) 2nd St., Av. A & 3rd St. Wright Mfg. Co., Lawrence, Mass. Braids & narrow fabrics. (Lawrence Coll. Exh.) Av. A & 2nd St. GROUP 79 Anderson Bros. Silk Co., Barnert Mill, Pater- son, N. J. Broad Silks and Silk Novelties. Av. E, cor. 3rd St. Carlson Currier Co., Petaluma, Cal. Silk, raw, thrown; floss silk, silk fabrics, etc. Av. D, cor. 4th St. Gantner & Mattern Co., S. F., Cal. Knit goods. Silk shawls. 4th St., cor. Av. E. Silk Culture Society, Rutherford, Napa Co., CaL Silks. 2nd St., Av. A. Wright Mfg. Co., Lawrence, Mass. Braids & narrow fabrics. (Lawrence Coll. Exh.) 2nd St., Av. A & 3rd St. GROUP 80 Carlson Currier Co., Petaluma, Cal. Embroid- ery made by hand. Embroidery by needle or crochet with silk. Av. D, cor. 4th St. Friction Transfer Pattern Co., The, New York, N. Y. Friction Transfer Patterns for Em- broidery. 2nd St., bet. Avs. & D. Littwitz, Max, New York, N. Y. Hand-made laces and embroideries. V. I., Av. D. cor. 2nd St. Singer Sewing Machine Co., New York, N. Y. Lambrequins & Portieres, ornamented with embroidery, lace and trimmings. 1st St.. Av. D & 2nd St. & Av. E. Wright Mfg. Co., Lawrence, Mass. Braids & narrow fabrics. (Lawrence Coll. Exh.) 2nd St., Av. A & 3rd St. GROUP 81 Butterick Publishing Co., New York, N. Y. 2nd St., Av. C & 3rd St. a. Butterick Pat- terns & Fashions, b. The Delineator, c. Butterick Designs for Embroidery, etc. Headquarters in London, Paris, Berlin Gantner & Mattern Co., San Francisco, Cal. Knit Goods. 4th St., cor. Av. E Liebes, H. & Co., S. F., Cal. Ready made cloth- ing for women & girls. Av. D, cor. 3rd St. Oregon City Mfg. Co., Oregon City, Ore. Cloth- ing for men & women. Av. E & 3rd St. Pfister, J. J. Knitting Co., Inc., Berkeley, Cal. Knit goods in cotton, wool & silk Av D cor. 3rd St. • . , Winona Mills, New Haven, Conn. Vests and Sweaters. (New Haven Coll. Exh.) Av. B & 2nd St. GROUP 82 Liebes, H. & Co., S. F., Cal. Furs and Skins, dressed & tanned, etc. Av. D, cor. 3rd St. Singer Sewing Machine Co., New York, N. Y. Machine for sewing boots and shoes. 1st St., Av. D, 2nd St, & Av. E. United Shoe Machinery Co., Boston, Mass. Shoe Making Machinery. 4th St., Av. E & 5th St. V. I. GROUP 83 American Mills Company, The, New Haven, Conn. Collective Exhibit. Av. B & 2nd St. Arlington Co., The, Arlington, N. J. "Pyra- lin" Prod. Collars & Cuffs. Av. B, cor. 3rd. Berger Bros. Co., New Haven, Conn. Corsets. (New Haven Coll. Exh.) Av. B & 2nd St. California Leather Novelty Works, San Fran- cisco, Cal. Leather Belts. Av.. A, cor. 2d St. Gantner & Mattern Co., San Francisco, Cal. Knit Goods. 4th St., cor. Av. E. Heineman, H. M. Sons, San Francisco, Cal. Cravats and Neckties. Av. D, cor. 2nd St. Newman, I. & Sons, New Haven, Conn. Cor- sets. (New Haven Coll. Exh.) Av. B & 2nd. Oregon City Mfg. Co., Oregon City, Ore. Cloth- ing for hunting & outdoor use. Av. E & 3rd St. Pfister, J. J. Knitting Co., Inc., Berkeley, Cal. Knit goods in cotton, wool & silk. Av.D, 3d. Strouse, Adler & Co., New Haven, Conn. Cor- sets. (New Haven Coll. Exh.) Av. B & 2nd. United Lace & Braid Mfg. Co., Auburn, Provi- dence, R. I. Collective Exh. 3rd St., Av. L & 4th St. Winona Mills, New Haven, Conn. Knit Goods. (New Haven Coll. Exh.) Av. B & 2nd St. CALIFORNIA COLLECTIVE EXHIBIT V. I., 2nd St. & Av. A. GROUP 45 Barr Brothers Co., Oakland Cal. Cutlery. GROUP 47 Miller, I., Oakland, Cal. Handwrought Jewelry. GROUP 49 Copper Shop, The, Oakland, Cal. Hand ham- mered copper. Miller, I., Oakland, Alameda, Co., Cal. Art Craft in Metals. Vinther & Jorgensen, Oakland, Cal. Hand- painted China. GROUP 52 Walker, The, Misses, San Jose, Cal. Fancy Articles. GROUP 65 Pacific Shade Cloth Co., Oakland, Alameda Co., Cal. Shade Cloth. 2nd St. & Av. H. Hand- made shade cloths. The best only; opaque, duplex, triplex or light-proof; transparent or tint. Made in oil colors. Rubino Bros., Oakland, Cal. Shade Cloth. GROUP 66 Vinther St Jorgensen, Oakland, Cal. Hand- painted China. GROUP 75 Barr Brothers Co., Oakland, Alameda Co., Cal. Needles. Cox, C. R., Berkeley, Alameda Co., Cal. Iron- ing Board. Milla, M. D. E., Oakland, Alameda Co., Cal. Ironing Board. GROUP 82 Cahn, Nickelsburg & Co., Oakland, Cal. Boots and Shoes. GROUP 83 Barr Brothers, Oakland, Cal. Needles. AND VARIED INDUSTRIES 31 INDIANA GROUP 47 (Collective Exhibit.) 1st St., bet. Avs.B&C.V.I. Blackledge, Mrs. Mary E., Indianapolis. Aba- lony necklace — original design; necklace in copper, necklace, maple design, stick pin. Bowles, Janet Payne, Indianapolis. Breastpin, jewelry, necklace, pendant^ metal work necklace. GROUP 49 Overbeck Sisters Studio, Cambridge City, Ind. Art Pottery. V. I., 1st St., bet. Avs. B & C. GROUP 50 Goodwin, Miss Frances, Newcastle. 1 plaster cast. Bust — Rev. Stanley. Sorenson, Clara B. Leonard, Indianapolis. Bas relief in plaster, Bubble Baby, Ready for the Bath, The Little Whistler, Duseas Francescoda Runini, Portrait Sketch, This Little Pig Went to Market. Washburn, Miss Mary, Rensselaer. Statuette — Philip Paul, The Belgian Refugee, Flowers, Consolation. GROUP 52 Bowles, Janet Payne, Indianapolis. Jewelry box. Carey, Miss Eleanor, Indianapolis. Decorated sewing basket. Longcliff Hospital, Logansport. 4 Raffia bas- kets, reed basket. Murphy, Minnie Coffin, Indianapolis. Serving tray. Robinson, Susan, Peru. 5 spool case boxes. GROUP 64 Shover, Lucy, Indianapolis, Ind. On^ rug de- sign. V. I., 1st St., bet. Avs. B & C. GROUP 66 Hadley, Mrs. Alice Ross, Indianapolis. Vase, plate and bowl. Hibben, Miss Helen L., Indianapolis. Art Tiles. O'Neill, Mrs. Laura H., Indianapolis. Pitcher, plate, hot water pot, cup and saucer, jardi- niere, pitcher and 6 cups. Orndorf, Mrs. J. H., Indianapolis. Bouillon cup and saucer, service plates, cup and saucer. Overbeck Sisters' Studio, Cambridge City. Decorated tiles, fern dishes, tea set. GROUP 66 Sparks, Mrs, MoUie, Valparaiso. Hexagonal vases, fruit plate, rose jar, sachet vase, square vase, bowl. Stoddard, Mrs. W. H., 2315 Bellefontaine, Indianapolis. Bowl, 6 cups, pudding set 14 pieces, bowl with 6 plates, tea pot, 6 cups and saucers, 6 plates, bowl, 2 howls. Tompkins, Mrs. A. W., 2717 N. New Jersey, Indianapolis. 6 cups and saucers, 1 stein, 1 jar, bowl and 4 plates, 1 cup and saucer, pitcher. Welch, Mrs. Sarah E., 2339 Broadway, Indian- apolis. Chocolate set, pitcher, 6 cups and saucers, tea set 3 pieces. Wilcox, Mrs. O. C, 2717 N. New Jersey, Indianapolis. 6 cups and saucers, 1 stein, 1 jar, bowl and 4 plates, 1 cup and saucer, pitcher. Williams, Miss Clara, 2524 N. Illinois St., Indianapolis. 1 service plate. GROUP 80 Albred, Miss Mary, Burrows, Ind. Tatted doily. 1st St., bet. Avs. B & C. Anderson, Miss Marion, Bedford. Two hand- some collars, 3 handkerchiefs. Armstrong, Ido & Ora, Bedford. Tatting luncheon set, 13 pes.; waist yoke, tatting; 10-point doily, tenerliffe lace collar. Augspurger, Olive M., Woodbum. Embroid- ered doily. Baker, Mrs. T. R., Indianapolis. Baby quilt, cross-stitch design. Berrjrman, Mrs. W. L., Tipton. Centrepiece tinting and embroidered on net, child's point-lace dress and bonnet (christening robe), embroidered bed set. Brown, Mrs. A. S., Clay City. Crochet piano scarf. Builta, Mrs. Bessie Rhode, Morocco. Drawn- work tablecloth. Caldwell, Mrs. Wm. L., Indianapolis. Point- lace bertha. Clark, Mrs. Robt. A., Attica. Lunch cloth. Cole, Mrs. Edw. N., Kokomo. 1 crochet doll. Convent of St. Benedict, Ferdinand. Batten- burg butterfly-point lace. Craft, Mrs. W. H., Indianapolis. Collar and cuff set, carickmacross lace. Cragmont-Southeastern Hospital for Insane, Madison. 1 crochet square, tatted collar and cuff set, samples of knitted lace, lunch cloth. Curll, Mrs. Sadie, Petersburg. Woven Tener- liffe doily, point-lace doily, embroidered bed set. De Grotte, Mrs. Fred, Mishawaka. Embroider- ed centrepiece (2), embroidered napkin. De Latter, Mrs. Julia, Brazil. Baby Irish cap. Demanie, Jennie, Vevay. Crochet and em- broidered centrepiece, white embroidered piece-feather design. Dreifus, Theresa, Delphi. Darned huck vest, Hardanger table cloth. Findley, Mrs. M. A., Kokomo. Embroidered baby dress, pair hemstitched towels (cross- stitch design). Fish, Miss Julia R., Indianapolis. Beaded card case. Fish, Mrs. W. S., Indianapolis. Beaded bag (parrot design), card case (rose design). Gifford, Mrs. M. R., Tipton. Hand-made baby dress, Battenberg centrepiece. Gregg, J. C, Greenwood. Embroidered cen- trepiece. Harris, Miss Florence E., Rising Sun. Four table mats. Hart, Mrs. E. S., Greenfield. Crochet centre- piece (roll-stitch design), crochet centre- piece (pineapple and bean design). Hendricks, Mrs. Chas. E., Greenfield. Duch- ess lace collar, point-lace collar, collar point lace, applique, doily (novelty braid design), point-lace handkerchief, embroidered lunch cloth, lunch set in Battenburg (13 pieces), 1 pair embroidered curtains on burlap. Henry, Nellie E., Fort Wayne. Fillet insertion and fillet monogram. Houck, Mrs. G. W., Kokomo. Beaded chain, horsehair chain, beaded belt. Hunter, Miss Stella, Fort Wayne. Embroider- ed corset cover, handkerchief, child's apron, collars. (2), and towel. Johnson, Alfreda, West Point. Tenerliffe centerpiece, crochet centrepiece. Johnson, Anna, West Point. Embroidered cen- trepiece. Jeifers, Mrs. H. A., Bloomington. Crochet centrepiece. Jones, Mrs. Winson, Lebanon. Embroidered pincushion, jabot, handkerchief, shirtwaist set, samples (button holes). Kerr, Susan C, Union City. Hardanger lunch cloth. Knight, Mrs. Mary, Rochester. Crochet centre- piece. Kumph, Mrs. J. F. C, Brazil. Crochet pillow top. Langford, Marguerite, Fort Wayne. Fillet collar, fillet yoke. Lentz, Mrs. L. G.. Tipton. Persian lunch cloth (drawnwork). 32 DEPARTMENT OF MANUFACTURERS Leonard, Miss A. M., Indianapolis. Em- broidered pillow top. LDngcliff Hospital, Logansport. Dresser scarf, dresser cover, table cover, handkerchief, crochet lace, and one piece crochet lace. McCord, Mrs. Harris, Eockville. Embroidered towel, tatting handkerchief. McFadden, Mrs. Mary, Indianapolis. Two tatted handkerchiefs, 2 jabots. Marion County Hospital for Incurahle Insane, Juliette. Drawnwork squares (white and ecru). Meier, Mrs. Lewis, Indianapolis. Beaded hag (conventional design). Moler, Mrs. Angela, Indianapolis. Hand- woven scarf. Morgel, Mrs. Geo., Brazil. Tatted doily. Nash, Mrs. Winona M., Tipton. Embroidered centrepiece (Battenburg border), dresser scarf, centrepiece (hand-made lace), one- half dozen embroidered napkins with mono- gram, embroidered lunch cloth. Pugsley, Mrs. P. J., Peru. One pair infant's crochet shoes. Rickey, Mrs. Ada M., Lebanon. Piece of Venetian crochet. Eubelt, Miss Ida C, Brazil. Ladies' waist (baby Irish lace). Eubey, Miss Ida, Winchester. French em- broidered nightdress. Scott, Mrs. Ida Gray, Indianapolis. Silk Bat- tenburg stole. Smeltzer, Ella, Pyemont. Dresser scarf. Smith, Adelphia, Delphi. Scarf (knitted lace). Stevenson, Mrs. Lawrence, Oaktown. Crochet centrepiece (roll stitch). Stone, Mrs., Westfleld. Four-piece luncheon set. Strong, Mrs. Frank, Shelbyville. Embroidered wild-rose centrepiece. Strong, Mrs. R. H., Indianapolis. Drawnwork lunch cloth and dresser scarf. Turner, Miss Jennie, Lafayette. Beaded belt, point-lace handkerchief, drawnwork hand- kerchief. Waldemeyer, Mrs. Anna, Vevay. 1 fillet cen- trepiece (morning-glory pattern). Wahl, Mrs. Jacob, Vevay. Crochet daisy doily (original design, awarded medal at Man- chester, England, 1914), crochet oval and round doily, fillet crochet centrepiece, large fillet crochet centrepiece of grapes, 2 small doilies, 1 medium, centrepiece and tray cloth, crochet block and bar doily, crochet doily (horn of plenty design), hexagon doily, crochet plate and tumbler doily, rib-pattern crochet doily, large crochet doily (diamond design) crochet centrepiece (dia- mond and star design), crochet oval in scroll-fillet design. Webster, Mrs. E. R., Bedford. Crochet collar and cuff set. Wilson, Bess, Delphi. Lunch cloth and fancy towel. Wilson, Mrs. John, Remington. Point-lace handkerchief, tie and Battenburg collar. Woman's Prison, Indianapolis. Cross-stitch towels, crochet belt, Mexican lunch cloth, drawnwork bed set, embroidered bed set, crochet bed set. Woodburn, Mrs. Howard, Bowling Green. Dark linen lunch cloth (crochet border). Yaggy, Prudence A., Woodburn. Tatted doily. Yeager, Alma, Shelbyville. 18 crochet mats, crochet bag. Yeakley.^Mrs. Samuel, Burrows. Embroidered towel. * Foreign Section DENMARK GROUP 46 Hertz, P., Copenhagen. Silver and goldsmith to his Majesty, the King of Denmark. Spec- ialty, enamelled silver. (Danish Collective Exhibit.) V. I., 5th St. & Av. A, 6th St. & Av. B. Jensen, George, Copenhagen. Handwrought silver, original design. (Danish Collective Exhibit.) V. I., 5th St. & Av. A, 6th St. & Av. B. GROUP 47 Ericksen, Miss Bergitte, Copenhagen. Enamel- led brooches, rings, etc., in handsome silver. (Danish Collective Exhibit.) V. I., 5th St. & Av. A. 6th St. & Av. B. GROUP 49 Copenhagen Faience Factory, Copenhagen. Vases, Placques and Table Ware. (Danish Collective Exhibit.) V. L, 5th St. & Av. A, 6th St. & Av. B. Enke, J. Ipsens, Copenhagen. Terra Cotta Manufacturers to his Majesty, the King of Denmark. Statuary and Vases, antique and modern. (Danish Collective Exhibit.) V. I., 5th St. & Av. A, 6th St. & Av. B. Hjorth, L., Eonne. Statuettes and Vases in terra cotta and glazed stone ware. (Danish Collective Exhibit.) V. L, 5th St. & Av. A, 6th St. & Av. B. Jensen, George, Copenhagen. Handwrought sil- ver, original designs. (Danish Collective Ex- hibit ) V. L, 5th St. & Av. A, 6th St. & Av. B. Kohler, Herman A., Naestved. Art. Pottery in lustre and underglaze decoration. (Danish Collective Exhibit.) V. I., 5th St. & Av A, 6th St. & Av. B. Westergaard, Miss Mette, Copenhagen. Hand- woven works. Gobelins after Mohls de- signs. (Danish Collective Exhibit.) V. I., 5th St. & Av. A, 6th St. & Av. B. GROUP 50 Enke, P. Ipsens, Copenhagen. Terra Cotta Manufacturer to his Majesty, the King of Denmark. Statuary and Vases, antique and modern. (Danish Collective Exhibit.) V. I., 5th St. & Av. A, 6th St. & Av. B. Hjorth, L., Ronne. Statuettes and Vases in Terra Cotta and Glazed Stoneware. (Danish Collective Exhibit.) V. I., 5th St. & Ave. A, 6th St. & Av. B. Saligath, Mrs. L., Copenhagen. Bronze Work. Statuettes of famous racehorses modelled from life. (Danish Collective Exhibit.) V. I., 5th St & Av. A, 6th St. & Av. B. GROUP 66 Copenhagen Faience Factory, Copenhagen. Vases, Placques and Table Ware. (Danish Collective Exhibit.) V. I., 5th St. & Av. A, 6th St. & Av. B. Hjorth, L., Eonne. Statuettes and Vases in Terra Cotta and Glazed Stoneware. (Danish Collective Exhibit.) V. L, 5th St. & Av. A, 6th St. & Av. B. Emke, ^. Ipsene, Copanhagen. Terra Cotta Manufacturer to His Majesty, the King of Denmark. Statuary and Vases, antiques and modern. (Danish Collective Exhibit.) V. I., 5th St. & Av. A, 6th St. & Av. B, GROUP 80 Hirsch, Mrs. Sarah, Copenhagen. Embroider- ies. (Danish Collective Exhibit.) V. I., 5th St. & Av. A, 6th St. & Av. B. AND VARIED INDUSTRIES 33 Ilium, A. C, Copenhagen. Embroideries. (Dan- ish Collective Exhibit.) V. I., 5th St. & Av. A, 6th St. & Av. B. Larsen, Mrs. Ingleborg, Copenhagen. Table- cloth, Hedebo style. (Danish Collective Ex- hibit.) V. I., 5th St. & Av. A, 6th St. & Av. B. Sorensen, Miss Andrea, Copenhagen. Em- broideries, old Hedebo stvle. (Danish Col- lective Exhibit.) V. I., 5th St. & Av. A, 6th St. & Av. B. NETHERLANDS GROUP 46 Koninklyke Utrechtsche Fabriek Van Zilver- werken. Van C. J. Begeer, Utrecht. Silver- ware. 5th St., Av. D. 6th St. & Av. E. Niekerk Gebr., Schoonhoven. Silverware. 5th St., Av. D, 6th St. & Av. E. GROUP 47 Koninklyke Utrechtsche Fabriek Van Zilver- werken Van C. J. Begeer, Utrecht. Jewelry. 5th St., Av. D, 0th St. & Av. E. GROUP 51 Handoes, Gabriel, Utrecht. Stained Glass. 5th St., Av. D, 6th St. & Av. E. GROUP 60 Deventer Capsulefabriek, Deventer. Metal caps. 5th St., Av. D, 6th St. & Av. E. GROUP 64 Stoomweveryen, N. V., Voorheen Firma G. Van Besouv, J. Bzn., Goirle. Carpets and matting. 5th St., Av. D, 6th St. & Av. E. GROUP 66 N. V. Arnhemsche, Fayencefabriek, Arnhem. Ceramics. 5th St., Av. D, 6th St. & Av. E. E. Delftsch Aardwerkfabriek, "De Porceleyne Fles," Delft. Ceramics. 5th St., Av. D, 6th St. and Av. E. N. V. Fabriek Van Brouwer's Aaredewerk Voarheen Willem C. Brouwer, Leiderdorp. Ceramics. 5th St., Av. D, 6th St. & Av. E. Jager, A., Hilversum. Painted Tiles. 5th St., Av. D, 6th St. & Ave. E. N. V. Kunstaardewerkfabriek "St. Lucas," Utrecht. Ceramics. V. I., 5th St., Av. D, 6th St. & Av. E. Plateelbakkery "De Distel," Amsterdam. Ceramics. V. I., 5th St., Av. D, 6th St. & Av. E. Plateelbakkery "Zuid-Holland," Gouda. Ce- ramics. 5th St. & Av. D, 6th St. & Av. E. N. V. Steenfabriek, "Geldermalsen," Gelder- malsen. Fire bricks. 5th St. & Av. D, 6th St. & Av. E. Tichelaar Gebr., Makkum. Ceramics. 5th St. ■ & Av. D, 6th St. & Av. E. Van Hulst, J., Harlingen. Wall Tiles. 5th St, & Av. D., 6th St. & Av. E. GROUP 68 Strykers, A. Tiel. Wicker-covered bottles. 5th St. & Av. D, 6th St. & Av. E. N. V. Vereenigde Glasfabrieken, Vlaardingen. Bottles. 5th St. & Av. D, 6th St. & Av. E. GROUP 71 W. J. Stokvls' Koninklyke Fabriek Van Me- taalwerken, Arnhem. Lighting fixtures. 5th St. & Av. D, 6th St. & Av. E. GROUP 76 Firma M. Van Dam & Zonen, Enschede. Tex- tiles. 5th St. & Av. D, 6th St. &.Av. D. GROUP 82 Firma Frans Van DenAssum, Dongen. Leather boots. 5th St. & Av. D, 6th St. & Av. E. SWEDEN The exhibits of Sweden, classified in this Department, are installed in the Swedish Building, Avenue of Nations. if,.. FACTORY AT ARLINGTON. NEW JERSEY. U. S. A. ESTABLISHED 1883 THE ARLINGTON COMPANY Manufacturers of PYRALIN Toilet Articles Ivory Pyralin — the Toilet Ware De Luxe Combs, Brushes, Mirrors and Fancy Goods Pyralin Sheeting Made in hundreds of attractive designs and a wide range of colors. Our No. 624 is an exceptionally fine flexible transparent product, made especially for the Automobile Trade. Arlington Waterproof Collars and Cuffs Made in the following well-known brands: Challenge, Rubber, Pyralin, Out Door, Water Nymph, Tidal Wave. Pyralin Lacquers and Enamels The body and base of all Pyralin Lacquers is Pyroxylin. They will not crack, peel, or scale, and are unaffected by moisture and climatic changes. The Arlington Company •A PACIFIC -IMTt^ SAN FRANCISCO • (915 Established 1883 725-727 Broadway New York, U. S. A. Branches: CHICAGO 125 So. Market Street ST. LOUIS 505 No. 7th Street BOSTON 86 Essex Street DETROIT 117 Jefferson Avenue PHILADELPHIA 900 Chestnut Street SAN FRANCISCO 718 Mission Street TORONTO 58 to 64 Frazer Avenue The Gorham Company Silversmiths and Goldsmiths MAKERS OF Sterling Silver Ware Gold Ware Hard Metal Plated Ware Ecclesiastical Ware g^S^Bron^if Stained Glass Window^s Sculpture in Bronze & Marble Architectural Bronze Memorial Tablets in Bronze and Brass Fifth Avenue and Thirty-Sixth Street, New York BRANCHES 15, 17, 19 Maiden Lane, New York 140 Geary Street, San Francisco 1 South Wabash Avenue, Chicago Ely Place, London WORKS — Providence and New York THE GORHAM PAVILION AT THE PANAMA.PACIFIC INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITION SAN FRANCISCO Is located in Manufacturers and Varied Industries Building Avenue C, between Third and Fourth Streets : rM^T(!ft>^Jj;W$iW$lJ^¥jgg^^^ jjuyuumnmiAJinjirinmui^ i MACniNEET Official Catalogue of£xhibitor3 PANAAA - PACIFIC INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITION SAN FRANCI5G0 I9I5 11 ■■*a!fcj.j TheWalJj^reen Co SEE OUR EXHIB IT Southeast Corner Block 44, 45 & 46 Coroisr Av«. I aci4 5$!b 3t,* "Mjichinery PaUcc We are showing the following manufacturers' 1 ines: Name— Location — Product — Aibfeciit Excavator Co. Milwaukee, Wis. Excavator Machinery Bart^^r Asphalt Paving Co. Philadelphia, Pa. Roofing Material Cei-esJt Waterproofing Co* Chicago, 111. Waterproofing Material C. H. &, B. Mfg. Co. Milwaukee, Wis. Contractors' Equipment Clyd« Irpw Works Duiuth, Minn. Steam and Electric Hoists Haslett Spiral Chute Co. San Francisco, Ceia. Package Chbtes Iroquois Iron Works; Buffalo, N. Y. Road Rollers MuggJ«y Differential' Co. New York, N. Y.. Differential Axles Patent Scaffold Co. New York, N. Y. Safety Scaffolds Owen Bucket Co. Cleveland, Ohio Clam Shell Buckets jRusseU Grader Mfg. Co. Minneapolis, Mirin. Road Machinery St. Jl-ouis Steel Foundry Co . St. Louis, Mo. Manganese Track Work The T.^ J^.. JSrolth Company Milwaukee, Wis. Concrete Machinery PARROTT & CO San Francisco Office, 320 California Street Los Angeles Office, Higgins Building PANAMA-PACIFIC INTERNAtlONAL EXPOSmON SAN FRANCISCO OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT C^wlyiO 19X47 To Whoa It May Conearn:* Thle i8 to certlfiTthot thd Wahlgreen Company Tef which Ur» G. A. Wahlgreen is ttat Pr»ti(lMit and Manager, has bsan given a con- tract by the Panana-Pacific International Exposition Company authorising and requiring the Vbhlgreen Company to publish the official deily pre* granme, official catalogue, official hand-book, official guide and of- ficial naps of the Exposition. Copyright PANAMA-PACIFIC INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITION San Francisco, 1©I5. Official Catalogue of Exhibitors Panama-Pacific International Exposition San Francisco, California, J9I5 CHARLES C, MOORE President Director-in-Chicf ..: FREDERICK J. V. SKIFF Division of Exhibits ASHER CARTER BAKER, Director Department F MACHINERY LIEUT. G. W. DANFORTH, Chief Preliminary Edition Published for the Division of Exhibits by The "Walgreen Company, Official Publishers San Francisco, J9I5 PREFACE By Asher Carter Baker, Director of Exhibits A modern, universal exposition is an encyclopedia of man's words and works. It is a collection of the achievements and productivity of man for exam- ination by the International Jury of Awards, and constitutes a compact, classified, indexed compendium of man's activity in all phases, extending to the most material as well as to the most refined products. It is estimated that a million objects are exposed in the various displays installed within the palaces, in foreign, state and special pavilions. To properly classify, group and arrange alphabetically all the exhibits of an exposition of such international scope, is a task of such magnitude as to make it impossible to provide a complete catalogue of these exhibits on opening day of the Exposition. This edition of the official catalogue is therefore presented preliminary to the revised and complete catalogue which will be issued within a few weeks, and to the preparation of which, in realization of its extraordinary value as a document of general and commercial reference, special care is being given. The present volume, however, capably serves the purpose for which it is designed, as an early index of the infinite variety of interesting exhibits which are the concrete evidences of the industrial, educational and artistic advancement of the world. Acknowledgment is hereby offered of the excellent co-operation received in the compilation of this catalogue from the Commissioners-General of participating nations, officers of State Commissions, individual exhibitors, and more particularly, the various officers of the Division of Exhibits, and the Official Catalogue Com- pany, publishers of the catalogue. PALACE OF MACHINERY MACHINERY Official Catalogue Department F CLASSIFICATION OF EXHIBITS Steam Generators and Motors Utilizing Steam. Accessory Appliances. Internal Combustion Motors. Hydraulic Motors. Miscellaneous Motors. General Machinery and Accessories. Tools for Shaping Wood and Metals. Electrical Groups. Commutating Apparatus. Synchronous Apparatus. Stationary Induction Apparatus. Rotary Induction Apparatus. Unipolar (Acyclic) Apparatus. Rectifying Apparatus. Luminous Apparatus (Sources of Light). Measuring, Indicating and Recording Apparatus. Apparatus for Protection of Electric Apparatus and for Control and Distribution of Electric Energy, other than Railway Material. Electro-Chemical Apparatus. MAIN H ENTf NO II EjS s 3 — « F • 2 t -S D AVENUE Ct W3 X AVENUE ■«ol XI t/5 — 12 z _2 i :, ^IS] •■2 M c 5*5 H i »4 u U z S 2 1 "- r O **» O O 2 < M cr INTRODUCTION Department of Machinery BY Lieut. G. W. DanfortK Chief Mechanical and electrical genius has brought into practical use many machines and electrical appliances for manufacturing and transportation purposes, and has also supplied many useful and convenient machines and appliances for the home, the farm, and for miscellaneous needs. Within the last decade engineers have made notable advancement in the iypts of engines which transform the energy of burning fuel into mechanical motion, and in the types of machines and electrical apparatus which apply this mechanical energy to industrial and domestic uses. The practical and economical production of electric current is now accom- plished by the employment of both engine and water power, and the problems of transmission, control and practical uses of this current have been worked out with great skill and ingenuity. The great variety of machines and labor-saving devices now used is familiar to everyone. There has been notable advance in various machines and processes for the shaping of metals. These processes and the machines themselves are made possible by the skill of the metallurgist in producing pure metals and useful alloys. In Machinery Palace will be shown machines and electrical apparatus which come under all of these classes, with many instruments and appliances related there- to. These exhibits are not only shown as commercial features of interest to the engineer and to the manufacturer, but special attention has been given to bringing out points of educational interest which will show and explain the fundamental prin- ciples, the essential features and the functions of these exhibits. Wherever practical, machinery and electrical apparatus will be shown in operation, also in many cases will be shown in parts or cut in sections, with such explanations as will enable anyone interested to study them. The exhibits in Machinery Palace have been so selected and arranged that they will be of particular interest to the greatest number of visitors, including the scientist, the practical engineer, the mechanic, the electrician, the manufacturer, the student, the farmer and, last but not least, the housewife. Many exhibits of machinery classified under other exhibit departments are placed in Machinery Palace. These include: Contractors, Road Making, Agri- cultural, Mining and Printing Machines, which are not listed in this Catalogue, but are listed in the catalogues of the departments to which they belong. HOW TO LOCATE AN EXHIBIT The Palace of Machinery is laid out in blocks, which are con- secutively numbered from 1 to 54, inclusive, as shown on the floor plan. The aisles are designated as streets (First to Fifth), running north to south, and as avenues (A to I), from east to west. To locate an exhibitor refer to the names, alphabetically arranged under the exhibit group to which each belongs in the official classification, and note the aisle location following each name. Street and Avenue signs are erected at their intersection on the corners of all blocks. All Exhibits entered in this Catalogue are located in the Palace of Machinery, unless otherwise indicated after the entry. The fol- lowing are abbreviations used in this Catalogue to designate other Exhibit Palaces: Fine Arts Palace Fn. A. Pal. Education Palace Ed. Pal. Liberal Arts Palace Lb. A. Pal. Manufactures Palace Mfr. Pal. Varied Industries Palace V. I. Pal. Machinery Palace Mch. Pal. Transportation Palace Trns. Pal. • Agriculture Palace Agr. Pal. Food Products Palace Fd. Pr. Pal. Live Stock Palace Lv. St. Pal. Horticulture Palace Hor. Pal. Mines and Metallurgy Palace Min. Pal. DEPARTMENT OF MACHINERY DEPARTMENT OF MACHINERY Official Classification of Exhibits GROUP 85 STEAM GENERATORS AND MOTORS UTILIZING STEAM. ACCESSORY APPLIANCES Class 449. Steam engines and steam turbines ; portable, semi-portable and stationary ; valve gear, governors, lubricating apparatus, and accessories attached. Class 450. Boilers, stationary, marine, portable and semi-portable; boiler equipment, includ- ing furnaces, grate bars, smoke stacks, mechanical stokers, oil burners, oil and other fuel systems, mechanical flue and tube cleaners; forced and natural draft apparatus and equipment; fuel economizers, superheaters; boiler fittings; coal handlers and conveyors; ash handling systems and apparatus. NOTE : Agricultural and road-making machinery is not included herewith. Class 451. Appliances for handling and purifying feed water: feed pumps and injectors, feed- water regulators, feed tanks ; feed-water heaters; chemical and mechanical puri- fiers, oil extractors, scale removing appliances and compounds ; water softening compounds. (See Class 462.) Class 452. Valve gear, governors and speed regulators for steam engines or turbines, not attached. Class 453. Equipment for transmission and control of steam: steam piping and piping systems, including pipe, valves, fittings, steam hose, traps, separators and exhaust heads. Class 454. Condensing apparatus: surface and jet condensers; air pumps, dry vacuum pumps, circulating pumps ; cooling towers, cooling systems. Class 455. Methods and appliances for testing and recording the performances of engines, turbines, boilers, condensers, their auxiliaries, and other machinery: pyrometers, steam thermometers, calorimeters, steam meters, C02 recorders, flue gas ana- lysis apparatus for steam power plants ; counters, gages, indicators, tachometers, and dynamometers. GROUP 86 INTERNAL COMBUSTION MOTORS Class 456. Internal combustion engines, gas turbines, and all motors in which internal com- bustion of the fuel takes place; apparatus and systems for supplying fuel for internal combustion motors. NOTE: This group does not include motors attached to mobile devices (such as automobiles), nor does it include agricultural or road making machinery. GROUP 87 HYDRAULIC MOTORS Class 457. Impulse wheels, turbines and other motors driven by water power, and apparatus for their regulation and control. GROUP 88 MISCELLANEOUS MOTORS Class 458. Motors operated by heated air, or other means, not elsewhere classified. GROUP 89 GENERAL MACHINERY AND ACCESSORIES Class 459. Appliances for handling heavy weights; overhead traveling and stationary cranes, operated by hand or power; hoisting engines, jacks, differential pulleys. (Marine and mining equipment not included.) Class 460. Conveying machinery: belt, bucket and movable table or roller conveyors; trolley conveyors. (For special apparatus in mining see Classes 750, 756 and 780.) Class 461. Power-transmitting and appliances: leather, fiber, chain, link and other belting; cable and rope drives ; gearing, shafting, couplings, pulleys, clutches, hangers, and pedestals. Class 462. Apparatus for lifting and handling water and other liquids: hand, steam and power driven pumps, pulsometers, air lifts, hydraulic rams; water pipe and accessories; water meters. (See also Classes 451, 470, 530, 554, 559 and 751 for pumps for special uses.) Class 463. Fire engines, extinguishers and fire fighting apparatus. (See Class 183.) Class 464. Air and gas compressors and accessories. (See also Classes 354 and 749.) Class 465. Brick and tile making machinery. (Transferred to Class 765.) Class 466. Dredging and excavating machinery and appliances. (For railroad machinery see Class 520, For mining machinery see Class 759.) Class 467. Refrigerating machinery, (See also Classes 531 and 601.) Class 468. Packing, gaskets, heat insulating material, lubricators, lubricants, lubricating systems, metal for bearings. Class 469. General machinery not otherwise classified. 10 DEPARTMENT OF MACHINERY GROUP 90 TOOLS FOR SHAPING WOOD AND METALS Glass 470. Steam forging hammers, hydraulic forging presses; hydraulic accumulators, inten- sifiers, pumps and accessories ; extruding presses ; hand and power shears, punches and blank cutters for metals; plate bending and planing machines; drop forging hammers; swaging presses; riveting machines. (See Cflass 462.) Class 471. Apparatus, equipment and compounds used in annealing, hardening, tempering, brazing and soldering metals. Class 472. Machine tools, lathes, planers, shapers ; drilling, boring, milling, slotting and splining machines; bolt, nut and pipe machines; metal saws; forcing presses; polishing and finishing machines for metals; machines for rough grinding. All machine tool attachments ; safety devices when attached to machines ; portable power tools ; tool grinding machines ; machine shop accessories. Class 473. Machinery for grinding accurate surfaces; screw cutting machines; presses and spinning lathes for shaping sheet metals. Class 474. Hand tools for machinists: measuring tools; bench tools, etc. Class 475. Machines and tools for boiler shop and sheet metal shop work, not elsewhere classified. Class 476. Wood working machinery: power saws, wood lathes, planers and jointers, and other wood working power tools other than saw-mill equipment ; equipment for bending or pressing wood ; box and basket machinery. Attachments for wood- working machinery. Safety devices for wood working machinery when shown attached to machines. (See Class 448.) Class 477. Special machinery for various purposes, not otherwise classified. ELECTRICAL GROUPS GROUP 91 COMMUTATING APPARATUS Class 478. Direct-current commutating generators, all types. Class 479. Synchronous commutating machines, comprising synchronous converters, motor converters and double current generators. Class 480. Direct and alternating current commutating type motors. Class 481. Direct and alternating current commutating type railway motors. GROUP 92 SYNCHRONOUS APPARATUS (All Alternating Current) Class 482. Synchronous generators, all types. Class 483. Synchronous motors. Class 484. Synchronous condensers. Class 485. Synchronous frequency changers. Class 486. Synchronous rotary phase converters. GROUP 93 STATIONARY IITOUCTION APPARATUS Class 487. Transformers (including induction coils) and autotransformers, all types. Class 488. Potential regulators and reactances, all types. Class 489. Induction starters. GROUP 94 BOTABT INDUCTION APPARUTUS Class 490. Induction generators, all types. Class 491. Induction motors. Class 492. Induction condensers. Class 493. Induction frequency changers. Class 494. Induction rotary phase converters. GROUP 95 UNIPOLAR (ACYCLIC) APPARATUS Class 495. Unipolar (Acyclic apparatus). GROUP 96 RECTIFYING APPARATUS Class 496. Rotating commutators. Class 497. Electric valves (including mercury rectifiers). Class 498. Vibrating commutators. GROUP 97 LUMINOUS APPARATUS (Sources of Light) Class 499. Arc lamps, all types. Class 500. Incandescent lamps, all types. Class 501. Vapor lamps, all types. Class 502. Vacuum lamps, all types. DEPARTMENT OF MACHINERY 11 GROUP 98 MEASURING, INDICATING AND RECORDING APPARATUS (Not including instruments for pure science and research work.) Class 503. Instruments for switchboard use. Class 504. Instruments for mounting apart from switchboard. Class 505. Portable instruments. Class 506. Laboratory instruments. GROUP 99 APPARATUS FOR PROTECTION OF ELECTRIC APPARATUS AND FOR CONTROL AND DISTRIBUTION OF ELECTRIC ENERGY, OTHER THAN RAILWAY MATERIAL Class 507. Complete switchboards. Class 508. Lightning arrestors and accessories. Class 509. Devices for opening and closing circuits and controlling flow of current therein. NOTE: In class 509 will be placed such devices as are used in stations and on main circuits. Class 510. Devices and material used in distribution of current and control of distribution circuits other than in stations and on main circuits; including fuses and fuse holders, conduits, cables, wires, insulators, junction boxes, cabinets, cut-outs, sockets, fixtures, electric sign mechanism, and other subsidiary apparatus not otherwise classified. (See Class 308.) Class 510%Electrical workers' tools and appliances. GROUP 100 ELECTRO-CHEMICAL APPARATUS Class 511. Storage batteries. Class 512. Primary batteries. 12 DEPARTMENT OF MACHINERY GROUP 85 STEAM GENERATORS AND MOTORS UTILIZING STEAM. ACCESSORY APPLIANCES Advance Pump & Compressor Co., Battle Creek, Mich. Power Pumps and Air Com- pressors. 5th St., cor. Av. D. American Pulley Co., The, Philadelphia, Pa. Pulleys. 4th St. & Av. I. Wrought steel belt pulleys. , ^ , American Steam Pump Co., Battle Creek, Mich, Boiler Feed Pumps, Vacuum Pumps. 1st St. & Av. E. Simons Machinery Co., California Agents. ^ , _ Armstrong, L. D., San Francisco, Cal. Power Pumps and Air Compressors. (Coll Exh.) 5th St., cor. Av. E. Ashton Valve Co., Boston, Mass. Safety Valves and Steam Gauges. (In Service.) Babcock & Wilcox Co., New York, N. Y. Boilers. 2nd & 3rd Sts. & Av. G. Marine and stationary boilers, superheaters, stok- ers. General Pacific Coast Offices: San Francisco, Portland, Tucson, Seattle, Salt Lake City, Los Angeles. Chas. C. Moore, Mgr. Badenhausen Co. of Philadelphia, Pa. Water Tube Boilers. 5th St., bet. Avs. F & G. L. D. Armstrong, Agt., 417 Market St., S. F. Bristol Co., The, Waterbury Conn. Record- ing and Testing Instruments. 2nd St. & Av. D. Crane Co., Chicago, 111. Steam Valves and Fittings; Steam Plant Accessories. 3rd St., Avs. D & E. Crosby Steam Gauge & Valve Co., Boston, Mass. Recording Instruments. 4th St. & Av. F. Fess System Co., Inc., San Francisco, Cal. Crude Oil Burning Appliances. 5th St. & Av. F. Gas Engine & Power Co. & Chas. L. Seabury, Con., Morris Heights, N. Y. Water Tube Boilers. 4th St. & Avs. E. & F. General Electric Co., Schenectady, N. Y. Steam Flow Meters. (Power Plant, Hor. Pal.) Gold Car Heating & Lighting Co., New York, N. Y. Thermostats. 1st St. & Av. D. Steam, vapor, combination pressure and va- por, hot water and electric systems, Ther- mostate control for same. Cyclone and window ventilators. W. J. Marland, Rep. Mch. Pal., San Francisco, Cal. Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co., Akron, O. Steam & Fire Hose. The Mine. Harrison Safety Boiler Works, Philadelphia, Pa. Safety Boilers. 4th St. & Av. G. Cochrane Metering Feed Water Heaters & Independent V-Notch Meters. "Multiport" Back Pressure "Valves." Cochrane Steam & Oil Separators. Harron, Rickard & McCone, San Francisco, Cal. Water Handling Appliances. (Coll. Exh.) 4th & 5th Sts. & Avs. G & H. Hersey Mfg. Co., Boston, Mass. Water Meters. 2nd St. & Av. H. Pacific Coast Branch, 461 Market St., S. F., J. W. Blair, Mgr. Hill Pump Valve Co., Chicago, 111. Patent Feed Pump Valves. 5th St., bet. Avs. F&G. Hoppes Mfg. Co. of Springfield, O. Water Heaters. 5th St., bet. F&G. Feed Water Heaters, V-Notch Recorders, Separators, Oil Eliminators. Hyde, Henry C. Co., San Francisco, Cal. Marine Engines. 4th St., bet. Avs. E & F. Marine Engines, Speedway; Water Tube Boilers, Seabury; Marine Engines, Water- man Two-Cycle; Uni-Electric, Gasoline- Electric Lighting System; Oil Engines, Diesel Type; Marine Engines, Holmes; Marine Engines, Peerless. Industrial Instrument Co., The, Foxboro, Mass. Recording & Testing Instruments. 3rd St. & Av. C2. « , ^ Krogh Mfg. Co., San Francisco, Cal. Pumps. 3rd St., Av. H & I. Centrifugal pumps, turbine pumps, slime pumps. Lagonda Mfg. Co., Springfield, O. Boiler Fittings. 2nd St. & Av. G2. Tube Cleaners, Water Strainers, Automatic Steam Stop and Chuck Valves. Chas. C. Moore & Co., Engineers, Gen. Pacific Coast Agts. Locomotive Superheater Co., New York, N. Y. Marine Superheaters. 3rd St. & Av. H. Lunkenheimer Co., The, Cincinnati, O. En- gineering Appliances. 1st St. & Av. G2, Boiler mountings and equipment, whistles, lubricators; oiling devices, oil cups, grease cups, injectors. Mcintosh & Seymour, Corp., Auburn, N. Y. Engines. 3rd St. & Av. F. Diesel Oil Engines, Steam Engines. Chas. C. Moore Co., Engineers, Gen. Pacific Coast Agts. MacLeod Co., The, Cincinnati, O. Oil Burn- ers. 1st St. & Av. I. Marland, W. J., Oakland, Cal. Thermostats. (Coll. Exh.) 1st St. & Av. D. Mine Safety Appliance Co., Pittsburg, Pa. Pressure and Recording Gauges. Mln, Pal. "The Mine." National Meter Co., New York, N. Y. Water Meters. 1st St. & Av. H. National Tube Co., Pittsburg, Pa. Tubes, Pipes and Fittings. Min. Pal., Av. D. Nelson Valve Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Valves. 1st & Av. A. Neptune Meter Co., New York, New York. Water Meters. 1st St. & Av, C2. Olsen Testing Machine, Tinius, Philadelphia, Pa. Dvnamometers and Machines. 3rd St. & Av. *E. Pacific Tank & Pipe Co., San Francisco, Cal. Feed Water Tanks, etc. 6th St. bet, Av. A & B. Pelton Water Wheel Company, The, San Francisco, Cal., and New York. 4th & 5th Sts. Av. F. Water Wheels, Centrifugal Pumps, Recording Instruments. Pennsylvania Flexible Metallic Tubing Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Flexible Metallic Tubing. 5th St. & Av. F. Pratt & Cady Co., Inc., Hartford, Conn. Boiler Valves. (In Service.) Ray Manufacturing Co., W. S., San Francis- co, Cal. Oil-Burning Systems. 5th St. & Av. G2. Schaeflfer & Budenberg Mfg. Co., The, Brook- 13m, N. Y. Indicating & Recording Tacho- meter. 4th & 5th Sts. & Av. F. "S. C." Regulator Co., Fostoria Ohio. 5th St. bet. F&G. Feed Water Regulator. Simonds Machinery Co., San Francisco Cal. Feed Pumps. (Collective Exhibit.) 1st & 2nd Sts. & Av. E. Smith & Watson Iron Works, The, Portland, Ore. Oil Burning Equipment. 4th & 5th Sts., Av. 0*2. Weber Subterranean Pump Co., New York, N. Y. Air Lift Pumps. Mch Pal., Block 23 South. Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Co., Pittsburg, Pa. Steam Turbine & Auxiliar- ies. 4th St. bet. Avs. E & F, 2nd & 4th Sts., Avs. C & C2. Governor, valve gear, lu- bricating apparatus and other accessories on turbine. Small turbine (in United States Government Oil Well Exhibit). Condensing apparatus, including pump, pump turbine and accessories. Westinghouse Machine Co., East Pittsburg, Pa. Steam Turbines; Steam Condenser & Auxiliaries. 3rd & 4th Sts., Avs. & C2. Worthington, Henry R., New York, New York. Power Pumi>s. (In Service.) Hor. Pal. DEPARTMENT OF MACHINERY 13 Yarnall-Waring Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Steam Valves. 1st St. & Av. D. Young, C. J., Iron Works, Seattle Wash. Machinery 4th & 5th Sts. bet. Avs. C & C2. INTERNAL COMBUSTION MOTORS Armstrong, L. D., San Francisco, Cal. Inter- nal Combustion Engines. (Collective Ex- hibit.) 5th St. cor. Av. E. Bessemer Gas Engine Co., The, Grove City, Pa. Internal Cor. ])ustion Engines. 4th St., Avs. D & E. Buffalo Gasolene Motor Co., San Francisco, Cal. Internal Combustion Engines. 5th St. & Av. F. Busch-Sulzer Bros. Diesel Engine Co., St. Louis, Mo. Internal Combustion Engines. 3rcl St., Avs. D & E. California State Collective Exhibit. Inter- nal Combustion Engines. 4th St. & Av. F. Doak Gas Engine Co., Oakland, Cal. Internal Combustion Engines. 4th St. & Av. F. Fulton Manufacturing Co., Erie, Pa. Internal Combustion Engines. 4th St. & Av. F. Gas Engine & Power Co. & Chas. L. Sea- bury, Con., Morris Heights, N. Y. Internal Combustion Engines. (Collective Exhibit.) 4th St., 5th St. & Avs. G & H. Harron, Rickard & McCone, San Francisco, Cal. Internal combustion engines. (Collec- tive Exhibit.) 4th & 5th Sts. & Avs. G & H. Holmes Motor Co., Inc., The, Boston Mass. Internal Combustion Engines. 4th St., Avs. E & F. GROUP 86 Hyde Co., Henry C, San Francisco Cal. In- ternal Cjjmbustion Engines. (Collective Exhibit.) 4th St., Avs. F & E. Imperial Gas Engine Co., San Francisco, Cal. Internal Combustion Engines. 4th St. & Av. E. Marine gas engines. 1, 2, 3, 4 & 6 cylinder engines. Whistles and acces- sories. New style reversing gear. Factory located in San Francisco. Interrational Harvester Company of America, Chicago, U. S. A. Internal Combustion Engines. Apparatus and systems for sup- plying fuel for internal combustion mo- tors. Agr. Pal. 4th St., bet. Avs. B & C. Eewanee Private Utilities Co., Kewanee, 111. Gasolene Storage Svstem. 1st and 2nd Sts. & Av. E. Loew- Victor Engine Co., Chicago, 111. Inter- nal Combustion Engines. 4th St. & Av. F. Lunkenheimer Co., The, Cincinnati, Ohio. Gas Engine Accessories. 1st St. & Av. G2. Mcintosh & Seymour Corporation, Auburn, N. Y. Internal Combustion Engines. 3rd St. & Av. F. Mietz, August, New York, New York. Inter- nal Combustion Engines. 4th St. & Av. D. New London Ship & Engine Co., Groton, Conn. Internal Combustion Engines. 4th & 5th Sts. & Av. E. Peerless Marine Motor Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Internal Combustion Engines. 4th St., Avs. E & F. Standard Gas Engine Co., San Francisco, Cal. Internal Combustion Engines. 1st & 2nd Sts., Avs. E * F. Venn-Severin Co., Chicago, 111. Internal Combustion Motors. 4th St., bet. Avs. F & G. Waterman Marine Motor Co., Detroit, Mich. Internal Combustion Engines. 4th St., Avs. E & F. Western Gas Engine Corporation, Los An- geles. Cal. Gas Engines. Av. G., 1st & 2nd Sts. Gas, distillate and oil engines, portable and stationary; and mining hoists. GROUP 87 HYDRAULIC MOTORS Pelton Water Wheel Co., The, San Francis- co, Cal. Water Wheels. 4th & 5th Sts., Av. F. GROUP 88 MISCELLANEOUS MOTORS Campbell, Allen G., San Diego, Cal. Sun Motor. GROUP 89 GENERAL MACHINERY AND ACCESSORIES Advance Pump & Compressor Co., Battle Creek, Mich. Steam and Power Pumps. 5th St., cor. Av. D. , _.. _ Albricht Excavator Co., Milwaukee, Wis. Ex- cavating Machinery. 4th & 5th Sts. & Av. I. Parrott & Company, San Francisco, Cal., Representative. See ad on froint Aldrich' Pump Co., The, AUentown, Pa. 5th St., bet. Avs. F & G. Power Pumps. ^ American Cast Iron Pipe Co., Birmingham, Ala. Pipe. 2nd St. & Av. H. Pacific Coast Branch, 461 Market St., San Fran- cisco, Cal. J. W. Blair, Manager American Clutch Co., Amesbury, Mass. 5th St., cor. Av. G. Friction Clutches, Pulleys and accessories. . . ^ «^ •» ..i American Hoist & Derrick Co., St. Paul, Minn. .5th St., bet. Avs. F & G. Steam Hoists. _ _, , American La France Fire Engine Co., Elmira, N. Y. (In Service.) Motor Fire-flghting Apparatus. . , , ^, ti American Pulley Co., The, Philadelphia, Pa. 4th St. & Av. I. Wrought Steel Belt ^ Pullers and accessories. American Steam Pump Co., Battle Creek, Mich. Pumps. 1st St. & Av. E. Boiler feed pumps and centrifugal pumps, vacuum air compressors. California, Simonds Ma- chinery Co. „, . ^ American Well Works, The, Aurora, 111. Ist St., Avs. G & G2. Power Pumps Armstrong, L. D., San Francisco, Cal. 5th St., cor. Av. B. (Collective Exhib^it.) Power Pumps and Air Compressors. Bacon Co., Edward R., San Francisco, Cal. 4th & 5th Sts., Avs. C & C2. (Collective Exhibit.) Excavating Machinery. Baker-Hansen Manufacturing Co., East Oak- land, Cal. 4th St., Avs. E & F. Air Com- pressors. , « , -., Ee^ger & Carter Co., San Francisco, Cal. 5th St. & Av. I. Collective Exhibit. Hydraulic Press for Extracting Oils and Juices. Bessemer Gas Engine Co., Grove City, P». Gas & Oil Engines. 4th St. & Avs. D & E. Bond Foundrv & Machine Co., Manheim, Lancaster Co., Pa. 4th St. & Av. I. Power Transmitting Machinery and acces- sories. B.^nd Company, Chas., Philadelphia, Pa. Manufacturers. 4th St. & Av. I. Leather Beltine. ^ ^ ^ Bristol Company, The, Waterbury, Conn. 2nd St. & Av. D. Belt liacings and Rivets. Brown Portable Elevator Co., Chicago, 111. 4th St. & Av. H. Conveying and Elevating Machinerv. Caradian Bond Hanger & Coupling Co., Ltd., Alexandria. Ont. Power Transmitting Ma- chinerv. 3rd St. & Av. I. Chain Belt Co.. Milwaukee, Wis. 3rd St., bet. Avs. H & I. Chain Belting, Elevator Buckets. ChJsholm & Moore Mfg. Co., The, Cleveland, Ohio. 1st St. & Ave. I, Chain Hoists & Trolleys, Traveling Cranes. Berger & Car- ter Co., San Francisco, Agents. 14 DEPARTMENT OF MACHINERY Clyde Iron Works, Duluth, U. S. A. Manu- facturers. 5th St. & Av. H. Hoisting Machinery, Excavating Machinery. Log- ging Machinery. Represented by Parrott & Co., San Francisco. See ad on front cover of catalog. Cowan Truck Company, Holyoke, Mass. Trucks. Cor. .3rd St. & Av. H. Special trucks for handling heavy weights. Stock handling system for factory, warehouse, railway and wholesalers. Crane Company, Chicago, 111. 2nd & 3rd Sts., Avs. D & E. Valves, Fittings and Water Handling Appliances. Cumberland Steel Co., Cumberland, Md. 3rd St., bet. Avs. H & I. Ground Shafting. Cyclops Iron Works, San Francisco, Cal. Overhead Traveling Cranes. In Service. Dodge Mfg. Co., Mishawaka, Ind. 5th St. & Av. H. Conveying Machinery, Oscillat- ing Conveyors. Vibrating screens, Zim- mer conveyors, flexible coupling. Solid Safety friction clutch. Transmission rope drive. Power transmission appliances. Herron. Riekard & McC'one, representa- tives, San Francisco. Down, S. G., San Francisco, Cal. 3rd St. Avs. C2 and D. Collective Exhibit. Air Compressors and accessories. Economy Engineering Company, Chicago, 111. Av. H, bet. 3rd and 4th Sts. Hoisting Machinery, Portable Elevators, Warehouse Equipment, Steel Barrel Racks, Barrel Storage System. 805 Monadnock Building, San Francisco office. Electrene Company, The, New York, N. Y. (In Service.) Fire Extinguishers. Falk Company, The, Milwaukee, Wis. 4th St. & Av. F. Power Transmitting Gears. Field Force Pump Co., Elmira, N. Y. Hor- Palace, Av. A and 2nd St. Pumps and Pressure Filters. Flory Manufacturing Company, Bangor, Pa. 4th St. & Av. D. Hoisting Engines. Fuller & Co., W. P., San Francisco, Cal. Min. Pa., Av. C & ord St. Lubricating Oils. Gas Engine & Power Co. & Chas. L. Sea- bury, Con., Morris Heights, N. Y. 4th St & Avs. E & F. General Electric Co., Shenectady, N. Y. Bat- tery Truck Cranes. (In Service.) Fabroil Transmission Gears (Mfr. Pal) Goodrich Rubber Co., B. F., Akron, Ohio. Hor. Pal. 1st St., bet. Avs. C & D, Sani- tary Belting for Canning Factories. Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co., Akron, Ohio. Air Drill Suction Hose. The Mine. Graton & Knight Mfg. Co., Worcester, Mass. Manufacturers. 2nd St. & Av. H. Flat, round and "V" leather belting, leather packings and gaskets. Harron, Riekard & McCone, San Francisco, Cal. 4th St., 5th St. & Avs. G & H. Col- lective Exhibit. Hoists, Pumps. Haslett Warehouse Company, San Francisco, Cal. 4th St. & Av. I. Package Chute. Parrott & Co.. San Francisco, Cal., Rep- resentatives. See ad on front cover Hersey Manufacturing Co., So. Boston, Mass. Water Meters. 2nd St. and Av. H. Pacific Coast Branch, 461 Market St., San Fran- cisco. J. W. Blair, Mgr. Hill Publishing Co., New York, N. Y. Ist St bet. Avs. C & C2. Electric Mechani- cal Periodicals. Hyde Company., Henry C. San Francisco, Cal. 4th St., Avs. E & F. Collective Ex- hibit. Gasolene Electric Lighting Systems. Hydraulic Press Mfg. Co., The. Mt. Oilead. Ohio. 2nd St., Avs. H & I. Power Pumps and Valves. Ideal Stencil Machine Co., Bellevillo, 111. 5th St. & Av. E. D. P. Mannion, Div. Sales Mgr., 417 Market St., San Francisco. International Acheson Graphite Co., Niagara Falls, N. Y. 3rd & 4th Sts. & Av. G2. Lubricants. International Harvester Company of Ameri- ca, Chicago, U. S. A. Agr. Pal., 4th St. bet. Avs. B & C. Apparatus for Lifting and Handling Water, etc. Joyce-Cridland Co., Dasrton, Ohio. 4th St. bet. Avs. F & G. Lifting Jacks. Kewanee Private Utilities Company, Kewa- nee. 111. 1st & 2nd Sts. & Av. E. Water Supply for Country Homes. Keystone Driller Company, Beaver Falls, Pa. Pumps. 4th St., bet. Avs. F & G. Deep- well Pumps. Krogh Manufacturing Company, San Fran- cisco, Cal. Pumps. 3rd St., Avs. H & I. Centrifusal and Turbine Pumps. Lagonda Mfg. Co., The, Springfield, Ohio. 2nd St. & Av. G2. Water Strainers and Water-handling Appliances. Layne & Bowler Corporation^ Los Angeles, Cal. Pumps. 2nd St. & Av. G2. Power pumps, deep-well pumps. Link Belt Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Chain Drives. 2nd & .3rd Sts., Avs. H & I. Link belt, silent chains, chain drives. Lucey Co., J. F., Pittsburg, Pa. Pumps. 5th St. & Av. F. Power pumps and deep-well pumps. Luitwieler Pumping Engine Co., Rochester, N. Y. Pumps. 1st and 2nd Sts. & Av. E. Deep-well pumps. Los Angeles Luitwieler Pumping Eng. Co., ; San Francisco, Simonds Machinery Co. LurkcT^heimer Co., The, Cincinnati, Ohio. Lubricators. 1st St. & Av. G2. Oiling de- vices: oil cnps, grease cups. McGraw Publishing Co., Inc., New York, N. Y. Publications. 2nd St. & Av. C. Techni- cal periodicals. Macleod Co., The, Cincinnati, Ohio. 5th St. & Av. I. Sand Blast Machines. Marland, W. J., Oakland, Cal. Valves. 1st St. ^ Av. D. Collective Exhibit. Water valves. Meese & Gottfried Co., San Francisco, Cal 2nd !k 3rd Sts., Avs. H & I. Collectivt Exhibit. Conveying and Elevating Ma- chinery, etc. MiTinesota Manufacturers Association, N. St. Paul, Mi"P. 4th & 5th Sts. & Ave. H. Convevip O G CL O ■;>•>■ DQ CO ^S < < m o $ C/1 •-a '— ' (D o ^ a. 2 ^ o Q LiJ to h Z Z S < ^ D (/) Qi h on Z O hi > ^ 1 ENTRANCe rai FlOOP PL/ PALACE OF TRANSPORTATION PANAMA-PACIFIC INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITION oPfNi >eaRuA»» !o 5AN FRANCISCO U.SA.19I5 clones DtcEMBto « INTRODUCTION Department of Transportation By BLYTHE H. HENDERSON, Chief. With the first step of man, transportation had its birth. Through countless ages the conquest of the world has continued and will continue as long as human activity is extant. Transportation has made possible every human endeavor and conquest, for without this vital energy, development would cease. Man's desire to see and penetrate the unknown is the key to success. Transportation is symbolical of this key which opens the treasure chest of knowledge. Chicago, Paris and St, Louis have told the story of past progress and to a certain extent have foretold some of the developments to come. The Panama- Pacific International Exposition deals with the advance and improvements accom- plished during the decade 1905-1915. Transportation on land, on water and under water and through the air have today reached a point which might appear to be the acme of perfection. Notwithstanding the great achievements to date, the master minds of today are solving yet more difficult problems and these solutions when reached will make not only probable, but possible, greater advances in the future. The transporta- tionist of today can well say "the world is mine"; but the transportationist of tomorrow will say "the universe is mine." In the Palace of Transportation there will be shown motive power for land transportation, both steam and electric. Rolling stock that is used for passenger and freight traffic; construction material and methods used under the best prac- tice; expeditious handling of mail and express; safety devices; routes of travel; pictures, views and spectacular presentations of world renowned points of interest. Marine travel is fully illustrated through models of ships; photographs, full size sections of modern merchant vessels; charts and other methods. In Machinery Palace, yet having a place in this department, are the latest types of marine engines and motor boat appliances. Oversea travel, both domestic and foreign, are shown. The automobile, which is the flexible unit of transportation and which is a great factor in the development of the country, is seen in all the varied types and body styles known to the motoring world. The exhibits of limousines, Berlin and Sedan types of closed cars and the numerous open car designs are given an artistic setting within a rose garden and amid beautiful pictured scenes of rustic, wooded, lake, river and mountain beauty spots in graceful profusion. The motor truck interests are placed in a handsomely appointed structure, built especially for their needs. The exhibits typify every phase of development in modes of modern trans- portation and faithfully record the marvelous advances thus made in recent years. HOW TO LOCATE AN EXHIBIT The Palace of Transportation is laid out in blocks, which are consecutively numbered from 1 to 30, inclusive, as shown on the floor plan. The aisles are designated as streets (First to Eighth) running north to south, and as avenues (A to F) from east to west. In addition are the Court of Honor Boulevard, in the southwest por- tion of the building, and the Lincoln Highway, Trail of the Sunset and the Midway, streets running north to south in the Automobile Section, and the Mid Continent Highway, from east to west in the same section. To locate an exhibitor refer to the names, alphabeti- cally arranged under the exhibit group to which each belongs in the official classification, and note the aisle locations following each name. Street and Avenue signs are erected at their intersections on the corners of all blocks. All Exhibits entered in this catalogue are located in the Palace of Transportation unless otherwise indicated after the entry. The following are abbreviations used in this catalogue to designate other Exhibit Palaces : Fine Arts Palace Fn. A. Pal. Education Palace.. Ed. Pal. Liberal Arts Palace Lb. A. Pal. Manufactures Palace Mfr. Pal. Varied Industries Palace V. I. Pal. Machinery Palace Mch. Pal. Transportation Palace Trns. Pal. Agriculture Palace Agr. Pal. Food Products Palace Fd. Pr. Pal. Live Stock Palace Lv. St. Pal. Horticulture Palace Hor. Pal. Mines and Metallurgy Palace Min. Pal. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Official Classification of Exhibits G Class Class Class Class Class Class Class 519, Class 520. Glass Class 521 522. DEPARTMENT GROUP 101 CARRIAGES AND WHEELWRIGHTS' WORK, AUTOMOBILES AND CYCLES 513. Pleasure carriages and sleighs, sedan chairs. Public carriages; ambulances; hearses; carriages for invalids and infants. Carts and wagons for all purposes ; trucks and drays, farm wagons and carts. Vehicles driven by mechanical motors; motorcycles; automobiles. Bicycles. Velocipedes. Detached parts, material and inventions pertaining to carriage building, wheel- wrights' work, automobiles or cyfcles. GROUP 102 SADDLERY AND HARNESS Equipment for horses and other animals, attached to carriages, mounted, or in the stable. Harness for pleasure carriages, saddles, bridles; harness for public service or for draught. Parts of harness, materials and inventions pertaining to saddlery and harness making. Military equipment. GROUP 103 RAILWAYS Way and structures of railways. Means and methods of construction; grading; ballast, ties, rails and other track materials ; grades and change of alignment ; bank protection; removal of and protection from snow, ice and sand; tunnels; bridges; trestles; culverts; crossings; fences, cattle guards and signs; signals and interlocking plants; telegraph and telephone plants as applied to railways; buildings, fixtures and grounds; docks and wharves; roadway tools and supplies; steam shovels, wrecking derricks and other work equipment. (See also Class 466.) Railway equipment. Steam and electric locomotives; passenger-train cars; freight- train cars; electric equipment of cars; building and repair shop equipment. Locomotive cranes. Railway traffic. Handling of passengers, ticket offices, tickets, baggage handling; industrial, immigration and colonization bureaus. Handling of freight, tariffs, way-bills, means of weighing; fast freight traffic methods. Literature, lectures, photographic work, advertising, and other methods of promoting traffic. Railway transportation. Time tables ; methods of despatching trains ; operation of depots, stations and freight houses; weighing and car-service associations; operation of stock yards, grain elevators, coal and ore docks ; operation of yards and engine houses, fuel and water supply; lubricants; operation of trains, including trainmen's signals; cleaning, heating, lighting, ventilating, icing and watering, refrigeration and pre-cooling of cars; drawbridge operation; operation of floating equipment; express and special service; loss of and damage to freight, baggage, property, or stock on right of way; methods for preventing injuries to persons and insuring safety. Apparatus and methods of testing the power and efficiency of locomotives and other railway equipment. Street railways. Urban and interurban railways for freight or passenger traffic; elevated and subway railways ; rack, cable, mono-rail and aerial railways ; equip- ment for these, including track and equipment, motive power, rolling stock, and equipment and methods employed in their operation. Special methods of transportation, similar to railways. Transportation of ships over railways. Trackless trolley lines. Moving platforms. Scenic and gravity railways for amusement parks. General. Bibliography, statistics, history, special maps and drawings, and various publications relative to railways. Joint track, detour, and other agreements. Organization, law, insurance, hospitals, club houses, libraries, railroad Y, M. C. A., relief department, pensions, with reference to railways. GROUP 104 MATERIAL AND EQUIPMENT USED IN THE MERCANTILE MARINE Class 527. Raw material and material specially used in the construction and fitting out of ships and boats. Class 528. Special tools and implements used in ship-building yards. Class 529. Drawings and models of all kinds of vessels or boats for navigating seas and rivers. Illustrations showing the arrangement of such vessels or boats. Draw- ings and models of tugs and tow boats. Launches and small craft propelled by machinery, by wind, or by oars. Class 530. Motive power for vessels and boats (drawings, model and specimens.) Boilers, water heaters, filters for feed water; engines, condensers, propellers, machinery axixiliary to main engines, pump s. governors, indicators of speed and direction, engine counters, and other machinery specifically for the propulsion of vessels. Arrangement for the prevention of fires in holds, storerooms and passages. (See Class 462.) Class 523 Class 524 Class Class 525 526 10 DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Olass 539 Olass 540 Class 541. €lass 542. Class 531, Marine equipment: winches, tackle blocks, chains, anchors, hawsers, cables, etc. Steering apparatus, order transmitters, machinery for working sails, ship's lights and signals, fresh water evaporators and condensers, apparatus for light- ing, heating, supplying air and ventilation. Special apparatus for the generation and use of electricity, refrigerating apparatus, special instruments for determin- ing position and time, flags, furniture, etc. Equipment for loading and unload- ing merchandise. (See also Class 467.) Class 532. Light houses and equipment; buoys, beacons, ranges and other aids to navigation. Application of electric lighting to navigation. Class 533. Pleasure craft; yachts, steam, sail or power boats, row boats, out-riggers, skiffs, etc., and their accessories (drawings, models and specimens). Class 534. Submarine navigation. Class 535. Equipment for saving of lives and vessels at sea, boats, line carriers, lines, tra- versers, safety belts and jackets, etc. Humane societies. Spreading of oil upon the sea. Equipment for raising wreckage, and for submarine operations for saving sunken material. Class 536. Swimming: apparatus and equipment for swimmers or swimming instruction. Class 537. Statistics, special charts and publications relative to navigation for commerce or for pleasure. GROUP 105 Class 538. Models, or copies thereof, of early English, Spanish and French vessels; pictures, documents and original items illustrating their voyages, GROUP 106 MATERIAL AND EQUIPMENT OF NAVAL SERVICES; NAVAL AND MILITARY ORDNANCE Models, designs, drawings, descriptions, specifications, photographs, paintings, of warships and public vessels of special character. Material used in the construction and fitting out of ships-of-war and public craft; deck and engine-room outfits ; signal gear ; naval furniture ; electrical equipment installed with reference to battle conditions; safety appliances. Motive power for government vessels. Marine and military arms and ormaments, ordnance, and their equipments; tele- scopic sights, range finders, shop plotters, etc. ; torpedoes, fixed dirigible, and automobile; naval signals. AERIAL NAVIGATION GROUP 107 DIRIGIBLES Class 543. Construction: fabrics, cars, dirigibles, war cruisers and touring cruisers, anchors, grapnels, valves, netting, screw-propellers, etc. GROUP 108 SPHERICAL BALLOONS Class 544. Construction: fabrics (cotton or silk, rubberized); cars; netting cordage, balloons for the study of the atmosphere and for making scientific observations of air currents, clouds, temperature at great heights, optical phenomena, etc. Class 545. Statoscopes, thermometers, anemometers, tachometers, recording barometers. GROUP 109 MILITARY BALLOONING Class 546. Militai*y balloons, captive and free, and their accessories; winding drums; trans- port wagons ; apparatus for inflation ; scientific instruments, etc. GROUP 110 AEROPLANES Class 547. Monoplanes ; biplanes ; triplanes ; military aeroplanes ; frames ; parachutes. Screw propellers, aeroplane carriages, speedometers, steering wheels, reservoirs, cables, compasses, buffers, stabilizers, rigging screws, clothing for aviators; toys, kites, etc. Class 548. Hydro-aeroplanes. GROUP 111 GASES Class 549. Generation and preservation of hydrogen and other light gases for balloon use, GROUP 112 MOTORS Class 550. Motors for dirigibles and aeroplanes; carbureters; magnetos, etc. GROUP 113 LITERATURE Class 551. Drawings, maps of journeys; diagrams; photographs, etc. DEPARTMENT OF TBANSPORTATION 11 TRANSPORTATION GROUP 101 (Carriages and Wheelwrights' Work, Auto mobiles and Cycles.) American Taximeter Co., New York, N. Y, Accessories. Av. F, bet. 5th & 6th Sts. Apple Electric Co., Newark, N. J. Accessories Av. E, bet. 7th & 8th Sts. Arlington Company, The, Arlington, N. J, Accessories. V. I. Pal. Av. B. cor.^ 8rd St. Harness mounting: martingale rings transparent Pyralin sheeting for automobile trade. Atterbury Motor Car Co.. Buffalo, N. Y, Automobiles. 8th St., bet. Avs. B & C. Bac^n Co., Edw. R., San Francisco, Cal Dump wagons. Av. O, bet. 4th & 5th Sts Mch. Pal. Bowser & Co., San Francisco, Cal., and Fort Wayne, Ind. Oil equipment. South 8th St, Braunsdorf-Mueller Co., Elizabeth, N. J. Ac cessories. Mfr. Pal. Av. A, cor. 2nd St Briscoe Motor Co., Inc., Jackson, Mich. Au tomobiles. 7th St., bet. Avs. A & B. Bristol Co., The, Waterbury, Conn. Acces sories. 2nd St., cor. Av. D. Mch. Pal. Buick Motor Co., Flint, Mich. Automobiles Trail of Sunset. Cadillac Motor Car Co., Detroit, Mich. Au tomobiles. Trail of Sunset. Chalmers Motor Company, Detroit, Mich Automobiles. Lincoln Highway. "Sixes" exclusively. All the essential parts of Chalmers cars are built completely in the great Chalmers plant by over 4,000 men trained in the Chalmers principle of "Qua- lity First." Chalmers quality is a thing made definite by Chalmers methods of manufacture and the Chalmers rigid inspec- tion of the materials used. And because Chalmers "Sixes" are built right, are right weight, properly balanced, and of the finest materials, they give longer and more continuous service at lowest cost. They are the most economical cars to run because they "stay put." Chalmers "Sixes" have superior smoothness, flexibility, silence and and an unusual amount of reserve power San Francisco Office, 1400 Van Ness Av. Cook Railway Signal Co., Denver, Colo. Ac cessories. Av. F, bet. 6th & 7th Sts. Cowan Truck Company, Holyoke, Mass, Trucks. Mch. Pal. Cor. 3rd St. & Av. H Stock handling system for factory, ware house, railway and wholesalers. Davis Sewing Machine Co., Dayton, O. Mo torcycles. Trans. Pal. Av. F, cor. 6th St, Bicycles; Dayton, motorcycles; fire appara tus, Dayton. 785-787 Mission St., San Francisco. Dusenberry & Co., Louis, New York, N. Y Accessories. Av. F, bet. 6th & 7th Sts. Edison, Thos. A., East Orange, N. J. Acces sories. Trans. Pal. North Sth St. Electric Products Co., Cleveland, O. Acces sories. Tracks 11 & 12. Excelsior Motor Mfg. Co., Chicago, 111. Mo torcycles. Av. F, West of 7th St. Ford Motor Company, Detroit, Mich. Auto mobiles. Cor. Av. A & 7th St. Fryer Company, Chas. H., Providence, R. I Accessories. 3rd St., Av. E & 4th St., V. I Pal. General Motors Co., Detroit. Automobiles South Sth St. General Motor Truck Co., Detroit, Mich. Motor trucks. 1st St., bet. Avs. B & C. Mtr. Trs. Harley-Davidson Motor Co., Milwaukee, Wis. Motorcycles. Av. F, cor. 7th St. Harron, Rlckard &; McCone, San Francisco, Cal. Collective Exhibit. 4th & 5th Sts., Avs. G & H. Mch. Pal. Hendee Manufacturing Co., Springfield, Mass. Motorcycles and accessories. Av. E, cor. 7th St. Motorcycles, Indian; sidecars, motorcycles for both commercial and pleas- ure uses. Hudson Motor Car Co., Detroit, Mich. Auto- mobiles. Sth St., cor. Av. A. Hupp Motor Car Co., Detroit, Mich. Auto- mobiles. Av. B. bet. 7th & 8th Sts. A sight that will be familiar to most of the visitors to this building is the Hupmobile, which is on exhibition here. The "Car of the American Family," as it is known all over the United States, is in daily service in almost every city, town and village. _ It is liked everywhere — especially by its owners — and has a reputation for satis- faction, because it is one of the most economical, reliable and durable of Ameri- can motor cars. Industrial Instrument Co., Foxboro, Mass. Accessories. 3rd St., cor. Av. C2. Mch. Pal. International Harvester Company of America, Chicago, XJ. S. A. Agr. Pal. 4th St.. bet. Avs. B & C. Carts, wagons, trucks, drays, motor trucks. Interstate Electric Novelty Co., New York, N. ^ Y. Accessories. Av. A, cor. 2nd St. V. I. Pal. Jeffery Company. The Thos. B., Kenosha, Wis. Automobiles. Av. C. cor. 7th St. Klssell Motor Co., Hartford, Wis. Auto- mobiles. 7th St., bet. Avs. A & B. Locomobile Co. of America, Bridgeport, Conn. Automobiles. Av. D, bet. 6th & 7th Sts. Lunkenheimer Co., The, Cincinnati. Acces- sories. 1st St., cor. Av. G2. Mch. Pal. Maxwell Motor Sales Corp., Detroit, Mich. Automobiles. Av. B, cor. Midway. McQuay-Norris Co., St. Louis, Mo. Acces- sories. Av. F, cor. 7th St. Metz. Co., Waltham, Mass. Automobiles. S. Sth St. Mitchell Motor Car Co., Racine. Wis. Auto- mobiles. 5th St., bet. Avs. A & B. Moline Automobile Co., East Moline, 111. Automobiles. 7th St., cor. Av. B. Motometer Co.. New York, N. Y. Accessories. Av. F, bet. 5th & 6th Sts. National Carbon Co., Cleveland, O. Acces- sories. 8th St., cor. Av. C. Oakland Motor Car Co., Pontiac, Mich. Au- tomobiles. Av. B, cor. 7th St. Ohio Electric Car Co., Toledo, O. Auto- mobiles. Av. E, cor. 7th St. Olds Motor Works, Lansing, Mich. Auto- mobiles. Cor. Av. B & 7th St. Packard Motor Car Co., Detroit, Mich. Auto- mobiles. Av. C, bet. 5th & 7th Sts. Paige-Detroit Motor Car Co., Detroit, Mich. Automobiles. Lincoln Highway. Pathfinder Motor Car Mfg. Co., Indianapolis, Ind. Automobiles. Av. C, bet. 7th & Sth Sts. Poyer Co., D. F., Menominee, Mich. Motor Trucks. Cor. Av. A & 7th St. Manufac- turers of the "Menominee." DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Pierce-Arrow Motor Car Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Automobiles. Av. C, bet. 7th & 8th Sts. Beo Motor Car Co., Lansing, Mich. Auto- mobiles. 7th St., bet. Avs. B & C. Sangamo Electric Co., Springfield, 111. Ac- cessories. 2nd St.. cor. Av. C2. Meh. Pal. Saxon Motor Car Co., Detroit, Mich. Auto- mobiles. I^incoln Highway. Schrader's Son Co., Inc., Philadelphia, Pa. Accessories. Lib. Arts Pal. .'ird St., cor. Av. C. Standard Underground Cable Co., Pittsburg, Pa. Accessories. .3rd St., cor. Av. D. Mch. Pal. Standard Woven Fabric Co., Framingham, Mass. Accessories. Av. G2, bet. .3rd & 4th Sts. Mch. Pal. Service Recorder Co., Cleveland, O. Acces- sories. Mfr. Pal. Av. A, cor. 2nd St. Splltdorf Electrical Co., Newark, N. J. Ac- cessories. Av. E, bet. 7th & 8th Sts. Standard Oil Company of California, San Francisco, Cal. Oils and lubricants. North 8th St. Gasoline, lubricating greases, lu- bricating oils, liouid gloss. See General exhibit in Block 28, Mines Palace. Sternberg Mfg. Co., Milwaukee, Wis. Auto- mobiles. Av. E, bet. 7th & 8th Sts. Studebaker Corporation of America, South Bend, Ind. Automobiles. East Av. A. Sumter Electric Co., Sumter, S. C. Acces- sories. Av. E, bet. 7th & 8th Sts. Troy Wagon Works, Troy, Ohio. Dump wagons.^ Mch. Pal. Av. C, bet. 4th & 5th. Universal Caster & Foundry Co., New York, N. Y. Accessories. Gth St., bet. Avs. C & D. Mfrs. Pal. U. S. Light & Heating Co., Niagara Falls, N. Y. Accessories. 1st St., cor. Av. D. Mch. Pal. Watson Wagon Co., Canastota, N. Y. Dump wagons. 4th St., cor. Av. D. Mch. Pal. Westinghouse Electric & Mfg. Co., East Pitts- burg, Pa. Accessories. Rotunda of build- ing. White Co., The, Cleveland, O. Automobiles. Av. C, bet. 5th & 6th Sts. Williams & Co., J. H., Brooklyn, N. Y. Ac- cessories. 2nd St., cor. Av. E. Mch. Pal. Willys-Overland Co., Toledo, O. Automobiles, and motor trucks. Av. B, cor. 5th St. Motor cars, Overland : motor delivery cars. Overland: Willys-Utility Motor Trucks. Winton Motor Car Co., Cleveland, O. Auto- mobiles. 5th St., bet. Avs. A & B. Wisconsin Mstor Mfg. Co., Milwaukee, Wis. Accessories. Av. F, bet. 6th & 7th Sts. TRANSPORTATION GROUP 102 (Saddlery and Harness) Singer Sewing Machine Co., New York, N. Y. Sewing machines for manufacturing. V. I. Bldg. 1st St. & Av. D. 2nd St. & Av. E. Harness and saddlery machines; machines ior -harness and saddlery stitching. GROUP 10.3 (Railways) American Brake Shoe & Foundry Co., Chica- go, 111. Railway equipment. West Av. D. American Locomotive Co., New York, N. Y. Motive power. Tracks 11 & 12. American Pulley Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Rail- way equipment. 4th St., cor. Av. I. Mch. Pal. Automatic Transportation Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Railway equipment. Tracks 11 & 12. Bacon Co., Edw. R., San Francisco, Cal. Locomotive crane. Av. C, bet. 4th & 5th Sts. Mch. Pal. Baldwin Locomotive Works, Philadelphia, Pa. Motive power. Tracks 5 & 6. Bliss Co., E. W., Brooklyn, N. Y. Railway equipment. 3rd St., bet. Avs. F & G. Mch. Pal. Brill & Co., J. G., St. Louis, Mo. Railway equipment. Av. C, bet. 2nd & 3rd Sts. California Dispatch Line, San Francisco, Cal. Wine tank car. Track 4. 20,000,000 gal- lons of California wines were transported in these cars during the year 1914. Canadian Pacific Railway Co., Winnipeg, Man. Traffic promotion. Pavilion B. Copper River & Northwestern Railway, Seattle, Wash. Traffic promotion. .3rd St., bet. Avs. D & F. Denver & Rio Grande R. R. Co., Denver, Colo. Collective railroad exhibit. North 1st St. Dibble Air Brake Co., Oakland, Cal. Rail- way equipment. West Av. A. Down, S. G., San Francisco, Cal. Railway equipment. 3rd St., bet. Avs. C2 & D. Mch. Pal. Flannery Bolt Company, Pittsburg, Pa. Rail- way equipment. Court of Universe Blvd. Samples of all Tate Flexible Stay-Bolts for locomotive fireboxes: photographic views of installations of Tate Flexible Stay-Bolts applied to locomotive fireboxes. Adjustable Tate Flexible Crown Stays. Tate Flexible Radical Stay-Bolts; Tate Flexible Stav-Bolts; Standard Water Space Stays. Tools for applying Tate Flexible Sta^'-Bolts. Stay-Bolts, flexible for loco- motive firebox boilers. Galena-Signal Oil Co., Franklin, Pa. Signal oils. Cor. Av. F & 5th St. General Electric Co., Schenectady, N. Y. Motive power. Av. C, cor. 2nd St., Track 14. German American Car Co., Chicago, 111. Tank cars. Tracks 3 & 4. Gold Car Heating & Lighting Co., New York, N. Y. Car equipment. Mch. Pal., 1st St. & Av. D. Steam, vapor, combination pres- sure and vapor, hot water and electric sys- tems; thermostat control for same; cyclone and window ventilators. W. J. Marland, representative. Palace of Machinery. Grand Trunk Railway System, Montreal, Que. Traffic Promotion. Pavilion A. Great Northern Railway Co., St. Paul, Minn. Traffic promotion. Pavilion C. Griffin Wheel Co., Tacoma, Wash. Railway equipment. Av. D, cor. .3rd St. Hale & Kllbourn, Philadelphia, Pa. Car equip- ment. Av. F., cor. Entrance 7. Hewitt Co.. The, New York, N. Y., Railway equipment. Av. A, cor. 1st St. Hickey, W. J., Reno, Nev. Railway equip- irent. West .\v. A. Hupp Automatic Mail Exchange System, Washington, D. C. Automatic mail car, Track 13. An automatic mechanism ex- hibited here in action which attached to any mail car, automatically exchanges mail in quantity between running train and st'ition. Albert Hupp, Inventor and Ex- hil)itor, Woodward Bldg., Washington, D. XI DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 13 International Harvester Company of America, Chicago, U. S. A. Agr. Pal. 4th St., bet. Avs. B & C. Equipment for construction and maintenance of railways. Locomotive Superheater Co., New York, N. Y. Railway equipment. .3rd St. & Av. H. Mch. Pal. MacLeod Co., The, Cincinnati, O. Railway equipment. Av. I, cor. 1st. Mch. Pal. Marland, W. J., Oakland, Cal. Car equipment. 1st St., cor. Av. D. Mch. Pal. McCloud Kiver Railroad Co., San Francisco, Cal. Motive power and equipment. Track 2. Moreland Motor Truck Co., Los Angeles, Cal. Motor trucks. 1st St., bet. Avs. C & D, Mfr. Pal. National Automatic Train Stop Co., Spokane, Wash. Railway equipment. 7th St., cor. Av. F. National Brake & Electric Co., Milwaukee, Wis. Railway equipment. Mch. Pal. 3rd St. & Avs. C2 & D. Air compressors; in- stalled in Machinery Hall. Block 3.3. National Malleable Casting Co., Cleveland, O. Railway equipment. Track 4. Couplers — Sharon, Tower, Climax, Latrobe for freight, passenger and engine service. Cast steel coupler yokes. Engine coupler pockets with supporting shelf to prevent drooping. Uncoupling apparatus. Journal boxes. Brake beam fulcrums, adjustable. Hand brake mechanism, rail anchors; rail braces; car door fasteners; malleable iron washers and castings. John H. Jaschka, Sales Agt., 705 Monadnock Bldg, San Francisco, Cal. National Signal Co., San Francisco, Cal. Railway equipment. West Av. A. New York Air Brake Co., New York, N. Y. Railway equipment. Av. C. cor. 6th St. Electro pneumatic brakes; air and vacuum brakes; equipment for urban and inter- urban railways. Nuttall Company, E. D., San Francisco, Cal. Gears. Rotunda of Building. Gears, pinions, trolleys. Ohio Locomotive Crane Co., Bucyrus, O. Railway equipment. Mch. Pal. 4th & 5th Sts., bet. Avs. C & C2. See our locomotive crane in service on Exposition Grounds. Pennsylvania Steel Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Railway equipment. 1st St., South Av. C. Pennsylvania System. Educational railroad exhibit. Av. C, cor. 5th St. Relief map of system; models of New York City show- ing Pennsylvania Station one block from Broadway. Models of Union Station at Washington. The proposed terminal at Chicago and Hell Gate Bridge. Motion picture theater constructed of two Pennsyl- vania standard all steel coaches. Block signals of latest design in operation. Illus- trated booklet describing this system and exhibit under direction of traffic depart- ment. The exhibit is in charge of Mr. H. T. Wilkins. The Pennsylvania System is the standard railroad of America and con- sists of the Pennsylvania Railroad^ General Office, Philadelphia, Pa. ; The Pennsyl- vania Lines, General Office, Pittsburg; and affiliated lines. San Francisco Offices, 40 Powell Street. Rail Joint Co., The, New York, N. Y. Rail- way equipment. W^est Av. A. Railway Motor Car Co., Marion, Ind. Rail- way equipment. Tracks 7 & 8. Safety Car Heating and Lighting Co., New York, N. Y. Car equipment. 1st St., cor. Av. D. Mch. Pal. Sangamo Electric Co., Springfield, 111. Car equipment. 2nd St., cor. Av. C2. Mch, Pal. Service Recorder Co., Cleveland, O. Record- ing devices. Av. A, cor. 2nd St. Mfrs. Pal. Southern Pacific Co., San Francisco. Motive^ power and equipment. Tracks 1, 3, 8, 9, 10. St. Louis Steel Foundry Co., St. Louis, Mo. Track work. Mch. Pal. 4th & 5th Sts. & Av. I. Parrott & Co., San Francisco, Coast Representatives. See Ad on front cover of Machinery catalog. St. Louis Car Co., St. Louis, Mo. Street railway equipment. Track 7. Taylor Portable Steel Derrick Co., Chicago, 111. Railway equipment. Track 7. Loading and unloading gondola cars. Taylor Wharton I and S., Co., Highbridge, N, J. Track work. 3rd St., North of Av. F. Union Oil Company of California, San Fran- cisco, Cal. liubricants. Mch. Pal. 2nd St., cor. Av. G2. Lubricating oils for all vehicles; fuel oil for power and heat. United States Postoffice Department, Wash- ington. Steel postoffice car. Track 3. Union Switch & Signal Co., The, Swissvale, Pa. Railway equipment. Av. C, cor. 5th St. Railway signals. United States Steel Products Co., San Fran- cisco, Cal. Railroad turntable. Rotunda of Building. Wells, Fargo & Co., San Francisco, Cal. Ex- press service. North 1st St. Westinghouse Air Brake Co., Pittsburg, Pa. Air brakes. Mch. Pal. Air compressors, installed in Machinery Hall, Block 3.3. Westinghouse Electric & Mfg. Co., Pittsburg, Pa. Railway equipment ; motive power. Rotunda of Building. Electric locomotives c (See Pennsylvania R. R. locomotive on turntable). Railway motors and control; devices of all kinds for both electric loco- motives and cars. Pressed steel frame motor. Electrical equipment of various kinds for urban and interurban railroads. Specifications, publications, drawings, rela- tive to electric railways, photographs and illustrations, blue-prints, wheel lathe motor and control. Westinghouse Pacific Coast Brake Co., San Francisco, Cal. Railwav equipment. Mch. Pal. 3rd St., bet. Avs. C2 & D. Westinghouse Traction Brake Co., Pittsburg, Pa. Air brakes. Mch. Pal. Installed in Machinery Palace, Block 33. United States Department, Railway Mail Ser- vice. Track 3. Standard all steel, fully equipped postal car. Railway postal clerks will demonstrate how mails are distributed on trains during transit between post offices. Mines Building, Model Postoffice. Here all the workings of the service will be shown and the postal facilities of the Exposition provided. Mail addressed in care of the Exposition will be delivered through the Model Postoffice or held there subject to order. Carriers will deliver and collect mail throughout the Exposition grounds. Mail boxes will be placed at convenient points ; special delivery, registry, parcel post, money order and postal savings ser- vice will be provided. There will be shown an exhibit of United States postage stamps of every issue since the adoption by the United States of this means of collecting postage. All workings of the Model Post- office will be carried on in full view of visitors. Motion pictures of all phases of mail handling operations will be shown in the motion picture room of the Mines Palace. 14 DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION MATERIAL AND EQUIPMENT USED IN THE MERCANTILE MARINE GROUP 104 Alaska Steamship Co., Seattle, Wash. Traffic promotion. 3rd St., bet. Avs. D & F. National Carbon Co. Accessories. 8th St., cor. Av. C. Storage and dry batteries ; carbon products; flashlights and novelties. American-Hawaiian Steamship Co., New York, N. Y. Marine travel. Av. C, cor. 1st St. Babcock & Wilcox Co., New York. Marine equipment. Mch. Pal. Av. G, bet 2nd & 3rd Sts. Brown, A., Elmira, N. Y. Marine equipment. Mch. Pal. Cowan Truck Co., Holyoke, Mass. Marine equipment. Mch. Pal. 3rd St., cor. Av. E. Doman Co., H. C, Oshkosh« Wis. Marine engines. Mch. Pal. 4th St., bet. Avs. E & P. Gordon Propeller Co., The, Cleveland, O. Marine equipment. Mch. Pal. 5th St., cor. Av. D. Reversible, weedless and feathering propellers ; stuffing boxes and struts. Hyde, Henry C, Co., San Francisco, Cal. Marine engines. Mch. Pal. 4th St., bet. Avs. E & F. See exhibit of marine engines in Block 37, Machinery Hall. Holland-American Steamship Co., Rotterdam, Holland. Marine travel. 3rd St., cor. Av. C. International Mercantile Marine Co., New York and San Francisco. Models of ships. Av. C, bet. 2nd & 3rd Sts. American Line, Atlantic Transport Line, Leyland Line, Pan- ama-Pacific Line, Red Star Line, White Star Line, White Star Dominion Line. Office, 319 Geary St., San Francisco, Cal. Imperial Gas Engine Co., San Francisco, Cal. Marine engines. Mch. Pal. 4th St., cor. Av. E. Loew-Victor Engine Co., Chicago, 111. Marine engines. Mch. Pal. 4th St., cor. Av. F. Marine Efficiency Co., New York, N. Y. Marine equipment. Mch. Pal. 1st St., cor. Av. G2. Marland, W. J., Oakland, Cal. Marine equip- ment. Mch. Pal. 1st St., cor. Av. D. Pacific Coast Steamship Co., San Francisco, Cal. Marine travel. Av. F, cor. 5th St. Peerless Marine Motor Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Marine engines. Mch. Pal. 4th St., bet. Avs. E & F. Pneumercator Co., New York, N. Y. Marine equipment. Mch. Pal. 1st St., cor. Av, C. Safety Car Heating and Lighting Co., New York, N. Y. Marine equipment. Mch. Pal. Ist St., cor. Av. D. Shepard Electric Crane &; Hoist Co., Mon- tour Falls, N. Y. Marine equipment. Mch. Pal. 2nd St., cor. Av. I. Standard Gas Engine Co., San Francisco, Cal. Marine engines. Mch. Pal. 1st & 2nd Sts. Union Oil Company of California, San Fran- cisco. Marine equipment. Mch, Pal. 2nd St., cor. Av. G2. Waterman Marine Boat Co., Detroit, Mich. Marine engines. Mch, Pal. 4th St., bet. Avs. E & F. Western Machinery Mfg. Co., Milwaukee, Wis. Marine engines. Av. F, bet. 6th & 7th Sts. Western Motor Mfg, Co,, Milwaukee, Wis. Marine engines. Av. F, bet. 6th & 7th Sts. Westinghouse Electric &; Mfg. Co., Pittsburg, Pa. Marine equipment. Rotunda of Build- ing. Motors and control suitable for propel- ling boats; electrical apparatus suitable for operation on shipboard. Reduction gear, electrical apparatus suitable for operation on shipboard, Mch. Pal. GROUP 106 MATERIAL AND EQUIPMENT OF NAVAL SERVICES— NAVAL AND MILITARY ORDNANCE Bliss Company, E. W., Brooklyn, N. Y. Marine ordnance. Mch. Pal. 3rd St., bet. Avs. F & G. Winchester Repeating Arms Co., New Haven, Conn. Arms and armament. Mch. Pal. 7th St., bet. Avs. C & D. GROUP 110 AEROPLANES Fowler, Robt. G., San Francisco, Cal. Aero- planes. East Av. C. GROUP 113 LITERATURE California State Automobile Association, San Francisco, Cal. Automobile literature. Cor. Av. A & 5th St. Cook & Son, Thos., London, England. Travel literature. Cor. Av. D & 2nd St. Oregon, State of, Salem, Ore. Travel litera- ture. 8th St., cor. Av. C. Statistics and Immigration, Bureau' of, Oljrmpia, Wash. Travel literature. 7th St., cor, Av, F, Foreign Section SWEDEN The exhibits of Sweden, classified in this Department, are installed in the Swedish Building, Avenue of Nations. American Hawaiian SteamshipCo. "Ijhe Panama Canal Line'' OPERATING 2^ STEAMSHIPS UNDER THE AMERICAN FLAG F xpress p reight gervice COAST TO COAST INCLUDING 10,000 TONS REFRIGERATING SPACE Tacoma ^KR^^jflg^X^ New York Los Angeles \0^ V^^^J^ """^""^ San Diego \^AJ\ .^^7 Charleston First Class Passenger Service WILLIAMS DIMOND & CO. General Agents for Pacific Coast 310 Sansome St. San Francisco DEARBORN & LAPHAM General Agents 8 Bridge St. New York SEE OUR EXHIBIT IN TRANSPORTATION BUILDING AdRlCULlUUE ^^FOOD PRODUCTS OffioialCataloguc^Ediibitois PANAMA - PACIFIC I NTERNAriONAL|ltPOSinON SAN FRAN(mD 1915 Price 25' PANAMA-PACIFIC INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITION SAN FRANCISCO OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT July 10 191V To Whoa It May Concern:* This is to certify thot the Wahlgreen Company, cf which lir. G. A* V^hlgreen is the President end Manager, has been given a con* tract by the Panama-Pacific International Exposition Conipany authcrixing and requiring the Wahlgreen Company to publish the official deily pro- greane, official catalogue, official hand-book, official guide and of** ficial maps of the Exposition. Copyright PANAMA-PACIFIC INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITION San Francisco, 1915 Official Catalogue of Exhibitors Panama-Pacific International Exposition San Francisco, California, 1915 CHARLES C MOORE President Directof-in-Chief FREDERICK J. V. SKIFF Division of Exhibits ASHER CARTER BAKER, Director Department H AGRICULTURE T. G. STALLSMITH, Chief Preliminary Edition Published for the Division of Exhibits by The Walgreen Company, Official Publishers San Francisco, J9J5 PREFACE By Asher Carter Baker, Director of Exhibits A modern, universal exposition is an encyclopedia of man's words and works. It is a collection of the achievements and productivity of man for exam- ination by the International Jury of Awards, and constitutes a compact, classified, indexed compendium of man's activity in all phases, extending to the most material as well as to the most refined products. It is estimated that a million objects are exposed in the various displays installed within the palaces, in foreign, state and special pavilions. To properly classify, group and arrange alphabetically all the exhibits of an exposition of such international scope, is a task of such magnitude as to make it impossible to provide a complete catalogue of these exhibits on opening day of the Exposition. This edition of the official catalogue is therefore presented preliminary to the revised and complete catalogue which will be issued within a few weeks, and to the preparation of which, in realization of its extraordinary value as a document of general and commercial reference, special care is being given. The present volume, however, capably serves the purpose for which it is designed, as an early index of the infinite variety of interesting exhibits which are the concrete evidences of the industrial, educational and. artistic advancement of the world. Acknowledgment is hereby offered of the excellent co-operation received in the compilation of this catalogue from the Commissioners-General of participating nations, officers of State Commissions, individual exhibitors, and more particularly, the various officers of the Division of Exhibits, and the Official Catalogue Com- pany, publishers of the catalogue. PALACE OF AGRICULTURE AGRICULTURE Official Catalogue Department H CLASSIFICATION OF EXHIBITS Farm Equipment and Methods of Improving Lands. Agricultural Implements and Farm Machinery. Fertilizers. Tobacco. Appliances and Methods Used in Agricultural Industries. Theory of Agriculture and Agricultural Statistics. Vegetable Food Products and Agricultural Seeds. Appliances for Gathering Wild Crops and Products Obtained. Animal Food Products. Inedible Agricultural Products. Useful Insects and Their Products, Injurious Insects and Plant Diseases. Forestry. Forest Products. E 5PLANADE M»1N NOflTM E^JTR»^C£ Floor plan PALACE OF AGRICULTURE PANAMA" PACIFIC INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITION o»l~.^ .K-u.B. JO 5AN FRANCISCO U.5.A.1915. c.Oit> Dcci-ee.. INTRODUCTION Department of Agriculture Installation of Exhibits Palace of Agriculture, Palace of Food Products, House of Hoo Hoo, Redwood Bungalow, Oregon Fir Bungalow, Pacific Coast Condensed Milk Company Pavilion. By THOMAS G. STALLSMITH Chief of Department As Agriculture is the most fundamental and varied of the Industries, the exhibition of all that pertains to agricultural pursuits and the production of food products is planned on a scale of magnitude and diversity that reflects its importance and multiform character. The exhibits are contained principally in tvv^o Palaces — the Palace of Agriculture — embracing a floor area of over seven acres, and the Palace of Food Products covering about five and one-fourth acres. All of the exhibits are of the most interesting and instructive character. All the features are of extreme interest and importance in their bearing on the agricultural systems existing in all agricultural countries of the world. Modern intensive, scientific agriculture in all branches is shown in com- prehensive instructive detail. From agriculture comes the products — the foodstuffs — that build the temple that enshrines the soul. The reduction of primary agricultural products to prepared nourishing foods, under the most scientific and sanitary methods is shown instructively, and the possibilities of educational value therefrom are incalculable. Each Group, numbering twenty- two, and each Class, numbering one hundred and sixteen, covering the entire field of primary agriculture, food prod- ucts, and forestry, are fully shown. HOW TO LOCATE AN EXHIBIT The Palace of Agriculture is laid out in blocks, which are con- secutively numbered from 1 to 47, inclusive, as shown on the floor plan. The aisles are designated as streets (First to Tenth), running north to south, and as avenues (A to E), from east to west. To locate an exhibitor refer to the names, alphabetically arranged under the exhibit group to which each belongs in the official classification, and note the aisle location following each name. Street and Avenue signs are erected at their intersection on the corners of all blocks. All Exhibits entered in this Catalogue are located in the Palace of Agriculture, unless otherwise indicated after the entry. The fol- lowing are abbreviations used in this Catalogue to designate other Exhibit Palaces : J Fine Arts Palace Fn. A. Pal. Education Palace Ed. Pal. Liberal Arts Palace Lb. A. Pal. Manufactures Palace Mfr. Pal. Varied Industries Palace V. I. Pal. Machinery Palace Mch. Pal. Transportation Palace Trns. Pal. Agriculture Palace Agr. Pal. Food Products Palace Fd. Pr. Pal. Live Stock Palace Lv. St. Pal. Horticulture Palace Hor. Pal. Mines and Metallurgy Palace. Min. Pal. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Official Classification of Exhibits GROUP 114 FARM EQUIPMENT AND METHODS OF IMPROVING LANDS Class 552. Specimens of various systeir.s of farming. Class 553. Plans and models of farm buildings; general arrangement of stables, sheep-folds, barns, pig-sties, poultry-houses, breeding-grounds ; special arrangements for breeding and fattening cattle; granaries and silos; furniture for stables, barns, kennels, etc. Class 554. Material and appliances used in agricultural engineering; reclaiming of marshes; drainage; irrigation. (See Class 462.) GROUP 115 AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS AND FARM MACHINERY Class 555, Implements, machines and appliances for agricultural preparation: machetas, axes, mattocks, grubbing hoes, spades, shovels, hand plows, etc. ; vs^alking plows, sulky plows, gang plows, etc. ; rakes, rollers, harrows, clod crushers, etc. ; stalk cutters, stalk rakes ; stump pullers ; manure spreaders. Class 556. Implements, machines and appliances for seeding; corn planters, seed drills, cotton planters, grain drills, broadcast seeders, etc. Class 557. Implements, machines and appliances for cultivation: hoes, cultivators, riding cultivators, cultivators propelled by steam or electricity. Class 558. Implements, machines and appliances for harvesting: sickles, scythes, grain cra- dles, reapers, binder twine, headers, mowers, corn harvesters, potato diggers, combined reapers and threshers propelled by animals, by steam or by electric- ity; machines and implements for threshing and cleaning, fanning mills, threshers and separators, clover hullers, corn shellers, threshers and separators with stationary or traction engines; wind stackers; fodder shock compressors, bunchers, etc. Class 559. Miscellaneous: farm wagons and farm carts; feed cutters, feed grinders, cider mills, machines for ginning and baling cotton, hay baling machinery; horse clipping machines ; sheep shearing machines ; wind mills, tanks, pumps and other water lifting apparatus for agricultural uses; machines for use on farms for grinding, weighing, etc. (See Class 462.) Class 560. Portable agricultural power generating machines ; engines, horse powers, agricul- tural machinery moved by animals, water, air, or electricity. Internal com- bustion motors for agricultural purposes. Motor driven farm trucks and wagons. Class 561. Apparatus for preparing food for animals. Stock foods, GROUP 116 FERTILIZERS Class 562. Preparing and preservation of manures. Commercial fertilizers. Use of sewage. GROUP 117 TOBACCO (Equipment, Processes and Products.) Class 563. Tobacco culture ; raAv material in stalk, leaf and seed. GROUP 118 APPLIANCES AND METHODS USED IN AGRICULTURAL INDUSTRIES Class 567. Types of agricultural factories connected with farming: dairies; creameries; cheese factories; etc. Class 568. Oil mills ; margarin factories. Grain elevators and appliances. Class 569. Workshops for the preparation of textile fibers. Class 570. Equipment for the breeding of birds and for the artificial hatching, raising or fattening of poultry. Poultry foods. Methods of and appliances for packing and transporting. Class 571. Market gardening. Buildings and appliances for growing, gathering, packing and marketing vegetables. Processes and equipment employed in the forced culture of vegetables and plants, with specimens of products. GROUP 119 THEORY OF AGRICULTURE AND AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS Class 572. Studies relating to soil and water from an agricultural point of view. Class 573. Agronomic charts, climate charts, various agricultural charts. Registers of land tenures. Class 574. Rural population. Division of cultivated territory. Yield and returns. Census of farm animals. Class 575. Progress, especially since 1905. History of agriculture in its successive changes. History of fluctuations in prices of land, rents, labor, live stock, crops and animal products. Class 576. Institutions for the promotion and advancement of agriculture. Methods and products of experiment stations and laboratories. Societies, agricultural com- munities and associations. Loans on land. Agricultural insurance. Class 577. Legislative and administrative measures. Class 578. Books, papers, statistics, diagrams, periodical publications. 10 DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE GROUP 120 VEGETABLE FOOD PEODUCTS AND AGRICULTURAL SEEDS Class 579. Cereals: wheat, rye, barley, maize, millet, oats, rice, buckwheat and other cereals in sheaves or in grain. 580. Legumes and their seeds : beans, peas, lentils, etc. 581. Tubers and roots and their seeds: potatoes, beets, carrots, turnips, radishes, etc. 582. Miscellaneous vegetables and their seeds: cabbages, peppers, artichokes, mush- rooms, cresses, etc. 583. Sugar producing plants and their products: beets, cane, sorghum, etc. Class Class Class Class Class Class Class Class Class Class Class 584. Miscellaneous plants and their products : coffee, tea, cocoa, etc. 585. Oil producing plants and their products. 586. Forage, growing, green, cured or in silos; fodder for cattle; forage, grass and field seeds. GROUP 121 APPLIANCES FOR GATHERING WILD CROPS AND PRODUCTS OBTAINED 587. Methods and implements for gathering the products of the soil obtained without culture. 588. Mushrooms ; truffles ; edible wild fruits. 589. Plants, roots, barks, leaves, fruits obtained without cultivation and used by herb- alists, in pharmacy, for dyeing, manufacture of paper, oils, or f,or other purposes. 590. India rubber; gutta percha. Gums and resins. GROUP 122 ANIMAL FOOD PRODUCTS Class 596. Dairy fittings and appliances, churns, butter workers, cans, pails, cheese presses, vats, separators, testers, pasteurizers, etc., including all fittings and appliances for the preparation, preservation, transportation, distribution and delivery of milk for the supply of cities and towns. GROUP 132 INEDIBLE AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS Class 646. Textile plants: cotton; flax and hemp in the straw, scutched or unscutched; ramie, phormium, tenax, vegetable fibers of all kinds. Class 647. Oil producing plants, in stalk or in seed. Class 648. Non-edible vegetable fats and oils. Class 649. Plants containing tannin, weeds and noxious plants. Class 650. Plants containing dyes, medicinal plants. Class 651. Hops, teasels, broomcorn, etc. Class 652. Wool, raw, washed or unwashed. Class 653. Packing house by-products. Class 654. Feathers, down, hair and bristles, etc. GROUP 1.33 USEFUL INSECTS AND THEIR PRODUCTS, INJURIOUS INSECTS AND PLANT DISEASES Class 655. Systematic collections of useful and injurious insects. Class 656. Systematic collections of vegetable parasites from plants and animals. Class 657. ' Bees. Silkworms and other bombycids. Cochineal insects. Class 658. Appliances for rearing and keeping bees and silk worms. Bee and silkworm products; honey, wax, cocoons. Class 659. Appliances and processes for destroying plant diseases and injurious insects. GROUP 134 FORESTRY Class 660. Forest geography: maps, statistics and general literature. Geographical distri- bution of forests, of forest types and tree species. Botanical collections: seeds, bark, foliage, flowers, fruit, bark and wood sections. Class 661. Planting: equipment and processes for tree collection; nursery practice, field planting and field sowing. Class 662. Management and utilization; equipment and processes for protection from fire, insects and disease ; organization of protective forces, ranger stations, trail and telephone systems. Logging methods and equipment: transportation of logs; systems of cutting. Class 663. Indirect uses of forests: watershed protection; effect on climate and public health; prevention of erosion and shifting sand; use for windbreaks, for recreation purposes and as refuge for game. GROUP 135 FOREST PRODUCTS Class 664. Lumber: equipment and processes used in cutting logs into lumber; drying, dressing and grading of lumber. Lumber grading rules. Class 665. Saw-mill and planing-mill products from re-manufacture of lumber: furniture w^oods, wagon stock, cooperage, boxes, pickets, shingles, doors, etc. Veneering and veneer-cutting machinery. Class 666, Forest by-products: tan bark and extract, naval stores, oils and distillates, char- coal, cork, dye woods, medicinal and textile barks, kiln dried wood, wood fuels, wood wool. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE 11 GROUP 114 FARM EQUIPMENT AND METHODS OF IMPROVING LANDS American Rolling Mills Co., Middletown, O. Model farm & silos. Min. Pal., 7th, bet. C&D Am. Sheet & Tin Plate Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. Roof. prod. & Mod. Farm. Av. D, Min. Pal. Am. Steel & Wire Co., Chicago, 111. Wire fencing. Working Exh. Live Stock Dept. Armco Iron Culvert Manufacturers Associa- tion, Middletown, Ohio. Irrigation Gates and Pipe; Lennon Metal Flumes. Min. Pal., 7th St., bet. Avs. C&D. Armstrong Cork & Insulation Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. Cork Brick installed in Dairy Bldg., Live Stock Dept. Bacon Co., Edw. R., S. F. Cal. Col. Exh. Ir- rigation Mach. Mch.Pal.,4th & 5th, Avs. C&D. Champion Mfg. Co., Cedar Rapids, la. Farm Gates. Working Exh. Live Stock Dept. Columbia Steel Tank Co., Kansas City, Mo. Farm Utilities. Wtg. Exh. Live Stock Dept. De Laval Dairy Supply Co., San Francisco, Cal. Exhibit 3rd St.. bet. Avs. A & B. Ideal green feed silo. Workg. Exh. Lv. Stk. Dept. Edwards, E. H. Co., S. F. Poultry Fence. Working Exhibit Live Stock Dept. Iron Clad Silo Co., Portland, Ore. Silo. Working Exhibit Live Stock Dept. James Manufacturing Co., Fort Atkinson, Wis. Exhibit Hrd St., bet. Avs. A & B. De Laval Dairy Supply Co., San Francisco agents. Barn equipment, stalls, stanchions and car- riers. Working exhibit Live Stock Dept. Maytag Co., The, Newton, la. Automatic Waterers. Wkg. Exh. liive Stock Dept, McClure Lumber Co., Saginaw, Mich. Silo. Working Exhibit Live Stock Dept. Nevada, State of. Model Dairy Farm. Av. A, bet. 9th & 10th Sts. Norwich Automatic Feeder Co., New London, Conn. Feeding Apparatus. Live Stk. Dept. Pacific Tank & Pipe Co., San Francisco, Cal. Pacific Redwood and Fir Plain Silos. Work- ing Exhibit in Live Stock Dept. Irrigation Wood Pipe and Tanks. Min. Pal., 6th St., bet. Avs. A & B. Pawling & Harnischfeger Co., Milwaukee, Wis. Mch. Pal., 4th & 5th Sts., bet. Avs. C&D. Drainage Machinery Equipment. Pickett, A. B., Houston, Texas. Patent Gate. Agriculture, outside space. Pittsburgh Steel Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. Wire fencing. Working Exh. liive Stk. Dept. Redwood Manufacturers Company, San Fran- cisco. Farm Equipment. l."),000 gallon ''Remco'' Redwood Tank in operation; "Remco" Machine Banded Redwood Stave Pipe in operation; Miniature "Remco" Redwood Tank & Tower; Sections of "Remco" Pipe, Machine Bonded & Con- tinuous Stave. Installed in Block 36, Ma- chinery Pal. Farm Equipment. Two 16x36- foot "Remco" Redwood Stave Silos. (Locat- ed at Dairy Barns opposite Stock Barns, in f-rtual use.) Work's: Exh. Live Stock Dept. Farm Equipment. Miniature Tank and Silo in Contra Costa County Exhibit. R ck Island Mfg. Co., Rock Island, 111. Live Stk. Waterers. Wkg. Exh. Live Stk. Dept. Spratt's Patent, Ltd., Newark, N. J. Kennel Furniture. Fd.Pr.Pal., 5th St., bet.Avs.D&E. U. S. Steel Corpn. & Subsid. Cos., New York. Col. Iron & Steel Exh. Min. Pal., Av. D. Wood Bros. Silo & Mfg. Co., Lincoln, Neb. Silo Working Exhibit Live Stock Dept. GROUP 115 AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS AND FARM MACHINERY Alexander Fan & Propellor Co., Oakland, Cal. Windmill. Agriculture, outside space. American Seeding-Machine Co., The, Rich- mond, Ind. Grain drills, corn planters, seed drills, cotton planters. Av. C, cor. 4th St. Associated Manufacturers' Co., Waterloo, la. Gasoline engines. Av. B, cor. 2nd St. ■Bessemer Gas Engine Co., Grove City, Pa. Machinery Palace, 4th St., bet. Avs. D & E. Kerosene Motors for farms. Gas and Kero- sene engines. Mch. Pal., 4th St., bet. Avs. D & E. Best Gas Traction Company, C. L., Oakland, Cal. Gas traction engines. Av. B, cor. 2nd St. Round wheel self-laying track types. Steel castings, carbon chrome, nickel and rrangnnr se. Carnegie Steel Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. Cotton Col. Iron & Steel Exh. Min. Pal., Av. D. Disston, H. & Sons, Inc., Philadelphia, Pa. Agricl. knives. Mfr. Pal., Av. C, cor. 6th St. Fairbanks-Morse Co., Chicago, 111. Scales. Working exhibit in all Palaces and Live Stock. Famous Water Elevator Co., Denver, Colo. Irrigation device. 1st St., bet. Avs. A & B. Water elevator for irrigation purposes. Farquhar, A. B. & Co., Ltd., York, Pa. Agri. implements. Farm Mch. Av. A & 3d St. Frick Co., Waynesboro, Pa. Traction Engines, Threshing machines. Agr. Outside space. Graton & Knight Manufacturing Co., Worces- ter, Mass. Harvester Straps. Block 13, Palace of Machinery. Hercules Powder Company, San Francisco, CaL Stump Pullers. Min. Pal., Av. B & 7th St. Explosives for stump blasting and tree pulling. Earth Augers, Subsoiling Bars. Hog Motor Company, Minneapolis, Minn. Stock feeding machine. Agr. outside space. Holt Manufacturing Company, The, Stockton, Cal. Manufacturers. Avs. A & B, bet. 4th & 5th Sts. Caterpillar farm and military tractors, Caterpillar wagons. Caterpillar harvesters ; combined harvesters and threshers ; land levelers and scrapers ; horse and engine plows, disc and mold- board ; disc and tooth harrows ; sage brush plows. Hyde, Henry C. Company, San Francisco, Cal. Farm liighting Machinery. See exhibit. Block 37, Machinery Hall. International Harvester Company of America, Chicago, U. S. A. Agr. Pal., 4th St., bet. Avs. B & C. Plows, Rakes, Rollers, Har- rows, Clod Crushers, Stalk Cutters, Stalk Rakes, Manure Spreaders, Corn Planters, Seed Drills, Cotton Planters, Grain Drills, Broadcast Seeders, Walking Cultivators, Riding Cultivators, Reapers, Tedders, Mow- ers, Corn Harvesters, Combined Reapers and Threshers, Threshing Machinery, Corn Shollers, Binder Twine, Headers, Feed Cut- ters, Feed Grinders, Hay Baling Machinery, Pumps, Water Lifting Apparatus, Engines and Tractors. 12 DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Invincible Grain Cleaner Co., Silver Creek, N. y. Grain Cleaning Machines. Mch. Pal. Junior Monarch Hay Press Co., San Leandro, Cal. Hay Press, etc. 1st St., bet. Avs C&D. Lauson Mfg. Co., John, New Holstein, Wis. Exhibit 3rd St., bet. Ave. A & B. De Laval Dairy Supply Co., San Francisco agents. Gasoline, kerosene and distillate engines. Rotary Tractor Co., Los Angeles, Cal. Electric farm tractors. Agr. outside space. Rusnak, A. D., Philadelphia, Pa. Potato dig- ging machine. Av. A & 2ud St. Sanders, Newell, Plow Co., Chattanooga, Tenn. Plows. Av. B, cor. 2nd St. Sigurd, C. G., San Jose, Cal. Weed cutter and mulcher. Av. A & 2nd St. Simonds Mfg. Co., Fitchhurg, Mass. Cane Knives. Mfr. Pal., 6th St., bet. Avs. C&D. Smalley Manufacturing Co., Manitawoc, Wis. Ensilage cutter. Wkg.Exh. Live Stock Dept. South Bend Chilled Plow Co., South Bend, Ind. Plows. Av. B, cor. 2nd St. .Agricultural implements, plows, cultivators, planters, etc. Special attention given to making of special styles for export. Sperry Flour Co., S. F., Cal. Stock foods. Fd. Pr. Pal., Avs.C& D, bet. 2nd & 3rd Sts. Spratt's Patent, Ltd., Newark, N. J. Pet stk. foods. Fd. Pr. Pal., 5th St., bet. Avs. D&E. Standard Gas Engine Co., S. F. Gasoline en- gines. Mch. Pal., Avs. E&F, bet. 1st & 2nd. U. S. Steel Corpn. & Subsid. Cos., New York. Collective exhibit. Min. Pal., Av. D. Viking Pump Co., The, Cedar Falls, la. 3rd St., bet. Avs. A & B. Rotary pumps. De Laval Dairy Supply Co., San Francisco agents. Warren Axe & Tool Co., Warren, Pa., U.S.A. Axes and edged tools. Av. A, cor. 1st St. Axes and logging tools of all kinds. UNITED STATES SECTION AGRICULTURE GROUP 117 TOBACCO CULTURE; RAW MATERIAL IN STALK, LEAF AND SEED Kansas, State of. Collective exhibit of to- bacco. Av. C, bet. 5th & 6th Sts. Louisiana, State of. Collective exhibit of to- bacco. Avs. B & C, bet. 8th & 10th Sts. Virginia, State of. Tobacco exhibit. Av. A & 8th St. GROUP 118 APPLIANCES AND METHODS USED IN AGRICULTURAL INDUSTRIES Electric Specialty Co., Salt Lake City, Utah. Elec. incubators. 10th St., bet. Avs. A & B. Jordan & Chapman Mfg. Co., Inc., Staunton, Va. Poultry trap nests. Wkg, Exh. Live Stock Dept. Lo-Glo Electric Incubator Co., N. Y. Electric incubators. Mch. Pal., 1st St. & Av. D. Marland, W. J., Oakland, Cal. Col. exh. Elec. incubators. Mch. Pal., 1st St. & Av. D. Nevada, State of. Garden crops, photographs of dairy farms, etc. Av. A, bet. 0th & 10th. Norwich Automatic Feeder Co., New London, Conn. Poultry Hoppers. Live Stk. Dept. Rock Island Mfg. Co., Rock Island, 111. Poul try waterers. Wkg. Exh. Live Stk. Dept. Sperry Flour Co., S. F., Cal. Poultry foods. Fd. Pr. Pal., Avs. C&D, bet. 2d & 3d Sts. Spratt's Patent, Ltd., Newark, N. J. Poultry foods & appliances. Fd. Pr. Pal., 5th St., bet. Avs. D&E. Standard Electric Incubator Co., N. Y. Elec- tric Incubators. Mch. Pal., 1st St. & Av. D. Victor Incubator Co., Decoto, Cal. Incubators and brooders. Av. A & 10th St. GROUP 119 THEORY OF AGRICULTURE AND AGRI- CULTURAL STATISTICS Barrett Mfg. Co., Frankford, Phil. Fertilizing results. Min. Pal., 7th St. International Harvester Company of America, Chicago, U. S. A. Agr. Pal., 4th St., bet. Avs. B & C. Charts depicting changes in farming and development of farm machines and implements, methods and products of experiment stations. Societies, Agricultural Communities and Associations. Louisiana, State of. Collective exhibit of maps, soil, samples, charts, etc. Avs. B & C, bet. 8th & 10th Sts. Nevada, State of. Agricultural Experiments, Maps, etc. Av. A, bet. 9th & 10th Sts. GROUP '120 VEGETABLE FOOD PRODUCTS AND AGRICULTURAL SEEDS Dickinson, The Albert Co., Chicago, 111. Agri- cultural seeds. Av. A, cor. 2nd St. Idaho, State of. Collective exhibit of agricul- tural products. Avs. B & C, bet. 6th & 7th. Illinois, State of. Collective agricultural exh. of grains & grasses. Av. C, bet. 4th & 5th. Kansas, State of. Collective exh. of cereals, grasses, etc. Av. C, bet. 5th & 6th Sts. Louisiana, State of. Collective exh. of grains and grasses. Avs. B & C, bet. 8th & 10th Sts. Montana, State of. Collective exh. of agricul- tural products. Avs. A & B, bet. 8th & 9th. Nevada, State of. Collective exh. of agricul- tural products. Av. A, bet. 9th & 10th Sts. Oregon, State of. Collective exh. of agricul- tural products. Av. D, bet. 4th & 6th Sts. Virginia, State of. Agricultural exhibit of grains and grasses. Av. A & 8th St. Wisconsin, State of. Collective exh. of agri- cultural products. Av. A, bet. 6th & 7th Sts. GROUP 122 ANIMAL FOOD PRODUCTS Associated Manufacturers' Co., Waterloo, la. Cream Separators. Av. B, cor. 2nd St. "Calf- Way" Milker Co., Chicago, 111, Milk- ing Machines. Av. B, cor. 1st St. Creamery Package Mfg. Co., Chicago, 111. Dairy Equipment. Av. A, cor. 2nd St. Davis Milk Mach. Co., N. Chicago, 111. Bottle fillers and cappers. 2d St., bet. Avs. A & B. De Laval Separator Co., The, New York, N. Y. 3rd St., bet. Avs. A & B. Farm and factory sizes of: De Laval Cream Separators, De Laval Milk Clarifiers, De Laval Milking Machine, De Laval Emulsor, Ideal Sanitary Cream Coolers. De Laval Dairy Supply Co., San Francisco agents. De Laval Dairy Supply Co., San Francisco, Cal, Exhibit. 3rd St., bet. Avs. A & B. Dairy Supplies & Equipments. Ideal Sani- tary Cream Cooler. Ford, The J. B. Co., Wyandotte, Mich. Clean- ing muterinls for dairies, etc. Av.A,cor.,3dSt. Harris, Arthur & Co., Chicago. Milk I^vap. apparatus. Pac. Coast C'oud. Milk Co. Pav. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE 13 Hinman Milking Machine Co., Oneida, N. Y. Milking Machines. 2d St., bet. Avs. A & B. Idaho, State of. Collective exhibit of cheese. Agr. Pal., Avs. B & 0, bet. Gth & 7th Sts. International Harvester Company of America, Chicago, U. S. A. Agr. Pal., 4th St., bet. Avs. B & C. Dairy Fittings and Appliances. Cream Separators, including all fittings and appliances for 'the separation, preservation and transportation of milk. Mehring, Wm. M., Keymar, Md. Milking Ma- chines. Av. A & 2nd St. Skidd, The Chas. Mfg. Co., Chicago. Milk Cooler. Pac. Coast Cond. Milk Co.'s Pav. Vermont Farm Machine Co., Bellows Falls, Vt. Dairy Equipment. Av. A, cor. 4th St. GROUP l.'^>2 INEDIBLE AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS Louisiana, State of. Collective exhibit of cot- ton and fibre crops. Avs. B & C, bet. 8th & 10th Sts. Nevada, State of. Collective exhibit of wool and cotton. Av. A, bet. 9th & 10th Sts. GROUP 134 FORESTRY Bacon Co., Ed. R., S. F., Cal. Collective Ex- hibit Logging Blocks & Hooks. Mch. Pal., 4th & 5th Sts., Avs. C & D. Clyde Iron Works, Duluth, U. S. A. Logging Machinery. Exhibit installed in Palace of Machinery, 5th St. & Av. H. Simonds Mfg. Co., Fitchburg, Mass. Logging Tools. Mfr. Pal., 6th St., bet. Avs. C & D. Warren Axe & Tool Company, Warren, Pa. Axes & Logging Tools. Av. A, cor. 1st St. Cant hooks, chains, and edged tools. Washington, State of. Photos, maps, etc. Av. A, bet. 0th & 7th Sts. Young, C. J., Iron Works, Seattle, Wash. Ma- chinery Pal., 4th & 5th Sts., bet. Avs. C & D. Logging Blocks and Equipment. GROUP 135 FOREST PRODUCTS California Barrel Company, San Francisco, Cal. General Cooperage. Av. C, cor. 4th St. Manufacturers and Exporters of Bar- rels, Kegs, Kits and Pails of all sizes for Dry or Liquid Products. Also High Grade Shocks made from North American Pacific Coast Hard Douglas Fir. California Redwood Assn., S. F., Cal. Fin- ished Lumber in Bldg. in Hort. Gardens. California Sugar & White Pine Co., S. F., Cal Finished Lumber in Bldg. in Hort. Gardens Disston, Henry & Sons, Inc., Phil., Pa. Lum bering Saws. Mfr. Pal., Av. C, cor. 6th St Louisiana, State of. Collective exhibit of for est products. Avs. B & C, bet. 8th & 10th Sts. Simonds Mfg. Co., Fitchburg, Mass. Saws for Lumber Mills. Mfr. Pal., 6th, bet. Avs. C&D. Singer Sewing Machine Company, New York, N, Y. Woods for Veneering. Veneering laminated woods and finishing of same as expressed in sewing machine cabinet work. See exhibit, Varied Industries Building, 1st St., Av. D, 2nd St., Av. E. Washington, State of. Collective Exhibit of mfg. lumber products. Av. A, bet. 6th & 7th. West Coast Lumber Mfr's Assn., Tacoma, Wash. Finished Lumber in Hort. Gardens. STATES' EXHIBIT SECTION ARKANSAS. Location: Av. B, bet. 6th & 7th Sts. The complete list of exhibits from Arkansas in the Department of Agriculture will appear in revised edition of the Catalogue. CALIFORNIA. Location: Avs. A & B, bet. 7th & 8th Sts. The complete list of exhibits from Califor- nia in the Department of Agriculture will ap- pear in revised edition of the Catalogue. COLORADO. Location: Av. B. bet 5th & 6th Sts. The complete list of exhibits from Colorado in the Department of Agriculture will appear in revised edition of the Catalogue. IDAHO Location: Avs. B & C, bet. 6th & 7th Sts. GROUP 120 Aberdeen Expmt. Station — xiberdeen. Wheat. Adams, A. — .Tuliaetta. Wheat. Ainscaugh, Wm. — Preston. Barley, Oats. Allen, Brent, Teton. — Timothy. Allen, J. H. Seed Co.— St. Anthony. Wheat. Aired, M. A. — Mapleton. Oats. Anderson, C. B. — Caldwell. Oats. Anderson, J. G.— Winchester. Alfalfa, Grass. Anderson, R. K. — Cambridge. Barley, Wheat. Anderson, W. — Moscow. Timothv. Austin, A. S. — Twin Falls. Potatoes. Babb, D. T.— Rock Flat. Grass. Balbach, Wm. — New Meadows. Alfalfa, Oats. Ballinger, Ansell— Fruitland. Corn. Ballinger, Amsey — Fruitland. Corn. Barrenger, T, C. — Weiser. Corn. Barnhill, E. W.— Rock Flat. Oats. Bartholomew, J. A. — Parma. Rye. Barcley, A. L. — Cambridge. Oats. Beasley, J. H. — Idaho Falls. Oats, Potatoes, Beck, E. A. — Twin Falls. Potatoes, Wheat. Bice, G. W.— Twin Falls. Wheat. Beaty, Sam — Kimberly. Wheat. Blunk, L. A. — Murphy. Corn. Berrier, G. W. — Athol. Grain. Bonwell, M. — Curry. Potatoes. Boone, A. C. — Twin Falls. Potatoes. Brown — New Meadows. Peas. Buhl, Leslie — Cambridge. Wheat. Busch, G. W. — Midvale. Wheat. Busk, A.— Athol. Wheat. Burroughs, Chas. — Athol. Wheat. Bullock, J. H.— Pocatello. Wheat. Buckle, J. — Hayden Lake. Wheat. Bubb, Fred — Belmont. Timothy. Burnett, H. — Idaho Falls. Potatoes. Butler, Wm. — Twin Falls. Potatoes. Buel, W. O. — Filer. Potatoes. Burton, O. C— Richfield. Oats. Bubb, C. W. — New Meadows. Alfalfa. Buckhalter, C. S.— Kimberly. Barley. Busling, Mrs. — Payette. Barley, Oats, Wheat. Butterfield Live Stock Co. — Weiser. Corn. Callert, E. J.— Twin Falls. Wheat. Campbeel, C. — New Meadows. Wheat. Campbel, 0. H. — Bonners Ferry. Potatoes. Chamberlin, F. E. — ^^Twin Falls. Potatoes. Cheek, Wm. — Kimberly. Potatoes. Church, B. E. — Richfield. Grain. Costello, J. — Twin Falls. Potatoes. 14 DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Craig. Mt. Lumber Co. — Winchester. Barley. Davis, A. A. — Twin Falls. Potatoes. Day, W. E. — Greenleaf. Corn. Dailey, J. — Oakley. Wheat. Dewey, J. C. — Emmett. Corn. Dewey, H. R. — Emmett. Corn. Donnon, D. — Weiser. Corn. Dove, E.— Richfield. Wheat. Dunham, J. W.^ — Cambridge. Wheat. Dunnaway, J. H. — Twin Falls. Potatoes. Durfee, J. F. — Filer. Potatoes. Duster, C. — Moscow. Oats, Wheat. Eckley Ranch — Winchester. Wheat. Edgerton, E. L. — Emmett. Corn. Engle, D.— Richfield. Alfalfa, Wheat. Engle, J. — Richfield. Wheat. Erhart, G. A.— Filer. Potatoes. Erwin, T. — Twin Falls. Barley, Clover. Fargo Farmers' Club — Fargo. Alfalfa Seed. Ferrel, E. — Weiser. Oats. Fike, F. — Nez Perce. Wheat. Fitzpatrick, J. — Bonners Ferry. Potatoes. -^ Fletcher, J.— Richfield. Wheat. ^ Foster & Co. — Richfield. Oats. French, Permeal— Richfield. Oats. Frohm, Wm. — Star. Corn. Gamage, C. L. — Emmett. Fetireta. Gambel, S.— Twin Falls. Oats. Gearhart, W. — Star. Corn, Potatoes. Gilbert, C, F.— Homedale. Clover. Gilden, J. S. — Cambridge. Barley. Gilmore, W. B. — Pavette. Potatoes. Glenn, S.— Boise. Oats. Gooding Experiment Station — Gooding. Oats. Gordon, N.— Payette. Wheat. Gorren, J. F.— Cambridge. Barley. Green, Jos. A. — Richfield. Oats. Hackett, T.— Athol. Alfalfa. Hammond, C. C. — Farms. Corn. Hanson, Jas. R. — Tetonia. Clover. Harding, P. M. — Nez Perce. Clover. Hark, J.— Twin Falls. Potatoes. Hardin, W. F.— Kimberly. Wheat. Haskin, F. S. — Aberdeen. Barley. Hawarth, C. — Star. Corn, Potatoes. Hawks, Wm. — Preston. Oats, Potatoes. Hayes, B. F. — Twin Falls. Clover. Hazel, J, — Kimberly. Wheat. Heck, F. — New Meadows. Clover. Henry, J. J.— Twin Falls. Potatoes. Heron, J. — Twin Falls. Potatoes. Hertiage, J. F. — Athol. Corn. Hewitt, D. J. — Winchester. Barley, Oats. Hibner, W. E. — Preston. Oats. Hills, A.— Filer. Potatoes. Horner, Wm. — Twin Falls. Potatoes. Hoops, G. S.— Richfield. Oats. Hoover, Walter — Nez Perce. Oats, Wheat. Hughes, James — Twin Falls. Potatoes. Idaho Insane Asylum — Blackfoot. Clover. Idaho Industrial Training School— St. An- thony. Oats, Potatoes, Corn. Ireland, H. A.— Caldwell. Corn. Irwin, T. E.— Wheat. Jackey, W. A.— Twin Falls. Potatoes. Jackson, C. J. — Parma. Corn, Wheat. Jacobson, A. — Richfield. Wheat. Jacobson, R. — Richiield. Wheat. Jacobs, T. F.— Nez Perce. Barley, Wheat. Jagler, J. H. — Coeur d'Alene. Oats, Wheat. James, Walter — Bonners Ferry. Potatoes. Jinkens, T. B.— Richfield. Barley. Johnson, A. A. — Winchester. Clover, Oats. J->hnson & Anderson — Winchester. Grain. Johnson, Chester A.— Richfield. Alfalfa. Johnson, G.— Richfield. Barley Johnson, Ray — Caldwell. Corn. Johnson, John P — Twin Palls. Potatoes. Johnson, Mark — Richfield. Wheat. Johnson, Quiet — Richfield. Barley, Timothy. Jones, D.— Idaho Falls. Oats. Jones, J. W.— Twin Falls. Potatoes. Keene, L. — Moscow. Timothy. Keene, La Fayette— Kendrick. Oats, Wheat. Kent, A. J. — Bonners Ferry. Potatoes. Kent, M. L. — Moscow. Wheat. Kern, Robt. & Matt— Wheat. Kincaid, Lewis — Ilo. Barley. Kingsburry, Percy — Twin Falls. Potatoes. Kissinger, J. B. — Viola. Alfalfa. Kneutsen, A. — Harrison. Oats, Timothy. Kneutsen Ranch — Harrison. Alfalfa, Clover. Laferty, Charley — Bonners Ferry, Potatoes. Larsen, John A. — Preston. Oats. Law, J, O. — Oakley. Potatoes. Leagers, A. — Wheat. Leger, Thos. — Midvale. Wheat. Leichliter, J. B. & Sons — Twin Falls. Po- tatoes. Leslie, Henry — Star. Corn, Potatoes. Lewis, J. L. — Cambridge. Barley, Wheat. Lewis, L. L. — Cambridge. Barley. Lind, Vance — Twin Falls. Potatoes. Larkin, Eugene — Barley. Madsen, E. W. — Payette. Wheat. Machey, John— Wheat. Madsen, E. W. — Payette. Oats. Manthey, Robert J. — Nez Perce. Barley. Maples, Henry — Barley. Martin, Earl — Star. Potatoes. Martens, T. E. — American Falls. Wheat. Martin, Simon — Idaho Falls. Barley, Wheat. MecDm.as, F. V. — Winchester. Grain, Vetch. Matheny, J. G. — Midvale. Wheat. McKnight, Wm. — -American Falls. Wheat. McOmber, A. H. — Perma. Corn. McWalters, Jerome — Potatoes. Michewaite, M. W. — Twin Falls. Barley. Mesa Orchards — Mesa. Potatoes. Moji, W. F.— Athol. Oats. Mullens Ranch — lona. Oats. Muller, Gus — American Falls. Wheat. Musser, H. E. — Filer. Potatoes. Nelson, S. — Barley, Wheat. Nelson, Warren T. — New Plymouth. Corn. Nicola, I. M. — Nampa. Wheat. Olsen, E. — Barley. Csborne, J. C. — Winchester. Clover. Parker, J. C. — Rye. Partiner, L. G. — Aberdeen. Potatoes. Parma Milling & Elevator Co. — Parma. Al- falfa, Clover. Paulson, C. 0.— Richfield. Clover, Wheat. Payne, Chas. — Caldwell. Corn, Millet. Peckman Bros. — Wilder. Grain. Perrine, Chas. — Twin Falls. Peas. Peterson Bros.— Richfield. Wheat. Pierce, J. M. — Berger. Grain. Powell, Joe — New Meadow. Barlev. Preston, C. H.— Churchill. Potatoes. Reagan, S. A. — Boise. Rye. Redman, D. — Twin Falls. Barley, Beans. Redman, H. W. — Twin Falls. Richards, T. — Wheat. Robinson, W. S.— Alfalfa, Clover. Root, M. L.— Athol. Alfalfa, Clover, Oats. Royston, Lafe — Fruitland. Corn. Rucker, Mrs. P & Son — Parma. Oats, Wheat. Sessions, J. W.— Richfield. Wheat. Shaw, James — Weiser. Corn. Shaw, S. D.— Twin Falls. Corn. Shaw, A. — Oats. Shubert, J. F. — Winchester. Rye. Simans, J, W. — Pocatello. Timothy. Smith, Andrew — Payette. Corn. Smith, Ray — Star. Corn, Potatoes. Snyder Farm — Twin Falls. Potatoes. Snyder, L. A. — Twin Falls. Potatoes. Snyder, A. J. — Springfield. Grain. Spainbower, Floyd— Fruitland. Corn, Oats. Sparks, Grant L. — Moscow. Wheat. Starr, W. S. — Twin Falls. Potatoes, Grain. Straun, Clarence — Fruitland. Corn. Streeker, C. A. — Antelope. Barley. Taylor, Joe — Idaho Falls. Oats, Potatoes. Taylor, W. C— Richfield. Oats. Teton High School— Teton. Grain, Potatoes. Thomas, C. B. — Weiser. Corn. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE 15 Thomas, Chas. F. — Nez Perce. Barley, Wheat. Thometz, M. A. — Twin Falls. Wheat. Thometz & Son — Twin Falls. Potatoes, Grain. Thompson, J. P. — Moscow. Wheat, Timothy. Tobey, C. A. — Twin Falls. Potatoes. Tobias, C. C. — Caldwell. Corn, Wheat. Twin Falls Expt. Station — Twin Falls. Wheat. Twin Falls High School — Twin Falls. Pota- toes. Utah Idaho Sugar Co. — Idaho Falls. Oats. Vahlberg, David — Emmett. Corn. Vance, Harry — Twin Falls. Potatoes. Vystricil, A. F. — Roberts. Grain, Potatoes. Wallen, Frank — Moscow. Oats. Ware, Frank — Idaho Falls. Oats, Walters, H. B. — Filer. Potatoes. Wells, E. N.— Alfalfa, Barley. Weiser Grain & Feed Co. — Weiser. Grain. White, Bob— Caldwell. Wheat. Whiffen, C. W.— Caldwell. Wheat. Whitting, J. H.— Wheat. Wiley, H. K.— Springfield. Alfalfa. Wilson, Alex. — Boise. Corn. Williams Bros. — Barley. Wilson, Kirt — Kimberly. Potatoes. Wilson, J. T. — Blackfoot. Peas. Willis, J.— Wheat. Williams, M. J. — Athol. Rye. Winters, H. C. — Twin Falls. Potatoes. Winslow, Merle — Greenleaf. Corn. Winslow, W. J. — Greenleaf. Clover, Corn. Wones, M. A.— American Falls. Wheat. Woodward, Ivan— Franklin. Oats. Worthington, S. P — Wheat. Wylie, A. H. — Aberdeen. Potatoes. Yost, Joe — Midvale. Wheat. Youknm, Hue — New Meadows. Oats. Young, C, W. — Pavette. Oats. Young, C. W.— Fruitland. Corn. Young, Lambert — Fruitland. Corn. Young, L. L. — Nampa. Grain, Potatoes. GROUP 122 Clover Leaf Cheese Factory— Buhl. Cheese. Meridian Cheese Factory— Meridian. Cheese. Parma Cheese Factory — Parma. Cheese. INDIANA Location: Ave. B, bet. 9th & 10th Sts. GROUP 120 Brown, C. A. — Franklin. Corn. Byers, E. E. — Shadeland. Corn. Carter, M. M. — Greensburg. Corn. Carter, O. E. — Seymour. Corn. Constable, R. L.— Goodland. Oats. Donmoyer, R. W. — South Bend. Corn. Drybread, J. Walter — Edinburgh. Corn. Egnew, Arthur S. — Chrisney. Corn. Enmundson, L. W. — Balbek. Corn, Fitch, W. H.— Spades. Corn. Fisher, Eugene — La Grange. Grasses, grains. Gast, A. A. — Akron. Corn. Gleason, M. K. — Indianapolis. Grasses. Hahan, Louis — Spades. Sugar cane. Henry, W. B. — Winamac. Corn. Hollingsworth, P. O. — New Agusta. Broom corn, millet. Hudson, P. E.— Howe. Oats. Isley, Joseph C— Flat Rock. Corn. Isley, Louis M. — Flat Rock. Corn. Jessup, Wallace — Friendswood. Corn. Johnson, R. E. — Dale. Wheat. Kerlin, Frank— Rockfield. Corn. Kerlin, G. L. — Franklin. Corn, wheat. Kerlin, J. W. — Rookfield. Corn, wheat. Kerlin & Snoeberger — Rockfield. Corn. Kerlin, W. F.— Rockfield. Corn. Livingston, Wm. — Worthington. Corn. Lux, Ed. — Shelbyville. Corn. Lux, John — Plainfield. Corn. Xiux, Peter — Shelbyville. Corn. McKinney, Glenn — Wingate. Corn. McMullen, Guy — Idaville. Corn. Mozingo, H. — Greensburg. Corn. Mundell, Jacob— Thorntown. Corn. Mundell, J. O, — Thorntown. Wheat. Mundell, M. A. — Rhoentown. Oats. Neff, Joseph — Marion. Corn. Orme, Hence — Greenwood. Corn. Pruitt, Chas. F. — Edinburg. Corn. Pruitt, A. W, — Edinburgh. Corn, wheat. Pruitt, M. D. — Edinburgh. Corn. Reddict, Albert — Arlington. Corn. Rodgers, Will — Edinburgh. Corn. Sauerman, Geo. J, — Crown Point. Grain, grasses. Short, Chas. S, — Greensburg. Corn. Sefton, Elmer — Greensburg. Corn. Smith, C. A. — Whiteland. Corn. Smith, E. E.— Franklin. Corn. Smiley, W. G. — ^Greensburg. Corn. Steinbrook, Everett — Franklin. Corn. Steinbrook, Geo. W. — Franklin. Corn. Steinbrook, James — Franklin. Corn. Steinbrook, R. L. — Edinburgh. Corn. Stephens, Homer — ^La Fountaine. Oats. Steinbrook, V. P. — Shelbyville. Corn. Stout, Ira — Sulphur Springs. Oats, Swain, W. O. — Arlington. Corn. Swallow, Mel. — Rockport. Corn. Swallow, Frank — Rockport. Corn. Thornburg, Ernest — Winchester. Grain. Tilson, Harry — Franklin. Corn. Troyer, A. F. — l^a Fountaine. Corn. Troyer, C. E. — La Fountaine. Corn. Tritch, Arthur J. — Corunna. Wheat, oats. Ulrey, W. J. — New Richmond. Corn. Vogler, L. A. — Hope. Corn. Vogler, L. A. — Hope. Corn. Vogler, L. M. — Hope. Corn. Wilson, John E. — Wingate. Corn. Wilson, John M. — Brown Valley. Corn. ILLINOIS Location: Ave. C, bet. 4th & 5th Sts. GROUP 120 Illinois, State of — Agricultural exhibit of grains and grasses. Illinois Corn Growers — Putnam Co. Com- plete agricultural exhibit of cereals. University of Illinois — Champaign. Complete agricultural exhibit of cereals. IOWA. Location: Av. C, bet. 4th & 5th Sts, The complete list of exhibits from Iowa in the Department of Agriculture will appear in revised edition of the Catalogue. KANSAS Location: Ave. C, bet. 5th & 6th Sts. GROUP 117 Leavenworth County — Tobacco. Shawnee County — ^Tobacco. GROUP 120 Kansas, State of— Collective exhibit of the following counties, consisting of cereals, grasses, vegetables, roots and tubers, le- gumes, etc.: Allen County. Barber County, Butler C aunty. Clark County. Cowley County. Crawford County. Elk County. Ellis County. Ford County. Gray County. 16 DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Harper County. Harvey County. Kingman County. Kiowa County. Labette County. Lyons County. Mead County. Montgomery County. Morton County. Pawnee County. Pratt County. Reno County. Rice County. Riley County. Sedgwick County. Summer County. Woodson County. Experiment Station — Manhattan, Kan. Cereals. LOUISIANA. Location: Avs. B & C, bet. 8tli & 10th Sts. The complete list of exhibits from Louisiana in the Department of Agriculture will appear in the revised edition of the Catalogue. MASSACHUSETTS. Location: 10th St., bet. Avs. B & C. The complete list of exhibits from Massa- chusetts in the Department of Agriculture will appear in revised edition of the Catalogue. MONTANA Location: Avs. A & B, bet. 8th & 9th Sts GROUP 120 Allard, Joseph — Ignatius. Oats. Applebury, C. — Corvallis. Wheat Applebury, James — Corvallis. Wheat. Axtel, C. E. — Salesville. Bromus inermis. Bailey & Dorr — Hamilton. Oats, peas. Bair, James — White Sulphur Springs. Clo- ver, alfalfa. Baker, M. H. — Libby. Clover. Barnes, C. M. — Hamilton. Potatoes. Bartlett, J. D. — Simms. Wheat. Bartlett, J. D. — Troy. Clover Beck, John — Bozemv.n. Wheat. Beck & Smith — Bozeman. Wheat. Beckwith, George — St. Ignatius. Flax. Billings Polytechnic Institute — Billings. Beans, millet, corn. Bennett, James — Warm Springs. Timothy. Benninger, Wm. — Anaconda. Timothy. Clo- ver, alfalfa. Bisson, Wm. — Missoula. Wheat. Blakesly, S. F. — White Sulphur Springs. Al- falfa. Bohart, W. O. — Bozeman. Blue grass. Bohn, H. O. — Warm Springs. Oats. Bolin, C. F. — Rosebud. Wheat, oats. Bowman, A. H. — Hardin. Timothy. Burch, G. F. — St. Ignatius. Whea't. Burns, A. H. — Libby. Timothy. Briggs, H.— Victor. Wheat. Carney, Pat. — Waterloo. Clover, wheat, pota- toes, alfalfa, native grasses. Carney, T. E. — Waterloo. Wheat. Cechlovsky, Jos. — Libby. Clover. Chamberlain, Jos. — ^White Sulphur Springs. Clover, timothy. Cog Dell, Douglas — Whitehall. Rye. Collins, Rich. — White Sulphur Springs. Al- falfa. Cordry, Ed. — Bozeman. Wheat. '"ottrell, Mrs. Ida — Florence. Potatoes. Cunningham, J. R. — St. Ignatius. Wheat, oats, barley. 'Cunningham, G. R.^^St. Ignatius. Oats. T)aley, Elmer — By num. Flax, wheat. Daniels, Jr., D. C. — Canton. Wheat. Dart, Hugh — Dillon. Potatoes. Delmoe, Vincent — Whitehall. Clover, bro- mus inermis, timothy. Deschamps, Tony — Missoula. Oats. Deschamps, R. — Missoula. Wheat. Donohue, J. F. — Whitehall. Alfalfa, clover. Douglas, Bert — Rexford. Potatoes. Dyer, J. L. — Helena. Flax, clover, potatoes. Early, Noah — Lavina. Wheat. Edinger, Carter — Dillon. Potatoes. Edinger, George — Dillon. Oats, wheat, barley. Eichorn, Jos. — Miles City. Timothy, clover. Eiker, E. E.— Huntley. Timothy, corn. Ekman, Ed. — Rollins. Potatoes. Emmelcamp, Thos. — Manhattan. Barley. Fairweather, George — Deer Lodge. Clover. Ferguson, J. C— Reichle. Potatoes. Disher, Robert — Deer Lodge. Oats. Fitter, Henry — Lima. Timothy. Flaherty, John— Cold Spring. Clover, tim- othy. Fleming, G. F.— Suffolk. Wheat. Fleming, Wm. — Bozeman. Timothy, clover. Fowiie, George — White Sulphur Springs. Wheat. Franklin, Charles — Wise River. Clover. Fredericks, John — Libby. Alfalfa. Gattis, Robert H. — Creston. Potatoes. Gilbertson, H. M. — Kalispell. Wheat. Goodall, Charles W.— Park City. Wheat. Gordon, J. H. — Silver Star. Flax, rye. Grady, J. A. — Terry. Potatoes. Grant Bros. — Salesville. Clover, alfalfa, wheat. Grenier, Jcs.— St. Ignatius. Oats, wheat. Hackman, Charles — Missoula. Wheat. Hallford, J. F. — Bozeman. Oats, wheat, clover. Hamel, Pete — Missoula. Wheat. Hamilton, Viola — Libby. Clover. Hansen, C. A. — Eureka. Clover. Hardman, D. E. — Simms. Alfalfa. Hartman, W. J. — Bozeman. Wheat. Haynes, O. G. — Miles City. Wheat. Haynes, Thos. — Creston. Alfalfa, vetch, po- tatoes, wheat. Herbst, A. C. — Libby. Timothy, clover, flax, orchard grass. Hines, L. E. — Bozeman. Timothy. Hogan, Geo. R.— Bozeman. Timothy, clover, clover seed. Ingram, Mrs. D. — Dilon. Barley. James, J. W. — Anaconda. Wheat. Jennings, L. D. — Salesville. Clover. Jergenson, Jas. A. — Whitehall. Alfalfa, clo- ver, oats. Johnson, Mrs. — Hamilton. Wheat. Jones, Mrs. J. O. — Bozeman. Oats. Jones, Orville — Bozeman. Wheat. Jones, Robert — Wisdom. Clover, blue grass, timothy, native grasses. Jones, W. C. — Wise River. Clover. Karman, F. W. — Saco. Potatoes. Keifer, John — Bozeman. Bromus inermis, blue grass. Kennison, John — Dell. Timothy. Kirchner, Fred. — Lewistown. Wheat, oats, grasses, clover. Kleinhessellink, D. J.— Big Timber. Timothy. Lang, J. E. — Salesville. Timothy, blue grass. Legerene, John — Helena. Wheat. Lewis, Mrs. J. K. — White Sulphur Springs. Oats, wheat. Lewis, G. A. — Bozeman. Clover, timothy. Lindsay, George — St. Ignatius. Oats. Long, Clark R. — Carter. Wheat. Lounsbery, A. — Libby. Alfalfa. Magee, Phil. — Lolo. Oats. Mangar, Rich.— White Sulphur Springs. Al- f;ilf;i, timothy. Manis, T. J.— Big Timber. Oats. Martinell, E. M.— Dell. Clover. Matt, H.— Aries. Oats. Meany, W. M.— Plains. Wheat. Meloy, P. J. — ^Townsend. Wheat. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Miles, George — Bozeman. Timothy, barley. Miller & McCan. — Stacey. Oats. Miller, U. S.— Hardin. Flax. Milne, R. — Big Timber. Potatoes. Monforton, Ernest — Salesville. Wheat. Moore, Dall — Wise River. Clover. Mysse, C. — Reed Point. Flax. McDonald, Fred — White Sulphur Springs. Wheat. McDonnell, Ernest-— Bozeman. Clover, timothy. McFayden, J. L. — Dillon. Wheat. Nash & Wassenaar — Bozeman. Barley. Nash, J. P. — Bozeman. Wheat, oats. Nelson, Theo. — Dillon. Oats. Newgard, Fred — Ronau. Potatoes. Norris, R. L. — Simms. Alfalfa, flax, w^heat, barley. Overstreet, E. W. — Salesville. Timothy, Packard, Dr. L. R.— Whitehall. Alfalfa. Palmer, Mrs. Chas, — Eureka. Potatoes. Parker, Thos. — Anaconda. Orchard grass, bromus inermis. Perkin, Alfred — Warm Springs. Barley. Phillips, James — Dillon. Potatoes. Piatt, Herman — Como. Potatoes. Piatt, H. & Sons — Como. Potatoes. Plummer, F. M. — Libby. Clover. Popham, E. L. — Victor. Wheat. Potts, Jos.— Wise River. Clover, timothy. Rader, Chas. T. — White Sulphur Springs. Al- falfa. Ravette, J. H. — Bozeman. Wheat. Reed, Val. — ^White Sulphur Springs. Clover. Rehder, Jacob — Missoula. Rye, alfalfa, peas. Richlie, Ernest — Missoula. Potatoes. Ringling, John — White Sulphur Springs. Clo- ver. Robinson, Frank — Dillon. Potatoes. Robinson, Roy — Cardwell. Blue grass, clover. Rock, Wm. — Lolo. Wheat. Rossman, J. J. — Bozeman. Wheat. Roub, H. D. — Hinsdale. Potatoes. Ru'^nell Bros. & Scott — Eureka. Timothy, clover. Savage, Wm. — Troy. Clover. Scott, P. D. — White Sulphur Springs. Blue grass, timothy, clover. Scuct, W. E.— Eureka. Potatoes. Scollard, D. A. — Bozeman. Wheat. Seigling, Gus — Armington. Buckwheat, wheat, barley, rye, oats, alfalfa, bromus inermis, vetch, flax. Sheridan, Thos.^Helena. Alfalfa. Sherman, Chas. — White Sulphur Springs. Oats. Sibley, John — White Sulphur Springs. Clover, alfalfa. Smith, Wm. — Cardwell. Barley. Staflferson, Wm.— White Sulphur Springs. Timothy, alfalfa, clover, oats. Stafford, A. H. — Bozeman. Wheat. Stephens, D. J. — Wisdom. Bromus inermis, native grasses. Stewart, W. H.— Boulder. Rye. Story, T. B. — Bozeman. Wheat. Sumner, F. C. — Clyde Park. Flax, wheat, barley, alfalfa, orchard grass, bromus in- ermis, clover, flax seed, peas, buckwheat, rye, clover seed, alfalfa seed, brome grass seed, orchard grass seed, millet seed, tim- othy. Talbott, W. V. — Armington. Grain, millet, timothy, orchard grass, clover, alfalfa, seeds, peas, potatoes. Thomas, B. M. — Libby. Alfalfa, timothy. Thompson, W. S. — Townsend. Clover. Tolliver, Mrs. E. L. — Monarch. Blue grass, native grasses, timothy, millet, alfalfa. Trueman, Dick — Wise River. Clover. Turnage Bros. — St. Ignatius. Alfalfa. Valinum, C, H. — Bridger. Beans. Vallance, John — Hamilton. Potatoes. Verwolf, John — Manhattan. Wheat. Voges, C. W.— Big Timber. Oats. Vote, F. W.— St. Ignatius. Flax. Walters, Cab.— White Sulphur Springs. Clo- ver. Wentworth, C. L. — Lewistown. Wheat, bar- ley, flax, alfalfa, timothy, clover. West, Thos. W. — Havre. Potatoes. Whitecraft, Durel — Deer Lodge. Wheat. White, Geo. A. — Helena. Alfalfa, timothy. White, Geo. M. — Birdseye. Blue grass, clover. White, Mat. W. — Bozeman. Bromus inermis. Whitney, G. M.— Bozeman. Clover, bromus inermis, wheat, oats. Willard, E, A.— Hardin. Flax, wheat, clover, corn. Williams, Dr. W. M.— Harlem. Alfalfa seed. Williams, W. O.— Jefferson City. Barley. Willis, C. C— Plains. Clover. Winslow, C. W. — Whitehall. Clover, wheat. Wisner, Montgomery — Bozeman. Wheat. Wood, George — Bozeman. Wheat. Wood, George — Bozeman. Wheat. Wood, J. T. — Victor. Potatoes. Wood, N, S.— Ravelli. Clover. Youngblut, Henry — Helena. Wheat. Zehntner, Jacob — White Sulphur Springs. Oats, clover. MISSOURI Location: Ave. 0, cor. 6th St. GROUP 117 Cunningham, J. A. — Caruthersville. Tobacco. Henry County — Tobacco. GROUP 120 Missouri — State of — Agricultural exhibit of gi-ains and grasses. Baumgartner, S. — Pierce City. Agricultural exhibit, grains, grasses. c Clark, F. E.— Pierce City. Wheat, millet. Cunningham, J. A. — Caruthersville. Sorghum, alfalfa. Grifferds, Al.— Urich. Oats. Grove, Chas. — Princeton. Henry County — Agricultural exhibit of grains and grasses. McCay, Robt. — Urich. Oats, clover, grasses. Smith, Sherman — Princeton. Broom corn. Smith, Chris. — Bunceton. Agricultural exhibit of grains and grasses. GROUP 182 Cuningham, J. A. — Caruthersville. Cotton. NEVADA Location: Av. A, bet. 9th & 10th Sts. GROUP 114 Nevada, State of — Reno, Nev. Model dairy farm. GROUP 118 Nevada, State of — Reno, Nev. Nevada cream- eries & dairy farms shown by photographs ; specimens of garden crops. GROUP 119 Nevada, State of — Reno, Nev. Experiments, maps, charts, photographs, statistics, etc., pertaining to the advancement of agricul- ture. Collective exhibit of soils. GROUP 120 Antel-'pe Land & Cattle Co. — Yerington. Veg- etables. Anker, Peter — Lovelock. Badt, M. & Co.— Wells. Wheat. Barlow, A. H. — Mason. Potatoes. Barrett, Geo. — Yerington. Potatoes. Piddleman, Geo.— Reno. Potatoes. Power, G. M. — T,amoille. Wheat, Rye, Oats. Boyer. R. C— Mason. Timothy. Bradshaw, J. D. — Paradise. Alfalfa Seed. Carson Valley Improvement Club — Vegetables. 18 DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Chillen, A. — Reno. Potatoes. Casey, J. A. — Lovelock. Alfalfa. Churchill Co. Chamber of Com. — Vegetables. Cirac, C. P. — Stillwater. Sugar Beets. Colombo, G. B.— Reno. Vegetables. Conway Co., P. J.— Wabuska. Alfalfa Seed. Cordry, B. F. — Mason. Oats. Cross, E. — Yerington. Wheat. Dabney, W. S. — Reno. Vegetables, Onions. Dangberg, H. F. — Minden. Wheat. Dapoli, John — Dasrton. Sugar Beets. Deitz, Wm. — Northam. Sugar Beets. Dolf, Thos. — Fallon. Sugar Beets. Dominco, P. — Yerington. Barley. Dominici, P. — Mason. Barley. Eason, R. W. — Mason. Alfalfa. Elko Development League — Elko. Vegetables. Elko Dry Farm — Blaine. Barley, Oats, Rye. Ferguson, J. W.— Fallon. Sugar Beets. Pemley Water Users' Assn. — Fernley. Vege- tables, Freedhoflf, Geo. — ^Yerington. Potatoes. CJhileri, A. — Reno. Potatoes. Grifith, Edw. — Las Vegas. Root Crops. Hascall, C. A. — Fallon. Root Crops, Wheat. Henningsen, Geo.— Minden. Barley, Timothy. Kaeding, G. L.— Battle Mtn. Alfalfa Seed. Kent, Chas.— Stillwater. Sugar Beets. ■Kent, C. E.— Fallon. Wheat. Langford, W. L.— Fallon. Wheat, Oats Langford, W. L.— Stillwater. Timothy Las Vegas Chamber of Commerce — Las Vegas Vegetables. Lye, E. J. & Sons— Paradise. Timothy, Barley. Lyon County Improvement Club— Vegetables. Mason Valley— Grasses. Mattley, John — Reno. Potatoes. McGowan, J.— Yerington. Wheat. McLeod, C. A. — Yerington. Wheat. McLogan. D.— Mason. Alfalfa Menke, Wm.— Reno. Potatoes. Mianchi, B. — Yerington. Barley Penrose, Wm.— Wabuska. Alfalfa Seed Perrazo, L.— Glendale. Root Crops, Potatoes. Pyramid Indians— Pyramid. Oats, Timothy. Pyramid Indian School— Pyramid. Barley Oar, Frank— Fallon. Sugar Beets. ^afetto, Louis— Glendale. Potatoes. ;8uddell, W. C— Lovelock. Barley ?fr ,?o°lPercial Club— Reno. Vegetables. Schields, R. C— Yerington. Wheat Semenza, A.— Reno. Onions Shields, R.— Mason. Millet Shields. R. v.— Yerington. Wheat. Shiappacasse, A.— Reno. Potatoes ^nyder, J— Yerington. Wheat. Springmeyer, Chas— Minden. Timothy. •T.tation Farm— Reno. Timothy SrnJ^'^/- ^--Wadsworth. Potatoes. TaS^f ' A^- 4:— .Yerington. Barley, Alfalfa. Tamagim, A— Yerington. Barley. ?;nnnv'*?.°T^^J^*?^^^"«- ^l^^^^a. Barley. Vannoy O. J.— Fallon. Vegetables, waits Bros.— Reno. Vegetables. Werner, Otto— Reno >Villiams W H.— Fallon. Sugar Beets. Wilson, G. E.-^ordyke. Oats. GROUP 132 \dams & McGill— McGill. Nevada Wool. ^".°i:.a.^-^^^2^ Vegas. Cotton. Jriffith, R W.— Las Vegas. Cotton. ■Tenkins, W T. Co.— Battle Mountain. Wool. Jellonwell Jones Co — Boston, Mass. Wool. Leayitt, J. D.— St. Thomas. Cotton. McBride, J. A.— Elko. Wool ?fiw* Cal Land & Stock Co.-Reno. Wool. Talbot, J. F. — Reno. Wool. Taylor, J. G.— Lovelock. Wool University of Nevada— Reno. Wool Wheeler, D. C, Inc.— Reno. Wool " NEW YORK. Location Av. B, bet. 4th & 5th Sts. The complete list of exhibits from New York in the Department of Agriculture will appear in revised edition of the Catalogue. OHIO Location: Av. A, bet. 8th & 9th Sts. The complete list of exhibits from Ohio in the Department of Agriculture will appear in revised edition of the Catalogue. OREGON Location: Ave. D, bet. 4th & 6th Sts. GROUP 120 Achilis, Fred — Oregon City. Corn, alfalfa. Ames, W. — Eugene. Oats. Anderson, H. S., Judge— Oregon City. Oats. Bachman, Jos. — Clarkomas. Onion seeds. Boege, H. — Wilsonville. Oats. Bynon, F. S. — Salem. Corn. Califf, C. S. — Eugene. Clover, Alfalfa. Chindgren, O. P. — Mulino. Wheat. Columbia Land & Produce Co. — The Dalles. Wheat. Cottage Grove Grange — Cottage Grove. Grain. Creswell Grange — Creswell. Oats. Daugherty Bros. — Molalla. Wheat, oats. Davis, W. H. — Houton. Wheat. Davies, O. M. — Oregon City. Wheat, oats. Dennis, R.— The Dalles. Wheat. Dimrick, G. B. — Oregon City. Corn. Edwards, J. K. — Junction City. Wheat. Funk, L. — Oregon City. Wheat, corn. Gribble, A. D. — Macksburge. Wheat. Guthrie, H. — Monmouth. Wheat. Harlow, M. Eugene — Orchard grass. Hughes, L. — St. Paul. Pop corn. Hyde, M. — Albany. Corn. Ingram, Geo. — Oregon City. Wheat. Johnston Bros. — Milwaukie. Onions. Klalskanie Commercial Club — Klalskanie. Po- tatoes. Koon, C. — Eugene. Clover, orchard grass. Kruse, H. O. — Wilsonville. Wheat. Lawton, W. B. — Oregon City. Barley. Leek, E. — Oregon City. Wheat. Loncoy — •Milwaukie. Clover, rye. Lowe, D. M. — Ashland. Alfalfa, grain, clover, broom grass. Martin, A. W. — Albany. Corn. McClanahan, E. J. — Eugene. Alfalfa. Merrick, A. N. — Clackamas. Oats, wheat. Minor, A. C. — Heppner. Grain. Minor, O. W. — Heppner. Broom corn. Muller, F. W. — Oregon City. Barley, wheat. Nairn, C. D. — Amity. Oats, wheat. Peck, B. H. — Heppner. Wheat. Pelzold, O. — Eugene. Oats. Risley, J. — Milwaukie. Wheat. Roadannel Bros. — Milwaukie. Onions, Rodman, J. — Aurora. Barley. Schatz, Wm. — Wilsonville. Oats, wheat, Scramlin Grocer Co. — Macksburg. Oats, Smead, W. W. — Heppner. Wheat. Smith, J. W. — Macksburg. Grain. Severn, J. — Junction City. Oats, wheat, Stanley, H. — Oregon City. Barley, Steiner, F. — Oregon City. Wheat. Taylor, W. A. — Macleay. Corn. Warren, E. M. — Eugene. Grain, clover, grasses. Willa Kenzie Grange — Eugene. Grasses, clo- ver, wheat. Wilson, Capt. F.^Eugene. Wheat. Wise, J. — Milwaukie. Rye. Young, C. M. — Oats. Young, W. — Eugene. Wheat. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Id UTAH Location: Av. A & 10th St. The complete list of exhibits from Utah in the Department of Agriculture will appear in revised edition of the Catalogue. VIRGINIA Location: Av. A & 8th St. GROUP 120 Bellwood, James — So. Richmond. Complete ugricultural exhibit of grains, grasses, etc. Virginia, State of — Tobacco exhibit. WASHINGTON Location: Ave. A, bet. 6th & 7th Sts. GROUP 120 Benton County Grange and Commercial Clubs — Corn, agricultural products. Chamber of Commerce, by C. W. H. Heide- man — Spokane. Pedigree seeds. Clallam County Fair Association — Port An- geles. Grains, grasses, potatoes, vegetables. Island County Fair Association— Oak Harbor and Soupeville. Wheat, barley, oats. North Yakima Commercial Club — North Yak- ima. Grains and grasses. Olympic Peninsula Fair Association — Port Townsend. Collective exhibit: Engle, C. T. — Port Townsend. Barley. Gastinean, A, M. — Fort Townsend. Barley. Hooker, J. E. — Port Townsend. Wheat. Hutchinson, J, M. — Port Townsend. Rye. Nailor, E. J. — Port Townsend. Oats. Searry, Mrs. H. — Port Townsend. Wheat. Ritzville Commercial Club — Ritzville. Grain, alfalfa, feterita. Skagit County Fair Association — Burlington. Collective exhibit : Benson, Ben — Burlington. Oats. Chase, J. L. — Burlington. Clover, wheat. Connor, F. J. S. — La Connor. Alfalfa. Downey, Pater — La Connor. Oats. Gear, L. — La Connor. Oats. Hansen, C. C. — La Connor. Oats. Hall, J. W.— Burlington. Alfalfa. Johnson, Ole — Burlington. Oats. Knight, Grant— La Connor. Oats. Knutzen, C. — Burlington. Oats, rye, vetch. La Connor Land Co. — La Connor. Oats. Hunzicker, K.— ^Burlington. Clover. Poison, Alfred — Burlington. Clover. Sampson, Kay — Burlington. Alfalfa. Scott, S. C. — Burlington. Alfalfa. Ovemle, T. M. — Burlington. Barley. Nelson & Smith — Burlington. Wheat. Tyersland, Ben — O'Connor. Oats. Snohomish County Fair Association — Everett. Grains and grasses. Southwestern Washington Fair Association — Lewis County. Collective exhibit: Anderson, F. O. — Centralia. Wheat, timothy. Albred, Sol — Centralia. Timothy. Bush, J. C. — Chehalis. Timothy. Boatman, M. — Centralia. Orchard grass. Carney, Ed— Centralia. Grass. Crown, Ed — Chehalis. Orchard grass. Degeler, F. A. — Centralia. Rye, oats, wheat. Degeler, Mrs. F. A. — Centralia. Grass. Davis, S. S.— Centralia. Timothy. Esham, W. — Centralia. Wheat. Edwards, W. H. — Centralia. Wheat. Goodrich, C. E. — Centralia. Oats. Gibson, N. H. — Chehalis. Orchard grass. Hilford Bros. — Centralia. Barley. Hensen, J. E. — Centralia. Buckwheat, flax, field peas. Jensen, H. — Centralia. Oats. Lehman, F. F. — Chehalis. Wheat. Mattson, John — Chehalis. Wheat. Milem, J. E. — Chehalis. Garden Peas. Myers, A — Centralia. vetch. Nelson, Nels— Centralia. Wheat. Orten, L. H. — Centralia. Oats. Raybon, H. — Centralia. Oats. Rimapel, K.— Chehalis. Orchard grass. Shaffer Bros. — Centralia. Wheat. Thacker, J. G. — Centralia. Timothy. Wall, W. E. — Centralia. Timothy. Walters, J. W. — Centralia. Clover. Woods, F. M. — Centralia. Timothy. Young, Ed — Centralia. Timothy, orchard grass. Spokane Chamber of Commerce — Spokane. Inland Empire grain and grass exhibit. Sunnyside District — Collective exhibit: Barnes, Wm. — Sunnyside. Potatoes. Sparsaddle, F. J. — Sunnyside. Corn. Eby, D. B. — Sunnyside. Corn. Greece, Chas. — Sunnyside. Potatoes. Goemmer, Mr. — Sunnyside. Potatoes. Harrison, W. H. — Sunnyside. Corn. Ogata, R. — Sunnyside. Potatoes. Pratt, Wm. — Sunnyside. Potatoes. Rowland, C. — Sunnyside. Corn. Ready, Ed — Sunnyside. Potatoes. Skinner, M. Q.^Sunnyside. Potatoes. Sheller, Roscoe — Sunnyside. Corn. Simpson, J. W. — Sunnyside. Corn. Sutherland, Mr.— Sunnyside. Onions. Turner, A. C. — Sunnyside. Corn. Walla Walla Commercial Club — Walla Walla. Grain, alfalfa, timothy. Washington State College — Pullman. Agricul- tural exhibit. Whitman County Federation of Commercial Clubs — Pullman, Wash. Grain, grasses. Collective exhibit: Arten, H. M.— Pullman. Wheat. Bryant, M. — Pullman. Wheat. Clark, J. — Pulman. Wheat. Durham, Ezra — Pullman. Wheat. Higgins, Vance — Pullman. Wheat. Jarron, W. — Colfax. Wheat. McCroskey, Geo. — Palouse. Wheat. Slagle, E. M. — Pullman. Wheat. Whitelow, M. W.— Pullman. Wheat. GROUP 134 Washington, State of — Photos, maps, data, etc., pertaining to the lumber industry. Day Lumber Co.— ^Seattle. Shingles. Gillespie, J. B. — Hoquiam. Table. Schuneman, W. C. — Hoquiam. Table. West Coast Lumber Manufacturers Assn. — Ta- coma. Commercial Lumber products in va- rieties of finish. WISCONSIN Location: Av. A, bet. 6th & 7th Sts. GROUP 120 SEEDS, CEREALS, GRASSES Bell, F. E. — Columbus. Wheat. Benedict, E. L. — Beloit. Corn, Clover. Bohl, R. T.— ^Beaver Dam. Corn, Barley. Block, H. J.— Burlington. Corn, Wheat. Brueckner, H. C. — -Jefferson. Corn. Brunker, J. E.— Ridgeway. Corn. Clingman, E. E. — Reedsburg. Corn, Rye. Dengel, Peter — La Crosse. Oats. Dettwiier, John — Monroe. Corn. Draheim, H. T. — Gotham. Grain and Hay. Ellickson, A. C. — Arlington. Corn, Oats. Freehoff, R. E.— Coon Valley. Corn, Seed. Getchman, Chas. N. — Freedom. Oats, Seeds. Gorsege, M. E. — Haven. Soy Beans. Grebe, Fred. — Fox Lake. Corn, Hay. Groth, Louis — Cedarburg. Rye. Haney, O. A. — Lone Rock. Corn. Hans, J. — .Tefferson. Grain, Clover. Hans, Enoch- — Rochester. Clover, Alfalfa. Hanson, L. — Eleva. Timothy. Hemmy, P. A. — Humbird. Clover. Hecketsweiler, O. J. — Alma Center. Corn. 20 DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Hintz, H. S.— Ouk Field. Corn. Howitt, C. H.— Randolph. Grain, Alfalfa. Hubbard, L. — Evansville. Rye. Joos, Frank — Alma Center. Corn. Jung, J. W. — Randolph. Corn and Seeds. Kaltenberg & Sons — Waunakee. Corn. Katel, W. C. — Kewaunee. Rye. Kelly, A. N. — Mineral Point. Corn, hay. Klein, Alfred — Lomira. Barley, oats. Kneeland, Peter — Windsor. Beans. Koltes, Jas. — Dane. Oats, clover, seed. Krause, J. L.— Beaver Dam. Grain, clover. Leonard, Geo, H. — Jefferson. Corn, grain. Leonard, Wm. — Jefferson. Popcorn, grain. Lindly, F. J. — Fox Lake. Clover. Messerschmidt, S. H. — Madison. Corn. . Miritz, O. F.— Fond du Lac. Corn, oats. Moos, Wm. — Onalaska. Oats. Ochsner, A. — Plain. Clover. Paulson, P. A.— Hudson. Alfalfa. Pommerenlng, E. C. — Oshkosh. Oats. Popp, Arthur— Jefferson. Grain, alfalfa. Raessler, N. — Beloit. Grain. Ristow, C. S.— Black River Falls. Corn. Rodwell, E. — Baraboo. Corn. Rosenow, H. E. — Oconomowoc. Corn. Russell, A. G.— Janesville. Oats. Schmidt Bros. — Foxboro. Clover. Schoenbeck, H. — Enterprise. Barley. Schwandt, Wm. — Deer Park. Corn. Sebion, S. — Westby. Clover seed and hay. Steinhoff, W.— Platteville. Clover. Swarz Bros.— Waukesha. Alfalfa. Thompson, A. — Black River Falls. Corn. Thorpe, E. B. — Monroe. Corn. Thorpe, J. R. — Tavera. Grain and clover. Van Loon, J. — La Crosse. Corn. Ward, R.— Ft. Atkinson. Grain. Ward, T. — Ft. Atkinson. Grain. West, H. P. — Ripon. Grain. Wichern, A. — Baraboo. Corn. Wichern, W.— Baraboo. Corn. Weilinga, J., Midway, Wis. Agriculture. Av. A, bet. 6th & 7th Sts. Corn, State In- spected Golden Glow, Wis., No. 12, Seed Corn for sale, grown by a specialist. Zachar — Racine. Oats, rye. UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT EXHIBIT PALACE OF AGRICULTURE Location: Ave. D, bet. 4th & 6th Sts. UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Bureau of Animal Industry. Bureau of Biological Survey. Bureau of Chemistry. Bureau of Plant Industry. Forest Service. Office of Experiment Stations. Weather Bureau. A complete list of the exhibits of the De- partment will appear in the revised edition of the catalogue. FOREIGN SECTION AGRICULTURE ARGENTINE Location: 6th St., bet. Avs. D & E. The complete list of exhibits from Argen- tine in the Department of Agriculture will appear in revised edition of the Catalogue. CHINA The complete list of exhibits from China in the Department of Agriculture will appear in the revised edition of the Catalogue, CUBA Location: Av. D & 8th St. The complete list of exhibits from Cuba in the Department of Agriculture will appear in the revised edition of the Catalogue. HONDURAS Location: 1st St. & Av. D The complete list of exhibits from Hon- duras in the Department of Agriculture will appear in the revised edition of the Catalogue. JAPAN Location: Avs. C & D, bet. 1st & 2nd Sts. GROUP 119 Noshomusho Suisan Kyoku — Models of fishing boats, fishery. Specimens of aquatic prod- ucts. Statistics. Noshomusho Nomukyoku — Specimens of agri- cultural products. Annual statistics. Taiwan Sotokufu Shokusan Kyoku — Map showing the distribution of principal prod- ucts in Formosa. Specimens of products. GROUP 120 Misaburo Kinbara — Tokyo. Comellia Oil. Torajiro Inoue — Hyogo. Bean Oil. Hlrano Daizu Kogyo Kabushiki Kaishar— Hyogo. Bean Oil. Hoiji Hiraso — Hyogo. Sesame Oil. Dalzu Hyohaku Kabushiki Kaisha — Aichi. Bean Oil. Sugiji Shokai— Aichi. Bean Oil. Saburo Oguri — Aichi. Bean Oil. Kamomatsu' Okuda — Aichi. Bean Oil. Soiyu Seimai Kabushiki Kaisha — Aichi. Bean Oil. Ono Yusho Kabushiki Kaisha — Aichi. Vege- table Oil. Pukuiken Seijmgyo Kumiai — Fukui. Paulowina Oil. Yoshizo Honma — Chiba. Paulowina Oil. Minosuko Tsuchiya— Chiba. Paulownia Oil. Yoshizo Watanabe — Chiba. Paulownia Oil. Bunichi Kitagaki — Shinano. Paulownia Oil. Kamejiro Ishibashi — Shinano. Paulownia Oil. Chujiro Yagi — Saga. Camellia Oil. Shinsaburo Nonaka — Saga. Camellia Oil. Taniya Gomeikaisha Shucchosho — Fukuoka. Vegetable Oil. Settsu Seiyu Kabushiki Kaisha — Osaka. Veg- etable Oil. Sadajiro Yoshiwara — Osaka. Vegetable Oil. Kagoshimaken Seiyu Kabushiki Kaisha — Kag- oshima. Vegetable Oil. Shinjiro Nishimura - • Kagoshima. Vegetable Oil. Goshikaisha Yokkaichi Seiyu-Jo — Miye. Veg- etable Oil. Goshikaisha Notogowa Seiyu-Jo — Shiga. Vege- table Oil. Otaru Seiyu Kabushiki Kaisha — Hokkaido. Vegetable Oil. Hokkai Seyu Kabushiki Kaisha — Hokkaido. Vegetable Oil. Nozawagumi — Kanagawa. Vegetable Oil. Yesaku Hori — Nagano. Silkworm Oil. Yugon Sokinin Shinyo Hanbai Kobai Kumiai Yoda Gumi — Nagano. Silkworm Oil. Suezo Akaboshi— Kumamoto. Camellia Oil. Kahei Uyeda — Kumamoto. Camellia Oil. Kazuma Ishii — Nagasaki. Camellia Oil. Tomihei Kamakuchi — Nagasaki. Camellia Oil. Eizo Mizoye — Nagasaki. Camellia Oil. Yosaku Nagamatsu— Nagasaki. Camellia Oil. Chukichi Furuyama — Osaka. Sorghum. Yosuko Koga — Osaka. Sorghum. Toyo Shubyo Shokai — San Francisco. Seeds. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE 21 Torojiro Watase — ^Tokvo. Seeds. Hort. Pal., Av. A, cor. 4th St.. GROUP 121 Matsuye Umimatsusho Kumiai — Shimane. Sea Weed. Shizuoka Shoga, Hechima, TogarasM Kakkasei Dogyo Kumiai — Shizuoka. Gourd. Nazawa Gumi — Kanagawa. Gourd. Sahei Ukida — Okayama. Gold Nuts. Yasujiro Sumikawa — Yamaguchi. Gold Nuts. Kumano Sanrinkai — Wakayama. Gold Nuts. Higashi Murogun Ringyokai — Wakayama. Gold Nuts. GROUP 126 Tomoyasu Hirano — Tokyo. Fish Oil. ehitaro Ito — Osaka. Cod Liver Oil. Kogyo Goshikaisha — Osaka. Cod Liver Oil. Kyoto, Osaka, Hyogo, Kanton Suisan Kumiai — Osaka. Isinglass. Nozawa Gumi — Kanagawa. Fish Oil. Shinno Kanton Suwa Suisan Kumiai — Nagano. Isinglass. GROUP 132 Abe Shoton — Kanagawa. Feathers. Nippon Hiko Kabushiki Kaisha — Tokyo. Feathers. Giransho Nokai — Giran. Taro Hemp. Shinchiku Sho Nokai — Shinchiku. Taro Hemp. Tainancho Nokai — Tainan. Taro Hemp. GROUP 134 Noshomusho Sanrin Kyoku — Model showing the distribution of forests in Japan. Speci- mens of principal woods in Japan. Speci- mens of products. GROUP 135 Mitsui Bussan Kaisha — Tokyo. Lumber. Takesei Goshikaisha — Tokyo. Bamboo. Cho Yui — Tokyo. Marquetry. Moritaro Takeichi — Tokyo. Lumber. Chujiro Aiba — Tokyo. Lumber. Kyoto Takesho Kumiai — Kyoto. Bamboo. Masuda Goshikaisha — Kanagawa. Lumber. Taisuke Osada — Hyogo. Bamboo. Kobe Seichiku Kabushiki Kaisha — ^Hyogo. Bamboo. Harunosuke Shima — Ebaragi. Charcoal. Kickijiro Asano — Aichi. Veneer Wood. Nippon Gakki Seizo Kabushiki Kaisha — Shi- zouka. Veneer Wood. Chujiro Segawa — Shiga. Bamboo. Hagi Chikuzai Kabushiki Kaisha — Yamagun- chi. Bamboo. Hidakagun Mokutan Dogyo Kumiai — Waka- yama. Charcoal. Nishimurogun Mokutan Dogyo Kumiai — Wa- kavama. Charcoal. Hidaka Kokuchiku Hanbai Kumiai— Waka- yama. Black Bamboo. Jujiro Tamai — Taihoki. Wood Fibre. Yugen Sekinin Taiko Boseki Kobai Hanbai Kumiai — Taichu. Wood Fibre. Oitaken Mokuro Dogyo Kumiai — Oita. Wood Wax. Chikugo Mokuro Dogyo Kumiai — Fukuoka. Wood Wax. Chikuzen Mokuro Dogyo Kumiai — Fukuoka. Wood Wax. Bunson Mokuro Dogyo Kumiai — Fukuoka. Wood Wax. Hizen Mokuro Dogyo Kumiai — Saga. Wood Wax. Kitagumi Kawachi Gomei Kaisha — Hyogo. Wood Wax. Eisuko Shimizu — Hyogro. Wood Wax. Higo Seiro Kabushiki Kaisha — Kumamoto. Wood Wax. Chojiro Murakami — Ehime. Wood Wax. Deijiro Nakagawa — Ehime. Wood Wax. Yoshikichi Mineoi — ^^Ehime. Wood Wax. PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. Location: Av. D, 2nd, 3rd & 4th Sts. GROUP 114. Government of the Philippine Islands. Manila, P. I. Farm house. GROUP 115. Government of the Philippine Islands. Manila, P. I. Farm machinery and agricultural im- plements. Heing, A. Manila, P. I. Farm cart. GROUP 117. Alhambra Cigar Factory, Manila, P. I. Leaf tobacco, cigars and cigarettes. Catubusan Cigar Factory. Manila, P. I. - Cigars. Compania General de Tabacos de Filipinas. Manila, P. I. Leaf tobacco & mfg. products. Department of Mindanao and Sulu. Zam- beanga, Mindanao, P. I. Leaf tobacco. Germinal Cigar Factory. Manila, P. I. Leaf tobacco, cigars and cigarettes. Government of the Philippine Islands. Manila, P. I. Leaf tobacco, tobacco seeds. La Insular Cigar Factory. Manila, P. I. Cigars. Manila Commercial Company. Manila, P. I. Leaf tobacco, cigars and cigarettes. Province of Isabela, Philippine Govt. Ilagan, Isabela, P. I. Leaf tobacco. GROUP 118. Government of the Philippine Islands. Manila, P. I. Apparatus for stripping and cleaning abaca. GROUP 119. Government of the Philippine Islands. Manila, P. I. Statistical charts, agricultural publi- cations. GROUP 120. Compania General de Tabacos de Filipinas. '^ Manila, P. I. Cocoanuts, oil and fiber. Dept. of Mindanao and Sulu, Philippine Govt. Zamboanga, Mindanao, P. I. Rice, cacao, coffee, mangoes, cocoanuts, oil, copra. Government of the Philippine Islands. Manila, P. I. Complete agricultural exhibit of seeds, grasses, etc. J. T. Fena, Mgr. Rio Grande Rubber Estate. Cotabato, Mindanao, P. I. Peanuts and peanut oil. Patalon Plantation Co. Zamboanga, Minda- nao, P. I. Maize. Province of Laguna, Philippine Govt. Santa Cruz. P. I. Cocoanuts, copra and oil. Vegetable Oil Co. Manila, P. I. cocoanut oil. GROUP 121. Government of the Philippine Islands. Manila, P. I. Para rubber. Fenner, J. T. Cotabato. Gutta percha. GROUP 132. Government of the Philippine Islands. Manila, P. I. Complete exhibit of textile plants and their products. Dept. of Mindanao and Sulu, Philippine Govt. Mindanao, Zamboanga, P. I. Kapoc. German & Co. Manila, P. I. Knotted abaca (Manila hemp). Lutz & Co. Manila, P. I. Rolls of knotted abaca (Manila hemp). The Manila Commercial Co. Manila, P. I. Rolls and bobbins of knotted abaca braid. MacLeod & Co. Manila, P. I. Abaca (Manila hemp) and maguey in bales. Pacific Commercial Co. Manila, P. I. Abaca, kapoc seed. W. F. Stevenson & Co. Manila, P. I. Abaca and Maguey in bales. Smith, Bell & Co. Manila, P. I. Abaca and maguey in bales. O. V. Wood. Mailie, Davao, Mindanao, P. I. Abaca fiber. 22 DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE GROUP I'Mi. Government of the Philippine Islands. Manila, P. I. Collections of useful and injurious in- sects. Appliances for destroying injurious insects. GROUP 134. Government of the Philippine Islands. Manila, P. I. A complete forestry exhibit. Government of the Philippine Islands. Manila, P. I. Mfg. and rough lumber of all descrip- tions. AGRICULTURE. GROUP 135. Born, S. A. & Co. San Francisco, Cal. Sec- tion of house with interior finish. Cadwallader Gibson Lumber Co. Manila, P. I. Flooring, lumber. Cailles, Juan. Sta. Maria, Laguna. Lumber. Davis Hardwood Co. San Francisco, Cal. Flooring and doors. Elgar, James. New York. Window and casing. Fenner, J. T. Cotabato, P. I. Lumbang oil and meal, etc. Insulae Lumber Co. Manila, P. I. Lumber, flooring. Kolambngan Lumber Co. & Development Co., The. Misamis. Flooring, rough lumber. Lyan & Co. Zamboanga. Lumber. Mindanao Lumber Co. Zamboanga. Flooring. Pacific Sash & Door Co. Los Angeles, Cal. Doors and panels. Pichel, Jose. Zamboanga. Lumber. Philippine Negros Lumber Co. (Occidental Negros). Cadiz. Lumber. Port Banga Lumber Co. Zamboanga. Lumber. Pujalte & Co. Manila. I^umber, flooring. Western Hardwood Lumber Co. Los Angeles, Cal. Veneer flitches and veneer. NEW ZEALAND Location: Avs. C & D, bet. 6th & 8th Sts. The complete list of exhibits from New Zea- land in the Department of Agriculture will appear in revised edition of the Catalogue. PORTO RICO. Location: 4th St., Avs. C & D. The complete list of exhibits from Porto Rico in the Department of Agriculture will appear in the revised edition of the Catalogue. SWEDEN The exhibit of Sweden classified in this Department is installed in the Swedish Build- ing, Avenue of Nations. Official Catalogue of Exhibitors Panama-Pacific International Exposition San Ffanciscot California, J9J5 CHAS* C MOORE President Difcctof-in-Chicf FREDERICK J. V- SKIFF Division of Exhibits ASHER CARTER BAKER, Director Department H FOOD PRODUCTS T. G. STALLSMITH, Chief Preliminary Edition Published for the Division of Exhibits by The Wahlgreen Company, Official Publishers San Franciscot J9J5 FOOD PRODUCTS Official Catalogue Department H CLASSIFICATION OF EXHIBITS Equipment and Methods Employed in the Preparation of Foods and Beverages. Vegetable Food Products and Agricultural Seeds. Farinaceous Products and Their Derivatives. Bread and Pastry. Animal Food Products. Preserved Meat, Fish, and Vegetables. Tobacco. Sugar and Confectionery, Condiments and Relishes; Nut and Fruit Foods. Waters and Unfermented Fruit Juices. Wines and Brandies. Syrup, and Liquors, Distilled Spirits and Commercial Alcohol. Fermented Beverages. Useful Insects and Their Products. E5PLANADL AIN NORTH CNTRANCt 54 29 30C 30B AVENUE A 2 30 5 30A .32 - I 28 I I I 27 I I I 26 25 ^»^ .-^ 22 23 24 Is; IlZlrl ""H'"-" H ■" .1^ COURT OF THE FOUR 5EA50N3 SOUTH ENTPtMO. SOUtM [NTS*NCt SOU'w tVtRANCi uLUMJ FLOOR PLAN PALACE OF FOOD PRODUCTS PANlAMA-PACinC INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITION OPENS rtBRUARY to SAN FRANCISCO. U.S.A. 1915. closes oecembeb* ^ HOW TO LOCATE AN EXHIBIT The Palace of Food Products is laid out in blocks, which are consecutively numbered from 1 to 34, inclusive, as shown on the floor plan. The aisles are designated as streets (First to Sixth), running north to south, and as avenues (A to E), from east to west. To locate an exhibitor refer to the name, alphabetically arranged under the exhibit group to which each belongs in the official classi- fication, and note the aisles location following each name. Street and Avenue signs are erected at their intersection on the corners of all blocks. All Exhibits entered in this Catalogue are located in the Palace of Food Products, unless otherwise indicated after the entry. The following are abbreviations used in this Catalogue to designate other Exhibit Palaces : Fine Arts Palace Fn. A. Pal. Education Palace.... Ed. Pal. Liberal Arts Palace Lb. A. Pal. Manufactures Palace Mfr. Pal. Varied Industries Palace V. I. Pal, Machinery Palace Mch. Pal. Transportation Palace Trns. Pal. Agriculture Palace Agr. Pal. Food Products Palace Fd. Pr. Pal. Live Stock Palace Lv. St. Pal. Horticulture Palace Hor. Pal. Mines and Metallurgy Palace Min. Pal. 28 DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Palace of Food Products Official Classification of Exhibits GROUP 117 TOBACCO (Equipment, Processes .and Products.) Class 564. Equipment for manufacture. Construction of tobacco factories. Class 565. Laboratory applianc.:*^ Class 566. Manufactured productd. GROUP 122 ANIMAL FOOD PRODUCTS Refrigerated fresh meats, poultry, game and fish; edible animal fats and oils, sterilized milk. Class 591. Class 592. Class 593. Class 594. Class 595. gelatines. Milk and cream, fresh or condensed : Butter in all forms. Cheese in all forms. Eggs; albuminoid foods and preparations. GROUP 123 EQUIPMENT AND METHODS EMPLOYED IN THE PREPARATION OF FOODS AND BEVERAGES Class 597. Flour mills. Factories for the production of glucose and starch. Class 598. Manufacture of food pastes. Class 599. Bakeries: kneading machines, mechanical ovens; manufacture of ship biscuit. Class 600. Pastry works. Class 601. Methods and appliances for the utilization of refrigeration in food preservation. Refrigerators and household refrigerating machines. Class 602. Equipment and methods used for preserving fresh meats, game, fish, etc. Class 603. Factories for canning or curing meat, fish, vegetables and fruit. Class 604. Sugar manufactories and refineries. Class 605. Manufacture of chocolate and confectioneries. Class 606. Preparation of ices and sherbets. Class 607. Decortication and roasting of coffee, peanuts, etc. Class 608. Vinegar or pickling works. Class 609. Distilleries; distillers' machinery and supplies. Class 610. Wineries; methods and equipment employed in wine making; wine ferments; wine blending; wine preservatives. Class 611. Breweries; brewers' machinery and supplies, etc. Class 612. Manufacture of aerated waters; bottling works and machinery. Class 613. Various industries for the preparation of foods. Class 614, Olive oil presses and clarifying apparatus. GROUP 124 FARINACEOUS PRODUCTS AND THEIR DERIVATIVES Class 615. Flour from cereals; grain from which the hulls have been removed, groats, potato starch, rice flour, flour from lentils or beans, gluten; prepared cereals. Class 616. Tapioca, sago, arrowroot, various starches, malt. Mixed farinaceous products. Class 617. Italian pastes: semolina, vermicelli, macaroni, noodles. Home-made pastes. Class 618. Infants' and invalids' foods. GROUP 125 BREAD AND PASTRY Class 619. Breads, with or without yeast, fancy breads and breads in moulds, compressed breads for travelers, military campaigns, etc. Ship biscuits. Yeasts. Baking powders. Class 620. Pastry of various kinds peculiar to each country. Ginger bread and dry cakes for keeping. GROUP 126 PRESERVED MEAT, FISH AND VEGETABLES Class 621, Meat preserved by any process. Salted meats, canned meats. Meat and soup tablets. Meat extracts, soups. Various pork products. Class 622. Fish preserved by any process. Salt fish, fish in barrels, cod, herring, etc. Fish preserved in oil; tunny, sardines, anchovies. Fish products; oil, roes, isin- glass, spermaceti, etc. Class 623. Canned lobster, canned oysters, canned shrimp, canned turtle, canned terrapin. Class 624, Vegetables preserved by various processes. Class 625. Army and navy commissary stores and equipment. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE 29 NUT AND FRUIT GROUP 127 SUGAR AND CONFECTIONERY, CONDIMENTS AND RELISHES; FOODS Class 626. Sugar. Glucose. Syrups. Class 627. Confectionery. Chocolate. Glace fruits. Class 628. Foods mado from nuts or fruits. Class 629. Coffee, tea, substitutes for coffee ; mate, chicory and sweet acorns. Class 630. Vinegar. Class 631. Table salt. Class 632. Spices and their derivatives: pepper, cinnamon, allspice, flavouring extracts. Class 633. Mixed condiments and relishes: pickles, mustard, curries, sauces. Class 634. Class 635. Class 636. Class 637. Class 638. Class 639. Class 640. GROUP 128 WATERS AND UNFERMENTED FRUIT JUICES Artificially aerated, carbonated or mineral waters, ginger ale, and other non- alcoholic beverages. Soda fountains, carbonating machinery, apparatus and fixtures ; filters and methods of purifying water for home use. Cider and other unfermented fruit juices. GROUP 129 WINES AND BRANDIES Dry wines, red and white. Sweet wines: sherry, madeira, port, angelica, etc. Sparkling wines. Brandies. Grape juice, fermented. GROUP 130 SYRUPS AND LIQUORS, DISTILLED SPIRITS AND COMMERCIAL ALCOHOL Class 641. Syrups and sweet liqueurs: anisette, curacoa, ratafia, benedictine, chartreuse, etc. Class 642. Aperients having alcohol or wine as a base: absinthe, bitters; vermouth, myrhh, Class 643. Class 644. Commercial alcohols: alcohol made from beets, molasses, grains, potatoes, etc. Various distilled spirits, whiskey, gin, rum, vodka, kirschwasser, sake, etc. GROUP 131 FERMENTED BEVERAGES Class 645. Cider and perry. Ale, beer, porter and other malt liquors, other fermented drinks low in alcohol. Pulke, Koumiss and GROUP 133 USEFUL INSECTS AND THEIR PRODUCTS, INJURIOUS INSECTS AND PLANT DISEASES Class 655. Systematic collections of useful and injurious insects. Class 656. Systematic collections of vegetable parasites from plants and animals. Class '657. Bees. Silkworms and other bombycids. Cochineal insects. Class 658. Appliances for rearing and keeping bees and silkworms. Bee and silkworm products ; honey, wax, cocoons. Class 659. Appliances and processes for destroying plant diseases and injurious insects. GROUP 117 TOBACCO Alhambra Cigar & Cigarette Mfg. Co., Manila, P. I. Mfg. products. Av. E, bet. 3rd & 4th. Croger Cigar Co., Seattle, Wash. Mfg. prod- ucts. Av. A & 4th St. Cuesta, Rey & Co., Tampa, Florida. Havana Cigars. Av. A & 4th St. De Nobili Cigar Co., Long Island, N. Y. Ci- gars. Av. E & 5th St. Falk Tobacco Co., New York, N. Y. Mfg. Products. Av. E, bet. 3rd & 4th Sts. Frankel, Gerdts & Co., S. F., Cal. Cigars and their manuf. Av. A & 4th St. M. A. Gunst & Co., Inc., New York, N. Y. Mfg. products. Av. E, bet. 3rd & 4th Sts. Moreda & Co., Inc., New York, N. Y. Cigars. Av. E, bet. 3rd & 4th Sts. Petri Italian American Cigar Co., San Fran- cisco, Cal. Cigars. Av. A, cor. 5th St. United Cigars Mfrs. Co., Nerw York, N. Y. CigJirs. Av. E, bet. Ihd & 4th Sts. West Indies Cigar Co., Inc., The, New York, N. Y. Cigars. Av. E, bet. 3rd & 4th Sts. GROUP 120 VEGETABLE FOOD PRODUCTS AND AGRICULTURAL SEEDS Southern Cotton Oil Co., New York, N. Y. Oil, edible. 3rd St., bet. Avs. D &; E. GROUP 122 ANIMAL FOOD PRODUCTS Alpine Evaporated Cream Co., San Francisco. Evaporated Milk. 3d St., bet. Avs. B & C. Alpine Milk. Plants at Hollister and Gon- zales, California. San Francisco Offices, 268 Market Street. Borden's Condensed Milk Co., New York. Condensed Milk. 3d St., bet. Avs. C & D. Borden's Eagle Brand Condensed Milk; Borden's Evaporated Milk; Borden's Malt- ed Milk; Borden's Sterilized Natural Milk. The Johnson-Locke Mercantile Co., San Francisco, Pacific Coast Representatives. California Central Creameries, S. F. Dairy Products. Av. E, cor. 3rd St. Citizens' Wholesale Supply Co., Columbus, O. Gelatine, etc. 4th St., bet. Avs. D & E. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Genesee Pure Food Co., Le Roy, N. Y. Gela- tine ice cream powders. Av. D, cor. 3d St. Idaho, State of. Col. Exhibit of Cheese. Agr. Pal. Avs. B & C, bet. 6th & 7th Sts. Jamison Cold Storage Door Co., Hagerstown, Md. Dairy Equip. Av. B, cor. 6th St. Llhby, McNeill & Libby, Chicago, 111. Canned Goods. Fd. Pr. Pal., Av. E, cor. 2nd St. Evaporated Milk, Condensed Milk. Minute Tapioca Co., Orange, Mass. Gelatine. Av. D & 4th St. Minute Gelatine, Measured for use. Nevada, State of. Collective Exh., Dairy Pro- ducts. Agr. Pal., Av. A, bet. 9th & 10th Sts. Pacific Coast Condensed Milk Co., Seattle, Wash. Evaporated Milk. Carnation Milk. Evaporated, Sterlized Milk. Avs. D & E, bet. 3d & 4th Sts. Rowe's, E. J., Boston. Collective Exh. Pure Foods. Avs. D & E, bet. 3d & 4th Sts. GROUP 123 EQUIPMENT AND METHODS EMPLOYED IN THE PREPARATION OF FOODS AND BEVERAGES Airseal Vacuum Jar Co., New York, N. Y. Jar used for canning. 4th St., bet. Avs. D & E. Alaska Packers Association, San Francisco, Cal. Av. C, bet. 1st & 2nd Sts. Illustrat- ing the Salmon Industry ; Vessel and Sal- mon Cannery Models. Salmon Eggs and Fry. Mounted Salmon. Canned Salmon and Salmon Paste. American Chicle Co., Portland, Ore. Mfg. of Chewing Gum. Av. D, cor. 3rd St. Axtderson-Bamgrover Manufacturing Co., San Jose, Cal. Hort. Pal., Av. E. Fruit grader, Canning Tables, Distributing Systems, Sli- cer. Can Marker ; Syruper, Exhausters and Lye Pealer. Continuous Agitating Cooker & Cooler for canned foods, copper kettle, pulper; Tomato washer, scalder and con- veyor. Automatic Candy Machine Co., Seattle, Wash. Candy Making Mach. 3d St., bet. Avs. D&E. Automatic Refrigerating Co., Hartford, Conn. Refrg. Mach. Hort. Pal., 8th St., cor. Av.A. Ayars Machine Company, Salem, N. J. Can- ning Machinery. Avs. B & D, between 1st & 2nd Sts. Tomato Filling Machine ; Can- ning Machinery. Bakers Weekly, New York, N. Y. Publica- tions. Avs. C & D, bet. 2nd & 3rd Sts. A newspaper of interest to the bakers' trade, published weekly. Berger & Carter Co., S, F. Collective Exh. Hydraulic Press. Mch. Pal., 5th St. & Av. I. Bemheim Distilling Co., Louisville, Ky. Dis- tilling Mchy. 4th St., bet. Avs. D&E. BHss, E. W. & Company,- Brooklyn, N. Y. Machinery. Automatic machinery for mak- ing sanitary cans; automatic machines for forming, • beading and flanging round and oval tin cans. See exhibit. Block 16, Ma- chinery Building. Bom, H. A. & Co., Chicago, 111. Refrigerating Machinery. Av. A & 6th St. Brandenstein, M. J. & Co., S. F., Cal. Av. E, cor. 3rd St. Coffee roasting and demon- strating; tea packing and demonstrating. Brunswick-Balke-CoUender Co., The, of Cal., S. F. Refrg. Mfr. Pal., Av. A, cor. 6th St. Columbia Feed Governor Co., Minneapolis, Minn. Avs. C & D, bet. 2nd & 3rd Sts. De Laval Separator Co., The, New York, N. Y. Agr. Pal., 3rd St., bet. Avs. A & B. De Laval Clarifier and Filter, De Laval Sedi ment Clarifier, De Laval Yeast Separator. De Laval Dairy Supply Co., San Francisco agents. Dickerson, F. G., Chicago, 111. Canning Mach. Pac. Coast Cond. Milk Co.'s Pavilion. Economic Machy. Co,, Worcester, Mass. Can Labeling Mchy. 6th St., bet. Avs. C & D. Government of the Philippine Islands, Manila, P. I. Cocoanut oil press, apparatus for preparing chocolate, corn mill, rice mill. Grand Rapids Refrigerator Co., Grand Rap- ids, Mich. 2nd St., bet. Avs. D&E. Leonard Cleanable Refrigerators, ''Like a Clean China Dish." Heppe, L. A., Boston, Mass. Mfr. of Con- fectionery. Av. E, cor. 4th St. Hobart Manufacturing Co., The, Troy, O. Coffee Refiner. Av. E, cor. 3rd St. Electric Coffee Mills and Refiners. Jas. H. Stod- dard, Sales Agent, 326 Market St., San Francisco; .377 12th St., Oakland. Howes, The S. Company, Silver Creek, N. Y. Mill Machinery. Avs. C & D, bet. 2nd & 3rd Sts. "Eureka" Grain Cleaning Ma- chinery for Flour. Corn & Cereal Mills, Flour & Feed Packers. Bran Dusters, Dust Collectors, Wheat Washers & Dryers, Feed Mixers, Rice & Coffee Hullers & Separators. Hughes Electric Heating Co., Chicago, 111. Avs. C & D, bet. 2nd & 3rd Sts. Electric Stoves, Ranges, Ovens, etc. Hydraulic Press Mfg. Co., The, Mt. Gilead, O. Oil Press. Mch. Pal., 2nd St., Avs. H & I. Jamison Cold Storage Door Co., Hagerstown, Md. Refrig. Apparatus. Av. B, cor. 6th St. Kewanee Water Supply Co., Kewanee, 111. Refg. Plants. Mch. Pal., 1st & 2d Sts, Av.E. Loetscher-Ryan Mfg. Co., Dubuque, la. Refrg. Mach., etc. 5th St., bet. Avs. D&E. McClaren, L. L., S. P., Cal. Cook Book. Av. B2, cor. 3rd St. Meade, L. S., San Francisco, Cal. Packing Devices. Av. D, cor. 2nd St. Middleby-Marshall Oven Co., Chicago, 111. Ovens. Avs. C & D, bet. 2nd & 3rd Sts. National Canners' Assn., Wash., D. C. Collect- ive Exh. Avs. B & D, bet. 1st & 2nd Sts. National Ice Cream Co., S. P., Cal. Mfgs. of Ice Cream. Av. A & 6th St. Nevada, State of. Paste food & sugar facto- ries. Av. A, bet. 9th & 10th Sts., Agr. Pal. Pacific Ammonia & Chemical Co., Seattle, Wash. Ammonia. Av. B, cor. 6th St. Pappas Candy Co., San Francisco, Cal. Mfg. of candy. 3rd St., bet. Avs. D&E. Pennsylvania Flexible Metallic Tubing Co., Phil., Pa. Mch. Pal., 5th St. & Av. F. Potato Chip Co., San Jose, Cal. Potato chips. Av. B, bet. 2nd & 3rd Sts. Quaker Oats Co., The, Chicago, 111. Prepared Cereals. Av. E, bet. 6th & 7th Sts. Read Machinery Co., York, Pa. Machinery. Avs. C & D, bet. 3rd & 4th Sts. A complete line of bakers' machinery. See it operating. Refrigeration Plants Mfg. Co., Los Angeles, Cal. Refre. Mach. Av. B2, 2nd & 3rd Sts. Remington Machine Co., Wilmington, Del. Re- frigeration Plant. Av. D & 1st St. Richardson Scale Co., Passaic, N. J. Scales. Avs. C & D, bet. 2nd & 3rd Sts. Scales used in weighing wheat to mill rolls and flour to packing bins. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE 31 Rowe's, E. J. Collective exhibit of pure foods. Avs. D & E, bet. ;5i-d & 4tli Sts. Shredded Wheat Co., The, Niagara Falls, N.Y. Cereals. Av. C, cor. 4th St. Shredded wheat biscuit and triscuit. Sprague Canning Machy. Co., Chicago, 111. Avs. B & D, bet. 1st & 2nd Sts. Union Sanitary Rack Mfg. Co., Albion, Mich. Av. B2, bet. 2nd & 3rd Sts. Vulcan Iron Works, San Francisco, Cal. Re- frigerating Machinery. Avs. C & D, bet. 7th & 8th Sts. Refrigerating and Ice Plants of any desired capacity. Special Class Small Machines. Special Marine Type Machines. Works: Francisco & Kearny Sts. Washington, State of. Collective Exhibit of salmon canning mchy. Gth St., bet B & C. White Frost Refrigerator Co., Jackson, Mich. Refrigerators. Av. D, cor. 3rd St. Wolf Co., The, Chambersburg, Pa. Flour Mill Mach. Avs. C & D, bet 2nd & 3rd Sts. York Manufacturing Co., York, Pa. Refrig- erating Machinery. Av. B, cor. Gth St. Appliances of any desired capacity for the refrigeration and preservation of food. Ice Makinn' Plants. Ammonia fittings and sup- plies. Special class small machines. GROUP 124 FARINACEOUS PRODUCTS AND THEIR DERIVATIVES Albers Bros. Milling Co., San Francisco, Cal. Prepared Cereals. Av. C, cor. 3rd St. Al- bers Flapjack Flour; Albers Buckwheat Flour; Albers Corn Meal; Albers Peacock Family Flour; Albers Pearls of Wheat; Albers Pearl Barley; Albers Steel Cut Oat Meal; Albers Rolled Oats; Albers Wheat Flakes; Carnation Wheat Flakes; Carnation Rolled Oats; Carnation Granulated Wheat. Mills and offices at Portland, Tacoma, Se- attle, Oakland, San Francisco and Los An- geles. Brandenstein, M. J. & Co., San Francisco, Cal. Av. E, cor. 3rd St. Rices, Foreign and Do- mestic. Citizens' Wholesale Supply Co., Columbus, O. Cereals, etc. 4th St., bet. Avs. D & E. Government of the Philippine Islands, Manila, P. I. Rice, tapioca, sago, starches, arrow- root. Heinz, H. J. & Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. Italian Pastes. Av. C, cor. 3rd St. Idaho, State of. Flour exhibit. Avs. B & C, bet. 6th & 7th Sts. Louisiana, State of. Collective exhibit of Ital- ian pastes. Avs. B & C, bet. 8th & 10th Sts., Agr. Pal. Minute Tapioca Co., Orange, Mass. Tapioca. Av. D & 4th St. Minute Tapioca — Requires no soaking. Mueller, C. F. Co., New York, N. Y. Italian pastes. 4th St., bet. Avs. C & D. Nevada, State of. Collective exhibit of Flour. Av. A, bet. 9th & 10th Sts., Agr. Pal. Pacific Cereal Association, San Francisco, Cal. Prepared Cereals. Av. C, cor. 3rd St. Quaker Oats Co., The, Chicago, 111. Prepared Cereals. Av. E, bet. Gth & 7th Sts. Rowe's, E. J., Boston, Mass. Collective exh. of Pure Foods. Avs. D & E, bet. .3rd & 4th. Shredded Wheat Co., The, Niagara Falls, N.Y. Prepared Cereals. Av. C, cor. 4th St. Sperry Flour Co., S. F., Cal. Prepared cereals, flour, etc. Avs. 0'.& D, bet. 2nd & 3rd Sts. GHOUP 12r. BREAD AND PASTRY American Biscuit Co., San Francisco, Cal. Crackers. 2nd St., bet. Avs. D & E. Royal Soda Crackers in cartons and bulk ; Crack- ers and Cakes in cartons and bulk ; Fiesta Sugar Wafers and Yosemite Creams; Pilot Bread; Army and Navy Hard Bread; Dainty Chips; Snowflakes ; Water Wafers, Panama Creams; High Teas; Tango Chips; Exquisite Wafers — Cheese Sandwiches. Citizens' Wholesale Supply Co., Newark, N, J. Baking Powder. 4th St., bet. Avs. D & E. Crescent Manufacturing Co., Seattle, Wash. Baking Powder. Av. B2, cor. 2nd St. Jones-Thierbach Co., S. F., Cal. Baking Pow- der. Av. C, cor. 2nd St. Sperry Flour Co., S. F., Cal. Bread, etc. Avs. C & D, bet. 2nd & 3rd Sts. Bread & Pastry of various countries. Washington, State of. Food Products Exhibit. Gth St., bet. Avs. B & C. GROUP 126 PRESERVED MEAT, FISH AND VEGETABLES Agencias de Berna, S. F. Preserved vegetables and fruits. Gth St., bet. Avs. B & 0. Ainsworth & Dunn, Seattle, Wash. Canned salmon. 1st St., cor. Av. C. American Kitchen Products Co., New York, N. Y. Av. E, cor. 4th St. Makers of "Ster- ro" Cubes "A cube makes a cup." Just add boiling water. Delicious wholesome Bouil- lon instantly. Improves flavor of Soups, Sauces & Gravies. Visit Exhibit in Pal. of Pure Foods. A cup of Hot "Sterro" c served free. Alaska Fish Co., Seattle, Wash. Canned sal- mon. 1st St., cor. Av. C. Alaska Pacific Fisheries Co., Seattle, Wash. Canned salmon. 1st St., cor. Av. C. Alaska Packers Association, San Francisco, Cal. Av. C, bet. 1st & 2nd Sts. Illustrat- ing the salmon industry ; vessel and salmon cannery; models; salmon eggs and fry; mounted salmon; Canned Salmon and Sal- mon Paste. Ijocal Office, Wells Fargo Building, San Francisco. Alaska Portland Packers Assn., Portland, Ore. Canned salmon. 1st St., cor. Av. C. Alaska Salmon Co., S. F. Canned salmon. 1st St., cor. Av. C. Alaska Sanitary Packing Co., Seattle, Wash. Canned salmon. 1st St., cor. Av. C. Andreas, Mrs. A. L., Jamaica, N. Y. Collect- ive Exhibit. 4th St., bet. Avs. D & E. Apex Fish Co., Anacortes, Wash. Canned salmon. 1st St., cor. Av. C. Astoria & Puget Sound Packing Co., Belling- ham. Wash. 1st St., cor. Av. C. Barnes, F. C, & Co., Portland, Ore. Canned salmon. 1st St., cor. Av. C. Bellingham Canning Co., Bellingham, Wash. Canned salmon. 1st St., cor. Av. C. Blaine Packing Co., Blaine, Wash. Canned salmon. 1st St., cor. Av. C. Booth Fisheries Co., Astoria, Ore. Canned salmon. 1st St., cor. Av. C. Bristol Bay Packing Co., San Francisco, Cal. Canned salmon. 1st St., cor. Av. C. "Bris- tol," "Battle Ax," "Frost King," "Morse Queen," "Alaska Bear," "Paramita," "New Year," "Silver Net." Cal. Fruit Canners' Assn., S. F., Cal. Pre- served Vegetables. Av. B, bet. 1st & 2nd. 32 DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Citizens' Wholesale Supply Co., Columhus, O. Beef Extracts. 4th St., bet, Avs. D & E. Columbia Eiver Packers' Assn., Astoria, Ore. Canned sahnon. 1st St., cor. Av. C. Coquille Kiver Fishermen's Co-Op Pkg. Co., Prosper, Ore. Canned salmon. 1st, cor. C. Deep Sea Salmon Co., Seattle, Wash. Canned salmon. 1st St., cor. Av. C. Everett Packing Co., Everett, Wash. Canned salmon. 1st St., cor. Av. C. Fidalgo Island Packing Co., Anacortes, Wash. Canned salmon. 1st St., cor. Av. C. Friday Harbor Packing Co., Friday Harbor, Wash. Canned salmon. 1st St., cor. Av. C. Gorman & Co., Seattle, Wash. Canned salmon. 1st St., cor. Av. C. Harbor Packing Co., Pt. Blakeloy, Wash. Canned salmon. 1st St., cor. Av. C. Hawk Fish Co., Seattle, Wash. Canned salmon. 1st St., cor. Av. C. Heinz, H. J. Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. Soups, Pre- served Meats, etc. Av. C, cor. 3rd St. Hoonah Packing Co., Port Townsend, Wash, Canned salmon. 1st St., cor. Av. C. Key City Packing Co,, Port Townsend, Wash. Canned salmon. 1st St., cor. Av. C. Klamath Biver Packing Co., Bequa, Cal. Canned salmon. 1st St., cor. Av. C. Libby, McNeill & Libby, Chicago, 111. Canned Meats. Fd. Pr. Pal., Av. E, cor. 2nd St. Cooked Corned Beef, Roast and Cottage Beef, Ox Tongues, Boneless Chicken, Veal, Beef and Ham Loaf, Chicken Loaf, Frank- furter Bratwurst, Sliced Bacon, Corned Beef Hash, Roast Beef Hash, Chop Suey, Tripe, Lunch Tongues, Lamb Tongues, Dried Beef, Hamburger Steak & Onions, Pigs' Feet, Pork & Beans, Vienna Sausage, Soups, Extract of Beef, Brisket Beef, Pork Sausage, Club House Sausage, Chili Con Carne, Deviled Ham, Potted Ham, Deviled Meats, Potted Meats, Roast Mutton, Stewed Kidneys, Minced Collops, Minced Steak Oxtails, Boiled Beef, Irish Stew, Oxford Sausage, Soup Bouilli, Mince Meat, Ta males. Bouillon Cubes, Beef and Vegetables Canned Salmon, Canned Vegetables, Cali fornia Asparagus, Spinach, Tomatoes, String Beans, Beets, Cabbage, Sweet Potatoes, Carrots, Squash, Sauer Kraut. Libby, McNeill & Libby, Seattle, Wash Canned salmon. 1st St., cor. Av. C. Louisiana, State of. Collective exhibit of can ned fish and vegetables. Avs. B & C, bet 8th & 10th Sts., Agr. Pal. Lummi Bay Packing Co., Bellingham, Wash Canned salmon. 1st St., cor. Av. C. MacLeay Estate Co., Eogue River, Ore Canned salmon. 1st St., cor. Av. 0. Martin, E. C, Auburn, N. Y. Vegetables Hort. Pal., 2nd St., cor. Av. D. Preserved vegetables and fruit; brandied and pickled peaches. McGowan, P. J. & Sons, McGowan, Wash. Canned salmon. 1st St., cor. Av. 0. Megler, J. G. & Co., Brookfield, Wash. Canned salmon. 1st St., cor. Av. C. Monterey Packing Co., S. F. Canned sardines, canned shad & canned shad roe. 1st & Av.D. Myers, Geo. T. & Co., Seattle, Wash. Canned salmon. 1st St., cor. Av. C. Naknek Packing Co., San Francisco. Canned salmon. 1st St., cor. Av. C. Nevada, State of. Processed vegetables. Agr. Pal., Av. A, bet. 9th & 10th Sts. N. Alaska Salmon Co., San Francisco. Canned salmon. 1st St., cor. Av. C. N. Pacific Trading & Packing Co., S. F. Canned salmon. 1st St., cor. Av. C. Northwestern Fisheries Co., Seattle, Wash. Canned salmon. 1st St., cor. Av. 0. Oregon Fisheries Co., Bay City, Ore. Canned salmon. 1st St., cor. Av. C. Pacific Am. Fisheries, Bellingham, Wash. Canned salmon. 1st St., cor. Av, C. Pacific Fisheries Packing Co., Aberdeen, Wash. Canned clams. Av. C, bet. 1st & 2nd Sts. Pierce, C. E. Co., Inc., San Francisco, Cal. Preserved fish. Avs. C & D, bet 1st & 2nd. Pillar Bay Packing Co., Seattle, Wash. Canned salmon. 1st St., cor. Av. C. Pillar Rock Packing Co., Portland, Ore. Canned salmon. 1st St., cor. Av. C. Pt. Warde Packing Co., Seattle, Wash. Canned salmon. 1st St., cor. Av. C. Red Salmon Canning Co., San Francisco. Canned salmon. 1st St., cor. Av. C. Richardson & Robbin Co., Dover, Del. Chicken products, ham. 4th St., bet. Avs. D & E. Rowe's, E. J., Boston, Mass. Collective Exh. of Pure Foods. Avs. D & E, bet. 3rd & 4th. Sanborn, Cram & Co., Astoria, Ore. Canned salmon. 1st St., cor. Av. C. Sanborn, Cutting Co., Astoria, Ore. Canned salmon. 1st St., cor. Av. C. San Juan Canning Co., Friday Harbor, Wash. Canned salmon. 1st St., cor. Av. C. San Juan Fish Co., Seattle, Wash. Canned salmon. 1st St., cor. Av. C. Seufert Bros., The Dalles, Ore. Canned sal- mon. 1st St., cor. Av. C. Sims, E. A., Port Townsend, Wash. Canned salmon. 1st St., cor. Av. C. Smiley, J. L. & Co., Blaine, Wash. Canned salmon. 1st St., cor. Av. C. Starr, Collinson Packing Co., Portland, Ore. Canned salmon. 1st St., cor. Av. C. Sunny Point Packing Co., Seattle, Wash. Canned salmon. 1st St., cor. Av. C. Taku Canning & Cold Storage Co., Seattle, Wash. Canned salmon. 1st St., cor. Av. C. Tallant, Grant Packing Co., Astoria, Wash. Canned salmon. 1st St., cor. Av. C. Thlinket Packing Co., Portland, Ore. Canned salmon. 1st St., cor. Av. C. Union Fish Co., San Francisco, Cal. Codfish, Avs. C & D, bet. 1st & 2nd Sts. Union Fishermen's Co-Op Packing Co., As- toria, Ore. Canned salmon. 1st St., cor. C. Warren Packing Co., Portland, Ore, Canned salmon. 1st St., cor. Av. C. Washington, State of. Collective exhibit of canned fish. 6th St., bet. Avs. B & C. Weise Packing Co., Seattle, Wash, Canned salmon. 1st St., cor. Av. C. Willapa Harbor Fish Co., Willapa, Wash. Canned salmon. 1st St., cor. Av. C. Workman Packing Co., San Francisco, Cal. Tamales. 4th St., bet. Avs. C & D. GROUP 127 SUGAR AND CONFECTIONERY, CONDI- MENTS AND RELISHES; NUT AND FRUIT FOODS Andrea, Mrs. A. Louise, Jamaica, N. Y. Col- lective exhibit of standard food products and modern kitchen equipment. 4th St., bet. Avs. D & E. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE 33 Baker, Walter & Co., Ltd., Boston, Mass. Chocolate, cocoa. A v. C, bet. .'Ird & 4th Sts. Chocolate unsweetened, chocolate sweetened. Johnson-Locke Mercantile Co., San Francisco, Coast representative. Blanke, C. F. Tea & Cofifee Co., St. Louis, Mo. Tea & coffee. 6th St., bet. Avs. B & C. Borden's Condensed Milk Co., New York, N.Y. Borden's Confectionery. 3rd St., bet. Avs. C & D. The Johnson-Locke Mercantile Co., San Francisco, Pacific Coast representative. Brandenstein, M. J. & Co., S. F., Cal. Coffee, Tea. Coffee roasting and demonstrating; tea packing and demonstrating. Av. E, cor. .'ird St. Cal. Fruit Canners' Assn., S. F. Sauce and catsup. Av. B, bet. 1st & 2nd Sts. Citizens' Wholesale Supply Co., The, Colum- bus, O. Food products. 4th, bet. Avs. D&E. Compania General de Tabacos de Filipanas, Manila, P. I. Sugar from cane. Crescent Mfg. Co., Seattle, Wash. Flavoring. Av. B2, cor. 2nd St. Curtis, Emma E., Melrose, Mass. Confection- ery. Direct Imp. Av. E & 3rd St. J. A. Folger & Company, San Francisco, Cal. 4th St., bet. Avs. B2 & C. Coffee, teas, spices, baking powder and flavoring ex- tracts. Garritt, F. E., San Mateo, Cal. Mixed condi- ments, etc. Av. B2, cor. 3rd St. Ghiradelli, D. Co., San Francisco, Cal. Choco- late, cocoa. Av. 1), cor 4th St. Government of the Philippine Islands, Manila, P. I. Sugar, coffee, chocolate, vinegar, pep- per, etc. Granadafig Co., Santa Clara, Cal. Confec- tionery. Av. B & 2nd St. Heinz, H. J. Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. Relishes, etc. Av. C, cor. 3rd St. Heppe, L. A., Boston, Mass. Confectionery, etc. Av. E, cor. 4th St. Hills Bros., San Francisco, Cal. Coffee, tea & spices. Av. D, cor. 2nd St. Red can Vacuum Packed Coffee. Jones-Thierbach Co., San FranciscD, Cal. Tea, coffee, spices. Av. C, cor. 2nd St. Lady Betty, Inc., Brookline, Mass. Relishes. Av. B, cor. 3rd St. Libby, McNeill & Libby, Chicago, 111., San Francisco, Cal. Condiments, canned goods. Av. E, cor. 2nd St. Mixed condiments and relishes; sweet pickles, chow chow, sour pickles, pickled onions, sweet relish, to- mato catsup, Worcestershire sauce. Chili sauce, pepper sauce, salad dressing, mus- tard tomato chutney, evaporated horse rad- ish, mixed pickles. Louisiana, State of. Collective exhibit of sugar and condiments and relishes. Avs. B & C, bet. 8th & 10th Sts. Lowney, The Walter M. Co., Boston, Mass. Confectionery. Avs. D&E, bet. 3rd & 4th Sts. Chocolate, cocoa and bon bons. Lyon's California Glace Fruit Co., San Fran- cisco, Cal. Glace Fruits. Av. C,cor. 5th St. Martin, E. C, Auburn, N. Y. Pickles. Hort. Pal., 2nd St., cor. Av. D. McCormick & Company, Baltimore, Md. Teas, Spices. Teas, Banquet Brand, Spices, Bee Brand, Extracts, Bee Brand. Green Seal Salad Dressing, Banquet Mayonnaise Dres- sing. 3rd St., bet. Avs. C & D. Banquet Tea, Bee Brand Spices and Flavor- ing Extracts. Morton Salt Co., Chicago, 111. Table Salt. 4th St., bet. Avs. D & E. Nevada, State of. Collective exhibit of food products. Agr. Pal., Av. A, bet. 9th & 10th. Pacific Coast Syrup Co., San Francisco, Cal. Syrups. Hort. Pal., 4th St., cor. Av. D. Palisade Mfg. Co., The, West Hoboken, N. J. Extracts. 4th St., bet. Avs. D&E. Pappas, A. Candy Co., San Francisco, Cal. Candy. 3rd St., bet. Avs. D & E. Porter, Mrs. M. A., Seattle, Wash. Salad Dressing. Av. B2 & 3rd St. Mrs. Porter's Mayonnaise & Peanut Butter. Reynolds Chocolate Co., Boston, Mass. Choco- late, cocoa, candy, etc. Av. E & 3rd St. Ridgways, Inc., New York, N. Y. Tea. Av. C, cor. 4th St. India and Ceylon Teas. Es- tablished 1836. Chief Offices United States: New York, 111-113 Hudson St.; Chicago, 352-354 North Michigan Av. ; San Fran- cisco, Haas Bros., distributors. Rowe's E. J., Boston, Mass. Collective Exh. Pure Foods. Avs. D&E, bet. 3rd & 4th Sts. Sauer, C. F. Company, Richmond, Va. Fla- vouring extracts. Srd St., bet. Avs. D&E. Flavouring extracts also at 5th St., bet. Avs. B & C. Urquijo, Zuloagay Escobi, Iloilo, P. I. Sugar from cane. Warner & Barnes Co., Manila, P. I. Sugar from cane. Wright, E. A., Oakland, Cal. Sauces. Hort. Pal., Av. D, cor. 7th St. GROUP 128 WATERS AND UNFERMENTED FRUIT JUICES Am. Steel & Wire Co., Chicago, 111. Sulphate of iron exhibit. Min. Pal., Av. D. Castilla Hot Springs Co., Castilla, Utah. Mineral Water. Av. A, cor. 6th St. Forbes & Co., J. P., Alameda, Cal. Mineral Water. Av. A & 5th St. Louisiana, State of. Collective exhibit of car- bonated waters. Avs. B & C, bet. 8th & 10th Sts., Agr. Pal. Missouri State Commission, Aurora, Mo. Trip- oli Filters. Min. Pal., Av. A & 6th St. National Pure Water Co., Kansas City, Mo, Water purifying mach. Av. B, cor. 5th St. Rowe's, E. J., Boston, Mass. Collective Exh, of pure foods. Avs. D&E, bet. 3d & 4th Sts. Seumenicht, R., Inc., Scranton, Pa. Bever- ages. 5th St., bet. Avs. B & C. Solosekt, Apple wine, de-alcoholized; Templarale, Fruit Juice & Carbonic Water; Nonparella, Clarified Grape Juice, Appela, Refined' Ci- der, Carbonated. Write for free copy "Beverage Question." U. S. Steel Corp'n, Subsid, Co's., N. Y. Col- lective iron & steel exh. Min. Pal., Av. D. Welch Grape Juice Co., The, Westfield, N. Y, Grape juice. Av. D & 4th St. Witter Medical Springs Co., San Francisco, Cal. Mineral Water. Av. A, bet. 5th & 6th. Wright, E, A,, Oakland, Cal, Fruit Nectar. Hort. Pal., Av. D, cor. 7th St. GROUP 129 WINES AND BRANDIES Agendas de Berna, S. F. Cal. Sweet Wines. 6th St., bet. Avs. B & C. Arnhold, B., & Co., Inc., S. F. Cal. Cal. dry, sweet and sparkling wines. 4th St., bet. Avs. C & D. 34 DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Ayala Distillery, Manila, P. I. Commercial al- cohol, wine, gin, made from sugar. Beringer Bros., St. Helena, Cal. Cal. dry wines and brandy. 4th St., bet. Avs. C & D. Brun & Chaix, Messrs., Oakville, Cal. Dry Wines. 4th St., bet. Avs. C & D. Cal. Viticultural Exhibit Ass'n, S. F. Avs. C & D, bet. 4th & 5th Sts. Col. Wine Exh. Cal. Wine Ass'n, S.F.,Cal. Cal. dry and sweet wines & brandy. 4th St., cor. Av. C. Cal. Winery Co., Sacramento, Cal. Cal. dry and sweet wines. 4th St., bet. Avs. C & D. Calwa Dist. Co., S. F. Cal. dry and sweet wines & brandies. 4th St., bet. Avs. C & D. Chauche & Bon, S. F. Cal. dry and sparkling wines. 5th St., bet. Avs. C & D. Compania General de Tabacos de Filipinas, Manila, P. I. Commercial alcohol, wine, gin, made from sugar. Cresta Blanca Wine Co.,S.F. Cal. Dry & Sweet Wines, Brandies & Champagnes. Av. D, 4th. Da Roza Estate, Elk Grove, Cal. Dry & sweet wines. 5th St., bet. Avs. C & D. Dresel C. & Company, Sonoma, Cal. Dry Wines & Brandy. Av. C & 5th St. Finkes' Widow,A., S.F.,Cal. Cal. dry, sweet & spklg. wines & brandy. 5th, bet. Avs. C&D. French American Wine Co., S.F.,Cal. Cal. dry wines & brandy. 5th St., bet. Avs. C&D. Fulton Winery Co., S. F. Cal. Dry Wines. 5th St. & Av. C. Gier, Theo., Oakland, Cal. Cal. dry and spklg. wines. Av. D, bet. 4th & 5th Sts. Grau & Werner, Irvington, Cal. Cal. dry wines. 4th St. & Av. D. Gundlach-Bundschu Co., S. F. Cal. dry and sweet wines. 5th St., bet. Avs. C&D. Guasti, S., Los Angeles, Cal. Cal. dry and sweet wines. 4th St., bet. Avs. C&D. Italian Swiss Colony, S. F. Cal. dry & swet spklg. wines & brandies. 5th St., cor. Av.C. Korbel, F. & Bros., Guerneville, Cal. Cal. dry wines ; champagne, brandy. 5th St., cor. D. Krug, Chas. Winery, St. Helena, Cal. Cal. dry wines. 4th St., bet. Avs. C&D. Kunde, Louis, Glen Ellen, Cal. Dry Wines. Av. D & 4th St. Lachman & Jacobi, S. F. Cal. dry & sweet wines. Av. D, bet. 4th & 5th Sts. Lancel & Co., E. H., S. F. Dry Wines. Av. D & 4th St. Lint, P. F., Los Gatos, Cal. Cal. dry and sweet wines ; brandy. 4th St., bet. Avs.C&D Madera Vineyard & Wine Co., S. F. Sweet Wines & Brandies. 5th St., bet. Avs. C&D. Masson, Paul Champagne Co., San Jose, Cal. Champagne. 4th St., cor. Av. D. Mattie, A., Malaga, Cal. Cal. dry & sweet wines; brandy. 4th St., bet. Avs. C&D. Mt. Diablo Vineyard & Wine Co., S. F. Dry Wines. 5th St., bet. Avs. C&D. Mt. Hamilton Vineyard, San Jose, Cal. Dry Wines. Av. C & 5th St. Eepsold, A. Co., S. F. Cal. dry and sweet wines and cognac. 4th St., bet. Avs. C&D. Rixford, E. H., S. F. Cal. dry wines. 5th St., Av. D. Rosenblatt Co., The, S. F. Cal. wines and brandies. Av. C, cor. 6th St. Sacto. Valley Winery, Sacramento, Cal. Cal. dry & sweet wines. 5th St., bet. Avs. C&D. Salmlna, F. & Co., St. Helena, Cal. Cal. dry wines. 4th St., bet. Avs. O & D. Shilling, C. & Co., S. F. Cal. dry & sweet wines. 4th St., bet. Avs. C&D. Sonoma Wine & Brandy Co., Stockton, Cal. Dry & Sweet Wines. 4th St., bet. Avs. C&D. Tokalon Vineyard Company, Napa, Cal. Dry Wines. 4th St., bet. Avs. C&D. Wehner, Wm., Evergreen, Cal. Cal. dry wines. 5th St., bet. Avs. C&D. West & Son, Geo., Stockton, Cal. Dry & Sweet Wines. 4th St., bet. Avs. C&D. GROUP 1.30 SYRUPS AND LIQUORS, DISTILLED SPIRITS AND COMMERCIAL ALCOHOL Bernheim Distilling Co., Louisville, Ky. Whis- key. 4th St., bet. Avs. D & E. Bouvier Specialty Co., Louisville, Ky. Gin. Av. A, bet. 4th & 5th Sts. Hamburger Distillery, Ltd., Pittsburgh, Pa. Rye Whiskey. Ay. A & 6th St. Large Distilling Co., The, Pittsburgh, Pa. Rye Whiskey. 6th St., bet. Avs. B & C. Louisiana, State of. Collective exhibit of syrups and liquors, alcohol. Avs. B & C, bet. 8th & 10th Sts., Agr. Pal. Rosenblatt Co., The, San Francisco, Cal. Cor- dials. Av. C, cor. 6th St. Van Bergen, N. & Co., San Francisco, Cal. Hufeland Tonic Bitters. Av. D, cor. 5th St. GROUP 131 FERMENTED BEVERAGES Government of the Philippine Islands, Pro- vince of Ilocos Sur, Vigan, Ilocos-Sur, P. I. Basi (made from juice of sugar cane). Mountain Province, Lepanto, M. Province, P. I. Tapuy (made from rice). Seattle Brewing & Malting Co., Seattle, Wash. Bottled & draught beer. Av. C, cor. 6th St. GROUP 133 USEFUL INSECTS AND THEIR PRODUCTS INJURIOUS INSECTS AND PLANT DISEASES California Bee Keepers' Ass'n, Salida, Cal. 6st St., bet. Avs. A & B. Bees; honey, etc. California Fruit Canners' Ass'n, S. F., Cal. Honey. Av. B, bet. 1st & 2nd Sts. Montana, State of. Collective exh. of honey. Agr. Pal., Avs. A & B, bet. 8th & 9th Sts. Nevada, State of. Agr. Pal., Av. A, bet. 9th & 10th Sts. Honey. Pacific Coast Syrup Co., S. F., Cal. Honey. Hort. Pal., 4th St., cor. Av. D. Strained honey, and in comb. Wright, E. A., Oakland, Cal. Hort. Pal., Av. D, cor. 7th St. Honey. STATE EXHIBITS CALIFORNIA Location: Avs. C&D, bet. 5th & 6th Sts. The complete list of exhibits from Califor- nia in the Department of Food Products will appear in revised edition of the Catalogue. WASHINGTON Location: 6th St., bet. Avs. B and C. GROUP 123 Burpee & Letson, Bellingham. Salmon ca_nning and weighing machinery. Seattle-Astoria Iron Works, Seattle. Salmon canning and weighing machinery. Smith Cannery Machine Co., Seattle Salmon canning and weighing machinery. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE 35 GROUP 125 Shibata, U. Co., Seattle. Rice cakes. GROUP 126 Washington, State of — Processed fish. Sea Beach Packing Co., Aberdeen. Can. clams NEVADA Palace of Agriculture Location: Ave. A, bet. 9th and 10th Sts. GROUP 122 Crescent Creamery. — Reno. Butter Deeth Creamery. — Deeth. Butter. Jensen Creamery. — Reno. Butter. Lamoille Creamery. — Lamoille. Butter. Minden Butter Co. — Minden. Butter. Queen Creamery. — Smith. Butter. Lovelock Creamery. — Lovelock. Butter. Ramelli, Caesar. — Reno. Cheese. South Fork Creamery. — Reno. Butter. Standard Creamery.^ — Reno. Butter. University Dairy. — Reno. Butter, cheese. Yerington Creamery. — Yerington. Butter. GROUP 123 Nevada, State of. — Reno. Flour mills. Nevada Sugar Co. — Fallon. Sugar factory. Riverside Mill Co. — Reno. Paste foods. GROUP 124 Douglas Milling Co. — Gardnerville. Flour. Fallon Milling Co. — Fallon. Flour. Mason Valley Milling Co. — Nordyke. Flour. Minden Flour Co. — Minden. Flour. Paradise Valley Mill. — Paradise. Flour. Reno Flour Milling Co. — Reno. Flour. Riverside Mill Co. — Reno. Flour. GROUP 126 Antelope Land & Ctle. Co. — Yerington. Turnips Earoni, D. — Dayton. Celery. Barrett, G. A. — Mason. Potatoes, Rhubarb. Barrett, H. — Yerington. Carrots. Cross, E. — Yerington. Potatoes. Dapoli, J. — Dayton. Parsnips. Day, Chas. — Wellington. Cantaloupe. Fenili, F.— Nordyke. Kale. Fox, C. — Yerington. Horseradish. Hardy, Mrs. L. — Wellington. Parsley. Hillygus, J. — Mason. Tomatoes. Kremmel, C. H. — Mason. Corn, Potatoes. Podi, F. — Yerington. Alfalfa. Pursel Bros. — Yerington. Beets. Quilici, V. — Dayton. Cauliflower. Santina, J. — Wabuska. Onions. Scotia, A. — Yerington. Parsley. Schact, Wm. — Yerington. Sugar Beets. Shirley, F. — Dayton. Tomatoes, Peanuts. Snyder, J. — Yerington. Tomatoes. Strosnider, I. A. — Yerington. Carrots. Warren, H. — Wabuska, Casaba. GROUP 127 Black, C. — Deeth. Vinegar. Guthrie, E. M. — Reno. Vinegar. Nevada Sugar Co. — Fallon. Sugar. GROUP 133 Barlow, A. H. — Mason. Honey. Bechtel, I. — Lovelock. Honey. Bower, G. M. — Lamoille. Honey. lEarl, J. I. — Overton. Honey. Graham, G. C. — Reno. Honey. Griffith, W. W. — Las Vegas. Honey. Guthrie, E. M. — Reno. Honey. Jensen, R. — Reno. Honey. Penrose, Wm. — Wabuska. Honey, Schweis, G. C. — Reno. Honey. Swingle, C. G. — Hazen. Honey. Trickey, G. C. — Reno. Honey. IDAHO Palace of Agriculture Location: Avs. B & C, bet. 6th & 7th Sts. GROUP 124 St. Anthoney Milling & Elevator Co. — St. Anthony. Flour. MONTANA Palace of Agriculture Location: Aves. A & B, bet. 8th & 9th Sts. Streets GROUP 133 Copenhaver, Dr. — Helena. Honey. Kleinhesselinck, B. J. — Big Timber. Honey. UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT EXHIBIT PALACE OF FOOD PEODUCTS Location: Ave. D & 2nd St. UNITED STATES BUEEAU OF FISHEEIES The complete list of exhibits of the Bureau of Fisheries will appear in the revised edition of the catalogue. FOREIGN EXHIBITS AEGENTINE Location: 1st St., bet. Avs. A and B. The complete list of exhibits from Argen- tine in the Department of Agriculture will appear in revised edition of the Catalogue. CUBA Location: Av. A, bet. 1st and 2nd Sts. The complete list of exhibits from Cuba in the Department of Agriculture will appear in revised edition of the Catalogue. ENGLAND Location: 4th St., bet. Avs. A and B. GROUP 127 Lipton, Thos. S., London. Tea, coffee, jelly tablets. GROUP 128 Burke, Edw. & John, Ltd., New York. Aerated l)everages. GROUP 130 Burnett, Sir Robert & Co., New York. Gin. Dewar, John & Sons, Ltd., Perth, Scotland. Scotch whiskey. Leith, Scotland. Scotch Gillon, John & Co. whiskey. FEANCE Location: Av. C, bet. 1st and 2nd Sts. The complete list of exhibits from France in the Department of Agriculture will appear in revised edition of the Catalogue. Location: GEEECE 3rd St., bet. Avs. A and B. The complete list of exhibits from Greece in the Department of Agriculture will appear in revised editiDU of the Catalogue. Location : Av. ITALY A, bet. 1st and 2nd Sts. The complete list of exhibits from Italy in the Department of Agriculture will appear in revised edition of the Catalogue. 36 DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE JAPAN Location: Avs. A & B, bet. 2nd & 3rd Sts. GROUP 120 San Ohu Shoten — Kanagawa. Beans. Kanagawaken Nogai — Kanagawa. Peanuts. Nozawa-Gumi — Kanagawa. Beans. Chibaken Rakkasei Dogyo Kumiai — Chiba. Peanuts. Hokkaido Nokai — Hokkaido. Beans. Taihokucho Nokai — Taihoku. Peanuts. Kagicho Nokai — Kagi. Peanuts. Shizuokakon Shoga, Hechima, Kosho Rakka- sei Dogyo Kumiai — Shizuoka. Peanuts. GROUP 121 Hideo Ishiwata — Shizouaka. Cortinellus Shii- take. Totaro Uchida — Oita. Cortinellus Shiitake. Kyusuke Yamatsumi — Miyazaki. Cortinellus Shiitake. GROUP 124 Kumamoto Menrui Dogyo Kumiai — Kumamoto. Vermicelli. Kihei Nihonki — Kumamoto. Vermicelli. Tooru Tsuru — Kumamoto. Vermicelli. Gajiro Akita — Tokushima. Vermicelli. Rinjiro Takata — Tokushima. Vermicelli. Ju'saburo Yamamoto — Tokushima. Vermicelli. Banshu-Iho Gun Somen Dogyo Kumiai— Hy- ogo. Vermicelli. Kanzakigun Somen Dogyo Kumiai — Hyogo. Vermicelli. Sesshu Nada Somen Seizo Dogyo Kumiai — Hyogo. Vermicelli. Awajinokuni Miharagun Somen Dogyo Kumiai — Hyogo. Vermicelli. Sakuichi Yamakawa — Saga. Vermicelli. Heikichi Ichibakese — Saga. Vermicelli. Haruichiro Hideshima — Saga. Vermicelli. Sanchu Shokai — Kanagawa. Buckwheat Noo- dle. Nippon Seimai Seifun Kabushiki Kaisha — Hyogo. Rice. Nippon Beikoku Kabushiki Kaisha — Hyogo. Rice. Hyogoken Nokai— Hyogo. Rice. Niigataken Nokai — Niigata. Rice. Ibaragiken Nokai — Ebaragi. Rice. Tochigiken Nokai — Tochigi. Rice. Miyeken Nokai — ^Miye. Rice. Oomimai Dogyo Kumiai — Oomi. Rice. Yamagataken Nokai — Yamagata. Rice. Ishikawaken Nokai — Ishikawa. Rice. Toyamaken Nokai — Toyama. Rice. Okayamaken Nokai — Okayama. Rice. Bocho Kome Dogyo Kumai— Yamaguchi. Rice. Kagawaken Nokai— Kagawa. Rice. Fukuokaken Nokai — Fukuoka. Rice. Higo Beiken Soko Kumiai — Kumamoto. Rice. Miyazakiken Nokai — Miyazaki. Rice. Kagoshimaken Nokai — Kagoshima. Rice. GROUP 126 Murata Co. — San Francisco. Gold Fish and Tortoise. Pal. Hort., Av. M. Nippon Gyogyo Kabushiki Kaisha^-Tokyo. Codfish. Kumajiro Wakana— Tokyo. Canned Sardines. Sukenori Hoshino— Tokyo. Canned Crabs. Yushutsu Shokuhin Kabushiki Kaisha— Tokyo. Canned Salmon. Shukichi Fujiura — Tokyo. Taro. Tomisaburo Hamaguchi — Kyoto. Canned Goods. Takasu Kanzume Goshikaisha — Hiroshima. Canned Lobster. Hiroshima Chikusan Kabushiki Kaisha — Hiroshima. Canned Meats, etc. Mantaro Asaya — Yehime. Kamaboko. Kosan Kabushiki Kaisha — Fukuoka. Cooked Crab. Yetsujiro Teramoto— Kumamoto. Canned Lob- ster. Usui Gomeikaisha — Hokkaido. Beans. Shozo Izumi— Hokkaido. Canned Crab & Lob- ster. Tsutsumi Shokai— Hokkaido. Canned Crab & Lobster. Pujino Kanzumesho — Hokkaido. Canned Crab & Lobster. Hokubei Boyeki Kabushiki Kaisha — San Francisco. Canned Crab. Kichigoro Akiyama^-Tokyo. Gold Fishes. Pal. Hort., Av. M. Yukichi Onuma — Yebaraki. Gold Fishes. Pal. Hort., Av. M. Yamanashi Kajitsu Bussan Dogyo Kumiai — Yamanashi. Dried Persimmon. GROUP 127. Goshikaisha Suzuki Shoten — Kanagawa. Ajin- omoto. Keiji Hamaguchi— Chiba. Shoyu. Juihiro Iwasaki — Chiba. Shoyu. Hichizaemon Mogi — Chiba. Shoyu. Fusagoro M^gi — Chiba. Shoyu. Saheiji Mogi — Chiba. Shoyu. Hyozaemon Takanashi — Chiba. Shoyu. Hichiroyemon Mogi — Chiba. Shoyu. Choshi Shoyu Goshikaisha — Chiba. Shoyu. Sanaokichi Aya— ^Kagawa. Shoyu. Marukin Shoyu Kabushiki Kaisha — Kagawa. Shoyu. Sojuro Yagi — Kagawa. Shoyu. Yasuda Shoyu Kabushiki Kaisha — Kagawa. Shoyu. Shimizu Shoyu Kabushiki Kaisha — Kagawa. Shoyu. Fudeshiro Takahashi — Kagawa. Shoyu. Shima Shoyu Seizo Kabushiki Kaisha — Kag- awa. Shoyu. Chujiro Kinoshita — Kagawa. Shoyu. Akishiro Miyamoto — Kagawa. Shoyu. Shinpei Sano — Kagawa. Shoyu. Mojuro Otsuka — Hyogo. Shoyu. Taminosuke Uyeda— Hyogo. Shoyu. Shokichi Nishio — Hyogo. Shoyu. Kyutaro Tsubota — Hyogo. Shoyu. Mikigmei Kaisha — Hyogo. Shoyu. Nippon Maru Ton Shoyu Kabushiki Kaisha — Hyogo. Shoyu. Tsubota Shoyu Gomeikaisha — Hyogo. Shoyu. Maruo Shoyu Gomeikaisha — Hyogo. Shoyu. Asai Shoyu Gomeikaisha — Hyogo. Shoyu*. Marunishi Shoyu Gomeikaisha — Hyogo. Shoyu. Yakugoro Okabe — Osaka. Shoyu. Yaheiji Matsuya— Osaka. Shoyu. Shinzaburo Masurta — Osaka. Shoyu. Izumi Shoyu Kabushiki Kaisha — Osaka. Shoyu. Matasaburo Kawamori — Osaka. Shoyu. Gomeikaisha Amekaze Shoten — Osaka. Shoyu. Connosuke Togawa — Osaka. Shoyu. Nobuo Shitabani — Osaka. Shoyu. Kakujiro Ikushima — Osaka. Shoyu. Jihei Kida — Osaka. Shoyu. Kinbei Ehara— Osaka. Shoyu. Hikishiro Okubo — Kumamoto. Shoyu. Giichi Kato — Kumamoto. Shoyu. Itaro Kptayama — Kumamoto. Shoyu. Ichibei Noda — -Kumamoto. Shoyu. T^kichi Yoshimura — Kumamoto. Shoyu. Hidetaro Ichihara — Kumamoto. Shoyu. Jubei Watanabe — Kumamoto. Shoyu. Kenda So— Kumamoto. Shoyu. Sanzo Takagi — ^Knmamoto. Shoyu. Masakichi Furusho — Kumamoto. Shoyu. Masakichi Akaboshi — Kumamoto. Shoyu. Seitaro Nishio — Kumamoto. Shoyu. Taro Takata — Kumamoto. Shoyu. Hikojiro Uyeda — Kumamoto. Shoyu. Tsunehashi Tamashiro— ^Kumamoto. ' Shoyu. Shinnosuke Sato — Mi ye. Shovu. Seitaro Kadowaki — Miyo. Shoyu. Seisaku Uchida — Mi ye. Shoyu. Kozayemon Ito — Miye. Shoyu. Bunsnke Kuki — Miye. Shoyu. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE 37 Yokkaichi-Shoyu Juzo Goshikaisha — Miye. Shoyu. Rihei Shimotsu' — Miye. Shoyu. Matayeraon Isaka — Miye. Shoyu. Sakuyemon Takai — ^Miye. Shoyu. Senyemon Morimoto — Miye. Shoyu. Yamahachi Gomeikaisha — Miye. Shoyu. Seisuke Hashimoto — Miye. Shoyu. Yamanaka-Shoyu Goshikaisha — Miye. Shoyu. Shinji Kitamura — Miye. Shoyu. Ryokichi Ito — Miye. Shoyu. Shoyemon Hattori — Miye. Shoyu. Tsunejiro Ito — Miye. Shoyu. Yasaburo Hamanaka — Miye. Shoyu. Suyejiro Kadowaki — Miye. Shoyu. Shinsuke Yoshizawa — Miye. Shoyu. Seihei Kawamura— Miye. Shoyu. Keijiro Kondo — Okayama. Shoyu. Jotaro Takimoto — Okayama. Shoyu. Ihachiro Kuyama — -Okayama. Shoyu. Tomoraatsu Oiio — Okayama. Shoyu. Kurajiro Kuyama — Okayama. Shoyu. Yontaro Oka — Okayama. Shoyu. Kaneichi - Shoyu Gomeikaisha — Okayama. Shoyu. Yaroku A'^ki^Aiehi. Shoyu. Marutoyo Goshikaisha — Aichi. Shoyu. Saburo Ogi — Aichi. Shoyu. Morita Grshikaisha — Aichi. Shoyu. Kikkotomi- Shoyu Kabishiki Kaisha — Aichi. Shoyu. Ito Goshikaisha — Aichi. Shoyu. Shizuoka Shoyu Dogyo Kumiai — Shizuoka. Shoyu. Mito-Shoyu Jozo-Kumiai — Ebaragi. Shoyu. Soyemon Murata — Ebaragi. Shoyu. Ninbei Nishio — Ebaragi. Shoyu. Soyemon Murata — ^Ebaragi. Shoyu. Hikobei Yamanaka — Ebaragi. Shoyu. Takichi Sugaya — Ebaragi. Shoyu. Yahei Murai — Ebaragi. Shoyu. Teikichi Tateno — Ebaragi. Shoyu. Hichizayemon Yoshida — ^Ebaragi. Shoyu. Masanosuke Sugizawa^Ebaragi. Shoyu. Teijiro Ohashi — Ebaragi. Shoyu. Gomeikaisha Shibanuma Shoten — Ebaragi. Shoyu. Nagai Shoyu Gomeikaisha — Ebaragi. Shoyu. Uhei Hanarl — Ebaragi. Shoyu. Tahei lyeda — Ebaragi. Shoyu. Jobishi Gomeikaisha — -Ebaragi. Shoyu. Chagyo Kumiai Chup Kaigisho — Tokyo. Tea. Taih^ki Chasho Koaki — ^^Taihoku. Tea. Ohiti Cho Shun— Taihoku. Tea. Kaku Kan Sen — Taihoku. Tea. Chin Oho Byo— Taihoku. Tea. Ko Sei Hyo— Taihoku. Tea. nhiu Zui Ho— Taihoku. Tea. Ri Man Kyo — Taihoku. Tea. K-) Sei Chin— Taihoku. Tea. Ko Ho Shin — Taihoku. Tea. CMn Zui Sei— Taihoku. Tea. Chin Zui Rei — Taihoku. Tea. So Ryo To— Taihoku. Tea. Kaku Ho Gen — Taihoku. Tea. Ooba Yei Sei — Taihoku. Tea. Cho Gvoku Rin — Taihoku. Tea. Ryu Hin Shin— Taihoku. Tea. Rin Gyoku Sen — Taihoku. Tea. Rai Yei Zai — Taihoku. Tea. Sho Sei Yen — Taihoku. Tea. Nippon Taiwan-Cha Kabushiki Kaisha— Toyen. Tea. Nozawa-Gumi — Kanagawa. Pepper, Dried Gin- ger. Taohoki Seito Kabushiki Kaisha— Taihoku. Sue-ar. Rin Hon Gen Seito Kabushiki Kaisha— Tai- chu. Sugar. Yensuiwan Seito Takushoki Kabushiki Kaisha — Kagi. Sugar. Dainippon Seito Kabushiki Kaisha — Kagi. Sufar. Taiwan Seito Kabushikin Kaisha — Tainan. Sugar and Alcohol. Taiwan Seito Rengo Kai — Tokyo. Crude Sugar. Shizuokaken Shogu Hechima, Kasho Rakkasei Dogyo Kumeiai— Shuzuoka. Pepper, Ginger. Zensuke Yagi — Chiba. Mirin. Zenbei Baba — Chiba. Mirin. Kohei Okada — Chiba. Mirin. Sanzayemon Akimoto — Chiba. Mirin. Monjiro Horikiri — Chiba. Mirin. Hachijoji Ishikawa— Aichi. Mirin. Tatsuji Iwatsuki — Aichi. Mirin. Kangoro Suzuki — Aichi. Mirin Momotaro Oiwa — Aichi. Mirin. Senju Nagai— Aichi. Mirin. Kohichi Kazeoka — Aichi. Mirin. Heizayemon Yamada — Aichi. Mirin. Yomo Comeikaisha — Kyoto. Mirin Sutejiro Kimura — Kyoto. Mirin. GROUP 128 Kabushikikaisha Nunobiki Kosen Sho — Hyoso Mirers. 1 WMter. ' ^ ' The Clifford Wilkinson Tansan Mineral Water Co., Ltd. — Hyogo. Mineral Water. Takarazuka Kosen Goshikaisha — Hyogo, Min- eral Water. IsabuTO Nakamura — Hvogo. Mineral Water The Hirano Mineral Water Co.— Hvogo Min- eral Water. Kojiro Uyeno— Hyogo. Mineral Water Kokoku Kosen Kabushiki Kaisha— Osaka. Mineral Water. Misumi Kosen Shokai— Kumamoto. Mineral Water. GROUP l:',0 Zeusuke Yagi— Chiba. Mirin Zenbei Baba— Chiba. Mirin Kohei Okada — Chiba. Mirin. Sarzayemon Akimoto — Chiba Mirin Monjiro Horikiri— Chiba. Mirin Hachiioji Ishikawa— Aichi. Mirin Tatsuji Iwatsuki — Aichi. Mirin Kangoro Suzuki— Aichi. Mirin" Momotaro Oiwa — Aichi Mirin Senju Naeai— Aichi. Mirin. Kokichi Kazeoka — Aichi Mirin Heizayemon Yamada— Aichi. Mirin Yomo Gomeikaisha— Kyoto. Mirin Sutejiro Kimura— Kyoto. Mirin Yeigashima Shuzo Kabushiki Kaisha^Hyogo Sftke. • ■ Kvutaro Washio— Hvogo. Sake Pu^jiro Osabe— Hyogo. Sake Yetsuzo Tatsuma — Hyogo. Sake Tazayemon Yamamura— Hyogo. ' Sake Ishizaki Goshi Kaisha— Hvogo. Sake Sensuke Isumi — Hvogo. Sake Kano Gomeikaisha— Hvogo. Sake Gomeikaisha Honkano Shoten— Hyogo Sake S.burobei Otsuka-Osaka. Sake Shibatajii Gomeikaisha— Osaka. Sake Sar.li T-^rii— Osaka. Sake Gerjiro Kaizu— Osaka. Sake Taku Gomeikaisha- Osaka. Sake. Wa saburo Otsuka— Osaka. Sake MarunisM Goshikaisha— Aichi. Sake. Mpgokichi Sato— Aichi. Sake Hirose Gomeikaisha— Aichi Sake Shohei Sugimoto — Aichi. Sake Yakichi Inaba— Aichi. Sake Hichirobei Uchida— Aichi Sake Ota Goshikaisha^-Aichi. Sake Ita Goshikaisha — .\ichi Sake Sh-taro Mase— Aichi. Sake Tanaka Shuzo Goshikaisha— Aichi. Sake. Morita Goshikaisha— Aichi. Sake Tsunekichi Okura— Kyoto. Sake ' Kyutaro Horino— Kvoto. Sake. Sakugoro Kobayashi— Fukuoka. Sake Isaburo Tomiyasu— Fukuoka. Sake Gomeikaisha Seiriki Shoten— Fukuoka. Sake Sudo Gomeikaisha— Fukuoka. Sake 38 DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Oomeikaisha Seiriki Shoten — Fukuoka. Sake. Goshikaisha Ninomiya Meishujozoten — Fuku- oka. Sake. Shigeyuki Tomiyasu — Fukuoka. Sake. Goshikaisha Kamachi-Meishu' Jozo Sho — Fukuoka. Sake. Ryuhei Takeda — Fukuoka. Sake. Taiwan Seito Kabushiki Kaisha — Tianau. Sugar and Alcohol. GROUP 131 Dai Nippon Beer Eahushikikaisha — Tokyo. Beer, Citron. Teikoku Beer Kabushiki Kaisha — Fukuoka. Beer. Jozo Shikenjo — Photographs and samples of brewed drinks. NETHERLANDS Location: Av. B, bet. 1st and 2nd Sts. GROUP 117 De Nederlandsche Sigarenfabriek "de Hul- kar," Fa Hamers & Co., Oisterwyk. Cigars. AD Folowing groups under this head. GROUP 125 de Biscuitfabrlek "de Zwaluw" flrma W. C. van der Kaay, Utrecht. Biscuits. GROUP 127 Betke's Hollandsche Cacaofabriek, Amster- dam. Cocoa. de Firma B. van der Sluys, Rotterdam. Spices, oils and groceries. GROUP 130 de Firma Gebr. Catz, Rotterdam. liquors. Bitters and PORTUGAL Location: 4th St., bet. Avs. A and B. The complete list of exhibits from Portugal in the Department of Agriculture will appear in revised edition of the catalogue. SPAIN Location: Ave. B, bet. 1st and 2nd Sts. The complete list of exhibits from Spain in the Department of Agriculture will appear in revised edition of the Catalogue. CHINA Location: Avs. B & C, bet. 4th & 5th Sts. The complete list of exhibits from China in the Department of Agriculture will appear in revised edition of the Catalogue. The first place to visit in the Palace of Food Products 0f^ IS fZ Exhibit See how Libby's Food Products are put up the same day as gathered, right in the fields where they are produced, in the locality best suited for growing each particular product. You will realize why Libby McNeill & Libby are known as the '* World's Greatest Caterers'* and why you should insist on Libby 's — ** TTie Brand You Can Trust" Libby, M ^ HORTICULTURE G. A. DENNISON, Chief Preliminary Edition Published for the Division of Exhibits by The "Wahl green Company, Official Publisliers San Francisco^ 19)5 PREFACE By Asher Carter Baker, Director of Exhibits A modern, universal exposition is an encyclopedia of man's words and works. It is a collection of the achievements and productivity of man for exam- ination by the International Jury of Awards, and constitutes a compact, classified, indexed compendium of man's activity in all phases, extending to the most material as well as to the most refined products. It is estimated that a million objects are exposed in the various displays installed within the palaces, in foreign, state and special pavilions. To properly classify, group and arrange alphabetically all the exhibits of an exposition of such international scope, is a task of such magnitude as to make it impossible to provide a complete catalogue of these exhibits on opening day of the Exposition. This edition of the official catalogue is therefore presented preliminary to the revised and complete catalogue which will be issued within a few weeks, and to the preparation of which, in realization of its extraordinary value as a document of general and commercial reference, special care is being given. i The present volume, however, capably serves the purpose for which it is designed, as an early index of the infinite variety of interesting exhibits which are the concrete evidences of the industrial, educational and artistic advancement of the world. Acknowledgment is hereby offered of the excellent co-operation received in the compilation of this catalogue from the Commissioners-General of participating nations, officers of State Commissions, individual exhibitors, and more particularly, the various officers of the Division of Exhibits, and the Official Catalogue Com- pany, publishers of the catalogue. HORTICULTURE Official Catalogue Department K CLASSIFICATION OF EXHIBITS Appliances and Methods of Pomology, Flori- culture and Arboriculture. Appliances and Methods of Viticulture. Pomology. Preserved, Dried and Pickled Fruits. Fruit Culture.- Trees, Shrubs, Ornamental Plants and Flowers. Seeds, Bulbs, Cuttings and Plants for Propagating. Theory of Horticulture and Horticultural Statistics. 50UTH GARDENS. ADMINISTRATION ^-^ HORTICULTURE GARDENS PANAMA-PACIFIC INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITION OPENS-fEBRU»RY 20 SAN FRANCISCO U.S.A. 1915 closes- DECt/.BeR* INTRODUCTION Department of Horticulture By G. A. DENNISON Chief The Department of Horticulture has three distinct sections: The out-of-doors exhibits in the Horticulture Gardens, the Conservatory, and the Economical Horticulture Section in the Palace of Horticulture. In the Horticulture Gardens, which embrace floriculture and arbori-culture, will be found exhibits illustrating the improvement of variety through seed selec- tion, the creation of new varieties through plant hybridization, and the origination of new species through the Mendelian theory of segregation. The benefit of expert cultural methods will also be shown and an interesting feature will be found in a number of exhibits which are made by the originators of a particular fruit or flower. The International Rose Contest, participated in by the leading rose originators of the world, will be found in Block 1 8. The great dome is a wonderful example of engineering ability, being the largest in the world, 152 feet in diameter and 186 feet high. Underneath its great expanse are the finest Royal and Cocos Palms in America. The curious Mycrocycus, hundreds of years old, and the various forms of plant life peculiar to the tropics will be of special interest, and the exhibits of aquatics in Pools Nos. 42 and 43 contain many new and beautiful varieties of day and night-blooming plants. The Economical Section, which adjoins the great doine, embraces Pomology in all its phases, together with the mechanical appliances used in its production and marketing. All standard varieties of fruits will be shown in their commercial pack, and new and interesting varieties will also be seen. The educational features are particularly interesting, and are made with the idea of presenting the practical handling of all fruits. The model cannery will show all processes, from the receipt of the loose fruit from the orchard until, as canned fruit, it is boxed ready for de- livery to the grocer. Microcopists and chemists will conduct their laboratories in full view of visitors, showing how they arrive at their decisions. The orange- packing house will show how the loose fruit is received, brushed, labeled, packed and boxed. The seed-packing establishment will show the preparation of the seeds and how they are packed for the market. The dried fruit exhibits in standard commercial packages and in the new family-size carton, and the raisin seeding and packing establishment will be worthy of consideration, as will the operating exhibits of horticultural machinery, spraying devices, etc. The endeavor of the exhibit as a whole has been an arrangement which will prove of interest to the casual visitor who wishes to be entertained, to the student who desires to acquire objective demonstration of methods, to the business man seeking increased information as to standard packs and commodities, to the invest- ing homeseeker desiring to be informed upon the horticultural resources of the various States and countries, to the housewife, that she may know how fruit is handled before it reaches her hands in any form of a commercial package. HOW TO LOCATE AN EXHIBIT The Palace of Horticulture is laid out in blocks, which are con- secutively numbered from 1 to 44, inclusive, as shown on the floor plan. The aisles are designated as streets (First to Eighth) run- ning north to south, and as avenues (A to D), from east to west. To locate an exhibitor refer to the name, alphabetically arranged under the exhibit group to which each belongs in the official classi- fication, and note the aisles location following each name. Street and Avenue signs are erected at their intersection on the corners of all blocks. All Exhibits entered in this Catalogue are located in the Palace of Horticulture, unless otherwise indicated after the entry. The c following are abbreviations used in this Catalogue to designate other Exhibit Palaces : Fine Arts Palace Fn. A. Pal. Education Palace Ed. Pal. Liberal Arts Palace Lb. A. Pal. Manufactures Palace Mfr. Pal. Varied Industries Palace V. I. Pal. Machinery Palace Mch. Pal. Transportation Palace Trns. Pal. Agriculture Palace Agr. Pal. Food Products Palace Fd. Pr. Pal. Live Stock Palace Lv. St. Pal. Horticulture Palace Hor. Pal. Mines and Metallurgy Palace Min. Pal. 10 DEPARTMENT OF HORTICULTURE DEPARTMENT OF HORTICULTURE Official Classification of Exhibits GROUP 144 APPLIANCES AND METHODS OF POMOLOGY, FLORICULTURE AND ARBORICULTURE Class 700. Class 701. Class 702. Class 703. Class 704. Class 705. Class 706. Class 707. Class 708. Class 709. Class 710. Class 711. Class 712. Class 713. Class 714. Class 715. Class 716. Class 717. Class 718. Class 719. Class 720. Class 721. Class 722. Class 723. Class 724. Class 725. Class 720. Class 727. Class 728. Horticultural tools; methods and appliances for gathering, packing and trans- porting produce; pruning and grafting knives, ladders; tree diggers; water- ing apparatus ; spraying apparatus and insecticides. Frost-fighting principles, methods and devices ; apparatus for preventing injury by frost; methods of de-frosting or thawing. Orchard heaters; heaters and vaporizers ; heaters and covers. Apparatus and objects for ornamenting gardens; vases, pots, chairs, seats, foun- tains, labels, etc. Glass houses and their accessories; heating apparatus, mattings, etc. Aquariums for plants. Ferneries, etc., for use in dwellings. Garden architecture and landscape gardening; plans, drawings, models, books,' pictures, etc. GROUP 145 APPLIANCES AND METHODS OF VITICULTURE Types of buildings used in connection with vine culture. Methods of picking, packing and transporting fresh grapes. Raisin growing; methods of curing, packing, grading, etc. GROUP 14G POMOLOGY Pomaceous and stone fruits: apples, pears, quinces, peaches, apricots, plums, nectarines, cherries, grapes, etc. Citrus fruits : oranges, lemons, limes, shaddocks, pomelos, etc. Tropical and semi-tropical fruits : pineapples, avocadoes, bananas, guavas, mangoes, tamarinds, figs, olives, sapodillas, etc. Small fruits: strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, dewberries, gooseberries, currants, etc. Fruits matured in frost districts under frost protecting appliances. Kuts: walnuts, almonds, chestnuts, filberts, pecans, hickorynuts, etc. Casts and models of fruits in wax, plaster, etc. Photographs, publications and monographs. Labels for canned or preserved fruits. GROUP 147 PRESERVED, DRIED AND PICKLED FRUITS Fniits, dried or prepared: prunes, figs, raisins, peaches, apricots, dates, etc. Fruits, canned, in tins or in glass. Fruits preserved without sugar. Pickled fruits. Brandied fruits. Preserves, jellies and jams. Processed fruits. Olives: green, ripe, pickled and dried. Olive oil. Equipment for and processes of canning fruit. Canning factories. GROUP 148 FRUIT CULTURE Collections of fruit trees and vines. Methods of propagating, packing, shipping, planting, growing, training, pruning, etc. Plants of small fruits: strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, gooseberries, etc. Methods of propagating, growing, transplanting, training, packing, shipping, etc. Methods of cross-fertilization of fruits and nuts. Exhibits of insect pests and diseases of fruit trees, vines and plants, and modern appliances for their eradication. Advantages in the use of predaceous and parasitic insects. GROUP 149 TREES, SHRUBS, ORNAMENTAL PLANTS AND FLOWERS Ornamental trees, seedlings or grafted. Methods of propagating, packing, ship- ping, planting, growing, training, grafting, pruning, etc. Ornamental shrubs, deciduous and evergreen. Methods of propagating, packing, shipping, planting, growing, training, grafting, pruning, etc. Flowering plants for the park or garden. Bulbous plants. Herbaceous plants grown in open ground. Botanical specimens. DEPARTMENT OF HORTICULTURE 11 Class 729. Plants for the conservatory, ornamental and flowering. Hot-house plants and those grown in houses of moderate temperature. Class 730. Specimens of culture used in different countries for use or for ornament. Class 731. Forced culture of fruits; specimens and processes. Class 732, Insect pests, fungus diseases and . parasitic growths, affecting ornamental trees plants; natural and artificial methods of combating them. Class 733. Masses and baskets of flowers. Bouquets of natural flowers. Wax or other imitations of plants, leaves or flowers. Florists' supplies. GROUP 150 SEEDS, BULBS, CUTTINGS AND PLANTS FOR PEOPAGATINa Class 734. Collections of seeds of flowers, plants and trees. i Class 735. Collections of bulbs for planting. Class 736. Collections of cuttings or young plants for grafting. Nursery stock. Methods of packing and shipping. Class 737. FloAvers and plants ' grown for perfumes, extracts, and medicinal uses. GROUP 151 THEORY OF HORTICULTURE AND HORTICULTURAL STATISTICS Class 738. Charts or diagrams showing the comparative area occupied by fruit industries in states and countries. Charts or diagrams illustrating progress of organiza- tion among fruit growers for promotion of their industry by improved packing and marketing methods. Charts showing moisture requirements of different fruits supplied by rainfall or irrigation, or by both. Charts or diagrams showing the period of ripening of different fruits in any state and country. Charts and names and time of market suitability of varieties of each fruit commercially grown in any state or country. Charts showing rainfall, sunshine and wind movements as affecting the character and yield of fruit. Graphic representations of the history and work of state and national horti- cultural societies, including publications thereof. Charts showing districts where frost protection will benefit growers. Treatises on international, national and interstate fruit and fruit tree quarantine. Charts showing quarantine passports, tags, certificates, etc. Class 739. Class 740. Class 741. Class 742. 12 DEPARTMENT OF HORTICtTLTURE GROUP 144 APPLIANCES AND METHODS OF POM- OLOGY, FLORICULTURE AND ARBORICULTURE Atkins, E. C. & Company, Indianapolis, Ind. Pruning Saws, Mfr. Pal., 5th St., bet. Avs. C & D. Austin-Western Road Machinery Co., Chicago. Lib. Arts Palace bet. Avs. B and C. Motor Lawn mower, Mch. Palace, 4th & 5th Sts. Bean Spray Pump Co., San Jose, Cal. Spray- ing equipment and fittings. Ave. E. California Spray Chemical Co., Watsonville, Cal. 1st St. cor. Ave. A. Cleveland Foundry Co., The, Cleveland, Ohio. Mfr. Pal., Av. D, bet. 5th & 6th Sts. Mfrs. of New Perfection Orchard Heater. The skill and experience of the world's largest manufacturer of oil-burning devices is back of the Perfection line — the best materials, careful workmanship, standardized methods, constant inspection. The result — Perfection products give uniform satisfaction and last indefi^nitely. Cleveland Lawn Weeder Co., The, Cleveland, O. Weeders. Working exhibit, Horticulture Gardens. The "Cleveland" Lawn Weeder. Coldwell Lawn Mower Co., Newburgh, N. Y. Lawn Mowers. 1st St. cor. Ave. D. Disston, Henry & Sous, Inc., Philadelphia, Pa. Pruning Saws ; Post Hole and Tree Dig- gers. Mfr. Pal., Av. C, cor. 6th St. Field Force Pump Co., Elmira, N. Y. Spray- ing Apparatus. 7th St., cor. Av. A. Hercules Powder Co. San Francisco, Cal. Horticultural Tools. Min. Pal. Ave. B & 7th St. Earth Augers, Subsoiling Bars; Tree Planting; See Exhibit in Section 30, in Palace of Mines and Metallurgy. International Harvester Company of America, Chicago, U. S. A. Horticultural Tools, etc. Agr. Pal., 4th St. bet. Aves. B & C. Hor- ticultural tools, methods and appliances, Spraying Apparatus. Rognier, G. & Co., San Mateo, Cal. Garden ornaments. Ave. F. Fountain seats. Stewart Fruit Co., Los Angeles and San Francisco. Orange Packing. 1st St. Aves. C & D. Complete orange packing plant in operation, showing every phase of the industrv. including grading, sizing, packing, box making, etc. Union Oil Company of California, San Fran- cisco, Cal. Min. Pal., 6th St. & Ave. B. Distillate for Tree Spraying. Oil for Or- chard heating; insecticides. Winters Dried Fruit Co., Winters, Cal. Fruit Grader. Av. A, cor. 7th St. POMOLOGY GROUP 146 Winters Dried Fruit Co., Winters, Cal. Al- monds. Av. A, cor. 7th St. GROUP 147 PRESERVED, DRIED AND PICKLED FRUITS Anderson-Barngrover Mfg. Co., San Jose, Cal. Av. E. Canning and Dried Fruit Machin- ery. Ayars Machine Co., Salem, N. J. Electrical timing device for process kettles. Bet. 1st & 2nd Sts. & Avs. B & D. California Associated Raisin Co., Fresno, Cal. Raisins, bet. 7th and 8th Sts. & Avs. A&B. Cal. Fruit Canners' Ass'n., San Francisco, Cal. Canned Fruits. Av. B, 1st & 2nd Sts. Castle Brothers, San Francisco, Cal. 1st St., cor. Av. A. Packers and Shippers; Cali- fornia Dried Fruits ; Main Office — 1(X*> Pine Street. Packing houses — San Fran- cisco, San Jose, Fresno, Selma, Pomona. Citizens Wholesale Supply Co., Columbus, O. Fd. Pr. Pal., 4th St. bet. Avs. D & E. Hawaiian Pineapple Packers' Assn., Hono- lulu, T. H. Pineapple Products. Av. F. Hawaiian Pineapple, Hawaiian Pineapple Juice; Haiku Fruit & Packing Co., Ltd., Haiku, Maui, Hawaii, pineapple; Hawaii Preserving Co., Honolulu, Hawaii, pine- apple; Hawaiian Islands Packing Co., Wa- hiawa, Oahu, Hawaii, pineapple; Hawaiian Pineapple Co., Ltd., Honolulu, Hawaii, pineapple ; Kauai Fruit & Land Co., Kauai, Hawaii, pineapple; Libby. McNeill & Lib- by. Inc., of Honolulu, Hawaii, pineapple; Maui Pineapple Co., Maui, Hawaii, pine- apple; Pearl City Fruit Co., Ltd., Hono- lulu, Hawaii, pineapple ; Thomas Pineapple Co., Honolulu, Hawaii, pineapple. Heinz, H. J. Co., Pittsburg, Pa. Preserved Fruits. Fd. Pr. Pal. 3rd St. cor. Av. C. Hunt Brothers Co., San Francisco, Cal. Pre- served Fruits. 1st St., cor. Av. A. Hydraulic Press Mfg. Co., Mt. Gilead, O. Fruit Grinders. Bet. 1st & 2nd Sts. & Avs. B & D. Knapp Company, The, Fred H., Baltimore, Md. Machinery. Bet. 1st & 2nd Sts. & Avs. B & D. Can Labeling and Boxing Machines. Lady Betty, Inc., Brookline, Mass. Preserved Fruits. Fd. Pr. Pal.. Av. B2, cor. 3rd. Libby, McNeill & Libby, Chicago, 111. Pre- serves, etc. Fr. Pr. iPal. Av. E, cor. 2nd St. California Canned Fruits: Yellow Free Peaches, Yellow Cling Peaches, White Cling Peaches, Bartlett Pears, Grapes, Seedless Grapes, Apricots, Royal Anne Cherries, Black Clierries, Green Gage Plums, Egg Plums, Hawaiian Pineapple, Paspberries and Blackberries. Preserved Fruits, Jellies, .Tarns. Marmalades, Apple Butter, Olives, Olive Oil, Apples. Los Angeles Olive Growers Ass'n., Los An- geles, Cal. Olive Oil, 2nd St., cor. Av. A. Morgan Machine Co., Rochester, N. Y. Ma- chinery. Bet. ]st and 2nd Sts., and Avs. B & D. Box Nailing Machine. National Canners' Association, Washington, D. C. Bet. 1st & 2nd Sts. & Avs. B & D. American Can Co., New York and San Francisco. Can Clinching Machine. Anchor Cap & Closure Co., New York. Vacuum Closing Machine. Anderson-Barngrover Mfg. Co., San Jose, Cal. Fruit Grader. Beach Russ Co., Brooklyn, N. Y. Vacuum Pump. Berger & Carter Co., San Francisco. Fill- ing Table. Burpee & Letson, Bellingham, Wash. Weigh- ing Machine. Burt Labeling Machine Co., Baltimore, Md. Can Labeling Machine. Demming, F. L., Chicago, 111. Combined Vacuum Machine. Dundon, P. J., San Francisco. Retort for Canned Fruits. Haller, ,Jos. F., Pittsburg, Pa. Berry Washing Machine. Hamilton Brass & Copper Works, Hamil- ton, O. Steam Kettle. DEPARTMENT OF HORTICULTURE 13 liohmann & Maurer, Rochester, N. Y. Lye Peelers. Huntley Mfg. Co., Silver Creek, X. Y. Blanching Machine. Johnson Machine Co., San Francisco. Can Opening Device. Knapp, Fred H., Westminster, Maryland. Boxing Machine. Krenz, Oscar, San Francisco. Steam Tilt- ing Kettle. Morgan Machine Co., Rochester, N. Y. Box Nailing Machine. Tagliaben, C. J. Co., Brooklyn, N. Y. Con- troller for Retort. T'nion Iron Works, San Francisco. Syrup Filling Machine. Pacific Coast Syrup Co., San Francisco, Port- land, Seattle. Preserved Fruits. 4th St., cor. Av. D. Pompeian Company, The, Genoa-Italy, Balti- more, U. S. A. Olive Oil. "The Pompeian Company is the largest importer of high- quality, edible olive oil in America. Olive oil is imported in hulk and packaged in an up- to-date, hygienic plant at Baltimore, under the most sanitary conditions. Enter your name on Pompeian register, and receive Pompeian receipt booklet -with the story of Pompeian Olive Oil." Sprague Canning Machinery Co., Chicago, 111, Can Washing Machines. Stewart Fruit Co., Los Angeles and San Francisco, Cal. Orange Packing. 1st St., bet. Avs. C & D. A complete orange pack- ing plant in operation, showing every phase of the industry, including grading, sizing, packing, box making and tagging. Stonham, E., Los Angeles, Cal. Pumps, Bet. 1st & 2nd Sts. & Avs. B & D. Thompson & Hills, Ltd., Auckland, Canned Fruits. Agr. Pal. Avs. C & D, bet. 6th & 8th Sts. Wellman, H. P., San Francisco. Can Marking Device. Bet. 1st & 2nd Sts. & Avs. B & D. Winters Dried Fruit Co., Winters, Cal, Dried Fruits. Av. A, cor. 7th St. Wright, E. A., Oakland, Cal, Preserved Fruits, 7th St., cor. Av. D. GROUP 148 FRUIT CULTURE Schooner, Rev, Geo., Brooks, Ore, Black- berry Plants. Block 14, Bed XXXIV. GROUP 149 TREES, SHRUBS, ORNAMENTAL PLANTS AND FLOWERS Artificial Decorative Plant Co., San Fran- cisco, Artificial Plants. 2nd St., cor. Av, B. Brant-Heintz Flower Co., Madison, N, J Roses. Block 18, Bed XLIII. Child s, John Lewis, Flowerfield, L, I., N. Y. Gladioli and Lilies. Block 5, Bed XXII. Cockerell, T. D. A. and W, P,, Boulder, Colo, Sunflowers. Block 0, Bed XXIV. Conard & Jones Company, The, West Grove, Pa, Cannas, Block 10. Originators and merchants of fine roses and canna lillies. Send for catalog — free. Cook, John, Baltimore, Md. Roses, Block 18, Bed XL14. Co wee, Arthur, Berlin, N, Y, Gladioli, Blocks 7 and 8, Beds Xld to XX inclusive. Representative and Grower of Groffs Hy- brids and Originations; originator and Grower of many fine varieties. Illustrated catalog sent free upon request. Dingee & Conrad Co., West Grove, Pa. Roses. Block 2, Bed IV. Dreer, Henry A., Inc., Philadelphia, Pa, Aquatic Plants. Av. L. Largest growers in America. Seeds, Plants and Bulbs of all kinds. Write for catalog. Seeds fresh and reliable. Eicholz, Henry, Waynesboro, Pa, Roses. Block 18, Bed XXXIV, Farr, Bertrand H., Wyomissing, Pa. Flower- ing Plants. Blocks 5 & 6, Bed XXIV, A & B. Hill, E. G, Co., Richmond, Ind. Roses. Block 18, Beds XXVI and XLVII. Horticultural Federation of the Nether- lands. Blocks 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, Hort. Gardens. Large collective exhibit of trees, shrubs and plants. Howard & Smith, Los Angeles, Cal, Roses, Block 18. Hasting, Wm. F. Co., Buffalo, N. Y, Cannas. ^ Block 10, Bed IX. McGredy, Samuel & Son, Portadown, Ireland, Roses. Block 18. Michell, Henry F., Company, Philadelphia, Pa. Buddleia, Block 5, Bed XXII; and Can- nas, Block 2, Bed VI, Friend Mfg. Co, Gasport, N, Y. Spraying Equipment. 1st St. cor. Ave, A. Hammond, Benjamin, Beacon, N. Y, Insecti- cides, etc. Horticultural Garden. Morse, C. C. & Co., San Francisco, Cal, Seed Growers and Dealers, 4th St., cor Av. D, Blocks 3 and 4, Horticultural Gar- "^ dens. Collection of Annuals, Sweet Peas and various flowers, Roses, Dahlias, new- est and best varieties; Hyacinths, Daf- fodils, Tulips and various Holland Bulbs. Onion Lettuce, Radish, Pumpkin, Tomato, Corn, etc. Alfalfa, Clovers and Grasses. Largest wholesale seedman and seed grow- ers on Pacific Coast. Seeds by mail — cata- log free. Morse's seeds on ' sale by all leading dealers west of Kansas. Morse's seeds are all tested. Morse's seeds noted for quality. Retail Store, 125 Market St., San Francisco. Philippine Board. Large collection of or- chids. Conservatory, Philippine Pavilion. Pleas, C. E, Plant Co., Chipley, Florida, Kudzu, Forage and Ornamental Vine, Con- servatory and on lattice between Blocks 18 and 19, 17 and 20. Plants for sale. Rea, Frederick J., Norwood, Mass. Phlox. Mass. Coll. Exhibit, Horticultural Gardens. Hardy varieties. Reuter, S. J. & Son, Westerly, R. I. Roses. Block 18, Bed XL. Schoener, Rev. Geo., Brooks, Ore, Roses, Block 18. Tevis, Dr. Harry L., Alma, Cal, Loan ex- hibit. Conservatory. Totty, Charles H., Madison, N. J. Roses. Block 18; Heliotrope, Block 5, Bed XXII, Tricker, William, Arlington, N, J, Aquatic Plants, Av. K. U. S. Dept, of Agriculture Experiment Sta- tions. Da sheen. Vines, Palms. Conservatory, Vaughan's Seed Store, Chicago, 111. Gladioli, Block 2, Bed I. Roses, Cannas; growers of Gladiolus Bulbs in quantity and variety. An international collection. Wagner, J. B., Pasadena, Cal. Wagner's Giant Winter Rhubarb yield, $1000 acre yearly. Block 6, Bed XXLV, 14 DEPARTMENT OF HORTICULTURE Whitacre, H. W., Seattle, Wash. Banwine Rhubarb. Block 0, Bed XXIV. A new yar- iety, very early and of delicious flavor. Quick growth. Ask for catalog. Wilmore, W. W., Denver, Colo. Dahlias. Block 6, Bed XXIA, and Block 7, Bed XXIB. Wilmore, W. W., Jr., Wheatridge, Colo. Dahlias, Gladioli, Canna. Block 7, Bed XV. Novelties a specialty. Wood, Allen L., Rochester. Boxwood Plants. Watase, Torailro, Toyko. Seeds of orna- mental plants. Av. A, cor. 4th St. Zvolanek, Ant. C, Lompoc, Cal. Sweet Peas. Winter flowering Sweet Peas. Blocks l(j and 17, Beds XL and XLIII. These sweet peas usually bloom in 60 to 90 days after sowing, any time in the year: out of doors or in greenhouses, originated and STATE EXHIBITS ARKANSAS Location: Bet. 2nd & 4th Sts., and Avs. A & B GROUP 144 Benton County Hardware Co. — Rogers. Spray- ing Apparatus. Blocher, J. W. — Hiwasse. Cartons. Graham Mfg. Co. — Fruit Shipping Packages. Owasso Mfg. Co. — Benton. Folding Crates. Parker Bros.— Fayetteville. Landscape Gar- dening, etc. State of Arkansas. — Types of Heaters. Thomson Chemical Co. — Rogers. Insecticides. "University cf Arkansas.— Fayetteville. Land- scape Gardening. Woods, H.— Bentonville. Cartons. GROUP 14G Alexander, J. R. — Scotts Nuts. Ammons, W. E. — Bentonville. Pomaceous Fruits. Barnes, Mrs. J. N. — Jacksonville. Nuts. Eatjer, W. F. D.— Rogers. Pomaceous Fruits. Bert Johnson Orchard Co. — Labels. Boyle, A. G. — Bcnton.ville. Pomaceous Fruits. Britt, J. J. — Bentonville. Pomaceous Fruits. Cornelius, J. T. — Rogers. Pomaceous Fruits. Curry, C. H. — Centerton. Pomaceous Fruits. Derryberry, J. M. — Rogers. Pomaceous Fruits. Downer, E. C. — Rogers. Pomaceous Fruits. Eicher, D. E. — Springdale. Pomaceous Fruits. Eicher, J. A. — Springdale. Pomaceous Fruits. Farris, J. C. — Centerton. Pomaceous Fruits. Forester, U. S. — Harrison. Nuts. Garver, S. — Centerton. Pomaceous Fruits. Giger, Julius.— Bentonville. Pomaceous Fruits. Gipple, H. W. — Bentonville. Pomaceous Fi-uits. Highland Orchard Co. Hough, P. H. — Springdale. Pomaceous Fruits. Jacks, J. C. — Marianna. Nuts. Jordan, J. M. — Centerton. Pomaceous Fruits. Keififer, Francis. — Harrison. Nuts. Keith & Sons. — Hiwasse. Pomaceous Fruits. Lane, D. O.— Gentry. Pomaceous Fruits. Lee, J. P. — Fayetteville. Pomaceous Fruits. Lincoln, Geo. — Bentonville. Pomaceous Fruits. McDavid, G. U. — Springdale. Pomaceous Fruits. McLean, L. D. — Rogers. Pomaceous Fruits. Millsop, A. D. — Farmington. Pomaceous Fruits. Peay, Rayburn. — .Johnson. Pomaceous Fruits. Rand, L. L. — Gentry. Pomaceous Fruits. Reeder, Geo. — Rogers. Pomaceous Fruits. Rotbr:ck. I. R. — Johnson. Pomaceous Fruits. Rubart, Lizzie. — Batavia. Clav Models Saugue, Louis. — Alexander. Nuts. Sharp, E. G. S. — Rogers. Pomaceous Fruits. Stover, C. E. — Rogers. Pomaceous Fruits. Swenson, E. T. — Bentonville. Pomaceous Fruils. University of Arkansas.— Fayetteville. Models, Whitesides, S. — Decatur. Pomaceous Fruits. Whitfield, D. H. — Bentonville. Pomaceous Fruits. Woods, J. N. — Rogers. Pomaceous Fruits. GROUP 147 Appleby & Co. — Fruit in Tins. Ardmmagna, Felix. — Tonetitown. Processed Fruits. Barnes, Mrs. Gertrude. — Little Rock. Fruits in Glass. Bennett, Mrs. H. M.— Little Rock. Jellies. Bert Johnson Orchard Co. — Fruit in Tins. Caudle, E. — Greenwood. Fruits in Glass. Crossnoe, Mrs. T. C. — Hope. Jellies. Dixie Canrer Cd. — T>ittle Rock. Equipment for Canning Fruits. Doyle, Mrs. C. E. — Little Rock. Fruits in Glass. Green, Mrs. Elliott. — Morrillton. Fruits in Glnss. Hamilton ft Son. — Fayetteville. Dried Fruits. Holland American Co. — Fniit in Tins. Jonesboro Argicultural School. — Jonesboro. Processed Fruits. K. C. Southern Ry. — Processed Fruits. Kimmons, Walker & Co. — Fayetteville. Dried Apples. M. & N. A. Ry. — Processed Fruits. Morgan Sanitary Evaporator Co. — Rogers. Fruits in Tins. Smith, L. A.^ — Springdale. Fruits in Tins. State of Arkansas, by Cotton Belt Ry Pro- cessed Fruits. State of Arkansas, by Commissioner of Agri- culture. — Processed Fruits. Teasdale. J. R. — Rogers. Dried Apples. Tuggle, W. M. — Processed Fruits. GROUP 148 -Judsonia. Plants of Small Fruit Trees and Bauer, J, Fruits. Britt, J. J.— Bentonville. Vines. Cope, W. A.— Jonesboro. Fruit Tree Diseases and Insect Pests. Green, T. H. — Russellville. Fruit Tree Dis- eases nnd Insect Pests. Goree, Earl. — Springdale. Fruit Trees and Vines. Hewitt, J. S., University of Arkansas. — Fruit Tree Diseases nnd Insect Pests. Parker Bros. — Fayetteville. Fruit Trees and Vines. Stark Bros. N. & O. Co.— Fayetteville. Trees and Vines. University of Arkansas. — Fayetteville. Tree Diseases and Insect Pests. University of Arkansas. — By W. H. Fruit Cross Fertilization. Vestal. J. W. ft Son. — Little Rock, of Small Fruits. Waller, J.— Judsonia. Plants of Small Fruits. Wilson, L. C. — Wickes. Methods of Grow- ing. GROUP 149 Parker Bros.— Fayetteville. Ornamental Trees. Universitv of Arkansas. — Fayetteville. In- secticides. Vestal, J. W. & Son— Little Rock. Orna- mental Trees. Fruit Fruit Wicks. Plants DEPARTMENT OF HORTICULTURE 15 GROUP loO Eritt, J. J. — Bentonville. Nursery Stock, Methods of Packing. Goree, Earle. — Springdale. Nursery Stock. McKnight, Mrs. W. A. — Little Kock. Collec- tion of Flower Seeds. Stark Bros., N. & O. Co. — Fayetteville. Nurs- ery Stock, Methods of Packing. University of Arkansas.— Fayetteville. Col- lection of Flower Seeds. GROUP l.jl. Ozark Fruit Growers Ass'n. — Rogers. Charts for Shipping Purposes. State of Arkansas. — Charts. State of Arkansas — State Horticultural Re- ports. CALIFORNIA Location: Bet. Avs. B & C & 2nd & 7th Sts. GROUP 14G Alameda County. Pomaceovis, stone and cit- rus fruits; nuts. California Almond Growers' Exchange, Sac- ramento. Almonds. Humboldt County, Pomaceous and stone fruits; nuts. Kern County. Pomaceous, stone and citrus fruits; nuts. Mendocino County. Pomaceous and stone fruits; nuts. Monterey County. Pomaceous and stone fruits ; nuts. Napa Coiinty. Pomaceous, stone and citrus fruits; nuts. San Joaquin Valley Counties Commission, Fresno. Fresno, Merced, Madera, Kings, Stanislaus, San Joaquin, Calaveras and Mariposa. Pomaceous, stone and citrus fruits ; nuts. Santa Barbara County. Pomaceous, stone and citrus fruits ; nuts. Santa Clara County. Pomaceous and stone fruits: nuts. Santa Cruz County. Pomaceous and stone fruits; nuts. Shasta County. Pomaceous, stone and citrus fruits; nuts. Siskiyou County. Pomaceous, stone and cit- rus fruits ; niits. Solano County. Pomaceous, stone and citrus fruits; nuts. Sonoma County. Pomaceous, stone and citrus fruits ; nuts. Southern California Counties Exposition Com- mission, Los Angeles. Los Angeles, San Diego, San Bernardino, Riverside, Orange, Ventura and Imperial counties. Citrus fruits; nuts. San Bernardino and San Diego counties. Pomaceous and stone fruits. Sutter County. Pomaceous, stone and citrus fruits: nuts. Tulare County. Pomaceous, stone and citrus fruits: nuts. Yolo County. Pomaceous, stone and citrus fruits; nuts. GROUP 147 Alameda County. Dried, canned and pro- cessed fi'uits ; olives and olive oil. Kern County. Dried, canned and processed fruits ; olives and olive oil. Monterey County. Dried, canned and pro- cessed fruits. Napa County. Dried, canned and processed fruits. San Joaquin Valley Counties Commission, Fresno. Fresno, Merced, Madera, Kings, Stanislaus, San Joaquin and Calaveras counties. Dried, canned and processed fruits. Fresno, Merced, Madera, Kings, Stanislaus and San Joaquin counties, Olives and olive oil. Santa Barbara County, Dried, canned and processed fruits ; olives and olive oil. Santa Clara County. Dried, canned and pro- cessed fruits ; olives and olive oil. Santa Cruz County. Dried, canned and pro- cessed fruits; olives and olive oil, Shasta County. Dried, canned and processed fruits ; olives and olive oil. Siskiyou County, Dried, canned and proc- essed fruits. Solano County. Dried, canned and processed fruits. Sonoma County. Dried, canned and processed fruits. Southern California Counties Exposition Com- mission, Los Angeles. Los Angeles, San Diego, San Bernardino, Riverside, Orange, Ventura and Imperial counties. Dried, can- ned and processed fruits. Ventura, Los An- geles, Orange and San Diego counties. Olives and olive oil. Sutter Coitnty. Dried, canned and processed fruits ; olives and olive oil. Tulare County. Dried, canned and processed fruits ; olives and olive oil. Yolo County. Dried, canned and processed fruits ; olives and olive oil. GROUP 148 Etter, Albert F. — Briceland, Humboldt Co, Strawberry Plants. Blks. l.'i&14. Bed XXXVI State Commission of Horticulture, Sacramento. Practical illustration of the State Insectory Service. GROUP 149. Alameda County. Trees, shrubs, ornamental plants and flowers. C Branin, Mrs. Jemima. — ^San Lorenzo. Roses, Block IR. Bed XLII. Bustrim, Wm. — Watsonville. Lilies. Harrisii Lilies. Block 16, Bed LX. California Rose Co. — Pomona. Roses. Blk 17, Beds LXVIII and LXIX. Coates, Leonard Co. — Morganhill. Acacias, Eucalyptus, Trees and Shrubs. Block 13, Bed XXVI (trees and shrubs) ; Block 16, Bed LXI (acacias and eucalyptus). Diener, R. & Co, — Mountain View. Flower- ing Plants. Block 2, Bed VIII and Block 11, Bed L (geraniums). Etter, Albert F. — Briceland, Humboldt Co, Hybrid Columbines. Block 15, Bed XXXL Gill E. Nursery Co. — West Berkeley. Roses, Block 16, Bed LVIL Lilley, J, Eaden. — Santa Cruz. Freesias. Block IG, Bed LXIII. Lincoln, O. J. — Santa Cruz. Gladioli. Block 13, Bed XXVI. Lohrmann, R. — San Rafael. Flowering Plants, Block 16, Bed LV. Pacific Coast Bulb Co.— Santa Cruz, Tulips, Block 17. Bed LXIII. Purdy, Carl,— Ukiah. Bulbous Plants. Blk, 17, Bed LXX & LXXI, Blk. 15, Bed XXXL Roeding, Geo, Co, — Fresno. Evergreens, Palms, etc. Blk. 2, Bed VII (palms) ; Blk. S Bed XIT (evergreen shrubs); Blk. 8, Beds XII, XIII and XIV (conifers), San Joaquin Valley Counties Commission, Fresno, Fresno County, Trees, shrubs, or- namental plants and flowers. San Mateo County, Trees, shrubs, ornamen- tal plants and flowers. Turner, Henry W,— Montebello, Roses. Blk. 17, Bed LXVI. Vallance Nursery Co. — Oakland. Roses, Ever- greens and conifers. Block 16, Bed LV, Vanderbilt, Newell F, — San Rafael. Delphin- iums and Dahlias. Blk. 17. Bed LXX. Wallace, Grant.^ — San Mateo. Eucalyptus, Blk. 17, Bed LXII. DEPARTMENT OF HORTICULTURE GROUP 150 Alameda County. Seeds, bulbs, cuttings and plants for propagatins:. San Joaquin Valley Counties Commission, Presno, Fresno County. Seeds, bulbs, cut- tings and plants for propagating. San Mateo Couuty. Seeds, bulbs, cuttings and plants for propagating. GROUP 151 State Commission of Horticulture, Sacramen- to. Theory of Horticulture ; maps, charts and publications; State Quarantine Service. IDAHO Location: Bet. 7tli & 8th Sts. & Avs. B & C. GROUP 14G Ahlstrand Fred. — Fruitland. Apples. Alderson, Jno. — Weiser. Apples. Alspace, S. B. — Payette. Apples. Barnes, Dr. N. B. — Eramett. Apples. Beckwith, T. J. — Payette. Apples. Berg, Louis. — Elminett. Apples. Blakesley, B. C. — Fruitland. Apples. Blakesley & Graham. — Fruitland. Apples, Bolton, S. H.— Twin Falls. Apples. Brockman, Fred. — Weiser. Apples. Cable, H. — Weiser. Apples. Chisholm, H. C — Twin Falls. Apples. Conway, J. R. — Twin Falls. Apples. Danielson. G. A. — Emmett. Apples. Dorothy, L. P. — Fruitland. Apples. Duell, Chas. — Fruitland. Apples. Fisher, Grant. — F'ruitland. Apples. Focht, Wm.— Twin Falls. Apples. Fosselman, T. A. — Weiser. Apples. Fonts, W. R. — Payette. Apples. Frank, Geo. — Fruitland. Apples. Fritchman, Clarance. — Wood Spur. Apples. Garman, N. J.— Payette. Apples. Golden, H. E.— Payette. Apples. Goldsmith, Ira. — Weiser. Apples. Graham, Guy. — Fruitland. Apples. Green, Jay. — Twin Falls. Apples. Haines, J. D. — Weiser. Apples. Harland, H. — Wood Spur. Apples. Hengler, Chas. — Fruitland. Apples. Herggler, Chas. B. — Fruitland. Apples. Hollenberg, H. B, — Weiser. Apples. Hunter, E. E.— Fruitland. Apples. Huntington, 0. K. — Fruitland. Apples. Jerome, Louis. — Payette. Apples. Johnson, A. E. — Parma. Apples. Johnson, Axel. — Payette. Apples. Johnson, W. H.— Twin Falls. Apples. Jones, David. — Wood Spur. Apples. Kauffman, H. A. — Fruitland. Apples. KennisOD, H. B. — Fruitland. Apples. Larson, C. E. — Payette. Apples. Lattig, O. P. — Wood Spur. Apples. Lattig, G. W. — Wood Spur. Apples. Lewis, Harry. — Fruitland. Apples. Lincoln, Geo — Twin Falls. Apples. Madsen & Edgcomb. — Fruitland. Apples. Martin, C. H. — Emmett. Apples. Minish, B. S.— Twin Falls. Apples. Moulton. Jno. — Weiser, Apples. Munn, T. E. — Weiser. Apples. Nesbit, S. K.— Twin Falls. Apples. Oster, Wm. — Wood Spur. Apples. Pardun, S. and D. — Fruitland. Apples. Pennington, A. J. — Weiser. Apples. Perrine, I. B.— Twin Falls. Apples. Powell, M. R. — Fruitland. Apples. Rand, Lester. — Fruitland. Apples. Reed, W. A.— Fruitland. Apples. Rezac, Ge!>. — Wood Spur. Apples. Rinehart, Loren. — Council. Apples. Rogers, A. A. — Fruitland. Apples, Santee, G. V, — Council. Apples. Scherraer, Wm. — Weiser. Apples. Scritchfield, J. O. — Fruitland. Apples. Shanks, L. M. — Payette. Apples, Smith Bros. — Fruitland. Apples. Smith H. E.— Payette. Apples. Snyder, L. A. — Twin Falls. Apples Spencer, Wm.^ — Twin Falls. Apples, Starr, W. S.— Twin Falls. Apples. Steele, John. — Parma. Apples. Stetler, A. A. — Fruitland. Apples. Stimson, B. H. — Emmett. Apples. Stoughton. R. W. — Wood Spur. Apples. Supplee, F. — Wood Spur. Apples. Taylor, L. Z. — Fruitland. Apples. Taylor, M. R. — Parma. Apples. Waters & Cook. — Twin Falls. * Apples. Wells, A. L. — Payette. Apples. White, Dan. — Fruitland. Apples. Whiteside, Mrs. Lydia. — Emmett. Apples. Whitsell, J. H.— Fruitland. Apples. Williams, D. W. — Weiser. Apples. Wood, A. E.^ — Wood Spur. Apples. Woods, R. H. — Wood Spur. Apples. Wynn, P.— Twin Falls. Apples. Young, Lee. — Payette. Apples. GROUP 147 Ahlstrand Er"S. — Payette. Processed Fruits, Ames, G. E. — Lewiston. Processed Fruits. Apple, W. N. — Emmett. Processed Fruits. Bankson, W. H. — Lewiston. Processed Fruits, Barnes, Dr. N. B. — Emmett. Processed Fruits. Barrenger, T. C. — Emmett. Processed Fruits. Beckwith, T. J.— Payette. Processed Fruits. Berridge, Mrs. Diana. — Boise. Processed Fruits. Blank, E. A.— Boise. Processed Fruits. Blatner, John. — Weiser. Processed Fruits. Boherer, Chas. H. — Weiser. Processed Fruits. Bowers, B. C. — Emmett. Processed Fruits. Brunring, Jos. — Fruitland. Processed Fruits. Buck, S. — Lewiston. Processed Fruits. Buckman, 0. D. — Emmett. Processed Fruits. Buena Vista Farm, B. S. Wright, Prop. — Ennrett. Processed Fruits. Caileuder, Will.— Emmett. Processed Fruits. Cantwell & Glass. — Swan Falls. Processed Fruits. Clark, D. W. — Lewiston. Processed Fruits. Cockran, H. H. — Emmett. Processed Fruits. Coflfman, J. W.— Weiser. Processed Fruits. Conway, J. R. — Twin Falls. Processed Fruits. Cook, Chas.— Emmett. Processed Fruits. Dagnall, Geo. — Lewiston. Processed Fruits. Danielson, C. A. — Emmett. Processed Fruits. Dear, E. E. — Wood Spur. Processed Fruits. De Clark, H. J. — Emmett. Processed Fruits. Dewey, J. C. — Emmett. Processed Fruits. Dodge. Mrs. R. — Boise. Processed Fruits. Driscoll, Mrs. T. — Payette. Processed Fruits. Duffie, Allen H. — Lewiston. Processed Fruits. Durham Br;>s. — Emmett. Processed Fruits. Elwood, A. E. — Pavette. Processed Fruits. Eureka Ranch, H. W. Holler, Prop. — Emmett. Processed Fruits. Fest. H. L. — Emmett. Processed Fruits. Flagler, Ira L. — Emmett. Processed Fruits. Fletmore, Lot L. — Weiser. Processed Fruits. Forner, Geo. — Payette. Processed Fruits. Foster, F. — Boise. Processed Fruits. Fonts, W. A. — Payette. Processed Fruits. Garaage, C. L. — Emmett. Processed Fruits. Gamin & Theuser — Weiser. Processed Fruits. Gem Fruit Farm, J. L. Jensen, Prop. — Em- mett. Processed Fruits. Glenn, Sam — Boise. Processed Fruits. Gray, H. C. — Lewiston. Processed Fruits. Hallock, Jason — Weiser. Processed Fruits. Hartley, Chas. — Emmett. Processed Fruits. Hartley, Ray. — Emmett. Hayes, E. K. — Emmett. Processed Fruits. Haynes, L. L. — Lewiston. Processed Fruits. Heath, I. — Emmett. Processed Fruits. Hitt, J. I. — Emmett. Processed Fruits. Homa. Wm. — Payette. Processed Fruits. DEPARTMENT OF HORTICULTURE 17 Indian Cache Ranch — Lewiston. Processed Fruits. Kefauver, Paul — Emmett. Processed Fruits. Knox, H. L. — Emmett. Processed Fruits. Lathrop, A. C. — Emmett. Processed Fruits. Lee, N. E. — Lewiston. Processed Fruits. Lipes, D. H. — Lewiston. Processed Fruits. Maneman, A. C. — Fruitland. Processed Fruits. Marker, J. P. — Emmett. Processed Fruits. Martin, Chas. — Emmett. Processed Fruits. McCool, R. A. — Emmett. Processed Fruits. Mesa Orchard Co.— Mesa. Processed Fruits. Moulton, John — Weiser. Processed Fruits. Mutch, F. E.— Caldwell. Processed Fruits. Niagara Spring Orchard — Twin Falls. Pro- cessed Fruits. Obermeyer, Lou — Emmett. Processed Fruits. Paine, Ben — Roswell. Processed Fruits. Patvin, E. — Lewiston. Processed Fruits. Payette Commercial Club — Payette. Processed Fruits. Perrine, I. B. — Twin Falls. Processed Fruits. Phillip & Rodenbaugh — Caldwell. Processed Fruits. Pickering, R. — Lewiston. Processed Fruits. Prockish, Geo. J. — Weiser. Processed Fruits. Purcell, Nephi — Payette. Processed Fruits. Raymond, E. H. — Boise. Processed Fruits. Richards, A. S. — Emmett. Processed Fruits. Romreill, Geo. H. — McCannon. Procd. Fruits. Sanders, John — Emmett. Processed Fruits. Santa Rosa Orchard Co., D. L. Ingard, Prop. — Fruitland. Processed Fruits. Schleicher, R. — Lewiston. Processed Fruits. Shaw, R. B. — Emmett. Processed Fruits. Shaw, E. W. — Emmett. Processed Fruits. Sincel, C. J. — Boise. Processed Fruits. Slager, Ira — Emmett. Processed Fruits. Smitchger, L. — Boise. Processed Fruits. Sommercamp, H. J. — Fruitland. Processed Fruits. Stern, E. D. — Boise. Processed Fruits. Stephens, E. F. — Nampa. Processed Fruits. Sullivan & Sullivan — Emmett. Processed Fruits. Taylor, E. p.— Payette. Processed Fruits. Taylor, Geo. — Boise. Processed Fruits. Taylor, S. F.— New Plymouth. Procd. Fruits. University of Idaho— Moscow. Procd. Fruits. Vahlberg, E. C. & Sons — Emmett. Processed Fruits. Valberg, Ed. — Emmett. Processed Fruits. Warden, Abner — Emmett. Processed Fruits. Weiser Fruit & Produce Growers' Association — Weiser. Processed Fruits. Wherry, G. G. — Lewiston. Processed Fruits. Whitmore, J. A. — Boise. Processed Fruits. Wills, A. C. — Emmett. Processed Fruits. Wills, J. A. — Emmett. Processed Fruits. Wilson, Silas — Nampa. Processed Fruits Wood, A. E.— Payette. Processed Fruits. Wynn, P.— Twin Falls. Processed Fruits. Yeck, John — Emmett. Processed Fruits. Yost, W. W. — Boise. Processed Fruits. KANSAS Location: Bet. 2nd & 3rd Sts. & Avs. C & D. GROUP 146 Alters, John— Belle Plain. Apples. Blair, George A. — Mulvane. Apples. Butts, J. S. — Mulvane. Apples. Dickson Orchard Co.— Arkansas Citv. Apples. Glover Bros.— Sedgewick Citv. Apples. Hoover, E. G., Hoover Orchard— Wichita. Apples. ... Mason, Thomas — Oxford. Apples. Ross Bros.— Wichita. Apples. Smith, George B.— Wichita. Apples. Thomas Orchard Co. — Wichita. Apples. Wickham, Chas.— Wichita. Berries, peaches. Yaggy orchard Co.— Hutchinson. Apples. GROUP 147 Glover Bros. — Sedgewick City, Processed Fruits. Hanson, H. J. — Wichita. Processed Fruits. Hoover, E. G., Hoover Orchard — Wichita. Processed Fruits. Ross Bros. — Wichita. Processed Fruits. MASSACHUSETTS Location: Blocks 19, 20, 21 and 22, Horticulture Gardens GROUP 149 Alexander, J. K. — East Bridgewater. Dahlias. Bay State Nurseries. — North Abington. Trees, Shrubs (Blocks 19, 20, 21, 22, Horticulture Gardens). Growers of hardy ornamental trees, shrubs, vines, perennials, etc., at wholesale and retail. Catalog and price list mailed upon request. W. H. Wyman, Pro- prietor. Boston & Maine Railroad Co. — Shrubs. Breck-Robinsan Co. — Lexington. Trees, plants. Cherry Hill Nurseries, T. C. Thurlow Sons, Inc., Proprietors — West Newbury. Plants. Dwyer, Edward F. & Sons — Lynn. Dahlias. Eager, George B. — Wakefield. Shrubs. Eastern Nurseries— .Jamaica Plain. Phlox. Farquhar, E. J. & Co. — Boston. Shrubs. Fisher, Peter— Ellis. Carnations. Forbes & Keith — New Bedford. Dahlias. Gillett, Edward— Southwick. Ferns, plants. Manning, J. Woodward — North Wilmington. Shrubs. New Eng'land Nurseries — Bedford. Trees. Old Colony Nurseries, Inc. — Plymouth. Shrubs. Patten & Co. — Tewksburv. Carnations. Eea, Frederic J.— Norwood. Phlox. R:land, Thomas— Nahant. Acacia. Walker, George H. — North Dighton. Dahlias. MONTANA Location: Av. A, cor. 7th St. GROUP 14G. Aichel, Mrs. Andrew — Hamilton. Apples. Allomont Orchards — Lo Lo. Apples. Andrus, I. E. — Missoula. Apples. Bagley, W. F.— Woodside. Apples. Bentley, F. J. — Hamilton. Apples. Berry, E. L. — Thompson. Apples. Bohannon, W. I. — Glenn. Apples. Burrell, A. E. — Hamilton. Apples. Calbrick, Wm. — Kalispell. Apples, Clark, W. A. Orchard— Missoula. Apples. Cottrell, Mrs. Ida M. — Florence. Apples. Curlew Orchards — Victor. Apples. Curtis, L. A.— Hamilton. Apples. Day, Dr. L. W.— Darby. Apples. De Young Bros. — Hamilton. Apples. Ealker, Dr. C. W.— Hamilton. Apples. Elliott, Mrs. J. A. — Hamilton. Apples. Elliott, Hazel— Hamilton. Apples. Elmer, Uriah— Whitehall. Apples. Engler, Frank— Victor. Apples. Estey, O. C— Bigfork. Apples. Fitch, J. H. C— Kalispell. Apples. Fox, Edwin— Missoula. Pears. Gibford, R. W.— Darby, Apples. Gray, Clark — Hamilton. Apples. Gregg, Richard— Kalispell, Apples, Grubb, G. H.— Kalispell. Apples. Hansen, Andrew — Hamilton. Apples. Hall, R. L. — Eureka. Apples. Hauf, John — Woodside. Apples. Hess, H. L.— Hamilton. Apples. Hightower, A. M.— Stevensville. Apples. Howell, Byron — Plains. Apples. Johnson, E. A — Hamilton. Apples. Kress, Ben — Hamilton. Apples. 18 DEPARTMENT OF HORTICULTURE Krohne, C. O. — Tjivingston. Apples. McElroy, Mrs. — Bigfork. Apples. Milbank, J. T. — Glenn. Apples. Montana Fruit Distrib. — Hamilton. Apples. NicliolsDn, R. B. — Como. Apples. Nicol, R. W. — Hamilton. Apples. Olsen, B. J. — Hamilton. Apples. Pennoyer, L. A. — Hamilton. Apples. Piatt, H. & Son — Como. Apples. Proctor, C. E. — Proctor. Apples. Schiiltz, Wm. — Rollins. Apples. Sc3tt, Willis — Eureka. Apples. Sears, I. H. — Hamilton. Apples. Shellhammer, G. — Hamilton. Apples. Stanford, Geo. S.— Somers. Apples. Taylor, Ray — Hamilton. Apples. Taylor & Welgemuth — Hamilton. Apples. University Orchard — Stevensville. Apples. Wemple, J. L. — Florence. Apples. White, Milo — Florence. Apples. Whiteside, Fred — Kalispell. Apples. Wood, J. C. — Bigfork. Apples, peaches, plums. Yenney, Jesse— Bigfork. Apples, peaches. Young, Claud — Hamilton. Apples. GROUP 149 Wood, Allen L.— Rochester. Boxwood plants. NEVADA Location: Agr. Pal., Av. A, bet. 9tli & lOth. GROUP 147 Boyce, A. M. — Yerington. Processed Fruits. Caliente League— Caliente. Processed Fruits. Cowdery, Walter — Dayton. Processed Fruits. FulstDne, G. H. — Wellington. Processed Fruits. Howard, Gene — Dayton. Processed Fruits. Johnson, M. L. — Dayton. Processed Fruits. McGowan, John — Yerington. Processed Fruits. Sinclair, W. J. — Wellington. Processed Fruits. Snyder, John — ^Yerington. Processed Fruits. Wilson, J. I. — Nordyke. Processed Fruits. NEW YORK Location: 2nd St., cor. Av. D GROUP 14G AUis, Clarke — Medina. Apples. Allis, Seth & Son — Holley. Apples. Austin, James & Son — Kent. Apples. Beckwith, John S. — Albion. Apples. Boiler, Chas. A. & Son — Sodus. Apples. Broadwell, F. G. — Waterport. Apples. Brown, H. L. — Carlton. Apples. Burrows, L. M. — Albion. Apples. Bush, S. J. T. — Morton. Apples. Case, B. J. & Co. — Sodus. Apples. Catchpole, E. W. & Son — North Rose. Apples. Chase, Mrs. Bert. L. — Dresden. Apples. Christensen, S. T. — Penn Yan. Apples. Cowell, S. E. & Son— Kent. Apples. Fullager, H. S. — Penn Yan. Apples. Harding, C. M. — Knowlesville. Apples. Hill, Harvey J. — Medina. Apples. Howard, W. E. & Son — Holley. Apples. LaMont, Geo. — Gaines. Apples. Lattin, Dr. F. H. — Gaines. Apples. Mack, Thos. — Holley. Apples. Miles, H. W. — Waterport. Apples. Mower, C. N. — Waterport. Apples. Nostrand, Peter E. — Shelter Island. Apples. Rupert, Frank E. — Seneca. Apples. Schauber, Geo. R. — Ballston Lake. Apples. Simpson, Geo. D. — Carlton. Apples. Snyder, A. G. — Murray. Apples. Snyder Brothers — Gaines. Apples. Tanner, Leslie — Medina. Apples. Van Vranken, A. Sons — Rexford. Apples. Wellman, H. E.— Kendall. Apples. Wilson, B. G. — Waterport. Apples. Wilson, P. B. & Son — Waterport. Apples. GROUP 147 Gaylord, W. T.— Sodus. Evaporated apples. Martin, E. C — Auburn. Canned, pickled and brandied fruits. OREGON Location: Bet. Avs. C & D, & 6th & 8th Sts. GROUP 146 Douglas County: Roseburg Commercial Club and Growers of the Umpqua Valley. Apples, pears, peaches grapes, cherries. Hood River County: Hood River Commercial Club — Hood River. Colossal model of Spitzenberg apple, semi- relief picture, etc. Apple Land & Orchard Co. — Hood River. Apples. Brink Haven Orchard — Hood River. Ap- ples. King, W. E.— Hood River. Apples. Miller, Gus — Hood River. Apples. Putnam, John R. — Hood River. Apples. Rodwell, Mrs. W. W. — Hood River. Apples. Sears & Porter — Hood River. Apples. Jackson County: Ashland and Medford Fruit Growers. Pears apples, peaches, grapes. Josephine County: Carson, A. H. & Son — Redlands Vineyard. Grapes. Grants Pass Commercial Club. Apples. Robinson, J. H. Peaches. Turner & Augustine — Ellerslee Fruit Farm. Grapes and pears. Lowe, D. M. — Ashland. Apples, apricots, grapes, peaches, pears, strawberries. Union County: Bingaman, Chas. Apples. Chandler, J. A. Apples. Cleaver, Charles. Apples. Dornberger, J. Apples. Larson, J. P. Apples. Riddle, C. M, Apples. Stoddard, J. B. Apples. Wasco County: Cooper, Robert. Cherries. Hostetter, J. C. Apples. Sandoz, Julius. Apples. The Dalles Business Men's Assn. Grapes. Woedeki, Carl. Pears. Willamette Valley Association: Benton, Clackamas, Lane, Linn, Marioiir Polk, Washington and Yamhill counties. Fruits, walnuts. GROUP 147 Cloud Canning Co. — Hood River. Canned fruits. Food Products Co. — Portland. Evaporated fruits. Hood River Apple Vinegar Co. — Hood River. Evaporated apples. Willamette Valley Assn. — Benton, Clackamas, Lane, Linn, Marion, Polk, Washington and Yamhill counties. Dried and processed fruits. GROUP 149 J. B. Pilkington — Portland. Buddleia Mag- nifica and Abelia Rupestris. GROUP 147 National Canner's Association Location: bet. 1st & 2nd Sts. & Avs. B & D. California Iron Works, Riverside, Cal. — Grip box truck for canning and picking houses. Beeves Purley Company, Columbus.Ind — Vari- able speed transmission for blanching ma- chines, exhaust boxes and cookers. DEPARTMENT OF HORTICULTURE 19 UTAH Location: Bet. 8rd & 4tli Sts. & Avs. C & D. GROUP 146 Anderson, Lorenzo — Elwood. Apples. Anderson, Seifus — Elwood. Apples. Ball, L. A.— Logan. Apples. Beatty, T. B. — Tremonton. Apples. Bingham, Andrew — Riverdale. Apples. Bingham, Enoch — Riverdale. Apples. Bingham, S. J. — Riverdale. Apples. Blood, H. C. — Kaysville. Apples. Broby, N. R. — Wellsville. Apples. Burton, John F.— Garland. Apples. Campbell, D. M.— Providencee. Apples. Childs, H. B.— Riverdale. Apples. Christensen, Erastus — Bear River. Apples, Christensen, Theodore E. — Gunnison. Apples, pears, crab apples, plums. Cordner, Jas. — Provo. Apples. Cragun, Edmond — Pleasant Grove. Apples. Creighbaum, Chas.— Odgen. Apples. Culmer, Horace — Pleasant Grove. Apples. Davidson, Wm. — Logan. Apples. Duffin, J. G. — Clearfield. Apples. Eliason, B. F. — Moroni. Peaches. Ercanbrack, Chas. — Provo. Apples. Fisher, Jas.— Provo. Apples. Flanders, Hyrum — Santaquin. Apples. Forsgren, J. H. — Elwood. Apples. Guthrie, J. I.— Layton. Apples. Hansen, Fred — Tremonton. Apples. Hansen, Rasmus — Bear River. Apples, Hansen, Taylor — Manti. Apples. Hickenlooper, O. H.— Ogden. Apples. Holman, Art — Pleasant Grove. Apples Holmgren, David — Trementon. Apples. Holmgren, J. P.— Bear River. Apples. Humphrey, T. G.— Salina. x\pples, pears. Jensen, Jas. P., Jr. — Tremonto^. Apples. Jensen, Jas. P., Sr.— Tremonton. Apples. Jensen, W E. — Freedom. Plums. Johnson, Lewis — Elwood. Apples. Johnson, Olaf — Elwood. Apples. Kelly, Geo. J.— Ogden. Apples. Kent, Bishop — Logan. Apples. Knight, Geo. T. — American Fork. Apples. Knox, F. C. — Tremonton. Apples. Mabey, J. L.— Clearfield. Apples. Marion Orchard Co. — Corinne. Apples. Miller, A. D. — Clearfield. Apples. Monroe, Robert. — Logan. Apples. Monson, Jens. — Pleasant Grove. Apples. Mortensen, Moroni. — Bear River. Apples. National Sav. & Trust Co. — Garland. Apples. Neilsen, N. J. — Hyrum. Apples. Neilsen, D. O.— Hyrum. Apples. Nordgren, Mr. — Hyrum. Apples. Northrop, R. S. — Tremonton. Apples. Nuttal, W. A.— Provo. Apples. Olsen, A. — Ephraim. Prunes. Parker, Gilbert.— Clearfield. Apples. Patten, T. J. — Provo. Apples. Payne, Jos. O.^Clearfield. Apples. Peterson, Frank. — Ogden. Apples. Phillips, Hyrum. — Morgan. Apples. Poulson, O. J. — Provo. Apples. Poulton, Ralph. — Provo. Apples. Pulley, Andrew. — American Fork. Apples. Quayle, Mrs. Betty. — Logan. Apples. Quayle, John. — Logan. Apples. Rasmussen, Pete. — Manti. Apples. Romney, Geo., Jr. — Smithfield. Apples. Rossiter, Mr. — Providence. Apples. Rouche, John E.— Millville. Apples. Schofield, Thomas. — Layton. Apples. Spencer, Frank. — Provo. Apples. Staples, J. L. — Elsinore. Pears, plums. Thinnes, C. F. — Ogden. Apples. Thompson, H. H. — Roy. Apples. Thornton, T. W. — American Fork. Wadley, J. D. — Pleasant Grove. Apples. Warnick, C. B. — Pleasant Grove. Apples. Weidman, J. L. — Bear River. Apples. Weidman, Peter. — Bear River. Apples. West, Lester. — Pleasant Grove. Apples. Wherry Bros. — Riverdale. Apples. Younker, D. A. — Logan. Apples. Zollinger, Wm. — Providence. Apples. GROUP 147 Alfred, Mrs. — Salina. Processed fruits. Andelin, O. W. — Provo. Processed fruits, Anderson, J. C. — Oak City. Processed fruits. Anderson, L. — Brigham. Processed fruits. Anderson, P. — Price. Processed fruits. Anderson, Parley. — Richfield, Processed fruits. Anderson, S. C. — Oak City. Processed fruits. Bagley, E. S. — Cottonwood. Processed fruits. Bannon, J. F. — Draper. Processed fruits. Barber, Jas. — Syracuse. Processed fruits. Barlow, Israel. — Ogden. Processed fruits. Barnes Orchard Co. — Clearfield. Processed fruits. Baum, F. — Ileber. Processed fruits. Beatty Farm Co.— Tremonton. Processed fruits. Brown, C. F. — Tooele. Processed fruits. Bryson, J. D. & Sons. — Bountiful, Processed fruits. Butler, Mr. — Collrutch. Processed fruits. Carrera, Chas. — Helper. Processed fruits. Carter, R. O.— Provo. Processed fruits. Chay, Lee. — Salt Lake County. Processed fruits. Christensen, T. E. — Gunnison. Processed fruits. Cleland, A. J.— Ogden. Processed fruits. Craig, Wm. — Ogden. Canned fruits. Crane, A. — Mt. Pleasant. Processed fruits. Creighbaum, Chas.— Ogden. Processed fruits. Davis, E. — Provo. Processed fruits. c^ Davis, W. D. — Minersville. Processed fruits, Downard, Geo. — Price. Processed fruits. Downes, Jas. — Provo. Processed fruits. Drake, J. W. — Green River. Processed fruits. Duffin, Mrs. — Woods Cross. Processed fruits. Duffin, S. — Clearfield. Processed fruits. Dutson, E. — Oak City. Processed fruits. Egbert, Mr. — West Jordan. Processed fruits, Elliason, B. F. — Moroni. Processed fruits. Erickson, F. — Salt Lake County. Processed fruits. Evans, Geo. — Granger. Processed fruits. Faddes, Bert. — Processed fruits. Fitzgerald, M. — Draper. Processed fruits. Flanders, H. — Santaquin. Processed fruits. Forsgren, J. H.^Treraonton. Processed fruits. Frye, W. H. — Price. Processed fruits. Fullmer, Sam C. — Mapleton. Processed fruits. Garff, P. — Draper. Processed fruits. Gibson, Fred. — Clearfield. Processed fruits. Hamblin, F. M. — Clearfield. Processed fruits. Hanks, A. — Clearfield. Processed fruits. Hansen, F. P. — Bear River. Processed fruits. Hansen, R. — Tremonton. Processed fruits. Hobson, F. H. — Coalville. Processed fruits. HoUingshead, S. — Minersville. Processed fruits. Holmgren, D. — Bear River. Processed fruits. Horsley, E. J. — Price. Processed fruits. Huff, J. A. — Moab. Processed fruits. Humphrey, T. G.— Salina. Processed fruits. Isaacson, Carl. — Brigham. Processed fruits. Jensen, A. E. — Freedom. Processed fruits. Jensen, C. J. — West Jordan. Processed fruits. Jensen, J. — Holliday. Processed fruits. Jensen, Leo — Elwood. Processed fruits. Jensen, N, A. — Pleasant Grove. Processed fruits. Jones, D. — Bountiful. Processed fruits. Jones, Jas. — Price. Processed fraits. Todd, J. S. — Green River. Processed fruits. Kelly, Geo. J. — Ogden. Processed fruits. Kelsey, W. M. — Minersville. Processed fruits. Knudson, W. O. — Brigham. Processed fruits. 20 DEPARTMENT OF HORTICULTURE Lance, Myron. — Moab. Processed fruits. Larson, L. — Holliday. Processed fruits. Liddell, P. — Wellington. Processed fruits. Lindgren, O. — Bountiful. Processed fruits. Mabey, J. L. — Clearfield. Processed fruits. Madson, G. B. — Mapleton. Processed fruits. McCleary, C, J. — American Fork. Processed fruits. McMichael, E. — Coalville. Processed fruits. Miller, Mrs. — Spring Glen. Processed fruits. Miller, J. P. — Moab. Processed fruits. Mortensen, M. — Honeyville. Processed fruits. Moss, John H. — Woods Cross. Processed fruits. Naylor, Fred. — Murray. Processed fruits. Nelson, M. C. — Geneva. Processed fruits. Newell, E. — Provo. Processed fruits. Nokes, C. M. — Riverton. Processed fruits. Nuttal, Mr. — Provo. Processed fruits. Olsen, A. — Ephraim. Processed fruits. Pack, David.— Bountiful. Processed fruits. Packard, Mr. — Corinne. Processed fruits. Palmer, Geo. W. — Fai-mington. Processed fruits. Park, D. S. — Provo. Processed fruits. Payne, Jos. P. — Clearfield. Processed fruits. Pelton, Mrs. N. — Woods Cross. Processed fruits. Perkins, Jasper. — Centerville. Processed fruits. Peterson, John. — Moab. Processed fruits. Phillips, H. — Porterville. Processed fruits. Porter, C. A. — Payson. Processed fruits. Porter, Mr. — Morgan. Processed fruits. Poulson, O. J. — Provo. Processed fruits. Poulson, R. — Pleasant Grove. Processed fruits. Poy, John.— Salt Lake County. Processed fruits. Prltchett, T. M. — Fairview. Processed fruits. Pulley, A. — American Fork. Processed fruits. Rasmussen, E, N. — Ogden. Processed fruits. Richens, W. F.— Provo. Processed fruits. Robert Bros. — Green River. Processed fruits. Roberts, Gus.— Bountiful. Processed fruits. Rose, Mrs. A. T. — Farmington. Processed fruits. Ryland, Geo.— Price. Processed fruits. Sacramento Bros. — Spring Glen. Processed fruits. Sappmyer, B. — Provo. Processed fruits. Scorup, J. H.— Salina. Processed fruits. Seddon, S. M. T. — Union. Processed fruits. Seegmiller, W. H.— Richfield. Processed fruits. Sheffer, Mrs. — Bountiful. Processed fruits. Smith, E. E. — Bountiful. Processed fruits. Smith, J. M. — Heber. Processed fruits. Smith, J. M. & Sons. — Draper. Processed fruits. Smith, J. O. — Centerville. Processed fruits. Smith, J. O.— East Mill Creek. Processed fruits. Smith, L. H. — Draper. Processed fruits. Smith, Ray.— St. George. Processed fruits. Smith, W. B. — American Fork. Processed fruits. Southern Experiment Farm. — St. George. Pro- cessed fruits. Spaulding, T. D.— Green River, Processed fruits. St. George Experiment Station.— St. George. Processed fruits. Star Canning Co.— Roy. Canned fruits. Stay, J. C— Salt Lake County. Processed fruits. Stayles, J. L. — Elsinore. Processed fruits. Steed, E. V. — Clearfield. Processed fruits. Stoddard, A. P. — Minersville. Processed fruits. Stringham, Dr. — Bountiful. Processed fruits TaUman, D.— Bountiful. Processed fruits. Waddoups, Thomas.— Bountiful. Processed fruits. Wadley, R. D. — Pleasant Grove. Processed fruits. Walker, Simon. — Oak City. Processed fruits. Walton, J. T. — Centerville, Processed fruits. Warwick, C. P. — Pleasant Grove. Processed fruits. Wasatch Orchard Co. — Ogden, Canned fruits. Webb, Mr. — Salt Lake County, Processed fruits. Weldemon, P. — Tremonton. Processed fruits. Wherry Orchard. — Ogden. Processed fruits. Wicks, J. M. — Leeds. Processed fruits. Williams, H. E. — Syracuse. Processed fruits, Wilson, S. M. — Green River. Processed fruits. Winters, Mr. — Pleasant Grove. Processed fruits. Wood, Wm. B. — Minersville. Processed fruits. Woodbury, W. H. — Granger. Processed fruits, Woodhouse, E. P. — Provo. Processed fruits. Workman, A. — Hurricane. Processed fruits. World, H. J. — Price. Processed fruits. Worsley, W, W. — Farmington. Processed fruits. Wright Whittier Canning Co. — Ogden. Can- ned fruits. Youngberg, J. A.— West Point. fruits. Processed WASHINGTON. Location: Bet. 4th & 6th Sts., & Avs. C & D. GROUP 144 Yakima Valley: Price Fruit Sizer Co. — North Yakima. Ap- ple sizing machine in operation. GROUP 146 Austin Wood Yard — Sunnyside. Apples. Baird, Jerome — Sunnyside. Apples. Ferrell, O. R. — Sunnyside. Apples. Kyler Brothers — Sunnyside. Apples. Scoon, J. C. — Sunnyside. Apples. Walla Walla County and Valley: Anspach, C. H.— ^State Line. Apples. Baker-Langdon — Walla Walla. Apples. Blalock Fruit Co.— Walla Walla. Apples. Brash, John — Walla Walla. Apples. Duncan, Gavin — Walla Walla. Apples. Hammitt, L. F. — State Line. Apples. Hansen, G.— Walla Walla. Apples. Harris, W. S. — Waitsburg. Apples. Hobson, G. — State Line. Apples. O'Brien. C. S.— Walla Walla. Apples. Pacific Fruit & Produce Co.— Walla Walla, Apples. Taggard, .L. D.— Waitsburg. Apples. . . Walla Walla Commercial Club — Walla Walla. Photographs. Walla Walla County & Valley — Apple Feat- ure. Warwick, W. G. — Dayton. Apples. Zanow, J. — Walla Walla. Apples. Wilkinson, R, H. — Sunnyside. Apples. Yakima Valley: Lynch & Taylor — North Yakima. Apples. North Yakima Commercial Club — N. Yak- ima. Photographs. Richer & Gilbert — North Yakima. Apples. Thompson Fruit Co. — North Yakima. Apples. Wright Fruit Co — North Yakima. Apples. Yakima County Horticultural Union — North Yakima. Apples. Yakima Fruit Growers' Exchange. — North Yakima. Apples. Yakima Valley Fruit Growers' (Assn. — North Yakima. Apples. DEPARTMENT or HORTICULTURE 21 GROUP 147 Yakima Valley: Spokane Chamber of Commerce— Spokane. Downs, Warren— North Yakima. Canned Vpplo products. peaches. Goldendale, Wash. — Processed fruits. Walla Walla County and Valley: North Yakima Commercial Club. — North Yakima. Processed fruitS; lUalock Fruit. Co. — Walla Walla. By-prod- Yakima Fruit Products Co. — No. Yakima. nets exhibit — Dried fruits. Evaporated fruit. Walla Walla Commercial Club — Walla GROUP 148 Walla. Processed fruits. Downs, Warren — North Yakima. Peach tree. 22 DEPARTMENT OF HORTICULTURE Foreign Section CUBA Location: 1st St., cor. Av. C & Conservatory GROUP 146 Cuban Government — Citrus fruits, tropical and semi-tropical fruits, cocoanuts, etc. GROUP 147 Cuban Government — Processed fruits. GROUP 149 Cuban Government — Exhibit in Conservatory: Palms, ferns, shrubs and plants. JAPAN FRANCE GROUP 149 Fernet-Du'clier — Lyons. Roses. Block 18. GERMANY GROUP 149 Lambert, Peter — Trier (Treves). Roses. Block 18, Block 8, Bed XII. GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND GROUP 149 Bide, S. S., & Sons, Ltd. — Farnham, England. Roses. Block 18. Dickson, Hugh, Ltd., Royal Nurseries — Bel- fast, Ireland. Roses. Block 18. Dobbie & Co. — Edinburgh, Scotland. Roses. Block 18. Kelway & Son — Langport, Somerset, England. Flowering annuals. Block 18,Bed XXXXVIII McGredy, Samuel & Son — Portadown, Ireland. Roses. Block 18. Sutton & Sons — Reading, England. Flowering annuals. Block 18, Bed XXXVII A & B. NETHERLANDS GROUP 149 Horticultural Federation of the Netherlands. Large collective exhibit of trees, shrubs and plants. Blocks 2.3, 24, 25, 20, 27 and 28. Horticultural Gardens. GROUP 144 Block 1, Horticulture Gardens Yokohama Uyeki Kabushiki Kaisha — Kanag- awa. Ornamental articles for gardens and miniature garden. GROUP 146 Location: Av. A, cor. 4th St. Bureau of Agriculture, Department of Agri- culture and Commerce — Tokyo. Photo- graphs and pictures showing the cultivation of citron and the system of inspection. Kishnu Citron Assn. — Wakayama. Citron. Shizuoka Citron Assn. — Shizuoka. Citron. Soshu' Citron Assn. — Kanagawa. Citron. GROUP 148 Block 1, Horticulture Gardens Chiyoda Nursery Co. — Aichi. Citron and wild orange trees. Kubo, Buhei — Hyogo. Wild orange trees. Ishiguro, Kaichi — Aichi. Citron and wild orange trees. Watase, Torajiro — Tokyo. Peach, pear, per- simmon and flowering crabapple trees. Wada, Tokuso — Tokyo. Peach, pear, persim- mon and flowering crabapple trees. GROUP 149 Block 1, Horticulture Gardens Yokohama Nursery Co. — Kanagawa. Flowers and nlants. Av, A, cor. 4th St. (Syrica flower basket) ; Av. M (conservatory plants). Domoto Bros., Oakland, Cal. Trees and plants. Kijiro Akashi — Fukuoka. Agelia. Kotaro Tanaka— Tokyo. Lilies and dwarf trees. Nagaomura Kawabe Yengeigyo — Hyogo. Flow- ers and bulbs. Nippon Yengei Kabushiki Kaisha — Hyogo. Flowers and Bulbs. Seitaro Arai — Kanagawa. Lilies. Yokaro Kondo — Aichi. Bulbs. Yokohama Uyeki Kabushiki Kaisha — Kanag- awa. Trees, plants and dwarf trees. Yoshino-yen — Tokyo. Iris. Yugen Sekinin Fukoku Yurine Shinyo Kobi.— Kobai Hanbai Kumiai — Saitama. Lilies. 1INm»^ME1Ami(iY Catalogue^ ExiHObitorcS PANAAA- PACIFIC INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITION SAN FRANCI5CD 1915 Price 25^ J]. A 6 O b ,^ /^ \ o i> o o o ci o o Q f' •< e. '^ a o o oo oo <.;:;;^crf ^^ ^ Pure and Permanent Iron Why is Armco-American Ingot Iron Resistant to Rust than Steel or Any Other Iron? More NE of the triumphs of modern science is the understand- ing which has been achieved of the nature of corrosion or rust. Tt has been definitely learned that rusting is an electro-chemical action which has as its basis tht chemical or physical differences between the various portions of a metal which is exposed to air and moisture. The chemical dififerences between various points on the sur- face of a sheet or plate of iron are most effectively and surely abolished by making the metal just as nearly as possible of one substance, i. e., of the highest attainable purity. In Armco- American Ingot Iron, the total of foreign substances is reduced to less than one-sixth of one per cent. The physical differences in iron or steel result from the pres- ence of occluded gases (the mark of unskilful handling in the fur- nace or the ladle) — from the coarse or uneven crystallization which follows improper heat treatment and rolling (and which is only partially remedied by the ordinary practice in annealing) — and from the permanent stresses or strains which result from rapid or careless working at any stage. In the making of Armco Iron, each of these processes is the object of constant watchfulness on the part of men who have at their command the results of years of research, whose instructions are always to work for quality rather than tonnage, and whose ambition is to maintain and to heighten the reputation of their product. The American Rolling Mill Company Licensed Manufacturers under Pat- ents granted to The International Metal Products Company. Armco-American Ingot Iron Black and Galvanized Sheets, Roofing, Pipe, Gutter, IVIetal Lath and Terne Plate. The trade mark ARIVICO carries the assurance that iron bearing that mark is manufactured by The American Rolling Mill Company with the skill, intelligence and fidelity associated with its products, and hence can be de- pended upon to possess in the highest degree the merit claimed for it. Middletown, Ohio District Sales Offices at Chicago, Pittsburgh, Detroit, Cleveland, New York, St. Louis and Cincinnati. PANAMA-PACIFIC INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITION SAN FRANCISCO OFFICE OF THE FRESIDENT , (July 10 1914^, ' To Whota It May Cone«k'n> This is to certify thot th© Itohlgreen Company ."of v^ich^ Ur. G. A. ttohlgreen is the President and Manager, has been given a con* tract by the Panaoa-Pacific International Exposition Company euthcriting and requiring the Wahlgreen Company to publish the official dsily pro- graone, official catalogue, official hand-book, official guide and of- ficial oaps of the Exposition. Copyright PANAMA-PACIFIC INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITION San Francisco, 1915. Official Catalogue of Exhibitors Panama-Pacific International Exposition San Franciscot California, I9i5 CHAS* C MOORE President Dir cctof -in-Chief FREDERICK J. V, SKIFF Division of Exhibits ASHER CARTER BAKER, Director Department L MINES AND METALLURGY CHAS. E. BUNWELD, Chief Preliminary Edition Published for the Division of Exhibits by The Wahlgreen Company, Official Ptiblishcrs San Franciscot J9J5 PREFACE By Asher Carter Balder, Director of Exhibits A modern, universal exposition is an encyclopedia of man's words and works. It is a collection of the achievements and productivity of man for exam- ination by the International Jury of Awards, and constitutes a compact, classified, indexed compendium of man's activity in all phases, extending to the most material as well as to the most refined products. It is estimated that a million objects are exposed in the various displays installed within the palaces, in foreign, state and special pavilions. To properly classify, group and arrange alphabetically all the exhibits of an exposition of such international scope, is a task of such magnitude as to make it impossible to provide a complete catalogue of these exhibits on opening day of the Exposition. This edition of the official catalogue is therefore presented preliminary to the revised and complete catalogue which will be issued within a few weeks, and to the preparation of which, in realization of its extraordinary value as a document of general and commercial reference, special care is being given. The present volume, however, capably serves the purpose for which it is designed, as an early index of the infinite variety of interesting exhibits which are the concrete evidences of the industrial, educational and artistic advancement of the world. Acknowledgment is hereby offered of the excellent co-operation received in the compilation of this catalogue from the Commissioners-General of participating nations, officers of State Commissions, individual exhibitors, and more particularly, th6 various officers of the Division of Exhibits, and the Official Catalogue Com- pany, publishers of the catalogue. MINES AND METALLURGY Official Catalogue Department L CLASSIFICATION OF EXHIBITS Working of Mines, Ore Beds and Stone Quarries Minerals and Stones, and Their Utilization Mine, Metallurgical and Oil Models, Maps, Photo- graphs Metallurgy Literature of Mining and Metallurgy c ' ■ ■ — rr E 3PLANADE M«(N NORTH EUTtVtKZ • iP 5 - U N I I 36 Wl l!TE Di|STA TE ^ V E E N M E i^r T I I 34 38 1 1 10 AVENye B 1 1 6 1 1 h- t 1- 1 - 7 ■ r 32 ■ AVENUE C IS le 27 AvawuE D COURT ENTRANCE COURT OF ABUNDANCE JC«l.t 0» MtT£»3 26 23 I I rx AVENUE E 24 N3n. fjrjj'. .MEj I ENTRANCe FLOOR PLAN PALACE OF MINES ti I^IETALLURGY PAJNAMA-RACIFIC INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITION OPENS FEsmjAirr Eo SAN FRANCI5CO USA.-19I5 closes INTRODUCTION Department of Mines and Metallurgy BY CHARLES E. van BARNEVALD Chief of Department. The Palace of Mines and Metallurgy is situated at the northeast corner of the main group of Exhibit Palaces, fronting the Marina and flanked by the Avenue of Progress. Its southwest corner adjoins the beautiful Court of Abun- dance, an architectural gem symbolizing the successive geologic stages of the world's development, the dynamic agencies of earth, air, water and fire. The thought of evolution is strikingly brought out in the embellishment of this building by the spontaneity with which all architectural lines flow into sculptural orna- mentation. The Court is wonderfully enriched by the magnificent Brangwyn mural paintings. One of these panels on the southwestern corner of the Palace depicts a group of mediaeval artisans working metals with fire. The Palace is rectangular in form and covers an area of roughly six acres, surmounted by a dome 1 65 feet in height. c The Department of Mines and Metallurgy deals with the natural mineral resources (metallic, non-metallic and fuels) of the world; their exploration and exploitation; their conversion into metal; their manufacture into structural forms and into raw materials for the various industries. The object of the Mines and Metallurgical exhibit is two fold. First, to draw attention to the natural mineral resources of each country, state and com- munity so that the public may learn of the mode of occurrence of the minerals and metals of commerce and of their distribution; of the stage of development of the various countries and districts; of present and possible future sources of supply and consumption; of general market and trade conditions in the many industries which are based on the utilization of mineral resources. Second, to educate the public in a general way regarding the details of the numerous sub- divisions of this great basic industry, both at home and abroad, in the hope that the hundreds of thousands who will visit the Palace will tarry long enough to grasp the tremendous importance of this industry in the development and settle- ment not only of the United States but of the World. The aim of this Department has been to illustrate every mineral of economic importance, not merely by mineralogical and geological specimens, but by com- plete industrial exhibits which begin with the undeveloped mineral resource, end with the article sold to the retail trade of the country and show, insofar as pos- sible, the intermediate processes of mining, reduction and manufacture. Especial attention has been given to petroleum and coal, to copper, to lead and zinc, to the precious metals, to the gems and semi-precious stones. The iron and steel industry is shown by the most comprehensive and complete exhibit ever assembled. The rarer minerals and processes for their reduction have received due attention, particularly the radio-active ores. A co-operative metallurgical exhibit has been arranged where standard metallurgical methods will be illustrated on a working scale. An open Metal- lurgical Forum will be conducted by the United States Bureau of Mines. It is expected that this will prove to be a rendezvous for technical men from all parts of the world and that many important problems will be investigated during the life of the Exposition. Mining methods are illustrated by a novel and most instructive exhibit beneath the floor of the Palace in THE DEMONSTRATION MINE. The leading metal mining companies and coal producers of the United States, and the various manufacturers of machinery and equipment, have joined in a compre- hensive exhibit illustrating mine practice. Iron mining on the Iron Ranges of Lake Superior, copper mining in Arizona and Montana, lead-silver mining in Idaho, gold mining in South Dakota; coal mining on the Pacific Coast, in Wyoming, in Pennsylvania and in West Virginia are shown by full size stopes and rooms, together with all the incidental surface and underground equipment — a truly educational exhibit. Other types of mining are fully illustrated in the underground motion picture theatre. Daily demonstrations of mine rescue work will be given. In short, the exhibits in the Palace of Mines and Metallurgy are truly representative of the important industry which this Department is designed to serve. HOW TO LOCATE AN EXHIBIT The Palace of Mines and Metallurgy is laid out in blocks, which are consecutively numbered from 1 to 36, inclusive, as shown on the floor plan. The aisles are designated as streets (First to Seventh), running north to south, and as avenues (A to E), from east to west. To locate an exhibitor refer to the names, alphabetically arranged under the exhibit group to which each belongs in the official classi- fication, and note the aisle location following each name. Street and Avenue signs are erected at their intersection on the corners of all blocks. The United States Government exhibits, including Bureau of Mines, Geological Survey, United States Mint and United States Postoffice, will be found in the northwest corner of the building. The Demonstration Mine and the Co-operative Metallurgical Exhibit are situated near the main north entrance on Avenue B and Fifth Street. Fine Arts Palace Fn. A. Pal. Education Palace Ed. Pal. Liberal Arts Palace Lb. A. Pal. Manufactures Palace Mfr. Pal. Varied Industries Palace V. I. Pal. Machinery Palace Mch. Pal. Transportation Palace Trns. Pal. Agriculture Palace Agr. Pal. Food Products Palace Fd. Pr. Pal. Live Stock Palace Lv. St. Pal. Horticulture Palace Hor. Pal. Mines and Metallurgy Palace Min. Pal. 10 DEPARTMENT OF MINES AND METALLURGY Class 743. Class 744. Class 745. Class 746. Class 747. Class 748, Class 749. Class 750. Class 751. Class 752. Class 753. Class 754. Class 755. Class 756. Class 757. Class 758. Class 759. Class 760. Class 761. Hass 762. Class 763. MINES AND METALLURGY Official Classification of Exhibits GROUP 152 WORKING OF MINES, ORE BEDS AND STONE QUARRIES (Equipment and Processes.) Equipment and methods of geological surveys, mining bureaus, societies and other institutions for the promotion of mining. Instruments and equipment for surface and underground surveys and examinations in connection with mining. Equipment and methods of prospecting for mineral veins and deposits, for build- ing stones, coal, petroleum, natural gas, artesian waters, etc. Equipment and methods for sampling, assaying, analyzing or testing ores, metals and other minerals and mineral products. Equipment and methods for drilling, cutting or otherwise breaking down rock, ore, or other mineral in quarries, open cuts or mines ; sinking shafts, opening galleries, drifts or tunnels. Explosives and methods for storing, handling, tha-wnng, placing and firing the same, in mines, quarries and deep wells; different classes of explosives, and methods and equipment for testing the same. Equipment for, and methods of mining coal and other minerals, and of timbering or otherwise securing mine shafts, drifts, rooms, stopes, etc., or tunnels, and of preventing surface subsidence over mines. Electric, compressed air, or other motors, for use in opening and operating mines and quarries, and for operating equipment for handling ores and other minerals. (See Classes 459 and 464.) Equipment and methods for the underground handling and transportation of ore, coal, etc., including mine cars, haulage engines and rope, and locomotives using compressed air, electricity, gasoline, alcohol, etc. (See Class 460.) Machinery and appliances for draining mines and quarries. (See Class 462.) Equipment for and methods of ventilating mines. Equipment for and methods of lighting mines: oils, acetylene, electricity; safety lamps, testing and cleaning lamps ; lamps and other appliances for testing mine gases. Equipment and methods for mine safety; safety appliances and methods, including signals, mine telephones, etc. ; safety devices ; methods of preventing dust explosions and other accidents; equipment and devices for fighting mine fires; mine laws, rules and regulations in behalf of safety, in mines and quarries. Equipment and methods for mine rescue work, apparatus for artificial respiration, and other appliances; equipment and methods of resuscitating persons overcome by electric shock or by mine gases; equipment and methods iu first aid to the injured in mines; equipment and methods in mine sanitation. Equipment and methods for handling and weighing mine products at the mine, and for their above-surface transportation; tipples, screens, picking tables, etc.; railways, tramways, inclined planes, belt conveyors, loose cables, aerial cables, wire rope for mining purposes, trolleys, etc. ; appliances for loading and un- loading wagons, boats, cars, etc. Machinery, appliances and methods for working gases or minerals in liquid form or in solution, such as petroleum, natural gas, salt, sulphur, etc.; appliances and methods for capping and plugging gas and oil wells; pipe lines, storage facilities, etc. Equipment and methods used in quarrying stone and other materials requiring similar operations. Equipment and methods used in excavation, in open-pit and placer mining; steam shovels, dredges, and hydraulic mining equipment ; special methods of storing and conveying water, etc. (See Classes 199 and 466.) GROUP 153 MINERALS AND STONES, AND THEIR UTILIZATION Systematic collections in geology, general mineralogy, crystallography and paleon- tology. Collections illustrating the structure, modes of occurrence and origin of ore deposits, and other mineral deposits, with maps showing their distribution. Building materials: ornamental and building stones, rough hewn, sawed or pol- ished ; stones for highway construction and other purpose^ Mechanical appliances and processes used in cutting, sawing, shaping and polish- ing marble, granite, slate, and other building stone. Equipment and processes for crushing, separating, washing or drying rocks, clays and other minerals. DEPARTMENT OF MINES AND METALLURGY 11 Class 764. Building materials: rocks which produce lime or cement. Processes and appli- ances used in the preparation and utilization of lime, cement and plaster; their products and uses; artificial stone; reinforced concrete. Group 765. Building materials: clays, fuller's earth, kaolin, feldspar, siKca, sand and rock, quartz and other substances used in the manufacture of earthenware and of building materials such as brick, paving brick, paving and roof tiles, pipe, terra cotta, glass, etc.; processes of utilization with specimens of their products; brick and tile making machinery. Prepared rootings using mineral base other than asphalt and bitumen. Class 766. Grindstones, whetstones, pumice stones: other natural and artificial mineral abrasives, including carborundum, alundum, etc. ; processes of their manufacture and their use. Class 767. Refractory rocks, fire clays and sands. Moulding sands. Class 768. Mica, asbestos, meerschaum, fluorspar, graphite (plumbago), gypsum and other non-metallic minerals; processes of utilization with their products. Class 769. Gems and precious stones ; lapidary work ; artificial gem materials and their preparation. Class 770. Common salt, nitrates, sulphates, borates, and other natural salts; methods of purification with their products. Class 771. Mineral waters; artesian water conditions; utilization of water. Class 772. Sulphur and pyrite; process of utilization, with their products. Class 773. Mineral and vegetable paints; dye stuffs, pigments, varnishes and fillers; processes of preparation and their products; painting and glazing. Class 774. Mineral fertilizers; natural and artificial sources of nitrogen; potash and phos- phates; processes of preparation, with their products. Class 775. Asphalt and asphaltic rocks; mineral bitumen and wax; amber, jet, etc.; processes for obtaining, treating, refining, and utilizing, and their products as used in building materials, roofing and paving. Class 776. Mineral fuels and luminants; peat, lignite, bituminous coal, anthracite; coal dust and compressed coal ; petroleum and its products ; mineral gases. Equipment for crushing, separating, and washing coal. Equipment and processes for briquetting or otherwise compressing fuels ; for preparing coke and by-products ; for storing, refining, and handling petroleum and natural gas products. Clas* 777. Metallic ores of every kind, and products. Native metals. Radium. Class 778. Artificial mineral products, their preparation and use. GROUP 154 MINE, METALLURGICAL AND OIL MODELS, MAPS, PHOTOGRAPHS Class 779. Maps, charts, photographs, transparencies, and models illustrating geologic and topographical features, their relation to mineral deposits; the structure and mode of occurrence of mineral deposits. Mine models, working plans of mines and of mine transportation systems. Models of metallurgical plants. Maps, photographs, lantern slides, moving pictures, etc., of mining and metal- lurgical operations, plants, camps, etc. GROUP 155 METALLURGY Class 780. Equipment, methods and processes used, and products obtained; (a) in the hand- ling of ores, such as hand sorting, conveying, elevating, weighing, sampling, etc.; (b) in the preparation of ores, such as breaking, crushing, pulverizing, grinding, washing, drying, etc.; (c) in the concentration, separation and classi- fication of ores, such as screens and trommels, jigs, sand and slime separators, slime settling and thickening devices, dry vanners, etc. ; water clarifiers, flota- tion processes with the aid of oil, gas, etc. ; magnetic and electrostatic concen- tration, decrepitation, briquetting, sintering, etc. (See also Class 460.) Class 781. Equipment, materials, processes, products and by-products concerned in the treat- ment of the ores of iron for pig iron ; equipment for smelting iron ores ; blast furnaces and accessories ; furnace construction ; appliances used in operating furnaces and in handling and utilizing furnace products. Equipment for mea- suring furnace temperatures. Equipment and methods in the generation and use of gases, the preparation and use of liquid and solid fuels, generation, drying and heating of blast ; handling and use of slags ; recovery, use of and injuries from dust, fumes, etc. Varieties of pig iron. Class 782. Equipment, methods and products of the manufacture and use of refractory ma- terials for metallurgical purposes (bricks, blocks, crucibles, retorts, etc.) Class 783. Equipment, materials, processes and products concerned in the manufacture of Bessemer, open hearth, crucible and electrically-refined steel; ingots, billets, blooms, slabs, steel castings and other semi-finished material; re-heating fur- naces, hammers, presses and rolls used in shaping these. Various processes of manufacturing iron or steel directly from the ores, such as electric smelting and refining, etc. Class 784. Equipment, materials, processes and products concerned in the manufacture of special and alloy steels, including the preparation of manganese, chromium, nickel, vanadium, tungsten and other metals used therein; copper steels. Class 785. Equipment, materials, processes and products concerned in producing and refining wrought iron. 12 DEPARTMENT OF MINES AND METALLUEGY Class 786. Equipment, methods, processes and products in the manufacture of iron and steel in finished commercial forms, such as merchant bar, hoop iron, band iron, bars for wire drawing, iron and steel wire; wire rope, wire mesh fabric and rein- forcing bars ; iron and steel of standard or special sections, armor plates, sheet iron and sheet steel for commercial building, metallurgical and other purposes; fabricated steel for construction purposes, such as columns, beams and girders for bridges, transmission towers, buildings, etc.; rails, axles, tires, wheels, large forgings, gun barrels, projectiles, ordnance equipment, other than naval, and its production. Testing. Illustrative material. Class 787. Equipment, processes and products in the manufacture of welded and seamless metal pipes and tubes, other than cast iron pipes. Class 788. Metal plates and screens, flanged, stamped, cut, decorated and perforated, and their production. Production and use in metallurgical operations of wire cloth and screens. Class 789. General foundry equipment. Foundry processes and products. Class 790. Equipment, materials, and processes used in the metallurgy of copper, and products obtained. Treatment of ores, production of copper and copper alloys, bronze and brass, in ingots, bars, sheets, wire and other forms. Electrolytic and other processes used in refining copper, and in separating the accompanying gold, silver, and other substances. Class 791. Equipment, materials and processes used in the metallurgy of gold and silver, including amalgamation, hydrometallurgy, cyanidation, etc., and products ob- tained. Treatment of the ores: retorting amalgam, refining precipitates and electrolytic slimes; parting of gold and silver; melting, refining, stamping and shipping bullion; mint processes and products. Gold and silver in bars and other forms. Class 792. Equipment, materials, and processes used in the metallurgy of lead, and products obtained; treatment of ores, including blast roasting, sintering, briquetting, smelting, etc.; refining of lead bullion and the separation of the associated gold and silver. Production of lead in commercial forms, pigs, bars, sheets, pipes, shot and test lead; lead alloys; white lead and other lead pigments. Class 793. Equipment, materials, and processes used in the metallurgy of zinc, cadmium and mercury, and their alloj's, zinc spelter, metallic zinc in bars and sheets, and zinc white; treatment of galvanizer's dross and zinc skimmings. Class 794. Equipment, materials, and processes used in the metallurgy of aluminum, sjdium, calcium, magnesium, and their alloys, and other metals or alloys produced or refined by electro-metallurgical processes and not otherwise provided for. Class 795. Equipment, materials, and processes used in the metalhirgy of arsenic, antimony, tin, nickel, platinum and other metals not otherwise provided for, and their alloys, such as German silver and monel metal. Clas3 796. Equipment for and processes of recovering and treating gold and silver and other metal waste in the working of these metals, and dust from refiners of precious metals. Appliances, processes, and products for exact rolling, beating and grinding of gold, silver, aluminum, zinc, lead, tin, and other metals and alloys. Apparatus and processes for working platinum and other rare metals. Class 797. Equipment, processes and products of electricity applied to the production and refining of metals and other mineral products not otherwise classified; electro- plating; electric and other methods of welding; electrotyping; and other ap- plications of electricity in metallurgy not otherwise provided for. Class 798. Apparatus and processes (other than electro-metallurgical) for coating metals with more precious, more malleable or more durable metals; case hardening; malleableizing; galvanizing or sherardizing of metals, leading or nickel plating; tin plates (bright, dull, mottled, ornamental, printed) and tin plating. Products. Class 799. Appliances and processes for enameling metallic objects, and products, and other metal coating or protection not otherwise provided for. Products. GROUP 156 LITERATURE OF MINING AND METALLURGY Class 800. Statistics and publications relative to geology, mineralogy, paleontology, topog- raphy, quarrying, mining, mine accidents, metallurgy, the manipulation of mineral products and the development of water resources. DEPARTMENT OF MINES AND METALLURGY 13 GROUP 152 WORKING OF MINES, ORE BEDS, STONE QUARRIES Ackroyd & Best, Ltd., Pittsburgh, Pa. Safety Lamps. The Mine. American Blower Co., Detroit, Mich. Sirroca mine fan. The Mine. American Mine Door Co., Canton, Ohio. Mine door. The Mine. American Well Works, Aurora, 111. Deep well pumps. Mch. Pal., 1st St., Avs. G & G2.' Baldwin Locomotive Works, Philadelphia, Pa. Baldwin-Westinghouse electric mine loco- motive — bar steel frame with trolley and gathering reel. Baldwin-Westinghouse stor- age battery locomotive with bar steel frame. The Mine. Byron Jackson Iron Works, San Francisco, Cal. Pump. The Mine. Coast Mfg. and Supply Co., Livermore, Cal. The Mine. Co-operative Metallurgical Exhibit, U. S. Bureau of Mines and Following Companies. 5th St. & Av. A: Ainsworth & Sons, \Vm. G., Denver, Colo. Assay and analytical balances. Braun Corporation. Los Angeles, Cal. As- say and chemical goods. Braun-Knecht-Heiman Co., San Francisco, Cal. Chemical goods. Keeler Mfg. Co., Salt Lake City, Utah. Assav balance. Tyler Co., W. S., Cleveland, O. Assay screens. Concordia Safety Lamp Co., Pittsburg, Pa. Mfr. Pal. and in The Mine. Electric safety lamps for mines. Consolidated Coal Co., The, Baltimore, Md. The Mine. Denver Engineering Works, Denver, Colo. The Mine. Denver Rock Drill Mfg. Co., Denver, Colo. The Mine. M. A. Peterson, Dist Mgr., 225 Rialto Bklg., San Francisco, Cal. Mining drills and accessories. Draeger Oxygen Apparatus Co., Pittsburg, Pa. Rescue apparatus. The Mine. Economy Engineering Co., Chicago, 111. Mfrs. Mch. Pal., Av. H. bet. 3rd & 4th Sts. Warehouse equipment. Fairmont Mining Machinery Co., West Va. The Mine. ''Fairmont" steel ties for mine tracks: portable electric mine pumps; rotary box car loader model ; railroad car retarder model ; coal mine equipment and supplies. Harron, Rickard & McCone, San Francisco, Cal. Coll. Exh. drilling pumps. Mch. Pal., 4th & r.th Sts., Avs. G & H. Hayward, S. F. & Co., New York, N. Y. The Mine. Hendrie & Bolthoff Mfg. & Supply Co., Denver, Colo. The Mine. Leadville Drill Column Hoist. Hercules Powder Co., San Francisco, Cal. Ex- plosives. Av. B & 7th St. Dynamite; all grades and strengths; blasting powders and blasting supplies: smokeless sporting pow- der; black sporting powder; earth augers; subsoiling bars; explosives for stump blasting: tree planting. Hockensmith Wheel & Mine Car Co., Penn. Station, Pa. The Mine. Homestake Mining Co., Lead, S. D. The Mine. Hendy Iron Works, Joshua, San Francisco, Cal. The Mine. Hughes Bros., Scranton, Pa. The Mine. Ingersoll Rand Co., New York, N. Y. The Mine. Keystone Driller Co., Beaver Falls, Pa. Drill- ing machinery. Mch. Pal., 4th St., bet. Avs. F & G. Koehler Mfg. Co., Marlboro, Mass. Safety mine lamps. The Mine. Lehigh Coal & Nav. Co., Lansford, Pa. The Mine. Lucey Co., J. F.. Pittsburg, Pa. Drilling machinery. Mch. Pal., .5th St. & Av. F. Luitweiler Pumping Engine Co., Rochester, N. Y. Dee'p well pumps. Mch. Pal., Ist & 2nd Sts. & Av. E. Mine Safety Appliance Co., Pittsburg, Pa. The Mine. Missouri, State of. Pi'osp. drill. Drill hole Sects, in tubes and cases. National Lamp Works, Cleveland, O. The Mine. Pac. Portable Cons. Co., Inc., Los Angeles, Cal. Portable house in Oil Camp. Pacific Tank & Pipe Co., San Francisco, CaL Clarifiers. 6th St., bet. Avs. A & B. Sand and slime settling tanks; sump, water, oil and gas tanks; tankage for separating gold and silver; cleaning and refining of ores; zinc shavings and sheets. Pyrene Mfg. Co., New York, N. Y. Firct extinguishers. The Mine. Rosseler & Haaslacher Chemical Co., The, New York. N. Y. Cvanide. 7th St., bet. Avs. A & B. Siebe, Gorman & Co., Ltd., Chicago, 111. The Mine. Simonds Machinery Co.. San Francisco, Cal. Deep well pumps. Mch. Pal., 1st & 2nd Sts. & Av. E. Simmonds Co., John, New York, N. Y. The Mine. Standard Gas Engine Co., San Francisco, Cal, Mine hoists. Mch. Pal., 1st & 2nd Sts., Avs. E & F. Star Drilling Machine Co., Akron, O. Drill- ing machinery. Mch. Pal., 2nd St., Avs. F & G. Sullivan Machinery Co., Spokane, Wash. The Mine. Post puncher for mining pitching coal. Snoerior Oxygen Co., Pittsburg, Pa. Oxygen. The Mine. U. S. Geo. Survey, Washington, D. C. Equip- ment and survey methods. Av. B. U. S. Steel Corr^oration & Subsidiary Cos., New York. N. Y. Collective iron, steel and coal exhibit. Av. D. American Bridge Co., Pittsburg, Pa. Model of coal barge. American Steel & Wire Co., Chicago, 111. Track and tramwav cables. Carnegie Steel Co.. Pittsburg, Pa. Mining and drilling eouipment. National Tube Co., Pittsburg, Pa. Oil well pipe and casing. H. C. Frick Co.. Pittsburg, Pa. Safety and rescue Ex. Oliver Iron Mining Co., Duluth, Minn. Safety and rescue Ex. Tenn. Coal, Iron & R. R. Co., Birmingham. Safetv and rescue Ex. U. S. Coal & Coke Co., Pittsburg, Pa. Safety and rescue Ex. Bunsen Coal Co., Pittsburg, Pa. Safety and rescue Ex. Weber Subterranean Pump Co., New York, N. Y. Mine and artesi^'u well pumps. Mch. Pal., 1st St. fk Av. C?2. Westinghouse Electric & Mfg. Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. Trans. Pal. Baldwin-Westinghouse electric mine locomotive — -bar steel frame with trollev and gathering reel. Baldwin- Westinghouse storage battery locomotive with bar steel frame; mine motors; indus- trial geirs and pinions: industrial motor con- trol. See motor appliances in booths of other exhibitors, in service.' 14 DEPARTMENT OP MINES AND METALLURGY White Co., Cleveland, O. Rescue truck Witherbee Igniter Co., Springfield, Mass. The Mine. Wolf Safety Lamp Co. of America, Inc., New York, N. y. The Mine. Miners' safety and carbide lamps. GROUP 153 MINERALS AND STONES AND THEIR UTILIZATION Anaconda Copper Mining Co., Anaconda, Mont. Minerals, ores. Av. B, bet. 5th & 6th Sts. Andrew & Co., Ltd.. Sheffield, Eng. Rock drills. Mch. Pal., 4th St., bet. Avs. Q & G2. Argentina. Mineral and stones. 5th St., bet. Avs. C & D. Asbestos Protected Metal Co., Beaver Falls, Pa. Roofing. Bureau of Mines. Barber Asphalt Paving Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Roofing materials. Mob. Pal., 5th St. & Av. I. Parrott & Co., San Francisco, Cal., Rep- representatives. See ad. on front cover of Machinery catalog. Barrett Mfg. Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Asphalt products. 7th St., bet. Avs. C & D. Ceresit Waterproofing Co., Chicago, 111. Water- proofing products. Mch. Pal., 5th St, & Av. I. Cement waterproofing and damp- proof products for factories, residences, res- ervoirs, etc, Ceresit Floor Hardener for hard and dustless concrete floors. Weather wear, storm-proof roof coat. China. Minerals and stones. 4th St.. bet. Avs. C & D. Consolidation Coal Co., Fairmont, W. Va Coal. The Mine. Disston, Henry & Sons, Inc., Philadelphia, Pa. Saw Mfr. Av. C, cor 6th St. Foote Mfg. Co., Nunda, N. Y. Mch. Pal , 4th & 5th Sts., bet. C & 02. Concrete mixers and equipment. Fuller & Co., W. P., San Francisco, CaJ. Paints, varnishes. Av. C & 3rd St. Homestake Mining Co., Lead, S. D. Mineral collection. The Mine. International Acheson Graphite Co., Niagara Falls, N. Y. Graphite. Mch. Pal., 3rd & 4th Sts., Av. C2. Jaeger Machine Co.. Columbus, O. Mch Pal., 4th & 5th Sts., bet. Avs. C & C2.' Artificial stone and cement. Koppers Co., H. Model coke ovens. Collec- tive Exhibit. Av. D. MacLeod Co., The, Cincinnati, O. Paint spreading machines. 1st St. & Av. I, Mch. Pal. Missouri, State of. Zinc, lead ores. 6th St. National Canners Association. Hort. Pal 1st & 2nd Sts., & Avs. B & D. Paraffine Paint Co., The, San Francisco, Cal. Ready roofing. Min. Pal., 7th St., cor. Av. C. Plastic caulking cement. Wall board, asbestos roofing, building and roof- ing papers, refined asphaltum, preservative paints, roofing paints, cement and damp- proof paints, cement waterproofing com- pound. Enamels for iron and steel. Gen. Offices: 34 First St., San Francisco, Cal. Parrott & Co., San Francisco, Cal. Cement waterproofing. Mch. Pal. 4th & 5th Sts., Av. I. Redwood Manufacturers Co., San Francisco, Cal. Farm Equipment. Block 36, Mch. Pal. 15,000-gallon "Remco" redwood tank in operation. "Remco" machine-banded redwood stave pipe in operation. Miniature "Remco" redwood tank and tower, sections of "Remco" pipe, machine-banded and con- tinuous stave. Round Mountain Mining Co., Round Mountain, Nev. Gold ores, country rocks, ores and nuggets. Av. B, bet. 2nd & 3rd Sts. Maps, geological sections, photographs relative to geology, mineralogy, quarrying, mining metallurgy, and the manipulation of mineral products. Smith Co., T. L., Milwaukee, Wis. Concrete mixers. Mch. Pal. Parrott & Co., San Francisco, Cal., representatives. See ad. on front cover of Machinery Catalogue. GROUP 153 Standard Oil Co. of California. Asphaltum products. Av. C, bet. 6th & 7th Sts. As- phaltum, road oil, cement, fuel oils, illumin- ating oils, gas oils, lubricating greases, gasoline, lubricating oils, floor oil, liquid gloss. Standard Oil Co. of Indiana. Wax. Av. C, bet. 6th & 7th Sts. Paraffine wax, petro- leum by-products. Comb. Ex. Standard Varnish Works, Chicago, New York, London. Min. Pal. Av. C, bet. 2nd & 3rd Sts. Largest makers of high-grade varnishes in the world. 113 Front St., San Francisco, Cal. Sturtevant Mill Co., Boston, Mass. Manufac- turers: Crushing rolls, pulverizers, screens, automatic scales, laboratory ore sampling machinery. Harron, Rickard & McCone, San Francisco, representatives. Union Oil Company of California, San Fran- cisco, Cal. Producers and refiners. Min. Pal. 6th St. & Av. B. Exhibit of fuel and lubricants in Mch. Pal. Cycloramic scenic display of California oil industry; collec- tion in geology; asphalt for paving, asphalt for highway construction, asphalt for roof- ing, asphalt for coating pipes, asphalt for coating building paper, asphalt for insulat- ing, asphalt for waterproofing, asphalt for joint fitting, asphalt for saturating, asphalt for printer's ink, asphalt for lacquers, as- phalt for rubber substitute, asphalt for coat- ing patent leather; complete line refined petroleum products. Universal Crusher Co., Cedar Rapids, la. Mch. Pal. 4th & 5th Sts., bet. Avs. C & C2. Rock and stone crushers. U. S. Steel Corpn. & Subsidiary Cos., New York. Collective iron, coal and coke exhibit. Av. D. Carnegie Steel Co., Pittsburgh. Fur. coal and coke by-products. Illinois Steel Co., Chicago. Fur. coal and coke by-products. H. C. Frick Coke Co., Pittsburgh. Coal and coke. Universal Portland Cement Co., Chicago. Cement products. H. Koppers Co. Model coke ovens. Uruguay. Minerals and stones. 4th St., bet. Avs. B & C. Valentine & Co., New York. Valspar varnish. (Com. Exhibit). Min. Pal. Vermont Marble Co., Proctor, Vt. Marble for building purposes. V. I., Av. E & 2nd St. Wolverine Lubricants Co. Oils. (Com. Ex- hibit). Min. Pal. GROUP 154 MINE MODELS, MAPS, PHOTOGRAPHS Anaconda Copper Mg. Co., Anaconda, Mont. Maps, photos. Av. B, bet. 5th & 6th »t. Argentina. Mine models, maps, photos. 5th St., bet. Avs. C & D. Bunker Hill & Sullivan Mg. Co., Kellog, Idaho. The Mine. DEPARTMENT OF MINES AND METALLURGY 15 China. Mine model, maps, photos. 4th St., bet. Avs. C & D. Coast Mfg. & Supply Co., Livermore, Cal. Fuse and caps. Consolidated Coal Co., Fairmont, W. Va. The Mine. Homestake Mining Co., Lead, S. D. The Mine. Lehigh Coal & Nav. Co., Lansford, Pa. The Mine. Missouri, State of. Collective exhibit. Mining Palace. North American Construction Co., Bay City, Mich. Oil camp. Pacific Coast Coal Co., Seattle, Wash. The Mine. Pacific Tank & Pipe Co., San Francisco, Cal. Wood stove pipe. 6th St., bet. Avs. A & B. Schuyler, F. B., Berkeley, Cal. Gem Mine reproduction. Av. A & 7th St. Transvaal Chamber of Mines, South Africa. Specimens, photographs. Av. C & 5th St. Uruguay. Mine models, maps, photos. 4th St , bet. Avs. B & C. TJ. S. Geological Survey, Washington, D. C. Charts, photos, maps. Av. B. TJ. S. Steel Corpn. & Subsidiary Cos., New York. Collective iron, steel and coal ex- hibit. Av. D. Carnegie Steel Co., Pittsburgh. Models and photos of steel manufacture. H. C. Frick Coke Co., Pittsburgh. Models and photos, coal mining. Illinois Steel Co., Chicago. Photos, steel manufacture. Oliver Iron Mining Co., Duluth. Models and iron-mining exhibit. Pittsburgh & Conneaut Dock Co., Conneaut. Models and photos, ore handling. GROUP 155 METALLURGY Anaconda Copper Mg. Co., Anaconda, Mont. Copper metals. Av. B, bet. 5th & 6th Sts. Argentine. Metallurgy of ores. 5th St., bet. Avs. C & D. Am. Rolling Mills Co., Middletown, O. Armco iron. 7th St., bet. Avs. C & D. Armco Iron Culvert Mfrs. Assn., Middletown, O. Culverts. Min. Pal., Av. C & 7th St. Corrugated Armco iron culverts, automatic flood gates, pressure head gates, irrigation gates, liennon metal flumes Bristol Co., The, Waterbury, Conn. Record- ing pyrometers. Mch. Pal., 2nd St. & Av. D. Co-operative Metallurgical Exhibit, U. S. Bureau of Mines and the following com- panies. 5th St. & Av. A. Ainsworth & Sons, Wm. G., Denver, Colo. Assay and analytical balances. Braun "Corporation, Los Angeles, Cal. Agi- tators, crushers, mixers, etc. Braun-Knecht-Heiman Co., San Francisco, Cal. Agitators, crushers, mixers, etc. Dorr Cyanide Machinery Co., Denver, Colo. Cyanide tanks. Englehard, Chas. & Co., Rochester, N. Y. Pyrometers. Merrill Metallurgical Co., San Francisco, Cal. Mining equipment. Oliver Continuous Filter Co., San Francisco, Cal. Working model of Oliver filter. Taylor Instrument Co., Rochester, N. Y. Thermometers and pyrometers. Tyler Co., W, S., Cleveland, Ohio. China. Metallurgy of ores. 4th St., bet. Avs. C & D. Denver Engineering Works, Denver, Colo. The Mine. Dodge Manufacturing Co., Mishawaka, Ind. Screens, power-driven. Fairmont Mining Machinery Co., W. Va. The Mine. Fuller, W. P. & Co., San Francisco, Cal. Av. C & Third St. Operating lead mill. Henderson Willis Co., St. Louis, Mo. Weld- ing equipment. Mch. Pal. 2nd St. & Av. F. Homestake Mining Co., Lead, S. D. The Mine Industrial Instrument Co., Foxboro, Mass. Recording pyrometers. Mch. Pal. 3rd St. & Av. C'2. Int'l Acheson Graphite Co., Niagara Falls, N. Y. Mch. Pal. 3rd & 4th Sts., Av. C2. Jahnke Welding & Mfg. Co., San Francisco, Cal. Welding Equipment. Mch. Pal. South Entrance. Krogh Mfg. Co., San Francisco, Cal. Mch Pal. 3rd St., Avs. H & I. Slime Pumps. Lambie Steel Form Co., New York, N. Y. In- terchangeable Steel Moulds. Mch Pal 1st St. and Av. D. Macleod Co., The, Cincinnati, O. Welding equipment. Mch. Pal., 1st St. & Av. I Oil furnaces. Marland, W. J., Oakland, Cal. Coll. Exh In- terchangeable steel moulds. Mch. Pal , 1st St. & Av. D Missouri, State of. Collective exhibit metals. U. S. Steel Corpn. & Subsidiary Cos., New c^ York. Collective iron, steel and coal ex- hibit. Av. D. Am. Bridge Co., Pittsburgh. Steel bridges and buildings. Am. Steel & Wire Co., Chicago. Wire rein- forcing material. Am. Sheet & Tin Plate Co., Pittsburgh. Sheets and tin plates. Carnegie Steel Co., Pittsburg. Raw steel and rolled products. Illinois Steel Co., Chicago. Steel and fin- ished rolled products. National Tube Co., Pittsburgh. Pipes and tubes. Tenn. Coal, Iron & R. R. Co., Birmingham. ' Steel rails. Lorain Steel Co., Johnstown, Pa. Electric track welding. Tinius-Olsen Testing Machine Co. Testing machinery. LITERATURE OF MINING AND METALLURGY GROUP 156 Coast Mfg. & Supply Co., Livermore, Cal. The Mine. CALIFORNIA STATE EXHIBIT Location: Avenue C, between 5th and 6th Streets. GROUP 153 Alameda County. Mineral paints, display of. Henry Cawell Lime & Cement Co. Cement. Kern County. Display: Minerals, stones, fuels, luminants. Kern Trading & Oil Co., S. F. Peg model of oil fields, Kern county. Santa Barbara County. Display of minerals, fuels, luminants. Santa Clara County. Minerals, collective dis- play of. San Joaquin Valley Counties Commission, Fresno, Cal. Minerals and stones, from Calaveras, Madero, Fresno, Mariposa coun- ties. Shasta County. Minerals, collective display of. Siskiyou County. Minerals, collective display of. Southern California Counties Exposition Com- mission, Los Angeles. Mineral fuels and luminants. Los Angeles, San Bernardino and San Diego counties. Minerals and building materials. GROUP 154 Shasta County. Mine models. Siskiyou County. Mine models. Yuba Construction Company. Model dredger. GROUP 155 Straube ManufactUTing Company. Stamp mill. 16 DEPARTMENT OF MINES AND METAIiLURGY NEW YOEK Avenue C Bet. 4tli and 5th Streets GROUP 15;', New York State Museum.— Albany. Mineral resources, origin and deposits. CarbJrunauin Co. — Niagara Falls. Corbar- undum, granite, silicon. New York Lime Co. — Natural Bridge, X. Y. Limestone. Finch, Pruyn Co. — Glen Falls, New York. Marble. Glens Falls, Portland Cement Co. — Glens Falls. Crude products. Paragon Plaster Co. — Artificial gianite ; feld- spar. Kinkel's Sons, P. H. — Bedford. Feldspar, pink and white ; rose quartz. Crown Point Spar Co. — Crown Point. Feld- spar, pegmatite, mill products. Johnson, E. J. — New York City. Slate roofs. Mathews Slate Roof Co. — Poultney, Vermont. Slate roof. Barton & Son, H. H. Co. — Philadelphia, Pa. Garnet matrix and paper. North River Garnet Co. — North River. Gar- net matrix; mill products. Bruyn Hasbrouck. — New Paltz. Grit, rough and shaped. Jos. Dixon Graphite Co. — Jersey City, N. J. Mfg. and products. International Acheson Graphite Co. — Niagara Falls, N. Y. Artificial graphite. U. S, Gypsum Co. — Oakfield. Gypsum, tile, plaster board. Niagara Gypsum Co. — Oakfield. Gypsum, rock, calcined, plaster. Ontario Talc Co. — Gouveneur, N. Y. Talc, fibrous and ground. Uniform Fibrous Talc Co. — Talcville. Talc, fibrous and ground. Worcester Salt Co. — Silver Springs. Salt ; mfg. and products. Sterling Salt Co. — Cuylerville. Rock and re- fined salt. Retsof Salt Co.— Retsof, N. Y. Salt — rock, lump and ground. Onondaga Coarse Salt Association. — Syracusdl Salt by solar evaporation. Solvay Process Co. — Syracuse. Soda com- pounds from limestone and coke. St. Lawrence Pyrites Co. — Herman. Crude pyrite and products. Connors Paint Co., Wm. — Troy'. Mineral pigment. Clinton Metallic Paint Co. — Clinton. Min- eral pigment. Wells Co., James M. — Ogdensburg. Mineral pigment. Vacuum Oil Co. — Olean and Rochester. Petro- leum — crude and products. Wellsville Refining Co. — Wellsville. Crude oil and products. Shaner, A. L. — Bolivar. Crude oil, Wough and Porter pools. Love, Thomas. — Olean. Crude oil, Clarks- ville, pool. Wirt Gasoline Co. — Bolivar. Gasoline, com- pressed from natural gas. Witherbee, Sherman & Co. — Mineville. Mag- netite. Port Henry Iron Ore Co.— Mineville. Iron Ore. Cheever Iron Ore Co.— Port Henry. Mag- netite Ore. Chateaugay Ore and Iron Co. — Lyon Moun- tain. Iron Ore and county rocks. Benson Mines Co. — Benson Mines. Iron Ore. Maclntyre Iron Co.— Tahawus. Titaniferous Magnetite. Borst, C. A. — Clinton. Hematite Iron Ore. Northern Ore Co. — Edwards. Zinc Ore. GROUP 154 New York State Museum. — Albany. Mine, metallurgical models, maps, photos. Worcester Salt Co.— Silver Springs. Model; making of salt. Sterling Salt Co.— Cuylerville. Rock salt oc- currence, mining, etc. Witherbee- Sherman Co. — Mineville. Iron Ore — "Old Bed:" panoramas. Wellsville Refining Co — Wellsville. Model oil derrick. International Acheson Graphite Co. — Niagara Falls. Model electric furnace. Solvay Process Co.— Syracuse. Relief charts and photos. St. Lawrence Pyrites Co. — Herman. Picture: mines, mills. Myers- Whaley Co.— Knoxville, Tenn. Picture, r shoveling machine. Retsof Salt Co.— Retsof. Photo: surface plant, workings. American Gypsum Co. — Akron. Photo: un- derground gasoline motor. Glens Falls Portland Cement Co.— Glens Falls. Quarry photo. United States Gypsum Co. — Oakfield. Photo of plant. Benson Mines Co. — Benson Mines. Photos of quarry and mill. Borst, C. A. — Clinton. Photo of Hematite mine plant. New York Lime Co.— Natural Bridge. Photos of quarries and plant. Northern Ore Co — Edwards. Photos of plant. GROUP 155 Association of American Portland Cement Manufacturers. — Model cement road. Barton & Son Co., H. H. — North River. Sort- ing by hand abi-asive garnet. Witherbee- Sherman & Co. — Mineville. Con- centration magnetic ore. Chateaugay Ore and Iron Co. — Lyon Moun- tain. Iron Ore products. North River Garnet Co. — North River. Ab- rasive garnet. Dixon Crucible Co., Jos. — Ticonderoga. Gra- phite products. Northern Iron Co.— Standish. Process: pig^ iron Lyon Mountain. Northern Iron Co. — Port Henry. Process: Mineville pig iron. Maclntyre Iron Co. — Tahawus. Products, etc.. Port Henry furnace. International Acheson Graphite Co. — Niagara Falls. Refractory graphite crucibles. Dixon Crucible Co., Jos. — Jersey City, N. Y. Graphite crucibles. Carborundum Co. — Niagara Falls. Electro- sillicon ware. GROUP 156 New York State Museum. — Albany. Statis- tics: mineral resources. STATE OF NEVADA GROUP 15.3 Location: Av. B, bet. 2nd & 3rd Sts. State of Nevada Geological Exhibit. Includ- ing minerals, ores, etc. Amalgamated Pioche Mines & Smelters Corp., Pioche. Gold, silver, lead, copper, zinc ores. Adler, A., Mina. Gold ore. Alameda Mining Company, Mina. Copper ores. Amador Mining Company, Austin. Silver ores. American Smelter & Refining Co., Salt Lake City, Utah. Iron ore. Anchor Mine, Las Vegas. Zinc ore. Aurora Consolidated Mining Co., Aurora. Gold ore. Austin Manhattan Mining Company, Austin. Lead-silver ores, silver. DEPARTMENT OF MINES AND METALLURGY 17 Buckhorn Mines Co., Buckhorn. Ores and country rock. Bamberger Delmar Mining Company, Delmar. Gold ore. Blue Light Mining Co., Mina. Copper ore. Bray, Joe, Austin. Antimony ore Lead-silver oi p. Bray & Knowles, Battle Mountain. Copper ore. Bristol Mining Company, Bristol. Copper ores. Brown, H. M., Mina. Copper ores. Brunswick Iron Mine, Carson City. Iron ore. Byran Mine, Battle Mauntain. Gold ore. Codd, A. A., Reno. Country rock and ores, from Rochester District. Consolidated Nevada Utah Corp., Pioche. Orold. silver, lead ores. Carrara Marble Co., Carrara. Marble. Chedic, W. H., Carson City. Graphite. Carr. Clyde, Mina. Precious stones. Coaldale Coal Company, Coaldale. Coal, sub- bituminous. C. & C. Mining Co., Virginia City. Silver ore. Cattenhorn Brothers, Battle Mountain. Silver ore. Chisholm Mine, Ely. I.ead-silver ore. Connis, H. A., Ely. Manganese ore. Cook, W. L., Reno. Copper ore. Cook & Lloyd, Luning. Lead, silver ore. Crow Canyon Mining Company, Elko. Gold ore. Crown Mines, Golconda. Gold ore. Curdew, Harry, Silver City. Gold ore. Delmar & Sproule, Goodsprings, Las Vegas. Gvpsum. Day Mine, Ely. Lead-silver ore. Del Monte Mines, Goodsprings, Las Vegas. Copper ore. Dexter Union Mining Co., Manhattan. Gold ore. Dixon & Stebbins, R?und Mountain. Gold ore. Donald, D. A., Silver Peak. Arsenic. Douglas-Wardell, Tonopah. Mercury ore. Dyer, E. A., Yerington. Copper ores. E. J. Mining Company, Bristol. Lead-silver ore. Eckman, William, Battle Mountain. Lead-sil- ver ore. Ehlers, Paul, Luning. Gold ore. Elko Prince Mining Company, Midas. Gold ore. Ella Mine, Pioche. Lead-silver ore. Everett, P. Minna. Copper ore. Esmeralda County, Commissioners of. Gold- field. Mica, sulphur ores, molydenum and tungsten ores. Falkner, E. & F. D., Mina. Lead and vana- dium ores. Flinn & Roeder. Pioche. Lead-silver ore. Finney, E. H., Las Vegas. Gypsum. Florence-Goldfield Mining Co., Goldfleld. Rough and polished ores. Goldbanks Quicksilver Co., Winnemucca. Country rocks and ores. Goldfield Cons. Mines Co., Goldfield. Country rocks and gold ores. Gould, Dr. H. G., Lovelock. Gypsum. George, E. T., Battle Mountain. Lead-silver Jind silver ores. Girouz Consolidated Mining Co., Ely. Copper ore. Glasg'ow Western Exploration Co., Battle Mauntain. Copper ore. Gold Mountain Mining Company, Tonopah. Gold ore. Good Enough Mine, Pioche. Copper ore. Goldbanks Quicksilver Mining Co., Winne- mucca. Mercury ore. Gold Eagle Mine, Ely. Silver ore. Goldfield Alamo Mining Company, Hawthorne. T-ead-silver ore. Goldfield Consolidated Mining Co., Goldfield. Gold ore. Goldfield Florence Mining Co., Goldfield. Gold ore. Goldfield Plymouth Mining Co., Goldfield. Gold ore. Goodspeed, William, Ely. Silver-lead ore. Goodwin & Johnson, Pioche. Lead-silver ore. Grube, F. G., Luning. Silver ore. Hill & Worsick, Lovelock. Wonderstone. Heeney, John T., Reno. Opals in the rough. Hard Scrabble Mine, Rube Brown, Midas. Gold ore. Hannan, John, Reno. Lead-silver ore. Haughton, James, Mina. Lead-silver ore. Hilt & Adams, Mina. Lead-silver ore. Hillside Mining Company, Bristol. Lead-silver ore. Holmes Mining Co., Candelinn. Silver ore. Horton Brothers, Battle Mountain. Lead-silver ore. Hulse, E. W., Ely. .\ntimony ore. Jumbo Extension Mining Co., Goldfield. Gold- ^ copper ores. Kennedy, C. E., Winnemucca. Gold ore. Kieman, J. H., Pioche. Copper ore. Kimberly Consolidated Mining Co., Hill Top. Gold ore. Kramer Hill Mining Co., Golconda. Gold ore. Lawrence, I. N., Las Vegas. Tungsten ore. Lemaire Brothers, Battle Mauntain. Silver ore. Little Eoluppus Mine (A. H. Scott), Luning. Silver ore. Luchens, Fred, Austin. Silver ore. Lucky Star Mine, Luning. Lead-silver ore. Luning Aviator Mining Co., Lnning. Copper ore. Lvon & Heggland, Luning. Copper ore. Mason Valley Mines Co., Thompson. Country rocks and ores, copper. Mercury Mines Co., lone. Country rocks and ores. Montana-Tonopah Mines Co., Tonopah. Ores. Manhattan Consolidated Mining Co., Manhat- tan. Gold ore. Manhattan Mining Company, Ely. Copper ore. Manhattan White Cap Mining Co., Manhattan. Arsenic, antimony ores. Marcel, D. P., Ruth. Copper ore. Maricopa Mininsr Co., Austin. Silver ore. Masey, F. M., Midas. Gold ore. McCluskey, H. G.. Goldfield. Lead-silver ore. McDonald, D. C, Ely. Copper ore, lead. McDonald. J. R., Las Vegas. Zinc ore. McLausrhlin. J. A., Tonopah. Zinc ore. Meagher, W., Battle Mountain. Lead-silver ore. Mercury Mining Company, lone. Mercury ore. Montana Tonopah Mining Company, Tonopah. Silver ore. Monte Cristo Mine, Goodsprings, Las Vegas. Zinc ore. Mount Diablo Mine. Candelina. Silver ore. Nevada Bunker Hill Mining Co., Elko. Coun- try rocks and ores. Copper, silver, lead. Nevada Cinnabar Co., lone. Country rocks and ores. Nevada Consolidated Copper Co., McGill. Cop- per ores. Nevada Douglas Copper Co., Ludwig. Coun try rocks and copper ores. Nevada Hills Mining Co., Fairview. Country rocks and ores. Nevada New Mines Co., Rawhide. Gold and silver ores. Country rock. Nevada Wonder Mining Co., Wonder. Coun- try rocks and ores. Ninnis, F. C, Tonopah. Silver ore. Nevada Douglas, Yerington. Gypsum, copper ores and native copper. Nevada Sulphur Company, Sulphur. Sulphur. Nati->nal Mines Co., National. Silver ore. Nevada Central Mining Co.. Ely. Lead-silver. 18 DEPARTMENT OF MINES AND METALLURGY Nevada Cinnabar Mining Co., lone. Mercury ore. Nevada Consolidated Mining Co., Ely. Copper ore. Nevada Minnesota Mining Co., Yerington. Cop- per ore. Nevada New Mines Co., Rawhide. Gold ore. New Era Mining Co., Pioche. Gold ore. Newlyons & Heggland, Pioche. Silver ore. Noble, R. T., Midas. Gold ore. Plymire, Dr. F. A., Mina. Polished marble. Portland Cement Company. Mound House. Gypsum. Potosi Mine, Goodsprings, Las Vegas. Zinc ore. Prairie Flower Mine, Goodsprings, Las Vegas. Zinc ore. Paisley, J. A., IVIidas. Gold ore. Panic & Licing, Ely. Lead-silver ore. Patuch Mine, Mina. Silver ore. Pepper & Keough, Mina. Mercury ore. Playter, Jos. H., Golconda. Gold ore. Pohl, Fred, Austin. Bar of silver, silver ore. Poujade, J., Carson City. Lead-silver ore. Ophir Mining Co., Virginia City. Silver ore. Orr, William, Lovelock. Native silver and silver ore. Queen Sheba Mine, Mills City. Lead-silver ore, silver ore. Quigley, F. D., Luning. Copper ore. Round Mountain Mining Co., Round Mountain. Gold ores, country rocks, ores and nuggets. Av. B, bet. 2nd & .3rd Sts. Maps, geo- loeical sections, photographs relative to geology, mineralogy, quarraying, mining metallurgy, and the manipulation of min- eral products. Red Top Mining Co., Hill Top. Lead silver ore. Rex Reduction Co., Midas. Gold ore. Reich, C, Luning. Copper ore. Romanche, P. V., Orizabo. Silver-lead ore. Round Mountain Tungsten Mining Co., Round Mountain. Tungsten ore. "Rover Group," Goodsprings, Las Vegas. Lead and zinc ores. Royal Mining Co., Luning. Gold ore. Ruby Silver Mining Co., Battle Mountain. Silver ore. Ruth Mine, Ruth. Lead-silver ore. Seven Troughs Coalition Mining Co., Seven Troughs. Ores. Stevenson, C. T., Reno. Polished varisite. Seven Troughs Coalition Mining Co., Love- lock. Gold ore. Shafford & McCarthy, Austin. Lead-silver ore. Scherfield Mining Co., Golconda. Silver ore, Silverfield Mining Co., Golconda. Lead-silver ore. Simmons, P. H., Mina. Copper ore. Smith, E. E., San Francisco. Gold ore. Stewart Bros., McMillan, Luning. Copper ore. Stewart, W. J., Tonopah. Copper ore. Stewart, Robert, Sodaville. Gold ore, Tonopah Belmont Development Co., Tonopah. Oxidized and sulphide ores. Tonopah Extension Mining Co., Tonopah. Ores. Tonopah Mining Co., of Nevada, Tonopah. Oxidized and sulphide ores. Taylor. James T., Pioche. Lead-silver ore. Tilford, John, Ely. Tungsten. Tolare Mining Co., Austin. Lead-silver ore. Tonopah Extension Mining Co., Tonopah. Sil- ver ore. Tonopah Merger Mining Co., Tonopah. Sil- ver. Tonopah Midway Mining Co., Tonopah. Sil- ver ore. To"OT)ah North Star Mining Co., Tonopah. Silver ore. University of Nevada, Reno. Country rock and ores, gold and silver. University of Nevada, Reno. Diatomaceous earth, tripoli, mica, salt, ores, tungsten, antimony, lead, silver, copper and gold. U. S. Smelting & Refining Co., Salt Lake, Utah. Copper ore. Virgin River Salt Co.. Las Vegas. Salt. Vanderhoff, E. E., Ely. Lead ore; Virginia Iron Mine, Virginia City. Iron ore. Virtue Mine Co., Ely. Lead-silver ore. Watson & Bachman, Luning. Copper ore. Williams & Clifford, Austin. Lead-silver ore. Walti, E. D., Eureka. Zinc and copper ore. Wedekind & Selever, Mina. Copper ore. Welch & Selever, Mina. Copper ore. White Cap Mining Co., National. Silver ore. Workman, Jesse, National. Lead-silver ore. West End Consolidated Mining Co., Tonopah. Country rocks and ores. White Pine County Commissioners, Ely. Cop- per ores. Wingfield, George, Reno. Polished specimens of gold ore, copper ore. Yellow Pine Mine, Goodsprings. Zinc ore. Yount & Fayle, Goodsprings. Platinum ore. GROUP 154 Amalgamated Pioche Mines & Smelters Corp., Pioche. Photograph. Balliet, Letson, Tonopah. Drawing and photo- graph. Buckeye Belmont Mines Co., Tonopah. Photo- graphs and panorama. Buckhorn Mines Co., Buckhorn. Photographs and model. Codd, A. A., Reno. Panorama and photograph. Denver Rock Drill & Machinery Co., S. F., ■ Cal. Waugh stoper model, 12 A. Desert Power & Mill Co., Millers. Panorama of mill. Florence-Goldfield Mining Co., Goldfield. Map of workings. Goldbanks Quicksilver Co., Winnemucca. Map and photographs. Julian, E. A., Reno. Mill cow. Mason Valley Mines Co., Thompson. Panorama of mine and smelter. Mercury Mines Co., lone. Photograph of property. Montana-Tonopah Mines Co., Tonopah. Photo- graphs, map and model. Moran, William J., Tonopah. Claim map. National Mines Co., Winnemucca. Photograph of mine. Nevada Bunker Hill Mining Co., Elko. Photo- graphs and maps. Nevada Cinnabar Co., lone. Photographs of property. Nevada Consolidated Copper Co., McGill. Panorama and photographs. Nevada Douglas Copper Mining Co., Ludwig. Panorama of property. Nevada Hills Mining Co., Fairview. Photo- graphs and model. Nevada Wonder Mining Co., Wonder. Photo- graphs of property. O'Leary, Frank, National. Claim map. Reid, W. F., Goldfield. Model of blacksmith shop, tools. Round Mountain Mining Co., Round Moun- tain. Photographs. Seven Troughs Coalition Mining Co., Seven Troughs. Panorama. Tonopah Belmont Development Co., Tonopah. Photographs and model. Tonopah Extension Mining Co., Tonopah. Photographs. University of Nevada, Reno. Models, pano- ramas and maps. Goldfield Consolidated Mines Co., Goldfield. Photographs. DEPARTMENT OF MINES AND METALLURGY 19 GROUP 155 State of Nevada. Metallurgical products. Belmont Milling, Tonopah. Products of mill. Buckhorn Mines Co., Buckhorn. Products of mill. Churchill Milling Co., Wonder. Screen an- alysis of mill products. Desert Power & Mill Co., Millers. Product of mill. Coldbanks Quicksilver Co., Winnemucca. Products of furnace. Mason Valley Mines Co., Thompson. Products of copper smelter. Mercury Mines Co., lone. Products of fur- nace. Nevada Cinnabar Co., McGill. Products of furnace. Nevada Cons. Copper Co., McGill. Metallurgi- cal products, copper. Nevada Hills Mining Co., Fairview. Products of mill. Nevada Milling Co., Tonopah. Products of mill. Seven Troughs Coalition Co., Seven Troughs. Products of mill. GROU? 156 State of Nevada. Literature and statistics of mining and metallurgy. Belmont Milling Co., Tonopah. Plow and ele- vation sheets. Churchill Milling Co., Wonder. Flow sheet. Desert Power & Mill Co., Millers. Flow sheet. Goldfield Consolidated Mines Co., Goldfleld. Flow sheet. Montana Tonopah Mines Co., Tonopah. Flow sheet. Nevada Hills Mining Co., Fairview. Eleva- tion and flow sheet. Nevada Milling Co., Tonopah. Flow sheet, section Carpenter agitator. Bound Mountain Mining Co., Bound Moun- tain. Flow sheet. Seven Troughs Coalition Mining Co., Seven Troughs. Flow sheet. Tonopah Extension Mining Co., Tonopah. Flow sheet. University of Nevada, Beno. Production charts and maps. ^ SWEDEN The exhibits of Sweden, classified in this Department, are installed in the Swedish Building, Avenue of Nations. H 14 DAY USE IIturn to desk from which borrowed LOAN DEPT. Thi. book is due on the last date stamped below, or ^"■"^ on the date to which renewed. 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