HPBI THE HEBREW LANGUAGE : and INCLUDING IMPEOVED RENDERINGS OF SELECT PASSAGES IN OUR AUTHORIZED TRANSLATION OLD TESTAMENT, BY HENRY LONDON : BAGSTER AND SONS, PATERNOSTER ROW. EDINBURGH : W. OLIPHANT & CO. ; GLASGOW : MACLEHOSE & CO. BRISTOL : W. MACK, 62, WINE STREET. 1860. Bristol : Printed by W. MACK, 52, Wine Street. PEEFACE, THE design of the following pages, is to aid in diffusing, among Christians in general, a measure of information relative to the external History and exact interpretation of the Holy Scriptures. I am very desirous that this little work should not "Be regarded as intended merely, or even chiefly, for those who are acquainted with the Original Languages. I am not without hope that the facts and criticisms which it contains may be found useful even to those who may have made some progress in acquaintance with Hebrew or Greek; but I have mainly had in view the instruction of that large class of intelligent readers of our English Bible who are disposed to welcome any work likely to assist them in the study of that precious volume. About one-third of the whole was written several years since; and, in the form of Lectures, was publicly delivered in different places, both in England 2036211 IV. PREFACE. and Scotland. It was also, some time ago, submitted to the critical judgment of the very accomplished Dean of Westminster, then Professor in King's College, London. I may say, that he very courteously consented to peruse the manuscript, and afterwards favoured me with a kind note, in which he expressed himself approvingly of its contents. His approval, however, must not be understood as if it committed him to any responsibility in reference to my remarks on points of Old Testament criticism, inasmuch as, amidst the extent and variety of his other labours, he does not profess to have found leisure for the exact cultivation of Hebrew learning, I may add, that having for several years past enjoyed the privilege of occasionally corresponding with some of the most distinguished of our Biblical scholars, I have found that a common interest in sacred studies has a very powerful effect in promoting Christian fellowship, even between those who have never had any opportunity of personal intercourse. Such fellowship may surely be regarded as, in some measure, an earnest of that time when we shall no longer see through a glass darkly, but shall know even as we are known. PREFACE. V. Besides the Appendix, intended to illustrate more fully certain matters briefly referred to in the text of the book, I have added a distinct essay on the subject of Biblical Eevision. The facts and suggestions therein given are the fruit of habitual study of the Original Scriptures, and of considerable reflection on the points involved in the question at issue. The Work, although so small, involves altogether a great variety of particulars, and (besides errors of the Press, which, I am sorry to say, in some instances, were not detected until the sheets were printed off) may possibly be found to contain some statements not perfectly accurate. I shall esteem it a great kindness if any scholar, skilled in such studies, would be so kind as to point out to me any errors which he may meet with. As I desire nothing but truth, I shall thankfully welcome candid criticism from whatever quarter it may come. Should it please God that a Second Edition be required, such criticism may be of essential service in aiding me in seeking to make that Edition an improvement upon the present. I think it right to mention that, in saving me the labour of transcription, and in the translation of the Vi. PKEFACE. extract from Schultens, given in Appendix C., as well as in revising the proof sheets, &c., I have obtained valuable assistance from my learned and laborious friend, Mr. W. ELFE TAYLEE, the Author of many works on subjects connected with Theological study, and whose recent publication on "The History of the Pope's Temporal Power," is calculated to furnish most seasonable information in relation to matters fitted to excite very deep interest, both among Eoman Catholics and Protestants. I heartily commend its details to all who feel alive to the importance of the present crisis in the history of Romanism. I would request the reader to correct, with his pen the following misprints PAGE 41. Joshua Jehovah Salvation, should be Joshua = Jehovah-Salvation. Matthew v. 21, should be Matthew i. 21. CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. PAGE Introductory Remarks 1 CHAPTER H. History of the Hebrew Language down to the commencement of the Middle Ages 8 CHAPTER m. State of Hebrew Learning down to the early portion of the Eighteenth Century. 15 CHAPTER IV. Progress of Hebrew Learning down to the Present Time 18 CHAPTER V. On the Leading Characteristics of the Hebrew Language 30 CHAPTER VL Same Subject continued 44 CHAPTER VH. On the Advantages connected with the Study of Hebrew 63 CHAPTER Vin. Specimens of Amended Translations 66 A.PPENDIX. PAGE (A) Aramaic Expressions in the New Testament 97 (B) Amended Version of Isaiah LIIL, compared with the LXX. Version 100 (C) Leading Principles of Schultens' System 106 i (D) Sketch of the Recent History of Hebrew Philology, by the Rev. F. Bosworth, M.A 109 On the Hebrew Points 114 On Roman Catholic Translations of the Scriptures 119 ON THE" REVISION OF OUR ENGLISH BIBLE 125 List of Passages of Scripture Explained or Illustrated in this Work.. .. 185 APPENDIX. PAGE (A) Aramaic Expressions in the New Testament 97 (B) Amended Version of Isaiah LUL. comnared with the (C