90C N53 UC-NRLF CO 1 >- 1 Vlitl^ , ' - l>^> i-l> *"KIf*.!* A LIST OF AMERICAN DRAMAS IN THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY 1916 A LIST OF AMERICAN DRAMAS IN THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY I916 r. NOTE A fczi' l>lays by English authors hai'C been included in this list. In alt cases these are plays uritlen by authors whose long residence here has identified them tvith America. A few adaptations of plays originally Xicrillen by European authors have also been included under the names of the adapters. To the list as it first appeared in the Bulletin a number of titles have been added, while a few errors have been cor- rected. A title inde.v has also been added. Thanks are due to Professor Brander Matthews, of Columbia University, and President /•". IV. Atkinson, of the Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn, for suggestions and criticism. The plays in this list are in the Reference Department of the Library, and must be consulted in the Central Building, Fifth .Ivenue and Forty-second Street. They may not be borrowed for use outside the building. The Branches of the Library oxen many standard and many contemporary plays which may be borrowed for hopne use. RimiNTiD Jakcaiiv 1916 FROU THE HuLLKTiN OP The New Vork Public Libraey OP OCTOMII 1915 form (t-IB tkl-«-U tMt LIST OF AMERICAN DRAMAS IN THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Compiled by Daniel C. Haskell Adams, Justin. The limit of the law. A drama in five acts. Boston: W. H. Baker [Cop. 1896|. 40 p. 12°. (Baker's edition of plays.) NBL p.v.5, no.lS Adams, Oscar Fay. A motley jest: Shakespearean diversions. [A Shakespear- ean fantasy. The merchant of Venice: act sixth. 1 Boston: Sherman. French & Co.. 1909. 5 p.l.. 64 p. 12°. * NCS Aiken, George L. Uncle Tom's cabin; or. Life among the lowly. A domestic drama, in six acts. Dramatized bv George L. Aiken. New York: S. French (1858?,. 60 p. 12°. (French's standard drama, no. 217.) NCOF The Library has three prompter's copies, each interleaved, and with ms. notes. Akins, Zee. Papa; an amorality in three acts. New York: Mitchell Kennerley, (Modern drama se- NBM wonderful lamp. A As produced at Bar- 1913. ix, 95 p. 12°. ries.) Aladdin; or. The drama in three acts. num's Museum, New York, March 17th, 1856... New York: O. A. Roorbach, Jr., 1856. 2 p.l., (1)4-22 p. 12°. (The acting drama, no. 18.) NBM p.v.4 Alderman, Joseph Sorell. The net. (Yale Sheffield monthly. New Haven, 1915. 8'. V. 22, p. 5-14.) OA Aldrich, Thomas Bailey. Mercedes, and later lyrics. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin and Company, 1884. Ill p. 12°. NBI Pauline Pavlova. A drama in one act. [In verse.] Boston: Houghton, Mif- flin & Co. [Cop. 1890.) 1 p.l., 11 p. 12°. NBLp.v.6,no.2 ■ The set of turquoise: a dramatic sketch. (In his: The ballad of Babie Bell, and other poems. New York, 1859. 12°. p. 85-112.) NBI Alexander, William Patterson. Queen Kapiolani. (Yale Sheffield monthly. New Haven, 1914. 8°. v. 21, p. 117-123.) OA Allen, Ethan. Washington; or, The Revolution. A drama. . .founded upon the historic events of the war for American in- dependence. . . London: F. T. Neely rcop. 1894-99,. 2 V. in 1. 12°. NBM Allender, George. Imbroglio: a drama. San Francisco: S. Carson & Co., 1885. 186 p. 12°. NBM Allingham, John Till. 'Tis all a farce. A farce, in two acts. [By J. T. Allingham.) .'\s performed at the Philadelphia Theatre. Philadelphia: published by R. H. Lanfes- tey, 1834. 30 p. 16°. (Lanfestey's edition.) NBLp.v.16, no.l An American wife. A comedy in four acts. [18— ?i 4 pamphlets. 4°. t NCOF Prompter's copy, typewritten. Amory, Esmerie. The epistolary flirt, in four exposures. Chicago: Way & Wil- liams, 1896. 100 p., 1 1. 16°. NBM Anderson, Edward Lowell. Nero, the parricide; an historical play in four acts. fBy E. L. Anderson.) [In verse.) (Cincin- nati,) 1870. 47 p. 8°. NBLp.v.ll,no.l2 Andre, R. Food for powder. A vaude- ville [in 2 actsj. Chicago: The Dramatic Pub. Co. (1891.) 24 p. 12°. (American amateur drama.) NBL p.v.5, no.7 The Animated portrait. An extrava- ganza in three acts. n. p., n. d. 33 p. 12°. NBL p.v.21, no.l Armstrong, L. O. Hiawatha or Nana- bozho. An Ojibway Indian play. De- scriptive notes and excerpts [from Long- fellow's Hiawatha) to be used as a libretto for Hiawatha or Nanabozho, an Ojibway Indian play. n. p., 1901. 30 p. illus. 8°. NBL p.v.25, no.l Arnold, Alexander Streeter. In the nick of time. A serio-comic drama in three acts. Boston: W. H. Baker & Co. [Cop. 1892.) 35 p. 12°. (Baker's edition of plays.) NBLp.v.l9, no.l9 Arnold, George, and Frank Cahill. Parlor theatricals: or, Winter evenings' entertainment... New York: Dick & Fitzgerald [Cop. 1859). 3 p.l., 9-152 p. 12°. MZB Arnold, James Oliver. Historical drama and tableaux, Uncle Tom's freedom... [Dayton, O.,) 1893. 36 p. 8°. NBL p.v.25, no.2 [3: 326079 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Arnold, Samuel James. The devil's bridge, an opera, in three acts. Philadel- phia: T. H. Palmer, 1822. 55 p. 16°. NCOF Prompter's copy, interleaved. With ms. notes. Around the world in eighty days. A dramatization of Jules Verne's story, in twelve tablcau.x. [18—?, 2 p.l., 148 1. f°. tNCOF Prompter's copy, in manuscript. Austin, J. J. The golden age to come: or, The victory of faith, and hope, and love. A sacred drama, written for the peo- ple. Boston: A. Tompkins, 1854. 124 p. 12°. NBM Austin, Martha Waddill. Tristram and Isoult. (A drama.] Boston: The Poet Lore Co., 1905. 64 p. 12°. NBI Austin, Mary. The arrow maker; a drama in three acts. New York: Duffield and Coinpany, 1911. xiii, 128 p., 1 port. 12°. NBM Bacon, Delia. The bride of Fort Ed- ward, founded on an incident of the Revo- lution. |By Delia Bacon. j New York: S. Colman, 1839. viii, 9-174 p. 12°. NBM Bacon, Josephine Dodge Daskam. The twiliglit of the gods. (Forum. New York. 1915. 8°. v. 53, p. 7-20.) * DA Bagg, Helen F. His model wife: a com- edy in one act. Philadelphia: The Penn Publishing Co., 1908. 28 p. 12°. NBLp.v.6, no.13 Untangling Tony: a comedy in two acts. Philadelphia: The Penn I'lihlishing Co., 1908. 38 p. 12°. NBLp.v.e.no.i Bailey, John J. Waldimar. A tragedy, in five acts. New York: (James Van Nor- den. prtr.,i 1834. 124 p., 1 1., 6 p. 8°. NBM Baily, William Entriken. Dramatic poems. Philadelphia: the author, 1894. 117 p. 16°. NBM The sacrifice of Iphigenia. Priam, king of Troy. Andromache in captivity. The daughters of tEdipus. Baker, George Melville. Above the clouds. Boston: W. H. Bnkcr & Co. tcop. 1889., 1 p.l., 99-168 p. 12'. f Raker's edi- tion of plays.) NBM (Baker), p.v.l .Among the breakers. .\ drama in two acts. Boston: \V. H. Raker & Co. icop. 1889.1 1 p.l., 107-170 p., 1 pi. 12°. (Baker's edition of plavs.l NBM (Baker), p.v.l Better than gold. A drama in four acts. Boston: W. H. Raker & Co. (Cop. 1889.1 58 p., 1 pi. 12°. (R:ikcr's edition of plays.) NBM (Baker), p.v.l Bread on the waters. A drama in two acts. Boston: W. H. Baker & Co. iCop. 1889.1 1 p.l., 221-290 p. 12°. (R:ikcr's edition of plays.) NBM (Baker), p.v.l The champion of her sex. (For female characters only.) Boston: W. H. Baker & Co. (Cop. 1874.) 1 p.l.. 109-131 p. 12°. (The amateur drama.) NAFH p.v.l, no.7 Comrades. A drama in three acts. Boston: W. H. Baker & Co. rcop. 1889.) 52 p. 12°. (Baker's edition of plavs.) NBM (Baker), p.v.l Down by the sea. .\ drama. Bos- ton: W. H. Baker & Co. (Cop. 1889., 1 p.l., 7-61 p. 12°. (Baker's edition of plays.) NBM (Baker), p.v.l The drawing-room slayo: a series of original dramas, comedies, farces, and entertainments for amateur theatricals and school exhibitions. Boston: Lee & Shepard, 1873. 274 p., 3 pi. illus. 12°. MZB My brother's keeper. The revolt of the bees. A tender attachment. .Among the breakers. Gentle- men of the jury. The seven ages. The Boston dip. The duchess of Dublin. Enlisted for the war. .A drama. Boston: Geo. M. Baker & Co. tcop. 1874.i 1 p.l., 9-81 p. 12°. (Spencer's universal stage.) NBL p.v.5, no. 16 Gentlemen of the jury. A farce iin one actj. Boston: G. M. Baker & Co. icop. 1873., 1 p.l., 171-186 p. 12°. (The ainateur drama.) NBL p.v.S, no.8 The last loaf. A drama. Boston: W. H. Baker & Co. .cop. 1898., 1 p.l., 7-56 p. 12°. (Baker's edition of plavs.) NBM (Baker), p.v.l Little brown jug. Boston: W. H. Baker & Co. (Cop. 1876., 1 p.l., 269-332 p. 12°. (Baker's edition of plavs.) NBM (Baker), p.v.l Nevada; or. The lost mine. A drama in three acts. Boston: W. H. Baker & Co. [Cop. 1882., 55 p. 12°. (Baker's edition of plays.) NBM (Baker), p.v.l Our folks. A play in three acts. Dramatized from: Running to waste... by the same author. Boston: W. H. Baker & Co. tcop. 1879., 78 p. 12°. (Baker's edition of plays.) NBM (Baker), p.v.l Sylvia's soldier. .A. comcdv in two acts. Boston: W. H. Baker & Co. |Cop. 1893.1 5-48 p. 12°. (The amateur drama.) NBLp.v.18, no.l7 The tempter; or, The sailor's re- turn. Boston: W. H. Baker & Co. rcop. 1894., 1 p.l.. 74-92 p. 12°. (Baker's edi- tion of plays.) NBM (Baker), p.v.l Baker, Rachel E. Her picture. .\ com- edy in one act. Boston: W. H. Baker & Co. |Cop. 1894., 17 p. 12°. (Baker's novel- ties.) NBLp.v.19, no.4 Mr. Bob. A comcdv in two acts ... Boston: W. H. Bakei^ & Co. |Cop. 1894., 34 p. 12°. (Baker's edition of plays.) NBLp.v.9, no.lO Bamburgh, William Gushing. Giacomo: a VeiKtian tale. New York: privately printed for the author, 1892. 19 I. 8°. NBL p.v.26, no.4 LIST OF AMERICAN DRAMAS Bangs, John Kendrick. The bicyclers. New York: Harper & Bros. rcop. 1896.] 3 p.l., 40 p. 16°. NBLp.v.31,no.7 A chafing-dish party. New York; Harper & Bros. ,cop. 1896., 2 p.l., (1)4-46 p. 16°. NBLp.v.31,no.5 . A dramatic evening. New York: Harper & Bros. [Cop. 1896.i 3 p.l., 44 p. 16°. NBLp.v.31,no.lO The fatal message. New York: Harper & Bros. icop. 1896.i 2 p.l., 41 p. 16°. NBLp.v.31,no.9 Katharine: a travesty. [In four acts.] [New York: Gilliss Brothers & Turnure,, 1888. 2 p.l., (1)4-127(1) p. 16°. NBX Mcphistopheles: a profanation. New York: Gilliss Bros. & Turnure, 1889. 97 p. 16°. NBX A proposal under difficulties. A farce. New York: Harper & Bros., 1905. 2 p.l., 70 p.. 1 pi. 24°. NBM The real thing, and three other farces. New York: Harper & Bros., 1909. 4 p.l., 135 p.. 4 pi. 12°. NBM The real thing. The Barringtons* "at home.** The return of Christmas. The side-show. The tables turned. A farce in one act. (In: Harper's book of little plays [for children,. New York, 1910. 12°. p. 91- 11'). I NBL The worsted inan. A musical play for amateurs. New York: Harper & Bros.. 1905. vii, 86 p., 6 pi. 24°. NBX The young folk's minstrels. New York: Harper & Bros. [Cop. 1897., 2 p.l., (1)4-26 p. 16°. NBLp.v.31,no.8 Banks, Charles Eugene. An American woman, a drama in four acts. Chicago: The Dramatic Pub. Co., cop. 1905. 51 p. 12°. (Sergei's acting drama, no. 77.) NBL p.v.4, no.3 Banning, Kendall. "Copy." A one-act newspaper play... Chicago: Clinic Pub- lishing Company, 1910. 28 p., 1 1. 8°. NBM Bannister, Nathaniel H. Putnam, the iron son of '76. A national military drama in three acts... Boston: W. V. Spencer [1859,. 30 p. 12°. NBM p.v.4 Barbee, Lindsey. After the game. A college comedy in two acts. Chicago: T. S. Denison [1907,. 31 p. 12°. (Denison's acting plays.) NBL p.v.5, no.3 Barbour, Ralph Henry. The conspira- tors; a Christmas play. (New England magazine. Boston, 1907. 8°. v. 37, p. 425- 432.) * DA Barker, Benjamin Fordyce. The rise in Harlem. A comedy. In five acts. [By B. F. Barker.] New York: [privately printed by Baker & Godwin,, 1864. 67 p. 12°. NBM Barker, James Nelson. How to try a lover. A comedy in three acts. [By J. N. Barker.] New York: D. Longworth, 1817. 67 p. 16°. NBMp.v.lO The Indian princess; or. La belle sauvage. An operatic melo-drame, in three acts... Philadelphia: printed by T. & G. Palmer for G. E. Blake, 1808. iv p., 1 1., 7-74 p. 16°. NBM p.v.lO Based on the story of Captain Smith and Poca- hontas. Marmion; or, The battle of Flodden Field. A drama in five acts. New York; D. Longworth, 1816. vii(i), 9-79(1) p. 16°. NBM p.v.lO Tears and smiles: a comedy, in five acts. New York: D. Longworth, 1808. iv p., 1 1., 7-85 p. 16°. NBM p.v.lO Barnes, Charlotte M. S. Plays, prose, and poetry. Philadelphia: E. H. Butler & Co., 1848. viii p., 4 1., 13-489 p., 1 1. 8°. NBY The plays included in this volume are Octavia Bragaldi; or, The Confession, and The forest prin- cess; or. Two centuries ago. Barney the baron. A farce in one act. New York: S. French [18— ?i. 16 p. 12^ NCOF Prompter's copy, interleaved. With ms. notes. Barrie Americanus Neutralis, pseud. The night. English diplomacy and the Triple Entente. A pliantasinagoria in one act. (Open court. Chicago, 1915. 8°. v. 29, p. 137-150.) * DA Barrymore, William. Wallace: the hero of Scotland. An historical drama... Bos- ton: W. V. Spencer [18 — •?]. 30 p. nar. 12°. (Spencer's Boston theatre, no. 48.) NCOF Prompter's copy, interleaved. With mss. notes. Bartlett, Archie E. Dramas of camp and cloister. Boston: Richard G. Badger [Cop. 1907]. 2 p.l., 252 p. 12°. NBM Rahna's triumph. The last judgment. Five acts of love. Love's enchantment. Empire of Talinis. Barton, Andrew, pseud. See Forrest, Tliomas. Bassett, Willard. A gold brick. A farce in one act. Chicago; The Dramatic Pub- lishing Company |C0p. 1903). 8 p. 12°. (The darkey & comic drama.) NBLp.v.ll,no.7 Batchelder, Clara Burbank. .A.nne, of old .Salem. A drama in three acts. Chi- cago: The Dramatic Pub. Co.. cop. 1906. 41 p. 12°. (Sergei's acting drama, no, 580.) NBL p.v.4, no.l2 Billy's chorus girl. A comedietta ... Chicago: T. S. Denison ,1907]. 16 p. 12°. (Amateur series.) NBL p.v.6, no.l4 Bateman, Mrs. Sidney F. Self: an orig- inal comedy, in three acts. New York: S. French [1856,. 46 p. 12°. (French's standard drama, no. 163.) NBM p.v.2 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Bates, Ella Skinner. The convention of the Muses. A classical play for parlor and school. Boston: W. H. Baker & Co.. 1902. 8 p. 12°. (Baker's edition of plavs.) NBLp.v.l8,no.l9 Bates, Esther \V. Engaging Janet: a farce in one act. Philadelphia: The Penn Publishing Co., 1908. 18 p. 12°. NBLp.v.6,no.8 Bates, William Oscar. Jacob Leisler; a play of old New York, with an introduc- tory note by Mrs. Schuyler Van Rensse- laer. New York: y.1. Kenncrley, 1913. 1 p.l., xi. 248 p., 1 port. 12°. NBM The Battle of Brooklyn, a farce of two acts: as it was performed at Long-Island. On Tuesday the 27th of August. 1776, By the Representatives of the Tyrants of Amer- ica. .'\ssembled at Philadelphia. Edin- burgh: F'rinted in the Year M.ocr.i.xxvii. 35 p. 12°. Reserve New York, printed for J. Riviiigton, in the year of the rebellion, 1776. Reprint- ed: Brooklyn, 1873. 45 p. 8°. (Long Is- land publications, no. 1.) NBL p.v.lO, no.9 Bausman, W. Early California^ a drama, in five acts. San Francisco. 1872. 42 p.. 1 1. 16°. NBLp.v.l4, no.3 Beach, L. Jonathan Postfree; or. The honest Yankee. A musical farce in three acts. New York: D. Longworth. LS07. 38 p. 16°. NBM p.v.9 Beale, William Thomas. The chancel- lor of Egypt. A dramatization of the Bible story of Joseph and his brethren in four acts. Boston: the author. 1905. I p.l.. 56 p. 8°. NBLp.v.ll.no.U Beede, .^aron McGaffey. Sitting Bull — Custer. (.'V drama in four scenes and in verse. I Bismarck. N. D.: Bismarck Tri- bune Co. ,1913.1 7 p.l.. 50 p., 2 pi. illus. 8°. HBC Beete, comedian. The man of the times: or. .X scarcity of cash. A farce. As per- formed, with universal applause, at the Church-street theatre. Charleston. Writ- ten bv Mr. Beete, comedian. Charleston: Printed by W. P. Young |1797|. 2 p.l.. 38 p. 12'. Reserve Bell. Archie. Seralmo. New York: F. T. Neely |Cop. 1901|. 2 p.l., 91 p. 12°. NBM Berlage, Herman Joseph. Incognito: a ("■reck iragcdv in four acts. iNew York?] 1908. 38 p. 16°. NBL p.v.9, no.l Bidwell, J. R. Under protest. .X com- edy in one act. .Adapted from the Spanish. Boston: W. H. Baker & Co.. 1896. 14 p. 12°. (Baker's edition of plavs.) NBLp.v.18, no.l6 Bien, H. M. Easter eve; or. The "New Hagodoh Shcl Pesach." A metrical fam- ily-feast service, consisting of a prologue and one character poem; including the old traditions, legends and melodies. Cincin- nati: Bloch Publishing and Printing Co.. 1886. 28 p.. 1 pi. 8°. * PKO "Purim." Cincinnati: Bloch Pub. Co., 1889. 28 p. 2. ed. rev. 8°. • PSQ Binns, Henry Bryan. The adventure; a romantic variation on a Homeric theme. New York: B. W. Huebsch, 1911. 5 p.l.. 96 p. 12°. NBM Bisbee, Noah, the younger. The history of the Falcos. A comedy in four acts. Walpole, N. H.: printed for the author at the Observatory Press, 1808. 137 p, 12°. Reserve Bitncy, Mayme Riddle. The light bri- gade. .-X comic entertainment for ladies. Chicago: T. S. Denison |Cop. 1908]. 22 p. 12°. (Denison's specialties.) NBLp.v.8, no.lS The third degree. A burlesque ini- tiation for women's societies, any order. Chicago: T. S. Denison icop. 1907]. 15 p. 12°. (Denison's specialties.) NBLp.v.8,no.l7 Bixby, Frank L. The little boss. .\ comedy drama in four acts. Boston: W. H. Baker & Co.. 1901. 44 p. 12°. (Baker's edition of plays.) NBL p.v.I4, no.2 Blair, Louisa Coleman, and R. F. Wil- liams. Nathaniel Bacon, a play in four acts. Richmond, Virginia: The Hermitage Press. 1907. 3 p.l., 5-96 p.. 3 pi. 8°. NBLp.v.ll.no.l4 Blake, James Vila. A play in four acts The Lady Bertha's honeybroth. founded on Dumas' story of the same name. Chi- cago: Pryor Press, 1911. 144 p. 12°. NBM Blashfield, Evangeline Wilbour. Masques of Cupid: .-\ surprise party. The lesser evil. The honor of the Crequy, In Cleon's gar- den. Illustrations by E. H. Blashfield. New York: C. Scribner's Sons. 1901. viii p.. 1 1., 264 p., 35 pi. 8°. NBM Blatt, William M. Husbands on appro- val; a comedy in three acts. Boston: W. H. Baker & Co., 1914. 197 p. 12°. NCR Block, Henry William Charles. John Carver; a drama in five acts. .Author's edition. tSt. Louis, Mo., cop. 1902.] 286 p. 12°. NBM Block, Louis James. Capriccios. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1898. 1 p.l.. i.x. 130 p. 12°. NBM The birlh and death of the prince. On the mountain top. .'\t the foot of the rainbow. Myriad- minded man — an imaginary conversation. The day of days — a prothalamion. Exile: a dramatic episode. St. Louis: G. 1. Jones & Co., 1880. 120 p. 16°. NBM The judge; a plav in four acts. Boston: Gorham Press ,1915,. 5 p.l.. 7-119 p. 12°. (American dramatists series.) NBM LIST OF AMERICAN DRAMAS The world's triumph; a play, pro- logue — five acts — epilogue. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Company, 1909. 165(1) p. 12°. NBM The Blockheads; or. Fortunate contrac- tor. An opera, in two acts, as it was per- formed at New York... Printed at New York. London, Re-printed for G. Kears- ley. 1782. v p., 1 1., 43 p., 2 pi. 8°. Reserve Boker, George Henry. Anne Bolevn: a trasjedy. Philadelphia: A. Hart, 18'50. viii, (i) 14-225 p. 12°. NBM Calaynos: a tragedy. Philadelphia: E. H. Butler & Co., 1848. iv p., 1 1., 9-218 p. 2. ed. 12°. NBM Konigsmark, The legend of the hounds, and other poems. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott & Co., 1869. 244 p. 12°. NBI Konigsmark: a tragedy, p. 7-156. Plays and poems. Boston: Ticknor & Fields, 1857. 2 v. 2. ed. 12°. NBM V. 1. Calaynos. Anne Bolevn. Leonor de Guz- man. Francesca da Rimini. V. 2. The betrothal: a play. The widow's mar- riage: a comedy. The podesta's daughter, and other miscellaneous poems. Philadelphia: A. Hart. 1852. vi. 13-156 p. 12°. NBI The podesta's daughter: a dramatic sketch, p. 13- 52. Boltwood, Edward. Balm of Gilead. A mixed foursome, in one act. New York: De Witt [1899,. 18 p. 12°. (De Witt's acting plays, no. 412.) NBL p.v.5, no.5 Bostelmann, Lewis F. Roger of Rut- land. A drama in four acts. n. t.-p. [New York: Fairchild Co., 1909?, 24 p. iUus. f°. ttNBFp.v.3,no.ll Rutland; a chronologically ar- ranged outline of the life of Roger Man- ners, fifth earl of Rutland, author of the works issued in folio in 1623 under tlie nom de plume "Shake-Speare," profusely illus- trated; also a drama, showing the modus operandi of the engagement of William Sha.\per of Stratford-on-Avon (2. ed.), as dummy and strawman for the earl-author, amended and greatly augmented, and the birth of the folio, showing how the great folio came into existence. New York: Rutland Publishing Company, 1911. 4 p.l., 3-186 p., 12 pi., 2 port. 8°. * NCZ Botsford, Margaret. The reign of re- form; or. Yankee Doodle court. By a lady [Margaret Botsford). Baltimore: printed for the authoress, 1830. iv, (1)6-146 p. 24°. ID (1830) Boucicault, Dion. Only the plays written during the author's resi- dence in this country are included in this list. The colleen bawn; or. The brides of Garryowen. A domestic drama, in three acts. London: T. H. Lacy (I860?]. 52 p. 12°. (Lacy's acting edition of plays, v. 63.) NCO The Library also has a prompter's copy, inter- leaved, and with ms. notes. Grimaldi; or. The life of an actress. A drama, in five acts. New York, 1856. 36 P- 12°. NCOF The Library has two prompter's copies of this edition, each interleaved, and with ms. notes. Jessie Brown; or. The relief of Lucknow. A drama in three acts. New York: Samuel French, cop. 1858. 32 p. 12°. (Bourci- cault's dramatic works, no. 6.) NCO p.v.327, no.5 , .'^'^^ . V'^''*'"y ^'so has two prompter's copies of this edition, each interleaved, and with ms. notes. London: T. H. Lacy [1858?, 38 p. 12°. (Lacy's acting edition of plays. V- 38.) NCO "Led astray." A drama in 6 acts. [187-?, v. p. 8°. t NCOF Manuscript promptbook, marked by the author. The long strike. A drama, in four acts. New York: Samuel French, n.d. 38 p. 12°. (French's standard drama, no. 360.) NCOF The Library has two prompter's copies, each inter- leaved and with ms. notes. The octoroon; or. Life in Louisiana. A play, in four acts. London: T. H. Lacy [1861?,. 43 p. 12°. (Lacy's acting edition of plays, v. 65.) NCO The Library also has a prompter's copy of this edition, interleaved, and with ms. notes. Printed, not published, n. p., n. d. 40 p. 12°. NCOF Prompter's copy, interleaved, and with ms. notes. Pauvrette. A drama in five acts. New York: Samuel French [1858,. 36 p. 12°. (Bourcicault's dramatic works, no. 7.) NCOF The Library has three prompter's copies, each interleaved, and with ms. notes. The phantom. A drama, in two acts. New York: Samuel French, 1856. 28 p. 12°. (Bourcicault's dramatic works, no. 3. French's edition of standard dramas, no. 165.) NBMp.v.2 The Library also has a prompter's copy, inter- leaved, and with ms. notes. The poor of New York. A drama in five acts. By the **■** Club. [By Dion Boucicault.] New York: S. French (1857,. 45 p. 12°. (French's standard drama, no. 189.) NBMp.v.2 The Library also has a prompter's copy, inter, leaved, and with ms. notes. The Shaughraun. An original drama, in three acts. London: S. French ,1875?, 64 p. 12°. (French's acting edition of plays. V. 123.) NCO The Library also has a prompter's copy of this edition, interleaved, and with ms. notes. • n. p., n. d. 22 p., 23 f.. 22 p. 8° NCOF Prompter's copy, interleaved, and with ms. notes. 8 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Bowman, James Cloyd. The gift of white roses. [Drama, in verse.) Ada, O.: University Herald Press (1913i. 76 p. 2. ed. 12°. NBM Into the depths. (A story of pro- tecting sympathy.) Together with six- teen miscellaneous poems. iValparaiso, Ind.: University Press, 1905. 112 p. 12°. NBI Boyd, Jackson. The unveiling; a poetic drama in five acts. New York: G. P. Put- nam's Sons, 1915. vii, 255 p., 1 port. 12°. NBM Brackenridge, Hugh Henry. The Bat- tle of Bunker's-Hill. A Dramatic Piece of Five Acts, in heroic measure; by a Gentle- man of Maryland... Philadelphia: Printed and sold by Robert Bell, 1776. 3 p.l.. (1)6- 49(1) p., 1 pi. 8°. Reserve Library copy lacks the title-page. Title taken from Wegelin's Early American plays. The Death of General Montgom- ery, at the Siege of Quebec. A tragedy. With an Ode, in honour of the Pennsyl- vania Militia, and the small band of regu- lar Continental Troops, who sustained the Campaign, in the depth of winter, January, 1777, and repulsed the British Forces from the Banks of the Delaware. By the Author of a Dramatic Piece on the Battle of Bunker's-Hill. To which are added. Elegiac Pieces, commemorative of dis- tinguished Characters... Philadelphia: Printed and Sold by Robert Bell. 1777. 79(1) p.. 2 1., 1 pi. 8°. Reserve The Death of General Montgom- ery, in storming the City of Quebec. A Tragedy. [Remainder of title same as pre- vious entry. 1 Norwich: Printed by J. Truinbull, 1777. 68 p. 8°. Reserve Brackett, Charles William. Jocelyn: a play, and thirty verses. Boston: Richard G. Badger [Cop. 1915,. 93 p. 12°. NBM Jocelyn: a play, p. 9-45. Braeunlich, Herman. Columbus. His- torical play in four acts. New York: H. Braeunlich & Co. [Cop. 1904.| 58 p. 16°. NBM Brandreth, Paulina. Plays and poems. New York: Broadway Publishing Co. (1910., 119 p. 12°. NBI The plays included arc The poet's vision and Maretta. Brazza-Savorgnan, Cora A. Slocomb, contessa di. .\ literary farce. Boston: The Arena Pub. Co., 1896. 2 p.l., 36 p. 4°. NBLp.v.lO, no.l Breck, Charles. The fox chase. A com- edy in five acts. New York: D. Long- worth, 1808. 64 p. 16°. NCOp.v.246, no.4 The trust. A comcily in five acts. [In verse.) New York: D. Longworth. 1808. 82 p. 16°. NCO p.v.249, no.2 Breck, Joseph. West Point; or, A tale of treason. An historical drama, in three acts. Dramatised from Ingraham's Ro- mance of .-\merican history. With a pro- logue by J. H. Hewitt, epiloque by R. H. Pratt. Baltimore: Bull & Tuttle, 1840. 22 p. 12°. NBLp.v.21,no.4 Brewster, Emma E. Aunt Mehetible's scientific experiment. A farce in one act. Boston: W. H. Baker & Co., 1901. 11 p. 12°. (Baker's edition of plays.) NBLp.v.l9,no.l8 Brinton, Daniel Garrison. Maria Can- dclaria. .\n historic drama from .\merican aboriginal life. Philadelphia: D. McKay, 1897. xxix, 98 p., 2 pi. 12°. KB Briscoe, Margaret Sutton. The frog fairy. .A play in three acts. (In: Harper's book of little plays (for children,. New York, 1910. 12°. p. 1-20.) NBL Broadhurst, George H. What happened to Jones: an original farce in three acts. New York: S. French, 1910. 107 p. 12°. (French's standard library edition.) NBM Brock, Howard Folsom. The bank ac- count. [A one act tragedy., (Harvard monthly. Cambridge, Mass., 1914. 8°. v. 58, p. 33-50.) STG Brooke, Van Dyke. The quicksands of Gotham. A drama in prologue and three acts. Boston: W. H. Baker & Co., 1899. 43 p. 12°. (Baker's edition of plavs.) NBLp.v.19, no.l7 Brougham, John. Only the plays written during the author's resi- dence in this country arc included in this list. Columbus el filibustero. .\. . .[Comedy,. New York: S. French [1858,. 24 p. 12°. (The minor drama, no. 145.) NBM p.v.2 David Coppcrficld. A drama, in two acts. Adapted froin Dickens'. . .work of the same name. New York: S. French [18 — ?|. 24 p. 12°. (French's .\mcrican drama, no. 18.) NCO p.v.324, no.4 A decided case. A dramatic sketch, in one act. New York: S. French [Cop. 1857,. 18 p. 12°. (The minor drama, no. 114.) NCO p.v.268, no.9 The demon lover; or. My cousin ger- man: a romantic comedietta, in two acts. New York: S. French (1856,. 26 p. 12°. (French's minor drama, no. 105.) NBM p.v.2 Dombey and Son. Dramatized from Dickens' novel. In three acts. New York: S. French, n. d. 31 p. 12°. (French's ,'\merican drama, no. 126.) NBM p.v.2 Dred; or. The Dismal Swamp. A play, in five acts... from Mrs. H. B. Stowc's novel. New York: S. French [1856). 43 p. 12°. (French's American drama. no. 100.) NBM p.v.2 LIST OF AMERICAN DRAMAS Brougham, John, continued. Flies in the web. An original comedy London: T. H. Lacy tcop. I860]. 50 p. 12°. (Lacy's acting edition of plavs. V. 69.) NCO The game of life. An original comedy. New York: S. French, cop. 1856. 44 p. 12°. (French's American drama; the act- ing edition, no. 116.) NCOF The game of love. An original comedy, in five acts. New York: S. French, cop. 1855. 54 p. 12°. (French's American drama; acting edition, no. 105.) NCOF The gun-maker of Moscow: melodrama, in three acts. New York: S. French [1856). 28 p. 12°. (French's standard drama, no. 164.) NBM p.v.2 The lottery of life; a story of New York. An original local drama in five acts. London': S. French ,18—?]. 42 p. 12°. (French's acting edition of plays, v. 105.) NCO Much ado about a Merchant of Venice, — ■ from the original text — a long way. New York: S. French, 1868. 24 p. 12°. (French's minor drama, no. 308.) NCOF Playing with fire. -AlU original comedy, in five acts. London: T. H. Lacy [1861). 58 p. 12°. (Lacy's acting edition of plavs. V. 66.) NCO Po-ca-hon-tas; or. The gentle savage. [An extravaganza.] New York: S. French, n. d. 32 p. 12°. (French's American drama; acting edition, no. 69.) NCOF Prompter's copy; interleaved with ms. notes. Reprinted in Alfred Bates, The drama, v. 20, p. 153-195. The red mask; or, The wolf of Lithu- ania. A melo-drama, in three acts. New York: S. French [1856]. 26 p. 12°. French's standard drama, no. 158.) NBM p.v.2 Temptation; or. The Irish emigrant. A comic drama, in two acts. New York: S. French, cop. 1856. 22 p. 12°. (French's American drama; acting edition, no. 65.) NCOF Prompter's copy, interleaved. With ms. notes. Brown, Alice. Children of earth; a play of New England. New York: Macmillan Co., 1915. 7 p.l., 212 p., 1 port. 12°. NBM Brown, Charles Brockden. Alcuin; a dialogue. New-York: Printed by T. & J. Swords, 1798. 77 p. 12°. Reserve Brown, Charles Hovey. Moses: a drama. Boston: Gorham Press, 1902. 69 p. 8°. *PSQ Brown, David Paul. Sertorius: or, The Roman patriot. A tragedy. Philadelphia: E. L. Carey & A. Hart, 1830. 87 p. 8°. NBM Brown, J. H. Katrina's little game. A Dutch act, with songs and a dance. . . New York: R. M. De Witt, 1876. 8 p. 12°. (De Witt's Ethiopian and comic drama, no. 103.) NBLp.v.18, no.22 Brown, S. J. In the enemy's camp; or. The stolen despatches. A drama in three acts. Boston: W. H. Baker & Co. (Cop. 1889., 33 p. 12°. (Baker's edition of plays.) NBLp.v.ll,no.l Browne, F. E. Ruth: a sacred drama, and original lyrical poems. New York: Wynkoop & Hallenbeck, 1871. 2 p.l., vii- viii, 121 p. 12°. NBI Browne, Walter. Every woman; her pil- grimage in quest of love. A modern mo- rality play. New York: The H. K. Flv Company [1911]. 5 p.l., (1)8-121 p., 8 pi. 12°. NBM Browne, William Maynadier. The trus- tee. A play in four acts. Boston: W. H. Baker _& Co. [Cop. 1891., 38 p. 12°. (Baker's edition of plays.) NBLp.v.18, no.l8 Brownell, Atherton. The unseen em- pire; a peace play in four acts... [With introduction by D. S. Jordan., New York: Harper & Bros., 1914. 2 p.l., iii-iv p., 2 1., 176 p., 1 1. 8°. NBM Bugbee, Willis N. The new pastor; a vaudeville sketch in one act. New York: Dick & Fitzgerald, 1912. 12 p. 12°. NBLp.v.27, no.8 A rustic minstrel show; an enter- tainment in one act. New York: Dick & Fitzgerald, 1912. 29 p. 12°. NBL p.v.27, no.6 Bunge, Martin Ludwig Detloff. Abra- ham Lincoln; a historical drama in four acts. Milwaukee, Wis.: Co-operative Printery [COp. 1911,. 38 p. 24°. NBLp.v.ai.no.l Burk, John Daly. Bethlem Gabor, lord of Transylvania, or. The man hating pala- tine; an historical drama, in three acts. Petersburg: printed by J. Dickson, for Somervell & Conrad. 1807. 49 p. 16°. NCR p.v.8 Bunker-Hill; or. The death of Gen- eral Warren: an historic tragedy, in five acts. New York: D. Longworth, 1817. 44 p. 16°. NCO p.v.250, no.4 With an introductory essay by Brander Matthews. New York: The Dun- lap Society, 1891. 4 p.l., 82 p., 1 pi. 8°. (Dunlap Society. Publications, no. 15.) NBL (Dunlap) Female patriotism; or. The death of Joan d'Arc. .^n historic play in five acts. New York, 1798. 40 p. 12°. NBM p.v.5 Title-page lacking; title taken from Oscar Wege- lin's Early American plays, Burke, Charles. Rip Van Winkle: a legend of the Catskills. A romantic drama, in two acts. Adapted from Washington 10 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Irving's Sketch book by Charles Burke. (Reprinted in: Alfred Bates, editor, The drama. London. 1903. S". v. 19, p. 299- 330.) NAF Burnett, J. G. Blanche of Brandywine. An American patriotic spectacle... New York: S. French [Cop. 1858,. 40 p. 12°. (French's standard drama: acting edition, no. 206.) NCOF Prompter's copy, interleaved. With ms. notes. Burr, Amelia J. Plays in the market- place. Englewood, N. J.: The Hillside Press, 1910. 4 p.l., 7-74 p., 1 1. 8°. NBM By the dead waters. In the mist. The throne- room. The walled garden. The shrine. The point of life. A play in three acts. Englewood, N. J.: The Hillside Press, 1907. 3 p.l., 6-88 p., 1 1. 8°. NBM Burton, Mrs. H. S. Don Quixote de la Mancha. A comedy in five acts, taken from Cervantes' novel of that name. San Francisco: J. H. Carmany & Co., 1876. 63 p. 12°. NBLp.v.19, no.l4 Burton, Lena Dalkeith. F.verychild; morality play, by Lena D. Burton, in co- operation with Marian K. P.rnwn. |In verse. I Boston: C. W. Tliinnpsiin it Co., 1911. 7 1.. 1 pi. 8°. NBLp.v.29,no.l3 Burton, Richard. Rahab. A drama in three acts. New York: Henry Holt & Co., 1906. 4 p.l., 5-119 p. 8°. * PSQ Burton, William Evans. Ellen Ware- liam. llie wife of two husbands. A domes- tic drama in two acts... London: T. H. Lacy rl833i. 36 p. 12°. (Lacy's acting edition of plays, v. 34.) NCO Bush, Thomas. Santiago, a drama, in five acts. Toronto |18— ?i. 55 p., 1 1. 8°. • C p.v.613 Byars, William Vincent. The house of fate. .\ soothsaying of liberty. (Drama, in verse.) [New York? 19 — ?i 36 p. 12°. NBLp.v.9. no.2 Bynner, Witter. The little king; a play in one act. (Forum. New York, 1914. 8°. v. 51, p. 605-632.) *DA Tiger; a one act play. (Forum. New York, 1913. 8°. v. 49, p. 522-547.) *DA Callaway, Emilie H. .\ widow's wiles: a coiiiodv in three acts. New York: Dick & Fitzgerald, cop. 1908. 34 p. 12°. NBLp.v.7, no.22 Calvert, George Henry. Arnold and Andre. An historical drama. Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1864. xv, (1)18-95 p. 12°. NBM Boston: Lee and .Shepard. 1876. XV, (1)18-95 p. new ed. 12°. NBM Brangonar. A tragedy. Boston: Lee and Shepard |1883). 110 p. 12°. NBM Comedies. Boston: Phillips, Samp- son & Co., 1856. 125 p. 8°. NBM The will and the way. Like unto like. Count Julian. A tragedv. Balti- more: M. Hickman. 1840. 69 p. 12°. NBM p.v.4 The maid of Orleans; an historical tragedy. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons. 1874. 134 p. 12°. NBM Mirabeau. .^n historical drama. Boston: Lee & Shepard [1883]. 3 p.l.. (1) 8-103 p. 16°. NBM Cameron, Margaret. The teeth of the gift horse. New York: S. French, cop. 1909. 31 p. 12°. (French's acting edition of plays, v. 157.) NCO Campbell, Marian D. .A. Chinese dum- my. .\ farce in one act. For female char- acters onlv... Boston: W. H. Baker & Co. rcop. 1899., 17 p. 12°. (Baker's edi- tion of plays.) NBLp.v.18, no.20 Campbell, William Wilfred. Mordred and Hildebrand. A book of tragedies. |ln verse.] Ottawa: J. Durie & Son, 1895. 3 p.l., 168 p. 16°. NCR Cannon, Charles James. Dramas. New York: E. Dunigan & Bro., 1857. 355 p. 12°. NBM The sculptor's daughter. Dolores. Better late than never. The oath of office. Carb, David. The new age. (Harvard monthly. Cambridge, Mass.. 1910. 8°. v. 50, no. 3. May, 1910, p. 7-20.) STG — — The voice of the people; a play in three acts. Boston: Four Seas Co., 1912. 2 p.l,, 129 p. 12°. NBM Carleton, Henry Guy. Memnon. A tragedv in five acts. (Chicago:: printed, not published (1881,. 171 p. 12°. NBM Carleton, John L. Coom-na-goppel. .\ drama in five acts for male characters only. Chicago and New York: The Dra- matic Publishing Company, cop. 1906. 51 p. 12°. (Sergei's acting drama, no. 581.) NBL p.v.4, no.Il More sinned against than sinning. An original Irish drama, in a prologue and three acts. Chicago: The Dramatic Pub- lishing Company, cop. 1883. 26 p. 12°. (.'\merican acting drama.) NBL p.v.17, no.20 Carpenter, Rhys. Tlic tragedy of Etarre; a poem. (In four acts and in verse.] New York: Sturgis & Walton, 1912. V. 137(1) p. 12°. NBM Carus, Paul. The Buddha; a drama in three acts and four interludes. (In verse.] Chicago: The Open Court Publishing Co.. 1911. iv, 68 p. 12°. NBM K'ung Fu Tze. A dramatic poem. Chicago: The Open Court Publishing Cn . 1915. 1 p.l.. (1)6-72 p. 8°. NBM LIST OF AMERICAN DRAMAS 11 Castle, Harriet D. The courting of Mother Goose. An entertainment, n. t.-p. n. p. ,188-?, 27 p. 12°. NBLp.v.l7,no.21 Catharine Brown, the converted Chero- kee: a missionary drama, founded on fact. By a ladv. New-Haven: S. Converse, prtr., 1819." 27 p. 8°. HBC Caverly, Robert Boodey. The regicides (N. E.). An historical drama. (Years 1640-1676.) Boston: published by the author, 1884. 2 p.l., 193-247 p. 8°. HBC Cawein, Madison Julius. The shadow garden (a phantasy) and other plays. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1910. v, 259 p. 12°. NBM The shadow garden, a phantasy. The house of fear, a mystery. The witch, a miracle. Cabestaing, a tragedy in three acts. Chandos, C. M. Ruby. Drama, in three acts. New York, 1874. 3 p.l., 5-67 p. 8°. NBM Chapman, John Jay. Homeric scenes; Hector's farewell and The wrath of Achilles. New York: L. J. Gomme, 1914. 4 p.l., (1)8-76 p. 16°. NBM The maid's forgiveness. .A. plav. New York: Moffat, Yard & Co., 1908. '3 p.l., 93(1) p., 1 1. 12°. NBM A sausage froin Bologna; a comedy in four acts. New York: Moffat, Yard & Co., 1909. 4 p.l., 113(1) p. 12°. NBM The treason & death of Benedict Arnold; a play for a Greek theatre. ,New York:, Moffat, Yard & Company. 1910. 76 p. 8°. NBM Chase, F. E. The great umbrella case. A mock trial. Boston: W. H. Baker & Co. ,cop. 1889., 36 p. new ed. 12°. (Baker's edition of plays.) NBLp.v.5. no.l8 Cheney, John Vance. Queen Helen, and other poems. Chicago: Way & Williams, 1895. 4 p.l., 78 p. 12°. NBI Queen Helen, p. 1-52. The Church and the stage, and the new religious drama, "The ninety and nine." written by Ramsay Morris, founded on the theme of Ira D. Sankey's famous hymn. to be presented at the .^.cademy of Music in New York City in October. 1902. Pro- duction by Frank McKee. [New York.i 1902. 8 1. 16°. NBLp.v.27,no.l6 Churchill, Winston. The title-mart. A comedy in three acts. New York: The Macmillan Co., 1905. 3 p.l., 215 p. 12°. NBM Cinderella. An accurate description of the grand allegorical pantomimic spectacle of Cinderella: or. The little glass slipper. New York: W. Turner, 1808. 24 p. 16°. NBM p.v.7 Clark, Samuel N. The delegates from Denver: a farcical comedy in two acts New York: Dick & Fitzgerald, cop. 1908 21 P- 12°. NBL p.v.7, no.21 Clark, William M. The parson's per- versity. A comedy in three acts. Phila- delphia: Penn Pub. Co., 1907. 24 p. 12°. NBLp.v.8, no.8 Clarke, George. The doctor. In four acts. (With separate part of one of the characters in the play., .New York, 1912?, 3 parts. 4°. Reserve Typewritten. Clarke, Helen Archibald. Balaustion's Euripides: a dratnatic version of 'Balaus- tion's adventure' and 'Aristophanes' apol- ogy' [by Robert Browning, made for the Boston Browning Society by Helen Archi- bald Clarke. (Poet lore. Boston, 1915 8°. v. 26, p. 1-46.) *DA Clinch, Charles Powell. The spy; a tale of the neutral ground. From the novel of tliat name [by James Fenimore Cooperj. A dramatic romance. In three acts. [By C. P. Clinch., 1822. 2 p.l., 82 p., 3 1. 8°. NCOF Manuscript promptbook. Cockings, George. The Conquest of Canada; or. The Siege of Quebec. An his- torical tragedy of five acts. London: Printed for tlie Author; and sold by J. Cooke [and others,, mdcclxvi. 1 p.l.. y(i). 76 p. 8°. Reserve Collyer, Dan. Christmas eve in the South: or. Uncle Caleb's home. An Ethio- pian farce, in one act and five scenes. New York: The Dramatic Publishing Company, cop. 1882. 8 p. 12°. (De Witt's Ethio- pian and comic drama, no. 148.) NBLp.v.l6,no.20 Columbus, the great discoverer of .A.merica. .'K drama in five acts. By an Ursuline. New York: Benziger Bros., vii. 3-55 p.. 1 port. 16°. NBM p.v.3 Comfort, Richard. Nero. .^ tragedy. Philadelphia, 1880. 94 p. 1 1., 1 pi. 16°. NBM Congdon, James B. Quaker quiddities; or. Friends in council. .\ colloquy. Bos- ton: Crosby, Nichols. Lee & Co., 1860. 48 p. 12°. NBM Published anonymously. Conrad, Robert Taylor. Jack Cade. [.A. drama in five acts, in verse. Text of the play, with the parts of the different characters., 2 v. 12°. NCOF Manuscript promptbook. Jack Cade, the captain of the com- mons. A tragedy. In four acts. With an historical introduction. London: T. H. Lavy .1868,. 65(1) p. 12°. (Lacy's act- ing ed'ton of plays, v. 83.) NCO 12 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Conway, H. J. Drcd: a tale of the Great Dismal Swamp. A drama in four acts, founded on the novel of the same title hy Mrs. H. B. Stowe. New York: T. \V. Amerman, 1856. 46 p. 12°. NCOF Prompter's copy, interleaved. With ms. notes. Cook, S. N. Broken promises. A tem- perance drama, in five acts. New York: Happv Hours Companv, cop. 1879. vi. (1)8-41 p. 12°. NCOp.v.301,no.l6 Coon, Hilton. The widow from the West; or. The late Mr. Early. A farce comedy in three acts. Boston: \V. H. Baker & Co., 1898. 26 p. 12°. (Baker's edition of plays.) NBL p.v.5, no.l7 Corbin, John. Husband, and The for- bidden guests: two plays. Boston: Hough- ton Mifflin Co.. 1910. xx.xiii p., 5 1.. (1) 10-271(1) p. 12°. NBM Cotter, Joseph Seamon. Caleb, the de- generate, a play in four acts. A study of the types, customs, and needs of the .\merican negro. Louisville. Ky.: The Bradley & Gilbert Co., 1903. 57 p., 1 port. 8°. NBL p.v.24, no.2 Coughlan, Arthur T. The prophecy; a play |iii three actS] of the days of perse- cution under Henry viil. of England. (For male characters.) Northeast. Pa.: St. Marv's College |1911|. 68 p. 16°. NBLp.v.l3,no.l Cowan, Sada. The slate forbids; a play in one act. New York: M. Kennerley, 1915. 46 p. 12°. NBM Cowles, Florence A. Where the lane turned; a rural comedy drama in four acts. New York: Dick & Fitzgerald, 1912. 53 p. 12°. NBLp.v.27,no.l4 Cowley, E. J. The Bohemians. A com- edy in three acts. Boston: W. H. Baker & Co. (Cop. 1896., 43 p. 12°. (Baker's edition of plays.) NBLp.v.17, no.l Cox, Ethel Louise. Poems, lyric and dramatic. Boston: Richard G. Badger, J904. vi, 195 p. 12°. NBI The combat with the dragon, p. 177-195. Coxe, Arthur Cleveland. Saul, a mys- tery. New York: D. Appleton & Co.. 1845. X p., 1 1., (1)14-297(1) p. 12°. NBM Crafts, William. The sea serpent; or, Gloucester hoax. A dramatic jeu d'csprit, in three acts. Charleston: A. E. Miller, 1819. 34 p. 12°. NBM p.v.6 Craigie, Pearl Mary Teresa Richards. Osbern and Ursyne. .'\ drama in three acts, by John Oliver Hobbcs ipscud.i. Lon- don: John Lane, 1900. 4 p.l., 94 p., 1 1. 8°. NCR The wisdom of the wise; a comedy in three acts |by John Oliver Hobbes, pseud.;. New York: F. .\. Stakes Co. ,1900., 4 p.l., 136 p. 12°. NCO p.v.314. no.U Cranch, Christopher Pearse. Satan: a libretto. Boston: Roberts Bros., 1874. 36 p. 16°. NBM Crane, Eleanor Maud. A little savage. A military comedy in three acts. New York: Dick & Fitzgerald, 1907. 50 p. 12°. NBLp.v.7,no.l8 Next door. A comedy of to-day. New York: Dick & Fitzgerald tl906|. 63 p. 12°. NBL p.v.l, no.l The rainbow kimona. A comedy in two acts for girls. New York: Dick & Fitzgerald. 1908. 33 p. 12°. NBLp.v.7, no.l6 Crane, Elizabeth G. Berquin. .^ drama in five acts. New York: Charles Scrib- ner's Sons, 1897. vi p., 1 1.. 110 p. 12°. NBLp.v.23,no.4 The imperial republic. A drama of the day. New York: Grafton Press icop. 1902,. 2 p.l., 122 p. 12°. NBM The necken; an original play in two acts (and in versej. New York. 1913. 73 p. 12°. NBL p.v.30, no.6 Crawford, J. R. Lovely Pegg>'; a play in three acts based on the love romance of Margaret Woffington and David Gar- rick. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1911. 4 p.l., (1)4-173 p. 8°. NBM Robin of Sherwood; a comedy in three acts and four scenes. (In verse.) New Haven: Yale University Press, 1912. 5 p.l., 7-150 p. 8°. NBM Creamer, Edward S. The Orphean trag- edy. (In verse.i New York: The Abbey Press (Cop. 1901). 153 p. 8°. NBM Creevey, Caroline A., and Marg.\ret E. S.vNCSTER. The Ninepin Club; or, Flora, the queen of summer. (In: Harper's book of little plays (for children). New York, 1910. 12°. p. 53-73.) NBL A Thanksgiving dream. (In: Har- per's book of little plays (for children). New York, 1910. 12°. p. 121-142.) NBL Crigler, John Fielding. Saul of Tar- sus; a religious drama (in 7 acts and in versC). Boston: Sherman, Frencli S: Co., 1914. 5 p.l., 226 p. 12°. NBM Crippen, T. G. Joseph in Egypt. A Biblical drama in five acts. Edited by C. 1. Hanssen. New York: The Dramatic Publishing Companv (18—?). 28 p. 16°. (The wizard series.) ♦ PSQ Cronkhite, H. M. Rcymond: a drama of the American revolution. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1886. 101 p. 12°. NBM Crothers, Rachel. A man's world; a play in four acts. Boston: R. G. Badger (1915). 2 p.l., 7-113 p. 12°. (American dramatists series.) NBM LIST OF AMERICAN DRAMAS 13 Crow, Martha Foote. The world above. A duologue. Chicago: The Blue Sky Press (Cop. 1905,. 2 p.l.. 7-37 p. 8°. NBM no. 209 of 500 copies printed. Crowe, S. The comedy of fraud. An American drama. One act. One scene. (New York,, 1895. 63 p. 16°. NBM The merchant prince. One act. One scene. [New York,, 189S. 63 p. 16°. NBM Curtis, -A.rriana Randolph Wormeley. The coming woman; or. The spirit of seventv-six. .\ prophetic drama. London: S. French rl86-?|. 28 p. 12°. (French's acting edition of plays, v. 112.) NCO The spirit of seventy-six; or, The coming woman. A prophetic drama, fol- lowed by A change of base and Doctor Mondschein. Boston: Little, Brown & Co., 1868. 141 p. 12°. NBM Boston: Little, Brown & Co., 1869. 141 p. 8. ed. 12°. NBM Curtis, H. P. Uncle Robert; or. Love's labor saved. A comedy. In three acts. Boston: \V. H. Baker & Co. [Cop. 1861.] 34 p. 12°. (Baker's edition of plavs.) NBLp.v.iS,no.9 Cushing, Charles C. S. Nathan Hale of '73. A drama in four acts. New Haven: Yale Publishing Association, 1908. 2 p.l., vii-x, 88 p.. 1 1., 7 pi., 1 port. 8°. NBM no. 341 of 500 copies printed. Custis, George Washington Parke. Po- cahontas; or, The settlers of Virginia. A national drama in three acts. Philadelphia: C. Alexander, 1830. 47 p. 12°. NBM Cutting, Arolyn Caverly. Rosemary; a comedy in four acts. New York: Dick & Fitzgerald, 1912. 35 p. 12°. NBLp.v.27,no.ll Dale, H. C. A white lie. An original comedy drama in four acts. New York: H. Roorbach, 1899. 44 p. 12°. NBLp.v.ll,no.4 Dallas, Mary Kyle. Our Aunt Rober- tina. A comedietta in one act. Boston: W. H. Baker & Co.. 1902. 12 p. 12°. (Baker's edition of plays.") NBLp.v.l7,no.3 Dalrymple, C. Leona. Mrs. Forrester's crusade; a farce in one act. New York: Dick & Fitzgerald il911i. 8 p. 12°. NBLp.v.17, no.6 Surprises. A farce in one act. New York: Dick & Fitzgerald, 1908. 17 p. 12°. NBLp.v.7,no.l7 Tangles; a farce in one act. New York: Dick & Fitzgerald, 1907. 18 p. 12°. NBL p.v.7, no.20 • A white shawl. A farce comedy in two acts. New York: Dick & Fitzgerald [1905,. 25 p. 12°. NBLp.v.l,no.2 Daly, Augustin. As you like it. A com- edy by William Shakspere as arranged by .'\ugustin Daly. First produced at Daly's theatre Dec. 17. 1889, and here printed from the prompter's copy. With a few introductory words by William Winter. New York: privately printed for Mr. Daly, 1890. 8°. '*NCN ■ "Frou Frou;" a comedy of power- ful human interest, in five acts, by Augus- tin Daly. New York: Samuel French, cop. 1870. 2 p.l., (1)4-59 p. 12°. (French's standard drama, no. 359.) NCOF A translation of Meilhac's play. The Library has two prompter's copies of this edition, each interleaved, and with ms. notes. Love's labor's lost. A comedy writ- ten by William Shakspere. Arranged... for the present stage by .'\ugustin Daly. . . With a few prefatory thoughts. . .by Wil- liam Winter. New York: privately printed for Mr. Daly, 1891. 64 p. 8 = . * NCN p.v.5, no.9 Shakespeare's comedy of The merry wives of Windsor. .\ fac-simile in photo- lithography of the first quarto (1602). To- gether with a reprint of the prompt-copy prepared for use at Daly's theatre. The alterations and emendations by Augustin Dalv. To which is added an introduction 1)V William Winter. New York: printed for Mr. Daly, 1886. xi p., 1 1., 2-53, 72 p. 8°. *NCMB Taming of the shrew. A comedy... as arranged by .Augustin Daly. With an introduction by William Winter... New York: privately printed for Mr. Daly. 1887. 75 p., 6 ms. sheets of music, 1 port. 8°. * NCP Prompter's copy, interleaved; with ms. notes. Under the gaslight; or. Life and love in these times: an original drama of American life, in four acts. London: T. H. Lacy [18—?,. 60 p. 12°. (Lacy's acting edition of plays, v. 81.) NCO Under the gaslight: a totally orig- inal and picturesque drama of love in these times, in five acts. Author's edition. New York: W. C. Wemyss, 1867. 47 p. 12° (Wemyss' acting drama.) NCOF Prompter's copy, interleaved. With ms. notes. New York: printed for the author, 1867. 93 p. 4°. ^"^'^'? Leaves printed on one side only Prompter's copy, with ms. notes. (New York? 18— ?, p. 4°. Leaves printed on one side only. Prompter's copy, with ms. notes. Dargan, Olive Tilford. Lords and lov- ers, and other dramas. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1906. 3 p.l., 315 P- 8°. NBl Lords and lovers. The shepherd. The siege. NCOF p.l., 5-93 NCOF 14 THI-: NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY The mortal gods, and other plays. New Y'ork: Charles Scribner's Sons. 1912. 4 p.l, 3-303 p. 8°. NBM The mortal gods. A son of Hermes. Kidmir. Semiramis, and other plays. New York: Brentano's, 1904. 1 p.l., 255 p. 8°. NBM Semiramis. Carlotta. The poet. Darusmont, Frances Wright. Altorf. A tragedy. Philadelphia: M. Carev & Son, 1819. V p.. 2 I., S-83 p. 12°. NBM p.v.6 Davidson, Robert. Elijah, a sacred drama, and other poems. New York: Charles Scribner, 1860. 184 p. 12°. NBI Elijah, p. 7-69. Davis, Allan. The promised land: a drama in four acts. Cambridge: The Har- vard Dramatic Club, 1908. 6 p.l.. (1)12-69 p., 1 pi. 8°. NBLp.v.13, no.lO Davis, Richard Harding. Farces: The dictator; The galloper; "Miss Civilization." New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1906. viii, 332 p., 16 pi, 2 port. 8°. NBM Dawes, Rufus. Athenia of Damascus. A tragedy. New York: S. Colman. 1839. 118 p., 1 pi. 12°. (Colman's dramatic library.) NBM p.v.3 The battle of Stillwater; or. The maniac. In three acts, founded on na- tional events, by the author of Pirate of the East [i.e., Rufus Dawesj. il840?i 3 v. 8°. NCOF Manuscript promptbook. Geraldine, Athenia of Damascus, and miscellaneous poems. New-York: Samuel Colman, 1839. 5 p.l., (1)16-343 p., 1 port. 12°. NBHD Athenia of Damascus: a tragedy, p. 113-201. Day, Richard Edwin. Thor: a drama lin four actsi representative of human history. Syracuse, N. Y.: J. T. Roberts. 1880. i7 p. 16°. NBLp.v.l2, no.l Dean, Frank J. Joe Ruggles; or. The girl miner. A comedy-drama, in four acts. Chicago: The Dramatic Pub. Co., cop. 1895. 29 p. 12°. (Sergei's acting drama, no. 404.) NBLp.v.4, no.13 Delano, Mortimer. Out of the vast un- known depths. A phantom in one act. (New York: C. H. Eagle. 1908., 12 p. 8°. NBLp.v. 10, no.4 Dell, Floyd. A long time ago; a fan- tasy. (Forum. New York, 1914. 8°. v. 51, p. 261-277.) 'DA D'Elville, Rinallo. The rescue; or. The villain unmasked. .\ farce, in three acts. New York: printed for the author. 1813. 44 p. 12°. NBM p.v.6 Dement, Richmond Sheffield. Napole- on; a drama. Reading edition, with ap- pendi.\. Chicago: Knight. Leonard & Co., 1893. 2 p.l., (1)10-183 p., 4 pi., 5 port. 12°. NBM Demuth, Charles. The azure adder. \.\ drama.] New York: A. and C. Boni. 1913. 31 p. 12°. NBLp.v.32,no,12 De Peyster, John Watts. Both well... An liistorical drama. New York: C. H. Ludwig, 1884. 96 p., 1 port. 4°. NBM .^ charade or parlor drama. A night with Charles xii. of Sweden; or, A soldier's wife's fidelity, n. t.-p. tl85-?i 12 p. 8°. * C p.v.1300, no.5 Deseret deserted. [Drama in three acts.) [New York? 18— ?, 3-28 p. 12°. NCOF Prompter's copy, mounted. Title-page missing. Deutsch, Gotthard. Israel Bruna: an historical tragedy in five acts. Boston: R. G. Badger, 1908. 95 p. 12°. » PSQ A Dialogue, between .A Southern Dele- gate, and His Spouse, on his return from The Grand Continental Congress. A Fragment, inscribed To the Married Ladies of America... Printed in the Year MDCcLXXiv. 14 p. 8°. Reserve Dickinson, Thomas Herbert. In hospi- tal. (In: T. H. Dickinson, editor, Wis- consin plays. New Y'ork, 1914. 12°. p. 69-112.) NBL Wisconsin plays, Thomas H. Dick- inson, editor; origmal one-act plays from the repertory of the Wisconsin Dramatic Society |byi Zona Gale, Thomas H. Dick- inson, William Ellery Leonard. New York: B. W. Huebsch, 1914. 7 p.l., 5-187 p. 12°. NBL The neighbours, by Zona Gale. In hospital, by T. \\. Dickinson. Glory of the morning, by W. E. Leonard. Dillaye, Ina. Ramona; a play in five acts, adapted from Helen Hunt Jackson's Indian novel. Syracuse, N. Y.: F. Lc C. Dillaye, cop. 1887. 40 p. 12°. NBM Dix, Beulah Marie. .Xcross the border; a play of the present, in one act and four scenes. New York: Henry Holt & Co., 1915. 3 p.l., 3-96 p., 2 pi. 12°. NBM .Allison's lad, and other martial in- terludes. Being six one-act dramas, set forth by B. M. Dix. New Y'ork; Henry Holt and Co., 1910. 4 p.l., 3-214 p. 12*. NBM Allison's lad. The hundredth trick. The weak- est link. The snare and the fowler. The captain of the gate. The dark of the dawn. .\ legend of Saint Nicholas. (Poet lore. Boston, 1914. 8°. v. 25, p. 473^95.) •DA Dix, Beulah Marie, and E\-elyn G. SuTiiERi.ANn. A rose o' Plymouth-town. \ romantic comedy in four acts. Boston: The Fortune Press, 1903. 5 p.l., Ul p.. 1 1., 2 pi., 2 port. 8°, NBM Doctor Cure-All. |A comedy in two acts., n. p. [189-?, 21 p. 12°. NBL p.v.ll, no.5 Title-page missing. LIST OF AMERICAN DRAMAS 15 Doddridge, Joseph. Logan. The last of the race of Shikellemus chief of the Cayuga nation. .\ dramatic piece. To which is added. The dialogue of the back- woodsman, and the dandy, first recited at the Buffaloe Seminary, July the 1st, 1821. Buffaloe Creek, Brooke County, Va.: printed for the author, by Solomon Sala 1823. 46 p., 1 1. 12°. Reserve Reprinted: Cincinnati: Robert Clarke & Co., 1868. 2 p.l., (1)4-76 p. 8° HBC Donoho, T. Seaton. Oliver Cromwell: a tragedy in five acts. Washington: W. H. Moore, 1860. 72 p. 16°. NBLp.v.22,no.2 Downing, Henry Francis. The shuttle- cock; or. Israel in Russia; an original drama in four acts. London: F. Griffiths (1913,. 96 p. 12°. NBL p.v.32, no.4 Doyle, Edward. Cagliostro. A dra- matic poem in five acts. New York: printed for the author by W. B. Smith & Co. [Cop. 1882.) 131 p. 12°. NBM The comet; a play of our times. iln verse., Boston: R. G. Badger, 1908. 176 p. 12°. NBM Doyle, Edwin Adams. Phocion. A dramatic poem, and other poems. Win- chester, Ohio: the author, 1910. vii. 214 p., 1 pi. 12°. NBI Phocion. p. 3-72. Dramatic pieces, calculated to exemplify the mode of conduct which will render young ladies both amiable and happy, when their school education is completed. New-Haven: printed bj' Abel Morse, 1791. 3 V. in 1. 12°. Reserve y. 1. The good mother-in-law. The good daugh- ter-in-law. V. 2. The reformation. The maternal sister. V. 3. The triumph of reason. The contrast. Dreiser, Theodore. The blue sphere; a drama. (Smart set. New York, 1914. 8°. V. 44, p. 245-252.) NBA Drey, Sylvan. Woman's rights; a com- edy. Baltimore: Cushings & Bailev, 1884. 45 p. 12°. NBL p.v.l'8, no.21 Drogheda, pseud, of A. S. Moore? Cos- mos. [A play in three acts, and in verse.] Nashville, Tenn.: Cumberland Presbyte- rian Publishing House, 1885. 136 p. 8°. NBM The Drunkard; or. The fallen saved! A moral domestic drama in five acts. Bos- ton: Jones's Publishing House, 1847. 1 p.l., (1)6-50 p. 12°. (Boston Museum edition of American acting dramas, no. 1.) NBL p.v.9, no.8 Duganne, Augustine Joseph Hickey. Woman's vows and Mason's oaths; a play in four acts. To which are added, a de- scription of the costumes. . .and the whole of the stage business. New York: R. M. De Witt, cop. 1874. 76 p. 12°. (De Witt's acting plays, no. 161.) NBL p.v.30, no.4 Dumas, William Charles. Belsliazzar. (Drama in five acts.) Boston: R. G. Badger (1912). 120 p. 12°. *PSQ Dumont, Frank. The cake walk. A farce in one scene. Chicago: The Dramat- i_c Publishing Company .cop. 1897]. 1 p.l., 5-8 p. 12°. (The darkey & comic drama.) NBLp.v.l4, no.6 Conrad; or. The hand of a friend. Drama in three acts. Chicago: The Dra- matic Pub. Co. rcop. 1897., 39 p. 12°. (Sergei's acting drama, no. 508.) NBLp.v.4,no.l6 Gambrinus, king of lager beer. A diabolical, musical, comical and nonsensi- cal Ethiopian burlesque. Music arranged for the pianoforte by A. B. Sedgwick. New York: The Dramatic Publishing Company, cop. 1876. 19 p. 12°. (De Witt's Ethiopian and comic drama, no. 106.) NBL p.v.5, no.l Get-Rich-Quick Society; or. One hundred for thirty. Farce. Chicago: The Dramatic Publishing Company, cop. 1898. 7 p. 12°. (The darkey & comic drama.) NBLp.v.14, no.S -^ girl of the century. A comedy in one act. Philadelphia: Penn Publishing Co., 1897. 13 p. 12°. NBLp.v.ll,no.2 The girl from Klondike; or. Wide- awake Nell. A comedy-drama, in three acts. Chicago: The Dramatic Publishing Company, cop. 1898. 26 p. 12°. (.\meri- can acting drama.) NBL p.v.18, no.2 Scenes in front of a clothing store. A farce, in one scene. New York: The Dramatic Publishing Company, cop. 1889. 6 p. 12°. (De Witt's Ethiopian and comic drama, no. 160.) NBL p.v.21, no.6 The yellow kid who lives in Hogan's alley. A burlesque. New York: The Dramatic Publishing Company, cop. 1897. 9 p. 12°. (De Witt's Ethiopian and comic drama, no. 164.) NBL p.v.18, no.l Duncan, Florence I. Ye last sweet thing in corners. Being ye faithful drama of ye artists' vendetta. By F. I. D. Phila- delphia: Duncan & Hall [Cop. 1880,. 66 p. 12°. NBM Dunlap, William. Abaellino, the great bandit. A grand dramatic romance, in five acts. |By J. H. D. Zschokke., Trans- lated from the German, and adapted to the New-York theatre, by William Dunlap. New-York: D. Longworth, 1807. 63 p. 2. ed. 24°. NCO p.v.291 New-York: T. Longworth. 1820. 66 p. 4. cd. 16°. NGBp.v.l57,no.6 16 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY The Africans; or, War. love, and duty. A play, in three acts. [By William Dunlap.) Philadelphia: M. Carey. 1811. 1 p.l., (1)88-169 p. 16°. NBMp.v.9 Andre; a tragedy, in five acts: as performed bv the OKI .'Xmcrican Company, New York. March 30, 1798. To which are added, authentic documents respecting Major .'Xndre: consisting of letters to Miss Seward, the Cow chace. proceedings of the court martial. &c... New-York: Printed by T. & J. Swords, 1798. viii, (1)10-109 p., 11. 8°. Reserve Andre: a tragedy, in five acts (and in versej: as now performing at the theatre in New York. [By William Dunlap.] To which is added, the Cowchace: a satirical poem. By Major Andre: with the proceed- ings of the court-martial; and authentic documents concerning him. London: Printed for David Ogilvy and son, 1799. viii, (1)10-110 p., 1 I. 8°. Reserve — ;— Andre; a tragedy in five acts, with an introduction by Brander Matthews. [To which are added authentic documents respecting Major Andre; consisting of let- ters to Miss Seward, the Cow Chace, pro- ceedings of the court martial, etc.] New York: The Dunlap Society, 1887. xxxiii p., 1 1., 139 p., 1 port. 8°. (Dunlap Society. Publications, v. 4.) NBL (Dunlap) This edition, limited to one hundred and scvcnty- fivc copies, is a reprint from the 1798 edition of J. & T. Swords of New York. The archers, or Mountaineers of Switzerland; an opera, in three acts, as performed by the Old American Com- pany, in New-York; to which is subjoined a brief historical account of Switzerland [Bv William Dunlap.] New-York: Printed by T. & J. Swords, 1796. viii, (1) 10-94 p., 1 1. 8°. Reserve Darby's return, an interlude... New-York: David Longworth, ISO". 3 p.l., (1)218-225 p. 16°. NBMp.v.8 Darby's return. A comic sketch. As performed at the New York Theatre November 24th, 1789, for the benefit of Mr. Wignell. New York: Hodge, Allen & Campbell, 1789. (Facsimile reprint, 1899.] 14 p., 1 1. 8°. (Appendix to P. L. Ford, Washington and the theatre. New York, 1899. 8°. Dunlap Society. Publications, new scries, no. 8.) NBL (Dunlap) The dramatic works of William Dunlap. In ten volumes, v. 1-2. Phila- delphia and New York, 1806-16. 16°. Reserve V. 1 has imprint: Phihidclphia: T. & G. Palmer, 1806; V. 2 has imprint: New-York: D. Longworth, 1816. V. 1. The father of an only child. Leicester. Fontainvillc Abbey. Darby's return. V. 2. Voice of nature. Fraternal discord. Ital- ian father. Good neighbor. The father; or, American Shandy- ism. A comedy, as performed at the New- York Theatre, by the Old American Com- pany. Written in the Year 1788. (By Wil- liam Dunlap.] New-York: Printed by Hodge, Allen & Campbell, 1789. 3 p.l., (1)6-56 p.. 1 1. 8°. Reserve Fir^t published in the Massachusetts magazine: or, Montlily .Museum, v. 1, Oct. - Nov., 1789, p. 620- 629. 649-655. With an introduction by Thomas J. McKee. New York: The Dun- lap Society, 1887. xii p., 2 1.. (1)4-68 p., 1 pi. 8°. (Dunlap Society. Puldications. no. 2.) NBL (Dunlap) This edition was limited to one hundred and seventy-five copies. Fraternal discord: a drama, in five acts. Altered from the German of A. Von Kotzebue... New York: D. Long- worth, 1809. 69 p. 16°. NBM p.v.8 The glory of Columbia, her yeo- manry! A play, in five acts. New York: David Longworth, 1817. 56 p. 16°. NBM p.v.8 The good neighbor: an interlude, in one act. New-York: David Longworth, 1814. 12 p. 16°. NBM p.v.8 The Italian father: a comedy, in five acts. New-York: D. Longworth. 1810. 63 p. 16°. NBM p.v.8 Leicester, a tragedy... New- York: David Longworth, 1807. 2 p.l., (n 90-150 p. 16°. NBM Lovers vows; a play, in five acts. From the German of Kotzebue. New- York: David Longworth, 1814. 74 p. 16°. NBM p.v.8 Peter the Great; or. The Russian mother: a play. In five acts. New-York: David Longworth, 1814. 56 p. 16°. NBM p.v.8 Ribbemont; or, The feudal baron, a tragedy in five acts. New York: D. Longworth, 1803. 12 p. 16°. NBM Rinaldo Rinaldini; or. The great banditti. A tragedy in five acts. By an Anierican and a citizen of New York [i. e., William Dunlap]. New York: the author, 1810. v(i), (1)8-82 p., 1 pi. 24°. NCO p.v.292, no.4 Tell truth and shame the devil: a comedy, in two acts, as performed by the Old .'Xmcrican Company, New-York, Jan- uary, 1797. (By William Dunlap.] New- York: Printed by T. and J. Swords. 1797. 3 p.l., (1)6-45(1) p. 8°. Reserve The virgin of the sun: a play, in five acts. From the Geriuan of Augustus von Kotzebue. With notes marking the variations from the original. (By William Dunlap.] New-York: printed by G. F. Hopkins, for William Dunlap, 1800. iv p., 1 1., (1)8-80 p. 8°. (German theatre, no. 2.) Reserve Prompter's copy, interleaved. With ms. notes. The voice of nature: a drama, in three acts. Translated and altered from a LIST OF AMERICAN DRAMAS 17 French melo dranie, called The judgment of Solomon... New York: David Long- worth, 1807. 41(1) p., 1 1. 2. ed. 16°. NBM p.v.8 The wife of two husbands: a drama, in five acts... New-York: D. Lonfjworth. 1811. 55 p. 2. ed. 16°. NBM p.v.8 The wild-goose chace: a play, in four acts. With songs. From the Ger- man of Augustus von Kotzebue. With notes marking the variations from the original. [Also. The life of Kotzebue, writ- ten by himself.] New-York: Printed by G. F. Hopkins, for William Dunlap, and sold at the office of the printer [and others), 1800. x p., 1 1., (1)10-104 p., 2 fronts. 8°. (German theatre, no. 1.) Reserve Yankee chronology; or. Huzza for the Constitution! A musical interlude, in one act. To which are added, the patriotic songs of The freedom of the seas, and Yankee tars. New-York: D. Longworth, 1812. 16 p. 16°. NBM p.v.8 .A Dutchman in Ireland. A comic sketch. Chicago: The Dramatic Publish- ing Company [18 — ?]. 8 p. 12°. (The darkey & comic drama.) NBL p.v.l4, no.4 E., A. Matchmakers. A comedy in one act. Boston: W. H. Baker & Co. (Cop. 1884.] 30 p. 12°. (Baker's edition of plays.) NBL p.v.18, no.9 Ebin, Alex. B. "Marriageables." A farcical comedy from modern life in Xew York — in three acts. (New York.i cop. 1912. 64 p. 8\ NBL p.v.29, no.7 "Portia in politics." A play in three acts. [New York,, cop. 1912. 64 p. 8°. NBL p.v.29, no.8 Eddy, Marion. The outcast's daughter. A drama in four acts. Chicago: The Dra- matic Pub. Co. (Cop. 1899., 32 p. 12°. (Sergei's acting drama.) NBL p.v.4, no.15 Eggerth, Werner. My own philosophy, and other poems and dramas. Chicago: The Lakeside Press, R. R. Donnelley & Sons Company [Cop. 1909,. x, 292 p., 1 1. 8°. NBI The dramas are: Among the pioneers. Strife and peace. The last of the Barotins. Ehrmann, Max. Jesus: a passion play. New York: Baker & Taylor Co. (Cop. 1915., 282 p. 12°. NBM Eliot, Annie. The green-room rivals. A comedietta in one act. Boston: W. H. Baker & Co., 1894. 16 p. 12°. (Baker's edition of plays.) NBLp.v.l9,no.l Ellet, Elizabeth Fries Lummis. Teresa Contarini: a tragedy, in five acts. (In her: Poems, translated and original. Philadel- phia, 1835. 16°. p. 137-229.) NBHD Elliott, William. Fiesco: a tragedy. By an American [i. e., William Elliott,. New York: published for the author, 1850. iv p., 1 1., 7-64 p. 12°. NBMp.v.l EUiston, A. Louis. An unlucky tip. A comedietta in one act. Boston: W. H. Baker & Co., 1903. 29 p. 12°. (Baker's edition of plays.) NBL p.v.l9, no.l6 Emerson, William R. Putkins. Heir to — Castles in the air. A comic drama, in one act... Boston: G. M. Baker & Co. icop. 1871.) 16 p. 12°. NBLp.v.5, no.6 Emmons, R. Tecumseh; or. The battle of the Thames, a national drama, in five acts. Philadelphia, 1836. 36 p. 12°. NBM p.v.3 Enander, Hilma L. Three plays. Bos- ton: R. G. Badger ,1913,. 75 p. 12°. NBM In the light of the stone. The man who did not understand. On the trail. English, Thomas Dunn. The Mormons; or. Life at Salt Lake City. A drama, in three acts... as performed at Burton's Theatre, March, 1858. New York: S. French [1858,. 43 p. 12°. (French's standard drama, acting edition, no. 205.) ZZMGp.v.21,no.5 Eno, Henry Lane. The Baglioni. A plav in five acts. New York: Moffat, Yard & Co., 1905. 4 p.l., 148 p. 8°. NBM Eshobel, Raymond. How much I loved thee! A drama. [Washington, D. C: the author, cop. 1884., vi p., 1 1., 153 p. 12°. NBM Eustaphieve, Alexis. Alexis, the czare- witz. A tragedy in five acts. (In his: Re- flections, notes, and original anecdotes, illustrating the character of Peter the Great. Boston, 1814. 2. ed. 12°. p. 141- 224.) GLF Evans, Florence Wilkinson. The ride home. Poems: with The marriage of Guineth, a play in one act. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1913. xi(i), 388 p., 1 1. 12°. NBI Evans, Nathaniel. An Exercise; con- taining, A Dialogue" and Ode on Occasion of the Peace. Performed at the Public Commencement in the College of Philadel- phia, May 17th, 1763. (In his: Poems on several occasions. Philadelphia, 1772. 8°. p. 72-81.) Reserve The Eve of St. John. A melodramatic spectacle in three acts. Version of Naiad queen. [18-?, 2 p.l., 24 1. f°. t NCOF Manuscript promptbook. Everett, David. Daranzel; or. The Per- sian patriot. An original drama. In five acts. [In verse., Boston: John Russell, 1800. 66 p., 1 1. 8°. NBLp.v.l3,no.3 Ewer, William Brooks. Prince Charm- ing; a play in a prologue and three acts. 18 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY (In verse. 1 Middletowii, X. Y.: Hanford & Horton Co., 1913. 48 |).. 1 i)ort. 2. ed. 8°. NBL p.v.29, no.l Ewing, Thomas, the younger. Jona- than; a tragedy. (In five acts and in verse.) New York: Funk & Wagnalls Co.. 1902. 148 p. 12°. *PSQ Fairman, James. The voice of the sea. A comedy, in three acts. n. p.: the author rcop. 1882i. 103 p. 8°. NBL p.v.13, no.5 Faugeres, Margaretta Bleeckcr. Beli- sariii.';: a tragedy. New York: Printed by T. ai.d J Swords, 1795. 53 p. 8°. Reserve Fawcett, Edgar. The Buntling ball; a Grseco-Amcrican play, being a poetical satire on New York society. Illustrations by C. D. Weldon. New York: Funk &: Wagnalls, 1884. 154 p. illus. 8°. NBM Published anonymously. New York: Funk & Wagnalls, 1885. 154 p. illus. 8°. NBM The new King Arthur: an opera without music. New York: Funk & Wag- nalls, 1885. iv p., 1 1., (1)8-164 p. 12°. NBM New York: Funk & Wagnalls. 1885. iv p., 1 I., (1)8-164 p. 2. ed. 12°. NBM Federalism triumphant in the steady habit.s of Connecticut alone, or, The turn- pike road to a fortune. A comic opera, or, political farce in si.x acts, as performed at the Theatres Royal and Aristocratic at Hartford and New-Haven October 1801. n. p.: printed in the year 1802. 40 p. 8°. IQL Felix, F. Pontia: the daughter of Pilate. Drama in four acts. Baltimore: J. Murpliv Co., 1899. 52 p. 12°. NBL p.v.18, no.l'S The shepherdess of Lourdes; or, The blind princess. A drama in five acts. Baltimore: Jolin Murphy Co., 1899. 66 p. 12°. NBLp.v.l9.no.l5 Femald, Chester Bailey. The cat and the cherub: a play in one act. New York: S. French, 1912. 35 p. illus. 12°. (French's acting edition of plays, v. 162, no. 3.) NCO The married woman; a play in three acts. London: Sidgwick & Jackson, Ltd., 1913. 111(1) p. 12°. NBM The pursuit of Pamela; a comedy. (In 4 acts.] New York: S. French. 1914. viii, 96 p., 4 pi. 12°. (Froiub's acting edition, no. 2527.) NCO p.v.386, no.l Ficke, Arthur Davison. Mr. Faust. |A play in 5 acts and in verse.] New N'ork: Mitcliell Kcnncrk-y. 1913. ix(i), 115 p. 12°. (Modern drama series.) NBM Field, Henrietta Dexter, and R. M. Field. The muses up to d;itc. (Short plays for children.) Chicago: Way & Williams, 1897. xi p., 1 1., 11-278 p., 1 1. 12°. NAS The muses up to date. Cinderella. Trouble in the Harden. The modern Cinderella. The wooing of Penelope. A lesson from fairy land. Field, Kate. Extremes meet. A comedi- etta... London: Samuel French (18—?). 16 p. 12°. NCOp.v.266 Fields, .\nnie Adams. Orpheus: a masque. Boston: Houghton. Mifflin & Co., 1900. 3 p.l., 42 p., 1 pi. 8°. NBM Fillmore, J. E. War. A play in one act. (Poet lore. Boston, 1914. 8°. v. 25, p. 523-533.) *DA Finch, Lucine. The butterfly. (Poet lore. Boston, 1910. 8°. v. 21, p. 401^14.) •DA Fiske, Isabella Howe. A comedy of the exile. (Poet lore. Boston. 1906. 8°. v. 17, no. 1, March, 1906, p. 51-58.) * DA Fitch, Clyde. Barbara Frietchie, the Frederick girl. A play in four acts. New York City: Life Pub. Co., 1900. 128 p.. 10 pi., 2 port. 8°. NBM Beau Brummel. A play in four acts written for Richard Mansfield. New York: John Lane Co., 1908. 142 p., 8 pi.. 1 port. 8°. NBM • Captain Jinks of the horse marines. A fantastic comedy in three acts. New York: Doubleday, Page & Co., 1902. 6 p.l., 3-166 p., 1 1., 15 pi., 1 port. 8°. NBM The climbers. A play in four acts. New York: The Macmillan Co., 1906. 265 p. 12°. NBM The girl with the green eyes. A play in four acts. New York: The Mac- millan Co.. 1905. 200 p. 12°. NBM Her own way. A play in four acts. New York: The Macmillan Co., 1907. xiii, 235 p. 12°. NBM Nathan Hale. A play in four acts. New York: R. H. Russell, 1899. 6 p ].. 100 p., 12 pi. 8°. NBM The stubbornness of Geraldine. A play in four acts. New York: The Macmil- lan Co., 1906. xi, 214 p. 12°. NBM The truth. A play in four acts. New York: The Macmillan Co., 1907. xiii, 237 p. 12°. NBM Also printed in T. H. Dickinson's Chief conlem- forary Jramatiils. p. 237-282. Fitzpatrick, Ernest Hugh. Magdalene of I'raiice; an historical drama in four acts. Ponliac, III.: The Sentinel Pub. Co., 1907. 62 p., 12 pi., 2 port. 8°. NBLp.v.l2,no.l6 Fitzpatrick, F. W. The fall of Babylon. The scenario of a spectacular drama. Washington. D. C: Shaw Bros., 1910. 18 p. illus. 8°. NBL p.v.13, no.l2 LIST OF AMERICAN DRAMAS 19 Flora; or. The lover's ordeal. An oper- etta in two acts. Huntington: Long- Islander Print, 1857. 7 1. 16°. NBLp.v.l7,no.5 FoUen, Eliza Lee Cabot, compiler. Home dramas for young people. Boston and Cambridge: James Munroe and Com- pany, 1859. vi p., 2 1., (1)4^41 p. 12°. NBM For love. A drama in three acts. [18— ?i 3 pamphlets. 4°. t NCOF Prompter's manuscript copy. Ford, .'Mfred. Scenes and sonnets. New York: Tappen Bowne, printer [COp. 1872]. 31 p. 12°. NBHp.v.33,no.7 The plays included are: Jael and Sisera: a woman's rights drama and The five hour law: or, Scenes in Athens. Ford, Paul Leicester. "The best laid plans." As enacted in Two social cups of tea. Two social jokes, and One social agonj'. [By P. L. Ford.i [New York?i 1889. 27 p. 8°. NBLp.v.lO,no.l3 Forrest, Thomas. The disappointment; or. The force of credulity. A new comic- opera, in three acts. By Andrew Barton [Pseud.]. Second Edition, revised and cor- rected, with large additions by the .'\uthor. Philadelphia: printed for and sold liv Fran- cis Shallus, 1796. iv p., 1 1., (1)8-94 p., 1 1. 12°. Reserve The Forty thieves; a grand melodra- matic romance, in two acts. New York: S. French [18—?). 26 p. 12°. (French's American drama, no. 21.) NBM p.v.2 Foulke, William Dudley. Maya; a drama. [In five acts and in verse.] _New York: Cosmopolitan Press, 1911. 70 p. 12°. NBM Fowler, Manly B. The prophecy; or. Love and friendship: a drama in three acts. New York: Murden & Thomson. 1821. 34 p. 16°. NCOp.v.251,no.lO Frank. Florence Kiper. Jael; a poetic drama in one act. Chicago: The Little Theatre, 1914. 29(1) p. 12°. * PSQ Frank, Maude Morrison. Short plays about famous authors. New York: Henry Holt and Company, 1915. vii, 144 p. 12°. NBM A mistake at the manor. When Heine was twenty-one. Miss Burney at Court. A Christmas eve with Charles Dickens. The fairies' plea. Frank Glynn's wife; or. An American harem. A comedietta in one act. Chica- go: The Dramatic Publishing Company [Cop. 1897). 14 p. 12°. (Sergei's acting drama, no. 461.) NBL p.v.2, no.l Franklin, Frank Milton. Prince and profligate: a drama in four acts. New York: S. French (Cop. 1904,. 4 p.l., 145 p. 8°. NBM Franklin, S. A question of honor. A dramatic sketch in one act. Philadelphia: Penn Pub. Co., 1899. 19 p. 12°. (Dra- matic library, v. 1, no. 188.) NBLp.v.l9,no.lO Fraser, John A. Because I love you. Drama in four acts. Chicago: The Dra- matic Publishing Company [COp. 1899j. 60 p. 12°. (Sergei's acting drama, no. 447.) NBL p.v.2, no.3 Bloomer girls; or. Courtship in the twentieth century. A satirical comedy in one act. Chicago: The Dramatic Pub. Co. [Cop. 1896.) 23 p. 12°. (American ama- teur drama.) NBL p.v.6, no.4 A cheerful liar. Farcical comedy in three acts. Chicago: The Dramatic Pub- lishing Company [Cop. 1896). 56 p. 12°. (Sergei's acting drama, no. 415.) NBL p.v.2, no.2 A delicate question. An original comedy drama in four acts. Author's edition. Chicago: The Dramatic Pub- lishing Company [Cop. 1896). 64 p. 12°. (.American amateur drama.) NBL p.v. 18, no.5 A modern Ananias. A comedy in three acts. Author's edition. Chicago: The Dramatic Publishing Company [Cop. 1895). 66 p. 12°. (Sergei's acting drama, no. 361.) NBL p.v.2, no.6 Santiago; or, For the red, white and blue. A war drama in four acts. Chicago: The Dramatic Publishing Company [COp. 1898). 58 p., 1 pi. 12°. (Sergei's acting drama, no. 314.) NBL p.v.2, no.S The showman's ward. A comedy in three acts. Chicago: The Dramatic Pub. Co. [Cop. 1896.) 49 p. 12°. (American amateur drama.) NBL p.v.6, no.S ' Twixt love and money. A comedy drama in four acts. Chicago: The Dramatic Publishing Company (Cop. 1896). 68 p. 12°. (American acting drama.) NBL p.v.18, no.4 A woman's honor. Drama in four acts. Chicago: The Dramatic Publishing Company [Cop. 1899). 53 p. 12°. (Sergei's acting drama, no. 431.) NBL p.v.2, no.4 Freybe, C. E. In garrison. ( Poet lore. Boston, 1915. 4°. v. 26, p. 499-511.) * DA Fuller, Henry Blake. The puppet-booth. Twelve plays. New York: The Century Co., 1896. 4 p.l., 212 p. 12°. NBM The cure of souls. On the whirlwind. The love of love. .Afterglow. The ship comes in. At Saint Judas's. The light that always is. The dead-and- alive. Northern lights. The story-spinner. The stranger within the gates. In such a night. Fuller, Horace W. Dear uncle. A comedy in four acts. Adapted from the French of "L'Heritage de M. Plumet." New York: Dramatic Pub. Co., cop. 1890. 42 p. 12°. (De Witt's acting plays, no. 353.) NBL p.v.18, no.13 Furman, A. A. Philip of Pokanokct; an Indian drama. New York: Stettner, Lam- bert and Co., 1894. 136 p. 12°. HBC 20 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Fumiss, Grace Livingston. A box of monkeys. New York: Harper & Bros. (Cop. 1891. 1 2 p.l., (1)4-61 p. 16° . NBL p.v.32, no.9 ■ ■ A farce in NULp.v.JZ, no.y The corner lot chorus. A farce in le act. Boston: W. H. Baker & Co. 3p. 1891.) 19 p. 12°. (Baker's edition plays.) NBL p.v.l9, no.6 The Jack trust. New York: Harper & Bros. (Cop. 1891.) 2 p.l.. (1)4-63 p. 16°. NBLp.v.31,no.2 tcop. NBLp.v.Jl.no.i! - Tulu. New York: Harper & Bros. 1891.J 2 p.l., (1)4-87 p. 16°. NBLp.v.31,no.3 1^ Lt I-t IJ.V.tJiy llU.kJ The veneered savage. New York: r & Bros. [Cop. 1891., 2 p.l., (1)4-33 NBLp.v.31,no.4 Harpc p. 16 Gale, Jane Winsor. Victoria; a comedy in tliree short acts. (Poet lore. Boston, 1915. 8°. 26, p. 78-110.) * DA Gale, Zona. The neighbours. (In: T. H. Dickinson, editor, Wisconsin plays. New York, 1914. 12°. p. 1-67.) NBL Gardiner, Margaret Doane. Universal neurasthenia; or, The house of rest. New York: F. F. Sherman, 1909. 29 p. 8°. NBM Gardner, Nelson. Two dramas and one song. New York: Press of The Friedman Print, 1907. 73 1. 16°. NBL p.v.ll,no.3 The plays are Clio and Lycaon and The martyred maid. Gamett, Porter. The green knight; a vision. Music by E. G. Stricklen, with a cover design by A. Putnam: decorations by R. W. Hart & E. Neuhaus. . . The ninth grove play of the Bohemian Club of San Francisco, as. . .performed. . .on the occa- sion of the club's thirty-fourth annual mid- summer jinks... San Francisco: private- ly printed for the Bohemian Club |by Tay- lor, Nash & Taylor,! 1911. xxviii, 62 p., 1 1., 1 plan, 1 pi. 8°. NBM Gates, Eleanor. "We are seven"; a thrie-act whimsical farce. New York: Arrow Pul). Co. (1915., 166 p. 8°. NBM Gayarrfi, Charles fitienne Arthur. The school for politics. A dramatic novel. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1854. 158 p. 12°. NBM Gayler, Charles. The son of the night. A drama, in three days: and a prologue New York: S. French |1857i. 42 p. 12°. (French's standard drama, no. 169.) NBM p.v.2 Same. NCOF Prompter's copy, interleaved. With nis. notes. Gentlemen coons' parade. Musical sketch, in one act. Chicago: The Dramatic Publisliing Company, cop. 1885. 8 p. 12°. (The darkey & comic drama.) NBLp.v.l9,no.7 Getchell, \V. P. A fisherman's luck. A comedy-drama in four acts. Boston: W. H. Baker & Co. (Cop. 1893.) 47 p. 12°. (Baker's edition of plays.) NBL p.v.19, no.3 Gibson, Preston. S. O. S.; a play in one act. -Adapted, with permission of publish- er, from a short story by Leonard Mer- rick. New York: S. French, 1912. 32 p. 12°. NBL p.v.28, no.2 Gildehaus, Charles, ^neas. .-V drama. Saint Louis: .A. Ungar & Co.. prtrs.. 1884. 54 p. 8°. NBLp.v.24, no.8 Plays. Sibyl. Telemachus. Aeneas. iln verse.) Saint Louis: J. L. Boland Book and Stationery Co., 1888. iv p., 2 1., 2.S8 p. 12°. NBM Gillette, William. Electricity; a comedy in three acts. (Drama. Chicago. 1913. 8°. 1913. no. 12, p. 12-123.) NAFA Gilmore, Marion Forster. Virginia: a tragedy, and other poems. Louisville, Ken- tucky: J. P. Morton & Co., 1910. 4 p.l.. 79 p. 8°. NBI Godfrey, Thomas, the younger. Juve- nile poems on various subjects. With The Prince of Parthia, a tragedy... To which is prefixed. Some Account of the .\uthor and his Writings. Philadelphia, Printed by Henry Miller, 1765. xxvi p., 1 1.. 223 p. 4°. Reserve Goldschmidt, William. Hadassah; or. The Persian queen. Operetta in three acts. Music by S. Sabel. n. p., cop. 1891. 35 p. 8°. * PSQ Goodloe, .Vbbie Carter, .\ntinoiis. A tragedy. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Co., 1891. 139 p. 12°. NBM Goodman, Kenneth Sawyer. Back of the Yards. A play in one act. New York: D. C. Vaughan, 1914. 44 p. 12°. (Stage Guild plays.) NBL p.v.32, no.3 Dust of the road: a play in one act. Chicago: Stage Guild ,1912,. 21 p. 8°. NBL p.v.28, no.lO Ephraim and the winged l)car; a Christmas-eve nightmare in one act. New York: D. C. Vaughan, 1914. 31(1) p. 12°. NBL p.v.32, no.2 Goodman, Kenneth Sawyer, and T. W. Stevens. A pageant for Independence day. Chicago: Stage Guild icop. I912|. 20 I. ilhis. 8°. NBL p.v.28, no.l Gould, Edward Sherman. "The very age!" .\ comedy, in five acts. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1850. 153 p. 12°. NBM p.v.3 Grand-bas, and Loin-ow, pseuds. Re- ceipt for newly-married people. A com- edy, in one act only, but quite a number of toucliing scenes. Prepared for tlie oc- casion by Grand-bas and Loin-ow. Al- bany: Weed, Parsons and Co.. 1877. 42 p. 24°. NBL p.v.31, no.6 LIST OF AMERICAN DRAMAS 21 Grant, Percy Stickney. The return of Odysseus; a poetic drama in four acts. New York: Brentano, 1912. 6 p.l., 5-132 p. 8°. NBM Grant, Robert. The lambs. A tragedy. IHustrated. Boston: J. R. Osgood & Co., 1883. 61 p. 12°. NBM The Gray tigers of Smithville; or, He would and he wouldn't: a school extrava- ganza in three acts, edited by E. Roth. Philadelphia, 1887. iv, S-80 p. 16°. (Amer- ican school and college plays, no. 1.) NBLp.v.20, no.lO Green, Anna Katherine, afterwards Mrs. Charles Rohlfs. Risifi's daughter. A drama. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1887. 2 p.l., 109 p. 12°. NBM Greene, Clay M. The dispensation, and other plays. New York: G. H. Doran Co. il914., 4 p.l., 5-96 p. 12°. NBM The dispensation. The star of Bethlehem. "Through Christmas bells." The awakening of Barbizon. Greene, H. Copley. Theophile, a mir- acle play. Boston: Small, Maynard & Co., 1898. viii, 32 p., 1 pi. 12°. NBM Greenough, J. B. Queen of hearts, a dramatic fantasia. Boston: Ginn, Heath & Co., 1885. 46 p. 12°. (Diversions for students, no. 1.) MZBp.v.3, no.2 The rose and the ring. Adapted for the private stage from Thackeray's Christ- mas pantomime. By the author of "The queen of hearts." Cambridge: C. W. Sever, 1880. 43 p. 12°. NBL p.v.9,no.4 Griffith, Helen Sherman. The burglar alarm. A comedietta in one act. Phila- delphia: The Penn Pub. Co., 1899. 17 p. 12°. (Dramatic library, v. 1, no. 180.) NBL p.v.18, no.6 Help wanted: a comedy in two acts. Philadelphia: The Penn Pub. Co., 1908. 27 p. 12°. NBLp.v.6,no.l2 Griffith, William. Trialogues. Kansas City, Mo.: Hudson-Kimberly Pub. Co., 1897. 2 p.l., ix-xii, 65 p. 12°. NBM Spring. Summer. Autumn. Winter. Groff, Alice. Freedom. A play in four acts. Boston: R. G. Badger, 1904. 58 p. 12°. NBM Gross, Samuel Eberly. The merchant prince of Cornville. A comedy. Chicago: Rand, McNally & Company [Cop. 1896). 168 p. 8°. NBM Gundelfinger, George Frederick. The ice lens; a four-act play on college morals (causes and consequences). New York: Shakespeare Press, 1913. 212 p. 12°. NBM Guptill, Elizabeth F. A trip to story- land. A musical play for children. Chi- cago: T. S. Denison icop. 190Sj. 46 p. 12°. (Denison's specialties.) NBL p.v.8, no.9 Hagedom, Hermann. The horse thieves. A comedy in one act. [Boston:] privately reprinted from the Boston Transcript, May, 1909. 45 p., 2 pl. 8°. NBM Makers of madness; a play in one act and three scenes. New York: M;ic- niillan Co., 1914. 95 p. 12°. NBM The silver blade. A drama in one act. [In verse.] Berlin: A. Unger, 1907. 61 p. 8°. NBM Hageman, Maurice. The first kiss. A comedy in one act. Chicago: The Dra- matic Pu1)lishing Company (Cop. 1897). 16 p. 12°. (American acting drama.) NBL p.v.19, no.9 Hector. A farce in one act. Chi- cago: The Dramatic Publishing Company icop. 1897). 1 p.l., 5-23 p. 12°. NBL p.v.19, no.13 Professor Robinson. Comedy in one act. Chicago: The Dramatic Publish- ing Company ccop. 1899]. 18 p. 12°. (American acting drama.) NBL p.v.17, no.2 To rent. Comedietta in one act. Chicago: The Dramatic Publishing Co. (1898.] 10 p. 12°. (American acting drama.) NBLp.v.4, no.l9 Two veterans. Farce in one act. Chicago: The Dramatic Publishing Com- pany [Cop. 1899). 12 p. 12°. (American acting drama.) NBL p.v.18, no.3 What became of Parker. A farce comedy in four acts. Chicago: The Dra- matic Publishing Company [COp. 1898]. 72 p. 8°. (Sergei's acting drama, no. 443.) NBLp.v.2,no.3 Haid, P. Leo. Major John Andre: an historical drama in five acts. Baltimore: J. Murphy & Co., 1876. vi p., 1 1., 9-68 p. 12°. NBMp.v.l Hall, Louisa Jane Park. Miriam. A dramatic poem. Boston: H. P. Nichols & Co., 1838. viii p., 1 1., 122 p. 2. ed. 12°. NBM p.v.3 Miriam, and Joanna of Naples, with other pieces in verse and prose. Boston: Wm. Crosbv and H. P. Nichols, 1850. 4 p.l., (1) 6-403 p. 12°. NBY Miriam: a dramatic poem, p. 11-111. Hamilton, Alexander, 1786-1875. Crom- well: a tragedy in five acts (and in verscj by the author of "Thomas a Becket" ji. e. Alexander Hamilton). New York: Dick Ik Fitzgerald [Cop. 1868). 3 p.l., (1)6-124 p. 12°. NBM Dramas and poems. New York: Dick & Fitzgerald [Cop. 1887]. vii, 124, 106 p., 2 1., 9-133 p. 12°. NBM The dramas are Cromwell, Thomas a* Becket and Canonicus. Thomas a' Becket: a tragedy in five acts. New York: Dick & Fitzgerald (Cop. 1863). 106 p. 12°. NBM k 22 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Haney, John Louis. Monsieur D'Or; a dramatic fantasy. Pliiladelphia: The Egerton Press, 1910. 145 p. 12°. NBM Hanna, Elizabeth Hcniing. The court of Juno. A lyrical drama in two acts. Atlanta. Ga.: (Franklin Print. & Pub. Co..i 1903. 46 p. 16°. NBLp.v.22,no.l2 Hanshew, T. W. The 'forty-niners; a drama of the gold mines. (Reprinted in: Alfred Bates, editor, The drama. Lon- don, 1903. 8°. V. 20, p. 233-275.) NAF Hapgood, Neith Boyce. Winter's night; a plav in one act. By Neith Boyce. (Trend. New York, 1914. 8°. v. 7, p. 524- 530.) * DA Harby, Isaac. Alberti, a play, in five acts. (In his: A selection from the mis- cellaneous writings of the late Isaac Harby. Charleston, 1829. 8°. p. 3-54.1 NBQ Harper, John Murdoch. Champlain; a drama in three acts. |In verse. i With an introduction entitled: Twenty years and after. Toronto: Trade Pub. Co. tcop. 1908.] 296 p., 1 pi. 8°. NCR Harrigan, Edward. The blue and the grey. A dramatic sketch, in two scenes. New York, 1875. 12 p. 12°. NBLp.v.32,no.ll Harrison, Constance Cary. Alice in Wonderland. A play for children in three acts: dramatized by Mrs. Harrison. Il- lustrations by J. Tenniel. Chicago: The Dramatic Publishing Company rcop. 1890]. 35 p. 12°. (Children's plays.) NBLp.v.19, no.5 Harte, Bret. Two men of Sandy Bar. A drama |in four actsi. Boston: Hou'.,'li- ton, Mifflin & Co., 1882. 151 p. 16°. NBM Hartmann, Karl Sadakichi. Buddha. A drama in twelve scenes. New York: author's edition, 1897. 45 p. 12°. NBM Christ. A dramatic poein in tliri-c acts. (Boston:] author's edition, 1893. SI p. 12°. NBM A tragedy in a New York flat. A dramatic episode in two scenes. New York: the author, 1896. 11 p. 8°. NBLp.v.lO.no.e Haviland, J. Butler. Miss Jones, jour- nalist; or. For the special edition. A farci- cal sketch in one act. Boston: W. H. Baker & Co., 1904. 11 p. 12°. (Vaude- ville stage.) NBL p.v.l, no.l6 Mrs. Maltby's mole; or. The cop- per casket. A farcical sketch in one act. Boston: W. H. Baker & Co.. 1904. 11 p. 12°. (Vaudeville stage.) NBL p.v.l, no.lS Hayward, Edward F. The mothers. Boston: Richard G. Badger, 1903. 27 p. 16°. NBM Hazelton, George Cochrane, the young- er, and J. H. Be.vrimo. The yellow jacket; a Chinese play done in a Chinese manner. In three acts. Illustrated by .\. Genthe. (Introduction by Brander Matthews.: In- dianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill Co. il913.i 8 p.l., 190 p., 11 pi. 12°. NBM Head, Edward Francis. Poltroonius. A tragic farce, in one act. By an admirer of chivalry (i.e. E. F. Head|. Boston: A. Williams & Co., 1856. 31 p. 12°. NBX p.v.8, no.7 A salire on Brooks's assault of Senator Sum- ner. Heath, J. E. Whigs and Democrats: or, Love of no politics. A comedv in three acts, Richmond: T. W. While' 1839. vi, (1)8-80 p. 8°. *Cp.v.313,no.7 Heavysege, Charles. Saul. .\ drama, in three parts. Boston: Fields, Osgood & Co., 1869. 436, 5 p. new ed. 16°. • PSQ New York: Lovell Print. & Pub. Co., 1876. 436, 5 p. new ed. 12°. ♦PSQ Heermans, Forbes. Down the Black Canon; or. The silent witness. .A drama of the Rocky Mountains. In four acts. Chicago: The Dramatic Publishing Com- pany, cop. 1890. 40 p. 12° (Sergei's acting drama, no. 357.) NBL p,v.2, no.9 Henderson, Daniel Mclntyre, the younger. Santa Claus' d'lemma. A whimsical musical Christmas comedv. iTn verse, 1 New York: Dick & Fitzgerald, 1909. 14 p. 12°. NBLp.v.7 Hentz, Caroline Lee Whiting, De Lara; or. The Moorish bride. A tragedv In five acts ,1852?, 27 1. f°. t NCOF M.Tnuscript promptbook. Heptier, Adolf. Good night. Schatz! Realistic joke and earnest, in one act. St. Louis, Mo.: The St. Louis News Co.. 1894. 47(1) p, 12°. NBLpv5,no.2 H. M. S. "Parliament," or. The lady who loved a goveinment clerk. Otlaw.i: Citi- zen Printing and PublishiuL' Companv, 1880. 37 p, 8°. HWD p.v.50 The Hero of two wars, a drama in five acts. (Truth's advocate and montbly anti- Jackson expositor. Cincinnap. |,82S, 8°. March, p. 111-112; April, p, 142-143: May. p, 182-183; June. p. 238-239; lulv. p. 266- 267; Aug.. p. 308-311; Oct.. p .189) II The Library lacks the issue for Sep- . 182R, A political attack on .Andrew Jackson. Signed W. Heron, Matilda. Camille; or. The fate of a coi'uctte, .Ndaptcd from he "^rench of Alexandre Dumas, jr. |bv >!n '' 'a He- ron. i iVcw ^■ork: S, French t\f"^ ' 42 p. 12°. (French's American drair.i 'be a'-t- ing edition, no. 129.) NCOF Cincinnati: T. Wr-ghtson & Co., 1856. 64 p, 8. NKM - V no.2 LIST OF AMERICAN DRAMAS 23 Herts, Benjamin Russell. The female of the species. (International. New York 1915. 4°. V. 9, p. 152-154.) * DA Heywood, Joseph Converse. Antonius. A dramatic poem. New York: Hurd and Houghton, 1867. 272 p. 12°. NBM Herodias. A dramatic poein. New York: Hurd & Houghton, 1867. 251 p. 12°. NBM Salome. A dramatic poem. New York: Hurd & Houghton, 1867. 222 p. 12°. *PSQ Higgins, Aileen Cleveland. Thekla. A drama. Boston: The Poet Lore Co., 1907. 62 p. 12°. NBM Hiland, Frank E. The curtain lifted; or. The order of the sons of Mars. A burlesque initiation ceremony. Chicago: The Dramatic Publishing Co. ,1896., 20 p. 12°. NBLp.v.4,no.l8 Hill, David. Bound by an oath. A domestic drama in four acts and a pro- logue. Boston: W. H. Baker & Co. (Cop. 1890., 80 p. 12°. (Baker's edition of plays.) NBL p.v.18, no.8 Joining the Tinpanites; or, Paddy McFling's experience. A mock initiation for the amusement and instruction of secret societies. . . (In three parts.) Bos- ton: W. H. Baker & Co. (Cop. 1891., 3 pamphlets. 12°. (Baker's novelties.) NBL p.v.18, no.10-12 Out of his sphere. A drama in three acts. Boston: \V. H. Baker & Co. [Cop. 1889.] 35 p. 12°. (Baker's edition of plays.) NBL p.v.19, no.8 Hillhouse, James Abraham. Dramas, discourses, and other pieces. Boston: Charles C. Little and James Brown, 1839. 2 v. 12°. NBM The dramas included are Demetria, Hadad, and Percy's masque. Hadad, a dramatic poem. New York: E. Bliss & E. White, 1825. x p.. 1 1.. (1)14-208 p. 8°. *PSQ Hilliard, Robert. The littlest girl. A play in one act. Dramatized by Robert Hilliard from R. H. Davis's story, "Her first appearance." Chicago: The Dramat- ic Publishing Company [COp. 1898|. 10 p. 12°. (American acting drama.) NBLp.v.l5,no.7 Hinckley, Henry Barrett. Poems. Northampton, Mass.: The Nonotuck Press, 1909. 39 p. 8°. NBLp.v.ll,no.l5 Caesar's wife, p. S-26. Oberon and Titania, p. 31-35. Hobart, George Vere. Experience: a morality play of today. Acting version. New York: The H. K. Fly Company |Cop. 1915,. 128 p., 11 pi. 12°. NBM Hobart, Marie Elizabeth Jefferys. Ath- anasius; a mystery play, in three acts and a prologue. London: Longmans, Green, and Co., 1911. vii, 121 p., 7 pi. 8°. (Saint Agnes' mystery plays.) NBM Hobbes, John Oliver, pseud. See Craigie, Pearl Mary Teresa Richards. Hodgkinson, John. The man of forti- tude; or. The knight's adventure. A drama in three acts. New York: D. Lonsjworth, 1807. 32 p. 16°. NBMp.v.7 Hollenius, Laurence John. Dollars and cents. .Vn original .'\merican comedy, in three acts. New York: Robert M. De Witt, cop. 1867. 40 p. 2. ed. 12°. NBL p.v.19, no.2 Hollister, Gideon Hiram. Thomas a Becket: a tragedy, and other poems. Bos- ton: W. V. Spencer, 1866. iv p., 1 1.. 186 p., 3 1. 12°. NBM Hooker, Brian. Fairyland. An opera in three acts. New Haven: Yale Univer- sity Press, 1915. 137 p. 8°. NBM • Mona; an opera in three acts. The poem by Brian Hooker; the music by Horatio Parker. New York: Dodd, Mead and Company, 1911. ix p., 1 1., 190 p^ 12°. NBM Hopkinson, Francis. An exercise; Con- taining a Dialogue and Ode, on the acces- sion of his present gracious majesty George in. — Performed at a public com- mencement in the College of Philadelphia, May, 1762. (In his: The miscellaneous es- says and occasional writings of Francis Hopkinson. Philadelphia, 1792. 8°. v. 3. rPart 2,, Poems, p. 83-91.) Reserve Hopp, Julius. Tears. A drama of mod- ern life in four acts. Boston: The Poet- Lore Co.. 1904. 78 p. 12°. NBM Hotchkiss, G. B. The birthright: a ro- mantic comedy of old France. Naugatuck tConn.,: The Perry Press, 1906. 56 p. 8°. (Yale University prize poem, 1906") STG Hovey, Richard. The birth of Galahad. |A romantic drama., Boston: Small, May- nard & Co.. 1898. 2 p.l., 124 p. 12°. (In his: Launcelot and Guenevere: a poem in dramas, v. 3.) NBM New York: Duffield & Co., 1907. 2 p.l., 124 p. 16°. (In his: Launce- lot and Guenevere: a poem in dramas, v. 3.) NBM The Holy Graal, and other frag- ments hy R'chard Hovey, being the un- completed parts of the Arthurian dramas. Edited with introduction and notes by Mrs. Richard Hovey and a preface by Bliss Carman. New York: Duffield & Company. 1907. 128 p. 16°. NBM The Holy Graal. Asiolat. Fata Morg.-ina King Arthur. -Xvalon. The marriage of CJuenevere. [.\ tragedy. I Boston: Small. Maynard & Co.. 1898. 17" p. 12°. (In his: Lauiuelot and Guenevere: a poem in dramas, v. 2 I NBM 24 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY New York: Duffield & Co., 1907. 3 p.l., 171 p. 16°. (In his: Launce- lot and Guenevere: a poem in dramas, v. 2.) NBM The quest of Merlin. tA masciue.i Boston: Small, Maynard & Co., 1898. 2 p.l., 80 p. 12°. (In his: Launcclot and Guenevere: a poem in dramas, v. 1.) NBM New York: Duffield & Co., 1907. 3 p.l., 3-80 p. 12°. (In his: Launcc- lot and Guenevere: a poem in dramas, v. 1.) NBM Taliesin. A masque. Boston: Small, Maynard & Co., 1900. 2 p.l., 58 p. 16°. (In his: Launcelot and Guenevere: a poem in dramas, v. 4.) NBM New York: Duffield & Co., 1907. 2 p.l., 58 p. 16°. (In his: Launce- lot and Guenevere: a poem in dramas, v. 4.) NBM Howard, Bronson. The Henrietta", a comedy in four acts. London: S. French, Ltd., cop. 1901. 82 p. 12°. (French's acting edition of plays, v. 157.) NCO New York: S. French. 1901. 82 p. 8°. NBLp.v.l2,no.7 Kate. A comedy in four acts. New York: Harper & Bros., 1906. x, 210 p., 1 1. 12°. NBM Old love-letters. A comedy in one act. London: S. French, Ltd., cop. 1897. 24 p. 12°. (French's acting edition of plays. V. 142 ino. 2,.) NCO (18—?, 2 p.l., 22 f. 4°. tNCOF Prompter's manuscript copy. Shenandoah: a military comedy in four acts. New York: S. French [Cop. 1897,. 71 p. 8°. NBLp.v.l2,no.8 Young Mrs. Winthrop. A play in four acts. New York: Madison Square Theatre, 1882. 47 p. 8°. NBL p.v.ll, no.l3 Same. NCOF Prompter's copy, interleaved. With ms. notes. Howard, Homer Hildreth. The child in the house. A play in one act. (Poet lore. Boston, 1913. 8°. v. 24, p. 433-444.) * DA Howard, Katharine. Candle flame; a play (for reading onlvi. Boston: Sher- man, French & Co., 1914. 6 p.l., 32 p. 8°. NBI Howe, J. B. The woman of the world; or, A peep at the vices and virtues of coun- try ami city life. An entirely original drama in four acts. New York: Happy Hours Co. |18S8?, 36 p. 12°. (The act- ing drama, no. 100.) NCOp.v.301,no.9 Howe, Julia Ward. The world's own. Boston: Ticknor and Fields, 1857. 141 p. 12°. NBM Howell, S. A marriage for revenge. A drama in five acts. New Orleans: Office of the Picayune, 1874. 34 p. 12°. NBLp.v.l,no.3 Howell-Carter, Josephine. Hilarion. A one-act play. (Poet lore. Boston, 1915. 8°. V. 26, p. 374-392.) ♦ DA Howells, William Dean. The Albany depot. [.\ farce.) New York: Harper & Bros., 1892. 68 p. 24°. (Harper's black and white series.) NBM New York: Harper & Bros., 1893. 68 p. 24°. (Harper's black and white series.) NBM Bride roses; a scene. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin and Co., 1900. 48 p., 1 1. 16°. NBM A counterfeit presentment. Com- edy. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1880. 199 p. 16°. NBM The elevator; a farce, iln three acts., Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co. tcop. 1885., 84 p. 16°. NBM Evening dress: a farce. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1893. 2 p.l., 159 p., 3 pi. 24°. (Harper's black and white se- ries.) NBM The garroters. Farce... New York: Harper and Bros., 1894. 90 p., 4 pi. 24°. (Harper's black and white series.) NBM An Indian giver; a comedy. |In one act., Boston: Houghton, Mifflin and Co., 1900. 99(1) p. 16°. NBM A letter of introduction: a farce. New York: Harper & Brothers |Cop. 1892,. 61 p., 4 pi. 24°. (Harper's black and white series.) NBM The mother and the father. Dra- matic passages. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1909. 4 p.l., 3-54 p., 1 1., 4 pi. 8°. NBI The mouse-trap, and other farces. New York: Harper & Brothers [COp. 1889,. 5 p.l., (1)4-184 p. 12°. NBM The garroters. Five o'clock tea. The mouse-trap. A likely story. Out of the question; a comedy. (In six acts., Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co. (1905., 3 p.l., (1)6-183 p. 16°. NBM The parlor car; a farce. (In one act., Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co. (Cop. 1904., 74 p., 1 1. 16°. NBM A previous engagement. Comcdv. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1897. '3 p.l., 65 p., 3 pi. 16°. NBM The register; a farce. (In one act., Boston: Houghton, Mifflin and Co. icop. 1884., 91 p. 16°. NBM Room forty-five; a farce. |ln one act., Boston: Houghton, Mifflin and Co., 1900. 61(1) p. 16°. NBM A sea-change; or. Love's stowa- way. A lyricatcd farce, in two acts and an epilogue. Boston: Ticknor and Co.. 1888. 151 p. 16°. NBM LIST OF AMERICAN DRAMAS 25 The sleeping car; a farce. (In one act.) Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co.. 1912. 2 p.l., (1)4-74 p. 16°. NBM The smoking car; a farce. [In one act.) Boston: Houghton, Mifflin and Co., 1900. 70 p., 1 1. 16°. NBM The unexpected guests; a farce. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1893. 2 p.l., 54 p., 7 pi. 24°. (Harper's black and white series.) NBM Howie, H. M. After the matinee. A comedy in one act. Philadelphia: The Penn Pub. Co., 1899. 19 p. 12°. (Dra- matic library, v. 1, no. 185.) NBLp.v.l8,no.l4 The reformer reformed. A comedy sketch. Philadelphia: Penn Pub. Co., 1899. 11 p. 12°. (Dramatic library, v. 1, no. 187.) NBLp.v.l8,no.7 Hoyt, Charles H., and Edward Solomon. Lyrics of the maid and the moonshiner. Written by Chas. H. Hoyt; composed by Edward Solomon. First produced at the Standard Theatre, New York, August 16, 1886. under the management of Mr. Jas. C. Duff. New York: P. F. McBreen [1886,. 1 p.l., 24 p. 12°. NBLp.v.21,no.8 Hubbell, Horatio. Arnold; or. The treason of West Point. A tragedy in five acts. Philadelphia: (H. Young,, 1847. 76 p. 12°. NBLp.v.l9,no.ll Hubner, Charles William. Cinderella; or, The silver slipper. Lyrical drama in four acts. Atlanta, Georgia: Dodson & Scott, 1879. 24 p. 8°. NBL p.v.lO, no.8 The maid of San-Domingo. A drama in three acts. (In his: Wild flowers. New York, 1877. 12°. p. 5-73.) NBI Hughes, Elizabeth. Women for votes. [Drama in three acts.. New York: E. P. Dutton & Co., 1912. 2 p.l., 97 p. 12°. NBM Humphreys, David. The widow of Mal- abar; or. The tyranny of custom: a trag- edy. Imitated from the French of M. Le Mierre. (In his: The miscellaneous works of Colonel Humphreys. New-York, 1790. 8°. p. 115-176.) NBG Huntington, Gurdon. The shadowy land, and other poems, (including The guests of Brazil). New York: James Mil- ler, 1861. 1 p.l., (1)6-506 p., 1 1. 8°. NBI The guests of Brazil; or. The martyrdom of Frederick: a tragedy, p. 409-506. Hutchins, Will. Jeanne d'Arc at Vau- couleurs. (A romantic drama for the stage.) (Poet lore. Boston, 1910. 8°. v. 21, p. 97-148.) * DA Hutton, Joseph. Fashionable follies: a comedy, in five acts... Philadelphia: James Lakin, 1815. ix p., 1 1.. (1)14-76 p. 16° NBMp.v.S, no.l The orphan of Prague: a drama, in five acts, New-York: D. Longworth, 1810. 58 p. 16°. NBMp.v.5,no.2 The school for prodigals: a com- edy, in five acts. New-York: D. Long- worth, 1809. 62 p. 16°. NBMp.v.S,no.4 The wounded hussar, or The right- ful heir: a musical afterpiece. In two acts, as performed at the New Theatre, Phila- delphia. Philadelphia: Thomas T. Stiles, 1809. 24 p. 16°. NBMp.v.5,no.3 Iliowizi, Henry. Herod: a tra.gedy. Minneapolis, Minn.: [Tribune Book Rooms,, 1884. 80 p. 8°. * PSQ Joseph: a dramatic representation in seven tableaux. Minneapolis. Minn.: The Tribune Job Printing Co.. 1885. 46 p. 8°. NBLp.v.24,no.6 Irwin, Grace Luce. A close call. A farce in one act. Boston: W. H. Baker & Co., 1902. 24 p. 12°. (Baker's edition of plays.) NBLp.v.16, no.22 Drawing room plays. San Fran- cisco: Paul Elder & Co., 1903. 3 p.l.. 165 p. 12°. NBM A domestic dilemma. Heroes. An innocent vil- lain. Art for art's sake. An intimate acquaintance. The wedding of Mah Foy. Music hath charms. A spoiled darling. A comedy in three acts. Boston: W. H. Baker & Co., 1903. 41 p. 12°. (Baker's edition of plays.) NBLp.v.l6,no.21 Jacobson, Janie. Belshazzar; a Scrip- tural play in four acts. (New York: Schoen and Kellerman, 1911., 11(1) p. go * PSQ For liberty. A Chanucah play in four acts. n. t.-p. [New York: Stettiner Bros.,, cop. 1905. 16 p. 8°. * PSQ Joseph and his brethren. A Scrip- tural play in four acts. n. t.-p. (New York: Stettiner Bros., cop. 1905. 16 p. 8°. * PSQ A maid of Persia. A Purim play in four acts. [New York,, 1905. 14 p. 8°. *PSQ Ruth, the Moabitess; a Scriptural play in three acts. Jephthah's vow; a Scriptural plav in two acts. [New York: Schoen & Kellerman, 1910., 16 p. 8°. NBLp.v.l3,no.9 James, Henry. Theatricals. Two com- edies: Tenants, Disengaged. London: Osgood, Mcllvaine & Co., 1894. vi p., 2 1.. (1)4-325 p. 12°. NBM Jaquith, Mrs. M. H. The "deestrick- skule" of fifty years ago. Chicago: The Dramatic Publishing Company, cop. 1888. 37 p. 12°. NBL p.v.26, no.5 26 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY "Exerbition" of the dcestrick skule of fifty years ago. ChicaKo: Dramatic Publishing Company, cop. 1S90. 50 p. 8°. NBLp.v.24,no.7 Sequel to Tht Deeslrick-skulc. Ma Dusenherry and her gearls. Humorous entertainment. First and sec- ond singin' "towers." Chicago: The Dra- matic Publishing Company [Cop. 1896|. 12 p. 12°. NBLp.v.l6,no.ll Parson Poor's donation party. Burlesque entertainment in two scenes. Chicago: The Dramatic Publishing Com- pany icop. 1896,. 1 p.l., 31-49 p. 12°. (Sergei's acting drama, no. 4-41.) NBLp.v.2.no.lO Jasper, Walter. Susanna. .-X drama in five acts (in blank versei. Boston: May- hew Pub. Co.. 1908. 2 p.l.. 100 p. 12°. NBM Jenkins, Floyd, and R. P. Darrow. The wilderness; an American play. New York: Broadway Pub. Co., 1912. 1 p.l., Ixxii. 95 p 12° NBM Johnson, Daniel. Den politiska konicdi- an i F.uropa... rtfversattning af Frcdrik Sterky. Stockholm: A. V. Carlson. 18,'<0. 213 p 12°. NIRp.v.32 Johnson, E. The mouth of gold: a se- ries of dramatic sketches illustrating the life and times of Chrysostom. New York: A. S Ilarnes & Co.. 1873. 97 p. 16°. NBM Johnson, Samuel D. The fireman: a drama in three acts... Boston: W. V. Spencer ipref. 1856i. 36 p. 12°. (Spen- cer's Boston theatre, no. 51.) N(tOF Pronipter't copy. With ms. notes. Johnston, Mary. The goddess of rea- son \ drama in five acts.) Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co.. 1907. viii. 2.U p.. I I S° NBM Jones George. Tecumseh and the prop' i-^ of the West. An original histori- cal lsr:iel-lndian tragedy, in five acts... The I U* and history of General Harrison . . London: Longman, Brown, Green, :iMd Longmans, 1844. 11 p.l., 196 p. 2. ed. 8°, HBC Jones, Joseph Stevens. Captain Kyd; or. T' »• wizard of the sea... A drama... liosto W. V. Spencer |18 — ?|. 44 p. nar. 8° (Spencer's Boston theatre, no. 61.) NCOF Pr.iii (iirr*» copy, inlerleaverl. With m». notes. New York: S. French |18— ?, 44 |) " ( l-'rench's Standard drama. The act 1 .d t on. no. 268.) NCOF P -t irer'i copy, interleaved. With ni». note*. riie carpenter o( Koueii. .\ drama in four parts. |18 — ?i 4 pamphlets. f°. tNCOF P',.i p.er't niiniucripl copy. The litt of drama- i.fi |ie xinae givei the caM ol March IS, 1847, with the ni, I ii( ]. B. Wright as prompter. The carpenter of Rouen; or, The massacre of St. Bartholomew: a romantic drama in four acts... London: T. H. Lacy ,18—?,. 33 p. 12°. NCOF Prompter's copy, interleaved. With ms. notes. The carpenter of Rouen; or, A re- venge for the massacre of St. Bartholo- mew. A romantic drama in three acts. London: T. H. Lacy tl*— ?i- 39 p. 12°. (Lacy's acting edition of plays, v. 4.) NCO Moll Pitcher; or, The fortune tell- er of Lynn. A drama... Boston: W. V. Spencer, 1855. 64 p. 12°. (Spencer's Boston theatre, new series, no. 1.) NCOF Prompter's copy, interleaved. With the stage directions underscored. Solon Shingle; or, The people's lawyer. A comedy in two acts. Boston: W. H. Baker & Co., cop. 1890. 32 p. 12°, (Baker's edition of plays.) NBL p.v.21, no,3 Reprinted in Alfred Bates, The drama, v. 20, p. 197-232. Chicago: The Dramatic Pub- lishing Company |18 — ?i. 24 p. 12°. (The world acting drama.) NBL p.v.l6, no.l9 The usurper; or, .\mericans in Trip- oli. .\ drama altered and compressed into three acts by J. Jones. Boston, 1842. 3 pamphlets. 8°. f NCOF Prompter's manuscript copy. On the title-page is written "J. B. Wrignt, prompter, Boston, 1842." Jordan, Elizabeth Carver. The lady from Oklahoma; a comedy in four acts. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1911. 5 p.l., 3-255(1) p. 8°. NBM Joseph and his brethren. The Hebrew son: or. The child of Babylon. In three acts. New Y'ork, 1860. 3 pamphlets. f°. tNCOF Prompter's manuscript copy. With the parts of the different characters on loose sheets. Josselyn, Robert. The coquette: a do- mestic drama in five acts. Austin (Texasi: the author, 1878. 54 p. 12°. NBLp.v.6, no.l9 Judah, Samuel Benjamin Herbert. The rose of .Xrragon; or, "The vigil of St. Mark. A melo-drama. in two acts. New York: S. King, 1822. 38 p. 16°. NBM p.v.6,no,l Judd, Sylvester. 1813-53. Philo: an evangeliad. Boston: Phillips, Sampson, and Co., 1850. 244 p. 12°. NBM Kaenders, P. The Easter fire on the hill of Sialic. .V drama in three acts. St. Louis, Mo.: n. Herder, 1906. 39 p. 12°. NBLp,v.l2, no.l2 Lorna Doone: a romantic drama in four acts. (Adapted from Blackmore's story.) St. Louis, Mo.: B. Herder. 1906. 39 p. 12°. NBL p.v.12, no.ll LIST OF AMERICAN DRAMAS 27 Lucius Flavus: a drama in five acts. (Adapted from Father Spillmann's story.) St. Louis, Mo.: B. Herder, 1908. 70 p. 12°. NBLp.v.9,no.l2 The prince of Fez. A drama in three acts. St. Louis: B. Herder, 1906. 42 p. 2. ed. 12°. NBLp.v.l2,no.l3 Kane, Helen P. The best laid plans. A farce in one act. Philadelphia: Penn Pub- Co., 1904. 18 p. 12°. NBLp.v.l,no.4 A bundle of matches. A society comedy in two acts. New York: Dick & Fitzgerald, 1909. 28 p. 12°. NBLp.v.7 Under sailing orders; a comedy in one act. New York: Dick & Fitztjerald. 1912. 16 p. 12°. NBLp.v.27,no.9 The white dove of Oneida. A ro- mantic drama in two acts and after-scene. New York: Dick & Fitzgerald, 1907. 18 p. 12°. NBLp.v.7, no.l9 Kasper, Robert Adam. The man you love; a play in four acts. Boston: R. G. Badger ,1914,. 148 p. 12°. (American dramatists series.) NBM Some people marry; a play in three acts. Boston: R. G. Badger [1914). 122 p. 12°. (American dramatists series.) NBM Kastelic, G. A. Thirty hours for three thousand years; or. Heresy and planets. Comedy-drama in five acts. New York il892j. 1 p.l., 47 p., 1 pi. 8°. NBH p.v.52, no.7 Kavanaugh, Katharine. A converted suffragist; a play in one act for female characters. New York: Dick & Fitzgerald, 1912. 8 p. 12°. NBL p.v.27, no.5 A gentle touch; vaudeville sketch in one act. New York: Dick & Fitzgerald. 1912. 10 p. 12°. NBL p.v.27, no.3 A stormy night; a comedy in one act. New York: Dick & Fitzgerald. 1912. 12 p. 12°. NBL p.v.27, no.2 Keim, De Benneville Randolph. Fred- erick the Great; or. Love and majesty. An historical drama of the life and times of a royal friend. In five acts. . . [Washing- ton? cop. 1904.) 28 p., 6 pi., 1 port. 4°. NBLp.v.25,no.l2 La Fayette, the man of two worlds ('L'homme des deux mondes')- An epic drama of the French alliance in five acts. [Washington? cop. 1902.] 27 p., 7 pi. 4°. tNBM "Monmouth"; or, The treason of Charles Lee.. . A dramatic monograph of the American revolution. In one act... n.p.. 1907. 62-78 p., 1 pi. 4°. t NBM Kellogg, Elizabeth. Merry Xmas! A farce in two scenes. Written once upon a time for the College Club. Cincinnati: U. P. James, 1910. 22 p. 12°. NBL p.v.12, no.5 Kemble, Frances Anne, afterwards Mrs. Pierce Butler. Plays. An English trage- dy; a play, in five acts. Mary Stuart. Translated from the German of Schiller. Mademoiselle de Belle Isle. Translated from the French of Alexandre Dumas. London: Longman, Green, Longman, Rob- erts & Green, 1863. 5 p.l., 7-582 p. 12°. NCOF Prompter's copy, partly interleaved, and with ms. notes. The star of .Seville, a drama in five acts. New York: Saunders & Otlev, 1837. 3 p.l., 130 p. 12°. NCO p.v.3'28, no.3 Kemp, Harry. Judas. [A drama.] New York: Mitchell Kennerley, 1913. 3 p.l., 5- 254 p. 12°. *PSQ Kennedy, Charles Rann. The idol-break- er; a play of the present day, in five acts, scene individable, setting forth the story of a morning in the ripening summer. New York: Harper & Bros., 1914. 177(1) p., 1 port. 8°. NCR The necessary evil; a one-act stage play for four persons: to be played in the light. New York: Harper & Bros., 1913. 110 p., 1 1. 8°. NCR The servant in the house. [Drama in five acts.] Illustrated with portraits of the characters in the play. New York: Harper & Bros., 1908. 151(1) p., 1 pi., 7 port. 8°. NCR The terrible meek; a one-act stage play for three voices: to be played in dark- ness. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1912. 4 p.!., 43(1) p., 1 port. 8°. NCR The winterfeast. [A drama.) New York: Harper & Bros., 1908. 7 p.l., 13- 159 p., 8 pi. 8°. NCR Kennedy, Charles William, and J. S. Wilson. Pausanias. A dramatic poem. New York and Washington: The Ncale Publishing Company, 1907. 60 p. 12°. NBM Kenyon, Charles. Kindling; a comedy drama in three acts. With an intro- duction by Clayton Hamilton. Garden City: Doubleday, Page & Co., 1914. xxi(i), 147(1) p., 1 1., 1 pi., 1 port. 12°. (Drama League series of plays, v. 1.) NBM Kenyon, Frances S. Up to Freddie. A farce in two acts. . .designed for girls' schools. Boston: W. H. Baker & Co., 1903. 33 p. 12°. (Baker's edition of plays.) NBLp.v.l6,no.l8 Kidder, Jerome. The drama of earth. New York: Adolphus Ranney, 1857. 360 p., 1 pi. 12°. NBM King, Georgiana Goddard. The way of perfect love. New-York: Macmillan Co., 1908. viii, 108 p. 12°. NBM Kiralfy, I. I. Kiralfy's grand historical spectacle America in four acts, and seven- 28 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY teen scenes... Music by A. Venanzi. (Chicago:) I. Kiralfy, 1893. 36 p., 6 pi. 8°. MWEp.v.l,no.l4 Kleene, Alice Cole. Kirstin; a play in four acts. i.\ version of the story of H. C. Andersen. In verse. i Boston: Sher- man, French & Co., 1913. 4 p.l., 93 p. 12°. NBM Koopman, Harry Lyman. Orestes: a dramatic sketch, and other poems. Buffa- lo, N. Y.: Moulton, VVcnborne & Co.. 1888. 5 p.l., (1)10-192 p. 16°. NBI Lamb, Osborn Rennie. The Iberian. Anglo-Greek play. With music by H. C. Di.xon. |New York: The .^mes & RoUin- son Press, cop. 1903.i 119 p. 12°. NBM no. 320 of 500 copies printed. A sailor's sweetheart: a comedy in one act. New York: The .\mes & Rollin- son Press [1909,. 67 p. 12°. NBM Landes, Leonard. The playwright: a comedy... (With His partner's wife: a play. I New York: Chambers Press il900|. 3 p.l., 91 p., 2 1., 55 p.. 1 port. 8°. NBM Langner, Lawrence. Wedded: a social comedy (in one acti. (Little review. Chi- cago, 1914. 8°. V. 1, no. 8, p. 8-18.) 'DA "The Larks," pseud. The Shakespeare water-cure: a burlesque comedy in three acts. New York: H. Roorbach. cop. 1897. 42 p. 12°. »NDDp.v.l,no.ll The Last of the Mohicans. An Indian drama in 4 acts. (From the novel of the same name by James Fcnimore Cooper.i (1849?, 1 p.l., 107 f. 16°. NCOF Manuscript promptbook. Latour, Eugene. Adorable Elizabctli. A comedy in one act. New York: The Roxbury Pub. Co. (Cop. 1899.i 25 p. 16°. (The wizard series.) NBLp.v.lI,no.6 Lavelle, Alice Elizabeth. Puppets of fate; a drama in four acts and a prologue. Boston: Gorham Press (1914). 63 p. 12°. (American dramatists series, v. 2.) NBM Lawrence, F. N. Lanty's luck; or. Falsi-ly accused. A drama of Irish life in three ,tcis. Boston: W. H. Baker & Co. (Cop. 1897.1 30 p. 12°. (Baker's edition of plays.) NBL p.v.l6. no.M Lawson, James. Dramatic sketch. Jul- ian and Elphina. (In his: Talcs and .sketches, by a cosmopolite. New-York, 1830. 12°. p. 93-100.) NBO Giordano. A tragedy. New York: E. B. Clayton — G. & C. & H. Carvill. 1832. vi p., 1 I.. (1)10-102 p.. 1 I. 8°. NBM Yonkcrs: printed, not pul)- lished, 1867. 98 p. 4°. NBM Yonkcrs. 1875. 2 pi,. 107-192 p. 8*. NBM (Lawson), p.v.l Liddesdale; or. The border chief. A tragedy. (New York: printed, not pub- lished, Tinson. printer, 1861.] 114 p. 8°. NBM Yonkers, 1874. 101 p. 8°. NBM (Lawson), p.v.l The maiden's oath. .\ domestic tragedy. Yonkers, 1877. 2 p.l.. 19.i-312 p. 8°. NBM (Lawson), p.v.l Lays of leisure. The Italian husband, a dramatic poem. The young dreamer, and fugitive offerings in verse. Philadelphia: printed by Jesper Harding, 1825. 2 p.l., (iiii-iv p., 2 1., (1)12-107(1) p. 24°. NBHD The Italian husband, p. 11-65. Lazarus, Emma. The poems of Emma Lazarus. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin and Company, 1895. 2 v. 12°. NBI The Spagnoletto: a play in five acts, v. 1, p. 222-342; The dance to death; a historical tragedy in five acts, v. 2 p. 69-173. Songs of a Semite: The dance to death, and otlier poems. New York: Office of "The American Hebrew," 1882. 4 p.l., (l)6-«0 p. 8°. NBI The dance to death; a historical tragedy in five acts occupies p. 5—48. Leacock, John. The fall of British tyran- ny; or. .American liberty triumphant. The first campaign. A tragi-comcdy of five acts, as lately planned at the Royal The- atrum Pandemonium at St. James. The principal place of action in .America. Pub- lished according to Act of Parliament... Philadelphia: printed by Styncr & Cist. 1776. 21-66 p. 8°. Reserve Imperfect copy, lacking alt before p. 21; title taken from Sabin. Leavitt, John McDowell. Afranius. and The Idimiean, tragedies, with Tlie Roman martyrs, and other poems. New York (Riverside, Cambridge, printed by H. O. Houghton &■ Co.,. 1869. iv, 255 p. NBM The siege of Babylon; a tragedy. New York: Hurd and Houghlon, 1869. 4" p. 16°. NBLp.v.22,no.5 Le Brandt. Joseph. The girl from Porto Rico. .\ farce comedy in tlirce acts. New York: Dick & Fitzgerald, 1906. 66 p. 12°. NBLp.v.7,no.l Ledoux, Louis Vernon. Yzdra. A tragedy in three acts. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1909. vii, 174 p. 1J° NBM Lee, .\gnes. The sharing. Boston: Sherman, French & Co.. 1914. 4 p.l, 64 p. 12°. "^ NBI The sharing; drama in 1 act and in verse. The •ileni house; drama in 1 act and in verse. Leibson, Jacob J. Too much Haman. A Punm comedy. New York: Bloch Pub. Co. (1905.1 13 p. 8°. *PSQ LIST OF AMERICAN DRAMAS 29 Letghton, William, the younger. At the court of King Edwin. A drama. Phila- delphia: T. B. Lippincott & Co., 1878. 2 p.l., 7-157 p. 12°. NBM The sons of Godwin. A tragedy. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott & Co., 1877. 188 p. 12°. NBM Lennox, Charlotte Ramsay. The sister: a comedy. London: J. Dodsley. 1769. 2 p.l., 75(1) p. 2. ed. 8°. NCO p.v.l02 Leonard, William Ellery. Glory of the morning: a play in one act. Madison: Wis- consin Dramatic Society, 1912. 53(1) p. 12°. NBL p.v.32, no.l Also printed in T. H. Dickinson's IVisconsin plays. Lester, Francis. Flirtation cured. Farce comedy in one act. (Male characters.) New York: The Dramatic Publishing Company, cop. 1899. 1 p.l., 10 p. 16°. (The wizard series.) NBL p.v.22, no.6 The new squire. Comedy in one act (male characters). Chicago: The Dra- matic Publishing Company, cop. 1899. 31 p. 12°. (Sergei's acting drama, no. 557.) NBL p.v.4, no.8 Leveque, Joseph Mark. Billy Bing, the bachelor from Birmingham. A curtain raiser, with a moral and three scenes. [New Orleans,] cop. 1908. 3 p.l., (1)6-41 p. 12°. NBL p.v.13, no.6 Levi Ben-Halpai, pseud, of E. A. Guy? The true history and tragedy of Joshua, the Messiah. Washington, D. C: E. A. Guv, 1903. 1 p.l., 46 p. 8°. ZFHHp.v.2,no.8 Levy, Clifton Harby. Haman and Mor- decai, a Purim-play, in five acts. Cincin- nati: Bloch Pub. Co., 1886. 21 p. 12°. *PSQ Levy, Leah. Bible plays for the Sabbath school. Abraham. New York: Bloch Pub. Co., 1901. 22 p. 16°. * PSQ Lewis, Eliza Gabriella. The outlaw; a dramatic sketch. (In her: Poems. Brook- lyn, 1850. 12°. p. 1-51.) NBI Lewis, Estelle Anna Blanche Robinson. The king's stratagem; or, The pearl of Po- land. A tragedy in five acts, by Stella tpseud.j. London: Triibner, 1874. 5 p.l., 94 p. 2. ed. 12°. NBM Sappho; a tragedy in five acts, by Stella " ' ■ (pseud.]. London: Triibner & Co., vi p., 1 1., 132 p., 1 pi. 12°. NBM - London: Triibner & Co., 1876. 1 1., 132 p., 1 pi., 1 port. 2. ed. 12°. NBM London: Triibner & Co., 1878. 1 1., 132 p., 1 pi., 1 port. 4. ed. 12°. NBM London: Triibner & Co., 1881. xiv p., 1 1., 132 p., 1 pi., 1 port. 6. ed. 12°. NBM 1875. XIV p.. XIV p., Lindsey, William. Red wine of Rous- sillon; a play in four acts. Boston: Hough- tun Mifflin Co., 1915. 6 p.l., (1)4-174 \y. 1 1. 8°. NBM Lindsley, A. B. Love and friendship; or, Yankee notions. A comedy in three acts. New York: D. Longworth, 1809. .58 p. 16°. NBM p.v.S Lisanti, G. F. Little Harold; or, The suffragette. A play in four acts. New York: Nicoletti Bros. Press (1911i. 43 p. 12°. NBLp.v.30,no.2 Litchfield, Grace Denio. Collected poems. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1913. ix, 341 p. 12°. NBM Vita: an allegorical drama, p. 33-87; The nun of Kent: a historical drama, p. 149-235. Vita: a drama. Boston: R. G. Badger, 1904. 1 p.l., 56 p. 12°. NBM Local hits; or. High life in New-Orleans. A comedy in one act. New Orleans: Of- fice of the Orleanian, 1850. 52 p. 12°. NBLp.v.l6,no.lO Locke, Belle Marshall. Breezy Point. A comedy in three acts. . . Boston: W. H. Baker & Co. [Cop. 1898., 50 p. 12°. (Baker's edition of plays.) NBLp.v.l6,no.l2 Lockwood, Ingersoll. Washington: a heroic drama of the Revolution, in five acts. New York: the author, 1875. 67 p. p. 12°. NBM p.v.4 Lodge, George Cabot. Cain. \ drama. Boston: Houghton. Mifflin & Co., 1904. 6 p.l., 154 p., 1 1. 12°. NBM Herakles. rDrarna in verse.) Bos- ton: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1908. v (i) p., 2 1., 3-271 (1) p., 1 1. 12°. NBM Loevius, Frederick. A colony of cranks. A comedy in three acts. Time: present. Place: the United States of America. (New York: F. W. Heiss, 19—?) 34 p., 1 1. 12°. NBLp.v.23, no.3 A warrant. A play in five acts. By F. Thaumazo (pseud. of Frederick Loe- vius,. Brooklyn, N. Y., 1909. 64 p. 12°. NBM Logan, Algernon Sydney. Messalina: a tragedy in five acts. Philadelphia; J. B. Lippincott Co., 1890. 147 p. 12°. NBM Saul: a dramatic poem. Philadel- phia: J. B. Lippincott & Co., 1883. 80 p. 12°. NBM London, Jack. Scorn of women. In three acts. New York: Macmillan Co.. 1906. X. 256 p. 12°. NBM Theft; a play in four acts. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1910. xii p., 1 1., 272 p. 12°. NBM Long, Lily Augusta. Radisson, the voy- ageur; a verse drama in four acts. New York: Henry Holt and Co., 1914. viii, 114 p., 1 1. 12°. NBM 30 THK \E\V YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Longfellow, Ilenry Wadsworth. Chris- tiis: a mystery, part 1. The divine trag- edy. Boston: James R. Osgood and Com- pany, 1872. iv p., 1 1., 159 p. 12°. NBM The divine tragedy. Boston: James R. Osgood and Company, 1871. iv, 150 p 12°. NBM Boston: James R. Osgood and Company, 1871. iv p., 1 1., 313 p. 8°. NBM The golden legend. Boston: Tick- nor. Reed, and Fields, 1851. 2 p.I., 3-301 p 12°. NBI Boston: Ticknor, Reed, and Fields, 1853. 2 p.I., 3-301 p. 12°. NBI The masque of Pandora, and other poems. Boston: James R. Osgood and Company, 1875. iv p., 1 1.. (1)4-146 p. 12° NBI _ Boston: James R. Osgood and Company, 1876. 3 p.I., riii-,-iv, (1)4-146 p. 12°. NBM The New England tragedies. Lon- don: George Routledge and Sons, 1868 vi p., 1 1.. 221(1) p., 1 1. 12°. NBM Endicolt. Giles Corey of the Salem F.irms. Authorized edition. Endicott. Giles Corey of the Salcm Farms. Leip- zig: Bernhard Tauchnitz, 1868. 4 p 1 (1)6- 258 p., 1 1. 16°. (Collection of British authors, v. 982.) NBM The Spanish student, and otlicr poems. New York: John B. Alden, 1887 2 p.I.. (1)8-106 p. 12°. NBI nound with his: Voices of the night, Ballads, and other poems. New York, 1887. 12°. Lord, Alice E. A vision's quest. A drama in five acts, representing the hopes and ambitions, the love, marriage, plead- '"PS. discouragements, and achievements of Christopher Columbus, discoverer of "'^ii^ Baltimore: Gushing & Com- pany, 1899. 123 p., 1 pi. 12°. NBM Lord, William VVilberforce. Andre- a tragedy in five acts. New York: C Scrib- ncr, 1856. 138 p., 1 port. 8°. NBM Lounsbery. Grace Constant. Delilah- a drama in three acts. New York: Scott- Thaw Co., 1904. 128 p. 16°. • PSQ Low, Samuel. The politician out-witted ?-7oo'"'^'l?' '" ^"■'^ ="^'^- Written in the Year 1788. By an American (Samuel Low,. Ncw-\ork: Printed for the Author, by \V Ross, 1789. 71 p. 8°. Reserve ^V"*', Daniel Bedinger. Dramatic works of Daniel Bedinger Lucas. Edited by C. W Kent and Virginia Lucas. With a critical introduction by C. F. T. Brooke Inivcrsity of Virginia edition. Boston! , '^,-,P="'8<='' '19I3j. X p.. 3 I., 9-271 p., 1 McI) 7d °' '*■""'"'"'«''»"''■ Hildebrand. Kate The maid of Northumberland: a dramatic poem. New York: G P Put- nam's Sons, 1879. 184 p. 12°. NBM Luce, Grace A. Brass buttons. A com- edy in three acts. . . Boston: W. H. Baker & Co., 1900. 37 p. 12°. (Baker's edition °' P'^ys) NBLp.v.16, no.l6 Ludington, Helen G. The suffragette; a comedy in one act for seven females. New York: S. French, cop. 1909. 2 p.I., (1)4-28 p. 12°. (French's acting edition of plays. V. 157.) NCO Lydston, George Frank. The blood of tlie fathers, a play in four acts. Chicago: Riverton Press, 1912. 2 p.I., 7-241 p 12° NBM McAvoy, Ballard Brownlee. Prince Richard. (Drama in five acts and in verse i n. p., cop. 1902. 97 p. 16°. NBM McBride, H. E. Striking oil. (Phila- delphia: Penn Pub. Co., 1898., 215-240 p 12°- NBLp.v.l6,no.l5 McCabe, J. L. Maloney's wedding; an Irish farce comedy in three acts. Chicago. 1897. 1 p.I., 194 f. 4°. NBM Typewritten. McCarty, W. Page. The golden horse- shoe. A drama. Richmond: F. A. Chris- tian, 1876. 45 p. 8°. NBLp.v.25, no.5 McCord, Louisa Susannah Cheeves. Caius (Jracchus. A tragedy, in five acts New York: H. Kernot, 1851. 128 p. 12°. NBM p.v.4 McCracken, J. L. H. Earning a living. A comedy, in five acts. By a citizen of New York (i. e., J. L. H. McCracken,. New York: Pudney & Russell, 1849. 63 p 8 • NBM Macdonald, M. Guateniozin. A drama Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott & Co., 1878. 191 p. 12°. NBM McGee, Thomas D'Arcy. Sebastian; or, Tlie Roman martyr; a drama (in four acts,, founded on Cardinal Wiseman's celebrated tale of "Fabiola." New York: D. & J Sadlicr & Co., 1861. 52 p. 12°. NBM Mackay, Constance D'.Arcy. The festi- val of Pomona, a spring festival. (Drama. Chicago, 1915. 8°. 1915, p. 161-171.) NAFA Patriotic plays and pageants for .voung people. New York: Henry Holt and Company, 1912. 2 p.I., iii-viii, 223 p. 8°. NBM , . . Plays of the pioneers. .A^ book of historical pageant-plays... New York: Harper & Brothers, 1915. 5 p.I., 13-174 p 1 I., 8 pi. 12°. '' NBM J "•^'"-J""""."-. The fountain of youth. May- r?/,; . i- V"',»'"n8 ,■■««■ The passing of ll.awatha. Uanic (jreel o' Portland town. LIST OF AMERICAN DRAMAS 31 I Mackaye, Mary Keith Medbery. Pride and prejudice. A play founded on Jane Austen's novel by Mrs. Steele Mackaye. New York: Duffield & Co., 1906. vii p., 3 1., 168 p., 1 pi. 8°. NBM Mackaye, Percy. Anti-matrimony: a satirical comedy. New York: F. A. Stokes Co. [1910., 7 p.l., 3-160 p., 1 pi. 12°. NBM The Canterbury pilgrims, a com- edy. New York: The Macmillan Co., 1903. 1 p.l., viii p., 1 1., 210 p., 1 fac. 12°. NBM Fenris, the wolf. A tragedy [in four acts and in verscj. New York: Mac- millan Company, 1905. S p.l., 150 p. 12°. NBM A garland to Sylvia: a dramatic reverie. With a prologue. New-York: The Macmillan Co., 1910. xxiv, 177 p. 12°. NBM Jeanne d'Arc. [A drama in five acts and in verse.) New York: Macmil- lan Co., 1907. ix p., 1 1., 163 p., 1 1., 3 pi. 12°. NBM New York: Macmillan Co., 1911. viii p., 2 1., 163 p., 1 1., 3 pi. 12°. NBM Mater: an American study in com- edy. New York: The Macmillan Co., 1908. 6 p.l., 3-163 p. 8°. NBM Saint Louis: a civic masque. Gar- den City: Doubleday, Page & Company, 1914. xxii, 99 p., 1 1., 1 pi. 12°. NBM Sanctuary; a bird masque. [In verse.) With a prelude by Arvia Mackaye. Illustrated with photographs in color and monotone by Arnold Genthe. New York: F. A. Stokes Co. [1914.) xx, 71(1) p., 4 pi. illus. 12°. NBM First published in the Century, v. 87, p. 547-557. Sappho and Phaon. A tragedy set forth with a prologue, induction, prelude, interludes, and epilogue. New York: The Macmillan Co., 1907. xv(i) p., 1 I., 3-225 p. 12°. NBM The scarecrow; or. The glass of truth. A tragedy of the ludicrous. New York: The Macmillan Co., 1908. xv. 179 p. 12°. NBM Also printed in T. H. Dickinson's Chief contem- porary dramatists, p. 357-393. A thousand years ago; a romance of the Orient. [In four acts and in verse.) With an introduction by Clayton Hamil- ton. Garden City: Doubleday, Page & Co., 1914. xxiy, 130 p., 1 1. 12°. (Drama League series of plays, v. 2.) NBM To-morrow; a play in three acts. New York: F. A. Stokes Company, 1912. ix, 176 p. 12°. NBM Yankee fantasies; five one-act plays. New York: Duffield & Company. 1912. xiv p., 1 1., 169 p. 12°. NBM Chuck: an orchard fantasy. Gettysburg: a wood- shed commentary. The antick: a wayside sketch. The cat-boat: a fantasy for music. Sam Average: a silhouette. McKinley, Henry J. Brigham Young; or. The prophet's last love. A play in tliree acts. San Francisco: Bacon & Co., 1870. 30 p. 12°. ZZMG p.v.22, no.l McKnight, Levi Adolphus. Indiana; a drama of progress; a history of Indiana in a play of four acts. Fowler, Ind.: the au- thor, 1908. 3 p.l., (1)10-50 p., 1 pi., 1 port. 8°. NBL p.v.25, no.9 MacMillan, Mary Louise. Short plays. Cincinnati: Stewart & Kidd, 1915. 4 p.l., 245 p. 2. ed. 12°. NBM The shadowed star. The ring. The rose. Luck? Entr' acte. .\ woman's a woman for a' that. A fan and two candlesticks. A modern masque. The futurists. The gate of wishes. MacPhail, Andrew. The land. A play of character in one act with five scenes, of which one scene only is here printed. (University magazine. Montreal, 1914. 8°. V. 13, p. 275-291.) STK Maddox, D. S. The man from Arizona. A farce in one act. Philadelphia: Penn Pub. Co., 1899. 10 p. 12°. (Dramatic li- brary. V. 1, no. 189.) NBLp.v.l7, no.lO Madelaine, the belle of the Faubourg; a drama in three acts... Boston: W. V. Spencer, 1856. 40 p. 12°. (Spencer's Bos- ton theatre, no. 49.) NCOF Prompter's copy, interleaved. With ms. notes. Maevonius, pseud. The plays of Maevo- nius: e.x antiquitatis angiportibus. Praxi- teles. Jamaica, Queensborough, N. Y.: The Marion Press, 1903. 56 p. 4°. NBL p.v.25, no.n no. 72 of 300 copies printed. A modern drama probably written by Thomas Dunkin Paret. Magnus, Maurice. Eldyle. An aesthetic drama. New York: Ego Press, 1898. 28 p. 8°. NBLp.v.24,no.ll no. 49 of 250 copies printed. Mair, Charles. Tecumseh: a drama ...and Canadian poems. Toronto: W. Briggs, 1901. 1 p.l., 276 p., 3 port. 2. ed. 12°. NCM Malone, Walter. Claribel, and other poems. Louisville, Ky.: J. P. Morton & Co., 1882. 297 p. 12°. NBI Inez: a tragedy, p. 7-82; Claribel: a tragedy, p. 143-231. Mann, Arthur Sitgreaves. Prince Ivo of Bohemia. A romantic tragedy in five acts. [In verse.) New New: 'The Grafton Press [Cop. 1906,. 84 p. 12°. NBM Mann, Hugh. Bound & Free. Two dramas. Boston: R. G. Badger, 1905. 80 p. 12°. NBM The New Lights. A drama... Bos- ton: R. G. Badger, 1904. 51 p. 12°. NBM Manners, J. Hartley. Happiness, and other plays. New York: Dodd, Mead & Co., 1914. 8 p.l., 5-170 p., 3 pi. 12°. NBM Happiness, a study. Tust as wfll, a twentieth- century romance. The day of dupes, an allegory. 32 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Marble, Thomas Littlefield. The Hes- sian: a Revolutionary drama in three acts. Philadelphia: The Pcnn PublishinK Co., 1908. 34 p. 12°. NBLp.v.e.no.ll Mistress Penelope. A romantic drama in one act. Philadelphia: Tlie Pcnn Pub. Co., 1907. 13 p. 12°. NBLp.v.8,no.3 The raiders. A military drama in three acts. Philadelphia: The Pcnn Pub. Co.. 1907. 45 p. 12°. NBLp.v.8,no.4 .A royal runaway. A comedy in three acts. Philadelphia: The Penn Pub. Co., 1904. 35 p. 12°. NBLp.v.l.ncS Marchand, F. G. Un bonheur en attire un autre. Comedie en un acte ct en vers. (Royal Society of Canada. Proceedings and transactions. Montreal, 1883. f°. v. 1. section 1. p. 139-165.) "EC ■; Quclques scenes d'unc comedie in- edite. Les faux brillants. Comedie en cinq actes et en vers. (Royal Society of Canada. Proceedings and transactions. Montreal, 1883. f°. v. I, section, 1, p. 21- 38.) * EC Markoe, Peter. The patriot chief. A tragedy... Philadelphia: Printed for the Author, and sold by Wm. Prichard. 1784. 2 p.l. 70 p. 8°. Reserve Marsden, Frederick, pseud. See Silver, \V. A. Martin, William Frank. Sir Harry Vane: a drama in five acts. Boston: Rox- burgh Pub. Co. il907.j 263 p., 4 port. 8°. NBM Masters, Edgar Lee. The bread of idle- ness; a play in four acts. Chicago: The Rooks Press, 1911. 173 p. 12°. NBM The locket; a play in three acts. Chicago: The Rooks Press, 1910. 110 p. 12°. NBM Maximilian: a plav in five acts. Boston: R. G. Badger, 1902. 154 p. 12°. NBM Mathews, Cornelius. Calmstorm, the rcforiniT. A dramatic comment. New York: W. H. Tinson, 1853. 71 p. 16°. NBLp.v.14, no.l The politicians: a comedy, in five acts. New York, 1840. 118 p. 12°. NBM p.v.4 Witchcraft: a tragedy, in five acts. New-York: S. French, 1852. 99 p. 24° NBM The Library bUo hu three pronipler's copies, with nis. notes. Mathews, Frances Aymar. The new professor. A comedy for ladies in one act. Chicago: The Dramatic Publishing Com- pany (Cop. 1903,. 15 p. 12°. (Sergei's acting drama, no. 530.) NBL p.v.2, no.l2 Matthews, James Brander. "Edged tools." .X play in four acts. New York- S. French, cop. 1873. 47 p. 12°. NCOF Prompter's copy, inicrlc«ve p. 12°. NBM Mitchell, Silas Weir. The complete pocm.'i of S. Weir Mitchell. New \ork: The Century Co.. 1914. 6 p.l., 3-447 p. 12°. NBI The dramatic poems included are Francis Drake, Philip Vernon, Responsibility, Wind .nnd sea. A molal. The cup of youth. The violin, Francois Vil- lon, The miser: a masque. The wager, and Oarabbu. A iriasque, and other poems. Bos- ton: Houghton, Mifflin and Company. 1887. 4 p.l., 63 p. 8°. NBI A masque, p. 1-11. Philip Vernon. A talc in prose and verse. New York: The Century Co.. 1895. 1 p.l., 55 p. 12°. NBM The wager, and other poems. New York: The Century Co., 1900, 4 p.l.. 47 p. 12°. NBI The wager, p. 1-U. Wind and sea. (In his: The hill of stones, and other poems. Boston, 1883. 16°. p. 20-32.) NBI Monroe, Harriet. Valeria, and other poems. Chicago: A, C. McCliirg & Com- pany, 1892. xi p.. I 1.. 3-301 p. 12°. NBM Valeria: a tragedy, p. 1-194. Monroe, J. R. Dramas and miscellane- ous poems. Chicago: Knight & Leonard, prtrs.. 1875. 190 p. 8°. NBM Argo and Irene, p. 44-60; Malachi and MifaniU, p. 81-114, Montenegro, Carlota. Alcestis. A drama |in vcrsci. Boston: The Poet Lore Co., 1909. 4 p.l.. 7-110 p. 12°. NBM Moody, William Vaughn. The faith healer: a play in four acts. Boston: Houghton Mif'flin Co., 1909. 4 p.l., (1)4- 160 p., 1 1. 12°. NBM The fire-bringer. Boston: Hough- ton, Mifflin & Co., 1904. 4 p.l., 108 p. 12°. NBM The great divide: a play in three acts. New York: Macniillan Company, 1909. 4 p.l., (1)4-167 p. 12°. NBM Also printed in T. H. Dickinson's ChUf conlem- forary dramatists, p. 283-315. The masque of judgment. A masque drama in five acts and a prelude. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1902. 3 p.l., 127 p. 12°. NBM The poems and plays of William Vaughn Moody; with an introduction by J. M. Manly. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1912. 2 V. port. 12°. *R-NBI V. 1. Poems and poetic dramas. V. 2. Prose plays. The poetic dramas are The fire-bringer. The masque of judgment, and The death of Eve (a frag- meni); the prose dramas are The great divide and The faith hcalcr. Moore, Bernard Francis. Captain Jack; or. The Irish outlaw. An original Irish drama in three acts. Boston: W, H. Baker & Co. |Cop. 1889., 40 p. 12°. (Baker's edition of plavs.1 NBM (Moore), p.v.l Faugh-a-Ballagh; or. The weariiig of the green. A romantic Irish play in three acts. Boston: W. H. Baker & Co., 1899. 39 p. 12°. (Baker's edition of plays.) NBM (Moore), p.v.l The Irish agent. A play of Irish life in four acts. Boston: W. H. Baker & Co. icop. 1889.1 41 p. 12°. (Baker's edi- tion of plays.) NBM (Moore), p.v.l The Irish rebel. A romantic play of the days of '98, in three acts. Boston: W. H. Baker & Co.. 1903. 38 p. 12°, (Baker's edition of plavs.l NBM (Moore), p.v.l The king of the Philippines. .\ farce comedy in three acts. Boston: W. H. Baker & Co., 1901. 47 p. 12°. (Baker's edition of plays.) NBM (Moore), p.v.l Poverty Flats. .\ play of western life in three acts. Boston: W. H. Baker & Co., 1899. 35 p. 12°. (Baker's edition of plays.) NBM (Moore), p.v.l Suzette. .'\ farcc-comcdv in three acts. Boston: W. H. Baker lS:'Co., 1903. 47 p. 12°. (Baker's edition of plays.) NBLp.v.l5.no.4 The weeping willows. .\ romantic play in three acts. Boston: W. H. Baker & Co., 1903. 53 p. 12°. (Baker's edition of plays.) NBM (Moore), p.v.l LIST OF AMERICAN DRAMAS 35 Moore, Charles Leonard. Banquet of Palacios: a comedy. Philadelphia: C. L. Moore, 1889. 196 p. 16°. NBM Ghost of Rosalvs; a play. Phila- delphia: the author, 1900. 3 p.l.. 9-174 p. 12°. NBLp.v. 23, no.2 Moos, H. M. Mortara; or. The pope and his inquisitors. A drama, together with choice poems. Cincinnati: Bloch & Co.. 1860. 171 p. 16°. *PSQ Morris, George Pope. The maid of Sax- ony: or. Who's the traitor? An opera in three acts. (In his: Poems. New York. 1854. 3. ed. 8°. p. 247-350.) NBI Morrison, George Austin, the younger. "La Fayette"; or, "The maid and the marquis." an original burlesque in three acts. New York: [A. E. Chasmar & Co.,] 1890. 86 p. 8°. NBM Morse, Northrop. Peach bloom: an original play in four acts. New York: Sociological Fund, Medical Review of Re- views, 1913. S p.l., 184 p. 12°. NBM Morse, Woolson. Madam Piper, a musi- cal melange. Music composed and play concocted by Woolson Morse... Assist- ed at times in the stirring by J. C. Good- win... New York: The Art Interchange Press, 1884. 35 p., 1 pi. 8°. NBLp.v.lO,no.l2 Morton, John Maddison. Betsy Baker; or. Too attentive by half. A farce in one act. Philadelphia: The Penn Pub. Co.. 1900. 20 p. 12°. NBL p.v.20, no.6 • • The sentinel. A musical burletta, in one act. Boston, 1852. 35 1. f°. tNCOF Manuscript promptbook. Moses, Mrs. A. J. Esther. A drama in five acts. Cincinnati: Bloch Pub. Co., 1887. 27 PSQ Mueller, Arthur W.? Stultitia; a night- mare and an awakening, in four discus- sions, by a former American government official [Arthur W. Mueller?]. New York: F. A. Stokes Co. [1915.] 4 p.l., iviij-viii, 180 p., 1 pi. 12°. NBM Mutnford, Edward. Bargain day at Bloomstein's; an entertainment in one act. Philadelphia: Penn Pub. Co., 1913. 28 p. 12°. NBL p.v.32, no.S ■ ■ A square deal; a comedy in one act. Philadelphia: Penn Pub. Co., 1912. 24 p. 12°. NBL p.v.32, no.lO Munford, William. Poems, and com- positions in prose on several occasions. Richmond: printed by Samuel Pleasants, Jun., 1798. 3 p.l., (1)6-189(1) p. 8°. Reserve Almoran and Hamet, p. 25-107. Munn, Margaret Crosby. Will Shake- speare of Stratford and London. A drama in four acts. New York: Dodd, Mead & Co., 1910. 6 p.l., 351 p. 12°. *NCLF Murphy, Fitzgerald. A bit o' blarney. -A.n Irish play of the present time. In three acts. Boston: W. H. Baker & Co. icop. 1893., 42 p. 12°. (Baker's edition of plays.) NBL p.v.20, no.S Musselman, N. H. Mila Whendle. An "unpleasant play." (Poet lore. Boston, 1901. 8°. V. 13, p. 22-53.) * DA My aunt; a petit comedy... Philadel- phia: C. Neal (18— ?j. 27 p. 24°. (C. Neal's edition.) NCOF Prompter's copy, interleaved. With ms. notes. Nack, James. The immortal; a dramatic romance; and other poems; With a memoir of the author, by George P. Morris. New York: Stringer and Townsend, 1850. vi, 172 p. 12°. NBHD The immortal, p. 15-83. The spirit of vengeance. A drama, in three acts. (In his: The romance of the ring, and other poems. New York, 1859. 12°. p. 37-90.) NBI Najac, fimile de, and J. M. Lander. The scarlet letter. An American tragedy in five acts, founded on Hawthorne's story, dramatized by Count de Najac and J. M. Lander. 1877. f°. f NCOF With three pamphlets containing the part of Hes- ter Prynne; and the musical score on loose sheets. Prompter's manuscript copy. Nash, Joseph. Josephine; an historical drama, in four acts. Boston: F. Wood, prtr., 1874. 60 p. 16°. NBL p.v.20, no.4 Nathan, Robert Gruntal. Atoms; a one act play. (Harvard monthly. Cambridge, Mass., 1913. 8°. v. 57, p. 31-38.) STG The coward. [A play in one act.] (Harvard monthly. Cambridge, Mass., 1914. 8°. V. 58, p. 20-28.) STG Nature and philosophy; or. The youth who never saw a woman. A farce, in one act... New York: Samuel French |185-?]. 16 p. 12°. (French's minor drama; the acting edition, no. 185.) NCOF Prompter's copy, interleaved. With ms. notes. Neal, John. Otho: a tragedy, in five acts. Boston: West, Richardson & Lord, 1819. xxi p., 2 1., 25-120 p. 16°. NBM p.v.9 NeaU, Walter H. Before the war: a musical comedy in one act. Philadelphia: The Penn Publishing Co., 1908. 13 p. 12°. NBL p.v.6, no.7 Neihardt, John Gneisenau. Eight hun- dred rubles. (Forum. New York, 1915. 8°. V. 53, p. 393-402.) * DA Newton, Charles E. Cast upon the world. An entirely original drama, in five acts... Chicago: The Dramatic Publish- ing Company, cop. 1869. 40 p. 12°. (Sergei's acting drama, no. 175.) NBL p.v.4, no.6 Out at sea. An entirely original romantic drama, in a prologue and four 36 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY acts. New York: The Dramatic Publish- iiiK Company (COp. 1872|. 40 p. 12°. (De Witt's acting plays, no. 178.) NBLp.v.26. no.7 Newton, Harry L. The Booster Club of Blackville. A colored comedy concoc- tion. Chicago: T. S. Denison |1907). 15 p. 12°. (Denison's acting plays.) NBLp.v.6.no.l7 A call to arms. A military comedi- etta in one act. Boston: W. H. Baker & Co.. 1904. 14 p. 12°. (V'audcville staRC.) NBLp.v.l.no.lB Donovan and the dago. .-K comedy sketch in one act. Philadelphia: Penn Pub. Co., 1904. 12 p. 12°. NBL p.v.l, no.6 Her second time on earth. .X com- edy sketch in one act. Boston: W. H. Baker & Co., 1904. 13 p. 12°. (Vaude- ville stage.) NBL p.v.l, no.20 The little red school-house. A bur- lesque sketch on education for a singing quartette. Chicago: T. S. Denison icop. 1908|. 8 p. 12°. (Denison's vaudeville sketches.) NBL p.v.8, no.20 Look out for the cat. A sketch in one act for two black-face comedians. Boston: W. H. Baker & Co.. 1904. 12 p. 12°. (Vaudeville stage.) NBL p.v.l, no.l6a Mr. and Mrs. Fido. A vaudeville sketch. Chicago: T. S. Denison |1907i. 10 p. 12°. (Denison's acting plays.) NBL Oshkosh next week. A comedy for a singing quartette. Chicago: T. S. Deni- son tcop. 1908|. 7 p. 12°. (Denison's vaudeville sketches.) NBL p.v.8, no.lO Pilsner and Poppyseed the two German gazabos. A sketch in one act. Boston: W. H. Baker & Co.. 1904. 11 p. 12°. (Vaudeville stage.) NBL p.v.l, no.l9 Strenuous Mame the Bowery girl. A vaudeville cocktail. Boston: W. H. Baker & Co., 1904. 13 p. 12°. (Vaude- ville stage.) NBL p.v.l, no.l7 Two jay detectives. A rural riot of comedy. Chicago: T. .S. Denison icop. 1908|. 9 p. 12°. (Denison's vaudeville sketches.) NBL p.v.8, no.14 Newton, Harry L., and J. P. Roche. The heiress of Hoctown. .\ rural comedy in three acts. Chicago: T. S. Denison rcop. 1908,. 55 p. 12°. (Aha scries.) NBL p.v.8, no.l9 Nickles, .Mice Belmcr. The sixteenth century conflict. A study of the life of Dr. ^^-lrtin Luther in dialogue. Philadel- phia: The Lutheran Publication Society (Cop. 1910,. 43 p. 8°. NBLp.v.24,no.'3 St. Paul in dialogue. Lutheran Publication 74 p.. 1 1. 8°. NBLp.v.24,no.l A .study of Philadelphia: The Society (Cop. 1910|. Nirdlinger, Charles Frederic. The first lady of the land; a play in four acts. Bos- ton: W. H. Baker & Co., 1914. 209 p. 12°. NBM The world and his wife. |.\ dramai after the verse of Jose Echegaray's El gran Galeoto. New York: Mitchell Kennerley (1908,. 215 p., 6 pi. 8°. NBM Noah, Mordecai Manuel. The fortress of Sorrento: a petit historical drama, in two acts. New York: D. Longworth. 1808. 28 p. 16°. NBMp.v.7 The Grecian captive, or The fall of Athens. New York: E. M. Murdcn. 1S22. 2 p.l., |iiii-iv, 48 p. 16°. NBM p.v.7 She would be a soldier, or The plains of Chippewa; an historical drama, in three acts. New York: G. L. Birch S: Co., 1819. 1 p.l., 5-73 p. 16°. NBM p. 3-4 lacking. Nobles, Milton. The phrenix: a drama in four acts. Chicago: Drama Pub. Co., 1900. 3 p.l., 128 p. 12°. NBLp.v.l4,no.9 Northall, William Knight. Macbeth tra- \tstic: with the stage business... New York: W. Tavlor & Co., 1847. 2 p.l.. (1)8- 36 p. 12°. *NCNp.v.4,no.ll Norton, .Mien. The convolvulus; a com- edy ill tliree acts. New York: Claire Marie. 1915. 72 p. 12°. NBM Norton, Franklin P. Six dramas of .American romance and history. New York: Schulte Press, 1915. 2 p.l., (1)8- 209 p., 1 port. 4°. NBM Thr secretary of state. Financier of New York. .■\t>raham Lincoln. Otomis. the Indian of Mexico. The third term. KinK of Wall Street. Norton, Louise. Little wax candle; a farce in one act. New York: Claire Marie. 1914. 38 p. 12°. NBM O'Brien, William L. Aaron Burr: a play in four acts. [Minneapolis. Minn.: Review Pub. Co.. 1908.1 82 p. 8°. NBLp.v.lO. no.U Ochs, Julius. The Megilla; or. The story of I'.sther: an operatic medley. Cincin- nati: Bloch Pub. & Print. Co. (19— ?, 32 n 12°. *PSQ O'Conor, John Francis Xavier. "Every- soul" and the Land of the Sunrise Sea; operetta. .V mystery play and musical drama. Words and music by J. F. X. O'Conor. ,New York: J. Lane Co., con. 1913., 71(1) p.. 3 pi. 4. ed. 12°. • MZ Oliver, Roland. Little Face. (A drama of the prehistoric era., (Smart set. New York, 1914. 8°. v. 44. p. 131-141.) NBA 102; or. The veteran and his progeny. Boston: Richardson & Lord, 182.'^ .53 p 16°. NBM p.v.5 O'Neill. Eugene Gladstone. Thirst, and other one act plays. Boston: Gorham LIST OF AMERICAN DRAMAS 37 Press il914|. 168 p. 12°. (American dramatists series.) NBM Thirst. The web. Warnings. Fog. Reckless- ness. Opal, pseud. The cloud of witnesses. New York: J. Miller, 1874. 522 p. 12°. NBM Oppenheim, James. The pioneers: a poetic drama in two scenes. New York: B. W. Huebsch, 1910. 61 p. 12°. NBM Ome, M. R. A limb o' the law. A com- edy in two acts. Boston: W. H. Baker & Co. icop. 1892.1 18 p. 12°. (Baker's edi- tion of plays.) NBLp.v.l7, no.l2 Orton, Jason Rockwood. Arnold, and other poems. New Y'^ork: Partridge & Brittan, 1854. 144 p. 12°. NBM Arnold, p. 7-101. Osbom, Laughton. Bianca Capello; a tragedy, being in completion of the first volume of the dramatic series. New York: Moorhead, Simpson & Bond, 1868. 2 p.l.. (1)204--H9 p. 12°. NBM Calvary — Virginia; tragedies. New York: Doolady, 1867. 4 p.l., 200 p. 12°. NBM Dramatic works, v. 1-2, 4. New York. 1868-70. 12°. NBM V. 1 and 4 have imprint. New York: James Miller. 1868; V. 2 has imprint, New York: The American News Company, 18/0. V. 1. Calvary, Virginia, Bianca Capello. V. 2. Ugo da Este, Uberto, The Cid of Seville, The last Mandeville, The heart's sacrifice. The monk, Matilda of Denmark. v. 4. The silver head, The double deceit. The Montanini, The school for critics. The last Mandeville, The heart's sacrifice. The monk, Matilda of Denmark; tragedies, being in completion of the second volume of the dramatic series. New York: The American News Company. 1870. 2 p.l., (1)274-605(1) p. 12°. NBM Mariamne, being the third of the tragedies of Jewish and Biblical history, and the second in continuation of volume vi of the dramatic series. New York: H. L. Hinton, 1873. 2 p.l., 167-269 p. 8°. *PSQ The Montanini: a comedy, being in continuation of the fourth volume of the dramatic series. New Y'ork: James Mil- ler, 1868. 2 p.l., (1) 266-397 p. 12°. NBLp.v.ll,no.lO The silver head. The double deceit: comedies. New York: Doolady, 1867. 262 p., 1 1. 8°. NBM Ugo da Este — Uberto — The Cid of Seville; tragedies. New York: James Miller, 1869. 269 p. 12°. NBM Osborne, Duffield. Xanthippe on wom- an suffrage; dialogue. (Yale review. New Haven, 191S. 8°. v. 4, p. 590-607.) * DA Osborne, Harry W. A home run. A vaudeville sketch. Chicago: T. S. Deni- son icop. 1908]. 9 p. 12°. (Denison's vaudeville sketches.) NBL p.v.8, no.21 Osgood, Harry O. The Bigelows' but- ler. A comedy in three acts. Boston: \V. H. Baker & Co., 1903. 62 p. 12°. (Baker's edition of plays.) NBL p.v.l7, no.l8 Mrs. Compton's manager. A com- edy in three acts. Boston: W. H. Baker & Co. |Cop. 1902.) 58 p. 12°. (Baker's edi- tion of plays.) NBL p.v.18, no.23 Osgood, L. \V. The Union spy; or. The battle of Weldon railroad. .\ military drama in five acts. Woburn, Mass.: J. L. Parker, 1871. 32 p. 16°. (Parker's ama- teur player.) NBL p.v.26, no.l Out of place; or. The lake of Lausanne; a musical farce, in two acts. New York: W. Turner, 1808. 41 p. 24°. NCO p.v.292 Owen, Robert Dale. Pocahontas: a his- torical drama, in five acts; with an intro- ductory essay and notes. By a citizen of the West [i.e., Robert Dale Owenj. New- York: George Dearborn, 1837. 2 p.l., (1)8- 240 p. 12°. NBM Paine, Thomas. A dialogue between the ghost of General Montgomery just arrived from the Elysian fields; and an American delegate, in a wood near Philadelphia. (By Thomas Paine. i [Philadelphia:] Printed, and sold by R. Bell, 1776. New York: privately reprinted, 1865. 3 p.l., (1)6-16 p. 8°. IGA Painton, Edith F. A. U. Palmer. The healing touch; a drama in four acts. New York: Shakespeare Press, 1914. 92 p.. 1 1. 12°. NBM Fallen, Conde Benoist. The feast of Thalarchus. A dramatic poem. Boston: Small, Maynard & Co., 1901. viii, 73 p. 12°. NBM Palmer, John Williamson. The queen's heart. A comedy in three acts. |By J. W. Palmer.i Boston: W. V. Spencer, 1858. 80 p. 12°. NCOF Prompter's copy, interleaved. With ms. notes. Park, John Edgar. The dwarf's spell: a Christmas play. Boston (etc.,: The Pil- grim Press [Cop. 1912,. 5 p.l., (1)4-53 p. 12° NBM Parke, John. Virginia: a pastoral drama, on the birth-day of an illustrious person- age and the return of peace, February 11th, 1784. [By John Parke.j Philadelphia: Printed by Eleazer Oswald, at the Coffee- House, 1786. (In: Horace, The lyric works of Horace, translated into English verse. Philadelphia, 1786. 8°. p. 321- 334.) Reserve Parker, Lem B. Up Vermont way. A rural comedy drama in four acts. Chi- 38 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY cago: The Dramatic Publishing Company (Cop. 1903|. 83 p. 12°. (Sergei's acting drama, no. 528.) NBL p.v.3, no.4 Parker, Mary Moncure. Mrs. Busby's pink tea. A comedy in one act. Chicago: The Dramatic Publishing Company icop. 1902|. 10 p. 12°. (Sergei's acting drama, no. 438.) NBL p.v.3, no.5 Parker, Maud May. The missive. A dramatic poem. Boston: The Poet Lore Co.. 1907. 48 p. 12°. NBM Parker, W. C. The face at the window. A drama in three acts. Chicago: T. S. Denison il904i. 39 p. 12°. (Alta series.) NBLp.v.l,no.21 A friend of the whole family. .■X farce comedy in three acts. Chicago; T. S. Denison [1904). 36 p. 12°. (Alta series.) NBLp.v.l,no.23 His second time on earth. .\ farce comedy in three acts. Chicago: T. S. Denison [1904). 47 p. 12°. (.Mta series.) NBLp.v.l,no.24 Love and anarchy. A sensational melodrama in four acts. Chicago: T. S. Denison (1904j. SO p. 12°. (Alta scries.) NBLp.v.l,no.22 Second childhood. A farce in one act. Chicago: T. S. Denison [Cop. 1908]. 11 p. 12°. (Amateur series.) NBLp.v.8, no.l6 Those red envelopes. .'\ farce in one act. Chicago: T. S. Denison jcop. 1908,. 14 p. 12°. (Amateur scries.) NBLp.v.8, no.l2 Parsons, George Sanford, and A. R. Allen. Princess Proud. A comic opera, in two acts. Book by G. S. Parsons, and A. R. Allen, with music by G. S. Parsons. Presented by the Columbia University Musical Society. . .February.. .1901. rNew York, 1901.1 48 p. illus. 4°. t NBM Patten, Gilbert. In double peril. (Near Gettysburg, '63.) .\ semi-military drama of the Civil war, in three acts. .Adapted from the French. Boston: W. H. Baker & Co., 1903. 58 p. 12°. (Baker's edition of plays.) NBLp.v.18, no.24 Paul Forrester: a play in four acts. New York, 1871. 110 p., 1 I. 8°. NBM Paulding, James Kirkc. and W. I. Paui.iu.ni;. .'\merican comedies... Pliila- delphia: Carey and Hart. 1847. 2 p.l.. liii,- ivp., 1 1., (1)17-295 p. 12°. NBM Thr nurkuils; or, Americans in England, by J. K. P.iuliling. Tht noble exile, Madmen all, and Anlipalhieii, by W. I. Paulding. The Paxton Boys, a Farce. Translated from the Oriijinal French, By a Native of Donegal. Printed in the Year, mikilxiv. 16 p. 16°. Reserve Payne, John Howard. Accusation; or. The family of D'Anglade: a mclo drama, in three acts... Boston: West. Richard- son & Lord. 1818. vii(i), (1)10-76 p. 16°. NBMp.v.U Adeline, the victim of seduction: a melo-dramatic serious drama, in three acts: altered from the French of Monsieur R. C. Guilbert Pixerecourt, and adapted to the English stage: by John Howard Payne ... London: Theatre Roval, Drury Lane J. Tabby, prtr.,, 1822. 42 p. 12°. NCOp.v.lS4, no.3 Ali Pacha; or. The signet-ring. A melodrama, in two acts... New York: E. M. Murden, 1823. 36 p. 16°. NCOF Prompter's copy, interleaved. With ms. notes. Brutus; or, The fall of Tarquin. -An historical tragedy, in five acts. London: T. Rodwell, 1818. viii. 58 p. 5. c