STACit AHHBt 5 772 B DUUKSELLER n> Till- <^/:/..\iM»i:ii;at\ . ^ KING,^ stationerabookbinoerJ BRIGHTON. Ex Libris C. K. OGDEN Religious Tract Society, 5C, Paterkoster-row, THE MONTHLY VOLUME, EACH BOOK COMPLETE IN ITSELF, OCCASIONALLY ILLUS- TRATED WITH ENGRAVINGS, AND CONTAINING ONE HUNDRED AND NINETY-TWO PAGES, IN A GOOD, BOLD TYPE. SIXPENCE, IN FANCY PAPER COVERS. TENPENCE, IN CLOTH BOARDS, GILT EDGES. *' I never wanted articles on religious subjects half so much as articles on common subjects, written with a decidedly Christian tone."— Dr. Arnold. The Committee of the Religious Tract Society have resolved to publish a volume every month, adapted to the new development and growing in- telligence of the times. This series, with the exception of a few reprints, will be Original ; from the pens of authors of ability in their respective departments in literature and science: — Scrip- tural ; in the principles in which they are written; — Popular ; in their style ; so Jthat instead of being limited to one class of the community, they may be generally acceptable : — Portable ; that they may serve as " hand-books" abroad and at home ; — and Economical ; the twelve volumes of a year costing less than three half-pence per week. Thus while the MONTHLY SERIES will be fully adapted to the educated Families of our land, to 2 Day and Sunday Schools, and to the Libraries of mechanics and others, they will supply interest- ing and valuable reading to a large number of the people, who can only spare time enough for the perusal of a small volume, and whose means will not allow of a more costly purchase. ALREADY PUSLISHED- Each Volume complete in itself. ■^HE LIFE OF JULIUS CAESAR. GLIMPSES OF THE DARK AGES. WILD FLOWERS OF THE YEAR. JAMAICA, ENSLAVED AND FREE. OUR SONG BIRDS. THE SOLAR SYSTEM. PART I. THE TASK, AND OTHER POEMS. BY WILLIAM COWPER, ESQ. SKETCHES OF THE WALDENSES. THE SOLAR SYSTEM. PART 11. THE LIFE OF LUTHER. PREPARING FOR PUBLICATION. THE BLIGHTS OF WHEAT. MODERN JERUSALEM. ANCIENT JERUSALEM. LIFE OF MOHAMMED. PERSECUTIONS OF THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH. LIFE OF ALFRED. DAWN OF MODERN CIVILIZATION. ETC., ETC. The Committee of the Religious Tract Society therefore look with confidence to their friends, to aid them in widely distributing their Monthly Volume, in Families, Schools, and General Libraries; while they entreat on this new effort the effectual blessing of Almighty (Jod. PHILOSOPHY PLAN OF SALVATION, A BOOK FOR THE TIMES. BY AN AMERICAN CITIZEN. LONDON: THE RELIGIOUS TRACT SOCIETY, Instituted 1 799. PKEFACE. This book is anonymous. With the exception of a few gentlemen, who kindly assisted in revising the sheets, and reviewing the authorities and notes, it is not probable that any individual out of the writer's family will be able to conjecture, with the least degree of probability, wlio is the autlior of the book. Even the personal friends of the author would not be likely to suspect him of writing this volume. The book will, therefore, stand upon its own merits before the public ; and the author will be indulged in makiug some expressions which a becoming degree of modesty would forbid, were his name upon the title-page. Occasion of the work. During some of the first years of the wTiter's active life he was a sceptic ; he had a friend who has since been well known as a lawyer and a legislator, who was also sceptical in liis opinions. We were both conversant with the common evidences of Christianity. None of them convinced our minds of the Divine origin of the Christian religion, although we both thought ourselves wilUng to be convinced by sufficient evidence. Circumstances, which need not be named, led the writer to examine the Bible, and to search for other evidence than that which had been commended to his attention by a much-esteemed clerical friend, who presided in one of our colleges. The result of the examination was a thorough conviction in the author's mind of the truth and Divine authority of Christianity. He supposed at that time, that, in his in- quiries, he had adopted the only true method to settle IG?'? IV PBEFACE. the question, in the minds of all intelligent inquirers, in relation to the Divine origin of the Christian religion. Subsequent reflection has confirmed this opinion. Convinced himself of the Divine origin of the religion of the Bible, the author commenced a series of letters to convey to his friend the evidence which had satisfied his own mind beyond the possibility of doubt. The corre- spondence was, by the pressure of business engagements, interrupted. The investigation was continued, however, when leisure would permit, for a number of years. The results of this investigation are contained in the following chapters. The epistolary form in which a portion of the book was first written will account for some repetition, and some varieties in the style, which otherwise might not have been introduced. Reasons for presenting the work to the public. Book-making is not the author's profession. But after examining his own private Mbrary, and one of the best public libraries in the country, he could find no treatise in which the course of reasoning was pursued which will be found in the following pages. Dr. Chalmers, in closing his Bridgewater Treatise, seems to have had an appre- hension of the plan and importance of such an argument ; and had he devoted himself to the development of the argument suggested, the effort would have been worth more to the world than all the Bridgewater Treatises put together, including his own work. Coleridge has somewhere said, that the Levitical eco- nomy is an enigma y«t to be solved. To thousands of intelligent minds it is not only an enigma, but it is an absolute barrier to their belief in the Divine origin of the Bible. The solution of the enigma was the clue which aided the writer to escape from the labyrinth of doubt ; and now, standing upon the rock of unshaken faith, he offers the clue that guided him, to others. A work of this kind is called for by the spirit of the age. Altliough the signs of the times are said to be pro- pitious, yet tlicre are constant developments of undisci- plined and unsanctified mind both in Europe and America, PREFACE. V winch furnishes matter of regret to the philanthropist and the Christian. A struggle has commenced — is going on at present — and the lieat of the contest is constantly increasing, in which the vital interests of man, temporal and spiritual, are involved. In relation to man's spiritual interests, the central point of controversy is the " cross of Christ." In New England, some of those who have diverged from the doctrine of the fathers, have wandered into a wildness of speculation which, were it not for the evil experienced by themselves and others, ought, perhaps, to be pitied as the erratic aberrations of an unsettled reason, rather than blamed as the manifestation of minds deterrainately wicked. The most painful indication con- nected with this subject is, that these guilty dreamers are not waked from their reveries by the rebuke of men whose position and relations in society demand it at their hands. The west, likewise, is overrun by sects whose teachers, under the name of Reformers, or some other inviting ap- pellation, are usine every eifort to seduce men from the spiritual doctrines and duties of the gospel, or to organize them into absolute hostility against Christ. These men are not wanting in intellect, nor in acquired knowledge, and their labours have prejudiced the minds of great num- bers against the spiritual truths of the gospel, and ren- dered their hearts callous to religious influence. These facts, in the author's opinion, render such a volume as he has endeavoured to write necessary, iu order to meet the exigencies of the times. CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. Man will worship— he will become assimilated to the charac- ter of the object that he worships — Character of heathen deities defective and unholy— From this corrupting worship man has no power to extricate himself 1 CHAPTER II. Concerning the design and necessity of the bondage in Egypt IC CHAPTER III. Concerning Miracles — particularly the miracles which accom- panied the deliverance of the Israelites from bondage in Egypt 21 CHAPTER IV. Concerning what was necessary as the first step in the process of revelation ."2 CHAPTER V. Concerning the necessity of affectionate obedience to God; and the manner of producing that obedience in the hearts of till' Israelites 35 CHAPTER VI. Concerning the design and necessity of the Moral Law 42 CHAPTER VII. Concerning the development of the idea of holiness, and its 47 transfer to Jehovah aa an attribute „•••• < CONTENTS. VII CHAPTER VIII. Page Concerning tlie origin of tlie ideas of justice and mercy, and their transfer to the character of Jehovah 56 CHAPTER IX. Concerning th6 transition from the material system, by whicli religious ideas were conveyed through the senses, to the spiritual system, in which abstract ideas were conveyed by words and parables 66 CHAPTER X. Concerning the medium of conveying to men perfect instruc- tion in doctrine and duty 73 CHAPTER XI. Concerning some of the peculiar proof* of the Messiahship of Christ 78 CHAPTER XII. Concerning the condition in life which it was necessary the Messiah should assume, in order to benefit the human family in the greatest degree, by his example and instructions 84 CHAPTER XIII. Concerning the essential principles which must, according to the nature of things, lie at the foundation of the instruction of Christ 90 CHAPTER XIV, Concerning faith, as the exercise through which truth reaches and affects the soul 93 CHAPTER XV. Concerning the manifestations of God which would l)e neces- sary, under the new and spiritual dispensation, to produce in the soul of man affectionate obedience 101 CHAPTER XVI. Concerning the influence of faith in Christ upon the moral disposition aud the moral powers of the soul ,., 134 VUl CONTENTS. CHAPTER XVII. Page Concerning the design and importance of the means of grace —prayer— praise — preaching 153 CHAPTER XVIII. Concerning the agency of God in carrying on the work of re- demption, and the manner in which that agency is exerted 169 CHAPTER XIX. Concerning the practical effects of the system as exemplified in individual cases , 174 PHILOSOPHY OF THE PLAN OF SALVATION. CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTORY. MAN WILL WORSHIP — HE WILL BECOME ASSIMILATED TO THE CHARACTER OF THE OBJECT THAT HE WORSHIPS CHARACTER OF HEATHEN DEITIES DEFECTIVE AND UNHOLY FROM THIS CORRUPT- ING WORSHIP MAN HAS NO POWER TO EXTRICATE HIMSELF. There are three facts, each of them fully deyeloped in the experience of the human family, a consider- ation of which will prepare the mind for the in- vestigation which follows. When considered in their relation to each other, and in their bearing upon the moral interests of mankind, they will be seen to be of exceeding importance. We will ad- duce these facts, in connexion with the statements and i)rinciples upon which they rest, and show how vital are the interests which depend upon them. THE FIRST FACT STATED. There is in the nature of man, or in the circuin stances in which he is conditioned, something wliich leads him to recognise and worship a superior being. What that something is, is not important in our present inquu-y : — whether it be a coustitutional B 2 PHILOSOPHY OF instinct inwrought by the Maker — whether it be a deduction of universal reason, inferring a first cause from the things that are made — whether it be the effect of tradition, descending from the first worship- pers, through all the tribes of the human family — whether any or all of these be the cause, the fact is the same — Man is a rel'ujious being — he will WORSHIP. In view of this propension of human nature, phi- losophers, in seeking a generic appellation for man, have denominated him a " religious animal." The characteristic is true of him in whatever part of the world he may be found, and in whatever condition ; and it has been true of him in all ages of which we have any record either fabulous or authentic. Navigators have, in a few instances, reported that isolated tribes of men, whom they visited, recognised the existence of no superior being : subsequent re- searches, however, have generally corrected the error — and, in all cases, when it has been sui)posed that a tribe of men was found believing in no god, the fact has been stated as an evidence of their degra- dation below the mass of their species, and of their approximation to the confines of brute natm-e. Of the whole family of man, existing in all ages, and scattered over the four quarters of the globe, and in the isles of the sea, there is scarcely one well-authen- ticated exception to the fact, that, moved by an im- pulse of nature, or tlic force of circumstances, man worships something which he believes to be endowed with the attributes of a superior being. ■ THE SECOND FACT STATED. The second fact, connected as it is, by the nature of things, with tlie preceding, assumes the highest degree of importance. It may be stated in the following terms: — 3Ian, by worshijiping, becomes THE PLAN OF SALVATION. 3 assimilated to the moral character of the object which he uorshijis. This is an invariable principle, operating with the certainty of cause and eflect. The worshipper looks upon the character of the object which he worships as the standard of per- fection. He therefore condemns everything in himself which is unlike, and approves of every thing which is like that character. The tendency of this is to lead him to abandon everything in himself, and in his course of life, which is con- demned by the character and 2)Tecepts of his god,' and to conform himself to that standard vrhich is approved by the same criterion. The worshi])per desii'es the favour of the object worshijjped, and this, reason dictates, can be obtained only by conformity to the will and the character of that object. To become assimilated to the image of the object wor- shi2iped must be the end of desire with the wor- shipper. His aspirations, therefore, every time he worships, do, from the nature of the case, assimilate his character more and more to the model of the object that receives his homage. To tills fact the whole history of the idolatrous world bears testimony. Without an exception, the character of every nation and tribe of the human family has been formed and modified, in a great degree, by the character attributed to their gods. From the history of idolatrous nations we will cite a number of familiar cases, confirmatory of the foregoing statement, that man becomes like the object of his worship. A most striking instance is that of the Scythians, and other tribes of the Northmen, who subdued and finally annihilated the Roman power. Odin, Thor, and others of their supposed deities, were ideas of hero-kings, blood-tbirsty and cruel, clothed with the atti'ibutes of deitv, and worshipped. Their " B 2 4 PHILOSOPHY OF •worsbi^i turned tlie milk of human kindness into gall in the bosoms of their A^otarics, and they seemed, like blood-hounds, to be 2)ossessed of a horrid de- light when the}' were revelling in scenes of blood and slaughter. It being believed that one of their hero-gods, after destroying great numbers of the human race, destroyed himself, it hence became dis- reputable to die in bed, and those who did notmeet death in battle frequently committed suicide, sup- 2iosiug that to die a natural death might exclude them from favour in the hall of Valhalla. Among the gods of the Greeks and Romans there were some names, in the early ages of their history, to which some virtuous attributes were attached ; but the conduct and character generally attributed to their gods were marked deeply with such traits as heroism, vengeance, caprice, and lust. In the later history of these nations, their idolatry degen- erated in character, and became a system of most debasing tendency. The heroism fostered by idolatry was its least injurious influence. Pope's couplet, had he thrown a ray or two of light across the back-ground of the dark picture, would have been a correct delineation of the character of jmgan idols — Gods partial, changeful, passionate, unjust; ■\Vliose attributes -were rage, revenge, and lust. In some cases the most corrupt attributes of human natiu-e, and even of brute nature, were attri- buted to objects of v.'orship, and while men bowed down to tbem, they sank themselves to the lowest depths of vice. The Egyptians might bo named as an instance. The first patrons of the arts and sciences were brute-worshippers ; and it is testiiied of them tliat bestiality, the lowest vice to wliich Inunan Uiiture can descend, was common amongst THE PLAN OF SALVATION. 5 them. The paintings and sculpture of their clivini ties, in the mummy catacombs, are for the most part, chisters of beasts, birds, reptiles, and flies, grouped together in the most disgusting and un- natural relations ; a true indication that the minds of the worsliippers were filled with ideas the most vile and imnatural. The ancient Venus, as worshipped by almost all the elder nations of antiquity, was a personification of lust. The deeds ref^uired to be done at her j^ol- luting fane, as acts of homage, ought not to be named. In the best days of Corinth — " Corinth the eye of Greece" — the most sacred persons in the city were prostitutes, consecrated to tlie worship of Venus. From this so'urce she derived a large por- tion of her revenues. The consequence was, that her inhabitants became proverbial for dissoluteness and treachery. To the heathen divinities, especially those placed at the head of the catalogue as the superior gods, what theologians have called the physical attributes of deity — omnipotent and omnipresent power — were generally ascribed ; but their moral character v/as always defective, and generally criminal. As one of the best instances in the whole mythology of tlie ancients, the Roman Jupiter might be cited. Had a medal been struck delineating the character of this best of the gods, on one side might have been engraved Almightiness, Omnqjresencc, Justice ; and on the reverse. Caprice, Vengeance, Lust. Thus men clothed depraved or bestial deities with al- mighty power, and they became cruel, or corrupt, or bestial in their aflections, by the reaction of the character worshij^ped upon the character of the worsMpper. In the strong language of a recent writer, " they clothed beasts and depraved beings q PHILOSOPHY OF with tlie attribute of almiglitiiiess, and in effect they worshipped ahnighty beasts and devils." And the more they worship2)ed the more they resembled them. These testimonies concerning the influence of idolatrous worship, and the character of the idols worshipped, are maintained by authorities which render doubt in relation to their credibility impos- sible. Upon this subject the wiser men among the Greeks and Romans have borne unequivocal testi- mony. Plato, in the second hook of the Republic, speaks of the pernicious influence of the conduct attributed to the gods, and suggests that such his- tories should not be rehearsed in jDublic, lest they sliould influence the youth- to the commission of crimes. Aristotle advises that statues and paintings of the gods should exhibit no indecent scenes, ex- cej)t in the temples of such divinities as, according to common opinion, preside over sensuality.* What an affectmg testimony of the most discriminating mind among the heatlien ! asserting not only the turpitude of the prevailing idolatry, but sanctioning tlie sensuality of their debauclied worship. As Rome and Greece grew older, the infection of idolatiy festered, imtil the body politic became one mass of moral disease. The state of things, in the later ages of these nations, is well stated by a late writer of the lirst authority. f " We should naturally suppose, (says this writer,) that among so great a varietyof gods, of religious actions, of sacred vows, at least some better feeling of the heart must have been excited; that at least some truly pious sentiment would have been awakened. But when we consider the character of this superstition, and the testimony of cotcmjioraneous writers, such * Aristot. Politica, vii. 13. cd. Sclmeider. t Tholuck on tlii' lii/lucnce of Heathenism. THE PLAN OF SALVATION. 7 does not appear to have been the fact. Petronius's history of that period fm-nishes evidence that tem- ples were frequented, ahars crowned, and prayers offered to the gods, in order that they might render nights of unnatural lust agreeable; that they might favour acts of poisoning; that they might cause robberies and other crimes to prosper." In view of the abominations prevailing at this period, the nkoral Seneca exclaimed — " How great now is the madness of men! They Usp the most abominable prayers; and if a man is found listening they are silent. What a man ought not to hear, they do not blush to relate to the gods." Again, says he, " If any one considers what things they do, and to what thhigs they subject themselves ; instead of decency, he will find indecency; instead of the honourable, the unworthy ; instead of the rational, the insane !" Such was heathenism and its influence, in the most enlightened ages, according to the testimony of the best men of those times. In relation to modern idolatry, the world is full of living witnesses of its corrupting tendency. We will cite in illustration, a single case or two. The following is extracted from a public document, laid before parliament by H. Oakley, Esq., a magistrate in lower Bengal. Speaking of the influence of idolatry in India, he says of the Avorship of Kale, one of the most j^opular idols, " the murderer, the robber, and the jirostitute, all aim to propitiate a being v.'hose worship is obscenity, and who delights in the blood of man and beast ; and, without im- ploring whose aid, no act of wickedness is com- mitted. The worship of Kale must harden the hearts of her followers ; and to them scenes of blood and crime must become familiar." In Chma, according to Medhurst, the priests of Buddlia understand and teach the doctrine of tlie 8 PHILOSOPHY OF assimilation of the worshipper to the object wor- sliipped. They say — " Tliink of Buddha and you will be transformed into Buddha. If men pray to Buddha and do not become Buddha, it is because the mouth prays, and not the mind."* Two facts, then, are philosophically and his- torically true : First — Man is a religious animal, and will worship something, as a superior being. Second — By worshipping he becomes assimilated to the moral character of the object which he worships. And (the God of the Bible out of view for the present) those objects have always had a defective and unholy character. Here, then, is one great source which has de- veloped the (iorruption of the family of man. We inquire not in this place concerning the origin of idolatiy : whatever, or wlierever was its origin, its influence has been uniformly the same. As no object of idolatrous worship was ever conceived to be jjerfectly just and benevolent, but most of them no better than the ai:)otheosis of heroes, or tlie deification of the imperfect faculties and impure passions of human or brute nature, the result followed, with a certainty as unerring as cause and effect, that man, by following his instinct to worship, would becloud his intellect and corrupt liis heart. Notice how inevitable, from the eir cumstances of the case, was the corruption of man's jiowers : — He was led to worship by au instinct over wliich he had no control : — The objects of liis worship were, whether he originated them or not, all of them of a character that cor- rupted his heart ; tluis tlie gratilication of his * For a succinct statenic-nt of the universal prevalence of false rellfjions. and tlieir coiruptiii^'- influence, see Kyan on the Effect of llf:ligion upon IShinkind, W(7w/?«. THE PLAN OF SALVATION. 9 instinctive i)ropensities inevitably strengthened the coiTui)tion of his nature. Now, it is not oiu' design to inquire whether, or how far, man was guilty in producing this evil condition of things. In considering the facts in the case, the inquiiy which forces itself upon the mind is — Were there any resources in human nature; or any means of any kind, of which man could avail himself, by which he might save him- self from the debasing influence of idolatrous worship ? In reply, THE THIRD FACT IS STATED. There icere no means uithin the reach of human pouer or loisclom, by ichich man could extricate him- self from the evil of idolatry, either by an immediate, or by a progressive series of efforts. This fact is maintained from the history of idolatry, the testimony of the heathen philosophers, and the nature of man. I. Instead of man acquiring the power or the disposition, as the race became older, to destroy idolatry — idolatry, from its first entrance into the world, gained power to destroy him. Amid all the mutations of society, from barbarous to civilised ; and amid all the conflicts of nations, and the changes of dynasties and forms of government, from the first historic notices which we have of the human family down to the era of Christ, idolatry constantly became more evil in its character and more extended in its influence. It is well ascer- tained that the first objects of idolatrous homage were few and simple, and the worship of the earliest ages comparatively pure. ]\Ian fell into this moral debasement but one step at a time. The sun, moon, stars, and other conspicuous objects of creative power and wisdom, received the first B 3 10 THILOSOPHY OF idolatrous homage. Afterwards a divinity was supposed to reside in other ohjects, especially in those men, and beasts, and things, which were instrumental in conferring particular benefits on tribes or nations of men. And, finally, images of those objects were formed and worshipped. Images, which subsequently became innumerable, were not so in the earliest historic ages. In some nations, they were not allowed until after the era of the foundation of Eome.* As the nations gi'ew older, images, which were at the first but few and clothed with drapery, became more numerous, and were presented before the worshippers in a state of nudity, and in the most obscene attitudes. And, as has been before stated, their character, from being comparatively innoxious, became, without exception, demoralising in the extreme. 2. During the Augustan age of Rome, and the age of Pericles and Alcibiades in Greece — those periods when the mind had attained the highest elevation ever known among heathen nations — the mass of the jjeoplc were more idolatrous in their habits, and consequently more coiTupt in then* hearts, than ever before. The abominations of idol-worship, of the mysteries, and of lewdness, in forms too vile to name, were rife throughout the country and the villages, and had their foci in the capitols of Greece and Rome. Jahn says, in re- lation to this period, " deities increased in number, and tlie apotheosis of vicious emperors was not unfrcquent. Their pliilosophers, indeed, disputed Avitli much subtlety respecting the architect of the universe, but they knew nothing about the Creator, the lioly and almighty Judge of men." * Plutarch says that Numa forbade the Romans to make statues of their gods. THE PLAN OF SALVATIOX. 11 Some of the more intelligent of the philosophers, perceiving the evil of the prevailing idolatry, de- sii-ed to refine the grossness of the popular faith. They t'a light that the facts believed concerning the gods were allegories. Some endeavoured to identify the character of some of theii- deities with the natui'al virtues ; while many of them became sceptical concerning the existence ef the gods and of a future state. Those were, however, but isolated exceptions to the mass of mankind. And, had their views been adopted by others, they would only have modified, not remedied the evil. But a contem- porary writer shows how entirely unavailing, even to modify the evil, was the teaching of the philosophers. Dionysius of Halicarnassus says, " There are only a few who have become masters of this philosophy. On the other hand, the gi-eat and imphilosophic mass are accustomed to receive these naiTatives rather in their worst sense, and to learn one of these two things, either to despise the gods as beings who wallow in the grossest Hcen- tiousness, or not to restrain themselves even from what is most abominable and abandoned, when they see that the gods do the same." Cicero,|in one sentence, as given by Tholuck, notices both the evil and its cause ; confirming, in direct lan- guage, the preceding views. " Instead," says he. " of the transfer to man of that which is divine, they transferred human sins to the gods, and then, experienced again the necessaiy action." Such, then, is the testimony of the philosophers in re- lation to the idolatry of their times. A few gifted individuals obtained sufficient light to see the moral evil in whicli men were involved, but they had neither wisdom to de\ise a remedy, nor power to ai-rest the progress of the moral pestilence that was coiTupting the noble faculties of the human soul. 12 PHILOSOPHY OF 3. It was impossible, from the nature of man, that he should extricate himself from the corrupt- ing influence of idolatry. In this place we wish to state a principle which should be kept in view throughout the following discussion : — If man were ever redeemed from idolatrous u-orslivp, his redemption would have to be accomplished by means and in- strumentalities adapted to his nature and the cir cumstances in which he existed. If the faculties of his nature were changed, he would not be man. If his temporal condition were changed, different means would be necessary : if, therefore, man, as man, in his present condition, were to be recovered, the means of recovery, whether instituted by God or man, must be adapted to his nature and his circumstances. The only way, then, in wliich relief was possible for man, was, that an object of worship shoiUd be placed before the mind directly opposite in moral character to those he had before adored. If his heart was ever purified, it must be by tearing his affections from his gods, and fixing them upon a righteous and holy being as the proper object of hi^ homage. But, for man to form such an object was plainly impossible. He could not transfer a better character to his gods than he himself possessed. Man could not "bring a pure thing out of an impm-e." The efiect could not rise higher in moral purity tlian the cause. Hiunan nature, in tlie maturity of its faculties, all agree, is imperfect and selfish ; and, for an imperfect and selfish being to originate a perfect and holy character, deify it, and worship it, is to suppose what is contrary to the nature of things. The thought of the eloquent and philosophic Cicero expresses all that man could do. He could transfer his own imperfect attributes to the gods, and, by THE PLAN OF SALVATION. 13 worshipping a being characterised by these iraper fections, he would receive in himself the reaction of his own dej)ravity. But, if some men had had the i^o'^'er and the disposition to form for the world a perfectly holy object of worship, still the gi-eat difficulty, as we have seen in the case of the 25hilosoi)hers, would have remained, that is, a want of the necessary power to an-est the progress of idolatry and sub- stitute the better worship. To doubt the truth of the prevailing idolatry was all that men, at the highest intellectual attainment ever acquired in heathen countries, could do. And, if they had had power to convey tbeii- doubts to all minds in all the world, it would only have been to jolace mankind in the chaotic darkness of atheism, and leave them to be led again by their instincts into the abominations of imperfect and impure worship. The testimony, then, is conclusive, from the history of idolatry, that the evil became greater every age — from the statements of the wisest of the heathen, that they had no power to arrest its progi-ess — and from the nature of man, that it was not possible for him to relieve himself from the corrupting influence of idolatry, in which he had become involved. From the foregoing facts and reasonings, it is plain, that the high-born faculties of the human soul must have been blighted for ever, by a cor- rupting worship, unless two things were accom- plished ; neither of which it was in the power of himian nature to effect : and, yet, both of which were essentially necessary to accomplish the elevation of man from the pit into which he had fallen. The first thing necessary to be accomplished was, that a pure object of norsMp should be placed 14 PHILOSOPHY OF hefore the eye of the soul. Purity of heart and conscience would be necessary in the object of worship, otherwit-^-e, the heart and conscience of the worshipper would not be purified. But, if an object were presented, whose nature was infinitely op])osed to sin — to all defilement, both physical and spiritual — and who revealed, in his examjjle, and by his precepts, a perfect standard to govern the life of man under the circumstances in which he was placed, then man's mind would be en- lightened, his conscience rectified, and the hard and corrupt feelings of his heart softened and purified, by assimilation to the object of his worship : — As, according to the nature of things, an unholy object of worship would necessarily degrade and corrupt the human soul; so on the contrary, a holy object Avorshipped, would necessarily elevate and purify the nature of man. The second necessary thing in order to man's redemption was, that when a hohj object of worship was revealed, the revelation should he accompanied with sufficient jmiver to injiuence men to forsake their former worship, and to worship the holy object Quade hnown to them. Tlie presentation of a new and pin-e object, would not cause men to turn from their former opinions and practices, and become directly opposed in heart to what they had formerly loved. A disjilay of power would be necessary, sufhcient to overcome tlioir former faith and their present fears, and to detach their affections from idols, and fix . them upon the proper object of human homage. It follows, then, that man must remain a corrupt idolater for ever, mdess God interpose in his behalf. The question whether lie would thus inter])ose, in the only way possible, to save the race from uioral death, depends entirely ui)on the THE PLAN OF SALVATION. 15 benevoleuce of his nature. The question whether he has done so, may be answered by inquiring, wliether any system of means has been instituted in this world, characterised by sufficient power to destroy idolatry — revealing at the same time a holy object of worship — and this revelation being ac- companied by means and influences so adapted to man's nature as to secure the result. To this inquiry the future pages of this volume ■\Vill be devoted. The inquiry is not primarily concerning the truth of the Bible ; but concerning the only^ religion possible for mankind, and the only means by which such religion could be given consistently with man's nature and cu'cumstances. CHAPTER IL ' CONCERNING THE DESIGN AND NECESSITY OF THE BONDAGE IN EGYPT. There are certain bonds of union, and sources of sympathy, by which the minds of a whole people may be united into one common mind : so much so, that all hearts in the nation will be affected by the same subjects, and all minds moved by the same motives. Any cause which creates a common interest and a common feeling, common biases and common hopes, in the individual minds which compose a nation, has a tendency to unite them iu this manner. Some of the causes which have more power thini any others to bind men, as it were, into a common being, are the following : — The natural tie of con- sanguinity, or a common parentage, is a strong bond of affiliation among men. And tliere are others, which, in some cases, seem to be even, stronger than this : among these may be named a common interest; a common religion ; and a com- mon fellowshi]) in suffering and deliverance. Any circumstance whicli educes the susceptibilities of the mind and twines them together, or around a common object — any event in whicli the interest, the feelings, the safety, or the reputation of any people is involved, causes them to be more closely allied to each other in social and civil compact. The more firmly a peo^ilo are bound togethei- by PHILOSOPHY OF THE PLAN OF SALVATION. 17 these ties of uniou, tlie more strength they will pos- sess to resist opposing interests and opinions from, without; while, at the same time, everything national, or peculiar to them as a people, will he cherished with warmer and more tenacious attach- ment. From the operation of this principle originates the maxim " Union is strength ;" and whether the conflict be mental or physical, the people who aie united together by the most numerous and powerful sympathies, will oi)pose the sti'ongest and the longest resistance to the innovations of external forces. On the contrary, if the bonds of moral union are few, and easily sundered, the strength of the nation is soon broken, and the fragments easily repelled from each other. According to this principle, in all cases in which a whole nation is to be instructed, or j)repared for offence and defence, or in any wise fitted to be acted upon, or to act as a nation, it woidd be ne- cessary that the bonds of national union should be numerous and strong ; and that, as far as possible, a jjerfect oneness of interest and feeling should pervade the nation. So long as the human mind and human circum- stances continue what they are, no power in heaven or on earth could unite a people together, except by the same or similar means as have been stated. If, therefore, God designed to form a nation, either to be acted upon or to act as a nation, he would put in operation those agencies which would bind them firmly and permanently into one mass. Now, mark the application of these deductions to the case of the Israelites. About the period when the corruptions of idolatry were becoming generally prevalent, Abraham, the Bible record states, was extricated by Divine interposition. He 18 PHILOSOPHY OF was assm-ecl that bis descendants slioald ^suffer a long bondage, and afterwards become a numerous nation. Abraham was their common ancestor, one whom they remembered with reverence and pride ; and each individual felt himself honoured by the fact that the blood of the " father of the faithful" circled iji his veins. The tie of consanguinity in their case was bound in the strongest manner, and encircled the whole nation. In Egypt, their cir- cumstances and employments were the same ; and, in the endurance of a protracted and most gidling bondage, they had a common lot. Their liberation was likewise a national deliverance, which affected alike the whole people ; the anniversary of which was celebrated by distant posterity with strong and l^eculiar national enthusiasm. Now, it has been said, that the events of our colonial servitude, and the acliievement of American independence, are points in our history which will ever operate upon our national character, impress- iug clear views of the great principles of }'opub- licanism, and uniting all hearts in support of those principles : how much more affecting and inde- lible, then, was the impress made upon the national heart of tlio Israelites by their bondage and deli- verance ! They were bound by blood, by interest, feeling, hopes, "fears, by bondage, and by faith. And how lir]nly did these providences weave into one web the sympatliies and views of the Jewish ])eople ! It is a fact whicli is the miracle of history, and the wonder of the world, that the ties which imite this people seem to be indissoluble. While other nations have risen and reigned and fallen ; while the tics which united them have been sun^ dercd, and their fragments lost amid earth's teem- ing i)o])ulation, the stoclv of Abraham endures, like an incorruptible monument of gold, undestroyed by THE PLAN OF SALVATION. 19 the attrition of tlie waves of time, which have dashed iii pieces and washed away other nations, whose origin was but yesterday, compared with this ancient and wonderful peox)le. In this manner was this nation prepared for pe- cidiar duties, and to discharge those duties under pecuHar cu'cumstances. Many of th.e nations by which they were surrounded were more powerfiil than themselves ; all were warlike, and each had its pecidiar system of idolatry, wnicli corrupted all hearts that came within its influence. Hence the necessity'- that this people should be so united as to resist the power and contagious example of surrounding nations, while they were fitted to receive and preserve a peculiar national character, civil polity, and religious doctrines ; of all which they were to be the conservators, amid surrounding and o^^posing heathenism, for many ages. Other facts might be added to the induction, which would make the design, if i)ossible, more ap- parent. If the Jews were to be the recipients of new instruction — to obey new laws, and to sustain new institutions, it wovdd be desirable that their minds, so far as possible, shoidd be in the condition of new material, occupied by little previous know- ledge, and by no national prejudices against or in favour of governmental forms and systems. Now, in the case of the Jews, the habit of obedience had been acquired. They had no national predilections or prejudices arising from past exjierience. In relation to knowledge of any kind, their mind was almost a tabula rasa. They were as new mateiial prepared to receive tlie moulding of a master hand, and the impress of a governing mind. Now, as this discipline of the descendants of Abraham was the residt of a long concat 'iiaiion 20 PHILOSOPHY OF THE PLAN OF SALVATION of events, and could not have been designed by themselves to accomplish the necessary end ; and as the whole chain of events was connected together and i^erfectly adapted, in accordance with the nature of things, to produce the specific purpose which was accomplished by them, it follovrs as the only rational conclusion, first, that the overruling intelligence of God was employed in thus j^reparing material for a purer religious worship than tho world then enjoyed ; and, second, that a nation could have been so prepared by no other agent, and in no other way CHAPTER III. CONCEENING MIRACLES — PARTICULAELY THE MIRA- CLES WHICH ACCOMPANIED THE DELIVERANCE OF THE ISRAELITES FROM BONDAGE IN EGYPT. There has-been so mucli false philosojihy written concerning the subject of miracles, that it is difficult for those conversant with the speculations of writers upon this subject, to divest their minds sufficiently of pre-formed biases, to examine can- didly the simple and natm-al principles upon which are based the evidence and necessity of miraculous interj)osition. The following statement is true beyond contro- versy — 3Ian cannot, in the present constitution of his mind, believe that religion has a Divine origin, ■unless it he accompanied with miracles. The ne- cessaiy inference of the mind is, that if an Infinite Being act, his acts will be superhuman in their character ; because the effect, reason dictates, will be characterised by the nature of its cause. Man has the same reason to expect that God will per- form acts above human power and knowledge, that he has to suppose the inferior orders of animals win, in their actions, sink below the power and wisdom which characterise human nature. For, as it is natural for man to i^erform acts superior to the i)ower and knowledge of the animals beneath him, so, reason affirms, that it is natural for God to develop his power by means, and in ways, above 22 PHILOSOPHY OF the skill and ability of mortals. Hence, if God manifest himself at all — unless, in accommodation to the capacities of men, he should constrain his manifestations within the compass of human ability — every act of God's immediate power would, to human capacity, be a miracle. But, if God were to constrain all his acts within the limits of human means and agencies, it would be impossible for man to discriminate between the acts of the Godhead and the acts of the manhood. And man, if he considered acts to be of a Divine origin, which were plainly within the compass of human ability, would violate his own reason. Suppose, for illustration, that God desired to reveal a religion to men, and wished them to re- cognise his character and his benevolence in giving that revelation. Suppose, further, that God should give such a revelation, and that every appearance and every act connected with its introduction, were characterised by nothing sujierior to human power : could any rational mind on earth beheve that such a system of religion came from God ? Impossible ! A man could as easily be made to believe that his own child, who j)ossesscd his own lineaments, and his own nature, belonged to some other world, and some other order of the creation. It would not be jiossible for God to convince men that a rehgion was from heaven, unless it was accompanied with the mai'ks of Divine power. Suppose, again, that some individual were to appear either in the heathen or Christian world — he claimed to be a teacher sent from God, jet aspired to the performance of no miracles. He assumed to do nothing superior to the wisdom and abihty of other men. Such an individual, although he might succeed in gaining proselytes to some particular view of a religion already believed, yet THE PLAN OF SALVATION. 2S lie could never make men believe that lie had a special commission from God to establish a new- religion, for the simple reason that he had no grounds more than his fellows, to support his claims as an agent of the Almighty. But if he could convince a single individual that he had wrought a miracle, or that he had power to do so, that moment his claims would be established, in that mind, as a commissioned agent from heaven. So certainly, and so intuitively, do the minds of men revere and expect miracles as the credentials of the Divine presence. This demand of the mind for miracles, as testi- mony of the Divine presence and power, is intuitive with all men ; and those very individuals who have doubted the existence or necessity of miracles, should they examine then own convictions on this subject, would see that, by an absolute necessity, if they desired to give the w^orld a system of religion, whether truth or impostm-e, in order to make men receive it as of Divine authority, they must work miracles to attest its truth, or make men beheve that they did so. Men can produce doubt of a revelation in no -way until they have destroyed the evidence of its miracles ; nor can faith be jDroduced in the Divine origin of a religion until the evidence of miracles is supplied. The conviction that miracles are the true at- testation of immediate Divine agency, is so con- stitutionah (allow the expression) wdth the reason, that so soon as men persuade themselves they are the special agents of God, in propagating some j)articular truth in the world, they adopt likewise the belief that they have ability to work miracles. There have been many sincere enthusiasts, who "believed that they were special agents of heaven, and, in such cases, the conviction of their own 24 THILOSOPHY OF miraculous i)o\verF! arises as a neccssaiy con- comitant of the other ojiinion. Among such, in modern times, may be instanced Emanuel Sweden borg, and Irving, the Scotch preacher. Impostors also, perceiving that miracles were necessary in order that the human mind should receive a religion as Divine, have invariably claimed mira- culous powers. Such instances recur constantly from the days of Elymas down to the Mormon, Joseph Smith. All the multitude of false religions that have been believed since the world began, have been introduced by the power of this principle. Miracles believed, lie at the foundation of all religions which men liave ever received as of Divine origin. No matter how degrading or re- pulsive to reason in other respects, the fact of its establishment and propagation gTows out of the belief of men that miraculous agency lies at the bottom. Tills belief will give currency to any system, however absurd; and without it, no system can be established in the minds of men, however high and holy may be its origin and its design. Such, then, is the constitution which the Maker has given to the mind. Whether the conviction be an intuition or an induction of the reason, God is the primary cause of its existence; and its exist- ence puts it out of the power of man to receive a revelation from God himself, luiless accompanied with miraculous manifestations. If, therefore, God ever gave a revelation to man, it was necessarily accompanied with miracles, and with miracles of such a nature as would clearly distinguish the Divine character and the Divine authority of the dispensation. The whole fulness and force of these deductions aj)ply to tlie case of the Israelites. The laws of THE PLAN OF SALVATION. '^5 tlieir mind not only demanded miracles as an attestation of Divine interposition ; but at that time, the belief existed in their mmds, that miracles were constantly jierformed. Although they re- membered the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, yet they likewise, as subsequent facts clearly attested, believed that the idols of Egj'pt possessed the attributes of Divinity. The belief in a plm-ality of gods was then common to all nations. And although this error was corrected, and jierhaps entirely removed, by succeeding providences and instructions, from the minds of the Jews; yet, before the miracles in Egj-pt, v.hile the God of Abraham was, perhaps, in most cases acknowledged as their God, the idols of Kg}'pt were acknowledged as the gods of the Egyptians, and j^i'obably wor- shipped as the divinities who had power to dispense good and evil to all the inhabitants of that land. And in common with all Egypt, they, no doubt, believed that the acts of jugglery, in which the magicians, or priests of Egypt, had made astonish- ing proliciency, were actual miracles, exhibiting the jiower of theii- idols, and the authority of the priests to act in their name. In view, therefore, of existing circumstances, two things were necessary, on the part of God,*: in order to give any revelation to the Israelites : — ■ First, that He should manifest himself by miiacles, .and, Secondly, that those miracles should be of such a character, as evidently to distinguish them from the jugglery of the magicians, and to convince all observers of the existence and omnipotence of the true God, in contradistmction from the objects of idolatrous worsliip. Unless these two things were • When we speak of a thing as necessary on the part of God, it is said, not in reference to God's attributes, but to man's nature and circumstances. 26 PHILOSOPHY OF done, it would have been impossible for the Israel- ites to have recognised Jehovah as the only living and true God. It follows, then, that by the miracles which God ■wrought, by the hand of ]Moses, he pursued the only way that was possible to give a revelation in which his presence and power would be recognised. The only point of inquiry remaining is, Were the miracles of such a character, and performed in such a manner, as to remove false views from the minds of the Israelites, and introduce right views concerning the true God, and the non-existence of factitious objects of worship '? With this point in view, the design in the management and character of the miracles in Egypt is interesting and obvious. Notice, first, the whole strength of the magicians' skill was brought out and measured with that of the mira- culous power exerted through Moses. If this had not been done, the idea would have remained in the minds of the jieople, that although Moses wielded a mighty miraculous power, it might be derived from the Egyptian gods, or if it were not thus derived, they might have sujiposed, that if the priests of those idols were summoned, they could contravene or arrest the power vested in Moses by Jehovah. But now, the magicians appearing in the name of their gods, the jiower of Moses was seen to be not only superior to their sorceries, but liostile to them and their idolatrous worshij). Notice, secondly, the design and adaptedness of the miracles, not only to distinguish the power of the true God, but to destroy the confidence placed in the protection and power of the idols. The first miracle, Avhile it authenticated the mission of Moses, destroyed the serpents which, among tlie l^gyptians, were objects of worship : THE PLAN OF SALVATION. 27 thus evincing, in the outset, that theii* gods could neither help the people, nor save themselves. The second miracle was diiected against the river Nile, another object which they regarded with religious reverence. This river they held sacred, as the Hindoos do the Ganges ; and even the fish in its waters they revered as objects of worship. They drank the water with reverence and delight ; and supposed that a Disine efficacy dwelt in its waves to heal diseases of the body. The water of this their cherished object of idolatrous homage was transmuted to blood; and its finny idols be- came a mass of putridity. The third miracle was directed to the accom- plishment of the same end — the destruction of faith in tlie river as an object of worship. The waters of the Nile were caused to send forth legions of frogs, which infested the whole land, and became a nuisance and a torment to the people. Thus theii* idol, by the power of the true God, was polluted, and turned into a source of pollution to its worshippers. By the fourth miracle of a series constantly in- creasing in power and severity, lice came upon man and beast throughout the land. " Now if it be remembered," says Glieg, " that no one could approach the altars of Egypt upon whom so impm-e an insect harboured ; and that the priests, to guard against the slightest risk of contamination, wore only linen garments, and shaved their heads and bodies every day,* the severity of this miracle, as a judgment upon Eg\^)tian idolatry, may be imagined. Whilst it lasted, no act of worship could be performed ; and so keenly was this felt, that the very magicians exclaimed — ' This is the finger of God!' " * Every third day, according to Herodotus, 28 PHILOSOPHY OF The fifth miracle was designed to destroy the trust of the jjeople in Beelzebub, or the Fly-god, who was reverenced as their jirotector from visita- tions of swarms of ravenous iiies which infested the land, generally about the time of the dog days, and removed only, as they suj'tposed, at the will of this idol. The mu-acle now wrought by Moses evinced the impotence of Beelzebub, and caused the people to look elsewhere for relief from the fearfid visitation under which they were suffering. The sixth miracle, which destroyed the cattle, excejiting those of the Israelites, was aimed at the destruction of the entire system of brute worship. This system, degrading and bestial as it was, had become a monster of many heads in Egypt. They had their sacred bull, and ram, and heifer, and goat, and many others, all of which were destroyed by the agency of the God of Moses. Thus by one act of i")o\ver -Jehovah manifested his own supremacy, and destroyed the very existence of their brvi'te idols. Of the peculiar fitness of the sixth plague, (the seventh miracle,) says the writer before quoted, the reader will receive a better impression, when he is reminded that in Egypt there were several altars upon which human sacrifices were occasionally oifered, when tliey desired to propitiate Tyi)hon, or the JMdl Principle. These victims being burned alive, their ashes wore gathered together by the officiating priests, and thrown up into the air, in order that evil miglit be averted from every place to wliich an atom of the ashes was wafted. By tlie direction of Jehovali, Moses took a handfid of ashes i'rom the furnace, (which, very probably, the Egyptians at this time had frequently used to turn aside the plagues with which they were smitten,) and he cast it into tlie air, as they were accustomed THE PLAN OF SALVATION. 29 to do ; and instead of averting evil, boils and blains fell upon all the people of the land. Neither king, nor priest, nor people, escaped. Thus the bloody rites of Typhon became a curse to the idolaters — the supremacy of Jehovah was affirmed ; and the deliverance of the Israelites insisted ui^on. The ninth miracle was directed against the wor- ship of Serapis, whose peculiar office was suj)posed to be to protect the country from locusts. At periods these destructive insects came in clouds upon the land, and, like an overshadowing curse, they blighted the fruits of the lield and the verdm-e of the forest. At the command of Moses these terrible insects came — and they retired only at his bidding. Thus was the impotence of Serapis made manifest, and the idolaters tauglit the folly of trust- ing in any other protection than that of Jehovah, the God of Israel. The eighth and tenth miracles were dh-ected against the worship of Isis and Osiris, to whom and the river Nile, they awarded the first jilace* in the long catalogue of theii- idolatry. These idols Avere originally the representatives of the sun and moon : they were believed to control the light and the ele- ments ; and theii' worship prevailed in some form among all the early nations. The miracles directed against the worship of Isis and Osiris must have made a deep impression on the minds both of the Israelites and the Eg}-ptians. In a country wliere rain seldom falls — wJieve the atmosi>here is always calm, and tlie light of the heavenly bodies always contiiiued, what was the horror pervading all minds during the elemental war described in the Hebrew * Against the worship of the Nile, two miracles were directed, and two likewise agauist Isis and Osiris, hecause they were sup- posed to be the supreme gods. Many placed the Nile first, as they said it had power to water E^-pt iadepeiidently of the action of the elements. oO rUlLOSOPHY OF record ! — during tlic long period of three days aud three nights, while the gloom of thick darkness settled, like the out-spread pall of death, over the whole land ! Jehovah of hosts summoned Nature t6 proclaim him the true God — the God of Israel asserted his supremacy, and exerted his power to degrade the idols — destroy idolatry, aud liherate the descendants of Ahraham from the land of their bondage. The Almighty having thus revealed himself as the true God, hy miraculous agency, and pursued those measures, in the exercise of his ])ower, wliich were directly adapted to destroy the various forms of idolatry which existed in Egypt, the eleventh and last miracle was a judgment, in order to ma- nifest to all minds that Jehovah was the God who executed Judgment hi the earth. The Egyptians had, for a long time, cruelly op- pressed the Israelites, and to put the finishing horror to their atrocities, they had finally slain at their birth, the offspring of their victims ; and now God, in the exercise of infinite justice, visited them with righteous retrihution. In the niid-watchos of the night, the ' angel of the 2)estilence' was sent to the dwellings of Egyjjt, and he " breathed in the face" of all the first-born in the land. In the morning, the hope of every family, from the palace to the cottage, was a corpse. What mind can imagine the awful consternation of that scene, when an agonisuig wail rose from the stricken hearts of all the parents in the nation ! The cruel task-masters were taught, by means which entered their souls, that the true God was a God not only of power but of judgment, and as such, to be feared by evil-tloers, and revei-enccd hy those that do weU. The demonstration, therefore, is conclusive, that in view of the idolatrous state of the world, and THE PLAN OF SALVATION. 31 cs^^ecially of the character and circumstances of the Israelites, tlie true God could have made a revelation of himself in no other way than hy the means, and in the manner, of the miracles of Egypt; and none but the true God could have revealed himself in this way.^i^ * In accordance with the foregoing are the intimations given in the Bible of the design of the miracles of Egypt. By these exhi- bitions of Divine power God said — "Ye," the Israelites, "and Pharaoli shall know that I am Jeliovah." Miracles, moreover, were the evidence that Pharaoh required. — Ex. vii. !), God said to Moses, that when he should present himself as the Divjne legate, and Pharaoh should require a miracle, to perform it accordingly. In rela'tion to the destruction of idolatry, the design of Jehovah is expressly announced, Ex. xii. 12, "Against all the gods ol Ejjypt I will execute judgment : I am Jehovah." See also, Ex. xviii. II. CHAPTEll IV CONCERNIKG WHAT WAS NECESSARY AS THE FIRST STEP IN THE TROCESS OF REA'ELATION. By the miracles of Egypt, the false views and coiTui)t habits of the Israelites w^ere, for the time being, in a great measure removed. Previously they had believed in a .plurality of gods; and although they remembered the God of Abraham, yet they had, as is evident from notices in the Bible, associated with his attribute of alniighty power (the only attribute well understood by the patriarchs) many of the corrupt attributes of the Egyptian idols. Thus the idea of God was debased by having grovelling and corrupt attributes super induced upon it. By miraculous agency these dishonourable views of the Divine character were removed — their minds were emptied of false im- pressions in order that they might be furnished wdth the true idea and the true attributes of the Supreme Being, But how could minds in the infancy of know- ledge respecting God nnd human duty ; having all they had previously learned removed, and being now about to take the first stej) in their progress — how could the first princijiles of Divine knowledge be conveyed to sucli minds? One tiling, in the outset, would evidently be ne- cessary : knowh?dge, as the mind is constituted, can be communicated in no other way than pro- PHILOSOPHY OF THE PLAN OF SALVATION. 33 gressively; it would be necessaiy, therefore, that they should begin with the elementary principles, and jjroceed through all the stages of theii' educa- tion. The mind cannot receive at once all the parts of a system in religion, science, or any other de- partment of human knowledge. One fact or idea must be predicated upon another, just as one stone rests upon another, from the foundation to the top of the building. There are successive steps in the acquisition of knowledge, and every step in the mind's progress must be taken from advances already made. God has inwi-ought the law of pro- gression into the nature of things, and observes it in his own works. From the springing of a blade to the formation of the mind, or of a world, every thing goes forward by consecutive steps. It was neces-saiT, therefore, in view of the estab- lished laws of the mind, that the knowledge of God and human duty should be imparted to the Israel- ites by successive communications — necessary that there should be a fir-st step, or j)rimary j)nnciple, for a starting point, and then a progression onward and upward to perfection. In accordance with these principles, God, in the introduction of the Mosaic dispensation, revealed only his essential existence to the Israelites. In Exodus iii. 13, 1-1, it is stated, that Moses inquired of God, " Behold, when I come imto the children of Israel, and shall say unto them, The God of your fathers hath sent me unto you; and they shall say to me, What is his name ? what shall I sav unto them ? And God said, I AM THAT I AM:" and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you." In the Hebrew text, the simple form of the verb is used, corresponding with the first person present, indicative, of the English verb to he. Simply, " I am," conveying no c 34 PHILOSOPHY OF THE PLAN OF SALVATION. idea but that of personality and existence. What He was, besides his existence thus revealed, was afterwards to be learned. This was a revelation of Divine being — a nucleus of essential deity, as a foundation fact of the then new dispensation, upon which God, by future manifestations, might engraft the attributes of his nature. Thus, at the outset of the dispensation, there was thrown into their minds a first truth. God revealed his Divine existence ; and the idea of God, thus revealed, was in their minds, without any other attribute being connected with it than that of infi- nite power — an attribute of the Godhead which all men derive from the works of nature — which was known to the patriarchs as belonging to the true God, and which was now, by the miracles mani- festing supreme power, appropriated to I am^- Jehovah — the God of the Israelites. Thus were this peculiar jjcople carried back to the first principles of natural religion — their mind disembarrassed from fixlsc notions previously en- tertained, and the true idea of the supreme God and Judge of men revealed. By these providences, they were prepared, in a manner consistent with the nature of things and the nature of mind, to receive a further revelation of the moral attributes ; of Jehovah, whom they now recognised as the ". Supreme God. CHAPTER V. CONCERNING THE NECESSITY OF AFFECTIONATE OBE- DIENCE TO GOD ; AND THE MANNER OF PRODUCTNO THAT OBEDIENCE IN THE HEARTS OF THE ISRAEL ITES. The following princiiDles in relation to the affec- tions will be recognised by consciousness as true in the experience of every man. As they lie at the foundation of the moral exercises of the soul, and as they relate to the sources and central j)rinciples of all true religion, it will be necessary for the reader to notice them, in order that he may see their application in subsequent pages. 1. The affections of the soid move in view of certain objects, or in view of certain qualities be- lieved to exist in those objects. The affections never move — in familiar words — the heart never loves, unless love be produced by seeing, or by believing that we see, some lovely and excellent qualities in the object. When the soul believes those good qualities to be 2)0ssessed by another, and especially, when they are exercised towards us, the affections, like a magnetised needle, tremble with life, and turn towards their object. 2. The affections are not subject to the will ;* * We state the facts in the case, of whicli every man is con- scious in his own experience, Mithout regard to the theories of sects in religion or philo-sophy. C2 86 PHILOSOPHY OF neither our own will nor any other will can directly control theii>. I cannot will to love a being who does not appear to me lovely, and who does not exhibit the qualities adapted to move the affections ; nor can I, by command, or by any other effort of will, cause another being to love me. The affections are not subject to command. You cannot force another to love, or resjiect, or even, from the heart, to obey. Such an attitude assumed to produce love, would invariably produce disaffection rather than affection. No one (as a matter of fact) thinks the affections subject to the will, and, therefore, men never endeavour to obtain the affections of others solely by command, but by exhibiting such a character and conferring such favours as they know are adapted to move the heart. An effect could as easily exist without a cause as affection in the bosom of any human being, which was not produced by goodness or excellences seen, or believed to exist, in some other being. 3. The affections, althougli not governed by the will, do tliemselvcs greatly influence the will. All acts of will produced entirely by pure affection for another are disinterested. Cases of the affections influencing the v/iil are common in the exj^erience of every one. There is probably no one living who has not, at some period of his life, had aftection for another, so tbat it gave more pleasure to please the object of his love than to i^lcase himself. Love for another always influences the will to act in such a way as will please the object loved. The individual loving acts in view of the desires of tlie loved object, and such acts are disinterested, not being done with any selfish end in view, but for tlic sake of another. So soon as the affections move towards an object, the will is propoi-tionably influenced to THE PLAN OF SALVATION. 37 please and benefit that object ; or, il' a sii]>enor being, to obey his will and secure his favour. 4. All happy obedience must arise from affection. Affectionate obedience blesses the sj^irit which yields it, if the conscience approve the object loved and obeyed ; while, on the contrary, no happiness can be experienced from obedience to any being that we do not love. To obey externally either God, or a parent, from no other than interested motives, would be sin. The devil might be obeyed for the same reasons. Love must, therefore, con- stitute an essential element in all proper obedience to God. 5. When the affections of two beings are recipro- cally fixed upon each other, they constitute a bond of union and sympathy pecidiarly strong and tender: — those thiwgs that affect the one affecting the other, in proj)ortion to the strength of affection existing between them. One conforms to the will of the other, not from a sense of obligation merely, but from choice; and the constitution of the soul is such that the sweetest enjoyment of which it is capable arises from the exercise of reciprocal affection. 6. When the circumstances of an individual arc such that he is exposed to constant suffering and gi-eat danger, the more afflictive his situation the more gi-ateful love will he feel for affection and benefits received under such circumstances. If his circumstances were such that he could not relieve himself, and such that he must suffer greatly or perish; and, while in this condition, if another, moved by benevolent regard for him, should come to aid and save him, his affection for his deliverer would be increased by a sense of the danger from which he was rescued. '38 PHILOSOPHY OF 7. It is an admittocl principle that protracted and close attention always fixes the fact attended to deej)ly in the memory ; and the longer and more intensely the mind attends to any subject, other subjects proportionably lose their power to interest. The same is true in relation to the ati'ections. The longer and more intensely we contemplate an object in that relation which is adapted to draw out the affections, the more deeply will the impression be made upon the heart, as well as upon the memory. The most favourable circumstances possible to fix an impression deeply upon the heart and memory are — First, that there should be protracted and earnest attention ; and — Second, that at the same time that the impression is made, the emotions of the soul should be alive with excitement. Without these, an impression made upon the heart and the memory would be slight and easily effaced ; while, on the contrary, an impression made during intense attention and excited leeling, will be engraved, as with a pen of steel, upon the tablets of the soul. Now, with these principles in mind, mark the means used to fix the attention and to excite the susceptibilities of the Israelites, and, vv'hile in that state of attention and excitement, to draw their affections to God. The children of Israel were suffering the most grievous bondage, wliich had arrived at almost an intolerable degree of cruelty and injustice. Just at this crisis, the God of their fathers ap])ears as their Deliverer, and Moses is commissioned as his proi)het. When the people are convened and their minds aroused by tlie hopes of deliverance, their attention is turned to two parties : one, Pharaoh their oppressor and the slayer of their first born, and the ' other t]ie God of Abraliam, who now np])carod as tlieir Deliverer, espousing their cause THE PLAN OF SALVATION. 39 aiid condescending^ personally to oppose himself to their oppressor. Then a scene ensues adapted in all its circLimstances to make a deep and enduring impression upon their memory and their heart. — The God of Abraham seems, by his judgments, to have forced the oppressor to relent, aud to let the people go. At this point, hope and encourage- ment predominate in their minds. Now their oppressor's heart is hardened, and he renews his cruelty ; but while their hopes are sinking, they are again revived and strengthened, by finding that God continues to use means to induce Pharaoh to release the captives. Thus, for a considerable length of time, all the powers of excitability in their natiue are aroused to activity. Towards that Being who had so graciously interposed in their behalf, they felt emotions of hope, gratitude, love, and admiration. Towards their oppressor, feelings of an opposite character must have been engendered : and this state of excited suspense — the emotions vacillating between love and hatred, hope and fear — was continued until the impression became fixed deep in their souls. Keeping in mind the fact, that the more we need a benefactor and feel that need, the stronger will be oiu' feelings of gratitude and love for the being who interposes in our behalf — notice further: When, through the interposition of the Almighty, the Israelites were delivered, and had advanced as far as the Red Sea, another appeal was made to theii" affections which was most thrilling, and adapted to call, by one grand interjjosition, all their powers of gratitude and love into immediate and full exercise. The army of the Israelites lay encamped on the margin of the Red Sea, when, suddenly, they were surprised by the approaching host of Pharaoh — 40 PHILOSOPHY OF before them was tlie sea, and beliind tliem an advancing hostile army. If they went forward, they would find death in the waves ; if they returned backward, it would be to meet the swords of their pursuers. A rescue, by earthly means, from death, or bondage more severe than they had ever borne, was impossible. Just at this crisis of extremity, Jehovah appears as their Deliverer. The bosom of the pathless sea is cleft by the power of God. The stricken waters recoil upon themselves on either side. The Israelites pass over in safety. The Egyj)tian host enter and are overwhelmed in the waters. Now, it may be affirmed, without qualification, that, in view of the nature and circumstances of the Israelites, no combination of means, not including the self-sacrifice of tlie benefactor himself, could be so well adapted to elicit and absorb all the affections of the soul, as this wonderful series of events. That this result was accomplished l)y these means, is authenticated by the history given in the BilDle. When the people v»^ere thus delivered, they stood upon the other side of the sea, and their affections, in answer to the call which God had made upon them, gushed forth in thanlcsgiving and praise. Hear the response of their hearts, and their allusion to the cause which, produced that response — " I will sing unto the Lord, for he hath triumphed gloriously : the liorso and his rider liath he thrown into the sea. The Lord is my strength and song, and he is become my salvation. He is my God; and I will prepare him an liabitation; my father's God, and I will e.Kalt him." Ex. xv. 1, 2, etc. Thus was the attention of the wJiole nation turned to the true God. An impression of his goodness was fixed deeply in tlieir memory, and tlicir affections drav.'n out and fastened upon tho THE PLAN OF SALVAtlON. 41 true object of worship. Now this, as was shown in the commencement of the chapter, was neces- saiy, before they could offer worship either hon- ourable or acceptable to God. The end was accompHshed by menns adapted to the nature of the human soul and to the circumstances of the Israelites ; and by means wliich no being in the universe but the Maker of the soul could use. The demonstration is therefore perfect, that the Scripture narrative is true, and tliat no other nai-rative, differing materially from this in its prin- ciples, could be true. c3 CHAPTER VI. CONCERNING THE DESIGN AND NECESSITY OF THE MOEAL LAW. At this stage of our progi^ess it will be useful to recapitulate the conclusions at which we have arrived, aud thus make a j^oint of rest from which to extend our observation further into the plan of God for redeeming the w^orld. This review is the more appropriate as we have arrived at a period in the history of God's providence with Israel, which presents them as a people prepared (so far as imperfect material could be prepared) to receive that model which God might desire to impress uiwn the nation. 1. They were bound to each other by all the ties of which human nature is susceptible, and thus rendered compact and united, so that every thing national, whether in sentiment or practice, would be received and cherished with unanimous, and fervent, and lasting attachment: and, further- more, by a long and rigorous bondage, they had been rendered, for the time being at least, humble and dependent. Thus they were disciplined by a course of })rovidcnces, adapted to fit them to receive instruction from their Benefactor with a teachable and grateful spirit.' 2. Their minds Avcrc shaken off from idols; and Jehovah, by a revelation made to them, setting forth his name anc^ nature, had revealed himself as a Divine Being, and by liis works had manifested PHILOSOPHY OF THE PLAN OF SALVATION. 4.3 his almiglity power : so that when their minds were disahused of wrong views of the Godhead, an idea of the first, true, and essential nature of God was revealed to them ; and they were thus prepared to receive a knowledge of the attributes of that Divine essence. 8. They had been brought to contemplate God as their Protector and Saviour. Appeals the most affecting and thrilliug had been addressed to their affections ; and they were thus attached to God as their Almighty temporal Saviour, by the ties of gratitude and love for the favour whi ch he had manifested to them. 4. When they had arrived on the far ther shore of the Eed Sea, thus prepared to obey God and worship him with the heart, they were \vithout laws either civil or moral. As yet, they ^had never l^ossessed any national or social organisation. They were therefore prepared to receive, 'without predilection or prejudice, that system of moral instruction and civil polity which God might reveal, as best adapted to promote the moral in- terests of the nation. From these conclusions we may extend our vision forward into the system of revelation. Tliis. series of preparations would certainly lead the mind to the expectation that what was still want- ing, and what they had been thus mu-aculously prepared to receive, would be granted — which was a knowledge of the moral character of God, and a moral law prescribing their duty to God and to men. Without this, the plan that had been maturing for generations, and had been carried forward thus far by wonderful exhibitions of Divine wisdom and power, would be left un- finished, just at the point where the finishing pro- cess was necessary. I^HILOSOPHY OF But, besi^^^g ^-^^ strong probability which the ^^'^7^ V >3'ep,iration avouIcI produce, that there would t)'-^ a i-f.^velation of moral law, there are dis- tinct and coriclusiTe reasons, evincing its necessity, f ^'holf ; experience of the world has confirmed the lact, be-yond the possibility of scepticism, that nian cam? o t discover and establish a perfect rule ot humar i duty. Whatever may be said of the F^^Py^'-vcellent maxims expressed by different individi lals in different ages and nations, yet it is true th ^at n o system of duty to God and man, in ^^y ^-Tise c Dusistent with enlightened reason, has f^*'.r been c )stablished by human wisdom, and sus- tained by human sanctions ; and for reasons already sta ,ted,-;= such a fact never can occur. But, it may be supposed that each man has, within hii hself, sufficient light from reason, and sufficient admonition from conscience, to guide himself, a,s an individual, in the path of truth and happinesf}. A single fact will correct such a sup- position. Conscience, the great arbiter of the merit an.d demerit of human conduct, has little intuitive sense of right, and is not guided entirely "by reason, but is governed in a great measure by what men believe. Indeed, faith is the legitimate regulator of the conscience. If a man has correct views of duty to God and men, he will have a correct conscience ; but if he can, by a wrong view of morals ftncl of the character of God, be induced to believe that theft, or inurder, or any vice, is right, his conscience will be corrupted by his faith. When men are brought to believe — as they fre- quently do believe in heathen countries — that it is right to commit suicide, or infanticide, as a re- ligious duty, their conscience condemns them if * Sfie cliap. i. p. 7, et seq I •* .HE PLAN OF SALVATION. 45 ,they do ur'i- perform the act. Thus, that power in the sou ^ -which pronounces upon the moral cha- racter Qf iiuniau conduct, is itself dependent upon ^^^ . regidated by the faith of the individual. It is ^'^^jparent, therefore, that the reception and belief of a true rule of duty, accompanied with proper sanctions, will alone form in man a proper con- science. God has so constituted the soul that it is necessaiy, in order to the regulation of its moral powers, that it should have a rule of duty, revealed under the sanction of its Maker's authority ; other- wise its high moral powers woidd lie in dai-k and perpetual disorder. Fui'ther; luiless the human soul be an exception, God governs all things by laws adapted to their proper nature. The laws which govern the mateiial world are sketched in the books on natiu-al science ; such are gravitation, affinity, mathematical motion. Those laws by which the irrational animal creation is controlled are usually called instincts. Their operation and design are sketched, to some extent, in treatises upon the instincts of animals. Such is the law which leads the beaver to build his dam, and all other animals to pursue some particular habits instead of others. All beavers, fi-om the first one created to the pre- sent time, have been instinctively led to build a dam in the same manner, and so their instinct will lead them to build till the end of time. The law which drives them to the act is as necessitating as the law which causes the smoke to rise upwards. Nothing in the iniiverse of God, animate or in- animate, is left without the government of appro- priate law, unless that thing be the noblest creature of God — the human spirit. To suppose, therefore, that the Inmian soul is thus left un guided by a revealed rule of conduct, is to suppose that God 46 PHILOSOPHY OF THE PLAN OF SALVATION. cares for the less and not the greater — to suppose that he would constitute the moral powers of the soul so that a law was necessary for their guidance, and then reveal none — to suppose, especially in the case of the Israelites, that he would prepare a people to receive, and obey with a proper spirit, this necessary rule of duty, and yet give no rule. But, to suppose these things would he absurd ; it follows, therefore, that God would reveal to the Israelites a law for the regulation of tlieii- conduct in morals and religion. But, physical law or necessitating instinct would not he adapted in its nature to the government of a rational and moral being. The application of either to the soul would destroy its free agency. God has made man intelligent, and thereby adapted his nature to a rule which he understands. — Man has a will and a conscience : but he must under- stand the rale in order to will obedience, and he must believe the sanction by which the law is maintained, before he can feel the obhgation upon his conscience. A law, therefore, adapted to man's nature, must be addressed to the understanding, sanctioned by suitable authority, and enforced by adequate penalties. In accordance with these legitimate deductions, God gave the Israelites a rule of life — the Moral Law — succinctly comprehended in the Ten Com- mandments. And as affectionate obedience is the only proper obedience, he coupled the facts which were fitted to produce affection with the command to obey; saying, "I am tlie Lord thy God, which brought thee out of tlic land of Egy])t, and from the house of bondage" — therefore, love mo and keep my commandmcnts.=i= * Deut. V. C, pass'mu CHAPTER VII CONCERNING THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE IDEA OF HOLINESS, AND ITS TRANSFER TO JEHOVAH AS AN ATTRIBUTE. As yet the Israelites were little acquainted with any attribute of the I am — Jehovah — except his iniiuite power and goodness ; and his goodness was known to them only as manifested in kindness and mercy towards themselves, as a peculiar peoj)le, distinguished from other nations, as the special objects of the Divine favour. They had a dis- position to worshij) Jehovah, and to regard the rights of each other according to his command- ments ; but they knew as yet little of his moral attributes. Of the attribute of holiness — purity from sin, and opposition of natiu-e to all moral and jihysical defilement — they knew comparatively no- thing. After the law had been given, they knew that God required worship and obedience for him- self, and just conduct towards others, but they did jiot know til at his natin-e Vvas hostile to all moral defikmont of heart and life. And to this know- ledge, as we have seen in the introduction, they coidd not, of themselves, attain. At the period of the deliverance from Egv^t, every nation by wldch they were surrounded wor- shipped unholy beings. Now, how were the Jews to be extricated from this ditliculty, and made to vmderstand and fsel the influence of the holy 48 PHILOSOPHY OF character of God ? The Egyptian idolatry in which they had mingled, was beastly and lustful ; and one of their first acts of disobedience after their deliver- ance, showed that their minds were still dark, and then- propensities corrupt. The golden calf which they desired should be erected for them, was not designed as an act of apostasy from Jehovah, who had delivered tliem from Egyptian servitude. When the image was made, it was proclaimed to bo that God which brought them up out of the land of Egypt; and when the proclamation of a feast, or idolatrous debauch, was issued by Aaron, it was denominated a feast, not to Isis or Osiris, but a feast to Jehovah ; and as su(;h they held it.* But they oflered to the holy Jehovah the unholy worship of the idols of Eg3'pt. Thus they manifested their ignorance of the holiness of his nature, as well as the corruption of their own hearts. It was necessary, therefore, in order to promote right exercises of heart in religious worship, that the Israelites should be made acquainted Avith the hohness of God. The precise question, then, for solution is. How could the idea of God's holiness be conveyed to the minds of the Israelites ? If it should be found that there is but one way in which it could be originated, according to the nature of mind, then it would follow, necessarily, that God would pursue that way, or he would have to alter the human constitution, in order to communicate a knowledge of his attribute of holiness. But, as it is matter of fact that the constitution of the mind has not been altered, it follows that that method would be pursued which is in accordance with the nature of mind, to convey tlie necessary knowledge. Kow all practical knowledge is conveyed to the * Ex. xxxii. 4, 5. THE PLAN OF SALVATION, 49 understanding through the medium of the senses. Whatever may be said about innate ideas by specu- lative philosophers, still all agree that all acquired knowledge must reach the mind tlu'ough the me- dium of one of the five senses, or upon the occasion of their exercise. Tlu'ough the senses the know- ledge of external objects is conveyed to the mind, and these simple ideas serve as material for reflec- tion, comparison, and abstraction. The etymology of the Hebrew language, as writ- ten by Moses, and spoken by the Israelites, fur- nishes an interesting illustration of the origin of the few abstract terms ^^'ith which theii* minds were familiar. The abstract ideas of the Hebrew tongue may even now, in most instances, be traced to the object or circumstance whence they originated. Thus the idea of power, among the Hebrews, was derived from the horn of an animal ; and the same word in Hebrew which signifies horn likewise sig- nifies power, and may be translated in either way to suit the sense. The idea was originally conveyed through the eye, by noticing that the strength of the animal was exerted through its horn. The force thus exerted, esj^ecially when the animal was em-aged, was the gi-eatest which fell under their observation ; and sometimes, in its eflects, it was disastrous and overwhelming. Hence, the horn soon became a figiu-e to denote power, and when the idea was once originated and defined in their minds, they could apply it to any object wliicli pro- duced a strong effect either upon the bodies or the minds of men. An idea of power hke^vise origin- ated from the human hand, because through it man exerted his strength. The same word in Hebrew still expresses both the object and the idea derived fi-om it — "Life and death are in the j^ower of the tongue," reads literally — " Life and death 50 PHILOSOPHY OF are in tlie hand of the tongue." Sunshine, in Hebrew is synonymous with happiness : the idea being originated by experiencing the pleasant feel- ings produced by the effects of a sunny day; and when thus originated, it was applied to the same and similar feelings produced by other causes. The abstract idea of judgment or justice is derived from a word which signifies to cut or divide ; it bemg originated by the circumstance that when the 2^nniitive hunters had killed a stag, or other l^rey, one divided the flesh with a knife, among those who assisted in the pursuit, distributing a just portion to each. Thus, the act of cutting and dividing their prey, which was the first circum- stance tliat called into exercise and placed before their senses the principle of justice, was the cir- cumstance from which they derived this most im- portant abstract idea. Other instances might be mentioned. These are sufhcient to show the manner in which the abstract ideas of the Hebrews were originated. And so, every new idea which found a place in their under- standing, had to be originated, primarily, by an im- jn-ession made by external objects upon the senses. Further, all ideas which admit of the significa- tion of more or most perfect, can be originated only by a comparison of one object with another. More lovely, or more pure, can only be predicated of one thing by comparison with another which it excels in one of these respects. By a series of compari- sons, each one exceeding the last in beauty or ])urity, an idea of tlie highest degree of perfection may be jiroduced. Thus one flower may be called lovely, another more lovely, and the rose the most lovely ; and the idea of tlie superior beauty of the rose would be originated by the comparison or contrast between it and other flowers of Jess beauty. It is THE PLAN OF SALVATION'. 51 not said that the rose would not appear lovely without comparison, but the idea of its superior loveliness is originated by comparison, and it could be derived in no other way. With these principles in mind, we return to the inquiry, How could the idea of God's Jioliness, or moral jnirity, he conveyed to the minds of the Jews ? First, mark the principles — (1.) There was not an object in the material world which would con- vey to the mind the idea of God's holiness. — (2.) The idea, therefore, would have to be originated, and thrown into their mind, through the senses, by a process' instituted for that express piu'pose. — (3.) The plan to originate the idea, in order to meet the constitution of the mind, must consist of a series of comparisons. Now mark the correspondency between these principles, founded upon the laws of the mind, and that system devised to instruct the Israelites in the knowledge of God. In the outset, the animals common to Palestine were divided, by command of Jehovah, into clean and unclean; in this way a distinction was made, and the one class in comparison witli the other was deemed to be of a purer and better kind. From the class thus distinguished, as more pui-e than the other, one was selected to offer as a sacrifice. It was not only to be chosen from the clean beasts, but, as an individual, it was to be without spot or blemish. Thus it was, in their eyes, purer than the other class, and purer than other individuals of 'its own class. This sacrifice, the people were not deemed worthy, in their own persons, to offer unto Jehovah ; but it was to be offered by a class of men who were distinguished from their brethren, puri- fied, and set a])art for the ser^^ce of the priest's office. Thus the idea of pmity originated fi-om 52 PHILOSOPHY or two sources ; tlie purified priest and the pure ani- mal jyu^fi^d, were united in the offering of the sa- crifice. But before the sacrifice could be ofiered, it was washed with clean water — and the priest had, in some cases, to wash himself, and officiate without his sandals. Thus, when one process of comparison after another had attached the idea of superlative purity to the sacrifice — in oftering it to Jehovah, in order that the contrast between the purity of God and the liighest degrees of earthly purity might be seen, neither priest, people, nor sacrifice was deemed sufficiently pure to come into his presence; but the offering was made in the court without the holy of hoHes. In this manner, by a process of comparison,, the cliaracter of God.^ in point of purity, was placed indefinitely abo'^^ themselves and their sacrifices.* And not only in the sacrifices, but tliro' jgi^Q^^^ the whole Levitical economy, the idea of imrity pervaded all its ceremonies and obser'^, ^nces. The camp was purified — the people Vero purified every thing was purified and re-'^,urified ; and each process of the ordinances w'as designed to reflect purity upon the others : xintil finally that idea of purity formed in tlie ij\md and rendered intense by the convergence o"^ so many rays, was, by com- parison, referre'fi to the idea of God— and the idea -rong, the other would feel to be right, because the disjiosition of the one towards the law was different from the other. The principle, then, is manifest, that the more holy and just any beiilg is, the more he is opposed to sin, and the higher penalty will his conscience 58 PHILOSOPHY OF sanction as the desert of transgressing the Divine law. Now, God being infinitely holy, he is, there fore, infinitely opposed to sin, and the Divine con- science will enforce penalty accordingly. This is the foundation of penalty in the Divine mind. The particular point of inquiry is. How could the desert of sin, as it existed in the mind of God, be revealed to the Israelites? If the penalty infiicted is sanctioned by the con science of the lawgiver, it follows, as has been shown, that tho opposition of his nature to the crime is in exact proportion to the penalty which he inflicts upon the criminal. Penalty, therefore, inflicted upon the transgressor, is the only way by which the standard of justice, as it exists in the mind of God, could be revealed to men. The truth of this principle may be made ap- parent by illustration. Suppose a father were to express liis will in relation to the government of his family, and the regulations were no sooner made, than some of' his children should resist his authority, and disobey his commands. Now, sup- pose the father should not punish the offenders, but treat them as he did his obedient children. By so doing lie would encourage the disobedient — discourage tlic obedient — destroy his own authority, and make tlio im])ression Ti])on the minds of all his children that he liad no regard for the regulations which he had himself nuidc. And, further, if these regulations were for the general good of the family, by not maintaining them, he would convince tlio obedient that he did not regard their best interests, but was the friend of the rebellious. And if* lie were to pmiish for the transgression but lightly, they would su})pose that he estimated but liglitly a breach of his commands, and they could not, from the constitution of their minds, sui^pose THE PLAN OF SALVATION. 69 otherwise. But if the father, when one of the children transgressed, should punish him and exclude him from favour till he submitted to his authority, and acknowledged with a penitent spirit his offence, then the household would be convinced that the father's will was imperative, and that the only alternative ]3resented to them was affectionate submission, or exclusion from the society of their father and his obedient children. Thus the amount of the father's regard for his law, his interest in the well-being of his obedient children, and the opposition of his nature to disobedience, would be graduated ^in every child's nnnd by the penalty which he inflicted for the transgi-ession of his coii^mands. So in the case of an absolute lawgiver : Ms hostility to crime could be known only by the penalty wliich he inflicted upon the criminal. If, for the crime of theft, he were to punish the offender only by the imposition of a trifling fine, the impression would be made upon every mind that he did not, at heart, feel much hostility to the crime of larceny. If he had the 2>ower, and did not punish crime at all, he would thus reveal to the whole nation that he v.-as in league with criminals, and himself a criminal at heart. So in relation to murder, if he were to let the culprit go free, or inflict upon him but a slight penalty, he would thus show that his heart was tainted with guilt, and that there was no safety for good men under his government. But should he lix a penalty to transgression, declare it to all his subjects, and visit every criminal with piuiishraent in proportion to his guilt, he would show to the world that he regarded the law, and was opposed dii-ectly and for ever to its transgi-ession. In like manner, and in no other way, could God 60 PHILOSOPHY OF manifest to men liis infinite justice and liis regai-d for the laws of his kingdom. Did he punish for sin with but a slight penalty, the -whole universe of mind would have good reason to believe that the God of heaven was but little opposed to sin. Did he punish it with the highest degree of penalty, it would be evidence to the universe that liis nature was in the highest degree opposed to sin and attached to holiness. Now, whatever may be said in relation to the ap- plication of these princii)les to future rew^ards and punishments, one thing will be apparent to all, which is all that the present argument requii-es to be admitted, that is — the mind of man would re- ceive an idea of the amount of God's opposition to sin, only by the amount of penalty which he in- flicted upon the sinner. Having ascertained these premises, we return to the inquiry. How could the demerit of sin in the .sight of Ood, or the idea of God's attribute of justice, be conveyed to the minds of the Jens ? The people had now, in a good degree, a know- ledge of what sin was. In addition to the light of natural conscience, which might guide them to some extent in relation to thoir duties to each other, they had the moral law% with the com- mentary of Moses, defining its precepts, and ap-jjly- ing them to the conduct of life. Their minds were thus enlightened in relation to sin in the following particulars. First, those acts which were a trans- gression of the positive precepts of the law. Second, omissions of duties enjoined in the law ; and, Tlnrd, many acts which the sjiirit of the law would condemn, but which might not be defined in any particular 23rece])t, would now bo noticed by enlighteued conscience, as sin against Jehovah, their lioly benefactor, and the giver of the law THE PLAN OF SALVATION. CI Having thus been taught what was sin of com- mission and omission, one obvious design of the institution of sacrifices,* and one which has been perceived and understood, both by the Jews and Gentiles, was to convey to the mind the just demerit and j)roper penalty of sin. There were three classes of sacrifices in the old dispensation in which death w^as inflicted. The first, which Gentiles, as w^ll as Jews were j>er- mitted to offer, was the holocaust, or whole burnt- ofifering, which v/as entirely consumed by lire. Sacrifices of tliis description seem to have been offered from 'the earliest ages. They were offered, as the best informed think, as an acknowledgment of, and atonement for, geueral sinfulness of hie. They seem to have had reference to the fact, of which every man is conscious, that he often violates known duty, and does many things which the light of nature and conscience teaches him not to do. After the whole bm'nt-offering, was the sin-offer- ing, sacrificed for an atonement, w^hen the indi- vidual had transgressed any specific precept of the moral law. The trespass-offering differed only from the sin- offering, as the learned suppose, in this, that it was a sacrifice for sins of omission, or for the non-per- formance of duty, wliile the sin-oftering was made for a violation of the specific precepts of the moral law. Whether the design of the different classes of sacrifices was as above sj)ecified or not, is not * The question whether the sacrifices, and the particxilar regu- lations ccncerninj^ tliem, were of Divine origin, does not affect the argument. Whether they were originally instituted by Divine command, or whether IMoses, acting under Divine guidance, modi- fied an existing institution and adapted it to the Divine purposes, hoth the design, and the end accoinplislied, would he the same. There are good reasons, however, for the opinion, that sacrifices for sin were of Divine appointment. 62 PHILOSOPHY OF material, farther than it shows how nicely the forms of the Levitical economy were adjusted to meet that varied consciousness of sin, which the precepts of the law and an enlightened conscience would pro- duce in the human soul. The material point to which attention is necessary, with reference to the present discussion, is that by which the death and destruction of the animal, offered in sacrifice, were made to represent the desert of the sinner. When an individual brought a sacrifice, he de- livered it to the priest to be slain. He then laid his hands upon its head, thereby, in a form well understood among the Jews, transferring to it his sins ; and then the life of the sacrifice was taken as a substitute for his own life. • Me was thus taught that the transgression of the law, or any act of sin against God, was worthy of death; and that the sacrifice suffered that penalty in his stead. Further: the Jews had been taught that the blood of the sacrifice was its life ; or rather the principle ui)on which the life of tlie body depended. Upon this subject they had the following express instruction — " For the life of the flesh is the blood: and I have given it to you upon the altar to make an atonement for your souls : for it is the blood that maketh an atonement for the soul."=:= Now, this blood, which the Jews were thus taught to be- lieve was the life of the sacrifice, was repeatedly sprinkled by the priest upon the mercy-seat and towards the holy place ; thus presenting the life of the sacrifice immediately in the presence of God; (the ineffable light, or symbol of God's presence, rested over the mercy-seat between the cherubim) signifying, as plainly as forms, and shadows, and extcnud types could signify, tluit life had been * Lev. xvii. 11. THE PLAN OF SALVATION. 63 rendered up to God to make an atonement for tlieir souls. Thus the idea was conveyed to their mind through the senses, that the desert of sin in the sight of God was the death of the soul. And while they stood pra}ing in the outer court of the tabernacle, and beheld the dark volume of smoke ascending from the fire that consimied the sacrifice which was turning in their stead, how awful must have been the imjiression of the desert of sin, made by that dark volume of ascending smoke ! The idea was distinct and deeply impressed, that God's justice was a consuming fire to sinners ; and that their souls escaped only through a vicarious atonement. As a picture in a child's primer will convey an idea to the infant mind, long before it can be taught by abstract signs, so the Jews, in the infancy of tlieii- knowledge of God, and before there were any abstract signs to convey that knowledge, had thrown into their minds, through the senses, the two essential ideas of God's justice and mercy : his justice, in that the wages of sin is the death of the soul; and his mercy, in that God woidd pardon the sinner, if he confessed his sin, acknowledged the life of his soul forfeited, and ofiered the life of the saciifice as liis substitute. In this manner an idea of the desert of sin was conveyed to the minds of the Jews — God's law honoui-ed ; and the utter hostility of the lawgiver to sin clearly manifested ; and God's mercy was like- wise revealed as stated in the preceding paragraph. Thus in a manner accordant with the cu'cum- stances of the Jews, and by means adapted in theii' operation to the constitution of nature, was the knowledge of God's attribute of justice, and the relation which mercy sustains to that attribute, fully revealed in the world; and in view of the 64 PHILOSOPHY OF nature of tilings it could have been revealed in no other way.* * Inquiring readers of the Old Testament often find many things announced in the name of God, which must seem to them inconsistent with the majesty of the Divine nature, unless they view those requirements in the light of the inquiry, " What im- pressions were they adapted to make upon the Jewish mind ? " There are but few readers of the Old Testament who read on this subject intelligently. In this remark we do not refer to the his- torical or preceptive portions of these writings, but to the elements of the Mosaic institution. In order to see the design of many items of the system, we must consider those items as exhibitions to the senses, designed chiefly, perhaps only, to produce right ideas, or to correct erroneous ones then existing, in the minds of the Jews. The inquiry ought not to be, What impressions are they adapted to produce upon our minds concerning God ? but, What 'impression would the particular revelation make upon their minds ? An instance or two will illustrate these remarks. The adaptation to accomplish a necessary end is apparent in the scene at Sinai. The Israelites had been accustomed to an idolatry where the most common familiarities were practised with the idol gods. The idea of reverence and majesty which belongs to the character of God, had been lost, by attaching the idea of divinity to the objects of sense. It was necessary, there- fore, that the idea of God should now be clothed, in their minds, with that reverence and majesty which properly belong to it. The scene at Sinai was adapted to produce, and did produce for the time being, the right impression. The mountain was made to tremble to its base. A cloud of darkness covered its summit, from which the lightnings leaped out and thunders uttered their voices. In the words of a New Testament writer, there was "darkness, and blackness, and tempest." It was ordered that neither man nor beast should touch the mountain lest they should be visited with deatli. The exhibition in all its forms Avas adapted to produce that sense of majesty and awe in view of the Divine character which the Israelites needed to feel. To minds subjected to the influence of other circumstances than those which affected the character of the Israelites in Egypt, such manifestations might not be necessary : but in the case of the Jews, accustomed as they had been to witness a besotting familiarity with idols, these manifestations were directly adapted to counteract low views of the Divine character, and to inspire the soul with suitable reverence in view of the infinite majesty and eternal power of the Being with wliom they had to do. The testimony of the liible in relation to the design of the exliibition at Sinai corroborates the views that have been given, " When the people saw it, they removed and stood afar off. And they said unto Moses, Speak thou with us, and we will hear: but THE PLAN OF SALVATION. 66 let not God speak with us, lest we die. And Moses said unto the people, Fear not : for God is come to prove you, and that his fear may he heforeyour faces, that ye sin not." — Exodus xx. 18 — 20. The scene which occurred afterwards, evinced tlie necessity of this exhibition, and developed the result of the proof [trial] that was made of their character. In the absence of Moses, they required an image of Jehovah to be made, and they feasted and "played" — this last word having a licentious import — in its presence. Thus, after trial of the strongest exhibitions upon their mind, some of them proved themselves so incorrigibly attached to licentious idolatry that they desired to worship Jehovah under the character of the Egyptian calf. They thus proved themselves unfit material, too corrupt for the end in view ; and they were, in accordance with the. reason of the case, destroyed. Another conviction necessary to be lodged in the minds of the Israelites, and impressed deeply and frequently upon their hearts, was faith in the present and overruling God. Tliis was the more necessary, as no visible image of Jehovah was allowed in the camp. There were but two methods possible, by ^\hicll their minds could be ccmvinced of tlie immediate presence and pov/er of God controlling all the events of their history. Either sucli exhibitions must be made that they would see certain ends ac- complished witliout human instrumentality ; or, they must see human instrumentality clothed with a power v.liich it is not pos- sible in the nature of things, it should in itself possess. The circumstances connected with the fall of Jericho will illustrate the case. The people were required to surround the city, by a silent procession during seven days, hearing the sacred ark, and blowing with rude instruments which they used for trumpets. On the seventh day, the people were to shout after they had com- passed the city seven times ; and when they shouted, according to a Divine promise, the walls of the city fell to the ground. Now, here was a process of means in which there was no adapt- ation to produce the external effect, in order that the in-ternal effect, the great end of all revelation, miglit be produced— that they might be taught to recognise Jehovah as the present God of nature and providence, and rest their faith on him. If the Israelites had, in this case, used the common instrument- alities to secure success — if they had destroyed the wall with in- struments of war, or scaled its heiglit with ladders, and thus over- come by the strength of their own ann, or the aid of their own devices, instead of being led to humble reliance upon God, and to recognise his agency in their behalf, they would have seen in the means whicli thev had used a cause adequate to produce the effect, and tliey woufd have forgotten the First Cause, upon whose power they were dependent. Second causes were avoided in order that they might see the connexion between the First Cause and the effect produced — human instrumentality stood in abejance, in order that the Divine agency might be recognised. Thus they were taught to have faith in God, and to rely upon tlie presence and the power of the Invisible Jehovah. CHAPTER IX. CONCERNING THE TRANSITION FROM THE MATERIAL SYSTEM, BY WHICH REUGIOUS IDEAS WERE CON- VEYED THROUGH THE SENSES, TO THE SPIRITUAL SYSTEM, IN WHICH ABSTRACT IDEAS WERE CON- VEYED BY WORDS AND VARABLES. Human language has always advanced from its first stage, in Avliicli ideas are acquired directly through the medium of the senses, to the higher state, in which abstract ideas are conveyed by appropriate words and signs. Wlicn an idea is once formed by outward objects, and a word formed representing that idea, it is then no longer neces- sary, or desirable, that tlie object which first originated the idea should longer be associated in tlie mhid witli the idea itself. It is even true that the import of abstract ideas suffers from a co-exist- once in tlie mind of the abstract thought with the idea of the object which originated it. Thus tlie word spirit now conveys a distinct idea to tlie mind of pure spii'itual cKistenco ; but the distinctness and i)ower of the idea are impaired, by remembering that the word from which it was derived, originally signified wind, and that the word itsel'f was originated in the lirst place by the wind. So in other cases ; altliough the ideas of abstract and spiritual things can be originated, ]>rimarily, only from outward objects, yet wiieu they have been PHILOSOPHY OF THE PLAN OF SALVATION. (')7 originated, and the spiritual idea connected with the sign or word conveying its proper sense, it is desirable, in order to their greatest force and per- S[)icaity, that their connexion with materiality sliould be broken off in the mind. In idl written languages, this advancement from one stage of perfection to another, by the addition of abstract ideas, can be traced ; and experience teaches, incontrovertibly, that the advancement of human language, as above described, and tlie ad- vancement of human society, are dependent upon each other. The j^receding principles being applied to the subject und9r consideration, it would follow that tlie Mosaic machinery, which formed the abstract ideas, conveying the knowledge of God's true chai'acter, would no longer be useful after those ideas were originated, defined, and connected witli the words which expressed their abstract or spiritual import. It would follow, therefore, that the machinery would bo entirely dispensed with whenever it had answered the entire design for which it was put into operation. Whenever the Jews were cured of idolatry, and had obtained ti"ue ideas of the attributes of the true God, then tlio dispensation of shadows and ceremonies, wliich " could not make tJie comers thereunto perfect," would, according to the reason of tilings, pass away, and give place to a more jjerfect and more spii'itual dispensation. We find, accordingly, that the machinery of the tabernacle was gradually removed ; it never having existed in perfection after the location of the tribes in Palestine. They sojourned in the wilderness until those who had come out of Egypt died. The generation who succeeded them had the advantage of having received their entire education through d3 68 PHILOSOPHY OF the medium of the Mosaic institution, and thus of being freed from vicious habits and remembrances contracted in idolatrous society. Afterwards the prophets held an intermediat-e place between the material dispensation of Moses and the pure spirituality of that of Christ. In the prophetic books, especially the later ones, there is an evident departure fi-om a reliance upon the external forms, and an application of tlio ideas connected with those forms to internal states of mind. Then- views of the old dispensation were more spiritual than tlie views of those who lived near tlie origin of the institution. And in the dis- pensation of the Messiah, the prophets evidently expected clearer light and purer spirituahty. The state of the case, then, is this : Tho old dis- pensation M'as necessary and indispensable, in itself, and in its place ; but it was neither designed, nor adapted to continue : the knowledge of Divine things which it generated was necessary for all men, but, as yet, it was circumscribed to a small portion of the human family : tho point of inquiry now presents itself, Hoiv could this essential know- ledge concerning the Divine Nature and attributes, he extended througJiout the world ? There would bo but two methods possible — eitlier tlie same proc-esses, and the same cumbrous machinery, (wliicli were a ' biu*den' that an apostle affii-med neither he nor bis fathers were able to bear,) must bo established in every nation, and kindred, and tribe of the human family, and thus each nation be discij)Uned and educated by itself: or, one nation must be prepared and disciplined, — their propensity to idolatry destroyed — the ideas coined in tlie die prepared by Jehovah, thrown into tbeir minds, and tlicu, being thus prepared, they might be made tlio insU'uments of transferring THE PLAN OF SALVATION. C9 those i(*eas into the languages of other nations.* If tho Almighty were to adopt the first method, it would exclude men from benevolent labour for the spiritual good of ea^h other; and besides, the history of the process with the Jews, as well a-s the reason of the thing, would indicate that tho latter method would be the one which the Maker would adopt. But-, in order to the diffusion of the knowledge of God by the latter method, some things would be necessaiy as pre-requisites, among which are the following — • 1. That the Jews, who possessed these ideas, should be scattered throughout the world, and that they should be thus scattered long enough before the time of the general difiusion of Divine know- ledge to have become familiar with the languages of the difTerent nations where they sojourned. This would be necessar}', in order that, by speaking in other tongues, they might transfer into them their own ideas of Divine things, by attaching those ideas to words in the respective languages which they spoke, or by introducing into those languages words and phrases of Hebrew origin, convepng the revealed ideas. Whether the different languages were acquired by miraculous or by hiunan instru- mentahty, there would be no other way possible of transferring ideas from one language to another, but by the methods above mentioned. 2. It would be necessaiy, before the Jews were thus scattered, that their propensity to idolatry * There is a common, and, to some minds, a •weighty objection against the truth of revealed religion, stated as follows :— If God ever gave a religion to the ■world, why did he not reveal it to all men, and reveal it at once and perfectly, so that no one could doubt? If this had been possible, it might not have been ex- pedient; but the nature of things, as yre have seen, rendered it impossible to give man a revelation in such a manner. TO PHILOSOPHY Of should be entirely subdued, otherwise they would, as they had frequently done before, fall into the abominable habits of the nations among whom they were dispersed.* 3. The new and spiritual system should be first propa-gated among those who understood both the spiritual import of the Hebrew language, and like- wise tlie language of the other nations to whom tlie gosj)el was to be preached. I«t was necessary that the new dispensation should be committed, first to the Jews, who were , scattered in the surrounding nations, because, as we have seon, they were the only individuals immediately prepared to commu- nicate it to others. Now the following facts are matters of authentic history. 1. l3y instruction and discipline the Jews M'ere entirely cured of the propensity to idolatry — so much so that their souls abhorred idols. 2. They were, and had been for many genera- tions, dispersed among all nations of the Roman world; but still, in their dispersion they retained their peculiar ideas, and multitudes of this peculiar people assembled out of all countries, at least once a year, at the city of Jerusalem, to worship Jehovah; and it was while the multitudes were thus as- sembled, that the gosjiel was first preached to them ; and iireachcd, as was proper it shoidd be, by power and miracle, in order that those present might know assuredly that the dispensation wiis from heaven. 3. Tlie new dispensation was likewise introduced, * Idolatry is one cf Ihe most unconquerable of all the corrupt propensities of the human soul. Miracles under the new dispeii- Kation had scarcely ceased — the apostolic fathers were scarcely cold in their graves, before idolatrous forms veve again superinduced upon the pure sjjirituality of the holy gospel ; and in the papal church the curse continues till tliis hour. THE PLAN OF SALVAl'lON. 71 in the first place, among the Jews who continued to reside in Palestine, and when a sufficient number of them were fully initiated, persecutions were caused to arise which scattered them abroad among the nations ; and the Gentile languages not being known to them, they were miraculously endowed with the gift of tongues, that they might communicate to others the treasures of Divine Imowledge committed to them. Thus, when the old dispensation had fulfilled its design in disciplining the Jews, in imparting first ideas, and thus, as a " schoolmaster," preparing the people for the higher instruction of Christ ; and when the fidness of the times had come, that the means and the material were prepared to proj)agate the spiritual truth of the new dispensation, then the Mosaic cycle would appropriately close — it would not be consistent that it should remain longer, for the plain reason given by Jesus himself, that new wine should not be put into old bottles, nor the old and imperfect forms be incorporated with the new and spiritual system. Therefore it was, that so soon as the new dis- pensation had been introduced, and its foundations firmly laid, Jerusalem, the centre of the old economy, with the temple, and all things pertain- ing to the ritual service, was at once and com- pletely destroyed, and the old system vanished away for ever. It would not have been expedient for God to destroy the old system sooner, because it was necessary to engTaft the new system upon the old; and it ought not to have remained longer, for the reasons above stated.* * It was nccessar}' tliat the old system should be destroyed at this time, in order to throw the Jews upon Christ, as the sacrifice for their sins. Under the old dispensation, the sacrifices for sin were allowed to continue to the end. From this sacrifice they were 72 PHILOSOPHY OF THE PLAN OF SALVATION. taught to hope for pardon. An idea had been, by the process ■which God himself instituted, originated in their mind, that death must ensue for sin ; but by transferring their sins to the head of the sacrifice, it died as a vicarious expiation, and they lived. It had become a part, almost, of the Jewish mind, that they could not hope for pardon, tmless the sacrifice was offered. They felt that their life was forfeited by sin, and they were unpardoned until the sacrifice were made, and it could be made nowhere else but at Jenisalem. Now God destroyed Jerusalem, and caused the offer- ing for sin to cease, and entirely annihilated the possibility of their ever again expiating their sins by the bloody sacrifices ; they were, therefore, shut up to the doctrine of Christ's sacrifice for sin. By the destruction of Jerusalem, the alternative was presented to the Jews — Accept of Christ's sacrifice, or you have no propitiation for ^■our sins. CHAPTEE X CONCERNING THE MEDIUM OF CONVEYING TO MEN PERFECT INSTRUCTION IN DOCTRINE AND DUTY. The knowledge wliicli the old dispensation was designed to generate, had been transmitted into the minds of the Jews ; and the Jews had been j^repared to transmit the absti-act import of those spiritual ideas into other languages. The Mosaic institution, having accomplished its design, was about to " vanish away," and give j>lace to the new dispensation, which would end the series of God's revealed instructions, by giving men a perfect system of reUgion, accompanied by those aids and influences which would be adapted to develope and perfect man's moral powers, and render him, in his present condition, as perfect as his nature and his circumstances would allow. At this point of our progress, the inquiry pre- sents itself — Wluit can we learn, fram the 2>resent constitution of things, concerning th-e medium or in- strumentality tluit God would adojjt in giving man- kind a 'perfect system of religion / When the ideas that conveyed the knowledge of God were understood by the people, human language would then become the proper medium of communication. The very fact that the ideas were generated and thro'v\ii into language, evinces that language was designed, eventually, to be the medium through which they should be transmitted d3 74 PHILOSOPHY OS to tlie world. When the ideas were prepared, as has been stated, then all that would be necessaiy, in order to the further luid more perfect communi- cation of knowledge, would be, that men should have a teacher to use this language — to expand, illustrate, and apply these ideas ; and by these, give definitions, and illustrate and spuitualize other ideas when necessary. Further; man's senses are constituted with an adaptation to the external world ; and his intellec- tual constitution is adapted to intercoui-se with his fellow man. The delicate bony structure of the ear, which conveys sounds from the tympanum to the sensorium, is nicely adjusted by the Maker, to appreciate and convey tlie tones and modulations of the human voice. Human gestui-e, likewise, and tlie expression of the countenance and the eye, are auxiUary to human language in conveying instruc- tion. The nature of man, tlierefore, is adapted, both physically and intellectually, to receive know- ledge by communications from one of his own species. If God designed that an angel should instruct the human family, one of two things would have to be done — either tlie human constitution woidd have to be elevated and adapted to inter- course witli a being of a higher order in the scale of creation, or that being would have to let down liiiH nature to human capacity, and thus adapt himself to intercourse with human natures. And, it would even be requisite that the teacher should not assimie tlie highest condition of humanity in order that his instructions should accomplish tlie greatest general good ; nor sliould his communications be made in the most cultivatetl and elevated stylo of language. If he would instruct the common mind in tJie best manner, he must use common language and common illubtration« — and if God (blessed be THE PLAN OF SALVATION. 75 his name,) were himself to instruct human nature, as it is, the same means would be necessary. Another step — Man is so constituted that he learns by example better than precept. Tlieory without practice, or prece2)t without example, does not constitute a perfect system of instruction. The theory of surveying, however perfect it may be taught in college, never makes a practical surveyor. An artist may give a most perfect theory of his art to his apprentices, or those whom he wishes to in- struct in a knowledge of his business, but if he woidd have them become practical artists them- selves, he must, with tools in hand, practise his own instructions before the eyes of the leai-ner. In the language of the trades, he nnist " show how it's done." Such, then, is the nature of man, that in order to a perfect system of instruction, there must be both precept and example. Now, there can be but one perfect model of human nature. And man could not be removed to some other planet, nor out of liis present cir- cumstances, to be instructed. If the Ahnighty, therefore, designed ever to give a perfect and final system of instruction to mankind, it could be done only by placing in this world a perfect human nature — a being who would not only give perfect precepts, but who would j)ractise those precepts before tlie eyes of men. If such a being were placed among men, who, amid all the perplexities, ditficulties, and trials which afiect men in their present condition, would exhibit perfect action of body, heart, and mind, in all his relations of life, and in all his duties to God and man — that would be a model character, practising the precepts of the Divine law in man's present circumstances. The example of an angel, or of any being of a different order from man, woidd be of no benefit to the 76 PHILOSOPHY OF human family, Man must see his duties, as man, exemplified in his own nature. Human nature could he perfected only hy following a perfect model of human nature. But, with the rule of duty in his hand, and a model character before hun, man would have a system of instruction perfectly adapted to his nature : and adapted to perfect his nature. If God, therefore, designed to give man a final and perfect system of instruction, he would adopt the method thus adajited to the constitution which he has given his creatures. — Now, Jesus Christ is that model character. He assumed human nature — came to the earth, man's residence — expounded and illustrated the law in human language ; gave it its spiritual import, and applied it to the different circumstances and conditions of human life. He removed the false glosses which the ignorance and the prejudices of men had 'attached to it — He modified or rescinded those l^ermissions or clauses w^iicli were accommodated to the darkness of former times, and the imper- fections of the Jewish system, and then, by appH- cations the most striking and definite, he showed the bearing of the rule of duty upon all varieties of human action. And further; the law being thus defined and applied, in order that the world might have a model character, he conformed himself to all its roqiure- ments. And in order that that model might be a guide in all the varied circumstances in Avhich some of the family of man might be jjlaced, Jesus placed himself in all tliose circumstances, and acted in them. Is man surrounded by a sinful and suf- fering world ? So was Jesus. Docs he desire to know how to act in such circumstances? Jesus ministered occasionally to the temporal wants of men, and laboured continually to promote their THE PLAN OF SALVATION. 77 spiritual good. Is man popular ? So was Jesus ; and he used his influence to pmify his Father's house. Is man forsaken by his last friend ? So was Jesus ; and he upbraided and murmured not, but sought consolation in communion with the Father. Does man visit and dine with the learned and the religious formalists of the age ? So did Jesus ; and in his conversation he maintained the claims of spii-itiial religion, and reproved man's hypocrisy and foiTnahty. Does man sit down in the cottage of the poor? So did Jesus; and he encouraged and comforted the inmates with spiritual instruction. Is man present when a group of friends are assembled on an occasion which warrants innocent enjoyment ? So was Jesus ; and he approved theii- social pleasiu-es. Is man called to sympathise with those in affliction ? So was Jesus ; and Jesus ivept! Thus by land and by sea, in all places and under all circumstances, wherever any of earth's children are caUed to act, Jesus — the model Man — is seen living and moving before them; and his voice falls upon their ear with the mingled cadence of authority and en- couragement — " Follow me !" The demonstration then is manifest, that through the medium of Jesus Christ, man has received a perfect system of instruction ; and a final and perfect revelation of duty to God and man could be given in no other way. CHAPTER XI. CONCERNING SOME OF THE PECULIAR PROOFS OF THE MES3IAHSHIP OF CHRIST. We liavG now amved at a point in our subject where the light of history will aid in our investi- gations. The facts which history furnishes, and which will elucidate the j)rescnt point of inquiry, are the following : First, the Jewish prophets Uved and wrote centuries before the period in which Jesus appeared in Judasa. This fact is as certain as any other item of human knowledge. A second fact is — The Jews, about the time of Christ's appearance, expected with more earnest- ness and desire than usual, the appearance of their ISIessiah, who, they supposed, would deliver them from subjection to Gentile nations, and place the Jewish jiower in the ascendant among the nations of the earth. They generally supposed that as a king he would reign with great dignity and power ; and as a priest, preside over, not abrogate, the ceremonial law. Altliough some of the common ])Ooplo may have had some understanding of the true nature of tlie Messiah's kingdom, y(!t the ]))-ominent men of the nation, and the great body of tlie i)cople of all classes, were not expecting that the Kingdom of Christ would be piu'cly spiritual, ])ut tliat it would be mainly temporal. And, indeed, it was necessary that they should ]iot have a cleai- conception of tlie worth and spirituality of PHlLOSOPIir OJs- THE PLAN OF SALVATION. 79 the Messiah's dispensation, previously to his cominj^ ; because if they had had such a concep- f tion, the imperfections and darkness of their own dispensation would not liave been borne. It is contrary to the nature of mind when it is en- hghtened, to dehght in, and employ itself longer , about, the preparatory steps that led it to the light. The facts in the case, then, TV^re, first, the l^rophets lived and wrote centiu-ies before the era of Clu-ist ; and, second, On account of intimations, or supposed intimations, in their prophecies, the Jews were expecting the Messialr about the time that Jesus appealed in Juda?a. With the question concerning tlie inspiration of the prophets we have nothing to do. Whether tliey were inspired or not, their books contained the matter upon which the Jews founded their expectations of the appearance of the Messiah. With the question how the Jews could mistake the chai-acter of the Messiah, we have nothing to do ; although the •solution of the question would not be difficult. The simple facts which requu-e attention are — The prophecies existed ; and in those prophecies a Ruler was spoken of, of most exalted character, wliose dominion would be triumphant, universal, and endless— whose doctrines would be pure and spiritual ; and whose administration would be a blessing, not only to the Jews, but also to tbe Gentiles — and yet, his life would be humble, and not suited to the feeling of the Jews — his sufierings extreme; and that he would terminate the old dispensation, and die for tlie sins of tlie people.* Now, in view of these facts, In uhat character • Isaiah liii. Dan. ix. 24—27. Micah v. 1, 2. MaL iii. 1—3. Zech. ix. 9, 10. Isa. ix. 1—7. 80 PHILOSOPHY OF vouM the true Messiah apj^ear, when he assumed his duties as the Instructor of mankind ? If lie had appeared and conformed to the views which the Jews entertained of a tn'(/^ in the human heart, and to foster, in their stead, humility, contentment, and benevolence. Now, in view of this result, deduced directly from the acknowledged ehai-acter of human natm-e, turn your attention to the eartl:dy circmnstances of Jesus, and see how directly he brought the whole weight of his condition in life to bear against selfishness and pride of heart. — He was born in the lowest possible cu-cumstances. His life was the constant rebuke to every ambitious tind proud feeling of the human heart ; and his death was one esteemed by men the most ignominious. No one who openly 88 PHILOSOPHY OF acknowledgod and liiid fellowsliip with Jesus of Nazai-eth, as his Teacher and Master, could do so until tlie natural pride of his nature was subdued. It was impossible for a man to find fellowship with Jesus unless he humbled liimself, because in no other state coidd his feelings meet tliose of Christ. " Take my yoke upon you," said Jesus, *' and learn of me ; for I am me-ek and lowly in heart : and ye shall find rest unto your souls." Thus did Jesus place himself in a condition which rendered humility absolutely necessary in order to sympatliy with him — in the condition directly oj^posed to pride of heart, one of the most insidious enemies of man's happiness and useful- ness. And as it is an acknowledged and oxperi mental fact, that the soul finds rest only in meekness, and never in selfishness and pride of mind, there- fore, the demonstration is perfect, tliat Clu-ist assumed the only condition which it was possible for him to assume, and thereby destroy pride and mlsei-y, and produce humility and peace, in human bosoms. Profane history and the New Testament Scrip- tures confirm the foregoing views. Tjicitus, speaJc- ing of the primitive Christians, alludes to them with marked contempt, as tlie followers of one who had been cnicificd. His manner evinces clearly not only his own feelings, but it is a good index to the feelings of a majority of tlie people of that proud and idolatrous age ; and it establishes, beyond all controversy, the fact, that no one could declare him- self a follower of Christ, until, for truth and for Christ's sake, he was willing to be considered base in the estimation of the world. The elegant Pliny likewise bears direct testimony to the humility and integrity of life wliich characterised the early dis- ciples of Christ. THE PLAN OF SALVATION. 89 A gi'eat number of passages in tlic New Testa- ment confirm the preceding views. It is only- necessary to say, tliat the Apostles understood not only the effect of their Lord's circumstances, in life and death, upon the minds of men, but they under- stood likewise the philosophy, and the necessity of the case. Says Paul — " It Ijecame (or was expe- dient for) Him, for whom are all things, and by whom are all things, in bringing many sons unto glory, to make the Captain of their salvation perfect through sufferings. I'or both he that sanctificth and they who are sanctified are all of one : for wliich cause he is not ashamed to call them brethren." — That is, the hmnble and self-denying life and death of Jesus was necessary, because it would have a sanctifying effect in counteracting the e^-ils in the hearts of men. It was necessary for him to become their brother man, and assume a certain character and condition, in order that by their becoming one with him, they might be sanctified and made happy and useful. Thus, while the Jews required a sign, and the Greeks sought after wisdom, the apostles preached Christ crucified; understanding the philosophy, the efiiciency, and the necessity of tlieir doctrine. And so long as the world lasts, every man who reads the New Testament, whether saint or sinner, will be penetrated with the conviction that a vain, aspiring, selfish spiiit, is incompatible with the religion of Jesus. CHAPTER XIII. GONCEP.NING THE ESSENTIAL PRINCIPLES WHICH MC6T, ACCORDING TO THE NATURE OF THINGS, LIE AT THE FOUNDATION OF THE INSTRUCTION OF CHRIST. The IMossiah having come in the proper character; disphayed the proper oredentials, and assumed the necessary condition, the question arises, Wliat may we Icai-n from the cliaracter of God and the nature of man concerning the fundamental principles wliicli Avould govern the teaching of Jesus ? God is righteous and henevolent; it therefore follows, that ho would connect happiness witli righteousness and goodness in his creatures. Were he to do otherwise, it would be causing the hap- piness of men to arise from a character ditierent from his own, which, a,s God is good, would he impossible, because it would l)e wi(;ked. Further, man is so constituted, that, as a matter of fact, his true happiness depends upon righleous- iiess of life and benevolence of heart. When liis will accords with his knowledge of duty; or, when he acts as he knows is right, towards God and his fellow men, thei'c is jteace and even complacency of conscience. Peace and complacency of conscience is tlie happiness which, according to man's moral constitution, aiises from right*>ousness, or right acting, in life. And when man exercises benevo- lent feeling — has love in his hoai-t to God and meH; PLAN OF SALVATION. 91 this exercise of benevolent affection produces hap- piness. Now, there can he no such thing as hap- piness of spirit except it arise from these sources. And when these sources are full and flowing, and thus unite together — when tliere is perfect love and R perfect life, the soul is rendered happy. A single unrighteous act of will or malevolent feeling of licait will destroy this happiness — a single emotion of hatred or ill-will, or a single evil act, known to he such, towards any of God's creatures, will destroy tlie peace of the soul. Even hatred to an enemy, or the desu-e of revenge, or any emotion hut good- will, injures the soul's happiness. Thus, in constituting the human soid, God, in accordance with his own character, has caused its iiappiness to depend upon righteousness and good- ness. Now, then, a teacher sent from God must recog- nise these fundamental principles, and give his instruction in A'iew of them. The happiness of the human soul, Avhich is its life — its first, and best, and only good, could be produced in no other way The whole force, therefore, of Divine instruction, would be designed and adapted to accomplish this necessary end. The legitimate development of God's nature, exercised towards man, would pro- duce such instructions and such an example ; and tJie best good of tlie human soid rendered it neces- bary that they should be given. It is not said, that, as in the schools of philoso- ))hy, the constant inquiry and search should be for ilie ' greatest good.' TJie very efibrt to obtain hap- piness in tliis way would destroy its existence. — Happiness is not objective but sutijective; no direct effort could gain it ; it is the result of the right action of the moral powers. It would not be neces- uarv, therefore, tliat those instxucted should even 92 PHILOSOPHY OF THE PLAN OF SALVATION understand the piinciples which governed their instructor. It would be sufficient if the instruction were designed and adapted to promote righteousness and goodness : the happiness of tlie soul would follow as a result, whether or not the recipient of the instruction understood tlie principles which governed his teacher. Now, the whole power of Christ's instruction was dh-ected to this point. It v/as distinguished in this respect from all other instruction ever given to mankind. I say imto you, Love your enemies. Do good to them that dospitefully use you. Be anxious about no worldly good. The weightier matters of the law are righteousness and the love of God. Love and obey God ; and love and do good to your neighbour, this is the law and the prophets. Seek first the kingdom of heaven and its righteousness ; and all other things will be added to you. That is, seek first righteousness and the love of God, and the necessaiy result will grow out of these exercises — happiness, or life, will be added as a consecpience. Thus was the whole force of the Saviour's teach- ing and example designed and adapted to produce righteousness and benevolence ; and as these aro the only exercises from which man's true happiness can arise, it follows that the principles involved in the instruction of Christ, connecting happiness with holiness, arc the only principles which can, in accordance witli the character of God and the con- stitution of man, i)rodu('0 the greatest good of tho human soul. Jesus, tlierefore, was the Christ of God; because the Christ of God could found his instructions on no other principles: — the principles which are fundamental in his teaching being those which alone can produce tho happiness of tlio soul in accordance with its own moral nature, and in accordance witli the moral chai'acter of God. CHAPTER XIV. CONCERNING FAITH, AS THE EXERCISE THROUGH WHICH TRUTH REACHES AND AFFECTS THE SOUL. When Christ, man's perfect and spiritual Instructor, had come, and introduced tlie great doctrines of the spiritual dispensation, the next necessary step in the process was, that those truths should he hrought to impress the soul, and influence the lite, and so j)i'oduce their proper effects upon human nature. The inquuy then presents itself. In what uay could tlie truths of the gospel he brought into efficient contact with tlie soul of man ? There are but two ways in wliich trutli can be brought into contact, with the mind. The one is sometimes called knowledge, the other, faith or be- lief of testimony. In the earlier and ruder ages, men were necessarily moved more by knowledge, derived from their own observation and experience, through the medium of tlieir senses ; but as man- kind increased in number, im2)ortant truth was con- veyed by one man or one generation communicat- ing their experience, and another man or another generation receiving it by belief in their testimony. Perception and faith are the only modes by which truth can be brought into contact ^^'ith the soid; and then- effects are nearly the same upon man's conduct and feelings, with the following remarkable exception: — Facts which are the subjects of per- sonal observation, every time they are experienced. 94 PHILOSOPHY OF tlie effect upon tlie soul grows less ; while, on the contraiy, those facts which ai-e received by faith, produce, every time they are realised, a greater effect upon tlio soul. By constant sight, the effect of objects seen grows less ; by constant faith, the effect of objects believed in grows greater. The l)robablc reason of this is, that personal observation does not admit of tlio influence of the imagination in impressing the fact ; while iniseen objects, real- ised by faith, have the auxiliary aid of the imagi- nation, not to exaggerate them, but to clothe them with living colours, and impress tliem upon the heart. Whether this be the reason or not, the fact is true, that the more frequently we see the less we feel t]ie power of an object ; while the more fre- quently we dwell upon an object by faith, the more we feel its power. This being true, it follows that faitli would be the method best adapted to bring the sublime truths of the new dispensation to bear upon the soids of men. And farther, as the dispensation is spiritual, and has relation to unseen and eternal things, faith becomes the only medium through whicli they can be conveyed to the soul. Furthermore, man is so constituted that his faith, or belief, has an influence not only over liis con- duct in life, but, likewise, over the character and action of the moral powers of the soul. Faith governs the couseience. , We have said, in another place, that a true con- science depends upon a true faith. No proposition in morals is more plain. It is not our design to inquire what leads, or has led, men to a wrong faith. Whatever may be the cause of any particular belief, it is incontrovertible that, if a man believes a thing to be riglit, conscience cannot condemn an act per- formed in view of that belief Conscience is so modified and guided by a man's fuiUi, tliat it will m THE PLAN OF SALVATION, 95 sanction and command an act in one man which it ■will forbid and condemn in another. A Roman Catholic believes that he ought to pray to the virgin Mary to intercede for him with God ; and if a good Eoman Catholic were to neglect his worship to the saints, his conscience would smite him, until, in some instances, he confessed his sin with tears. Now, if a good Protestant were to pray to saints, or to any other being but God, his conscience would smite him for doing that which the conscience of the lloman Catholic smote him for not doing. So the heathen mother will conscientiously throw her in- fant into the Ganges, or under the wheels of Jugger- naut, while the conscience of a Christian mother would convict her of nun-der were she to do the same act. Conscience seldom convicts those that Chris- tians call impenitent persons for neglecting to pray, while the moment a man becomes a true believer, he wiir be convicted of guilt if he neglects the duty. So certainly and so clearly is it true, that a man's conscience is governed by his faith. Eaith governs the ajf'ections. As man is constituted, no power in the universe can move his affections to an object, until he be- lieves that the object possesses some loveliness or excellency of character. The heart is affected just as much by tlie goodness of another if we believe that goodness to exist, as it would be if we knew that it existed. No matter, in the case of the affec- tions, whether the object in reality possesses the good qualities or not, if they are fully beheved to exist, the affections will act just as certainly as though they really did exist. The affections are constituted to be governed by faith. And they act most powerfully, as was demonstrated in a previous chapter, in view of good quahties existing in an- other, who, under certain circumstances, exercises 96 PHILOSOPHY OF those qualities towards us. The fact, then, is ap- pai'ent, that the conduct of man's Hfe is influenced by what he beheves; and especially that the cha racter and action of the moral powers of his nature are governed by the j)rinciple of faith. Another most important fact in connexion witli this subject is, that a man's interests, temporal and spiritual, depend upon what he believes. The nature of man and the nature of things ai-e so con- stituted, tliat the belief of falsehood always destroys man's interests, temporal or spiritual, and the belief of truth invariably guides man right, and secures his best and highest good. Perhaps the most absurd and injurious adage that has ever gained currency among mankind, is, that " it is no difierence what a man believes, if he only be sincei-e." Now, the truth is, that the more sincerely a man believes falsehood, the more destructive it is to all liis interests, for time and eternity. This statement can be confirmed in every mind beyond the reach of doubt. First, The injluence of believing falsehood on temporal and social interests. We will state some cases of common and con- stant occurrence, in order that the principle may be made obvious. A gentleman of property and the highest respect ability, in the course of his business transactions, became acquainted with an individual, who, as tlie event showed, was a man destitute, in a great de- gree, of a conscientious regard for truth. The per- suasions and false rei)resentations of tJiis man led the gentleman referred to, to embark almost his entire fortune with him in speculations in which he was at that time engaged. While this matter was in progi-ess, the fiicnds of the gentleman called upon him, and stated their doubts of the indivi- THE PLAN OF SALVATION. 9t dual's integiity who solicited his confidence, and likewise of the success of the entei-prises in which he was solicited to engage. The advice of his friends was rejected — he placed confidence in the false statements of the individual referred to — he acted ui)on those statements, and was, consequently, in- volved in pecimiary distress. In this case, the gentleman not only sincerely helieved the falsehood to be the truth, but he had good motives in relation to the object which he desired to accomplish. He was a benevolent man. He had expended con- siderable sums for charitable and religious uses, and his desire was, by the increase of his property, to be enabled to accomplish greater good. In this case he was injui'ed likewise by believing what others did not believe. The individual who seduced him into the speculation, had endeavoured to lead others to take the same views and to act in the same way ; they did not believe the falsehood, and were, consequently, saved ; he believed, and was, consequently, ruined. When the English army under Harold, and the Norman, under William the Conqueror, were set in aiTay for that fearful confiict which decided the fate of the two armies, and tlie i>olitical destinies of Great Britain, William, perceiving that he could not, by a fair attack, move the solid columns of the English ranks, had recom-se to a false movement, in order to gain the victory. He gave orders that one flank of his army should feign to be flying from the field in disorder. The officers of the English army believed the falsehood, pursued them, and were cut o&. A second time, a false movement was made in another part of the field. The English again bt^lieved, pinsued, and were cut off. By these movements the fortunes of the day were determined. Altiiough the English had the evidence of theii* £ 98 PHILOSOPHY OF senses, yet they were led to believe a falsehood — they acted in view of it ; the consequence was, tlie destruction of a great j)art of then- army, and the estabhshment of the Norman power in England. How often does it occiu- that the young female, possessing warm affections and being inexperienced in the wiles of villains, is led to believe falsehood which destroys her prospects and her hajjpiness while life lasts ! Under other chciunstances, she might have been vhtuous, useful, happy. By false indications of affection her heart is won — by false promises of faitlifulness and future good, her assent to marry is gained — and then, when too late, she discovers that her husband is a villain, and she is forsaken, with a broken heart, to the cold sympa- thies of a selfish world. No matter how many hearts, besides her own, are broken by her error ! No matter how sincere, or how guileless, or how young ; she sincerely believed the falsehood, and is thereby ruined ! Notliing in heaven or on earth will avert the consequences. If she had doubted, she would have been saved. She believed, and is consigned to soitow till she sinks into her grave. Secondly, The belief of falsehood in relation to sjpiritual things, destroys mans sjnritual interests. It is an incontrovertible fact, that the whole heathen world, ancient and modern, have beheved in and worshipped unholy beings as gods. Now, from the necessities of the case, as demonstrated in the introductory chapter, the worshipper becomes assimilated to the character of the object worshipped. In consequence of believing falsehood concerning the character of God, all heathendom, at the present hour, is filled with ignorance, impurity, and crime. As a mass of corruption si)rcads contagion and dcatli among all those who approach it, so certainly does the worship of unholy beings attaint the -soul, and THE PLAN OF SALVATION. 99 sprecod moral coiTuption through the world. " Can a man take coals into his bosom and not be binned ?" — neither can the soul hold communion with beings believed to be unholy and not itself become corrupt. The fact is so plain that it is not necessary to detail again the impurities, the vices, the tortm-es, the self-minders, and tlie unnatural affections of the heathen world, in order to show the deadly evils, both to the body and soul, which arise fi-om the belief of falsehood in relation to spiritual things. It must be obvious to every one, that if the heathen believed in one holy and bene- volent God, their abominable and cruel rites would cease. It foUows, therefore, that it is the belief of falsehood that causes their ignorance and corrup- tion. Thus, it is invariably and eternally true, that the belief of truth will lead a man right, and secme his temporal, spiritual, and eternal interests — and on the conti*ar\', the belief of falsehood wiU lead a man wrong, and desti'oy his interests in relation to whatever the falsehood pertains, whether it be tem- poral or eternal. The preceding premises being estabhshed, the following conclusions result. 1. The entire man, in his body and soul, liis ac- tions and moral feehngs, is governed by what he believes ; and that, in relation to things that should have a constantly increasing influence over the spirit, faith is a more powerfid actuating cause than sight, because the one gains, while the other loses power over the soul by repetition. 2. That the belief of falsehood, concerning any human interest, is fatally injmious ; while the belief of tiiith is eternally beneficial. And, that the more sincerely any one beUevcs error, the more certainly he destroys his interests, whether temporal or e2 100 PHILOSOPHY OF THE PLAN OF SALVATION. spiritual; while, on tlie contrary, the more sincerely a man believes truth, the more certainly and jiower- fiilly are his interests advanced. The living God has connected evil with the belief of falsehood, and good with the belief of truth ; it is a jmrt of the con stitutional law of the moral universe ; and there is no power in existence, that will stop the conse- quence from following the antecedent. Mark it — That doctrine which rectifies the con- science, pimfies the heart, and jiroduces love to God and men, is necessarily true, because, as it has been demonstrated that righteousness and benevolence are the greatest good of tJie soul ; and likewise that the greatest good must depend on the belief of ti'uth ; therefore, the conclusion is inevitable, tliat that doctrine which, being believed, destroys siii in the heart and life of man, and produces righteousness and benevolence, is the trutli of God. No matter whether men can comprehend all its depths and relations or not, if it destroys sin wherever it takes effect by faith, and makes happiness grow out of right living and right loving, from the constitution of things — from the character of God — from the nature of man — that doctrine is the xauTii of God. And that doctrine Avhich liinders this result, or produces a contraiy r&sult, is the falsehood of the devil.* 4. Therefore Christ laid at the foundation of tlie Christian system, this vital and necessai-y principle, " He that belie veth and is baptized shall be saved, and he that believeth not shall bo damned," — saved in accordance with the moral constitution of tho universe, and damned from the absolute necessities existing in the nature of things. * John viii. 44. CHAPTER XV. CONCERNING THE MANIFESTATIONS OF GOD WHICH WOULD BK NECESSARY, UNDER THE NEW AND SPIRITUAL DISPENSATION, TO PRODUCE IN THE SOUL OF MAN AFFECTIONATE OBEDIENCE. Man's mental and moral constitution was tlie same inider the New as under the Old Testament dis- pensation. The same metiiods, therefore, which were adajited to move man's nature under the one, would be adapted to do so under the other. The difference between the two dispensations was, the first was a preparatory dispensation, its manifesta- tions, for the most part, being seen and temporal ; tlie second, a perfect system of truth, spiritual in its character, and in the method of its communication. But, whether the truths were temporal or spiiitual, and whether they were brought to view by faitli or sight, in order to produce a given efiect upon the soul, or any of its powers, the same methods under all dispensations would be necessary, varied only to suit the advancement of the mind in knowledge, the differences existing in the habits and circum- stances of men, and the cliai"acter of the dispensa- tion to be introduced. For instance : under one dispensation — it being in a great measure temporal, preparatory, and imperfect — love might be pro- duced by making men feci temporal want, and by God granting tempond benefits : while under a spu'itual and universal system, men must likewise feel the want, and receive the benefit, in order to 103 PHILOSOPHY OF love; but the want felt and the benefit conferred must be of a spiritual character. Under all dispensations, an essential requisite, after the way for its introduction was prepared, would be such manifestations of God to men as would produce love in the human heart for the object of worship and obedience. " Love the Lord thy God with all thy heart," is the first gi*eat law of the universe ; and God cannot be honoured, nor man made happy, unless his obedience be actuated by love to the object of obedience.* Now, the ma- nifestations of mercy, under the old disjiensation, were mainly temporal in their character, and hmited in their a2)plication to the Jews. But God's special goodness to them could not produce love in the hearts of the Gentiles. The manifestations in Egypt were, therefore, neither adapted in their character, nor in the extent of their design, to the siiiritual and universal religion of Jesus Christ. But one part of the Mosaic economy was universal and immutable in its character. The moral law is the same for ever in its application to all intelligent beings in the universe. It is plain to reason that, whatever means may be adopted to bring men to rectitude of conduct, or to jjardon them for oftenccs, the rule of right itself, founded upon the justice and lioliness, and sustained by the conscience, of the Eternal, must be immutable and eternal as its Author ; and the means, manifestations, and in- fluences, under the dificrent dispensations, are ex- pedients of morcy, designed and adapted to bring men to act in confonnity with its requirements. How, then, under the new dispensation, and in conformity with its spiritual and universal character, could love for God bo produced in the liuman heart ? • See chap, iv, on Atfwctionato Obedience. THE PLAN OF SALVATION. 103 We will here, again, as the subject in hand is most important, notice some of the conditions upon which affection for an object maybe produced in the heart. The wiU is influenced by motives and by affec- tion; and all acts of will produced entirely by pm-e affection, are disinterested acts. There is, probably, no one living, v/hohas attainedtomaturity of years, but has, at some period of life, felt affection for another, so that it was more gratifying to please the object of his affection than to please himself. Love for another always influences the will to do those things which please the object loved ; and the acts which proceed from affection are disinterested, not being done with any selfish end in view, but to con form to the v.-iU and meet the desires of another The moment the affections are fixed upon an object, the wiU is drawn into union witli the will of the object loved; and if that object be regarded as suj^erior, in proportion as he rises above us in the scale of being, to obey his will and seciu-e his re- gard becomes a spontaneous volition of the soul ; and the pleasm-e that arises from affectionate com- pUance with the will of a worthy and loved object, does not arise because it is sought for, but from the constitution the Maker has given to the human soul; it is the result of its activity, produced in accordance v/ith the law of love. All happy obedience must arise from affection, exercised towards tlie object obeyed. Obedience wliich arises from affection blesses the spii-it which yields it, if the conscience approve of the object obeyed. Wliile, on the contrary, no being can be happy in obeying one whom he does not love. To obey a parent, or to obey God, from interested motives, would be sin. The devil might be obeyed for the same reasons. All enlightened minds agi-ee to what the Bible confirms, and what reason can clearly i^erceive, without argument, that love for 104 PHILOSOPHY OF God is essential to every act of religious duty. To tender obedience or homage to God, while we had no love for him in our hearts, would be dishonour- able to the Maker, and doing violence to oiu- own nature. When an object presents itself to the attention, whose chal^acter engages the heart, then the affec- tions flow out, and the soul acts sweetly in this new relation. There is a bond of sympathy between the hearts of the two beings, and those things which affect the one affect the other, in proi^ortion to the strength of the cheiished affection. One meets the desires and conforms to the will of the other, not from a sense of obligation merely, but from choice. And in thus giving and receiving affection, the soul experiences its highest enjoyment, its greatest good ; and when the understanding perceives, in the object loved, perfections of the highest character, and affection of the purest kind for those that love him, the conscience sanctions the action of tbe heart and the obedience of the will, and all the moral powers of the soul unite in happy and harmonious action. We return, now, to the jDroblem — Under the spiritual dispensation of Cluist, how could the affec- tions of the soul be awakened by faith, and fixed iil^on God, their proper object? The principle has been stated, wliicli every one will recognise as true in his own experience, that the moi"e we feel the want of a bcnefactoi", temporal or spiritual, and the more we feel our inability to rescue ourselves from existing difficulties and im- ])ending dangoi's, the more grateful love will the heart feel for the being who, moved by kindness, and in dospite of personal sacriliccs, interposes to assist and save us. Under the Old Testament dispensation the affec- tions of tbe Israelites were educed and fixed uj)Oix THE PLAN OF SALVATION. 105 God in .accordance with tiiis Irav of the sonl. They were i:)laccd in circmnstances of abject need ; and, from this condition of snffering and sorrow, God delivered them, and thus drew their hearts to him- self. Now tlio Jews, as has been noticed, supposed tjiat the ^fessiah would appear, and a^ain confer upon them similar favoiu-s, by delivering them from tlieir state of dependence and subjection as a nation. But a temporal deliverance of this kind, as has been shown, w^as not consistent with the design of Christ's periect and s})iritual dispensation, which was designed to save men from sin and spiritual bondage, and restore them to spiritual happiness by restoring them to affectionate obedience to the only living and tnie God. The inqniiy, then, presents itself, as a feeling of want was necessary, in order that the soid might love the being that supplied that want — and as Jesus came to bestow spiritual mercies upon man- kind — How could men he hrowjht to feel the want of a spiritual Benefactor and Saviour? AUovv' the thought to be repeated again — Accord- ing to the constitution which God has given the soul, it must leel the want of spiritiial mercies be fore it can feel love for the Giver of those mercies; and just in proportion as the soul feels its lost, guilty, and dangerous condition, in the same pro- portion will it exercise love to the Being who gi-ants spiritual favour and salvation. How, then, could the spiritual want be produced in the souls of men, in order that they might love the spiritual Benefactor? Not by temporal bondage and temporal suffering, because these would lead n\pn to desire a temporal deliverance. The only possible way by which man could be made to hope for and appreciate spiritual mercies, and to love a spiiitual deliverer, would be £ 3 106 PHlLOSp:PHY OF to produce a conviction in tlie soul itself of its evil condition, its danger as a spiritual being, and its inability, unaided, to satisfy the requirements of a spiritual law, or to escape its just and spiritual penalty. If man could be made to perceive that ho was guilty and needy ; that his soul was under the condemnation of the holy law of a holy God, he would then, necessarily, feel the need of a deliver- ance from sin and its consequences ; and in this way only could the soul of man be led to appreciate spiritual mercies, or love a spiritual benefactor. Mark another fact, in connexion with the fore- going, which is to be especially noticed, and which will be developed fully in subsequent pages — The greater the kindness and self-denial of a benefactor manifested in our behalf, the warmer and the stronger mil be the affection which his goodness will produce in the human heart. Here, then, are two facts growing out of the con- stitution of human nature — First, the soul must feel its evil and lost estate, as the pre-requisite con- dition, upon which alone it can love a deliverer — Secondly, the degree of kindness and self-denial in a benefactor, temporal or spiritual, graduates the degree of affection and gratitude that will be awakened for him. Now, in view of these necessary conditions, mark the means which God has used, and the manifesta- tions which ho has made of himself, in order to secure the supreme love of the human soul. In the first place, The soul is brought to see and feel its evil and lost condition, and its need of de- liverance. At the advent of Jesus, the Roman world was in precisely the condition which was necessary to prepare it for his doctrines. The Jews had the moral law written in their scriptures, and recog- THE PLAN OF SALVATION. 107 nisecl it as the will of Jehovah; and the Gentiles had its requirements, concerning their duty to each other, and tlieir duty to vrorship, written upon their hearts. Both the doctors among the Jews, and the schools of philosophy among the Gentiles, especially those of Uie Stoics, taught the obligatory nature of many of tlie important moral duties wliich man owes to man. No period in the history of the heathen mind ever existed before or since, when man's relations to man were so clearly per- ceived. ^= The Jews, however, had these advan- tages, that while the few intelligent Gentiles received the instsTuction of the philosophers in relation to morals aa truth, it was truth without any higher sanction than that of having been spoken i)y wise men, and therefore it contained in itself no autiiority or weight of obligation to bind the conscience ; while tliey had the Moral Law as a rule of duty, sanctioned by the authority and infinite justice" of Jehovah. Thus the moral virtues assumed the sanction of religious duties ; and they had not only the moral precepts thus sanctioned, but, having been taught the true character of God, their religious duties were likewise united in the same sacred decalogue. There was, however, in the application of the law one most important and vital mistake, in relation to what constituted human guilt. The moral law was generally applied as the civil law, not to the acts of the spirit, but to the acts of the body. It was applied to the external conduct of men, not to the internal life. If there was con- formity to the letter of the law in external manners, there was a fulfilment, in the eyes of the Jew and • For the vie-ws of the different schools of Grecian ar.d Roman philosophy at this period, .ind the amount of their indebtedness to the Jewish Scriptures, see Enfield's Hist. Phil. 108 1>HIL0S0PHY OF the Gentile, of tlie highest claims that God or man held upon the spirit. No matter how dark or damning were the exercises of tlie soul ; if it only- kept its sin in its own hahitation, and did not develop it in action, the penalty of the law was not laid to its charge. The character of the spirit itself might he criminal, and all its exercises of thought and feeling sensual and selfish, yet if it added hypocrisy to its guilt, and maintained an outward conformity to the law — a conformity itself produced hy selfishness, man judged himself, and others adjudged him, guiltless. Man could not, therefore, understand his own guilt, as a spiritual being, nor feel its condemned and lost condition, until the requirements of the holy law were applied to the exercises of his soul. Now, Jesus applied the Divine law directly to the soul, and laid its obligation upon the move- ments of the will and the desires. He taught that all wrong thoughts and feelings were acts of trans- gression against God, and as such would be visited with the penalty* of the Divine law. Thus he made the law spiritual, and its penalty spiritual, and appealing to the authority of the supreme God, lie laid its claims upon the naked soul — he entered the secret recesses of the spirit's tabernacle — he Hashed the light of the Divine law upon the awful secrets known only to tlic soul itself; aiul with the voice of a God, he spoke to the " I" of the mind — Thou shalt not will, nor desire, nor feel wickedly ! When he had thus shown that all the wrong exercises of tlie soul were sin against God, and that the soid was in a guilty condition, under the coudemuation of the Divine law, lie then directs tlie attention to the spiritual consequences of this guilt. These he declared to be exclusion from the THE PLAN OF SALVATION. 109 kingdom and presence of God, and penalty wliicli involved either endless spiritual suffering, or destruction of the soul itself. The punishment which he declared to be impending over the un- believing and imi:)enitent spirit, he porti'ayed by using all those figures which would lead men to ap- prehend the most fearful and unmitigated spiritual misery. Before the impenitent and unpardoned sinner there was the destruction of the soul and body in hell — consignment to a state of darkness, where the worm dieth not, and the fii-e is not quenched- cursed and banished from God into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and liis angels — agonising in flame, and refused a drop of water to mitigate the agony. Now, these figures, to the minds both of Jews and Gentiles, must have con- veyed a most appalhng impression of the misery that was impending over the soul, unless it was relieved from sin, and the consequent curse of tlie law — Jesus knew that the Jews, especiedly, would understand these figures as implying fearful future punishment: he therefore designed to do, what was undoubtedly accomplished, in tlie mind of every one that beheved his instruct' on, which was, to produce a conviction of sin in the soul, by apply- ing to it the requirements of the spiritual law of God, and by showing that the penalty consequent upon sin was fearful and everlasting destruction. ^Ye say, then, what every one who has followed these thoughts must perceive to be true, that the instruction of Jesus would necessarily produce, in the mind of every one that believed, a conviction that he was a guilty and condemned creature, and that an a\siid doom awaited his soid, imless he received pardon and spiritual deliverance. Thus, then, by the instruction of Jesus Christ, 110 PHILOSOPHY OF sLowing the siDirituality and holiness of the Divine law, and applying it, with its infinite sanctions, to the exercises of the soul, that condition of mind was 2)roduced which alone could prepare man to love a spiritual deliverer : and there is no other way in which the soul could have been j)repared in accordance with truth and the constitution of its own natui-e, to appreciate the spiritual mercies of God, and love him as a spiritual Sa',dour. The law and tlie truth being exhibited by Christ in the manner adapted to produce the con- dition of sold jjre-requisite to the exercise of affec- tion for spiritual deliverance — now, as God was the author of the law, and as he is the only proper object both of supreme love and obedience; and, as man could not be happy in obeying the law without loving its author; it follows, that the thing now necessary, in order tluit man's affections might be fixed ujjon the proper object of love and obedience, was, that the supreme God should, by self-denying kindness, manifest spiritual mercy to those who felt tlieir spiritual wants, and thus draw to himself the love and worship of mankind. If any other being should supply tlie need, that being would receive the love ; it was therefore necessary that God himself should do it, in order tliat the affection of believers might centi'O upon the proper object. But, notice, tliat in order to tlie accomplishment of this end, without violating the moral constitu- tion of the universe, it would be essentially neces- sary that the holiness of God's law should be maintained. This woukl be necessary, because the law is, in itself, the will of tlio Godhead, and God himself must bo unlioly before his will can be so. And whatever God may overlook in tlioso who know not their duty, yet, when ho reveals his per- THE PLAN OF SALVATION. Ill feet law, tliat law cannot, from the nature of its Author, allow the commission of a single sin. But, besides, if its holiness were not maintained, man is so constituted that he could never become holy. Every ciiange to a better course in man's life must be preceded by a conviction of error — man cannot repent and turn from sin till he is convicted of sin in himself. Now, if the holiness of the law, as a standard of duty, was maintained, man might thus be enlightened and convicted of sin, until he had seen and felt tlie last iin in his soul ; and if the law allowed one sin, there would be no way of convicting man of tliat sin, or of converting him from it ; he would, therefore, remain, in some degree, a sinner for ever. But, tinally and con- clusively, if the hohness of tlie law was not main- tained, that sense of guilt and danger coidd not be {)roduced which is necessaiy in order that man may ove a spiritual Saviom-. Jesus produced that condition by applying to the soul the authority, the claims, and the sanctions of the holy law. It is impossible, therefore, in the nature of things, for a sinful being to appreciate God's mercy, unless he first feel his justice as manifested in the holy law. Love in the soul is produced by the joint influence of the justice and mercy of God. The integrity of .the eternal law, therefore, must be for ever maintained.* * The preceding views are confirmed, both by the character of the moral law, and by its design and exposition, as given by tlie apostles of Christ. The moral law, or the rule and obligation of moral rectitude in the sight of God, which is revealed in the Scriptures, and interpreted by Christ, as obligatory upon the thoughts and feelings of the soul, is not only in its nature, of perpetual and universal obligation, and adapted to produce con- viction of sin iu every soul that is sensible of transgressing its requirements ; but the Scriptures expressly declare, that it was designed to produce conviction of sin in the soul, iu order to pre- pare it to receire tlie goapel. 112 PHILOSOPHY OF How, then, could God manifest that mercj to sinners, by wliich love to himself and to liis law would be produced, while his infinite holiness and justice would be maintained? The moral law is set forth in the Scriptures as holy, just, and good, in its character: and whatever may be its effects upon the soul itself, tliat its character is such no intelligent being in the universe can doubt, because it requires of every one perfect lioliness, justice, and goodness : it requires that the soul should be perfectly free from sin in the sight of God ; and, as we have seen, God ought not to allow one sin ; if he did, the law would not be lioly, nor adapted to make men holy. But the more holy the law, the more conviction it would produce in the mind of sinners. If the law extended only to external conduct, men would not feel guilty for their wrong thoughts, desires, or designs; and if it ex- tended only to certain classes of spiritual exercises, men would not feel guilty for those which it did not condemn ; but, if it required that the soul itself— the spiritual agent— the "I" cf the mind — ihould bo holy, and all its thoughts and feelings in accordance with the law of love and righteousness, then the soul would be convicted of guilt for a single wrong exercise, because while it felt that the law was holy, just, and good, it could not but feel con- demned in breaking it. When Christ came, tlierefore, every soul that was tauglit its spirituality, would bo convicted of sin. One of two things men had to do, either shut out its light from their soul, luul refuse to beliere its spiritual and perfect requirements, or judge and condenjn themselves by those requirements. And while the law thus siiowed sin to exist in the soul, and condemned the soul as guilty, and liable to its penalty, it imparted no strength to the sinner to enable him to fuKil its requirements: it merely .sets forth the true standard,^ which is holy in itaelf, and which God must maintain ; and, by its light, it shows sinners their guilt, condemns them, and leaves them under its curse. Now, tlie Scriptures declare that this is the end which, by its nature, it is adapted to accomplish, and that it was revealed to men wiUi the design to accomplish this end, and thus lead men to Sl-c and feel the necessity of justification and pardon by Jesus Christ. The Scripture saitli, " It is easier for heaven and earth to pass, than one tittle of the law to fail." "The law workcth wrath : for where there is no law, there is no transgression." " More- over, the law entered that the offence might abound. 15ut where sin abounded, grace did much more abound : that as sin hath reigned luito disath, even so miglit grace reign through righteousness unto eternal life by Jesus Christ our Lord." Mark the following — " Now we know that what things soever the law saith, it saith to them who are under the Uiw : that every mouth may be stopped, and all the world may become guilty before God ; therefore by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in his sight; for by the law is the knowledge of sin." THE PLAN OF SALVATION. 113 We answer, in no way possible but by. some expedient by wiiich his justice and mercy would both be exalted. If, in the wisdom of the Godhead, such a way could be devised, by which God himself could save the soul from the consequences of its guilt — by which he himself coidd in some way The argument of tlie apostle in vindicating the holiness of tlie law, while it, at the same time, produced conviction and con- demnation, is conclusive. " What shall yre say then ? Is the law sin? God forbid ! Nay, I had not known sin, but by the law: for I had not known lust, except the law had said, Thou shalt not covet; (that is, I should not have felt covetousness to be sin, except the law had condemned it as such ; ) for I was alive (that is, not consciously condemned,) without the law once: but when the commandment came, sin revived, and I died ; and the com- mandment, which was ordained to life, (that is, which required the soul to be holy and therefore alive to God,) I found to be unto death. For sin, taking occasion by the commandment, (or acts shown to be sin by tlie commandment,) deceived me, and by it slew me. Wherefore the law is lioly, and the commandment holy, and just, and good. Was then that which is good made death unto me? God forbid. But sin, that it might-appear sin, (that is, sin which did exist in the soul, was made to appear in its true evil character,) working death in me by that which is good; (that is, the holiness of the law showed the evil of sin ;) that sin by the commandment might become exceeding sinful. For we know that the law is spiritual: but I am carnal, sold under sin." And then, for deliverance from this bondage, he looks to Christ — " For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death," etc. And mark again — "Is the law then against the promises of God ? God forbid : for if there had been a law gi\'en which cou'd liave giv-n life, verily righte- ousness should have been by the law, (tliat is, while the law showed the soul to be unholy and condemned to spiritual death, it pro\ided no means for the relief of the sinner; no influence by ■which love and holiness could be produced in the heart.) But the Scripture, (that is, the revelation of law in the Scriptures,) hath concluded all under sin, that the promise by faitli of Jesus Christ might be given to them that believe. But before faith came, we were kept under the law, shut up unto the faith wliich should afterwards be revealed ; wheri-iore the law was our school-nnister to bring us unto Christ, that we might be justified by faith." Now, from the above Scriptures, it is evident that the apostle understood the law not only to be ailapted, but designed by its Author, to show the soul its guilty and lost condition, its inability to free itself from the condemnation to which it was liable, and to prepare it, at the proper time, to trust in and love Christ for salvation from sin, and spiritual death, the cousecjucuce of sin. 114 PHILOSOPHY 0¥ suffer and make self-denials for its good; and, by Lis own interposition, open a way for the soul to recover fi'om its lost and condemned condition, then the result would follow inevitably, that every one of the human family who had been led to see and feel liis guilty condition before God, and who believed in God tlius manifesting himself to rescue his soul from spiritual death — every one, tlms be- lieving, would, from tlie necessities of his natm-e, be led to love God liis Saviour; and — mark — tlie greater the self-denial and the suffering on the part of tlie Saviour, in ransoming the soul, the stronger would be tlie affection felt for him. This is the centi-al and vital doctrine of the plan of salvation. We will now, by throwing light and accumulating sti-ength upon this doctiine from different points, illusti'ate and establish it beyond the possibility of rational doubt. 1. Tlie testimony of Jesus that it teas necessary man should feel tlie want, in order to exercise the love. Jesus uniformly speaks of it as being necessary, that previously to accepting him as a Saviour, the soul should feel the need of salvation. He does not even invite the thoughtless sinner, or the Godless worldling, who has no sense of the evil or tlio giiilt of sin, to oome to him. Said Jesus, " I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance." " They that are whole need not a physician ; but they that are sick." " Come unto mo, all ye that labour and arc heavy laden, and I will give you rest." "]f any man thirst, let liim como unto me and diink." " Blessed are tliey whicli do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be hllcd." Thus, the ])oints which have been shown to be necessary, from the constitution of thijigs, in order to the soul's THE PLAN OF SALVATION. 115 loving God, are presented in the same light by Jesus liimself ; and iijoon the princijile which they involve, he acted diu-ing his ministry. 2. The testimony of the Scr'qjtures that Ood did thus manifest himself as suffering and maTiing self- denials for the spiritual good of men. "God was in Chiist," says the apostle, "recon- ciling the world to himself;" that is, God was in Christ doing tliose things that would restore to him- self the obedience and afiection of every one tliat be- lieved. Christ represents liimself as a ransom for the soul ; as laying down his life for believers. He is represented as descending from an estate of the highest felicity; taking upon him the nature of man, and humbling himself even to the death of the cross : a death of the most excruciating tortm-e ; and thus bearing the sin's of men in his own body on the tree, that through his death God " might be just, and the justilier of him which believeth in Jesus." It was thus, by a self-denial surpassing descrip- tion — by a life of labour for human good, accom- plished by constant personal saoiifices, and tending, at every step, towai'ds the centre of the vortex, he went on imtil, finally, life closed to a crisis, by the passion in the garden — the rebuke, and the buffeting, and the cniel mockery of the Jews and the Romans — and then, beaiing his cross, faint with former agony of spirit, and his flesh quivering vrith recent scourging, he goes to Calvary, where the ag'onised Sufferer for human sin cried " It is finished! and gave up the ghost." Such is the testimony of tlie Scriptures ; and it may be aiSrmed, without hesitancy, that it would bo impossible for the human soul to exercise full faith in the testimony that it wag a guilty and needy 116 PHILOSOPHY OF creature, condemned by the holy law of a holy God ; and that from this condition of sj)iritual guilt and danger, Jesus Christ suifered and died to ac- complish its I'ansom — we say a human being could not exercise full faith in these truths and not love the Saviour. 3. The atonement of Christ produces tlie necessary effect upon the human soul, in restoring it to affec- tionate obedience, which neither philosojihy, law, nor preceptive truth, could accomplish. The wisdom of Divine providence was con- spicuous in the fact, that previously to the intro- duction of Christianity, all the resources of human wisdom had been exhausted in efforts to confer upon man ti'ue knowledge and true happiness. Although most of the great names of antiquity were conspicuous rather for those properties which rendered them a terror and a scourge to mankind ; and although society, among the ancients, in its best estate, was little better than semi-barbarism ; yet there was aelassinsocittty during the Augustan and Peiicleau ag-e, and even at some periods befoi-e that time, that was cultivated in mind and manners. From this class, individuals at times arose who were truly great — men distinguished alike for the strength, compass, and discrimhiation of their in- tellect. In all the efibrts of these men, with the exception of those who applied themselves exclu- eively to the study of pliysical ])henomena, the great end sought was tlic means or secret of human hapjuness. AH admitted that human natiu-e, as they foiuid it, was in an imperfect or depraved condition, and not in the enjoymout of its chief good ; and the ]ilans wliicli tliey proposed, by wliich to obtain tliat hapi)hicss of which they believed the soul susceptible, were as various, and diverse from THE PtAF OF SALVATION. 117 each other, as can be imagined. No one of tliese plans ever accomplislicd, in any degree, the end desired; and no one of them was ever adapted to, or embraced by the conmion people. The philoso- phers themselves, after wrangling for the honour of having discovered truth, and making themselves miserable in the pursuit of happiness, died; and man was left unsatisfied and unliappy, philosophy having shed only sufficient light upon his mind to disclose more fully the guilty and wretched state of liis heart. There are, perhaps, two exceptions to tliese re- marks as applied to the great minds of antiquity; those are Socrates and his pujtil Plato. These men, with a far-penetrating insight into the constitu- tional wants of man, contemplating the disordered and unhappy condition of human nature, and in- quiring for a remedy adequate to enlighten the mind, and give the heart a satisfying good, per- ceived that there was not in the resources of philo- sophy, nor within the compass of human means, any power that could reach the source of the diffi- culty, and rectify the evil of human nature, which consisted in a want of benevolent affection.* In- ferring from the nature of man what would be necessary, and trusting in the goodness of the Deity to grant the requisite aid, they expressed their belief that a Divine Teacher would come from hea- ven, who would restore truth and happiness to the human soul.f * That Plato had some idea of the want, and none of what was necessary to supply it, may he seen in the fact that in order to make men love as brethren, which he saw to be necessary, he recommended a community of wives to the members of his ideal republic. t In Plato's dialogue upon the duties of religious worship, a passage occurs, the design of which appears to be, to show that man could not, of himself, learn either the nature of the gods, or the proper manner of worshipping them, unless an instructor 118 PHILOSOPHY 05 It is strange that among philosophers of succeed- ing ages there has not been wisdom sufficient to discover, from the constitutional necessities of the human spirit, that demand for the instruction and aid of the Messiah, which Socrates and Plato dis- covered, even in a comparatively dark age. There are two insuperable difficulties which would for ever hinder the restoration of mankind to truth and happiness from being accomplished by human means. The first, which has been already alluded to, is, that human instruction, as sucli, has no power to bind the conscience. JEven if man were competent to discover all the truth necessary for a perfect rule of conduct, yet that truth would have no reformatory power, because men could never feel that truth was obligatory, which pro- ceeded from merely hiunan sources. It is an ob- vious principle of our nature, that the conscience will not charge guilt on the soul for disobedience, when the command proceeds from a fellow man who is not recognised as having the prerogative and the right to require submission. And besides, as men's minds are variously constituted, and of should come from heaven. The following remarkable passage occurs between Socrates and Alclbiades : Socrates.— To me it appears best to be patient. It is necessary to ■wait till you learn how you ought to act towards the gods, and towards men. Alc'ibiadcu. — When, O Socrates, shall that time be ? and who shall instruct me ? for most willingly would I see this person, who he is. Socratps.—lie is one who cares for you ; but, as Homer repre- sents Minerva, as taking away darkness from the eyes of Diomedes, that he might distinguish a God from a man : so it is necessary tliat he sliould first take awny the darkness from your mind ; and then bring near those things by which you shall know good and evil. Alcibindex.—Lct him take away the darkness, or any other thing, if he will ; for whoever this man is, I am prepared to re- fuse none of the things which he commands, if I shall be mado letter.— PtofoMii Alcibiad. ii. THE PLAN OF SALVATION. 119 various capa<;ities, there could be no a^eement in such a case concerning the question, " What is tmth?" As well might wo expect two sohool-boys to reform eash other's manners in school, withoiU the aid of the teacher's authority, as that men can reform their fellows, without the sanction of that Rirthority which will quicken and bind the con- science. The human conscience was made to re- cognise and enforce the authority of God ; and italess there is belief in the Divine obligation of truth, conscience refuses to perform its office. But the grand difficulty is this ; — Truth, whether sanctioned by conscience or not, ha.s no power, as has been shown, to produce love in the heart. The law may convict and guide the mind, but it has no power to soften or to change the affections. This was the precise thing necessary, and this necessary' end the wisdom of the world could not accomplish. All the wisdom of all the philosophers in all ages, could never cause the nflfections of the soul to rise to the holy blessed God. To destroy selfish pride, and produce humilit}' — to eradicate the evil passions, and produce in the soul desires for the universal good, and love for the imiversal Parent, were beyond the reach of earthly wisdom and power. The wisdom of the world in their efforts to give truth and happiness to the human soul, was foolishness ^^ith God ; and the wisdo'^v of God — Christ crucified — was foolishness with the philosophers, in relation to the same subject:* * From an oLsen'ation of one of the Fathers, it would seem that after the gospel had been preached among the Greeks, many of them perceived its adaptedness to accomplish the end for which they had sought in vnin. " Philorophy," says Clemens, of Alexan- dria, " led the Greeks to Christ, as the law did the Jews." Concluding paragraph of the apology of >I. Minucius Felix in defence of Christianity : a.d. 230. " To conclude : the sum of our boasting is, that we are got into possession of what the philosophers have been always in quert 120 PHILOSOPHY OF yet, it was Divine philosophy : an adapted means, and the only adequate means, to accomplish the necessary end. Said an apostle in speaking upon this subject, "The Jews- require a sign, and the .Greeks seek after wisdom : but we preach Christ ci-ucified, unto the Jews a stumbling block, and unto the Greeks foolishness ; but unto them which are called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God, and the wisdom of God." The Jews, while they required a sign, did not perceive that miracles, in themselves, were not adapted to produce affection. And the Greeks, while they sought after wisdom, did not perceive that all the wisdom of the Gentiles would never work love in the heart. But the apostle preached " Christ. crucified," an exhibition of self-denial, of suffering, and of self-sacrificing love and mercy, endured in behalf of men ; which when received by faith, became " the power of God, and the wisdom of God," to produce love and obedi- ence in the human soul. Paul understood tlie efficacy of the cross. He looktxl to Calvary and beheld Christ crucified as the sun of the gospel system. Not as the moon, reflecting cold and bor rowed rays ; but as the Sun of righteousness, glow- ing with radiant mercy, and i)Ouring warm beams of life and love into the open bosom of the believer. 4. Analogy between the moral and 2'>hysical laws of the universe. The laws wbicli govern physical nature are analogous to tliosc wliich the gospel introduces into the sj)iritua] world. The earth is hold to the sun of; and what, -with all their application, thcj' could never find. Why tlicn, so much ill-will stirring against ns ? If Divine truth is come to i)crlection in our time, let us make a good use of the blessing; let us govern our knowledge with diRc retion ; let .super- stition and impiety be no more; and let true religion triumph in their stead," THE PLAN OF SALVATION. 121 by the power of attraction, and performs regularly its cii'cuit around the central, sustaining liuninary ; maintaining, at the same time, its equal relations with its sister planets. But the moral system upon the earth is a chaos of derangement. I'he attrao- tio2i of affection which holds the soul to God, has heen broken, and the soul of man, actuated by self- ishness — revolving upon its own centre only — -jars in its course with its fellow spirits, and crosses their orbits ; and the whole system of the spiritual world upon earth, revolves in disorder, the orbs wandering and rolling away from that centre of moral life and power which alone could liold them in harmonious and happy motion. Into the midst of this chaos of disordered si)irits, God, the Sun of the spnitual world, came down. He shed light upon the moral darkness, and by coming near, hke the approaches of a mighty magnet, the attraction of his mercy, as manifested in Christ crucified, became so pow- erful, that many spirits, rolling away into darkness and destruction, felt the efficacy, and were di-awn back, and caused to move again, in theii' regular orbits, around the ' Light,' and ' Life' and ' Love* of the spiritual system. If free agency could be predicated of the bodies of the solar system, the great law which governs their movements might be expressed thus — Thou shall attract the Sun with all thy might, cuid thy sister pkincts as thyself. The same expression gives the great law of the spiritual world. ' Thou shalt love the Lord with all thy soul, and tliy neigh- bour as thyself.' Now, if a planet had broken away from its orbit, it would have a tendency to fly off for ever, and it never could be restored, unless the sun, the great centre of attraction, could, in some way, follow it in its wanderings, and thus by the increased power of his attraction, as he approached 122 PHILOSOPHY OF nearer to tlie fallen ]Dlauet, attach it to himself, and then draw it back again to its original orbit. So ! with the human spirit ; its affections were ahenated '■ • from God, the centre of sjjiritual attraction, andthey,-*^ could never have been restored, unless God had approached, and by the increased power of his mercy, '■* as manifested in the self-denial, sufferings, and death of Christ, united man again to himself, by ; the power of affection, that he might thus draw him'** up from liis misery and sin, to revolve around liim,'-^ in harmony and love, for ever. If this earth had, by some means, broken away from the sun, there would be no way possible of recovering it again to its place in the system, but that which has been mentioned — that the sun shoidd ,' leave his central position, and approach the wander-, ing orb, and thus, by the increased power of his'^ attraction, draw back the earth to its original posi-^/^ tion. But the sun could not thus leave the centre'-^ of the system, without drawing all the other planets from their orbits by the movement to recover the lost one. The relations of the system would be broken up, and the whole solar economy sacrificed, if the universal and equal law of gravitation were infringed by the sun changing his position and his relations in the system. Furtber, the established laws of the physical universe would render it impossible that any other^ ' l^lanet should be the instrument of recovering the'^^ earth to the sun. If another planet should approach the earth while thus wandering, tbo increased power of attraction would cause the two globes to revolve around each other ; or if the approaching planet was of greater magnitude, the earth would revolve as a satellite around it. But, this would not be to restore the earth to its place in the system, nor to its movement around the Bun, but to fix it THE PLAN OF SALVATION 123 in a wrong position and a wrong movement, and thus alienate it for ever from the central source of light and heat. It follows, tlierefore, that in accord- ance with the established laws of the solar system, the eai'th could never be recovered, but M'ould % off for ever, or be broken into asteroids. There would, therefore, be no way possible for the recovery of the earth, unless God should adopt an expedient unknown to the physical laws of the universe. (This, all who believe that God is Almighty, and himself the Author of those laws, will allow that he might do.) That expedient must not destroy the great laws of the system, upon which the safety of all its parts depend, but an augmented force of attraction must be thi-own upon the earth from the sun itself; which would be sufficient to check the force of its departing momentum, and gradually draw it back to its place. If a portion of the magnetic power of the smi could be tlu'own into the earth, an adhesion v/ould take place between it and the earth, and then, after the cord was fastened, if that^body of attractive matter could ascend again to the''body of the sun, the earth would receive the returning impulse, and anew and peculiar influence would be created to draw it back to its allegiance to the sun. If, as has been said, the power came from any other body but the sun itself, or attracted towai'ds any other body, the earth would lose its place in the system for ever.* So in the moral world : God's relations to the moral universe must be sustcdned. The infinite justice and holiness of the Divme law must not be * These illustrations are not to be applied to the mode of exist- ence, or Kubsistence, in the Godhead : but as God is the Author of both the physical and moral laws, and as the attraction of gravitation in physics corresponds with the attraction, of affection in morals, an analogy of what would be necessary under one, is taken to what was accomplished by Christ uuder the other. 124 PHILOSOPHY OF com25roinise(i. The end to be gained is, to di*aw man, as a revolted sinner, back to God, while the integi'ity of God's moral government is main- tained. Now, affection is the attraction of the moral universe. And, in accordance with the foregoing deduction, to reclaim alienated man to God would be impossible, unless there should be a manifestation of the Godhead in the world, to attract to himself man's esti'anged affections ; and then, after the affinity was fastened by faith, by his ascending again to the bosom of the Deity, mankind would thus be gradually drawn back to allegiance to Jehovali. 5. Illustrations from nature and the Script^ires. Tlie plan of salvation is likened unto a vine which has fallen down from the boughs of an oak. It lies prone upon the gi'ound; it crawls in tlie dust, and all its tendrils and claspers, which were formed to hold it in the lofty place from which it had fallen, are twined around the weed and the bramble, and having no strength to raise itself, it lies fruitless and corruiJting, tied down to the base things of tlie earth. Now, how shall the vine arise from its fallen condition? But one way is possible for the vine to rise again to the place from whence it had fallen. The bough of the lofty o;ik must be let down, or some comnmnication must be formed connected with tlie toji of the oak, and at the same time with the earth. Then, when the bougli of the oak was let down to the place where the vine lay, its tender claspers might fasten upon it, and, thus supported, it might raise itself up, and bloom and bear fruit again in the lofty place from whence it fell. So with man — his af1e(tti()ns had fallen from God, and were fastened to the base things of the eartli. Jesus Christ came THE PLAN OF SALVATION, 125 down, and by his humanity stood uj^on the earth, and by his Divinity raised his hands and united himself with the Deity of the everlasting Father : thus the fallen aflections of man may fasten upon him, and twine around him, until they again ascend to the bosom of the Godhead, from whence they fell. It was thus that prophets, evangelists, apostles, and the Son of God himself, presented the Divine scheme of human redemptioii. Christ is the " Branch" by which the vine may recover itself from its prone and base condition : he is the "Arm of the Lord" by which he reaches down and rescues siuful men from the ruins of the fall : " through whom," says Peter, "ye believe in God," [that is, believe in God manifested through Christ,] "that raised him up from the dead, and gave him glory, that your faith and hope might be in God." Says Paul, " Your life is hid with Christ in God." Jesiis himself proclaimed that the believer should have within him " a well of water, springing uj) into everhistiug life" — that is, he that believetli in Christ crucified, the hard heart within him will be struck by the rod of faith, and in his soul there will be a well of pure and living affection springing up to God for ever. And again : " Jesus cried and said. He that believeth on me, believeth not on me, but on him that sent me, and he that seeth me seeth him that sent me :" tliat is, Christ was God actinrj, developing the Divine attributes through human nature, so that men might appre- hend and realise them. God might have been as merciful as he is, if Christ had never died ; but man could never have known the extent, nor felt the power, of his mercy, but by the exhibition on the cross. His mercy could have been manifested to man's heai't in no other way. And men cannot 126 PHILOSOPHY OF love God for what he truly is, unless they love him as manifested in the suffering and death of Christ Jesus. " I am tlie Way, the Truth, and the Life; no man cometh unto the Father but by me." " If ye had known me, ye would have known my Father also ; and from henceforth ye know him, and have seen him.'' 6. The preceding views established by reductio ad dbsurdum. It is necessary that man shoidd know the cha- racter of the true God, and feel the influence of that character upon his mind and heart. But human nature, as at present constituted, could not be made to feel the goodness of God's mercy, unless God — blessed be his name! — should make self- denials for man's benefit ; either by assuming human nature, or in some other way. (And is ^it not true that God could make self-denials for men in no other way that would be plain to their appre- hension, except by embodyinghis Godhead in human nature?) Mercy can be manifested toman, so as to make an impression upon his heart, in no other way than by labour and self-denial. This principle is obvious. Suppose an individual is confined, under condemnation of the law, and the governor, in the exercise of liis powers, pardons him : tliis act of clemency would produce upon the heart of the criminal no particular effect, either to make him grateful, or to make him better. Ho might, perhaps, bo sensible of a complacent feeling for the release granted ; but so long as he knew that his release cost the governor nothing but a volition of his will, tlioro would be no basis in tlio prisoner's mind for gratitude and love. The libcratoil man would feel more gratitude to one of Ids friends, who liad laboured to get petitions THE PLAN OF SALVATION 127 before the governor for his release, than to the governor who released him. To vaiy the illus- tration — suppose that two persons, who are liable to be destroyed in the flames of a burning dwell- ing, are rescued by two sej)arate individuals. The one is enabled to escape by an individual who, perceiving his danger, steps up to the door and opens it, without any eflbrt or self-denial on liis part. The other is rescued in a different manner. An individual, perceivbig his danger and liability to death, ascends to him, and by a severe effort, and while he is liimself suffering from the flames, holds open the door until the inmate escapes for his life. Now the one who opened the door with- out self-denial, may have been mercifid, and the individual relieved would recognise the act as a kindness done to one in peril ; but no one woidd feel that that act proved that the man who delivered the other manifested any special mercy, because any man would have done the same act. But the one who ascended the ladder and rescued, by peril, and by personal suffering, the individual liable to death, would manifest special mercy, and all who observed it would acknowledge the claim ; and the individual rescued would feel the mercy of the act, melting his heart into gratitude to his deliverer, unless his heart were a moral petrifaction. What are, in reality, the facts by which alone men may know that any being possesses a bene- volent nature ? Not, certainly, by that being conferring benefits upon others, which cost him neither personal labour nor self-denial ; because we could not tell but these favours would cease the moment they involved the least degree of sacrifice, or the moment they interfered with liis selfish interests But when it requires a sacrifice, on the part of a benefactor, to bestow a favour, and that 128 PHILOSOPHY OF sacrifice is made, then benevolence of heart is made evidently manifest. Now mark — any being who is prompted, by benevolence of heart, to make sacrifices, may not lose happiness, in the aggre- gate, by so doing ; for a benevolent nature finds happiness in performing benevolent acts. Self- denials are, therefore, not only the appropriate method of manifesting benevolence to men, but they are likewise the a2)propriatc manifestations of aiij benevolent nature. Now, suppose God is perfectly t? benevolent ; then, it follows in view of the fore-- going deductions, in order to manifest his true nature to men, self-denials would be necessaiy, ia order that men might see and feel that " God is love." It is clear, therefore, that those who reject the Divinity of Christ, as connected with the atone- ment, cannot believe in God's benevolence ; be- cause God is really as benevolent as the self-denials of Christ (believed in as Divine) will lead men to feel that he is : nor can they believe in the mercy of God in any way that will produce an effect upon their hearts. To say that the human heart can be deeply affected by mercy that is not manifested by self-denial, is to show but little knowledge of the springs which move the inner life of the human soul. Man will feel a degree of love and gratitude for a benefactor who manifests an interest in his wants, and labours to supply them ; but ho will feel a greater degree of grateful love for the benefactor who manifests an interest in his wants, and makes self-denials to aid him. To deny, therefore, the Divine and meritorious character of the atonement, is to shut out both the evidence and the effect of God's mercy from the soul. In accordance with this view, is the teaching of the Scriptures. There is but one thing wliich is charged against men, in the New Testament, as a THE PLAN OF SALVATION. 129 fundamental and soul-destroying heresy, and that is, not denying the Lord, but " denying the Lord that bought them." It is rejecting the purchase of Christ by his self-denying atonement, which causes the destruction of the soul, because it rejects the truth which alone can produce love to the God of love. But further : the facts have been fully proved, that God Jehovah, by taking a personal interest in the well-being of the Israelites, and labouring to secure their redemjjtion, secured their affections to himself; and that his acts of mercy produced this effect was manifested by their song after their final deliverance at the Red Sea. " I will sing unto the Lord, for hehatli triumphed gloriously : the horse and his rider hath he thrown into the sea. The Lord is my strength and song, and he is become my salvation." In like manner, Jesus Christ seciu-ed to himself, in a gi-eater degree, the affections of Christians, by his self-den\ing life and death, to ransom them from spiritual bondage and misery. The Israehtes in Egypt were imder a temporal law so severe, that while they suffered in the greatest degree, they could not fulfil its requirements : they therefore loved Jehovah for temporal deliverance. The believer was under a spiritual law, the requii'e- ments of which he could not fulfil, and therefore he loved Christ for spiritual deliverance. Tliis fact, that the supreme affection of believers was thus fixed upon Clmst, and fixed upon him in view of his seh-sacrificing love for them, is manifest throughout the whole New Testament — even more manifest than that the Jews loved Jehovah for temporal deliverance. " The love of Christ con- straineth us ;" says one : thus manifesting that his very life was actuated by affection for Jesus. Says another — speaking of early Chiistians generally — ] 80 PHILOSOPHY OF " Whom [Clirist] having not seen, ye love ; in whom, though now }'e see him not, yet believing, ye rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory." The Bible re(|uires men to iierform their religious duties, moved by love to Christ : " And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to tlie Lord, and not unto men ; knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance : for ye serve the Lord Christ." Mark — these Christians were moved in what they did, what they said, and what they felt, by love to Christ : love to Jesus actuated their Mdiole being, body, and soul. It governed them. Now, suppose that Jesus Christ was not God, nor a true manifestation of the Godhead in human nature, but a man, or angel, authorised by God to accomplish the redemjDtion of the human race from sin and misery. In doing this, it appears, from the nature of things, and from the Scrij^tures, that lie did what was adapted to, and what does, draw the heart of every true believer — as in the case of tlie apostle and the early Christians — unto himself, as the supreme or governing object of aftection. Their will is governed by the will of Clu'ist; and love to him moves their heart and hands. Now, if it be true that Jesus Christ is not God, then lie has devised and executed a plan by wliich the supreme ati'ections of the human heart are drawn to himself, and alienated from God, the proper object of love and worship : and, God having authorised this jilan, ho lias devised means to make man love Clirist, the creature, more than the Creator, who is God over all, blessed for evermore. But, it is said that, Christ having taught and suflbred by the will and authority of God, we ai-e niidcr obligation to love God for what Christ has done for us. It is ans^Ycred, that this is impossible. THE PLAN or SALVATION. 181 We cannot lore one being for what another does or suffers on om* behalf. We can love no being for labours and self-denials in our behalf, but that being who voluntarily labours and denies himself. It is the kindness and mercy exhibited in the self- denial that moves the affections ; and the affections can move to no being but the one that makes the self-denials, because it is the self-denials that draw out the love of the heart. It is still said, that Christ was sent by God, to do liis will, and not his own; and therefore we ought to love God, as the Being to whom gratitude and love are due, for what Christ said and suffered. Then it is answered : If God willed that Christ, as a creature of his, should come, and by Ms sufferings and death redeem sinners, wc ought not to love Christ for it, because he did it as a creatm-e, in obedience to the commands of God, and was not self-moved nor meritorious in the work; and we cannot love God for it, for the laboiu' and self-denial were not borne by him. And further ; If one being, by an act of his authority, should cause a^iother innocent being to suffer, in order that he might be loved who had imj^osed the suffering, but not borne it, it would render him unworthy of love. If God had caused Jesus Christ, being his creature, to suffer, that he might be loved liimself for Christ's sufferings, while he had no connexion with them, instead of such an exliibition, on the part of God, producing love to him, it would jjroduce pity for Christ, and aversion towards God, So that, neither God, nor Christ, nor any other being, can be loved for mercy extended, by self-denials, to the needy, unless those self-denials were ju-oduced by a voluntary act of mercy upon the part of the being who suffers them ; and no being, but the one who made the sacrifices, could be meritorious in the f2 132 PHILOSOPHY OF case. It follows, therefore, incontrovertibly, that if Christ was a creature — no matter of how exalted wortli — and not God ; and if God ajjproved of his work in saving sinners, he approved of treason against his own government ; because, in that case, the work of Christ was adapted to draw, and did necessarily draw, the affections of the human soul to himself, as its spiritual Saviour, and thus alienate them from God, their rightful object. And Jesus Christ himself had the design of draw- ing men's afiections to himself in view, by his crucifixion : says he, " and I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me." This he said, signifying what death he should die : thus distinctly stating that it was the self-denials and mercy exhibited in the crucifixion that would draw out the affections of the human soul, and tliat those affections would be drawn to himself as the suffering Saviour. But that God would sanction a scheme which would involve treason against himself, and that Christ should particii^ate in it, is absurd and impossible, and therefore cannot be true. But if the Divine nature was united with the human, in the teaching and work of Christ — if " God was in Christ," [drawing the affections of men, or] " reconciling the world unto himself" — if, when Christ was lifted u]), as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderoess, he drew, as ho said he would, the afiections of all believers unto himself; and then, if ho ascended, as the second ])erson of the Trinity, into the bosom of the eternal Godhead — He, thereby, after ho had engaged, by his work on earth, tlio afiections of the human soul, bore them up to the bosom of tlie Father, from whence they had fallen. Thus the ruins of the fall were rebuilt, and the aflbctions of the human soid again THE PLAN or SALVATION. 133 restored to God, the Creator, and proper object of supreme love. Oh the length, and the breadth, and the depth, and the height, of the Divine wisdom and goodness, as manifested in the wonderful plan of salvation ! " Great is the mystery^ of godliness : God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received u]) into glory" Amen: blessing and honour, dominion and power, be unto him that sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb, for ever and ever : Amen and amen. CHAPTER XVI. CONCERNING THE INFLUENCE OF FAITH IN CHRIST UPON THE MORAL DISPOSITION AND MORAL POWERS OF THE SOUL. It has been demonstrated that the teachmg and atonement of God the Saviour would draw to Inm, by faith, the affections of the human heart. We will now inquire wliat particular elfect that faith in Christ which works by love, has upon the moral disposition, the conscience, the imagination, and the life of believers. Would faith in Christ, as a Divine, suffering Saviour, quicken, and regulate, and harmonize the moral powers of the soul ? 1. The influence of faith in Christ upon the moral dispodtion of the soul. — When its disposition is affected, the soul is affected to the centre of its being. By .disposition, is meant the desires or ])redilections of tlie lieart, which influence the choice of the will to good or evil. The radical difference of character in spirits depends upon their disposition. The spirit that has a settled love for sin aud liatred for holiness, is a devil, whether it be in time or eternity — embodied or disembodied. And that spirit which has a settled . love for holiness, is a benevolent spirit, in what- ever condition it exists. A devil or malignant spirit is one that seeks its gratification in habit- ually doing evil. A holy being, or benevolent ' spirit, is one that finds its gratification in habit- THE PLAN OF SALVATION. 135 iisilly doin^ good. Whatever, llicrofore, aflects tlio moral disposition of the soul, affects, radically, the character of the soul. It heconios, therefore, a question of the deepest interest — What effect will faith in Christ have upon man's moral dis- position ? The solution of this inquiry is not difficult. Is Jesus Christ holy ? AH Christendom, sceptics and believers, answers in the afFirmativo. Now the love of a holy being will, as a necessary result, counteract nnholiness in the heart. Holiness is the antagonist princij^le of sin. The soul cannot love a holy being and at the same time cherish those piincijiles and exercises which it is con- scious are offensive to the soul of the beloved object. From the nature of the case, love to holi- ness vrill produce opposition to sin. Love is the fulfilling of the law, and sin is the transgression of the law ; so that, while the soul is entirely actuated in all its exercises, by j)ure love to Christ, those exercises of the heart cannot l)e sinful. When the heart is attached to any being, espe- cially when that being is lovely and pure in his character, it ])ecomes averse to everything which, from its evil nature, causes suffering to the object of its affections. There are few things wliich will cause one to feel so sensibly the evil of sin, as to see that liis sins are causing anguish to one that he loves. It is said of Zeleucus, a king of the ancient Locri, that he enacted a law, the penalty of which was that the offender should lose both his eyes. One of liis sons became a transgressor of that law. The father had his attachment to his son, and the law he himself had promulgated as righteous in its requirements ar.d in its penalty. The lawgiver, it is said, ordered his son into his jiresence, and lo6 PHILOSOPHY OF required that one of liis eyes should be taken out ; and then, in order to show mercy to his son, and at the same time maintain the penalty of tlie law, he sacrificed one of his own eyes as a ransom for the remaining eye of his child. Now we do not refer to this case as a perfect analogy, but to show the moral effect of such an exhibition of justice and self-sacrificing mercy. As man is constituted, it is perfectly certain that this transaction would produce two effects ; one upon the subjects of the king, which would be to impress upon every heart that the law was sacred, and that the lawgiver thus regarded it. This impression would be made much more strongly than it would have been if the king had ordered that his son should lose both his eyes; because it manifested, in the strongest manner possible, his love for his son, and his sacred regard for his law. If he had allowed his son to escape, it would have exhibited to his sub- jects less love for his law ; and if he had executed the whole penalty of the law uj^on the son, instead of bearing a i^ortion of it himself, he would have manifested less love for his son. The king was the lawgiver; he therefore had the power to jmrdon* his son, without inflicting the penalty upon him, and without enduring any sacrifice himself. Every mind, therefore, would feel that it was a voluntary act on the part of the king ; and such an exliibi- tion of justice and mercy, maintaining the law and saving his son by his own sacrifice, would impress all minds with tlie deepest reverence for the cha- racter of the lawgiver, and for the sacrcdness of the law. But another effect, deep and lasting in its cha- racter, would be produced upon the son who Imd transgressed tlic law. Every time that he looked upon his father, or remembered what he had THE PLAN OF SALVATION. 187 suffered for his transgression, it would increase his love for him, increase his reverence for the law, and cause an abhorrence of his crime to arise in his soul. His feehngs Avould be more kind towards Ms sire, more submissive to the law, and more averse to transgi-ession. r,'. Now this is precisely the effect necessary to be ^^jroduced, in order that pardon may be extended \Xo transgressors, and yet just and righteous govern- rment be maintained. If civil law had some expe- dient by which, with the offer of pardon, some influence could be exerted upon the heart of the transgressor which would entirely change his character ; an influence which would make him love the law he had transgressed, hate tlie crime he had committed, hate himself for committing it, and implant within him the spirit of an obedient and faithful subject — if such an effect could be produced by pardon, then pardon woidd be safe; because there would be some means, or some moral power connected with it, that would, at the same time that the pardon was granted, change the moral disposition of the criminal from that of a rebellious, to that of a iiiithful and affectionate subject. This expedient the civil law can never have. Such an expedient was that of Zeleucus, the self-sacrificed lawgiver and father. Such an expedient, in some respect's, in the moral government of God, is the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ. " He," says the prophet, "was bruised for our iniquities;" says the apostle, " He bore our sins in his own body on the tree ;" says himself, " this is my body broken for you." Now two eftects would follow this exhibition of the self-sacrificing love of Christ. One in the heart of the believing sinner: eveiy time he realised by faith that the Divine Saviour suffered the rebuke, the scorn, and the cross, as a ¥• 3 138 PHILOSOPHY OF sacrifice for his sins, lie would reg'avd tlie Saviour with greater love ; and sin, which caused the sufiering of his Divine Benefactor, he would regard in himself and others with greater ahhorrence. Another effect wliich would result, would be, tliat. all the holy beings in the universe, if they had knowledge of the self-sacrifice of God the Saviour, as an atonement to maintain the law and redeem sinners, would be insj^ired with greater reverence for the eternal law, and greater aversion to sin. Thus would the faith of Cln-ist aftect the moral disposition of believers, and of all holy beings throughout the universe ; drawing the believer back to holiness and obedience, and adding a new motive to confirm holy beings in hai^jiy allegi- ance. The language of the apostle confirms this view : " What tlie law could not do, in that it was weak through tlie flesh, God, sending his own Son, in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin, con- demned sin in the flesh." — That is, the law, al- though it had power to show to the mind the evil and the guilt of sin, had no power to produce in the heart an aversion to it; but Christ coming in the body, and dying for sin, in that way reaches man's moral I'eelings, and creates a sentiment of condemnation of, or aversion to, sin in the heart of every believer. A feeHng cannot bo manifested by intellect or will. A communication of knowledge, or law, does not manifest feeling so that it produces feel- ing in others. The moral feelings "of God were manifested by the sacrifice of Christ; and that manifestation, through tbe flesh, afiects the moral feelings of man, assimilates them to God, and produces an aversion to sin — the abominable thing which God hates. Blessed faith! which, while it THE PLAN OF SALVATION. 139 purifies the heart, works by the sweet influence of love in accomplishing the believer's sanctification. 2. The injiuence of faith in Christ upon the moral sense, or conscience of believers. — To a mind en- dowed with the higher qualities of reason, there can be no more "interesting thought than that noticed in a previous demonstration ; which was, that a man's conscience is guided by his faith. Conscience is the highest moral faculty, or rather the governing moral power of the soul ; and this governing faculty is regulated and controlled by faith. Man's conscience always follows his religi- ous belief, and changes with it, and grows weak' or strong with it. Now, as God has so constituted the soul that tlie affections, and likewise the con- science, are affected and controlled by faith ; and the purity of the one, and the integrity of the other, and the activity of both, depend upon what man beUeves ; — this being true, no mind can avoid the conviction, that the principle of faith, wliich Christ has laid at the foundation of the Christian system, is, from the nature of things, the only principle through the operation of which man's moral powers can be brought into happy, harmonious, and joerfect activity. But this happy effect, as has been shown, can be produced only by faith in the ti'uth ; and besides, it is an intuition of reason, that God certainly would not make the soul so that its moral powers would be controlled by faith, and then cause that faith in falsehood should perfect and make happy those jjowers. Such a supposition would be a violation of reason, as well as an impiety. In searching, therefore, for the answer to the inquiry. What is truth? as it concerns the spii-itual interests of man, the direct process of solution would be, to fnquii-e what effect certain facts, or supposed facts, would have 140 rPIlLOSOPHY OF •iipon tlie moral disposition and moral powers of the sonl ; and that faith ^Yllicll quickens and recti- fies those powers, as we have noticed, is necessarily trnth. We come novv^ to the inquiry. What effect has faith in Christ — in the Divinity of his ^9e^r6"07?, in his teaching, and in his atonement for sin — iqwn the conscience of believers ? The answer is plain. Those who received Christ as possessing supreme authority as a Divine Teacher — their faith would so affect their con- science, that it would reprove for every neglect of conformity to the example of Jesus. The moment faith recogTiises Christ as a Divine instructor, that moment conscience recognises his instruction and his example as obligatory to be received and practised. To the believer, the teachings and example of Christ have not only the force of truth, recognised as such by the understanding, but they have likewise the authority of supreme law, as coming from that Divine Being who is the rightful Lawgiver of the soul. Now then, if faith in Christ would regulate the conscience according to his example and precepts, the only inquiry which remains is, Were tlie example and precepts of Christ a perfect rule of duty towards God and men? This inquiry has been the subject of examination in another cliapter, in which the fact was shown — which has been generally admitted by all men, believers and sceptics — that Christ's example of piety towards God, and kindness towards men, was perfect. AVhen this is admitted, the consecu- tive fact follows, whether men perceive it or not, that in the case of all who I'cceive him as tlieir Lord and Lawgiver, the conscience would be regu- lated according to a j^erfect standard, and guided by a ]3erfect rule. THE PLAN OF SALVATION. 141 But further — While it is true that a knowledge of duty guides the conscience, and a knowledge of the Divine authority of tlie lawgiver binds it, by imposing a sense of obligation; it is likewise true that faith in Christ's atoning sacrifice has peculiar efficacy to strengthen this sense of obligation. Two men may have an equal knowledge of duty, and yet one feel, much more than the other, a sense of obligation to perfomi it : whatever, therefore, in- creases the sense of obligation, increases the power of conscience, and thereby promotes in a greater degree, active conformity of the life to tlie rule of duty. The atonement of Christ increases the sense of obligation, by waking into exercise, gratitude and hope in the soul of the believer. Gratitude gives the conscience a power in the soul where it e^dsts, which could arise from no other source. Conscience reproves for the neglect of known duty ; but to neglect duty, when it involves the sense of gi'ati- tude to the kindest of benefactors, is to arm the moral sense of the soul with a two edged sword. When the lawgiver is likewise the benefactor, con- science rebukes, not only for wrong domg, but for ingratitude. One step further — When the being vvho claims our obedience, is not only oiu- benefactor, but tlie object of all our hopes, the power of obligation is still further increased. To disobey a being whom we ought to obey, would be wrong ; to disobey that being, if he was our self- denying benefactor, would be ingratitude added to the "wrong; and to disobey that behig, if from him we hoped for all future good, would be to add nn- worthiness to wrong and ingratitude : thus, faith in Christ Jesus combines tlie sense of wrong, of ingratitude, and unworthiness, in the rebuke which conscience gives to the delinquent believer ; and 142 PHILOSOPHY OF obedience to the Eedeemcr's examiDle and precepts is enforced by the united power of duty, gratitude, and hope. Fm-ther, and finally — Conscience recognises the fact that our obligation of gratitude is in proportion to the benefit conferred. If a benefactor has endured great sacrifices and self-denials to benefit us, the obligation of gratitude binds us the more strongly to respect the will and feelings of that individual. Conscience feels the obligation of gratitude just in j^roportion to the self-denials and sacrifices made in our behalf. If a friend risks his interest to the amount of a dollar, or an hour of time, to benefit us, the obligation of gratitude upon the conscience is light, but still there is a sense of obligation ; but if a friend risks his life, and wades through deep afiiictions, to confer benefits, the universal conscience of man would affirm the obli- gation, and would reprobate the conduct of tlie individual benefited, as base and unnatural, if he did not ever after manifest an affectionate regard for the interests and the desires of his benefactor. Thus, by faith in Jesus Clmst, the conscience is not only guided by a perfect rule, but it is likewise quickened and empowered by a perfect sense of obligation. Christ is the Divine Lawgiver ; therefore it is right to obey him. He is our Benefactor; gratitude, therefore, requires obedience : but as our Benefactor he has endured the utmost self-denial and sacrifice for our sake, therefore we are under the utmost obligation of gi*atitude to return selt- denial and sacrifice for his sake ; or, in the words of an apostle, " He died for all, that they which live should not henceforth live imto themselves, but unto liim which died for them, and rose again ;" and, added to this, our hope of all future good rests in the same Being that right and gratitude require us THE PLAN OF SALVATION. 143 to obey and love. Thus does a perfect faith in Christ perfect the conscience of believers, by guid- ing, quickening, and by producing a perfect sense of obligation. 3. The injiuenee of faith in Christ tqyon the imagination. — There are few exercises of the mind frauglit with so much evil, and yet so little regarded, as that of an evil imagination. Many individuals spend much of theii- time in a laboiu* of spuit which is vain and useless, and often very luntful to the moral character of the soul. The spirit is borne off upon the wings of an active imagination, and ex- j)atiates among ideal conceptions that are improba- ble, absurd, and sinful. Some people spend about as much time in day dreams as they do in night dreams. Imaginations of popularity, pleasure, or wealth, employ the minds of worldly men, and perchance the Christian dreams of wealth, and of magnificent plans of benevolence, or of schemes less pious in their character. It is difficult to con- vey a distinct idea of the evil under consideration, without supposing a case like the following : One day while a young man was employed silently about his usual pursuits, he imagined a train of circumstances by which he supposed him- self to be put in possession of gi'eat wealth; and then he imagined that he would be the master of a splendid mansion suiTounded with grounds devoted to profit and amusement — he would keep horses and conveyances that would be perfect in aU points, and servants that woidd want nothing iu faithful- ness or affection — he would be great in the eyes of men, and associate with the great among men, and render himself admired or honoured by his genera- tion. Thus his soul wandered, for hours, amid the ideal creations of his own fancy. Now, much of men's time, when their attention 144 PHILOSOPHY OF might bo employed by useful topics of thought, is thus spent in building ' castles in the air.' Some extraordinary circumstance is thought of by which tliey might bo enriched, and then hours are wasted in foolishly imagining the manner in which they would expend their imaginary funds. Such excur- sions of the fancy may be said to be comparatively innocent, and they are so, compared with the more guilty exercises of a great portion of mankind. The mind of the politician and the partisan divine is employed in forming schemes of triumph over their opponents. The minds of the votaries of fashion, of both sexes, are employed in imagining displays and triumphs at home and abroad ; and those of them who are vicious at heart, not having their attention engaged by any usefid occupation, pollute their souls by cherishing imaginary scenes of folly and lewdness. And not only the worthless votaries of the world, but likewise the followers of the holy Jesus, are sometimes led captive by an imsanctilied imagination. Not that they indidge, in the sinfid reveries which characterise the un- regenerate sons and daughters of time and sense ; but tlieir thoughts wander to unprofitable topics, and wander at times when they should be fixed on those truths which have a sanctifying efficacy upon the heart. In the solemn a-ssemblies for public worship, many of those whose bodies are bowed and their eyes closed in token of reverence for God, are yet mockhig their Maker by assuming the external semblance of worshijipcrs, while their souls are away wandering amid a labyrinth of irrelevant and sinful thought. It is not affirmed that the exercises of the imagi- nation arc necessarily evil. Imagination is one of the noblest attributes of the human spirit; and there, is something in the fact, that the soul has power to 1 THE PLAN OF SALVATION. 145 cr^te, by its own combinations, scenes of rare beauty, and of perfect happiness, nnsullied by the imperfections which pertain to earthly things, that indicates not only its nobility, but perhaps its future life, ^yhen the imagination is employed in paint- ing the beauties of nature, or in collecting the beauties of sentiment and devotion, and in grouping them together by the sweet measures of poetry, its exercises have a benign influence upon the spiiit. It is like presenting ' apples of gold in pictures of silver' for the survey of the soul. The imagination may degrade and corrupt, or it may elevate and refine the feelings of the heart. The inquiry, then, is important, How may the exercises of the imagi- nation be controlled and directed so that their influence upon the soul shall not be injurious, but ennobling and puiifying ? Would fail:h in Christ turn the sympathies of the soul away from those gifted but guilty minds — " "Whose poisoned song Would blend the bounds of right and wrong ; And hold, with svreet but cursed art, Their incantations o'er the heart, Till every pulse of pure desire Throbs with the glow of passion's fire, And love, and reason's mild control, Yield to the simoon of the soul?" When the conscience had become purified and quickened, it would be a check upon the erratic movements of the imagination ; and when the dis- position was corrected, it Mould be disinclined to every unholy exercise; so that, in the believer, the disinclination of the will and the disapprobation of the conscience would be powerfid aids in bringing into subjection the imaginative faculty. But, more than this, faith in Christ would have a direct influ- ence in correcting the evils of the imagination. It is a law of mind, that the subiect which interests au 148 PHILOSOPHY OF individual most, subordinates all otlier subjects to itself, or removes them from the mind and assumes their place. As a group of persons, who might be socially conversing iqwn a variety of topics, if some venerable individual should enter and introduce an absorbing subject, in which all felt interested, minor topics would l3e forgotten in the interest created by the master subject; — so when 'Christ crucified' enters the presence-chamber of the believer's soul, the high moral powers of the mind bow aroimd in obeisance ; and even imagination folds her starry wings around her face, and bows before Immanuel. When the cross of Christ becomes the central sub- ject of the soul, it has jjower to chasten the imagi- nation, and subdue its waywardness by the sublime exhibition of the bleeding- mercy in the atonenrent. The apostle perceived the efficacy of the cross in subduing vain reasoning and an evil imagination, and alludes to it in language possessing both strength and beauty, as " casting down imagina- tions, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and [mark] bring- ing into captivity every thought to tlie obedience of Christ." That these views are not idle speculations, but truthful realities, is affirmed by the exj)erienco of every Christian. Wlicn the imagination is wander- ing to unprofitable or forbidden subjects, all tliat is necessary in order to break the chain of evil sugges tion, and introduce into the mind a profitable train of thought, is to turn the eye of the soul upon the " Ijamb of God, wliich taketh away tlie sin of tho world." By the presence of this delightful and sacred idea every \inworthy and hurtful thought will be awed out of tlie mind. Thus does faith in the blessed Jesus control and purify the imagination of believers. THE PLAN OF SALVATION. HI 4. The influence of faith in Glirist upon the life : leading man to such conduct as loill eventually ac- complish the salvation of the ivhole human family. It is certain that men liave all the faculties, which, if rightly dii-ected, would be necessary to enable them to benefit and bless each other. Sup- pose one individual did all in his joower to do others good and make them happy, who can limit the amount of consolation which that man might im- part to the children of want and sorrow ; or the amount of light he might shed ujion the minds of the ignorant ; or the rebukes and warnings he might sound in the ears of those who persisted in sin ? Suppose a whole community of such indivi- duals, denying themselves the selhsh ease and worldly pleasures which the children of this world seek after, and devoting their lives to spread aroimd them the blessings and benefits of the gospel — should individuals or communities desire thus to devote their lives to benevolence instead of selfish effort — it is certain the Creator has endowed them with every faculty necessary to the accomplishment of such a work. " They have hearts to love then' fellow-men : they have reason and knowledge to Icai'n themselves, and then to instruct others. They can travel to where the ignorant and the needy dwell, either at home or abroad : or, if they feel disqualified personally to do this, they have hands to labour for the means to send others on errands of benevolence throughout the world. That men have been created with the faculties, therefore, to difiuse the blessings which they possess, thi'oughout the v/orld, no one can doubt. But, secondly. Men are so constituted, that the exercise of those faculties, in a manner that would bless others, would likewise produce a blessing in 148 PHILOSOPHY OF their own souls. It is a fact in experience, as well as philosophy, that the exercise of any power of the soul, gives increased strength to that power. By exercising their selfish and malevolent feelings, men become continually more sellish and malevo- lent; while, on the contrary, by exercising self- denial and the benevolent feelings, men become continually more benevolent. Selfishness, all admit, is an evil in the heart. Self-denial is its antagonist principle ; and it is by invigorating the latter by exercise, that the former evil principle is to be eradi- cated. It would, therefore, be the greatest benefit to those who possessed blessings, to induce them to exercise benevolence by communicating them to others. It follows, therefore, that not only the greatest good of the guilty and the ignorant, requu-e self- denying benevolence, in those who have the means and the power to enlighten and guide them to truth and happiness ; but likewise, that the greatest good of those possessing blessings, is, to impart them to others. " It is more blessed to give than to receive :" because, by the exercise of self-denial to do good, benevolence is strengthened in the soul ; and from benevolent exorcises arises the blessedness of the spirit. Men are constantly making sacrifices to advance their own aggrandizement, and thus, by increasing their own selfishness, they make them- selves more miserable: the great end to be gained, is to lead them to make sacrifices for others, and thus, with othei-8, bless tliemselves. Now, no one doubts that the whole human family, in tlie days of Christ, needed the blessing of an enliglitening and purifying religion. And no oue doubts tliat tlie ultimate end of a religion from lioaven would bo the greatest ultimate good of the entire race. Three thiugs, then, are obvious : 1. THE PLAN OF SALVATION. 140 Tliat a religion from heaven would be designed ulti- mately to bless the whole world. 2. That the best good of mankind, as a family, required that they should be the instruments in disseminating this religion among themselves. 3. That the principle of self-denial, or denying ourselves the ease and pleasures of selfishness, in order to perform acts of benevolence, is the gi-eat principle by which the operation of spreading this religion woidd be carried on. Now, Jesus Christ professed to give a universal spiritual religion ; one which encii'cled in its design, and was to bless by its influence, the whole family of man ; and faith"^he set forth as the gi-eat motive- ])ower of the whole plan. The C[uestion then is — Would faith in Christ lead men to that method of living and acting, and to the possession of those views and feelings which would make them instru- mental in benefiting each other, and which would destroy selfishness and promote the happiness and interest of the whole family of man, in accordance with the tlii-ee principles above specified ? 1. It has been shown that the example and 2)re- cepts of Christ become the guide to conscience, and the rule of faith and practice for all believers. What, then, has Christ said and done to induce men to do each other good, and to unite the race of man in one harmonious and hapjiy family ? The gospel of Christ j^ossesses all the character- istics of a universal religion. It is adapted to hu- man nature: not to any particular countri/ or class of men; but, as has been shown, to the nature of the race. Its truths are intelligible, and may be un- derstood by all men, and transferred into all lan- guages. It is spiritual in its character; designed to affect the mind and heart of man ; so that wherever intelligent beings are to be found, there 150 PHILOSOPHY OF it may be introduced into the heart by faith, to cor- rect the spiritual evils of theii- nature, and produce happiness in the soul.* The precepts and teaching of Jesus are designed and adapted to harmonize the race of man into one happy family. Instead of the abominations and folly of polytheism, he presented before the minds of men one common object of worship ; and so ex- hibited the character of that object, by presenting before the world a grand spectacle of self-denying mercy, that the exhibition was adapted to attract the attention of all, and draw all hearts to one centre of affection. In all his instructions to regulate the conduct of men, he viewed them as bretliren of the same great family, and taught them to consider themselves as such. No retaliation was to be offered for injuries received, l3ut the injured child was to appeal only to the great Parent of the family. No one might treat another as his enemy : and no one was to cease in efforts to do good to another, unless he per- ceived that those efforts were treated with contempt, and instead of benefiting, had a liardening eli'ect upon the heart. 2. Their lives were to be spent in efforts to im- part those blessings which they possessed, to their brethren of the human family who possessed them not. Instead of the unliallowed and anxious struggle which worldly men manifest to raise themselves to power over their fellows, their efforts were to be directed to the opposite end ; to raise the ignorant and the needy to the enjoyment of the blessings and privileges whicli they possessed. This active and constant effort to extend the blessings which they possessed to others, and to re- lieve men from their vices and ignorance, was not • See Reinhard's Plan : sec. 17, 22. THE PLAN OF SALVATION. 151 to stop with their own kindred, or nation, or tongue, nor to be restricted to the gi-ateiul, or the deserving; in this respect, their philanthropy was to bo mo- delled after that of their heavenly Father, who caiiseth his sun to shine upon the just and the un- just. It was to continue during life ; and to extend to the ends of the earth. And in proportion as men were found in a condition of ignorance and want, in the same proportion they were to make benevolent exertions to elevate and bless them. Now, every one can see, that if these precepts were obeyed, strife between individuals and nations would cease, and the glorious process of benevo- lent effort would go on, until the last benighted mind was enlightened, and the last corrupted heart purified by the power of the faith of Christ. It was necessary, in connexion with these ijrecepts, that some motive should he presented to cause men to deny themselves, in order to act in accordance with them. Now it has been shown that the believer acts in view of the character and will of Jesus, Christ, therefore, in order to give these precepts moving jiower upon the souls of men, identified liimself with his needy creatures, and sanctioned the duty which he prescribed to others, by confor- mity to it himself, so that these precepts, given to govern men's conduct in this life, he made the rule of judgment in heaven's court of equity, and by them the decision ^vill be made out, which will settle, finally, the spiritual destiny of men. " In- asmuch as ye did it not to one of the least of these my brethren, ye did it not unto me." Thus Christ identifies himself with the most needy of mankind, and receives an act of kindness done to them, as done to liimseK. When the love of Christ, therefore, con strains men, he has so exliibited his will, that it con- strains them to act for the good of each other. Those 152 PHILOSOPHY OF THE PLAN OF SALVATION. that love Jesus, therefore, and expect his favour, must serve him hy doing good to others. Moreover, Christ has sanctioned these precepts by his own example. His life was a life of self- denying labour, for the benefit of our race ; and his command to every one is — Deny thyself, take up thy cross, and follow me. Thus, by Christ's pre- cejDts, by his example, and especially by his identi- fying himself with those in need, that method of life is sanctioned, which alone coidd malce man the benefactor of his fellows — unite the human family in one happy brotherhood — and make them blessed in doing each other good, in the faith of Clirist. Those that love Jesus will desire to do his will — will find tbeir happiness in obeying him — and that will is, that they should labour to benefit his crea- tures. Those who believe in and love Jqsus, will have their conscience regulated by his precepts and example. Thus, the conscience of believers is set, (if I may so express it,) so that it will regulate the movement of their life in such a manner, as finally to woik out the salvation of a world lying in wickedness. It follows, therefore, that faith in Jesus Christ is directly designed and adapted to strengthen men's benevolent attections, and to produce in believers that active desire and eflbrt for the good of others, which will necessarily produce the dissemination of the light and love of tlje gospel throughout the whole habitable world. CHAPTER XVIT. CONCERNING THE DESIGN AND THE IMPORTANCE OF THE MEANS OF GRACE. 1. PRAYER. It has been shown that, constituted as we are, the manifestations made of the character and attributes of God in the Scriptures, are adapted to produce the greatest good in tlie human sj)irit ; and, in order that that good may be effected, it is necessary that the tniths of the Scriptiure be brought into contact with the soul that it may be impressed and influenced by them. The truths and manifestations of revelation are the elements of moral power, which, apprehended by faith, are effective in puri- fying the fountain of life in the soid, and in rectify- ing and regulating its exercises; it follows, therefore, that the requii-ement to bring those truths before the mind in a particular manner, would be a duty necessarily connected with the revelation of the doctrines, as directions for taking the medicine are connected with the prescription of a physician into whose hands a patient has submitted himself. Now, jjrayer, or worship, is one method by which the truths and manifestations of revelation are dii-ectly brought before the contemplation of the soul. Prayer brings the mind to the immediate contem- plation of God's character, and holds it there, till by comparison and aspiration the beUever's soul is properly impressed, and his wants properly felt. 154 THILOSOPHY OP Tlie more subtle physical processes and affinities become, the better are the analogies which they furnish of jirocesses in tlie spiritual world. The influence of believing prayer has a good analogy in the recently discovered Daguerreotype. By means of this process, the features of natural objects are throM-n upon a sensitive sheet through a lens, and leave their impression upon that sheet. So when the chai-acter of God is, by means of prayer, brought to bear upon the mind of the believer — that mind being rendered sensitive by the Holy Spirit — it impresses there the Divine image. In this manner the image of Christ is formed in the soul, the existence of which the Scriptures represent as inspiring the believer with the hope of In the introductory clmpter it was sliown that the imi)ulse wliich leads men to worship proves a cui'se to the soul, where the objects worshipped are un- holy, and that the only remedy for the evil was the revelatio]! of a holy object for the supreme homage of the hvmian soul. So soon as a righteous and benevolent God is presented before the mind, then prayer becomes a blessing instead of a curse to the soul. Look at the subject in the form of a syllogism — ■ Man, by Avorshipping, becomes assimilated to the moral character of the object that he worships : Tlie God of the Bible, as manifest in Christ Jesus, is the only perfectly righteous and perfectly benevo- lent being ever worshipped by man : Therefore, man can become righteous and benevolent in no other way but by that wor- sliij) which will assimilate him to the God of the Jiiblc. And further, as it has been demonstrated that rigliteousness and benevolence produce the recti tude and the hai)piness — the greatest good — of the THE PLAN OF SALVATION. 155 soul, man can gain the great end of his heing only by that worship which assimilates his nature to tlie moral image of God. It follows, therefore, that prayer is a necessary and most important means of grace — a duty grow- ing out of the nature of the case, and a duty upon which depends, in a gi-eat measure, the well-being of the human spirit. The apostle miderstood the j^hilosophy of this subject \\hen he said — " But we all, with open face, beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image, from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord." Therefore it is tliat the commandment tliat men should pray is pi'esented in the Bible in every variety of language ; and it is constantly repeated by the inspired writers and by the Son of God liim- self, who commended, by his 2)recepts and example, private, social, and public prayer; and who taught by a parable that " men ought always to pray and not to famt." The itnjjortance of strong desire and imiwrtunity in jrrayer. It is impossible to produce gi-atefid feelings by granting a benefit for which the recipient has no desire. If a child asked for bread when it was not hungiy, and if, while the child had no feeling of want, its unfelt request was answered by its father, it coidd neither apin-eciate the gift, nor be giateful for it. The soul is so constituted, as has been fully shown, that it must really feel tlie need of tlie benefit, before it can appreciate its importance, or be grateful for the favour received. So it is in the case of the suppliant in i)rayer : if he has an anxious desire, a spirit of importunate solicitude, for the blessing which he asks, when he receives it, 150 PHILOSOPHY OF gratitude and praise will, as the consequence of gratified desire, spring up in the heart. Now, mark, if there was not a feeling of importunate desire in the mind of the suppliant, God could not be glori- fied, nor the creature benefited, by an answer to prayer. God could not be glorified, because his goodness would not be felt and acknowledged in the answer. And the creatiu-e could not be bene- fited, because it is the feeling of gratitude and praise in his own heart which constitutes the spiritual blessing, so far forth as the suppliant himself is concerned ; and this exercise is never produced, only so far as it is preceded by de- pendent and anxious desire for the blessing sought. "When tlie supplication is for spiritual blessing upon another individual, two minds are blessed by the answer, the individual prayed for, and the individual who prays. And if a thousand individuals desired spiritual mercies for that soul, God would be glorified by a thousand hearts, and a thousand hearts would be reciprocally blessed by the answer. The time may come, when all the angels in heaven, and all the saints upon earth, will be blessed by mercy bestowed upon a single indi- vidual ; when the last unregenerated sinner stands in solitary and awful rebellion upon the earth, should tidings be circulated through earth and heaven that he had submitted himself to God, and that his aflcctions bcgau to take hold on Christ, every being in the universe, who had strongly de- sired the conversion of the last sinner, would feel tlie thrill of "glory to God and good-will to men," arise in liis soul. It follows, therefore, that a fer- vent, imiiortunate state of mind, is, from the nature of the case, necessary, in order that God may be glorified, and man blessed, by the duty of prayer. It was in view of these constitutional THE PLAN OF SALVATIOX. 157 principles that Jesus constantly taught the ne- cessity of desire and importunity, in order that mercies might be received in answer to the suppli- cation of saints. •:< The importance of faith and a spirit of dependence upon God, as concomitants of accepitahle jjrayer. The necessity of faith, as a primary element in all acceptable rehgious exercises, has ah'eady been noticed. A feeling of entire dependence upon God for spiritual mercies is the only right feeling, because it is the only true feeling. As a matter of fact, the soul is eiitii-ely dependent u2)on God for spiiltual mercies; truth, therefore, requires that our dependence should be acknowledged and felt. But, further, without faith in God as the imme- diate bestower of mercies in answer to prayer, he could not be honoured for blessings received. Sup- pose two individuals desired with equally strong feelings the same blessing, and that both received it; each would rejoice alike in its reception: but suppose there was this difference in their state of mind, one regarded the blessing as coming imme- diately from God in answer to prayer, the other did not. The result would be, that the one who had faith in God would be filled with love to his Maker for the mercy — the other would rejoice in himself; or, at least, he would not rejoice in God. In the one case, God would be honoured and praised for his acts of grace ; in the other he would neither be honoured nor loved for his goodness. We do not present this illustration as applicable in all its bearings, because we do not suppose that * Matt. Y, 6; Luke xl. 5-10, andxviil. 1—14. 158 PHILOSOPHY OF the iinregenerate ever truly desire spiiitiial bless- ing till thoy are convicted of sin ; but it will make tlie j^oint clear to the reason of every one, that Grod cannot be honoured without faith ; and, therefore, *' without ftiith it is impossible to jdease him." It is necessary, according to the foregoing view of the subject, in order to offer acceptable prayer, that men should possess a spirit of faith and de- 2)ondence upon Christ. The principle upon wliich Christ acted in relation to this subject,- as well as his instruction concerning the duty of prayer, fully confirm the preceding thoughts. He seldom per- formed an act of mercy, by miracle or otherwise, unless those who received the mercy could see the hand of God in the blessing : — " If thou canst be- lieve thou mayest be cleansed," was his habitual sentiment. — As if he had said — Your desire for the blessing is manifest by your urgent requests ; now, if you can have faith to see God in the blessing, so that lie will be honoured and praised for conferring it, I will grant it ; but if you have no faith, you can receive no favour. And, again, in order that the believer might be brought into a state of dependence, and have his faith quickened every time that ho presented his supidications to God, Jesus said, looking forward to the time when lie would have perfected his ministry and atonement — "In that day ye shall ask me nothing, — whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in my name" — that is, depending on mo, the atoning, in- terceding Saviour — " lie will do it ;" and in another place he promised, "Whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do." Thus docs the instruction of the Saviour, make the believer entirely dependent upon liimsuh' when ho approaches the mercy-seat of the Most High. As tho Jews were constantly to THE PLAN OF SALVATION. 159 call to mind the deliverance from Egypt, in order that their feelings might be moved to love, de^iend- ence and laith towards their temporal deliverer, so the Christian is to call to mind the deliverance from spiritual bondage, by the sacrifice of Christ, in order that they may realise their dependence, and be in- spired with a spirit of faith and love towards their spiritual Deliverer. And because believers can thus depend upon Christ, and feel the mercy of God as it is manifested in the atonement, they are consti- tuted priests " to otfer up spiritual sacrifices, ac- ceptable to God by Jesus Christ." 2. — PRAISE, The truth which has been demonstrated in pre- vious chapters is again assumed, that the manifes- tations of God, in Christ Jesus, Vv'ould, when brought into eflicient contact ^^ith the soul, produce that active holiness in the heart, which is man's greatest good. And as the end to be accomplislied depends, under God, on those truths which are develoi)ed in the great plan of mercy being impressed upon the mind and the lieart, it follows that those means would be used, which, from then- nature, arc best adapted to give inlluence and impressiveness to the great truths of revelation. The influence of music upon the emotions of the soul is well known to every one — " There is in souls a sympatliy with sounds"— the soul is awakened, and invited by the spirit of the melody to receive the sentiment uttered in the song. Sweet, affecting music — not tlie tone of the piano, nor the peals of the organ — but a melo- dious air, sung by strong and well-discii)]inej voices, and accompanied by the fiute and viol — ICO PHILOSOPHY OF siicli music reaches the fountains of tliought and feeling, and, " Untwisting all the links that tie The hidden soul of harmony," it tinges the emotions with its own hues, whether plaintive or joyous ; and it fosters in the heart the sentiment which it conveys, whetlier it be love of country, or of God, admiration of noble achieve- ment, or of devoted and self-sacriticing affection. The power of music to fix in the memory the sentiment with which it is connected, and to foster it in the heart, has been understood in all ages of the world. Some of the early legislators wrote their laws in verse, and sang them in j)ublic places. And many of the earliest sketches of pri- mitive history are in the measures of l}Tic poetry. In this manner the memory was aided in retaining the facts ; the ear was invited to attend to them ; imagination threw around them the drapery of beauty, dignity, or power; and then, music con- veyed the sentiment, and mingled it with the emo- tions of the soul. It was in view of the power of music when united with sentiment adapted to afiect the heart, that one has said, " Permit me to write the ballads of a nation, and I care not who makes her laws." When tlie effects of music and poetry upon the soul are considered, we can perceive their import- ance as a means of fostering the Christian virtues in the soul of the believer. They should be used to convey to tlie mind sublime and elevating con- ceptions of the attributes of Jehovah — to imi^ress the memory with the most affecting truths of revp- lation, and especially to cherish in the heart tender and vivid emotions of love to Christ, in view of the manifestations of Divine justice and mercy THE PLAN OF SALVATION. IGl exhibited in his ministry, liis passion, and his sacrifice.* There cannot be found, in all the resources of thought, material which would furnish sentiment for music so subduing and overpowering as the history of redemption. There is the lil'e of Jesus — a series of acts Godlike in their benevolence, connected at times with exhibitions of Divine power, and of human character, in their most affecting aspects. And as the scenes of Christ's eventful ministry converge to the catastrophe, there is the tenderness of liis love for the discij^les ; the last supper ; the scene in Gethsemane; the Mediator in the hall of judg- ment, exhibiting the dignity of truth and conscious virlue, amidst the tempest of human passion by which he is suiTounded. Then the awful moral and elemental grandem* of the crucifixion; the Saviour, nailed to the cross by his own crcatui-es, crying, " Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do;" and then, while darkness shrouds the sun, and " nature, tln-ough all her works, gives signs of woe," he cries, "It is finished ! and gave up the ghost." Thus did the dark stream of human depravity roll, " Till a rainbow broke upon its gloom. Which spanned the portals of the Saviour's tomb," Such exhibitions of sublimity and power, when clothed with the influence of music, and impressed upon a heart rendered sensitive by Divine influence, are adaj»te'.l to make the most al)iding and blessed impressions " "My heart, awake !— to feel is lo be fired ; And to believe, lyorenzo, is to feel." * "The proper draperj- for music is truth. It is its only ap- parel, whether as applied to God, or as used for the cultivation of man."— ii rasTjjas. 162 mlLOSOPHY OF It follows, from the preceding Yiews, that in selecting the means to impress the mind with religions truth, and the heart with pious senti- ment, music and poetry could not be neglected'. There is not in nature another means which would compensate for the loss of their influence. We do not mean to say that their influence is as gi-eat as some other means in impressing the truths of revelation upon the soul ; but their influence is peculiar and delightful, and without it the system of means would not be perfect. We see, therefore, the reasons why music and poetry were introduced as a means of impressing revealed truth, both under the old and the new dispensations. Moses not only made the laws, but he made, likewise, the so-ngs of the nation. These songs, in some instances, all the people were re- quired to learn, in order that then* memoiy might retain, and their heart feel, the influence of the events recorded in their national anthems. Music held a conspicuous place in the worship of the temple; and under the new dispensation, it is sanctioned by the express example of Jesus, and specifically commanded hj the apostles : the exam- ()l6 is given in connexion with the institution of the eucharist, which was to commemorate the most aficcting scene in the history of God's love ; and the command is in such words a« indicate the effects of music upon the heart : " Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord; giving thanks always for all things imto God and the Father, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ." Upon this subject, as upon some others, the apostolic churches fell into some abuses; yet the high praises of God and the Lamb have always been celebrated in poetry and music by THE PLAN OF SALVATION. 103 the churcli of Clirist. One of the first notices of the Cliristians by pagan writers, speaks of them as "singing a hymn to Christ, as to a God;" thus showing that the principles established in the pre- ceding views were recognised by the early disciples, who nsed mnsic as a means of fostering in their ^parts love to the Saviour. I'^As in the case of the primitive •Christians, so §yery regenerated heart delights in snch spiritual songs as speak of Clirist as an atoning Saviour. And those only are qualified to write hymns for the church whose hearts are affected by the love of Jesus. On this account, some of the hymns of Cowper, Charles Wesley, Watts, and Newton, will last while the church on earth lasts, and jierhaps longer. Thousands of Christian hearts have glowed witli emotion, while they sang, Tliere is a fountain fill'd with blood, Drawn from Immanuel's veins ; And sinners plung'd bsneath that flood Lose all tlieir guilty stains. Or, Rock of Apes, cleft for nie, Let me hide myself in Thee. Thousands have been awakened to duty and to prayer, by tliat solemn hymn. I.o, on a narrow neck of land, 'Twixt two unbounded seas I stand, Yet how insensible ! And it would not have been pof^sible for any but Christian poet to have written the line^-, Her noblest life my spirit draws From his dear wounds and bleeding side. 164 PHILOSOPHY OF 3. — PREACHING, It has been said that the truths and manifesta- tions of revelation are the elements of moral power, which, being brought into efficient contact with the soul, are effective in rectifying and regulating its exercises. A medicine may be prepared in which are inherent qualities adapted to remove a par- ticular disease; but in order to the accomplishment of its apj^ropriate effect, it must be brought to act npon the body of the patient. And if the disease has rendered the patient not only unconscious of his danger, but has induced upon him a deep lethargy of mind, it would be necessary that the physician shoidd arouse his dormant faculties, in order that he might receive the medicine which would restore him to health. So with the moral diseases of the soul ; the attention and sensibilities of men must be awakened, in order that the truth may affect their understanding, their conscience, and their heart. Whatever, therefore, is adapted to attract the attention and move the sensibilities, at the same time that it conveys truth to the mind, would be a means peculiarly efficient to impress the gospel upon the soul. There are but two avenues through which moral truth reaches the soul. And there are but two methods by which it can bo conveyed through those avenues. By the living voice, truth is com- municated through the ear ; and by the signs of language it is communicated through the eye. The first of these methods — the living voice — has many advantages over all other means, in convey- ing and impressing truth. It is necessary that an individual sliould read with case in order to be b^Mefited by what he reads. The efforts which a THE PLAN OF SALVATION. 105 Lad reader lias to make, both disincline liiin to the task of reading, and hinder his api)reciation of truth. Besides, a large proportion of the human faimly cannot read, hut all can understand their own language when spoken. In order, therefore, that the whole human family might be instructed, the hving speaker would be the first, and best, and uatm-al metliod. The living speaker has power to arrest attention — to adapt his language and illustrations to the character and occupation of his audience ; and to accompany his communications with those emotions and gestures, which are adapted to arouse and impress his hearers. It is evident, from these considerations, that among the means which God would appoint to disseminate his truth through the world, the living teacher would hold a first and important place. — This result is in conformity with the arrangements of Jesus. He appointed a living ministry ; endowed them with the ability to speak the languages of other nations ; and commissioned them to go into aU the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. In connexion with this subject, there is one other inquiiy of importance. It concerns not only the harmony of the gospel system wdth the nature of things, but likewise the harmony of apostolic prac- tice with what has been shown to be necessary in order that the truths of the gospel might produce their legitimate effect upon the mind. It has been demonstrated that a sense of man's guilt and danger must exist in the mind, before there can be gratitude and love to the being who removes the guilt and rescues from the danger. It has hkewise been noticed, as a self-evident prin- ciple, that, before repentance, there must be 166 PHILOSOPHY OF con\-iction of sin. A sense of guilt and error must necessarily precede reformation of life. A man cannot conscientiously turn from a course of life, and repent of past conduct, unless he sees and feels the error and the evil of that course from which he turns. To suppose that a man would turn from a course of life which he neither thought nor felt to he wrong or dangerous, is to suppose an absurdity : it follows, therefore, that the preacher's first duty, in endeavouring to reclaim men to holiness and to God, would he, in all cases, to present such trutlis as were adapted to convict their hearers of tlieir spiritual guilt and danger. As God has constituted the mind, repentance fi-om sin and attainment to holiness would for ever ho imi:»ossible on any other conditions. But the same truths would not convict all men of sin. In order to convict any particular man, or class of men, of sin, those facts must be fastened upon with which they have associated the idea of moral good and evil, and concerning which they are i)articularly guilty. Thus, in the days of the apostles, the Gentiles could not be convicted of sin for rejecting and crucifying Christ ; but, it being a fact in tlie case of the Jews, that all their ideas of good and evil, both temporal and spiritual, were associated with the Messiah, nothing in all the catalogue of guilt woidd be adapted to convict them of sin so jJowerfuUy, as the thought that they liad despised and crucilied the Messiah of God. Oji the other hand, the heathen, upon whom the charge of rejecting Christ would have no influence, could be convicted of sin only by showing thoni the falsehood and folly of their idolatry ; the lioly character of the true God, and the righteous nnd spiritual nature of the law which tliey were bound to obey, and by which they would finally be judged. THE PLAN OF SALVATION. 107 The first preachers of tha gospel, tlierefore, in con- formity with these principles, would aim first, and directly, to convince then- hearers of theii- sins, and in accomplishing this end, they would fasten upon those facts in which the guilt of their hearers more particularly consisted. And then, when men weie thus convicted of tlieir guilt, the salvation through Chiist from sin and its penalty, would he pressed upon their anxious souls ; and tliey would he taught to exercise faith in Jesus, as the meritorious cause of life, pardon, and happiness. Now, the apostolical histories fully confirm the fact, that this course — the only one consistent with truth, philosophy, and tlie nature of man — was the course pursued hy the primitive preachers. The first movement, after they were endowed with the gift of tongues, and filled with the Holy Ghost, was the sermon by Peter, on the day of Pentecost, in which he directly charged the Jews with the murder of the Messiah, and jn-oduced in thousands of minds convictions of the most pungent and overwhelming description. At Athens, Paul, in preaching to the Gentiles, pursued a diflerent course. He exposed the folly of their idolatry, by appealing to their reason, and their own acknow- ledged authorities. He spoke to them of the guilt which they would incur if they refused, under the light of the gospel, to forsake the errors which God, on account of past ignorance, had overlooked. He then closed by turning their attention to the righteous retributions of the eternal world, and to the appointed day when man would be judged by Jesus Christ, according to his gospel. The manner in which the apostles jjresented Christ crucified to tlie penitent and convicted sinner, as the object of faith, and the means of pardon, and the hope of glory, is abundantly 168 PHILOSOPHY OP THE PLA.N OF SALVATION. exliibited in the Acts of the Apostles, and in their several epistles to the churches. Thus did God, by the appointment of the living preacher as a means of spreading the gospel, adapt himself to the constitution of his creatures: and the apostles, moved by Divine guidance, likewise adapted the truth wliich they preached to tlje peculiar necessities and cu-cimistances of men. CHAPTER XV [II. CONCERNING THE AGENCY OF GOD IN CARRYING ON THE WORK OF REDEMPTION, AND THE MANNER IN WHICH THAT AGKN'CY IS EXERTED. God liaviiig thus devised the plan, and manifested the truth, and instituted the means of redemption ; the inquiry naturally presents itself — In what way would he put the ])lan into operation, and give efficiency to the means of grace ? We cannot suppose that God would put his own institution heyond his power, or that he would leave it to he managed hy the imperfect wisdom and the limited power of human instruments, God would not prepare the material, devise the plan, ada])t the parts to each other, furnish the instru- ments for huilding, and then neglect to supervise and complete the structure. God has put none of his works heyond his power ; and especially in a plan of which he is the Author and Architect, reason suggests that he would guide it to its ac- compiisliment. Tlie inquuy is — By v.hat agency, and in what vvay, would the jDower of God he exerted, in carrying into efficient oj^eration upon the souls of men, the system of saving mercy ? In relation to the character of the agency, the solution is clear. The agoncy hy whicli the plan of salvation would be carried forward to its ultimate consummation would he spiritual in its nature : because God is a Spirit, and the soul of 170 PHILOSOPHY OF man is a spirit, and tlic end to be accomplished is to lead men to worship God "in spirit and in truth." In relation to the mode of the Spirit's operation, some things belong to that class of inquiries upon which the mind may exert its powers in vain. — The mode by which God communicates life to any thing in the vegetable, animal, or spiritual world, lies beyond the reach of the human intellect But although man cannot imderstand the modus operandi of the Divine mind, in communicating life, yet the manifestations of life, and the medium through which it operates, arc subjects 0]>en to human examination. Whether the influence of the Spirit be directly upon the soul, or mediately by means of truth, the end accomplished would be the same. The soul might be quickened to sec and feel the i)ower of the truth ; or, by the Spirit, truth might be rendered powerful to aflect the soul. The wax might be softened to receive the impression, or the seal heated, or a power exerted upon it, to make the impression on the wax ; or, both might be done, and still the result woidd bo the same. It is not only necessary that the metal shoidd be prepared to receive the imjiression of a die, but it is likewise necessary that the die should be prepared and adapted to tlie particular kind of metal — the image and the superscription of the king put upon it — the macliinery prepared and adapted to hold the die and apply it to the metal, and after all these tilings necessary arc done, the coin can never bo made, inilcss power is exerted to strike the die into the metal, or the motnl into the die. So it is in the processes of the spiritual world ; the material [mankind] must be prepared. The die [the truth of the gospel system] must be revealed and adapted to the material; and the image to bo impressed upon human natiu-e [the Lord Jesus G 3 THE PLAN OF SALVATION. 171 Christ] and the superscription, [glory to God and good-will to men] must be cut upon the die. Then the means of bringing the truth into contact -^-ith the material must be provided ; and, after all these preparations and adaptations, there must be the power of the Holy Spirit to guide the whole pro- cess, and to form the image of Christ in the soul. The foregoing is a complicated analogy, but not more complicated than are the processes of the animal and sph-itual world. Look at the human body, with its thousands of adaptations, all of them necessary to the system, the whole dependent upon the use of means for the supply of animal life; and yet deriving fj-om God its rational life, which operates through and actuates the whole. In like manner, the Spirit of God operates through and guides the processes of the plan of salvation. The Scriptures reveal the truth clearly, that the Spirit of God gives eflGiciency to the means of grace. And not only this, but he operates in accordance with those necessary principles which have been develoj)ed in the progress of these chapters. Christ instructed his disciples to expect that he would send the Holy Spirit, and when he is come, said Jesus, " He will reprove the world of sin, of righte- ousness, and of judgment;" that is, the Holy Spirit will produce conviction of sin in the hearts of the unsanctified and impenitent : — the office-work of the Spirit of God in relation to the world, is to con- vince of sin. In relation to the saints, he exercises a different office. He is their Comforter. He takes of the things that belong to Jesus, and shows them to his 2>eople.* That is, he causes the people of God to see more and more of the excellency, and the glory, and the mercy manifested in a crucified * John xvi. r— 14. 172 PHILOSOPHY OF Saviour ; aud, by this blessed influence, they gi'OW in grace, and in the knowledge of Jesus Christ." Christ, by his ministry and death, furnished the facts necessary for human salvation: the Holy Spirit uses those facts to convict and sanctify the heart. Paul, in a passage already noticed, alludes to the influence of the Spirit operating by the ap- ].)ointed means of prayer, or devout meditation. " But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Si)irit of the Lord," Further: At what jimcture, in the progress of the great ])ln.n of salvation, would this agency be most powerfully exerted? We answer, at the time when the whole moral machinery of the dispensation tin-ough which the eifebt was to be ]n-oduced, was completed. Whatever is designed and adapted to produce a definite result as an instnnnent, nnist be completed before it is put into operation, otlierwise it will not produce the definite effect required. An imperfect system pat into operation would produce an imperfect result. Here a special effect was to be produced ; it was necessary, tlierefore, that tlie truth should be revealed, and the manifestations all made, before the power was imparted to give them effect. Under the new dispensation, the greatest and most imposing manifestations were the deatli, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus : had the system been put into operation before these crown- ing manifestations were made, the great end of the gospel would not have been accom])lished. It follows, then, that tlic material would be first pre- pared, the manifestations made and adapted to the material, the ai)projniatc means ordained, and then the agency of the Spirit would be introduced to THE PLAN OF SALVATION. 173 guide the dispensation to its ultimate triumphs, and to give efficiency to its operations. These deductions harmonize with the teachings of the Scriptures. First, They expressly teacli, that without the agency of God, no perfect result is accomplished. Secondly, They everywhere represent that the Divine agency is exerted through the truth u])on the soul, or exerted to awaken the soul to appre- hend and receive the truth. Thirdly, The Spirit was not fully communicated until the whole economy of the gospel disj^ensation was completed. The apostles were instructed to assemble at Jerusalem after the ascension, and wait till they were endued with power from on high. On the day of Pentecost, the promised Spirit descended. The apostles at once perceived the spiritual nature of Christ's kingdom. Tliey spoke in demonstration of the Spirit, and with power. Men were convicted of sin in their hearts. Sinners were converted to Christ, by repentance and faith ; and under the guidance of that Divine Spirit, the plan of salvation moves on to its high and glorious consummation, when " the kingdoms of this world shall become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ." " Amen : even so, come. Lord Jesus." CHAPTER XIX. CONCEKNING THE PRACTICAL EFFECTS OF THE SYSTEM. The evidence wliich the Lord Jesus Christ pro- posed as proof of the Divinity of the gos^jel system, was its practical effect upon individuals who receive and ohey the truth. " If any man will do his will, lie shall know of the doctrine, whether it be of God." If a sick man calls a physician, who prescribes a certain medicine, which, by his receiving it accord- ing to the directions, cures him, he then knows both the efficacy of the medicine, and the skill of the physician. Experience is evidence to the Sc'iintsof the Divinity of the system. And its eftccts, in re- storing the soul to moral health, is evidence to the world of the Divine efficacy and power of its doctrines. " By thek fruits ye shall know them." In closing our volume, therefore, we have now only briefly to inquire what ara the ascertained j)ractical effertts of faith in Christ? We shall not refer to the moral condition of man in coimtries under the inffiicnce of the gospel, com- pared with his condition in pagan lands. We will not dwell upon the fact which, of itself, is sufficient to establish at once and for ever the Divine origin of evangelical religion, and the truth of the dis- tinctive views developed in the preceding chapters — that the most holy men and women that have ever lived, have been those who exercised most constant PHILOSOPHY OF THE PLAN OF SALVATION. 175 and implicit faitli in Christ. Passing these facts, important in themselves, we will close our volume by a statement of facts concerning the present influence of faith in Christ npon individuals now living, and subject to the examination of any one who might be sceptical npon the subject. The following is a true statement of the influence of the religion of Jesus npon several individual members of a village church in one of the United States. It is composed of members of common in- telligence, and those in the common walks of life. Other chinches might have been selected in which, perliaps, a greater number of interesting cases might have been found. And there are other individuals in this church that would furnish as good an illus- tration of the power of the gospel as some of those which are noticed below. This church has been selected, because the writer had a better opportu- nity of visiting it in order to obtain the facts, than any other in which he knew the power of the reli- gion of Christ was experienced. With the individuals spoken of I am well ac- quainted, having frequently conversed with them all, on the subjects of which I shall speak. Their words in all cases may not have been remembered, but the sense is truly given. Case I. — An old man, who has been a professor of religion from early life. He was once a deacon, or elder, of the chm-ch. Twenty years ago he was struck with paralysis, by which he has been ever since confined almost entirely to his room. His situation is one that, to a mind which had no in- ward consolation, would l)0 irksome in the extreme. His books are the Bible and one or two volumes of the old divines. He is patient and happy ; 'and speaking of the love of Christ almost invariably suiiiises his eyes with tears. He delights to dwell 176 PHILOSOPHY OB on religious subjects; and to talk with a jiious friend of the topics which his heart loves, gives him evident delight. Eecently, his aged companion, who had trodden the path of life with him, from youth to old age, died in his lu-esence. She died, what is called by Christians, a triumphant death ; lier last words Avere addressed to her children who stood around — "I see the cross" — a gleam of plea- sure passed over her features, her eyes lighted up with peculiar brightness, she said, " Blessed Jesus, the last hour is come : I am ready !" and thus she departed. At her death, the old man wept freely, and wept aloud ; but his sorrow, ho said, was mingled with a sweet joy. How desolate would have been the condition of this poor cripple for the last twenty years without the consolations of faith in Clmst ! And when his aged companion died, who had for years sat by his side, how appalling woidd have hecn the gloom that would have settled upon his soul, had not his mind been sustained by heavenly hope ! His case shows that the reUgion of Christ will keep the aifections warm and tender even to the latest periods of old age, and give happiness to the soul under circumstances of the most severe temporal bereavement. Case 2. — A converted atheist. I knew that there were those in the world who professed to doubt the existence of a God; but I had met with no one in all my intercourse with mankind, who seemed so sincerely and so entirely an atheist, as the individual whose case is now introduced. The first time that I met him was at the house of his son-in-law, a gentleman of piety and intelligence. His appearance was that of a decrepid, disconsolate old ^nau. hi the course of conversation ho un- hesitatingly exi)rcssed his unbelief of the existence of a God, and his suspicion of the motives of most THE PLAN OF SALVATION, 177 of those who professed religion. I learned from others that he had ceased in some measure to have intercom-se with men — had become misanthropic in his feelings, regarding manldnd in the light of a family of sharks, preying upon each other; and his own duty in such a state of things, he supposed to be, to make all honest endeavours to wrest from the grasp of others as much as he could. He used profane language, opposed the temperance refor- mation, and looked with the deepest hatred upon the ministers of religion. His social affections seemed to be withered, and his body, sjinpatliizing, was distorted and diseased by rheumatic pains. 1. Tliis old man had for years been the subject of sj^ecial prayer on the part of his pious daughter and his son-in-law ; and he was finally persuaded by them to attend a season of religious worship in the .church of which they were members. During these services, which lasted several days, he passed from a state of atheism to a state of faith. The change seemed to surprise every one, and himself as much as any other. From being an atheist, he became the most simple and impUcit believer. He seemed like a being M^ho had waked up in another world, the sensations of which were all new to liim ; and although a man of sound sense in business affairs, when he began to express his religious ideas, his language seemed strange and incongi'uous, from the fact that, while his soul was now filled with new thoughts and feelings, he had no knowledge of the language by which such thoughts are usually ex- pressed. The effects produced by his conversion were as follows — stated at one time to myself, and upon another occasion to one of tlie most eminent medical practitioners in this country : — One of the first things which he did after his conversion, was to love, in a practical manner, his worst enemy 178 PHILOSOPHY OF There was one man in the village, who had, as he supijosed, dealt treacherously with him, in some money transactions which had occurred between them. On this account, personal enmity had long existed between the two individuals. ^Vhen con- verted, he sought his old enemy — asked his forgive- ness ; and endeavoiu-ed to benefit him by bringing him under the influence of the gospel. 2. His benevolent feelings were awakened and expanded. His first benevolent oifering was tv/enty- five cents, in a collection for charitable uses. He now gives very liberally, in proportion to his means, to all objects which he thinks will advance the interests of the gospel of Christ. Besides supporting his own church and her benevolent institutions, no enterprise of any denomination which he really believes will do good, fails to receive something from him, if he has the means. During the last year, he has given more with the design of bene- fiting his fellow-men than he had done in his whole lifetime before. 3. His affections have received new life. He said to me, in conversation upon the subject: " One part of the Scrijitures I feel to be true — that which says, I will take away the hard and stony heart, and give you a heart of flesh. Once I seemed to have no feeling; now, thank God, I can feel. I have buried two wives and six childi-en, but I never shed a tear — I felt hard and imhappy — now my tears flow at the recollection of these things," The tears at that time wet the old man's cheeks. It is not probable, that, since his conversion, there has been a single week that he has not shed tears; before conversion he had not wept since the age of manliood. An exhibition of the love of Christ will, at any time, move liis feelings with gratitude and love, until the tears moisten his eves. THE PLAN OF SALVATION. 179 4. Effect upon his life. Since his conversion he has not ceased to do good as he has had opportunity. Several individuals have been led to repent and believe in Christ through his instrumentality. Some of these were individuals whose former habits ren- dered a change of character very improbable in the eyes of most individuals. (One of them, who had fallen into the habit of intemperance, is now a respectable and happy father of a respectable Chris- tian family.) He has been known to go to several families on the sameday, pray with them, and invite them to attend religious worship on the sabbath, And when' some ditficulty was stated as a hindrance to their attendance, he has assisted them to buy shoes, and granted other little aids of the kind, in order that they might be induced to attend .Divine service. [Since the first edition was issued, a most remarkable fact concerning this old man has come to the knowledge of the author. When converted, one of his first acts, although he had heard nothing of any such act in others, was to make out a list of all his old associates then living within reach of his infl[iience. For the conversion of these he deter- mined to labour as he had opportunity, and pray daily. On his list were one hundred and si.\teen names, among whom were sceptics, drunkards, and other individuals as little likely to be reached by Christian influence as any other men in the region. Within two years from the peiiod of the old man's conversion, one hundred of these individuals Jiad made a ju-ofession of religion. We can hardly sup- pose that the old man was instrumental in the con- version of all these persons ; yet the fact is one of the most remarkable that has been developed in the progress of Christianity.] 5. Eftect upon his liappiness. In a social meet- ing of the church where he worships, I heard him 180 PHILOSOPHY OF make such an expression as tliis — " I have rejoiced but once since I trusted in Christ — that has been all the time." His state of mind may be best described in his own characteristic language. One day he was repairing his fence. An individual passing addressed him — '* Mr. , you are at work all alone." " Not alone," said the old man, " God is with me." He ' said that his work seemed easy to him, and his peace of mind continued with scarcely an interruption. I saw him at a time when he had just received intelligence that a son, who had gone to the south, had been shot in a per- sonal altercation, in one of the southern cities. The old man's parental feeUngs were moved, but he seemed, even under this sudden and most dis- tressing affliction, to derive "strong cQnsolation from trust in God. 6. Physical effects of the moral change. As soon as his moral natm*e had undergone a change, his body, by sympathy, felt the benign influence. His countenance assumed a milder and more intelligent aspect. He became more tidy in his ai'»parel, and his ' thousand pains,' in a good measure, left him. In his case, there seemed to be a renovation both of soul and body. This case is not exaggerated : the old man is living, and there are a thousand living witnesses to this testimony, among whom is an intelligent physician, who, hearing the old man's history of his feelings, and having known him personally for years, the obvious effects which the faith in Christ had produced in this case, combined with other influences by which he was surrounded, led liim seriously to examine the subject of religion, as it concerned his own spiritual interest. By tliis ex- amination he was led to relinquish the system of * rational religion,' (as the Socinian system is most THE PLAN OF SALVATION. 181 inappropriately called by its adherents,) and profess his faith in orthodox religion. Case 3. — Two individuals, who have always been poor in this world's goods, but who are rich in faith. Many years ago, they lived in a new settlement where there were no religious services. The neighboiu-hood, at the suggestion of one of its members, met together on the sabbath, to sing sacred music, and to hear a sermon read. Those sermons were the means of the conversion of the mother of the family. She lived an exemplary hfe, but her husband still continued impenitent, and became somewhat addicted to intemperance. Some of the children of the family, as they reached mature years, were converted ; the husband, and finally, after a few years, all the remaining children, embraced religion. From the day of the husband's conversion he di-ank no more liquor, and, he says, he always afterwards thought of the habit with abhorrence. The old people live alone. The old woman's sense of hearing has so failed that she hears but imperfectly. When the weather will allow, she attends church regularly, but sometimes hears but little of the sermon. She sits on the sabbath and looks up at the minister, with a countenance glowing with an interested and happy expression. She has joy to know that the minister is preaching about Christ. The minister once described religion possessed, as a spring of living water, flowing from the rock by the w^ay-side, which yields to the weary traveller refi'eshment and delight: the old lady, at the close, remarked, with meekness, " I hope 1 have drunk, many times, of those sweet waters." Except what concerns their particular domestic duties, the conversation of this aged pair is almost entirely religious. They are devout, and very 182 PHILOSOPHY OF liappy in each other's society; and sometimes in their family devotions and religious conversations, their hearts glow with love to God. They look for- ward to death with the consoling hope that they will awake in the likeness of the glorious Saviour, and so " be for ever with the Lord." Case 4. — A female who early in life united with the church, and conscientiously performed the external duties of Christian lite. She had, for many years, little if any happiness in the perform- ance of her religious duties, yet would have been more unhappy if she had not performed them. She married a gentleman who, during the last years of his life, was peculiarly devoted. During this period, in attending upon the means of grace she experienced ah entire change in her religious feel- ings. She felt, as she says, that " now she gave up all for Cln-ist. She felt averse to everything wliieh she believed to be contrary to his will. — To the will of Jesus she could now submit for ever, M'ith joyful and entire confidence. — She now loved to pray, and found hajipiness in obeying the Saviour." She made, as she believes, at that time, an entire surrender of all ]ier interests, for time and eternity, to Christ, and since then, her labours in liis service have been happy labours. Before they M'cre constrained by conscience, now tliey are prompted by the affections. She does not think she was not a ( 'hristian before. She had repented in view of the law, but she had not, till the time mentioned, exercised affectionate faith in Christ.-i= She now often prays most solicit- ously for the conversion of sinners and the sanctifi- cation of the church. She loves to meet weekly in. tlie female circle for prayer, and lal)Ours to induco * Are there not inany in all the ehin-chcs who have been con- victed of sin, and v.ho have perhaps repented, tut liave not excr» cised full faith in Christ ? THE PLAN OF SALVATION. 183 Others to attend with her. Her little son, nine years of age, is, as she hopes, a Christian; and her daugh- ter, just approaching the years of womanhood, has recently united with the church. Two years since, her hushand died under circumstances peculiarly afflicting. She prayed for resignation, and never felt any disposition to miurmur against the provi- dence of God. She sometimes hlamed herself that she had not thought of other expedients to prolong, if possible, the life of one that she loved so tenderly ; hut to God she looked up with submission, and said in spirit, " The cup which my Father hath given me, shall I not drink it ?" Her husband she views as a departed saint, whom she expect-s to meet in a better world. She cherishes his memory with an affection that seems peculiarly sacred ; and the remembrance of his piety is a consoling association connected with the recollections of one now in heaven.^ A single incident develops the secret of that piety which gives her peace, and makes her useful. — One of the last times that I saw her, she stated, in conversation upon the subject, that a short time before, she had read a sabbath school book, wliich one of her children had received, in which was a representation of Christ bearing his cross to Calvary. While contemplating this scene, love and gratitude -sprang up in her heart, which were subduing, sweet, and peaceful beyond expression ! How is it, reader, that the contemplation of such a scene of suffering should cause such blessed emotions to spread like a rich fragrance through the soul, and rise in sweet incense to God? It is the holy secret of the cross * That the marriage bond becomes more sacred, and the recip- rocal duties of affection more tender, between two hearts that botli love Jesus, I have no doubt. The feeh'ngs of this pious •widow favour the supposition; and the facts recorded in the biogrs' phies of Edwards, Fletcher, and Corvosso, fully confirm it. 184 PHlLOSOrHY OF THE PLAN OF SALVATION. of Christ ! which none but the saints know, and even tlicy cannot communicate \^ CONCLUSION, Allow the author to say, in closing, that it is liis opinion, that, in view of the reasonings and facts in-esented in tlie preceding pages, every individual who reads the hook intelligently, and who is in pos- session of a sound and unprejudiced reason, will come to the conclusion, that the religion of the Bible is from God, and Divinely adapted to pro- duce the greatest present and eternal spiritual good of the human family. And if anyone should doubt its Divine origin, (which, in view of its adaptations and its effects as herein developed, would involve tlie absurdity of doubting whether an intelligent design had an intelligent designer,) still, be the origin of the gospel where it may, in heaven, earth, or hell, the demonstration is conclusive, that it is the only religion possible for man, in order to per- fect his nature, and restore liis la^jsed powers to harmony and holiness. * Thomas ;i Kempis endeavoured to give expression to the con- sciousness of the Divine life in the soul — " Frequens Christi visi- tatio cum homine interno, dulcis, sermocinatio, grata cousolatio, multa pax," etc. THE RELIGIOUS TKACT SOCIEXY : INSTITUIED l790t UC SOUTHE B 000 001 983 6 I ^li jiini'iH".,, /l