T.' >n,>n. ' J4- f"' LIBI 1 UNIVERSITY \JTAIIFOKKIA LOAN STACK l^/K 1 4* ^y J ELEMENTS OF CHEMISTRY. f contr HDttton. ELEMENTS OF CHEMISTRY, THEORETICAL AND PRACTICAL, INCLUDING >. THE MOST EECENT DISCOVERIES AND APPLICATIONS OF THE SCIENCE TO MEDICINE AND PHARMACY, TO AGRICULTURE, AND TO MANUFACTURES. ILLUSTRATED BY 230 WOOD CUTS. BY SIR ROBERT KANE, MD., M.R.I.A. PRESIDENT OF THE QUEEN'S COLLEGE, CORK; DIRECTOR OP THB MUSEUM OP IRISH 1SDUSTRY, MEMBER OF TBE SOCIETY OP PHARMACY OP PARIS, ETC. ETC. ETC. DUBLIN : HODGES AND SMITH, GRAFTON-STREET, Booksellers to tfje Jmi>crsftn. LONDON : LONGMAN, BROWN, AND CO. MDCCCXLIX. LOAN STACK Goodwin, Son and Nethercott, Printers, 79, Marlborough-street. QD28 K25T PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION. IN preparing for the press a Second Edition of the Elements of Chemistry, I have endeavoured to render it deserving of a continuance of the favour with which the first edition was received in Great Britain and in America, as well as in this country. For that purpose, the subject of every chapter has been carefully reconsidered, and in many cases the matter almost entirely newly written; so that the results of the numerous valuable researches in organic and inorganic chemistry, and in chemical physics, which have been added to science within the last few years, will be found intro- duced in their proper places, with as much detail as was due to their respective importance, or was consistent with the nature and objects of an elementary work. I hope, therefore, to have succeeded in fairly representing in the following pages the actual condition of the science. a 87Q VI PREFACE. As within the last few years the assistance afforded by chemical knowledge in the prosecution of the most important branches of industry, and especially of agriculture, has become much more popu- larly recognized, I have made it specially my object, in preparing the present edition, to refer to and describe therein, with suitable detail, all the important applications of chemical science, by which, recent dis- coveries have so remarkably enriched the various fields of industrial and agricultural improvement. I take this opportunity to express my acknowledgments to Professor Draper of New York, for the exceeding care with which he prepared for the press and edited the American edition of this work, the general adoption of which, by the Chemical Students in the Colleges of the United States, must be in great part attributed to his recommendation. PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. MY object in the following pages is to present to the student an account of the general principles and facts of Chemistry, and of its applications to pharmacy, to medicine, and to the useful arts. In the arrangement of a work like the present, if the general principles of the science are first described, it is impossible to avoid the difficulty of introducing the names of many substances with whose history the reader cannot be supposed conversant; and by entering in the commencement on the description of individual substances, reference to the principles of affinity and the laws of constitution is continually necessary in order that the reactions of these bodies may be understood. In both cases the student is liable to some embar- rassment, but I believe it to be greater in the latter, and hence, I have adopted the plan of fully describing all the general principles and laws of chemical action, before entering on the description of the chemical substances in detail. Chemistry being itself but a department of natural philosophy, viii PREFACE. although the most extensive in its objects and the most important in its uses, it is connected so intimately with the other branches of physics, that a knowledge of at least their general principles is neces- sary for the proper understanding of the nature of chemical pheno- mena. I have, consequently, embraced within the design of the present work, a description of the physical properties of bodies, so far as they serve to complete their chemical history, or influence their chemical relations ; and thus, upon the one hand, supply characters by which chemical substances may be recognized, and, upon the other, modify the affinities by which the action of chemical substances upon each other is determined. "With this two-fold object the chapters on cohesion, light, heat, and electricity have been drawn up. The portion of the work which treats of the general laws of chemical combination, is followed by an account of the mode of preparation and properties of all inorganic substances of interest to science, to medicine, or to the arts. But, in this part, I will pass over very briefly the history of numerous bodies which from their rarity are objects only of scientific curiosity, referring those who would wish to study their history more closely to the extended works of Thompson, of Graham, of Dumas of Gmelin, of Liebig, or Berzelius. In the department of organic chemistry my object will be fully to discuss the history of all such bodies as are of importance, from their bearing upon general principles or existing theories, from their use in PREFACE. ix medicine or pharmacy, their employments in the arts or in ordinary life. The numerous series of bodies which are every day discovered in organic chemistry, but which do not come under any of the above heads, shall be dismissed with only a notice of their existence. The relations of chemical action to the functions of organized matter, the application of chemistry to physiology and to pathology, will be treated so far as our accurate knowledge extends, and, finally, a succinct description of the mode of analysis of organic and inor- ganic bodies will be given. As this work is not intended to be a complete system of chemistry, nor to satisfy the wants of those who wish to make chemistry their special study, I have in almost all cases avoided references or quota- tions, which would needlessly occupy much space ; for, in the larger works already mentioned, the original authorities on all subjects will be found. The object of a work, like the present, being to represent faithfully the general aspect and extent of science at the time of publication, its details must be in great part founded on the results of others. Hence, originality cannot in any great degree be either expected or desired ; but I have not hesitated in many instances, where the best consideration I could give the subject induced me to dissent from views generally held, to make this work the vehicle, in a popular form, of such suggestions as I thought deserved to be adopted. PREFACE. The processes given for the preparation of the various substances described, are, with very few exceptions, those followed either in my private laboratory, or in the manufacturing laboratory of the Apothe- caries' Hall of Ireland; and the apparatus figured in the wood-cuts are generally similar to those which I employ in experiments of research or at lecture. CONTENTS. OBJECTS, UTILITY AND ORIGIN OF CHEMISTRY PAGK. 1 CHAPTER I. OF GRAVITY AND COHESIVE FORCES, AS CHARACTERIZING CHEMICAL SUBSTANCES . . . .4 Determination of Specific Gravities 1 1 | Principles of Crystallography . 22 CHAPTER H. OF THE PROPERTIES OF LIGHT, AS CHARACTERIZING CHEMICAL SUBSTANCES Nature of Light . Polarization of Light . 39 I Magnetic Relations of Light 42 I 34 47 CHAPTER III. OF HEAT, CONSIDERED AS CHARACTERIZING CHEMICAL SUBSTANCES SECTION i. Elasticity of Vapours . Latent Heats of Vapours Expansion of Bodies by Heat Instruments for Measuring Heat Expansion of Liquids and Solids SECTION II. Of Specific Heat Molecular Laws of Specific Heat SECTION III. Of Liquefaction Theory of Latent Heat SECTION IV. j>4 OfHygrometry 73 80 84 91 SECTION V. Of the Transmission of Heat through Bodies Conduction of Heat Of Radiant Heat Phenomena of Transcalescence Relations of Heat to Light SECTION VI. Of Vaporization Of the Cooling of Bodies , 96 ' Central Heat of the Earth 53 101 108 113 116 118 121 126 131 133 136 Xll CONTENTS. CHAPTER IV. OF ELECTRICITY CONSIDERED SECTION I. Of Statical Electricity Laws of Electrical Attractions . Electrical Machines Electrical Induction Electricity of Effluent Steam SECTION II. Of Dynamical Electricity . AS CHARACTERIZING CHEMICAL . SUB- STANCES 139 145 150 158 162 163 . 137 Simple Galvanic Batteries . 167 Complex Galvanic Batteries . 1 75 Thermo-electricity . . 182 Of Magnetism . . .185 Electro-magnetic Phenomena . 188 Construction of the Galvanometer 191 Phenomena of Diamagnetism . 192 CHAPTER V. OF CHEMICAL NOMENCLATURE Symbolical Nomenclature .... 194 203 CHAPTER VI. OF CHEMICAL AFFINITY, AND ITS RELATIONS TO AND TO COHESION SECTION I. General Nature and Results of Chemical Affinity . . 205 Nature of Double Decomposition 208 SECTION II. Relation of the Molecular Forces to Chemical Affinity . . 214 Influence of Cohesion . . 215 Influence of Elasticity . 218 HEAT, TO LIGHT, SECTION III. On the Influence of Light on Che- mical Affinity . , Chemical Rays of Light Photography and Daguerreotype . SECTION IV. Of Catalysis or Action by Contact Independent of Affinity Theory of Catalytic Phenomena . 204 223 224 226 229 232 CHAPTER VII. OF LIGHT AND HEAT DISENGAGED DURING CHEMICAL COMBINATION Constitution of Flame . . 239 Theories of Combustion Thermochemical Laws 245 235 249 CHAPTER VIII. OF THE INFLUENCE OF ELECTRICITY ON CHEMICAL AFFINITY . 252 Electro-chemical Theories . . 256 I Relation of Electricity to Affinity' 270 Laws of Electrolysis . 263 CHAPTER IX. OF THE LAWS OF COMBINATION Of Chemical Equivalents . . 277 I Theory of Volumes Law of Multiple Proportions . 280 274 289 CONTENTS. Xlll CHAPTER X. OF THE RELATIONS OF CHEMICAL CONSTITUTION TO THE MOLECULAR STRUCTURE OF BODIES SECTION I. Of the Atomic Theory and the Doctrine of Atomic Volume Atomic Constitution of Matter Table of Dimorphous Bodies . Allotropic Conditions of Bodies 294 299 SECTION III. SECTION II. Of Isomorphism and Dimorphism 305 i Organic Tvpes Isomorphous Groups . . 309 Of Isomerism and the Intimate ! Structure of Chemical Groups Theory of Compound Radicals and 293 315 318 319 325 CHAPTER XI. ON THE CLASSIFICATION OF THE ELEMENTARY BODIES . 327 CHAPTER XII. OF THE SIMPLE NON-METALLIC BODIES AND OF THEIR COMPOUNDS WITH EACH OTHER. 1. Of Oxygen. Its Preparation 331 2. Of Hydrogen. Its Preparation 338 Oxyhydrogen Blow Pipe . 344 Of Water. Oxide of Hydrogen 347 Various Functions of Water . 352 Of Oxygenated Water . 355 3. Of Nitrogen. Its Preparation. 357 Of the Atmospheric Air . 360 Analysis of Air . . 363 Pressure of the Air. Baro- meter ... 368 Nitrous Oxide . . .373 Nitric Oxide . . 375 Hyponitrous Acid . . 377 Nitrous Acid . . x 378 Nitric Acid. Aquafortis . 379 4. Of Sulphur . . 386 Sulphurous Acid . . 390 Sulphuric Acid . 392 Manufacture of Oil of Vitriol. 395 Hyposulphurous Acid . 399 Group of Thionic Acids . 400 Constitution of the Compounds of Sulphur and Oxygen . 402 Of Sulphuretted Hydrogen 404 Bisulphuretted Hydrogen . 406 5. Of Selenium and its Com- pounds with Oxygen, Hydro- gen, &c. . . . 407 6. Of Phosphorus . . 408 Oxide of Phosphorus. Hypo- phosphorous Acid . .410 Phosphorous Acid . 411 Phosphoric Acid . .412 Phosphurets of Hydrogen . 415 7. Of Chlorine. Its Preparation and Properties . . 418 Hypochlorous Acid . . 422 Chloric Acid. Chlorous Acids 423 Perchlorous and Perchloric Acids ... 425 Chlorosochloric and Chloroso- perchloric Acids . . 426 Chloride of Hydrogen . 427 Manufacture of Muriatic Acid 430 Nitro-muriatic Acid . 432 Chlorides of Sulphur and Phos- phorus . . .433 8. Iodine. Its Preparation . 434 lodous Acid. lodic Acid . 437 Periodic Acid . . 438 Hydriodic Acid . . 439 lodo-phosphuret of Hydrogen 441 9. Of Bromine . . .442 Bromic Acid and Hydrobro- mic Acid . . . 443 Other Compounds of Bromine 444 10. Of Fluorine . . 445 Hydrofluoric Acid . . 446 11. Of Silicon ... 447 Constitution of Silicic Acid . 449 Chloride of Silicon . 451 Fluoride of Silicon. Hydro - fluosilicic Acid . . 452 12. Of Boron . . ,. . 454 Boracic Acid . . . 455 C hloride and Fluoride of Boron 456 13. Carbon referred to Organic Chemistry . 457 XIV CONTENTS. CHAPTER XIII. OF THE GENERAL CHARACTERS OF THE METALS, AND OF THEIR COM- POUNDS WITH THE NON-METALLIC BODIES PAGE. Classification of the Metals . 460 Separation of the Metals by their Sulphurets . . .463 Metallurgy . . . 466 Electro-metallurgy . . 470 Of the Individual Metals, and of their Compounds with the Non- metallic Bodies . . 471 SECTION I. Of Potassium . . .472 Oxides and Sulphurets . 475 Of Sodium and Soda . . 477 Of Lithium . . . 479 Of Barium and Barytes . . 480 Of Strontium and Strontia . 482 Of Calcium and Lime . . 483 Of Magnesium and Magnesia . 487 SECTION II. Of Aluminum and Alumina . 489 Of Glucinum . . . 491 Of Yttrium, Terbium, Erbium, Thorium and Zirconium . 492 Of Cerium, Lantanum and Didy- mium . . . 493 Of Manganese and its Oxides . 494 Valuation of Oxide of Manganese 498 ! Manganic and Permanganic Acids 500 SECTION III. Of Iron . . .502 Commercial Varieties of Iron . 504 Oxides of Iron. Ferric Acid . 508 Sulphurets of Iron . . 510 Of Nickel and its Oxides . .512 Of Cobalt and its Oxides . 514 Of Zinc and its Oxides, &c. .516 Of Cadmium . . .518 Of Tin and its Oxides . .519 Sulphurets of Tin . . 522 457 523 525 526 Of Chrome and its Oxides Chromic and Per-chromic Acids Of Vanadium SECTION IV. Of Tungsten . . .527 Of Molybdenum. Its Oxides, &c. 528 Of Osmium. Its Oxides, &c. . 528 Of Tantalum, Niobium, Pelo- pium and Ilrnenium . . 529 Of Titanium. Its Oxides, &c. . 531 Of Arsenic and its Oxides . 532 Arseniuret of Hydrogen . 535 Sulphurets of Arsenic . . 536 Modes of Detecting Arsenic . 538 Of Antimony and its Oxides . 543 Sulphurets of Antimony . 545 Antimoniuret of Hydrogen . 547 Of Tellurium and its Compounds 549 Of Uranium and Uranyle . . 550 SECTION v. Of Copper .... 552 Oxides of Copper . . 554 Sulphurets of Copper . . 556 Of Lead . , .557 Oxides of Lead . . .558 Sulphurets of Lead . . 560 Of Bismuth and its Compounds . 561 SECTION VI. Of Silver . . .564 Its Oxides and Sulphuret . . 566 Of Mercury or Quicksilver . 567 Oxides of Mercury . . 569 Sulphurets of Mercury . 570 Of Gold. Its Oxides, &c. . 571 Of Palladium . . .574 Of Platinum . . .575 Of Iridium, Rhodium and Ruthe- nium . . . 577 CHAPTER XIV. OF THE GENERAL PROPERTIES AND CONSTITUTION OF SALTS . 580 Constitution of Acids and Salts . 587 | Atomic Volumes of Salts .$( 593 CONTENTS. CHAPTER XV. SPECIAL HISTORY OF THE MORE IMPORTANT SALTS OF THE INORGANIC ACIDS AND BASES . PAGE. Salts of Potassium . 595 Iodide of Potassium. Chloride and Bromide of Potassium . 596 Sulphate, Nitrate, Chlorate, lo- date, &c., of Potash. Manufac- ture of Gunpowder ; . 598 Valuation of Saltpetre Salts of Sodium Chloride of Sodium. Sulphate and Phosphate of Soda. Ni- trate, Hyposulphite, &c. . 603 Salts of Barium . '.-" Chloride, Sulphate, Nitrate, &c. . 607 Salts of Strontium . . 608 Salts of Calcium . Chloride, Sulphate, Nitrate, Phos- phate. Manufacture of Chloride of Lime . . .611 Processes of Chlorometry . 613 Salts of Magnesium. Epsom Salts 614 Salts of Aluminum. Manufac- ture of Alum . . . 615 Constitution of Glass and Porce- lain . 618 Manufacture of Glass . . 620 Manufacture of Earthenware . 624 Salts of Manganese . . 626 Salts of Iron. Chlorides and Iodides . . 627 . 594 PAGE. Sulphates of Iron. Copperas, Nitrates, Phosphates, &c. . 629 Salts of Nickel and Cobalt . 631 Salts of Zinc and Cadmium . 632 Salts of Tin V V" 633 Salts of Chromium . .635 Manufacture of Chromate of Potash . . . 637 Salts of Vanadium, Tungsten, Molybdenum, Osmium and Co- lumbium . . . 638 Salts of Arsenic . . 639 Salts of Antimony . . 641 Salts of Titanium, Tellurium and Uranium . . . 643 Salts of Copper . . .644 Salts of Lead . . 646 Salts of Bismuth . . .648 Salts of Silver . . 649 Salts of Mercury . Corrosive Sublimate and Calomel 651 Bromides and Iodides of Mercury 653 Sulphates, Nitrates and Chromates of Mercury . . 655 Salts of Gold . . .656 Salts of Palladium . . 657 Salts of Platinum . . 658 Salts of Iridium. Rhodium and Ruthenium . 659 CHAPTER XVI. ON THE GENERAL PRINCIPLES OF THE CONSTITUTION OF ORGANIC BODIES . . 660 Theory of the Compound Radicals 664 | Theory of Chemical Types . 668 CHAPTER XVII. OF CARBON, AND ITS COMPOUNDS WITH OXYGEN, SULPHUR AND CHLORINE Forms of Carbon. Its Properties 673 General Principles of Organic Analysis . .- . ,- . 678 Determination of Nitrogen . 683 Of Carbonic Acid . . .686 Carbonates of Potash and Soda 688 Manufacture of Soda-ash . . 690 Methods of Alcalimetry . 692 Carbonates of Magnesia, Lime, Ba- rytes, Manganese, Iron, Zinc, Lead, &c. 694 Carbonic Oxide ! Oxalic Acid. Its Preparation Oxalates of Potash, Soda, Lime, &c. Compound of Carbonic Oxide and Potassium, Rhodizonic Acid, Croconic Acid, Mellitic Acid, Paraban, EuchroicAcid Of Sulphuret of Carbon . Chlorides of Carbon 671 697 698 700 702 703 705 XVI CONTENTS. CHAPTER XVIII. OF THE COMPOUNDS OF NITROGEN AND HYDROGEN, AND THEIR DERIVATIVES. PAGE. Of Ammonia . . . .706 Fulminating Compounds of Am- monia . . . 710 Ammonia Chlorides of Sulphur and Phosphorus . . .712 Ammonia Salts of Zinc and Copper 7 1 3 Ammonia Salts of Cobalt, Nickel and Silver . . . 714 Ammonia Salts of Palladium . 715 Ammonia Chlorides of Mercury 716 Ammonia Sulphates and Nitrates of Mercury . . 718 Ammonia Salts of Platinum . 719 Action of Ammonia on Anhydrous Acids . . .721 Of the Common Ammoniacal Salts 722 Chloride, Iodide and Sulphuret of Ammonium . . . 724 Sulphate, Nitrate, Phosphate, Car- bonate and Oxalate of Ammonia 726 Oxamide and Oxamic Acid . 728 CHAPTER XIX. OF CYANOGEN AND ITS COMPOUNDS, AND OF THE BODIES DERIVED Of the Oxygen Compounds of Cya- nogen Of Cyanic Acid . .731 Of Urea and its Salts . 732 Of Fulminic Acid and the Ful- minates of Silver and Mercury 734 Of Cyanuric Acid . . 736 Of Hydrocyanic Acid . 737 Modes of Valuing the Strength of Prussic Acid Chlorides and Iodides of Cya- nogen Of the Simple Metallic Cyanides Cyanides of Potassium, Ba- rium, &c. FROM IT. . . . 729 I Cyanides of Mercury, Silver, &c 742 Of the Complex Metallic Cyanides Ferro-cyanide of Potassium, &c. 743 Ferrid- Cyanides of Potassium, &c 747 Platino- cyanides and Palladio- cyanides . . 749 Cobalto-cyanides and Similar Groups . . 750 Of Sulpho-cyanogen and the Sulpho-cyanides . 751 Of Mellon and the Mellonides 752 Melam. Melamine. Ammeline 753 Glaucene. Ammelide , 754 739 740 741 CHAPTER XX. OF STARCH, LIGNINE, GUM AND SUGAR, AND THE PRODUCTS OF THEIR DECOMPOSITION. Of Starch. Its Varieties, Inuline, N Lichenine . . . 755 Of Lignine and Xyloidine 758 Gun Cotton. Its Nature and Mode of Preparation . . . 759 Of the Different Varieties of Gum 760 Of Cane Sugar . . . 761 Sacchulmine. Saccharic Acid. Caramel . . . .763 Of Grape Sugar. Glucose . 764 Of Starch and Dextrine Sugar . 765 Sugar of Milk. Glucic and Melas- sic Acids . . . 766 Of Mucic Acid. Of Glycerrhizine. Mannite and Fungus Sugar 767 Of the Lactic and Mucous Fermen- tations. Of Lactic Acid and its Salts .... 768 CONTENTS. XV11 CHAPTER XXI. OF THE ALCOHOLIC AND ACETIC FERMENTATIONS. OF ALCOHOL, ETHERS, ALDEHYD, ACETIC ACID, &C. . .* Of Gluten, Albumen and Legumine, and the Nature of the Alcoholic Fermentation . . - 771 Vinic Alcohol, Rectified and Proof Spirits . V .: 774 Preparation of Sulphuric Ether . 776 Theory of the Constitution of Ether 780 Of Sulphovinic Acid Ethionic and Methionic Acids ; Althionic and Isethionic Acids; Heavy and Light Oils of Wine . . 782 Pbosphovinic and Arseniovinic Acids . . .784 Muriatic, Hydrosulphuric, Nitrous, Nitric, Hydrocyanic and other Ethers . . . 7S6 Carbonic and Oxalic Ethers. Oxa- methan . . . .788 OfOlefiantGas . . 790 Of Aldehyd; Its Preparation . 794 Aldehydic Acid ; Trigenic Acid 796 . 770 Of the Acetous Fermentation . 797 Of Acetic Acid, Of Vinegar . 798 Of the Acetates of Potash, Soda, Lime, Iron, Copper, Mercury, Lead, Silver, Ether, Ammonia, &c 801 Of Acetone ; Mesitylene and the Derived Bodies . . 805 Bodies of the Kacodyl Series ; Al- karsin ; Alkargene ; Kacodylic Acid . . . .806 Of Light Carburetted Hydrogen 807 Action of Chlorine on Alcohol; Chloral and Chloro-acetic Acid 809 Series of Chlorine Ethers . 810 Of the Theoretic Constitution of Alcohol, and of the Ethers de- rived from it . .812 Secondary Products of the Alco- holic Fermentation ; Oenanthic Ether ; Corn Oil . . 814 Amylic Alcohol ; Valerianic Acid 815 CHAPTER XXII. PRODUCTS OF THE DECOMPOSITION OF WOOD. SECTION I. SECTION III. Of the Slow Decomposition of Wood ; Constitution of Ulmine 817 Formation and Composition of Turf and Coal. . . 821 SECTION II. Of Pyroxylic Spirit and its Deriva- tives . . . 823 Methylic Ether and its Salts . 826 Ammonia Compounds of Methyl 829 Of Formic Acid and its Salts . 830 Of Chloroform and its Analogues 832 Products of the Distillation of Oil and Resin . . - . 834 Of Wood Tar ; Kreasote and Simi- lar Bodies . 835 Distillation of Coal ; Coal Gas 836 Of Napthaline ; Its Chlorine Com- pounds . . . .837 Products of the Oxidation of Nap- thaline . . . 839 Sulphuric Compounds of Naptha- line . . , . 840 Anthracene; Chrysene, &c. . 841 Phenic or Benzid Series . . 842 Hydrate of Phenyl ; Carbolic Acid ... 843 Picric and Oxypicric Acid . 844 Of Aniline ... 845 OfPiccoline, Leucoline . . 846 Distillation of Animal Bodies ; Spirit of Hartshorn; Dippel's Animal Oil. Petanine 847 CHAPTER XXHI. OF THE ESSENTIAL OILS, CAMPHORS AND RESINS Of Oils not pre-existing in the Plant ; Oil of Bitter Almonds ; Amygdaline ; Benzoic Acid ; Compounds of Benzyl ; Stilbene and its Derivatives . .851 Oil of Cinnamon and Cinnamic Acid. Nature of the Balsams . 855 Oil of Cloves ; Eugenic Acid ; Oil of Spirea ; Salicylic Acid . 857 . 848 Sulphur Essential Oils. Mustard and Garlic . 859 Oils not forming Acids . .861 Isomeric Oils of Turpentine . 863 Of the Camphors of the Oils . 864 Of the Resins of Turpentine and other Resins Y . . 866 Of Amber ; Succinic Acid. &c. 868 Caoutchouc ; Gutta Percha . 869 XV111 CONTENTS. CHAPTER XXIV. Of Glycerine ; Acroleine ; Metace- tonic Acid ; Acrylic Acid Of Stearine and Stearic Acid . Margarine and Margaric Acid Oleine and Oleic Acid . Sebacic ; Suberic ; Pelargonic ; Adipic Acids, &c. . , Elaidine ; Elaidic Acid Action of Sulphuric Acid on Fats ; Olein of the Drying Oils PAGE. THE SAPONIFIABLE OILS AND FATS . . 871 Cocoa-tallow and Palm Oil . 883 Of Nutmeg Butter . . 884 Of Common Butter, Butyric, Cap- ric, Caproic and Vaccinic Acids 885 Of Fish Oils ; Castor Oil and Croton Oil . -887 Manufacture of Soaps and Plasters 888 Of Spermaceti and Wax ; Cetylic Acid and Ethal. Of Wax. 890 873 874 875 877 878 881 CHAPTER XXV. OF THE ORGANIC ACIDS WHICH PRE-EXIST IN PLANTS. Of Tartaric Acid; Tartrate of Potash, Soda, Iron, Antimony, Lime, &c. . . 892 Action of Heat on Tartaric Acid 896 Of Racemic Acid and its Salts . 898 Of Citric Acid and its Salts . 898 Aconitic, Itakonic and Citrakonic Acids . . . .899 Of Malic Acid ; Its Salts ; the Ma- leic and Fumaric Acids . 900 Of Meconic Acid ; Komenic Acid 902 Of Tannin or Tannic Acid . 903 Of Gallic Acid . . . 9U5 Pyrogallic and Ellagic Acids . 907 Of Catechine and Oxycatechine 908 Kinic Acid and Kinone . .911 Kinoic, Lactucic, Krameric, Ver- dic, Chelidonic and other Acids 912 CHAPTER XXVI. OF THE NEUTRAL ORGANIC SUBSTANCES. Of Pectine and its Products . 914 Of Salicine and its Products . 916 Of Phloridzine and its Products . 917 Asparagine ; Aspartic Acid . 919 Caffeine or Theine ; Theobromine 920 Piperine; Anemonine . .921 Cetrarine ; Picrotoxine . 922 Columbine ; Cusparine ; Meconine Elaterine; Esculine ; Populine 923 Quassine ; Santonine ; Saponine ; Scillitine; Senegin; Smilacine, &c. 925 Of Vegetable Extracts . 927 Aloetic, Chrysammic and Chryso- lepicAcid . . .928 CHAPTER XXVII. OF THE COLOURING MATTERS Madder Colours ; Alcanna Red ; Braziline ; Santaline ; Hema- toxyline .... 930 Carthamine and Carmine ; Querci- trine; Chrysorhamnine ; Luteoline; Morin ; Orellin ; Curcumine 932 Of Indigo and Woad ; of the Sul- phates of Indigo . . 934 Anilic Acid; Anthranilic Acid, &c 937 Action of Chlorine on Indigo . 938 Of Indian Yellow and Purreic Acid . 039 . 929 Of the Colouring Matters derived from the Lichens ; Orcine and Orceine . . . 940 Lecanoric and Erythric Acids . 941 Amarythrine ; Orsellic Acid ; Ro- cellic Acid ; Evernesic Acid ; Pseudorcine . . . 942 Nature of Archil and Litmus . 944 Erythrolein; Ery throlitmine ; Azo- litmine .... 945 Colours of Leaves and Flowers . 946 General Nature of Colouring Mat- ters, and of the Processes of Dyeing and Bleaching . . 947 CONTENTS. xix CHAPTER XXVIII. OF THE VEGETABLE ALCALOIDS. PAGB. Of Quinine and its Salts . . 950 Cinchonine and Aricine . 952 Of Morphia and its Salts . . 9J3 Narcotine ; Narcogenine ; Cotar- nine . . . .956 Codeine ; Thebaine, &c. . 957 Strychnine and its Salts . . 958 Brucine ; Curarine . '." 960 Delphinine ; Veratrine . . 961 Jervin ; Sabadilline, Colchicine, Emetine, Solanine i..'. 962 Chelerythrine ; Chelidonine ; Aco- nitine . A.'-, ; ; -,-^ . 964 Atropine; Belladonnine . 965 I Daturine; Hyoscyamine; Coneine; Nicotine . ; - . r, ^ / 966 i Menispermine ; Glaucin ; Harma- line; Cissampeline ; Digitaline 968 ; Of the Artificial Production of Or- ganic Alcalies, and of the Con- stitution of the Vegetable Alca- loids . . . 969 Of Furfurol and Furf urine . 975 CHAPTER XXIX. OF THE CHEMICAL PHENOMENA OF VEGETATION Assimilation of Carbon by Plants 980 Assimilation of Nitrogen . 984 Assimilation of Hydrogen . 986 Inorganic Constituents of Plants . 987 Constitution of Soils and Manures Economy of Residues of Crops Objects of Drainage of Soils . 977 989 992 CHAPTER OF ANIMAL CHEMISTRY 996 SECTION I. 997 1000 1003 1005 1006 1007 1008 1009 Of the Animal Tissues ; Of Fibrine Of Albumen Of Protein ; its Real Nature . Of Gelatine and Chondrine Of Glycocoll, Leucine, &c. . Composition of the Brain Nature of the Juice of Flesh . Kreatine, Kreatinine Sarcosine ; Inosinic Acid Of the Composition of the Tissues, of the Skin and Epidermis, Hair, &c 1009 Cellular and Serous Tissues . 1010 Muscular and Nervous Tissues . 1011 Composition of the Bones and Teeth 1012 SECTION II. Of the Composition of the Blood, the Biliary Secretion, the Bone and Lymph. Nature and Properties of Blood 1013 Composition of Healthy Blood . 1014 Of Globuline and Hematosine . 1015 Alterations of the Blood in Disease 1017 Composition of the Bile . 1019 Cholic, Choleic and Choloidic Acids 1020 Cholalic Acid and Dy sly sin . 1021 Of Taurine and Carbothialdine 1022 Nature of Chyle and Lymph . 1023 SECTION III. Chemical Phenomena of the Processes of Respiration and Digestion. Phenomena of Respiration . 1024 Theory of Arterialization . 1026 Sources of Animal Heat . . 1027 Chemical Phenomena of Digestion 1028 Of Pepsine and Chyme . 1029 SECTION IV. Of the Composition of the Urine in Health and Disease. Nature of Healthy Urine . . 1030 Of Urea and Uric Acid . 1031 Products of the Oxidation of Uric Acid; Allantoine . . 1032 XX CONTENTS. Alloxan; Alloxanic Acid; Myco- melinic Acid ; Parabanic Acid 1033 Oxaluric Acid; Thionuric Acid; Uramil; Alloxantine i } 1034 Dialuric Acid ; Murexid . . 1035 Of the Urine of Herbivorous Ani- mals. Hippuric Acid and Gly- cocoll . . . .1036 Of Guano and its Uses ; Guanine 1037 Of the Urine in Diseases . 1038 Urinary Calculi; Uric Acid and Phosphatic Calculi . . 1040 Cystic and Xanthic Oxides, Mul- berry and Fibrous Calculi . 1041 SECTION v. PAGE. Of Milk and other Animal Secre- tions and Products, Natural and Morbid. Composition of Milk . ; ... .1041 Of Caseine, Leucine, Tyrosine 1042 Constitution of Eggs . . 1043 Liquor of the Amnios ; Tissues of the Eye; Ear Wax . .1044 Gall Stones ; Ambergris ; Pus . 1045 SECTION VI. Of the Preservation and Putrefac- tion of Animal Matters. Of the Putrefactive Fermentation 1046 Of Contagious and Infectious Miasms . . .1048 ELEMENTS OF CHEMISTRY. THE science of chemistry has its origiii in the principle, that the bodies which constitute the external world are composed of a number of different elements, united according to certain laws. If we could conceive an universe consisting only of iron, or quicksilver, or sulphur, the objects of the astronomer might still remain as extensive and as sublime as they are in the actual state of things ; for in tracing the constitution of planetary and satellitic systems, or reducing to precise laws the forces by which the motions of the heavenly bodies might be produced, all the resources of his science should still be brought into play. In like manner the physical sciences could attain perfection, for the relations of these bodies to heat, to light, to electricity, the various problems and laws of statical and dynamical forces, could have been known, and thus all that is essential to the science of natural philoso- phy might be attained. But not even an idea of chemistry could have been formed. The duty of chemistry is to discover the constituent elementary substances, which by uniting form the various compound bodies which we observe ; to ascertain the nature of the forces by which they unite, and the laws by which their union or separation may be regulated ; to trace the effects of their mutual action, in the properties of the new substances formed by their combination, and in the pheno- mena, independent of composition, which accompany the exertion of chemical force. This object of chemistry has been at all periods fully recognized; for the earliest philosophers, even before the science had received a name, considered its objects as well defined in the arrangement of the elements of fire, air, earth, and water. When the methods of che- mistry, and the reasonings to which they led, acquired a more exact form, these elements, which had been assumed from speculations in 1 2 Objects, Utility, and natural history and metaphysics, gave way to others, as sulphur, spirit, salt, oil, and earth, equally incorrect, but still, those, which, in the rough trials of the period, were obtained by the decomposition of com- pound bodies. As more accurate ideas and better processes were ac- quired, these elementary principles again changed their character, until finally the philosophical idea of chemistry was clearly stated and established by Lavoisier; 1st, that we study to resolve the various compound bodies found in nature into others which resist our power, and which we term undecompounded or simple substances; without pretending that they are elements ; for the advance of science enables us to decompose, in each generation, bodies which to our own prede- cessors had appeared simple ; 2nd, that we study to effect the recom- bination of those simple bodies, either in the same proportions, and thus regenerate the natural compound bodies, or in new proportions, and thus add to the catalogue of bodies which may exist in nature. Of these two operations, the first, or a separation x>f a compound body into the simple substances which constitute it, is termed analysis. The second, or combination of two or more simple bodies to form a compound substance, is called synthesis. All chemical processes are conducted upon the principle of one or other of these two, and occa- sionally they are both, successively or synchronously, accomplished. The objects of chemistry cannot, however, be considered as limited to the mere abstract study of the laws of elementary composition ; to it also belongs the improvement of processes in the useful arts by the more accurate knowledge of their theory which chemistry confers, and the invention of new processes or of new arts, by the application or discovery of substances previously neglected or unknown ; the allevia- tion of disease, by new remedies which may be placed at the command of the physician, or by more correct ideas of the origin and results of morbid action, to which the attentive study of the chemical processes of the great laboratory of the human frame may ultimately lead, ranks also among the most important of its applications ; and although even an abstract science, which reveals some of the most beautiful of nature's laws, should deserve our best attention; yet it becomes in- vested with more general interest, and commands more universal homage when, as with chemistry, it appears to be the basis of those practical arts, on which so much of health, of national prosperity, and of civilization may depend. The origin or derivation of the word chemistry is unknown. It first appeared as %^/X indicating the art of making gold and silver among the Egyptians and Greeks of the empire, at the commencement of that extraordinary perversion of the idea of elementary constitution which Origin of Chemistry. 3 fascinated mankind for nearly five hundred years. From the Greeks it was naturally adopted, with the vain pursuit which it denoted, by the Arabians, and passing with the Arabic prefix into the languages of modern Europe, became alchemy. When the just objects and powers of the science were finally recognized, it was termed chemia or chemistry. In studying those properties of the different kinds of matter by which they are recognized to be distinct and independent chemical substances, it is unavoidable to include those qualities which, although common to all forms of matter, yet diner in degree among the different kinds, and thus serve as distinguishing characteristics of them. The physical pro- perties of various bodies are hence in common use among chemists as serving to perfect their description, and indeed the limit between the strictly physical and the strictly chemical properties of substances is not" always capable of being distinctly drawn. It is consequently necessary to preface the specially chemical history of those bodies by a general account of the physical forces by whose action they are so much in- fluenced. CHAPTER I. OF GRAVITY AND COHESIVE FORCES AS CHARACTERIZING CHEMICAL SUBSTANCES. THE physical forces which are of most importance in determining the characteristic properties of bodies are gravity and cohesion. These differ, however, remarkably in principle from each other, and are ap- plied to quite independent purposes. Gravity is common to all forms of matter, and is totally independent of iis nature. It is exerted at all, even the greatest conceivable, distances, and is the invisible yet insuperable tie, which connecting together the satellites and planets of our system with the central sun, assigns to each of the tenants of our boundless skies its place and motions. Acting thus only on the mass, gravity is a measure of the quantity of matter present in a body ; and what we term weight is only the gravitating force exerted by the sub- stance which we weigh. By no natural operation can the smallest particle of matter be annihilated or destroyed; throughout the most complicated processes the quantity of matter remains constant, and hence we are enabled to verify the accuracy of our chemical opera- tions, by proving the weight of the bodies ultimately formed, to be equal to the weight of the substances by whose action they have been produced. Under the same volume different bodies have very different weights, and hence contain different quantities of matter. Bodies are said to be more or less dense according as in a given bulk they contain a greater or less quantity of gravitating matter, and when a certain body is taken as a standard, and their density reduced to numbers referred to that standard, there is obtained the specific gravity of each body, or the comparative quantity of matter it contains in a given bulk, which, being almost always the same for the same body is an important element in its history, and may often serve as a means of its recognition. The processes by which the specific gravities of bodies are determined will be described farther on. Divisibility of Matter. 5 The force of gravity is thus of importance in chemistry, by giving a measure of the quantity of matter upon which we experiment, and by affording characteristics of individual substances from the comparison of the quantity of matter they contain in a standard volume. The force of cohesion, although not so universally existant as that of gravity, is of equal interest from the numerous peculiarities in its activity, which almost every body is capable of presenting, and by which bodies are remarkably distinguished from each other. To understand, however, the nature of cohesive forces, and the causes of the variations of their energy, it is necessary to notice those ideas of the peculiar consti- tution of matter, on which philosophers have generally agreed, and which result from, whilst they best serve to explain those remarkable phenomena. From the earliest period in science, discussions have arisen, as to whether the masses of matter which we ordinarily employ, should be considered as capable of infinite division, or whether, by continuing to divide, a term should ultimately be found, at which no further sub- division could be made ; that thus, the ultimate constituent and indivi- sible particles, or atoms, which, by their aggregation, form sensible masses, should be discovered. By no appeal to experiment can this question be resolved ; when we call in the assistance of our most power- ful means of mechanical division, we attain only to producing powders, of which the finest particle is, in miniature, all that the mass from which it had been formed was upon a larger scale, and capable evidently of just as much subdivision, if our mechanical processes were perfect enough to enable us to proceed. That this divisibility may actually occur to an almost incredible de- gree, may be easily demonstrated by experiment. In gilding silver wire a grain of gold is spread over a surface of 1400 square inches ; and as, when examined in a microscope, the gold upon the thousandth of a linear inch, or one millionth of a square inch is distinctly visible, it is proved that gold may be divided into particles of at least i-4oo-ooo-ooo f a square inch in size, and yet possess the colour and all other characters of the largest mass. If a grain of copper be dissolved in nitric acid, and then in water of ammonia, it will give a decided violet colour to 39 cubic inches of water. Even supposing, that each portion of the liquor of the size of a grain of sand, and of which there are a million in a cubic inch, contains only one particle of copper, the grain must have divided itself into 392 million parts. A single drop of a strong solution of indigo, wherein at least 500*000 distinctly visible portions can be shown, colours 1000 cubic inches of water, and as this mass of water contains certainly 500-000 times the bulk of the drop of indigo soliN G Ultimate Particles of Matter. tion, the particles of the indigo must be smaller than 2500-000-000-000 the twenty-five hundred millionth of a cubic inch. A rather more distinct experiment is the following: if we dissolve a fragment of silver, of O01 of a cubic line in size, in nitric acid, it will render distinctly milky 500 cubic inches of a clear solution of common salt. Hence the magnitude of each particle of silver cannot exceed, but must rather fall far short of a billionth of a cubic line. To render the idea of this degree of division more distinct than the mere mention of so im- perfectly conceivable a number as a billion could effect, it may be added, that a man, to reckon with a watch, counting day and night, a single billion of seconds, should require 31 '6 7 5 years. In the organized kingdoms of nature. even this excessive tenuity of matter is far surpassed. Linen yarn has been spun of which a pound was 1432 English miles in length, and of which, consequently, 171b. 13oz. would have girt the globe; a distinctly visible portion of such thread could not have weighed more than 127-080-000 of a grain. Cotton has been spun so that a pound of thread was 2 03 '000 yards in length, and wool 168*000 yards. And yet, these, so far from being ultimate particles of matter, must have contained more than one vegetable or animal fibre ; that fibre being itself of complex organization, and built up of an indefinitely great number of more simple forms of matter. The microscope has, however, revealed to us still greater wonders, as to the degree of minuteness, which even complex bodies are capable of possessing. Each new improvement in our instruments, displays to us new races of animals, too minute to be observed before, and of which it would require the heaping together of millions upon millions to be visible to the naked eye. And yet, these animals live and feed, and have their organs for locomotion and prehension, their appetites to gratify, their dangers to avoid. They possess circulating systems often highly complex, and blood, with globules bearing to them, by analogy, the same proportion, in size, that our blood globules do to us ; and yet, these globules, themselves organized, possessed of definite struc- ture, lead us, merely, to a point where all power of distinct conception ceases ; where we discover that nothing is great or small, but by com- parison, and that presented by Nature on the one hand with magnitudes infinitely great, and on the other, with as inconceivable minuteness, it only remains to bow down before the omnipotence of Nature's Lord, and own our inability to understand Him. These proofs of great divisibility, however, leave the question of in- finite divisibility quite untouched. There are, however, many and powerful reasons which have decided almost all modern philosophers to consider the possible division as being finite. On the other view, in- Molecuhir Constitution. 7 deed,, the mind has no resting place, until, by the total disappearance of material conceptions, the constitution of bodies resolves itself into a collection of mathematical points, from which, as centres, certain forces are exerted. With such abstract speculations, however, chemistry had no connexion ; its fundamental condition, that there exist many kinds of elementary matter, of which the quantity is measured by their weight, being totally independent of any abstract idea of what matter is, or how its properties may have their source. In proof of the division of matter having a limit, experiments, made principally by Faraday and Wollastou have been quoted. Thus, it appears, as far as can be ascertained, that our atmosphere does not extend into space, but is confined within comparatively a trifling dis- tance from the earth, about 45 miles. Wollaston, considering the particles of air as being balanced between their mutual repulsion, and the general attraction towards the earth, suggested that if these parti- cles could be divided to an infinite degree, there should be an infinite source of repulsive power, and hence at a certain distance, tin's repul- sion overcoming the gravitating force, the atmosphere should spread into space, and being attracted to the other planets, in proportion to their masses, should form round the larger, as Jupiter, and especially the Sun, vast and dense atmospheres, the existence of which should easily be recognized. No such atmospheres exist, and hence, as was argued by Wollaston, the force of repulsion must have a finite limit ; and the number of repelling particles cannot be infinite. In like manner, Paraday found that bodies in evaporating, form atmospheres of certain definite depths above the surface of the body, and drew from hence the same conclusion. This argument cannot, however, be con- sidered as decisive. It is not at all certain, that because the elasticity of air is thus found to have a limit, that the number of particles of air, in a given space, might not be infinite. I shall consider the masses of matter, whose properties we purpose to examine, as being made up of a great number of lesser masses, to which the name of molecules or particles may be assigned. It is totally indifferent, whether these molecules may be infinitely divisible or not ; there is no fact in either chemistry or physics, which requires the posi- tive adoption of either one side or the other. These molecules are subjected to the influence of two forces, which oppose each other, and by the relative balancing or preponderance of which, all the forms and physical properties of ordinary substances are produced. One of these forces is attractive ; it is the attraction of aggregation as it has been termed, or cohesion. If it acted unimpeded, the molecules of every portion of matter would cohere with insuperable power ; unconquerable 8 States of Aggregation. solidity, hardness and tenacity, should alone characterize external nature. The other force is one of repulsion, which from a variety of evidence is assumed as identical with the cause of heat. If it, alone, prevailed, no other form of matter could exist but that of gas ; the solid globe, the liquid waters, should change to atmospheres of vapours, and the beneficient uses to which our earth is now adapted, could not exist. Such is, perhaps, approximative^ what occurs in those extreme members of our planetary system, Neptune and Mercury. The former receiving from the Sun, but fgoo part of the heat which our earth derives, must be reduced to the temperature of empty space; and with few exceptions, the bodies which on this earth are gaseous or liquid, if they exist there, are as rocky masses. The latter must at certain periods be so hot, that quicksilver would naturally be a gas upon its surface, and those metals which here constitute our examples of solidity, should there form liquid oceans. On this earth, however, according as the forces of heat and cohesion vary in different bodies, they pass through different states of aggregation. Those bodies in which cohesion pre- vails are solid, and by their tenacity and resistance to breakage or change of form, display the force which binds their molecules together. Where cohesion has been suppressed, and the repulsive agency of heat acts uncontrolled, the body becomes gaseous, and its particles, devoid of the least trace of cohesive power, repel each other. In intermediate cases, where the. two forces appear balanced, the particles do not cohere, and hence, may move upon and separate from each other without any external force; but they do not repel, and thus remain in contact if no external force tends to disturb them. This is the liquid condition; it is that of water, of alcohol, of oil, whilst air and steam are gaseous, and iron, wood, and stone are instances of the solid form. The peculiar nature of each body determines whether, under common circumstances, it shall have one or the other of these forms, but there are few bodies which are not capable of assuming all the three. This is artificially effected by diminishing or increasing the degree of heat, and thus by cooling a liquid, it may, from the cohesion becoming greater, be converted into a solid ; or by increasing the heat to which a solid is subjected, it may be converted into a liquid, and from thence into a gas. One liquid, pure alcohol, has not yet been frozen : some solids, as charcoal, have not yet been melted : organized bodies are generally decomposed too easily to allow of a change of state, but with these exceptions, the principle of the change of form, artificially caused by the increase or diminution of the quantity of heat, is universal. These forms of matter, considered as effects of heat, will require and obtain hereafter a more extended notice. Limits of Cohesion. 9 This force of molecular cohesion acts only at distances so minute as to escape the most delicate examination. The fragments of a piece of glass or metal which has been just broken, when laid ever so closely together, have no tendency to unite again ; but, if the surfaces be pressed together, union may take place, though only in a few points, and imperfectly. Yet, when pieces of plate glass, laid flat on each other, and subjected to considerable pressure, are allowed so to remain for a certain time, they are found to grow together so completely, that thick masses may often be ground, as if they had always formed a single piece. If two surfaces of lead be cut quite clean and bright, and forcibly pressed together, they unite also, and may require a force of eighty or one hundred pounds to effect their separation. In liquids, although the force of cohesion is very nearly absent, yet it is not entirely so ; the viscidity of liquids depending upon the traces of it which remain. The globular form of a rain drop, or of a drop of any liquid allowed to fall from a point, arises also from the cohesive attraction of its particles, and different liquids differ remarkably, in their relations to heat, from the various degrees of force with which this residue of cohe- sion is exerted. The particles of a liquid cohere not only to each other, but, even more powerfully, to solid bodies in many cases. It is thus that solid bodies are wetted by liquids. If the finger be dipped into water, the particles of the water in contact with the finger adhere to it more powerfully than they do to the other particles of the liquid, and when the finger is removed, they accompany it, and thus it becomes wet. Mercury does not wet the finger, for its particles cohere too powerfully to each other ; but mercury adheres to, or wets a piece of gold, as water wets the finger. Prom this cohesion of liquids to solids, all the phenomena of capillary attraction result, as the filtering of liquids in pharmacy and chemistry, to separate solids which had been mixed with them ; the absorption of liquids by porous solid bodies, and many others. The existence of this form of cohesion may be very simply shown by an experiment, such as is illustrated in the figure. A disk of any 10 Force of Capillarity. substance which may be wetted by water, is to be hung evenly from the extremity of the beam of the balance, and brought exactly into contact with the water in the cup below. It will be found necessary to augment considerably the weights in the scale dish opposite, to separate them ; and when the disk has been torn away from the surface of the water, the force overcome will be found to have been, not that of the solid to the liquid, which was still more intense, but the cohesion of the liquid particles to each other ; for the solid is found to be wetted by a layer of liquid particles which it had torn from the general mass of liquid underneath. If the experiment be tried with a disk of polished iron, and mercury as the fluid, there is no wetting, and the force measured is really the cohesion of the solid to the fluid. We shall now proceed to describe the methods adopted to determine the specific gravities of bodies in their different states. The determination of specific gravities is easily performed where the volume of the substance can be exactly measured. Thus for liquids, as water, oil of vitriol, or alcohol ; if a small bottle be taken containing an ounce of water, or 480 grains, it will contain 343 grains of sulphuric ether, or 885 grains of sulphuric acid. Now the densities will be as these numbers ; or water being taken as the standard, and its specific gravity being assumed at 1000, the specific gravities of the others become proportional to it ; as : Water, ... . - 480 : 1000 Ether, . .' '343 : 715 Sulphuric acid * sfci 885 : 1845 To save this little calculation the bottle in use is generally made to hold 1000 grains of pure water, and then filling it with the fluid to be tried, the weight gives directly the specific gravity. Where the substance exists naturally in the state of gas, a precisely similar process may be had recourse to ; in place of a bottle with a ground glass stopper, there is used a globe, g, with a stop cock, capable of holding from twenty to thirty cubic inches. A quantity of air having been removed from the globe, the gas, which must previously be either perfectly dried or perfectly saturated with moisture, is admitted to supply its place, and as the volume of gas which passes in is exactly equal to the volume of air which had been taken out, the relative weights give their densities, and hence the specific Specific Gravities. 11 gravity of the gas. For suppose that the globe full of air weighed 656 grains; that having been exhausted of air it weighed 647*5, and then having received 28 cubic inches of carbonic acid gas it weighed 660*3 grains. We thus know that the 28 cubic inches of air had weighed 8*5 grains, and that 28 cubic inches of the gas had weighed 12*8, hence the densities are as 8*5 to 12*8, and the specific 1 ft.Q gravity of the gas, air being taken as 100, is-^xlOOO=l*506. Tin's brief description being intended only to explain the principle wliich the words " specific gravity" involve, it has been considered as not liable to alteration ; but in reality the volumes of bodies, parti- cularly of gases, are constantly in a state of change. According as the air is warmer or colder ; according as the pressure to which it is sub- jected, as indicated by the barometer, diminishes or augments, the volume which a certain weight occupies, is altered, and the specific gravity is changed. Hence, when we take air as a standard of specific gravities for gases, we do so only with reference to a certain standard of temperature and pressure ; thus at 32 on the scale of Fahrenheit's thermometer, and at 30 inches of mercury in the barometer tube. It is only by accident that an experiment might happen to be made at this standard temperature and pressure, and hence it is necessary to reduce the observed result to what the result should have been at the standard points. If the gas be damp it is necessary also to correct for the presence of the watery vapour, and hence the determination of the specific gravity of a gas, although so simple in theory, is in practice a most delicate operation. Under the proper heads of the constitution of gases and vapours, with regard to heat and pressure, the mode of making these corrections will be described. The determination of the specific gravity of a solid body involves in practice some principles in addition to those above stated. We cannot regulate the bulk of a solid body as we wish, and hence the volume must be determined indirectly. This is done by finding how much water it displaces. Thus, if the solid be in many small fragments, weighing altogether, for example, 357 grains, they may be introduced into a specific gravity bottle containing 1000 grains of water. A quantity of water overflows exactly equal in bulk to the solid which is introduced. The bottle being full, the solid body and the remaining water are then found to weigh 1285 grains. Now, if no water had been expelled, the water and solid body should have weighed 1357 grains. The difference 72 is the weight of the water expelled, and consequently the weights of equal volumes, or the densities of the water and of the solid are as 72 and 357, or, the specific gravity of the water being taken as 1000, that of the, solid is ^ X 100 or 4958. 12 Modes of Determining If the solid be unsuited for that method, its volume is next determined by the principle that a solid body immersed in a liquid is partly supported by the upward pressure of the liquid which it displaces. The solid, in order to sink in the liquid, has to displace and push upwards a quantity of it equal to its own bulk, and to resist its weight or tendency to sink down again ; for this purpose a portion of the weight of the solid must be employed, and it is only the overplus that is counterpoised by the weights, when we proceed to weigh the solid body immersed in any liquid. A solid weighs, therefore, less when immersed in a liquid than when weighed in the ordinary manner, the difference being the portion of the weight of the solid which is employed to sink it, or to resist the force of the liquid which tends to float it up, and this is equal to the weight of the liquid which the solid pushes out of its place, and which is of the same volume as the solid. To effect this operation a balance, as in the figure, is taken ; generally with one scale dish. The solid is hung to the other extremity of the beam by a fine hair or thread of cocoon-silk, b, and is thus weighed as usual; let us suppose that it weighed 295 grains. A vessel of pure water is then so arranged that the solid shall be immersed as nearly as possible in the centre of it, (as a in figure,) and it, being then again weighed, is found to be lighter than before ; let us suppose that it shall weigh 243 grains. Tin's is the overplus of its weight after having neutralized the tendency of the water to float it up. The difference of the two weighings 295 243=52 grains is therefore the amount of the upward pressure or the weight of the water which the solid displaced. Equal volumes thus of the solid and of the water are found to weigh respectively 295 and 52 grains, and the comparison of these numbers, water being taken as 1000, gives the specific gravity of the solid which is -52 xlOOO=5673. A variety of other instruments are made use of for measuring the specific gravities of solids and of liquids, as areometers, hydrome- ters, &c. ; but as here it is rather the general principles, than the practical details of such operations, that are of importance, I shall not enter into their description. Specific Gravities. 13 The specific gravities of compound gases are found to have a highly important relation to their ultimate constitution, and throw great light upon some of the most general laws of chemistry ; and it has been the ob- ject of some very interesting speculations, which I shall hereafter notice, to trace a definite connexion between the chemical properties or com- position of liquid or solid bodies and their specific gravities. The phy- sical constitution of vapours and gases being, moreover, identical, those bodies which, being volatile, are capable of assuming the form of vapour, may render, by the examination of the specific gravities of their vapours, most interesting indications of the manner in which their elements are combined, and methods of performing this operation have been contrived by some of the most illustrious chemists, as by Dumas and by Gay Lussac. The method of Gay Lussac is the simpler of the two, and, for sub- stances which are volatilized at moderate temperatures, easily applied. A basin, . The ro- tative power of quartz is about 68.5 times greater than that of oil of turpentine. This property is beautifully applied to trace the changes* which occur during the saccharine fermentation : a solution of starch possesses a highs**. power, but it gradually changes into the sugar of grapes, the rotative power of which is* 3. Hence, the action of the starch, when fermentation has commenced, rapidly diminishes, until there is so much sugar formed, that the & *- and * exactly bal- lance, and the solution is totally without action upon a polarized ray ; after that time the quantity of sugar still increasing, the rotation be- comes * aand increases until all the starch has been decomposed. With such a solution, knowing the total quantity of starch originally dissolved, the measure of its rotative power enables the quantity of sugar present to be at once calculated. The juices of plants which contain sugar, as the beet-root, the maple, the sugar cane, may be ex- actly valued by a simple determination of their rotative power, com- pared with their specific gravities. This property of the circular pola- rization of a ray of light, which at the first aspect might appear so far removed from proper chemical inquiry, or useful application, becomes thus an instrument from which the distiller or sugar boiler may every day derive advantage ; and when we come to discuss the means by which we endeavour to learn the internal constitution of bodies, pro- duced by the chemical affinity, we shall find that the light which ordi- nary polarization throws upon the internal mechanical structure of the crystal, is not more brilliant than that which we obtain of the arrange- ment of the chemical constituents by their circular polarizing power. Some specimens of quartz appear destitute of this rotative power : Magnetic Relations of Light. 47 the purple quartz, amethyst, is generally so, and gives with polarized light, the ordinary black cross. But these peculiarities of quartz are related to their crystalline arrangement. Thus, in those specimens which possess rotative power, the solid angles of the pyramid (k, page 27,) are generally replaced by planes which are unequally inclined to the axes, and where these planes are present, the direction of the rota- tion can be foretold, it being to the right or to the left, according as these unsymmetrical faces are inclined. Such crystals are called plagi- Jiedral ; and in the cases where no such faces can be traced, the rotative power is generally absent, which then arises, as is remarkably evident in amethyst, from the crystal being formed of separate crystals rolled up together, and as these may possess opposite rotations, and so neutralize each other, the action on light should be like that of calcareous spar, which has no rotative power. Such crystals are truly macles ; and hence the circular polarization may show a still more intimate crystalline arrangement than could be detected by light in its ordinary polarized condition. With such an example, it was not difficult to conclude, that the power of rotation depended on the crystalline arrangement, particularly as quartz, in all its uncrystallized conditions, is devoid of all rotative power, and accordingly, until the discovery of the power of rotation in liquids, and that this property was found to accompany the molecules of the body through all stages of aggregation, it was considered to have its origin in the mechanical structure of the body ; but we must now invert the argument, and infer that the difference of rotative power in right-handed and left-handed quartz, does not result from the differ- ence of crystalline arrangement, but that this last is caused by actual difference of properties in the molecules themselves, of which the most remarkable is detected by the opposite actions upon light. The very remarkable discovery has been recently made by Faraday, that by the action of a magnet, or of a tranverse current of electricity, the plane of polarization of a ray of light may be made to revolve as it is by quartz or oil of turpentine. As this physical law will be described more fully when speaking of magnetism, it will suffice here to state, that the direction of rotation is always the same as that of the current of electricity, in the direction of the magnetic curves emanating from the north pole of the magnet, which passes round the ray, or which may be considered to give power to the magnet which acts upon the ray. This action is exerted specially on the molecules of the material through which the ray passes ; but it is quite different from and inde- pendant of ordinary rotating power. Thus, a tube full oil of turpen- tine, enclosed in a coil carrying a galvanic current, has rotative force 48 Wave Theory of Light. generated by the magnetic action, but of a degree and direction de- pending upon the electricity, and not upon its own power of acting upon light. The impression of light was at one time considered to be produced by a series of exceedingly minute particles, of a peculiar substance, emanating from the sun and from burning or luminous bodies, and which strike upon the eye. This idea has been, however, now almost totally abandoned, and all the phenomena are considered to arise from the vibrations of an exceedingly attenuated medium, thrown into waves by luminous bodies of every kind, and which, filling all space, and being diffused through the substance of the most solid bodies, and occupying the spaces between their more substantial molecules, trans- mits and modifies these vibrations, and confers upon substances trans- parency or opacity, colour, and all other properties of acting upon light winch they may possess. This medium, or luminiferous ether, as it is termed, is supposed ca- pable of vibrating in waves of different lengths, and from this difference in length of wave arises the difference in colour of the light produced. The shortest wave produces violet, the most refrangible light ; the longest wave, red, the least refrangible light : the length of the wave being, in all cases, inversely proportional to the refrangibility of the light. The impression of the different colours arises, therefore, pre- cisely as the impression of different sounds is produced, by a difference in the length of the waves in the vibrating air ; the shortest wave, in sound, giving the highest note, and, in light, giving the violet colour. The actual length of these waves of light is extremely small ; for violet light there are 57,490 in an inch ; for red, 39,180 ; the average of the different colours being 50,000, and hence in white light there acts upon the eye in every second 610,000,000,000,000 luminiferous vibrations. In the case of doubly refracting crystals with one axis, that is, those belonging to the rhombohedral and the square prismatic system, the elasticity of the ether is supposed to be so far modified by the arrange- ment of the molecules of the body, that the velocity of propagation of the waves is more rapid in one direction, than in another at right angles to it, and hence there are two refracted rays. In the three sys- tems, the crystals of which have double refraction with two axes, the elasticity of the ether is supposed to be different in each of three per- pendicular directions, and hence neither refracted ray can follow the ordinary law. It is thus, as has been already stated, that the classifica- tion of all crystallized bodies in these systems is shown not to be an arbitrary assumption, but a principle based upon our most decisive evi- dence of molecular arrangement. Wave Theory of Light. 49 The rays of light derive some of their most remarkable properties from the principle, that the vibrations are accomplished iii a direction perpendicular to the direction of the rays. Thus, if we conceive a ray of light, moving from north to south, the little vibrations which con- stitute it are effected in a direction east or west, and in every other di- rection equally perpendicular to its path ; and ordinary light is charac- terized by the fact, that its vibrations are accomplished in every ima- ginable plane. If we reduce these vibratory movements to a single plane, the light becomes polarized, and is, then, in the condition for dissecting the interior of crystallized bodies, and exhibiting the beauti- ful illustrations of their structure, that have been already noticed. But it would lead us too far away from our proper subject, to enter into the description of polarizing apparatus, or even of its principles, in detail, as the indication just given of its nature is sufficient. Perhaps the most remarkable and the most important principle of the theory of waves is, that two portions of light may act on each other so as to interfere and produce darkness, though at another point they may form light of double brilliancy. To effect this, it is only necessary they should be in opposite states of vibration, that is, whilst the waves of one ray should be rising up, those of the other should be falling down : these motions then compensate each other, and the result is the same as if no vibratory motion had existed, that is, as if no light had arrived at the points where the rays met. It is only, however, when one of the simple coloured lights is employed that actual blackness occurs, by the mutual destruction of the rays : if white light be used there is produced a brilliant series of prismatic colours ; for at the moment when the red light is destroyed, the remaining blue and yellow form a bright green ; when the yellow is destroyed, the red and blue produce a purple. Cases of this kind of interference are extremely common : it is thus that the coloured rings of crystals, and the colours of the soap bubble or oil film are produced. The brilliancy of the plumage of birds, the lustre of many minerals, as of opal and labradorite, arise from the interference of the portions of light which after reflection thus act on each other. Under ordinary circumstances light is always associated with heat ; the sun, the source of warmth to our globe, being also the natural ori- gin of light : and in most cases where light is artificially produced, it is associated with heat, which is also capable of being transmitted in a ra- diant form. It was, indeed, once considered, that at certain tempera- tures heat became converted into light, and that the colour of the light depended on the degree of heat ; a body, when first rendered luminous by being heated, emitting a dull red light, which gradually becomes brighter as the temperature rises, until at the highest degree of heat the 50 Phosphorescence. light emitted is pure white, and similar in constitution to the solar ray. The powers of emitting heat, and of emitting light, are, however, al- though so frequently associated, quite independent and distinct ; and the rays of heat and those of light may be perfectly separated from each other. It would anticipate too much the account of radiant heat, to describe the means of separating the heating from the luminous quali- ties of ordinary light ; but elsewhere they will be described in full. A body may become luminous when very moderately heated, as in the case of minerals, as fluor spar. Light may be produced also by the friction of bodies, as by rubbing two pieces of sugar briskly together, or by striking together two pieces of quartz, and in these cases it is difficult to assign its true origin, as, possibly, a minute trace of the sub- stance may be very intensely heated. There are also many bodies, which when exposed to the light of the sun, after having been made red hot, appear to absorb a portion of it, and become capable of emitting it slowly, giving a pale bluish light for some time afterwards in the dark. This occurs, particularly with chloride of barium, native sulphate of barytes, carbonate of lime, and a great number of other bodies. Such substances are said to be phosphorescent '. Thus fluor spar is rendered so by heat, sugar and quartz become so by friction, and the electric spark is capable of conferring the phosphorescent property on a great variety of bodies. Organized substances become phosphorescent in the first stages of their decay ; thus, rotten wood, and fish before actual putrefaction has commenced. The light emitted is, in such cases, the result of an ex- ceedingly slow, but distinct process of combustion ; it requires the pre- sence of atmospheric air, of oxygen, although an exceedingly small quantity may suffice, and it is extinguished and revived by all such means as facilitate or retard the chemical action of the air upon organic bodies. The light emitted by the glow-worm, and the fire-flies, as well as by the great variety of marine zoophytes, appears also to be not merely an evolution of light as a product of vital action, but to arise similarly from the secretion of a substance, which slowly combining with the oxygen of the atmosphere, produces the light as a consequence of com- bustion. Animal phosphorescence is, therefore, to be ascribed to che- mical action. The white light, derived from different sources, does not always pos- sess the same physical constitution. If the coloured spectrum produced by the solar ray be closely examined, it will be found crossed by a mul- titude of black lines, indicating the total absence in the sun's light of rays of certain refrangibilities. That tins is inherent in the light is shown by the fact, that when we change the nature of the prism, the Chemical Agencies of Light. 51 position of the space in which these black lines occur may alter, but the lines preserve all their relative distances from each other totally un- changed. Hence, in place of referring to the colours of the spectrum in order to characterize its properties, those lines, of which the most remarkable is a double line situated in the yellow space, are used as marks. The light of the sun, of the moon, and planets, as well as the white light produced by our processes of combustion, all consist of the same elements of yellow, red, and blue, and all are distinguished by the same set of lines. In the light of some of the fixed stars the same lines are found, as is the case with Pollux ; but in the spectrum formed by rays from Sirius or from Castor, this double line does not occur, but is replaced by one broad line in the yellow space, and two remarkable dark lines in the blue. It is very curious, that if we examine the spec- trum through certain coloured media, as the vapours of iodine or bro- mine, we find additional black lines, and by using gaseous nitrous acid these become almost innumerable, and increase so much when the gas is heated, that the spectrum is obliterated, and the gas becomes opaque. It is possible that such may take place at the origin of the light of the heavenly bodies ; and that the sun and the fixed stars are involved in absorbing atmospheres, which allow only certain rays to pass, and that hence there may exist in nature, kinds of light from which the eye of man is screened for ever, by means of such an impervious veil. Some classes of chemical substances are, to a certain extent, charac- terized by the facility with which they are decomposed when under the influence of light. The salts of silver, of gold, of platina, and, in some instances, of mercury, are subject to this influence. A great va- rietj of vegetable and animal bodies undergo important changes in their constitution by the action of the solar rays, the development of certain colours requiring the agency of light, and the majority of colours being destroyed when its action is too great : hence the fading of dyes arises. The power of light thus to modify the affinity by which chemical combi- nation is produced, has been found to be exercised specially by the vio- let or more refrangible extremity of the spectrum, and even with most intensity by invisible rays quite outside of the luminous space, and ex- tending beyond even the lavender-coloured prismatic space of Herschel. It has been also considered, that the rays of the red extremity of the spectrum possessed chemical properties of an inverse kind, and that the decomposition produced by violet light might be counteracted, and the elements brought to recombine by the red rays. This is not absolute. All that has been established is, that there exists in solar light, and, probably, in all light derived from sources of combustion, three distinct sets of rays, the one of proper light, which produces only luminous 52 Chemical Rays in the Spectrum effects, the second of radiant heat, the nature of which shall be specially examined in the following chapter, and the third, of rays which, thougla neither luminous nor heating,, exercise an influence on chemical affinity, and the nature of which shall be discussed with more detail when the subject of chemical affinity and its relations to the other physical forces has been described. To these chemically acting rays the name of Tithonic Bays has been given by Dr. Draper, of New York, to whose researches much of our knowledge of their peculiar properties is due ; and he pro- poses to assume, as the basis of our theory of this department of science, the existence of a force, to which he gives the name of Tithonictiy, believing that it is capable of modifying the agencies of chemical affi- nity in the like manner as electricity or heat. CHAPTEE HI. OF HEAT CONSIDERED AS CHARACTERIZING CHEMICAL SUBSTANCES. AT almost every step of chemical inquiry it is necessary to introduce the action of heat, either as modifying the results of the chemical action of bodies upon each other, or as affording characters by which the substances we operate upon may be distinguished. The doctrine of heat and the history of its effects have consequently at all periods formed an important portion of the studies of the chemist, and it is, indeed, only lately, since the brilliant course of discovery which was opened, and so successfully prosecuted by Melloni, and by Eorbes, has identified the theories of heat and light, that this subject has been contemplated in its proper aspect, as a physical science, and its application and influence in chemistry have ceased to be considered as making up the science, properly so called, of heat Of all the physical sciences, however, that of heat, or Thermotics, as it is now termed, is the most important to the chemist, in guid- ing him in his operations, and in the accurate description of their results. On this account it will be necessary to describe the properties of heat more in detail than those of any other of the physical agents, and to illustrate these properties by more numerous references to cases in which their utility in chemistry is apparent. The effects of heat, by which, according to their degrees, bodies may be characterized, are 1st. Change of volume for a given change of temperature. Ex- pansion. 2nd. Quantity of heat required to produce a given change of tem- perature. Specific heat. 3rd. Temperature necessary for liquefaction. Melting points. 4th. Temperature necessary for giving a certain elasticity to a vapour. Soiling points. 5th. Quantity of heat required to produce a given change of aggre- gation. Latent heat of liquids and vapours. 54 Expansion ly Heat. 6th. Manner and rapidity of communicating or receiving heat. Conduction and radiation of heat. The subject of heat shall therefore be studied specially under these heads and it will be necessary to introduce an account of our mode of measuring heat and temperature, by the thermometer and pyrometer, and to add some observations on the physical relations of heat and light, and on the physical theory of heat. SECTION I. OP EXPANSION. When describing the effects of cohesion, I have already noticed that the molecular constitution of all bodies might be considered to depend on the relative power of the attractive force of cohesion, and the repul- sive force of heat, upon their particles. Thus where the attraction was in excess, the molecules were knitted firmly together to form a solid body, but that where repulsion was most powerful, all cohesion was lost, and the body assumed the form of a vapour or a gas. In the inter- mediate condition, where the forces appeared to be nearly in equili- brium, there was produced the liquid state, wherein the molecules of the body appeared still to unite, by a trace of remaining cohesion, but they yet moved among one another with perfect ease, and the slightest external force might disarrange them entirely. Now the change from one to the other of any two of these conditions is not quite abrupt. If a cold body be gradually heated until it shall begin to liquefy, its particles do not remain in the same condition up to the moment when they separate so far, as to change their state of aggregation ; on the contrary, from the instant that the substance becomes warm, the change begins ; the molecules of the body gradually separate, they occupy more space than before, and from the very commencement of the in- crease of heat, the body, though it may remain solid, yet expands. In the same manner, if the liquid be heated, the change of aggrega- tion does not commence until the increase of heat has reached a certain degree ; but from the beginning a change of volume occurs, the in- crease of which marks the gradual diminution of cohesion. In gases there can take place no further change of form, and the only effect which heat can produce on them is expansion. Repulsive power of Heat. 55 This power of repulsion which we suppose heat to exercise, in caus- ing the transition from one state of aggregation to another, as well as the expansion which occurs without change of form, may become directly evident to the senses, at least in a partial way, in many cases. Thus many powders, if sprinkled on a warm capsule, or still better, on a silver plate, are thrown into violent motion, and dissipated by the mutual repulsion of their particles, independent of any currents of air which might affect them. "When liquids, particularly alcohol and the oils, are brought to boil, the drops which are mechanically thrown up out of the liquid, do not mix with it on falling back, but roll about on the surface, and appear to repel each other, and to be repelled by the hot glass of the vessel in a remarkable degree. If a brass poker, strongly heated, be allowed to rest against a cold iron bar, or still better, if a rounded bar of brass be made very hot and laid upon a flat block of lead, the surface of the cold metal becoming heated, repels the warmer brass, which instantly falls down again, by its weight over- coming the repulsion, when the metal cools. When the brass again touches the metal or lead, the latter is again heated at the point of contact, and again there is repulsion succeeded by a new contact, and these repeated motions throw the bar of brass into a slate of tremulous agitation, which being conveyed to the ear by the intervening air, gives a remarkably distinct and agreeable musical tone. The better conduc- tor, the heated body, and the worse conductor, (of a metal,) the cold body can be, the more successful is the result. This force of repulsion is made still more distinct, and even measur- able, by an experiment devised by Powell. When a flat and a convex glass plate are strongly pressed together, they still do not touch, but are separated by an exceedingly thin space, by the action of light in which there are produced coloured rings, like those seen on the surface of a soap bubble, or in a film of oil floating upon water. Each colour belongs to a distinct and measurable thickness of this space, and when such an apparatus is gradually heated, the rings close in towards the centre, showing that the glass plates recede from one another, and the degree of repulsion may be determined from the narrowing which occurs in the breadth of any particular coloured ring, according as the tem- perature rises. In permanent gases the expanding force of heat is unaffected by any disturbing cause ; there is no cohesion remaining to impede its opera- tions ; hence a certain increase of heat affects all gases alike, and no matter how hot or how cold a gas may be, a certain increase of heat produces the same increase of volume in every case. In solids and in liquids, however, it is different, the expansion which occurs is but the 56 Influence of Cohesion on Expansion. result of the opposing forces of cohesion and of heat, and hence the amount of expansion depends not only on the quantity of heat which is applied, but also on the power of cohesion by which it is resisted, and which depends upon the nature of the body. Consequently every liquid and every solid expands in a degree which is peculiar to it. There is yet another consequence of the influence of cohesion upon the expan- sion of solids and of liquids. Let us represent the cohesive force of a certain substance, for example, copper, by 10, and let us suppose that we apply to it a quantity of heat which will expand it through a space which we will call 1, and will diminish its cohesion from 10 to 9. If, then, we apply another quantity of heat, exactly equal to the former, it will not have to contend against a cohesion of 10, but of 9, and will, consequently, be able to produce an expansion of more than 1, say 1J, and it will reduce the cohesion more than it did before, as from 9 to 7J. If, then, another equal quantity of heat be added, it having still less opposing force to overcome, will act still more powerfully, reducing, for example, the cohesion from 7J to 5, and the increment of volume be- coming, in place of 1 J, 2. In solids and liquids, the rate of expansion increases thus, with the temperature, from the diminution of cohesion, but in the permanent gases where the cohesion remains the same, or rather is completely absent, the expansion is proportional to the addi- tional quantity of heat, no matter how much may have been sensibly present in the gas before. I shall now proceed to consider in detail the rates of expansion of various bodies, commencing with those of gases, for which the simplest results have been obtained. Before doing so, however, it is necessary to study the means by which we ascertain the quantities of heat whicto we add or substract from bodies to effect their expansion or contraction ; to investigate, in fact, the principle on which the thermometer and pyrometer are founded, and such details of their construction as shall hereafter be found necessary to be known. Let a b be a glass bulb, with a long and narrow neck, which is divided by a scale, as in the figure, of which each division is a certain part, as 1^5 of the volume of the bulb. Let us suppose the bulb a to be filled with pure dry air, at the same degree of heat as that at which ice melts, and separated completely from the external air by means of a globule of mercury, c, which is settled exactly at the com- mencement of the scale. If now the instrument be warmed, the air in Nature of Temperature. 57 the bulb expands, and according as it increases in volume, pushes before it, into the tube, the globule of mercury. This last serves, there- fore, as an index of the increase of volume which the air gains as it is heated, and by its position we can read off the exact proportion. If the source of heat be water boiling, under ordinary circumstances, at Dublin, at the level of the sea, as soon as the air has been heated to exactly the same degree as the water, the globule will be found to have arrived at the 366th division on the scale. Therefore, 1000 measures of air, on being heated from the degree of melting ice, to that of boil- ing water, become 1366. Now, as from the constitution of air and gases, the effect of each increase of heat is the same, we may consider the whole quantity of heat which is received from the boiling water, to be divided into 366 parts or degrees, and one of these parts being applied separately to the bulb, should have increased the volume of air by T^Q P art > or should have converted the 1000 volumes into 1001. There is thus obtained a scale of expansion, which is quite artificial and arbitrary certainly, but which, having been once contrived, may be with perfect accuracy applied to measure different quantities of heat. Thus, if we warm water to blood heat, and immerse in it the air bulb as described, the expansion of the air will move the globule of mercury to the degree 122, which is thus exactly the one-third part of the 366, and hence the water in being heated from the degree of melting ice to that of blood heat, received thereby exactly one-third of the quantity of heat which should have made it boil, and its temperature is increased one-third as much. I have here spoken of measuring the successive quantities of heat which the air received, and in this case the manner of expression is sufficiently accurate, as well as the most simple. But it is necessary to explain the true meaning of the words, quantity of heat, and tempera- ture. The amount of expansion which a hot body is capable of pro- ducing in the air or mercury of the thermometer, measures truly what is called its temperature. The temperature has nothing whatsoever to do with the quantity of heat which the body may contain; it refers only to its expanding power. If a quantity of water, of oil, of ether, of mercury, or of iron, produce all the same amount of expansion in the air, or mercury, of the thermometer, we say they have the same temperature, without pretending to know anything of the quantity of heat which they may actually possess. The thermometer and pyrometer are, therefore, instruments for measuring, not heat, but temperature, and we denote by degrees of temperature the amount of expansion pro- duced, marked off on an arbitrary scale winch we may think proper to adopt. 58 Construction and Use Gases expanding more than any other bodies, the air thermometer is the most sensible that can be made, and, in the form just described, it is an exact measure of heat, subject only to one correction, which is, that although the air, in being heated from the degree of melting ice, to that of boiling water, actually expands iooo of its volume, yet that expansion is not all visible, for the glass bulb expands also on being heated, although in a very small proportion, and holds JQOO more than it did when cold ; the visible expansion on the scale is, therefore, only 364 degrees, and this must be allowed for, to have complete accuracy. The form of the air thermometer which has been just described, is, however, quite unfit for ordinary use; the adjustment of the index globule the necessity that the instrument should be perfectly horizon- tal, which is quite impossible in the majority of practical cases ren- ders this kind of an air thermometer too unmanageable, and since the air changes its volume very much for every change of pressure and our atmosphere varies in its weight almost every hour an air thermo- meter left open, as at the orifice d, should change continually without reference to the degrees of heat at all, and should thus give false indications. The end of the tube must, therefore, be accurately closed. When, however, the air inside is thus confined, the simple rule of the dilatation being proportioned to the increase of heat, ceases com- pletely. For if the point b be closed, and that the bulb a be heated, the globule of mercury, in moving along the scale, condenses the air before it, and thus generates an elastic force, by which the expansion is resisted and diminished in amount ; the degrees should, therefore, be no longer equal, but rapidly diminish in size, so that on the upper parts of the scale they could not be distinguished from one another, and should hence be useless. But by having a second bulb, as in the next figure, the elasticity of the air compressed in the cold bulb in- creases much less rapidly, and the scale to be applied to the stem con- necting the bulbs, is easily constructed. As the stems of these air thermometers are generally upright, mercury would be too heavy a fluid to introduce in a column, and the mere globule which we supposed, in the example first taken, would not answer, from the facility with which it might be broken or displaced : to any watery or spirituous liquid there is also an objection, that the amount of expansion should be increased in an uncertain degree, by the portion of fluid converted into vapour. To avoid these errors, oil of vitriol may best be employed, and it is generally coloured red, to render the motion of the fluid column more easily visible. An air thermometer, closed perfectly, indicates a change of tempera- Of Air Thermometers 59 ture only by the difference between the elas- ticity of the air in the two bulbs. No matter how high or how low the temperature may be, if it affects both bulbs to the same degree, the air in each bulb presses on the liquid column with the same force, and exactly ba- lances the other. The instrument indicates, therefore, such temperatures only as affect one bulb and not the other the difference, in fact, between the temperatures of the two bulbs, and hence is properly called the differ- ential thermometer. In fig. a the one bulb is much above the other. In fig. b the stem which terminates above in a bulb is open be- low, and plunges into the liquid which the inferior bulb contains. Tins lower vessel is soldered or cemented at its orifice round the tube, so as perfectly to prevent the action of the air. Fig. c represents the most ordinary form ; the bulbs are on a level, and are connected by a U-shaped stem. The air thermometer is thus, in all its forms, liable to so many inconveniences from the limited range of its scale, if it be open to the air, and from the complex form which the scale assumes, if the external air be prevented from communica- tion, that it is never made use of in practice, except in some particular cases, which shall here- after be specially noticed. We are, therefore, obliged to have recourse, for our accurate measures of temperature, to other bodies, which, though not so sensitive as air, offer more practical advantages. The liquids which are generally used to measure, by their expansion, changes of temperature, are alcohol and mercury. The former, in being raised from the melting point of ice to that at which itself boils, expands -& , whereas air, witldn the same limits, would have expanded is,, being about three and a half times as much as alcohol : and mer- cury, in having its temperature raised from the melting point of ice to the boiling point of water, expands 1600, or about -0 of the quantity of air. Hence these liquids are much less sensible, as thermometers, than air ; but their other advantages are decidedly in their favour. Alcohol is only employed where the object is to measure very great degrees of 60 Mercurial Thermometer. cold ; and for this purpose it is admirably fitted, as it is tlie only liquid that has not yet been frozen. Mercury, on the other hand, may be applied to an extensive range of temperatures, as it freezes only by the application of an intense cold ; and it does not boil until it arrives nearly at a red heat. It has the largest interval between its freezing and boiling points of any liquid that is known. Mercury is also ad- mirably suited to be a measure of heat, by the accidental circumstance that its expansion, when contained in a glass bulb, is accurately pro- portioned to the temperature, and its indications, therefore, absolutely true. This is occasioned by the circumstance, that, as in all liquids and solids, the expansion increases with the temperature, the rate of increase of the capacity of the glass bulb exactly corresponds to the increase of the rate of expansion of the mercury, and absorbs it ; so that the visible expansion of the mercury is uniform, and a degree in every part of the scale is of the same length. For instance, if mercury and air be together heated from the freezing to the boiling point of water, 1*000 measures of air become 1*366; and 10*000 measures of mercury become 10*180. If, then, they be both heated as much more, the air expanding at the same rate, becomes 1*732 ; but the mercury expanding more rapidly, becomes 10*363 : and hence, if a scale were so applied, there would be shown 180 degrees in the lower, and 183 degrees in the upper part of the scale, to the same quantity of heat. This is corrected by the expansion of the glass bulb which holds the mercury. At the temperature of melting ice, the bulb holds, for ex- ample, 10*000 measures of mercury; but, on being heated to that of boiling water, it holds 10*026. The mercury, however, having become 10*180, the difference, (10*180 10*026) == 154 measures, pass into the stem, and makes the rise of temperature upon the scale. When now the second portion of heat is applied, the mercury becomes 10*363 ; and the glass bulb expanding at the same time, becomes able to hold 10*055 : and hence the difference (10*363 10*055) = 308 mea- sures pass into the stem, and move along the scale. Thus, the visible portion of the expansion is rendered exactly proportional to the increase of heat ; and the mercurial thermometer becomes, not merely the most convenient, but the most accurate measure of heat which we possess, although, however, its indications become somewhat less exact as the temperature approaches the boiling point of mercury. The difference of composition of the various kinds of glass used in the arts necessarily, however, produces slight differences of expansi- sibility, which interfere with the exactness of the correction just de- scribed ; and Eegnault has lately shown that this source of disagreement amongst thermometers is much more important than had been supposed. Its Principle of Correction, 61 So that there cannot be any general rule given for connectiug the air and the mercurial thermometers, but every thermometer will have its pe- culiar correction depending upon the nature of its glass and even the degree in which the glass has been worked in making the instrument. The following table will however show the general range of differences of the indications of mercurial thermometers made of different kinds of glass compared with the standard scale of the thermometer. Temperatures on Temperature on the Mercurial Thermometer Centigrade Scale. the air Thermo- meter Centigrade Scale. Flint Glass. Crown Glass. Bottle Glass. Swedish Glass. Degrees. Degrees. Degrees. Degrees. Degrees. 100 100-00 100-00 100-00 100-00 120 120-12 119-95 120-08 120-04 140 140-29 139-85 140-21 140-11 160 160-52 159-74 160-40 160-20 180 180-80 179-63 180-60 180-33 200 201-25 199-70 200-80 200-50 220 221-82 219-80 221-20 220-75 250 253-00 250-05 251 -as 251-44 290 295-10 290-80 293-30 _____ 320 327-25 321-80 350 360-50 354-00 In constructing a thermometer the first requisite is, that the bore of the tube shall be perfectly uniform, for otherwise the result above de- scribed, which gives all its real value to the quicksilver thermometer, would be completely inapplicable in practice. This is ascertained by finding that a small quantity of mercury, moved up and down the tube, occupies exactly the same length in every part. A proper tube having been thus obtained, one extremity is closed, and a bulb is blown upon it ; another is formed near the open end, leaving a space between the two bulbs somewhat longer than the thermometer is intended to be. The tube and bulbs having been heated, are allowed to cool, with the open end immersed in pure and recently boiled mercury. By the con- traction of the internal, and the pressure of the external air, a quantity of mercury is forced into the first bulb, and ultimately the bulb at the closed end is filled completely by a repetition of the process. When the introduction of the mercury has been completed, the open end of the tube is closed by a little sealing-wax, to prevent the admission of air or dust, and the tube is allowed to cool with the terminal bulb down. "When it has cooled completely, it is again heated to the highest degree it is intended to indicate ; and the fine flame of a blow-pipe being di- rected upon the point wlu'ch is to be the extremity of the tube, it is melted, and the orifice completely closed. When the instrument then 62 Determination of the i cools, there remains, over the mercury in the stem, a perfectly empty space. It remains then to attach the scale. When describing the general principle of the thermometer, in the example of dry air, pushing, by its expansion, an index globule of mercury along the stem, the scale which included the interval from the freezing to the boiling points of water, was supposed to be divided into 366 parts. This was, however, merely because the 1,000 measures of air, in being heated through that inter- val, expand in that proportion. The scales that are actually used, are different, although quite as arbitrary. The simplest scale is that in which the interval between the freezing and boiling points of water, which is universally taken as the standard, is divided into 100 parts; it is termed the centigrade scale, and is universally employed in France, and generally in Germany and the north of Europe. In it ice is said to melt at 0, and water to boil at 1 00 .On the scale generally used in this country, and in Great Britain, the standard interval is divided into 180 degrees, but the melting point of ice is not taken as 0, but as 32, from a very absurd idea of Fahrenheit's, who was the inventor of this scale. He mixed together snow and salt, and having thus produced a more intense cold than any body before him had done, he imagined that he had attained a point at which the bodies had no heat at all ; that he had arrived at what was afterwards called the absolute zero, and he called that point ; the melting point of ice was then 32, and water boiling at 180 higher, its temperature was marked 212. There is another scale sometimes, Jbut not often used ; that of Eeaumur, in which the melting point of ice is the commencement or 0, and the boiling point of water is marked 80. The first step in the graduation is to mark the extreme points of the standard interval : the melting point of ice, and the boiling point of water. To do this correctly, some precau- tions must be taken. I have frequently spoken of the melting point of ice, and the freezing point of water as meaning the same temperature, and under ordinary circumstances they do so; but they do not so necessarily. The freezing of water is a crystallization, and, like all other cases of crystallization, may take place with greater or less facility. If water be agitated, or if it be contained in rough vessels, affording prominences to which the crystals of ice may attach themselves, it freezes exactly at 32 on Fahrenheit's scale, but if the water be kept carefully at rest, and that it be contained in smooth glass vessels, free from dust, it may be easily cooled to 25, and has been cooled even to 15, without becoming solid. Hence, if we wished to determine the zero, by means of freezing water, an error might easily be committed. Ice however, under all circumstances, melts at 32, and hence by Standard Interval. 63 plunging the bulb of the thermometer into a mixture of ice and water, and marking on the stem the point at which the level of the mercury settles, the first fixed point upon the scale is had. To determine the second point, that at which water boils, it is necessary to attend to the condition of the barometer. It will be hereafter described, how the boiling point of every liquid varies with the atmospheric pressure ; it is here enough to notice, that, either the boiling point must be determined when the barometer stands at 29*8 inches, or a correction, which shall be hereafter given, applied for any difference of height which may exist. The water must boil also in a metallic vessel, for water in a glass, or porcelain vessel, has its boiling point somewhat raised, and if the ther- mometer is to be used for chemical purposes, the bulb and only a small portion of the stem should be immersed in the boiling water. The two fixed points having been thus obtained, the interval is to be divided into 180 equal parts or degrees, for the ordinary scale of Fahrenheit, and then 32 of these degrees counted downwards from the point of melting ice, to obtain the zero ; for the zero cannot be truly got in the manner in which Fahrenheit is supposed originally to have invented it : a mixture of snow and salt being found to produce always a cold of about 2 below zero, or 2. As our range of temperature passes far below the zero of the scale, we count downward precisely as we count upwards, only prefixing in the former case the minus sign, whereas in the de- grees above zero, the + plus sign is usually omitted. Thus, -f 50, or simply 50, is fifty degrees above zero, but 50, is the same number below zero. To construct the centigrade scale, the method is precisely the same, except that we make the point of melting ice, 0, and that of boiling water, 100, and a degree being the 105- of the interval, we count up and down from zero, precisely as in the other case. It is, generally, proper to lay a thermometer aside for a few weeks after having filled it, before proceeding to apply the scale. For it is found that as there is a vacuum in the instrument above the mercury, the external pressure acting on the thin glass of the bulb, gradually changes its form a little, and would move up the fixed points, sometimes through one or two degrees, if they had been marked before the change. It is found that the same or even a much more considerable movement of the zero point may be produced by exposing the thermometer for a few hours to a temperature of about 400. The centigrade scale is of such extensive use in the works of most distinguished chemists, that it is well to show more closely its relation to the ordinary scale of Fahrenheit, and the means of reducing one to the other. The standard interval is divided into 180 Fahrenheit, and into 100 centigrade degrees, and hence a degree of the former is equal 64 Thermometrw Scales. to fb or f th of a centigrade degree. To reduce any interval in centigrade degrees to Fahrenheit's, it is, therefore, to be multiplied by 9, and di- vided by 5 ; and for the reduction from Fahrenheit to centigrade, the number is to be multiplied by 5, and divided by 9 : but, as the degrees do not in number start from the same point, the Fahrenheit scale being already 32, when the centigrade begins, it is necessary to add 32 to the number of Fahrenheit degrees, which have been attained by calcu- lation from the centigrade, and to subtract 32 from the number of de- grees on Fahrenheit, which are to be converted into degrees upon the other scale. Thus, to reduce 167 of Fahrenheit, we proceed : 167 32 = 135 and 135 x | = 75 and find it to correspond to 75 centigrade. And to reduce 65 centi- grade to Fahrenheit's scale, we say, 65 X |= 117 and 117 + 32 = 149 corresponding, therefore, to 149 of Fahrenheit. Reaumur's scale being to the centigrade scale, as 4 to 5, similar re- ductions are made to and from it, by using -| in place of |, as has been employed in the example. The range of temperatures observable with a mercurial thermometer, on Fahrenheit's scale, is from 39 to + 630. The mercury freezes a little below 40, and though it does not boil until it arrives at 660, yet the quantity of vapour which it forms, when very near its boiling point, prevents its indications from being exact between that point and 630. Our means of estimating temperatures above the boiling point of mercury, are not at all so perfect as those that have been described for the lower degrees of heat. Mercury when boiling, is not in the slightest degree luminous, but the temperature at which a heated body becomes visible in the dark, by emitting a dull red light, is not much higher. Numerous instruments have been invented for the purpose of deter- ming the higher temperatures, particularly of furnaces, and hence, they have been called pyrometers. They are principally of two kinds. In one class the temperatures are measured by the expansion of a solid bar, the extremity of which gives motion to an index. Of these the best is that of Daniell. In the other class, a small quantity of air en- closed in an infusible bulb and tube expands, and produces indications by raising or lowering the level of quicksilver contained in an attached glass tube; of this kind, the most perfect is that constructed by Pouillet. In the Pyrometer of Daniell, the change of temperature is shown by the excess of the expansion of an iron bar over the expansion of a Darnell's Pyrometer. 65 black lead case in which it is enclosed. The iron rod is somewhat shorter than the black-lead-ware case and a plug of earthenware, which fits tight in the case abuts against the iron rod inside, and projects as in the figure. Let us suppose the length of the case to be 5 inches, that of the iron rod 4J inches, and that of the earthenware plug to be 1 inch. If the whole be heated until the case shall have expanded by 12 parts, the iron rod will have increased in length by 44, and the earthenware piece by 7, which added to 44, makes 51. If the black lead case did not increase in size, all these 51 parts should project, but as there is additional room made for 1 2, the projecting portion is only 39. If the parts of the ap- paratus were all free to move, each contract- ing again on cooling, the result should be that all should be restored to their original position ; but this is not the case. The bar of iron, in ex- panding, pushes out before it the plug of earthenware, which, however, is held so tight in the case, that it cannot go back again, when the appa- ratus has become cold. The protrusion of the earthenware plug, is therefore, a permanent index of the greatest amount of expansion that had been produced, whilst the instrument was exposed to heat. This expansion is, however, very small. The three pieces being, as stated, 5, 4J and 1 inch, the expansion when heated from 32 to 212 is only !ooo of an inch, and as this indicates 180 degrees, the expansion for a degree is only about 4555 of an inch. It is, therefore, necessary to mag- nify this expansion, in order that the indications may be read off, and this is done by means of a graduated circular arc, with a move- able index, kept by means of a spring constantly at when undis- turbed. On fitting this scale to the pyrometric black lead case, after it has been in the fire, the projection of the earthenware plug, catches in the prolonged heel of the index, and moving it round, the point of the index travels over a portion of the graduated scale, and indicates the number of degrees through which the temperature had been raised. This instrument is not always made of the same size, and hence the ab- solute amount of expansion may vary, which however is reduced to the same proportion on the scale, by which also the increase in the rate of expansion of the metallic bar at very high temperatures must be allowed for. By means of this very ingenious and useful instrument, Professor Daniell has determined the melting point of most of the important 5 66 Table of Temperatures. metals, and also several other temperatures, at which remarkable phe- nomena occur. The pyrometer of Pouillet requires too many careful adaptations to allow of it being employed except for special experiments of research, and hence its detailed construction need not be described. A method employed by Petersen however deserves notice. He takes a platinum bulb like a small specific gravity bottle, which is closed by a cap that screws on, but is not absolutely air tight. This bulb being full of perfectly dry air is placed in the furnace, of which the heat is to be measured, and when it has become fully heated, it is suddenly trans- ferred to a vessel of cold water. A portion of air having escaped by the expansion from the intense heat, -an equal bulk of water then enters the platinum bulb through the minute interstices of the thread of the screw, and on weighing the bulb the quantity of water so introduced is ascertained, and being compared with the capacity of the bulb, indicates the degree in which the air had been expanded by the heat, from which the temperature of the furnace may be calculated. The pyrometers of Wedgewood, of Guyton, and many others that have been proposed, must be considered as now totally abandoned, and do not require notice. The most delicate, and perhaps the most important, indicator of heat that has been contrived, is one totally independent of expansion, and founded on the measurement of the electric current, which a change of temperature produces under certain circumstances. It is the Thermo- multiplier, invented by Nobili. The principles which the instrument in- volves, in its construction and its form, will be described under the head of electricity ; and the remarkable results obtained by means of it, and which have completely remodelled our ideas of the physical constitution of heat, will be noticed in another place : it does not however belong to the present subject as its indications are incapable of being applied as an exact measure of heat. It may be of interest to subjoin the temperatures on Fahrenheit's scale, at which some of the most remarkable effects of heat are pro- duced : 166. The greatest cold that has been produced. 121. The solid compound of alcohol and carbonic acid melts. 91. Greatest cold by ordinary freezing mixtures. 58. Temperature of the planetary spaces. 60. Greatest cold observed in the arctic regions. 47. Sulphuric ether congeals. 45. Nitric acid congeals. - 39. Mercury congeals. Expansion of Air. 67 1. 14. 20. 25. 32, 36. 98. 308, 174. 201. 211. 212. 218. 662. 810, 980. 1141, 1869. 1873. 1996 2200 2786 Oil of vitriol freezes. Oil of turpentine freezes. Wine freezes. Blood freezes. Ice melts. Olive oil freezes. Heat of human blood. Phosphorus melts. Alcohol boils. Hose's metal melts. Newton's metal melts. Water boils. Sulphur melts. Mercury boils. Antimony melts. Dull red heat. Heat of a common fire. Brass melts. Silver melts. Copper melts. Gold melts. Cast iron melts. The details which have been given, regarding the construction of tha air thermometer, will show sufficiently the principle upon which the de- termination of the rate of expansion of gaseous bodies has been effected. The first experiments on the amount of the dilatation of gases were in- stituted by Dalton and Gay Lussac, but the real laws of the expansion of gaseous bodies have been determined only by the recent researches of Rudberg, Magnus, and Eegnault. The apparatus here figured will in- dicate the manner in which such experiments may be made. It consists of a tin vessel, A, having five apertures. By means of the aperture in 68 Determination of the Law of Expansion the side, o, there is introduced the tube with the bulb, g g, containing air dried by the tube h h, and arranged with the graduated scale and index globule of mercury m, as described in page 56. By the opposite orifice, o, is fixed a thermometer, I s, the bulb I of which is on the same level as the bulb of the air tube. By means of the central orifice in the top, a second thermometer v is introduced, the bulb of which is situated exactly in the centre of the box. The other orifices in the top are for the free escape of steam. The apparatus being so arranged, water, rendered ice-cold by some snow or ice floating in it, is intro- duced, until the thermometers and the air bulbs are covered to the depth of a couple of inches ; and the index globule of mercury is thus brought to the zero of the scale. The box is then placed on a furnace, B, and gradually heated : the rise of temperature is indicated by the thermometers, t, the expansion by the motion of the index globule, and at each degree they may be compared together until the water is brought to boil. By substituting other substances for water, such as oil, or a bath of fusible metal, the rate of expansion may be determined for still higher temperatures, and has been thus ascertained up to the boiling point of mercury. From experiments with such apparatus conducted by Gay Lussac, and Dulong, it resulted, that 1,000 volumes of air, when heated from 32 to 212, became 1,375, and that the change was in proportion for higher or lower temperatures. The numbers actually obtained may be stated as in the following table : Temperature on a Mer- curial Thermometer by F. Scale. 10, 000 Volumes of Air at 32o become Expansion for one De- gree on F. Scale in Parts of the Volume at 32 ... 33 + 32 212 300 387 473 559 660 8650 10000 13750 15576 17389 19189 20976 23125 20-77 20-83 20-70 20-82 20-84 20-83 20*90 The mean of the results gives the expansion for one degree at 20'81, or almost exactly -5^ of the volume at 32, which result had been adopted universally, without any suspicion of its being imperfect. Cir- cumstances having, however, induced Eudberg to submit the subject to an accurate reinvestigation, conducted with exceeding care and atten- Of Air and other Gases by Heat. 69 tion, particularly to the state of dryness of the air employed, he has found that the amount of expansion assigned by Gay Lussac and Dalton is decidedly too great, and that a volume of air, in being heated from 32 to 212, expands from 1000 volumes to 1366. The method which he employed was almost exactly the inverse of that of Gay Lussac. Having dried with great care the air in a glass bulb, the tube of which was drawn to a fine point, like that described, page 10, for taking the specific gravity of vapours, he heated it for a long time in a vessel of boiling water, taking care that all parts of the bulb and tube were equally heated, and then, being completely certain that all the air had attained the maximum temperature, he sealed, by the blow-pipe, the minute orifice, and thus had the bulb containing air in the expanded state. The vessel being then removed to a trough of mercury, the orifice of the tube was placed deep below the surface, and carefully opened ; a quantity of ice was then laid upon the globe, and being supplied as fast as it melted, the whole was thus left for some hours until the temperature was well established at 32, and that all the mercury which should rise into the globe, by the contraction of the air by cooling, had entered. The height of the mercury was then noticed, and the height of the barometer and the corrections necessary for its positive amount, or for any change which occurred during the experiment, allowed for, as already described. The volume of the mer- cury which had entered into the globe was then ascertained, and the volume of the globe itself also determined, and by a comparison of these, corrected for the expansion of the glass, and for any variation in the boiling point from 212, the rate of expansion and its amount were calculated. From very numerous experiments, Rudberg and Magnus inferred, that in being heated from 32 to 212 1000 volumes of air became between 1364 and 1366-4. These results have been fully confirmed by the more recent investigations of Eegnault, and from their joint researches we may consider it positive, that 1000 volumes of air in being heated from 32 to 212 become 1366 volumes, and that consequently for each degree on Fahrenheit's scale, 1000 volumes expand ?|j or 2-033, being the ^ part of the volume at 32. I have mentioned that from the complete absence of cohesion, and the identity of physical constitution in the gases, the rate of their ex- pansion was the same, and such did appear to be the fact in all the earlier investigations ; but the more exact methods of experiment now adopted, especially in the very elaborate inquiries of Regnault has brought to light differences amongst the gases themselves, as to their expansion, which are of high importance. The gases which are truly 70 Correction of Volumes for permanent, and follow perfectly the law of elasticity described in page 3. 6, appear to have the same coefficient of expansion as air ; thus hydro- gen, nitrogen, and carbonic oxide, when heated from 32 to 212, increase in volume from 1000 to 1366. But those gases which have been shown to be less perfectly elastic, are found to be more easily expansible; thus by being heated from 32 to 212. 1000 Volumes of Carbonic acid become 1371 1000 " Nitrous oxide " 1372 1000 " Sulphurous acid " 1390 1000 " Cyanogen 1388 Another remarkable circumstance connected with the molecular nature of gases, which has been found by Regnault, is that the rate of expansion of a gas, even of air, is not the same when examined by allowing the gas to expand under a constant pressure, or by maintain- ing a constant volume, whilst the pressure varies. The difference is of course but small, and practically unimportant; but it is highly interesting, as teaching us that the molecules of a gas are by no means so indepen- dent or repulsive of each other, as for popular explanation we usually announce them to be. In all operations upon gaseous mixtures the rate of expansion of air comes into play, for as gases expand alike, and that the vapours, even of these bodies which are least volatile, as camphor and corrosive sublimate, expand, whilst in the elastic form, precisely as gases do, their volumes are corrected for temperature and pressure in the same manner. In determining the specific gravity of a vapour, it is also usual to reduce it to the same standard as those of gases, that is, of air at 32, even where the substance is of such a nature, as that at 32 it may not produce any sensible vapour at all. In doing so it is assumed that the vapour should, in cooling to 32, follow the same law as common air, and hence an error, even though very slight, in the rate of expansion of air, might lead to incorrect results in many cases. The application of such corrections follow very simply from what has been described. If there be a certain quantity, as 155 cubic inches of hydrogen gas at 142 Fah., and that we wish to know what volume there should be when cooled to 32, we say that, as 142 is 110 above 32 the 155 cubic inches are equal to the volume at 32, and in addi- tion to 492 f it ; that being the quantity by which it is expanded from 32 to 142. Therefore denoting the volume at 32, by the letter Y, there is the equation : 129-5 cubic inches are, therefore, the volume at 32. Change of Temperature. 71 If, on the other hand, we have a gas at a low temperature, and we wish to ascertain what its volume should be at 32, it is evident that the mode is the same, except that in place of subtracting the amount of expansion we add it to the original volume. Thus, if the 155 cubic inches of hydrogen had been at 6 Fahrenheit, then the equation should have been, 32 6 being 26. 155 =V V ??- or V = 5X92 - = 163-7 cubic inches in exact numbers. It frequently happens that it is necessary to reduce a gas at one tem- perature to its volume at another, neither of which being 32, it would require two different sums to be worked, by the above process. But it may be effected as follows, by a single calculation. The volumes, at the two temperatures, are to one another in the same proportion as the standard volume, 492, increased by the amount of expansion proper to the temperatures. Thus, at the temperatures of 75 and 42, the standard volume, which is 492, at 32, becomes re- spectively 535 and 502. Now any volume of gas, when heated from 42 to 75, or cooled from 75 to 42, changes its volume in these proportions, and hence, if we have, for example, 127 cubic inches of a gas at 75, and that we wish to calculate its volume when at the tem- perature of 42, we say, calling the unknown volume V : V : 127 : : 502 : 535 and V = 127 x = H9-2 The formulae for these corrections may be very simply written in a general form ; thus, to reduce a volume to 32, denoting the tempera- ture on Fahrenheit's scale by t ; by Y, the volume of gas which we have measured at that temperature ; and by Yj, the volume at 32, the formula is : Vl= 492 ft 1 32) And to reduce, without reference to 32 : denoting the known volume by Y, and the unknown by Y 1 ; the temperature of Y by t, and that of Y r , by t\, there is found : Y _492==fl ! 32) d Vl = Y 492 ft 1 32) V, 492==f* 32) 492== f* 32)' Air which has been heated becomes, from its great increase in volume, specifically much lighter than cold air, in which it, therefore, ascends with a velocity due to the difference between their specific gravities. It is thus that over every lamp, or candle, there may be felt a current of heated air ascending from the flame ; that the heavy dark smoke 72 Determination of the rises in its heated form from the chimneys of our houses ; and that, in crowded apartments or theatres, the upper portion of the space will be occupied by oppressive hot air, whilst that near the floor will be quite cool. By the ascent of the heated air, from our furnaces and fire- places, there is generated the draught which gives the supply of air necessary for continued burning ; and as the intensity of the combus- tion and consequent heat produced, depends on the rapidity of draught, the hot air is kept from being cooled by mixing with the cold external air, by being collected in the chimney, where it obtains an ascensional power corresponding to its height, and by which we are enabled to regu- late with accuracy the temperature which shall be produced. On this ascensional power of heated air, is founded also the construction of the fire or Montgolfier balloon ; a bag of hot air, arising in the surrounding colder atmosphere, precisely as a light flask, filled with oil or alcohol, would ascend if let loose at the bottom of a vessel full of water. It has been already noticed, that liquids do not, in expanding, follow any simple proportion, such as that which exists for gaseous bodies, but that each liquid has a peculiar dilatability of its own, and that the rate of expansion varies with the temperature, being greater in the higher portion of the thermometric scale than in the lower. Liquids expand much less than gases, but much more than solids ; for, as is particularly instanced in the thermometer, the visible expansion of a fluid is, in most cases, only the excess of its expansion over the expan- sion of the solid vessel in which it may be contained. To measure the amount of expansion in liquids, they may be intro- duced into graduated thermometer tubes ; and then, when exposed to the same degree of heat, they will indicate temperatures proportional to their expansibilities. Thus alcohol rising more into the stem than water, and water more than mercury, will stand at different marks on the stem, although the temperature be really the same. It may, how- ever, be more easily and more accurately done by means of the apparatus in the figure. A, B. is a glass tube, the neck of which is very narrow, and bent as in the figure. This tube is to be filled completely, at Expansion of Liquids. 73 the lowest temperature, with the liquid, whose expansion is to be exam- ined and then weighed, the weight of the tube itself being previously known, and the quantity of liquid which it contains thus determined. The tube is to be then arranged horizontally in a vessel of water or oil C, to which heat may be applied by a furnace E, below ; and the liquid expanding according as its temperature is raised, the excess of volume flows out by the capillary beak A, and may be collected as in F, or let to waste. When the apparatus has been brought to the highest temperature required, as known by the thermometer Y. D. and that all further expansion has ceased, as is known by no more liquid passing out by A. the tube is to be removed from the bath, carefully cleaned, and, when again cold, accurately weighed. The loss of weight is the quantity of liquid that has been expelled, and this, compared with the whole original quantity of liquid, gives the proportion of ex- pansion. In this manner, however, the result appears to be less than it really is, for the expansion of the glass tube itself diminishes the quan- tity of liquid expelled. Such results require, therefore, to be corrected for the expansion of the glass, which is, however, so small, that in the more dilateable liquids it may be neglected. In mercury, however, it affects the apparent expansion very much ; mercury expanding in glass through 180 augments in volume only ^ whilst its real expansion is The amount of expansion of different liquids, in passing through 180 degrees of Fahrenheit, is thus found to be : Alcohol, . . .1 Oil of turpentine, . J Nitric acid, . . i Sulphuric acid, . _i Fixed oils, . . JL Water, i Sulphuric ether, . i Mercury, . . i The actual amount of expansion, independent of the expansion of the containing vessel, is best observed by the apparatus used by Dulong and Petit, and somewhat improved by Regnault. It consists of a glass tube, a 6 c, bent in the form of an U, of which the horizontal portion c is narrow, but the vertical legs pretty wide. WTien mercury is poured into the tube, it stands at the same height in both legs, if the r ^^ temperature be the same ; but one leg being immersed in a vessel of oil or water, I, by which heat can be applied to it, and thereby the mercury in it caused to expand, the height of the liquid column must increase in the proportion of the augmented volume, in order to balance the colder column of mercury The difference between the heights being read off, by means of an accu- 74 Determination of the Law of Expansion. rate scale, with a telescope, o, the amount of absolute expansion may be easily calculated from it. By means of such instruments those observers determined the rate at which the expansion of mercury increases with the temperatu re, as has been noticed generally in the description of the thermometer. Their result was, that between 32 and 212, measured on the air thermo- meter, the expansion is j^.j-. Prom 212 to 393 it is y^y. and from 392 to 572 it is consequence is, that measured by its own expansion, mercury boils at 680 Fahrenheit; but from the ex- pansion of the glass of an ordinary thermometer bulb, it boils at 660 on the visible scale, which coincides almost exactly with 662, the temperature given by the dilatation of air. The apparent expansion of mercury in glass may, therefore, be taken as being uniform through 180 and as amounting to -^ T of its volume. Considerable simplicity is given to the laws of dilatation of liquids, by an observation of Gay Lussac, that, in order to obtain any common rule for them, such as is found for gaseous bodies, we must examine them when in the same molecular condition ; that is to say, the cohe- sive powers of the liquids we employ must be brought into the same state. This is most nearly done, by taking these liquids when heated to their boiling points, for then the cohesion of each liquid is about to cease ' altogether. Thus alcohol boils at 173, water at 212, sulphu- ret of carbon at 134, and sulphuric ether at 96 '3 ; and, taking I'OOO volumes of each at their boiling points, and allowing them to cool, they contract as follows : By cooling through. Water contracts. Alcohol contracts. Sulphuret of Carbon contracts. Ether contracts. 18 () 6-61 11-43 12-01 16-17 36" 13-15 24-34 23-80 31-83 54 18-85 34-74 35-06 ! 46-42 72 2410 45-68 45-77 58-77 90<> | 28 . 56 56-02 56-28 72-01 108 32-42 65-96 6621 We by this means find a very interesting relation between alcohol and sulphuret of carbon, two fluids remarkably different in their speci- fic gravities, and in their chemical constitution and properties. It ap- pears that their molecular force must increase at the same rate, for in cooling the same number of degrees below their boiling points, they contract to exactly the same amount : and a still further connexion is exhibited between their molecular conditions, by the remarkable fact, Maximum Density of Water. 75 that, in being converted into vapour, the augmentation of volume which they undergo is the same. Many liquids possess the property of contracting, by reduction of temperature, only to a certain point ; below which, if the cooling be continued, they expand. As the volume at this temperature is the least possible, it is called the point of maximum density. This peculiarity was first recognized in water; but it has since been found in many other fluids, even in a still more remarkable degree. It is, however, in water that the phenomenon is of most importance, in consequence of the ex- tensive agency of that liquid in natural operations. The point of max- imum density of water has been determined by the experiments of very many persons to be 39'5 of Fahrenheit. When water below that tem- perature is heated, it contracts; when heated above it, it expands: when cooled from above it, it contracts ; when cooled below it, it ex- pands : and when the experiment is made in glass vessels, the contrac- tion of the glass has the effect of rendering the expansion of cooling below, or of heating above, through the same number of degrees, exactly equal. Thus, 100-000 volumes of water become 100'012 equally by being cooled from 39.5 to 32 or heated to 46, and the specific gravity of water at 46 and 32 is consequently the same. A great deal of the permanence of the existing order of nature de- pends upon this property of water : it is by means of it, that the great mass of water, in our lakes and rivers, is preserved from being converted into solid ice. When, by the cooling process of the winds, the water has been all reduced to the temperature of 39.5, the water at the surface acts as a screen to prevent the further loss of heat, and thus retains the deeper portions at a temperature sufficiently high to support the existence of its organized inhabitants ; for the superficial water being cooled below 39.5, by the continued action of the cold winds, it becomes lighter, and floats upon the heavier and warmer water underneath ; and from the bad conducting power which water will be hereafter demonstrated to possess, the loss of heat is effectually pre- vented. If it were not for this property of water, all large collections of it, in lakes and rivers, should, with few exceptions, be permanently frozen. The dilatation of solids is much inferior in amount to that of liquids, and, as with these, the rate of dilatation is not uniform, but increases with the temperature. The increase is, however, so exceedingly minute, that in almost all cases it may be neglected, and hence need not occupy much attention. The dilatation of solids, although so small, may yet be demonstrated to be real, by many simple experiments. Thus, if an iron rod be made to fit, when cold, in length and breadth, an exact scale, 76 Determination of the it will be found, when heated, to be too large to enter it. An iron ring which is, when cold, too small to pass over a cylinder, becomes suffi- ciently large on being heated, and if the cylinder could have passed through when cold, its diameter becomes too great to allow its passage when its temperature is raised. In the arts, the expansion of solids, particularly of the metals, in this way, becomes the source of numerous inconveniences, and of many useful applications, Thus, the iron rim of a carriage wheel is secured by the power of its own contraction ; it having been slipped upon the wooden frame, whilst in a hot and ex- panded state. The force of contraction of iron bars in cooling, has been applied successfully to restore to the proper position, buildings which had been about to fall, and the rate of expansion has also, as in the pyrometers of Daniell and others, served as an useful measure of high temperatures ; on the other hand, by the alternate expansions and contractions, under the successive influence of winters and summers, of the metallic bars, which had imprudently been laid in the masonry of some important public buildings, with the idea of giving additional security, the courses of stone or brick have been loosened from one another, and reconstruction rendered necessary, in order to prevent their being gradually pulled to pieces. In estimating the amount of expansion of a solid body, the great difficulty is the accurate measurement of the small increase in length, which takes place. For this purpose, a great variety of mechanical arrangements have been constructed. As they all are in principle the same, and the detailed description of any exact form would occupy too much space, it will be sufficient to notice one, which, though not that by which very accurate numbers may be obtained, is calculated to give satisfactory idea of their general construction ; a b is the bar of which Expansibility of Solids. 77 the expansion is to be determined ; it is fastened securely at the extre- mity a, and rests at b, in a groove along which it is free to move, as in the figure. This end of the bar at b, presses against a rod, c, which is a lever of the second order, very near the fulcrum, and this transfers its motion to the end of the lever, increased in the proportion of the dis- tance. This lever acts on another similar one d, the extremity of which serves as an index on the graduated circular arc e t by which the amount of expansion is read off. Thus, if the acting lengths of the arms of the levers are respectively, 1 and 20, and that the end of the bar a at b, moves, Y^ of an inch, the end of the index d will move on the scale *1 A vv Of) 4- e through TOOO~ = 10 ^ an " 1C ^ a s P ace ca P a ^ e f being divided by a microscope and vernier into 200 measurable spaces, so that an ex- pansion of the two hundred thousandth of an inch can be positively de- termined. Tor a popular illustration, the source of heat may be lamps, as in the figure, but for accurate experiments the bar is completely immersed in a bath of oil or water, and the temperature ascertained by a suitable arrangement of thermometers. The most important results thus obtained are the following. The temperature being raised from 32 to 212 ; the increase in length pro- duced, is, with a bar of ' SZTT * TTBT Flint Glass . ' T5TG Steel Crown Glass . ' 1087 Gold Copper . * JWS Silver Brass . . : Lead. J32 Soft Iron Tin . The increase in length is called the linear dilatation of a substance, but its increase of volume is called the cubical dilatation, and is three times the former. Thus, the cubical dilatation of glass is 15 5 1? or yyg. Hence, a glass ball which holds 439 measures, at 32 becomes capable of holding 440 at 212, or if it hold 10*000 at 32, it holds 10-028 at 212. In this manner the correction for the expansion of glass is in all cases made. But it is necessary to apply the amount of expansion belonging to the particular sort of glass ; thus, in the ac- count of the thermometer, in page 60, the cubic dilatation of glass was taken, not as 10'028, but 10'026. Although it is abundantly proved that solid bodies expand more rapidly, at high, than at low temperatures, yet, except in the case of some particular substances, as glass, iron, and platinum, whose utility as measures of heat rendered a knowledge of the law of their expansion necessary, the subject has been little examined ; the degree to which 78 Effects of the Expansion the rate of expansion is affected by temperature will be sufficiently shown in the table which follows. At the temperature of 212 Fah- renheit, as given by an air thermometer, the dilatation for one degree is thus, for Glass. Platinum. Iron. Copper. 1 1 1 1 69660 67860 50760 34120 whilst at 572 of Fahrenheit it becomes, for Glass. Platinum. Iron. Copper. 1 1 65340 ] 1 31860 59220 40678 and the temperatures deducible from the expansion of a thermometer, made of each of these substances should be in passing from 212 to 572 as compared with air, Air. Glass. Platinum. Iron. Copper. 572" 667 592 7020 623o Platinum expands thus the most regularly of those bodies, and should, therefore, be best fitted for a metallic thermometer. It is remarkable that the rate of expansion is not increased by rise of temperature, for all solid bodies, but, on the contrary, in some cases there exists, for solids as for liquids, a point of maximum den- sity, so that the body shall expand, whether it be cooled or heated from that degree. This is peculiarly the case in Rose's fusible metal, which has been so often mentioned as a means of applying a steady heat. When heated from 32 to 111, this metallic alloy increases in volume, from 100-000 to 100-830 parts ; but there the expansion stops, and when further heated it contracts, until, when at 156, the volume is only 99-291, being less than at 32. By a further rise of temperature it again expands, and at 178 is at its original volume of 100.000, and continues expanding until being 100*862 at 201, almost exactly what it had been at 111, it begins to melt. It is curious that this substance has no point of maximum density when in the liquid state. Of Compound Metallic Bars. 79 The different rates of expansion of different solid bodies are subser- vient to some very important uses in the arts and in scientific research. Thus, the difference between the expansibilities of platinum and brass, or any other two metals which differ much, may be used as a very deli- cate thermometric means. If we take a flat rule of platinum exactly ten inches long, at 32, and lay it on a similar rule of brass, to which it is firmly screwed at one extremity, and on which, at the free end, there is engraved a scale of parts of an inch, for a small space, the compound rule will serve as a thermometer. For the two rules being exactly of the same length, at 32, if we place them, fastened together, in boiling water, the brass rule will be elongated by 0'019, whilst the platinum rule will expand only through 0*009, hence the end of the brass rule will project beyond the platinum rule by 0*010 of an inch, and as the expansion is uniform for these moderate temperatures, each degree of Fahrenheit's scale will be indicated on the scale of the brass rule by of an inch. In this form the spaces would be too mi- nute to be easily determined ; but by modifying the form, and connecting the rules through their whole length, the beautiful metallic thermometer of Breguet has been invented. Its principle is as follows : if the two rules be soldered completely together, as in a, in place of being con- nected only at a single point, the result of the unequal expansion is to bend the bar, as in b, until the most expansible metal being on the outside, it forms an arch longer than that a formed by the inside rule, by the difference of their expansions. If the compound bar be already bent into a circle, the ends of which are not opposed, the effect of the expansion is to make these edges project, and to diminish the diameter of the circle ; by having a number of such circles, the expansion of all being added together, a considerable circular motion is produced in the extremity. In the thermometer of Breguet there is such a compound spiral fastened at the upper end, and having attached to its lower extremity an index, which moves round a circular scale, c c, and indicates the temperature of the instrument. On this relative expansion is also founded the construction of the compound pendulum. A metallic bar, when used, as in an ordin- ary clock, to measure time by its vibra- tions, being constantly changing in length according as the external temperature varies, affects the rate of the clock, mak- 80 Nature of Specific Heat. ing it go too fast or too slow, by its shortening or elongation. This is corrected by having two or more bars, by the expansion of one of which the vibrating length of the pendulum is increased, whilst by the expan- sion of the other it is just as much shortened ; the consequence of this opposing action is, that the pendulum remains indifferent to all changes of temperature, and the clock becomes an exact measure of time at all seasons. SECTION II. OF SPECIFIC HEAT. It is now necessary to examine into the quantity of heat which each substance requires to raise its temperature a certain number of degrees, for although it be quite impossible to assign the absolute proportion, yet, by obtaining the relative proportions, we may arrive at results which may serve to characterize those substances, and may, as shall be hereafter shown, lead us to important views of the relations between their physical and chemical constitution. The relative quantity of heat necessary to raise the temperature of any body through a certain num- ber of degrees, as ten, for example, is termed its specific keat. If we take a pint of water at 150, and another pint of water at 50, and that we mix them well in a very thin vessel, the temperature of the mixture is found to be, if we allow for some sources of errors to which this process is exposed, exactly 100. Thus the one part of water has transferred to the other a quantity of heat sufficient to raise its tem- perature 50, and whether this addition was from 50 to 100, or from 100 to 150, the result was the same. In water, therefore, the spe- cific heat does not change within these limits ; but it will be found that in high temperatures a trifling increase does occur ; for the present purpose, however, it may be neglected. If, now, a pint of water be taken at 150 as before, and a pint of mercury at 50, and that they be well and rapidly mixed together, until both have attained the same temperature, this will be found to be 118. The mercury here rises from 50 to 118, through 68, whilst the water cools only through 32, or not quite half as much, so that the same quantity of heat can raise the temperature of mercury through more than twice as many degrees as that of water. Taking thus equal volumes, the specific heats of water and mercury are as 68 : 32 ; or water being adopted as the standard, for liquid and solid bodies, and its specific heat taken as 1, the specific heat of mercury Method* by Mixtures and ly Cooling. 81 is 0-47, nearly. Such bodies are, however, generally taken not in equal volumes, but in equal weights, and hence, it is necessary to divide the 0'47 by 13*5 the specific gravity of mercury, and thus there is obtained 0*035, its specific heat. The process now given is known as the method of mixtures, and has been selected for example, as that by which the meaning of the term specific heat is best explained ; but it is not the only one, or even, perhaps, the best by which specific heat may be determined. The sources of error are, that a certain quantity of heat is absorbed by the vessel in which the mixture is made, and that, as the mixture requires some time to make, a certain loss occurs by the cooling power of the air. But it is, however, in skilful hands, capable of exceeding accuracy ; and, with the recent improvements that have been made in its details by Regnault, it has yielded results of the highest value to science. The various forms of apparatus used in such experiments need not be described. For the use of the method of mixtures it is not necessary that the two bodies should be liquid. Thus, if a pound of pure copper in a bar be heated in an oil bath to 300, and then be immersed in a pound of water at 50, the copper will give out its excess of heat to the water, and both will arrive at a temperature of 72. The copper has, therefore, lost 228, and the water has gained 22, and the specific heats being inversely as these numbers, that of copper is found thus to be 2 ^ = 0-096, water being I'OOO. One process employed by Dulong and Petit consisted in heating to the same degree the bodies to be tried, and allowing them to cool under exactly the same circumstances. It is evident that "if we know exactly the rate at which a body cools, and the time which it takes to cool, we can calculate exactly how much heat it parts with. Thus, if we have two bodies heated to 300, and that, when circumstanced in all respects alike, one requires 15 minutes to cool to 50, and the other 25, the latter will have parted with more heat, in the proportion of 25 to 15, an4 the specific heat is expressed by the quantity of heat the body gives out in cooling. Hence those substances which have high specific heats require more time to heat or cool, through a certain number of degrees, than those bodies whose specific heat is less. It was by a process of this kind that the relative specific heats of bodies was first discovered. Boerhaave having remarked, that when two thin glass vessels, containing, one a pound of water and the other a pound of mercury, were equally exposed to the heat at the front of a strong fire, the temperature of the mercury rose much more rapidly than that of the water, and that it attained its highest temperature in one-half of the time which the water required ; and also, when both, equally hot; 6 82 Determination of Specific Heats. were removed from the fire, the mercury cooled twice as fast. Eor accurate purposes, however, there are many precautions necessary in order to place the substances under the same conditions, so as to render the rapidity of cooling dependent only on their respective specific heats ; thus, equal weights of the different bodies are placed in the same thin polished silver vessel, so that their external surface may be the same in extent and nature, and this vessel cools in an exhausted receiver in order that there may be no loss of heat from contact with the external air. The internal surface of the receiver must also be always in the same molecular state, that the heat given out may pass off in all cases with equal facility. An extensive series of researches on the specific heats of bodies, conducted by the illustrious associates Lavoisier and Laplace, have been found on repetition to have been rendered useless by the imper- fections of the apparatus they employed : it was termed the Calorimeter, and consisted of a vessel containing ice, in the centre of which the heated body was placed, and the quantity of heat this gave out in cooling was measured by the quantity of ice which was melted into water. Outside there was another case of ice to defend the instrument from the action of the air. It was found in practice impossible to collect all the water. A quantity remained infiltrated among the ice, some solidified in one part of the vessel after having been melted in another, and consequently, the numbers given by two of the greatest men that have ever been attached to science, must be considered as quite without authority. In cases, however, where the quantity of heat was very large, as when the Calorimeter was employed to determine the quantity of heat produced in combustion, these sources of error became less influential, and such results will be utilized in a future chapter. The specific heats of a number of the most important solid and liquid bodies, determined by such methods, are given in the following Table : Water . = 1-000 Iron . = 0-114 Ether . Alcohol = 0-520 = 0-660 sr. = 0-095 = 0-031 Sulphuric A id = 0-333 Gold = 0-032 Nitric Acid = 0-442 Antimony = 0-051 Sulphur Carbon = 0-202 = 0-241 Tin . Iodine . = 0-056 = 0-054 Mercury = 0-035 Phosphorus = 0-188 Arsenic = 0-081 Glass . = 0-177 Platinum = 0-032 Calomel = 0-041 Silver = 0-057 Common Sa t = 0-225 Zinc . = 0-095 Nitrate of So da = 0-240 Tellurium = 0-051 Lime . = 0-205 Nickel = 0-109 Magnesia = 0-276 Cobalt ; = 0-107 The numbers given are generally those lately obtained by Regnault. Relation of Specific Heat to Atomic Weight. 83 The specific heats of bodies are not the same at all temperatures ; thus Dulong and Petit have found that the specific heats, calculated from the change of temperature from 32 to 212, and from 32 to 572, differ, as in the Mowing Table : - Substance. I Sp. Heat from 32 to 212. Sp. Heat from 32 to 572. ; Mercury Zinc Antimony Silver . , .... Copper . Platinum Glass . ' " ' Iroti . * ; s 0-0330 0-0927 0-0507 0-0557 0-0949 0-0355 0-1770 0-1098 0-0350 0-1015 0-0549 0-0611 0-1013 0-0397 0-1900 0-1218 The specific heat increases, therefore, with the temperature, and Nauman and Regnault have found that this holds, even with water, for according to their experiments, the sp. heat of water at 32 being TOGO, that of water at 212 is 1 "010, consequently the equal distribution of heat between warm and cold water, which was described at the commence- ment of this section, does not exactly hold; the temperature of the mixture should be a very little above the mean. This was, however, omitted, in order not to complicate the account of that manner of finding the specific heats. The specific heat of the same substance may vary very materially according to its molecular condition ; thus carbon has been found to possess the following different specific heats in its several forms : Animal charcoal Wood charcoal Coak of coal Coak of antracite 0.2608 0.2415 0.2031 0.2015 Graphite natural . ,, of iron furnaces ,, of gas retorts Diamond 0.2019 0.1970 0.2036 0.1469 The specific heats of bodies are found to be connected very intimately with their chemical and molecular constitution, although we are not able at present to trace the exact cause of this connexion in all its forms. The discovery of such connexion was the most remarkable result of the experiments of Dulong and Petit, and it may be expressed as follows. If we take the specific heats of any of the bodies given in the table, and divide by each of them the number 3*1, we obtain a series of numbers which are found to be either those which shall be hereafter described as the chemical equivalents of the bodies, or to stand in some remarkably simple relation to those equivalents, thus : 84, Molecular Laws of Specific Heat. 3*1 . Substance. Sp. Heat. Sulphur Iron Nickel Cobalt ' -. 163 138 335 Sulphuret of Carbon Bromine -,.. Hydriodic Ether Acetic Ether . . Oxalic Ether . 157 82" 85 15?' Substance. Spe. Gra. Water = 1000. Boiling Point. Volume of Vapour at boiling Point. Volume of Vapour at 212". Specific Gravity of Vapour. Water . *' *t Alcohol Ether Oil of turpentine Mercury . 1000 907 715 867 13500 212 172<> 97" 315 660 1696 488 240 221 3395 1696 . 519 289 192 1938 620 1601 2583 4763 6969 By Great Increase of Volume. 99 In the first column are the names of the bodies ; in the second, their specific gravities, water being 1000 ; in the third, their boiling points ; in the fourth, the number of volumes of vapour furnished by one volume of each fluid at its boiling point ; in the fifth, the number of volumes of vapour, reduced to a standard temperature, 212, which one volume of fluid may produce ; and in the sixth, the specific gravity of the vapour, air being 1000. It has been imagined that there should exist some physical connexion between the increase of volume produced by the change from the liquid to the gaseous state, and the quantity of heat rendered latent during the change ; and it is in fact generally true, that those bodies which have small latent heat, expand least, as oil of turpentine and ether. But, as yet, from the few experiments that have been made upon latent heats, with substances sufficiently pure to be taken as the basis of calculation, nothing positive can be considered to be known. The passage from the liquid condition to the state of vapour is distin- guished from the change of a solid to a liquid, by the important fact, that whilst liquefaction is definitely produced at one temperature, and at that alone, vaporization occurs at all temperatures ; and it is only from the influence of external circumstances that the change is accompanied, at a particular temperature, by the phenomenon of boiling. The coldest water is capable of forming vapour ; even ice evaporates, and in order to do so, it is not necessary that it shall previously melt ; it is thus that snow will gradually disappear from the ground, even when shaded from the sun's rays, and though the air shall have continued below the melt- ing point. Other solid bodies also evaporate without previous melting, as camphor ; and arsenic cannot be melted, for when heated, it is con- verted at once from the solid to the vapourous condition. The particles of volatile bodies appear thus, at all temperatures, to repel each other to a certain degree, and to spread abroad, in the form of vapour, until they occupy completely the space in which the body is contained, and exer- cise a pressure which is equal to the force of their mutual repulsion, and which is termed the elasticity of the vapour. The amount of elasticity, or as it is often called, the tension of a vapour, is determined by very simple methods. Thus, for elasticities below that of atmospheric air, a series of barometer tubes arranged in a stand, P P a a, are to be carefully filled and inverted in a basin of mercury, c c, as in the figure. One such tube, dd, is to be kept untouched, to measure the elasticity of the external air. If a little water be allowed to pass up into the next tube and there float upon the surface of the mercury, it immediately forms vapour which spreads through all the empty space, and pressing against the upper surface of the mercurial column, counter- acts a portion of the pressure of the external air. The remaining 100 Determination of th pressure of the air is able to support, therefore, only a shorter column of mercury, and the height of the mercury in the tube diminishes. If into another tube some alcohol be introduced, there is a similar, but still greater depression of the mercurial column caused, and with ether the height of the mercurial column is still more diminished. The atmospheric pressure in these cases balances the shortened column of mercury added to the elasticity of the vapour, and this last is conse- quently measured by the height of the column of mercury which it is capable of replacing, that is, by the space through which the mercury has been depressed, which is read off by the rule and index, r v r. Thus, if the barometer be at 30 inches and temperature 80, the mercury will stand in the tube with watery vapour at 29 inches, in that with alco- hol at 28*1, and in that of ether at 10 inches. The elasticities of these vapours are, therefore, at the temperature of 80. Vapour of water ,, of alcohol ,, of ether 1 -0 inch. 1-9 20-0 In order to ascertain how the elasticity of a vapour changes with the temperature it is only necessary to enclose the upper part of the tube in a cylindrical case, containing water or oil heated to the necessary degree. As the heat increases the height of the mercurial column will diminish, and at each temperature the elasticity is so determined. The apparatus may be modified by bending the tube so as to immerse the bent portion containing the vapour into a globule of water or oil to which heat may applied, but the principle remains the same. In this way a table of the elasticity of a vapour at all temperatures below their boiling points, may be formed, and as there will be frequent reference hereafter to the tension of the vapour of water, the following table is introduced for use and as an example : Temperature. Elasticity. Temperature. Elasticity. 32 0-200 b 90 1-36 b 40 0-263 g lOOo 1-86 5Qo 0-375 1-20" 3-33 o 55 0-443 140" 5-74 * 60 0-524 o 160 9-46 3 65" 0-616 * 180 15-15 8 70 0-721 | 200 23-64 | 80 1-000 -2 212 30-00 -S .3 3 Elasticity of Vapours. 101 When a liquid, in such an apparatus, is heated until the vapour formed occupies all the tube, and expels the mercury, the elasticity of the vapour is equal to that of the air, and the liquid exposed to the air should boil ; the phenomenon of boiling arising simply from the fact, that the elasticity of the vapour balances the pressure of the air, whilst the bubble is passing through the fluid : thus, suppose a vessel of water exposed to the air at 200, and a bubble of steam to form in it; the pressure exercised by that bubble, being equal to its tension, should be equivalent to a column of 23*64 inches of mercury, but the external pressure being 30 inches, the bubble should be crushed in by a force equal to the difference, (6 '36 inches of mercury,) and consequently, dis- persed. If the water, however, be heated to 212, the elasticity be- comes equal to 30 inches, and then the external and internal pressures being equal, the bubble rises in the liquid with- out injury, and maintains itself at the surface until its investing film of water is ruptured by other causes, when the vapour mixes uniformly with the air. It is the bursting of the steam bubbles that are first formed in this manner that constitutes the simmering of a boiler OP the singing of a kettle on the fire. The bottom of the vessel heats more strongly the layer of water in contact with it, so that the steam has there a high degree of elasticity, and forms a multitude of mi- nute bubbles ; when these separate from the hot metal, they are immediately burst in by the greater external pressure, and the mass of water is thus thrown into a state of exceedingly rapid and uniform vibrations, which fall upon the ear so re- gularly, in many cases, as to produce a musical and often agreeable tone, which may become graver or more acute, ac- cording as the bubbles burst more or less rapidly after one another. The elasticity increases very rapidly with the temperature, as is seen in the table, where in rising from 180 to 212, the elasticity is doubled. For high temperatures the rate of increase is still more rapid. To der 102 Determination of the termine the elasticity at temperatures above the ordinary boiling point, an apparatus completely cut off from the external air is made use of. In the figure there is a globular vessel of strong metal, into which is introduced by the stopcock a, the fluid to be experimented on, as for example, water. In the aperture b, is fitted a thermometer, the bulb of which dips into the fluid near the centre and shows its temperature. A quantity of mercury being in the bottom of the vessel, the tube c dips under its surface, and rising to the necessary height has attached to it the scale divided into inches and their parts. When the appara- tus is heated, as the vapour produced cannot escape, all joinings being perfectly steam-tight, the temperature rises continuously, in place of stopping at the boiling point, and the vapour formed pressing on the surface of the remaining liquid, and by it on the mercury underneath, forces the mercury up the tube c until the mercurial column shall have attained such a height as to counterbalance by its weight the elasticity of the vapour. In these cases the elasticity is generally reckoned by atmospheres, each atmosphere being equivalent to a mercurial column thirty inches high. In this manner the vapour of water has been found to exert a pressure of 1 atmosphere at 212o 2 250 16 atmospheres at 398 3 4 6 8 12 275 294 320 342 374 20 25 30 40 50 418 439 457 486 510 It is necessary, in order to understand such tables, to observe that this great increase of the elasticity of steam, as the temperature rises, results not from the expansion of steam already formed, but from the constant addition of new quantities of steam for every variation of temperature. If a globe full of steam at 212, but containing no li- quid water, were heated to 294, it should tend to expand precisely as air or any other gas, and the increase of elasticity should be only from 30 to 34 inches, or from one atmosphere to 1^ ; but if the globe con- tain liquid water, there is such an additional quantity of vapour formed and compressed into the same space, that the elasticity becomes equal to four atmospheres, or to 120 inches of the mercurial column. Also, when the pressure on a vapour is made to Vary, the result deviates from the rule laid down in page 16, for the action of pressure upon gases; as the elasticity of a vapour cannot be really increased by any increase of pressure : it remains the same, but a quantity of the vapour becomes Properties of Vapours. 103 liquid, and there continues in the state of vapour only as much as oc- cupies with the same elasticity the diminished volume which the column of mercury leaves. Thus, let us consider the bent tube a b, of which the extremity at a is closed, and the leg a, occupied from the dotted line c d, by vapour of ether, at its boiling point, and balancing in the leg b a column of mercury c e thirty inches high. If now, without allow- ing the temperature to change, mercury be poured in at the orifice of b, until it shall rise in a up to the line f g, and occupy exactly one-half of that leg, the vapour will not be compressed into half its volume, and, acquiring a double elasticity, support 60 inches of mercury as a gas should do, but one-half of the ether will assume the liquid form, and the remainder, occupying the remaining half of the original volume, will balance thirty inches of mercury pre- cisely as it did before, and the pressing column, counting from the line fg, will terminate at h. If, however, in place of attempting to increase the pressure on a va- pour, we diminish it, then the vapour preserves its elastic form, and its elasticity diminishes in all respects as if it were a gas. The specific gravity of a vapour, formed at any certain temperature, should be proportional simply to the elasticity, if the volume were not altered by the change of temperature, and it should be inversely as the volume, if it could all remain uncondensed ; but in reality, the re- lation is more complex, and may be calculated upon the following prin- ciples. Thus, if we wish to know the specific gravity of vapour of water having an elasticity expressed by 7 '42 inches of mercury, and the temperature 150, we proceed as follows : the specific gravity of steam at 30 inches and 212 is 620*2; and hence if the volume did not change, the specific gravity of the vapour at 150, should be 620-2 X/o 4 o 2 o= 153 ' 39 J but cooling from 212 to 150, the por- tion of steam which retains its elastic form is compressed within a smaller volume, and hence has its specific gravity increased in propor- tion to the change, and, therefore, the 153*39 obtained above must be increased in the proportion of the volume at 150 to the volume at 212, or as 611:673, and thus becomes 169*24. The subjoined table contains specific gravities for some temperatures calculated in that way, and accompanied by the temperatures, the elasticities, and the weight in grains of 100 cubic inches of the vapour. 104 Properties of Compressed Vapours. Temperature. Elasticity in Inches of Mer- cury. Specific Gravity. Air =1000. Weight of 100 cubic inches. 32o 50o 60 100 150 212 0-200 0-375 0-524 1-860 7'420 30-000 5-68 10-17 1406 46-36 169-24 620-20 0-1361 02474 0-3387 1-1028 4-0543 14-9600 There is some reason to suspect, however, that vapours do not follow exactly the theoretic rules, upon which such tables are constructed, and which in reality apply only to gaseous bodies. Thus, Despretz has found the specific gravity of the vapour of water to be at 67, 7*72, whilst by this calculation it should be 17'26, air at 212 being 1000; his results cannot be considered as decisive, although they show the necessity for an accurate reexamination of the subject. At very high temperatures, the elasticity does certainly not increase with the specific gravity, when the volume remains constant. Ether is found to become gaseous, and to occupy only twice the volume it had when liquid, at the temperature of 320, and its elasticity in that state equals 38 atmos- pheres, whereas, by calculation, its elastic force should be 168 atmos- pheres. Alcohol, inclosed in tubes hermetically sealed, is totally converted into vapour, occupying only three times the volume of the liquid at 404, and then exerts a pressure only of 129 atmospheres, whilst by theory the pressure should equal 221. "Water, also, was obtained by Cagniard de la Tour, gaseous in four times its liquid volume, at 773, and should then by theory have an elasticity of 780 atmospheres, a force far above what the glass tube employed could possibly have resisted. It would appear, therefore, that vapours, so far as the relation between their specific gravity and their elasticity is concerned, do not follow exactly the same law as gases, except within certain limits, but that when the elasticity is much smaller or much greater than the atmospheric pressure, variations which are very remarkable, though as yet not well understood, present themselves. When a vapour, as, for example, steam, which has been generated in close vessels, and attained a great elasticity, is suddenly allowed to escape into the air, its temperature is reduced in a remarkable degree, even independently of condensation. If the steam had been formed under a pressure of four atmospheres, its volume is but one-fourth of what it should become when free, and hence, on escaping, it expands in that proportion : under that pressure its temperature had been 294, but by the increase of latent heat it falls immediately to 212 ; there, Measurement of Heights of Mountains. 105 however, the expansion does not stop ; the impulse of the particles of vapour carries them much further, and as the specific heat increases, so as nearly to be doubled when the volume becomes doubled, a consi- derable reduction of the temperature below 212 occurs, which is still further increased by admixture of cold air which presses into the rarefied space left by the expansion of the steam. Hence it is that steam escaping into the air from under considerable pressure possesses much less heating power than steam arising from water boiling in an open vessel : it is much less liable to scald. The principle of the conversion of a solid or liquid body into a vapour, at all ordinary temperatures, is true, even where the body may be very slightly volatile. Thus the space over the mercury in the best barometers is not truly empty, but contains a quantity of mercurial vapour, exer- cising a certain elasticity, and, by depressing the liquid column, making the pressure of the external air appear smaller than it really is. It would appear, however, that there are, for some bodies at least, tem- peratures below which evaporation does not go on ; thus no mercurial vapour can be detected unless the temperature be above 40, and oil of vitriol requires to be heated to 120 before any vapour forms from it : it is probable, however, that even in these cases, the general principle holds good, and that it is only from the minute quantity of vapour eluding our means of research that the existence of a limit to evaporation was believed to exist. The boiling point of a liquid being that at which its vapour can support the external pressure, it is liable to constant fluctuation as the pressure changes, and hence the marking upon the thermometer the temperature of boiling water requires the care and attention already noticed. If the barometer stood at 23'64, water should boil at 200 in place of 212 ; and so close is the connexion between the pressure and boiling point, that the height of any place above- the level of the sea may be determined by the temperature at which the water boils there. Thus, if on heating some water on the summit of a mountain it be found to boil at 203, we find by reference to a table that the elasticity of its vapour is then 25'1 inches, and hence that in the same place, at the same moment, the column of mercury in a barometer should have been at that height. Then, by the ordinary calculation, the height of the mountain may be found, with as much accuracy as if the barometer itself had been carried up. The simple rule that the boiling point is lower- ed one degree for every 550 feet of elevation comes very near the truth. On the summit of Mont Blanc, the highest point of Europe, water has been found to boil at 184. By reducing, artificially, the amount of pressure upon a fluid, as by 106 Alteration of the Boiling Point. placing the vessel containing it under the receiver of an air pump, and exhausting the air, the boiling point is lowered in a remarkable degree. If the vacuum were perfect, a fluid should boil even at the lowest possible temperature ; but this is not practicable, as the vapour formed cannot be so perfectly removed but that it will exercise some pressure ; but, with a good air pump, fluids may be got to boil 145 below their ordinary boiling points ; thus water will boil at 67, alcohol at 32, ether at a temperature at which quicksilver would freeze. If, at the moment that such a fluid is in violent ebullition, the working of the pump be stopped, the vapour accumulates, and, exercising on the surface of the fluid an amount of pressure corresponding to its elasticity at the existing temperature, raises the boiling point, and thus stops the ebul- lition. This fact may be shown in a very simple and singular manner, by half filling a flask B, with water, and boiling the water until all the air in the flask shall have been expelled, and then carefully closing the mouth of the flask b by an air tight cork. On removing the source of heat, the upper part of the flask B, when inverted as in the figure, remains full of vapour, which, pressing upon the liquid water, arrests the ebul- lition. If then a jet of cold water p be allowed to play upon the flask, the vapour is condensed, and, a partial vacuum being thus produced, the water begins to boil ; if a jet of warm water be employed, the vapour retains its elastic form, and the ebullition ceases, so that in this apparatus the application of cold may appear to cause, and that of heat to prevent, the water's boiling. The temperature at which a liquid boils is thus entirely dependent on the amount of pressure to which it is subjected. But the limits within which that pressure varies near the level of the sea, in ordinary cases, are so small, that the boiling point may be looked upon as one of the most important characteristic properties of a volatile substance, and from the facility with which it may be determined, it is almost universally capable of being applied. Hence, in describing such bodies, the boiling point will be, in all cases, given ; but, for illustrating the present subject, a table of the boiling points of some of the most remarkable liquids is subjoined : 52 Water . : " ^ 212 96 Nitric acid 116 Oil of turpentine Muriatic ether Sulphuric ether Sulphuret of carbon Pyroacetic spirit Water of ammonia Pyroxylic spirit Alcohol 132 140 151 173 Phosphorus Sulphur . Sulphuric acid Mercury . 601 630 Anomalous Property of Liquid*. 107 The boiling point is influenced by some other circumstances than the atmospheric pressure ; the nature of the vessel may alter it several de- grees. Thus, in a glass, or glazed porcelain vessel, water boils under a pressure of 30 inches, not at 212 but 214 ; and in graduating a thermometer it is hence necessary to use a metallic vessel. This latter appears to favour ebullition by the minute irregularities on its surface, affording a nucleus for the steam to form, as a crystal dropped into a saline solution facilitates the crystallization ; and if the smooth surface in the glass vessel be removed in a single point, by a scratch with a diamond, the bubbles of steam will be seen to form there, before the general mass of liquid comes to boil. The influence of roughened or . angular surfaces in thus favouring the escape of steam may be shown very well by heating water in a glass flask to boiling, and then allow- ing it to cool a little, so that the boiling shall completely cease ; if then a few filings of copper, or a platina wire be dipped into the liquid, if the cooling had not gone too far, the boiling will immediately recom- mence, the steam forming at the edges and angles of the rough sub- stances introduced. The temperature of the steam produced is not affected by the boiling point of the liquid. Thus, although by dissolving salts, such as chlo- ride of calcium, in water, its boiling point may be raised to 264, the temperature of the vapour, immediately over the solution, is found to be but 212, for though the temperature of a steam bubble which rises up through such a solution must be 264, yet as its elasticity and latent heat are proportioned to that temperature, it expands on mixing with the less elastic atmospheric air, and is cooled down instantly to the ordinary boiling point. The heat of a water bath may thus be in- creased by the addition of saline bodies ; but the temperature of a steam bath depends only on the elasticity of the steam. A curious, though only apparent, anomaly in the relations of liquids to their boiling points consists in the possibility of the vessel containing the liquid being heated, even to redness, without the liquid boiling, though exposed only to the ordinary pressure. This may easily be shown by heating a platina crucible to redness, and dropping into it a small quantity of water; the water remains on the red hot metal with- out disturbance, and appears scarcely to evaporate. But if another crucible be heated to 300, and the water be poured out of the first into the second, it instantly boils, and is dissipated in a gush of vapour. The reason is, that in the red hot crucible the water is not really in contact with the metal, and hence the heat passes to it with extreme slowness ; but the water wets the colder crucible, and absorbing from it all the necessary heat, is instantly converted into steam. The cohe- 108 Sum of Latent and Sensible Heat nearly Constant. sive force of the metal to the water being diminished considerably, this lies in a red hot crucible, as a clean steel needle floats on water, or a globule of mercury moves upon glass, and is scarcely affected by the heat until it wets the vessel, just as the needle does not sink in the water until it is wetted by it. There occur, however, in a globule so heated a very remarkable play of repulsive forces, by which a strong movement of rotation may be observed to be produced in its interior ; but so independent is the temperature of the water globule of the .heat applied to the containing vessel, that if a jet of liquefied sulphurous acid be made to strike the globule, the latter will be frozen by the cold produced by the sudden gazification of the acid, and a mass of ice will be produced in the bottom of the red hot crucible. At certain tem- peratures all liquids manifest the same peculiarity. When a liquid evaporates at a temperature below its boiling point, it still absorbs and renders latent a great quantity of heat, and, indeed, still more heat than it would render latent when converted into vapour by ordinary boiling. It was found, by James Watt, in his experiments with steam, and it was consequently supposed to be true, not merely with water, but with liquids in general, that no matter at what tem- perature a liquid vaporizes it absorbs the same total quantity of heat. The more of this that becomes sensible the less is the portion which remains latent ; the sum of the latent and sensible heats of the vapour being at all temperatures the same. Thus, with water evaporating at 32 the latent heat is 1180 the sum being 1212 100 1112 1212 212 1000 1212 300o 912 1212 This has, however, been shown by the later more accurate researches of Eegnault not to be accurately true, although it is so nearly correct as to be an important rule in technical practice. Eegnault has deter- mined that the total heat contained in vapour increases with the elas- ticity, though very slowly. The following table exhibits the numbers given in his experiments for the values of the total heat, latent and sensible, and the latent heat at different temperatures and pressures. Temperatures. Pressures. Total Heat. Latent Heat. 32 0-006 1091 1059 122 0-121 1109 997 212 1-000 1147 967 302 4712 1174 872 392 15-380 1201 809 436 27-535 1218 782 Artificial Cold Produced by Valorization. 109 There is, therefore, no economy in evaporating or distilling at one temperature rather than another, as the same absolute quantity of heat is necessary for the formation of the steam ; but, for other reasons, the formation of vapours at low temperatures affords to the chemist pro- cesses of the greatest value. Many vegetable substances undergo im- portant alterations in their chemical constitution and medicinal proper- ties, if they be exposed for a long time even to a heat of 212 ; and hence, in the preparation of extracts and inspissated juices of plants, in pharmacy, forms of apparatus are sometimes employed, in which the evaporation is carried on in close vessels connected with an air pump, and in which a partial vacuum, measured by a barometer guage, may be established. In the manufacture of sugar, this principle of evapo- ration at low temperatures, by removal of the atmospheric pressure, was the source of great improvement, as the true crystallizable sugar is converted into the uncrystallizable sugar (treacle) with great rapidity, at the temperature of boiling syrup, and was hence, to a great extent, lost to the manufacturer. By later improvements in the mode of ap- plying heat, the necessity of evaporating the syrup in vacuo has been, however, completely, obviated. The absorption of heat in the conversion of a liquid into a vapour, at ordinary temperatures, may become the source of considerable cold ; and it is, indeed, in this way that the greatest cold yet generated has been produced. The cold which is felt when a little ether or spirits of wine is dropped upon the hand arises from this fact ; and by surrounding the bulb of a mercurial thermometer with some loose cotton, and mois- tening it with liquid sulphurous acid, the quicksilver in the bulb may easily be frozen. By placing some ether in a shallow, thin, metallic cup, which rests in a glass vessel, containing a small quantity of water, and producing, by the air pump, the rapid vaporization of the ether, the water may be so frozen, that the two cups shall be cemented firmly together by the intervening sheet of ice. Water may be even frozen by its own evaporation, as in the cryo- phorus, which consists of a long tube, terminating in bulbs, which con- tain some water, and from which the air had been carefully expelled by boiling, before the apparatus was completely closed. The space above the water remains then occupied >\ only by watery vapour. If all S^, the water be brought into one bulb, and the other bulb be immersed in a freezing mixture, the vapour will condense there, and new vapour being formed, a distil- lation will be produced from the one to the other bulb. The vapour 110 Spontaneous Evaporation. which forms in the warm bulb must derive its latent heat from the water which remains behind, and this is gradually cooled to the freezing point, and ultimately completely frozen; the latent heat, of about eight parts of water, being given up to form the latent heat of one part of vapour at 32. Even without the application of artificial cold, water may be frozen by its own evaporation. Thus, if under the receiver of an air pump we arrange two flat dishes, the upper containing water, the lower containing oil of vitriol, and then having removed the air, we leave the apparatus for a short time to act, we shall find the water in the upper vessel con- verted into ice. Accordingly, as any portion of vapour forms, it is immediately absorbed by the sulphuric acid, which has a great affinity for water, and the vapour being thus prevented from collect- ing, the loss of heat by evaporation proceeds without any cease, until so much heat has been removed, that the resi- dual water is converted into ice. In fluids more volatile than water, this synchronous freezing and eva- poration may occur still more simply. Thus, if strong prussic acid be allowed to form a pendent drop from a glass rod, the drop will become solid by the evaporation of one portion of it, and the cooling of what remains. The remarkable phenomenon of the solidification of carbonic acid arises from the same principle. A jet of liquid carbonic acid being allowed to escape into the air, one portion instantly flashes into the state of gas, and absorbs so much heat, that the portion which remains is converted into a compact solid mass, and if this solid car- bonic acid be made into a pulp with sulphuric ether, the evaporation of the mixture produces the degree of cold of 166 Fahrenheit, the most intense as yet obtained. In warm climates, the evaporation of water is commonly employed to moderate the sultriness of the air, by the agreeable cold it produces. The Spanish alcarrazas are earthen vessels, so porous, that any liquid which is put into them gradually filters through, and, evaporating from the outer surface, cools the interior mass. In chemical operations, the same mode of refrigeration is in constant use, and when describing these operations, the action of this principle, in the construction of the apparatus used, will be referred to. The conversion of a liquid into vapour, at ordinary temperatures, is often called spontaneous evaporation ; and, in the case of water, from the great extent to which it becomes subservient to the economy of nature, this process is one of high importance. It was formerly sup- Diffusion of- Vapours and Gases. Ill posed that the atmosphere was necessary to evaporation ; and this idea was strengthened by the fact, that by a current of air the evaporation is much assisted ; but it is now established, that the pressure of air is really an obstacle to evaporation, and that a current is useful, not by supplying new quantities of air, but by removing the vapour according as it is formed, and leaving fresh spaces into which the vapour may ex- pand. When a liquid forms vapour, the quantity formed is determined onlv by the space into which the vapour may spread, and by the temperature. It is no matter whether the space be occupied before by other vapours or by air, or whether it be a vacuum ; the quantity of vapour which can form in it, is in all these cases the same. Dalton was the first who clearly showed that different gases and vapours offer no resistance to each other's elasticity : thus, that the par- ticles of watery vapour in the air are not subjected to the pressure of the atmosphere, but only influenced by the pressure of the particles of the same kind ; and hence, that at 32, when the elasticity of vapour is only 0*200 inch, it retains perfectly its elastic constitution, though diffused through an atmosphere, the elasticity of which may equal thirty inches. If we moisten the interior of a bell glass, filled by air, with ether, alcohol, sulphuret of carbon, and water, all mixed together, there will be formed in the bell as much of the vapour of each substance as if the bell had been completely empty of the others ; each vapour will exercise a pressure proportional to its elasticity, and by the sum of all these pressures, the pressure of the external air will be equilibrated. It is, consequently, possible to produce the rapid evaporation of one fluid, whilst another beside it, or even mixed with it, shall not evaporate at all; it being only necessary to remove the vapour of the one as rapidly as it is formed, whilst the portion of the vapour of the second produced in the first instant, shall remain, and prevent its further change. Thus, by placing a shallow dish of dilute alcohol under the receiver of an air pump, with a quantity of quicklime, the latter combines with and ab- sorbs the watery vapour as fast as formed ; and there is, hence, a con- tinual evaporation of the water, whilst the alcohol, after generating .as much vapour as once fills the receiver, is pressed upon by it, and can- not form any more. In this manner, alcohol, almost quite pure, though much more volatile, in the ordinary sense, may be obtained by the evaporation of its solution in water, as it were to dryness. If the liquid be in excess, the vapour posseses the elasticity belong- ing to its temperature ; but if there be not liquid enough to form so much vapour, the vapour formed then expands, so as to occupy the en- tire space, and its elasticity diminishes in proportion to the increase of the volume; vapours being regulated by the same law of pressure 112 Correction of Volumes of Gases for Moisture. which holds with gases. If, thus, a bell glass of atmospheric air be con- fined over water, at the temperature of 80, a quantity of vapour dif- fuses itself through the air, and, as there is water in excess, the elasti- city of that vapour will be I'OO inch. Now if we suppose the elasti- city of the air to have been previously 30 inches it will become, by the addition of the vapour, 29, for the vapour counteracts one inch of the external atmospheric pressure ; the air in the bell glass will then expand, in the proportion of 30 to 29; or, what is the same in practice, the volume of the damp air is the same as the volume which the vapour should occupy, if condensed in the proportion of its own elasticity to the atmospheric pressure, added to the volume occupied by the air when dry. It is thus that the volumes of gases, collected over water, are corrected for the watery vapour that is mixed with them. Thus, in the analysis of a substance containing nitrogen, let us suppose that 8'54 cubic inches of nitrogen have been collected over water, at the tem- perature of 63, and the barometric pressure being 29*35 inches ; at that temperature, the elasticity of vapour is 0'58, and hence that of the dry air is 29'35 0'58=28'77. The volumes which they occupy are as these numbers, and hence* the 8*54 of damp gas consists of ^jX 8-54=017 of watery vapour, and |f;jf X 8-54=8-37 of dry nitrogen. This volume should still be corrected for temperature and pressure before the quantity of nitrogen by weight could be inferred from it. Where the air is not completely saturated with the watery vapour, it is not so easy to determine the exact quantity of vapour which it con- tains. One of the best methods consists in cooling it until its volume is so much diminished that the quantity of vapour is sufficient to satu- rate it, and from the temperature at which this occurs the quantity of vapour may be calculated. This temperature is termed the dew point of the air or gas, because if cooled in the least below that point a quan- tity of water is deposited in the form of dew upon the neighbouring cold bodies. This may be easily done by taking a tumbler of water, somewhat too warm, and cooling it gradually by dissolving in it a little mixed nitre and salammoniac, until a slight deposition of dew is per- ceptible on the exterior of the glass ; the water is then at the tempera- ture of the dew point. Another method consists in observing the ra- pidity of evaporation from the surface of the bulb of a thermometer which is covered with muslin kept wet by water. The thermometer so arranged is always at a lower temperature than an ordinary thermome- ter, from the quantity of heat carried away by evaporation, and the temperature will be lower in proportion to the amount of evaporation, in dry air, evaporation is quickest ; in air saturated with moisture eva- Nature and Use of Hygrometers. 118 poration ceases, and in all intermediate degrees there is a connexion between the quantity of moisture already present in the air and the de- pression of temperature, which accompanies the formation of as much more as will saturate it. On this principle is founded the process already described in page 88, as having been adopted by Apjohn for ascertaining the specific heat of the gases, and it is easy now to under- stand the general principle upon which his process was established. If we consider a certain space which may be filled by the different gases in succession, and that these gases being dry, they are made to saturate themselves with watery vapour, for the formation of which they them- selves supply the heat, it will be easily seen that as the quantity of heat to be given out is the same for all, their temperatures will be reduced in a degree, inverse to their specific heats. Hydrogen having a high specific heat will only require to cool by about one-third the number of degrees necessary for air or other gases. The numerical results obtained by this process have been already given. Instruments for the purpose of determining the quantity of watery vapour which the atmosphere contains are termed hygrometers, and that of Daniell is one of the most elegant and most useful. It is a cryophorus a e b b t which in place of water contains ether, and in one bulb, of which, a i, is fixed a very delicate thermometer. This bulb is made of blackened glass, and the other bulb e o is covered with a little bag of muslin. All the ether having been made to pass into the black glass bulb, a little ether is poured on the muslin envelope of the other. This, by condensing the vapour inside, causes the ether to distil from the blackened bulb, and thus cools it and the air in contact with it, until it arrives at the point of saturation, when a dew of liquid water begins to be deposited, which is at once observed upon the blackened glass. The internal thermometer shows the temperature of the bulb, which is the dew point,and a thermometer which is attached to the support of the instrument shows the tempera- ture of the external air. A modification of this instrument lately pro- posed by Regnault, enables the dew point to be determined with great accuracy and facility, and is free from the inequalities of action to which Darnell's hygrometer was subject, When the dew point has been thus determined, the subsequent cal- culation is very simple. Thus, if there be air at 72, of which the dew point is 45 ; the barometric pressure being 30 inches : the elasticity of 8 114 Speculation on the Boiling Points of steam at 45 is 0-316, and as the elasticity diminishes according as the volume increases from 45 to 7, the elasticity of the vapour in the air at 7 is 0*30, and the atmospheric pressure of 30 inches is pro- duced by the dry atmosphere, which balances 2 9' 70, and the watery vapour which balances 0'30 ; and the respective volumes are as these pressures. Gay Lussac has sought to establish a close relation between the manner in which solid bodies dissolve in liquids, and that in which vapours diffuse themselves through space. Thus, if a solid body dis- solved only because the liquid diminished the cohesion of its particles, the diminution of that cohesion in another way should increase the solubility very much : this, however, does not occur. When paraffine dissolves in alcohol, the solubility increases steadily with the temperature, and does not change more rapidly at the temperature when the paraffine melts than at any other. This is the case also with many other easily fusible bodies. Hence he compares the diffusion of particles of the solid through the liquid to the diffusion of particles of vapour of water through the air, which is not affected by the solid or liquid form of the water, but depends only on the temperature ; and certainly this view, though not applicable to all, or even the majority of cases of solution, is of much interest as pointing out a similarity between solu- tion and vaporization previously unnoticed, and which may be applied to the explanation of many anomalous facts. The employment of steam as a moving power is of so much impor- tance to science and to the arts, that it would be improper to terminate a discussion of the properties of vapours, without some allusion to the manner in which it is utilized. The little steam cylinder of Wollaston. figured in the margin, contains all that is essential in principle, to the application of steam, to produce motion. A glass tube, terminating below in a bulb, is fitted with a little steam-tight piston, which slides up and down, the rod passing through the brass cap at top. If now a little water be placed in the bulb and boiled, its steam pressing on the bottom of the piston forces it up, and when at top, if the bulb be dipped into cold water, the steam condenses, and the pressure of the external air forces the piston down again. This may be re- peated any number of times, and is the essential element of the atmospheric steam engine of Newcomen. It was in this form when Watt commenced Ms improvements on it, and by applying all the resources of the exact knowledge of the properties of heat then first obtained by Of the Condensed Gases. 115 himself and his illustrious associate Black, he converted it, though still without changing its fundamental principle, from the machine of Newcomen, which had been rejected from practice, for its inefficiency and expense, into the instrument, which, after the art of printing, must be con- sidered as the most powerful material agent of human improvement and civilization of which mankind has ever obtained possession. This similarity of constitution of gases and vapours has been already pointed out on many occasions, and particularly in page 17, where the con- version of gases into liquids by the application of great pressure, has been detailed. A liquefied gas, so contained in a close vessel, is precisely in the condition of water heated in a digester as in the apparatus figured in page 101, far above its boiling point, and generating steam possessed of considerable tension. On this analogy has been founded an inter- esting speculation concerning the temperatures at which the gases would, at ordinary pressures, assume their liquid form, that is to say, their boiling points when liquid, thus : At 44-5 the tension of liquid nitrous oxide is 50 atmospheres. At 32-0 44 For 12-5 an increase of tension of . 6 atmospheres. Steam exerts a pressure of 50 atmospheres at . . . . 511 p 5o and of 44 497*5 For 6 atmospheres the difference is . . 14*0 or just the same. Liquid carbonic acid exerts a pressure ^atmospheres at . . . . 3|>J ^^ ^ The tension of steam is 25 atmospheres at 439-5) Diffe 2p 20 ,, ,,.... i *lo O 3 Muriatic acid exerts, when liquid, a tension andofi atm 7 heres :! : : : : * Steam balances 25 atmospheres at . . . . . 4jHM Difference, 21 Ammonia liquefies and exerts a pressure of 6-5 atmospheres at .... 50) Differ 18 o and of 5 ,, 32> Steam exerts a pressure of 6-5 atmospheres at 326 > THflkiwinp ift^ 5-0 307.5"} -Uitterence, 18 5 It is hence evident that, in every case, the rate of increase of elasti- city of these gases, with the temperature, follows the same law as that of steam ; and there is, therefore, good reason to believe, that, if the elasticity were diminished to one atmosphere, the reduction of tempera- ture necessary to effect it should be regulated by the same law as that of walery vapour ; the gases should then, under the ordinary pressure 116 Transmission of Heat. of 30 inches, become liquid, and, when liquid, their boiling points should be : Nitrous oxide "> *V . = 252*4 Fahrenheit. Carbonic acid . . . = 230-8 Muriatic acid V-'V- . = 202-0 ,, Ammonia 7- == 63*4 ,, The great increase of elasticity, which these liquefied gases acquire by a change of temperature, limited to a very few degrees, has led to sanguine opinions of their advantages, as a source of power, in machines. No experiments at all sufficiently satisfactory to be decisive upon the question have as yet been made. There are some other properties of gases, which, although closely connected with the subject now discussed, I shall postpone, in order to introduce them where they are found to be of the most practical impor- tance. Thus, the manner in which gases spread through each other, in virtue of their diffusive power, will be described under the head of Atmospheric Air, to the proper constitution of which this law is indis- pensable. The relation of gases to water, their solubility in that and other liquids, and the various modes of depriving them of moisture, for the purpose of chemical experiments, shall enter into the history of the physical and chemical properties of water. SECTION Y. ON THE TRANSMISSION OF HEAT THROUGH BODIES. It is a matter of every day experience, that heat may be propagated from one part of a body to another, and also that this propagation takes place in unequal degrees with different bodies. Thus, if one extremity of a poker be heated to bright redness, the other will become so hot as to be intolerable to the hand ; whilst, if a stick of the same length be inserted in the fire, the heated extremity may be completely burned off, without the farther extremity having its temperature raised in any re- markable degree. The extremity of a glass rod may be melted by the flame of a blow-pipe, though held in the fingers scarcely an inch from the flame : but we shall find it difficult to melt the extremity of a silver wire, from the heat spreading itself generally through its mass, and ele- vating the temperature of its entire length to the same degree. Bodies which act like silver are said to conduct heat well, and are termed con- ductors. Bodies which intercept it, like wood or glass, are termed non- Conducting Power of Solids. 117 conductors. It is only a difference of degree, for there is no body which prevents totally the passage of heat across its mass. The propagation of heat through a body, in virtue of its conducting power, is supposed to take place from particle to particle ; precisely as, when we apply a heated to a cold ball of iron, the latter becomes heated at its point of contact. If, in place of using balls of iron, cubical masses were employed, touching by their surfaces, the communication of heat would be much more rapid, from the greater number of points at which transmission could take place. In the interior of a body we should expect, therefore, to find the degree of approximation of the particles to have some influence on the rapidity of transmission, that is, on the conducting power, or, in other words, that the power of conduct- ing heat should have some relation to the density and the cohesion of each body. Many series of experiments have been made to determine the con- ducting power of different bodies. Such experiments may be arranged in a variety of ways. Thus, if a number of similar rods, of different substances, be coated to a certain distance from one extremity with wax, and then heat be applied to the other extremity, the wax will melt ac- cording as the temperature of each rod rises, from the transmission of the heat along it ; and the length of the coating melted at the end of a certain time will be a measure of its conducting power. Another mode consists in forming the substances to be tried into disks, and, having placed a small morsel of phosphorus upon each, warming all equally by laying them on a heated surface. The phosphorus inflames first upon the disk, which transmits most readily the heat ; and on the other disks in the order of the conducting power of their substance. But such ex- periments are only useful in giving the order of conducting power in a general way, and are inapplicable to exact purposes. The best results are those which have been obtained by Despretz, whose method was the following. All the bars used in his experiments were square prisms, and were all covered with the same black varnish, in order that the loss of heat from their surface might be exactly simi- lar. At every four inches of their length was a hole bored to half the depth of the bar, which was filled with oil or mercury, into which the bulb of a delicate thermometer dipped, so as at every instant to show the temperature of the bar at this series of points. By means of a lamp applied to one extremity of the bar, it was strongly heated, and the steadiness of the heat secured by finding the temperature of the thermometer nearest the lamp to be stationary for six hours, the usual time for an experiment. The temperature of the air of the room, ]1 8 Conduction of Heat. which should scarcely at all vary during that time, is known by a ther* mometer. After the bar has been heated for two or three hours, each thermo- meter arrives at a temperature which thenceforth continues the same, as long as the source of heat is kept up. This temperature depends on the difference between the quantity of heat that is propagated along the bar from the lamp, and the quantity which is lost by cooling. The ex- cess of the temperatures of the thermometers attached to the bar above the temperature of the room, forms, therefore, a series, the ratio of which depends upon the conducting power of the bar in a manner which, though not simply proportional, is easily deduced from it by calculation. By these principles, of which the theory was given by the celebrated Fourier, Despretz has deduced, from his experiments, the following conducting powers; gold being assumed as the standard of comparison. Gold . Silver Copper Platii Iron Zinc num 1000 Tin . 973 Lead . 898 Marble 381 Porcelain 374 Fireclay 304 180 23-6 12-2 11 -4 Although this series presents, when compared with the specific gravi- ties, or other physical properties of these bodies, very great diversity, yet it is remarkable that the more expansible and more fusible metals, tin, lead, and zinc, are those which conduct heat worst. The position of platinum is, however, quite anomalous, and must prevent any attempt at generalization. The difference of conducting power of solid bodies is of daily utility in ordinary life, as well as in chemical operations. It is thus that sub- stances of exactly the same temperature may produce quite opposite sen- sations to the hand. If we grasp in one hand a piece of metal, and in the other a piece of wood, both at 180, the hand will be reddened and blistered by the metal, but the latter will feel only moderately warm. If the metal and wood be both cooled at 32, the former will feel in- tensely cold, but the latter scarcely at all so. In the first case, the metal gives out its heat to the hand, and in the second, abstracts it from the hand so rapidly, that the nerves and circulation become acutely sensible of the change ; but with the wood, from its low con- ducting power, the flow of heat takes place so gradually in each direc- tion, as almost to escape notice. The brickwork of a fireplace, or of a furnace, is for the purpose of keeping the heat, generated by combus- tion, from spreading to the surrounding bodies, and so being lost. It would be difficult to light a fire in a massive metallic grate, for the heat Conducting "Power of Liquids. 119 should be so rapidly carried off, by its conducting power, that the fuel, if not well lighted before being introduced, would be cooled down and extinguished. Liquids conduct heat but very slowly; so slowly, that they were long considered to be true non-conductors. It is now satisfactorily proved, however, that they do conduct, and although no accurate numbers have been obtained, their powers appears to be generally as their density ; mercury being the best conductor, and alcohol and ether being the worst. This low conducting power may easily be demonstrated by ex- periment. Thus, if in a jar of water an air thermometer be inverted, so that its bulb shall be very near the surface, and a cup. containing ether, be laid floating on the water, as in the figure the ether may be set on fire, and allowed to burn for a considerable time, before any action on the thermometer becomes sensible, and even then, the heat appears to have travelled rather by the solid material of the glass, than by the water. If a little water be frozen in the bottom of a narrow tube, and a solid adherent piece of ice being so ob- tained, if more water be poured in, so as to cover the ice to the depth of a few inches ; on inclining the tube, and applying the flame of a lamp to the water near the surface, it may be kept boiling violently, and for a long time, before the ice begins to liquefy, and then also it is by the glass material of the tube that the heat shall be conveyed. Notwithstanding such facts, it is still well known that heat may be communicated through large quantities of fluid, so that the mass shall be rapidly and uniformly heated. It occurs, then, not by conduction, but by diffusion, and the source of heat cannot be applied indifferently to any surface of the fluid, as it might be to a solid body, but must be applied underneath. When any portion of a liquid is heated it expands, and, becoming specifically lighter, ascends in the mass, and is replaced by the colder and heavier portions, which, being in their turn heated, as- cend also, and thus generate a circulating current of ascending warm, and descending cold liquid, as in the figure, by which every particle of the liquid is brought in succession into contact with the source of heat, and the resulting temperature quickly and uniformly gained. In the case of water, and such liquids as have a point of maximum density, this communication of heat, by ascend- ing and descending currents, occurs in the inverse order be- low that point. Thus to warm water which is below 39-5, the heat should be applied above, or to cool it fur- 120 Theory of Cold and Warm Clothing. ther the heat should be abstracted below. On this property depends the preservation of the lakes and rivers of these countries from total and eternal congelation. "When in winter the mass of water becomes cooled to 39-5, the superficial layer becoming lighter as it cools more, prevents, by its non-conducting power, the further abstraction of heat from the deeper portions, but when the warm air of spring plays on it, the heat is rapidly diffused from above downwards, until the temperature of the entire mass is raised to 39*5. In their mode of communicating heat gases resemble liquids. Their true conducting power is quite insensible, but by the currents which are produced by the ascent of warm and the descent of colder particles, they abstract and commum'cate heat with great rapi- dity. The difference is easily felt by holding the hand first at the side and then over the flame of a candle, the distance being the same. In the latter case the great increase of heat arises from the ascend- ing current of heated air which does not affect the hand when at the side. The non-conducting power of gases is practically of great importance. The different kinds of clothing owe their warmth to the fact that they prevent the heat of the body from escaping ; this they effect not so much by the power of their proper solid substance, as that being of a loose and spongy texture, they imprison in their pores a quantity of air, which, not being able to form those continual currents, acts as a non- conductor. The more loose and spongy, therefore, the tissue of a cloth may be, the more air does it confine and the warmer it feels. This is fully supported by the experiments of Eumford, who, having heated to the same degree a thermometer, imbedded in the materials of which clothing is generally made, found that it cooled through 135 when surrounded with Air in 576" Raw silk in 1283" Fine lint 1032" Beaver's fur 1296" Cottonwool 1046" Eiderdown 1305" Sheep's wool ,, 1118" Hare's fur ,, 1315" When these bodies are tightly compressed, so as to diminish the quantity of air confined within their tissue, the power of retaining warmth diminishes in the same degree. On standing before a fire, the influence of the heat is felt, even at a considerable distance, although the air is, as has been just stated, so bad a conductor that the warmth cannot be ascribed to direct transmis- sion through its mass, and since, as a current of air is passing to the fire in order to supply its combustion and produce the draught of the chim- Properties of Radiant Heat. 1 21 ney, no heat can arrive at the body by the current from the fire. Also, if a heated iron ball be suspended in a room, it propagates heat in all directions, although the current of air, which, so far as has been yet described, alone can convey any great quantity of heat, is directed only upwards. Heat is, therefore, propagated by a third mode, distinct from diffusion and from conduction ; and the heated body being supposed to emit actual quantities of heat in straight lines or rays from every point of its surface, this mode is termed radiation. Kadiation is remarkably distinct from conduction and diffusion in not requiring for its existence any material medium. On the contrary, the existence of any coherent substance in their path is an obstacle to the transmission of the rays of heat, and hence in most solids and liquids there is little heat transmitted by radiation, unless we look upon con- duction as a kind of radiation from particle to particle in the interior of the mass, and it is only with gases that radiation approaches to what takes place in empty space. A heated body throws off rays of heat precisely as a luminous body throws off rays of light, and in every detail of physical constitution that has yet been discussed, there ex- ists a perfect similarity between heat and light in these radiant forms. Different bodies radiate heat with different powers, which appear to depend more upon the mechanical nature of the surface than upon the internal constitution of the body. "When any substance is interposed in the path of the rays of heat, these are either reflected, or are ab- sorbed, or they pass through the body without loss. In general all these effects are in part produced, that is to say, one portion of the in- cident rays will be transmitted, another portion reflected, and a third will disappear by being absorbed. There are thus in relation to radiant heat four qualities, which various substances possess in different degrees, the radiating, the absorbing, the reflecting, and the transmitting power. The rays of heat may, like those of light, be concentrated by reflec- tion or refraction. By the former mode, that originally used by Pre- vost and by Leslie, the properties of radiant heat may be demonstrated in a simple manner. The form of apparatus generally employed for demonstrative experi- ments on radiant heat consists of reflecting mirrors of polished silvered copper, of a paraboloid form M M' ; the property of this figure being that rays emanating from the focus f of one mirror are reflected from it in parallel directions, and falling thus parallel upon the other are brought to convergence in its focus f. ' In this manner the heat radiating from a body may be concentrated upon a single point, and all 122 Radiation and Reflection of Heat. its properties determined with great precision. Thus, a hot iron ball may be placed at a distance of a few feet from a bit of phosphorus for any length of time without affecting it ; but, if the hot ball be placed in the focus of one mirror x, and the phosphorus in the focus of the other x, this immediately begins to melt, and after a moment bursts into flame. If the hand be held in the focus it feels hot, but on moving it much nearer to the source of heat, the iron ball, it feels cooled. It is thus not by the direct conduction of the air, or by diffusion of warm currents, that the effects are caused, but from the radiation of heat in a form which, like light, admits of being re- flected from curved surfaces, and concentrated upon a focus, and which shall be found to follow the analogy of light through all its branches. If a thermometer be placed in the focus of the mirror opposite the heated ball, it immediately indicates the rise of temperature, and may serve to measure it. But it is only the air thermometer which is delicate enough for such experiments, and it is specially for this use that the differential air ther- mometer is constructed. One bulb being placed in the focus, the difference of temperature between the two bulbs is instantly shown, and it is thus also proved that the rise of temperature is local, that it is confined to the point where the rays of heat are brought to meet, for the instrument is insensible to every general change of temperature, no matter how extensive. By means of this apparatus the radiating and absorbing, as well as the reflecting and transmitting Influence of lie Nature of Surface. 123 powers of bodies may be examined. The radiating power may be con- veniently exhibited by filling a tin cube, c t, with boiling water, and applying to the surfaces of the cube the bodies which are to be examined. Thus, one side being left brightly polished, another dimmed by being rubbed with sand paper, a third covered by paper, and the fourth being blacked by the smoke from a candle, each side, on being turned towards the mirror N, gives out a quantity of heat proportional to its radiating power, and this being reflected and brought to bear upon the thermometer in the focus e, is measured by its indication. Leslie thus found the radiating power of the following surfaces to be relatively. Lampblack, . 100 Plumbago, . " . . 75 Writing paper .:. . . 98 Tarnished lead . . 45 Crown glass . ' 1 : - 90 Clean lead V . -^ * 19 Ice . friMUfi U 1 j 85 Polished iron . 15 Red lead ^--^ 'f~ n-J.. 80 Other bright metals 12 It is here evident that the radiating power is quite independent of the colour of the body ; and that in all cases those bodies, with bright metallic surfaces, radiate least; the radiating power of lead being doubled by simply tarnishing its surface. It has been rendered pro- bable, however, by recent observation, that it is not the degree of polishing of the surface which influences the radiating power, so much as the closeness and density of the exceedingly thin surface layer, on which the quantity of radiant heat depends. In the process of polishing, the surface of a metallic plate, particularly if it be rolled, is very much compressed, and in this state radiates in the lowest possible degree ; but if by rubbing with sand paper that dense film of compressed metal be removed, the softer material underneath radiates with nearly double the power. If a plate of silver be cast without being subjected to any pressure, the surface, although perfectly bright, radiates with a power of 22 ; but, if it be dimmed by rubbing with sand paper, the com- pression, even so slight, diminishes the radiating power to 12. Sub- stances which are highly elastic, as ivory, or very hard, as agate, radiate in the same degree, no matter what be the rough or smooth condition of the surface. That the texture of the surface should influence the radiating power is easily comprehended, when we know that it is not from the external surface, but from a little depth below it, that radiation actually takes place. If radiation were truly from the surface, every point of it emitting rays equally intense in all directions, there should occur inequalities in the temperatures of the surrounding bodies of the 124 Of the Radiating, Absorbing, most remarkable and intolerable kind. Thus, let us suppose two surfaces at right angles, radiating heat, as, for instance, two sur- faces of a red hot poker. A body A, at a certain distance from the angle, should have its temperature raised much more than a body, B or c, directly opposite either side, for it should receive the rays A M, and A M', equally intense ; while the bodies B and c should receive from the same points only the rays B M, or c M'. But the rays emanating not 1VJ from the surface at M or M', but from N' and N, at some depth below, the oblique ray, N A, has to pass through so much a thicker stratum of solid matter from N to P than the direct ray from N to M ; that the conjoint action of the two does no more than enable the surrounding bodies to attain an equa- ble temperature. Bodies obliquely exposed to a flat radiating surface, receive less heat, not that a smaller number of rays impinge upon them, but that a greater portion of heat is lost in escaping from below the surface of the body. The radiating powers of bodies are the foundation of numerous ap- plications in the arts. Those bodies which radiate least cool slowest ; and hence if it be required to keep any material hot for a considerable time, it should be enclosed in a vessel with a bright metallic surface, that being the kind which retards most the escape of heat. If, on the contrary, the object be to diffuse heat, the best radiating surface should be made use of. It is thus that the tubes by which heated air or water or steam, are supplied to buildings, for the purposes of warmth, should be bright and polished until they arrive at the precise locality where the heat is to be given out, but should there be painted with white- lead or lampblack, the surfaces by which the heat is most rapidly given out. If two tin vessels, precisely similar in form, but one being painted and the other polished, be filled with warm water, and placed in a cool room, that which is painted will cool more rapidly than the other, in consequence of its greater power of radiation. If the two vessels, when cold, be placed opposite a steady fire, the temperature of the water in that which is painted will be observed to rise more rapidly than that of the other ; it will absorb the heat of the fire, precisely as it had given out the heat of the water, with most rapidity. The bodies, therefore, that radiate best, absorb heat, likewise, with greater power, and those which, when hot, cool most slowly, are those also which have least tendency to receive radiant heat. The absorbing and radiating power may even be proved to be exactly And Reflecting Powers of Bodies. 125 proportional to one another by the following experiment. A large differential thermometer is arranged, whose bulbs are chambers of con- siderable size, presenting large and equal plane surfaces on the sides that are towards each other other. Of these one is polished and the other coated. Midway between them is placed a canister having equal plane surfaces, facing each of the former respectively, and one polished, the other coated with the same pigment as before. This canister is filled with hot water, and is capable of turning on a vertical axis : thus the coated surface of the canister can be turned to the coated bulb, or to the polished ; in the former case, a great effect is produced upon the coated bulb, and a very small effect upon the plain ; in the second case the better radiating surface is directed to the worse absorbing one, and the worse radiating to the best absorbing, and the liquid in the tube remains perfectly stationary , establishing thereby the exact quality of the absorbing and radiating powers. Although colour is without influence on the radiating power, it yefc appears to influence the absorbing power in a remarkable degree. If pieces of cloth of various colours be laid upon snow, and exposed to the direct solar rays, that which is black will, by absorbing more heat, melt the snow away from under it, and sink deepest. White will sink least, and the others in the order of their depth of colour. It is, therefore, with reason that dark coloured cloths are preferred for winter use, and light colours for summer. It is, however to be noticed, that it is only upon the absorption of those rays of heat, which accompany rays of light, that colour has this power. The great difference of absorbing power of a blackened and of a metallic surface may easily be shown, by coating one bulb of a differ- ential thermometer with silver leaf and blackening the other. When, with the same source of heat, the rays are received upon the silvered bulb, scarcely any rise of temperature can be observed, but when the blackened bulb is placed in the focus, the rise is much more than would have occurred with the thermometer in its ordinary condition of the bulb with a glass surface. The mirrors which are used in those experiments do not become sen- sibly heated until after a long time ; they absorb but very little heat : but if the surface of the mirror be smeared with glue, it loses to a great degree its power of reflecting, and having thus obtained an absorbing and radiating power, it very soon becomes warm. If it be coated with lampblack, its reflecting power vanishes, and its surface becomes highly absorbent. The reflecting property is, therefore, possessed by the surfaces of bodies in the inverse degree to the absorbing and ra- diating powers, and hence the best absorbers are those which reflect least. 126 Researches of Melloni and The heat which is naturally associated with light in the sun's rays; is capable of being so concentrated by reflection, that in the focus of a burning mirror, results equal to those of the most intense artificial heat may be produced. The heat of the sun's rays may also be con- centrated by refraction; the heat accompanying the rays of light in their passage across lenses ; hence the use of the burning glass. But when we thus come to discuss the property possessed by bodies of trans- mitting radiant heat through their substance it becomes necessary to look further to the source and intimate structure of the heat. Eor the results which have as yet been described, we are indebted almost exclusively to Leslie, but the power of transmitting heat could only have led to the important consequences deduced from it by Forbes and Melloni, more recently when the progress of other sciences had placed at the disposal of the experimenter measures of temperature infinitely more sensible than any form of thermometer hitherto in use. It is by means of the thermo-multiplier and galvanometer that the effects of the transmission of heat require to be observed. The apparatus employed by Melloni was, in its general arrangement, such as is represented in the figure. On a steady table there rests a frame M, M, along the middle of which a slip, E, R, is cut, by which the various stands and supports may be moved back and forwards, so as to vary their distances from each other. On the stand s, is placed the source of heat ; in the figure it is a coil of platina wire ignited by a spirit lamp, but the flame may be Forbes on Radiant Heat. 127 surrounded by a cylinder of blackened copper, or it may be a vessel of boiling water, or an argand or Locatelli lamp. The rays proceeding from it are received by the thermo-multiplier, B, from which the wires F, F, convey the electricity generated to the galvano- meter, G, which for steadiness is placed at a distance and on brackets secured against a wall. These parts, p and G, will be represented in full in the chapter on electricity. If it be required to study the action of a plate of any substance upon the rays of heat, the screen E is inter- posed, having an aperture o, somewhat smaller than the plate to be employed. This last is then supported immediately behind the aper- ture, by means of the little frame s, so that no heat can reach the thermo-multiplier, unless after having passed through it. As it is of great importance to have the end of p farthest from the lamp, unin-* fluenced by any disturbing causes, the screen E" is placed immediately behind it to protect it from irregular radiation and from currents ; arid as the action of the heat upon the pile must be limited to the actual time of the experiment, the double screen E' is interposed imme- diately next the lamp, and being provided with a hinge, is raised or lowered, at the moment when the rays of heat are to be allowed to pass, or are to be intercepted. The orifice of the thermo-multiplier was occasionally fitted with a conical tube of plated brass, for the purpose of collecting the rays of heat in greater number ; but that is not often wanted. The reflecting power of bodies has been exactly determined by Buff to be as follows. Of 100 rays incident at an angle of 60 from the perpendicular, there are reflected, by Polished gold . . ". " . 76 silver 62 brass . 62 Brass without polish Polished brass varnished Glass plate blackened on back Looking glass Metal plate blackened . 52 41 12 20 6 The power of a body to transmit heat is termed transcalescence, and of intercepting heat intranscalescence. These properties are totally in- dependent of the power of transmitting light, as will be at once seen from the following table. It has been found by the experiments of Nobili and Melloni, conducted with the apparatus just described, that of 100 rays proceeding from the flame of an argand lamp, there are transmitted by 128 Permeability of Hodies to Heat. Substance. Colour. No. Substance. Colour. No. Rock salt colourless 92 Glass coloured yellow 22 Calc spar do. 62 Do. . . / ;. blue 21 Smoke topaz brown 57 Sulphuric ether colourless 21 Plate glass colourless 40 Gypsum . ...*_-; _ ^ do. 20 White agate do. 35 Tourmaline green 18 Glass coloured violet 34 Opaque quartz r *' black 16 Do. . red 33 Citric acid ; colourless 15 Chromate of potash orange 33 Alcohol . do. 15 Borax . . ^ - colourless 28 Alum do. 12 Glass coloured green 23 Water . do. 11 Bock salt is thus the most transcalescent substance that has been found. Glass arrests more than one-half of all the heat which it re- ceives, whilst colourless and transparent alum, and the most limpid water, arrest more of the heat which they receive than the deepest co- loured glasses, or topaz, or quartz, so brown, as to be quite opaque. But not merely do different bodies act differently on rays proceeding from the same source, but the same body may allow the heat of one source to pass freely through its substance, and intercept partially or completely the heat radiating from another. Thus using, in his experi- ments, the heat emanating from five kinds of source, first, the argand lamp ; second, the lamp of Locatelli, which is remarkable for the stea- diness of its flame ; third, a red-hot spiral of platina wire ; fourth, a blackened copper plate, heated to 734 ; and fifth, a blackened copper plate, heated to 212 by boiling water, Melloni found the heat arising from these sources to be transmitted in the following proportion per cent. ; the results with the argand lamp, having been given in the last table, are here omitted. Substance. Locatelli Lamp. Ignited Platina. Copper at 734. Copper at 212. Free radiation 100 100 100 100 Rock salt 92 92 92 92 Fluor spar 78 69 42 33 Calc spar 39 28 6 Plate glass 39 24 6 Agate . 23 11 2 Gypsum . 14 5 Alum 9 2 Ice ' jj 6 Eock salt is thus not only the most transcalescent body, but it is that which alone is equally transcalescent to heat of all temperatures. The rays of heat evidently acquire a greater power of transmissibility as the temperature of the source increases ; and hence glass arrests scarcely From Sources of Different Temperatures. 129 any portion of the direct solar heat ; whilst from the argand lamp, it intercepts 47 ; from LocatelFs lamp, 61 ; from ignited platina, 72 j from copper, at 734, 94; and from copper, at 212, 100 per cent. The action of these media upon radiant heat consists not merely in stopping a certain portion of it, but in separating it into portions, phy- sically distinct, of which one is capable of transmission, whilst the other is absorbed. Hence a second plate, of the same kind of substance, exerts but a very slight action upon the heat which has already passed through the first. Thus, though a plate of alum allows only 9 in 100 of the direct rays of the lamp to pass, yet it admits of the passage of 90 in 100 of rays which have already passed through a plate of the same substance : and calc spar, which transmits only j?? of the direct heat, transmits 91 of that which had passed through alum, and 89 of that which had passed through gypsum. On the other hand, a green tour- maline, which transmitted 18 out of 100 rays directly incident upon it, intercepts ?| of those which had previously passed through alum, but gives passage to $$ of radiant heat which had passed through black glass. The nature of the physical distinction between the intercepted and the transmitted portions of the heat is to be found in the different re- frangibility of the rays of heat emanating from sources of various tem- peratures. If the rays of heat emanating from a lamp be incident upon a rock salt prism, they will undergo refraction, subject to the same law of the sines, as in the case of ordinary light, and there will be obtained a band or spectrum of rays from the lamp ; the most refrangible will coincide with about the middle of the luminous spectrum, whilst the least refrangible will extend far beyond the limits of the least refrangible rays of light. The mean refrangibility of heat is, therefore, less than that of white light, and the length of its undulation, if the wave theory be adopted, longer in proportion. If now the heat spectrum, so obtained, be examined by means of the media which have been already noticed, the explanation of the pecu- liarities in their action will be at once observed. Eock salt allows the rays of all degrees of refrangibility to permeate its mass ; it is to heat what perfectly colourless glass is to white light, it acts equally on all portions of it. Alum stops all but the very least refrangible rays ; it is to heat what ruby-coloured glass is to light, which allows only the rays of the least refrangible extremity of the spectrum to pass through. Glass, gypsum, and such bodies as give passage to the rays of least and of mean refrangibility, resemble those orange-coloured glasses which exclude the blue and violet rays of light, but admit the others. After long search, Melloni at last found that by coating with soot the 9 130 Analogy of Heat to Coloured Light. surface of a plate of rock salt, it became to heat what blue glass is to light ; it excluded the rays of inferior refrangibility ; and when a plate so prepared was combined with a plate of alum, all heat was intercepted, precisely as when by laying a plate of blue and a plate of orange glass together, perfect opacity is produced, the one absorbing the portion of light which alone the other is capable of transmitting. The rays of heat derived from sources of different temperatures are thus analogous to the rays of light of different colours. The higher the temperature of the source, the more does it resemble red light ; the lower its temperature, the greater is its analogy with the violet rays. Hence, alum absorbs all the heat from boiling water, but gives passage to that from the argand lamp ; but alum is like a glass so deeply co- loured red, that it is almost opaque, and transmits only a small portion even of its own coloured light that may fall upon it. When a ray of heat is incident upon a doubly refracting substance, it follows precisely the same law as light, and is refracted doubly. In this case, also, the rays after emergence are found to be polarized in planes perpendicular to each other ; and all those consequences of the mutual action of polarized rays, which give rise to such magnificent phe- nomena of colours in the case of light, must occur with heat, and be made sensible, if our organs, or our instruments, were of a construction suitable for their appreciation. As yet, however, the fact which alone remains wanted, towards a physical theory of heat, has not been ob- served, that of interference ; up to the present time, the actual pro- duction of cold by the combined action of two rays of heat has not been seen ; but the closeness of the analogy, which in this case alone requires additional observation, between light and heat, is so remarkable, that we can have little hesitation in referring these agents, in their radiant form, to the same kind of physical arrangement. There is no difficulty in conceiving radiant heat to consist in vibra- tions of the same ethereal medium which produces light, and in consi- dering that the difference between heat and light should be in the mag- nitude of the vibrations, and the consequent refrangibility of their rays. On the contrary, it is not reasonable to suppose, that whilst we are con- scious of the waves in air, although they may vary in length, from 32 feet to ^ of an inch, the limits of our sensibility to the ethereal waves should be so narrow, that the shortest (violet) is to the longest (red) as 60 to 38 ; it is more consonant to our idea of the various and beautiful uses to which every object of creation is made subservient, to believe, that whilst the waves within these limits produce upon the eye the sen- sation of coloured light, another range of lengths, greater than those of light, should give to our organs the sensation of radiant heat ; and that Polarization of Heat. 131 a third order of vibration, still shorter, and more refrangible even than violet light, is capable of acting npon the elementary constituents of bodies, and constitute the chemical rays. The coexistence of these three kinds of rays in solar light is an argument remarkably in favour of this view, for we can well imagine, that by whatever means the sun commu- nicates to the ethereal expanse the vibrations of various lengths which constitute the rays of light, that vibrations of other magnitudes, greater or less, should be at the same time produced, and thus the light, which exhibits to us the beauty of the external world, be accompanied by the heating power which animates all living nature, and without which the universe should be a tenantless and barren void. These arguments, however, natural, and in appearance sound, are met by facts which, if not positive against light and heat differing only in the length of the waves, by which they are produced, are, at least, of so much importance as to deserve attentive study. If it were so, then the heating rays of the spectrum should be thrown always below the co- loured space, being less refrangible, and it is found that with a flint glass prism the greatest heat is produced outside the visible confines of the spectrum at the limit of the red light. This is, however, only acci- dental from the nature of the prism ; for, if a prism of crown glass be employed, the rays of heat are collected in the middle of the red space : with a prism of sulphuric acid, in the orange, and by a prism of oil of turpentine or water, they may be collected into the centre of the yellow light. The rays of heat, therefore, although generally less refrangible than those of light, are still not necessarily or even always so. There is dis- tributed, over the entire visible spectrum, a heating spectrum which has its peculiar point of greatest energy, and which may be refracted more or less, quite independently of the luminous space, and may be brought to overlap it at either end, or to lie evenly upon it. The ethereal me- dium, if it be the means of transmitting radiant heat, must be capable of two distinct methods of vibration, by which rays of equal refrangibilities, but totally different properties, may be produced. The physical independence of solar light and heat was beautifully shown by Melloni, who using quartz and black mica, perfectly opaque, upon the one hand, and rock salt made perfectly opaque by soot upon the other, obtained radiant heat of all refrangibilities, totally free from light ; and on the other hand, by combining a plate of alum with a glass coloured green by oxide of copper, he obtained a brilliant beam of light, which, when concentrated by a lens upon the most delicate thermos cope he could apply, exhibited no trace of any heating power whatsoever. An interesting property of radiant heat, and one which shows the 132 Constitution of Heat and Light. remarkable distinction between it and light, in a very evident manner, is, that the heat may change its degree of refrangibility, and hence if it be vibrations, one wave may break up into several, or several smaller waves may unite to form one. The light of the sun, deprived of all the more refrangible rays, by passage through a plate of alum, may be received on a blackened surface, the temperature of which will be thus elevated, and which, in turn, will become a source of radiant heat. But the heat so radiated, is found to have totally changed its properties; it can no longer pass through alum ; it has passed from the state of heat of the lowest to the state of heat of the highest refrangibility. In like manner, if the most refrangible rays emanating from a source at 212, be concentrated by a rock-salt lens, and brought to act on a small surface, they may raise the temperature of this surface above 212, and radiate from thence in a less refrangible condition than before. The parallel case to this has never been found with light. Red light has never been changed into blue, or violet into orange, and there must be in the physical theory of radiant heat some general principle of so high an order, that the physical optics of the present day is but a particular case of it. This change of radiant heat from one degree of refrangibility to ano- ther, occurs in nature very often, and is the source of some remarkable phenomena. Thus the heat of the sun's rays, being of low refrangibility from their intensely heated source, is transmitted easily by ice or snow ; and hence a layer of snow upon a field, exposed even to the powerful action of the sun, is but slowly melted : if, however, a dark-coloured object, as a branch of a tree, be laid upon the surface, it absorbs the solar heat, and becoming a source of radiation of heat of great refrangi- bility, which the snow absorbs completely, this is melted under the wood* which sinks and gradually disappears beneath the surface. The earlier melting of snow upon the branches and round the stems of plants, which was supposed to demonstrate a kind of natural warmth belonging to the living vegetable, arises from this merely physical conversion. Prom this results also the influence of colour on the power of bodies, to absorb the heat of the sun or of a fire ; the strips of coloured cloth (page 125) melted the snow beneath them, not merely because they absorbed more heat in proportion to the depth of colour, but because, they in that proportion possessed the property of changing the heat, which should be transmitted, into the heat which would be absorbed, by the snow on which they rested. The construction of a theory of heat would be, even were an undula- tory hypothesis adopted for its radiant form, involved in difficulties which may require many years of research to render them even clearly under- stood. The relation between radiation and conduction; the connexion Equilibrium of Temperature. 133 between specific and latent heat; the laws of cohesive force against which heat acts in causing the expansion of a body, will all require to be com- prehended within the folds of whatever principle shall hereafter be made the basis of thermotics. But it is no disrespect to the illustrious names that have been connected with speculations on this subject, to conclude, that none of the views brought forward appear positive or clear enough to be described in a work of an elementary nature like the present. SECTION VI. OF THE COOLING OF BODIES. Bodies, at an elevated temperature, are capable of giving out the heat which they contain, by every method by which, when cold, they become heated at the expense of the surrounding warmer bodies. Cooling may occur, therefore, by contact or by radiation. The rapidity of cooling by the immediate contact of the hotter with the colder body depends on the degree of intimacy of the contact, and the conducting powers of the bodies. Thus solids, which merely touch at a few points, communicate their relative temperatures but very slowly, whilst, with liquids or gases which may mix completely with each other, the establishment of an uniform temperature is almost instantaneous. The colder becomes heated to the original temperature of the hotter, only when there is a continual supply of heat to maintain that temperature, as in a furnace : in other cases the hotter body cools in proportion as the colder becomes warm, and the resulting temperature depends on the specific heat of each, as has been described, page 81. In determining, therefore, the temperature of a body by a thermometer, it must not be forgotten that the thermo- meter, in becoming hot, cools the body, so that unless there be a conti- nuous source of heat the true temperature of a body is never given by the instrument. Where the substances, being solid, can only come into external contact, the rapidity with which heat passes from one to the other depends upon their conducting power ; thus, a cold brick may be laid upon a heated brick for a considerable time without much heat changing place, but a plate of red hot iron, laid upon a plate of cold iron, abandons its excess of temperature so rapidly, that a mean temper- ature is attained by both in a very short time. The cooling of bodies by radiation is governed by the principle, that all bodies in nature are in a continual state of interchange of heat ; no 134 Equilibrium of Temperature. matter how hot or how cold a body may be, it is constantly giving out radiant heat to other bodies, and receiving in exchange, and absorbing the heat which radiates from them. The quantity of heat, thus radi- ated, depends on the temperature of the body ; the higher this is, the greater quantity of heat is thrown off; the lower the temperature, the less heat does a body radiate in a certain time. Hence, if we conceive a ball heated to redness, and suspended in the centre of a number of similar but colder balls, each will radiate and absorb, but the hotter ball will give out more than it can gain in return, and will hence cool, whilst the surrounding colder bodies, absorbing more of the radiant heat than they return, will have their temperature raised. Every body in nature, therefore, no matter how its temperature may, by peculiar or local means, be elevated or depressed, tends, ultimately to an equili- brium with all the neighbouring bodies, and hence the instant we re- move a substance from our furnaces or freezing mixtures it begins to cool or become less hot. This principle explains, in a very perfect manner, a singular but instructive experiment which may be made with the concave mirror apparatus described, page 122. In the ordinary form, the thermometer and the heated ball tend, by radiation, to assume a common temperature, and the thermometer, being the colder body, becomes heated : but if, in place of the heated iron ball, a mass of ice be substituted, the temperature of the thermometer in the focus of the opposite mirror immediately sinks below that of the surrounding air. The explanation consists simply in the fact, that the thermometer is now the hotter body, and hence giving out to the ice more heat than the ice gives back, has its temperature reduced. At first this effect appeared to demonstrate the existence of rays of cold, which were reflected, radiated, and absorbed like rays of heat. In this principle of the uniformity of temperature being sustained by the equivalent radiation and absorption of the bodies at the surface of the earth, we find the solution of many interesting natural phenomena. The production of dew and frost are to be thus accounted for. In the absence of the sun, the surface of the earth losing, by radiation, a great quantity of heat, should have its temperature considerably lowered, were it not that the canopy of clouds which generally lie above it radiate in return, and thus maintain the temperature almost the same. If then the clouds be absent, all the heat radiated by the earth is lost in the planetary spaces, and the temperature of its surface brought many de- grees below that of the atmosphere. The stratum of air which lies in contact with the surface of the ground is then cooled, by contact, and a portion of the watery vapour, which it had possessed in its elastic form, is deposited as liquid water. If the temperature of the air be itself low, Theory of Dew atid Frost. 135 and the night very clear, the cooling may proceed so far that the drops of dew at the moment of their deposition shall be frozen, and thus form frost. The truth of this explanation is demonstrated by the fact, that it is only on the surfaces of good radiators, and during clear star- lit nights, that the dew or frost is found. If a plate of polished metal be laid on the centre of a rough board, and exposed to the air of a frosty night, the rough surface will be found in the morning covered with copious frost, but on the bright metal no trace will be deposited. It is thus, that by lightly covering a thin layer of water with straw to increase the radiating power, a sheet of ice may be obtained in a single night between the tropics, where the actual temperature of the air may have continued far above the freezing point. That the cooling effect is produced by the loss of heat in its radiant form, and not by the contact or diffusion of the particles of the air, may be proved by the interpo- sition of a screen of any substance which intercepts the passage of ra- diant heat, when the deposition of the dew or frost instantly ceases, and the surface cools no more. Thus plants are protected by mats from the frosts of spring and autumn, and thus the screen of snow, which covers the surface in the depth of winter, prevents the loss of heat from the soil below, and favours the vegetation of the seed. The rapidity of cooling depends upon the difference of temperature of the radiating bodies, but it is not proportional to this difference, ex- cept within a very narrow range of temperature. Newton having ex- perimented only within that limit, announced that law as general, but the establishment of the true law is due to Petit and Dulong. It is that the rapidity with which a body cools, for a constant excess of tem- perature, increases in a geometrical proportion, of which the ratio is 1*161, when the temperatures increase in an arithmetical proportion. Bodies at moderately high temperatures cool, therefore, much more ra- pidly than they should do by Newton's law. The heat, by means of which we produce a rise of temperature, or any other of the effects which have been described, may be derived from any one of a variety of sources. To the earth at large, the sun is the source of warmth; and by his varying position in the heavens, by which his rays strike upon the surface with different inclinations, and, passing through the different thicknesses of atmosphere, undergo ab- sorption, to a variable amount, the change of seasons as to tempera- ture, is produced; and the alternation of vital activity and torpor which characterizes the vegetable world, and a great portion of the ani- mal creation, is occasioned. Although at the surface the temperature of the earth is solely dependent upon the radiating power of the sun, yet it is found that it contains within itself a source of heat, which, in 136 Central Heat of the Earth. ages excessively remote, must have retained the general mass of all the constituents of the mineral globe in igneous liquefaction. In fact, if we dig below the surface of the earth, we arrive, at a depth of about forty feet, at a layer of which the temperature is in winter and in sum- mer exactly the same. It is termed the stratum of invariable tempera- ture, and is, in general, of the mean temperature of the place ; that is to say, the temperature of the surface falls in winter as much below that of the invariable stratum, as in summer it is raised above it by the excessive action of the solar rays. The heat of the sun, falling upon the surface, is transmitted inwards in virtue of the conducting power of the ground, and thus each summer, a thin layer of elevated temperature moves in- wards ; those of successive summers, being separated from each other by the intervening colder shell, which marks the period of diminished heat in winter, until they mix and confound themselves in the layer of constant temperature, below which the influence of the sun is felt no more. But, on descending beyond this depth, it has been experimentally proved that the temperature steadily increases, and although subject to irregularities consequent on the different conducting powers of the rocks of different formations, the augmentation is in general about one degree for every forty-two feet, or about 120 for every mile. At a depth of two miles, therefore, water could not exist as a liquid, unless from the great pressure to which it should be subjected : at four miles depth, tin and bismuth should naturally be liquid; and at five miles, lead. At a depth of thirty miles the temperature should be so high as to melt iron ; and still more easily, almost without exception, the rocks, which constitute the solid earth that we inhabit. The central heat, therefore, although insensible at the surface, is still, there is every reason to believe, in violent activity at a small depth below : we live upon a pellicle of solid crystalline rocks, with which the melted mass has become skinned over, and which ex- tends but to -%^-Q of the distance to the centre. Hence, we can well imagine that in many places, where orifices or cracks in this solid crust might form, violent manifestations of the internal fire should be pro- duced, and the magnificent phenomena of volcanoes and earthquakes should thus arise. For artificial purposes, the source of heat is generally chemical com- bination. The details of this mode of generating heat will require to be carefully and minutely considered hereafter, under the heads of Combustion and the relations of Heat to Chemical Affinity. By me- chanical causes, as percussion and friction, heat may also be set free ; but such cases arise from a change in the specific heat of the bodies Sources of Heat. 137 before and after the mechanical action : and hence, although once con- sidered as influencing our ideas of the nature of heat, they do not now re- quire special notice. A very interesting source of heat consists in the respiration of certain kinds of animals, and constitutes an important branch of chemical physiology, which shall be discussed in its proper place : and, finally, one of the most remarkable sources of heat is to be found in the properties of electricity, in its various forms ; and to the description of this interesting and important agent we shall now pro- ceed. CHAPTER IV. OF ELECTRICITY CONSIDERED AS CHARACTERIZING CHEMICAL SUBSTANCES. AMONG the various forces which concur to the production of natural phenomena, there are few whose agencies are more remarkable or more general than those of electricity ; and so intimately does it appear to be connected with chemical action, becoming sensible in all cases of union or decomposition, and being even developed in a degree proportional to their amount, that the most eminent philosophers have not hesitated to consider electrical and chemical agencies as being, if not identical, at least intimately connected with each other. It is not the object of this work to enter into the minute description of electrical phenomena, or to attempt the detailed discussion of their causes ; as, for a complete examination of the subject, it must be consi- dered as one, and certainly not one of the least extensive branches of natural philosophy ; it is only with regard to the influence which elec- tricity exercises in the operations and the theory of chemistry, and the means which the electrical properties of bodies afford for their recogni- tion, that it requires notice here : and hence, although it is necessary to describe the peculiar origin and characters of each form which electri- city assumes, yet that shall be accomplished within the shortest limits that are consistent with the importance of this branch of science. In the present chapter, the subject will be studied in its general history, and considered as affording useful characteristics of substances, the pro- perties of which we have to learn ; and in a future place, the influence which it exercises upon chemical affinity, and the opinions which have 138 Nature of Electricity. been advanced concerning its relation to purely chemical forces, shall be carefully discussed. Of the true nature of electricity nothing is positively known ; whe- ther it be a mere property of matter like attraction or cohesion, a mere force acting independently of all interposed material, or whether, like light, it consists in the undulations of an ethereal medium filling space, cannot be determined. Indeed the ordinary views of its nature consist in supposing the existence of one or two fluids of electricity, of exceed- ing tenuity and of perfect elasticity; and that according as ordinary bodies were supposed to contain more or less of these fluids of electri- city, they acquired or lost the properties of electrical excitation. Of these opinions it is exceedingly difficult to say which is the more rea- sonable, or more consonant to experimental truth, so far as the expla- nation of phenomena is concerned ; but no positive evidence has ever been obtained of the existence of such an electric fluid : it has never been found capable of being separated from the ordinary particles of matter, of which it appears always as an additional property assumed under peculiar circumstances, and not as a superadded constituent. I consequently incline to the idea, that, in the phenomena of electricity, we have exhibited only the results of new mechanical conditions of the ordinary particles of matter, produced by the action of forces which may be called into play in a variety of ways, and which may be either totally new forces which are first generated at the time, or modifications of the forces of gravity and cohesion which exist already. But, al- though such may be the true condition of the electric properties of bodies, yet such views are far too abstract and indefinite to be as yet carried out into the detailed explanation of experiments ; and hence, in the present chapter, I shall adopt the language of that view, which has been so long in use as to have become incorporated with science, and speak of an electric fluid uniting with or separating from ordinary bodies, without being considered as at all believing in its actual exis- tence. This electric fluid, whether it be looked upon as of one or of two kinds, may, like air or water, be examined in a state of rest or in mo- tion ; and the science of electricity may be thus divided into electro- dynamics and electro-statics. The electricity generated by friction, or by change of state of aggregation, is ranked under the latter head ; whilst the effects of electricity in motion are found to include the phe- nomena of magnetism, of galvanism, and their relations to each other, electro-magnetism and magneto-electricity, and also those of the elec- tricity produced by a change of temperature in bodies. Under these heads, therefore, the subject will be treated of at present. Statical and Dynamical Electricity. 139 SECTION I. OF STATICAL ELECTRICITY. Electricity, in its statical condition, may be evolved in various ways, of which one of the most remarkable, and that most commonly em- ployed, is friction. If a piece of silk, or a handkerchief, warm and dry, be rubbed briskly against the surface of a dry glass rod, a peculiar odour, that of ozone, will become manifest ; and in the dark, the sur- face of the glass rod would appear covered with a peculiar phosphores- cent glow. If the rod be brought near the cheek, a sensation as if a spider's web had been drawn across the face will be felt ; and on ap- proaching to the rod, as in the figure, any very light bodies, as a silk thread, a feather, balls of elder pith, or little bits of paper, they will suddenly spring towards the rod, and become attached to it for a moment ; after which, they will spring from it, and fall away with equal power, assuming the positions of the dotted lines. The rod which has acquired these pro- perties is said to have been electrified by fric- tion with the silk handkerchief ; it has become excited, and the phenomena produced are known ; the phosphorescent appearance, as the electrical light : the motion to and from the rod by the light bodies, as electrical attraction and repulsion ; in which also, acting on the minute down of the cheek, the sensation above described has its source. It is not alone by rubbing together silk and glass that these phenomena may be produced ; two pieces of silk, by their mutual friction, become electric also, particu- larly if they be of different colours ; thus, on laying flat together slips of black and of white ribbon, and drawing them smartly through the fingers, each will attract the feathers or pith balls ; and being both light bodies, they will also attract each other. A piece of sealing wax, or any other resinous body, when rubbed with flannel or a woollen cloth, becomes similarly excited. Sulphur and amber, in which last, indeed, the property was first discovered, and from the Greek name of which, TjXsxrgov, the science electricity has its name, assume this excited state with remarkable facility and power. It is still not every substance which may be thus electrified by fric- tion, and even the same substance may often become incapable of being 140 Conductors and Insulators. excited ; thus, if the silk or flannel be not completely dry, or if the glass rod be damp, no electric properties can be conferred upon them. But it matters not how much care we use in drying a metallic substance which rests upon the ground, or which we support by the hand, it cannot be electrically excited by any amount of friction. Such a body is termed a non-electric; dry glass, resin, sulphur, silk, &c., being called electrics. Excitation may, therefore, be produced by rubbing together two electrics, but by the friction of non-electrics no electrical effects can be observed. This distinction is, however, not real ; it arises from the construction of the apparatus, for if in place of resting the metallic rod or plate upon the ground, or grasping it in the hand, we support it on a piece of seal- ing wax, or hold it by a glass or resinous handle, it becomes, when rubbed with the silk, as highly electrified as any of the electrics ; and in this way, by suitable arrangement of supports, all bodies in nature may be made to assume electric properties by friction. To account for this diversity of character, bodies are supposed to retain the electric fluid upon their surface with different degrees of power, according to their nature. When by friction electricity has been accumulated upon the surface of a glass rod, it being a highly elastic fluid, its particles repel each other, and tend, consequently, to escape from the limited space which it occupies, precisely as air tends to escape from a vessel into which it has been powerfully condensed. Glass, resin, sulphur, amber, silk, flannel, and such bodies, do not allow of such escape of the electricity, and it is hence retained in its elastic form upon their surface, and produces all the effects of excitation. They are electrics because they are non-conductors of electricity. But such is the molecular constitution of the metals, that they allow of the escape of all that is set free upon their surface, unless its passage away to other bodies is intercepted by the interposition of some non-conduct- ing substance. A metal is thus a non-electric, because it is a conductor of electricity ; and when, by supporting it upon a non-conductor, we oblige it to retain its charge of electricity, it is said to be insulated. Ice is a non-conductor of electricity, and by rubbing a stick of ice, it becomes excited ; but it must not melt upon the surface, for liquid water, although inferior to the metals in conducting power, is yet so excellent a conductor, that it allows the electricity which we might de- velope to pass totally away. Hence the necessity of drying carefully the substances which are, by their friction, to produce the electricity, and also the reason that insulating bodies must be kept free from damp, for if the thinnest layer of moisture be deposited upon their surface, the electricity will instantly escape by the path so opened for it. The conducting powers of bodies have, as yet, been scarcely ascer^ Relative Conducting Powers. 141 tained with accuracy enough, to justify their being expressed in num- bers, at least for the non-metallic bodies. The general order appears to be commencing with the best insulators or worst conductors : Dry air. Damp organic bodies. Shell lac. Damp air. Resins. Water. Oil of turpentine. Strong acids. Sulphur. Fused saline bodies. Glass. Charcoal. Spermaceti. Metals. The worst metallic conductor is many thousand times better than water, and by the following method, an idea of their relative power may be formed. A wire, across which an electric discharge is passed, be- comes heated in proportion to the resistance offered to the motion of the electricity ; and, therefore, the rise of temperature is inversely pro- portional to the conducting power. By such experiments, Harris found that with The heat evolved. The Conducting Power. Silver .... 6 . 120 Copper . . . . 6 Gold 9 Zinc 18 Platinum .... 30 Iron 30 Tin 36 120 80 40 24 24 20 12 Lead 72 These numbers are merely comparative, and can only be looked upon as approximations. The difference of the conducting power explains the fact, that wlien we excite by friction the surface of a glass plate or rod, it is only at the points actually rubbed that electricity at first appears, and it requires considerable time to creep over the other portions ; but on exciting an insulated metallic rod or plate, no matter how extensive or how long, the electricity, when evolved by friction at a single spot, appears uniformly distributed over the entire. Hence, also, a spark may be obtained by electricity passing instantly along a great extent of metal surface, but is interrupted by a narrow interval filled by any non-con- ducting matter. The rapidity with which the electric impulse is propagated, has been examined by Wheatstone in a very ingenious manner, the details of wliich could not be well introduced here, but which enabled him to determine an interval of the 1^^000 ^ a second ; he found that the impulse of the shock of a Leyden jar is transmitted from each end of an interposed wire, and arrives latest at the centre, so far appearing favourable to the idea of the existence of two fluids rather than of only one, and that the velocity of transmission of this impulse is greater than 142 Velocity of the Motion of Electricity. that with which light passes through the planetary space, that is, at the rate of more than 195,000 miles in a second of time. The electricity, when thus evolved, accumulates upon the surface of the body, not penetrating to any appreciable depth, but forming a layer of fluid, which, by its elasticity, and hence expansive power, tends con- stantly to break away and pass to other bodies, which are not excited. It thus passing through air produces the electric spark, and is accom- panied by a snapping report. The tendency to' escape under the form of the spark, depends upon the thickness of the layer of electricity, and is accurately proportional to its square ; so that if we excite a brass ball, with double or treble the quantity of electricity, the force of the elec- tricity to pass away will be quadrupled or increased ninefold. Hence it requires exceedingly good insulation to retain electricity of great intensity. These principles may be easily demonstrated, by means of the ap- paratus in the figure. A, is a hollow sphere of some conducting sub- stance, and B, B, are hemispheres of gilt paper, or thin metallic foil, which when closed upon the globe cover its surface accurately. They are provided with insulating handles c, c. The hemispheres being placed on the globe, if the whole be excited by friction, or by a spark from the machine, the electricity will be found uniformly diffused over the whole external surface, and if the hemispheres be suddenly removed by means of the handles, the globe A will remain totally deprived of its electricity, which will be found all collected on the surfaces of B and B ; but it will be no longer uniformly spread ; its intensity will be found much greater on and near the edges of the hemispheres, and towards the centres of the surfaces the signs of excitation will be extremely feeble. The form of a body has a remarkable influence upon the manner in which the electricity is distributed upon its surface. In a sphere, the layer is every where of equal thickness, but in an elongated body it accumulates more at the extremities of the longest axis. Hence on a wire or a needle, the electricity is accumulated almost exclusively on the ends, and even though the total quantity of electricity may not be large, it is there so thickly heaped, that it breaks off and rapidly escapes. Opposite Conditions of Excitation. 143 Hence electrical apparatus should be completely smooth, except where a point or projection is intentionally attached, and many remarkable ex- periments are founded upon the escape of electricity from points. Electricity is not merely prevented from accumulating upon a pointed body itself, but it cannot collect upon any surface near it ; the point abstracting the electricity. Thus, a point held near to the excited glass-tube used in the experiments first described, may prevent that attraction of the light bodies, by which excitation is shown, by con- centrating all the action upon itself. The detailed theory of this power of points to dissipate their own electricity, and to absorb that of other bodies, shall be hereafter fully noticed ; at present it is suffi- cient to refer it to the thickness, and high elasticity of ths layer of electric fluid, which forms upon them. It has been already stated, that when two slips of silk ribbon are excited by rubbing against each other, the electricity appeared to be equally evolved upon each. This occurs in all cases of excitation by friction. Thus, when the silk and glass are rubbed together, the silk acquires as much electricity as the glass ; but the silk being held in the hand, the fluid escapes by the dampness which is always present, and is lost. If, however, the silk be insulated if a disk of dry wood, co- vered with some folds of silk, be held upon an insulating handle, and rubbed against a similar disk of glass then the same phenomena are produced in an equal degree by both. The attraction and repulsion of the lighter bodies, the odour and the phosphorescence belong to both, and thus in every case where bodies are rubbed together, the excitation is completely mutual. There is, however a profound and curious dif- ference between the two conditions : separately they attract and repel other bodies exactly in the same way ; together they produce neither attraction nor repulsion : separately they may manifest the most re- markable evidence of tension, giving sparks and shocks, but when com- bined, all signs of free electricity are lost, and the body on which they are collected appears as destitute of excitation as if the power had never been in existence. The states of the two bodies are therefore so far opposed, that they may interfere, and as from the action of two lights there may be produced total darkness, so from the coalition of the excitation of the two bodies which had been rubbed together, abso- lute indifference may result. This neutralizing power of the excitation of each body for that of the other, may be shown by very simple means. If a feather be sus- pended by a silken string, and upon the one side there be presented to it the disk of glass, and upon the other the disk of silk, which had been rubbed together, it may be brought to remain, by managing the 144 Gold leaf Electroscope. distance, perfectly at rest. If there be the glass alone, it instantly attracts the feather, the silk alone acts in the same way ; but no matter how strong the power of each may be, when at equal distances, the feather remains indifferent to both. In order, however, to obtain perfect demonstration of this principle, it is useful to examine it by means of more exact instruments than the feather or other light bodies, which hitherto had been found sufficient, and for this purpose the gold- leaf electroscope is best adapted. Deferring the description of its principle to another place, I shall here only notice its construction and the indi- cations which it gives. A glass jar, A, is closed at the top by a metallic (brass) plate, B, to which are attached below, by a wire, two slips of gold leaf, lying, when unexcited, flat on one another, and reaching below the middle of the jar. The jar rests on a wooden or metal foot, with which are connected two slips of tin-foil, applied to the inside of the glass, and rising so far that the gold leaves on opening out may come into contact with them. When this occurs, there is evidently a free conducting medium from the upper metallic plate to the ground, but, except when the gold leaves touch the slips of tin-foil, the cap and leaves are perfectly insulated, if the instrument be kept dry. When this electroscope is brought near to an excited body the gold leaves diverge, and remain so, as in the position of the figure, as long as the excited body may be kept near it. But if the instrument be not touched, the leaves collapse on its removal, and all remains indifferent as it had been before. By the divergence of the gold leaves, therefore, the existence of free electricity acting on the electroscope is made known. No matter what may be the nature of the excited body acting on this instrument, it gives the same indication of its presence ; but when exposed to the action of the two bodies which had been rubbed toge- ther, the gold leaves remain quiescent. If they be made to separate by the influence of the glass, and that the excited silk be then slowly brought near, the divergence gradually diminishes, until at last the leaves lie close together. If the silk be then brought still nearer, there is a new divergence ; but it is due to the excess of power of the silk, after the neutralization of the glass. On removing either of the excited bodies, when the instrument is in the neutralized condition, the leaves diverge, from that which remains being free to act. Not merely is the excitation assumed by the two bodies immediately rubbed together, of these opposite kinds, but it may be shown that this peculiar power may exist in the conditions of two bodies, rubbed by a third, as when a glass Electrical Attractions and Repulsions. 145 is rubbed with silk, and an insulated metal rod is likewise excited by rubbing with silk, the glass and metal rod assume electricities which destroy each other, or the silk is related to the metal as the glass had been to the silk. Bodies rubbed by different other substances are also so circumstanced ; if a stick of sealing-wax be rubbed by flannel, it win assume opposite excitation to that of glass when rubbed with silk, and would counteract its influence, and consequently, the condition of the flannel in the one case, and the silk in the other, would be opposite also. This assumption of opposite states of excitation may be caused by trifling mechanical conditions : thus, if smooth glass and muffed glass be both rubbed with silk, they become oppositely electrified, and two pieces x>f silk, which differ markedly in colour, neutralize each other when electrified by their mutual friction. The peculiar characters of these two forms of excitation extend, however, much further than the principle of mutual destruction. If we hang by a dry silk thread, varnished with shell-lac, in order to render it a better insulator, a little cylinder of gilt paper, and that we bring near it an excited body, the cylinder is attracted and moves towards the body until it touches, when it is immediately and forcibly repelled. It has by contact participated in the state of excitation of the body, and when that is so, they mu- tually repel each other. In all cases, bodies which are in the same electrical condition repel each other ; and it is thus that the gold leaves of the electroscope become an index of any electricity which may be present, for as both slips of leaf are necessarily excited in the same way, they repel each other, and consequently they diverge. If now the insulated gilt paper cylinder which has been, as above described, repelled by the glass rod, after having shared its electricity, be brought near the silk against which the glass rod had been rubbed, or to any body which is in the same state of excitation as the silk, attraction will ensue, and this will be found more powerful than if the body had previously been neutral. If two such gilt paper cylinders be touched, both with the glass rod, or both with the silken disk, they will repel each other ; but if one be touched with the glass and the other by the silk, they will attract each other, and move until they touch, when the states of excitation neutralize each other, and they become inactive. When bodies are rubbed together, therefore, they become electric, and with such properties, that whilst each when separate gives signs of powerful excitation, together they destroy each other's power. Bodies when thus oppositely electrified, attract each other ; bodies which are excited in the same manner, repel each other ; and these attractions and repulsions arise from the exertion of a force, which, like that of 10 146 Law of Electrical Attractions. CO gravitation, diminishes in intensity, according as the square of the distance between the bodies becomes greater. This law, which is of the greatest importance, for the theory of electricity, was discovered by Coulomb by means of the torsion electro- meter. The gold-leaf apparatus, though exceedingly sensitive as a test of the presence of free electricity, is yet not susceptible of being used to measure its amount. It is an electroscope, but not an electrometer. The torsion balance of Coulomb consists of a glass drum, A, on the centre of which rises a glass tube, B, to the height of one or two feet. Prom the top of this tube is hung, by a fine thread of glass or of cocoon silk, a very light wooden beam, to which is attached at one end a ball of dry elder pith, and at the other a piece of gilt paper, which serves as a coun- terpoise, and by its extent of surface prevents irregular motions of the beam. The pith ball is usually gilt, to give it a more uniform surface. In the top of the drum there is an aperture, by means of which a second gilt pith ball, c, may be introduced, and made to touch that of the balance ; and around the centre of the drum is fixed a scale of degrees, by which the angular distance, to which the balls separate after repulsion, may be measured. Now, let us suppose that, by touching the second, or, as it is called, the carrying ball, to an excited body, we charge it with electricity, and, having inserted it in the aperture, it touches the ball of the balance, which is immediately repelled : in moving away, this twists the thread by which it is suspended, and the amount of the twisting which is necessary, in the opposite direction, to bring it back again, and main- tain it at a certain distance, measures the force of repulsion the balls then exercise. This measurement is effected by the glass or silken thread being attached, not to the tube, but to a stem, carrying an index, which shows, on a graduated circle, the number of degrees through which the thread is twisted ; and as the thread is exceedingly long in proportion to its thickness, and its elasticity almost exact, the force of torsion is taken as proportional to the angle through which the index moves. By this instrument, into the detail of experiments with which it would be improper here to enter, Coulomb established the fundamental law of electrical attraction and repulsion ; and it has been found, that from this law all the results of the distribution of electricity on bodies, its accumulation on and escape from points, that have been noticed, might have been deduced. Theories of Electricity. 147 The fundamental principles of electrical excitation, the distribution of electricity on bodies, and the manner in which the electric states of the excited bodies are related to each other, having been thus described, I shall pass to the explanation of the general principles under which those phenomena and laws have been arranged, and a knowledge of which we shall find necessary to our future progress. I shall lay aside all consi- deration of the more abstract theories of electricity, which refer it to mere molecular disturbance, or to vibrations, and consider only those views which suppose the existence, in the one case, of two electric fluids, the theory of Dufay, and, on the other, that of a single fluid, the theory of Franklin. Theory of two Fluids. It is assumed, that there exists in nature two kinds of electricity, each a highly elastic fluid, whose particles repel each other, according to the law of the inverse square, while they attract the particles of matter, and also attract each other, according to the same law : that every body in nature contains usually an exactly equal quantity of each fluid ; that bodies then are in their ordinary state, and hence, manifesting no unusual properties, we look upon them as being quiescent : but, if a body contain more of one fluid than of another, it comes into an extraordinary state, and acquiring new properties, we say that it has become excited. Upon this view, the phenomena of electricity are capable of very simple explanation. When two bodies are rubbed together, the result is, that one electric fluid accumulates in excess upon the one, and the other upon the other body. They are thus brought into a state of excitation ; and as the excess of the one fluid must be exactly equal to that of the other, the excitation of both is equal, and, being opposite, must neutralize each other when they are brought to reunite. Of these electricities, that which passes to glass, when it is rubbed with silk, is termed, in the lan- guage of Dufay, vitreous electricity; and that which accumulates on resin, when rubbed with flannel, is called resinous. There are few bodies which may not assume vitreous or resinous excitation, according to the substance by which the friction is produced ; and, hence, these names are liable to some objection, and are not much employed. Since the electric fluids and matter attract each other, the bodies upon which the electricities become free appear to attract or repel each other, according as they are invested by the same or opposite fluids, in conse- quence of the necessity of accompanying these fluids in their action on each other. Hence, the electric attractions and repulsions which mani- fest themselves in all cases of excitation, and hence the bodies return to their indifferent condition as soon as the excess of electricity they contain is neutralized. It was for a long time supposed, that the atmosphere, 148 Hypotheses of One or I\vo Fluids. by its mechanical pressure, assisted in retaining the free electricities upon the surface of the excited bodies ; but this is not the case. The air acts as an insulator of the excited body, without which no accumulation of free electricity could occur ; but the mechanical pressure of the air may be removed without affecting, the electrical conditions. Theory of one Fluid. In the hypothesis of Franklin there is assumed to exist but one electric fluid, of which, in its ordinary state, every sub- stance contains a certain quantity. This fluid is considered to be highly elastic, to repel its own particles with a force varying as the inverse square of the distance, and to attract the particles of matter according to the same law. A substance, with its proper share of electricity, is, therefore, in its indifferent condition, possessing no properties beyond what we or- dinarily attribute to it. But when two such bodies are rubbed together, a quantity of electricity abandons one and collects upon the other ; and thus both are brought into an abnormal state, and assume the unusual properties which constitute excitation. The excitation is equal, for the one has gained precisely what the other lost ; and by recombination they destroy each other's action, for they are brought to their original ordinary state. The excitation being produced, according to this view, by one body having electricity in excess, whilst that of the other is deficient, one is said to be plus and the other minus electrified ; or, more generally, the one to be positively , the other negatively excited, and the signs + and are often used as abbreviations for these words. The particles of the electric fluid being mutually repulsive, and attract- ing those of matter, it is natural that two bodies, having electricity in excess, shall mutually repel ; and that a body, having an excess of elec- tricity, shall attract one having an excess of matter. Bodies both + therefore repel; a -f- and a body attract each other. But, to explain the mutual repulsion of bodies, both in the negative condition, an assump- tion is required, which, at first sight, appears to militate considerably against our reason ; for, as it is matter which is in excess in that condi- tion, we must consider that the particles of matter mutually repel each other, according to precisely the same law, as it is demonstrated by the whole construction of the universe, that the particles of matter mutually attract each other. There is not, however, any real contradiction in these principles ; the law of gravitation applies to matter in its ordinary state, in which it contains its natural quantity of electricity ; and it affords no grounds for supposing, that, if matter were deprived of that natural electricity, it should continue to attract. There is, consequently, nothing illegitimate in that assumption ; and the theory of a single fluid may be as easily and successfully applied to the explanation of phenomena as that of the two fluids before described. Theory and Construction of Electrical Machines. 149 Already, indeed, considerable progress has been made towards a theory of electricity upon this idea. In order to account for the ordi- nary molecular constitution of matter, it is necessary to suppose, that the forces which act upon its particles may change from attractive to repulsive, and again from repulsive to attractive, according as the dis- tance between the particles is made to vary ; and Mosotti has shown, that it is only necessary to assume that the mutual repulsion of matter, when destitute of electricity, is inferior to its attraction for electricity, and to the mutual repulsion of the electricity itself, and the law of gravitation becomes a necessary consequence of the conditions under which alone electrical equilibrium can be established. Such are the theories of electricity that have hitherto met with most general acceptation. In the succeeding portions of this work, I shall adopt the language of the theory of the two fluids, except that I shall use the Avords negative and positive fluids, in place of vitreous and resi- nous ; but I do so merely from convenience, and seek not to connect the idea of a fluid in any way more intimately with the true causes of the electrical properties of bodies. Before passing to the description of the phenomena, and the discus- sion of the principles of electricity which yet remain to be examined, it is necessary to notice the construction of some electrical apparatus, which is employed in all cases where it is desirable to operate upon this agent in a state of high intensity and power. Of these the most important is the electrical machine. The machine is in principle only a modification of the glass tube which, by friction with a piece of silk, evol- ved the electricity in the first experi- ments described. It consists of a glass having such a form as to expose a great extent of surface, and gene- rally being used in the shape of a cylinder A, or of a plate. To produce the friction, , an elastic rubber B is covered with silk, and made to press against the surface of the glass ac- cording as the plate or cylinder is turned round by means of the handle. The rubber being generally in- sulated, the electricity evolved upon it is at once collected, and may be transferred along conductors, or drawn as sparks from the knob of brass attached to it at the back. The electricity which is diffused upon the glass, passes from itr surface to that of a brass cylinder, termed the 150 Theory and Construction of Electrical Machines. prime conductor c, being collected by means of a series of pointed wires, which graze the surface of the cylin- der according as it is turned round. The prune conductor is also insulated; and in the case of a cylinder ma- chine, the glass itself is often sup- ported upon insulating pillars, by which the loss of electricity is pre- vented. To increase the energy of the machine the silk of the rubber is generally smeared over with a mixture of grease and an amalgam of tin and zinc, and a silken apron extends from the rubber half over the cylinder or plate to conduct the electricity to the points, and prevent its being carried away by the air. Although I shall have occasion, when we have examined the relative action of excited bodies and conductors somewhat better, to notice the true theory of the prime conductor, yet, for the present, it may be con- sidered as simply, from its proximity collecting the free electricity on its points from the surface of the glass cylinder or plate, and by thus accumulating it upon a confined surface, enabling the experimenter to apply it or carry it to other bodies at his pleasure. When the machine is worked, the two portions of electricity become developed, as in the rubbing of the tube and handkerchief, upon the silk and glass, and if all be insulated, they attract each other so intensely, that they break through the intervening air, and recombine across the surface of the cylinder, or round the edges of the plate, presenting the appearance of a brilliant spark, and accompanied by a snapping noise, and the peculiar phosphorescent odour of ozone. To prevent this recombination, which should of course render accumulation upon the prime conductor im- possible, the rubber, when the machine is required for active work, must be connected, with the ground by a wire or chain, through which the electricity, which forms upon the silk, makes its escape, and as new quantities are then liberated at each moment, those passing from the glass to the prime conductor, by the projecting points with which it is always furnished, collect upon it, and, acquiring a high degree of tension, pass under the form of sparks to any conducting body which may be brought near. By means of a machine of such construction, the opposing proper- ties of the electricities of the bodies rubbed together may be simply and completely shown. The degree of excitation of the prime conductor is "generally Effects of Electrical Machines. 151 though not very accurately, shown by means of the quadrant electrometer. This consists of a stem of brass which rests in a socket in the prime conductor, or when not in use, in a wooden foot, To this is attached as in the figure, an ivory semicircular scale of which a portion is graduated, from whence the name ; on an axis at the centre of the ivgry scale, there is hung, by a light arm of whalebone, a pith ball, which, when the apparatus is unexcited, lies in contact with the brass stem, and thus assumes the same electrical condition with it, when the instrument is placed on the prime conductor. The machine being worked, the stem and the pith ball repel each other, and the ball being consequently set in motion by the united repulsion, its radius moves through an angular space on the graduated scale, which serves in rough experiments as an index of the intensity of the excita- tion. Now, if when this instrument is fixed on the prime conductor, the latter be connected with the insulated rubber by a chain or wire, no matter how vigorously the machine may be worked, no signs of excita- tion can be produced ; the electricity collected from the glass by the prime conductor, passing along the chain or wire to unite with that which is developed on the rubber, and the two being evolved in equal quantities complete neutralization is produced. That bodies similarly electrified repel each other, is shown by the principle of this instrument, as its indications of free electricity depend upon the stem and ball being both excited in the same way, and the repulsion being the same, whether it be fixed upon the rubber or on the prime conductor. To prove on a large scale, by means of the machine, that the oppo- site electricities attract each other, it is only necessary to place in con- nexion with the conductor on each side a metallic wire, to which is hung, by a wetted thread, a ball of pith, or a cylinder of gilt paper. When the machine is turned, the balls attract each other across the cylinder, and touching, interchange the electricities by which they are excited, and thus the fluids, separated by the friction, are continually recomposed, being brought together by their mutual attractions. If to each wire there be hung two such balls, those of each side will be seen to repel each other, whilst they move towards those oppositely excited. Numerous experiments of an amusing kind, which it would be foreign to my purpose to introduce, are founded on these principles. There have been now noticed four methods by which bodies may be electrically excited. 1st, by friction, which is, indeed, the only true excitation. 2nd, by contact; as when an insulated brass disk, excited by friction, is touched by another, also insulated and neutral ; a spark passes between them at the moment previous to actual contact, and the 152 Laws of Electrica I Induction . first is found to have divided its electricity with the second,, in propor- tion to its surface. In this case the two bodies, after contact, are in the same state of excitation. 3rd, as where the prime conductor, which is neither itself rubbed, nor does it touch the cylinder of the machine, yet gathers from it the electricity which is evolved thereon, and allows it to be transferred, under the form of the spark, to other bodies ; and, finally, all the attractions and repulsions which have been observed in- dicate a power of action and excitation even at considerable distances, and this mode, which results from the attraction and repulsion of the electric fluids for each other, is, when examined, found really to com- prehend the second and third modes of excitation, by contact and by gathering with points. There are, therefore, truly, only two means of excitation, this at a distance, which is termed induction, and that by friction. It is not difficult to understand how bodies come to be excited by induction. Let us consider the insulated cylinders, B c, as being neu- tral and having their natural electricities combined, and distributed uni- formly over their surface. If a globe, A, excited, say with positive electricity, to be brought near, it will attract the opposite electricity of B to the end which is nearest it, and repel the electricity of the same name to the farthest extremity ; both electricities of B will thus become free, and B will be excited by the influence of the electricity of the body, A, at a distance ; and the condition of B is characterized by its two extremities being in opposite states, and hence at a certain point between them, perfect neutrality remaining. This positively excited end of B influencing c, in a corresponding way, brings it also into an ex- cited state, and this communication of action would go on through any number of bodies, the force set free being regulated by the law of the inverse square of the distance from the original disturbing cause at A. As long as A remains in its place, the state of electrical excitation is kept up ; if A be totally removed the natural electricities of each body recombine, and all become neutral ; if A be brought very close to B, or B to c, the attractions, between the opposite electricities become so great that they unite across the intervening space of air, and a spark passes. The bodies are then found to be in the same state, and the communication by contact, or the excitation which occurs, is shown to be Theory of the Prime Conductor. 153 only the termination of the inductive action. For suppose that A had 10 parts of + electricity, and that, by induction, it set free 5 of the and 5 of the + fluid on the surface of the body B ; then, when the spark had passed, the 5 destroying + 5 of the body A, the two bodies should remain each with + 5, and thus the results of contact already described should be produced. The distance at which the combination of the electricities of the in- ducing and induced body may occur, depends upon the intensity of the fluids collected on the parts of the surface nearest to each other, and hence, when there is on the body, a point on which the great propor- tion of liberated fluid, as has been already described, becomes accumu- lated, the fluid escapes from thence before it is in sufficient mass to break its way under the form of a spark, and thus the permanent and similar excitation of the body silently occurs. This is the true theory of what has hitherto been described as the power of points to gather and to disperse the electric fluid. If a pointed body be excited by friction it induces an opposite state in the particles of air by which it is is surrounded, and communicates to them with great rapidity the charge wlu'ch it had received. The prime conductor of the machine, being in- sulated, has its electricities separated by the inductive action of the ex- cited glass cylinder or plate ; the negative electricity collected on the points turned towards the glass, escapes from thence, and unites with the positive fluid which had been set loose by friction, and proportional quantities of the positive fluid of the prime conductor being left free upon its surface, it serves the same purpose as a source of electricity as if it had come directly from the glass. A point placed on the prime conductor prevents the accumulation of the electricity, because it gives the + to the air as fast as the other points give the to the glass; a point held near the prime conductor also prevents its excitation, by giving to it by induction electricity as fast as it obtains -f- electricity from the glass of the machine. In all these cases of induction, where the electricities attract and re- pel each other, the bodies on which the electricities are collected will accompany them in their motions, if they be not too heavy. Hence all the singular motions of bodies, when excited, are explained upon this principle. The variety of dancing figures, ringing bells, revolving wheels, affrighted heads, and so on, that are exhibited in popular lec- tures on tlu's aubject, will serve to practise the ingenuity of the student in tracing out their theory in the detail, with which it would be quite improper to occupy this work. The theory of the Bennetts gold leaf electrometer, with which some of the most important principles of statical electricity are demonstrated, 154 Theory of the Electroscope. must not, however, be omitted. When an excited rod is brought over the electroscope, it separates the electricities of the metallic portions of the instrument, attracting the opposite to the upper surface of the cap, and repelling that of the same name into the gold leaves, which, being thus excited with the same electricity, repel each other, and hence di- verge. If the exciting body be + it is the + fluid by which the instru- ment appears affected ; if it be the leaves diverge from the presence of electricity. Hence if when under the influence of a glass rod rubbed with silk, a stick of sealing wax which had been rubbed with flannel be brought near, the divergence diminishes, until at last the leaves collapse completely, the resin having driven down as much nega- tive electricity as there had been positive brought into action by the glass, and hence the gold leaves coming into their natural and indiffe- rent condition. That it is by this inductive process that the gold leaves act, may be thus shown. If the cap of the electroscope be rubbed with a dry silk handkerchief it becomes excited, and the leaves diverge with negative electricity ; if then an excited glass rod be brought near, the divergence is neutralized, showing that positive electricity had been sent down by the glass ; but if an excited resinous body be approached, the divergence increases, indicating the superaddition of electricity of the same name, from the inducing power of the resin. If, as in the figure (page 153), the cylinder c be connected with the ground by means of a wire or a wetted thread D, the positive electri- city passes from that body through the wire into the earth, where, from the enormous surface of the globe, it may be looked upon as lost, and the surface of c is altogether in a state of negative excitation. If now the exciting body A be taken away, the quantity of positive fluid re- turns along the wire, and brings the body c into its neutral state ; but if before the body A be taken away the conducting communication with the ground be cut off by the removal of the wire or thread, the body c cannot get its positive electricity back, and hence remains in a state of negative excitement. In this manner a substance may, by induction, be made to receive a permanent charge. This is often useful in experi- ments with the electroscope, and the manipulation to charge it per- manently is as follows : If it be desired to charge it positively, an ex- cited stick of resin is held near, and the cap of the electroscope is touched with the finger. The negative electricity then escapes by the hand into the ground, and the positive electricity, accumulating over the cap, and leaves, these last diverge. On then removing the finger, the leaves are insulated ; and when the stick of resin is taken away, the permanent charge remains. To charge with negative electricity, an excited glass rod is to be used ; and it will be recollected, that where Construction of the Ley den Jar. 155 the charge of the leaves is temporary, its electricity is the same as that of the exciting body ; but where the charge is permanent, the electri- city is of an opposite kind. After the exciting body, in the latter instance, has been withdrawn, the divergence of the gold leaves becomes much greater than it had been before. This arises from the charge being increased by its action on the surrounding bodies, particularly on the glass by which the leaves are enclosed. By taking advantage of the increase of change, by secon- dary inductive action, various forms of the electroscope have been con- trived for rendering it more sensible, and are described in special treatises on electricity under the name of Doubters and Condensers. As they do not add anything to our knowledge of principles, and have no peculiar chemical relations, I shall not enter on their further consideration. One of the most interesting instruments in statical electricity, founded on the principle of induction, is the Leyden Jar ; so called from the city where its construction was dis- covered. It consists of a glass bottle, which is coated inside and outside, to a small distance from the top, with tin foil, and has fitted to the orifice a wooden or qork stopper, through which passes a stout wire, touch- ing at the bottom the internal coating, and terminated outside by a metallic knob. When this jar is insulated, and the knob is touched to the prime conductor of the machine, and the handle turned, the positive electricity passes to the internal coating of the jar, and excites it to an equally powerful degree. This, then, reacting by induction upon the electricities of the external coating, separates them, attracting the negative to the side next the glass, and re- pelh'ng the positive to the outer side. The position becomes, there- fore, -\ f- ; and, when the + fluid inside makes up by its greater quantity for the thickness of the glass by which it is separated from the fluid, no more can enter into the jar. In this case the inside of the jar may be considered as being merely an extension of the prime conductor ; and the electricities of the external coating, although sepa- rated from each other, are only in the quantities which had been always present. But if the external coating be connected with the ground, the + fluid, being repelled by that inside, passes away, and another quantity, entering from the prime conductor into the jar, decomposes a new quantity of the natural fluids of the external coating, of which also the positive escapes and the negative remains behind, held by the attraction across the glass to the positive fluid inside. New quantities of positive electricity, entering continually from the machine, the accu- mulation of negative electricity on the outer coating proceeds, until the 156 Theory of th e Ley den Jar. tendency of the two to combine is so intense as to break their way across the glass, cracking the jar ; or to creep over the mouth, from the edge of one coating to that of the other, and thus the jar to discharge itself. To discharge a jar, in which the electricities are so accumulated, it is only necessary to connect by a wire the internal and external coatings ; when the extremities of the wire, which are generally terminated by brass balls, approach, a large brilliant spark passes, accompanied by a loud report, and the jar returns to its original neutral state. By thus collecting great intensities of electricity in large jars, or in sets of jars (electrical batteries), the most beautiful and remarkable phe- nomena of electrical force may be exhibited. The principle of the construction of the Ley den jar may be experi- mentally demonstrated, as follows. First, it has been already explained, that the jar, when insulated, is incapable of receiving any other charge from the machine, than what its internal coating obtains by forming part of the surface of the prime conductor ; the principle of induction requiring, in order that one electricity may accumulate upon its outer surface, the other shall be dissipated in the ground. Second, a light body placed between two balls, connected, one with the internal, and one with the external coating, is alternately attracted and repelled by each, and thus the accumulation on the two coatings is shown to be of opposite kinds. Third, the quantity of electricity which passes from the external coating may be shown to be equal to that which passes into the internal coating from the machine, by insulating the jar, and ap- plying the knob of a second jar which is not insulated to its outer sur- face ; this second jar will be found charged to the same degree as the first, and the inner and outer coatings will be respectively in the same state. Statical electricity, thus accumulated in the Leyden jar, is capable of giving violent shocks to the animal frame, of evolving light and heat, and producing also powerful mechanical effects. An instrument founded on the principle of induction, and which is of frequent use in chemical experiments, when an electric spark of moderate power is required, is the eleclrophorus of Volta. It consists of a flat cake of resin I, which is generally spread on a circular board, of eight or ten inches diameter. There is laid on this another circular plate a, somewhat smaller, and which may be either of brass or tinned iron, with the edges turned up over a thick wire, so as to round it, or else a board covered with tin foil. To this upper plate is attached an insulating handle of glass c, and from its edge projects a wire, terminated by a Elect wphorvs of Volta. 157 knob. The resinous plate, being warmed, is to be strongly excited by friction with a warm flannel cloth, or a cat's skin, and then the upper plate is to be laid on it, and is touched with the finger. The nega- tive electricity of this passes, then, into the ground, and* the positive accumulates on the surface next the resin, of which it, by induction, in- creases the negative charge. This new portion of negative fluid decom- poses a new quantity of the electricities of the upper plate, which again reacts, and thus the plates are mutually brought into a state of very intense excitement. If, then, the finger be removed, the upper plate is insulated, and its charge of positive electricity retained upon it ; and on applying the knob of the wire to any conductor, or to the knuckle, a strong spark may be obtained from it ; the instrument may be re- peatedly charged and discharged in a few minutes, and retains its charge better than the electrifying machine. This inductive action of electricity would, at first, appear to be exer- cised at a distance, altogether independent of the interposed substances, and to produce the motions to which it gives rise, as gravity causes the revolutions of the planets and their satellites, without the existence of any interposed medium ; but a more exact examination shows that this is not the case. The substances interposed in the path of the inductive action are necessary to its transmission, and modify, by their nature, its direction and amount ; and it is, indeed, only from molecule to molecule of any substance gaseous or solid, that the decomposition of the natural electricities can take place. This may be beautifully shown, by plunging in a vessel of oil of tur- pentine, which is an excellent fluid insulator, two brass balls, of which one is in connexion with the electrical machine, and the other with the ground. On turning the machine, the latter becomes excited by in- duction. If now a number of short shreds of sewing silk be mixed with the oil of turpentine, the mechanism of the inductive action is shown by each little bit of silk acting like the bodies B and c in the figure, (p. 153), and attaching themselves mutually by their extremities, they transmit the electricity of the machine, by a series of decompositions, to the ball which is connected with the ground. If the excitation be very violent, the attractions and repulsions become too strong to be regu- larly transmitted ; and this induction is accompanied by a powerful cur- rent of the particles of the oil from the first ball to the second. The particles immediately in contact with the directly excited ball acquire its state, and, being repelled, immediately pass off to that which has obtained, by induction, the opposite condition, and there become neu- tralized. Now what here occurs with the oil of turpentine, takes place in ordinary induction with the air ; every molecule of it interposed be- 158 Induction an Action of Contiguous Particles. tween the solid bodies becomes itself subjected to the inductive action, and forms a chain of alternate positive and negative poles, by which the effect may be transmitted to any distance. If the excitation be very great, the neutralization may occur with violence and rapidity, and ge- nerate currents, as in the oil of turpentine. It is these currents which, being produced by the repulsion of the particles of air from excited points, are rendered sensible in the effect termed the electrical aura, and are shown by the experiments of revolving flies. A still more violent and rapid recomposition of the electricities of the air molecules, which had been separated by induction, gives the electric spark in -its various forms, such as the star, the brush, &c., according to the manner in which it is received and generated. That the excitation by induction of a body at a distance is effected in in this manner, from particle to particle of the interposed substance, is beautifully shown in the results obtained by Earaday, concerning the influence of the nature of the medium on the amount of inductive charge transmitted. The instrument which he has termed an inducto- meter, consists of a hollow sphere of brass, a a b, and a sphere of smaller size, h, also of brass, which is placed exactly concentric with it. The interval between these, o o, may be occupied by any substance, as air, or glass, or sulphur, and then the central sphere being in- sulated from the outer by the shell-lac column b, and having been excited from the machine, through the ball and wire B, the outer one is insulated, and the whole becomes a Ley den jar, in which the material may be varied at the will of the experimenter. By means of the tube and stopcock f d, the air in o o, may be removed and any other gas substituted for it. The outer sphere opens at b in two, so that melted sulphur or shell-lac, may be poured in to form the inductive medium. When the internal sphere is excited always to the same degree, the charge of the external coating should be the same, no matter what might be the nature of the intervening substance, if the action took place simply at a distance after the manner of gravitation. But this is not the case. With the same internal charge, the excitation of the external sphere was found to be, that with air being 100, with shell-lac, 150, with flint-glass, 176, and with sulphur, 224. In these cases, therefore, the Specific Inductive Capacity. 159 molecular excitation was transmitted in proportion to these numbers, which express, therefore, the degree of excitation, which a common amount of inductive influence is able to produce in masses of these bodies. All gases, no matter how different in chemical properties and constitu- tion, even though the temperature and pressure do not remain the same, possessed the same specific inductive capacity as air. This principle is further shown in an interesting manner by the fact, that the induction is not exercised only in the straight line connecting the solid inducing and induced bodies, but that at every intervening point there is a lateral action exercised by the interposed molecules of air which may be themselves considered centres of inductive force. Thus, if a cylinder a of shell-lac be excited by friction and a brass he- misphere k, placed on the top of it, the intensity of the induced electri- city will be found to depend not merely on the dis- tance from the excited source and the nature of the interposed material, but to be more energetic in cer- v^ tain positions in the air, as when the carrier ball of J Coulomb's torsion electrometer was placed at 0, than when it was lower or higher at n or p. Faraday has been led by his experiments to con- clude, that the difference between conducting and non-conducting bodies is, that the former assume with exceeding rapidity, under an inductive influence, this condition of molecular excitation, and hence ap- pear to allow the electricity to pass, actually and instantly, through their substance, whereas in reality it is only that the separation and recomposition of the electricities of the chain of molecules has been so accomplished. They lose also this condition as soon as the exciting cause has been re- moved, whereas, non-conductors, when their particles have acquired electrical excitation, remain in that state of tension for a certain time. Thus, if the internal and external coatings of a Leyden jar were con- nected by a metallic wire, the inductive action should be propagated immediately across it ; but the instant that the source of the excitation was removed, the electricities of the two coatings should recombine, from the facility with which the molecules of the wire could assume the inverse condition. But with an interposed plate of glass the result is different, the inductive action is propagated equally, but more slowly ; and that it is the particles of the glass that really produce the charge by their excitation, is demonstrated by the fact, that the metallic coat- ings may be removed, and jet the accumulated electricities be not dis- turbed; the tin-foil serving, only, to discharge at the same moment 160 Lateral Inductive Action. every particle of the glass, as if a wire had been individually applied to each. That the induction has acted on the substance of the glass, ex- plains also the peculiarity of what is called the secondary or residual charge. When the particles at the surface have been discharged, they are acted on by the deeper molecules which are still excited, and hence acquire a second inductive charge, and with thick glass, and particularly with bodies which do not insulate quite so well as glass, there may be even a third or a fourth charge of this kind. Conduction is therefore only the highest, most intense, and most rapid form of induction ; and it appears from Faraday's investigations, that the permanent excitation of an electrified body has its own origin also in the inductive influence of the bodies that are around. The source of the electricity evolved by the electrical machine, can- not be considered as being positively known. Wollaston instituted a series of experiments, by which it appeared to be demonstrated, that there was no electricity evolved except where chemical combination took place, and the superior power given to the machine by the amalgam of tin and zinc being spread upon the rubber was supposed to verify this idea. These experiments of Wollaston have been latterly repeated with great care by Peltier, and with different results ; he found that the electricity evolved was proportional only to the amount of friction, and was the same under various circumstances of liability to the pre- sence or absence of chemical action of the materials rubbed. It is therefore likely that, at least, the electricity of the machine may be generated by the simple molecular derangement and vibration which friction necessary produces ; and this view is very much supported by the undeniable fact, that by other agencies purely molecular, where no trace of chemical action can be pretended, the same form of statical electricity may be produced. In almost all cases where the particles of bodies are suddenly and violently disarranged, the separated surfaces are found to be electrically excited ; for instance, if a piece of mica be torn into thin leaves, these are powerfully electric. In many mineral substances, a change of tem- perature causes a manifestation of electrical polarity in a very remark- able degree ; thus, if a long prism of tourmaline be heated, one ex- tremity becomes positive and the other negative ; when the temperature attains its highest point and becomes stationary, all symptoms of elec- tricity disappear, but on cooling they return; in the inverse order, however, the end which had been positive becoming negative, and so on. In this case it appears as if the particles, in the internal motion which the expanding force of heat produces in them, acquired the same condition of polarity, as they should have done by an external friction. Atmospheric Electricity. 161 If the expansive effect of heat and the consequent change of position among the particles of the tourmaline had been the same throughout," there would have been no reason for electrical disturbance, but this mineral, and some others wlu'ch likewise become electric on being heated, as boracite, are exceptions to the general law of crystalline sym- metry, and in other respects, as with regard to light, indicate a kind of structure, which is very complex and peculiar. In such cases, an in- ternal friction, by the action of expansion on the unsymmetrically situ- ated molecules of the crystal, is the origin of the electrical excitation. The source of statical electricity, which is of the greatest importance in nature, from the universality of its action, is that of change of state of aggregation. When any body passes from the liquid to the solid, or from the liquid to the vaporous condition, or in the reverse order, from being solid or being gaseous becomes liquid, disturbance of the previous electrical equilibrium results. Thus, if a little melted sul- phur be poured into a glass, or if melted tallow or resin be poured out on a metallic plate, the bodies after solidification will be found excited. If a cup of water be placed on the plate of the electroscope, and a red hot ball of metal, or even a red hot cinder be dropped into it, the gold leaves immediately diverge by the influence of the negative excitement which is assumed by the water which remains, and which communicates itself to the metallic cup and to the instrument ; if the gush of vapour had been allowed to impinge on the plate of another instrument, it would have shown excitation by positive electricity. This last is one of the most abundant sources of electricity ; for, as at all ordinary temper- atures, evaporation takes place from the surface of all the water of the globe, and the vapour produced, carrying with it the prodigious quan- tity of positive electricity, which is thus set free, mixes with the air, our atmosphere is almost continually in an electrical condition, gene- rally positive, but at some times, from interfering causes, negative. The great body of vapour, when condensed by the more elevated and colder regions of the air, collects into the peculiar condition which con- stitutes a mass of cloud ; and therein is thus concentrated all the elec- tricity evolved by evaporation at the surface. The clouds are, there- fore, intensely electric ; and when attracted by induction to each other, or to some prominent object on the earth, as a mountain peak, or an elevated building, the discharge and neutralization of the electricities take place with the brilliancy and destructive agency of the lightning, whilst the report, re-echoed from the surfaces of the remaining clouds, or by the sides of the adjacent mountains, produces the effect upon the ear of the continuous rattle of the thunder. There is no doubt, however, but that in many cases of chemical com- 11 - 162 Electricity of Effluent Steam. bination and decomposition electricity in its statical form may be evolved ; thus, Pouillet proved decisively, that, when charcoal is burned, the carbonic acid which passes off is in a state of positive excitement, and the residual mass of charcoal becomes negatively charged. When hydrogen burns in air, the vapour of water carries off the positive elec- tricity ; whilst the negative fluid distributes itself on the hydrogen remaining, and the vessel from which it issues. There is thus, in the combustion of our ordinary fuel, a vast source of the electricity of our atmosphere, in addition to that evolved by water in evaporating ; and it has been found that the evaporation of a saline solution, as sea water, produces a much greater degree of excitement than when the water is completely pure, owing, perhaps, to the destruction of the condition in which the salt and water had been united. The evolution of statical electricity occurs also when the chemical action is of a much more com- plex and obscure kind : thus, in the growth of a seedling plant, the carbonic acid which it evolves is in a positively excited state, and the substance in which the seed is imbedded becomes negative. It would appear, however, that, frequently, electricity that had been imagined to arise from the chemical relations of the bodies brought into contact, arose from their merely mechanical action on each other ; thus, are produced the electricities evolved by sifting lime and oxalic acid together on the plate of the electrometer. The developement of electricity by the evaporation of water has recently been submitted to more special examination, in consequence of its having been found, that when the vapour so formed issues in a strong stream from a narrow aperture, as from the escape pipe of a high pressure steam boiler, the steam passes off intensely charged with posi- tive electricity, and the boiler if insulated becomes so strongly excited with the negative electricity, as to afford the most powerful source of statical electric force that is now known. The phenomenon was first ob- served on this great scale by Mr. Armstrong of Newcastle, but Faraday has shown that the great developement of electricity does not arise from the change in the state of aggregation of the water, but from the strong friction of the issuing jet of steam against the pipe through which it passes ; and the hydro-electric machine, as it has been termed, owes the extraordinary power which has given it so much popular interest to the practical construction of the nozzle of the escape pipe devised by him. If the steam-pipe consist simply of metal, the contact of this with the steam allows of the recombination of the + and electricities to a degree which prevents any great accumulation, but by forming the ex- tremity of the nozzle with an imperfect conductor, and interpositing in the path of the escaping steam a disk against which it must forcibly rub, Dynamical Electricity. 163 the excitation is raised to its most intense form. This nozzle of the es- cape pipe is represented in the figure about one-fourth of its proper size. At the end of the steam tube a piece of brass is screwed on, I having attached a wooden plug which forms the end of the escape aperture. This longitudinally bored wooden cylinder is secured to its place by a short brass cylinder screwed into the first brass piece. A brass plate is so placed before the opening of the bored cylinder that the steam must pass along the winding course designated by the arrow, before it can escape by the opening. To prevent the neutralizing action of a positively charged atmosphere upon the electricity of the boiler, the jet of steam is received upon a bundle of points of brass placed in con- nection with the earth, so that the positive electricity may be dissipated as fast as it is produced. The mere contact of bodies has been supposed sufficient to evolve electricity upon their surface. The trace of excitation in such experi- ments is so small, and diminishes so much in proportion as care is taken to avoid friction and other causes, that we may consider contact as being in itself without power. The remarkable characteristic of statical electricity, developed by any of these methods, is the amazing energy of its action on bad conductors, and on the best conductors, if their substance be not of sufficient mass to give it free passage from one point to another ; whilst it is with diffi- culty that we can obtain, by means of it, the slightest chemical decom- position. In the language of the theory of electrical fluids, the electri- city is developed in exceedingly small quantities by friction or change of aggregation ; and hence can perform but feebly such offices, as chemical decomposition, which depend on the quantity that passes in a given time: but this small quantity is gifted with immense tension ; the few mole- cules which become polarized are so to an intense degree, and the attract- ive and repulsive forces which they exert are then sufficient to cause the greatest mechanical effects. SECTION II. OF DYNAMICAL ELECTRICITY. The sources from which electricity is derived in a continually circula- ting form, so that its properties shall result from the uninterrupted motion, must necessarily consist in arrangements from which all insula- ting substances are to be carefully excluded. In statical electricity, the connexion, by a conducting medium, of the opposite extremities of an 164 Nature of Animal Electricity. inductively excited body, caused all electrical indications instantly to dis- appear ; whilst that kind of connexion is absolutely necessary to the con- tinuous flowing of the electricity, which constitutes its dynamical condi- tion, and when the conducting circle is broken by the intervention of the smallest portion of insulating matter, either all electrical excitation ceases, or at most a feeble trace of it remains, with the properties which characterize its statical condition. 1st. Electricity thus circulating through conductors, is found naturally existing in those substances which thereby possess magnetic properties. There is every reason to believe that the native loadstone, as well as all our artificial steel and iron magnets, are closed circles of dynamical electricity, set in motion by forces which depend on the chemical and mechanical constitution of these bodies. 2nd. When any closed con- ducting circuit is at the same time unequal in mechanical constitution and in temperature, so that the current may pass more easily through one point than another, such a current is generated flowing from the portion where the obstacle is greatest, to that part where it is least. 3rd. When substances, capable of mutual chemical combination or decompo- sition, act on one another, there is a current of electricity produced. In the case of simple union, or double decomposition, the circle is internally closed, like that of a steel magnet; but where there is simple decompo- sition, or replacement, the current may be directed through any kind of circuit ; and thus constituting the most important branch of dynamical electricity, is called Galvanism or Yoltaism, from the names of its most illustrious investigators. 4th. By means of organized structures, of which it is only lately, by the researches of Matteucci, that the true nature and functions have become known, certain fishes possess the power of transmitting a current of electricity across even imperfect conductors, and employ, instinctively, the effect of this current upon the living frame of smaller animals, in order to obtain them for food. The identity of the electricity from this animal origin, with the fluid of the other dynamic sources, has been com- pletely proved, particularly by Faraday; and as the question of the ana- tomical structure of the electric organ, and of the peculiar part of the brain from which the electric nerves arise, interests the physiologist rather than the chemist, I shall merely state, that the current so obtained possesses all the properties that will be described as characterizing gal- vanic electricity of very high tension, and allude no further to it. To the chemist, the electricity of the Galvanic or Yoltaic battery is the most interesting of all the forms which this agent may assume, from the intimate relation which exists between it and the force by which the elements of bodies are bound together in chemical combination. To it, Formation of a Galvanic Current. 165 therefore, I shall especially direct attention, and consider the remaining sources only so far as the electricity which they yield may differ from it. I shall endeavour, also, to consider it only as characterizing bodies by their properties of exciting the current, or of conducting it when excited ; deferring the important topic of the action of the current upon compound bodies, until the nature of chemical affinities shall have been described. Galvanic Electricity. The manner in which this form of excitation occurs may be very simply shown. If a slip of perfectly pure zinc be partly immersed in a cup of dilute muriatic acid, this last remains totally without action on it, and there is no ap- pearance of electrical disturbance ; but if a slip of copper be introduced which touches the zinc at c, out of the liquid, active decomposition of the muriatic acid begins, the chlorine combining with, and dissolving the metallic zinc, and the hydrogen making its appearance under the form of minute bubbles on the surface of the copper. At the same moment a remarkable state of electrical excitation is produced, in which the zinc resembles a body to which negative electricity, in a state of exceedingly low tension, is unin- terruptedly supplied, whilst an equal quantity of the positive fluid flows along the copper, and these uniting at the point of contact, produce the effects which are spoken of as those of the electric current, the passage of ^yllich may be rendered evident in a great variety of ways. The precise manner in which the electrical excitement is here produced, may be explained sufficiently well without involving any consideration of the theory of chemical decomposition, which, at the present moment, would require a knowledge of principles that have not been as yet des- cribed. We may suppose, simply, that the chemical relations of the zinc and muriatic acid are such, that when placed in contact they mu- tually induce on each other a developement of electricity : that part of the zinc which is immersed becoming -f and that out of the acid , whilst the molecules of the acid near the zinc become , and the general mass of the fluid obtains -f- excitation ; the + electricity of the zinc being, however, balanced between the fluids of its own mass and of the acid, and the flnid of the acid being in equilibrium between the + fluids of the zinc and of its own particles, it results that this condition of induced excitation may remain for any length of time without increasing or diminishing in intensity ; the apparatus being in the condition of a very feebly charged Leyden jar : and on applying the slip of copper by which the excited surfaces, the zinc and acid, are placed in communica- tion, the negative electricity of the zinc unites with the positive of the copper, whether by direct translation or by inductive action, and the positive electricity of the liquid unites with the negative of the copper to 166 Nature of a Galvanic Current. produce neutralization ; at the same time the + of the zinc and the of the acid combine. As, on the theory of Franklin, the single electric fluid is supposed to pass from the body which is po- sitively to the body which is negatively excited, it is usual to imagine this exchange of electricities to take place by a current, which in this case, as shown by the arrows in the figure, is from the copper to the zinc, at the superior junction, but from the zinc to the cop- per in the acid underneath. At every moment, accord- ing as the neutralization of the electricities is effected, the system is competent to generate new quantities, and hence the analogy of the weakly charged Ley den jar, noticed above, does not completely hold, for to be accurate it would require the jar to possess a power of charging itself as rapidly as it could be discharged. The passage of the current is accompanied by the solution of the zinc, and the liberation of the hydrogen. This hydrogen accompanies the positively electrified molecules of the acid across the fluid, and is dis- charged under the form of gas upon the surface of the copper plate. The essential elements of an arrangement by which a current of elec- tricity may be produced are, therefore ; first, two bodies, one simple and one compound, which act chemically upon one another, in such a way as that the simple element shall be substituted for a constituent of the other, which shall be expelled ; and second, a conducting substance, which is indifferent in a chemical point of view, and only furnishes a route for the fluids of the actual elements to recombine continually with each other. In the example given just now this con- ductor was a slip of copper, but it may be of any form, or almost any substance; thus as in the figure, a wire may be soldered to the end of each slip, and, on bringing these wires into contact, at x, the current passes precisely as if the contact of z with c had been direct. Such an arrangement is termed a simple x circle. It is not even necessary that the conductor should be solid or metallic, it is, indeed, only for convenience that the ordinary conducting plates and wires are metallic. Thus, in the figure, A z w, a plate of zinc is in contact on the one side with muriatic acid, A, and on the other with water, w, to which a better con- ducting power has been given by dissolving in it a little common salt. The current is then established, being from the conductor to the zinc, and from the zinc to the acid, precisely as in the former instances. Simple Galvanic Circles. 167 The passage of the current, under these various circumstances, may be shown, and also that, for its origin and transfer, metallic communi- cation between the plates, z and c, is not necessary, by a very simple experiment. If the slip of zinc be bent, as in B, and a bit of paper moistened with iodide of potassium be laid upon it, and the wire from A be then brought to touch the upper surface of the mois- tened paper, the current passes in the direction of the arrow, and iodine is evolved at the point of contact of the wire. If the surface of the paper next the zinc plate, B, be examined, B it will be found to be alcaline, from free potash. Thus the chemical action of the current, which will hereafter assume so important a position, may here be simply used as a test of its having passed. The direction of the current depends upon the nature of the chemical action which is produced at the period of its passage, and on this prin- ciple is founded one of the most cogent and reasonable arguments in favour of the idea that the current is produced by the chemical decom- position, and not by the contact of the metals, as has been maintained. Thus if a slip of iron and a plate of copper be immersed in muriatic acid, the action is altogether on the iron, and the current passes from the copper to the iron at the point of contact. But if the metals be im- mersed in a strong solution of ammonia, which acts upon the copper, but not upon the iron, the current is produced in the reverse direction. If persulphuret of lime, dissolved in water, be used as the exciting fluid with iron and copper, the current is from the copper to the iron through the fluid ; but on using zinc and copper with the same fluid the direc- tion of the current is reversed ; in the first case the copper, and in the last the zinc is acted on : with acid solutions the copper would have escaped action, and the current should be in both cases from the iron or zinc, to it, through the liquid. It thus appears that the relation between the current and the che- mical action is of the most intimate nature possible : the one, as Para- day and others have decisively shown, cannot exist in such arrange- ments without the other, and the nature and tendencies of one deter- mine the power and the direction of the other ; for the quantity of electricity which is set in motion in such an arrangement depends strictly on the amount of chemical decomposition which occurs in the liquid element, and is simply proportional to it. It is usual to arrange the various bodies in a list with relation to a fluid, in which, if they be immersed and brought to touch outside, a current is generated from that of the two metals which stands highest in the scale to that which is below, the current through the fluid is, of 168 Connexion of Galvanic and Chemical Action. course, in the opposite direction. The metals arrange themselves, however, very differently with different fluids, according to their liability to chemical action from them, as may be seen in the following table : Dilute Nitric Acid. Strong Nitric Acid. Muriatic Acid. Solution of Caustic Potash Yellow Hydrosul- phuret of Potassium. Platinum. Platinum. Platinum. Platinum. Platinum. Silver. Nickel. Antimony. Silver. Iron. Copper. Silver. Silver. Nickel. Nickel. Antimony. Bismuth. Antimony. Copper. Nickel. Bismuth. Copper. Iron. Bismuth. Antimony. Nickel. Bismuth. Copper. Bismuth. Lead. Iron. Iron. Iron. Lead. Silver. Tin. Tin. Lead. Antimony. Tin. Lead. Lead. Tin. Cadmium. Cadmium. Cadmium. Zinc. Cadmium. Tin. Copper. Zinc. Cadmium. Zinc. Zinc. Zinc. At the head of each column is placed the name of the exciting fluid ; on taking any two of the metals of the list beneath, and making them the solid elements of the circle, the current is, at the point of contact, from the npper to the lower, and is more powerful in proportion as the metals are farther separated from one another in the list ; thus, with dilute nitric acid and with solution of caustic potash, the most powerful current is, after platinum, by silver and zinc ; with muriatic acid, by anti- mony and zinc, and with persulphuret of potassium with iron and zinc. If the metals in contact with the exciting liquid be such as that one is totally without chemical action on it, it serves only as a means of me- chanically transmitting the inductive force, and the current is simply due and is proportional to the electricity evolved by the action of the acid on the other. But if both metals be such that either would act upon the acid, if by itself, and thus produce excitation, as when zinc and copper are placed in dilute nitric acid, when the molecules of acid are submitted to two polarizing forces in opposite directions, which, if equal, would exactly neutralize ; but in practice they are not equal, and a current is produced proportional to their difference. Hence, the more nearly the metals resemble each other in their chemical relations to a given liquid the weaker is the current they produce ; but, though acting similarly to one liquid, they may be oppositely related to another, with which, therefore, they become a source of powerful excitation. Thus, copper and zinc being both acted on violently by sulphuret of potassium, generate but a feeble current, whilst with dilute acid, which acts very differently on each, the current is very powerful, and thus pla- Principle of Electrotype Copying. 169 tinum, which is inattackable by almost all liquids, forms the best pos- sible element in every instance. The metal which is used as the conducting medium, conducts by having its natural polarity inverted ; and hence, in place of a disposi- tion to combine with the oxygen or chlorine of the liquid/ it would, if already combined, abandon it ; hence, this metal remains clean and bright. On this principle was founded the mode of protecting the copper sheathing of ships, by attaching small portions of iron, of about 3^0 f the surface; the chlorine of the salt in the sea- water being thus transferred to the iron, and the copper, in place of becom- ing covered with the green rust of oxy-chloride of copper, remaining completely bright. This process succeeded in practice somewhat too well, for the negative elements of the sea water being transferred to the iron, the positive bases present, liine and magnesia, were deposited upon the copper, and thus affording points of adhesion for marine plants and shell fish, caused the bottoms of the vessels to become so foul as mate- rially to injure their sailing powers, and the substitution of a kind of bronze or brass for copper, as in what is called Muntz's metal, has been found more suitable. The process at present so extensively em- ployed, of galvanizing iron, as it is termed, by fixing a layer of zinc upon the iron surfaces, acts in protecting them from rust, in the same manner. This transfer of the elements of the exciting liquids has become re- cently, by the invention of Spencer, the basis of one of the most beautiful and important of the applications of science to the arts. If one of the exciting liquids be a solution of sulphate of copper, as in Daniell's bat- tery, (page 177), the metallic copper which separates is deposited upon the surface of the plate to which the current passes in the liquid, and there is formed a layer of metal, which may be obtained, by slow and long continued action, as dense and homogenous as the best hammered copper. Any prominences or depressions, even a scratch of a pin, drawn on the plate on which the deposit forms, are accurately repre- sented on its internal surface ; and it is only necessary to use, as the negative metallic element, a medal in relievo or intaglio, to reproduce, with an accuracy equalling the powers of the most finished hand or ma- chine, the finest works of art. This principle has been shown by Mr. Spencer to be applicable to the copying of all varieties of designs, and as perfected by Elkington and Napier, especially in the use of the metallic cyanides in solution, may be looked upon as the most important means of facilitating the possession of works of art, and thus elevating public taste, that has been made since the discovery of the method of transferring engravings to any number of steel plates. The electricity which is evolved by the chemical action of such simple 170 Formation of Compound Circles. circles, is remarkably different in its characters from that form which has been described as its statical condition. Although present in much greater quantity than can be developed by friction, with the most pow- erful machines, yet, from its state of continued recombination, it cannot acquire intensity; it hence can pass only through good conductors; pure water, which, from the facility with which it allows of the passage of machine electricity, proves the great source of failure and uncertainty in our experiments, intercepts almost completely the current from a simple circle, and the wires which are used to effect communication may be touched with the fingers, without any tendency to lateral shock be- coming evident; and yet the disproportion in quantity between the fluid, which bursts through the strongest insulating bonds of our appa- ratus, or breaks from the clouds, devastating forests, as the lightning, and that which passes silently across the wires of the voltaic circle, is such, as almost to surpass belief. By actual experiment, it has been found, that the immersion of two wires, one of platina, and the other of zinc, each 0'06 inch in thickness, to a depth of five-eighths of an inch, in dilute sulphuric acid, for three seconds, gave as much electricity as could be generated by thirty turns of the most powerful machine of the Royal In- stitution. Indeed, Faraday has rendered it probable, that in the current which passes, during the decomposition of a grain of water, there is con- tained more electricity than in the brightest flash of lightning. If the metallic elements of a simple circle be connected, not directly by metallic contact, or by a wire, but by means of one or more other simple circles interposed in its path, the current of its electricity is not at all interfered with, but the quantity of electricity which circulates is precisely equal to what is generated by the chemical action which takes place in each cell. For, considering the circle of four cells represented in the figure, consisting of copper and zinc plates, zl c f - 25 c H 25 ] c f - zT Jcl 1 I 1 L- + ^ u -1- 1 d +. acted upon by muriatic acid, the copper of each cell discharges its positive electricity upon the negative fluid of the zinc in the adjoining cell, and hence there is neutralization of effect at the points a, b, and c, and it is only the amount of electricity liberated upon the copper and zinc plates in the terminal cells, that passes along the wires, and re- Theory ofJhe Voltaic Battery. 171 combining at d, produces the phenomenon of the current ; Imt this is the same quantity as should be evolved in any one of these simple cells by itself, and hence the remarkable result, which has been fully demon- strated by experiment, that no matter how we may increase the number of the elements of a galvanic circle, the quantity of electricity passing in the current is equal only to that evolved by a single cell. If the chemical action be not of the same energy in all the cells, there passes little more electricity than what is generated where the decomposition is least active ; for, as the excess should have to penetrate through the liquid conductor in all the cells, the obstacle afforded to its progress is so great, that it is almost totally absorbed. Although the increase in number of the elements of the galvanic circuit is inefficient towards augmenting the quantity of electricity which passes, yet it changes the character of the current in a very remarkable degree, and confers upon the fluid an intensity which in a simple circle, of no matter what magnitude, it never can possess. The ideas of phi- losophers, however, regarding the real nature of what is called intensity have been very vague, and no satisfactory explanation of its source and measure has been given. I would suggest the following as at least serving to indicate the kind of action in which intensity may consist. It has been seen, that by the state of mutual excitation into which the zinc and acid are thrown, before the circuit is completed, the intensity of the evolved fluids is limited to that which will not suf- fice to enable the excited particles of acid to discharge themselves upon the oppositely excited particles of zinc, for if this discharge occurred, all should be brought back to the neutral condition. Now if there be added a second cell, the equal and similar excitation of the electricities generated therein will, by a mutual reaction analogous to that of two magnets placed near each other, so increase by induction the amount of electricity developed in the zinc upon the one hand, and in the acid on the other, that the chemical decompositions will take place much more rapidly than before, and there being in circulation at a given moment a much greater amount of separated elements, the transferring, or what is the same thing, the conducting power of the interposed liquid will be propor- tionally increased, and the terminal wires being thrown by this increased amount of electricity into the polarized condition which constitutes the excitation or carrying of a current will communicate that state to any suitable liquid conductor in which they may terminate. Decomposition will, therefore, commence therein, and it will be rapid and intense in proportion to the degree of excitation inductively produced in the cells of the battery, and, therefore, proportional to the number of pairs of 172 Nature and Source of Intensity. plates combined together ; but as this induced excitement is only re- peated from cell to cell by their mutual actions, and as the terminal wire can only transfer to, and represent in, the decomposing vessel, or on any body placed between the poles, the amount of action by which their own excitement is produced, the decomposition which takes place of any chemical substance between the poles can only be equal or equi- valent to the amount of chemical decomposition which takes place in any cell of the battery, and the quantity of electricity which passes in the strongest battery is subjected to the law just stated, of being pro- portional to the quantity of zinc dissolved in any one cell, but its in- tensity being, according to the view which I now propose, proportional to the quantity which passes in a given time, depends on the degree of excitation inductively produced by the mutual action of the elements of the battery, and is consequently proportional to the number of pairs of plates, and to the energy of the chemical action of the solid and liquid elements of the battery. The peculiar character of intensity has been considered to arise, also, from the electricity generated by the outside plates obtaining additional velocity, in passing across the intermediate cells, in each of which it meets an equal quantity of fluid moving in the same direction, and whose motion it absorbs, restoring them to rest, and being thereby hurried itself onwards in proportion. The intensity of the electricity which is thus excited is very slight, even where the number of combinations is considerable ; thus, it re- quires a series of at least 200 pairs of plates, four inches square, im- mersed in dilute sulphuric acid, to cause a sensible divergence of the gold leaves of the most delicate electroscope. It is only where the ar- rangement involves some thousands of couples, that electricity is evol- ved, of sufficient tension to produce a spark across a non-conductor, such as that given by the electrical machine, or to cause any of those attractive and repulsive motions by which the feeblest form of statical electricity is recognized ; to obtain these effects also, the circuit must be broken, for even with the most powerful combinations, the current of electricity is without any action of intensity. Where, however, by means of a sufficient number of elements, intensity has been given, the quantity of electricity which accumulates, and the quantity of chemical action from which it has its origin, is exceedingly minute. This is ex- emplified in the dry piles of Zamboni, the form in which electricity may be considered as connecting its purely dynamical and properly statical conditions. The pile of Zamboni contains no apparent liquid element : it consists of disks of gilt paper, and of exceedingly thin zinc foil, laid alternately over one another, to the number of from five to twenty thousand, care being taken to turn all the gilt surfaces the same way. Relation of Intensity to Quantity. 173 These are enclosed in a glass tube, and terminated at each end by a brass cap, with a pressure screw. The paper containing in its pores, when not artificially dried, a small quantity of water, this gradually acts upon the zinc, and electricity is evolved, which, from the great obstacle presented to its recombination, through the disks internally, and by the atmospheric air outside, attains a degree of intensity so high, that it acts decidedly upon the electro- scope, as shown in the figure, and is amusingly applied to pro- duce various attractive and re- pulsive motions, such as ringing bells, &c., for there being a con- tinual source of electricity in the action of the moisture of the paper on the zinc, these pheno- mena may continue manifested for years, without diminution. Such a dry pile, when insulated, shows opposite electrical excitation at the two extremities, these being, however, of equal force, and hence producing neutrality when combined. If, therefore, the two ends of a dry pile be connected by a wire, the electricities which had accumulated recombine, and the pile becomes inert, and requires a certain time be- fore it can recover a charge equal to that which it had lost. When the pile is examined at a distance from its ends, the excitation is found to be less powerful, until at the centre it is exactly neutral. This arises from the action, at each point, being the resultant of the opposing actions of the two extremities, and vanishing at the centre where these last are equal, precisely as there exists a neutral place upon the surface of any body inductively excited by ordinary electricity. If the pile be held in the hand by one extremity, the electricity of that end is dissi- pated, and the other end becomes capable of acting more powerfully upon the electroscope, from the opposing influence being removed. No principle has ever been discovered in science more rich in conse- quences, than this of the increase of tension given to electricity in motion, by the connexion of a number of simple galvanic circles. Hence, deservedly, the instrument so formed has obtained the name of the Yoltaic pile. It has enriched chemistry with a crowd of important substances discovered by its means, and has led, by its results, to the suggestion of the most plausible theory of chemical combination that has been as yet proposed. In physical science it became the origin of all sub- sequent improvements in the domain of electricity, for without its agency it is hard to see how the steps which followed could have been made. 174 Theory of the Action of the Battery. The form in which the Yoltaic pile was first constructed, was similar to that of the dry pile noticed above. The disks were of zinc, and sil- ver, or copper. The fluid conductor which was rendered more capable of acting on the zinc, by the addition to it of some acid or of common salt, was imbibed in disks of woollen cloth, which were interposed be- tween every pair of metallic disks. There were thus, copper-zinc, acid, copper-zinc, acid, copper-zinc, and so on to an indefinite extent. It is a peculiarity of this instrument, which as it extends to many forms of it even now in use, and affects our chemical nomenclature remarkably, it is necessary to notice, that the current in the connecting wires appears to be in a direction opposite to that described in the battery of cells of page 171, for the outer copper plate at the one end and the outer zinc plate at the other, having no communication with the exciting acid, transmit the current merely as portions of the attached wires ; and hence, the direction of the current is in appearance from the zinc to the copper end, whilst it is properly the copper from which the positive fluid emanates, and it is the negative which arises from the zinc. This diversity had its origin in the circumstance, that the theory of the pile maintained by Yolta, and even at the present moment supported by some illustrious men, ascribed the origin of the electricity not to the action of the acid upon the zinc, but to the contact of the zinc with the copper ; the point where the metals touched being supposed to be a continual source of positive electricity to the zinc, and of negative elec- tricity to the copper. It was even attempted to prove this by sold- ering together plates of zinc and copper, and testing their electrical condition by the gold-leaf condenser, which was supposed to indicate a permanent state of excitation, independent of all fluid or chemically acting media. It has been fully proved, however, that according as such con- tact experiments are made with increased care, the results become less evident in favour of that theory. Such trials tend to show the evolution of minute traces of statical electricity, whereas the simple galvanic circle is characterized by the great quantity of electricity it may yield, and by its total want of statical intensity. Even, therefore, if it were proved, which it is not, that the mere contact of bodies, evolved electricity affect- ing the gold-leaf electroscope, it would be as far from accounting for the totally different kind of electrical excitement by which the galvanic bat- tery is created, as it would be from giving a true or satisfactory theory of the cause of magnetism. But the pretended excitation by contact, or the electromotor force, as it was termed by Yolta, must be carefully distinguished from the capa- bility of inductive excitement, which bodies capable of chemical action, as a slip of zinc and muriatic acid, mutually confer upon each other. Construction of Galvanic Batteries. 175 This last arises from the possible substitution of the zinc for the hy- drogen of the acid, which does occur as soon as the interchange of the electricities allows of the transfer of elements ; for on the first immersion of the zinc, the equilibrium of the chlorine and hydrogen, which had previously been totally engaged with each other is interrupted, and that of the particles of the zinc, which had before been all circumstanced alike, is disturbed by some of them being nearer the acting muriatic acid than the others, and thus the induced condition of both arises. On this positive and necessary principle, the theory of the simple and compound circles already described has been given, and although it will require to be again noticed in describing the phenomena of decomposition which accompany the passage of the current, yet for the only purpose which we here require of studying the manner in which the current of elec- tricity of the battery has its origin, the peculiar and important influence exercised by the chemical reaction amongst the elements of which it consists, has been sufficiently described. It is now necessary to notice more in detail the construction of some of the more usual forms of the Voltaic or Galvanic battery. The first improvement on the pile of Yolta consisted in placing it horizontally in a wooden trough, and replacing by cells containing dilute acid, the moist- ened disks of cloth employed by the original inventor. It being difficult to cleanse the surfaces of the plates, which in this form were permanently cemented into the trough, this was next made of delftware divided into cells, and the plates being soldered together by projecting bands at the top, were hung upon a rod, as in the figure, so that when wanted, they might be immersed with great rapidity, and withdrawn as easily from the liquid when the battery was not wanted. The power of such troughs is increased by one-half when the copper slip is doubled over, so as to oppose both surfaces of the zinc. Batteries intended rather for intensity than for quantity, and which consequently consist of a great number of plates of moderate dimensions, were generally employed on this last construc- tion : each delftware trough holding ten pairs of plates, and any num- ber of troughs that may be required, being rapidly and easily arranged together. When a current of electricity of great quantity, but not of intensity, is required, it is usual to employ a few or even only one pair 176 Interfering Action of Common Zinc. of plates of considerable size. Thus, a sheet of copper and a sheet of zinc, each of from 80 to 120 square feet of surface, being kept sepa- rated by ropes of horse hair, have been rolled up together and immersed into a large tub of acid, forming thus a simple circle, giving a current so feeble in intensity as to pass with difficulty through a short column of distilled water, and to be quite insensible to the feeling, but which fused down into globules the most refractory metals, and gave with charcoal points a light of brilliancy insupportable to the eye. The copper plate may be very conveniently made to act as the cell contain- ing the acid : cylindrical batteries of moderate size are very frequently so constructed. I have supposed, in the description of the nature of simple and com- pound Yoltaic circles, that the zinc employed was completely pure, in which state, when first immersed in the acid, there is no chemical action, but only the preparatory inductive state produced, the decom- position of the acid by the zinc commencing only when the circuit is completed. But such pure zinc is too expensive for ordinary use, and the commercial zinc contains always traces of impurities, particularly iron, from which it acquires a power of generating a multitude of little secondary currents across the fluid, and thus preventing to a great ex- tent the formation of the proper current. For suppose that there is on the centre of zinc a little piece of iron or of copper, this serves to re- turn to the zinc from the acid, the positive electricity, which passed away from it, precisely as if it had been a copper wire, which touched the acid with the one end, and the zinc with the other. Such a plate is, therefore, occupied almost solely with its own self- continued cur- rents, and scarcely assists in generating the electricity which is brought into play in the battery at large. To this cause must be assigned the property which ordinary zinc possesses of dissolving readily in an acid, and of evolving hydrogen upon its own surface. It evolves the hydro- gen upon those points of its surface on which foreign metals being de- posited serve to complete its circuits. This injurious property of ordi- nary zinc is remedied by coating the surface of the plate with mercury or, as it is termed, amalgamating it. By this means the whole surface of the metal is brought into the same state, and must hence act in the same manner on the acid. Any secondary current which might arise could, therefore, find no means of discharge, and such zinc is not act- ed on, until the circuit is completed, and then all hydrogen is carried by the excited molecules of acid to the copper plate, and there evolved as gas. To amalgamate the zinc plates of a battery, a quantity of mercury is to be laid in a flat dish, sufficient to cover the bottom ; moderately Forms of ^Constant batteries. 177 dilute nitric acid, to which a small quantity of nitrate of mercury had been added, is to be then poured on the mercury, so deep that the zinc plate, when floating on the mercury, shall be covered by the acid. Be- fore immersing the zinc plate, it should be, if not new, cleaned as well as possible, with sand paper, from adhering dirt, and then it combines with the mercury very rapidly, so as to form a surface, which, by rub- bing with a little flannel, may be rendered completely uniform. The zinc should not be too highly mercurialized, for then it becomes ex- tremely brittle, and requires considerable care in using it. The power of a battery may often be quadrupled by this method, A source of great inconvenience in the ordinary batteries, arises from the hydrogen acting on the oxide of zinc which is dissolved, and reducing it to the metallic state, when it is carried, with the remaining hydrogen, to the copper plate, and deposited upon it. In this way, there is gradually formed a second zinc surface, opposite to the proper zinc plate, and which, tending to transmit a current in the reversed direction, neutra- lizes a certain proportion of the power of the circle, and may even de- stroy it altogether. Hence, an ordinary battery is most active when first brought into play, and diminishes very rapidly in power, until, after the lapse of some hours, even though the acid be not saturated, its action ceases. This disadvantage has been beautifully removed, by the principle of absorbing the hydrogen, by means of a solution of sulphate of copper, which it decomposes, and precipitates upon the surface of the copper plate a layer of clean, new, metallic copper, in the best possible condition, for supporting the action of the battery. The simplest arrangement of this kind is that proposed by Becquerel and Mullins; the mechanical construc- tion is most perfect in DanielFs constant battery. Mullins' battery consists of a delft ware trough, D, in which the cylindrical zinc plate, B, of nearly the same diameter, is placed, and inside of which, again, is the copper cylinder, A, which is close, and acts only by its external surface ; round the upper edge of the copper cylinder, c, is tied a bladder, into which fluid may be introduced, by means of a row of apertures in the rim to which the bladder is attached. A solution of sulphate of copper is poured into the bladder, and its state of concentration is kept up by heaping some coarsely pounded crystals on the top of the copper cylinder. Into the trough, in contact with the zinc, is then poured dilute sulphuric acid. When the action commen- ces, the hydrogen is transferred through the membrane, and, meeting there the solution of sulphate of copper, is absorbed in the production 12 178 Batteries of Mullens, Daniell, and Smee. of metallic copper. The copper cylinder never wears nor dirties. The metal is all recovered from the sulphate of copper, and the only thing necessary is, that the plates of zinc shall be renewed from time to time. DanielFs battery has the advantage that the copper is outside, and hence, is capable, with exposure of the same surface of zinc, of producing a much more powerful current* c HlHIHI The cell consists of a copper cylinder c, c, near the top of which is attached a perforated plate, r, on which, when the cell has been filled with the solu- tion of sulphate of copper, a quantity of crystals are laid, to be dissolved according as they are re- quired. A solid zinc rod z, supported at the top of the copper cylinder by a wooden cross piece, is contained in a membranous bag, formed of the gul- let of an ox, t, t, and into this is poured the dilute acid, which consists of one part of oil of vitriol and eight parts of water. Any number of these cells may be arranged together, so as to give a battery, which, if all the coppers be connected upon the one hand, and all the zinc rods upon the other, will evolve large quantities of electricity of low tension, but when the copper and zinc elements are alternately connected with each other, the tension of the electricity evolved is much increased, though at the expense of the quantity generated. The great advantage of such batteries, is the perfect uniformity of their action, by which they deserve fully the name applied by Daniell to his construction, of the constant battery ; with such an instrument, the conditions of the current may remain for days perfectly unaltered ; and thus the laws of action of the current have been determined, particu- larly in its chemical relations, with complete success, and views of the analogies between affinity and electricity, equally novel and important, which shall be discussed in another place, have been arrived at by its means. Latterly the membranous bags, originally used by Daniell and others, as the diaphragm between the acid solution and that of the sulphate of copper, have been with great advantage replaced by porous cells of bis- cuit ware, such as is represented in the figure by t, t. Some forms of battery have recently been proposed, in which, under a small compass, very great power is obtained, by, 1st, bringing the plates very near each other ; 2nd, selecting solid elements, which differ as much as possible in their chemical relations ; and, 3rd, using as the exciting fluids those of the most intense action, and of the highest conducting power. In this way are formed the most powerful Voltaic combinations that have been yet made. In that of Mr. Groves, plates Batteries of Groves, Bnnsen, and Callan. 179 of zinc and platina are separated by diaphragms of porous earthenware, the zinc being acted upon by dilute sulphuric acid, mixed with some nitric acid, and the platina being in contact with tolerably strong nitric acid. The hydrogen evolved by the zinc is completely absorbed by the nitric acid on which it acts, forming nitrous acid which remains disol- ved ; and the metals being those most opposite in their electrical rela- tions, give the most powerful current possible. To save the cost of platinum it has been proposed to employ silver plates on which a surface of platinum has been deposited, as in Smee's battery, or lead plates similarly platinized, as in one form of Gallants battery. Bunsen has suggested to make cylinders of coke, by compressing finely powdered coal with a small admixture of sugar into an iron mould, which is to be strongly ignited. "When well prepared, these coke cylinders are excellent conductors, and form negative elements of batteries scarcely in- ferior in power to Groves' s combinations. Another very interesting modi- fication of the principle of Groves' s battery, is that invented by Rev. Pro- fessor Callan of Maynooth College. Taking advantage of the remarkable passitivity of cast iron, in relation to a mixture of strong nitric and sul- phuric acids, he constructs his battery of cast iron cells, in which a porous porcelain cell with a zinc plate is inserted. The porous cell contains dilute sulphuric acid. The cast-iron cell contains a mixture of strong nitric acid and sulphuric acids. The electro-motive force here brought into play, appears to be even greater than in the case of platina and zinc, and the original cost is very small. A battery of 800 four-inch square plates, made upon this principle for the Maynooth College, produces most brilliant results, and is probably the most powerful galvanic appa- ratus now existing. The same metal when placed in different molecular states, may become the negative or the positive elements of a battery, thus : iron which might replace zinc in contact with dilute sulphuric acid, replaces plati- num in contact with strong nitric acid in Callan' s battery. In platinum itself the difference of molecular condition appears to be produced accord- ing as it is in contact with hydrogen or oxygen, and the latter may be replaced by sulphur or chlorine. In this manner is constructed the gas battery, recently invented by Mr. Groves. Two glass tubes are filled, one with oxygen, and one with hydrogen gas. Each glass tube contains a platinum plate attached to a wire which is passed into the top of the tube, and by its external extremity is placed in connection with other tubes, or with any other apparatus to which the current generated is to be transmitted. The tubes so filled, are placed standing in a vessel con- taining dilute acid, as a conducting medium. On connecting the wires of the tubes, a current is established. The platinum in contact with the 180 Relative Conducting Powers. oxygen acting as the negative, and that in contact with the hydrogen as a positive element ; and the water of the intervening conductor is de- composed, its elements gradually uniting with those contained in the tubes, and reconstituting the equivalent of that electrolysed. The conducting powers of various bodies, for this form of electricity has been determined with great care by Pouillet, whose results are, that the relative conducting powers of the various metals are expressed by the following numbers : Palladium . , . 5791 Brass from ... 900 Silver . . .. 5152 to ... 200 Gold . . . 3975 Cast Steel from . . 800 Copper : . . 3838 to , : . . 500 Platina ... 855 Iron ... 600 Bismuth ... 384 Mercury ... 100 He ascertained, also, the relative conducting powers of the saline so- lutions usually contained in the cells of the Galvanic battery ; and it appears that the conducting power of platina is two millions and a half times that of a saturated solution of sulphate of copper, and hence that of copper is sixteen millions times as great. The conducting power of the saturated solution of the sulphate of copper being taken as 10 '000, he found that of a saturated solution of sulphate of zinc to be 4' 170 distilled water, ...... 0-025 distilled water with ---- of nitric acid, . 0-150 The great retardation which occurs when the current has to pass through any considerable length of liquid, will now be easily understood. Pure water may be considered, with feeble circles, as an absolute non-con- ductor ; and, even with the most powerful combinations that have been yet made, the current is unable to force its way through the smallest measurable interval of air. It was, not long ago, believed, that even with simple circles, a spark indicating the passage of a current was seen on making contact, and hence that the electricity had passed before the metals had touched, and, consequently, that the chemical action should be alone considered as the source of the electricity. It is, however, now acknowledged, that no spark can pass until the wires have touched and are again separated, and the passage of the electricity is then accomplished, not by the action of the excited molecules of air, as occurs with the machine, but by the violent inductive polarization of the particles of the terminal conductors, which are torn off and pass from one pole to the other. When the current of electricity is retarded by means of an insufficient First Discovery of Galvanism. 181 conducting medium, the centre of the conductor becomes hot, and thus the most brilliant effects of heat and light may be produced ; even the most refractory metals, as gold and platina, being, when in thin foil or wire, dissipated actually in smoke. By terminal points of well burned charcoal this phenomenon is beautifully produced, the ignition being totally independent of combustion, for it takes place in vacuo, or in car- bonic acid gas, and when the points are separated from one another to a certain distance, the interval becomes occupied by a splendid arch of light formed by the inductively excited particles of charcoal, which, in a state of intense ignition, abandon the positive, to attach themselves to the negative extremity of the conductor. The action of galvanic electricity upon the animal frame does not pro- perly fall within the scope of the present work, but, in terminating the subject, the mode in which the first view of this important science was obtained may, with propriety, be noticed. Galvani was Professor of Anatomy at Bologna, and, whilst preparing frogs for some physiological experiments, he happened to touch, by one extremity of a metallic wire, the lumbar nerves which still remained attached to the spine, whilst the other extremity of the wire was in contact with the muscles of the leg ; these last were instantly thrown into strong convulsions. To perform this experiment w ith success, the legs of the frog are to be left attached to the spine by the crural nerves alone, and then a copper wire and a zinc wire, being either twisted or soldered toge- ther at one end, the nerves are to be touched with one wire, whilst the other is to be ap- plied to the muscles of the leg. Galvani erred in the explanation of this remarkable effect ; he looked upon the body as being in the state of a charged Leyden jar, of which the nerves and muscles were the external and internal coatings, and that on connecting these by the conducting wire, the electricities recombined., and their passage renewed for the instant the phenomena of life. Yolta pointed out, however, that in order to produce full effect, the presence of two metals in the conductor was required, and he ascribed the origin of the electricity not to the body, but to the contact of the two metals, and supposed the convulsive motions to be merely the indication of the passage of the current across the body of the frog. This view has also been since modified by ascribing the electricity to minute traces of che- mical action on the wires ; but it was so fruitful in results, of which the construction of the Yoltaic pile is the most remarkable, that Volta is, with justice, looked upon as the true originator of this branch of electri- 182 Thermo-Electric Currents. city, as a science, although it was Galvani who observed the first fact belonging to it. The frog so prepared is a most delicate test of the passage of a Gal- vanic current, it is truly a galvanoscope, corresponding to the gold-leaf electroscope for ordinary electricity ; but it does not measure the quan- tity or intensity of the electricity which passes. As yet we have no exact measure of the intensity of Galvanic electricity ; but that its quantity may be exactly determined, two of its properties may be applied ; the first consists in determining the quantity of a given chemical substance, as water, which the current can decompose in a certain time, for the quantity decomposed is proportional to the quantity of electricity which passes ; the second consists in observing the degree to which the current is able to deflect the magnetic needle from its natural position of north and south, for the angle of deflection is connected with the quantity of of electricity in the current by a very simple law ; we are not yet in a position to understand fully the theory either of the chemical or the magnetic galvanometer, and hence I merely indicate, for the present, their existence and their names. Thermo-electricity. If heat be applied to a wire, uniform in texture and thickness, and bent into a ring, there is no disturbance of elec- trical equilibrium ; but if any obstacle to the transmission of the heat, such as a knot or a coil on the wire, exist, a current will be established, of which the direction shall be from the point of the current to which the heat is applied towards the point where the retarding cause exists. If in place of merely causing an artificial obstacle on an uniform wire, two metals, a I, be selected, which differ in conducting power, and that the point at which they touch one another, c, be kept at a different temperature from the rest, a current is also produced from the latter point towards the metal which is the worst conductor. The more unlike the metals are in molecular constitution, and the greater the difference between their conducting powers, the more energetic is the current. The best combinations are, therefore, of a crystalline and a non-crystalline metal, or of two metals which crystallize in different systems. Bismuth and antimony, which are the worst conductors of the metals, are also among the most crystalline ; and whilst bismuth crystallizes in cubes, the form of antimony is a rhombohedron. These metals, therefore, combine all the essential qualities for generating a current when unequally heated, and they are, consequently, the most powerful sources of thermo-electricity that have been found. The results obtained with other metals will be understood by writing them down in the following Production of Cold by Electricity. 183 order, any two of them being capable of forming a current when their junctions are unequally heated ; the current being from the metal highest to that which is lowest in the list, and the power of the current being greater in proportion to the distance between the metals in the follow- ing order : bismuth, platinum, lead, tin, copper or silver, zinc, iron, antimony. The molecular texture would appear from this list to have more influence on the production of the current than the mere difference of conducting power. ^ The intensity of the thermo-electric current so excited is exceedingly small ; it is only capable of passing through very good conductors, and it requires the combination of a number of exciting couples to give sufficient tension to enable it to produce a spark, or to show any signs of chemical influence. It then, however, agrees in all respects with the electricity of the Galvanic battery when in an excessively feeble state of tension, and it resembles remarkably the hydro-electric current in being able to reproduce at a distance the circumstances in which it originates ; for precisely as a current passes through a combination of antimony and bismuth, when its junctions are at unequal temperatures, so when a similar current from any other source is passed through the metallic couple, a change of temperature is produced at a place where the two unite. If the current pass from the bismuth to the antimony the junction becomes heated, but if the electricity pass in the opposite direction, the junction is cooled to a remarkable degree ; so that if a little hole be bored where the metals touch, and a drop of water be laid therein, it is frozen after a few moments. This result, which was first obtained by Peltier, and has been confirmed by Bottger, is one of the most remarkable proofs of connexion between the physical sources of temperature and electrical equilibrium that has been as yet discovered, and may influence our theories of the nature of heat in no inconsiderable degree. The principle of strengthening the thermo-electric current, by com- bining together the action of a number of metallic couples, is due to Nobili. If we consider a number of bars of antimony and bismuth, a &, soldered together alternately at their ends, so that every alternate soldering shall be in the same plane, and that the extremities of the ter- minal bars be connected by a wire ; on applying heat to the alternate sol- derings currents are generated at each, which, being all in the same direction, travel together through the system, and thus increase its energy in proportion to the number of 184 Construction of the Thermoscope. combinations, The important distinction between this and the com- bination of elements in the Yoltaic pile, is, that in the latter the increase of number affects only the tension of the current, but leaves the quantity the same as the single couple ; but, in the thermo-electric pile, although the intensity is increased, yet the quantity which passes in the current is augmented also. It is this principle which has been applied by Nobili to the construc- tion of the thermo-multiplier, or thermo-electroscope, used by Melloni and Forbes, in their researches on radiant heat, of which a sketch has been given in the last chapter. The thermoscope consists of fifty small bars of bismuth and antimony, placed parallel beside one another, and forming a single prismatic bundle, F, E', about \\ inch long and } inch square in section. The two terminal faces are blackened. The bars of bismuth, which are arranged alternately with those of antimony, are soldered at their extremities, and are separated all through their length by an insulating substance. To the first and last bars are attached copper wires, which terminate in the pins c c, of the same metal, passing across a piece of ivory fixed on the ring A A. The space between the interior of this ring and the elements of the pile is filled by insulating material. The free extremities of the two wires are put in communi- cation with the terminal wires of a magnetic galvanometer, the needle of which indicates, by its motions, when the temperature of the anterior surface of the thermo-electric pile is raised or lowered, in comparison to that of the posterior surface. See p. in figure, page 126. By means of a jointed support, the axis of the pile may be turned in any direction that may be wished ; and to protect its surface from lateral radiation, the metallic tubes, B B, brilliant externally and black- ened on the inside, are attached to the extremities of the ring A A. If by changing through one degree the temperature of a single sol- dering, a current of a certain power be obtained, there should be with fifty solderings a current fifty times as strong ; or an equal current when the temperature of the solderings varied through one-fiftieth of a degree. It has been ascertained, that instruments of this kind may be made to indicate a variation of temperature of y^ff f a degree on Fahrenheit's scale. The electricity which is thus evolved by change of temperature in Magnetism a "Form of Electricity. 185 conducting bodies, although so feeble in quantity and intensity as to be utterly devoid of those brilliant qualities which attach so much popularity to the phenomena of Galvanism and of friction electricity, has thus been found the means of assigning the true laws of some of the most interesting and important branches of the physical sciences ; and it will be hereafter seen that thermo-electric currents excited in the superficial stratum of the globe, by the inequality of temperature which arises from the action of the sun, may generate not only the magnetic pro- perties, on which are founded the commercial intercourse of civilized nations, but by influencing the amnitary powers of the elementary con- stituents of our planet, may have been the agent in silently, but effec- tively, regulating the constitution of inorganic nature. Magnetic Electricity. The properties which are now known as mag- netic, were first recognized in a peculiar ore of iron, found in the vicinity of the town Magnesia, in Asia Minor, from which the names of the substance and of the science have been derived. The native magnetic ore or loadstone consists of iron and oxygen. This mineral, although quite inert with regard to all other bodies, attracts iron and steel with great power ; and the pieces of iron and steel, whilst in con- tact with the loadstone, participate in its powers, and are capable of attracting other pieces to themselves. Iron and steel, though both attracted by the magnet, differ remarkably in the fact, that iron, al- though magnetic whilst in contact with the loadstone, loses all its pro- perties when it is removed ; whilst steel, which is at first attracted with inferior power, when it has become magnetic by contact with the mine- ral, retains that condition after separation, and thus becomes a perma- nent artificial magnet. A steel magnet thus formed, may in its turn be used in place of a loadstone to form others ; and almost all the mag- nets we employ in experiments have thus obtained their power, as native loadstone is not found in sufficient quantity, or sufficiently intense in action, for our purposes. The steel bars which are magnetized are generally straight, but often also bent in the centre, so that the halves are nearly parallel, and are then called horse-shoe magnets. When a magnetic bar is dusted over with iron filings, it will be found that the filings attach themselves to the extremities of the bar, and scarcely at all to the centre ; the magnetic power is thus seen to exist only near the ends of the bar. Each filing being itself for the time a magnet, attracts others, so that they form strings, which arrange themselves according to definite laws in a form which is termed that of the magnetic curves ; and from the disposition of these curves, it is evident that the action of the magnet emanates from a single 186 Magnetic Properties of Iron and Steel. point, p, near each extremity : these points being the centres of action of the magnet are termed its poles. Thus, in the figure the bar being a magnet, the points P and p are the poles, and the directions of attractive force are indicated by the di- verging lines, which, uniting on the other side, form the mag- netic curves. The utility of the magnet in navigation is well known; it arises from the poles of the magnet being attracted by the earth in such a way, that when free to move, the magnet rests in a direction nearly north and south : the pole of the magnet which is turned to the north, is termed the north pole, the other, the south pole. If two magnets be brought into the neighbourhood of one another, they do not attract in- differently, as either would attract a mass of iron ; but the north pole of one magnet attracts the south pole of the other, and is attracted by it, whilst the north poles of the two, or the south poles, if brought near each other, repel as powerfully. In magnets, therefore, poles of the same name repel, and poles of opposite names attract, a condition pre- cisely similar to that which holds between the electricities evolved by friction. In magnetism also the attractions and repulsions follow the law of the inverse square of the distance, and thus complete the super- ficial analogy which led astray for so many years the investigators of this branch of science. The action of the earth upon magnets at its surface, can only be ex- plained by supposing the earth itself to possess magnetic properties. The northern portions of the earth attract the north pole of a magnet, and must, therefore, possess southern polarity ; the southern portions of the earth attracting the south pole of the magnet must possess northern polarity. The action of the earth cannot be explained, how- ever, by supposing it to be a simple magnet with a pole at each extre- mity. It possesses two centres of force, or poles, in the north, one in Siberia and one in North America, whilst the distribution of magnetic force in the southern hemisphere has been found by Eoss most probably due to the action of one pole. These centres themselves are, however, not fixed ; the needle is continually changing in direction ; at present it points to 24 west of north ; but in the year 1664, it pointed to the north, and it had previously pointed in an easterly direction, towards which it is now returning. Prior to the discovery, by Ampere, of the true nature of magnetic Intimate Structure of Magnets. 187 phenomena, a theory similar for the most part to that of the two elec- trical fluids was maintained, two magnetisms were supposed to exist, the particles of the same fluid repelling each other, but the particles of one fluid attracting those of the other. The assumption of magnetic properties by a piece of iron or steel in contact with a magnet, became therefore, a phenomenon of induction similar to that described under the head of statical electricity, the constitution of iron being such that the fluids recombined on the disturbing cause being removed ; the con- stitution of steel, on the contrary, preventing their reunion. There ex- isted, however, one great difference between a magnetic bar and a body excited by induction with machine electricity. If the bar A, c, B, ex- A c B cited by induction, and of which the portion ( [ ~) A is positive, and B negative, the middle c being /\ ^ J\^ neutral, be cut in two at c, the portions A and A B B retain their peculiar states, one positive and the other negative. But if the magnetic bar, A, c, B, be broken across at the neutral portion c, then each half becomes a perfect magnet of |^ half the strength of the entire ; the points c', and c", which had been neutral, acquire mag- netic power; and if these portions be again broken, each fragment is still a perfect magnet. Magnetism belongs, in this way, to the inmost particles of the body, and in the general mass each magnetic molecule is still active and indepen- dent; a magnet resembles, therefore, an exceedingly bad conductor, which has been inductively excited by common electricity, and the par- ticles of which retain for an indefinite length of time their state of polar excitation. In order to understand the real nature of magnetic action, we must free ourselves, however, from all these analogies to machine electricity, no matter how well grounded they may appear to be, when superficially examined. The electricity of the magnet is constantly circulating, and it possesses so little tension, that it never leaves the magnetic element, or molecule of iron or steel, in which it has its origin ; in fact, every current of electricity possesses magnetic properties, and simulates the action of a magnet situated transversely to it. Thus, if a needle be held transversely on a wire carrying an electric current, it becomes mag- netic, precisely as if it had been laid parallel to a magnet ; and by bend- ing the wire round, so as to form a coil, the magnetism which it con- fers being increased in proportion to the number of turns, may be ren- dered so intense, as to surpass that of the most powerful steel magnets that are made. In fig. 1, a small coil is represented, by which mag- 188 Magnetic Properties of a Galvanic Current. Fig. 1. netisin is conferred upon the bar of steel inside. And in fig. 2, a large horseshoe, of soft iron, by being covered by a helix of many hundred turns, may become able to raise a weight of some hun- dreds of pounds, by the magnetism it acquires. The coil of wire carrying the current may be shown, also, to possess magnetic properties, by its attractive and repulsive action on a magnet. A coil, as in fig. 3, suspended so as to be able to move freely, is attracted and repelled by the poles of a magnet, precisely as if it also had a mag- netic pole at each end. A flat coil, as fig. 4, is also found to be mag- netic, the poles being indefinitely near each other at the centre of the coil. A beautiful form of the experiment consists in a long wire, which is made into a close coil, and connected at the ends with a pair of Fig. 2. Fig. 3. Fig. 4. little plates of zinc and copper, as in Tig. 5. On placing this system, buoyed by a piece of cork, in a dish of acidulated water, it settles itself at right angles to the direction of the magnetic needle, and behaves in all respects like a magnet situated in the centre of the coil, and perpen- dicular to its plane. It is now necessary to examine into the relation which the direction of the current bears to the poles of the magnets which it forms, or which it might represent in action. If A, B, be a wire, in which a cur- rent is descending, as marked by the arrow, and that a needle, i | i N s, is placed transverse to it, the right-hand end of the needle, s I N becomes the north, and left-hand end of the needle, the south B pole ; if the direction of the current be reversed, the north pole is formed at the left. In a circular current, the position of the pole may be, consequently, easily seen ; the current A B, which descends in Attraction and Repulsion of Currents. 189 front of, and ascends behind the needle, produces in the bar, N s, a northern polarity to the right, and a southern to the s \J, ** left ; the action of magnetic currents upon each other, sup- plies the explanation of these phenomena. If two wires, carrying Galvanic currents, be brought near each other, there is attrac- tion or repulsion, according to the direction of the currents ; if two cur- rents be in the same direction, the wires attract ; if in opposite direc- | | tions, the wires repel each other. The cause is evident, on r-j-i rfe inspecting the figure : the upper arrows being wires which 8 t t * carry currents in the same direction, they act on each other, as should a pair of magnets, placed transverse to their direc- tion ; the ends of the magnets which are juxtaposed, have 5 opposite polarities, and attract ; whilst in the lower arrows, where the currents are in opposite directions, the effect is the same as should result from the magnets of which the contiguous poles are of the same name, and hence repulsion. A wire carrying an electric current being thus a magnet, it acts upon permanent magnets, attracting or repelling, according to its position, and generally, from the combination of the two forces, generating very complex and singular motions. These actions have been so minutely and so extensively studied, as to constitute a distinct branch of this de- partment of science termed electro-magnetism j but being unimportant in detail, except in physical relations, I shall only notice the experiments by which CEersted first created this branch of science, and which have ultimately led to one of the best measures of electricity, the multiplying galvanometer. If a Galvanic current be passed over a magnet in the direction of the arrow in the figure, and that the needle be moveable on its centre, it endeavours to assume a position such as will bring it parallel, and with opposite poles presented to the magnet which the wire represents ; and hence in the figure the motion should be to bring the south pole above the plane of the paper, and to depress the north pole below it, until the needle had assumed a position perpendicular to the conducting wire. If the current had been in the opposite direction, the action should have been reversed, and the north pole should have been turned up from the paper, but if the current be reversed at the same time that it is brought under the needle as in the figure, it causes a deflection similar to that of the superior portion, and hence the angle through which the needle moves is much increased. If the needle were affected only by the current passing over or under it, its 190 Action of a Galvanic Current on a Magnet. ultimate position should be, in all cases, at right angles to the current, but as the magnetic action of the earth tends constantly to bring it back to its direction of north and south, the position which it ultimately as- sumes is the resultant of the two forces. The deflection of the needle being thus an indication of the passage of an electric current through the wire, it is desirable in practice to give the power of the current as much effect as possible, and at the same time to diminish as much as can be done the action of the terrestrial magnetism. The first is effected easily by increasing to the desired de- gree the number of turns which the wire makes round the needle, for the total effect, as will easily be understood from the description of the figure above, is proportional to the number of coils ; but the diminution of the effect of the earth upon the needle requires some more care. If the needle be made but feebly magnetic, the power of the current to turn it diminishes just as much as the power of the earth to prevent its turning, and there is hence nothing gained, but the object is effected by using a combination of two, three, or four powerful needles so arranged, that with regard to the earth they are made to represent one very feeble needle. Thus, in the figure, the three magnets N and s, being suspended with their opposite poles next one another, act on each other so powerfully, that the remote and weaker opposing action of the earth be- comes almost insensible. A current passing in the direction of the arrows c, E, D, will tend to depress the north poles of the upper and lower, and the south pole of the middle needle below the plane of the paper, and when it passes under the middle needle, its action upon it will be the same, since its direction is reversed. The amount of deflec- tion of such a system of needles will still be regulated by residual ter- restrial influence, but as this may be rendered as small as may be wished, the delicacy of the apparatus may be increased without limit. It is not desirable that the system of needles should be completely astatic, that is, indifferent to the earth, for then the degree of deflection by a given current should be affected by trivial and accidental causes; but by leaving a small residue of terrestrial magnetic effect, the current acts against this, and thus produces a deflection subject to an assignable law, by which the strength of the current may be determined. Within a certain limit, about 30, the angle of deflection is proportional to the quantity of electricity flowing along the wire, but beyond that it follows a more complicated law, which, as involving mathematical relations, I shall not admit here. To obtain a greater degree of delicacy and uni- formity of action, the system of needles is in all good instruments hung Construction of the Galvanometer. 191 by a thread of glass or of silk, like the beam of Coulomb's balance (page 147). The deflecting force then acts against the force of torsion, and the resistance to be overcome is reduced to its simplest possible con- ditions. M The galvanometer, such as with the thermo-pile, constitutes the thermo-multiplier, is represented in section and in perspective, in the above figures ; the same letters apply to both. A, B, c, is the frame around which the copper wire is coiled, the ends T of which terminate in the metallic tubes F, F'. This frame is fixed on a horizontal plate D, E, which can turn in its own plane around its centre, by means of a toothed- wheel and endless screw, which is put in motion by the button G. Q, M, N, is the support of the astatic system of two magnetic needles, suspended to a thread of cocoon-silk, v, L. R s is the glass cylinder* secured by brass rings P, s, y, z, which covers the apparatus, and rests on the base K, I. A graduated semicircle, accurately divided, is drawn upon the card, and by means of the supporting screws, and the move- ment of the frame A, B, c, the upper needle is brought to be exactly parallel to the coils, and to point to the commencement of the scale, being regulated in its height by means of the screw x, with which the silk thread is in connexion. Where the current to be measured by the Galvanometer is derived from a thermo-electric combination, it is necessary that the wire should be much thicker than for a similar current from a hydro-electric source, as the low intensity of the fluid thrown into motion by heat might cause 192 Diamagnetism of Bodies. false indications of its quantity, unless an ample path were opened through the best conductors for it ; the number of coils for a thermo- electric galvanometer should also, for the same reason, be few as possible. It is, therefore, not usual to employ the same instrument for these two kinds of researches. The position of the galvanometer in employing the thermo-electric pile in the researches on radiant heat, has been described, page 126, and its use in measuring the quantity of electricity flowing from galvanic sources, which has been already partly noticed, will be further described in a future place. The passage of an electric current in the vicinity of any substance capable of assuming magnetic properties is thus, by what has been said, shown to be sufficient for their excitation, and conversely if a magnet, whether permanent or temporarily produced, be brought near a substance through which an electric current may circulate, a current is immediately formed, the direction of which is always the same as that of a pre-exist- ing current which would have conferred on the magnet the properties which it actually has. In like manner one current may generate another in a closed conductor near it, precisely as one magnet may produce ano- ther, or that a body statically excited may induce the electric condition on the bodies in its neighbourhood ; but such peculiar influences are too far removed from the proper domain of chemistry to justify any detailed description of them here. The recent investigations of Faraday have proved that the magnetic force, although most remarkably shown in its relations to iron and some other metals, does really exert a much more general influence, and that whilst a limited class of bodies are magnetic, a much larger class, and, indeed, probably all bodies, are what he terms diamagnetic. It would appear that most solid and liquid bodies are repelled by the poles of a magnet, and tend to settle themselves with their longest dimensions trans- verse to the line joining the poles, and hence, that in reference to the earth's magnetism, that all liquid and solid bodies would tend naturally to settle themselves east and west, as a magnetic needle settles itself in a north and south direction. In air and gases the diamagnetic properties appear much less deve- loped, possibly owing to their want of mass ; but certainly it is shown that the magnetic action is not limited to the small number of metals, of which iron is the most important, but that it manifests itself, al- though in an opposite manner, on every kind of substance, especially those having the liquid or solid form. In concluding this section of the subject of electricity, it is, however, important to prevent its being supposed, that, by the omission of the considerations of its purely physical influences which lie apart from the Rotation of the Earth a source of Currents. 193 proper chemical subjects of this work, they are to be considered as of inferior interest in the phenomena of nature. It is so much the re- verse, that, perhaps, one of the most active sources of the electricity which we shall find to play a most important part in chemical com- bination, is derived from the induction of the magnetic influence of the earth itself; for the earth being rendered magnetic, by means of the thermo-electric currents which circulate around it, spirally from the equator to the poles, it is sufficient to bend a bit of copper wire into a ring and whirl it round the finger, in the plane of the magnetic equator, to obtain a current through the wire. A disk of copper revolving in this plane is a source of electricity derived from the inductive influence of the earth, differing, indeed, amazingly from the brilliant excitation of the thunder cloud, but far surpassing it in real power of effect, and in the quantity of the electric fluid actually brought into play. We arrive here, indeed, at the extreme modification of this active and omnipresent force : we found it in the commencement, though existing in exceed- ingly small quantity, preservable only by the very best insulating means, and manifesting its tendency to escape, by the attractions, the flashes, the mechanical violence which characterize machine electricity ; whilst in the form of magnetism, or of a magneto-electric current, though present in a quantity many millions of times greater, it flows uniformly, and almost insensibly along the perfect conductors through which alone it is competent to pass, and it requires particular care to succeed in demonstrating its heating, its luminous, or its mechanical effects ; but we recognise in it, nevertheless, the untiring agent by which the inor- ganic superstructure of the habitable globe has been produced, by which the depositories of the most important metals in the clefts of rocks have been accumulated, and which being thus the safeguard of navigation, the source of all metallurgic industry becomes not less important to the civilization of mankind at large, than it is found, from its paramount influence on chemical affinity, its power to separate those elements most intimately joined, and to effect the union of those which appear most adverse to mutual combination, as well as the facility with which its principles may be applied to the explanation of the laws of chemical phenomena, to be available in the hands of the philosopher for the ad- vancement of science. The physical influences of electricity, however, do not even limit themselves to the production of heat, of chemical decomposition and of magnetism, but we are enabled to induce such molecular actions in transparent bodies, as confer upon them totally new optical properties. These have been partly noticed, page (47). If a ray of polarized light pass through a piece of glass, placed between the poles of a magnet, or 13 194 Principles of Nomenclature. round which a current of electricity is made to pass, the glass acquires the power of causing the plane of polarization of the ray to revolve through an angle which is proportional to the intensity of the current, and is towards the direction in which the current moves. By this re- sult it is fully shown that the molecules of any substance carrying a galvanic current tend to assume a form of molecular arrangement due to the action of the current, and this molecular arrangement even extends to the non-conducting substances in whose vicinity the current passes. To the chemist, therefore, the most useful property of electricity is the power which it possesses of modifying, annulling, or superseding chemical affinity. I have hitherto avoided as much as possible in- volving any idea of chemical decomposition in the account of electricity just given, restricting myself to narrate such circumstances as might serve for the recognition of bodies by means of their electrical pro- perties, independent of their chemical construction. But the question of whether electrical influence and affinity are identical, or what are their exact relations, and the discussion of the theory of electro-che- mical combination, still remain, and will be examined when, first, the nature of affinity and the distinction between it and the action of co- hesive force has been described, and the general system of nomenclature according to which chemical substances are designated shall have been briefly noticed. CHAPTER V. OF CHEMICAL NOMENCLATURE. THE general properties and laws of the physical agents, cohesion, light, heat, and electricity, have been now described so far as was necessary, that we may avail ourselves of those properties in characterizing the substances, elementary or compound, whose more peculiarly chemical relations we shall now proceed to study ; it is necessary to prefix to the description of the forces by which chemical union is effected, and of the laws by which it is controlled, a short statement of the principles upon which the names of the substances to which there will be frequent oc- casion to refer, have been constructed. General Rules of the Lavoisierian Nomenclature. 195 There are at present known sixty-two substances, which the chemist has not been as yet able to separate into other elements. These are distinguished by the following names : Oxygen, Lithium, Li Tungsten, W Hydrogen, H Barium, Ba Molybdenum, Mo Nitrogen, N Strontium,. Sr Tantalum, Ta Carbon, C Calcium, Ca Terbium, Te Boron, B Magnesium, Mg Erbium, Er Silicon, Si Aluminum, Al Chromium, Cr Sulphur, S Glucinum, G Vanadium, V Selenium, Se Zirconium, Zr Uranium, U Phosphorus, P Thorium, Th Gold, Au Chlorine, Cl Yttrium, -VT Iridium, Ir Iodine, Bromine, I Br Didymium, Cerium, D Ce Osmium, Platinum, Os PI Fluorine, F Niobium, Nb Tin, Sn Tellurium, Te Pelopium, Pe Lead, Pb Mercury, Hg Lanthanum, Ln Bismuth, Bi Zinc, Zn Manganese, Mn Silver, Ag Cadmium, Cd Iron, Fe Palladium, Pd Cobalt, Co Copper, Cu Rhodium, R Nickel, Ni Titanium, Ti Ruthenium, Ru Potassium, K Arsenic, As Ilmenium, 11 Sodium, Na Antimony, Sb By the combination of these bodies amongst each other, the various substances which exist in nature are produced. These simple bodies have been divided, from the earliest days of accurate chemistry, into two classes, the metallic and the non-metallic elements. The first thirteen in the list are non-metallic ; the remaining bodies are metallic. It is found, however, that this division is only popularly correct ; no matter how we may define a metal, we cannot avoid breaking through connexions of the most intimate and important kind, if we endeavour to retain the class of metals as one founded on really existing chemical principles. Thus, in density of lustre, arsenic and tellurium are indubitably metals, and yet if we class these bodies with copper or lead, we break through all laws of chemical analogy, for, in their combinations, they assimilate themselves most perfectly, one to sulphur, and one to phosphorus. In selenium, also, the metallic cha- racters are so feebly marked, that even did we not know that by its properties it should be classed with sulphur, we could not place it as a metal without great doubt. In describing the simple bodies, I shall retain as a division the che- mistry of the metals, for the classification, like all those which have been long in extensive use, has in some respects much utility and truth, but in cases where the study of certain bodies will be facilitated by de- parting from it, I shall not hesitate to do so. In order to avoid con- 196 Construction of the Names of fusion subsequently, I shall here describe as succinctly as possible the nomenclature which has been adopted in chemistry; for, in a science where the multiplicity of objects to be noticed is so great, it is of the highest importance that the principles upon which the names of these objects are founded, should clearly be understood. In all conditions of science, the nomenclature has been regulated by the prevalent theoretical ideas of the time, and it is probably vain to look for a system of names which shall tell what the bodies really are, and not pretend to tell more ; for that would suppose that we knew what the bodies are, whereas, in the most perfect state of science, we only know what we believe them to be. Thus, when, by a mal-ap- plication to chemistry of the idea of the relation of the human body to its soul, all bodies were looked upon as having a volatile and a fixed, an active and an inert element, the names of spirit of wine, spirit of hartshorn, and spirit of salt, were invented ; at a later period, when the theory of phlogiston prevailed in the minds of chemists, the spirit of salt became dephlogisticated marine acid ; when the important functions of oxygen were pointed out by Lavoisier, the name was in his theory changed to oxymuriatic acid ; and, finally, when the present view was introduced by Davy, the name hydrochloric acid became the most correct. The cause of this is, that in a good system of chemical nomenclature, we require two conditions which it is very difficult to successfully combine ; that the name shall not only tell us that the sub- stance is an independent substance, but that it shall give to us an idea of its most important chemical character, its composition; thus, the name prussic acid is less strictly scientific than that of hydrocyanic acid, which shows that its elements are hydrogen and cyanogen ; and iron pyrites gives a less perfect picture of the body it describes than the words bisulphuret of iron. The necessity for indicating by the chemical name of a body its chemical composition, is thus what renders chemical nomenclature at once so variable and so complex, but it is also that which alone enables us to connect distinct ideas with our words. The benefit conferred upon chemistry by the nomenclature intro- duced by Lavoisier and Guyton, was scarcely inferior in its importance to the accurate ideas of combination in which it had its origin. The removal of the unconnected and unfounded names, which had been in- vented by the older chemists, and the invention of the idea that every name of a compound body should express its composition, involved the increase of accuracy in the minds of those chemists by whom science was subsequently to be prosecuted, which may be looked upon as the most fertile source of the discoveries made up to the present day. The names most employed in chemistry, are add, base, and salt. Simple Bodies and of Primary Compounds 197 The word acid signifying originally sour, was applied to all bodies which tasted like vinegar. The word base signifies any substance which, unit- ing with an acid, forms a compound, of which it is the basis or founda- tion, and the compound formed by their union, being generally similar to common salt in superficial characters, is termed a salt. Thus oil of vitriol tasting, when mixed with water, sour, is an acid ; soda is a base, and when combined they form the well known salt called after Glauber, who discovered it. Such are the names of those classes of bodies, the discovery of which dates from a remote period. Acting on the principle, that in naming a simple substance, the name should be derived from its most characteristic property, Lavoisier formed the word " oxygen" from ou& acid, and yswaw, I generate, to signify the important substance, the functions of which he was the first to show, and which he imagined to have the peculiar property of form- ing acids. In like manner, he constructed the word "hydrogen," from u5, water, and yewau, to express its most important property, of being an element of water. This principle can, however, seldom be rigidly acted on ; for example, oxygen is as much a water former as hydrogen, and the name of oxygen itself is not without objection, as the pre-eminence as acid former, which Lavoisier imagined it to possess, has been latterly overthrown. In the case of simple bodies, names derived from quite arbitrary sources, as tellurium, from tellus, the earth ; selenium, from ffrt^vr,, the moon ; vanadium and thorium, from Yanadis and Thor, deities of Scandinavian mythology ; chlorine, from -X\UPOZ, yellowish green (its colour) ; and similarly iodine, from lueidys, (like a violet), have a great superiority over those, which, by attempting to teach more when first invented, have the disadvantage of teaching falsely at a future period. The simple bodies, combining with each other, form compound bodies of the first order, or binary compounds. The names of those binary compounds which contain oxygen are of two kinds, according as the compound possesses acid properties or not ; if it be an acid, the word acid is added to that of the other body to which the termination ic is joined. Thus, the acid compound of sulphur and oxygen is sul- phuric acid; the acid compound of phosphorus and oxygen is phos- phoric acid. It frequently happens that the same body forms with oxygen two acids, in which case, that containing most oxygen retains the terminal ic, whilst that in which there is least oxygen ends in ous. Thus, there is sulphurous acid, and phosphorous acid, consisting of sulphur united with less oxygen than could form the sulphuric or the phosphoric acids. Many bodies form, however, with oxygen more than two acids, and in this case a new principle of nomenclature has been 198 Construction of the Names of introduced. The words, wo, hypo, and **& hyper, under and over, are prefixed to the degrees terminating as before stated. Thus, there is an acid of sulphur, containing less oxygen than the sulphurous acid, and it is called hypo-sulphurous acid ; and also an acid containing more oxygen than the sulphurous, but less than the sulphuric acid, this might be called either hyper-sulphurous, or hypo-sulphuric add ; the latter name has been universally adopted. Chlorine forms, with oxygen, four acids, which are the hypo-chlorous acid, chlorous acid, chloric acid, and hyper-chloric acid, or, as it is often called, substituting the shorter Latin per for the Greek wg, perchloric acid. In cases where the compound formed with oxygen is not an acid, it is termed an oxide of the substance with which the oxygen is united. Thus, oxide of lead, oxide of iron, oxide of copper, are respectively the compounds of oxygen with lead, with iron, and with copper. In many cases, where oxygen unites with bodies in more than one propor- tion, one compound may be an acid and the other not. Thus, man- ganese uniting with oxygen gives manganic acid and permanganic acid, but in a lower degree of oxidation it forms several oxides of manganese. For as a substance uniting with oxygen may form many acids, so may it form many oxides also ; and in such cases, it becomes necessary to distinguish them from one another. This is done by the adoption of the Greek words, irgoros, dwrsgog, rgirog, (first, second, third,) prefixed to the word oxide. Thus, we say, protoxide of lead, deutoxide of lead, tritoxide of iron. The oxide which contains most oxygen is often called the peroxide, and that which contains least the suboxide, as peroxide of manganese, suboxide of copper. The word sesqui (one and a half,) is also used for oxides intermediate between protoxides and deutoxides, but the nomenclature then involves numerical proportions, which will require to be described hereafter. Some other simple non-metallic bodies, in combining with the metals, form compounds, of which the names are constructed on the same plan as those of the metallic oxides. Thus, Chlorine forms Chlorides, Iodine ,, Iodides, Bromine ,, Bromides, Fluorine ,, Fluorides. The compounds of "sulphur with the metals having been popularly named before Lavoisier's time, and it being desirable to retain, as much as possible, the names already in common use, a different form of ter- mination is adopted for that body and some others. Thus, Sulphur gives Sulphurets, Selenium ,, Seleniurets, Various Classes of Primary Compounds. 199 Tellurium Tellurets, Carbon Carburets, Nitrogen ,, Nitrurets, Phosphorus Phosphurets, Arsenic Arseniurets. To distinguish between the different sulphurets or chlorides, &c., of the same metal, the Greek prefixes are adopted as in the case of oxides. We have thus, proto-chloride and deuto-chloride of manganese ; also, perchlorides and subclilorides. The Latin bis is often substituted for the Greek deuto, as the bichloride of tin in place of the deuto-chloride. Among continental chemists, names which should be translated chlo- ruret in place of chloride, and sulphide in place of sulphuret, are fre- quently employed; but as these are founded on certain theoretical ideas that have not been yet discussed, the propriety of adopting such additional terminations cannot be considered until we have pro- ceeded farther. "Where two non-metallic bodies are united, it is a question how the name of the compound should be formed. Thus, in a compound of chlorine and phosphorus, should it be called chloride of phosphorus or phosphuret of chlorine ? This is decided by referring to the classifica- tion of the simple bodies which will be hereafter given, and which is founded on a view of all their chemical properties taken together. "Whichever element stands highest in the scale, gives the characteristic name to the compound body. Thus, chlorine is above phosphorus, and we say chloride of phosphorus. Iodine is also above phosphorus, and we say iodide of phosphorus ; but iodine is below chlorine, and we hence call the compound which they form, chloride of iodine. The combination of the metals with each other, except in some pecu- liar instances, are termed alloys. Thus we say brass is an alloy of copper and zinc ; fusible metal is an alloy of bismuth, tin, and lead. "Where one metal is mercury, the alloy is termed an amalgam of the other metal ; thus, an amalgam of silver is an alloy of mercury and silver ; an amalgam of tin is an alloy of mercury and tin. Arsenic and tellurium are so far removed from the metals by their chemical characters, that their compounds with the proper metals have the pecu- liar termination of uret. By the union of two primary compounds, there is formed a secondary compound. These secondary compounds are generally termed salts. The word salt is, however, applied to numerous classes of primary compounds. Thus, the metallic iodides, chlorides, bromides, and fluo- rides are recognized as salts. It is now also a debated question whether the bodies formed by the direct union of an acid and an oxide are really 00 Names of Secondary, Ternary. primary or secondary compounds ; but I shall now describe only the ordinary nomenclature of those bodies, postponing the discussion of their intimate constitution to another place. When an acid and a metallic oxide, both primary compounds, combine to form a secondary compound or a salt, the specific name of the salt is that of the base, without any change ; we thus say a salt of soda, a salt of oxide of copper j the generic name is taken from the acid, the word acid being omitted, and the final ic being changed into ate j or the final ous into ite. There is thus formed from sulphuric acid and soda sulphate of soda. Erom nitric acid and oxide of lead, nitrate of oxide of lead. From sulphurous acid and potash, sulphite of potash. Erom hypochlo- rous acid and lime, hypochlorite of lime. Where the salt contains an oxide of one of the common metals, it is usual to suppress the words of oxide in its name, and thus to say, sulphate of copper, in place of sulphate of oxide of copper ; nitrate of lead, in place of nitrate of oxide of lead. The strict correctness of language is thus sacrificed; but, if the idea of the composition of the salt be held clearly in the mind, the abbreviation is not injurious, and this mode of naming salts is so universal, that breaking in on it might be productive of more injury than allowing it to remain. I shall therefore say, for example, nitrate of lead, understanding however, that the nitric acid is combined not with lead, but with oxide of lead. It frequently happens that a metal forming with oxygen two oxides, will form with acids a class of salts for each oxide. In this case the words proto, deuto, sesqui, or per, by which the oxides are distinguished from each other, are prefixed to the generic name of the salt. We thus say, protosulphate of iron ; persulphate of iron ; indicating that there is in the one salt the protoxide, and in the other the peroxide of iron. We have sesqui-sulphate of manganese, and deuto-sulphate of platinum. The relative quantity of acid and base being liable to variation, there are acid salts with an excess of acid, and basic salts with an excess of base. In such case, the proportion of acid is marked by the Latin bi, ter, &c., as bisulphate of potash, and the proportion of base where it is in excess by the Greek &$, rp$, &c., as di-sulphate of zinc, tri-sulphate of mercury ; or still better by the words bi-basic, tri-basic, &c., to in- dicate the quantity of base ; there is thus tribasic-sulphate of mercury, quadribasic-sulphate of copper, and so on. There are many other kinds of secondary compounds than the salts just noticed. Thus, water enters into numerous compounds which are called hydrates. This water may act in very different capacities, and its nomenclature must be varied accordingly, as shall be seen under its proper head j but where we wish to indicate that a body contains water, And Quaternary Compounds. 201 without determining more nearly the specific function of the water, we describe the body as being hydrated. Oxides and chlorides combine together to form secondary compounds, which are called oxychlorides, as the oxychlorides of mercury, the oxy- chloride of lead. Oxides and sulphurets combining form oxy sulphurets, as oxy sulphuret of antimony. Chlorides and sulphurets form by their union chloro-sulphurets, as chloro-sulphuret of mercury. "When two chlorides combine, the compound is termed a double chloride, or a chloride of the metals ; as the chloride of gold and so- dium, the chloride of copper and potassium. In the same way there are double iodides and double bromides. But where two sulphurets unite, the nomenclature has received an important change. Berzelius has proved that in very numerous cases where a body forms an acid with oxygen, which acid uniting with a metallic oxide forms a salt ; that body uniting also with sulphur, gives a sulphur acid, which may combine with a sulphuret of a basic metal, (a sulphur base,) to form what he terms a sulphur salt. Thus double sulphurets are salts, consisting of a sulphur acid united to a sulphur base. Hence, as arsenic combining with oxygen forms arsenious acid, so uniting with sulphur it produces sulpho-arsenious acid, which uniting with sulphuret of lead, forms sulpharsenite of lead, precisely as the oxygen acid, uniting with oxide of lead, produces what should be called oxyarsenite of lead. The pre- fix oxy, is, however, not used; the ordinary salts are supposed to con- tain the oxygen acid, and it is only where a salt does not contain an oxygen acid, that an additional word is necessary to point out what sort of acid it does contain. Tellurium and selenium act like sulphur ; there are tellurium acids and tellurium bases, selenium acids aud sele- nium bases, and hence in place of caning the compound of seleniuret of antimony, and seleniuret of sodium, a double seleniuret, it is called the selenio-stibiate of sodium. An attempt was made to assimilate the nomenclature of chlorine and iodine bodies to that of the oxygen and sulphur compounds ; thus, to call chloride of mercury a chlorine acid, and chloride of sodium a chlorine base, and the compound which they form, a chlorine salt, chlorohydrar gyrate of sodium. This idea, however, has not been re- ceived into science, for, indeed, the precisely contrary ideas are now most popular among chemists, and in place of assimilating the double chlorides to ordinary oxygen salts, there is a general tendency to class the ordinary salts along with the simple chlorides. Ternary compounds are formed by the union of two secondary com- pounds. Thus, dry alum is a compound of sulphate of potash and sul- phate of alumina. Compounds of this order seldom exist in more 202 Names of Organic Bodies. than one proportion. Alum combining with water to produce the crystallized alum, generates a quaternary compound, and even more complicated stages may be attain ed, but they are so rare, and of so little scientific importance, that they do not require notice here. In organic chemistry, the principles of the nomenclature employed have been, for the most part, identical with those now stated ; but it is only to those simpler organic compounds, which resemble in constitution mineral bodies, that this nomenclature can be applied. In fact, the great variety and complexity of the chemical substances which the progress of organic chemistry has recently made known, and the peculiarity of the laws of organic combination and decomposition, have rendered it necessary, for the further advance of science, that some new system of nomenclature should be adopted by chemists. In organic substances there does not at all prevail the simple system of binary union, by which most of the relations of mineral substances, can be explained. The facts of Isomerism, and of typic substitutions, can- not be comprised in the forms of expression which the nomenclature of Guyton employs, or in the principle on which it is founded, nor can our ideas of the nature of the forces which produce chemical action be ac- curately described upon the now antiquated system. Hence, many chemists have proposed novel plans of nomenclature, but those only which deserve mention are that by Laurent, and the gene- ralization of it lately proposed and employed by Leopold Gmelin. Laurent's nomenclature was invented for the purpose of indicating the nature of the numerous organic bodies derived by the action of chlorine from napthene. He proposed to indicate those derived bodies as a class, by altering the terminal ne, which marks a carbo-hydrogen, into se, and to indicate the degree of replacement of hydrogen by an- other body, by the vowel which precedes the se in the word. Thus napthene, being C 20 H 8 , there is produced by the agency of chlorine, Chlor-napthose, Cao H 4 CU Chlor-napthuse, Cao Ha Cls Chlor-napthalase, C2o H<> Cl6 Chlor-napthase, Cao H 7 Cl Chlor-napthese, Cao He Cla Chlor-napthise, Cao H 5 Cla It will be seen, that when the five vowels are exhausted, the series recommences with the syllable al before the vowel. In this manner an indefinitely great number of modifications can be made. GmehVs proposed nomenclature, which embraces Laurent's plan of vowels, would extend, however, to the entire of chemistry, and conse- quently displace altogether that which has been so long employed, and been found of such utility in mineral chemistry. He proposes totally new names for all the simple bodies, and new modes of uniting them. Symbolical Nomenclature. 203 Thus, sulphate of barytes should be baran-afin, nitrate of silver should be targan-atan. These barbarous expressions have no likelihood of being used in any ordinary chemical descriptions, and I consequently do not think it necessary to describe his nomenclature more fully in this ele- mentary work. Under these circumstances it has become most useful in practice to employ rather a symbolical than a verbal nomenclature, and certainly there has been no step recently made that conferred more definiteness and clearness of expression on the language of science than the system of chemical symbols proposed by Berzelius, and now universally em- ployed. By it, in place of using an arbitrary and probably unmeaning word, we write the symbols of its constituents, which of themselves, in most cases, exhibit important facts in its history and properties. In the list of the simple bodies in page 195, the name of each sub- stance is accompanied by its symbol, which is generally the initial letter of its Latin name ; and in cases where the name of more than one body begins with the same letter, they are distinguished by adding to the symbols, of all the bodies but one, a second letter in smaller type, which may be the second letter of the word, or whatever letter will best serve to characterize the name. If there be but one non-metallic substance in the group, it is gene- rally selected to be denoted by the single letter, as, C. and P. for car- bon and phosphorus, whilst the metals, whose symbols have the same letter, are denoted by Ca. Co. Cd. Ce. and PI. Pb. Pd. Where there are more than one non-metallic body commencing with the same letter, it is a matter of indifference which is designated by the one or by the two, but the single letter is generally attached to the body which is of most importance in chemical phenomena. Thus, S. is sulphur, whilst Si. and Se. denote silicon and selenium respectively. The symbols of compound bodies are constructed by grouping to- gether the symbols of their constituents ; thus, Pb.O. represents a com- pound of oxygen and lead ; C.H. N.O. a compound of carbon, hydro- gen, nitrogen, and oxygen. The algebraic sign of addition is frequently used to connect symbols, as, Cl + S chloride of sulphur, I +K iodide of potassium. But I shall use that sign only where I wish to express that the bodies so connected are united by an inferior degree of affinity ; thus, Cl.Ca. is chloride of calcium dry, but when crystallized, it becomes Cl.Ca. -f- 6H.O. in which the + sign is used to show that the water is united with the Ca. Cl. by a power distinct from, and inferior to, that which retains Ca. and Cl. in combination. Water thus combined is often represented by the symbol Aq. : for water is capable of acting in a variety of ways in combination, and, as will be shown when we come to 204 Nature of Chemical Affinity. speak of the chemical relations of water, it requires to be expressed sometimes as H.O. and sometimes as Aq. But that which requires special notice, in speaking of symbolical nomenclature, is, that it involves essentially the idea of numerical re- lations. Thus, the symbols Pb. or Cu. do not call up to the mind of the chemist the simple ideas of lead or copper, but of a quantity of lead, and of a quantity of copper, in the proportion of 103'6 and 31*7 which is termed an equivalent of each. Thus, also, the Symbol PbO. signifies not merely a compound of lead and oxygen, but specially a compound of an equivalent of lead, and an equivalent of oxygen, in the proportion by weight of 103*6 of lead and 8'0 of oxygen. It is thus that the symbol PbO 2 , or Pb + 20, which represents also a com- pound of lead with oxygen, shows to the chemist that this second body contains to the same 103'6, of lead, twice as much, or 16*0 of oxygen, as had existed in the former. PbO is, therefore, protoxide, and PbO 2 is the deutoxide of lead. The details of the application of those symbols involve thus the nu- merical laws of constitution, which have yet to be described ; and hence it is unnecessary to develope their arrangement further at present. It Avas necessary to allude so far to them when speaking of nomenclature, as I may have occasion to introduce some of them in a general way in the next chapter. CHAPTEE VI. OF CHEMICAL AFFINITY, AND ITS RELATIONS TO HEAT, TO LIGHT, AND TO COHESION. SECTION I. GENERAL NATURE AND RESULTS OF THE ACTION OF AFFINITY. THE peculiar power by which we suppose chemical phenomena to be produced, is specially distinguished from cohesion, and from all other forces in nature, by exerting in the different kinds of elementary or compound substances various degrees of energy ; and by its capability of acting upon certain bodies exclusively, and in preference to acting upon others, which, so far as physical circumstances go, appear equally exposed to its effects. Thus, if to some liquid muriatic acid there be added a mixture of lime and alumina, the lime will all dissolve in the Principles of Elective Decomposition. 205 acid, before any trace of the alumina will be taken up. If a slip of iron be placed in a cup of nitric acid, a large quantity of deep red fumes are immediately expelled from the acid, with an appearance of boiling or effervescence ; and the iron disappears, being taken up by the liquid in place of the substances which had been expelled. If a slip of copper be dipped in the acid, the same effect is produced : but, if the iron and copper be left together in the acid, no action takes place upon the copper until the iron shall have been totally dissolved. The muriatic acid, therefore, presented equally to lime and alumina, combines with the lime in preference, and the nitric acid takes up copper, giving off, to make room for it, a quantity of gaseous elements (nitrous acid fumes) it had previously contained; but it will take iron in preference to copper, if the two be presented to it at the same time. Chemical affinity is, therefore, elective ; it chooses among a variety of bodies which it will act upon, and is thus different from cohesion or gravity, which will act upon all bodies equally exposed to their influence at the same time. In the example of the metal and nitric acid, there is involved a second phenomenon, which, equally with elective affinity, is characteristic of chemical force. It is decomposition. The copper cannot dissolve in the nitric acid without the expulsion of another substance. By a simpler example, the decomposition may be rendered more evident. Sulphuret of hydrogen, consists of sulphur and hydrogen; if it be brought into contact with iodine, the iodine expels the sulphur, and takes the hydrogen ; the sulphuret of hydrogen is decomposed, and a new body, iodide of hydrogen, is formed. Here the hydrogen chose between iodine and sulphur, and preferred the former : the greater affi- nity for the iodine caused the decomposition. Hydrogen has, however, a still more decided tendency to combine with chlorine ; and, if chlorine be brought into contact with iodide of hydrogen, the iodine is in its turn expelled, and chloride of hydrogen formed. Here is a series of decompositions depending on the relative power of the affinities of chlorine, iodine, and sulphur for the one body, hydrogen. Thus, by the elective affinity of an uncombined body, choosing among a variety of other bodies all equally uncombined, there is produced a new com- bination, containing that for which its affinity was strongest. But when an uncombined body is put in contact with two substances already united, it tends to separate them, to combine with one and to set the other free. If we could combine any one body, as hydrogen, for example, with every other of the simple substances, we might, by such experiments as those described with the sulphuret of hydrogen, iodine, and chlorine, obtain an idea of the exact order of intensity of the affinity of each of them for hydrogen, and could easily represent, under a tabular form, 206 . Nature of Chemical Affinity. such an idea. This has accordingly been tried, and was, indeed, the result of the first sound ideas of the nature of chemical affinity which were obtained. It was not done completely in any case, for even at present our knowledge is not sufficient to enable us to form a series, including all the simple bodies. It was particularly in the chemistry of the salts that the benefit of this principle was found ; and it was to explain and predict the result of the decomposition of salts that tables of elective affinity were constructed. It will be found that if lime and magnesia be placed together in contact with muriatic acid, the acid will act upon the lime before it acts upon the magnesia ; the affinity of lime for muriatic acid is there- fore greater than that of magnesia for the same acid, and hence, if to a solution of magnesia there be lime added, the magnesia will be expelled and the lime will take its place. If to the solution of lime, soda be added, the lime will separate, and the soda may be in turn expelled by pot- ash. On the other hand, there are many metallic oxides which exert a still more feeble affinity than magnesia ; thus, if to a solution containing oxide of iron, magnesia be added, the oxide of iron is thrown down and the magnesia taken in its place. In this manner may be arranged a series of compounds, consisting of different bases, in union with the same acid ; and by observing the order of decomposition by each other, a view of the relative affinities which they exercise may be formed. If also a series of acids be combined with the same base, a similar view of their relative affinities may be drawn up. Thus, when a solution of potash is exposed to the air, it absorbs carbonic acid, for which, there- fore, the potash has an affinity of a certain energy ; on adding acetic acid, the carbonic acid is expelled, and acetate of potash formed ; on adding nitric acid, the acetic acid is expelled from it, and nitrate of pot- ash formed ; and from this, by means of sulphuric acid, the nitric acid may be recovered, the potash remaining in the state of sulphate. The results so described may be exhibited as follows : by writing in a column the names of the different acids, in the order of their affinities for a certain base, (soda) which is placed at top. Similarly in a column, at the top of which is placed the name of a given acid, the various bases in the order of their affinities may be written. Thus, Soda. Muriatic Acid. Sulphuric acid. Potash. Nitric acid. Soda. Muriatic acid. Lime. Acetic acid. Magnesia. Carbonic acid. Oxide of Iron. Eor the simple bodies similar lists might be constructed : thus, in the same way as the series of affinities for hydrogen already noticed, a Order of Elective Decomposition. 207 table of affinities of the different metals for oxygen may be drawn up from observation. If to a solution of nitrate of silver, in which the silver is combined with oxygen, a globule of mercury be placed, |it dis- solves, and the silver is set free. By dipping into the solution of nitrate of mercury a slip of copper, the mercury is thrown down, and the cop- per takes its place. From the nitrate of copper the metal may be thrown down by lead, and the lead again precipitated by a plate of zinc. The affinities of the simple bodies for each other may be therefore expres- sed, taking hydrogen and oxygen as illustrations, by the following columns : Hydrogen . Oxygen . Chlorine, Zinc, Iodine, Lead, Sulphur, Copper, Mercury, Silver, in which any body in the list may expel all below it from combination, and will itself be expelled by every body below which it stands. Such is simple elective affinity ; but it often manifests itself in a more complex form, as when it acts among a greater number of bodies than three, and by the mutual action of two compound bodies, two new ones may be formed. Thus, when nitrate of lime is decomposed by potash, there is simple decomposition, and the lime is set free ; but if in place of pure potash, we employ carbonate of potash, the result is, the formation of carbonate of lime : for when the potash leaves the carbonic acid, to go to the nitric acid, and the nitric acid leaves the lime, to go to the potash, the carbonic acid and the lime, finding themselves in presence of one another, unite and precipitate as car- bonate of lime. The nature of the decomposition may be more clearly shown from the figure : C Nitric Acid, Potash, > Lime, Carbonic Acid, J The bodies existing before mixture being composed of those written above one another, and those formed by decomposition consisting of those which are in the same horizontal line. This action is termed double decomposition. In the example just stated, the difference between it and simple decomposition may appear to have been accidental, the potash acting precisely as if it had been free, and the lime and carbonic acid uniting, only because they came into contact, without any other ties, and hence combined together ; but the peculiarity of double decomposition is, that by means of it, reac- tions may occur which could not have been produced by simple affinity, and which, on the contrary, appear to have been produced in opposition 208 Nature of Double Decomposition. to it. Thus, ammonia cannot decompose nitrate of lime; on the con- trary, lime will take nitric acid from ammonia ; and yet if we mix a so- lution of nitrate of lime and carbonate of ammonia, they decompose each other, and by double elective affinity, there are formed nitrate of ammonia and carbonate of lime. As in the former diagram, the several compounds, before and after mixture, are found arranged in the hori- zontal and vertical lines of the diagram : Nitrate of Ammonia. Nitrate of Lime. { ""^ <&+*. } Carbonate f An o " i! <- Carbonate of Lime. In fact, in order to understand the cause of such double decomposi- tion, we must take into account not merely the affinity of the ammonia for the nitric acid, but that of the lime for the carbonic acid. Thus, if the affinity of lime for nitric acid be represented by 80, and that of ammonia for nitric acid be represented by 70, the lime will be the stronger, and can, when by itself, expel ammonia ; but if the carbonic acid intervene, and the affinity of lime for carbonic acid be 50, and of ammonia for the same acid be 30, then decomposition must occur; for the forces preventing decomposition are the affinities of nitric acid for lime, and of carbonic acid for ammonia, that is, 80 + 30=: 110; whilst those tending to cause decomposition are the affinities of nitric acid for ammonia, and of carbonic acid for lime, =70 + 50 = 120; the latter are the more powerful, and the constituents, of the two salts consequently exchange places. The former affinities are termed the quiescent, the latter the divellent affinities, and whenever the sum of the divellent is greater than that of the quiescent affinities, decompo- sition must occur. Thus, the simple affinity of hydrogen for sulphur is much greater than that of mercury for sulphur, and the affinity of mercury for chlo- rine is much greater than its affinity for sulphur ; and yet, on bringing chloride of mercury into contact with sulphuret of hydrogen, complete decomposition ensues, chloride of hydrogen and sulphuret of mercury being produced. In this case the affinity of mercury for chlorine being 20, and for sulphur being 10 ; the affinity of hydrogen being for sul- phur 15, and for chlorine 30, the result may be shown as follows : Chloride of Hydrogen. 30 Chloride of Mercury. 20 j jjjJSJ^ idtfST' } 15 Sulphuret of Hydrogen. 10 Sulphuret of Mercury. Order of Affinity not Constant. 209 the forces producing decomposition being, 30 -f 10 = 40, and greater than those, 20 + 15=: 3 5, which tend to keep the elements as they were. Such are the results of chemical affinity manifesting itself in its simple, and in its more complex forms ; hence there would appear to be nothing more easy than to determine the scale of affinities, and to construct a series of tables in which all existing substances should find their place, and all possible cases of chemical decomposition might be foretold with the same accuracy, as the law of gravitation allows the disturbing effects of a new planet to be calculated ; but unfortunately for the simplicity of expression which the laws of chemical affinity should thus assume, new and unexpected complications arise and em- barrass all our explanations ; thus, if we take muriatic acid and form a table of the affinities of bases for it, we shall find that it is as given in No. 1, and constructing for sulphuric acid an independent column, we shall find it to be as in No. 2. No. 1. Muriatic Acid. No. 2 Sulphuric Acid. Oxide of silver. Barytes. Potash. Strontia, Soda. Potash. Barytes. Soda. Strontia. Lime. Lime. Magnesia. Magnesia. Oxide of silver. Here the order is quite reversed, for oxide of silver, the strongest base in one column, is the weakest in the other; and barytes and strontia, which manifest the most intense affinity for sulphuric acid, are found but mid-way among the bases arranged in order of strength for muriatic acid. Which column must be taken as representing the true order of aifinities ? What principle is there by which these conflicting testimonies of experiments may be brought to correspond ? The answer is, that neither table is exclusively correct; that these lists, although showing the order of decomposition, and thus exhibiting to the eye most usefully, the result of a great number of experiments, must not be supposed as strictly showing to us the order of the affinities of these bodies, unless we apply thereto a variety of corrections, arising from those numerous and important causes which influence and disturb the simple action of affinity, and frequently invert altogether the results, which, if unimpeded, it would have produced. For the chemical action of two bodies does not arise simply from their chemical affinities, but results from the combined influences of heat, electricity, cohesion, and other physical agencies, which frequently 14 210 The Power of Affinity Influenced modify the chemical forces to a remarkable extent. By a change of temperature, an affinity originally weak may be made to preponderate over one, previously much stronger; by electrical conditions, the strongest and most direct chemical affinities may be overcome ; accord- ing as the cohesion of the acting bodies may prevail, decompositions, simple or compound, may be produced in opposite ways ; and thus a chemical result is not the simple consequence of affinity, directly acting, but is the resultant of a number of forces acting in different directions, and with variable intensities, of which affinity is but one, although that one which, for our object, is the most important. It is indeed fortunate for the intellectual progress of mankind that it is so ; for, on the variability of the intensity with which chemical affinity may be exerted, depends the existence of the infinite variety of organ- ized and inorganic beings which people and beautify this earth. Had mere affinity been omnipotent ; had those bodies which attract each other most powerfully, been in all cases able to combine, and that there had been no means of dissolving their connexion when once formed : im- mediately on the origin of our globe, those bodies which have the most powerful affinities would have satisfied them by entering into eternal union ; those next in power would subsequently have satisfied their ten- dency to combine, and long since all nature should have been arranged into some few chemical combinations, the breaking up of which could not be accomplished by any existing force. The complex changes of animal and vegetable digestion and respiration could not go on, the working of the metals, the chemical arts of civilized life could not have been invented, and the planet which we inhabit should have revolved in space a barren and uninhabitable ball. The action of these modifying causes may be easily exhibited by one or two examples. It has been already described how a solution of mu- riate of lime is decomposed by carbonate of ammonia ; carbonate of lime being precipitated, and muriate of ammonia remaining in the liquor ; but if, in place of bringing these substances into contact in solution, they be brought to act on each other at a high temperature, the result Is exactly the reverse. If muriate of ammonia and carbonate of lime be heated together without water, carbonate of ammonia is found to be sublimed, and muriate of lime remains behind. If watery vapour be brought into contact with metallic iron heated to bright redness, it is decomposed, one of its constituents, oxygen, combining with the iron, the other, hydrogen, being set free ; here evidently the affinity of iron for oxygen is greater than that of hydrogen. But if oxide of iron be heated to redness also, and hydrogen gas be passed over it, the oxygen is totally removed by the hydrogen in the state of water, and metallic By External^ Modifying Causes. 211 iron is set free ; here the order of affinity is exactly the reverse ; and we shall soon discover the cause to which it must be attributed. The philosopher who first declared that the order of decomposition was not the order of affinity, and pointed out the importance of attend- ing to the other forces that modify it, was led by his observations to assert that the power to which we have attached so much importance, elective affinity, had no real existence ; he said, that chemical union dif- fered from mechanical cohesion only in being exerted between the par- ticles of different substances, and that in all cases where certain bodies combined in preference to others, the source was to be found in the ac- cidental and external circumstances. On his ideas, the force by which the particles of a fragment of sulphate of soda are united, differs from the force by which the sulphuric acid is united to the soda, only in the fact that the cohesion unites particles of the same kind, whilst affinity unites particles of different kinds. A salt dissolved in water should thus be held in solution by chemical attraction. Two pieces of lead which adhere together are retained by mechanical cohesion, but if a piece of lead adhere to a piece of tin, or a drop of water to a surface of glass or metal, the union should be attributed to chemical affinity. It will be seen hereafter, that a great deal of this peculiarity of view arose from the principle of indefinite chemical combination, which although supported by the amazing talents of Berthollet, has been finally and totally given up. We do not now consider such phenomena as solution to be produced by chemical affinity, for we require that a chemical com- pound should have parted with the properties of its constituents, and acquired peculiar properties of its own, in order to prove its title to the name. But it is still by no means easy to fix upon the limits, beyond which the change of properties must pass. A change of state of aggregation is one of the most common evidences of chemical combination, as where muriatic acid and ammonia, both gases, become solid; oxygen and hydrogen, both gases become liquid ; water and bichloride of tin, both liquid, become solid, and innumerable other cases. The production of heat, and often light, is one of the most universal attributes of chemical action ; and hence for many ages the explanation of the phenomena of combustion included all that was of importance in the philosophy of chemistry. A change of volume is also very frequent, though not so universal, and consequent on this change of volume a change, generally an increase, of specific gravity of the body from the mean specific gravity of its constituents; thus, when oxygen and nitrogen unite to form nitrous oxide, the volume of the compound is but f of that of the mixed constituents; when nitrogen and hydrogen unite to form ammonia, 212 Characteristic Distinctions Between Affinity and Cohesion. the resulting volume is but J of that of the gases mixed before combin- ing; if 100 volumes of alcohol be mixed with 100 volumes of water, the mixture will occupy but 196 volumes, and on mixing similar quan- tities of water and oil of vitriol the resulting volume is but 185. Change of colour also frequently occurs, but in all these cases, although such marked results indicate an intimacy of union that can scarcely be ex- plained by mere cohesion, yet other physical forces may intervene, and in addition to the evidence of chemical action already stated, the most important and necessary still remains, change of chemical properties. I have, on several occasions, mentioned change of properties as cha- racteristic of chemical combination, but it may be proper here to enter into a few detailed examples of its nature and its source. Chemical affinity is not a single force, giving to all bodies within its influence the same properties, though it may be in different degrees. On the con- trary, the power which confers upon bodies their chemical properties is of two kinds, antagonistic to each other, and such that, by acting with equal energies, their effects are mutually destroyed. Gravity, in acting upon bodies, acts upon all bodies in the same manner ; the molecular forces, which determine the hardness, the ductility, the solid, or liquid condition of bodies, may make one body more or less hard or ductile than another, or they may render one body solid and another gaseous ; but it is not in the nature of cohesive forces to render the hardness of one body opposite to the hardness of another, so that together they may produce soft. Yet such is the nature of the sources of chemical activity ; thus sulphuric acid and soda are actuated by affinities for each other ; the same force which gives to them their tendency to combine, gives to one the properties of an intense acid, and to the other the cha- racter of a powerful alcali ; yet these forces are so peculiarly related to each other, that, when the bodies have combined, the acid and the alca- line properties disappear, and there results a substance, formed by their union, (Glauber's salt,) innocent, inactive, with little tendency to com- bine, destitute of chemical affinity for other bodies, yet containing in itself constituents which may be again set free, and exhibited with all their active properties. The force of chemical affinity is, therefore, exerted only between bodies possessing opposite qualities, and, by their union, a substance is produced possessing qualities which are not the mixed qualities of its components. The forces which produce cohesion and solution are found most active where the resemblance between the bodies is most complete. Thus, metals adhere most powerfully to other metals, and for their solution, mercury, a liquid metal, can alone be used ; salts dis- solve in water always most easily when they show their resemblance to Diversity of 'Chemical Properties. 213 it by already containing water of crystallization in their mass ; inflam- mable bodies, as sulphur and phosphorus, do not dissolve in water, nor in acids, but in liquids, themselves inflammable, as ether, sulphuret of carbon, and the oils; camphor, the resins, the fatty matters, require also, for their solution, fluid menstrua of analogous, oily, and spirituous natures. It is the contrary with chemical combination ; the more com- plete the opposition of properties may be, the more intense is the affinity by virtue of which combination is effected : a metal combines with oxygen or chlorine : ether, or a metallic oxide combines with the acids to form salts. In all these cases the opposition of properties is the cause of the chemical affinity, and the neutralization or change of pro- perties is its effect. Thus, the gases, ammonia, and muriatic acid, a caustic alcali, and an intense acid, form the solid sal-ammoniac, a neutral salt, destitute of the active properties of its constituents : thus carbon, hydrogen, and nitrogen, elements of our daily food, combine to generate the most active poison that has been found, the prussic acid, and this prussic acid by further combination with oxide of iron, and with potash, shall generate a yellow salt, which is perfectly without action on the living body, and which, under the name of ferro-prussiate of potash, is of daily extensive employment in the arts. The elements which, mixed together, constitute our atmospheric air, combined in one proportion, form a gas, which, when breathed, pro- duces agreeable intoxication, (nitrous oxide ;) in other proportions, a deep orange-coloured gas, (nitrous acid,) which, by intense cold, may be ob- tained liquid ; and in an intermediate form, a gas colourless and trans- parent, (nitric oxide,) which when mixed with air, produces, by combin- ing with its oxygen, the nitrous acid. In all these cases new properties are assumed ; the characters of the constituent elements furnishing no means of predicting the properties of the compound. This clear distinction between chemical affinity and cohesion was not perceived by Berthollet ; and hence, misled by the supposed existence of compounds, which connected together the extremes of chemical and mechanical force, he advanced the principle, that the differences ob- served between them arose solely from external circumstaces. This principle has been rejected ; but the discussion to which it was sub- jected showed the importance of attending to the influence which ex- ternal circumstances really do exercise, and which is frequently in prac- tice more powerful than the force of affinity itself. It is, therefore, necessary to study in detail the influence of the external physical agents upon chemical affinity. 21 4 Influence of Cohesion on the SECTION II. RELATION OF THE MOLECULAR FORCES TO CHEMICAL AFFINITY. 1st. Influence of Cohesion. A diminution of cohesive power among the particles of one body, allows those of another to come into closer approximation to them, and favours the chemical action of the two bodies. Thus, the ancient chemists, expressed the influence of cohe- sion by the Latin proverb : Corpora non agunt nisi sint soluta ; bodies do not act unless they be dissolved. And of all forms of matter, liqui- dity is that in which chemical action is most rapid and most energetic. There are many instances of bodies acting on each other, although in the solid form. Thus, when chlorate of potash and sulphur, or chlorate of potash and sulphuret of antimony, are rubbed together, the mixture explodes from the rapid decomposition which ensues. When fulminate of silver, or iodide of amidogen, are even slightly touched, detonation follows. In these cases, the original arrangement of particles must have been so instable, that the imperfect approach produced by me- chanical mixture, or the slight change of position arising from a sudden shock, was sufficient to cause a new mode of combination. But, if such cases as these be considered as exceptions, we may look upon solid bodies in general as being without chemical action on one another. In the gaseous form of matter, chemical affinity appears to be con- trolled and weakened by the mutual mechanical repulsion of the gaseous particles. Thus, oxygen and hydrogen, bodies whose affinities are so strong, may remain in contact as gases for an indefinite period. Nitro- gen and hydrogen have no apparent tendency to unite when mixed. Hydrogen, in the form of gas, is without action on carbon, or arsenic or phosphorus; although under other circumstances it unites with them, forming characteristic bodies. In order to obtain the full che- mical action of gaseous bodies, they must be brought into play at the moment of their being set free, or formed ; in their nascent state, as it is termed. It may well be, that, when water is decomposed, and that hydrogen is liberated, there is a moment before the hydrogen actually assumes the permanently elastic form, being then perhaps liquid, and in a highly concentrated condition, its affinities are manifested with extraordinary force. It is the same with other gases ; they act always with their full power only in their nascent state. The influence of cohesion, in determining chemical action, is, how- ever, of much greater importance in another way, as serving, upon the Order of Chemical Decomposition. 215 principles of Berthollet, to explain the anomalous discordance between those experiments upon which the tables of the affinities of bodies for each other had been constructed. Thus, it has been shown, that in a table of affinities of the bases, oxide of silver would appear to be the strongest base, if we used muriatic acid : barytes should be looked upon as the most powerful, if sulphuric acid had been employed; whilst, if the relation of the base to nitric acid were taken as the standard, potash would be found to excel the others. In such cases, the diversity is to be ascribed to the influence of cohesion ; and in all cases of the mutual action of various bodies in solution, the result is found to be, the formation of such compounds as are least soluble. Let us imagine a quantity of sulphate of soda and nitrate of potash to be dissolved in water. Each acid is attracted at the same moment by both bases, and each base by both acids, so that there occurs a division of each acid between the two bases, and of each base between the two acids. There are thus in solution sulphate of soda and sulphate of potash, nitrate of soda and nitrate of potash ; and whilst the solu- tion is dilute all remains so, but if the liquor be very much concen- trated, the sulphate of potash, being a sparingly soluble salt, is . depo- sited in crystals, and a new distribution . takes place in the mother liquor. Supposing all sulphate of potash removed, and that there remain sulphate of soda, nitrate of soda, and nitrate of potash, the remaining potash divides itself again between the acids, and a new portion of sulphate of potash is formed, which, by a new crystallization, may be separated. In this way, according as the evaporation is con- tinued, new quantities of sulphate of potash are consecutively formed, until there remains in solution neither potash nor sulphuric acid, but only soda in combination with nitric acid. Here, then, supposing the chemical affinities of potash and soda, of sulphuric and of nitric acids, to be exactly equal, the decomposition which actually occurs, and the manner in which it really takes place, are explained perfectly by the greater cohesion of the sulphate of potash and its consequent sparing solubility. In like manner, ordinary hard water contains soda, muriatic acid, lime, and sulphuric acid. The soda is certainly the stronger base, and the sulphuric the stronger acid; and yet, on evaporating such water, the salt which first crystallizes is sulphate of lime, and on continuing the evaporation all sulphuric acid may be removed in combination with the lime. For the acids and bases being divided among one another in solution, there coexist sulphate of lime, sulphate of soda, muriate of lime, and muriate of soda. But when the liquor is concentrated, the sulphate of lime is first deposited, and a new quantity being formed, 216 Mode of Arrangement of Acids all its constituents are eliminated in combination, precisely as the sul- phate of potash was separated in the former case. In these instances the separation of the least soluble ingredients took place by degrees, and, as it were, artificially ; but if any one of the substances produced be perfectly insoluble, it is at once and in full quantity expelled. Thus, when we mix together solutions of nitrate of barytes and sulphate of soda, there is instant formation of sulphate of barytes, and the solution contains only nitrate of soda. But even here, although the formation of the sulphate of barytes appears instant- aneous to the senses, it yet may, in point of fact, be just as gradual as in other cases. Thus, there may have been a moment after mixing the solutions, when there were present dissolved together, nitrate of barytes, nitrate of soda, sulphate of soda, and sulphate of barytes ; in the next moment the latter precipitates, and the barytes in solution, still dividing itself between the two acids, another quantity is formed. This then precipitates, and thus, in a space of time that is too small to be de- tected, the quantity of barytes in the solution is reduced to the mere trace of sulphate which the quantity of water can dissolve, and which is too small to be detected by our ordinary tests. The nature of double decomposition depends thus on the relative solubility of the compounds formed. In whatever way the most inso- luble bodies may be generated, the decomposition occurs. It is thus that, on mixing solutions of carbonate of ammonia and of nitrate of lime, there are formed carbonate of lime and nitrate of ammonia ; not merely that the divellent affinities were more powerful than the quiescent forces, but that the insolubility of the carbonate of lime produced its separation from the liquid, and hence the union of the substances which compose it. The inversion of affinity, which is produced by the influence of cohe- sion, is not limited to cases of double decomposition. There is no doubt but that acetic acid is a stronger acid than carbonic acid, and on adding acetic acid to a solution of carbonate of potash in water, the carbonic acid is expelled, and acetate of potash formed. Yet, if a stream of carbonic acid gas be passed into a solution of acetate of pot- ash in alcohol, the salt is decomposed, acetic acid being set free, and carbonate of potash formed. The cause of this is the insolubility of the carbonate of potash in alcohol ; for, on the first action of the car- bonic acid, the potash divides itself between the two acids, and there is formed some carbonate, which is thrown down ; then another quan- tity, which also separates, until ultimately all is precipitated, and thus one of the feeblest acids may overcome the affinities of another which is much stronger. And Bases whitft Co-exist in Solution. 217 By this principle of distribution of acids and bases, we are thus enabled to account for a variety of facts which appear totally opposed to affinity, if it were not subject to such modifications ; but, although it is so convenient for explanation, it should not be admitted as a prin- ciple in science, if there could not be adduced evidence of its actual and independent truth. That it does occur in many cases, cannot well be doubted ; thus, the solution of sulphate of copper in water is of a rich blue colour, and that of muriate (chloride) of copper, of an eme- rald green. Now, on mixing muriatic acid with a solution of sulphate of copper, the blue solution is immediately changed to green, showing that the weaker acid has divided the oxide of copper with the stronger, although, so far from precipitation occurring, the new compound is the more soluble of the two. Also on mixing a solution of sulphate of iron with sulphocyauic acid, the liquor becomes intensely blood-red coloured, showing that a quantity of sulpho-cyanide of iron has been formed, although the sulpho-cyanic acid is much weaker than the sul- phuric, and no precipitation occurs to favour its production. These, and many other such examples which might be brought for- ward, show that the opinion of Berthollet, that the acids and bases, when mixed together in solution, arrange themselves so as that each base shall be divided among all the acids, and each acid among all the bases, is in a great many cases true, and that it is one of the most fruitful sources of the decompositions which occur in our experiments ; but it remains to be decided whether it is universally true, and whether if all acids and bases act thus equally on one another, we should aban- don the idea of chemical affinity being elective. The answer to this question has been long since received in science. The principle of Berthollet does not hold always, for numerous instances may be produced where this partition of acids or of bases does *not take place. Thus, boracic acid and sulphuric acid both redden litmus, but the former colours it of a port wine colour, whilst the latter tinges it of the red of an onion skin. If a quantity of borax (borate of soda) be dissolved in water, coloured blue by litmus, and some sulphuric acid be added thereto, the liquor becomes coloured wine-red from free boracic acid ; but although the slightest trace of sulphuric acid in excess would show itself by changing the red to that of the onion skin, no sign of it is found until all the boracic acid has been expelled. Here, there- fore, there is no partition of the base between two acids ; all the sul- phuric acid which is added unites with the soda, and all the boracic acid is expelled. If a solution of carbonate of soda be coloured blue by litmus, and sulphuric acid added, it may also be shown by the ab- sence of the peculiar red which free sulphuric acid gives, that there is 218 Distribution not Invariable. no division of base between the two. The carbonic acid is totally ex- pelled, and the sulphuric acid combines exclusively with the soda. If the solution be dilute, the carbonic acid remains dissolved in the liquor ; if it be concentrated, it is evolved in the gaseous form ; that makes no difference. Affinities are not, therefore, as Berthollet considered, all the same in power. The framers of the tables of affinity were right as to the general principle, that different bodies have different degrees of affinity for each other ; but they erred in supposing that they could construct a table of the absolute order of affinities. To sum up the details that have been given of the influence of cohe- sion on the affinities of bodies acting on each other in solution, it may be said, 1st, In almost all cases of precipitation, the nature of the double decomposition is determined much more by the fact of one of the bodies formed being insoluble, than by the resultant of the united affinities of the bodies which are engaged. 2nd, That where there is no separation of an insoluble or of a sparingly soluble compound, the acids and bases, if they differ very much in energy, are exclusively united, the strongest acid with the strongest base, and the weakest acid with the weakest base, and if there be not base sufficient to neutralize all of the acids, a corres- ponding quantity of the weakest acid being left out of combination alto- gether ; but, 3rd, That if the acids and bases be not very different in energy of affinity, they arrange themselves in such a manner that each base shall be divided between all the acids, and each acid divided between all the bases, in proportions which depend upon the quantities of each acid and of each base that may be present, and on its affinitary force. Thus, if there be two acids and two bases present, there will be four salts ; if three acids and three bases, nine different salts ; and generally, that the number of compounds in solution will be equal to the whole number of acids multiplied by the whole number of bases present. 2nd. The Influence of Elasticity. The absence of cohesion, or still more, the substitution for cohesion of its antagonist power repulsion, as shown by the property of elasticity in the form of gas or vapour, modifies chemical affinity in a perfectly analogous manner to that which has been already described ; for, precisely as the formation of an insoluble sub- stance in a liquid will enable lower degrees of affinity to preponderate by removing the body which is formed by its insolubility, so will repulsion or elasticity determine the production of such substances as, by their volatility, may be driven off, even though the affinities of their elements may be much feebler than those of other bodies. In all such cases the same principle of distribution, so fully described already, may be supposed to hold ; thus, a solution of sulphate of magnesia is perfectly decomposed Change m the Order of Decomposition produced by Elasticity. 219 by ammonia, the magnesia being precipitated ; but on mixing sulphate of ammonia with dry magnesia, and applying heat, the ammonia is ex- pelled, and the sulphuric acid remains, united exclusively with the mag- nesia. Supposing that there is little difference between the affinities of these two bases for sulphuric acid, the acid in the mixture may be divided between the two ; in each case there is free magnesia and free ammonia, for the acid is only able to saturate a part of each. In the solution the excess of magnesia is insoluble, and it is expelled ; in the dry way the excess of ammonia is gaseous, and it is driven off, and thus^ with the same substances and the same affinities, precisely opposite de- compositions are produced by the influence of cohesion and elasticity. The decomposition of muriate of lime by carbonate of ammonia in solu- tion has been already noticed, where carbonate of lime is formed in con- sequence of its insolubility. If the carbonate of lime and the muriate of ammonia so produced be dried and heated, the precisely reversed decom- position will take place ; there are at first produced muriate and carbonate of lime, muriate and carbonate of ammonia, and this latter being volatile at the high temperature which is used, is driven off, and new portions formed until the interchange of elements is complete. The boracic acid has been already noticed, as being one so feeble in its affinities, that the law of division of acids and bases does not hold with it, and that sulphuric acid can deprive it of every particle of base. This is quite true, as long as these acids are in the liquid form ; but, at a high temperature, the reaction is reversed. If a mixture of sulphate of soda and boracic acid be heated to redness in a crucible, the sulphuric acid will be driven off in consequence of its volatility, whilst the fixed boracic acid will remain combined with the whole quantity of base. The white, inert, earthy substance, silica (powdered flints,) the acid properties of winch are so feeble, that it is only from analogy that it is recognized by chemists to be an acid, may, at a high temperature, expel the most powerful acids from their combinations ; thus, the commonest sort of pottery is glazed by throwing over it, when at a bright red heat, handfuls of common salt; this is instantly decomposed ; the silica of the earthy material of the vessels combines with the soda of the common salt, and the muriatic acid is driven off in white clouds of elastic vapour. Here the acid, which is the feeblest when dissolved in water, may expel the strongest when the temperature is raised ; and admitting that in the commencement a parti- tion of the base between the two took place, even to a very small extent, the final and complete expulsion of the more volatile must result. Erom the great variety of compounds into which water enters, it is easily expelled, not that it is inferior in affinity to most other bodies, but from its greater volatility. We shall hereafter see reason for looking 220 Change in the Order of Decomposition upon water as being a base of considerable force, and entering into com- bination in forms which should possess considerable stability ; but when a compound of water is subjected to heat, the elasticity of the water diminishes its affinity so far that it may easily be expelled. The elasticity which certain elements possess, when free, may be a cause why the compounds which they form are easily decomposed by heat> if their actual affinity to one another be not considerable. Thus, the nitrate of barytes, which contains nitrogen and oxygen in combination with barytes, gives, when heated, a mixture of nitrogen and oxygen gases : nitrate of lead gives, when heated, pure oxygen and nitrous acid fumes. Chlorate of potash, by a high temperature, abandons all its oxygen gas, and the remaining elements, having a powerful affinity for each other, resist the increase of heat, and remain as chloride of potassium. When the decomposition of a body, by heat, is thus determined by the elasticity of one of its constituents, it is necessary, for the success of the process, that this constituent should be allowed freely to escape. If it be forced to remain enveloping the residual substance, the decomposi- tion ceases. Thus, by heating carbonate of lime to redness, it is resolved into lime and carbonic acid ; but, if the carbonic acid be not removed, the decomposition would immediately cease, and the carbonate of lime might be melted without being decomposed. The removal of the car- bonic acid is accomplished, in burning lime on the large scale, by the limestone being heated in a kiln, through which there is a continuous draught, by which the carbonic acid is carried off according as it is formed. The necessity for the removal of the carbonic acid may be shown by placing bits of white marble in a porcelain tube, heated to red- ness in a furnace, connected with a pneumatic trough, and fitted to a retort at the other end, by which steam may be passed into the tube ; at first, scarcely any carbonic acid is set free, but, by keeping up a supply of steam, the gas is rapidly produced, and the lime becomes very soon completely caustic. It is in this way, also, that we may explain the contrary order of de- composition that may be produced by oxygen, hydrogen, and iron. If metallic iron be in the tube, and the latter be kept full of steam, every particle of hydrogen which is formed is carried off : and there being then a space provided, into which the hydrogen can easily spread itself, the steam will be decomposed, and the iron converted into oxide. If, on the contrary, the tube contain oxide of iron, and be filled by a current of hydrogen gas, there is presented to every molecule of steam produced, room for its escape, and the formation of steam being thus favoured by its elasticity being allowed full play, the reduction of the metal is com- pleted. Produced by Various Modifying Causes. 221 Independent of its influence on cohesion, a change of temperature is capable of modifying the affinities of bodies in a remarkable degree- Thus, charcoal is not capable of being melted or vaporized, and yet although at ordinary temperatures quite inert, few bodies can resist its deoxidizing action at a red heat. Bodies which take fire when heated, do so in consequence of their affinity for oxygen being augmented by the increase of temperature. The action of the electric spark, in pro- ducing the explosion of gaseous mixtures, depends on its heating very much the few particles of gas which lie immediately in its path, and the combustion being communicated by them to the general mass. The affinities of bodies for each other appear to be thus exalted by the agency of heat in many cases, but the exaltation does not appear to be the same for all. Heat appears often to diminish the affinity of bodies ; thus the explosion of detonating compounds was so explained ; but this appears to arise from the heat really exalting the affinity of the more powerful constituents, so that new and more permanent bodies may be formed : thus fulminating silver explodes, not that its elements may separate, but that bodies of a more permanent constitution may be formed. The iodide and chloride of azote were looked upon as being examples of mere separation of elements on the application of heat, but Marchand and I have found that these bodies contain hydrogen, and that they are decomposed in consequence of the formation of hydrochloric or hydriodic acid. To produce many bodies of instable nature it is necessary to avoid the use of heat, not that heat diminishes the affinities of their elements in general, but that the heat enables those elements to satisfy their affi- nities better, by combining in a more stable form. In many cases, however, heat does appear directly to nullify the affi- nity of bodies, and produce decomposition. Thus, ammonia is resolved into nitrogen and hydrogen by passing through a red-hot tube, and Groves has recently shewn that by exposing steam to an intense heat it is resolved into its elementary gases. It has been mentioned that Berthollet considered affinity as being not elective, but that the combination of one body to another was de- termined by the circumstances under which they were placed ; and that in cases where many bodies of equal solubilities existed together, they were divided among one another in proportion to their masses ; but he, in this case, introduces a term which has caused great difficulty in the discussion of the doctrines which he advanced. He says, that the bodies mixed together combine, not only in proportion to their masses, but of their affinities, and hence might appear to admit that bodies had different degrees of affinity, and that this might, therefore, be elect- ive ; but, if I conceive his opinions rightly, the affinity of which he 222 Relation of Affinity to Neutralizing Power. spoke was not the force to which we assign the power of choice of one body over another, but that he carried on the analogy to cohesion, and considered, that the affinity of one body, A, to another, B, might be greater than to a third, c, not so as to make A unite with B, in preference to c, but that when it had been united with B it would hold it more firmly than it could retain c. This is like what is found with cohesion; if several bodies be placed beside each other they show no power of elective cohesion, but if they be brought into actual close contact, the degree of cohesion may be different for each. It is in this way that Berthollet recognizes a difference of affinity, and hence the obscurity that is often ascribed to his statement of his views, from the sense which he attached to the word affinity being mistaken. We owe to this philosopher an attempt at measuring this power of affinity, which, though incorrect, yet, as being one of the first steps made towards numerical laws in chemistry, deserves notice. He looked upon the neutralizing power of a body as being the measure of its affi- nity for another, and considered that the deviations from this rule arose from the influence of cohesion or elasticity : thus, the same quantity of potash is saturated by Sulphuric acid, 40 parts. Muriatic acid, 36 '5 parts. Nitric acid, . 54 Acetic acid, 51 Carbonic acid, 22 ,, Oxalic acid, 36 ,, Hence, if mere affinity were allowed to act, carbonic acid should be the strongest, and nitric acid the weakest in the list ; in like manner, the same quantity of sulphuric acid neutralizes Potash, . 48 parts. Lime, . 28 parts. Soda, V; 32 ,, Barytes, . 76 ,, Ammonia, 17 ,, Magnesia, 18 ,, and ammonia and magnesia should be the strongest of all bases, were it not for the insolubility of the one and the volatility of the other body. These numbers which are now known as expressing the quantities of substances that are equivalent to each other in combination, are fully recognized as totally independent of the force of affinity exercised by each body. As yet we have no other measure of affinity than the or- der of decomposition, controlled by the estimate of the influence which cohesion and elasticity may exercise. From the electrical relations of bodies, attempts have been made to estimate the relative affinities of chemical substances, the results of which will be described in their proper place. Influence of Light on Chemical Affinity. 223 SECTION III. ON THE INFLUENCE OF LIGHT ON CHEMICAL AFFINITY. Although attention has latterly been very much directed to the influ- ence of light on chemical affinity, from the accidental observation of some very remarkable circumstances connected with it, yet there have not been discovered as yet any general principles to which those results can be reduced ; and the greater number of the investigations that have been made are occupied by experiments of detail, which from their want of connexion and their multiplicity, cannot be successfully con- templated from any general point of view at the present moment. So far, however, as positive facts have been discovered, and as even plau- sible explanations of those facts have been suggested, I shall endeavour to represent briefly, the actual condition of our knowledge of this de- partment. In many cases, bodies which in obscurity remain totally without action on one another, are brought into combination by exposure to light, and the rapidity of their reaction is proportional to the brilliancy of the light. Thus, chlorine and hydrogen mixed, remain unaltered for any period in the dark ; if exposed to the diffuse day light, they silently combine : but explode suddenly if a direct ray of sunshine fall upon the mixture. Chlorine dissolved in water, if kept in the dark, remains a long time unaltered, but if exposed to sunshine, is rapidly converted in- to chloride of hydrogen, water being decomposed, and oxygen elimi- nated in a gaseous form. Chlorine unites with carbonic oxide only under the influence of light, whence the name Phosgene, a light formed gas, was given to the compound by its discoverer, Dr. Davy. Chlorine and sulphurous acid unite also, only when exposed to brilliant sunshine ; so much so, that but few days in summer are found bright enough to form the compound. The decomposing action of chlorine, iodine, and bromine upon organic bodies, which consists in the separation of hy- drogen, and the assumption generally of a corresponding quantity of chlorine, &c., in its place, is regulated also in a remarkable degree, by the brilliancy of the light under which this operation is carried on. Thus, even in summer, in Dublin, I never could deprive acetone of more than one-third of its hydrogen forming from C 5 H 3 O, the body C 5 H 2 Cl O; but in Paris, in summer, the chlorine removes another equivalent of hydrogen, and Dumas and I succceeded in obtaining the body C 3 H Clg O. In like manner, in bright sunshine, the action of 224 Influence of Light on Affinity. chlorine on pyroxylic spirit is so violent, that unless the vessel be care- fully shaded, the decomposition proceeds by a series of explosions, whilst I have found it exceedingly difficult in gloomy weather to produce any action whatsoever. Instances of this kind might be very much multi- plied, but those described are sufficient to point out the general manner in which light is found to act. It is still more remarkable, that chlo- rine gas exposed to sunshine, acquires the property of afterwards com- bining with hydrogen in the dark : it becomes tithonized, according to Dr. Draper, or more probably it is put into an isomeric condition, in which its electro-negative character is exalted. This power may be re- moved, and the gas detithonized by the inverse action of red light ac- cording to the observations of Dr. Draper. The action of light appears occasionally limited to the simple sepa- ration of bodies previously combined. Thus, colourless nitric acid, when exposed to sunshine, evolves oxygen gas, and becomes coloured yellow from nitrous acid which remains. The fading of Prussian blue patterns on cotton, which Chevreul found to depend on the escape of cyanogen, and the conversion of the blue into a white compound, con- taining less cyanogen, is also an example of this principle. Setting aside, for the present, the influence of light on the produc- tion of colouring matters in organic bodies, which shall be described as a portion of the chemical history of the individual substances, I shall now only advert to the action of light upon the compounds of the easily reducible metals, particularly silver, by the study of which sucli remarkable results have latterly been obtained. Scanlan first showed that when nitrate of silver blackens under the influence of light, its decomposition is produced by organic matter, as by contact with paper, or by the organic substance, which even dis- tilled water contains in small quantity. Chloride of silver also is affec- ted by light only when in contact with organic matter or with water, and in the latter case, also, most probably from acting on the organic matter which the water held in solution. When oil of vitriol is poured over chloride of silver, this is not altered by the light, the sulphuric acid combining with the water and probably destroying the organic matter therein dissolved. I apprehend that in most, if not in all cases of decomposition of a metallic salt and the reduction of the metal under the influence of light, a substance containing hydrogen, exclusive of the water of solution, must come into play. The decomposition of the salts of silver in contact with paper under the influence of light, has become of interest to the arts as a process for obtaining accurate copies, and is called photography, or photographic drawing. If a sheet of paper be washed with a very dilute solution of Photographic Drawing. 225 chloride, iodide, or better, bromide of potassium, and then with a solution of nitrate of silver, there is formed in the substance of the paper, chloride iodide, or bromide of silver, which being in contact with abundance of organic matter, is blackened by a very short expo- sure even to moderate light. If an opaque body be laid between a sheet of such paper and the light, the portions to which the light ar- rives become dark, whilst those under the object remain white, and thus the most delicate and complicated outlines of foliage or fibres may, by a few minutes' exposure to the solar rays, be fixed upon the paper with a degree of accuracy inimitable by the hand. To render such a drawing permanent, it is necessary to remove the silver compound under the pattern, for if it remained the blackness would gradually become uni- form over the entire surface, and the picture should become effaced. This is effected by washing the paper after the image has been com- pletely formed, by a solution of some substance capable of dissolving out all of the undecomposed salt of silver ; for this purpose, ammonia, hypo-sulphite of soda, or strong solution of common salt are those generally employed. The picture so produced is said to be negative, as it is formed by lights upon a dark ground ; but it may be converted into a positive picture, shaded in the ordinary manner by processes which will be found described in any special work on photography. Preparations of gold, of chrome, of iron, and of copper, have been also made the bases of photographic processes ; and, in fact, any metallic salt which decomposes, and deposits its oxide or metal under the influence of light in contact with organic matter, may be used for the purpose. The most remarkable features connected with the chemical agencies of light result from the recent experiments of Herschel. He has shown, as was slightly noticed when describing the general characters of light, that the chemical effects are not regulated by, nor limited to the luminous spectrum ; but by totally distinct rays, which, according to the sub- stance employed to show their decomposing action, may extend far beyond the visible limits on either side, or may stop short in the middle of the coloured space, and that the greatest effect, which generally occurs at the violet extremity of the spectrum, may be produced at other and widely distant points. A singular, and at present unaccountable, consequence of the action of the prismatic spectrum on paper impregnated with chloride of silver, is, that the spaces on which the coloured rays fall become coloured, acquiring a tint corresponding to that of the light incident upon them, so that the spectrum fixes its own image on the paper. Thus, the colours impressed were in one experiment : 15 226 Colouring Effects of the Chemical Rays. Spectrum Colours. Colours formed on the Paper. Extreme red. Mean red. Orange yellow. Yellow. Yellow green. Green. Blue green. Blue. Violet. Beyond the violet. None. None. Faint brick red. Brick rfed, pretty strong. Red, passing into green. Dull bottle green. Very sombre blue. Black, passing into metallic yellow. Do. Do. Violet, or purplish black. It is in the lavender coloured space that the chemical effects are ge- nerally most intense ; when the light of it had been concentrated by a lens, and received on a piece of prepared paper, the blackening was instantaneous ; precisely as if a red-hot body had been applied behind, or a smoky flame directed on the paper over all the space illuminated, and accurately making its outline. In the table of impressed colours just given, the red rays appear to have produced no effect ; but they are by no means destitute of action. When a quantity of diffused light is allowed to fall upon the paper, in addition to the more brilliant spectral colours, the chemical image is found to acquire a pure white prolongation beyond the red space, in which the darkening action of the diffuse light appears to have been suspended. The opposite extremities of the spectrum appear, there- fore, to have different powers, the darkening quality of white light being due to the difference between the two in favour of the violet end ; and it is probable that by a balance of action, a sensitive paper might be exposed to the action of united beams of brilliant violet and red light, and remain perfectly unaltered in its colour. Herschel did not, however, succeed so far. Paper blackened by violet light has that blackness removed by the action of red light upon it ; but it was found impossible to catch the point where the paper should be white, for, according as the black of the violet end passed off, the red impression was substituted for it. When, however, the different coloured rays were made to fall simultaneously on the paper, the neutralizing power of the opposite ends of the spectrum was beautifully shown. The blackening power of the more refrangible rays was suspended over all the space upon which the less refrangible rays fell, and the shades of green and sombre blue, which the latter would have impressed upon a white paper, were produced on that portion, which, but for their action, would have been merely blackened. Formation of Daguerreotype Images. 227 The paper with which those results were obtained, derived its sensi- bility to light from chloride of silver ; but the action of other salts of silver give such anomalous and variable effects, that no general principle whatsoever can be deduced from them ; thus, with bromide of silver, the blackening proceeds uniformly over the whole of the visible spec- trum, and the whitening effect is produced beyond it to a considerable distance. The subject has been shown by Herschel to be one of con- siderable importance and great extent ; and for the popular interest it excites, some clue to more general knowledge of its principles will pro- bably be soon obtained. The process lately discovered by Daguerre, of fixing the images of external objects upon a prepared metallic plate, is one which also de- serves attention, as being founded upon the chemical agencies of light, although hitherto there has been but little success in the attempts made to assign a theory of it. It is not complicated in detail. A plate of silvered copper is cleaned with dilute nitric acid, so that the surface of silver shall be absolutely pure, and is then exposed to the vapour of iodine, or better, chloride of iodine or of bromine, until a gold-co- loured pellicle of excessive tenuity is deposited upon it. In this state it is very sensitive to light. The plate so prepared is placed in a camera obscura, and the image of the object required is allowed to remain on it for a space of time, which varies with the brightness of the light. When it has been sufficiently exposed, it is removed, and submitted to the action of the vapour of mercury, by which the picture is rendered visible. As there still remains, however, a general sensibility to the further influence of light, this is removed by dissolving away all the excess of the chloride of iodine, or of bromine, and of the salt of silver formed, by a solution of hypo-sulphite of soda. The shadows remain then marked by smooth amalgamated surfaces, and the lights, by the corresponding portions being of a dull grey colour, possessing only a power of diffuse reflection. The theory of the production of photographic images cannot be con- sidered as being yet perfectly established, notwithstanding that the processes of the art have been so extensively practised, and so variously modified. The views which I originally put forward as to their cause still appear to me the most satisfactory, and have been since then sup- ported by additional evidence. It is certain that we must recognize two perfectly different sources of photographic impressions. The one where a metallic salt is decomposed by an organic substance, under the influence of light ; and the second where there is no organic substance, and, as I conceive, the. action is purely molecular. The first class give the results of common photography, chromotype, calotype, &c. ; the 228 Formation of Daguerreotype Images. second class of actions is that of the daguerreotype, and the actions discovered by Moser, and ascribed by him to latent light* It has been the popular idea, that under the influence of light the iodide of silver on the daguerreotype plate was decomposed, and iodine set free, whilst the reduced silver so presented afforded a surface on which the mercurial vapour deposited itself. But there is no evidence whatsoever of iodine so becoming free, and the recent researches of M. Claudet, the eminent daguerreotypist, have quite excluded the idea of any such chemical decomposition. Mr. Claudet, verifying HerscheFs discovery, that the red rays had the power of reversing the action of the blue light, found that an iodized plate that had been fully acted on by blue or white light, might be brought back to its sensitive state, the picture obliterated, and it made ready for a new picture, by a suitable exposure to red or yellow light, and this for several successive times. Hence there could be no chemical elements disengaged, for if so, there was no way for them to get back ; but each ray had the power of pro- ducing a molecular action which was opposite for the blue and the red rays. By this molecular action of the light, the iodide of silver on the plate obtains a surface of such structure, that the mercurial vapour de- posits on it more or less according as the light has been stronger and the structure more developed. Thus the picture is formed, precisely as the radiation of the bodies, even in the dark, by rays which do not affect the eye, which have shorter waves than even the lavender light, and which probably approximate to the condition of low temperature heat waves, has the power so affecting the molecular condition of sur- faces as that when breathed upon, complete pictures of the most minute details of the radiating surface are produced. The influence of colour on the production of pictures, by Daguerre's process, is very marked ; the images of green objects are scarcely at all defined ; so that the method is scarcely applicable to taking landscapes. Bed and orange are also very feeble in their effect * but blue even so in- tense as to be not at all bright, is more powerful than a brilliant white light. In order, therefore, to produce good effects, objects should be selected either white, or of colours from which red and orange should be absent. The fixation of colours in a manner similar to that discovered by Herschel, and already noticed, has been remarked in Daguerre's pro- cess, although so irregularly that no advantage has as yet been taken of it for technical uses ; but I have myself seen on more than one occasion^ where a deep blue sky was interspersed by patches of bright white clouds, a perfect picture of the sky in its natural colours to be formed upon the plate. Time-worn stains, and marks upon the surface of stone buildings, are also occasionally represented in their natural colours. In the majority Of Catalysis or Actions by Contact. 229 of cases, however, where colours are produced upon the plate, they do not correspond in position or tint to those of the natural objects whose image had been obtained. From the assemblage of facts which have been now referred to, it is evident that the solar light contains some power immediately distinct from its heating or illuminating qualities, which influences the force and nature of chemical action in a very remarkable degree, as well as shows itself capable of profoundly affecting the molecular structure of bodies. Our ideas as to the nature of the force will, of course, depend on our conceptions of the nature of light and heat. Dr. Draper of New York, who has studied the subject with great care, proposes to give to this force the name, Tithonicity, and to term those actions Tithonic. Sir J. Herschel, to whose researches this branch of science is equally indebted, suggests the words actinism and actinic forces. I shall not attempt to decide which should be employed, as both possess the important character of good names that of being independent of any hypothesis of the cause of those phenomena ; and the essential requisite of good nomenclature, that of not involving any questionable theoretical ideas. SECTION IV. OF CATALYSIS, OR ACTIONS BY CONTACT INDEPENDENT OF AFFINITY. The decomposition of compound bodies is frequently effected by the intervention of causes, which cannot be referred to ordinary affinity ; and in many cases, bodies which have but little tendency to unite, enter into combination when brought into contact with a substance for which neither has affinity, and which remains, after the action is completed, perfectly unaltered. Thus, when hydrogen and oxygen mixed together, in a gaseous form, are brought into contact with a clean slip of pla- tinum, they gradually unite ; and so much heat may be evolved by their rapid combination, as to ignite the platinum, and explode the remainder of the gas. In this case, we seek to explain the phenomenon, by sup- posing that the platinum condenses powerfully on its surface a layer of mixed gaseous particles, and thus brings them within the sphere of their mutual attraction. But this explanation does not apply to other cases. If we boil starch (C, 2 H 10 O JO ) with diluted sulphuric acid, it is converted successively into dextrine, gum, starch-sugar, and finally crystallizable grape sugar, (C, 2 H 12 O|2) having associated to itself the constituents of two equivalents of water. At the termination of the process, the sul- phuric acid is found unaltered in properties and in quantity; so that Of Catalysis and Analysis. the smallest portion of sulphuric! acid is sufficient to convert into sugar, an indefinitely great quantity of starch. If oxamide (C 2 O 2 NH 2 ) be dif- fused through water, Jin contact with the smallest possible quantity of oxalic acid, it gradually disappears, and appropriating to itself the ele- ments of an equivalent of water, is converted into neutral oxalate of ammonia, (C 2 3 + NH 3 ) : the small quantity of oxalic acid originally added remaining unaltered and in excess. Among the instances of decomposition by forces of this kind, the oxygenated water (H0 2 ) may be taken as an example. This substance, when pure, separates spontaneously, after some time, into water and oxygen gas, but its decomposition may be rendered violent and instan- taneous, by putting it into contact with finely divided metallic platinum, or metallic silver, or black oxide of manganese, or fibrine, or a variety of other bodies. In all these cases the body added remains quite un- altered ; no affinity can be traced between it and the oxygenated water, the mere presence of the foreign body appearing to cause the decom- position. Berzelius, who first directed general attention to these phenomena, proposed to attribute them to a peculiar force, differing from ordinary affinity. When one body is decomposed by another, in virtue of a superior affinitary power, the decomposing body combines with one element of the body which is decomposed, and the other is then ex- pelled. It is in this way that we obtain the constituents of bodies by ordinary analysis, and for distinction, he proposes to term such decom- positions as those just described, operations of catalysis, and to name the power which these bodies have of acting by mere contact, a catalytic force. It is evident, certainly, that by giving a name to this class of phe- nomena, we are enabled usefully to contemplate them as a group, and to examine, more easily, their relations to each other and to ordinary action; yet the word catalysis really teaches us nothing of the phe- nomena, and it is indeed very improbable, that such varied cases of union and separation should be derivable from one single force. It is hence necessary, before concluding on the nature of this action, to trace it through a greater variety of cases, and to revert briefly to the con- ditions of affinity by which the elements of compound bodies are held together. The elements of a compound substance are retained together in a certain molecular arrangement, because the affinities are then satisfied ; but it is natural to suppose, that whilst the elements remain the same, their affinities for each other might be just as completely satisfied by a different molecular arrangement. The original body might therefore be Catalytic Effects of Heat. 231 changed into another, by a change in the action of its own particles, independent of any substance acting chemically on it from without; and hence the principle of catalytic decomposition resolves itself into a means of disturbing the molecular equilibrium of a compound body, so that it can only be restored when the particles are differently arranged. Catalysis may, therefore, be produced not merely by the presence of various bodies, but still more remarkably by the action of physical agents, amongst which, heat is the most powerful ; thus, when acetate of lime (C 4 H 3 O 4 Ca) is strongly heated, the equilibrium of its molecular group is overturned, and when the affinities again satisfy themselves, two new bodies result, acetone and carbonate of lime (C 3 H 3 and CO 3 Ca.) Destructive distillation is therefore a catalytic process, and the origin of all pyrogenic products is to be traced to the new conditions under which the affinities are satisfied, which had originally united the elements of the body exposed to heat. The sudden decomposition of explosive bodies by an elevation of temperature, or by a slight blow, is traceable to the same disturbance of the old equilibrium, and establish- ment of the new. A most important means of thus setting into motion the particles of bodies, and enabling them to re-arrange themselves under new forms, consists in bringing them into contact with a substance already in a state of decomposition ; thus if oxygenated water be brought into contact with oxide of silver, the decomposition is propagated to the latter, which is completely resolved into oxygen and metallic silver ; if peroxide of lead be used, it is converted into protoxide by the escape of half its oxygen, and even the black oxide of manganese may be re- duced to the state of protoxide, if the solution contain an acid ; in all these cases, the decomposition, which commenced with the oxygenated water, extends to the metallic oxide, in virtue of the motion communi- cated to their particles, enabling the new arrangement to be effected. In some instances, in organic chemistry, this principle is still more beautifully shown. If a solution of sugar (CjaHnOn), be brought into contact with a little decomposing gluten or yeast, it unites with the elements of an equivalent of water, and divides itself into two equiva- lents of alcohol, 2 (C 4 H 6 02), and four of carbonic acid, 4 (C0 2 ). If a solution of urea (CONH 2 ) be put in contact with yeast, it unites also with an atom of water, and is then decomposed into ammonia (NH 3 ) and carbonic acid. The conversion of starch into sugar in the pro- cesses of germination and of malting is effected by a substance which accompanies the starch in the grain. This substance is called diastase, and is analogous in most of its properties to vegetable gluten. The slow decomposition of the diastase communicates to the molecules of many thousand times its weight of starch, the degree of motion neces- 232 Catalytic Effects ascribable to sary for their rearrangement, and the appropriation of the elements of water requisite for the formation of starch sugar. If platinum, which is by itself totally unacted on by nitric acid, be alloyed with silver, the alloy dissolves in dilute nitric acid without leav- ing any residue. Pure copper is not acted upon by dilute sulphuric acid ; but when it is alloyed with nickel and zinc, as in the argentine or German silver of commerce, it dissolves completely. In these cases the molecular action which produces the combination with the acid, was not possessed by the platina, or copper, when alone, but is acquired by them ; being transmitted by the other metals with which they are aUoyed. It may not be easy to reduce to the action of this principle all phe- nomena of catalysis ; for in the imperfect light by which we contemplate them, it is possible that we may rank together circumstances whose real nature is very different ; but, at all events, we must recognize in this principle, the definite introduction of which into science is due to Lie- big, a cause of chemical decomposition peculiarly important in explain- ing the complex reactions of organic bodies. It is remarkable, also, that this law, of which the simplest expression is, that where two che- mical substances are in contact, any motion occurring amongst the par- ticles of the one may be communicated to the particles of the other, is of a more purely mechanical nature than any other principle as yet received in chemistry; and when more definitely established by suc- ceeding research, it may be the basis of a dynamical theory in chemistry, as the law of equivalents and of multiple combination expresses the statical condition of bodies which unite by chemical force. These peculiar catalytic actions may, however, be also looked upon as differing from ordinary afnnitary decompositions only in the primary dis- tributing force being so feeble or so disguised as to escape direct observ- ation, and revealing itself only in the more intense secondary consequences of its agency. Playfair has recently drawn attention to the clearness and simplicity with which many apparently catalytic decompositions may be explained upon this view : thus, dilute nitric acid has no action on oxalic acid, but if a small quantity of a protosalt of manganese be added, violent action commences, and the oxalic and nitric acids are resolved into carbonic acid and nitrous fumes : C 2 O 5 and N0 5 giving C 2 O 4 and NO 4 . Yet the salt of manganese added may not undergo any change. In this case we may suppose that the protoxide of manganese tends to become peroxide in contact with the nitric acid, but the peroxide imme- diately converts the oxalic acid into carbonic acid, and thus although we could not show the existence at any moment of any quantity of peroxide of manganese, its potential or transient formation may cause the action. the Communication of Motion 233 Similarly, dilute nitric acid has no action on indigo, but if some oxide, as alumina, or peroxide of tin be placed in it with, a cloth dyed blue by indigo, the presence of the metallic oxide, which has some affinity for more oxygen, will so disturb the equilibrium of the fifth atom of the oxygen of the nitric acid, that it will separate itself and fasten not on the oxide however, but on the indigo, and will bleach the latter with evolution of nitrous fumes. This loose condition of the fifth atom of oxygen is in fact shown in the relation of most nitrates to heat. It is not nitric acid that is expelled, but a mixture of nitrous acid and oxygen gas, NO 4 and O. The instability of the union of the elements of nitrous acid itself, ren- ders it like yeast (as noticed, page 231,) a source of many catalytic actions; thus, urea unites readily with nitric acid, and produces a pure white salt, nitrate of urea. But if nitrous acid be put in contact with urea, there is immediate absorption of water and formation of carbonate of ammonia, CO 2 +NH 3 from CO NH 2 and HO. Similarly, though uric acid is converted simply into alloxan by pure nitric acid, it is totally broken up into oxalic acid and ammonia, if the nitric acid contain even a trace of nitrous fumes. It is quite reasonable to suppose, as Playfair suggests, that prior to decomposition taking place in any ordinary reaction, the atoms engaged must be brought into a condition in which the bond that had previously united them is loosened, if not dissolved, and yet before they actually pass into the new permanent condition. Now, affinities may be easily conceived so far to act as to produce the former condition of instability, and yet not fully determine the final action, and in such case if any new element be introduced, though seemingly inactive, and having no special affinitary powers, yet the slight addition of disturbance which it causes, may just turn the groups of molecules over the point of tottering equili- brium, and cause the sudden manifestation of powerful affinity to take place. When protoxide of manganese is added to a solution of chloride of lime, peroxide of manganese is formed and chloride of calcium, Mn O and Cl. O. Ca giving Mn O.^ and Ca Cl. This is evidently by the play of common affinity, but if we add peroxide of manganese to a warm solution of chloride of lime, we have oxygen gas copiously evolved, and chloride of calcium formed whilst the peroxide remains unaltered. Here would appear Catalysis, but in reality the peroxide of manganese tends to form manganic acid, and to cause the decomposition of Mn O 2 and Ca Cl O into Mn O and Ca Cl, but its affinity is not strong enough for that. The atom of oxygen becomes loose between Mn 2 and CaCl, and not being strongly fixed by either escapes as gas. Its elasticity, as des- 234 Relation of Catalysis to Affinity. cribed page 220, overcoming the slight affinity which should attach it to either. Further, when chlorate of potash has been melted but not suffi- ciently heated to decompose, if some powdered peroxide of manganese be thrown upon it, oxygen gas is immediately given off in abundance. Here the tendency of the manganese is to form manganic acid, but the manganic acid cannot exist free at that temperature ; it cannot retain the oxygen it has taken, nor can the chloride of potassium formed take it back ; and, accordingly, the oxygen is evolved as gas, the chlorate is converted into chloride of potassium, and the peroxide of manganese remains apparently unchanged. Those examples will serve to illustrate how influential in producing decompositions may become, slight secondary affinities, to which we should be disposed in our ordinary mode of view to attach little jimport- ance. There is, at least, as much probability in the view that the catalytic force is merely a modified form of chemical affinity exerted under peculiar conditions, as there is in ascribing it to an unknown power, or to the communication of an intestine motion to the atoms of a complex molecule. A catalytic body is considered by Playfair as one which acts by adding its own affinity to that of another body, or by exerting an attraction sufficient to effect decomposition under certain circumstances without being powerful enough to overcome new conditions, such as elasticity and cohesion, which occasionally intervene and alter the expected result. Such are the views now held by chemists regarding those interesting classes of phenomena. We shall find occasion in a future chapter to connect them with important discussions as to the molecular structure and chemical constitution of the more complex bodies, and shall probably therein obtain additional light for illustrating the real nature of the force to which, as affinity, chemical action has been so far referred. 235 CHAPTER VII. OF THE LIGHT AND HEAT DISENGAGED DURING CHEMICAL COMBINATION. IT has been already noticed that the union of substances, having che- mical affinity for each other, is accompanied by increase of temperature; and in cases where the affinity is powerful, the effect may be so great that the bodies shall become luminous : in such instances the chemical action is said to be accompanied by combustion. In considering the re- lations of this phenomenon to affinity, it will be necessary to notice, first, the general circumstances of combustion ; secondly, the relation between the amount of affinity and the quantity of heat evolved ; and, finally, the explanations that have been offered of the origin of the light and heat. In ordinary language, a body is said to burn when its elements unite with the oxygen of the air, and form new products. The accompany- ing phenomena are in general those on which popular attention becomes fixed, and for which the process is generally carried on ; and hence, to the world at large, combustion is of importance only as a source of heat and light. One of the bodies, as hydrogen or sulphur, is termed the burning or combustible body, and the oxygen is said to be the supporter of combustion ; but this language, although convenient for common use, is incorrect as a scientific expression, for oxygen may be burned in a vessel of hydrogen, as well as hydrogen may be burned in a vessel of oxygen gas ; the one and the other being equally active in the process, and being related to each other in every way alike. In combustion, as indeed in all cases of combination, no particle of matter becomes lost or annihilated ; it assumes new forms, in general gaseous and invisible to the eye of popular observation, but easily collected, weighed, and analysed by the means that chemistry possesses. The solid coal or wood which burns to ashes, changes but its external aspect ; mixing with the general mass of air under the form of carbonic acid gas and watery vapour, its elements become the food of living plants, which, in their 236 Products of Slow Combustion. turn, cut down or fossilized, form to succeeding ages the stores of light and warmth such as we now enjoy. There are but few bodies endowed with so great an affinity for oxy- gen as to enter into combustion at ordinary temperatures by contact with it. If they do combine at ordinary temperatures with oxygen, the products are not those which combustion would tend to generate, but a distinct class of substances containing a smaller proportion of oxygen combined. Thus, nitric oxide gas, combines with oxygen, even when quite cold, forming red fumes of nitrous acid gas, which is an inferior degree of oxidation. Phosphorus, wlien burning at common tempera- tures, emits but little light, and forms phosphorous acid ; if it be heated, it bursts into brilliant flame, and forms phosphoric acid, which contains Jth more oxygen. Potassium combines at common temperatures with oxy- gen, forming potash ; but when heated, it burns with flame, and com- bines with three times as much oxygen. In the complete combustion of organic matters the products are always water and carbonic acid. Thus, woody fibre, which is C.HO. combines with 20 to form C0 2 and HO. ; and alcohol, which is C 2 H 3 0, combines with 60 to form 2(C0 2 ) and 3 (HO). But at common temperatures the slow oxidizement of woody fibre produces the black vegetable mould, a form of ulmine, the CHO taking O. to form CH0 2 . At common temperatures alcohol be- comes acetic acid, the C 2 H 3 O combining with 2O to form C 2 H 2 O a and HO. The pyroxylic spirit at common temperatures becomes, by slow combustion, formic acid, C 2 H 4 O 2 taking 4 to form C 2 H 2 4 and 2 (HO). This slow combustion produces heat, although so much less than is evolved by the more rapid process, that it may easily be overlooked. But if a number of sticks of phosphorus be laid together, and allowed to oxidize, they will warm each other so much as to melt and burst in- to vivid flame. The oils and tallow, if there be a large surface exposed to the air, as when cotton or linen rags imbibed in oil, lie in a heap, combine so rapidly with oxygen to form a sort of resin, that by the heat evolved the mass will be set on fire, and hence the origin of those spon- taneous fires, so called, which consumed the naval arsenal at St. Peters- burgh, and, in many cases, cotton mills in England. To this cause also may be ascribed the light which issues from points in the surface of a marsh or bog, and the luminous appearance which fish assumes when decomposition has just commenced. The energy of this slow combus- tion may be much increased by heat applied below the point which produces rapid action : thus tallow, when heated below redness, burns with a pale lambent flame, invisible in daylight, but still so marked, that if it be plunged into a vessel of oxygen the whole mass bursts into Products of Slow Combustion. 237 brilliant combustion, forming then the ultimate products, water and carbonic acid. On tliis fact of the increased energy in the process of slow combus- tion produced by a heat below that at which the body is inflamed, is founded the construction of the lamp without flame, or the aphlogistic lamp. If a tall narrow wine glass be moistened inside with strong al- cohol, or ether, and then a coil of fine platina wire, or a ball of spongy platina heated to redness, be suspended in the middle of the glass, it will remain red until all the alcohol or ether has been exhausted. The glass becomes filled with a mixture of air and inflammable vapour, which, by the influence of the heated platina, is enabled to combine and form acetic and formic acids. By this combination heat is evolved, which prevents the cooling of the wire or ball, and thus, as long as any combustible material remains, the platina is kept ignited. The platina ball or wire may also be (and in practice generally is) fixed over the wick of a spirit lamp, and the lamp having been ignited, is blown out as soon as the platina has become red, which then continues to glow until the lamp has been emptied of the spirit ; the latter ascending through the capillary wick, and forming over its top a little explosive atmosphere in which the ball of platina is immersed and works. This property of platina appears to depend on the power which it possesses of attracting to its surface in a condensed form a layer of par- ticles of whatsoever gaseous mixture it may be immersed in. Hence, if its surface be in the slightest degree soiled it ceases to exert this action, and by increasing the surface its energy may be augmented in a remark- able degree. The form in which it is most powerful is that of the slightly coherent spongy mass, obtained by reducing at a full red heat the ammonia-chloride of platinum ; if a ball of the metal so prepared be plunged into a vessel of oxygen and hydrogen, mixed in suitable proportions, to form water, the gases instantly explode ; for the oxygen and hydrogen, being absorbed by the spongy platina, are brought into intimate contact upon its surface, and unite, thereby evolving so much heat, as to raise the temperature of the platina ball to redness, and thereby inflame the remaining gas. The action of the spongy platina may be weakened by mixing it with some pipeclay, or using, as in the aphlogistic lamp, the platina in the form of plate or wire. In this way all combustible gases may be caused to combine gradually with oxygen, but they require different temperatures, and the action is modified by the presence of other gases, in a manner which is often taken advantage of in gaseous analysis. The most remarkable application of this property is to procure in- stantaneous light by means of the hydrogen gas lamp. A vessel f t 238 Action of Spongy Platina on Gaseous Mixtures. contains dilute sulphuric acid, into which the tube of the vessel gh dips nearly to the bottom, having at- tached a piece of ordinary zinc e. The vessels being ground air-tight where they fit to one another; when the stop-cock b is closed, and that the acid acts on the zinc, the hydrogen evolved cannot escape, and, press- ing on the liquid in f, forces it up into h, until the acid falling below the level of the zinc, the action ceases. To the stop-cock I is attached a jet c, in front of which is fixed a ball of spongy platina a, which, being in the air, has always condensed in its pores a quantity of oxygen gas ; on opening the stop-cock, the hydrogen, issuing from the jet, strikes upon the platinum, and combining with the oxygen, heats the ball so highly, that it inflames the jet of gas, and thus affords a flame, at which any other substance may be lighted. This lamp has assumed a variety of forms, of which the above is that which best shows its principle. All bodies possess this property to a slight extent, par- ticularly when hot ; but in none is it active enough to be usefully ap- plied, except in platinum. The temperatures at which bodies enter into rapid combustion are very various ; thus, phosphorus inflames at a temperature of 1 20 P., and sulphur at 300 E. Phosphuretted hydrogen gas inflames at all ordinary temperatures, whilst hydrogen requires a dull red, and carbu- retted hydrogen a bright red heat, before they will take fire. The in- flammability of phosphorus has been shown by Graham to be affected by the presence of small quantities of various substances, in a very curious manner ; thus, phosphorus may be sublimed in air saturated with vapour of oil of turpentine, without any tendency to combustion, or combination with oxygen, being evinced. Combustion occurs only at the point where the two substances which enter into union are in contact. Thus in an ordinary flame the true combustion is limited to a thin sheet, inside of which is totally dark, and occupied by the combustible material of the burning body in a state of gas. This is easily shown by holding over the flame of a candle or a spirit lamp, a piece of wire gauze, the burning sheet is marked by a ring of light, but the interior is dark, although full of inflammable vapour, which passes through uninflamed, and may be ignited on the opposite side of the gauze. In the flame of an ordinary candle a four distinct portions may be observed, having totally distinct constitutions ; at the base of the flame ii a pale, blue coloured light is emitted, for there the air is in excess, and the combustion is at once Constitution of Flame. 239 complete ; higher up from i i to c the combustible material is in excess, and the most brilliant light is produced by the active combination ; this portion is surrounded by a sheet of much paler and yellower light, e e, which is observable particularly at the sides of the flame, whilst the inside of the flame b remains completely black, and is occupied only by vapour incapable of burning from having no access to the ex- ternal air. The light emitted arises also from the circumstances of the combination; the temperature of flame is, in all cases, exceed- ingly high, although often but little luminous, for it is found, that a current of air, hot enough to brilliantly ignite a solid body, is itself not at all incandescent. Hence, in all cases where bright light is pro- duced in combustion, one of the bodies engaged must be solid, and the light is really derived from its becoming ignited. Thus hydrogen and sulphur give, in burning, very little light, because the one is a gas, and the other, when burning, is in the state of vapour, and the products of combustion are, when formed, in both cases, gaseous. Phosphorus when it, in burning, forms a volatile body, gives but little light, but when it forms a fixed product, is one of the most brilliant instances of combustion. Iron and zinc, which form solid oxides, burn with great light, and carbon, although forming a gas, being itself solid, produces light also. In the case of a candle, the source of light is to be found in the decomposition which the inflammable vapour inside of the flame undergoes from the high temperature to which it is subjected ; one half of its carbon is deposited in the solid form, forming smoke, and it is this smoke, which becoming ignited, constitutes the great source of light. A body which could not form smoke, could not give out much light in burning. The separation of this carbon (soot) in the flame may easily be shown by placing over the flame of the candle a sheet of wire gauze ; below the middle of the luminous space, the flame becomes dull, and the carbon, which in burning should have rendered it brilliant, passes, as smoke, through the gauze, and may be inflamed above ; when the supply of air is insufficient, this smoke is not completely burned, and a corresponding quantity of heating and lighting material is lost, and, as it carries off with it a great quantity of the heat already formed, it actu- ally cools the flame. When, therefore, a high temperature, or a clear flame, without smoke, is required, all carbon must be consumed. This is effected by a variety of contrivances : in the burner of the Argand lamp, or gas jet, a current of air is established through the centre of the flame, and thus the combustion of the inflammable vapour much acce- lerated ; in the flame of the blow-pipe the same effect is produced, by the current of air from the bellows or the mouth ; and on a large scale by the numerous ways of burning smoke, so necessary in factories 240 Constitution of Flame. situated in large cities. In the employment of the blow-pipe, the con- stitution of the flame is of great importance, for according as the body to be heated is placed at b, where the oxygen of the air preponderates, or between a and b, where it is immersed in an atmosphere of inflammable material., the most opposite effects of violent oxi- dation, and of reduction from the state of oxide, may be produced. Thus a glass of copper be- comes green at b } and red from a to b ; a glass of manganese is ren- dered purple at b, but colourless from a to b ; there being few bodies whose relations to the blow-pipe can be completely known without a comparison of the effect of the oxidizing and reducing flames. The intimate nature of flame has been recently studied by Professor Draper. It appears from his researches, that the light evolved by flame contains, in every case, all the prismatic colours, and that the peculiar tint of any one flame depends only on the dominance of some one coloured ray. The different coloured lights are not, however, uniformly mixed in flame, but, as Dr. Draper has beautifully shown, disposed in a series of concentric shells, superposed, so that their intersection would form a spectrum more or less perfectly prismatic according to the nature of the burning body. The less refrangible, or red tints, form the internal, and the more refrangible, or violet tints, the external shells ; and, in fact, it is a general result of Dr. Draper's investigation, that the colour of the light produced in combustion depends on the heat evolved, the rays becoming more refrangible according as the tempera- ture of the burning body rises, and less refrangible as the heat becomes less intense. Thus the flame of a smoking candle, changes from reddish white to blue when it becomes intensely hot from the blow-pipe. During combustion the heat evolved is at first absorbed by the body which is then produced ; but it is afterwards distributed through the mass of all neighbouring bodies in proportion to their conducting powers. It is easy to calculate the temperature to which the product of the combustion is in the first place raised. Thus eight parts of oxygen unite with one part of hydrogen by weight to form nine of water. If watery vapour had the same capacity for heat as water, the temperature of the vapour produced should be, since one part of oxygen heats twenty-nine of water, 180 degrees, = f (29 x 180) = 4640 above the freezing point ; but the capacity of watery vapour in equal weight is only 0*847, and therefore it is more easily heated in that pro- portion than liquid water ; hence the temperature really produced is = 4640 x 0*847, or 5478 above the freezing point of water. If, how- ever, instead of pure oxygen, atmospheric air had been made use of, Cooling Effect of Apertures. 241 then 23'1 parts of oxygen are mixed therein with 7 6 '9 parts of nitro- gen, which must be heated to the same temperature with the watery vapour, and of course at its expense. The capacity of nitrogen gas for heat is 0*2865, one-third that of watery vapour ; but in the air which is necessary to form nine parts of water, there are 26- 8, or almost ex- actly three times as much nitrogen, so that precisely one-half of the quantity of heat produced is absorbed by the nitrogen, and the tem- perature of the mixture rises only to 2739 above the freezing point. Such being the temperatures produced by hydrogen gas in burning in oxygen and in atmospheric air, it is easy to understand why we can by its power fuse those substances which resist almost every other means. The melting point of cast iron is 2786, that is almost exactly the same as that produced by hydrogen burning in the open air, but the temper- ature of 5478, given by hydrogen burning in oxygen, is very nearly double that, and passes, therefore, far beyond the melting point of pla- tinum, and exceeds the heat of all our other artificial fires ; it is only in the discharge of the Galvanic battery, or in the solar rays concentrated by a lens, that the heating effects of burning hydrogen and oxygen can be equalled. If the nitrogen had been present in a quantity ten times as great, it would have absorbed | of the amount of heat evolved, and hence the resulting temperature should be only about 500. Such a mixture, therefore, could not explode at all, for the first little portion which might be burned could not produce the necessary temperature for communicating the combustion to the mass. In this manner the com- bustibility of gaseous mixtures may be destroyed by mixing them with other gases, in such quantities as may cool them below the temperatures at which explosion can take place. One volume of a mixture of oxygen and hydrogen is prevented from exploding by the presence of nine volumes of hydrogen, six volumes of nitrogen, one of olefiant gas, two of ammonia, three of carbonic acid ; but with eight volumes of hydro- gen, or five volumes of nitrogen, explosion may occur. The greater density of solid bodies, and the greater rapidity with which they are capable of conducting away the heat which they receive, enables them in a still more re- markable degree to reduce the temperature of flame, and consequently to extinguish it. Thus, if a piece of metallic gauze be held over a jet of ignited coal gas, the flame will be arrested at the lower surface of the gauze ; and, although the gas and air may pass through, forming an explosive mixture, yet no inflammation can be propagated : and, if the mix- ture of air and gas be allowed to pass through the Construction of the Safety Lamp. metallic gauze, and then be ignited at its upper surface, it will burn there ; but although the space between the jet and gauze be occupied by in- flammable material, the flame cannot pass down; the metallic tissue conducting away the heat so rapidly as to prevent the temperature from rising to the necessary degree. Another and a very striking form of this experiment is, to lay on the metallic gauze a piece of camphor, and to hold it over a lamp ; the camphor will melt, and vaporize, but, as it melts, it will in part filter through the gauze : this portion takes fire, and a sheet of smoky flame covers the lower surface ; but above, the camphor in vapour mixes with the air without inflaming. The application of this principle to the construction of the safety lamp for mines, constitutes one of the most beautiful instances of the advantages which may practically flow from what, superficially con- sidered, might appear a mere abstract principle in science. The fire damp, or light carburetted hydrogen, which, issuing from the minute fissures in the excavations of a coal mine, is diffused through the air introduced for the purposes of ventilation, often forms an explosive mixture, which being set on fire by accident or negligence, detonates with awful violence, and destroys all living beings which may at the time be in the mine. This gas is one of the least easily inflammable, and hence, most fortunately for humanity, one to which the principle of cooling orifices may be most success- fully applied. The candle or lamp, 6, by which light is to be obtained for working in the mine, is surrounded by a cylinder of wire gauze, of about 1500 orifices in the square inch. Inside of this the in- flammable mixture may explode, but the flame cannot pass out. The combustion cannot be communicated to the general mass of external air, and thus the miner, guided by the never-failing indications of his safety lamp, passes along through galleries under ground, where the emis- sion of a spark would cause destruction, and measures, by the appearance of the lamp, the actual condition of the air he breathes ; the phenomena of the flame indicating also its fitness for respiration. If the air be pure, the lamp burns clear, as in the upper air ; if some fire damp be present, the lamp shows much less light, the flame becomes red and smoky ; if the noxious impregnation be still increased, the flame of the lamp itself Quantity of Heat Evolved in Perfect Combustion. 243 becomes extinguished, and the cylinder of metallic gauze is filled by a sheet of lurid flame ; the miner being then enveloped by an atmosphere fully explosive, and even fatal to life, if it be long respired. If he proceed still further, all flame is lost, for, as the fire damp then pre- dominates, there is produced, from deficiency of oxygen, only a slow invisible combustion ; but even this is made, by the sublime genius of its inventor, Davy, to give the miner the last warning to return to safer regions : a sheet of thin platina being coiled up, and hung over the wick of the lamp, becomes ignited, as in the aphlogistic lamp, and continues to emit a faint, but most useful beacon glow, until an atmos- phere is obtained, where there is oxygen enough to support rapid com- bustion, or until a place is reached, so destitute of oxygen, that no combustion whatsoever can take place. The determination of the quantity of heat produced during the com- bustion of a given quantity of combustible substance, is a problem of great importance in the arts, as on it depends the economic value of all varieties of fuel. The plan generally followed has been to burn the substance by means of the smallest quantity of air which is sufficient, in a vessel surrounded, as far as possible, with water. If it be found that the burning of a pound of wood heats 38 pounds of water from 32 to 212, no idea can be thereby formed of the quantity of heat evolved; but if, in another trial, it be found that the burning of a pound of charcoal raises the temperature of 76 pounds of water through the same range, it follows that the charcoal had double the calorific power of the wood. True relative numbers can thus be obtained, although they have independently no positive signification. The results obtained in this manner have been exceedingly discordant. By the researches of Despretz, Dulong, and of Bull, an idea, first suggested by Welther, appeared to be sustained, viz : that in all cases of combus- tion the quantity of heat evolved is proportional to the quantity of oxygen which enters into combination. Thus, Despretz found 1 lb. of oxygen, uniting with hydrogen, heats from 32 to 212, 29 Ibs. of water. ,, ,, charcoal, ,, ,, 29 ,, alcohol, ,, 28 ether, 28* This rule, however, must be liable to some very curious changes, for one pound of oxygen, in combining with iron, could heat, by Despretz's experiments, 53 pounds of water, or almost exactly twice as much as in the former list, and with tin and zinc the same double proportion held. With phosphorus a singular peculiarity was observed, which, when the subject comes to be more fully studied, may throw some 244 Theories of Combustion. light upon the former differences. When phosphorus burns slowly, so as to form phosphorous acid, it heats in combining with a pound of oxygen, 28 pounds of water ; but when it burns brilliantly, and forms phosphoric acid, the heat evolved is doubled, and becomes the same as that produced with iron, tin, or zinc. As a suggestion, I would re- mark, that, in the cases where the smaller proportion of heat is evolved, the products of combustion are all volatile, and where the larger pro- portion is produced, the products are fixed and solid : even in the case of phosphorus, when it combines, producing least heat, it forms a vola- tile product ; but one which resists a full red heat, in the case where the combination has been complete. Another peculiar anomaly is the relative amounts of heat given out in the combustion of carbon and of carbonic oxide. By burning 1 pound of charcoal, 76 pounds of water are heated from 32 to 212; but if that 1 pound of charcoal be converted into carbonic oxide, of which it forms 2*33 pounds, the burning of this gas will produce heat enough to raise 62 pounds of water through the same temperature. Here the final product of combustion is the same in both cases, being 3'66 pounds of carbonic acid ; but the heat evolved is not at all pro- portional to the quantities of oxygen absorbed. The 1 pound of char- coal takes double the oxygen that the 2*33 pounds of carbonic oxide takes; but the heat evolved is greater only in the proportion of 76 to 62. The accuracy of Welther's rule has been, however, altogether put in doubt by Grassi, who has made a very full examination of the quantities of heat evolved in combustion, and his researches appear to have been very carefully conducted. Taking the unit of heat to be 1 pound of water heated from 32 to 212, he found that, 1 lb. hydrogen, evolved 347 unities. 1 lb. carbonic oxide, evolved 19 units. 1 lb. charcoal 79 ,, 1 lb. olefiant gas ,, 91 ,, lib. alcohol 65 1 lb. marsh gas 125 1 lb. oil of turpentine 105 ,, 1 lb. pyroxylic spirit ,, 58 ,, These results are not at all proportional to the quantities of oxygen absorbed, but would rather favour an idea suggested by Hess, that a compound body, in burning, always emits less heat than its elements, if burning separately, should give. Thus, 1 pound of marsh gas gives out 125 units of heat; but the carbon of it, J pound, should give 57 units, and its hydrogen, \ pound, 89 units together, 146. There had been, therefore, 21 units of heat lost by the elements being pre- viously combined. Similarly, f pounds carbon and -f pounds hydrogen, would have evolved 116 units of heat; that is 25 more than the 1 pound of olefiant gas which they form had been able to give out. Theories-of Combustion. 245 This subject has been further examined, and, indeed, Welther's prin- ciple finally negatived by the investigations of Faber, Silbennan, and Andrews. Those chemists having determined the heat evolved by the combustion of a great variety of ethers and carbo-hydrogens, found by their results, that on subtracting the oxygen, together with the hydrogen necessary to convert it into water, the remaining elements do not de- velope as much heat as they should in a free state. They also examined sulphur in its different forms, and found that it evolved 23 units of heat. In its combination of sulphuret of carbon, which yields 34 units, the elements if free would have given 31 \ : that is, when combined they yield 2J more than when free. This result is opposite in direction to those previously quoted, and shews how much still remains before any general principle can be announced as positively true, either in the form proposed by Hess or "Welther. Hess has lately pointed out a relation between the amount of chemical action and the quantity of heat evolved, which may, when examined in a greater number of cases, lead to very important conclusions. He has found that sulphuric acid, in combining with any base, generates, in all cases, the same quantity of heat ; the rise of temperature is, of course, greatest when the acid and base are both in an uncombined condition, as where vapour of anhydrous sulphuric acid produces, by contact with dry barytes, brilliant ignition ; but although the barytes generates, by contact with dilute sulphuric acid, much less heat, yet, if the two quan- tities evolved, first by mixing the strong acid with water, and then the dilute acid with the base, be added together, the sum appears, from a great number of experiments, to be constant ; thus diluting oil of vitriol with water, and neutralizing it, so diluted, with ammonia, Hess found the heat in each case to be With Ammonia. With Water. Sum. OH of vitriol . . 595-8 . .. ./ ...... 595-8 First dilution . . 518-9 . . . 77'8 . 596'7 Second dilution V: 480-5 ... . 1167 . . 597'2 Connecting these results with those of Despretz just given for the bodies which unite with oxygen, it would appear likely that the quantity of heat evolved in chemical combination, may be connected with the equivalent number and the electrical condition of the substances, by a definite law which further investigation may disclose. M. Hess has endeavoured to extend this principle to the union of other acids with water and with bases ; thus, on uniting the three mineral acids with the more important bases, he found the quantities of heat evolved to be as follows : 246 Thermo-Chemical Equivalents. Sulphuric acid. Nitric acid. Muriatic acid. Potash . . 601 409 361 Soda ; j r , 605 410 368 Ammonia . '. 598 404 368 Lime .* .642 451 436 In this table it is shown that by the neutralization of sulphuric acid, by an aqueous solution of potash, 601 units of heat are evolved : the same acid combining with ammonia evolves 598, and with soda, 605. These numbers agree so well that Hess proposes to deduce the general principle, that the quantity of heat which a given acid evolves in union with different bases is the same in all cases, and to determine for each acid thus a number which should be its tkermo-chemical equivalent. From this principle follows also the condition of thermo-neutrality; thus, if we take two solutions of neutral salts, which have the same temperature, and produce by double decomposition two new salts, the temperature is not altered, provided the salts before and after the experiment are in the same condition of hydration. This phenomenon is perfectly explained by the numbers given above in the table of Hess' results ; thus, the therm o-chemical equivalents are- Before the mixture. After the mixture. CaO, NO 5 -f* Aq. .451 Ca O SO 3 + Aq. . 642 KO, 80s . . 601 KO, NO 5 ... 409 Sum . 1052 Sum . 1051 This subject has been also investigated by Professor Andrews of Bel- fast, whose results differ materially from those of Hess ; indeed, in some important respects, directly contradict them. From a very extensive series of experiments on the heat evolved by the union of acids and bases, it appeared that the quantity of heat was determined by the nature of the base, and not at all by the nature of the acid, which might be varied almost indefinitely without altering the result. The experiments were all performed with very dilute solutions to avoid the corrections for the heat produced when strong solutions of acids or alcalies are diluted. The method of operating was as follows : In separate glass vessels solutions of determinate weights were prepared, one containing the quantity of alcali whose power of generating heat was sought, and the other a little more than the equivalent of acid required for its neutralization. After the liquids had. acquired the same temperature, they were mixed together in the jar containing the alcali, and the increase of heat carefully observed by a delicate thermometer. This process was adopted from the facility of its execution and the uniformity of its results. It was, however, ne- cessary to allow for the large quantity of heat absorbed by the glass Laws of Tliermic Substitution*. 247 vessels ; and the necessary corrections for this object and, also for the specific heat of the liquids were determined by preliminary experiments. The result of these experiments may be expressed in the following table. An equivalent of each of the following bases evolve when neutral- ized by an acid the following quantities of heat ; thus, Magnesia . . 8*24 Ammonia . . . 5*52 Lime . . 7'10 Oxide of zinc . . 4-91 Barytes . . 675 Oxide of lead . . 3'98 Potash . . 6-52 Oxide of silver . . 3'23 Soda . . . 6-48 Oxide of copper . . 3-08 From these numbers Professor Andrews has inferred the following general principles : 1st. That the heat developed during the union of acids and bases is determined by the base and not by the acid : the same base producing when combined with an equivalent of different acids nearly the same quantity of heat, but different bases, a different quantity. 2nd. When a neutral is converted into an acid salt, by combining with one or more atoms of acid, no increase of temperature occurs. 3rd. When a neutral is converted into a basic salt, by combining with an additional proportion of base, the combination is accompanied with the evolution of heat. Looking to the constitution of all ordinary acids as salts of water, it is evident that the neutralization of that acid is in fact the replacement of the water by another base ; and hence the principle announced above may be better stated, that when the same base displaces water from any of its acid combinations, the same quantity of heat is evolved, and hence the law has been shown by Andrews to be susceptible of a much more general form of expression as follows. When any one base displaces another from any of its neutral combinations t the heat evolved is always the same, whatever the acid element may be, provided the bases are the same. By the series of experiments made for the purpose of verifying this general principle, Andrews found that the heat* evolved when the several bases were expelled from their neutral salts by potash, were as follows : Lime . . 0-36 Protoxide of iron . . I '74 Barytes . . O'OO Oxide of mercury . 1 '86 Strontia . . 0-00 Oxide of lead . . 2 -82 Soda . . 0*08 Oxide of copper . . 3'00 Ammonia . . 0'74 Oxide of silver . . 3'93 Oxide of manganese . 1 '07 Peroxide of iron . . 4*09 The thermic conditions of the precipitation of one metal by another 248 Thermo-Chemical Laws, from a solution of one of its salts, have also been examined by Andrews, who has announced the following expression of his results. When an equivalent of one and the same metal replaces another in a solution of any of its salts of the same order, the heat evolved is always the same, but a change in either of the metals produces a different developement of heat. By the expression, solution of a salt of the same order, is un- derstood a solution in which a similar precipitate is produced by the addition of alcali, or on one view of the composition of such salts in which the metal exists in the same state of oxidation. Thus equivalent solutions of the sulphate, chloride, acetate, and formiate of copper, gave respectively, 868, 860, 877, and 869 units of heat, when precipitated by zinc ; numbers which may be considered identical. The following table embraces the general results. The numbers expressing the cen- tigrade degrees through which a grain of water would be raised by the heat developed by the precipitation of a grain of metal are, Salt of Copper, precipitated by zinc Copper by iron Copper by lead Silver by zinc Silver by copper Lead by zinc Mercury by zinc Platinum by zinc 592 268 426 161 182 333 It also appears that if three or more metals, A, B, and c, be so related that A is capable of displacing both B and c from their combinations, and that B is also capable of displacing c, then the heat evolved in the substitution of A for c, will be equal to that developed in the substi- tution of A for B, added to that evolved in the substitution of B for c. By applying this principle, the amount of heat evolved in other cases of metallic decomposition may be calculated. An extensive series of experiments by Graham, on the change of tem- perature which accompanies the solution of salts in water, and the union of acids and bases, appear decidedly to support the general accuracy of Andrew's views ; and although the differences between his results and those of Hess, as to the heat of combination, will require further ex- planation, it must be recognised that we are indebted to the Professor in Belfast College, for the philosophical announcement of the numerical laws of thermo-chemical action. An interesting comparison has been made by Apjohn of the heat evolved by the combination of ammonia and of muriatic acid with water, and with each other, of which the following are the results. He found the quantities of heat evolved by Theories of Combustion. 249 Would raise the temperature of an equal weight of an atom water. of water. Ammoniacal gas passed into water . . 940 940 Muriatic acid gas passed into water . . 885o 1900 And that the heat evolved by passing ammonia gas into muriatic acid 2523 Muriatic acid gas into liquid ammonia 1527 It is evident that these numbers are complicated by the simultaneous developement of the heat of condensation and of the heat of neutraliza- tion of the alcali and acid ; and the discrepancies have led Dr. Apjohn to conclude, that although gaseous ammonia, when uniting with water, gives out its heat of elasticity, yet that if liquefied ammoniacal gas were brought into contact with water the production of a very intense degree of cold should be the result. At all periods in the history of chemistry, the explanation of the phe- nomena of combustion was that for which the general theory of the science was constructed ; and accordingly we find that every period of its progress has been marked by the views adopted to account for the heat and light so evolved. The coarse and unphilosophical ideas of the existence of a peculiar principle of inflammability, which prevailed be- fore Lavoisier's time, do not require notice ; but the theory which he proposed, although not now received, is yet like all his works, of so much interest and importance, that it would be improper to pass it over. When Lavoisier lived, the minds of philosophers were fixed in the opinion, that heat and light were positively existing substances, which might enter into combination, or be disengaged from combinations in which they had previously been engaged, just as lead or oxygen, or any other of the ordinary bodies we operate upon in our experiments. Gases were believed to be compounds of the true solid body with light and heat ; and, hence, when oxygen gas, combined with iron or with phosphorus, and assumed the solid form, the light and heat with which the real oxygen had previously been united, were set free. Hydrogen and oxygen gases, in combining to form liquid water, underwent the greatest condensation, and by their union, therefore, the greatest heat was evolved ; and in all such cases, where a gas became a liquid or a solid, this theory was fully competent to explain the facts. However, in very many cases it failed completely ; thus, by the union of carbon with oxygen, so far from a gas becoming solid, and so evolving heat, a solid becomes a gas, and should produce an equivalent degree of cold. La- voisier here brought to his aid the relative specific heats of the gases before and after union ; thus, if the carbonic acid, formed by burning carbon in oxygen gas, had a much less specific heat than oxygen, there 250 Heat of Combination derived from the might be evolved a quantity of heat in the same way as it occurs with water and sulphuric acid ; but this is not the fact : on the contrary, the carbonic acid has a specific heat greater than that of the oxygen gas it was formed from, in the proportion of 1195 to 808: and hence, on Lavoisier's views, an intense degree of cold should be produced in the combustion of charcoal, as well by the latent heat, which the solid should absorb in becoming gaseous, as by the increased specific heat of the gas so formed. This example is sufficient to show the way in which Lavoisier's theory became inapplicable to the wants of science, Dr. Thompson has recently endeavoured to account for the heat evolved in chemical combination, by an application of the law of Dulong, regarding specific heats (described page 83). Every molecule of a simple body being supposed provided with the same quantity of heat, he suggests, that when a number of them combine together, the heat of one or more is expelled, and thus produces the rise of temperature. Thus considering oil of vitriol to contain seven combining equivalents, two of hydrogen, four of oxygen, and one of sulphur, and that the spe- cific heat of all of these is the same, 3*1, as results from Dulong's law if it be supposed rigidly exact, the specific heat of oil of vitriol should be 3*1 x 7 =0*442, 49*1 being the equivalent number of oil of vitriol; 4y * JL but the specific heat found by experiment is only 0.352 ; so that ex- actly one-fifth of the total quantity of heat has been lost by the act of combination, and may hence be supposed to have caused the phenomena of combustion. In the extension of this principle a little further than Dr. Thompson appears to have contemplated its application, some coincidences, with results already known, are found, which give it an aspect of consider- able theoretic interest. Thus, we may consider certain metallic oxides as consisting of an equivalent of each constituent, and that hence their proper specific heat should be, if none were lost by combination, 3*1x2=6-2; but the specific heat of the compound molecule is ex- perimentally found to be 5*4, and thus that 0*8 of heat had been lost, producing the phenomena of combustion in combination. In this man- ner we can understand why Despretz found that a certain quantity of oxygen evolves the same quantity of heat in combining with very many bodies. If we examine the sulphates noticed, p. 85, in relation to the same principle, we find that as there are in each, six molecules, the specific heat should be 18*6=3'1 X6, but it is found to be but two thirds of that, 12*4. Now, if here, as in the oxides, the combustible material retains its heat, and that it be from the oxygen that the por- tion set free is taken, the experimental result arises from the heat of Change of Specific heat in Combustion. 251 each oxygen molecule being reduced by 1*6, and hence, that when oxy- gen forms a salt with sulphur and a metal, the heat evolved is double that produced in simple oxidation. The fact of the same quantity of oxygen giving double the amount of heat when it converts phosphorous into phosphoric acid, than when it forms only phosphorous acid, may have its origin in an analogous condition. In the case of the carbonates, another form of the principle becomes manifest ; but on this view, it is necessary to consider carbonic acid as containing five molecules, one of carbon and four of oxygen, and as uniting with two molecules of a metallic oxide. The carbon and metal burn each in half of the quantity of oxygen with which they ultimately unite, and, like phosphorus, separate from that oxygen only the smaller quantity which it can lose when entering into combination ; the car- bonic oxide and suboxide then unite with the residue of oxygen, and from it separate the larger portion of heat, as occurs when phosphoric acid is produced. The resulting specific heat for a carbonate is, there- fore, 9 t 3 + 6'9 + 4*5= 20*7, or reduced to the equivalent number used in p. 84, it is 10*35, the experimental number being 10*4. The results in these three cases may be shown in the form of the following table, in which the first column contains the equivalent mole- cule of the body, M denoting the equivalent of a metal ; the second column contains the specific heats calculated on the supposition that there is none lost in combining ; the third, the calculation by which the fourth column of true calculated specific heats is obtained ; and the fifth, the specific heats that have been found by experiment. 1. 2 3. 4. 5. MO 6-2 3-1 _|_ 2-3 5-4 5-4 MOS 186 (2X3-1) + (4X1-5.) 122 12-4 M*OC 27.0 (3 X 31) + (3 X 2-3) + (3 X 1'5) 207 20-8 The coincidences refer only to the bodies already selected, pp. 83, 85, as examples of simplicity in the relation of their specific heats, and certainly do not exist in a great number of other cases in which I have sought for them ; they may, therefore, be accidental, but there is yet so much likelihood of some physical law of the kind being to be discovered, that every thing that may assist in its detection is of im- portance. Laying aside altogether the attempt at deducing the pheno- mena of combustion from any change in the amount of latent or spe- cific heat in the bodies which enter into combination, it remains only to be admitted as a general and independent principle, that chemical com- 352 Electro- Chemical Decomposition . bination is a source of heat and light. It is, however, impossible to arrest inquiry at that point, and accordingly the speculations of philo- sophers have been directed to seeking a cause for the phenomena of combustion, to the disengagement of electricity, which accompanies all manifestations of chemical action, and have endeavoured to identify the light and heat emanating from a burning body with that which is pro- duced by the separation or combination of the electric fluids. The evidence in favour of this view will be best described among the rela- tions of electricity to affinity. CHAPTER VIII. OF THE INFLUENCE OF ELECTRICITY ON CHEMICAL AFFINITY. IT has been already shown that in the production of Galvanic or hydro- electric currents, there always occurs between the liquid and solid ele- ments of the circle a degree of chemical action to which the quantity of electricity generated is exactly proportional in amount, and that no current, such as was there described, can be generated without that, by the chemical action of the more oxidizable metal, the zinc, the liquid be decomposed, and some one element of it be expelled, in place of which a corresponding quantity of zinc may be substituted. I did not then attempt to discuss the question of whether the chemical action in the battery be the cause or the effect of the current which arises, as that can be best done when the action of the current, no matter from what source it may have been derived, upon chemical substances, similar to those that are used as exciting liquids in the galvanic battery, has been described. If the wires belonging to the plates z c, of the simple circuit in the figure, be brought into commu- nication by means of a cup of water, the current passes, and it is found that at the terminations of the wires, bubbles of gas form in considerable number, which when collected, are found to be, from the wire in connexion with the copper plate, oxygen gas, and hydrogen gas, from the wire which is attached to the plate of zinc. If the conducting liquid had been muriatic acid, hydro- Influence of Electricity on Affinity. 253 gen would have been evolved as gas at the zinc extremity, and chlorine liberated upon the wire of the copper plate, though from its solubility in the liquid, it would not be disengaged as gas. If a solution of iodide of potassium had been employed, iodine would appear upon the copper side, and potassium should be set free upon the zinc-wire ; but by the action of the water, the metal should be instantly converted into potash, and hydrogen set free. It is not necessary that such bodies should be in solution, for this only serves to give to their particles the freedom of motion, which may allow their elements to separate. If chloride of lead melted in a cup, be used to complete the voltaic circuit, chlorine is evolved upon the + and lead upon the wire ; with oxide of lead (litharge) the evolution of lead at the , and of oxygen upon the + extremity of the wires, occurs similarly ; proto-chloride of tin, iodide of lead, chloride of silver, all act in the same way. In place of bodies consisting of two elements, such as those above described, we may employ in solution, or in a fused state, secondary compounds, consisting of an acid and a base. If the current of electri- city pass through a solution of sulphate of soda, the sulphuric acid appears upon the + and the alcali upon the wire. With sulphate of magnesia, the earth passes to the negative, and the acid to the positive extremity of the liquid circuit ; in these cases water is also decomposed, of which the hydrogen accompanies the base, and the oxygen the acid ; but, on using a salt of lead, of silver, or of copper, the metallic oxide is reduced by the action of the nascent hydrogen, or at least it may be so expressed, and the metal is deposited in crystals upon the wire, whilst the acid and the oxygen are evolved together, upon the extremity of the positive conductor. The affinity which held together these bodies in combination, is super- seded during the passage of the electric current. The elements pre- viously united appear to repel each other, and to be at the same time attracted by the excited terminations of the metallic wires, by which the battery is placed in connexion with the substance to be decom- posed. The simplest mode of accounting for these phenomena, is to say that water is decomposed, because the oxygen is attracted more powerfully by the positive pole of the Galvanic battery than by the hydrogen, with which it had previously been associated, whilst this last is more power- fully attracted by the negative pole than by the oxygen. The elemen- tary bodies separate, therefore, from each other, but not being capable of entering into combination with the substance of the poles, they are evolved as gas. This explanation may be applied to all such cases, 254 Electro- Chemical Classification. Oxygen, chlorine, iodine, sulphur, as well as the various acids, are at- tracted by the positively electric pole, whilst the hydrogen, potassium, sodium, copper, silver, lead, and the various bases are attracted to the negative side of the battery. But one force cannot completely super- sede another, as electricity here supersedes affinity, unless it be of the same kind, or at least closely resembling it in nature. What then is the relation between the chemical force which had kept the elements united, and the electrical force which makes them separate ? The cause was easily found : they are identical. The oxygen and hydrogen united originally from being in opposite electrical states, and they are found to separate, from being subjected to the action of still more powerful at- tractions ; the decomposition of water by the voltaic current becoming thus a case of double decomposition in which the original electricities of the two simple bodies were the quiescent, and the excitation of the opposite poles of the battery were the divellent forces. Chemical substances were thus considered to have affinities for each other, from being in opposite electric states, and the peculiar play of affinity of each body depends on which electricity it was naturally ex- cited by, when in combination ; those bodies which are attracted by the positive pole of the battery being necessarily in the negative condition, and vice versa. Thus, all substances may be divided into two classes ; those being termed electro-negative which are evolved at the copper pole of a simple, or at the zinc pole of a compound circle, and those which appear at the opposite pole being termed electro-positive. The simple bodies thus classified are ranged as in the following list :- Electro-negative. Electro-positive. Oxygen. , r ' Mercury. Palladium. Potassium. * Fluorine. Chrome. 1 Silver. ! Sodium. j Chlorine. s Vanadium. 1 Copper. Lithium. 1 Bromine. T Iridium. 'y | Lead Barium. i Iodine. Rhodium. Tin. Strontium. Sulphur. I Uranium. Bismuth. Calcium. * Selenium. Osmium. Cobalt. Magnesium. T Tellurium. i Platinum. Nickel. Glucinum. 1 Nitrogen. Titanium. I Iron. ! Yttrium. i Phosphorus. Arsenic. Gold. Molybdenum. Manganese. Cadmium, Thorium 4 Aluminum. Antimony. Tungsten. j Zinc. Zirconium. Silicon. Columbium. Hydrogen. Lanthanum. Boron. . j Carbon. Cerium. 1 The most powerfully negative bodies are placed in the first, and those most powerfully positive in the fourth column, these being connected by the intermediate columns, in the order marked by the brackets and Theories of Chemical Combination. 255 arrows. Any substance in the list is positive with regard to any other towards which the arrow points, and negative in relation to any from which the arrow is directed. Thus, hydrogen is negative to all in the fourth, but positive to all in the three preceding columns, and so on. These positions should also indicate the relative affinities of the simple bodies towards each other, but in interpreting such arrangements, it must be recollected that the order of affinities may be totally changed by heat or by cohesion, and that the electrical order may be completely different according to the nature of the exciting liquid, as in the table, p. 168. Two bodies in combination are, therefore, like two pith balls which mutually adhere, but of which the attraction is permanent from their electricities not being discharged. How do these bodies acquire those oppositely excited states ? and why, if their condition resembles that of ordinary electricity, do they remain combined when their opposite fluids might unite, and neutralization being produced, all combination cease ? These two questions have not yet been answered. Several times their explanation has been attempted ; and thus the electro-chemical theories of Davy, Ampere, and Berzelius, have been proposed. I shall briefly notice the leading features of these before proceeding to discuss the remarkable advances recently made in our ideas of the electro-che- mical relation of bodies by Faraday and Graham. The theory of Davy was based upon the principle, that bodies in their ordinary uncombined condition do not contain free electricity, but that by contact they become excited. Thus, a disk of sulphur touched to a disk of copper becomes negative and the copper positive ; its charge increases in intensity on applying heat, until, at a certain temperature, the tension of the electricities becomes so great that they suddenly recombine, car- rying with them the molecules of the sulphur and copper which thus enter into union, and producing the evolution of light and heat by which the chemical action is accompanied. The sulphuret of copper, when formed, is no longer electric ; it remains permanent in virtue of a force which Davy does not strictly define, but which he appears to have con- sidered an intimate cohesion between the particles which had been closely approximated by their electrical attractions ; and when by an electric current the molecules of copper and sulphur are brought into the reverse state to that which favoured their combination, they separate. This view supposes, therefore, the electrical excitation to be only momentary, during the act of combination, and during the moment of disunion ; before and after, all is neutral. To all phenomena of decomposition this theory suffices, but it is vitally deficient in the principle upon which it is based. It has been since completely proved, that it is not the contact which 256 Electro-Chemical Theories. evolves electricity, but the chemical action ; and also, on Davy's viewer, the electrical disturbance only suffices to account for the secondary phe- nomena of union, the light and heat, leaving the act of combination to be ascribed to a different and independent force of affinity or cohesion. A more complete theory was proposed by Ampere, whose philosophical views in magnetism and other sciences have been found so singularly in accordance with experiment. He proposed to consider, that each sub- stance in nature is endowed with a definite amount of one or of the other electricity, and is thus naturally and invariably electro-positive or electro- negative, and stands higher or lower in the list of bodies, according to the intensity of the charge. Such an excited body he considered to attract round its mass an atmosphere of electricity of the opposite kind, and corresponding in intensity. Now, on bringing into contact an electro-positive and an electro-negative body, their atmospheres unite, and produce the heat and light resulting from their chemical action on each other ; but the bodies themselves must remain permanently com- bined, as each retains its own excitement, and they hence attract without cessation. When one body is exactly as negative as the other is positive, the resulting compound cannot manifest any signs of electro-chemical activity ; but if the charge of the negative body be more powerful than that of the positive element, the resulting compound will be negatively excited to the amount of the difference between the two ; if the propor- tions be reversed, the new body formed will be positive in the same degree ; and such compound electro-negative and electro-positive bodies, being acids and bases, attract each other, and unite to form neutral salts. All that was difficult to comprehend upon the theory of Davy is here beautifully explained. The light and heat of combination is produced by the atmospheres of electricity ; the permanence of combination, by the invariable excitation of the molecules. The gradually diminishing intensity of charge, according as the bodies formed become more complex, necessarily follows : but the assumption, that any one body is naturally and invariably positive or negative, is contradicted by the history of almost all the simple substances. Thus, if sulphur or arsenic be heated in oxygen gas, they burn, and the combination is effected with all the phenomena of intense action, the resulting compounds being acid and electro -negative. The sulphur and arsenic are thus shown to have been feebly positive bodies. But if sul- phur or arsenic be heated with potassium, there is similarly combustion, shewing that chemical combination has taken place, and as potassium is the most positive body in the series, the sulphur and arsenic must be the negative elements of the compounds. Sulphur and arsenic are therefore at one time positive and at another negative. There is indeed no sub- Electro -Chemical Theory of Ampere. 257 stance known which can be said to be invariably negative or positive. Nor can the amount of negative or positive excitement be in any case looked upon as constant, for oxygen is often found to be less negative than chlorine, and potassium to be less positive than iron, or than carbon ; and hence if electrical forces be considered as representing affinitary power, they must be capable of the same fluctuations in intensity. It was for the purpose of bringing Ampere's theory into harmony with the changes of chemical decomposition, that Berzelius proposed the modification of it, which now remains to be described. He sug- gested, that each body should be looked upon as containing the two electricities, but that the one might be more powerfully developed than the other, as in a magnet one pole may be stronger than the other ; also, from the analogy of certain bodies, which were supposed to admit the passage of one electricity rather than the other, he imagined that a body thus excited with the two fluids might discharge the one, and yet retain the other. Thus, oxygen possesses high negative and feeble positive excitation ; hydrogen, an intense positive, but a feeble negative charge. When these bodies combine, the phenomena of combustion follow from the union of the positive fluid of the oxygen with the ne- gative of the hydrogen, and the more intense and more permanent charges retain the bodies in combination. To account in this way for certain bodies being at one time electro-negative, and at another electro- positive, Berzelius considers, that when potassium is brought into con- tact with sulphur, the naturally feeble negativity of the latter is height- ened by induction ; whilst, if the sulphur be acted on by oxygen, it is its positive charge that is increased : and thus any substance, near the middle of the electro-chemical series, may become positive or negative, according as it combines with a body situated nearer to the negative or positive extremity. This view might explain most chemical phenomena ; but it is, like Davy's theory, founded on physical principles which cannot be considered sound. Thus, although the effect of one pole of a magnet may be weaker than another, that only happens where the action is complicated by the existence of more poles than two ; and in ah 1 cases, the amount of north and south magnetism present is exactly equal. Also, the fact of the existence of bodies, which conduct the one better than the other electricity, is now abandoned by all sound reasoners, and cannot be looked upon as even in any degree probable in theory. Indeed, all views like those of Berzelius and Ampere, which are founded on the existence of different degrees of electrical excitement, which represent the different powers of affinity by which chemical substances combine 17 258 Elements Evolved not on Attracting Poles, lut must be now abandoned ; for it has been proved by Faraday, that a molecule of oxygen, in uniting with hydrogen to form water, or with zinc to form its oxide, a molecule of iodine or chlorine, uniting with lead, with tin, with silver, or potassium, bodies so far separated in the electro-chemical scale founded on their re-actions, evolve, in uniting, the same quantity of electricity, and require for their separation, when combined, the same amount of current derived from another source. Before more definite and correct ideas of the electrical relations of chemical substances can be obtained, it is necessary to study somewhat more in detail the chemical phenomena which occur in the Galvanic battery, which for simplicity shall be considered as a simple circle ; and in the liquid through which the circuit is completed ; the former is generally termed the generating; and the latter the decomposing cell. The decompositions hitherto described, have been considered as re- sulting from the attractive and repulsive forces of the extremities of the wires on which the charge of the battery was supposed to be collected. But, when the circuit is completed, no such accumulation can exist ; once the current passes, it is everywhere present in equal quantity and of uniform tension : and such forces of attraction and repulsion, acting upon molecules already electrically excited, were only imagined for the foundation of the imperfect theories already noticed, and, when impar- tially examined, are found to have no real existence. It is also fatal to the idea of attractive forces exercised by the poles, that the sub- stances evolved upon their surface do not necessarily combine with them ; thus, if one platina pole have such attraction for oxygen as to separate it from the hydrogen it had been united with, it is unreasonable that it should lose, suddenly and completely, this power, and allow the oxygen totally to escape ; the other platina pole behaving similarly to the hydrogen. Faraday has definitely shown, that the disengagement of the sub- stances, which are separated from each other by the current, take place in all cases at the bounding sur- faces of the body decomposed ; and that where they are evolved on the metallic conducting wires, it is only because those are the limits of the decomposing fluid. The proofs of this principle are numerous and simple : thus, in a glass basin, a partition of mica, a, is cemented so as to be completely water tight, and extending half way to the bottom ; a strong solution of sulphate of magnesia is poured in until it rises a little above the edge of the partition ; >i on the Limiting Surfaces of the Liquid. 259 and then distilled water poured in on the side c, d, with such precaution that it shall not mix with the saline solution, but shall float on it, the surface separating the two liquids remaining perfect at c. The solution of sulphate of magnesia is now to be connected with the negative pole .of a battery by means of the platina plate, b, and the water with the other pole of the battery by the plate c, which dips slightly inclined below the surface. When the circuit is completed, the sulphate of magnesia and the water are simultaneously decomposed, the oxygen appears upon the plate 6, the hydrogen gas upon the plate e ; but although the sulphuric acid is liberated freely upon the plate b, no mag- nesia travels further than the limiting surface of the saline liquor, c. Here the metal e serves as a pole to the hydrogen, but not to the mag- nesia ; and the water on which the magnesia is evolved has no power to prevent the further passage of the hydrogen. If A, c, B, be filled with solution of sulphate of soda, and that by means of the plates p and N, a current from a battery be passed through it, the acid will collect upon the one and the alkali upon the other plate : but, if by means of pieces of bladder, a and 6, the vessel be divided into three compartments, A, c, and B, and that the central one being filled with a solution of sulphate of soda, whilst dilute nitric acid is poured into those at the sides in order to afford a conducting medium, no acid or alkali appears at the metallic poles when the current passes, but are evolved upon the inner surfaces of the partitions a and b : it is only when, by mechanical filtration, some of the liquor of c passes into A and B, that the slightest trace of sulphuric acid or of soda can be found upon the metallic plates. By the electricity of the machine the same principle can be demon- strated ; if a slip of paper, moistened with solution of iodide of pot- assium, be held near the insulated prime conductor, of the electrical maclnne, whilst in action, and that the rubber be connected with the ground, so as to ensure a continuous discharge of positive electricity into the air, iodine will be evolved in quantity upon the point of the paper nearest the prime conductor, whilst hydrogen and potash may be traced as far as any liquid conductor, admitting of their passage, goes. Here there is nothing that can be termed a pole, the iodine is dis- charged upon the limiting surface, which is here that of the atmospheric air. Hence the idea of poles which produce attractions and repulsions in a closed circuit must be abandoned, and some other way of explaining the decomposition of the liquid elements of the circuit must be obtained. 260 Internal Molecular Mechanism The word poles must first be laid aside, and the expressions proposed by Faraday in their place, deserve universal adoption. The surfaces, whether of metal, of water, of acid, or of air, by which the current passes from one kind of conductor to another, he terms electrodes (TjXsxrgov, odo$) y they being the routes through which the electricity makes. its way. I shall, therefore, in future speak of the positive and nega- tive electrodes, in relation to the surfaces, generally of metal, by which the battery is brought to act upon the substance which is to be de- composed. Since there are thus no attractive forces by which the chemical affi- nities of the substances in the decomposing cell can be overcome ; to what mechanism can we attribute the separation of elements which occurs ? Concerning this as yet there is only speculation to be pre- sented. The decomposition is certainly propagated from particle to particle, that is to say, at the moment that the molecule of water loses oxygen, at the positive electrode, a different molecule gives off its hydro- gen upon the negative electrode ; neither the hydrogen of the former nor the oxygen of the latter become free, but the decomposition is transferred from one particle to another along the line, all particles of oxygen advancing a step against the current, and the molecules of hydrogen moving in a corresponding manner in the direction of it. Thus, if a line of particles of water in a decomposing cell, be repre- sented before the current passes, the electrodes being represented by & ^ the plus and minus signs ; on the current passing, -f. OH. OH. OH a molecule of oxygen will be evolved upon the 63 positive, and one of hydrogen upon the negative TT O O ^ side, as in the second line, and as this motion is H H participated in by every molecule of oxygen and s * hydrogen in the circuit, they will come into the + OH. OH fi na l position of the third line. The current still & * passing, another molecule of each will be evolved H * TT + as in the fourth, and ultimately all the intervening water may be decomposed. The separation of /^QT/ * ne elements being thus accompanied by a continual rotation on each other of the intermediate mo- lecules, each molecule of oxygen being successively united with every molecule of hydrogen in the series, and each molecule of hydrogen combining in turn with every particle of oxygen as it passes along. In Paraday's words, the current is an axis of power, equal, and exerted in opposite directions, by which, in every case of a binary compound, the molecules of one element are carried in one direction, whilst those of the other constituent move in the reverse course. of Electro- Chemical Decomposition. 261 From this idea, the evolution of the iodine, the soda, or the magnesia on surfaces of air, of bladder, or of water, is easily understood. The sulphates of magnesia and soda are decomposed, because there exists in the solution a chain of particles of sulphuric acid capable of conveying their bases along, and these are evolved where that chain of acid par- ticles is broken, although there may. be other conductors to complete the circuit. The iodine is evolved where the air touches the surface of the paper, because the air has no potassium by which it could be car- ried further. The decomposition appears thus to be effected, not by annulling chemical affinity, but with its assistance, for it is exactly with those conducting bodies, whose elements have the strongest affinities for each other, that decomposition is most easily effected. Thus iodide of potassium is decomposed much more easily than iodide of lead, yet the affinity of potassium for iodine is certainly greater than that of lead for the same element. It is in this manner that arise the remarkable phenomena of transfer observed first by Humphrey Davy. If a solution of sulphate of soda be placed in the glass a, dilute sulphuric acid in the glass o, and water in the glass c, and that they may be connected together with slips of amianthus, moist- ened to allow the passage of the cur- rent, and that the positive electrode of a battery be immersed in a, and the negative in c, the sulphate of soda will be decomposed, and its al- cali will appear in ? 169 Bromine Y^T-.;csOiIo '. 712 Bromine T 'io v:-r;;^ 3 80 Iodine , ,':. f 212 Iodine . .. - . .469 These two series are, however, independent of each other, and afford no mutual term of comparison whatsoever. It is to be trusted that such investigations, conducted with the inge- nuity and accuracy which the Becquerels can so well apply, may lead to results of the highest interest to science. The reduction to numerical laws of the influence of quantity on affinity, and the determination in numbers of the tendencies of the simple bodies to unite, would certainly advance the condition of chemistry, as an exact science, in a remarkable degree. 18 274 CHAPTEE IX. ON THE LAWS OF COMBINATION. THE general nature of affinity and the modifications which it undergoes from the influence of the physical agents, having been now stated, I shall proceed to discuss the numerical laws to which its results are sub- jected, the discovery of which was the first step in conferring upon chemistry the character of an exact science. It is characteristic of chemical affinity, that the proportions, in which bodies are brought to unite by its agency, are limited upon both sides, whereas in those cases where molecular forces alone prevail, the pro- portions, although perhaps limited in one direction, are indefinite in the other. Thus, a saturated solution of chloride of sodium cannot take up any more salt, but it may be mixed with any quantity of water, whereas the chlorine and the sodium, which constitute the salt, form it only in certain proportions which are invariable, 100 parts containing always 39-66 of sodium and 60*34 of chlorine. If it were not for this constancy of proportion, the science of chemistry could never have advanced beyond its merest elements ; for had chlorine and sodium been capable of combining in all indeterminate proportions, or had the properties which we recognise in chloride of sodium been ascribed to compounds of those elements in every possible proportion, no accurate ideas regarding the constitution or properties of bodies could have been acquired, and none of the benefits derivable from experience or experi- ment could have been attained. The first law of constitution is, there- fore, that the composition and properties of any given substance are always the same. When by the intervention of superior affinities or by double decom- position, a compound body is decomposed and a new compound formed, the proportions, by weight, of the various substances brought into action, have a constant relation to one another, and as they represent the quantities of the bodies which exercise equal, or at least equivalent combining powers, they are termed, when reduced to numbers, the combining proportions or equivalents of these bodies. Thus, if 100 parts of oxide of copper be heated in a current of hydrogen gas, it is reduced, and the hydrogen, uniting with the oxygen which it contained, Numerical Determination of Chemical Equivalents. 275 forms water. In the 100 of oxide, there were 79-83 of metallic cop- per and 20*17 of oxygen, which last taking 2' 5 2 of hydrogen forms 22-69 of water. Now, in this case the 2*52 of hydrogen produce the same result of satisfying the combining power of the 20*17 of oxygen as the 79*83 of copper; and hence these quantities of hydrogen and copper are equivalent to each other. This example may be, however, brought much farther. If, in place of treating the oxide of copper by hydrogen gas, it had been acted on by chloride of hydrogen, the oxy- gen should have been carried off by the hydrogen, which would aban- don its chlorine for that purpose ; but the chlorine should not be set free ; it, on the contrary, would unite with the copper from which the oxygen had been taken, and the reaction would be so proportioned that the quantity of copper reduced by the hydrogen of the chloride of hy- drogen would be exactly sufficient to unite with all Jthe chlorine which was therein contained, and form with it chloride of copper. In this case the 100 parts of oxide of copper would require for its decompo- sition 91-73 of chloride of hydrogen, and there would be formed 169*04 of chloride of copper and 22.69 of water. Here, as before, the 20*17 of oxygen uniting with 79*83 of copper and 2*52 of hydrogen, show their equivalency ; but we learn in addition, that 79*83 of copper and 2*52 of hydrogen unite equally with 89*21 of chlorine, and hence, that that quantity of chlorine corresponds, and is equivalent in combi- nation, to 20*17 of oxygen. Starting from tin's point, we may proceed to a still more extended range of instances. If we treat sulphuretted hydrogen gas with iodine, we find that it is totally decomposed, sulphur being precipitated, and iodide of hydrogen being formed. Now, taking the quantity of the sulphuret of hydrogen, containing the weight obtained in the former example, 2*52 of hydrogen, we find it to be 43*09, and hence to con- tain 40*57 of sulphur, which separates by the action of the iodine, of which 318*27 parts, uniting with the 2*52 of hydrogen, form 320*79 of iodide of hydrogen. If this iodide of hydrogen be next treated with chlorine, it abandons its iodine, and forms 91*73 of chloride of hydrogen. Setting out, therefore, from 100 parts of oxide of copper, and tracing its elements through a variety of decompositions, in all of which, the quantities engaged effect the same purpose of satisfying the ten- dency to combine, we found for the numbers which express the equi- valent quantities of the simple bodies employed, the following : Copper . . . 79-83 Chlorine . . . 89-21 Hydrogen . . . 2-52 Sulphur . . . 40-57 Oxygen '* l I . 20-17 Iodine ,<- ,': .318-27 276 Law of Equivalent Constitution. and as the compound bodies formed are also equivalent, from their being produced by the same, or equivalent combining actions, we may express also in numbers their combining proportions, thus \r Oxide of copper . . 100-00 Sulphuret of hydrogen . 43-09 Oxide of hydrogen . 22-69 Iodide of hydrogen . 320-79 Chloride of hydrogen . 91'73 Chloride of copper . 169*04 It is evident that if, in place of oxide of copper, any other metallic oxide, reducible by hydrogen, had been employed, its equivalent; should have been obtained, and in this way the equivalents of the ma- jority of the metals have been determined. These numbers are quite arbitrary ; and any other body in the list might as well have been taken for the origin as oxide of copper. In practice such numbers are reduced to a standard, which is taken as 1, or 100, and, for this purpose, either oxygen or hydrogen, the most im- portant bodies, are usually selected. Any number experimentally obtained, as the above, may be reduced to the standard scale by the rule of simple proportions : thus, the equi- valent of copper being 79*83, oxygen being 20*17, and hydrogen 2-52, it is 20-17 : 79*83 : : 100 = 3957 Oxygen = 100 and 2-52 : 79'83 : : 1 = 31 71 Hydrogen = 1 It is difficult to decide which of the two scales, thus formed, deserves preference : the hydrogen scale has been, by the authority of Davy, so long prevalent in these countries, that it is difficult to supersede it ; and it possesses the advantage that hydrogen has the smallest equivalent of all bodies. The standard of oxygen is, however, for use, the more con- venient, as, in consequence of the great preponderance of bodies in which oxygen exists, the calculations are much simplified by its num- ber being 100 ; and there are but two bodies which, on that scale, re- quire to be expressed in a fractional form. When the study of these equivalent proportions first occupied the minds of chemists, Drs. Prout and Thompson were led, from specula- tions regarding the physical constitution of gaseous bodies, to suggest that the equivalent numbers of all substances should be simple multiples of that of hydrogen ; and as, representing hydrogen by 1, the other numbers should be all whole numbers, the scale acquired thereby consi- derable simplicity. The researches of Berzelius appeared, however, to controvert that hypothesis ; and in his numbers, which are for the most part those given in the following list, no trace of such a law can be de- tected. The progress of organic chemistry having, however, fixed the attention of the most exact chemists on the precise value of the equivalent number for carbon, it was found by Dumas that Berzelius's number 76 Scales of Chemical Equivalents. 277 was certainly too high, and it appeared that 75 on the oxygen, or 6 on the hydrogen scale ought to be adopted ; as this coincided with the original view of Prout, it led to a general re-opening of the discussion of the equivalent numbers, which has resulted in the correction of many of Berzelius's numbers : several have been found to be exact multiples of the number for hydrogen, and amongst them some of the most im- portant bodies, as carbon, sulphur, nitrogen, oxygen ; still taking into account the inevitable range of limits of experimental error, it does not appear that a greater proportion of the numbers are exact multiples of that for hydrogen, than should happen amongst so many others from the calculation of probabilities, and therefore the occurrence of those simple multiples do not at all form any proof of the truth of Thompson and Front's idea of the existence of a general law. The chemists who have most contributed to establish those more correct numbers are Dumas, Liebig, Marignac, Pelouze, and Erdman, and on their results the following table has been drawn up. In the following table the equivalents of all the simple bodies are expressed both on the oxygen and on the hydrogen scales ; and through- out this work the two equivalent numbers will be given for each compound body, except where it is otherwise remarked. Names of Elements. Equivalents. Names of Substances Equivalents. O=100 H = l 0=100 H=l Aluminum 171-2 137 Mercury . ; 7 ^ 1250-8 100-00 Antimony [.""'"*' 1612-9 129-2 Molybdenum . v 598-5 4796 Arsenic . ' ~~ v ; 937-5 75- Nickel - - 369-7 29-62 Barium :? 858-0 68-66 Nitrogen 175-0 14-00 Bismuth r 886-9 7MO Osmium 1244-5 9972 Boron 136-2 10-91 Oxygen 100-0 8-00 Bromine , 978-3 78-26 Palladium 665-9 53-36 Cadmium .-,. * \ 696-8 55-74 Phosphorus 400-3 32-00 Calcium % t ' ? 250-0 20-00 Platinum 1233-5 98-84 Carbon 75-0 6-00 Potassium 487-5 39- Cerium 574-7 46-05 Rhodium 651-4 52-2 Chlorine . 4437 35-47 Ruthenium 651-4 52-1 Chromium 351-8 2819 Selenium 494-6 39-63 Cobalt 369-0 29-57 Silicon 266-8 21-35 Columbium 2307-4 184-90 Silver 1350-0 108- Copper 395-7 31-70 Sodium ! \ - 287-2 22-97 Fluorine 233-8 18-74 Strontium 547-3 43-85 Glucinum 331-3 26-54 Sulphur 200-0 16-00 Gold 1229-0 98-33 Tellurium' ' v 801-7 64-25 Hydrogen 12-5 1-00 Thorium 744-9 59-83 Iodine 1579-5 126-4 Tin tl. 735-2 58-92 Iridium 1233-5 98-84 Titanium 303-6 24-33 Iron 350-0 28-00 Tungsten * 1183-0 94-80 Lanthanum 600-0 48-0 Vanadium ' 856-9 68-66 Lead 1294-5 103-73 Uranium 750-0 60-0 Lithium 80-3 6-44 Yttrium 402-5 32-25 Magnesium V 158-3 12-69 Zinc . 406-6 32-51 Manganese 345-9 27-72 Zirconium ' 420-2 33-07 278 Double Decomposition necessarily The determination of the equivalents of compound bodies is an equally remarkable application of the principles that have been laid down. The equivalent number of a compound is the sum of the equivalent numbers of its constituents, as has been already seen in the numbers obtained for the oxides and chlorides of copper and of hydrogen. In this way may be constructed lists of the equivalents of compound bodies ; thus reducing the substances, already noticed, to the scales, there are : Substances. Equivalents. Substances. Equivalents. 0=100 H-l O = 100 H = l Oxide of copper .. . Oxide of hydrogen . Chloride of hydro- gen ... 4957 112-5 445-1 39-72 9-00 36-47 Chloride of copper Iodide of hydrogen Sulphuret of hydro- gen 838-3 1592-0 213-7 67-18 127-57 17- It is in relation, however, to the mutual decomposition of saline bodies that the principle of equivalent proportion becomes of most interest and by which it is best illustrated. If to a solution of nitrate of barytes we add a solution of sulphate of soda, there is immediate decomposition, by the mutual interchange of acids and bases, and the neutrality of the solution remains completely undisturbed ; the salts which exist after mixture are equally neutral with those which had existed previously, and the quantities of acids and bases which are involved in the decomposition are hence equivalent to each other. Thus, if we take 130*7 parts of nitrate of barytes, we find that they require for their decomposition ex- actly 71*3 parts of dry sulphate of soda, and that there are formed 11 6 '7 parts of sulphate of barytes, and 85'3 parts of nitrate of soda. The composition of these four salts is : Sulphate of Barytes. Sulphuric acid . 40 Barytes . . 767 1167 Nitrate of Soda. Nitric acid . 55 Soda . . 31-3 85-3 Nitrate of Barytes. Nitric acid . 54 Barytes . . 767 1307 Sulphate of Soda. Sulphuric acid 40 Soda . . 31-3 71-3 All four are neutral ; the acids and bases are in all equally neutralized, and hence, the 40 of sulphuric acid and 54 of nitric acid, being capable of saturating the same quantity of base, whether it be soda or barytes, occurs in Equivalent Proportions. 279 are equivalent quantities and represent the combining proportions of these acids; and the 76*7 of barytes, and the 31*3 of soda, being like- wise shown to possess equal powers of neutralizing the acid, whether nitric or sulphuric, are the numerical equivalents of those bases. If there had been a larger quantity of either salt present, it would have remained unaffected, the interchange of elements taking place only in equivalent proportions. Had nitrate of lead been employed, in place of nitrate of barytes, the proportion necessary should have been different, and a different quantity of sulphate of lead would have been produced from the same sulphate of soda. Thus, to the 71 '3 of sulphate of soda, there should be added, Nitric acid . 54-0 producing Sulphuric acid . 40 '0 Oxide of lead 1117 Oxide of lead . 1117 Nitrate of lead 1637 Sulphate of lead . 1517 If, in place of sulphate of soda, we take oxalate of soda, we will find that 67'3 of it will exactly fulfil the functions of 71 '3 of sulphate of soda, and these consisting of 31*3 of soda and 36*0 of oxalic acid, will, by decomposing 130 '7 of nitrate of barytes, or 165*7 of nitrate of lead, produce 147*7 of oxalate of lead, or 112'7 of oxalate of barytes. 36 of oxalic acid are, therefore, equivalent to 40'0 of sulphuric acid, and 54*0 of nitric acid. A table of equivalents of acids and bases might thus be drawn up : there should be, Substances. Equivalents. Substances. Equivalents. 0=100 H = l 0=100 H=l Nitric acid Sulphuric acid Oxalic acid . ^ i. 677'0 501-0 450-0 54-0 40-0 36-0 Soda . Barytes . , f . Oxide of lead 390-1 956-9 1394-5 31-3 76-7 1117 It was in this form that the equivalency of different quantities of chemical substances was first recognised, and numbers assigned with extraordinary skill, by Wenzel, whose labours, although overlooked at the time, must be considered as the first and greatest step towards assign- ing the numerical conditions of chemical action. The mode of determining the equivalent number of a new substance can now be easily understood. If it be an acid, it is to be combined with some base of which the equivalent is known ; if it be a base it must be united with an acid, If it be a metal, it may be united with chlorine 280 Equivalents of Compound Bodies. or oxygen. If it be a simple non-metallic body, it may be united with a metal. In any case, a well defined compound of the new body with one whose equivalent number is already known must be obtained and accurately analyzed. The equivalent numbers of the two bodies are proportional to the quantities in which they were combined, provided we have reason to consider that the compound examined, contained an equivalent of each. Thus, if the new body form with sulphuric acid, a perfectly neutral and soluble salt, and, on analysis, this yields 37 '3 of sulphuric acid and 62*7 of the new base in 100, the equivalent is found by the proportion, as37-3:62-7::40'0:x=67-4, which is the equi- valent of the body, 40 '0 being that of sulphuric acid, and hydrogen being = 1. A calculation of this kind requires, however, to be checked by a know- ledge of the next law of combination, that of multiple proportions ; for, as has been stated, in the example, we presume the salt analysed to be composed of an equivalent of each constituent. It may be, however, that it contained two equivalents of acid to one of base, in which case the number for the latter should become 134*8; or two equivalents of base to one of acid, which would make the number 33*7. The propor- tions might be even still more complex ; and hence, before attempting to decide on the equivalent number of a body, its general history must be studied. The third law of combination is, that where one body unites with another in more proportions than one, there exists a simple relation between the quantities of the second, which, in the different compounds, unite with the same quantity of the first. Thus, taking manganese and nitrogen, which are remarkable for the number of compounds which they form with oxygen, we find that 345-9 of manganese unite with 100 of oxygen, forming protoxide. 345*9 ,, 150 ,, sesquioxide. 345-9 :i lo-..200 peroxide. 345 9 ,, 300 ,, manganic acid. 345-9 ,, 350 ,, permanganic acid. and with nitrogen, 175 of nitrogen unite with 100 of oxygen, forming nitrous oxide. 175 ,, 200 nitric oxide. 175 ,, 300 ,, hyponitrous acid. 175 ,, 400 ,, nitrous acid. 175 ,, 500 ,, nitric acid. Here the successive quantities of oxygen taken by the mangajiese are as the numbers 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, and those which combine with the Law of Multiple Proportions. 281 nitrogen are as 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. In the last case they are all simple mul- tiples of the first proportion, but in the case of manganese they are multiples of one-half of the quantity contained in the protoxide. The analogy of some other similar bodies, however, renders it extremely probable, that although it has not been yet discovered, there exists a compound of 345 '9 of manganese with 50 of oxygen, and this should then be the first term of the series. This law of multiple proportions holds not only with regard to the simple bodies already stated, but also with compound bodies of every class. Thus, chromic acid combines with potash in three different pro- portions, forming by 52 -2 chromic acid _[- 47 3 potash, neutral chromate of potash. 104*4 ,, -f-47-3 ,, bichromate of potash. 156-6 -j-47'3 terchromate of potash. Sulphuric acid combines with potash in two proportions, 40-0 sulphuric acid-f-47'3 potash, neutral sulphate. 80-0 L -|- 47 ' 3 " ^sulphate. It was indeed by the verification of it, in the case of the carbonates and oxalates of potash, by Wollaston, that this law obtained in the first instance general acceptation. 22 of carbonic acid + 47'3 potash, form carbonate of potash. 44 ,, +47'3 ,, bicarbonate of potash. 36 of oxalic acid -f- 47 ' 3 potash, form oxalate of potash. 72 <$ -i- 4 7'3 binoxalate of potash. 144 - -j~ 47 ' 3 ,, quadroxalate of potash. In salts, with excess of base, the same principle holds. Thus, in the sulphates of copper I have shown that, 397 oxide of copper -f-40'0 sulphuric acid, form neutral sulphate. 79'4 ,, -f-40'0 ,, bibasic sulphate. 158-8 -j-40-0 ,, quadribasic sulphate. 317-6 ,, +40-0 octobasic sulphate. In other cases the series, although not so complete, evidently follows the same law. The great use of the symbolical nomenclature, noticed already in page 203, consists in its supplying an exact expression of multiple proportions. The ordinary symbol of a simple body indicating an equivalent of it, the number by which that symbol is multiplied, in the formula of each compound body, represents the number of equivalents 282 Law of Multiple Proportions. therein contained. Thus, for manganese and nitrogen, already used as instances, the symbolical expression of the law is given in NO Nitrous oxide. MnO Protoxide of manganese. NO 2 Nitric oxide. Mn. 2 O 3 Sesquioxide. NO 3 Hyponitrous acid. MnOa Peroxide. NO 4 Nitrous acid. MnO 3 Manganic acid. NOs Nitric acid, Mn 2 O 7 Permanganic acid. The numerical coefficient is sometimes placed, as here, below and to the right of the letter symbol ; by other chemists it is placed to the left and on the same line, as Pb + 2O. Cr+30., and sometimes to the right and above the letter, as PbO 2 . CrO 3 . This makes no difference in chemistry ; but the student must be very careful not to confound chemical with mathematical symbols, in which the position of the num- ber might alter its power and meaning altogether. It must be no- ticed, however, that numbers written as the above affect only the immediate symbol to which they are attached ; but sometimes a number affects a group of symbols : thus, 3MnO is three equivalents of pro- toxide of manganese = Mn 3 3 : thus, also, S0 3 KO. + A1 2 3 . 3S0 3 , the formula of dry alum, contains four figures of 3, of which the first, second, and fourth only affect the O to which they are subjoined ; but the tliird affects the S0 3 , to which it is prefixed. A little practice will enable the student to become quite familiar with the arrangement of the symbols, or formulae, as they are termed, of bodies, even of the most complicated nature. This is the principle of multiple proportions, that the successive quan- tities in which one body may unite with another are multiples of the first, by a whole number ; and the cause of this is at once seen, and a simple and positive meaning given to this law, by saying, that the first body contains an equivalent of each element ; the second, one equiva- lent of one and two equivalents of the other, and so on ; the succes- sive steps being formed by the number of combining proportions of the second body which unite with one combining proportion of the first. This principle, which establishes a remarkable distinction between the action of chemical affinity and of cohesion, was, at the moment of its first being traced, attacked by Berthollet, to whose exclusive doc- trines it was quite fatal. Berthollet, in fact, considered that the affinity of bodies should make them unite in all possible proportions, and that it was only by the influence of cohesion and elasticity that the forma- tion of the bodies, actually produced, resulted. Thus he asserted, that sulphuric acid and barytes actually unite in all proportions, but those of 40 -0 of acid to 76*7 of base forming the body of the least solubility, the whole quantity of acid is determined to unite with the barytes in Researches of Proust mi the Definiteness of Composition. 283 those proportions, and in none others. Thus he imagined also, that mer- cury and oxygen should unite in all proportions, and that it was only by the intervention of external causes that their union was determined in preference to occur in the proportions of 100 of mercury to 4 of oxygen, and 100 of metal to 8 of oxygen. We owe to Proust the complete refutation of Berthollet' s views in this respect; he cleared away a heap of incorrect ideas which had prevailed regarding compound bodies, showing that numerous degrees of oxidation, which had been looked upon as intermediate, and connecting the extreme limits, as Berthollet thought they ought to be connected, were impure and badly prepared mixtures of the true compounds, and that when pure, the transition from one state to the other is sudden and definite, as has been shown to be the consequence of the law of multiple proportion. It is interesting to notice, however, as an example of how easily a great discovery in science may be lost, that, although Proust had in his hand all materials necessary for establishing the laws of combination, such as they have been described, they escaped his notice, from his having contemplated his results only in one point of view ; thus he found that in 100 parts, 1st Oxide of copper contained, 2nd Oxide of copper contained, Oxygen, . .11-22 Oxygen, . 20-17 Copper, . . 8878 Copper, . 79-83 1st Oxide of mercury, 2nd Oxide of mercury, Oxygen, . . 3'80 Oxygen, . 7'32 Mercury, . . 96-20 Mercury, . 92.68 1st Sulphuret of iron, 2nd Sulphuret of iron, Sulphur, . . 37'23 Sulphur, . 54-26 Iron, . . 62-77 Iron, . . 43-74 He proved that no indefinite intermediate degree of combination could be traced, and that the influence of cohesion could not be supposed to be the only cause of the definiteness of constitution ; but had he made a trifling change in his way of calculation had he taken a certain weight of one element as the standard, and not 1 00 parts of the com- pound body his numbers should have become, 1st Oxide of copper, 2nd Oxide of copper, Oxygen, . . 100-0 Oxygen, . 200'0 Copper, . . 791-4 Copper, . 791*4 1st Oxide of mercury, 2nd Oxide of mercury, Oxygen, . . lOO'O Oxygen, , 200-0 Mercury, . . 2531-6 Mercury, . 2531-6 1st Sulphuret of iron, 2nd Sulphuret of iron, Sulphur, . . 200-0 Sulphur, . 400-0 Iron . . 339-2 Iron, . . 339'2 And thus, the fact of the quantity of oxygen or sulphur, in the second 284< Methods of determining the range of compounds, being exactly double that in each of the first, would have been evident, and the law of multiple proportions been discovered twenty years before its existence was suspected. We are now in a condition to examine more in detail the method of determining the equivalent number of a body, which, as was before noticed, is rendered difficult, sometimes, when the substances in question unite in more proportions than one. Thus, it is evident that the man- ganese series might be represented as 100 of oxygen + 345*9 of manganese, forming protoxide. 100 230-5 ,, ,, sesquioxide. 100 ,, 172-9 ,, ,, peroxide. 100 ,, 115'3 ,, ,, manganic acid. 100 ,, 98 '8 ,, ,, permanganic acid. And the metallic oxides and sulphurets above described might be written, and express still the law of multiple proportion ; as, 1st Oxide of copper, 2nd Oxide of copper, Oxygen, . . 100*0 Oxygen, . 100 -0 Copper, . . 791-4 Copper, . 3957 1st Oxide of mercury, 2nd Oxide of mercury. Oxygen, . . lOO'O Oxygen, . 100-0 Mercury, . . 2531-16 Mercury, . 1265-8 1st Sulphuret of iron, 2nd Sulphuret of iron, Sulphur, ^ ." . 200-0 Sulphur, . 200-0 Iron, . 339-2 Iron, . . 169'6 There might thus be deduced from each kind of compound a different equivalent for each simple body, and it is, therefore, necessary to lay down some general principles by which one must be guided in their choice. First. Whenever there exists but one proportion in which two bodies are capable of combining, it may be concluded, unless there is good reason to the contrary, derived from other sources, that the proportion is one equivalent of each element. Thus, lime and magnesia are the only compounds formed by the metals calcium and magnesium, uniting with oxygen, and are hence looked upon as protoxides. Second. Whenever one body combines with another in two propor- tions, as a metal with oxygen, and that the quantities of oxygen are as 2 : 1, it may be concluded, unless there are other reasons for an opposite decision, that the bodies consist either of one equivalent of metal united respectively with one and two of oxygen, or of one equivalent of oxygen united respectively with one and two of metal. To decide between these views, it must be considered, that as the tendency of the metal Equivalent Constitution of Bodies. 285 and of oxygen to unite, is pretty well satisfied by the combination of an equivalent of each, if the protoxide so formed unite with another equi- valent of either metal or of oxygen, this will be retained with inferior power, and when the substance so produced is exposed to decomposing agencies, it may be resolved into protoxide and metal in the one case, and protoxide and free oxygen in the other. Thus, copper, lead, and mercury unite each with oxygen in two proportions, and if black oxide of mercury be heated, it resolves itself easily into metallic mercury and red oxide, whilst the red oxide undergoes no change except total decom- position into mercury and free oxygen. Bed oxide of copper decom- poses itself easily into metallic copper, and black oxide of copper ; but this last does not admit of any decomposition which is not total. If we take yellow oxide of lead, we cannot change it by the application of heat ; but if we heat brown oxide of lead, it gives off one-half of its oxygen, and yellow oxide remains ; similarly when peroxide of manga- nese is heated by deoxidizing agents, it abandons one -half of its oxygen, but the oxide so formed cannot be further reduced. In this way, there- fore, we conclude that Red oxide of copper is suboxide. Cu^O. Black oxide of copper is protoxide. CuO. Black oxide of mercury is suboxide. Hg 2 O. Red oxide of mercury is protoxide. HgO. Yellow oxide of lead is protoxide. PbO. Brown oxide of lead is deutoxide. PbO. Olive oxide of manganese is protoxide. MnO. Black oxide of manganese is deutoxide. MnO 2 . Thus, also, hydrogen and oxygen unite in two proportions, to form, in one, water, a body remarkably ; neutral in properties and permanent in constitution, and in the other oxygenated water, of which half of the oxygen is so loosely combined that its decomposition is provoked by the slightest causes, and is explosively violent. It is hence concluded that, Water is protoxide of hydrogen. HO. Oxygenated water is deutoxide. HO 2 . If there be still more degrees of combination of the two bodies, these principles apply still more determinately to their characteristic pro- perties. Third. The constitution of an acid may be frequently determined by the consideration, that an equivalent of it is the quantity which neu- tralizes an equivalent of a well characterised base. Thus the equivalent number of potash on the hydrogen scale is 4 7 '4, and this combining with 40'0 of sulphuric acid to form neutral sulphate of potash, this 286: Methods of determining the number is determined to be the equivalent of the acid, and as it is made up 16'0 of sulphur and 24 of oxygen, the acid is considered to be composed of one equivalent of sulphur 16*0, and three equivalents of oxygen 8 X 3 = 24. Its formula is, therefore, S0 3 . In the same way, on analysing hyposulphate of potash, it is found to consist of 47 '3 of potash, united to 72*0 of the x acid, which is, therefore, its equivalent number. But this number is made up of 32'0, or two equivalents of sulphur, and 40, or five equivalents of oxygen, and the formula express- ing its constitution is S^O.,. When an acid forms several classes of salts, it is difficult to determine which is that containing an equivalent of each element, and hence this mode of ascertaining the constitution of the acid may be occasionally at fault. This happens particularly with the acids of phosphorus and ar- senic ; and in these cases it is necessary to recur to considerations re- garding the constitution of their salts, which will be described when we come to speak of salts in general. Fourth. In cases where the ratio between the quantities in wliich the bodies combine does not follow the simple proportions of 1:2:3, &c., but assumes the more complex forms of 2 : 3, or 3 : 4, or 3 : 5 : 7, it is necessary to seek for analogies between the members of the series and certain other bodies with regard to which there is not the same uncer- tainty. Thus, there are two oxides of iron which may be looked upon as consisting, either .,/.;> the 1st of 28 of iron _|. 8 oxygen. the 2nd 28 ,, -{- 12 or the 2nd 18-6 ,, -j- 8 ,, the 1st 28 4- 8 " In the first mode of view the oxygen varies as 2 : 3, but in the second it is the metal which changes in proportion. Here we obtain a guide in the study of the salts formed by these bodies. It is found that the oxide which contains 28 of iron to 8 of oxygen, agrees in its laws and properties with magnesia, with black oxide of copper, and with olive oxide of manganese, which are all protoxides, and that it differs totally in its relations from such bodies as are very fully known to be suboxides. This oxide of iron contains, therefore, an equivalent of each element, and its formula is FeO. The peroxide of iron then becomes Fe.O^, but as the equivalent of oxygen cannot be considered to be divided, we look upon it as being rather Pe 2 O 3 , and having its equiva- lent number twice as large. This view is confirmed by finding that when sulphate of peroxide of iron unites with sulphate of potash to form iron alum, it does so in the proportion of Fe 2 O 3 , dry iron alum Equivalent Constitution of Bodies. 87 being SO 3 . KO. 4. FeA. 3SO 3 , and as this is the only proportion in which these two salts unite, it is reasonable to suppose that it contains an atom of each element. This mode of controlling the equivalent numbers is beautifully shown in the instance of the compounds of chrome with oxygen. There are two; the Green oxide of chrome consists of 1 879 chrome -j_ 8 oxygen. Chromic acid 1879 -j- 16 Here the quantity of oxygen is doubled in the second compound ; and as this yields half of its oxygen readily, either by heat, or to any sub- stance having an affinity for it, it would appear highly probable that the 18*79 is the equivalent of chrome, and that the oxide of chrome should be looked upon as a protoxide : but such is not the case. Sulphate of chrome combines with sulphate of potash to form a chrome alum, re- sembling in all characters and constitution the iron alum already noticed, and hence oxide of chrome corresponds to peroxide of iron, and its for- mula is Cr 2 3 . This is further proved by the relations of chromic acid to bases. The chromates resemble perfectly the sulphates with which they are isomorphous, and to saturate 47*3 of potash 52'2 of chromic acid are required, consisting of 28*2 of chrome and 24 of oxygen, and hence the formula of chromic acid is CrO 3 , resembling that of sulphuric acid SO 3 . Fifth. In cases where there is only one compound of a body with oxygen, we may be induced, from analogical grounds such as those now described, to consider it not to be composed of an equivalent of each element. Thus aluminum and oxygen form only one compound, alu- mina ; but this resembles in all its laws of combination and crystalline form oxide of chrome and peroxide of iron, and hence it is considered to be a compound of two equivalents of metal and three of oxygen, and its formula to be A1 2 .O 3 . Sixth. When bodies are found combined in proportions expressed by high numbers, they are generally looked upon as secondary compounds, formed by the reunion of others the ratio of whose elements are more simple. Thus lead forms with oxygen compounds intermediate to the true oxides already described, the one containing three equivalents of lead and four of oxygen, the other, four of lead and five of oxygen; these consist really of the protoxide and peroxide united in the proportions shown by the equations : Pb 4 O 5 = 3 PbO -f_ PbOs and PbaO = 2 PbO -f. PbO 2 . In like manner, between the two proper oxides of iron there intervene 288 Law of Multiple Proportions. the two magnetic oxides, the formulse of which are Fe 4 5 and Fe 3 4 : being compounds of protoxide and peroxide, as, . Fe 4 5 = 2 FeO + Fe 2 O 3 and Fe 3 O 4 = FeO -f FeaOa. By this means the constitution of an extensive class of complex bodies is reduced to very simple forms. The relative combining equivalents of bodies which unite in several proportions, may however be considered under another point of view, which although not employed as the basis of popular chemical explana- tions, requires notice in a philosophical point of view. In a series of oxides for example, we may consider not that an equivalent of metal com- bines with successively added equivalents of oxygen, but that an equiva- lent of oxygen combines with different quantities of the metals. That in fact, the same metal should have different equivalent numbers, and in combining in such would generate different oxides and different salts. Thus, protoxide of iron consists of 28 iron and eight oxygen. Peroxide of iron 28 metal and 12 oxygen. But peroxide may also be considered as composed of 18' 7 iron and eight oxygen, and that the sulphate of the peroxide consists of an equivalent of acid and an equivalent of base SO 3 -f- Eef .0. This view obtains considerable support from the fact, that under the influence of oxygen, chlorine, or bromine, it is always the percompound that iron forms, and not the protocompound, which is only secondarily generated by the action of the percompound on the excess of iron then present. So that Fe 2 O 3 is not formed by the addi- tion of to Ee 2 O 2 , but Ee O is formed by the union of Ee to F 2 O 3 . This principle has, it is seen, already been used in order to explain the formation of suboxides ; thus, mercury acts either with the equivalent 100 or 200. Copper either with the equivalents 31*7 or 63'4. Sulphur certainly may form compounds, having any of at least four different equivalents. This topic connects itself however so immediately with the theory of atomic constitution, that its further discussion will fall better under that head. If we take oxygen, hydrogen, chlorine, and nitrogen in the proportions by weight which correspond to their equivalent numbers, and measure the volumes which, as gases, they occupy, an exceedingly striking rela- tion will be found between them : the volume of oxygen being exactly one-half that of each of the other gases. If, also, we heat iodine and bromine in quantities proportional to their equivalents by weight, we shall find, that when converted into vapour, they occupy precisely the same volume as the equivalent of hydrogen gas at the same temperature and pressure. On 'converting into vapour equivalent weights of arsenic and phosphorus, they occupy precisely the same volume, which is equal to Theory^ of Tolumes. 289 that of the equivalent of oxygen gas; and by similarly treating an equivalent of sulphur, its volume becomes one-third that of the oxygen. Finally, when a quantity of mercury, representing its equivalent num- ber, is converted into vapour, its volume, reduced to the same standard of temperature and pressure, is four times that of oxygen and double that of hydrogen or chlorine gases. It hence results, that, although the equivalent weights of the simple bodies may be totally unconnected, and may range within very extensive limits, yet the volumes which these equivalent quantities occupy, when in the state of gas or vapour, have a very simple relation to one another ; thus, taking the equivalent weight of oxygen as 100, and its equivalent volume as 1, the propor- tions of the other bodies mentioned are : Name of Substance. Equivalent Weight. Equivalent Volume. Sp. gr. of Vapour air =1000. Oxygen , 100-0 1 1105-6 Hydrogen . 12-5 2 69-3 Chlorine 443-6 2 2470-0 Iodine 1579-5 2 8701-0 Bromine 978-3 2 5393-0 Nitrogen 175-0 2 976-0 Sulphur 200-2 | 6648-0 Phosphorus 400-3 J 4327-0 Arsenic 937-5 1 10362-0 Mercury 1250-8 4 6969-0 Not merely does this simple proportion of equivalent volumes hold among the simple bodies, but it determines in the compounds, which they form, an equally regular constitution. The volumes of the gases which unite are necessarily in simple equi- valent proportion to each other, and when the same gases unite in more than one proportion, the second is a multiple of the first. In all cases also where, after union, a condensation of volume occurs, the resulting volume is simply related to the volumes which the constituents had occupied before combination. Thus, in the formation of water, one volume of oxygen unites with exactly two of hydrogen, and the volume of watery vapour which is formed is equal to that of the hydrogen em- ployed. To form ammonia one volume of nitrogen unites with three of hydrogen, and the four volumes are condensed into two by the com- bination. There may, therefore, be arranged for the various bodies which assume the gaseous form, a series of equivalents in volume, which will not be totally unconnected numbers, like those of the equi- valents by weight, but are found to be, as the weights should become, if the suggestion of Prout were verified, simple multiples of the equi- 19 290 Equivalent Volumes of Compound Gases. valent of some standard body which may .be selected, as oxygen in the table. i ^'' .0 1 -|j |*S | "S'g'o ^ i Name of the Compound 'ri-S 1 1 f So fcC eS ^ Vapour. H *S '53 S JS'S 4 P * .> || & 1* H g III |A Water HO 112-5 3 2 6220 Nitrous oxide :.>; ., v NO 275-0 3 2 1527-3 Nitric oxide " ' ' ' NO* 375-0 4 4 1039-3 Sulphurous acid SO 2 400-0 7 6 2210-6 Sulphuric acid S0 3 500-0 10 6 2761 -9 Sulphuretted hydrogen SH 212-5 7 6 1177-0 Muriatic acid C1H 456-1 4 4 1269-5 Hydriodic acid IH 1592-0 4 4 4385-0 Hydrobromic acid BrH 990-8 4 4 2731-0 Ammonia . . f^j NH 3 214-5 4 4 591-5 Arseniuretted hydrogen AsH 3 952-6 7 4 2694-0 Terchloride of arsenic AsCl 3 2268-0 7 4 6295-0 Calomel Hg 2 Cl 2974-3 6 4 8204-0 Corrosive sublimate HgCl 1708-5 8 4 94390 Arsenious acid i ^ As0 3 1240-1 4 1 13670 Sulphuret of mercury HgS 1467-0 7 9 5384-0 Chloride of sulphur S Cl 845-0 4 3 4686-0 Protochloride of phosphorus PC1 3 1720-1 7 4 4741 -1 Perchloride of phosphorus PClo 2505-3 11 6 4788-1 The simplicity thus shown to exist between the volumes of the con- stituent and compound vapours enables us very often to calculate before- hand what the specific gravity of a vapour should be, and thus to ascertain how closely the numbers found experimentally by the methods described in the first chapter may approach to absolute correctness. Thus, to calculate the specific gravity of ammonia ; it is formed by the union of three volumes of hydrogen and one of nitrogen, and the weights of these volumes being as their specific gravities, the weight of the ammonia formed should be 976 + (3 X 69) = 1183. if the four volumes of constituents were condensed into one ; but as the condensa- tion is into two, the specific gravity of the ammonia is 1183 -=- 2 = 5 91 '5 as given in the table. Sulphur and hydrogen unite in the pro- portion of one volume of sulphur to six of hydrogen, and hence if there were but one volume of resulting gas, the specific gravity should be 6648 -f (6 X 69) = 7062, but as there are six volumes of gas formed, the true specific gravity of sulphuretted hydrogen is 7062 -=- 6 1177. The general rule being to multiply the specific gravities of the simple gases or vapours respectively by the volumes in which they combine, to add those products together, and then to divide the sum by the number of volumes of the compound gas produced. Theoretic density of Carbon Vapour. 291 By the application of this principle, we may often decide with great probability on the specific gravity which certain bodies should have in the state of vapour, although it has not been as yet possible to weigh their vapours experimentally. Thus, the temperature at which anti- mony is volatile is so high that the specific gravity of its vapour may possibly never be determined by experiment ; but the chloride of anti- mony resembles, in all its chemical relations, chloride of arsenic, and there is the greatest probability that the constitution of the two are alike in the state of vapour. Now, we know that chloride of arsenic consists of six volumes of chlorine and one volume of arsenic vapour condensed into four volumes ; and hence, if we multiply the specific gravity of the vapour of chloride of antimony, which is 8106*5, by four, we obtain 32426-0, and subtracting from it the weight of six volumes of chlorine = 14820, there remains 17606, which, if the analogy between arsenic and antimony be correct, must be the specific gravity of the vapour of antimony reduced to the standard of air = 1000. Similar principles have been applied to the determination of the spe- cific gravity which carbon should possess if it were converted into vapour. This number would be of great importance in all calculations of the specific gravities of the vapours of organic bodies, most of which contain carbon as an element ; but unfortunately there is no volatile body so similar to carbon, as that its analogies can be taken as a guide, and hence the bases of the calculated density of gaseous carbon are purely hypothetical. Indeed chemists are not agreed upon the precise number, some making it the double of what it is estimated at by others. If we look upon carbonic acid as consisting of equal volumes of va- pour of carbon and oxygen, the two condensed into one, the specific gravity of carbon is 1524'! 1102'6 = 421'5, but if the carbonic acid consist of two volumes of oxygen and one of carbon, the three volumes condensed into two, the calculated specific gravity of the latter vapour is 3048-2 2205-2 = 843'0. On the first idea, the carbonic oxide consists of two volumes of carbon vapour, and one of oxygen, the three condensed to two (2 X 421*5 -f 1102-6) ~- 2 = 972*8, and on the latter, of equal volumes united without condensation (843-0 -f 1102-6) -- 2 = 972-8. It is this latter which I adopt, and in any calculations that may occur hereafter, I shall consider the specific gravity of gaseous carbon as 843. It does not at all necessarily follow that the true specific gravity is either of these numbers ; as it may be that the relations by volume of carbonic acid and carbonic oxide are much more complex. Before the specific gravity of the vapour of sul- phur had been experimentally determined, it was considered from 292 . Theory of Volumes. similar theoretic grounds to be 2216, but it is actually three times as great, 6648, and we must hence not reckon too implicitly on the relations by volume at present given, for the gaseous compounds of carbon. The relation between the volume actually occupied by the quantity of vapour corresponding to an equivalent of a body and the density calcu- lated from its composition, has been found, however, in some instances to be subjected to curious anomalies from sudden and great alterations which take place in the density of some vapours, for even slight altera- tions of temperature near their boiling points. Thus, the vapour of acetic acid has a density of 3200 at 257, and of 2080 at 482, which last corresponds to the theoretical density, and is retained at ah 1 higher temperatures. Butyric and formic acid vapours show similar discre- pancies. The vapour of oil of vitriol, which is 2500 at 630, becomes 1680 at 928, the calculated density being 1640. Some oils are found also anomalous ; but with these comparatively few exceptions, the den- sities of the vapours of compound bodies, found by experiment, agree with those obtained by calculation from the densities of their consti- tuents, and the equivalent is represented in almost all cases by two or four volumes of the vapour. In the combination by volume, the same laws of multiple proportion hold as in combination by equivalents ; thus, the compounds of chlo- rine and oxygen which are, by weight, Cl.O. C1.O 4 . C1.0 5 . and C1.0 7 , are by volume two of chlorine, to one, to four, to five, and to seven volumes of oxygen respectively, and so in all other instances, and, consequently, all remarks that have been made regarding the law of multiple proportions in equivalents by weight, apply to combinations of equivalents by volume also. < 293 CHAPTER X. OF THE RELATIONS OF CHEMICAL CONSTITUTION TO THE MOLECULAR STRUCTURE OF BODIES. IT has been abundantly shown, throughout the preceding portions of this work, that even the most purely physical properties of a body are closely connected with its chemical constitution ; and thus the density, the crystalline structure, or the electrical relations of a substance, or the manner in which it is acted on by heat, may, by affording distinctive characters, or by influencing its affinities, become necessary to its chemical history. The numerical laws of constitution last described, yield addi- tional evidence of the intimate relation of chemical to molecular consti- tution ; and in the present chapter I purpose to conclude the description of the general history of chemical action, by an account of such principles as have been advanced, and such facts as have been discovered illustra- tive of this connexion. They are as follows : 1st. The connexion between molecular constitution and the equivalent numbers of bodies. The atomic theory and the speculations on atomic volume. 2nd. The connexion between the crystalline form and the chemical equivalency of bodies. The laws of isomorphism and phenomena of di- morphism. 3rd. The connexion between constitution and composition, as affecting specific individuality of chemical bodies. Doctrines of allotropy and isomerism. Of the theories of types and of compound radicals. 294 Atomic Theory of Dalton. SECTION I. OF THE ATOMIC THEOEY AND THE DOCTRINE OF ATOMIC VOLUME. IT was natural that as soon as the remarkable laws of combination, dis- cussed in the last chapter, had been discovered, philosophers should be anxious to ascend to the causes in which they had their rise, and to trace, in the operation of some one general principle, the three determinate numerical conditions to which experiment has proved chemical action to be subjected; accordingly, such theoretical views were promulgated, even before the laws of combination were fully understood ; and it has been since one of the most difficult tasks of the philosophic chemist, to disentangle the real and practical, from the merely speculative portions, of atomic chemistry. For Dalton, in promulgating the law of multiple combination, the most beautiful, as well as the most extensive principle that has been conferred on chemistry since the epoch of Lavoisier, announced it as the result of speculations, which, though, in their general nature, true, and constituting still the essential basis of all theories of chemical action, were yet overlaid by a tissue of hypotheses so irregular, and so unneces- sary, th&t for a long time the real dignity and excellence of the experi- mental laws was underrated and misunderstood. These accessory specu- lations have now, however, passed away, and the theory of combination laid down by Dalton may, in all its essential conditions, be very briefly expressed as follows. All substances are supposed to be constituted of particles perfectly indivisible, and hence truly atoms. In different kinds of matter these atoms are of different weights, and probably of different magnitudes ; but this latter quality is of no material interest. When bodies combine chemically, their combination must be so effected that one atom of one unites with one atom of another ; or one of the first with two, or three, or four of the second ; or two of the first with three, or five, or seven of the second ; but no intermediate degrees can possibly occur, for the atom being absolutely indivisible, no intermediate degree of union can take place. The relative weights of these atoms are the equivalent numbers of the bodies combined ; eight parts of oxygen unite with one part of hydrogen, by weight, to form water, because the simplest proportions in which they can unite are one atom of each, and the atom of oxygen is eight times as heavy as the atom of hydrogen ; eight parts of oxygen are equivalent to 35*4 parts of chlorine, because when an atom of hydro- gen leaves the atom of oxygen, it combines with an atom of chlorine in its place, which is weightier than that of oxygen in the proportion of 3 5 -4 to 8 ; and the quantity must be consequently so determined. When Laws of Atomic Combination. 295 a second atom of oxygen combines with hydrogen, it being equally heavy with the first, doubles the quantity of oxygen which the equivalent of hydrogen has taken up, and as might be illustrated by any series of examples, introduces as a necessary consequence the law of multiple combination. Such is the atomic theory of Dalton. It expresses faithfully the laws of combination ; 1st, the law of definite constitution ; 2nd, the principle of equivalent proportion ; and 3rd, the law of multiple combination. It is therefore, even in this form, the most embracing and perfect general- ization that has ever been proposed in chemistry ; but before committing ourselves implicitly to its adoption, it is necessary to examine into its basis with some detail. Dalton assumes that matter is constituted of indefinitely small particles, atoms, but he advances no proof that it is so ; he adopts unreservedly that side of the discussion, which, from the earliest ages has divided the opinions of philosophers, and shows that on that hypothesis all the most remarkable phenomena of chemistry can be explained. But I have already, in the first chapter of this work, pointed out, that the question of the ultimate constitution of matter is now no nearer its solution than it was twenty centuries ago ; and I will now proceed to show, that for the ex- planation of the laws of combination, the atomic theory of Dalton is unnecessary, or at least that it becomes only one out of a variety of molecular conditions, which matter may assume. In the first place it is necessary to ascertain in what matter the relative weights of the atoms of bodies, if they really exist, are to be determined. I pointed out in the last chapter the number of circumstances which should be taken into account for the determination of the equivalent number of a body ; it is by such considerations that in similar cases the atomic weight of a body is determined, and where the idea of the exist- ence of such ultimate combining molecules is adopted, the atom is the equivalent, and the number is its weight. If therefore, the theory of molecular constitution involved chemical results alone, no difficulty would occur ; but when we consider these atoms as building up the mass, and conferring upon it its physical properties, at the same time that they produce its chemical constitution, inconsistencies are found, which must prevent our coming too hastily to a conclusion. AYhen Gay-Lussac first determined the existence of those simple rela- tions which have been described as existing between the volumes of gases which combine together, it was considered certain, that all gases con- tained in the same volume the same number of atoms. The gases are remarkable for all possessing the same physical constitution. Their relations to pressure and to heat are governed by the same law in all 296 Atomic Constitution of Gases. cases, which can be best explained by supposing that in the same space they contain the same number of ponderable atoms, set at equal distances from each other, and whose material repulsion is expressed by the same law. Hence, when one volume of chlorine unites with one of hydrogen, an equal number of atoms of each element come into play, and an atom of the compound consists of an atom of each constituent. But here a difficulty occurs ; the chloride of hydrogen, which results, occupies two volumes, and yet it is in physical properties identical with the hydrogen or chlorine ; all physical evidence would lead us to believe, that muriatic acid contained in the same volume the same number of atoms as its con- stituents, but the most positive chemical evidence shows that it contains but half so many. In like manner, on physical grounds, there should be the same number of atoms in the same volume of oxygen and hydro- gen, and as water is formed by the union of one volume of oxygen, with two of hydrogen, it should consist of one atom of oxygen and two atoms of hydrogen ; but the most perfect chemical evidence we possess proves that water is composed of an equivalent of each element. The number of chemical molecules in gases is different therefore for each gas ; it is the combining or equivalent volume which contains equal numbers of chemically equivalent molecules or atoms, and as has been shown in the tables in last chapter, those volumes differ remarkably from one gas to another. Another physical condition, which is intimately connected with the molecular constitution and the chemical relations of bodies, is their specific heats, on the remarkable law of which, regarding the simple bodies, as discovered by Dulong and Petit, and extended to many com- pound bodies by Nauman, Eegnault, and Avogadro, I have already fixed attention (page 84.) If we look upon the specific heats of all the ultimate particles of simple bodies as being the same, we should at once have a mode of determining their atomic weights, and these should coincide with the equivalents deduced from chemical considerations. In the great majority of cases the atomic weights of the solid simple bodies, deduced from their specific heats, coincide with those adopted from chemical considerations, and in some of the exceptional instances, as bismuth and silver, there is some doubt as to the true number, which may be fairly interpreted as so far remaining neutral. But in other cases we find that it completely fails ; thus, the atomic weight of iodine deduced from its specific heat is 63'3, whilst there is no doubt but that its chemical equivalent is 126*3, twice as much. Also, the history of arsenic and phosphorus is so complete, that there is no doubt that their equivalents are 75*4 and 32*0, but when we calculate the atomic weights from Iheir specific heats, we find as the result for arsenie 37*7, Physical and CJiemical Atoms. 297 and for phosphorus 16*0, that is, in each case but the half of the real number. In the gases, also, there is complete discordance between the specific heats and the chemical equivalents, no matter whether we con- sider their purely molecular constitution, by which they should have an equal number of atoms and equal specific heats in equal volumes, or whether we compare their combining volumes with their specific heats. The specific heats of volumes (p. 88) of oxygen and of hydrogen, have been proved by Apjohn to be as 808 to 1459, whilst, on chemical grounds, that of oxygen should be double, and on molecular considera- tions the same as, that of the hydrogen. It follows from what has been said, that it is totally impossible to adopt completely the opinion of Dalton, that bodies are composed of ultimate and indivisible particles, which, aggregating together, give origin to sensible masses of the same nature, when similar particles unite, and to the phenomena of chemical combination when the union is be- tween particles of different kinds ; I adopt fully the idea of Dumas, that it is possible, and, indeed, more consonant to experiment, to explain all the laws of chemical combination, quite independent of any consideration as to whether the masses which combine are indivisible or the reverse. The word atom, if interpreted in this strict and proper sense, is unne- cessary, and may be injurious if employed with any vague or undefined meaning. I consider, as I have already stated, (page 7,) that sensible masses of matter are constituted of a number of lesser masses, which again may be made up of similar constituent groups, proceeding downwards to any extent, but still without involving the question of a limit to the degree of possible division. One class of these groups of particles I consider to be represented by the equivalent numbers ; and it is possible that these numbers may indicate the manner in which the chemically com- bining groups may be disposed to subdivide themselves, in order to ge- nerate a set of groups of an inferior class. The specific heats of bodies may be considered to have reference to an order of groups of particles often, but not necessarily, coincident with those which combine to pro- duce chemical compounds ; and the third, probably the most remote, engaged in the ordinary properties of matter, may be such as being uniformly distributed in the gaseous form, confers upon those bodies the properties which characterize mechanically that condition, and are independent alike of the chemical properties and specific heats which appertain to, and are exhibited by, groups of a more complex structure and superior order. From this point of view I contemplate the atomic theory ; for these groups, engaged in chemical combination, and indivisible by chemical 298 Various Orders of Molecular Groups. means, are, in all chemical relations, atoms. Their relative weights are our equivalent numbers. Prom their union the laws of definite and multiple combination directly follow. But, when we remove them from their proper sphere, when we subject them to physical forces, we may dissect them, and separate them into other groups ; or we may unite many of them together, to form a larger group, characterized by the re- lations to heat and to pressure that have been already stated, but no longer the group or atom engaged in chemical operations. Thus, the group which is acted on by the heat when a gas expands, occupies only half the space in muriatic acid that the chemical group takes up ; but in gaseous sulphur, it occupies three times the space of the chemical atom. In gaseous oxygen, arsenic, and phosphorus, the mechanical atom is of the same volume, but the chemical atom only of half the vo- lume, that they respectively occupy in hydrogen, chlorine, and iodine. In most of the simple bodies the same groups produce chemical combi- nation, and determine the specific heat ; but in iodine, in arsenic, and in phosphorus, the group which enters into chemical combination con- tains two of the groups which are pointed out from the specific heats of these bodies. I shall frequently employ the word atom in the course of the follow- lowing pages; 'but I do so only as an abbreviation for the terms equiva- lent quantity, or combining masses. Of the ultimate particles of matter, or true atoms, we know nothing ; and all the discussions that have taken place, from the earliest and vaguest speculations of Democritus or Leu- cippus, to the modern experiments of Wollaston and Earaday, must be considered as absolutely without influence on the positive decision of the question. Indeed the last named eminent philosopher has been induced by the consideration of the phenomena of electrical conduction, to propose for its explanation a point of view which negatives all definitive idea of molecular or atomic consitution of matter, and would lead to the resolution of its properties into mere actions of force emanating from mathematical points in space ; in fact to the adoption of what has been termed the dynamical theory of the constitution of matter. His line of argument is as follows : If we adopt an atomic theory, we shall find from considerations of atomic volume which shall be described just now, that different bodies contain, under the same bulk, different num- bers of atoms, and that those atoms must be believed to be separated from each other by spaces many times larger than they themselves occupied. Thus if we convert a cubic inch of potassium into hydrate of potash, not merely will the bulk of potassium be not increased by absorbing so much oxygen and water, but the volume will diminish so Atomic Constitution of Matter. 299 that the bulk of the hydrate of potash will be only 0'97 cubic inch, whilst it contains four times as many atoms as the potassium. But if there be this great empty space in matter, how can conduction take place ? All Farada/s previous researches tend to prove that electric force can only be transmitted by means of matter, and he asks How can the space which separates the particles of sulphur refuse to allow the trans- mission of heat or electricity, whilst the space which separates the parti- cles of copper or of silver allow its passage ? He suggests, therefore, that there is no empty space, but that the particles of matter materially penetrate, and that each one exists in every point of the space which the entire mass occupies. It is evident, however, that if we abandon the idea of the impenetrability of matter, we give up the basis of our fundamental conception of its existence and we resolve its proper- ties into mere manifestations of abstract force, emanating from mathe- matical points as centres. This dynamical conception of physical and chemical action is adopted by many as being more in harmony with present philosophical theory than the crude and gross ideas of solid atoms proposed by Dalton ; but I would remark, that as we regard the transparency or opacity of a body to be the result at once of the arrangement of its molecules and the distribution of the luminiferous ether within its mass, so the conducting or insulating property of a body may find its explanation in a similar way by the undulatory theory of electricity, and the vacuum which Faraday, like nature in the middle ages, so much abhors, may be removed, not by the omnipresence and mutual penetration of the physical or chemical molecules of every body but by the existence and conditions of movement of a medium, bearing to electrical theory the relation which the medium of light waves has to the explanation of optical facts. A full inquiry into the atomic constitution of bodies requires us^ however, to examine not only those laws which govern and those effects which follow from the agency of their mass, but also those consequences which result from the influence of their volume and of their method of arrangement. For if there exist atoms at all, if we have an atomic theory, those atoms must have definite magnitude and form as well as weight, and the physical and chemical properties of bodies must be influenced in a very important degree by the diversities manifested in this way by their constituents. There is little doubt but that the laws of crystallization of bodies are influenced mainly by the volumes and arrangement of the physical molecules of which crystals are built up, and it is consequently the special study of the crystalline relations of chemical bodies that have led chemists to examine their atomic volumes. This subject had been first opened by Polydore Boullay, and then 300 Doctrine of Atomic Volumes. examined by Dumas,, but it is most especially by Kopp and Schrceder in Germany, and by Playfair and Joule in England, that it has been followed out. I do not consider that the results obtained have been .very satisfactory as an addition to onr knowledge, but it is necessary to describe what has been done in order to correct some inconsequences into which even estimable chemists have fallen. The idea of a volume of an atom arises from the consideration that in a given weight of a body the number of atoms must be inversely as the weight of each atom. Thus, as we assume the atom of sulphur to weigh 16, and the atom of lead to weigh 104, the number of atoms in an ounce of sulphur will be greater than the number in an ounce of lead in the proportion of 104 to 16, but the ounce of sulphur occupies 0.95 cubic inch, and the bulk of the ounce of lead is 0'17 cubic inch; and hence the bulk of an atom of sulphur is in proportion to the bulk of an atom of lead as 16xO'95tol04xO'17. But the comparison above made of the bulk and the weight of the cubic inch of each body leads to the inverse of the specific gravity, and hence we can similarly and more simply indeed obtain the atomic volume by dividing the atomic weight by the specific gravity. Thus for sulphur j- = 8, and for lead -J-^ = 9*1. In this manner tables of atomic volumes of bodies have been con- structed of which however it is unnecessary to give details. It is evident that the idea of atomic volume thus obtained is purely speculative, and indeed involves the idea of the interior of the mass of every body being absolutely occupied by matter. For if we admit the possibility of the particles being not in contact, their bulk becomes quite indeterminate. But this hypothesis is highly questionable, and as I shall hereafter show, would lead, if carried out, to the purely dynamical idea of the non-existence of solid matter. There is this great difference, therefore, between the determination of atomic weights and atomic volumes. We know by the laws of combination that if bodies unite by atoms, those atoms must have certain relative weights, which are posi- tively determined by experiment; but it is quite possible that there may be atomic volumes, and yet those volumes not be ascertainable from the impossibility of knowing how much of the bulk of each body is really solid and how much is not so. This total uncertainty is shown by the great diversities of density which take place even in the same body in the same state of aggregation. Thus for water not merely is the specific gravity diminished and the atomic volume consequently increased 1700 times on changing from the liquid to the vapour state, but the density of platinum may vary from 17 '76 to 21-21; and that of silver may vary from 10.50 to 10*62 that of gold may pass from 18 '02 to 20'69, according as these bodies are prepared in different ways, and yet Volumes of Isomorphous Bodies. 301 we cannot admit that the absolute atom is swelled out or squeezed in, or thus changes its volume within such wide limits. It is evident that if we admit an atomic constitution of matter at all, we must allow that those little particles are arranged in masses according to their attractions, but separated by interspaces of which we cannot tell the precise dimensions, but which must allow of being increased or diminished by heat or cold, of the transudation of liquids, as of mercury through lead ; of the transmission of light and heat rays. The relation of the atomic weight to the density cannot be admitted, in my opinion, to measure the real bulk of the physical or chemical molecule, and consequently I believe the introduction of the term atomic volume not to be any real addition to science, but it may serve as a useful numerical point of com- parison among bodies, and in this respect the calculations made by Kopp and others deserve attention. It is found that bodies of the same chemical group, or closely re- sembling in their chemical habitudes, have nearly, or even exactly, the same atomic volume. Thus in the following table some of the simple bodies are arranged with their atomic weights, their specific gravities, and the quotients of these, the atomic volume : Substances. Atomic Weight. Specific Gravity. Atomic Volume. Bromine Chlorine liquid Cyanogen liquid Iodine 78-2 35-5 26-0 126-3 2-99 1-35 98 4-95 26-2 26-4 26-5 25-5 Cobalt Copper ./v* ._; v Iron , '. .^ , * Manganese . *^*T** 29-5 317 28-0 277 8-49 8-96 779 8-01 3-47 3-54 3-59 3-46 In other cases of similarly allied bodies, the atomic volumes, though not the same, are very simply related, as doubles or halves. If we proceed to calculate the atomic volumes of the oxides of the above metals, we shall see that there does not exist at all a similarly simple relation. I shall associate them to the two earths which are admitted to belong to the same chemical group. Substances. Atomic Weight. Specific Gravity. Atomic Volume. Lime * i 28- 3-17 8-83 Magnesia . 207 3-20 6-47 Oxide of copper Oxide of manganese 397 357 6-43 473 6-17 7-55 Oxide of zinc . . , 40-5 573 7-07 - 302 Doctrine of Atomic Volumes. In the case of salts, some remarkably simple relations occur, and, indeed, as employed by Kopp, to explain the phenomena of isomorphism, have mainly tended to attract attention to the subject ; thus, for car- bonates and sulphates Substances. Atomic Weight. Specific Gravity. Atomic Volume. Carbonate of lime, calc. spar, magnesia zinc iron . . manganese lime, arragonite 50 427 62-5 58-0 57-7 50-0 2-72 2-88 4-44 3-83 3-55 3-00 18-4 14-8 14-1 15-1 16-2 16-7 Sulphate of zinc Sulphate of magnesia 80-6 60-8 3-40 2-61 23-7 23-3 It is here seen that the sulphates of zinc and magnesia, which, when crystallized, are isomorphous, have the same atomic volume, and that the volumes of the above carbonates differ but little. Kopp has very well shown that even this difference was just proportional to the actual difference of their crystalline forms, which are only nearly, not abso- lutely the same, and has hence advanced as a law, that isomorphism is caused by bodies having the same atomic volume. But on referring to the above table, it will be seen that the atomic form of the prismatic carbonate of lime (arragonite), differs less from the atomic volumes of any of the rhomboidal carbonates than does that of the rhomb oidal carbonate of lime (calc spar), with which they are all isomorphous. So that bodies may have the same atomic volume and yet not have any isomorphic crystalline relation of structure whatsoever. This topic, however, will be more fully discussed in the next section. A peculiar value which has been supposed to be attached to the idea of atomic volume, is that by supplying a general rule for the volumes of combinations in the solid or liquid form, somewhat analogous to that which has been described in page 290 for gaseous combinations, it might enable us to calculate the specific gravity of a solid compound from the specific gravity of its constituents, and perhaps arrive at other expressions for molecular laws tending to throw light upon the intimate structure of bodies. Thus, if we subtract from the atomic volumes of the oxides above enumerated, the atomic volumes of their metals, we obtain the bulk occupied by the oxygen : this will be found not to be the same in all, but to be almost exactly some multiple of 1'3 by a whole number. Assuming, therefore, that the atomic volume of oxygen is 1*3, or some multiple of it, the atomic volumes of oxides and their Calculation of Physical Properties. 303 specific gravities may be calculated as follows, for the specific gravity is the quotient of the atomic weight by the atomic volume. Substances. Oxide of Atomic Weight. Calculated Atomic Volume. Calculated Experimental Specific Specific Gravity. Gravity. Antimony 129 + 24 19-2 + 7-8 5-67 5-57 Chrome 56-2 + 24 11-0 + 3-9 5-38 5-21 Tin 58-8+16 8-1 + 2-6 7-00 6-95 Lead 103-5+ 8 9-1 + 2-6 | 9-53 9-50 Mercury red . 100-1+ 8 7-4 + 2-6 10-81 11-00 Titanium 24-3+16 4-5 + 5-2 4-16 4-18 Silver 108+ 8 10-4+3-9 7-44 7-25 Mercury black 200-2 -|_ 8 H-9 + 5'2 10-35 10-69 I It is here seen that by assuming the volume occupied in the com- pound atom to be a simple multiple of 1*3, the specific gravity may be calulated with very great accuracy; and Kopp and Boullay have ob- tained equally close approximations to the truth in the case of chlorides, sulphates, and other bodies. But still the whole system is essentially arbitrary and inconsistent ; thus, in oxide of lead and red oxide of mer- cury, one atom of oxygen is represented by the volume 2*6. But in peroxide of tin 2*6 represents two atoms of oxygen : whilst one atom of oxygen is represented in oxide of silver by 3 '9, and in black oxide of mercury by 5*2 ; farther, three atoms of oxygen are represented in oxide of antimony by 7 '8, and in oxide of chrome by 3 '9. Similar gratuitous suppositions are made in order to extend this principle of atomic volumes to the various classes of bodies by Kopp and Schroeder, but what has been described will abundantly serve to show, that although considerable interest belongs to such arithmetical researches, they can- not be considered as at all occupying any positive relation to the science of the atomic constitution of the molecular structure of bodies. The very idea of a definite atomic volume is practically abandoned by its authors when they assume that the volume of the atom uncombined and combined is different, and that in different classes of combinations the volume of the atom is different. These expansions and contractions cannot take place with a solid ultimate molecule ; and if atoms be not so, if they be mutually penetrative and of indefinite volume and figure, then all our conceptions of an atomic theory, and, indeed of the exis- tence of matter according to our popular conception of its nature must be abandoned. The researches of Playfair and Joule, although most worthy of praise for their experimental accuracy, appear equally without result as to any satisfactory determination of a law. They have deduced the following conclusions : 304 Atomic Volumes and Densities of Bodies. 1st. That the atomic volumes of solid bodies bear a simple relation to each other, being multiples of a submultiple of the volume of ice which, for convenience, is adopted as a standard. 2nd. That deviations from the natural volume are produced by cohe- sion, and by allotropic condition, and that these deviations are expressed by a submultiple of the volume of ice. But as the volume of ice is 9*8, and the submultiple of this taken as the standard unit is J, or 1*225, whilst the numbers to be deter- mined are usually twenty or even forty times the unit, it is quite evi- dent that the limits of error or deviation, from extraneous causes, are far too wide, in comparison with the unit, to allow of the coincidences which they have observed being taken as evidence of a natural law. The determinations of specific gravity by those experimentalists have, however, very great value, from the care with which they were con- ducted. The connection which may be presumed to exist between the che- mical constitution and physical structure of bodies, has induced many chemists, as Persoz and Einbrodt, to occupy themselves with specula- tions analogous to those described already, but extending more to the atomic weights, specific gravities, and boiling points of organic sub- stances. Such hypotheses have led but to little practical result, and, in fact, merely embrace in some kind of empirical rule the general principle that bodies of analogous composition, or belonging to the same chemical group, have their densities generally greater, and the temperatures at which they assume the gaseous form higher, as their atomic weight is larger. Thus in the series of alcohols, all of which have the ultimate formula CvH x +2HO, the molecular cohesion, the density of vapour, and the boiling point all increase with the atomic weight as folloAvs : Substance. Formula, Equiva- lent. State. Sp. gr. of Gas. Boils at. Sp. gr. of Liquid. Methylic alcohol - Common alcohol - Amylic alcohol - Cetylic alcohol - C 2 H4O 2 C 4 H 6 2 C10H12O2 C32H3402 32 46 88 242 Liquid Liquid Liquid Solid 1105 1601 3147 M( 150 168 270 >lts at 116 798 795 813 . But although an augmentation of molecular cohesion is evident, as the magnitude and mass of the chemical atom augments, yet there is no law or principle as yet made out by which the nature or precise amount of connection between those characters can be calculated or explained. Relation of Constitution to Form. 305 SECTION II. OP ISOMORPHISM, DIMORPHISM, AND ALLOTROPY. THE general principles of the isomorphism of crystallized substances have been already noticed, with relation to the fact of their substitution for each other, (page 32,) and of the advantage with which this property may be applied to determine equivalent numbers (page 287) ; it now remains to study this character, as indicative of the molecular constitu- tion of the body. It must, in the first place, be carefully observed, that identity of crys- talline form does not simply imply similar chemical constitution, unless under limiting circumstances, which require to be studied with great care. The principle upon which all subsequent reasoning must rest is, that in proportion as the structure of the crystal becomes more complex, and the conditions necessary for its formation, consequently, more varied, the greater probability is there, that two bodies shall not assume exactly the same form, unless their chemical constitution and the molecular arrange- ment belonging to it, be the same, or at least similar, in both. Hence in the regular system, there can be no inference whatsoever drawn with regard to constitution, from the crystalline form alone. Bodies, the most contrasted possible in their properties and composition, have iden- tical external figures, as fluor spar, bismuth, alum, sulphuret of lead, common salt. The conditions of molecular arrangement, for the forms belonging to this system, being the easiest possible to fulfil, the greatest variety, in the number and grouping of the chemical constituents, is allowable. In the other systems of crystallization, where the double refraction and the rings produced by polarized light transmitted along their prin- cipal axis, indicate a much greater complexity of structure, it becomes highly improbable, that the molecules of two bodies shall be so similar to each other, as to produce identity of crystalline form, unless there is, if the body be compound, a similarity of composition, or if the body be simple, such similarity of properties as brings the two into the same group, in a natural classification. This probability increases with the complexity of molecular structure of the crystals. The isomorphism of compound bodies has been explained upon the supposition, that, in such cases, the replacing elements were, themselves, isomorphous, and hence might change places without disturbing the mechanical arrangement of the other components of the crystal. Thus, that in the sulphuric, chromic, selenic, telluric, and manganic acids, which contain each three equivalents of oxygen, the molecules of sulphur, 20 306 Various Hypotheses on which the Isomorphism chrome, tellurium, selenium, and manganese had all the same form. The perfect determination of whether those elements are really thus isomorphous, is very difficult, from the fact of comparatively very few being crystallizable. Thus tellurium and sulphur are those of which, alone, we know the crystalline form, for the only crystals of selenium that have been observed are microscopic and imperfect, and neither chrome nor manganese can be had crystallized at all. We must, there- fore, be guided by analogy in such cases, and if we examine another group of compounds into which chrome and manganese enter, we find, that Cr 2 3 and Mn 2 Oa, are isomorphous with ^6263, and that MnO and EeO are isomorphous with CuO. Now, we here arrive, by a chain of isomorphous conditions, at a metal which may be obtained crystallized, but the crystalline form of copper is always one of the regular system, as the cube, octohedron, rhomboidal dodecahedron, &c., whilst sulphur, with which it should be isomorphous, if this principle were absolutely true, crystallizes in two forms, of which one belongs to the oblique prismatic, and the other to the right prismatic system ; whilst tellurium belongs to the rhombohedral system, affecting a totally different form altogether. Numerous other instances might be taken; thus the periodic, perchloric, and permanganic acids are isomorphous, (I0 7 , CIO 7 and Mn 2 07) , whilst the elements themselves are certainly not necessarily isomorphous, as iodine belongs to the right prismatic system. Also the isomorphism of the phosphoric and arsenic acids (PO 5 and As0 5 ) is one of the best examples that has been found; but phosphorus and arsenic are so far from being isomorphous, that phosphorus crystallizes in the regular, and arsenic in the rhombohedral system. The principle, that compound bodies are isomorphous, because their replacing elements have, necessarily the same figure, is, therefore, one which cannot be received in science. Another idea suggested for the explanation of the phenomena of iso- morphism is, that the crystalline form of a body is completely indepen- dent of its chemical composition, and is produced only by the number of ultimate particles or atoms by which it is made up. Thus alum has the same form, whether it contains aluminum or iron, or manganese or chrome, not because their particles have the same figure, but because, in all these cases, the molecule of alum is made up of the same number (71) of simple atoms. This idea is, however, even less tenable than the former, for it supposes, that we have arrived at the ultimately simple bodies, the true elements, which is a very unphilosophical assumption, and according to it, bodies could replace each other only when they were all simple or all of the same degree of composition, which is not the case, and that also among the simple bodies, that the replacement of Compound Bodies has leen Explained. 307 should be always by an equal number of ultimate molecules, which is also negatived by experiment. Thus we find, that an equivalent of a simple body, K, is replaced by a group of five equivalents, NIL, and that the simple atom, Cl, is replaced by the two atoms Mn 2 . This sug- gestion cannot, therefore, be considered as satisfactory, and we must examine further into the conditions of isomorphous replacement, before we attempt the further discussion of the source from whence it has its rise. It is necessary first to study the crystalline relations of the undecom- posed bodies, both so far as they have been really observed, and as they generate similar compounds which are isomorphous. The simple bodies which are known to crystallize are : Regular System. Rhombohedral. Carbon. Platinum. Carbon. Arsenic. Phosphorus. Mercury. Tellurium. Antimony. Selenium. Bismuth. Right Prismatic. Copper. Titanium. Sulphur. Iodine. Silver. Lead. Oblique Prismatic. Gold. Sulphur. It is thus seen that, of the simple bodies, which may be obtained crystallized, two-thirds crystallize in the regular system, which, as already noticed, prevents our resting upon their forms any chemical reasoning ; and the bodies whose isomorphous equivalency is best established, are not found to belong even to the same system. Carbon and sulphur are known also to have each two forms of different systems, and to be thus dimorphous. It must be observed, however, that the assumption of the forms of the regular system, by so many of the simple bodies, particularly among the metals, may arise from circum- stances such as confer the external cubical figure on analcime or boracite, and that their internal structure may be, in reality, more complex, and their arrangement different ; for the metals do not reflect light as other bodies of the regular system do ; they change it into the state of ellip- tical polarization, and in the only case where light can be examined, after having been refracted through a metal, that of gold-leaf, it is found to be elliptically polarized also. The diamond resembles the metals in this property, and is found sometimes to possess double refraction, which should belong also to the metals, probably, if their nature allowed it to be tried. The cubic crystals of gold, copper, and bismuth, the octo- hedrons of lead, silver, and zinc, may, therefore, belong to the square or right prismatic system, the three axes being equal amongst each other, and hence the isomorphism of the simple bodies be rendered still less probable. 308 Isomorpkous Groups. The examples of isomorphism in compound bodies, which are most deserving of attention, are the following : GROUP I. Sulphuric acid Telluric acid Selenic acid Chromic acid Manganic acid SO 3 n These acids, the composition of which Te 3 is similar in all, form salts which, when con ^ am the same base, and the MnOa J same proportion of base and of water of crystallization, have the same crystalline form. GROUP II. These protoxides combine with acids, Magnesia ". . . MgO - Protoxide of iron . . FeO Protoxide of manganese . MnO Oxide of copper . . CuO and form salts, which, when in the same degree of saturation with base Protoxide of cobalt . CoO [" an( j wa t er o f crystallization, have the Protoxide of nickel . MO f The ^ h fc f th Oxide of zinc. .. , , ZnO \ Oxide of cadmium . CdO J oxides combine with sulphate ot potash to form isomorphous double salts. GKOUP III. Sesqui-oxide of iron . Fe 2 O 3 -j These sesqui-oxides, combined with Sesqui-oxide of manganese MnaOa 11- i -11 i i j /> Oxide of chrome . . Cr 2 O 3 j" sulphuric acid, with sulphate of potash, Alumina . . . A1 2 3 J and with water, form the different spe- cies of alum, which have all the octohedral form. They are themselves also isomorphous. GROUP IV. Potash fcjtf ?1 These fixed alkalies may be substi- Hytarted ammonia '. NH 3 ILO \ tufced for each other in the different Hydrate of lime . CaO.HO J species of alum. The hydrated ammo- nia, HO.NH 3 (often called oxide of ammonium, NH 4 .O,) is truly isomorphous with potash in all its compounds ; but it is only rarely that the compounds containing soda appear to have the same form. In minerals, and in some forms of alums, potash is replaced by an atom of any oxide in group n., united with an atom of water, as hydrate of lime, or by two atoms of such compound without water. GROUP v. Phosphoric acid . . POs ) These acids combine with bases in Arsenic acid , . . AsOs 5 different proportions, to form various classes of salts, between which respectively the isomorphism is complete. It was by the study of the forms of the corresponding arseniates and phosphates that Mitscherlich first established the principle of isomorph- Principle of Plesiotnarphism. 309 ism, although the true laws of their constitution escaped his notice, and were only brought into view by the later excellent researches of Graham. Even still there is no example of isomorphism, between two complete series of compounds, so well established as that of the arseniates and phosphates. GROUP VI. SEi: i-SSl U corresponding salts of these Periodic acid . . IO 7 J acids are truly isomorphous, and this group affords an example of a form of substitution to which I shall again refer, that of one equivalent of one body being replaced by two of another, as Cl by Mn2. GROUP VII. S2C 5 a a r : 52 ) These bodies, which are found crys- Sulphuret of bismuth . Bi 2 S3 J tallized in nature, have the same form. The oxide of antimony and the arsenious acid, SbO 3 and AsO 3 , though they are not found crystallized in the same form, appear to replace each other in some salts, without changing the figure, and may, therefore, be sometimes isomorphous. GROUP VIII. Stannic acid , . SnO 2 I These are found native crystallized Titanic acid . . . TiO* * in the same form. There are many other cases, in which similarity of crystalline form has been observed between bodies of more or less analogous consti- tution ; but as, here, I wish to bring forward only a sufficient number of the most remarkable examples of the principle, I shall postpone for the present the consideration of the remainder. The principle of isomorphism, as thus described, has been supposed to require, that the angles of the crystals of the isomorphous bodies should be truly equal, which they are not found really to be, for even in the best examples taken, slight differences appear. Thus in the carbo- nates of lime and magnesia the angles of the rhombs differ by 2 3 6 ; in in the sulphates of zinc and magnesia they differ by 38' ; in the sulphates of barytes and strontia the difference is, 2 48'. To express this, the word plesioi/iorphism, indicating, that such crystals are not exactly, but nearly, of the same form, has been proposed, but it is totally useless, as absolutely isomorphous forms would then be extremely rare. It is easy to understand, that slight changes in external circumstances might pre- vent the absolute isomorphism of two bodies, particularly as it is found, that the value of the angles in different specimens of even the same 310 Connexion between the Crystalline form substances, is liable to fluctuate even to nearly a degree. I apprehend, that we must seek the cause of these plesioraorphic differences in the peculiar circumstances under which the body forms, particularly with regard to temperature ; for when a crystallized body, not of the regular system, is heated or cooled, it expands in different degrees according to the direction of its axis, and may even contract in one direction, whilst it is expanding in another ; thus when carbonate of lime is heated from 32 to 212, the linear expansion in the direction of the principal axis is, 0' 00 1961, whilst in the direction of each horizontal axis, a contraction of 0-00056 occurs; in consequence of this, the obtuse angle of the rhomb, which at 40 Fall, is equal to 105 4', becomes more acute by 8J', and the acute angles which are 74 54' 15" become more obtuse in a corresponding degree. Hence, if we heated or cooled, through a certain range of temperature, the various crystallized bodies of that group, they might be brought to coincide absolutely in form, and possibly when at first generated, they had done so ; but by change of figure, when brought to ordinary temperatures, the small plesiomorphic differences may have occurred. The laws of isomorphism have lattely been announced by Kopp and Schroeder to be intimately connected with, and indeed to flow from the considerations of atomic volume, which have been so fully discussed in the preceding section ; and it has been advanced as a general fact, that bodies which are isomorphous have equal atomic volumes, and, vice versa, that bodies of equal atomic volumes are isomorphous. As this principle appears to be received favourably by many chemists, it will be necessary to examine the facts regarding it a little in detail. The principal evidence in favour of this view is derived from the fact that the rhomboidal carbonates of the group of magnesian metals, lime, magnesia, iron, and zinc, which are isomorphous, have atomic vo- lumes nearly the same, ranging only from 18 '4 for carbonate of lime to 14'1 for carbonate of zinc, and that these small differences of vo- lume are accompanied by similar small differences in the angles of the crystals, which may be supposed to arise therefrom, though referred to a different origin in last page ; also, as noticed in page 302, the isomorphous sulphates of magnesia and zinc have the same atomic volume. The isomorphous sulphates of lead, of barytes and of strontia, and the chromate of lead, have all nearly the same atomic volume, as also the isomorphous carbonates of lead and strontia. The isomorphous sesqui-oxides, alumina, peroxide of iron, and oxide of chrome have nearly the same atomic volume. Many other instances might be given iti which certainly the specific gravity of isomorphous bodies appears to be proportional to their atomic weight, and, consequently, their atomic and the Atontic Volumes of Bodies. 311 volumes to be the same ; but the coincidence is seldom perfect, and those now described will suffice to illustrate the nature of the evidence on which Kopp advocates his doctrine. It is evident, however, that really isomorphous bodies are substances in which the chemical structure and the molecular structure are either identical, or at least remarkably similar ; and hence the atomic volume being the same, is not necessarily the cause, but only one of the con- sequences of their general molecular resemblance. If the identity of atomic volume caused the isomorphism, then there should be no iso- morphism unless the atomic volume were the same ; and all bodies with the same atomic volume should be isomorphous. But it is easy to show that neither of these positions can be maintained. Carbonate of lime, as calc spar, with an atomic volume of 18*4 crys- tallizes in a rhomboid of 105. 4', and carbonate of iron crystallizes in a rhomboid of 107, having an atomic volume of 15*1. Now, when carbonate of lime crystallizes as arragonite, its density is 3'00, and its atomic volume 16*7, just half way between calc spar and carbonate of iron, and it consequently should have a rhomboidal crystal, with an angle intermediate to theirs. But, on the contrary, it abandons alto- gether the rhomboidal system of crystallization, and forms right rhombic prisms. Here it is shown fully that a molecular change, far more pro- found than alteration of atomic volume, has brought totally new crys- talline forces into play. It will only require a few casually selected instances to show that bodies may have the same atomic volume, and yet be in no way con- nected in form. Thus, carbonate of iron, oxide of silver, sulphuret of cadmium, and peroxide of iron, none of which bodies have any isomorphous connexion, have yet the same atomic volume, 15; and sulphate of barytes, which crystallizes in rhombic prisms, and chloride of silver, which crystallizes in cubes, have the same atomic volume, 26. In like manner it may be shown, that the most perfect isomorphism may exist without identity of atomic volume, just as it may exist between bodies destitute of any true chemical relationship. Thus, in the fol- lowing table of pairs of isomorphous bodies the atomic volumes will be seen to be totally different. Substances. Atomic Volume. Substances. Atomic Volume. Calc spar Nitrate of soda 18-5 38-2 Chloride of potassium Chloride of silver 38-9 '26-1 Sulphur Bi Sulphate of potash 8-0 63-3 Arragonite Nitrate of potash . 16-8 497 312 Similarity of Chemical Constitution not It is thus abundantly evident, that in no way can the proposition put forward by Kopp and Schrceder, of the law of isomorphism result- ing from the atomic volumes of isomorphous bodies being equal, be admitted as sustained by facts, and I shall pass altogether from its consideration. Isomorphism, considered as thus sketched, affords to the chemist the most valuable criterion at present at his disposal, for determining those substances which replace each other, most truly, in combination ; and where a number of bodies are so connected by external form, very important conclusions may be obtained, as to the internal arrangement of their constituents. In this manner it has been satisfactorily estab- lished, that bodies may replace each other in proportions quite different from those of their ordinary equivalents, and thus pass, as it were, by a doubling or a trebling of their atomic weights, into a different natural group, and that even two bodies, combined in an equivalent of each, may form a complex group, capable of being substituted for one of simpler structure. Thus an equivalent of chlorine is replaced by two equivalents of manganese, an equivalent of silver is replaced by two equivalents of copper, an equivalent of soda or of potash is re- placed by two equivalents of lime, or of one of lime and one of water, or by one of lime and one of oxide of manganese or of iron, or by ammonia and water united to each other, or to an equivalent of a pro- toxide of the magnesian group. By such observations, we obtain the foundations of a philosophical classification of bodies, with which the analogies drawn from purely chemical characters are found remarkably to correspond. But it is important to ascertain, whether the isomorphism of various bodies establishes necessarily, or even probably, in the absence of other reasons, grounds for assimilating the formulae of the bodies, or imagin- ing, that their chemical constituents are equivalent and are arranged in the same way. This is a point which has been, as I consider, much misunderstood, and has led to some error and confusion. Thus anhy- drous sulphate of soda crystallizes in the same form as perchlorate of barytes and permanganate of barytes, and if it be necessary, as a con- sequence of isomorphism, that these bodies should have similar consti- tutions, we must change the formula, S0 3 .NaO into S 2 7 . Na 2 0, in order to make it resemble Mn 2 O 7 . BaO. This requires us to compare the sulphates whose elements are most powerfully united, with some of the most easily decomposed salts that we know ; it requires us to con- sider the alcalies as being sub-oxides, which is opposed to every cir- cumstance in their history ; and it requires us to consider two equiva- lents of sodium, as being equivalent to one of barium, for which no the Cause of homorpJwus replacement. 313 other evidence can be had from other examples. But again, the anhy- drous sulphate of soda is isomorphons with sulphate of silver, and hence the formula of this should be, S 2 O 7 . Ag 2 O, which is so totally un- supported by other evidence, that it has been proposed to subdivide the atomic weight of silver and sodium, for the purpose of explaining the isomorphism of Cu 2 and Ag. These examples are sufficient to show, how unphilosophical is the attempt at rashly inverting the principle of isomorphism, and seeking to deduce, as a necessary consequence of the mere similarity of form, similarity of chemical constitution. Bodies of similar chemical constitution affect the same crystalline form, but bodies of the most diverse natures may have the same crystalline form also. Even without speaking of the regular system, where fluor spar and alum, CaF and KO. SO 3 + A1 2 3 . 3SO 3 + 24HO, have the same form, we find numerous examples of this fact ; nitrate of soda and carbonate of lime are isomorphous in the rhombohedral system, and nitrate of potash and carbonate of lead in the right prismatic system ; the che- mical constitution giving the formulae NO 5 . XaO and CO 2 . CaO, and that of the formulae, NO 5 . KO and CO 2 . PbO are widely different, but the forces, by which the assumption of crystalline form is governed, are alike. Even in these instances, the attempts at generalizing the che- mical formula have been tried, and the nitrates of soda and potash have been written NO 6 . K and NO*;. Na, with which the formula of the car- bonates, when doubled, C 2 6 Ca2 and C 2 O 6 Ba2, have been compared. In this way one equivalent of soda is made isomorphous with two of barytes, whilst by a former and similar reasoning, one of barytes was made iso- morphous with two of soda. Bisulphate of potash, KO . SOa + HO . SO 3 crystallizes in two forms, one of which is that of sulphur, a simple body, and the other of which is that of feldspar, KO . SiOa-fAlaOs^Sig. Here, in neither case, is there the slightest similarity of constitution. The circumstances of isomorphous replacement may be reduced to the following simple propositions, with which I shall terminate the subject : 1st. Similarity of crystalline form requires that the molecular struc- ture of the bodies shall be alike, but has no necessary reference to the chemical nature, or composition of these molecules. Examples. Ni- trate of soda and carbonate of lime, sulphate of soda and perchlorate of barytes, bisulphate of potash and sulphur. 2nd. When the physical molecules consist of chemical elements which follow the same law of combination, and which belong to the same chemical family, the similarity of molecular structure is most completely and most easily produced, and such crystals are isomorphous. Exam- 314 Of Dimorphism and Allotropy. pies. Sulphate of zinc and sulphate of magnesia, carbonate of lime and carbonate of zinc, sulphate of barytes and sulphate of strontia. 3rd. But identity of molecular structure may result from the aggre- gation of substances the most different in their chemical relations ; and hence isomorphous bodies are not necessarily of similar chemical consti- tutions. 4th. As the influence of the chemical constitution does not extend to the absolute determination of the molecular structure, a body, che- mically the same, may assume incompatible crystalline forms, and so become dimorphous ; but as the chemical structure influences the molecular arrangement in some degree, dimorphous bodies, which are isomorphous in one form, are generally so in the other ; they are isodi- morphous. Examples. Sulphur, and bisulphate of potash ; nitrate of potash and carbonate of lime; garnet and idocrase, arsenious acid and oxide of antimony. 5th. We cannot assert that the similarity of form of truly isomor- phous bodies results from the isomorphism of their elements, for, so far as our observation goes, their simple constituents, are not necessarily or even usually isomorphous. Examples. Arseniates and phosphates, sulphates and seleniates. 6th. We cannot assert that isomorphism results from the aggrega- tion of the same number of simple molecules ; for we do not know what bodies are truly simple, nor do we know, without doubt, that we can value the relative number of atoms present ; but, even in the existing state of our knowledge, we have numerous examples of bodies truly isomorphous, which* contain an unlike number of atoms according to our present ideas. Examples. Potash and ammonia, natrolite and mesotype, sulphur, feldspar and bisulphate of potash. 7th. We cannot admit that isomorphism results from equality of the atomic volumes of bodies, as we have found that, although many iso- morphous bodies have the atomic volumes the same, many others have quite different atomic volumes, and bodies have the same atomic volumes, which are not at all isomorphous. Finally. Isomorphism does result from the aggregation, according to the same laws, of similar molecular groups, which are most generally formed by the reunion of similar chemical substances, in the same state of combination. The fact of the same body being capable of crystallizing in forms belonging to two different systems, has been already frequently referred to ; but, for convenience of reference, a more detailed list of such cases of dimorphous bodies is here inserted, taken from Professor Johnston's excellent report on the subject, made to the British Association. List of Dimorphous Bodies. 315 Symbol or Form. Crystalline Form. 1. Elementary bodies : Sulphur, - - - A Carbon, - - - A 7 -- B( S C Cu 2 CuS or Cu 2 S AgS or Ag 2 S MnS Fe S 2 HgI 2 HgCl 2 As 2 Os Sb 2 0s CaO_[-CO 2 FeO-f-CO 2 PbO-f C0 2 KO-f-N0 5 PbO + CrOa NiO + SO 3 +7HO ZnO + Se0 3 + 7HO ( Rt. Rh Pr. M on M 101-59 Haid. I Oblique Rh. Pr. of 90 32' M. C Reg. Octohedron. I Rhombohedral. f Cube. 1 Rh. of 99 15', 6-sid. Pr. Rhomb. C cleav. Sk. ( Do primary a rhomb. P. on F' j = 71 30' (Reg. octohedrons. / Cube in Silver glance. 1 Rhomboid. /Cubes. (.Rhomboid. /Cubes. IRt. Rh. R., M on M' 106 2'. /Octohed. with square base. \Rt. Rh. Pr. MM= 114. ( Rt. Rh. Pr. MM = 71 '55. 1 Octohed. with rect. base. /Reg. octohedrons. \Rt. Rh. Pr. /Do. MonM'136 58'. (^Reg. octohedrons. /Rhomb, of 105<> 4' M. IRt. Rh. Pr. of 116 16' Ku. /Rhomb, of 106 15'. IRt. Rh. Pr. /Rhomb, of 107'0. IRt. Rh. Pr. 10826', 118 0'? rRhomboid 104 53 J'? JRt. Rh. Pr. of 117o 14', Ku. c K t. Rh. Pr. M on M' = 1 1 8" 52' Lv. \ Rhomboid of 106'36, Fm. (Ob. Rh. Pr. ( Square prism. rRt. Rh. Pr. M on M' 91 10' Bk. \ Square prism, j Rt. Rh. Pr. \ Square prism. ( Rhombic octohed. (form of sul- < phur) M. C Ob. Rh. Pr. (form of Felspar) M. f Rt. Rh. Pr. of M on M' 93 54'. ( Do. of 78 30'. C Reg. dodecahedron. Square prism. f Oblique Rh. prism. -J Right Rh. prism, (form of arrago- ( nite.) /Acute rhomboid of 72 30'. iRt. rhombic prism* M on M = 120. II. Bi -elementary Compounds : Dioxide of Copper, - A } P > Disulphuret of Copper, - AS B) Sulphuret of Silver, - A 7 B \ Sulphuret of Manganese, A 7 Bisulphuret of Iron, - A 7 B\ Biniodide of Mercury, - A 7 B \ Bichloride of mercury, - A 7 B\ Arsenious acid, - - A 7 B \ Oxide of Antimony, - A 7 B \ [II. Compounds of 3 Elements : Carbonate of Lime - A Carbonate of Magnesia, A 7 Carbonate of Iron - A 7 Carbonate of Lead - A Nitrate of Potash, - A B Chromate of Lead - A IV. Compounds of 4 or more Elements : Sulphate of Nickel, - A 7 Seleniate of Zinc,' - A 7 Bisulpliate of Potash, - A ^ K0+S0 3 +H0+S0 3 Biphosphate of Soda, - A 1 n \ NaO -|- P 2 Os -|- 4HO or NaH 2 P_|_2H Ca07^ Co Ba07 ^ PbS+3PbC Garnet - - - Al Idocrase - - B j Baryto-Calcite, - - A) R f J Sulphate -Tricarbonate of 7 Lead, J Ilaidinger says an oblique rhombic prism, which, according to the subsequent measure- ment of Brooke, is incorrect. Bk., Brooke ; Ku., Kuffcr; Lv., Levey ; M,, Mitscherlich ; S.,Sukow. 316 Difference in Structure of Dimorphous Bodies. The molecular arrangements which produce this diversity of form are not in general of equal stability, on the contrary, one figure appears to be, in general, forced upon the body, and is abandoned by it upon very slight disturbance. Thus when a prism of arragonite is heated in the flame of a spirit lamp, it breaks up into a congeries of little rhombs of common calc spar, at a temperature far below that at which the carbon- ate of lime commences to be decomposed ; but no alteration of tempe- rature can convert calc spar back again into arragonite. Indeed arra- gonite appears to be formed only between very narrow limits of tempe- rature. When chalk is melted, it forms, on cooling, marble, whose fracture shews it to have the rhombohedral structure, and when carbo- nate of lime is precipitated at ordinary temperatures, the microscopic crystals produced are rhombohedrons ; but when it is precipitated from a boiling solution, it deposits minute crystals of arragonite, which a higher or a lower temperature should have prevented. When sulphur has been crystallized by fusion in oblique rhombic prisms, these lose their transparency after a day or two, and change into a mass of very minute right rhombic octohedrons. When the arsenious acid is crystallized in rhombic prisms, it alters slowly, and eventually becomes a dull white mass, which is a congeries of regular octohedrons, but if the rhombic form of the acid be dissolved in muriatic acid, and the solution set to crystallize, it is deposited in the octohedral form, and the formation of each crystal is accompanied by a brilliant flash of light, indicating probably the moment of the change of molecular condition. One form is, therefore, the stable condition of arrangement ; the other being produced by the sudden fixation of the molecules, in a form, which is naturally only transitive, and from which they free themselves, as soon as the external circumstances admit of their suitable motion amongst each other. Independent of the change in external figure, dimorphous bodies present remarkable differences in physical properties ; thus the density is generally different ; in one form the substance is more soluble than in the other ; they differ also in hardness, and generally speaking, in all characters derived from the physical arrangement of molecules. The changes in density which thus usually accompany the total alter- ation of molecular structure that must occur where bodies pass into dimorphous states, would, of course, make it quite possible to assert that the same body in its different conditions had different atomic volumes ; this substitution of effect for cause would be very unphilosophical, and besides, the differences of atomic volumes among dimorphous bodies, are in no case so great as have been already shown to commonly exist among bodies truly isomorphous. In regard to dimorphism therefore, as in Allot ropic Characters indicate an approach to Dimorphism. 317 regard to isomorphism, I regard the doctrine of atomic volume as not establishing any new principle in science. A body, in its dimorphous conditions, presents frequently a differ- ence of chemical properties deserving of particular notice. The bisul- phuret of iron, in its cubical form, is remarkably permanent, not being acted on either by air or water ; but in its right rhombic form, when exposed to moist air, it absorbs oxygen with avidity, and is converted intea crystalline mass of copperas. On this principle depends, most probably, the change of molecular condition which takes place in oxide of chrome, peroxide of tin, zirconia, and alumina, when exposed to a temperature just below redness. These substances, which had been easily soluble in acids, become almost totally insoluble, except in boil- ing oil of vitriol, and this change is generally accompanied by the spon- taneous ignition of the body, which the temperature applied would be quite insufficient to produce. Independent of crystalline form, we must refer to circumstances simi- lar to those which produce dimorphism, a variety of differences in phy- sical constitution, observable in certain bodies, and which have been grouped together recently by Berzelius under the name of allotropic modifications. Thus, melted sulphur is, at 230 F., perfectly liquid ; on being heated to 430 it becomes thick, and so tenacious that the vessel containing it may be inverted, without it running out ; when heated further to 480, it becomes again liquid, and continues so until it begins to boil. When the red oxide of mercury is heated nearly to redness, it becomes almost quite black. When metallic mercury is rubbed in a mortar with sulphur, or a solution of corrosive sublimate is precipitated by hydro-sulphuric gas, the sulphuret of mercury is formed as a black powder ; but if that powder be sublimed, or if mercury be agitated with a solution of persulphuret of potassium, there is generated vermilion, which merely differs in colour from the black sulphuret, and may be reconverted into it by being heated until it just begins to give off sulphur, and then suddenly cooled. The sulphuret of antimony may be had either as the brown kermes mineral of medicine, or as the steel grey crystallized mineral. Oxide of zinc when very hot is of a bright lemon yellow, but when cool perfectly white. If the red iodide of mercury, formed by precipitation, be sublimed, it becomes yellow ; but if the sublimed mass be scratched with a pin, the edges of the scratch turn red, and the redness spreads from thence, until the whole mass is converted into its original condition. Even in liquids and gases, this difference in molecular condition, whether produced by temperature or by other causes, appears frequently to occur. Thus, the 318 Allotropic Conditions of Bodies. liquid hyponitrous acid (NO 8 ) is deep green at 60, but at 4 it is quite colourless ; and the deep red gas of nitrous acid (NO 4 ) becomes, when heated to 212, absolutely black and opaque. The compound of starch and iodine, so beautifully blue-coloured at ordinary temperatures, be- comes colourless when heated to 200, but acquires its original tint in proportion as it again cools. In all such cases, there is scarcely room to doubt but that if we had as perfect methods of determining the mo- lecular structure, as is afforded by the measure of the angles and the optical properties of the bodies, when crystallized, we should find these phenomena to depend upon causes of the same kind. In solid bodies, a difference of molecular structure, fully equivalent to that to which dimorphism may be referred, is capable of being pro- duced by very simple means. Thus, when a plate of glass is compressed by means of a screw it assumes a doubly refracting structure, and gives with polarized light, a cross and rings, variously disposed according to the direction of the pressure. In this case, the change of structure arises necessarily from an increase of density in the compressed portions ; but the same effect may be produced by the converse process ; a plate of glass which has been suddenly cooled from having been red hot, assumes a similar doubly refracting and polarizing structure, although here the density is diminished in place of being increased. I have found the sp. gr. of glass, suddenly chilled, to be about T n less than that of glass of the same kind, which had cooled slowly, indicating, that the volume was the same that it had occupied at a dull red heat, and that hence the internal molecules were arranged so as to occupy a greater space than in the usual condition. The tendency of glass to assume allotropic conditions is further shown by the separation of its constituent silicates when it is allowed to cool very slowly ; it becomes devitrified and milk white, being changed into what is called Reaumur's Porcelain. Glass is, in fact, but a mixture of silicates of potash, soda, lime, lead, &c., according to the kind of glass ; and all these silicates may exist either as really crystallized bodies or as the plastic, uncrystalline material of glass. The tendency to assume the latter condition is singularly promoted by their being mixed together, and hence even the simplest kind of glass is a mixture of at least two silicates. These allotropic modifications of bodies are, however, found to involve other phenomena than those of molecular form, or change of aggregation or of colour, and indeed, are probably but the external indication of a far more profound alteration in the physical and chemical nature of the body. Its relations to heat are altered. The assumption of the new condition is often accompanied by vivid spontaneous ignition, as in the Relation of Allot ropy to Isoinerlsm. 319 case of oxide of chrome, and their tendency to combine with other bodies may be totally changed. There is involved then the question of the chemical individuality of the body, and the allotropy may connect itself with isomerism. SECTION III. OF ISOMERISM, AND THE INTIMATE STRUCTURE OP CHEMICAL GROUPS THEORY OP COMPOUND RADICALS THEORY OF TYPES CONSTITUTION OF SALTS. BERZELTUS first fixed the attention of chemists upon the fact that the allotropy, which as described above, exists among many simple bodies, might be supposed to continue even when those simple bodies entered into combination, and might give rise to the allotropy of those com- pound bodies, or to other differences of molecular characters as dimor- phism, which have been found to exist. Thus, silicon may be obtained in two quite different allotropic states, in one of which it is combustible and dissolves in hydrofluoric acid with evolution of hydrogen gas, whilst in the other it is totally incombustible and inattackable by hydrofluoric acid. These two states of silicon correspond precisely to two conditions of silicic acid, which in one is soluble in water, and separated from its salts by even the feeblest acids, but in the other is insoluble in water, and its salts cannot be decomposed even by strong acids. The metal chrome may be prepared either unalterable by heat or acids, or easily oxidized by either, and its oxide may assume either a form inattackable by acids, or it may be easily dissolved and form salts. Of these salts there are again evidently two conditions, the one green and the other red, so that this difference of molecular state in the metal is continued throughout its chemical combinations, and generates a difference of pro- perties which might belong to a totally different substance. We might in fact say that there are two chromes, chrome A and chrome B, and that chrome A forms a totally different class of compounds from chrome B. There is then really nothing to reduce them to the same chemical element, but that we can change one into the other. It appears to me indeed, that in order to fully explain the relations which the allotropic conditions of bodies bear to their chemical habi- tudes, we must admit that the same elementary body may in forming different classes of compounds, abandon that absolute simplicity and act in as totally different capacity as if those series arose from different elementary bases. Thus, the manganese which forms a powerfully basic 320 Allot ro^^y and Isomerism. protoxide, may be a different body from the manganese, which forms with oxygen a powerful acid, and that it may have a different atomic weight. I therefore believe that permanganic acid is not formed of two atoms of manganese, a strongly electro-positive metal, and seven of oxygen, but of an atom of manganese with the equivalent 56, which is a powerfully electro-negative metal, like gold or platinum, and this allotropic con- dition of manganese is perfectly illustrated in the passive condition " produced, in its analogous metal iron, by strong nitric acid : a state in which iron is inattackable by oxidizing means, and in which, being sub- stituted for platinum, it forms the electro-negative element of the powerful batteries invented by Professor Callan. Manganese and iron therefore, as I believe, may exist in different allotropic states in which they have different atomic weights, and totally different chemical pro- perties states in which, in fact, they are different metals, but that we know how to transmute them into their ordinary conditions. In this manner we can perfectly conceive a metal belonging to quite different natural groups, and manifesting a totally different kind of che- mical properties according as it acts with one or the other atomic weight. Copper, when it unites with the equivalent 31 '7, forms a soluble chlo- ride and sulphate. Its salts are blue or green. It ranges in the class of iron, nickel and cobalt. But when copper combines in the equivalent 63'4, which is usually called two atoms of copper, then it forms an in- soluble chloride and a very sparingly soluble sulphate, and its salts are white. It belongs then to the family of silver and lead. Similarly, mercury according as has the atomic weight 100 or 200 approaches to the copper or silver group respectively. But in these cases, except that when we actually break up the compounds and extract the metal, it is the same, Cu 2 differs far more from Cu, as a chemical substance, and Hg 2 from Hg. than Cu 2 does from Ag. or Pb. or Hg 2 . from Cu 2 . We, therefore, arrive at the principle, very important for the philosophical theory of combination, that the degrees of combination of a metal may really have totally different radicals and be as perfectly independent and unconnected as are the compounds of quite different metals, the only tie embracing them being, that by certain processes we are enabled to ex- tract the same metal from both. But that each allotropic state of the metal which gives it its different atomic weight, and its different chemical properties, really constitutes it for the time a different metal, and thus a transmutation, although in a different point of view from that of the alchemists, takes place as one of the most common facts of chemistry. The differences of chemical properties may, however, proceed much further, so that in place of considering that there is one chemical sub- stance which may exist in two molecular conditions, we are obliged to Principle of Isomerism. 321 consider, that the individuality of the body is lost, and that in its two forms it constitutes two distinct and independent chemical substances. Thus, by the action of sulphuric acid on alcohol, we obtain a gas con- sisting of carbon and hydrogen, in the proportion of an equivalent of each. In the destructive distillation of wood, a solid substance is ob- tained, fusible like wax, and volatile only at a high temperature ; this consists also of carbon and hydrogen, and in the same proportions. These elements, so combined, present, therefore, a difference in mole- cular arrangement, still greater than those which have been observed amongst merely allotropic bodies; and when we examine their che- mical relations, the diversity becomes still more marked. The gas (olefiant gas) is remarkable for the number of compounds to which it gives rise, and has been, from the variety of its re-actions, of great influence on the existing theories of organic chemistry. The solid is inattackable even by the strongest agents, and from its total indifference to combination, has been called paraffine, (parum affinis.) In this case, the difference of properties indicates a difference of structure, much more profound than that by which change of density, colour, or even crystalline arrangement could have its source ; it is not merely that the molecules are differently placed, but that the molecules are different. The carbon and hydrogen which unite to constitute the chemical equi- valent of the body are themselves differently arranged, and thus give rise to difference of properties ; and the physical molecules formed by their reunion being again grouped according to dissimilar laws, produce the diversity of physical properties and states of aggregation. The bodies being thus in every property unlike, are to be looked upon as independent substances ; they are said to be isomeric (from rfo$ [J/ Nitric Acid. 385 remain behind in the retort, provided the distillation be not pushed too far. I have found, that from twelve pounds of commercial aquafortis, there can be obtained eight quite pure, three being allowed to come over first, to carry off the chlorine, and one being left in the retort with the fixed impurities. This mode of purifying nitric acid is, however, unsuited to any but laboratories, where other uses are found for that portion in which the chlorine is concentrated. Another, and probably the best, is to add to the commercial acid a strong solution of nitrate of silver as long as the peculiar curdy precipitate of chloride of silver is formed. When it is found that the silver has been added a little in excess, the clear acid is to be poured off the precipitate and distilled : it comes over quite pure : This mode is not costly, as all the silver is re- covered from the chloride and may be reconverted into nitrate by simple means, and thus the same quantity may be always used for this process. The detection of nitric acid is not difficult ; it cannot be recognized by forming precipitates, as all its neutral salts are soluble, but its proper- ties are, notwithstanding, very marked. 1st, The production of red fumes by nitric oxide when it is brought into contact with a metal, is charac- teristic of it. 2nd, When a drop of nitric acid is added to water tinged blue by sulphate of indigo, and the mixture boiled, it is bleached by the oxidizement of the indigo by the acid. 3rd, When a small crystal of protosulphate of iron is placed in contact with water containing nitric acid, a ring of deep olive coloured liquid forms round it, according as it dissolves ; from one portion of the protosulphate reducing the acid to the state of nitric oxide, which then combines with the remaining protosulphate. 4th, Nitric acid confers upon muriatic acid the power of dissolving gold leaf, but this test is not of such ^distinctness as the others, from the same effect being produced by the chloric and some other acids. 5th, Nitric acid may also be distinguished by the deep red colour it produces with a crystal of morphia. For the detection of a small quantity of nitric acid, the best plan is to neutralize the liquor, if it be acid, by a solution of potash, and to evaporate to dryness. The salt so obtained crystallizes irf sharp needles, and deflagrates when placed on ignited charcoal ; heated with a little bisulphate of potash and some copper filings it evolves copious red fumes, and with a drop of sulphuric acid and a crystal o protosulphate of iron produces the olive-coloured liquor already noticed. All solid compounds of nitric acid, such as the basic nitrates, may be recognized in this way. The nitric acid, not being isolable, we do not know the state of con- densation of its elements, which are united in the proportion of two 25 386 Composition of Nitric Acid. volumes of nitrogen to five of oxygen. Its composition by weight and its equivalent numbers are as follows : Nitrogen, 26' 15 One equivalent, == 175 or 14'0 Oxygen, 73-85 Five equivalents, = 500 or 40'0 100-00 :;: .. 675 54-0 The specific gravity of the vapour of the liquid nitric acid, HO.N0 5 , is not known ; but Bineau has found the sp. gr, of the vapour of the liquid acid which boils at 248, HO.M) 5 +3HO, to be 1243, which might result from, Two volumes of nitrogen, - ; v 976 X 2 = 1952-0 Five volumes of oxygen, . . 1 1 05 6 X 5 = 5528 -0 Eight volumes of watery vapour, . 622-1 X 8 = 4976 -8 condensed into ten volumes, 12456-8 of which one, therefore, should weigh, ... , ^,., . 1245-6 This result requires confirmation. SULPHUR. Symbol. S. Eq. 16 or 200. This substance exists in large quantity in nature in combination. The most important ores of copper, lead, silver, mercury, antimony, and many other metals are their sulphurets ; and a great quantity of the sulphur at present used in commerce is derived from the iron pyrites, bisulphuret of iron. Sulphur is exhaled in large quantity also from volcanoes, partly uncombined, partly in the state of sulphuret of hydrogen, arising probably from the decomposition of metallic sulphu- rets by the high temperature in the interior of the earth. The native sulphur so produced condensing in fissures constitutes the great deposits of volcanic sulphur of Sicily and other places, which supply a large proportion of that employed in commerce. It exists also native, com- bined with oxygen and various metallic oxides, forming native sulphates, of which those of lime and of barytes are the most abundant. In many organic bodies also sulphur exists as a constituent, as in the white, and particularly the yolk of egg, the hair, the horns, and hoofs of animals, and in the black mustard seed it exists in considerable quantity. The specific gravity and appearance of sulphur differs in its various allotropic conditions (page 316) ; but at ordinary temperatures it exists generally as an opaque solid, sp. gr. 1*98. When heated, it melts at 226 into an amber coloured thin liquid ; if the temperature be then Source and Properties of Sulphur. 387 raised to about 400 it becomes dark brown, opaque, and so thick that the vessel containing it may be inverted without its pouring out, but when heated further it becomes thinner, until at 601 its boiling point, it is as thin and limpid as when first it began to melt. If the sulphur, when just melted, be allowed to cool slowly, and the internal .liquid be poured out when the outer crust has solidified, the interior will be found lined with crystals, as in the figure, which have the form of the oblique rhombic prism, of which a common modification with secon- dary faces, and the surfaces of the octohe- dron which determines the height of the principal axis of the crystal is given. These crystals, when first obtained, are transparent and amber-coloured, but after a few days they become opaque, sulphur yellow, and friable, being then changed into the dimor- phous state. If the thick tenacious sulphur at 400 be suddenly cooled by immer- sion in a large quantity of water, it forms a soft and transparent mass of considerable elasticity, and may be drawn out into long threads like Indian rubber; after some time, however, it changes into the ordinary state. Sulphur is used in pharmacy under two forms, that of roll and ilowers ; the former is made by melting the rough native sulphur, and pouring it into slightly conical moulds, in which it solidifies. The flowers of sulphur are formed by the condensation of the vapour of sulphur so rapidly that the molecules have not time to form crystals of any perceptible size, so that the condensed sulphur, although really crystalline, appears to the sight and touch as an impalpable soft powder. Eor the manufacture of flowers of sulphur, the apparatus is arranged as in the annexed figures, in which A is a vertical and B a horizontal section, to which the same letters refer. In an apartment and shed, 388 AUotropic Properties of Sulphur. M, M, a chamber, A, is constructed, which must have at least 4 2000 cubic feet capacity. Outside of this chamber is an iron pan, c, in which by a fire at o } the sulphur is kept gently boiling. The boiler and fire-place must be completely surrounded by brick work, so that as little heat as possible may be communicated to the vaulted chamber, A ; the draught from the fire passes to the chimney, g ; the pan is sup- plied with sulphur by the door, n } which can be closed air-tight; "the vapour of sulphur mixes with the air in the wide space, d, over the boiler, and, passing through the aperture, b, rises into the chamber, where, mixing with the large mass of cold air, the sulphur is condensed, and falls like a fine snow shower upon the floor underneath. When a sufficient quantity of the flowers of sulphur have been thus formed, they are removed by the door at jp. If, at the commencement of the process, the mixture of sulphur-vapour and air should inflame, the ex- plosion opens the valve at e, the gases escape at t, and all danger is avoided. The form of crystal of sublimed sulphur is the right rhombic octo- hedron, of which a common modification is represented in the margin. Sulphur is found crystallized in this form on the edges of the craters of most volcanoes, the crystals being transparent, and sometimes of considera- ble size. When sulphur is deposited from its solution in chloride of sulphur or in sulphuret of carbon, it is in this form also that its particles arrange them- selves. Sulphur may be obtained, however, in a state of much more minute division, and destitute of all crystalline structure, by precipitation from solution. Thus, if the persulphuret of potassium, K.S 5 , be decom- posed by muriatic acid, sulphuretted hydrogen is evolved, and four equivalents of sulphur are set free, which separate as a milk-white powder, constituting the Sulp/mr Precipitatum of pharmacy. In this form the sulphur retains a trace of sulphuret of hydrogen from which it can be freed only by fusion, and the pure white colour may be partly owing thereto, as when sulphur is precipitated by the action of sulphurous acid on a persulphuret, the powder which separates is of the proper sulphur yellow colour. In these different allotropic states, sulphur is found to differ mate- rially in its density as in its other physical characters. Thus the brown transparent prisms formed by fusion have a Sp. Gr. 1*982. The yellow crystals deposited from solution in sulphuret of carbon have Sp. Gr. 2*0454. When the brown transparent prisms become yellow and opaque, they become warm and their specific heat is lessened in the proportion of {$. They contract in volume by 1*35 per cent, by Relations of Oxygen to SulpJiur. 389 the change into octohedrons. The natural crystals of sulphur have Sp. Gr. 2-066. The soft sulphur, to which form every kind of preci- pitated sulphur at first belongs, has a Sp. Gr. of 1/957 ; but it rises to 2-0454 on becoming hard and opaque, assuming the condition of the mass of octohedrons which appear to be the natural and stable con- dition of this simple substance. Sulphur is not soluble in water or in alcohol ; it dissolves in the oils; still more in those liquids mentioned above. It dissolves in alkaline solutions, or in milk of lime ; but there then occur complex reactions which shall be studied hereafter. When sulphur is boiled it forms a deep yellow vapour, the specific gravity of which is 6648. Sulphur evaporates, however, very rapidly long before it boils, and even forms some vapour below its melting point. At a temperature of about 300 it takes fire, burning with a bluish violet flame, and forming sulphurous acid (S0 2 .) The resemblance of sulphur to oxygen in its chemical relations, is very striking ; by combining with the same bodies, according to the same proportions, they generate completely parallel classes of acids, bases, and salts. Thus with carbon and potassium there are formed C.O2 Carbonic acid, K.O Oxide of potassium. KO.CO 2 Carbonate of potassium, and with arsenic and potassium. AsO 5 Arsenic acid. KO Oxide of potassium. KO.AsO 5 Arseniate of potassium. CS-2 Sulpho-carbonic acid. KS Sulphuret of potassium. KS.CS 2 Sulpho -carbonate of potassium. AsSs Sulpharsenic acid. KS Sulphuret of potassium. KS. AsSo Sulpharseniate of potassium. In like manner, the similar compounds 3?e 3 O 4 and Fe 3 S 4 are not altered by heat, but are magnetic, whilst EeSa and MnO 2 give out oxygen and sulphur, and are reduced to Fe 3 S 4 and Mn 3 O 4 . I shall have frequent occasion to revert to these considerations, which have already been noticed under a different point of view, (p. 328.) The equivalent number of sulphur is 16'0 or 200-, and its com- bining volume one-third that of oxygen. The compounds of sulphur are very numerous and important, thus it combines with oxygen in several proportions, forming Sulphurous acid, . . . SOz. Sulphuric acid, . . . SO 3 , or SO 2 .O. Hyposulphurous acid ,. . SaO^, or SOjS. 390 Preparation and Properties There is further a group of acids, all of which agree in containing in their equivalent, five atoms of oxygen, but differ in the quantity of sulphur which is at least two atoms. The nomenclature of this group is usually very complex, but I shall endeavour to simplify it by calling them generically the T/donic acids, to distinguish them from the sul- pJiuric acids, in which the quantity of oxygen is three atoms, and then the proportion of sulphur may be indicated by the prefix of a Greek numeral. Thus the first of the series being what has been usually termed the Hyposulphuric acid, = S 2 O 5 , it becomes Deutothionic acid = 8265 and there are Trithionic acid = SsOa acid of Langlois. Tetrathionic acid = 8405 acid of Fordos. Pentathionic acid = SsOs acid of Wackenroeder. There are also described two acids having the formulae S 8 O, and S 5 6 . But the information regarding them is very imperfect. We shall proceed now to the study of those acids of sulphur in detail. Sulphuro^ls acid. S0 2 Eq. 32 or 400. Sulphurous acid exists at ordinary temperatures and pressures in the gaseous form ; it is one, however, of the most easily liquefied gases. It is produced always when sulphur burns either in air or in pure oxygen, sulphur not being capable of passing directly to a higher degree of oxidation. In the burning of sulphur, the volume of sulphurous acid gas formed is exactly equal to that of the oxygen con- sumed. When required pure, it is prepared generally by decomposing sul- phuric acid, by means of a metal not very easily oxidized, as mercury or copper. The metal combines with one atom of the oxygen of the sulphuric acid, and the sulphur, with the remaining two atoms of oxygen, pass off as sulphurous acid gas ; the oxide formed unites with the remaining sulphuric acid to form a salt. Thus, if mercury be used, S0 3 and Hg give SO 2 and HgO, and HgO unites with SO 3 to form sulphate of mercury. If the heat be not raised beyond 200 in this process, it is black oxide of mercury which is produced, (Hg 2 O) but above that degree the red oxide (HgO) alone is formed. Sulphurous acid gas may also be very simply prepared by heating three parts of flowers of sulphur with four of peroxide of manganese. The reaction is very simple, one part of the sulphur uniting with the metal, and another with the oxygen, form sulphuret of manganese and sulphurous acid ; thus, Mn02 and 2S give MnS and SO 2 . The appa- of Sulphurous Acid. 391 ratus used in these processes may be those figured under the heads of oxygen (p. 334) or nitrous oxide (p. 373.) Sulphurous acid gas is absorbed by water ; and hence, in order to examine its properties in that state, it must be collected over mercury. It is colourless and transparent, possessing an odour peculiarly irritating, (the smell of burning sulphur,) and cannot be breathed. It is not com- bustible, nor does it support combustion. It bleaches a variety of vegetable and animal bodies, and is hence used in the arts to whiten straw bonnets, corn, silk, sponges, and other substances. The bleaching is produced by the sulphurous acid combining with the coloured sub- stance, and forming a white compound, from which the gas gradually escapes on exposure to air, and hence, such bleaching is not permanent. The sulphurous acid may be expelled, also, from this kind of compound by a stronger acid, and the colour generally restored ; thus, if a red rose be exposed to the fumes of burning sulphur, it becomes completely white, but if washed in dilute sulphuric acid, its red colour is perfectly renewed. The specific gravity of sulphurous acid gas is, 2213*6, and it is formed by One volume of sulphur- vapour, . . 6648-0 Six volumes of oxygen, . . . 6633*6 The seven volumes condensed to six, give . 13281-6 Weight of one volume of SO 2 . . 2213-6 When this gas is exposed to a cold of 0F, it condenses into a liquid heavier than watS 1 , which boils at 14, and produces by its evaporation, a very intense cold ; it is easily obtained in the liquid form, by putting a quantity of mercury and oil of vitriol into a tube, and sealing up the ends, as in the figure ; on applying heat to the extremity a, containing those materials, and cooling the other end by means of ether, the gas evolved is liquefied by its own pressure, and collects in quantity at I. When a large quantity of sulphurous acid is required dissolved in water, or that it is to be employed to form compounds with bases, it may be produced in a much cheaper way than those described above. Into a matras a, placed in a furnace, is introduced a quantity of well burned charcoal, in bits about the size of a hazel nut, and by means of the safety funnel I, as much oil of vitriol is poured in, as that the mixture shall 392 Composition of Sulphurous Acid. about half fill the vessel; a tube passes to a bottle i, containing some water to wash the gas from any adhering sulphuric acid, and it is then conducted by the tube^ which passes to the bottom of the vessel k, containing the liquor in which the gas is to be dissolved. On applying heat, the carbon of the charcoal abstracts from the sulphuric acid one-third of its oxygen, so that with C and 2SO 3 there are formed C0 2 and 2SO 2 ; there is pro- duced a mixture of two vo- lumes of sulphurous acid and one of carbonic acid, which last cannot enter into combination, and passes off from the apparatus without change. Water dissolves about thirty-seven times its volume of sulphurous acid ; the solution possesses the properties of the gas in a very high degree, and bleaches vegetable colours with great power ; when kept for some time, it gradually absorbs oxygen, and the sulphurous becomes changed into sulphuric acid. The sulphurous acid is one of the feeblest acids, and is expelled from its combinations, by almost all but the carbonic acid. Of its salts, those which are soluble, all possess alcaline reaction. The sulphurous acid passes into the state of sulphu^c acid, by absorb- ing oxygen ^from many bodies, thus when it is heated with a solution of gold or silver, or of mercury, these metals are reduced to the metallic state ; others yield but a part of their oxygen ; thus, the peroxide of iron abandons a third, and the black oxide of copper one-half of that constituent. The salts of sulphurous acid possess the same deoxidizing power. The composition and equivalent of sulphurous acid is as follows : Sulphur, 50-00 One equivalent, == 200'0 or 16'0 Oxygen, 50'00 Two equivalents, = 200-0 or 16-0 32-0 100-00 400-0 Sulphuric Acid. S0 3 . Eq. 40 or 500. Sulphuric acid, one of the most important compound bodies, from the energy of its action, and the variety of combinations which it forms, Preparation of SulpJiuric Acid. 393 is not produced by the direct union of oxygen and sulphur, in any case, but arises from the combination of sulphurous acid with another quantity of oxygen. Thus, by the action of sulphurous acid on the easily redu- cible metallic oxides, sulphuric acid is produced. This principle is beautifully shewn, by passing a mixture of sulphurous acid gas and air, through a tube filled with spongy platinum, and heated to dull redness, when there issues from the extremity, a mixture of vapour of sulphuric acid, mixed with the residual nitrogen of the air ; by such processes, however, it could not be formed in quantities suited to the purposes of commerce. The preparation of sulphuric acid is effected upon the large scale, by bringing sulphurous acid, produced by the burning of sulphur, into contact with watery vapour and nitrous acid fumes. In this case the necessary quantity of oxygen is transferred from the nitrous fumes to the sulphurous acid, sulphuric acid being formed, which combining with the water present, produces oil of vitriol, and nitric oxide is disengaged. This, however, as there is an excess of air present, immediately taking oxygen, forms a new quantity of nitrous or hyponitrous acid which oxidizes a new quantity of sulphurous acid gas, and thus a very small quantity of nitrous fumes will serve by a succession of changes to con- vert a large quantity of sulphur into oil of vitriol. It is most probable that on the great scale the reaction does take place in this simple man- ner, but the remarkable affinity which sulphuric acid exercises for the oxide of nitrogen, gives rise to the appearance of some peculiar bodies which must be noticed. Sulphuric acid, whether dry or as oil of vitriol, combines with nitric oxide to form a crystallizable solid of remarkably definite composition and properties, which may be termed nitro-sulphuric acid. Its formula, when thus prepared, is NO 2 +S0 3 . It is white ; when heated it distils unchanged. It is decomposed by water into oil of vitriol and nitric oxide. This body always forms in some quantity in the manufacture of nitric oxide, and owing to it the theory of its formation has been sup- posed to be much more complex. In fact when we bring together moist sulphurous acid and nitrous acid gases, these unite to form a white crystalline solid, which appears to be a compound of sulphuric and hypo- nitrous acid (SO 3 -f-N0 3 ) mixed with a quantity of sulphuric acid and water which is not constant. The formation of this substance may be 394 Formation of Sulphuric Acid. shown by the arrangement in the figure. The central vessel, the inner surface of which is slightly moistened, contains atmospheric air; by means of the tubes, sulphurous acid gas generated in the flask, a, and nitric oxide formed in b, are introduced, to the latter of which the oxy- gen is supplied by the air to form nitrous acid fumes ; the interior of the vessel becomes gradually covered with a deposit like hoar frost, con- sisting of this substance, and in order that its production may proceed without interrupption, the vessel may be filled with fresh atmospheric air, by blowing through one of the tubes c, d, whilst the residual gases are expelled through the other. This crystalline substance is decomposed by a larger quantity of water ; hence if the bottom of the central vessel be covered by a layer of water, the crystalline substance falling into it, according as it is gene- rated, separates into oil of vitriol and hyponitrous acids ; thus, SO 3 + NO 3 , gives S0 3 , + HO, and, N0 3 , which last is decomposed by the ex- cess of water into nitric acid and nitric oxide, 3N0 3 giving N0 5 , and 2 NO 2 ; the nitric acid remains combined with the water along with the sulphuric acid, whilst the nitric oxide escaping with effervescence, generates, on arriving at the air, a new quantity of red fumes, and oxi- dizes a new quantity of sulphurous acid. It was supposed, that a certain quantity of water was necessary to the existence of this solid body, although a larger quantity decomposed it, but it has been found, that a similar substance may be formed which contaics no water. Sulphurous and nitrous acids do not act on each other when in the gaseous form, unless water be present, but they com- bine if placed in contact under considerable pressure, and liquid, even when completely dry. A portion of the nitrous acid converts an equi- valent of the sulphurous acid into sulphuric acid, it being itself reduced to the state of hyponitrous acid ; whilst another quantity of nitrous and sulphurous acid unites directly ; there are thus formed from 2S0 2 and 2NO 4 a white crystalline solid SO 2 . NO 4 with S0 3 and a quantity of N0 3 , which is given off, on the tube, in which the combination is produced, being opened. It may be questioned, however, whether this substance interferes in the formation of sulphuric acid on the large scale, where the nitrous and sulphurous acids act on one another in the gaseous forms in presence of a large excess of air and water, and I agree with Berzelius in consider- ing the .phenomena sufficiently explained by the more simple theory previously given. In the manufacture of sulphuric acid, the apparatus consists of a long leaden chamber, constructed in two portons ; the lower, a tray of about ] \ feet deep, the other, a quadrangular bell, which being suspended on Manufacture of Oil of Vitriol. 395 wooden frame work, b, I, rests with its edges immersed in the liquid, with which the tray is filled, like the cylinder of a bell gasometer. The bottom of the chamber, which is supported at a certain distance from ; the ground on pillars, 0, a, a, slants from before, so that the liquid which occupies it increases in depth towards the end. Under the front is placed a furnace, d, on the floor of which, e, the sulphur is burned, and the sulphurous acid passes into the chamber by the chimney/; the heat necessary is supplied by the fire-place under e ; the nitrous acid is obtained by placing over the burning sulphur in e a pan, containing a quantity of nitrate of soda and oil of vitriol, the nitric acid evolved from which directly oxidizes a portion of sulphurous acid, and then being brought to the state of NO 4 acts on the mass of sulphurous acid, as has been just described : g is a boiler, by which steam is driven into the chamber at h, and thus, in the interior, are provided the conditions for the reunion of steam, sulphurous acid gas and nitrous acid fumes, which may produce, as in the apparatus figured already, the white crystal- line solid, by which, when decomposed by the water at the bottom of the chamber, the sulphuric acid is produced, and nitric oxide gas evolved. This nitric oxide, mixing with the atmospheric air, which is always present in large excess in the interior of the chamber, is reconverted into nitrous acid, which combines with a new quantity of sulphurous acid generating another proportion of the solid body, from whose de- composition by the water the nitric oxide is again evolved with little 396 Manufacture of Oil of Vitriol. loss; and thus the oxygen of the air is gradually transferred to the sulphurous acid by the intermediate agency of the nitrous acid fumes. Were there no nitric acid formed, the same quantity of nitric oxide might convert an infinite quantity of sulphurous acid into sulphuric acid ; but as the oil of vitriol produced always retains a certain portion of the nitric acid, it is necessary to supply its loss, and to send into the chamber a continued current of nitrous acid fumes. This is secured by the construction already described; about one part of nitrate of soda being decomposed for every eight or nine parts of sulphur burned in the furnace, d } e. The draught is regulated by the chimney, or POs-fH.M2 V Tribasic. or POs-j-Ma J There should be therefore, three phosphoric salt radicals, PO 6 , PO 7 , and P0 8 . These combine respectively with one, two, and three atoms of hydrogen, and the replacement of these several atoms of hydrogen by equivalents of metals, produces the classes of monobasic, bibasic, and tribasic salts. In the general remarks on the constitution of salts, and on some other subjects, I shall have further occasions to return to the consider- ation of this subject. Compounds of Phosphorus and Hydrogen. It is probable that there exist at least three compounds of phosphorus and hydrogen, and I shall describe first that which is gaseous (PH 3 ), as of it we possess more accurate knowledge. The modes of preparing this gas have been already noticed. It may be formed, 1st, when phosphorus is heated in a solution of potash or barytes, or with milk of lime ; the water being decomposed, gives its oxygen to one portion of the phosphorus to form hypophosphorous acid, and its hydrogen to another, forming phosphuretted hydrogen gas : 2nd, when the hydrated phosphorous acid is heated, the water is decom- posed, and phosphoric acid and phosphuretted hydrogen are produced. The gas, prepared in these ways, possesses very different properties ; I shall term that obtained by the first process, the A, and that by the 416 Preparation and Properties of second, the B variety. If the A gas, evolved from the retort a, be allowed to bubble through the water of the pneumatic trough, each bubble of gas, as it bursts in the air, takes fire spontaneously, and burn- ing with a beautiful white flame, forms a ring of phosphoric acid smoke, which, widening as it rises, may ascend to a considerable height, if the air of the apartment be still, without its form being broken up. The structure of this ring is exceedingly curious and pretty ; it consists of an amazing number of small rings, which revolve with great rapidity on their axis, and whose plane is perpendicular to that of the general ring which they produce. This is spontaneously inflammable phosphuretted hydrogen : if the gas bubbles be received in a jar of pure oxygen, the combustion is excessively brilliant and explosive. The B variety of the gas is not spontaneously inflammable, but if set on fire it burns with the same appearance as the other. On analysis, the two varieties give exactly the same result : they are colourless and transparent, and of a very disagreeable garlic smell ; but slightly absorbed by water, arid precipitating the generality of metallic salts, giving insoluble phosphurets. The specific gravity is the same for both, being 1185, which arises from One volume of phosphorus-vapour, and six volumes of hydrogen, . = 4327-0 69-3 x 6 = 415-8 being condensed to four, \..\ ', . .*, .'".'".' . 4742-8 of which one weighs, therefore, .... 11857 Their constituents by weight, and equivalent numbers, are as follows : Phosphorus, = 91-29 Hydrogen, . 8'71 1000-00 One equivalent, = 400-0 or 32-0 Three equivalents, = 37*5 or 3-0 437-5 32-0 These two varieties were naturally looked upon as isomeric, but Graham has shown that the difference of properties may arise from the The PJiosphnrets of Hydrogen. 417 presence of a small quantity of foreign substance, as such may change the one variety into the other. Thus, a very small quantity of the vapour of ether removes altogether the power of spontaneous inflammability from the A variety ; the vapour of the essential oils, and even carbon, phosphoric acid, and potassium, produce the same effect. On the other hand, an exceedingly small quantity of vapour of nitrous acid, or nitric oxide, converts the variety B into A, and makes it spontaneously inflam- mable. Graham considers, that in obtaining the gas from phosphorus and milk of lime, &c., it is accompanied by a very minute trace of some compound of phosphorus and oxygen, probably the same as is formed by nitrous acid with the B variety, which is really spontaneously inflam- mable, and acting as a match, inflames the general mass of gas. The cause of the difference in the two varieties of phosphuretted hydrogen has been finally cleared up by the researches of Thenard, who has discovered it to be the presence of the vapour of the really inflam- mable phosphuret of hydrogen, PH 2 . a highly volatile liquid. "When the spontaneously inflammable gas is passed through a narrow tube, cooled to 40 Eah. a colourless liquid condenses from the gas, and the latter is found to have totally lost its spontaneous inflammability. This liquid is pellucid and colourless, excessively volatile ; at ordinary tem- perature a gas : On contact with air it immediately inflames. A small portion of its vapour confers the same property on phosphuretted hydro- gen gas, and even on common hydrogen gas. Exposed to the light, it is decomposed into a solid red powder, hydruret of phosphorus PH. and phosphuretted hydrogen gas PH 3 , which is not spontaneously in- flammable. These important results modify the views of Graham above given, but prove their general accuracy in attributing the difference of properties of the phosphuretted hydrogen gases to the presence of a foreign body. Phosphuretted hydrogen gas has, in some respects, strong analogies to ammonia. It unites with hydriodic acid to form a kind of salt. It combines with metallic chlorides, and in these reactions appears to be frequently changed from the inflammable to the non-inflammable state, and vice versa, by some reaction which has not been satisfactorily traced. Its properties in this respect render it very probable that the combining equivalent of phosphuretted hydrogen is not as stated above PH> but that the phosphorus acts with one-third of its ordinary equivalent = 10*67, and that the formula of phosphuretted hydrogen gas is .H. That it resembles, therefore, sulphuretted hydrogen, as containing one equivalent only of hydrogen in its combining proportion, and that phos- phorus when acting with the equivalent 10-67 and the symbol J, allies itself to sulphur and tellurium. This point of view shall be again considered 27 418 Preparation of Chlorine. Phosphuret of Nitrogen. This compound has been discovered and described by Bose, but possesses no important properties. The Sulphurets of Phosphorus are formed by melting together sulphur and phosphorus in equivalent weights. These elements unite in several proportions. The compounds are much more inflammable than phos- phorus, and form the material used in the phosphorus match-boxes. Some of them are spontaneously inflammable, and Berzelius refers the difference of properties to the allotropic condition of the phosphorus which they contain. OF CHLORINE. Symbol. Cl. Eq. 35'47 or 443*7. Chlorine exists in large quantity in nature, principally combined with sodium, forming immense deposits of rock salt (chloride of sodium) in England, in Poland, and elsewhere ; and in the same state it commu- nicates the saltness, and constitutes the chief ingredient of sea water. It is found also combined with calcium, mercury, lead, silver, and some other metals ; but these compounds are rare, and exist only in small quantity. The only source of chlorine, practically useful in chemistry and in the arts, is from common salt. To obtain chlorine in large quantity, the common salt is mixed with peroxide of manganese, and then decomposed by sulphuric acid ; the half of the oxygen of the peroxide of manganese passes to the so- dium, the chlorine being expelled, and the soda and protoxide of man- ganese both unite with the sulphuric acid. Thus, Mn0 2 and NaCl, treated with 2S0 3 produce S0 3 . NaO -J- S0 3 . MnO, and Cl is evolved. By weight, about six parts of oxide of manganese and eight of chloride of sodium are employed with thirteen of oil of vitriol ; and as the manu- facturers of chloride of lime are generally makers of oil of vitriol also, a proportionate quantity of acid of 1.600 from the chamber (p. 396) is ge- nerally used in place of strong oil of vitriol ; the expense of concen- tration being thus saved. Into a leaden still, h, h, such as is repre- sented in the figure, the mixed salt and man- ganese are introduced at the aperture, i, which is then tightly closed; the sulphuric acid enters by the bent funnel, #, and these mate- rials are well mixed by means of the agitator turned by the cross handle, n ; the gas evolved escapes by the tube, a, which conducts it to its destination. At first the operation does not require heat, but the still sits in an iron jacket, and was described by him as a protoxide of chlorine ; but this gas was found to be a mere Chloride of Hydrogen. 427 mixture of chlorine, and as it was thought perchlorous acid. * Millon, however, on cooling the gas found that the liquid which condenses is not perchlorons acid, but a new body, which is decomposed by bases into one equivalent of chlorous and two of chloric acid. It is not otherwise important. Chloroso-perchlaric Acid.C[ 3 O l7 or C10 3 + 2C1O 7 . When perchlo- rous acid gas is exposed to bright light it separates perfectly into chlorine gas and perchloric acid, which deposits in crystals on the side of the jar, but if the light be feeble a deep red liquid condenses on the inside of the vessel and runs down in drops. This liquid fumes strongly in damp air. It is decomposed by heat without explosion : by bases it is de- composed into chlorous and perchloric acids, and it gradually undergoes a spontaneous decomposition of the same nature. Compound of Chlorine with Hydrogen. Muriatic Add or Hydrochloric Acid. Symbol. HC1. Eq. 36*47 or 469'2. This compound exists naturally as a gas, of which a solution in water has been known since a very early period in chemistry under the names of spirit of salt, marine acid, muriatic acid, hydrochloric acid, and, more properly, chloride of hydrogen. In speaking of it under ordinary circumstances, I shall use the common names of liquid or gaseous muriatic acid, according as it is free or combined with water ; but in cases where its functions in combination are discussed, I shall term it chloride of hydrogen. To prepare the gaseous muriatic acid, a small quantity of the com- mercial spirit of salt may be placed in a flask or retort, connected with the mercurial pneumatic trough, and the gas, which passes off on the application of heat, collected. It may also be prepared by the action of oil of vitriol on common salt ; water being decomposed, its oxygen unites with the sodium, forming soda, which combines with the sul- phuric acid, whilst its hydrogen, uniting with the chlorine, produces the chloride of hydrogen, which is given off as a gas ; the reaction may be thus expressed SO 3 .HO and NaCl give SO 3 .NaO and H.C1. This gas may also be formed by putting together chlorine and hydro- gen, in equal volumes. Even in diffuse light, they combine completely in some hours, but, in the direct sunshine, the union is instant and ex- plosive. The mixture may also be fired by the taper or by the electric spark ; the colour of the chlorine disappears, and the resulting muriatic acid gas occupies the same volume as its ingredients. In almost all 428 Composition of Chloride of Hydrogen. cases of the action of chlorine on organic matters, this substance is also formed : indeed, the agency of chlorine in bleaching, and in decom- posing organic compounds, appears generally to result from its dispo- sition to unite with hydrogen. ^ ^ The chloride of hydrogen is a colourless and invisible gas. When completely dry it has no action on vegetable colours, but if a trace of moisture be present it reddens litmus paper, and restores the colour of turmeric paper that had been browned by an alkali ; hence, it is gene- rally looked upon as a powerful acid. When mixed with damp air, it forms heavy white fumes, by uniting with the watery vapour, and con- densing in minute drops of liquid acid. It may be liquefied by great pressure. It cannot be breathed, but does not produce anything like the suffocating effects of chlorine. When muriatic acid gas is put in contact with a metallic oxide, both are decomposed, a metallic chloride and water being produced ; thus, Cu.O and H.C1 give Cu.Cl and H.O. If any of the more oxidable metals, as iron, zinc, or potassium be heated in a current of the gas, it is decomposed, a metallic chloride being formed, and hydrogen gas evolved. This occurs, also, when these metals are immersed in the liquid acid ; a copious effervescence is produced by the escape of hydro- gen, and the water holds a chloride of the metal in solution. In this way muriatic acid may be proved to consist of equal volumes of hydro- gen and chlorine united without condensation. Its specific gravity is, by theory, One volume of chlorine, . . . = 2470-0 One volume of hydrogen, . . . == 69-3 give two volumes of muriatic acid, = 2539 -3 of which one weighs, therefore, . 1269-9 its constitution and equivalent numbers are, therefore, Chlorine, 97'26 One equivalent = 443*7 or 35*47 Hydrogen, 2'74 One equivalent = 12-5 or 1-00 100.00 456-2 36.47 This gas is distinguished by its great affinity for water. If a jar of it be opened under water, this fluid rushes in, as if it were into a vacuum. If a fragment of ice be introduced into a bell glass of the gas, over mercury, the ice instantly melts, and the mercury rises in the tube, the gas being totally absorbed. The solution of the gas in water is one of the most valuable agents in chemical research. To prepare liquid muri- atic acid in the laboratory, chloride of sodium is to be introduced into Preparation of Muriatic Acid. 429 a glass globe, placed in a sand bath on the furnace, as in the figure, and then an equal weight of sulphuric acid and the same of water, mixed together, are to be introduced by the funnel : the decomposition proceeds as already explained, and the gas evolved passes by the tube into the first of a range of three-necked bottles, as in the figure. Each bottle is about half full of water. When that in the first has become completely saturated with the gas, this passes into the second, and when it has been saturated, into the third. The vertical tube in the central neck of each bottle is a safety tube, the action of which is as follows : If a sudden condensation occurred in the first bottle, the acid in the second might, by the greater pressure on its surface, be forced back into it ; but before it can rise so high as to pass through the connecting tube, the external air enters by the safety tube, being driven in by the difference of pressure inside and outside, and thus restores the equilibrium. Pure muriatic acid may be much more conveniently prepared for laboratory use by rectifying the spirits of salts of commerce. When this is placed in a distilh'Dg apparatus, arranged as that figured in p. 380, and that about one-fourth as much water is introduced into the receiver, to condense the quantity of gas which is first expelled, the distillation may be carried on until the retort shall be nearly empty, and an acid so obtained completely pure, and of a very convenient strength for the general range of applications. As the muriatic acid of commerce is now frequently contaminated by the presence of arsenic, derived from the oil of vitriol used in its manu- facture, having been made with iron pyrites, (see page 400,) and that the purification of it would be troublesome, it is better to make it directly from oil of vitriol and common salt, and the process above given may be usefully modified as proposed by Gregory, as follows : 430 . Preparation of Muriatic Acid. Six parts by weight of pure salt, are introduced into a flask containing a mixture of ten parts by weight of oil of vitriol and four of water, pre- viously cooled. A long tube bent twice at right angles being adjusted to the flask, its extremity is made just to touch the surface of a quantity of distilled water of the same weight as the salt, and contained in a bottle immersed in ice or cold water. A gentle heat is now applied to the flask, which is placed in a sand bath, and continued as long as gas comes over. About two-thirds of the acid gas comes over dry, but the last third is mixed with steam, and the receiver should then be changed, when a second portion of acid may be obtained, though not so strong as the first, which has usually a sp. gr. of 1'140. By using a second charge of salt and oil of vitriol with the same receiver, the muriatic acid may be obtained in its most concentrated form with a sp. gr. of 1-210. In this process, there being two atoms of sulphuric acid used to one of salt, the latter is decomposed at a low temperature, and as the oil of vitriol is diluted, chloride of arsenic is not formed, and no arsenious acid can be distilled over. The manufacture of this acid is carried on, on a very large scale, more generally with a view to the extraction of the alcali from the residual sulphate of soda, than for sake of the muriatic acid. The great diffi- culty in a soda factory being, how to get rid of the muriatic acid which is produced. When the object is, however, to prepare the liquid acid, precisely the same apparatus is employed as for the manufacture of nitric acid, which has been already figured and described, (p. 382,) the cylin- ders being somewhat larger, as from four to five cwts. of common salt are generally decomposed in each cylinder at a charge ; the upper part of the cylinder is generally, both in this operation and in the making of nitric acid, protected from the too corrosive action of the acid vapours, by being lined internally with thin fire tiles, and the heads ee in the figure are very frequently constructed, not of metal, but of freestone or of granite. In the decomposition of the salt upon this large scale, the oil of vitriol is employed of the strength to which it is brought in the chambers, without concentration, and in such quantity, that for each equivalent of chloride of sodium, an equivalent of real sulphuric acid is employed. The strongest liquid muriatic acid, thus prepared, possesses a specific gravity of 1*211. In order to obtain water fully saturated with the gas, it must be kept near the freezing point by artificial cold, it then absorbs 480 times its volume, and increases in bulk, by about one-fifth. Its constitution is quite definite, for in this state it consists of HC1+6HO or in numbers, Liquid Muriatic Acid. 431 Muriatic acid, 40-27 One equivalent = 456-2 or 36-47 Water, . .59'73 Six equivalents = 675-0 or 54-0 100-00 1131-2 90-47 When this concentrated acid is heated, it evolves a large quantity of gas, and the boiling point gradually rises to 230, at which temperature the residual acid distils over unchanged ; it then has a specific gravity of 1'094, and consists of HC1+16HO or in numbers, Muriatic acid, 20' 13 One equivalent, = 456-2 or 36-47 Water, 79'87 Sixteen equivalents, = 1800-0 or 144-0 100-00 2256-2 180-47 Graham has found, that the strong acid, when evaporated in the open air, abandons a quantity of gas, whilst the remaining liquid becomes HC1+12HO. The metallic character of hydrogen, and the analogy of its combina- tions with those of zinc, is completely shewn by comparing the formulae of the compounds of oxide and chloride of hydrogen with the compounds of oxide and chloride of zinc, and their combinations with water. Thus I have shewn, that the hydrates of oxychloride of zinc are as follows : ZnCl -f 6ZnO ZnCl + 6ZnO -f 6 Aq. ZnCl -f 6ZnO -f- 10 A <1- and the definite states of liquid muriatic acid are HC1 + 6HO. HC1 + 6HO + 6 Aq. HC1 + 6HO + 10 Aq. As we proceed, other similar proofs of the electro-positive and metallic character of hydrogen will be found. The other degrees of strength of the liquid muriatic acid are solu- tions in water of one or other of these definite compounds ; a table of them will be found in the appendix. The muriatic acid of commerce frequently contains sulphuric acid, and always a trace of iron, derived from the metal cylinders in which it is fabricated. Occasionally, sulphuric acid is formed in it in small quantity. These impurities are detected thus : by diluting the muri- atic acid with water, and adding nitrate of barytes, a white precipitate is formed, if sulphuric acid be present ; yellow ferroprussiate of potash indicates the existence of iron ; whilst solution of protochloride of tin produces a brown precipitate of sulphuret of tin, if sulphurous acid Nitro-Muriatic Acid. had been present. The bichloride of hydrogen, described by Millon, has not been found to have any real existence. Muriatic acid is easily recognized, as a gas, by its action on moist litmus paper, its fuming in the air, its forming with ammonia dense white clouds of salammoniac, and in solution, by giving with nitrate of silver a curdy white precipitate, which blackens on exposure to light, is totally insoluble in nitric acid, but dissolves easily in water of ammonia. Niiro-muriatic Acid. Aqua Eegia. When nitric and muriatic acids, both colourless, are mixed together, the mixture becomes deep yellow, and exhales a strong smell of chlorine and of nitrous acid, H.C1 and N0 5 giving Cl and N0 4 , with formation of H.O. This decomposition, however, proceeds only so far as to saturate the liquid with chlorine ; but if a metal be placed in the liquid, it unites with the chlorine, and new quantities of the acid are decomposed. Thus the nitro-muriatic acid is a source of chlorine in a very concentrated state, and is hence employed to dissolve gold and platina, which are not soluble in nitric acid, and to oxidize some bodies (metallic sul- phurets,) which resist the action of nitric acid. The name aqua regia was given to it from its power of dissolving gold, the ancient rex metallorum. It has been supposed by Baudrimont, and by Ed. Davy, that in the action of nitric acid on muriatic acid, or on chlorides, there is generated a peculiar acid, liquifiable gas, termed chloronitrous gas, or chloronitric acid, and the formula NC1 2 O 3 has been proposed for its composition. The product is however proved to be only a mixture of hyponitrous acid and chlorine. Chloride of Sulphur. In order to obtain this body, a quantity of sulphur is placed in a tubulated retort, into which a current of chlorine gas is conducted, by means of the bent tube e, in the figure. The chlorine and sulphur unite to form a volatile reddish yellow li- quid, which distils over, and condenses in the re- ceiver/J which must be kept very cool; any un- condensed gas is conducted away by the tube L The chloride of sul- phur, thus obtained, has always an excess of sulphur dissolved in it, from which it may be freed by a second distillation. Its specific gravity is 1-687. When exposed to the air, it gives off very acrid fumes ; it boils at 280 ; the specific gravity of its vapour is 4686. Chlorides of Sulphur and Phosphorus. 433 It consists of one equivalent of chlorine united to two of sulphur, S^Cl, and in contact with water, muriatic acid, sulphur, and hyposul- phurous acid are formed by mutual decomposition. It is probable that there is another chloride of sulphur consisting of one equivalent of each. S.C1. Chlorides of Phosphorus. Chlorine unites with phosphorus in two proportions, forming a liquid proto-chloride, P.C1 3 , and a solid perchlo- ride, P.C1 5 . These may be prepared in a simple apparatus like that used for chloride of sulphur ; but as a more complex arrangement is necessary for examining the action of chlorine upon many substances that shall be described hereafter, I will introduce the description of it here. The chlorine is generated by liquid muriatic acid and peroxide of manganese, in the flask a, supported on a sand bath over the lamp ; from it a bent tube passes to the receiver, 6, in which a quantity of watery vapour is condensed, and serves to absorb any muriatic gas that might escape decomposition. The pure chlorine passes then through the tube c, which is filled with fragments of fused chloride of calcium, which, from its great affinity for water, dries the gas completely. In the bulb e is contained the substance to be acted on by the chlorine, and the product of the reaction, if volatile, distils over into the receiver k } in which it condenses ; the excess of chlorine escapes by the tube I, and a stream of water from the reservoir i, h, retains the receiver k at the temperature proper for condensation. The phosphorus being placed in the bulb e, takes fire on the arrival of the chlorine gas, and continues burning until it is all converted into the liquid chloride which collects in k. Whilst there is an excess of phosphorus, the proto-chloride is principally formed ; but after all the phosphorus has been consumed, if the current of chlorine be continued, it is absorbed by the liquid in k, which changes into the solid per- chloride. 28 434 Chlorides of Phosphorus. The Protochloride of Phosphorus is obtained pure by stopping the process before all the phosphorus has been consumed, and rectifying the colourless liquid by distilling it in a retort containing some bits of phosphorus, which bring back any perchloride it might contain dissolved, to the state of proto-chloride. This body is heavier than water, by which it is completely decomposed, P.C1 3 and 3.H.O giving P.0 3 and 3.HC1. It is thus that the liquid phosphorous acid is obtained, as described in p. 411. The Perchloride of Phosphorus is a white solid, volatile under 212, and condensing in a crystalline form. In contact with water it is de- composed with the evolution of great heat, producing phosphoric acid and muriatic acid, P.C1 5 and 5.H.O. giving P.O 5 and 5.HO; the sp. gr. of its vapour is 4788, consisting of ten volumes of chlorine and one of vapour of phosphorus, the eleven being condensed to six. There is a Chloride of Selenium analogous in general properties to the chloride of sulphur, IODINE. Symbol. I. Eq. 126-4 or 1579-5. Iodine is found, principally, in sea water, associated with chlorine, and combined with sodium and magnesium. It has been also discovered in the mineral kingdom, united with silver. For the purposes of com- merce it is always extracted from kelp, which is a semifused mass of saline ashes remaining after the burning of various species of fuci (sea weed). Tor this purpose, the powdered kelp is lixiviated in water, to which it yields about half its weight of salts. The solution is evaporated down in an open pan, and when concentrated to a certain point, begins to deposit its soda-salts, namely, common salt, carbonate and sulphate of soda, which are removed from the boiling liquor by means of a shovel pierced with holes like a colander. The liquid is afterwards run into a shallow pan to cool, in which it deposits a crop of crystals of chloride of potassium ; the same operations are repeated on the mother-ley of these crystals until it is exhausted. A dense, dark-coloured liquid re- mains, which contains the iodine, in the form, it is believed, of iodide of sodium, but mixed with a large quantity of other salts, and this is called the iodine ley. To this ley, the sulphuric acid is gradually added in such quantity as to leave the liquid very sour, which causes an evolution of carbonic acid, sulphuretted hydrogen, and sulphurous acid gases, with a consider- Manufacture of Iodine. 435 able deposition of sulphur. After standing for a day or two, the ley so prepared is heated with peroxide of manganese, to separate the iodine. This operation is conducted in a leaden retort, a, (see figure,) of a cylindrical form, supported in a sand- bath, which is heated by a small fire below. The re- tort has a large opening, to which a capital, b, c, resembling the head of an alembic, is adapted, and luted with pipeclay. In the capital itself there are two openings, a larger and a smaller, at b and c, closed by leaden stoppers. A series of bottles d, having each two openings, connected together, as represented in the figure, and with their joinings luted, are used as condensers. The prepared ley being heated to about 140 in the re- tort, the manganese is then introduced, and b c luted to a. Iodine immediately begins to come off, and proceeds on to the condensers, in which it is collected ; the progress of its evolution is watched by occa- sionally removing the stopper at c ; and additions of sulphuric acid, or manganese, are made by b, if deemed necessary. This description of the manufacture of iodine upon the large scale at Glasgow is due to Professor Graham. In this operation, the peroxide of manganese will be in contact at once with hydriodic, hydrochloric, and sulphuric acids ; but for success, the quantity of sulphuric acid must be sufficient only to decompose the iodides but not the chlorides. If both were decomposed, the chlorine and iodine simultaneously evolved should unite to form chloride of iodine, by which the iodine would be lost ; but as the chlorine remains combined, the action becomes simply, that the metal of the iodide pre- sent is oxidized by the oxide of manganese, and the iodine set free ; thus, employing iodide of sodium, SO 3 with MnO 2 and Nal, give Mn.O.SO 3 . NaO and I. Another mode of preparing iodine consists in adding to the solution containing iodide of sodium, a solution of sulphate of copper, in which the copper is reduced to the state of sub-oxide (Cu 2 0) by means of protosulphate of iron dissolved along with it. By the interchange of elements, sulphate of soda is formed, and a sub-iodide of copper of a 436 Preparation and Properties of Iodine. very pale yellow colour/ and "quite insoluble in" water, is produced, SO 3 +Cu 2 O and Nal giving SO 3 +NaO and Cu 2 I. This last is then decomposed by peroxide of manganese and sulphuric acid, as in the former process : in this way the various crystallizations described above may be avoided. Iodine exists generally in crystalline scales of a blueish black colour and metallic lustre. It may also be obtained from solution, in the form of oblique octohedrons with a rhomboidal base, as in the figure, or in prisms. The density of iodine is 4*948 ; it fuses at 225, and boils at 347 ; but it evaporates at the usual temper- ature, and more rapidly when damp than when dry, diffu- sing an odour having considerable resemblance to chlorine, but easily distinguished from it. Iodine stains the skin of a yellow colour, which, however, disappears in a few hours. Its vapour is of a splendid violet colour, which is seen to great advantage when a scruple or two of iodine is thrown at once upon a hot brick. Hence- its name, from Iwg/6^, like a violet. The vapour of iodine is the heaviest of gaseous bodies, its density being 8701*0, according to calculation from its atomic weight. Pure water dissolves about 1-7 00 Oth of its weight of iodine, and acquires a brown colour. In general, iodine comports itself like chlo- rine, but its affinities are much less powerful. Iodine is soluble in alcohol and ether, with which it forms dark reddish brown liquors ; solutions of iodides, too, all dissolve much iodine. A solution of starch forms an insoluble compound with iodine, of a deep blue colour, the production of which is an exceedingly delicate test of iodine. If the iodine be free, starch produces at once the blue pre- cipitate, but if it be in combination as a soluble iodide, no change takes place, till chlorine or nitric or sulphuric acids is added to liberate the iodine. If more chlorine, however, be added than is necessary for that purpose, the iodine is withdrawn from the starch, chloride of iodine formed, and the blue compound destroyed. The iodide of starch, in water, becomes colourless when heated to 200, but recovers its blue colour if immediately cooled. The soluble iodides give, with nitrate of silver an iodide of silver, of a pale yellow colour, insoluble in acids and in ammonia ; with salts of lead, an iodide of a rich yellow colour, and with corrosive sublimate, a fine scarlet iodide of mercury. Iodine combines with most of the non-metallic bodies, and with all the metals, forming compounds which possess the closest similarity to the analogous compounds of chlorine. It is employed in the laboratory for many chemical preparations, and as a test of starch, and for several metals. Preparation of Iodic Acid. 437 Compounds of Iodine and Oxygen. lodousacid IO4. Eq. 126-4 +32= 158-4 lodoso-iodic acid I 5 O 19 Eq. 632- + 15 ' 2 = 784- lodicacid ...IO 5 126-4 +40 = 166-4 Periodic acid I0 7 126-4 + 55 = 1S2-4 The two first named bodies are but of inferior importance, they are prepared by the action of the nitric and sulphuric acids on iodine, and on the iodic acid. If very strong nitric acid be digested on finely divided iodine without heat, the latter is converted into a yellow powder, which is a compound of nitric acid with iodous acid. lodous acid. The latter is obtained free and pure by circuitous processes, which need not be described here. When iodic acid is boiled in oil of vitriol some oxygen is given off and a compound of sulphuric acid and iodoso-iodic acid precipitates. This last is of very complex composition, and most probably a compound of iodic acid with a hypo-iodic acid not yet isolated, IO ; being similar to the complex oxacids of chlorine, described page 422. Iodic Acid. This acid may be very easily prepared by boiling iodine in fuming nitric acid, until it is all dissolved, and then distilling off the excess of acid ; the iodic acid remains as a white crystalline mass, which deliquesces in the air. If the quantity of iodine be large, this process would occupy a very long time ; and a much shorter, though more complex method is the following : The iodine being diffused through water, a current of chlorine is passed through it until all iodine is dis- solved ; the acid liquor so obtained is to be neutralized by carbonate of soda, by which a quantity of iodine is precipitated ; the chlorine is then passed through until this iodine disappears, and then more carbonate of soda added; and this alternation continued until 'the addition of the carbonate of soda produces no deposit of iodine ; the solution contains then iodate of soda and chloride of sodium, generated by the decompo- sition of the soda by the chloride of iodine first formed. Thus, 5C1 and I produce IC1 5 , which, with 6NaO give 5.NaCl and NaO + IO 5 . This solution is then mixed with a solution of a salt of barytes and iodate of barytes precipitates, which may be decomposed by boiling it for some time with one-fourth of its weight of oil of vitriol and 1 \ times its weight of water; the sulphate of barytes may be then separated by the filter, and the solution of iodic acid evaporated gently to dryness. The process recommended by Millon is as follows : 80 parts of iodine, 75 parts of chlorate of potash, 1 part of nitric acid, and 400 parts of water are to be digested in a flask and finally boiled for some 438 lodons and lodic Acids. time. The iodine totally disappears, and the liquor contains chloride of potassium and iodic acid. On adding a solution of chloride of barium, iodate of barytes is precipitated ; this being washed is decomposed by the equivalent quantity of sulphuric acid ; the sulphate of barytes is separated by filtration, and the iodic acid crystallized from the solution. Iodic acid is very soluble in water ; from a strong solution it crystal- lizes in rhombic plates, which contain an atom of water, or in anhydrous octohedrons. When heated strongly it separates into iodine and oxygen. It first reddens, and then bleaches litmus paper. It acts as powerfully as nitric acid in oxidizing the metals. When mixed with solution of sulphurous acid, water and sulphuric acid are formed, and iodine is set free ; with sulphuretted hydrogen it gives water, sulphur, and iodine intermixed : with an excess of this agent the iodine is finally converted into iodide of hydrogen. By these means the iodic acid may be recog- nized, and also by its peculiar action upon morphia, which it decom- poses, iodine being set free. This is more valuable as a character of morphia than of iodic acid. The salts of iodic acid resemble the chlorates in most respects, and, like them, when heated, separate into oxygen and a metallic iodide. One mode of preparing the iodide of potassium of commerce is founded on this property. Iodine is dissolved in a solution of potash, and, when dried down, gives a mixture of 5.KI and I0 5 .KO. When this mass is fused, oxygen is given off in abundance, and ultimately pure KI remains. The commercial salt prepared in this way has been shewn by Mr. Scanlan frequently to contain iodate of potash, either fraudu- lently or accidentally, left undecomposed. The composition and equivalent numbers of the iodic acid are as follows, its formula being I0 5 : Iodine, = 75 -96 One equivalent, = 1579 '5 or 126-4 Oxygen, = 24-04 Five equivalents, = 500-0 or 40-0 100-00 2079-5 166-4 Its elements are united in the proportion, by volume, of two volumes of vapour of iodine to five volumes of oxygen. Per-iodic Acid, IO 7 . If a solution of iodate of soda be mixed with a great excess of caustic soda, and acted upon by a current of chlorine, a quantity of the soda is decomposed ; its sodium combining with the chlorine, whilst its oxygen, being added to the iodic acid, converts it into the periodic acid, which combines with two equivalents of soda. Thus, 2C1 acting on SNaOand I0 5 + NaO, produce 2NaCl and IO 7 + 2NaO. On adding to the solution of this salt nitrate of silver, a basic Periodic Acid Hydriodic Acid. 439 periodate of silver is produced, which being dissolved in nitric acid, gives yellow crystals of neutral periodate of silver. When put in contact with water these crystals are decomposed, half of the periodic acid pre- cipitating with the whole of the oxide of silver as the insoluble salt, I0 7 -f- 2AgO, whilst the other half of the acid remains in solution quite pure, and by evaporation may be obtained as a white crystallized mass. This acid is more stable than the iodic acid ; it resists a higher tem- perature without decomposition. All its important characters may be inferred from the method of preparation. Its composition and equivalent numbers are, Iodine, 69-31 One equivalent, . = 1579'5 or 126-4 Oxygen, 30*69 Seven equivalents, = 700-0 or 56*0 100-00 2279-5 182-4 Com/pound of Iodine and Hydrogen. Hydriodic Acid. Symbol. HI. Eq. 1592-0 or 127'4. There is but one compound of iodine with hydrogen : this exists under ordinary temperatures and pressures as a colourless gas, which may be best generated in the following manner : Some iodine and small fragments of phosphorus are to be put together at the bottom of a glass tube, then covered with pounded glass, and gently heated, so as to produce combination. Iodide of phosphorus is thus formed. If a little water be now poured on the pounded glass, it filters through to the bottom, and there, acting violently on the iodide of phosphorus, is decomposed ; from P.I and H.O there are pro- duced P.O and H.I. To the mouth of the tube may be adapted, by a cork, a smaller tube, bent as in the figure, and the hydriodic acid gas issuing from it may be collected. This gas is obtained by the method of displacement, as has been described for chlorine (p. 420) ; and as it fumes like muriatic acid when in contact with the air, it can easily be recognized when the bottle is full. The specific gravity of this gas is 4385, produced by One volume of vapour of iodine, . . = 8701 -0 One volume of hydrogen, = 69'3 united without condensation, .... 8770*3 and one volume weighing, therefore, . . . 4385-1 440 "Preparation of Hydriodic Acid. . To obtain hydriodic acid dissolved in water, the simplest process is to act on iodine, diffused through water, by sulphuretted hydrogen gas. The iodine combines with the hydrogen, and the sulphur is set free. When the iodine has all disappeared, the liquor should be well boiled to drive off the excess of sulphuretted hydrogen, and then filtered ; the liquid hydriodic acid may be evaporated to a sp. gr. of 1*700 : it is then in its strongest form, and may be distilled unaltered. Liquid hydriodic acid reddens litmus paper strongly ; it dissolves iodine in large quantity ; it is decomposed by all the oxidable metals, and even by mercury ; and hence, the gaseous acid cannot be collected over mercury. Exposed to the air, it rapidly absorbs oxygen, water being formed, and iodine being set free. It is decomposed by sulphuric acid, sulphurous acid and iodine being produced, also by nitric acid and by chlorine. Hydriodic acid may also be obtained by acting on iodide of barium with dilute sulphuric acid. Its composition and equivalent numbers are as follows : Iodine, = 99'22 One equivalent = 1579'5 or 126-4 Hydrogen, = 078 One equivalent = 12-5 or 1 -0 100-00 1592-0 127-4 A solution of hydriodic acid, or of a metal, produces with nitrate of silver, a curdy yellow precipitate, which is insoluble in acids and in water of ammonia ; by this character, the iodides are distinguished from the chlorides, even without the action of starch upon the iodine when set free, Iodine and sulphur may be melted together in equivalent proportions, and on cooling form a steel-gray crystalline mass, iodide of sulphur ; which is decomposed gradually by exposure to the air, and appears to be rather a mixture, than a true compound of its elements. When iodine and phosphorus are warmed together very gently, they combine, evolving considerable heat, and forming iodides of phospho- rus, the constitution of which depends on the proportions used ; there appears to be at least three : the first fuses at 212, is orange-coloured, and gives, when decomposed by water, hydriodic and hypophosphorous acids, its composition is, therefore, P.I ; the second is grey, it fuses at 84, and gives with water, hydriodic and phosphorous acids ; its for- mula is hence, P.I 3 . The third, which produces, when decomposed by water, hydriodic acid and phosphoric acid, consists of P.I 5 , is black, and melts at 114. Hydriodic acid combines with phosphuretted hydrogen, forming a white solid compound, the constitution of which is of considerable in- lodo-phosphuret of Hydrogen. 441 terest. It cannot be prepared directly, as the gases are without action on each other, except when in their nascent form. It is best prepared by introducing eight -parts of iodine, two of phosphorus, and one of water, into a retort, mixed with some coarsely powdered glass ; to the neck of the retort is adapted a wide glass tube with a cork, through which a small tube passes and dips into some water. On applying heat, the phosphorus and iodine unite, and the iodide of phosphorus, being instantly decomposed by the water, hydriodic acid and hypophos- phorous acid are produced, which last is resolved by contact with the water at that temperature into phosphorous acid and phosphuretted hy- drogen. This last immediately unites with the hydriodic acid, and the compound formed condenses in the neck of the retort in well shaped crystals, which, by a proper management of the heat, may be driven into the wide glass tube to be preserved. The excess of hydriodic acid gas is conducted off by the small tube and condensed in the water. This body was supposed to crystallize in cubes, and to be isomorphous with hydriodate of ammonia, to which this formula in one way might assimilate it, HI -f PH 3 corresponding to HI + NH 3 ; the difference being only, that phosphorus replaced nitrogen. It will, however, be shown fully in the division on organic chemistry, that ammonia is not mere nitruret of hydrogen NHg, but that it contains amidogene (NH 2 ) being amidide of hydrogen, Ad. H. It has been also shown, that the crystals of the body HI + PH 3 are not cubes but belongs to a rhombic system. When I come to describe the compounds of mercury, I shall show that there exist similar bodies containing phosphuret of mercury, and nitruret of mercury, and that the constitution of phosphuretted hy- drogen, may with great reason, be supposed, to be, not PH 3 , but that a quantity of phosphorus equal to one-third of its ordinary atomic weight unites with an equivalent of hydrogen, its formula being J.H. and the commonly received equivalent of phosphuretted hydrogen being in rea- lity three equivalents = 3. J.H. I therefore consider the compound, which I have just described, as having for its true constitution, H.I-f- 3.J.H as there will be hereafter described, the bodies HgCi-f-S.f.Hg and 2HgCl-f-3.^.Hg: the equivalent of nitrogen being capable of the same subdivision into three. See page 417. This hydriodate of phosphuretted hydrogen is decomposed by water, hydriodic acid and phosphuretted hydrogen being given off; the last in the B variety. But if a little oxide of silver be sprinkled on the salt; the gas is evolved in its spontaneously inflammable condition. It burns when heated in air, but in a dry tube containing no oxygen, it may be sublimed from place to place unaltered. Chlorides of Iodine. -I have shewn, that chlorine and iodine unite 442 Preparation of Bromine. in three proportions forming bodies having the formulae I 4- Cl ; I 4- 3C1 and I -f 5C1. By much water the first and second are decom- posed, producing muriatic and iodic acids, and iodine becoming free. The third, which was long ago discovered by Humphrey Davy, gives muriatic and iodic acids without separation of iodine. These bodies are interesting only as being employed to obtain the iodic and periodic acids, as already noticed. OF BROMINE. . Br. Eq. 78-26 or 978'3. This substance, which is intermediate in almost all chemical proper- ties to chlorine and iodine, exists associated with those bodies in sea water, in many varieties of sea weeds, and in some of the brine springs belonging to the deposits of rock salt in the earth. In these cases it is generally combined with sodium or with magnesium, forming very soluble salts which remain behind when the common salt crystallizes out by evaporation from sea water. When a current of chlorine gas is passed through the mother liquor so obtained, which is called bittern, the bromine is set free and tinges the solution yellow. On agitating this liquor with some ether, the bromine is completely taken up by it, and an ethereal solution of bromine of a fine hyacinth red colour is pro- duced ; when this is acted on by potash, there is found a mixture of bromide of potassium and bromate of potash, which by fusion gives off oxygen, and pure bromide of potassium remains ; this is mixed with peroxide of manganese and sulphuric acid, -and precisely as in the pre- paration of chlorine or of iodine, the bromine is set free and may be distilled over. It is necessary to condense the bromine with great care, and to receive it in water, to the bottom of which it sinks ; the reaction that occurs is, that 2S0 3 , with Mn0 2 and K.Br produce (S0 3 .MnO+KO. SO 3 ) and Br. Bromine is a liquid at ordinary temperatures, but at 4 it solidifies ; it is deep red by transmitted, but black by reflected light ; it is much heavier than water, its specific gravity being 2' 9 7 ; its odour is like that of chlorine, but much more disagreeable, whence its name (from Bgw//,og.) It is very volatile, boiling at 116 ; but even at common temperatures it forms copious fumes which have the same orange red colour as those of nitrous acid; the specific gravity of its vapour is 5 '393; it does not conduct electricity ; it must be preserved under water, as otherwise the quantity of vapour it would form might burst the vessel containing it. It dissolves sparingly in water, but copiously in alcohol and ether. A Properties of Bromine and Bromic Acid. 443 taper is extinguished by its vapour, but not immediately, burning for a moment with a green flame and much smoke. Some of the metals in fine powder or leaf burn spontaneously in its vapour, as in chlorine ; a drop of liquid bromine put in contact with a globule of potassium unites with it explosively and with brilliant ignition. It bleaches vegetable colours, but leaves itself a yellowish stain, less intense than that of iodine : it is poisonous. Bromine unites with water, forming a crystalline hydrate like that of chlorine. "\Vith starch, bromine produces a fine yellow colour, which is not intense, if the solution be very much diluted. Bromine is easily recognised by the peculiar colour and odour of its vapour, which can only be confounded with that of nitrous and hyponi- trous acid, from which its other characters completely separate it. A solution containing bromine or a metallic bromide, gives, with nitrate of silver, a white, curdy precipitate, insoluble in nitric acid, but dissolved by ammonia. This precipitate is distinguished from the chloride of silver, by giving vapours of bromine when heated with a little chlo- rine water. The equivalent numbers of bromine are 978*2, on the oxygen scale, and 78'4, hydrogen being unity. Bromic Acid. There is known only one compound of bromine and oxygen, the bromic acid, the history of which is still very imperfect. When bromine is dissolved in a solution of potash, bromide of potas- sium and bromate of potash are formed, 6Br and 6.KO giving 5KBr and BrO 5 + KO. On adding a solution of a salt of barytes to the liquor so obtained, bromate of barytes is precipitated, and this may be decomposed by sulphuric acid, which forms sulphate of barytes, leaving the bromic acid in solution. The bromic acid has not been obtained solid ; it is still more easily decomposed by deoxidizing agents than the chloric acid ; thus the sul- phurous acid and the phosphorous acid liberate bromine. The same effect is produced by sulphuretted hydrogen. Its salts have not been much examined, but appear to resemble the chlorates and iodates. Its formula is BrO,,, its composition by weight, and equivalent num- bers being Bromine, 66-18 One equivalent = 978-3 or 78-26 Oxygen, 33-82 Five equivalents = 500-0 or 40-00 100-00 1478-3 118-26 These elements are united by volume in the ratio of two volumes of bromine-vapour to five volumes of oxygen. 444 Hydrobromic Acid. Hydrobromic Acid. The processes for obtaining the bromide of hy- drogen are precisely the same as those described for preparing hydriodic acid in the liquid or in the gaseous form, to which I shall therefore refer (p. 439) ; bromine being substituted for iodine in every case. This gas is colourless ; it is rapidly absorbed by water, the solution reacting acid : it is not decomposed by oxygen, nor does bromine de- compose water, so that it stands between iodine and chlorine in that respect. It resembles muriatic acid in almost all its reactions, but is at once distinguished from it, by evolving bromine on contact with chlorine or nitric acid. If bromide of potassium be acted on by oil of vitriol, the result is partly as occurs with a chloride, water being de- composed and hydrobromic acid evolved, and partly as occurs with an iodide, bromine and sulphurous acid being evolved together ; hence hydrobromic acid cannot be prepared pure in that way. The sp. gr. of hydrobromic acid gas is 2731, being produced by One volume of bromine vapour, . . 5393'0 One volume of hydrogen, united without condensation, . . . 5462-3 and hence one volume weighs, . , . 2731 ] The Bromide of Sulphur is a heavy, reddish, liquid, like chloride of sulphur, probably S 2 Br. There are two Bromides of Phosphorus, one liquid, P.Br 3 , and the other solid, P.Brs, which present complete analogy with the chlorides of phosphorus. None of these bodies present particular interest. The bromide of hydrogen unites with phosphuretted hydrogen, forming a compound similar to that already noticed, containing hy- driodic acid. It is sufficient to mix the two gases together over mer- cury j a dense white cloud forms, which condenses on the sides of the glass in small crystals, which appear to be cubes, but are not so really. This substance can also be formed in the indirect manner described for the iodine compound. It consists of an equivalent of each element, its formula being HBr + PH 3 , or as I prefer to write it, for the reasons already stated, HBr -f- 3.|.H. This body is volatile, and may be sublimed, provided neither oxygen nor water be present ; heated in oxygen it takes fire, and with water it is instantly decomposed. The Chloride of Bromine and the Bromides of Iodine resemble in general characters the compounds of chlorine and iodine. The first, when decomposed by water, produces hydrochloric and bromic acids ; the latter, on the contrary, gves hydrobromic and iodic acids. These bodies are not otherwise of interest. Of Fluorine. 445 OF FLUORINE. Symbol. F. Eq. = 18'74 or 233'8. Although the existence of this body is rendered exceedingly probable by analogical reasoning, and that recent experiments have gone very far in establishing its distinctive characters, yet it cannot be prepared in an isolated form, or exhibited like all of the simple bodies as yet described ; for such is the intensity and variety of its affinities, that no sooner is it liberated from combination with one substance than it en- ters into union with some other, attacking the materials of which the apparatus used may be constructed. The most successful experiments made for examining it in its isolated form are due to two talented Irish chemists, the Messrs. Knox. The only substance on which fluorine is incapable of acting, being such as already are fully saturated with it, Messrs. Knox had con- structed vessels of fluor spar, (fluoride of calcium,) which were filled with pure dry chlorine gas. Into these vessels was then introduced fluoride of mercury, and the whole carefully warmed. The chlorine decomposed the fluoride of mercury, forming chloride of mercury, and the fluorine was disengaged ; Hg.F and Cl giving HgCl and F. There was in this way obtained a colourless gas which acted with violence on the fragments of metallic foils, that by means of a very ingenious ar- rangement were submitted to its action. The small quantity of material on which the experiments were conducted did not allow of the metallic compounds so formed being analyzed ; and the only doubt that can exist of the isolation of fluorine in this process, is that, according as it was liberated, it may have combined with the excess of chlorine pre- sent, and that the colourless gas may have been chloride of fluorine, and not the mere fluorine itself. The specific gravity of gaseous fluorine, calculated from the analogy of its compounds to those of chlorine, is 1289; its equivalent number is 233.8, or 1S'7. Fluorine does not combine with oxygen. The most important compound of fluorine that is known is the Fluoride of Hydrogen or Hydrofluoric Acid. To prepare it, pure fluor spar, which consists of fluorine and calcium, is reduced to powder, and distilled in a leaden retort with twice its weight of the strongest oil of vitriol. The receiver must also be of lead, and be kept cod by ice. An acid liquor distils over, of an excessively suffocating odour, and so intensely corrosive, that a drop let fall upon the hand produces a sore 446 Hydrofluoric Acid. very difficult to heal. This liquid is hydrofluoric acid, the reaction being, that HO.SO 3 and CaF give CaO.S0 3 and HE. Sulphate of lime remains in the retort. The hydrofluoric acid, which is thus obtained in an anhydrous form, is very volatile, boiling at 60. It is heavier than water, and becomes still more so when diluted to a certain degree. It dissolves the more oxidable metals rapidly with the escape of hydrogen gas, and the for- mation of a metallic fluoride. The only metals which it does not act upon are gold, platina, silver, and lead. There must be no solder about the leaden vessels in which the acid is kept, as it is acted on very violently. It is dangerous to have much to do with the anhydrous acid from its corrosive power, and as a dilute acid answers for all practical purposes, a quantity of water is generally put into the receiver, into which the acid is distilled. The most remarkable property of hydrofluoric acid is its action upon glass, which it corrodes and dissolves. The glass contains silica, which the hydrofluoric acid decomposes, SiO 3 and 3.HF producing 3HO and SiP 3 . This fluoride of silicon is a gas decomposed by water in a way that shall be soon described. Patterns or designs may, therefore, be etched upon glass by means of this hydrofluoric acid. There are two modes in which this operation may be conducted : 1st, by the liquid acid ; 2nd, by the acid in vapour. For the first, the glass plate being covered with an uniform covering of wax, the design is traced on it with the point of a needle or graving tool, taking care that the surface of the glass shall be laid bare throughout the whole extent of each line ; a rim of wax being then formed round the edge of the plate, the liquid acid, the strength of which must be regulated by the depth of the engraving required, is poured on the plate to the depth of two or three lines, and left to act for so long a time as the operator wishes. When it has remained long enough, the remaining acid is poured off and the wax cleared away. The etched portions of the glass are equally transparent with the others, and the design is therefore indistinct, except in certain incidences of the light. A glass plate so prepared may be used like a copper plate to print from, but the risk of breaking is too great to allow of its introduction into practice. To etch by the second mode, the plate of glass . is prepared exactly as described for the first, except that there need not be any raised edge. A flat leaden basin, of the size of the plate, is used to hold the mixture of powdered fluor spar and oil of vitriol, and the glass plate is laid upon it, with the waxed side down ; the basin is then heated so gently as not to melt the wax or injure the accuracy of the design ; the hydrofluoric acid, which rises in vapour, acts upon the surface of glass Preparation of Silicon. 447 exposed, and decomposes the silica, forming fluoride of silicon ; but a sufficient quantity of watery vapour rises to decompose this substance, and a quantity of silica is regenerated and deposited upon the corroded surface, giving it a rough and white appearance, so as to be easily visible in every direction. When the action has continued long enough, the plate is removed from the basin, and the wax cleared off by means of some spirits of turpentine. Other uses of the hydrofluoric acid, such as in mineral analysis, shall be described hereafter. The composition and equivalent numbers of the hydrofluoric acid are as follows : Fluorine. 94'93 One equivalent, = 233-88 or 187 Hydrogen, 5-07 One equivalent, = 12-5 or TO 100-00 246-38 197 There are no other combinations known of fluorine with any of the simple bodies as yet described, except sulphur and phosphorus : these are dense volatile liquids. The Fluoride of Phosphorus, when decom- posed by water, produces hydrofluoric acid and phosphorous acid : it is, therefore, P.F 3 . When heated in the air it burns, but the product of the combustion has not been examined. OF SILICON. Symbol. = Eq. 266'8 or 21-35 if Silica be SiOs Si. 177-9 or 14-23 SiO 2 88-9 or 7-12 SiO This substance is one of the most extensively distributed of the un- decomposed bodies, constituting, probably, a sixth of the total weight of the mineral crust of the globe. It never exists free, but always in nature combined with oxygen, forming silicic acid, or as it is termed in popular language, the earth silica. Quartz, in the state of rock, and crystallized, flints, agate, sand, and many other mineral substances, are silica completely or nearly pure, and when combined with various me- tallic oxides, it forms the great family of silicates, which includes the majority of earthy minerals. It is exceedingly difficult to deprive silicic acid of its oxygen ; even by ignition with potassium, it is but imperfectly decomposed. To pre- pare silicon, therefore, a somewhat complex body is selected to be acted on, the double fluoride of silicon and potassium, which is a white powder like starch, very sparingly soluble in water ; a quantity of this substance is to be mixed with nearly its own weight of potassium, cut 448 Properties of Silicon. into little bits and placed in an iron cylinder, or in a tube of hard glass, which may be held, as in the figure, over the flame of a spirit lamp. As soon as the bottom of the tube has been heated to redness, vivid ignition occurs by the decomposition, which spreads, with little need of external heat, throughout the entire mass ; the potassium taking fluorine from the fluoride of silicon, whilst the silicon is set free as a brown powder. The fluoride of potassium formed mixing with that pre-existent in the compound. When the apparatus has become cold, the residual brown matter is to be washed carefully with water : fluoride of potassium dis- solves, and the silicon remains behind. To have the silicon quite pure, numerous precautions are necessary which need not be detailed here. The silicon so obtained, is a dull brown powder, which, when heated in the air or oxygen, takes fire and burns, forming silicic acid. If it be ignited in a closely covered vessel it shrinks in volume, increases very much in density, and becomes insoluble in acids or alcalies, which, in its original form, it would dissolve in, with evolution of hydrogen gas ; it then also cannot be made to burn in oxygen gas ; it burns in the vapour of sulphur and in chlorine, combining with these bodies. The silicon according to the temperature to which it has been exposed, presents thus the different allotropic states referred to in page 319, and these may be indicated by the Greek letters, a, C. the combustible silicon being Si.a, and the less combustible being Si.C. When ignited with carbonate of potash, the silicon burns brilliantly, setting carbon free, and forming with the oxygen of the carbonic acid, silicic acid, which combines with the potash. The determination of the equivalent number of silicon is involved in much difficulty from the different views which may be taken of the con- stitution of its most important compounds. Berzelius in classifying the mineral species as salts of silicic acid, was led to compare silicic acid with sulphuric acid, and to assign for it the formula Si0 3 ; and on his authority that formula has been since almost universally adopted. Mineralogists have, however, found that the relations of the mineral species are much more simply expressed by considering the silicic acid to contain but two atoms of oxygen, and to have the formula Si0 2 , and this view derives very great support from the resemblance which silicic acid bears to titanic acid and to stannic acid, and the close analogy of the chlorides of tin, titanium and silicon. Further, the composition of the fluorine compounds of silicon are more simply explained on this idea. Finally, the researches of Ebelmen on the ethers formed by silicic acid, excluded Constitution of Silica. 449 the formula Si0 3 , as the three ethers contained, united with one atom ether, quantities of silicic acid, the oxygen of which is one atom, or two atoms, or four atoms, but which are inconsistent with the existence of three atoms of oxygen in the equivalent of silica. Ebelmen proposes to adopt the formula SiO, which was already long before suggested by Dumas. But on a review of the whole evidence I propose to assume, in considering the history of those compounds, the formula for silicic acid to be SiOa, and consequently to take the equivalent number of silicon as ]4'45 on the hydrogen and 377*8 on the oxygen scale. It will be hereafter seen that similar considerations influence the determination of the atomic weight of boron. It is very possible, however, that the remarkable different allotropic states in which silicon presents itself, as described above and in page 319, and which are followed by similar conditions in the silicic acid itself, may be connected with the assumption of really different atomic weights and combining powers. Thus, that silicic acid might be in one class of minerals a very feeble acid, like carbonic acid or titanic acid, and have the formula Si a O 2 , whilst in a different class of minerals it might be a powerful acid, like sulphuric acid, and have the formula Si b O 3 . These views, however, are but points of philosophical specu- lation, and need not be detailed farther. Silicic Acid. Silica. This, the only compound of silicon and oxygen, exists in nature completely pure, in masses constituting quartz rock, and in crystals which belong to the rhombohedral system ; their ordinary form is represented in the margin. It is exceedingly hard, and in order to be reduced to powder, requires to be heated first to redness and then thrown into a large mass of cold water. The piece of quartz cracks in every direc- tion, by being so suddenly cooled, and is then easily reduced to powder in an agate mortar. It may be obtained in a state of much more minute division, by melting, in a platinum crucible, a mixture of equal weights of carbonate of potash and of carbon- ate of soda, and adding thereto powdered flint, by small quantities at a time ; the silica dissolves in the melted alcali, whilst carbonic acid gas is given off ; when the alcaline silicates, so formed, are dis- solved in water, and a stronger acid added, the silicic acid is precipitated as a gelatinous hydrate, which, when completely dried, forms a white powder, still somewhat gritty to the feel. When the gaseous fluoride of silicon comes into contact with water, a portion of it is decomposed, fluoride of hydrogen and silicic acid being produced, this last separates 29 450 Properties of Silicic Acid. in the gelatinous form, but on drying, becomes an exceedingly fine light powder. Silica, even when prepared by precipitation, feels gritty between the teeth ; when in mass, it is exceedingly hard, scratching glass and the generality of minerals. Its specific gravity is 2*66 ; it is fusible only by the oxy-hydrogen blowpipe, in the flame of which it melts into a colourless glass which is remarkably plastic and ductile, and may be drawn into capillary threads which possess a very high degree of elas- ticity : when once dried, it is totally insoluble in water, but in its gela- tinous form, it is soluble to a small extent ; hence many mineral wa- ters contain silica, which being gradually precipitated in the substance of decomposed organic matter, produces the silicious petrefactions, in which the most delicate vegetable tissues are so beautifully preserved. The differences between silica in its dry and in its hydrated condition are so great, that we can scarcely suppose them to be satisfactorily accounted for by the presence of a substance for which the silica appears to have so little affinity as water. When a dilute alcaline solution of silica is decomposed by an acid there is no precipitation, the silica remaining dissolved ; but on evaporating the liquor to dryness, the silica assumes the insoluble condition, and remains behind when the saline constituent is dissolved. On the other hand, by the presence of an alcali, the in- soluble silica is made to assume the soluble state. These allotropic states may, like the similar conditions of the silicon itself, be marked by the Greek letters, the insoluble silica being Si a O 2 and the soluble, the silica Si O 2 . There is some difference of opinion as to whether the compounds of silica and water are truly definite, but I look upon the existence of at least two as being certain; I have found the light spongy masses of silica deposited from volcanic springs, and on the edges of volcanic craters from Iceland and Teneriffe, to have accurately the constitution of the formula 3Si0 2 + HO, and Ebelmen has found the silicic acid deposited from silicic ether to be a hydrate with the composition of Si0 2 + HO. It is probable that a great deal of the silica which exists in nature had been originally deposited in the soluble condition. The structure of the agates, chalcedony, and many other minerals, proves that they were formed by a solution of silica, having penetrated into a cavity in the surrounding rock, and having then gradually dried down or crystal- lized. It is even pretty certain, that the crystallized quartz is also of this aqueous origin. In the arts, silica is of exceeding importance, being an essential con- stituent of glass, porcelain, and every kind of delft and earthenware. Chloride of Silicon. 451 For purely chemical purposes, it is only of interest from the compound which silicon forms with fluorine ; the hydrofluoric acid being the only acid capable of dissolving silica. The composition of silica and its equivalent numbers are now inferred, from the considerations already described, to be as follows, its formula being SiO 3 : Silicon, 47-45 One equivalent = 177'8 or 14-45 Oxygen, 52-55 Two equivalents == 200-0 or 16-00 100-00 377-8 30-45 Silicon does not combine with hydrogen, nor with nitrogen : there exists a sulphuret of silicon which is probably SiS 2 , as when acted on by water it produces soluble silica and sulphuretted hydrogen. Chloride of Silicon. This substance, although not itself important, is yet interesting from the fact, that the method of preparing it is one by which a number of remarkable compounds of chlorine have been discovered, and hence it deserves to be described. Chlorine has no action on silica at any temperature ; but if finely divided silica be mixed with powdered charcoal and heated to redness in a porcelain tube, a, c, inserted in the furnace, as in the figure, and by means of a glass tube, attached at I, a current of dry chlorine be made to stream over the ignited mixture, decomposition ensues, the oxygen of the silica com- bining with the carbon to form carbonic oxide gas, whilst the chlorine and silicon unite, producing the chloride of silicon, which, being a very volatile liquid, requires to be carefully condensed ; for this purpose the tube c f, is wrapped up in a cloth, or in paper kept constantly wetted by a stream of water from the reservoir, e, and the liquid pro- duced then collects in the bottle, f t whilst the oxide of carbon and the excess of chlorine pass off by the tube m. In this process the reaction is such, that 2C1 acting on Si0 2 and 2C give rise to 2 'CO and SiCl 2 . 452 Fluoride of Silicon. The stream of dry chlorine may be very conveniently obtained by the apparatus here figured. The muriatic acid and peroxide of manganese are placed in the flask a, and the gas evolved, depositing the accom- panying liquid in the receiver , passes through the tube c, which being filled with fragments of recently fused chloride of calcium, absorbs all the watery vapour. The gas issues dry from the extremity, where it is connected with the end, #, of the porcelain tube in the preceding figure. The chloride of silicon is a colourless liquid, denser than water ; it boils at 124; in contact with water, it is resolved into silica and hy- drochloric acid, from whence its formula must be SiCl 2 . Fluoride of Silicon. This is the most remarkable compound of sili- con, after silicic acid ; it is a gas colourless and transparent : to prepare it, fluor spar and sand, or glass in powder, are mixed together and heated in -contact with oil of vitriol, the mass swells up very much, so that a large vessel must be employed. In this reaction we may look upon water as being decomposed or not, as the results may be explained in either way. Thus, the oxygen of the silica may combine with the calcium, forming lime, and this with the sulphuric acid, whilst the silicon unites with the fluorine of the fluor spar. Or, water being de- composed, hydrofluoric acid and lime may be first produced, and the former reacting on the silica may reproduce water, and form fluoride of silicon. I prefer to omit here, as I did when describing the forma- tion of chlorine, all the unnecessary theoretic agency of the water, and to express the decomposition as 2(S0 3 .HO) with SiO 2 and 2(CaP.) give 2(SO 3 .CaO.HO) and SiF 2 . This gas must be collected over mercury, and in vessels dried with the greatest care. When it mixes with air, it forms dense white fumes, which arise from the formation of silica by the watery vapour present being decomposed. It is colourless and transparent ; its specific gravity is 3600. Its composition and equivalent numbers are as follows, its formula being llydrofluomlicic Acid. Silicon, 28-32 One equivalent = 177'8 or 14-45 Fluorine, 71-68 Two equivalents = 467 '6 or 37'40 100-00 645-4 51-85 The hydrofluosilicic acid, or the double fluoride of hydrogen and silicon, cannot be obtained free from water, but its solution is of con- siderable importance as a chemical re-agent, and hence its preparation requires to be described. The mixture of powdered fluor spar and sand is introduced into the matrass, a, which is imbedded in a sand bath, as in the figure. By means of the syphon funnel, I, the oil of vitriol is then poured in, and the gas evolved is con- ducted by the tube to the water in the vessel, d, e. If the tube opened into the water directly, so much silica would be deposited at its orifice as to stop it up every moment ; and hence, a quantity of mercury, e, is placed at the bottom, and the end of the tube dips into it. The gas bubble, therefore, does not touch the water until completely separated from the tube : it escapes from the surface of the mercury, and then it becomes in- vested with a coating of silica, like a bag of tissue paper, of which many preserve their form for a certain time. The passage of the gas is to be continued until the water becomes thick from the quantity of silica separated ; it is then to be poured on a fine linen cloth, and the silica removed by straining and pressure. In this process, one-third of the fluoride of silicon is decomposed by the water forming silica and hydrofluoric acid, which last unites with the remaining fluoride of sili- con, to form the hydrofluosilicic acid, the formula of which is SiF 2 + HF. "When a solution of this acid is heated, fluoride of silicon is given off and hydrofluoric acid remains. Hence, although the hydrofluosilicic acid is without action upon glass, glass vessels in which it is evaporated are corroded. The property of this acid which is of most interest to the chemist is, that it forms, by acting on the salts of potassium and barium, com- pounds, fluosilicates, or double fluorides of those metals, which are very sparingly soluble in water ; and hence, it is used to detect the presence of these substances in solution. The precipitate so obtained is remarkable for being at first so gelatinous and transparent, that it 454 Ilydrofluosilicic Acid. can be recognized in the liquor only by the play of colours in the light reflected from its upper surface. When collected on a filter and dried, these compounds appear like powdered starch. The constitution of the salts of the hydrofluosilicic acid resembles that of the acid itself, the hydrogen being replaced by a metal; thus, the fluosilicate of potassium, already described as used for preparing silicon, is expressed by the for- mula SiF 2 +KF. The composition of hydrofluosilicic acid is easily known from that of the hydrofluoric acid and fluoride of silicon. Its equivalent number is 891-7 or 71-55. OF BORON. Symbol. B. Eq. 90'8 or 7'26. The history of this substance presents a very close analogy with that of silicon. It was first obtained by decomposing boracic acid by gal- vanism, but is best prepared by acting on the fluoborate of potash by metallic potassium, exactly as has been described under the head of silicon. That salt consists of fluoride of boron united to fluoride of potassium ; by the reaction, all the fluorine passes to the potassium and the boron is set free. Boron is a dark olive substance, which does not conduct electricity. It is insoluble in water and all other neutral fluids. When heated to 600 in air or oxygen it takes fire, and burning, forms boracic acid; the same effect is produced by boiling with nitric acid, or by ignition with nitrate or with carbonate of potash. This element is not extensively distributed in nature, and only found combined with oxygen, forming boracic acid. This exists in certain springs in India, combined with soda, and being crystallized in an im- perfect way, was brought into commerce under the name of tinkal, or crude borax. The boracic acid is also found, and in much larger quan- tity, free, or combined only with a small quantity of ammonia, in the small volcanic lakes or lagoons of Tuscany. It accompanies the watery vapour which gushes out of fissures in the earth, and which contains also muriatic acid. The water of those lakes is evaporated, and the boracic acid being crystallized, is imported into these countries for the manufacture of borax (borate of soda) and other salts. The equivalent number of boron has been usually taken as 136'2 on the oxygen, or 10'9 on the hydrogen scale, from the supposition that the boracic acid contained three atoms of oxygen, and had the formula BOs. This supposition was principally grounded on the analogy of Properties of Boracic Acid. 455 silicic acid, and consequently, for the reasons given in the preceding section, it will be now most reasonable to assume the boracic acid to contain two atoms of oxygen, and the equivalent number of boron to be on the oxygen scale 90 '8, and on the hydrogen scale 7 "26. The boracic ethers, as well of the methylic and amylic as of the common alcohol, would decidedly support Ebelmen's view of the boracic acid having the formula BO. as the ether and acid contain the same quantity of oxygen ; but with boron, as with silicon, I consider the history of the chlorine and fluorine compounds to be best satisfied by the assumption of the atomic weight above mentioned, and of its combination with two atoms of the more electro-negative body to form the acid. Boracic Acid. B.O 2 . Eq. 290-8 or 23'26. The boracic acid is the only compound of boron and oxygen ; it may be obtained quite pure, from the native acid, by boiling this with eight parts of water, and a little white of egg, and filtering the solution. On cooling slowly, the boracic acid crystallizes in large brilliant plates, soft and unctuous to the feel, and of an irregular crystalline form. It may be also produced from borax, by dissolving it in four times its weight of boiling water, and adding sulphuric acid until the liquor becomes sour to the taste. On cooling, the boracic acid crystallizes ; but as it retains a little sulphuric acid and sulphate of soda, a second solution and crys- tallization is necessary to have them pure. The crystals of boracic acid, so prepared, contained water, the oxy- gen of which is equal to the oxygen of the acid ; when heated, this water passes off and the acid melts ; on cooling, it forms a colourless glass ; when completely dry it is fixed, but in the presence of water it is carried off by the vapour in great quantity. The glacial acid, when exposed to the air, absorbs water, swells, and becomes opaque. The boracic acid is much more soluble in hot than in cold water, the crystals requiring twenty-six parts of water at 60, and only three at 21 2 for their solution. Alcohol dissolves boracic acid copiously ; and the solu- tion, when set on fire, burns with a beautiful green flame, by which this body may easily be recognised. The boracic acid possesses but very feeble acid properties, many of its soluble salts possess alcaline reaction, and all are decomposed by the weakest acids. It does not redden lit- mus, but it gives it a port wine colour, and a strong solution of it browns turmeric paper like an alcali. At high temperatures, however, boracic acid may decompose the salts of the nitric or even of the sul- 456 CJdoride of Boron. phuric acids, from the principles that have been already explained in the chapter on Affinity (p. 219.) The composition and equivalent numbers of boracic acid are as fol- lows, its formula being B.O 2 : Boron, 31 '22 One equivalent . = 90'8 or 7'26 Oxygen, 68'78 Two equivalents, = 200-0 or IG'OO 100-00 290-8 23-26 Boron does not combine with hydrogen or nitrogen ; its compounds with sulphur and selenium are not important. Chloride of Boron Boron bums spontaneously in chlorine gas, but the best way to prepare the compound of chlorine and boron is to pro- ceed as described for making chloride of silicon, substituting boracic acid for the silica. The product is a gas colourless and transparent, but producing dense white fumes in contact with damp air, owing to its decomposition and the formation of boracic and hydrochloric acids. The presence of this last in the volcanic lagoons would render it probable that by some subterraneous action chloride of boron is generated, and is decomposed when mixed with the watery vapour simultaneously ex- haled. The chloride of boron is rapidly absorbed and decomposed by water; its specific gravity is 4079 ; it contains 1J times its volume of chlorine ; its formula is B.C1 2 . Fluoride of Boron. This substance is prepared in exactly the same way as fluoride of silicon, substituting the boracic acid for the silicic acid. It is a gas, rapidly absorbed and decomposed by water, and ge- nerating hydrofluoboric acid, which is perfectly analogous to the hydro- fluosilicic acid. It hence forms dense white fumes when mixed with damp air. Its sp. gr. is 2362. The hydrofluoboric acid is obtained by precisely the same plan as that described for the hydrofluosilicic acid. The boracic acid is deposited in crystals according as the gas is absorbed. If the liquor be evapo- rated without the acid deposited being removed, it is all again taken up and carried off as gaseous fluoride of boron. The liquid hydrofluoboric acid resembles, in the combinations that it forms, the hydrofluosilicic acid, and is similar to it also in constitution, its formula being + HE. No other compound of boron of any interest is known, The history of carbon involves so many considerations regarding the constitution and properties of organic substances, that I shall postpone General Characters of the Metals. 457 entering upon it until after the description of the metals and their salts, and other compounds "with the non-metallic bodies. I shall then com- mence the study of the chemistry of organic substances with that of their most constant ingredient, carbon. The compound of nitrogen with hydrogen (ammonia,) has not been introduced amongst those of the non-metallic bodies with each other, because all the details of its history attach it to organic chemistry, under which head it shall consequently be found. The hypothetical compounds of nitrogen and hydrogen (amidogene and ammonium) will be associated with it. The substances hitherto described as chloride and iodide of nitrogen, having been derived from ammonia, and ranging themselves in an important series of organic combinations, have not been noticed in the chapter now closed, but will be found in their true position here- after. CHAPTER XII. OF THE GENERAL CHARACTERS OF THE METALS AND OF THEIR COMPOUNDS WITH THE NON-METALLIC BODIES. ALTHOUGH, as has been already noticed, the metals cannot be considered as forming a class of bodies, united by such analogies of chemical pro- perties and laws of combination, as would constitute a natural family, yet in their physical characters, and the most prominent facts of their technical history, they have so much in common, as to render a notice of the conditions in which they exist in nature, the methods by which they are extracted upon the large scale, and the physical and chemical properties by which they are distinguished as a great division of the elementary bodies, necessary, before proceeding to the detailed history of the individual metals. 458 Malleability and Ductility. The metals are forty-two in number ; their names have been already given in more than one place (pp. 195 and 277.) They reflect light powerfully, and hence possess what is termed metallic lustre. If the incident light be plane polarized, it undergoes a remarkable change pro- duced only by the metals and by diamond, becoming elliptically polar- .ized on reflection. The metals are characterized very completely by their power of conducting heat and electricity, in which, although they differ amongst each other, yet the worst excels all non-metallic bodies. Lists of their relative conducting powers in those respects have been already given (pp. 118, 141, and 180.). By the combination of those characters, the lustre and conducting power, the metallic or non-metallic nature of a body is always determined. In the other properties of the metals, there is found remarkable di- versity ; thus, in colour, although silver is purely white, the majority of the metals are of various shades of bluish-white, or grey, whilst copper and titanium are reddish coloured, and gold is yellow. In specific gra- vity, the metals include some of the lightest along with the heaviest solids that we know; the density of platinum being 21 times, of gold 19 times, and that of potassium only -f^ that of water. Some of the most important applications of the metals in the arts, depend on their malleability and ductility. Those metals are mallea- ble which admit of being rolled or beaten out into thin leaves ; those being ductile which can be drawn into wire, pold is the most mallea- ble of metals ; gold leaf may be obtained of 212020 of an inch in thick- ness, and is hence the only metal in which any trace of transparency has been found ; silver, copper, tin, rank next in malleability. The most malleable metals are not at all the most ductile ; platinum, and even iron can be obtained in finer wire than gold ; platinum wire was made by "Wollaston of 3 000 6 inch diameter ; but a metal which is not malleable cannot be ductile, and, vice versa, thus antimony, arsenic, and bismuth, the brittle metals, may be powdered in a mortar, but give neither leaves nor wire. The texture of the metals which produces the malleable and ductile conditions, depends closely upon temperature. Thus zinc is malleable and ductile at 300 ; it loses this power, but remains tough, at 60, while at 600 it becomes so brittle, that it powders as easily as bismuth. In the drawing of a lead pipe, and in making most of the metallic wires, there is a peculiar temperature re- quired for the most perfect execution, by which is regulated the rapidity with which the process is carried on. In strength and tenacity, the metals differ also ; iron is the strongest inetal, an iron wire of a given thickness will support a greater weight than a similar wire of any other metal ; copper is next to iron, but only Classification of the Metals. 459 about one-half so strong ; then platinum, silver, and gold ; tin and lead are the weakest of the metals. The tenacity depends also on the mole cular structure ; if the wires had been annealed, so as to allow of an approach to internal crystallization, the tenacity is often found to be reduced to one-half. In their relations to heat, the metals exhibit remarkable variety. But one metal is liquid at ordinary temperatures. All of the metals are fusible, but they require for their liquefaction, the greatest range of temperature which can be produced ; thus mercury melts at 39, potassium and sodium below the heat of boiling water ; tin, lead, zinc, antimony, and tellurium, below a red heat, and many metals, as platinum, are infusible in the most intense heat of a blast furnace, and yield only to the flame of the oxy-hydrogen blow-pipe. In the history of each individual metal, its point of fusion will be given so far as it is known. The majority of the metals are fixed at the greatest heat of our fur- naces, but mercury, zinc, cadmium, arsenic, tellurium, potassium, and sodium, may be volatilized. The generality of metals, when exposed to the air, particularly when damp, absorb oxygen and form oxides ; some becoming merely tarnished upon the surface ; others becoming thoroughly oxidized. Some metals, however, as gold, silver, platinum, palladium, and mercury, are not liable to this action. Those metals which oxidize when exposed to air, unite with oxygen at a higher .temperature, with great rapidity, many with actual combustion. Thus zinc, when heated to full redness, takes fire and burns brilliantly with a white flame, and the combustion of iron wire in oxygen is one of the prettiest lecture experiments. Mercury also, which does not tarnish when exposed to oxygen at common tem- peratures, becomes oxidized when heated to near its boiling point, but the oxide is resolved again at a red heat into oxygen and metallic mercury. It is owing to their affinity for oxygen, that many of the metals de- compose water, and one of the most convenient classifications that have been proposed for ordinary use, is founded on the fact of the different degrees of facility with which this decomposition proceeds. Thus, Potassium, Sodium, Lithium, Barium, Strontium, Calcium, Magnesium, The first class consists of metals which decompose water with lively effervescence even at 32. 460 Classification of the Metals. Aluminum, Glucinum, Thorium, Yttrium, Zirconium, Lanthanum, Cerium, Manganese, Iron, Nickel, Cobalt, Zinc, Cadmium, Tin, Chromium, Yanadium, Tungsten, Molybdenum, Osmium, Columbium, Titanium, Arsenic, Antimony, Tellurium, Uranium, Copper, Lead, Bismuth, Silver, Mercury, Gold, Palladium, Platinum, Ehodium, Iridium, The second class consists of metals which do not decompose water with lively effervescence, except at about 212, but very far below a red heat. The third class consists of metals which do not decompose water except at a red heat, or at common temperatures in contact with strong acids. The fourth class consists of metals which decom- pose vapour of water energetically at a red heat, but which do not decompose it at common temperatures, even in contact with strong acids. The fifth class consists of metals which decompose water, at a red heat, but very feebly ; but whose ox- ides are not reducible to the metallic state by heat alone. The sixth class consists of metals whose oxides are decomposed alone at a high temperature, and which do not decompose water under any circumstances. This kind of classification was first proposed by Thenard, and has been adopted by Graham in a form differing very slightly from that now given. The following classification, although old and founded solely on Degrees of Oxidation. 461 popular considerations, is yet so far consonant with the simplest char- acters of the metals, as to be frequently referred to, and hence to be worthy of notice. Those metals which do not tarnish on exposure to the air, and the oxides of which are reduced by heat alone, were termed the viable or perfect metals ; at the head of this list stood gold, and at the bottom mercury. All the other metals known to the older chemists, were termed ordinary or imperfect metals. Of the metals of the first and second class, none had been then discovered, and of their oxides, only potash, soda, barytes, lime, magnesia, and alumina were known. Prom the old name of potash, Kali, with the Arabic prefix al, potash and soda, at one time confounded together, were termed alcalies, and ammonia re- sembling them very much, when dissolved in water or combined with acids, was also called an alcali ; it was the volatile alcali, potash and soda being fixed alcalies ; it was also termed the animal alcali, whilst soda was the mineral alcali, being derived from rock salt or from the ocean ; and potash received the name of the vegetable alcali, from its source being the ashes of plants growing upon land. The alcalies are characterized by being very soluble in water, and by neutralizing the strongest acids. They hence restore the blue colour of reddened litmus paper, and change the vegetable colours in general; the yellows to brown, the reds and blues to green. Paper tinged yellow by turmeric, is a delicate test of the presence of an alcali, by which it is browned. Magnesia and alumina were termed earths, and silica was classed with them; these bodies, the earths proper, are insoluble in water, and have no action on turmeric paper. Barytes, lime, and strontia, were termed alcaline earths, they are soluble in water, but much less so than the alcalies, these solutions brown turmeric paper, and neutralize acids ; but they are completely distinguished from the alcalies by their combinations with carbonic acid, which are insoluble in water, whilst the alcaline carbonates are very soluble in that liquid. These phrases of alcalies and earths, are of constant recurrence in descriptions of chemical processes and results, and are thus seen to be founded on and expressive of some of the most important characters in those bodies. Most of the metals combine with oxygen in more than one propor- tion, and the characters of the oxides are found to be regulated in a great degree by their composition. All protoxides (E.G.) (E. repre- senting an equivalent of any metal) appear capable of combining with acids to form neutral salts, they constitute, properly, the metallic bases, 46 Relations of the Metals to Chlorine. but in many cases suboxides, (E 2 O) such as those of copper and mer- cury, form well characterized salts, and sesqui-oxides (E 2 O 3 ) as those of iron, manganese, aluminum, and chrome, produce well denned classes of salts also, which, however, in solution always possess an acid reac- tion. Peroxides, (E0 2 ) as those of manganese, tin, titanium, and lead, are either indifferent, or feebly acid, and the higher degrees of oxidation lose all basic character, and become true acids, as the manganic acid, MnOg, and the chromic acid (Cr0 3 .) The different oxides of the same metal frequently unite with each other, producing compounds which have great similarity to salts. Examples of this will be found under the heads of manganese, of iron, and of lead. The affinity of the metals for chlorine is, in many cases, even more remarkable than that which they manifest for oxygen ; thus gold and platinum, which resist even nitric acid, at once combine with chlorine ; and tin, copper, mercury, antimony, arsenic, and bismuth, which re- quire a high temperature to effect their rapid combination with oxygen, burn spontaneously when introduced into chlorine gas in a state of minute division. Most metallic oxides are decomposed by chlorine also at a high temperature ; thus if a stream of chlorine gas be passed over lime heated to redness in a porcelain tube, oxygen gas is expelled, and the calcium remains combined with chlorine. On this account, the chlorides are generally, after the oxides, the most important metallic compounds. Towards iodine, bromine, and fluorine, the metals are related nearly as to chlorine, the affinities being, however, much weaker towards bromine, and still more so towards iodine ; of fluorine we do not as yet possess much positive knowledge, but its affinities appear to be at least as intense as those of chlorine. The compounds of sulphur with the metals constitute a very exten- sive and important series, which, as has been more fully noticed in p. 389, resembles in a very striking manner, the series of oxides of the same metal. Many metals, at a high temperature, combine with sul- phur with brilliant combustion ; and even at common temperatures, if iron filings and sulphur be mixed together with a little water, they will, in uniting, produce so much heat as to burst into flame, if the mass be moderately large. The metallic sulphurets, like the metallic oxides, are some acids and some bases, and these, by uniting, form the extensive classes of sulphur-salts. The metals combine with selenium and with phosphorus, subject to nearly the same conditions as in forming sulphu- rets, but the history of those compounds is not nearly so complete. As yet but very little has been done towards the history of the com- pounds of the metals with silicium, or boron. Classification of Ike Metals by their Sulphurets. 463 The metals appear to form with nitrogen compounds, usually termed nUrurets or azoturets, which derive interest from the relation they bear to the compounds of ammonia. They are mostly obtained by the decomposition by heat of the compounds of ammonia with the oxides or the chlorides of the metals. Some of the metals, as tellurium., arsenic, and antimony, combine with hydrogen, forming gaseous compounds, which resemble very closely the sulphurets and phosphurets of hydrogen in properties and constitution. In these bodies the hydrogen is the positive element, the metal playing the part of the sulphur or of oxygen. The relations of the metals to sulphur form so important and so characteristic a portion of their history, that the sulphuret of hydrogen and the hydrosulphuret of ammonia are adopted in the laboratory as the most ordinary and useful agents for detecting the metals, and for separating them when mixed. A very useful practical classification of the metals may be formed in this way. Thus there is first the binary classification Metals precipitated by Metals not precipitated Sulphuretted Hydrogen. by Sulphuretted Hydrogen. Tin. Cadmium. Potassium. Sodium. Chromium. Vanadium. Lithium. Barium. Tungsten. Molybdenum. Strontium. Calcium. Osmium. Columbium. Magnesium. Aluminum. Titanium. Arsenic. Glucinum. Thorium. Antimony. Tellurium. Yttrium. Zirconium. Uranium. Copper. Lanthanum. Cerium. Lead. Bismuth. Manganese. Iron. Silver. Mercury. Nickel. Cobalt. Gold. Palladium. * Zinc. Platinum. Rhodium. Iridium . Ruthenium . Each of these groups may be subdivided by the agency of hydrosul- phuret of ammonium, upon the following principles The metallic sulphurets which possess electro -negative or acid charac- ters unite with hydrosulphuret of ammonia to form sulphur salts, and the precipitated sulphuret is consequently redissolved by the addition of an excess of that reagent, whilst the sulphurets of the electro-positive or basic metals are not redissolved because they do not unite with the re-agent. Hence Precipitated Sulphurets Precipitated Sulphurets re-dissolved by Hydro-Sulphuret not re-dissolved by Hydro-Sul- of Ammonia. phuret of Ammonia. Tin. Chromium. Cadmium. Copper. Vanadium. Tungsten. Lead. Bismuth. 464 Analytical Classification of the Metals. Molybdenum. Osmium. Silver. Mercury. Columbium. Titanium. Palladium. Rhodium. Arsenic. Antimony, Ruthenium. Tellurium. Uranium. Gold. Platinum. Iridium. The metals not precipitated by sulphuret of hydrogen are also sepa- ted into two groups by hydro-sulphuret of ammonia; thus, in one group, the metallic sulphuret is insoluble in water, and its precipitation is only prevented by the presence of free acid, which being neutralized by hydrosulphuret of ammonia, the sulphuret of the metal separates ; in the other group, the metallic sulphuret is really soluble in water, and hence cannot be precipitated at all. There is consequently of the metals not precipitated by sulphuretted hydrogen Metals precipitated by Metals not precipitated by Hydro- Sulphuret of Ammonia. Hydro-Sulphuret of Ammonia. Cerium. Lanthanum. Potassium. Sodium. Manganese. Iron. Lithium. Barium. Nickel. Cobalt. Strontium. Calcium. Zinc. Magnesium. Aluminum. Aluminum and some of its allied earthy matters are given as not precipitated by hydrosulphuret of ammonia, although their solutions do in reality afford precipitates with that re-agent, but that precipitate is not a metallic sulphuret ; it is the pure earth, the same as it should have been precipitated by the ammonia alone ; whilst the sulphuretted hydrogen become free in the liquor. This fact, although not at all influencing the classification, requires to be carefully considered in practical analysis. This last group may be still further subdivided by means of the rela- tive solubility of the carbonates of their oxides ; thus, the carbonates of the alcaline metals potassium, sodium, and lithium, are soluble, but the carbonates of the earthy metals are insoluble in water. Hence, on adding a solution of carbonate of soda to solutions of the metals not precipitated by hydro-sulphuret of ammonia, we at once distinguish the solutions of alcalies from the solutions of what are properly termed earths. By taking advantage of these properties of the metallic sulphurets, the analytical chemist can thus determine the special and comparatively small group to which any metal he may have under examination must belong, and then by a few of the more characteristic properties of its other compounds as to solubility, or colour, or volatility, the individual character of the metal is determined and its identity, if already known, or its distinctiveness, if new to science, may be satisfactorily proved. Redaction of the Metals. 465 The circumstances tinder which the metals are found in nature are exceedingly diverse. Some are found native, or only alloyed with other metals, as gold, silver, tellurium, bismuth, and some others. Many ex- ist combined with arsenic, the sources of cobalt and nickel being almost exclusively their native arseniurets. Some metallic chlorides and iodides exist also native, but the most abundant forms in which the metals are to be found, are combinations with oxygen and sulphur. There are few of the metals that do not exist naturally in the state of oxides, which are either free or else combined with acids, forming salts. Thus, lead, copper, iron, zinc, tin, manganese, antimony are all found in abun- dance as native oxides, or as native sulphates, carbonates, arseniates, phosphates, silicates, &c. The majority of the metals exist also in nature combined with sulphur. The sulphurets of lead, of zinc, and of copper are the sources from whence the supplies of those metals are obtained; and the sulphuret of iron exists in great abundance, and although not used for the extraction of the metal, is of great impor- tance in the manufacture of green vitriol, of alum, and of sulphuric acid. These native compounds of the metals are termed ores ; and the metal is said to mineralized by the substance with which it is united. The process followed in the extraction of the metals must be, of course, regulated by the composition of the ores in which it is contained; and as it will save the necessity of frequent repetition hereafter, I shall describe the general manner of treating each kind of ore, so far as may serve the purpose of an elementary work like the present, in which the introduction of minute and technical details would be useless and im- proper. In cases where the plan followed for any particular metal, deviates essentially from that now about to be described, I shall notice the circumstance in its special history. There are two objects to be effected in the extraction of a metal from its ores. First, to set free the metal from whatsoever bodies it had been united with, which is done by adding some body having a stronger affinity for the mineralizing substance : the second, to give to the mate- rials such liquidity or fusibility as that the particles of metal when set free may be able to unite so as to form a mass. This is done by the addition of fluxes, as lime, fluor spar, and on the small scale, alcalies, which combining with the earthy and silicious matters of the ore, form fusible glasses or slags, which float on the reduced and melted metal. Where the metal exists in a simply oxidized condition, it is only necessary to heat the ore strongly in contact with the fuel, by which carbon is supplied in abundance for its reduction. The carbon com- bines witli the oxygen, and the metal is set free. It is not often that 30 466 General Principles of the the ores have this simple constitution, but in many cases the metal exists as a carbonate, and then the carbonic acid being expelled by the first application of the heat, the oxide which remains is reduced by the de- oxidizing action of the ignited fuel. Thus, the native carbonates of lead, of copper, of zinc, and specially of iron, are simply reduced in this way : the last mentioned is the ore which constitutes the great iron deposit of several coal districts. If the mineralizing substance, however, be any other than oxygen, carbon, no matter how intensely heated, cannot produce any effect upon the ore. Thus, the native sulphurets and arseiiiurets are not acted upon by carbon. Nor can the metals be obtained in a pure form from any of their salts except the carbonates, by means of carbon, for the oxygen of the acid and base being simultaneously removed by its agency, the radical of the acid remains united with the metal, which is thus only changed into a new kind of ore. Thus, if sulphate of lead be heated with any of the forms of carbon, it is converted into sulphuret of lead, S0 3 +PbO and 40 giving S + Pb and 4CO. And if arseniate of iron be ignited with carbon, all the oxygen is removed, and the arsenic and iron remain in combination. In such cases, it is necessary to adopt somewhat more circuitous methods, suited to the constitution of the individual ores. In the case of certain metallic sulphurets, the metal may be very simply separated by melting the ore with a proportional quantity of a metal having a greater affinity for sulphur. Thus, metallic antimony is very generally obtained by the fusion of the native sulphuret with iron ; SbS 3 and 3Fe giving S.Fe.S and Sb. On the large scale, however, this method would not be economically available. In order to extract the metal from its sulphuret, as in the generality of the ores of lead, of copper, and of zinc, the ore, first reduced to fine powder, is heated to redness in a current of air, by the oxygen of which the sulphur is con- verted into sulphurous and sulphuric acid, whilst the metal is oxidized. This process is termed calcination. A great part of the sulphuric acid formed is carried off with the current of air, and the remaining product is a sulphate of the metal, with excess of base. When the salt so formed is deoxidized by contact with the ignited fuel, the excess of oxide abandoning its oxygen, yields an equivalent quantity of metal, which, however, would be impure and of inferior quality, by having dissolved a portion of the sulphuret reproduced by the reduction of the sulphur from the sulphuric acid. It is, therefore, necessary to get rid of that residual portion of the sulphuric acid before the deoxidizing process commences, and this is effected by mixing up a proper quantity of lime with the calcined mass. The lime decomposes the metallic sul- Reduction of the Metals. 467 phate, combines with the sulphuric acid, and sets the oxide free ; and when the deoxidizing flames of the furnace pass over the calcined mass, the metallic oxide being reduced, yields a pure metal, whilst the sul- phate of lime, though, by losing its oxygen, it is brought to the state of sulphuret of calcium, remains as a scoria upon the surface without doing injury. This kind of operation is generally carried on in a sort of furnace termed reverberatary, from its office of beating down the flames from the fire-place upon the materials strewed upon the hearth. The adjoining figures will give an idea of its construction. The upper is a vertical, and the lower a horizontal section, to which the same letters ap- ply, a is the fire-place, and 6 the ash-pit ; at c a low wall is raised, termed the bridge, and the" flames and heated air ascending from the fire are reflected downwards by the low, vaulted roof, and impinging upon the hearth or sole of the fur- nace, d, produce the greatest heat- ing effect upon the materials laid thereon. The openings, i and g, serve for the introduction of the materials, and for giving them the arrangement, agitation, and mixture most conducive to the success of the operation. The damper, p, in the flue, regulates the draught, and hence the intensity of the fire. In this furnace the calcining, or oxidizing, and the reducing, or deoxidizing effect is produced, according as the supply of fuel and of air is regulated ; and thus the two stages just described, in the extrac- tion of a metal from its native sulphuret, are carried on. The hearth, d } is generally dished or concave towards the centre, so that the reduced metal, in its melted condition, may flow there, and be run out by an aperture in the side of the furnace, when the operation is concluded. In the case of sulphuret of lead, a very simple and beautiful process of reduction consists in roasting the ore at a moderate temperature, so that about one-half of it shall be converted into sulphate of lead by oxidizement, without any of the sulphuric acid being driven off; and then, having mixed this up well with the unaltered portion of the ore, increasing the temperature very rapidly, so that the two shall be fluxed together. The result is the complete conversion of the mixture into sulphurous acid gas, which passes off, and pure metallic lead which remains ; the sulphur of the unaltered ore combining with the sulphur 468 General principles of the and oxygen of that portion which had been oxidized. Thus SO 3 -f PbO and S + Pb produce exactly 2'SO2 and 2Pb. One of the most interesting processes of reduction is that by which iron is obtained from its most abundant ore, the clay iron stone. This substance consists of oxide of iron combined with carbonic acid and mixed with a quantity of clay. If the ore were simply strongly heated the carbonic acid being driven off, the oxide of iron would unite the alumina and silica of the clay to form a kind of iron glass, or slag, on which the fuel would then have no action, as carbon cannot decompose any silicate. It is necessary, therefore, to prevent the formation of the silicate of iron from the materials of the ore, and this is effected by means of lime. The coal or coke and the ore are introduced into the furnace, mixed with a proportion of limestone, which being calcined by the heat, yields lime, which seizes upon the silicic acid, and the oxide of iron being left free, is immediately reduced by the carbon of the fuel with which it is in contact, and produces metallic iron. The lime, the silica, and the alumina, when melted together, form a substance, a complex silicate, of a nature somewhat between glass and porcelain, which floats upon the mass of melted metal, and constitutes the slags or scoriae of the iron furnaces. The remarkable loss of heat by the dissipation of carbon as carbonic oxide which takes place in that process, will be noticed in detail in the description of that gas, and of carbonic acid. In the case of ores containing arsenic, of which only the arseniurets of cobalt and nickel are of technical importance, the method followed is to roast the ore in a furnace, so constructed, as that a powerful oxi- dizing action shall be produced by a current of air streaming over the ignited ore ; both metals being thus oxidized, arsenious acid, and oxide of cobalt, or of nickel are produced; the greater part of the arsenious acid is expelled by the heat, and being carried off by the draught, is conducted into large chambers, where it is gradually deposited under the form of a fine white powder upon the walls and floor. The metal with which the arsenic had been combined remains in the state of oxide, united with a little arsenious acid, and is subsequently extracted or employed in other processes. The reduction of a metal from the state of sulphuret is frequently effected upon the small scale by fusion with a mixture of lime and charcoal, or of carbonate of potash and charcoal, which last is fami- liarly termed black flux. The theory of this process is very simple. Thus, if sulphuret of antimony, lime, and charcoal be melted together, the sulphur combines with the calcium of the lime, the oxygen of which unites with the antimony, SbSs and 3.CaO giving 3.CaS and Sb.O 3 . Reduction of the Metals. 469 This last is then decomposed by the charcoal, the oxygen combining with the carbon, and the metallic antimony separates. The black flux used in such operations is prepared by deflagrating together equal parts of nitre and cream of tartar ; the nitrogen and oxygen of the former unite with the carbon and hydrogen of the latter, forming carbonic acid, nitrogen, and water : the potash of both remain behind as carbonate, mixed with the excess of carbon which had escaped combustion. If two parts of nitre be used with one of cream of tartar, there remains after deflagration a white mass of carbonate of potash, which is known as white flux, and is used in processes where the deoxidizing effect of the carbon is not required. Thus, for the reduc- tion of chloride of silver, it is sufficient to fuse it with half its weight of white flux; the chlorine combines with the potassium, and the silver, which at a lower temperature would have united with the oxygen and carbonic acid, is separated, those two bodies escaping in the gaseous form. The formula of the reaction being that KO.C0 2 and Cl. Ag give K.C1 and free Ag, whilst O and CO 2 are driven off. Hydrogen, although inapplicable to the reduction of the metals upon the large scale, and for the purposes of the arts, is yet to the chemist a most valuable agent for this office, as it acts upon all varieties of metallic combinations, whether oxides, chlorides, or sulphurets ; and that the results it gives are so accurate, as to serve as basis for some of the most fundamental propositions of the science. Thus, we have already seen that the composition of water is best determined by the action of hydrogen gas upon oxide of copper, and in analytical inves- tigations, the isolation of a metal, by decomposing its chloride or sul- phuret, in a stream of hydrogen gas, is frequently employed. The deoxidizing action of hydrogen is occasionally used in an indirect man- ner. Thus, a very convenient mode of obtaining silver from the chloride, consists in fusing it with some common resin : this consists of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, of which only the hydrogen is active ; it combining with the chlorine carries it off as muriatic acid gas, whilst the metallic silver is separated. If the chloride of silver be diffused through water rendered slightly acid, and a slip of zinc be introduced, an evolution of hydrogen commences, and the silver separates as a fine metallic powder, according as the zinc dissolves. But the action is here more properly galvanic ; an equivalent (32*3) of zinc combining with the chlorine, in place of each equivalent (108) of silver, which is set free. The precipitation of copper, from the water of copper mines, which hold sulphate of copper dissolved, by dipping therein pieces of iron, and indeed all cases of the precipitation of one metal by another, are referable to the same source. 470 Electro-Metallurgy. The physical agent, electricity, which has been already found to influ- ence chemical action in so remarkable a degree, has been employed with considerable success in the reduction of certain metals. It was first applied by Davy, who thereby made his admirable discoveries of the composition of the alcalies and earths. It has been totally superseded in that point of view by simpler processes, but has recently been applied by Becquerel, upon the large scale, to the extraction of the precious metals from their ores, and has been made the basis of several improved processes for extracting copper from the native sulphurets, the practical value of which cannot be considered as yet decided, but of which the general features are as follows : The ores, namely, copper-pyrites, the double sulphuret of copper and iron, JFe 2 S 3 -f Cu 2 S mixed usually with iron pyrites, is fully roasted so as to convert the sulphurets into sulphates. The roasted product being lixiviated with water, a solution is obtained from which the cop- per is precipitated, by the immersion of plates of iron, which form the positive element of a simple voltaic circle, of which the negative ele- ment is formed by a sheet of copper. The sheet of copper is immersed in the copper liquor from the ore, and the sheet of iron in a strong solution of sulphate of iron which serves as the excitant, and the two cells communicate by a diaphragm or partition so porous as to admit of the current being established. The copper precipitates at first quite pure, but as the liquor from the roasted ores always contains a great deal of iron, the portions of copper last deposited are contaminated by admix- ture with that metal. The processes of this class are in principle identical with the deposition of copper for electrotyping purposes described in page 267, and differ only in the source of the copper liquor, and in the scale on which the operation is carried on. There are many other methods of reduction, which, however, being limited in their application to individual metals, will form more properly a part of their special history. 471 CHAPTEE XIII. OF THE INDIVIDUAL METALS, AND OF THEIR COMPOUNDS WITH OXYGEN, SULPHUR, SELENIUM, AND PHOSPHORUS. SECTION I. METALS OF THE FIRST CLASS. POTASSIUM. Symbol. K. Eq. 39 or 487'5. POTASSIUM is the metallic basis of the alcali potash. It was originally discovered by Sir Humphrey Davy, who obtained it by submitting a stick of caustic potash, slightly moistened, so as to be a conductor of electricity, to the action of a powerful galvanic battery ; the water and the potash were simultaneously decomposed ; oxygen being evolved at the positive electrode, whilst hydrogen and potassium were separated at the negative wire. Erom the heat generated by the intense power used, the metallic globules generally burned, as soon as they came into con- tact with the air, and it was with difficulty that a quantity was obtained sufficient for the important researches in which it was employed by its illustrious discoverer. By using mercury as the negative electrode, the decomposition can be effected by a much weaker force, and even with a single pair of plates, as in the arrangement of Dr. Bird, described in page 268. The decomposition of potash, by truly chemical means, is due to Gay-Lussac, but it is by the process of Brunner, that the metal is now universally obtained. As it is carried on only, however, in the most extensive and best appointed laboratories, a very short sketch of it will suffice here. Cream of tartar, which consists of tartaric acid united to potash, is to be ignited in a covered crucible, until there remains a mass of car- bonate of potash mixed with carbon in a state of very minute division, and this mass is to be intimately mixed whilst still hot, with a quantity of coarsely powdered wood charcoal, which serves to render the whole 472 Preparation and Properties of Potassium. porous, so as to allow of the escape of the gases generated in its interior without its swelling up. The material so prepared, is introduced into an iron bottle, such as those in which quicksilver is imported ; to the mouth of the bottle, which is laid horizontally in a wind furnace, is adapted a short iron tube, passing to a copper condenser partly filled with rectified naptha, and so constructed with partitions, as to exclude the air, whilst there passes through it a stout iron wire, terminated by a screw, with which the iron tube can be cleared of any solid material that might be deposited in it. The apparatus being so arranged, and the receiver surrounded by ice, a fire is lighted in the furnace, and when the iron bottle has become white hot, the decomposition of the potash begins, the metal distils over, and condenses in the receiver in globules, which are protected by the naptha, in which they sink, whilst the oxygen of the potash and of the carbonic acid combines with carbon, forming carbonic oxide, which escaping under the partitions in the receiver, passes away; KO + C0 2 and 2C producing K and 3'CO. The great diffi- culty and loss in this process arises, however, from a cause, which is not at first apparent ; it is, that carbonic oxide and potassium unite, to form a dark grey mass, which sublimes, and condensing in the short iron tube, renders the screw necessary to keep the passage clear, and fre- quently causes the failure of the process. Even in the most successful result, one-half of the metal actually reduced, is lost by combining with the carbonic oxide. The potassium thus obtained is very impure, containing much carbon, and a quantity of that compound of carbonic oxide, which passes over into the receiver. To purify it, it is redistilled in cast iron retorts, from which the air has been previously excluded by vapour of naptha, and it is thus obtained in globules like peas, in which state it may be preserved under naptha perfectly free from oxygen. At common temperatures, potassium is soft, and may be moulded in the fingers like wax. At 32, it is quite brittle and crystallizes in cubes ; at 70 it is pasty, and at 150, perfectly liquid. At a dull red heat it boils, forming a green vapour, and may, as described above, be easily distilled. It is specifically lighter than water, its specific gravity being 0'865. The colour of potassium is of a bluish white, but its surface instantly becomes grey when exposed to the air, owing to the absorption of oxygen and the formation of a crust of potash. If it be heated, it burns with a vivid violet flame. So great is its affinity for oxygen, that it decom- poses water, and even ice, with great violence, so much heat being evolved, that if the experiment be made in the air, the hydrogen gas evolved and the metal both inflame and burn with a fine violet colour. Compounds of Potassium and Oxygen. 473 When the metal has been all consumed, a globule of fused dry potash remains, which, when it has cooled to a certain degree, combines with water with a loud explosion, and instantly then dissolves. Potassium is remarkably characterized by its great affinity for oxygen, which it abstracts from almost all bodies ; thus its use in the prepa- ration of boron and silicon has been already noticed ; and although at very high temperatures iron and carbon take oxygen from potassium, yet at a lower degree of heat, oxide of iron and carbonic acid are both decomposed by potassium, carbon being deposited from the one, and metallic iron separated from the other. The symbol of potassium is K, the initial of the word Kalium, by which the metal is designated by most of the Continental chemists ; the old name kali being still retained in preference to the word potash, which has been adopted only in Great Britain and in Trance. The equivalent is 48 7 '5 or 39, according to the scale. Oxides of Potassium. Potassium combines with oxygen in two pro- portions, forming a protoxide KO, and a peroxide KOa. The protoxide of potassium constitutes the important alcali potash ; it can only be obtained free from water, by exposing potassium to the action of dry air, when it is converted into a white powder, which is fusible at a red, and volatile at a white heat ; if this substance be once united with water, it cannot be separated from it, except by combination with an acid. The potash of commerce, and that used in the laboratory, is, therefore, always hydrate of potash ; the dry potash, in uniting with water, becomes ignited. Before the discovery of carbonic acid, the alcalies and their carbonates were distinguished from each other, by the epithets of mild and caustic, and hence for medicinal purposes, and in some pharmacopoeias, the hydrate of potash is still termed caustic potash. To prepare a solution of potash, the carbonate of potash of com- merce, derived from the sources to be detailed in its description, is to be dissolved in ten parts of water, and the solution being made to boil smartly, is to be decomposed by one part of slaked lime in fine powder, which is to be gradually added, the boiling being briskly kept up ; the lime abstracts the carbonic acid from the potash, and carbonate of lime is formed, which at that temperature, constituting minute crystals of arragonite, is rapidly and completely deposited. The clear liquor is to be tested occasionally by adding to a small quantity of it an excess of muriatic acid ; as soon as the absence of effervescence shews that all the alcaline carbonate has been decomposed, the pan is to be removed, and being laid aside, carefully covered until the carbonate of lime has been well settled, the clear liquor may be siphoned off. The decom- 474 Preparation of Potash. position of the carbonate of potash by the lime would take place also at ordinary temperatures, but the precipitate would be in the rhombo- hedral form, and being specifically lighter and more finely divided, should occupy much more room, and could not separate so well. If the carbonate of potash be dissolved in less than six parts of water, it is not decomposed by lime ; on the contrary, when a strong solution of caustic potash is boiled with carbonate of lime, carbonate of potash is produced, and lime set free. When the solution of caustic potash is evaporated in a basin of iron or silver, or platina, there remains a liquid which solidifies on cooling, into the hydrate of potash, KO.HO. This viscid liquid is generally run into cylindrical moulds, in which form the caustic potash or fused potash of the shops is generally found. In this state it is, however, impure, and it requires to be freed from the admixed sulphate and car- bonate of potash, chloride and peroxide of potassium, and oxide of iron, which it generally contains, by being dissolved in absolute al- cohol, the solution evaporated to dryness, and the remaining potash fused a second time. Hydrate of potash is a pure white solid, of a crystalline fracture ; it fuses below redness. In the fingers, it has a peculiar soapy feel, owing to its dissolving the cuticle, with which it forms a kind of soap ; it acts powerfully on all organic tissues, dissolving and decomposing them, and hence its use in surgery, and its name of caustic potash. It dis- solves in water, with the evolution of considerable heat ; a concentrated solution of it crystallizes when exposed to cold, in rhombic octohed- rons, whose composition is KO+5HO. The solution of potash is pre-eminently alcaline ; it neutralizes the strongest acids, browns turmeric paper, and restores the blue colour of litmus paper reddened by an acid. It absorbs carbonic acid rapidly from the air, and must hence be preserved in close vessels. It acts rapidly on glass containing much alcali or lead, and hence should be preserved in bottles of common green glass. The uses of potash in chemistry are too numerous to mention ; it being the strongest base, is employed in almost ah 1 cases of saline de- composition, and its various compounds are of great importance in the chemical arts, of which many will be noticed hereafter in detail. Potash is distinguished, when free, first by its general alcaline cha- racters, and by its not being precipitated by carbonate of soda, which separates it from everything but soda and ammonia. Prom the latter it is known by the brown stain produced on turmeric paper being per- manent, whereas the brown colour produced by ammonia disappears when the paper is warmed ; and from soda it is known by giving with Sutpkurefo of Potassium. 475 an excess of the perchloric, tartaric and hydrofluosilicic acids, sparingly soluble salts, whereas the soda salts of these acids are all easily soluble. A solution of potash, if neutralized by muriatic acid, gives, on the addition of chloride of platinum, a fine yellow precipitate, whereas with a solution of soda no precipitation occurs. The salts of potash act in all respects similarly, except that as there is no alcali in excess, the action on vegetable colours is not that of an alcali. The salts of ammonia resemble precisely the salts of potash in their action on those precipitants described above, but they are at once distinguished by the application of heat. The salts of ammonia are all volatilized, either with or without decomposition, by a red heat, whilst those of potash are fixed, and give to the flame of the blowpipe a dis- tinct and characteristic violet tinge. Potash consisting of an equivalent of each element, its formula is K.O, and its composition Potassium, 83-05 One equivalent = 487'5 or 39'0 Oxygen, 16-95 One equivalent = 100 or 8-0 100.00 587.5 47-0 Peroxide of Potassium, KO 3 . This substance, which is of very little importance, is formed by burning potassium in an excess of oxygen gas ; it is a yellow powder, decomposed by water, potash dissolving, and oxygen being given off. When hydrate of potash is heated to redness in the air, some peroxide is always formed, and hence the fused potash of the shops generally gives off minute bubbles of oxygen gas when dissolved in water. Sulpkurets of Potassium. When potassium is gently heated in con- tact with sulphur, they unite with brilliant combustion, and, according to the proportions in which they were employed, form the sulphurets of potassium, of which there are altogether four. These bodies are, how- ever, always prepared in practice by more economical processes. If sulphate of potash be ignited in a glass tube, and a current of dry hydrogen gas be passed over it, all the oxygen both of acid and base is removed in the state of water, and protosulphuret of potassium remains. Thus, KO.SO 3 and 4H produce 4.HO and K.S. The same result follows from igniting strongly, in a crucible, a mixture of char- coal and sulphate of potash, all the oxygen is removed, as carbonic oxide, and the sulphur and the potassium remain in combination. KO. S0 3 and 4C giving 4.CO and K.S. This protosulphuret is of a brown colour, fusible below a red heat ; it is easily soluble in water ; its solution is yellow, and reacts highly 476 Sulphurets of Potassium. alcaline and caustic. When exposed to the air it absorbs oxygen ra- pidly ; and in preparing it from sulphate of potash, by carbon, if lampblack be used, so that the product shall be in a state of very mi- nute division, it takes fire spontaneously on coming into contact with the air, constituting a pyropkorw. If the protosulphuret of potassium be acted upon by acids, water is decomposed, K.S and H.O giving K.O and H.S ; the potash remains united with the acid, and the sul- phuret of hydrogen is given off. No solid sulphur is deposited, and the liquor remains clear. A solution of the protosulphuret dissolves sulphur in large quantity, the higher sulphurets being formed. It absorbs sulphuretted hydrogen in such proportion that a compound is produced, K.S + H.S, exactly similar to the hydrate of potash, K.O + H.O. The tersulphuret of potassium corresponds to the peroxide, its for- mula being K.S 3 . It constitutes the mass of the kepar sulphuris, liver of sulphur, of the pharmacopeias. It may be prepared by fusing at a moderate heat, one part of sulphur and two of carbonate of potash ; the mass being kept liquid as long as it effervesces from carbonic acid gas being evolved. In this reaction, a quantity of oxygen from the potash combines with one portion of the sulphur, forming an acid of sulphur differing in its composition, according to the temperature, whilst the remainder of the sulphur combines with the potassium, producing a sulphuret, the composition of which is determined by the quantity of sulphur present. With the above proportions the final reaction may be considered to be 4(KO + C0 2 ) and 10S give 3.KS 3 and KO.SO 3 , which constitutes the fused mass, whilst 4C0 2 is driven off with effervescence. If, however, equal weights of carbonate of potash and of sulphur had been employed, the sulphuret formed contains five equivalents of sul- phur ; it is the pentasulpkuret. The reaction commences even at the temperature at which sulphur fuses, and all carbonic acid is given off before a red heat ; hyposulphite and sulphite of potash only being formed. The action of a higher temperature decomposes the salt first formed and produces sulphate of potash. These sulphurets resemble each other completely in external appear- ance ; they are liver brown, they deliquesce in the air, and absorb oxy- gen rapidly. Their solutions, which are at first deep yellow, become colourless by uniting with oxygen, hyposulphite of potash being formed, and sulphur precipitated. If a solution of the tersulphuret or penta- sulphuret be treated with an acid, water is decomposed, and potash being formed, sulphuret of hydrogen is produced ; the remaining sul- phur then separates in a state of very minute division, and of a milk white colour, constituting the lac sulphuris or the sulphur precipi- Sodium and Soda. 477 tatum of pharmacy. If the acid employed be strong and in great ex- cess, a quantity of bisulphuret of hydrogen is formed, as explained in page 406. Rose is of opinion that the whiteness of precipitated sulphur depends not merely upon its minute division, but that it is owing to the pre- sence of a trace of bisulphuret of hydrogen. When the Jiepar sul- phurls is decomposed by an acid, it is not merely that the excess of sulphur is set free, but in addition, as there is always hyposulphurous acid present, this, when evolved, acts on the sulphuretted hydrogen, and the sulphur of both is precipitated, water being formed. S0 2 and 2HS giving 2. HO and 2S : see page 401. The pentasutphuret of potassium is prepared perfectly pure by de- composing sulphate of potash by sulphuret of hydrogen, at a red heat. Thus, KO.S0 3 and 4HS give KS 5 and 4HO. This reaction supports very much the view that this pentasulphuret is really sulphate of potash, in which the oxygen, both of acid and base, is replaced by sulphur, for K.S 5 may be constituted of KS and S.S 8 . The seleniurets of potassium are similar in constitution to the sul- phurets. They evolve seleniuret of hydrogen when treated by acids, with precipitation of selenium when it is present in greater proportion than one equivalent. OF SODIUM. Symbol. Na. Eq. 23 or 287'5. Sodium exists in great quantities in the mineral kingdom, especially combined with chlorine, as common salt, of which enormous deposits are found in England, Poland, and elsewhere, besides forming the leading saline ingredient of the waters of salt lakes and of the ocean. It is found in many minerals, and is remarkably prevalent in the animal fluids, all of which contain common salt. It is, indeed, from the chlo- ride of sodium that we derive, whether directly or indirectly, all the supplies of the various compounds of this metal. The discovery of sodium was made in the same manner and imme- diately subsequent to that of potassium, by Humphrey Davy, and it is now prepared in exactly the same manner as that metal. It is, how- ever, much more easily prepared, its reduction does not require so high a temperature, and it does not unite with carbonic oxide, so that the formation of the black sublimate, which is the principal source of loss and failure in preparing potassium, does not occur. Sodium is lighter than water, its sp. gr. being 0'972; it conse- quently floats upon that liquid ; and when a globule of the metal is 478 Sodium and Soda. thrown into a basin of water, this is decomposed with great rapidity, hydrogen being evolved; but the action is not so energetic as with potassium ; the gas does not take fire spontaneously, but if the glo- bule be prevented from moving about, the water becomes heated, and the action increases to such a degree as to set fire to the gas -, this occurs when there is so little water that the globule does not swim, or when it is fastened to the edge of the vessel, or if the water be thick- ened by gum or starch. If some oil of vitriol be added to the water, the action is so much more active, that combustion occurs even when the metallic globule moves rapidly about. The symbol of sodium is Na. derived from the word Natrium, as soda still retains in many countries, the name Natron. Its equivalent numbers are 287 '5 or 23'0. Sodium unites with oxygen in two proportions, forming the protoxide of soda, NaO, and the peroxide, of which the constitution is not ex- actly known. This last is prepared just as the peroxide of potassium, which it resembles completely in its properties. The former only re- quires detailed notice. The preparation of dry soda is effected like that of potash, by heating the metal in dry air or oxygen. It is greyish white, and absorbs water with excessive power. Erom the hydrate of soda the water can be ex- pelled only by an acid. The caustic soda is, therefore, always, like caustic potash, a hydrate of the alcali. For the preparation of caustic soda the same process is to be followed as for that of potash. The carbonate of -soda of commerce, dissolved in boiling water, is decomposed by slaked lime, it being necessary, however, to use one-third more lime, from the smaller equivalent number of soda. The solution of caustic soda resembles that of caustic potash in all its alcaline characters, but that its action is not so intense. It is a weaker alcali ; its salts being decomposed in most cases by potash. The soda consists of an equivalent of each element ; its formula is Na.O, and its composition Sodium, 74-42 One equivalent = 287*5 or 23*0 Oxygen, 25*58 One equivalent = lOO'O or 8'0 100-00 387-5 ln/0 The detection of soda is very simple. On adding to a solution of the substance to be examined a solution of carbonate of soda, if there be no precipitate produced, the base of the salt present must be an alcali. On then applying the various tests for potash and for ammonia detailed in the last section, if no evidence of their presence be obtained, the alcali must be soda ; and even where potash also is present, a small Lithium and Lithia. 479 quantity of soda may be recognized, by its tinging the flame of the blowpipe of a fine yellow colour. The salts of soda are usually very soluble, but it forms with antimonic acid a very sparingly soluble salt, and may be precipitated from its solu- tions by the addition of antimoniate of potash, which is very soluble. The compounds of soda are very numerous and important, and will be described in their proper place, among the salts. The sulphurets of sodium resemble so completely the sulphurets of potassium, as not to require more than a reference to their description. To the seleniurets of sodium the same remark applies. LITHIUM. This metal is found only in a few minerals., of which one of the most common, spodumene, occurs at Killiney, near Dublin. This mineral is a double silicate of the alcali lithia (oxide of lithium) and alumina. The metal has been obtained by voltaic decomposition, but only in very small quantity. It is white, like sodium, and becomes oxidized imme- diately on exposure to the air. Its symbol is L, and its equivalent number 80'3 or 6'4. To obtain lithia, the simplest process is to mix the mineral containing it, (generally lepidolite or spodurnene) previously reduced to very fine powder, with fluor spar, and to digest the mass with oil of vitriol, until it is completely decomposed ; the silica is carried off by the hydrofluoric acid, (see page 446,) and the lime, the alumina, and the lithia remain combined with the sulphuric acid. By the action of a small quantity of water, the sulphates of lithia and alumina are dissolved out, and the last then precipitated by ammonia. The sulphates of lithia and ammonia being then ignited, the sulphate of ammonia is decomposed, and the sulphate of lithia obtained pure. This is but a general outline of the process, which requires many additional operations for a fully successful result. Lithia is distinguished from the other alcalies by the sparing solubility of its carbonate, in which character it approximates to the property of the earths, thus connecting the two classes of metals. Being so rarely found, and of no application in the arts, its history is not of much importance. Lithia is recognized by the sparing solubility of its carbonate, and by tinging the flame of the blowpipe of a brilliant red colour. This last character easily distinguishes it from soda; but as strontia possesses the same property, a mode of distinguishing strontia from lithia will be given in the history of that earth. Lithia is a protoxide, its formula being L.O. ; its equivalents ISO'S or 14'4. 480 Properties of Barium. The sulplmrets and seleniurets of lithium do not possess any interest. The alcali ammonia might, on one hypothesis of its nature, be de- scribed here. When combined with hydrogen it is considered by Ber- zelius and many other chemists to form a remarkable compound metal, ammonium, NH 4 , whose relations to potassium are of an exceedingly intimate kind ; and the salts of ammonia, which contain ammonia and water, NH 3 -|-HO, are looked upon as consisting of an oxide of that metal, NH 4 .O in combination with an acid. I prefer, however, to study the history of ammonia, and all the classes of compounds into which it enters, among the bodies of organic origin. BARIUM. Symbol. Ba. Eq. 68'7 or 858. Barium is found exclusively in the mineral kingdom, where its oxide, barytes, is the basis of several minerals, as the sulphate and carbonate, which are the usual sources from which it is obtained for use. The metal barium was discovered by Sir Humphrey Davy, immediately after the discovery of the bases of the alcalies. It may be prepared by voltaic action, as described under the head of potassium, or much better, by passing the vapour of potassium over barytes heated to redness ; the potassium takes the oxygen of the barytes and the barium is set free. By washing the residue with mercury, the metallic barium is dissolved out, and the mercury being then distilled off in a retort of hard glass, the barium remains behind ; it is a white metal like silver ; it fuses below a red heat ; it is denser than oil of vitriol : it decomposes water with great rapidity, evolving hydrogen gas and forming barytes, (oxide of barium.) The name barium is derived from /3gu?, heavy ; the native sulphate of barytes having been called formerly terra ponderosa or heavy spar. Its symbol is Ba; its equivalent numbers 858 or 68*7. Barium combines with oxygen in two proportions, forming a protox- ide which is the earth barytes, Ba.O and a deutoxide, BaO 2 . The pre- paration of this last has been described so fully when explaining its only important use, the formation of deutoxide of hydrogen, (p. 355,) that it need not be further noticed here. The protoxide, barytes, is, however, one of the most important earths. To procure pure barytes, the nitrate of barytes is to be gently heated to redness in a porcelain crucible. It fuses at a dull red heat, and boils briskly from the rapid escape of oxygen ; when this has terminated, there remains a grey loosely coherent powder, which is barytes. The melted salt in this process is very apt to froth up, so much as to over- Preparation of Barytes. 481 flow, unless the vessel be of considerable size; this is very simply avoided by mixing the nitrate of barytes, beforehand, with twice its weight of sulphate of barytes in fine powder. When the nitrate melts, the sulphate gives the mass a degree of consistence which prevents its frothing up, and on boiling the residual mass with water, all the pure barytes dissolves, the sulphate remaining totally unacted on. If the native carbonate of barytes, BaO.C0 2 , be strongly heated with carbon, the carbonic acid is converted into carbonic oxide, which passes off, and pure barytes remains behind ; BaO.CO 2 and C giving BaO, and 2. CO; the former process is, however, so much easier, that it alone is now usually employed. Graham has suggested the employment of iodate of barytes as a substitute for the nitrate. Another process consists in the decomposition of sulphuret of barium by water. A saturated boiling solution of sulphuret of barium, deposits on cooling a large mass of crystals of hydrate of barytes whilst the remaining undecomposed portion of the sulphuret remains in solution united with sulphuretted hydrogen. On separating the crystals from the mother liquor, they only require to be redissolved and crystallized from pure water twice or thrice to be perfectly pure. The mother liquor when concentrated by boiling gives off sulphuretted hydrogen, and will, on cooling, deposit more crystals, so that finally there takes place a decomposition of the total quantity of sulphuret of barium with the elements of water into sulphuretted hydrogen and barytes, which latter may thus be easily obtained pure. The sulphuret of barium may also be decomposed by metallic oxides, as shall be hereafter described. Pure barytes is a heavy grey powder ; when exposed to the air, it ab- sorbs water rapidly, giving out much heat and falling into a fine white powder, hydrate of larytes, BaO -f- HO. Another hydrate may be obtained crystallized, by dissolving barytes in three parts of boiling water, and allowing the solution to cool slowly ; it contains nine equi- valents of water. The solution of barytes is very caustic and alcaline ; exposed to the air, it absorbs carbonic acid, and a white precipitate of carbonate of barytes is formed; it is hence used to determine the quantity of carbonic acid present in the air, (page 361,) and in some other cases. The detection of barytes is very simple ; its soluble compounds give white precipitates with carbonate of soda, with sulphuric acid, and with hydrofluosilicic acid, and none of these are affected by a solution of sul- phuretted hydrogen gas in water. The sulphate of barytes is not merely insoluble in water, but also in nitric and muriatic acids, which is a further characteristic of this earth. 31 482 Sulphuret of Barium. The formula of barytes is Ba.O, and its composition Barium, 89'55 One equivalent = 858-0 or 68'7 Oxygen, 10'45 One equivalent = 100-0 or 8-0 100 00 958-0 767 The soluble compounds of barytes are all poisonous, and the car- bonate, although insoluble in water, is yet dissolved by the free acids of the stomach and becomes poisonous. The antidote to all barytic preparations is sulphate of soda, or sulphate of magnesia, administered in excess ; the sulphate of barytes then produced is absolutely inert. Sulphuret of Barium. Ba.S. This body is of considerable interest, as the source of barytes and of most of its ordinary compounds ; to pre- pare it, sulphate of barytes in fine powder is to be mixed with one- fourth of its weight of lampblack, and exposed to a very strong heat for two hours ; the carbon removes all the oxygen from the salt ; car- bonic oxide is evolved, and sulphuret of barium remains ; BaO.SO 3 and 4C, giving 4.CO and Ba.S. The mass thus obtained forms an olive powder. It dissolves readily in water, forming a deep yellow solution, but is partly decomposed, barytes and sulphuretted hydrogen being formed, which latter unites with the undecomposed sulphuret of barium to pro- duce the body BaS + HS corresponding to hydrate of barytes BaO. + HO. The sulphuret of barium is decomposed by acids, sulphuret of hydrogen being evolved, and a salt of barytes formed : it is thus that the salts of barytes are obtained for laboratory use. A simple mode of obtaining caustic barytes directly from the sul- phuret of barium has been recently given by Mohr. It consists, in adding to a boiling solution of the sulphuret, black oxide of copper until the whole of the sulphuret of barium is decomposed, as is easily ascertained, by adding a drop of the solution to a solution of acetate of lead ; the copper combines with the sulphur, whilst the barium and the oxygen unite, Ba.S and Cu.O producing Ba.O and Cu.S. This is probably the simplest and cheapest means of obtaining pure barytes. Other metallic oxides may be used for the same purpose, but they gene- rally produce some hyposulphite or hyposulphate of barytes which oxide of copper does not. OF STRONTIUM. Symbol. Sr. Eq. 43'85 or 547 '3. This metal is the basis of the earth strontia, protoxide of strontium, which exists native, combined with sulphuric and carbonic acids. The native carbonate of strontia was first found at Strontian in Scotland, Strontium and Strontia. 483 and proved to contain an earth different from barytes, by Dr. Hope. The similarity of these two earths is very great, so that the general out- line of the history of strontia is the same as that of barytes. The metal strontium is obtained precisely as barium, with which it perfectly agrees in character so far as its properties have been ascer- tained. Its symbol is Sr, and its equivalent number 547 '3 or 43*8. To obtain strontia the same processes may be employed which were described for the preparation of barytes, substituting the native car- bonate or sulphate of strontia for the compounds of barytes. The strontia is grey, slakes on exposure to the air, forming a hydrate, SrO. HO, and by crystallization from its watery solution, another hydrate SrO -j- 9. HO. Strontia is less soluble than barytes, its taste is not so caustic ; nor is it so poisonous. Strontia is distinguished from barytes by tinging the flame of the blowpipe a rich crimson. The red lights used in fireworks owe their colour to nitrate of strontia which is used in their preparation. But the red colour from strontia is destroyed and changed to yellow by the addition of a little barytes, whilst the presence of barytes does not at all interfere with the red flame from lithia. By this means strontia and lithia are distinguished. Like barytes, the soluble salts of strontia are precipitated by sulphuric acid, but the sulphate of strontia is not so very insoluble as sulphate of barytes; a solution of strontia is also precipitated by carbonate of soda. The hydrofluosilicic and the hyposulphurous acids which precipitate barytes, do not precipitate strontia, and thus these earths may be distinguished and separated from each other ; the chromic acid acts in a similar manner. The sulphuret and seleniuret of strontium resemble perfectly those of barium, and are prepared in the same way. OF CALCIUM. Symbol. Ca. Eq. 20 or 250. The existence of this metal was first recognized by Sir Humphrey Davy, it being obtained from lime, by the same method as that described under the head of barium ; it is white like silver ; it sinks in water, which it decomposes rapidly, evolving hydrogen and uniting with oxygen, to form lime (protoxide of calcium.) The symbol of calcium is Ca, and its equivalent number 250 or 20. Calcium combines with oxygen only in one proportion, forming lime, the most important of the earths. It is found very extensively distri- buted in the mineral kingdom, principally combined with sulphuric and carbonic acids, forming sulphate of lime (gypsum, plaster of Paris) and 484 Sources of Lime in Nature. carbonate of lime (marble, limestone, chalk.) These substances exist as rocks or crystallized, the last constituting the mineral species, arra- gonite and calc spar, often referred to under the heads of crystalline systems, isomorphism, and dimorphism. Lime is found also combined with phosphoric and arsenic acids, in several minerals, and the native fluoride of calcium is the fluor spar, used for the preparation of the hydrofluoric acid and other compounds of fluorine. Notwithstanding the immense quantities of carbonate of lime which are found constituting a great proportion of the surface of the globe, as for instance, the whole centre of Ireland is one vast plain of lime- stone, and in that as well as other forms, chalk, marble, &c. it is equally extensive in most other countries, it is questionable whether lime should not be looked upon as rather a characteristic of the animal than of the mineral kingdom of nature. The bony or testaceous skeleton, by which the softer portions of the animal frame are attached, is always found to consist of lime united either with carbonic or phosphoric acids, and the diversity of chemical composition in this respect is found to coincide in a remarkable degree with the most natural physiological classification. The skeletons of the vertebrated animals consist prin- cipally of phosphate of lime, whilst in the shells of the invertebrate animals, the carbonate of lime is the prevalent component. The teeth also consist of phosphate of lime ; in all these cases, the phosphate of lime is associated with fluoride of calcium, just as occurs in the native phosphate, the mineral apatite. Now it is remarkable, that all the great geological formations which contain carbonate of lime are found to consist of the aggregated skele- tons (shells) of myriads of the tribes of invertebrated animals, which had existed in some former period of the world's history. Prom the densest and hardest limestone, to the softest chalk, the entire mass re- solves itself ultimately into a congeries of animal remains, and hence the great supply of lime in the mineral state arises from the destruction of its animal sources. Even those crystalline marbles in which no organic remains can be traced, appear destitute of them only from having been subjected, by volcanic heat or otherwise, to the influence of causes which have gradually rendered the texture of the mass completely uni- form. The lime which exists in nature must, therefore, be looked upon as being continually in a state of passage between the organized and the inorganic kingdoms. The plants which grow upon the soil take up, by dissolution in their juices, salts of lime, which pass into the substance of the animal which feeds upon them, and accumulating in its system, afford materials for the proper development of the skeleton. When the animal dies, the materials of its tissues either serve for the nutrition of Properties of Lime. 485 some other animal, or being totally decomposed, its elements return to the mineral kingdom, to be, in after ages, the subject of similar alterna- tions. Lime is always obtained for the purposes of chemistry and of the arts, by the decomposition of the native carbonate. To obtain lime perfectly pure, crystals of calc spar or pieces of Carrara marble should be strongly heated in a crucible loosely covered, so that the carbonic acid can readily escape. In the presence of carbonic acid, carbonate of lime is not decomposed by heat, as was explained already in p. 220. On the large scale, lime is obtained by burning the ordinary limestone in kilns. At the bottom is a grate on which fuel is laid, and the kiln then filled with limestone and fuel, (culm or small coal) mixed in suitable propor- tions; when the fire is lighted on the grate, the combustion extends throughout the mass, and as the perfectly burned lime is extracted at the bottom by the orifice of the grate, new quantities of fuel and lime- stone are introduced above, so that the combustion is continuous \ the carbonic acid evolved is completely removed by the rapid draught through the fire. Lime is a pure white earth. When exposed to the air, it rapidly ab- sorbs water, and falls into a white powder, (slaked lime,) which is a hydrate CaO. HO. If a little water be poured on a piece of well burned lime it is absorbed instantly, and the lime appears quite dry, but after a few moments it cracks, and falls into a powder of hydrate, evolving so much heat as to char wood, and inflame gunpowder, when in large quantities. It is thus that vessels laden with lime have been burned at sea, by water penetrating to the hold. Lime is soluble in water, though but sparingly, and still less soluble in boiling than in cold water ; one part of lime requiring 778 of water at 60 and 1270 at 212 for its so- lution ; hence when lime water is boiled it becomes turbid. The solu- tion of lime has an acrid, slightly caustic taste ; it reacts alcaline ; ex- posed to the air it absorbs carbonic acid, becoming covered with a crys- talline pellicle of carbonate of lime. On breathing into lime water through a glass tube, it is immediately rendered turbid by the carbon- ate of lime produced by respiration ; an excess of the carbonic acid, however, dissolves the precipitate. It is in this way that carbonate of lime is held dissolved in almost all ordinary spring and river waters. If lime be perfectly dry, it has little or no tendency to absorb carbonic acid ; it requires to be first slaked and then the hydrate is decomposed, the water being expelled by the carbonic acid ; the absorption is very rapid until the lime becomes one-half saturated, a compound of CaO. CO2 + CaO. HO being probably formed, but after that point the ab, sorption advances but very slowly. 486 Oxides and Sulphurets of Calcium. Lime being a protoxide, its formula is Ca.O and its composition and equivalent numbers are as follows : Calcium, 71 '91 One equivalent = 250'0 or 20-0 Oxygen, 28-09 One equivalent = lOO'O or 8-0 100-00 350-0 28-0 Lime is easily distinguished by its dilute solutions not being precipi- tated by sulphuric acid or sulphate of soda, but giving a white precipi- tate of oxalate of lime on the addition of a solution of oxalic acid ; an excess of oxalic acid does not redissolve this precipitate. The nitrate of lime is deliquescent and soluble in alcohol, by which it also differs from the preceding earths. The compounds of lime, when ignited before the blowpipe, tinge the flame of a brick-red colour. Lime is of great importance in the arts, from its use in making mor- tar, and in agriculture from its application as a manure. The lime in mortar is not as carbonate, and its coherent property appears to depend only on the gradual drying of the hydrate by which the stones are re- tained together, as boards are by the drying of the glue between their surfaces. The use of lime as a manure, arises from its decomposing the insoluble organic matters of the soil, woody fibres, ulmine, &c., and producing other products more readily taken up by the sensitive radicles of the growing plants. It is hence on such soils as possess a large quantity of organic matter, but are still barren from its not being in the suitable condition, that the beneficial effects of lime are peculiarly marked. There is a deutoxide of calcium CaO 2 prepared by adding a solution of deutoxide of hydrogen to lime water ; it resembles deutoxide of ba- rium, but is of no importance. There are three compounds of sulphur and calcium known ; the first, or protosulpJmret of calcium, CaS, may be prepared by heating sulphate of lime to redness in a stream of hydrogen gas, or more simply by ig- niting sulphate of lime with one-third of its weight of lampblack ; all the oxygen of the salt is carried off as water, in the one, or as carbonic oxide, in the other case, and the sulphur and calcium remain united. It is a white powder, but very sparingly soluble in water. By boiling in water it is decomposed similarly to sulphuret of barium, hydrosul- phuretted sulphuret of calcium dissolving, and hydrate of lime being deposited. It plays an important part in the manufacture of carbonate of soda, as shall be hereafter explained. When flowers of sulphur and slaked lime are boiled together in water, a deep yellow solution is obtained, which is said to be a sulphuret of lime, but which really consists of a mixture of hyposulphite of lime and Of Magnesium and Magn esia . 487 lisulphnret of calcium, 6.S and 3.CaO producing 8262 -f CaO and 2. CaS 2 . If the solution be concentrated, this last separates in yellow, prisms with water of crystallization. It is from this yellow liquor, that the precipitated sulphur is prepared, for on adding to it an acid, sul- phuret of hydrogen is evolved from the sulphuret of calcium in such proportion as to decompose the hyposulphurous acid, and all the sulphur is precipitated, whilst the lime remains in combination with the acid which is employed. If the sulphur be in great excess in proportion to the lime, a pentasulpJiuret of calcium may be formed. The seleniuret of calcium is not important. If phosphorus in vapour be passed through a red hot tube loosely filled with lime, a brown substance is produced, popularly termed phosphuret of lime but which is a mixture of phosphate of lime and phosphuret of calcium ; the temperature must not be raised too high or else the phosphorus may be expelled again. When this phosphuret of calcium is brought into contact with water, it is decomposed, phosphite of lime, and phosphuretted hydrogen being produced ; this last being evolved in its spontaneously inflammable con- dition, it is an interesting experiment to throw a fragment of the brown substance into a glass of water, numerous gas bubbles are immediately formed, which explode when they reach the air as described in p. 416. When phosphuret of calcium is decomposed by muriatic acid, the phos- phuret of hydrogen evolved is not spontaneously inflammable. OF MAGNESIUM. Symbol. Mg. Eq. 127 or 158'3. This metal, like the bases of the other earths, was first recognised by Humphrey Davy, but the process by which it is best prepared, is that given by Bussy. A few pieces of potassium are to be placed at the bottom of a tube of hard glass, and then a quantity of anhydrous chlo- ride of magnesium in small fragments is to be laid upon them ; the part of the tube containing the earthy chloride is to be heated to near its point of fusion, and then the metal converted into vapour by the appli- cation of the lamp, as in the figure, p. 448 ; as soon as the vapour of the potassium comes into contact with the heated salt vivid ignition en- sues, and chloride of potassium being formed, the magnesium is libe- rated in the metallic state. Mg. Cl and K giving K. Cl and Mg. When the action has ceased, and the tube is completely cool, the mass is to be washed with water, the chloride of potassium dissolves and leaves the magnesium, with perfect metallic properties, behind. It is white like silver, malleable and fusible at a red heat ; it is not changed by dry air, and but slowly oxidized by damp air ; it may be boiled in 488 Magnesia an Antidote to Arsenic. water without this being decomposed. If magnesium be heated to red- ness in air or oxygen, it burns with brilliancy, forming magnesia, and it inflames spontaneously in chlorine ; it dissolves in dilute acids with the evolution of hydrogen gas, and the formation of a salt of magnesia. The symbol of magnesium is Mg. and its equivalent number is 158'3 or 12*7 according to the standard. Magnesia, the only known compound of magnesium and oxygen, is a protoxide. It exists in considerable quantity in nature, being a consti- tuent of a great variety of minerals ; it is found as hydrate, as carbon- ate, sulphate, and silicate, but its most abundant source is the magne- sian limestone, common both in Ireland and England, which consists of an equivalent of each carbonate, its formula being CaO. CO 2 -f MgO. C0 2 . The pure magnesia is always prepared by exposing the carbonate of magnesia of commerce, the preparation of which will be described among the salts, to a full red heat ; the carbonic acid is expelled, and the earth remains pure. Magnesia is a very light white powder, with- out taste or smell ; it is almost perfectly infusible ; but it and lime are remarkable for becoming beautifully phosphorescent when strongly heated, and it is hence that lime is used as a source of the most brilliant light when it is heated in the jet of the oxyhydrogen blowpipe. It is very sparingly soluble in water, and still less so in hot than in cold water ; its solution browns turmeric paper very slightly. It is remark- ably inferior to lime in basic power, but still neutralizes the strongest acids perfectly, forming excellently characterized classes of salts. Magnesia forms with arsenious acid a very insoluble salt, and has on that account been recommended as a remedy to poisoning by arsenic. It acts only however when in the form of a gelatinous hydrate, and should therefore be administered as freshly precipitated by potash from a solution of epsom salts, or as prepared anhydrous by the decompo- sition of the carbonate at a temperature just below ignition. In this state the magnesia when put into contact with water combines with it, forming a bulky gelatinous hydrate, which diffused through water forms the antidote. The formula of magnesia is Mg.O, and its composition and equivalent numbers are, Magnesium, 61-29 One equivalent = 158-3 or 12.7 Oxygen, 3871 One equivalent = 100-0 or 8-0 100-00 258-3 20-7 Magnesia is recognized by its sulphate being very soluble in water, and a solution containing it being precipitated by the alcalies and their Preparation of Aliuitimcm. 489 carbonates. The precipitate so obtained is redissolved on adding to the liquor a strong solution of sal-ammoniac. The most delicate test for magnesia consists in rendering the liquor suspected to contain it alcaline by ammonia, and then adding a solution of phosphate of soda ; after a short time the phosphate of ammonia and magnesia crystallizes on the side of the glass, particularly if it be scratched by a glass rod : this double salt is almost completely insoluble in an alcaline liquor. A solid substance containing magnesia possesses the property, that if it be moistened by a very small quantity of nitrate of cobalt and ignited strongly by the blowpipe, it becomes a fine pink or rose colour ; the presence of other bodies may, however, interfere with this result. The sulphurets and seleniurets of magnesium are of no importance ; they resemble, almost perfectly, those of calcium already noticed. SECTION II. METALS OP THE SECOND CLASS. OF ALUMINUM. Symbol. Al. Eq. 13*7 or 171-2. This metal is prepared by the action of potassium upon its chloride, exactly as described for magnesium in the last division, but the opera- tion must be performed in vessels of platinum or porcelain, as the heat spontaneously evolved during the reaction is so intense, as to fuse the most refractory glass; the quantity operated on should likewise be small. A grey melted mass of chloride of potassium and metallic alu- minum remains, which is to be washed with cold water, and the metal is thus obtained in minute but brilliant scales. Aluminum does not decompose water at ordinary temperatures, and only slowly even at a boiling heat, but it dissolves rapidly in dilute acids, and also in solutions of the caustic alcalies, with the evolution of hydrogen gas, from the water being decomposed. The symbol of alu- minum is Al. and its equivalent numbers 171*2 or 13' 7, according to the sale. There is but one compound known of aluminum and oxygen ; it is alumina. This earth exists in very large quantity in nature, being even still more abundant than lime ; it is a principal ingredient of almost all rocks, except the purest kind of limestone; it constitutes the great mass of the ordinary clays and soils, these deposits being produced by the gradual decomposition and detrition of various kinds of rocks. In 490 Condition of Alumina in Nature. all these forms the alumina is generally combined with silica, and some- times with sulphuric or phosphoric acids ; it is also met with pure, or at least contaminated by the presence of only a trace of foreign matter ; thus the ruby and the sapphire, two of the most highly prized precious stones, are alumina, combined with small quantities of colouring matter. The importance of alumina in the arts is very great ; it is a necessary ingredient in the formation of all kinds of earthenware, from tiles or bricks to the finest kind of porcelain, and is extensively used as the basis or mordant for some of the most brilliant and durable co- lours that can be fixed upon cotton or woollen cloth. The alumina derives its name from the salt which it forms with potash and sulphuric acid, the alum of commerce, from which it is always prepared for the purposes of the chemist. To prepare pure alumina, a solution of alum is to be decomposed by carbonate of potash, and the precipitate separated by the filter. This precipitate is alumina, the sulphuric acid being taken by the potash, and the carbonic acid, which cannot combine with the alumina, being evolved as gas. The alumina thus produced is, however, not quite pure, it always carries down with it a little sulphate of potash, from which it must be separated by being dissolved in dilute muriatic acid, and again precipitated by carbonate of ammonia ; being then well washed, until the water passes from the filter completely free from sal- ammoniac, it may be looked upon as pure. The alumina so obtained, when dried at common temperatures, constitutes a bulky gummy mass, which is a hydrate, the earth and water containing equal quantities of oxygen. To expel this water completely, it must be exposed to a white heat ; in drying it contracts very much. It was on the measurement of this contraction that Wedgewood founded his pyrometer, now gone out of use, and to allow for it, all vessels of earthenware and china are made much larger than they are intended to be, when completely baked. In consequence of the great power with which alumina absorbs and retains moisture, it adheres strongly to the tongue, producing a very peculiar sensation when applied to it. The more or less retentive qua- lity of soils results from the same property, and is generally proportional to the quantity of pure clay which they contain. Alumina is white ; if dried at moderate temperatures, it dissolves freely in acids, and in solutions of the fixed caustic alcalies, but if it be very strongly heated, particularly if fused by the oxy-hydrogen blowpipe, it dissolves much more slowly. It is particularly remarkable for its ten- dency to unite with organic matters. If a cotton cloth be immersed in a solution of acetate of alumina, the earth will deposit itself com- Glucinum and Glucina. 491 pletely in the fibres of the cotton and leave the acetic acid free. The most important processes in calico printing repose upon this principle. Although alumina is the only compound of aluminum and oxygen, it is yet not to be considered as a protoxide. I have already described, (pages 287 and 308) the isomorphous and other relations which estab- lish its constitution to be similar to that of peroxide of iron. It is hence a sesquioxide, and its formula is A1 2 O 3 . Its composition and equivalent numbers are Alumina, 53'3 Two equivalents, = 342*4 or 27'4 Oxygen, 467 Three equivalents, = 300-0 or 24-0 lOO'O 642.4 51-4 Alumina is easily recognized. Its solution is precipitated by the al- caline carbonates, and the precipitate is dissolved by the caustic fixed alcalies, but not by ammonia. It is also precipitated white by hydro- sulphuret of ammonia. A very minute trace of alumina may be redissolved by ammonia, and is 'then best detected by adding phosphoric acid ; a precipitate of phosphate of alumina forms, which is perfectly insoluble in water of ammonia and in acetic acid, but dissolves in caustic potash. If a solid substance containing alumina be moistened with a trace of nitrate of cobalt, and ignited by the blowpipe, it becomes of a beau- tiful blue colour. If aluminum be heated in the vapour of sulphur, it takes fire, and forms a grey mass of sulphuret of aluminum. This is decomposed by water, producing alumina and sulphuretted hydrogen, shewing that its formula was A1 2 .S 3 , which with 3.HO give A1 2 O 3 and 3.HS. This sul- phuret, therefore, cannot be formed in solution ; and when a solution of alumina is precipitated by hydrosulphuret of ammonia, as already noticed, the precipitate is pure alumina, and the liquor contains sul- phuret of hydrogen. The seleniuret and phosphuret of aluminum are known, but of no importance. OF GLUCINUM. The earth of which this metal is the basis has been found but in a few rare minerals, and as it exercises no influence on science, from the nature of its compounds, and is of no application in medicine or in the arts, a very brief notice of it will suffice. It exists in the emerald, beryl, and euclase. To obtain it from beryl, the mineral is fused with carbonate of potash, the mass treated with dilute muriatic acid, and evaporated to 492 Yttrium, Terbium, Erbium. dryness to separate the silica. The portion which dissolves then in water is to be decomposed by ammonia, which precipitates the alumina and glucina together, and the moist precipitate digested in a strong cold solution of carbonate of ammonia, in which the glucina dissolves. On boiling the filtered liquor so obtained the glucina separates in combi- nation with carbonic acid, from which it is freed by ignition, and so ob- tained pure. This earth is tasteless and inodorous ; it is insoluble in water, and has no action on vegetable colours. Its salts taste remarkably sweet, whence its name (yXuxug.) It is easily recognized by its relation to pure and carbonated ammonia, described in the details of its prepa- ration. The metal glucmum is prepared from its chloride precisely as aluminum and magnesium, which it resembles very closely in all its properties. Its symbol is Or, and its equivalent numbers 331*4 or 26-5. Glucina is considered to be, like alumina, a sesquioxide, and its formula being G 2 O 3 , its composition and equivalents may easily be calculated. OF YTTEIUM, TERBIUM, ERBIUM, THORIUM, AND ZIRCONIUM. These metals are the bases of earths, concerning which, from the rarity of the sources from which they have hitherto been derived, but little is known, and from their being destitute of scientific importance as well as of practical application, a short notice of their characters only need be given. Yttrium, Erbium, and Terbium. The earth yttria, oxide of yttrium, exists in some rare Swedish minerals, which were its only sources until the remarkable announcement, by Apjohn, of its presence in the ordi- nary Bohemian garnet, or pyrope. The method of its extraction is too complicated for description here. It is insoluble in the fixed caustic alcalies, and is precipitated by the yellow prussiate of potash, by which it is completely distinguished from the other earths. It is a protoxide. Its formula is hence Y.O. The characters of true yttria have, however, recently been rendered very doubtful by the discovery by Mosander of the substance usually termed yttria, containing, besides the true earth, at least two other new metallic oxides, which are separated as yet but imperfectly from it and from each other. To the new metals the presumed bases of those new earthy oxides, the names erbium and terbium have been given. Their characteristic properties will be sufficiently evident from the following modes of preparation: On precipitating a solution of yttria with an alcali, gradually added, Of Thorium, Zirconium, Cerium. 493 and separately collecting the precipitates which form after each addition, they are found to assume different colours when dried and ignited. The portions first precipitated becoming orange, the last becoming only very pale yellow or remaining white. The last appears to be pure yttria, so far as it is known. The first portion (orange,) appears to be oxide of erbium, whilst in the intermediate stages oxide of terbium principally exists. The oxide of erbium appear to be orange coloured and to form red salts. The oxide of terbium appears to be white but to form pale red salts. The pure yttria is white and forms colourless salts. Of the equivalent numbers of these bodies, and indeed of their detailed history we are as yet quite ignorant. Thorium. The earth Thoria. Oxide of Thorium, Th.O, has been found but in two excessively rare minerals. It is the heaviest of all the earths, its sp. gr. being 9*4. It resembles yttria closely in its proper- ties, especially in being precipitated by ferro-prussiate of potash, but its sulphate forms double salts which differ from those of sulphate of yttria. It is, however, evident that as the history of yttria is now so doubtful, its relations to the still less known thoria cannot be positively described. Zirconium. The earth Zirconia. Sesquioxide of Zirconium, Zr 2 Os, is found in two rare minerals, the hyacinth and zircon. It resembles alumina very closely in all its properties, and in some respects assimi- lates itself to silica, and appears to form the link by which the metallic and non-metallic bodies are connected in this direction. Thus, the double fluoride of zirconium and potassium is a sparingly soluble salt, like the fluoride of silicon and potassium, and it is from this double fluoride that zirconium is obtained, by a process identical with that which is described in page 448, for the preparation of silicon. CERIUM. LANTHANUM. DIDYMIUM. These metals are found in a few rather rare minerals, and have been but very recently distinguished from one another. They are always associated together in nature. Their history does not possess any par- ticular interest, and need hence be noticed but very briefly. The metallic cerium is obtained by igniting the protochloride of cerium with potassium, as has been already described for other metals. It is a slightly coherent brown powder, which decomposes water slowly, evolving hydrogen, particularly if the water be hot, and forming oxide cerium. It combines with oxygen in two proportions, forming a pro- toxide and a sesquioxide, CeO and Ce 2 0a. But all the results obtained with it now require revision, as the discovery of lanthanum has thrown much doubt on the purity of the substances that have been hitherto 494 Cerium, Lanthanum, Didymium. analysed as compounds of cerium,, and on its received atomic weight. The protoxide of cerium is of a whitish colour. If it be heated in the open air, it absorbs oxygen, and changes into the peroxide (which when pure is white,) ; and if this be reduced by hydrogen gas, at a red heat, it forms a pale yellow complex oxide, probably Ce 3 O 4 . Lanthanum. It was found by Mosander, that by calcining protoxide of cerium, so as to convert it into peroxide, only a portion of it became insoluble in dilute nitric acid, and that which dissolved was found, on accurate examination, to be really an oxide of a new metal, which, not forming an insoluble peroxide, may be thus separated from oxide of cerium. From its having been so long hidden in the oxide of cerium usually made, he named it lanthanum (Xavdavu.) Its protoxide is a white powder ; it reacts slightly alcaline ; its colour is not changed by ignition; it forms colourless salts, which yield white precipitates with caustic and carbonated alcalies. It is not precipitated by sulphuretted hydrogen. Its compounds are as yet so little known that its equivalent number cannot be stated. Didymium. The oxides of cerium as usually prepared become brown when calcined, and the peroxide of cerium was formerly described to be a brown powder, but this colour is really due to peroxide of didymium, which is a metal apparently similar to manganese, and associated with cerium and lanthanum. By violent ignition, oxide of didymium loses its brown colour and becomes grey. The salts of didymium are rose red or amethyst coloured. The equivalent number is not known. OF MANGANESE. Symbol. Mn. Eq. 27'72 or 345'9. This metal exists very extensively diffused through nature, although not in very great quantity. Traces of it are found in the animal and vegetable kingdoms, but its great sources are the numerous combinations which it forms with oxygen, and which are employed for the purposes of the arts and of research. Its name is a modification of magnesia, for the native peroxide of manganese was once termed magnesia nigra, but when the peculiar metal which it contained was recognized, the pre- sent appellation was given to it. Manganese is one of the metals most difficult to reduce, from its great affinity for oxygen, and the high temperature necessary for its fusion. To obtain it, the oxide must be taken in a state of very fine division, and for that object it is best to use an oxide artificially prepared, as described farther on. This is to be mixed with an equal weight of Preparation of Manganese. 495 lamp-black, and made into a dough with oil, and this mass fixed into a crucible, previously coated with a mixture of clay and charcoal powder. The crucible, so filled, being covered, is to be exposed to the most violent heat of a smith's forge for a couple of hours. On then examining it, a button of metallic manganese will be found occupying its lowest portion. The metallic manganese is greyish white, granular and brittle ; its sp. gr. 8'013. It is exceedingly infusible. It very soon tarnishes in the air, absorbing oxygen, and falling into a black powder after some time. It decomposes pure water, but very slowly ; but rapidly dissolves in dilute sulphuric acid with the evolution of hydrogen gas : sulphate of the protoxide of manganese being formed. The symbol of manganese is Mn, and its atomic weight is 346 or 27 '7, according to the standard. It is remarkable for the number of compounds which it forms with oxygen, which are as follows : Protoxide of manganese, . . . . MnO Sesqnioxide of manganese, . . . Mn 2 Os Peroxide of manganese, . . . MnO 2 Manganic acid, MnOs Permanganic acid, MnaO? In addition there are two complex oxides, The red oxide, Mn 3 O 4 or MnO -f- Mn 2 O3 Varvicite Mn 4 O 7 or Mn 2 O 3 -f 2MnO 2 The metallic manganese being of such difficult preparation, the various compounds of it are usually obtained from its most abundant source, the native peroxide, which is sent into commerce in large quan- tities to be employed in the arts for the fabrication of chlorine, and in chemistry to prepare oxygen, and many other purposes. The simplest way of preparing the salts of manganese from this native peroxide, which is usually associated with a large quantity of oxide of iron, con- sists in dissolving it in an excess of muriatic acid, and evaporating the liquor so obtained to dryness. The resulting mass consists of chloride of manganese mixed with perchloride of iron. When this mass is heated to redness, the perchloride of iron is partly decomposed, and partly volatilized, and on digesting the residual mass in water, oxide of iron remains undissolved, and a colourless or faintly amethystine solu- tion of protochloride of manganese is obtained. Prom this the various other preparations may be easily formed. Protoxide of Manganese. MnO. Equivalent 446, or 35" 7. May be prepared in many ways. If to a solution of protochloride of man- 496 Oxides of Manganese. ganese an excess of a caustic alcali be added, a bulky white precipitate is produced, which is hydrated protoxide of manganese. In this state it rapidly absorbs oxygen from the air, becoming reddish brown, being converted into red oxide, which is the most permanent of the oxygen compounds of manganese. If any of the higher oxides of manganese, in a state of fine division, such as the red oxide or peroxide artificially prepared, be heated to redness in a tube of hard glass, in a stream of hydrogen gas, oxygen is removed in such proportion as to leave pro- toxide of manganese behind. The oxide so obtained is of a greenish grey colour ; it does not absorb oxygen at all so rapidly as the hydrated oxide ; but if it be exposed to the air whilst hot it rapidly becomes brown, or even burns. But it is best obtained by mixing together chloride of manganese, carbonate of soda, and sal-ammoniac, and exposing them in a platinum crucible to a full red heat. The chloride of manganese is decomposed by the carbonate of soda, chloride of sodium and carbonate of manganese being formed. MnCl and NaO.C0 2 giving NaCl and MnO.C0 2 . The carbonic acid is, however, driven off by the high temperature, and the protoxide of manganese set free, being evolved in presence of the sal-ammoniac, which readily yields hydrogen, is prevented from passing to a higher degree of oxida- tion. The oxide obtained at this high temperature has no tendency to combine further with oxygen under ordinary circumstances, and may hence be easily preserved. The oxide is of various shades of greyish green, according to the method of preparation. It is without action on vegetable colours, but it combines with all the acids, evolving in some cases, as with oil of vitriol, intense heat, and forms salts, remarkable for their definiteness and neutrality. These salts are generally colourless, but often of a peculiar rose colour, which is not due to the presence of any higher degree of oxidation, but either to a peculiar (isomeric) condition of the salt itself, or to the presence of a minute trace of cobalt derived from the manganese ore. Sesquioxide of Manganese. Mn 2 O 3 . Equivalent 992, or 79*4. This oxide is found in nature in considerable quantity, either pure, as in the mineral braunite, or combined with water, as in the mineral manganite. It may be prepared artificially by exposing the peroxide for a short time to a dull red heat, but it is difficult to manage the decomposition of that substance so that it should not proceed too far. The sesquioxide is of a dark brown colour ; exposed to a strong heat it is partly decomposed, evolving oxygen and being reduced to the state of red oxide. It combines with acids forming salts which are of a deep red colour, and which are isomorphous with those of alumina. Technical uses of Manganese. 497 Its salts are immediately decolorized by sulphurous acid and by sul- phuretted hydrogen. This oxide possesses the property of staining glass purple or violet, and by this character an exceedingly small trace of manganese can be detected by fusing the substance with borax in the oxidating flame of the blowpipe. Peroxide of Manganese, or Black Oxide. Mn0 2 . Equivalent 546, or 43*4. This substance, which is the most abundant source of man- ganese, and that from which all its technical applications are derived, exists in nature in a variety of forms. Crystallized and pure it forms the mineral pyrolusite ; combined with water, 2 MnO 2 + HO, it consti- tutes the mineral Wadd, which in an impure form, contaminated with variable quantities of peroxide of iron, carbonate of lime and carbonate of barytes forms the earthy varieties, which are those usually found in commerce. This oxide may be prepared artificially by decomposing the protochloride of manganese by a solution of chloride of lime. Mn.Cl and 2CaO + Cl producing 2.CaCl and MnO 2 . It is also produced when permanganate of potash is decomposed by any organic substance. In these cases it is precipitated in combination with one equivalent of water Mn0 2 + H0, from which it may be freed by a temperature below redness. This peroxide of manganese is black ; exposed to heat it abandons oxygen, being reduced first to the state of sesquioxide, and finally to that of red oxide. It does not unite with either acids or alcalies ; but when heated with strong sulphuric acid, it is decomposed in the manner fully described under the head of oxygen, in page 334. Its use in the preparation of chlorine has been also noticed, page 418. An important object to which it is applied is to peroxidize the iron contained in the ordinary materials used in the manufacture of glass. If the iron were as protoxide it would colour the glass green, but the red oxide produces only a very faint yellowish tinge, and as the protoxide of manganese is itself destitute of colouring power, by the action of Mn0 2 on 2FeO there are formed MnO and FeaOg, two substances which have no injurious effect upon the glass ; if, however, the peroxide of manganese be added in excess, a purple colour is produced. Of the complex oxides, the red oxide is alone of interest. It is the most stable of the compounds of manganese ; and whenever the quantity of this metal present in a substance is to be determined by analysis, it is always as the red oxide that it is obtained. A solution of any salt of manganese, being precipitated by an excess of a caustic alcali, the pre- cipitate, cautiously washed and ignited in an open crucible, gives the quantity of red oxide corresponding to the quantity of manganese pre- sent. The varvacite,, the other complex oxide, is a mineral of rare 32 498- Determination of the real value occurrence, and only of interest, as it may be mistaken for the peroxide, to which it is inferior in technical value. The peroxide of manganese found in commerce is never quite pure ; and, as its use in the arts, and consequently its price, is, generally speaking, due exclusively to the quantity of oxygen it is capable of yielding, a ready mode of effecting its analysis becomes of great import- ance. There are two modes in which this may be accomplished upon very simple principles, and in a short time, with sufficient accuracy for all practical purposes. The first consists in converting oxalic acid into carbonic acid by means of the second atom of oxygen which the peroxide of manganese contains. For Mn0 2 and C 2 3 produce MnO and 2.C0 2 . For this purpose 100 grains of the manganese are to be introduced into a weighed flask, and 150 grains of oxalic acid dissolved in 500 grains of water are to be then poured upon it ; to these 350 grains of oil of vitriol are to be added, and the orifice of the flask closed by a cork, through which passes a tube containing fragments of recently fused chloride of calcium. The weight of this cork and tube are to be in- cluded in the tare of the flask. On the addition of the oil of vitriol a brisk effervescence takes place, owing to the escape of carbonic acid gas, which, passing over the fragments of chloride of calcium in the tube, are dried, so that the gas alone passes off. When the action slackens, a gentle heat may be applied until all the oxide of manganese has dis- solved ; a small quantity of a light brownish sediment, which generally forms, is easily distinguished from the particles of black oxide : as soon as the action is quite over, the flask is let to cool, and as it contains still a quantity of carbonic acid gas, this is removed, by taking out the cork, and blowing air into the flask gently by a glass tube ; the cork is then to be replaced, and the flask with its contents weighed. It is found to be lighter than it and the materials together had been, and the loss is the carbonic acid. The quantity of carbonic acid formed is thus found, and the quantity of oxygen it contained calculated ; one-fourth of this had been derived from the peroxide of manganese by its conver- sion into protoxide, which remains combined with sulphuric acid in the liquor, and the quantity of peroxide in the 100 grains of the ore are thus directly found. Thus, taking as example an actual determination made a few weeks ago, the flask and materials weighed altogether 1876 grains; after the action had terminated it weighed 1816*5 grains; the loss was, therefore, 59'5. This consisted of 16-3 of carbon and 43*2 of oxygen. The oxygen derived from the mineral was, therefore, ^ = 10'8, which represent 59 grains of pure peroxide of manganese in the 100 of the substance used. In round numbers the carbonic acid produced is equal in weight to the pure peroxide present. Of Commercial Peroxide of Manganese. 49 & The second mode of analysis consists in treating a certain quantity of the native oxide with an excess of muriatic acid, and passing the chlorine so evolved through water in which lime is diffused ; chloride of lime is formed. A certain quantity of protosulphate of iron (green copperas) is to be dissolved in water, and the solution of chloride of lime added thereto, until the iron liquor ceases to strike a blue colour with a drop of solution of red prussiate of potash ; then comparing the quantity of the solution of chloride of lime required with the quantity that was produced, the total quantity of chlorine generated, and hence the total quantity of oxygen available in the mineral, is known. The theory of the process may be still more simply expressed by the formulae of the bodies engaged, as follows : MnO 2 and 2. HC1 acting together produce MnCl and 2.HO, whilst Cl is given off as gas; this combines with CaO. When the compound CaO.Cl is brought into contact with 2.(FeO.SO 3 ), the oxygen passing from the lime to the iron, we have Ca.Cl and Fe 2 O 3 .2SO 3 produced. As long as any protosulphate of iron exists, the solution gives prussian blue with the red prussiate of potash, but when all the iron is changed to peroxide the blue colour is no longer produced. The following example of an actual operation will complete this explanation. 100 grains of commercial oxide of manga- nese were placed in a flask with about one ounce of strong spirits of salts, and the chlorine evolved was conducted by a bent tube to the bottom of a deep jar containing 1600 grains of water with 100 grains of slaked lime; when the oxide of manganese had been completely decomposed by the muriatic acid, and all evolution of chlorine had ceased, a quantity of the solution of chloride of lime was filtered for use; this being very strong, 500 grs. of it were diluted with 1000 of water. On the other hand, 100 of crystallized protosulphate of iron were dissolved in 1000 grains of water, and the dilute solution of chloride of liine added thereto by drops from an accurately graduated tube, until by the test of red prussiate of potash all the iron was peroxidized. It required 1300 grains of the dilute solution, and hence, 433 of the strong solution. Now, as 100 grains of the mineral had given 1600 grains of this strong solution, the 433 grains corres- ponded to 27 grains; the available oxygen of which was exactly equivalent to transfer the iron of the protosulphate to the state of peroxide. Now, the 100 grains contain 45 '6 of water, 28'9 of acid, and 25 '5 of protoxide of iron, consisting of 19' 7 of iron and 5'8 of oxygen, and it requires one-half more, that is 2*9, to form peroxide. The result is, that in the 27 grains of commercial oxide of manganese the available oxygen is 2' 9, and the quantity of pure peroxide con- sequently 15*8 grains, or 58*7 per cent. This whole process, although 500 Manganic and Permanganic Acids. when thus described in detail it may appear complex, is exceedingly simple in execution, and does not occupy much time. In accuracy, the two methods are about equal, giving results which may be depended on to one per cent. A mode has been recommended which consists in simply adding the green sulphate of iron directly to the muriatic acid and oxide of manga- nese in the flask, until the salt is found to be slightly in excess by the filtered liquor giving prussian blue with red prussiate of potash ; the quantity of green copperas added is known by having previously weighed out a quantity, and then weighing what may remain after the process has been completed. If no chlorine could escape the action of the iron salt, this method would be much the shortest and simplest that could be employed ; but it is exceedingly difficult so to manage the decomposition as to avoid its partial loss. On this account I look upon this method as inferior in accuracy, and really not much simpler of execution than those previously described. The composition of the commercial oxide is very variable, but the general limits may be considered as being between 60 and 70 of pure peroxide in 100 parts. Frequently, the commercial substance con- tains sesquioxide, or one of the complex oxides ; but in all these cases the methods given, as they determine the quantity of available oxygen, shew the true value of the specimen, no matter what the state of com- bination of the metal may be. Manganic Acid. MnO 3 . Equivalent, 646 or 51*7. If peroxide of manganese be mixed with caustic potash or carbonate or nitrate of potash in a crucible, and ignited moderately, a green fused mass is obtained, which dissolves in a small quantity of water with a fine grass- green colour. After some time, particularly if the solution be diluted, it gradually changes colour, a brown powder separates, and the liquor becomes of a splendid red colour. This substance first got the name of mineral chameleon from these changes, but their production is now known to depend on the formation of two distinct acids of manganese. The peroxide of manganese in these cases combines with another atom of oxygen to form manganic acid, which unites with the potash. If potash, caustic or carbonated, be used, the oxygen is derived from the air ; if nitre, it supplies oxygen ; but the best source consists in mixing four parts of peroxide of manganese in fine powder with 3J parts of chlorate of potash, and adding thereto five parts of caustic potash dissolved in a small quantity of water. This mixture is to be evaporated to dryness, powdered, and afterwards ignited in a platinum crucible, at a low red heat insufficient for fusion. By digestion of this mass in cold water a deep green solution is obtained, from which, by evapora- Detection of Manganese. 501 tion in vacuo, the manganate of potash is obtained in crystals. The salts of this acid are isomorphous with those of the sulphuric and chromic acids. They are decomposed very easily, particularly if organic matter be present, and the acid itself is hence incapable of being exhi- bited in an isolated form. Permanganic Acid. Mn 2 O 7 . Equivalent, 1392 or 11 1.4 When a solution of manganate of potash is diluted with boiling water, a copious precipitate of hydrated peroxide of manganese forms, and a fine crim- son solution of permanganate of potash is obtained. 3.Mn0 3 produces MnO 2 and Mn 2 O 7 . By rapidly evaporating this solution until a pellicle forms, an abundant crop of crystals of permanganate of potash is ob- tained on cooling : these are isomorphous with the perchlorate of pot- ash, and are almost completely black, but with a very peculiar bronze lustre. The salts of this acid are very stable, and by treating the per- manganate of barytes with a proper quantity of dilute sulphuric acid, a deep crimson solution of permanganic acid is obtained. This acid can- not be had solid, according to Mitscherlich ; its solution when heated to 100 F. being decomposed into peroxide of manganese and oxygen gas. It is very probable, that the solid substance, described as dry permanganic acid by some chemists, contained some other matter COHN bined with it. The formation of these acids by the action of sulphuric acid on pe- roxide of manganese, has been already noticed, and the most delicate test of the presence of manganese in minerals consists in fusing a frag- ment of the substance with a little carbonate of soda on a slip of platina foil, by means of the oxidizing flame of the blowpipe. The mass, on cooling becomes apple-green, from the formation of manganate of soda, if there be the smallest trace of manganese in the substance used. There is but one sulphuret of manganese. It is found as a mineral, and formed also by heating oxide of manganese and sulphur, (page 390). It is precipitated in a hydrated state, when a solution of man- ganese is decomposed by hydrosulphuret of ammonia. Its colour is then flesh red. Its formula is Mn.S. The detection of manganese is very simple. When in a solid form its compounds are recognized by giving before the blowpipe a purple glass with borax, and a green bead with carbonate of soda. In solution, if the manganese be as protoxide, the solution is colourless, and yields with the caustic alcalies a white precipitate, (MnO,) rapidly becoming brown, (Mn 3 4 ) : with the alcaliue carbonates a white precipitate, MnO.CQ;,, and with hydrosulphuret of ammonia, a flesh red hydrated sulphuret. The yellow prussiate of potash precipitates the salts of man- ganese pure white, if there be no trace of iron present. When the 502 State of Iron in Nature. manganese is not in the state of protoxide, the solution is always coloured red or green. These solutions are decolorized by sulphurous acid, and by sulphuretted hydrogen, which absorbs oxygen from all the higher degrees of oxidation, and a colourless solution of protoxide is then obtained, which gives the reactions already described. Another very sensitive re-agent for manganese is, to mix some peroxide of lead with nitric acid and then add the liquor to be examined. If the man- ganese be present, the purple colour of permanganic acid will be de- veloped after a few minutes. SECTION III. METALS OF THE THIRD CLASS. OF IRON. Symbol. Fe. Eq. 28 or 350. This is the most extensively distributed, and also the most important of the metals ; it may, indeed, be considered as being after those ele- ments necessary to the functions of animal existence, that which is most indispensable to man for the wants of ordinary life. On its employ- ment and applications, is founded every important step which marks the gradual progress of the human race from barbarism to civilization. The difficulties which its reduction from the state of ore present, the variety of conditions necessary for its being successfully wrought into useful forms, and the pre-eminent advantage it possesses over every other metal for the construction equally of the simplest tool and the most complex machine, for the implements of war as well as peace ; all com- bine to excite the energies of a people to its acquisition, whether by their own labour or by commerce ; and thus impel them to mental activity and civilization, either of native and independent growth, or borrowed from more advanced neighbours. As gold and jewels hence become the type of ignorant and barbaric pomp, so iron may be regarded as the greatest material source of national intelligence and industry. Iron exists in nature under a variety of forms ; it is found native, for in addition to loose blocks of metallic iron found on the surface in various countries, and to which a different nature may be assigned, it is found in veins, in mines, in Eussia and America. Its most abundant form is that of oxide, either pure, forming the various black and mag- netic oxides, the hsematite, or red oxide, &c., or combined with carbonic acid, constituting the clay iron stone from which the iron of commerce is principally extracted. Its sulphurets are also found in abundance, and iiative arseniates, phosphates, sulphates, and other salts have been found. S/neUing of Iron Ores. 503 A most remarkable source of iron is one not truly terrestrial, but that occasionally masses appear in our atmosphere at great heights above the surface, and presenting all the appearances of vivid ignition and combustion ; they move generally with great velocity obliquely towards the ground, and generally, before touching, or at the moment of contact with the surface, burst with an explosion, scattering their fragments to considerable distances. These masses are termed aerolithes ; they consist, in general, of an alloy of iron, with some nickel and chrome, with traces of other metals, and are generally invested with a vitreous glaze of earthy matter, which is constituted of minerals (olivine and pyroxene) found native in volcanic rocks. The only theory which can explain the origin of these meteors is, that they are expelled vio- lently from the active volcanoes, which telescopic research has proved to exist in great numbers on the surface of the moon, and that passing beyond the limits of the attraction of our satellite, they come under the influence of this earth and fall towards its surface. No such substances are ever found projected from terrestrial volcanoes. The general principles of the smelting of the clay iron stone, have been already noticed, (p. 468,) both considering it as a mere carbonate of iron, and where it contains clay, silica and alumina, so as to render lime necessary as a flux. It is, however, a remarkable property of iron, one on which rests, perhaps, its most useful applications, that the metal so obtained is not pure. The iron, when reduced, combines with a quantity of carbon, generally about five per cent., approximating to the formula, C+ 4. Fe, and forming cast iron, which is easily fusible, whilst the pure metal is almost quite infusible. The cast iron, is, however, not by any means a pure carburet of iron, it contains small quantities of silicon and phosphorus, according to the proportions of which it varies in properties, so as to constitute a number of varieties, known in the arts by their colour and texture, but of which it would be superfluous to speak here. When cast iron remains under water for a considerable time, it becomes gradually oxidized, magnetic oxide of iron being formed, and dissolved out, whilst the carbon remains under the form of a spongy mass, preserving, even in minute details, the figure of the original mass. Cast iron has a great tendency to crystallize in becoming solid, and then expands powerfully; hence its property of filling up the most minute crevices of moulds into which it is poured in the liquid state, and its multifarious uses, for making castings, from whence it derives its name. Pure or malleable iron, is made from cast irun by taking advantage of the fact, that though iron and carbon are both combustible, yet carbon is the more so of the two. Hence if cast iron be melted in a reverbe- 504 Preparation of Malleable Iron. ratory furnace, (see p. 46 7 ,) and exposed to a current of air, the carbon is gradually burned out ; the metal becomes less and less fusible, and ultimately breaks up into an incoherent granular mass like sand ; by then increasing the heat, these grains agglutinate, and are worked up into a ball about the size of a large loaf, which is taken out of the fur- nace on a shovel, and subjected to great pressure by machinery. The soft pasty particles of malleable iron are thus welded to each other, and any portions of liquid, unaltered cast iron that might remain, are squirted out, as water should be by pressure from the pores of a sponge ; this lump of malleable iron is then passed through a succession of rollers, turned by powerful steam engines ; each pair of rollers having a smaller interval than the preceding, the mass is gradually elongated into a bar, and finally is delivered, at the end farthest from the furnace, in the form of the soft bar iron of commerce. The heat evolved by the enor- mous pressure, to which the metal is subjected in this process, is so great, that the bar remains soft enough to be moulded by the rollers all through its passage. This process by the reverberatory furnace is termed puclling, and has been very much improved lately by burning out the carbon by means of a certain quantity of oxide of iron or oxide of manganese. Thus, by heating together two parts of cast iron and one of scales of black oxide of iron from a forge, all the carbon and oxygen pass off as carbonic acid, and the iron of both remains pure. Fe 3 4 and Fe 8 Qj produce Fe,, and The bar iron thus obtained differs remarkably from the cast iron in all characters : it is soft, flexible, ductile, and malleable, none of which properties cast iron possesses. It fuses only at the very highest temper- ature, and then becomes only semifluid. It is, consequently, quite impossible to run it into moulds. It possesses, however, the important character of welding at a white heat ; that is to say, it assumes a doughy consistence, so that several pieces of it laid together may be kneaded into one by blows of a hammer or by pressure between rollers, so as to form a single mass, the points of junction being totally undistinguish- able. It is thus that soft iron is always worked at a white heat. Its strength is much increased by several pieces being thus welded together, and hence all parts which require to possess peculiar tenacity, such as anchors, &c., are always made, not in single piece, but by thus welding together a bundle of small bars. A third and equally important form in which iron exists in the arts, is that of steel. Steel is intermediate to cast iron and bar iron, in con- stitution, containing generally about 1*5 per cent, of carbon. Steel may be formed directly from the ore or from cast iron, by proportioning Different varieties of Iron. 505 the action of the fuel and of the air in the furnaces, so as to leave com- bined with the iron as much carbon as constitutes steel. But the most important and curious mode of making steel is by what is termed cementation. Bars of iron are laid in boxes, imbedded in powdered charcoal, and exposed for some hours to a full red heat ; the carbon gradually penetrates through the whole substance of the iron, changing it into a bar of steel of pretty uniform structure. The bar becomes, frequently, blistered, from gas bubbles forming in its substance. This process can be effected even though the carbon may not directly touch the iron, provided oxygen be present ; carbonic oxide being formed, which is decomposed by the iron, half the carbon being absorbed and carbonic acid given off. It is the escape of this last gas under the form of bubbles that produces the blistering of steel. The decomposition of the carbonic oxide takes place at the surface of the bar in great part, but the carbon is transferred from particle to particle of the iron until the entire mass assumes the same constitution. Steel is harder and more fusible than pure iron, but its peculiar hardness is given to it only when it has been heated to redness and suddenly cooled, it is then ex- ceedingly brittle, hard, and elastic, and is thus fitted for its extensive use in cutting instruments, pivots, files, &c. The steel when it has cooled slowly, is so soft that it is easily engraved upon, cut, and may be welded with soft iron ; the instrument being so constructed, it is heated to redness and suddenly cooled ; it is thus hardened, but is still unfit for being employed until it is tempered to the particular use for which it is destined by being heated in oil to a certain degree and then allowed to cool slowly. By this means the excess of hardness is got rid of, and the steel remains of the quality required. Notwithstanding that iron is at once the most common and the most useful of the metals, it can scarcely be considered as having been yet obtained pure. For even in its purest form of soft malleable iron, it is not absolutely free from carbon, and the other conditions of cast iron and steel which the metal may assume, are due to the presence of foreign materials. The proportions and nature of these bodies present in the different kinds of iron, are shewn in the following table. 100,000 parts of iron in its different states, contain usually about Carbon. Phosphorus. Silicon. Manganese. Sulphur. Cold Blast Cast Iron 4-770 1-230 710 a trace trace Hot Blast Cast Iron 3-430 370 1-750 1-20 120 Best Swedish Iron . 293 077 traces traces none English Bar Iron 285 180 230 traces trace Best Scrap Iron 245 160 210 traces none 506 Relations of Iron to Oxygen. Sometimes the quantity of manganese is larger, amounting to three or four per cent, from the iron ore having contained carbonate of manganese : but such irons are always of inferior quality. Steel being made from the best iron or purest ores, the other admix- tures, except carbon, are of course nearly in the same proportion as in bar iron ; but the quantity of carbon is much greater : thus in bar steel, usually one per cent. : in cast steel, from one to one and a-half per cent. or sometimes so high as two per cent. Its precise mode of combination is not certainly known. The peculiar property of iron aud steel of becoming magnetic, have been described in page 185. Not only is iron in the pure state, and when combined with carbon, attracted by the magnet, but several of its oxides and sulphurets possess the same character ; of these, one con- stitutes, indeed, the natural magnet, the native loadstone. Pure iron is bluish-white, exceedingly brilliant, very malleable and ductile; it is the strongest of all the metals. Its sp. gr. is 7*8. It becomes pasty when intensely heated, whence its remarkable power of welding, which belongs besides only to platinum and sodium. When iron in mass is exposed to dry air, it does not become oxidized ; but if it be in a state of very minute division, it takes fire when gently warmed, and burns, forming peroxide of iron ; when strongly heated in oxygen gas, as by attaching a little sulphur or a bit of taper wick to a wire, and plunging it into a vessel of oxygen, it burns with exceeding brilliancy, and forms globules of black oxide of iron, Pe 3 4 . The true product of the combustion is peroxide, Fe 2 O 3 ; this loses one-ninth of its oxygen by the intense temperature, and forms the black magnetic oxide. It is hence, that when iron is burned in oxygen gas, the oxide which is thrown off in minute grains, collects on the inside of the jar as per- oxide, but the larger globules which are intensely heated for some time before they melt off the wire, are reduced to the state of black oxide. It is not quite certain whether iron decomposes water in the absence of an acid, but the presence of a small quantity even of carbonic acid produces decided action, and hence the rapid corrosion of iron in damp air, forming carbonate of iron (rust). In dilute sulphuric acid iron dissolves with great rapidity, evolving hydrogen, which, however, is very impure, for even the softest iron contains traces of carbon which combines with some of the hydrogen, forming compounds, which give the gas a peculiar odour, and colour its flame yellow. At a red heat water is decomposed rapidly by iron, as fully described in p. 340. If iron be immersed in water holding potash, lime, or soda in solution, or if the iron be covered up in quick lime, all rusting is prevented, pro- bably from any carbonic acid present being totally taken up by the base. Passive Condition of Iron. 507 A remarkable property of iron, though not absolutely peculiar to it alone, is, that when placed in contact with the hydrated nitric acid, sp. gr. 1'35, it may remain unacted on, becoming passive ; although, under ordinary circumstances, it is rapidly dissolved by that acid with evolution of nitric oxide. This passive condition may be produced in many ways. 1st. If one end of a long iron wire be ignited, and then, when cool, the wire be immersed in the acid, the ignited end being dipped first, it remains unaltered. 2nd. If a piece of platina wire be fastened to a piece of iron wire, and then immersed in the acid, the platina first. 3rd. By placing a platina wire in the acid, then immers- ing an iron wire in contact with it, the platiua wire may be withdrawn, and the iron wire remain passive. 4th. By making the iron wire the positive pole of a galvanic battery. 5th. By contact with a wire already passive ; thus, an iron wire being immersed in the acid, as in No. 3, another wire may be put in contact with it, and the first then with- drawn, and so on for an unlimited succession of wires. These are not the only methods, but merely the most remarkable. The properties of iron thus rendered passive are curious. It appears to have lost all tendency to unite with oxygen ; it does not rust ; it does not dissolve in acids ; it does not precipitate copper from its solu- tion ; and when used as a positive electrode of a voltaic battery, oxygen is evolved from it precisely as if the electrode had been platinum. We do not as yet know the true theory of these effects. The most available explanation is, that the iron, by an alteration of molecular structure, assumes a condition by which it becomes similar in its electrical rela- tions to the noble metals. It is possible, that this property may be connected with the equivalency of two equivalents of the iron and man- ganese group of metals to one of chlorine, and that when by a change of molecular arrangement, like isomerism, the particle becomes Pe 2 in place of Fe, it is incapable of acting as the positive element in galvanic or chemical combinations. It has, however, been latterly proposed to attribute the passitivity of the iron to the presence of a thin layer of peroxide of iron insoluble in nitric acid. The equivalent of iron is not so accurately known as those of metals much less important and less common. The best determinations make it about 350 upon the oxygen, and 28 upon the hydrogen scale. Its symbol is Fe, from its Latin name. Oxides of Iron. Iron combines with oxygen in two proportions, forming a protoxide and a sesquioxide, and these again unite to form complex oxides, the black or magnetic oxides of iron. It has also been asserted that iron, when burned by the hydrogen gas blowpipe, forms a suboxide Fe 4 0. but it is most probably a fused mixture of black oxide and metallic iron. 508 Various Oxides of Iron. Protoxide of Iron.FeO. Equivalent 4-50 or 36. This oxide cannot be obtained pure in a dry state, from the rapidity with which it absorbs oxygen. It exists as the basis of a very extensive class of salts, the green or proto-salts of iron. From their solutions, it is precipitated by an alcali, as a white hydrate, which rapidly becomes green, and finally brown-red, from absorption of oxygen. If we attempt to form the protoxide by processes similar to those described for obtaining the protoxide of manganese, the iron is reduced either to black oxide or to the metallic state. This oxide exists native, combined with carbonic acid, in the common carbonate of iron, and is the form in which the metal exists, dissolved in all chalybeate springs. Peroxide of Iron. ~Fe 2 O 3 . Equivalent 1000 or 80. This substance exists in very great abundance in nature, crystallized in rhombohedrons, being isomorphous with the crystallized alumina, corundum. This, the ologist iron, constitutes the celebrated Elba iron ore. It forms, in a more or less hydrated condition, the hematite, of various shades of red and brown, from which a great deal of the best iron and steel is made. It exists in a variety of minerals, and forms the red or yellow colouring matter of clay and of the different kinds of ochres. I have noticed that when iron is burned in a full supply of oxygen, this red oxide is formed, and it is produced also when iron rusts, for the protocarbonate which first forms is gradually decomposed, abandoning its acid, and ab- sorbing oxygen. It is thus that the margins of chalybeate springs become coated with an ochrey deposit ; the carbonate of iron originally dissolved being gradually converted into red oxide, whilst the carbonic acid passes off as gas. The peroxide of iron may be artificially prepared, by precipitating a solution of any of its salts with an alcali caustic or carbonated. In the latter case, the carbonic acid is given off, as the peroxide of iron does not combine with it. The hydrated peroxide, which is precipitated, is of a light reddish brown colour, but when dried it becomes dark brown. Strongly ignited, it becomes nearly black ; and indeed, by an intense heat it loses some of its oxygen, 3 (Ee 2 O 3 ) giving 2 (Pe 3 4 ) and escaping, being decomposed just as the sesquioxide of manganese, but requiring much greater heat. The peroxide of iron combines with acids to form salts, which are all acid, and easily decomposed. They will be described hereafter. Its chemical combinations resemble those of alumina and sesquioxide of manganese, with which they are isomorphous. The hydrated peroxide may be very conveniently prepared in a state fit for its use as an antidote to arsenic, by dissolving together one part of chlorate of potash, fourteen parts of crystallized protosulphate of iron, and sixteen parts of crystallized carbonate of soda. The preci- pitate must be well washed. Preparation and Properties of Ferric Acid. 509 When a solution of a protosalt of iron is exposed to the air, it gra- dually absorbs oxygen, until two-thirds of the iron becomes perox- idized, and then the decomposition ceases. The liquor then contains a compound oxide, FeO + Fe 2 O 3 , and on the addition of a caustic alcali, this is precipitated as a black powder, which when dry is power- fully attracted by the magnet. This is the artificial magnetic oxide of iron. It may be prepared at will, by taking three equal portions of protosulphate of iron, and peroxidizing two of them by means of a little boiling nitric acid, then mixing the solutions, and precipitating the whole by water of caustic ammonia. The precipitate is a hydrate, but may be deprived of the water without alteration. This magnetic oxide of iron exists native in great abundance ; it constitutes the common loadstone, and is that produced when iron is oxidized at high temperatures. It thus constitutes the scales of iron which form in smythies and forges, during the successive heatings and hammerings to which the metal is subjected. These scales of iron are, however, not uniform in constitution, and are hence inferior as a steady medicinal agent to the oxide artificially prepared by precipitation. Ferric Acid. FeO 3 = 52 or 650. It had been long known that, under certain circumstances, the caustic alcalies dissolved peroxide of iron, but the subject has been only lately accurately examined, when it was found by Fremy that by processes similar to those of forming mi- neral chameleon with manganese, iron absorbs so much oxygen as to form a true Ferric acid. The results have been extended and confirmed by other chemists. If a mixture of iron filings and nitrate of potash be deflagrated, and the residual mass be dissolved in water, a deep purple liquor is obtained, which contains ferrate of potash. A similar liquor is obtained by diffusing hydrated peroxide of iron through a strong solution of potash, and passing a stream of chlorine gas into the liquor. Ferrate of barytes may be precipitated by decomposing ferrate of potash with chloride of barium ; it is a purple black powder. The ferric acid is decomposed very easily contact with organic bodies, or with salts of suboxides, or even the dilution of its solution by a large quantity of water, or the boiling of its solution, all resolve it into peroxide of iron and oxygen. In this manner it has been analyzed and found to have a constitution similar to manganic acid, as stated above. Sulpkurets of Iron. Sulphur combines with iron in three propor- tions, forming the protosulphuret, the sesquisulphuret, and the bisul- phuret. These again combine, so as to produce complex (magnetic) sulphurets. Other degrees (subsulphurets) are problematical. Protosulpkuret of Iron. Fe.S. Equivalent 550 or 44. The af- 510 Sulphur ets of Iron. finity of iron for sulphur is very remarkable. If a rod of iron be heated to whiteness, and then touched to a stick of sulphur, they com- bine with energy, and the sulphuret of iron flows down in copious drops. If vapour of sulphur be made to gush from a jet, and an iron wire, heated to bright redness, be placed in it, it takes fire and burns with scintillations as brilliantly as if it had been immersed in oxygen gas. In these cases, where the iron is in excess, the protosulphuret is formed. It is most conveniently prepared by heating together to bright redness, in a crucible, three parts of iron filings, or turnings, and two of sulphur ; at a high temperature the resulting mass may be fused. This compound is black, its fracture yellowish. It dissolves in dilute acids, evolving sulphuret of hydrogen, and forming a salt of protoxide of iron. This is almost its only use in the laboratory. The manner of obtaining sulphuret of hydrogen from it has been described in page 404. This protosulphuret of iron exists sometimes, though rarely, in nature, and is dangerous, particularly in coal mines, from the avidity with which, when moist, it absorbs oxygen, forming protosulphate of iron, Fe.S and 4O, giving FeO.S0 3 ; during which process it occa- sionally becomes so heated, as to set fire to the beds of coal near it, and thus to cause considerable loss. This sulphuret may be prepared in the moist way by adding hydro- sulphuret of ammonia to a protosalt of iron ; thus, Ee.Cl and SH -{- NH 3 produce Ee.S and C1H + NH 3 . It is a jet black powder, which dissolves readily in acids, and when exposed moist to the air, rapidly absorbs oxygen, forming green copperas. Sesquisulphuret of Iron. Fe 2 S 3 . Equivalent 1300 or 104'0. This compound, which corresponds to the peroxide, is very instable in con- stitution. It may be prepared in the moist way by adding to a persalt of iron in solution, hydrosulphuret of ammonia. A black precipitate forms, which may be dried in vacuo. It may be also produced by heating peroxide of iron in a current of sulphuretted hydrogen gas, water being formed. It is not attracted by the magnet. It dissolves in acids, but one-third of the sulphur is precipitated, two-thirds only combining with hydrogen, and the iron existing in solution as a proto- salt. Thus, Pe 2 S 3 and 2HC1 give 2(Pe. Cl) and 2.HS with deposition of S. This arises from the circumstance that peroxide of iron is re- duced by sulphuretted hydrogen to protoxide, water being formed, and sulphur set free. Bisulphuret of Iron. EeS 2 . Equivalent 750, or 60. This sub- stance is met with in very large quantity in nature, constituting the iron pyrites, used in the manufacture of sulphuric acid and of copperas. It is dimorphous, (pages 317-323,) and in its two forms possesses very Detection of Iron. 511 different properties. It may be prepared artificially by heating together the protosulphuret in a state of minute division, with half its weight of sulphur. When the excess of sulphur has been distilled off, there re- mains a voluminous yellow powder, not acted on by the magnet and insoluble in acids, which is the bisulphuret of iron. This bisulphuret of iron is found in a variety of forms, which belong properly to the different kinds of native oxides of iron, which being probably acted on by vapour of sulphur from volcanic sources, have lost their oxygen, and, without being melted, have changed into bisulphuret. It is also found simulating the figures of a variety of organic remains, as nautili, &c., where, probably, the animal having perished in water holding traces of sulphate of iron in solution, the hydrogen compounds evolved by its decomposition have reacted on the sulphate of iron, abstracting its oxygen and producing a deposit of pyrites. Magnetic Sulphureis of Iron. Of these the most remarkable is that which corresponds to the magnetic oxide, having the formula Fe 3 O 4 = FeS + r& 2 S 3 . It is found native at Bareges, and may be formed by ex- posing to a red heat in close vessels the bisulphuret or sesquisulphuret. The pyrites, 3 (FeSJ, producing Fe 3 S 4 and S 2 precisely as peroxide of manganese 3.(Mn0 2 ) produces O-2 and Mn 3 O4. If, however, the heat be raised too high, more sulphur is expelled and another kind of mag- netic sulphuret Fe 7 S 8 = 5FeS -f- Fe 2 S 3 formed, which is also found native, and which corresponds to the black scales of oxides of iron which are 5FeO + Fe 2 3 . This compound is always formed in making the protosulphuret, if there be an excess of sulphur, above the proper proportion, used. The seleniuret and phosphurets of iron resemble very closely the sul- phurets. Phosphuret of iron exists generally in cast iron in small quantity. The detection of iron is very simple. It may exist in solution, in the state either of protoxide, black oxide, or peroxide, and as the appli- cation of reagents becomes much simpler in the last case, it is best, when the object is only to ascertain the presence or absence of iron, to boil the solution with a few drops of nitric acid by which any iron that may be present is peroxidized. A solution containing peroxide of iron, produces with water of ammonia a reddish-brown precipitate of hydrated peroxide ; with yellow prussiate of potash a fine prussian blue ; with sulphocyanide of potassium a deep blood-red colour, but no precipitate; with a solution of tannin or tincture of galls, a deep violet or black. With sulphuret of hydro- gen there is no effect except the separation of a deposit of pure sulphur, but with hydrosulphuret of ammonia a black precipitate of sesquisul- phuret of iron is formed. 512 Preparation of Nickel. If the solution contain the iron only as protoxide, ammonia produces a precipitate, at first whitish but rapidly becoming bluish-green. The yellow prussiate of potash, gives a precipitate, at first white, but rapidly becoming blue. The sulphocyanide of potassium, the tannin and the sul- phuret of hydrogen are without effect, but the hydrosulphuret of am- monia forms the black protosulphuret. The most characteristic re-agent for protoxide of iron is the red prussiate of potash, which gives prussian blue, but does not act upon the solution of peroxide. If a solution contain at the same time both oxides, the precipitate by ammonia is, from the commencement, green or black, and all the other reagents concur in the demonstration of the presence of the two- states of oxidation of the metal. OF NICKEL. Symbol. Ni. Eq. 29'62 or 369'7. An ore which, from its external characters, was supposed by the German miners to contain copper, but resisted all endeavours to extract that metal from it, received the name of kupfer-nickel, or deceitful copper. Subsequently it was found to consist of a peculiar metal united to arsenic, and this metal retained the name nickel, its meaning being forgotton or lost sight of. A substance found in commerce, termed speis-Sj a residue from the manufacture of smalts, is also an arseniuret of nickel, and from either of these sources the metal is generally ex- tracted. The mass containing nickel and arsenic is dissolved by a mixture of nitric acid and sulphuric acid, diluted with water. By this means the nickel is converted into sulphate of its oxide, and the arsenic into arsenious acid. On concentrating the liquor, most of the latter is got rid of by crystallization. Carbonate of potash is then to be added to the liquor, until the green precipitate which first forms ceases to be re- dissolved. On then evaporating and cooling, a double sulphate of nickel and potash is obtained, which, by two -or three recrystallizations, is freed from all traces of arsenic. This double salt may, however, be contaminated by iron and copper ; from the first it is separated by sul- phuretted hydrogen, and from the last by the solubility of the oxide of nickel in water of ammonia. From the ammoniacal solution, the oxide of nickel may be precipitated by oxalic acid, as an insoluble oxalate, which, when dried and heated, gives off carbonic acid, and leaves me- tallic nickel, Ni.O 4- C 2 3 , producing 2.C0 2 and Ni. The metallic nickel is then in the form of a very light sponge. It is somewhat more Alloys and Compounds of Nickel. 513 fusible than cast iron ; of a silvery white colour. It does not rust when exposed even to damp air. Its sp. gr. is about 8'5. It is nearly as magnetic as iron, and retains its magnetism, resembling in that respect steel rather than pure iron. In its permanency of lustre, nickel resembles the precious metals, and its alloys are of singular brilliancy and whiteness. This character has long led to the employment of nickel for giving a silvery appearance to the alloys of copper, such as brass. The metal of gongs, known as packfong in China, is thus made. Latterly, under the names of German silver, argentane, nickel silver, British plate, this alloy has been extensively manufactured in these countries. Usually brass is first made by fusing together eight parts of copper and two one-half parts of zinc, of which latter about one-half is burned out in the process. Then by the addition of two parts of nickel, an alloy is produced of a somewhat yellowish white, and which is an inferior and cheap article. With three parts of nickel a very good alloy is formed. With four parts of nickel the alloy is equal in whiteness and lustre to standard silver. With six parts of nickel the alloy is perfectly undis- tinguishable in appearance from fine silver, and even takes the same blue lustre by polishing. But with this large proportion of nickel the substance becomes too costly, and unless the nickel were completely free from arsenic, which it is very difficult to effect, the alloy is hard, and liable to get flaws in working. The symbol of nickel is M; its equivalent 369'7 or 29*6, Oxides of Nickel. This metal combines with oxygen in two propor- tions, forming a protoxide and a sesquioxide. The protoxide NiO, is prepared by precipitating a salt of nickel by caustic potash; a grass- green hydrated oxide of nickel separates, NiO -f HO, which when dry gives the pure ash-grey oxide. This is the only oxide of nickel which forms salts. It is not, by itself, soluble in water of ammonia ; but if a salt of nickel be decomposed by ammonia, the precipitate which first forms is re-dissolved on adding an excess of the alcali, forming a blue solution, in a great degree characteristic of this metal. This oxide has been found as a product of the roasting of copper ores in Germany, of a ruby red colour and in octohedrons, closely resembling native suboxide of copper. The Peroxide of Nickel, Ni 2 Os, is a black powder, prepared by boiling the protoxide in a solution of chloride of lime ; the oxygen of the lime changes the protoxide into peroxide, 2. NiO and CaO.Cl producing Ni 2 .O 3 and CaCl. When ignited, this oxide gives oxygen and pro- toxide ; with muriatic acid it forms protochloride and chlorine. It does not form any true salts. Nickel is easily recognized by its solutions giving with ammonia a oo 514 Properties of Nickel and its Oxides. green precipitate, which dissolves in an excess, forming a blue solution, and by giving with yellow prussiate of potash, a white precipitate. The solutions of nickel are not precipitated by sulphuretted hydrogen, but give a black sulphuret of nickel with hydrosulphuret of ammonia. Its separation from the following metal, cobalt, with which it is almost always associated in nature, is of peculiar interest, and shall be fully described under the next head. The sulphuret, seleniuret, and phosphuret of nickel do not present any point of interest. OF COBALT. Symbol. Co. Eq. 29'57 or 369. The name of this metal had its origin in a still more singular cir- cumstance than that of the preceding; from the bright metallic ap- pearance of its ores, the miners of the middle ages were led to expect an abundant produce, but the modes of reduction then in use were employed without avail ; it was hence imagined, that these ores were specially protected by the guardian spirits of the mines, or Kobolds, and these minerals were termed Die Kobold's erze, the Kolold's ores. At a later period, a peculiar metal was extracted from them, and as the older name had been corrupted into kobalt ore, the metal was called cobalt. Cobalt exists in nature, combined with arsenic and with sulphur, it is universally associated with nickel, which it resembles so closely in its properties, that the perfect separation of these two metals is one of the most difficult operations in analysis. To obtain the cobalt, the native arseniuret is roasted in a current of air, so as to oxidize both metals, as described, p. 468. The residual impure oxide of cobalt is sold in commerce under the name of Zaffre. This zaffre is dissolved in muri- atic acid, and treated with sulphuretted hydrogen, by which the copper and arsenic are separated. From the filtered liquor, the cobalt is thrown down by carbonate of potash, and then, to free it from oxide of iron, it is digested with oxalic acid which dissolves the peroxide of iron, and leaves an insoluble oxalate of cobalt ; this may still be contaminated with nickel, but for the details of the separation of these metals, I must refer to subsequent remarks. The oxalate of cobalt, when ignited, yields carbonic acid and metallic cobalt in a spongy form ; it melts into a button more easily than cast iron; it is reddish-grey; specific gravity 8*5; when perfectly pure, it is not susceptible of becoming magnetic. It acts upon water aud acids Properties of Cobalt and its Oxides. 515 more rapidly than nickel, but much less actively than iron or zinc. The symbol of cobalt is Co, and its equivalent 369, or 29*6. Oxides of Cobalt. Cobalt combines with oxygen to form two well denned oxides ; a protoxide and sesquioxide ; there are also two com- plex oxides, and a compound of which the constitution is not well known, but which is probably a deutoxide. Protoxide of Cobalt, CoO, is prepared by adding caustic potash in excess to a solution of a salt of cobalt, a fine blue powder falls, which is a hydrate, CoO.HO ; when deprived of its water, it becomes ash- grey ; it is the only oxide of cobalt which forms salts with acids. Sesquioxide of Cobalt, Co 2 3 , is prepared as the sesquioxide of nickel ; it is a black powder, which is decomposed by a red heat, and with hydrochloric acid gives chlorine and protochloride ; it does not form salts. The first complex oxide, Co 3 O 4 = CoO + Co 2 O 3 , is produced by heating the sesquioxide to redness as long as it gives out oxygen gas : it is similar to the magnetic oxide of iron and red oxide of manganese. The second complex oxide Co 6 O 7 or 4CoO + Co 2 3 is formed by calcining the protoxide in the air as long as it increases in weight by absorbing oxygen. It is probably the best form in which to estimate cobalt. Cobalt is recognized in solution, by producing with water of ammonia, a blue precipitate, which redissolves in an excess of the alcali, forming a liquor which is of a fine rose colour, if the cobalt be pure, but brownish red if nickel be present ; it is not precipitated by sulphu- retted hydrogen, but is thrown down black by hydrosulphuret of am- monia. The most remarkable test for cobalt, is its power of colouring glass blue. The most minute trace of this metal may be thus recog- nized before the blowpipe. It is, indeed, on this character that is founded the most important uses of cobalt in the arts ; glass coloured deep blue by cobalt, and ground to an impalpable powder, constitutes the smalts used to give to writing paper and to linen a delicate shade of blue. The blue colours upon porcelain and delft, are also produced by cobalt ; when speaking of magnesia (p. 488) and alumina, (p. 491,) I have noticed the assistance given by cobalt in the detection of these earths before the blowpipe ; alumina, coloured strongly blue by cobalt, is used in commerce as a pigment, cobalt blue, in place of ultramarine. The most important analytical relation of cobalt is its separation from its most closely allied metal, nickel, which may be done by either of the following processes : 1st. If a current of chlorine gas be passed through the muriatic solution of the two metals, the cobalt becomes converted into perchloride, whilst the nickel undergoes no change. 516 Uses of Cobalt in the Arts. On the adding carbonate of barytes, peroxide of cobalt precipitates, and pure protochloride of nickel remains in solution. The barytes being then removed by sulphuric acid, the nickel may be precipitated by pot- ash in the usual way. This mode is recommended by Henry Eose. A mode proposed by Liebig is to convert the mixed metallic com- pounds into cyanides by boiling with cyanide of potassium in excess. On then digesting with moist hydrated oxide of mercury, nickelo-cpnide of mercury precipitates, and on being collected and ignited, leaves pure oxide of nickel, the cyanogen and mercury being expelled. The filtered liquor contains cobalto-cyanide of potassium, and on adding sulphate of copper, cobalto-cyanide of copper precipitates, which is to be collected, dissolved by muriatic acid, and decomposed by sulphuretted hydrogen, which removes the copper as sulphuret. The filtered liquor contains chloride of cobalt, and on boiling with an excess of potash, deposits the oxide of cobalt pure. The blue colours of cobalt are spoiled if brought into contact with chlorine or oxygen, the black sesquioxide of cobalt being formed. If paper be blued by smalts without the bleaching liquor having been well washed out of the pulp, it is injured by acquiring a brown tinge, and by melting together cobalt-glass, and black oxide of manganese, a deep black glass is formed, 2 (CoO) and MnO 2 giving Co 2 3 and MnO. The sulphuret as well as the seleniuret of cobalt consists of an equi- valent of each element, but does not require notice. OF ZINC. Symbol. Zn. Eq. 32'51 or 406'6. This metal is found in nature in considerable quantity, combined with sulphur, forming sulphuret of zinc, zinc blende ; also as oxide of zinc, which united with carbonic acid, or with silicic acid, forms the two varieties of calamine. The reduction of the metal is effected from these ores respectively on the principles already described in Chapter XII., but from the volatility of the metallic zinc, the process is carried on in crucibles, or large earthen retorts, in place of the open reverbe- ratory furnaces In England, the crucibles are closed above, but per- forated at the bottom, so as to admit an iron tube to be fitted in, the top of which rises a little above the surface of the materials, and the bottom of which, passing through the floor of the furnace, opens just over the surface of a reservoir of water. The zinc, when reduced, is converted into vapour, which escapes through the tube, condensing when it gets below the fire into a liquid metal, which dropping into Preparation and Properties of Zinc. 517 the water, solidifies. In Silesia, very large earthen retorts are employed, not unlike those figured in page 397, for the preparation of German oil of vitriol. The zinc of commerce, as thus obtained, is impure ; it contains traces of carbon, iron, cadmium, and often arsenic. It may be freed from the fixed impurities by redistillation in an iron retort, and by rejecting the portions which distil over first, and which contain the cadmium and arsenic, it may be obtained quite pure. It is owing to the presence of these foreign bodies that ordinary zinc dissolves so rapidly in dilute sul- phuric acid, as explained in page 176. It is a brilliant bluish-white metal, of a very crystalKne texture ; its singular variations of tenacity are described in page 458. At 773 it melts, and at a full red heat is volatilized ; its vapour burning in air with a splendid white flame, and forming clouds of oxide of zinc, so light as to have been called by the older chemists lana philosophica and nihil album. When exposed to the air, even in presence of water, zinc is not continuously oxidized. It becomes covered with a varnish of a grey substance, probably a defi- nite suboxide, which is not further altered by exposure, and hence, this metal is admirably fitted for the various purposes of domestic and tech- nical use to which it has recently been applied. In a galvanic circuit of two metals, zinc is almost always positive, and hence it preserves the other metal, even if it be iron, from oxidation. The actual corrosion is, however, in this case, not diminished, but rather augmented in amount ; but being concentrated solely upon the zinc, it is easy to arrange it so as to prevent injury. If zinc be quite pure, it is little acted upon by acid ; all that is known of its relations in this respect has been already described in pages 266 and 341. The symbol for zinc is Zn. Its equivalent number 406-6 or 32'5. Oxide of Zinc.- -Zn.0 Equivalent 506-6 or 40*5. Although there is some reason to suppose the existence of other oxides of zinc, yet at present we possess accurate knowledge only of the protoxide. This is formed when the metal is burned in air or oxygen. It is produced also when the zinc is oxidized by the decomposition of water, either at a red heat or assisted by an acid. To form the oxide by combustion, it it is sufficient to project a small fragment of zinc into a crucible heated to bright redness, and slightly inclined, so that- a current of air may pass through it. When the metal takes fire, another crucible is to be placed inverted over the first, but still allowing a certain access of air. The oxide of zinc being not really volatile, but only mechanically carried up the current of air, is deposited on the inside of the upper crucible, as a loose cottony mass, which whilst very hot is of a fine canary colour, but becomes pure white when completely cold. 518 Of the Oxides and Sulphur ets of Zinc and Cadmium. In zinc works the oxide is sometimes fonnd crystallized on the fur- naces in six-sided prisms, and sometimes in bipyrainidal dodecahedrons like quartz. Such is the tendency of oxide of ziuc to enter into combination, that the precipitates given by the caustic alcalies in a solution of a salt of zinc, are merely basic salts, and not the pure oxide. To prepare the oxide, a solution of sulphate of zinc is to be decomposed by carbonate of soda ; the precipitate is carbonate of zinc, and by heating this to redness in a crucible, the carbonic acid passes off and the oxide of zinc remains pure. This oxide is a powerful base ; it neutralizes the strong- est acids, and its salts are some of the most definite and characteristic that exist ; they are easily recognized. In their solutions, the caustic alcalies all produce voluminous white precipitates, which are redissolved by an excess of the alcali, with which oxide of zinc unites, forming de- finite compounds, in some cases crystallizable. An alcaline carbonate gives a similar precipitate, which, however, is not redissolved by an ex- cess, except it be carbonate of ammonia. Hydrosulphuret of ammonia, produces a white precipitate of hydrated sulphuret of zinc, if the solu- tion be not be very acid. Sulphuretted hydrogen does so only if the solution be completely neutral. A solution of zinc with much free acid, is not affected by sulphuretted hydrogen either free or combined. The native sulphuret of zinc, ZnS., is found in crystals of a variety of colours ; it is a protosulphuret, and may be artificially formed by melt- ing zinc and sulphur together. It is decomposed by acids, sulphuretted hydrogen being given off and a salt of zinc produced. Its crystalline form is the same as that of the crystallized oxide, and also that of an oxysulphuret which is found occasionally as a product of the smelting of zinc ores. OF CADMIUM. Symbol. Cd. Eq. 55'74 or 697. This metal exists but in small quantities in nature ; the only ore of it is its sulphuret, a mineral but lately found and still very rare ; it ac- companies almost universally, though in small quantities only, the ores of zinc, and is obtained in the working of zinc ores, by taking advantage of its greater volatility. The details of its purification need not be in- serted. It is white like tin ; it is more fusible and more volatile than zinc; its specific gravity is 8 '69; it dissolves very slowly in dilute sul- phuric acid but rapidly in dilute nitric acid ; it combines with oxygen only in one proportion. Its symbol is Cd. and its equivalent 697 or 55-8. Extraction and Properties of Tin. 519 The oxide of cadmium, Cd.O. equivalent 797 or 63'8, is obtained by processes exactly such as described for oxide of zinc. When anhy- drous, it is an orange powder ; its salts which are very stable, resemble closely those of zinc, from which they are distinguished by giving with sulphuretted hydrogen, a fine yellow precipitate, and with carbonate of ammonia a white precipitate, soluble in an excess ; its salts, like those of zinc, are all colourless. Sulpkuret of cadmium, Cd. S., is found native near Greenock ; it is yellow like orpiment, but is not volatile ; it does not dissolve in water of ammonia, nor of potash. OF TIN. Symbol. Sn. Eq. 58'92 or 735'2. This metal, from the ease with which it is extracted from its ores, has been known from the earliest ages, and in all countries, both of the east and west. Before the working of iron was discovered, cutting in- struments of all kinds were made of an alloy of tin and copper (bronze), which in hardness was little inferior to steel ; but from its incapability of being tempered with the same exactness, was only an imperfect sub- stitute for it. It was from the tin mines of Cornwall that England first became known to the then more civilized nation of Phoenicia. A great quantity of the tin of commerce is still obtained from that country ; but, in addition, it is imported from Mexico and the East Indies. The tin ore has been found in Ireland, (county Wicklow), but not as yet sought for with a view of extracting metal from it. The usual ore of tin is the native peroxide, which is found in veins and also in fragments in the soil formed by the disintegration of the rocks. The process of reduction is the simplest possible, the ore being smelted with the fuel, as described, p. 465. The metal thus obtained is still further purified from any admixture of foreign metals by the pro- cess of liquation, which is founded on the easy fusibility of pure tin. The ingots, or pigs of tin, are gently heated, until they begin to melt, and then the heat being prevented from rising higher, the pure metal melts completely out, leaving behind the impurities combined with a propor- tion of tin, forming a mass of less commercial value. The tin thus purified is termed grain tin ; the residual mass is called block tin. The former is known by presenting the appearance of a mass of irregular columns, like those formed by starch, or by basalt, as in the Giant's Gauseway, and emitting when bent a peculiar creaking sound. The block tin possesses these characters in a very small degree, or not at all. 520 Allotropic forms of Protoxide of Tin. Tin when pure is white like silver, brilliant, and after gold, silver, and copper, the most malleable of the metals. It is very soft, may be bent easily, and has but little tenacity. It may be obtained in regular crystals belonging to the pyramidal system. Its sp. gr. is 7*3. It is one of the most fusible of the metals, melting at 442 Fah. Tin oxi- dizes but very slowly in contact with air and water, and is hence used to protect the surface of the more easily oxidable metals, particularly copper, in household use. It dissolves but slowly in dilute muriatic acid, but rapidly, if the acid be strong and boiling. Nitric acid acts with great energy on it when concentrated, forming the peroxide. The symbol of tin is Sn, derived from its Latin name stannum. Its equivalent numbers are 735*3 or 58*9 There are three oxides of tin, of which the first acts as a base, the second appears indifferent, and the third possesses acid properties. Protoxide of Tin. SnO. Equivalent 835'3, or 66'9. On adding water of ammonia to a solution of protochloride of tin a copious white precipitate is obtained, which does not contain ammonia, but is the hy- drated oxide, SnO.HO. The same precipitate is produced by an alca- line carbonate, the carbonic acid becoming free. When this white hydrate is heated in a retort filled with carbonic acid gas, it gives off its water, and the true protoxide of tin remains as a dense black powder If the hydrate be heated in the open air it absorbs oxygen, and becomes per- oxide ; and if the black protoxide be touched when cold with a red hot coal or wire, it flames and burns like tinder, forming peroxide. This black protoxide may also be formed by boiling the white hydrated oxide with a little strong solution of caustic potash ; but the protoxide of tin is obtained in a different allotropic condition by precipitating pro- tochloride of tin by caustic ammonia. It then forms an olive powder, into which the black crystalline powder is also resolved by a tempera- ture of about 400 in close vessels. A third allotropic state of protoxide of tin is formed by boiling the white hydrated protoxide with a solution of sal-ammoniac until the latter begins to be deposited. The oxide is changed into a bright red- coloured powder, which, however, gradually passes by heat or friction back to the ordinary olive-coloured state. The salts of tin may be formed by digesting the hydrated oxide in acids. It also dissolves in solutions of the caustic fixed alcalies, but after some time metallic tin is deposited, and a compound of the alcali with peroxide of tin remains dissolved, 2SnO, producing Sn and SnO 2 . This protoxide of tin is remarkable for its tendency to unite with more oxygen. Hence, by a solution of a protosalt of tin, the less oxidable metals are reduced from their solutions. In this way mercury, silver, Isomeric Forms of Stannic Acid. 521 gold, platina, may be thrown down in the metallic state, and iron and copper reduced from the higher to the lower degrees of oxidation. The Sesquioxide of Tin, Sn 2 O 3 , is prepared by boiling peroxide of iron in a neutral solution of protochloride of tin. The sesquioxide of tin precipitates, and protochloride of iron dissolves ; 2.Sn.Cl and Fe 2 O producing Sn 2 O 3 and 2.FeCl. It is a grey powder ; it absorbs oxygen readily, and appears to form salts which have been as yet little ex- amined. Peroxide of Tin. Stannic Acid. SnO.J. Equivalent 935'3, or 74'9. This substance is produced in all cases where tin is allowed to combine with oxygen freely. It exists in nature constituting the common ore of tin (tin stone). It is most readily prepared artificially by pouring the liquid nitric acid, sp. gr. 1*42, on metallic tin, in foil or powder; the action is very violent, and the metal is totally converted into a white powder, which is the hydrated peroxide. By ignition the water is given off, and the anhydrous oxide remains of a pale yellow colour. If the perchloride of tin be decomposed by an alcali, a white preci- pitate of hydrated oxide is obtained, in appearance identical with that prepared by nitric acid, but so different in properties, that Berzelius, and after him many chemists, look upon them as isomeric bodies. He calls that by nitric acid, peroxide, and that from the perchloride, (3 peroxide, and their properties may be contrasted as follows : The modification is totally insoluble in nitric acid and in sulphuric acid, whether strong or dilute. It is insoluble in muriatic acid, but is changed by it into an insoluble basic salt. The /3 modification dissolves whilst yet moist in dilute nitric and sulphuric acids very copiously, and the solution is permanent if some salt of ammonia be added to it. In muriatic acid it dissolves rapidly and copiously. The two modifications of oxide of tin dissolve in solution of caustic potash, and when again precipitated from it by an acid retain their ori- ginal properties. These modifications are also capable of being trans- formed into each other ; the a into /3 by distillation with strong muriatic acid, and the /3 into by boiling with nitric acid. The hydrated peroxide of tin reddens litmus and combines with alca- lies to form salts, but not with acids, except in the /3 form. It is used in the arts as a polishing material under the name of putty, and in glass and enamelling, in order to give the milk whiteness used for dials of watches and other purposes. Fremy has recently studied the compounds of the peroxide of tin with alcalies, and has arrived at the conclusion, that the real equivalent of that compound, as well of the as of the P variety, contains three 522 Preparation of Mosaic Gold. atoms of tin aiid six of oxygen, = Sn 3 O 6 = 3Sn0 2 , and that in com- bining with bases the allotropic modifications resemble the different forms of the phosphoric acid, the , Sn 3 O 6 being a tribasic, and the j3 Sn 3 6 being a monobasic acid. The evidence, however, is not fully conclusive on the subject. There are three sulphurets of tin corresponding to the oxides. The protosulpJiuret, Sn.S, is precipitated as a brown powder from a solution of protochloride of tin on the addition of sulphuret of hydrogen. It thus serves for the detection of tin in that condition. The sesquisul- pliuretj Sn 2 S 3 , is of no importance. The Bisufykuret of Tin.SnS 2 . Equivalent 1137'6 or 91-1. May be prepared by decomposing a solution of perchloride of tin by sulphu- retted hydrogen, which it precipitates of a golden yellow colour. This is a strong sulphur acid ; it dissolves readily in solutions of the sulphu- rets of the alcaline metals forming sulphur salts. If it be strongly heated, it abandons an atom of sulphur and is converted into the proto- sulphuret. It may be also prepared in the dry way, and then possesses considerable interest as being one of those substances, which although obtained from the common metals yet simulate the appearance and some of the properties of gold, and led the ancient alchemists to the belief of probable success in their attempts at transmutation. The bisulphuret of tin may be prepared in the dry way, according to several processes, but to give it the peculiar lustre which obtained for it the name of mosaic gold, the following is the best though not the most simple : twelve parts of pure tin are to be melted with six parts of mercury, and rubbed up in a glass mortar with seven of flowers of sulphur and six of sal- ammoniac. This mixture is to be placed in a glass flask and heated in a sand bath until no more fetid white vapours are given off. The heat is to be then raised to dull redness, sulphuret of mercury and chloride of tin sublime, and the mosaic gold remains in the bottom of the vessel in metallic looking scales of a brilliant gold colour. The use of the mercury in this process is to facilitate the combination of the tin and sulphur, and the sal-ammoniac seems by its evaporation to prevent the temperature becoming so high as to decompose the bisulphuret. The seleniurets and phosphurets of tin are not known. Tin is easily recognized in solution by the action of hydrosulphuret of ammonia, which produces, with solutions of the peroxide, a golden yellow, and in solutions of the protoxide a brown precipitate. These both dissolve in an an excess of the precipitant. The protoxide of tin is also known by its power of reducing the salts of gold, silver, and mercury to the metallic state. Of Chrome and its Compounds. 523 OF CHROMIUM, OR CHROME. Symbol. Or. Eq. 334*9 or 27-8. This metal derives its name from the variety and brilliancy of the colours of its compounds (Xgw/o,o.) It exists as chromic acid combined with lead or with copper, in some rare minerals, but abundantly as chromic oxide, in the chrome-iron ore. (FeO + Cr 2 O 3 .) It is from this source that all the preparations of chrome are obtained indirectly, but that ore being treated upon the large scale for the manufacture of chromate of potash, it is this salt, as found in commerce, that may be looked upon as the source of chrome for all other purposes. The metal is obtained by mixing the oxide with lampblack and oil, and exposing it to an intense heat in a crucible lined with charcoal. It is a greyish- white metal, very infusible, brittle, not magnetic, and sp. gr. 5*9 or 6*0. It is not attacked by dilute sulphuric or muriatic acids, but dis- solves in hydrofluoric acid with evolution of hydrogen gas. Chrome combines with oxygen in four proportions, forming two oxides and two acids. Its symbol is Cr : its equivalent numbers were given by Berzelius as 351*8 or 28*39, but the recent investigations of Peligot and Moberg have led to the adoption of 334*9 or 27*8. The series of oxygen compounds of chrome nearly resembles that of manganese, there being Protoxide of chrome CrO. Eq. 35-3. or 434 9. Sesqui-oxide Cr 2 0a. 79'6. ... 969-8. Chromic acid CrOa. 51-8. ... 634-9. Perchromic acid Cr2O7. 111-6. ... 1369-8. Protoxide of Chrome. This body whose properties are .as yet but im- perfectly known, is formed from the protochloride by the action of potash. A yellow precipitate forms which is the hydrated protoxide. It must be washed with water quite free from air, and must be dried in an atmosphere of hydrogen. When dry it is brown. Its formula is CrO + HO. It combines with acids to form salts. When heated it decomposes its constituent water ; hydrogen being evolved and sesqui- oxide of chrome formed. The protochloride of chrome is obtained by igniting the sesquichloride in a current of hydrogen gas by which one third of the chlorine is removed as muriatic acid. Sesqui-oxide of Chrome. Cr 2 3 . Equivalent 969*8 or 79*6 May be obtained by a great variety of processes. Thus if chromate of mercury be heated to redness, the oxide of mercury and half the oxygen of the chromic acid are expelled, and the chromic oxide remains of a 524 Preparation and Properties of Oxide of Chrome. beautiful green colour. If bichromate of potash be mixed with sal- ammoniac and heated to redness, chloride of potassium, water, nitrogen, and oxide of chrome result, and the latter is obtained pure by washing the residual mass with boiling water. In this process 2Cr0 3 + KG and C1.NH 4 produce KC1, N, 4HO and Cr 2 3 . The oxide so obtained is pulverulent, but it may be obtained crystallized as follows : the vapour of a compound which will be hereafter described, chloro-chromic acid, is to be passed through a tube of hard glass kept at a full red heat, oxygen and chlorine gases are given off, and oxide of chrome is deposited on the inside of the tube ill rhombic octohedrons, isomorphous with those of alumina (corundum) and peroxide of iron found native. The chloro-chromic acid 2(Cr0 2 Cl) giving off 2C1 and O and Cr 2 3 re- maining. Another cheap and ready process consists in igniting bichromate of potash with one fourth its weight of starch, and lixiviating the product to dissolve out the carbonate of potash formed. The oxide remains, when washed and dried, quite pure and fit for all chemical and technical uses. This sesqui-oxide of chrome is the basis of an extensive class of salts, and it may also be obtained by precipitation from any solution contain- ing it. Its salts are generally made from the bichromate of potash of commerce, by the addition of some deoxidating agent and the necessary acid. Thus, to form sulphate of chrome, a solution of bichromate of potash is warmed, and treated successively with sulphuric acid and alcohol, until its orange colour is changed into deep green. The liquor then contains the double sulphate of chrome and potash, (chrome alum) and from it the oxide may be precipitated on the addition of an alcali, as a pale green hydrate. In this condition, the oxide of chrome dis- solves readily in acids, and also in solutions of the fixed caustic alcalies, but scarcely in ammonia, resembling very closely in all these characters, alumina. Its solutions are either green or purple, and it is probable that this difference is due to allotropic conditions rather than to a mere difference in the degree of concentration. When the hydrated oxide is heated nearly to redness, it suddenly begins to glow like tinder, giving off its water, and losing its solubility in acids, except they be hot and concentrated. It is remarkable, that sulphate of chrome, made from the ignited oxide, will not combine with sulphate of potash to form a chrome alum. Chromic Acid. Cr0 3 . Equivalent 634.^ or 5T8. To prepare this acid, a solution of bichromate of potash is to be treated by hydrofluo- silicic acid gas, until the potash has been precipitated completely. The resulting liquor is to be cautiously evaporated to dryness, and then re- Chromic and Perchromic Adda. 525 dissolved in a small quantity of water. The solution is of a dark brownish-red, and when evaporated again gives the dry chromic acid. It may be obtained in a beautiful form, though not in quantity, by decomposing the vapour of the perfluoride of chrome by a moistened slip of paper. Cr.F 3 and 3HO produce 3.HF and CrO 3 , which last is deposited on the surface of the paper in crimson scales and needles of great brilh'ancy. This acid when heated strongly, gives up half its oxygen, being reduced to the state of oxide. It oxidizes organic bodies very powerfully, and is employed for that purpose in organic analysis. If added to alcohol or ether it sets those bodies on fire and often with explosion, the solid product being green oxide of chrome. On this oxidizing power is also founded its employment as a bleaching agent which is now very extensive. It combines with bases, forming several important classes of salts, in which it is isomorphous with the sul- phuric and manganic acids. Its salts are all coloured, generally yellow, orange, or red. They will be described in another chapter. The chromic acid may be very beautifully and abundantly prepared crystallized by decomposing bichromate of potash with strong oil of vitriol. By mixing two volumes of a cold saturated solution of bichro- mate of potash with three volumes of oil of vitriol, and allowing the mixture to cool, the chromic acid separates in long needles of a mag- nificent crimson colour. The acid solution of bisulphate of potash may be drained off, and the crystals dried on a porous tile. By using less oil of vitriol, the chromic acid remains dissolved, and the bisulphate of potash may be first crystallized out ; the liquors being then concen- trated by evaporation, the chromic acid may be separated by the addi- tion of more oil of vitriol, and is purer than when prepared by the first process. The sulphuric liquors must not be heated, for, as shown in page 336, the chromic acid is totally decomposed, by even a moderate heat, in contact with sulphuric acid, into oxide of chrome and free oxygen gas. Perchromic Add. Cr 2 O 7 . When chromic acid is treated with per- oxide of hydrogen, it dissolves, producing an acid liquor of a deep blue colour, which, however, spontaneously evolves oxygen gas, and leaves chromic acid again. The precise history of this presumed perchromic acid has not been established. Chromium is characterized by the remarkable colours of its com- pounds when dissolved, and by giving, when in the state of sesqui- oxide, a green precipitate with the alcalies. In the state of chromic acid, it is known by producing, with the salts of lead, a yellow, and with the salts of black oxide of mercury, an orange precipitate. It is 526 Vanadium, its Oxides and Acids. at once recognized by the beautiful green colour, which it communicates to glass. It is on this account extensively used in staining glass and painting on porcelain, and a number of its salts are employed as pig- ments and as dyes. By the action of deoxidizing agents, as sulphurous acid or sugar, upon bichromate of potash, a brown substance is generated, concerning the nature of which opinion is very much unsettled. There is reason to suspect the existence of a peroxide of chrome, CrCh, which this mat- ter may possibly be. When it is washed with much water, or digested in alcaline liquors, chromic acid is dissolved out and oxide of chrome remains, Cr 2 O 3 -f- CrOa = 3.Cr0 2 . Its history is, however, very uncertain. The sulphurets, seleniurets, and phosphurets of chrome are not important. OF VANADIUM. This metal, of recent discovery, derives its name from Vanadis, a deity of Scandinavian mythology. It is found native as vanadic acid, in a very rare mineral, vanadiate of lead, but is of so little importance that a slight notice of it will suffice, although it forms a great variety of combinations which resemble, very remarkably, those of manganese and chrome. The metal itself has been obtained, but of its properties nothing positive is known. Its symbol is V ; its equivalent numbers 856-9 or 68.7. The Protoxide of Vanadium, YO, is a black powder formed by act- ing on vanadic acid at a red heat with hydrogen gas. It combines with acids forming salts which resemble probably those of the protoxide of manganese. When heated in the air it absorbs oxygen and becomes vanadic oxide, YO 2 , which is a base combining with acids and forming salts which are generally blue. It acts also as an acid, forming crystal- tallizable salts with the fixed alcalies. The Vanadic Acid, Y0 3 , resembles very much the chromic and man- ganic acids. It is a red powder that may be melted at a red heat with- out losing oxygen. It is very slightly soluble in water. It forms various classes of salts, of which some are white, some yellow, and others orange red. In these characters it resembles the chromic acid, but it is distinguished from chrome by producing, when deoxidized, a blue solu- tion, whilst that from chrome is green. Tungsten and its Oxides. 527 SECTION IV. METALS OF THE FOURTH CLASS. TUNGSTEN AND MOLYBDENUM. Tungsten. This metal exists combined with oxygen as tungstic acid, in the native tungstates of lime and iron ; by boiling the tungstate of linie in strong muriatic acid, the lime is dissolved out and tungstic acid remains as a yellow powder, which may be further purified by solution in water of ammonia and igniting the dried tungstate of ammonia. It is a deep yellow powder which forms well denned crystallizable salts with the alcalies. The symbol of tungsten is "W, from its German name Wolfram, and its equivalent 1183 or 94' 8. The tungstic acid resem- bles the chromic acid, being WO 3 . When this acid is exposed to a current of hydrogen gas at a temperature about dull redness, it loses one-third of its oxygen and forms tungstic oxide, WO 2 , of a copper-red colour. This may be also formed by diffusing tungstic acid through dilute muriatic acid in which a slip of zinc is immersed, the nascent hydrogen then effects the deoxidation. At a full red heat, hydrogen reduces tungsten to the metallic state, removing all the oxygen. The metal is like iron in appearance, and very heavy, its sp. gr. being about 17 '5. The most curious fact in the history of tungsten is its producing a substance having an extraordinary similarity to gold. It is prepared by adding to fused tungstate of soda as much tungstic acid as it will dis- solve, and exposing the product at a full red heat, to a current of hydro- gen gas ; the residual tungstate of soda is then to be dissolved out. The new compound, which consists of tungstic oxide united to soda, ]Xf aO -f- 2 WO 2 , remains in scales and cubes of a splendid gold colour. It resists the action of acids and alcalies, even of aqua regia, in which gold dissolves, and only yields to strong hydrofluoric acid. Had it been discovered at an earlier period in science, it might have lent exceedingly plausible support to the belief in transmutation. It is the more curious as it cannot be formed by directly combining soda with tungstic oxide, which, indeed, appears unable to unite either with alcalies or acids. There exist two sulphurets of tungsten, W.S* and W.S 3 of which the latter is the most interesting. It is formed by dissolving tungstic acid in hydrosulphuret of ammonia and precipitating by an acid. It is a blackish-brown powder, and one of the strongest sulphur acids. Many 528 Molybdenum and its Compounds. of its compounds with the sulphurets of the alcaline metals may be crystallized. Molybdenum. This metal exists combined with sulphur, and also with oxygen, as molybdic acid, in some minerals. It is not of any con- siderable interest. When obtained in the metallic state it is white : sp. gr. 8'6 : it is acted on only by concentrated nitric and sulphuric acids, and by aqua regia. Its symbol is Mo. Its equivalent 598*5 or 47 '9. It combines with oxygen in three proportions. Molybdic Acid. MoOa. Is easily prepared by roasting the native sulphuret of molybdenum ; the sulphur burns out as sulphurous acid gas and the molybdenum absorbing oxygen remains as molybdic acid. This may be purified as described for tungstic acid. Molybdic acid prepared at a low temperature is white, but becomes yellow when fused at a red heat. It is sparingly soluble in water. It dissolves in alcaline liquors forming salts which are neutral and cry stalliz able. Molyldic Oxide. Mo0 2 . Is best prepared by mixing together molybdate of soda and sal-ammoniac in a crucible, and igniting the mass rapidly. When the product is washed with water a dark brown powder is obtained, which is molybdic oxide. This oxide appears to form salts with both acids or alcalies, of which some may be crystallized. A mo- lybdate of molybdenum, or rather a complex oxide, also exists, MoO 2 + 2Mo.0 3 =Mo 3 8 . It is a blue powder, and has latterly been employed in calico printing. When a solution of a molybdate is decomposed by as much muriatic acid as redissolves the molybdic acid, which is at first thrown down, and a slip of zinc is immersed in the liquor, the hydrogen evolved deoxidizes the molybdic acid, and a precipitate is formed upon the zinc, at first blue, then brown, and finally black ; thus passing through all the inter- mediate degrees to the last, the molyldous oxide, MoO. This is a very feeble base, forming with acids, salts which do not crystallize. Sulphur combines with molybdenum in three proportions, forming Mo.S 2 , Mo.S 3 , and Mo.S 4 . Of these the bisulphuret, Mo.S 2 , is impor- tant as being the native ore from which the metal and its compounds are generally prepared. It is a soft grey substance, so like black lead as to have been mistaken for it until its nature was pointed out by Scheele. All these sulphurets are sulphur acids, and form salts. OF OSMIUM. This metal exists in nature alloyed with iridium, and accompanies the ores of platinum. The methods of its extraction from these ores are so complex and circuitous that I shall not introduce them here. Osmium and its Compounds. 529 In the systematic works a complete account of the processes pursued will be found. The most interesting property of osmium is its forming a highly volatile oxide of an exceedingly penetrating odour, whence the name (off/^Tj.) When this is dissolved in muriatic acid, and placed in contact with mercury, the osmium is reduced, and by distilling off the mercury it is obtained as a black powder ; but by heat and compression it may be rendered coherent, and of a brilliant white colour. In the state of powder, osmium burns Avhen heated to redness in the air, and is oxi- dized by nitric acid, but loses both these characters when ignited. The symbol of osmium is Os. Its equivalent is 1244*5 or 99'7. It com- bines with oxygen in three proportions. The Osmic Add, or Peroxide of Osmium. Os.0 4 . is always formed when osmium is burned in air or in oxygen gas. It is volatile and con- denses in long white needles. Its odour is remarkably acid and pungent. It melts at 2 12, and boils at a heat little higher. It is soluble in water. The solution has no action on vegetable colours, but it combines with the alcalies forming osmiates. The Osmic Oxide, Deutoxide of Osmium.' Os. O 3 . Is produced by the decomposition of a solution of osmiate of ammonia, by a tempera- ture of 150, nitrogen gas is given off and a brown powder is deposited. The Protoxide of Osmium is produced by decomposing a solution of protochloride of osmium by potash, a deep green, almost black, pow- der is thrown down, in which the oxide is combined with water and traces of the alcali. The sulphurets of osmium are not known. TANTALUM, NIOBIUM, PELOPIUM, AND ILMENTUM. Tantalum. This metal was discovered in some very rare Swedish minerals, and from the difficulty of its extraction the name tantalum was given to it, whence its symbol is Ta. Its discovery was simultaneously made in England in an American mineral, and the name Columbium proposed for it, but the word Tantalum having been generally adopted in Europe I shall employ it here. The process required to prepare it need not be described, as it is similar to that for obtaining silicon. Metallic Columbium, or Tantalum, is a black powder, which, when burnished, appears iron grey. No acid but the hydrofluoric appears to have any action on it. It takes fire when heated in the air and burns vividly. Its equivalent numbers are 2 30 '7 or 185. It com- bines with oxygen in two proportions. 34 530 Tantalum, Pelopium, and Niobium. Tantalic, or Columbia Acid. Ta. 3 . Exists native in all the mi- nerals containing the metal. To procure it, the mineral is fused with carbonate of potash, and the tantalate of potash, which is soluble, is to be decomposed by muriatic acid. The tantalic acid precipitates as a white powder which contains water, and reddens litmus paper. "When tantalic acid is heated strongly in a crucible with charcoal, but a slight film of it is reduced to the metallic state, the great mass being brought only to the state of tantalic oxide, TaO 2 . This substance is grey. It is insoluble in all acids. The similarity of tantalum to silicon is very great ; it resembles it in forming with fluorine and potassium a double fluoride from which the metal is obtained. Some slight differences of character had been always remarked between the tantalic acid extracted from the American and from some of the European tantalites, and recent researches by Henry Rose have shewn those differences to arise from the presence of some new bodies, acids analogous to the tantalic and having metallic bases. To these metals, as belonging to the tantalic family, the names niobium and pelopium have been given. Their history is as yet not complete. Niobium. The niobic acid is prepared from the American or Bava- rian tantalites, as the tantalic acid is prepared from the Swedish minerals, It is a white powder. Its characteristic distinctions from the true tan- talic acid is that the niobate of soda is a soluble salt. Tincture of galls give with tantalic acid liquors a clear yellow, and with niobic acid an orange red colour. By yellow prussiate of potash tantalum is precipi- tated yellow and niobium red. Tantalum gives with red prussiate of potash a white, whilst niobium gives a dark yellow precipitate. If a salt of tantalic acid be rendered acid by some muriatic acid, and a slip of zinc be introduced, there is no change of colour, but tantalate of zinc gradually deposits as a white powder. With a salt of niobic acid similarly treated a fine blue colour is produced, which finally becomes brown, and a brown precipitate falls. Pelopium. The oxygen compound of this metal, pelopic acid, exists with the niobic acid. The separation is effected by mixing the acid with charcoal powder and passing chlorine over the mixture at a red heat, with the apparatus figured in page 451, for the preparation of chloride of silicon. Chlorides of niobium and pelopium are produced, but the latter being much the more volatile it sublimes into the more distant and colder part of the tube, and can be obtained there pure. This chloride of pelopium is yellow ; it absorbs ammoniacal gas: when the compound is ignited, water and muriatic acid gas are evolved and metallic pelopium remains. The chloride is decomposed by water, mu- Titanic Acid and Titanic Oxide. 531 riatic acid and pelopic acid being produced. If the pelopate of soda be heated with sulphuret of hydrogen, the pelopic acid is converted into sulphuret of pelopium. Niobate of soda acts similarly,, but if the tantalate of soda be used, the soda only is converted into sulphuret, the tantalic acid remaining unaltered. Ilmenium. In analysing another new mineral of the group of tanta- lites, Hermann considered that he had discovered another new metallic acid to which he gave the name ilmenic acid, and to its metallic basis the name ilmenium. But Rose asserts that the ilmenic acid is only niobic acid contaminated by the presence of tungstic acid. The evidence of the real distinctiveness of this body must therefore be left to addi- tional researches to decide. The pelopic acid is replaced in this new mineral (Samarskite) by oxide of uranium, and as the tantalic, niobic, and pelopic acids all replace each other, it is probable that they have all analogous formulae to that of oxide of uranium, the complex nature of which has been shown by the recent researches of Peligot. See page 551. TITANIUM. Symbol. Ti. Eq. 24'3 or 303'7. This metal, although not met with in large quantities, is yet found in a gpeat variety of minerals. It has not been found native in a metallic state but combined with oxygen, forming titanic acid. To obtain me- tallic titanium, the volatile perchloride is employed. This body absorbs ammonia, forming a white substance, Ti.Cl 2 -f 2.NHa, which when heated to redness gives metallic titanium, with sal-ammoniac and nitrogen, the hydrogen carrying off the chlorine. The metal is of a bright copper colour, almost perfectly infusible. Titanium exists in most of the clay iron stone, and hence being reduced during the smelting of the iron, is found in the slags, crystallized in cubes of excessive hardness and brilliancy, sp. gr. 5*3. This metal is not acted upon by any acid except a mixture of nitric acid with hydrofluoric acid, and is oxidized, but very slowly, by melted nitre. It is perfectly unalterable in the air. Its symbol is Ti. Its equivalent numbers 303*7 or 24*3, and it combines with oxygen in two proportions. Titanic Acid. TiO 2 . Exists native, constituting the mineral rutile, isomorphous with tin stone (SnO 2 ), and also in the mineral anatase. More abundantly it is found in the titanic iron, ilmenite, the formula of which is FeO.Ti0 2 , and which is very remarkable, from having the same crystalline form as peroxide of iron Fe 2 O 3 , so that the titanium would appear to replace the second atom of iron, and the formula to be 532 Properties of Arsenic. Fe.Ti -f-O 3 . This is merely speculative, however, as iron is never isomor- phous with tin, and in no case with titanium, and I hence consider this instance as one of the coincidences of form described in pages 360 and 367. Titanic acid is artificially prepared from the titanate of iron by igniting it with sulphur. The oxide of iron and sulphur form sulphurous acid and sulphuret of iron, and when this last is dissolved out by muriatic acid, the titanic acid remains behind. It requires other processes to render it absolutely pure which need not be described here. It is a pure white powder, resembling silica very remarkably in its properties, and like it having a soluble and insoluble modification. It is remark- ably characterized by its solution in muriatic acid, giving with tincture of galls an orange precipitate, and by the immersion of a slip of zinc a fine purple powder which is oxide of titanium, Ti.O ; the second atom of oxygen being removed from the acid by the nascent hydrogen. This oxide of titanium may also be procured by igniting titanic acid with charcoal ; it is then a black powder insoluble in all acids. The Bisulphuret of Titanium. Ti.S 2 . Is a strong sulphur acid, but not otherwise important. OF ARSENIC. Symbol, As. Eq. 75*34 or 940-1. This metal exists in nature in a great variety of forms, and in con- siderable quantity. It is found native, but more generally combined with other metals, as nickel, cobalt, iron ; being considered, like oxy- gen and sulphur, as a mineralizer of other metals. Combined with sulphur it constitutes the native orpiinent and realgar ; and with oxygen, as arsenic acid, it is united with metallic oxides in the native arseniates of lime, of iron, of lead, &c. The great proportion of the arsenic of commerce is obtained in the roasting of the cobalt and nickel ores, as described in p. 468. The current of hot air which has passed over the ignited ore carries with it, into a series of large chambers, the volatile arsenious acid, which is deposited under the form of a fine greyish powder on the walls and floor. This is discoloured by some of the oxide of the fixed metals, which is carried over mechanically by the draught, and it is, therefore, resublimed in iron vessels, the covers of which are allowed to become so hot that the arsenious acid, in con- densing, shall aggregate itself into a vitreous mass, in which state it is sent into commerce. The metallic arsenic may be prepared from the arsenious acid in many Arsenious Add. 533 ways, but best by mixture with three times its weight of black flux (p. 469) in a crucible, or earthenware retort, which is then to be heated to redness. If a crucible be used, another cold crucible, somewhat larger, must be inverted over it, on the inside of which the metal con- denses, but with a retort it is deposited in the neck as an irregular mass of rhombohedrons, variously modified. It is very brittle ; its sp. gr. 5'96. It sublimes at 356 P. without previously melting. The sp. gr. of its vapour is 10362. Its vapour, if in contact with the air, has a very characteristic garlic odour ; which, however, belongs not to the pure metal, but to an oxide produced by a low degree of combustion which occurs. In the air it gradually absorbs oxygen, and falls into a grey powder (suboxide, fy powder). By nitric acid it is rapidly oxi- dized, and deflagrates violently in melted nitre. In fine powder it burns spontaneously in chlorine gas, with a brilliant white flame, and burns similarly when heated in oxygen gas. The symbol of arsenic is As, and its equivalent numbers 940*1, or 75*34. Arsenic combines with oxygen in three proportions, forming a sub- oxide, of which the composition is not known. Many chemists look upon it as a mere mixture of metal and arsenious acid, for when it is heated it separates into these bodies. The other degrees of oxidation, the arsenious acid and arsenic acid, are of great importance. Arsenious Acid. White Arsenic. Oxide of Arsenic. As.0 3 . Equivalent 1240*1 or 99*34. Is found in commerce in masses, which, if recently sublimed, are perfectly colourless and transparent, but gradually become milk white and opaque. In general, the outer por- tions of the commercial masses have thus changed whilst the interior retains its original transparency. This alteration is probably connected with the dimorphism of arsenious acid, (p. 3 15,) for the acid in these conditions differs in density and in solubility. The transparent acid has sp. gr. 3*74, and 100 parts of boiling water dissolve 9*68 parts of it; but the opaque acid is of sp. gr. 3*69, and 11*47 of it are soluble in 100 parts of boiling water. A solution of the vitreous acid reddens litmus paper, but that of the opaque acid restores, though feebly, the blue colour of litmus paper already reddened by an acid. The taste of arsen- ious acid is not marked, but rather slightly sweet : it leaves upon the palate, however, an acrid sensation. The arsenious acid sublimes at 380 P. without previously melting. Its vapour is of sp. gr. 13670, being produced by One volume of vapour of arsenic, = 10362-0 Three volumes of oxygen, . = 3307'8 the four volumes forming one, . = 13669'8 534 Arsenious and Arsenic Acids. If it be very slowly sublimed, it condenses in regular octohedrons of exceeding brilliancy. It is, however, sometimes found, in the roasting of its ores, in crystals belonging to a different system (the rhombohe- dral). Arsenious acid is dissolved by liquid muriatic acid in large quantity, but crystallizes from that solution in octohedrons. If the opaque acid had been employed, the crystallization is not peculiar ; but if it had been the transparent variety, the deposition of every crystal is accompanied by a sudden flash of light, very brilliant in the dark. The crystals so produced belong to the opaque kind, so that it would appear as if at the moment of deposition the particles changed their mode of arrangement, so as to pass from the transparent to the opaque dimorphous form, and that the alteration in molecular con- stitution occasioned the evolution of light, and probably of heat and electricity. The arsenious acid combines with bases to form salts, which are, however, of such unstable constitution that they are but little known. It is particularly of importance from its highly poisonous properties, and from its being, more frequently than any other substance, adminis- tered to produce death. Its recognition is, therefore, to the medical chemist, one of the most important problems in analysis, and will be fully discussed when the other combinations of arsenic have been described. Arsenic Acid. As0 5 . Equivalent 1440*1, or 115-34. To obtain this acid, eight parts of arsenious acid are to be placed in a retort with two parts of strong muriatic acid, and boiled, whilst twenty-four parts of dilute nitric acid of sp. gr. 1*25 are to be added in small quantities at a time. The mixture is to be distilled in a retort to the consistence of a syrup, and then transferred to a platina dish, in which it is to be evaporated to perfect dryness, and heated until all traces of nitric acid are expelled. The residual mass is milk white, but anhydrous, arsenic acid. The heat should not be raised to near redness, for then the arsenic acid is decomposed into arsenious acid and free oxygen. The mass thus obtained dissolves but slowly in water, but ultimately the solution is complete ; the arsenic acid has even so much affinity for water as to deliquesce rapidly in vessels which are not kept carefully closed. The arsenic acid reddens litmus paper strongly, and forms with the alcalies perfectly neutral salts. At a high temperature it is capable of expelling all the volatile acids, even the sulphuric acid, from their com- binations. In its compounds it resembles very closely the phosphoric acid ; but it appears capable of forming only one of the three classes of salts which phosphoric acid produces. The arseniates are all tribasic, Arseniuret of Hydrogen* 535 but as the quantity of fixed base varies, there are some neutral and others acid arseniates; the latter were formerly called binarseniates. Thus there are, 3NaO -f- AsOa -{- 24 aq. called subarseniate of soda, 2NaO. HO. -f- AsOo -|- 14 aq. neutral arseniate of soda, NaO. 2HO -f, AsOj -f 2aq, binarseniate of soda ; but the quantity of base is really constant, being in each three atoms, made up partly of water and partly of soda. The arsenic acid is recognized by being precipitated golden yellow by sulphuretted hydrogen. The precipitate dissolves instantly in ammonia, and even in an excess of sulphuret of hydrogen ; so that it may not be visibly produced, if the quantity of arsenic be small, until the liquid shall have been well boiled, A solution of any arseniate gives with nitrate of silver a brick-red powder, arseniate of silver, 3AgO-f AsO 5 , the formation of which is easily explained. An insoluble arseniate heated in a glass tube with charcoal powder gives a sublimate of metallic arsenic. Arseniuret of Hydrogen. It has been supposed, that when metallic arsenic is used as the negative electrode of a voltaic battery, the hydrogen evolved combines with it, and forms a brown powder, hydruret of arsenic. The same body was supposed to be generated in other ways ; but it is most usually believed that this substance is only metallic arsenic finely divided, and that there is but one com- pound of arsenic and hydrogen, the gaseous arseniuret of hydrogen, AsH 3 . This compound is easily obtained whenever nascent hydrogen comes into contact with metallic arsenic ; thus when an alloy of equal parts of zinc and arsenic is dissolved in dilute sulphuric acid, the hydrogen evolved combines with the arsenic, 3(S0 3 + HO) and Zn 3 As, produc- ing 3(S0 3 + ZnO) and H 3 As. It is still more easily prepared, by add- ing muriatic acid to a solution of arsenious acid in water, and immers- ing therein a piece of zinc; the hydrogen first evolved reduces the arsenious acid, and the metal is then separated as a fine brown powder, with which the hydrogen next evolved combines. This gas is generally stated to have a very disagreeable odour, which, however, I have not found it to possess. It is exceedingly poisonous ; it burns with a bril- liant white flame, water being formed, and arsenious acid or metallic arsenic being deposited according to the supply of oxygen to the gas ; it is not absorbed by water; its specific gravity is 2694, formed by One volume of arsenic vapour = 10362*0 Six volumes of hydrogen 69 3 X 6, = 415-8 The seven being condensed to four Of which one weighs, 536 Arseniuret of Hydrogen. Arseniuret of hydrogen decomposes most metallic solutions, preci- pitating metallic arseniurets of corresponding constitution (R 3 .As). If a current of it be passed over chloride of copper, heated to about 400, it is decomposed, H 3 As and S.CuCl giving Cu 3 As and 3.HC1. This gas is absorbed by dry sulphate of copper, which it decomposes, water being evolved, and a blackish compound of sulphuric acid and arseniuret of copper being produced. This property is made available in the medico- legal examination of substances containing arsenic. If a fragment of chloride of mercury be heated in this gas, it is rapidly decomposed, muriatic acid gas and arseniuret of mercury being formed. At a full red heat, the gas is decomposed completely by itself, so that if a single point of a tube, through which it streams, be ignited, all the arsenic is deposited beyond that point, in the metallic state, and only pure hydro- gen passes on. Sulphur and arsenic combine in several proportions ; the lisulphuret of arsenic AsS 2 , exists native, forming the mineral realgar. It may be pre- pared by fusing the following sulphuret with metallic arsenic, and sub- liming the product. It is a ruby-red crystalline mass; when it is digested in solution of caustic potash, a blackish powder remains, which may be looked upon as subsulphuret ; its definite nature is problema- tical. The tersulplmret of arsenic AsS 3 yellow arsenic, orpiment, is found native, and may be easily prepared by decomposing a solution of arsenious acid with sulphuret of hydrogen, As.O 3 and 3.HS. giving As.S 3 and 3. HO. It is a rich yellow powder; when heated it melts, and in close vessels sublimes unaltered, but otherwise it burns, partly forming arsenious and sulphurous acids ; it is not quite insoluble in water. It is insoluble in acids, and best precipitated from an acid liquor. It is a strong sulphur acid, combining with the sulphur bases to form salts, sulpJw-arsenites. It hence dissolves readily in hydrosul- phuret of ammonia, and also in the caustic alcalies. In the last case, there exists in solution, an ordinary arsenite, besides the sulphur salt ; for, using potash, 2.AsS 3 and 6.KO. produce (AsS 3 -f 3.KS) and (As0 3 -{- 3KO). When sulphuret of arsenic is ignited with black flux, metallic arsenic sublimes, and the separation of the metal is still more elegantly effected by heating the sulphuret mixed with carbonate of potash in a current of dry hydrogen gas. The persulphuret of arsenic, As.S 5 . corresponds to the arsenic acid, and is prepared by decomposing a solution of it, or of any of its salts, by sulphuretted hydrogen. It is yellow, paler than orpiment ; sublimes without alteration in close vessels ; is a strong sulphur acid, and hence dissolves in solutions of the alcaline hydrosulphurets, forming sulplio- arseniates ; the metal may be eliminated from it by the same means as those described for orpiment. Sulphur els of Arsenic. 537 A substance sold in this country for killing flies, under the name of king's yellow , is, or ought to be, orpiment. The best sort is made by boiling together lime, sulphur, and white arsenic ; but much of it con- sists merely of white arsenic coloured by some sulphur mixed with it. Erom the facility with which it may be obtained, and the manner in which it is left exposed, it is very frequently the source of fatal accidents. Notwithstanding the scientific importance which arsenic possesses from the number and variety of its compounds, it is of much higher interest in consequence of the frequent necessity for the detection of excessively minute traces of it in cases of suspected poisoning, where a responsibility, involving the life of a fellow-creature, rests on the skill and accuracy of the medical chemist. The detection of arsenic under all possible circumstances, is an object, therefore, to which all the powers of analysis should be brought to bear, and the methods at our disposal appear, if properly applied, to be satisfactory and complete. In a ques- tion so grave as this, no colours of precipitates, however so marked, no arrangement of mere results by test, no matter how corroborative, should be considered as by themselves decisive ; the object of the chemist should be, the isolation and production of the metallic arsenic, and where this has not been done, it is certain that either there is no arsenic present, or that the skill of the operator cannot be absolutely relied on. In poisoning by arsenic, the substance used is almost universally arsenious acid. To this, therefore, I shall confine my remarks at present ; I shall afterwards notice the peculiarities of its other pre- parations. The arsenious acid being a very heavy powder, and but sparingly soluble, it is very rapidly deposited from any liquid through which it might have been diffused, and hence, the vessels, in which food had been contained, should be carefully examined for any traces of it which might remain. This should not be omitted, even though they might appear to have been subsequently rinsed. Any substances vomited by the person suspected to be poisoned, should be carefully examined for the same object ; and in case of death, the materials in the stomach and its mucous surfaces must be similarly searched. The little grains of arsenious acid adherent to the surface of the stomach are frequently tinged yellow at the surface by sulphuretted hydrogen, if the exami- nation be deferred until some time after death. In case of such traces of white powder being found, the examination is very simple. If it be arsenious acid, the properties are : 1st. Heated alone in a glass tube, the powder sublimes and condenses in minute brilliant octohedrons. 538 Detection of Arsenic. 2nd. Mixed, in a tube closed at one end, with a little black flux, and ignited, metallic arsenic sublimes, forming a steel-grey crust, brilliant on the side next the tube, but dull and crystalline on the inside. On applying the nose to the open end of the tube and inspiring, a garlic odour is perceived. 3rd. On cutting off the sealed end of the tube;, and then heating the part containing the metallic crust, the tube being slightly inclined, the metal disappears, and a crust of white arsenic condenses a little higher up. A current of air passes through the tube, with the oxygen of which the metal combines. In this process, the garlic smell becomes more marked than in No. . 4th. The white powder dissolves in boiling water. It yields pre- cipitates with the following reagents : A. Sulphuretted Hydrogen. A rich yellow : soluble in ammonia, and precipitated on the addition of an acid. This precipitate is B. Ammonia-nitrate of Silver. A canary yellow : arsenite of silver. This reagent is very delicate, but the precipitate is soluble both in acids and ammonia, so that an excess of either must be avoided. C. Ammonia-sulphate of Copper. A fine apple-green. This is re- dissolved also by an excess of acid or of ammonia. Each of these liquid re-agents is liable to fallacy ; which must be guarded against. A. Sulphuretted Hydrogen gives precipitates more or less resembling that from arsenic with the following metals : Cadmium. Antimony. Tin (persalts.) Iron (persalts.) The precipitate from cadmium is not soluble in water of ammonia. The precipitate from tin, when dried and ignited with black flux, gives no sublimate of metal. The precipitate of antimony acts in the same way as tin, but also it dissolves in strong muriatic acid, and the solution, diluted with much water, gives a white precipitate. The sulphuret of antimony is much more orange-coloured than that of arsenic. The precipitate from a persalt of iron is pure sulphur ; heated, it melts and burns completely away, without forming any solid product. B. Ammonia-nitrate of Silver. Phosphate of soda produces a yellow precipitate of tribasic phosphate of silver, exactly resembling the arsenite. It is, however, much more soluble in ammonia. They are at once distinguished by being collected and ignited. The arsenite gives Liquid Tests for Arsenic. 539 off oxygen and arsenious acid, whilst metallic silver remains, but the phosphate gives no volatile product. C. The ammonia sulphate of copper is uncertain, unless it be dried and reduced, for there are numerous basic compounds of copper, which resemble it very much in colour. None of these liquid re-agents are, therefore, in themselves positive, unless by extraction of the metal ; and this is the more important when the operator has to work, not with the clear solutions prepared inten- tionally for illustration, but with the complex and discoloured liquids obtained from the stomach and intestines. The process to be then followed may be either of two kinds; the first consists in converting the arsenic into sulphuret, the second into arse- niuret of hydrogen. I shall describe each in their turn. The contents of the stomach and small intestines, or the matter ejected by vomiting during life, are to be boiled in distilled water for half an hour, and then the liquor strained through a linen cloth. If it be too thick or coloured, to allow of a small quantity of precipitate being observed and separated, a current of chlorine gas is to be passed through it, by which most of the animal matter dissolved is coagulated, and a more convenient solution obtained. This being strained or filtered, is to be well boiled to expel the excess of chlorine, and then submitted to the action of a current of sulphuretted hydrogen gas. The animal matters may also be removed from the solution, by rendering it acid by nitric acid, and then adding an excess of nitrate of silver. When the precipitate which forms has been separated, the excess of silver is to be thrown down by some common salt, and the liquor being then filtered, is fit for the action of the sulphuretted hydrogen. When the liquor smells strongly of this gas, there has been enough passed through, and it is then to be boiled briskly for a few minutes to expel the excess, and favour the deposition of the precipitate produced. This is to be then collected on a filter, washed carefully with water aci- dulated by muriatic acid, and then dried at a moderate heat. When completely dry, it is to be mixed with about twice its bulk of black flux, and ignited in a small tube of hard glass closed at one end. In introducing the materials, care must be taken not to soil the side of the tube ; metallic arsenic sublimes, which is recognized by the characters given already in pages 533, 537. The process by arseniuretted hydrogen was first proposed by Mr. Marsh, and has been found of surprising delicacy and exactness ; the liquid having been freed from animal matters and obtained as thin a fluid as possible by either of the processes, by chlorine or nitrate of silver, already described ; it is rendered moderately acid by muriatic or 540 Arseniuretted Hydrogen. sulphuric acid, and introduced into a flask or bottle, to the neck of which is adapted a narrow tube of hard glass, which after passing hori- zontally for a few inches, turns up and forms a jet ; a piece of zinc being introduced into the acid liquor, hydrogen is evolved, which com- bines with any arsenic that may be present, and forming the gaseous arseniuret of hydrogen passes off. "When the gas issuing from the jet is set on fire, if the hydrogen be pure, no other product is generated but water ; but if a slight trace of arsenic be present, the flame is whitish, and holding over the jet a fragment of glass or porcelain, or a film of mica, a deposit is produced, which may be white from the arseni- ous acid, or brown from metallic arsenic, according to the height at which the plate is held, and the consequent completeness of the com- bustion, or the reverse. If the quantity of arsenic be too small to pro- duce this effect in a certain time, it may be better detected by igniting a portion of the horizontal arm of the tube. All the arseniuretted hydrogen, in passing that point, deposits its arsenic, which is carried a little beyond the heated portion by the current, and condenses there as a distinct metallic film ; as the tube may be kept thus red hot for some hours, the smallest trace of arsenic may be thus concentrated on a single point, and its properties accurately verified. "Where the liquor is still thickish from dissolved organic matter the gas bubbles would not break rapidly, but form a froth, which passing into the tube, would prevent altogether the successful employment of the methods just described. In this case the liquid should be made so slightly acid as that the gas shall be generated but very slowly, and that there shall be but little hydrogen in excess. The tube, in place of ter- minating in a jet, is to be bent down so that it shall pass under the edge of a jar in the pneumatic trough, and, the apparatus being so left for any length of time, the gas evolved may be collected and subse- quently examined ; or, what is perhaps still better, the tube may dip under the surface of a dilute solution of nitrate of silver or of sulphate of copper, and all the arseniuretted hydrogen being then absorbed and decomposed, metallic arseniurets are produced, which easily yield the arsenic in the metallic form by the application of heat. The removal of organic matter, which is almost indispensable for the management of the regular disengagement of gas, may best be effected by combining the agencies of chlorine and of sulphuric acid, as already referred to. In destroying organic acid by oil of vitriol alone, it being- necessary to evaporate to dryness for perfect carbonization, there might be danger of some arsenic being lost, and, on the other hand, the pro- ducts of the action of chlorine on animal substances impart themselves frequently a disagreeable viscidity to the liquor. The mass should, Sources of Fallacy in detecting Arsenic. 541 therefore, be first disorganized by oil of vitriol, and evaporated to the consistence of paste; then diluted with water, and subjected to the action of a current of chlorine for some time. On being filtered, the liquor will be found clear and limpid, and in the best circumstances for the satisfactory employment of Marsh's test. In this mode of detecting the presence of arsenic, it is necessary to avoid some sources of error into which, without previous knowledge of their existence, an operator might easily fall. If the effervescence be rapid, it frequently happens that very minute portions of zinc, or of the salt of zinc generated, may be carried up by the stream of gas, and, being deposited upon the plate, form a crust, which might lead to sus- picion, or perhaps to wrong conclusions. This may be avoided by either moderating the effervescence, or by passing the gas before using it through a tube filled loosely with cotton, by which it is filtered, as it were, and all mechanically diffused particles separated. Much more important sources of error arise, however, from the existence of arsenic in most of the zinc and some of the sulphuric acid of commerce. The ores of zinc occasionally contain orpiment, which being reduced along with the other sulphuret, it is necessary to distil the zinc in order to have it pure, and to reject it as long as it contains arsenic. The iron pyrites also occasionally contains traces of orpiment, and this passes into the oil of vitriol. In employing this method it is necessary, there- fore, to test the purity of the zinc and sulphuric acid by the method itself. A jet of the hydrogen, evolved from the zinc and dilute sul- phuric acid simply, should be burned, or the gas passed through a solution of ammonia-nitrate of silver for a quarter of an hour. If no trace of deposition of arsenic occur, the materials may be considered as pure, and the suspected liquor may then be employed with confidence in the result. A more remarkable source of error arises from the fact, that the compounds of antimony yield, under similar circumstances, a precisely similar gas, antimoniuret of hydrogen. It would anticipate too much the history of that metal to enter into the details of the means of dis- tinguishing that gas from the arseniuretted hydrogen, but they will be fully described in their proper place. Arsenious acid possesses the power of preventing the putrefaction of animal substances, and hence the bodies of persons that have been poisoned by it, do not readily putrefy. The arsenious acid combines with the fatty and albuminous tissues to form solid compounds which are not susceptible of alteration under ordinary circumstances. It hence has frequently occurred, that the bodies of persons poisoned by arsenic have been found, long after death, scarcely at all decomposed, and even 542 Action of Arsenic on the Body. where the general mass of the body had completely disappeared, the stomach and intestines had remained preserved by the arsenious acid which had combined with them, and by its detection the crimes com- mitted many years before were brought to light and punished. In the cases where the whole body has been found fresh, it resulted from the person having survived for a length of time sufficient for the complete permeation of the tissues by the absorption of the poison ; in the others death has occurred whilst it was yet only in the intestinal tube. The absorption of the arsenious acid in cases where death has not been rapid, renders its detection possible in all the various organs, particularly where the poisoning has been produced, not by the administration of a single dose, but by frequently repeated doses, each insufficient to produce rapid poisoning. The decision in such cases is rendered, however, ex- tremely difficult by the disco very, recently announced, that the resemblance of function, so often alluded to, between arsenic and phosphorus, is such, that the latter element, which characterizes the animal tissues by its almost constant presence, may be replaced as a constituent of our organs by arsenic. Thus, that the bones may contain traces of arseniate of lime, as a substitute for some of their proper phosphate of lime, and that in the phosphoric salts, which are found in the blood, a similar replace- ment may occur. It is certain that the quantity of arsenic thus found naturally replacing phosphorus in the body is very small, but there is no necessary limit to its extent, and although in cases of suspected chronic poisoning, the analysis of the organs might lead to useful evidence, yet the discovery of arsenic out of the alimentary organs should, as I con- ceive, not without great caution, be considered as necessarily involving its having been administered. The sulphuret of arsenic of commerce, fang's yellow, when taken as a poison, is recognized by its solubility in ammonia, from which it is again thrown down by an excess of any acid. Its reduction to the me- tallic state has been already fully described. An antidote has been recently discovered to the poisonous effects of arsenious acid, which is founded on a very remarkable reaction. "When hydrated peroxide of iron is made into a thin paste with solution of ar- senious acid, this disappears, being changed into arsenic acid and the iron protoxide, 2.T?e 2 O 3 and AsO 3 producing 4.EeO -f. AsO 5 . This ar- seniate of iron has no action on the system ; and hence, in cases of poisoning by arsenic, this hydrate of peroxide should be administered as largely and as rapidly as possible. It may be made in a few mo- ments by adding carbonate of soda to any salt of red oxide of iron (permuriate, muriate, or acetate tincture.) It need not be washed, as the liquor contains only a salt of soda, which would be, if not beneficial, certainly not injurious. Antidotes to Arsenious Aid. 543 Another antidote recently proposed for arsenic is the hydrate of mag- nesia, described in page 488. The experimental evidence of its utility has been brought forward by Bussy, and appears to be of a very satis- factory nature. The preparations of arsenic are of very extensive use in the arts. The metal is used to alloy the lead of which shot is made. White arsenic is employed in glass-making to prevent the deoxidation of the oxide of lead, and the orpiment is employed to render indigo soluble in some processes of dying. It has many other less extensive uses. OF ANTIMONY. Symbol. Sb. Eq. 129*2 or 1613. This metal was first discovered, and its preparations introduced into medicine by Basil Yalentine, from the unpleasant results of whose expe- riments upon his fellow monks, it got the name anti-moine ; its proper Latin name is stibium, and hence its symbol, Sb. Antimony exists in nature, principally as sulphuret, sometimes as oxide, and also, these two combined, forming the oxysulphuret, red antimonial ore. It is from the native sulphuret that the metal is prepared. The process for ob- taining it by means of iron, is noticed p. 466, but it is had purer by fusing the sulphuret at a bright red heat with black flux. Sulphuret of potassium and oxide of antimony are first formed, and this last being decomposed by the carbon, carbonic oxide is evolved and metallic anti- mony separates ; this process is further detailed in p. 469. The antimony thus obtained is a brilliant white metal, of a highly crystalline fracture, and may be obtained crystallized in rhombohedrons like those of arsenic, by fusion, as described in p. 21 ; its specific gra- vity is 6*8 ; it melts at about 800, just below redness, and may he volatized by a white heat. If heated violently in contact with air it takes fire, burning with a brilliant white flame, and forming antimonious acid, which, though not volatile, is carried up by the current of air, and is deposited on the neighbouring bodies as a white powder, flowers of antimony. Antimony in powder takes fire spontaneously in chlorine, burning with a yellowish flame ; the antimony is not oxidized by ex- posure to the air nor by water ; it is not acted on by sulphuric nor mu- riatic acids, but is rapidly oxidized by nitric acid. The symbol of anti- mony is Sb. Its equivalent numbers 1613 or 129*2 ; it combines with oxygen in three proportions. * Oxide of Antimony. SbO 3 . Equivalent 1913 or 153*2, may be prepared by adding, to an acid and boiling solution of chloride of anti- mony in water, carbonate of soda in excess. The carbonic acid does 544 Antimony and its Oxides. not combine with oxide of antimony, which, therefore, precipitates pure ; it is a white powder, not quite insoluble in water, and becomes yellowish when heated. If metallic antimony be burned in a limited supply of air, this oxide forms, and has been obtained crystallized both in the prismatic and octohedral forms of arsenious acid, with whicjj it is, therefore, isodimorphous ; both the metal and this oxide, when ig- nited in a full supply of air, produce antimonious acid. This oxide of antimony combines with acids to form salts of very little stability, but it produces with the acid potash salts of the ve- getable acids, double salts of remarkable constitution ; of these the pot- ash tartrate of antimony (tartar emetic) is the most important ; it also may act as a feeble acid ; thus, if in its preparation, caustic potash be used to decompose the chloride, a granular white powder is obtained, in which the oxide of antimony is combined with potash ; it is on this ac- count called, hypo-antimonious acid by many chemists. When a strong solution of tartar emetic is decomposed by a galvanic battery, a black powder is deposited on the positive pole, which appears perfectly homogeneous. It is resolved by acids or by heat into oxide of antimony and metallic antimony. It is stated by Marchand to be a suboxide of antimony with the formula Sb 3 O 4 . Oxysulpkuret of Antimony. Sb.O 3 -f- 2Sb.S 3 . This substance con- stitutes the red ore of antimony, and may be artificially produced by roasting the native sulphuret in contact with the air, the sulphur burns out as sulphurous acid, and the antimony becomes oxidized ; the product generally contains an excess of oxide which may be dissolved out by tartaric acid, and it is thus that the basis for tartar emetic is sometimes prepared; by continued roasting, the whole of the sulphur may be expelled and an impure oxide of antimony produced ; this, when melted, constitutes the glass of antimony, and the oxy-sulphuret is the crocus of antimony of the older pharmacopoeias. Antimonious Acid, Peroxide of Antimony. Sb04. equivalent 2013 161*2 ; this is the most stable compound of oxygen and antimony; it is formed when antimony is oxidized freely, either by combustion or by the action of nitric acid, and igniting the resulting powder. It is a white powder insoluble in water ; it is not volatile ; it combines with alcalies forming salts, insoluble in water, and from which, by a stronger acid, it is separated as a hydrate, Sb.0 4 + HO. This hydrate dissolves in strong muriatic acid. Antimonic Acid. Sb0 5 , equivalent 2113 or 169'2. This substance is first formed when metallic antimony is oxidized by an excess of nitric acid, and remains as a pale yellow powder, which, when exposed to a dull red heat, abandons one atom of oxygen, leaving antimonious acid, Sulphurets of Antimony. 545 as just described ; it is, however, more stable in combination, and may hence be prepared by deflagrating antimony with nitre; when the resulting mass is digested in cold water, nitrate and nitrite of potash dissolve out, and leave the antimoniate of potash as a white powder ; this is decomposed by boiling water which dissolves a basic salt, and leaves one with an excess of acid behind. In its hydrated condition, this acid dissolves in hydrochloric acid. The antimonic acid is remarkable for producing with soda, the only insoluble salt of that alcali. The use of antimonic acid as a test for soda has been described in page 479. Antimony and sulphur combine in three proportions, forming sul- phurets, which resemble completely, in constitution, the oxygen com- pounds, they are sulphur acids, dissolving in a solution of the alcaline sulphurets, and forming sulphur salts. Sulphuret of Antimony. Sb.S 3 , equivalent 2216*6 or 177*5. This substance constitutes the common grey ore of antimony, and crystallizes in the same form as orpiment, with which it is frequently contaminated; in its native state it is dark gray with highly metallic lustre, crystalline in structure, and very easily reduced to powder ; it may be prepared also by precipitation from a solution of any salt of oxide of antimony, as the chloride, or tartar emetic, by sulphuretted hydrogen ; it is then an orange powder, which becomes darker on being dried, and has the same composition as the native sulphuret, with which it becomes iden- tical in appearance by fusion. This sulphuret dissolves in alcaline solu- tions, on which circumstance are founded the various pharmacopceial processes for its formation. It has been used in medicine every since the first discovery of antimony, and in all countries ; the methods of preparation, and the purity of the products obtainable, are, therefore, exceedingly variable. "When finely powdered sulphuret of antimony is boiled in a strong solution of caustic potash, it dissolves, and the liquor contains two salts perfectly similar to one another, but containing, the one sulphur and the other oxygen, united to antimony and potassium : one-half of each substance being decomposed, the oxygen passing to the antimony, and the sulphur to the potassium, so that oxide of antimony, and sulphuret of potassium result, and these respectively combine with the quantities of potash and sulphuret of antimony that had not been altered ; so that in this way, rSb.S 3 3.KO} rSb.Sa 4. 3.KS ) and > produce < and ( Sb.Ss 3.KO ) ( Sb.Oa + 3.KO ) 85 54G Preparation of Kermes Mineral. When the solution cools, both compounds are partly decomposed, so that a quantity of sulphuret and of oxide of antimony precipitate mixed together ; and hence, an opinion has generally prevailed, and, indeed, been supported by the high authorities of Liebig and Gay- Lussac, that these bodies are chemically united in the precipitate so obtained, and that it is an oxy-sulphuret, identical in constitution with that already described. It is, however, quite established, particularly by the experiments of Berzelius and H. Rose, that the oxide and the sulphuret are but mechanically mixed ; under the microscope, the for- mer is seen as brilliant white crystals, mixed with the fine amorphous brown powder of the latter ; and, besides, the quantity of oxide is com- .pletely variable, and in no case so great as the composition of the true oxy-sulphuret should require. The precipitate thus obtained by cooling, is generally of a fine orange- brown colour, the exact shade of which varies very much with the tem- perature, and the degree of concentration of the liquor. It is termed in pharmacy Jcermes mineral, from a very remote analogy of its colour to that afforded by the insect kernes, (coccus ilicis,) which is used as a cheap substitute for cochineal. After the separation of the kermes, the liquor, containing still the sulphur and oxygen salts above described, but with a greater propor- tion of base, is precipitated by adding an acid in excess. The sulphuret of potassium is decomposed, and the sulphuret of antimony, with . which it had been combined, separates ; at the same time the sulphu- retted hydrogen, evolved from the sulphuret of potassium, reacts on the oxide of antimony, converting it into sulphuret. This precipitate is much lighter-coloured generally than the kermes, and is sometimes called the golden sulphuret of antimony, although the name properly belongs to a different substance to be described farther on. In many cases, in place of collecting the kermes and the portion precipitated by the acid separately as now described, the hot filtered liquor is added to the acid before the kermes has had time to separate, and the whole being then mixed assumes an intermediate shade of colour, and consti- tutes the brown sulphuret, or orange sulphuret of antimony of the British pharmacopoeias. In place of caustic potash, the native sulphuret of antimony is fre- . quently boiled with carbonate of soda. In this case the whole of the carbonic acid unites with one-half of the soda, forming bicarbonate, and the other half of the soda acts with the sulphuret of antimony pre- cisely as if it had been used in the caustic state. An important mode of preparing these pharmaceutical substances consists in fusing the materials together instead of boiling their solu- Forms of Sulphur et of Antimony. 547 tions. Thus, an excellent kermes is prepared by fusing together three parts of native sulphuret and one of carbonate of potash. The general reaction is the same as described when the materials were dissolved ; the melted mass is boiled in water, and the solution so obtained treated as already noticed. Rose has, however, directed attention to a circum- stance which, though occurring in all cases, is more marked in this pro- cess than the others. It is, that some antimony separates in the me- tallic state, whilst another portion is changed into persulphuret, thus, 5.SbS 3 produces 3'SbS 5 , and 2Sb is set free. The solution contains, therefore, not only the ordinary sulphuret, but some persulphuret of antimony, the colour of which is much brighter than that of the other, and it hence modifies the tint of the preparation in a variable manner. The persulphuret carries down with it also some sulphuret of potassium, and hence the ordinary kermes mineral appears always to contain traces of potash. The quantity of persulphuret of antimony present seldom exceeds two or three per cent. Sulpho-antimonious Acid.Sb.S 4 . This substance is produced as a yellow powder when the solution of antimonious acid is decomposed by sulphuretted hydrogen. Sulpho-antimonic Acid, Persulphuret of Antimony. Sb.S 5 , is ob- tained when a solution of antimonic acid in muriatic acid is treated with sulphuretted hydrogen. It is of a fine golden orange colour. Its for- mation in the process for kermes mineral has been already explained. This is the true golden sulphuret. To obtain it in large quantity, as is given in many pharmacopoeias, three parts of sulphuret of antimony and one of carbonate of potash are to be fused with one-half part of sulphur; this last converts the antimony into the persulphuret. The fused mass is to be dissolved in water and decomposed by muriatic acid. Antimoniuret of Hydrogen. Sb.H 3 . When hydrogen is evolved in contact with antimony in a nascent or finely divided state, they combine and form a gas which, in properties and constitution, has a remarka- ble similarity to arseniuret of hydrogen. The easiest mode of effect- ing this is, to dissolve zinc in dilute sulphuric acid to which tartar emetic has been added. The gas so evolved is colourless, insoluble in water, has neither acid nor alcaline reaction. It precipitates the salts of mercury and most metals, but not copper, by which it is distin- guished from the arseniuret of hydrogen. Its specific gravity has not been experimentally determined, but if it be composed, like arseniuret- ted hydrogen, of one volume of metallic vapour and six of hydrogen, condensed to four, it should be 4504'7. When this gas burns, water is formed, and antimony deposited, either as metal or as oxide, accord- 548 Antimoniuret of Hydrogen. ing to the supply of oxygen. It hence superficially resembles in its combustion the gas containing arsenic, but it is distinguished readily by the following characters : 1st. The antimoniuret of hydrogen, when it is decomposed by heat- ing a point of the tube, through which it passes, to redness, deposits the metal at the heated part, whilst arsenic settles at a certain distance beyond, only where the tube is colder. 2nd. The metallic crust is not volatilized at any temperature which can be applied to glass. 3rd. If the metallic scale be deposited on a porcelain plate and oxi- dized by the outer flame of the blow-pipe, it forms a powder yellow whilst hot, but white when cold ; which is not volatilized by any further application of the flame. Arsenic, on the contrary, becomes oxidized only in the act of being vaporized. In certain cases of compound poisoning, and where tartar emetic has been given, as an emetic, in cases of poisoning by arsenic, it is possible that the two metals may coexist in solution. In these cases, they may be separated, either, by converting both into the hydrogen compounds, and decomposing the mixed gases by igniting the tube through which they pass : the antimony is deposited close to the heated part, and the arsenic at a little distance ; or if the two metals be precipitated by sul- phuretted hydrogen from their solution, and the mixed sulphurets be dried and heated in a current of muriatic acid gas : the sulphuret of antimony is decomposed, and the chloride of antimony passes off and may be collected, whilst the sulphuret of arsenic remains un- changed. Erom the formation of spontaneously inflammable bubbles of gas in a solution of an antimonial salt by the galvanic battery, Moreand an- nounces that the antimoniuret of hydrogen, like the phosphuret, may exist in different allotropic states, or may have several stages of com- bination. The detection of antimony is generally simple; in all its combi- nations it is immediately recognized by the formation of its compound with hydrogen just described. In solution, in the state of oxide, it gives with sulphuretted hydrogen, the orange precipitate of sulphuret. In the other states of oxidation the precipitates by sulphuret of hydro- gen are more yellow, but are all easily distinguished from orpiment by not being volatile, and from the bisulphuret of tin by yielding the anti- moniuret of hydrogen. From the sulphuret of cadmium they are known by their solubility in hydrosulphuret of ammonia. Tellurium and its compounds. 549 OF TELLURIUM. Symbol. Te. Eq. 64'2 or 801-8. This is one of the rarest of the metals, and although classified with them from its lustre and power of conducting electricity and heat, in which it is, however, far inferior to the others, it ranks naturally with sulphur and selenium, to which last it assimilates completely in its pro- perties. It exists in nature, native, and combined with a variety of metals, gold, silver, antimony, lead, &c., forming ores of very indefinite constitution. Its extraction, which is still further complicated by the presence of sulphur and selenium, would require too detailed des- cription, and is too seldom an object with chemists to require des- cription here. Its properties and principal compounds alone deserve attention. Pare tellurium is silver white and very brilliant. It crystallizes easily in rhombohedrons. It is brittle and easily powdered. Its sp. gr. is 6*14. It is about as fusible as antimony, and at a very high tempera- ture may be volatilized. Its vapour smells like selenium ; when heated in the air it burns with a bluish flame, forming tellurous acid. It is rapidly oxidized by nitric acid. The analogy of tellurium to sulphur is very close. "When tellurium is boiled in a strong solution of potash, there is formed tellurite of potash and telluret of potassium ; but if this solution be diluted, the potassium reduces the tellurous acid and the metal is precipitated, potash being regenerated. The symbol of tellurium is Te. Its equivalent numbers are 801' 8 and 64- 2. Tellurium combines with oxygen in two proportions, forming tellurous and telluric acids. The former, tellurous acid, TeO 2 , is prepared by de- composing the bichloride of tellurium by water, TeCl 2 and 2 HO produc- ing 2.HC1 and Te0. 2 . This last precipitates as a bulky white powder containing combined water. In this state it is sensibly soluble in water and reddens litmus. It dissolves readily both in acid and alcaline solu- tions, forming compounds of a very instable character. When its solution in water is heated to about 110, it deposits the tellurous acid in an anhydrous form. The water is also expelled, by a moderate heat, from the hydrated acid in powder. The anhydrous acid thus obtained differs essentially from the hydrated form. It is insoluble in water, in acids, and in alcalies, and has no acid reaction whatsoever. No salts of it can be formed in the humid way ; but if it be fused at a red heat with carbonate of potash, the carbonic acid is expelled and tellurite of potash formed, which dissolves in water ; from this solution the hydrated tellurous acid is thrown down on the addition of an acid. 550 Compounds of Tellurium. Berzelius considers these remarkable differences of properties as indi- cating an isomeric distinction between the two acids. In a subsequent chapter I shall point out the manner in which I believe such compounds should be viewed. Telluric Acid. Te0 3 . Is prepared by deflagrating tellurous acid with nitre ; a soluble tellurate of potash is thus obtained, which, when mixed with nitrate of barytes, gives an insoluble tellurate of barytes, and this, acted on by sulphuric acid, yields sulphate of barytes, and in solution telluric acid, which crystallizes in large prisms, containing three atoms of water. Of these, two are given off at 212 F. It does not taste acid, but reddens litmus slightly. It combines readily with bases, forming classes of salts containing one, two, and four equivalents of acid. When the crystallized telluric acid is heated to redness, all its water passes off; it becomes orange, and undergoes a change of pro- perties like stannic acid. It becomes insoluble in water, in acids and alcaline solutions ; when very strongly heated, it gives off oxygen and tellurous acid remains : but if this anhydrous acid be fused with potash, the tellurate of potash which dissolves, contains the acid in its hydrated state. These forms are considered as being isomeric, and not identical bodies ; their real nature will be noticed hereafter. Tellurium and hydrogen combine to form a gas, telluret of hydrogen, H.Te, which resemble in its characters, sulphuret of hydrogen, parti- cularly in its odour ; it reddens litmus, is soluble in water, decomposes the alcalies and earths, forming soluble tellurets, and precipitates inso- luble tellurets from solutions of the other metals. Tellurium combines with sulphur in two proportions, forming sul- phurets which do not require detailed notice ; its compounds with the metals resemble so completely the metallic sulphurets as to render a separate account unnecessary. Thus, in every case where a metallic sulphuret evolves sulphuretted hydrogen gas with an acid, the telluret of the metal produces telluretted hydrogen, and the metallic tellurets are soluble or insoluble in water, precisely as the sulphurets of the same metals are. OF URANIUM AND URANYLE. This metal exists in some rather rare minerals, particularly m^pec/i- llende, combined with oxygen ; the processes for its extraction are ren- dered very complex by the presence of a great number of other metals, and I shall refer, therefore, to the systematic works for the details of its extraction. Uranium and its Compounds. 551 The substance which had been long looked upon by chemists as metallic uranium, has been shown by Peligot to be really a protoxide, and that the real metal is to be prepared only by the decomposition of its proto-chloride by potassium; this proto-chloride being produced by passing chlorine over a mixture of protoxide of uranium and charcoal, strongly ignited. True metallic uranium has a metallic lustre, like silver. It is malle- able; it is very combustible, and in contact with acids decomposes water, evolving hydrogen and forming the ordinary uranium salts. The atomic weight of uranium is 105, and its symbol U. With chlo- rine it forms a green chloride, UC1, and with oxygen the true protoxide, 1 T 0, which body, formerly called metallic uranium, does not appear really to act as an oxide or base, but with a double atomic weight as a compound radical, U 2 O 2 . Peligot considers that all the ordinary ura- nium salts contain not the real metal, but tin's oxide as their radical, and gives to it the name uranyle. Eor this view very strong reasons have been urged. The oxide, U 2 O 2 , may be easily prepared by the action of hydrogen on any of the higher oxides at a red heat. It is a dark grey powder, infusible ; it does not unite with acids : it is scarcely acted on by chlo- rine or sulphur. When heated, or treated with nitric acid, it forms the next oxide, formerly called protoxide of uranium, but recently shewn to be a sesquioxide of the metal, although a protoxide of the compound radical. Sesqidoxide of Uranium. U 2 O 3 is obtained by decomposing any salt of uranium by a caustic alcali ; it precipitates as a greenish hydrate which rapidly becomes yellow, from forming the peroxide by absorbing oxygen : this sesquioxide of uranium is dissolved by an excess of am- monia. Its salts are very definite, and in constitution resemble salts of protoxides, thus giving support to Peligot' s view of its being a protoxide of the compound radical uranyle, U^O 2 -f O. Peroxide of Uranium, U 2 5 is formed when the protoxide is heated in air; it is yellow, and possesses some of the characters of an acid, and is more properly termed uranic acid ; it reddens litmus ; it enters into combination as well with alcalies as with acids ; the alcaline and earthy uranates are insoluble, yellow or orange coloured. This oxide is used to colour glass of a fine lemon yellow. The sulphurets, &c., of uranium are unimportant. 'Ill I ' I III! r:i IB a A fl 1 1 . i "iiLi i n , .. 1 5 'if : 11 "I 1:1: ; I lit IWU.PI M. T. : if OS.! Properties of Copper. 553 oxidizing action of the fuel be not applied long enough, some suboxide remains undecomposed, which dissolves in the metallic copper. In both these cases the metal is brittle, and of a bad grain, so as to be unfit for many of its uses. Copper is obtained also in the metallic state, by precipitation from the water which collects in the galleries and shafts of the copper mines, and which, from the oxidation of the sulphuret of copper, contains sulphate of copper dissolved. Fragments of old iron are thrown into the reser- voirs, in which the drainage water of the mine is collected, and by elec- tro-chemical action, as described, pp. 176, 268, the iron is dissolved and the copper precipitated in irregularly crystallized masses. This process, by cementation as it has been termed, has been recently more specially employed and conducted with arrangements for powerful gal- vanic action, as described, p. 470. Pure copper is of a peculiar well known reddish colour. It is very malleable and ductile ; after iron it is the strongest of the metals. It crys- tallizes by fusion in a form which is not the same as that found native, or produced when the metal is precipitated from its solutions. Its sp. gr. is 8'9. It is fusible at 1996. It is not volatile. In dry air it is not tarnished, but in damp air it gradually becomes covered with a greenish coating of basic carbonate of copper. When heated in contact with air, copper combines rapidly with oxygen, and passes through a variety of rainbow colours, but is at last converted into black oxide, which forms as scales upon its surface. The series of colours arises first from the action of light upon the thin coating of oxide, as also happens in the oxidation of iron. The generality of acids do not act on copper, at ordinary temperatures, unless in contact with air, for the copper is incapable of decomposing water ; but at the point of contact with air, oxygen is directly absorbed, and the acid combines with the oxide so generated. In this way, the feeblest acids may act upon cop- per, as the acetic acid and the acids contained in the various fatty bodies, and the metal be thus introduced into culinary preparations, and so produce poisonous effects. The acids which give off oxygen directly dissolve copper, as nitric acid, with evolution of nitric oxide. Strong oil of vitriol, also, when boiled on copper, gives sulphate of copper and sulphurous acid gas. The symbol of copper is Cu, from its Latin name ; its equivalent 395-7, or 31'7. Copper combines with oxygen in three proportions, forming a subox- ide, protoxide, and a peroxide, which last appears to have acid proper- ties, but is little known. Protoxide of Copper. CuO. Equivalent 495'7, or 397. This 554 Oxides of Copper. oxide is formed by exposing copper, at a red heat, to a current of air. It may also be obtained by igniting the nitrate of copper. It is a dull black powder, which, by a very high temperature, may be melted, and crystallizes on cooling. It dissolves but slowly in acids, forming the ordinary blue or green salts of copper. When heated, even below red- ness, in a stream of hydrogen gas it is perfectly reduced, water being formed. It is thus that, as described in p. 348, the composition of water is best determined. At a dull red heat this oxide is reduced com- pletely by carbon and all its compounds, carbonic acid being produced. For this reason it is extensively employed in the ultimate analysis of organic substances, of which it converts the carbon into carbonic acid, and the hydrogen into water. The metallic copper thus obtained, by the reduction from the oxide, is a fine pinkish red powder, which has a remarkable affinity for oxygen, and is hence used in the analysis of organic substances containing nitrogen, to prevent the formation of nitrous or nitric oxides, and in analysing air. When a solution of caustic potash is added in excess to a solution of a salt of copper, the protoxide is thrown down as a hydrate, CuO.HO. It is a fine blue powder which is decomposed by a very gentle heat, so that if a liquor containing it be boiled, it becomes brown and anhydrous, even though in the midst of water. It is hence, that if the solution of copper be added to a boiling solution of potash, the precipitate is the dark brown anhydrous oxide which, however, obstinately retains a little potash. If the protoxide of copper be exposed to a very strong red heat, it partially melts and gives off oxygen gas, producing a brownish black complex oxide having the formula Cu 5 O 3; or 2Cu 2 O-f-CuO. Suboxide of Copper. Cu 2 0. Equivalent 891*4, or 71*4. This body exists native, constituting the ruby copper ore, and may be prepared artificially by igniting a mixture of five parts of black oxide of copper and four of copper filings ; half of the oxygen of the former passes to the latter, and the whole becomes suboxide. It is likewise made by fusing together three parts of subchloride of copper and two of dry car- bonate of soda; chloride of sodium and suboxide of copper result, Cu 2 .Cl and NaO giving Cu 9 and JSTaCl, whilst the carbonic acid is given off. This suboxide of copper is a reddish-brown powder, which is much less acted on by moist air than pure copper ; and hence, under ordinary circumstances, when copper becomes brown by being coated with this oxide, the action ceases. Articles of copper are thus coated intentionally, for the purpose of preserving their surface, by covering them with a paste of red oxide of iron, which, when heated, is thus reduced to the state of protoxide 2Cu and Fe 2 3 giving Cu^O and Siilpliurets of Copper. 555 2.FeO ; this last is then removed by digestion in a boiling solution of acetate of copper. The generality of acids decompose the suboxide of copper into me- tallic copper and the black oxide, with which the acid combines, but besides the subchloride of copper, several of its salts may be formed by the action of deoxidizing agents on the salts of the black oxide ; thus sulphurous acid converts the hydrate of the black oxide into sulphate of the suboxide, SO. 2 and 2CuO producing SO 3 + Cu 2 .O. From the . solution of this salt, a fine orange hydrate of the red oxide is thrown down by the caustic alcalies. Protochloride of tin and protosulphate of iron, also reduce the salts of copper to this state of oxidation. Grape and milk sugar have so remarkably the power of reducing copper to the state of suboxide as to be most readily detected thereby. The suboxide is also by this means easily prepared. If one part of sulphate of copper, and one part of milk sugar, be dissolved in 10 parts of water, and treated with solution of caustic potash, until the whole has produced a blue liquid, then, on boiling, suboxide of copper, precipitates, at first brown, but it becomes rapidly rich crimson coloured. It can then be filtered and dried. If it be boiled too long it loses its rich colour, and becomes crystalline and brown. Peroxide of Copper. Ciipric Acid. If hypochlorite of lime be mixed up with water and a solution of nitrate of copper be added thereto, a greenish precipitate at first forms, which gradually becomes dark, and finally crimson red. This precipitate is cuprate of lime. It cannot be collected or dried. It gives off oxygen gas and resolves itself into lime and protoxide of copper. With hypochlorite of barytes, cuprate of barytes can be formed, and with hypochlorite of soda or potash, cuprates of those alcalies. The solutions of the alcaline cu- prates are claret red, but lose their colour gradually, whilst oxygen gas goes off, and oxide of copper separates. A solution of cuprate of potash may be also prepared by deflagrating nitre with a mixture of zinc and copper filings, and washing the mass with cold water. The formula of this cv.pric acid or peroxide of copper is not known. Sulphur combines with copper in two proportions, forming sulphurets equivalent to the oxides just described ; they are both found native, and constitute, particularly the sulphuret, important ores of copper. They may be prepared artificially, by fusing together sulphur and metallic copper; the union takes place with brilliant combustion. If some sulphur be placed in a flask and heat be applied so as to fill the flask with the vapour of sulphur, a thin copper wire dipped in it burns, as iron does in oxygen, forming the subsulphuret ; these bodies are not of importance, except as the great sources of metallic copper. 556 Detection of Copper. The sulphurets of copper may also be formed by precipitating the salts of copper with sulphuretted hydrogen, a deep brown powder is produced, which is Cu 2 S or CuS according as the solution contained the suboxide or the protoxide of the metal. The detection of copper in solution is very simple ; the salts of the black oxide are generally green or blue ; on the addition of ammonia, a precipitate is produced, bluish or green, according to the acid with which the oxide had been combined, but in all cases producing with an excess of the ammonia, a deep violet coloured solution. The only metal which resembles copper in this respect, is nickel, and from it, it is distinguished by all its other properties, particularly by the yellow prussiate of potash, which produces a fine chocolate brown precipitate of ferrocyanide of copper. With sulphuret of hydrogen, the salts of copper give a dark brown sulphuret, insoluble in hydrosulphuret of ammonia ; and when a slip of clean iron or zinc is introduced into a liquor containing copper, this is reduced and deposited upon the surface of the zinc or iron, as a bright coating of metallic copper. When the copper exists as suboxide, its reactions are very different, it gives, with ammonia, a white precipitate which redissolves in an excess, forming a colourless liquor ; if there be no excess of acid, chloride of sodium gives a white precipitate of subchloride of copper. But in practice it is never necessary to look for copper by these reactions, the salts of the suboxide absorbing oxygen with such avidity, that by a few minutes' exposure to the air, their constitution changes. The colourless solution of suboxide of copper in ammonia becomes violet blue in the act of pouring it from one bottle to another ; and hence for the mere detection of copper, the properties of the protoxide alone need be taken into accouqt. Like the oxides of cobalt and nickel, the oxides of copper are not by themselves soluble in water of ammonia. The solutions of these me- tallic compounds in water of ammonia, are basic salts, to the constitu- tion of which the acid, with which the metallic oxide had been origi- nally combined, is necessary. The detailed nature of these bodies will be noticed among the compounds of ammonia. The detection of copper by the blowpipe is very simple and distinct. Eused with borax, a substance containing the most minute trace of copper gives a glass, which when heated in the oxidizing flame, becomes green, being coloured by the protoxide, but when ignited in the reduc- ing flame, and suddenly cooled, is deep ruby-red, generally opaque. This change of colour arises from the copper being reduced to the state of suboxide. The colour given to glass by this suboxide is a pure pris- matic red, so homogeneous that red light may be obtained for optical State of Lead in Nature. 557 experiments, by transmitting white light through this coloured glass, and the tint is so fine that this ruby glass is the most valuable that can be used for ornamental purposes. The salts of copper generally tinge the flame of the blowpipe blue or green, according to the other bodies that may be present. Independent of the direct employment of copper in the arts, for which its properties eminently qualify it, it enters into the composition of a great number of alloys of great importance. Thus bronze, formerly used as a substitute for steel, and still employed in the casting of statues and monuments, from the accuracy with which it adapts itself to the mould, and its durability, consists of ninety parts of copper and ten of tin in 100. It is curious, that from the very earliest ages, this which is still the best proportion, should have been employed ; the bronze swords from ancient Egypt, from Scandinavia, and those found in Ire- land, having all this constitution. Gun metal, or that of which can- nons are cast, is an inferior kind of bronze, containing somewhat less tin. The elasticity and sonorousness of these alloys is very remarkable. That used for bells, lell metal, consists of 80 parts of copper and 20 of tin. The Indian gongs have this composition, but common bells con- tain less tin, and in place of it some lead and zinc. In the proportion of two parts of copper to one of tin, or, more accurately, of four atoms of copper to one of tin, 127 to 59, an alloy is formed, of exceeding brittleness and hardness, and so brilliant, when truly polished, as to be used for the mirror surface in reflecting telescopes ; it is here called speculum metal. The quality of this alloy is remarkably deteriorated by a slight deviation to either side of the true atomic proportions. The alloys of zinc and copper are very numerous and important, con- stituting the different varieties of brass. The best brass consists of four atoms of copper to one of zinc; but by changing the proportions of the metals, a variety of shades of gold lustre, used in counterfeit jewellery, are obtained. In the proportion of equal parts of copper and zinc, hard solder is produced ; this is used in soldering together sur- faces of brass and copper. The nature of the alloy of brass and nickel termed German silver has been already described in page 513. OF LEAD. Symbol. Pb. Eq. 103-7 or 1294 5. This metal exists in nature, very extensively diffused and in a great variety of forms. The sulphate, phosphate, arseniate, carbonate, and 558 Properties and Combinations of Lead. chloride of lead are found native ; but it is exclusively from the sul- phuret of lead, galena, that the metal is extracted for the purposes of commerce. The methods used in its reduction have been very fully described in the preceding chapter, page 467. Lead is one of the softest and least tenacious of the metals; it is bluish white, and very brilliant, but rapidly tarnishes in the air, becom- ing covered with a greyish coating, beyond which the action does not appear to extend; its specific gravity is 11*44; it inelts at 612, and in solidifying, diminishes in volume so that it is unfit for accurate cast- ings ; it may, however, be obtained, by fusion, crystallized in octo- hedrons ; it is not volatile ; it is not sensibly acted on by muriatic nor sulphuric acids, except at very high temperatures, but by nitric acid it is rapidly oxidized and dissolved. When lead is exposed at the same time to air and moisture, its oxi- dation proceeds with great rapidity, so as to be used to analyse atmos- pheric air (p. 363.) The oxide so formed is not quite insoluble, so that when pure water, rain, or even common soft water, is preserved in leaden cisterns, an impregnation with lead may occur in such amount as to produce dangerous consequences, if employed habitually as a drink. Fortunately this is obviated, in general, by the small quantities of saline matters, particularly sulphates, which all ordinary spring and river waters contain. These react on the oxide of lead, and forming compounds totally insoluble in water, remove thus all traces of it from solution. A whitish crust gradually forms on the interior of the cistern, and assists, subsequently, in protecting it from the oxidizing action of the air ; no danger is, therefore, to be apprehended from the supply of water to a city being conveyed through leaden pipes, and preserved in leaden cisterns, for all water, of mineral origin, dissolves, in filtering through the layers of rocks in its passage to the surface, a sufficiency of saline matters to serve for its protection. The symbol of lead is Pb, from its Latin name ; its equivalent is 1294*5 or 103*7. It combines with oxygen in two proportions forming oxides, which again uniting form an intermediate complex oxide, and there is reason also to admit the existence of a suboxide of lead. Protoxide of Lead. Pb.O. Equivalent 1394*5 or 111*7. This may be prepared by exposing metallic lead at a red heat to a current of air, the lead rapidly combines with oxygen, and the oxide so produced fuses. It forms on cooling crystalline masses of a greenish yellow colour ; this constitutes the litharge of commerce, which is generally obtained in the cupellation of lead for the purpose of extracting from it the small quantity of silver which its ores generally contain. When the litharge is kept for some time, the masses of it break up into a brick- Protoxide an $ Peroxide of Lead. 559 red crystalline powder, evolving heat. This change is technically termed slaking, but it is not due, like the slaking of lime, to combina- tion with water, but to a change of the crystalline form of the litharge. The yellow form appears to be more permanent if the lead be oxidized at a lower temperature, and when powdered was once used as a yellow pigment under the name of massicot. This may be produced of the richest colour by decomposing the sub-nitrate of lead at a temperature insufficient for the fusion of the oxide. This oxide may also be prepared by decomposing a soluble salt of lead by caustic potash, a white precipitate is produced, which is a hydrate of the oxide, 2PbO + HO. By a great excess of caustic potash the precipi- tate may be redissolved ; the oxide of lead appearing to have the power of uniting with most of the alcalies and earths to form compounds more or less soluble. A body of this kind formed by boiling lime and litharge together is capable of crystallizing, and is used to dye the hair black, The hair contains sulphur, and a black sulphuret of lead forms in its substance, and is not liable to change. The protoxide of lead requires 12,000 parts of water to dissolve it; the solution reacts feebly alca- line ; it is a strong base, and the only oxide of lead which combines with acids. Peroxide of Lead. Pb0 2 . Is obtained by digesting the protoxide in chlorine water, or in a solution of chloride of lime. In the first case 2.PbO and Cl produce Pb0 2 and PbCl ; in the second case, PbO and CaO.Cl produce PbO 2 and CaCl. Another simple plan consists in heat- ing red lead, which is a compound of the protoxide and the peroxide, with dilute nitric acid, until all the protoxide is dissolved out, washing the residue well and drying it at a moderate heat. The peroxide so ob- tained is of a dull, dark brown colour, when heated it gives off half its oxygen, leaving litharge. With muriatic acid it produces chlorine and protochloride of lead, and with sulphurous acid, which it rapidly ab- sorbs, neutral white sulphate of lead, Pb0 2 and SO 2 producing PbO-f S0 3 . This oxide of lead does not form salts. The Red Lead, or Minium, Pb 3 O 4 =2.PbO + Pb0 2 , is produced when lead is oxidized, so that the oxide formed shall not be fused, and when the metal is all converted into the yellow powder, increasing the heat to incipient redness. Oxygen continues to be absorbed until one-third of the metal is converted into peroxide, giving the constitution above expressed. This is the pure red lead, the colour of which is exceedingly brilliant ; but the generality of red lead found in commerce contains an excess of protoxide, which may be removed by boiling in a solution of neutral acetate of lead. When red lead is ignited it gives off oxygen and becomes protoxide ; 560 SulpJiuret of Lead. with muriatic acid it forms protocliloride and chlorine. It does not form any proper salts, but it dissolves in acetic acid, completely, giving a colourless liquor, from which, after a little time, peroxide of lead separates. When oxalate of lead is very cautiously decomposed by heat, there remains a true suboxide of lead. Pb 2 0. It is a velvety black powder. By acids it is converted into protoxide and metallic lead.- Strong alca- lies produce a similar result. Heated in the air it burns like tinder and forms protoxide. If wet it absorbs oxygen rapidly at the ordinary temperature, and produces white hydrated protoxide of lead. It does not form salts. The grey coating which forms on lead exposed to the air, is looked upon by many chemists as also a suboxide. In general these bodies have been considered as mixtures of the metal in powder with the real protoxide, but I think the evidence of their definite con- stitution very strong. From the similarity of the formula of red lead, PbsC)4, to those of the black oxide of iron, Fe 3 O 4 , and of the red oxide of manganese, Mn 3 O4, it has been suggested that it may contain sesquioxide of lead Pb 2 3 , si- milar to Fe 2 O 3 , and Mn 2 3 . The formula of red lead should then be PbO-fPb 2 O 3 ; but this idea, though interesting, is only hypothetical. Sulpkuret of Lead. There is but one compound of sulphur and lead, the protosulphuret Pb.S. It constitutes the abundant lead ore, galena, and may be formed artificially, either by fusing together lead and sulphur, or by decomposing a solution of a salt of lead by sulphur- etted hydrogen gas or hydrosulphuret of ammonia. It is then a black powder, insoluble in water, and in alcalies, and dilute acids. It is ra- pidly oxidized by nitric acid, being converted into sulphate of lead. From the perfect insolubility and marked colour of this sulphuret, a salt of lead and sulphuretted hydrogen are respectively the most delicate re-agents for each other. There are some indications of the existence of other sulphurets of lead, which, however, do not require special notice. If a salt of lead be decomposed by bisulphuret of calcium, a red precipitate appears, possibly a bisulpkuret of lead, analogous to the deutoxide, and galena may be fused with metallic lead, forming a homogeneous mass in which, pro- bably, subsulphurets are contained. The detection of lead is simplified very much by its forming but one series of salts, those of the protoxide. Its solutions are recognized by giving, with caustic potash, a white precipitate soluble in excess ; with carbonate of potash, one also white, but insoluble in excess ; with sul- phuretted hydrogen, one dark brown or black, whose characters are described above ; with a solution of bichromate of potash, the salts of State of Bismuth in Nature. 561 lead produce a fine yellow precipitate, chrome yelloiv ; and with iodide of potassium, the iodide of lead, in brilliant yellow scales, like fragments of gold leaf. Yellow prussiate of potash gives a white precipitate, and sulphate of soda a white sulphate of lead, insoluble in water, but not insoluble in strong acids. If the solution contain much lead, any soluble chloride throws down sparingly soluble chloride of lead, which, how- ever, remains dissolved, if the solution be dilute. Lead and its preparations are of the most extensive use in the arts. In making pipes and cisterns, sulphuric acid chambers, bullets, and for a variety of other purposes, the metal is employed unaltered ; and its alloys are also of important application. Thus, the metal of which printing types are made consists of three parts of lead to one of anti- mony. The inferior sorts of pewter are alloys of lead and tin, but the fine kinds should be tin with very little lead, and some antimony and bismuth. The solder used for soldering surfaces of lead, or of tinned iron, to each other, consists of lead and tin, the proportions of which vary from two parts of tin and one of lead to three parts of lead and one of tin, according to the object. The more tin the alloy contains, the more fusible the alloy is. Fine solder fuses at 360, coarse solder at 500. OF BISMUTH. Symbol. Bi. Eq. 213'3 or 2660*7. Bismuth is not a common metal; it is found but in a few places, and only in the metallic state in quantity, for the sulphuret of bismuth is too rare to be of technical interest. It is extracted from the rocks through which it is disseminated, by reducing it to coarse powder, and igniting this in a kind of kiln ; the bismuth being very fusible, melts out, and collects at the bottom, in a trough placed to receive it. It is a white metal, with a peculiar reddish shade, and remarkably crystalline structure. It may be obtained in separate crystals of con- siderable size, which are cubes, generally hollow at the sides. To obtain good crystals, the metal should be perfectly pure ; this is effected by deflagrating some nitre on the surface of the melted metal, the impurities are more easily oxidized than the bismuth, and hence, pass into the scorise which form on the surface. The crystals so ob- tained have frequently beautiful rainbow tints on their surface, from an exceedingly thin layer of oxide of bismuth, by which they become coated. Bismuth is very brittle, and easily oxidized. It is scarcely acted on by sulphuric or muriatic acid, but it decomposes nitric acid violently, 36 562 Atomic Weight of Bismuth. evolving nitric oxide, and forming oxide of bismuth, with which the nitric acid combines. It fuses at 497, is volatile at a white heat, and then burns with a bluish-white flame. Its sp. gr. is 9*9. The symbol of bismuth is Bi. Concerning its equivalent there is some doubt at present, as to whether it should be 886*9, or three times so much, 2660 '7, on the oxygen scale, and hence, 71 "1 or 213*3 on the hydrogen scale. The first number assumed would make the oxide of bismuth a protoxide, BiO, the last, a teroxide, Bi0 3 . The ground upon which the former view stands is the supposed similarity of some salts of bismuth to those of magnesia and the protoxide of copper ; but recent examination has gone to shew that this analogy is not at all so strong as had been supposed, and that their difference is more re- markable than their resemblance. On the other hand, the sulphuret of bismuth is isomorphous with the sulphurets of antimony and arsenic, and the equivalent deduced from the specific heat of bismuth agrees with those for arsenic and antimony, and assigns the same constitution to the compounds of the three. The salts of the oxide of bismuth are exceedingly instable, and like those of antimony, are decomposed by water, so that whilst it allies itself to that metal in every important point of physical and chemical characters, it recedes in all the impor- tant facts of its history from copper, iron, zinc, and the other metals of the magnesia class. I, therefore, think there are sufficient grounds for abandoning the numbers 886'9 and 71*1, given in the table, p. 277, and to assume 2660*7 and 213*3, as the equivalents of bismuth on the oxygen and hydrogen scales respectively. Oxide of Bismuth, Bi0 3 , equivalent 2960' 7, or 237*3, may be pre- pared either by the combustion of bismuth at a high temperature, or by the ignition of the subnitrate of bismuth. It is a buff-coloured powder, which may be melted. It combines with acids to form well characterized salts. This oxide may also be obtained hydrated by dropping a solution of nitrate of bismuth into a solution of caustic potash ; a white precipitate falls, which is HO. Bi0 3 . On ignition it leaves the anhydrous oxide. Peroxide of Bismuth. Bi0 4 . When oxide of bismuth is diffused through a dilute solution of caustic potash, and a current of chlorine gas passed through the liquor, the oxide is converted into peroxide, which combines with some potash. This can be removed by dilute acetic acid, and the peroxide obtained pure. It is a dark yellow pow- der. ' It reacts slightly acid, and corresponds to antimonious acid. If the solution of potash had been strong, the oxide absorbs more oxygen and passes into the following body. The Superoxide of Bismuth, or Bismuthic Acid, BiO 5 , is prepared by Compounds of Bismuth. 563 boiling finely levigated oxide of bismuth in a strong solution of chloride of soda. A fine brown powder is produced, which is freed with great difficulty from admixed unaltered oxide. When heated to dull redness it is decomposed into oxygen and oxide of bismuth ; with muriatic acid it gives chlorine and ordinary chloride of bismuth. Its composition was supposed to corroborate the idea, that the yellow oxide was a pro- toxide, for on that idea this might be a sesquioxide, Bi 2 O 3 , like the sesquioxides of cobalt and nickel, which it resembles so much in pro- perties ; but the discovery of the body last described, and more accu- rate analysis, have shown its true formula to be Bi O 5 , and it is now looked upon as corresponding to antimonic acid. There appear to exist yellow and brown, allotropic, conditions of both peroxide of bis- muth and of bismuthic acid, but the study of these bodies has been not yet completed. Sulphuret of Bismuth, BiS 3 , exists native, in crystals isomorphous with the sulphurets of antimony and arsenic. It may be prepared by fusing bismuth and sulphur together, or by adding sulphuretted hydrogen to a solution of a salt of bismuth : it then precipitates as a brown powder. It is insoluble in water, and in hydrosulphuret of ammonia. Bismuth is easily known by its solutions being precipitated brown by sulphuretted hydrogen and by iodide of potassium, and yellow by chromate of potash. The caustic and carbonated alcalies produce a white precipitate of hydrated oxide of bismuth which is insoluble in excess. A strong solution of a salt of bismuth is decomposed by the addition of water, whereby a white basic salt is precipitated, and the liquor contains free acid. Bismuth is extensively employed for some purposes in the arts. The alloy used for casting stereotype plates consists of tin, lead, and bis- muth ; and by increasing the quantity of bismuth, the fusibility of this alloy becomes so great that a compound of two parts of bismuth, one of tin, and one of lead, fuses at 201. This is the fusible metal used for the bath in taking the specific gravities of vapours, as described, p. 14, and for supplying a steady source of heat for other purposes. 564 State of Silver in Nature. SECTION VI. METALS OF THE SIXTH CLASS. OF SILVER. Symbol. Aq. Eq. 108 or 1350. This metal exists native, and in the state of sulphuret, in a great variety of places, and from the facility with which it may be extracted and the permanence of its lustre it became known at a very early period. The principal sources of silver are the mines of South America; in Europe, those of Saxony are the most remarkable. A great deal of silver is also obtained from the ores of lead, the sulphuret of lead being generally accompanied by the sulphuret of silver in small quantity. The native silver of America exists, generally speaking, too finely disseminated to be simply melted out. It is washed out by mercury, this fluid metal dissolving the silver, and being then distilled off, leaves the precious metal behind. A very remarkable process is used to ex- tract the silver from the sulphuret. This ore is roasted in a reverbera- tory furnace with chloride of sodium, by which chloride of silver and sulphuret of sodium are formed, Ag.S and NaCl giving AgCl and NaS. This last is washed out, and then the chloride of silver being put into barrels with some water, pieces of iron, and mercury, the iron decom- poses the chloride of silver, forming chloride of iron and setting the silver free, which dissolves in the mercury forming a fluid amalgam ; this is strained through leather bags, by which a great part of the mer- cury passes off, and a pulpy mass of amalgam of silver is obtained, which is then submitted to distillation, by which the mercury is sepa- rated and the silver remains pure. The method of extraction of the silver which accompanies the lead, in galena, is founded on the greater rapidity with which lead combines with oxygen. In the smelting of the ore the silver is reduced with the lead, and the resulting impure metal is melted in a shallow porous dish made of bone ashes, and when at a full red heat a current of air is urged across it from powerful bellows, The lead becomes converted into litharge, as described in p. 558, and new coatings of oxide of lead succeed one another upon the surface, until the whole quantity of that metal has been removed. When the silver remains pure, the surface becomes suddenly brilliant, and the completion of the work is known Extraction of Silver from its Ores. 565 bj the metal thus flashing or tightening, as it is technically termed. This is the process of cupellation. The porous bone earth capsule, or cupel, absorbs a great deal of the litharge, and the rest is blown away from the surface, as it forms, by the blast of air, and is collected in the front of the furnace. This process has been - remarkably shortened by the discovery that the quantity of silver may be concentrated, in a comparatively small quantity of lead, by crystallization. The silver is not diffused uniformly through all the lead, but combined in atomic proportions with a certain quantity of it, forming an alloy which is then mixed with the excess of lead. This alloy is more fusible than lead, so that when a large basin of lead, containing a small quantity of silver, is melted and allowed to cool very slowly, so as to crystallize, the portions which first solidify are pure lead, and these being removed with iron colanders, all the silver remains in the mother liquor. The process must be stopped, however, before this begins to congeal. By a succession of crystallization of this sort the great excess of lead is gradually got rid of, and the quantity to be oxidized at the cupel diminished in a corresponding degree. The silver of commerce is never pure, and, hence, for chemical pur- poses must be freed from the metals, generally copper, associated with it. For this purpose it is dissolved in nitric acid, and its solution pre- cipitated by common salt. Chloride of silver separates, which is then reduced by any of the methods described in p. 469. Another very convenient mode of reducing silver from the chloride is to boil it with solution of sugar and caustic potash. The silver separates as a powder ; chloride of potassium being formed. The method of assaying may also be used to obtain pure silver. The impure silver is melted with from four to eight times its weight of lead, and this alloy cupelled as already detailed ; the lead is not only itself oxidized, but the other metals present, which would not otherwise separate, are converted into oxides, which pass off with the oxide of lead. It is in this way that the standard alloys of silver, for coinage and plate, are verified at the mint and other offices. Silver, when completely pure, is very brilliant, it is the whitest of the metals and takes a fine polish. It is very ductile and malleable. Its sp. gr. is 10'5, it fuses at 1873. It is not altered by air or water, but when kept melted for a considerable time, it absorbs oxygen, which it appears to hold rather dissolved than combined, for, on solidifying, it discharges this oxygen, by which the surface is thrown into irregular granulations. The quantity of oxygen may be so great as twenty times the volume of the metal. Silver is very soft. It is hence necessary, in coin, and in articles for 566 Properties of Silver. domestic use, to add a certain quantity of copper, to render it less liable to deterioration from use or in being cleaned. When silver is exposed to the air it gradually tarnishes, which is due not to the formation of oxide but of sulphuret, the air always containing traces of sulphuretted hydrogen, derived from organic bodies. It is not acted on by sulphuric or muriatic acid, but is rapidly dissolved by nitric acid, with evolution of nitric oxide gas. Silver combines with oxygen in three proportions, forming oxides, of which only one, the protoxide, is well known. The equivalent of silver is 1350 or 108, and its symbol is Ag, from the Latin name. Protoxide of Silver. AgO. Equivalent 1450 or 116. May be prepared by adding caustic potash, or lime water, to a solution of nitrate of silver. A brown powder is thrown down, which may be dried at a gentle heat without alteration. It then becomes very dark. When heated strongly, it is decomposed into oxygen and metallic silver, and this takes place at ordinary temperatures, if it be in contact with organic matter. The oxide of silver may be prepared in a very dense form as a black powder, by boiling recently precipitated and moist chloride of silver with a very strong solution of caustic potash. The oxide of silver neutralizes the strongest acids, as the sulphuric and nitric, and forms well characterized salts. It is not acted on by the fixed alcalies, but with ammonia it gives fulminating silver, one of a series of bodies to be hereafter examined. When citrate of silver is heated to 212, in a current of hydrogen gas, the metal is not reduced, as should have occurred with the pure oxide, but one-half of the oxy- gen is removed, and the citric acid remains combined with the suloxide of silver, Ag 2 O. This salt dissolves in water, the solution being brown, and giving a brown precipitate of suboxide and potash. When the solution of this salt is heated, it becomes colourless, contains a salt of the protoxide, and metallic silver separates. Some other silver salts of organic acids give the same result with hydrogen gas. When a solution of nitrate of silver is decomposed by the battery, a substance is depo- sited upon the positive electrode in needles, sometimes half an inch long. These are resolved by sulphuric acid into protoxide of silver and oxygen, and give, with muriatic acid, chloride of silver and free chlo- rine. They are, therefore, crystals of the peroxide of silver, probably Ag0 2 . Although silver does not combine with oxygen directly, yet when it is heated in contact with glass it stains this of a deep yellow orange colour, being converted into oxide. Sulphuret of Silver. Equivalent 1550 or 124*0, exists native pure, and also in combination with other metallic sulplmrets, particularly Detection of Silver. 567 those of lead, antimony, copper, and arsenic, forming a variety of mine- rals. It is the most common ore of silver. It may be formed artifi- cially by fusing together sulphur and silver, the excess of sulphur being expelled by the heat. Silver has, indeed, a remarkable affinity for sul- phur, so that it even decomposes sulphuretted hydrogen, and hence arises the tarnishing of silver when exposed to the atmosphere. An exceedingly delicate test for silver in a solid body consists in igniting a minute fragment of it on charcoal, in the reducing flame of the blow- pipe ; the fused globule is to be then laid on a bright surface of silver, as on a clean shilling, and moistened ; if there be a trace of sulphur in the substance, a black or olive spot will form on the silver where it is moistened The sulphuret of silver may be formed also in the wet way, by adding sulphuretted hydrogen, or hydrosulphuret of ammonia to a solution of a salt of silver. It forms as a black powder, which is not soluble in an excess of the precipitant. This sulphuret is a powerful sulphur base, and in its native forms, is generally combined with negative metallic sulphurets. The detection of silver is very easy ; from the facility with which its oxide is reduced to the metallic state, its solutions are precipitated by the sulphites, by protosulphate of iron, and by protochloride of tin, the silver being reduced. A solution of common salt, or muriatic acid, gives a white curdy precipitate of chloride of silver, which is insoluble in water and in acids, but dissolves in water of ammonia ; when exposed to light in contact with organic matter, the chloride of silver becomes tinged violet or black, owing to the formation of a subchloride ; on this is founded its application in photography, described p. 224. The solu- tions of silver give, with iodide of potassium, a canary-yellow precipitate insoluble in ammonia, and with sulphuretted hydrogen, a deep brown sulphuret of silver. The uses of silver are well known ; its advantages as a medium of exchange depend on the steadiness of the quantity of it brought into commerce, which prevents great changes in its value, and on its not being corroded or worn down by ordinary agents. In a pure state, it would, however, be too soft to be used as coin, and is hence hardened by being alloyed, in the proportions of 222 parts to 18 of copper; this is the standard silver of the mint ; the silver used for the purposes of luxury, contain a greater, but a variable quantity of copper. OF MEECURY, OR QUICKSILVER. Symbol. Hg. Eq. 100 or 1250. From the remarkable properties of this metal, and its occurring in the metallic state in nature, it has attracted much attention, from the 568 State of Mercury in Nature. earliest ages, and formed the object of the most elaborate inquiries of the older chemists. Its volatility and the variety of its compounds, made it enter into the theories of that period as an important element, and hence there is perhaps no metal concerning which so much valua- ble knowledge was obtained in the infancy of chemistry. Mercury is found native, and also combined with gold and silver, but its most abundant ore is the native sulphuret, cinnabar ; from this it is extracted by one or other of* two processes. The first consists in distilling the ore with lime, or with iron in small pieces ; in the first case, Hg.S and CaO produce Ca.S, whilst Hg. and pass off, the tem- perature being too high to allow of the formation of oxide of mercury ; in the second case Hg.S and Fe produce Fe.S and Hg ; this process is carried on in long furnaces, wherein are arranged numbers of earthen or iron retorts having adapted to them receivers, in which the mercurial vapours condense. The other plan, which is that now adopted in the best arranged works, consist of a kiln, like that in which the pyrites is roasted for the manufacture of oil of vitriol ; below, there is a grate on which is lighted a fire of brushwood, over this is a light arch of fire- brick, with numerous perforations, and on this is arranged the cinnabar, the poorest kinds being placed below, until the kiln is filled nearly to the orifice of the chimney which passes off at the side ; the fire commu- nicating to the ore, the sulphur contained in it burns, and the mercury is set free ; HgS and 20 producing S0 2 and Hg. The kiln is so hot, that the metal is completely volatilized, and the mixed vapour of mercury and sulphurous acid gas are carried by the draughts into the chimney, which leads into a wide chamber of brick-work, the sides of which are hung with leather ; on these the mercury condenses in drops which gradually flow down and collect on the floor, whilst the sulphurous acid gas passes away by a small chimney at the farther end, by means of which the continuous combustion of the ore is sustained ; at certain periods, an aperture in the side of this chamber is opened, and the mer- cury which had collected is withdrawn. The mercury is sent into commerce in iron bottles, but generally in a very impure state; it being intentionally adulterated with the alloy of tin, lead, and bismuth, already noticed, page 563, of which it can dis- solve large quantities. It may be purified by distillation, or by being left for some time in contact with dilute nitric acid. The mercury having less affinity for oxygen than any of the other metals present, is the last to dissolve, and as soon as the liquor is found to contain mercury, the metal remaining may be looked upon as pure. A mode of purification which has been found very useful consists in digesting the impure mercury with an acid solution of perchloride of Properties of Mercury. 569 iron. The more easily oxidized metals are converted into chlorides, and a small part of the quicksilver into calomel : the perchloride of iron being reduced to the state of protochloride. On washing and straining the mass previously warmed the mercury is obtained quite pure. Mercury is distinguished by being liquid at ordinary temperatures ; this, together with its resemblance to silver in brilliancy, is the origin of its various names, hydrargyrum, (vduo aeyvpsov,) quicksilver, argentum vivum. If pure it is not tarnished by exposure to the air, but in damp air its impurities become oxidized very rapidly, in consequence of a complete galvanic circuit being formed with the mercury and other metals present. At 39 it becomes solid, and crystallizes in octohe- drons ; it then contracts very much ; its sp. gr. being 13'5 when liquid, and 14'0 when solid. At 662 it boils and forms a colourless vapour, the sp. gr. of which is 6978. At and just below its boiling point, it absorbs oxygen from the air, forming oxide, which at a red heat is again decomposed. Mercury is not acted on at common temperatures by sulphuric or muriatic acid ; nitric acid oxidizes it rapidly, the nature of the product varying with the circumstances. Boiling oil of vitriol is decomposed by mercury, sulphurous acid being evolved and oxide of mercury pro- duced. There are two oxides of mercury, a suboxide and a protoxide. The symbol of mercury is Hg, from its Latin name, and its equivalent is 1250 or 100. Suboxide of Mercury. Hg 2 O. Equivalent 2600 or 208. This oxide is the basis of many important preparations, and is best prepared by decomposing calomel (subchloride of mercury) by a solution of potash. The calomel being insoluble, the action must be favoured by mixing the two together well by agitation in a mortar ; a black powder is produced, which must be dried in the dark, and by a very gentle heat. In this process, Hg 2 Cl and KO, produce K.C1 and Hg 2 0. Lime water may be used in place of potash. When this suboxide, or as it is often called, black oxide of mercury, is heated, it is resolved into metallic mercury, and the protoxide, and this change occurs slowly at ordinary temperatures, if it be exposed to the light. This oxide com- bines with acids and forms well characterized salts. Protoxide of Mercury. HgO. Equivalent 1350 or 108. May be prepared in a variety of ways : 1st, By exposing mercury for a long time to the action of the air, at a temperature just below its boiling point, it is gradually converted into small deep red crystals of this oxide ; in this state it was the red precipitate per se of the older chemists. 2nd. By heating crystals of nitrate of mercury until all the water and nitric acid have been expelled, the oxide remaining, is 570 Siilphurets of Mercury. a crystalline powder of an orange-red colour, the red precipitate by nitric acid. 3rd. When a solution of chloride of mercury (corrosive sublimate) is decomposed by caustic potash or lime water, HgCl and KO produce KC1 and HgO. It is thus obtained as a canary -yellow powder, which, however, when heated, becomes deeper coloured. The red precipitate also when finely divided assumes the same yellow tint. This oxide of mercury is slightly soluble in water. The solution browns turmeric paper slightly, and restores the blue colour of reddened litmus. It combines with acids, forming a numerous and important class of salts. At a full red heat it is totally redissolved into mercury and oxygen, as described fully in page 333. It changes its colour remarkably with the temperature, becoming nearly black when very hot. The differences between the yellow and the red forms of the oxide of mercury, obtained by precipitation or by heating the nitrate, extend beyond the mere colour or aggregation, and indicate specific allotropic states. Thus, the yellow form at once combines with oxalic acid, form- ing a colourless salt : a solution of chloride of mercury in alcohol changes the yellow oxide into black oxy chloride, but does not alter the red oxide. By heat, however, the yellow passes into the red condition. SubsulpJmret of Mercury, Hg 2 S, may be prepared by decomposing any salt of the suboxide by hydrosulphuret of ammonia. It is a black powder, which, on the application of heat, is decomposed into the pro- tosulphuret and metallic mercury. Protosulphuret of Mercury, HgS. Equivalent 1450 or 116, consti- tutes the native cinnabar, the usual ore of quicksilver. It may be pre- pared artificially by fusing sulphur in a crucible, and adding thereto six times its weight of mercury ; they combine with the evolution of consi- derable heat. The mass must be stirred frequently to favour their union, and covered in order to prevent the sulphur from burning away. In this state it is black, but when sublimed at a red heat in glass ves- sels, it becomes deep red, constituting factitious cinnabar, and this, when levigated, and exposed to strong light, in flat dishes covered with a thin layer of water, gradually assumes a very brilliant colour, and forms the pigment vermilion. This sulphuret may also be prepared by adding to a solution of corrosive sublimate an excess of hydrosulphuret of ammonia, or sulphuret of hydrogen ; it is a dense black powder. It may, however, be obtained red, but not so bright as vermilion, in the wet way, by digesting white precipitate (chloramide of mercury) with hydrosulphuret of ammonia, to which an excess of sulphur has been added. The sulphuret of mercury forms at first black, but after some Detection of Mercury. 571 time becomes red, which colour may be brightened by the action of a warm solution of caustic potash. The phosphurets and seleniurets of mercury are of no importance. The presence of mercury in solution is very easily ascertained. By the immersion of a clean slip of copper, the mercury is precipitated in the metallic state, as a grey powder on the surface of the copper. With a magnifying glass, this is found to consist of minute but brilliant glo- bules, and the surface becomes brilliant when rubbed. Protochloride of tin and phosphorous acid also precipitate the mercury in the metallic state, which by boiling aggregates into larger globules, easily collected and recognized. Any solid body containing mercury gives, when ignited in a tube of hard glass, particularly on the addition of a little carbonate of potash, a sublimate of metallic mercury, which, if in very small quantity, appears only as a ring of grey powder, but is found to consist of brilliant globules, when inspected with a lens. The two classes of salts which quicksilver forms are very distinctly characterized by their behaviour to re-agents. The salts of the suboxide give with the caustic alcalies black or grey precipitates. Sulphuretted hydrogen produces the black sulphuret. Solution of chloride of sodium gives a white precipitate, which is calomel, and the bichromate of potash produces an orange chromate of the suboxide. The salts of the red oxide are precipitated, yellowish by an excess of caustic potash, and white by ammonia ; with sulphuretted hydrogen in excess, a black precipitate of protosulphuret ; and with iodide of potas- sium, a red precipitate, which is redissolved in an excess. In many cases, the appearance of these precipitates varies with the nature of the acid with which the oxide of mercury had been combined, but in all cases ammonia gives a black precipitate with the salts of the suboxide, and a white precipitate with those of the red oxide, in the cold. There is a class of pharmaceutical preparations obtained by triturating mercury with other inactive substances. In these the mercury is only reduced to a state of very minute division ; it is not oxidized. By tri- turating mercury with sulphur, however, a certain quantity of sulphuret is formed, although the great mass of the metal, and of the sulphur, re- mains uncombined. OF GOLD. Symbol. Au. Eq. 196'6 or 2458. This valuable metal is found only in the metallic state, either pure or alloyed with other metals, particularly silver, tellurium, and mercury ; 572 Extraction and Properties of Gold. the rocks in which it is found distributed are generally those of igneous origin, but the greater part of the gold of commerce is obtained by washing the sands of the rivers which have their source in such moun- tains, the particles of metal being carried down with the detritus of the rock, and, from their greater density, being deposited first when the sand is washed ; any fragments large enough to be visible are separated by the hand, but the remainder is dissolved out by a process of amalga- mation, similar to that described, p. 564, for the extraction of native silver. When the gold is alloyed with silver they are separated by means of nitric acid, which dissolves the latter metal, but if the quantity present be small, the gold protects it from the action of the acid, and a process termed quartation is employed ; this consists in alloying the gold with three times its weight of silver, and then acting on the mass with nitric acid ; when the solution of the silver has once commenced it does not cease until the entire quantity present has been removed. Pure gold is yellow, very malleable and ductile, and nearly as soft as lead ; hence for the purposes of commerce and of the coinage, it is alloyed with a quantity of copper, amounting to 83 in 1000. Instances of the exceeding degree of division to which this metal may be reduced, have been given, p. 5. Gold has no tendency to combine with oxygen or sulphur, and hence retains its brilliancy in the open air for any length of time. It melts at 2016 ; its density is 19 '5 ; it is not acted on by any single acid, but is dissolved by nitro-muriatic acid, and by a mixture of nitric and hydrofluoric acids. The symbol of gold is Au, from its Latin name, and its equivalent numbers 2458 or 196-6 There are two oxides of gold obtained by the decomposition of the corresponding chlorides, which will be hereafter described. The pro- toxide of gold, AuO, is a powder of a violet colour, so dark that it appears quite black : it does not combine with acids, but dissolves in solution of caustic potash and soon separates into the higher oxide and metallic gold. The peroxide of gold, auric acid, Au0 2 , is easily pre- pared by decomposing perchloride of gold by an excess of magnesia ; chloride of magnesium dissolves, and an insoluble aurate of magnesia remains ; this is to be then digested in cold dilute nitric acid which dissolves out the magnesia with a little auric acid, but leaves the greater part of this last behind as a reddish hydrate, which, when dried in the air, becomes brown, and at 212 gives off water and remains black. This substance does not combine with any acid ; by muriatic acid it is decomposed, perchloride of gold being formed ; it combines with alca- lies strongly, so that the precipitate given by a solution of gold, with a caustic alcali, is always a compound of auric acid with the base ; there Properties and detection of Gold. 573 are soluble and insoluble aurates, but their atomic constitution has not been studied. Solutions of auric acid, and even that body in powder, are decomposed rapidly on exposure to the light ; metallic gold being separated. Owing to the extensive employment of an alcaline solution of this oxide of gold or auric acid, instead of cyanide of gold, for the processes ot electro-gilding, its preparation has become of importance, and the following process is much more advantageous than the older one above given. One part of gold is to be dissolved in four of nitro-muriatic acid, the liquor evaporated to dryness, and then redissolved in water, which leaves behind a little metallic gold and some protochloride. The solution thus obtained is to be mixed with pure potash until it has a strongly alcaline reaction ; it becomes turbid and is then to be gradually mixed with solution of chloride of barium : a canary yellow precipitate of aurate of barytes is immediately formed. By some care the whole of the gold can be precipitated and the solution left colourless, but an excess of barytes should be avoided. The aurate of barytes is to be very well washed with water, and is to be then decomposed by boiling with dilute nitric acid which sets the auric acid free, and takes the barytes. The auric acid thus obtained must be dried with extreme care, as even the temperature of a water bath decomposes some of it reducing the gold : it is best dried in vacuo over sulphuric acid. The wash liquors of the precipitates always contain some gold which may be re- covered by appropriate means. Gold is deposited from its solutions, by means of any of the deoxi- dizing agents, noticed under silver and mercury. Protosulphate of iron gives a brown powder, which, under the burnisher, assumes the colour and brilliancy of the metal ; protochloride of tin produces a fine purple precipitate, the purple of Cassius, which is not metallic gold, but it appears to be a compound of oxide of tin and protoxide of gold, for it is perfectly soluble in water of ammonia, and mercury digested on it does not dissolve out any metallic gold. It is hydrated. It is disputed whether it contains the sesquioxide or the peroxide of tin only. The formula AuO + 3Sn0 2 + 4HO. has been given for it, but Berzelius prefers AuO. SnO 2 + Sn 2 O 3 + 4HO. Various processes are given for preparing this substance, which it is not easy to obtain of the pro- per depth and purity of colour ; when exposed to a red heat, it is changed into a mixture of peroxide of tin and metallic gold, but its purple colour remains ; it is hence employed for painting on glass and porcelain. "When metallic gold is heated on the surface of glass, it appears to become oxidized, and in that state to combine with the glass, staining it a rich purple colour. This colour is due apparently to the 574 Properties of Palladium. protoxide which exists in the purple of cassius. Por if the glass be melted with full access of air it becomes colourless, whilst the colour is also removed by deoxidizing agents. The gold appears, therefore, to produce colour only in the intermediate state of prot oxidation. Sulphur and gold combine to form sulphurets similar in constitution to the oxides ; they are produced by decomposing the corresponding chlorides by sulphuretted hydrogen ; they are brown powders, which are strong sulphur acids, and dissolve in hydrosulphuret of ammonia. The uses of gold are well known. The commercial value of its alloys is ascertained, either by cupellation, p. 564, by quartation, p. 572, or by the touchstone, which is a variety of flinty slate (lydian stone), or basalt, of an uniform black colour. A streak is drawn on the surface of the stone with the piece of gold to be tried, and this is compared with those given by a series of alloys, the composition of which is known, until one is found identical in aspect with it, which must result from the two being of the same degree of purity. In these trials it is necessary, however, to know beforehand whether the alloy is silver or copper, or whether, as frequently occurs, both be present. OF PALLADIUM. This metal is found associated with platinum, but seldom constitutes more than one per cent, of the ore. After the platinum has been pre- cipitated from the solution in aqua-regia, by means of sal-ammoniac, cyanide of mercury is added by which all the palladium is thrown down as cyanide; this, when ignited, is totally decomposed and metallic palladium remains. The general characters of palladium are very similar to those of platinum ; it is white, almost infusible, but admits of being welded ; it is malleable and ductile ; specific gravity, 11'5. When heated below ignition, its surface becomes blue and green from the formation of a thin layer of sub-oxide, but by a stronger heat this is reduced and the metal becomes bright. Palladium is not sensibly acted on by muriatic or sulphuric acid, but it dissolves in nitric acid with facility. The symbol of palladium is Pd, and its atomic weight 665'9 or 53'4. There are three oxides of palladium, of which only one, the protoxide PdO, equivalent 7 65 -9 or 61 -4, has been as yet studied with much care ; this oxide is formed when palladium dissolves in nitric acid, and is obtained as a black powder when the nitrate is decomposed at a temperature below redness ; by the addition of potash to a salt of pal- ladium, this oxide is thrown down, hydrated, as a brown powder. If the protoxide of palladium be exposed to a dull red heat, it parts with State of Platinum in Nature. 575 half its oxygen, and a suboxide Pd 2 O is produced, which gives a series of salts, resembling in general characters those of the suboxide of copper. By decomposing the bichloride of palladium with carbonate of pot- ash, the deutoxide Pd0 2 is obtained as a yellowish brown powder ; it appears to combine both with acids and alcalies, but of its properties very little is known. There are sulphurets of palladium, which correspond to the oxides, but further than that they are brown powders, generated by the action of sulphuret of hydrogen on the respective chlorides, they have not been much examined. Palladium in solution, is at once recognized by giving with ammonia a flesh-red precipitate, which dissolves in an excess, giving a colourless solution ; with cyanide of mercury it produces a whitish precipitate, and with iodide of potassium, a black powder. OF PLATINUM. Platinum was originally discovered in the sands of some South Ame- rican rivers, and from its similarity to silver (plata) obtained the name of platina (little silver.) It has since been found more abundantly in the mountains of the Oural, which separate European from Asiatic Russia. The supply of platinum has increased so much lately, that a coinage of it, issued some years ago by the Eussian government, was obliged to be recalled, from the rapid diminution in value which it underwent. The platinum exists native, but is associated with a great number of metals, particularly five, remarkable for not being found except along with it. The grains of metal are disseminated in rocks of igneous origin, (granite, syenite) and in the sands of rivers which flow over them. The processes for the extraction of platinum from the crude ore are very complex, and the working of it has become a branch of manu- facture, the chemist always obtaining the pure metal in commerce, and its details need not be inserted. Pure platinum is white like silver, but not so brilliant. It is the densest of all bodies, its sp. gr. being 21*5. It is very malleable and ductile. It is infusible except by the hydroxygen blow-pipe, but at a high temperature may be welded like iron, and thus worked into the various forms in which it is employed in the chemical arts. Platinum may also exist in a state of minute division, and thereby becomes useful in many operations, particularly those of slow combustion, as noticed in pp. 229, 237, 344. The finely divided platinum is of two kinds, 576 Different forms of Platinum. spongy platinum and platinum-black. The former is prepared by dis- solving chloride of platinum and sal-ammoniac separately in alcohol, and mixing the solutions; the double chloride of platinum and ammon- ium is thus produced, as a fine yellow powder, which, whilst yet moist, is to be made into balls like peas, and heated to full redness. The chlorine is all carried off by the hydrogen of the ammonia, and the platinum remains as a light grey sponge, in the form of the little balls ; it is this kind of platinum that is used in the aphlogistic lamp, in the eudiometer, and for other purposes already noticed. The platinum- black may be obtained either by precipitating a solution of bichloride of platinum with zinc, and boiling the precipitate in muriatic acid for a few minutes ; or better, by dissolving protochloride of platinum in a boiling solution of potash, and of adding thereto alcohol, in small quantities at a time, until all effervescence ceases ; a jet black precipi- tate is produced, which is to be boiled successively with alcohol, mu- riatic acid, and potash, and, finally, four or five times in water. The substance thus obtained is pure metallic platinum, but it is a dull black power. It absorbs oxygen in considerable quantity, and hence when brought into an atmosphere of any inflammable vapour it facilitates the combination of the two with remarkable energy. Doebereiner terms it an oxyphorus from this property. Many interesting reactions in organic chemistry succeed only by the aid of this platinum-black. Platinum has no tendency to combine with the oxygen of the air, but it is oxidized slightly when nitre or even potash is fused in contact with it. It resists the action of all acids except the nitro-muriatic acid and the nitro-hydrofluoric acids, and in these it dissolves more slowly than gold. The symbol of platinum is PL Its equivalent is 1233'5 or 98*8. By the decomposition of the chlorides of platinum, two oxides of it are obtained. Protoxide of Platinum. PtO. Equivalent 1333-5 or 106'8. Is produced by digesting the protochloride with as much potash as exactly suffices it for its decomposition. An excess of potash dissolves it, forming a dark olive liquor. When pure it is a black powder, easily decomposed by heat into platinum and oxygen. It combines with acids forming salts, which have been as yet but little studied. Deutoxide of Platinum. Pt0 2 . Equivalent 1433*5 or 114'8. This substance has a remarkable tendency to combine with bases, and hence cannot be obtained pure by the direct decomposition of the chloride, as it carries down with it, always, a quantity of the alcali employed, if this be in excess, and if it be not, then only a basic chloride is obtained. The nitrate of platinum, however, when decomposed by soda, yields Detection of Platinum. 577 one-half of the oxide of platinum, pure, but hydrated, forming a brown powder like the peroxide of iron ; when anhydrous it is black ; by heat it is resolved into oxygen and platinum. This oxide appears to form two kinds of salts, one with acids, in which it is the base, and the other with alcalies and earths, in which it is the acid. In another place I shall notice them further. There are two sulphurets of platinum corresponding to the two oxides. The first Pt.S. is produced by digesting the protochloride with sulphuret of hydrogen. It is a deep brown powder, decomposed by a red heat, but not otherwise interesting. The bisulphuret, PtS 2 , is pro- duced in a similar way by adding sulphuret of hydrogen to a solution of bichloride of platinum. It is a brown powder, which absorbs oxygen rapidly even in drying, and becomes acid. By nitric acid it is converted with intense action into sulphate of platinum. Phosphurets and seleniurets of platinum have been, formed, but they are not important. The detection of platinum is effected easily by precipitating its solu- tion by a slip of zinc, when a black powder separates, soluble only in aqua regia, and then giving with re-agents the following results. A solution of sal-ammoniac in alcohol gives a fine yellow crystalline pre- cipitate ; a solution of iodide of potassium a black precipitate, which dissolves in an excess producing a rich crimson solution ; with sulphuret of hydrogen the brown bisulphuret of platinum, and with proto- chloride of tin, a chocolate precipitate or a deep reddish solution, accord- ing to the quantity present. The action of this last re-agent is founded on the reduction of the bichloride of platinum to the state of protochloride by the first portion of protochloride of tin employed. This test acts, therefore, also with solutions of the protoxide of platinum, and the metal may be also known to be in the state of protoxide, when, on the application of iodide of potassium in excess, the liquor is not coloured red, but be- comes so on the addition of a drop of nitric acid or chlorine water. The great use of platinum is for the manufacture of the large boilers used in the concentration of oil of vitriol ; it is also universally em- ployed as the material for the crucibles used in the more delicate opera- tions of mineral analysis. Indeed the accuracy now attained in that department of research, is in a great part due to the introduction of platinum vessels into the laboratory ; it is also occasionally used in enamelling on glass and porcelain. OF IKIDIUM, RHODIUM AND RUTHENIUM. These metals are, like palladium and osmium, found only associated 37 578 Iridium and its Compounds. with platinum, and are extracted from the crude ore already noticed ; the iridium and osmium are, however, united, forming an alloy, the crystalline grains of which are merely mixed with the particles of the platinum ore in which the rhodium and palladium are contained ; when the platinum ore is dissolved in aqua regia, the iridium and osmium ore remains undissolved, and requires to be treated by fusion with caustic potash, the iridium then becomes oxidized and combines with the alcali. The processes of purification need not be inserted. Metallic iridium resembles platinum, but is still more infusible ; when fused by the voltaic battery, it is white and very brilliant ; specific gra- vity 18-68 ; after being strongly heated, it is insoluble in acids, but when obtained in the spongy form by the reduction of its oxides by hydrogen at a red heat, it becomes slightly oxidized and is soluble in aqua-regia. Iridium combines with oxygen in four proportions, its symbol is Ir, and its equivalent 1233 5 or 98*8, the same as that of platinum. Protoxide of Iridium. IrO, is obtained by decomposing the proto- chloride by carbonate of potash ; it appears as a greenish-grey hydrate. This oxide combines with acids. The sesquioxide, Ir 2 3 , is that formed when the metal is ignited with potash ; it is a bluish-black powder, and is the most permanent of the oxides ; it is not decomposed except at a heat above the melting point of silver, whereas the higher and lower degrees pass into it on the application of heat. This oxide unites with acids, giving dark blood-red coloured salts. The deutoxide of iridium, IrO-2, exists combined with acids, but has not been isolated. Thej^er- oxide, Ir0 3 , is formed in small quantity when iridium is ignited with nitre, but is best prepared by the decomposition of the perchloride. Solutions containing salts of the protoxide and of the peroxide toge- ther, present a great variety of shades of purple and blue, and hence gave origin to the name of the metal (Iris). Rhodium. This metal remains dissolved in the nitro-muriatic solu- tion of the platinum ore after the platinum and palladium have been separated from it ; for the mode of eliminating it from the many metals which still remain, I refer to the systematic works. Metallic rhodium is obtained by the decomposition of its chloride at a red heat by hydrogen gas ; when rendered coherent by pressure it is white, but very brittle and hard ; sp. gr. about 11*0. If completely pure, it is not acted on even by aqua-regia, but it illustrates remarkably the principle of communicated affinity described, p. 232, for when alloyed with copper, lead, or platina, it dissolves along with the other metal in aqua-regia. Rhodium derives its name from the beautiful rose (godog) colour of its solutions ; it combines with oxygen in two propor- tions; its symbol is R, and its equivalent 661'4 or 52'2. Rhodium and Ruthenium. 579 Of ike protoxide of rhodium, it is only known that it exists in cer- tain salts that have been but little examined ; the sesquioxide, R 2 O 3 , is the basis of the most important compounds of this metal. It is pre- pared by igniting metallic rhodium with a mixture of caustic potash and nitre ; a brown mass is formed, which, when decomposed by mu- riatic acid, yields the oxide as a grey hydrate, insoluble in acids. Berzelius is of opinion, that there are two isomeric forms of this oxide, the salts of one being yellow in solution, and those of the other being rose-coloured. There are supposed to exist also, complex oxides of rhodium, resembling, probably, the complex oxides of iron and man- ganese, The equivalent of rhodium is so nearly equal to that of palla- dium, that some relations might be expected in the constitution of their combinations, which as yet does not appear to have been experimentally investigated. Ruthenium. This is a metal recently discovered by Glaus among the residues of the treatment of platinum ores, combined with osmium and iridium. The material is mixed with common salt, and treated by a current of chlorine ; the product dissolved in water and precipitated by ammonia. On distilling this precipitate with nitric acid, osmic acid is given off, and the residue in the retort is to be mixed with nitre and caustic potash and fused in a silver crucible. The fused mass is dis- solved in cold water and left to clear ; a beautiful orange-coloured solu- tion of rutheniate of potash is produced, which, when neutralized by nitric acid, is decomposed, sets free oxygen, and deposits a velvety- black precipitate of- sesquioxide of ruthenium, from which the metal is reduced by the action of a current of hydrogen gas at a red heat. In the metallic state, ruthenium closely resembles iridium ; its sp. gr. is 8*6. With oxygen it combines in four proportions. The pro- toxide, Eu.O. is obtained by igniting protochloride of ruthenium with carbonate of soda in a current of carbonic acid gas; it is a black powder. When heated in contact with air it absorbs oxygen. The sesquioxide may be obtained anhydrous by calcining the metal or the protoxide, or hydrated by decomposing the sesquichloride by alcalies ; in both states it is a black powder, which is insoluble in alcalies. It is formed by the decomposition of ruthenic acid in the mode of extracting the metal described above. Peroxide of Ruthenium. RuO 2 , is produced by roasting the persul- phuret, KuS 2 , in a current of air ; it is a blackish-blue powder. It is precipitated as a hydrate by evaporating together solutions of carbonate of soda and of the double bichloride of ruthenium and potassium. In this state, however, it retains alcali combined. Ruthenic Acid. Ru0 3 . Has not been isolated, but is formed by 580 General Characters of Salts. igniting the oxides with nitre and potash. Riitheniate of potash is formed, which dissolves in water with a rich orange colour. If set free by an acid, it rapidly decomposes into sesquioxide of ruthenium and free oxygen. The Sulphurets of Ruthenium are of no importance ; its salts, except the chlorides, have not yet been much studied. Its characteristic re- actions are evident from what has been above described. CHAPTER XIY. ON THE GENERAL PROPERTIES AND CONSTITUTION OF SALTS. THE bodies included under the name of salts, may be arranged in two classes, characterized by a remarkable difference of chemical constitu- tion ; the first comprehends such as are formed "by the union of a simple body of the chlorine family, with a metal, thus chloride of so- dium, iodide of potassium, bromide of iron, fluoride of calcium, are of this kind. The salts of the second class, on the contrary, are formed by the union of substances already compound, and possessed of those opposite properties, by which one is determined to be an acid and the other a base. The general characters of acids and bases, and of the salts formed by their union, have been sufficiently described in many places already, (pp. 199, 207, 353,) and need not be here repeated. In general, the acids and basis so engaged contain oxygen as their electro -negative ingredient, but there are classes of salts formed by the union of sulphur acids and sulphur bases, and as noticed in pp. 328 and 389, selenium and tellurium resemble oxygen and sulphur in this re- spect. The history of the metallic compounds in the last chapter affords many cases of the existence of such salts, arid, in the detailed history of the more important salts which will follow, others shall be described ; but there are some points of more general interest touching the salts as a class, the laws of formation to which they are subjected, General Characters of Salts. 581 and the relations between their several subdivisions, which I shall now proceed to notice, as briefly as the subject will admit. I have frequently adverted to the circumstance that the bodies termed hydracids, were in reality not acids but compounds of hydrogen, in which that element acted as a positive metallic constituent, and that when they act on a metallic oxide, double decomposition generally occurs, precisely as when a chloride, or iodide of zinc, or copper, is de- composed by potash or by soda. Thus, Cl.H and K.O produce Cl.K and H.O ; precisely as when Cl.Cu and KO produce C1K and CuO. The chlorides and iodides of hydrogen, although popularly called acids (muriatic and hydriodic acids) are, thus, really salts, and in all their reactions display that constitution. Also when a hydracid is put in contact with a metal, the solution of it is determined altogether by its power of expelling the hydrogen, and of taking its place. Erom C1H and Zn there are produced ClZn, and H becomes free, precisely as chloride of copper, CuCl, is decomposed by zinc, copper being preci- pitated. The hydracids, therefore, do not unite with metallic oxides to form salts, but they decompose them, water being evolved. The hydracids are capable of forming what are termed acid-salts, thus the fluoride of potassium combines with hydrofluoric acid to form an acid compound ; the chloride of hydrogen combines with chloride of gold; but these bodies are really double salts. The compounds of hydrogen, in such combinations, resembling the corresponding com- pounds of zinc, copper, &c., which, under the same circumstances, all form corresponding double salts. I have already described the functions of water, in the hydrates of the ordinary oxygen acids, showing that these are salts of water, subject to the same rules of composition as the ordinary salts of the same acid. When such an acid, as for example, oil of vitriol, S0 3 + HO, acts upon a metallic oxide, the water is displaced, and a salt of the metallic oxide formed. When such a hydrated acid acts on a metal, this may be dis- solved either by substitution for, and displacement of, the hydrogen, as in the ordinary cases of obtaining that gas, or by the direct decom- position of a part of the acid, as in the processes for obtaining sul- phurous acid and nitric oxide, (pp. 341, 375, 390.) Salts may be either neutral, acid, or basic. A salt is neutral wlu'ch does not manifest, in its action on vegetable colours, acid or alcaline properties, and consists generally of one equivalent of acid united to one equivalent of base, this last containing one equivalent of oxygen. The true neutral salts have, therefore, for bases, either suboxides or protoxides. The salts of sesquioxides and deutoxides generally react like acids, except where there is an excess of base. The quantity of 582 General Characters of Salts. acid with which metallic oxides are disposed to unite, in their most neutral salts, is subject to a remarkable proportion, being one equiva- lent for each atom of oxygen which the base contains. Thus, a pro- toxide or suboxide combines with one equivalent of acid. The sulphate of zinc is ZnO.SO 3 ; sulphate of copper CuO.SO 3 ; the subnitrate of mercury Hg 2 O.NO 5 . A sesquioxide unites with three equivalents of acid, as sulphate of alumina, A1 2 O 3 + 3S0 3 . Salts in which this law is observed to hold are generally described as neutral, even though their action on vegetable colours may indicate a preponderance of acid ; and understanding by the word, not the absence or presence of the property of changing turmeric or litmus, but the state in which the characteristic properties of acid and base are most neutralized, the definition of a neu- tral salt may best be, that in which the number of atoms of acid is equal to the number of atoms of oxygen in the base. There are two kinds of add salts ; 1st, those in which the excess of acid is present in its hydrated form ; and 2nd, those in which the dry acid is in excess. These differ remarkably in nature, those of the first class being not really acid salts, but double salts, of which one base is water. Thus, the common bisulphate of potash, of which the formula is KO.S0 3 + HO.S0 3 , is one of a family of double salts, in which sulphate of potash is united to a sulphate of protoxide, as sulphate of copper, of zinc, of iron, or of magnesia. There is thus really no excess of acid. In like manner, the bicarbonate of potash is a double car- bonate of potash and water, KO.C0 2 + HO.C0 2 , to which similar analogies exist. These salts resemble completely the acid salts of the hydracids, described in the beginning of this chapter; KO.S0 3 -f- HO.SO 3 corresponding exactly to K.F. + H.F. It is only the salts which do not contain water, that can be looked upon as having a true excess of acid. Of these, the chromates of potash afford the best examples, in which an atom of potash is com- bined with one, two, or three equivalents of acid, forming KO -f Cr0 3 , KO -f- 2Cr0 3 , and KO + SCrOa. There exists a similar compound of sulphuric acid and potash, which is easily decomposed by water, being changed into the ordinary bisulphate. Basic salts are those in which there is present more than one equi- valent of base for each equivalent of acid ; thus in turbeth mineral there is 3HgO + S0 3 . In basic nitrate of copper, 3CuO + N0 5 .HO ; in basic sulphate of copper, 4CuO + S0 3 + 4HO. It has been thought, that the proportion of base in basic salts bore a simple relation to the quantity of oxygen in the acid, being generally equal to it. This idea was founded on the circumstance, that the early analyses of many basic sulphates gave the proportion of three atoms of base to one of acid ; Acid and Basic Salts. 583 but the basic sulphate of mercury is the only example I have found really to exist of that constitution ; the other sulphates containing always a quantity of metallic oxide, amounting to two, or four, or six equivalents. The first and most remarkable insight into the constitution of basic salts which we obtained, was the principle laid down by Graham, that all salts are really neutral in constitution. The analogies of hydrogen to the magnesian family of metals, and hence of water to the oxides of that class, suggested the idea, that the excess of base should not be considered as actually combined with the acid, but that it replaced the water of crystallization which the neutral salt contains. This view was remarkably supported by the evidence of the basic nitrates, adduced by Graham, and has been extended to the chlorides and sulphates by my own investigations. Thus, nitrate of copper, in its crystallized and neutral condition, is CuO.NO 5 -f- 3HO, and the basic nitrate is formed by HO.NO 5 -f- 3CuO. Comparing these two with the hydrated nitric acid, sp. gr. 1*42, the formulae Nitrate of water, = HO.NO 5 + 3HO. Nitrate of copper, = CuO.NOs + 3HO. Basic nitrate of copper, = HO.NO 5 + 3 CuO. evidently correspond, the only difference being, that in place of oxide of hydrogen, there is oxide of copper substituted, in a proportion con- tinually increasing. Prom these conditions it follows, that with the same acid and base, there may be formed a great variety of basic salts ; for the neutral salt may crystallize with many different proportions of water, and from each there may be one or more basic salts derived, by substitution of metallic oxide. Thus, the sulphate of zinc generally contains eight atoms of base to one of acid, and in its common crys- tallized form these consist of one of oxide of zinc and seven of water ; but in becoming basic, the quantity of oxide of zinc gradually increases, and a series of basic salts is formed, as SO 3 + ZnO 4. 7HO, SO 3 -f- 6ZnO 4. 2HO, SOa-f 4ZnO + 4HO, SO 3 + 8Zn - The salts, consisting of a simple body of the chlorine family, united with a metal, as chloride of sodium, iodide of potassium, &c., and which, from the analogy of common salt, are termed haloid salts, (dx$ and sido$), combine frequently with the oxide of the metal which they contain, and form basic haloid salts. Thus, we have Cu Cl -f 3 Cu O, basic chloride of copper ; HgCl + 3 HgO, basic chloride of mercury ; PbI+2PbO, basic iodide of lead. Such compounds are, however, 584 Constitution of Basic Salts. generally termed oxy chlorides, oxyiodides, fyc. ; they are subjected to precisely the same laws of derivation and constitution as the basic salts of the same metals with ordinary acids. Prom what has been said above, it might be concluded that a neutral salt consisted in all cases of one equivalent of base, united to one of acid, and that wherever the base was present in larger quantity, the salt should necessarily be termed basic ; but an important distinction re- quires to be here laid down. There are three phosphates of silver, which contain respectively one, two, and three atoms of oxide of silver united to one atom of acid ; but we do not consider the first as being neutral, and the others as containing an excess of base, for we find them to arise from the state of the phosphoric acid, which, according as it had been combined with more or less basic water, gives origin to classes of salts, containing one, two, or three equivalents of oxide. The peculiar relations of the phosphoric acid, and of arsenic acid also, to water, and the effect of it on the composition of these salts, have been noticed already in pp. 413 and 535. In addition, therefore, to ordi- nary neutral salts, which are monobasic, or contain an equivalent of base and one of acid ; there are bibasic and tribasic salts, containing respec- tively two and three equivalents of base to one of acid, and yet being neutral ; by which is meant, not that they are without action on test paper, since one tribasic salt may redden litmus, whilst another may brown turmeric paper ; but they are derived from a definite combination of the acid with basic water, and not by the replacement of the water of crystallization by metallic oxide, as in the case of real basic salts. A simple distinction between bibasic and tribasic salts on the one hand, and ordinary basic salts on the other, is, that in the former the different atoms of base may be of different kinds, whilst, in the latter, the metallic oxide replacing the water is all of the same sort. Thus, there is basic sulphate of zinc and basic sulphate of copper, but there could not be a basic sulphate partly of zinc and partly of copper : the sulphuric acid being monobasic. But there is a tribasic phosphate of soda, ammonia, and water ; another of magnesia, ammonia, and water ; others of potash and water. The presence of two or more bases of dif- ferent kinds, thus distinguishing completely the salts of the bibasic and tribasic acids from the ordinary basic salts. These principles, which are now of the highest importance in philo- sophical chemistry, were first applied by Graham to the salts of the phosphoric and arsenic acids, but they have been found to throw light upon some of the most difficult questions in the history of the organic acids, of which a great number have been shown by Liebig to be simi- larly circumstanced. Of Loulle Salts. 585 Double salts are formed by the union of two simple salts. In general both salts contain the same acid, but different bases, and the two bases belong to different natural groups ; as when sulphate of potash com- bines with the sulphates of the protoxides of the metals of the second isomorphous group, replacing therein the atom of constitutional water which they all contain. Thus, ordinary sulphate of zinc, ZnO.SO 3 .HO + 6aq. gives with KO.S0 3 the double salt (ZnO.SO 3 +KO.S0 3 ) +6aq ; and sulphate of copper, CuO.S0 3 .HO + 4aq. gives (CuO.SO 3 +KO.SO 3 ) + 4aq. The sulphate of potash combines also with the sesquioxides of the third isomorphous group, such as alumina, and gives origin to the various kinds of alums. Similar classes of salts are formed by the union of the other alcaline sulphates with the sulphates of the second and third isomorphous groups. The salts of isomorphous bases with the same acid do not appear capable of combining, so as to produce salts; but in crystallizing are mechanically mixed (p. 31). This rule, however, is not without exception, as the constant composition of the magnesian limestone CaO.CO^j+MgO.COg, indicates that its elements are chemically united. Salts of different acids, with the same base, may combine to form double salts, as the oxalate and nitrate of lead ; and there are examples, though few, of a double salt containing two acids and bases. The relations of salts to water have been fully discussed, under the heads of solution and crystallization (p. 20, et seq.), and of the chemi- cal properties of water (p. 352), to which it is sufficient to refer. The haloid salts combine together to form double salts, as the double chloride of gold and sodium, the double chloride of copper and potas- sium, and conform therein to the same general principles that have been just described for the oxygen salts. It has been always mentioned, that when muriatic acid acts on a metallic oxide, water is formed, and a chloride of the metal produced. The question of whether this always occurs is not without interest, and has been often agitated. There is no doubt but that it is the general rule ; but I am inclined to think it may be not without exception. The difference of properties of the chlorides of magnesium and of alu- minum in the anhydrous state, and when crystallized with water, is so great, as to give reason to suppose that these chlorides decompose water, and that the crystallized hydrated salts are not A1 2 C1 3 4. 3. HO, and Mg Cl + HO, but A1 2 O 3 -f 3.H Cl, and Mg O + H Cl. Hence, it is probable that magnesia and alumina combine with hydracids without decomposition. The sulphur salts consists of a sulphur acid, which is generally a sulphuret of an electro-negative metal or of carbon, combined with a 586 Nature of Sulphur Salts. sulphur base, which is a sulphuret of an electro-positive metal. In their constitution they resemble the analogous oxygen salts. Many of their characters have been described already page 389. The positive metallic sulphurets combine frequently with the haloid, or oxygen salts of the same metal, to form basic salts ; this is the case particularly with mercury. Thus there is HgO. S0 3 -f 2 Hg S, similar to HgO.S0 3 -f- 2 HgO, ordinary turbeth mineral. It had been long remarked as curious, that bodies so totally different in composition as the compound of chlorine with a metal on the one hand, and of an oxygen acid with the oxide of the metal on the other, should be so similar in properties, that both must be classed together as salts, and should give origin to series of basic and acid compounds for the most part completely parallel. This difficulty has been so much felt by the most enlightened chemists, that doubts have been raised as to whether the acid and base, which are placed in contact to form by their union an oxygen salt, really exist in it when formed ; and it has been suggested, that at the moment of union a new arrangement of elements takes place, by which the structure of the resulting salt is assimilated to that of a compound of chlorine or of iodine with a metal. This view, at first sight so far fetched, which considers that in glauber's salt there is neither sulphuric acid, nor soda, -but sulphur, oxygen, and sodium, in some other and simpler mode of combination, is now very extensively received by chemists ; and I shall proceed, therefore, to describe with some detail the form which it has assumed, and the evidence by which it is supported. The greater number of those bodies which are termed oxygen acids, have not been in reality insulated, and what are popularly so called are merely supposed to contain the dry acid combined with water. Thus the nearest approach we can make to nitric acid, is the liquid N0 6 H ; to acetic acid, the crystalline body C 4 H 4 4 ; and to oxalic acid, the sub- limed crystals C 2 4 H ; we look upon these bodies as being combinations of the dry acid with water, and we write their formulae JST0 5 + HO, and C 4 H 3 3 + HO and C 2 3 + HO, but that these dry acids exist at all is a mere assumption. Hence with regard to such instances, and they embrace the majority of all known acids, the idea that the acid and base really exist in the salt formed by the action of hydrated acids on a base, is purely theoretical. When we compare the constitution of a neutral salt with that of the hydrated acid by which it is formed, we find the positive result to be the substitution of a metal for the hydrogen of the latter, thus, S0 3 4. HO gives with zinc, S0 3 -f- ZnO ; and where a metal is acted on by an hydrated acid the hydrogen is thus evolved either directly as gas, or it Constitution of Acids and Salts. 587 reacts on the elements of the acid and gives rise to secondary products which are evolved, such as sulphurous acid, nitric oxide, &c. In all cases we may consider the action of a metal on a hydrated acid to be primarily, the elimination of hydrogen and the formation of a neutral salt. But in this respect the action becomes completely analogous to that of the metal on a hydracid, except that in the latter case a haloid salt is formed, and hence we assimilate the two classes in constitution by a very simple arrangement of their formulae. There are, however, a number of acids which may be obtained in a dry and isolated form, as the sulphuric, the silicic, the telluric, the stan- nic, the arsenic, the phosphoric, &c., and when they combine with bases, it is most natural to consider the union as being direct, and that the salt contains acid and base really as such. This is accordingly the strongest point of the ordinary theory. But other and important cir- cumstances intervene. These acids, although they may be obtained free from water, yet in that state they combine with bases but very feebly, and require a high temperature in order to bring their affinities into play. On the other hand, in all cases where these bodies manifest their acid characters in the highest degree, they are combined with water, as in oil of vitriol, and phosphoric acid, and when expelled from combi- nation with a base, they immediately enter into combination with water in an equivalent proportion. Thus where phosphate of lime is decom- posed by oil of vitriol, it is not phosphoric acid (P0 5 ), which is found in the liquor, but its terhydrate (P0 5 + 3 HO), as is shown by its forming with oxide of silver the yellow phosphate P0 5 + 3AgO. In the case of telluric acid, its hydrate (TeO 3 + 3 HO) is very soluble in water, it crystallizes in large prisms ; by 212, two atoms of water are given off, but its nature is not changed, the body which remains (TeO 3 + HO) is still acid and soluble in water, perfectly neutralizing the alcalies ; but by a red heat this last atom of water is driven off, and then the whole nature of the body changes, it is insoluble in water, and even in the strongest alcaline solutions, and can only be brought back to its former state by being fused with potash at a red heat. Here it is evi- dent that the acid properties and the water go together ; and we may conclude, that in order to manifest strong acid properties, the acid must be in its hydrated form. But in that hydrated form if the water acted as a base, simply, the tendency of the acid to combine with other bases should be inferior to that of the dry acid ; for if we place oil of vitriol and barytes together, the water must be first expelled, before the barytes and sulphuric acid can unite, and hence, an impediment would exist to their union which should not occur with cold barytes and dry sulphuric acid in vapour, and yet cold barytes and oil of vitriol will combine with 588 Theories Respecting the Intimate such intensity as to produce ignition, whilst the barytes must be heated before it begins to combine with the dry sulphuric acid. The water therefore, is essential to the manifestation of strong acid properties, and it does not exist in combination with the acid merely as a base. What then is the constitution of a hydrated oxygen acid ? When muriatic acid (H.C1.) acts on zinc, the metal is taken up, forming ZnCl, and hydrogen is expelled, and if, in place of zinc, oxide of zinc be taken, the effect is the same, except that the hydrogen combin- ing with the oxygen of the oxide forms water ; HC1 and ZnO, giving ZnCl and HO. Now we have in oil of vitriol the elements S0 4 H, com- bined together; when put in contact with zinc, H is expelled, and S0 4 Zn is formed, and with ZnO. and SO 4 H, there are produced S0 4 Zn, and HO is set free. In both cases, of which the former may be taken as the type of all the haloid salts and the latter of all salts formed by oxygen acids, there is H as the element which is removable by a metal, precisely as one metal is replaceable by another, as indeed from the real metallic character of hydrogen may be considered to occur in this case. Every acid may, therefore, be considered to consist of hydrogen com- bined with an electro-negative element ; which may be simple, as chlo- rine, iodine, fluorine ; or may be compound, as cyanogen, NC 2 , and yet capable of being isolated ; or as occurs in the great majority of cases, its elements may be such as can only remain together when in combina- tion. Thus oil of vitriol does not contain, SO 3 and HO, but consists of hydrogen united to a compound radical S0 4 . Liquid nitric acid does not contain NO 5 and HO, but consists of hydrogen united to a compound radical N0 6 , and the acetic acid is written C 4 H 3 4 + H, the oxalic acid C 2 4 + H, and so on. The elegance and simplicity with which the laws of saline combina- tion may be deduced from these principles is really remarkable. Thus, it has been remarked as a fact substantiated by experiment, that in neutral salts the number of equivalents of acid were proportional to the number of equivalents of oxygen in the base, but the ordinary theory gave no indication of why this should occur. It follows necessarily from the principles of the newer theory. Thus, if a protoxide be acted on by an acid, M denoting the metal of the oxide, and E the radical of the acid, the resulting action is M .j- and H -}- E, produce H -J- O and M _|_ K, and in the neutral salt, there is an equivalent of each. Now in the case of a sesquioxide, in order that water shah 1 be formed, and so neither acid nor base be in excess, the reaction is that M* + Oj and 3 (H + R), produce 3 (H+ 0) and M 2 4_K 3 , Constitution of Acids and Salts. 589 a sesqui-compound being formed perfectly analogous to a sesqui-oxide, and the number of atoms of acid, 3 (H + B), is equal to the number of atoms of oxygen in the base (M 2 3 ) because that number of atoms of hydrogen are required for the decomposition of the base. In like manner for a deutoxide, there is M 4. Os and 2 (H + R), producing 2 (HO) and M -j- E 2 . The power of salts to replace water in the magnesian sulphates, so as to form double salts, becomes much more intelligible when we compare H-f- with K -f SO 4 , than where H.O was contrasted with the complex formula KO -f- S0 3 . The circumstance that on the new theory (or as it is now often called the Binary theory of salts), it is necessary to admit the existence of a great number of bodies (these salt radicals) which have never been isolated, and in favour of whose existence there is no other proof than their utility in supporting this view, becomes more powerful as an objection, when we proceed to apply its principles to the salts of phos- phoric acid. For it has been already described, that this acid forms three distinct classes of salts, all neutral, and which have their origin in the three hydrated states of the phosphoric acid. These states are written on the two views as follows : Old Theory. New Theory. Monobasic acid, PO 5 + HO . . . PO 6 -f H Bibasic acid, POa -j- 2HO . . . PO 7 -J- H 2 Tribasic acid, PO 5 + 3HO . . . POs -}- Hs Now, it appears very useless, when the older view accounts so simply for the properties and constitution of these salts, to adopt so violent an idea, as that there are three distinct compounds of phosphorus and oxygen, which no chemist has ever been able to detect. But, here again, other circumstances must be studied; first, the difference of properties of phosphoric acid, in its three states, is totally inexpli- cable, on the idea of there being merely three degrees of hydration. Nitric acid forms three hydrates, but when neutralized by potash, it always gives the same saltpetre ; sulphuric acid forms two perfectly definite hydrates, but with soda forms always the same glauber's salt ; whilst phosphoric acid, when neutralized by soda, gives a different kind of salt according to the state it may be in. Also, the permanence of these conditions of phosphoric acid as a different hydracid in each of its three conditions, on the other hand, not merely explains the fact of these differences of properties, but it renders the formation of bibasic and tribasic salts, which is such an anomaly on the old theory, a neces- 590 Binary Theory of Salts. sary consequence of the new, for the phosphoric salt radicals, P0 6 ,PO 7 and P0 8 , differ not merely in the quantity of oxygen they contain, but are combined with different quantities of hydrogen, and hence in acting on metallic oxides, (bases), there is a different number of atoms re- quired for each to replace the hydrogen and form water. Thus POe.H and NaO give HO and POg.Na. monobasic phosphate of soda, PO 7 .H 2 and 2NaO give 2HO and PO?.Na 2 . bibasic phosphate of soda, and 3NaO give 3HO and PO 8 .Na 3 , tribasic phosphate of soda. A circumstance which gives additional reason to infer, that the water is not merely as base in the phosphoric acid, is the following ; if it were so, then it should be most completely expelled by the strongest bases, and the bibasic and tribasic phosphates of the alcalies, should be those least likely to retain any portion of the basic water ; but the reverse is the fact ; whilst oxide of silver, a very weak base, is that which most easily and totally displaces the water. On the idea, however, of hydra- cids, this is easily understood, for the oxide of silver is one most easily reduced by hydrogen, and consequently one on which the action of a hydrogen acid, as P0 8 + H 3 , or PO 7 -f- H 2 , would be most completely exercised. See page 413. A remarkable verification of this theory has been recently found in the decomposition of solutions of the oxysalts in water, by voltaic electricity. It has been already explained, (pp. 262 et seq.) that it requires the same quantity of electricity to decompose an equivalent of any binary compound, such as iodide of lead, chloride of silver, muri- atic acid or water. Now, if we dissolve sulphate of soda in water, and pass a current of voltaic electricity through that solution, we have water decomposed, and also the glauber's salt; oxygen, and sulphuric acid being evolved at one pole, and soda and hydrogen at the other. Here, on the old view, the electricity performs two decomposing actions at the same time, and, as it thus divides itself, its action on each must be lessened, and the quantity of each decomposed be diminished, so that the sum should represent the proper energy of the current. On measuring these quantities, however, the result is totally different, the quantity of sulphate of soda decomposed is found to be equal to the full duty of the current, and an equivalent of water appears to be de- composed in addition. It is quite unphilosophic to imagine, that the strength of a current should be thus suddenly doubled, and a simple and sufficient explanation of it is found in the new theory of salts. The sulphate of soda in solution having the formula NaSO 4 is resolved by the current into its elements, Na and SO 4 , as chloride of sodium should also be; the sodium, on emerging on the negative electrode, Electrical decomposition of Salts. 591 from the influence of the current, instantly decomposes water, and soda, and hydrogen, of each an equivalent, are evolved ; at the positive electrode, the compound radical SO 4 also decomposes water, and pro- duces H.SO 4 and O. The appearance of the oxygen and hydrogen is thus but secondary, and the body really decomposed by the current is only NaS0 4 . In the case of the salts of such metals as do not decompose water, the phenomena are much more simple. Thus, a solution of sulphate of copper, when decomposed by the battery, yields metallic copper at the negative and sulphuric acid and oxygen at the positive electrode, and the quantity of copper separated represents exactly the energy of the current which has passed, for the salt being Cu.SO 4 is simply resolved into its elements, but S0 4 reacting on the water, produces H.SO 4 , and O at the positive electrode. On the old view it was sup- posed, that water and sulphate of copper were both decomposed, oxygen and acid being evolved at one side, and oxide of copper and hydrogen being separated at the other ; which reacting, produced water and the metal. Such an explanation, however, is directly opposed to the law of the definite action of electricity, and cannot be received. In the case of solutions of chlorides or iodides, where there can be no doubt of the relations of the elements, the results of voltaic decom- position are precisely similar. Chloride of copper gives simply chlorine and copper, no water being decomposed. Chloride of sodium or iodide of potassium give chlorine or iodine at one electrode, and alcali and hydrogen at the other ; the evolution of these last being caused by the action of the metallic basis on the water of the solution. Professor Daniell, to whom these important electro -chemical re- searches are due, considered the truth of the binary theory of salts to be fully established by them. If this theory be adopted, a profound change in our nomenclature of salts will become necessary. Graham has proposed, that the name of the salt-radical should be formed by prefixing to the word oxygen, the first word of the ordinary name of the class of salts, and that the salts be termed by changing oxygen into oxides. Thus, S0 4 . sutphat 'oxygen gives sulphatoxides ; the sulphates. NOe nitratoxygen, gives nitratox- ides, the nitrates, and so on ; but I consider that the form of nomen- clature proposed by Daniell deserves the preference. It has been de- scribed, (p. 262), that Faraday proposed to term the elements which pass to the electrodes of the battery, ions ; acting on this, Daniell pro- poses to term the electro-negative element of the sulphates, oxysulphion, that of the nitrates, oxynitrion, and so on, and the salts may be termed oxysulphion of copper, oxynitrion of sodium, &c. It would be desira- 592 Nature of Doulle Haloid Salts. ble, however, for a long time, to introduce these names only where theoretical considerations rendered their employment decidedly useful, and hence, in all future description of the salts, I shall make use of the language of our ordinary views, and treat of their preparation and com- position without any reference to the discussion in which we have been now engaged. The general adoption of the binary theory of salts has deprived of much of its interest and importance a question, which some years since was very ingeniously discussed, viz., whether, in the formation of double salts, the salts which unite had the same relation to each other that acid and base were then thought to have. Thus, it was supposed that the electro-negative qualities of sulphuric acid being less controlled by oxide of copper than by potash, the alcaline sulphate acted as a base to the sulphate of copper, when these two salts combined to form the double sulphate of potash and copper, and so on in other instances ; but, in addition to the circumstance, that all we have said as to the constitution of the salts militates against this view, we have the positive evidence, that first, these double salts are formed not by combination merely, but by replacement of the constitutional water of the sulphates of the copper or magnesia class, which water has never been supposed to act in them as a base ; and second, that when a solution of such a double salt is decomposed by the battery, the two salts are not separated as if they were acid and base, but are decomposed independently in the propor- tions of an equivalent of each, making together the sum of the chemical energy of the current. A similar idea was advocated by Bonsdorff regarding the double chlorides, iodides, &c. He proposed to consider the chlorides of gold, platina, mercury, &c., as chlorine acids, and those of potassium, &c., as chlorine bases, and so with the iodides. This view, however, although at first very extensively adopted, has given way to the gradual growth of knowledge. There is no analogy between a dry oxygen acid and a chloride ; but the chlorides are in perfect analogy with the neutral salts. Thus, CuCl does not resemble S0 3 , but Cu.SO 4 and CuCl + KC1 is analogous not to S0 3 .KO, but to the double salt, Cu.SO 4 + K.S0 4 . Bonsdorff's idea was exactly counter to the direction of truth; he sought to bring all salts under the one head, by extending to all the constitution of oxygen acids and oxygen bases, whilst the progress of science has led us to the opposite generalization of reducing all salts to simple haloid type. The doctrines of atomic volume already fully described, pages 300 and 310, have been applied by Schroeder and Kopp in favour of the salt radical theory. Thus : the atomic volume of many protoxides is the Atomic Volumes of Salts. 593 sum of the atomic volume of the metal, and the number 2 '6, as Pb.O. or Hg.O. The atomic volumes of other protoxides is the sum of the atomic volume of the metal, and the number 5*2, as Ag.O. All these kinds of oxides are upon the older theory constituents of the same kinds of salts, as PbO. NO 5 and Hg 2 O.lS T O 5 and AgO. NO 5 . ; but on the theory of salt radicals, it is not these oxides but the metals which exist in the salt. The atomic volume of lead is 9;1; that of nitrate of lead is 37*8; and if we subtract the former we have for the salt radical NO 6 contained in the salt Pb. NO 6 . the atomic volume 28*7. Now if we calculate the specific gravities of the other nitrates of the dense metals by this rule that the atomic volume of the salt is the sum of the atomic volume of the metal, and of that of the salt radical N0 6 =r 28*7 we find the results remarkably exact. The atomic volume of silver is 10 '4, and that of nitrate of silver consequently 39*1, which divided into the atomic weight 170 gives the specific gravity = 4*35, agreeing perfectly with experiment. If on the other hand, nitrate of silver be written AgO. N0 3 . and that its atomic volume be supposed the sum of the volumes of the base 15 '6 and of the acid, the volume of the latter is =39*1 15*6 = 23" 5. But the atomic volume of oxide of lead is 11 '7 which sub- tracted from 37 '8, that of nitrate of lead leaves 26*1 for the atomic volume of nitric acid, N0 5 . Hence on the old salt theory the atomic volume appears to be different in the different salts, but on the salt radical theory the atomic volumes of the salts is simply the sum of the atomic volume of the metal and that of the salt radical. The newer point of view has therefore the advantage of simplicity, but in this case as in the other examples already given of the application of the doctrine of atomic volumes, the induction employed is quite too narrow to justify any general or positive conclusion. (In page 303 where the atomic volume of oxide of silver is given it should have been stated 15 '6 = 10-4 -f 5-2 in place of 14'3 = 10'4 + 3'9) Some time ago, when discussing the evidence regarding the theories of the ammonia combinations, I had occasion to point out that if we adopted Graham's extension of Berzelius' theory and supposed that compound metallic radicals, as ammonium, might exist, containing more or less of the hydrogen replaced by metals as cuprammonium NH 3 Cu, or Hydrargammonium NH 2 Hg 2 ; it became impossible to avoid the still further extension of the radical character to those groups containing oxygen or sulphur, and that the basic salts should be looked upon as salts of compound radicals. Thus, that from 38 594 Constitution of Basic Salts. Sal-ammoniac Cl -f- NH4. passing to Sal cuprammoniac Cl -j- NHaCu. White precipitate Cl _|- NH2Hg2. Yellow precipitate Cl _|- NH2Hg 4 O 2 . Oxychloride of mercury Cl ^_ Hg 4 O3. Chlorosulpliuret of mercury Cl J. HgsS2. there is no point at which the line of demarcation could be posi- tively drawn, and hence I thought myself justified in rejecting Graham's proposal to extend Berzelius' theory, and defended the theory of the am- monia compounds, winch I had proposed, and which shall be described further on. Millon has, however, recently taken up the idea of basic salts being salts of compound radicals, which I had suggested only to show its inadmissibility, and has endeavoured to explain the con- stitution of hydrated acids and salts thereon. The evidence he brings forward, however, possesses no additional weight, and the proposition cannot, as I believe, be admitted into science. CHAPTER XV. SPECIAL HISTORY OF THE MOST IMPORTANT SALTS OF THE INORGANIC ACIDS AND BASES. THE multitude of salts known to chemists is so very great, that it is only possible to detail the history of the most important of each class. They are arranged according to their bases, except in some few cases where a metal is also the radical of their acid element. In that case, the salts of the acids of the metal are described after those formed by its oxides with other acids. This plan has been adopted in order to give as much unity as possible to the history of each metal, and influ- ences only the compounds of chrome and arsenic to any degree. OF THE SALTS OF POTASH. Chloride of Potaarium.-'KGL. Eq. 931% or 74-47. This salt may be artificially produced, by neutralizing potash with hydrochloric acid. It exists abundantly in the water of many brine springs, and in the Iodide of Potassium. 595 ashes of plants. It is very soluble in water, producing so much cold, as to be employed as a freezing mixture ; it crystallizes in cubes, which are anhydrous ; its principal use is in the manufacture of alum. Iodide of Potassium. KI. Eq. 2067'4 or 165*4; a variety of pro- cesses may be employed to prepare this salt. One of the simplest, consists in dissolving iodine in solution of potash until this is com- pletely neutralized. The potash being decomposed, there is formed from 6-1 and 6'KO, 5KI and KOIO 5 . The solution is evaporated to dryness, and the mass being heated to redness, is kept fused as long as bubbles of oxygen gas are given off : the residual salt, which is pure iodide of potassium, is, when cold, to be dissolved in its weight of boiling water, and allowed to crystallize very slowly. A certain loss may occur in this process, if the heat applied be too high, and if the temperature be not high enough, iodate of potash may remain unde- composed ; this last effect being advantageous to the manufacturer by increasing the quantity of product, is more liable to occur, and may be detected by means of tartaric acid, as very ingeniously proposed by Mr. Maurice Scanlan. This acid is without action on pure iodide of potassium, further than to liberate hydriodic acid, which remains for a certain time unaltered, but if a trace of iodate of potash be present, the iodic acid which is set free immediately reacts on the hydriodic acid, water being formed and iodine liberated, which may be recognized by means of starch. Another process, adopted by the London and Edinburgh Pharmaco- peias, consists in putting together iodine, metallic iron, and carbonate of potash : the iron and iodine unite directly to form a soluble iodide of iron, which is decomposed as rapidly as formed, by the carbonate of potash. Iodide of potassium is produced, with oxide of iron and car- bonic acid ; but as described page 288, the iron being first as periodide, peroxide is produced, and this not combining with carbonic acid, the latter is mostly given off as gas. The reaction consists in Fe 2 .I 3 and 3.KO.C0 2 giving rise to 3.K.I and Fe 2 O 3 . with 3.CO 2 . The liquor being filtered and evaporated to a pellicle, the iodide of potassium is obtained crystallized. This salt crystallizes in cubes; sometimes in square prisms, which are macles. It is not deliquescent when pure, and is without action on turmeric paper ; by tin's means it is known to be free from carbonate of potash. It is sometimes adulterated by chloride of potassium, which may be detected by decomposing its solution by ni- trate of silver, washing the precipitate with water, digesting it in strong water of ammonia, and filtering ; if the solution, when rendered slightly acid with nitric acid, give a white precipitate of chloride of silver, chlo- ride of potassium was present, and its amount may be thus determined. 596 Commercial Valuation of Iodide of Potassium. The iodide of potassium is extensively used in medicine, by the chemist as a re-agent, and for the preparation of other metallic iodides. A solution of iodide of potassium dissolves iodine in large quantity, forming a brown liquor used in medicine. It is not certain, however, that in this case any definite compound (as a biniodide) is formed. It has been recently proposed to test the purity of the commercial iodide of potassium by adding to a certain weight of it, a standard solution of iodate of potash, to which as much dilute sulphuric acid has been added as will render the liquors slightly acid. By the reaction of the iodic acid on the iodide of potassium, there is iodine set free, and potash formed which combines with the sulphuric acid. The preci- pitated iodine at first dissolves in the iodide of potassium remaining, but as the decomposition advances, it separates as a brown powder, which on boiling the liquor, passes away in violet fumes leaving the liquor clear and colourless. One equivalent, or 213 parts of iodate of potash, and 6 equivalents, or 294 parts of oil of vitriol, decompose five equivalents or 825 parts of iodide of potassium, thus I0 5 + KO with 6.HO.S0 3 and 5.KI. produce 6.1. and 6.KO.SO 3 with 6.HO. Hence let 100 grains of iodide of potassium be dissolved in an ounce of water, and a standard liquor be prepared by dissolving 26 grains of iodate of potash in water, and adding 36 grains of the strongest oil of vitriol, and so much water as will bring the liquor to a volume of 1000 grains measure. Then on bringing the solution of iodide of potassium to boil in a flask, and adding gradually by drops the test solution as long as iodine separates, and violet fumes are given off, the quantity required will indicate the purity of the iodide of potassium. If it were quite pure the whole thousand grains of volume of the test liquor should be needed. If 800 grains measure be required, it indicates 80 per cent, of pure iodide, and 20 per cent, of impurities : each ten grains measure of test liquor corresponding to one grain of pure iodide of potassium. Neither chlorides, sulphates nor nitrates interfere with this test ; nor do bromides as it is easy by ordinary attention to distinguish accurately when the evolution of iodine ceases, and the formation of the yellow orange vapour of bromine may commence, if that body be present. Bromide of Potassium. K.Br. Eq. 1465-8 orll7'3. This salt may be prepared exactly as the iodide of potassium, which it resembles in most of its physical characters. It is recognized by giving, with oil of vitriol, orange red fumes of bromine. The commercial article is fre- Bromide of Potassium Sulphate of Potash. 597 quently adulterated with chloride of potassium, the presence of which may be detected as follows : dissolve 100 grains of the salt in four ounces of water, and decompose it by an excess of nitrate of silver ; collect the precipitate, wash it carefully, and dry it in a capsule till it ceases to lose weight ; then weigh it. If it were perfectly pure, the bromide of silver should weigh 158*8 grains, but the presence of chlo- ride of potassium would have the effect (from the smaller equivalent of chlorine) of increasing the weight ; therefore, if the precipitate, when when quite dry, weighs more than 158*8 grains, the sample is impure, and the quantity of chlorine present may be calculated from the over- plus weight; for 100 grains of pure chloride of potassium should give 192-6 grains of precipitate. Thus, if there were 10 per cent, of im- purity, the precipitate would weigh 162 grains; if 20 per cent, it would weigh 165*4. Thus, the precipitate increases in weight about 3*3 for each 10 per cent, of chloride of potassium present. The properties of the Fluoride, and of the Silico-fiuoride of Potas- sium, are not of importance beyond what has been already said in pp. 446 and 453. Sulphate of Potash. KO.SO 3 . Eq. 1087*5 or 87. This salt is pro- duced upon the large scale in the manufacture of the sulphuric and nitric acids, where nitrate of potash is employed. It may be prepared by the direct union of its constituents, and being but sparingly soluble, it precipitates as a fine crystalline powder, when oil of vitriol is mixed with a strong solution of potash. It is more soluble in boiling water, and crystallizes on cooling in right rhombic prisms, or in six-sided prisms, terminated by pyramids, which are macles, being formed by the union of three simple crystals, as described in p. 44. In the figures, A represents the manner in which the three rhombic prisms adhere together, the letters marking the corresponding planes in each original, and B the form which results when all traces of the junctions have disappeared. This salt does not contain water; its crystals decrepitate violently when B heated, but are not decomposed. 100 parts of water dissolve 8*3 of the salt at 32, and 25 parts at 212. This salt combines with dry sulphuric acid to form a bisulphate of potash, KO + 2SO 3 , which may be pre- pared by exposing the neutral salt to the vapour of dry sulphuric acid, or by dissolving it with 1J equiva- lents of oil of vitriol in the smallest possible quantity of distilled water. This bisulphate of potash crystal- lizes in small prisms, which are gradually decomposed by water, the following salt being formed. 593 Nitrate of Potash Nitre. Common Bisulphate of Potash Double Sulphate of Water and Pot- ash. KO.S0 3 + HO.SO 3 . Eq. 1700-0 or 136. This salt is produced when nitrate of potash is decomposed by two atoms of oil of vitriol, and is formed when neutral sulphate of potash is gently heated with \ its weight of oil of vitriol to just below redness. It may be obtained crystallized from a strong solution in right rhombic prisms. It is de- composed into neutral sulphate and oil of vitriol by a large quantity of water. When heated to full redness it fuses, and may be obtained on cooling in oblique rhombic crystals; it is thus dimorphous (see p. 315); at a higher temperature it abandons its excess of acid, and neutral sul- phate remains. There exists also a Jiydrated sesquisulphate of potash, 2(KO.SO 3 ) -f- HO.S0 3 , which crystallizes in fine needles. Similar compounds of sul- phate of potash with hydrated nitric and phosphoric acids have also been described. Nitrate of Potash Saltpetre. Nitre. KO.N0 5 . Eq. 1262-5 or 101. The general principles of the formation of nitric acid by the conjoined action of decomposing animal matter and of earthy bases on atmospheric air, have been described already. By lixiviating the ma- terials thus obtained, whether naturally or from artificial nitre beds, with water, a solution is obtained, containing, among other saline matters, a considerable quantity of nitrate of lime ; this is then decom- posed by an impure carbonate of potash, and carbonate of lime being precipitated, a solution of nitrate of potash is obtained, from which the salt is procured by evaporation and crystallization. Its form is that of a six-sided prism with dihedral summits, derived from the right rhombic system. It is anhydrous; 100 parts of water dissolve 13'3 parts at 32, and 240 parts at 212. When heated to redness it melts and evolves oxygen, at first pure, but subsequently mixed with nitrogen gas. As nitrate of potash contains oxygen in large quantity, and gives it out readily to combustible bodies, it is much employed for the prepara- tion of fireworks, and especially of gunpowder. The action of gun- powder depends upon its generating, when decomposed, a large quantity of gases, which occupy more than 1000 times its volume. If this took place instantaneously, all bodies near, which could not resist this force, should be burst or broken, as takes place with chloride of azote, which, if placed in a gun, would burst it, but has no power to propel a ball : the decomposition of gunpowder, however, occupying a certain time, the disengagement of gas is progressive, and the ball is forced through the barrel with the velocity due to the ultimate effect of the whole quantity of gas produced. When gunpowder is completely decomposed, Manufacture of Gunpowder. 599 the products are found to be sulphuret of potassium, nitrogen, and carbonic acid gas ; and from these the proportions by weight of its con- stituents may be calculated, for S, KO.N0 5 and 30, produce K.S, N and 3C0 2 . The parts by weight are, therefore, Theory. French. English. Prussian. S = 16-1 11-8 12 5 10-0 11-5 3C = 18-3 13-5 12-5 15'0 13-5 = 101 -074-7 75'0 75-0 75'0 135-4 100-0 100-0 100-0 lOO'O The proportions employed in the government factories of the most im- portant countries are given also above. The Prussian mixture agrees best with theory. Eor the coarse blasting powder, there are employed sixty-five parts of saltpetre, twenty of sulphur, and fifteen of charcoal. The excess of sulphur renders the explosion more intense, but would corrode firearms too much. A mixture of three parts of saltpetre, four of carbonate of potash, and one of sulphur is decomposed instantaneously when fused, and with an explosion so violent, that if it be placed on a thin iron plate, this may be perforated. If three parts of nitre be mixed with one of finely powdered charcoal, a mass is obtained which, when touched with an ignited coal, burns nearly as fast as loose gun- powder, but totally without explosion. It is, therefore, the sulphur which determines the violence and rapidity of the deflagration of gun- powder, whilst the charcoal produces the great volume of gas on which its mechanical effect depends. The preparation of the materials for making gunpowder requires great care. Most of the success depends on the preparation of the charcoal. This should be made from a light wood containing little ashes, such as birch, and carbonized in cylinders, very slowly, and at the lowest possible heat. When reduced to impalpable powder, this charcoal is so inflammable as sometimes to take fire at ordinary tem- peratures. The purification of the saltpetre is performed by successive recrystallizations, and by washing the crystals with water already satu- rated with saltpetre, which dissolves out any common salt that may be present, but does not act on the crystals of saltpetre. The description of the mechanical operations of the manufacture would be out of place here. The extensive use of nitrate of potash in the arts render the determi- nation of the true value of the commercial samples of it a matter of very great practical importance. There are two methods capable of giving accurate results. The, first by Pelouze, consists in determining 600 Practical Valuation of Saltpetre. the quantity of iron which the nitric acid contained in the saltpetre can peroxidize. It is thus carried out 83 parts of pure iron wire are to be dissolved in pure dilute muriatic acid, and 100 grains of the nitre to be tested are to be weighed out and very gradually added to the solution of protochloride of iron so formed, which is to be rendered strongly acid by more muriatic acid if necessary; the whole being boiled until all evolution of nitric oxide gas ceases, and the iron shall have become perfectly peroxidized, which is most conveniently known by the addition from time to time of a drop of a solution of chameleon mineral (see p. 500), the rich pink colour of which is destroyed as long as any protochloride of iron remains. If the nitre had been per- fectly pure, fifty grains should peroxide all the iron, but more will always be required. The quantity used will indicate therefore the pre- sence of fifty grains, and the difference will be of course the impurities : thus, if sixty grains were used, there were therein ten grains of impu- rities, or sixteen two-third per cent., if seventy-five were used the sample consisted of sixty- seven per cent, of pure nitre, and thirty- three per cent, of impurities. The second mode is that which I have myself usually employed for assaying saltpetre and nitrate of soda. It consists in weighing out 100 grains of the sample, and deflagrating it very gently in a deep narrow iron crucible loosely covered, with an excess of dense wood charcoal in coarse powder. It is easily managed so that none shall be lost, and the heat shall not be so high as to allow of the charcoal acting on any of the residual product. On dissolving the saline mass so obtained in water, an alcaline solution is obtained, the contents of which in caustic alcali, potash, or soda, can be determined by the alcalimetrical process to be described hereafter under the head of carbonate of soda. Each grain per cent, of potash corresponds to 2.13 of pure nitre, and each grain of soda corresponds to 2.74 of nitrate of soda. Neither chlorides nor sulphates interfere with this test, and as alcalimetrical determina- tions are made every day in most chemical factories, the assays of nitre come in with them thus in a very convenient manner. This process is fully accurate to one part in one hundred. Hypochlorite of Potash. When gaseous chlorine is passed into a solution of carbonate of potash, it is abundantly absorbed ; but no car- bonic acid is disengaged until the liquor contains an atom of chlorine for every two atoms of alcaline carbonate. On examination it is then found to contain, hypochlorite of potash, chloride of potassium, and bicarbonate of potash, which are mixed in solution, and may be partially separated by crystallization. The reaction has been such that 2C1 and 4 KO.CO 2 give KC1, KO.C1O and 2 (KO -f CO 2 + HO.CO 2 ). If the Hypochlorite and Chlorate of Potash. 601 stream of chlorine be continued carbonic acid is copiously evolved, and as much more chlorine is absorbed, giving ultimately a mixture of KC1 and KO.C1O. The liquor becomes deep yellow, owing to the liberation of a quantity of hypochlorous acid by the free carbonic acid, and hence the quantity of chlorine absorbed amounts to much more than the exact atomic proportion. Further details of the theory of these bleaching compounds are given under the head of chloride of lime. Chlorate of Potash. KO.C1O 5 . Eq. 1531'2 or 122'47. When chlorine gas is passed into a strong solution of potash it is absorbed rapidly until the alkali is completely neutralized, and chloride of potas- sium and hypochlorite of potash are formed ; 2KO and 2C1 giving KC1 and KO.C1O. If, then, this liquor be boiled for some time, oxygen gas is given off, the hypochlorite being decomposed, and chloride of potas- sium and chlorate of potash being formed; 9(KO.C1O) producing 12. with 8.KC1 and KO.ClOs. If carbonate of potash has been em- ployed, the absorption of chlorine is rapid until half of the salt had been decomposed, and the remainder converted into bicarbonate, from combining with the evolved carbonic acid, as described under the pre- ceding head : but a high temperature and a great excess of chlorine being necessary to complete the reaction, rendered the operations tedious and very troublesome ; and as owing to the large quantity of oxygen evolved, there was but one equivalent of chlorate of potash obtained by the action of eighteen equivalents of chlorine on eighteen of potash, the process was one of considerable expense. We owe to Graham a method which is free from these disadvantages. If an equivalent of carbonate of potash be mixed with one of hydrate of lime, (by weight about 2 of KO.C0 2 to 1 of CaO.HO) and exposed to a current of chlorine, the gas is absorbed with avidity, and the solid mass becomes very hot, whilst water is given off abundantly. When saturated, it may be gently heated to complete the decomposition. No oxygen is given off, the reaction being that 6(KO.C0 2 ) and 6 (CaO.HO) acted on by 6C1, produce 5.KC1, 6.CaO.CO 2 and KO.C1O 5 , whilst 6HO are evolved. By digesting the mass in water, the potash salts are dis- solved out, carbonate of lime remaining, and the chlorate of potash may be separated from the chloride of potassium by crystallization. By this means three times as much product may be obtained from the same materials, as by the older process. This salt crystallizes in rhomboidal tables of a pearly lustre : it is anhydrous : 100 parts of water dissolve but 3 '5 parts at 32, and 60 parts at 219. It tastes sharp and cooling, like nitre; when heated, it melts and evolves oxygen gas, being decomposed into chloride of potas- 602 Perchlorate and lodaie of Potash. sium and hyperchlorate of potash ; on increasing the heat this also is decomposed, and chloride of potassium remains pure. Its uses in pre- paring oxygen, and the compounds of chlorine and oxygen, have been already noticed. Prom its supplying oxygen still more readily than nitre, it is the basis of a variety of deflagrating mixtures. "When rub- bed in a mortar with sulphur, or with sulphuret of antimony, it explodes violently. Placed in contact with a minute bit of phosphorus on an anvil, and struck by a hammer, it gives a dangerous detonation. The ordinary lucifer matches are formed by mixtures of chlorate of potash with sulphur and charcoal, or sulphuret of antimony, or of cinnabar, made into a paste with gum arabic, and applied to the extremity of a bit of stick, previously smeared with sulphur. Students should be very cautious how they employ this salt in such experiments as those now noticed. Perchlorate of potash, KO.C1O 7 . Eq. 1731-2 or 138*47, is of im- portance only from being one of the least soluble salts of potash, and, consequently, that the perchloric acid may be used as a test for the presence of potash in solution, it giving a granular crystalline precipi- tate if that alkali be present. Its preparation is sufficiently noticed in page 426. The silicate of potash is of considerable importance as a constituent of glass, and will be noticed as such hereafter. lodate of potash, KQ.IO 5 . This salt, which is but sparingly soluble in water, may be obtained by neutralizing the perchloride of iodine with caustic potash; IC1 5 and 6KO, produce 5KC1 and KO.I0 5 . This last separates in crystalline grains. It may also be obtained by adding iodide of potassium to fused chlorate of potash, the mass froths up, the oxygen passing to the iodine, and there is obtained a mixture of chloride of potassium and iodate of potash, which may be separated by crystal- lization. This salt has a remarkable tendency to form acid and double salts, of which, however, none are specially interesting. See page 596. SALTS OF SODIUM. Chloride of Sodium. Common Salt. Sea Salt. NaCl. Eq. 730-9 or 58-5, exists in great abundance in nature ; solid, as rock salt, and in solution in the water of the ocean, and in many inland seas and lakes. The deposits of rock salt occur only among the more recent (secondary) geological formations, lying above the coal, and in connexion with the new red sandstone, as in Cheshire. The beds of salt are sometimes of great magnitude ; thus at Norwich, the bed now worked is supposed to be not less than 60 feet thick, a mile and a half long, and 1300 yards wide, and the deposits at Wieliczka, in Poland, appear to be still larger. Manufacture of Common Salt. 603 The origin of these deposits of salt is probably to be found in the gradual drying up, by evaporation, of salt lakes, to which fresh quan- tities of salt were continually supplied by the surrounding springs. Owing to the admixture of earthy matters, the rock salt, as quarried, is generally brownish-coloured, and hence requires to be dissolved in water and crystallized for use. The expense of extracting the salt may be in many cases lessened, by simply boring down to the bed with a pipe a few inches in diameter, and letting thereby water run in upon the salt ; a strong solution of salt is thus produced, which is pumped up and evaporated. The expense of sinking a shaft and quarrying out the solid salt is thus avoided. In warm countries, as on the coasts of Portugal and of the South of Trance, salt is obtained by the spontaneous evaporation of sea water, which is allowed, on the rise of the tide, to flow into shallow basins, being passed from one to another, according as it becomes more con- centrated, and, finally, the evaporation being finished by means of arti- ficial heat. The sea water is not evaporated to dryness, as its other saline ingredients would, in that case, be mixed with the common salt. The sea water is generally composed of Chloride of sodium, 2-50 Chloride of magnesium, 0*35 Sulphate of magnesia, 0*58 Carbonate of lime and 0-02 100-00 Carbonate of magnesia, Sulphate of lime, 0-01 Water, 96'54 With generally some traces of iodide and bromide of magnesium. According as the evaporation proceeds, the common salt is deposited in crystals, and the mother liquor, or bittern, being rich in salts of mag- nesia, is preserved for the manufacture of Epsom salts. In addition to these sources, chloride of sodium may be obtained by the direct combination of its elements, or by decomposing carbonate of soda by muriatic acid. In practice, however, this is never done. Chloride of sodium crystallizes in cubes. Its taste is purely saline. It is equally soluble in water at all temperatures, 100 of water dissol- ving 36-5 ; by a very strong heat it may be volatilized. Its crystals are anhydrous, but are generally fissured, containing water, which, when heated, bursts the crystal, producing loud decrepitation. A strong solu- tion of salt does not freeze at 0, but deposits crystals in rhombic plates, which are a hydrated chloride of sodium. If these crystals be heated beyond 15 they give out water, and are changed into minute cubes. The uses of chloride of sodium are very numerous and important. Besides being employed in seasoning food, it is now universally the 604 Manufacture of Sulphate of Soda. source from whence the other compounds of sodium, such as the car- bonate and sulphate, are obtained. It is employed also in the manu- facture of glass and of porcelain and as a manure. The bromide and iodide of sodium resemble, in properties and mode of preparation, the corresponding compounds of potassium, and do not require special notice. Sulphate of Soda. Glauber's Salt.NaO.S0 3 + 10 Aq. Eq. 887-2 + 1125 or 71 -f~ 90. So named after its discoverer, exists in some mineral waters, and may be prepared by neutralizing carbonate of soda by dilute sulphuric acid. For the purposes of commerce, it is manufactured in great quantities from common salt, as described under the head of muriatic acid, (p. 427). "When it is not the object of the process to economize the muriatic acid' gas, the decomposition is carried on in a reverberatory furnace similar to that figured in p. 467. Three or four hundred weight of salt being spread over the floor of the furnace, forming a layer three or four inches deep, the equivalent quantity (an equal weight), of sulphuric acid, of the strength 1'600, as taken from the chambers, is poured in through an aperture in the dome, and a moderate fire kept up until the materials begin to dry ; the fire is then increased gradually until all the muriatic acid gas has been expelled, and the residual sulphate of soda begins to fuse. The acid gas passes up the chimney, and is either allowed to pass away into the air, or is condensed by meeting with a stream of water, and the weak liquid acid thus formed is let to run to waste. The greater part of the sulphate of soda thus produced is immediately used to make carbonate of soda ; but to form Glauber's salt, it is only necessary to dissolve it in warm water and let it crystal- lize by cooling. The sulphate of soda crystallizes in six-sided prisms, as in the figure, very much channelled at the sides. It is easily soluble in water, having a point of maximum solubility at 93, as figured in page 19. Its ordinary crystals contain 56 per cent, of water ; by exposure to the air it loses all its water by efflorescence, and falls into a white powder; from a hot saturated solution opaque rhombic octohedral crystals are deposited, which are anhydrous. The isomorphism of these crystals with permanganate of barytes, and the speculations founded on it have been noticed, p. 312. A UsulpJiate and a sesgui- sulphate of soda may be formed by adding oil of vitriol to a solution of the neutral salt, and crystallizing by evaporation. They are much less determinate than the acid sulphates of potash. Nitrate, Hypochlorite and Hyposulphite of Soda. 605 Nitrate of Soda. Cubic Nitre. NaO.NO 5 . Eq. 1062'2 or 85. The spontaneous formation of this salt by the atmospheric influence, probably on a soil containing chloride of sodium, has been noticed, p. 380. It may also be obtained by means of nitric acid and carbonate of soda. It crystallizes in rhombs, isomorphous with calc spar, (p. 312). It is very soluble in water, and is slightly deliquescent; hence it cannot be employed in the manufacture of gunpowder. It is used for the manufacture of nitric and sulphuric acids, and as a manure. Tor the modes of estimating the purity of the commercial nitrate of soda, see page 600. Hyposulphite of Soda. NaO.S 2 2 +10 Aq. This salt, which has become of some practical interest, from its use in dissolving off the sensitive silver compounds in making photogenic drawings, may be made by boiling together three parts of dry carbonate of soda with one of sulphur until this last is dissolved, and then passing a stream of sulphurous acid gas through the liquor until it smells strongly of it. NaO.CO 2 , with S and S0 2 produce NaO.SA whilst CO 2 is evolved. If the three parts of carbonate of soda be boiled with two of sulphur, and the deep yellow liquor be exposed to the air, until it yields a colour- less liquor on filtration, the salt is more simply produced ; the necessary quantity of oxygen being absorbed from the air. The hyposulphite of soda thus formed is easily soluble in water. Its resemblance to Glauber's salt in form, and its other properties are noticed in p. 400. The mode of preparing the soda salts of the different species of thionic acids have been sufficiently noticed in p. 401, et seq. Hypochlorite of Soda. Chloride of Soda. Disinfecting Liquor of Labaraque. Is produced by treating a solution of carbonate of soda with chlorine, as long as this is absorbed, but no carbonic acid evolved. For further observations, see the hypochlorites of potash, and of lime. A. Tribasic Phosphate of Soda. The common phosphate of soda of the shops is a tribasic salt, containing (P0 5 + 2NaO + HO) + 24 Aq. It is prepared by decomposing the solution of acid tribasic phos- phate of lime obtained from bones, (as described p. 412), by means of carbonate of soda. Carbonate of lime is thrown down, and phosphate of soda formed. It is easily soluble in water, and crystallizes in ob- lique rhombic prisms, as in the figure, which react alkaline. When exposed to the air, it loses some of its water by efflorescence, (ten atoms ?) but the crystals retain their form. If this salt be mixed with an excess of caustic soda, the atom of basic water is displaced, and the sub-phosphate of soda (P0 5 -f 3NaO + 24Aq), crystallizes in long prisms ; and by the addition of hy- 606 Phosphates of SodaBorate of Soda. drated phosphoric acid to its solution, and cautious evaporation, the acid tribasic phosphate (PO 5 -f NaO -f- 2HO) -f. 2Aq. which crystal- lizes in oblique rhombic prisms is formed; it is dimorphous. The characteristic of these three salts is to give with nitrate of silver a yellow precipitate of tribasic phosphate of silver. B. Bibasic Phosphate of Soda. Of these salts that termed the pyrophosphate of soda (PO 5 -f- 2NaO) + lOAq. is of interest, as its discovery led the way to the true history of these bodies. It is formed by fusing the common phosphate of soda (PO 5 -f 2NaO + HO) -f 24Aq. at a red heat. All the water of crystallization is given off at a very moderate heat ; but by a red heat the twenty-fifth or basic atom is ex- pelled, and when the salt is then redissolved, the phosphoric acid does not recombine with basic water, but remains united only with the soda. It is recognized by giving a white precipitate with nitrate of silver. C. The Monobasic Phosphate of Soda. P0 5 + JSFaO. is obtained by heating the acid tribasic or bibasic phosphates of soda to redness. All the volatile base being thus expelled, the phosphoric acid remains com- bined with one equivalent of soda. This salt fuses into a transparent glass ; is deliquescent ; its solution does not crystallize. It is easily recognized by throwing down from solutions of lead and silver, pre- cipitates, which are not powders but soft tenacious pastes. Borates of Soda. Boracic acid combines with soda in many propor- tions, forming salts, of which the most important is the triborate, the borax of commerce (NaO -f 3.B0 2 ) -f 10 Aq. It exists in the water of several lakes in Thibet and China, also in Hungary, and was im- ported thence in small crystals, smeared with a fatty matter, under the name of tinkal. The borax of commerce is now obtained by treating the native boracic acid obtained from Tuscany, p. 455, by carbonate of soda. On the application of heat, the acid dissolves with the evolution of carbonic acid and ammonia : the liquor is run into large vats lined with lead, where- it cools very slowly, and the borax gradually crystal- lizes in oblique rhombic prisms, as i, u, m, in the figure. If a strong solution of borax be kept at 33, the salt crystallizes in regular octohedrons with only five atoms water. Although this salt contains three equivalents of acid it has an alka- line reaction : when heated, it frothes up very much, abandoning the water. The dry salt melts at a red heat into a colourless glass, which dissolves most metallic oxides very readily, and hence is serviceable in experiments with the blowpipe, as enabling the metals to produce the colourless glasses by which they are recog- nized ; under the head of glass and porcelain, its use in these branches of art will be again noticed. Chloride of Barium Sulphate of Barytes. 607 The remaining compounds of boracic acid with soda, as the neutral borate, NaO.B0 2 + 8Aq. and acid salts as NaO + 6BO 2 and NaO + 9B0 2 are not important. Silicate of Soda will be described under the head of glass. Salts of Lithium. From the rarity of this body, its salts require no further notice, than that its carbonate is but very sparingly soluble in water, yet its solution possesses an alkaline reaction. It thus serves to connect the alkaline with the earthly bases. SALTS OF BARIUM. Chloride of Barium. Bad + 2Aq. Eq. 1301'7 + 225, or 104'] + 18. This salt may be prepared by decomposing the native carbo- nate of barytes with dilute muriatic acid, or, more especially, by decom- posing the sulphuret of barium, the preparation of which is described in p. 482, by dilute muriatic acid. In the former case carbonic acid, in the latter, sulphuretted hydrogen, is given off. The chloride of barium crystallizes from a hot solution in rhomboidal tables which con- tain 14' 7 of water. Sulphate of Barytes.- BaO.S0 3 . Eq. 1458, or 116-7. This salt exists native, in great abundance, being the most common source of barytes. It is very generally associated with sulphuret of lead, and serves as an indication of the probable proximity of that ore. It is totally insoluble in water. Its crystalline form is an oblique rhombic prism, generally very flat, as in the figure ; derived from an octohedron of which * and e are planes ; the secondary planes, p and u be- long to the prism. It is one of the heaviest of saline bodies, its specific gravity being 4*3, hence its name of heavy spar and terra ponderosa. When ground to fine powder, it is used as a cheap substitute for white lead in painting, for which large quantities of it are employed, but its crystalline texture prevents its having the opacity, or body, necessary in a good pigment. It may be prepared artificially, by adding sulphuric acid to any solu- tion containing barytes ; it falls as a heavy white crystalline powder. Its total insolubility renders its constituents excellent re-agents for each other. Nitrate of Barytes. BaO + 1\ T 5 . Eq. 1633, or 130, may be pro- duced by acting on carbonate of barytes with dilute nitric acid, or more cheaply by mixing strong hot solutions of sulphuret of barium and nitrate of soda. The sparingly soluble nitrate of barytes crystallizes as the mixed liquors cool, but the sulphuret of sodium remains dissolved 608 Nitrate of Barytes Salts of Strontium. In this process from Ba.S and NaO.N0 5 we obtain BaO.N0 5 and Na.S. This salt requires twelve parts of cold water for solution, but dissolves in four of boiling water, from which it crystallizes on cooling in octo- hedrons. These crystals are anhydrous. "When heated they yield pure barytes. The other salts of barytes do not require notice. SALTS OF STRONTIUM. Chloride of Strontium. Sr.CL + 6Aq. Eq. 989'9 or 79'32. This salt is obtained from the native carbonate or sulphate of strontia, exactly as chloride of barium is obtained from the native salts of barytes. It crystallizes in long needles which deliquesce. It is very soluble in water. Sulphate of Strontia. SrO. SO 3 . Eq. 1148-4 or 91-9. This, the most abundant source of strontia, is found native crystallized, isomorph- ous with sulphate of barytes. It may be produced artificially, as a white powder, by adding sulphuric acid to any solution containing strontia. It is dissolved by 3600 parts of boiling water, and remains dissolved after cooling. It is fused by a strong heat ; with charcoal it gives sulphuret of strontium. Nitrate of Strontia. SrO.N0 5 . Crystallizes in octohedrons, which dissolve in five parts of cold, and one-half part of boiling water. Mr. Scanlan has observed, that during the crystallization of this salt bright flashes of light are emitted. It is anhydrous, but decrepitates when heated, owing to mechanically included water. On the applica- tion of heat, these crystals evolve oxygen and nitrogen, and leave pure strontia. SALTS OF CALCIUM. Chloride of Calcium. -CaCl + 6Aq. Eq. 693-7 + 675 or 55'47 4. 54, is obtained by decomposing carbonate of lime with muriatic acid. In the laboratory it is abundantly procured as the residue of the pre- paration of carbonic acid, ammonia, &c. It is very soluble in water ; its solution, evaporated to the consistence of syrup, gives, by cooling, long striated rhombic prisms, which deliquesce with great rapidity, and when heated undergo watery fusion ; soon after which it abandons two- thirds of its water of crystallization, and a powder is obtained, CaCl + 2Aq. in which form it is best adapted for freezing mixtures. Heated still further, it becomes anhydrous, and at a red heat fuses. In this state it is phosphorescent in the dark, forming Homberg's pyrophorus. Chloride and Fluoride of Calcium. 60 9 It has a very great affinity for water, combining with two atoms of it with the evolution of much heat, and is hence employed to dry gases for experimental purposes, and to remove water from liquids, as in the rectification of alcohol. This salt combines with lime, forming an oxy-chloride of calcium, CaCl + 3CaO. which is obtained by boiling a solution of it with an excess of lime and filtering. The new substance crystallizes, on cooling, in small flat rhombs, which contain forty-nine per cent, or fifteen atoms of water. The bromide, or iodide of calcium do not present any interest. Fluoride of Calcium. Oa.F. is an abundant mineral known as fluor spar, found crystallized in cubes and octohedrons, but principally mas- sive. When first extracted from the earth it is moderately tough and soft, and is cut into ornaments which present a beautiful variety of colours. Its crystals become strongly phosphorescent by heat, or by electricity ; it is insoluble in water : from it all the other preparations of fluorine are derived, as noticed in pp. 445, and 452. It is quite insoluble in water, and appears as a gelatinous precipitate when hydrofluoric acid is added to any soluble salt of lime. When heated in contact with siticious or aluminous minerals, it forms easily fusible compounds, and being thus of use as a. flux in the smelting of metallic ores, its name of fluor spar was thence derived. Sulphate o/Lime.VaQ. S0 3 + 2Aq. Eq. 850'0 -f 225 or 68 + 18. May be prepared artificially, by mixing a solution of any soluble salt of lime with sulphuric acid. It forms a crystalline powder, nearly equally soluble in hot and cold water, requiring 461 times its weight for its solution. It occurs in nature abundantly, and in various forms : 1st, in distinct, colourless crystals ; 2nd, in semi-transparent masses of crystalline structure, constituting alabaster, and in amorphous masses forming extensive rocky strata, in many places, in which state it is called common gypsum. Prom this plaster of paris is obtained, by calcining the gypsum, broken into small pieces, in ovens at a tempera- ture below 300, until its water of crystallization is expelled. In this operation it falls to powder, and is to be put up in tight vessels, so as to exclude the air. When mixed with water it rapidly recombines with the two atoms, evolving heat and expanding in becoming solid, so as to fill up all interstices of the mould into which it may be poured. On this property is founded the art of casting in plaster and the formation of the various kinds of stucco, or artificial stone, in which a solution of glue, or of various earthy salts, may be substituted for pure water. If the gypsum had been heated, in baking, above 300, it is changed in nature, and no longer combines with water, so as to set ; it is then 39 610 Sulphate and Phosphate of Lime. converted into a form which exists in nature crystallized,, and which is termed anhydrite. A double salt of sulphate of lime and sulphate of soda is found native, and termed Glauberite. It is insoluble in water, by which it is also decomposed. It cannot be formed artificially. The Hyposulphite of Lime is a soluble salt, the mode of preparing which is described p. 399. The Nitrate of Lime is very deliquescent, and is decomposed by a moderate heat. Phosphoric acid combines with lime in several proportions, of which the most important is the Basic tribasic phosphate of lime, or Earth of bones. This salt, which constitutes the inorganic portion of the skele- ton of the mammalia, mixed only with small quantities of carbonate and sulphate of lime, and of fluoride of calcium, has the formula 8CaO + 3PO 5 . It may be obtained precipitated, by dissolving bone earth in muriatic acid, and exactly neutralizing the solution by caustic ammonia. It falls as a gelatinous powder containing four atoms of water. As the phosphoric acid of bones is in its tribasic condition, Graham considers it to be a combination of two phosphates, thus, 2(3CaO.PO 5 + Aq.) + (HO.2CaO.POs 4. Aq.) Each of these tribasic phosphates of lime may be obtained separate, by decomposing solutions of chloride of calcium by solutions of the ordinary phosphate, or of the subphosphate of soda. Hypochlorite of Lime. Chloride of Lime. Bleaching Salt. When speaking of the oxygen compounds of chlorine, and of the chlorate and hypochlorate of potash, I have had occasion to notice the diversity of opinion regarding the nature of the bleaching substances formed by the action of chlorine on the alkalies, and on lime. Of these the chloride of lime is by far the most important in the arts. It is prepared by generating chlorine in a large still, a, b, h, f, as described p. 418, the materials being kept constantly mixed, by means of an agitator moved round by the handle d. The gas is conducted by the tube e e to the upper part of a wooden reservoir, or apartment, as in the figure, (next page), made very tight, i, i, on the floor of which, pure hydrate of lime is exposed to the action of the gas. The lime is introduced by the door k, h, and the surface is changed occasionally by stirring with rakes by means of the apertures I, I, I': the absorption should take place so slowly as not to evolve any sensible heat. In this way 100 parts of slaked lime combine generally with from fifty to sixty of chlorine. If the process be carried on too rapidly, a quantity of lime is decomposed, chlorate of lime and chloride of calcium being formed, which may be recognized by the product getting damp when exposed to the air. Manufacture of Chloride of Lime. Gil The best bleaching powder thus prepared by the dry way, does not contain more than forty per cent, of chlorine ; this does not correspond to any exact atomic constitution ; but if lime be diffused through water so as to form a thin cream, it then absorbs more than its own weight of gas, and is totally dissolved. It is probably the mechanical disadvan- tages of the dry powder, which prevents the absorption of the gas reach- ing this limit, and the best bleaching powder may be looked on as a mixture of true chloride of lime, with about eighteen per cent, of hy- drate of lime in excess. Accordingly, w^hen ordinary bleaching powder is treated with water, the true atomic compound is dissolved out and the excess of lime remains. The composition of the theoretical and the best practical substances may, therefore, be expressed as follows : Theoretical. 1 atom chlorine, 35'47 48'93 1 lime, 28-00 38'64 1 water, 9 -00 12-43 72-47 100-00 Best practical Chlorine, 40'32 Lime, 45-40 Water, 14'28 100-00 But the generality of good samples in commerce will be found not to exceed thirty per cent, of chlorine. The solution of this chloride of lime has a marked alkaline reaction; it is without any bleaching power, except an acid be present, which libe- rates chlorine and enables it to destroy the colouring matter. It is thus that the colour can be removed from certain points without injur- ing others, which is of very great importance in calico printing ; thus a piece of cloth being dyed uniformly with madder, (as Turkey red), the pattern is printed on with tartaric acid thickened with gum, and the whole being immersed in a bath of chloride of lime, the chlorine is liberated by the acid at every point of the pattern, and the cloth is there bleached, giving a white ground, on which other colours may be 612 Process of Chlorometry. be applied, whilst the general surface remains deep red. A solution of bleaching powder in water exhales a sensible odour of chlorine, owing to the absorption of carbonic acid from the air, and obtains thereby weak bleaching properties. As the technical value of bleaching powder depends on the total quantity of chlorine which it contains, this may be determined without reference to its theoretical constitution. For this purpose a variety of methods have been proposed, and the process is termed Chlorometry. The earliest method employed, consisted in preparing a standard solution of sulphate of indigo, which, being of a deep blue colour, was bleached by the chlorine expelled from the lime by the sulphuric acid, and evi- dently, the richer the bleaching powder was in chlorine, the more solu- tion of indigo a certain weight of it could bleach. The action of chlorine on indigo is, however, so complex, that this method was found exposed to numerous fallacies, and may be considered as now obsolete. Latterly Gay Lussac has proposed to substitute for this, the more definite action of chlorine in acidifying arsenic. He prepares a solution of arsenious acid in muriatic acid, and dilutes this with water. On adding thereto a solution of chloride of lime, the muriatic acid takes the lime, and the chlorine, decomposing water, converts the arsenious acid into arsenic acid, and itself forms hydrochloric acid ; AsO 3 with 2C1 and 2. HO producing AsO 5 and 2.HC1. The proportions which I employ in this reaction are as follows : 100 grains of arsenious acid are to be dissolved in 2000 grains of strong spirits of salt, and this liquor diluted with distilled water, till it occupies the volume of 7000 grains of water. This is the standard test liquor ; to employ it, 100 grains of bleaching powder to be tested are to be diffused through 1000 grains of water and the test liquor to be gently poured from a graduated glass on it, in a deep jar, continually stirring the mixture. A drop of weak solution of sulphate of indigo is to be occasionally applied by means of a glass rod to the surface of the liquor ; as long as any chlorine remains unaltered, the blue colour of the drop is instantly destroyed, and the addition of the arsenic liquor is to be continued until the blue drop re- mains unaltered. Then the quantity of chlorine present in the 100 grains of bleaching powder, is represented by lioth of the quantity of the test liquor employed ; thus if there were 2565 grains of the test liquor necessary to destroy the bleaching powder of the 100 grains of chloride of lime, the quantity of chlorine would be 25'65. This is not absolutely correct, for in theory, the true quantity of chlorine indicated would be 26*08, but as a few drops of the solution are always em- ployed, more than what should by theory be necessary, the practical proportion of T ^ comes excessively close to the truth. Even one- Practical value of the Bleaching Powder. 613 half per cent., which is the limit of error, is quite unimportant in practice. Another method, which is simple and rapid in execution, is nearly the same as that described in p. 499, for determining the technical value of black oxide of manganese by means of copperas, (green sul- phate of iron). The proportion and method of testing which I employ are as follows : 390 grains of clean and dry crystals of green sulphate of iron are to be dissolved in as much water as will bring the solution to the volume of 5000 grains of water. On the other hand, 100 grains of the chloride of lime is to be diffused through 1000 grains of water, and the solution of copperas is to be added thereto, until the presence of a trace of the protosulphate of iron in excess is indicated, by the mixed liquor striking a full blue colour when a drop of it is placed on a slip of paper, imbibed with red prussiate of potash. The quantity of chlorine present in the 100 grains of the bleaching powder, is -j-J^ of the quantity of the standard copperas liquor employed; thus, if 2783 grains measure of the volume of the solution be found necessary, the sample contains 27*83 of chlorine per cent. For the 27'83 of liquor contains 217 grains of sulphate of iron which is peroxidized by the action of 27 '6 grains of chlorine; here also the limit of error need not exceed one-half per cent. Other processes have been proposed, founded, some on the change of yellow 7 prussiate into red prussiate of potash, by means of the chlorine of the bleaching powder ; and others, by decom- posing the bleaching powder by means of an excess of water of ammonia, and measuring the nitrogen gas evolved, but these are more trouble- some and less exact than the processes already detailed, which are those most worthy of confidence from the manufacturer. As to the theoretical nature of bleaching powder, chemists are not as yet able to decide positively. The original and simple idea of a direct combination between the chlorine and the lime, has been revived by Millon, who advanced, that by decomposing the salts of lead, iron, and copper, by solution of chloride of lime, precipitates were obtained, which were compounds of the protoxide of the metal united with as much chlorine as was equivalent to the oxygen necessary to form perox- ide. Thus, that with lead, a chloroxide Pb.O.Cl ; that with iron, a chloroxide Fe 2 .Q2.Cl. The chloride of lime CaO.Cl. should thus be equivalent to deutoxide of calcium, Ca.O.O, It has been found, how- ever, that the evidence, is not yet satisfactory. The peroxide of potas- sium is KOs, whilst chloride of potash is not K.O.C1 2 but KO.C1. The composition of all these bleaching compounds, appears to be an atom of chlorine united to an atom of a protoxide, and this may be explained, by supposing a hypochlorite and a metallic chloride to be formed ; thus 614 Salts of Magnesium. 2CaO and 2C1 may give CaO + CIO and CaCl. But if this happens, the chloride of calcium certainly remains combined, forming a double salt ; for the bleaching powder, if properly prepared, has no tendency to deliquesce, and only becomes damp when long kept, and then chlo- rate of lime, and free chloride of calcium are formed, and all its bleach- ing qualities are lost. There are thus two views equally tenable ; first, that the bleaching compounds are chlorides of oxides, corresponding to peroxides ; and second, that they are double salts of a hypochlorite^ with a chloride, but there is no reason to consider, that the chlorous acid C1O 4 comes into play in their manufacture, although the salts of that acid when otherwise prepared, do possess bleaching properties. SALTS OF MAGNESIUM. Chloride of Magnesium. MgCl. Eq. 60O9, or 48*16, may be ob- tained in solution by acting on the carbonate of magnesia with muriatic acid ; by evaporation, it may be obtained in prisms with 6 Aq. which are very deliquescent. These crystals cannot be deprived of water, without total decomposition, the chlorine passing off as muriatic acid, and magnesia remaining behind. The chloride may, however, be ob- tained anhydrous, by previously mixing its solution with sal-ammoniac, with which it forms an anhydrous double salt, which, when heated to redness, gives off sal-ammoniac, and the pure chloride of magnesium remains melted, and forms a clear crystalline mass when cold. The chloride of magnesium exists in sea water. Sulphate of Magnesia. MgO.SO 3 . Eq. 759'4 or 60'8. This salt exists abundantly in saline mineral springs, as those of Seidlitz, Selters, and Epsom, from whence it derives its common name of epsom salt. It is extracted principally from the magnesian limestone, which is cal- cined, and the mixed lime and magnesia treated with dilute sulphuric acid ; the sulphate of lime being very sparingly soluble, is easily sepa- rated from the sulphate of magnesia by washing with water, the latter is dissolved out and the liquor evaporated and crys- tallized. A great deal is also made from the mother liquor of sea water, or littern, (p. 603). This is decomposed by sulphuric acid and the salt formed separated by crystallization. The sulphate of magnesia crystallizes in oblique rhombic prisms, as in the figure, containing seven atoms of water, of which one is constitutional, and the other six crystalline ; its formula is therefore MgO,SO 3 . HO -f- 6 Aq; when heated to 212, it easily abandons the Manufacture of Epsom Salts. 615 6 Aq. but retains the seventh atom of water even at 4 CO . It com- bines with the sulphate of potash, to form a double salt, (MgO' SO 3 -f KO.SOJ -f 6 Aq ; the atom of constitutional water being re- placed by the alkaline sulphate. The sulphates of soda and of ammonia act in the same way. Nitrate of Magnesia. MgO.N0 5 is very soluble and deliquescent. It cannot be obtained dry, as it crystallizes with six equivalents of water, of which five are expelled by a moderate heat, and by a higher temperature, the nitric acid itself passes off and magnesia remains be- hind ; MgO.NO 5 .HO producing MgO and HO.NO 5 . The Borate of Magnesia constitutes the mineral boracite, whose elec- trical and crystalline properties have been already noticed. There exists a great number of combinations of silicic acid with magnesia, constituting the steatite, or soapstone; the meerschaum, of which pipe bowls are cut ; olivine, and the serpentine which exists abun- dantly in the green marble of Galway ; these are simple silicates of magnesia ; others, as amphibole and pyroxene, are double silicates of magnesia and lime, more or less replaced by protoxide of iron. SALTS OF ALUMINUM. Chloride of Aluminum. A1 2 C1 3 . Eq. 1 670*3, or 133'84. In a hydrated form this salt may be prepared by dissolving alumina in muriatic acid, a solution being obtained, which, when evaporated, yields very deliquescent crystals, containing twelve atoms of water. On ap- plying heat to this, the salt itself is decomposed, muriatic acid is given off, and pure alumina remains. The dry chloride of aluminum is formed only by a process analogous to that described for chloride of silicon, p. 451. Pure alumina is mixed with lampblack and ignited in a porcelain tube, whilst a stream of dry chlorine is passed over it ; the oxygen of the alumina combines with the carbon and forms carbonic oxide, and the chlorine combines with the aluminum. The resulting chloride, being volatile, sublimes, and is condensed in the cool portion of the tube, which is allowed to project some distance beyond the furnace for that purpose, or a wide glass tube is adapted to receive the salt. The chloride of aluminum thus formed is a pale-green crystalline mass. Exposed to the air, it fumes and deliquesces. Once combined with water, it cannot be freed from it. It is used to obtain metallic aluminum, as described p. 490. The Fluoride of Aluminum is found in the mineral kingdom. The beautiful gem, the topaz, is a double fluoride and silicate of alumina. 616 Salts of Aluminum. Sulphate of Alumina (A1 2 O 3 + 3SO 3 ) + 18 Aq. This salt is ob- tained by dissolving alumina in dilute sulphuric acid, it has a sweetish styptic taste, is very soluble in water, and crystallizes in thin flexible plates; when heated, it abandons its water, and at a red heat, its sulphuric acid, alumina remaining pure. The sulphuric acid unites with alumina in many other proportions, of which that constituting the mineral alu- minite is the most important ; its formula is A1 2 3 -f- S0 3 -\- 3 Aq. ; the base, acid and water, each containing the same quantity of oxygen. This salt is produced also, by adding an excess of caustic ammonia to a solution of alum ; hence caustic ammonia cannot be used to prepare pure alumina (p. 490). The sulphate of alumina combines with the alkaline sulphates to form the remarkable double salts, the common alums. The most ordinary kind is the double sulphate of alumina and potash } the formula of which is (KO.S0 3 + A1 2 O 3 -|- 3S0 3 ) + 24 Aq. Erom the large quantities of this salt employed in the processes of dying, its manufacture is conducted upon the great scale. In the coal districts, and interstratified with the beds of good coal, strata of clay-slate are generally found, containing a certain quantity of coaly material, and through which abundance of bisulphuret of iron is disseminated in the instable rhombic form, (see pp. 315 and 510.) When this alum slate is exposed to the air, the sulphuret of iron rapidly absorbs oxygen and forms copperas, with an excess of sulphuric acid, which reacts on the clays, with the alumina of which it combines. This effect is accelerated by the application of heat, which is applied by building up the mineral into pyramidal heaps, with some fuel underneath, and channels through the interior, by which a draught may be established ; the fuel below being set on fire, the slate contains coal enough to maintain its own combustion, and the mass changes in colour as it burns, becoming brick red ; according as the process is carried through, successive quantities of mineral are added to the burning heap, until it often acquires a height of sixty or eighty feet. When the mass thus calcined has become quite cold, it is pow- dered and lixiviated with water ; a large quantity of sulphate of alumina and sulphate of iron dissolve out, and the liquor is brought by evapora- tion to a certain degree of strength. A solution of some salt of potash is then added, generally the waste chloride of potassium from soap boilers, and the sulphate of iron being decomposed, forms sulphate of potash, which unites with the sulphate of alumina, and crystallizes out as alum, whilst the iron remains as chloride in the liquor. In some volcanic countries, as Italy, a mineral is found already con- taining potash and sulphuric acid unites to alumina, from which is ob- tained a very pure alum, rock-alum, which is valued very much by dyers, Manufacture of Alum. 617 on account of its total freedom from sulphate of iron, of which Eng- lish alum generally contains a small trace, which injures the colours of the dyes. Alum crystallizes in regular octohedrons, the solid angles being often replaced by the surfaces of a cube. When heated, the water is first expelled, and at a red heat, it parts with most of its sulphuric acid, sulphate of potash and pure alumina remaining. The taste of alum is sweet and astringent, it reacts acid, and is soluble in 18*4 parts of cold, and in 0'75 parts of boiling water. A remarkable pyrophorus, that of Homberg, is prepared from alum ; three parts of dried alum and one of lampblack well mixed, are to be placed in a stout glass bottle, and being bedded with sand in a crucible, are to be carefully heated to redness, until a blue flame appears at the mouth of the bottle ; when this has lasted a few minutes, the bottle is to be stoppered with a bit of chalk, and the whole cautiously cooled. The bottle contains a black powder, a mixture of lampblack, alumina, and sulphuret of potassium, which last being in a state of exceedingly minute division, takes fire when a little of the product is shaken out of the bottle, and emits considerable light. Basic Alum. Cubical Alum.M> z . 2SO 3 . + KO.SO 3 . This sub- stance, which is preferred to ordinary alum as a mordant, is prepared by adding carbonate of potash to a solution of alum, as long as the pre- cipitate which first forms is redissolved by agitation. It crystallizes in cubes which have no acid reaction. The sulphate of soda combining with sulphate of alumina, forms the soda alum, which is not much used. The ammonia alum will be here- after noticed. The Phosphate of Alumina constitutes a remarkable mineral found in Cork and Tipperary, the wavellite. The simple and double silicates of alumina constitute probably the majority of all known minerals ; such of them as possess technical or pharinaceutic value are noticed under the heads of the uses to which they are applied. Tor a description of the others, I refer to the ordi- nary works on mineralogy. One substance, however, of which the constitution is very curious, may, from its technical importance, be here noticed, the lapis lazuli, or ultramarine. It is found in veins in igneous rocks in Siberia, but par- ticularly in China. It is of a rich blue colour, not crystalline, and being powdered, serves in painting as the richest and most permanent blue ; its composition has been found to be in 100 parts, silica, 35*8; alumina 34 8 ; soda, 2 3' 2 ; sulphur, 3'1 ; carbonate of lime, 3*1 ; it is difficult to deduce a formula from these numbers, and the state of 618 Nature of Glass and Porcelain. combination of the sulphur is not well understood. Attempts at imi- tating the composition of this body have been partially successful, and a large quantity of artificial ultramarine is now made for painters' use by the following process ; freshly precipitated silicic acid, and alumina, are mixed with sulphur in a solution of caustic soda, all in the propor- tions above given, and the mixture dried down ; the resulting mass is placed in a covered crucible and exposed to a white heat, it gives a dark and pure blue mass, to which, for the perfect bringing out of the colour, the air must have had partial access during its ignition. The product is reduced to impalpable powder by the same process adopted for the native substance. Constitution of Glass and Porcelain. I deferred the description of the silicates of potash, soda, and lime, because they stand so closely allied with the silicate of alumina, in rela- tion to the important manufactures of glass and earthenware, that their properties could only be well understood when studied in connexion with it. Silicic acid combines with the alkalies in many proportions, of which those that contain a considerable excess of base are soluble in water. Thus is prepared the liquor of flints, by melting together one part of powdered quartz, and two of carbonate of potash ; the carbonic acid is expelled and a glassy mass is obtained, which deliquesces in the air, and is very soluble in water. It reacts strongly alkaline, and gives, with acids, a precipitate of silica in its soluble form, as described p. 450. In this preparation, soda may be constituted for potash in a proportion one-third less, and a mixture of seventy parts carbonate of potash, fifty- four dry carbonate of soda, and 152 of fine quartz sand, gives a still more fusible and soluble product. This substance, under the name of soluble glass, has been employed to render wood incombustible ; several coats of a strong solution of it being applied under the paint. "When the quantity of silicic acid is greater, the resulting alkaline silicate is insoluble in water, and possesses the qualities which give to glass its peculiar value. These are, first, to solidify, after being melted, very gradually, and to pass through a condition of pastiness, which ad- mits of its being blown out, cut, and fashioned in every way ; and second, to remain, when solid, quite transparent and destitute of any tendency to crystalline structure. Its composition should also be such as to resist completely the action of air and water. The materials used in the manufacture of glass are, 1st, quartz sand, as free as possible from iron ; 2nd, lirnc used sometimes pure, some- times slaked ; occasionally chalk is employed in place of lime ; 3rd, Composition of Glass. 619 carbonate of potash,, (pearl ashes of commerce) ; 4th, carbonate of soda, or a salt of soda, as Glauber's salt, or common salt ; 5th, old broken glass, technically termed cullet ; 6th, red lead, which must be extremely pure ; and for corrective purposes, arsenious acid sometimes, but more frequently black oxide of manganese. These materials are by no means all employed together; the composition of various kinds of glass differing very much, as is shown in the following table of the best analyses of glass. Constituents. Hard white 3 Crown Glass. Bottle Glass. 'eS I Flint Glass. No.l No.2 No. 3. No. 4. No. 5. No. 6. No. 7. No. 8. No. 9. Silicic Acid Potash . . . Soda 71-7 12-7 ' 2-5 69-2 15-8 3-0 62-8 22-1 69-2 8-0 3-0 604 3-2 53-5 5-5 592 9-0 51-9 13-8 42-5 117 Lime Alumina Magnesia 10-3 0-4 7-6 1-2 2-0 12-5 I 2-6 13-0 3-6 0-6 20-7 10-4 0-6 29-2 6-0 ... ... 0-5 1-8 Oxide of Iron Oxide of Manganese 0-3 0-9 0-5 i 1-6 3-8 5-8 6 V 4 1-0 ... ... Oxide of Lead 28-2 33-3 43-5 98-1 99-3 100-0 99-0 99-1 100-0 97'8 99-0 100-0 Although in some of these analyses a slight loss occurred, yet they are sufficiently accurate for all purposes. No 1 is the hard Bohemian glass so valuable to the chemist, from the high temperature it bears without softening. No. 2, also a Bohemian glass, is much more fusi- ble, and is that in ordinary use. No. 3 is English plate, and No. 4, German plate glass. Nos. 5 and 6 are both Trench. Nos. 7 and 8 are English glass for the table use and chemical apparatus ; and No. 9 is the glass so celebrated for optical purposes, made by Guinaud. It is difficult to trace any definite relation between the acid and bases in these glasses; indeed we cannot look upon the different silicates as being really combined with each other : they are rather in a state of intimate mechanical mixture. Hence, if the glass be kept soft, but not liquid, for a considerable time, the silicates gradually separate ; the less fusible crystallizing, and rendering the glass opaque white. This takes place most easily with such glass as contains much silicate of lime or alumina. In tins form, the mass is so hard, as to strike fire with steel, and becomes almost infusible. From the name of its discoverer, it is termed Reaumur's porcelain. The arrangement of the furnaces for the manufacture of glass varies 620 Manufacture of Glass. according the materials and the kind of product. The materials, re- duced to the state of very fine powder, are intimately mixed, and fused in crucibles of very refractory clay. The silica decomposes the carbo- nates of lime and potash or soda, and expelling the carbonic acid, com- bines with the alkali and earth. If sulphate of soda had been used, a certain quantity of carbon is added, by which the sulphuric acid is de- composed, sulphurous and carbonic acids being evolved (p. 391) ; otherwise the silica could not completely expel the sulphuric acid. From the presence of minute quantities of protoxide of iron in the materials, the glass has, at first, a pale-greenish tint, which is coun- teracted by the addition of a little nitre or arsenious acid, these agents giving oxygen to the iron, which does not colour when peroxidized ; with the latter body the metallic arsenic is evolved in vapour, the bad effects of which should prevent its employment. More generally per- oxide of manganese is used, which, acting on protoxide of iron, pro- duces peroxide of iron and protoxide of manganese, neither of which bodies give any sensible tint to glass. If there be too much manga- nese employed, the glass acquires a violet tint. There is reason to suspect that soda glass is greenish even when absolutely free from iron. The general arrangement of a glass furnace may be illustrated by reference to the figures, which represent the essential parts of one of the most perfect forms employed in the manufacture of the fine crown glass of Germany. In the oval furnace A, which is covered by a dome, the crucibles are arranged in two rows, of which one is represented in the sectional figure. These crucibles are left open, but if employed for a glass containing lead, they should be covered with a hood presenting only an aperture external to the furnace, for the workman ; as the glass would require to be thus protected from the smoke and combustible Manufacture of Glass. 621 gases of the furnace which would reduce the lead to the metallic state. Between the banks is a rectangular space for the fire, resting on the gratings Ib, which are separated by the partition wall F, and have aper- tures at the sides for the introduction of the fuel. By means of the passage D, there is access beneath the grate for the purpose of clearing it, and the draught is regulated by the opening or closing of the doors ee. The flame of the fuel, which should be either wood or a very bitu- minous coal, issues partly through the apertures in front of the cruci- bles 00) and partly passes by g, into the wings and chimney ; by means of the wings, a great quantity of the heat is economized for prepara- tory operations. Next the furnace are placed the fresh crucibles ee, which being always made in the glass-house, are there dried, baked, and ultimately brought to a full red heat, so as to be fit for introduction into the furnace with a charge of glass. The draught passing in the direction of the arrows, over the low partition, the flame and hot air acts on the space k, on the floor of which are spread the materials for the next charge of glass, well mixed, and introduced by the apertures II; these being brought to a dull red heat, undergo a commencement of vitrefaction, and are thus fritted or prepared for the perfect com- bination by fusion in the crucibles. This operation of fritting was for- merly performed in a separate reverberatory furnace. The draught escapes partly from the small chimney x, but a portion of the hot air having passed over the partition m, is conducted into the chamber w, which is filled with wood supported on the grating ; the hot air, in passing off, carries away the moisture of the wood, which is thus brought to a state of perfect desiccation, so as to give the greatest possible effect in the furnace. For the perfect combination of the materials and obtaining a mass free from streaks and air bubbles, it is essential that the glass should be brought into a state of perfect liquidity, so as to allow the gases to 622 Useful Properties of Glass. pass off freely ; and then be let to cool until it acquires the pasty con- sistence which fits it for being worked into the necessary forms. In thus cooling down, however, those glasses which contain oxide of lead frequently separate into two or more layers of glass of different densi- ties, which, when stirred up by the tools of the workman, give by their imperfect mixture a clouded and streaked appearance to the articles made from such glass. This imperfection is peculiarly fatal to glass for optical purposes, as each layer may have a different refractive power, and thus give distorted images. The great use of glass in the arts and in ordinary life, depends upon its plasticity at a red heat, which renders it capable of being moulded into every form ; its insolubility in water ; its resisting the action of acids and the generality of chemical re-agents under all ordinary circum- stances ; its transparency and lustre, and the relations to heat, to light, and to electricity, which have been already fully noticed. From the low conducting power of glass for heat, thick portions of it are liable to break when suddenly warmed, the part to which the heat is directly applied expanding and thereby separating from that which remains cold. When a lump of glass is suddenly cooled, as by being laid while soft on a plate of cold iron, or being dropped into water, the internal portions being prevented from contracting, remain in a state of instable arrangement, on which depends its doubly refracting and polarizing properties, (p. 318.) When the molecules of such a piece of chilled glass are made to vibrate, by being scratched, or a little fragment being broken off, they change totally their disposition, and flying asunder, the mass crumbles into powder with an explosion. Prince Rupert's drops, with which this property of glass may be exemplified, are prepared by taking up on an irod rod a little melted glass, and allowing the drops of it to fall into a vessel of cold water ; when one is held in the hand, and the long projecting tail broken off, a smart blow is felt with a dull noise, and the drop is found to be reduced to fine powder. As this excessive frangibility would render glass unfit for most household and chemical purposes, it is necessary to lessen it as much as possible, which is done by allowing it to cool very slowly. Tor this purpose, the vessels when formed are placed in the annealing furnace, or leer, which is a long gallery containing a number of iron trays moveable along it by means of an endless chain ; the hot glass articles are placed in the trays at one end, where a strong- fire is made, the flame of which sweeps to a certain distance into the gallery. According as new trays come up, those already full are drawn down into the cooler part of the gallery by the chain, and finally issue at the other end quite cold. The passage down occupying from Annealing of Glass Stained Glass. 02-3 twenty-four to forty-eight hours, the particles of the glass, in cooling, have time to assume their most stable arrangement, and may then be exposed, if not very thick, to changes of temperature, provided they be not very sudden. The specific gravity of glass varies with its composition from 2 '4 to 3'6, the latter being that of flint glass containing 40 per cent, of oxide of lead. The lighter glasses are generally those which are hardest, and resist the action of water and of re-agents the best. The oxide of lead H in flint glass is acted on by a variety of chemical substances, which unfits it for many laboratory uses. Where alkali predominates, the glass is rapidly acted on by the air, attracting moisture, and thus fre- quently embarrassing electrical experiments. Bottle glass which contains too much lime, is so rapidly corroded by the cream of tartar in wine, as sometimes to become opaque, and spoil the wine in the course of a few days. I have had frequent occasion to notice the various coloured glasses produced by the addition of metallic oxides ; (see p. 40) ; on this principle is founded the art of painting on, or staining glass, and also the manufacture of artificial gems. These arts I will have to notice farther on, and any detail of their methods would be foreign to a work like the present. The manufacture of porcelain and earthenware depends on two prin- ciples, first, that of the plasticity and infusibility of clay, and secondly, the fusibility of a glass by which the substance of the porous clay may be imbibed, and thus rendered water tight. Clay, when perfectly pure, appears to be silicate of alumina, 2 A1 2 O 3 4. 3 SiO 3 ; but as the great de- posits of clay used for the purposes of the arts are produced by the weathering (decomposition) of a variety of rocks, a number of foreign ingredients are intermixed in small quantity, and produce varieties which influence very much the proportions used in the manufacture. The purest porcelain clay is formed by the decomposition of the feld- spar contained in granitic and syanitic rocks. The feldspar has the formula KO.SiO 3 + (A1 2 O 3 + 3 SiO 3 ) : by the action of water the silicate of potash is dissolved out as soluble glass (p. 618), and the sili- cate of alumina remains as a fine powder, perfectly white, impalpable, forming with water a paste capable of being moulded into any form, and when heated abandoning the water, and contracting in volume, but retaining the form which had been given to it. The pure porcelain clay is seldom found, and hence is used only for the finest objects ; other clays of greater or less purity are therefore used either alone or mixed with porcelain clay, for such objects as stone-china and delft ; and clays in which a quantity of alumina is replaced by iron, and which, 624 Manufacture of Earthenware. consequently, when burned, assume a red or yellow colour, are employed for common earthenware. In the clays which contain very little iron, and hence bum white, there are present almost universally certain quan- tities of alkali remaining from the decomposed feldspar, this is gene- rally potash, but may be soda when the clay is formed from albite, (NaO.Si0 3 + 3A1 2 3 + 3SiO 3 ), and when the source of the clay is not a pure granitic rock, the associated minerals generally yield a certain quantity of lime which mixes with it. Hence, the composition of the following clays from various countries used in the manufacture of por- celain, can easily be accounted for : Clay from Mori. Schneeberg. Limoges. Cornwall. Silica Alumina L/ime 71-42 26-07 0-13 43-6 377 468 37-3 49-60 37-40 > A Potash % Water 0-45 12-6 2-5 13-0 > traces 11-20 Oxide of Iron 1-93 1-5 If clay alone were used in the fabrication of earthenware, although from its plasticity it should assume perfectly the required form, yet from its infusibility it would, when baked, have so little coherence, and, from its contraction, be so liable to crack, that in practice it could not be beneficially employed. The paste of which the china and delft articles are made consists therefore of clay, to which is added, silica, lime, and potash, in other words, the constituents of crown glass, which, being fusible at a high temperature, cement together the parti- cles of clay, and enable the different portions of the vessel to hold together during the bakings. Thus, to form the body of ironstone chinaware, forty parts of Devonshire clay are mixed with from forty to sixty of feldspar, and generally about five parts of flint glass, and ten of quartz. It would not be within the object of the present work to detail the mechanical process of fashioning articles of earthenware. When formed, they are first dried in the air, and then heated moderately, to expel as much water as will fit them for the reception of the glaze. This consists in covering them perfectly with a sheet of easily-fusible glass, which, by entering into all their pores, and varnishing their sur- face, renders the vessels impervious to water ; the glassy constituents of the paste having, in quantity and fusibility, only sufficient power to cement the particles of the clay together, without depriving the mass in- ternally of its porosity. The composition of the glaze may vary much in Baking of Earthemcare. 625 different establishments ; an ordinary one, for ironstone china, consists of feldspar 36, quartz 20, white lead 40, flint-glass 8. These materials are fritted together, and then being reduced to impalpable powder, are diffused through water, into which the vessel to be glazed is dipped and is then taken out again. The clayey substance of the vessel rapidly imbibes the water, and the fine powder of the glaze remains uniformly spread upon the surface. The articles so prepared are arranged in capsules of a very refractory ware, and placed in the kiln or furnace to be baked. The construction of the porcelain kiln is represented in the figure. It is a vaulted building, generally of three stories, provided with five fireplaces, from which the flames pass into the kiln by the passages, b, m, a, p, marked with the arrows ; from the third story the chimney issues. The highest floor is reserved for drying the capsules in which the articles to be baked are arranged ; on the floor of the second, the articles are dried to the degree which fits them for the reception of the glaze ; and, in the lowest chamber, by the full action of the fire, the final baking is performed. The operation commences first with a moderate fire, the fuel being introduced into the cavity h, and supplied with air by the apertures e, s ; the heat being allowed to rise gradually for six or eight hours, the space Ji becomes full of ignited fuel, and a strong draught is established. The apertures are then closed, fuel (and for this, as for glass making, wood answers best) is heaped on the rest b, and the air admitted to the kiln only after having passed through h. The temperature is thus kept uniformly intense 40 626 Glazing of Earthenware. for seventeen or eighteen hours, and then, the kiln being allowed to cool slowly for three or four days, the articles are extracted in their finished state. The glaze on earthenware being a transparent glass, it may be coloured by various metallic oxides, and thus the patterns produced, which give to the finer kinds of ware so much popularity. The coloured glass being reduced to fine powder, is mixed up with oil of spike, and either laid on with a brush, as in ordinary painting, or printed, in a very ingenious manner, by having the pattern engraved on copper, and printing it with the glaze made with oil into a very thin ink on damp tissue paper. The paper with the figure thus formed is laid evenly on the vessel, which, from its porosity, immediately absorbs the liquid materials of the ink, and leaves the powder of the glaze on the surface in all the fine tracings of the design. The paper is then cautiously rubbed off by the finger, in a vessel of cold water, and the uniform glazing applied over all, as before described. The blue patterns are produced by cobalt ; the black by a mixture of oxides of iron and manganese ; the crimson by gold ; and gold and platiiia are applied also, in their metallic state, by dissolving their chlorides in oil of turpentine, and applying this varnish with a pencil, then burning, and burnishing the metallic surface. A coarse kind of glazing, given to the common articles of earthen- ware, is produced by throwing into the kiln, when intensely hot, a few handfuls of common salt ; by means of the watery vapour produced by the combustion of the fuel, the silicic acid on the surface of the earthen- ware decomposes the common salt, which is converted into vapour by the heat; Si.O 2 with Na.Cl and HO, producing NaO.Si0 2 , which forms a transparent glassy varnish on their surface, whilst HC1 passes off with the excess of watery vapour, forming copious white fumes. The general characters of the salts of gludnum, thorium, yttrium, zirconium, lanthanum, and cerium have been noticed under the heads of these respective metals (p. 573 et seq.) and do not require further detail. SALTS OF MANGANESE. Manganese may give origin to four classes of salts, in two of which it constitutes the base, and in the others forms an element of the acid ; these last, the manganates and permanganates, have been sufficiently noticed in pp. 500, and it remains only to describe the former. Protochloride of Manganese. MnCl + 4Aq. Eq. 7 88 '5 + 450, or 63*19 -f- 36. This salt may be obtained by digesting the commercial Salts of Manganese. black oxide in muriatic acid, until all the excess of chlorine has been expelled, then evaporating to dryness, and fusing the mass, at a bright red heat, in a crucible. The chloride of iron, which is formed by the impurities of the ore, is decomposed by the last portions of water, and muriatic acid being given off, oxide of iron remains. Hence, on digest- ing the melted mass in water, protochloride of manganese dissolves, and all the iron remains insoluble. The solution, which is of a pale pinkish tint, is to be evaporated, and the salt crystallized. The crystals are rhombic tables, rose coloured ; by heat they lose their water of crystallization, but are not otherwise altered. It is known to be free from iron when its solution gives, with yellow prussiate of potash, a pure white precipitate. Perchloride of Manganese. MnCl 2 . appears to be formed when strong muriatic acid is digested on peroxide of manganese without heat. A gentle heat resolves it into protochloride and free chlorine. Protosulphate of Manganese. MnO.SO 3 + 7Aq. This salt may be obtained pure from the commercial oxide by mixing this into a thick cream, with oil of vitriol, and heating it in a shallow dish, until it becomes quite dry ; oxygen being given off. The dry mass which con- tains the mixed sulphates of iron and manganese is to be then placed in a crucible, and heated to bright redness ; the sulphate of iron is decomposed, its sulphuric acid being expelled by the heat ; but the sulphate of manganese is not altered, and on digesting the resulting mass in water, it dissolves, and is obtained crystallized, by evaporation and cooling. This salt crystallizes in oblique rhombic prisms, with 7 aq., but is also found with 5 aq., and with 4 aq., its form changing in each case. In all, one equivalent of water is constitutional, and may be replaced by an alkaline sulphate, with which the sulphate of manganese forms double salts, like those of sulphate of magnesia. Sesquisulphate of Manganese, Mn 2 O 3 + 3S0 3 . may be obtained by dissolving the sesquioxide in sulphuric acid. The solution is of a rich crimson colour : when heated, it becomes colourless, giving off oxygen, and it is instantly bleached by sulphurous acid, or any deoxidizing agent. Its most important property is that of forming with the sulphate of potash, or of ammonia, double salts crystallizing in octo- hedrons, which are manganese alums, similar in constitution to the ordinary alum, but with A1 2 3 , replaced by Mn 2 O 3 . No other salt of manganese requires special notice. SALTS OF IRON. There are two series of iron salts corresponding to the two oxides, proto-salts and sesyui-salts. 628 Salts of Iron. Protochloride of Iron. EeCl -\- 4HO. This salt is formed when metallic iron is dissolved in muriatic acid, hydrogen being evolved ; the solution, which is of a pale bluish-green colour, yields, on evapora- tion, rhombic crystals of the hydrated chloride, which are slightly deliquescent. This solution absorbs oxygen from the air with great avidity, and becomes dark-green coloured. When these crystals are heated they lose water, and, if the air have not access, a white mass of dry protochloride of iron is obtained, but otherwise perchloride is formed and the whole decomposed. The anhydrous protochloride is very elegantly prepared by passing a stream of dry chloride of hy- drogen over fine iron wire, coiled up in a tube of hard Bohemian glass, and heated to bright redness : hydrogen gas is evolved, and proto- chloride of iron formed, which sublimes into the cold part of the tube as brilliant white spangles. By the action of the air it is rapidly decomposed. Sesquichloride of Iron. Fe 2 Cl 3 . This salt is formed when iron is dissolved in aqua regia; a deep brown solution is obtained, which, when evaporated to the consistence of a syrup, gives large red crystals of hydrated chloride, which are very deliquescent. On the application of heat, this salt is totally decomposed ; muriatic acid is given off, and red oxide of iron remains behind, with some unaltered chloride, as a basic salt. To obtain the anhydrous sesquichloride, a stream of dry chlorine gas is to be passed over iron wire heated to redness in a tube of Bohemian glass. The iron burns in the chlorine, and the salt sublimes into the cool portion of the tube, where it forms a dark olive crystalline mass, which rapidly attracts moisture from, the air. This salt is very soluble in alcohol. The sesquichloride of iron, when dissolved along with sal-ammoniac, may form a true double salt, containing an equivalent of each salt ; but the crystals which are generally thus obtained, although deeply- coloured red, contain but two or three per cent, of the chloride of iron. Proto-iodide of Iron. Pe.I. Is formed by digesting iodine in water, on an excess of iron filings. Considerable heat is evolved, and there is at first formed a reddish-brown solution of periodide, which, however, gradually takes up more iron, forming protoiodide, and a colourless solution is obtained, which when evaporated yields a crystal- line mass, containing water of crystallization, and which is decomposed by a further action of the heat, iodine being evolved. It absorbs oxygen very rapidly. A solution of proto-iodide of iron dissolves iodine abundantly, becoming brown, and possibly containing the sesqui- iodide Fe 2 l3, but it is more likely that the iodine is not combined, as it is sensible to the test of starch. Manvf act ure of Copperas. 629 The bromides of Iron resemble perfectly the iodides. Protosulphate of Iron Green Copperas. FeO.SO 3 -f 7 Aq. The manufacture of this salt is conducted on the large scale for the pur- poses of the arts, by exposing to the action of air and moisture, the nodules of bisulphuret of iron, which are found abundantly in the strata of alum-slate-clay (p. 617). Oxygen is rapidly absorbed both by the iron and the sulphur, sulphuric 'acid and oxide of iron being formed, and the liquor which, holding these in solution, drains from the beds of decomposing pyrites, is run into tanks, where it is put in contact with pieces of old iron, which serve to neutralize the excess of acid, produced from the pyrites, being a bisulphuret, and also, by means of the hydrogen evolved, to retain all the iron in the state of protoxide; after proper evaporation, the salt is obtained crystallized from these solutions. On the small scale, it may be prepared by dis- solving iron wire in dilute sulphuric acid, as in the process for preparing hydrogen gas, (p. 341). The protosulphate of iron generally crystal- lizes with seven atoms of water, of which one is constitutional, and may be replaced by an alcaline sulphate, forming double salts. The form of its crystal is a short oblique rhombic prism, i, u, u, with nu- merous secondary faces, as /3, c, in the fig. Its taste is styptic and metallic; it dissolves in 1'64 parts of water at 50, and in 0'30 parts at 212. Like the other protosalts of iron, it is but very sparingly soluble in alcohol. When heated, it abandons first its water, and at full red heat its sulphuric acid, of which a portion is decomposed into sulphurous acid and oxygen, by which the iron becomes peroxidized. The peroxide of iron thus formed is much used in the arts under the names of rouge and colcothar, as a polishing material. On these pro- perties is founded the manufacture of fuming oil of vitriol, described in p. 397. The protosulphate of iron absorbs oxygen rapidly, even when dry, and becomes covered with a reddish crust of basic persul- phate, whence its commercial name. In solution, the absorption of oxygen proceeds quickly, until f of the iron is peroxidized and a reddish solution obtained, from which alcalies throw down the black magnetic oxide, (see p. 509). This solution does not crystallize. Sesquisulpkate of mm. Fe 2 O 3 + 3S0 3 . Eq. 2481'9 or 188'9. This salt is found native in large quantities in Chili, combined with 9Aq. It may be prepared artificially, by pouring oil of vitriol on red oxide of iron, stirring the mass well and applying a moderate heat to expel the excess of acid. The salt may then be dissolved in water, forming a red solution, and giving, when evaporated, a deliquescent mass scarcely crystallized. In this way it retains an excess of acid, 630 Salts of Iron. which may be driven off by a heat just below redness. The persulphate then appears as a white powder, which dissolves but very slowly in water. By a strong heat, this salt is totally decomposed. The proto- sulphate may be converted into persulphate, by adding to a boiling solution, nitric acid in small quantities, as long as any nitric oxide gas is given off. There are several basic persulphates of iron, of which the most important is the rust-coloured powder, which precipitates from a solution of protosulphate of iron when oxidized by exposure to the air; its formula is 2Ee 2 3 -f S0 3 + 3Aq. The persulphate of iron combines with the alcaline sulphates to form a class of alums, which contain Fe 2 O 3 in place of A1 2 O 3 . These iron alums are generally pale red in colour, but have the form, solubility, and nearly the taste of common alum. Protonitrate of iron may be formed by dissolving sulphuret of iron in cold dilute nitric acicd ; it crystallizes in pale green rhombs, which, when heated, evolve nitric oxide gas, and form a basic nitrate of the peroxide. Metallic iron dissolves in dilute nitric acid, without the evolution of any gas ; water and nitric acid being simultaneously de- composed, and oxide of iron and ammonia produced. Thus, N0 5 with 3HO and 8Ee, give 8'FeO and NH 3 . Pernitrate of Iron is produced when iron is dissolved in hot nitric acid ; the solution is reddish brown, and gives, by drying, a deliques- cent mass easily decomposed by heat. When a solution of this salt is decomposed by carbonate of potash added in excess, the oxide of iron, which first precipitates, is redissolved, and a deep red liquor obtained, which is sometimes used in medicine under the name of StaMs alkaline tincture of iron. Protophosphate of IronTribasic. HO.SEeO + PO 5 . May be formed by decomposing a solution of protosulphate of iron with tribasic phosphate of soda. It is a white powder, which rapidly be- comes blue by exposure to the air, a portion of the iron becoming peroxidized. This blue phosphate of iron is a double salt, which exists in nature, forming the bog iron ore, arid may be produced artificially by adding solution of phosphate of soda to the solution of mixed sulphate of iron, from which alkalies precipitate the black oxide, (page 509). The precipitate which forms is of a rich blue colour, and is not changed by exposure to the air. Its formula is (HO.2FeO -f- P0 5 ) -f 2(Fe 2 3 .ro 5 ). It is used in medicine. Sesquiphospkate of iron. 2.Fe 2 O 3 + POs. Is obtained by decom- posing solution of sesquisulphate of iron by phosphate of soda. It is a white powder, insoluble in water. It is used in medicine. The salts of the protoxide of iron are remarkable for absorbing nitric Salts of Nickel and Cobalt. 631 oxide in considerable quantity, and forming therewith a deep olive- coloured liquor, which rapidly attracts oxygen from the air. The quantity of gas absorbed is one atom for two atoms of salt, and the nitric oxide may be considered as replacing the third atom of oxygen, which forms the sesquioxide. Thus, the protochloride give Fe. 2 -f da- NO 2 , and the protosulphate (Ee 2 4- O 2 .M) 2 ) 2S0 3 , analogous to Fe 2 + C1 3 and (Pe 2 -f- O 3 ) -f- 2SO 3 . The utility of this olive liquor, as a test for nitric acid and in eudiometry, has been noticed in pp. 385 and 362. SALTS OF NICKEL AND COBALT. Chloride of Nickel. N1.C1. May be obtained by dissolving ox- ide of nickel in dilute muriatic acid, or by acting on the metal with the hot concentrated acid. It crystallizes in emerald green rhombs. When heated, it loses its water of crystallization, and gives a yellow powder, which by a red heat sublimes in crystals, resembling Mosaic gold. Sulphate of Nickel. NiO.SO 3 . This salt is obtained by dissolving the oxide in dilute sulphuric acid, or by acting on the metal with a mixture of nitric and sulphuric acids diluted with water ; the nitric acid then supplies oxygen. This solution gives fine emerald green crystals, which vary in form according to the quantity of water they contain. When they form below 60, they are long rhombic prisms, containing 7 Aq. and isomorphous with the sulphates of zinc and mag- nesia ; but when formed at any temperature above 60, the quantity of water is six atoms, and the form is an octohedron with a square base. If a prismatic crystal be exposed to a moderate heat, or to sunshine, it gives off an atom of water and becomes opaque, by breaking up into a number of very minute crystals of the octohedral form. In sulphate of nickel, one atom of water being constitutional may be replaced by the alkaline sulphates, and double salts formed, of which some are very beautiful. Chloride of Cobalt. Co.Cl. Is formed by dissolving oxide of co- balt, or the zaffre of commerce in muriatic acid. The solution is pinkish, and gives, on evaporation, rose-red crystals of hydrated chloride ; if the evaporation be pushed very far, the liquor becomes blue, and dark-blue crystals of anhydrous chloride are deposited. If the solution contains nickel, which is always the case when prepared from zaffre, the colour becomes green, and it is thus that sympathetic inks of cobalt are produced, and summer and winter scenes in land- scapes alternated ; the surface of a drawing washed with a very dilute solution of chloride of cobalt being white until dried before the fire, but then becoming grass-green. 632 Salts of Zinc. Sulphate of Cobalt. Co.O + S0 3 is obtained by treating zaffre with sulphuric acid. In its general characters, it resembles the chloride ; when heated strongly, it gives off sulphuric acid and oxide of cobalt remains ; it contains six atoms of water of crystallization, and gives a double salt with sulphate of potash. Phosphate of Cobalt. H0.2CoO + P0 5 . Is precipitated in dark violet flocks when solution of sulphate of cobalt and phosphate of soda are mixed together. This substance is the basis of a very beautiful pigment, Thenard's Hue, which is prepared by mixing intimately, one part of phosphate of cobalt with two or three of alumina, and exposing the mixture to an intense white heat in a wind furnace. The blue tint thus given to alumina, serves as a test for that earth, particularly to distinguish it from magnesia by the blowpipe. (See pp. 488 and 491). Silicate of Cobalt constitutes the blue smalts employed to tinge paper and to colour glass ; the finest kind is known in commerce as azure. Its manufacture is conducted on the great scale in Saxony and Sweden, and is the process in which most of the arsenic of commerce is obtained; that being expelled in the roasting of the cobalt ores, (pp. 468, 512), Prom the zaffre, a sulphate of cobalt is prepared, and on the other hand, a silicate of potash, by melting together fine sand and carbonate of potash; these solutions being mixed, silicate of cobalt is precipitated, whilst sulphate of potash remains dissolved. This precipitate is the material for colouring porcelain and glass, but the ordinary smalts are formed by melting impure carbonate of cobalt with potash and quartz into a blue glass, which is then reduced to impalpable powder, and sorted according to the quality, for commerce. SALTS OF ZINC AND CADMIUM. Chloride ofZmc.7x\. Eq. S50'3 or 68. May be prepared by burning metallic zinc in chlorine, or by dissolving the metal in muriatic acid. The solution is colourless ; when evaporated, it yields rhombic crystals, which contain water and deliquesce with extreme rapidity. The dry salt is white, and melts a little above 212, so that a solution, when evaporated, never becomes solid. It is hence sometimes applied as a bath, in place of oil or fusible metal, in taking the specific gravity of vapours (p. 14). Erom its fusibility and softness, it had formerly the name of butter of zinc. Prom its affinity for water, it acts powerfully as a caustic on the living tissues, and is employed in medicine as such. Chloride of zinc combines with oxide of zinc in many proportions forming oxychlorides, of which there are three worthy of notice : the first, which is long known, is formed by decomposing chloride of zinc by a small quantity of ammonia ; its formula is, ZnCl + 3ZnO + 4Aq. Salts of Cadmium. 633 The second results from the action of water on the aminoniacal chloride of zinc, its formula is ZnCl -f- 6ZnO -f lOAq. and is that whose analogies to the liquid muriatic acid have been pointed out in p. 431. The third is formed by acting on chloride of zinc with an excess of potash, its formula is ZnCl + 9ZnO + 14Aq. The bromide and iodide of zinc resemble completely the chloride in general characters ; a solution of iodide of zinc is capable of dissolving a large quantity of iodine. Sulphate of zinc. ZnO.S0 3 -f 7Aq. may be produced by dissolving the metal in dilute sulphuric acid. For the purposes of the arts, it is made upon the great scale by roasting, in a current of hot air in a reverberatory furnace, the native sulphuret of zinc, blende. The metal and sulphur both combining with oxygen, a neutral sulphate of the oxide is formed, which being then dissolved out by water, the solution is evaporated to a pellicle and allowed to crystallize. Sometimes the blende, in place of being roasted, is exposed on sloping beds, to the action of the air and moisture, when it gradually attracts oxygen, and is treated as has been described under the head of sulphate of iron. The crystals which first form, are heated until they undergo watery fusion, and are then poured into conical moulds, where they solidify, and the salt is thus sent into commerce in masses like sugar loaves : its commercial name is white vitriol. The crystals of sulphate of zinc are oblique rhombic prisms, as in the figure ; containing 43*9 per cent of water, and are soluble in two-and-a-half times their weight of cold water. It is permanent in the air. It combines with the alkaline sulphates, which re- place its constitutional water forming double salts, and with oxide of zinc to form basic salts, of which several are known, and which agree in constitution with the oxychlorides of zinc. Their composition has been already noticed in p. 583. Nitrate of Zinc. ZnO.N0 5 . Obtained by dissolving the metal in dilute nitric acid ; it crystallizes in flat four-sided prisms. It is deli- quescent, and soluble in alcohol. No other salt of zinc is of importance. Chloride of Cadmium. Cd.Cl. Crystallizes in large four-sided prisms ; it is not deliquescent. The other salts of cadmium resemble completely the corresponding salts of zinc, and do not require notice. SALTS OF TIN. Protochloride of Tin. SnCl + 3 Aq. Eq. 117S'9 -f 337'5 or 94-29 + 37. This salt is obtained anhydrous by heating tin in a 634 Salts of Tin. current of muriatic acid gas, hydrogen being evolved ; or by distilling a mixture of equal parts of tin and corrosive sublimate in a glass retort, the metallic mercury first passes over, and finally the protochloride of tin sublimes at a strong red heat. It forms a grey glassy mass. In combination with water, it may be obtained by dissolving tin in strong muriatic acid, until it is saturated, and on evaporation, the salt crys- tallizes in long prisms, which contain three atoms of water. "When these crystals are heated, they first lose water, but afterwards muriatic acid passes off, and a basic salt remains. This crytallized protochloride, under the name of salt of tin, is used extensively in dyeing, as a mor- dant ; in its preparation on a large scale, copper vessels may be em- ployed ; because as long as any metallic tin is present, the copper is electrically protected by it, and is not acted on by the acid. This salt is very soluble in water, but is decomposed by a large quantity, a basic salt SnCl -f SnO being thrown down ; hence, in order to have a dilute solution clear, it requires the addition of a few drops of muriatic acid. Protochloride of tin is remarkable for its affinity for oxygen and for chlorine, it reduces the salts of silver, quicksilver, and gold to the metallic state, and the salts of copper, iron and manganese to the lowest state of oxidation. It acts similarly on many organic substances, as indigo, litmine, orcein; forming colourless compounds, which have some im- portant applications in the art of dyeing. The protochloride of tin combines with chloride of potassium and with sal-ammoniac, to form double salts, which crystallize and are fre- quently employed in the process of dyeing. Perckloride of Tin. SnCl 2 . Is prepared anhydrous by distilling a mixture of four parts of corrosive sublimate and one of metallic tin ; at a very moderate heat, a colourless liquid distils over, which forms dense white fumes where it comes into contact with the air : this is the bichlo- ride of tin, the fuming liquor of Libavius. Metallic mercury remains in the retort. This singular compound boils at 248 Fah., the specific gravity of its vapour is 9'12. When mixed with ^ its weight of water it solidifies into a crystalline mass, and it is hence that it forms such dense fumes by exposure to damp air. It may be prepared in this crystallized form, by dissolving tin in nitromuriatic acid and evaporating the solution ; or by passing chlorine into a solution of protochloride as long as it is absorbed. If the crystals be heated, they are decomposed, muriatic acid being given off and peroxide of tin remaining. Protoiodide of Tin. SnI. May be formed by heating together tin and iodine, or by mixing solutions of iodide of potassium with a slight excess of protochloride of tin. It is a brownish red mass, soluble in water, and crystallizing from the solution in long prisms of a bright Salts of Chrome and Vanadium. 635 orange colour. It is decomposed by a large quantity of water. It combines with the iodide of potassium to form a soluble double iodide. The biniodide of tin crystallizes in yellow needles, which are decom- posed by much water. The bromides of tin are not important. Protosulphate of Tin. SnO.SO 3 . Is formed when tin is dissolved in strong sulphuric acid. A saline mass is obtained, which dissolves in water, giving a brown solution, from which the salt crystallizes in small neeoies. Bancrofts mordant, for dyers, is prepared by digesting two parts of tin with three of strong muriatic acid for an hour, and then adding one and a-half parts of oil of vitriol very cautiously. The mass becomes hot and the tin is rapidly dissolved. The heat is to be kept up on the sand-bath as long as hydrogen is evolved. The solu- tion, on cooling, forms a crystalline mass, which is to be dissolved in water, so that eight parts of the solution shall contain one of tin. The sulphuric and nitric acids may be neutralized by freshly pre- cipitated peroxide of tin : but these salts possess very little stability, and are of no technical or scientific interest. The peroxide of tin itself acts as an acid, and its relations to the alkalies have been des- cribed in p. 521. The sulphurets of tin act as sulphur acids, combining with the sul- phurets of the alkaline metals. The bisulphuret forms with sulphuret of sodium, a crystallizable salt, 2 Na.S + Sn.S 2 + 12Aq. sulphostan- nate of sodium. SALTS OF CHROMIUM AND VANADIUM. There are two kinds of salts of chrome, one in which the oxides of chrome act as base, and the other in which the chromic acid is com- bined with bases. A. Salts of sesqui-oxide of chrome. Sesqui-chloride of Chrome. r. 2 Cl 3 . Eq. 2031'6 or 162'8. When sesqui-oxide of chrome is mixed with lampblack, and treated by a cur- rent of dry chlorine at a red heat, as described for the preparation of the chlorides of silicon and aluminum, the chloride is obtained sublimed in the cold part of the tube in peach blossom coloured scales of exceed- ing beauty, which when pure are nearly insoluble in water, but become easily soluble if there be a small quantity of the protochloride present. It may also be obtained by dissolving oxide of chrome in muriatic acid, and evaporating the solution; it remains as a green mass, in which it is combined with 3HO. When heated to 450, it froths up very much, gives off that water, and forms a rose coloured mass not so beautiful as that obtained by the process first described. 636 Sulphates of Chrome. Protochloride of Chrome. When hydrogen gas is passed over the sesqui-chloride of chrome at a dull red heat in a tube of hard glass, muriatic acid gas is given off and the protochloride, CrCl, sublimes as a network of fine acicular crystals. These are easily soluble in water, and possess the property of conferring solubility on the otherwise in- soluble sesqui-chloride. Prom the protochloride is obtained the pro- toxide of chrome recently discovered and described, p. 523. Chlorochromic Acid. CrCl 3 + 2Cr0 3 . This singular compound is obtained by melting together in a crucible ten parts of common salt and seventeen of bichromate of potash ; the melted mass is poured out on a slab, and broken into small pieces, with which a tubulated retort may be filled, and after a receiver and condensing apparatus have been attached, forty parts of oil of vitriol are to be poured on the mass. The decomposition occurs so violently, that in a few minutes all the product distils over without the application of external heat. This substance is a thin blood-red liquid, appearing black by reflected light ; it fumes much by exposure to the air ; its vapour is red like nitrous acid. "When its vapour is heated to redness it is decomposed, as de- scribed in p. 524. It is decomposed by water. Alcohol placed in contact with it takes fire, burning with a bright flame ; phosphorus acts in the same way. This substance may either be looked upon as a compound of perchloride of chrome with chromic acid, CrCl 3 + 2Cr O 3 , or as a compound of chlorine with a deutoxide of chrome; Cr0 2 Cl. The analogy of the sulphuric to the chromic acid is sup- posed to favour this latter view, as also the sp. gr. of its vapour, which is 5-9. Sulphate of Chrome. Cr 2 3 + 3S0 3 . May be formed by dissolving oxide of chrome in dilute sulphuric acid, but does not crystallize. Its only important character is, that it combines with the sulphates of potash or of ammonia to form double salts, the chrome alums, which crystallize in dark purple octohedrons, and which contain the same pro- portion of acid, alkali and water, as common alum, but oxide of chrome in place of alumina. The solution of chrome alum - in cold water is purple, but when heated becomes green, and the elements of the salt are then found to be no longer chemically united, as by evaporation they may be separated, and the alcaline sulphate crystallized out. It would appear, indeed, that almost every salt of chrome may exist in either a green or a red condition, and that in the former they do not crystallize. The chrome alum is obtained abundantly, by setting aside for a few days the residue of the process for making aldehyd as described farther on. The Perfluoride of Chrome, Cr.F 3; is formed by acting with oil of Manufacture of Chromate of Potash. 637 vitriol on a mixture of powdered fluor spar and bichromate of potash, in a platinum retort. It is a gas of a rich crimson colour, which can only be collected in a platinum crucible inverted in the quicksilver trough. Its decomposition by water, and the consequent formation of chromic acid has been already noticed, p. 525. B. Salts of Chromic Acid. Chromates of Potash. The manufacture of the bichromate of potash, KO + 2CrOa is carried on extensively, as it is from that salt that all the compounds of the metal used in chemistry or in the arts are pre- pared. It is made from the only abundant ore of chrome, the chrome- iron, FeO + Cr 2 3 , by the following process : Two parts of the ore, ground to a fine powder are intimately mixed with one part of saltpetre, or four parts of ore are used with two parts of pearl ashes and one of saltpetre, and the mixture exposed for several hours on the floor of a reverberatory furnace to a violent heat. Under the influence of the potash, the oxide of chrome absorbs the oxygen from the air and forms chromic acid. The calcined mass is lixiviated with water and a deep yellow liquor is produced, which contains neutral chromate of potash, which may be obtained, crystallized, by evaporation ; but as this salt is not well suited for the purposes of commerce, it is generally changed into the bichromate by adding to the liquor a quantity of sulphuric acid, which takes one-half of the potash, and the bichromate is then obtained by crystallization in tanks lined with lead. The process for the manufacture of chromate of potash has lately been rendered more economical by the substitution of lime for the potash in the preliminary calcination. A mixture of the chrome-iron ore and lime, or chalk, in very fine powder, being calcined, oxygen is absorbed by the chrome and a chromate of lime formed which is extracted from the mass by water. The solutions are then decomposed by means of any potash salt, and the chromate or bichromate of potash separated from the lime salt pro- duced by crystallization in the usual way. Bichromate of Potash crystallizes in large four-sided prisms and square tables of a rich orange-red colour; it melts easily, and, in cooling, crystallizes in another form. It is soluble in ten parts of cold water. It is not decomposed except by a white heat, which expels oxygen, and leaves a mixture of oxide of chrome, and neutral chro- mate of potash. The uses of this salt for the preparation of oxygen gas, and of chromic acid, have been already described. The neutral Chromate of Potash, KO.Cr0 3 , may be prepared by adding to a solution of bichromate of potash as much more alkali as it 638 Sails of Osmium, Tungsten, fyc. already contained. It is soluble in twice its weight of cold water. Its solution is intense golden yellow ; it crys- tallizes in rhombic prisms, isomorphous with those of sul- phate of potash, as in the figure, of which n f n, and u, u, are primary, and i, m, are secondary planes. If bichromate of potash be dissolved in hot dilute nitric acid, a terckromate of potash, KO. + 3CrO 3 , crystallizes when the solution cools. When bichromate of potash is dissolved in rather more than its own weight of strong muriatic acid, with a very gentle heat, so that no chlorine shall be evolved, and that the liquor shall retain its clear orange colour, a salt crystallizes on cooling in fine four-sided prisms, which is very remarkable in constitution, consisting of an equivalent of chloride of potassium united to two of chromic acid, KC1 -f- 2Cr0 3 . None other of the chromates of the metals that have been as yet described possess interest. Vanadium is the basis of several classes of salts, which, however, from the exceeding rarity of the metal, have been but little studied. The salts containing the vanadic oxide are generally splendid blue ; those containing the vanadic acid as basis, are red or yellow, whilst those which contain vanadic acid as acid, are colourless, or coloured according to the nature of the base with which it may be combined. SALTS OF TUNGSTEN, MOLYBDENUM, OSMIUM AND COLUMBIUM. Tungsten combines directly with chlorine in two proportions, forming the bichloride and perchloride, according as the metal or the gas is in excess. Both are volatile and condense in red needles. They are de- composed by water, giving muriatic acid, and tungstic oxide, W0 2 , or tungstic acid, W0 3 . A chlorotungstic acid exists, WO 2 C1, analogous to the chlorochromic acid. None of the compounds of tungsten with oxygen act as bases. The nature of the salts of tungstic acid has been sufficiently explained al- ready in p. 527. Molybdenum takes fire when heated in a stream of chlorine gas, and forms the terchloride, Mo.Cl 3 , which crystallizes in the cold part of the tube in brilliant black scales, like iodine : its vapour is dark red. Two other chlorides of this metal, Mod and MoCl 2 , are known to exist. The protoxide of molybdenum forms salts with the oxygen acids, which are purple or black coloured, and are very easily decomposed by Salts of Arsenic. 639 heat. Thus, the sulphate is resolved into sulphurous acid gas and molybdic oxide. The molybdic oxide also forms a series of salts, ge- nerally red coloured, which do not possess any special interest. The molybdic acid forms two series of salts, in one of which it acts as base and in the other as an acid. Osmium is the basis of several classes of salts which are as yet very little known. When metallic osmium is heated in a stream of dry chlorine, in a long glass tube, a volatile mixture of protochloride and perchloride of osmium is produced. The former, which is the less volatile, condenses near the heat in long needles of a fine green colour ; whilst the latter, being carried much further by the current of gas, is deposited as a red powder destitute of any crystalline texture. Both these salts combine with the alkaline chlorides forming double salts. All three oxides of osmium combine with the oxygen acids to form salts which do not crystallize, and have been very little studied. Columlium forms a volatile chloride. Its oxide, TaO 2 , does not combine with acids, and the columbic acid forms salts which are not of practical importance. SALTS OF ARSENIC. Chloride of Arsenic. As C1 3 . Eq. 2271'9 or 181-54. Is formed when the metal burns spontaneously in chlorine; it is a volatile liquid which forms dense white fumes on exposure to the air. It may be ob- tained also by mixing intimately one part of arsenious acid and three of common salt ; putting them into a retort to which a condenser is attached, and adding four parts of oil of vitriol. By a moderate heat the chloride of arsenic distils over as a dense liquid. By much water it is resolved into arsenious and muriatic acids. The sp. gr. of its vapour is 6295. Iodide of Arsenic. As.I 3 . Is best prepared by digesting one part of arsenic with five of iodine and fifty of water, until the iodine dis- appears ; on cooling, the iodide separates in orange-red crystals. It is decomposed by water into hydriodic and arsenious acids. The bromide of arsenic may be similarly formed. Arsenic does not form any compound with chlorine, bromine, or iodine analogous to arsenic acid. Neither compound of arsenic with oxygen is capable of acting as a base, and hence the only classes of salts of arsenious or arsenic acids are those in which they constitute the electro-negative element. Arsenious Acid is dissolved in large quantities by the caustic and 640 Salts of Arsenic Acid. carbonated alkalies, but the salts thus formed cannot be obtained crys- tallized, and appear to be very indefinite in constitution. The combi- nations of arsenious acid with the earths are white powders, of which the only one of interest is arsenite of lime, HO.2CaO + AsO 3 , which precipitates when arsenious acid is mixed with lime water, or arsenite of potash with a salt of lime. It is redissolved by an excess of any acid. The arsenite of magnesia has been noticed, pages 488 and 543. Arsenious acid is decomposed by peroxide of iron, an arseniate of the protoxide being produced ; on this is founded the efficacy of the peroxide of iron as an antidote to the poisonous effects of arsenious acid, (see p. 542.) The arsenite of cobalt is found native, as a rose-red powder, and the arsenite of nickel exists as a mineral of a pale green colour ; both con- tain combined water. The arsenites of copper and silver will be de- scribed under the heads of those metals, and have been already noticed in pp. 538, et seq. The constitution of the salts of arsenic acid has been already men- tioned in p. 534. They are all tribasic, and are isomorphous with the corresponding tribasic phosphates. Some of them are of technical and medicinal importance. The neutral arseniate of potash, H0.2KO + AsO 5 forms a deliquescent saline mass. The binarseniate of potash, 2HO.KO + As0 5 , is formed by adding to the former as much arseni- ous acid as it already contained, or by igniting in a crucible equal weights of arsenious acid and nitrate of potash ; red fumes are given off, and on dissolving the residual mass in boiling water, the salt is obtained in large crystals, which are modifications of the square octo- hedron. There are three arseniates of soda which resemble the three tribasic phosphates of soda. The first (3NaO + As0 5 ) + 24Aq. is obtained by igniting arsenic acid with an excess of carbonate of soda. When a solution of arsenic acid is neutralized by carbonate of soda, the salt H0.2NaO -f- As0 5 is obtained, which may be had either with 24 Aq. or 14 Aq., according to the temperature at which it crystallizes. The binarseniate of soda, 2HO.NaO + As0 5 , resembles the corres- ponding salt of phosphoric acid. The arseniates of the earths are white powders insoluble in water, but soluble in an excess of any acid. Arseniates of Iron. That of the protoxide, H0.2FeO + AsO 5 , is a white powder, which, by exposure to the air, gradually becomes green by absorbing oxygen, thereby approaching to the constitution of the native arseniate of iron in which the iron is in the state of black mag- netic oxide. This salt corresponds to the blue phosphate of iron ; its formula being (2FeO.HO + As0 5 ) + 2Fe 2 O 3 .As0 5 + 12Aq. Chloride of Antimony. 641 The perarseniate of iron is a white powder, which, when heated, gives off 12 Aq. and becomes red ; it has the singular property of dis- solving totally in water of ammonia. Arseniate of nickel is a pale green powder. Arseniate of cobalt is a rose-red powder, and may be used in place of phosphate of cobalt in preparing Thenard's blue (which see). It is prepared on the large scale by roasting the native arseniuret of cobalt, Co 3 As. The sulphur salts of arsenic are some of the best characterized among that class (p. 536). There are three sulphoarseniates of potassium having respectively the formulae, (3.KS -f AsS 5 ), (2.KS + AsS 5 ), and (KS -f- AsS 5 ) They are all deliquescent, and crystallize with water. It would be very interesting to find whether the second and third salts contain basic water, such as would keep up the tribasic character of the first. The sulphoarseniates of sodium resemble those of potassium. The basic salt (3NaS + AsS 5 +15 Aq. crystallizes in large colourless rhomboidal tables. When orpiment is dissolved in solution of sul- phuret of potassium, sulphoarsenite of potassium is obtained, KS + AsS 3 , which, when evaporated, is decomposed, and deposits a brown powder, which consists of K.As.S 3 and appears to contain a bisulphuret of arsenic AsS 2 combined with K.S, which is decomposed when sepa- rated from the state of combination. SALTS OF ANTIMONY. Sesquichloride of Antimony. SbCl 3 . Eq. 2944'5 or 235-4. To ob- tain this salt completely pure, sulphuret of antimony in fine powder is to be mixed with its own weight of corrosive sublimate, and distilled in a hard glass retort. The chloride of antimony distils over with a gentle heat, as an oily liquid, which gradually solidifies into a white crystalline mass. It is very deliquescent, and becomes soft on expo- sure to the air, whence its old name of butter of antimony ; it may be obtained more cheaply for surgical use, but not quite dry, by mixing together two parts of fine common salt, and one of crocus of antimony, (oxysulphuret, see p. 544), and distilling them in a retort with one part of strong oil of vitriol. Chloride of antimony distils over, and there remains behind, sulphate of soda mixed with sulphuret of anti- mony. In this operation, the crocus antimonii being 2SbS 3 + SbO 3 , the former remains passive, but the latter acting on 3NaCl and 3SO 3 , produces SbCl 3 and 3.NaO.S0 3 , As there is, however, some water supplied by the oil of vitrio], the product is not solid ; it is, however, quite strong enough for its successful application as a caustic. 41 6-12 Iodide, fyc., of When chloride of antimony is put in contact with much water, both are decomposed, and a white oxychloride is precipitated, called powder of Algarotti, from the name of its discoverer. If the water be hot, the precipitate is distinctly crystallized. In it one-fourth of the metal is combined with chlorine, and three-fourths with oxygen, it contains also water, its formula being, according to Berzelius, SbCla + 3.SbO 3 -f- 3Aq. The formula given by Malaguti and Johnstone, is 2'SbCl 3 -f- 9.Sb0 3 and it is possible that there are two oxychlorides which may be produced separately, or mixed, according to the circumstances of the precipitation. This oxychloride is employed to furnish oxide of anti- mony in the preparation of tartar emetic, and of some other salts of antimony. The terchloride of antimony combines with the chlorides of the alkaline metals forming double salts, consisting of an equivalent of each constitution. Perckloride of Antimony. SbCl 5 is formed when metallic antimony is burned in chlorine gas. It is a heavy liquid which fumes in the air, and has a very bad smell ; with a small quantity of water, it forms crystals (hydrate) ; with a large quantity of water, it gives antimonic and muriatic acids : it is formed also, by heating sulphuret of antimony in chlorine gas. The bromide and iodide of antimony are prepared by the direct com- bination of their elements ; the operation does not require external heat ; the former is colourless ; the latter orange-red. They are both easily fusible, volatile, and decomposed by water. The sulphurets of antimony act as sulphur acids, (pp. 544, 547) combining with the sulphurets of the alkaline metals to form double salts, of which several may be crystallized in large rhomboidal tables, perfectly colourless. The basic Jiyposulplioantimonite of potassium which remains in solution after the precipitation of Kermes by cooling, crystallizes on evaporation, in colourless deliquescent plates. The sesquioxide of antimony combines with oxygen acids to form salts, which possess but little interest. Metallic antimony decom- poses hot oil of vitriol, evolving sulphurous acid gas, and forming the sulphate of antimony, a white salt which is decomposed by water. Antimonial Powder, James 3 Powder. This preparation, to which at one time the highest medicinal virtues were attached, is prepared by mixing together equal parts of sulphuret of antimony and hartshorn shavings, and calcining them in an iron pot at a dull red-heat, until the mass becomes ash-gray ; this is to be then placed in a loosely covered crucible, and exposed to a white heat for two hours, or until the mass becomes quite white ; it is then to be reduced to a fine powder. In Nature of James's Powder. 643 this process the sulphur, and the carbon and hydrogen of the hartshorn are burned away, and the antimony is converted into antimonious acid, of which a small quantity unites with the lime that had been as car- bonate in the bone ; the rest of the lime remains as phosphate mixed with the antimonite of lime and the antimonious acid. Its composition varies very much ; it seldom contains more than one per cent, of anti- monite of lime, which is its only soluble and active principle, and where it has been washed, as is sometimes done, even this is removed. It is also a mere mechanical mixture of its ingredients. Tartar emetic will be described under the head of tartaric acid and its salts. SALTS OF TITANIUM, TELLURIUM AND URANIUM. Chloride of Titanium. TiCl 2 . Is best prepared by treating a mix- ture of titanic acid and lamblack by chlorine, as for the preparation of chloride of silicon. It is a colourless liquid, very volatile, fuming in the air, resembling closely bichloride of tin ; it combines with water so violently as to produce explosion, and is decomposed by a large quantity. There are no oxygen salts of titanium of any interest. Bichloride of Tellurium. TeCl 2 . Is produced by heating tellurium in a current of dry chlorine ; a thick liquid is produced, at first dark- red, but becoming yellow as it cools, and at last solidifying into a snow- white crystalline mass. This salt is decomposed by water, into tellu- rous and muriatic acids, and combines with the alkaline chlorides to form double salts. The protochloride is prepared by melting together, equal weights of the bichloride and of tellurium and distilling ; it con- denses as a deep yellow liquid which solidifies, but does not appear crys- talline. It forms double salts. The tellurous acid appears to possess feeble basic properties, as it unites with the strong acids to form compounds, which are not impor- tant. The relations of tellurous and telluric acids to bases have been already noticed at sufficient length (p. 549). The Chlorides of Uranium, U.C1. and U 2 Cl3, give yellowish-green solutions, but do not crystallize. With the alkaline chlorides they unite, forming crystallizable double salts. Protosulphate of Uranium crystallizes in green prisms. Sesquisulphate of Uranium, U 2 O 3 + 3.SO 3 , is not itself crystalliza- ble, but combines with sulphate of potash in several proportions, to form double salts of very complex constitution. The Sesquinitrate of Uranium, U 2 0s + 3,N0 5 , crystallizes in large 64.4 Salts of Copper. tabular crystals of a bright yellow colour. This salt is remarkable as the most definite nitrate of a sesquioxide that is known to chemists. All these salts are prepared by dissolving the oxides of uranium in the dilute acids. SALTS OF COPPER. Copper forms two series of salts, one corresponding to the suboxide, and the other to the black oxide. The former are generally white, and the latter blue or green. Chloride of Copper, CuCl. is produced by dissolving copper in aqua regia, or oxide of copper in muriatic acid. Its solution is green, and it gives, on evaporation, the hydrated salt in long slender green prisms, CuCl + 2Aq., which are slightly deliquescent, and are soluble in alcohol. When heated they give off water, and the dry chloride re- mains as a brown powder, which recombines with water, with the evo- lution of much heat. Strongly heated, it fuses, gives off half its chlorine, and the subchloride remains, melted into a brown resinous- looking mass, whence its name of resina cupri. By the action of an alkali on a solution of chloride of copper, an oxychloride may be formed, which precipitates as a fine green powder, having the formula CuCl -f- 3CuO + Aq., and which is used as a pigment by the name of Brunswick green. There exist two other oxychlorides of copper which have the formulae CuCl + 2CuO + 3Aq., and CuCl + 4CuO+ 6HO, prepared by the decomposition of the ammoniacal chlorides of copper. The Subchloride of Copper, Cu 2 Cl, may be prepared either by heating the chloride, as above, or by digesting the clippings of thin copper in a strong solution of chloride of copper, to which some muriatic acid had been added. The liquor gradually acquires an olive colour, and the subchloride is deposited in the form of a white powder. In this case, the CuCl combines with a second equivalent of copper, forming Cu 2 Cl. It also precipitates when chloride of copper is acted on by protochloride of tin, 2.CuCl and SnCl producing Cu 2 Cl and SnCl 2 . This subchloride is insoluble in water ; it dissolves in muriatic acid, which lets it fall by dilution with water. It absorbs oxygen rapidly from the air, and becomes green. It forms with water of ammonia a colourless solution, which rapidly becomes blue on exposure to the air. Both chlorides of copper combine with the chlorides of the alkaline metals, to form double salts. The Bromide and Subbromide of Copper, CuBr, and Cu 2 Br, resemble in every respect the chlorides just described. Manufacture of Blue Vitriol. 645 The Iodide of Copper Cul, does not appear to exist except in combi- nation. If solutions of iodide of potassium and chloride of copper be mixed, the subiodide is precipitated whilst half the iodine is set free, 2.Cu.Cl and 2.K.I, producing 2.K.C1 and Cu 2 T, with free I. But if an excess of iodide of potassium be added, these elements recombine, and a double salt, Cul + KI may be obtained. The preparation of the subiodide of copper, just given, involves the loss of an atom of iodine, which is avoided by previously mixing the liquor with an excess of solution of protosulphate of iron, by which the copper salt is reduced to the state of suboxide, and all the iodine then precipitated as sub- iodide. Thus made, it is a pale yellow powder, unaltered by the air. Sulphate of Copper. CuO.SO 3 HO -f 4Aq. Eq. 996'9 + 562'5, or 79*9^4* 45. Eor the purposes of the arts, in which this salt is ex- tensively employed, it is prepared by treating the native sulphuret of copper, in the manner described under the head of the sulphates of iron and zinc. It may also be obtained by boiling oil of vitriol on metallic copper, when sulphurous acid gas is given off, or by acting on the metal with dilute sulphuric acid to which some nitric acid had been added. It crystallizes in large doubly oblique rhombs, of a fine blue colour, whence its name, blue vitriol. In the figure the primary rhomb, and the most usual secondary form are given, i, u, v, marking the primary planes in each. These crystals dissolve in four parts of cold and two of boiling water. Of the five atoms of water which it contains, one is constitutional, and may be replaced by the alkaline sulphates, to form a class of double salts of great beauty. By the action of a small quantity of ammonia, a basic sulphate is obtained, of which the formula is CuO.SOa + 3CuO + 4Aq. and another containing CuO.SOa + 7CuO + 12 Aq. is occasionally observed to form. Nitrate of Copper. CuO.NCk + 3Aq. This salt is obtained when copper is dissolved in dilute nitric acid ; it crystallizes in oblique rhombs of a rich blue colour, and sometimes in paler rhomboidal plates, which contain 6 Aq. This salt deflagrates violently when thrown on burning coals, or when struck on an anvil with a little phosphorus. If some of it be wrapped up tight in tinfoil, it becomes very hot, swells up, fumes, and oxidizes the tin so rapidly, that in some points brilliant sparks are thrown out. When heated above 200, it loses acid, and a basic nitrate remains, which may also be formed, by adding a small quantity of am- monia to a solution of the neutral salt. The formula of the basic salt is HO.m + 3CuO. 646 Scheele's Green, Emerald, Green. Phosphate of Copper, H0.2CuO 4- P0 5 , and the arseniate of cop- per H0.2CuO + AsO 5 are pale green powders, obtained by double decomposition. Arsenite of Copper. H0.2QuO 4- AsOs. Is obtained by the de- composition of arsenite of potash and sulphate of copper ; it is a fine apple-green powder, the importance of which, as a test for arsenic, has been already discussed, (p. 625). It is employed in the arts under the name of Scheele's green, as a pigment, and is prepared on the large scale, by dissolving two pounds of pure sulphate of copper in twelve quarts of water, previously heated in a copper pan. In another pan, two pounds of pure calcined pearlash are dissolved, with eleven ounces of arsenious acid, in four quarts of pure water. Both liquors are strained through linen, and then the arsenical solution is gradually added to the solution of copper. The precipitate is collected on a cloth, and carefully dried. The produce should be lib. 6| oz. A still more beautiful pigment, which may be best described here, is prepared under the name of Schweinfurt green or Emerald greeny it is a compound of acetate of copper, and arsenite of copper, CuO. A + 3(HO.2CuO + AsO 3 ). It is prepared by mixing up ten parts of pure verdigris with as much hot water as will make it into a thin pulp, and straining it through a sieve, to separate the impurities ; nine or ten parts of arseni- ous acid are to be then dissolved in 100 parts of boiling water, and whilst boiling, the verdigris pulp is to be gradually added thereto, continually stirring. At first, a mere arsenite of copper falls, and all the acetic acid remains in the liquor ; it being only after much agitation that the double salt is produced, which is known by the light flocculent pre- cipitate changing into a heavy granular powder of a brilliant green colour. The history of the salts of the suboxide of copper with the oxygen acids possesses no practical interest. SALTS OF LEAD. Chloride of Lead. Pb.Cl. May be produced by boiling lead in strong muriatic acid, or by acting on oxide of lead with the same acid ; but more simply, by adding to any soluble salt of lead a solution of chloride of sodium. A curdy white precipitate falls, which dissolves in boiling water, and on cooling, crystallizes in opaque plates, of a pearly lustre, which do not contain water. This salt requires 135 parts of cold water to dissolve it, but is much more soluble in boiling water. It is easily fused, and, on cooling, forms a semitransparent mass, like horn, whence the old waaeplimfam corneum, By the action of ammonia on Salts of Lead. 647 chloride of lead, several oxycJdorides may be formed, of which none are now of interest. Bromide of lead resembles perfectly the chloride. Iodide of Lead. Pb.I. Is formed by adding iodide of potassium, to a solution of nitrate of lead ; a bright lemon-yellow precipitate falls, which requires 1235 parts of cold, and but 194 of boiling water to dis- solve it. The solution is colourless, and on cooling deposits the iodide of lead in splendid gold-coloured six-sided plates, which maintain their metallic lustre perfectly in drying. The iodide of lead forms double salts with the alkaline iodides, and gives with ammonia oxyiodides when the alkali is not in excess. Sulphate of Lead. PbO.SO 3 . This salt is found in the mineral kingdom, in large transparent rhombs, isomorphous with sulphate of barytes, and of which the octohedron , y, in the figure is the primary form. It may be also formed by adding to any solution containing lead, sulphuric acid, or a sulphate. It falls down as a white powder, which, from its insolubility, furnishes a good test for lead. When strongly ignited, it melts without decomposition, but with charcoal it is reduced to sulphuret of lead. The sulphate of lead is soluble in strong acids, and hence the oil of vitriol, manufactured in leaden chambers, generally contains a small quantity of it dissolved, which is precipitated on the addition of water. Nitrate of Lead. PbO.NOs. Is obtained by dissolving lead in di- lute nitric acid and evaporating. It crystallizes in regular octohedrons, often modified, which are generally opaque ; it is soluble in seven and a-half parts of cold, and much less of boiling water. It is not solu- ble in nitric acid. When heated, it gives out a mixture of oxygen and nitrous acid gases, (p. 448), and leaves melted protoxide of lead. By the action of ammonia, a series of basic salts are obtained, which contain two, three, and six atoms of oxide of lead united to one of nitric acid. When a solution of nitrate of lead is boiled on finely divided metallic lead, this dissolves, and on cooling, brilliant yellow plates are deposited, which are basic nitrate of lead. 2PbO -f N0 4 . By adding sulphuric acid to a solution of this salt, a neutral nitrite is obtained, PbO.NO 4 + HO., which crystallizes in yellow octohedrons. If an excess of lead be used in the preparation of the nitrate, the acid is still further deoxi- dized, and a Jiyponitrite of lead y 3PbO + NO 3 -f- 3Aq. is produced, which crystallizes in rose-red scales. These salts are of interest, as it was doubted whether the nitrous acid (N0 4 ) could combine with bases, and it is only in these cases that we have obtained positive evidence of its doing so, which we owe to Peligot. 648 Salts of Bismuth. Phosphate of Lead. H0.2PbO + P0 5 . Is formed by the action of common tribasic phosphate of soda on a solution of nitrate of lead ; it is a white powder, which is changed by ammonia into 3PbO + PO 5 . Silicate of Lead has been noticed in relation to crystal and to flint Chromate of Lead. PbO.Cr0 3 . Chrome-yellow, is formed by mix- ing together solutions of nitrate of lead and bichromate of potash. It precipitates as a fine lemon yellow powder, insoluble in water. It occurs native in ruby-red crystals, constituting the real lead ore. This salt is manufactured largely for a pigment, which is found of various shades of yellow and orange in the market, being mixtures of the true metallic chromate, prepared as above, with the basic chromate of lead 2PbO + CrO 3 , which is of a bright vermilion colour, and is termed Chrome red. This may be prepared by adding potash to a solution of chromate of potash until this reacts strongly alkaline, and then mixing it with nitrate of lead ; or by digesting the neutral chromate of lead in a warm solution of potash, which removes half the acid. These give products, however, inferior in brilliancy of tint to the following. Saltpetre is to be melted in a crucible at a dull red heat, and chrome yellow gradually added thereto, as long as effervescence with escape of red fumes occurs. The potash abandons the nitric acid and takes half the chromic acid, and basic, chromate of lead is formed. The mass becomes black and is then to be allowed to settle, and the melted salt poured off from the heavy powder at the bottom ; this, when cold, be- comes of a splendid vermilion red, and is to be taken out and washed with the smallest possible quantity of water. * ' & SALTS OF BISMUTH. Chloride of Bismuth. BiCl 3 . Is formed by dissolving bismuth in hot strong muriatic acid ; by evaporation it forms a crystalline mass which is very deliquescent, volatile, and fusible. By water it is de- composed, giving the oxychloride of bismuth, a white powder, having the composition BiCl 3 + 2Bi0 3 + 3HO. In the arts this powder is sometimes employed under the name of Spanish white or pearl white. The chloride of bismuth combines with the chlorides of the alkaline metals, forming double salts, in which the chlorine combined with the bismuth is to that combined with the other metal, as three to two. In the double salts formed by protochlorides, this relation is never ob- served, and hence it furnishes additional proof that the chloride of bismuth is a ter-chloride, on which idea the formulae become 2KC1 + BiCl 3 + 2Aq, and 2NaCl -f- BiCl 3 -f 3Aq. Salts of Silver. 649 Sulphate of Bismuth. BiO 3 -f 3.S0 3 . Is formed by dissolving bis- muth in hot sulphuric acid. It forms a deliquescent mass of acicular crystals, which are decomposed by water, giving a white powder, the basic sulphate of bismuth BiO 3 -f- SO 3 . The Nitrate of ismutLBi0 3 + 31S T O 5 + 9Aq. Is formed by dissolving the metal in dilute nitric acid ; by evaporation and cooling rhomboidal crystals are obtained, which easily deliquesce ; when heated, they lose water and nitric acid, and form a basic salt, and finally oxide of bismuth remains behind. Like the other salts of bismuth, this is decomposed by water, and may produce one or other of two basic salts, according to circumstances. When the crystals, without any excess of acid, are decomposed by water, the precipitate has the composition, 4Bi0 3 -f- 3N0 5 -f 9HO ; whilst, if an acid liquor be decomposed by water, the precipitate has the formula BiO 3 + NO 5 . Both of these salts yield very nearly the same quantity of oxide of bismuth on ana- lysis, and were hence long confounded together. The several reasons for considering the oxide of bismuth to be a teroxide have been given (p. 562). These subnitrates of bismuth are used indiscriminately in medicine, but the latter form is more generally found in the shops. The name pearl-white, &c., are also applied to these bodies. SALTS OF SILVER. Chloride of Silver. AgCl. Eq. 1794'3 or 143'8. Exists native as an ore of silver, horn silver, and may be formed by mixing a solution of common salt with a soluble salt of silver. It forms a curdy white precipitate, perfectly insoluble in water and in acids, but easily soluble in water of ammonia. When heated, it fuses below redness, and, on cooling, congeals into a semitransparent mass, of a horny aspect, whence its old name. When freshly precipitated, it is exceedingly sensible to the action of light, becoming pink, violet, and ultimately black, by exposure to the sun's rays ; but for this reaction, it is neces- sary that organic matter or water should be present, with the hydrogen of which the chlorine may combine, and that thus a thin layer of sub- chloride or of metal may be produced. The relations of chloride of silver to light are of the highest importance in photography, and in examining the structure of the solar rays, as noticed in pp. 224, et seq. The processes for the reduction of chloride of silver to the metallic state have been described in p. 469. Iodide of Silver. Agl. Is obtained by decomposing a soluble salt of silver by iodide of potassium ; a primrose-yellow precipitate falls, which is insoluble in water and in ammonia, at least it requires 2500 650 Nitrate of Silver. parts of strong water of ammonia to dissolve one of iodide of silver. It is easily fusible, and becomes opaque on cooling. In certain forms it is still more sensible to light than the chloride, and is hence the basis of the impression in the photographic process of Daguerre (see p. 227). It is reduced to the metallic state by the same means as the chloride. Bromide of Silver. AgBr. Resembles the chloride in every parti- cular respect. Sulphate of Silver. AgO.S0 3 . Is formed by boiling metallic silver in oil of vitriol ; sulphurous gas is given off, and a white saline mass formed, which, when more strongly heated, is totally decomposed, leav- ing metallic silver. This salt dissolves in eighty-eight parts of boiling water, and crystallizes on cooling, in small needles. Hyposulphite of Silver. 2AgO + S 2 2 . The relations of hypo- sulphurous acid to oxide of silver, are very curious. On adding a neutral solution of nitrate of silver to a solution of hyposulphite of soda, a white precipitate appears, which at first redissolves, but subse- quently becomes permanent. It soon loses its pure colour, especially if heated, and at last becomes black from sulphuret of silver, whilst the liquor contains sulphate of silver; thus, 2AgO + S 2 2 produce AgS and AgO.SO 3 . The solution of this salt is extremely sweet. So great is the affinity of hyposulphurous acid to oxide of silver, that a solution of it dissolves chloride of silver, forming an intensely sweet liquor ; and the solutions of the alkaline and earthy hyposulphites dis- solve all the salts of silver insoluble in water, except the arseniate and the iodide, and form double salts of exceedingly sweet taste. The double hyposulphites contain generally one equivalent of hyposulphite of silver to two of the other salt, but our knowledge of these salts is not as yet by any means complete. Nitrate of Silver.- AgO.N0 5 . Eq. 2128'5 or 170-57. This is the most important salt of silver ; it is manufactured on a very large scale in the Apothecaries' Hall of Ireland, for medicinal use. It is prepared by dissolving granulated silver in dilute nitric acid, which at first occurs without the disengagement of any gas, as the nitric acid dissolves the nitric oxide formed, but towards the end copious red fumes are evolved. By evaporation and cooling, the salt is obtained in colourless rhomboidal plates, as in the figure, often four inches across, which are anhy- drous. It is soluble in its own weight of cold water. When heated to about 430, it melts into a colourless liquid which is poured into cylindrical silver moulds, and congealing, forms the sticks of lunar caustic Salts of Mercury. 651 used in surgery. This fused salt should be snow white; it is not affected by light unless organic matter be present, as has been fully shown by Scanlan ; but with organic matter it soon becomes quite black, silver being reduced. It is hence used as marking ink, and for staining hair black. When strongly heated, nitrate of silver is totally decomposed. It yields its oxygen readily to combustible bodies ; thus if a few grains of it be laid on an anvil with a little bit of phosphorus, and struck with a hammer, it explodes violently. Its solution is re- duced to the metallic state by all deoxidating agents. Hyponitrite of Silver. AgO.N0 3 . It is obtained in granular crys- tals, by adding the soda salt prepared by melting nitrate of soda (p. 377), to a boiling solution of nitrate of silver, and filtering whilst very hot. Tribasic Phosphate of Silver. 3AgO -f- PO 5 . Is the canary-yellow precipitate produced by adding a tribasic phosphate of soda to a solu- tion of nitrate of silver. Its relations to the other phosphates of silver and to the silver test for arsenic, have been noticed in pp. 413 and 538. Arseniate of Silver. -^^ AgO + AsG 5 . Is precipitated as a reddish- brown powder, on adding any solution of an arseniate to a solution of nitrate of silver. Its formation is one of the most characteristic pro- perties of arsenic acid. Arsenite of Silver. HO. 2 AgO -f- As0 3 . Is produced as has been noted in p. 538, by adding a solution of arsenious acid to the ammo- niacal nitrate of silver. It is a canary-yellow powder ; soluble in am- monia and in nitric acid. When heated, it first yields water and becomes brown ; then it gives oxygen, arsenious acid, and leaves me- tallic silver. SALTS OF MERCURY. Chloride of Mercury Corrosive Sublimate. HgCl. Eq. 1693*7 or 135*4. May be prepared by dissolving red oxide of mercury in mu- riatic acid, and evaporating. It crystallizes in long right-rhombic prisms, generally opaque. It may also be very economically prepared by dissolving the basic sulphate (turpeth mineral) in strong muriatic acid, and crystallizing ; the sulphate of mercury remains in the mother liquor and may be again converted into basic sulphate by the action of water. The corrosive sublimate is, however, generally prepared, for pharmaceutic purposes, by the dry way, as follows : sulphate of mer- cury, HgO.SO 3 , is to be well mixed with its own weight of common salt, INaCl, and the mixture introduced into a wide necked glass retort, 652 Corrosive Sublimate. or, on the large scale, into a stone-ware pot, to which a globular glass head is attached. The retort or pot being bedded in sand, is gradually heated to redness, decomposition occurs, the chlorine of the common salt combining with the mercury, whilst the sodium takes the oxygen and acid ; we have therefore formed, HgCl, which sublimes into the head, forming a mass of prismatic crystals, which being partly fused by the heat cohere strongly together, and sulphate of soda which re- mains behind; HgO.S0 3 , and Nad, giving HgCl and NaO.S0 3 . The sublimed chloride of mercury crystallizes in a right rhombic prism, as represented in the figure. Its specific gravity is 5*4 ; it melts at 590, and boils at 563. The specific gra- vity of its vapour is 9420. It dissolves in two parts of boiling and twenty of cold water ; the hot solution crystallizes, on cooling, in prisms of a different form from that of the sublimed salt ; it is therefore di- morphous ; it is soluble in 2 J parts of cold alcohol, and in three parts of cold ether ; it dissolves much more readily in muriatic acid, and in solutions of the alkaline chlorides, than in pure water, as it forms with these bodies double salts, which are very soluble ; of these the double chloride of mercury and ammonium sal alemlrotk, is employed in pharmacy. It will be specially described hereafter. A solution of corrosive sublimate yields all the reactions of a salt of the red oxide of mercury, as described previously. When a small quantity of potash is added to a solution of sublimate a brown precipitate falls, which by boiling becomes black and crystalline ; the same substance may be formed by boiling red oxide of mercury in a solution of sublimate ; it is an oxyckloride of mercury, whose formula is HgCl + 3HgO. If a solutiflfti of sublimate be treated by a small quantity of sulphuret of hydrogen, a precipitate forms, at first brownish, but which ulti- mately becomes quite white, provided there be sublimate in excess ; it is a cklorosulpkuret, of which the formula is, HgCl + 2HgS. Subchloride of Mercury Calomel. Hg 2 CL Eq. 2943'7 or 235'4. This important medicinal agent may be prepared either by precipitation or by sublimation. For the former object, nine parts of mercury are to be digested in eight parts of nitric acid, sp. gr. T25, without heat, until no more mercury appears to dissolve, and the liquor begins to assume a yellow colour ; eight parts of common salt are next to be dissolved in 250 parts of boiling water, to which a little muriatic acid may be added : these solutions being mixed, the calomel immediately precipitates, and thus prepared, it is absolutely pure. The mercury dissolving in the nitric acid, forms nitrate of the suboxide, and by the Calomel Bromides of Mercury. 653 chloride of sodium, nitrate of soda, and subchloride of mercury are formed ; Hg 2 O.NO 5 and NaCl, giving Hg 2 Cl and NaO.NO 5 . To obtain calomel by sublimation, four parts of corrosive sublimate may be rubbed up with three 'parts of mercury, so intimately that no trace of metal shall be visible, and the mixture being introduced into an earthen pot to which a glass head is fitted, heat is to be gradually applied, until the materials have all sublimed. In this operation, HgCl, combining directly with Hg, gives Hg 2 Cl. The union is never per- fected by the first sublimation, and the product is to be again powdered, well mixed, and again sublimed. The process followed by the British pharmacopoeias is different, and is best carried on in the following pro- portions. Thirty-one parts of dry sulphate of the red oxide of mer- cury (persulphate) is to be intimately mixed with twenty and one-third parts of metallic mercury, and twenty parts of fused common salt, and the whole rubbed together until the mercurial globules totally dis- appear. This method is the same as the former in principle, except that the corrosive sublimate is generated only when required to com- bine with the additional quantity of mercury, to form calomel. The sublimation is carried on as described above. The sublimed mass is always contaminated with some undecomposed sublimate. Hence it must be carefully levigated, and washed with boiling water, as long as the washings give any milkiness on the addition of a few drops of water of ammonia. The precipitated calomel is a pure white powder. "When sublimed it forms a crystalline mass whose primitive form as in the figure, is a square prism. It is insoluble in water, and the minute division of the sublimed calomel may be elegantly secured by conducting its vapour into a vessel containing boiling water, by the vapour of which it is suddenly condensed, and falls as an ex- cessively fine powder. Its sp. gr. is 6 -5. The presence of sublimate in the calomel of the shops is detected by boiling for a few minutes in alcohol, and adding to the alcoholic liquor some water of am- monia, which gives a white precipitate if corrosive sublimate be present. By boiling with muriatic acid, or with solution of common salt, or sal-ammoniac, calomel is gradually decomposed into sublimate, which dissolves, and metallic mercury, which remains behind. The Bromide and Sulbromide of Mercury. Hg.Br. and Hg 2 Br. may be prepared ; the first by acting directly on mercury with bromine, when a colourless solution is obtained, which gives prismatic crystals 654 Iodides of Mercury. by evaporation ; the second by decomposing nitrate of the suboxide by bromide of potassium. These bodies resemble completely sublimate and calomel in their properties. Iodide of Mercury. Red Iodide. Hgl. Eq. 2845'0 or 228'0. May be formed by the direct combination of its elements, even without heat, by trituration together with a few drops of alcohol. It is then dark red, but may be obtained of a brilliant red colour by precipitating a solution of corrosive sublimate with an equivalent of iodide of potas- sium. An excess of the latter redissolves the precipitate, as it forms a double salt, (KI + Hgl), soluble in water, and crystallizable in octo- hedrons. The iodide of mercury is insoluble in water ; when heated it fuses and sublimes, condensing in a yellow crystalline mass, formed of rhomboidal plates, which, when broken or scratched, gradually become red, breaking up into a number of minute crystals of a different form. It is somewhat soluble in alcohol, and abundantly in aqueous hydriodic acid. A hot solution of iodide of potassium dissolves much more than the atomic proportion of it ; the excess crystallizes in long, red, square prisms, according as the solution cools. It dissolves also in a strong solution of corrosive sublimate with which it combines in two propor- tions. It forms a class of double salts, equally extensive with that produced by corrosive sublimate. Subiodide of Mercury. Hg 2 I. May be formed by triturating iodine with mercury, or by precipitating a solution of iodide of potas- sium by a slight excess of nitrate of the suboxide of mercury. It is an olive-green powder, which is resolved by heat into metallic mercury and iodide, and is similarly decomposed by a solution of iodide of potassium, with which the iodide of mercury formed com- bines. Sesquiodide of Mercury, or Yellow Iodide. Hg 4 I 3 , or + 2HgI + Hg 2 I. To obtain this substance, a solution of iodide of potassium, to which half as much iodine as it already contained has been added, is to be decomposed by a slight excess of a solution of the subnitrate of mercury. The bright yellow powder which precipitates must be dried cautiously with little exposure to light. By means of a solution of iodide of potassium, it is resolved into red iodide and metallic mercury. The reaction by which it is formed is that, of the subiodide first pro- duced, by the KI. and Hg 2 O.NO 5 , one-half is converted into red iodide by the additional atom of iodine which is supplied. 2(KI) + I, and 2 (Hg 2 O.NO 5 ), giving 2 (KON0 5 ) and Hg 2 I -f 2.HgI. This prepa- ration is employed in pharmacy. A preparation which has been proposed by Donovan, under the name of lodo-hydraryyrate of Arsenic, is prepared by rubbing together Oxygeii Salts of Mercury. 655 6 '08 grs. arsenic, 15 '3 8 grs. of mercury, and 50 grs. iodine, with a few drops of alcohol until they combine, and then adding eight ounces of water with a few drops of hydriodic acid ; a solution is obtained at first colourless, but soon becoming yellowish-brown by light, from iodine being set free. This preparation is not a chemical compound, but the iodide of arsenic being decomposed by the water, the iodide of mercury is dissolved by the hydriodic acid formed, whilst arsenious acid exists free in the solution. Sulphate of Mercury. HgO.SOs. Eq. 1850 or 148'0, is produced by boiling oil of vitriol on mercury, until it is converted into a white saline mass, which requires to be finally heated nearly to redness to expel the excess of acid. Sulphurous acid is evolved, Hg and 2SO 3 , giving HgO.S0 3 and SO; but this may be avoided by adding from time to time a small quantity of nitric acid, by which oxygen will be supplied. This salt forms a white powder, not crystalline ; at a full red heat it is resolved into mercury, sulphurous acid, and oxygen. Its use is extensive in preparing calomel and sublimate. By a large quan- tity of water it is decomposed into free acid and basic sulphate, turpeth mineral, 3HgO -f SO 3 , which is a bright yellow powder, which, when heated with muriatic acid gives neutral sulphate and corrosive sublimate, 2-HCland (3HgO + 80s), producing 2'HgCl and IIgOS0 3 ; water being formed, (see p. 651). Subsulpkate of Mercury. ~ Hg20.S0 3 . Sulphate of the UacJc oxide may be formed by heating metallic mercury with oil of vitriol, provided the heat do not pass beyond 212 ; or by mixing strong solutions of nitrate of the black oxide and of sulphate of soda. It is a white pow- der, very sparingly soluble in water, by which it is not decomposed, and is thereby distinguished from the preceding salt. Nitrate of Mercury. Nitrate of the red Oxide. 2HgO.N0 5 + 2 Aq. This salt is formed when mercury is dissolved in an excess of nitric acid with heat. It crystallizes in rhomboidal plates, which are deliquescent, and soluble in a small quantity of water. Its solution is decomposed when diluted, a basic nitrate of the red oxide being preci- pitated of a bright canary colour, and having the formula HO.NO + 3HgO. If this powder be boiled with much water, a still more basic salt is formed, which has the formula, NO 5 + 6HgO. Both this salt and the sulphate, when heated by sulphuretted hydrogen not in excess, give white basic compounds, like the chlorosulphuret (p. 652), having the formulas, HgO.im -f- 2HgS and HgO.SO 3 -f- 2HgS. Subnitrate of Mercury. Nitrate of the Black Oxide. When mer- cury is dissolved in dilute nitric acid, without any heat, or with only as much as sustains a very moderate action, the black oxide forms and may 656 Salts of Gold. unite with the nitric acid in various proportions. 1st. If there be nitric acid in excess, the solution gives by cautious evaporation clear transparent rhombs of neutral sufinitrate, having the formula, Hg20. N0 5 -|- 2HO. 2nd. If there be an excess of mercury, large opaque white rhombic prisms sometimes form, which have the composition, (3Hg 2 O + 2N0 5 + 3HO). 3rd. By letting this solution stand, these crystals gradually disappear, and very small canary-yellow crystals, nearly spherical, with numerous brilliant facets are produced ; this is a basic salt, the formula being HO.NOs + 2.Hg 2 O. This salt may also be formed by the action of water on either the first or second ; both being decomposed into free acid, and the basic salt, which is no further altered even by boiling water. The second salt may be looked upon as a compound of the first and third, since (3Hg 2 O + 2N0 5 + 3HO) = (Hg 2 O.N0 5 + 2HO.) + (HO.N0 5 + 2Hg 2 0). Subchromate of Mercury. Hg 2 O + CrOa. Produced by mixing solutions of chromate of potash and subnitrate of mercury, is a bright orange powder insoluble in water ; when heated to redness, it gives off mercury and oxygen, and chromic oxide of a fine green colour remains, p. 523. Eed nitrate of mercury combines with iodide of mercury to form a double salt, which is formed by half precipitating a solution of the mer- curic salt by iodide of potassium, and boiling until the precipitate redis- solves ; on cooling, the new salt is deposited in brilliant red crystalline scales, which are decomposed by much water. m. SALTS OF GOLD. Per chloride of Gold. AuCl 3 . When gold is dissolved in nitro- muriatic acid, and the solution evaporated very cautiously to dryness, this salt remains as a ruby red crystalline mass, which dissolves with a yellowish-red colour in water. Its solution is acid, and is decomposed by the light, and by all deoxidizing agents. It combines with muriatic acid, and forms a deep yellow liquor, from which the acid chloride of gold crystallizes in long yellow needles. It is soluble in alcohol and in ether, from which last solution it is deposited in the metallic state on evaporation, the chlorine combining with the ether. In this way some forms of gilding are effected, as on steel. The chloride of gold com- bines with many other chlorides, forming double salts. The chloride of gold and potassium, AuCl 3 + KC1 + 5Aq., crystallizes in orange-red striated rectangular prisms. It effloresces in the air, and may be ob- tained anhydrous ; it is then ruby red. Chloride of gold and sodium (NaCl + AuCla + 4Aq), forms crystals of the same form and colour, Salts of Palladium and Platinum. 657 bufc which do not effloresce : when heated, they fuse in their water of crystallization. Subchloride of Gold. AuCl. Is produced by heating the chloride to about 450 in a porcelain dish, stirring it very carefully until no more chlorine is given off. It is a yellowish-white mass, insoluble in water, by which it is gradually decomposed into chloride and metallic gold. It is in this way only that a solution of chloride of gold perfectly free from an excess of acid can be obtained. Iodides of Gold. When solutions of chloride of gold and iodide of potassium are mixed, a greenish precipitate occurs of sub-iodide of gold, AuL, whilst two-thirds of the iodine become free. If the iodide of potassium be in great excess, however, the iodine and subiodide are both redissolved and a double salt obtained, which crystallizes, and which contains pcriodide of gold, its formula is KI + AuI 3 : by the cautious addition of chloride of gold to a solution of this salt, a greenish preci- pitate may be obtained without any liberation of iodine, and which hence must be the iodide. The oxides of gold do not act as bases, and the general nature of the salts which they form, as acids, has been noticed in p. 573. SALTS OF PALLADIUM. Chloride of Palladium. PdCl. Is formed by dissolving palladium in nitro-muriatic acid. Its solution is deep brown, and it forms by evaporation, a crystalline mass ; by the action of a small quantity of a caustic alkali, a basic salt, or oxy chloride of palladium, PdCl + 3PdO + 4Aq., is produced, it is a brown powder, insoluble in water. The chloride of palladium combines with other chlorides to form double salts : when heated to about 600, it abandons half its chlorine, and subcliloride of palladium remains, an olive brown powder insoluble in water. By a strong red heat this is totally decomposed. Deutochloride of Palladium. PdCl 2 . Is formed when the chloride of palladium is gently heated with aqua regia ; it forms a dark brown liquor, which gives, with a solution of chloride of potassium, a sparingly soluble double salt, KC1 + PdCl 2 . This deutochloride cannot be obtained solid, its solution giving off chlorine, and chloride remaining. Iodide of Palladium. Pdl. Is a black powder obtained by double decomposition. It forms double salts with other iodides. By heat it is decomposed, without forming any subiodide. Sulphate of Palladium. PdO.S0 3 . Is produced by dissolving the metal in a mixture of nitric and sulphuric acids. By evaporation, a saline mass is obtained, which is decomposed by water. 42 C58 Salts of Platinum and Indium. Nitrate of Palladium. PdO.N0 5 . Is obtained by acting on the metal with nitric acid. At first it dissolves without any evolution of gas, forming a deep olive liquor ; but when heated, it gives off, N0 2 , and becomes brown. The nitrate of palladium is decomposed by water, giving basic salts. SALTS OF PLATINUM. Protockloride of Platinum. Pt.Cl. Is formed by exposing the bi- chloride in fine powder, to a temperature of about 500 in a porcelain dish, and frequently stirring ; one-half of the chlorine being evolved, a greenish olive powder is produced, which is the proto chloride. It is insoluble in water ; by a red heat it is redissolved into chlorine and metallic platinum. If the bichloride be exposed only to a temperature of about 400, water dissolves from out of the resulting mass, a sub- stance which colours it intensely brown, and which is, probably, a ses- quichloride, Pt 2 Cl 3 . Bichloride of Platinum. PtCl 2 . This salt is produced by dissolv- ing platinum in nitro-muriatic acid. The solution, when free from ex- cess of acid, is intensely yellow ; on evaporation, it gives a crystalline deliquescent mass. This salt is very soluble in alcohol, and is so used for the detection of potash (p. 474). It combines with other chlorides, forming double salts, of which some possess considerable interest. Those with chloride of potassium, KC1 + PtCl 2 , and with sal-ammoniac, NH 4 C1 + PtCl 2 , are precipitated as yellow powders, from strong solu- tions, or as minute octohedral orange-red crystals, from dilute solutions of those alkalies, and are hence used for their detection. These salts are insoluble in alcohol. The sodium double salt (NaCl + PtCl 2 ) is, on the contrary, easily soluble both in alcohol and water. The Iodides of Platinum are black powders, insoluble in water, formed by the double decomposition of iodide of potassium with the respective chlorides. The biniodide combines with iodide of potassium to form a double salt, KI -f PtI 2 , which dissolves in water, giving a solution so deeply claret-coloured that it may serve to detect a very minute trace of platinum in solution. Although many oxygen salts of platinum are described in the syste- matic books (sulphate, nitrate, &c.,) I consider that we possess no accu- rate knowledge whatsoever of that class of combinations. SALTS OF IRIDIUM AND RHODIUM. There are four chlorides of iridium. The protochloride, IrCl, is prepared by heating metallic iridium to redness in chlorine; it is an Salts of Ruthenium and Rhodium. 659 olive-green body, which is insoluble in water, but combines with other chlorides to form double salts. The sesqui-chloride, Ir 2 Q 3 , is formed by dissolving the sesquioxide in muriatic acid. It is a brown crystal- line substance, volatile, and forming double salts. The bichloride, IrCk, is produced when a concentrated solution of the former is treated with aqua regia. It forms a dark brown solution, giving, when dried, a black mass. It gives with chloride of potassium a sparingly soluble double salt in black octohedral crystals. The perchloride, IC1 3 , is not known, except in the state of a double salt, KC1 + IC1 3 , which is produced by processes, for which I refer to the larger systematic works. The protoxide, sesquioxide, and deutoxide of indium form salts, with the oxygen acids ; the solutions of the first class being green or purple, those of the second class blood-red, and those of the third orange, produce the variety of tints which gives the name of iridium to the metal ; they are not otherwise important. Sesqui- Chloride of Rhodium. EaCla. Is prepared by decomposing the double chloride of rhodium and potassium by hydrofluosilicic acid. The filtered liquor gives, when evaporated, a brown-red mass, destitute of crystalline structure ; by heat it is completely decomposed. It com- bines with other chlorides to form well-defined double salts, such as that, 2KC1 -f- E 2 C1 3 + 2Aq. formed by acting on metallic rhodium and chloride of potassium by aqua regia. When metallic rhodium alone is treated by chlorine, a rose-red powder is obtained insoluble in water and acids, which is a similar compound of protochloride and sesqui- chloride of rhodium, E 4 C1 5 = 2-BC1 + R1 3 . By igniting metallic rhodium with bisulphate of potash a double salt is obtained, which does not crystallize. The nitrate of rhodium is a dark red deliquescent salt, which gives with nitrate of soda a double salt in dark red crystals. The characters of the salts of Ruthenium, so far as they are as yet known, have been sufficiently described in the history of that metal already given. 660 CHAPTER XVI. ON THE GENERAL PRINCIPLES OF THE CONSTITUTION OF ORGANIC BODIES. ORGANIC bodies are distinguished generally by a much greater com- plexity of composition than occurs in substances of mineral origin. Thus, so far as the principles described in the chapter on the Atomic Theory allow of our concluding as to the absolute molecular constitu- tion, it would appear that, except in the case of carbonic oxide, there is no example of an atom of an organic compound containing but two simple atoms ; and carbonic acid and cyanogen are the only examples of an organic atom being formed by three elementary atoms. On the contrary, the number of simple atoms entering into the composition of an organic body is .sometimes very great : thus, an equivalent of oleic acid con- tains 270 simple atoms ; an atom of albumen is formed of 883 simple atoms ; an atom of spermaceti includes 468 simple atoms ; numbers to which we find no form of combination approaching in inorganic compounds. Besides this greater complexity of constitution, organic bodies are distinguished by the nature of their elements. I have had occasion already to describe, as inorganic, sixty-one undecompounded bodies, which, by their reunion in various proportions, generate the compound substances, which constitute the mineral crust of the globe; but amongst organic bodies we meet with few of these. Although equalling in number and surpassing in variety of properties the mineral species, the products of the animal and vegetable kingdom may be looked upon as consisting almost exclusively of six elements, of which two, sulphur and phosphorus, are met with but seldom ; nitrogen is much more ex- tensively found, especially in animal substances ; oxygen and hydrogen exist in almost all, but the element which is peculiarly organic, and which, with the one exception of ammonia, exists in all bodies derived from an animal or vegetable source is Carbon. It is hence that I have deferred the description of carbon and its compounds, until I could pass directly from it to the great variety of organic bodies of which it Elements of Organic Bodies. 661 is the basis. With the constituents of inorganic bodies it has but an accidental connexion, for as I shall hereafter show, there is no form of carbon which has not at some time made part of an organized being. Besides these six elements of organic bodies, there are many which enter into the structure of animals and plants, and are subservient in an important degree to the proper performance of their functions, without being really constituents of their organic tissues, or secretory products. Thus iodine and bromine exist in many marine plants and sponges; common salt and oxygen-salts of potash, soda, lime, and magnesia exist in most animal and vegetable juices; phosphate of lime constitutes the bony skeleton of one, and carbonate of lime the tes- taceous covering of another tribe of animals, whilst silica forms the solid basis of some of the lower tribes of zoophytes. In the red colour- ing matter of the blood, iron is an essential element, and the same metal has been found in minute quantity in other parts of animals ; indications of fluorine and of silica have been found in the bones and teeth; but in all these instances, except perhaps the one fact of the iron element of red blood, we find these saline substances to be contained in fluids in a condition of merely physical solution, or to be deposited as solids in the bones or teeth in a purely inorganic form, clearly to be dis- tinguished from the proper state of organic combination, in which the carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen of the tissues and secretory pro- ducts are united. Amongst organic bodies, it is necessary to distinguish three classes, which differ no less in complexity of composition than in the circum- stances under which they are formed, and their relation to organic life. These are, first, those bodies which are directly elements of an organized and living being, and which, while in connexion with it, ap- pear to possess the power of elaborating, from certain nutritious juices, additional material similar to themselves. Such are the organic con- stituents of the animal and vegetable tissues of the blood, which, while in connexion with, and forming portions of the animal or plant, partici- pate to a certain degree in its vitality, and do not obey the laws of ordi- nary affinity, unless by being, in the first instance, killed ; these bodies should be more properly called organized, than merely organic ; their chemical relations commence only when they have been deprived of their most essential character, life. They are organs ; their constitu- tion cannot be expressed by formulse, nor their properties accounted for by analysis, and the attempts which have been recently made by some eminent chemists to embrace^ the constitution and relations of those living organizations within the forms of expression of merely chemical compounds, have led but to throw into confusion the most 663 Organized and Organic Bodies. interesting questions of physiology, and animal chemistry. After their death we may obtain from them, by chemical treatment, a variety of organic bodies ; but that they were composed of these bodies, and that their properties resulted from the combination of such elements as we extract from them, it would be false philosophy to imagine. The fibrine and albumen of the blood, the muscles, and the cellular tissues, the fatty matter of the brain, perform their functions in virtue of vital power, and not of any chemical properties they possess. The albumen of the egg is not a chemical substance, but a delicately constructed mass, destined to be transmuted into the organs of the chick, and by participating in its life, protected from putrefaction. But when albu- men is precipitated by corrosive sublimate it is killed, and the product of its decomposition combines with the oxide of mercury. This class of bodies have their origin, therefore, in actions purely vital. They have a structure organic-molecular, totally different from crystallization, and for the most part consisting of minute cells. When dead, these tissues undergo spontaneous decomposition, with more or less rapidity, according as their composition is more complex ; but for this, water must be present. Some forms of animal tissue, which appear to lose the organized structure and vitality with which they were at first formed, are capable still of remaining in connexion with the living system, and, although dead, have no tendency to putrify ; probably from not being in any degree soluble in water. The formation and growth of nails and hoofs, hair and horns, are examples of the im- portant uses of this property. It is by virtue of the vital forces of the bodies of this first class, not individually, but united together so as to constitute the tissues, 'glands, &c., of plants and animals, that the organic bodies of the second class have their origin. These are substances produced (secreted) from the elements by which organized bodies are nourished, probably by the union, under peculiar conditions, of such portions of the constituents of the food as were not proper to be assimilated to the organized tissues of the living being itself, or have already served their turn. It is thus, that by a plant which uses water, carbonic acid, and atmo- spheric air as nutriment, after the assimilation of a certain quantity of their constituents to its proper tissues, sugar, starch, and albumen, adapted for the nutrition of its young, may be formed as secreted products; and oils, resins, colouring matters, &c., rejected as useless or worn out. The third class of organic bodies contains those which are evolved by the chemical decompositions, Blether spontaneous or artificial, to which substances of the first and second class are subjected. Thus, sugar by fermentation, yields alcohol and carbonic acid ; alcohol, by Possible Synthesis of Organic Bodies. 663 oxidation, yields acetic acid, or aldehyd ; acetic acid, variously treated, produces acetone, or alkarsin ; whilst ligneous fibre gives origin, when heated, to a crowd of organic products, of which pyroxylic spirit is an example. It is very interesting to contrast these classes of bodies with each other, in relation to the forces by which their constitution is regulated, as compared with the simple forms of affinity by which the actions of inorganic elements are controlled. In the first, there is found nothing referable to chemical attraction ; all affinity is annulled by the supre- macy of life and organization. Hence, it is only when dead, that such bodies can be analysed, and by treatment with re-agents a crowd of pro- ducts belonging to the third class be obtained from the more or less evident decomposition. No matter, therefore, how perfect our mediate or immediate analyses of such substances may be, the synthesis of such bodies, or their production by the union of their elements, is strictly impossible to the chemist. The formation of a molecule of albumen would not be a case of chemical combination, but of the formation of a portion of an organized cell, it would require not merely the combi- nation of its elements, but also that the compound should have life imparted to it. In relation, however, to the second and third classes, the circum- stances are quite different ; although we cannot trace, precisely, the force by which the organized tissues act in eliminating from a liquid of uniform composition, such as the blood or sap, the various secretions which constitute the second class ; yet the circumstances of their for- mation admit of being examined, and already some insight has been obtained, as to the way in which organic bodies may separate, or be converted into others, without reference to the mere affinities of their elements, by means of the influence that has been already described as catalytic (p. 229, et seq.) ; in this way, the functions of organized tissues may be imitated, and a true synthesis of organic bodies of the second class may be effected. With the bodies of the third class we find, also, that the circumstances of their formation are either purely artificial, or capable of being easily imitated, and the reactions by which they are evolved, although often catalytic, fall, in the majority of cases, under the rules of ordinary affinity. In structure also, the bodies of the second and third class range themselves with inorganic compounds ; those which are solid may, for the most part, be obtained crystal- lized, and the liquid substances possesses definite freezing and boiling points. Between such organic bodies and mineral substances, we find the greatest similarity, not merely in their physical relations, but in chemical 664 Theory of Compound 'Radicals. properties also. The great classes of acids and bases exist, well marked, among organic bodies, and in their combinations with each other, the same principles of multiple, and equivalent combination are followed, as hold for inorganic compounds. So perfect is the analogy of general characters, that it has long been an object with chemists to unite, under one principle, the laws of composition of organic and inorganic bodies, and as the characteristic distinction of mineral substances is to consist of a series of elements which are respectively combined, two and two, in virtue of their opposite affinities, attempts have been made to reduce the complex constitution of organic bodies to the same principle of binary union, by supposing that certain of the elements are, in the first instance, grouped together, so as to form a single molecule, and that this acting as a simple body, combines with the element which re- mains. It is from the discovery of Cyanogen, and the discussions as to the nature of the ethers, and of the ammoniacal salts, that we must date the positive introduction of this theory of compound radicals into chemistry. Its utility has not been limited to the explanation of the constitution of organic bodies ; on the contrary, it has been applied successfully to explain the phenomena presented by numerous classes of inorganic compounds, such as the compounds of sulphur and oxygen, noticed p. 402, and especially to the foundation of the binary theory of salts, as described in the fifteenth chapter. Were we, however, to apply the theory of compound radicals indis- criminately to explain the constitution of organic bodies, we should be liable to fall into continual error. The criterion which I would assume as decisive of the constitution of an organic body, is, whether certain of its elements may be exchanged for others, in accordance with the ordinary laws of substitution of inorganic bodies ; and thus a series of compounds be produced, through which some elements of the original substance shall have passed untouched, and from which again, by suit- able reactions, the original substance can be obtained unaltered. In such cases I would consider those elements which remain unaffected as being strictly united with each other, and constituting a compound radical, which, combining with other bodies, gives origin to a series of compounds more or less extensive. Thus, if we treat oil of bitter almonds, Ci 4 H 6 O 2 , by chlorine, we obtain a compound, C 14 H 5 O 2 C1, which gives, with iodide, or sulphuret, of potassium, bodies whose for- mulae are respectively C 14 H 5 O 2 I and C M H 5 O 2 S. Again acted on by oxygen, it gives crystallized benzoic acid, Ci 4 H 6 O 4 ., or rather, C 14 H 5 O 3 -j- Aq. Now, it will be seen that throughout this whole series the element, C 14 H 5 2 , has remained unaltered. In the oil it was combined with hydrogen : in benzoic acid it unites with oxygen ; in the other Limits of Us Application. 665 bodies it is united with chlorine, iodine, &c., and from these the oil may be recovered by processes by no means indirect. Now when we state, that in these compounds the elements, C 14 H 5 O 2 , are united, first with each other, by an affinity which ordinary reagents cannot over- come, and that this compound group unites with the simple bodies, hydrogen, oxygen, &c., by an affinity so much weaker, that they can be readily substituted for each other, we state only an established fact, and in denominating the group, C 14 H 5 O 2 , the root or radical of the series of bodies thus produced, we involve no hypothetical idea. For brevity, we express that compound radical by the symbol Bz, and we term it Benzyle ; we write the formulae of its combinations respectively, BzH, Bz.Cl, Bz.I, and BzO + Aq. But we must not be induced by the brilliancy shed on certain branches of organic chemistry, through the application of this principle, to transgress the boundaries of sound induction. There are numerous organic compounds in which I believe that no binary structure exists, and consequently to which the theory of organic radicals should not be applied. It is the class of bodies characterized by a remarkable indif- ference to combination, and which, when decomposed by the influence of re-agents, lose not merely one constituent, and gain another in its place, but are totally transformed into new compounds, into which all of their original components enter, and towards which the re-agent that had been applied frequently appears indifferent,,, so that the action ap- pears to have more the character of catalysis than of true chemical affinity. Such bodies are gum, sugar, starch, some of the oily and colouring matters, urea and many others ; treat these bodies as you will, there are no phenomena of true replacement ; they may be decom- posed, but bodies of a totally different type are formed, and the original substances cannot be regenerated. The organic radical which is thus assumed as the basis of a series of compounds, acts as a simple body, but it does so only in relation to the nature and intensity of the forces that act upon it ; it may be de- composed, and frequently it cannot be separated from combination without total decomposition ; hence few compound radicals can be iso- lated. But they can be decomposed even whilst still in combination, by the intervention of powerful affinities ; and this decomposition may be either total, so as to leave no trace of the original constitution of the substance, or by giving origin to another series of combinations, may indicate a still more intimate constitution, and unveil an organic radical of a simpler structure acting as the basis of the first. Thus we have seen what positive grounds there are for admitting benzyle, C I4 H 5 O2, to be the radical of the oil of bitter almonds and of 666 Theory of Organic Adds. benzole acid; but if we digest oil of bitter almonds with ammonia, all oxygen is removed, and we obtain a compound of nitrogen with the body, Ci 4 H 5 , which may also be obtained in other forms of combination. Now this organic substance C 14 H 5 acts as the basis of benzyle, for the oil of bitter almonds can be reproduced from it, and we thus obtain evidence of three stages of constitution in benzoic acid, whose formula should be written therefore as (C 14 .H 5 , + O 2 ) + O. The considerations described in p. 402 point out a perfect analogy to this in the constitu- tion of sulphuric acid. Reduced to its ultimate elements, its formula is S0 3 , but powerful evidence shows, that its real basis is sulphurous acid, and not sulphur ; its rational formula being S0 2 + 0. Now, here the primary radical, C ]4 H 5 , corresponds to sulphur, and benzyle to sulphurous acid. The total quantity of oxygen in such acids being divided into two portions, differing in order and intensity of combina- tion with the ultimate radical. If we add to these considerations, the view of salt-radicals, and consider the salts of benzoic acid as expressed by the formula Bz0 2 -f- M, as that of the sulphates has been shown to be S0 2 .0 2 -f M, we observe even a fourth degree to which the mole- cular structure of the complex organic radical may be traced. It is indeed when applied to explain the constitution of the organic acids, that the theory of compound radicals, as employed in the new views of the constitution of oxygen salts, appears most interesting, as the anomalies of properties and composition presented by the salts of the organic acids, were more numerous and more extraordinary than any which the mineral acids presented, and were indeed totally unin- telligible until illustrated by the conjoined investigations of Dumas and of Liebig. An example of this may easily be selected. Of the organic acids, the majority are monobasic, but there are also many bibasic and tribasic ; thus the citric acid, whose formula isCi 2 H 5 O H , combines with three atoms of base ; the meconic acid, C J4 HO n , is also tribasic ; the tartaric acid, C 8 H 4 O ]0 , and the mucic acid, C 12 H 8 O 14 , are bibasic. In these instances, the quality of combining with many atoms of base, which is so anomalous in the older view, necessarily follows from the formula? of the hydrated acids, which become respectively, for citric acid C 12 H 5 Oj 4 + H 3 , for meconic acid C 14 H0 14 + H 3 , for tartaric acid C 8 H 4 12 + H 2 , and for mucic acid C 12 H 8 16 -f H 2 . By its means, many other singular properties of organic acids are explained : thus there appear to exist three acids, having absolutely the same composi- tion of C 2 NO, viz., the cyanic, the fulminic, and the cyanuric acids ; they are isomeric, they possess excessively different properties. Whence has that difference its rise ? if we say that the cyanic acid contains cyanogen ready formed, and that the others do not, it still remains to Constitution of Organic Radicals. 667 explain the isomerism of the others ; and we find that the cyanic and cyanuric acids are transformed into each other by the slightest causes. We obtain,, however, at once the key to this isomerism, when we study the salts formed by these acids. The cyanic acid is monobasic, its hydrate is C 2 NO + HO ; the fulminic acid is bibasic, its hydrate is C 4 N 2 2 + 2 HO ; the cyanuric acid is tribasic, its formula is C 6 N 3 O 3 + 3HO. These acids are thus found to have different atomic weights ; their molecular groups are ascertained to contain different numbers of molecules, and hence to admit of totally distinct internal structure. When expressed in formulse on the binary theory, we have C 2 ]SiO 2 +H, for the cyanic, C 4 N 2 O 4 + H 2 for the fulminic, and 6 N 3 6 + H 3 , for the cyanuric acid, and not merely the difference in nature of the acids, but also the distinctive characters of their salts necessarily result. Although chemists are unanimous in regarding the principle of com- pound radicals as the basis of the philosophy of organic chemistry, yet science has not yet arrived at the point when the principle is adopted by all in the same form of detailed application. On the contrary, there are few specific examples of that principle that are not still open to discussion. The views of Berzelius on this subject are specially of im- portance. He considers that the compound radicals of organic bodies consist only of carbon and hydrogen, or of carbon and nitrogen : that they never contain oxygen. Hence he does not admit the existence of benzyle, in benzoic acid, or in oil of bitter almonds ; he considers the only radical to be the carbo-hydrogen, C 14 H 5 , and benzoic acid to be directly, C 14 H 5 + O 3 . He looks upon the oil of bitter almonds as con- taining ready formed benzoic acid, combined with the true hydruret of the radical, as 3 (C 14 H 6 O 2 ) = 2 (C 14 H 5 + O 3 ) + (C 14 H 5 + H 3 ). The chloride of benzyle he looks upon as an oxychloride, 3 (C 14 H 5 2 C1) being equal to 2 (G 14 H 5 + 3 ) + (C 14 H 5 + C1 3 ). This is evidently the same difference of view that exists as to the nature of the sulphurous acid compounds, which Berzelius also regards as more complex. Thus the chlorosulphurous acid is, according to him, a compound of sul- phuric acid with a terchloride of sulphur, 3 (SO 2 .C1) = 2.SO 3 + SC1 3 ; and so in all other bodies similarly circumstanced. The opinions of a man to whose extraordinary industry and genius we owe some of the most important additions both theoretical and prac- tical that science has received since the epoch of Lavoisier, should not be rejected without much consideration ; but on applying these ideas to express the constitution of the crowd of bodies, containing four or five elements, which have recently been discovered, we are led to sup- positions destitute of experimental proof, and yet which, assuming the existence of numerous hypothetical bodies of anomalous constitution, 668 Theory of Chemical Types. and combined in very unusual ways, would require for their legitimate admission into science, a very strong body of experimental evidence. It would be impossible here to discuss the principles of his opinion in detail ; I am led to conclude, from the consideration of the whole body of facts which bear upon it, that it is inferior in power and simplicity of explanation of known facts, and as an instrument of discovery, to the simpler view of the constitution of organic bodies which has been described ; and being thus deficient in all the important duties of a sound theory, I do not hesitate to reject it. The proposition of the theory of types, by Dumas (see p. 326), will probably constitute an epoch in science, by fixing attention on the permanent equivalency of an organic atom, notwithstanding complete alteration in the nature of its elements. This did not follow necessarily from the theory of compound radicals, nor does the conservation of the type require that the radical be preserved unaltered, but only the type of the radical. Thus, when aldehyd is changed into chloral, (C 4 H 4 2 into C 4 HC1 3 2 ), the type is preserved, since the hydrogen is replaced by an equivalent of chlorine ; the radical is altered, since acetyl, C 4 H 3 , is changed into C 4 C1 3 , but the new radical is still con- structed on the type of the original. The theory of types, so far from being inconsistent with the theory of compound radicals, is in perfect harmony with it, at least as I understand it, and as I believe it to have been proposed by Dumas. The basis upon which it rests may be an- nounced as follows. 1st. That the hydrogen of a compound radical may be replaced by chlorine, or by oxygen, &c. equivalent for equivalent, and a new radical thus produced, which being constructed on the same type as the original, will have the same general laws of combination, and will hence form compounds of the same type as those containing the original radical. Thus, from C 4 H 3 may be formed C 4 C1 3 , and these, combining with oxy- gen and water, form C 4 H 3 O. + Aq. or C 4 H 3 .03 + Aq. and C 4 Cl3. -f Aq. or C 4 C1 3 .0 3 + Aq : also by uniting with chlorine they produce C 4 H3C1 and C 4 C1 3 .CL 2nd. That when bodies of the same type, and containing radicals of the same type, are subjected to the action of strong affinities by which their constitution is broken up, the resulting products are constituted also upon the same plan, although differing in composition ; thus C 4 H 4 4 , when heated with potash gives 2.C0 2 and C 2 H 4 ; and C 4 HC1 3 O 4 similarly treated gives 2.C0 2 and C 2 H.C1 3 . The types of C 2 H.H 3 and C 2 H.C1 3 , being the same, and containing equivalent radicals. 3rd. When bodies of the same chemical, though of different me- chanical types, or, as I would term them, bodies of the same natural General principles of Replacement of Elements. 669 families, as the alcohols, are submitted to the action of affinities of equal power ; the bodies generated have the same relation to one another, as the original bodies had ; and the radicals are either unchanged, or all changed in a similar degree. Thus from wine-alcohol, (C^sCfe) ; methylic alcohol (C 2 H 4 2 ) ; essential oil of potato spirit, C 10 H 12 O 2 , and ethal, C 32 H 34 O 2 , there are produced by the action of potash, a series of acids, each having the same type and containing the same radical as its alcohol ; thus the acetic acid (C 4 H 4 4 ), the formic acid (C 2 H 2 4 ), the valerianic acid (C 10 Hi 4 ), and the ethalic acid C 32 H 32 04. Considering in this way, the theory of types is an important addition to our ideas on the constitution of organic bodies. It serves to attach, under a few very simple principles, numerous classes of compounds, whose composition would otherwise appear very complex and anoma- lous, and will probably, when applied to the study of such bodies as, not containing compound radicals, give only their molecular group, as a mass, to our examination, become a source of still more important ad- ditions to our knowledge. Although each organic substance gives, when acted on by reagents, products which are characteristic of, and often peculiar to itself, yet there are some general rules which being now noticed, will obviate the necessity of much detail hereafter. When an organic substance is treated with dry chlorine, it either com- bines directly with the gas, or, as more frequently happens, hydrogen is removed to an amount equivalent to that of the chlorine absorbed. Even in the first case, the direct union is often but apparent, and arises from the muriatic acid formed, combining with the true product. Thus olefiant gas, C 4 H 4 , gives the oily liquid, C 4 H 4 C1 2 , but this, in place of being a direct combination, consists of C 4 H 3 .C1, which is the true pro- duct formed by substitution of Cl for H, but is united with the H.C1 thus generated. If water be present, it influences the reaction very much, being gene- rally decomposed. In some cases, all the chlorine unites with its hydro- gen, whilst the oxygen combines with the organic substance; but, generally, the chlorine unites with both elements of the water, forming muriatic acids, which remains free, and hypochlorous or chlorous acids which enter into the composition of the organic product. In other cases, again, the presence of water does not appear to exercise any influence. When an organic substance is treated with nitric acid, it is always raised to a higher degree of oxidation. Very rarely does the action stop there. Hydrogen is usually separated, and oxygen put in its place; whilst the new products formed contain usually a smaller 670 Action of He-agents on Organic Compounds. number of molecules than the original substance. Thus gum (Ci 2 H 10 O 10 ), when acted on by nitric acid, gives, first by simple oxidation, mucic acid (C 12 H 10 Oi 6 ) : but, if the action of the acid be more violent, all hydrogen is removed, and two atoms of oxygen substituted, thus producing C 12 O 18 , the elements of six atoms of oxalic acid. In many cases the action of nitric acid is not limited to the oxida- tion, whether direct or indirect, of the organic substances, but, by the removal of some hydrogen from it, in combination with some of the oxygen of the nitric acid, water is formed, and the nitrogen, or nitric oxide, or nitrous acid, combines with the remaining organic elements, and forms new products. Thus, from napthaline and benzine, nume- rous substances containing nitrogen are derived. This fixation of nitrogen may occur even with .bodies which already contain it, thus, indigo treated with nitric acid produces bodies, the indigotic and the picric acids, which contain a larger proportion of nitrogen than the indigo itself. The peroxides of manganese and lead often serve to oxidize organic bodies in a more regulated manner than nitric acid ; the new substance combining with the protoxide of the metal ; thus, by PbO i? uric acid is decomposed into allantoin, urea, and oxalic acid. By fusion with hydrate of potash, the oxidizement of organic sub- stances is very powerfully effected ; water being decomposed, its hydro- gen evolved, and the oxygen uniting with the organic body to form an acid, which remains combined with the potash. Thus, alcohol C 4 H 6 2 and 2HO, produce acetic acid, C 4 H 4 4 , and H 4 becomes free. Often the organic substance is merely broken up into other bodies of simpler constitution, as when tartaric acid, C 8 H 4 10 , by fusion with potash, is decomposed into acetic acid, C 4 H 4 O 4 , and oxalic acid, 2(C 2 3 ). In every case, if the temperature be much raised, carbonic acid is one of the products ; thus acetic acid (C 4 H 4 O 4 ) separates into C 4 H 4 and 2.C0 2 . The action of sulphuric acid upon organic bodies may be very diffe- rent, according to circumstances ; thus, from starch we may obtain, by a merely catalytic influence, gum, grape-sugar, and ultimately sacchul- mine. In these cases, the sulphuric acid remains totally unchanged and free, but generally it enters into combination with the organic body ; either without decomposition, as in the sulphovinic and sulpho- methylic acids ; or else water is formed by its reaction on the organic body, which, thus deprived of an atom of hydrogen, combines with hyposulphuric acid, S 2 O 5 . It is thus that the sulphurous element exists in the sulphobenzoic acid, the isethionic acids, &c. If an organic substance containing nitrogen be acted on by these Organic Origin of Carbon. 671 re-agents, at a high temperature, this is generally separated under the form of ammonia; water being decomposed, and its hydrogen so applied, whilst its oxygen forms the ordinary oxidized organic pro- ducts. If potash be the re-agent, the ammonia is expelled, and a salt of potash with the new organic acid remains ; if sulphuric acid be the re-agent, the organic acid is set free, and a sulphate of ammonia remains. By the action of heat upon fixed organic compounds, a variety of products are formed, which may generally be described as formed by the abstraction of a portion of carbon and oxygen, as carbonic acid, and of hydrogen and oxygen as water. Hence such pyrogenic products are always richer in hydrogen and carbon than the bodies they are formed from, and of less acid characters. This kind of decomposition will, however, require to be described in a distinct chapter. CHAPTEE XYIL OF CARBON AND ITS COMPOUNDS WITH OXYGEN, SULPHITE, AND CHLORINE. CARBON exists in large quantities and is very extensively distributed in nature, as a constituent of all vegetable and animal bodies. It is found also in the mineral kingdom, under forms, however, which may be shown to have originally been derived from organic bodies. Thus, the different varieties of coal have been produced by the aggregation of great quantities of wood, the materials of primeval forests, which being submerged in water, and covered by the gradually deposited layers of sand and mud, have been elevated, in connexion with the strata of clay and sandstone so produced, to their present situations. The wood thus circumstanced has undergone a kind of decomposition, which shall be hereafter fully noticed, and the mixture of fixed and volatile organic products which constitute our coal has thus its origin. This formation 672 Nature of Limestone Eoch. of coal, as well as the formation of peat and turf at the present day, almost at the surface, is accompanied by a disengagement of carbonic acid in large quantity, and hence the probable source, in the air and in mineral waters of that substance, of which also much may be derived from the respiration of animals. A more strictly mineral form of carbon is that of carbonic acid united to lime, and to other metallic oxides, forming the numerous class of native carbonates. Of these the most abundant is the carbonate of lime, which, under the form of chalk, oolite, coral, mountain lime- stone, &c., constitutes a large proportion of the geological formations of our globe. In all these cases, the rock is formed of shells of ani- mals, aggregated together in great masses ; these geological formations, resulting from the collection, at the bottom of a sea or lake, of the spoils of myriads of generations of those animals, which, by superin- cumbent pressure, may be more or less densely aggregated; or by proximity of igneous rocks, may be partially or completely fused, and their organic characters obliterated to a greater or less degree. In this way the crystalline marbles are formed, in which few or no traces of organic origin remain. The comparatively small quantity of carbonate of lime, which is found separately or distinctly crystalline, either as arragonite or calc spar, may be traced to the solvent action of water impregnated with carbonic acid, filtering through strata containing shells, and then gradually depositing, in favourable situations, the matter it had thus taken up, in crystals, the form of which depends upon the temperature at which they are produced (p. 316). The other native carbonates, of which the quantity is very small in comparison with that of the carbonate of lime, may have been produced by double decomposition. Thus, a water, holding carbonate of lime in solution, filtering across a stratum containing oxidized iron or copper pyrites, would give origin on the spot to a crystalline deposit of sulphate of lime, and, at a certain distance, carbonate of iron or of copper* would be separated. Those instances suffice to point out the reasons for con- sidering carbon as truly the organic element, and that its appearance in a mineralized condition arises from secondary actions. Carbon presents itself in a great variety of forms. Absolutely pure, it constitutes the diamond, which, from its exceeding hardness, brilliancy, and rarity, ranks as the first of gems. It is found disse- minated in alluvial strata in Golconda, Brazil, &c., and is separated from the sand and mud by processes of washing. No deposition of diamond in rocks has ever yet been found. It crystallizes in forms of the regular system, generally having a great number of sides, bounded by curved edges, in virtue of which it splits glass like a wedge, in place of Nature and Origin of Diamond and Plumbago. 673 scratching it as a file. Its crystals are generally hemihedral, and fre- quently rough and discoloured at the surface. These crystals all cleave parallel to the faces of a regular octohedron (fig. f, p. 24), but the properties of the diamond separate it completely from the proper mineral crystals of the regular system. Thus, it possesses double refraction in some cases ; it polarizes light elliptically ; its structure has been found by Brewster to consist in layers, sometimes containing cavities, indi- cating that the crystal had been originally soft, and only concreted by degrees ; and in the recent researches of Dumas, on the atomic weight of carbon, it was found that when burned, diamonds generally leave behind a minute skeleton of inorganic matter. These considerations fully show, that the diamond derives its origin from the decomposition of organic matter. The diamond is the hardest body known; it cuts every other, and can be ground only by means of its own powder. It is usually colourless, but sometimes brown, or rose-coloured ; its re- fractive power is very great (2 '43 9), whence its great brilliancy. It conducts heat and electricity very badly ; it resists most chemical agents, but burns in melted nitre brilliantly, forming carbonate of potash; it burns also when heated to redness in oxygen gas, and evolves sufficient heat to maintain the continuance of the combustion ; its specific gravity is about 3'5. Another very remarkable form of carbon is that of plumbago, or graphite. This is found in many localities, but sufficiently pure for the purposes of the arts, only in Borrowdale in Cumberland. It is perfectly opaque ; crystallized in rhombohedrons, or six-sided tables ; but its usual appearance is in brilliant leaves or spangles. As a mass it is soft and unctuous to the touch, and gives, on paper, a continuous grey streak, whence its name of blacklead, and its use in making pencils. Its formation appears to be connected with the action of iron, and with a high temperature : it is found only in igneous rocks, as granite, and mica slate, and contains almost always a large quantity of iron intermixed in the metallic state, so that it was once supposed to be a carbonate of iron. Graphite may be formed artificially, by adding charcoal to melted cast iron ; the charcoal dissolves largely, but on cooling, is found to separate in brilliant flexible plates, more or less regularly six-sided. Graphite is lighter than diamond ; its specific gra- vity being 2'5, and it conducts heat and electricity much better. It is very hard to set on fire, and does not continue to burn unless heat be applied from without. Carbon, in a form more or less mixed with foreign matters, is ob- tained by the application of a very high temperature to animal or vege- table substances, in close vessels. The kinds of carbon thus produced 43 Manufacture of Coke and Charcoal. still differ very much. Thus coke is obtained by heating coal in iron retorts, until all the volatile products are driven off, and the excess of carbon remains mixed with the earthy matter which all coal contains. The properties of coke approximate more or less to those of graphite, according to the temperature at which it has been produced, but its particles are frequently found so hard, and in structure so closely resem- bling the diamond, as to be capable of not merely scratching glass, but of being used in splitting and cutting glass, in place of the diamond alone hitherto employed. By, the proximity of igneous rocks to coal, under the earth, a similar expulsion of its volatile matters may be effec- ted, and a form of carbon nearly pure, antfiracite, results. These fuels are difficult to light, but when once ignited, give out an intense heat by their combustion. If an organic substance, which contains hydrogen and carbon, be set on fire, and that there be a copious supply of air, it is totally converted into water and carbonic acid ; but if the supply of air be limited, the affinity of the hydrogen for the oxygen preponderates, and no carbon is consumed until all hydrogen is converted into water. By this method of imperfect combustion, several forms of carbon are prepared, such as wood-charcoal and lampblack. If we take a splinter of wood and set it on fire, we observe that at first only the volatile products of the wood burn with flame, and that a mass of charcoal forms inside, and remains unaltered as long as, being surrounded by flame, it is protected from the air ; but when the end projects beyond the flame, it ignites, and burns away, leaving only a trifling ash. If, however, a tube be taken, and as in the figure, as the combustion, advances along the stick b, the burned portion a be gradually plunged into a narrow tube, this becomes filled with carbonic acid, which does not support combustion, and the cylinder of the charcoal formed may thus be permanently preserved ; on this principle wood-charcoal is prepared. Billets of wood are heaped together regularly, so as to form a hemispherical mass of about forty feet diameter ; in the centre a hole reaches from the top to the bottom, form- ing a chimney. The outside is then coated with sods, so as to render it impervious to air, except at the bottom, where some apertures are left. Burning charcoal is then thrown into the chimney, and the fire communicating to the billets, these burn with a supply of air so limited, that the charcoal remains unconsumed ; the combustion commencing at the top and proceeding down. The outside of the heap is then covered with denser sods, so as to cut off the supply of air as the combustion proceeds. When the carbonization has been completed, the whole mass is covered up and allowed to cool perfectly before being Manufacture of Lampblack. 675 opened. In this co urn try, most of the charcoal used is obtained in the preparation of vinegar by the destructive distillation of wood, as will be hereafter noticed. The quantity of charcoal produced from wood varies very much with the rapidity of the process ; the generality of fresh woods yielding but thirteen or fourteen per cent, by a rapid de- composition, whilst when slowly charred they may yield twenty-five or twenty-six. The mode of conducting the process, therefore, must be changed according as the residual charcoal, or the volatile materials, are the most valuable products. The charcoal preserves, in a remarkable manner, the structure of the wood from which it is produced, so that by the microscope some of the most delicate forms of vegetable organi- zation may be traced in charcoal that had been slowly prepared. Lampblack is formed by a still more direct application of the princi- ple of imperfect combustion. In the apparatus represented in the figure, a is a pot placed in a furnace which is vaulted over, so that all vapour from it may pass into the chamber, b, c, whilst by some apertures a small quantity of air is allowed to sweep over its surface ; the sides of the round chamber are lined with leather, and, above, is a conical cover of coarse linen, d, through which the draught from the furnace passses, and which may be lowered or raised by the cord and pulley. A quantity of pitch or tar is placed in the pot and made to boil ; it takes fire, and as the quantity of air which has access to it is very small, the hydrogen alone burns, and the carbon being carried up by the current in a very finely divided state, is deposited on the sides and cover as an impalpable powder. Animal charcoal is produced by the decomposition of animal matters in close vessels. From its properties, which I shall just now notice, it is manufactured in large quantities for the arts, especially from bones, and is hence called, ivory -black or lone-black. The bones are placed in iron cylinders, which are arranged, vertically or horizontally in a fur- nace, in connexion with a series of condensing vessels containing water the volatile constituents of the animal matter being expelled principally as carbonate of ammonia, of which a large quantity is thus made, the excess of carbon remains in a state of very minute division mixed with the earth of bones (phosphate of lime). Some of the most important uses of carbon are founded on proper- ties, which the various forms of it possess in different degrees. Its inflammability varies with its density and closeness of aggregation being least in graphite, and becoming so great when wood charcoal, 676 Combination of Charcoal with Colouring Matters. prepared at a low temperature, has been reduced to powder for the pre- paration of gunpowder, as to inflame sometimes spontaneously and give rise to destructive accidents. Carbon possesses a remarkable tendency to unite with colouring and odorous substances. This property is specially possessed by ivory black, in consequence of the extreme degree of division of its particles. When a purely organic body yields carbon, the molecules of the latter aggregate themselves to a degree which de- pends on the temperature, and if, as in wood, there be a fusible ash present, this acts as a cement, and diminishes the porosity very much. If the organic substance be fusible, as starch or sugar, the closeness of texture of the charcoal becomes still greater, and its utility less ; but in bones, the molecules of organic matter are separated by an infusible earthy salt, and when carbonized, the charcoal is obtained in the greatest possible state of comminution. A still more efficient charcoal is formed by calcining dried blood, hoofs, or horns, with carbonate of potash, which prevents the aggregation of the particles of carbon, which, the alkaline salt being washed out with water, is left in the most active condition possible. In the arts this property is applied to the purification of sugar ; to clearing solutions of many organic substances ; and barrels, in which water is to be kept, are charred on the insides in order to remove any organic matter dissolved in the water, which might be liable to putrefy. The following table contains some numerical results of the relative decolorizing power of equal quantities of carbon in various forms ; the first column containing the number expressing the power of removing the colour of a solution of indigo, and the second column that of a solution of coarse sugar. The power of ivory black is taken as the standard : Kinds of Charcoal. Indigo. Sugar. Common ivory black 1 1 Well ignited lampblack 4 Lampblack ignited with potashes . / 17 10 Charcoal from the decomposition of acetate of lead 5-6 4.4 Starch ignited with potashes Blood ignited with phosphate of lime 11-9 11-9 8-9 10 Ivory black digested in muriatic acid 1-9 1-7 Ivory black digested in muriatic acid, and afterwards ignited with potashes 45-3 20 Blood ignited with potashes 50 20 The decolorizing power is thus not the same for all bodies. If char- coal that had once been used be again ignited, it does not recover its Absorption of Gases by Charcoal. 677 activity, as the colouring matter fuses before charring and thereby lessens its porosity. Charcoal possesses also a remarkable power of absorbing gases. If a fragment of wood charcoal, which had been strongly heated, and allowed to cool without access of air, be intro- duced into a tube containing ammonical gas, in the mercurial pneu- matic trough, an immediate absorption occurs, to the amount of ninety times the volume of the charcoal. In other cases the absorption is not so great, a cubic inch of boxwood charcoal, which is the most active, absorbing 90 cubic inches of ammonia. 85 muriatic acid. 65 ,, sulphurous acid. 55 ,, sulphuretted hy- drogen. 35 ,, olefiant gas. 40 cubic inches of nitrous oxide. 35 ,, carbonic acid. 9-25 ,, oxygen. 7*5 nitrogen. 1'75 hydrogen. These gases in this absorption undergo no chemical change, but ap- pear to be retained on the surface of the pores of the charcoal by powerful cohesion, and probably in the liquid form, as it is such gases as may be rendered liquid by pressure that are absorbed in larger quantity. The number expressing the atomic weight of carbon is only lately exactly fixed. By Drs. Prout and Thompson it was fixed at seventy-five upon the oxygen, and six upon the hydrogen scale ; but the investi- gation of Berzelius andDulong induced the majority of chemists to assume a higher number, 76*4, or 6' L3. The latest experiments of Dumas and Stass directed to the determination of this point, induced those eminent chemists to recur to the original number 75 ; whilst Liebig and Eed- tenbacher have deduced from their researches, the number 75 '8. Dr. Clarke, from a re-examination of Berzelius' results, finds that they give, when corrected for some minute sources of error, 7 5 '6, but the very careful researches by Marchand and Erdman have fully verified the results obtained by Dumas, and therefore I shall assume as the number expressing the equivalent of carbon, 75 upon the oxygen, and 6'0 upon the hydrogen scale. If we admitted the truth of Dulong and Petit's law, (pp. 83, 296), connecting the specific heats with the atomic weights of bodies, we should consider the equivalent of carbon to be double that above given, as Eegnault has found the specific heat to be 0'241. This idea appears favoured by the fact, that it is doubtful whether there really exists a combination of carbon, containing an odd number of equiva- lents, taking the number as 6-0. But the force of this result is totally 678 Method of Organic Analysis. obviated by the fact, that the specific heat of carbon varies with its state of aggregation so much, that for poplar charcoal it is 0'296, and for diamond but 0'147 ; hence we cannot connect these numbers with the chemical equivalent of the body. Notwithstanding that carbon is absolutely infusible and fixed, yet from the variety of gaseous and volatile compounds into which it enters, and whose constitution is remarkably illustrated by the application of the theory of volumes, carbon vapour is frequently spoken of by che- mists, although its existence is purely hypothetical. I have mentioned (p. 291) the difference of opinion as to its sp. gr. which I assume at 843. The new results would appear to show, that it is really but 836' 8 upon the one, or 418*4 upon the other view. GENERAL PRINCIPLES OF ORGANIC ANALYSIS. Substances which contain much carbon are, in general, easily recog- nized, by their being more or less combustible and forming carbonic acid when burned, besides often leaving a carbonaceous residue. Even where the bodies are not inflammable, simply, they deflagrate more or less violently when heated with nitre, and form carbonate of potash. Although it is not within the scope of the present work to embrace the details of chemical analysis, it would yet be improper to omit a general description of the methods adopted for the determination of the quantities of carbon, hydrogen and nitrogen, which enter into the constitution of organic bodies. The general principle upon which this process is carried out, consists in supplying oxygen so abundantly to the organic substance, as that all its carbon shall be converted into carbonic acid, and all its hydrogen into water, and yet the supply of oxygen shall be so graduated, and the decomposition so regularly pro- gressive, as to admit of the products being collected with accuracy. The nitrogen is always determined by an independent operation, in which the other elements are neglected : and although processes have been proposed, which provided for a direct valuation of the oxygen, it is found in practice better to obtain its value, by subtracting the weight of all the other constituents from that of the substance employed. Tor the analysis of an organic substance, there are therefore two processes ; the first to determine the carbon and hydrogen, and the second to determine the amount of nitrogen. The substance generally used to supply oxygen is the black oxide of copper, prepared by gently igniting the nitrate. Sometimes chromate Analysis of Organic Bodies. 679 of lead is employed, particularly for bodies rich in chlorine. Where the substance to be analyzed burns with difficulty, it is often neces- sary, in order to be certain of the complete combustion of the car- bon, to pass a stream of oxygen gas over it at the termination of the process. A straight tube of hard Bohemian glass of about sixteen inches long, and from \ to \ inch diameter, is to be drawn out at one end to a point, which is to be sealed and turned up, as in the figure. Some oxide of copper (or chromate of lead, as the case may be) is to be then poured in so as to occupy about two inches of the tube next the bottom. As much oxide of copper as will occupy about six inches of the tube is to be then intimately mixed with the substance to be ana- lyzed, if it be solid, by rubbing in a mortar, and this mixture then intro- duced. The mortar is next to be rinsed out with as much oxide of copper as will fill two or three inches, and, finally, pure oxide of copper is to be placed for about three inches in front of all. The whole mate- rials thus introduced will occupy about fourteen inches of the tube, when it is shaken down by tapping it, nearly horizontally on the edge of a table, so as to leave, as in the figure, where the dotted lines mark the spaces of the several portions, a free passage above the materials from end to end of the tube. In these operations the greatest care must be taken to avoid all access of moisture ; the tube, the mortar, and the substance, must be made absolutely dry, and the oxide of copper, being powerfully hygroscopic, should be ignited before each operation, and allowed to cool, under a bell glass with a capsule of oil of vitriol, or by being placed whilst very hot in a long dry tube, which is then to be corked completely tight. After the substance and oxide of copper have been placed in the tube, it is generally necessary to remove even the traces of damp which might have been absorbed, by exposure to the air, during the mixing in the mortar. This is done by means of a small exhausting syringe, which is attached to the combus- tion tube by a cork, a tube containing fused chloride of calcium being interposed. The combustion tube is bedded in warm sand, and by means of the syringe, the damp air it contains is withdrawn, and re- placed by air which passing over the chloride of calcium becomes com- pletely dry. After a few repetitions of this process all moisture is re- moved, and the combustion tube is ready to be attached to the other parts of the apparatus. 680 Processes of Organic Analysis. These are, 1st, a tube of the form represented in the figure, into which a little cotton wool is dropped at a, and it is then filled with recently fused chloride of calcium in fragments of the size of a split pea. At b a little cotton wool is also placed, and a small tube is con- nected with it by a cork. To its smaller end, a cork is adapted, which accurately fits the end of the combustion tube, and which has been carefully dried. This apparatus (but without the last cork) is carefully weighed before the operation. The 2nd apparatus is the potash bulb-tube, the inven- tion of which by Liebig was the great cause of the rapid progress of organic chemistry within the last few years, as it facilitated the analysis of organic bodies in a remarkable degree. It consists of a tube on which are blown five bulbs ; the three interior communicating by pretty wide openings, but each outer bulb separated from the others by a couple of inches of tube. The relative proportions of the respective bulbs may be col- lected from the figure, which represents also the form into which the tube is bent. The three central bulbs are to be nearly filled with a strong solution of caustic potash (sp. gr. 1'27), and the apparatus attached to the small tube I, of the water tube by a caoutchouc con- nector tied very carefully on. It is to be allowed to incline, at the angle represented in the next figure, so that the carbonic acid gas, when passing through it, shall bubble from bulb to bulb, without any danger of expelling any portion of the liquor. The combustion tube is to be placed in a sheet iron furnace, the form and size of which may be collected from the figure, its open end so far projecting (1J inch) as that the cork by which the water tube is attached shall not be in any danger of being charred, but yet shall be so hot, that no water can condense upon it. The joinings being found to be completely tight, and the water tube and potash bulbs being attached, and arranged as in the figure, the analysis may be proceeded Collection of the Water and Carbonic Acid. 681 with. Some ignited charcoal is to be placed round the first three inches of the tube, and when the pure oxide of copper is completely red-hot, the next portion, which, having rinsed out the mortar, con- tains some traces of the organic substance, is to be similarly ignited. The hydrogen of the substance reduces the oxide of copper, and forms water, which is collected by the chloride of calcium in the water tube, and the carbon also reducing the oxide of copper is converted into carbonic acid, which being dried in passing over the chloride of calcium is totally absorbed by the potash in the bulbs. By the addition of burning charcoal, the combustion of the organic matter is made to progress down the tube, the operator being directed in his proceedings by the rate at which the evolution of carbonic acid, and its absorption, proceed, until he arrives within two inches of the end of the tube. He then stops until he has made the point and the pure oxide of copper near it red hot, and then closes in the charcoal on the remaining space. The combustion being thus completed, the tube remains, however, occupied by a mixture of watery vapour and carbonic acid, which must not be lost ; for this the point of the tube serves. It is broken with a nippers, and then a current of air is gently sucked, by means of a tube fitted to the potash bulb-tube, through the whole apparatus ; this car- ries the water vapour to the water tube, and the carbonic acid to the potash, so that all the products of the combustion are obtained. The apparatus is then taken asunder, and the potash tube and water tube weighed, the increase of weight gives of course the quantities of car- bonic acid and of water collected, and hence, by simple calculation, the proportions of carbon and hydrogen, contained in the quantity of sub- stance that had been operated on. If the substance had been one very difficult to burn, and hence re- quiring oxygen to finish its combustion, the tube is not drawn out at the end, but widened a little so as to form a small bulb in which some chlorate of potash is placed. At the end of the process, this being heated evolves oxygen, which not only burns any traces of carbon that might remain, but serves also to carry the carbonic acid and vapour fully into the water tube and bulbs. There are a variety of circumstances to be attended to in this opera- tion, in order to obtain the high degree of accuracy which alone confers value on numerical results. These can be learned only in the laboratory, and not even from the most detailed description. My object is merely to afford an idea of the general principles of the method. If the substance to be analysed be liquid and volatile, it is introduced into small bulbs of the size of the figure, by the method given o 682 Analysis of Volatile Liquids. in page 14. There are generally two of these bulbs, one placed about two and the other about six inches from the sealed end of the tube, as shown in the figure ; the little stem is broken across in the act of introducing them, so that the liquid may easily flow out, when, by the approach of a piece of red hot charcoal, it is gently heated so as to form vapour. The peculiar precautions necessary in the management of the analysis of such bodies, and the methods adopted for non- volatile liquids, and other bodies of peculiar properties, can only bo learned by experience, and do not fall within my purpose to describe. For the determination of the nitrogen of an organic substance, several processes have been proposed, of which the most advantageous are those invented by Dumas and by Will. According to the former, a long combustion tube is taken (2 or 2*5 feet), sealed at one end, but not drawn out, as in the figure. Next the sealed end is placed carbo- ;/ 1 I L_1J nate of copper, for a space of six or eight inches, and then the pure oxide of copper, the mixture, the rinsing of the mortar, and again, pure oxide, occupying fourteen or fifteen inches, exactly as in the former case ; in front of all five or six inches are occupied by clean metallic copper, in a finely divided state, either as reduced by hydrogen from the oxide, or as very thin turnings. These divisions and the general form of the tube are given by the figure. To the combustion tube there is fitted by a tight cork, a quill tube, which is in connexion on the one hand with an exhausting syringe, and then, by a vertical tube more than thirty inches long, passes to the mercurial pneumatic trough. All the joinings being found tight, and the combustion tube arranged in the furnace, red hot charcoal is applied to the closed end of the tube, where it disengages carbonic acid from the carbonate of copper, which sweeping through the apparatus expels the atmospheric air. To render this the more effectual, the whole apparatus is exhausted by the syringe, and again filled with carbonic acid, and this is continued until the bubbles of gas which come over are perfectly absorbed by solution of potash. In this expulsion of the air of the apparatus, not more than one-half of the carbonate of copper should have been used. The fire is now to be withdrawn from the closed end of the tube, and applied to the part occupied by the metallic copper. When this is red hot, the combustion is carried backwards, just as in the former Determination of Nitrogen. 683 example, and when all the substance has been burned the coals are applied to the remaining carbonate of copper, which, evolving carbonic acid, clears out all the nitrogen of the apparatus, just as it had in the commencement cleared out all the atmospheric air. The mixed gases that are produced in this operation are received in a bell glass which contains some strong solution of potash, by which the carbonic acid is absorbed, and the nitrogen remaining may then be measured. The volume of gas is next to be corrected for temperature, moisture, and pres- sure, as directed in pp. 17, 70, and 112, audits weight then calculated. The use of the metallic copper in the front of the mixture requires notice ; when nitrogen passes over red hot oxide of copper, there is always some nitric oxide formed, which would falsify the result, as its volume is double that of the nitrogen it contains ; but nitric oxide is completely decomposed by red-hot metallic copper, pure nitrogen being evolved, and hence the purity of the resulting gas is secured by this arrangement. Indeed, in all combustions of an azotized body, the mixture should have some bright metallic copper in front of it. The direct valuation of nitrogen by this process is thus a very deli- cate operation, and occupies several hours. If the substance contain a large quantity of nitrogen, its amount may be indirectly ascertained in a much simpler way. The quantity of carbon in the substance is first learned by an ordinary analysis, then another combustion tube is arranged, with very clean copper in front ; but in place of adapting the water-tube and bulbs, the water is taken no count of, and the gases evolved are collected in narrow graduated tubes, over mercury. In order to clear out the air from the tube, some of the mixture next the sealed end is first ignited, and the gas allowed to escape : the tubes being filled from the products of the subsequent periods of combus- tion. In this case, no weights need be attended to, as it is only the analysis of the gas in the tubes that is required for the result. The volume of gas in a tube being marked, some solution of potash is introduced, and agitated in it. The carbonic acid is absorbed, and the nitrogen remains, the volume of which is read off, taking care that the level of the mercury is the same inside and outside the tube. The relative volumes of the carbonic acid and nitrogen gases are thus found; and as an equal volume represents an atom, for each, the relative number of atoms of carbon and nitrogen is thus determined ; and as the total quantity of carbon is known by a previous experiment, the total quantity of nitrogen may be calculated. When the relation of the number of atoms of carbon to those of nitrogen is simple, as occurs in cyanogen and oxamide, 2C to N, mellon, 3C to 2N, caffein and taurine 4C to N, this method gives very accurate results. 684 Absolute and Relative Methods A mode of determining the quantity of nitrogen, more simple and more rapid in execution than that just described, consists in converting it into ammonia, and estimating* '\e quantity of that alcali in the form of its double chloride with pM,^ -n. This process was first proposed by Will and Yarrentrapp, and its e. actitude has been verified by most chemists, so that it is now most generally employed. It has been al- ready described in p. 670, that when an organic substance is strongly heated in contact with an excess of caustic potash, or soda, water is decomposed, the oxygen uniting with the elements of the organic sub- stance, and hydrogen gas being set free ; so that when a great excess of caustic alcali, and a dull red heat applied, the oxidation may become so complete, as that the final products shall be solely water, carbonic acid, and free hydrogen gas. Now if the organic substance contained nitrogen, this unites with the nascent hydrogen, and forms ammonia, which is given off as gas, and this takes place so exactly, that it may be used as a test for the presence of nitrogen, even in the most minute quantity, in an organic body. To carry on the process, a mixture of two parts of fused hydrate of caustic soda with one part of hydrate of lime in fine powder is em- ployed, and the organic substance mixed with it in a combustion tube, precisely as it should be mixed with oxide of copper for a carbon determination as described in p. 679. To the cork of the combustion tube is to be fitted a stout quill tube, about three or four inches long, to which is attached by means of a caoutchouc connector, either a Liebig's potash apparatus, as figured in p. 680, or, still better, the form of bulb apparatus represented in the annexed figure. This appa- ratus is to be half filled with moder- ately strong muriatic acid ; the quan- tity being such, that if by a rush of uncondensed gas the acid be propelled into the bulb, 3, it may be there safely contained, and the uncondensed gas escape by the vertical tube, whilst should the gas be absorbed too ra- pidly, and that the acid rises into the bulb, #, there shall be no danger of its rising so high as to flow back into the combustion tube. The interposition of the small bulb, c, serves to give surface, and to mark by the bubbling of the gas, the rapidity with which the process proceeds. The last portions of the ammonia are carried out of the tube into the muriatic acid, by the watery vapour from the pure hydrate of lime, with which the combustion tube should be occupied, for some three of Determining Nitrogen. 685 inches next its closed end. The acid liquor is to be carefully drained and washed out of the bulb apparatus into a small porcelain dish, and mixed with solution of bichloride of platinum. A double chloride of ammonium and platinum is thus produced, but as it is not insoluble in water, the liquor is to be evaporated in a water bath very nearly to dryness, and then mixed with alcohol, to which some ether has been added. The excess of bichloride of platinum is thereby re-dissolved, as well as any traces of oily organic matter that had come over. There remains undissolved the platinum-ammonia chloride, which is to be collected on a filter, well washed with alcohol, and then dried and ig- nited ; all the chlorine and ammonia being expelled by the heat, there remains pure metallic platinum, and as the formula of the salt is NH 4 C1 + PtCl. 2 , there is found for every 14 parts of nitrogen which the organic substance employed had contained, 98 '8 parts of platinum. The determination of the nitrogen is thus rendered like that of the carbon, a process of weighing, always far more capable of certainty than that of measuring the volume of a gas, and any error of weight on the platinum obtained, influences, but by one-seventh of its amount, the quantity of nitrogen calculated from it. Caustic potash is not used in this process, as should any minute trace of it be carried by the current of gas into the muriatic acid bulb apparatus, it would be very difficult to prevent its falsifying the esti- mate of the ammonia, whereas, even should any traces of soda be driven over, they would not interfere, as the double chlorides of plati- num and sodium or calcium are abundantly soluble as well in alcohol as in water. Where the organic substance contains chlorine, sulphur, arsenic, &c. it is to be destroyed by nitric acid, or by ignition with potash or lime, and the inorganic constituents then determined in the ordinary way. In some instances the sulphur of organic bodies can only be perfectly oxidized by ignition with a mixture of nitrate and chlorate of potash. The quantity of sulphuric acid produced is then determined. It is thus that the presence of sulphur in taurine and in choleic acid may be found. In organic salts, the metallic basis is determined by igniting the sub- stance, burning away the organic element, ^and determining the quantity of inorganic base, by whatever method is best suited to its individual nature. Carbon combines with oxygen in several proportions, of which three, those in which it forms the carbonic oxide, and the carbonic and oxalic acids, are the most important, and deserve a more detailed description than is necessary for the others. 686 Properties of Carbonic AciJ. OF CARBONIC ACID. Eq. 275, or 22. Carbonic acid exists in the atmosphere, as a product of combustion, and of the respiration of animals. Combined with metallic oxides, it forms the numerous class of native earthy and metallic carbonates, of which the carbonate of lime is much the most important. It is a result, also, of the slow decomposition of most vegetable substances, and is evolved in great quantity from the ground in volcanic countries. In the fermentation of sugar, it is produced in abundance along with alcohol. Eor the purposes of the chemist, it is generally prepared by decomposing marble, or calc-spar, by means of any stronger acid ; from its cheapness, and the solubility of the residual salt, muriatic is generally employed. Some fragments of white marble being placed in a wide- necked bottle, the acid diluted with its own volume of water is poured in by a funnel tube, as in the figure, and the gas which is evolved is conducted by the tubej^ and Cu 6 N = 3(Cu 2 + -). Schrseter, to whom the discovery of the above compound is due, formed also a nitruret of chrame, whose for- mula is not quite ascertained. When the chloro-amidide of mercury is heated cautiously, the chlorine, hydrogen and some nitrogen are given off, and the nitruret of mercury remains, as a red brown powder, which is eminently explosive. Other less important metallic nitrurets have also been formed. 7 1 2 Nitrurets of Sulphur and Phosphorus. Ammonia is absorbed in large quantities by the chlorides of phos- phorus and of sulphur, and substances produced, which possess singular properties. Ammoniacal Pro tochloride of Phosphorus. PC1 3 + 5Ad.H. Is ob- tained by exposing the liquid chloride of phosphorus to a current of dry ammonia. It forms a white powder, which, when put in contact with water, produces sal-ammoniac, and an insoluble white substance that has not been analysed ; the reaction is probably that 3(ClH.AdH) and PN 2 H 3 result. ' If the ammoniacal protochloride of phosphorus be calcined without access of air, a very remarkable body, phosphuret of azote, the formula of which is P.N 2 , is produced, whilst phosphorus, hydrogen, ammonia, and sal-ammoniac are expelled. The phosphuret of azote is insoluble in water, and resists the action of the most power- ful acids and alcalies. The composition of the ammoniacal perchlorides of phosphorus is not quite certain, as these bodies appear to decompose each other. The formula given is PC1 5 + 2Ad.H. When calcined they yield phosphuret of azote. Late researches have, however, rendered it very doubtful, if these bodies have really the compositions here given from the analyses of Henry Rose, and their history requires complete re-examination. Gaseous ammonia and chloride of sulphur combine in two propor- tions, according as each ingredient is in excess. The formulae of these bodies are SCI -f- AdH and SCI + 2AdH. The former is a brown powder soluble in alcohol and ether ; the latter is a citron-yellow pow- der. They are remarkable for delivering as a product of their decom- position by water or by heat, the sulphuret of azote (S 3 N.) which is a volatile yellow powder, decomposed by the prolonged action of water into ammonia and hyposulphurous acid, 2 (S 3 N) and 6HO. giving 3.S 2 O 2 and 2AdH. When chloride of sulphur is digested with water of ammonia, a brown substance is formed whose composition is C1S 4 N 3 H 6 . It is pro- bably formed of chloride and amidide of sulphur, SCI + 3 (S.Ad). Ammoniacal gas is absorbed in great quantity by the volatile chlor- ides of boron, arsenic, tin, and titanium. The compounds formed are white and crystalline ; they are decomposed by water, and the solution contains sal-ammoniac, and the metal, or the boron, in combination with oxygen. There are few metallic salts which do not absorb ammonia, when ex- posed to a current of the dry gas ; but certain metals are specially dis- tinguished by the character that ammonia added to their solutions pro- duces precipitates, which either contain ammonia or amidogene, as is the case with mercury, palladium, and platinum, or by an excess of the Ammonia- Salts of Zinc and Copper. 713 ammonia the precipitate is redissolved, and soluble compounds contain- ing ammonia are produced, as occurs with zinc, copper, nickel, cobalt, and also palladium and platinum. The number of combinations thus formed is so very great that it would be tedious to describe all, and 1 shall hence notice only such as possess scientific or pharmaceutical importance. 1. AMMONIA-SALTS OF ZINC. Dry sulphate of zinc exposed to a current of dry ammonia absorbs it, producing a white powder, 2 (XnO.SO 3 ) + 5 AdH, which dissolves perfectly in water. If water of ammonia be added to a solution of chloride of zinc, a basic chloride is precipitated, which being redissolved by an excess of the ammonia, a colourless solution is obtained which crystallizes on cooling. According to the proportion of ammonia in excess, I have found that one or other of two compounds may be formed, one in long and brilliant prisms, the other in fine pearly tables. The latter salt consists of Zn.Cl. -f- 2AdH -f- HO. The former of 2 (Zn.Cl) 4- 2 AdH + HO. In these salts, as in all such as are produced by the action of an excess of ammonia on a solution of a metallic salt, I consider that the acid exists combined with ammonia, and not with the metallic oxide, in which they differ essentially from those produced by the direct absorption of ammonia by an anhydrous salt, in which I conceive the union of the acid and oxide not to be disturbed. Hence I write the formula of the tabular ammonia-chloride of zinc, as AdH.HCl + AdH.ZnO. When heated it gives oif ammonia and water and a white powder, AdH.ZnCl remains. By the action of an excess of ammonia on a solution of sulphate of zinc, the ammonia-sulphate of zinc is formed ; its formula is AdH. HO. S0 3 + AdH.ZnO. It crystallizes in short prisms; when heated it evolves AdH. HO, and a white powder, AdH.ZnO.SOs remains. In crystals it contains 3.Aq. of which it loses two by efflorescence, and the third by a moderate heat. 2. AMMONIA-SALTS OF COPPEK. Chloride of copper absorbs dry ammonia, forming a blue compound, CuCl -f S.AdH, soluble in water. When ammonia is added to a strong and hot solution of chloride of copper, until the precipitate which first forms is perfectly redissolved, a deep purple liquor is produced from which octohedral crystals are deposited on cooling. Their formula is AdH.HCl + AdH.CuO. When heated, these crystals evolve ammonia and water, and a blue 714 Ammonia-Salts of Copper, Nickel and Cobalt. powder, AdH.CuCl remains, which is totally decomposed by a strong heat. Dry sulphate of copper exposed to a current of dry ammonia forms a fine purple powder, whose formula is 2 (CuO.SO 3 ) + 5.AdH. An excess of ammonia gives with a strong solution of sulphate of copper a rich purple liquor, from which the ammoniacal sulphate of copper crystallizes on cooling, in large right rhombic prisms, u, u', with dihedral summits, i, i, as in the figure, m being a secon- dary plane. I consider these crystals, however, to be macles. The formula of this salt is AdH.HO.SO 3 + AdH.CuO. When heated, it gives off ammonia and water and a green powder, AdH.CuO. SO 3 remains. Under the name of cuprum ammoniatum, the ammoniacal sulphate of copper is employed in medicine. It is then prepared, by rubbing together sulphate of copper and carbonate of ammonia in a mortar. The mass becomes pasty, owing to the water of crystallization of the sulphate of copper becoming free, aad carbonic acid is given off. The purple mass which results is soluble in water, and generally contains carbonate of ammonia in excess. When a hot and strong solution of nitrate of copper is decomposed by an excess of ammonia, and allowed to cool, the ammoniacal nitrate of copper crystallizes in rhombic octo- hedrons, of a fine purple colour ; its formula is AdH.HO.NOs + Cu.Ad. In this body there is no doubt of the metal being combined with amidogene, and not the oxide with ammonia ; hence, probably, arises its remarkable character of deflagrating violently, when heated until it begins to melt. The iodide and fluoride of copper produce compounds resembling those of the chloride. 3. AMMONIA-SALTS OF NICKEL AND OF COBALT. These resemble the correponding salts of copper so perfectly, that it is sufficient to refer to the foregoing for their properties ; and their composition is obtained by substituting Ni or Co for Cu in the formulae. 4. AMMONIA-SALTS OF SILVER. The chloride of silver is soluble in water of ammonia. The solution gives opaque white rhombic crystals, which exhale ammonia when ex- posed to the air, and leave chloride of silver. When the sulphate, or the nitrate of silver is treated with an excess of water of ammonia, colourless solutions are obtained, which yield by Ammonia-Salts of Palladium and Silver. 715 evaporation double salts, in rhombic prisms having the formulae, AdH. HO.SO 3 + AgAd and AdH.HO.NOg + AgAd. In both salts the silver is combined with amidogene. Chromate of silver and ammonia gives a similar salt. The ammonia-nitrate of silver is employed in testing for arsenic, and in preparing fulminating silver. A remarkable property of it is, that when fused it evolves ammonia and nitrogen, and metallic silver remains mixed with ordinary nitrate of ammonia, and coats the sides of the glass containing it with a brilliant mirror surface. By a higher temperature the nitrate of ammonia is decomposed, and nitrous oxide evolved. 5. AMMONIA-SALTS OF PALLADIUM. This metal is remarkable for giving with ammonia, two series of salts, of which one is soluble, and the other insoluble in water. When ammonia is added to a solution of protochloride of palladium, a flesh-coloured precipitate is produced, having the formula, PdCl.AdH. When more ammonia is added, it dissolves, and from the solution, the second salt crystallizes in long rectangular prisms, having the formula AdH.HCl -f- Pd.O.HAd. By a gentle heat, an atom of water is given off, and the metal exists then in the salt as amidide. If, in a solution of this salt, the excess of ammonia be neutralized by muriatic acid, a yellow crystalline precipitate forms, which has the same formula as the first salt, PdCl + HAd. With solution of sulphate of palladium and water of ammonia, a pre- cisely similar series of salts is formed ; the first being flesh-red, PdO. S0 3 -f- HAd ; the second salt in colourless prisms, AdH.OH.S0 3 -f- PdO.HAd, and, when dried, the last member becoming PdAd ; and by a small quantity of an acid, a crystalline precipitate, which consists also of Pd.O.S0 3 + HAd. The iodide of palladium gives similar salts. With the nitrate no other than the colourless crystalline salt can be obtained, whose form is thin rhombic plates, AdH.HO.N0 5 + Pd.Ad. When heated, it defla- grates like loose gunpowder, and leaves behind metallic palladium, as a black powder. In the red and yellow insoluble ammonia-salts of palladium, although the experimental composition is the same, I consider that an important difference of constitution exists. The red salts are formed by adding ammonia to a simple salt of the metal ; direct union then occurs, and we have, for example, PdCl + HAd. But when we form the yellow salt by adding an acid to a solution of the soluble ammonia-salt, I conceive that the acid unites directly with the amidide of the metal, 716 White Precipitate of Mercury. and thus forms, for example, PdAd 4- HC1. The yellow ammonia- iodide, PdAd -|- H.I, gradually changes itself back into the red sub- stance, Pdl -f HAd. 6. AMMONIA-SALTS OF MERCURY. From the great influence these bodies have had on the theory of ammonia, and their importance in pharmacy, the mercurial compounds containing ammonia deserve more detailed notice those of any other metal. A. Action of Ammonia on the Haloid Salts of Mercury. When corrosive sublimate is heated in a current of dry ammoniacal gas, it unites therewith, forming a white compound, fusible and volatile, having the composition 2. HgCl. -f- HAd. By contact with water, this body is decomposed into sal-alembroth and white precipitate; the former, a compound of sublimate and sal-ammoniac, dissolving, and the latter, whose composition will be next studied, separating as a white powder. If we add to a cold solution of corrosive sublimate, a very slight excess of ammonia, a copious white precipitate is produced, and the liquor is found to contain exactly half the chlorine of the sublimate combined with hydrogen and ammonia, as sal-ammoniac ; the white powder, which had been known to the early chemists as white precipi- tate of mercury, contains all the mercury and the remaining half of the chlorine of the sublimate. It was supposed to contain also, ammonia and oxygen, but I have proved that it contains only the elements of amidogene, and no oxygen; that its formula is HgCl -f- HgAd; it being a true chloro-amidide of mercury. The theory of its formation is very simple ; 2. HgCl, and 2. HAd, producing, by interchange of the elements of one equivalent of each body, HgCl -f- HgAd, which pre- cipitates, and HC1 + HAd which remains dissolved. This was the first instance in which amidogene was discovered to be combined with a metal, and from its establishment, the true constitution of ammonia was first recognized. White precipitate is insoluble in cold water. It is decomposed by boiling water ; two atoms of which, reacting on two of white precipi- tate, produce sal-ammoniac, which dissolves, and a heavy yellow pow- der which is insoluble in water, and has the formula HgCl -f- 2.HgO + HgAd. This body is completely analogous to the oxy chloride of mercury, HgCl + 3.HgO, from which it may be prepared by the action Ammonia-Haloid Salts of Mercury. 717 of ammoniacal gas, the third atom of HgO and H.Ad, giving HgAd, and HO which is expelled. When white precipitate is heated suddenly, it is totally converted into calomel, nitrogen and ammonia, but by careful management of the heat, sublimate and ammonia are given off, and a red powder remains, which is a compound of chloride and ni- truret of mercury, HgCl -f- S.HgJ, exactly analogous to the oxy chlo- ride ; by careful management all the sublimate may be expelled and the azoturet of mercury HgJ is obtained as a brown powder, which deto- nates with great violence when struck. The white precipitate which has been now described, must be dis- tinguished from another body, which has been confounded with it in the pharmacopoeias, until the difference was shown by Woehler's ob- servations and my analysis. This second or beta- white precipitate is prepared by adding caustic potash to a cold solution of the double salt formed by corrosive sublimate and sal-ammoniac. It may also be formed by boiling alpha- white precipitate in a solution of sal-ammoniac. It has a crystalline aspect, and is not decomposed by boiling water ; when heated it fuses and gives off ammonia and azote, whilst a mixture of calomel, sublimate, and sal-ammoniac sublimes. Its formula is very simple, HgCl -f HAd ; but it may also be looked upon as a compound of alpha-white precipitate and sal-ammoniac, (HgCl 4" HgAd) + (HC1 + HAd) = 2(HgCl + HAd). When calomel absorbs dry ammonia, it forms a dark grey powder, which is 2Hg 2 Cl + HAd; by a gentle heat all ammonia may be ex- pelled and the calomel remains quite white. If the calomel be, however, digested in water of ammonia, one-half of its chlorine is converted into sal-ammoniac, and a dark grey powder results, which is a compound of subchloride and subamidide of mer- cury ; Hg 2 Cl + Hg 2 Ad. This body which I have termed black pre- cipitate, is formed by a similar reaction to that by which alpha- white precipitate is produced, 2.Hg 2 Cl and 2. HAd. giving Hg 2 Cl -f Hg 2 Ad and HC1 + HAd. By several chemists, the action of water of am- monia on calomel is given as a means of preparing black oxide of mer- cury, which is quite incorrect. The compound formed contains no oxygen. The action of the bromides of mercury with ammonia, has not been so minutely studied as that of the chlorides ; it is known, however, that bromide of mercury gives with water of ammonia, a white precipitate, consisting of bromide and amidide, HgBr + HgAd, and analogous to the alpha-white precipitate. The subbromide of mercury produces with water of ammonia, a black powder consisting of Hg 2 Br + Hg 2 Ad. Iodide of mercury dissolves plentifully in hot water of ammonia, and 718 Ammonia-Salts of Mercury. the solution deposits, on cooling, long prisms of a snow- white colour, which, however, rapidly exhale ammonia when exposed to the air, and leave red iodide of mercury in pseudomorphous crystals. This white body has the formula 2.HgI + HAd. There is no iodine compound analogous to alpha- white precipitate, but when that substance is warmed in a solution of iodide of potas- sium, ammonia is evolved and a brown powder is formed, having the formula Hgl + S.HgO + HgAd. B. Action of Ammonia on the Oxygen Salts of Mercury. When sulphate of mercury is digested in water of ammonia, it is converted into a white substance, to which I have given the name of ammonia-lurpeth. It is not acted on by water nor by alcalies. Its formula is S.HgO -f- SO 3 + HgAd. It is therefore ordinary turpeth mineral combined with amidide of mercury. When water of ammonia is added to a solution of nitrate of mer- cury, being cold and not in excess, a white precipitate is formed, a basic ammonia-nitrate, which is found to consist of HAd.N0 5 + 3HgO. It is therefore a basic nitrate of mercury analogous to the ordinary basic nitrate, HO.NO 5 + S.HgO, except that ammonia (amidide of hydrogen) is substituted for water (oxide of hydrogen). If an excess of ammonia be added, and the mixture boiled, the white precipitate becomes heavier and granular, and is then found to consist of HgAd. N0 5 + S.HgO. This substance, the j8 basic ammonia-nitrate, is evi- dently analogous to the former, the hydrogen being replaced by mer- cury, and it corresponds accurately in constitution also to the ammonia- turpeth. If either of these basic ammonia-nitrates be boiled in water contain- ing much nitrate of ammonia, they dissolve and form double salts ; that usually formed is in short opaque white prisms, having the very simple composition 4HgO -f- 3(HAd.HO.N05) ; but as it is decom- posed by water into the /3 basic ammonia-nitrate, its formula must be (HgAd.N0 5 + S.HgO) + 2(HAd.N0 5 + SHO). The double salt whicli forms less frequently, is in yellow plates, and has the formula (HgAd.NOs + SHgO) + (HAd.]\ T 5 .HO). These double salts may also be generated by boiling oxide of mer- cury in solution of nitrate of ammonia. If the common basic nitrate of mercury be boiled in a solution of nitrate of ammonia, this is decom- posed ; the ammonia being employed in forming amidide of mercury, and the nitric acid being set free, as may be recognised by litmus. The subsulphate of mercury, Hg 2 O.S0 3 acted on by water of am- Ammonmcal Salts of Platinum. 719 monia, produces a black powder, the formula of which is, Hg 2 O.S0 3 + Hg 2 Ad ; it is easily decomposed. By acting on a solution of subnitrate of mercury in water, with ammonia, added dilute, and in such quantities as to leave a portion of the mercurial salt undecornposed, a fine velvety black precipitate is obtained, known in pharmacy as Hahnemann's soluble mercury. It is very easily decomposed by heat or by an excess of ammonia. In order to obtain it pure, the solution should be quite free from red oxide, and not more than three-fourths of the whole quantity should be precipi- tated. When quite pure, I have found its formula to be HAd.NOs + 2.Hg2O ; it being perfectly analogous to the common basic subnitrate HO.NO 5 + 2.Hg 2 O. The oxide of hydrogen being replaced by the amidide. The results with the other salts, both of the red and black oxide of mercury, are similar to those above described ; but as none of them are specially important, I shall not occupy space with their description. 7. AMMONIA-SALTS OF PLATINUM. When protochloride of platinum is dissolved in muriatic acid and an excess of ammonia, a green precipitate is produced, composed of PtCl + HAd. It may be prepared in larger quantity by passing a current of sulphurous acid gas through a solution of bichloride of platinum until it assumes a deep brown colour, and then adding am- monia. By boiling this green substance in strong water of ammonia, it forms a white powder, the formula of which is PtCl -f 2. HAd. The relations of the ammonia compounds of platinum have become even more remarkable than those just described for the ammonia com- pounds of mercury, and there is no doubt but that platina with ami- dogene and chlorine, or oxygen, is capable of generating a number of compound radicals, or quasi-metallic bases, which form full classes of salts of very definite and marked character, and which serve thus to connect the more simple relations of the metallic salts of inorganic chemistry with the history of the organic compounds. The green body just noticed appears to be simply a compound of protochloride of platina with ammonia, its formula to be PtCl -f- NH 3 . But when it is dissolved in water of ammonia, so as to form the white body, its nature appears totally changed. This white substance is apparently a chloride of a compound radical PtAd 2 H 2 + Cl. By de- composition with an alcali the oxide of the radical is obtained hydrated PtAd 2 H 2 -f -f Aq.j with oxygen acids, as the nitric, it forms a class of crystallizable salts, of which the formula is (PtAd2H 2 ) O + X. 720 Ammonia-Salts of Platinum. When any of these bodies is carefully heated, it is partly decomposed, an atom of ammonia being given off, and there remains a corresponding compound of another compound radical, of which the formula should be PtAdH. Thus by heating the chloride, PtAd 2 H 2 + Cl, there is obtained by loss of NH 3 the new chloride PtAdH + Cl. This is isomeric with the green ammonia protochloride of platina, but it is totally dif- ferent from it in properties. It is evident that the relation between these two classes of bodies might be also explained, by the simple presence in one class of an atom of ammonia, absent in the other, as the chloride, PtAdH -f Cl, might unite with an atom of ammonia, just as chloride of copper or of mercury may. But it is adverse to this view that the alcaline salts to which these salts of compound radicals ally themselves, do not absorb ammonia, which is taken up usually by the salts of the magnesian and copper class, to form more complex saline combinations. Moreover, solutions of the oxides of these platina compound radicals are strongly alcaline and caustic; they absorb car- bonic acid from the air, and they perfectly neutralize the strongest acids, so that certainly their analogue and type is the ammonium NH 4 , of which class of radicals they serve as still more complex instances. There is even a third radical derived from the green ammonia proto- chloride of platinum. On dissolving it in nitric acid, boiling, but not in great excess, there is formed a salt which is the nitrate of a com- pound radical, containing the elements PtClAd 2 H 2 . Erom this nitrate may be prepared the oxide, chloride, and all other salts of this radical, whose combinations are crystallizable, or sparingly soluble, so that they are easily obtained pure. Still more if the green salt be dissolved in a larger excess of strong nitric acid, salts are obtained, which appear to contain still other radicals. Thus the complex nitrates Pt 2 Cl O 5 N 4 Hi 2 + 2NO 5 and Pt 2 C1 2 4 N 4 Hi 2 + 2NO 5 As there are no simple nitrates known containing two atoms of nitric acid, these are, evidently, either double salts of two distinct radicals, or mixtures of the two crystallized together. Those radicals should be PtC10Ad 2 H 2 , and PtO 2 Ad 2 H 2 . Thus being formed by the addition of oxygen to the radical No. 3 in the first instance, and by the substitu- tion, completely, of oxygen for chlorine in the latter case. There thus appears to be no less than five compound radicals de- rivable from the green ammonia-protochloride of platinum, or Magnus' Salt as it is usually termed. These radicals are all analogous to alca- line metallic bases, like ammonium. Their oxides are soluble, brown turmeric, taste caustic, and perfectly neutralize even strong acids. Compound Platinum-lases. 721 They may be characterized from the names of the Chemists who have most studied them, thus A. Pt. AdH. Eadical of Keiset. B. Pt. Ad 2 H 2 . -- Peyronne. C. Pt.Cl. Ad 2 H 2 . -- Gros. ' ' 2 ' \ Radicals presumed to exist in Rawsky's nitrates. Mi. Jrt.U 2 Aa 2 .H 2 . 3 When the bichloride of platina is acted on by ammonia, a very com- plex series of re-actions takes place, which I have described in detail elsewhere, and which terminate in the production of a colourless solu- tion containing an ammoniacal base, which has considerable relation to those just noticed in Raewsky's nitrates. The removal of the chlorine from the bichloride of platinum takes place by so many stages, that it is excessively difficult to obtain any one condition perfectly separate. There may be fully traced, however, the formation first of a chloride analogous to that of Gros' Radical, and then a chloride analogous to that of the radical PtC10.Ad 2 H 2 , and finally the chloride of the radical PtO 2 Ad 2 H 2 is obtained ; but whether these are identical or isomeric with the radicals of Gros' and Raewsk/s salts, I do not consider to have been perfectly established. I have shown that by acting on the biniodide of platinum with water of ammonia, there is produced a biniodo-amidide of platinum quite analogous to the white precipitate of mercury, but which, however, re- tains water, its formula when most dry being PtI 2 -f PtAd 2 H- 4Aq. It does not appear to act as a compound radical. By the action of ammonia on perchloride of gold, an olive-brown powder is produced, which fulminates when rubbed. It is decomposed by water, and its real formula has not yet been established. PRODUCTS OF THE ACTION OF AMMONIA ON THE ANHYDROUS ACIDS. "When chloro-sulphurous acid, S0 2 C1, is exposed to dry ammonia, it is converted into a white saline mass, which is a mixture of sal- ammoniac and sulph-amide ; S0 2 .C1 and 2AdH, giving SO 2 .Ad. and HC1 -f HAd. The former, which consists of amidogene united to sulphurous acid, is soluble in water, and may be obtained crystallized ; but, when boiled with water, it is changed into common sulphate of ammonia, 2HO and SO 2 .Ad, giving SO 3 + AdH.HO. When dry sulphurous acid and ammonia gases are mixed, they com- bine to form a reddish substance, which is decomposed by water ; there appears to be two proportions possible, giving the bodies, SO 2 .HAd, and 2SO 2 . HAd. 46 722 Ordinary Salts of Ammonia. Dry sulphuric acid unites with dry ammonia in two proportions, forming S0 3 .HAd, and 2SO 3 .HAd. I consider these compounds as corresponding to the English and German hydrates of sulphuric acid ; the ammonia playing the part of water. A solution of these bodies is not at first precipitated by barytes, but gradually becomes changed into ordinary sulphate of ammonia. It was supposed that the chloro-carbonic acid CO.C1, combined di- rectly with ammonia, but Regnault has found that decomposition occurs, and that sal-ammoniac and amidide of carbonic oxide result. This body, which he terms carbamide, CO.Ad, is white, soluble in water, is not deliquescent, and resists the action of alcalies and acids, unless they be very concentrated. OF THE COMMON AMMONIACAL SALTS. Prom the great number of classes of compounds, described in the preceding sections, it is evident that ammonia enters into combination with acids and with bases, with haloid and with oxygen salts, in such manner as assimilates it fully to the oxide and chloride of hydrogen in its action, but removes it totally from all analogy with the alcalies, to which it, in other points of view, strictly belongs. For the ordinary salts of ammonia, of which the description now comes, are isomorphous with the corresponding salts of potash, and the strong basic characters of the solution of ammonia had given to it, from the earliest times, the name of the volatile, or animal alcali. The characteristic distinction is, that in all cases where it acts as an alcali, ammonia is associated with water, it is not AdH, which is the alcali, but AdH + HO, or rather NH 4 O. The element which replaces potassium in the isomorphous salts being subamidide of hydrogen, AdH 2 , or NH 4 . At the time when Mitscherlich showed the isomorphism of the potash and ammonia salts, nothing was known of the true constitution of am- monia, or of amidogene, and in order to explain the necessity of the presence of water, a very ingenious theory was proposed by Berzelius arid Ampere. It was, to consider that these ammoniacal salts do not contain ammonia at all, but another compound of nitrogen and hydro- gen, NH 4 , which is metallic, and resembles potassium in all general characters, and for which the name ammonium was proposed. This view squared accurately with experiment, as in every oxygen salt of ammonia there is just so much water as may form, with the ammonia, oxide of ammonium, NH 4 .0, and in every haloid salt, the electro-ne- gative body is combined with as much hydrogen as may convert the ammonia into the compound metal ; thus, NH 3 .HO -f- S0 3 , and NH 3 -f- HC1, would give NH 4 .O -f SO 3 and NH 4 .C1. Not merely was Ammoniacal Amalgam. 723 this theory consonant to numbers, but experiment gave very good reason to believe in the real existence of this compound metal, by the remark- able properties of the ammoniacal amalgam. When a globule of mercury, immersed in water of ammonia, is made the negative pole of a galvanic battery, it increases fifty-times in vo- lume, becomes semifluid and covered with warty excrescences, and finally becomes so light as to float on water. No hydrogen is evolved from its surface, but oxygen is copiously given off 1 from the positive electrode. If the current be interrupted, a copious disengagement of hydrogen occurs from this metallic sponge, which also gives off am- monia, and it soon falls back to its original appearance. By cold this decomposition may be retarded ; the pasty mass may be removed from the liquor, and is found to crystallize in cubes at a cold of 0, and if decomposed when dry, over mercury, it evolves ammonia and hydrogen by volume in the proportion of 2 : 1. This indicates that the mercury is therein combined with a body which consists of NH 4 , and as the mercury retains its lustre, the compound formed is properly an alloy, and the body NH 4 , is of a metallic nature. It may be the metal am- monium, almost perfectly isolated. All these phenomena may be ob- served by dissolving one grain of potassium in 100 grains of mercury, and dropping the globule into a glass containing strong solution of sal- ammoniac. By the action of K.Hg on NH 4 .C1, there are produced K.C1 and Hg.NH 4 ; the globule of mercury swells up rapidly, and the amalgam is sufficiently permanent to be easily examined. I have no doubt, there is thus obtained a substance possessing some metallic characters, and consisting of ammonia and hydrogen, in fact, subamidide of hydrogen, Ad.H 2 ; but whether the water which is found in the common ammoniacal salts exist therein as such, or whether these salts contain true oxide of ammonium, is not thus decided. In fact, among the metallic compounds of ammonia already examined, we have found bodies every way similar to the ordinary salts of ammonia, except that a part of the hydrogen is replaced by a metal. Thus, if we com- pare sal-ammoniac with other similar bodies, as in the following for- mulae : 1. C1NH4. 5. CINHaNi. 2. Cl N H 3 Cu. 6. Cl N H 3 Hg. 3. ClNH 3 Zn. 7. Cl N H 2 Hg2. 4. Cl N H3 Pd. 8. CL N H 2 Pt 2 . and that we find them all produced by the action of ammonia on a chloride of a metal, just as sal-ammoniac is formed by the action of ammonia on chloride of hydrogen, we must admit their similarity of constitution; and if we say that in No. 1, NH 4 forms a compound metal, we must consider all the others as chlorides of compound radi- 724 Theory of Ammonium. cals also. Still more, the connexion is so perfect from these bodies to such as resemble the yellow powder, HgCl -f 2HgO 4- HgAd, and from that to the oxychloride, HgCl + 3HgO, that if we insist on as- suming the compound metal ammonium to exist ready formed in the salts of ammonia, we must lay down as a general principle that all basic salts are salts of compound metals, a proposition which, as already ex- plained in pages 593, 594, cannot be at present admitted in chemical philosophy. At the same time, therefore, that I consider the ammo- niacal amalgam to contain ammonium, I believe it to be formed only at the time, and that the ordinary salts of ammonia contain ammonia and water, the latter being united as the constitutional water is in the magnesian sulphates, but more intimately. Thus, sulphate of ammo- nia, S0 8 -f- AdH.HO, I consider to resemble the bihydrated sulphuric acid, SO 3 + HO. HO. In both cases an atom of water may be re- placed by an oxide of the magnesian class. It will be necessary only to notice the more important of the ordi- nary salts of ammonia. Muriate of Ammonia Sal-ammoniac. C1.H 2 Ad. Eq. 666*8 or 53*5. This salt, formerly derived from Africa, is now manufactured on the large scale from the ammoniacal liquor obtained in the destructive dis- tillation of horns, bones, coals, and such other organic matters as con- tain nitrogen. Those liquors, which contain ammonia, combined prin- cipally with carbonic acid and sulphuretted hydrogen, are decomposed by means of muriatic acid added in slight excess. By evaporation to a pellicle and cooling, the sal-ammoniac is obtained in small crystals, deeply coloured with tarry matter. They are purified by re-crystalliza- tion, and finally placed in cast iron pots, set in a furnace, lined with fire-tiles, and fitted with leaden heads, into which the sal-ammoniac is sublimed. The temperature is so managed that the sublimed salt forms a coherent, hemispherical mass, often weighing lOOlbs., and when pure should be perfectly free from yellow stains, and nearly transparent. If muriatic acid be dear, the ammoniacal liquor may be neutralized by sulphuric acid ; sulphate of ammonia is formed, which is decomposed by the addition of common salt, and the sulphate of soda and sal-ain- moniac separated by crystallization. Sal-ammoniac is very soluble in water ; it crystallizes both by sub- limation and solution, in cubes and octohedrons ; it is slightly deli- quescent and is soluble in alcohol; it volatilizes below a red heat. "When heated with lime or potash it yields ammonia, as described in p. 708. It consists of an equivalent of each element, its formula being HCl.HAd. It may be formed by their direct combination. When equal volumes of dry muriatic acid gas and ammonia are mixed toge- Preparation of Sal-ammoniac. 725 ther, the two gases disappear, and a snow-white powder of sal-ammo- niac results. Hence arise the white fumes when a rod dipped in water of ammonia is brought where chlorine or muriatic acid gas is evolved, or when a rod dipped in muriatic acid is brought to where ammonia is escaping. It thus renders these bodies the means of detecting each other. Sal-ammoniac is remarkable for the number of double salts which it produces, and of which some deserve notice. With chloride of magnesium, it forms the anhydrous salt Adfl^Cl + MgCl, which is used in preparing metallic magnesium. With perchloride of iron, it crystallizes in fine red octohedrons, Ee 2 Cl 3 + 3(AdH 2 Cl). When these are heated, sal-ammoniac sublimes, coloured by some chloride of iron, and forms thus ike fares martiales. The double salts formed with the chlorides of copper, zinc and nickel, crystallize in cubes. They are all composed like that of copper, which is CuCl + AdH 2 Cl + 2Aq. Corrosive sublimate unites in two proportions with sal-ammoniac. The first salt, of which the formula is HgCl -f AdH 2 Cl + Aq. is very soluble in water, and crystallizes in flat rhomboidal tables, which efflo- resce when exposed to the air. This is the sal-alembroth of the older chemists. The second salt crystallizes in rhomboidal prisms, which sublime unchanged, and have the formula, 2HgCl + AdH 2 Cl. It is by the formation of these salts that corrosive sublimate becomes so easily soluble in a solution of sal-ammoniac. Sal-ammoniac and bichloride of platinum form a double salt, whose formula is PtCl 2 -f- AdH 2 Cl. It precipitates as a bright yellow powder, when solutions of its constituents are mixed, and especially if alcohol be added, in which it is very insoluble. It is but very sparingly so- luble in water, but more so in boiling water, from which it crystallizes in orange- red octohedrons. When ignited, it leaves behind metallic platinum in the form of a light sponge. It is of use in preparing spongy platina, and in the detection of ammonia. With chloride of gold, sal-ammoniac forms a double salt, which crystallizes in orange-red cubes, having the formula AuCl 3 + AdH 2 Cl The hydrobromate and hydriodate of ammonia do not require special notice ; they resemble the sal-ammoniac in all important characters, and combine with the metallic bromides and iodides to form similar double salts. HyclrosulpJiuret of Ammonia. When sulphuretted hydrogen and ammonia gases are mixed in equal volumes, in a vessel cooled by ice, they combine, forming colourless needles, which evaporate at ordinary 726 Sulphate and Nitrate of Ammonia. temperatures. The formula of this compound is SH-f-HAd, or S.NH 4 analogous to protosulphuret of potassium S.K. Like that it combines with as much more sulphuret of hydrogen, forming a volatile crystal- line compound, AdH 2 ,S + SH. This Uhydrosulphuret of ammonia is formed also when sulphuretted hydrogen is passed into water of am- monia, as long as it is absorbed. Por each atom of ammonia present, two atoms of sulphuretted hydrogen are taken up. By exposure to the air, this solution becomes yellow, owing to the absorption of oxygen and the liberation of sulphur. It is capable of dissolving a large quan- tity of sulphur, forming compounds analogous to the higher sulphurets of potassium. This hydrosulphuret of ammonia is of great importance in the detection of the metals, from the formation of metallic sulphur- ets. It is a sulphur base, and forms salts with the sulphur acids, analogous to those formed by sulphuret of potassium Sulphate of Ammoniac AdH 2 .O.S0 3 -f Aq. This salt is formed on the large scale in the manufacture of sal-ammoniac ; it may be prepared pure by neutralizing water of ammonia by sulphuric acid ; it crystallizes in flat rhomboidal prisms, as in fig. or in macles, isomor- phous with the crystals of sulphate of potash. It is very soluble in water, but insoluble in alcohol ; when heated, it gives off water, ammonia and azote, and sulphite of am- monia sublimes. It combines with the sulphates of copper, zinc, iron, alumina, &c., forming double salts exactly analogous to those formed by sulphate of potash. With oil of vitriol it unites to form Usulphate of ammonia, which is deliquescent and soluble in al- cohol. Nitrate of Ammonia. AdH 2 O.N0 3 . Is formed by neutralizing nitric acid by ammonia. It crystallizes in striated hexagonal prisms, isomor- phous with nitre, of a bitter saline taste ; they are deliquescent and very soluble in water. When heated, thev fuse at 230, and at about 460 are rapidly decomposed into nitrous oxide and water, as described p. 373. By the presence of a large excess of sulphuric acid, this action takes place at much lower temperatures. When heated with combustible bodies, it deflagrates with extreme violence. Phosphates of Ammonia. The tribasic phosphoric acid forms, with ammonia, two salts ; the first, whose formula is (P0 5 -j- AdH 2 -f 2 HO) -f Aq., is prepared by adding the acid in excess to water of am- monia; it crystallizes in rhombic prisms, which are very soluble in water. Their reaction to test paper is strongly acid. If the ammonia be added in excess, a salt crystallizes, possessing nearly the same cha- racters, except that its reaction is alcaline, and its formula P0 5 + 2(AdH 2 O) -f. HO. Both of these salts yield, by ignition, phosphoric acid. Phosphates and Carbonates of Ammonia. 727 Ammoniaco-Maffnesian Phosphate. When a solution of a salt of magnesia is added to any soluble phosphate, and the liquor rendered alcaline by ammonia, a crystalline precipitate is formed, which is so- luble in acids, sparingly soluble in water, but insoluble in alcaline liquors. Its formula is PO 5 -f (AdH 2 O -f 2MgO) -f 12Aq. Its for- mation is often of use for the detection of magnesia, and it is occasion- ally generated in urine by the action of ammonia, produced by the spontaneous decomposition of urea, upon the soluble phosphates of magnesia, which it contains. It then constitutes a common variety of calculus. Phosphate of Ammonia and Soda. This salt, of which the formula is PO 5 + (AdH 2 O -f NaO -f- HO) + 8 Aq., is easily produced by mix- ing together, in solution, six parts of common phosphate of soda and one of sal-ammoniac. On cooling, it crystallizes in large prisms, which effloresce in the air. When heated, it gives monobasic phos- phate of soda and free phosphoric acid, as a source of which it is much used in blowpipe experiments, under the name of microcosmic salt. It is found in all the animal fluids. Carbonates of Ammonia. The salt which under this name is used for medicinal purposes, is prepared by mixing together one part of sal- ammoniac with two of powdered chalk, and exposing the mixture in an earthen pot to a heat below redness. These bodies reacting, pro- duce chloride of calcium and carbonate of ammonia, which sublimes and is condensed as a crystalline semi-transparent mass, in a dome- shaped receiver, which is fastened on the subliming pot. By right this should be a neutral salt, AdH 2 .Cl. and CaO.CO 2 , giving CaCl and AdH 2 O.CO 2 ; but a quantity of ammonia and water is given off", and the sublimed salt was considered to be a sesquicarbonate, consisting of 2 (AdH 2 O) + S.COg, until Scanlan showed that it was a mixture of two different salts, which may be separated by water. Rose has re- cently thoroughly examined the carbonates of ammonia, of which there are a great number, but only four sufficiently important to be noticed here. The proper neutral carbonate of ammonia, AdHaO.COg, does not exist, except in combination, but its compounds are very numerous ; it forms, 1st. With carbonate of water, the ordinary bicarbonate of ammonia, AdH 2 O.CO + HO.CO 2 . This is prepared by washing the commercial sesquicarbonate with cold water or alcohol, when it remains behind as a skeleton of crystalline grains, which are isomorphous with bicarbonate of potash. It evaporates spontaneously, with a weak odour of ammonia. Its solution reacts feebly alcaline. By pouring on the commercial 728 Carbonates and Oxalates of Ammonia. sesquicarbonate as much boiling water as dissolves it, and letting the solution cool in a close bottle, so that no carbonic acid can escape, this salt may be obtained in large rhomboidal crystals, which contain one and a-half atoms of water. 2nd. The substance which is dissolved out of the sublimed mass of sesquicarbonate, by alcohol, is identical with that formed by the union of dry carbonic acid and ammonia. Its formula is therefore .AdH.CO 2 , and the ordinary sesquicarbonate is a mechanical mixture of it with the bicarbonate. When the sublimed sesquicarbonate is distilled at a moderate heat in a retort, it abandons carbonic acid, and two salts, differing in volatility, are condensed in the neck. The more volatile consists of AdH 2 O.CO 2 + HAd.C0 2 ; being a compound of neutral carbonate with dry carbonate, or a bicarbonate in which the basic oxide of hydrogen is replaced by amidide of hydrogen ; the two double salts, AdH-2O.CO 2 -f- HO.CO2, water-bicarbonate of ammonia. AdH 2 O.CO2 + HAd.CO2, ammonia-bicarbonate of ammonia. being precisely equivalent in composition. The less volatile product is of very complex composition ; its formula is 4(AdH 2 0) + 5C0 2 , or it consists of an atom of neutral carbonate united to an atom of each of the different bicarbonates, thus : AdH 2 O.CO 2 ) AdH 2 O.C0 2 + HO.C0 2 \ = 4(AdH 2 0) 4- 5CO 2 AdH 2 O.CO 2 + HAd.CO 2 ) Oxalate of Ammonia. AdH 2 O.C 2 O 3 . May be prepared by neu- tralizing oxalic acid by water of ammonia; it crystallizes in right rhombic prisms, as in the figure, where p, u, u, are primary, and i, t, secondary planes. These crystals con- tain an atom of water, which they lose by efflorescence in dry air. When heated, it is completely decomposed, water being evolved, and oxamide subliming, Ad.H 2 .O.C 2 O 3 , producing 2. HO and Ad.C 2 2 . This neutral oxalate of ammonia com- bines with oxalic acid, forming a binoxalate and a quadroxalate like those of potash. The oxamide may also be prepared by acting on oxalic ether with water of ammonia, or by dissolving oxalic acid in a mixture of equal volumes of oil of vitriol and alcohol, and adding ammonia in excess. It is a light white powder, tasteless and insoluble in water ; it is de- composed by acids and by strong bases, in contact with water, oxalic acid and ammonia being regenerated. Its discovery by Duinas laid the foundation of our present knowledge of the nature of ammonia, by leading him to the idea of the probable existence of arnidogene, as Oxamide and Oxamic Acid. 729 its composition was so simply explained by considering the oxalic acid and ammonia to have lost simply the element of an atom of water. It might also be looked upon as a hydrate of cyanogen, C 2 N -f- 2 HO. The oxamide is not the only product of the decomposition of oxalate of ammonia ; at a lower temperature, there is found in the retort, a yellow mass which possesses acid properties, and has been termed the oxamic add. This acid is moderately soluble in water, and forms crystallizable salts. Its formula is C 4 1X T H 2 O 5 , that is C 2 O 3 -f- C 2 O 2 1S T H 2 , so that it may be considered as a compound of oxalic acid and oxamide. The stages in the decomposition of oxalate of ammonia may thus be now understood Two atoms of the salt, C^e^He + 4Aq. give off N Ha and HO with 4Aq. and leave oxamic acid, which more strongly heated, give off CO and CO2 C 2 Os elements of oxalic acid, and leave oxamide, C2O2NH2 This again by a still stronger heat is resolved into carbonic acid, prussic acid, and ammonia, 2(C 2 2 NH 2 ), producing C 2 O 4 with C 2 NH and CHAPTER XIX. OF CYANOGEN AND ITS COMPOUNDS, AND OF THE BODIES DERIVED FROM IT. THERE is no class of organic bodies of which our knowledge is more extensive and exact, than those which have cyanogen as their basis. The powerful affinities which this radical exerts, the simplicity of its constitution, and above aD, our being able to prepare it in an isolated form, and to generate its compounds directly from it, as we could those of a truly simple body, render its history the most advanced portion of organic chemistry, and that to which the analogy of mineral bodies 730 Preparation of Cyanogen. and the theory of compound organic radicals, is most undeniably appli- cable. Cyanogen does not exist in nature ready formed ; the kernels of peaches, plums, bitter almonds, &c. and the leaves of the cherry-laurel, yield, by simple distillation, abundance of prussic acid, (cyanide of hydrogen), but this is only then produced by the decomposition of other substances containing nitrogen. Cyanogen may, however, be formed abundantly, and in a simple manner, by bringing its elements together at a high temperature, in contact with substances with which it may unite. Thus when any or- ganic substance containing nitrogen is calcined with potash, the nascent carbon and hydrogen unite, and cyanide of potassium is formed ; even with pure charcoal this occurs, nitrogen being derived from the air ; and Mr. Eownes has shown, that when a mixture of pure charcoal and potash are ignited in a tube, and a current of pure nitrogen passed through it, this is absorbed and carbonic oxide gas being given off, cyanide of potassium is produced, 3C with KO and N, giving CO and C 2 N.K. This mode of forming cyanogen has even been made the basis of manufacturing processes on the great scale, and at present much ferroprussiate of potash so formed is sent into commerce. By the action of ammonia also, on ignited charcoal, cyanogen is formed in abundance ; it combines with hydrogen and the excess of ammonia, and produces prussiate of ammonia. In this case 2C and 2NH 3 pro- duce C 2 N 4- NH 4 and H 2 become free. It is by virtue of these pro- cesses, that cyanogen is produced for its various applications in the arts, but as I shall return to them in detail, I shall now only consider further the mode of obtaining it free and pure. Cyanide of silver, or cyanide of mercury, of which the preparation will be described hereafter, is to be introduced into a small glass retort, and heated to just below redness ; a gas is given off which must be collected over the mercurial trough; the cyanide of silver separates simply into metal and cyanogen ; but when cyanide of mercury is used, a brown powder appears, the quantity of which is less as the tempera- ture of decomposition has been lower. The gas which comes over is, however, cyanogen completely pure. If a large supply of cyanogen be required, but not of absolute purity, it may be prepared by mixing boiling solutions of two parts of corrosive sublimate and three parts of yellow prussiate of potash, and drying down the liquor : the dry mass which is a mixture of cyanide of mercury, of chloride of potassium, and cyanide of iron, gives out on the application of heat a very large quantity of cyanogen gas nearly pure. The properties of cyanogen are very marked. It is colourless, of a Properties of Cyanogen . 731 sharp smell, which irritates the eyes. Its sp. gr. is 1819. If a quan- tity of cyanide of silver be sealed up in a strong tube, bent as in the figure, and then heated at one end a, the cyanogen is condensed by a pressure of about four atmospheres, and collects at the other end b as a colourless liquid. It is combustible, burning with a beautiful rose-coloured flame, and producing two volumes of carbonic acid and one of nitro- gen. It is constituted, therefore, of equal volumes of carbon vapour, and nitrogen ; the two volumes being condensed to one ; hence 836 4* 976 = 1812 is its sp. gr. It dissolves abundantly in alcohol and water, but these solutions soon undergo very complex decompositions ; the liquor being found to contain carbonic acid, prussic acid, ammonia, urea, and oxalic acid, besides a brown insoluble matter. A similar de- composition is produced much more rapidly by contact with water of am- monia. The composition of this brown matter appears to be C 4 N2HO. It dissolves in alkalies, and gives precipitates with the metallic salts ; it has been termed hence azulmic acid. When heated it gives off water, and leaves a deep brown powder, of the same composition as cyanogen, and which has been termed paracyanogen. This may be also formed by heating cyanide of mercury very strongly. It dissolves in hot nitric acid, and the solution gives, with water, a yellow preci- pitate, which combines with bases, and has been termed paracyanic acid. By strong ignition, paracyanogen evolves nitrogen, and a very dense carbon remains. Cyanogen combines directly with hydrogen and with the metals, but its oxygen combinations require to be indirectly formed ; there are three compounds of cyanogen and oxygen, which are all acids, and are poly- meric bodies. It unites also with sulphur, and its compounds have a remarkable tendency to form double and triple combinations. The formula of cyanogen is indifferently written C 2 N or Cy. Its equivalent number is 325, or 26- NON-METALLIC COMPOUNDS OF CYANOGEN. Cyanic Acid.Cj.O. Eq. 425 or 34' Is very easily obtained in combination, by calcining the cyanide of potassium in contact with the air, at a temperature below redness, in which case oxygen is directly absorbed ; or by heating the cyanide with nitre, or with peroxide of manganese, which yield the oxygen required. For this purpose the yellow prussiate of potash of commerce may be employed, as the cyanide of iron which it contains is totally decom- 732 Preparation of Cyanic Acid. posed, and the cyanide of potassium then acts as if it were completely pure. It is very easily obtained pure by fusing cyanide of potassium with litharge, (protoxide of lead.) Cyanate of potash and metallic lead being formed. The cyanic acid cannot, however, be isolated from these salts by a stronger acid, as it then rapidly changes into bicarbo- nate of ammonia, uniting with the elements of three atoms of water, thus C 2 NO and 3.HO produce NH 3 and 2.C0 2 . The cyanic acid can be obtained free, only by distilling the cyanuric acid, Cy 3 O 3 -f- 3. HO, which then transforms itself into the hydrated cyanic acid CyO -f- HO, and is to be collected in a receiver surrounded with snow. It is a colourless liquid, of a very pungent odour ; cau- terizes the skin, and when mixed wtth water is decomposed as above stated. When preserved in its most concentrated form, it soon trans- forms itself into a white mass, like porcelain, of the same composition C 2 NHO 2 which has been termed cyanamelide. This body is insoluble in water, but by heat is transformed back again into hydrated cyanic acid, and by strong acids is resolved into carbonate of ammonia. Cyanic acid does not exist in the anhydrous state. The cyanic acid forms but one series of salts, being monobasic; those of the alcalies are soluble ; the others are white insoluble pow- ders. Cyanate of Potash. CyO.KO. The yellow prussiate of potash of commerce being roasted in an earthen dish absorbs oxygen, and the cyanide of potassium is converted into cyanate of potash. When the mass becomes adhesive from the fusion of the product, it is to be di- gested with alcohol, from which the pure cyanate crystallizes on cooling, in rhombic tables like chlorate of potash. In contact with hot water, this salt is rapidly decomposed, ammonia being evolved, and carbonate of potash formed. If dry cyanate of potash and dry crystals of oxalic acid be rubbed together in a mortar, oxalate of potash is formed, and the cyanic acid changes into cyanamelide. Cyanic Acid and Ammonia Urea. If hydrated cyanic acid be placed in contact with dry ammonia, they combine and form a white woolly mass, which dissolves in water, and acts as an ordinary cyanate. It appears to contain CyO -f HO -f- 2.NH 3 . If it be gently heated it gives off ammonia, and is trans- formed into an important substance, urea, which though thus capable of being artificially produced, will be again noticed as an important product of the organization, in another chapter. Whenever we at- tempt to form the neutral cyanate of ammonia, CyO.NH 3 .HO, urea is Preparation of Urea. 733 produced ; thus by acting on cyanate of silver with inuriate of ammo- nia, or by mixing solutions of sulphate of ammonia and cyanate of potash. But still we cannot consider urea to be merely cyanate of am- monia, to which it bears the same relation that cyanamelide does to hydrated cyanic acid. Its characters and modes of decomposition are however so much connected with the general history of the cyanogen series of bodies, that the practical modes of its preparation, and its more important properties, are better studied here. If fresh urine be evaporated to the consistence of a syrup, and be mixed with its own volume of strong but colourless nitric acid, the whole will soon form a nearly solid mass of pearly crystalline plates of nitrate of urea. If the nitric acid were quite colourless, it will be quite without any decomposing action on the urea, but will destroy the colouring matters of the urine, so that the crystals of nitrate of urea will be obtained nearly white ; but if the acid contained any nitrous acid, or if the urine had not been sufficiently concentrated, so that fur- ther evaporation be necessary after adding the nitric acid, then a large quantity of the urea is destroyed, red fumes given off, and the product diminished in purity as well as in amount. The nitrate of urea so ob- tained is to be digested in water with carbonate of barytes, the filtered liquor on evaporation gives first nitrate of barytes, and then urea in long needly prisms. These crystals are to be dissolved in boiling al- cohol, which separates the last traces of nitrate of barytes, and on cooling the urea crystallizes pure. The concentrated urine may also be decomposed by the addition of an excess of oxalic acid which precipitates the sparingly soluble oxalate of urea in granular crystals. These being collected on a filter and washed with very cold water, are decomposed by digestion with car- bonate of lime, oxalate of lime is produced and urea. By cautious evaporation and cooling of the liquor the latter is obtained crystallized, and may be further purified by crystallization from an alcoholic solution as already described. A coloured solution of urine may be decoloured by animal charcoal, or by the very cautious addition of a solution of permanganate of pot- ash, as recommended by Professor Gregory. It is much simpler however in practice to form urea artificially by the following process, recommended by Liebig. 28 parts of dry fer- roprussiate of potash and 14 parts of peroxide of manganese are to be mixed in powder, and calcined at a very low red heat. The mass soon glows. When this is past, the product is to be allowed to cool and then washed with cold water which dissolves out cyanate of potash. 734 Oxalate and Nitrate of Urea. The washing being repeated two or three times, the filtered liquors are to be mixed with a solution of 20J parts of sulphate of ammonia. Some sulphate of potash is at once deposited, but the liquor is to be very cautiously evaporated to dryness, during which process the trans- formation of the cyanate of potash into urea becomes complete. The mass is to be then boiled in alcohol, which dissolves the urea and deposits it, on cooling, pure. Urea crystallizes in colourless four-sided prisms. It is very soluble in water, and somewhat less so in alcohol. Its taste is cooling like nitre. If pure it is very permanent, but if contaminated by adhering animal matter, it decomposes rapidly, with a kind of putrefaction, into carbonate of ammonia. It melts at 250 ; by a strong heat it is re- solved into ammonia, and cyanic and cyanuric acids. The formula of urea is C 2 N 2 H4O 2 . It is therefore equivalent to cyanate of ammonia, C 2 NO + NH 4 O, or to amidide of carbonic oxide 2(NH 2 + CO). Although the reaction of urea is neutral, it acts as a base, combining with acids, and forming well defined neutral salts. In its salts, with oxygen acids, there is present, besides the urea, an atom of water, but it combines directly with the hydracids; herein it agrees with ammonia, and with the true organic alcaloids. Some of the salts of urea deserve specific mention. Nitrate of Urea. (Urea + HO -f- N0 5 ). Crystallizes in large bril- liant plates by the cooling of its solution. It is pleasantly acid, and is soluble in alcohol, but much more in water. If rapidly heated it explodes. It is but sparingly soluble in nitric acid, whence the ad- dition of a great excess of nitric acid serves as a test for the presence of urea; the salt being precipitated in pearly scales. Oxalate of Urea. (Urea + HO -f- C 2 O 3 ). Crystallizes in long rhom- boidal tables. It tastes acid. It is copiously soluble in boiling water, but crystallizes almost completely out on cooling, as 100 parts of cold water retain but four of the salt. It is still less soluble in alcohol. The relations of urea to the processes of animal life will be described in another place. Fulminic Acid.Cyf) 2 -f 2.HO. This acid, which has attracted much attention from the detonating properties of its salts, is prepared by the action of nitric acid on al- cohol, in presence of oxide of mercury or silver. The reaction is very complex ; a crowd of products of the oxidation of the alcohol being evolved, as aldehyd, formic, acetic, and oxalic acid, &c. If the action were limited to the essential conditions it would probably consist in Fulminates of Silver and Mercury. 7-35 two equivalents of alcohol and two of nitric acid, producing one of acetic acid, one of fulrainic acid, and eight of water, thus 2.NO 5 and 2(C 4 H 6 O 2 ), give C 4 H 4 O 4 and C 4 NA, besides 8.HO. The fulminic acid cannot be obtained in an isolated form ; when we attempt to separate it from bases, it is instantly decomposed. Thus, if fulminate of silver be acted on by dilute muriatic acid, chloride of silver, and a peculiar acid containing chlorine and cyanogen, are pro- duced. The fulminic acid is bibasic, and forms two series of salts, of which the neutral contain two equivalents of fixed base ; the acid salts containing one of fixed base and one of water. Fulminate of Silver Cy 2 O 2 -f- 2.AgO. It is prepared by dis- solving silver in ten parts of nitric acid, sp. gr. T35, and pouring the solution, when cold, into twenty parts of rectified spirits of wine. The mixture is to be gently heated till it begins to boil, and then left to cool slowly. The fulminate of silver is deposited in fine silky crys- tals, snow-white, and equal in weight to the silver employed. It is very sparingly soluble in cold water. It detonates with the slightest shock, or by contact with sulphuric acid. When acted on by a caustic alcali, as potash, half of the silver separates as oxide, and a salt is formed, Cy 2 O 2 + KO.AgO. If it be dissolved in warm dilute nitric acid, half of the silver is also removed and replaced by water, and on cooling, the acid fulminate of silver, Cy 2 O 2 4- HO.AgO, crystallizes out. This explodes more readily than the first salt, by friction and by contact with oil of vitriol or chlorine gas. By digesting these fulminates of silver with metallic zinc, or copper, fulminates of these metals with two atoms of oxide are obtained, and by acting on these salts with an alcali, or barytes, salts with two dif- ferent bases may be formed. In no case, however, can a fulminate containing two atoms of an alcaline base be produced. All these salts possess detonating properties more or less violent. Fulminate of the Suboxide of Mercury. Cy 2 O 2 + 2Hg a O. This, the most important salt of fulminic acid, is prepared by dissolving mercury in nitric acid, and treating it by alcohol, as in preparing ful- minate of silver. As the solution cools, some metallic mercury preci- pitates, and the fulminate of the suboxide is deposited in hard opaque white crystals, generally very minute. It is to be washed and redis- solved in boiling water, and crystallizes then in fine silky needles. This salt detonates violently when struck between two hard bodies. It is extensively used in the manufacture of the percussion caps used with fire-arms. As a great quantity of alcohol is wasted in this process, it was proposed to carry on the action in close vessels, and condense the spirit, which, however, was found to be unfit for any but the same use, 736 Cyanuric Acid. from containing a large quantity of prussic acid. When solution of fulminate of silver is decomposed by muriatic acid, the acid itself is decomposed, and a new acid, a Jiydrochlorocyanic acid is produced. Its formula has been given as C 2 NC1 5 -|- H 2 , but it still requires exam- ination. Cyanuric Acid. Cy 3 O 3 -f- 3 HO. This acid is produced under a variety of circumstances where the elements of cyanic acid become free. Thus, if the solid chloride of cyanogen be treated with water, CyCl and H.O produce H.C1 and CyO, but this transforms itself immediately into cyanuric acid. It is formed abundantly, as a white sublimate, in the dry distillation of uric acid, and may be very simply produced by heating urea a little above its point of fusion, in a glass retort ; ammonia is given off, and the urea changes into a dry grey mass, which is to be dissolved in strong sul- phuric acid, and treated with nitric acid, added in small quantities, until it becomes quite colourless. Being then diluted with its own weight of water, the liquor yields crystals of cyanuric acid on cooling. It is evident that three atoms of urea, 3(C 2 H 4 N 2 O 2 ) contain the ele- ments of three atoms of ammonia, and one of cyanuric acid, C 6 N 3 O 3 -f 3HO. By means of substances which will be hereafter noticed, termed melam and ammelide, cyanuric acid may be formed simply and in quan- tity. Melam consists of C 12 N n H 9 . When it is dissolved in dilute sul- phuric acid, it takes 6 equivalents of water, and resolves itself into two equivalents of cyanuric acid, and five of ammonia. Thus C 12 N U H9 -{- 6 H 6 = 2(C 6 Ts[ 3 C 3 ) and 5.NH 3 . The latter unites with the sulphuric acid, and the cyanuric acid crystallizes out. Similarly, the ammelide which is, Ci 2 H 9 N 9 O 6 , produces with sulphuric acid, two atoms of cyan- uric acid, C 12 N 6 O 6 , and three atoms of ammonia, =N 3 H 9 . Cyanuric acid is colourless, and nearly tasteless, possessing a very slight acid reaction. It crystallizes in oblique rhombic prisms, which have the formula Cy 3 O 3 -j- 3HO + 4Aq. By a moderate heat, the 4Aq. are expelled, and when more strongly heated, the dry acid changes into hydrated cyanic acid. This acid, being tribasic, forms three distinct classes of salts, which differ as the quantity of fixed base is one, or two, or three atoms. If any of these salts be acted on by a stronger acid, the cyanuric acid is completely liberated. Preparation of Prussia Acid. 737 Cyanide of Hydrogen. Hydrocyanic Add. Prmsic Acid. C 2 NH. or CyH. Eq. = 337-5 or 27. This remarkable substance may be formed by the direct combination of hydrogen and cyanogen. It exists in the water distilled from bitter almonds, or from the leaves of the cherry-laurel, being produced by the decomposition of a peculiar substance, amygdaline, which those plants contain. For the purposes of medicine and chemistry, it is prepared by indirect processes of many kinds. Thus, if formiate of ammonia (C 2 HO 3 + ]\ T H 4 O) be passed in vapour through a red-hot porcelain tube, it is totally converted into prussic acid and water ; C 2 N.H and 4HO. Also by passing ammonia over red-hot charcoal, hydrocyanate of am- monia is formed in such quantity that prussic acid may be economically prepared from it. If cyanide of silver be decomposed by muriatic acid, chloride of silver and cyanide of hydrogen are produced, (Ag.Cy and H.C1, giving Ag.Cl and H.Cy) ; and by sulphuret of hydrogen, cyanide of mercury gives sulphuret of mercury and prussic acid. Tor its pre- paration on the large scale, however, the substance used is the yellow prussiate of potash of commerce. This salt, the preparation of which will be hereafter described, con- sists of cyanide of iron united to cyanide of potassium ; by the action of sulphuric acid, three-fourths of the latter are decomposed, bisul- phate of potash being formed, and prussic acid liberated ; (2SO 3 + HO) and CyK giving (KO.S0 3 + HO.SO 3 ) and CyH.) The cyanide of iron remains still combined with the other fourth of the cyanide of potassium, forming a compound first described by Mr. Everitt. The prussic acid thus produced contains, therefore, one-half of the cyano- gen, which existed in the salt employed. The precise decomposition is, that two equivalents of the yellow ferroprussiate of potash, 2(EeCy + 2.KCy), acted on by six atoms of oil of vitriol, 6(SO 3 -f HO) pro- duce three atoms of bisulphate of potash, 3(HO.S0 3 + KOS 3 O), and three atoms of prussic acid, 3.HCy; there remains then an atom of Everitt's salt (2.EeCy + K.Cy), which, when first formed, is yellow, but by rapidly absorbing oxygen it becomes greenish, and abandoning its cyanide of potassium, is finally converted into basic Prussian blue. The mode of conducting the process depends on the degree of strength at which the prussic acid is required. To obtain the anhydrous acid, three parts of yellow prussiate of potash, in fine powder, are to be decomposed by a mixture of two parts of oil of vitriol and two of water, in a small retort, at a very gentle heat, and the product collected in a receiver, surrounded by ice, and containing some fragments of 47 738 Preparation and Properties of Prussic Acid. recently fused chloride of calcium, by which any traces of water which come over are absorbed. The process originally employed by Gay- Lussac, consists in decomposing cyanide of mercury by strong muriatic acid, and passing the vapour through a long tube, of which the half next the retort contains small fragments of marble, and the other half fragments of recently fused chloride of calcium ; any muriatic acid vapour is arrested by the former, and the prussic acid is rendered an- hydrous by the latter ; the vapour is then condensed in a receiver, sur- rounded by ice. Pure prussic acid is a colourless liquid; its specific gravity at 67 is 0'6969; at 5 Eah. it congeals into a mass of fibrous crystals, (which however appear to be due to traces of water, as the perfectly anhydrous acid remains liquid even at 64). When heated to 80 it boils. In consequence of this great volatility, if a drop of it be suspended from a glass rod, one part of it will be solidified by the cold, produced by the rapid evaporation of another portion. The density of its vapour is 944*1, consisting of equal volumes of cyanogen and hydrogen, united without condensation, as (1819'0 + 69'3) -r- 2 = 944.1. It reddens litmus paper feebly, and the tint disappears by heat. Its odour is ex- tremely suffocating and pungent, and resembles that of bitter almonds. Its taste is bitter and acrid. It is combustible, burning with a bright white flame. Being a poison of intense activity, the greatest care should be used in manipulating with it, in this concentrated form. Anhydrous prussic acid decomposes rapidly, especially if exposed to light. It forms ammonia, and a brown substance, probably the same as that produced from a solution of cyanogen in water, and termed azulmic acid, as noticed, p. 731, but of which the composition is not well known. By contact with a strong acid, prussic acid assimilates the elements of three atoms of water, and produces formic acid and ' ammonia ; (C 2 NH and 3. HO giving C HO 3 and NHs). Hence, in the preparation of prussic acid, an excess of any mineral acid should be avoided. With chlorine, prussic acid forms muriatic acid and chloride of cyanogen, and with iodine it acts similarly. Eor medicinal use, the prussic acid is prepared in a very dilute "con- dition. The directions sometimes given in pharmacopoeias to distil over an acid of a specific strength, are, in practice, very difficult to execute, and might give rise to serious errors. The proper method is, to prepare an acid stronger than that required ; then to ascertain by accurate analysis its strength, and dilute it with distilled water until it be brought exactly to the degree required. This process is carried on in the manufacturing laboratory of the Apothecaries' Hall of Ireland, as follows : lib. of crystallized yellow prussiate of potash, in fine pow- Estimate of the Strength of Prussic Acid. 739 der, is placed in a capacious retort, and 2lbs. of water poured on it ; to this is added a mixture of 12 ozs. of oil of vitriol and 2 Ibs. of water, previously suffered to cool. These materials are well agitated, and allowed to digest for three or four hours, and then between 2 and 3 Ibs. of dilute acid are distilled over into a receiver containing already lib. of distilled water ; there are obtained thus, 3 or 41bs. of an acid containing from 6 to 8 per cent, of real acid. 200 grs. of this are weighed and decomposed by an excess of nitrate of silver ; the cyanide of silver precipitated is carefully collected, washed, and dried. Being then weighed, the exact per centage of acid present is found by calcu- lation, and the necessary quantity of water is added, so as to bring it to the standard strength of the Dublin pharmacopeia, which is that of 1/6 per cent, of real acid, and specific gravity of 0'998. As an example of this process, let us suppose that the 200 grs. of distilled acid gave, with nitrate of silver, 74 grs. of cyanide ; as this contains 14'95 of cyanogen, the 200 grs. contained 15'53 of real acid, or 7 '76 percent.; now to reduce this to the Dublin standard, divide 7'76 by 1-6, which gives 4*85; indicating that by adding 3'851bs. of distilled water to each Ib. of acid, the mixture will have accurately the strength directed by the pharmacopoeia. Some of this calculation may be spared by considering the cyanide of silver to be equivalent to ^th of its weight of real prussic acid ; the quantity per cent, in the sup- posed example should then be j^th of the weight of cyanide of silver obtained from the 200 grs. ; that is 7 '4 per cent.; and the water ne- cessary to bring it to the Dublin standard should be 3*63 times its weight. The error introduced by this simplification is not sensible, being but 0'002 per cent. The strength of the prussic acid directed by the British Pharmaco- poeias differs very much ; that prescribed by the London College con- tains about 2 per cent, of real acid ; that of the Edinburgh College contains about 3*3 per cent. ; whilst the Dublin strength is but 1'5 or 1*6 of real acid per cent. This should be carefully attended to in practice. A method has been proposed for determining the value of prussic acid, by digesting it on a known quantity of red oxide of mercury ; when the prussic acid has saturated itself with the oxide, what remains is to be washed, dried, and weighed. Now as 116- of oxide of mer- cury is converted into cyanide by 27* of prussic acid, which propor- tion is nearly 4 to 1, the quantity of prussic acid is pretty correctly one-fourth of the weight of the oxide of mercury dissolved. But as cyanide of mercury may combine with an excess of oxide, and as the quantity thus liable to be taken up is not constant, it is dangerous to rely on this method for medicinal or analytical purposes. 740 Method of detecting Prussic Acid. The detection of prussic acid is very simple. 1st. Its solution gives, with nitrate of silver, a white precipitate, cyanide of silver, insoluble in strong nitric acid, when cold, but dissolved by boiling ; it is soluble in ammonia. If a liquor, containing even a very small trace of prussic acid be boiled, the vapour produces a white cloud on a piece of glass moistened with solution of nitrate of silver. 2nd. If a solution of sulphate of iron be added to prussic acid, there is no change, but on adding some potash liquor, a dirty greenish precipitate is produced, from which muriatic acid dissolves out the excess of oxide of iron, and leaves Prussian blue (cyanide of iron) of a very rich colour : it is es- sential to the proper action of this test, that both protoxide and per- oxide of iron be present in the solution. 3rd. If a solution of sul- phate of copper be added to the liquor containing prussic acid, and then treated successively with potash and muriatic acid, as above, a white precipitate remains undissolved, which is cyanide of copper. The theory of these last actions is, that the prussic acid is too weak to decompose, by itself, either metallic sulphates, but on the addition of potash, double decomposition occurs, sulphate of potash, and a metallic cyanide being formed. As the potash is always added in excess, a quantity of metallic oxide is at the same time precipitated, which masks the colour of the result, but is removed by the addition of the muriatic acid. 4th. These insoluble cyanides may be recognized very elegantly by heating them with a little potash and sulphur, and dissolving the fused mass in water. The solution gives, with a persalt of iron, a fine blood-red colour. 5th. The cyanide of silver, also, is known by giving off cyanogen when heated. Chlorides and Iodides of Cyanogen. There are two chlorides of cyanogen of the same composition, and bearing to each other the same relation as the cyanic and cyanuric acids. One is gaseous, the other solid ; the first is prepared by acting on moist cyanide of mercury by chlorine, or by passing chlorine into weak prussic acid, and warming the mixture in which the chloride of cyan- ogen dissolves. This gas. which is very irritating and poisonous, may be obtained crystallized in needles by exposure to a very low tempera- ture. It combines with ammonia, forming a crystalline substance. The solid chloride may be prepared by acting on anhydrous prussic acid with chlorine, or by heating sulphocyanide of potassium in a cur- rent of chlorine. It sublimes in white transparent needles. It dis- solves unaltered in alcohol and ether, and is decomposed by hot water into hydrochloric and cyanuric acids. Chlorides of Cyanogen Cy ankle of Potassium. 741 Iodide of cyanogen is prepared by distilling, in a retort, a mixture of iodine, cyanide of mercury and water. At a moderate heat, the iodide of cyanogen passes over and condenses in the neck of the retort, as a flocculent mass of snow-white needles. These crystals irritate the eyes ; they dissolve in water unaltered, and volatilize at 113. OF THE SIMPLE METALLIC CYANIDES. Cyanide of Potassium. K.Cy. May be formed by the direct union of its elements, or by adding an excess of prussic acid to a solution of potash, and evaporating rapidly without the access of air. It is pro- duced also whenever carbonaceous matter is calcined in contact with potash, provided nitrogen be present. The best mode of obtaining it, however, is to expose the yellow prussiate of potash to a full red heat in a close iron crucible. The cyanide of iron is decomposed, nitrogen being given off, and carburet of iron remaining with the unaltered, cyanide of potassium. The half-melted mass is to be coarsely pow- dered, and digested in boiling weak spirit of wine, from which the salt crystallizes in cubes on cooling. Spirit of sp. gr. 0*900 at 60, is re- markable for dissolving a large quantity of cyanide of potassium when boiling, but depositing it nearly totally when it cools. This salt in solution reacts alcaline, and smeUs of bitter almonds, and hence probably decomposes water when dissolved. Its crystals de- liquesce and are decomposed, even in close vessels, after a short time, by contact with water, into ammonia and formiate of potash. The cyanide of potassium possesses very remarkable reducing pro- perties when fused with metallic compounds. It deoxidizes and desul- phurates as well by means of its potassium as by its carbon, and hence has become a highly valuable agent in metallurgic and assay analyses ; its great fusibility enabling it to act most beneficially as a flux. In solution also it serves as an agent as well of qualitative as of quanti- tative research, and has now become an indispensable material in the laboratory. For these purposes it need not however be absolutely pure, and the following process affords it in a state fit for use. Eight parts of dry ferroprussiate of potassium and three of pure carbonate of pot- ash are to be fused together in an iron crucible, until the iron of the salt has perfectly separated as a grey spongy mass, and the fused salt appears perfectly colourless on cooling. It is to be then poured out on a flag, and preserved in close vessels for use. In this process the action is, that the cyanide of iron of the ferro-cyanide of potassium is decomposed, and produces with the carbonate of potash, metallic iron, and a mixture of cyanide of potassium and cyanate of potash, whilst carbonic acid is given off. From two equivalents of ferroprussiate 742 Cyanides of Zinc, Mercury, Copper, fyc. of potash and one of carbonate of potash, result two of metallic iron, five equivalents of cyanide of potassium, and one equivalent of cyanate of potash. The properties of the cyanide of sodium and of the hydro-cyanate of ammonia are quite similar. The Cyanides of Barium, strontium, calcium, and magnesium are soluble in water and crystallizable. Cyanide of Zinc is prepared by adding prussic acid to a solution of acetate of zinc, when it precipitates as a white powder. Chloride of zinc is not decomposed by prussic acid. With cyanide of potassium it forms a double salt. Cyanide of Copper is formed as a whitish precipitate when prussic acid and potash are added to a solution of sulphate of copper. When boiled it becomes yellow, and combines with the oxide of copper to form an oxy cyanide of a lively green colour. It forms double salts with the alcaline cyanides. Cyanide of Mercury. Hg.Cy. Eq. ]575 or 126*. May be pre- pared by boiling two parts of prussian blue with one of red oxide of mercury and eight of water, until the residue becomes red-brown. The filtered liquor yields cyanide of mercury in crystals, which, however, are not quite free from iron, and require to be digested with a little more oxide of mercury and then recrystallized. The best mode of preparing it is to distil fifteen parts of yellow prussiate of potash with thirteen of oil of vitriol and 100 of water, nearly to dryness, and to digest the prussic acid so obtained with twelve parts of finely powdered oxide of mercury, until this is completely dissolved. The solution yields by evaporation, and cooling, fourteen parts of pure crystallized cyanide of mercury. By washing out the residue in the retort with water, five parts of pure Prussian blue may be obtained. Cyanide of mercury crystallizes in colourless rectangular prisms, as qq in the figure, terminated by numerous secondary faces, as, ee. These crystals are anhydrous and occasionally opaque. When heated it is resolved into mercury and cyanogen, of which a portion is transformed into the brown powder (paracyanogen). It is sparingly soluble in alcohol. It tastes as the other mercurial salts. So great is the affinity of mer- cury to cyanogen, that cyanide of potassium, when boiled with oxide of mercury, is decomposed, and caustic potash liberated. In a solu- tion of cyanide of mercury, no test indicates the presence of the metal except sulphuretted hydrogen. It is not decomposed by oxygen acids, but muriatic acid forms prussic acid and chloride of mercury. Cyanide of mercury, when digested with an excess of oxide of mer- Simple and Complex Metallic Cyanides. 743 cury, combines with it in two proportions, forming the oxy-cyanides of mercury, HgCy -f HgO, and HgCy + 3HgO. These bodies are so- luble in water, and crystallize in prismatic needles. With iodide of potassium, cyanide of mercury combines, forming a substance, 2 HgCy -f- K.I, which is very soluble in boiling water, and crystallizes in brilliant white micaceous plates, on cooling. This salt is instantly reddened by any mineral acid, which liberates iodide of mercury. With sulphocyanide of potassium a similar compound is formed, 2 HgCy + K.CyS 2 . Cyanide of mercury combines with the alcaline cyanides, and with the alcaline chlorides, and bromides, forming double salts, possessing no special interest. It combines with many oxygen-salts also, as the chromate and formiate of potash. As prussic acid is now no longer prepared from cyanide of mercury, this body is not so important as formerly. It is poisonous and is occa- sionally employed in medicine. Cyanide of Silver. AgCy, Is a white powder insoluble in water, which combines with other cyanides to form double salts. It is soluble in water of ammonia, but insoluble in nitric acid, except it be strong and boiling. Heated it gives cyanogen and metallic silver. Cyanide of Palladium. In its affinity for cyanogen, palladium re- sembles mercury. Every soluble salt of palladium is decomposed by prussic acid, a pale yellow precipitate being formed. This cyanide of palladium is insoluble in water, but soluble in acids, and in ammonia. Heated it gives cyanogen and leaves the metal. It forms a very ex- tensive class of double salts. Cyanide of Gold. AuCy 3 . Is a pale yellow powder, forming double salts with the alcaline cyanides. Protocyanide of Iron. PeCy. Is not known in an isolated form, but it enters into combination with the other metallic cyanides, forming double salts, which are some of the most interesting of the cyanogen compounds. The iron in these salts cannot be separated by an alcali, and hence may be looked upon as an element of the negative consti- tuent ; they are hence often termed ferrocyanides, or ferroprussiates of whatever other metal they may contain. COMPLEX METALLIC CYANIDES. It is found that the property just referred to in the case of cyanide of iron, presents itself also in the case of other cyanides, in which also the peculiar reactions of the contained metal are no longer observable, but it appears to form with cyanogen a species of compound radical, 744 Ferrocyanides and Ferridcyanides. ranking with cyanogen itself, and generating with the several metals, salts, equally remarkable and definite with the simple cyanides. Of the bodies that possess this singular character, the cyanides of iron are the most remarkable; the cyanides of platinum, and of palladium, of nickel, and of cobalt, affect the same law, and require some notice. The theoretical views put forward in relation to this class of bodies will be best described after having noticed the properties of the most im- portant, ferrocyanides. Ferrocyanides and Ferridcyanides. Ferrocyanide of Hydrogen. Ferrocyanic Acid. PeCy + 8.HCy. When the ferrocyanide of lead is decomposed by sulphuret of hydro- gen, a solution is obtained, which yields, on evaporation in vacuo, small granular crystals, which have a well marked acid reaction, and produce, by acting on metallic oxides, all the ordinary ferrocyanides. If the solution be boiled, it is resolved into prussic acid and a white precipitate which becomes blue in the air. The crystals undergo the same change spontaneously after some time. The ferrocyanide of hydrogen may be more easily prepared by mix- ing a cold saturated solution of ferrocyanide of potassium with its own volume of strong muriatic acid, and agitating the mixture with ether, which separates the ferrocyanic acid in whitish scales. These may easily be removed with the ether, which floats on the dense solution of chloride of potassium, and on being very cautiously dried they may be purified by solution in alcohol, from which they can be crystallized by spontaneous evaporation. Unless access of air be prevented they will be totally decomposed, water and prussian blue being formed. Ferrocyanide af Potassium.FeCy + 2.KCy + 3Aq. Eq. 2637'5, or 211*0. This compound, of which I have often spoken as yellow prussiate of potash, is prepared on the large scale for the purposes of the arts, and of pharmacy, by calcining together some animal matters, as blood, hoofs, horns, &c. with pearlashes, and iron filings. It may be formed even if the organic matter do not contain nitrogen, as that element may be supplied from the air. The operation is conducted in large iron pots arranged in a furnace, so that the mass can be heated to dull redness and continually agitated as it forms a tenacious paste, the calcining of which is continued as long as it burns with a white flame ; it is then taken out of the pot, and when cold, boiled in water, which, by evaporation, yields the salt in crystals. If it has not dis- solved iron enough, some copperas is added as long as the Prussian blue, which at first forms, is found to redissolve. After what has been Manufacture of Ferrocyanide of Potassium. 745 said of the formation of cyanogen (p. 730), the general theory of this process may easily be understood. The process for preparing this salt has recently been accurately studied by Liebig whose observations have explained satisfactorily the conditions necessary for practical success. He has shown that the mass formed by the fusion of the alcali with the organic matter does not contain any iron in combination. There is no ferrocyanide formed at that stage, in fact we know that it could not exist at that high tem- perature. On washing such a saline mass with cold water, only cyanide of potassium is dissolved, but if that mass, which always contains a quantity of iron either metallic or as sulphuret, derived from the pots, or from the materials employed, be digested with hot water, the solution becomes yellow, iron is dissolved, and ferrocyanide of potassium is produced. If air be excluded, the iron dissolves in the solution of cyanide of potassium with the evolution of hydrogen gas, but if air be present oxygen is absorbed. In both cases potash is produced. If the iron were a sulphuret, sulphuret of potassium is formed. The fused mass contains an excess of potash, which, when boiled with the cyanide of potassium tends to break up the latter into formiate of potash and ammonia, C 2 N + K with 4HO, giving C 2 HO + KO and NH 3 . It- is therefore recommended in the process of manufacture not to heat the liquors from the fused mass to boiling, until, by dissolving the proper quantity of iron, the cyanide has been totally converted into ferrocyan- ide of potassium. It is also of importance to exclude any excess of air from the furnace in which the fusion of the alcali and ammoniacal matter is conducted as the formation of cyanate of potash, which should afterwards be decomposed by the water into bicarbonate of am- monia, might entail considerable loss. The ferrocyanide of potassium crystallizes in truncated octohedrons with a rectangular base e e e, as in the figure, of which A represents the usual simple, and B a more complicated form ; the secondary plane p often being so large as to render the crystal merely tabular. Its colour is fine citron-yellow, but when dried it becomes white. By a further heat, in close vessels, it fuses, and when ignited gives off nitrogen, and leaves cyanide of potassium and carburet of iron. Heated in open vessels, it absorbs oxygen, and forms cyanate of potash. Its use in the preparation of these bodies and of prussic acid has been already detailed. If it be digested with oxide of mer- cury, cyanide of mercury is formed, and oxide of iron and caustic potash set free. If ferrocyanide of potassium be boiled in water, with sulphate of 746 Prussian Blue Red Prussiate of Potash. mercury it gives sulphate of potash, cyanide of mercury, and Everitt's yellow salt. This process was recommended as a mode of obtaining cyanide of mercury, but it is rendered difficult in practice, because that with cyanide of mercury, ferrocyanide of potassium forms a double salt, whose formula I found to be 3HgCy + (FeCy + 2KCy) + 4Aq. It crystallizes in pale yellow rhombic tables. In the arts, the ferrocyanide of potassium is of importance for dye- ing various shades of blue ; to the chemist it is specially of interest, as from it all the cyanogen compounds are most economically formed, and that from the peculiar precipitates it gives with solutions of most metals, it is of eminent service in their detection. Thus, with solutions of silver, mercury, bismuth, tin, lead, nickel, zinc, manganese and cerium, it gives white precipitates ; that with mercury gradually be- comes blueish, and that of manganese reddish. With copper, the pre- cipitate is of a rich chocolate colour ; with cobalt, greenish, changing to red ; with uranium and molybdenum, brown, and with chrome, grey- ish-green. All these precipitates contain cyanide of iron, united to two atoms of cyanide of the other metal ; being ims/errocyanides. It is on solutions of iron that the action of this re-agent is the most remarkable. With solution of protosulphate of iron, a whitish pre- cipitate is obtained, which consists of the cyanides of iron and potas- sium, united in proportions, which are not well known. Exposed to the air this body absorbs oxygen and becomes blue. With a solution of sulphate of iron pure Prussian blue is precipitated. This substance is insoluble in water and in muriatic acid, and gives with caustic alca- lies, oxide of iron, and ferrocyanide of potassium; its formula is Ee 7 Cy 9 , or it consists of S.FeCy + 2.Ee 2 Cy 3 . Its formation involves 3(FeCy + 2.KCy) and 2(Pe 2 O 3 + 3.S0 3 ), and there remain dissolved six atoms of sulphate of potash. Por the manufacture of Prussian blue, for the purposes of the arts, the impure liquor obtained by di- gesting in water the calcined mass of animal matter, potash and iron, described (p. 744), is decomposed by an excess of sulphate of iron, and the resulting precipitate digested in muriatic acid, and exposed to the air, until it assumes its proper colour. It is then dried carefully at a moderate heat. Another kind of Prussian blue is produced, when Everitt's salt, or the white precipitate produced by protosulphate of iron with yellow pmssiate of potash, is exposed moist to the air. It is termed basic Prussian blue. As Everitt's salt consists of 2FeCy + KCy, and that this last dissolves out, there is the same number of atoms of cyanogen and iron, and the excess of iron above that necessary to form true Prussian blue, combines with the oxygen of the air; the oxide so Ferrid-cyatiides of Hydrogen, fyc. 747 formed remaining united with the Prussian blue. Prom 9FeCy and 3O, there is thus formed (3FeCy + 2.Fe 2 Cy 3 + Fe 2 3 ) the basic com- pound. Its formula may also be writtten as Fe 3 Cy 3 O or Fe 2 Cy 3 + FeO. being analogous to magnetic oxide of iron in constitution. Theferrocyanides of sodium, barium, &c., possess all the essential characters of the potassium salt, and need not be further noticed. The ferrocyauides in many cases combine with each other, forming salts, which contain three different metals combined with cyanogen. Sesquicyanide of Iron. Fe 2 Cy 3 . Is not known in an isolated form, but like the protocyanide, enters into a number of combinations with the other metallic cyanides, which may be called either perferrocyanides Q? ferridcyanides as proposed by Liebig. Ferridcyanide of Potassium. Red Prussiate of Potash. Fe2Cy 3 + 3.KCy. Is formed by passing chlorine through a solution of yellow prussiate of potash, until it ceases to give Prussian blue with solution of persulphate of iron. The liquor becomes of a deep-green colour, but on evaporation yields anhydrous fine ruby-red prismatic crystals, which are generally macles. The products of its decomposition by heat are the same as those of the yellow salt. It dissolves in thirty- eight parts of cold water ; its solution, if pure, is yellow, but more commonly is green. This salt rivals that already described in its utility as a re-agent for the proper metals. The precipitates it gives with their solutions are, tin, white ; mercury, silver and zinc, yellow ; titanium, nickel, copper and bismuth, yellowish brown ; and cobalt, uranium and manganese, brown. It is, however, with the salts of iron that its reaction is most remarkable. With a persalt of iron it merely colours the liquor green, but with a solution of a protosalt it gives a blue precipitate, even richer in colour than the proper Prussian blue, and consisting of Fe 5 Cy 6 , or of Fe 2 Cy 3 + 3.FeCy ; thus, containing the same protocyanide with half as much sesquicyanide as exists in common Prussian blue. This Fer- ridcyanide of iron is made for commerce, and sold as Turnbull's Prus- sian blue. It is used extensively in calico printing. Ferridcyanide of Hydrogen. If we digest ferridcyanide of lead with dilute sulphuric acid, a red liquor is obtained, which yields on evapora- tion a mass of minute brownish-yellow needles, the formula of which is Fe 2 Cy 3 + 8CyH. This body reddens litmus, and has a sour astrin- gent taste ; upon another theory it is considered to be a compound of hydrogen with a compound radical, (~Fe 2 Cy 6 ), and is termed ferridcyanic acid. In the history of these complex cyanides we meet three facts, on which the theories of their constitution must be founded, 1st. The 748 Constitution of the Complex Cyanides. extraordinary tendency to double combination, which no other body possesses in the same degree. 2nd. That in almost all cases the cyan- ogen enters into the compound, in the proportion of three, six or nine atoms. And 3rd. That one metallic element, as iron, in each com- pound, is retained with extraordinary force, not being detected therein by its ordinary re-agents. The original view proposed by Berzelius, of considering these compounds as mere double salts, and upon which the formulae given hitherto have been constructed, does not account sufficiently for these facts, and I hence consider it as less applicable to them than the theories suggested by Graham and by Liebig. The latter chemist founds his view upon the third fact, and supposes that there exists a series of compound radicals, consisting of cyanogen united with a metal. Thus, ferrocyanogen (PeCy 3 ) or Cfy, svAferricl- cyanogen (Pe 2 Cy 6 ) or Cfy 2 , these two being isomeric ; colaltocyanogen (Co 2 Cy 6 ) or Cky, and many others ; and these radicals combine with hydrogen to form polybasic hydracids, from which, the hydrogen being replaced by a metal, result the ordinary complex cyanides. Thus, the ferrocyanogen being bibasic, its acid is Cfy + 2H ; its potash salt Cfy + 2K ; its copper salt Cfy + 2Cu ; and if each atom of hydrogen be replaced by a different metal, then the triple salt, formed by Mosander, are produced : thus, the salt written on Berzelius' view, as (FeCy + 2KCy) -f- (PeCy + 2CaCy) becomes Cfy + Ca.K. and similarly there is Cfy + Ba.K. &c. The red prussiate of potash, Liebig supposes to contain a radical (Fe 2 Cy 6 ) or Cfy 2 isomeric with, but of double the atomic weight of ferrocyanogen ; timsferridcyanogen forms with hydrogen a tribasic acid, Cfy 2 + H 3 , by replacement of the hydrogen, in which, by three atoms of the same or of different metals, the various ferridcyanides are pro- duced, as Cfy 2 + K 3 , Cfy 2 + 3Cu, &c. The prussian blues, on this theory, are considered to be compounds of ferrocyanide with ferridcyanide of iron ; thus, 3. Cfy. Fe 2 + Cfy2- ^ e s expresses common Prussian blue. Cfy 2 . Fe 3 ,, Turnbull's Prussian blue. S.Cfy.Fe + Cfy 2 .Fe 3 + Fe 2 O 3 ,, basic Prussian blue. This theory accounts very strictly for the first and third of the fund- amental facts which I described, as characterizing the cyanogen com- pounds. The theory of Graham is specially based upon the tendency of three atoms of cyanogen to enter together into combination with other bodies, as is shown not only in its relation to metals, but to oxygen, as in cyanuric acid, and hence we may assume that cyanogen, as Cy 3 , with three times its ordinary atomic weight, forms a distinct radical (paracyan ?) which forms with oxygen and with hydrogen Complex Metallic Cyanides. tribasic acids, Cy 3 .0 3 and Cy 3 .H 3 . From the replacement of more or less of this hydrogen, in the latter, by equivalents of one or more metal, the various cyanides may be formed. Thus, for example : Cya -|- Fe.2K . . . yellow prussiate of potash. Cya -{- Fe.K.Ca . . ferroprussiate of lime and potash. Cya ~}~ Fe.2H . . . ferroprussic acid. The basic of the red prussiate of potash should be then another polymeric cyanogen, Cye, which would form, with hydrogen, a penta- basic acid Cy 6 + H 5 , in which, more or less of replacement by metals should give the various ferridcyanides. Thus, ferridprussic acid should be Cy 6 4- Fe 2 .Ha, and red prussiate of potash Cy 6 + Fe 2 .K 3 . and so on ; TurnbulTs Prussian blue becomes, on this theory, simply Cy 6 -f- Fe 5 ; the common Prussian blue is (Cy 3 -f Ee 2 ) + Cy 6 .Fe 5 . ; and by the addition of Fe 2 O 3 to that the basic Prussian blue is formed. I am rather inclined to adopt Graham's view, although in the present state of our knowledge, we have not grounds for positive decision. He proposes to term the radical, Cy^ prussine, but has not given any name to that whose formula is Cy 6 . Platinocyanides and Palladiocyanides. If finely divided platinum, either spongy platinum or platinum black, be cautiously heated with ferrocyanide of potassium until the mass fuses, a dark mass is formed, which on boiling with water, gives a solution of platino-cyanide of potassium, from which on cooling, the salt crystal- lizes in long prisms. The formula of this salt is PtCy -f KCy. and if we assume a radical, platino-cyanogen, Cpty. = PtC) T 2. the salt is K.Cpty. It is therefore monobasic. This salt is dichroic, being yellow by transmitted, and blue by reflected light. There also exists another more complex platinocyanide of potassium, having the formula 5PtCy 4. 6. KCy. By decomposing the soluble salts of mercury or lead, by platino- cyanide of potassium, insoluble compounds are obtained, from which when decomposed by sulphuretted hydrogen water, the hydroplatino- cyanic acid is set free. PtCy + HCy. This acid crystallizes in copper- red scales. Another kind of salt may be formed by acting on a solution of platinocyanide of potassium with chlorine. Its formula is Pt 2 Cy 3 -f- 2.K Cy + 5Aq. and is related to the former as the red is to the yellow prussiate of potash. The Palladia-cyanides are perfectly analogous in their history to the platino-cyanides, as are also the Iridio-cyanides, except that the latter are apparently bibasic, the salt being constituted like the ferrocyanides. 750 Compounds of Sulphocyanogen. Cobalto- Cyanides. On decomposing a salt of cobalt with an excess of cyanide of potas- sium, the precipitate first formed redissolves, and forms a colourless solution, from which the col) alto -cyanide of potassium crystallizes, by evaporation and cooling, in pale yellow oblique rhombic prisms. In this salt the cobalt exists as sesqui-cyanide, and as the metal cannot be recognized by ordinary tests, a cobalto-cyanogen is assumed, which is tribasic, and has hence the formula Co 2 Cy 6 or Cky. The potash salt is consequently Co 2 Cy3 -f- 3KCy or K 3 .Cky. The cobalto-cyanic acid is best prepared from the cobalto-cyanide of lead, which is a white powder insoluble in water, and easily prepared by mixing solutions of cobalto-cyanide of potassium and acetate of lead. On diffusing the lead compound through water, and subjecting it to the action of a current of sulphuretted hydrogen, sulphuret of lead is formed, and cobalto-cyanic acid set free in solution ; from which by evaporation and cooling it may be obtained crystallized in needles. It tastes acid, and neutralizes bases, and is decomposed by a strong heat ; its formula is Co 2 Cy 3 + 3HCy or H 3 Cky. The use of these compounds in separating nickel and cobalt has been described in page 516. The Mangano-cyanides, Chromo -cyanides, and NicJcelo -cyanides are perfectly similar to the cobalto-cyanides in general properties, and appear to have the same tribasic character of their saline combinations. Therein resembling the ferrid-cyanides and the cyanogen being equally divided between the two metals. OF SULPHOCYANOGEN AND THE PRODUCTS OF ITS DECOMPOSITION. If yellow prussiate of potash, well dried, and mixed carefully with half its weight of sulphur, in fine powder, be heated in an iron vessel, to perfect fusion, which takes place at a dull red heat, the sulphur combines with all the cyanogen, forming sulpho-cyanogen, which unites with the potassium, whilst the iron is converted into sulphuret. By digesting the fused mass in water, the former dissolves, and is obtained, by evaporation and cooling, in long striated prisms similar to those of nitre. The composition of this salt is expressed by the formula CyS 4- KS or CyS 2 + K. It is termed sulpho-cyanide of potassium. If the temperature be not raised too high, the iron forms also sulpho- cyanide, which dissolves, and may be decomposed by the addition of a slight excess of carbonate of potash; by this means, one-half more Sulphocyanide of Potassium. 751 product may be obtained than is yielded if the sulpho-cyanide of iron be too violently heated, and thereby converted into sulphuret. On passing a current of chlorine gas into a solution of the salt thus formed, or by heating it in dilute nitric acid, chloride, or nitrate of potassium is formed, and a deep yellow precipitate produced, which contains all the sulphur and cyanogen of the salt ; this body had been considered to be the sulphocyanogen, but its composition is complex, being a mixture of several different bodies. It is very light and insoluble in water. It combines with all of the metals, and with hy- drogen, forming well-defined salts. Hydro-sulphocyanic Acid. Cy.S 2 + H. Is formed by decomposing sulpho-cyanide of lead by dilute sulphuric acid, or by sulphuret of hydrogen. It is a colourless liquid, which reacts, and tastes acid. By distillation it is decomposed. Sulpho-cyanide of Potassium. Cy.S 2 + K. This salt, of which the mode of preparation has been just described, forms anhydrous prisms, cool and pungent in taste ; it is abundantly soluble in water and alcohol, and slightly deliquescent. It is employed in the laboratory as a test for peroxide of iron. Sulpho-cyarMe of lead is a crystalline powder, prepared by mixing solutions of a salt of lead and of sulpho-cyanide of potassium. Of the sulpJio-cyanides of iron, the proto-salt, Pe -f- CyS 2 forms a colourless solution, which becomes red on exposure to the air. The sesqui-salt, Ee 2 + 3.CyS 2 , forms a deep blood-red liquor, when a solu- ble sulpho-cyanide is mixed with any salt of the peroxide of iron. It serves thus as a very delicate test of the presence of iron, and also for that of cyanogen ; it is so applied to the detection of prussic acid, as noticed p. 740. These sulpho-cyanides may be considered either as double sulphurets of cyanogen and of a metal, as Cy.S + S.K, &c., or as salts of the compound radical sulpho-cyanogen, CyS 2 + K. &c. The latter view has been almost universally adopted by chemists. Berzelius has pro- posed to term this hypothetic radical, Rhodan, and its salts rJiodanides, for the radical is certainly not mere sulphuret of cyanogen, nor can a pure sulphuret of cyanogen be prepared from any of those salts. It appears, however, from the researches of Parnell, Yoelkel and Jameson, that although sulpho-cyanogen really exists in these salts, yet that the yellow substance extracted from them by chlorine, or by nitric acid, as described just now under that name, is only a product of the decomposition of the true radical rliodan, which has not been as yet isolated. The formula of the yellow powder is found to be S 4 C 4 N 2 H 2 O. When acted on by alcalies, or by nitric acid, it produces an acid which 752 Xanthan Mellon. Parnell had termed the tkiocyanic, which is polybasic. It is a pale yellow powder, sparingly soluble in water, more so in alcohol. Its formula is Si 2 C 10 N 5 H 6 2 . Its compounds with the oxides of lead, silver, mercury, &c., are insoluble. This new acid is but one of the bodies produced in this reaction. Jameson considers this yellow body C 4 S 4 N 2 H 2 O, to be really a com- pound of the true sulphocyanic radical, with hydro-sulphocyanic acid and water, C 4 S 4 N 2 H 2 O, being equal to S 2 Cy -f S 2 Cy.H + HO. When dissolved in hydrosulphuret of potassium, sulphuretted hydrogen is given off, and if the liquor be neutralized by an acid, a white precipitate forms, consisting of S 4 C 6 N 4 H 4 . This body acts as an electro-negative radical, and forms salts, which being colourless or white, Berzelius proposes to call acJiromanides ; but Jameson terms this body sulpJio- mellon, as it is decomposed by heat into sulphuret of hydrogen, and mellon, S4H 4 and C 6 N 4 . Persulpliocyanogen. If sulphocyanide of potassium be heated strongly in a current of dry muriatic gas it is decomposed, bisulphuret of carbon and prussic acid being set free, and a yellow powder produced, which is volatile, insoluble in water, but soluble in alcohol, from which it crystallizes. Its composition is CyS 3 + H or CyS 2 + HS. It there- fore is a hydracid, containing more sulphur than sulphocyanic acid. It forms salts, generally of a yellow colour, whence Berzelius proposes to term the radical of its salts Xantkan. Mellon. "When the yellow powder obtained from sulphocyanide of potassium by means of chlorine or nitric acid, is. heated, it is decom- posed, yielding sulphur, sulphuret of carbon, and a yellow powder which remains as fixed residue, and to which Liebig has given the name of mellon. This material is not constant in composition, being a mix- ture of a substance termed glaucene with the true mellon which is ana- logous to cyanogen in its characters. It is insoluble in water, alcohol, or dilute acids. Its formula is C 6 N 4 or Ml, and when strongly ignited it is decomposed into three volumes of cyanogen and one of nitrogen. Heated with potassium, they unite with combustion, and if it be fused with the iodide, or bromide of potassium, iodine or bromine is expelled, and mellonide of potassium formed. Hydro-mellonic Acid. H.M1. Is formed by dissolving mellonide of potassium in boiling water and adding a strong acid. A gelatinous white precipitate forms, which dries into a yellowish powder, HM1. 4- Aq. Mellonide of Potassium. K.M1. Is produced by adding mellon to sulpho-cyanide of potassium, fused in a porcelain capsule ; sulphur and sulphuret of carbon are evolved. On dissolving the brown mass thus Melam. Melamine. Ammeline. 753 formed, in boiling water, the mellonide of potassium crystallizes, on cooling, in fine colourless needles. If we take the formula of sulphocyanogen at C 2 NS 3 , the formation of mellon consists in 4(C 2 NS 2 ), producing 2(CS 2 ) with 4S, and leaving C 6 N 4 ; but on Mr. ParnelTs view the decomposition is by no means so simple, and the subsequent discovery of glaucen by Voelckel has rendered Liebig's explanation insufficient. When mellon is boiled with strong nitric acid it dissolves, and on cooling, the liquor yields octohedral crystals of cyanilic add. This substance has the same formula as cyanuric acid, Cy 3 3 -f 3Aq ; but its relations to bases are not well understood. Nitrate of ammonia is formed ; mellon, CeN^ and three atoms of water, giving C 6 N 3 O 3 and NHX Melam. C 12 H 9 N H . Sulphocyanide of ammonium, on being heated, is decomposed into ammonia, sulphuret of carbon, and sulphuret of hydrogen which pass off, whilst a greyish-white powder remains, which is melam. The same result is obtained, by heating to fusion a mixture of sulphocyanide of potassium and sal-ammoniac ; in this case, chloride of potassium also remains behind, but may be removed by washing. Melam is insoluble in water, and alcohol. It is dissolved and decomposed by boiling acids and alcaline solutions, giving origin to a series of remarkable bodies. Melamine. C 6 H 6 N 6 . Is prepared by boiling melam with a dilute solution of caustic potash, until the liquor becomes quite clear ; it is then to be evaporated until it begins to deposit small crystalline plates, and being then allowed to cool, the melamine crystallizes out in colour- less octohedrons, scarcely soluble in cold water. It has no action on vegetable colours, but it combines with dilute acids, acting as a base, and forming well defined salts, which have an acid reaction, and may be obtained crystallized. Ammeline. C 6 N 6 H 5 O 2 . After the alcaline solution has deposited the melamine by cooling, it contains ammeline, which precipitates when acetic acid is added. This is to be purified by solution in dilute nitric acid, and precipitation by carbonate of ammonia. It then forms fine silky needles, insoluble in water and alcohol. It combines with the dilute acids, forming crystallizable salts. The origin of these bodies consists in the melam decomposing two atoms of water, and then CjaHnNnOg, producing C 6 H 6 N 6 , and C 6 N 5 H 5 O 2 . By boiling melam in dilute muriatic acid, the same decomposition occurs, and the muriates of melamine and ammeline crystallize together on cooling. If any of the above three bodies be dissolved in strong sulphuric 48 754 Glaucene. Ammelide. acid, and the solution be precipitated by alcohol, a white powder is obtained, insoluble in water and alcohol, but soluble in strong acids and alcalies. It is nearly indifferently acid or base, as it combines with nitric acid, and also with oxide of silver. It is termed ammelide. Its formula is C^H^NgC^ + 2Aq. When this body is boiled for a long time with dilute sulphuric or nitric acid, it is resolved into ammonia and cyanuric add, which last is the ultimate product of the similar treatment of all the bodies of this series. Voelckel has shown, that in the action of heat upon sulphocyanide of ammonia and on sulphocyanogen, there are produced a great number of other bodies than those described by Liebig, and also has rendered it probable that some of those analysed by Liebig were mixtures. Thus it appears tolerably certain that the mellon of Liebig only exists pure in combination ; the powder obtained as mellon by Liebig' s process always containing hydrogen. When melamine is strongly heated it gives off ammonia, and leaves a grey-white powder which is termed glaucene 2.C 6 N 6 H 6 , losing 3NH 3 and leaving C^Ha or 2.C 6 N 4 + NH 3 . There is therefore the simple relation between Mellon, radical. C^N 4 = Ml. Glaucene. base Ci 2 N 9 H 3 = 2M1 + NH 3 . Melamine. base C 6 N 6 H 6 = Ml + 2.NH 3 . The theoretical constitution of these bodies remains exceedingly ob- scure. The bases, melamine and ammeline, are of great importance, from their close analogy to the alcaloids, which are found naturally in many plants ; but still we have no idea of the mode of arrangement of their elements. Some other sulphur compounds of cyanogen are known, but do not require much notice. Cyanogen and sulphuretted hydrogen combining, form orange crystals, insoluble in water. Structure of Starch. 755 CHAPTER XX. OP STARCH, LIGNINE, GUM AND SUGAR, WITH THE PRODUCTS OF THEIR DECOMPOSITION BY ACIDS AND ALCALIES. THE substances now to be described form a very remarkable class of organic bodies. They are found abundantly in most plants, but vary- ing somewhat in characters, according to their immediate source, and are subservient to the most important offices of the vegetable organ- ization, being the materials from whence the tissues and secretions of the plant are elaborated. In a chemical point of view, they are distinguished by a remarkable similarity of composition, all containing the same quantity of carbon (twelve atoms) in the equivalent, united to oxygen and hydrogen, which are always present in the proportions to form water. In this may be found the cause of the extraordinary transmutations of these bodies, from one to another, by the mere fixation of the elements of water, effected by the influence of re-agents, or by the organic power of the plant. In these bodies also we find an example of the difficulty of distinguishing between a constitution derived from physical, and that resulting from vital force. In the different kinds of sugar, the crystalline condition, solubility, &c. indicate that the elements are combined by forces merely chemical; but in the different varieties of starch, and especially in lignirie, traces of organized structure are found, and properties manifested, which attach their history as closely to the physiology as to the chemistry of plants. Under this point of view they shall be hereafter reconsidered. OF STARCH ITS VARIETIES AND PRODUCTS. The most important variety of this principle is that known as common starch. It exists in most plants and in all parts of them. It is extracted from the seeds of wheat and barley ; from the tubers of the potato ; from the root of the jatropha manihot, as tapioca or cassava, and of the maranta arundinacea, as arrow root ; and from the stems of palms, as the sagus rumphii, which furnishes the sago of commerce. The starch is imbedded in the cellular tissue of the plant as small white grains, totally destitute of any crystalline structure. They differ in size in almost every plant. Those of the potato, which are the largest, do not exceed in diameter ^- of an inch ; those of 756 Properties of Starch. arrow root, which are some of the smallest, do not exceed E ^. In form, these grains vary also, some being globular, others ovoidal, and often, even in the same plant, irregular. Each grain is formed by a number of concentric layers which increase in density and consistence from the centre ; the most external being so hard as to resemble a membranous envelope, filled by a softer material. The grains of starch are quite insoluble in cold water ; in boiling water they dissolve, except the outer layers, which, floating in the liquor, give it a peculiar opalescent aspect. On cooling, the solution gelatinizes. If the solution of starch be dried at a gentle heat, and then digested with cold water, the outer layers of the grains may be separated by filtration, and a colourless transparent solution of starch thus obtained. The preparation of starch rests on its insolubility in cold water. The texture of the plant is first broken up by rasping, or coarse grind- ing, and being then mashed up with water, the starch grains fall out from the ruptured cells, and are carried off by the current, from which they deposit themselves, when the liquors are left at rest. In obtaining starch from wheat, this liquor is allowed to ferment and become sour, by which a quantity of gluten that would otherwise attach itself to the starch is removed. If the moist starch grains be dried at a tempera- ture of about ] 40, they gelatinize to a semitransparent mass, which remains so when dried, and is not granular or mealy. It is thus that .the peculiar aspect of tapioca and sago is produced. By the vital action of the seed in germination, the transformation of starch into sugar is effected, and constitutes the saccharine fermentation. It is artificially induced by malting the grain, for the preparation of alcoholic liquors by brewers and distillers. The circumstances of this change will be specially noticed when describing the mode of nutrition and of the growth of plants. If starch be heated beyond 240, it softens and becomes brown. If the heat be increased until the mass smokes, it is found to be changed into a substance totally soluble in cold water, and known as The action of re-agents on starch is very remarkable. By boiling with nitric acid, it gives saccharic and oxalic acids. These reactions will be hereafter studied in detail. A solution of it is precipitated by basic acetate of lead and by infusion of galls. With bromine it gives a yellow precipitate, which is decomposed by heat, the bromine being expelled. With iodine it produces a compound of an intense blue colour, which is its most remarkable property. Iodide of Starch is produced when a solution of free iodine is added Inuline Lichenine . 757' to a solution of starch. Its colour is violet-blue or nearly black, according to the proportion of starch. It is very soluble in water, but insoluble in alcohol, and may be obtained solid by adding alcohol to a very strong aqueous solution, and collecting the precipitate on a filter. It is decomposed by alcalies and by chlorine ; indeed by all bodies which combine with iodine ; and its formation serves, therefore, as a test only for free iodine, as described in p. 436. When a solution of iodide of starch is heated, it becomes quite colourless below 200, and, if it be not boiled, regains its colour perfectly as it cools. When the liquor remains colourless after cooling, the blue may be restored by oxalic acid or by chlorine, which expels the iodine from the com- bination it had formed. The composition of starch, no matter what plant it may be derived from, is C 12 H 9 O 9 -f 2. HO, as confirmed by a variety of reactions. At 212 it loses an atom of water, and becomes a transparent mass, Ci2H 9 O 9 + HO. Its combination with oxide of lead, amylate of lead, is C 12 H 9 O 9 + 2PbO. Inulin. This kind of starch is found in the roots of the iiiula, dahlia, angelica, leontodon, and many other plants. It may be pre- pared in the same way as common starch. It is a white and very fine powder, almost insoluble in cold water, but easily dissolved by boiling water; forming a liquor which becomes thick, but not gelatinous, when it cools, and deposits the greater part of the inulin unchanged. It is transformed by acids, like common starch, but more easily. It is precipitated like it, by solutions of borax and subacetate of lead, and by infusion of galls. It is peculiarly distinguished from it by not giving with iodine any blue colour, being merely tinged yellow. The structure of the grains of inulin has not been accurately examined. Its formula, when dry, is Ci 2 HioO 10 , like that of common starch, and in combining with oxide of lead it also appears to lose one atom of water and to become C 12 H 9 9 , as remarked by Parnell. Licheuine. This variety of starch, which is found in many lichens, especially the icelaud moss, and the carrigeen, (spho3rococcus crispus) is not contained in the plant in grains, but in a soluble condition. To obtain it, the lichen is first digested in a cold dilute solution of car- bonate of soda, to dissolve the bitter resinous principle, and this being completely washed away, the lichen is boiled for a long time in water ; a liquor is obtained from which, on cooling, the lichenine separates as an opaque grey jelly, which, when dried, is black, hard, and glassy. Its properties are very similar to those of inuline. It gives with iodine a greenish-brown colour. Its composition is expressed by the same formula as the others, C 12 H 10 Oi Q . 758 Lignine. Xyloidine. Gun Cotton. Of Lignine. Xyloidine. Gun Cotton. When any kind of wood is treated successively, and repeatedly, by dilute acids and alcalies, by water and by alcohol, so that every soluble material is removed from it, we find that the substance which remains is of very constant composition, being expressed by the formula C 12 H 8 O 8 . According to the recent experiments of Payen, the true tissue of wood, cellulose, has the same composition as starch, C 12 H 10 O 10 , but the true lignine which is secreted into the cells and fills them, has the for- mula C 38 H 2 40 2 o. Of this substance, lignine, the proper wood of the plant is constituted ; its molecules being arranged so as to form the tubes and cells of the vegetable tissues, and cohering so firmly as to produce the fibres of flax, cotton, and hemp, which constitute the materials of our most important woven textures, of paper, &c. Although the lignine is thus rather the remains of an organized body than a mere chemical substance, it forms some combinations which are of great importance in the arts. Thus if linen or cotton cloth be dipped in dilute solution of acetate of alumina, the earth abandons the acid to combine with the lignine, and thus serves as the means of fixing on the cloth the various colouring matters used in the processes of dyeing. The same occurs with oxide of iron ; and other metallic oxides have a similar though weaker affinity for lignine, and thus serve as mordants for various colours. The observations of Crum, would however show, that the mordant is only deposited in the interior of the cells or tubes of the ligneous fibre where it had been mechanically absorbed, and not held by any chemical affinity. Lignine when quite pure is white ; the bleaching of linen, cotton, paper, &c., being effected by destroying, by means of the air, or of chlorine, the resinous and other matters which are associated with the lignine in the fibres or cells of the plants ; the lignine itself resists these agents unless applied in a very concentrated form. With cold nitric acid, lignine combines directly, forming a very remarkable substance, xylo'idine, which may be produced by immersing for a moment a piece of paper in strong nitric acid, and then washing it well in pure water. It assumes the feel and toughness of parchment, and is so combustible, as to serve for tinder. The composition of xyloidine is remarkable, being expressed by Ci 2 lSr 2 H 8 O 18 . It may therefore be regarded as lignine, in which two atoms of hydrogen are replaced by two of nitrous acid. This material may be also formed by digesting starch in cold strong nitric acid in which it dissolves, and by the addition of water, pure xyloidine is pre- cipitated. The digestion of fine ligneous fibre in nitric acid produces a body of Xyloidine Gun Cotton. 751) still more combustible nature than xylo'idine, and as cotton has been found to be the best material for the purpose, the body has been named gun cotton, as it explodes when heated with a force even superior to that of ordinary gunpowder. Gun cotton is best prepared by digesting for a few minutes cotton wool, in as much as will cover it and com- pletely moisten it, of a mixture of equal volumes of the strongest oil of vitriol and nitric acid. The cotton when taken out is to be freed by pressure from the great excess of acid, and then washed with cold water until it becomes perfectly tasteless ; it must be then dried very cautiously, as when well prepared it often will explode when drying in a water bath, below 212. The gun cotton has precisely the appearance of ordinary cotton, but it contains a large quantity of nitric acid 100 parts of cotton yielding 170 of gun cotton. The gun cotton appears to be a direct compound of anhydrous lignine with nitric acid C 12 H 8 O 8 -f 2N0 5 . The two atoms of nitric acid re- placing the two atoms of water which ordinary lignine C 12 H 10 Oi = Oj 2 H 8 O 8 -f- 2Aq. contain. It has also been proposed, however, to con- sider the lignine as oxidized and combined with four equivalent of hyponitrous acid, thus C 12 H 8 O 16 -f- 4NO 3 . In this view the oxide of lignine, C 12 H 8 O 16 is regarded as a powerful base, and as certainly no simple salt can be assumed to contain four atoms of acid, the formula should be subdivided and become C 3 H 2 O 4 -f- NO 3 . Those questions, however, cannot be considered to be as yet decided. It is evident that gun cotton, Ci 2 N 4 H 8 O 28 contains in itself the elements of Eight atoms of water . . H 8 . O 8 Eight " carbonic acid Cs. . . Oie Four " carbonic oxide C4 . . 04 Four " nitrogen . N~4. Ci2. N 4 . H 8 . O 2 8. It is consequently resolved by heat altogether into gases with ex- plosion ; it leaves no residue, and requires no access of oxygen, although when burned in the open air, the carbonic oxide is converted into carbonic acid. There appear to be found in its explosion very decided quantities of nitrous acid and of prussic acid. The former corrodes fire arms, and the latter vitiates the surrounding air if in a mine. These circumstances coupled with the inconstancy of its preparation and of its strength, will probably restrict its use within much narrower limits than was at one time supposed, from the immense explosive power which it possesses, which is four or five times that of an equal weight of gunpowder. If sawdust be heated with a warm solution of potash for some hours, 760 Araline^Tragacanthine. Dextrine. the liquor will be found to contain a considerable quantity of common starch, capable of striking a blue colour with iodine ; but by this means, the ligneous fibre is dissected, and not. decomposed. The starch may be extracted also by mechanical means, and pure lignine does not yield any. If lignine be strongly heated with, hydrate of potash) hydrogen is evolved and a mixture of acetate and oxalate. of potash 'results; C I2 H 8 O 8 and 4 HO, giving 6. H, with 2(C 2 3 ) and 2(G 4 H 3 O 3 ). Hot nitric acid converts lignine into oxalic acid ; with sulphuric acid it is changed into gum, and ultimately into sugar, as will be detailed further on. At the same time a portion of organic matter unites with sul- phuric acid, forming ligno-sulpJmric acid, which forms soluble salts with barytes and with oxide of lead ; its precise composition is not known. In dry air, or immersed under water free from air, lignine remains for an indefinite length of time unaltered ; but if both air and water have access, oxygen is absorbed and carbonic acid and water given out, and a series of products of decomposition result, which form the basis of vegetable soil, and thus serve as the materials for a new generation of plants. By the conjoint action of heat and water, lignine produces another class of products, and a third series arises from the destructive distillation of dry wood. These subjects will be examined specially in their proper place. Of t7ie different Varieties of Gum. It is necessary to distinguish three varieties of gum, to which the names of arabine, cerasine, and dextrine may be given. The two first are natural, the last is a product of the transmutation of starch. Arabine is found in the juices of many species of acacia and prunus; it exudes from crevices in the bark and forms lumps, in which state it is found in commerce (gum arable and gum Senegal). The roots of mallow, comfrey, and many other plants contain a great deal of ara- bine. It is never crystalline, and is colourless and transparent, with a vitreous fracture. It is dissolved by water in all proportions, forming a thick "adhesive liquid (mucilage). It is not dissolved by alcohol, which precipitates its watery solution. It combines with bases forming well defined insoluble compounds, and is not in any way acted on by iodine. A solution of arabine exercises sinistral rotatory power on a ray of polarized light (p. 46). By contact with sulphuric acid, arabine is gradually converted into dextrine, and if the digestion be continued, this then changes into sugar. "With nitric acid arabine gives mucic acid, and afterwards oxalic acid ; another characteristic property of it is, that of giving a precipitate with solution of silicate of potash (soluble glass, p. 618). Its composition is expressed by the formula Varieties of Sugar. 761 TragacantJdne or Vegetable ffiww, exists in cherry-tree gum, mixed with arabine, but is purer in gum tragacanth, in flax-seed, and in quinceseed. It is extracted by digestion in water, when it gradually swells up and appears rather to imbibe the water than to dissolve ; a thick tenacious liquor is obtained, which is precipitated by alcohol and by solution of basic acetate of lead, but not by silicate of potash. With sulphuric and nitric acid, the same products are formed as from arabine. The Salep of commerce is the tragacanthine extracted from the roots of various species of orchis, and dried. Dextrine. This variety of gum is formed from the starch of the seed, in germination, and may be obtained by digesting starch in dilute sulphuric acid. If five parts of starch, with one of oil of vitriol and fifteen of water, be kept at 200 for some time, the starch completely disappears, the solution loses its power of gelatinizing ; it acquires the characteristic rotatory power of dextrine, and colours iodine of a port wine red, without any tinge of blue, If the liquor be neutralized by carbonate of barytes, the whole quantity of sulphuric acid separates, and by evaporation, the dextrine is obtained as a pale yellow mass of a vitreous fracture; it is not adhesive like common gum, nor does it yield any mucic acid when acted on by nitric acid. Dextrine precipitates a solution of basic acetate of lead, but is not affected by silicate of potash. If dextrine be boiled too long with the sulphuric acid, it passes into a substance, more analogous to tragacan- thine, which is also formed when arabine or lignine is so treated. In this state its rotatory power is feeble, and it is not at all coloured by iodine. In both these forms the composition of dextrine is C 12 H 10 Oi . OF THE DIFFERENT VARIETIES OF SUGAR. The species of sugar are much better distinguished from each other, both by properties and composition, than the various kinds of starch, or of gum, have been found to be. They are all characterized by being capable of undergoing the alcoholic fermentation. Cane-sugar. Formula C 12 H 9 9 + 2Aq. when crystallized. This species of sugar is found abundantly in the juices of many plants. It is extracted for use, from the sugar-cane, the maple, and the beet-root. The juice, when fresh, runs into fermentation with great quickness, and is there- fore clarified by being warmed to 150, with a little lime, by which the vegetable albumen is coagulated, and the fermentation checked. The juice is then evaporated with as little heat as possible, and allowed to 762 Compounds of Cane Sugar. Sacchulmine. cool in vessels, at the bottom of which a number of small apertures, stopped with plugs, are situated. The sirup congeals into a granular mass, and when it is quite cold, the apertures below are opened, and the liquid portion allowed to run out. The sugar thus obtained in fine crystalline grains, is brownish-coloured, and is termed muscovado or raw sugar. The liquid uncrystallizable portion constitutes molasses or treacle. To obtain the sugar pure it is redissolved, and the liquor having been cautiously evaporated (in some establishments, in vacua, see p. 109) to the necessary degree, is poured into cones of unglazed earthenware, which are placed on their summits, the orifice in which is stopped by a plug. When by cooling, the sirup has crystallized, during which the mass is continually stirred about to render the crys- tals very minute and close, the plug below is removed, and the coloured liquor drains out ; the last portions of it being removed by laying a sponge, moistened with some spirit, or with a clear sirup, on the sugar at the base of the cone, and allowing the pure liquid to filter through. Thus is obtained refined or loaf-sugar. If a strong sirup be laid aside in a warm place, it crystallizes in very beautiful oblique rhombs, which constitute the sugar-candy of commerce. Cane-sugar is perfectly colourless. Its sp. gr. is 1'6 ; when heated, it fuses at 350 into a clear yellow liquid, and congeals, on cooling, into a hard brittle mass (barley-sugar), which, after some weeks, be- comes opaque, white, and crystalline. If the temperature rises to 630, water is given off, and the sugar becomes dark brown, being changed into caramel; more strongly heated, it is totally decomposed. Sugar dissolves in one-third of its weight of cold, and in all propor- tions in boiling water. A saturated solution becomes quite solid when it cools. If a strong solution of sugar be kept for some time near its boiling point, it is gradually changed into uncrystallizable sugar; hence arises the most important source of loss in the manufacture and refining of sugar. It is sparingly soluble in absolute alcohol, and but moderately in weak spirit. Sugar combines with some bases and salts, acting as a feeble acid ; the compound with oxide of lead is insoluble, and has the formula Ci 2 H 9 9 + 2PbO; that with barytes is crystalline, its formula is C 12 H 10 O 10 + BaO. With common salt sugar combines, forming crystals, easily soluble in water, and consisting of 2.C 12 H 10 10 -f Na.Cl. The action of acids on cane-sugar is very remarkable. When digested with very dilute sulphuric or muriatic acid, it is converted into grape sugar; but with stronger acids, it is changed into two brown substances, insoluble in water, one of them soluble, the other insoluble in alcaline liquors. The former is termed sacckulmine, the Saccharic Add. Caramel. 763 latter, saccJmlmic acid. These bodies are formed even with very dilute acids, if the digestion be continued for a long- time. According as the reaction proceeds, the sacchulmine separates in minute brilliant brown crystalline plates, mixed with a dull brown powder, which is sacchulmic acid. They are separated by water of ammonia, which dissolves the latter. The composition of these bodies is not quite definitely estab- lished, as it appears to be influenced by the strength of the acid used and other circumstances. The best grounded idea is that they have both the same composition, C^H^O^; being isorneric with ulmhie. If in this reaction the atmospheric air have access, oxygen is absorbed, and a large quantity of formic acid generated. Saccharic Acid. The preparation of oxalic acid by means of nitric acid and sugar, has been already described (p. 699) ; but if in that process a dilute acid be used, so that the oxidation may not be forced so far, a liquor is obtained which gives with carbonate of lime a neutral solution. When this is decomposed by acetate of lead, a white pre- cipitate is thrown down, which being acted on by sulphuretted hydrogen, the acid is set free, and may be obtained crystallized by evaporating and cooling its solution. This is termed the saccharic acid. It gives an extensive series of salts, being a pentabasic acid. Its formula is C 12 H 5 On -f- 5. HO, when crystallized. Its potash salt is C 12 H 5 On + K0.4HO. Its lead salt C 12 H 5 O n + 5PbO. The saccharate of lime is sparingly soluble in water, but dissolves in a very slight excess of acid, which distinguishes it from an oxalate. An ammoniacal solution of saccharate of silver is decomposed by heat ; metallic silver being deposited and forming a mirror-surface on the interior of the vessel. Cane-sugar dissolves several of the salts of copper insoluble in water, as the carbonate ; and if solutions of salts of copper or of peroxide of iron be mixed with much sugar, they are no longer precipitated by alcalies. Hydrated oxide of copper dissolves in a solution of potash if sugar be added, and forms a violet solution from which, by boiling, metallic copper or suboxide of copper is deposited according to the quantity of sugar present. In this reaction much formic acid is pro- duced. The caramel formed by heating sugar to 650, appears as a porous, shining, jet black mass. It is completely soluble in water, and free from any empyreumatic taste. It is insoluble in alcohol ; it combines with bases ; its formula is Ci 2 H 9 O 9 . The sugar in forming it, there- fore, loses the elements of an atom of water, besides its water of crys- tallization. By heating sugar with lime, a volatile liquid is obtained, which has the formula C 6 H 5 0, and is termed metacetone. It shall be specially noticed in another place in conjunction with acetone. 764 Saccharine Fermentation. Grape Sugar. Grape Sugar. Glucose. Formula. C^H^On -f- 3Aq, when crystallized. This kind of sugar is still more extensively distributed in nature than the former. It gives the sweet taste to fruits, and forms the solid part of honey. It is produced in the animal body in certain forms of disease, as diabetes, and by the transformation of starch in germination, and by artificial processes. In consequence of this variety of sources, it is better to term it glucose, as suggested by Dumas, than to use a name indicating any one special origin. Glucose may be obtained from raisins, or honey, by digestion first with cold strong alcohol, to remove the uncrystallizable sugar, and then expressing the residue, which is to be dissolved in water, and neutralized by chalk. The liquor so obtained may be clarified by white of egg, and evaporated to crystallization. From starch, gum, or cane-sugar, it may be prepared by the action of sulphuric acid, as follows : one part of potato-starch is to be boiled with four parts of water, and -fa of oil of vitriol, during 36 or 40 hours; the water which evaporates being replaced. The jelly does not assume any consistence ; the liquor remains clear, and the material used is found completely converted into sugar. By means of chalk, the acid is removed, and the solution being evaporated, the sugar crystallizes. If starch paste be moistened with an infusion of pale malt, it is rapidly converted into dextrine, and thence into grape sugar. This occurs from the catalytic influence of a principle termed diastase, which exists in the malt, and the formation of which shall be detailed under the head of germination. To convert lignine into sugar, bits of paper or linen are to be im- bibed with their own weight of oil of vitriol, until they are converted into an uniform viscid mass, taking care that it shall not become hot ; this is then to be diluted, and the liquor boiled for some time. The acid being then removed by chalk, the sugar is obtained pure, by crystallization, as in the former case. Sugar of grapes crystallizes in hard colourless tables, or in hemi- spherical grains, consisting of minute needles closely aggregated together; its specific gravity is 1'38; it is much sweeter than cane sugar, and less soluble in water. When heated to 212, it gives off two atoms of water, which it recovers when redissolved ; but by a stronger heat it is changed into caramel. It is soluble in twenty parts of boiling absolute alcohol, and separates almost totally on cooling, in granular crystals, which contain alcohol combined. It combines with bases, forming compounds analogous to those given by cane sugar. Transformation of Starch into Sugar. 765 The composition of crystallized grape sugar is C 12 H 14 14 , or C^HnOn -f 3Aq. When fused at 212, it becomes C 12 H, 2 O 12 , or C^HnOn -f Aq. Its compound with chloride of sodium, which crystallizes in fine double six-sided pyramids, consist of 2(C 12 Hi 2 O 12 ) + NaCl + 2Aq. With a solution of basic acetate of lead it gives a white precipitate, the formula of which is Ci 2 HnOn + 3PbO, corresponding to the crys- tallized sugar. The dry grape sugar has evidently the same composition as the crystallized cane sugar. The kinds of sugar (glucose) derived from these different sources are not so really identical as has been generally supposed, since they are found to act differently upon polarized light. Grape sugar, as con- tained in the grape juice, or in the juice of the flowering grasses, ro- tates the plane of polarization to the left, but if the juice be evaporated, and the sugar crystallized, its molecular constitution is so totally altered, as that when redissolved it gives a rotation to the right. The starch sugar, as well as cane sugar, rotates also to the right, but in a much inferior degree to the starch gum, which, as already mentioned, re- ceives its name of dextrine from that quality. As lignine, starch, gum, and cane sugar, all contain the same quan- tity of carbon (C J2 ), their transformation into grape sugar consists evidently in the fixation of the elements of water; thus lignine, C 12 H 8 O 8 takes 4HO, and 100 parts of sawdust have been found to give 115 of sugar; starch (C 12 H 10 O 10 ) takes 2HO, and 100 parts of it usually yield 106. It has been remarked, that a certain quantity of mannite is at the same time produced, besides sacchulmine. Grape sugar yields, when treated with dilute sulphuric acid, the same brown substances as cane sugar; but if the sulphuric acid be concentrated, it forms with the elements of the sugar a peculiar acid termed the sulpho-saccharic. Sugar of starch or grapes is to be fused at a low heat, and 1 J parts of oil of vitriol then well mixed with it. If the sugar be pure and the temperature be kept low, the product is not coloured. Its constitution is not rigidly determined, but its lead salt consists of 2(C 12 H 11 O 11 ) + S0 3 + 4PbO. In acting on grape sugar, nitric acid gives rise to the same products, oxalic and saccharic acids, as cane sugar; indeed it appears probable, that like the other strong acids this also first changes the cane sugar into glucose, and that the saccharic acid is really derived from the latter. On this view its formation is more easily explained, for as the dry glucose is C 12 H u On and the saccharic acid is C J2 H 5 Oji, the oxygen of the nitric acid simply removes six atoms of the hydrogen of the grape sugar and the elements of the acid remain. 766 Lactine Mucic Acid. Glucic and Melassic Acids. By contact, even with the strongest bases, cane sugar is but slowly altered, and hence lime may be employed to clarify the vegetable juices which contain it; but under the same circumstances grape sugar is rapidly decomposed and an acid formed, which is termed gludc acid. It is very soluble in water and does not crystallize ; with lime, barytes, and lead, it forms neutral soluble salts, but it precipitates a solution of basic acetate of lead. Its taste is purely acid, and it reddens litmus. Its composition is C 12 H 8 8 , and it is isomeric, therefore, in its dry state, with lignine. When a strong solution of caustic potash is added to fused grape sugar and boiled, the glucic acid, which at first forms, is decomposed. The liquor become deep brown, and yields, on the addition of muriatic acid, a black flocculent precipitate of melassic acid. The formula C 2 4H 12 Oi has been assigned to it, but its nature is not well known. Lactine, or Sugar of milk. This remarkable substance, which is found only in the milk of the mammalia, is obtained by evaporating whey to a pellicle and setting it aside to cool, when the sugar crystallizes in small square prisms, white, semitransparent, hard and gritty under the teeth. The taste of the crystals is but slightly sweet, but that of a strong solution is much more so. It dissolves very slowly in water and is insoluble in alcohol. When the crystals of lactine are gradually heated to 290, they give off two atoms of water; at about 300 they fuse and give off three atoms of water more. The composition of the dry sugar thus obtained is C 24 H 19 O 19 , and of the crystals C24Hi 9 O 19 + 5Aq. By mixing solu- tions of sugar of milk, and of basic acetate of lead, a white precipi- tate is produced, the formula of which is C 2 4H 19 19 + 5PbO. By digestion with dilute sulphuric acid, sugar of milk is changed into grape sugar, and then produces the other reactions already de- scribed. With alcalies the decomposition is also the same as that of glucose, but the action of nitric acid on lactine differs from that on any other sugar, as the acid formed is not the saccharic, but that already noticed as obtained from native gum, the mucic acid. To obtain mucic acid, one part of gum or lactine is to be dissolved in four parts of nitric acid, specific gravity 1*42, mixed with one part of water. Heat is to be applied until all effervescence has ceased, and the mucic acid is deposited on cooling. It is a crystalline powder, gritty under the teeth and feebly acid. It dissolves in six parts of Glycyrrhizine. Mannite. 767 boiling water, but is insoluble in alcohol. Its crystals have the for- mula, C 12 H 10 O 16 , being formed from gum by the simple addition of six equivalents of oxygen. This formula contains, however, 2Aq. as it is a bibasic acid, and its salts consist of C 12 H 8 O 14 + 2. MO. The alcaline mucates are soluble, the earthy and metallic salts are insoluble in water. When mucic acid is long boiled with water, its acid properties become much stronger, and it becomes more soluble in water and soluble in alcohol ; it gradually returns from this state to its ordinary condition, even when combined with bases. If mucic acid be distilled at a high temperature, water and carbonic acid are evolved, and a sublimate forms in brilliant white plates, which are soluble in alcohol and water; C 12 H 10 16 give 2C0 2 and 6HO, besides C 10 H 4 6 , which is the formula of the hydrated pyromucic acid. This substance fuses at 270, and is volatile at 290 without decomposition. Its salts contain one equiv- alent of base ; those of lead, barytes, and silver are insoluble ; those of the alcalies are very soluble in water. With this acid a certain quantity of chlorine may be combined, forming ckloropyromucic acid, C 10 H 3 C1 4 O 5 , which is prepared by acting with chlorine on pyromucic ether. Fungus Sugar. Is deposited in rhombic prisms from the watery solution of the alcoholic extract of ergot of rye. They are insoluble in ether ; they give oxalic acid by nitric acid, and undergo the alcoholic fermentation. Their composition was found to give the formula Ci 2 H 13 O i3 , but little is known accurately of this variety of sugar. Of Gfycyrrhizzine and Mannile. These bodies are connected so closely with the true sugars, that, although wanting in the characteristic of forming alcohol by fermenta- tion, they may be best described here. Glycyrrhyzine. This substance, which is found in the liquorice root, and in some other sweet woods, is obtained by boiling the root of liquorice in water, and after concentrating the liquor adding thereto sulphuric acid. A white precipitate containing the glycyrrhyzine com- bined with sulphuric acid and albumen is formed. This is to be washed with acid water, and then with pure water, and to be dissolved in al- cohol, which leaves the albumen. The alcoholic solution is to be de- composed by carbonate of potash, which throws down the sulphuric acid, and by evaporating the filtered liquor, the sweet principle remains pure, as a yellow transparent mass. Its most remarkable property is that of combining very definitely 768 Mucous and Lactic Fermentations. with acids and bases, and with several neutral sails. Almost every acid precipitates a compound from a solution of glycyrrhyzine. It expels the carbonic acid from the carbonates of potash, soda, and barytes, combining with the base, and it precipitates the solutions of most of the ordinary metallic salts. Neither the pure substance, nor any of its compounds, have been accurately analyzed. Mannite C 6 H 7 6 . Is found in manna, of which it constitutes the sweet principle. It exudes also from the bark of other trees, and exists in most mushrooms. It is produced by the decomposition of cane sugar in certain cases. To obtain it, manna is digested in boiling alcohol, and the liquor filtered whilst very hot; on cooling, the mannite is deposited almost totally, and may be purified by repeated crystalliza- tions. Its taste is slightly sweet; it is very soluble in water, and crystallizes in brilliant white prisms of silky lustre. When heated gently, it fuses without losing weight. With nitric acid it gives oxalic and saccharic acids. It does not appear to combine with bases. If the unclarified juice of the beet or carrot root be kept at a tem- perature of 100 for some time, a tumultuous decomposition sets in, which is termed the mucous fermentation. All the sugar disappears, and the liquor is found to contain a large quantity of gum and of mannite, with a peculiar acid, which exists naturally in all the animal fluids, but especially in milk, and is termed the lactic acid. At the same time carbonic acid gas is evolved and the liquor contains ammonia. This action is too complex to be expressed in formulae, but it may be noticed that one equivalent of dry cane sugar contains the elements of two equivalents of lactic acid; whilst by abstracting two atoms of oxygen from an equivalent of crystallized grape sugar, the constituents of two atoms of mannite remain. Lactic Acid and the Lactates. Lactic acid may be prepared by means of this mucous fermentation, or also abundantly from sour whey or from the sour waters obtained in the manufacture of wheaten starch ; but it is best obtained in quantity by the conversion of sugar in a peculiar species of catalysis, which may be termed lactic fermentation. If a solution of one part of sugar in five parts of water be made to ferment at a temperature of 90 or 100, by the addition of a small quantity of cheese or an animal mem- brane, and that prepared chalk be added from time to time to neutralize the acid which is generated, after some time the liquor becomes nearly solid from the deposition of crystalline grains of lactate of lime which may be purified by solution in boiling water and recrystallization. In Lactic Acid. Lactates. 769 this action, if well carried on, the sole product is lactic acid. Traces of mannite sometimes appear, but only from the liquor having acciden- tally passed into the mucous fermentation. The conversion of the sugar is purely catalytic, two equivalents of hydrated lactic acid, 2(C 6 H 6 O 6 ) being equal to one equivalent of grape sugar, or one of cane sugar -f- one of water. To obtain the acid pure, advantage is taken of the facility of crys- tallizing the lactate of zinc. The lactate of lime may be decomposed by sulphate of zinc, and the sulphate of lime being removed by the filter, the liquor is to be evaporated, and on cooling the lactate of zinc may be obtained in large crystals, easily rendered quite pure by re- solution and crystallization. A solution of pure lactate of zinc being decomposed by water of barytes, lactate of barytes is obtained, which, with sulphuric acid, gives sulphate of barytes, and the pure lactic acid dissolves. The solution is to be placed in vacuo over sulphuric acid ; it gives a sirup-thick liquor which has the formula C 6 H 6 O 6 , or C 6 H 5 O 5 + Aq., as it contains an atom of basic water ; it tastes strongly acid. When heated to 480, it gives off water and a white sublimate forms in brilliant white rhomboidal plates, which is paralactic add. It is purified by solution in boiling alcohol, from which it crystallizes. The composition of this body is C 6 H 4 O 4 ; it fuses at 225, and sublimes at 450 ; it tastes very slightly acid, and dissolves but very slowly in water ; the solution gives, when evaporated, only the sirupy liquid of the hydrated acid, and does not crystallize. The lactic acid coagulates albumen ; it mixes with milk when cold, but coagulates it when boiled. It forms monobasic salts, in which its formula is C 6 H 5 5 . They are all soluble in water, and crystallize but imperfectly, except that of zinc, which forms brilliant white four-sided prisms, containing three atoms of crystal water. The protolactate of iron, C 6 H05 -j- FeO + 3Aq. may be obtained crystallized in small prisms of a greenish-yellow colour. The perlactate of iron dries into a reddish transparent mass like shell -lac. These last are used in me- dicine. The lactic acid will be again noticed as a constituent of the animal system where it exists in the blood and flesh, perhaps also in urine, but this latter is questionable after Liebig's experiments. 49 770 CHAPTEE XXI. OF THE ALCOHOLIC AND ACETIC FERMENTATIONS OF ALCOHOL, THE ETHERS, ALDEHYD, ACETIC ACID, AND OTHER BODIES DERIVED FROM IT. AN aqueous solution of pure sugar may remain perfectly unaltered for any length of time, if carefully excluded from the air. If the air have access, it is gradually decomposed, becoming brown and sour, but no alcohol is generated. If, however, the solution of sugar be brought into contact with any organic substance which is itself in the act of slow decomposition, then the particles of sugar participate in the change which is going forward, and carbonic acid and alcohol result. The substance which is specially active in inducing this kind of fer- mentation, is an azotized body termed yeast ; but a number of animal and vegetable substances can also effect it. Blood, white of egg, glue, flesh, if they have begun to putrefy, are capable of exciting it ; but the bodies of most practical importance in that respect are, vegetable albumen and gluten. These bodies exist in all fruits and seeds, in greater or less proportion, but they differ in character, according to the plants they are derived from, nearly in the same way as the varieties of starch. I shall here only notice them as derived from wheat and from beans, as I shall have occasion to describe some other forms hereafter. If wheaten flour be washed with water, in a linen bag, the starch passes oft', and a tenacious paste remains, which consists of albumen and gluten mixed. They may be separated by boiling in alcohol, which dissolves the latter, and leaves the former behind. On mixing the alcoholic liquor with water, the gluten is precipitated, and may be col- lected and dried. Vegetable Gluten so obtained is pale yellow, and forms, when soft, an adhesive mass, very extensile and elastic. Its solution in alcohol is thick-fluid when concentrated; insoluble in ether, it dissolves in acetic acid, and in alcaline solutions. It combines with the mineral acids, forming bodies very sparingly soluble in water, which are pre- cipitated by adding the acid to the solution of gluten in acetic acid, or in potash. If these solutions be mixed with solutions of earthy, or metallic salts, precipitates are formed, which are compounds of the gluten with the metallic oxide. Gluten Albumen. Legumine. 771 In all these reactions, the gluten is accompanied by a slimy material, termed mucin, which it is difficult to remove perfectly from the gluten; it is best effected by boiling with water, when the mucin remains dis- solved. Its solution is precipitated by sulphate of iron and infusion of galls, but not by acetate of lead or corrosive sublimate. Vegetable albumen remains behind after the rough gluten has been boiled in alcohol. It is destitute of elasticity when softened, and dries to a hard white mass ; it is moderately soluble in water, and its solu- tion is coagulated by heat ; it dissolves in alcaline liquors. Its solu- tions are precipitated by acids, except the phosphoric and acetic, and by all earths and metallic salts ; these precipitates are white or coloured, according to the nature of the metallic oxide ; with ferro-prussiate of potash, and with infusion of galls, the solution of vegetable albumen in acetic acid gives white precipitates. Legumin. This substance, which exists in peas and beans, possesses properties intermediate to those of the gluten and albumen of wheat. When powdered peas are diffused through water, the starch settles to the bottom, but the legumin is dissolved, and separates by evaporation, on the surface of the liquor, in mucous transparent pellicles. Its so- lution is not coagulated by heat ; it is insoluble in alcohol. It dis- solves in solutions of the vegetable acids, and is precipitated on the addition of a mineral acid. It dissolves in alcalies, and gives, with the earthy and metallic salts, compounds insoluble in water. All these substances differ from most vegetable bodies, in containing a large quantity of nitrogen, and in the latter case, sulphur, as a con- stituent. They leave behind, when burned, an ash consisting of phos- phates of lime, magnesia, and iron, similar to the ash of animal sub- stances. Indeed an almost perfect similarity of properties exists be- tween these bodies, and fibrine, albumen, and casein among animal products ; in the case of casein and legumine probably amounting to identity. In contact with air and water, these bodies enter spontane- ously into decomposition, evolving carbonic acid and ammonia, and forming new products, and in this state of decomposition they super- induce the alcoholic fermentation on those particles of sugar which lie in contact with them. Hence, in fruits, the sugar may lie in contact with these vegeto-animal substances without any change occurring, as long as the investing membrane of the fruit-cells remains perfect ; but if the fruit be crushed, so that the air have access, then oxygen is ab- sorbed, the vegeto-animal body begins to putrefy, and the sugar is soon engaged in the decomposition. It is remarkable, that the necessity for oxygen is at the commencement of the decomposition ; when the putrefaction of the albumen, or gluten, has once begun, it extends 772 Nature of Yeast. Alcoholic Fermentation. itself throughout its whole mass without requiring any further action of the air. The principles of the conservation of vegetable juices,, by inclosure in vessels from which the air is excluded, can easily be understood from this, as well as the utility of such agents as sulphurous acid, or sul- phite of potash, which absorb any traces of oxygen that may be pre- sent, and prevent it from acting on the organic substance. The general characters of these natural ferments being thus sketched, it is necessary to add the important facts of the history of artificial ferment, or yeast. This is nothing more than the decomposing mass of vegetable gluten, or albumen, produced in a previous fermentation. If the yeast be too old, that is, if all the vegeto-animal matters be already decomposed, its power of exciting action is destroyed ; it is also destroyed by boiling, by alcohol, by many salts and acids, and generally by all those means which give to the albumen and gluten an insoluble form, and prevent their further putrefaction. When a solution of pure sugar is fermented by contact with a cerfain quantity of yeast, this last is found to be very much diminished in quantity, and to have totally lost its activity. On the contrary, if in place of pure sugar, grape or currant juice or an infusion of malt be used, the quantity of ferment is found to be much increased, and to preserve all its power. In this case the albumen and gluten of the vegetable juices are themselves brought into the same train of decom- position as the added portion of yeast, and thus form a new and larger quantity of active fermenting material. Thus, in a brewery, the quan- tity of yeast continually increases. If yeast be examined with the microscope, it is found to contain a vast number of minute globular bodies, possibly animalcules, which derive their nutriment from it ; but recently some very unfounded attempts have been made to connect these globules essentially with the process of fermentation, by the idea that in the process of nutrition they absorbed the sugar, and that the products of fermentation were excreted subsequently by them. But this is shown to be absurd, by the simple fact, that the weight of the alcohol and carbonic acid is greater than the weight of the sugar. The phenomena of the alcoholic fermentation are best observed on the clear expressed grape juice, kept at a temperature between 70 and 80, in a lightly-covered vessel. After a few hours, a slight efferves- cence is observed, and the liquor becomes turbid, as if pipe-clay were diffused through it. As the effervescence increases, the liquor becomes warmer, and the precipitate forms flocculi, on which the gas-bubbles are evolved, being thereby carried to the surface of the liquor, and falling down again wh^n the gas-bubbles have broken. This circulation Alcoholic Fermentation. 773 continues until the fermentation has ceased, when the precipitate col- lects at the bottom. The liquor no longer tastes sweet; it contains no sugar, but in place of it, an equivalent quantity of alcohol. An in- fusion of malt does not so readily ferment as the grape juice, unless some yeast be first added. In its spontaneous fermentation, most of the gum and sugar which it contains, passes into the mucous fermen- tation, whilst but little alcohol is formed. In the practical manufac- ture of malt drinks and spirits, therefore, the worts are always set to ferment by the addition of a suitable quantity of the yeast formed in a preceding operation. Although the essential character of sugar is, to be capable of alco- holic fermentation ; yet the different kinds of sugar enter on that pro- cess with unequal facility. The sugar of milk requires the presence of a very active ferment, and of an acid, by the influence of which it is changed into sugar of grapes. Thus milk does not ferment until it has become clotted and sour ; the casein then acts as yeast, in super- inducing the alcoholic fermentation. Indeed, no matter what kind of sugar is employed in this process, it is changed into grape sugar before fermenting, as is shown by the action of the liquor upon polarized light. The grape sugar, as dried at 2] 2, contains exactly the elements of two atoms of alcohol, and four of carbonic acid, as 2(C 4 H 6 O 2 ) and 4.CO 2 arise from Ci 2 H 12 12 . As cane sugar takes an atom of water to form grape sugar, it follows that cane sugar in fermenting should yield more than its own weight of carbonic acid and alcohol, and it has been ascertained by experiment that 100 parts actually give 104, whilst by theory, 105 should be produced, consisting of 51*3 of carbonic acid and 53' 7 of alcohol. This coincidence of numbers prove that these bodies are the only products. The influence of the yeast is, therefore, strictly what Berzelius terms catalytic, but its action becomes much more definitely intelligible, by considering it as a case of the general principle expressed by Liebig, that motion (decomposition) may be communicated from the particles of one body (yeast) to those of another (sugar) by virtue of proximity, as described more fully in pp. 229-234. As further details of the circumstances of the alcoholic fermentation should vary with the nature of the liquor to be produced, whether it be for immediate drinking, as wine, ale, or porter, or for distillation, and that these lead to purely technical descriptions of the arts of brew- ing, &c., I shall not enter on them. OF VINIC ALCOHOL AND THE ETHERS DERIVED FROM IT. When any saccharine liquor, which has undergone the alcoholic fer- mentation is distilled at a gentle heat, a very volatile liquid passes 774 Rectified Spirit. Proof Spirit. over, which by successive rectifications may be deprived of most of the water which had been mixed with it. In various degrees of strength* and contaminated by minute traces of essential oils, characteristic of the plants from which the saccharine liquor had been obtained, it con- stitutes the potato-spirit, brandy, malt-whiskey, arracJc, rum, &c. of commerce. In a still stronger form it constitutes the spirit of wine, or rectified spirit ; the term alcohol being applied to it only when it is chemically pure. By mere distillation alcohol cannot be freed from all the admixed water ; for which it exerts a strong affinity. When its specific gravity is reduced to O813 at 60, in which state it still con- tains 8*2 per cent, of water, or exactly half an equivalent, its boiling point remains constantly at 172, and it distils over unchanged. In the form of proof spirit of commerce its sp. gr. is about 0'920, and it contains 48 per cent, of absolute alcohol ; the rectified spirit containing about 83 per cent, and having the specific gravity 0'839 at 60 E. To obtain real alcohol, or absolute alcohol, as it is generally termed, rectified spirit is to be distilled at a moderate heat from some substance having a stronger affinity for water ; as lime, caustic potash, carbonate of potash, or chloride of calcium. Of these the last named should be preferred. The water of the spirit combines with the body used and forming a hydrate, the real alcohol distils over. The rectification should be conducted in a water bath. A singular mode of concentrating alcohol is founded on the fact that alcohol does not moisten the animal tissues but corrugates, and rather abstracts water from them. Hence if a bladder be filled with spirit of sp. gr. O820 containing 90 per cent, of alcohol ; and if it be left for a few days in a warm room, the spirit will be found to have its sp. gr. reduced to O'SOO, containing 97 per cent of real alcohol. The water permeates the bladder, and evaporates from the outer side, but as the alcohol does not moisten the bladder, it cannot get through, and con- sequently remains behind, freed from water. The very ingenious way of obtaining alcohol, devised by Graham, by evaporation in vacuo with quicklime, has been described in p. 111. Alcohol thus obtained anhydrous, has a sp. gr. of 0'7947 at 60; it boils at 168 ; the specific gravity of its vapour is 1598 ; it does not become solid even in the most intense cold ; its taste is burning and dry upon the tongue, owing to it abstracting water from its tissue. It is highly inflammable, burns with little light ; from its volatility, if some drops of it are poured into a jar of oxygen gas, its vapour forms a powerfully explosive mixture. It does not conduct electricity. It mixes with water in every proportion, contracts in volume, and evolves Constitution of Alcoliol. Uses of Alcohol. 775 heat. The sp. gr. of spirituous liquors is, therefore, always above the mean sp. gr. of the alcohol and water they contain. The greatest condensation occurs with 54 volumes of alcohol and 50 of water ; the mixture occupies only 100 volumes ; and its sp. gr. is 0*927, being a little denser than proof spirit. The formula of alcohol is C,H 6 O 2 , and its composition is, 4 equivalents of carbon = 24-0 . . . 52'66 6 hydrogen = 6*0 . . . 12-90 2 oxygen = 16'0 . . . 34*44 The equivalent of alcohol = 46'0 . . . lOO'OO This is confirmed by the products of its decomposition, and by the specific gravity of its vapour : for, 4 vols. of carbon vapour (836'8^X 4) = 3347'2 12 hydrogen (69'3 x 12) = 831-6 2 oxygen (1105-6 X 2) ==2211-2 Give four volumes of alcohol vapour 6390 '0 Of which one volume weighs . . . 1597'5 It will be shown, however, that alcohol consists of ether united to water, and that its formula is C 4 H 5 O -f- Aq. Its vapour is then formed by the union of volume of vapour of ether = 1286*4 ) i volume of vapour of water = 311-1 j 15y7 ' 5 The uses of alcohol in chemistry and pharmacy are numerous and important. It dissolves the caustic alcalies and most deliquescent salts, combining with them to form akoates, which resemble very remarkably the hydrates. Thus if dry chloride of calcium be dissolved in alcohol, the alcoate crystallizes by cooling, in large transparent plates. By heat, these are decomposed, and also by contact with water, which expels the alcohol, and takes its place. The permanent and efflo- rescent salts are generally insoluble in alcohol, and may be even precipi- tated by it from their solution in water ; the alcohol seizing on the water. An important pharmaceutic use of alcohol is for the solution of the resinous principles of plants, in the preparation of tinctures and alcoholic extracts. The strength of the alcohol must in these cases be regulated by the nature of the substances to be dissolved. Sometimes rectified spirit, at other times proof spirit being more effectual. The manufacture of alcohol is itself one of the most important arts ; it is the basis also of the manufacture of vinegar, of the making of resinous varnishes, and various other processes. To the chemist it is 776 Preparation of Ether. specially of interest as the type of a very interesting group of organic bodies, and yielding by its decomposition a very numerous series of products, which are of great importance in science, in pharmacy, and in the arts: When alcohol is exposed to the air it gradually absorbs oxygen, aldehyd and acetic acid being formed. It is then said to undergo the acetous fermentation. Under the influence of acids it loses an atom of water, compounds being formed which are termed ethers, into the composition of which the acid employed generally enters. OF SULPHURIC ETHER. ETHER. OXIDE OF ETHYLE. This substance may be prepared by any process which deprives alcohol of the equivalent of water which it contains. Thus, if potas- sium be placed in contact with absolute alcohol, hydrogen gas is evolved, and a compound of ether and potash crystallizes, C 4 H 5 O-f HO and K, giving C 4 H 5 O -f- KO and free H. If a current of gaseous fluoride of boron (p. 453) be passed into alcohol, it is absorbed, and boracic acid separates in crystals, whilst the liquor contains ether; here also the water of the alcohol is decomposed, fluoric and boracic acids being produced and ether liberated. By distillation with chloride of zinc also, the water may be abstracted from alcohol and ether ob- tained ; but the affinity of the other deliquescent salts is not sufficiently intense to decompose it. It is by the action of sulphuric acid upon alcohol that ether is, for practical purposes, always obtained. Equal weights of rectified spirit Action of Sulphuric Acid on Alcohol. Ill and of oil of vitriol, being well mixed, and avoiding any considerable rise of temperature, are to be introduced into a glass globe, to which heat may be applied by a sand bath, as represented in the figure. To this may be attached the form of condenser devised by Liebig for the distillation of very volatile liquids. It consists of a glass tube, three- fourths or one inch wide, and twenty-four or thirty inches, long, dd, to which is attached at one end by a good cork, a narrower tube passing to the globe, and to the other end is soldered a smaller tube bent at an obtuse angle, and conducting to the receiver m. The tube dd, fits water-tight by corks into a tinned cylinder e, the proportions of which may be judged from the figure ; this is kept full of cold water. When the distillation commences, the hot vapours entering the condensing tube at d } give out their latent heat to the surrounding water, and that part of the condenser should soon get hot, was not the water constantly changed ; by the funnel e, a stream of cold water flows from the reservoir i } into the lower part of the tube d, and presses up before it the warm and lighter water, until this is expelled by the tube/) when it is collected at p. The supply of cold water should be so proportioned to the supply of vapour, that, flowing away at^ it should not be sen- sibly warm to the hand. With this precaution, most volatile liquids may be perfectly condensed even in the midst of summer. The mix- ture of acid and spirit in the globe being brought to a temperature of about 260 as rapidly as possible, it begins to boil, and the ether distilling over, accompanied by some water and unaltered alcohol, col- lects in the receiver. Since the quantity of sulphuric acid continually increases in the globe, as the distillation proceeds, its action on the remaining alcohol changes ; the mixture becomes dark coloured, an oily substance distils over (oil of wine), and the quantity of ether formed diminishes rapidly. Sulphurous acid and olefiant gases are then evolved, and finally the mixture becomes thick and black, and froths up very much. When the object is only the preparation of ether, these reactions may be prevented, and a much larger product obtained, by admitting to the globe by means of the bent funnel b, a continual, but minute stream of rectified spirit. The action of the sulphuric acid is thus exercised upon successive quantities of spirit, and the liberation of the ether continues until the acid becomes so weak, as to be no longer able to decompose the alcohol, which occurs when the whole quantity of rectified spirit used, is about twice the weight of the oil of vitriol, which is then re- duced to the strength of SO 3 + 4Aq. Although we may represent the results of this reaction, by consid- ering the sulphuric acid to take water directly from the alcohol, and set 778 Continuous Formation of Ether. the ether free, such is by no means really the case ; on the contrary, when the alcohol acts on the oil of vitriol, the water of both is disen- gaged, and the sulphuric acid and ether unite to form sulphate of ether; (C 4 H 5 + Aq), and S0 3 + Aq, giving C 4 H 5 + SO 3 and 2.Aq. This body, which resembles very much sulphate of ammonia in its tendency to combination, unites with an atom of oil of vitriol to form bisulphate of ether, or as it is generally termed sulphovinic acid. The two atoms of sulphuric acid thus engaged, change very much in properties, forming salts with barytes and oxide of lead, which are very soluble in water. The two equivalents of water, which, as above described, are set free, dilute the remaining sulphuric acid to such a degree, as that it cannot decompose more alcohol ; hence, if absolute alcohol be used, 3(C 4 H 5 + Aq.), with 8(SO 3 .HO) produce, 3(C 4 H 5 O. S0 3 + HO.S0 3 ) and 2(S0 3 + 4Aq.) ; one-fourth of the sulphuric acid remaining over; if a weaker alcohol be used, the quantity of dilute sulphuric acid formed becomes proportionally greater. An acid which already contains four atoms of water, forms no sulphate of ether, when put in contact even with absolute alcohol, except the temperature be very high. The ether obtained by distilling a mixture of alcohol and oil of vitriol, results, therefore, not from the water being seized on by the oil of vitriol, but from the decomposition of its compound with sulphuric acid, the sulphate of ether; the ether being a base not much superior in energy to water, is expelled by it in turn under favourable circum- stances, especially when the water is present in excess. In this respect it resembles, as Rose has remarked, the sesquioxides of iron, antimony and bismuth, which form salts with sulphuric acid, that are totally decomposed by a large quantity of water, especially if their solutions be boiled ; the acid then combines with the water, and the metallic oxide precipitates. Before deciding on this view of the production of ether, it is necessary to describe some collateral phenomena. If absolute alcohol and strong oil of vitriol be employed in the preparation of ether, it is found that the distilled product consists of ether and water, forming two distinct layers in virtue of their different specific gravities ; but in quantity identical with those which constitute alcohol; 100 parts of the mixed liquids consisting of 19*5 water and 79*5 ether, when separated from a quantity of alcohol which had escaped decomposition. The oil of vitriol remains in the retort in its original state of concentration, and hence might be applied to etherify an infinite quantity of absolute alcohol, introduced in a continuous stream. To explain this very remarkable result, Mitscherlich advanced that the action of the sulphuric acid on the alcohol is merely catalytic, Theory of the Formation of Ether. 779 that it splits it, as it were, into ether and water, and these pieces not being able to reunite, come over in vapour, merely mixed with each other ; this idea is, however, quite inadmissible, as the whole quantity of ether is proved to be united with the sulphuric acid in the first place, and to distil over only after the decomposition of the compound that had been so formed. The observations of Liebig and Eose have removed the difficulty which this simultaneous evolution of water and ether presented to the adoption of the theory which supposes the ether to be expelled from its combination with the sulphuric acid, by the water. In fact, it is only at a particular temperature that the ether and water come over in atomic proportions, and this then results from the identity of the boiling points of the solution of sulphovinic acid and of the dilute sulphuric acid. Thus, when we heat together, sul- phate of ether (C 4 H 5 + SO 3 ) and the dilute sulphuric acid, S0 3 + 4Aq, the former is decomposed ; bihydrate of sulphuric acid, SO 3 -f- 2Aq. being formed, and ether set free ; but at this temperature the sulphuric acid begins to abandon its second atom of water, which then distils over with the ether. If we conduct the distillation very slowly, and retain the temperature below 212, the ether comes over, almost per- fectly free from water ; but at a higher temperature, the ether, when liberated, is immediately converted into elastic vapour, which bubbles through the liquid, like a gas, and the water evaporates in the space thus afforded, as it should evaporate in a current of air forced to bubble through the liquid in the same way. The production of ether depends, therefore, upon the facts, that when alcohol and oil of vitriol are mixed, sulphate of ether is formed and water is set free ; but on the application of heat, this action is inverted, and the ether is expelled from the acid, with which the water recombines. If the distillation be conducted so that the mixture boils, the dilute sulphuric acid concentrates itself, at the same time, by giving off an atom of w r ater, which condenses mixed with the ether, but had its origin in a perfectly independent action. If we heat alcohol in contact with glacial phosphoric or arsenic acids, it is similarly acted on, and the ether forms a phosphovinic or arseniovinic acid, which is decomposed by boiling, the ether being set free. These acids would be too costly to admit of their employment in the preparation of ether on the great scale, and besides, they do not act as powerfully as oil of vitriol. Although this ether does not con- tain any sulphuric acid, it is very generally called sulphuric ether, and I shall often use that name, but the distinction between it and the compound ethers formed by its union with acids, must be carefully kept in mind. ^ 780 Constitution of Ether. The ether formed by the process now described is rendered impure by admixture with alcohol and water, and sometimes oil of wine and sulphurous acid. It is freed from these by rectification, from a water bath, over some dry carbonate of potash. It is then a colourless liquid, of an agreeable penetrating odour, and a pungent taste. Its sp. gr. is 0-720 at 60; it does not conduct electricity; at 47 F. it freezes into a crystalline mass; it boils at 96; the.sp. gr. of its vapour is 2572*9. In evaporating it produces great cold, of which numerous applications have been noticed under the head of vaporization. (Sect. IV. Chap. III.) Ether is very extensively used as a medicinal agent, and exercises a very powerful action on the system. Its vapour if respired proves like carbonic acid an intense narcotic, and has been hence employed to produce torpor and prevent sensation during surgical operations. Ether is very combustible; its vapour, diffused through air or oxygen, forms powerfully explosive mixtures. Exposed to the air, it gradually absorbs oxygen, forming acetic acid. Its flame is brighter than that of alcohol, but it gives no smoke ; it dissolves sulphur and phosphorus in small quantity; iodine and bromine are abundantly dissolved, but they soon act on the ether ; most bodies that are soluble in alcohol are dissolved by ether, except salts, of which only very few, as the perchlorides of gold, of platina and of iron, are taken up by it. Ether combines with almost all acids, forming well defined, neutral salts, the compound ethers, which have a remarkable similarity to the ammoniacal salts. It is, therefore, an organic base ; its composition is expressed by the formula C 4 H 5 O, giving the numbers by weight : 4 equivalents of carbon . . 24 '00 . . . 65-31 5 ,, hydrogen . 5'00 . . . 13-33 1 oxygen . . 8'00 . . . 21-36 37-20 100-00 and by volume, 4 volumes of carbon vapour (836-8 x 4) = 3347 2 10 hydrogen , : (69'3 X 10) = 693-0 1 oxygen 1105-6 Produce two volumes of vapour of ether . 5145-8 Of which one weighs therefore .... 2572*9 In chemistry and pharmacy ether is of importance as a vehicle for the solution of many resinous and other bodies, and from its action on the animal economy. By the action of re-agents it yields a great number of derived compounds, of which the most important will be described in their proper place. Compounds of Ether and Sulphuric Acid. 781 The question of the intimate constitution of ether has been very much discussed, and opinions have followed precisely the same course, with regard to the theory of its compounds, as for that of the combi- nations of ammonia ; thus it has been looked upon as an oxide of a compound (metallic ?) radical, ethereum, or ethyle, as the salts of am- monia were supposed to contain a compound metal, ammonium. The formula of ethyle should be C 4 H 5 , and its symbol, Ae. On the other hand, it may be considered to consist of olefiant gas, C 4 H 4 , united to water, and the latter then takes the place of the arnmoniacal gas in the theory of ammonia. I shall frequently employ for ether the symbol Ae.O, and speak of it and other bodies as compounds of ethyle, as oxide, chloride, &c. but without any other present object than con- venience of language, for it would be impossible to discuss the com- parative merits of these theories, without knowing the properties of the compound ethers, of olefiant gas, of aldehyd, acetic acid, and many other bodies, which are involved in the reactions by which we may endeavour to test their value, and hence I shall postpone all details of the principles of the ether-theories until the end of the present chapter. COMPOUNDS OF ETHER WITH SULPHURIC ACID. Sulphovinic Acid. Bisulphate of Ether. Formula. C 4 H 5 O.S0 3 -f- HO.SO 3 or AeO.SO 3 + HO.SO 3 . Is pro- duced by mixing alcohol with oil of vitriol, as described for the preparation of ether, or by passing vapour of ether into oil of vitriol as long as it is absorbed. By heat this solution is decomposed. The sulphovinic acid cannot be obtained in a solid form ; if a solution of sulphovinate of lead be decomposed by sulphuret of hydrogen, a colourless and very acid liquor is obtained, which, when concentrated, evolves ether, blackens, and is totally decomposed. Its salts are all soluble, and generally deliquescent ; when boiled with muriatic acid, alcohol is evolved and sulphuric acid set free. By a high temperature they are decomposed, oil of wine, ether, olefiant gas, and sulphurous acid being given off, whilst a metallic sulphate or sulphuret remains behind mixed with some charcoal. By distilling a sulphovinate with a potash salt of any volatile acid, a compound of ether with that acid distils over, and sulphate of potash remains. By fusing a sulphovinate with a caustic alcali, water and olefiaut gas are expelled, and all the sulphuric acid remains combined with the alcali. Sulphovinate of Potash. AeO.SO 3 + KO.S0 3 . Crystallizes in colourless rhomboidal plates, which are anhydrous ; it is very soluble in water, but sparingly soluble in alcohol. Sulphovinate of barytes, 782 Siilphovinic, Ethionic, and Isethionic AeO.SOg -f. BaO.SO 3 4- 2Aq. crystallizes in oblique rhomboidal prisms unalterable in the air ; it tastes strongly acid ; in vacuo it abandons its water, and is then not altered by a heat of 212, but if the hydrated salt be heated to 21 2, alcohol is given off, and sulphuric acid set free. Sulphovinate of lime, crystallizes in thin hexagonal plates, which are very deliquescent ; it is soluble in less than its own weight of cold water. Sulphovinate of lead forms large rhombic crystals, deliquescent, very soluble in water and in alcohol ; it is gradually decomposed at ordinary temperatures. Sulphovinate of copper, AeO.SO 3 -f CuO.S0 3 -f- 4Aq, forms large blue octagonal plates, permanent in the air, and very soluble in alcohol and water ; heated to 212 it is totally decom- posed. Ethionic and Isethionic Acids. These substances are formed by acting on alcohol, or ether, with the vapours of anhydrous sulphuric acid; the liquor, neutralized by barytes, gives the insoluble sulphate, and the soluble ethionate of barytes, which last separates from the concentrated liquor, as a crystalline precipitate, on the addition of alcohol. A solution of this salt, when decomposed by sulphuric acid, gives free ethionic acid, which, by boiling, is decom- posed into sulphovinic acid and isethionic acid, of which, indeed, Liebig considers it to be, in reality, only a mixture. The isethionic acid is formed more characteristically by the direct union of anhydrous sulphuric acid and olefiant gas, and will be described as a compound of that body. Althionic and Methionic Acids. "When the mixture of alcohol and oil of vitriol, for making ether, has been distilled so far as that it has become black and began to froth, it produces, when neutralized with bases, a series of salts, which, though having the same per cent, composition as the sulphovinates, differ very much from them in properties ; thus the Altliionate of lime does not crystallize; the Altliionate of Barytes crystallizes in fine needles, in place of the large plates of the sulphovinate ; the Altliionate of copper is still more distinct, as its crystals are thin acute rhombs, of a pale green colour. If the ether, into which the vapours of sulphuric acid are passed, be allowed to grow hot, it becomes black, sulphurous acid is evolved, and an acid is formed different from any of the preceding ; it is called the methionic acid, and is characterized by its barytes salt being totally insoluble in alcohol, and but sparingly soluble in water. When its salts are fused with caustic potash, merely sulphite of potash remains; Sulphate of Ether. Oil of Wine. Etherol and Etherine. 783 the formula of the acid contained in the barytes salt is C 2 H 3 S 2 O 7 . It evidently does not contain any simple combination of alcohol or ether. Heavy Oil of Wine Sulphate of Ether and Etherol. Probable formula C 8 H 9 O -f 2SO 3 , or AeO.SO 3 + C 4 H 4 .SO 3 . When one part of rectified spirit is distilled with two and a-half parts of oil of vitriol, a little ether passes over, followed by an oily yellow liquid, and water, with much sulphurous acid. The oil is to be washed with a little water, and then dried in vacuo under a bell-glass, beside two cups, one of oil of vitriol and the other of caustic potash ; the first absorbs the water and ether, and the last the sulphurous acid. This substance is then a thin oil, sometimes green and sometimes yellow ; its odour aromatic and pungent; its specific gravity 1*133; when heated it begins to boil, but is rapidly decomposed, blackening and evolving sulphurous acid, and but little distilling over. It is scarcely soluble in water, but abundantly so in alcohol and ether. When boiled with water, or with an alcaline solution, sulphovinic acid is formed, and etherol (light oil of \oine) set free, which floats upon the surface. The composition of this body is not absolutely constant. It is usually considered to be a mixture, in variable proportions, of true sulphate of ether, AeO.SO 3 , with sulphate of etherol, C 4 H 4 .SO 3 . I have found that when distilled with oxalate or acetate of potash, with chloride or sulphuret of potassium, oxalic and acetic ethers, muriatic ether, &c., are generated, and at the same time etherol remains indif- ferent to these re-agents. It has been suggested that, as these heavy and light oils of wine are produced but in such small quantities from even large quantities of spirit, and that their relations to the true ether are so doubtful, they may really belong to the amylic series, and be products, not of the ether, but of the volatile oil which accompanies and flavours the raw fermented spirits. Another process for obtaining this heavy oil of wine consists in mix- ing dry sulphovinate of lime with its own weight of quicklime, and distilling at a heat not exceeding 520. The oil which comes over mixed with alcohol is to be purified as already noticed. Etherol and Etherine. C 4 H 4 . The oil, which is separated from the foregoing substance, by hot water, or by alcalies, divides itself gene- rally, after some time, into a liquid and a solid portion ; the first con- stitutes the light oil of wine, etherol. It is pale yellow, and thick, like olive oil ; its odour is aromatic ; its specific gravity = 0*921 ; it boils at 500 ; at 35 it freezes. The etherine forms hard, brittle, colourless prisms ; it is tasteless ; its specific gravity 0*980 ; it melts at 230 and boils at 464 ; it is soluble in alcohol and ether. The com- 784 Saline Compounds of Ether. position of both these bodies is the same, consisting of equal numbers of atoms of carbon and hydrogen, but their atomic weights are not known. It is very probable that the etherol is really a mixture of two other bodies, for when a saturated solution of chloride of zinc in alco- hol is distilled, an oily liquor is obtained, which, by rectification, may be separated into two fluids, of which one, boiling at 212, has the formula C 8 H 7 , and the other which boils only at 570o, has the formula CsH 9 . A mixture of equal quantities of the two should have the com- position assigned to etherol. Liebig and Eegnault have found the etherol obtained by alcohol and sulphuric acid, to have the formula C 4 H 3 , so that it must be looked upon as an irregular mixture of several oils, which have not yet been obtained pure. The etherol, or ethereal oil is employed to prepare Hoffman's anodyne liquor, being dissolved in a mixture of one part of ether and two of spirit of wine. Compounds of Ether with the Phosphoric and Arsenic Acids. Phosphovinic Acid. AeO.P0 5 -f- 2HO. When concentrated tri- basic phosphoric acid is dissolved in alcohol, great heat is evolved, and one atom of water replaced by an atom of ether. The acid salt thus formed may be obtained crystallized, but when its solution is heated strongly it is decomposed. It combines with two atoms of base to form the phosphovinates, of which few are as yet well known. The barytes salt, P0 5 + Ae0.2BaO + 12Aq. crystallizes in brilliant co- lourless plates, and is remarkable for being equally soluble in water at 32 and 212, but three times more soluble in water at 104. Arseniovinic Acicl.A.sO^ + AeO -f- 2HO. Is formed with arsenic acid and alcohol, like the body last described. Its salts have been but very slightly examined. Compounds of Ether with the other Mineral Acids. Muriatic Ether. Chloride of Ethyle. C 4 H 5 .C1. Is prepared by distilling a mixture of three parts of oil of vitriol, four of fused common salt, and two of absolute alcohol. The retort should be connected with two two-necked bottles, of which the first should be immersed in a vessel of water at 60, and the second be surrounded by ice, or a freezing mixture. Some alcohol and common ether which pass over, are condensed in the first bottle, whilst the muriatic ether is reduced to the liquid state only in the second. By digestion with some chloride of calcium it is rendered quite pure. It is a colourless liquid of a pungent garlic odour; its specific gravity = 0*874; it boils at 52; is neutral; sparingly soluble in Chloride, Iodide and Sulphuret of Ethyle. 785 water ; it bums with a bright flame, green at the edges, and gives off muriatic acid gas. By passing through a red-hot tube, it affords equal volumes of olefiant and muriatic acid gases, or by heating with potash, it gives olefiant gas and chloride of potassium. Heated with alcaline salts, it yields compound ethers and alcaline chlorides. When muriatic ether is heated with potassium, Lowig states, that chloride of potas- sium is formed and a light oily substance separates, which has the formula C 4 H 5 . It should be ethyle, but so important an observation has need of verification. This body is often called light muriatic ether, to distinguish it from heavy muriatic ether, which results from the action of chlorine on weak alcohol. Hydrolromic Ether. Bromide of Ethyle. C 4 H 5 .Br. Is obtained by distilling together two parts of bromine, one of phosphorus, and six of alcohol. There is first formed bromide of phosphorus, which instantly decomposes the water of the alcohol, and the nascent hydro- bromic acid acting on the ether forms the hydrobromic ether. In properties it perfectly resembles the following body : Hydriodic Ether. Iodide of Ethyle. C 4 H 5 .I. Is formed by dis- tilling iodine, alcohol, and phosphorus. It is a colourless liquid, of a pungent ethereal smell; its specific gravity = 1*92 ; it boils at 161; it is abundantly soluble in alcohol. Heated with potash, it gives pure olefiant gas and iodide of potassium. The theory of its formation is the same as in the former case. Hydrosulphuric Ether. Sulphuret of Ethyle. C 4 H 5 .S. May be formed by acting on muriatic ether, with an alcoholic solution of sulphuret of potassium. It boils at 187 ; it combines with sul- phuret of hydrogen to form the following very remarkable sub- stance. Sulphur-alcohol, or Mercaptan. C 4 H 6 S 2 , or Ae.S -j- HS. Which is obtained directly by distilling in a water bath concentrated solutions of sulphovinate of lime, and of potash saturated with sulphuret of hydrogen, KS -f HS, and AeO.SO 3 + KO.SO 3 , producing 2.KO.SO 3 , and AcS 4- HS ; the mercaptan distils over, aud sulphate of potash remains in the retort ; it is a colourless thin liquid, of an insupportable smell of onions; it boils at 96; its specific gravity is 0' 84 ; it dis- solves in alcohol ; is perfectly neutral ; burns with a bright blue flame; and by cold, freezes into a crystalline mass. In constitution, it is per- fectly analogous to alcohol, the oxygen being replaced by sulphur. When placed in contact with metallic oxides, water is formed, and a double sulphuret of ethyle and the metal produced. This occurs remarkably with oxide of mercury, whence the barbarous name given to this body by Zeize, from mercurium captans, and to its compounds 50 786 Hyponitrite and Nitrate of Ether. of mercaptides. That of mercury is a crystalline solid, fusible at 110, and soluble in alcohol. The properties of this body induced its discover, Zeize, to look upon it as a compound of hydrogen with a compound radical which he called mercaptum, which should be really the following compound. Its formula then became C 4 H 5 S 2 + H. He extended this view also to common alcohol, which he considers as C 4 H 5 2 + H. ; but this theory has met with very few supporters. Thialol. Bisulphuret of Ethyle. AeS 2 . Is formed by distilling a mixture of sulphovinate of lime and persulphuret of potassium. It is a limpid, oily fluid, with a strong garlic smell ; it boils at 124. Its solution in alcohol precipitates the salts of lead and mercury. By the action of nitric acid on these sulphurets of ethyle, acids are pro- duced analogous to the sulphovinic, but which are not as yet accurately known. The Seleniuret and Telluret of Ethyle have been formed, but do not require description. Nitrous Ether. Hyponitrite of Ethyle. AeO.N0 3 . When alcohol and strong nitric acid are directly mixed, the action is very violent ; heat is evolved, red fumes are copiously given off, and acetic, oxalic and carbonic acids formed. Even when the acid is dilute, its action is very complex; giving up two atoms of oxygen to one portion of the alcohol, it produces aldehyd, and acetic and oxalic acids, and it is only the hyponitrous acid thus produced that acts on the remaining alcohol, and, combining with the ether of it, forms the proper nitrous ether. To avoid these oxidized products, the best plan is to generate red fumes of hyponitrous acid, in a retort, and to conduct these fumes by a bent tube to the bottom of a two-necked bottle containing alcohol. They are copiously absorbed, and combine directly with the ether. Erom the second neck of the bottle, a tube should pass to a condensing apparatus and receiver ; enough of heat is evolved by the absorption of the red fumes, to distil over the nitrous ether formed, which may be thus obtained quite pure. Another process, which may now be considered as obsolete, con- sisted in distilling a mixture of oil of vitriol, nitrate of potash, and rectified spirit, by the heat of a water bath, into a receiver cooled by snow. The nitric acid acted very violently on the alcohol, and the product was impure, and small in quantity. Nitrous ether is a liquid, colourless, or pale yellow, of a pungent odour of apples ; it usually reacts acid from slight decomposition, but is neutral if quite pure; its specific gravity is 0-947 ; it boils at 61 Pah. Exposed to the air, it absorbs oxygen rapidly, and forms Preparation of Nitrous Ether. 787 aldehyd, acetic and formic acids, at the same time nitric oxide is given off. By contact with any strong base, it is decomposed ; alcohol being set free, and a hyponitrite formed. A solution of this nitrous ether in spirit (spiritus nitri dulcis) is employed in pharmacy. It is prepared by distilling a mixture of one part of nitric acid, and ten of rectified spirit, collecting the first seven parts which come over, and digesting them on a little dry carbonate of potash, to remove any traces of free acid. Its specific gravity should be 0'850. It may be prepared directly by dissolving one part of real nitrous ether in eight parts of spirits of wine. The method lately proposed by Kopp for the preparation of nitrous ether, deserves preference to all of those hitherto described, for the facility of its use and the quantity of its product. He introduces into a retort some copper filings and the quantity of alcohol to be operated on, to which is to be gradually added an equal volume of nitric acid. Re-action takes place, but does not become violent, the copper dis- solving with evolution of hyponitrous acid gas, which acts on the alcohol producing hyponitrous ether. The action generates sufficient heat to sustain itself until towards the end, when a gentle heat may be applied by a water bath. The vapour of the ether is to be washed by passing it through a bottle containing water, and then through a tube containing chloride of calcium, in order to dry it, if it be required pure ; it is to be finally condensed in a receiver surrounded by a powerful freezing mixture. The hyponitrous ether having the formula C 4 H 5 N0 4 , it may upon the theory of substitutions be regarded as the hydrocarbon C 4 Hg, in which one atom of hydrogen is replaced by NO 4 . It will be found that several instances of this kind of substitution occur, and if such bodies be acted on by sulphuretted hydrogen, an artificial organic alcali is produced. Now when sulphuretted hydrogen acts on hyponitrous ether, alcohol and ammonia are generated, besides water and sulphur being set free, thus, C 4 H 5 NC>4 and 6. HO give C 4 H6O 2 with NH 3 and 2HO with 6.S Either therefore the analogy is unreal or the alcaloid has split from C 4 H 9 1TO 2 into C 4 H 6 O 2 and NH 3 Nitric ether. C 4 H 5 O + NO 5 . The mutual action of nitric acid and alcohol had been always found to be so violent that the production of this ether was believed impossible, until Millon remarked that the intense action is due to the nitrous acid which ordinary nitric acid always contains, and that by using absolutely pure nitric acid, and pre- venting the formation of any trace of nitrous acid, the real nitrate of 788 Cyanates and Carbonates of Ether. ether can be obtained with facility. To prevent the production of nitrous acid he employs urea, which is immediately decomposed by and destroys nitrous acid. When two ounces of absolute alcohol and one ounce of strong nitric acid are mixed, and 20 grains of urea are added, the re-action is very moderate, and after some time, a very heavy oily liquid begins to separate, and is increased in quantity by the addition of water. This is the true nitric ether. It is colourless ; sp. gr. I'll 2. It boils at 184. Its odour and taste are agreeable. It is decomposed by alcalies into alcohol and nitric acid. Cyanogen Compounds of Ether. Hydrocyanic Ether. Cyanide of Ethyle. Ae.Cy. Is prepared by distilling a mixture of sulphovinate of potash and cyanide of potassium at a moderate heat. It is a colourless liquid, of a strong garlic odour; it boils at 179, and is lighter than water; it is very poisonous. Allophanic Ether C 8 1N T 2 H 8 O 6 = C 4 H 5 -f C 4 N 2 H 3 5 . Is formed when the vapours of hydrated cyanic acid are passed into ether, as long as they are absorbed. After some time, the new compound separates in crystals, which are colourless prisms, destitute of taste and smell; soluble in water, and but sparingly soluble in ether. The hydrated cyanic acid taking the elements of an atom of water from the ether, forms allophanic acid, C^I^C^, which gives crystallizable salts with alcalies and earths ; but if separated by a stronger acid, is immediately resolved into carbonic acid and urea. Rydrosulphocyanic Ether appears to be formed by distilling sulpho- cyanide of potassium with sulphovinate of potash. It is a liquid heavier than water. Compounds of Ether with the Acids of Carbon. Carbonic Ether. Carbonate of Ethyle. AeO.C0 2 . This ether can only be produced by an indirect process, the theory of which is not well understood. Metallic potassium or sodium is added, in small pieces, to oxalic ether, as long as a disengagement of carbonic acid gas occurs ; a thick brown mass is formed which is to be distilled, the excess of metal being first destroyed by the addition of water ; the carbonic acid distils over. It is a colourless liquid, of an aromatic srncll, lighter than water. It boils at 260 ; it is insoluble in water, but dissolves in alcohol; its alcoholic solution is decomposed by potash, alcohol and carbonate of potash being formed. Oxalic Ether Oxamethan. 789 Carbonate of Ether and Water. Carbomnie Acid AeO.C0 2 -f-HO. C0 2 . At one time it was considered that anhydrous sugar was actually bicarbonate of ether, C 6 H 5 O 5 = C 4 H 5 O -f 2.CO 2 , and that the alco- holic fermentation consisted in the separation of these bodies, the nascent ether combining with water to form alcohol ; but that idea is now inadmissible. The true carbovinic acid is prepared by dissolving caustic potash in absolute alcohol, and passing dry carbonic acid gas through the liquor as long as it is absorbed. A crystalline mass is formed of carbonate and carbovinate of potash, which last is dissolved out by cold alcohol ; and this solution being mixed with ether, deposits the salt, whose formula is, AeO.CO 2 4-KO i C0 2 , in pearly plates, which are immediately decomposed by water into alcohol and bicarbonate of potash. The carbovinic acid is not known in an isolated form. Oxalic Ether. Oxalate of Ethyle. AeO.C 2 O 3 . Is prepared by distilling one part of alcohol with one of binoxalate of potash and two of oil of vitriol. At first alcohol and common ether come over, but then a heavy fluid, which sinks to the bottom of the receiver. The portions last distilled are richest in product. It is rectified by another distillation from off a little litharge. It is a colourless oily liquid, denser than water, of a heavy but aromatic smell; it boils at 370. In contact with water or bases it is gradually decomposed into alcohol and oxalic acid. The sp. gr. of its vapour is 5C77. Oxalomnic Acid. AeO.C 2 3 -f- HO.C 2 O3. This acid is not known except in combination. It is produced by adding to a solution of oxalic ether in alcohol, half as much potash as would suffice to decom- pose it. The oxalovinate of potash separates as a crystalline powder, being insoluble in alcohol. By an excess of base it is decomposed into alcohol and an oxalate. Its other salts do not require special notice. Oxamethan. AeO.C 2 O 3 + C 2 2 -Ad. When oxalic ether is acted on by water of ammonia, it is totally decomposed, alcohol and oxamide being formed, as already noticed, p. 7:28. If a solution of ammonia in alcohol be used, but one-half of the oxalic ether is decomposed, and the oxamide produced unites with the other half, forming a substance soluble in alcohol and water, and crystallizing in brilliant prisms and plates. It melts at 212, and sublimes unchanged at 430. Its solu- tion in cold water does not precipitate lime water, but if it be boiled, alcohol is expelled and the solution contains binoxalate of ammonia. By water of ammonia it is totally changed into oxamide. Chlor-oxycarbonic Ether. AeO.CO 2 -f- CO.C1. This substance is formed by the action of chloro-carbonic acid gas on absolute alcohol. It is a colourless liquid, perfectly neutral, heavier than water, and boiling at 201 ; sparingly soluble in water. It consists, or at least 790 Sulphocarbonate of Ether. contains the elements, of "an atom of carbonic ether, and an atom of phosgene gas. "When put in contact with water of ammonia, it is dissolved violently and heat evolved; sal-ammoniac and a peculiar substance termed Urethan being formed. The liquor is to be dried down and the residue distilled in a dry retort, with an oil bath. The urethan passes over and solidifies in the receiver to a crystalline mass resembling spermaceti. In it the chlorine of the preceding substance is replaced by amidogene, its formula being AeO.CO 2 -f- CO. Ad ; it consists thus of carbonic ether and carbamide in the proportion of one atom of each. Sulphocarbonic Ether, Hydro-xanthic Acid. AeO.CS 2 -|- HO.CS2. Is prepared by decomposing the xanthate of potash by dilute sulphuric acid. A milky liquor is obtained, from which, after some time, a heavy oil separates ; it is to be rapidly washed with water and dried by chloride of calcium. It is then pale yellow, slightly acid, inflammable, and burns with a blue sulphurous flame ; it is decomposed by warm water into alcohol and sulphuret of carbon ; it decomposes the alcaline carbonates, expelh'ng the carbonic acid. Of its salts, that of potash is obtained directly, and from it, the others. Xanthate of potash AeO. CS 2 -f- KO.OS 2 is formed by adding sulphuret of carbon to a warm solution of caustic potash in alcohol. On cooling the liquor, it deposits the salt in crystals, which are to be collected on a filter, washed with ether, and dried between folds of bibulous paper, The salts of lead, copper, &c., may be prepared by double decomposition j they are all yellow, whence the ordinary name of the acid. Mucate of Ether is solid and crystalline. It is formed by dissolving mucic acid in oil of vitriol, and gradually adding an equal weight of alcohol. The liquor yields after some time the mucic ether in crystals, which are to be dried on a porous stone, and recrystallized from alcohol. The remaining compounds of ether with acids will be described along with the other salts of those acids. OF OLEFIANT GAS AND ITS COMPOUNDS. Etherene or .#%/. C 4 H 4 . Eq. 350 or 28. This gas has been frequently mentioned as one of the products of the action of sulphuric acid on alcohol. The usual process to obtain it consists in heating one part of alcohol with six of oil of vitriol in a flask b, from which a tube passes to the water pneumatic trough, as in the figure ; the mass becomes dark ; ether, water, and oil of wine Preparatiwi of Etherene. 791 collect in the interposed globe a, and olefiant gas is copiously evolved, mixed with an equal volume of sulphurous acid, which, however, being absorbed by the water, the other gas remains pure. Towards the end of the process the materials in the flask swell up very much, and might boil over if not carefully attended to. The theory of this action ap- pears, at first sight, very simple ; the alcohol losing an atom of water, is first converted into ether, which, by the influence of the excess of sulphuric acid, is deprived of the elements of another equivalent of water, and olefiant gas remains ; C 4 H 5 O, giving C 4 H 4 and HO ; but we cannot by this process generate the olefiant gas without, at the same time, more complex products appearing, as etherol, sulphurous acid, and the black matter which remains in the retort. This last, which had been considered formerly as charcoal, appears to consist of C 2 7H 8 O 4 + S0 3 , it combines with bases, and is termed the tkiomelanic acid ; it evidently results from the sulphuric acid, giving up oxygen to the hydrogen of a portion of the alcohol. Olefiant gas is generated on the large scale by the decomposition of coal, pitch, oil, &c., at a red heat, and is employed for purposes of illumination, being the most valuable constituent of the gas which is burned in our streets and shops. To this source of it I shall have occasion to return. We may obtain this gas, however, by much more definite and simple processes. Thus, if vapour of muriatic ether be passed through a red hot porcelain tube, it is resolved into equal volumes of olefiant and muriatic acid gases ; also if muriatic ether be heated with ammoniacal gas, sal-ammoniac is formed, and olefiant gas evolved ; the same de- composition is caused by caustic potash. If vapour of alcohol be passed into oil of vitriol so far diluted as to boil at 320, and heated to that degree, it is totally resolved into water and olefiant gas. In a theo- retical point of view these sources of olefiant gas are peculiarly of interest. 792 Properties of Olefiant Gas. Olefiant gas when pure is colourless; its odour is very slightly ethereal ; it is sparingly absorbed by water ; it burns with a brilliant white flame producing much smoke. When mixed with twice its vo- lume of chlorine, and set on fire in a tall narrow jar, a brilliant flame descends rapidly, muriatic acid being formed, and charcoal, smelling strongly of napthaline, separating in dense flocculi. Its specific gravity is 974'6, as one volume of it contains a volume of carbon vapour and two volumes of hydrogen (836*0 + ]38'6= 974'6). It consists of an equal number of equivalents of hydrogen and carbon, but chemists are not unanimous as to its real atomic weight. Berzelius, who looks upon it as an organic radical, and the basis of a series of compounds with oxygen, chlorine, &c., has proposed for it the name elayl, and the formula C 2 H 2 . The name olefiant gas being very inconvenient, I shall, in speaking of its compounds, term it for the present etherene'. The principal support of the theory, which considers this gas to be the ra- dical of the ethers and of alcohol, is derived from the great simplicity of their constitution by volume, in the state of vapour, on that view. Thus, two volumes of olefiant gas combine with two of vapour of water to form alcohol ; with one of vapour of water to form ether ; with two of muriatic or hydriodic acid gases to form the hydriodic or muriatic ethers, and so in similarly simple proportions of volume in other cases. But this evidence is very insecure, as we might show nearly as simple gaseous relations upon other and very improbable points of view. Its combinations are generally formed indirectly, as from alcohol or ether, but it combines immediately with iodine, chlorine, and sulphuric acid. Anhydrous sulphuric acid absorbs etherene in large quantity, forming white crystals, which, when dissolved in water, constitute isetJnonw acid, identical in every respect with that formed as described (p. 782). When dry, its composition is S 2 O 6 + C 4 H 4 ; but when in contact with water, it combines with two atoms thereof and becomes isomeric with sulphovinic acid. That it differs from it essentially in constitution is shown, by its salts giving a mixture of sulphate and sulphite when fused with potash ; the sulphurous element is therefore as hyposulphu- ric and not sulphuric acid, and its rational formula is S 2 O 5 + C 4 H 4 O. This isethionic acid is much more energetic than the sulphovinic ; it decomposes all salts of organic acids ; its own salts are all soluble and crystallizable; and sustain a heat of 450 without decomposition. If a jar of olefiant gas c, be inverted in the pneumatic trough, over a capsule b, as in the figure, and bubbles of chlorine be passed up into it, both gases disappear, and a heavy oily liquid collects in the capsule, the formation of which gave to the gas its common name Action of Chlorine on Etherene. 793 of olefiant yas. In this process a quantity of gas is totally decomposed, and muriatic acid is evolved in great quantity, but the oil results from the direct union of the chlorine and etherene, its formula be- ing C 4 H 4 .C1 2 . I will name it chlor-etherene, but it is called the oil of the Dutch chemists, as it was first formed by the members of a scientific association in Holland. When quite pure it is colourless, of a sweet ethereal odour. Its specific gravity = 1*25 ; it boils at 180<>; it burns with a greenish flame, giving off muriatic acid; the specific gravity of its vapour is 3421. Exposed to an excess of chlorine it is decomposed, hydrogen being removed and replaced by chlorine ; a volatile oily liquid C 4 H 2 C1 4 , and ultimately sesquichloride of carbon C 4 .C1 6 are produced. The chlor-etherene is not decomposed by a watery solution of potash, but if it be dissolved in an alcoholic solution of that alcali, and gently warmed, chloride of potassium is formed and a peculiar body produced, whose composition is expressed by the formula C 4 H 3 C1. Tin's sub- stance is gaseous ; of a garlic odour, burning with difficulty with a smoky red flame ; its specific gravity is 2166. It is evident that the chlor-etherene may be considered as a compound of this gas with mu- riatic acid, C 4 H 3 Cl -j- HC1, in which case, the action of the potash is easily explained. This gas itself is supposed to be a chloride of the same carbo-hydrogen as is the basis of acetic acid and aldehyd, (C 4 H 3 ) or acetyl, and the olefiant gas, on this view, is hydruret of acetyl, C 4 H 3 + H, or Ac.H. The further discussion of this opinion will be reserved for another place. If the gas, C 4 H 3 C1, be passed over per- chloride of antimony, it combines with more chlorine and forms a liquid, which boils at 240, and consists of C 4 H 3 C1 3 ; by an alcoholic solution of potash this is decomposed into muriatic acid, and another body also liquid, but boiling at 86, and having the formula C 4 H 2 C1 2 . By contact with chlorine, this produces the liquid C 4 H 2 Cl4, noticed in the preceding paragraph, as obtained directly from chlor-etherene, and, as the next stage, the sesquichloride of carbon. If a mixture of olefiant gas and vapour of ether be acted on by chlorine, an oily liquid is obtained, which boils at 350, and consists of C 4 H 4 C1O ; it is called chlor-etheral, but is properly a compound of aldehyd and the chlor-etherene, C 4 H 4 C1 2 + C 4 H 4 O 2 , Bromine combines with olefiant gas, with the same phenomena as chlorine, and gives rise to a similar series of compounds, which it is consequently unnecessary to detail. Iodine absorbs olefiant gas abundantly, and forms a white crystalline 794 Preparation of Aldeliyd. substance, which melts at 180, and may be sublimed if air be not present. It is soluble in alcohol, insoluble in water ; its formula is C 4 H 4 I 2 , but the products of its decomposition are not similar to those of the chlorine compound. When bichloride of platinum is dissolved in alcohol, a very complex reaction occurs, and a substance is produced, consisting of Pt.Cl -f C 2 H 2 . This body combines with the chlorides of the alcaline metals to form double salts. On Berzelius' view, the C 2 H 2 being a compound radical, (elayl) may be supposed simply to replace the second atom of chlorine ; and thus form an elayl-cliloride of platinum, which has the same power of forming double salts as the ordinary bichloride. There are thus (Pt + E1.C1) -f K.C1 and (Pt + E1.C1) + NaCl, &c. PRODUCTS OF THE OXIDATION OF ALCOHOL SERIES OF ACETYL. Aldehyd C 4 H4O 2 or AcO + HO. Eq. 550 or 44. It has been mentioned, in speaking of nitrous ether, that by the oxidation of alcohol, we obtain a crowd of products, as aldehyd and acetic acid, formic, malic, and oxalic acids ; these last are secondary products of the too violent reaction, and the result of the true oxidation of alcohol is found to be aldehyd, or acetic acid, according to the point at which the process stops. The formation of acetic acid thus directly from alcohol, constitutes the acetic fermentation. Although aldehyd is formed when nitric acid acts on alcohol, yet from the other products being difficult to separate, it is not so prepared ; a large quantity of it is generated in the destructive distillation of wood, and it may be obtained in the rectification of the pyroxylic spirit. The most ordinary process is that given by Liebig ; six parts oil of vitriol with four of water, four of spirit of wine, and six of black oxide of manganese, are to be distilled with a very gentle heat, and the product collected in a receiver surrounded with melting ice. The apparatus de- scribed for preparing ether, (p. 776), should be employed. The process is completed as soon as the materials in the retort cease to froth up. I have found a purer product to be obtained by distilling at a very gentle heat, two parts of spirit of wine with three of bichromate of potash, three of oil of vitriol, and six of water ; the two last being previously mixed and allowed to cool. To obtain the aldehyd absolutely pure, it is to be combined with ammonia, and the crystallized aldehyd-ammonia decomposed by dilute sulphuric acid, distilled in a water bath at 120 with the greatest care, and rectified over fused chloride of calcium. Aldehyd is a colourless liquid, of an agreeable but suffocating odour ; it boils at 71; it is lighter than water; it mixes with water, alcohol, and ether ; it is neutral, and inflammable, burning with a blue flame ; Preparation and Properties of Aldehyd. 795 in contact with oxidizing agents, it is changed into acetic acid, passing through an intermediate state of aldehydic acid. On this fact is found- ed its most characteristic property ; if any liquor containing aldehyd be added to a solution of the ammoniacal nitrate of silver, and gently heated, the silver is deposited as a brilliant metallic film, lining the sides of the vessel like a mirror, and in the liquor is found aldehydate of silver ; if to this potash be added, oxide of silver precipitates, and on boiling for a moment, it is reduced to the state of metallic silver, and acetate of potash is formed. Erom the composition of aldehyd, these changes are at once explained. It is formed by the abstraction of two atoms of hydrogen from alcohol, which are carried away, as water, by the oxygen supplied ; its formula is hence, C 4 H 4 O 2 : now in contact with AgO, it forms first, aldehydic acid, C 4 H 4 O 3 and metallic silver, and then C 4 H 4 O 3 with AgO, gives hydrated acetic acid C 4 H 4 O 4 and another quantity of silver. The formation of acetic acid from al- cohol consists, therefore in two stages, first, the abstraction of hydro- gen by which aldehyd is formed, and second, the addition of oxygen by which acetic acid is produced. T\~hen aldehyd is heated in a solution of potash, this becomes brown, and by an acid, a solid brown substance is separated, which is fusible and possesses many properties of a resin. This also is a very distinctive character of aldehyd. When long kept, aldehyd undergoes an isomeric change into two bodies, one liquid, elaldehyd, the other solid, metaldehyd ; they have the same formula as aldehyd, C 4 H 4 O 2 but differ in all their properties. The general characters of aldehyd show, that it contains the same radical as acetic acid, acetyl, CJ5. y or Ac, combined with oxygen ; it is therefore, hydrated ox-ide of acetyl, AcO + Aq. = C 4 H 4 O 2 ; it has been called also hypoacetom acid, for it is capable of perfectly neutra- lizing ammonia. Its compound with ammonia is indeed very remark- able ; it is best prepared by dissolving aldehyd in ether, and passing ammoniacal gas into the liquor ; the aldehyd-ammonia being very spa- ringly soluble in ether, crystallizes as it forms in large hexagonal plates, which are very brilliant and colourless. Their solution in water soon decomposes, becoming brown and exhaling an animal smell. The dry crystals may be fused and sublimed without alteration ; their formula is, C 4 H 3 + HO.NH 3 . Aldehyd is formed also by the direct action of the air on alcohol ; this may be facilitated very much by means of spongy platina which contains much oxygen condensed in its pores, but the process is of more interest in consequence of another body which then forms, and which cannot be otherwise generated ; it is acetal. To prepare it, a 796 Aldehyd. Trigenic Acid. Tkialdine. large bell-glass is taken, open above, and standing in a basin, so sup- ported as to allow the air inside to be frequently renewed, as in the fig. ; through the top passes the tube of a small fun- nel a, under which is a watch glass, b, with a layer of platina black (p. 576). Into the funnel strong alcohol is poured, so that from time to time a drop fall into the watch-glass ; being thus presented to oxygen in a favourable condition, it is decomposed, and aldehyd, acetic acid, and acetal are formed. These liquids are vaporized by the heat evolved, but condense on the sides of the bell-glass, and flowing down, collect in the basin underneath. By processes detailed in the systematic works, the acetal is puri- fied. It is a colourless liquid, boiling at 230 ; its odour is agreeable; its formula was given by Liebig as C 8 H 9 O 3 , but it appears to be a mixture of acetic ether with the true acetal which Stass has shown to consist of C 12 H 13 O 3 . The aldeliydic acid acetous acid as already noticed, is formed by the partial oxidation of aldehyd ; but it appears to be produced also under the circumstances of slow combustion described in pp. 229, 237, along with acetic and formic acids. It is obtained pure by decom- posing its silver salt by sulphuret of hydrogen ; forming a liquor of an agreeably acid taste. : /-*- - When the vapour of hydrated cyanic acid is passed into aldehyd, a substance is formed which has been termed trigenic acid from its con- taining the elements of three bodies, cyanic acid, ammonia, and alde- hyd, its formula being C 8 H 6 N 3 O 3 = 2CyO + NH 3 + C 4 H 3 O. When heated this acid carbonizes and evolves quinoline, a base obtained also in other more important reactions under which it shall be studied. When sulphuretted hydrogen acts on a solution of ammonia aldehyd, a crystalline body is formed termed thialdine. Its formula is C^H^NS^ It is very volatile. It is soluble in water, but crystallizes beautifully from its solution in alcohol or ether. It is a powerful base, forming neutral crystalline salts with the strongest acids. If heated with lime it yields quinoline, in which it resembles trigenic acid. By means of seleniuretted hydrogen and ammonia-aldehyd, a similar base selen- aldine is obtained. Of Acetic Acid.Yinegar.-7&^. 750 or 51. As all alcoholic liquors are liable to undergo spontaneous decom- position, and form vinegar, this acid has been known from the earliest ages, as produced by the acetous fermentation ; its origin was however Theory of the Acetous Fermentation. 797 7 / long wrapped in obscurity, because the complex constitution of the fermented liquors, in which it was originally produced, prevented the simple nature of the change from being understood. It is now fully established, that the change from alcohol to acetic acid consists simply in the removal of two atoms of the hydrogen of the alcohol, and addition of two atoms of oxygen; these actions not being simultaneous, but successive, and aldehyd being the intermediate product, thus : Alcohol C 4 H 6 O2 and Aldehyd C4H 4 O 2 gives by H 2 gives by + O 2 Aldehyd C 4 H 4 O 2 Hydrated Acetic Acid C 4 H 4 O 4 By means of chromic and nitric acids, but especially by the platinum black as described just now, this reaction may be carried on with perfect accuracy and distinctness. But if we place ourselves in the actual condition of practice, the theory of the acetous fermentation becomes much more difficult ; for exactly as a pure solution of grape sugar will not break up into alcohol and carbonic acid, and that a cause of disturbance is necessary in order to enable the new arrangement of its particles to occur; so do we find it to be in changing alcohol into acetic acid. Pure alcohol, whether weak or strong, absorbs no oxygen by mere exposure to the air, and hence forms no vinegar ; it is necessary there should be present another body more liable to decomposition (ferment), which abstracting oxygen from the air for the purpose of its own decomposition, may confer upon the molecules of alcohol such instability of structure, as will admit of, and cause the similar absorption of oxygen by them. The ferment, in decomposing, evolves water and carbonic acid ; the alcohol evolves water only, but absorbs the oxygen from the air. The platinum black, in the process that has been described, supplies the place of the ferment. In making vinegar from malt liquors or from wine, they are placed in hogsheads, partially full, and left more or less exposed to the air according to circumstances. To supply oxygen, the air must have access, but if the air were very rapidly renewed, a large quantity of the volatile aldehyd would be carried off. These solutions contain abundance of organic matter, proper for acting as ferment, and when the fermentation is complete, the products of their decomposition collects upon the bottom and sides of the vats, in gelatinous mass, termed mothers. The manufacture of wine or malt vinegar by the old process of mere partial exposure to the air in vats, consumed much time, and is almost superseded by the German method, by which excellent fermented vinegar 798 Preparation and Properties of Vinegar. may be made in thirty-six hours. A cask is to be filled, as in the figure, with wood shavings, and closed at the top by a pan b, the bottom of which is per- forated with a number of small holes, through which short threads are passed to bring down the liquid more rapidly. The shavings, before being used, are well steeped in vinegar, which is, itself, one of the most active ferments. Below, at c c, is a circle of holes about half an inch diameter, by which the air may enter, which then escapes above by a number of tubes which pass through the pan and are left white in the figure. If now we take a spirit containing abont one part of proof spirit to four of water, and having mixed with it ,~th of honey or yeast, pour it into the pan above, it trickles down the orifices by the threads, and spreading over the shavings, has its surface enormously extended. It absorbs oxygen very rapidly, and having been warmed to about 75 before being poured in, its tempera- ture soon rises to 100 the interior being so hot, a current of air is established through the vessels, by which a constant supply of oxygen is kept up. According as the liquid passes down, it escapes through the pipe at the bottom, and is collected in the vessel a ; when it has passed through, three or four times, it is found to be converted into excellent vinegar, and the whole time occupied is only between twenty- four and thirty-six hours. The manufacture of vinegar by the distillation of wood, now ex- tensively carried on, will be described in another place. The vinegar of commerce has frequently its pungency and acidity increased by the addition of acrid herbs, as capsicum, and by sulphuric acid. To obtain it free from these impurities it is redistilled. As, however, its volatility is about the same as that of water, it cannot be concentrated in that way, and hence the strong acetic acid must be obtained by the decomposition of its salts by a stronger acid. !For this purpose, one part of acetate of soda, which has been dried at a gentle heat, is to be distilled with two parts of oil of vitriol; so much heat is evolved by the mixture that a quantity of the acetic acid distils over spontaneously, and to complete the decomposition only a very moderate heat need be applied. In this process, S0 3 + Aq and NaO + C 4 H 3 3 give S0 3 + NaO and C 4 H 3 O 3 -f Aq. The acid which passes over generally contains some sulphurous acid, arising from its secondary action on the oil of vitriol ; in order to separate this, it is rectified over some peroxide of lead with which the sulphurous acid forms sulphate of lead. The liquid acetic acid which distils is then to be exposed to a cold of about 23, and the crystals which form are to Properties of Acetic Acid. 799 be separated from the liquid portion; these crystals are ti& protokydrate of acetic acid, and its most concentrated form. Acetic acid may be prepared also by distilling acetate of lead with oil of vitriol, or by the destructive distillation of acetate of copper; by this last method an acid is obtained (radical vinegar) of an agree- able aromatic odour, from an admixture of acetone. The acetate of potash is prescribed by the Dublin Pharmacopoeia, but as acetate of soda is found abundant and cheap in commerce, it is now exclusively employed. The hydrated acetic acid, when free from any excess of water, crys- tallizes at 50, in large white plates, which do not again become liquid until heated above 60; it is hence called glacial acetic acid; its odour is very characteristic and pungent ; its taste caustic ; it blisters the skin ; it mixes with water, alcohol and ether, and dissolves camphor and essential oils, which solution constitutes the aromatic vinegar of the shops. When liquid, its sp. gr. is T063; but its specific gravity does not indicate its strength, as it increases according as water is added until it becomes 1-078, which is that of an acid, containing 34'6 per cent., or three atoms of water ; being a definite compound, C 4 H 3 O 3 -f HO -f 2Aq. On further dilution, the sp. gr. again diminishes, and an acid containing 64 per cent, of water, has a sp. gr. of 1'063, the same as that of the most concentrated acid. The strength of any acetic acid may, however, be very simply found by immersing in it a weighed piece of white marble, and weighing it again when the acid has been completely neutralized ; the loss of weight gives pretty accu- rately the quantity of acetic acid, as the atomic weight of CaO.CO 2 (50-) is nearly the same as that of C 4 H 3 O 3 . (51') ; of course, if the acetic acid be not pure, this method cannot be employed. The formula of hypothetic dry acetic acid is C 4 H 3 3 , and its equi- valent = 51*. The acetate of water C 4 H 3 3 -f- Aq. consists of, 4 equivalents of carbon = 24-00 40-20 4 ,, hydrogen = 4-00 6-64 4 oxygen = 32'00 53-16 60-00 10000 The hydrated acetic acid boils at 240. The specific gravity of its vapour presents very remarkable anomalies, as it changes so much for small alterations of temperature, as to have made it be supposed that this acid did not follow the usual law of combination by volumes. But those anomalies have been explained, as described p. 292, and the equivalent of acetic acid is represented by four volumes of vapour, the specific gravity of which is 2080, when determined at or above 482 Pah. 800 Salts of Acetic Acid. The products of the decomposition of acetic acid by chlorine and by bases will be hereafter noticed ; with powerfully oxidizing bodies, it yields formic, oxalic, and carbonic acids. Acetic acid is recognized by its peculiar odour and its volatility ; it reddens litmus powerfully ; its solutions are precipitated by the nitrates of silver and of black oxide of mercury, giving white crystalline salts, sparingly soluble in cold water, and dissolving in boiling water without decomposition. But even strong solutions are not affected by the 'salts of lead or barytes. It combines with all bases forming salts, of which none are quite insoluble in water, but generally very soluble and easily crystallized. The most important of these will now be described. Salts of Acetic Acid. Acetates. Acetate of Potash. KO.C 4 H 3 3 . Is formed by neutralizing acetic acid by means of pure carbonate of potash. The solution is generally evaporated at once to dryness, and the salt fused at a dull red heat, in order to obtain it quite white. It forms on cooling a foliated mass, greasy to the feel. From its concentrated solution it may be obtained also in delicate crystals. It is very deliquescent, and dissolves copiously in alcohol. Acetate of Socla.N^O.CJI^Os + 6Aq. May be obtained in the same way as acetate of potash, but is made on the large scale in puri- fying the rough wood-vinegar. The impure acetate of lime, obtained by neutralizing the pyroligneous liquors with chalk, is decomposed by 6J times its weight of crystallized sulphate of soda. These are in the proportion of two equivalents of Glauber's salt, as but one-half of the quantity is decomposed by the acetate- of lime. It answers still better to neutralize the acid liquors by sulphuret of sodium, prepared by roast- ing Glauber's salt with small coal, as for making soda-ash, (p. 690). When purified by successive crystallizations, the acetate of soda forms oblique rhombic prisms, as i, u, in the figure, with many secondary planes, as a, e, o. These contain six atoms of water. It is permanent in the air ; soluble in three parts of cold and in one of boiling water; at a red heat it melts. Its principal use is in the preparation of acetic acid. Acetate of Barytes. BaO.C 4 H 3 O 3 . Is formed by neutralizing acetic acid with carbonate of barytes, or sulphuret of barium. It crystallizes in oblique rhombic prisms ; by heat it is completely decomposed into carbonate of barytes and acetone, (BaO.CO^ and CaHaO). Acetate of Lime is made on the large scale, but in a very impure Salts of Acetic Acid. 801 form, as one stage in the process of purifying the wood-vinegar. When pure it crystallizes in needles, which do not deliquesce. It is decom- posed by heat in the same way as the preceding salt. Acetate of Alumina is of considerable technical importance from its use as a mordant in dyeing. It is formed by mixing solutions of alum, and of acetate of lead, when to be employed in the arts. The solution then contains much acetate of potash. To obtain it pure, the simple sulphate of alumina should be decomposed by acetate of barytes. Evaporated at a very gentle heat, it dries into a transparent gummy mass ; but if boiled, acetic acid passes off, and a basic acetate of alu- mina is deposited as a white powder. This effect is produced also by contact with linen or cotton cloth, the acetic acid becoming free, A piece of calico is thus mordanted uniformly by immersion in a bath of acetate of alumina, and then dried at about 80 ; or it is mordanted partially, so as subsequently to form a coloured pattern, by being printed with the solution of this salt, thickened with gum or starch in order that it may not spread ; on being then dried by passing over warm cylinders, the acetic acid passes off, and the alumina fixes itself upon the tissue. Acetate of Zinc. ZnO.C 4 H 3 3 -f- 3Aq. Metallic zinc dissolves in acetic acid, evolving hydrogen ; but this salt is generally prepared by mixing solutions of acetate of lead and sulphate of zinc, and separating the sulphate of lead which is formed, by nitration. On evaporating the solution, the acetate of zinc crys- tallizes in brilliant soft hexagonal rhombic tables, as in the figure, of which i, u, are primary and m a secondary face. They are unalterable in the air, but very soluble in water. When boiled with alcohol, a "basic acetate of zinc precipitates, 3ZnO -f- C 4 H 3 3 . A solution of this salt is completely decomposed by sulphuret of hydrogen. Proto-acetate of Iron. FeO.C4H 3 3 . This salt, which may be pre- pared by dissolving protosulphuret of iron in acetic acid, forms a colourless solution, which yields, when evaporated in vacuo, pale green prisms, which attract oxygen with great avidity. It cannot be formed by decomposing protosulphate of iron by acetate of lead, as only a portion of the lead salt precipitates, until the iron becomes peroxidized. Sesgui-acetate of Iron. Fe 2 3 + 3(CJ1 3 O^). Is prepared by dis- solving red oxide of iron in acetic acid, or by decomposing red sulphate of iron with acetate of barytes. It forms a brownish red solution, which when boiled, gives off acetic acid and oxide of iron separates. By very cautious evaporation, a dark red gummy mass may be obtained, which redissolves in cold water. It thus resembles closely acetate of 51 80 Acetates of Iron and Lead. alumina, and like it serves in dyeing as a mordant, to fix upon the cloth oxide of iron with which the colouring matters may combine ; being roughly prepared by digesting old iron in the impure acetic acid from wood, it is commonly termed pyrolignite of Iron. A Tincture of Acetate of Iron is employed in medicine, which, as directed by the Dublin Pharmacopeia, is formed by triturating toge- ther protosulphate of iron and acetate of potash, and digesting in alcohol ; in order that the solution shall have the rich wine red colour which is required, the mixture of the salts should be left for a little time pasty, so as to absorb oxygen, and there should be present an excess of acetate of potash. The iron is present in these tinctures, as black oxide. If too much sesquioxide be formed, the solution decom- poses very easily, red oxide of iron separating, and acetic ether and aldehyd being produced. If the protoxide be present in excess, the colour is a brownish-yellow, and the preparation is liable to spoil when oxygen has subsequently access to it. Although the acetate of potash does not form a true double salt in this case, yet it gives much greater stability to the acetates of iron. Acetates of Lead. Acetic acid forms with oxide of lead, four well characterized salts. Neutral Acetate of Lead. Sugar of Lead. PbO.C 4 H 3 3 -f- 3Aq. Is prepared by dissolving litharge, or white lead, in acetic acid, of which a slight excess should be used. The liquors yield by evaporation, right rhombic prisms with dihedral summits, as in the figure, which are very bright and colourless. Their taste is sweet and astringent ; the solution in water red- dens litmus, but turns sirup of violets green. In very dry air they effloresce ; when heated to 136, they undergo aqueous fusion, but having lost their water of crystallization become solid again. The dry salt, thus obtained, fuses again at a higher temperature, and, without blackening, is decomposed into carbonic acid, acetone, and sesquibasic acetate of lead which remains : 3(PbO.C 4 H 3 O 3 ) giving CO 2 with C 3 H 3 and 3PbO + 2C 4 H 3 3 . This neutral salt dissolves easily in alcohol ; it is very poisonous ; the antidote to it is Glauber's or Epsom salt, which forms insoluble sul- phate of lead. Sesquibasic Acetate of Lead.WbQ + 2.C 4 H 3 O 3 . This salt, which is formed as just described, dissolves in water, and the sirupy solution crystallizes in pearly hexagonal plates ; its solution reacts alcaline. Tribasic Acetate of Lead. 3PbO + C 4 H 3 3 . When ammonia is added to a solution of neutral acetate of lead, so as to render it strongly Acetates of Lead and Copper. 803 alcaline, it does not combine with it, as with most other metallic salts, but acetate of ammonia and tribasic acetate of lead are formed ; it may also be prepared by boiling together six parts of crystallized acetate of lead, seven of litharge, and thirty of water. This solution, known in pharmacy as extractum saturni, gives, by evaporation, a mass of fine crystalline needles; it reacts powerfully alcaline; it is insoluble in alcohol. Sexbasic Acetate of Lead. 6PbO -f C 4 H 3 O3. Is precipitated when a solution of neutral acetate is added to a great excess of water of am- monia ; it is formed also when acetic acid acts on metallic lead with access of air, and is hence generally present in the ceruse of commerce. (See p. G97.) It forms minute feathery crystals, when deposited from boiling water, in which it is slightly soluble. All these basic acetates of lead are decomposed by carbonic acid, giving neutral acetate and carbonate of lead. Acetates of Copper. The acetate of the suboxide of copper is not important ; there are four acetates of the black oxide. Neutral Acetate of Copper Distilled Verdigris. CuO. C-iHaOa -f- Aq. It is prepared by dissolving verdigris in acetic acid ; it forms ob- lique rhombic prisms, as in the figure, where i u u are primary and e e, secondary faces of a fine deep green colour. It crystal- lizes in another form with five atoms of water ; these crystals are blue, like sulphate of copper, and when heated to 26, give off 4 Aq. and change into the com- mon green crystals ; it effloresces gradually in the air ; when heated in close vessels it gives a mixture of acetic acid and acetone ; in the air it takes fire, burning with a bright green flame. If a solution of this salt be mixed with sugar or honey, and heated, it deposits a green powder of carbonate of copper, which changes into minute crystals of the orange red suboxide ; the liquor contains then abundance of formic acid. Bibasic Acetate of Copper. Verdigris. 2CuO -f C 4 H 3 O 3 + 6Aq. This salt is manufactured in wine countries by stratifying plates of cop- per alternately with the residual stalks and pulp of the grapes, that have passed into acetous fermentation ; oxygen is absorbed, and the mass being occasionally turned over and moistened, to give access to air, the plates of copper become covered with a crystalline crust of basic acetate ; this is scraped off, made into a paste with vinegar, and put into moulds, where it is allowed to dry ; the mass so formed con- tains all the basic salts, mixed together. In this country it is prepared by stratifying copper plates with cloths steeped in pyroligneous acid. ,804 Acetates of Copper, Mercury, fyc. When pure, the bibasic acetate is of a fine blue colour ; it is decom- posed by water into the insoluble tribasic acetate, and the soluble ses- guibasic acetate of copper, which forms a pale blue solution, whence it may be precipitated in crystalline scales by alcohol. Tribasic Acetate of Copper. S.CuO + C 4 H 3 3 + 2Aq. Remains as an insoluble residue when verdigris is treated with water, or by di- gesting a solution of neutral acetate with oxide of copper. It is a clear green powder, which detonates feebly when heated. For emerald green, see p. 646. Acetate of Black Oxide of Mercury. Hg 2 + C 4 H 3 O 3 . May be formed by mixing boiling solutions of acetate of potash and subnitrate of mercury, and filtering rapidly. On cooling it is deposited in bril- liant white crystalline scales, which are very sparingly soluble in cold water, and insoluble in alcohol. The acetate of the red oxide is very soluble in water, and does not crystallize. Acetate of Silver. AgO.C 4 H 3 O 3 . Is formed by mixing boiling so- lutions of nitrate of silver and acetate of potash, and filtering the liquor whilst very hot. On cooling it crystallizes in pearly white nee- dles, which are but very sparingly soluble in cold water. These last salts serve as tests for the acetic acid in liquids. Acetate of Ammonia. NH 4 0. C 4 H 3 O 3 . Is prepared by passing am- rnoniacal gas over the crystalline hydrate of acetic acid, or by heating moderately a mixture of equal parts of acetate of potash, and of sal- ammoniac. The acetate of ammonia sublimes mixed with a little free acetic acid ; it crystallizes in needles, which are very soluble in alcohol and in water ; by exposure to the air it loses ammonia, and appears to form an acid salt ; its solution in water, prepared by neutralizing dis- tilled vinegar with carbonate of ammonia, is used in medicine by the name of spirit of mindererus ; in its original form, when the carbonate of ammonia, obtained by the distillation of bones (salt of hartshorn), and which contained enpyreumatic animal oil, was used, it was a much more powerful medicinal agent than when prepared as now, with pure carbonate of ammonia. Acetate of Ether. Acetic Ether. C 4 H 5 + C 4 H 3 3 . Is prepared by distilling 16 parts of dry sugar of lead, 4 of alcohol, and 6 of oil of vitriol ; the product should be rectified over some lime to remove free acetic acid ; this ether is colourless and very inflammable ; it boils at 165 ; it is lighter than water; it is remarkable for being isomeric with aldehyd, their per cent composition being the same, but the sp. gr. of the vapour of acetic ether is double that of aldehyd. Sulphoacetic Acid. Acetone. 805 If glacial acetic acid be acted on by anhydrous sulphuric acid, a compound acid is produced, which is termed sulphoacetic acid, but its formula appears to be C 4 H 2 O 2 + S 2 5 + Aq, and not to belong to the acetic series. PRODUCTS OF THE DECOMPOSITION OF ACETIC ACID BY HEAT. A. Of Pyroacetic Spirit, Acetone. When acetate of lime or barytes is heated to redness, the acetic acid is completely decomposed, an earthy carbonate remaining, and a volatile inflammable liquid, of an agreeable aromatic odour, distilling over; C 4 H 3 O 3 separating itself into C0 2 and C 3 H 3 O. The metallic acetates are similarly decomposed, but the products are not so pure, This li- quid, for which I shall retain the name acetone, is formed also abun- dantly, when the vapour of acetic acid is passed through a tube con- taining charcoal, at a temperature just below redness. Acetone is colourless, lighter than water ; it burns with a luminous flame; it boils at 132; the specific gravity of its vapour is 2022. When heated with hydrate of potash, it is totally converted into car- bonic acid and marsh gas, C 3 H 3 O and HO, producing C 2 H 4 and CO 2 . \\ hen treated by oxidizing agents, as permanganate of potash, or bi- chromate of potash and sulphuric acid, it is totally converted into a mixture of formic and acetic acids. With sulphuric acid, acetone yields a series of products generally analogous to those derived from alcohol, but still presenting such char- acteristic differences as induce me to look upon them as not simply extracted from acetone, but derived from its total decomposition. Thus, it gives a hydrocarbon, mesitylene, whose formula is C 6 H 4 , and also an ether, mesitic ether, C 6 H 5 O. With sulphuric acid this forms the sulphomesitic and persulphomesitic adds, which are remarkable, as the sulphuric acid retains all its power of saturating bases. With phosphoric acid it produces plwsplwmesitic acid, and with hypophos- phorous acid a very remarkable compound, whose barytes salt has the formula C 6 H 5 O + 2BaO.PO. The anologue of which in the series of wine alcohol has been very recently discovered by Wiirtz, and termed Phosphovinous acid. The mesitic ether combines also with proto- chloride of platinum. T\ hen acetone is treated with chloride of phosphorus it gives phosphoric acid and chloromesitic ether, C 6 H 5 C1 ; with iodide of phos- phorus it produces iodomesitic ether, C 6 H 5 T, and when acted on by chlorine it forms the mesitic chloral, of which the formula is C 3 H 2 C10, and subsequently another body, also a heavy oily liquid, C 3 HC1 2 0. When red fumes of hyponitrous acid are passed into acetone, and the 806 Acetone. Alkarsine. vessel is kept cool, they are copiously absorbed, and, on adding water, a dense *nuid separates, which is nitrous mesitic ether, C 6 H 5 O + NO 3 . By acting on mesitylene, CeH 4 , with nitric acid, a heavy liquid is produced, which is termed mesitic aldehyd, its formula is C 6 H 3 O -f- Aq. Its solution in alcaline liquors becomes brown after some time, and precipitates most salts of the heavy metals. By chlorine the mesitylene is converted into a crystalline body, soluble in ether, and separating from it in brilliant colourless prisms. Its formula is C 6 H 3 C1. I have termed it chloride of pteleyl. In my original examination of this series of bodies, I looked upon acetone as an alcohol (mesitic alcohol), Cell^ = C 6 H 5 O + Aq. from which they were all derived ; but I do not now consider that either mesitylene or mesitic ether pre-exists in acetone. The intimate nature of that body remains yet to be examined. B. Of the Bodies of the Kacodyl Series. When equal weights of acetate of potash and arsenious acid are mixed and distilled at a dull red heat, a dense colourless liquid is obtained, which had been long known to the chemists as the filming liquor of Cadet. The admirable researches of Bunsen have shown that it is an oxide of a compound radical, kacodyl, which he has suc- ceeded in isolating, and which, in the variety of its combinations and the influence their discovery will doubtless exercise on science, ranks with cyanogen. The kacodyl is however a powerfully electro-positive radical, and relates itself rather to ammonium. This connexion is still more evident from the discovery by Bunsen, that oxide of platinum and kacodyl combine to form another compound Ta.dL\c,a\ } platinc-JcacodyI, which corresponds to the compound bases of platino-ammonium, de- scribed in pp. 720 et seq. Nevertheless as they are not of practical importance, a short notice of them will suffice. The fuming Liquor of Cadet or Alkarsin, when purified from acetone and other accidental products of the distillation, is colourless ; much heavier than water. It freezes at 9, and boils at 300. The spe- cific gravity of its vapour is 7180; its odour is excessively disagreeable, provoking weeping and nausea ; it is actively poisonous ; in contact with the air it fumes very much, and absorbs oxygen so rapidly, that if a large surface be exposed, it takes fire spontaneously and burns with a large white flame, throwing off much arsenious acid. Its composition is expressed by the formula C 4 H 6 AsO, and, in all the combinations which it gives, the oxygen alone is replaced. Thus, when distilled with strong muriatic acid, a dense liquid of an insupportable odour is produced, which gradually changes into a crystalline mass, consisting Compounds of Kacodyl. 807 of C 4 H 6 AsCl. By digesting this liquid with zinc and water, in a vessel kept full of pure carbonic acid, chloride of zinc is formed, and the radical, C 4 H 6 As, is set free ; this is an oily -looking heavy liquid, insoluble in water, and taking fire immediately on contact with air. This is the kacodyl, and as its symbol I shall adopt that used by Bun- sen, Kd = C 4 H 6 As. The alkarsine is therefore oxide of kacodyl, KclO, and the body formed by muriatic acid is the chloride, KdCl. The iodide, bromide, sulphuret, and cyanide of kacodyl, may be formed by the simple process of distilling alkarsiue with the corresponding hydra- cids, or the chloride of kacodyl with the iodides, &c. of potassium. AVlien alkarsin is distilled with dilute muriatic acid, or when chloride of kacodyl is treated with water, this is decomposed, and an oxy- chloride obtained, the formula of which is KdO -f- S.KdCl. In a similar manner a corresponding oxy-bromide, KdO -f S.KdBr may be produced, and an oxy-iodide. If alcoholic solutions of oxide of kacodyl and of corrosive sublimate be mixed, a brilliant white precipitate is obtained, which is soluble in water, and crystallizes therefrom in large but delicate rhombic tables, of a satiny lustre. It is a direct combination ; its formula being KdO -f- 2.HgCL A precisely similar compound is formed with the bromide of mercury. TThen alkarsine is exposed to the air, so that it may absorb oxygen, but not burst into flame, it is changed totally into a white crystalline mass ; at the same time arsenious acid and some volatile products are formed. The crystals being dissolved in a small quantity of water, this liquor is evaporated to dryness, and the residue dried by blotting paper, and recrystallized from alcohol. The substance thus obtained is termed alkargene ; it forms large oblique prisms, which are inodorous and tasteless ; it deliquesces in moist air ; it combines with alcalies and metallic oxides, forming very instable compounds ; it melts at 390, and is decomposed by a stronger heat. By deoxidizing agents, as protochloride of tin, or phosphorous acid, it is reduced to the state of alkarsine ; it is not poisonous. Its composition is expressed by the formula, C 4 H 7 AsO4, or Kd.0 3 + Aq. ; its proper name is therefore kacodylic acid. The excessively disagreeable odour of alkarsine may be taken advantage of to recognize the presence of small quantities of arsenic. If a trace of arsenic be mixed with some acetate of potash and water, then dried and ignited in a test tube, it will exhale the odour of alkarsine, and if it be first moistened with muriatic acid the odour of chloride of kacodyl will be produced. This reaction may be useful in distinguishing arsenic from antimony, as according to Bunsen the latter metal does not produce any similar compounds. 808 Sources of Marsh Gas. Fire-Damp. C. Of light carburetted Hydrogen, Marsh Gas. This gas is formed by the decomposition of almost every organic substance at a high temperature. Thus, it exists always, mixed with olefiant gas, in the coal or oil gas used for illumination. It may be formed by passing olefiant gas through a red-hot tube, when half of its carbon is deposited and its volume doubled. It is produced also by passing the vapours of alcohol, of ether, or of acetic acid, through bright red-hot tubes in a similar manner. A very interesting source of this gas is the decomposition of vege- table matter in contact with water, but excluded from the air. By assimilating the elements of four atoms of water the lignine breaks up into carbonic acid, and this gas; C 12 H 8 O 8 , with 4. HO, giving 6.CO 2 and 6.CH 2 . As the origin of the great deposits of coal is to be found in the slow decomposition of submerged forests of high antiquity, this gas was then generated in large quantity, and being subjected to enormous pressure under the mineral strata, which gradually settled on the vegetable masses, it remained infiltrated through the coal, pro- bably in a liquid condition. During the operations of mining, when this great pressure is removed, it reassumes its gaseous condition, and mixing with the air of the mine, creates the danger of explosion, against which the genius of Humphrey Davy provided by the con- struction of his safety lamp (see p. 242). Under the name of the fire damp this gas is known and dreaded by the miners, whilst the carbonic acid, which results simultaneously from the decomposition of the wood, and is known also from its fatal effects when breathed, is termed choke damp. This decomposition of wood goes on in every muddy ditch. If the mud be stirred, numerous gas bubbles will be seen to ascend, and when collected will be found to consist of fire damp mixed with carbonic acid ; hence this gas has got the name of pond or marsh gas. It is obtained, however, most pure by the decomposition of acetic acid by hydrate of potash. About equal parts of acetate of potash and caustic potash are to be well mixed, and heated in a hard glass retort nearly to redness. The acetic acid and water are simultaneously decomposed, C 4 H 3 3 and HO, producing 2.CH 2 and 2.C0 2 . This last remains com- bined with the potash, whilst the gas which passes off may be collected over water. It is colourless and transparent. It burns with a yellow flame, possessing but little illuminating power; its sp. gr. is 557 ; its formula being CHa and consisting of Chloral. Chloro-acetic Add. 809 One volume of carbon vapour . . . = 836 '8 Four volumes of hydrogen . . . . = 276*2 Forming two volumes of marsh gas . 1113*0 Of which one weighs, therefore . . 556*5 Or it may be considered as containing one volume of olefiant gas and two hydrogen, condensed to two, (974'6 + 138-6) -r- 2 = 556'5. The real atomic weight of the marsh gas is difficult to determine, as it does not form any well defined combinations. There is reason to suppose it to be C 2 H 4 . When acted on by chlorine, it gives muriatic acid gas, and bichloride of carbon (p. 706), which has been already noticed. OF THE ACTION OF CHLORINE ON ALCOHOL, ALDEHYD, ACETIC ACID, AND THE VARIOUS KINDS OF ETHERS. When chlorine gas is passed into alcohol, not absolutely anhydrous, a heavy oily liquid is obtained, known as heavy muriatic ether or chlorine ether. It is a mixture of several substances in indeterminate proportions. Chloral and Chloroacetic Acid. When the alcohol is anhydrous and the gas quite dry, the action is definite, and gives rise to a remarkable result. Five-sixths of the hydrogen of the alcohol are removed, and are replaced by three of chlorine, and after the evolution of a large quantity of muriatic acid gas a dense oily liquid is obtained, to which the name of chloral has been given its formula is C 4 HC1 3 O2. The first operation of the chlorine is to remove two equivalents gf hydrogen, and thus to reduce the alcohol to the state of aldehyd, just as any other oxidizing agent should have done ; but then it acts on the hydrogen of the radical acetyl, and expelling it, takes its place, generating a new compound radical acechloryl, C 4 C1 3 . This is combined with oxygen and water in chloral, as acetyl is in ordinary aldehyd; the rational formula of chloral is therefore C 4 C1 3 .O + Aq. Chloral combines with water, forming a crystalline hydrate. It gra- dually changes into an isomeric porcellanous-looking substance. The equivalent change of common aldehyd has been described, (p. 794). When chloral is acted on by a solution of potash, it yields formic acid and chloroform, C 4 HC1 3 O 2 and HO, giving C2HC1 3 . By the action of chlorine on aldehyd, chloral is directly formed. When the crystallized acetic acid is exposed to the action of chlorine, in bright sunshine, a substance is formed which crystallizes in brilliant 810 Chloryl-Ether. Chlorojcamethan . rhombs, and possesses strong acid properties ; its formula is C 4 HC1 3 4 . It is formed by the replacement of the hydrogen of the radical, acetyl, by chlorine, forming thus the chloro-acetic acid, C 4 C1 3 .O 3 + Aq. Its salts crystallize with facility, and have great similarity to the acetates. When the chloracetate of potash is heated with an excess of potash, it is decomposed into carbonic acid and chloroform; C 4 C1 3 .O 3 and HO giving 2.CO 2 and C 2 HC1 3 . This reaction is exactly similar to that of the common acetate of potash, the chloroform replacing the pond gas. Of the Series of Chlorine Ethers. When chlorine acts upon sulphuric ether, a remarkable series of bodies is produced ; the first formed is a dense oily liquor, having the formula C 4 H 3 C1 2 O., which, by contact with water or an alcali, is decom- posed into hydrochloric and acetic acids, 3(C 4 H 3 Cl.jO), and 6. HO, producing 6.HC1 and 3.(C 4 H 3 O 3 .) This body is properly, therefore, oxy chloride of acetyl j it is decomposed by sulphuret of hydrogen, muriatic acid being given off, and an oxysulphuret of acetyl being formed, which resembles it in properties. In presence of a great excess of chlorine, this oxychloride is totally decomposed, the chlorine entering into the place of the hydrogen in the acetyl, and forming the same radical as exists in chloral and chloro- acetic acid. The substance thus produced is solid and crystalline ; it bears a very simple relation to sulphuric ether, as its formula is C 4 C1 5 0.; being apparently ether, in which all hydrogen is replaced by chlorine. It may be termed chloryl-ether. The action of chlorine on the acetic and oxalic ethers, has thrown much light on the theory of these bodies. Acetic ether combines with two atQms of chlorine, and loses two atoms of hydrogen, thus giving from C 4 H 3 O 3 + C 4 H 5 O, the chloracetic ether C 4 H 3 O 3 + C 4 H 3 C1 2 0, an oxychloride of acetyl, containing twice as much acetic acid as that just now described, and its rational formula being, therefore, AcCl 3 + 2Ac0 3 . ; with potash it gives chloride of potassium and acetate of potash. By a stream of dry chlorine gas, oxalic ether is totally converted into a mass of crystalline plates, which are tasteless and perfectly neutral ; this body contains no hydrogen, its formula being C 6 C1 5 4 = C 4 C1 5 O + C 2 O 3 . It is, therefore, a combination of oxalic acid with chloryl- ether, and is termed chlor-oxalic ether. With water of ammonia it gives oxamide ; by the action of dry ammonia, it forms a substance also crystalline, which is soluble in alcohol and ether, sparingly soluble in water, and the formula of which is C 8 H 2 C1 5 N0 6 . ; at the same time chloryl-ether and water are evolved ; the rational formula of this body, Action of Chlorine on Muriatic Ether. 811 chloroxamethan, is at once seen by comparing it with, the oxamethan, formed by ammonia on oxalic ether, (p. 788). Thus : 2 atoms oxalic ether, Ci2HioO8, give an atom of oxamethan, CgHyNOe. 1 ,, ammonia, NH 3 , ,, an atom of alcohol, C 4 H5O + Aq. In like manner, 2 atoms of chloroxalic ether, C^ChoOs, give 1 of chloroxamethan, CsClsH^NOe. 1 ,, of ammonia, Nils, ,, 1 of chlorine alcohol, C^lgO+Aq. The rational formula of the chloroxamethan is, therefore, C 4 C1 3 O.C 2 O3 4- C 2 O 2 .Ad. When chloroxamethan is dissolved in water of ammonia, and the solution evaporated, crystals are obtained, which are chloroxalovinate of ammonia, their formula being C 8 H 4 C1 5 N0 8 , or in its rational form C 4 C1 5 O.C 2 3 + C 2 3 .NH 4 O ; identical in constitution with the ordinary oxalovinate of ammonia, except that it contains chloryl-ether in place of common ether ; the chloroxalovinic acid itself has been isolated ; it crystallizes in long needles, which react acid, and combines with all bases to form well-defined salts ; its formula is C 4 C1 5 O.C 2 3 + C 2 O 3 Aq. A crystallographic examination has rendered the isomorphism of the ordinary oxamethane with the chloroxamethan exceedingly probable. The results of the action of chlorine on the light muriatic ether, have led to remarkable results. Eegnault considered this body as af- fording a test experiment for the actual presence of olefiant gas in ether, for if olefiant gas be AcH, and that muriatic ether be AcH.HCl, the result of the action of chlorine should be the same on both bodies, as the muriatic acid in the latter, could not influence such a reaction. Now by acting on muriatic ether with chlorine, a series of bodies are obtained, isomeric with those arising from olefiant gas, but quite dif- ferent in properties. Thus there is first formed a liquid C 4 H 4 C1 2 ; this has the composition of Dutch oil ; next a liquid forms, whose formula is C 4 H 3 C1 3 ; afterwards bodies consisting of C 4 H 2 C1 4 and C 4 HC1 5 and ultimately C 4 Cl6, sesquichloride of carbon. Now the bodies C 4 H 4 C1 2 and C^gCly as derived from olefiant gas, are separated by potash, intoC 4 H 3 Cl with HQ, and into C 4 H 2 C1 2 with HC1; but the bodies C 4 H 4 C1 2 and C 4 H 3 C1 3 from muriatic ether, are not decomposed by that alcali. I do not, however, believe in the indefinite replacement of hy- drogen by chlorine, which Eegnault assumes, and look upon the re- lation of these series of bodies as being the following : From olefiant Gas. From muriatic Ether. C 4 H 4 C1 2 = 4 H 3 C1 + HC1. C 4 H4C1 2 = C 4 H 3 C1 + C 4 H 5 C1. C 4 H 3 C1 3 = 2(C 2 HC1) and HC1 C 4 H 3 Cls. C4H 2 C1 4 = 2(C 2 HC1 2 ) C4H 2 C1 4 = C4C15. Cl + 2(C4Hs. Cb) C4HC1 5 = C 4 H 3 C1 3 + 2(C14.C1 5 .C1) 812 Constitution of Alcohol and Ether. Both these give finally sesquichloride of carbon, C 4 C1 5 C1. The bodies from olefiant gas, which contain chloride of hydrogen, are de- composed by an alcoholic solution of potash, but those in which the chlorine is combined with an organic radical are not affected by that reagent, By the action of chlorine on mercaptan, a similar series of products are obtained, of which the terminal body is C 4 HC1 4 S consisting of C 4 H 3 .S 3 + 2(C 4 C1 5 .C1). On the Theoretical Constitution of Alcohol, and the Bodies derived from it. The theory of alcohol and the ethereal combinations is of the more importance as the principles of it regulate our ideas, not merely con- cerning the bodies that have been now described, but a vast number of others ; for the ordinary, or wine alcohol, is but one example of a nu- merous family of bodies, which resemble it in all its general laws of reaction, with, of course, peculiarities characteristic of each ; thus wood-spirit, oil of potato-spirit, and ethal are alcohols. The generic properties of an alcohol are, that its composition may be represented by a hydrocarbon isomeric with olefiant gas, united with two atoms of water ; that it gives an ether, which contains an atom of water less, and acts as a base ; and that by combining the hydrocarbon with four atoms of oxygen, an acid is formed. Thus, we have Wine Alcohol. Wood Alcohol. Oil of Potato -Spirit. Ethal. Alcohol, C4H 4 + 2HO C 2 II 2 + 2IIO. CioIIio + 2HO C 32 H 32 -f2HO Ether, C 4 H4-|-HO C 2 H 2 + HO CioIIio+HO C 32 H 32 -{- HO Acid, C 4 H 4 +O 4 . C 2 H 2 +O 4 CioH IO + O 4 C 32 H 32 + O 4 . Such being the connexion of the bodies of this class, the proposi- tions in which I shall now proceed to embody the principles of the constitution of the substances derived from wine-alcohol, may be here- after immediately applied to illustrate the history of the other alcohols. 1. Prom the action of sulphuric acid, of chloride of zinc, of fluor- ide of boron, of potassium, and of chlorine on alcohol, it results that it contains an atom of water ready formed, united with sulphuric ether ; its formula is therefore C 4 H 5 + Aq. 2 The sulphuric ether is a base, neutralizing the strongest acids and producing both oxy-salts and haloid salts, perfectly resembling those of an alcali. The oxygen in ether may be replaced by all other electro- negative bodies, whilst the carbo-hydrogen C 4 H 5 remains constant. By the conditions laid down in p. 664 this, therefore, is a compound radical; it is called ethyl, and its symbol is written Ae. Ether is oxide of ethyl, and its symbol is A.eO. Theory of the Ethers. 813 3. By the action of oxidizing agents, hydrogen may be removed from ethyl, and a new radical C 4 H 3 produced, which, by combining with oxygen, forms aldehyd and acetic acid, its symbol being, Ac. Aldehyd is protoxide, AcO, and acetic acid, peroxide of acetyl, Ac.0 3 ; both being considered free from water. 4. From olefiant gas, by the action of oxidizing agents, we cannot in any case pass to the series of bodies containing acetyl ; nor can we, by bringing olefiant gas into contact with water or acids, produce any form of alcohol or ether. On the contrary, the isethionic acid is essentially distinct from these acids which contain ether, and yields none by any form of decomposition ; olefiant gas, on the other hand, given, by the action of chlorine, a series of bodies, which are quite different from those given by muriatic ether, but which indicate that it is itself a radical, having laws of combination peculiar to itself, and independent, as Berzelius had already suggested, both of the alcohol and acetic series. Its formula is, therefore, C 2 H 2 ; its symbol, El, and the Dutch oil is truly chloride of elayl. The ethyl may change itself readily into elayl by loss of hydrogen, sine C 4 H 5 = 2.C 2 H 2 and H, and it is thus broken up when the hydriodic or muriatic ethers are decom- posed by heat, or by potash, or ammonia ; or when sulphuric ether is acted on by an excess of sulphuric acid. 5. Although from the decomposition of ether we obtain olefiant gas, or light oil of wine, yet as ether cannot be in any way regenerated from these bodies by the influence of water or otherwise, neither can the other products derived from ether, as acetic acid, be produced from them, we must abandon the theory which considered ether to be a hydrate of C 4 H 4 , and consider it simply as an organic base, the oxide of ethyl. 6. By the action of chlorine on the ethereal compounds and on olefiant gas, radicals are regenerated, which are precisely equivalent to the three, ethyl, acetyl, and elayl, but which contain chlorine in place of hydrogen. Their formulae are C 4 Cl3.C 4 Cl5 and C 2 C1 2 . This last is the protochloride of carbon, already described; the first, acechloryl, exists in chlor-aldehyd and in chloro-acetic acid ; the second, ethcloryl, exists combined with oxygen in chloryl-ether, which acts as a base similar to common ether towards the oxalic and acetic acids. In contact with an excess of chlorine, it breaks up, as ethyl does into olefiant gas and hydrogen, into the protochloride of carbon and chlorine, and thus the ultimate result is the sesquichloride of carbon, C 2 C1 3 . 7. The series of bodies formed by the action of chlorine on elayl and on chloride of ethyl, are double combinations of bodies containing the hydrogen and chlorine radicals, and hence results their isomerism. 814 ^Enanthic Ether. Thus the body (C 4 H 2 C 4 ), from elayl, consists of C 2 H 2 .C1 -f C 2 C1 2 .C1, whilst the body (C 4 H 2 C1 4 ), from tlie muriatic ether,, is really 2(C 4 H 3 .C1 3 ) -f C 4 C1 3 C1 3 . The body, CiHaCl, from elayl, is 3(C 2 H 2 ) -f C 2 C1 2 . 8. The relation of acetyl to ethyl is simply that of internal constitu- tion, described in p. 665. Tor as benzoic acid contains benzoyl, C 14 H 5 2 , whilst this again contains, as radical, the carbohydrogen, C J4 H5. ; so ethyl, C 4 H 5 , contains within it, ready formed, the radical acetyl, and its formula might be still more correctly written as, Ac.H 2 . This is simply shown by the action of chlorine on ether, where C 4 H 3 .H 2 .O, becomes first, C 4 H 3 .C1 2 .0, and subsequently changes to C 4 C1 3 .C1 2 .O. The intermediate compound Ac.Cl 2 . relating itself to the oxygen, as the sulphurous acid, S0 2 , or the benzoyl, C 14 H 15 .O2, in the sulphuric and benzoic acids. Although the connexion of these two radicals is thus analogous to that of amidogen, Ad, and ammonium, Ad H 2 = Am, yet a broad line of distinction is drawn between the ammonia and ether theories, by the very definite character of ether, oxide of ethyl, as contrasted with the hypothetic oxide of ammonium ; and on the other hand there does not appear to be any acetylide of hydrogen, corresponding to ammonia, the amidide of hydrogen, for the assumption of olefiant gas as being that body, is not based upon suffi- cient evidence. SECONDAEY PRODUCTS OF THE ALCOHOLIC FERMENTATION. I have already noticed that besides the carbonic acid and alcohol, which are derived from the sugar, other bodies are evolved in minute quantities, and by their odour and taste characterize the spirit obtained from particular vegetables. Thus, in the fermentation of grape juice, 02nanthic ether is produced; in the spirit distilled from potatoes, a peculiar oil is found ; and in the fermentation of malted corn, both of these bodies are generated, besides a third, to which the name of oleum siticum or corn-oil has been given. The cenanthic ether is a thin colourless liquid, of an almost stupifying odour of wine, as to it the peculiar bouquet of wine is due ; its specific gravity is 0'862; it boils at 445; when heated with caustic soda, it evolves alcohol, and forms senanthate of soda, from which the cenanthic acid may be separated by muriatic acid. This is a white crystalline solid which melts at 88, and distils over at 560 unchanged ; its formula is C 14 H 13 O 2 . ; it combines with water, forming a thick oil, which solidifies only at 55, is tasteless and inodorous, but reddens litmus sensibly. The formula of the. ether is AeO + C 14 H 13 O2; it is Ami lie Alcohol Amilene. 815 remarkable almost as the only ether that exists as a natural product, but it may also be formed artificially by means of alcohol and senan- thic acid. The corn oil, of which the formula is C 42 H350 4 is lighter than water, of a very penetrating odour, a biting taste, and cannot be distilled without partial decomposition. Amylic Alcohol Valerianic Acid. The oil of potato-spirit has become of much interest from the dis- covery, that it gives rise to a series of ethereal combinations similar to those of wine alcohol ; the name of amilic alcohol may be applied to it; it is colourless, oily, its odour at first pleasant, but subsequently nauseous ; its taste acrid ; it burns with a blue flame ; its sp. gr. is 0'812 ; it freezes at 4, and boils at 294; it dissolves in alcohol and ether ; its formula is C 10 H 12 O 2 . In this alcohol a compound radical is assumed to exist, termed amyl, C 10 H U j its symbol is Ayl, and it is combined with oxygen and water, Ayl. O -f- Aq. as ethyl is in wine alcohol. The amylic ether, Ayl. O, is not known except in combination with acids ; its bisulphate, or sulph-amylic acid, is obtained by acting on amilic alcohol with oil of vitriol; its formula is AylO.SO 3 -f- S0 3 .HO. ; its barytes salt crystallizes in pearly plates, colourless, very soluble in water and alcohol. This salt is decomposed when its solution is boiled. The salts of lead and lime are completely similar in pro- perties. Chloride of Amyl, Ci H n Cl or Ayl.CL is prepared by acting on amilic alcohol with chloride of phosphorus ; it is a colourless oil, which boils at 217. By the action of bromine, or iodine, and phosphorus on the amilic alcohol, the bromide and iodide of amyl are prepared ; they possess properties similar to those of the chloride. Acetate of AmyL Ayl O -f- AcO 3 . Is easily formed by distilling acetate of potash, oil of vitriol and amilic alcohol; it is a volatile, colourless liquid, which boils at 257. The oxalate of amyl may be similary formed. By distilling amilic alcohol with glacial phosphoric acid, a colourless, aromatic liquid is obtained, having the formula C 10 Hi . It is, in this series, what olefiant gas is in that of the wine alcohol ; it is termed amilene ; the sp. gr. of its vapour in 4918. Valerianic Add. C 10 HioO 4 . "When the amilic alcohol is exposed to the air it absorbs oxygen, but its oxidation is more rapidly effected by heating it with caustic potash. By a loss of hydrogen, and absorption 816 Valerianic Acid Valerone. of oxygen, precisely similar to that which wine alcohol forms acetic acid, it produces a volatile, oily acid, remarkable as naturally existing in the roots of the valeriana officinalis, and being extracted therefrom by distillation; it is lighter than water; it boils at 347, and neutralizes bases, forming soluble sweet-tasted salts; it must be considered as containing a radical analogous to acetyl, valeryl = C 10 H 9 or Yl, and its formula becomes VI. 3 -f Aq. When valerianate of lime is heated, carbonate of lime is formed, and a volatile liquid like acetone, distils over; it is termed valerone. C 10 H90 3 giving CO 2 and CgH^O. The roots of the valerian contain, besides the valerianic acid, another oil destitute of active properties. By cautiously treating amilic alcohol with sulphuric acid and chro- mate of potash, an oily liquid is obtained which is valerianic aldefiyd, C 10 H 10 2 or Al.O + Aq. By an excess of chromate of potash it is changed into valerianic acid. Treated with chlorine, the amilic alcohol, and the various amilic ethers, as well as the valerianic acid, give new products, which contain chlorine, and are constituted on the same principles as have been fully described for wine alcohol. The valerianic acid is found naturally in the berries of the viburnum opulus, and is the ingredient of fish oils, that had been termed Del- phinic and Phocenic acids. It is also now found to be a very ordinary product of the decomposition of organic bodies, as the putrefaction of caseine, the oxidation of oleic acid, and of gelatine, and other bodies. 817 CHAPTER XXII. OP THE PRODUCTS OF THE DECOMPOSITION OF WOOD AND THE ALLIED BODIES. SERIES OF METHYL, PHENE AND ANILINE. SECTION I. OF THE SLOW DECOMPOSITION OF WOOD. CONSTITUTION OF ULMINE. OF TURF AND COAL. THE gradual decomposition of the woody tissues of plants gives origin to a class of bodies which had been long confounded under the name of ulmine, but which are now recognized to consist of several distinct substances, differing in their origin and still more essentially in their properties. From the influence which they exercise in agricultural ope- rations, by forming an element of the soil, and their importance as fuel, by constituting the great mass of turf, they deserve a somewhat de- tailed notice. I have already stated, that by the action of acids upon sugar, (p. 758), lignine, starch, and similar bodies, (p. 762), brown substances are produced, the composition of which was not definitely established. Mulder has, however, recently re-investigated the history of this class of bodies, and from his known accuracy his results may be looked upon as satisfactory. When sugar is acted upon by a very dilute acid, and the liquor not allowed to boil, two brown substances are formed, of which one is soluble in solution of carbonate of soda, but the other not. Tor these bodies the names sacchulmine and sacchulmic acid may be retained. From the alcaline solution the latter may be precipitated by any stronger acid. These bodies are insoluble in water and in alcohol. The formula of the sacchulmine is C 40 H 16 O 14 ; that of the sacchulmic acid is C^H^O^. They differ, therefore, in the former containing the ele- ments of water, which, however, cannot be expelled without total de- composition. If the sacchulmic acid be dissolved in water of ammonia and preci- pitated by an acid, it retains a quantity of the alcali; and if the ammonia solution be decomposed by a metallic salt, the precipitate which forms is a double compound of sacchulmic acid, ammonia and the metallic oxide. It was the unsuspected existence of ammonia in these cases which produced the discordance of former results. 52 818 Ulmine Bodies from Wood. If the sugar be acted on by a stronger acid and the solution kept boiling for a considerable time, the ulmine bodies disappear, and are replaced by two dark brown or black substances, possessing very analo- gous properties, the sacckaro-humine and saccharo-hvimic acid. This change takes place more readily if the air have free access. Both are insoluble in water and alcohol ; they are separated by alcaline liquors which dissolve the acid body. Prom this solution it is thrown down by any stronger acid. The composition of saccharo-humine is expressed by the formula, C 4 oH 15 O 15 ; that of the saccharo-humic acid by C 40 H 12 12 . Like the former bodies these differ, therefore, in the elements of water. Mulder found that access of air was not necessary for tli formation of sacchulmine or its acid, but that without air no saccharo-humine nor its acid could be produced. In this action, even without access of air, formic acid appears, although not in large quantity ; at the same time, glucic acid (p. 766), and another body first described by Mulder, apoglucic acid, are generated. When wood remains long in contact with air and moisture, it is gradually converted into a mixture of two brown substances, which, from their having been originally found as a product of the decompo- sition of elm, are specially termed ulmine and ulmic acid. The latter is insoluble in alcohol and water, soluble in alcaline solutions ; in its natural state it contains ammonia, which can only be expelled by boiling with caustic potash, by which the greater part of the ulmic acid is itself decomposed. Its formula, as derived from the analysis of a specimen furnished by a rotten willow, was C 40 H 12 O 12 , being isomeric with saccharo-humic acid, but distinguished from it by many minor characters, especially that when treated with acids it retains twice as much ammonia as the artificial product. Mulder considers the natural ulmine to contain more hydrogen ; its formula should then be C 4 oHi 4 O I2 , arid by the continued action of the air it should change into ulmic acid. The formation of these bodies from the woody fibre results from the absorption of oxygen and the evolution of carbonic acid and water : thus four atoms of ligriine, C 48 H 32 32 , with fourteen of oxygen, produce 8X0. 2 with eighteen HO, and an atom of ulmine, C 40 H 14 Oi 2 . Another kind of decomposition to which wood is subject, is the conversion of the ligneous fibre into a white friable substance, which is formed abundantly in the interior of dead trees ; its composition is found to be expressed by the formula C 3 3H 27 O 2 4. It is evidently formed by the lignine combining with oxygen from the air and with the ele- ments of water, and then giving off carbonic acid gas ; C 36 H 24 24 with 3.O andS.HO, forming C 33 H 27 O 24 and 3.CO 2 . The rotting of wood is, however, by no means necessarily induced by Ulmine Bodies of the Soil. 819 the mere presence of air and water, for lignine may be exposed to these agents for centuries without being altered in any sensible degree. Pre- cisely as in the alcoholic and acetous fermentations, it is necessary that an azotized substance should be present, which being first decomposed and forming, probably, crenic and apocrenic acids, communicates the action to the lignine ; the albuminous juices which exist in the vessels of the wood act thus as a ferment, and the decomposition of the wood may be prevented by precisely the same methods as counteract the ten- dency to the fermentation of sugar or of alcohol ; any deoxidizing sub- stance, as sulphurous acid, any metallic salt, as corrosive sublimate, or blue-stone, which may combine with the albumen, and render it insoluble, will thus protect wood from decomposition, and are at present extensively used as preservatives against what is technically termed the dry rot. It is by similar decomposition that the roots and other remains of plants are converted into a substance, which by virtue of its direct absorption, or by means of the products of its further change, con- tributes powerfully to the nutrition of the succeeding race of plants, and thereby constitutes an essential element of every fertile soil ; but though, like ulmine, derived from the rotting of vegetable matters, and for the most part of the same composition, the organic substance of the soil is by no means identical with it. It would even appear from. Mulder's results, that the vegetable constituent of the soil varies in composition according to the nature of the crop. For distinction I shall apply to the ulmic acid of the soil the name of geic add, proposed by Berzelius. To extract it, the soil is washed with boiling water until this passed away quite clear, and then boiled with carbonate of soda ; the brown filtered liquor is precipitated by muriatic acid, and the pre- cipitate boiled with alcohol to dissolve out two organic acids, which will be shortly described. In this state, the substance is really an ammoniacal salt; its formula being C^H^O^ -f- NH 3 -f- 4.HO. and even by caustic potash it cannot be completely deprived of ammonia. In the geic acid of a meadow, the same organic element was found to be united with twice as much ammonia, and in one case, where the substance had been obtained from the soil of an orchard, the geic acid had the formula C^H^On. The geic acid, C^H^O^, though isomeric with the saccharo-humic and ulmic acids, is proved not to be identical by numerous minor characters, which need not be described here. In that decomposition of vegetable matter which gives origin to turf, water is present in much greater quantity than in any of the former cases ; in many instances, the plants being totally immersed, and so matted together, from their mode of growth, that the access of air must be very much prevented. Hence we no longer find in turf the 820 Ulmine Bodies from Turf. comparatively simple decomposition of the wood into an ulmine and an ulmic acid, but in addition to these bodies, the turf allies itself to the varieties of coal, in containing several kinds of fossil, resinous and waxy substances, which are produced by secondary and more complicated reactions. Here it is necessary, however, to describe only such con- stituents of the turf as are analogous to those already noticed, and for distinction I shall term them humous and kumic acids. The former is found principally in the light pale brown turf, which is not imbedded in water, the latter, on the contrary, in the heavy black turf, to which water has had free access. They are prepared precisely as noticed for the geic acid ; the turf containing in abundance the same organic acids soluble in alcohol, as does the vegetable soil. The Humous Add resembles perfectly in its properties the sacchulmic acid, with which it is isomeric, its formula being C 40 H 12 O I2 , but it has no tendency to retain ammonia when precipitated by an acid from its combination with that alcali. The humic acid, on the contrary, com- bines with ammonia, so intimately that they cannot be separated by any re- agent, and it even absorbs ammonia in the laboratory, from the small quantity of the gas which may be set free in other operations. As ex- tracted from the black turf, its formula is C 4 oH 15 O 15 + NH 4 O. It is, therefore, when free from ammonia, isomeric with the saccharo-humine, but differs totally in composition from the saccharo-humic acid with which it is so identified in properties. The azotized acids which have been noticed as existing in vegetable soil, and in turf, are termed the crenic and apocrenic acids ; they derive their origin from the rotting of those elements of the plant which contain nitrogen, as albumen, &c. and are formed also in the decom- position of animal substances under peculiar circumstances ; thus certain soft minerals, as polishing slate and rotten-stone, contain so much organic matter as to be used for food in time of distress in the north of Europe, and Berzelius found this to consist of crenic acid, formed from the bodies of the microscopic animals, whose silicious skeletons constitute the mineral portion of the rock. These acids were first discovered in mineral springs, whence their name (*ppn), and are most easily obtained pure from the ochery deposits which form on the sides of the spring, and in which they are combined with oxide of iron and silica. They are separated by means of their copper salts, the white crenate of copper being soluble, whilst the brown apocrenate of copper is insoluble in a liquor containing free acetic acid ; from the copper salts they may be set free by sulphuretted hydrogen. The Crenic Acid is a pale yellow gummy mass, of an astringent Crenic Acid. Formation of Coal. 82] taste, very soluble in alcohol and water ; its formula is NC 14 H 16 O 12 ; by exposure to the air, it changes into apocrenic acid; this is brown, of an astringent taste, reddens litmus, and is much less soluble in alco- hol and water than the crenic acid ; its formula is N 6 C 28 H 14 O 6 . The relations of these acids, and of the several species of ulmine to the nutrition of plants will be hereafter considered. The circumstances under which coal is formed have been already noticed generally, in pp. 671 and 808, but it remains to examine specially the mode of decomposition to which the wood is subjected during that change. The coal appears to require for its production, that the ligneous fibre should be in presence of water, with little or no access of air, and that in most cases the temperature shall be elevated. Thus whilst ulmine is produced when the woody material is on the surface, or at least only immersed in water, the formation of any of the varieties of coal requires the conjoined influence of moisture, of great pressure, arising from the superposition of beds of rock or soil, of a high temperature, given by the proximity of volcanic foci, or generated by the decomposition of the wood itself, and finally, that the access of air shall be much more limited than in the former cases. Then, accord- ing to the age of the geological formation, the nature of the superin- cumbent rock, and the degree to which the temperature is raised, the coaly material varies in composition. The more recent species (lignite or fossil wood) which peculiarly belong to the tertiary formations, are characterized by the perfect preservation of the organized structure of the wood, and a more or less deep brown, but not black colour. Their composition may generally be expressed by formulae which indicate that, without any absorption of oxygen from an external source, the wood has given off carbonic acid and water. In the coals of the secondary strata (the proper coal formation) great diversity of constitution exists, depending on local circumstances. It would appear, that where the conversion from lignine into true coal is perfect, the proportion of carbon and hydrogen becomes uniformly C 3 2H 12 ; these elements being united with small quantities of oxygen, generally amounting to from three to five atoms. The cannell coal of Wigan, the splint coal of TTorkington, and the caking coal of Newcastle have been ascertained, by Johnstone, to be so constituted. Here, also, the change arises from the elimination of the elements of water and carbonic acid from the wood, as C36H24O24 produces exactly, 4.CO. 2 and 12. HO, with C 32 H 12 O 4 . TThen the mass of decomposing vegetable matter has been subjected to a very high temperature, as by the direct contact of volcanic rocks, it becomes almost completely carbonized, and the variety of coal termed anthracite is formed. The small quantity of hydrogen and oxygen 822 Composition of Coal. which anthracite contains, can only be referred to traces of the proper coal that have escaped decomposition, and if pure, it should be a mineral coke identical in nature with the coke artificially prepared. The formulce here given as expressing the constitution of the pro- ducts of the decomposition of wood, are to be considered only as illustrative of the kind of re-action which goes on between its elements ; for none of these products are pure chemical substances ; they form no definite compounds ; they have no precise equivalent number, and hence it is only for illustration that a formula can be legitimately em- ployed to express their composition. The following table contains the ordinary composition of the most important varieties of coal and turf. The numbers given were selected from those obtained in my own analyses. Kind of Fuel. Carbon. Hydrogen. Oxygen and Nitrogen. Ashes. Economic Value Of 100 Parts. Turf . . ; 58-09 5-93 31-37 4-61 171 Lignite . . 7171 4-85 21-67 1-77 208 Splint Coal . 82-92 6-49 10-86 0-13 262 Cannell Coal. 83-75 5-66 8-04 255 260 Cherry Coal . 84-84 5-05 8-43 1-68 258 Caking Coal . 87-95 5-24 5-41 1-40 271 Anthracite . 91-98 3-92 3 16 0-94 273 At the same time that the great masses of fossil fuel are thus gen- erated by the decomposition of wood, a great number of other products make their appearance, which, although much inferior in quantity, pos- sess, at least in some cases, considerable interest. Thus the fire damp of mines (p. 808) consists in most part of marsh gas, but contains in some cases also olefiant gas and free hydrogen. Interspersed through the masses of coal are found small quantities of a great variety of bodies, principally carbo-hydrogens, resembling the oils and stearoptens of plants closely in properties and constitution. Thus, ozocherit, or fossil wax, is found in cavities in the rocks lying upon coal; it is brown, of a foliated structure; it fuses at 143. Paraffine, which is an important constituent of the tar, produced in the destructive distillation of wood, is also found associated with coal. It is white, crystallizes in brilliant plates ; it fuses at 111, and may be distilled unaltered ; it dissolves readily in ether and alcohol ; it is scarcely acted upon by re-agents, whence its name (parum affinisj. Both these bodies have the same composition as olefiant gas, consisting of CH. Many waxy fossil substances are isomeric with oil of turpen- tine, and one, which is interesting, as being the matrix in which the Products of Destructive Distillation. 823 native cinnabar of Idria is imbedded, (p. 568), has the formula C 12 H 7 ; it is termed idrialine. Others of these products are liquid, and frequently issue forth from the surface of the ground, constituting springs, which from their im- flainmability have been invested in uncivilized countries with a sacred character. Such liquids are known as rock oil or petroleum. Some specimens of it that have been accurately examined are, like paraffine, isomeric with olefiant gas, whilst others are isomeric with oil of tur- pentine, and absorbing oxygen are gradually converted into a resinous substance, asphalt, for which the formula, C^H^Oe, has been assigned. SECTION II. DESTRUCTIVE DISTILLATION OF WOOD OF THE PYROXYLIC SPIRIT, AND ITS DERIVATIVES. THE class of bodies upon the description of which I shall now enter, although possessing the most remarkable analogies to the common alcohol and the compounds derived from it, and to the acetic acid, are separated from them by the circumstance of not being formed, so far as is yet known, by any process of fermentation, but in the total destruction of the organic constitution of ligneous fibre or wood, by a strong heat. No material bearing to methylic alcohol the relation which sugar has to common alcohol has been as yet discovered. The methylic compounds are however met with in nature, although sparingly, the volatile oil of the gualtheria procumbens being a methyle ether, salicylate of methyl, and the product of the oxidation of pyroxylic spirit, formic acid constituting the irritating material of the sting of the common ant. For practical purposes, however, the source of pyroxylic spirit is altogether artificial. It was, in fact, first discovered as a volatile pro. duct, appearing in the manufacture of an impure vinegar, by the dis- tillation of wood ; and its collateral production in that process is the source from whence the chemist always derives it. It will, therefore, be necessary to describe the general conditions of that operation before entering upon the study of the individual chemical products. Preparation of Methylic Alcohol. The results of the action of heat on an organic substance are strictly analogous to those of an imperfect combustion. A quantity of carbon is removed, as carbonic acid, and a quantity of hydrogen, as water. 824 Products of the Distillation of Wood. The other products contain, therefore, relatively less oxygen. If the substance upon which we operate be pure, and the heat be carefully managed, the result is in all cases perfectly simple and distinct, as where acetic acid gives acetone and carbonic acid ; malic acid gives water, carbonic acid, and maleic acid; but if the temperature change, another set of reactions occur, and other products are generated, which arise, properly speaking, from the decomposition of the first. Thus, acetic acid gives marsh gas ; malic acid gives fumaric acid. Hence, if substances be taken, through which, either from their mass or their non-conducting power, the heat cannot be uniformly diffused, a number of different reactions take place in different portions at the same time, according to their respective temperatures ; the bodies generated in the interior are altered according as they approach the surface ; and hence a very high degree of complexity is given to the ultimate results. "When the substances operated on are not pure, but as common wood, coal, turf, &c., contain various organic bodies of different na- tures mixed together, it becomes quite impossible to express the precise reactions which occur, and the number of bodies generated becomes very great. It is to the classes of bodies thus produced that I wish to direct attention in the present section, as in all cases where the mode of origin of a pyrogenic product is accurately known, I have described it in connexion with the body from whence it is usually derived. According as the object of the process is the manufacture of vinegar or of tar, the distillation of wood is very differently managed. For the first, a cast-iron cylinder, a, is built into a furnace, of which c is the grate, d the fire door, and e, e, e, the flue, which winds spirally round the cylinder, so as to heat it as uniformly as possible. The wood, in pieces which fit accurately the interior of the cylinder, is in- Manufacture of Pt/roxylie Spirit. 825 troduced by an opening in the top, which is then closed by the plate b. The volatile and gaseous products of the distillation pass off by the tube g, which is bent zig-zag, and is surrounded at i, i, by larger tubes, through which a stream of cold water constantly passes. This water is supplied from a reservoir, n, by the tube I, and entering below at m, passes from one jacket to another by the cross pipes 0, o, and escapes ultimately above at p; this cooling arrangement being a form of Liebig's condensing tube, (p. 776), convoluted, as it were, in order to occupy less room. The liquids, which are thus condensed, collect in the tubs r, and the gases which come over are allowed by the cock t to issue from the tube s, and, being set on fire, play on the bottom of the cylinder, and thus economize a certain quantity of fuel. The liquid products separate, on standing, into two layers, the upper formed of oily and tarry matters, the lower of water, acetic acid, pyroxylic spirit, &c. By the connecting tube, this heavier liquid passes into the second tub, while the tar remains in the first. The impure acetous liquor is neutralized by carbonate of lime ; the acetate of lime decomposed by sulphate of soda, or sulphuret of sodium ; the acetate of soda crystallized and fused in order to expel the adhering tar, then dissolved, recrystallized, and decomposed by oil of vitriol. Pure acetic acid is thus obtained, which is then diluted with water to the various degrees of strength required in commerce, (p. 796). When the acetous liquor has been neutralized by the lime, it is con- centrated by distillation, whereby a spirituous liquid is obtained, which is ivn&& pyroxylic spirit, and has a close analogy to alcohol in its cha- racters. In this state it is, however, a mixture of a variety of bodies ; some of these, as aldehyd and acetone, have been already noticed, and the others shall now be described. Mr. Scanlan first recognized the various constituents of the impure pyroxylic spirit, and their history was accurately investigated by Dumas and Peligot, by Lowig and by myself. The impure pyroxylic spirit having been deprived of water by re- peated rectifications over lime, as much chloride of calcium as it can dissolve is to be added to it, and the mixture allowed to stand for a few days. Being then distilled in a water bath, the body to which the name of pyroxylic spirit is specially applied, remains in the retort, com- bined with the chloride of calcium, whilst there distils over a mixture of two liquids, xylit and merit, which are separated from each other by frequent rectification, as their boiling points differ. Besides these three bodies, there exist in the rough liquor an oil, metkol, and a solid sub- stance, discovered by Mr. Scanlan, and izTs&z&pyroxanthine. This last body remains behind when the spirit is rectified over lime, 826 XylUMesit.Methylic Alcohol. from which it is separated by adding muriatic acid, and being then dissolved in boiling alcohol, it crystallizes on cooling ; it forms deep orange yellow needles ; it fuses at 350, and volatilizes in a current of air or of vapour, but is decomposed if heated by itself : it is insoluble in water, but dissolves in alcohol and volatile oils; sulphuric acid colours it deep indigo blue ; its formula is C 2 iH 9 4 . No combinations of it are known. The Metkol contains no oxygen ; its formula being C 4 H 3 . It boils at 356, and possesses the general characters of an essential oil. XylU resembles alcohol closely in its properties. Its odour is agreeable and ethereal; its specific gravity, 0*816; it boils at 143 ; with acids it produces ethereal compounds, which have not been closely examined ; its formula appears to be C 12 H 12 0.5. Hesit can scarcely be considered as having been as yet obtained pure; in its properties it closely resembles xylit, but has a higher boiling point ; its formula has been stated to be C 6 H 6 O 2 . I shall have on another occasion to notice the probable constitution of these bodies. The proper pyroxylic spirit is obtained pure from its combination with chloride of calcium, by the addition of water, and distillation ; by rectification in a water bath, with dry lime, it is freed from water. "When quite pure, it is a colourless liquid, of a peculiar aromatic smell ; it burns with a flame still less luminous than that of spirit of wine ; its specific gravity is 0*798; it boils at 140; its formula is C 2 H 4 2 ; the specific gravity of its vapour is 1*1105 ; in its action upon other bodies this substance ranges itself completely with wine-alcohol, and it is hence frequently termed methylic alcohol, from the Greek words /&w0u and uX?j. In the history of its combinations it will, therefore, be suffi- cient to fix attention on those points which are more specially charac- teristic of it ; its series being in many respects more complete than that of ordinary alcohol. Pyroxylic spirit combines with bases and with salts to form com- pounds similar to the alcoates. It is decomposed by the chlorides of zinc and alcohol, by the fluorides of silicon and boron ; methylic ether is evolved, the reactions being precisely such as occur in the case of ordinary alcohol. Methylic Ether and its Salts. "When treated with sulphuric acid, the methylic alcohol produces an ether, an organic acid, and a heavy oil, precisely similar to those formed by spirit of wine. But the reaction is much more distinct, all the Methylic Ether. Sulphate of Methyl. 827 products remain properly in the series of the methylic alcohol ; no gas, equivalent to olefiant gas, being evolved. The methylic ether is, at ordinary temperatures and pressures, a colourless gas, of an ethereal odour ; it burns with a blue flame. Water absorbs thirty-seven times its volume of it ; its formula is C 2 H 3 O. ; it hence is isomeric with wine-alcohol, with the vapour of which it has the same specific gravity = 1597*5 ; but its atomic weight is only one- half that of alcohol; it combines directly with anhydrous sulphuric acid, forming a heavy oily liquid, and with the other acids to form com- pound ethers. Tor the same reasons as have been fully discussed under the head of wine-alcohol, it is assumed to be an oxide of a compound radical, methyl, C 2 H 3 or Me, and the formula of the pyroxylic spirit is therefore MeO + Aq. The sulpho-methylic acid is formed precisely as the sulphovinic acid which it closely resembles in properties, except that it may be obtained crystallized in white needles, by cautious evaporation of its solution. Its formula is MeO.S0 3 + SO 3 .HO. ; its salts are generally more per- manent, and crystallize more easily than the sulphovinates. Sulphate of Methyl. MeO + SO 3 . This substance passes over as a heavy oil, when one part of pyroxylic spirit is distilled with five or six parts of oil of vitriol, and is formed also by the direct union of of methylic ether and dry sulphuric acid. It has a strong garlic colour; its specific gravity is 1*324; it boils at 370. By boiling water, or strong bases, it is immediately resolved into its constituents. "With dry ammonia it forms a white crystalline mass, sulpho-methylan, which con- sists of MeO.SO 3 + S0 2 .Ad. The carlo methylic acid is prepared by adding solid carbonic acid to a solution of barytes in pyroxylic spirit, or by passing a stream of dry carbonic acid gas into the solution under pressure. The base becomes perfectly neutralized, and the carbo-methylate of barytes may be obtained crystallized in minute plates by evaporation and cooling. Its formula is MeO.CO 2 + BaO.C0 2 . On decomposing this salt by soluble carbonates or sulphates, the carbomethylates of the other bases may be produced. The carbomethylates in solution rapidly de- compose into a carbonate of the base, methylic alcohol and free carbonic acid. If the salt be decomposed by a stronger acid, the carbomethylic acid is set free, but very soon separates into its con- stituents. Xanthomethylic acid. MeO^ + CS 2 . On dissolving sulphuret of carbon in a hot solution of potash in pyroxylic spirit, the xanthomethy- late of potash crystallizes on cooling in very beautiful orange yellow prisms. The other salts are prepared by double decomposition. 82 8 Acetate of Methyl Nitrate of Methyl. When vapours of hydrated cyanic acid are passed into pyroxylic spirit it gives an allophanate of methyl analogous to the body described, p. 788. Acetate of Methyl. C 6 H g 4 = C^H/) -f C 4 H :) 3 . This body ap- pears to be a product of the distillation of wood, and to constitute the body already described as mesit. It is easily formed by distilling a mixture of acetate of soda, pyroxylic spirit, and oil of vitriol. It is a light liquid of an agreeable odour and a pungent taste, sp. gr. 0*920. It boils at 136. This body is interesting as isomeric with the formiate of ethyle, (formic ether), which is also C 6 H 6 4 = C 4 H.O + C 2 H0 3 . Nitrate of Methyl. MeO.N0 5 . Is prepared by distilling nitrate of potash, pyroxylic spirit, and oil of vitriol, mixed together in a capacious retort. The receivers are to be carefully cooled, and a gentle heat applied to the retort to commence the reaction, which then continues to the end without any further external heat. The product, when puri- fied by redistillation over some oxide of lead, is a colourless liquid, neutral, of an ethereal odour ; it burns with a yellow flame ; its sp. gr. is 1-182; it boils at 151. If a drop of it be heated to 300, it ex- plodes, and this takes place much more easily if there be a quantity ; hence its distillation must be very cautiously conducted. With chloro-carbonic acid the pyroxylic spirit gives compounds precisely similar to those already described in the series of ordinary alcohol, and which with ammoniacal gas produce the uremethylane. Oxalate of Methyl. MeO.C 2 O 3 . Is best formed by distilling a mixture of equal parts of oxalic acid, pyroxylic spirit and oil of vitriol. The product crystallizes in large rhombic plates; it fuses at 124, and boils at 312 ; it dissolves easily in water and alcohol. With water of ammonia it produces oxamid and methylic alcohol ; with dry ammonia it forms a crystalline body, MeO.C 2 O 3 + C 2 O 2 .Ad. Oxamethylan. The combinations of methylic ether with the other oxygen acids, resemble so closely those of vinic ether, that they need not be specially described. Haloid Salts of Methyl Methyl Chloral. Chloride of Methyl. C 2 H 3 .C1. Is obtained by distilling a mixture of common salt, pyroxylic spirit and oil of vitriol. The product having been washed by passing through water, is a colourless gas, sp. gr. 1'730; odour ethereal. When this gas is mixed with chlorine and exposed to light, it produces a liquid isomeric with chloretherene, (page 792), and with more chlorine, chloroform, C 2 HC1 3 . Iodide of MethyL (C 2 H 3 .I.) Is produced as a very dense liquid by distilling pyroxylic spirit with iodine and phosphorus. It boils at 104, sp. gr. 2-287. Haloid Salts of Methyl Methyl Chloral. 829 Sulphur et of Methyl. C 2 H 3 S. Is obtained by decomposing any of the salts of methyl by an alcoholic solution of sulphuret of potassium. It is a liquid of a very offensive odour, sp. gr. 0'850, boils at 107. It is decomposed by chlorine. There is also obtained by decomposing sul- pho-methylate of potash with hydrosulphuret of sulphuret of potassium, a sulphomethylic alcohol or methylene mercaptan, C 2 H 4 S 2 . or C 2 H 3 S + HS., which resembles perfectly in properties the mercaptan described page 785. "When pyroxylic spirit is acted on by chlorine, the action is very com- plex, the liquor separating into a watery and a dense oily liquid. For the latter, very complex formulse have been proposed. With the other compounds of methyl chlorine produces decompositions, of which the more important shall be described farther on. Ammonia-Compounds of Methyl. Oxamethylane. MeO.C 2 O 3 + C 2 O 2 . Ad. Ammoniacal gas is absorbed by oxalate of methyl and a crystalline mass forms, which is purified by solution in boiling alcohol, from which it is deposited in brilliant plates. Sufyhamethylane. MeO.S0 3 + SO 2 .Ad. If dry ammonia be passed over sulphate of methyl, a white solid is produced, which may be purified as above. It is formed also by dissolving sulphate of methyl in water of ammonia in the cold, and evaporating in vacuo, when it crystallizes. Urethylane. MeO.CO 2 + CO.Ad. The oxide of methyl unites with chloro-carbonic oxide, forming a gas closely resembling the chlorocar- bonic ether described page 788, and this condenses with ammonia, forming a crystalline mass, which is separated into muriate of ammonia and the urethylane. PRODUCTS OF THE OXIDATION OF PYROXYLIC SPIRIT. Formic Acid. C 2 H.O 3 -f HO = FoO 3 + Aq. If pyroxylic spirit be distilled with chromate of potash and sulphuric acid, it is totally converted into carbonic acid and water. If black oxide of manganese be used, and that after the first violent effervescence has ceased, a gentle heat be applied, a liquid distils over, which, when completely pure, has the formula, C 6 H 8 4 ; it boils at 104; its sp. gr. is 0*855 ; it is termed methylal. If pyroxylic spirit be brought into contact with oxygen by means of spongy platinum, as described for ordinary alcohol in p. 796, hydrogen 830 Products of the Oxidation ofPyroxylic Spirit. is removed and oxygen absorbed in equivalent proportion, and the methylic alcohol is totally converted into hydrated formic acid. C 2 H 4 O 2 and 2O, giving 2-HO and C 2 H 2 4 . In this reaction there does not appear to be any intermediate state, equivalent to that of aldehyd, which body appears to be without a representative in the pyroxylic series, at least except in combination. For practical purposes this mode of preparing formic acid is not had recourse to, as it may be derived more easily from the oxidation of most organic bodies. The formic acid derives its name from existing in a very concentrated form in the common ant, (formica rufa,) and produces the pain of their sting, on being injected into the puncture which the animal makes; it was formerly prepared by distilling the ants with a little water ; but the pro- cess of Dobereiner is now generally followed. It consists in mixing one part of starch, or sugar, or tartaric acid, with four of black oxide of man- ganese, four of water, and four of oil of vitriol. Considerable efferves- cence occurs owing to the escape of carbonic acid. When this is over^ the mixture is to be distilled until four and one half-parts have passed over ; this acid liquor is to be neutralized by carbonate of soda, and the formiate of soda crystallized by evaporation and cooling. From this salt the formic acid may be obtained in any required degree of concen- tration, by distilling with oil of vitriol, in precisely the manner described for acetic acid, p. 799. If sugar, or starch, or barley, be simply heated with dilute sulphuric acid, until it becomes brown, a certain quantity of formic acid is pro- duced, along with ulmine and ulmic acid. The generation of this acid, as a product of the decomposition of prussic acid, of chloral, and of hydrated oxalic acid has been already noticed. Pure hydrated formic acid is a limpid colourless liquid, which fumes slightly in the air ; its odour is intensely pungent ; when cooled below 32, it crystallizes in brilliant plates; it boils at 212; its specific gravity is 1*235. In this most concentrated form, it is an absolute caustic, if applied to the skin, producing a sore very difficult to heal ; its formula is C 2 HO 3 + HO, and like acetic acid, it is supposed to con- tain a radical, formyl, C 2 H or Fo. and its rational formula to be Fo0 3 -f HO. Combining with water- it forms at least one other definite hydrate ; the formula of which is FoO 3 + 2HO. The resemblance of formic acid to acetic acid is very close, but they are at once distinguished by their behaviour to certain re-agents. When heated with an excess of oil of vitriol, it is decomposed with lively effer- vescence into water and carbonic oxide, (C 2 HOa = C 2 O 2 and HO.) If a solution of a formiate be mixed with a cold solution of nitrate of silver, a white crystalline precipitate of formiate of silver falls, which, Formic Acid. Formiates. 831 when heated, is totally decomposed into metallic silver, water, and car- bonic acid, C 2 HO 3 -f AgO, giving 2.CO 2 with HO, and Ag. If formic acid be digested on red oxide of mercury, carbonic acid is given off, and a sparingly soluble crystalline formiate of the black oxide of mercury is produced, this, when boiled, is totally decomposed, metallic mercury separating, and carbonic acid and water being evolved. The alkaline formiates are soluble and crystallizable ; the formiate of ammonia crystallizes in right rhombic prisms, which melt at 250, and sublime without alteration. If its vapour be passed through a red-hot porcelain tube, it is totally converted into prussic acid and water, C 2 HO 3 + NH 4 O, giving C 2 N.H and 4.HO. Formiate of Soda crystallizes in rhombic prisms, which have the formula, NaO.FoOs + 2Aq. When heated it undergoes aqueous fusion, and by a higher temperature is decomposed. A solution of this salt, when boiled with the salts of silver, mercury, gold, palladium, or platinum, precipitates the metal and is hence useful in analyses. Formiate of Barytes. BaO.FoO 3 . It is obtained in large rhombic prisms, as in the figure, where u, y are primary, and i a secondary plane, which have a bitter taste, and are not altered by the air. It is very soluble in water, but insoluble in alcohol. Formiate of Lime is easily produced by neutralizing lime with dilute formic acid ; it is equally soluble in cold and in hot water, so that it is only obtained crystallized by slow evaporation; it dissolves in ten parts of cold water ; it is insoluble in alcohol. Formiate of Lead. PbO.FoO 3 . If formic acid be added to a solu- tion of acetate of lead, this salt separates after a short time in stellated groups of brilliant needles, which are anhydrous, and require forty parts of water for solution ; it is totally insoluble in alcohol. By the forma- tion of this salt the formic acid is readily distinguished from the acetic acid, and the two, if present together, may be thus separated. Formiate of Copper crystallizes in large rhomboidal prisms, as in the figure, where i, u, u are primary, and m a secondary plane, which are very regular, trans- parent, and of a fine clear blue colour. It effloresces in dry air. The Formiates of Mercury. That of the red oxide is very soluble ; it can only exist at ordinary temperatures ; by a very gentle heat it changes into the formiate of the black oxide, and this, when boiled, gives metallic mercury, as already described among the tests for formic acid. In this reaction 4HgO -f. 4.C 2 H0 3 produce 2.Hg 2 Of 2.C 2 H0 3 and C 2 4 whilst 2.C 2 H 2 4 become free, and further 832 Formic Acid. Chlorides of Formyl. 2Hg 2 O + 2C 2 H0 3 produce C 2 O 4 with 2 Hg and C 2 H 2 O 4 free. The formiate of the black oxide may also be prepared by mixing solutions of formiate of soda, and of subnitrate of mercury ; it separates in small pearly plates of four and six sides, which may be dried between folds of blotting paper, and have a fine silky lustre. Chlorine Bodies of the Formyl Series. By the action of chlorine on the chloride of acetyle, a heavy oily liquid is obtained, having the formula C 2 H.C1. = Fo.Cl. If the action of the chlorine be prolonged, more is taken up and the bichloride of formyl produced, C 2 HC1 2 = Eo.Ck. If the chloride of methyl be acted on by chlorine, there is formed from C 2 H 3 C1 a very volatile dense liquid, having the formula C 2 H 2 C1 2 , which corresponds to the chlore-etherene of the other series, being PoCl -f HC1. If there be an excess of chlorine, all these bodies are converted into the perchloride of formyle or chloroform, which shall be immediately described. When chlorine is made to act on the gaseous methylic ether, muriatic acid gas is disengaged and a liquid compound obtained of a very irritat- ing odour. Its formula C 2 H 2 C10. The further action of chlorine produces a different body with the composition C 2 HC1 2 .O., and finally by an excess of chlorine all hydrogen is removed, and the body C 2 C1 3 O is generated; this is a liquid of a penetrating odour ; it boils at 212. These several bodies may be considered as still representing the methylic ether, its radical methyl C2H 3 being more or less transformed by substitution of chlorine for hydrogen, as described in general prin- ciple in page 668, and this view is taken by most of the modern chemists ; but on the other hand Berzelius considers them as oxychlo- rides of formyl, and the latter body as oxychloride of carbon. The former opinion appears to me very much the more simple, and more in harmony with the history of the corresponding bodies of the series of vinic alcohol ; and it is shown by the following example that this chlo- romethylic ether acts likewise as a base, and unites with and perfectly neutralizes acids. If oxalate of methyl be acted on by chlorine, a volatile liquid is pro- duced, which, when mixed with water, produces oxalic acid, muriatic acid, and carbonic oxide. Its formula is C 2 3 + C 2 HC1 2 O. = C 2 3 and C 2 2 with H 2 C1 2 . "With benzomethylic ether chlorine produces a similar body, Bz.O + C2HC1 2 0., and the acetate of methyl gives Ac0 3 + cjaciyO. In all these cases we may also regard the acid as united with oxy- chloride of formyl, but inorganic chemistry furnishes no example of such a kind of combination. Preparation and uses of Chloroform. 833 Chloroform and its Analogues. Chloroform, the perchloride of formyl. C 2 HC1 3 or Fo.Cl 3 has been already noticed as the final product of a great variety of reactions in which chlorine is engaged, with pyroxylic spirit and methylic ether, and from ordinary alcohol ; for it is found that the acetyl, when strongly acted on by chlorine or by oxygen, splits itself into formyl, C 4 H 3 giving S.C^H, and hydrogen being removed, whilst in such cases the radical is usually carried to its highest degree of combination, formic acid or chloroform being produced. A precise instance of this is the decom- position of chloral by strong alcalies, CX'laO -f- 2. HO, giving C2HC1 3 . -f CkHOg. Owing to these properties, the chloroform may be prepared in many ways, but the following are the best adapted for practice. One pound of chloride of lime, (see page 611,) is to be mixed well with four pounds of water in a capacious retort, and then four ounces of alcohol added. It is nearly immaterial whether common alcohol, or pyroxylic spirit, or pyroacetic spirit be used, but ordinary alcohol appears to deliver usually a more satisfactory produce. The mixture is to be distilled with a moderate heat into a well refrigerated receiver. On mixing the distillate with water, a heavy oil subsides, which, being separated by a funnel, is to be purified by distillation over some oil of vitriol in a water bath. In this reaction it is pretty certain that the alcohol is converted into chloral by the chlorine of the hypochlorite of lime, and the chloral then decomposed by the lime into chloroform and formic acid, which latter, with the excess of hypochlorite of lime, is resolved into carbonic acid, water and chloride of calcium. The chloroform is a colourless liquid, of a dense oily consistence, sp. gr. 1*480. It boils at 142. By an alcoholic solution of potash, it is converted into formic and muriatic acids, water being decomposed. By a red heat it is converted into muriatic acid and chloride of carbon ; acted on by chlorine, it gives chloride of carbon, C 2 C1 4 . The chloroform has recently assumed very great importance as a medicinal agent, from its being found to possess, on its vapour being respired, narcotic or anesthetic powers even greater than those of sul- phuric ether, (page 780.) If a sponge or handkerchief, moistened with chloroform, be held under the mouth and nose, so that the inspired air shah 1 , become mixed with a large proportion of the chloroform vapour, total insensibility supervenes after a few minutes, and the person can be kept thus narcotized for an indefinite time by arranging that he shall breathe an atmosphere containing a proper proportion of gaseous chloroform. On some temperaments, however, the action is much more intense, and cases of death have occurred from the incautious use of this material, which, however, when skilfully employed, has 834 lodoform. Phene. Retinol. enabled the most painful operations to be performed without the patient being at all conscious of what was done. The Perbromide of Formyl. C 2 HBr 3 or Po.Br 3 is prepared precisely as the perchloride, which it closely resembles in properties. The Persulphuret of formyl, C 2 HS 3 . is obtained by heating the perio- dide with sulphuret of mercury. It is a yellow liquid, very dense, and resolved by alcalies into formiate of potash and sulphuret of potassium. Periodide of Formyl lodoform. Fo.I 3 . Is produced by adding caustic potash to a solution of iodine in alcohol, until it is completely decolororized, but avoiding an excess of alcali ; on then evaporating, the iodoform is deposited in brilliant gold-coloured plates ; it is in- soluble in water, but very soluble in alcohol and ether ; it volatilizes .at 218 ; with potash it gives iodide of potassium and formiate of potash. There exist also bromides, cyanides, and sulphurets of formyl, which do not require notice. A substance which occurs accidentally among the formyl bodies, but is not connected with them, furfurol, will be described when speaking of the artificial preparation of organic alcaloids. Products of the Distillation of Oil and Resin. In preparing olefiant gas for the purposes of illumination, by the destructive distillation of resin, a number of substances, some solid, others liquid, are produced, which have been examined by Pelletier and Walter. Those not already described are as follows : Retisteren, a white crystalline solid, which melts at 152 and boils at 617. In its properties it resembles napthaline ; its formula is C 32 Hi 4 . Retinol is a colourless liquid, tasteless and inodorous ; specific gravity = 0'9 ; it boils at 460 ; its formula is C 32 Hj6, being isomeric with benzin ; the specific gravity of its vapour is 7*25. Retinaptha is a colourless liquid, of an agreeable odour; its specific gravity is 0'86 ; it boils at 226 ; its formula is C J4 H 8 . Retinyl, also a liquid, boils at 300 ; it consists of C, 8 Hi2, being polymeric with mesitylene. When the gas, obtained by the destructive distillation of oil, is strongly compressed, a liquid separates, which was found by Earaday to contain three distinct substances. Of these the most abundant is the benzin or phene, described (page 84 -2), and produced in the decom- position of benzoic acid. Of the others, one is known as Faraday's quadricarburet of hydrogen ; it is also formed abundantly in the distil- lation of caoutchouc; its specific gravity is 0*627 ; it boils below 32; it combines with chlorine, forming a heavy oil ; it is isomeric with olefiant gas, its formula being C 4 H 4 and the specific of its vapour is double that of the gas, being V962. The third liquid boils at 183. Its formula is probably C 6 H 4 , being isomeric with mesitylene and retinyl. Constituents of Wood Tar. 835 Constituents of Wood Tar Kreosote PittaJcal. During an elaborate examination of the nature of the tar produced from the destructive distillation of wood, Beichenbach described a number of bodies, of which one, kreosote, has become of much interest, from its remarkable qualities ; but the others are still very little known. For the preparation of Tcreosote, the tar is rectified by successive dis- tillations, until the oil which passes over becomes heavier than water, and is then digested with a solution of caustic potash, which dissolves the kreosote ; when this liquor is exposed to the air, it becomes brown, and being then neutralized by an acid, the kreosote separates. This process of solution in an alcaline liquor and precipitation by an acid, is to be repeated until the solution is no longer browned by exposure to the air ; the kreosote is then pure. It is an oily colourless liquid, with a pene- trating odour of smoke ; its taste is sharp and burning ; its specific gravity is T037 ; it boils at 400 ; it burns with a strong smoky flame; with water it unites in two ways, 100 parts of water dissolve 1'25 of kreosote, and TOO parts of kreosote take up ten of water; the solution is quite neutral ; kreosote mixes with ether, alcohol, and acetic acid in all proportions. It unites with alcalies and with acids, but without appearing to form any definite compounds, and it is not certain that it has ever been obtained really pure. The formula assigned to it is C )4 HA. The most remarkable property of kreosote is, that it coagulates albumen and the colouring matter of the blood, and these bodies are then no longer susceptible of putrefaction. Fibrine, or muscular flesh immersed in a solution of kreosote for some minutes, has no tendency to putrefy, even if exposed to the heat of the sun afterwards ; from this is its name derived, (xgeu$ one equivalent 2 ,, formic acid 4 Hg OG I of amygdaline 7 water H? O7 J In the cotelydon of the almond, the amygdaline and emulsine are in distinct cells, and have no means of acting on each other, but when bruised in water, both dissolve and decomposition immediately occurs. The preparation of the oil, by distillation, can hence be fully under- stood. The mixture of amygdaline and emulsine has been employed as a Oil of Sifter Almonds. Benzyl. 851 means of producing a prussic acid of standard strength for medicinal purposes, and it is owing to the decomposition of this principle that the liquors distilled from the cherrylaurel leaves, peach kernels, etc., contain the prussic acid. The quantity of prussic acid present in laurel water may, however, be very variable, and a dilute prussic acid of de- finite strength is much preferable for medicinal use. Oil of Sitter Almonds Hydruret of Benzyl. FormulaC 14 H 6 O 2 , or Bz.H = Eq. 106. Prepared by distilling bruised bitter almonds with water. In this rough state it contains a great quantity of prussic acid, from which it is freed by distillation with some water, chloride of iron and lime. It is then colourless, of a strong peculiar smell, sp. gr. 1*043 ; it boils at 356 ; when exposed to the air it absorbs oxygen, and forms crystals of benzoic acid; when heated with hydrate of potash, hydrogen is evolved, and benzoate of potash formed. The formula of this oil is C H H 6 O 2 , but from the series of compounds to which it gives rise, it is believed to contain an organic radical C 14 H 5 O 2 termed benzyl, and its rational formula is, therefore, BzH. See p. 664. Chloride of Benzyl. Bz.Cl. Is formed by acting on the hydruret with chlorine. It is a liquid, heavier than water; it boils at 383; when heated with water it gradually changes into benzoic and muriatic acids. By heating chloride of benzyl with iodide of potassium, iodide of benzyl is formed ; and by using the bromide, sulphuret, or cyanide of potassium, compounds of benzyl with these electro-negative bodies may be formed. Amidide of Benzyl Benzamide. Bz.Ad. Is formed by acting on chloride of benzyl with dry ammonia, 2(HAd) and Bz.Cl gives Bz.Ad and AdH.HCl; it forms rhomboidal prisms, whch melt at 240 and may be distilled unaltered ; heated with potash it gives ammonia and benzoate of potash. Oxideof Benzyl Benzoic Acid.- C 14 H 5 O 3 -f HO = BzO + Aq. Eq. 122. This acid is found ready formed in the resin of benzoin and in dragon's blood ; it sometimes appears in the urine of herbivorous ani- mals, in place of hippuric acid, and is formed by the oxidation of oil of bitter almonds, and of amygdaline. The following process for obtaining it pure was devised at the same time by Mohr and Hennell; 1 Ib. of benzoin resin, in powder, is to be spread on the bottom of a metal dish, eight or nine inches diameter, and two inches deep, which is to be covered with a drum of blotting S52 Benzole Acid Benzoates. paper, pasted to the edge of the dish ; the whole is to be covered with a cylindrical cap of stout packing paper. To render the heat uniform, the dish is to be placed on a metal plate, covered with sand, resting on a furnace ; heat being cautiously applied, for three or four hours, the cap is found full of splendid crystals of benzoic acid ; the empyreu- matic oil, which usually contaminates the sublimed product, being ar- rested by the drum of blotting paper, through which the vapour of the acid passes freely. It may be also extracted from the resins by boiling these with lime ; a soluble benzoate of lime is produced, from which the benzoic acid is precipitated by the addition of muriatic acid ; it is then to be dissolved in boiling water, and allowed to crystallize by cooling slowly. Benzoic acid crystallizes in hexagonal needles ; when pure it is ino- dorous ; it reddens litmus feebly ; melts at 248 ; the fused acid boils first at 462, but it sublimes freely at 293 ; it dissolves in 25 parts; of boiling water, but requires 200 parts of cold water for its solution; it is soluble in twice its weight of alcohol or ether ; it forms a very ex- tensive series of salts, of which few require special notice. Benzoate of Lime. CaO.BzO + Aq. Crystallizes in brilliant prisms ; at a dull red heat, it is decomposed into carbonate of lime and benzone, the formula of which is Ci 3 H 5 O. Another liquid, benzin, or benzole, Ci 2 H 6 , is at the same time formed by virtue of a much more complex process, napthaline, carbonic acid, and carbonic oxide being evolved. Benzoate of Ammonia. AdH. 2 .O.BzO, crystallizes in brilliant plates. This salt is employed in mineral analysis, to separate iron from manga- nese ; a solution of protoxide of iron, not containing any excess of acid, being completely precipitated by neutral benzoate of ammonia, whilst the salts of manganese are not affected by it. Benzoate of Silo er. AgO.BzO. Obtained by double decomposition, crystallizes from a boiling solution, on cooling, in brilliant colourless needles. Formo-benzoic Acid. HBz -f Fo.0 3 . If water, saturated with the impure oil of bitter almonds, be mixed with muriatic acid and evapo- rated, this substance crystallizes. The prussic acid is decomposed into formic acid and ammonia (p. 738), and the nascent formic acid com- bines with the hydruret of benzyl ; in this body, all the saturating power of the formic acid is preserved. If a current of chlorine be passed through a solution of impure oil of bitter almonds in water, a similar body is formed, consisting of ben- zoic acid and hydruret of benzyl. Bz.H + BzO. This will be again referred to as an acid of a peculiar radical stilbene, and called stilbous acid. C 28 H 12 O 5 . Complex Bcnzoic Compounds. 853 Hypo-sulpho-benzoic Acid. C 14 H 8 3 -f- S 2 O 5 -f- 2Aq. This body is formed by the action of dry sulphuric acid on benzoic acid. A viscid mass results which, when neutralized by barytes, yields a salt perma- nent in the air, crystallizing in rhomboidal prisms, and having the for- mula C 14 H 5 3 + S 2 O 5 4- 2BaO -f- 3Aq. From this the pure acid may be obtained ; it is decomposed if its solution be boiled, but when eva- porated in vacuo it crystallizes. The sulpho-benzoate of copper crys- tallizes in large rhombs of a rich blue colour. Bromo-benzoic Acid. C 28 H 9 Br0 8 -f- 2Aq. Is formed when benzoate of silver is decomposed by bromine. It is a crystalline solid, very soluble in water, fuses at 212 and sublimes at 482; its salts are all soluble and contain two atoms of base. Of the liquids produced by the distillation of benzoate of lime, lenzone, C 13 H 5 O does not form any compounds. It is a heavy oily liquid, decomposed by chlorine, but not by alcaldes. It is produced by the abstraction of an atom of carbonic acid from benzoic acid, or may be regarded as a compound of carbonic oxide, with the following body, benzin or pkene. C 12 H 6 which produces with sulphuric acid, nitric acid, and chlorine, a series of bodies, of which the formula alone need be here given, they are, as described by Mitscherlish, their discoverer Sulpho-benzide C] 2 H5SO 2 Chlor-benzin C 12 H 6 Cl6 Sulpho-benzidic acid Ci2H 5 S 2 O 5 Chlor-benzid Ci 2 H 3 Cl3 Nitro-benzide CuHsNO* Azo-benzid Ci2HsN I have had occasion to refer to benzin as a product of the distilla- tion of resin and coal. It is colourless, of an agreeable ethereal odour ; it boils at 187; its specific gravity 0*85 ; that of its vapour is 2378 ; at 32 it freezes into a crystalline mass which melts first at 43 It has latterly assumed much theoretical importance as the basis of a series of very numerous derivatives, including picric acid and aniline. It has been recently termed phene, and its radical C 12 H 5 phenyl. The above noticed bodies may therefore be looked upon as compounds of phenyl. See p. 842. Oil of Utter Almonds with Ammonia. By the action of water of ammonia on hydruret of benzyl, all oxygen is removed, and a crystal- line body, hydro-benzamide, produced; its formula is C 42 H 18 N 2 . It is soluble in alcohol, and by boiling the solution is decomposed into ammonia and hydruret of benzyl. The nitrogen here enters into the constitution of the radical, replacing the oxygen, and the body is kydruret of azobenzyl (C 14 H 5 .|N) + H. This azobenzyl is itself also formed in the same process as the former, and also the azobenzoilic acid (C u H 5 .f N) + JN, which is benzoic acid, in which all oxygen is re^ 854 Complex Benzyl Compounds. placed by nitrogen. The origin of these bodies is explained by the constitution of the radical benzyl, as described in p. 666. Among the products of the action of ammonia on hydruret of benzyl is one termed Amarine. It is an organic alcali, its composition, C 42 H 18 ]Sr, being isomeric with the hydro-benzamide. It is dissolved by muriatic acid, and precipitated by ammonia. It crystallizes in fine needles, and forms with acids well defined neutral and cry stalliz able salts. By dis- tilling hydro-benzamide, there is produced another organic base, termed Lophine ; ammonia, and a volatile oil are given off. The mass in the retort, after treatment with ether, is to be digested with muriatic acid, which dissolves the lophine ; and on the addition of ammonia to the liquid the lophine precipitates. It forms white silky crystals. Its formula is C 46 H 16 N2. With hot nitric acid it gives an orange- coloured body, Nitrt>loptyle 3 C 46 N" 5 H 13 0,2. The mass from which muriatic acid dissolved the lophine contains Amarone, C^Hnl^. The hydro-benzamide, when heated with caustic potash, gives Benzostilbene, C 3l H. n 2y and Benzolone, C U H0 4 ., whilst ammonia is given off. These bodies are both crystalline. In the impure oil of bitter almonds, a substance exists, termed lenzoine, which is isomeric with the oil, its formula being Ci4lI G 02 ; it crystallizes in colourless prisms. By potash it gives benzoic acid and hydrogen. By ammonia it forms a substance isomeric with kydro- benzamide. By chlorine it gives muriatic acid, and in place of chloride of benzyl, a crystalline body which is isomeric with that radical, its formula being Ci4H 6 2 . This is termed benzoil. When heated with potash it gives the benzoilic acid, which has the formula C28ll n 05+Aq. By acting on oil of bitter almonds with a solution of sulphuret of ammonium in alcohol, Laurent has obtained a series of bodies in which the oxygen of the radical benzyl is replaced by sulphur, and in some cases partly by azote. There should thus be sulpJio-benzyl (C 14 H 5 S2) corresponding to the azobenzyl. It is unnecessary in an elementary work to enumerate the individual substances ; but I look upon their formation as corroborating very much Berzelius' idea, that the true radical of the benzoic series, is the carbo-hydrogen Ci 4 H 5 , and that the chloride, &c. of benzyl, are really oxy-chlorides, &c. (see p. 667). Certainly, the element which remains truly constant in those reactions, (and hence satisfies the definition of a radical, p. 666), is Ci 4 H 5 , and not Ci 4 H 6 2 . Stilbene. If the hydruret of sulphobenzyl be distilled, it gives sul- phuretted hydrogen ; and by a higher temperature there sublimes a body termed stilbene, which is looked upon by Laurent as the radical of a great number of these complex benzoyl bodies. The stilbene Derivatives of Stilbene. 855 crystallizes from its solution in hot alcohol or ether, in colourless pearly prisms, like the mineral stilbite. It melts at 230, and volatilizes at 568. Its formula is C 28 H 12 , being polymeric with benzin or phene, C I2 H 6 . It forms a very extensive series of compounds, of which it will suffice to give the names and formulae of the more important. From stilbene, C 28 Hi 2 , there are Chloride of Stilbene Chlorstilbase Nitrostilbase Oxide of Stilbene, Benzoine Azostilbene, Benzoinamide Stilbous Acid, BzO -f BrH. Stilbic Acid, Benzilic Acid Nitrostilbic Acid Chlorostilbic Acid These are only examples of the range of bodies so formed. Picryle, C4 2 H 15 N0 4 . Is also produced by acting on oil of bitter almonds with hydro-sulphuret of ammonia. It is an organic base. It crystallizes in colourless octohedrons, soluble in water. Its salts have not been studied. Oil of Cinnamon and the Derived Compounds. Tins oil is found in the bark and flower buds of the laurus cinna- momum and laurus cassia. It is heavier than water, and possesses the odour of the plant in the highest degree. It boils at 428 ; its formula is CijoHnO-j, and for distinction I shall term it the a oil. When exposed to the air it absorbs oxygen, and forms another oil, which is that gene- rally found in the shops, the oil, the formula of which is C ]8 H 8 2 . Two resins, a and ft are at the same time produced. r a. resn = 3 atoms of a oil =C6oH33O6 absorbing 7 \ (3. resin = Ci2H 5 O 6 atoms of oxygen = O 6 produce S ^ oil __ C]9 H 8 O 2 (. 5 atoms water HsOs The j8 oil of cinnamon, although thus only a product of the decom- position of the true oil, is very important from the variety of com- pounds it gives rise to. It is heavier than water ; it dissolves in water of potash or of barytes, a cinnamate of the base being formed, and an oil lighter than water separating. 2.(Ci8H 8 2 ) and HO giving C l8 Hi O 2 and CisHrOs. The properties of this oil indicate that it contains an 856 Compounds of Cinnamyl. organic radical, cinnamyl, C J8 H 7 O 2 , united to hydrogen. It is hydruret of cinnamyl, Ci.H, and the oil lighter than water, is Ci.H>. Hydruret of cinnamyl combines directly with muriatic acid, with nitric acid, and with ammonia, forming compounds which are solid and crystalline. Their formula are CiH.HCl,CiH.HAd, and CiH.HO+NO 6 . By chlorine one-half of the hydrogen of the j8 oil is removed, and a white crystalline body formed, C 18 H 4 C1 4 O 2 . The chlorine here enters into the constitution of the radical. Oil of cinnamon combines with iodide of potassium and iodine to form a substance which crystallizes in large needles of a brilliant bronze colour, like permanganate of potash. Its formula is CiH.I 3 + K.I. Once formed it is decomposed by water. It was discovered by Moore, of Dublin, and analyzed by Apjohn. Cinnamic Acid. Ci.O + Aq. May be abundantly obtained by the action of potash on the alcoholic solutions of the class of bodies termed balsams. It is also simply formed by exposing the hydruret of cinnamyl to the air ; it absorbs two atoms of oxygen, and forms crys- tallized cinnamic acid. It forms colourless groups of plates, of an acid taste ; it is almost insoluble in water, but easily soluble in alcohol and ether. It melts at 264, and distils over at 554 unchanged. Its salts are exceedingly similar to the benzoates. By the action of an excess of hot nitric acid, both oil of cinnamon and cinnamic acid are converted into oil of bitter almonds and an acid closely resembling the benzoic, but having the formula Ci 5 H 15 5 . With cold nitric acid, cinnamic acid directly combines, forming the nitro- cinnamic acid Ci.O + Nature of the Balsams. The origin of the Balsam of Peru is closely related to the oil of cinnamon. It consists of resinous substances (the a and $ cinnamic resins ?) and of an oil which may be obtained pure by distillation. It is called cinnameine ; its formula is Ci 8 H 8 2 , being isomeric with the j8 of oil of cinnamon. It is neutral ; but when its alcoholic solution is boiled with potash, it forms cinnamate of potash ; or by simple boiling of its alcoholic solution, cinnamic ether is produced, and another oil, jperuvine, is separated, the formula of which is C 18 H 12 2 . In these cases, three atoms of cinnameine and two of water produce two atoms of dry cinnamic acid and one of peruvine. These researches on the nature of this balsam are due to Fremy but Richter has advanced that the balsam of Peru contains two oils, Constitution of Balsams. 857 which he terms myriospermine and myroxyline, the relation of which to peruvine and cinnameine is not yet established. The Balsam of Tolu. This substance yields like the former, cinna- meine, but also benzoic acid, and a heavy oil isomeric with oil of bitter almonds. By destructive distillation it yields a carbohydrogen, toluol whose formula is C 14 H 8 ; the theoretical position of which is very inte- resting, as it may be considered the true origin of the benzyl series, as C 14 H 8 = Bz. H 3 ; and the different bodies of that series may be sup- posed to be formed by the replacement in different ways of the three atoms of hydrogen ; thus, Bz.H0 2 . Bz.H 3 . Bz.C10 2 etc., as the phene or benzol has been described (p. 842). With nitric acid toluol forms a compound nitrotoluol C 14 H 7 jSTO 4 . It is liquid. When heated with lime the elements of carbonic acid are removed, and the very important organic basis is formed, aniline t Ci 2 H 7 N, which has been already de- scribed. If nitrotoluidine be decomposed by hydrosulphuret of ammo- nia, sulphur is deposited, and a base toluidine formed, the composition of which is C 14 H 9 K The toluole forms further compounds with nitric acid, with chlorine, and with sulphuric acid, in all of which, more or less, hydrogen is re- placed by the other electro-negative elements. The resin storax yields by distillation with water a volatile oil, a carbo-hydrogen, C 16 H 8 . which may also be produced by the distillation of the cinnamic acid, which from C 18 H 8 4 , yields C 16 H 8 and C 2 4 . This styrol gradually changes, when heated, into a solid metastyrol. With nitric acid, bromine, and chlorine, it forms a series of compounds in which hydrogen is more or less replaced, and which determine its mole- cule to be C 16 H 8 , while that of metastyrol appears to be C 14 H 7 . The resin gnaiacum yields by distillation a volatile oil, having distinctly acid properties. Its formula is CuHgO*, and it is supposed to be hy- druret of guiacyl, C U H 7 O 4 -f- H. Another body obtained from the resin is the guiacic acid, C 12 H 8 6 , and a neutral oil, guiacene, the for- mula of which is C 10 H 8 O 2 . Oil of Cloves, Eugenic Acid, fyc. The oil obtained by distillation from the undeveloped flowerbuds of the eugenia caryophyllata, is a mixture of several bodies. By the action of potash it is separated into a volatile oil which does not possess active properties, is lighter than water, and consists of C 10 H 8 , whilst an eugenate of potash dissolves. Prom this solution the eugenic acid is precipitated by any strong acid. 858 Oil of Cloves Oil of 8p*r$* Salicyl. Eugenic Acid. Heavy Oil of Cloves. C 24 H 15 O 5 . Is a colourless oil, sp. gr. 1*079; it boils at 470; its taste and smell are those of cloves. It forms with the metallic oxides well defined salts, most of which are soluble and crystallizable. "When the common oil of cloves is kept for some time, it deposits a crystalline substance, caryophylline, C 20 Hi6O 2 ; it is soluble in alcohol; insoluble in water. It is volatile. Erom water, distilled with cloves, a different body separates in pearly scales, having the formula C 20 H 12 O 4 . It is called eugenme. The eugenic acid and eugenine are rendered blood-red by contact with nitric acid. The Light Oil of Cloves has sp. gr. = 0*918 ; it boils at 287. Oil of Spiraea Ulmaria Salicide of Hydrogen. The oil distilled from the flowers of the meadow-sweet is a mixture of a light and of a heavy oil, with a solid body like camphor. The heavy oil is of much interest, from the number of compounds which it forms, and from our being able to form it at will, although from a body, salicine, which has not been found to exist in the spiraea. The impure oil of spirsea is purified by adding potash, by which the light oil is separated, and salicide of potassium formed, which, when acted on by sulphuric acid, yields the salicide of hydrogen pure. To form it artificially, equal parts of salicine and bichromate of potash are to be distilled with 2 parts of oil of vitriol and 20 of water. There is heat evolved and much gas disengaged. On then distilling, the heavy oil passes over. Two atoms of dry salicine (C 42 H 2 40 18 ), without any oxygen, might yield three atoms of oil, 3(Ci 4 H 6 4 ), and six of water ; but the reaction is far more complicated in reality, as four parts of salicine yield but one of oil. The properties of this oil show it to be a compound of a radical, (C 14 H 5 4 ), salwyle, Syl, with hydrogen ; it acts as a hydracid in com- bining with metallic oxides; its specific gravity is 1*173; it boils at 380. The specific gravity of its vapour is 4260. In this and in composition it agrees with crystallized benzoic acid, with which it is isomeric. The alcaline salicides are soluble and crystallizable ; those of lead, zinc, and mercury are insoluble. If a solution of any salicide be mixed with a solution of a sesqui-salt of iron, the liquor assumes a fine purple colour, by which the oil is well characterized. When salicide of hydrogen is heated with caustic potash, hydrogen .is evolved and salicylic acid, Syl.O, formed; the potash salt being dissolved in water, and muriatic acid added, the new acid is precipitated Compounds of Salicyl. Oil of Mustard. 859 and is purified by recrystallization; it dissolves in boiling water; it may be sublimed, and condenses in long needles, like benzoic acid ; it possesses the usual acid properties ; its salts are generally soluble, and resemble closely the benzoates. By the action of chlorine on salicide of hydrogen, chloride of salicyle is formed, Syl. Cl. ; it crystallizes in rhomboidal tables, which melt and sublime undecoinposed ; bromine and iodine give similar com- pounds ; with nitric acid it produces nitrosalicylic acid, Syl.NO^ which crystallizes in long prisms, and unites with bases forming salts. The connection of salicyl with benzyl is very remarkable, they con- tain the same hydrogen and carbon, C 14 H 5 , but it is combined in salicyl with 4, and in benzyl with but 2 atoms of oxygen. By the action of ammonia on the chloride of salicyl and on the oil, this relation is more clearly shown, for the oxygen in the radical may be brought to the composition of benzyl. Thus, the chlorosalicamide is C4 2 Hi5Cl 3 6 N2, or properly 3(C 14 H 5 O 2 .]Xi)Cl; that is (Bz.fN).Cl. By the direct action of ammonia on the salicide of hydrogen, the corresponding C 14 H 5 O 2 .|N) H- H may be formed. To this new radical, which is evidently nitruret of benzyl, the name azosalicyl might be given, (seep. 853.) If salicylic acid or salicylate of barytes be carefully distilled, the acid resolves itself into carbonic acid, and a new liquid product carbolic acid C 14 H 6 O 6 producing C 2 4 and C 12 H 6 O 2 . This carbolic acid is also found as an ingredient in the volatile oils produced in the distillation of coal, and is looked upon by Laurent as hydrate of phenyl, the radical of the pliene series already so often noticed. The history of this body has been fully given when describing the products of destructive distil- lation in the former chapter. Sulphur Essential Oils Allyle Series. When the seeds of either black or white mustard are subjected to processes similar to those by which amygdaline is extracted from bitter almonds, substances are obtained which appear to have the same relation to the formation of oil of mustard as the amygdaline and emulsine have to the evolution of hydruret of benzyle, but their chemical history is as yet very imperfect, and their exact composition unknown. The sub- stances that have been described are as follows : Sulphosinapisine is, when pure, white, solid, and crystalline. It dissolves in alcohol and water. It contains carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, and sulphur, but its formula is not known. With an alcoholic solution of potash it yields a sulphuret and a sulphocyanide of potassium, and ammonia is given off. 860 Sinapisine Myronic Acid. Allyle. It has recently been stated that the so-called sulphosmapisine con- tains potash, and is really a salt of an acid myronic acid, the properties of which are the same as those just described. It forms salts which have a bitter taste. The albuminous principle existing in the mustard seeds is termed myrosine, its precise formula is not known ; in properties it is quite analogous to emulsine or synaptase. When added to a solution of rnyronic acid it induces a kind of fermentation, and oil of black mustard is evolved. Fremy states that both white and black mustard contain myronic acid, but if so the same oil should be obtained from both by distillation with water, which is not the case. Another body obtained from the seeds of black mustard is sinapisine, it is solid and crystalline ; it does not contain sulphur, and resembles very closely an unsaponifiable fat. It does not appear to have any share in the production of the oil. When the seeds of black mustard are distilled with water a heavy volatile oil is produced by the decompsition of the myronic acid or sul- phosinapisine. This oil has a sp. gr. 1035 ; its taste is pungent, and odour sharply irritating ; it contains sulphur and nitrogen ; its formula being C 8 H 5 NS 2 . The sp. gr. of it impure is 3370. When acted on by nitric acid it forms sulphuric acid and organic products. With potash it gives a mixture of sulphuret and sulpho-cyanide of potassium, and evolves ammonia and organic products. With sulphuret of po- tassium it produces sulphocyanide of potassium, and a heavy oil identi- cal with that obtained from garlic and from assafoetida. If oil of mustard be treated with ammonia it forms a crystalline product, having the formula CsH 8 N 2 S2. This body acts as an organic base ; it is called thiosinnamine. When it is put into contact with oxide of lead it loses all its sulphur and some hydrogen, and is converted into another base sinnamine, the formula of which is CsH 6 N 2 . If oil of mustard be decomposed by barytes or by oxide of lead, the reaction is more regular than with potash, and the products are found to be sulphuret of carbon, and a new base having the formula C 14 Hi2N 2 2 . and termed Sinapoline. This formula I believe indicates a compound of amide and cyanate of allyle, C 6 H 5 Ad + C 6 H 5 O.CyO. The volatile oils obtained from the pungent cochlearias, as horse- radish, and from the alliaria afficinalis are identical with that from black mustard. When the common garlic, allium sativum, is distilled with water a heavy oil is obtained having the odour of the plant, and closely con- nected with the oil of mustard. If assafatida be distilled it is found Oils containing Sulphur. Allyle Series. 861 to yield two oils one lighter and the other denser than water. The heavy oil is identical with oil of garlic, as is also oil of onions, allium cepa. These oils have all the formula C 6 H 5 S. They may be artificially produced by distilling the oil of mustard with sulphuret of potassium, thus showing the organic radical of both oils to be the same. Indeed there appears no doubt but that oil of mustard is the sulphocyanide, and oil of garlic the sulphuret of a radical C 6 H 5 , to which the name allyle has been given. Thus Sulphuret of Allyle, Al.S =CeH 5 S. OH of Garlic. Sulphocyanide Allyle, Al.Scy = C&Hs^S. Oil of Mustard. This allyle series is probably extensive although as yet but little studied. The formula and origin of the base sinapoline, above des- cribed, indicates the probable existence of amides and cyanates of allyle, and it may be remarked that the carbohydrogen, termed mesityl, and assumed as the basis of the series of bodies derived from acetone, is either identical or isomeric with allyle ; thus presenting a point of view remarkably worthy of being accurately examined. (See page 805.) 2ND CLASS. OILS PRE-EXISTING IN THE PLANT PROPERTIES NOT ACID. These oils are very numerous, and so similar in properties that a special description is quite unnecessary for each. They are characterized by not dissolving in solution of potash, by being lighter than water, and by a less energetic action on the animal system than the oils of the first class. They combine with muriatic acid to form heavy oily sub- stances, in some cases crystalline. When put in contact with iodine, they frequently combine with it so energetically, as to produce a feeble explosion. By chlorine, hydrogen is removed, and an oily liquid heavier than water is produced. The oil, as yielded by the plant, consists of two substances, one solid (stearopten ) , the other liquid (elaopten) ; the former generally crystallizes when the oil is long kept. I prefer to term the liquid simply the oil, and the solid portion the camphw of the plant. We sometimes observe these oils forming the camphor, arti- ficially, by contact with water. These oils may be very naturally divided into two groups, according as they contain oxygen or not. The following table includes all the 862 Series of Oil of Cumin. important facts of the history of the oils (elaoptens) containing oxygen : Plant yielding the Oil. Sp. gr. as Liquid. Boiling Point. Formula. Sp. gr. of Vapour. Cajeput . .- . ' ;' . 0-927 347 CioH90 Lavender ,. . . . . . . 0-897 397 Cl5Hl4O2 Rosmary ; . ; ' ' : : s ! 0-897 365 C45H 38 2 Pennyroyal 0-925 395 CioHSQ Camphor tree 0-910 ... C2oHi 6 O Valerian ... 518 C2oHi 2 O Spearmint 0-914 ... C35H 2 8O Marjoram 0-867 354 > C5oH 4 oO Asarum ... ... C16H9Q2 Fennell 0-997 ... C20H12O2 Anise ... ... C20H12O2 Peppermint 0-902 ... C2lH20O 2 Rue 0-837 446 C 2 8H 2 8O 3 7690 Olibanum . 0-866 323 C35H28O Cumhi 0-860 418 C2oHi 2 O 2 5094 Erom the recent experiments of Gerhardt and Cahours, it appears that by the action of fused hydrate of potash, most essential oils, containing oxygen, may be separated into an acid, and an oil destitute of oxygen. Some of the results obtained by those chemists are of great interest ; thus, from the oil of valerian C 20 Hi 2 O, valerianic acid is obtained, and an oil which absorbs oxygen with great rapidity and generates common camphor. The oil of chamomile also yields valerianic acid. The oil of cumin (cuminum cyminum), of which the characters have been given in the table, yields, when treated with hydrate of potash, a peculiar acid, cumenic acid, whose formula is C2oH n O3 + Aq. ; it is perfectly white, crystallizes in fine prismatic tables, tastes sour, fuses at 197, and may be distilled unchanged. If cumenate of barytes be distilled at a dull red heat, a colourless liquid oil is obtained, which boils at 292; it is termed cymen ; its formula is C 18 H 12 , being isomeric with mesitylene ; with sulphuric acid cymen unites, forming cymensul- phuric acid, C 18 H 12 S 2 6 , which forms well characterized soluble salts. By the action of chlorine and of bromine on the oil of cumen, heavy oily compounds are obtained, whose formulae are CjoHnO^G^ and C 20 H n 2 .Br. It is evident that in these compounds a radical (cumyl) C 20 H n O 2 , exactly analogous to benzyl, may be assumed, aud the cymen has the place of benzin. The carbo-hydrogen of the oil of cumin is termed by Cahours, cumen ; its formula is C 20 Hi4 ; its specific gravity 0'860; it boils at 330 ; it may be prepared artificially also from common cam- phor ; with sulphuric acid it forms cumensulphuric acid, which resem- bles completely the other acids of that class. Isomeric Essential Oils. 863 The stearopteus or camphors containing oxygen, will be described bye and bye. The following table contains a similar view of the most important oils not containing oxygen : Plant yielding the Oil. Sp. Gr. as liquid. Boiling Point. Formula. Sp.Gr. as Vapour. Circular polarizing power. Citron 0-847 343 2 K i i 1 + 80 9, right Copaiva 0-878 473 ** *a ^ Q-^ + 34 2, left Parsley ... 410 > O O ~i .i-t ^ ?^ en ^*^ S C^ II Juniper 0-839 311 g +a ^3 3 5, left Savine . ... 315 ^ El ^ "* ^2 ^ >% Cubebs 0-929 ... "o g - W "o S-'g 40 1 left Black Pepper ... ... g ^ o CJ ^ d Bergamotte ... ... , W ^S ^ s ^ -f 29" 3','righ't Turpentine 0-864 315 llfl i a< _ 43 3, left Although these oils have all the same per cent, composition, they differ in the formula of their atom ; that of turpentine being C 20 H 1G ; that of cubebs, Ci 3 H 12 , and all the other being C 10 H 8 . Although even as given in the table, they constitute a remarkable group of isomeric bodies, yet each is capable of changing its molecular condition in va- rious ways, and thus generating other bodies, still more closely isomeric, as they differ only in their action on polarized light. Of these changes I shall describe only those of oil of turpentine, which will serve as an example. By contact with oil of vitriol, oil of turpentine changes into another liquid, which has the same specific gravity both in the state of liquid and of vapour, the same boiling point, and the same atomic weight, but is totally without action on polarized light. This new liquid is called terebene. If the oil of turpentine be acted on by muriatic acid gas, it combines therewith, forming a dense liquid, which is muriate of terebene, and which has no action on light ; but another portion of the turpentine unites with the muriatic acid, unchanged, and forms a solid, which crystallizes in fine white prisms, and from its remarkable odour, is called artificial camphor. In this solid, the oil of turpentine preserves all its action upon light, and for convenience it may obtain the name of campliene, and the solid is then muriate of camphene. Now if this solid be distilled with lime, the muriatic acid is removed and an oil obtained, which differs from camphene only in having no action on light, whilst it differs from terebene in forming with muriatic acid, a solid product. This oil is termed camphilene and the muriate of cam- pliilene is distinguished from the muriate of camphene, in being quite 864 Isomeric forms of Oil of Turpentine. destitute of rotatory power. From none of these products can the true oil of turpentine, or camphene, be regenerated. There are thus three forms of oil of turpentine, of which two give solid compounds, and the third a liquid, with muriatic acid ; two are without action on light, but the camphene rotates powerfully to the left : with chlorine they all give heavy liquids, all of which have the formula C 20 Hi 2 Cl4, but are dis- tinguished from each other by their action upon polarized light ; the chlo-camphene presenting the anomalous character of a rotatory power to the right. When oil of turpentine is mixed with nitric acid and gently heated, a thick and heavy oily substance is produced, apparently by their direct union, and may be separated by the addition of cold water. If, how- ever, the materials be left to themselves, after some time violent, almost explosive action sets in, copious red fumes are given off, and a resinous material formed, which by boiling with nitric acid, dissolves, and the solution on cooling yields crystals of turpentinic acid, Its composition was found by Bromeis to be C 14 H 9 7 + Aq. The exact theory of its formation has not been as yet ascertained. The other oils of this class are capable of similar metamorphoses which need not be specially detailed. The type C 5 H 4 exists probably in all essential oils, for it will be seen by reference to the former table, of oils containing oxygen, that their formulae consist in multiples of C 5 H4, combined with oxygen, or with the elements of water. B. Of the Camphors or Stearoptens of the Oils. The most remarkable substances of this class are the common cam- phors which are extracted from the wood of the laurus camphora and of the dryabalanops camphora, by distillation with water. In the plants they are mixed with the camphor-oil (C 28 H 16 ) from the gradual oxidation of which the common camphor appears to be produced. The laurel camphor forms a white semitransparent mass, crystallized in regular octohedrons. It is very tough and difficult to powder ; its specific gravity is 0.986 ; its taste is bitter; its odour is well known; it melts 347 and boils at 390, subliming unaltered ; it is sparingly soluble in water, but easily so in alcohol and ether ; its formula is C 2 oH 16 2 . The specific gravity of its vapour is 5317, which might be considered as formed by one volume of vapour of camphene and and half a volume of oxygen (4776 + 55T3). Hence camphor and camphor-oil may be looked upon as oxides of an oil of the turpentine family. Camphor Camphoric Acid. 865 The dryabalanops or Borneo camphor resembles completely, in physical properties, the common camphor, but it contains more hydrogen, its formula being C 10 H 9 O. By strong nitric acid it is converted first into common camphor, and then into camphoric acid, water being produced. When camphor is heated with lime, water, and an oil, camphron (CsoH^O), are produced. With muriatic acid it unites, forming a colourless liquid, whose formula is C 2 oH 17 O 2 Cl. By boiling with strong nitric acid it is completely converted into camphoric acid. This acid crystallizes in small rhomboidal tables, which tastes sour and bitter ; it melts at 145, gives off water, and leaves the anhydrous acid, which melts at 423 and distils over at 518 without alteration. The formula of the anhydrous acid is C 10 H 7 O 3 ; the crystals contain an atom of water. The salts of camphoric acid are not important, and appear to differ in properties according as the dry or hydrated acid was employed to form them. The camphor ate of ether is a dense liquid, which, with camphoric acid, forms the camphovinic acid, a thick heavy liquid which is decomposed by heat, and forms unimportant salts. When camphor is distilled with glacial phosphoric acid, water is formed, and a volatile oil passes over, having the formula C 20 H 14 , and identical in every respect with the cymen obtained from oil of cumin, as described in p. 862. When camphor in vapour is passed over hydrate of potash, heated to about 700, an acid is formed, which has the formula C 2 oH 17 O 3 -f Aq. This campholeic acid fuses at 176 and boils at 482 ; it may be dis- tilled unchanged. It is insoluble in water, but dissolves abundantly in alcohol and ether, and crystallizes from these solutions on cooling. When it is heated with phosphoric acid, a volatile oil is produced, campJiolen, having the formula Ci 8 Hi6. When campholeate of lime is distilled, another oily fluid is formed, whose formula is C 19 H 17 O. Of the camphors of the other volatile oils, only a few require any detailed notice. The characters of most of them are given in the following table : Plant giving the Camphor. Sp. Gr. as liquid. Melting Point. Boiling Point. Sp. Gr. of Vapour. Formula. Rose (Otto) 77 550 CH Parsly 70 552 Cl2H 7 O4 Iris Florentina ... ... m CHO Elicampane 108o ... . Ci5H 10 O 2 Asarum 104 530 Cl6H H O4 Fennell 1014 680 428o C2oH 12 CH Anise 64 430o 5680 C2oH 12 O-2 Peppermint 91 406o 5455 C2IH-20O2 Cubebs ... ... . CieHuO Turpentine 1 -057 302" 31l C2oH 2 oO 4 55 866 Camphors of the Essential Oils. On comparing these formulae with those of the corresponding oils (p. 86] ), it is seen that the camphors arise from various causes ; in some cases they are isomeric with the oils, in others oxides of them, and in others hydrates; thus, the camphor of turpentine may be formed at will, by agitating the oil with water and then exposing it to cold ; the hydrate crystallizes out in colourless prisms, sometimes of great size. The peppermint camphor has been found to yield, by the action of re-agents, a series of compounds. Thus, by the action of glacial phos- phoric acid, or of oil of vitriol, a light oil was obtained, having the formula C 21 H 18 , which is termed menthen. By the action of chlorine, a thick heavy liquid is produced, C2iHj 4 Cl 6 O 2 . By nitric acid, menthen yields a heavy oily liquid, C 21 H 18 9 ., which possesses acid properties ; and with chlorine, menthen yields a sirupy yellow liquid, having the formula C 2 iH I3 Cl 5 . The anise-camphor yields with bromine a crystalline substance C 20 H 9 Br 3 2 , and with sulphuric acid an oily substance, aniso'ine, isomeric with itself. By nitric acid it is converted into a body which crystal- lizes in long needles, anisic acid C 16 H 6 O 5 -f- Aq. which forms salts with metallic oxides, and gives by further action the nitranisic acid, C 16 H 5 + Aq. and nitranisid, C 20 H 10 N 2 10 . C. Of the Resins. The bodies of this class approach closely to the camphors in composi- tion and properties, but are distinguished by not being volatile without decomposition, and being generally capable of acting as acids. The most important will be first specially noticed, and the properties and formulae of those remaining expressed in a table. Resins of Turpentine. The ordinary white resin co-exists, in the dif- ferent species of pine, with oil of turpentine, and is obtained by making incisions through the bark, when the thick tenacious turpentine flows out. This, when distilled with water, gives off the oil, whilst the resin remains, and is called colophony. It is a mixture of two resins which, though having the same composition, differ in properties, and are termed the pinic and sylvic acids. The Pinic Acid is obtained by digesting colophony reduced to fine powder, in cold spirit of sp. gr. 0*865, which does not dissolve sylvic acid. The solution is to be mixed with a spirituous solution of acetate of copper, as long as a precipitate forms. Thispinate of copper is to be dissolved in strong boiling spirit, decomposed by a little muriatic acid, and then mixed with water ; the pinic acid precipitates as a resinous powder which may be dried at a moderate heat. Pinic Acid Sylvic A' id. Pimaric Acid. 867 When quite pure, pinic acid is colourless ; it melts at 257, but becomes soft at 149 ; its solution in alcohol reacts acid. It expels carbonic acid from bases ; its alcaline salts are soluble ; its earthy and metallic salts insoluble in water, but many of them soluble in spirit ; its formula is C^H^O^ When a solution of pinic acid in alcohol is long exposed to the air, it absorbs oxygen, and forms oxypinic acid, the formula of which is QoHsoOg ; it is a stronger acid than the pinic. When heated with lime, pinic acid is decomposed, and three different volatile oils obtained, whicli need not be specially noticed. The Sylvic Acid remains when the pinic acid is dissolved by weak alcohol. As it is not pure, the residue is to be dissolved in two parts of boiling spirit of 0*865 ; on cooling the sylvic acid separates. By a second solution all the traces of pinic acid may be removed. The pure sylvic acid crystallizes from its alcoholic solution in colourless rhombic prisms; it melts at 212; it is easily soluble in strong alcohol and in ether, but insoluble in water ; its formula is C 4 oH3oO 4 . Its salts are exactly similar to those of pinic acid. When either pinic or sylvic acids are kept melted for some time, they become brown, and change into a resin very sparingly soluble in alcohol, and possessed of stronger acid properties than either : it is termed co- lophonic acid ; it exists in small quantity in common resin. The turpentine of the pinus maritima contains an acid isomeric with pinic acid, pimaric acid, which, when distilled, yields pyromaric acid, and pimarone. With hot nitric acid there is produced azomaric acid having the formula C 2 oH n ]N"O 8 . The resin of the spruce fir has been found by Johnstone to be a mix- ture of two resins which are separated by means of alcohol. The more soluble, or A resin, has the formula C 40 H 31 O 6 , the less soluble, or B resin, that of C 4 oH 39 O 5 ; they both possess acid characters. For the manufacture of tar and pitch, the pine wood containing tur- pentine is exposed to a kind of destructive distillation, in kilns hollowed out in the ground. Although a large quantity of the resin flows out undecomposed (as colophonic acid), yet the important components of the tar are bodies belonging to a different series, which will be described hereafter. A great variety of resins, of important use in medicine and in the arts, exude from trees, either pure, or mixed with oils, or with gums (gum resins), sometimes with benzoic or cinnamic acids, constituting balsam*. -Frequently there are many kinds of resins mixed together, but they all possess the characters of fusibility, insolubility in water, 868 Composition of Resins. and of being dissolved by alcohol, ether, essential oils, and alcaline solutions. Their composition is given in the following table : Anime Resin Elemi Resin 'j- C4oH 33 O B. Sandarach A. Euphorbium } C^.0, Fossil Copal B. Mastic Resin . C49H 3 ]O2 Asphaltene . A. Olibanum | C40H3206 Antiar Resin . C4oH 3 oO Labdanum CwHssO? B. Copal Resin "\ C4()HsiO Pasto Resin C40H32O8 Birch Resin C4()H 3 30 Sagapenum C40H'^9O9 A. Mastic Resin .1 . TT . ^, Scammony C40H33O20 Copaiva Resin A. Elemi Resin r 040-CL31V; Jalap Resin Galbanum C40H34O20 C40H2707 B. Olibanum Resin J ^^ Dragon's Blood C4 = Ci^H^O^. 2 atoms of water = H2 62 J By the action of strong bases, or of strong acids, it is separated into these constituents. A similar decomposition is effected by heat. Stearic Acid is obtained pure by saponifying stearine by potash, and decomposing the solution by means of warm dilute muriatic acid. The stearic acid, which precipitates, is to be washed with water, and dis- solved in boiling alcohol, whence the pure acid crystallizes on cooling, in brilliant white plates. It may, however, be more simply prepared from the stearic acid candles of commerce by solution in boiling alcohol, and crystallization several times, until the fusing point ceases to rise. When mutton.suet is directly saponified, very troublesome operations are necessary to free the stearic acid from the other fatty acids which accompany it. Pure stearic acid is tasteless and inodorous. It does not melt below 158; the melted acid forms a crystalline mass on cooling; it is appa- rently volatile, and may be distilled, unaltered in close vessels ; it is in- soluble in water, but dissolves in hot alcohol ; the solution reddens litmus ; its composition when crystallized is C C 8H660 5 -f- 2Aq. When heated in contact with lime, carbonic acid is formed, and a volatile liquid, stearon, whose formula is C 66 H 66 O. Margarine and Marganc Add. 875 Stearic acid is but feeble in its action ; it expels the carbonic acid from the alcalies only when the solution is boiling. It is bibasic, forming two classes of salts, the bistearates, which contain one atom of water and one of fixed base, and the neutral stearates, which contain two atoms of fixed base. The alcaline stearates are the only salts soluble in water ; they dissolve also in alcohol. If neutral stearate of potash be mixed with a large quantity of boiling water, it is decom- posed, one-half of the potash becoming free, and the bistearate of potash precipitating in minute crystalline scales. A solution of soap precipitates all earthy and metallic salts, producing insoluble stearates. The Stearic ether is exceedingly remarkable, as it corresponds exactly to stearine in composition, the glycerine being replaced by ether. Thus its formula is 1 atom of ether = 4 H 5 O. ^ 2 atoms of stearic acid = Ci36Hi 32 C]o Ci 40 Hi39Oi3 = 1 atom of stearic ether. 2 atoms of water = H 2 Og ' Stearic acid is now very extensively used for making candles. The tallow is saponified by boiling with a thin paste of lime. The glycerine is washed out, and the soap being decomposed by muriatic acid, the oleic acid is removed from the stearic acid by violent pressure between folds of cloth. The pure stearic acid, when solidifying, assumes a crystalline structure, which would spoil the appearance of the candle - and this tendency is removed by the very improper addition of one part of arsenious acid to about 2000 of stearic acid. Of Margarine and Marganc Add. Margarine exists along with stearine in most fats, particularly human fat, goose fat, and olive oil, but is most characteristic of human fat. It is prepared from the ethereal solution, which has left the stearine undissolved. This liquor is to be evaporated, and the residue dissolved in boiling alcohol, from which the margarine crystallizes as the solution cools ; it melts at 118. In all other properties it resembles stearine, but is much more soluble in ether and alcohol ; it consists of C 74 H 74 O 12 . 1 atom of glycerine = C& Ify O 5 ^ 2 atoms of margaric acid = CesHeeOo > C74H7 4 Oi2 = 1 atom of m.irgarine. 1 atom of water = H O 3 By the action of bases it is separated into glycerine and margaric acid. 876 Constitution of Oleic and Margaric Adds. The preparation of margaric acid is precisely similar to that of the stearic acid, which it resembles very closely, being most different in its melting point, which is 140. On solidifying, it crystallizes in white needles. When carefully heated, it volatilizes without alteration. The formula of margaric acid is Cg^aaOg + Aq. If it be mixed with lime and distilled, carbonic acid is produced, which combines with the lime, and a volatile substance is obtained, which is termed margaron. Its formula is CsgHggO. It is a white solid, of a pearly lustre, which melts at 170, and forms, on cooling, a crystalline mass like spermaceti. By repeated distillation with lime, all oxygen is removed as carbonic acid and a volatile oily substance obtained, having the composition of olefiant gas. The experiments of Eedtenbacher have indicated a remarkable source of margaric acid in the distillation of stearic acid. The distilled pro- duct, though in appearance unchanged stearic acid, yet does not in reality contain any trace of it, being a mixture of margaric acid, of margarone, and of the volatile oily carbo-hydrogen. The reaction being that ;^Q atoms of margaric acid 204^204024 I 1 atom of water H O produce J 1 ,, margaron 33 HSS O 7 1 ,, carbonic acid C Og v_The oily carbohydrogen 34 Hs4 Eedtenbacher doubts the real existence of stearone, as none of it is produced in this reaction. Another remarkable and simple mode of preparing margaric acid is, by heating stearic acid with its own weight of nitric acid for a few mi- nutes, oleic and margaric acids are formed, and are separated by pressure between folds of bibulous paper. The solid product is to be then crystallized from alcohol until it becomes pure. In this process the simple transference of oxygen converts the stearic acid into the other fatty acids of the same series, as shall be further shown. The salts of margaric acid resemble perfectly the stearates in their properties; but the acid being monobasic, there is but one class of margarates. The pearly lustre of the crystalline scales of the margarate of potash gave occasion to the name of this acid, from the word /Aagyagirys, a pearl. If we compare the formulae of the bodies now described, we find them capable of being expressed by a very simple theory : thus, indi- cating an hypothetic carbo-hydrogen, C 34 H 33 , by E, the stearic acid be- comes E 2 + O 5 , and the margaric acid E + Oa., being related as hyposulphuric and sulphuric acids. Also, as Eedtenbacher has re- Product* of the Decomposition of Olein. 877 marked, all the results obtained might be accounted for, by ascribing to maragone the formula C^H^O, in which case it becomes E + O, and the volatile oil may be K 4- H. The stearic acid can be converted into the margaric, not merely by nitric acid, but also by other oxidizing agents, as by sulphuric acid and by bichromate of potash ; and it has been shown that by heat the stearic acid is resolved into margaric acid and margarone, a higher and a lower degree of oxidation precisely as hyposulphuric acid S 2 5 is resolved by heat into S0 2 and S0 3 . Of Olein and Oleic Acid. Olein exists in small quantity in the various solid fats, but consti- tutes the great mass of the liquid fixed oils, which are not drying oils. It holds dissolved more or less stearine and margarine, of which the greatest part may be separated by exposure to cold when they crystal- lize. Olive oil contains a large quantity of margarine, and hence freezes very readily. The expressed oil of sweet almonds is the purest native olein ; next to it is rape oil. To obtain pure olein, almond oil is dissolved in hot ether, and the solution exposed to great cold ; the traces of margarine crystallize out completely, and by evaporation the ether is removed. Olein remains liquid at 0. Fah. In constitution it resembles the solid fats, containing a peculiar acid, oleic acid, combined with glycerine and water. 1 atom of glycerine CG H? O 5 ^ 2 atoms of oleic acid C72H66O6 > produce 1 atom olein CygEtaOia 2 atoms of water Hg O2 3 Oleic acid is obtained by saponifying olei'n with a strong solution of potash, then decomposing the oleate of potash by muriatic acid, washing the oil which separates, and drying it with chloride of calcium ; when cooled below 23 P., it congeals as a mass of needly crystals. Its specific gravity at 68 is 0*898 ; it is tasteless and inodorous when pure ; it is insoluble in water, but abundantly soluble in alcohol and ether ; these solutions react strongly acid ; its composition has been determined by Yarentrapp to be CggH^O., -f Aq. ; its alcaliue salts are soluble, and form soft masses, destitute of tendency to crystallize ; they are still more soluble in alcohol. The earthy and metallic salts are white plastery substances, insoluble in wafer. The oleate of lead is soluble in ether, by which it may be perfectly separated from the stearate or margarate of lead. The oleic ether was formed by Varen- trapp by passing muriatic gas into a solution of oleic acid in alcohol. It is a colourless liquid, sparingly soluble in alcohol, lighter than water, 878 Sebacic Acid Pimelic Acid. but heavier than alcohol, from which it is deposited as it forms ; its formula is C 36 H 30 3 + Ae.O. "When oleic acid is distilled, a portion of it passes over unaltered, but the greater part is decomposed, and some charcoal remains in the retort. The distilled products are very numerous and complex, but consist principally of sebacic acid and a liquid carbo-hydrogen, isomeric with olefiant gas ; sebacic acid is not produced by the distillation of any other fatty substance than oleic acid, and hence may be considered as characteristic of it. The decomposition may be expressed by stating that 1 atom of sebacic acid 2 atoms of hydrated f 3 2 atoms of carbonic acid C 2 O* oleic acid C 72 H 68 8 f P roduce 1 carbo-hydrogen C 59 H 59 * residual charcoal C Sebacic Acid. C 10 H 8 3 + HO. Eq. 92 + 9. This body had been considered as a product of the destructive dis- tillation of all fatty bodies ; but it has been shown by Eedtenbacher to arise only from oleic acid ; the distilled product is to be washed with boiling water, which dissolves the sebacic acid ; on the addition of aeetate of lead, a white precipitate is obtained, which, being decomposed by sulphuretted hydrogen, gives sulphuret of lead, whilst the pure sebacic acid dissolves, and may be obtained crystallized by the evapora- tion and cooling of its solution. The crystallized sebacic acid closely resembles the benzoic acid in properties and appearance ; its solution reddens litmus ; its alkaline salts are very soluble ; its lead, silver, and mercury salts are insoluble in water ; from a strong solution of an alcaline sebacate, the acid is precipitated in voluminous crystalline flocks, on the addition of a stronger acid. When completely pure, the sebacic acid is totally without odour; the strong smell of heated oil being due to the formation of the totally different substance, acroleon, already described. The dry sebacic acid has the formula C IO H 8 3 , when crystallized it becomes Ci H 8 3 + Aq. Of the Action of Nitric Acid on Stearic, Margaric, and Oleic Acids. By the gradual oxidation of those fatty acids, a series of bodies result, which have so much connexion with each other, as to be most conve- niently studied in relation to their origin. A. If stearic acid be digested with two or three times its weight of Succinic, Suberic, and Adipic Acids. 879 common aquafortis, at a moderate heat, a very lively action commences after some time, and copious red fumes are given off. When the mix- ture has ceased to froth up, and the action of the acid ceases, the only product forms a colourless layer on the surface of the acid liquor, and is found to be pure margaric acid. The change here is evidently a simple oxidation, as E^ -f- O 5 and O give 2(E + 3 ) as described in p. 876. If the fatty acid be acted on by successive quantities of the nitric acid until it disappears, the watery liquor deposits, on cooling, abun- dance of crystallized succinic acid, already described in page 868, and the mother liquor of these crystals being evaporated to one-half, forms, on cooling, a thick mass of crystals, which may be washed with cold water, and being purified by recrystallization, are found to be identical with the acid formed by the action of nitric acid on the peculiar woody tissue which exists in cork, Suberine, and which will be hereafter de- scribed. This acid is termed the Suberic acid; it is white, inodorous, and of. a feebly acid taste; easily soluble in alcohol and water; the crystals melt at 248, and when heated more strongly, are decomposed in great part ; it precipitates solution of acetate of lead ; its alcaline salts are soluble, and crystallizable ; when crystallized, the formula of the acid is C 8 H 6 O3 + Aq. The suberic ether was prepared as described for the oleic ether, (p. 877), it is liquid, and its formula is C 8 H 6 O 3 -f- AeO. By the distillation of the suberate of lime, a volatile liquid, sulerone, is obtained, whose formula is C 7 H 6 O. The artificial formation of the succinic and suberic acids in this way is exceedingly curious ; but Brorneis and Laurent, to whom the obser- vation is due, have not been able to trace the precise reaction in which they originate. B. The action of nitric acid on oleic acid is much more violent than on the stearic acid. Among the products of the reaction are found the succinic and suberic acids, but in addition, several other acid bodies, of which, however, a very slight notice will suffice. Pelargonic Acid. C 18 H 17 3 . HO. Exists naturally in the juice of the Pelargonium Roseum, but is more abundantly formed in the process now described. Its barytes salt crystallizes in plates. The (Enanthylic or Pemnanthic acid will be more fully noticed as a product of the oxi- dation of castor oil. The Pimelic Acid forms white crystalline grains, which melt at 273, and sublime easily in brilliant needles ; its alkaline salts are soluble but its earthy and metallic salts insoluble in water; the formula of the acid is CyHsOa + Aq. Adipic Acid resembles closely the former; it dissolves in water, alco- 880 Elaidine ElaUic Acid. hoi, and ether ; melts at 223 ; it sublimes in very beautiful crystals ; its formula is Ci 4 H 9 7 -f-2 Aq. ; it being a bibasic acid. The Lipic and Azoleic acids are still less important, and our know- ledge of their constitution very imperfect. All these bodies are ob- tained from the mother liquors, from which the succinic and suberic acids have crystallized. Elaidine Elaidic Acid. The most important product of the action of nitric acid on oleic acid, or on olein, is Elaidine and the Elaidic acid j as these bodies are of pharmaceutic interest, from their constituting the citrine ointment, or unguentum nitratis Jiydrargyri of the Dublin and London pharma- copeias. Elaidine is prepared by the action of nitric acid, or still better, of the red fumes of the nitrous acid on olein ; the oil gradually becomes thick, and finally congeals into a butyraceous mass of a deep yellow colour. By digestion with warm alcohol, a deep orange-red oil is dissolved out, and the pure elaidine is obtained perfectly white; it melts at 97, is insoluble in water, and but sparingly so in alcohol ; it dissolves readily in ether ; with caustic alcalies, it saponifies completely, glycerine being set free. The whole action of the nitric acid in this reaction is exerted on the oleic acid, and the elaidine is a true fat consisting of elaidic acid, united to glycerine. Elaidic acid may be prepared by saponifying elaidine, and decom- posing the alcaline elaidate by a stronger acid, but it is obtained in a much purer form, by passing nitrous acid fumes, generated by heating nitrate of lead (p. 378) into pure oleic acid, prepared from oil of sweet almonds ; after some time, the liquid becomes a nearly solid mass of crystalline plates, of a fine yellow colour ; this mass is to be boiled in water to remove adhering nitric acid ; then dissolved in boiling alcohol and allowed to cool. The orange-red oil remains in solution whilst the elaidic acid crystallizes in large brilliant white rhombic tables. This body, when pure, fuses at 113 ; it dissolves readily in alcohol and in ether ; these solutions redden litmus ; when boiled with a solution of carbonate of potash, carbonic acid is expelled and elaidate of potash formed ; its earthy and metallic salts are insoluble in water. The cry- stallized elaidic acid has the formula C^HeeOs + 2Aq. ; it is a bibasic acid. The elaidate of silver is hence C 72 H 66 5 -f 2.AgO, and the elaidic ether, which is a colourless fluid, lighter than water, consists of C 72 H 66 O 5 + HO. AeO. The orange-red oil, which is formed simultaneously with the elaidic Action of Nitrous Acid on Oleine. 881 acid, has not been as yet accurately examined, and hence we cannot explain by precise formulae the mode in which these bodies are gene- rated. It is this oil which gives to the citrine ointment its characteristic colour and smell ; it is lighter than water, and dissolves in alcaline liquors, but does not form true soaps. In the formation of citrine ointment, the conversion of the olein into elaidine is effected by the nitrous acid, which the solution of the mer- curial salt always contains, it being formed by the deoxidation of the nitric acid, and there being no heat used to expel it. The subnitrate of mercury is then mechanically mixed with the elaidine and with the yellow oil. Some of the mercurial salt is often decomposed, however, as metallic mercury may usually be detected interspersed through the ointment. Both olei'c and elaidic acids give origin, when heated with fused hydrate of potash, to a peculiar fatty acid, discovered by Yarentrapp ; it is white, solid, and crystalline, melts at 144, and has the formula C 32 H 3 oO3 + Aq. There is formed at the same time, a large quantity of acetic acid. Another point of connexion between the oleic and elaidic acids, is that by distiDation, both furnish sebacic acid. It has been found by Redtenbacher, that the products of the oxida- tion of oleic acid by nitric acid are even more numerous than those just described, and include the acetic, metacetonic, butyric, valerianic, caproic, enanthylic, caprylic, pelargonic and capric acids; all which bodies have, however, the very simple connexion, that they are repre- sented by a carbo-hydrogen isomeric with olefiant gas, united in an equi- valent of the acid with four atoms of oxygen, but each acid being characterized by the number of atoms of carbon and hydrogen in its molecule. Action of Sulphuric Acid on Margarine and Oleine. When olein is mixed with oil of vitriol, the sulphuric acid combines with both the glycerine and the oleic acid, forming sulpho-glyceric and sulph-oleic acids. This last is soluble in water, but insoluble in dilute sulphuric acid, and hence by adding water gradually to the mixture of oil of vitriol and oleine, it separates, floating as a thick sirup on the surface, whilst the sulpho-glyceric acid and the excess of sulphuric acid dissolves. The sulph-oleic acid, thus obtained, forms, with lime and barytes, soluble salts, which are analogous to the sulpho-vinates ; when its solution in water is heated, it is decomposed, sulphuric acid becoming free, and the oleic acid being converted into two acids, which have been named the meta-oleic and the kydroleic acids. 56 88*2 Action of Oil of Vitriol on Olein. These acids are both liquid like oleic acid ; they are principally dis- tinguished as to properties by the sparing solubility of the former in alcohol, and are thus separated. The constitution of these bodies had been examined by Eremy, at a time when the true constitution of the oleic acid had not been established, and the formula? he assigned to them are not now admissible. They are isomeric with each other ; when distilled, they produce carbonic acid, and two volatile liquids, oleen and elaen, which are isomeric with olefiant gas. Erom the cir- cumstances of the formation of these acids, the change must consist in the fixation of the elements of water, as no other body containing carbon is produced ; but, from his analysis, the anhydrous meta-oleic acid has evidently the same composition as the hydrated oleic acid, and its formula is therefore CaeH^O^ when in combination, and C 36 H33O 3 , when free. Its decomposition by heat consists in the separation of 2.CO 2 , and C 34 H 34 remaining, which contains the elements of the two volatile oily liquids. With margarine, oil of vitriol does not combine directly; but if margarine and olein together, as they are in olive oil, be mixed with oil of vitriol, union occurs, and a sulpho-margaric acid is produced, which being treated similarly to the sulph-oleic acid, gives two other acids, the meta-margaric and Jiydro-margaric. These are soluble in alcohol, from which they crystallize by cold, so combined as to produce distinct salts, and to affect all the characters of an independent acid, called by Eremy the Jiydro-margaritic. If the mixed solutions of sulpho-margaric and sulpho-oleic acids be left to decompose without heat, in place of being boiled, the meta- margaric and met-oleic acids separate and float on the top, but the hydro-margaric and hydro-oleic acids remain dissolved, and separate only by bringing the solution to boil. Each of the products thus ob- tained is to be dissolved in alcohol, and the modified margaric acids crystallize on cooling, whilst the modified oleic acids remain dissolved. The meta-margaric acid is polymeric with the margaric acid ; its for- mula is C 68 H 66 6 + 2Aq., but the hydro-margaric acid contains the elements of four atoms of water more, its formula being C 68 H 70 10 + 2Aq. Olein of the Drying Oils. The oils which possess the property of rapidly absorbing oxygen and evolving carbonic acid, thereby being changed into a kind of transpa- rent resinous varnish, consist of glycerine united to a liquid acid, quite distinct from the ordinary oleic acid ; treated with nitric acid, it yields first a resinous substance, and then oxalic acid. The drying properties Cocoa-Stearine Palmitine Palmitic Acid. 883 of these oils are known to be much increased by boiling on litharge, of which a quantity dissolves ; in this case, however, Liebig has shown that no saponification occurs; the litharge serving only to combine with, and coagulate a quantity of vegetable mucus, which being diffused through the oil, prevented its acting as rapidly on the air as it does when pure. Of Cocoa-tallow, and Cocoa-stearic Acid. The albumen of the cocoa-nut contains a solid fat, which is extracted from it, and imported largely into these countries, to be used in the manufacture of candles. It is a mixture of ordinary olein with a stearine, which contains a peculiar acid. The olein and stearine are separated by pressure or by ether, or by solution in boiling alcohol, from which the stearine crystallizes on cooling, exactly as described for ordinary stearine. The cocoa-stearine is white and crystalline; its specific gravity O925; insoluble in water, it dissolves but sparingly in alcohol, except when boiling; it is more soluble in ether; it melts at 77. The products of its decomposition by heat have not been well examined. With caustic alkalies it forms soaps, from which by a stronger acid, the cocoa-stearic acid is separated. This acid, purified by repeated crystallizations from alcohol, is bril- liant white ; it fuses at 95, and cannot be distilled without total de- composition. Its formula was found by Bromeis to be C 27 H26O3 -f- Aq. ; its alcaline salts are soluble, but the earthy and metallic salts are inso- luble in water. By the process described for oleic ether, the cocoa- stearic ether was prepared by Bromeis ; it is a clear oil, lighter than water ; its formula is C 2 7H 2 6O 3 + AeO. Palm-Oil and Palmitic Acid. This solid oil, which is now extensively employed in the manufacture of yellow soap, is prepared in Africa, by pressing and boiling the fruits of the cocos butyracea, or of the avoira elais ; it is of the consistence of butter, reddish-yellow colour, and an aromatic odour. When kept, it acquires a rancid smell, and becomes white ; the colour results from a small quantity of a substance which may be decomposed, and the palm- oil bleached, by chlorine, or any oxidizing agents. Besides ordinary oleine, this oil contains a peculiar stearine, palmitine, which has been accurately examined by Fremy and Stenhouse. Pure palmitine melts at 118 and is crystalline. It is insoluble in water, very sparingly soluble even in boiling absolute alcohol, but abun- 884 Palmitic and Myristic Acids. clantly soluble in ether. It is quite neutral ; when saponified by potash, and the soap decomposed by an acid, palmitic acid is set free. The palm-oil of commerce usually contains a large quantity of free palmitic acid, and hence is more easily saponified than any other fat ; it also contains free glycerine, so that the palmitine would appear to undergo a spontaneous decomposition. Palmitic Acid melts at 140 ; it dissolves in hot alcohol and crys- tallizes therefrom by cooling. Its formula in crystals is C 64 H 62 6 + 2 HO it is a bibasic acid ; its silver salt is C64H 62 O 6 + 2AgO. The palmitic ether, which may be prepared by heating palmitic acid with alcohol and oil of vitriol, is solid and crystallizes in fine prisms which melt at 70, and have the formula C 64 H 62 06 + 2.AeO. By distillation the palmitic acid is not altered ; by the action of chlorine, hydrogen is re- moved from it, and an acid containing chlorine produced, the formula of which appears to be C^H^ClgOe. The constitution of palmitine was found, by Stenhouse, to be ex- pressed by the formula C7 H 66 8 , from which should follow, that the substance united with the palmitic acid, is formed of C 6 H 4 O2, and hence differs from common glycerine, C 6 H 7 O 5 , in having lost the elements of three atoms of water. This has been already referred to in the history of glycerine, page 872. Nutmeg -butter. Myristic Acid. This substance is a mixture of an aromatic volatile oil, with three fats, of which two are easily soluble in alcohol, and are thus simply se- parated from the third, which has been termed by Playfair, myristicine. Of the fats soluble in the alcohol, one is liquid, and the other solid, but we do not know whether they are peculiar, as the analyses of Playfair have been confined to the third. Pure myristicine is obtained by crystallization from its ethereal solu- tion ; it has a silky lustre, and melts at 88. When saponified, it yields glycerine and myristic acid f This substance is snow-white and crys- talline, easily soluble in hot alcohol, and then reddening litmus ; it melts at 120; its composition is expressed by the formula C 28 H 2 70 3 + Aq. its compounds are very well characterized and crystallizable. The my- ristic ether is analogous in constitution to the stearic ether, (875) con- sisting of 2 atoms of ether 1 atom of ether = C 4 Hs O C 1 atom of myristic ether CeoHeoOg. 1 atom of water = see -\ = C 4 Hs O C = H O 3 Preparation and Properties of Butyric Acid. 885 The myristicine was found by Playfair, to have the formula C 118 H 113 O 15 , consisting of 4 atoms of myristic acid = Ci 12 H 108 O 1 atom of dry glycerine = CG H 4 O 2 1 atom of water = HO By distilling myristicine, much acroleon is generated, but no sebacic acid. Ordinary Butter. Butyric, Caproic, and Cdpric Acids. 9 Butter is a mixture of six different fats, viz., common stearine, mar- garine, and olein, with butyrine, caproin and caprine ; by melting the butter, and keeping it for some days at a temperature of 68, the stear- ine and margarine crystallize, whilst the others remain liquid. By means of alcohol the oleine is then separated from the other fats, which are more easily soluble in that menstruum ; their further puri- fication depends on successive solutions in alcohol, but none of them can be considered as having been obtained completely pure. Butyrine is a colourless oil, with the odour of heated butter. It soli- difies at 32 ; with alcalies it gives a soap, and sets glycerine free. Its elementary composition is not known. Caprome and Caprine cannot be obtained sufficiently free from buty- rine, or from each other, to be described. When butter is saponified, and the soap decomposed by tartaric acid, stearic, margaric and oleic acids separate, whilst the other acids remain dissolved. On distilling this liquor, the butyric, capric, and caproic acids pass over along with the water, and being neutrallized by barytes, the three barytic salts are separated by repeated crystallizations. The butyric acid is, however, prepared most conveniently, and in quantity, not from butter, but by that fermentation of sugar, which has been described in page 769 as the best process for obtaining lactic acid. In that process, according as the transformation of the sugar proceeds, the sparingly soluble lactate of lime precipitates ; and if the object be to prepare lactic acid, the process should be arrested then, for soon after another action sets in, the precipitate in part redissolves with a copious evolution of the carbonic acid and hydrogen gases, and finally the liquor contains only butyrate of lime. In this action, two atoms of lactic acid, C 12 H 12 O 12 , produce butyric acid, C 8 H 8 04, carbonic acid, C 4 O 8 , and hydrogen gas, H 4 . The solution of butyrate of lime so obtained is to be distilled with muriatic acid, and fused chloride of calcium is to be adde'd to the distilled liquor. The butyric acid then separates as an oily layer, which is purified by distillation. This origin 886 Volatile Acids of Butter. of butyric acid is of peculiar interest, as it accounts for the formation in the animal system of this and other similar fatty acids, from the starchy or saccharine ingredients of our food. The butyric acid is also formed during the putrefaction of cheese and of most vegetables. Its origin in the oxidation of oleic acid by nitric acid, has been already mentioned. The butyric acid, so prepared, is a clear oily liquid, of a penetrating sour smell of rancid butter ; tastes pungent and acid, and leaves a white mark on the tongue. Its specific gravity is 0*976 ; its boiling point is above 212; it burns , with a brilliant white flame, and is abundantly soluble in water, alcohol, and ether. Its formula is C 8 H 7 O 3 + Aq. ; when distilled with lime it gives a neutral volatile liquid, butyrone, whose formula is CrHyO. and a volatile liquid tutyral, C 8 H 8 O 2 , which appears to be to butyric acid, as aldehyd is to acetic acid. The other acids existing in butter, and associated also with the bu- tyric acid, as products of oxidation, require but little notice. The caproic acid boils at 396. It has a peculiarly characteristic odour of sweat; its formula is C 12 H n O3 -f- HO. Its barytes salt crystallizes in long needles. The cajprylic acid boils at 465 , and has the formula C 16 H 15 O 3 + HO. The capric acid forms a solid mass of crystals at 44, which then melt only at above 60. The liquid capric acid, boils at 534, and has the odour of a goat. Its barytes salt is insoluble in cold water. Its formula is, C 2 oH 19 O 3 + HO. Under some undetermined circumstances, butter, in place of yielding butyric and caproic acids, yields a different body, vaccinic acid, which has the formula C 2 oH 18 O 5 + HO, which, however, decomposes with absorption of oxygen into the butyric and caproic acids, C 8 H 7 03 and C 12 H n 3 . A very simple relation exists between the composition of these several butter acids and also acetic acid. Thus, if we denote the carbo-hydro- gen, C 4 H 4 by E, the several acids in their hydrated forms are given as Acetic acid = M -f 40- Butyric acid = 2M + 4O Caproic acid = 3M + 4O Caprylic acid = 4M + 4O Capric acid = 5M + 4O I shall have occasion, however, to return to the consideration of this family of acids in a still more general point of view. Of Fish-Oils, DelpMnine, and DelpJimic Acid. These oils are generally composed of ordinary margarine, stearirie, Palm in e -Del^h lulu e Rici/i me. 887 and oleiue; but some, as whale and dolphin oil, contain a peculiar fat delpkinine, which yields delphinic acid. Eroin the fish-oil the delphi- nine is extracted by cold alcohol, which dissolves it more readily than the other oils; it is liquid, of specific gravity, - 954 ; it is not acid, but becomes so by exposure to the air ; it saponifies readily. From the soap the delphinic acid is separated by tartaric acid, and may be obtained pure by distillation. It is a thin oil, of specific gravity, 0'932 ; it boils above 212, and distils unchanged; it has a peculiar aromatic smell ; tastes acid, and reddens litmus strongly ; it dissolves in twenty parts of water ; its formula is C IO H 9 3 -f- Aq. arid when distilled with lime, it gives a volatile neutral liquid delpMnon, C 9 H 9 O. The delphinic acid has been found in the berries of the viburnum opulus, and its composition being the same, and its properties closely resembling those of the valerianic acid, I hazarded an opinion in the former edition of this work, that a re-examination of it would demon- strate its identity with that remarkable vegetable acid, which has subse- quently been completely verified by recent experiments. Of Castor Oil and its Products. The oil of the ricinus communis (castor oil) is, according to Lecanu and Bussy, a mixture of three fats, ricino-stearine, ricino-oleine, and ricinine, which are all easily soluble in alcohol. Like the fats of butter, they can be but imperfectly separated, but when saponified, they yield acids, which can be more accurately examined ; the soap, being decom- posed by muriatic acid, yields an oil, from which, by cooling, the ricino- stearic acid crystallizes, and the remaining oil, when distilled, separates into the ricinic acid, which passes over, and the ricin-ole'ic acid which is not volatile. Purified by recrystaUization from alcohol, the ricino-stearic acid forms pearly scales, which are easily soluble in alcohol, reddens litmus, and does not melt below 266. The ricin-oleic acid freezes a few degrees below 32. The ricinic acid is solid and crystalline, melts at 71, and distils unchanged at a temperature but little higher. "When castor oil is acted on by nitrous acid, it is converted into a solid substance, termed by Boudet, palmine ; it is white, of a waxy appearance, and melts at 151 ; it is easily soluble in alcohol and ether ; with alcalies it yields glycerine and palmic acid. The formula of which is, according to Playfair, C 3 2H34O 5 -f HO. The products of the complete oxidation of castor oil by nitric acid, have been accurately examined by Mr. Tilly. The action is violent, and much nitrous acid fumes are given off. Besides suberic and lipic 888 Products of the oxidation of Castor Oil. acids, a peculiar fatty acid is formed, which is colourless, of an agreeable smell, and a sweet stimulating taste; it boils at 300, but cannot be distilled with being in great part decomposed. Its formula was found to be C 14 Hi30 3 + Aq. ; he formed the ether of this acid, in the way de- scribed for oleic ether, and ascertained its formula to be C 14 H ]3 O 3 -f- AeO. This body is termed the per-eenanthic add, or cenanthylic acid, as it contains the same carbon and hydrogen as the oenanthic acid, which exists in wine as described in page 814, but combined with an atom more oxygen. By the distillation of castor oil there is formed a large quantity of an oil termed cenantkol. It boils at 312, and has the formula Ci 4 H 14 O2. It is, therefore, to cenanthylic acid as aldehyd is to acetic acid, and the cenanthic acid of wine may be a compound of those bodies, as 2.C 14 H 14 3 = C 14 HiA + C 14 H 14 4 . Oil of Tiglium. Crotonine Crotonic Acid. The experiments that have been made on this oil have not given very satisfactory results ; by saponification it yields an acid which is exceed- ingly volatile ; but whether the active properties of the oil reside in this crotonic acid is not established, nor have any analytical results been ob- tained as to its constitution. Of the Manufacture of Soaps and Plasters. Although the general principles of the constitution of soaps have been frequently alluded to in the description of individual fatty substances, and that a detailed account of their manufacture would be out of place in the present work, yet it may not be uninteresting to notice, briefly, some circumstances of the processes employed which could not be de- duced from the mere theory of their nature, and yet are essential to practical success. There are found in commerce, three varieties of soap; 1st, hard white soap, which is made from tallow and caustic soda ; 2d, hard yellow soap, which is made from soda with tallow, palm oil, and resin ; 3rd, soft soap, in which the alcali is potash, combined with whale or seal oil, and some tallow. The difference of consistence depends principally upon the alcali ; as the fatty salts of soda unite with water to form true hydrates, which are completely solid, whilst the potash salts absorb water and form a semitransparent gelatinous mass, such as the ordinary soft soap. For the preparation of the hard white soap, a solution of caustic soda is prepared, of specific gravity 1-050, by decomposing soda-ash by the proper quantity of lime ; the soda ley being brought to boil, the tallow is added in small portions at a time, until the free alcali has been all Manufacture of White, Yellow, and Soft Soaps. 889 . combined with fatty acids, and the ley will saponify no more. The liquor contains then free glycerine, and the fatty salts of soda, all dis- solved together in the water, and as the soap scarcely crystallizes, a pe- culiar method is necessary to separate it from the solution. This is founded on the fact, that soap is insoluble in a solution of common salt. If to a solution of soap in water, as much common salt be added as the water can dissolve, the soap is separated, and floats on the surface of the liquor completely deprived of water. But this is not the state in which the manufacturer wishes it to be. Hence the salt is added but gradu- ally to the soap ley, and the water then dividing itself between the salt and the soap, a point is obtained, at which the soap is in its proper hy- drated condition, and this being recognized by the appearance of the boil, and the texture of the layer of soap, the latter is run into wooden boxes where it congeals, and is then cut by a wire into the forms it pos- sesses in commerce. The hard white soap thus made generally contains from forty to fifty per cent, of water. When very hard it still retains above thirty, and may hold seventy per cent without being very soft. The formation of the Yellow, or Resin Soap, depends on the direct combination of an acid resin (colophony, p. 866) with soda. In this case no glycerine is set free, as there is no proper saponification. A mere compound of resin and soda would be, however, too soft, and also act too powerfully on clothes ; and hence there is always a quantity of a fat added, generally tallow, and some palm-oil, which brightens the colour, and masks the disagreeable odour of the resin. A good soap should contain two parts of fatty matter to one of resin. The Soft Soap is manufactured by heating the oils in shallow pans, and gradually adding a strong solution of caustic potash, boiling and continually agitating the mass until the milkiness produced by the oil vanishes, the mass becomes transparent, and the froth subsides. As this soap cannot be separated from the liquor by the addition of com- mon salt, which would decompose it, forming a soda-soap and chloride of potassium, the liquor is evaporated until the operator recognizes that it has attained the proper strength, and it is then cooled as speedily as possible. The glycerine of the oils exists, therefore, mixed through the substance of the soap. To give it greater consistence some tallow is generally employed, and the stearate of potash crystallizing gradually forms the white points which are seen in most specimens of soft soap. Plasters are metallic soaps. Of those the only one of pharmaceutic importance is the litharge plaster, prepared by boiling litharge, olive oil, and water together ; oleate and margarate of lead are formed, and float upon the surface ; when the mass has obtained the proper consis- 890 Constitution of Cetine Etkal. tence, it is removed and formed into rolls for use. The watery solution contains glycerine and a large quantity of oxide of lead dissolved. If litharge plaster be digested in ether, oleate of lead dissolves, and the margarate of lead is left behind. Of Spermaceti, Ethal, and the Derived Bodies. Spermaceti exists in the cavities of the head of the physeter macro- cephalus, and some allied species of whales, dissolved in the spermaceti oil, from which it separates by crystallization, after the death of the animal. To obtain it pure, it is to be crystallized repeatedly from its alcoholic solution by cooling ; it is a remarkably beautiful crystalline fat, melting at 120, and volatilizing at 680 without change, if the air be excluded. In this pure state it is usually termed cetine, and its formula is C 16 H 1G O, in its simplest form. By boiling with very strong alcaliue solutions, it gradually saponilies ; but it differs totally from the ordinary fats, as it contains none of the acids so far described, nor gly- cerine, but yields a peculiar acid, the cetylic acid, and a peculiar base, ethal, or hydrated oxide of cetyl. The cetine may be, in fact, regarded as cetylate of cetyl, or still more simply as oxide of cetene. Cetylic Acid. C3 2 H 31 O 3 -f Aq. Although this acid may be pre- pared by the saponification of cetine, yet as its purification is then diffi- cult, it is best obtained by heating cetine with a mixture of fused potash and quicklime to about 350, hydrogen is given off, and the whole is converted into cetylate of potash. The mass boiled in water is decom- posed by chloride of barium, and the cetylate of barytes heated with ether, to remove unaltered ethal or cetine. The residue is then decom- posed by a strong acid, and the cetylic acid is obtained pure. It fuses at 130. It is volatile, soluble in alcohol and ether. It appears to be monobasic. It is remarkable as having the same formula and half the equivalent of palmitic acid. See page 884. Ethal. C 32 H330 -f- HO. To obtain this substance pure the spermaceti is to be saponified, by being fused with half its weight of potash ; the resulting mass being digested with water and muriatic acid, the cetylic acid and the ethal separate from the liquor, and float upon the surface. Being then mixed with lime, which combines with the cetylic acid, and boiled in absolute alcohol, the ethal dissolves, and crystallizes out on cooling, It is a solid crystalline white substance, destitute of taste or smell ; neutral to test paper ; it melts at 119, and volatilizes rapidly at 250; it is insoluble in water ; its formula is C 32 H 34 O 2 , or C 32 H 3 3O + Aq. The ethal is remarkable for its analogy, in composition and proper- Cetyl Series Nature of Wax. 891 ties, to the bodies of the alcohol group ; like them, it may be looked upon as formed of water united to a carbo-hydrogen, isomeric with ole- fiant gas, and by distilling ethal with glacial phosphoric acid, this body is actually obtained, and has been termed cetene. It is an oily liquid, colourless, soluble in alcohol and ether ; it boils at 527. Prom its reactions, and the specific gravity of its vapour, 7846, it results that its formula is C 32 H 3 2. If ethal be heated with perchloride of phosphorus, a heavy liquid is obtained, having the formula C^H&Cl; and by fusing ethal with potassium, hydrogen is evolved, and a white solid substance formed, consisting of C 32 H33O + KO, which with water gives hydrate of potash and ethal. With sulphuric acid ethal forms sulpho-ethalic acid, which resembles the sulpho-vinic acid, and has the formula C^H^O.SOg -j- S0 3 .HO. Further, if the ethal be heated with potash, hydrogen gas is given off, and an acid formed, the formula of which is C 32 H 31 O 3 + Aq.; it is the cetylic acid. From this analogy of ethal to wine-alcohol, a compound radical, cetyl, similar to ethyl, may be assumed to exist in these combinations, and its formula be written CsaH^ or Ct. Ethal is then Ct.O -f Aq. On considering the whole history of cetine, it appears more probable that the cetylic acid and the ethal are products of its decomposition, and not its constituents. It is thus a simple material like cholesterine, which by bases is broken up into two bodies, the oxygen and hydrogen dividing themselves unequally, and producing an acid and a basic substance, thus, 4.Ci6Hi 6 O, producing C 32 H 31 O 3 , and C^H^O, and each of these assuming an atom of water in their isolated form. Wax. Ordinary bees'-wax is a mixture of two substances which are separated by boiling alcohol. Cerin dissolves ; it is quite white ; its specific gravity is 0*969 ; it is less fusible than wax ; it does not com- bine with bases : its formula is C 2 oH 20 O 2 . The substance insoluble in alcohol is myracine, which melts at 95 ; its formula is C 20 H 20 O. In yellow wax a colouring matter is present which has not been examined. When wax is bleached by nitric acid, oxygen is absorbed, and a peculiar substance formed, ceraic acid, which has the formula C^H^Og. All these bodies are probably derived from oils, isomeric with otto of roses, which exist in the flowers of odoriferous plants. When cerin is boiled with solution of potash, a soap is formed, and from this a peculiar waxy substance (ceram) is obtained, as ethal is from spermaceti : its properties are but very little known ; from an analysis by Ettling its formula would appear to be C 18 H 19 O 7 . A peculiar kind of wax, termed ceroslne, has been found in the sugar cane ; its formula 892 CHAPTER XXV. OF THE ORGANIC ACIDS WHICH PRE-EXIST IN PLANTS., AND DO NOT BELONG TO ANY ESTABLISHED SERIES. Tartaric Acid. C 8 H 4 0, -f- 2Aq. This important acid exists in most kinds of fruit, occasionally free, but more usually combined with potash, forming cream of tartar, or as tar- trate of lime. For the purposes of commerce it is almost exclusively prepared from the bi-tartrate of potash. This salt exists abundantly in grape juice, and being but very slightly soluble in spirituous liquors, it gradually separates as the alcoholic fermentation proceeds, and collects in irregularly crystallized layers on the insides of the casks in which the wine is made. It is purified, as will be elsewhere described. When one part of carbonate of lime is added to a solution of four parts of bitartrate of potash, one-half of the tartaric acid combines with the lime, carbonic acid being expelled with effervescence. Tartrate of lime precipitates as a white powder and neutral tartrate of potash re- mains dissolved. By the addition of chloride of calcium to the liquor, this portion also of tartaric acid is thrown down, and chloride of potas- sium is formed. The whole quantity of tartrate of lime being then col- lected and washed, it is to be digested with a quantity of oil of vitriol equal to half the weight of the cream of tartar employed, and diluted with four parts of water ; sulphate of lime is formed and tartaric acid set free. The mixture having been boiled for a short time is to be strained, and the liquor evaporated gently to a pellicle ; the tartaric acid then crystal- lizes on cooling. The tartaric acid forms colourless oblique rhombic prisms, generally tabular, as in the figure, where i, u, n, are primary, and a, c, m, secondary faces ; it is permanent in the air, and dissolves readily in half its weight of water ; it is also easily soluble in ale ohol ; its taste and reaction is strongly acid. When heated, it abandons water and forms two acids which will be again noticed. When a solution of it is long exposed to the air, it absorbs oxygen, and forms carbonic and acetic acids. This Tartaric Acid Tartrate of Potash. 893 effect may be instantly produced by boiling it with an excess of oxide of silver, metallic silver being set free. Tartaric acid is known by its not being volatile, and by leaving a copious coaly residue when heated. If it be fused with potash, it is de- composed, acetic and oxalic acids being produced (p. 670) ; with other oxidizing agents, as black oxide of manganese and sulphuric acid, it gives carbonic and formic acids. A solution of tartaric acid precipitates lime water ; but the precipitate is redissolved by an excess of acid, or by solution of sal-ammoniac. The soluble neutral tartrates give white pre- cipitates, which are not crystalline, with the neutral salts of lead, lime and silver, which all re-dissolve in an excess of acid. The tartaric acid is bibasic; its formula being C 8 H 4 Oio+2Aq. ; several of its salts are of considerable importance. Bi-tartrate of Potash Cream of Tartar. C 8 H 4 Oio -f KO.Aq. This salt, just now noticed as being deposited from grape-juice, ac- cording as alcohol is formed, is sent into commerce under the name of argol, which is red or white according to the kind of wine it was depo- sited from. This is dissolved in 'boiling water, and mixed with some pipe-clay, which, combining with the colouring matter of the grape, renders it insoluble ; the clear liquor is then allowed to cool slowly, and the cream of tartar is deposited in irregular crystals on the sides of the vessel, still containing a small quantity of tartrate of lime. It crystallizes in right rhombic prisms, as in the figure j,w,ra, being primary, and a,a,i,m, secondary planes. It is but very sparingly soluble in cold water, requiring 80 parts at 60 ' anc ^ ^ P^ 8 at 212; hence an excess of tar- taric acid produces a crystalline precipitate in solutions of potash, which are not very dilute. By calcining cream of tartar either alone or with nitre, the black or white fluxes employed in metallurgy are formed (p. 546), Its calcination furnishes also the purest source of carbonate of potash, which hence derives its name of salt of tartar (p. 688). Neutral Tartrate of Potash Soluble Tartar. C s Hfl }0 -f KO.KO. This salt is formed by adding cream of tartar to a hot solution of car- bonate of potash, until this be completely neutralized. It crystallizes with difficulty in right rhombic prisms, which when pure are not deli- quescent. 100 parts of water dissolve 130 parts of it at 60, and 268 parts at 212. Any strong aci d added to its solution takes half the potash, and precipitates cream of tartar. 894 Eochelle Salt Tartar of Iron. The Tartrates of Ammonia resemble closely those of potash. The neutral tartrate of soda crystallizes in large rhombic prisms like nitre ; it is very soluble in water, its formula C 8 H 4 O 10 +2.NaO-f-4Aq. Tartrate of Potash and Soda Eochelle Salt. C g H 4 O 10 + KO. NaO +10Aq. Is prepared by neutralizing a hot solution of carbonate of soda with cream of tartar ; by evaporation and cooling it forms large prismatic crystals, with many sides, of the right rhombic system ; p, u, u, being primary and i, i, t, e, e, being secondary faces. These crystals are remarkable for being often but half formed, so as to present the aspect represented in the lower figure. Its taste is mildly saline, and not very disagreeable, whence its popu- larity as a medicine. It is permanent in the air except it be very dry, when it effloresces slightly on the surface; it dis- solves in two parts of cold water. The Tartrate of Lime is very sparingly soluble in water, and is pre- cipitated as a white powder, when solutions of a neutral tartrate and of a salt of lime are mixed. It dissolves in an excess of acid ; and if this solution be neutralized, it is deposited in small octohedral crystals, which have the formula C g H 4 Oi + CaO.CaO + 8Aq. Nolner has asserted, that when tartrate of lime is mixed with yeast a fermentation sets in by which a new acid, pseudo-acetic acid, is produced ; this requires, however, confirmation. Proto-tartrate of Iron. C 8 H 4 Oi + 2.EeO. Is a white powder, very sparingly soluble in water ; it is formed in minute crystals when hot solutions of protosulphate of iron and of cream of tartar are mixed together. The prototartrate of iron and potash, C 8 H 4 10 + FeO.KO, is formed by digesting cream of tartar and water with metallic iron. Hydrogen gas is evolved, and a white, sparingly soluble, salt is obtained, which, when exposed to the air, rapidly absorbs oxygen, and becomes greenish brown or black. In this state it contains magnetic oxide of iron, and is much more soluble. Pertartrate of iron, formed by dissolving the freshly precipitated red oxide of iron in a solution of tartaric acid, gives by evaporation a brown jelly. If the red oxide of iron be boiled with a solution of cream of tartar, it dissolves abundantly, giving a fine brown -red liquor, from which, by cautious evaporation, small ruby-red crystals may be obtained ; but it is generally dried down completely, when it forms a translucent brown mass, deliquescent in damp air. An excess of tartaric acid should be avoided, as it acts on the peroxide of iron during the evapo- ration, reducing it to the state of protoxide, and carbonic acid being given off. Hence the pharmacopoeias direct perfect neutrality of the Tartrate of Antimony and Potash. 895 liquor to be secured by the addition of a small quantity of ammonia. The formula of this salt is C 8 H 4 O 10 + KO.Fe 2 O 3 . It is very soluble in water, and its solution is not precipitated by an excess of potash. Another form of tartarized iron, is formed according to the pharmaco- poeias by digesting cream of tartar with iron filings and water until it is saturated. Its constitution is not very definite, the iron should finally be peroxidized, but the product contains usually a great deal of iron as protoxide or magnetic oxide. Tartrate of Antimony. 3(C g H 4 O 10 ) + SbO 3 . This salt is obtained by the solution of the sesquioxide of antimony in tartaric acid ; it is colourless and crystallizes in short deliquescent prisms. Tartrate of Potash and Antimony. Tartar -Emetic. C 8 H 4 C 10 + KO.Sb0 3 -}- 2Aq. This salt, the most important compound of antimony, is prepared by boiling together in water, equal weights of sesquioxide of antimony and cream of tartar. In the Dublin and Edinburgh pharmacopoeias, the powder of algarotti (p. 642) is employed as the source of oxide of antimony ; but by the London college, an impure oxide is prepared by gently deflagrating together sulphuret of antimony and nitre, with a little muriatic acid, and washing out the soluble products. In either case the oxide of antimony replaces the second atom of base (water) in the cream of tartar, and by evaporation and cooling, it may be obtained in crystals, which are right rhombic octohe- drons, with many secondary planes, as in the figure. This salt dissolves in fourteen parts of cold, and in two of boiling water. In dry air it effloresces, losing the 2Aq. Its solution is not affected by alcalies ; but the oxide of antimony is precipitated by sulphuric or muriatic acids, and by ammonia. In the preparation of tartar emetic, the whole product from the materials used can never be obtained crystallized, the mother liquor contains a substance which dries down to a transparent mass, like gum arabic. By alcohol it is decomposed into tartar emetic, and free tartaric acid. According to Knapp's analysis, this salt is the neutral tartrate of potash and anti- mony, having the formula C 4 H 2 O 5 .KO + (3.C 4 H 2 O 5 + SbO 3 ) + 2Aq. It may be formed by dissolving tartar-emetic in a strong solution of tartaric acid, and then crystallizes in minute oblique rhombic prisms. In order to form this salt, however, from cream of tartar, and oxide of antimony, a quantity of potash must enter into some form of combination which has not been as yet explained. Owing to the occasional presence of arsenic in the ores of antimony, the tartar-emetic of commerce is not unfrequently contaminated by its 896 Tartar-Emetic j Borotartrates, and Arseniotartrates. presence, and should in such case be absolutely rejected from medi- cinal use. If tartar-emetic be exposed to a temperature of 480, it abandons, besides its crystal-water, two equivalents of water, the elements of which are abstracted from the constitution of the tartaric acid as generally assumed. In this dried tartar-emetic, therefore, the organic element is not C 8 H 4 Oio, but C 8 H 2 O 8 . When redissolved in water, it resumes the two atoms of water, forming ordinary tartar-emetic again. Of the other salts of tartaric acid, but one possesses this property ; the boro- tartrate of potash being also reduced by loss of water at 480 to the formula C 8 H 2 8 + KO.B0 3 . Chemists are not unanimous in ex- plaining this peculiarity. The simplest idea is, that these two atoms of water exist ready formed in these salts, and that tartaric acid is really quadribasic ; being in its crystallized form CsH^Og + 4HO ; the cream of tartar being C 8 H 2 O 8 + KO.3HO; Eochelle salt, C 8 H 2 O 8 + KO.NaO.2HO; and for tartar-emetic, the oxide of antimony replacing three atoms of a protoxide, the formula is C 8 H 2 O8 + KO.SbOa + &Aq + 2Aq, and the two portions of water being retained by very unequal forces are given off at very different temperatures. Berzelius considered that in this change the nature of the acid is totally altered; and as opinion is so much divided on the subject, I shall not enter further into its discussion. Borotartrate of Potash. Cream of tartar and boracic acid unite in two proportions, forming compounds precisely resembling the two tartar- emetics, the antimony being replaced by boron. These salts are used in medicine. They are very soluble in water, sparingly soluble in alcohol. The boracic acid here certainly enters into the constitution of the acid, as it cannot be considered to act as a base. Arsenio-tartrate of Potas/i. The arsenious acid also combines with cream of tartar, forming a salt which does not crystallize well, but appears to be constituted precisely as tartar emetic. Action of Heat on Tartaric Acid. When tartaric acid is cautiously heated, it fuses into a mass like gum, and gives off water. In this state it combines with bases forming salts quite different from the tartrates ; it retains its bibasic character, but its atomic weight is increased to one and a half times that of tartaric acid ; its formula being C 12 H 6 15 -f-2Aq. It thus constitutes tartralic acid; it does not crystallize, and in solution gradually passes back into tartaric acid. If the tartralic acid be kept long melted at 360, it abandons still more water, and forms tartrelic acid, in which the bibasic character Pyrotartaric Acid Racemic Acid. 897 remains, its formula being C 16 H 8 O2o. + 2Aq. This acid is characterized by forming insoluble salts with lime and barytes, thereby differing from the tartralic acid. If the heat be still longer kept up, a porous white mass is formed, which is insoluble in water and in alcohol. It is anhy- drous tartaric acid ; its formula is C 8 H 4 O 10 . If left long in contact with water it changes successively into the tartrelic, tartralic, and common tartaric acid. This change is produced more rapidly by boiling with a solution of potash : this substance appears to hold the same relation to tartaric acid that the white sublimate does to the proper lactic acid (p. 769). If tartaric acid be distilled at a still higher temperature, it abandons water and carbonic acid; and forms pyrotartaric acid ; C 8 H 4 O 10 , giving off 3.CO 2 and HO, and C 5 H 3 O 3 remaining. The process succeeds best at about 400. This acid is white ; it crystallizes from the dis- tilled liquors in prisms which are to be purified from empyreumatic oil by recrystallization and digestion with animal charcoal ; it reacts very acid; it melts at 210, and sublimes at .360 ; is very soluble in water and alcohol. It is a monobasic acid, forming salts which, with few exceptions, are soluble and crystallizable. Racemic Acid. C8H 4 O J0 4-2Aq. This acid is found in grape juice, replacing tartaric acid to a greater or less extent ; its formation appears to depend on very peculiar circum- stances, as it has never been found except in the district about the Vosges Mountains, and only in some seasons. It is combined with potash, forming a kind of cream of tartar, which is bi-racemate of potash, and from, which it is prepared by the same methods as have been described for tartaric acid. It crystallizes in colourless oblique rhombic prisms, which contain water, of which one-half is lost by efflorescence in warm dry air ; the remaining hydrate is identical in composition with crystallized tartaric acid ; it tastes and reacts as strongly acid. In its relation to salts, it follows nearly the same rules as the tartaric acid, but their crystalline form is completely different ; it also is a bibasic acid, and its formula, when crystallized, is C 8 H 4 O 10 -f 2.HO + 2Aq. The characters by which it is distinguished from tartaric acid are; First, racemic acid requires ten times as much water for solution, and they are hence easily separated by crystallization. Second, that the corresponding salts are not of the same crystalline form. Third, the racemate of potash and soda is uncrystallizable, giving merely a gummy mass, whilst the Rochelle salt forms very large crystals. Fourth, the racemate of lime is insoluble in 57 898 Racemic Acid Citric Acid. a solution of sal-ammoniac. The two acids, however, form a most perfect example of isomerism, as not merely their composition, but their atomic weight is absolutely the same. When heated, racemic acid passes through precisely the same changes as have been described for tartaric acid, abandoning water, and forming two bibasic acids, whose formulae are respectively Ci 2 H 6 Oi 5 -f- 2HO and C 16 H 8 20 -f- 2HO. They are distinguished by their salts, which differ in characters from each other, and from those of the bodies formed by tartaric acid. By the destructive distillation of racemic acid, is generated the pyro- racemic acid, in which the isomerism with the tartaric acid series is broken through ; its formula being C 6 H 3 5 . It differs totally in pro- perties from the pyrotartaric acid; it does not crystallize; it tastes acid ; its salts are all soluble and crystallizable ; but pass also into a gummy condition. If a little crystal of copperas be laid in a solution of one of these salts, it becomes coloured bright red. Citric Acid. C 12 H 5 O n + 3HO + 2Aq. This acid exists in the juices of fruits, especially the lemon, orange, currant, and quince. It is usually prepared from lemon juice, which is clarified by rest, then saturated with chalk, and the neutral solution is boiled until the citrate of lime is completely deposited ; this is then washed and decomposed by a quantity of oil of vitriol, equal in weight to the chalk employed, and diluted with six volumes of water. After the sulphate of lime has been removed by straining, the liquor is eva- porated, and allowed to crystallize by very slow cooling; the crystal-form is generally that of a right rhombic prism, very much modified, as in the figure, in which iu' u are primary, and n, y, r } are secon- dary planes. In this case its formula is that given above ; but if its solution be evaporated at 212 to a pellicle, it crystallizes whilst hot, in a totally different form, and its formula is C 12 H 5 On -f 3HO. By exposing the hydrated crystals in vacuo to sulphuric acid, or to a gentle heat, the 2Aq. may also be removed. The citric acid possesses an agreeably sour taste : it dissolves in less than its own weight of cold, and in half its weight of boiling water ; it is sparingly soluble in alcohol ; when heated it fuses, becomes yellow, and ultimately gives the usual pyrogenic products of organic acids. It is a tribasic acid, and gives rise to three classes of salts, which, as they may contain different quantities of combined water, rendered their his- Products of the Decomposition of Citric Add, 899 tory very confused until Liebig explained their true constitution. Very few of these salts are, however, of practical or medicinal interest. Citrate of Soda crystallizes in efflorescent prisms, having the formula Ci 2 H 5 0,i + 3NaO -f 4Aq + 7Aq. By exposure to a heat of 212, the 7Aq. are removed, and at 400 the remaining 4Aq. are driven off: Berzelius is of opinion, that in this action the real constitution of the citric acid is changed, and that it is partly converted into aconitic acid, but the point is not yet experimentally decided, and Liebig^s views ex- plain the phenomena with such beautiful simplicity that I have no hesi- tation in adopting them, at least provisionally. The Citrate of Lime is obtained by mixing solutions of a soluble citrate and of salt of lime ; it forms a white powder, sparingly soluble in pure water, but much more so if the liquid be acid. Its constitution isC 12 H 5 O n -f 3CaO + 4Aq. When boiled with an excess of lime water, citric acid forms a basic citrate of lime, which is less soluble than the neutral salt. The Citrates of Lead and Barytes are white powders, insoluble in water, formed by double decomposition, and resembling in constitution the citrate of lime ; there are also basic salts, the formation of which, as in that of lime, appears to result from the crystal- water (2Aq.) of the acid being more or less replaced by metallic oxide, in addition to that which fulfils the proper basic function. The Citrate of Silver is a white powder, its formula is C 12 H 5 O n + 3AgO. It therefore shows the true constitution of the anhydrous citric acid. There is a potash citrate of antimony analogous to tartar emetic. The citric acid is easily recognized by forming no precipitate with liine water, unless the liquor be heated. Its potash salt is also very soluble, even with an excess of acid ; it is thus distinguished from the racemic and tartaric acids. Aconitic , Itakonic, and Citrakonic Acids. When citric acid is heated it fuses, gives off water, and is converted into an acid, which, from being found in the aconitum napellus, is called aconitic acid, but it exists also abundantly in various species of equisetum, and was hence often called equisetic acid. To complete the change of the citric acid it must be distilled until the gases which coine over cease to be inflammable, and oily drops appear in the receiver ; the process is then to be interrupted, the mass remaining in the retort to be dissolved in water, the solution filtered and evaporated to a pellicle. On cooling, it forms a crystalline mass, from which ether dissolves out Aconitic, Itakonic and Malic Acids. the aconitic acid, and leaves unaltered citric acid behind ; the former may then be obtained crystallized by evaporation. In this reaction, be- sides the aconitic acid, there are produced acetone, and a mixture of carbonic oxide and carbonic acid gases. Aconitic acid is soluble in water, alcohol, and ether ; its formula is C 12 H 3 O 9 +'3.Aq. ; like citric acid it is tribasic; it forms well cha- racterized salts; the aconitate of ether had been mistaken for citric ether, for when citric acid is put in contact with alcohol and oil of vi- triol, it changes into aconitic acid. If aconitic acid be heated until it boils, it gives off carbonic acid, and forms ita&onic acid, which distils as an oily liquid, and forms a crystalline mass as it cools ; by solution in alcohol and slow evaporation, it may be obtained in long prismatic needles ; its salts, of which there are two classes, (it being bibasic), generally crystallize very well ; its formula is C 10 H 4 06 + 2Aq ; formed by the aconitic acid losing C 2 O 4 , but an atom of water, previously basic, entering into the organic element. When the itakonic acid is redistilled, it is converted into water and a heavy oil liquid, citrakonic acid, the formula of which is C 10 H 3 5 + Aq. In contact with water it forms a crystalline mass containing 2Aq. All these products are simultaneously and successively formed in the distillation of common citric acid. Acetone is also generated, C 12 H 12 Oj 2 giving 3(C 3 H 3 0), with 3.HO and 3(C0 2 .) Malic Acid.V*R>i + 2HO. This acid exists in most fruits associated with citric and tartaric acids ; but it is found purest and most abundant in the berries of the mountain ash, and in the house leek. The best mode of extraction is the following, devised by Liebig. The juice of the berries of the moun- tain ash (sorbus aucuparia) is to be nearly but not completely neutralized by lime, and the liquor then boiled for some hours, during which the malate of lime precipitates as a sandy white powder ; when no more falls down, the neutralization is completed by adding a little lime, and on cooling the remainder of the salt is obtained. This malate of lime is to be dissolved by boiling, in the smallest possible quantity of very dilute nitric acid. On cooling, the acid malate of lime crystallizes, and is to be purified by recrystallization. This salt being then decomposed by acetate of lead, malate of lead is formed, which, being acted on by sul- phuretted hydrogen, gives sulphuret of lead and free malic acid ; by evaporation of the liquor and cooling, a sirup thick liquid is obtained, which, after long repose, forms a white crystalline mass. Malic acid is deliquescent, and very soluble in water. It tastes and reacts strongly acid ; its relations to bases are very curious ; thus, mag- Maleic Add Fumaric Acid. 901 nesia is the only earth by whose carbonate it can be completely neutralized. This arises from its tendency to form salts, in which one atom of basic water is preserved ; it befhg a bibasic acid. Another pe- culiarity pointed out by Hagen is, that it forms with many bases two neutral salts, of which one retains water with obstinacy at 212. at which temperature the other at once abandons it. When crystallized, it appears to contain only basic water ; its formula is hence C 8 H 4 O 8 + 2Aq. None of its salts are of technical or medicinal interest, and hence require but brief notice. The alcaline malates are very soluble in water, scarcely crystallizable, sparingly soluble in alcohol. The Malate of Lime forms as a granular white precipitate, when malic acid is neutralized by lime. Its formula is C 8 H 4 O 8 + 2.CaO ; it sepa- rates in hard brilliant crystals, which contain 5 Aq., when the following salt is neutralized by an alcaline carbonate. Bi-malate of lime, C 8 H 4 O 8 -f CaO.HO + 6Aq. crystallizes in large right rhombic octo- hedrons. "Water dissolves it abundantly when boiling, but very sparingly when cold. The Malate of Lead C 8 H 4 O 8 + 2PbO, precipitates, on mixing so- lutions of a soluble malate with acetate of lead, as a white curdy mass, which, after some- time, changes into minute but brilliant crystalline scales. By boiling in water, a small quantity of it is dissolved, which separates in brilliant plates on cooling. It fuses below 212, and is then nearly insoluble in water. Malic Acid is distinguished both from tartaric and citric acids, by not giving any precipitate with lime water either by heat or when cold. When malic acid is heated to a temperature of about 400, it aban- dons water and gives origin to two acids, of which one is remarkable as being found naturally existing in several plants. They are the maleic acid and fosfumaric acid, the latter so called from having been first dis- covered in the fumaria officinalis. These acids are isomeric, the reaction being in both cases, that C 8 H 4 8 produces 2 HO and C 8 H 2 6 . Both acids may be formed in the same process ; the maleic acid passes over with the water, ' and crystallizes from the condensed liquor ; the less volatile fumaric acid constitutes the residue in the retort, which solidifies into a crystalline mass as it cools. From the plants which contain this acid, it may be obtained by precipitating the clarified juices by acetate of lead, and decomposing the salt of lead by sulphuretted hydrogen. The liquors yield the acid by crystallization when concentrated to the necessary degree. The Maleic Acid, which had been thought identical with the aconitic acid, already noticed, forms crystals of a sour bitter taste, soluble in 902 Meconic Acid and its Salts water, alcohol, and ether. When heated it abandons water, and the anhydrous acid remains, which, if the water be allowed to flow back, gradually changes into fumaric acid. This anhydrous acid melts at 167 and sublimes at 350. Of its salts, that of barytes alone is remarkable, it is a white precipitate which changes soon into a mass of brilliant plates. The Fnmaric Acid, which exists also in Iceland moss, crystallizes in fine long prisms, which fuse with difficulty, and volatilize first at 400. It requires 200 parts of water for its solution. When heated, it is de- composed into water and anhydrous maleic acid. The fumarate of silver is so insoluble that one part of the acid, dissolved in 200,000 parts of water, is precipitated by nitrate of silver, but the precipitate dissolves in nitric acid. The salts, with copper, iron, and lead, are also very sparingly soluble. When muriatic acid gas is passed into a solution of malic acid in ab- solute alcohol, Hagen found that the ether formed contains fumaric and not malic acid. It is a liquid, heavier than water, of an agreeable smell. With potash it gives alcohol and fumarate of potash. Its formula is C 4 H0 3 O + AeO. On adding water of ammonia to this ether, a substance is deposited in brilliant white scales, insoluble in cold water and in alcohol, but dissolved by boiling water. It isfumaramid ; its formula being C 4 H0 2 .Ad. By potash, ammonia is set free, and fuma- rate of potash formed. Meconic Acid C 14 HO n + 3.HO -f 6Aq. This acid is found only in opium ; it is best extracted by adding chloride of calcium to an infusion of opium in cold water. A white precipitate of mixed meconate and sulphate of lime occurs. This being washed with hot water and with alcohol, it is to be treated with dilute muriatic acid, heated to about 180. The meconate of lime dissolves, and from the liquor on cooling, bi-meconate of lime separates in brilliant crystalline plates. On dissolving these in warm strong mu- riatic acid, and cooling the solution, the pure meconic acid crystallizes. It may be freed from any adhering colouring matter by combination with potash, decomposing the crystallized mecouate of potash by muri- atic acid and recrystallization. When pure, meconic acid is in brilliant white crystalline scales, con- taining 6.Aq., which they give off at 212 ; it is soluble in four parts of boiling water; it is a tribasic acid, forming salts, of which those with the earths and heavy metallic oxides are generally insoluble in water. There are three classes of meconates, according as the quantity of fixed base is one, two, or three atoms. Few of them are specifically of importance. The most characteristic properties of this acid are, Derivative* of Meconic Acid Tannin. 903 1st, that it produces with solutions of the peroxide of iron a blood-red colour, analogous to that of the sulphocyanide of iron, from which it is distinguished by the fact, that on the addition of the acetate of lead, a white precipitate is formed, which, when heated to full redness with a little sulphur and potassium, and treated with water, gives no red colour with the salts of iron (see page 751) ; 2nd, that with nitrate of silver it gives a white precipitate, which is dissolved by dilute nitric acid ; the liquor, however, when boiled, becomes milky, and deposits cyanide of silver. If a strong solution of meconic acid be boiled for a long time, or if the crystallized acid be dissolved in strong boiling muriatic acid, it is converted into Jcomenic acid ; carbonic acid being given off. The crys- tallized meconic acid undergoes the same change, when heated to 400. This acid forms granular crystals, which are soluble only in sixteen parts of boiling water, and have the formula C 12 H 2 O 8 + 2HO, as the Ci 4 HO H loses CO 2 and gains HO. This acid is bibasic ; the third atom of water, which was basic in the meconic acid, entering into the radical here. It also reddens the per-salts of iron. It forms two series of salts, which in properties resemble closely the corresponding meco- nates. When it is heated to 500, it gives off water and carbonic acid, and forms pyro-meconic acid, of which the formula is C 10 H 3 O 5 -f HO. This acid forms crystalline plates, which fuse at 240, and are volatilized by a heat little higher. It is very soluble in water, alcohol, and ether ; it is a monobasic acid, forming salts, which, with the exception of that of lead, are all soluble in water. Like the acids, from which it is de- rived, it strikes a blood-red colour with solutions containing peroxide of iron. Tannic Acid or Tannin. C 18 HO 9 + 3HO. This important substance exists in the bark of most exogenous trees, particularly the oak and horse-chesnut, . accumulated principally in the inner layers of bark. It is found also in the roots of the tormentilla and bistort, in the leaves of roses and pomegranates; but its most abundant source is the gall-nut of the oak (quercus infectoria). To distinguish this from the other kinds of tannin, of which there are a great number, it may be suitably termed gallo-tannw acid, and I shall generally, though, perhaps, not uniformly, employ that name. The method given by Pelouze for its extraction, and which serves for the preparation of a variety of other vegetable principles, is as follows : into a globular funnel, b, which can be closed at the top by a stopper, 904 Preparation and Properties of Tannin. and rests in a bottle, a, as in the figure, is to be introduced a quantity of nut-galls, in powder, moderately compressed, after the tube of the funnel has been stopped with a little cotton. The upper empty part of the funnel is to be then filled with ether, as it is usually found in the shops, containing about one-tenth of water dissolved in it, and the apparatus allowed to stand for some days. The bottle is then found to contain two layers of liquid. The inferior, sirup-thick, is a concen- trated solution of tannic acid in water, with very little ether. The upper is ether, containing but a small trace of tannic and gallic acids. Being separated, the lower layer is to be washed once or twice with a little ether, and then evaporated in vacuo, with a capsule of sulphuric acid. A faintly yellowish white mass remains, of a distinctly crystalline structure, which is pure gallo-tannic acid. The theory of this process is, that the tannic acid is so greedy of water as to withdraw it from the ether, and to dis- solve in it to the exclusion of every other constituent of the gall-nut. The watery solution of gallo-tanuic acid reddens litmus ; it is pro- bably insoluble in absolutely anhydrous alcohol and ether ; its taste is intensely astringent, but not bitter. The most characteristic property of tannic acid is, that it combines with the animal substance, gelatine, and forms a compound insoluble in water, which is the basis of most kinds of leather ; hence any tissue, as skin, which contains gelatine, removes gallo-tannic acid from its watery solution, on which is founded the art of tanning. It is a tribasic acid, and forms three classes of salts, which are of interest, from the colours of the precipitates it gives with metallic solutions, being often useful as a test for the presence of certain metals. Hence an infusion, or tincture of galls, is always found in the laboratory as a re-agent ; it does not affect the solutions of zinc, or cadmium, or the protoxides of iron, and manganese, nor any of the alka- line or earthy salts. "With the other metals it gives precipitates which with lead and antimony are white ; with copper, grey ; with tin, nickel, cobalt, cerium, tellurium, and silver, are various shades of yellow ; with tantalum, and bismuth, are orange ; with titanium, blood red ; with platinum, green; with chrome, molybdenum, uranium, and gold, are brown ; and with osmium and peroxide of iron, are rich bluish -purple. This last is the most important of all from its great delicacy and dis- tinctness. If the solutions be very strong, the liquor appears absolutely black, and constitutes the material of ordinary writing ink. The insolubility and consequent inactivity of tannate of antimony is taken advantage of in medicine ; infusion of oak-bark, or galls, being employed as an antidote in poisoning by tartar-emetic. I shall have Derivatives of Tannin Gallic Acid-. 905 occasion hereafter to notice its use in the detection and neutralization of the vegetable alcaloids. The gallo-tannic acid is not the only kind of tanning material em- ployed in the manufacture of leather ; yet as the others will hereafter come under notice, I shall here give Humphrey Davy's estimate of the comparative power of such substances as contain true tannic acid. He found the quantity of active material in 100 parts of the following bodies to be Gall nuts 27'4 White inner oak bark . . . 16'0 Oak bark entire .... 6*3 White inner horse-chesnut . . 15'2 Horse chesnut bark entire . . 4'3 Sicilian sumac 16'2 Elm bark entire . 2'7 Malaga sumac 10.4 These numbers are but approximative, and such as are given by very rough processes ; the true quantity of tannic acid present being much larger ; thus the nut galls easily yield by Pelouze's method forty per cent, of pure product. When a solution of tannic acid is exposed to the air it is decom- posed, absorbing oxygen and evolving carbonic acid ; the liquor becomes coloured, and a large quantity of gallic acid is found to be produced. Tannoxylic and Tannomelanic Acids. When a solution of tannin with an excess of potash is exposed to the air, oxygen is absorbed and the liquor becomes black. It then gives with acetate of lead a crimson red precipitate. This is said to be a salt of an acid, tannoxylic acid, having the formula C 15 H5O n . If the potash liquor be boiled for a long time the gallic acid and tannoxylic acids first formed disappear, and there is produced a new acid which separates on the addition of a stronger acid as a brown powder insoluble in water. The formula C I4 H 6 9 has been proposed for it. The bodies are evidently produced by the absorption of oxygen from the air and the removal of carbon from the tannin, under the form of carbonic acid. Gallic AcM.Gt'HOi + 2HO + Aq. This remarkable substance does not appear to exist naturally formed in plants, except in the seeds of the mango, but is generated by the decomposition of gallo-tannic acid. Powdered galls are to be made into a thin paste with water and exposed to the air for some weeks, at a temperature of about 80, water being supplied according as it eva- porates away ; the resulting mass is to be boiled with water, and the 906 Sources and Preparation of Gallic Add. gallic acid crystallizes out of the liquor as it cools. By digestion with ivory black and re-crystallization, it is obtained completely pure. In this process the reaction is very simple, as an atom of tannic acid C 18 H 8 O 12 , absorbing from the air eight atoms of oxygen, produces 4.CO 2 and 2(C 7 H0 3 + 8Aq.) The conversion of gallo-tannic acid into gallic acid, may occur, however, without the access of air, and indeed be effected almost instantaneously ; thus if tannic acid be boiled in a strong solution of potash for a few minutes, and an excess of sulphuric acid be then added, a copious product of gallic acid is obtained crystallized on cooling; or if sulphuric acid be added to a strong solution of gallo- tannic acid, and the precipitate thus formed be washed with a small quantity of water, and then added gradually to boiling dilute sulphu- ric acid, it dissolves, and on cooling, the gallic acid crystallizes. In these reactions, which succeed also perfectly with infusion of galls, some other substances must be simultaneonsly formed, which are as yet not known. Gallo-tannic acid contains exactly the constituents of gallic acid and acetic acid, as C 18 H 5 9 = 2(C 7 H0 3 ) -f C 4 H 3 3 , but Liebig has determined that acetic acid is not produced. It has been stated by Braconnot that in the fermentation of gall nuts to produce gallic acid, alcohol is given off, and this would indicate the presence or liberation of sugar from the gall nut. In fact, three atoms of tannin represent six atoms of gallic acid and one of sugar, but Braconnot's observation has not been since verified. This change may occur in the nut gall itself, which it is very proba- ble contains a principle analogous to yeast, which, under favourable circumstances, induces this kind of decomposition in the gallo-tannic acid. This idea, first suggested by Robiquet, has derived much support from the experiments of Larocque, who found that the matter of the nut gall which remains after the extraction of the tannin, has the power of exciting the alcoholic fermentation in solutions of sugar. As yet, however, we possess no accurate knowledge of the theory of this inter- esting transmutation. Pure gallic acid crystallizes in colourless doubly oblique rhombic prisms, as u, z. in the figure, where i, is a secondary plane ; it tastes bitter and slightly acid, and requires 100 parts of cold, but much less of boiling water for its solution ; it is less soluble in alcohol; its crystals contains three atoms of water, of which one is expelled at a temperature of 230, but the remaining two are only removed when replaced by bases. It is a biba- sic acid, forming two classes of salts ; those with the alcalies are very soluble ; the earthy and metallic salts are insoluble Pyrogallic Acid Melangallic Acid. 907 in water. With a per-salt of iron, gallic acid gives a blackish blue precipitate, which differs from the tannate of iron in becoming gradu- ally colourless, the acid being decomposed and the iron reduced to the state of protoxide ; this is effected instantly by boiling, carbonic acid gas being evolved. The gallic acid is further distinguished from the tannic by not precipitating gelatine nor any of the vegetable alcalies. Products of the Decomposition of Gallic Acid. Pyrogallic Acid. When gallic acid is carefully heated to about 400, it is totally decomposed into carbonic acid, and pyrogallic acid, (C7H 3 5 = C 6 H 3 O 3 + C 2 O,) which sublimes in brilliant white plates ; it is easily soluble in ether, alcohol, and water ; it reacts feebly acid ; it fuses at 240, and sublimes at 400. If a solution containing peroxide of iron be added to a solution of pyrogallic acid, a black colour is struck, but the iron is rapidly reduced to the state of protoxide, and the liquor assumes a rich red tint. If, however, a salt of pyrogallic acid be used, the solution remains permanently blue. Melangallic Acid. If in the distillation of pyrogallic acid the tem- perature be allowed to rise beyond 450, it is decomposed, water is given off, and a shining jet-black mass like coal remains in the retort, which is this body ; its formula is C }2 H 3 O y being formed from 2(C 6 H 3 O3) by loss of 3. HO; it is insoluble in water, alcohol and ether; at a temperature of 500 it is totally decomposed into the ordinary pyrogenic products ; it dissolves in alcaline solutions, forming salts of a black colour, which do not crystallize ; these salts give black preci- pitates with solutions of earthy and metallic salts. If gallo-tannic acid be heated to about 400, it is resolved totally into pyrogallic, melangallic and carbonic acids, and water. Ellagic Acid. In the formation of gallic acid by the slow fermen- tation of tannic acid, a certain quantity of ellagic acid generally though, not constantly, appears. Being insoluble in water, it remains when the gallic acid has been dissolved out, and by digesting the residue with a weak solution of potash it is taken up, and may then be precipitated by muriatic acid. It forms minute crystals, whose formula is C ? H0 3 -f- HO + Aq. The Aq. is driven off by a heat of 212, and the dry acid is then isomeric with the gallic acid, but it is monobasic ; it is very feebly acid, not expelling carbonic acid from its salts ; the earthy and metallic ellagates are all insoluble, and all white or yellow. A curious occurrence of ellagic acid is in the calculi called Bezoar stones, employed in India, in medicine and as talismans. They are the 908 Bezoar Stones Ellagic Acid Artificial Tannin. intestinal concretions of some species of deer and of apes, and consist in some cases of the Lithofellic acid to be hereafter described. In other instances they are found to consist of ellagic acid, derived probably from the animals having fed on vegetables rich in Tannin. If gallic acid be heated to 880 with oil of vitriol, it dissolves, and on cooling, brilliant crystals of a dark scarlet colour are deposited, which, constitute par-ellagic add. This body is isomeric with ellagic acid ; it forms with bases salts which are generally red. It is worthy of notice, that ellagic acid acted on by oil of vitriol, gives no par- ellagic acid. It is here probably best to notice the formation of what has been termed artificial tannin ; it is produced by mixing one part of almost any kind of vegetable substance with five parts of oil of vitriol, letting the mixture stand for some days, and then heating it as long as any sulphurous acid gas is evolved. A black mass remains, from which the remaining acid is to be washed with water, and then the tannin dis- solved out by alcohol ; the solution is dark brown, and when evaporated gives a black extractive matter, which tastes astringent, smells of burned sugar, and dissolves in water; it precipitates gelatine, but does not affect the salts of iron like true tannin. Another and very singular manner of producing artificial tannin con- sists in boiling pure charcoal in nitric acid as long as any reaction occurs ; the liquor is then brown ; being evaporated to the consistence of a sirup, and mixed with water, a brownish yellow substance falls, and the filtered solution gives, by evaporation, a hard black mass, which reddens litmus, tastes astringent, is soluble in water and in alcohol, and copiously precipitates gelatine ; when heated it smells like horn, and contains nitrogen ; it precipitates most metallic salts brown. The true nature of these bodies is not well known, as they have not been much studied since the methods of organic chemistry acquired their present exactness ; they are probably mixtures of many bodies, as ulmine in its various forms, with crenic and apocrenic acids. Catechuic Acid, and Catecku-tannic Acid. The Catechu, or Terra Japonica, a brown extract prepared from the wood of the mimosa catechu, appears to contain at least four bodies, the precise composition and connexion of which have not yet been definitely established. The rough catechu, as imported, is of extensive use in medicine, and in the arts, for tanning and for giving a rich permanent brown dye. Davy estimated that 100 parts of Bengal catechu contain Ca tech u Ca teck u tan n in Ca tech ine. 909 forty-eight, and of Bombay catechu about fifty-four per cent, of useful tanning material. If catechu be treated with ether, by the method of displacement, as described for tannic acid, the liquor does not separate into two layers, but a strong solution of catechu-tannic acid in ether is obtained, which, by evaporation, yields it as a pale yellow, scarcely crystalline, mass, in taste and appearance similar to tannic acid ; its solution in water pre- cipitates gelatine, but not tartar-emetic ; with the salts of peroxide of iron it strikes an intensely olive-green colour, which is best marked with the perchloride, being somewhat purple with the persulphate ; ex- posed to the air, its solution rapidly absorbs oxygen, becomes red, and finally brown, depositing a brown insoluble matter. This change is in- stantly effected by any oxidizing agent. The catechu-tannic acid has been analyzed by Pelouze, who ascribes to it the formula C 18 H 8 O 8 -f Aq. ; it would thus appear to be formed by the abstraction of four atoms of oxygen from tannic acid; but from researches with which I am now occupied on these bodies I consider it to be properly represented by the formula C 2 oH 12 9 , in which the quan- tity of water is not positively determined. When catechu has been deprived of the catechu-tannic acid by ether or continued washings with cold water, the residual mass is to be boiled in alcohol, and the filtered liquor evaporated to one-third of its volume; on cooling, catechuic acid crystallizes. If coloured, it is to be dissolved in boiling water, precipitated by acetate of lead, the catechuate of lead diffused through boiling water, and decomposed by sulphuretted hydro- gen ; the liquor being filtered gives, on cooling, a perfectly white and pure catechuic acid ; it forms satiny flakes, indistinctly crystallized ; it is very little soluble in cold water, but abundantly in boiling water and in alcohol ; it is insoluble in ether ; its solution is not acid ; it appears to exist in very different states of hydration, or possibly different kinds of catechu contain substances which are totally distinct, for the formulae assigned to it are quite discordant, and chemists are not agreed quite as to its properties. Svanberg, who examined the catechu from the mimosa catechu, gives as its formula, C ]5 H 5 O 5 -f- Aq. Zwenger, who states the substance he worked with to be the produce of the nauclea gambir, gives C 2 oH 9 O 8 -f Aq. ; and Hagen, who used Bengal catechu, found the catechuic acid to be C 14 H 6 O 6 -4- 3Aq., and its lead salt C 14 H 6 6 + 2PbO. Delffs again has proposed the formula C 7 H 4 O 4 + Aq. My own researches would tend to prove the equivalent of cate- chine to be, when dried in vacuo at ordinary temperatures, C 20 H 12 12 + Aq. But the extreme difficulty of preparation of its salts has prevented 910 Pyrocatechine Oxy catechine Japonic Add. me from as yet obtaining positive evidence of the amount of water which may be replaced therein. When catectmic acid is heated it fuses, gives off water, and finally a white crystalline sublimate, pyrocatecUn, which has the formula C 6 H 2 O -f- Aq.; its characteristic property is that of forming a bright green solution with alcohol. If a solution of either of the acids now described be exposed to the air, oxygen is absorbed, and much more rapidly in presence of an alcali. The substance formed is termed japonic acid; it makes up the mass of the coloured portion of catechu ; it is almost insoluble in water ; soluble in caustic, but not in carbonated alcalies. Svanberg gives for it the formula C 12 H 2 O 4 -f- Aq. If catechuic acid be boiled with a solution of carbonate of potash, rulinic acid is formed, whose formula is said to be C, 8 H 6 O 9 . By further absorption of oxygen it forms japonic acid. None of these results, however, can be considered as definitely estab- lished. When a solution of catechine is heated with a solution of bichromate of potash, a very rich brown powder is formed, perfectly insoluble in water, and of much technical interest, as being employed in calico printing as a mode of dying a fast brown. This reaction is very defi- nite, no other product appearing to be formed. The formula of this body I found to be C 20 H 12 18 -fr 2Cr 2 3 + 6.Aq., which might be written as an equivalent of catechine and two equivalents of chromic acid. On boiling this brown powder in strong muriatic acid, oxide of chrome is dissolved out, and a dark powder remains, which I found to consist of C 20 H 6 O 12 -|- Aq. The action of the chromic acid is, therefore, not to oxidize the catechine, but to remove from it six atoms of hydrogen. The same body, which may be termed oxycateckine, appears also to be formed as the product of the oxidation of the moist salts of cate- chine, or of catechine itself exposed moist to the air. I have thus found for the brown lead salts produced by the spontaneous oxidation of the catechine salts the formula, when dried, at 212, C 2 oH 6 12 + PbO, which may combine with 3Aq. and with 12Aq. The products of oxidation of catechine noticed above as japonic and rubinic acids, do not appear to be really distinct, as their formulae differ only in proportions of the elements of water. I have found but one product to be formed in that way, probably the true japonic acid. It was prepared by dissolving catechine in solution of caustic potash, and leaving the liquor exposed to the action of the air until it had become intensely dark-red brown coloured, and the catechine had totally disappeared. Muriatic acid then precipitated a brown powder, which had the formula Catechu Cinchona Tannin. 911 C ]0 H 6 15 , and the lead salt had the composition C JO H 3 O 12 PbO, or C2oH 6 24 . If the quantity of carbon in the equivalent of these bodies remains unaltered/ which I am disposed to believe, their relations are as follows : Catechu-tannin Catechine = C 2 oHi 2 Oi2 + Aq. Oxycatechine = Cgo^e O]2 + Aq. Japonic acid = 20^6 Og4 + Aq. These researches are, however, not as yet concluded; and I merely describe those results as tending to remove some of the obscurity which it has been remarked invests the history of this group of bodies. Cinchona-tannic Acid and Kinic Acid. These substances exist in the barks of various species of cinchona combined with quinia and cinchonia. The first is extracted by digestion in dilute muriatic acid and precipitation with magnesia. The precipitate is to be dissolved in acetic acid and precipitated with acetate of lead, which leaves the alcaloids dissolved ; the cinchona-tannate of lead being decomposed by sulphuretted hydrogen, the filtered liquor yields, on evaporation, the cinchona-tannic acid pure, and of a very pale yellow colour, not crystalline. In properties it resembles closely ordinary tannic acid ; it precipitates gelatine and tartar-emetic. An infusion of cinchona is hence recommended as an antidote in cases of poisoning by tartar-emetic. It colours solutions of the per-salts of iron, green. By exposure to the air, it is converted into a rust-coloured substance, termed cinchona-red. Nothing is known of the composition of these bodies. The Kinic Acid, which Berzelius believes to exist in the inner bark (albumen) of fir and of most trees, is obtained by adding lime in small quantity to a cold infusion of cinchona bark. The alcaloids being thus separated, the liqudr is filtered and evaporated very carefully to the con- sistence of a sirup. On standing for a few days, the kinate of lime crystallizes in needles, which are to be decomposed by an exact equiva- lent of the sulphuric acid. The gypsum being removed by the filter, the solution is to be concentrated, and the kinic acid crystallizes. It forms small acid needles, is very soluble in water ; its salts are all soluble in water; it affects neither gelatine, tartar emetic, nor the per-salts of iron ; its formula appears to be C H H 8 O 8 -f- 4Aq. By distilling the kinic acid with sulphuric acid, peroxide of manga- nese and water, a compound sublimes in beautiful yellow crystals, which 912 Kinone and its Derivatives. is termed kinone. Its formula is C ]2 H 4 O 4 . It is soluble in water, and volatile. By the influence of deoxydizing agents it decomposes water, and unites with hydrogen, producing two bodies, the green and the white, kydrokinone. The green Jiydrokmone forms exceedingly beau- tiful greenish-yellow needles, of a brilliant metallic lustre. Its formula is C J2 H 6 O 4 . The white hydrokinone crystallizes in prisms, with the formula Ci 2 H 5 O 4 , and can be produced either by oxidizing the green compound or by mixing solutions of it and of kinone. By the action of chlorine and of sulphuretted hydrogen on the hydro- kinones, there is generated a numerous class of derived compounds, according as the hydrogen is replaced by chlorine and the oxygen by sulphur. Their properties need not, however, be described, and their formulae may be expressed as follows ; Chlor kinone C12.H3C1.O4. Chlor hydrokinone Ci2.H 5 Cl.O4 Sulph hydrokinone Ci 2 H60 4 S4 Chloro Sulph hydrokinone C24H8C1.O8S4 The derivation of kinone from the oxidation of the kinic acid is easily explained, as by the addition of four equivalents of oxygen, and the loss of four atoms of water and two of carbonic acid, the CnHgOs becomes converted into C 12 H 4 4 . Kinoic Acid, or Cocco-tannic Acid. The substance known in pharmacy as gum kino, which is an extract of the wood of the coccoloba uvifera, is to be dissolved in cold water, the solution precipitated by sulphuric acid, the precipitate washed, dis- solved in boiling water, and solution of barytes added until the sulphuric acid is all removed ; the liquor is then carefully evaporated to dryness. The kinoic acid forms a crimson transparent mass ; soluble in alcohol and water, but not in ether ; its taste is astringent, but not bitter. The salts of this acid are not known, nor has its composition been examined. It does not precipitate solution of tartar emetic. Of the following acids we possess little more than a knowledge of their probable existence. Lactucic Acid is said to exist in the lactuca virosa. The expressed juice is precipitated by acetate of lead, and the lactucate of lead decom- posed by sulphuretted hydrogen. From the liquor the acid crystallizes by evaporation and cooling, like oxalic acid ; it tastes acid, and gives with proto-salts of iron, a green, and with salts of copper, a brown precipitate. Fungic Acid exists in most mushrooms; their expressed juice is Chelidonic and other Organic Acids. 913 boiled, and the coagulated albumen removed by filtration ; the liquor is then evaporated to a sirup, and treated with alcohol. Eungate of pot- ash remains uudissolved, from which the acid is obtained by acetate of lead and sulphuretted hydrogen. The fungic acid is colourless, sour, deliquescent, and not crystalline. Boletic Acid is obtained from the boletus igniarius, in the same way as the last acid is from other mushrooms. It crystallizes readily and sublimes without decomposition. Krameric Acid exists in rhatauy root (krameria triandria). The watery infusion is precipitated, first by gelatine, and then by copperas. The filtered liquor is concentrated, neutralized by lime, precipitated by acetate of lead and the kramerate of lead decomposed by sulphuret of hydrogen ; it crystallizes irregularly, and tastes strongly acid and astrin- gent ; it formula is probably C 10 H 8 05, by Liebig's analysis. Caincic Acid exists in the root of the chiococca racemosa. Its mode of extraction resembles that of the krameric acid; it crystallizes in needles ; is but sparingly soluble in water ; its solution reacts acid ; it appears to have the same formula as krameric acid, and perhaps they are really identical. Verdous and Verdic Acids exist in a variety of plants of the families, dipsacea3, composite, and eupatorise ; it is best prepared from the roots of the scabiosa succisa. They are to be digested in alcohol, and the solution mixed with ether. Impure verdous acid is thrown down ; it is to be dissolved in water, and the liquor precipitated by acetate of lead; the verdite of lead being collected and decomposed by H.S gives the pure verdous acid, which remains after evaporation as a clear yellow mass, which is not altered by the air ; it reddens litmus strongly. If it be neutralized by an alcali, it then absorbs oxygen rapidly, and the solution becomes deep green; from this, acids throw down a brown-red powder, which is verdic acid. Eunge, who observed these facts, con- siders that the two acids are different oxides of the same radical, but no exact researches have been made about them. Chelidonic Add. C 14 H 2 Oi + 3Aq. This acid has been discovered in the juice of the chelidonium majus. Its mode of preparation is analogous to that of malic acid. It crystallizes in silky needles. It is a tribasic acid ; but by a moderate heat it abandons one atom of water, and becomes bibasic. It consequently forms two classes of salts, each including numerous varieties. A very simple relation appears to exist between this acid and the meconic acid, C 14 HOn, indicating a substitu- tion of an atom of oxygen for hydrogen ; and as both acids belong to the same class of plants, papaveraceas, their origin may possibly be con- nected. 58 914 Neutral Organic Substances. Acids have been discovered in the leaves of digitalis and of tobacco, in the roots of angelica, in the leaves of achillea, and in the roots of robinia. In the Iceland moss, and in some other lichens, a fatty acid is found, to which the name lichen-stearic acid has been given. The Digitalic acid is solid, crystallizes in needles, reacts strongly acid. It does not contain nitrogen. The Tabacic acid. C 3 H0 3 + HO. Can be obtained crystallized. Its properties are yet but little known- Angelic acid. C 10 H 7 O 3 + HO. Is separated from the rough oil of angelica by an alcaline solution, and then sulphuric acid being added, and the liquor distilled, the angelic acid passes over, and partly crystal- lizes in the neck of the retort. It crystallizes in long prisms, melts at 113, and sublimes at 374, when dry. It is sparingly soluble in water, but abundantly so in alcohol, ether, and oils. Other acids, of which the existence has been only indicated, will be noticed in describing the more important bodies with which they are associated in the plants. CHAPTER XXVI. OF THE NEUTRAL ORGANIC SUBSTANCES AND THE PRODUCTS OF THEIR DECOMPOSITION. THE bodies to be described in this chapter are distinguished by the absence of distinct acid or basic characters, and also that they are at least so destitute of colour, as not to be included in the list of colouring matters. In other respects they possess no direct connexion with each other, and are united only for convenience of arrangement. Pectin or Vegetable Jelly. This substance, which is to be carefully distinguished from animal jelly or gelatine, to which it by no means bears the relation that the albumen of plants does to that of animals, is very extensively diffused, Modifications of Pectin Pectic Acid 915 being found in almost every kind of plant, and distributed through all their parts. It is very easily prepared from the expressed juice of white beet, celery, parsley, currants, cherries, or plums. It is sufficient to filter the juice and mix it with alcohol : after some hours, the pectin separates as a consistent jelly, which is to be collected on a filter, washed with alcohol and dried by a very moderate heat. It forms a transparent mass, like isinglass, and is almost insipid. When immersed in water it swells up ; one part gives a firm jelly with 100 parts of water. When acted on by nitric acid it produces the pectic and the rnucic acids. It pre- cipitates the salts of barytes, lead, copper, and sesquioxide of iron, but does not affect solutions of silver, of protosulphate of iron, of tartar- emetic, of tannic acid, or of silicate of potash. Its formula, as from the experiments of Fremy, is C 24 H 17 O 22 . By long boiling, or by contact with powerful acids or bases, it changes into the following sub- stance. Pectic Acid appears to exist naturally combined with lime in many plants, and is precipitated from their juice on the addition of muriatic acid. The precipitate is to be boiled with a little lime, and the solution again decomposed by muriatic acid. The pectic acid which then sepa- rates pure, is to be washed with distilled water and dried. It does not crystallize, but forms white transparent scales, tastes distinctly acid, and reddens litmus. It dissolves very sparingly in cold, but more copiously in boiling water; the solution is colourless, and does not gelatinize on cooling, but is coagulated to a transparent jelly by acids, by lime water, alcohol, and many salts. Sugar gradually converts the solution into a firm jelly, and is thus useful in the manufacture of the preserves of juicy fruit. The pectic acid is isomeric with pectin ; its formula being C 2 JInO ss . It appears to be bibasic, the pectate of lead being 0241^7022 + 2PbO. Its alcaline salts are soluble in water, but the others are insoluble, and form transparent jellies whilst moist. If pectin or pectic acid be boiled in a solution of potash, the alcali being in excess, until the liquor ceases to give any precipitate on the addition of muriatic acid, metapectic acid is formed. On the addition of sugar of lead, metapectate of lead is thrown down, which being de- composed by sulphuretted hydrogen, the metapectic acid dissolves, and is obtained by cautious evaporation to dryness. Its taste and reaction are strongly acid ; it deliquesces and dissolves easily in alcohol and water ; it is not volatile. When dry it is isomeric with the preceding bodies, its formula also being C 2 4H n O 2 2 ; but its salts contain five atoms of base. Those of the alcalies are soluble and uncrystallizible ; but those of the earths and Jieavy metallic oxides are insoluble in water. 916 Salicine Saliretine Saligenine Of Salicine and the Bodies derived from it. This substance exists in the leaves and bark of a great variety of trees, but is particularly abundant in those species of salix which have a bitter taste. The bark is to be boiled three or four times with water, the decoction evaporated till it amounts to but three times the weight of the bark employed ; then digested for twenty -four hours with oxide of lead, and the clear liquid evaporated to the consistence of a sirup. After a few days this becomes a mass of crystalline fibres, which, sepa- parated by pressure from the mother liquor, are to be purified by solu- tion, digestion with animal charcoal and recrystallization. When pure, salicine is in the form of small white rectangular crys- talline plates or prisms ; its taste is very bitter. It dissolves in eighteen parts of cold and in one of boiling water ; it is soluble in alcohol, but not in ether ; at 212 it melts, and on cooling solidifies into a crystalline mass. The composition of salicine has been very accurately determined, its formula is, when crystallized, C26Hi 8 Oi4 + 2Aq. ; it precipitates the basic acetate of lead, forming a white compound, the formula of which is C 26 H 18 lt +3PbO. The products of the decomposition of salicine are exceedingly re- markable. When it is boiled with dilute sulphuric acid it is decom- posed into grape sugar, and a resinous substance, termed saliretin. One atom of salicine C 2 6Hi 8 O 14 giving saliretin, C l4 H 6 O 2 , and sugar, C l2 H 12 Oj 2 -f. 2Aq. When quite pure this body is white or pale yellow. It is insoluble in water, but soluble in alcohol and ether. The salire- tine is thus isomeric with oil of bitter almonds and with benzoine. Saligenine. If, in place of acting on salicine by acids, which con- vert it into saliretine, a solution of it be mixed with synaptase, and kept at a moderate temperature, fermentation sets in, and it is totally converted into sugar, and a new body, saligenine, which crystallizes out as the decomposition proceeds. This body forms beautiful pearly plates, very soluble in water, alcohol, and ether. Its formula is C 14 H 8 O 4 . Under the influence of acids it abandons two atoms of water, and forms saliretine CuHeOa. If a solution of it be mixed with platinum black, it unites with oxygen, and forms water and oil of spirea, hydruret of salicyle, C 14 H 6 4 . Owing to this property it is that when a solution of salicine is distilled with sulphuric acid and bichromate of potash, formic and carbonic acids are evolved from the oxidation of the grape sugar, and oil of spirea from the oxidation of the saligenine or salire- tine. When salicine is boiled with nitric acid, some gaseous products are formed, and so large a quantity of picric, or nitrophenesic acid, is pro- A&lion of Re-agents on Salicine, 917 duced as to constitute this one of the most useful methods of obtaining this body. See page 858. The salicine, by the oxidizement from the nitric acid, first yields hydmret of salicyl, which, being CuHeO^ con- tains the elements of carbonic oxide and hydrated oxide of phenyl ; and hence, by replacement of hydrogen with nitrous acid, the picric acid is produced along with oxalic acid, and red fumes from nitric oxide are disengaged. If, however, the action of the nitric acid be kept moderate, other products are generated, by the union of the saligenine, the hydruret of salicyl, and the grape sugar. Thus the oil of spirea forms with the sugar a body, helieine, which crystallizes easily. Its formula is CggHieOu = Ci4H6O4 + C^HioOio ; and if the oxidation be still less advanced, there is produced helicodine, which has the formula C 5 oH 34 O 28 , formed evidently by the union of saligenine, C U H 8 O 4 , oil of spirea, C U H 6 O 4 , and two equivalents of sugar, C 2 4H 20 O 2 o. Other acid products of this reaction, as the anilotic and the anilic acids, belong more peculiarly to the indigo series, and shall be described hereafter. By the action of chlorine on salicine, two bodies are produced, one crystalline, whose formula is C 2 iH,2Cl 2 09, and the other a heavy oil, consisting of C 21 H 8 C1 4 9 . They are both soluble in alcohol, but sparingly soluble in water; treated with dilute acids they produce resins analogous to saliretine, but containing chlorine. If strong oil of vitriol be poured on salicine, it is decomposed into water and a deep olive-green powder, olivin, the formula of which is C 2 iH 9 6 . This action is accompanied by the disengagement of much heat. Olivin is crystalline, insoluble in water, alcohol, and ether. If the oil of vitriol be in great excess, it becomes red-coloured, and the salicine dissolves. The red substance thus formed is termed rtifin ; it is obtained more simply from phloridzine. If a large quantity of salicine be acted on by sulphuric acid, it forms a tenacious mass, which, when treated with water and the liquor neutralized by lime, gives a brown resinous body which is termed rutilin. This contains sulphuric acid, its formula being C 28 H 12 4 -f- S0 3 . Of Phloridzine and its Products. This remarkable substance exists in the bark of the roots of the various species of apple, pear, plum, and cherry trees. It is prepared by infusing the root-bark in weak spirit for eight or ten hours at 120. The greater part of the spirit may then be distilled off, and on cooling the phloridzine crystallizes from the remaining liquor. It forms bril- liant silky plates and needles, perfectly white when pure. It is easily 918 Derivatives of Phloridzine. soluble in alcohol, ether, and in boiling water, but requires 1000 parts of cold water for its solution. Its taste is bitter and astringent. The formula of the crystals is C 2 iH n 8 -f4Aq. At 212 it gives off 2.Aq.; it melts at 260 and boils at 350, but is decomposed, water being evolved and a new substance produced. The solution of phloridzine precipitates some metallic salts. The persulphate of iron gives a brown precipitate, but the perchloride of iron produces a blood-red liquor and no precipitate. The decomposition of phloridzine by heat is not complete unless the temperature rises to 450; it then forms a red mass of rwfin, the same substance as is produced by the action of oil of vitriol on salicine ; it is very soluble in alcohol, insoluble in ether ; boiled with water it dis- solves, but loses its red colour, and the liquor on cooling becomes milky. It dissolves in water of ammonia or *potash with a rich red colour, and is precipitated on the addition of an acid ; its formula is C 14 H 7 5 ; it combines with oil of vitriol, forming rufin- sulphuric acid which unites with the metallic oxides, forming red or brown salts which possess considerable analogy to the sulpho-vinates. When phloridzine is dissolved in dilute sulphuric acid, and the liquor boiled, a white crystalline substance separates, which is termed pJiloretm ; the liquor then contains much grape sugar. The formula of phloretin is C 51 H260 17 ; its taste is sweet ; it is sparingly soluble in water, but very soluble in alcohol ; it melts at 300 ; when heated with nitric acid it forms phloretic acid, the formula of which is C 51 H 24 ]N~2O25, it is a yellow- brown powder, of a velvety aspect but not crystalline, insoluble in water, and soluble in alcohol. Since the more recent investigations which have altered the view formerly held of the constitution of salicine and its derivatives, no examination of these bodies has taken place ; and hence all their formula will probably require to be modified. The most remarkable action of phloridzine is, that exercised by ammonia with access of air. Over a capsule containing water of ammonia, are arranged several capsules containing phloridzine in very thin layers, and the whole is so covered with a large bell-glass, as that the air shall have free access ; after a few days the contents of the cap- sules are changed into a thick sirupy liquor, nearly black ; the excess of ammonia being removed by exposure in vacuo with sulphuric acid, the excess of phloridzine is dissolved out by the alcohol, and the residue then being dissolved in water, gives a magnificent blue liquor, from which the colouring substance, phloridzem, is precipitated by the cau- tious addition of acetic acid ; it is not crystalline ; it forms a transparent resinous mass of a rich crimson colour; its taste is bitter; boiling water dissolves enough of it to be coloured red, but cold water, alcohol, or ether, appear scarcely to act upon it. Phloridzeine Asparagine. 919 The formula of phloridzein is C 21 H 14 O 13 N-f-Aq. ; it is formed, there- fore, by the combination of phloridzine with five atoms of oxygen and one of ammonia ; it is not, however, a salt of ammonia, for the alcalies dissolve phloridzein without alteration, forming magnificent blue solu- tions ; from metallic solutions it precipitates purple or blue lakes, the composition of which renders it probable that the equivalent of phlo- ridzein is C 42 H 28 2G N2 -f 2Aq. then the Phloridzeinate of ammonia = C42H2sN2O26 + NH 3 Phloridzemate of silver = C 42 H 28 N2O2G + 2AgO Phloridzemate of lead = C4 2 H28"N" 2 O26 2PbO. If the blue solution of phloridzeinate of ammonia be put in contact with a slip of zinc, protochloride of tin, sulphuretted hydrogen, or any other deoxidizing agent, it is deprived of colour ; but by exposure to the air, it rapidly reassumes the tint ; with chlorine the colour is in- stantly and permanently destroyed. Asparagine Aspartic Acid. Asparagine is found in the young shoots of asparagus and of potatoes, in the roots of liquorice, and marsh-mallow. From the latter it is easily prepared. The decorticated roots are to be digested in cold water for forty-eight hours, and the liquor then strained and evaporated to the consistence of a sirup. By standing for some time the asparagine gra- dually crystallizes, and the crystals are to be purified in the ordinary manner by animal charcoal. It forms rectangular octohedrons, and prisms ; it is colourless and tasteless ; it requires about sixty parts of cold, but much less of hot water for solution ; it is insoluble in alcohol ; it contains nitrogen, its formula being NC 4 H 4 03 + Aq. ; the water passes away at a heat of 230. When asparagine is boiled with a strong solution of barytes, am- monia is expelled, and aspartate of barytes formed ; by cautiously adding sulphuric acid the barytes may be precipitated, and the liquor yields, on evaporation and cooling, crystallized aspartic acid. In this reaction 2(NC 4 H 4 O 3 ) produces NH 3 and NCgHgOg, which is the for- mula of aspartic acid. This substance is tasteless, sparingly soluble in cold, but abundantly in boiling water, and being deposited as a white crystalline powder as the solution cools ; it reddens litmus. Its salts are generally soluble, except those of lead, silver, and black oxide of mercury. It is not easy to decide whether the ammonia exists ready-formed or 920 Neutral Organic Substances not in the asparagine ; if so, the remaining organic element may be aconitic acid (see p. 899) and then there should be, Asparagine = anhydrous aconitate of ammonia =C4H03 + Aspartic acid = anhydrous binaconitate of ammonia=2(C4HO3) + In the case of the anhydrous compounds of ammonia with the mineral acids, it is retained with the same obstinacy as in asparagine (see page 721. Caffein or Them. Theolromine. This has been found only in the coffee-berry, the tea-leaf, the ilex paraguayensis, and the paulinia sorbalis (guarana). To prepare it, raw coffee or green tea is to be boiled in water, and the decoction treated with subacetate of lead as long as the precipitate which forms is co- loured. The caffei'n crystallizes from the filtered liquor, by evaporation and cooling ; if it be coloured, it is to be boiled with oxide of lead and ivory-black, and again crystallized ; when pure, it forms brilliant long needles of a rich satiny lustre ; its taste is purely bitter ; it dissolves in fifty parts of cold, but in much less of boiling water ; it is very soluble in proof spirit, but insoluble in absolute alcohol ; its solutions react nei- ther acid nor alcaline ; it is not precipitated by any metallic salt. Caf- fein is remarkable for the large quantity of nitrogen it contains (29 per cent.), being more than any other vegetable substance; its formula is N 2 C 8 H 5 O 2 + Aq. When caffein is boiled with solution of barytes, cyanuric acid, ammonia, formic, and carbonic acids are produced. The coloured precipitate produced in the decoction of raw coffee by basic acetate of lead, contains two peculiar substances, which may be extracted from it by treatment with a stream of sulphuretted hydrogen gas, evaporation to the consistence of a sirup, and digestion of the re- sidue in strong alcohol. That which dissolves is caffe-tannic acid ; it is dark brown ; tastes acid and astringent ; colours the per-salts of iron emerald green ; it precipitates the salts of barytes and lime yellow, of copper green, but does not affect tartar emetic. Its composition is ex- pressed by the formula C 16 H 8 O 7 + HO. The substance insoluble in alcohol is a white powder, which, when heated, evolves the characteristic aromatic smell of roasted coffee ; its solution in water reddens litmus ; it is termed caffe'ic acid. Its formula has been given as C 14 H 8 7 . A crystalline compound of caffeic acid, caffein and potash has been ex- tracted from the coffee berry by Payen, which is probably the form in which these bodies naturally exist in the plant. Theohromine. The nuts of the chocolate tree, Theobroma Cacao, from Naturally existing in Plants. 921 which the chocolate of commerce is prepared, have been found to contain a principle analogous to theine, to which the above name has been given. It is prepared by digesting the chocolate nuts in hot water, precipitating from the liquor the colouring extractive and tanning materials by ace- tate of lead, and evaporating the filtered liquor to dryness. The residue is treated with boiling alcohol, from which the theobromine separates on cooling, as a crystalline powder, and only requires to be re-crystallized to be obtained pure. It is but little soluble in water or cold alcohol. It is not acted on by acids or alcalies. It unites with tannin and with chloride of mer- cury. Its composition is expressed by C9H 5 N 3 2 . So that it is equally remarkable with the principle of the tea and coffee plants, for the large quantity of nitrogen which it contains. Piperin. NC 24 H 19 6 . This substance exists in white, black, and long pepper ; it is prepared from white pepper by digestion in spirit of wine, and distilling the liquor to the consistence of an extract, from which, by digestion in a solution of caustic potash, a quantity of resin is to be re- moved ; the residue is then to be dissolved in alcohol, and the solution abandoned to spontaneous evaporation, when the piperin gradually crystallizes in transparent rhombic prisms. It melts at 212, is taste- less, and inodorous ; destitute of either acid or basic properties ; nitric acid colours it red ; when heated strongly, it yields ammoniacal products. It was recently announced that piperin consists of one equivalent of aniline with two of a nitrogenous acid, and that piperin has been arti- ficially formed by the union of these bodies. Cantharidin. C 10 H6O 4 . This substance is extracted from the blis- tering fly (various species of cantharis and lytta) by digesting a watery extract of the flies in alcohol, evaporating the solution to dryness, and treating the residue with ether, which dissolves out the cantharidin. By spontaneous evaporation, it is obtained crystallized ; it forms colour- less, pearly scales, which fuse when gently heated, and sublime unal- tered at a higher temperature ; it is, when pure, insoluble in water and cold alcohol j it is perfectly neutral, and has no affinity either to acids or bases. Anemonine Anemonic Acid. This substance exists in various species of anemone ; it is extracted by distilling the plant with water ; it separates, after some time, from the distilled water, in brilliant white needles ; it melts and volatilizes 922 Neutral Organic Substances at a high temperature, yet not without partial decomposition ; its for- mula is C 6 H 3 4 ; when it is dissolved in strong muriatic acid, and the liquor evaporated to dryness, anemonic acid is formed; its formula is C 6 H 4 05 -f- Aq. It is not important. Cetrarine or Lichen Bitter. This substance is found in Iceland moss ; to extract it, the lichen, being well crushed, is to be digested in alcohol as long as this acquires a bitter taste ; the liquor may then be distilled in great part off, and the cetrarine is deposited, on cooling, in granular crystals ; these are to be, while still moist, washed with ether and cold alcohol, by which they are rendered white, and then being dissolved in 200 times their weight of boiling alcohol, the pure cetrarin separates on cooling, as a white pow- der of a highly crystalline aspect. It is but sparingly soluble in any menstruum ; its only remarkable character is, that by digestion with muriatic acid it forms a deep blue mass, but the nature of the reaction is not known, as the constitution of these bodies has not been accurately investigated. Picrotoxine or Cocculm. This substance exists in the seeds of the menispermum cocculus (coc- culus Indicus) constituting their active ingredient ; to prepare it, the seeds, freed from the capsules, are to be digested in alcohol, and the solution evaporated to an extract : this is to be then treated with water as long as any thing is dissolved ; and then some muriatic acid added to the liquor ; by cooling, the cocculin crystallizes in brilliant white needles. Its reaction is neutral ; its taste intensely bitter ; it dissolves moderately in boiling, but sparingly in cold water. The portion of the alcoholic extract which does not dissolve in water contains another sub- stance, picrotoxic acid, which is brown, and possesses the properties of a resin ; it dissolves in alcaline liquors, from which acids throw it down unchanged. The formula C IO H 6 4 has been assigned to picrotoxine, and that of CnH 6 4 to picrotoxic acid. Columbin. Pound in the roots of the menispermum palmatum. The coarsely-powdered columbo roots are to be digested in ether, and by the spontaneous evaporation the columbin crystallizes; or by digest- ing the roots in alcohol, and decolorizing the liquors by animal char- coal, it may also be prepared ; it forms brilliant right rhombic prisms ; its taste is intensely bitter; its reaction neutral; it dissolves but Naturally existing in Plants. 923 sparingly in water, alcohol, or ether ; its solution does not precipitate any metallic salt ; its formula appears to be C 2 4H 12 7 . Cusparin. This is the active principle of the true angustura (cuspa- ria febrifuga.) The bark is to be extracted by alcohol, and the solution concentrated very much by spontaneous evaporation ; on cooling then below 32, granular crystalline masses of cusparine separate, from which the liquor is to be strained ; by redissolving in alcohol, and pre- cipitation of the colouring matter by acetate of lead, it is ultimately obtained pure. "When crystallized from a solution, some degrees below 32, cusparine forms colourless but irregular needles ; by a very gentle heat it melts and gives off twenty-three per cent, of water of crystalli- zation ; it dissolves readily in water and alcohol, but it is insoluble in ether ; by heat it is totally decomposed ; its solutions precipitate most metallic salts. Its composition is not known. Elatenn is the active material of the expressed juice of the momor- dica elaterium : the juice being evaporated to the consistence of an extract, is to be digested in strong alcohol ; the solution thus formed is to be distilled to a small bulk, and then on being mixed with water, it deposits the elaterin as a white crystalline powder. It melts at about 3&0, but is totally decomposed by a stronger heat; its taste is intensely bitter; it is almost insoluble in water, but abundantly so in alcohol; it possesses no characteristic chemical property. Meconine. This substance exists mixed with the more important ingredients in opium ; it is most abundant in the inferior kinds ; its preparation is very circuitous, and will be described in the general analysis of opium, under the head of narceine. Meconine crystallizes in white six-sided prisms ; it melts at 194, and may be sublimed unaltered; it dissolves sparingly in cold, but moderately in boiling water, abundantly in alcohol and ether; its formula appears to be C 20 H 9 7 -f Aq. By nitric acid it is dissolved, and a substance crys- tallizes from the liquor in long needles, which is termed nitromeconic acid ; its formula is NC 20 H 9 O 12 ; its solution in water reddens litmus ; it volatilizes at 370, but is partly decomposed. By contact with chlo- rine, meconine is coloured red, and substances formed whose constitu- tion is not well known. Peudecanine. This substance is found in the roots of the peudeca- num officinale, and is extracted by digestion with alcohol and evapo- ration ; it crystallizes in delicate, white needles, of a slightly aromatic taste ; it fuses at 140 ; it is insoluble in water, and but sparingly in cold alcohol ; it dissolves copiously in boiling alcohol, in ether, and the oils. 924 Neutral Organic Principles j or Polychrome. A great number of vegetables give, when treated with hot water, a solution which appears yellow by transmitted, but violet or blue by reflected light. This phenomenon results from the presence of a body hence called polychrome, or also awwline, being most abundant in the bark of the horse chesnut. The bark is to be digested in alcohol, and the liquor to be concentrated by distillation to the consistence of a sirup, in which, when set aside for some weeks, the aesculine crystal- lizes ; by washing with ice-cold water it is freed from the liquid extrac- tive matter ; the impure crystals are to be dissolved in a boiling mixture of five parts alcohol with one of ether, from which, by cooling, the pure substance separates, perfectly colourless, and generally as a light powder, like magnesia alba. It tastes bitter; it dissolves in 672 parts of water at 50, and in thirteen parts at 112 ; its cold watery solution is perfectly colourless by transmitted, but slightly blue by reflected light ; if spring water be used the blue becomes much stronger ; acids destroy this property, but it is restored to the solution by the addition of a few drops of any alcali. The watery solution of sesculin reddens litmus, yet it does not neu- tralize the alcalies, nor precipitate any of the ordinary metallic salts ; it dissolves abundantly in alcaline liquors, and the solutions give a magnificent play of colours with reflected light; its formula is C 16 H 9 10 . Populin exists in the bark and leaves of different species of populus, along with salicine ; the latter is removed from the liquors by precipi- tation with acetate of lead, and then by evaporation the populin is obtained crystallized; its taste is bitter-sweet, like liquorice; it is very sparingly soluble in water; when heated it fuses, and is then decomposed ; like salicine, it gives with nitric acid, picric acid, and with sulphuric acid rutilin; its composition is not known. Quassme constitutes the bitter principle of the quassia amara and excelsa. The rasped wood is to be boiled several times with water, and the filtered decoction evaporated down to three-fourths the weight of the wood employed. The liquid, when cold, is to be mixed with slaked lime, and after twenty-four hours, filtered and evaporated nearly to dryness ; the residue is to be treated with alcohol, arid the solution distilled in a water bath to dryness ; it is then impure quassine ; it is to be washed with ether, and then redissolved in alcohol, and this treatment repeated until it becomes completely white. Naturally existing in Plants. 925 Quassine forms small white prisms of an intense but purely bitter taste; but sparingly soluble in water or in ether, it dissolves abundantly in alcohol ; when heated it fuses like a resin ; its solution is not pre- cipitated by any metallic salt, but abundantly by tannic acid ; its for- mula is C 2 oHi 2 O 6 . Santonin. This substance exists in the flowering tops and seeds of a number of species of artemisia, from one of which (art. santonica) it derives its name. To prepare it, four parts of the seeds are to be mixed with one and a-half of dry lime and boiled in twenty parts of alcohol, three times ; the united decoctions are to be distilled to fifteen parts ; the residue, when cold, is to be filtered, evaporated to one-half, and, having been rendered slightly acid by vinegar, boiled for some time ; on cooling, the sautonine crystallizes in large feathery crystals, which are to be purified from an adhering resinous substance by washing with alcohol. Being then redissolved, and the solution slowly cooled, the santonine crystallizes in colourless rectangular prisms and plates ; it is tasteless ; it is very sparingly soluble in water ; more so in alcohol and ether ; at 328 it melts ; and by a carefully applied heat may be sub- limed without decomposition, otherwise it becomes brown, and a yellow crystalline substance is formed. Santonin appears to possess feeble acid properties; it produces with the alcalies soluble, and with the earths and ordinary metallic oxides insoluble compounds, but they are of instable constitution. The formula of santonine is C 10 H 6 O 2 . By exposure to light, santonine undergoes a change apparently, iso- meric ; it becomes gold-coloured, and forms yellow solutions, which, however, soon becomes colourless. Saponin. This substance is most easily extracted from the roots of the saponaria officinalis, by boiling in weak spirit; on cooling, the sapo- nine separates ; it is purified by digestion with animal charcoal ; it is a white powder, of a sharp piquant taste ; very soluble in water, it is spa- ringly soluble in alcohol and insoluble in ether ; its formula appears to be C 2 6H 2 3O 16 . By the action of nitric acid, saponine forms mucic acid, and a resinous substance ; when dissolved in solution of caustic potash, it forms saponinic acid, which is precipitated as a white powder on adding a stronger acid to the liquor. The formula of saponinic acid is Qj 6 H 22 O 12 . It is insoluble in cold, but soluble in boiling water. Scillitin is the active principle of the squill (scilla maritima.) The fresh juice is evaporated, and the extract treated with alcohol. The spirituous solution is to be dried down, and the residue being dissolved in water, is to be precipitated with acetate of lead and filtered ; sulphu- retted hydrogen being passed through the clear liquor removes the 926 Neutral Organic Substances. excess of lead, and then, by filtration and evaporation, the scillitin may be crystallized. It forms a hard, brittle mass, like resin, of an intensely bitter taste ; it deliquesces and dissolves readily in alcohol and water, but not in ether. Senegin* This substance is extracted from the roots of polygala se- nega, by boiling with water, precipitating the concentrated decoction with the acetate of lead, filtering and removing the excess of lead from the solution by sulphuretted hydrogen, and evaporating cautiously to dryness ; the residue is to be digested in alcohol, and this solution being dried down, the product is to be digested in ether. The material, which remains undissolved, is then to be passed through the same series of operations until it becomes a white pulverulent mass, which is pure sene- gin. It is sparingly soluble in cold, but abundantly in boiling water ; it is very soluble in alcohol, but insoluble in ether. With sulphuric acid it produces a curious play of colours, becoming first yellow, after some time rose-red, and then dissolving ; the solution gradually becomes violet, and after some time greyish-blue, and finally colourless, whilst a grey precipitate falls down. Senegin appears to possess feeble acid properties. Smilacine, or .Sarsaparilline. This substance is found in the roots of smilax sarsaparilla and the bark of China nova. It is obtained by boiling with alcohol and distilling the decoction to two-thirds ; on cooling, the smilacine crystallizes and is purified by animal charcoal and recrystalliza- tion. It is white, in very minute needles ; its taste nauseous and slightly bitter ; very sparingly soluble in water, more so in alcohol, most in ether ; with sulphuric acid it gives colours like those of senegin. Alsinthin. The bitter principle of the worm-wood, (artemisia ab- sinthium) . It is prepared by a succession of operations almost identical with those described for obtaining senegin ; it is hence unnecessary to repeat their description. When completely pure, it is white and crys- talline ; its taste is intensely bitter ; it fuses at a high temperature, and closely resembles a resin ; its best solvent is alcohol. It possesses the characters of a weak acid, being much more soluble in alcaline liquors than in pure water, and being precipitated from such solutions on the addition of an acid. With oil of vitriol, it is coloured first yellow, and then dark reddish purple. Lactudne is obtained by digesting the insipissated juice of the lactuca virosa (lactucarium) in ether ; by the spontaneous evaporation of the solution, it forms a mass of crystalline needles, slightly coloured yellow ; it has a strong bitter taste, is fusible and may be partly volatilized ; it is soluble in water, alcohol, and ether. It is decomposed by strong acids, and appears not to have any tendency to form salts. Preparation of Vegetable Extracts. 927 Of Extractive Matter Apotheme Extracts. If from any plant, or portion of a plant, the soluble ingredients be dissolved out by water, a variety of substances exist in the liquor, some acid, others basic, others indifferent ; of these bodies, the majority pos- sess the property of absorbing oxygen, when the solution is exposed to the air, and often, also, of evolving carbonic acid, changing thereby into substances insoluble, or scarcely soluble in water. Thus gallo-tannic acid first forms gallic acid, and is then converted into a brown insoluble mass ; so gum and sugar ultimately produce certain forms of ulmine, and there are few of the neutral principles described in the present chapter, that do not rapidly undergo a similar change. During the evaporation of a vegetable infusion, or decoction, these reactions rapidly occur, being promoted by the heat ; the liquor which had been at first clear, becomes turbid and brown ; a deposit forms, and when finally it has been evaporated to the consistence of a thick sirup, what remains is termed an extract ; it is a mixture of the constituents of the plant in great part decomposed. If this extract be treated with water, and the soluble portion again evaporated, the same changes occur, so that no matter what may have been the original nature of the vegetable substances, they are ultimately reduced to this insoluble and inert condition. This brown substance is termed apotheme ; its true nature is not known, but it is probable that its composition and pro- perties vary in some degree with the nature of the substance it is formed from ; we do not even know of its relations to the various kinds of ulmine ; though from its solubility in alcaline liquors, and its precipitating metallic salts, its being separated from these by acids, and obstinately retaining a portion of the acid used to precipitate it, its identity with ulmic acid, or humic acid, is not improbable. When the conversion of the real constitution of the plant into apo- theme is yet incomplete, the material which dissolves equally in water and dilute alcohol, but not in absolute alcohol or in ether, is termed extractive. Such a mixture can have no distinctive chemical properties; it is more or less coloured, and uncrystallizable ; it precipitates metallic salts; it absorbs oxygen, forming apotheme (oxidized extractive). The different classes of plants are considered by pharmaceutic writers to contain different kinds of extractive matter ; there are thus bitter ex- tractive, gummy extractive, astringent extractive, and so on ; but, to the chemist, these names convey only the idea of absolute ignorance of the real nature of these bodies ; the chemist recognises no such substance as extractive matter, or apotheme ; they are merely complex products of decomposition of other bodies, and have not as yet been accurately 928 Products of the Oxidation of Aloes. examined. In the preparation of an extract of a plant, the ambition of the operator should be, not to have either extractive or apotheme produced, but, by employing the lowest possible temperature, and ex- cluding air as much as possible, to obtain the constituents of the plant in a concentrated form, but not destroyed, as they too frequently are, by the operation : accordingly, in the manufacturing laboratory of the Apothecaries' Hall of Ireland, the greatest precautions are taken to ensure success in the preparation of extracts, but details of the me- thods belong to pure pharmacy, and are unfitted for the present work. A great number of bodies, that have been from time to time an- nounced as the active principles of many plants containing them, are really only such extracts, properly prepared, but still not the pure che- mical substances. Thus, from colocynth, colocynthine ; from hippo, emetine; from rhubarb, rhe'in, &c. It is on this account that many bodies, to which distinct names have been given by their discoverers, as chemical species, are not here noticed as such. Bitter Principle of the Aloes. Although this body has never been obtained chemically pure, yet, the very remarkable products of the action of nitric acid on it, show that it is a truly distinct substance. When socotorine or hepatic aloes is digested with hot nitric acid, red fumes are abundantly evolved, and four different acids produced, for the accurate examination of which we are indebted to Schunk. They are, the aloetic add, the aloe-resinic acid, the chrysammic acid, and the chrysolepic acid, and they are gene- rated by successive oxidation of the bitter principle of the aloes, in the order in which their names stand. The aloetic acid is a yellow powder, insoluble in water, but forming soluble salts, of which that with potash crystallizes in ruby-red needles. The aloeresinic acid is soluble in water; its potash salt uncrystallizable ; its combinations with the metallic oxides insoluble, and generally brownish-red. The analyses of these bodies are not yet published. The chrysammic acid is a greenish-yellow crystalline powder ; it is very sparingly soluble in water, yet tinges it purplish-red ; it is more soluble in alcohol, ether, and acids ; when heated it fuses, and is then decomposed with a slight explosion and a bright but smoky flame ; it contains nitrogen; its formula is Ci5H 2 N 3 Oi2 + Aq. The chrysammate of barytes is a red insoluble powder. The chrysammate of potash is the most insoluble of all the salts of potash, requiring 1250 parts of water, at 60, for solution, and may hence serve as an excellent re-agent Organic Colouring Matters. 929 for that alcali ; it is a dark red crystalline powder when precipitated, but when it crystallizes from a hot dilute solution, it forms gold- coloured plates. The chrysoleptic acid is distinguished by its solubility in water ; it crystallizes in beautiful gold-coloured plates closely resembling picric acid, with which it is isomeric ; its formula being C 12 H 2 N 3 O 13 -f Aq. It is distinguished, however, by the much greater solubility of its potash-salt, and by the action of heat, as it may be fused and volatilized without decomposition, if cautiously heated. CHAPTER XXVII. OF THE COLOURING MATTERS. THE substances to be now described may be arranged in two classes, according as they pre-exist in the plant, or as they are merely products of the decomposition of other bodies which are not coloured ; of these last an example has already been given in the formation of pfaloridzein from phloridzin. OF THE PRE-EXISTING COLOURING MATTERS. Colouring Principles of Madder. The dried roots of the rubia tinctomm constitute the madder of commerce, which, furnishing the well known Turkey red, is perhaps the most important of the dye-stuffs. The constitution of madder is very complex ; it contains five different colouring matters, and two colourless acids, the general preparation and properties of which are as follows. Madder Purple, or Purpurine. Madder roots are to be well washed with water at 80, then boiled several times in a strong solution of alum, and each liquor filtered whilst very hot. On cooling a red-brown 59 930 Constituents of Madder. substance precipitates, which is impure madder red ; it is to be sepa- rated by the filter. On adding to the clear red solution some sulphuric acid, the madder-purple is thrown down. To obtain it quite pure, it is to be dissolved in boiling alcohol, and the solution allowed to evaporate slowly. It separates as a fine lively cherry-red crystalline powder; sparingly soluble in cold, but more easily in boiling water. The solu- tion is rose-red ; its solutions in ether and alcohol are bright red. Acids turn it yellow ; alcalies dissolve it with a rich red colour. It is fusible, and when more strongly heated a portion sublimes as a red powder, but the greater part is decomposed. It has recently been analysed by Schiel, who proposes for it the formula C2 8 H 10 O 15 . Madder Red, or Alizarine, as precipitated in the preparation of pur- purine, is to be purified by repeated boiling with solution of alum, and then crystallized by solution in ether and spontaneous evaporation. It is a pure but dark yellow crystalline powder. When heated it sublimes, forming brilliant orange needles ; it is sparingly soluble in water, more so in alcohol and ether. Ammonia dissolves it with a purple-red, and potash or lime with a violet colour. The formula C 28 H 9 O9 has been assigned to this body by the analyses of Schiel. Madder Orange. The roots are to be digested for sixteen hours in eight parts of water at 70; the infusion is to be filtered and set aside; small orange crystals gradually form ; these are to be collected and dis- solved in boiling alcohol. On cooling, the madder orange crystallizes as a yellow powder. When heated it fuses and is decomposed in great part, some of it subliming in yellow fumes ; it is most easily soluble in ether ; it dissolves in alcalies forming brown red liquors. Madder Yellow or Xantkin. The cold infusion of madder is to be mixed with an equal volume of lime water. The dark red precipitate is to be treated with dilute acetic acid ; the lime and the yellow madder dissolve ; any traces of the other colouring matters are removed from the liquor by a woollen cloth mordanted with alum. The solution is to be then evaporated ; the residue dissolved in alcohol, and precipitated by sugar of lead ; the scarlet precipitate separated and decomposed by sul- phuretted hydrogen. The liquor so obtained gives, on evaporation, the xanthine pure ; it is yellow, uncrystallizable, and very soluble in alco- hol and water. Madder Brown is totally insoluble both in alcohol and water. The acids which exist in madder are but very little known, and do not pos- sess any interest either technical or scientific. Of these colouring matters, the red or alizarine, is the most impor- tant, as it forms with an alumina mordant the magnificent Turkey red. With an iron mordant it gives a permanent black, and with mixed Red Colouring Substances. 931 mordants of the two, various intermediate shades of purple. The great complexity of the process for dyeing Turkey red arises from the difficulty of dissolving away the other four bodies, so that only pure madder red may remain. Alcanna-red, or Anckusic Acid. This substance exists in the roots of the anchusa tinctoria. They are to be well boiled in water, and then digested in a solution of carbo- nate of potash ; on the addition of an acid to this liquor the colouring matter precipitates ; it may also be obtained by digesting the roots in alcohol and evaporating ; it is a dark red resinous body, insoluble in water, soluble in alcohol, ether, and essential oils: it combines with alcalies, forming blue solutions, which give blue or crimson lakes with metallic salts. The formula C l? H l0 O4 has been assigned to this body. Braziline is the colouring matter of various species of csesalpina (Brazil wood, fernambouc wood). The decoction of the wood in water is to be agitated with hydrated oxide of lead, then filtered and evapo- rated to dryness. The residue is to be treated with alcohol, the solution mixed with water and gelatine, which throws down a quantity of tannic acid ; then filtered, again dried, mixed with alcohol and filtered to se- parate the excess of gelatine, then again evaporated, and set aside to crystallize. When pure, braziline forms orange crystals : it is soluble in water, alcohol, and ether; the solutions are reddish-yellow; alcalies and most metallic salts give purple and alum a red precipitate with the solution of braziline. Santaline exists in the red sanders wood (pterocarpus santalinus). Its extraction and properties are precisely similar to that of the alcanna- red. Its formula is C 16 H 8 3 . Hamatoxylin This substance, the colouring principle of the logwood (hpematoxylon campechianum) is frequently met with naturally crystal- lized in stellated groups of prisms, sometimes of considerable size, in clefts of the wood ; it may also be prepared by a process similar to that described for braziline ; it is slightly bitter and astringent ; it is very sparingly soluble in water, but copiously in alcohol and ether, forming brownish-red liquids. Acids colour its solutions yellow, alcalies purple ; with the earths or metallic oxides it forms purple or blue lakes. The recent investigations of Erdmann have shown that the substance which really exists in the fresh wood of the hsematoxylon is a substance crys- tallizing in white needles, and which forms with water a colourless so- lution ; which, however, rapidly absorbs oxygen from the air, generating thereby the red heematoxyline. This white body dissolves more readily 932 Substances used in Dyeing. in water of ammonia, and the liquor becomes almost instantly purple from the absorption of oxygen and the formation of the colouring body. The solutions of logwood become decolorized by sulphuretted hydrogen and by sulphurous acid, from the deoxidation of the colouring material and the regeneration of the white hsematoxyline. Safflower-red, or Carthamine. The petals of the safflower (carthamus tinctorius) contain a red and a yellow material ; the former alone is of technical importance. The flowers are to be washed with water acidulated with acetic acid, until all the safflower-yellow is removed. By digestion then, in a solution of carbonate of soda, the carthamine is dissolved, and may be precipitated by any acid, but citric acid answers best ; it forms a dark red powder, in- soluble in water and in acids, and but sparingly soluble in alcohol or ether ; it reddens litmus, and gives with the alcalies yellow solutions ; its compound with soda crystallizes in silky needles ; with alumina it forms a beautiful red lake, rouge, used as a cosmetic and in dyeing. This substance is much employed for dyeing silk, of various shades of pink and rose colour. Its formula is C 14 H 8 7 . I have found in the petals of the salvia fulgens a colouring matter, possessing considerable analogy to carthamin, and capable of being substituted for it. Quercitrin. This substance is extracted from the bark of the quercus infectoria, by simple decoction in water ; after some days, the colouring matter separates in crystals ; or better by digesting the bark in alcohol, precipitating the tannin by gelatine and evaporation. "When pure, it resembles very minute crystals of yellow prussiate of potash; it is easily soluble in water and in alcohol; and appears to possess feeble acid properties. Its formula, by Boulley's analysis, appears to be C I6 H 9 9 + Aq. "With metallic oxides it gives brilliant yellow lakes. Chryso-rhamnine Xantho-rhamnine. I have found the unripe berries of the rhamnus tinctorius (Persian berries, grains d' Avignon,) to contain a substance, soluble in alcohol and ether, and crystallizing from its ethereal solution in minute silky needles of a brilliant yellow colour ; it gives with metallic oxides yellow lakes. When cautiously heated it fuses, but is not volatile. In the ripe berry, this substance, to which I have given the name chryso- rhamnine, is totally replaced by another, which I term xantho-rJiamnine, which is of a much less beautiful yellow, and does not crystallize ; this Yellow Colouring Substances. 933 .change is effected also by boiling the chryso-rhamnine for a few minutes with water, or by contact with alcalies. The xantho-rhamnine is totally insoluble in ether, but easily soluble in alcohol and water. It is formed by the union of the elements of water with chryso-rhamnine. Its silver salt is yellow when first thrown down, but rapidly becomes black ; metallic silver separating, 'and a colourless organic substance being formed. The Persian berries are much used for dyeing yellow, but from the processes employed, the xantho-rhamnine alone is actually brought into play. Luteolin is the colouring principle of the weld (reseda luteola) and probably of the dyer's broom, (genista tinctoria). Its mode of prepa- ration resembles that of quercitrine. It is soluble in water, alcohol, and ether ; it combines with both acids and alcalies, forming yellow compounds. With alumina and the oxides of tin and lead, it gives brilliant yellow lakes ; with iron a dark brown precipitate. Morin is the colouring principle of the yellow-wood (morus tinc- torius) ; it is prepared like quercitrine, with which its properties accu- rately agree. Orellin.TliG seed of the bixa orellana are imbedded in an orange- red colouring matter, which is separated by washings and a kind of fermentation ; when deposited from the liquors, so as to form a consis- tent paste, it is sent into commerce under the names of rocou, Orleans, or anotto. To obtain the colouring principle pure, the orange-red mass is digested in alcohol, and the solution distilled nearly to dry ness ; the residue is then treated with ether, which dissolves .the orelline, and yields it on evaporation, as an orange-red, somewhat crystal- line powder; it colours water pale yellow; it is more soluble in alcohol, but gives with ether or oils deep red solutions ; it dissolves in alcalies, and is precipitated therefrom by acids. "With alumina, oxide of tin, and oxide of lead, it gives fiery red precipitates. It is exten- sively used in dyeing, and also to heighten the colour of cheese and butter. Curcumin is found in the roots of the curcuma longa (turmeric), and is obtained by treatment with boiling alcohol, evaporation to dryness, and digestion of the residue in ether, which dissolves the pure colour- ing matter, and yields it by spontaneous evaporation. Curcumin melts at 104; it possesses the properties of a resin; alcalies brown it, on which its employment for a test-paper rests ; acids render its proper yellow much paler, except boracic acid, which stains it yellowish-red. Berberin exists in the roots of the berberis vulgaris ; it is prepared by boiling the roots in water, and evaporating the decoction to the con- sistence of an extract, which is to be treated with spirit of wine as long 934 Organic Colouring Matters. as this acquires a bitter taste. The spirit is to be distilled in great part off, and the residue let to stand in a cool place for twenty-four hours ; the crystals which form are to be recrystallized, first from water and then from alcohol. Pure berberin forms a light crystalline yellow powder of a strongly bitter taste ; it is very sparingly soluble in cold, but very abundantly in boiling water and in alcohol ; it is insoluble in ether. At 268 it melts; and if further heated, it is decomposed, giving ammoniacal products ; by chlorine it is converted into a brown- red substance ; it combines with bases, acting feebly as an acid ; its alcaline compounds crystallize ; those with the earths and heavy metallic oxides are insoluble, and generally very yellow ; a solution of it pre- cipitates the iodide, cyanide, ferro-cyanide, and sulpho-cyanide of po- tassium. Berberin contains nitrogen ; its formula being NCaaH^O^. Cochineal-red, or Carmine. This very remarkable substance differs from all of the other colouring matters here described, in being a product of the animal kingdom. It exists in many insects of the genus coccus, as the coccus cacti, (the true cochineal), the coccus ilicis, (kermes,) the coccus ficus, (lac-dye), &c. For its preparation the cochineal is to be digested in ether, to re- move a quantity of fat, and then boiled in alcohol as long as this is coloured. The alcoholic liquors being mixed, are to be concentrated by distillation, and then cautiously dried ; the impure carmine thus ob- tained is digested in alcohol, and the solution mixed with ether, which precipitates the colouring matter quite pure. It is a purple red powder, easily soluble in water and alcohol ; in- soluble in ether. It melts at 122 ; but is decomposed by a high heat; chlorine turns it yellow ; alcalies colour cold solutions of carmine red ; but it becomes yellow by exposure to the air, or by boiling. With alumina it forms a precipitate, which is crimson when prepared with a cold, but violet if with a hot solution. All metallic salts give lakes with the alcaline solution of carmine ; that of the protoxide of tin is a rich scarlet. The carmine of commerce is an alumina lake, more or less pure ; that called Chinese carmine is the compound with oxide of tin. The carmine contains nitrogen ; the formula, NC 32 H2GO 2 o, has been assigned to it, but cannot be considered as definitely established. Of Indigo and the Bodies Derived from it. * The blue indigo of commerce is obtained from the leaves of a variety of plants of different genera. The genus indigofera includes a number Indigo and Us Derivatives. 935 of productive species, also the genera, nerium, and isatis, marsdenia, asclepias, and polygonum, galega, spilanthus, and amorpha. Of these the great majority are natives of the tropics ; but a few, as the isatis tinctoria, and the poljgonum tinctorium, belong to temperate regions, the former being indigenous both to Ireland and to England. The indigo is secreted in the cellular tissue of the leaf, in a form (white indigo) which can also be artificially produced ; it is then colour- less, and remains so as long as the tissue of the leaf is perfect. When the leaf begins to wither oxygen is absorbed, and the indigo assuming its colour, the leaves become covered with a number of blue points, the first appearance of which shows that the period for collecting them has arrived. The fresh leaves are thrown into large vats with some water, and pressed down by weights, After some time a kind of mucous fer- mentation sets in, carbonic acid, ammonia, and hydrogen gases are evolved, and a yellow liquor is obtained, which holds all the indigo dissolved. This is separated, mixed with lime water, and then exposed to the air until the indigo becomes blue *and insoluble, and is com- pletely deposited as a precipitate. The theory of this action is, that by the putrefaction of the vegeto-animal matter of the leaves, the indigo is kept in the same white, soluble condition in which it exists in the plant ; and a clear solution of it being thus obtained, it is precipi- tated, according as it absorbs oxygen, in a much purer form than other- wise could be effected. The putrefying pasty mass of leaves, obtained from the isatis tinc- toria, constitutes the woad or wad employed in the hot indigo bath for dyeing cloth. The blue indigo, as thus obtained, is still a mixture of several bodies, as indigo-red, indigo-brown, indigo-gluten, which are removed by re- peated treatment with alcohol and dilute acids and alcalies. When pure, the precipitated indigo is a rich blue powder, which, when rubbed by a knife, assumes the colour of metallic copper ; it is perfectly insoluble; when cautiously heated, it sublimes in rectangular prisms, of a dark pur- ple colour and metallic lustre ; its vapour is of a rich purple ; it contains nitrogen, its formula, as fully established by Dumas, being NC 16 H 5 O 2 . White Indigo. When indigo is acted upon by deoxidizing agents, as protochloride of tin, protoxide of iron, or sulphurous acid, it loses its blue colour, and the white indigo, which is insoluble in water, but soluble in alcaline solutions, is produced. Its mode of preparation is simple ; one and one-half parts of commercial indigo ; two and one- half parts of slaked lime, and two parts of green copperas are to be well mixed up with sixty parts of water in a vessel from which the air is carefully excluded. The protoxide of iron, formed by the action 936 Indigo and its Derivatives. of the lime on the copperas, peroxidizes itself at the expense of the indigo and water, and the white indigo thus formed dissolves in com- bination with lime. On adding muriatic acid to the clear solution, the white indigo precipitates, and may be obtained dry, as a crystalline powder, by suitable precautions to prevent the access of air. The simplest theory of this process should be, that the oxide of iron directly abstracted oxygen from the indigo, hence the names of deoxidized indigo and indigogene were given to the white substance ; but the analyses of l)umas have proved, that the white indigo is a compound of hydrogen with the blue indigo, its formula being C J6 H 5 N0 2 -f H. In its formation, therefore, water is decomposed, the elements of it combining respectively with the blue indigo, and the deoxidizing body. On the properties of this white indigo depend the important appli- cation of indigo as a dyeing material. The indigo is rendered soluble either by lime and copperas (cold indigo bath), or, being diffused through warm water with a quantity of woad, by the fermentation of which ammonia and hydrogen are evolved, a soluble compound of am- monia and white indigo is obtained (hot indigo bath) ; the former is employed for cotton, and the latter for woollen cloth. The cloth is immersed in the bath until it has fullyjmbibed the solution ; it is then exposed to the air, the oxygen of which carries off the hydrogen of the white indigo, and the blue insoluble indigo attaches itself to the fibres of the cloth so firmly at the moment of its formation, as to constitute the most permanent and the most beautiful of our blue dyes. Sulphate of Indigo. "When blue indigo, in very fine powder, is di- gested with strong oil of vitriol, for which purpose the German, or fuming sulphuric acid answers best, it dissolves in great part, and two acids are formed, the mlpho-purpuric and sulph-indylic ; the former is the principal product when the indigo is in excess, the latter when the oil of vitriol preponderates ; they are separated by dilution with water, the sulpho-purpuric acid being insoluble, whilst the sulph-indylic acid dissolves. The sulpho-purpuric acid, though insoluble in dilute acids, dissolves readily in pure water; it forms, with the alcalies and earths, blue com- pounds, which are sparingly soluble in water, but soluble in alcohol. By the analysis of Dumas it appears to consist of C 32 H 10 N 2 O 4 + 2. 80s, and in its potash salt to contain one atom of alcali. The sulph-indylic acid, C 16 H 5 NO 2 + 2S0 3 , when dried from its solution in water, forms a dark blue mass. Its salts are of a rich blue colour ; those of the alcalies are soluble, those of the earths and me- tallic oxides insoluble in water. They consist, according to Dumas' Anilic AM Picric Acid Idoptene. 937 analysis, of an atom of indigo, two of sulphuric acid, and one of base. The sulpho-purpuric and sulph-indylic acids thus contain the same organic element (indigo), but in different proportions, united to sulphuric acid. Berzelius considers that, besides these two, there are generated, by the action of sulphuric acid on indigo, several other acids of complex nature ; but as we possess no exact results concerning them, and that they are of no technical importance, it is unnecessary to describe them in detail. This solution of indigo in oil of vitriol constitutes the Saxon Hue ; or cliemic blue, used extensively in dyeing; on neutralizing the liquor by an alcali (carbonate of soda), and immersing the tissue, whether wool, silk, or cotton, the indigo combines with the fibre of the cloth, and the sulphuric acid remains combined with the alcali. Anilic AM Picric AM Anthranilic AM. By the gradual oxidation of indigo, a substance is formed which crystallizes in large red prisms, and is termed by Laurent, isatine ; its formula is Ci 6 H 5 NO 4 . If the process be more violently carried on, the constitution of the indigo is broken up and a new type formed, thus : by the action of an excess of nitric acid on indigo two remarkable bodies are formed, the anilic and the picric acids. For the formation of the anilic acid, or as it is also often termed the indigotic acid } or the nitro- salicylic acid, the following process is well adapted. A mixture of one part of fuming nitric acid and ten of water being brought to boil, indigo is to be added in fine powder as long as any effervescence occurs ; the liquor is to be then filtered whilst hot. Both acids crystallize on cool- ing ; the crystals are to be drained, redissolved in water, and precipitated by acetate of lead; picrate of lead falls ; anilate of lead remains dissolved, and being decomposed by sulphuretted hydrogen, the anilic acid crys- tallizes in white needles; its taste is bitter and acid; it requires 1000 parts of cold, and but ten of boiling water ; its salts are all soluble ; its formula is C 14 H 4 NO 9 + Aq. The Picric Acid may be obtained by diffusing the picrate of lead through boiling water, and decomposing it by sulphuretted hydrogen gas ; on filtering and cooling, the picric acid crystallizes. It may be obtained, however, much purer and more abundantly by digesting sali- cine in nitric acid (p. 844) and directly from the substance which exists in coal gas naptha, termed by Laurent, hydrate of phenyl ; it forms yellow prisms, sparingly soluble in cold water ; when heated it explodes, as do also its salts ; its potash salt requires 260 parts of cold water for 938 Products of the Decomposition of Indigo. solution, and it is hence sometimes used as a re-agent for that alcali ; its formula is C 12 H 2 N 3 13 + Aq. When indigo is mixed with a strong boiling solution of caustic potash, it dissolves and chrys-anilic acid is formed, which may be precipitated by muriatic acid as an orange-red powder ; it dissolves in alcohol and ether, and crystallizes by the evaporation of the solutions ; its formula appears to be C 28 H 10 NO 5 -f Aq. By exposure to the air, whilst hot, or directly by contact with peroxide of manganese, this acid is converted into another, anthranilic acid, the properties of which are remarkable ; it is soluble, crystallizes, gives very well marked and crystallizable salts, fuses at 275, and sublimes a little above that temperature unchanged ; if it be strongly heated, however, it is decomposed, the sole products being carbonic acid and a volatile liquid, aniline. The formula of the hydrated anthranilic acid is, C 14 H 7 NO 4 , and it gives 2.C0 2 and C 12 H 7 N. This liquid, aniline, acts as a powerful base, combining with the hy- dracids directly, and with the oxacids by including an atom of water ; it thus resembles ammonia. It is the remarkable artificial alcaloid whose history has been already fully described, p. 845. Action of Chlorine on Indigo. This subject, so important in relation to the theory of the bleaching of colouring matters, has been very minutely investigated by Erdman, of whose numerous and complex results the elementary nature of this work will allow but a general notice to be given. Dry chlorine has no action on indigo, but in presence of water it converts it into a yellow mass, from which is separated by distillation a substance, termed chlo- rindopten, which sublimes in white scales and needles ; its formula is C 16 H 4 O 2 C1 4 ; it is sparingly soluble in water, copiously in alcohol and ether. This appears to be a secondary product. The substance which remains behind in the retort, on being dissolved in boiling alcohol, yields on cooling, red prismatic crystals of chlorisatin ; its formula is C 16 H 4 C1. N0 3 , it is hence indigo in which an equivalent of hydrogen is replaced by chlorine, and united to an atom of oxygen ; with an excess of chlo- rine it gives lichlorisitine, which consists of C 16 H 4 C1 2 N0 3 . If these bodies be treated with sulphuretted hydrogen, sulphur is set free, and the hydrogen enters into combination ; in contact with potash, the ele- ments of an atom of water are assimilated, aud an acid formed, which unites with the potash. In this way chlorisatin give chlorisatyd, CieHsClNOg, and chlorisatic acid, C 16 H 5 C1N0 4 , and bichlorisatin gives two corresponding bodies. Relations of Indigo to Phenyl. 939 If chlorisatyd be heated, it produces water, chlorisatin, and a violet powder, chlorindm, which has the formula C 16 H 5 C1NO2, and is hence a compound of indigo-blue with chlorine. By heating bichlorisatyd, the bichlorindin C 16 H 5 NO 2 .Cl2 is similarly formed. By passing chlorine through a solution of chlorisatin in alcohol, all hydrogen is removed, and a substance formed which crystallizes in pale yellow plates, and has the formula C 6 O 2 C1 2 ; it is termed chloraniL By the secondary reactions of these bodies, a number of others are ge- nerated, which it is not necessary specially to describe. Notwithstanding the attention devoted by the most distinguished chemists to the compounds and derivatives of indigo, the theory of that body remains very obscure. The derivation of picric acid from the body C ]2 H 5 D -f Aq. (hydrate of phanyl) discovered as a product of de- structive distillation by Laurent, may serve as a connecting point for many of the bodies derived from indigo, and which otherwise had ap- peared totally unconnected. Thus the picric acid is evidently formed by the substitution of S.NCU for 3H in C ]2 H 5 O, and the aniline is probably CigHs -f NH 2 ; other speculative ideas might be brought forward, but I shall only mention that the blue indigo contains exactly the elements of cyanogen and benzyl, C 2 N + C 14 H 5 O 2 , and that as the cyanogen is converted so easily into oxalic acid and ammonia, the derived bodies which contain Ci^ may thus have their origin. The relations of the bodies of the indigo series to those of the series of phenyl, derived from the destructive distillation of organic bodies, has been further exhibited in Chapter xxv., page 842. Indian Yellow. Purree and its Derivatives. A yellow colouring material is brought into commerce from the East, known as Indian yellow ', or purree. It is extracted from camel's urine, but appears to be derived only from the urine of such camels as feed on the mangistana mangifer. It is a compound of magnesia with a yellow body, which may be prepared pure by boiling the mass with water, to which small quantities of muriatic acid are added, until the whole dis- solves, and then filtering. On cooling, the liquor deposits the colour- ing matter in brilliant yellow scales, which are termed purreic add. They are very sparingly soluble in cold, but abundantly in boiling wa- ter. They are distinctly acid, and neutralize bases. Their formula is C 40 H 16 O 21 + 2Aq. "When carefully heated, the purreic acid is decom- posed and a new body sublimes in yellow needles, which is termed purron, its formula is C 13 H 4 04. The same body appears to be pro- duced from purreic acid under the influence of strong acids or bases. 940 -fndian Yelloiv and its Derivatives. With chlorine and bromine the purreic acid gives derived cliloro- purreic and Iromopurreic adds, of which the formulae are respectively C 4 oH 14 Cl20 2 i and C 4 oH 14 Br 2 O 21 . The former crystallizes in gold yellow plates, the latter appears only in amorphous grains. They form well defined neutral salts. With oil of vitriol, purreic acid forms sulplw- purreic acid, and purron ; C 40 H 16 O 2 i, producing two atoms of C 13 H 4 O 4 and C I4 H 8 Oi3, which with S0 3 produce the combined acid in its anhy- drous form. The sulphopurreic acid can be obtained as a thick sirup, but does not crystallize and very soon decomposes. When acted on by nitric acid, there are produced from purreic acid three acids, the nitropurreic acid, the nitrococcic acid, and the styphnic acid, which last has been already described page 844, as a product of the oxidation of many gum resins. The nitropurreic acid is formed by the action of cold nitric acid ; this is not decomposed, and no red fumes are given off. The purreic acid changes into crystalline grains in which the elements of an atom of water of the purreic acid are replaced by an atom of nitric acid, so that the formula of the product is, C 40 Hi 5 NO 25 . r= C 40 H 15 O 2 o + N0 5 . If the purreic acid and nitric acid be heated together a very violent reaction occurs ; red fames are abundantly given off, and on cooling the nitro-coccic acid separates in yellow grains. Its formula is not well determined, as it is very difficult to obtain it quite pure from nitro-purreic acid on the one hand, and from styphnic acid on the other. Its characteristic quality is to produce with the alcalies scarlet red salts. The purron produces, with re-agents, a series of compounds. Thus, cklorpurron is a yellow powder, having the formula C 13 H 3 C1O 4 . Brom- purron is similarly constituted. With nitric acid the purron produces nitropurronic acid, the formula of which is CaeHgNgOjg. It is inso- luble in water, but soluble in alcohol, from which it crystallizes in small reddish-yellow prisms. It forms with bases red salts, of which that of ammonia is remarkable, as it forms blood-red grains sparingly soluble in water, even when boiling. The relation of the bodies of this purree series to the products of the oxidation of aloes, described page 928, will be easily observed on com- parison, and deserves further enquiry. OF THE COLOURING MATTERS DERIVED FROM THE LICHENS. Many kinds of lichen contain substances which, although colourless themselves, produce, by contact with air and ammonia, the rich purple or blue colouring matters,'constituting the archil and litmus of commerce. The more important species have been in this respect very accurately Constituents of the Lichens. examined, and the material facts of their history may be considered as now satisfactorily established by the researches of Dumas, of Schunk, of Steuhouse, and myself. The species most studied have been the variolaria dealbata, the parmelia roccella, the usnea tinctoria, and the roccella tinctoria. Orcine and Orceine. The useful substance in the variolaria is termed orcine, it is obtained by digesting the lichen in alcohol, evaporating to dryness, dissolving the extract in water, concentrating the solution to the thickness of a sirup, and setting it aside to crystallize ; it forms, when quite pure, colourless prisms, of a nauseous-sweet taste ; it fuses easily, and may be sublimed unaltered ; its formula is C 16 H 8 O 4 -|- 3Aq. when sublimed ; when crystallized from its aqueous solution, it contains 5Aq. If orcin be exposed to the combined action of air and ammonia, ex- actly as described for phloridzin, (p. 918), it is converted into a crimson powder, orceine, which is the most important ingredient in the archil of commerce. The orceine may also be obtained by digesting dried arclu'l in strong alcohol, evaporating the solution in a water bath to dryness, and treating it with ether as long as anything is dissolved ; it remains as a dark blood-red powder, being sparingly soluble in water or ether, but abundantly in alcohol ; its formula is C 16 H 9 N0 7 . The orceine in archil is, however, frequently found to contain less oxygen, and to be represented by the formula C 16 H 9 N0 4 . I have termed the first kind alpha-orcein, and the second beta-orce'in ; in properties they are iden- tical. Orcein dissolves in alcaline liquors, with a magnificent purple colour ; with metallic oxides it forms lakes also of rich purple, of various shades. In contact with de-oxidizing agents it combines with hydrogen, as in- digo does, and forms leuc-orcein, C 16 H 9 NO 7 -f H. When bleached by chlorine, a yellow substance is formed, chlor-orceine, the formula of which I have found to be C 16 H 9 N0 7 + Cl analogous to the other. Lecanoric acid Erythric acid. The examination by Schunk, of various species of Lecanora, and some other lichens, has proved that although under the influence of ammonia, and of air they ultimately produce Orceine, these lichens do not contain Orcine ready found ; but another body termed Lecanoric acid, which under the influence of bases, breaks itself up into Orcine and carbonic acid. It is most easily extracted by digesting the lichen in 942 Colouring Principles of the Lichens. very cold dilute water of ammonia with exclusion of air, and then pre- cipitating it from its solution by an acid. It forms minute crystals nearly insoluble in water, and but sparingly soluble in cold alcohol, or ether. By boiling alcohol it is rapidly altered. Its formula is found to be C 18 H 8 O 8 -f- Aq. If it be heated orcine sublimes, and if boiled with solution of barytes, carbonate of barytes is produced, and orcine, which is thus proved to C ]6 H 8 4 when anhydrous. If Lecanoric acid be dissolved in boiling alcohol, it unites with ether, forming Lcca- noric ether. This body crystallizes beautifully in pearly scales. Its formula is C 22 H 13 O 9 = C 18 H 8 8 + C 4 H 5 O. This body was described by Heeren and by myself, under the names of Erythrine and Pseudo- erythrine, and the formula, C 5 H 4 O 2 , was proposed for it by Liebig; but the true empirical formula for it, C 22 H 13 O 9 , was established by my ana- lyses and was verified afterwards by SchunFs discovery that it con- sisted of Lecanoric acid and ether. The Erythric acid is found principally in the rocella tinctoria, and in the evernia prunastri ; it is extracted by boiling water from which it deposits on cooling, and may be purified by a repetition of the process. It forms small soft crystalline masses ; it is sparingly soluble in cold water, abundantly in boiling. By long boiling it is decomposed into Lecanoric acid, and a material termed Amarythrine, or Erythrine- bitter. The formula of the Erythric acid was first given by Schunk as C 34 H 1 9O 1 5 and it was supposed to decompose into Lecanoric acid and Orcine, C 18 H 8 8 -f- C 16 H n 7 = C 34 H 19 O 15 , But this does not explain the formation of the Erythrine bitter which I showed to be pro- duced in this reaction, and Schunk lately proposed for the Erythric acid the formula C 42 H 23 21 , formed of Lecanoric Acid = Ci 8 H 8 O 8 , \ Amarythrine = C 2 4H, 5 O,3. J i. Stc. Equiv. 4325, or 346. This alcaloid exists associated with brucine in several species of strychnos (nux vomica,ignatia, colubrina, &c.), also in the substance used by the natives of Borneo for poisoning their arrows, and termed upas- tieuta, or woorara ; it is obtained most easily from the Ignatius' beans, which contain but little brucine, but as these are not often found in commerce, the nux vomica is most generally employed. The seeds are to be boiled for some time in strong alcohol, which dissolves out a quantity of fatty matter ; being then dried in a stove, they are easily reduced to powder ; this powder is to be then boiled two or three times Preparation and Salts of Strychnine. 959 in alcohol, and the liquors distilled until the greater part of the alcohol has come over. To the residue, acetate of lead is to be added as long as any precipitate occurs ; by this means more fat, colouring matter, and some organic acids are removed. The filtered liquor is to be then evaporated so far, that from sixteen ounces of nux vomica it amounts to six or eight ounces. To this quantity two drachms of magnesia are to be added, and the whole allowed to stand aside for some days ; the precipitate which forms is to be collected on linen, pressed, dried, and dissolved in alcohol, from which the strychnine crystallizes on cooling, whilst the brucine remains in the mother liquor. As the strychnine, however, is not yet pure, it is to be dissolved in dilute nitric acid, and the solution evaporated to a pellicle. On cooling the nitrate of strych- nine crystallizes in brilliant white, soft, feathery prisms, whilst the nitrate of brucine separates afterwards in large hard rhombic prisms. From sixteen ounces of nux vomica, forty grains of nitrate of strych- nine, and fifty grains of nitrate of brucine may be obtained ; from the solution of the pure nitrate in water, the strychnine may be precipitated by ammonia, and being dissolved in spirit of wine, it crystallizes by spontaneous evaporation in small, white, four-sided prisms. Strychnine has an intensely bitter, somewhat metallic taste ; it re- quires 7000 parts of cold water for solution, and yet if one part of this be diluted with 100- parts more of water, this liquor tastes strongly bitter ; it is insoluble in absolute alcohol and in ether, but dissolves readily in spirit of wine. With acids strychnine unites, forming well characterized and crystallizable salts ; it differs from the other vegetable alcalies, in containing two atoms of nitrogen in its equivalent. With chlorine strychnine gives a white precipitate ; also with tannin ; when completely pure, it is not reddened by nitric acid, but such as it exists in commerce, it generally is so, owing to the presence of traces of brucine. Under the influence of caustic potash, strychnine, like quinine and cinchonine, yields the quinoline or leukol. Muriate of Strychnine.. Stc. -f- HC1. Crystallizes in crowded rhom- bic needles, which dissolve readily in water. With corrosive sublimate, with bichloride of platinum, and with cyanide of mercury it gives in- soluble double salts. Hydrocyanate of Strychnine is obtained by dissolving strychnine in prussic acid ; it crystallizes in needles, which are decomposed even by a gentle beat. If solution of sulphocyanide of potassium be added to a solution of any salt of strychnine, the liquor, when agitated, deposits the sulphocyanate of strychnine in fine radiated needles, which are inso- luble in water. By this means one part of strychnine may be recog- nized in 375 of water, and hence Artus has proposed this reaction as the best medico-legal test for strychnine. 960 Brucine and Curarine. Sulphate of Strychnine forms small cubic crystals, which contain 4 Aq. and are soluble in ten parts of water. The characters of the nitrate of strychnine have been described in the method of preparing the alcaloid. Strychnine is, perhaps, after pure prussic acid, the most intense of poisons. It kills by producing tetanus. J3rucine.N 2 C 4B H. 26 08 or Br. Equiv. 406, or 5075. This substance is found associated with strychnine, as already de- scribed, and also in the bark of the false angustura, which is now known to be the strychnos nux vomica, though formerly supposed to be the brucia antidysenterica, whence the name of this alcaloid is de- rived. Its mode of preparation from the nux vomica has been suffici- ently described in the preceding article. From its solution in spirit, brucine crystallizes in colourless rhombs, containing water, which they abandon on melting at 280. It dissolves in 850 parts of cold, and in 500 parts of boiling water ; these solutions react alcaline, and taste intensely bitter ; it dissolves readily in alcohol, but is insoluble in ether. With nitric acid, brucine becomes of a rich red colour, which, on the addition of protochloride of tin, changes to a fine violet ; this dis- tinguishes it from the red of morphia, which is completely bleached by protochloride of tin and by sulphurous acid. "With chlorine, brucine gives a yellowish-red, and with iodine a chocolate brown precipitate. The salts of brucine have a bitter taste, are generally crystallizable, and give with tannin and with ammonia white precipitates. A curious result is said to be produced by heating brucine with nitric acid, vapours of nitrous ether are given off, and a peculiar yellow body formed, termed by Laurent cacotheline. To the latter product has been assigned the formula CajHnNaO^; it appears to possess alcaline pro- perties, and it combines with ammonia to form a crystallizable material, which has not yet been accurately examined, but which appears to be a powerful alcali. The Curara, or Urari poison, used in the Indian Archipelago for poisoning arrows, contains a vegetable alcaloid, curarine, which forms a yellow uncrystallizable mass, which dissolves easily in water and in alcohol, but is insoluble in ether ; it reacts alcaline and combines with acids ; its salts do not crystallize ; its solution is precipitated by tannic acid. The tree from which curara is derived, is not accurately known, but is supposed to be a strychnos. Vegetable Alcalies. 961 Delphinin. NC 27 H 19 2 or De. Equiv. 2637'5 or 211. This substance is extracted from the seeds of the stavesacre, delphi- nium staphisagriaj by digestion in water, to which some sulphuric acid had been added. The acid liquor is to be decomposed by a slight excess of magnesia, and the precipitate being washed and dried, is to be boiled in alcohol, which dissolves the delphinine. To obtain it quite pure it is to be redissolved in a dilute acid, boiled with animal charcoal, filter- ed, precipitated with ammonia, and the precipitate dissolved in alcohol, from which the delphinine separates on cooling as a white crystalline powder. It is soluble in ether and alcohol ; almost insoluble in water ; its solution has an intolerably sharp taste; it melts at 250; chlorine turns it green ; oil of vitriol colours it red, and then carbonizes it ; its salts are very soluble, but crystallize badly ; Courbe states that the stavesacre contains also a substance stcpkysain, (NO^H^C^. ?), which is distinguished by its insolubility in ether ; it is a yellow resinous mass, insoluble in water, but dissolving in dilute acids without neutralizing them. Veratrine. NC&H^Og. or Ve. Equiv. 3589 or 287. This alcaloid is found in the roots of the veratrum album, and in the seeds of the veratrum sabadilla ; the best process for its extraction is that given by Yasmer. The sabadilla seeds are to be infused in water, containing an ounce of oil of vitriol for each pound of seeds, as long as anything is dis- solved. The filtered liquor is wine-yellow ; it is to be accurately neu- tralized by carbonate of soda, and evaporated to the consistence of an extract. While yet warm, alcohol is to be poured on it, and digested until every thing soluble is taken up. From this solution the alcohol is then to be distilled off, the residue digested in dilute sulphuric acid, and from this liquor the veratria precipitated by carbonate of soda. The precipitate must be redissolved in a dilute acid, digested with ivory black, and again precipitated by a carbonated alcali in order to obtain it pure. Pure veratrine appears as a white uncrystallized resinous powder ; it melts at 230, reacts alcaline, has no smell, but produces violent sneezing ; its taste is exceedingly sharp, but without bitterness ; it is insoluble in water, but dissolves readily in alcohol and ether ; its salts are mostly crystallizable and neutral, but if mixed with much water they are decomposed, acid being set free and a basic salt precipitating. Yeratrine itself is actively poisonous, and is much used in medicine, but none of its salts are important. 61 96 2 Jervin Colchicine JSmetin. Saladilline.--NV zo H.i 3 5 , or Sa. Equiv. 2338, or 187. This body which accompanies veratrine, is separated from it by boil- ing the precipitate produced by the carbonate of soda with water. From the liquor the sabadilline gradually separates in radiated crys- talline needles, of a pale rose colour, but when purified it becomes white ; its taste is intolerably sharp ; it is sparingly soluble in water or in ether, but abundantly soluble in alcohol ; it reacts strongly alcaline, and forms crystallizable salts with acids. Jervin. NC 3 oH 2 3O 2 , or Je. Equiv. 2912, or 233. This alcaloid accompanies veratrine in veratrum album ; it is pre- pared by a process similar to that for veratrine, from which it is sepa- rated by the facility with which it crystallizes from its alcoholic solution, and by the very sparing solubility of its sulphate. "When pure it is white, easily fusible, totally decomposed at 400, slightly soluble in water, but copiously soluble in alcohol. Of its salts, the sulphate, nitrate and muriate, are sparingly soluble in water or in mineral acids ; the acetate dissolves readily. Muriate of jervin forms with bichloride of platinum a very sparingly soluble double salt. Crystallized jervin con- tains 4 Aq. Colchicine. (Formula not established.) This alcaloid is obtained from the seeds of the meadow saffron (col- chicum autumnale), by digestion in a mixture of weak alcohol and sul- phuric acid. The excess of acid in the liquor is to be 'then neutralized by kme, and the alcohol distilled off. The residual liquor is to be de- composed by carbonate of potash in excess, the precipitate washed, dried, dissolved in absolute alcohol, decolorized by animal charcoal, and gently evaporated ; a few drops of water being added. The pure col- chicine crystallizes in colourless needles. Its taste is intensely bitter, but not biting, like that of veratrine, nor does it produce the violent sneezing ; it is pretty soluble in water, and very soluble in alcohol and ether ; its solution reacts feebly alcaline, but neutralizes acids perfectly. Tincture of iodine precipitates it of a rich orange colour. Nitric acid colours it dark violet and blue. Though most abundant in the seeds, all parts of the meadow saffron contain colchicine. Emetin. (Formula not established.) This substance exists in all those plants, whose roots are sent into commerce under the name of ipecacuanha, or hippo. The roots are to Solanine Chelerythrine. 963 be powdered and digested in ether, by which a fatty substance is taken up. They are then to be boiled with alcohol, the decoction mixed with water and the spirit distilled off. The residual liquor is to be filtered and then boiled with magnesia ; the precipitate is to be dried and di- gested in alcohol, which dissolves the emetin. This solution is to be evaporated to dryness, the residue dissolved in a dilute acid, the liquor boiled in ivory black, until completely decolourized, then filtered, and the emetin precipitated by an alcali. When completely pure, emetin is white and nearly tasteless ; it is very poisonous; scarcely soluble in water or in ether; it dissolves readily in alcohol ; it possesses strong alcaline properties ; its salts are completely neutral, but cannot be crystallized ; they dry down to gummy masses. Tannic acid and corrosive sublimate produce white precipi- tates ; iodine and bichloride of platinum form brownish-yellow precipi- tates, with the salts of emetin. Solanine. NC 48 H73O 2 8 or So. Equiv. 7519, or 601. This alcaloid is found in the berries of the solanum nigrum; in the berries, leaves, and stems of the solanum dulcamara (bitter-sweet), and tuberosum (potato). The powdered stems of bitter-sweet are to be digested with spirit of sp. gr. 0.865, mixed with one-third of sulphuric acid. This liquid is to be supersaturated with milk of lime, the spirit distilled off, the re- sidue washed with water, and what remains treated with dilute sulphuric acid. Erom the solution thus obtained the solanine is to be precipitated by an alcali, washed with water, dissolved in alcohol, decolorized by animal charcoal, and then obtained by evaporation. It forms a white brilliant powder, of a slightly bitter, nauseous taste ; it does not brown turmeric, but restores the blue colour of reddened litmus ; it melts a little above 212 ; it is almost insoluble in water, sparingly soluble in ether, but copiously in alcohol. "With acids it forms neutral salts, which do not crystallize, and are strong narcotic poisons. The injurious properties of unripe potatoes result from the presence of this body. It exists abundantly in the early shoots (underground) and buds of the tubers. Chelerytkrine. (Formula not estabb'shed). This substance is extracted from the roots of the chelidonium majus, by digestion with dilute sulphuric acid. The liquor so obtained is to be evaporated and mixed with ammonia. The brown precipitate which falls is to be washed, pressed between folds of paper, and digested ill 964 Chelidonine Aconitine. alcohol, with some sulphuric acid. The alcoholic solution being mixed, with water, and the spirit distilled off, the residual liquor is precipitated by ammonia, and the precipitate being washed and dried by pressure is to be digested in ether, and the ethereal solution evaporated to dryness. The mass so obtained is then digested in dilute muriatic acid, which leaves a resinous substance undissolved. The deep red liquor evapo- rated to dryness, and washed with ether, leaves a mixture of muriate of chelerythrine and muriate of chelidonine ; the former of which is dis- solved by washing with a small quantity of water, whilst the latter re- mains undissolved. From the solution of the muriate, chelerythrine is precipitated by ammonia, as a white curdy powder. From its ethereal solution it re- mains as a resinous mass, which continues soft for a long time; it is inso- luble in water ; its solutions in alcohol and ether are pale yellow. With acids it forms salts of a rich crimson colour which generally crystallize. Tannic acid produces in their solutions a precipitate soluble in alcohol. C/ielidonine. C^H^oOe, or Ch. The preparation of this substance has been in great part described in the preceding article. By digesting the sparingly soluble muriate with ammonia, then dissolving in sulphuric acid and precipitating with mu- riatic acid, it is freed from all traces of chelerythrine, and finally the pure chelidonine, separated by ammonia, is dissolved in boiling alcohol, from which it crystallizes, on cooling, in brilliant colourless tables. It is insoluble in water, soluble in alcohol and ether ; it tastes bitter and reacts alcaline; its salts are colourless, and those with the mineral acids crystallize ; its solutions give with tannic acid a precipitate. Aconitin. (Formula not established). The fresh expressed juice of the monkshood (aconitum napellus) is to be boiled and filtered, and the clear liquor mixed with an excess of car- bonate of potash. The mixture is to be agitated with ether as long as anything is taken up, and by evaporating this solution the aconitin remains. From the dry plant, as from the seeds, the aconitin may be obtained by processes similar to those described for veratrine and colchicin. Aconitin partly crystallizes from its ethereal or alcoholic solution in white grains, but for the most part, forms a colourless, vitreous-looking mass ; it tastes sharp and bitter, and is intensely poisonous ; it reacts strongly alcaline, and neutralizes the strongest acids ; alcalies precipi- Atropine Bclladonnine. 965 tate its solution white ; chloride of gold and tannic acid also give white precipitates, and iodine throws it down orange. Atropine. NCgjH^Og, or At. This alcaloid exists in all parts of the atropa belladonna, but most abundantly in the roots. To prepare it, the fresh roots are to be pow- dered and digested in alcohol, of specific gravity, 0'820. The liquor obtained is to be mixed with lime, in the proportion of one part to twenty-four parts of roots, and laid aside for twenty-four hours with frequent agitation ; the mixture is to be then filtered, and the deposit treated with dilute sulphuric acid : the filtered solution is distilled, and the spirit being thus removed, the residual liquor is concentrated by evaporation, until it equals one-twelfth of the roots employed. To this liquor, when cold, is to be added a strong solution of carbonate of potash, until a dirty brown precipitate occurs, which is to be removed by the filter, and then more carbonate of potash added as long as any precipitate is formed. This last, which is impure atropine, is to be washed with water, then dried, and dissolved in strong alcohol, the solution decolorized by boiling with animal charcoal, filtered, and gradually evaporated, whereby the atropin separates in small white silky prisms. The taste of atropin is sharp, bitter, and metallic. It dilates the pupil permanently and strongly ; if impure, it is brown, does not crys- tallize, and has a horrible smell, but if quite pure, it has no smell ; it requires 2000 parts of cold water for solution, but dissolves in thirty- four parts of boiling water, from which some crystallizes by cooling, but the greater part is totally decomposed; it dissolves readily in alcohol and ether. The alcaline properties of atropin are feeble; most of its salts are decomposed by boiling with water into ammonia and a substance of an excessively disagreeable smell ; this decomposition is instantly effected by the caustic fixed alcalies. Most of the salts of atropin crystallize ; tannic acid precipitates their solutions white ; the chlorides of platinum and gold, yellow ; and iodine orange-yellow. Belladonnine. (Formula not established). The dried root of bella- donna, is to be mixed with a strong solution of caustic potash and rapidly distilled ; the distilled liquor is to be decomposed by bichloride of platinum, and the white precipitate which forms being washed and dried, is to be mixed with carbonate of potash and gently heated. Belladoimine sublimes and condenses in colourless rectangular prisms, with a penetrating odour like ammonia ; it dissolves in water, the solu* 966 Daturine. Hyoscyamine. tion reacts alcaline ; it is not very poisonous ; its salts resemble closely the corresponding salts of ammonia. It appears to be likely, that this substance is a product of the decom- position of the atropine by the caustic potash, and does not exist in the plant. Daturine. This substance is obtained from the seeds of the thorn apple (datura stramonium), by the same process as has been described for the pre- paration of aconitine. From its solution in spirit, it crystallizes in very brilliant, colourless groups of needles. When perfectly pure, it is inodorous, but when impure, it smells -disgustingly narcotic ; its taste is bitter, and like that of tobacco ; it dissolves in seventy- two parts of boiling, and in 250 of cold water; in twenty-one of ether, and in three of alcohol; it melts below 212, and volatilizes unchanged at a stronger heat in white clouds. A solution of daturine reacts strongly alcaline, and forms crystalli- zable neutral salts, which like pure daturine are very poisonous. Towards re-agents it acts like atropin. Hyoscyamine. This alcaloid, which is the active principle of the henbane (hyoscy- amus niger and albus), is best prepared from the seeds, in the same way as atropine, except that to the spirit in which the seeds are digested some sulphuric acid should be added. It crystallizes in radiated groups of silky needles, but is more usually obtained as a transparent vitreous mass. In its properties it resembles so perfectly atropin and daturin, that they need not be specially detailed. It neutralizes acids perfectly; its salts are intensely poisonous ; they are decomposed very easily even by boiling with water. Coneme. Ci 7 H 17 N or Cn. Equiv. 1589, or 127*. This remarkable substance is the active principle of the hemlock (conium maculatum), in all parts of which it exists, but is more easily extracted from the seeds. These are to be bruised, mixed with one- fourth of a strong solution of caustic potash, and eight parts of water, and distilled as long as the water which comes over has any smell. This is to be neutralized by dilute sulphuric acid, and evaporated to the consistence of a sirup. The residue is treated two or three times with a mixture of one part of ether and two of alcohol, sp. gr. 0*820, wherein the sulphate of coneine dissolves. From this solution the Coneine Nicotin. 967 ether and spirit are distilled off, then some water added, and the liquor evaporated to dryness. The residue is to be mixed with half its weight of strong solution of potash, and rapidly distilled to dryness. The receiver should be carefully cooled. The oily coneine should be sepa- rated from the watery liquor, and this last distilled again with some lime. If the coneine contain ammonia, it may be gotten rid of by exposure for a few hours in vacuo, beside a capsule of oil of vitriol. Pure coneine is a colourless transparent liquid, of sp. gr. 0'89 ; its odour is highly penetrating and nauseating, partly like that of the plant; its taste is disgustingly sharp * it is extremely poisonous. 100 parts of cold water dissolve one of coneine, and the solution becomes turbid when heated. Coneine itself dissolves one-fourth of water, and tin's liquor becomes milky even by the heat of the hand ; it mixes with alcohol, ether, and oils in all proportions ; in close vessels it distils unaltered at 370, but at a much lower temperature if water be present. When completely anhydrous, coneine has no alcaline properties, but acts very powerfully when water is present ; it saturates acids completely. Its salts crystallize but imperfectly ; they are decomposed by much water ; they dissolve readily in water, alcohol, or a mixture of alcohol and ether ; but in pure ether they are insoluble. Their watery solution is precipitated by iodine, saffron-yellow ; and by tannic acid white. Co- neine itself is coloured by nitric acid blood-red ; by exposure to the air, especially if warm, coneine is decomposed ; it becomes brown, ammonia is evolved, and a bitter, inodorous, resinous substance is produced, which has no poisonous properties. Nicotin. (Formula C 10 H 7 1S T ). Eq. 1012-5 or 81. This substance is the characteristic ingredient of tobacco, (nicotiana tabacum, and many other species). Eor its preparation, the following process is to be followed : Tobacco leaves are to be digested in water with a small quantity of sulphuric acid. The liquor is to be evaporated to a sirupy consistance, and the residue distilled with about one-sixth its bulk of a strong solution of caustic potash. That product is a mixture of nicotine and ammonia, the former partly separated as a yellow oil. It is to be saturated with oxalic acid, and evaporated to dryness on a water bath, the brown crystalline residue boiled with absolute alcohol which takes up the oxalate of nicotine. This alcoholic liquor is to be evaporated to a sirupy consistence, then decomposed by caustic potash, and the mixture agitated with ether which takes up the pure uicotin, and 968 Nicotin. Menispermine. leaves it quite pure when the ether is separated by distillation in a water bath. The easy decomposition of nicotin has prevented its analysis in a separate form., but its muriate combines with bichloride of platinum forming a double salt Ci H 8 NCl -f PtCl 2 , and it combines with corro- sive sublimate, forming a body C 10 H 7 N -f- HgCl, from which its own formula is inferred to be C 10 H 7 N. It is intensely poisonous. When pure, nicotin is a colourless oily liquid, of a pungent tobacco smell, and a sharp burning taste ; it differs from all other organic bases in mixing with water in all proportions ; it mixes also with alcohol and ether. When anhydrous, it gives off white fumes at 212, and distils at 480 ; but the greater part of it is decomposed. If water be present it distils easily at a much lower temperature. Nicotin possesses a strong alcaline reaction, and neutralizes acids perfectly. Its salts are generally very soluble, some crystallizable, ino- dorous, but with a strong tobacco taste. With alcalies they evolve the characteristic odour of the plant. It is now very generally admitted that nicotin does not pre-exist in tobacco leaves, but that it is produced by the decomposition of a sub- stance, nicotmnme, which the leaves contain. This body forms white crystals. It resembles a fat, is insoluble in water, soluble in alcohol and ether, has a strong tobacco odour, and contains nitrogen. Menispermine. NC 18 H 12 O 2 . This substance is found in the capsules of the cocculus indicus, asso- ciated with picrotoxine (page 922). The alcoholic extract is to be boiled with acidulated water, and when the picrotoxine has crystallized from the filtered liquor, an excess of an alcali is to be added. The precipitate is to be dissolved in alcohol, decolorized by animal charcoal, and evaporated to dry ness. The residue is to be digested with ether, which dissolves menispermine, and leaves another body, paramenisper- minej undissolved. From the ethereal solution, menispermine crystallizes in white square prisms. It is tasteless and not poisonous ; it forms neutral crystalli- zable salts. The paramenisperinine dissolves in acids but does not neu- tralize them. Cissampelin exists in the roots of the cissampelos pareira (pareira brava,) and is prepared by the same kind of process that has been fre- quently described. Prom the evaporation of its ethereal solution, it remains as a yellowish, transparent, vitreous mass, which combines with water, forming a white powder like magnesia. It is very easily decom- Cissampeline Glaucine. 969 posed ; it is a powerful organic base ; its salts form gummy masses, but scarcely crystallize. Glaucin exists in the glaucium luteum (horned poppy). Its prepa- ration is similar to that of aconitin ; it crystallizes in pearly scales ; it possesses the same range of properties as the other vegetable bases, and forms crystallizable salts. The horned poppy contains another crys- talline principle, (glauco-picrine^} which appears also to act as a base. A great number of plants are stated to contain organic bases, which, however, have been as yet so imperfectly examined and described, as to render their introduction here useless. Of such substances, the most important are ; in the croton tiglium, crotonine, which is crystalline, but is not the active principle ; in the sethusa cynapium, cynapin, crys- talline ; and in the digitalis purpurea, digitaline, which appears most to resemble coneine. . Harmaline. Formula, C 2 4Hi 3 N 2 O. This substance has been discovered in the seeds of the peganum harmala ; its process of extraction is similar to that already given for other alcaloids. It forms yellowish brown crystals, sparingly soluble in water but abundantly so in alcohol. It produces well characterized salts. The infusion of the plant is used for dyeing yellow and also brilliant reds, which latter colours have been traced to products of the oxidation of the harmaline. OF THE ARTIFICIAL PRODUCTION OF ORGANIC ALCALIES, AND OF THE CONSTITUTION OF THE VEGETABLE ALCALOIDS. In studying the constitution of the class of bodies of organic origin which act as bases, and appear to possess properties more or less analo- gous to those of the ordinary alcalies or earths, we perceive at once that they form two essentially distinct groups, according as they do or do not contain nitrogen in their composition. The history of the latter class has been referred to in detail in describing the theory of the ethers, and may be summed up in the general principle that they act as oxides of compound, quasi-metallic radicals, which in those derived from alcohols, are all marked by the condition of forming powerful acids, by replace- ment of two atoms of hydrogen by oxygen. Thus the vinic, methylic and amylic ethers, deliver the acetic, formic and valerianic acids, by C 4 H 3 H 2 O., giving C 4 H 3 O 3 : C 2 HH 2 O, giving C 2 HO 3 , and C 10 H 9 H 2 O, giving C 10 H 9 3 . To the other more numerous and peculiar class of organic bases, we 970 Nature of the Organic Bases. may also attach the two very remarkable bodies, the alkarsine (p. 806,) and the phosphor-alcaloid noticed by M. Thenard. In those bodies the arsenic and phosphorus must replace nitrogen, and their alcaloids bear to the proper azotized organic bases, the relation which phosphuretted hydrogen, and which arseniuretted hydrogen have been shown to bear to ammonia. Their theoretic history, as far as we can judge of it, will, therefore, be included in the following remarks on the constitution of the azotized alcaloids, to which question the attention of chemists has been specially directed by the interest and importance of the numerous bodies of this class, found naturally existing and constituting the active principles of those plants, most distinguished for medicinal or poisonous qualities. Prom the period of the first discovery of this class of bodies, chemists have endeavoured to ascertain on what depended the basic properties by which they are so remarkably characterized. The assertion by Liebig, that each equivalent of an organic base contained an equivalent of nitrogen, suggested the very plausible idea that they contained ammonia ready formed, and that in their salts the acid was neutralized by the ammonia, and the organic substance remained combined with the salt as it had been with the ammonia before. This idea, however, cannot be sustained, as we cannot obtain ammonia from any vegetable alcaloid unless by processes, which totally destroy its constitution, and which, indeed, eliminate ammonia from many organic substances, containing nitrogen, but certainly not containing ammonia as such. Moreover, it is now known that Liebig's rule is not universally true, the equivalents of strychnine and of brucine probably contain each two atoms of nitrogen, and we know of other organic bases, as melamine, ameline, jervin and urea, in which the quantity of nitrogen in the equivalent goes much beyond one atom. We may hence conclude that there is no reason to suppose that the vegetable alcalies contain ammonia as such, or owe their basic properties to its presence. Some remarkably simple relations of composition appeared to occur among certain bodies of this class, which at first were expected to throw light upon their constitution. Thus, morphine and codein were supposed to differ in composition, only by morphia containing an atom of oxygen more ; and if we supposed (NC 3 5H 20 O 4 ) to be a compound radical, E, then codeine should be protoxide, E -f O, and morphia deutoxide, E -f- 20, more accurate researches has, however, disproved this idea. However, if we take the cinchona alcalies, we shall really find them to differ only in the quantity of oxygen they contain, and making (jNC 2 oH 12 ) a compound radical, cinchonine should be E + O, quinine, E + 20, and aricine, E + 30. These remarkable Nature of the Organic Bases. 971 facts might lend considerable support to the idea, that these alkaloids are oxygen bases, oxides of compound radicals, but a closer examination of their relations does away with all probality of its truth. Thus if morphia were R -f 2.O, then by muriatic acid we should have a bichlo- ride formed, R + 2C1, and water separated ; in place of which the morphia combines directly with, one atom of muriatic acid, and so in all other cases ; we cannot find in the compounds of these vegetable alca- lies any of the laws which govern the formation of salts by metallic oxides. In addition, the salts formed by these alcaloids with the oxygen acids contain an atom of water, which cannot be expelled without de- composition. The theory of the constitution of the organic alcalies has, however, been remarkably illustrated by the important discoveries lately made in the artificial formation of alcaloids, so closely resembling in characters and modes of combination those found naturally existing, that it is im- possible to avoid referring all to the same class. In order, therefore, to exhibit the views which may be taken of the nature of the organic alcalies, it is proper to refer slightly to the general nature of those artificially generated, which have been already described as members of the series of bodies by whose decompositions they have their origin. The group of alcaloids first to be noticed is that which is destitute of oxygen, containing only carbon, hydrogen and nitrogen, as ele- ments. Of this class the aniline, napthaline, leukol, piccoline, toluidine, petanine, sinnamine, lophine, and others are members. They are all under the influence of strong acids and alcalies resolved into ammonia, and an organic body destitute of nitrogen. They all unite with the hydracids directly, and with the oxygen acids with the intervention of an atom of water, to form well characterized salts, and in fact in every respect they represent the history of ammonia, in which the hydrogen is more or less replaced by a more complex organic element. Now it is not advancing too far on hypothetical grounds to apply to this class of alcaloids, the theory which I have advanced of the constitution of the aminoniacal compounds, and to look upon them as organic amidides ; as ammonia, in which the third atom of hydrogen is replaced by an organic radical ; thus there should be formed, Aniline = Ci 2 H 5 + Ad. = Ci 2 H7N. Napthalidine = C 20 H 7 + Ad. = C 20 H 9 N. Toluidine = Ci 4 H 7 + Ad. = Ci 4 H 9 N. etc. This view discloses that the organic radical of the alcaloid is that of the series from which the alcaloid is produced, as phcenyl is of aniline, and that napthalidiue is napthaline, in which H is replaced by NH 2 . 972 Artificial Formation of Organic Bases. It also explains why, in this group, an atom of the alcaloid contains one atom of nitrogen, and why also the oxygen salts involve an atom of water; which if the ammonia theory be followed out, furnishes the hydrogen to produce the hypothetic metallic radical, and the oxygen to form its oxide as described for ammonia in p. 722. The natural alcaloids attaching themselves to this group are nicotine and coneine, and it is only necessary to look to their history to observe their resemblance to aniline. They are even still more easily resolved into ammonia and an organic body, and it is very proba- ble that they do not really pre-exist in those plants, but are products of the decomposition of some material not yet isolated. We further know that organic amides, as the oxamide and the urea, fulfil, in many cases, in regard to acids, the function of alcaloids in the most perfect manner. The types of the second group of alcaloids are formed by the action of re-agents on the first. In nature those alcaloids are marked by con- taining oxygen, but in those artificially formed, oxygen is but one of the variety of elements which may be inserted in their constitution without the alcaline character or their rational type being disturbed. Thus, from aniline a great series of artificially derived alcaloids may be formed, substituting for the hydrogen of the organic element other electro-negative bodies to a greater or less extent. Thus are produced. With Chlorine, from, C^Hg + Ad. Chloraniline = Ci 2 H 4 Cl + Ad. Dichloraniline = C^HsC^ -f- Ad. Bromaniline = Ci2H4Br _J_ Ad. Bibromaniline = Ci2H3Br2 _L Ad, "When the substitution of the chlorine or bromine is carried further the alcaline character is lost, but the above are true organic alcalies, and it is evident, as already noticed in page 846, that the body still con- tinues amidide of phenyl. but the radical is altered in its chemical nature, though not in its type, by the hydrogen being more or less re- placed by chlorine or by bromine. The permanence of the radical type throughout all these substitutions, has been beautifully proved by the late experiments of Hoffman and of Melsens, who have succeeded in regenerating the original radicals from the chloroacetic acid, and from the chlorauiline by removing the chlo- rine and substituting hydrogen. The agent employed was a very feeble amalgam of potassium, which, taking the chlorine whilst at the same time water was slowly decomposed, the nascent hydrogen replaced the chlorine in the radical, and the chloracetic acid was restored to the con- dition of the acetic acid, and the chloranilinc to the state of ordinary Nature of the Organic Alealies. 973 aniline. In no way has the congruity and consistency of the theory of types and the theory of compound radicals been more satisfactorily shown than by those researches. The derivation of alcaloids by nitrous acid requires some additional remark, as it influences the theory of the formation of another group. In a variety of reactions it is manifest that nitric acid, N0 5 ,must be looked upon as constituted of NO 4 -f- 0, precisely as the basis in the ammo- niacal salts may be considered as NH 4 + O, and the nitrous acid NO^ may replace an equivalent of ammonium. Now this occurs in the de- composition of a vast number of organic bodies by nitric acid, thus assuming as an abbreviated symbol for N0 4 = X, as is now usual, we may write, From Napthaline Nitronapthase C 2 oH 7 X Nitronapthese C 2 oHG X2 Nitronapthise C2oH 5 Xs From Phene C 2 oHe Nitrobenzid Ci 2 H 5 X Picric acid Ci 2 H 2 X 3 O Now from the several alcaloids of the first group we may obtain, by the substitution of nitrous acid, just as in the above instance, alcaloids, which in constitution exhibit a very remarkable analogy to those found naturally existing in plants, thus From Aniline = CigH 5 4. Ad. Nitraniline = C ]2 H 4 X 4. Ad. the phenyl type being still preserved. The artificial formation of the third group of alcaloids depends on a kind of decomposition nearly the inverse of that just described. That is to say, on the reduction by sulphuretted hydrogen of an organic compound containing nitrous acid. The perfect action should be to transform the nitrous acid into ammonium, NO 4 and 8HS, producing NH4, and 4HO and 8.S becoming free, but practically we find in this as in all the other phenomena of the ammonia bodies, that the ammo- nium enjoys but an ephemeral and questionable existence; it is amido- gene that is really formed, and which, uniting with the organic elements, produces the new alcali, which thereby becomes analogous to the gase- ous ammonia ; whilst it is only in subsequently forming salts that the alcali obtains the hydrogen, which could assimilate its constitution to the theory of ammonium. There are, therefore, required to convert N04 = X into NH 2 = Ad., six atoms of HS, and 4HO are separated with 6.S, and it would almost appear that from every organic body 974 Nature of the Organic Bases. which contains N04, an artificial alcali can be by this process ob- tained. There are as examples the production from Nitro-benzid = Ci^Hs X Aniline = CioHs Ad. Nitro-benzoene = C] 4 H7 X Toludine = CnHy Ad. Nitro-napthalide = 20^7 X Napthalidene == Csolfy Ad. In the case of the organic bodies which contain more than one equivalent of nitrous acid, there are produced of course as many equivalents of amidogene, and it would appear that the organic radical then breaks up, and two or more equivalents of another alcali are formed, of which each contains one equivalent of amidogene with one of the new radical. Thus there is from Binitro-benzid Ci2H 4 X Semi-aniline. 2.C6 H 2 . Ad. Nitro-napthalese CgoH^X^ Semi-napthalide 2.CioH3. Ad, This subdivision of the organic radical is also very remarkably illus- trated by the action of sulphuretted hydrogen on the nitrous alcalies of the second group, derived from those of the first, thus Aniline C^Hs. Ad. gives Nitra-aniline Ci2H4. X Ad. and this Semi-aniline CeHg. Ad. by conversion of N04 into NH 2 , and the partition of the organic radicals between the two atoms of amidogene. A fourth class of artificial organic alcalies is derived from the oxi- dizing influence of hydrate of potash, at an elevated temperature on azotized organic bodies, whether neutral or alcaline. It is in this way that the quinoline (Leukol,) is produced by heating quinine, cinchonine or strychine with potash ; carbon, hydrogen and oxygen being removed, as carbonic acid and water, and the new alcali remaining, C 18 H 7 N. In this way also is produced aniline, from the isatine of Indigo, and the derivative alcalies of aniline from the corresponding derivatives of isatine, by means of potash. It is most probable also that the vegetable alcalies, nicotine and coneine, which ally themselves in composition and properties to aniline, are products of decomposition, by the alcaline liquors used, of bodies existing in the plants, and of which the body termed nicotianine is an instance. Finally, a large class of artificial alcalies have their origin in the transformation of ammoniacal compounds, or of other alcaloids under the influence of acids, or of caustic mineral alcalies. Of organic alca- Nature of Furfurol and Furfurine. 975 lies thus artificially formed, a great number have been already noticed '. The formation of urea from cyanate of ammonia p. 732; that of thiosinnamine from oil of mustard ; of amariiie and lophine from hydro- benzamide. One of the most interesting of this series is the furfurine, which has not yet been noticed as it does not attach itself to any definite series, and I shall therefore briefly state the facts of its history here. In the process for preparing formic acid from starch, oxide of man- ganese and sulphuric acid, described p. 830, a dense oily matter distils over in small quantities, which when purified has the formula C 15 H 6 O 6 . When this is acted on by ammonia it is converted into a crystalline solid termed furfur amide, having the formula Ci 5 HcNO 3 ; this, however, possesses perfectly neutral properties, but on boiling it in a solution of potash it is converted, without changing its composition, into a power- ful artificial alcaloid furfurine. The equivalent appears, however, to be doubled, and the formula of furfurine to be C 30 H 12 N 2 O 6 . It dissolves in boiling water and crystallizes on cooling, it exerts a powerful alcaline action on vegetable colours. If boiled with the salts of ammonia it expels that gas and takes its place in combination. Such being the general circumstances under which the artificial alca- loids have their origin, we may proceed to apply the principles so revealed to explain the possible constitution of the alcaloids found naturally ex- isting. In these, therefore, it is consistent with our knowledge to recognize two groups. In the first group, the nitrogen being but in the proportion of one equivalent to an equivalent of alcali, if we apply the analogy of aniline or of furfurine, we should consider those as amides of an organic radical, and we should write Quinine C2oHi 2 NO-2. =C2oHi O 2 -f Ad. Strychnine C22Hi2NO4 = C22HioO 4 -j- Ad. And in the oxidizing influence by which quinoline is formed, the organic radical alone should be decomposed, the product being the amide of a new radical. Quinoline, CisH 7 N = CisH 5 -f. Ad. In other cases, as in caffeine, in chelidonine, in theobromine, where the quantity of nitrogen is more than one equivalent in an equivalent of the alcaloid, we may have in reality something resembling the type presented by nitraniline, C^He^Qi, in which the organic radical con- tains NO 4 , or the mellamine, C 3 H 3 N 3 , or ammeline, CeHsNsOa, in which there is little doubt but that the radical contains cyanogen NC 2 , or 976 Nature of the Organic Bases. mellon N 2 C 3 . It would be, however, useless to attempt to group the formula of the natural vegetable alcaloids, on merely hypothetic assumptions of this kind. The idea of Woehler that narcotine consists of opianic acid united to the true alcaloid, and that it is analogous in constitution to opiam- mon, (p. 953,) presents to us another view of the constitution of organic alcalies, and one recently supported by additional results. Thus, Kochleder and Eedtenbacher have announced that piperine consists of aniline with two equivalents of an azotized acid, and they have pro- duced it artificially from aniline. Also that narcogenine consists of the opianic acid with two equivalents of the same base that exists in nar- cotine. This form of saline or binary constitution may exist very ex- tensively in those bodies, and it is to be hoped that the researches now being undertaken in this highly important field, will soon enable us to reduce the natural alcaloids to the same principles of classification as I have shown to regulate the alcalies of artificial origin. In concluding this subject it is important to record that for the researches on aniline, which were the basis of all subsequent exact inquiry in this branch, science is principally indebted to Professor Hoff- man, with whom was associated in many of his investigations Dr. Muspatt of Liverpool, and that the theoretical views of the constitu- tion of the organic bases, are founded mostly on those advocated by Fresernius. 977 CHAPTER XXIX. OF THE CHEMICAL PHENOMENA OF VEGETATION. IN the seed of a plant, the germ of the future individual is associated with one or more organs termed cotyledons, which contain, in general, starch and some form of azotized matter, as albumen, gluten, or legu- mine, which substances are so disposed in order to supply the nutri- ment necessary for the development of the embryo, until its organs are fitted for the collection of nutriment from external sources. The first act of growth in the seed is termed germination, and is accompanied by a remarkable change in the constitution of the cotyle- donous mass. For perfect germination, it is necessary that the seed be moderately supplied with water and with air, and that it be either in the dark or exposed but to little light ; all these circumstances are per- fectly secured by the ordinary -mode of sowing seeds, in a moistened soil, which shall be so loose as to admit air, and yet exclude the light. A seed so circumstanced, gradually swells to much beyond its origi- nal volume, and its temperature rises ; it absorbs oxygen from the air, and evolves water and carbonic acid, and the starch of the cotyledon gradually disappears, being changed into sugar. From the point of the seed where the embryo is situated, two shoots spring forth, one of which, the radical, takes its direction downwards into the soil, whilst the other, iheplumula, strikes up towards the air, to become the origin of the stem ; according as this growth proceeds, the quantity of sugar in the seed diminishes, and by the time that the radical is fit for the performance of its functions, as root, in absorbing nutriment from the soil, nothing remains of the seed but its ligneous part, which in some cases completely perishes underground, but in others rises, and assum- ing the functions of leaves, (seed leaves), assists in providing nutriment for the young plants, until the stem shall have been furnished with leaves by which it may act upon the surrounding air. 62 978 Germination Malting. This process of germination is artificially produced, for the purposes of the arts, by the operation of malting ; the grain is steeped in water, until it has absorbed the proper quantity of it; it is then spread on the floor of the malt-house, and its temperature prevented from rising too high by the mass being frequently spread out, and new surfaces exposed to the air. When the seed contains the maximum quantity of sugar, that is, when the conversion of the starch is most complete, and yet before much sugar has been assimilated by the germ, which is practi- cally found to be when the radical has grown as long as the grain, but does not project beyond it, the young plant is killed, by exposing the malted corn to a current of hot dry air in the malt-kiln, and the malt is then employed as a source of sugar, in the fermentative processes of the brewer anc! distiller. The saccharine fermentation which thus furnishes nutriment for the young plant in the first stage of its existence, resembles the transforma- tion of starch by means of sulphuric acid, described in p. 761, and is excited by the presence of a peculiar ferment produced by the decom- position of the vegetable albumen which the seed contains. This active substance is termed diastase ; it does not pre-exist in the seed, but is itself produced by the action of the air and water upon the albumen ; it is not identical with the ferment which induces the alcoholic fermen- tation, yet they appear to be but successive stages of the decomposition of the same substance. The diastase may be obtained solid by bruising malt with a small quantity of water and expressing the liquor ; to this alcohol is to be added, which precipitates a quantity of unaltered albu- men, and on evaporating the filtered liquor to dryness, the diastase re- mains, though by no means pure ; it is a white gummy mass ; it is precipitated by infusion of galls and most metallic salts ; one part of it rapidly and completely converts a solution in water of 2000 parts of starch, first into dextrine, and finally into grape sugar. It has been suggested by Saussure, that diastase is identical with the substance termed mucin, in p. 771, but this is doubtful ; it contains nitrogen, and is most probably, as already stated, the first product of the putre- faction of the gluten or albumen. When the process of germination is over, the plant is found provided, by its roots and leaves, with the means of procuring such nutriment as its future offices require, from the atmosphere and the soil. For the constitution of its proper ligneous tissue, carbon, hydrogen and oxygen are required, and these serve also for the formation of the majority of its excreted products, as sugar, gum, starch, resin, .oils, and acids ; but, in addition, nitrogen is required ; and although the proportion of nitro- gen in any plant is small, compared with that pf the other elements, Constitution of Plants. 979 yet it is of great importance as a constituent of the active principles of most medicinal plants, as the vegetable alcalies, amygdaline, &c. ; and of still higher interest, as Boussingault has shown, the nutritive power of each plant, when used as food, to be proportional to the quantity of nitrogen and phosphates which it contains. In every plant there exists also certain inorganic elements, acids, and bases, which, though small in quantity, are yet essential to its healthy growth. The examination of the modes, chemical and vital, by which these various substances are supplied to the plant, and assimilated by its organs, constitutes an im- portant branch of vegetable physiology, which can here be but superfi- cially sketched ; and, in its relation to practice, the manner of supply- ing these materials so as to favour the growth of plants, and develope their most useful principles, must be the basis of every system of en- lightened agriculture. Of the Assimilation of Carbon by Plants. In describing the constitution of the atmosphere, (p. 362), I have had already occasion to notice the beautiful provision by which the two great classes of organized beings mutually compensate for the change which each produces in its nature, and thus retain it in the condition most conducive to the healthful existence of both. That whilst the animal, in his respiration, throws off carbonic acid, and absorbs oxygen, the plant from the surfaces of its green leaves, in sunlight, absorbs car- bonic acid and gives out oxygen. It only remains here to examine the circumstances of its change, with reference to the other functions of the plant. As water is abundantly absorbed by plants, both with the roots and leaves, the assimilation of carbon from the air should, with it, supply at once the elements of the woody matter, as well as of those other bodies, as sugar, starch, and gum, which contain oxygen and hydrogen, in the proportions to form water. But this respiratory function of the leaves does not in reality possess the simplicity and uniformity of effect, which has been just assigned to it. It is found, that the absorption of car- bonic acid and the liberation of oxygen occur only under the influence of sunlight, and from the green portions of the plant, whilst the co- loured portions, as the flowers and fruits, and even the green leaves, during the night, absorb oxygen and give out carbonic acid ; thus tend- ing to increase the vitiation of the atmosphere, produced by animals, in place of counteracting it. The existence of these opposing actions had induced some physiologists to doubt whether they did not neu- tralize each other, and hence to seek for the source of the carbon of the 980 Formation of Woody Tissue. plant, in the action of the roots upon the organic substances of the soil. But the experiments of Daubeny have conclusively established, that a healthy plant evolves so much more oxygen in the day than it absorbs during the night, and inversely absorbs so much more carbonic acid during the day than it evolves at night, as may satisfactorily ac- count for the growth of the woody material of the plant, and com- pensate for the influence of animal respiration and combustion upon the air. It has been already shown, that the grains of starch, when elaborated by the organs of the plant, possess a structure totally different from that which characterizes bodies constituted in virtue of mere affinity, and more analogous to certain animal organs, as the crystalline lens of the eye. In the different varieties of starch, it is not difficult to trace the gradual transition to lignine, and, as stated in page 758, ordinary wood still retains in the tubes and cells formed by the arrangement of the particles of lignine, a considerable quantity of unaltered starch. In the medulla of various trees, the passage from starch to lignine is still more evident. Now for the formation of starch there are required but water and carbon, its formula being C 12 H 10 IO and this I consider is the actual result of the true respiratory process of the plant ; carbonic acid being absorbed, and an equal volume of oxygen being exhaled, the car- bon is assimilated by the vital power of the plant, and with the elements of the water, produces a substance partially organized in structure, the starch globule. The outer layer of this gradually increasing in density, and water being separated from the internal portion, should give a cell, or by the reunion of many, a continuous fibre, or tube, of true lig- nine. The change being simply the loss of water, the formula of the lignine becomes Ci 2 H 8 O 8 . The nature of the starch globule, and hence the structure and physical properties of the ligneous fibre varies in dif- ferent plants. Thus, I consider, in the adult plant, starch to be the first product of the assimilation of carbon and water, and being already possessed of a low degree of organization, is, in structure and com- position, adapted for the change (growth rather than transformation) into true wood. By contact with the albuminous, or fermentative principles, the starch, whether accumulated in the seed or roots, or distributed throughout the substance of the plant, undergoes changes of an opposite kind. Its organized character is lost ; it successively forms gum and sugar. We cannot yet form cane sugar artificially from starch, but we can have no doubt that it arises, as grape sugar does, from the catalytic meta- morphosis of the starch, arrested, in virtue of the vital power of the plant, at a point where we cannot seize it in the laboratory. These are Secretions of Plants. 981 the truly nutritious elements of the plant, whether designed for the support of the adult individual, or collected in proper reservoirs, to serve for the sustenance of the future individual in the seed. In the conversion of the starch into the numerous secondary pro- ducts, as acids, colouring matters, oils, &c., the presence of which characterise the generality of plants, we may find the source of that inverse respiratory action which so much masks the real and simple nutritive process. Of the circumstances of the formation of these bodies, we have an example admirably illustrative of the point, in the conversion of lignine into ulmine. Here, though the change should at first appear to require only the loss of the elements of water, we find it to be much more profound ; the constitution of the lignine is totally broken up ; oxygen is abundantly absorbed from the air ; a quantity of its carbon is carried off as carbonic acid, and a quantity of its hydrogen as water. This action, which may be looked upon as equivalent to the various processes of secretion performed upon the blood by the organs of animals, by which substances adapted to the use or structure of dif- ferent parts are there deposited, whilst others unfitted for the purposes of the organized being are thrown off, is carried on by the leaves, pro- bably by all portions of the surface of the plant, and is the source of the continued exhalation of water and carbonic acid which occurs. During the day, and especially in bright sunshine, the assimilating power of the plant being in full action, carbonic acid is taken in and oxygen given out ; during the night, whilst the plant is in repose, this nutritive action ceases. Through the whole time, however, the pro- cess of the secretion is carried on, water and carbonic acid given off, though in such proportion only as to secure at the end of the twenty- four hours, an excess of assimilated carbon sufficient fully to secure and account for the rapidity of growth. The changes of constitution which accompany the ripening of fruit, deserve to be considered more in detail than those of which the gene- ral nature has been just noticed. If we examine the composition of a young apple, we find it nearly tasteless, and to consist of a loose ligneous tissue, in which is imbedded a quantity of ordinary starch ; as the growth proceeds, the starch appears to diminish in relative amount, and the fruit becomes sour, from the presence of tartaric acid ; after some time the acidity becomes of a much less disagreeable kind, and the tartaric acid is found to be replaced by malic acid ; whilst the tissue is found to be infiltrated with pectin or pectic acid ; finally, in the next and concluding stage of maturity, the malic acid disappears, its place being taken by more fully developed pectine and sugar. Some of these reactions appear to be due to the decomposition of the acid con- stituents of the fruit. 982 Ripening of Fruit. Fremy has shown that the origin of the pectin of the fruit is to be found in a body having a great analogy to lignine or cellulose, and which he terms pectose ; when this is boiled it changes into pectine, and this change naturally takes place in the fruit under the influence of a natural ferment, pectase, which is analogous to diastase. This by its further action converts the pectine into pectic acid, or into other derived acids which resemble it in properties, and only differ in constitution by the abstraction or addition of the element of water. The pectic fer- mentation being like the lactic (p. 768,) unaccompanied by the evo- lution or absorption of any gas. Premy found the formula of pectine to be C 6 4H 4 sO 6 4, and that of metapectine C 64 H 46 06 2 , in his new researches. The pectine of the ripe fruit, therefore, has no relation either to the starch or to the acid the unripe fruit contained. The sugar of the ripe fruit is derived, according to all appearance, from the starch which the green fruit contains ; either by the pectase ferment or by the contact of the organic acid, the saccharine fermen- tation is induced, and grape sugar, which is the sugar of fruits, is generated. It is not known whether the tartaric acid is first secreted as such by the plant, or whether it arises from the decomposition of any previously existing body, but it is easy to see how the malic acid is formed from it. Thus, malic acid, C 8 H 4 O 8 , may be produced by the direct abstraction of oxygen from the tartaric acid, C 8 H 4 O 10 , or, at those periods when the reverse action takes place and carbonic acid is given off, six atoms of tartaric acid, C 48 H 24 60 , may produce five atoms of malic acid, C 40 H 2 o0 4 o, with eight atoms of carbonic acid C 8 O 16 , and four of water, H 4 4 . When our knowledge of the ultimate effect of the complex actions of plants upon the atmosphere was still uncertain, it was considered, and upon very rational grounds, that the plant was indebted for its carbon to the organic substances of the soil, and the necessity for a continued supply of animal or vegetable manure, to keep up the fer- tility of the soil, was thus satisfactorily explained ; it was considered that the roots and leaves remaining from the preceding crop, or inten- tionally mixed up with the soil, were converted, as already described, into ulmine, which, either by itself, or in combination with inorganic bases, was taken up by the absorbing rootlets of the plant, carried into its vessels and assimilated to the constituents of its tissues ; for, in fact, if we examine at any moment any kind of fertile soil, we find it to con- tain abundance of a kind of ulmine (geic acid, p. 819) ; we find this ulmine to be a product of the decomposition of the organic substances used as manure ; we find, that in barren soils the ulmine is either absent, or it exists in another isomeric form (humine, &c.), and hence Source of Carbon in Plants 983 the vegetation appeared distinctly connected with, and attributable to the quantity of geine present. But, notwithstanding such plausible evidence, Liebig has brought forward very strong proof that the action of the ulmine can be but secondary towards the nutrition of the plant, His arguments are derived from the facts ; first, that the pknt may fully vegetate, though totally unconnected with the ground, as has been proved by experiments upon cellular plants, suspended in the air, and supplied with water ; second, that from the insolubility of every kind of ulmine, either free or when combined with earthy bases, which alone are presented in sufficient quantity in the soil, it cannot be directly absorbed by the rootlets of the plant, which totally reject every kind of solid matter ; and third, that if we compare the quantity of ulmine in a soil before the growth, and after the collection of a crop, we find the diminution to be so small when compared with the great quantity of carbon contained in the mass of vegetable matter that has been ob- tained, as fully to prove the produce of carbon in the crop to bear but an indirect, if any proportion to the quantity of ulmine in the soil. According to the conclusions I have drawn from the different facts ob- served, the true office of the organic matter in the soil, appears to be, that by its gradual decomposition, a constant supply of carbonic acid is afforded to the plant, by which, during the first stages of its devel- opment, and whilst destitute of the expanse of leaf requisite to collect the necessary quantity of nutriment from the air, a more concentrated, and, as it were, richer food is applied to the absorbing roots, and, its healthful and rapid growth thus provided for ; it is not, therefore, the ulmine of the soil, but the organic matter generally, in changing into ulmine, that may supply carbon to the young plant ; the office of the soil-ulmine (geic acid) being different, as shall be shortly shown ; and, even in this action of the organic matters, the functions of the plant remain the same, being the absorption of carbonic acid, and evolution of oxygen. That the organic matter of the soil is at least so far active, and indeed necessary to the growth of plants, has been abundantly proved by the practical evidence of the insufficiency of merely inor- ganic manures, applied to the soil to obtain agricultural crops, which should be left solely to the atmosphere for their supply of carbon. Assimilation of Nitrogen by Plants. The organic substances which contain nitrogen belong to two classes ; those of the first, which constitute the active, or characteristic princi- ples of many plants, although of much interest in relation to medicine, and to abstract science, are of very little importance with reference to 984 Assimilation of Nitrogen. the growth of the plant, and its use as food. The bodies whose origin and properties are here of interest, belong to that class of vegeto- animal substances, as albumen, gluten, legumine, of whose extraor- dinary power in inducing catalytic decompositions of other bodies, I have so often spoken ; they are found in all parts of the plant, dissolved or diffused through its juices, but especially collected where transfor- mations necessary for growth, or germination, are to be accomplished. Although present in but small quantity, no function of the plant, in any stage of its existence, could be accomplished without their aid. The conversion of starch into sugar, for the nutrition of the germ; of starch or lignine into the vast variety of secretory products in the adult plants ; the elaboration of the fruit, its ripening, and even the ultimate destruction of the vegetable tissues, have their origin in a series of actions, induced and maintained by communication from the active fermentation of these azotized materials. Not merely does the presence of this class of bodies regulate the proper performance of the functions of the plant, but they play an equally important part in favouring the assimilation of vegetable matter when used as food by animals. Boussingault has shown by experi- ments, to which I shall have occasion again to refer, that in herbivorous animals, the total quantity of nitrogen assimilated for the growth of its muscular and other tissues is derived from and equal to that con- tained in the vegetable substances used as food, and that hence to ascer- tain, as far as practical results are concerned, in any of the ordinary articles of food, the nutritive value of any organic substance, it is only necessary to determine the quantity of nitrogen which it contains. The results so calculated agree with the mean experimental results of the most enlightened agriculturists, within limits as narrow as could be expected in experiments of that kind, and may by further research be brought to still greater accuracy. Like the carbon, the nitrogen of plants is obtained in great part by absorption from the air, but yet it is not merely gaseous nitrogen which is assimilated. The atmosphere always contains a quantity of ammonia, derived from the putrefaction of organic bodies. This is absorbed and passes into the constitution of a new set of plants, and from them to animals, to be again thrown into the air after their death, and thus circulate from age to age, entering into the constitution of each succes- sive race of organized beings. It has been, however, objected, to refer the total quantity of nitrogen in plants to this one source ; for it has been said, that if the produce of one year derived its nitrogen only from the decomposition of the plants of the previous year the total quantity should be constant, whereas experience teaches, that by proper Source of tie Nitrogen of Plants. 985 methods, the quantity of vegetables produced on a soil may be continu- ously increased, and for this the nitrogen must be derived strictly by absorption from the air. In regard to the quantity of ammonia de- rivable from the air or from rain water, accurate investigations have shewn that it is so great as fully to account for any production of vege- tables that occur in practice, and the earthy soil has been found, even when highly silicious, to be itself naturally so absorbant of ammonia from the air, as to contain a supply fully sufficient for the crops of ordinary years. Plants vary exceedingly in the facility with which they derive nitro- gen from the air, whether by direct absorption of gas, or as ammonia. Thus trefoil vegetates and thrives nearly as well when planted in pure sand, and supplied only with water and air, as when sown in ordinary soil ; and when fully grown, the quantity of nitrogen is found to be in- creased twenty-six per cent. ; but, on the contrary, wheat grows but slowly under the same circumstances, makes no attempt to flower, and on analysis the whole plant is found to contain even less nitrogen than had originally existed in the seed. "Wheat has, therefore, no power to assimilate nitrogen from the air, while trefoil possesses that character in probably its greatest vigour. Yet wheat when fully grown is rich in nitrogen ; its seed is more nutritious than that of any other corn, as it contains more gluten; its nitrogen must therefore, be derived from another source, it is extracted from the organic matters of the soil, or from ammonia, which a natural soil had previously absorbed from the air or from rain water. Without entering here into the question of the nature of manures, which will require especial consideration, it may be stated, that though wheat is thus peculiar in deriving its supply of nitrogen exclusively from the soil, yet all plants do so in a greater or less degree. In the soil however, the nitrogen is not present uncombined. It is evolved as ammonia from the decomposing organic substances of the manures, and hence animal manures, as producing more of it, are proportionally richer. It has been already noticed, (p. 819), that the ulmine of the soil is always combined with ammonia, which it retains with exceeding force. But in presence of strong bases, such as lime, which all fertile soils contain, the ulmine is slowly decomposed, the elements of car- bonic acid and of ammonia are eliminated from it, and these both being in a state fit for absorption by the rootlets of the plant, are assimilated and supply carbon, nitrogen, and water. Independent of the ammonia derived from the organic substances actually contained in the soil, much of that diffused through the atmosphere is carried to the roots of plants by showers of rain, and by the direct absorption of the gas by the por- 986 Inorganic Elements of Plants. ous clay. There are few specimens of clay, especially if they contain iron, which do not give out ammonia when heated, and the absorption occurs with greater power when the clay has been strongly dried. Hence arises the increased fertility often given to a soil by burning the surface to the depth of a few inches. Assimilation of Hydrogen. I have described (p. 979) as the source of the carbonic acid evolved by plants during the night, the conversion of the starchy substance, which I conceive to be that first elaborated by the plant, into the various secretory products, acids, colouring matters, &c. But there are many classes of important vegetable products in which hydrogen so far pre- dominates, that we must conceive for their formation water to be de- composed, and its oxygen to be evolved either free or in combination with carbon. Of such bodies, glycerine, all of the fixed and many of the volatile oils, wax, and caoutchouc, are examples. The secretory action may thus, in place of opposing that of the respiration of the plant, coincide with it in result, according to the nature of the substances formed, since if all of the carbon of the starch remains in the constitu- tion of the secretion, oxygen is evolved from the water which is de- composed to supply the necessary quantity of hydrogen. Of the Inorganic Constituents of Plants. If we make a plant vegetate in water which holds dissolved small quantities of inorganic salts, we find that as long as the plant remains in health it exercises upon these salts a remarkable discretionary power of absorption, taking up some and rejecting others which pass into its substance only when by the death or weakness of the plant the liquor enters the tubes by merely physical capillarity. If a plant, whose tis- sues have been thus imbibed with saline matters, by its own spontaneous power of absorption, be placed in a vessel of pure water, it will be found to give out certain of the saline matters it had taken up, but to retain others. In this manner we may recognize the action of inorganic salts upon plants to be of three kinds; 1st, directly poisonous, which are rejected by the plant as long as it is in health, and to this class be- long most substances poisonous to man ; 2nd, those to which the plant appears indifferent, which are taken up by it and given off again, without any apparent influence on its growth ; and 3rd, those which when absorbed by the plant are assimilated to its proper tissues, and are not given up by the plant to water in which it may be immersed. Relation of Soil to Plant. 987 The bodies of this last class are all combinations of alcalies and earths, with sulphuric and phosphoric acids, in some cases nitric and muriatic acids, also largely with organic acids ; they form the ashes of the plant when the organic matter is burned away, and then usually possess an alcaline reaction from the formation of carbonates. As a general principle we may say, that each plant requires for its healthy growth inorganic substances in certain quantity, and of certain nature ; but replacement of one base by another may occur in certain cases, without positive injury to the plant. Thus, the plants which yield soda when grown upon the sea-shore (salsola, salicornia), if transplanted to the interior, gradually lose the soda, and acquire potash in its place ; so that after a generation no trace of the former alcali remains. The ashes of oaks or pines grown upon a granitic or basaltic soil, contain an abundance of magnesia and of potash, whilst trees of the same spe- cies will flourish on a limestone soil, and in their ashes, lime will be the predominant ingredient. But these cases of substitution of one base for another in a plant are still but rare exceptions to the prin- ciple, that each kind of plant requires for its vigorous and healthy growth to be supplied with inorganic substances of a specific nature and in certain quantity. It is this principle which determines the more successful cultivation of certain plants in certain soils. Thus, if we examine the composition of the ashes of wheat, we find abundance of silica, phosphoric acid, magnesia, lime and potash. If we sow wheat in a soil which contains neither potash nor phosphoric acid, some of the materials necessary for the perfection of the plant being absent, the crop cannot be productive ; but if we previously manure the soil with bone dust, with ashes of weeds, or other substances which may supply the necessary inorganic elements, these will be absorbed, and the plants obtain their full de- velopement. Even when the quantity of the required inorganic base is but exceedingly minute, it will still be collected by the vital action of the plant in the necessary quantity. Thus, in most sea plants, iodide of magnesium exists in such proportion as that it affords the universal source of iodine for all technical and scientific objects ; and yet, that salt, which is excessively soluble, is removed by the plant from the sea- water, which contains but minute traces of it, and it is retained in the vegetable tissue by a power which prevents it being washed out again. It is this power of a plant to search for and remove from the soil all traces of those inorganic bases which it most requires that renders many soils incapable of bearing successive crops of the same kind, without the in- termediate application of suitable mineral manures. But if the soil be of such nature as to contain itself those elements, it may become truly 988 Composition of Soil, inexhaustible for the growth of most species of plants. Jt is hence that soils formed by the decomposition of basaltic rocks, or of modern lavas, are some of the most productive for every kind of crop ; the facility with which these rocks are decomposed, by the action of air and water provides a constant supply of soil absolutely new, and from the consti- tution of these rocks, the great variety of their mineral components renders such soils abundant in every element that plants in general require. Of the Constitution of Soils and of Manures. From what has been already said, it is easy to judge of the circum- stances which render a soil barren or productive, but from the impor- portance of the subject to vegetable physiology and to agriculture, it requires more detailed examination. The organic elements of the plant being derived for the most part from the atmosphere, the office of the soil, so far as they are concerned, is reduced to supplying to the root, during those periods when there is not a sufficient expanse of foliage to absorb nutriment from the air, the carbonic acid produced by the gradual rotting of the ligneous matter, and ulmine, as well as ammonia from the azotized elements of the manure. For this purpose the soil is, in respect to its mineral composition, unimportant ; it should be porous, in order to admit of the easy penetra- tion of the rootlets, and to allow free access of oxygen to the organic matter to form carbonic acid ; it should yet be close enough to retain moisture in the average intervals of rain, in order that the water neces- sary for vegetation may not be absent. These physical conditions are not, however, combined in any one kind of mineral material. If we take a soil of pure sand, or of pure limestone, we find them so loose and porous, that the water filters off almost immediately after falling, and the plants should necessarily perish. If a soil consist of pure clay, its tenacity would be such,, as totally to pre- vent the access of air, and all growth of the absorbing filaments of the roots. To combine the two proper conditions of a soil, the clay should be mixed with the porous material, in proportions which vary with the nature of the plant to be cultivated ; and thus the simplest soil, in order to fulfil its physical conditions, as supplemental to the atmosphere, should contain two mineral substances, of which one should be clay, and the other lime or silica, and as in practice, unless for some special object, the presence of caustic lime would prove injurious to the ab- sorbing rootlets, this should be present combined with carbonic acid, as in any of the usual varieties of limestone rocks. Action of Mineral Manures. 989 The proper action of the soil, that which it exercises independently of its office in replacing the atmosphere, is to supply to the plant those inorganic constituents, the importance of which has been already shown. For this purpose, a far greater complexity of constitution is required. Thus there is no plant that does not contain both lime and silica, and hence, in the simplest soil, both must be present. There is scarcely a plant whose ashes do not contain a fixed alcali, generally pot- ash, and hence minerals which may yield, by their decomposition, the necessary quantity of that base, should be present in the fertile soil. For most plants also magnesia must be supplied, and for all vegetables that are employed in any important degree, as food for man, or the other animals, and especially in the various kinds of corn, phosphoric acid. In average soils, most of these bodies are naturally present in the necessary degree. When the soil has originated in the decomposition of granitic, or of slaty rocks, the silica, the alumina, and the potash are abundantly supplied from feldspar and from mica : lime and magnesia also may be derived from associated minerals ; but in general, it is necessary to add lime to such soils in order that the quantity necessary to full fertility may be present. In purely limestone soils, clay and silicious gravel must be added ; and to make up the deficiency in potash, the ashes of other plants and cinders of coals. If the soil be purely silicious, the addition of clay and lime (marl) may bring it to the proper composition. In clays or marl, phosphoric acid is supplied from the contained mi- nerals or fossil remains of animals, but the most practical source is to restore as dung the materials of preceding vegetables which have served as food, and thus give back to the soil the several mineral ingredients which the crop of the previous year had taken from it. In these few words are contained the theory of what are termed mineral manures, with few exceptions. In adding lime, or marl, bone dust or guano to a soil, we either render its physical condition of poro- sity and tenacity more suitable to the circumstances of the plant, or we supply some ingredient which was either primitively deficient in the soil, or had been removed from it by a previous crop of the same kind. On this last condition is founded also the necessity, in an economic agriculture, of alternating crops which take up from the ground mate- rials of different kinds. Thus, if wheat be grown upon a soil, the rocky substance of which is rich in potash and phosphoric acid, the crops will, after a few years, be unproductive, and the soil impoverished, be- cause the rock decomposes too slowly to supply materials for the wheat as fast as they are required ; but if we take from that soil a crop of wheat but once in three years, and interpose some other plant, as trefoil, which takes up but little potash, and phosphoric acid, the soil has 990 Excretions of Plants. time to recover its constitution, and the series of crops thus arranged in rotatory order, so far from impoverishing the soil, may bring it to a higher degree of richness, by the additions made to its azotized organic components, by the roots and rejected leaves of the various plants which are left upon it, and the manure derived from the consumption of its produce by animals. The advantage of a rotation of crops may be thus deduced from the necessity of the soil renewing its mineral constituents, by the gradual decomposition of the subjacent rocky matter (subsoil.) But the obser- vations of Macaire and Decandolle, indicate another and possibly not less important reason for its use. These physiologists have found, that from the rootlets of a plant the same process of excretion is carried on, as by its stem and leaves, and that brown-coloured substances are exuded, which possess much analogy with tannin, and which are poison- ous to plants of the same kind, when dissolved in the water with which their roots are supplied. On the other hand, the excretory products of one plant may be used without injury, and even advantageously for the growth of another plant of a different natural family, and in this respect the grasses, and the leguminous plants, are most remarkable. It is hence, probably, for example, that wheat unfits the soil for the growth of another crop of wheat, not merely by removing the potash and phos- phoric acid which are required for the perfection of its parts, but it also gives out a substance poisonous to a plant of the same kind, but which acts beneficially upon the rootlets of a leguminous plant, favouring its growth, whilst the soil has time to regain from the subsoil the inorganic materials of which it had been deprived. The utility of manures may now be easily understood ; their action is either as bone-earth, marl, lime, guano or silicious gravel, to supply to the soil some mineral ingredient in which it had been deficient, or to provide as by the ordinary vegetable or animal manures, soot, &c., organic matter, which, by its decomposition, may give out carbonic acid and ammonia for the nutrition of the young plants. In some few cases the action of manures is more indirect ; thus, the leguminous plants (trefoil) require but little inorganic matter, but much ammonia, and yet there is no manure so efficient, in the promotion of their growth as plaster of Paris, (sulphate of lime). The plant, however, contains no sulphate of lime ; it is not absorbed. The action of this manure ap- pears to be, as was first suggested by Liebig, that acting on those sub- stances of the ulmine family, which always retain a large quantity of ammonia intimately united in the soil, it forms by double decomposition, ulmate of lime and sulphate of ammonia, which last being soluble, is easily absorbed by the rootlets of the plant, and the nitrogen assimilated Action of Organic Manures. 991 to its tissues. Another view is, however, supplied by the observations of Boussingault. The leguminous plants grow rapidly and require a great deal of lime, which they could not take up as carbonate, but the gypsum is so far soluble that by means of it the lime is carried into the tissues of the plant, and the sulphuric acid is then decomposed and probably exhaled as sulphuretted hydrogen or returned to the soil. With regard to organic manures, their great value depends on the proportion of nitrogen they supply. In plants, the great mass of nitro- gen is always deposited in organs, as the seed, the tuber, &c., which for that very reason are sought after and collected by man, either as food, or for medicinal purposes, from the active (azotized) principles they contain. The roots, stems and leaves of the plants, such as are rejected in the collection of the crop, contain little nitrogen, they being rejected as useless for that very reason. Hence the residue of a former season may manure the land abundantly, so far as carbon is concerned, but be quite incapable of supplying nitrogen, and in providing materials for a future abundant crop. The object of the agriculturist must be, so far as organic material is concerned, to supply nitrogen, especially for such plants as the different species of corn, which are incapable of deriving that important element directly from the atmosphere. The value of an organic manure may, therefore, for particular purposes, be considered as being measured by the quantity of nitrogen which it contains, and the directness or indirectness of the benefit derivable from it, depends upon the manner in which the nitrogen is combined. If mere ammoniacal salts be used, or materials, as animal manures, urine, &c., which soon form ammoniacal salts by their putrefaction, the whole benefit of the manure is given to the crops immediately succeeding its application ; but if organic substances be employed which resist decomposition, their nitrogen is evolved but slowly, and though little immediate amelioration be observed from their addition to the soil, their influence is gradually and steadily exerted, and becomes ultimately sensible to the fuU degree, proportional to the nitrogen they contain. A mode of restoring to the soil the principles it had lost by ir discreet cultivation, is that of falloiving. It is a method synonymous with an ignorant and improvident agriculture. The soil having, by over work lost, on the one hand, some of its essential mineral ingredients, requires time to gather, by the decomposition of the underlying subsoil, or rock, a proper quantity of them to supply the elements of the succeeding crops, and having been deprived of its organic elements, especially the nitrogen, it must be allowed to gain from the atmosphere a suitable quantity of ammonia, or by the gradual rotting of the roots of the pre- ceding crop, a quantity of carbonic acid suitable to the wants of that 992 Action of Organic Manures. which is to follow. But all these effects may be more perfectly and more profitably secured by the intervention, in a succession suitably arranged, of other crops which exercise upon the soil actions alternately opposed. Thus by alternating cereal or white crops which remove from the soil large quantities of silica, of alcalies, and of phosphoric acid, with her- bage or green crops, or root crops, which require abundance of lime and magnesia, there are brought into play such diversified chemi- cal actions as may allow the soil to restore itself from time to time, by replacing, from the continuous weathering of its materials, the elements it had lost; whilst by the varied mechanical processes which the several crops involve, according as they are fibrous or taprooted, and penetrate to different depths beneath the surface, the action of air and water upon the rocky material of the soil becomes accelerated, and the renewed provision of freshly-formed soil becomes more rapidly available. The various systems of rotation of crops founded upon those principles, have been founded in practice by eminent agriculturists to give results fully conformable in advantage to what theory indicates, and there is absolutely no other reason assignable for allowing a field to lie idle every second or third year in fallow, but ignorance on the part of the farmer of what could otherwise be effected on it. It remains only to notice, in relation to the theory of the growth of plants, a few additional circumstances connected with the formation of some of their peculiar principles. It is not unusual to hear, from even intelligent agriculturists, objections to the cultivation of certain plants, on the grounds of their exhausting the soil too much. A plant ex- hausts the soil only in consequence of its forming in proportional quantity some substance, the. elements of which are derived from the soil, and which constitute in almost every case the valuable portion of the plant. Wheat exhausts the soil, because it derives therefrom the large quantity of nitrogen and phosphoric acid which its grain contains; but it is precisely that great quantity of nitrogen and phosphoric acid which renders wheat more valuable in the market than oats or barley. Tobacco exhausts the soil, because it takes up abundance of nitrogen, with which it forms its nicotin ; the more of the active principle the plant produces, the more it exhausts the soil, but in the same proportion, the greater value does it possess when sold. To produce indigo, nitro- gen must be supplied to the plants by abundance of rich manure ; no crop is more exhausting ; but without the nitrogen no colouring matter could be formed, and the plant should be completely worthless. Examples of this kind might be adduced in any number, but these suffice to place in a distinct, though popular aspect, the general principle Economy of Residues of Crops. 993 that where a plant exhausts the soil, especially as to its nitrogen, it is for the production of the substance which gives the plant its com- mercial value and importance, and that hence the quantity of manure necessary for the production of an abundant crop, is fully repaid by the improved quality of the produce. To this general principle there exists, however, a practical exception which requires some notice as it embraces the cultivation of some very important plants. The substances, sugar and starch, as well as the forms of ligneous fibre, which constitute the commercial flax and hemp, do not contain nitrogen, and yet the plants which are cultivated for their production are rich in nitrogen, and may be considered as, after the cereal plants, the most powerful exhausters of a soil. The nitrogen, as well as the large quantity of phosphoric acid which these plants con- tain, exists therein in forms which do not concur to the commercial value of the produce, and under the imperfect modes of agriculture, which for the most part prevail, these materials are sacrificed and thrown away; but it becomes an important object to utilize them, and were it done to the degree easily feasible in practice, the exhausting quality of such crops as flax, hemp, &c. might be materially dimin- ished if not removed, and the cost of their cultivation lessened in a corresponding degree. In the starch manufactories near Paris, for example, it has become usual to top-dress meadows with the water that has been used to wash the potato pulp or wheaten flour, from which the starch was prepared. A similar plan has been lately adopted in this country, and with the same success. The potash, lime, phosphoric acid and nitrogen of the plant, none of which belong to the starch, were dissolved in the water, and being absorbed by the soil, afforded the materials of growth to the succeeding crop, by which the amount of produce obtained was ren- dered manifold what otherwise could have been expected. In the flax cultivation, the steep water is so very rich in azotized and saline sub- stances, that if let run into rivers it kills the fish, and such practice is prohibited, but if it be spread over the land, it affords a most nutri- tive top-dressing, restoring almost completely the materials which the previous crop had taken out of the soil. Intimately connected with the restoration of the fertile qualities of the soil, is the promotion of the weathering of its rocky constituents under the action of the atmosphere, by means of drainage. The pro- minent object of drainage in this country, is of course to give to the cultivated plants something analogous to the condition of climate which they possess in those localities, whence they originally were derived. All of the important plants which we employ as food, are natives of 63 994 General Principles of Drainage. climates, naturally drier than that of this country, and hence in order that they may vegetate with proper luxuriance, the soil should not be wet. Further, the dampness of this country throws back the period of ripening of the grain crops to so late a period, as to expose the harvest to all the uncertainty of late autumnal weather, when the temperature falls so low that the conditions of true ripening cannot take place. Moreover, the constant evaporation from the surface of a wet soil, pre- vents its becoming warmed by the sun's heat; it remains cold, and vegeta- tion is arrested. The richer grasses cannot exist in it, and hence those tenacious clays which retain water closely within their mass are particularly termed cold soils, even by the practical farmer, whose expe. rience of the result has enabled him to anticipate the judgment of science as to the cause. To these physical and mechanical advantages of draining the soils of countries naturally so moist as the British Islands, are to be added the very important chemical results of the percolation of water through- out the mass of soil which takes place in well conducted drainage. The water which falls from the atmosphere always holds dissolved car- bonic acid, oxygen and ammonia. 'In passing through the soil, these gases are absorbed by the plants and by the soil, and serve directly to their nutrition, they also acting on the organic matters of the soil favour their decomposition, and the supply of food to the young root- lets. Further the rocky or gravelly materials of the soil, acted upon by the continuous contact of this aerated water, are decomposed, lime is dissolved, potash, magnesia, and phosphoric acid are set free from the minerals in which previously they had been locked up, and thus by means of drainage, new soil is formed, the loss of elements by cropping may be restored, and from the porosity which the free passage of the water throughout the soil necessarily produces, the rootlets of the plants are enabled to spread far deeper into the soil in search of nutri- ment, and thus to render available a depth of soil that by no other means could be made useful to the agriculturist. Without seeking to enter into the general question of the influence of the physical agents on vegetation, which, for its discussion would require more extended limits, and lead to considerations too far removed from chemistry to justify its introduction, I shall, in concluding this sketch of the chemistry of vegetation, notice the peculiar action which light exercises upon plants. It is not merely that it acts as a general stimulus, and thus provokes the activity of nutrition, which determines the ultimate result of the purification of the atmosphere by plants, and that its withdrawal is followed, with plants as with higher beings, by a torpor and tendency to rest, which closes their petals, and folds their Action of Light on Plants. 995 leaves at night ; but in the production of the coloured parts of plants the agency of light is indispensable. A plant which grows in darkness, as in the gallery of a mine, no matter to what size its form may reach by means of a copious supply of food, remains soft, its wood unformed, its colour pale ; the chlorophyll not being generated, unless under the influence of light. For culinary purposes precisely this effect is pro- duced by covering up the stems of celery and asparagus, the softness and whiteness admired upon the table being the evidence of the sick and abortive organization of the stem. The action of light in favouring the production of colour in plants is, however, accompanied by a more material change. The petals, and all coloured parts of plants, except the leaves, absorb oxygen from the air. This is precisely what we find a number of bodies to effect, when passing from their colourless condition to that in which their proper colour is displayed. Thus, white indigo becomes blue by absorbing oxygen. Thus rocelline, by absorbing oxygen and giving off water, forms erythrolitmic acid. It is thus, too, that, by deoxidizing agents we may remove the colour from logwood, archil, and the flowers of most plants, and restore their tints by again admitting it. Frequently also the gene- ration of the coloured substance is accompanied not merely by an ab- sorption of oxygen, but by an escape of carbonic acid ; this, which is shown in the laboratory in forming orceine from erythrine, appears to take place in the tissue of most flowers, which rapidly give out carbonic acid for some time after they have first opened. In similar actions, carried on in the laboratory by means of chlorine, the influence of light in furthering the removal of hydrogen, and even of carbon, if water be present, is most remarkable, and illustrates the operation of that physical agent in producing the colours of plants in a distinct and satisfactory way. This action has been, however, so fully noticed in describing the general chemical agencies of light (p. 51) and the action of chlorine on colouring matters, (p. 948,) that I deem it necessary only to refer to what has been there said upon the subject. CHAPTER XXX. OF ANIMAL CHEMISTRY. IN describing the various classes of organic bodies which have hitherto come under our notice, I have made no distinction as to their animal or vegetable origin, for the point of view under which they were then con- sidered, and the properties which they manifested, were independent of their source. It was thus with ethal, the fatty acids, and colouring matters, and indeed, in many instances, the same substances were found to be products of both kingdoms of organized nature. In the present chapter I purpose to describe, so far as our accurate knowledge extends, the chemical history of those bodies, which I characterized in another place (p. 662,) as being rather organized than organic, as constituting, not merely a product of the vital operations of the being, but the mechanism itself by which these vital operations are carried on, as making part of the tissues essential to its proper organization and life, and as being, whilst in connexion with the animal and participating in its life, protected from the truly chemical reactions of their proper ele- ments, which, after the death of the animal, especially in contact with air and water, rapidly assume simpler forms of union, and breaking up the complex animal tissue into a crowd of binary compounds, induce the change well known as putrefaction. In connexion with these substances, which form the basis of the tissues and organs of the animal frame. I will bring under survey the processes by which, from the atmosphere, or from the materials of our food, the substance of our organs is continually renewed, their growth provided for, and the conditions necessary for the continuance of health and life maintained. The functions of respiration and of digestion, so far as the chemical phenomena which they embrace are known, the composition of those secretions and excretions, whose agency in the furtherance of those processes has been studied, will here be described, and finally, the composition of those excretions, which have for their office the separation of elements unfit for the nutrition of the being, or which are not intended for its support. Composition of the Tissues. 997 In each of these divisions, I shall add to the description of the com- position and properties of these tissues or secretions in the state of health, such facts, in reference to the modifications introduced by dis- ease, as have been observed with proper accuracy. SECTION I. OF THE COMPOSITION OF THE ANIMAL TISSUES. A. Of the Albuminous Materials of the Tissues. Of Fibrine. This substance constitutes the basis of the muscular tissue, and forms an important constituent of the blood. In the latter, it exists dissolved during life, but separates after death, or extraction from the body, pro- ducing, with the colouring material, the phenomenon of coagulation. In the muscles, the fibrine is arranged in a truly organized and living condition, constituting the contractile fibres, in which it is so inter- woven with nervous and vascular filaments as to render its isolation im- possible. To obtain pure fibrine, therefore, we have recourse to blood, which, if immediately on being drawn it be briskly agitated with a little bundle of twigs, does not coagulate, but the fibrine is deposited on the twigs in soft tenacious masses ; these, being washed to remove any ad- hering colouring matter, and digested in alcohol and ether to remove some traces of fatty substances that adhere to it, constitute pure fibrine, which may be dried by a gentle heat, and appears then as a yellowish opaque mass, hard, tasteless, and inodorous : if it be at all transparent, this results from traces of adhering fat. It is insoluble in water, alcohol and ether ; it absorbs, however, so much water as to treble its weight, and thereby recovers the volume, softness and flexi- bility it possessed before being dried. This moisture is not sensible to the hand, but by strong pressure between folds of bibulous paper, it may be removed and the fibrine rendered completely dry. When boiled with water for a great length of time, fibrine is decomposed and dis- solves, but it does not form any kind of gelatine. Fibrine is remarkable for decomposing deutoxide of hydrogen rapidly by catalytic force, (pp. 229, 357), evolving oxygen. Several of the animal tissues produce this effect, though not containing fibrine. Albu- men is, however, totally destitute of it. Fibrine absorbs cold oil of vitriol, and swells up to a yellow trans- parent jelly. On the addition of water, it shrinks up and becomes 998 Fibrine Albumen. hard ; but if all the excess of acid be washed away, the residual mass, which is a neutral compound of fibrine and sulphuric acid, dissolves in pure water. With nitric acid fibrine evolves nitrogen and nitric oxide, and forms a yellow powder, xanthoproteic acid, to which I shall shortly recur. Tribasic phosphoric acid, and acetic acid dissolve fibrine. The solution is precipitated by the mineral acids and by caustic potash, an excess of which last, however, redissolves the precipitate. The mono, or bibasic phosphoric acids, act as sulphuric acid towards fibrine. If perfectly dry fibrine be digested in strong muriatic acid, it swells up, and after a few minutes dissolves into a rich dark blue liquid. No gas is evolved. This blue liquor is precipitated by the yellow prus- siate of potash. Fibrine is dissolved even by a dilute solution of caustic potash, and appears thereby to neutralize the alcali almost completely. This solu- tion is coagulated by alcohol and by acids, but not by heat. The pre- cipitates given by acetic and tribasic phosphoric acids are redissolved by an excess. If sulphate of soda, or nitrate of potash be added to newly drawn blood, its coagulation is prevented ; and if fibrine be digested in a strong solution of nitre, it dissolves, forming a thick liquid, which is coagulated by heat, by alcohol and acids, and is precipitated by the salts of mercury, lead and copper, and by yellow prussiate of potash. This property of fibrine will again come under notice. The composition of fibrine has been expressed by the formula C8ooH62o^iooO 2 4o -f PS 2 . It contains, besides, minute quantities of lime and magnesia, so that when icinerated, it leaves 0'77 per cent of sul- phates and phosphates of those bases, but as I have already explained it is one of these substances of which, though we may by analysis deter- mine their absolute per centage constitution, yet we cannot attempt to assign by a rational formula any theory of the mode of union of their elements. Under the head of protein this point will be more specially discussed. Of Albumen. This substance is even more extensively distributed through the animal frame than fibrine. Like fibrine it exists in two conditions, one soluble, and the other insoluble in water; but whereas the fibrine loses its solubility almost instantly on being withdrawn from the body, albumen may retain that state for an indefinite time, and its history is therefore more complete. In its soluble form it exists in the blood, the egg, in the serous secretions, in the humours of the eye, &c. ; in States of Albumen. 999 the insoluble or coagulated form, it constitutes a portion of most of the solid tissues. Albumen derives its name from its constituting the mass of white of egg. Soluble Albumen. This is obtained in the solid form by evaporating to dryness, at a temperature which shall not exceed 120, the serum of blood or white of egg, the membranous investments of the latter having been torn up by triturating with some angular fragments of glass. The dry mass is yellow, transparent, hard, tough, and contains, besides the albumen, the salts and some other constituents of the blood, or white of egg, in minute quantity. These are extracted by digestion in alcohol and ether, which leave the albumen pure. When thus completely dry, it may be heated beyond 212 without passing into the coagulated con- dition. If digested in cold water, it gradually swells up and finally dissolves. This solution, when heated to a temperature between 140 and 150, coagulates. If dilute, the solution may even be heated to 1 65 without coagulating, and when present in very small quantity, the albumen may not separate until the water boils. When once coagulated in this manner, albumen is totally insoluble in water ; it is changed into its second form. The solution of albumen is precipitated by alcohol, by acids, and metallic salts, exactly as the solution of fibrine in salt- petre. The only distinction that can be drawn between the two is, that the saline solution of fibrine is partially decomposed by the addition of a large quantity of water. The precipitates yielded by solution of albumen with metallic salts, are mixtures of two distinct substances; one a compound of albumen with the acids, the other a compound of albumen with the metallic oxide ; the former is generally somewhat soluble, the latter insoluble, and hence results the application of albumen, as an antidote to mineral poisons, such as corrosive sublimate and blue-stone. Albumen is also coagulated by many organic bodies, as tannic acid and kreasote, which last acts catalytically, as a very minute quantity of it coagulates a large quantity of albumen, without entering into combi- nation with it. Coagulated Albumen is obtained by heating serum of the blood, or white of egg, to between 140 and 150, so that they solidify ; washing the mass with water, digesting with alcohol and ether until all soluble is removed, and then drying with care. Thus prepared, it retains some inorganic salts, principally phosphate of lime, from which it may be obtained free as follows : The serum of blood is to be coagulated by muriatic acid ; the coagulum washed with acidulated water, and then so much pure water added as may dissolve it. This solution being then decomposed by carbonate of ammonia, the pure albumen is separated as a flocculent white precipitate. 1000 Properties of Protem. When dry it is yellow and transparent ; in every chemical character, except its relation to deutoxide of hydrogen, it identifies itself with fibrine, and it is hence unnecessary to repeat the details of these reactions ; in its composition it is very closely related to it ; their organic element is almost absolutely the same, and they differ only in the quantity of sulphur; the formula assigned for albumen being C 8 ooH 62 o^ r iooO24o + P&t- The quantity of ashes remaining from albu- men is greater than from fibrine. Proteine Its Derivatives. The comparative history of the above bodies as now given leads to considerable doubt, as to -how far they are chemically distinct, although their physiological characters are so different. Mulder, to whose accu- rate researches we are indebted for the greater part of our knowledge of the constitution of these bodies, looks upon both as compounds of the real organic substance, which he terms proteine, with sulphurets of phosphorus. In fact, as he states, the sulphur and phosphorus may be removed by very simple methods, and the body (proteine) which then remains deserves attentive study. When albumen, fibrine, cheese or flesh, is freed by digestion in water, alcohol and ether, from all bodies soluble in these liquids, and that by dilute muriatic acid all earthy salts have been removed, it is to^be dis- solved in a dilute solution of caustic potash, and heated to 120, whereby the sulphur and phosphorus form phosphate of potash and sulphuret of potassium. From the filtered liquor the protein may then be precipitated by acetic acid, which must be added only in very slight excess, otherwise the precipitate would be redissolved. Protein, according to Mulder, forms greyish-white gelatinous flocks, which, when dried, become hard and yellow, and give an amber- coloured powder. It absorbs water, swells up, and regains the appear- ance it had before being dried. By long boiling with water it is decom- posed and dissolved. Proteine dissolves in all very dilute acids, forming neutral compounds which are insoluble in strong acid liquors, and are hence precipitated on the addition of strong acids, except the acetic and tribasic phosphoric acids. With oil of vitriol it combines as described under the head of fibrine, and forms proteo-sulpliuric acid. It combines also with earthy and metallic oxides, .forming insoluble compounds, which are identical in characters with those obtained with albumen. The composition of proteine, as found by Mulder, and confirmed by the analyses of its acid and basic combinations, is expressed by the Compounds of Protein . 1001 formula C 4 oH3 ] N 5 O 1 2. We may evidently consider albumen and fibrine as compounds of protein, for if we represent proteine by the symbol Prt. albumen becomes Prt.29 -f- PS 4 and fibrine is Prt <2 o + PS 2 . I consider, however, that the state of combination of these bodies requires some further consideration. Mulder asserts that proteine constitutes the basis, not merely of the animal substances now under examination, but that it exists also in vegetable albumen, gluten and legumine, (p. 771,) and con- stitutes the pure caseous matter of milk, considering that the similarity of properties and composition in these bodies, proves their organic element to be identical. "We have seen, indeed, that between albumen and fibrine, the distinctive chemical characters are, if any, so trivial, as to leave no firm ground for their distinction in that way, but if we ex- amine the evidence of their being compounds of protein with sulphur and phosphorus, we shall find them inconclusive. First, it is not cer- tain that such sulphurets of phosphorus exist as PS 2 and PS 4 ; second, the compounds of sulphur and phosphorus, do not manifest any ten- dency whatsoever to combination ; and third, in all the reactions of albumen and fibrine, the protein on the one hand, the sulphur and phosphorus on the other, act as if they were totally distinct. I look upon albumen and fibrine, whilst in connexion with the body, as organized and living substances, in whose functions the minute quantity of sulpjiur and phosphorus may act an important part, as a catalytic body. The proteine, I consider, not with Mulder as the basis of our tissues, but as the simplest product of their decomposition. It enters into combination with acids and with bases, as indigo or morphia do, which I look upon as totally foreign to the character of a body possessed of vital properties. The view which has been just described and which I advanced in the first edition of this work, at the time when the protein theory was uni- versally admitted, has recently received full confirmation from the researches of Liebig and other chemists of the German school, who have experimentally established the fallacy of the protein theory, at least as Mulder first proposed it. It is in fact now admitted that the albuminous bodies contain much more sulphur and phosphorus than Mulder had supposed, and that his formula above given, do not satisfactorily express their constitution. It is now even a disputed point whether any such body as protein, free from sulphur and phosphorus, can be obtained. Although it is difficult to judge among the conflicting statements on the subject, I do believe that by treatment with reagents all sulphur and phosphorus may be removed, and an organic product will remain, which may be called 1002 Theory of Protein, protein, if it be so wished ; but I consider, as I long since announced, that such body is in no way the basis of the albuminous tissues, but merely a product of their decomposition, an opinion which is corrobo- rated by the experimental researches carried on in Giessen, and may now be considered as an established analytical fact. It is indeed rendered highly doubtful whether the isomerism of the albuminous substances upon which Mulder's protein theory was founded is true, all the other analyses of these bodies shewing differences of com- position, which can scarcely be supposed to arise from error. To show this and to exhibit also the nature of those bodies, which the formula already quoted can scarely indicate, the per-cent composition is here given, including caseine, although the detailed history of that body belongs to another place. Fibrine. Albumen. Caseine. Carbon 54-45 55-46 54.66. Hydrogen 7'07 7'20 7-15. Nitrogen 17 '21 16-48 15-72. Oxygen 19-35 18-27 21-55. Sulphur 1-59 2-16 92. Phosphorus -33 43 ... 100-00 100-00 100-00 Although caseine is thus found not to contain phosphorus as such, yet it contains a large quantity of phosphate of lime and potash, some- times so much as six per cent., which is destined for the bones of the young sucking animal, but which is independant of its organic con- stitution. Having thus described what I consider to be the true place of protein, in relation to albumen and fibrine, I shall briefly notice some of its derived compounds. Chloroproteic Acid is formed by passing chlorine into a solution of albumen. It is a white powder. Its formula is C 40 H 31 N 6 12 + C1O 4 . By ammonia it is decomposed, nitrogen being evolved, and a white substance formed, oxyprotein, the formula of which is C^H^NsO^. The formation of xantkoproteic acid, by the action of nitric acid on fibrine, has been already noticed. It is an orange-yellow powder, when washed from adhering acid, tasteless and inodorous, but reddens moist litmus paper. Insoluble in water, alcohol and ether, it unites with acids, forming compounds which are pale, yellow and insoluble ; with bases it forms soluble salts, generally deep -red coloured. Its formula is C 34 H 25 N 4 12 . Source of Gelatine. 1003 B. Of the Gelatinous Constituents of the Tissues. Of Gelatine. When the skin, cellular , orserous tissues, tendons and some forms of cartilage, as that of bones, are boiled in water, they dissolve in great part, and form a solution which gelatinizes on cooling. Some of these tissues, as the skin, dissolve easily, and almost completely, others dis- solve but partly, and leave behind a quantity of coagulated albumen. In most kinds of cartilage a very prolonged boiling is necessary to ex- tract any sensible quantity of gelatine. These various tissues are thus found to consist of albumen and gelatine, united in various proportions, and each presenting various degrees of condensation of texture, but by boiling they may be completely separated from each other. The gelatine is known in commerce as the material of isinglass and common glue. When pure it is colourless and transparent, very sparingly soluble in cold water, by contact with which, however, it swells up and softens. In hot water it dissolves readily, and on cooling forms so strong a jelly, that with T ^Q part it is a consistent solid. It is in- soluble in alcohol and ether. When a solution of gelatine is long ex- posed to the air, or frequently heated and cooled, it undergoes a com- mencement of putrefaction, and loses its property of gelatinizing. The composition of gelatine, by Mulder's analyses is expressed by the formula, C^H^Ni-Os. When acted on by chlorine, gelatine is converted into a white floccu- lent substance, insoluble in water, but dissolved by an excess of gelatine. Its composition is expressed by the formula C52H 4 oN 8 O.2o + ClO^ con- sisting, therefore, of four atoms of unaltered gelatine, and one atom of of chlorous acid. Gelatine is not precipitated either by solutions of ordinary or of basic alum, but if a solution of common salt be also mixed, the gelatine falls down, combined with alumina, as it decom- poses the muriate of alumina which is then formed. On this principle is founded the manufacture of white leather, by a kind of tanning with alum. The most important compound of gelatine is that with tannic acid, which constitutes ordinary leather. This reaction is so distinct, that one part of gelatine in 5000 of water, is at once detected by infusion of galls. The constitution of the precipitate varies according as one or other of these materials are employed in excess, the tannic acid and gelatine being capable of uniting in at least three different proportions; 100 parts of dry gelatine combine with 136 parts of tannic acid, when 1004 Gelatine Chondrine. the latter is in great excess ; this compound contains an atom of each ingredient. The technical applications of gelatine are numerous, and for the most part well known. For glueing together wood, paper, &c., thickening colours, filling up the pores of writing paper, and as isinglass in calves' feet jelly, an article of food, it is abundantly employed ; but its most important use is in the manufacture of leather. The skins are cleaned by digestion with lime and scraping with a knife, from the hair and epi- dermis on the one, and the loose cellular tissue on the other side, and steeped in pits containing an infusion of oak bark, valonia, sumac, or others of the substances rich in tannic acid (p. 904). At first the tan- ning liquor is used very weak, or otherwise the surface of the skin would become impervious, and the interior could not afterwards be tanned ; but having passed through a succession of liquors gradually becoming stronger, the skins are in the last pit interstratified with oak bark, and so for a considerable time submitted to the action of the tannic acid in its higest state of concentration, until the conversion into leather is complete throughout the entire substance. They are then removed and subjected to finishing and cleaning processes, which I need not notice. Many chemists consider that gelatine is merely a product of the de- composition of albumen or fibrine by boiling water, and not a true constituent of the tissues. I believe this idea to be incorrect on the following grounds. First, pure fibrine, or albumen, gives no gelatine by boiling ; second, in the process of tanning, the tannic acid combines with gelatine in a skin which has never been boiled ; and third, that we can easily understand why some tissues give gelatine more easily than others by the different degrees of condensation in their structure ; but I rather consider that gelatine bears the same relation to the organized tissue of the skin or cellular membrane that protein does to the fibrine of the blood ; being really a product of its death and decomposition, though the only representative of it which we can have. Chondrine. Those cartilages in which bone is not deposited are re- solved by boiling into a substance possessing much analogy to gelatine, but still distinguished from it by the following properties ; it precipitates solution of alum, sulphate of iron, and acetate of lead, and is precipi- tated by acetic acid, none of which bodies have any action on ordinary gelatine, which, however, chondrine resembles in all its other characters; in composition, however, it differs, its formula being, by Mulder's analysis, Ci6H ]3 N 2 O 7 , it, however, contains a trace of sulphur, its com- plete formula being C 3 2oH 2 GoN4oOi4o + S The physiologist Miiller, to whom the discovery of chondrin is due, considers that the skeleton of cartilaginous fishes yields a third variety of gelatine. Leucine Sugar of Gelatine. 1005 Glycocoll Leucine Valeronitrile. The action of re-agents on gelatine is in some cases of high interest. By digestion with strong sulphuric acid, as with caustic potash the same results are obtained. Ammonia is evoked, a white crystalline body (leucine) and a sweet substance (sugar of gelatine) are formed. They are separated from each other, and from some less important products, by repeated crystallizations. Prom its alcoholic solution leucine sepa- rates in brilliant colourless plates. It feels greasy, is tasteless and inodorous ; heated to 336 it sublimes totally unchanged. It dissolves in twenty-eight parts of cold water, but requires 625 parts of alcohol, and is insoluble in ether ; its formula is Ci 2 H 12 N0 4 . It combines with nitric acid to form nitro-leucic acid, which crystallizes in brilliant needles, and forms with bases neutral salts. Its formula is C 12 H 12 1NX) 4 -f- NO 5 . Aq. The Glycocoll is an organic base of very great interest, it has a strong sweet taste, is very soluble in water, but sparingly in alcohol or ether. It forms crystallizable salts with acids, and has a remarkable tendency to form binary compounds with the different classes of neutral salts. When crystallized from its watery solution it has the formula C 4 NH 5 O 4 = C 4 NH 4 O 3 + Aq., of which the water is replaced by acids in its salts, but it appears to exist in a combined form containing an atom of water less in some important organic compounds. Thus if we represent truly anhydrous glycocoll as C 4 NH 3 2 , there is formed from One Atom of Glycocoll One Atom Benzole acid CuH 5 O3 + HO. One Atom Hippuric Acid CisHVNOs -f HO. and into these constituents the hippuric acid is resolved by strong muriatic acid. Further, there is formed from One Atom Glycocoll C 4 H 3 NO 2 . One Atom Cholalic acid C48H 4 oOio. One Atom Cholic acid C52H 4 aNOi2. the most characteristic ingredient in bile, and which is so decomposed under the influence of re-agents. The salts of Glycocoll, like those of the other organic bases, contain an atom of water with the oxygen acids. When gelatine is oxidized by bichromate of potash and sulphuric acid, there are formed a croud of products, as acetic, valerianic and benzoic acids, and oily products, which appear to be related to valerianic acid as 1006 Cerebrate Cephalol Cholesterine. azobenzyle,(p. 853,) is to the benzoic acid; they are valeronitrile, having the formula C 10 H 9 N. which is converted by boiling with a solution of potash into valerianate of ammonia and valeracetonitrile, the rational formula of which is 3(C 4 H 3 O 3 ) + 4(C 10 H>N.) Oil of bitter almonds is also formed in this reaction, but is usually converted into benzoic acid. C. Of the fatty Constituents of the Tissues. Composition of the Brain The fatty bodies already described in Chapter XXIII. although con- tributing essentially to the support of the animal frame, are mere secre- tions, and do not form any portion of its organized tissues. The sub- stances properly included under the present head, are the constituents of the nervous tissue, such as are found in the brain, the spinal cord and nerves. In the composition of the brain Couerbe has announced the existence of at least three, perhaps five, distinct substances of a fatty nature; the most characteristic and important is termed Cerebrate ; its mode of preparation can easily be gathered from its characters ; it is a white powder, tasteless and inodorous, feeling not all greasy, but like starch ; when heated it does not melt until it has become brown, and in great part decomposed ; it is insoluble in water, sparingly soluble in alcohol or ether when cold, but abundantly when hot ; on cooling it is deposited from its alcoholic solution as a white powder, not at all crystalline ; it is not acted upon by alcalies. In composition it resembles albumen, containing a large quantity of nitrogen, with sulphur and phosphorus in minute quantity, but its precise formula cannot be considered as being yet established. This body has recently been shewn by Freiny to possess acid properties, and to exist in the brain in the state of a soda salt. It is, therefore, now more usually termed cerebric acid. Cerebrol is a liquid reddish oil, having the odour of fresh brain, and a disagreeable rancid taste. It is soluble in all proportions in ether and in oils, but only moderately so in alcohol. It contains the same ele- ments as the cerebrote, and apparently in nearly, if not exactly, the same proportions, but the analyses of Couerbe, who alone has examined their composition, are not authentic enough to be brought forward. The cerebrol is not saponifiable, nor is it in any way altered by digestion with caustic alcalies. This result, however, is controverted by Premy, who has described this cerebrol under the name of oteophosphoric acid. He states that it forms soaps with alcalies ; when long boiled with water it is converted Juice of Flesh Ozmazome Zomidine. 1007 into phosphoric acid and oleine ; this change takes place also by putre- faction. It contains 2 per cent of phosphorus. In addition to these bodies, the brain contains a large quantity of a substance, which, from having been first discovered as a constituent of biliary calculi, is termed cholesterine ; it is insoluble in water, but dis- solves abundantly in boiling alcohol from which it crystallizes on cool- ing in brilliant plates ; it melts at 290, and sublimes partially by a stronger heat ; it dissolves readily in ether ; it is not altered by caustic alcalies ; its formula is CseH^oO. By treatment with hot nitric acid, it is converted into a substance which crystallizes in yellow needles, and forms with bases, yellow salts. This is cholesteric add, the formula of which appears to be C 26 H 2 oN0 12 . Couerbe has described as constituents of the brain two other fatty bodies, cepJialot and stearocenot ; they are brown coloured resinous bodies, which, I consider, will most probably, on re-examination of the subject, be found to be impure or decomposed mixtures of cerebrote and cephalol. I hence only indicate their supposed existence. The cholesterine, I look upon as' being deposited in the brain as ordinary fat is in the cellular tissue, or in the substance of other organs, and not as making up an essential portion of the nervous tissue. This idea is strengthened by the fact, that the cholesterine frequently aggregates in the brain in masses, forming one variety of the fatty tumours of that organ. D. Of t/ie Saline and Extractive Constituents of the Tissues. Nature of the Juice of Flesh. "We find in all of the animal tissues small quantities of a great variety of salts, which differ in some important characters, according as they belong to the proper flesh, or belong to those which shall be here- after noticed as existing in the blood, to the presence of which in the substance of the tissues they are probably due. In the tissue of the bones and teeth, however, these saline matters are deposited in much greater quantity, and in disease and in old age bony deposits occur in all those tissues which yield true gelatine on boiling. The composition of the bones and teeth will be hereafter noticed. The extractive matters of the tissues, like the extractive matter of plants, (p. 927), do not pre-exist as such, but are formed by the de- composition, by protracted boiling in water, of the fibrine, albumen, gelatine, &c., which they really contain. Berzelius has pointed out the existence of a great number of different substances which are thus gene- 1008 Constituents of the Juice of Flesh. rated, of which two need here only require notice. For the first the name ozmazome may be retained, and the name zomidine applied to the second. Ozmazome is soluble in water, and also in absolute alcohol. The zomidine is insoluble in alcohol, it dries down to a brown extract of a strong and agreeable odour of soup. It dissolves in water in all proportions. These results have, however, been rendered unimportant by the re- cent remarkable discoveries of Liebig, as to the composition of the liquid, by which the muscular flesh of all animals is infiltrated, and which he has shewn to contain definite ingredients, and to act an im- portant part in the phenomena of digestion and respiration. He veri- fied the fact noticed by Berzelius, of the existence in the juice of flesh of free lactic acid, and of the organic base discovered by Chevreul, and termed kreatine, and he studied the products of decomposition of the latter with his usual ability. His results are briefly as follow : Kreatine Kreatimne Inosinic Acid. To prepare kreatine, the finely chopped flesh, for which that of fowls is best, is to be well kneaded with its own weight of water, and then the liquid expelled by strong pressure. This is to be done several times, and the re-united liquors then heated to 160 to coagulate the albumen and hematosine of any intermixed blood. The liquor, filtered from the coagnlum, is strongly acid, it is to be mixed with as much solution of barytes as will make it slightly alcaline, an abundant preci- pitate of phosphate of barytes falls, whilst lactate and inosinate of barytes remain dissolved, the filtered liquor is to be evaporated very carefully at about 130 Fahrenheit, until it has been very much re- duced in bulk, and that mucilaginous skins form on the surface ; if it be then laid aside in a cold place for some days, the kreatine separates in brilliant prismatic crystals. The quantity of kreatine in flesh appears to be very small, varying from one to three parts in 1000. The kreatine forms very brilliant prisms, which contain 2 aq. very soluble in hot, but sparingly in cold water and in alcohol. In properties it is perfectly neutral, its formula is CgNaHgC^ + 2 aq. Under the influence of strong acids, the krea- tine is resolved into another body, losing the elements of water. This body is a strong organic base, it is termed Jcreatinine, its formula is CgNaEM^. This body has been shown to exist also naturally in the juice of flesh, and also in urine, perhaps from a spontaneous transfor- mation of the kreatine. Kreatinine forms prismatic crystals, dissolves readily in water, less so in alcohol, neutralizes acids forming crystallizable Skin EpidermisHorn . 1009 salts, with nitrate of silver, corrosive sublimate, and bichloride of platinum, it produces crystalline saline compounds. It is peculiarly remarkable for forming with chloride of zinc, a very sparingly soluble body which deposits in granular crystals, and led by its formation to the discovery of kreatinine and kreatine, as constituents of urine, from which the alcaloid can usually be easily prepared. When kreatine is boiled with a great excess of caustic barytes, ammonia is given off, the barytes precipitates as carbonate, and the liquor contains a new organic base, which is termed sarcosine. In this re-action the ammonia and carbonic acid are products of the decompo- sition of urea, which is first formed ; the hydrated kreatine C 8 H n 1^3O 6 separating into urea C 2 O 2 N 2 H 4 , and sarcosine, which has the formula C 6 H 7 N0 4 . This body possesses distinct but feeble basic properties, it forms neutral salts with acids. It is specially remarkable as isomeric with urethan and with lactamide, pp. 789, 769, from which, however, its properties quite separate it. The inosinic add, is found in the sirupy liquor of the juice of flesh, which had deposited the kreatine. It is thrown down by alcohol, and the precipitate being redissolved in water, and decomposed by chloride of barium, gives inosinate of barytes, which crystallizes in silvery scales ; from it the acid is set free by any mineral acid. Its formula is C, H 6 N2O IO -f HO. It is decomposed when its solution is boiled. The inorganic ingredients in the juice of flesh consist of the chlor- ides of potassium and sodium, minute traces of lime, phosphate of magnesia, and what is specially characteristic, the acid phosphate of potash, P0 5 -f K0.2.HO. This salt possesses the property when acted on by common salt, of producing common phosphate of soda, P0 5 + HO. 2 NaO, which has an alcaline reaction, and as this latter compound is found abundantly in blood, Liebig has based on this re- action a theory of digestion and respiration to which I shall again refer. OF THE COMPOSITION OF THE TISSUES, AND OF THE SECRE- TIONS IN HEALTH AND IN DISEASE. Having described thus the constituents of the tissues individually, I shall now present such results as have been hitherto obtained as to the quantitative composition of the organized tissues formed by their re- union, their secretory products and morbid alterations. Of the Skin, Epidermis, and its Modifications. The skin of animals is a congeries of finely constructed organs, sensitive and secretory, im- bedded in a peculiar tissue, which is one of those most easily yielding 64 1010 Constitution of Horn and Hair. gelatine, whence the process of tanning skins. The relative propor- tions of solid and liquid matter in a skin freed from adhering fat and cellular membrane, but soft and imbibed with its natural proportion of water, was found by Wierihault to be Proper cutaneous tissues including blood-vessels and nerves 32 '53 Albumen .... . 1*54 Extractive soluble in alcohol .... 0*83 Do. soluble only in water . . . .7*60 Water ... . 57'50 100.00 On the surface of the skin there is secreted a substance, which though varying in anatomical structure and appearance exceedingly, as it forms the fine epidermis, the nails, proper horn, the tortoise-shell, feathers, hairs, &c., is yet, throughout all these shapes, identical in chemical character, and may be described as the same substance. The best example of horn is that which covers the process of the frontal bone in the ox. It varies in colour, is translucent, tough and elastic. When heated beyond 212 it softens without being decomposed, and may then be bent, moulded, and soldered, on which properties many of its uses depend. It is scarcely further acted on by water even after an ebullition of several days. When treated by strong acids, horn is softened and becomes soluble in water. Heated with solution of caus- tic potash it evolves ammonia, dissolves, and the liquor contains sulphu- ret of potassium and an organic substance, precipitable by an acid. The composition of these products, or of horn itself, has not been accurately examined. The principal mass of hair is composed of the same substance as horn, but the colour is due to an oil, which may be extracted by ether. It is by virtue of the sulphur contained in hair, that a solution of litharge in lime water blackens the hair. Nitrate of silver blackens the hair also, but by the deposition of the metal. When horn or hair is strongly heated they fuse, give off carbonate of ammonia, and gases of a characteristic disagreeable smell ; if air be present they burn with a brilliant flame. The perspiration from the surface of the skin varies in nature according to the part of the body, it is generally acid, contains traces of albumen, fatty matter, and the salts of the blood. It often contains a volatile odorous principle characteristic of the animal by which it is secreted. Of the Cellular and Serous Tissues. These tissues are constituted of gelatinous material, similar to that in the skin, and hence dissolve by boiling in water, being converted into gelatine. In the natural con- dition of these membranes their surfaces are moistened by a watery Nervous, Cellular and Muscular Tissues. 1011 liquid, which accumulating in excessive quantity gives rise to the drop- sies of the cavities or of the cellular tissue. This serum of the cavi- ties is clear and colourless. It reacts alcaline; its specific gravity, I'OIO to 1'020 its composition, though liable to fluctuate, is, in gene- ral, as found by Berzelius, Albumen . . .1-66 Substance soluble in alcohol . 3*32 Free soda . . . 0-28 Alcaline chlorides . , ' 6-09 Earthy phosphates . . 0'09 Water . 987 '56 J 1000-00 In the serum of dropsical effusions I have found stearine, elaine, and urea. This observation has also been made by Marchand. The cells of the cellular tissue, in which fat is usually deposited, are often filled up by an albuminous material, having considerable analogy to caseum. It is thus that the diffused hardening of the cellular tissue, and the local white tumours have their origin. Tendons, aponeuroses, and fibrous membranes are similar in their chemical relations to the cellular and serous tissues. Of the Muscular Tissue. From what has been already said of fibrine, it is evidently the essential element of the muscular tissue, and it only remains here to give the numerical results of two analyses of beef muscle, made by Berzelius and Braconnot. They found in 100 parts, Muscular fibre, (with vessels and nerves) . 15'807 ig'18 Cellular tissue giving gelatine . .1 -90 3 Soluble albumen and colouring matter . 2*20 . 1 '70 Alcoholic extract with salts . ....,.- 1*80 . 1-94 Watery extract with salts . , . 1-05 . 015 Phosphate of lime ... ... . *"-* O' 08 Water and loss * . *_ 1 . 77'17 . 77 '03 Composition of the Brain. The most exact analyses of the brain that we possess are those by Lassaigne. The differently coloured por- tions differ essentially in their nature, as he found in 100 parts. Medullary Substance. Cortical Substance. Albumen ."'" . . . 1H> . . 7*5 Colourless fat .-. -.': .'.. ; .. 1S-9 .. .,..'. 1-0 Red fat . . . . 0* ..> 37 , Osmazome and organic salts . . I'D 'V . . 1'4 Phosphates . "' i : . '. ' !$ v ". 1-2 Water . 73-0 85'2 1012 Composition of the Brain Bones Teeth Enamel. The nerves or spinal marrow have not been specially analyzed. Composition of the Bones. Muller has found that prior to ossifica- tion, the cartilage of the bones is in that condition which yields chon- drin, although it is afterwards totally changed into the gelatine-carti- lage. In the vertebrated animals, with osseous skeletons, the earthy material, in all cases, consists principally of phosphate of lime with some phosphate of magnesia, carbonates of lime and soda, and fluoride of calcium. By digesting a bone in dilute muriatic acid, all of these inorganic salts are removed, and the cartilage remains, preserving per- fectly the form of the bone. By burning the bone in a moderate cur- rent of air, all animal matter may be consumed, and the earthy mate- rial then remains, in the form of the bone, and perfectly white; 100 parts of burned bone of the following animals have been found to contain, Human Bone. Beef Bone. Lion. Sheep. Phosphate of lime and fluoride 7 g g. 4 90'70 95'0 80-0 of calcium T- "> . .3 Carbonate of lime . . 10'3 2-16 2-5 19-3 Carbonate of magnesia V, 0'3 1-10) 2 -5 Q-7 Carbonate of soda . V : 3'0 5'74> But these proportions vary in the bones of different individuals of the same kind of animal. The quantity of animal matter in the bones varies in different classes of animals. In the mammalia it is generally about thirty-three per cent. Thus human and ox bones, deprived of their marrow and peri- osteum, and dried until they ceased to lose weight, gave Berzelius : Human Bone. Beef Bone. Cartilage soluble in water . . 32-17? 33-30 Vessels M3> 100-0 Vessels Phosphate of Lime and fluoride of calci um 53-04 57*45 Carbonate of Lime . . 11 "30 3 -85 Phosphate of magnesia . . 1-16 2-85 Soda and a little common salt 1-20 3'45 The teeth present, in their constitution, the closest analogy to bone. The principal and organized substance of the teeth is indeed true bone, containing, however, less cartilage (twenty-nine per cent.) and more phosphate of lime (sixty-four per cent.) than the other bones. The enamel, which is an inorganic secretion from the upper surface of the bony tooth, is almost destitute of a#y animal matter, the analyses of Berzelius giving: Nature of the Blood, the Bile and Lymph. 1013 Human Enamel. Beef Enamel. Phosphate of lime and fluoride of calcium 88-5 85'0\ Carbonate of lime . . . 8-0 7'1 Phosphate of magnesia . . 1-5 3 -0 VI 00 00 Soda , 1-4 Animal matter and water . -\ 2'0 3'5J The proportion of fluoride of calcium is greater in enamel than in common bone, and the animal membrane appears to belong only to the connexion of the enamel with the subjacent bony tissue of the tooth. The exterior crusta petrosa of the teeth, which exists most developed in herbivorous animals, has the same composition as bone. In the inveterate animals the internal skeleton is replaced by an ex- ternal shell, which contains cartilage, with earthy salts, similar to those of proper bone, but in different proportions ; the carbonate of lime pre- ponderating. Thus the shells of crabs and lobsters contain from fifty to sixty per cent, of carbonate, and but from three to six of phosphate of lime, the rest being animal matter. Oyster shells contain but a trace of animal matter, being almost pure carbonate of lime, and the substance termed cuttle-fish bone, has the same composition nearly as crab shells. SECTION II. OF THE COMPOSITION OF THE BLOOD, THE BILIARY SECRETION, THE CHYLE AND LYMPH. Blood is, in the higher classes of animals, an opaque, thick, red fluid : its specific gravity about T055 ; it has a salty and nauseous taste, and a peculiar smell, resembling that of the animal whence it had been derived. When the blood of any red-blooded animal is allowed to rest, it gradually forms a soft jelly, from which, after some time, a thin yellow- ish fluid (serum) separates, whilst the red jelly, or coagulum. contracts in volume, and acquires greater consistence. If this coagulation of the blood takes place slowly, the upper portion of the coagulum be- comes white or pale yellow, forming thus the huffy coat. There is no doubt that the blood, whilst in connexion with the animal, participates in its life, and the phenomena of coagulation are to be referred to a new arrangement of its materials consequent on the loss of that vitality. The serum of the blood, when coagulation has been perfect, is of a yellowish, sometimes greenish colour ; its taste is dull and salty ; its 1014 Blood Coagulum Serum. specific gravity about 1<028; it is thick fluid, like olive oil; when heated to 140 it coagulates. If we examine under the microscope the appearance presented by blood, we find that it consists of a great number of minute red parti- cles swimming in a nearly colourless liquor. These red particles are flattened disks, in man and the mammalia round, in other animals ellip- tical. Their size is variable, being in man from ^Vo to Voov f an inch in diameter, but larger in most other animals. In the frog they are about y^o- They consist of a central colourless nodule, and an investing ring, which is coloured red by a material (Hematosine ) , which may be dissolved out without the constitution of the globule being otherwise essentially altered. The blood contains a large quantity of albumen, partly dissolved, and remaining in the serum after coagulation ; partly in a solid state, form- ing the great mass of the globules. In the living body the blood con- tains also fibrine in solution, but this separates soon after extraction from the body ; it assumes a solid form, and investing, as a sponge, the red globules, forms with them the coagulum. The fibrine is thus the element active in the coagulation of the blood, the globules being but passively engaged in it. In addition to these essential organic ele- ments, the bl6od contains a variety of salts, as common salt, phosphates of ammonia, lime, of soda and manganese, of these the phosphate of soda is the most important ; the alcalinity of the serum being now supposed to depend on it, as it is very doubtful whether the blood con- tains any carbonates or lactates. This question will be discussed when describing the chemical phenomena of respiration. The best analyses of the blood are those by Lecanu, and the results for blood and serum are, that they contain Blood globules Fibrine Albumen Fatty substances Extractive matters Alcaline salts Earthy salts Water Loss Blood of Man. Serum of Man, 13-30 21 6-51 8-12 37 34 30 46 .84 .75 21 .09 78.02 90.10 24 14 100.00 100.00 He found these proportions liable to fluctuation, and to vary accord- ing to the sex. The maxima and minima of each constituent which he found for the human subject of each sex were Composition of the Blood. 1015 Male. Female. c* *** Max. Min. Max. Mia. Water 80-5 73-2 84-84 75-00 Albumen . 6-3 4-85 6-80 5-00 Globules . 18-6 11-05 1671 7-14 Fibrine 4 20 31 20 The fatty substance of the blood is a mixture of cholesterine with stearic and oleic acids, and a peculiar fatty substance termed serolin y the history of which is yet incomplete, and wliich differs from choleste- rine most in containing nitrogen. None of the phosphuretted fats of the brain appear to exist in blood. The chemical history of fibrine and albumen have been already given, it remains only to describe the peculiar colouring matter, for the most accurate knowledge we possess concerning which, we are indebted to Lecanu's elaborate researches on blood. His method of preparing hematosine is as follows : Blood, which has been freed from fibrine by beating with a twig, is to be mixed, by continual agitation, with sulphuric acid diluted with its own weight of water, until the whole mass solidifies to a brown pulp, from which the acid liquor is to be then drained off on filtering paper, and the last portion removed by washing with alcohol. The mass thus obtained, which is a mixture of sulphates of albumen and of hematosine, is to be boiled in successive portions of alcohol, as long as this becomes brown. The liquors, being filtered when cold, are to be neutralized by ammonia, by which albumen, and much sulphate of ammonia are pre- cipitated, whilst a compound of hematosine and ammonia remains dis- solved. This solution is to be then evaporated in a water bath to dry- ness, and the residue washed with water, alcohol and ether, to remove the salts and fatty matters which were contained in it. Being then redissolved in alcohol by means of ammonia, evaporated to dryness, and washed again with water, the hematosine remains pure, but in its coagulated form. It is a dark brown mass, tasteless and inodorous ; when heated, it does not melt, but swells up and evolves ammoniacal products ; it is insoluble in water, alcohol and ether ; it forms with the mineral acids compounds, which are insoluble in water, but soluble in alcohol. By caustic alcalies it- is dissolved with a blood-red colour, and these combi- nations are soluble in water, alcohol and ether. Hematosine contains neither phosphorus nor sulphur, but iron in large quantity, (6'64 per cent.) By Mulder's analyses, the formula of hematosine is C44H22N 3 O G "Fe. 1016 Serolin Hematosine Globuline. It hence lias no connexion with protein or albumen. The state in which the iron exists in hematosine has been, even up to the present day, an object of much discussion among chemists, but with the knowledge we now possess of hematosine in its pure form, we must con- sider the iron to be an integral part of its organic constitution, as sulphur is in albumen, or arsenic in alkarsin ; and the opinion of its being oxidized, and combined with the true organic element as a kind of salt, can no longer be supported. If a solution of hematosine be acted on by chlorine gas, a white flocculent precipitate is produced, and the solution contains chloride of iron, but if hematosine be digested with strong sulphuric acid it is found that iron is dissolved out, and yet the organic matter remain red-coloured. The exact nature of this iron- free hematosine has not been determined, and it is most likely that a change in its constitution has been effected. Although hematosine is the colouring material of the globules of the blood, it is present but in very small quantity ; 100 parts of dried globules containing but from four to five of pure hematosine. In the blood globule, the hematosine is in its uncoagulated state, and possesses properties somewhat different from those of its coagulated form, as pre- pared by the process above given. A solution of the coloured blood globules in water, when exposed to the air, becomes of a bright red colour, being thus partially arterialized. When evaporated at a tempe- rature of 120, it gives a dark red mass which is completely soluble in in cold water. Its solution coagulates at 155, leaving the liquor clear yellow. It is coagulated also by alcohol and by acids. The hematosine then passes into the insoluble condition already described. I have hitherto spoken of the colourless ingredient in the blood globules as being albumen, with which indeed it is almost identical in properties, but still differs in some points. It has been termed globulin. In its uncoagulated condition it cannot be separated from hematosine, and is there distinguished from albumen principally, by being insoluble even in a very dilute saline solution, which dissolves albumen readily. It is hence that the globules swim unaltered in the serum of the blood, but are readily dissolved by pure water. On this principle is founded a method of isolating the blood globules. If the blood, when extracted from the vein, be received in a vessel containing a solution of glauber's salt, coagulation is prevented as the fibrine remains dissolved, and by filtering the liquor so obtained the serum and water pass off, and the globules remain mixed only with a little of the salt. The globulin can- not, however, be separated from the hematosine, except by acids, which, as described in the preparation of hematosine, then combine with the globuline. Mulder found the organic element in the sulphate of globuline, to have the composition of protein (see p. 1001), Alterations of the Blood in Disease. 1017 Alteration of the Blood in Disease. The examination of the state of the blood in disease, although presenting important relations to pathology and to practice, has been hitherto conducted in a manner too disconnected and superficial to afford satisfactory results. This branch of chemical pathology has, however, been taken up by the illustrious Andral, who, in conjunction with Gavaret and Rodier, has published the results of the analysis of the blood in numerous cases of disease, in memoirs, from whose publication may be dated the commencement of a true pathology of this fluid. In the method which, by the advice of Dumas, they adopted, the quantity of fibrine, of globules, of the solid materials of the serum, (which may be considered as albumen,) and the quantity of water, in each specimen of blood, were determined. The pure hematosine was not isolated, and the salts were considered as sufficiently important to necessitate their separation, only in certain cases. For point of com- parison they assume as the standard of healthy blood, that 1000 parts contain 790 of water, 127 of globules, three of fibrine, and eighty of solid constituents of the serum, of wliich eight are inorganic ; which num- bers almost coincide with Lecanu's analysis, as already given. Their researches have enabled them to recognize four classes of disease, in wliich the composition of the blood is essentially altered, though in different ways. The first class presents as a constant alteration, an increase in the quantity of fibrine ; it includes diseases remarkably different in their locality and form, but all belong to the class of acute inflammations. In some cases of morbid deposition, as in tubercle and cancer, a similar increase in the quantity of fibrine is found, but it may be doubted whether it be due to the abnormal growth, or to the inflammatory action which accompanies it. In the second class, the fibrine remains stationary, or even diminishes in quantity, whilst the globules increase in proportion to the fibrine. The diseases which belong to this class are continued fevers without local infiamrnation, and some form of cerebral ham&rrhagies. The increase in quantity of globules, though exceedingly frequent, is not so universal, as that the fibrine does not increase, which was invariably found. In the third class, the fibrine remaining unchanged, there is a re- markable diminution in tlie quantity of the globules ; of these diseases chlorosis may be taken as the example ; and in the fourth class, it is no longer the fibrine or globules, which are the subject of the morbid change, but the quantity of albumen in the serum is diminished. Of this class of affections, Bright' s disease is the type. 1018 Observations on Andral and Gavaret. Without entering into the details of these researches, which are ex- cluded by the limited extent of this work, I shall merely present in the following table an example of the constitution of blood in each of these classes of morbid alteration. Constituents. Health. 1st Class. 2ndClass. 3rdClass. 4thClass. Fibrine 3 7 2 3 3 Globules 127 125 136 47 82 Albumen 72 78 69 75 58 Salts 8 7 7 8 7 Water 790 783 786 867 850 The appearance of albumen in the urine in Bright' s disease is evi- dently connected with its diminution in the serum. The oily materials which are usually found in the blood, and the remarkable diminution which occurs, not so much in the globules as in the hematosine, had not attracted AndraTs attention in the memoirs now described. These oily substances are of the same nature as the proper fatty matters of the blood, but present in excessive quantity. It has been observed, that in cholera the blood becomes so thick as to arrest the circulation, and contains from thirty to forty-live per cent, of solid matter; it is then also less strongly alcaline than healthy blood. This is connected probably with the matters vomited and evacuated, which are strongly alcaline, and contain a quantity of albumen. The blood has been found occasionally, in cases of diabetes mellitus, to contain traces of sugar ; the great discordance of the results obtained may, perhaps, result from the sugar being contained in the blood only for a short time after meals, and then being rapidly evacuated by the kidneys. In jaundice the green colouring matter of the bile has been observed in the serum of the blood. Other observations of morbid constituents of the blood are too indefinite to justify me in occupying space with them. The observations of Barruel, that by heating the blood of any animal with a little oil of vitriol, the odour of the animal is so powerfully evolved as to be easily recognized; appears well founded, and may be useful in medico-legal questions, where, however, it should be employed with exceeding circumspection. Composition of the Bile Choleic and Cholic Acids Products of their Although the precise part which this remarkable secretion performs in the animal economy is not yet fully known, it has been the subject Composition of the Bile. 1U19 of repeated and accurate chemical examination, although from the facility with which its elements are transformed into other bodies, by the action of the re-agents employed, every succeeding analysis has led to different results. I shall only notice the researches of Gmelin, X)emar9ay, Berzelius, and Strecker. In the elaborate work on digestion, undertaken in conjunction with Tiedemann, Gmelin analyzed principally the bile of the ox, from which, however, as far as observations have been made, human bile does not appear essentially to differ. He obtained from it a volatile body having the odour of musk, cholesterine, margaric and oleic acids, a peculiar acid, the cliolic acid ; colouring matters, liliary resin, biliary sugar, taurine, a glutinous substance, caseum, salivary matter, ozmazome, and a number of salts of organic or inorganic acids. Demar^ay looked upon all these substances as being produced by the reactions used, and denies that any of them really exist in the bile. He considered the bile to be a soda-soap of a peculiar fatty acid, the cJiole'lc add, that is, a choleate of soda. The choleic acid is obtained by dissolving one part of the alcoholic extract of ox-gall in 100 parts of water, and mixing the solution with two parts of sulphuric acid diluted with ten of water. By gradual evaporation of the liquor, oily drops separate. It is to be then cooled, and these drops, which are common fat, removed. On then standing for eight or ten hours, the choleic acid gradually sepa- rates, and being digested with ether, to remove some adhering fat, is pure. It is a brittle yellowish white mass, tastes bitter, softens by a heat of 250, but does not really melt; it is slightly soluble in water, but abundantly in alcohol and ether. It forms, with bases, salts which do not crystallize. When the alcoholic extract of the gall is boiled for a long time in contact with an excess of muriatic acid, the choleic acid is decomposed, and the most remarkable products are the taurine of Gmelin, and a new acid, the choloidic acid. The latter is a fatty acid, not volatile, yellow, of a bitter taste ; it forms a soft mass with warm water, but without dissolving; it dissolves readily in alcohol and ether, and these solutions redden litmus. If the bile be treated with an excess of a strong alcali. the choleic acid is totally broken up into ammonia, and an acid termed by Dema^ay, ckolic acid. It crystallizes from its hot aqueous solution in delicate silky needles, of a brilliant white colour ; its taste is at once acid and sweet ; by heat it is melted and decomposed ; it is very slightly soluble in water, but copiously in alcohol; its solutions redden litmus; it contains no azote. This body is now termed, Cholalic acid. Dema^ay's examination of the bile appears thus quite satisfactory 1020 Berzelius' Analysis of the Bile. in showing that the cholic acid, and the taurine are secondary products, and he considered the other substances found by Gmelin to be choleic or choloidic acids in an impure form. But Berzelius, who had been occupied in the je-examination of the subject, has asserted that the choleic acid of Demargay is really the body which is impure, being a mixture of the true biliary substance (bilin, Gmelin' s biliary sugar) with the biliary resins. He found that when the alcoholic extract of the bile is mixed with sulphuric acid, no precipitate appears for a con- siderable time, showing that the substance, which really exists in the bile, combined with soda, is completely soluble in water, and it is only by its gradual change that the precipitate (choleic acid) occurs. By digesting this substance with ether, he removed from it a resin which, by possessing acid properties, and by means of combination with barytes, is shown to be a mixture of two distinct acid resins, fellic acid and cholinic acid. The material insoluble in ether, is the true dilin ; it is not acid, of a bitter taste, soluble in alcohol and water in all proportions, but insoluble in ether ; when heated, it becomes soft, and burns like a resin ; its watery solution is rapidly decomposed, espe- cially if warmed ; by contact with acids or alkalies, it is immediately changed in constitution : the substances produced are different accord- ing as the degree of alteration is more or less advanced. The biliary matter, which is the state in which the greater part of tbe bilin exists in ordinary bile, being the first product of its decompo- sition, is a white bitter substance which has a marked acid reaction, and is decomposed by oxide of lead into bilin and bilifellic acid, which is the choleic acid of Deraargay. The formation of taurine is accompanied by that of another body dyslysin, which is a colourless resinous substance, very sparingly soluble in water. The fellinic and cholinic acid, have been noticed above. According to Berzelius, when the bile has been kept for a long time, it is decomposed by a kind of fermentation, and two acids formed, termed the fellanic and cholanic acids, they are wh its earthy powders, sparingly soluble in water; the former melts only far above 212; the latter is very easily fusible. The researches by Berzelius had appeared to receive their full confir- mation from the experiments of Mulder, when the subject was again examined by Strecker, whose results are probably the most satisfactory as to the real nature of this secretion. He considers with Demar^ay, that the bile is of simple constitution, the great number of products obtained by Gmelin and Berzelius being products of decomposition, but on the other hand he does not consider the bile to be merely choleate of soda, but to contain two acids, the choleic acid, which is rich both in sulphur Strccktfs Analysis of the Bile. 1021 and in nitrogen, and the true cholic acid which contains nitrogen but no sulphur. These bodies are in the bile combined with soda, and from their decomposition all the other bodies are derived. The true cholic acid is identical with the body described by Gmelin under that name. It is prepared by precipitating purified bile with sulphuric acid and treating the precipitate with ether. The cholie acid forms a mass of very minute crystalline needles arranged in stellated clusters. It is slightly soluble in water, very much so in alcohol. It reacts acid. Its formula is C 52 H4 3 NO 1 2. It appears to exist in some isomeric form producing paracholic acid. Its internal constitution ap- pears to be very remarkable, under the influence of strong alcalies or acids, it is broken up into another acid, and the glycocoll already des- cribed as obtained from gelatine. The acid so formed is termed by Strecker, cholalic acid, but it appears to be identical with the cholic acid of Demarcay, which latter name should be abandoned. Hence we may explain the decomposition as Cholic Acid. Glycocoll. Cholalic Acid. The properties of the cholalic acid have been already noticed sufficiently. The cholate of soda crystallizes in square prisms, and it can be ob- tained from bile directly by mixing an alcoholic solution of bile with a quantity of ether, a crystalline deposit gradually forms which is cholate of soda, and indicates the natural existence in the bile of that material. The choleic acid is admitted by Strecker to have the properties des- cribed by Demarcay, and already noticed. Its composition is remarka- ble as it contains sulphur, and is the origin of the taurine. The formula of the choleic acid is C 5 2H4 5 NO I4 S 2 , and under the influence of strong acids or bases it separates into cholalic acid and taurine. Choleic Acid. Taurine. Cholalic Acid. C 5 2H 4 5NOl4S2. = C4H 5 NO 4 S 2 . + C48H40O10. In this combination two atoms of water which taurine usually con- tains, are supposed evolved, as took place also with the glycocoll referred to as produced from cholic acid. By the prolonged action of muriatic acid, cholalic acid is converted into the choloidic acid already described, and which has the formula C4 8 H39O 9 , water being separated, and by still more prolonged action the dyslysin of BerzeKus is generated, which is a resinous body having the formula C^HgeOg, more water being removed. 1022 Taurine Carlothialdine. Taurine. Formula, C 4 H 7 NO 6 S 2 . This body the origin of which as a product of the decomposition of choleic acid, has been already noticed, deserves special notice from its remarkable properties. It may be prepared either by boiling bile for a long time with muriatic acid, or by mixing bile with some yeast, and allowing it to ferment and putrify. In either case the taurine can be crystallized from the liquors. It forms six-sided prisms which are per- fectly neutral. It dissolves readily in water, but very sparingly in alco- hol. It is scarcely acted on even by the strongest acids, and its solu- tion is not acted on by any re-agent. It contains all the sulphur and nitrogen of the choleic acid from which it was formed. When tau- rine is heated with a strong solution of caustic potash, ammonia is evolved, and a saline mass obtained, from which a strong acid expells sulphurous acid and acetic acid. The acetic acid is here a product of oxidation, but Eedtenbacher has shown that the sulphur must exist in taurine as sulphurous acid, the rational constitution being Two atoms sulphurous acid, 6482. One atom hydrated aldehyd, C4H4O2. One atom ammonia, Taurine, C4H7NOGS2- Eedtenbacher therefore considers taurine to be bisulphite of aldehyd ammoniac, analogous to the cyanate of aldehyd ammonia, described in p. 796, but as the taurine exists in the choleic acid with the elements of two atoms of water less, the organic constituent is evidently amid- acetyl, thus Taurine. Amid Acetyl. Sulphurous Acid. C 4 H 5 NO 4 S 2 + 2HO = C 4 H 3 .Ad + 2SO 2 + 2. HO. To verify this idea of the constitution of taurine, Eedtenbacher passed sulphurous acid gas into an alcoholic solution of aldehyd- ammonia ; a white crystalline body formed, a true bisulphite of the base, isomeric with taurine, but by no means identical with it. Similarly on adding bisulphuret of carbon to an alcoholic solution of aldehyd am- monia, a crystalline body forms, carlotliialdine having the formula C 5 H 5 NS 2 , which is an organic alcaloid, forming well denned salts. All these bodies belong evidently to the family which include the thialdine and selenaldine noticed in p. 796. The colouring matter of the bile is present during health in but small quantity, but in disease it sometimes accumulates so as to produce solid Colouring Matters of the Bile. 1023 masses. When pure it is a reddish yellow powder, which is scarcely soluble in water or in alcohol, but dissolves easily in solution of caustic potash. This solution is of a clear yellow colour, but when exposed to the air it becomes deep green, absorbing oxygen. This change is re- markably produced by nitric acid, and it is indeed the reaction by which the presence of the bile in the serum of the blood, in the urine, in the skin and eyes, &c., may be shown in case of jaundice. If too much nitric acid be not added at once, the yellow liquor becomes at first green, then blue, violet and finally red, all these changes occurring in a few seconds. After a moment the red colour also disappears, the solu- tion becomes yellow, and the colouring matter is found to be totally decomposed. The solution of the colouring matter in potash is precipi- tated by muriatic acid in deep green flocculi, which dissolve in nitric acid with the effect already noticed, and are soluble in caustic ammonia and potash, with a rich emerald green colour. These reactions show, that by a process of oxidizement from the original yellow substance, green and red materials may be generated, in which forms the colouring matter exists naturally in various animals, according as their bile is yellow, green or reddish, and also gives rise to the concretions of various kinds that are deposited in disease. The most common kind of gall-stone consists however, of cholesterine. The bile contains generally about nine per cent, of solid matter, but in the present state of our knowledge of its constituents, it is evidently impossible to assign the numerical proportions in which they exist. The examination of the further products of digestion involves con- siderations too purely physiological to be entered into. Chyle and Lymph. The nutritive material extracted from the food by the absorbing Vessels of the intestine is thrown into the thoracic duct, where it meets with another fluid, which is transmitted to the same vessel from all parts of the body by the colourless veins, or lymphatics. The fluid from the intestines is termed chyle, that from the body generally, is termed lymph. It is the mixture of these that alone has been exam- ined, for the vessels which carry either separately are too minute to allow of the extraction of their contents in a pure form. When taken from the thoracic duct a few hours after a meal, when, probably; the chylous element prevails, it is a whitish opaque liquid like milk, with generally a reddish shade ; a short time after sepa- ration from the body it coagulates ; the clot is at first pale, but it soon 1024 Nature of Chyle and Lymph. becomes light cinnabar red ; the milkiness of the serum is due to the presence of oil ; it contains albumen, and coagulates by heat. Except that it is more dilute, and that the hematosine is for the most part ab- sent, (not yet formed), the chyle and lymph have the same composition as the blood. It appears to vary, however, with the nature of the food, as Dr. Prout found the chyle of dogs fed on vegetables to con- tain a much smaller quantity of albumen that when they had had ani- mal food. Dr. Prout also indicates in chyle the existence of a sub- ject which he terms incipient albumen, which is not coagulated by heat, except after the addition of acetic acid. The properties of this form of albumen, however, are not fully known. The results of three analy- ses of chyle are here given ; that by Berzelius was the chyle of a horse, killed some time after having fed abundantly with oats ; and of those by Dr. Prout, No. 1 was from a dog, supported on vegetable, and No. 2, of a dog supported on animal food. 100 parts contained Berzelius. Prout, No. 1. No. 2. Dry Clot . . . 0'78 Fibrine . . 0'6 0'8 Albumen . . . 4-49 Incipient Albumen 4'6 4*7 Fatty matters . . 1 '67 Albumen . . 0'4 4'6 Extractive Matters and) . 1<44 Oil and Sugar . trace trace Salts . . 3 Salts . .0-8 0'7 Water . 91-62 Water . . 93-6 8'92 SECTION III. CHEMICAL PHENOMENA OF THE PROCESSES OF RESPIRATION AND DIGESTION. Phenomena of Respiration. In the living body the blood in the veins and arteries is well known to differ remarkably in colour, in the former being of a dark purple red, and in the latter of a bright vermilion colour. The change from the venous to the arterial state, is effected during the passage of the blood through the capillary vessels of the lungs, where it is exposed to the action of an extensive surface of atmos- pheric air, whilst the arterial blood, in traversing the general capil- lary system of the body, assumes the dark red condition in which it is returned to the heart by the veins. Even out of the body, this change of colour is produced when venous blood is exposed to the air, especially if agitated therewith, and still more with pure oxygen ; even Phenomena of Respiration. 1025 the globules, when separated from the serum, and dissolved in water, become brighter in colour, and partially arterialized by exposure to the air. Yet, although the vital properties of the blood depend essentially upon this change of colour, we are not yet able to connect it with any alteration in the composition of the constituents of the blood, or even in their relative proportions. Arterial and venous blood contain sensi- bly the same quantity of water, fibrine, globules, albumen and salts, and by analysis the composition of these bodies is found to be identical, no matter what kind of blood they are derived from. To trace the difference of nature between arterial and venous blood, it is therefore necessary to study it under other points of view than its proximate or elementary composition, so far as we have yet examined it. The air which has been employed in respiration, is found to have undergone an important change of constitution; its volume is but slightly, if at all altered, but a quantity of oxygen has disappeared, and is replaced by carbonic acid, in generally an equal volume. Air, which has been once respired, is found to contain from three to four per cent, of carbonic acid; and if the same quantity of air be continually breathed, the animal dies with all symptoms of narcotic poisoning, when the carbonic acid has accumulated to from eight to ten per cent. The action of the air in expiration is therefore to remove carbon from the blood. The quantity so taken from the system in twenty-four hours, is very large, and makes up theprincipal portion of that element which we take in with our food ; yet, such is the activity with which its assimi- lation proceeds, that no perceptible change in the solid elements of the blood can be detected. It was at one time a much-disputed point, whether the carbon so separated from the system was directly secreted from the lungs, and burned off, as it were, by contact with the oxygen of the air ; or whether the oxygen was first absorbed by the blood, and carried by the circula- tion to every portion of the body, where it combined with the carbon, which was there present in excess, and the carbonic acid so produced, being dissolved by the venous blood, was thrown off on arriving at the surface of the atmosphere, in the lungs. The progress of science has, however, finally decided in favour of the latter view, to which the fullest confirmation has been given by the careful and elaborate experi- ments of Magnus. He found that both arterial and venous blood hold dissolved quantities of gases, oxygen, nitrogen, and carbonic acid, wliich amount to from one-tenth to one-twentieth of the volume of the blood. The proportions of these gases to each other are different in arterial and venous blood ; the oxygen in arterial blood being about one-half of the carbonic acid, whilst in the venous blood it seldom 65 %'" 1026 Theory of Respiration. amounts to more than one-fifth. The difference is greatest in young animals, and probably is proportional to their activity of nutrition. The quantity of nitrogen appears to be the same in both kinds of blood, making from one-fifth to one-tenth of the gaseous mixture. The physico-chemical conditions of respiration are simply explicable upon these results. By the principle of gaseous diffusion, (p. 365), the fine lining pulmonary membrane being permeable to gases, when the venous blood arrives at the surface of the lungs, a portion of the car- bonic acid which it contains is evolved, and a quantity of oxygen gas absorbed in place of it. These two quantities are not necessarily equal at each moment, though, ultimately, they become so, and hence the volume of oxygen absorbed is generally, though not universally, equal to that of the carbonic acid given eut. There appears, from the pre- sence of nitrogen in equal quantity in both kinds of blood, to be an absorption and evolution of that gas, simply from physical laws, and independent of any direct application of it to the nutrition of the animal ; hence the volume of nitrogen in air is sometimes increased, and at others diminished by respiration, and an animal evolves much nitrogen when respiring an artificial atmosphere of oxygen and hydro- gen, whilst Boussingault has shown the rate of nutrition of an animal to be proportional to the quantity of nitrogen it receives as food, and that none of that principle is really assimilated from the air. It is still not by any means easy to decide upon the cause of the change of colour which occurs in the blood during respiration ; for this .should appear connected, not merely with the presence of certain gases in the blood, but upon a true change in the constitution of the hema- tosine, which analysis cannot direct. Stevens first directed attention to the remarkable influence which saline bodies have upon the colour of the blood. If dark venous blood be put in contact with a solution of common salt, Glauber's salt, nitre, or carbonate of soda, it becomes as vermilion-coloured as if it had been truly arterialized. On the contrary, the presence of carbonic acid impedes this action, and gives to blood, so reddened by a salt not in excess, the dark tint of venous blood. If we consider, therefore, the arterial tint to be due to the natural combi- nation of the colouring matter with the saline constituents of the serum, this will be darkened when, by passing through the capillary system, the blood takes up an excess of carbonic acid ; and again, in the lungs, when the carbonic acid is replaced by oxygen, the vermilion colour is restored, not by any active agency of the oxygen, but by the natural tint of saline-hematosine becoming evident. Although this theory of the change of colour is by no means free from objections, it appears to me to be better founded than any other that has been proposed. Sources of Animal Heat. 1027 The relation of the saline constituents of the blood to the processes of respiration and digestion, has been very beautifully shown by Liebig, in his late researches on the chemistry of food. He has demonstrated that the blood contains no potash salts, nor any alcaline carbonate, but that the alcaline reaction of the serum of the blood is due to the pre- sence of the tribasic phosphate of soda, with two atoms of fixed base, HO. 2NaO + PO 5 , a salt which absorbs carbonic acid with great force, but under the agency of diminished pressure, or by ex- posure to air, gives up again totally the carbonic acid it had ab- sorbed. Now as the juice of flesh reacts distinctly acid from the presence of the acid tribasic phosphate of potash, it becomes evident that the instinct which compels animals to seek for common salt either as a constituent or as a condiment to their food, is to convert by double decomposition the acid phosphate of potash of the flesh into the alcaline phosphate of soda, which passing into the blood takes up the carbonic acid formed by the wearing out of the organic tissues, and conveys that gas to the pulmonary surface, where it is diffused into the mass of the inspired air, and is given out. The chloride of potassium produced at the same time is taken into the excreted liquids, and together with other constituents of the juice of flesh, as kreatine, may be detected abundantly in the urine. Animal Heat. The phenomena of respiration consisting mainly in the conversion of carbon into carbonic acid by union with oxygen, the source of the heat which is developed in the body of all red-blooded animals has been naturally referred to that source ; and as we know- that the change from the arterial to the venous condition of the blood occurs at every point of the system, the almost complete equality of temperature throughout the body in health is explained. That the great source of heat is the respiratory process, is abundantly proved by the temperature being highest in those animals, and in the same animal at those periods, when the circulation is most rapid and the quantity of air consumed the greatest, but it has been calculated that the heat evolved by the combustion of the quantity of carbon thrown off from the body in twenty-four hours, is not more than eight-tenths of the quantity generated in the bodpr during that time, and the origin of the remainder must be found in the action of the muscles and in the nervous power, which appears of itself to be a distinct source of animal heat. 1028 Mucus Gastric Juice. Chemical Phenomena of Digestion. The lining membrane of the alimentary canal is moistened with a liquid possessing many characters of the vegetable mucus, (tragacan- thine, p. 761), but containing nitrogen. It is a thick tenacious sub- stance, which contains, dissolved in the water through which it is diffused, the ordinary salts of the serum of the blood ; it swells up with water to a considerable mass, but without dissolving ; it dissolves in alcaline liquors, and is precipitated therefrom on the addition of an acid and by tincture of galls ; the mucus from different parts of the mucous membrane is, however, by no means identical in properties. The liquid secreted by the internal surface of the stomach, the gastric-juice, which exercises an important influence on digestion, differs essentially in its characters from mucus. When the stomach is empty and contracted, it contains only ordinary mucus, but if even indigestible substances be introduced, and still more after taking proper food, a liquid is abundantly poured out, which is colourless or very pale yellow, and contains a very small quantity of solid matter, (two per cent.), which consists principally of inorganic salts, (common salt and sal- ammoniac, with a trace of a salt of iron) ; it is especially characterized by the presence of a notable quantity of free muriatic acid, the pro- portions of which appear to vary with the activity of the digestive powers at the time. This gastric juice possesses the remarkable property of softening down and dissolving fibrine and albumen, and thus converts the masses of food into the uniform pulp, (chyme) } from which the absorbing vessels of the small intestines take up the nutritious elements. If we form an artificial gastric juice by mixing together the muriatic acid and salts in the proper proportions, it is found to be totally in- capable of dissolving the materials of the food, and indeed, to be quite inactive towards digestion. The organic material of the gastric juice, although its quantity be so minute, is therefore essential to its powers, and these may be perfectly conferred upon the previously inactive arti- ficial juice, by the addition of a little of the mucus of the stomach, or by steeping in the acid liquor, for a short time, a small portion of a mucous membrane, and filtering the liquor. For this purpose it is not even necessary to use the mucous membrane of the stomach, for that of the bladder has been found to act equally well. The substance which is dissolved out of the membrane in these cases has been termed pep- sine. It has not been obtained in a truly isolated or pure form, but its properties are very remarkable. For its full activity it requires the presence of a free acid, as the artificial gastric juice becomes much less Pepdne Saliva. 1029 active in dissolving food, when neutralized by an alcali, though it retains other properties, as that of coagulating milk like rennet. If the artificial gastric juice be precipitated by acetate of lead, the precipi- tate washed and then decomposed by sulphuret of hydrogen, the solu- tion thus obtained possesses all the digestive powers of the juice. Hence the pepsine and muriatic act together in combining with oxide of lead. The process given by Schwacn for preparing the best artificial gastric juice, is to mix water with 2| per cent, of muriatic acid, of specific gravity 1'13, and digest therein the mucous membrane of a stomach for twenty-four hours, then to filter. Pepsine appears to be completely decomposed by contact with alco- hol, or by the heat of boiling water. Its powers are destroyed also by deoxidizing substances. The solution of albumen and fibrine in gas- tric juice is essentially different from their solution in muriatic acid, as in the former case the quantity of acid is very minute in relation to the quantity of material dissolved, and after solution the acid still remains quite uncombined. Fremy has discovered that the peculiar fermentative process, which sometime spoils the manufacture of sugar, and which I have described, (p. 768), as the mucous fermentation, is capable of being induced by contact with mucous membrane, (by pepsine?). He has found that sugar of milk may thus be converted to an unlimited extent into lactic acid; no other product appearing. The vegetable ferments are able to produce the same effect, but in a different stage of de- composition from that in which they induce the saccharine or alcoholic fermentations. The action of the stomach in digestion appears, therefore, to be, so far as our actual knowledge extends, a purely catalytic fermentative action; one in which the active excitant is an organic substance (pejisinej secreted by the mucous surface, and whose properties are developed by the presence of muriatic acid, which is secreted at the same time. The new products into which the food, fibrine, albumen, gluten, starch, oils, sugar, &c., are converted, and which collectively constitute the white uniform pulp, termed by physiologists, chyme, have not been made the subject of accurate chemical research. In the mouth the mass of nutritive material is acted on by a liquid which is secreted by the salivary glands, the saliva. It is alcaline, and holds in solution about one per cent, of solid matter, which contains some carbonate of soda, and common salt, admixed mucus, a trace of sulpho-cyanide of potassium, and a peculiar organic body termed by Tiedemann and Gmelin, salivary matter. This last substance is soluble in water ; its solution is not coagulated by heat, nor precipitated by 1030 Composition of Urine. tincture of galls, corrosive sublimate, acetate of lead, nor by acids. The pancreas, though so similar in structure to the salivary glands, has a different secretion ; it contains no salivary matter, nor any sulpho- cyanide of potassium, but albumen and some salts; it is generally slightly acid. SECTION IV. CONSTITUTION OF THE URINE IN HEALTH AND DISEASE. The nature of this secretion has at all periods been an object of considerable interest to the physician and to the chemist, from the indications which changes in its composition give of disease of impor- tant organs, and from the number and interest of the organic sub- stances it contains. As in almost all other branches of animal chem- istry, Berzelius first determined accurately its constitution, and lately Lecanu has ascertained with great care the limits to which the propor- tions of its ingredients may vary in health, and thus established a correct basis of comparison for urine in the various conditions of disease. The specific gravity of urine varies from 1016 to 1030. In general, if the excretion exceeds in quantity thirty-two ounces in twenty-four hours the specific gravity falls proportionally below ] 030 ; but if the quantity be under thirty-two ounces, the specific gravity for a man in active health is generally 1030, but less for women. The important organic constituents of the urine are urea and uric acid, which will require a detailed and special examination ; the other principles, though numerous, being of less moment, need be only noticed in the following statement of Berzelius's general analysis of the urine. He found 100 parts to contain : Water . , 933-001 Urea ...... 30-10 Free lactic acid, lactate of ammonia, and animal extract 17*14 Uric acid . . . . . . . 1 -00 Mucus of the bladder ..... 0*32 Sulphates of potash and soda . .... .,, . . 6*87 100 "00 Phosphates of soda and ammonia . . . 4 '59 Common Salt . . . . . ' : . 4-45 Sal-ammoniac . .' " ''*''' '*?. /" . '.' 1-50 Phosphates of lime and magnesia .. ,. > .-.., ...... ' 1*00 Silica ,_-. r ;.. ,, . . \. , ; v . o-03 Salts of Urea Uric Acid. 1031 Urea. N 2 C 2 2 H 4 or Ur. Eq. 60, or 750. The chemical history and modes of preparation of this interesting substance have been already fully described, page 732 et seq. and it is hence only here necessary to mention its physiological relations. The quantity of urea secreted in health appears pretty regular in the same individual, when the diet remains the same, and not to depend upon the quantity of liquor excreted. It varies, however, very much in different individuals, and is much more abundant in men in active age, than in women or in old men. Thus, Lecanu found the quantity of urea secreted in twenty-four hours, by men in the prime of age, to vary from 350 to 500 grains; in women, it varies from 150 to 430 grains; whilst with old men the limits were 80 and 180 grains. In children the quantity is still smaller, and infants secrete scarcely a trace of urea. Uric Acid and ike Bodies derived from it. The uric acid exists in the urine of all carnivorous animals. In birds, reptiles, and many insects, it is voided with the excrements, and the urine is in such a state of concentration as to form a white mass nearly solid, which consists almost totally of urate of ammonia. In the small islands of the South Sea, which are inhabited by great flocks of aquatic birds, it accumulates in such quantity as to be an article of commerce, being brought to South America, and even to Europe, under the name of guano, and used as manure. In many diseases it is generated by the system in abnormal quantity, and consti- tutes, free or combined with bases, the gouty and arthritic concretions, and many forms of vesical calculus. For the purposes of the chemist the uric acid is most easily obtained from the white solid excrements of the larger serpents in the mena- geries. This is to be boiled in a solution of caustic potash, and the filtered liquor decomposed by the addition of muriatic acid in excess. The precipitate should be boiled in water for some time, then well washed and dried. It crystallizes in minute brilliant white scales, which are very slightly soluble in boiling water ; the solution reddens litmus ; it is tasteless ; it dissolves in oil of vitriol, forming a crystal- lizable compound, which is decomposed on the addition of water : the action of nitric acid is different. When heated, it is decomposed, giving a great variety of products, urea, hydrocyanic and cyanuric acids, carbonate of ammonia &c. Its formula is NAoH^Og; its salts are not well characterized ; those of the alcalies are very sparingly soluble, 1032 Uric AcidAllanto'in. and are decomposed by all acids except the carbonic acid. The urate of ammonia is the material of the white excrement (dry urine) of birds and serpents. The urate of soda is the principal material of gouty deposits. The uric acid is specially interesting for the number of im- portant bodies to which it gives origin by the action of re-agents, and of which some are also products of the organization ; for our accurate knowledge of these we are indebted to the recent investigations of Liebig and Wohler. Allantoin. This substance exists in the waters of the allantois of the cow, being contained in the urine of the foetus, from which it may be extracted by evaporation and crystallization. It is, however, much more easily formed from uric acid. Freshly prepared peroxide of lead is to be added to uric acid, diffused through twenty parts of boiling water, as long as its colour is destroyed. The boiling liquor is to be filtered, evaporated till crystals begin to form, and then allowed to cool. The allantoin crystallizes, and the mother liquor contains abundance of urea. At the same time, oxalate of the protoxide of lead is produced. 2(JV 4 Ci H 4 O 6 ) and 5 HO with 4.Pb0 2 , producing 4 (C 2 O 3 + PbO) ; with urea, 2(N 2 C 2 H 4 O 2 ), and allantoin, N 4 C 8 H 5 5 . On this reaction Liebig founds a theory of the constitution of uric acid, to which I shall have occasion again to recur. He considers it to contain urea ready formed, and a hypothetic substance for which he proposes the names of uril or cyanoxalic acid, it being oxalic acid in which oxygen is replaced by cyanogen, C 2 O 2 + Cy. Thus, uric acid, N 4 C 10 H 4 O 6 = N 2 C 2 H A + 2(C 2 02.Cy). In forming allantoin on this view, the urea is set free, and the cyanoxalic acid with oxygen and water, gives oxalic acid and allantoin. Allantoin forms rhombic prisms, which contain an atom of water. It is sparingly soluble in water, and perfectly neutral. By boiling with a strong alcali, it combines with the elements of water, giving oxalic acid and ammonia. It does not form a definite compound with any base but oxide of silver. Alloxan. The products of the action of nitric acid on uric acid, present considerable interest, from their number and connexion. On adding one part of uric acid gradually to four parts of strong nitric acid, it is dissolved with much heat, and copious disengagement of car- bonic acid and nitrogen. The rise of temperature being prevented as much as possible, the liquor solidifies on cooling to a mass of granular crystals, which are to be drained and then recrystallized from the smallest possible quantity of boiling water. This is alloxan, its crystals are short right rhombic prisms, brilliant and colourless. In dry air they effloresce, losing 6Aq. ; at a higher temperature, it crystallizes in oblique Bodies Derived from Alloxan. 1033 rhombic prisms, which are anhydrous, and have the formula its solution in water reddens litmus, and stains the skin purple ; when neutralized by an alcali, it strikes an indigo-blue colour with a proto- salt of iron ; it is decomposed by almost all re-agents, producing a series of bodies that will be successively examined ; its origin consists probably in the uryl being oxidized by oxygen from the nitric acid, leaving hypo- nitrous acid, which, reacting on the urea, gives the mixture of carbonic acid and nitrogen gases. The alloxan may thus be considered as a hy- drated deutoxide of uryl. Alloxanic Acid is formed by acting on alloxan with strong alcalies, or by barytes ; when separated from its combinations by a stronger acid, it crystallizes in colourless needles, which have a strong acid reaction ; its alcaline salts are soluble ; those with the earths and heavy metallic oxides sparingly soluble; it is insoluble in water; its formula is N 2 C 8 H 2 8 when dry; the alloxan having lost the elements of two atoms of water. When a solution of alloxanate of barytes is boiled, or when a solution of alloxan is gradually added to a boiling solution of sugar of lead, another acid is formed, mesoxalic acid, which in the latter case precipitates as an insoluble salt of lead, and the liquor con- tains urea, the alloxan breaking up into N 2 C 2 H 4 O 2 and 2.C 3 O 4 ; this last is the constitution of the mesoxalic acid, which has probably therefore an isomeric oxide of carbon (C 3 O 3 ) for its base, and belongs to the same group as the mellitic and rhodizonic acids (p. 702.) By oxi- dizing agents the mesoxalic acid is converted into carbonic acid ; thus with a solution of nitrate of silver, it gives a clear yellow precipitate, which, when boiled, is converted into carbonic acid and metallic silver. Mycomelinic Acid. If a solution of alloxan in water of ammonia be heated, a brownish-yellow precipitate falls, which is mycomelinate of ammonia, by boiling which, or by washing with dilute sulphuric acid, the ammonia is removed, and the rmycomeliuic acid remains as a yellow jelly, which dries to a coarse yellow powder. It is sparingly soluble in water ; its salts are gelatinous, sparingly soluble flocks ; the formula of the acid is N 4 C 8 H 5 O 5 , being isomeric with anhydrous allantoin. Parabanic Acid. If alloxan be heated with an excess of nitric acid, it dissolves, nitrogen gas is evolved and on cooling the new acid sepa- rates ; it is also easily procured from uric acid by using an excess of nitric acid ; it forms colourless, transparent, six-sided prisms, and tastes like oxalic acid. It is partly volatilized and partly decomposed by heat. If the crystals be heated to 212 they assume a reddish colour; the formula of the crystallized acid is N 2 C 6 O 4 -f 2Aq. hence alloxan with 1034 Oxaluric Acid Thionuric Acid. 2.0 produces 2.C0 2 , with 4.HO and N 2 C 6 O 4 . By contact with bases, this acid is decomposed, producing the oxaluric acid. This is best prepared by dissolving parabanic acid in caustic ammonia, boiling, and then letting the liquor cool; it forms a mass of small brilliant white crystals of oxalurate of ammonia. The oxaluric acid is also a product of other reactions on uric acid, some of which will be specially noticed hereafter. It is a strong acid, and is obtained free, by dissolving its ammonia salt in boiling water, adding an excess of dilute muriatic acid, and rapidly cooling, when the oxaluric acid separates, as a white or slightly yellow powder ; if long boiled in water, it is decomposed into oxalic acid and oxalate of urea, of which it contains the elements, its formula being C 2 N 6 H 3 7 -f- Aq. Thionuric Acid. If sulphurous acid gas be passed through a satu- rated solution of alloxan until the liquor begins to smell strongly of the gas, and then ammonia be added in excess, after some time brilliant white rhombic tables form, which are thionurate of ammonia. By recrystallization, this salt generally becomes pale rose-red, but is not altered in constitution. To obtain the acid free, a solution of this ammonia salt is to be precipitated by acetate of lead, and the thionurate of lead decomposed by sulphuretted hydrogen. By evaporation of the liquor, the acid remains as a white semi-crystalline mass ; it is easily soluble in water, reddens litmus strongly ; its formula is N3C 8 H 7 14 S2 : it contains thus the elements of one atom of alloxan, one of ammonia and two of sulphurous acid ; it is a bibasic acid. If a strong solution of thionuric acid be boiled, it becomes turbid, and soon solidifies to a mass of brilliant silky crystals, whilst the liquor contains much sulphuric acid; the crystalline substance being drained and washed with cold water, in which it scarcely dissolves, is termed uramil ; it is white, soluble in dilute alcaline liquors, and precipitated therefrom unchanged by the addition of an acid, but by strong alcalies it is decomposed, ammonia being evolved and uramilic acid formed. The formula of uramil is N 3 C 8 H 5 O 6 ; the thionuric acid might be considered as bi-sul- phate of uramil. The uramilic acid is formed by the action of acids and alcalies on uramil, it crystallizes in colourless needles, which dissolve in acids and alcalies, forming with the latter, well defined salts; its formula is N 5 C 16 H 10 15 . Alloxantine. This substance is formed as a product of the moderate oxidation of uric acid, or it may be obtained by acting on alloxan with deoxidizing agents. Uric acid is to be diffused through boiling water, and dilute nitric acid added until a perfect solution is obtained. On filtering and cooling, the alloxantine gradually crystallizes. The mother liquor contains much urea. If sulphuretted hydrogen gas has been Alloxantine Dialuric Add. 1035 passed through a solution of alloxan, sulphur is deposited, and alloxan- tine formed, and the same effect is produced by acidulating the solution of alloxan, and immersing therein a slip of zinc ; the alloxan is deoxi- dized by the nascent hydrogen. By the galvanic battery, alloxan is resolved into oxygen and alloxantine. It is sparingly soluble in cold, but much more in boiling water, and crystallizes in short oblique rhom- bic prisms, which contain 3Aq., which they lose only by a heat above 300. The solution of alloxantine reddens litmus but does not form salts with bases, being immediately decomposed by contact with them. Its formula is N. 2 C 8 H 5 O 10 . By oxidizing bodies, as nitric acid, chlorine or oxide of silver, it is immediately converted into alloxan. If treated by an excess of sulphu- retted hydrogen, more sulphur is set free, and the liquor becomes strongly acid. The body thus formed, if mixed with alloxan, regene- rates alloxantine from both. If neutralized by carbonate of ammonia, a white crystalline precipitate forms, which is a salt of ammonia, of which the formula is N 3 C 8 H 7 O 8 . Liebig considers it to contain a body which he terms the dialuric acid, the formula of which is N 2 C 8 O4, being isomeric with the cyanoxalic acid or uryl, already noticed. The dialurate of ammonia is therefore N 2 C 8 4 -f- NH 4 -f. 3Aq. It may be produced by adding hydrosulphuret of ammonia to a saturated solu- tion of uric acid in dilute nitric acid, or by acting on alloxan with zinc and muriatic acid in excess. Though white when first produced, it becomes rose-red by drying, and at 212 blood-red, and loses ammonia. It is by no means established that this body is a true ammoniacal salt, as described by Liebig, or that the dialuric acid really exists. Berzelius looks upon it as a compound of alloxantine and alloxantine- amide. By boiling with sal-ammoniac, alloxantine is converted into urarail and alloxan, whilst muriatic acid becomes free. By the action of oxy- gen upon an ammoniacal solution of alloxautine, uramil, oxaluric acid, and mycomelinic acid are generated. Murexid. This remarkable substance may be produced by a variety of reactions, none of which are, however, quite constant in their result. On evaporating a solution of uric acid in very dilute nitric acid, until the liquor becomes flesh red, and then adding dilute water of ammonia in slight excess, and cooling, the murexid crystallizes. In this process, a very slight excess or deficiency of any of the ingredients prevents success, and Gregory proposes as the most certain method, to dissolve four parts of alloxantine, and seven of hydrated alloxan, in 240 parts of boiling water, and eighty of solution of carbonate of ammonia, when the murexid crystallizes by gradual cooling. By the action of 1036 Murexid Mitrexan. uramil and ammonia it may also be generated, and is the ordinary source of the purple colours that are produced in many of the reac- tions already described. The murexid, the name of which is derived from the murex, the shell fish furnishing the tyrian purple, crystallizes in short rhombic prisms, of a garnet-red colour, and by reflected light have a green metallic lustre. It dissolves sparingly in cold, copiously in boiling water : it is insoluble in ether and alcohol. Gregory has found, that it is sometimes soluble, and at others insoluble in water of ammonia, whence he suggests that two different bodies have been confounded under this name. It dissolves in caustic potash, with an indigo-blue colour which disappears by heat, ammonia being evolved ; it does not appear to combine with bases ; its formula is N 5 Ci 2 H 6 O 8 . By the mineral acids and by sulphuretted hydrogen it is decomposed, ammonia, alloxantine, alloxan, and dialuric acid being evolved, besides another body termed murexan. This sub- stance is more abundantly produced by dissolving murexid in a boiling solution of potash, and when the blue colour has totally disappeared, adding sulphuric acid in excess. It precipitates in white silky crystal- line scales ; its formula is N 2 C 6 H 4 O 5 ; it dissolves in caustic alcalies without neutralizing them. If its solution in ammonia be exposed to the air, oxygen is absorbed and murexid regenerated. The murexid was long since described by Prout under the name of purpurate of ammonia ; and Fritzsche has revived the idea that it is really an ammoniacal salt of a distinct acid, purpuric add. By the double decomposition of murexid with salts of potash, barytes, lead and silver, he has obtained purpurates of these bases, the formula of which shows the acid to be composed of N 5 C 16 H 4 10 . The murexid is, according to this chemist, composed of N 6 C l6 H 8 O n = N 5 C 16 H 4 10 -f- NH 4 0. The evidence brought forward by Eritzsche against Liebig's view is very strong. Urine of Herbivorous Animals Hippuric Acid = C 18 H 8 N0 5 + Aq. In the urine of herbivorous animals, and occasionally of children, the uric .acid is replaced by a different body, the Jiippuric acid, which exists therein combined with soda. The urine of horses and cows is to be evaporated to one-eighth of its volume, and mixed with muriatic acid, which produces, after some time, a yellowish crystalline precipi- tate. This is to be dissolved by boiling with some lime ; chloride of lime is to be added to the liquor, until it is nearly decolorized, and the smell of urine has disappeared ; being then digested with ivory black and filtered, the pure acid is separated by muriatic acid. By the cool- Guano Guanine. 1037 ing of the liquor it crystallizes in delicate silky needles, or rhombic prisms ; its taste is very slightly bitter, but it reddens litmus strongly. When heated, it melts and is then decomposed, giving a crystalline sublimate of benzoic acid with ammonia and prussic acid. It is very sparingly soluble in cold, but copiously in boiling water : very soluble in alcohol. By nitric acid, and other oxidizing agents, it is decom- posed and benzoic acid is formed. Its salts are all soluble and crys- tallize ; they resemble the benzoates exactly. The formula of the crys- tallized acid is NC 18 H 8 5 + Aq. It has been already noticed, p. 1005, that this acid is decomposed byre- agents into benzoic acid and glycocoll; Ci 8 H 9 N0 6 producingC 14 H 5 O 3 and C 4 H 4 N03. This reaction is prevented by the presence of a feeble base, and hence the quantity of hippuric acid obtained from cow's urine is very much increased by adding milk of lime during the evaporation, so as to preserve constantly an alcaline reaction in the liquor. Guano Guanine. It has been already mentioned, that the urine of birds and reptiles being voided in a highly concentrated form, furnishes the most available source of uric acid from its concreting into masses of urate of ammonia. The deposits of sea birds accumulating for ages on the Islands of the Southern Ocean, and on the Coasts of Peru, in those latitudes where there falls but little rain, have recently afforded a most valuable source of manure for agricultural purposes, under the name of Guano. The Guano properly speaking is but the dried urine and excrement of the sea fowl, but as it is practically mixed with the remains of the animals themselves and of their food and eggs, it presents a mass of very complex and very variable composition, but always, when not adul- terated, very rich in nitrogen, partly as uric acid and partly as am- monia ; also rich in phosphate of lime, and even of magnesia and pot- ash, and smaller quantities of other ingredients, which add to its value as a manure. The various deposits of it which had been discovered, have been already to a great extent exhausted by the enormous demand created for it by the necessities of agriculture in these countries ; and it will be the office of the chemist to imitate the natural guano by proper admixtures of other materials, derived from the sources of ani- mal excretions which are now rejected as waste, and which injure the sanitary condition of our ill-drained and imperfectly cleansed towns, in place of restoring to the country, the fertility which the constant removal of food crops must tend gradually to deteriorate. The spontaneous decomposition of the uric acid of the guano, has 1038 Urine in Disease. been found to produce some interesting bodies. Thus guano is found to contain a large quantity of oxalate of ammonia. It also contains a peculiar body termed guanine. This material is a white crystalline powder ; its formula is C 10 H 5 N 2 5 . It is an organic base, but its salts are very peculiar, thus it forms with nitric acid, no less than five ni- trates. It forms also two muriates. If guanine be powerfully oxi- dized as by treatment with chlorate of potash and muriatic acid, it pro- duces a body in brilliant crystals, sparingly soluble in water and acids, this is the liyperuric add. Its formula is stated to be C 10 lNr 4 H3O 7 + 2 Aq. but its history and composition requires to be more exactly studied. Of the Urine in Disease Urinary Calculi. To the pathologist and physician the indications of disease of the urinary and digestive organs, furnished by changes in the composition of the urine, are most valuable. The majority of the substances which are taken into the circulation, but are incapable of assimilation to our organs, are thrown off by this secretion and hence a variety of medi- cinal substances may be traced to it after having been ingested, some- times quite unaltered, at others modified in their nature. Thus, if alcaline salts of organic acids be taken into the stomach, the organic material is oxidized, probably during the action of respiration, whilst the alcali passes into the urine in the state of carbonate. If, however, the organic acid be taken uncombined, it escapes decomposition, and passing into the urine, produces an abundant precipitate of salts of lime, in the case of the tartaric and oxalic acids. Iodide of potassium and iodine pass into the urine, the latter as hydriodic acid. Some organic bodies, as asparagine and oil of turpen- tine, are decomposed, and the products which they form are excreted, giving to the urine peculiar odours, in the latter case like that of vio- lets. Nitrate of potash, yellow prussiate of potash, and most other alcaline and earthy salts pass into the urine unchanged. The majority of colouring matters are thrown out of the system by means of this secretion, whilst others, as cocchineal and litmus, are not so given oft'. The mineral acids, alcohol, camphor, most metallic salts, do not pass into the urine in any sensible degree. Urine in Diabetes. The most remarkable change in the nature of the urine, occurs in diabetes mellitus. It is voided in great quantity. Its specific gravity is very high, from ] 030 to 1050, and it is found to contain a very large quantity of grape sugar, and very little urea. It was supposed that in this disease, urea ceased to be formed by the sys- Urine in Disease. 1039 tern, and was replaced by sugar ; but I have shown, that although the quantity of urea is very small in any one specimen of the urine, yet, the total quantity of that liquid is so much increased, that in twenty-four hours the natural quantity of urea is secreted ; the secretion of sugar being an act of faulty digestion, and totally unconnected with the urea. These results have been fully confirmed by Macgregor. The diabetic urine sometimes contains albumen, which arises from complication of other forms of disease. As the average composition of urine in diabetes, the following may be taken, from an analysis by myself. Its specific gravity was 1*0363, it contained in 1000 parts, water 913, sugar 60, urea 6*5, salts, ex- tractive matters, and uric acid 20*5. This patient made in volume about four times the healthy quantity of urine, in twenty-four hours. Urine in Dropsies. In those diseases, particularly where associated with disease of the kidneys, the urine is not increased in quantity ; its specific gravity is very low, 1005 to 1015, and it contains but very little urea, but generally albumen, and sometimes caseum. In these cases, the urea which is deficient in the urine is found in the serum of the blood, and in the dropsical effusions. In some states of the sys- tem, which do not appear connected with any distinct disease, milk passes into the urine, in which as well the butter as the caseum may be detected. Such cases have even been met with in males. In jaundice the colouring material of the bile passes abundantly into the urine, and may be detected by nitric acid. The natural elements of the urine are, however, not altered in quantity. Slue and Black Urine. The urine has been observed coloured deeply blue by a peculiar organic substance, which, however, has not been accu- rately examined. Braconnot found it contained nitrogen, and was red- dened by acids, and the colour restored by alcalies. But Spangeuberg found, in the case he observed, that acids dissolved the blue sub- stance without changing its colour. Marcet observed in the urine of a child, a black matter insoluble in water, but soluble in alcalies. Prout, who also observed this substance, termed it melanic acid. In many states of the system, particularly in arthritic rheumatism, there is a great tendency to the formation of uric acid, and the urate of ammonia is deposited under the form of a crystalline precipitate, when the urine cools. It is usually mixed with more or less of a yel- lowish-red body, which is not purpurate of ammonia, (murexid), as Prout supposed, but a peculiar organic substance, soluble in alcohol, which deserves more minute examination. The deposition of this excess of matter, in the joints and sheaths of the tendons, pro- duces the gouty concretions, which consist for the most part of urate of soda. 1040 Urinary Calculi. In other conditions of the system, the formation of phosphatic salts predominates, and precipitates occur in the urine, which are generally more crystalline, and less highly coloured, than those of uric acid, or of urates. As these different conditions of the secreting organs require different modes of treatment, it is necessary to be able simply to distinguish between these two kinds of sediment. It is sufficient to remark, that the uric acid deposit is soluble in alcalies, and inso- luble in dilute acids, whilst the phosphatic sediments dissolve in dilute acids, but not in alcaline liquors, even though decomposed by them. The uric acid, and the inorganic salts of the urine, are afterwards de- posited in the bladder, and form urinary calculi. The Uric Acid Calculus is probably the most common. It is re- cognized by being decomposed by heat ; being soluble in caustic alca- lies, and precipitated by acids. When dissolved in nitric acid, evapo- rated and moistened with water of ammonia, it gives the rich purple colour of murexid. The Urate of Ammonia Calculus, in addition to the character of uric acid, gives off ammonia, when dissolved in solutions of caustic potash. The Phosphate of Lime Calculus fuses with difficulty, or not at all, before the blowpipe. It is dissolved by muriatic acid, and precipi- tated by caustic ammonia from this solution, as a white powder not crystalline. The Ammoniaco-magnesian Phosphate Calculus, is generally crys- talline in structure ; before the blowpipe, it gives off ammonia, and ultimately melts, though with difficulty. It also gives off ammonia, when boiled with caustic potash. It dissolves in dilute acids, and is precipitated as a crystalline powder, on the addition of caustic am- monia. The two latter calculi often form together, and produce the triple phosphate or fusible calculus. This melts readily before the blowpipe, and if dissolved in a dilute acid, it gives with oxalic acid a precipitate of oxalate of lime, and then with an alcali, a crystalline deposit of am- moniaco-magnesian phosphate. All of these various deposits may occur in the bladder, either suc- cessively, and form the alternating calculus, or together, forming the mixed calculus. The recognition of these species will depend on the careful application of the methods by which each component may be known, as already described. It is not very unfrequent to meet with calculi formed of materials which do not exist in healthy urine, but are produced by the decompo- Cystic Oxide Xantkic Oxide. 1041 sition of its natural constituents. . Thus the mulberry calculus, so called from its usual external form, consists of oxalate of lime. When igni- ted it leaves caustic lime, which browns wet turmeric paper strongly, dissolves in muriatic acid, and is precipitated by adding oxalate of am- monia. Calculi have been found also, though rarely, consisting of car- bonate of lime, and of carbonate of magnesia. The most remarkable calculi of this class, however, are those formed of the cystic oxide, and xanthic oxide ; substances of purely organic nature. The latter body is yellow, soluble in alcalies, and is precipi- tated by the addition of an acid. It dissolves in nitric and sulphuric acids, but not in muriatic or oxalic acids. Its formula is N 4 Ci H4O 4 . It contains, therefore, the same carbon, nitrogen, and hydrogen, as uric acid, but less oxygen, whence the name uric oxide has been pro- posed for it. The cystic oxide calculus consists of small yellow crys- talline plates, which dissolve in alcalies, and crystallize out again, on the addition of an acid, by an excess of which the cystic oxide is, however, redissolved. When heated strongly it is decomposed, evolving sulphu- rous acid and ammonia. It forms definite salts with the nitric and muriatic acids. Its formula is NC 6 H 6 O 4 S 2 . When blood is effused into the bladder, the fibrine is occasionally aggregated as a calculus, the recognition of which is very simple, from what has been said of the properties of fibrine, (p. 997). Those who would wish for more detailed information of the proper- ties of calculi, and of the composition of the urine in health and dis- ease, I would refer to the truly classical work of Doctor Prout, on the Diseases of the Stomach and Urinary Organs. SECTION Y. OF THE MILK, AND OTHER NATURAL AND MORBID PRODUCTS NOT INCLUDED IN THE PRECEDING SECTIONS. Some f the most remarkable constituents of milk have been already described as lactic acid, (p. 768) ; the sugar of milk, (p. 766) ; the butter fats, (p. 885.) It only remains to notice the general compo- sition of milk, and the properties of the caseum or curd. It is well known that, by standing, milk abandons the greater part of its butter, which separates, with other substances, as cream. Berzelius found the cream from cows' milk, to have specific gravity T0244, and to consist, in lOO'O parts, of 4'5 of butter, separated by agitation, 3*5 of caseum, with some butter, separated by coagulation, and 92 of whey. The 66 1042 Composition of Milk Caseine. skimmed milk had a specific gravity of T0348, and contained in lOO'O parts : Caseous matter with some butter Sugar of milk .... Alcoholic extract with lactic acid Chloride of potassium Alcaline phosphates ,. . ' , Earthy phosphates and a trace of iron Water 2-6001 3-500 0-600 0-170f 0*025 0-230 I 92-875J 100-000 The following table presents the best results that have been as yet obtained on the average composition of the milk of different animals : Human. Mares. Asses. Cows. Sheep. Dogs. Specific Gravity 1-0323 1-0395 1-0322 1 -0320 1-0380 Water . >. .:; Extractive 88-36 1-24 88-68 90-47 85-91 53-2 (Cream 65-74 2-90 Casein . jf^< Butter Sugar Ashes 340 2-53 4-25 0-22 1-82 0-75 8-75 1-95 1-29 6-29 7-00 3.93 287 0-29 11-5) 15-3 5-8 4-2 17-40 16-20 (Salts 1.50) The butter of human milk is more solid than that of the cow, and appears to contain no butyrine. Caserne Leucine Tyrosine. The caseum or caserne is capable of existing in a soluble and an in- soluble condition like albumen. In milk it is principally dissolved, but a part is insoluble, and united with the butter, produces the emulsive appear- ance of the milk. On adding sulphuric acid to skimmed milk, the caseine precipitates combined with the acid, as a white coagulum, which being washed with water, so as to remove all adhering milk, and then digested with carbonate of barytes, the caseine dissolves in the water, and may by nitration be freed from all traces of the butter, sulphuric acid, or barytes. The caseine may also be precipitated by alcohol, and when the curd is digested with ether to remove ah 1 traces of butter, it may be looked upon as pure. The solution of caseine in water is thick, like mucilage ; it smells as boiled milk, and dries down to an amber-coloured mass, which is again soluble in water. The solution is coagulated by all acids, even acetic acid, particularly when hot, and by alcohol. In relation to acids, caseine is similar to albumen, except that as to acetic acid ; the constitution of its precipitates being precisely similar. Leucine Tyrosine Eggs. 1043 The coagulated condition of casein is not produced by boiling, but only by the digestive principle (rennet, pepsine), as already described (p. 1029). When thus coagulated, casein is absolutely undistinguished from coagulated albumen in its properties. It contains a considerable quantity of bone-earth, (phosphate of lime,) amounting to five or six per cent, in intimate combination. Its organic element was found by Mulder to be protein, of which ten atoms are combined with one of sulphur; the formula of caseine being C^oH^oNgoO^o 4- S. It contains no phosphorus, but to each atom so expressed, two atoms of bibasic phosphate of lime are united. When coagulated casein, containing water, (cheese,) is kept for a long time, it undergoes a remarkable kind of decomposition, and a sub- stance, crystallizable and soluble in water, is obtained, termed by Bra- connot aposepedine. By Mulder's experiments it appears, however, to be impure leucine (p. 1005,) and the caseous oxide and caseic acid of Prout appear also to be the same bodies as have been already noticed as formed from the decomposition of the other protein substances. By contact with casein, sugar of milk is rapidly converted into lactic acid, which precipitates the caseine without, however, really coagulating it, hence on neutralizing the acid, the caseine redissolves and may react on a new quantity of sugar. In this manner Fremy has shown that the lactic fermentation may be carried on to an indefinite extent. It has lately been suspected that caseine is not itself a homogenous body but a mixture of at least two closely resembling azotized sub- stances. Thus, if freshly precipitated caseine be dissolved in water the liquor yields by the addition, first of carbonate of ammonia and then of muriatic acid, precipitates, which essentially differ in their composition and properties. If caseine be fused with caustic potash it evolves hydrogen and ammonia gases, and the residue dissolved in water yields, on the addition of acetic acid, an organic body crystallizing in brilliant needles, which is termed tyrosine. This body has the formula Cj 6 H 9 NO 5 . It forms compounds as well with acids as with bases, but has been little examined. From the mother liquor of the tyrosine there is deposited, by evaporation, abundance of the leucine^ which has been already des- cribed in page 1005. Constitution of Eggs. The shell of liens' eggs consists of from 90 to 95 per cent, of car- bonate of lime, one to five of phosphate of lime, and two to five of animal matter. Internally it is lined by a membrane analogous to epi- dermis. The white of egg is a concentrated solution of albumen, con- 1 OM Amnios Allantois Eye Cerumen. tained in the cells of a delicate membrane, in the centre of which the yolk is suspended. The nutritive material of the yolk consists of albu- men and an oil, also a yellow colouring matter, analogous to that of bile. The oil of eggs is obtained by expressing the egg boiled, and partly torrefied ; it is reddish-yellow, thick, and solidified by cold ; it soon becomes rancid ; the solid portion of it appears to be cholesterine; the liquid contains phosphorus and nitrogen, and is with difficulty sapo- nifiable. It appears to contain a large quantity of oleophosphoric acid. When the young animal is developed during incubation, the quantity of phosphoric acid in its bones is exactly represented by the quantity of phosphorus in the yolk and white, but as these bodies contain very little lime, that earth must be derived from the shell, which becomes thin and brittle as the animal advances in growth. Liquor of the Amnios. This fluid, in which the fetus is immersed before birth, appears to be identical in constitution with the liquor effused from the serous surfaces in dropsy, (p. 1011). The liquor of the allanto'is of the cow, which is really the urine of the fetus, is of the same nature, but contains in addition a small quantity of allantoin, the artificial formation of which is described p. 1032. Black Pigment of the Eye. This substance is insoluble in water and alcohol. It is decomposed by strong acids and alcalies. Caustic potash dissolves it, forming a yellow liquor, from which acids throw down a clear brown powder. The action of nitric acid is nearly the same. The cuttle-fish ink has much analogy with the black matter of the eye, giving, when dried, a black powder, insoluble in water, alcohol and ether, which dissolves in nitric acid and potash, with a reddish-yellow colour, from which solution a yellowish powder falls when it is neutral- ized. The true nature of these black colouring matters, and their relation to the melanic acid of Prout, which sometimes appears in the urine, would deserve attentive study. The Humours of the Eye consist of water, holding in solution albu- men in small quantity, with the salts which usually accompany it. The crystalline lens consist of albumen, in a state of beautiful and complex organization, amounting to about thirty-eight per cent, of the entire mass, which contains about sixty of water. Cerumen Wax of the Ear. This substance contains an albuminous material insoluble in water, a solid and a liquid fat soluble in ether, and a deep yellow matter, soluble in alcohol, and insoluble in ether, to which its colour and very disgusting taste is due ; another constituent which appears to be peculiar to this secretion is brown, insoluble in caustic potash ; it most resembles horn in its properties, but is still quite distinct from that body. GallStones Lithqfelic Acid Pus Ambergris. 1045 Pus. This remarkable morbid secretion has generally a specific gravity of 1-030. It consists of a clear liquor, in which float a great number of yellow globules, of various sizes, the largest of which are about twice the size of the globules of the blood. Pus loses by drying 86 '1 of water in 100 parts, and hence contains 13' 9 of solid material, from which alcohol takes 5'9 of fatty and extractive matters, and leaves 7 '4 per cent, of a residue, which consists of coagulated albumen, the solid globules and a substance peculiar to pus. The globules of pus appear to consist of coagulated albumen. The serum contains two liquids, both coagulated by heat. One is albumen, the other pyin, which is characterized by being coagulated both by heat, by acetic acid, and by a solution of alum. Giiterbach who has recently examined pus with great care, finds the only certain distinction between pus and mucus to be that the pus globules sink always in water, whilst the mucus swims. If the suspected liquid be dried, the extraction of the fatty substance by ether should decide very positively. Ambergrue. This substance, which is generally found floating on the sea- coasts of tropical islands, is known to be an intestinal concretion of the spermaceti whale, analogous to the gall-stones of cholesterine in other animals. Its principal ingredient is the ambrein, which is obtained by solution in boiling alcohol, whence it crystallizes on cooling in fine needles. It is white, tasteless, of a very agreeable odour ; it is not saponifiable ; its formula is C^H^O. By boiling with nitric acid it produces ambreic acid, which crystallizes from its solution in alcohol in small colourless tables ; it reddens litmus, but is scarcely soluble in water ; it forms well defined yellow salts with the alcalies ; its formula appears to be C 2 cH 2 oNO 12 . The calculi formed by the deposition of solid materials in the gall bladder or ducts, consist usually of cholesterine (see p. 1007), or colouring matters, but recently a peculiar substance has been disco- vered, forming biliary calculi in large animals, and termed Lithofellic acid. This body possesses the general characters of a resin, its for- mula is C 40 H 36 O 8 . Its most important character is that like sulphur, it may exist in a crystallized or in an amorphous condition, and its melting points in these states differ by 180 Fahrenheit; the melting point of the crystals being 205 C, and that of the amorphous form 105 C. SECTION VI. OF THE PRESERVATION AND PUTREFACTION OE ANIMAL MATTERS. Prom the greater complexity of composition of animal substances, their decomposition is more rapid, and its products more diverse than 1046 Phenomena of Putrefaction. in the case of organic bodies of vegetable origin ; and whilst the carbon, hydrogen and oxygen give origin to the various kinds of ulinine and other substances of the same class, the nitrogen is generally evolved as ammonia, and the sulphur as sulphuretted hydrogen. It is the pre- sence of these bodies that give to putrefying animal substances the disagreeable odour by which that process is distinguished from mere mouldering or rotting. Even during life the constituent particles of the body are in a con- tinual state of change, being absorbed and thrown out of the system whilst others are assimilated^ in their place. Any part of our consti- tuents, liquid or solid, which becomes unfitted for this vital function is thereby killed, and must, if not gotten rid of, induce the death of the individual. Hence precisely the same means which give to animal sub- stances the fixity of constitution, which belongs to true chemical com- pounds, and thus preserve them from decomposition by the disturbing action of their own elements, (as when we coagulate albumen by an acid, by corrosive sublimate, or by sulphate of copper), produce, if applied to the living body, the death of the part or of the whole being, by depriving the blood or the tissue of the mutability of constitution which is required for the functions of the animal frame. It is thus that the generality of metallic poisons act in producing death. Being absorbed into the system, they unite with the albumen and fibrine of the blood, and converting them into the insoluble com- pounds which we form in the laboratory, unfit them for the continual absorptive and secretive offices which as organs while they live they must fulfil. If the injury be local and limited in extent, the part so coagulated may be thrown off, and after a certain time the functions return to their proper order. If the mass, or the importance of the affected parts be greater, the system cannot so get rid of the portions which have thus been removed from the agency of life to submit to merely chemical laws; on the contrary, the vital powers of the remaining portions of the animal are so much weakened in the effort that general death is caused. Tor putrefaction it is thus necessary 1st, that the force of vitality, which governs so completely the mere chemical tendencies of the ele- ments of our tissues, be removed ; 2nd, that there should not be pre- sent any powerful chemical re-agent, with which the organized material may enter into combination, and thus the divellant tendencies of the affinities of its elements be overcome ; 3rd, that water be present in order to give the necessary mobility ; 4th, that oxygen be present, or at least some other gas, into the space occupied by which the gaseous products may be diffused ; and, lastly, that the temperature shall be Conservation of Animal Bodies. 1047 within moderate limits, putrefaction being impossible below 32, and above 182. The agency of the first of these preventive powers need not be fur- ther noticed. The second is extensively employed in the preparation of bodies for anatomical purposes, by baths, or injections into the arteries, of solutions of corrosive sublimate, acetate of alumina, sulphate of iron, tannin, wood vinegar, and kreosote; this last body, however, does not appear to act by direct combination, but by the complete (catalytic) coagulation it produces in all the tissues of the body that have protein for their base. The necessity for the presence of water is shown by the fact, that by drying the animal substances they are com- pletely preserved. It is thus that the bodies of those perishing in the Arabian deserts, are recovered years subsequently, dried, but com- pletely fresh. Alcohol and common salt act in preserving animal bodies by their affinity for water. If a piece of flesh be covered with salt, the water gradually passes from the pores of the flesh, and dissol- ving the salt, forms a brine, which does not wet the flesh, but trickles off its surface ; the water necessary for putrefaction is thus removed. The mode of strengthening alcohol in a bladder (p. 774), rests on the same principle. Fourth, by excluding oxygen, the putrefactive process is retarded, precisely as the fermentative action of the gluten in grape juice (p. 772) cannot begin until a small quantity of oxygen be ab- sorbed. It is thus, that meat which is sealed up in close vessels, and then boiled for a moment, is preserved ; the small quantity of oxygen of the air remaining then in the vessel is absorbed, and the product of that minute change being coagulated by the heat, it cannot proceed further. A high temperature stops putrefaction by coagulating the azotized materials ; a temperature below 32, by freezing the water, acts as if the tissue had been dried; in both cases putrefaction is arrested. During putrefaction, at a stage prior to any fetid gas being evolved, a peculiar organic substance is generated, possessed of intensely poisonous properties, and the blood of persons who have died from its effects, is found to be quite disorganized, and irritating when applied to wounds. The blood of over-driven cattle is found to produce effects similar to those of venemous reptiles, and the wounds received in dis- section are sometimes followed by similar fatal consequences. The communication of disease, in this way, has recently been very ingen- iously ascribed by Liebig to the general principle of the communica- tion of decomposition by contact, (p. 229). The small quantity of diseased organic matter originally introduced into the system by absorp- tion, acts as a ferment, and reproduces itself in the mass of blood 1048 Phenomena of Putrefaction, until this becomes unfitted for the performance of its functions, and the animal is killed ; the active principle being thus copiously present, is exuded from the skin and lungs, and gives a contagious character to the disease, or it remains only in the blood, or is secreted in pustules, &c v constituting infection by which the disease may be communicated to another person. In the decomposition of vegetable matter, in marshes, similar male- ficent products may be evolved, and throwing the blood of the animal, by which they are absorbed, into fermentative decomposition, produce the effects of malaria and marsh miasm. INDEX. Absinthiin, 926. Absorption of Light, 34-50. of Heat, 121-124. Acechloryl, 809. Acetates of Alumina, 801. Ammonia, 804. of Barytes, Lime, 800. Lead, 802. Copper, 803. Silver. Mercury, 804. Potash, Soda, 800. Acetal, 796. Acetone, 805. Acetyl, 794, 812. Achromanides, 752. Acids, Poly basic, 412, 666. Acid, Acetic, 797. Acrylic, 873. Adipic,879. Akonitic, 899. Aldehydic, 796. Alloxanic, 1033. Althionic, 782. Aloetic, 928. Ambreic, 1045. Amygdalic, 850. Anilic, 937. Angelic, 914. Anthranilic, 938. Anemonic, 921. Antimonious Antimonic, 544. . Apoglucic, 818. Arsenious, 532. . Arseniovinic, 784. Arsenic, 535. Aspartic, 919. Auric, 572. Azoleic, 880. - Azulmic, 731. Benzoic, 851. , Benzoylic, 854. Boletic, 913. Boracic, 455. Bromic, 443. Butyric, 885. Caprylic, 886. Acid Carbonic, 687. Carbovinic, 789. Carbomethylic, 827. Camphoric. Camphovinic, 864. Capric. Caproic, 886. , Catechu-tannic. Catechuic, 908. Caincic, 913. Caifeic, 920. Caseic, 1043. Cetylic, 891. Chelidonic, 913. Chlorous, 425. Chloric, 423. Chloro-carbonic, 701. Chloro-acetic, 809. Chlorisatic, 938. Chloro-chromic, 636. Chlornapthalic, 840. Chloro-phenic, 843. Chloroxalovinic, 811, Chloroproteic, 1002. Choleic, 1019. Cholalic, 1021. Cholesteric, 1007. Chrysanilic, 938- Chlorosochloric, 426. Chloronitrous, 432. Chromic, 524. Chrysammic, 928. Chrysanilic, 938. Chrysolepic, 929. Cinnamic, 855. Citric, 898. . Citrakonic, 899. Cinchonic. Cinchona-tannic, 911. Coccotannic, 912. Coccostearic, 883. Colophonic, 867. Columbic, 529. Crenic. Apocrenic, 821, Crotonic, 888. Cumenic. Cumen-sulphuric, 867. Croconic, 702. Cyanic, 73 1 . 1050 INDEX. Acid Cyanuric, 736. Cyanilic, 753. Cyanoxalic, 1032. Cymensulphuric, 867. Delphinic, 887. Dialuric, 1035. Deutothionic, 400. Elaidic, 880. Ellagic, 907. Equisetic, 899. Erythric, 942. Ethionic, 782. Ethalic, 890. -. Eugenic, 857. Evernesic, 943. Ferric, 509. Formic, 829. Formo-benzoic, 852. Fulminic, 734. Fumaric, 902. Fungic, 912. Gallic, 905. Gei'c, 819. Glucic, 766. Glycerosulphuric, 872. Hippuric, 1036. Humous. Humic, 918. Hydrochlorocyanic, 736. Hydro-bromic, 444. Hydro-chloric, 427. Hydrocyanic, 737. Hydro-fluoric, 445.- Hydro-fluoboric, 456. Hydro-fluosilicic, 453. Hydriodic, 440. Hydroleic. Hydro-margaric, 882. Hypo-antimonious, 543. Hypo-chlorous, 422. Hypo-nitrous, 377. Hypo-phosphorous, 410. Hypo-sulphuric, 400. Hypo-sulphurous, 399. lodic, 437. . . Inosinic, 1110. lodous, 437. Isethionic, 782. Itakonic, 899. Japonic, 910. Kacodylic, 807. Kinoic, 912. Komenic, 903. Krameric, 913. Lactucic, 912. Lecanoric, 941. Lichen-stearic, 914. . Lithofellic, 908, 1045. Lipic, 880. Malic, 900. Acid Maleic, 901. . Manganic, 500. Meconic, 902. Melanic, 1039. Melassic, 766. Margaric, 875. Melangallic, 907. Mellitic, 702. Mesoxalic, 1033. Metacetonic, 873. Methionic, 782. Metoleic Metamargaric, 882. Metapectic, 916. Metaphosphoric, 412. Molybdic, 528. Mucic, 767. Muriatic, 427. Mycomelinic, 1033. Myristic, 884. Myronic, 860. Nitrosonitric, 384. Nitranilic, 938. Nitrostyphic, 845. Nitrococcic, 940. Nitranisic, 866. Nitric, 380. Nitro-leucic, Nitro-meconic, 923. Nitro-phenesic, 844. Nitro-muriatic, 432. Nitrous, 378. (Enanthic, 814. CEnanthylic, 888. Oleic, 877. Opianic, 957. Orsellic, 943: Osmic, 529. Oxamic, 729. Oxypicric, 845, Oxalic, 698. Oxalovinic, 789. Oxaluric, Oxypinic, 867. Palmic, 887. Palmitic, 883. Parellagic, 907. Paracyanic, 732* Parabanic, 1033. Parellagic, 908. Paralactic, 764. Pelargonic, 940. Perchlorous, 424. Perchloric, 425. Pectic, 915. Periodic, 437. Permanganic, 501. Phosphomesitilic, 805. Phosphoric, 412. INDEX. 1051 Acid Phosphorous, 411. Phosphogly eerie, 872. Phosphomethylic, 828. Phospho-vinic, 784. Pinic, 866. Pimelic, 879. Picric, 844 937. Proteosulphuric, 1000. Prussic, 737. Purreic, 940. Purpuric, 1036. Pyromucic, 767. Pyro-racemic, 898. Pyro-tartaric, 897. Pyro-meconic, 903. Pyro-gallic, 907. Pyromucic, 767. Racemic, 897. . Rhodizonic, 702. Ricino-stearic. Ricinic, 887. Rubinic, 910. Rufin-sulphuric, 917. Saccharic, 763. Saccharohumic, 818. Sacchulmic, 763. Salicylic, 858. Sebacic, 878. Selenious. Selenic, 407. Silicic, 449. Stannic, 521. Stearic, 874. Suberic, 879. Succinic, 868. Sulpho-benzoic, 953. Sulpho-amilic, 815. Sulpho-ethalic, 889. Sulpho-glyceric,872. Sulphindylic, 936. Sulpholeic-Sulpho-margaric, 882. Sulpho-mesitic, 805. Sulpho-methylic, 827. Sulpho-napthalic, 840. Sulpho-purpuric, 936. Sulpho-vinic, 781. Sulpho- carbonic, 704. Sulphuric, 392. Sulphurous, 390. Sylvic, 867. Tannoxylic, 905. Tannomelanic, 905. Tannic, 903. Tantalic, 529. Tartaric, 892, Tartralic-Tartrelic, 896. Tellurous. Telluric, 549. Tetrathionic, 400. Thiocyanic, 752. Thionuric, 1034. Acid Titanic, 531. Trigenic, 796. Trithionic, 400. Tungstic, 527. Turpentinic, 864. Ulmic, 818. Usmic 944. Vaccinic, 886. Vanadic, 526. Valerianic, 816. Verdous and verdic, 913. Xanthoproteic, 1002. Hydroxanthic, 790. Hydrosulpho- cyanic, 750. Acaroid Resin, 868. Aconitine, 964. Acroleon, 873. Acidimetry, 624. Acryl-series, 873. Actinic Forces, 229. Action of Magnets on Light, 47. Actions by Contact, 229. Adhesion of Solids to Liquids, 9. JSsculine, 924. Uroliths, 503. Affinity, Chemical, 204. Order of, 209. influenced by Cohesion, 214. Elasticity, 218. Light, 224. Measure of, 222, 273. Aggregation, States of, 8. Agricultural Chemistry, 977. Air, Atmospheric, 360. Expansion of, 67. Alabaster, 609. Albumen, Animal, 998. Vegetable, 771. Alcohol, Ordinary, 774. Methylic, 823. Amylic, 815. Alcoates, 776. Alcalies from Aniline, 846. Organic, Artificial, 972. production of, 969. Alkanna-red, 931. Alizarine, 930. Alembroth, Salt of, 725. Algarotti, Powder of, 642. Alkaline Earths, 461. Alkarsin. Alkargene, 806. Alkalimetry, 693. Alkalies, 461. Allantoin, 1032. Alloxantine, 1035. Allophanic Ether, 788. Allotropy and Isomerism, 320. Allotropic Conditions, 305. Allotropy, Cause of, 317. 1052 INDEX. Allyle Series, 859. Aloes, Acids from, 928. Alum, 616. Aluminum. Alumina," 489. Salts of, 615. Almonds, fixed Oil of, 877. volatile Oil of, 850. Amber, 868. Ambergris. Ambreine, 1045. Amnios, Liquid of the, 1044. Amidide of Hydrogen, 709. ' Mercury, 716. Amilene, 815. Amidogene, 709. Ammonia, 706. Ordinary Salts of, 722. Metallic Salts of, 713. Anhydrous Salts of, 721. Metallic bases, 720. Salts of Copper, 713. Mercury, 716. Palladium, 715. : Platinum, 719. Silver, 714. Zinc, 713. Amarythrine, 942. Aniline, 845. Ammonium, 723. Ammoniurets, 711. Ammoniacal Amalgam, 723. Ammeline, 753. Amilic Alcohol, 815. Ammoniacum, 844. Amygdaline, 850. Anhydrite, 609. Anemonine, 921. Animal Chemistry, 996. Charcoal, 676. Electricity, 181, 164. Anatase, 531. Analcime, 45. Analysis, Nature of, 2. Organic, 678. Antimonial Powder, 641. Antimoniates 544. Antimony Crocus. Glass of, 544. Anthracite, 822. Antimony, 542. Oxide of, 543. Sulphurets of, 546. Detection of, 548. Salts of, 638. Antimoniuret of Hydrogen. 547. Anime, resin, 868. Anise, Oil of, 862. Camphor, 866. Antiar Resin, 868. Apotheme, 927. Aqua-regia, 423. Arrow Root, 755. rterialization, 1025. .rsenic, 534. Acids of, 535. Sulphurets of, 536. Detection of, 538. Antidote to, 542. Salts of, 639. .rseniate of Potash, 640. Iron, 639, Silver, 651. A.rsenite of Potash, 640. Copper, 646. Silver, 651. Arseniuret of Hydrogen, 535. Arabin, 760. Archil], 945. A.ricine, 935. Artificial Tannin, 908. Asarum, Oil of, 862. Camphor, 865. Asparagine. Aspartic Acid, 919. Asphaltene, 868. Assafoetida, 868. Asphalt, 824. Atomic Volumes, Theory of, 300. of Salts, 593. of Isomorphous Bodies, 310. and Densities, 304. Atmosphere, 360. Composition of, 364. Effect of Respiration on, Pressure of, 369. Extent and Form of, 371. Atmospheric Electricity, 161. Atomic Theory, 294. Atoms, Physical and Chemical, 297- Specific Heat of, 85. Atropine, 965. Aurates, 573. Azote, 357. Azobenzyl, 853. Azolitmine, 945. Azure Blue. 696. Azosalicyl, 859. Azoturets, 711. B. Battery of Groves, 179. Gas, 179. Balance, Electrical, 146. Balsams, Nature of, 856. Barium, 480. Chloride of, 607. INDEX. 1053 Barium, Sulphuret of, 482. Barilla, 691. Barytes, 481. Salts of, 607. Bases Platinum, 721. Basic Salts, 583. Barometer, 369. Batteries, Galvanic, 174. Constant, 178. Bdellium, Resin, 868. Belladonine, 965. Bell Metal, 557. Benzoates, 852. Benzyle Compounds, 853. Benzin. Benzone, 854. Benzone Resin, 868. Benzid Series, 842, 853. Berberine, 933. Bergamotte, Oil of, 863. Bile, Constitution of the, 1018. Acids in, 1020. Bilein, Bilifulvine, 1019. Biliary Calculi, 1045. Binary Theory of Salts, 590. Birch Resin, 868. Bismuth, 561. Oxides of, 562. Salts of, 648. Sulphuret of, 563. Bittern, 603. Bleaching Powder, 61 1. Theory of, 949. Black Pepper, Oil of, 863. Black Flux, 469. Black Lead, 673. Blood, Composition of the, 1013. Globules, 1016. Serum of the, 1014. . in Disease, 1017. Phosphates in, 1027. Blue, Prussian, 746. Azure, 696. Thenards, 632. Verditer, 696. Blende, 518. Bodies, Diamagnetic, 192. Boiling Points of Liquids, 106. Bone, Earth, 610. Oil, 847. Boracite, 615. Bones, Composition of, 1012. B orates of Soda, 606. Boracic Acid. Boron, 454. Boron, Fluoride of, 456. Borax, 606. Brass, 557. Bromine, 442. Chloride of, 445. Bromide of Sulphur, 444. Bromide of Potassium, 595. Mercury, 653. Sromates, 444. Sraziliin, 931. Brucine, 960. Srain. Fats of the, 1006. Jutyrine. Butyrone, 885. Bronze, 557. C. Cadmium and its Compounds, 518. Salts of, 633. Caffeine, 920. 3ajeput, Oil of, 861. Dalamine, 516. dale Spar, 484, 695. Calcium and its Oxides, 483. Sulphuret, 486. Salts of, 608. Calcination of Ores, 466. alculi, Biliary, 1045. Vesical, 1040. Calomel, 652. alorimeter, 82. Cameleon Mineral, 501. Camphene, 863. Camphors of the Oils, 864. Camphor, Common, 863. Camphor Tree, Oil of, 862. Camphilene, 863. Campholen, 864. Caoutchouc. Caoutchine, 869. Caprine. Caproine, 886. Capacity of Bodies for Heat, 80. Catalysis, 229. Carbon, forms of, 672. Carbonic Acid, 686. Oxide, 697. Carbon, Sulphuret of, 703. Chlorides of, 705. Carbonates of Potash, 688. Soda, 691. Lime, 695. Barytes, 695. Magnesia, 695. Iron, 696. Copper, 696. Lead, 697. Ammonia, 727. Carburets, 697. Caramel, 762. Cane Sugar, 761. Carmine, 934. Carthamine, 932. Cartilage, 1004. Caseum. Caseine, 1042. Cassius, Purple of, 573. 1054 INDEX. Cantharidine, 921. Catechine, 908. Capillary Force, 10. Catalysis, Theories of, 232. Calcium, Phosphuret of, 487. Carbonate of Manganese, 696. Calomel, 653. Carbaldine, 796. Cementation, 505. Cerin. Ceraine,891. Cedririt, 835. Cellular Tissue, 1010. Cerebrot. Cerebrol, 1006. Cerium and its Compounds, 493. Ceruse, 697. Cetene, 890. Cetrarine, 922. Cerium, 493. Cetine. Cetene, 890. Charcoal, 672. Chalk, 695, 672, Chelerythrine, 963. Chelidonine, 964. Chemical Action of Galvanism, 252. Theory of Galvanism, 266. Affinity, 204. Rays of Light, 226. Voltameter, 263. Equivalents, 276. Chemistry, Origin and Object, of, 1. Derivation of, 3. Agricultural, 977- Animal, 996. Chemical Nomenclature, 194. . Formulae, 203. Chinone, 912. Chlorine, 418. Properties of, 420. Compounds with Oxygen, 422. Chloride of Hydrogen, 427. Sulphur, 432. Phosphorus, 433. . Iodine, 441. Silicon, 451. Potassium, 594. Sodium, 602. Boron, 456. Barium, 607. Strontium, 608. Calcium, 608. Lime, 610. Magnesium, 614. Aluminum, 615. Manganese, 626. Iron, 627. Nickel, 631. Cobalt, 631. Zinc, 632. Chloride of Tin, 633. . Chrome, 636. Arsenic, 639. Antimony, 641. Titanium, 643. Copper, 644. Lead, 646. Bismuth, 648. Silver, 649. Mercury, 652. Gold, 656. Palladium, 657. Platinum, 658. Rhodium, 659. Cyanogen, 740. Carbon, 705. Ammonium, 724. Chlorate of Potash, 423, 596. Chlorometry, 611. Chlorine and Indigo, 938. Chloral, 809. Chloryl-ether, 810. Chloroxalic Ether, 810. Cholesterine, 1007. Chondrine, 1004. Chlorophyll, 946. Chrysorhamnine, 932. Choke Damp, 808. Chromium, 523. Chromium Oxide, Acid of, 524. Salts of, 635. Chromates of Potash, 637. Lead, 648. Mercury, 656. Chrome Alum, 636. Iron, 523. Chyle and Chyme, 1024. Chloroso Chloric Acid, 426. Chloronitrous Acid, 432. Chlorometry, 612. Chrome, Yellow, 648. Chloroxalic Ether, 810. Chlorether Series, 811. Chloroform, 833. Chlorindigo, 938. Cinnamyl, 856. Cinnameine, 857. Cinnamon, Oil of, 855. Cinchona Red, 911. Cinchonine and its Salts, 952. Circular Polarization, 45. Circles, Galvanic, 166. Cissampelline, 968. Cinnabar, 568. Factitious, 570. Citrates, 899. Citron, Oil of, 863. Citrine Ointment, 883. Coal, Constitution of, 822. INDEX. 1055 Coal Gas, Nature of, 836. Cobalt, 514. Compounds of, 516. Salts of, 631. Clay, Composition of, 624. Cloves, Oil of, 857. Cobalto -cyanides, 750. Cocoa Stearine, 883. Cocculin, 922. Cochineal Red, 934. Codeine, 957. Cohesion, Force of, 9. Relation to Heat, 15, 54. and Affinity, 212. Colours, Prismatic, 38. of Natural Bodies, 40. Cold by Liquefaction, 90. Classification of Bodies, 327. Columbine, 922. Colchicine, 962. Colouring Matters, 929. Colophony, 866. Combustion, Slow, 235. Theories of, 249. Combination, Laws of, 274. Conduction of Heat, 118. of Electricity, 140. and Induction, 152 Communication of Motion, 232. Constant Battery, 177. Contact, Actions by, 229. Contagion, 1047. Cooling of Bodies, 81, 133. Columbium, 529. Salts of, 638. Coneine, 966. Copaiva Resin, 868. Oil of, 863. Copal Resin, 868. Copper, 552. Oxides of, 554. Sulphurets of, 555. Alloys of, 556. Salts of, 644. Pyrites, 552. Ammonia, Salts of, 713. Corn Oil, 814. Constitution of Salts, 580. Combustion, Slow, 236. Laws of, 244. Corrosive Sublimate, 651. Cobaltocyanides, 750. Cotton, Gun, 758. Coals, Composition of, 822. Cotarnine, 956. Cream, 1042 . Crotonine, 888. Cryophorus, 109. Crystallization, 20. Crystalline Forms, 22. Crystals, Systems of, 24. Polarization by, 42. Mackled, 44. Plagihedral, 47. Isomorphous, 305. Dimorphous, 314. Plesiomorphous, 309. Crystals, Optical Properties of, 44. Currents, Galvanic, 165, 252. Cupellation, 565. Cumen, 862. Cusparine, 923. Curcumine, 1040. Cubebs, Oil of, 863. Camphor, 866. Cumen, Oil of, 862. Cuttle Fish Ink, 1 044. Curves of Solubility, 19. Cube, Modifications of, 25. Cupric Acid, 555. Curd, 1041. Cuticle, 1009. Cyanol, 845. Cyanogen, 729. Compounds with Oxygen. 731. Chlorides of, 740. Iodides of, 741. Sulphuret of, 750. Cyanamelide, 732. Cyanide of Hydrogen, 737. Potassium, 741. Mercury, 742. W Iron, 744. Cyanides, Complex, 743. Cymen, 862. Cystic Oxide, 1041. D. Daguerrotype Images, 227. Daturine. 966. Definite Proportions, 274. Deliquescence, 352. Delphinine, (Fat), Delphinone, 886. Delphinine, (Alcaloid), 961. Destructive Distillation, 823, 834, 836. Detonating Silver, 735. Mercury, 735. Powder, 599. Dextrine, 761. Dew, Nature of, 135. Deutothionic Acid, 400. Detection of the Metals, 463. Diamond, 673. Diastase, 772, 988. 1056 INDEX. Dichroism, 40. Diabetes, Blood in, 1018. Urine in, 1038. Differential Thermometer, 59. Diamagnetic Force, 192. Didymium, 493. Digestion, 1024. Digestive Principle, 1029. Diffusion of Gases, 365. Dimorphous Bodies, 23, 315. Dimorphism, 305. Dippell's Animal Oil, 847. Distillation, 98. Distilling Apparatus, 776. Disinfecting Liquor, 605. Divisibility of Matter, 6. Divellent Affinities, 209. Double Decomposition, 207. Double Refraction, 36. Salts, 585. Dragon's Blood, 868. Dyeing Substances, 929. Theory of, 947. Dynamic Electricity. 163. E. Ear-wax, 1044. Earths, Proper, 460. Alcaline, 461. Earthenware, 624. Eblanine, 825. Ebullition, *00. Efflorescence, 352. Eggs, Composition of, 1043. Eleen, 877. Elaidine, 880. Elaidates,881. Elecampane Camphor, 866. Elaoptens, 861. Elaterine, 923. Elasticity of Gases, 16. Vapours, 100. and Affinity, 218. Elayl, 790. Elective Decomposition, 205. Electricity, Nature of, 137. of Steam, 162. Statical, 139. Animal, 164, 181. Dynamic, 163. of the Air, 161. Theories of, 147. Positive and Negative, 148. Distribution of, 142. Interference of, 145. Velocity of, 142. Electrical Conductors, 141. Attraction, 145. Machines, 149. Balance, 146. Induction, 152, 158. Battery, 155. Electrics and Non-electrics, 140. Electrometer, 151. Electrophorus, 156. Electroscope, 144. Electrotype, 169. Electro-magnetism, 188. chemical Theories, 252. metallurgy, 470. of Ampere, 256. Berzelius, 257. Davy, 255. Faraday, 260. Graham, 258. Kane, 264. Decomposition, 260. Electrolysis and Electrodes, 262. Elemi, 868. Elements, Nature of, 2. Classification of, 327.' Emetine, 962. Epsom Salt, 614. Equivalent Decomposition, 278. Electro-chemical, 263. Chemical, 274. Thermochemical, 246. Erythrolein. Erythrolitmine, 945. Erythrine. Erythryline, 946. Erythrogen, 1019. Erbium and Erbia, 492. Essential Oils, Acid, 849. Neutral, 860. Essences, 898. Ethal, 890. Ether, Lumniferous, 48. Sulphuric, 776. Etherene, 790. Etherine. Ether ol, 783. Ether eum, 812, Ethyl, 812. Ethchloryl, 811. Ethers, Theory of the, 812. Acetic, 804. Camphoric, 865. Carbonic, 788. Chloro-carbonic, 789. Cinnamic, 856. Cyanuric, 788. Elaidic, 880. Hydriodic, 785. Hydro-bromic, 785. Hydro-sulphuric, 785. Hydro-chloric, 784. Hydro-cyanic, 788. INDEX. 105? Ethers, Hyponitrous, 786. Mucic, 790. . Myristic, 885. Nitric, 786. Oleic, 877, Oxalic, 789. Palmitic, 884. Sulpho-carbonic, 790. Sulphuric, True, 783. Stearic, 875. Sulpho-cyanic, 788. Suberic, 879. Xanthic, 785. Ethyl, Sulphurets of, 786. Chloride of, 784. Iodide of, 785. Eudiometer, Use of the, 361. of Davy and Scheele,362. ofVolta, 344. ~ Ure, 362. Brunner, 363. Euphorbium, 869. Euchroic Acid, 703. Evaporation, 96. ,- Spontaneous, 100. Cold by, 109, Excitation, Electrical, 140. Expansion by Heat, 54. of Gases, 67. Liquids, 72. Solids, 76. Extractive Matter, 927. Animal, 1007. Eye, Humours of the, 1004. Black Pigment of the, 1004. F. Fallowing, Theory of, 991. Fats of the Brain, 1006, 1011. Fatty Bodies, 871. Feathers, 1010. Fennel, Oil of, 861. Camphor, 866. Fermentation, Acetic, 794. Alcoholic, 772. Butyric, 885. . Gly eerie, 873. Lactic, 768. Mucous, 769. Putrefactive, 1046. Saccharine, 764. Ferrocyanide of Hydrogen, 744. Iron, 746. Potassium, 745. Ferridcyanide of Potassium, 747. Ferro-cyanogen, 748. Ferric Acid, 509. 67 Ferro-cyanides, 744. Ferridcyanides, 747. Filtration of Water, 355. Fibre, Ligneous, 758. Fibrine, 977. State of, in the Blood, 1014. Fire Damp, 808. Fixed Oils, 871. Flashing, 565. Flame, Constitution of, 240. Flesh, Muscular, 1011. Juice of, 1009. Flints, 447. Liquor of, 618. Flowers, Colours of, 946. Fluidity 89. Fluoborates, 456. Fluorine, 445. Fluoride of Aluminum, 615. Boron, 456. Calcium, 609. Hydrogen, 446- Phosphorus, 447. Potassium, 597. Silicon, 452. Fluo-silicate of Potash, 597. Fluor Spar, 609. Flux, White and Black, 469. Force, Diamagnetic, 192. Forces, Tithonic, 229. Formic Acid, 829. Formyl, Compounds of, 829. Formiate of Copper, 831. Barytes, 830. Lead, 831. Mercury, 832. Soda, 830. Fossil Copal, 868. Frost, Nature of, 135. Freezing Mixtures, 94. Fulminating Silver, 711. Fulminates, 735. Furnace, Reverberatory, 467. Fusion. Liquefaction, 89. Watery, 352. Fusion, Crystallization by, 21. Furfurine. Furfurol, 975. G. Galena, 560. Galvanic Electricity, 163. Circles, 166. Intensity, 170, 173. Batteries, by Groves, Callan and Bunsen, 179. Galvanism, Chemical Theories,of, 171. 1058 INDEX. Galvanism, Contact Theory of, 174. Galvanic Batteries, Common, 175. Constant, 179. Galvanism, Discovery of, 181. Galvanoscope, 181, 191, 264. Gallates, 906. Gamboge, 868. Gases, Conduction of Heat by, 120. Correction, for Moisture of, 112. Temperature, 70. Pressure, 16. Diffusion of, 365. Expansion of, 68. Relation to Vapours, 111, 115. Specific Gravity of, 11. Heat of, 87. Liquefaction of, 17. Absorption by Water, 351. Absorption by Charcoal, 677. Mode of Drying, 452. Gasometers, 332. Gas, Battery of Groves, 179. Garlic, Oil of, 860. Galbanum, 868. Gastric Juice, ^+1 Gelatine, 1003. Sugar of, 1005. German Silver, 513. Germination, 988. Glass, Composition of, 619. Manufacture of, 618. Annealing of, 620. ... . of Antimony 544. . Expansion of, 77. Glauber's Salt, 604. Glucinum. Glucina, 491. Glucose, 764. Glaucine, 754, 969. Gluten, 771. Glycerine, 973. Glycyrrhizine, 767. Glaucene, 752. Glycero-phosphoric Acid, 872. Glyceric Fermentation, 873. Glycocoll, 1005. Gold, 571. Oxides of, 572. Salts of, 656. Double Chlorides of, 657. - Ammonia Chloride, 721. Fulminating, 711. Mosaic, 522. Golden Sulphuret of Antimony, 546. Goniometers, 33. Gouty Concretions, 1039. Graphite, 673. Grape Sugar, 764. Gravity, Nature of, 6. Gravity, Specific, of Gases, 16. Liquids, 10. Vapours, 13. : Solids, 12. Green, Brunswick, 644. Emerald, 646. Mineral, 696. Scheele's 646. Growth of Plants, 977. Guaiacum, 868. Gum, 760. British, 756. Resins, 868. Gunpowder, 599. Gun Cotton, 758. Gutta Percha, 870. Gypsum, 609. H. Hair, Horn, 1010. Haloid Salts, 581, 592. Hartshorn, Spirits of, 707, 727, 847. Harmaline, 969. Heat, Repulsive Power of, 54. Measure of, 57. Specific of Solids, 81. Gases, 87. of Atoms, 84. Evolution of, 235. Latent of Liquids, 90. Latent of Vapours, 97. Transmission of, 116. Conduction of by Gases, 120. Liquids, 119. Solids, 117. Radiation of, 121. Reflection and Absorption of, 123. Polarization of, 1 32. Relation of, to Light, 126, 131 Interference of, 130. Theories of, 133. Central of the Earth, 136. Sources of, 137. of Liquefaction, 91. . Latent and sensible constant, 103. Permeability of Bodies to, 128. Analogy of, to Light, 130. Catalytic Effects of, 231. Helicine, 917. Heavy Spar, 607. Hematosine, 1015. Hematoxylin, 93 1 . Hematite, 508. Hepar Sulphuris, 476. Honey, 764. INDEX. 1059 Honeystone, 702. Humine and Humous Acid, 820. Hydrates, 353. Hydrogen, 338. Hydrogen, Oxide of, 347. Peroxide of, 355. Amidide of, 706. Sulphuretted, 404. Seleniuretted, 407. Phosphuretted,4l6. Arseniuretted, 535. Antimoniuretted, 547. Hydriodic Acid, 439. Hydriodate of Phosphuretted Hy- drogen, 441. Hydrobromic Acid, 444. Hydro-chloric Acid, 427. Hydro-cyanic Acid. 737. Hydro-fluoric Acid, 446. Hydro-fluosilicic Acid, 453. Hydro-mellonic Acid, 752. Hydrogen, Carburet of, Faraday's, 834. Metallic Nature of, 347. Salts of, 581. Hydroxygen Blowpipe, 345. Hydrogen Harmonicon, 347. Hydruret of Arsenic, 535. Hydrokinone, 912. Hygrometry, 371. Hygrometers, 113. Hydro-benzamide, 854. Hyoscyamine, 966* Hydro-sulphuret of Ammonia, 846. Hypochlorite of Lime, 610. Potash, 600. Soda, 605. Hyponitrite of Potash, 376. Silver, 651. Hyposulphite of Silver, 651, 225. of Soda, 605. I. Idrialine, 823. Ilmenium, 529. Incipient Albumen, 1024. Indigo, Blue, 934. White, 935. Sulphates of, 936. with Chlorine, 938. Indian Yellow, 939. Indigogene, 935. Indigo Bath, 936. Induction, Electric, 152. Inductive Capacity, 158. Inductometer, 157. Induction, Magneto-electric, 188. Infection, 1047, Inuline, 757. Ink, 904. Insolubility, 214. Insulation, 141. Interference of Heat, 130. Light, 49. Electricity, 145. Photographic, 228. lodate of Potash, 602. Iodide of Arsenic, 639. Amidogen, 710. Copper, 645. Cyanogen, 740. Gold, 657- Hydrogen, 439. Iron, 628. Lead, 647. Mercury, 654. Palladium, 657. Platinum, 658. Potassium, 595. Silver, 649. Sulphur, 440. Iodine, 434. Compounds of, 437. lodous Acid, 437. Ipecacuanha, 962. Iridium, 577. Salts of, 658. Iris Florentina Camphor, 867. Iron, 502. Commercial Varieties, 504 . Composition of, 505. Detection of, 511. Magnetic Oxide of, 507. Malleable, 504. Oxides of, 507. Passitivity of, 507. Pyrites, 510. Smelting, of, 468, 503. Sulphurets of, 509. Salts of, 628. Isatine, 937. Isomerism, 305, 321. Isomorphism, 32, 305. Isomorphous Groups, 308, 314. J. Jalap, Resin, 868. Jelly, Vegetable, 914. Animal, 1003. Jervin, 962. Juniper, Oil of, 863. Juice of Flesh, 1008, 1060 INDEX. K. Kalium, 471. Kacodyl Compounds, 806. Kacodylic Acid, 807. Kermes Mineral, 546. Animal, 934. Kapnomor, 835. Kelp, 692. King's Yellow, 536. Kreatine, 1008. Kreatinine, 1009. Kupfer Nickel, 512. L. Labdanum Resin, 838. Labarraque, Liquor of, 605. Lac-sulphuris, 388, 476. Lactates, 769. Lactine, 766. Lactucine, 926. Lactic Fermentation, 768. Lampblack, 675. Lanthanum, 493. Lana Philosophica, 517. Lamp Aphlogistic, 235. Safety, 242. Lapis Lazuli, 617. Latent Heat of Liquids, 90. Vapours, 97* Lavoisierian Nomenclature, 194. Laws of Combination, 274. Lavender, Oil of, 861. Lead, 557. Black, 673. Compounds of, 559. -_ Red, 559. Salts of, 646. Uses of, 561. White, 697. Yellow, 648. Leather, Manufacture of, 1009. Legumine, 771. Leucine, 1005, 1043. Leucolitmine, 946. Leyden Jar, 155. Leucoline, 847. Lecanorine, 942 Lichenine, 757. Lichen Bitter, 922. Colours, 940. Colouring Bodies from the, 940. Lignine, 758. Lignite, 821. Lipyl, 872. Ligno-sulphuric Acid, 760. Light, 34. Composition of, 38. Polarization of, 41. Wave-Theory of. 48. Chemical Rays of, 51, 227. _ Relation to Heat, 121, 240. Velocity of, 35. Magnetic Relations of, 47. Analogy to Heat, 130. Interference of, 49. Influence on Affinity, 224. Action on Vegetation, 993. Refraction of, 35. Double Refraction of, 41. Absorption of, 39. Action on Metallic Salts, 226. Chemical Rays of, 229.^ Heating Rays of, 127. Sources of, 53. Simple and Compound, 38. Lightning, Nature of, 161. Lime, 483. Phosphuret of, 487. Salts of, 608. Limestone, 484, 695. Liquation, 519. Liquefaction, 89. Cold produced by, 93. Liquids, Specific Gravity of, 10. Expansion of, 72. Conduction of, 119. Liquor of Flints, 618. Liquorice, 767.- Litharge, 558. Lithium, 479. 1 Compounds of, 480. Salts of, 607. Litmus, 944. Logwood, 931. Luteoline, 933. Lymph, 1024. M. Machines, Electrical, 150. Steam Electric, 162. Macled Crystals, 44. Madder, Colouring Bodies of, 929. Magnesium, 487. Compounds of, 489. Salts of, 614. Magnesian Limestone, 488, 696. Magnetism, 185. Magnetic Attraction, 187. Relations of Light, 47. Magneto-electricity, 189. Magnets, Nature of, 186. Malaria, 1048. 1061 Malates, 901. Malachite, 696. Malting, 988. Manganese, 494. Carbonate of, 696. Oxide of 496. Sulphurets of, 501 . Salts of, 626. Valuation of, 498, 694, Mannite, 768. Margarine. Margaron, 875. Margarates, 876. Manures, Organic, 992. Mineral, 989. Marsh Gas, 808. Mariotte, Law of, 16. Marjoram, Oil of, 862. Mastic, 868. Massicot, 559. Matter, Divisibility of, 5. Constitution of, 7. Meconates, 902. Meconine, 923. Membrane, Cellular, 1010. Menthene, 866. Mercury, 567. Ammonia-chlorides, 716. Ammonia Nitrates, 719. - Cyanide of, 742. Detonating, 735. Detection of, 571. Fulminating, 711. Oxides of, 569. Salts of, 651. Mercurial Preparations, 570. Mesit, 826. Mesitylene, 805. Mesitic Ether, 805. Melam, 752. Melamine, 753. Mellates, 702. Mercaptan, 785. Menispermine, 968. Metals, Properties of, 457. Compounds with Oxygen, 459. Chlorine, 462. Classification of, 460, . Noble and Imperfect, 461. Natural State of, 465. Reduction of Ores of, 466. Alcaline and Earthy, 461. Conduction of Heat by, 117. Electricity, 141. Metal Gun, 557. Speculum, 557. Bell, 557. Meteoric Stones, 503. Methylic Alcohol, 825. Methylic Ether, 827. Methyl Salts of, 828. Methylal, 829. Metacetone, 763, 873. Metallic Sulphurets, 463. Metallurgic Processes, 465. Metallurgy, Electric, 470. Mesoxalic Acid, 703. Melam, 736, 753. Mellon, 752. Milk, Composition of, 1041. Sugar of, 766. Miasm, 1048. Mindererus, Spirit of, 804. Mineral Chameleon, 500. Kermes, 546. Minium, 559. Molybdenum, 528. Salts of, 638. Molybdates, 529. Molecular Laws of Specific Heat, 84. Molecular Decomposition, 229, 233. Constitution, 294, 305, 319, 7,45. Groups, 297, 325. Cohesion, 9. Electrical Arrangement, 265. Mordants, Action of, 949. Morphia, 953. Salts, of, 955. Morine, 933. Mosaic Gold, 522. Mucus, 1028 Mulberry Calculus, 1041. Multiple Proportions, 28 1 . Murexan, 1035. Murexid, 1036. Muriatic Acid, 427. Muriates of Metallic Oxides, 585. Muriate of Ammonia, 724. Cinchonine, 953. Morphia, 955. Strychnine, 959. Quinine, 951. Muscular Tissue, 1011: Mustard, Essential Oil of, 859. Oil of, 860. Mushroom Sugar, 767. Mucous Fermentation, 768. Myracine, 891. Myristicine, 884. Myriospermine, 857. N. Nails of Animals, 1010. Naptha, Coal Gas, 836. 1062 Naptha or Petroleum, 823. Napthaline, 837. Compounds of, 840. Napthalic Acid, 839. Narceine, 958. Narcotine, 955. Natrium. Natron, 477. Napthaline and Chlorine, 837. Nitrogen, 840. Oxygen, 839. Sulphur, 841. Narcogenine, 956. Neutral Salts, 581. Neutralization of Affinities, 206. Nitro-napthalese, 840. Nickel, 5 12. Compounds of, 513. Salts of, 631. Ammonia Salts of, 714. Nicotine, 967. Nitrate, of Ammonia, 724. Barytes, 607. Brucine, 960. Bismuth, 649. Copper, 645. Iron, 630. Lead, 647. Lime, 610. Magnesia, 615. Mercury, 655. Palladium, 658. Potash, 598. Soda, 605. Strontia, 608. Strychnia, 960. Silver, 650. Zinc, 633. Water, 380. Nitre, 598. Nitrite of Lead, 647. Nitrogen, 357. Properties of, 359. Oxides of, 373. Chloride of, 7 10. Iodide of, 710. Nitric Oxide, 375. Nitrous Oxide, 373. Nitruret of Mercury, 711, 717. Copper, 712. Chrome, 711. Nicotianine, 968. Nitrogen, Estimate of, 684. Nitre, Valuation of, 600. Niobium, 529. Nitrifaction, 380. Non-electrics and Electrics, 139. Nomenclature, 194. of Lavoisier, 167. of Laurent, 202. INDEX. Nutmeg-butter, 884. O. Oblique Prismatic System, 29. Oil, Dippel's Animal, 847. of Vitriol, 394. of Wine, 783. Potato-spirit, 815. of Hartshorn, 847. Corn, 815. of Turpentine, 863. Oils, Fixed, 871. Essential, Acid, 849, Essential, Neutral. 861. Ointment, Citrine, 881. Olefiant Gas, 790. Oleine, 877. Oleates, 878. Olein, 882. Olibanum Resin, 839. Oil of, 861. Olivin, 917. Ologist Iron, 508. Opium, Constituents of, 953. Organic Analysis, 678. Bodies, 662. Radicals, 325, 664. Types, 326, 668, 972. Organized Bodies, 662. Orcine. Orceine, 941. Orelline, 933. Optic Axes of Crystals, 36. Opoponax Resin, 839. Orpiment, 536. Organic Alcalies, Artificial formation of, 969. Osmium, 528. Oxides of, 529. Salts of, 638. Oxalates of Ammonia, 728. Lime, 701. Potash, 700. of Potash and Iron, 700. Chrome, 701. Copper, 701. Silver, 700. Oxides of Aluminum, 490. Ammonium, 722. Antimony, 543. Arsenic, 533. Bismuth, 562. Barium, 48 1 . i Cadmium, 518. Calcium, 485. Cystic, 1041, Chrome, 523. INDEX. 1063 Oxides of Cobalt, 515. Copper, 553. Carbon, 679. Cerium, 493. Ethyl, 776. Grlucinum, 491. Iron, 508. Lead, 558. Lithium, 479. Manganese, 495. Methyl, 826. . Mercury, 569. Molybdenum, 528. Nickel, 513. Nitrogen, 373. Osmium, 528. Palladium, 574. Phosphorus, 410. Platinum, 575. Potassium, 473. Iridium, 577. Gold, 572. . Rhodium, 578. Silver, 566. Sodium, 478. Strontium, 483. Tin, 520. Titanium, 531. Thorium, 492. Tungsten, 527. Uranium, 551. Uric, 1041. Vanadium, 526. Xanthic, 1041. Yttrium, 492. Zinc, 517. Zirconium, 492. Hydrogen, 347. Chlorine, 422. Magnesium, 488. Oxygen, 331. Preparation of, 333. Properties of, 336. Consumed by Animals, 1025 : 337. Evolved by Plants, 368, 979. Oxygen of the Atmosphere, 366. Oxyhydrogen Blowpipe, 345. Oxyphorus, 576. Oxamethylane, 829. Oxamethane, 789. Oxamide, 728. Oxy-chloride of Calcium, 609. . Chrome, 636. Antimony, 642. Copper, 644. - Bismuth, 648. Lead, 646. Merciuy, 652. Oxycatechine, 910. Oxy-chloride of Palladium, 657. Oxy-cyanide of Mercury, 742. Oxy-protei'n, 1002. Oxalic Acid, 698. Oxanilide, 846. Ozocherite, 822. Ozone, 338. P. Palladium, 574. Compounds of, 575. Salts of, 657. Ammonia, Salts of, 715. Cyanide of, 743. Palmine, 887. Palmitine, 883. Pancreatic Juice, 1030. Paraffine, 822. Para cyanogen, 731. Para-napthaline, 841. Parsley Camphor, 865. Oil of, 863. Pasto-Resin, 868. Paraban, 703. Pearlashes, 689. Pectine, 914, 980. Pennyroyal, Oil of, 862. Peppermint, Oil of, 862. Camphor, 865. Peudecanine, 923. Perchlorates, 426. of Potash, 602. Periodates, 438. Permanganates, 501. Peruvine, 856. Petroleum, 823. Pewter, 561. Pentathionic Acid, 401. Perchlorous Acid, 424. Pelopium, 525. Petanine, 848. Pectase, Pectose, 980. Phenyl, Hydrate of, 843. Phloretin. Phloridzein, 919. Phloridzine, 917. Phosphates of Ammonia, 726. of Ammon. and Magnes. 727. Ammonia and Soda, 727. Cobalt, 632. Copper, 646. Iron, 630. Lime, 610. Soda, 605. Silver, 651. Phosphates of Water, 413. __ Alumina, 617. 1064 INDEX. Phosphates in the Urine, 1040. Phosphatic Calculi, 1040. Phosphuret of Azote, 712. Metallic, 462. of Hydrogen, 416. Phosphites, 411. Phosphorus, 408. Compounds of, 410. Phosphorescence, 50. Phosphuretted Fats, 1006, 1011. Photography, 225. Photographic Interference, 228. Phosphoric Acid, 412. Phosphurets of Hydrogen, 417. Phosphuret of Calcium, 487. Phene, 842. Phenyl, Hydrate of, 859, 843. Phenyl, Amidide of, 845. Piccamar, 835. Picrotoxine, 922. Piperine, 921. Pittacal, 835. Pictures, Negative and Positive, 225. Picric Acid, 844. Piccoline, 846. Picryle, 855. Plagihedral Crystals, 47. Plants, Digestion of, 984. Food of, 979. Germination of, 977. Ashes of, 986. Growth of, 988. Plaster of Paris, 609. Plasters, 888. Platinum, 575. Gas Lamp, 237. Spongy, 576. Oxides, &c., of, 577. Salts of, 658. Ammonia, Salts of, 719. Fulminating, 711. Plesiomorphism, 309. Plumbago, 673. Platinum, Ammonia Bases, 719. Platinocyanides, 749. Platinocacodyl, 806. Platinum Bases, 721. Polarization of Heat, 132. Light, 41. Circular, 47. Populin, 924. Polychrome, 923. Polybasic Acids, 588. Porcelain, Nature of, 623. Manufacture of, 625. Potashes, 688. Potash, 473. Hydrates of, 474. Potassium, 471. Potassium, Oxides of, 473. Sulphur ets of, 475. Salts of, 594. Amidide, 709. Cyanide, 741. Ferro-cyanide, 744. Potato-starch, 755. Potassium, Iodide of, 596. Precipitate, Black, 717. Red, 569. White, 716. Pressure on Gases, Law of, 16. Vapours, 100. Prismatic Colours, 38. Prime Conductor, 153. Proof-spirit, 774. Prussian Blue, 746. Prussiate of Potash, Yellow, 744. Red, 747. Prussine, 749. Prussic Acid, 737. Preparation of, 738. Valuation of, 739. Detection of, 740. Protein, 1000. Prismatic Systems of Crystals, 28, Prussic Acid, Valuation of, 739. Pseudomorphine, 959. Pseudomorphism, 30. Pseudorcine, 943. Pteleyl Compounds, 806. Puddling, 504. Pus, 1045. Putrefaction, 1045. Purpurates, 1036. Putty, 521. Purple of Cassius, 572, 656. Purree and its Derivatives, 938. Pyrites, Copper, 552. Iron, 5 10. Pyro-acetic Spirit, 805. Pyrometer, Daniell's, 65. Expansion in, 67. Pyro-catechine, 909. Pyrogenic Bodies, 823. Pyroxylic Spirit, 825. Pyrophorus, 476. Pyrolusite, 497. Q. Quantity, Influence of, on Affinity, 214. Quartz, 449. Quartation, 572. Quassine, 924. Quercitrine, 932 Quicksilver, 567. INDEX. 1065 Quinine, 950. Quinoline, 796, 847. K. Radiation of Heat, 121. of Light, 34. Radical of the Seed, 976. Radicals, Compound, 325. Nature of, 664. Rays, Tithonic in Light, 229. Realgar, 536. Red Lead, 559. Precipitate, 569. Cinchona, 911. Colouring Matters, 930. Reduction of Metallic Oxides, 465. Sulphurets, 467. ,. Arseniurets, 468. Reflection of Heat, 123. Light, 34. Refraction of Heat, 132. Single, 35. Double, 41. Indices of, 36. Regular System, 25. Rennet, 1028. Resins, 867. Distillation of, 834. Respiration of Plants, 980. Animals, 1025. Retisteren. Retinol, 834. Rhein, 928. Rhombohedral Crystals, 27. Rhodium, 577. Salts of, 658. Rhodizonates, 702. Rhodan, 751. Ricinostearine. Ricine, 888. Ripening of Fruits, 982. Rochelle Salt, 894. Rosemary, Oil of, 861. Rose, Otto of, 866. Rotation of Crops, 989. Rouge, 932. Rutile, 531. Rutilin. Rufin, 917. Rue, Oil of, 861. Ruthenium, 577. Sabadilline, 962. Saccharine Fermentation, 756, 764. Sacchulmine, 772, 817. Saccharohumine, 818. Safety Lamp, 242. 68 Safflower, Red, 932. Sago, 755. Salop, 761. Sal-ammoniac, 724. Salicine, 916. Salicyl Compounds, 859. Saliretine, 917. Saliva, 1029. Salivary Matter, 1029. Sagapanum, 869. Salt, Common, 602. Glauber's, 604. Epsom, 614. Microcosmic, 727. Petre, 596. Rochelle, 894. Spirits of, 427. of Sorrel, 700. of Lemons, 701. Salt, Radicals, 590. Salts, Constitution of, 587. Classes of, 582. Polybasic, 589. Double, 585, 592. Water in, 353. Crystallization of, 30, 20. Isomorphism of, 305, 314. Solubility of, 19. Salts of Alumina, 615. . Ammonia, 722. Antimony, 641. Arsenic, 639. P Barium, 607. Bismuth, 648. Brucine, 960. Calcium, 608. Cadmium, 632. i Cinchonine, 935. Cobalt, 631. Chrome, 635. Copper, 644. Iridium, 658. Iron, 627. Lead, 646. Magnesium, 614. Manganese, 626. Mercury, 651. Morphia, 955. Molybdenum, 638. Nickel, 631. Osmium, 638. Narcotine, 957- Gold, 656. Palladium, 657. Platinum, 658. - Quinine, 951. Rhodium, 659. Potassium, 594. Silver, 649. 1066 INDEX. Salts of Sodium, 602. Strontium, 608. Strychnine, 959. Tin, 633. Zinc, 632. Santaline, 932. Sandarach, 869. Santonine, 925. Saponine, 925. Saponifiable Fats, 871. Savine, Oil of, 863. Saxon Blue, 937. Salts, Atomic Vols. of, 593. Basic Nature of, 594. Saltpetre, Assay of, 600. Saligenine, 916. Sarcosine, 1010. Scammony Resin, 869, Scillitine, 925. Sea Water, Composition of, 603. Secretions of Plants, 981. Animals, 1041. Sediments in Urine, 1039. Selenite, 609. Selenium, 407. Compounds of, 408. Senegin, 926. Serous Tissues, 1010. Secretion, 1011. Serum of the Blood, 1013. Serolin, 1014. Selenaldine, 796. Shells, Composition of, 1013. Silica, 449. Silicate of Alumina, 617, 624. Cobalt, 632. Potash, 602, 617. Soda, 607, 619. Silicon, 448. Chloride of, 451. Fluoride of, 452. Silver, 565. Oxides of, 566. Sulphurets of, 567. Salts of, 649. Ammonia, Salts of, 714. -Cyanide of, 742. Sinapisine, 860. Simple Bodies, 2. Table of, 195. Sinnamine, 860. Sinapoline, 860. Skin, Nature of, 1009. Slaked Lime, 484. Slags or Scoriae, 465. Smalts, 632. Smilacine, 926, Soap, Manufacture of, 889. Soda, 478. Soda, Detection of, 479. Sodium, 477. Salts of, 602. Soda-ash, 691. Solanine, 963. Solids, Specific Gravity of, 12. Expansion of, 76. Conduction of Heat by, 117. Solder, 561. Solubility, 1& Solution, Phenomena of, 20. like Vaporization, 114. Sources of Heat, 137. of Light, 53. of Electricity, 163. Solubility, Curves of, 19. Soda-ash, Assay of, 693. Spar-calc, 695. Fluor, 608. Heavy, 606. Special Heat, 86. Specific Gravity of Gases, 11. Liquids, 10. Solids, 12. Vapours, 13. Specific Heat, 81. Spearmint, Oil of, 861 . Spectrum, Prismatic, 38. Speiss, 512. Spiraea, Oil of, 858. Spermaceti, 890. Speculum Metal, 557. Spectrum, Luminous, 38. Chemical, 226. Spirit of Wine, 775. Salts, 427. Hartshorn, 727, 847. Mindererus, 804. Pyroxylic, 823. Pyro -acetic, 805. Starch, 755. Stannic Acid, 521. Steam, Motive Force of, 114. Latent Heat of, 97. Elasticity of, 101. Compressed, 115. Stearine, 873. Stearates, 874. Stearoptens, 861. Steel, 504. Stibium, 542. Strontium, 482. Oxides of, 483. Salts of, 607. Strychnine, 958. Steam, Electric Machine, 162. Stilbene, Series, 855. Suberine, 879. Suberon, 879. INDEX. 1067 Succinates, 868. Succinon, 869. Sugar-Cane, 761. of Grapes, 764. Milk, 766. Mushrooms, 767. Starch, 764. Gelatine, 1005. Lead, 802. Liquorice, 767. Sulphates of Alumina, 616. Ammonia, 723. Barytes, 606. Bismuth, 648. Cinchonine, 935. Cohalt, 631. Copper, 644. Chrome, 636. Iron, 628. Lead, 646. Lime, 608. Magnesia, 614. Manganese, 626. .. Mercury, 654. Morphia, 955. Nickel, 631. Palladium, 657. ^ Quinine, 951. Potash, 595. Silver, 649. . Soda, 604. Strontium, 608. . Strychnia, 959. Tin, 633. Zinc, 632. Sulphites, 390. Sulpho- cyanides, 752. Sulpho-cyanogen, 750. Sulpho-sinapisine, 860. Sulpho-methylan, 827. Sulphur, 386. Analogy with Oxygen, 389. Oxygen, Compounds of, 390. Sulphurets of Aluminum, 491. Ammonium, 725. Antimony, 545. Arsenic, 536. Barium, 482. Bismuth, 563. Cadmium, 519. Calcium, 486. Chrome, 526. Cobalt, 516. Copper, 555. Carbon, 703. Ethyl, 785. Gold, 574. Hydrogen, 404. Iron, 510. Sulphurets of Lead, 560. Magnesium, 489. Manganese, 501. Mercury, 570. Methyl, 828. Molybdenum, 528. Nickel, 514. Nitrogen, 407. Palladium, 575. Platinum, 577. Phosphorus, 418. Potassium, 475. Silver, 566. Selenium, 408. Sodium, 479. Strontium, 483. Tin, 522. Zinc, 518. Sulphuric Ether, 776. Sulphur Salts, 586. Substitutions, Theory of, 326, 668. Thermic, 247. Sulpho -mellon, 752. Sulphovinic Acid, 782. Sweat, 1010. Synthesis, Nature of, 2. Synthetic Action of Galvanism, 267. Systems of Crystallization, 24. T. Tallow, 873. Tannin, 903. Tannates, 905. Tanning Materials, Value of, 904. Art of, 904, 1004. Tantalum, 529. Tapioca, 755. Tannoxylic Acid, 905. Tar, Constituents of, 834. Wood, 835. Coal, 836. Tartar, Cream of, 893. Emetic, 895. of Iron, 894. Tartrates of Potash, 893. Soda, 894. Lime, 894. Antimonv, 896. Tartrate, Boron, 896. Stibion, 895. Arsenic, 896. Tartralets, 897. Teeth, 1012. Tellurium, 548. Compounds of, 549. Telluret of Hydrogen, 550. Salts of, 643, 1068 INDEX. Temperature, Nature of, 57. Balance of, 133. ,- Table of, 66. Tendons,. Composition of, 1011. Terebene, 863. Tetrathionic Acid, 401. Terbium and Terbia, 482. Theirie, 920. Thebaine, 959. Thermometer, Nature of the, 56. ; Kinds of, 60. Thermometric Scales, 63. Thermometer of Breguet, 79. Differential, 122. Thermo-multiplier, 126, 184. Thermo-electricity, 182. Thermo- chemistry, 244, 250. Theory, Atomic, 294. , Binary of Salts, 590. of Compound Radicals, 325, 664. of Chemical Types, 326, 668, 972. of Organic Acids, 666. of Volumes, 289. of the Ethers, 812. of Ammonia, 709, 723. of Respiration, 1024. Thialol, 785. Thorinum, 492. Salts of, 626. Thermochemical Equivalents, 246. Thermic Substitutions, 248. Thionic Acids, 403. Thialdine, 796. Thiosinnamine, 860. Theobromine, 920. Tin, 518. Grain, 519. Oxides of, 520. Stone, 520. Sulphurets of, 521. Salts of, 633. Tincal, 606. Titanium, 530. . Compounds of, 531. Salts of, 643. Tithonicity, 229. Tithonic Rays of Light, 52. Transfer of Elements, 258. Treacle, 761. Trona, 695. Transcalescence, 127. Tragacanthine, 761. Tungsten, 527. Saits of, 638. Turpentine, 867. Oil of, 863. Camphor, 866. Turf, Nature of, 819. Types, Chemical, 326, 668, 972. U. Ulmine, from Soil, 819. Sugar, 772, 819. -Turf, 820. .Wood, 818. ( Ultramarine, 617. Uranium, 551. Salts of, 643. Urea, 732. Salts of, 733. Uryl, 1032. Uramil, 1034. Urine of Carnivora, 1030. of Reptiles, 1031. Herbivora, 1036. Diabetic, 1038. in other Diseases, 1039. Urinary Sediments, 1040. Calculi, 1041. Uranyle, 551. V. Vacuum, Barometric, 369. Evaporation in, 109. Boiling in, 106. Valerian, Oil of, 861. Valerianic Aldehyd, 816. Valeron, 816. Vapour, Electricity of, 162. Vapours, latent Heat of, 97. --- Volumes of, 99. Elasticities of, 101. Compared with Gases, 115. Specific Gravity of, 13. Vaporization, 96 Vanadium, 526. Salts of, 638. Ill, Vegetable Jelly, 914. Alcaloids, Nature of the, 969. Vegetation, Phenomena of, 977. Velocity of Light, 35. Electricity, 142. Vegetable Soil, 819, 988. Veratrine, 961. Verdigris, 803. Vermillion, 570. Vegetable Alcalies, 950, 969. Extracts, 927. Albumen, 771. Vinous Fermentation, 772. Vinegar, 797. INDEX. 1069 Vitriol, Oil of, 392. White, 632. Vinegar Mothers, 797. Volatile Alcali, 706. Voltaic Electricity. 163. Circles, 166. Voltameter, 264. Volta's Theory of Contact, 174. Volumes, Theory of, 289. of Atoms, 300. Atomic, of Salts, 573. Isomorpic, 302. W. Water, Composition of, 348. Solution of Gases in. 351. of Solids in, 20. Chemical Properties of, 352. Combinations of, 353. Oxygenated, 355. Phosphates of, 413. - Expansion of, 73. Freezing of, 93. . Vapour of, 97. Filtration of, 355. of Ammonia, 708. Waters, Mineral, 354. Sea/603. Wax, 891. Wave-Theory of Light, 48. of Heat, 133. Welding, 504. Weld, 933. White Lead, 697. Pearl. 648. Vitriol, 632. Wine, Oil of, 783. Wood, Fossil, 821. Rotting of, 818. Distillation of, 823. Tar, 835. Woody Fibre, 758, 980. Woad, 934. X. Xanthic Oxide, 1041. Xanthophyll, 946. Xanthorhamnine, 932. Xanthine, 930. Xyloidine, 759. ! Xylit, 826. Y. Yeast, 772. Yellow, King's, 536. Chrome, 648. Yellow-colouring Matters, 933. Yellow Wood, 934. Yttrium, 492. Salts of, 626. Z. Zaflre, 514. Zinc, 516. Butter of, 633. Compounds of, 517. Salts of, 632. Blende, 518. Zirconium, 494. Salts of, 626. THE END. 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