PN 6120 A/>B774 THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES ^1 IN THE BEGINNING fii CASTt IN THE BEGINNING I by Bernice Bronson with the members of the Looking Glass Theatre Providence, R, I. An Audience Participation Play Kindergarten through 3rd Grade ( YELLOW (SUN (ORANGE (BULL ( CREATOR (BOY FISHING (RED (MOON ( ROOSTER (BLUE (SKY WOMAN (GREEN (CUCKABURRA BIRD (BEAUTIFUL GIRL (PURPLE (TIGER CAT (MOTHER OF GIRL Professionals and amateurs are hereby warned that this play, being fully protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America, the British Empire, including the Dominion of Canada, and all other countries of the copyright Union, is subject to a royalty. All rights, including professional, 2unateur, motion pictures, recitation, radio broadcasting, television, and the rights of translation into foreign languages are strictly reserved. Arrangements for production must be made in writing withx NEW PLAYS FOR CHILDREN Box 2181 Grand Central Sta. New York, N.Y. 10017 1. We developed this production at a time when we had absolutely no funds at all, and morale was at a low ebb. The show was to tour, but there would be no monies for a truck, a stage manager, stage hands, a lighting technician, nor, for that matter, any equipment for them to do anything with. We had only ourselves, six actors, to create the mood, excite- ment, clarity and focus that set, costumes, and lights might have given us at another time. So our costumes and properties were homemade, out of donated materials, and we borrowed a ladder to give us a level change. And out of this we found some kind of new birth — a new way of working and touring — as unencumbered as possible. We felt as if it had set us free. Since this play came into being through group improvisation, for the entire first season of touring there was never a written script. We preferred this arrangement because it allowed for the most spontaneous interaction between the actors and vastly different audiences with active roles in the production. Therefore, in solidifying the play into a printed form, we purposely avoided setting every word of dialogue. Instead, in certain sections where the actors must work things out directly with the audience, there is simply a description of the action. M The performance area is a room large enough to accomodate about 200 children sitting in a circle on the floor, A "territory for each of six groups is indicated by a vividly colored ground cloth: Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue Purple. There is a ladder ec-at either end of the room, L Each actor is the leader of his own tribe, and wears a cos- tume matching one of the ground cloths. Before the play begins, the six actors go to six classrooms to call for the children and orient them to what is about to happen. This preparation has turned out to be marvelously effective. It builds a very close relationship between the children and their actor, heightening the children's participation in the performance and providing a natural way to indicate when the participation should start and stop. It also personalizes the entire experience. If you are not performing at a school, you can easily have the ushers take the children to different areas as they come in, and have the actors meet them there, rather than in the classrooms. Lji,T.Mi'y FN a 2. Each actor will have his own way of talking with the children. The following is only a hypothetical sample i ORANGE Hello, What color am I dressed in? (THE CHILDREN WILL TELL HIM) That means that we're all in the orange tribe, and I'm the leader of the orange tribe. And this morning we're going to a celebration of all the tribes on their tribal grounds. When we get there, we're going to sit on our tribal territory. And guess what color that will be. (THEY TELL HIM ORANGE) You guessed right. Orange, The celebration is going to be really exciting. People will dance,,, and tell stories — myths. Does any- body know what a myth is? (CHANCES ARE THEY WILL NOT. IF THEY DO, TAKE IT FROM THERE. IF NOT — ) Myths are stories about how things in the world started, or where they came from. Like when you were really little, where did you think the sun C2une from. ..or what did you think the moon was made out of,,, or why did you think we had rain? (IF THEY HAVE NOT HAD ANY IDEAS YET, ASK A FEW MORE QUESTIONS, IF THEY HAVE IDEAS, LISTEN TO THEM) You know, at the very beginning of the world, people didn't know where anything ceune from, and so they Just made up stories. Who can make up a story about thunder and lightning?,,, or about where animals came from, ,,,or about why birds fly? (LISTEN TO THE STORIES) In the celebration today, we're going to have stories made up by the Indians who lived right here. Have you heard of Indians? (LISTEN TO THE ANSWERS) And one of the stories will be from a faraway place called Kenya in Africa, Have you heard of that place? (LISTEN TO THE ANSWERS. DISCUSS A LITTLE) And some from China, (SAME PROCESS) We're going to need your help in putting on the stories. For instance, in one part of the play, everyone in the orange tribe is going to have to be the wind blowing. How would we do that? (TRY OUT A FEW SUGGESTIONS) The orange tribe is going to be really great. And the tribe leaders are going to need your help when they dance. They are going to need you to clap the rhythro, like this: (TRY SOME CLAPPING) And another thing they need you to know is a special sign, thist (SIGN FOR "STOP") Can you guess what that means? Right I It means stop. And whenever we see that sign, we have to stop whatever we are doing. If we are moving around, we have to stand absolutely still. And if we are talking, or making another noise, we have to stop, ,, still. Let's try that. Talk I (WHEN THEY HAVE STARTED, GIVE THE STOP SIGNAL) That was very good. We could try out a few more things now, but I think it's time to get going to the celebration. So everybody get up and come with me, (ACTOR LEADS THEM TO CELEBRATION ROOM AND THEIR GROUND CLOTH) 3. ORANGE ( CONT. ) This is our orange tribe territory. Everyone get on it and sit dovm. Now I have an important secret to tell you. We have to stay right here on our territory most of the time. If we go too far away from it, we might lose it forever. And we wouldn't want that to happen , would we? (CONVERSATION CAN CONTINUE UNTIL ALL THE TRIBES ARE SEATED. THE ACTOR MIGHT TALK ABOUT WHAT ROLE HE WILL PLAY, AND ASK THE CHILDREN IF THEY CAN GUESS WHO MIGHT PLAY SOME OTHER ROLES. THE ACTOR MIGHT DISCUSS WHAT ANIMAL THE CHILDREN WOULD LIKE TO BECOME IN THE PART OF THE PLAY WHEN THEY GET TO BE ANIMALS, HOWEVER, WHEN ALL THE TRIBES ARE SEATED, AND SOME SIGNAL IS GIVEN, THE CLAPPING STARTS) Oh, that sounds li)ce the signal for us to begin clapping. (EVERYONE IN THE ROOM CLAPS A STEADY BEAT. THE ACTORS RISE AND GO TOWARDS THE CENTER OF THE ROOM. AS THE CHILDREN CONTINUE THE CLAPPING, THE ACTORS BREAK INTO AN EXUBERANT CIR- CULAR DANCE, HOOTING, CALLING, CRYING, SIGHING THEIR OWN ACCOMPANIMENT. THEY END CLOSE TOGETHER, FACING EACH OTHER. ) UNISON In the beginning Creator made the sun the moon and the stars ORANGE TRIBE LEADER (HAS AN IMPORTANT VOICE) And then he made the earth and everything upon the earth, PURPLE TRIBE LEADER (THE YOUNGEST ONE) And then he made man, who wondered about all these things, (ORANGE LEADER AND GREEN LEADER SEPARATE THEMSELVES FROM GROUP AND BEGIN A PANTOMIME) GREEN I think the sun and the moon used to walk together (GREEN AND ORANGE ARE WALKING AROUND THE GROUP, "SINGING" THEIR OWN ACCOMPANIMENT. THEY CONTINUE TO MIME THE STORY) until one day they crossed a log over some mud and the moon fell off. Her face was covered with mud. The sun wouldn't wait. He went on ahead. The moon is still hoping to catch up with him. And she still has a dirty face, (THE TRIBE LEADERS TAKE ONE LAST LOOK AT THE DIRTY FACE, AND THEN GO TO SIT WITH THEIR TRIBES. IT IS HELPFUL FOR THEM TO BE THERE WHENEVER POSSIBLE. PURPLE, HOWEVER, REMAINS IN THE CENTER. ) PURPLE (BEGINS HER PANTOMIME) I think that the moon is a big white cat. And she's chasing the little mice of the night, (CONCLUDES MIME) 4. BLUE Some people say this about the sunt (A CIRCLE IS MADE, WITH SHIMMERING HANDS) They say the sun is like a golden earring, worn by a beautiful girl, (PURPLE BECOMES THE EARRING) A great bird saw it one day, and stole it. (YELLOW BECOMES THE WHITE BIRD) But it caught on a cobweb that stretches between the homes of men and homes of the gods, (ALL OTHER AVAILABLE ACTORS FORM THE COBWEB) ORANGE Thunder 1 (ALL THE LEADERS ARE BLASTED BACK TO THEIR TRIBES) When the gods are angry They take a stone and roll it across the floors of the heavens, (TRIBE LEAi:S^S AND TRIBES BEAT THE FLOOR WITH THEIR HANDS. THEN SIGNAL TO STOP) They roll the stone across the floors that go from north to south across the skies, Booml (MORE FLOOR BEATS. STOP) They roll the stone across the floors that go from east to west across the skies, Booml (MORE FLOOR BEATS. STOP) And we say it's thunder, (ALL I BOOM. AND MORE BEATS. STOP) RED Winds 1 High in the air Winds are made by the eagles Flapping their wings, (YELLOW, ORANGE, BLUE, GREEN HAVE BECOME THE BIRD FORMATION, BEATING WINGS THAT BLOW RED AND PURPLE) YELLOW Thunder is a great dragon (YELLOW BECOMES THE DRAGON) who swims through the water (TRIBES AND LEADERS MAKE BUBBLE SOUNDS) and flies through the air (ALL MAKE AIR SOUNDS) The dragon holds two huge stones. And when he strikes them together, the lightning flashes, (ALL MAKE FLASH SOUNDS) and the thunder roars I (ALL ROAR AND BEAT THE FLOOR) The dragon chases the spirits of evil, (HE MAKES VOCAL SOUNDS IN PURSUIT. RED BECOMES THE SPIRIT OF EVIL) And he slays them wherever he finds them. The spirits of evil hide in the trees, (PURPLE, ORANGE, BLUE AND GREEN BECOME THE TREES) But the dragon slays them. (VOCAL PUNCTUATION FROM DRAGON AND EVIL ACCOMPANIES THE DESTRUCTION, DRAGON ASSUMES A TRIUMPHANT POSE AND THE "TREES" APPLAUD. THE APPLAUSE BECOMES THE ORIGINAL BEAT, AND THE LEADERS SIGNAL THEIR TRIBES TO START CLAPPING AGAIN. WHEN THE CLAPPING HAS BEEN ESTABLISHED THE ACTORS DO A DANCE OF TRIUMPH, 5. A VARIATION OF THEIR FIRST DANCE — LANDING AGAIN IN A CIRCXE IN THE MIDDLE OF THE ROOM, FACING THE TRIBES. ) UNISON And Creator made animals and men. (ORANGE SEPARATES HIMSELF FROM THE OTHER ACTORS, WHO FORM A "MOUND OF EARTH, " ORANGE, NOW CREATOR Silence.. .Darkness. • .In the beginning there was nothing. Nothing but a mound of earth, (EARTH STARTS TO HUM) And Creator walked up to the mound of earth and began to mold It, (GRADUALLY HE MOLDS EVERYONE INTO ABSTRACT SHAPES. THE EARTH IS STILL HUMMING) And Creator began to shape animals and men from the clay, (HE DOES, EARTH STILL HUMMING) All four winds of the earth, I need your help. Help me bring my creatures to life. Four big breaths will blow them to life, Blowl (ALL THE CHILDREN BLOW) Two I Three I Four i (THE HUMMING STOPS. THE CREATURES OPEN THEIR EYES AND SLOWLY BEGIN TO MOVE BY THEMSELVES. GRADUALLY THEY DISCOVER THEIR OWN BODIES. THEN THEY SEE OTHER PEOPLE, AND BEGIN TO MOVE TOWARDS THEM, OCCASIONALLY MAKING SOME SOUND, ) Menl Stand talll And slngl (THE CREATURES MAKE VOCAL SOUNDS, WHICH FINALLY BECOME SINGING) And build your homes I (THE SINGING BECOMES CONSONANT, AND THEY MAKE A "PEOPLE HOUSE," A CIRCLE, WITH ARMS RAISED, AND FINGERS TOUCHING IN THE MIDDLE, FORMING A ROOF. ) Go out over all the world, and find more earth and clay, and shape it into animals and men. (THE ACTORS GO TO THEIR OWN TRIBES, AND SAY SOMETHING TO THIS EFFECT X ) TRIBE LEADERS Plump down right where you are into a little ball of earth, I'm going to mold you, (THE CHILDREN DO THIS EASILY. THE LEADER GOES TO EACH CHILD AND SHAPES HIM. IF THE ACTORS AND CHILDREN HAVE DISCUSSED THIS IN ADVANCE, THE CHILDREN MAY REMIND THE ACTOR OF WHAT CREATURES THEY WOULD LIKE TO BE. IF NOT, AND THE GROUP IS SMALL AND THERE IS PLENTY OF TIME, THE ACTOR CAN ASK THE CHILD WHEN HE GETS TO HIM. IN OTHER CASES, THE ACTOR MIGHT SAY "TALL" OR "FLAT" AND LET THE CHILDREN DRAW THEIR OWN CONCLUSIONS, OR HE MIGHT SPELL IT OUT MORE, "BEAR" OR "BIRD", ETC.) ORANGE Tribe leaders over all the earth, when you have finished molding all your creatures, blow the breath of life into them. (THEY DO. .WHEN THE CREATURES COME ALIVE, THE LEADER HELPS THEM BEGIN TO FEEL AND MOVE. FOR INSTANCE:) 6. TRIBE LEADERS Yellow creatures, come alive. Open your eyes,,, oreathe, ,, breathe, , , breathe,,, begin to move your back and head,.. Can you feel your spine?,,. Move your head from side to side, , . And up and down, , , Try out your smile muscles, ,,Smilel Unsmile,, , Smile,, , Unsmile,,, Look at the end of your arms: hands and fingers,,. Open them and close them. What's that at the bottom of your legs? Feet. Pick them up in the air. Shake them, ,, wiggle them,,, (THIS EXPLORATION CAN GO ON AS LONG AS NECESSARY. IT IS IMPORTANT, THOUGH, NOT TO ALLOW THE CHILDREN TO STAND UP BEFORE CREATOR IS READY FOR THEM BECAUSE, ONCE ON THEIR FEET, THEY WILL TEND TO BECOME TOO MOBILE. ) CREATOR Creatures all over the earth, stand tall, and walk around your territory, (EACH CREATURE, ACCORDING TO HIS CHOSEN SPECIES, STANDS AND WALKS AROUND THE GROUND CLOTH. SNAKES HAVE TROUBLE WITH THIS, ALSO FISH. TELL THEM TO WALK ON THEIR TAILS) Now you will need homes. Build your houses, (TRIBE LEADERS TELL THEIR TRIBES TO FACE IN TOWARD THEIR TERRITORY, AND RAISE THEIR ARMS, STRAIGHT, UNTIL THEIR FINGERS TOUCH SCMEONE ELSE'S FINGERS. CREATOR NOW GETS UP ON ONE OF THE LADDERS) All of my creatures upon the earth, I have gifts for you: I have the Sun I And the moonl to travel across the skies and light your way, (HE PRODUCES THE GIFTS) GREEN But Creator, the Sun and the Moon are too far away, CREATOR Then I must bring them nearer, somehow, I know what we must do: Tribe leaders, each one of you go to your own tribe, and have them get down on their territory, and dig earth, and give it to you, (TRIBE LEADERS TO THEIR TRIBES, THE MESSAGE IS APPROXIMATELY) TRIBE LEADERS We need earth. Get way down on the ground, and dig lots of dirt for me, and put it in this giant-sized bucket, (THEY DO) Marvelous, I think we have enough now. Oops, Don't spill it. Now, who can help me carry this in to Creator? (SOMETIMES SEVERAL VOLUNTEER, SOMETIMES THE ENTIRE TRIBE) Thank you very much. Now go back and sit on our territory. 7. CREATOR (ON LADDER) All my creatures upon the earth, I have seeds which I am going to plant in each one of these mounds of earth, (HE DOES) Now, to make the seeds grow, every creature in the world must help. Help by making growing sounds. Help sing the mountains up, (EVERYONE MAKES A HUGE RISING SOUND AS THEY WATCH THE MOUNTAINS RISE) TRIBE LEADERS (TO TRIBES, APPROXIMATELY) Oh. Look at the mountain. Way up there. The top goes right into the sky. Sit right here, I'm going to climb the mountain. And when I get to the top, I'm going to wave to you, 1*11 be very high up, so watch for me, I'll wave, (THE LEADERS CLIMB THE MOUNTAIN, CALLING AND WAVING TO THEIR TRIBES WHEN THEY GET TO THE TOP, THEN THEY START A KIND OF JUMPING/CLAPPING CELEBRATION, WHICH TURNS INTO A VARIATION OF THE ORIGINAL DANCE. THEY COME TO A CIRCLE AGAIN IN THE MIDDLE OF THE ROOM, AND THEY FACE OUT TOWARDS THE TRIBES. ) UNISON The sun, the moon, and the seasons, BLUE A long time ago, before you were born, before even grandmothers and grandfathers were born, the Sun and the Moon used to shine together. They were brothers, and they lived together in the village with their mother, (TWO ACTORS HAVE PUT ON THEIR HEADDRESSES AND BECOME THE SUN AND THE MOON, THEY STAND ON LADDERS ON OPPOSITE SIDES OF THE CIRCLE, HOLDING LARGE "LOLLIPOP" REPRESENTATIONS OF THEMSELVES, WHICH THEY MOVE IN UNISON IN ARCS OF RISING AND SETTING. NOW BLUE PUTS ON A HEADDRESS AND BECOMES SKY WOMAN, THEIR MOTHER, (WHEN SHE NARRATES SHE WILL BE REFERRED TO AS BLUE, OTHER TIMES SHE IS SKY WOMAN) SHE GOES INTO AN AREA THAT WILL REPRESENT THEIR HUT, AND STARTS TO PREPARE A MEAL) SKY WOMAN Today, for my handsome sons, my elder son, the Moon, and my younger boy, the Sun, I will make a delicious feast, I have in my house a basket of red berries, I also have a basket of delicious brown nuts. And, buried in the ground, I have saved some meat, Gone?l Moon, come into the house, MOON Mother's calling, (HE INTERRUPTS HIS ARC, GIVES THE MOON STICK TO A PREVIOUSLY APPOINTED "MOON HOLDER," AND CEREMONIOUSLY GOES INTO HIS HUT,) 8. SKY WOMAN Moon, my elder son, I would speak to you and your younger brother, the Sun, Go and call him, MOON (HE STICKS HIS HEAD OUT OF THE HOUSE) Younger brother. Sun, our mother's calling for us. Hurry 1 (SUN GIVES HIS SUN TO AN OFFICIAL HOLDER AND HURRIES INTO THE HUT. BOTH BOW FORMALLY TO THEIR MOTHER) SKY WOMAN Handsome, shining, resplendent sons. Today I would make for you a delicious feast. But there is no meat in the house. So you must go into the forest and catch some. Moon, take your younger brother, the Sun, with you, MOON Come, younger brother, (THEY LEAVE THE HUT) Younger brother, get our spears. (SUN DOES. MOON STARTS OFF) SUN Moon I MOON What? SUN Shouldn't we take the twine to bind up the legs? MOON Younger brother, I've already told you to bring along the twine, (THEY SET OUT THROUGH THE FOREST, MOON IN THE LEAD. MOON BECOMES APPREHENSIVE. THE WAY AHEAD LOOKS DANGEROUS) MOON Younger brother, I've led the hunt so often, I don't need to this time. You lead it. You need the experience, SUN I'll do my best. Moon, (HE TAKES THE LEAD AND THEY CONTINUE) Moon, we've hunted in this part of the forest for a long time, and the game has become very scarce. Don't you think we should hunt over here? MOON We shall hunt where we've always hunted. SUN Very well. Moon, 9. (THEY GO IN THE OLD DIRECTION, BUT MOON MAKES SOME SURREPTICIOUS INSPECTIONS IN THE NEW AREA) MOON Younger brother, lookl Tracks leading over in that direction. We'd better hunt over there today, SUN An excellent idea. Moon, (THEY FOLLOW THE TRACKS) Moon, I think I see an antelope, MOON You don't see any antelope. Your eyes are very bad, younger brother, SUN I roust be mistaken, (THEY CONTINUE AFTER THE TRACKS) MOON Younger brother, lookl These new tracks I followed lead right to an antelope, SUN You have very keen eyes. Moon, As the older brother, you should have the honor of the first kill, (MOON GOES THROUGH ELABORATE PREPARATIONS, STARTS OFF, LOSES HIS NERVE) MOON Younger brother, I've done this so often before, you should go first this time. You need the experience, SUN Well, I'll try my best. Moon, (SUN AIMS.., "Hah" ,,. A DIRECT HIT) MOON (AS SOON AS SUN HAS STRUCK THE PREY, HE THROWS HIS SPEAR) Hah I I got him I SUN Nice shot. Moon, MOON Tie up the legs, (THEY PULL THEIR SPEARS OUT OF THE ANIMAL. MOON HOLDS HIS, WHILE SUN PUTS HIS IN THE GROUND, SUN THEN TIES UP THE LEGS, AND SLIPS MOON'S SPEAR THROUGH) Slip your spear through, (SUN DOES) Lift, Ugh. (THEY LIFT TOGETHER) 10. MOON ( CX)NT. ) Ugh, Ugh, The weight is cutting into my shoulder, little brother. You'll have to carry your end a little lower.,, Ugh, Lower still,,, a little lower, (SUN IS NOW IN A DEEP CROUCH AT THE REAR END OF THE BURDEN, THEY START OUT FOR HOME) We're going in the wrong direction. Turn around, (TURNING IS A BIG UNDERTAKING, WITH SUN CIRCLING AROUND THE MOON, THE PIVOT, THEY START OFF AGAIN. ) SUN Moon, are you sure this is the right direction? MOON You pushed me in the wrong direction. Turn around, (THEY RE" PIVOT, AND ARE FINALLY ON THEIR WAY HOME) BLUE It was a very successful hunt that day, and on their way home through the woods they met a beautiful girl, (AN ACTRESS STEPS FORWARD AS THE BEAUTIFUL GIRL. THE HUNTERS ARE COMPLETELY TAKEN WITH HER, AND THE FEELING IS SO MUTUAL THAT FOR A WHILE THEY ARE ALL TONGUE-TIED) GIRL Is that yours? MOON I killed it, SUN We killed it together, MOON Would you like to touch it? (HE GALLANTLY LEADS HER TO THE ANIMAL) GIRL Oh, Oh, he's so bigl Huge I He's a monster. You must be very strong. And brave, too. Where are you taking him? SUN We live in the village. We're taking him to our mother. Then you have no wives? Nol GIRL BOTH 11. SUN Do you have a husband? GIRL Oh, I live in the forest,,, with my mother, SUN MOON Well then you can marry one Then you can marry me, of us, MOON I zun the elder brother, I am very brave, and very strong, and I come from a long line of hunters. SUN Well, I'm everything that my older brother is, and I'm very loyal to my family, GIRL (TO MOON) I like you.,. MOON Oooooooo, you'll marry me then. She's going to marry me, GIRL (TO SUN) ...and I like you... SUN Oh. HaHAHl GIRL ...but Mother has always said that she would choose my husband for me. Come back tomorrow. I precise you I'll take you both to her. Goodbye I BLUE The girl disappeared back into the woods, and the boys returned home, (THEY TAKE THE BEAST TO SKY WOMAN'S HUT) SKY WOMAN What a mjgnificent beast I Brave sonsl Today you shall skin the beast, (THEY DO) Tomorrow you shall cut it into smaller pieces, (THEY DO) And on the following day, I shall cook you a delicious feast, MOON The Sun will have to finish my work for me, I have to go back to the forest. 12. SKY WOMAN You have to, , , 7 M(X)N Mother, we both have to go back to the forest, MOON SUN I met a beautiful girl in the We met a very lovely girl, and forest today, and she said I tomorrow she's going to take us was brave, and strong, and she both to meet her mother. And liked me very much. And to- so we have to go back to the morrow, when I go back to the forest, forest she's going to marry me, SKY WOMAN But you can't both marry her,,, MOON Well, she said that she would decide to marry me tomorrow, SUN No I Her mother's going to choose between us. SKY WOMAN Oh, I see. Tomorrow, then, I will do your work for you, but first, ,, come, (SHE MAKES THEM KNEEL FOR A KIND OF BLESSING) The forest can be a very dangerous place. Protect each other, BLUE Early the next morning, the boys set off on their way. But unbeknownst to them, the mother of the beautiful girl had set up terrible enchantments in the forest to test their bravery, (THE MOTHER SETS HER ENCHANTMENTS THROUGH A MYSTERIOUS DANCE. THEN:) MOTHER Yellow tribe I Ah-rohn-ah-seetzi-too-rooi (OR ANY OTHER MAGIC WORD) You are a grove of pointed swordsj Risel Come together l Grab hands i And point your swords towards the hunters I (IF THE TRIBES ARE SMALL, INCLUDE ALSO THE GREEN TRIBE AND THE PURPLE TRIBE. AT ANY RATE, THIS TAKES A LITTLE SUPER- VISION, AND IT IS BEST TO FREEZE ALL OTHER ACTION UNTIL THE SWORDS ARE SET UP. THE MOTHER JOINS THE TRIBES. ) MOON Younger brother, look at all those sharp swords over there. That's a whole grove of gleeiming swords. How are we going to get through? 13. SUN We ' 11 Just have to battle our way through. Come on, (THERE ENSUES A SPIRITED ENCOUNTER IN WHICH THE HUNTERS CHARGE INTO THE SWORDS AND ARE THROWN BACK ON TO THE GROUND, ABOUT FOUR OR FIVE TIMES) MOTHER (MAGIC WORDl ) Swords, disappear back to your territory, (WITH A LITTLE ENCOURAGEMENT, THEY DO) MOON Shi They've gone. They've disappeared, SUN I've captured two of them, lookl (HE HAS TWO CHILDREN,) (MOTHER CROSSES TO THE OTHER SIDE OF THE FOREST TO ACTIVATE HER NEXT TEST, WHILE THE BROTHERS RECOVER FROM THEIR FIRST ADVENTURE. THE FOLLOWING SCENES TAKE PLACE SIMULTANEOUSLY) MOTHER MOON Orange tribe, Oh-wah-hah-ti Get me up, will you?,,, Now remember, kahl-nahJ one of those swords is for me. But (OR ANY SUCH WORD) I'll let you take care of them both. You are a grove of densely planted trees. Rise I Come SUN very close together. Lift Where do you suppose they came from? your branches I And don't let the hunters through I MOON (MOTHER JOINS THE Never saw them before. FOREST. ) SUN Well, watch out for the points. They're very sharp, MOON Oh, they're not that sharp. Look, Owwwwwwwl Achl SUN Here, let me hold them. And be careful! MOON Younger brother, look at that forest over there. Those trees are so close together I I can't see any light between them, SUN We'll have to battle our way again. 14. MOON Then we'd better start from way over here, SUN (TO SWORDS) You wait for us here. We're going to battle our way through, (MORE BATTLING AND GETTING THROWN BACK) Waiti I have an idea, MOON Oh, your ideas are always terrible, SUN Nol Lookl We'll take these swords that we captured, and we'll chop down all of the trees. Here, hold this one, MOON Now that's not going to work. The swords aren't even sharp, remember? The only way is to battle our way through, (MORE BATTLING. IT IS NOT WORKING. THE BROTHERS ARE TIRED AND DISCOURAGED, AD LIBS TO THIS EFFECT) Younger brother, I have a brilliant idea. These swords that I captured can chop down anything. We can chop down the whole forest, SUN As you say. Moon, (TO HIS SWORD) Ready, sword? Point forward, (THE BROTHERS AIM THEIR SWORDS. BUZZ-SAW FASHION, THEY CHOP DOWN ALL THE TREES. THE MOTHER HELPS THIS BY BEING THE FIRST TO GO, THE BROTHERS AD LIB: Look at it fall J Another one downi Chopl Chop over here. Over there 1 ETC, ) MOTHER (RISING AND TAKING COMMAND) Ah-rah-ah-tee-shee-bahl Swords, disappear I (SHE GESTURES THEM BACK TO THEIR TERRITORY) SUN Nothing but dead trees now, MOTHER Trees disappearl (SHE SIGNALS THEM OFF, TOO, AND THE HUNTERS MAY HELP IF NEEDED. . THEN SHE TAKES OFF FOR THE OTHER SIDE OF THE ROOM WHERE TWO OF THE ACTORS HAVE SET UP A "LAKE," A LONG SLASHED FABRIC. ) 15. MOON Younger brother, I'm exhausted. Absolutely dead, I can't go through another one of those things without a drink of water or something, SUN Well, there's a lake over there. We can get a drink at the lake, MOON Wait a minute, I'm not sure I trust the lake. It might be another one of those tricks, SUN It doesn't look like a trick. It looks like a leOce, MOON And it looks cool, SUN And water, MOON And I »m thirsty, SUN Come on. We'll drink some of it, MOTHER (ANOTHER MAGIC WORD) (HUGE BONES RISE UP FROM THE WATER) SUN BONES 1 (THE BONES DISAPPEAR) MOON (SIMULTANEOUSLY WITH SUN'S SPEECH) Ohl Ohl Ohi OhI Did you see those bones of dead people? Ohl SUN You're the older brother. You lead the way, MOON I,,, Well,,, I '11 lead the way,,, and I'll be right behind you. Are they gone? SUN Yes, they're all gone, MOON You're surei (MOTHER PRONOUNCES ANOTHER MAGIC WORD, AND HUGE TEETH RISE ABOVE THE WATER) 16. SUN MOON Ohi Teethl Teeeeethi Ohl Ohl Nol Teethl Those teeth are going to bite my head off. This is the end, I 'm going home, (HE RUNS OFF) MOTHER (ANOTHER MAGIC WORD AND THE WATERS OF THE LAKE RISE ALMOST OVER SUN'S HEAD. HE SWIMS FRANTICALLY TO KEEP ABOVE WATER, AND FINALLY THE LAKE RECEDES, ANOTHER MAGIC WORD AND FIRE AND SMOKE RISE FROM THE LAKE AND CHASE SUN, HE FIGHTS THEM OFF, ) SUN Fire,,, smoke. ,, No,,, No,,, You won't make me run away, (FIRE AND SMOKE RECEDE. ANOTHER MAGIC WORD, THE LAKE LOWERS AND THE BEAUTIFUL GIRL RISES THROUGH IT) GIRL Sun, Oh, Sun, I'm so proud of you. You stayed through all the tests and you were so brave. Will you come with me now to meet my mother? (SHE LEADS HIM TO HER MOTHER) GIRL Mother, this is the Sun, MOTHER Daughter, you have chosen the truly brave hunter. He will make a strong and loving husband. Be together, (THE LAST SENTENCE IS THE ENTIRE WEDDING CEREMONY, AS MOTHER PERFORMS A BLESSING WITH HER HANDS) BLUE And so the Sun took his new bride with him back to his village, SUN Mother 1 Mother I SKY WOMAN Sun J You're safe I You're homel (SHE EMBRACES HIM) SUN Mother, I 've brought my bride from the forest, SKY WOMAN Daughter I ( EMBRACE > 17. MOON He's back. SUN It is fitting that the older brother should marry first, but my older brother, the Moon, ran away. So I've taken her to be my bride, (A CEREMONIAL STAMPING AND SHOUTING IS NOW THE EQUIVALENT OF A DECLARATION OF WAR. THEN FIGHTING ENSUES BETWEEN THE BROTHERS WITH MUCH WRESTLING AND POUNDING. AT THE CRUCIAL MOMENT, SKY WOMAN INTERCEDES) SKY WOMAN Nol Stop the fighting I There will be no fighting! Sun has won his wife fairly. She may live in the village with him. There will be no more fighting. No longer will you shine together. (THE BROTHERS SEPARATE, MOON GOING TO ONE LADDER, SUN GOING TO HIS WIFE. ) BLUE And so it was that when the Sun was at home in the village with his wife, the Moon rose in the sky. And when the Moon had set, the Sun rose, (SUN BIDS GOODBYE TO HIS WIFE AND GOES TO HIS LADDER) The sun was very happy with his new wife, and wanted to shine especially brightly for her. And one day he noticed, fishing at the river nearby, a young boy, wearing a brightly colored feather cloak, SUN If I had such a feather cloak, I'd be more splendid than the Moon, (HE PICKS UP A SKIN AND DESCENDS TO VISIT THE YOUNG FISHERMAN ) Good morning, BOY Oh, are you the Sun? What are you doing so close to the earth? SUN I have something to ask you, BOY What could you ask of me? SUN Give me your feather cloak, and I'll give you my goatskin blanket for it. 18. BOY My grandmother made this feather clcak for me. I cannot give it to you. SUN But you can say that the Sun gave you this blanket. Does anyone else have a blanket from the Sun? BOY My grandmother was a long time in making this feather cloak. And she was a longer time in getting all the beautiful feathers for it. SUN But your grandmother could look up into the sky every day and say, •'I made a feather cloak for the Sun. " BOY Not even the chief of our village has a feather cloak like mine. SUN But does the Sun come to bargain with the chief of your village? (THE SUN IS SHOWING HIS SKIN) BOY Oh, you only have a goatskin. SUN But this is a magic blanket. BOY It's a dull grey — not like my feather cloak, SUN This is a magic blanket, better than your fishing line. Now watch. I dip it into the stream, and it catches two fish, (HE DOES AND IT DOES) BOY It did. It caught two fish immediately! SUN Try it. BOY It caught two more fishl.,.and still two morel (BY THIS TIME THE SUN HAS REMOVED THE BOY'S CLOAK) 19. BOY I don't )cnow whether my grandmother will like this or not. She made the feather cloak for me. (AND HE CONTINUES FISHING) SUN (ASCENDING LADDER) But your grandmother will be the first woman of the village. She'll say, "I made a feather cloak for the sun." And she'll be proud, BOY (HE HAS EIGHT FISH BY NOW) I still don't know whether my grandmother will like it. But if I catch two fish every time I dip this blanket into the water, she won't punish me. BLUE Now the Sun was very proud, in his new cloak... so proud that he didn't even think of how hot his rays were becoming. (SUN ARCS HIS "SUN," HISSING) Soon the earth grew hot, so very hot that all the birds and animals of the world began to groan and complain. (FOUR OF THE ACTORS ARE NEXT TO THEIR TRIBES, GROANING AND COMPLAINING. THEY ARE CUCKABURRA BIRD, ROOSTER, TIGER CAT AND BULL) CUCKABURRA BIRD Oh, it's SO hot, so hot. Oooooooooo. Tiger Cat, Tiger Cat, I'm most horribly hot, I can't stand the Sun. SUN Hmpb Can't stand the Sun, TIGER CAT I can't stand him, either. The ggrrass is so hot, it's burrrrrning my feet. Mrrrrrrr. Bull, Mrrrrrrr. Bull, is it hot where you arrrrrrre? SUN Can't stand the Sun, either, BULL Mmmmmm, MMmmmmmmm. I'm mmmmmmmmelting. All my romrommmmmuscles are gone. I hate the Sun. Rooooster, how are you? SUN Hates the sunl 20. ROOSTER I'm so hot, I feel like a roast chicken. I'm roasting. I'm broiling. The Sun ought to be eliminated, that's what I think. SUN Eliminatedl CUCKABURRA Down with the Sun I Down with the Sunl THE OTHER ANIMALS (JOINING IN) Down with the Sunl Down with the Sunl Down with the Sunl Down with the Sunl SUN Ssssssssssssilencel I've heard your insssssults and sssss shouting, and if I hear any more of that, I'm going to sssssset and never rise again. Down with the Sunl Down with the Sunl ANIMALS Down with the Sunl Down with the Sunl SUN SSSSsilencel You've been warned, never rise again. Now I'm going to set, and (THE SUN SETS. FIRST THERE ARE EXTENSIVE CHEERS FROM ALL OF THE ANIMALS, THEN SIGNS OF RELIEF, THEN THE ANIMALS START CONVERSING WITH THEIR TRIBES, FOR EXAMPLE — ANIMALS Isn't it getting chilly? I notice a draft. Where is it coming from? It's really very cold out. Don't you feel it? Why has it gotten so cold? (SOONER OR LATER ONE OF THE CHILDREN WILL TELL THE LEADER ABOUT THE CONNECTION BETWEEN THE INSULT TO THE SUN AND THE PRESENT CHILL. PRETTY SOON EVERYONE IS SHIVERING AND FREEZING) CUCKABURRA (TO HER TRIBE) Ooooooooow, Ooooooooooooow, What can we dooooooo? We'd better call a council meeting. (THEY BEAT OUT A VERY SIMPLE RHYTHM ON THE FLOOR, ONE BY ONE THE TRIBE LEADERS PICK IT UP WITH THEIR TRIBES. FOR EXAMPLE:) Hear that? TRIBE LEADERS They're calling a council meeting. Let's Join them. 21. (WHEN EVERYONE IS BEATING, THE LEADERS GO TO MEET IN THE CENTER OF THE CIRCLE) CUCKABURRA It's cold, TIGER It's cold. BULL It's cold. ROOSTER It's freezing. TIGER What are we going to do? CUCKABURRA What can we do? BULL We have to go to see Sky Woman. ROOSTER Sky Woman? How do we get there? BULL Follow me. I know the way. (THEY ALL FOLLOW THE BULL. AD LIBS ON THE WAY) ANIMALS Oo, I'm just trembling. I'm freezing to the ground. My bones are cracking; are we there yet? I feel like frozen chicken now. BULL We're here. (TO AUDIENCE) Help us call Sky Woman, ANIMALS Sky Woman 1 Sky Woman 1 Sky Woman 1 Sky Woman 1 ROOSTER There she is. SKY WOMAN What is it, creatures of the earth? What is it you want from me? 22. CUCKABURRA (TO BULL) You tell her. BULL Sky Woman, we insulted the Sun. And he set. And now we're all freezing. Oooooooo, SKY WOMAN If you have insulted my son, you have learned what a very proud man he is. You will have to go back to him, (THEY ALL RUN AWAY FROM THIS IDEA, SCATTERING. AD LIBS:) ANIMALS No, I'll never go back. We can't do that. ETC. SKY WOMAN You must find some way to reach him. And if the first way does not work, keep trying until you find the right way. (SHE LEAVES, MANY CONFUSED RESPONSES. AD LIBj) ANIMALS We can't go. He'll never listen to us. We started it, but he doesn't like us any more, BULL We'll all just freeze to death, ROOSTER Wait a minute. Don't give up yet. Rooster will save you all, BULL You? Little screechy Rooster? ROOSTER Well, you know the Sun was a friend of mine. We had many visits, I'll bet he'll come out if I ask him nicely, (WITH A CROW HE IS OFF. THE OTHER ANIMALS BLOCK HIS WAY AND CARRY HIM BACK) ROOSTER Aaaa, Aaaa, what are you doing to me? Oaaaaaal Ohl BULL Rooster, you can't go to see the Sun. You're little, and you're noisy, and he won't listen to you. Now I am big, and I am strong, and I am tough, I am the one who's going to see the Sun, And when I get there, he will shine, (TO OTHER ANIMALS) Hold him. 23. BULL (CONT. ) (HE GOES TO THE SUN) Mr, Sun, Mr, Sun, Come on out, 1, the bull, am calling to you, and I demand your presence, (THE SUN SENDS OUT A SCORCHING HEAT RAY AND BURNS BULL. BULL, IN AGONY, STAGGERS BACK TO THE ARMS OF HIS FRIENDS. ) ROOSTER Now that wouldn't have happened if you had let me go. But I'm on my way now. Just watch me, (TIGER AND CUCKABURRA PULL HIM BACK, SCREAMING) TIGER Rooster, you'd better not be in such a hurry. The Sun won't listen to you because you're too silly looking. Just look at you, with your feathers sticking out all over the place. But he will listen to me, because I'm a beautiful animal, (SHE ADVANCES) And Suns listen to Tigers, Misterrrr Sun, Misterrrrrr Sun, this is Tiger calling. Come on out and shine on my stripes, Mr, Sun, SUN (UNDER THE EARTH) Stripes — huhl (HE SENDS OUT ANOTHER BLISTERING SUN RAY. TIGER BARELY MAKES IT BACK) ROOSTER Now you have to let me go, I'm telling you, I know how to get him to come out, (HE IS OFF) CUCKABURRA (BLOCKS HIM) No-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo, No-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo, You know nothing. You're only one skinny rooster, with a skinny brain. But I can get all the clever creatures of the green forest to go with me, (SHE GOES TO HER TRIBE) Come, creatures of the green forest. We'll get Mr, Sun, won't we? Come with me, (GREEN TRIBE GOES WITH HER) Now call Mr, Sun in your very best animal voices, Mr, Sun.,, Sing a little louder. Maybe he didn't hear you, Mr, Sun.,, SUN Huh? CUCKABURRA Did you see that? Did you see it I He turned around and he ignored us, after we called to him so sweetly. Well this time we'll show him, (SHE SCREECHES AND SO DO THEY) Mr, Sunl Mr, Sun» Mr, Sunl Mr, Sunl 24. (TH£ SUN SENDS OUT ANOTHER TERRIBLE RAY, THE ANIMALS ARE NEARLY DONE IN, AND COLLAPSE ON TO THEIR TRIBAL TERRITORY) ROOSTER You seel You seel You should have let me go in the first place, I can do it, I know I can, ALL THE ANI^iALS No! CUCKABURRA It's for your own good, TIGER You'll get burned, BULL If he didn't want us, he certainly won't want you, ROOSTER Now I know. You don't want me to go. You're jealous of me. Well, I'll ask my tribe if I should go. Red Tribe, should I go to the Sun? (IF THEY SAY YES) See? They want me to go and I'm going, (IF THEY SAY NO) Well, it seems like nobody wants me to go, but I'm going anyhow, (IF THEY ARE DIVIDED) You see? A lot of them want me to go. (EN ROUTE) I'll do it. He's a good friend of mine. He'll listen to me. This is far enough. Good morning, Mr, Sun, He didn't answer me, Mr, Sun, how are you feeling today? How's your health? I can see you peeking over the edge,,, Oh, you're pale. You should come out for some fresh air, SUN No, Mr, Rooster, You're trying to trick me, ROOSTER What? 25. SUN You're trying to make me rise again. Well I'm never going to rise again, I've been insulted by every one, and you'll never see me again, ROOSTER Oh, hir. Sun, you just hurt my feelings so badly. Why, do you know what I had to go through just to get here to say "good morning" to you? I had to swim across rivers. And I climbed mountains. And then I had to go down through a valley. And then through a dark cave. And then a swamp, ugh. All because I thought you were my best friend, and you would appreciate it. And now you say I'm trying to trick you. Well, you hurt my feelings. So I'm going to go home and cry myself to sleep, (STARTS TO LEAVE) SUN Hm, ROOSTER Sky Woman said, "Keep trying everything until something works," ,,, something that works,,, Woooo, Woooo,,,Mr, Sun, would you do me one little favor after all I did for you? Just one little favor? Please? SUN What is it, Mr, Rooster, ROOSTER I didn't mind that long trip here to see you. Not one bit, I even loved it. But there was one thing that I was scared of. And now I'm frightened to death. SUN What is it? ROOSTER The jungle leopard, I know he saw me on my long journey here, He couldn't help it. And now he's lying in wait for me. He could be any place. Oh, please protect me. Please, Please, After all I did for you, SUN How can I protect you from a jungle leopard? ROOSTER Scare him away if he tries to kill me. Oh please? 26. SUN How will I know if he's trying to kill you? ROOSTER I'll give you my "coc-a-doodle-doo, " Oh please. After all I did for you, SUN All right, I'll protect you. But I'm never rising again, ROOSTER Oh no. You shouldn't, I know just how you feel. But I want you to know you're the best friend anyone ever had. Goodbye, (ROOSTER GOES AN APPROPRIATE DISTANCE, AND THEN SOUNDS A TREMENDOUS CROW. THE SUN COMES UP IMMEDIATELY, BUT SEES NO LEOPARD, ) SUN Where's the jungle leopard? ROOSTER Ah ooo O O ah. Oh, he just ran over the hills to get away. Oh, you saved my life, Mr, Sun, Thank you. Thank you, SUN He had time to run away? I zoomed up here just as fast as I could, ,,,,,,., ,Oh, ,,,,,,,, ,Oh. .....,,, ,Oh, •,,,..,., ,Mmmmmm, Mmmmm, ,,,,,,,,,, mmmmmmmmm. It's wonderful being out here in the air again, Mr, Rooster, I want to thank you for making me rise again,,, ROOSTER It was my pleasure, SUN And I»m going to give you a present, ROOSTER A present I SUN I want you always to wear this comb on your head. Come here, (HE ATTACHES THE COMB TO THE ROOSTER) There, ROOSTER Oh, oh. Thank you. Thank you, ANIMALS (CHEERING AND APPLAUDING FOR ROOSTER, AD LIB) Rooster, rooster. He saved us all I Yeaay, Rooster* Yeeay, Rooster, the bravest of all, ETC 27. BLUE That night, all of the animals went home as the sun set. And every morning after, the sun rose again. But, just to make sure, early every morning Mr, Rooster.,, (HE COMES OUT AND CROWS) SUN (RISES) Good morning, Mr, Rooster, ROOSTER Good morning, Mr, Sun. SUN How do you like your new comb? ROOSTER Oh, it's beautiful, but all the other animals are jealous, SUN Jealous? ROOSTER You gave me a gift, but the only thing they got was burned, SUN Call them together, and bring them here, ROOSTER Cuckaburra, Bull, Tiger Cat, the Sun wants to see us, (THE ANIMALS GATHER BEFORE THE SUN) SUN Animals, the reason I've called you together is because 1 know you've been burned many times by the rays of the Sun. I want to give each of you something to protect you from those rays, Cuckaburra bird, I'm giving you a bag of clouds to shade the earth in the summer, CUCKABURRA Thank you, Mr, Sun, SUN Mr. Bull, I'm giving you a bag of wind to cool the earth in the autumn, BULL Mmrommmm. Thank you, Mr. Sun, SUN Tiger Cat, I'm giving you a bag of snow to make the earth beautiful in the winter. 28. TIGER Grrrrr. (SHE CANNOT TALK WITH THE BAG IN HER MOUTH) SUN Mr, Rooster, for you, a bag of rain to enrich the earth in the spring, ROOSTER Oh, thank you, Mr. Sun, Thank you, SUN All of you go back to your tribes, and open up your bags when you get there, (THEY GO) SUN Cuckaburra Bird was the first one to open her bag. Great big soft clouds floated out, and sailed all around the world. CUCKABURRA (TO HER TRIBE) We're all the clouds. Come, sail with me once around the world, (THEY FLOAT ONCE AROUND THE CIRCLE. BLUE Next, Bull opened his bag. Out blew a great wind, BULL Wind, Orange tribe, follow me a blow once around the earth, (THEY DO) BLUE And when the earth was cooled by the great winds. Tiger Cat opened her bag. And when she did, lovely white snow fluttered down through the skies, TIGER Follow me all over the world. Snow, (THEY DO) BLUE And when the earth was covered by a big blanket of snow, then Rooster opened his bag, and a big rain danced out to enrich the whole earth, ROOSTER Red tribe, let's do a rain dance right where we are, and open up the clouds, and Jximp in the puddles. (THEY DO, AT THE END OF THE RAIN DANCE, A SIGNAL IS GIVEN AND EVERYONE CLAPS THE STEADY BEAT OF THE FIRST CIRCLE DANCE. THE TRIBE LEADERS DANCE THIS FINAL VARIATION, AND LAND IN FRONT OF THEIR OWN TRIBES, KNEELING) UNISON (RISING AS THEY TALK) And everything on earth grew, and grew- and grew, and went off to make the world beautiful. ■'■M UCLA-College Library PN6120A5B774 L 005 664 957 7 A5B77't ^