DS 114 D489Tn A A ^^=^= 3D ==^=^ JO 8 GIO 3 iNALL 4 2 9 .IBRAI ^i ACILIT 7 THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES MEMORABLE DATES OF JEWISH HISTORY BY GOTTHARD DEUTSCH, ph. d., Professor at the Hebrew Unioo College, Cincinnati, O. NEW YORK BLOCH PUBLISHING CO. 1904 ■€;: '':e;^-'---%t'M-^W^'i MEMORABLE DATES OF JEWISH HISTORY BY GOTTHARD DEUTSCH, PH. D., Professor at the Hebrew Union College, Cincinnati, O. NEW YORK BLOCH PUBLISHING CO. 1904 //•/ Co t|)c |)0tiorablc ^crnt)arU ^cttmann, l^tejsiHent of tbe %aatb of (JBotoctnor^ Of tt)c |)cb«to itnion CoUcffc since ita Eottntiation, tbciSe page? are tJeUJcateft on tl)c occasion of t)tB setoentietl) birtljUap, augutft 2, 1904, as a tofecn of fricnUfiibip anU aUmiratton bp tte author. MEMORABLE DATES. INTRODUCTION. AMONG the various attempts to explain the complex phe- nomenon called Judaism, the historical explanation will necessarily be the least disputed. The definition of Judaism as a racial entity is strongly denied by a great many of its followers as mistaking the accidental for the essential. The definition ot Judaism as a creed is derided by a great number of men, who not onlv allow themselves to be called Jews in spite of their mdit- ference"or even hostility to the religious question, but even by such who zealously work for its future destiny. The definition, however, that the Jews of the present age are such by descent, that is, through historic forces, be those forces racial or religious, cannot be denied. The worst that may be said against it is that it is not complete. , , ,, • . i. This assertion is strongly supported by the fact that the interest in Jewish history is manifested in our age as it never has been before, by publication of documents, of tombstone inscriptions and monographs, by the founding of societies devoted to the fur- therance of Jewish history, and by the frequent celebration of centenaries, or similar events, recalling important turning points in the history of our past. This consideration prompted me to collect memorable dates in Jewish history, arranged accordmg to the days of the month. Such a collection will be, m the first instance, a brief list of memorable persons and facts m the history of Judaism. It will suggest occasionally the celebration 1 2 MEMOJLIBLE DATES — INTRODUCTION. of centenaries, and so furnish for the home and for the school proper means for bringing home vividly the memories of the past. The first one to attempt such a task was the immortal founder of "Jevfish science," Leopold Zunz, who, in 1871, published his "Die Monatstage des Kalenderjahres. Ein Andenken an Hin- geschiedene." His list is based on the traditional pietv^ manifested in the celebration of the "Jahrzeit." He was followed by Kayser- ling, who, in 1892, published short sketches under the title "Ge- denkblaetter hervorragender juedischer Persoenlichkeiten des 19ten Jahrhunderts." The index, arranged according to the dates, selves the purpose which I attempted with my list. Since that time a Hebrew pamphlet of the same character has appeared, but I have not seen it. Eabbi Heppner, in Koschmin, published a block calendar, with the memorable dates from Jewish history on every leaf, and various papers, like the Juedisches Volksblatt, of Breslau, the Juedisches "Volksblatt, of Vienna, the Generalanzeiger fuer die gesammten Interessen des Judenthums, have published weekly such lists. My own collection, however, has been from various sources, and I always tried, wherever it was possible, to go back to the original source of information. The difficulties of such an attempt are numerous. 1. The first important question is: Who shall be included, and who shall be excluded? Zunz' work was severely criticized by his colleague, F. Lebrecht, who pointed out amongst other things that Zunz had omitted the name of the mint-master, Veitel Heine Ephraim, who had founded the institute in which Zunz taught. (See All- gemeine Zeitung des Judenthums, 1872, p. 477 and 687. See, also, Geiger, Juedische Zeitschrift, Vol. X, p. 184.) From an American point of view it may be sufficient to know tbat Zunz omitted the names of Isaac Leeser, Juda Touro. and Mordecai Manuel Xoah. An especial difficulty is presented in the question of including the names of people who have left Judaism. That they are not altogether to be omitted, Zunz has proven by the fact that he included the names of Heinrich Heine and M. G. Saphir. Graetz devoted, in the last volume of his history, a whole chapter to MEMORABLE DATES — INTRODUCTION. 3 Heine and Ludwig Boerne, and has also devoted a lengthy chap- ter to Benedict Spinoza. And no one who understands Jewish history will blame either Zunz or Graetz for it. Heine had learned to think as a Jew and to feel as a Jew, and, in spite of his conversion, he was made to suffer as a Jew. 2. Another difficulty arises from the differences in the reports. While Kayserling states that Leopold Dukes was born January 17, Meyer's Conversationslexikon has January 25. There is no positive way of finding out the truth, because the old Jewish congregation did not keep exact records of the birth of chil- dren born in their midst, and even an investigation of the papers reporting the celebration of Dukes' eightieth birthday, which, in my case would be exceedingly difficult, would not prove anything. While Kayserling reports that Akiba Eger was born Nov. 2, 1752, according to the biography written by his great grandson, Solomon Schreiber, he was born on Nov. 8, 1761. There is only a degree of more or less probability about one or the other of these dates. For the sake of curiosity I wish to add that in one and the same number of the Allgemeine Zeitung des Juden- thums the death of David Kaufmann is reported differently on the cover and in the body of the paper. 3. A special difficulty is due to the fact that dates of Jewish history in former times were given according to the Jewisli calendar. This not only increases the possibility of an error, but it makes it absolutely impossible to avoid a difference with regard to one day, the night being counted with the next day of the month, while up to midnight it belongs to the preceding day of the general calendar. Isaac M. Wise died March 26, 1900=Adar 25, 5600. Had he died an hour later, it would have been Adar 2G, and any one not informed about the general date would calculate it to have been March 27. This is a small mat- ter, although a difference in a ledger of one cent remains just as grievous as if it were a matter of $100,000. Another difficulty is the frequency of error in changing the date from the Jewish to the general calendar. Finally, error, and slip of the pen of the 4 MEMORABLE DATES — INTRODUCTION. author, add very much to the difficulty. Zunz, who has been celebrated for his accuracy in details, has any number of false statements, arising from such small matters, so he gives the death of David Halevi, the author of Ture Zahab, as having taken place January 31, 1667, instead of January 20, as Buber, in his Anshe Shem, has it, where the tombstone inscription is published. He has made mistakes which are due to careless- ness, just as he reports the death of Eleazar Loew, talmudic author, correctly, as having taken place February 2, 1837, but he gives the name of Loewi, instead of Loew. He further re- ports the death of the geographer of Palestine, Israel Schwarz, as having taken place in Jerusalem, February 4, 1865. Accord- ing to the tombstone inscription, published with the second edi- tion of Schwarz' work, the death took place on the 9th of Sh'bat, February 5. But the important fact is that Israel Schwarz was not the author of the geography of Palestine, but its translator, and the nephew of the author, whose name was Joseph Schwarz. I have a special grievance. Under March 13, 1819, Zunz reports the death of Lazar Fried, rabbi of Konitz, who had written a Hebrew poetical work under the title "Conversation of the Servants of the Patriarch.'-' Here every statement is false. The title of the book is not correctly translated, the book is not a poetical work, but a dry index to Talmudic literature. The name of the place where he lived is not Konitz, but Kanitz, and the name of the author is not Lazar Fried, but Jacob Eliezer Brunswick, who died, not in Konitz, but in Vienna, and, according to the tomb- stone inscription, which I copied from his grave, on the first day of Pesach, 1729. I happen to take particular interest in the man, because he was my great-grandfather's great-grand- father. Otherwise the error would not have been detected. Of course, it is a very small matter to a great many people who compiled an index to talmudic literature, but it shows that in- formation on such points is unreliable, that inaccuracies are bound to creep into every book, and that, therefore, whatever shortcomings may be found in my attempt will be judged leni- ently. MEMORABLE DATES — INTRODUCTIOX. 5 This list originally appeared in Die Deborah, which I pub- lished as a monthly, 1901 and 1902. I have since that time revised and completed it. Nevertheless, I am conscious that it will bear further revision, and I shall be grateful to every one who will call my attention to errors or omissions. At the same time I have a pleasant duty to perform, in expressing my thanks to Mr. Ephraim Frisch, the editor of the Hebrew Union Col- lege Annual, and to his co-workers, who have assisted me in translating the list from German into English, and in indexing it. MEMORABLE DATES. I. JANUARY. 1702. Jair Chayim Bacharach, rabbi at Worms, d. 1804. — Philanthropin (Jewish high-school) Frankfort a. M. founded. 1807. — Asher Sammter, author of works on Jewish science, Dern- burg, b. 1834. — Ludovic Halevy, French novelist, b. 1837. — Earthquake at Safed and Tiberias; two thousand people knied. 1849. — William Goldziher, oculist, professor, Kopestny, b. 1869. — Solomon Ullmann, rabbi and author, Mako, d, 2. 1661. — Mendel Krochmal, rabbi and Talmudic author, Nikols- l)urg, d. 1822. — Bernhard Felsenthal, American reform rabbi, b. 1822. — Persecution at Lauda and Bischofsheim. 1857. — Paul Wolf, councillor, physician, champion of the eman- cipation of the Jews, Dresden, d. 1902. — Henry Lumley, author and inventor, London, d. 6 MEMORABLE DATES — JANUARY. 1807. — Samuel Meyer, rabbi at Hechingen, author of work on Jewish law, b. 1846. — Samuel Lob Goldenberg, editor of Kerem Chemed, d. 1852. — Solomon Eger, son of Akiba Eger, chief rabbi of Posen, d. 1858. — Rachel Felix, the famous actress, Paris, d. 1879. — Solomon Netter, Hebrew publisher, Vienna, d. 1780. — Samson Wolf Rosenfeld, one of the first German preachers, b. 1786. — Moses Mendelssohn, d. 1811. — Benjamin Samuel Phillips, Lord Mayor of London, b. 1822. — Eugenia Pavia Gentilomo Fortis, Italian poetess, b. 1833. — Jos. H. Diinner, chief rabbi of Amsterdam, Cracow, b. 1850. — Jos. Frey, converted Jewish missionary, Pontiac, d. 1852. — Marco Samuel Ghirondi, rabbi and author, Padua, d. 1893. — Meir Panigel, chief rabbi at Jerusalem, d. ^ 5. 1796. — Joseph Salvador, author of a work on Mosaic institutions, b. 1823. — Emanuel Wessely, son of Hartwig Wessely, Hamburg, d. 1846 — Arsene Darmestetter, French philologist, b. 1878. — Carl Weil, court councillor at Vienna, a defender of Jewish rights, d. 1884, — Edward Lasker, German statesman, Kew York, d. 1886. — Lazarus Adler,' rabbi at Kassel, d. 1888. — Henri Herz, French pianist, d. 1895. — Captain Dreyfus, publicly degraded. 1903. — Julie Baroness Cohn-Oppenheim, philanthropist, d. 6. 1632. — Abraham Chayim Shor, Talmudic author, Lemberg, d. 1663. — Simon Luzzatto, rabbi and author, Venice, d. 8 MEMORABLE DATES JANUAEY. 1806. — Henri Herz, pianist, Vienna, b. 1870. — Daniel Bender, author, Berlin, d. 1871. — Jacob Emil Pereire, financier, Paris, d. 1879. — Benjamin Artom, chacham of the Portuguese congregation, London, d. 1890. — Philipp Joachimsen, prominent in New York congregational aifairs, d. 1902. — Jean de Block, advocate of universal peace, convert, War- saw, d. 1903. — Michael Levi Eodkinson, translator of Talmud into Eng- lish, New York, d. 7. 470. — Huna Mari, the exilarch, and rabbi Meshereshia, executed. 1684. — Baruch Nehemiah de Castro, a famous physician at Ham- burg, d. 1834. — Philipp Eeis, inventor of a telephone, Gelnhausen, b. 1896.— Sir Julian Goldsmid, M. P., d. 1902. — Adolph Moses, rabbi and author, Louisville, d. 8. 1830. — Hans Biilow, a famous piauist and anti-semite, b. 1846. — Abraham Vita Eeggio, rabbi and author, Gorz, d. 1862. — Samuel Cahen, translator of Bible into French, Paris, d. 1887.-7-Abraham Samuel Diskin, rabbinical author, AVilkowisk, d. 1890. — Seligmann Heller, poet and translator, Vienna, d. 1812. — Liebmann Adler, rabbi and author, Stadt Lengsfeld, b. 1903. — Lord Pirbright (Baron Henry de Worms), English states- man, convert, London, d. 10. 3481. — Diego de Susan, Seville, executed by Inquisition. MEMORABLE DATES — JANUARY. 9 1728. — David Nieto, chacham in London and philosophical writer, d. 1729. — David Hakohen d'Azevedo, chief rabbi of Amsterdam, d. 1783. — Ludwig L. Jacobson, medical author, Copenhagen, b. 1784. — Poll tax abolished in Alsace. 1801. — Isaac Ben Jacob, bibliographer, Wilna, b. 1884. — Theodore Eatisbonne, convert and the founder of a mon- astic order, d. 1890. — Ignadtz von Dollinger, Catholic theologian and advocate of Judaism, d. 11. 1690._Hillel ben Naphtali Herz, Talmudic author, Zolkiev, d. 1712. — Moses Eothenburg, rabbi, Altona, d. 1771. — The ]^Iarquis d' Argens, alleged protector of Mendelssohn and author of "Lettres Juives," d. 1805. — Lelio della Torre, professor at Eabbinical Seminary in Padua, Asti, b. 1808. — Abraham Mapu, neo-Hebraic novelist, Kovno, b. 1846. — Johann Jacob Sachs, distinguished physician, Nordhausen, d. 1893. — S. E. Edelmann, Hebrew essayist, d. 1893. — Daniel Spitzer, humorist, Vienna, d. 1895.— Jacob Gottstein, writer on medical subjects, Breslau, d. 12. 1812, — Poll tax abolished in Cur-Hessen. 1818. — Ludwig Traube, medical professor, Eatibor, b. 1833. — Eugene Diihring, anti-semitic author, Berlin, b. 1842. — ^W. T. Krug, professor at Leipzig and advocate of Judaism, d. 1850. — William Bacher, professor at Budapest, b. 1878. — Joseph Baron of Giinzl)urg. Eussian financier, Paris, d. 1885. — Jos. Eosen, rabbi at Slonim and Talmudic author, d. 10 MEMORABLE DATES — JANUARY. 13. 1778. — Isaac Lyon Godsmid, champion of the rights of the Jews, London, b. 1809. — Liberal laws on condition of Jews promulgated in grand- duchy of Baden. 1817. — ^Lazarus Landshuth, Jewish historian, Lissa, b. 1871. — Adolph Ludwig Cohen, historian, convert, Gottingen, d. 1881. — Samuel Freund, orthodox rabbi and author, Prague, d. 1888. — Isaac Goldmann, publisher, formerly teacher in a rabbinical seminary at Warsaw, d. 1891. — Anton Ree, member of the Eeichstag, Hamburg, d. 1904. — Leo N. Levi, communal worker, New York, d. 14. 1664. — J. J. Schudt, Christian author on Judaism, b. 1711. — Fire in the Frankfort Jewish quarter. 1797. — Gideon Brecher, translator of Cusari, b. 1798. — Isaac da Costa, Dutch poet, Amsterdam, b. 1802. — ^Leon Halevy, French author, b. 1821. — Solomon Herman Mosenthal, German dramatical poet, b. 1874. — Philipp Eeis, inventor of a telephone apparatus, d. 1884. — I. Chronik, an American reform-rabbi, Berlin, d, 1901. — David Castelli, Orientalist, Florence, d. 1901. — Herman Holdheim, editor, son of Sam. Holdheim, Berlin, d. 1904. — George Lewis Lyon, Jewish journalist, London, d. 15. 1608. — Feiwel Duschenes, Talmudic author, Prague, d. 1719. — Naphtali Hakohen, formerly rabbi at Frankfort, Constan- tinople, d. 1803. — N. M. Adler, chief rabbi at London, Hanover, b. 1896. — Selig Goldschmidt, philanthropist, Frankfort a. M. MEMORABLE DATES — JANUARY. 11 16. 1711. — Jos. Jacob Eaabe, Translator of Mishna, b. 1756. — Jacob Joshua, rabbi at Frankfort, and author of "Pene Yehoshua," d. 17G9. — Isaac Zerachjah Azulai, Jerusalem, father of the famous bibliographer, d. 1793. — Chr. Geo. Nath. David, convert, Danish statesman, b. 1796. — He}Tnan Arnheim, Bible translator, Wongrowitz, b. 1802. — Fr. Jul. Stahl, convert, leader of the conservatives, b. 1856. — Isaac Ashkenazi, painter, Drissa, Eussia, b. 1882. — Ludwig Wihl, German poet, Brussels, d. 1886. — Privy councillor Benj. von Kaulla, financier, Stuttgart, d. 1889. — Hirsch Eabbinowitz, writer on mathematics, St. Peters- burg, d. 1891. — Isaac Aaron Oettinger, Lemberg, d, 17. 1658. — Samson, Wertheimer, financier and philanthropist. Worms, b. 1670. — Eaphael Levy, burnt in Metz, on false accusation. . 1747. — Marcus Herz, physician and philosopher, b. 1789. — Aug. Wilh. Neander (David Mendel), church historian, b. 1808. — Moritz Eappaport, poet, b. 1808. — Solomon Steinhard, teacher and author, Waldorf, b. 1841. — Sigmund Hinrichsen, statesman, Hamburg, b. 1853. — Sam lesi, engraver, Florence, d. 1869. — David Hazan, chief rabbi at Jerusalem, d. 1881. — Theo. Hirsch, convert, historian and professor at Greifs- wald, d. 1882, — Simon Szanto, editor of Neuzeit, d. 18. 1798. — Daniel L. Lessman, German poet, convert, b. 1821. — Theodore Goldstuecker, Sanscritist, Konigsberg, b. 12 MEMORABLE DATES — JANUARY, 1836. — Hananel Neppi, rabbi and Hebrew writer, Cento, d. 1854. — Judah Touro, famous American philanthropist, d. 1890. — Solomon Sulzer, composer of synagogue music, Vienna, d. 1891. — Joseph ATienheim, musician, Stuttgart, d. 1903 — Adolf de Blowitz (Opper), journalist, convert, Paris, d. 1903. — Sir Joseph Sebag Montefiore, communal worker, Ramsgate, d. 19. 1700. — Jacob Kann, philanthropist, Frankfort a. M., d. 1803. — Marcus Herz, physician and philosopher, Berlin, d. 1808. — Israel von Honigsberg, Vienna manufacturer, d. 1817. — ^Isaac Wolffson, member of Reichstag, Hamburg, b. 1848. — Isaac d'Israeli, convert, author, and father of Lord Beacon- field, d. 1858.— L. A. Weiss, poet, b. 1888. — Adolf Ehrentheil, Hcn-ic, Bohemia, rabbi and autlior, d. 20. 1205. — Joseph ilm Shoshan, founder of synagogue, Toledo, d. 1702. — Jost Liebmann, covirt Jew, Berlin, d. 1707. — ^Leopold, Count Kollonitsch, Primas of Hungary, caused exile of Jews from Vienna, Vienna, d. 1800. — Moritz Oppenheim, painter, b. 1803. — Edward Munk, philologist, Glogau, b. 1853. — Jonathan Pereira, medical author, London, d. 1860. — Wilh. Wertheim, physicist, A^ienna, d. 1868. — L. Schott, preacher, Briihl, d. 21. 1492. — Publication of edict expelling Jews from Sicily. 1527. — Jacob von Hochstraten, persecutor of rabbinical literature, d. MEMORABLE DATES — JANUARY. 13 1868. — Ludwig Jacobowski, German poet, Strelno, b. 1880. — Theodor Harbruecker, writer on Arabic-Jewish philosophy, d. 1890. — Nathan M. Adler, chief rabbi of London, d. 23. 1823. — Hermann Jelinek, victim of despotism, b. 1844. — Carl Fischer, censor of rabbinical literature, Prague, d. 1864. — Baruch Auerbach, founder of orphan asylum, Berlin, d. 1875. — Ferdinand Hitzig, famous exegete, d. 1880. — Abraham Ashkenazi, chief rabbi of Jerusalem, d. 1883. — Gustav Dore, illustrator of Bible, d. 1893. — David Cassel, historian, Berlin, d. 1898. — Marco Treves, architect, Florence, d. 23. 1167. — Abraham ibn Ezra, exegete, d. 1334. — Isaac ben Pethachja, martyr, Mecklenburg, executed. 1639. — Frederick Meldola da Silva, executed with ten other Ma- ranos at Lima. 1829. — Sol. von Haber, banker, Karlsruhe, d. 1860. — S. Guensberg, preacher in Berlin, Breslau, d. 1893. — Edward Solomons, composer, London, d. 1904. — Flaminio Servi, rabbi, author, Casale, d. 24. 1430.— N"ine Jews killed at Aix. 1733. — Jacob Reischer, rabbi at Metz, d. 1789. — Jacob Marx, medical writer, Hanover, d. 1814. — John W. Colenso, Anglican bishop and Bible critic, b. 1828. — Ferdinand Cohn, famous botanist, Breslau, b. 1873. — Kaid Nissim Samama, philanthropist, Leghorn, d. 1900. — Isaac Artom, first Jewish Senator in Kingdom of Italy, Eome, d. 14 MEMORABLE DATES — JANUARY. 25. 1138. — Pope Anaklet II., great-grandson of a Jew, d. 1853. — Louis Levy, poet, Berlin, d. 1854, — Filosseno Luzzatto, talented son of S. D. Lnzzatto, Padua. d. 1875. — Israel Schwarz, rabbi and author, Cologne, d. 1899. — Adolph D'Ennery, prolific dramatist, Paris, d. 1901. — Wilhelm von Kothschild, financier, orthodox, Talmudic scholar, Frankfort on M., d. 1904. — Philip Brunner, pedagogic writer, Vienna, d. 26. 1761 — Judah Nabon, rabbi, Jerusalem, d. 1840. — ^Lewis Way, pleader for the Eussian Jews, d. 1851. — Leon Saraval, bibliophile, Trieste, d. 1902. — Andrew B. Davidson, Christian Hebraist, Edinburgh, d. 27. 1806. — ^Wilhelm Freund, philologist and champion of Jewish emancipation, Kempen, b. 1821. — Abraham Schmiedel, rabbi and theological author, b. 1827. — Joseph Israels, Dutch painter, b. 1835. — Leopold von Sacher-Masoch, ghetto poet, Lemberg, b. 1842. — Eeform synagogue opened in London. 1846. — Jonas Frankel, philanthropist, Breslau, d. 1847.— Max Klein, sculptor, Goncz, Hungary, b. 1863. — Edward Eobinson, geographer of Palestine, !N'ew York, d. 1874. — M. A. Alexander, Australian politician, Sydney, d. 1880. — Jacques Herz, pianist, Paris, d. 28. 1197. — Slaughter of Jews in Neuss. 1549. — Elijah Levita, grammarian, Padua, d. MEMORABLE DATES — JANUARY. 15 1573. — Lippold executed in Berlin on false suspicion. 1591. — Joseph ben Mordecai Hakohen, Talmudical writer, Cracow, d. 1883. — Anselni Solomon von Eothschild, head of the Vienna House, b. 1809. — Theodor Benfey, orientalist and convert., b. 1842. — Emanuel Deutz, grand rabbi, Paris, d. 1884.— Gutmann Klemperer, biographer of Jonathan Eybeschiitz Tabor, d. 1903. — David Eaynal, French statesman, Paris, d. 1904. — Karl Emil Franzos, novelist, Berlin, d. 29. 1737. — Alexander Shor, Talmudic author, Zolkiew, d. 1817. — Abraham Furtado, president of the assembly of Jewish notables, Paris, d. 1852. — F. H. Cowen, composer, Jamaica, b. 1882. — Alfred von Henikstein, convert, Austrian general, d. 1892. — Liebmann Adler, rabbi, Chicago, d. 1894. — Joshua Rokeach, wonder rabbi of Bielcza, d. 1897. — Edward Jacobson, humorist, Berlin, d, 30. 1792. — "Gesellschaft der Freunde" founded, Berlin. 1827. — Wilhelm Herzberg, Jewish author, b. 1841. — Moses Biidinger, author of religious text-book, Kassel, d. 1863.— Phineas Mendel Heilprin, anti-reform writer, Washing- ton, d. 1873. — Jacques Isaac Altaras, philanthropist and a large ship- owner, Aix, d. 1874. — Theodor Cerfberr, French colonel, president of consistory, d. 1879. — Abraham Treuenfels, rabbi and author, Stettin, d. 16 MEMORABLE DATES — JANUARY. 1879. — Michael Levy, Hebraist and owner of industries, Inowraz- law, d. 1901. — Ephraim Eothschild, manufacturer and philanthropist, Stadtoldendorf, d. 31. 1830. — Chr. Fr. Eiihs, professor and anti-semitic writer, d. 1864. — Fischel x\rnheim, member of Bavarian diet, Baireuth, d. 1864. — Michael Sachs, preacher and writer, Berlin, d. 1884. — Siegfried Goldschmidt, professor, Strassburg, d. 1887. — Asher Sammter. author of works on Jewish science, Berlin, d. 1894. — Moritz Abraham Stern, mathematician, professor, Gottin- gen, d. 1903. — Martin Berendt. author, Berlin, d. MEMOLIABLE DATES — FEBRUARY. 17 II. FEBRUARY. 1. 1539. — Expulsion of Jews from Tyrnau, Hungary. 1784.— Elijah Israel, rabbi and Talmudic author, Alexandria, d. 1862.— Moses Gutmann, translator of the Apocrypha, Eedwitz, d. 1883.— "London Mansion House" meeting protests against the per^ secution of Jews in Russia. 1885. — Peter Smolensky, Hebrew novelist, jMeran, d. 1903. — Solomon Jadassohn, musical writer, d. 168-4. — Chayim Bochner, Hebrew author, Fiirth, d. 1816.— Jacob Herz, medical professor at Erlangen, Baireuth, b. 1837. — Solomon Buber, editor of Midrashim, Lemberg, b. 1836.— Jacob Caro, historian, professor at Breslau, b. 1837. — Eleazar Low, Talmudic author, Szanto, d. 1837. — Moses Kunitzer, champion of the reform movement, Buda- pest, d. 1852. — Abbe Franz Liebermann, convert, d. 1885. — Jacob Steinhart, rabbi, Arad, d. 1894. — I\Iarco Mortara, rabbi, Mantua, d. 1901.— Genrich A. Schapiro, professor of medicine, St. Petersburg, d. 3. 1763. — Solomon Herschell, chief rabbi of London, London, b. 1807. — Synhedrin opened in Paris. 18 MEMOEABLE DATES — FEBKUAKY. 1810. — Ludwig August Franki, German poet, b. 1826. — Simon Spitzer, mathematician, Vienna, b. 1841. — M. H. Landauer, author on Kabbalah, Kappel, d. 1843. — Abraham Stem, inventor of a calculating machine, War- saw, d. 1866. — Joseph Bach, first modern preacher in Hungary, Budapest; d. 1871. — Joseph Eotvos, champion of emancipation in Hungary, d. 1893. — Baron Joseph Treves de Bonfili, philanthropist, Padua, d. 1738. — Siiss Oppenheimer, a financier at Wurtemberg, executed. 1815. — Sol. Fiorentino, Italian poet, Florence, d. 1842. — George Brandes, Danish and German essayist, b. 1860. — Moses Maimon, painter, Wolkowyshski, b. 1865. — Joseph Schwarz, geographer of Palestine, Jerusalem, d. 1886. — Nathan von Kallir, Austrian politician, d. 1896. — Heinrich Popper, Austrian politician, d. 1901. — Jacob Plant, philanthropist, ISTizza, d. 1902. — Hermann Wolf, musical writer, convert, d. 1678. — Joseph Shammash, author of the Worms' folk-lore stories, d. 1718. — Hadrian Eeland, the founder of geography of Palestine, d. 1801. — Sol. Herxheimer, commentator of the Bible, b. 1823. — John Ant. Llorente, the historian of the Inquisition, d. 1838. — Joshua van Oven, physician and preacher in Liverpool, d. 1864. — Moriz Veit, advocate of Judaism and writer, Berlin, d. 1883. — Jon. Eaph. Bischoffsheim, banker and politician, Brussels, d. 1885. — Edward Salomon, physician and songwriter, Bromberg, d. 1889. — Emanuel F. Veneziani, private secretary of Baron Hirsch, Paris, d. MEMORABLE DATES FEBRUARY. 19 1891. — ISTehemiah Briill, Jewish scholar, Frankfort a. M., d. 1900. — Baron Ignazio Weiss Weill, financier, Turin, d. 6. 1867. — Sol. Munk, the Arabic scholar, Paris, d. 1874. — Meyer Amschel de Kothschild, member of English Par- liament, d. 1894. — Theodor Billroth, a famous surgeon, known through his position in the anti-semitic movement, d. 1900. — Elijah Benamozegh, apologist of Kabbalah, Leghorn, d. 1413. — The religious disputation begun at Tortosa. . 1767. — Saul iVscher, member of the Berlin Culture Society, b. 1878. — Pius IX., famous for the syllabus and the Mortara Case, d. 1895, — Eugene Benj. Fisehel, painter, Paris, d. 8. 1663. — Shabbetai Cohen, "Schach," Holleschau, d. 1795. — M. Gr. Saphir, the Vienna humorist, b. 1831. — Law passed ordering support in France of the Jewish cult. 1867. — Joachim Basewi, jurist, Milan, d. 1874. — Eachel Mayer, authoress of Jewish novels, d. 1882. — Berthold Auerbach, German poet, d. 1886. — Ivan Aksakov, the intellectual originator of Jewish pei-- secution in Eussia, d. 1889. — Anna Maria Goldsmid, authoress, London, d. 1896. — Rudolf Benedict, chemist, Vienna, d, 9. 1815. — Isaac Hirsch Weiss, historian of Talmud, Gross-Meseritsch, b. 1873. — Julius Fiirst, bibliographer, Leipzig, d. 20 MEMORABLE DATES — FEBRUARY. 1880. — Israel Salant (called also Lipkin), eminent Talmudist^ Koenigsberg, d. 10. 1660. — Sai;l Morteira, rabbi in Amsterdam, d. 1797. — Giirapel Lowisohn, professor in Upsala, Hamburg, d. 1835, — tyloses Hochheimer, Hebrew grammarian, Ansbach, d. 1868. — Chayim Palaggi, rabbi and prolific Talmudic author, Smyr- na, d. 1888. — Ferdinand Eberstadt, Burgomaster, Worms, d. 11. 1591. — Moses Luria, rabbi, Worms, d. 1689. — Moses Galante, Talmudic author, Jerusalem, d. 1772, — Lewis Way, champion of the Eussian Jews, h. 1795. — Society "Felix Libertate" for emancipation foundecl, Am- sterdam. 1802. — Joel Lowe, one of the "Biurists," Breslau, d. 1812. — Jos. David Sinzheim, president of Synhedrin, Paris, d. 1818. — David Cassel, Jewish historian, Glogau, b. 1823. — Philip Yung, author of Jewish biographies, Leipzig, d. 1842. — Ludwig Barnay, famous actor. Pest, b. 1857. — Meyer Hirsch, famous mathematician, Berlin, d. 1858. — Sol. Blogg, Jewish writer, Hanover, d. 12. 1795. — Johann Jacob Eabe, translotor of Mishna, d. 1815. — Hermann Godsche, anti-semitic novelist. Trachenbcrg, b. 1837. — Ludwig Borne, German author, Paris, d. 1883. — Meyer Magnus, tovm councillor, Berlin, d. 1894. — Hanns von Billow, pianist and anti-semite, d. 13. 1810. — Xaphtali Frankfurter, preacher in Hamburg, b. 1840. — The Anti-Jewish Usury Law at Saxony, repealed. MEMORABLE DATES — FEBRUARY, 21 1875. — Zacharias Frankel, President of Rabbinical Seminary, Bres- lau, d. 1883. — Eichard Wagner, composer, author of "Judenthnm in dei Musik," d. 1884. — Aaron Bernstein, originator of the ghetto novel, d. 1898. — Paul Kayser, convert, director of German colonial admin- istration, d. 14. 1349. — Massacre of Jews in Strassburg. 1G70. — Expulsion of Jews from Vienna. 1(592. — Michel Speier, religious author in Frankfurt-on-M., d. 1732.— J. J. Schudt, author of "Jiidische Merlcwiirdigkeiten," d. 1849. — Meir Josephs, author of a Hebrew-English lexicon, London, d. 1864. — Israel Zang^vill, English novelist, London, b. 1877. — Colombo Coen, publisher, Venice, d. 15. 1515. — Victor von Karben, convert and reviler of Judaism, d, 1642. — Sarah Copia Sullam, poetess, Venice, d. 1780. — Karl Asser, Dutch jurist, Amsterdam, d. 1870. — Berisch Meisels, rabbi of Warsaw, d. 1875. — Eljakim Carmoly, Jewish author, Frankfort-on-M., d. 1884. — Joseph Bergl, physician, author of a history of the Jews in Hungary, d. 16. 1616. — Elijah Montalto, body physician of Queen Maria de Me- dici, d. 1855. — Raphael Fiirstenthal, Jewish author, Breslau, d. 1870. — Political equality given to Jews in Sweden. 1883. — Commission appointed to revise the laws in Russia with regard to Jews. 1885. — Elim Henry d'Avigdor, Zionist, London, d. 22 MEMORABLE DATES — FEBRUARY. 17. 1672. — Congregation of Dessau founded. 1693. — Gerson Ashkenasi, rabbi in Metz, d. 1785. — Nachman Krochmal, "the Galician Zunz/' Brody, d. 1811. — Jehuda Lob Bensew, Hebrew pedagogic author, Vienna, d. 1819. — Philipp Jaffe, first Jewish professor of History in Germany, b. 1852. — Micah Joseph Lebensohn, Hebrew poet, Wilna, d. 1856. — Heinrich Heine, Paris, d. I860. — Isaac Bar Lowinsohn, "the Eussian Mendelssohn," Kre- mentz, d. 1877. — Sol. Hermann Mosenthal, dramatist and novelist, Vienna, d. 1903. — Ignaz von Wechselmann, architect, philanthropist, Buda- pest, d. 18. 1546. — Martin Luther, reformer, successively friend and enemy of the Jews, d. 1816. — Maurice Block, French political economist, b. 1827. — Emil Brugsch Pasha, Egyptologist, b. 1839. — Zadok Kahn, chief rabbi of Prance, b. 1842. — Carl Eehfuss, preacher in Heidelberg, d. 1850. — Ernst Bernheim, convert, historian, Hamburg, b. 1856. — Hatti Humayun, Turkish law granting the Jew equality with the Mohammedan promulgated. 1903. — Moses Mielziner, rabbinical author, Cincinnati, d. 19. 1701. — Dan'l Le^d de Barrios, Jewish historian, Amsterdam, d. 1758. — Peter Beer, pedagogical writer, Newbydshow, b. 1811. — David Friedrichsfeld, author, advocate of Jewish rights, Amsterdam, d. 1835. — Moritz Giidemann, chief rabbi at Vienna, Hildesheim, b. 1873. — Joseph Lehmann, editor and communal worker, Berlin, d. 1893. — Gerson von Bleichroder, German financier, d. MEMORABLE DATES — FEBRUARY. 33 20. 1667. — David Halevi, author of "Ture Zahab/' d. 1740. — Jacob Hakohen Poppers, rabbi at Frankfort-on-M., d. 1780. — Emperor Joseph II., "Lover of men," and benefactor of the Jews, d. 1833. — S. Rosenstein, medical professor at Leyden, Berlin, b. 1845. — Shalom Cohen, Hebrew writer, Hamburg, d. 1888. — Elieser Zebi Zweifel, Hebrew writer, d. , 21. 1677, — Baruch Spinoza, philos pher at The Hague, d. 1683.— Jos. Chr. Wolf, Hebrew bibliographer, Wernigerode, b. 1694.— Lazarus Abeles, twelve years old, died in Prague, made a martyr of Christianity by the Jesuits. 1838.— Sylvester de Sacy, famous Orientalist in Paris, d. 1861.— Hayim Nissim Abulafia, chief rabbi at Jerusalem, d. 1801. — H. L. Fleischer, famous Orientalist in Leipzig, b. 18':V2.— Prohibition of "Schechita," published in Kingdom of Sax- ony. 32. 1455.— Johann Reuchlin, defender of Talmud, b. 1793. — Isaac Marcus Jost, Jewish historian, Bernburg, b. 1828.— Micah Joseph Lebensohn, Hebrew poet, Wilna (see Feb. 17), b. 1854.— Abraham Neuda, rabbi and author in Loschitz, Moravia, d. 1872. — M. A. Levy, Jewish archeologist, Breslau, d. 1889. — Gabriel Salvador, French captain of artillery, d. 23. 1812. — Fischel Arnheim, Bavarian statesman, Baireuth, b. 1813. — Franz Dolitzsch, noble advocate of Judaism, Leipzig, b. 1820. — David Kalisch, German humorist, Breslau, b. 1824. — Sir George Jessel, prominent jurist, London, b. 24 MEMORABLE DATES — FEBRUARY. 1881. — Menahem Katz, leader of Hungary orthodoxy, rabbi in Deutsch-Kreutz, d. 1889. — Isidor Soyka, bacteriologist, professor at Prague, d. 1902. — Max Biidinger, historian, convert, Vienna, d. 1904. — Friederike Kempner, German authoress, near Breslau, d. 24. 1688. — Moses Gideon Abudiente, Hebrew writer, Hamburg, d. 1882. — Moritz Oppenheim, painter, Frankfurt-on-M., d. 1884. — Benj. Ullmann, painter, Paris, d. 1902. — Pinkus Neustadt, orthodox rabbi and author, Breslau, d. 25. 1743. — Immanuel Chai Eichi, Hebrew writer murdered not far from Modena. 1784. — Gerson Levy, French Eeform writer, Metz, b. 1842. — Perez Smolensky, Hebrew poet, Monastyrshina, b. 1862. — Emanuel Hecht, teacher and author at Hopstatten, d. 1870. — Henrik Hertz, Danish writer, Copenhagen, d. 1897. — Michael Bernays, convert, historian of literature, son of C bach am, d. 1898. — Emil Lehman, a warm advocate of Judaism, Dresden, d. 26. 1832. — Wolf Heidenheim, grammarian, editor, Eodelhcim, d. 1860. — Michael Hess, Jewish author, Frankfort-on-M., d. 1888. — Michael Klapp, dramatist, Vienna, d. 27. 1717. — Johann David Michaelis, learned Orientalist, b. 1821. — PauluR (Selig) Cassel, convert, archeologist, Glogan, b. 1823. — S. H. Burgheim, the first Jew who received a degree in Leipzig, d. 1823. — Ernest Ecnan, historian of Israel, b. MEMORABLE DATES — FEBRUARY. 25 1831. — Adolph Beer, Austrian historian and politician, convert, Prossintz, b. I860. — Meir Jacob Ginzberg, Hebrew writer, Wilna, d. 1874. — Justus Olshausen, grammarian and exegete, d. 1883. — Julius Stern, musician, d. 1892. — Jacob Levy, author of a Talmudic dictionary, Breslau, d. 1893. — Moritz Deutsch, cantor and composer of synagogue music, Breslau, d. 1895. — Sigmund Haber, humorist, author, Berlin, d. 1898.— H. S. Goldsehmidt, President of the "Alliance Israelite," d. 28. 1659. — Jean Morin, French Bible critic, d. 1799. — Ignaz von Dollinger, advocate of Judaism, b. 1812. — Berthold Auerbach, German novelist, b. 1820. — Eachel Felix, French actress, b. 1829. — Wolf Breidenbach, advocate of Jewish emancipation, Of- fenbach, d. 1832.— Sabatja Wolf, author, Berlin, d. 1832. — Moritz Wahrmann, distinguished Hungarian politician, b. 1838. — Maurice Levy, mathematician, b. 1841. — Abraham Bing, rabbi, Wiirzburg, d. 1855. — Nicholas I., Czar of Eussia, persecutor of the Jews, d. 1870. — "Deutsch-Israelitischer Gemeindebund'' founded. 1898. — Baron Joseph Morpurgo, philanthropist and member of the Austrian Parliament, Triest, d. 1902. — Moses Salzer, Weimar Landesrabbiner, Stadt-Lengsfeld, d. 26 MEMORABLE DATES — MARCH. III. MARCH. 1349. — Massacre at Worms. 480 Jews killed. 1781. — Chr. Hr. Rlilis, anti-semitic libelist, b. 1803. — Sol. Frensdorff, editor of the Massorah, b. 180G. — Chayim Joseph David Azulai, prolific Talmndic author, Leg- horn, d. 1811. — Wolfi: Landau, chief rabbi, Dresden, b. 1837. — George Ebers, Egyptologist and novelist, of Jewish origin, b. 1897. — Seligmann Baer, author on Massora, Mosbach, d. 1899. — ^Lord Farrar Herschell, English statesman, son of a bap- tized Jewish missionary, d. 1336. — Joseph Sason, physician and astronomer, Toledo, d. 1753. — Berusch Eskeles, rabbi and banker, Vienna, d. 1847. — C. H. Hamberger, historian of Jewish literature, Leipzig, d. 1847. — Immanuel Wolilwiil (Wolf), director of the Jacobson school at Seesen, d. 1892. — Otto Glagau, anti-semitic author, Berlin, d. 1904. — Gottlieb Schnapper, political economist, Frankfort-on-M., d. 1904. — Moritz Rahmer, rabbi and author, Magdeburg, d. 3. 1619. — Ephraim Luntschiitz, preacher in Prague, d. 1814. — Charles Salaman, pianist and composer, London, b. MEMORABLE DATES — MARCH. 37 1851. — J. Barth, Orientalist, professor at Berlin, b. 1882. — Lndwig Kalisch, humorist, Paris, tl. 1889. — Jnlins Landsberger, rabbi and authoi-, Darmstadt, d. 1814. — Sol. Pappenheim, Hebrew poet, Breslau, d. 1849. — Freedom of religion proclaimed in Austria. 1875. — Joseph Saul Nathansohn, rabbi and Talmudic autlior, Lem- berg, d. 1890. — Franz Delitzsch, Hebraist and advocate of the Jews, Leip- zig, d. 1894. — Joseph Perles, rabbi and author, Munich, d. 5. 1328. — ]\Iany Jews killed at Estella in the Shepherd's Insurrection. 1853. — Hirsch Sommerhausen, pedagogue and author, Brussels, d. 1902. — Leonard Lewisohn, American philanthropist, London, d. 6. 1328. — Jewish massacre in Navarre. 1789. — Aryeh Lol). sion of Pene Jehoshua, rabbi, Hanover, d. 1791. — David Paul Drach, convert and Catholic priest, b. 1816. — Expulsion of the Jews from Liibeck. 1820. — Cacilie Furtado Heine, benefactress, b. 1872, — Theodor Goldsitiicker, Sanscritist, London, d. 1882. — Ephraim Isr. Bliicher, author of an Aramaic grammar, d 1894. — Abraham Baer, cantor and composer, Gothenburg, d. 1896. — Isaac Elchanan Specter, rabbi in Kovno, d. 1900. — Simon Hurwitz, rabbi and Talmudic autlior, Leipzig, d. 7. 1G12. — Mordecai Jafe, autlior of "Lebush," Posen, d. 1802. — N"oah Chayim Hirsch, Berlin, rabbi at Altona, d. 28 MEMORABLE DATES — MARCH. 1804. — British and Foreign Bible Society founded. 1818 — David Morgenstern, member of the Bavarian diet, b. 1833. — Eahel (Varnhagen) Levin, Berlin, b. 1850. — Moritz August Wessely, physician and medical writer, Nordhausen, d. 1860. — Guido Adler, musical author, b. 1860. — Joseph Almanzi, bibliophile and Hebrew poet, Triest, d. 1902. — Isidore Cahen, editor of "Archives Israelites,'' Paris, d. 1825. — Sol. Kohn, ghetto novelist, Prague, b. 1827. — Wolf Frankenburger, member of the Bavarian diet, b. 1830. — Herman Makower, communal leader, b. 1903. — Sigmund Meyer, Justizrath, communal worker, Berlin, d. 9. 1828. — Lazarus Eiesser, advocate of synagogue Reforms, father of Gabriel Eiesser, d. 1851. — Eeuben Samuel Gumperz, advocate of emancipation, Ber- lin, d. 1851. — Benjamin Wolf Low, author of "Schaare Thorah," Ujhely, d. 1902. — Eugene Eosenstiel, philanthropist, Meran, d. 10. 1806. — Eachel Meyer, Jewish novelist, b. 1807. — Isaac Granboom, rabbi of Reform congregation Adath Jesh- urun, Amsterdam, d. 1810. — Chayim Selig Slonimsky, mathematician, Bialystok, b. 1845. — Alexander III., Czar, persecutor of the Jews, b. 1868. — HirschKatzenelenbogen, rabbinical author, Wilna, d. 1870. — Ignatz Moscheles, renowned musician, Leipzig, d. 1871. — Solomon Steinhard, teacher and author, Hildburghausen, d. MEMORABLE DATES — MARCH. 29 1871. — August Lewald, convert, author, Munich, d. 1902. — Jenny Hirsch, worker for women's rights, author, Berlin, d. 11. 1764. — Benedict Schbtt, principal of the Jacobson school, Danzig, b. 1812. — Publication of an edict giving the Jews civil rights in Prussia. 1817. — M. A. Levy, Orientalist, Altona, b. 1831. — Adolph Neubauer, bibliographer, b. 1842. — Karl Eotvos, attorney of the Jews in the Tisza-Eszlar case, b. 1884. — Levi Herzfeld, rabbi and author, Brunswick, d. 1887. — John Hoff, famous for his malt extract, Berlin, d. 1890. — C. D. Asser, famous Dutch jurist, d. 1897. — Daniel Sanders, German philologist, Strelitz, d. 1900. — The murder of Winter, student of the gymnasium at Kon- itz. 12. 1730. — Abraham ben Jehudah, rabbi, Amsterdam, d. 1776. — Lady Esther Stanhope, converted to Judaism, b. 1797. — Samuel Marum Mayer, professor at Tiibingen, convert, b. 1804. — Samuel Alatri, philanthropist, Eome, b. 1814. — Louis Jean Konigswarter, French political economist, Am- sterdam, b. 1834. — Jacob Simon, author on heraldry, Brussels, d. 1855. — Louis Katisbonne, philanthropist, Strassburg, d. 1893. — Ludwig August Frankl, Ritter von Hochwart, poet, Vienna, d. 1899. — Sir Julius Vogel, premier of ISTew Zealand, d. 13. 1601. — Mordecai Meisel, eminent benefactor, Prague, d. 1825. — Immanuel Eitter, preacher of the Berlin Reform Congre- gation, d. 30 MEMORABLE DATES — MARCH. 18^8. — Heinrich Spitzer, first victim of the Eevohition, Vienna, d. 1858. — Abraham Antibi, rabbi at Aleppo, d, 1866. — Julius Rubo, jurist, Berlin, d. 1904. — Ludovic Trarieux, Christian advocate of the Jews, Paris, d. 14. 1640. — Joel Sarkes (Bach), rabbi at Cracow, d. 1791. — Job. Solomon Semler, one of the most aggressive rational- ists, Halle, d. 1868. — Solomon Salkind, teaclier at the rabbinical school of Wilna, Wilna, d. 1882. — Jacob Xachod, president of the German Union of Con- gregations, Leipzig, d. 1899. — Emil Erckmann, author of fine sketches of Jewish life, Luneville, d. 1899. — Heimann Steinthal, famous philologist, Berlin, d. 1899. — Ludwig Bamberger, prominent German politician, Berlin, d. 15. 1791. — "Wilhelmschule" opened at Breslau. 1800. — Joseph von Wertheimer, philanthropist and author, Vien- na, b. 1801. — Joseph Levin Saalschiitz, rabbi and professor, b. 1872. — Michel LevA', famous medical author, Paris, d. 1879. — Albert Colm, Orientalist and philanthropist, Paris, d. 1889. — Bernhard Lowenstein, preacher, Lemberg, d. 1890. — Jonas Gurland, Jewish historian, Odessa, d. 1897. — James J. Sylvester, renowned mathematician, London, d. 16. 1843. — Nehemiah Briill, rabbi and author, Kojetein, b. 1853. — Joseph Freiherr von Schey, jurist- and professor at the University of Vienna, b. 1887. — Simon Spitzer, mathematician, Vienna, d. me:morable dates — march. 31 1887. — Joseph von Wertlieimer, autlior and communal worker, d. 1889. — Alfred Edersheim, convert, church historian, London, d. 17. 1807.— Mendel Hess, radical Eeform rabbi, Stadt of Lengsfeld, d. consistory and enacted the usury laws against the Jews. 1808. — Napoleon's decree which organized the constitution of tlie 1811.— Carl Gutzkow, the author of "Uriel Acosta," b. 1862, — Jacques Fromental Halevy, famous composer, Paris, d. 1873. — Joseph Salvador, apologist of Judaism, Paris, d. 1904. — Leopold See, French general, Paris, d. 18. 1797. — Michel Goudchaux, French statesman, Nancy, b. 1865. — Isaac Noah Mannheimer, preacher in Vienna, d. 1883. — Goudsmid, professor in Leyden, d. 1886. — Leopold Zunz, Berlin, d. 1888. — Leo Lewanda, one of the first Russian Jewish authors, d. 1896. — Vassili Berman, Eussian Jewish author and Zionist, d. 19. 1822. — J. Ludwig Ewald, advocate of emancipation, Karlsruhe, d. 1831. — Julius Glaser, jurist, Austrian statesman, convert, Postel- berg, b. 1832. — Theodore Gomperz, philologist, University professor, Aus- trian peer, Briinn, b. 1832. — Hermann Vambery, explorer, convert, Serdahely, b. 1873. — Wilhelm Stahl, political economist, convert, Giessen, d. 1888. — Sol. Abendana Belmonte, writer on jurisprudence, Ham- burg, d. 1904. — Moritz Wolff, Swedish rabbi and author, Gothenburg, d. 20. 1800. — Gottfried Bernhardy, convert, philologist, b. 1813. — Joel Deutsch, teacher of deaf and dumb, Nicolsburg, b. 3Z MEMORABLE DATES MARCH. 1835. — Aaron Wolfsohn, one of the "Biurists/' Fiirth, d. 1843. — Sol. Tiktin, orthodox rabbi, Breslau, d. 1848. — Hermann Hirschel, dramatic poet, Hamburg, b. 1885. — Joel Ballin, copper-plate cngi'aver, Copenhagen, d. 1902. — Abraham Shalom Friedberg, Hebrew author, Warsaw, d. 21. 1648. — Leon Modena, rabbi, Venice, d. 1691. — Three Jews executed in Wilna on the false accusation of child murder. 1762. — Samuel Simon, court-Jew, Vienna, d. 1832. — Chayim Coslin, grammarian, Stettin, d. 1872. — Gerson Bleichroder, first Prussian Jew ennobled. 1877. — Moritz Kohner, president of Union of German congrega- tions, Leipzig, d. 1883. — George Jessel, Master of the Eolls, London, d. 1887. — Moritz Feitel, physician and Jewish author, Papa, d. 1888. — Hirsch Ornstein, rabbi, Lemberg, d. 1890. — Law passed in Austria for the regulation of Jewish con- gregations. 1901. — Joseph Deckert, anti-semitic agitator, Vienna, d. 22. 1753. — David Athias, prominent printer, Amsterdam, d. 1798. — Eduard Gans, jurist and philosopher, convert, Berlin, b. 1879. — Simon Bloch, editor of "L' TJnivers Israelite," Paris, d. 1833. — Michael Beer, dramatic poet, Munich, d. 1848, — Harry Bresslau, historian, b. 1887. — Ignatz Ortenau, first Jewish notary in Bavaria, Fiirth, d, 23. 1552. — Sebastian Miinster, prominent Hebraist, Basle, d. 1805. — Naphtali Herz Wesel (Hartwig Wessely), Hebrew poet and commentator, Hamburg, d. 1811. — Friedrich Karl Stahl, neurologist, convert, Munich, b. MEMORABLE DATES — MARCH. 33 1828. David Friesenhausen, first to advocate the establishment of rabbinical seminaries, Gyulafeservas, d. 1831.— Joh. Bapt. de Rossi, Hebrew bibliographer, Parma, d. 18(i().— Johann Franz Molitor, Catholic champion of Judaism, Frankfort-on-M., d. 1870. — Moritz Kalisch, painter, Amsterdam, d. 1876. — Isaac Artom, first Jew appointed Italian senator. 1887.— Lazarus Landshuth, Jewish historian, Berlin, d. 1893. — Adolph Fischhof, Austrian politician, d. 24. 1811. — Fanny Lewald, authoress, convert, Konigsberg, b. 1833.— Abraham di Cologna, president of the French consistory, d. 1882. — Ignaz Edler von Kuffner, burgomaster, Ottakring, d. 1893.— Arkadi Kaufmann, philanthropist, St. Petersburg, d. 1900. — Solomon Joachim Halberstamm, prominent Jewish lit- erateur, Bielitz, d. 1902.— Solomon Mandelkern, Hebrew and German writer, Vienna, d. 25. 1592. — Sam. Jeh. Katzenelenbogen, rabbi at Padua, d. 1801.— Joseph Almanzi, bibliophile and Hebrew poet, b. 1890.— Bar Kestin, Hebrew author, Rushony, d. 26. 1481. — Seventeen Jewish martyrs burned at Seville. 1671. — Ashkenazim synagogue dedicated at Amsterdam. 1780._Julius Hitzig, Jurist, son of Isaac Itzig, Berlin, b. 1832. — Michel Breal, French philologian, Landau, b. 1850. — Hugo Rheinhold, sculptor, Oberlahnstein, b. 1882. — ^Leopold Feldmann, German poet, d. 1883.— Simon Schreiber, rabbi in Cracow, and member of the Austrian Reichsrath, d. 1886. — Benjamin Mandelstein, Hebrew author, Simferopol, d. 34 MEMORABLE DATES — MAECH. 1891. — Moses Eeines, Hebrew author, Wilna, d. 1900. — Isaac M. Wise, American rabbi and author, Cincinnati, d. 1901. — Ludwig Lewvsohn, rabbi, Stockholm, d. 27. 1288. — Thirteen martyrs executed at Troyes. 1850. — Wilhehii Beer, astronomer, Berlin, d. 1852. — Siegmund Kornfeld, financier and Hungarian magnate, Jenikau, b. 1872. — Eaphael Kosch, German politician, d. 1904. — Albert W. Goldsmid, English colonel and communal work- er, Paris, d. 28. 1038. — Hai Gaon, head of the school at Pumbaditha, d. 1832. — Lazarus Bendavid, Berlin, d. 1849. — James Darmstetter, Frencli Orientalist, b. 1900. — Mendel Hirsch, principal of the school at Frankfort, d. 1901. — Max Eing, poet, Berlin, d. 1903. — Leopold Pick, Austrian major and military author, Vienna, d. 1903. — IvTahum Sachs, Hebrew pedagogic author, Warsaw, d. 1904. — Abraham B. Arnold, medical and Jewish author, San Fran- cisco, d. 29. 1244.— Meir Halevi Abulafia, rabbi, Toledo, d. 1602. — John Lightfoot, Christian Hebraist, Stoke-on-Trent, b. 1714. — David Altaras, author, Venice, d. 1815. — Jacob Moses Lowenstein, chief rabbi, Amsterdam, d. 1819. — Isaac M. Wise, American rabbi, Steingrub, b. 1832. — Theodore Gomperz, philologist. University professor and member of the Austrian House of Lords, Bruenn, b. 1834. — Chananja Cohen, Hebrew grammarian and lexicographer, Florence, d. 1840. — Edunrd Schnitzer (Emin Pasha), explorer, b. MKMOHABLE DATES — MARCH. 35 1848. — Civil equality grantod to Jews in the Kingdom of Sardinia. 1853. — Samuel Vita della Volta, physician and Hebrew author, Mantua, d. 18(36. — Mendel Libowitz, Cb a si die rabbi, d. 1875. — David Aug. Eosenthal, convert, author of "Convertitenbil- d'.M'/' Breslau, d. 1880. — H. B. Oppenheim, German politician and political econo- mist, d. 1888. — Charles H. B. Alkan, French musician, d. 30. 1600. — Esther Chiera, favorite of the Sultan, murdered at Con- stantinople. 1804. — Sol. Sulzer, cantor and composer, Hohenems, b. 1816. — Moritz Steinschneider, greatest Jewish bibliographer, Prossnitz, b. 1873. — Abraham Camondo, philanthropist, Paris, d. 1880. — M. Wiener, Jewish historian, Hanover, d. 1888. — Emil Bessels, north pole explorer, d. 31. 1283. — Slaughter of Jews at Mulrichstadt. 1492. — Decree expelling Jews from Spain promulgated. 1722. — Campegius Vitringa, Dutch Hebraist, d. 1863. — Abraham Abraham, Jewish author, Liverpool, d. 1900. — Joseph Gruber, medical professor, Vienna, d. 36 JMEMORABLE DATES APRIL. IV. APRIL. 1793. — Hasharath Zebi school founded in Halberstadt. 1815. — Otto von Bismarck, German statesman of anti-semitic lean- ings, b. 1828. — Max Biidinger, historian, Cassel, b. 18G7. — Hermann Schiff, satirical writer, Heine's cousin, Hamburg, d. 1869. — Phobus Philippson, physician and author, d. 1882. — Disappearance of Esther Solymosi in Tisza Eszlar. 1897. — H. ]\fakower, Berlin Justizrath, and leader in the commun- ity, d. 1899. — Baroness Clara de Hirsch, widow of the great philanthro- pist, d. 2. 1620. — Isaac Usiel, preacher in the Portuguese congregation, Am- sterdam, d. 1709. — Shemaja b. Abraham Bar, rabbi in Berlin, d. 1755. — E. Aryeh Lob (Levin Saul) chief rabbi of Amsterdam. 1791. — Count Mirabeau, advocate of Jewish emancipation, d. 1800. — Israel Deutsch, rabbi and champion of orthodoxy, Ziilz, b. 1806. — Gabriel Eiesser, fearless champion of the Jews, Hamburg, b. 3. 1582. — Herzka b. Abba, commentator on Midrash Eabboth, Lem- berg, b. 1634. — Jospe Hahn, author on ritual, Frankfort-on-M., d. 1673. — Eeuben Kohen b. Hoschke, author of Jalkut Eeubini, Prague, d. MEMORABLE DATES — APRIL. 37 1795. — Hirsh Kalischer, founder of Zionism, h. 1814. — David Altaras, Hebrew author, Venice, d. 1857. — Loew Schwab, rabbi in Budapest, d. 1870. — Philip Jaffe, German historian, d. 1884. — Ignaz Kuranda, Austrian politician, d. 1890.- — Arnaud Aron, chief rabbi at Strassburg, d. 1903. — Moses Eeichersohn, Hebrew grammarian. New York, d. 1693. — Isaac Aboab, Hebrew author, Amsterdam, d. 1763. — David Friinkel, rabbinical author, teacher of Mendelssohn, Berlin, d. 1818. — M. Kohner, founder of the "Deutsch-Israelitischer Ge- meindebund, Neumark, b. 1883. — Menahem Cattawi Bey "Egyptian Eothschild," d. 1886. — M. Warburg, member of Eeichstag, Altona, d. 1887. — Isaias Morgenstern, convert, d. 1760. — Jacob Hayim Abendana de Britto, chief rabbi, Amsterdam, d. 1790. — Moses Ephraim Kuh, first German Jewish poet, Breslau, d. 1793. — Moses Dobruska (Thomas Schonfeld), convert, playwright, Paris, guillotined. 1804. — M. J. Schleiden, natural scientist and defender of the Jews, b. 1875. — Moritz Hess, Zionist, author of "Eome and Jerusalem," Paris, d. 1882. — M. Lilienthal, rabbi, Cincinnati, d. 1888. — Moritz von Goldschmidt, leader of Jewish community, Vienna, d. 1891. — Isaac Pesaro Maurogonato, senator, Italy, d. 1900. — L. M. Simmons, rabbi, Manchester, d. 38 MEMORABLE DATES — ^APRIL. 6. 1804. — Zebi Hirsch Mecklenberg, Hebre\y author, Konigsberg, d. 1890. — W. von Boschan, alderman, Vienna, d. 1904. — Lazar Atlas, Hebrew essayist, Bialystok, d. 1615. — Guild riots in Worms. 1667. — Professor Carpzov, author of Critica Sacra, Liibeck, d. 1781. — Abraham Muhr, communal leader, Pless, b. 1815. — Marco Mortara, author of rabbinical works, b. 1868. — K. Heinemann, Swedish rabbi, d. 1900. — Isaac Eabinowitz, poet in modern Hebrew, New York, d. 1901. — Hillel Ivahane, teacher and worker for the "Enlighten- ment," Bottuschan, d. 1845. — Solomon Eosenthal, writer and communal leader, Pest, d. 1904. — Chajim M. Horowitz, Hebrew author, Frankfort-on-M., d. 9. 1582. — Naphtali Herz ben ^feir, rabbi in Lemberg, d. 1723. — Lob iSTeumark, Hebrew grammarian, d. 1816. — Simcha Bunem Rappaport, rabbi and Talmudic author, Bonn, d. 1879. — Karl Isidor Beck, German poet, convert, Vienna, d. 1891. — Adolf Saphir, missionary, nephew of the satirist, London, d. 10. 1699. — Samuel Orgelt^, commentator on "Orach Chajim," Ham- burg, d. 1719. — Simon Michael, court Jew, Vienna, d. 1728. — Solomon Ayllon, rabbi, Amsterdam, d. 1835. — Johann Schnitzler, medical professor. Gross Kanisza, d. MEMORABLE DATES — APRIL. 39 1849. David Proops, last representative of the famous printing firm, Amsterdam, d. 1858. — Jewish veterans receive permission to settle in Finland. 11. 1715.— Jacob Eodriguez Pereira, originator of deaf mute instruc- tion, Berlanger, b. 1825. — Ferdinand Lasalle, Social Democratic agitator, b. 1864. — Elijah Bardach, Hebrew author, Lemburg, d. 1876. — Ludwig Traube, physician, Berlin, d. 1893. — Adolph Franck, French philosopher, Paris, d. 12. 1660.— Sheftel Hurwitz, Talmudic author, Vienna, d. 1740. — Simson Morpurgo, rabbi of Gradisca, opponent of Cabbala, d. 1792. — H. J. Michael, eminent Bibliophile, b. 1804. — Abbe Liberman, convert, b. 1863.— Julius Barrasch, physician and author, Bucharest, d. 1863. — Siiskind Easchkow, Hebrew poet, d. 1886. — Arjeh Lob Jelin, Talmudic author, d. 1899. — A. B. Gottlober, Hebraic literateur, Bialystok, d. 13. 1823. — Eugene Manuel, poet and pedagogue, Paris, b. 1823.— Sabbato Morals, leader of American Orthodoxy, Leghorn, b. 1850. — Bernhard Alexander, professor of philosophy, Budapest, b. 1866. — Naphtali Frankfurter, preacher, Hamburg, d. 1903. — Moritz Lazarus, philosopher, Meran, d. 14. 1660. — Seven Jews in Seville burnt at the stake. 1713. — Elijah Splra, author, Prague, d. 40 MEMORABLE DATES — ^APRIL. 1815. — Chajim Zebi Lerner, grammarian and literateur, b. 1882. — Ludwig Waldenburg, physician and professor in Berlin University, d. 1890. — M. Lehmann, publicist, Mayence, d. 1897. — Lazar Wogue, French rabbi and author, d. 15. 1698. — Jacob Sasportas, rabbi, Amsterdam, d. 1815. — Eliezer Zebi Zweifel, Hebrew author, b. 1833. — Maurice Lowy, astronomer, Budapest, b. 1834. — Joseph Kohen Moline, poet, Brussels, b. 1839. — Emily Ludwig (Levy) juvenile writer, d. 1882. — Bruno Bauer, radical theologian and anti-semite, d. 1891. — Eduard Eenss, autlior of a Bible commentary, protestant theologian, d. 1898, — Cesare Parenzo, Italian senator, ISTerva, d. 1900. — Dankmar Adler, architect, Chicago, d. 1903.— Gustav Gottheil, rabbi, New York, d. 16. 1203. — Menachem ben Jacob, teacher and poet. Worms, d. 1669. — Jonah Teomim, rabbi, Talmudist, Metz, d. 1717. — Abraham Broda, rabbi, rrankfort-on-]\L, d. 1729. — Jacob Eliezer Braimst-hweig, Talmudic author, Vienna, d. 1741. — Abraham Spitz, who purchased the freedom of the impris- oned Jews of Buda, d. 1821. — D. A. Eosenthal, convert and author, d. 1858. — Alois Jeiteles, physician and writer, Briinn, d. 1862. — Samuel M. Mayer, convert, professor in Tiibingen, d. 1872. — Moritz Keichenheim, founder of the Orphan's Home, Ber- lin, d. 1879. — L. Lazarus, director of rabbinical Seminar, Breslau, d. 1897. — Carl Lueger (anti-semite) installed Burgomaster of Vien- na, d. MEMOILABLE DATKS Al'lilL. 41 17. 1750._"General Eeglemenf' for the Prussian Jews. 1782.— Samuel Falk, the "Baal Shern" of London, d. 1798. — Kesettlement of Jews in Cologne. 1818. — Th. Creizenach, founder of the Reform Verein, later a con- vert, b. 1888. — Abr. Warshawski, manufacturer and philanthropist, St. Petersburg, d. 1894. — Fanny Neuda, authoress of prayer books for women, d. 18. 1735. — Ephraim Nabon, rabbinical author, Constantinople, d. 1783. — Bishop Kennicot, collector of Bible manuscripts, d. 180G. — Dr. Jonas Jeitteles, physician, Prague, d. 1845. — Simon von Lammel, financier, Prague, d. 1881. — Lord Beaconsfield, English statesman, convert, d. 1887. — Ignaz Eeich, author, Budapest, d. 1893. — Moses Eisman, Hebrew author, d. 1902.— Markus Wolf Hinrichsen, member of the Eeichstag, Ham- burg, d. 19. 1383. — Many Jews killed in Mayence and Bacharach. 1287. — St. Werner of Bacharach, immortalized by Heine, d. 1G70. — Samson Bacharach, rabbi, Worms, d. 1670. — Solomon Marini, author of a commentary to Isaiah, Padua, d. 1776. — Jacob Emden, Talmudic author, Altona, d. 1813. — Jacob Fischel, alienist, b. 1814. — Moses Philippson, author, Dessau, d. 1819. — S. L. Schwabacher, rabbi of Odessa, b. 1820. — George Levin, medical professor, b. 1872. — Herman Frenkel, deputy to Galician diet, d. 1903. — Massacre in Kishineff. 42 MEMORABLE DATES APRIL. 20. 1344. — Levi ben Gerson, philosopher, mathematician, translator, commentator. Southern France, d. 1632. — Xicolas Anthoine, protestant clergyman, proselyte, burnt at the stake, Geneva. 17'J'2.^Israel Levi ben Moses, astronomer, Brody, d. 1834. — A. Th. Hartman, anti-semite, theologian, Rostock, d. 1851. — Isaac Erter, physician, satirist, Brody, d. 1871. — Jacob Tugendhold, Polish author and director of the rab- binical seminary, Warsaw, d. 1888. — Samuel Poljalcoff, Eussian railroad constructor, philanthro- pist, d. 1893. — Wilhelm Lowenthal, investigator of the Argentine colonies, Berlin, d. 1895. — Joseph Heimann Caro, Talmudic author, Wloclawek, d. 1897. — W. Herzberg, German author, Brussels, d. 21. 1481. — Jews in Seville burnt at the stake. 1585. — Moses di Trani, Talmudic author, Safed, d. 1840. — A. S. Weismann, Hebrew literateur, b. 1843. — Duke of Sussex, advocate of the Jews, d. 1870. — Wolfgang Wessely, religious author, jurist, professor in Prague University, Vienna, d. 189G. — Moritz v. Hirsch, philanthropist, d. 22. 1759. — Israel Riess, author of "Sheerith Israel," twenty years of age, d. 1767. — Baruch Jeitteles, Jewish author, Prague, b. 1863. — Gabriel Riesser, champion of the rights of the Jews, Ham- burg, d. 1881. — Joseph Goldmark, member of the Austrian Parliament, New York, d. 1900. — Louis Bein, author on political economy, d. MEMORABLE DATES — APRIL. 43 23. 1283. — In Briickenhausen sixteen Jews were killed. 1622. — Jacob Horwitz, Talmudic author, d. 1797. — Solomon Plessner, leader of modern orthodoxy, Breslan, b. 1859. — Lazar Scheineanii, Koumanian philologist, convert, b. 1884. — Anton Asher, actor, Meran, d. 24. 1439. — Abigedor Kara, writer on theology, Prague, d. 1790. — Meir Margalioth, rabbi and Talmudic author, Ostrog, d. 1887.— Joseph Levi, editor of "Mose," Corfu, d. 1889. — Sol. Formstecher, rabbi, Offenbach, d. 25. 1221. — Baruch ben Samuel, Talmudist and liturgical poet. May- ence, d. 1599. — Oliver Cromwell, friend of the Jews, b. 1796. — Joseph von Geldern, pliysician, uncle of Heine, Diisseldorf, d. 1808.— Gustav Weil, Orientalist, Heidelberg, b. 1828. — Law concerning Jewish affairs in Wiirtemberg promul- gated. 1846. — Judah Bacharach, rabbi and Talmudic author, Seiny, d. 26. 1793. — Joseph Teomiro, author of Peri Megadim, Prankfort-on- 0., d. 1817. — Joseph Baron von Sonnenfels, convert, humanitarian statesman, Vienna, d. 1829. — Th. Billroth, known for his hostile judgment in the case of Jewish students and his public stand against auti- semitism, b. 44 MEMORABLE DATES — APRIL. 1850. — Leo Wolf, author of medical works and one of the found- ers of the "Temple," Hamburg, d. 1878. — David Deutsch, leader of Hungarian orthodoxy, rabbi of Balassa Gyarmath, d. 1883. — Sam. Alex. Byck, banker and writer on philosophy, Leip- zig, d. 1891. — Joachim Oppenheim, rabbi in Thorn and Hebrew author, Berlin, d. 1893. — Abraham E. Pumpiansky, rabbi at Kiga, d. 1903. — Jewish Theological Seminary in New York dedicated. 27. 1293. — Meir ben Baruch of Kothenburg, in the prison of Ensis- heim, d. 1822. — Sol. Lowisohn, author of a Jewish history, Vienna, d. 1822. — U. S. Grant, President of the United States, known for an anti-Jewish document, b. 1826. — Eleazar Fleckeles, rabbi and Talmudic author, Prague, b. 1859. — Isaac Lyon Goldsmid, advocate of Jewish rights, London, d. 28. 15G0. — Kalmann Worms, rabbi, Lemberg, d. 1778. — Schmelke Horwitz, rabbi and cabbalist, Nikolsburg, d. 1834. — Samuel Trabotti, philanthropist, Mantua, d. 1860. — Isaac da Costa, Dutch poet, Amsterdam, d. 1896. — H. V. Treitschke, anti-semite, d. 29. 1280.— E. Isaac of Corbeil, author of the "Semak," d. 1614. — Joshua Falk Kohen, "Sema," rabbi, Lemberg, d. 1679. — Joshua di Silva, Chacham, London, d. 1793. — Ezekiel Landau, rabbi and writer on the Halachah, Prague. d. MEMORABLE DATES — APRIL. 45 1819. — Moses Angel, director of the "Jews Free School," Lon- don, b. 1864. — David Samosch, author and translator of poems in He- brew, d. 1881. — Anton S. Adam Solomon, sculptor, Paris, d. 29. 1885. — Moritz Dessauer, Landesrabbiner, Meiningen, d. 30. 1637. — Abraham Katzenelenbogen Ashkenazi, rabbi, Lemberg, d. 1833. — Baruch Auerbach Orphan Asylum in Berlin opened. 1850. — Solomon Sachs, translator and commentator of Jeremiah, d. 1895. — Gustav Freytag, author of "Soil und Haben." 46 MEMORABLE DATES — MAY. V. MAY. 1572 — Moses Isserles, codifier "Eemo," Cracow, d. 1700. — Joseph Athias, publisher, Amsterdam, d. 1775. — Israel Lyons, astronomer and mathematician, London, d. 1801. — Hermann Schiff, German writer, b. 1805. — Johann Jacoby, German politician, Ivoenigsberg, b. 1808. — Francis Henry Goldsmid, M. P., first Jemsh lawyer in England, b. 1817. — Karl Isidor Beck, German poet, convert, b. 1849. — Isaac Bernays Chacham, Hamburg, d. 1885. — David Gordon, Hebrew writer, d. 1893. — Abraham Sack, author and merchant, Berlin, d. 1899. — Joel Dentsch, principal of the Jewish deaf and dimib in- stitute, Vienna, d. 1900. — Baron Moritz von Cohn, banker of Emperor William, d. 1901. — Jacob Freiherr von Mayer, Koburg, d. 1902. — Theodore Klein, medical writer, member of Paris consis- tory, Paris, d. 2. 1634. — Jacob Bassewi, ennobled financier, Prague, d. 1718. — Zebi Ashkenazi, rabbi, Lemberg, d. 1784. — Marks Haindorf, founder of Haindorf Institute at Miin- ster, b. 1793. — Jacques Leon Aronsohn, medical professor, Strassburg, b. 1832. — Abraham Berliner, Jewish historian, Oljcrsitzko, b. 1836. — Aaron Worms, Talmudic author, IVIetz, d. 1860. — Theodor Herzl, leader of the Zionistic movement, author of "Jewish State," Budapest, b. MEMORABLE DATES — MAY. 47 18G2. — Joseph Wollt', English missionar}', convert, d. 1864, — Giacomo Meyerbeer, musical composer, d. 1878. — Francis Henry Goldsmid, member of Parliament, d. 1893. — Johann Schnitzler, throat specialist, university professor, Vienna, d. 1899. — Martin Eduard von Simson, President of German Eeich- stag, convert, d. 3. 1096. — A number of Jews killed by crusaders in Speier, Germany. 1407. — Israel of Krems appointed "Eeichshochmeister." 1583. — Isaac Mehling, rabbi in Prague, d. 1616. — Meir of Lublin, rabbi and Talmudic author, d. KioT). — iVbraham Nunez Bernal burnt at Cordova, d. 1665. — Massacre of the Jews of Lemberg, instigated by Jesuits. 1703. — Samuel Oppenheimer, renowned financier, Vienna, d. 1871. — Edward Munk philologist, Glogau, d. 1883. — Temporary laws against Jews promulgated in Russia (IMay Laws, 15 May). 4. 1758. — Solomon Lipschitz, cantor, wrote book for cantors, Metz, d. 1789. — Angelo Paggi, Jewish author, Siena, b. 1816. — Joseph Franco, violinist, b. 1852. — Moses Landau, editor of the Aruch, Prague, d. 1864. — Israel Joseph Benjamin II., traveler, d. 1875. — Heinrich Ewald, exegete, Goettingen, d. 1875. — Michael Levi, publisher, Paris, d. 1903. — Emile Dreifus, Brisac, French medical author, Paris, d. 5. 1624. — Priests in Coimbra burned Dr. Antonio Homem, a convert to Judaism. 1767. — Isaac Levi Hiirwiiz, i-abhi and author, Altona, d. 1821. — Napoleon, who called Sanhcdrin together, d. 48 MEMORABLE DATES — MAY. 1839. — Eduard Gans, jurist and philosopher, professor at Berlin, a convert, d. 1859. — Mordecai Zebi Mane, painter and Hebrew poet, b. 6. 1629. — Chajim Vital, founder of Lurianian mysticism, Damascus, d. 1664. — Abraham ben Solomon killed at Lemberg. 1747. — Moses Chajim Luzzato, neo-Hebraic poet, d. 1781. — Beer Lema, Talmudic writer, d. 1785. — Saul Halevi, rabbi, Hague, d. 1786. — Ludwig Boerne, author, convert, Frankfort-on-M., b. 1830. — Abraham Jacobi, medical professor, Hartum, b. 1831. — Samuel I. J. Scheresehewski, convert, missionary, trans- lated Bible into Chinese, Tauroggen, b. 1838. — Samuel Loeb Kauder, rabbi, Prague, d. 1839. — Joseph iSTeuwirth, Austrian politician and political econo- mist, Triesch, b. 1842. — Isaac Spitz, rabbi and author, Jungbunzlau, d. 1848. — Hermann L. Strack, Christian advocate of Jews, b. 1859. — Alexander von Humboldt, author, friend of Jews, d. 1889. — Chajim Zebi Lerner, Hebrew writer, d. 1889 — August Abrahamson, Gothenburg, promoter of trade school system, d. 7. 1880. — Leone Levi, juristic writer, London, d. 1884. — Beer Goldberg, Hebrew literateur, Paris, d. 1664. — Some Jews were killed at Lemberg. 1806. — Feibus Cohen, rabbinical writer, d. 1811. — Ignaz Kuranda, Austrian politician, b. 1819. — David Levi, Italian poet, b. 1878. — Meyer Auerbach, chief rabbi of Jerusalem, d. 1884. — Judah P. Benjamin, American statesman, London, d. MEiMOUABLK DATES MAY. 49 9. 1572. — Moses Beschitzi, Karaitic writer, d. 1664. — Two teachers of the Talmud were killed at Lemberg. 1735. — Jonas Jeiteles, M. D., Prague, b. 1773. — Moses Philippson, religious author, b. 1800. — Justus Olshausen, exegete and grammarian, b. 1824. — Jacob Bachrach, Hebrew writer, Seiny, b. 1867. — Sigismund Stern, leader of Eeform movement, Frankfort- on-M., d. 1899. — Simon Samuel, professor of medicine, Koenigsberg, d. 1901. — .fenny Gross, actress, Berlin, d. 10. 1683. — Abraham Lopez Pereira and Isaac da Fonseca were burned. 1795. — Joachim Edler von Popper, financier and benefactor, Prague, d. 1879 — Benzion Berkowitz, Hebrew writer, Wilna, d. 1885. — Ferdinand Hiller, composer, convert, d. 1888. — Michael Heilprin, celebrated scholar, New York, d. 11. 1785. — G. B. Depping, Jewish historian (Christian), Miinster, b. 1823. — Asher Ginsburg, Jewish scholar, d. 1886. — Isidore Calisch, American rabbi, d. 1892. — Joseph Beer Solowejczyk, Talmudic author, Brest, d. 1902. — Ascher I. Myers, publisher of Jewish Chronicle, London, d. 13. 1751. — Petachjah ben David of Lida, Frankfort-on-M., d. 1805. — Julius Fuerst, professor of the University of Leipzig, bib- liographer, Zerkow, b. 1807. — Samuel Breinersdorf, medical AVi'iter, Breslau, d. 1817. — Laws enacted in Holland compelling communities to or- ganize public schools. 50 MEMORABLE DATES — MAY. 1832. — Jacob Freiherr von Mayer, manufacturer, Bibra, b. 1858. — J. G. B. Winer, Christian Hebraist, Leipzig, d. 1862. — Samson Wolf Eosenfeld, rabbi at Bamberg, author, d. 1873. — Gideon Brecher, M. D., Jewish writer, Prossnitz, d. 1884. — Benjamin Hollaender, manufacturer and Hebraist, Leob- schiitz. d. 1900. — Attilio Luzzato, Italian politician and editor, d. 13. 1728. — Isaac Chajim Cantarini, author, d. 1779. — Jacob Solomon Bartholdy, Prussian statesman, convert, b. 1782. — Fr. Albrecht Augusti, convert, Eschwege, d. 1792. — Pius IX., author of the "Syllabus of Errors," responsible for the kidnapping of Mortara, b. 1799. — Isaiah (Pick), Berlin, Talmudic author, d. 1829. — Marcus Jastrow, rabbi and author, Eogasen, b. 1872. — Moritz Hartmann, German poet, d. 1873. — Emanuel Deutsch, author of an essay on the Talmud, Alexandria, d. 1896. — Germain See, professor and author of medical works, Paris, d. 1900. — Hermann Levi, musician and convert, Munich, d. 14. 1726. — Moses Darshan, rabbinical writer, d. 1803. — Solomon Munk, Orientalist, member of Academy of France, Glogau, b. 1864. — M. H. Breslau, Anglo- Jewish author, London, d. 1869. — Gabriel Polak, pedagogue and author, Amsterdam, d. 1873. — Prussian laws concerning status of Jews enacted. 1875. — Gottfried Bemhardy philologist, convert, d. 1886. — S. E. Berolzheimer, first Jewish judge in Bavaria, Fiirth, d. 1889. — Samuel Hirsch, American Reform rabbi, d. MEMOKABLE DATES — JiAY. 51 1892. — A. S. Weissmann, Hebrew author, Vienna, d. 1902. — Giuseppe Ottoienghi, appointed Minister ot War in Italy. 15. 1GG4. — -Chajim ben Mordecai, killed at Lemberg. 1792.^ — James Kothschild, founder of the Paris house, Frankfort- on-M., b. 1822. — Leopold Kompert, ghetto novelist, Miinchen-Gratz, b. 18-17. — Daniel O'Connell, Catholic advocate of Jewish rights, d. 1850. — Wolf Hamburger, famous Talmudist, Fiirth, d. 18T8. — Solomon van Nierop, Dutch lawyer, communal leader, d. 1887. — Dr. Wilhelm v. Kcinigswarter, philanthropist, d. 1896. — Lambert, French general, Paris, d. 1904. — Chajim Selig Slonimsky, Hebrew scientist, Warsaw, d. 16. 1659. — Campegius Yitringa, Dutch theologian, author of "De Synagoga Vetere," b. 17G7. — Samuel Borchart, author of Biblical zoolog}% Caen, d. 1775. — Veitel Heine Ephraim, mint master, Berlin, d. 1789. — Michael Creizenach, Eeform writer, Mayence, b. 1799. — Alexander McCaul, missionary to the Jews, Dublin, b. 1807. — Joseph Abraham Steblicky, proselyte at Nicolai, Silesia, d. 1823. — Heimann Steinthal, philosopher and philologist, Grobzig, b, 1826. — David B. Adler, Danish politician, b. 1828.— Wilhelm v. Eothschild, Frankfort-ou-M., b. 1831. — Samuel Hirschfelder, painter, Dettensen, b. 17. 1617.- — Ijob Saraval, rabbi at ]\rantua, d. 1748. — Shabbetai Marini, physician and poet, Padua, d. 1779. — Eaphael Levi, mathematician and astronomer, Hanover, d. 1780.— Moses Serach Eidlitz, author of an arithmetic, Prague, d. 52 MEMORABLE DATES — MAY. 1820. — Israel Hildesheimer, leader of German orthodoxy, Halber- stadt, b. 1895. — Wilhelm von Gutmann, financier and commercial leader, Vienna, d. 1899. — Joseph Eabbinowitz, founder of Jewish Christian sect "N'ew Israel," Kishinew, d. 18. 1729. — Mordecai Mokiach, Shabbatean propagandist, Pressburg, d. 1837. — W Steinitz, chess player, Prague, b. 1843. — Samuel Chajim Lolli, poet and grammarian, Gorice, d. 1865. — David Frankel, editor "Sulamith,'' Dessau, d. 1887. — Wolf Kaplan, Hebrew author, Riga, d. 1888. — Hirsch Ornstein, rabbi, Lemberg, d, 1891. — Hillel Lichtenstein, rabbi and orthodox leader, Kolomea, d. 1897.— Eiot in Algiers. 19. 1103. — Isaac Alfasi, Talmudic author, Lucena, d. 1707. — Saul, son of Joshua Hoschel, rabbi of Amsterdam, Glogau, d. 1762. — J. G. Fichte, philosopher and anti-scmite, b. 1771. — Eachel Levin (Varnhagen), b. 1862. — Ephraim Willstatter, rabbi, author of a history of the Jews, d. 1866. — Sol. Steinheim, M. D., philosopher and poet, Zurich, d. 1871.— Max Letteris, Hebraist, Vienna, d. W i^«q.i600- 1873. — Friedrich Karl Stahl, alienist, convert, Karthaus-Prill, d. 1887. — Otto Stobbe, author of a history of the Jews in Germany, d. 20. 1442. — Solomon Kohen, martyr to Judaism. 1790. — Eleazar Werblow, martyred, Grodno. 1806. — Samuel Low, commentator of the Shulchan Aruch, Bos- kowitz, d. MEMORABLE DATES MAY. 53 1822. — Emile Erckmann, French ghetto novelist, b. 1889. — Sam. Alatri, philanthropist. Home, d. 1895. — Joseph Neuwirth, Mariagriin, Styria, d. See May 6. 21. 1529. — Thirty Jews burned in Bosing, Hungary. 1760. — Israel Besht, founder of Chasidism, Miedzyborz, d. 1786. — "Kahal" (communal organization) instituted in Russia. 1799. — Daniel Itzig, Maecenas, Berlin, d. 1818. — Israel M. Rabbinowitz, Talmudic author, b. 1823. — David Rosin, Jewish writer, Rosenberg, b. 1829. — Lazarus Geiger, philologist, Frankfort-on-M., b. 1864. — G. H. Lippmann, rabbi and author, Kissingen, d. 1882. — Solomon Taussig, author, Munich, d. 32. 1370. — Jews burned in Brussels. 1681. — Joseph Cliajim Kitzingen, Casale, d. 1802. — Leopold Feldmann, German poet, Munich, b. 1811. — Leopold Low, Jewish theologian, Czernahora, b. 1813. — Richard Wagner, composer and anti-semite, b. 1834. — Adolf Ludwig Cohn, historian, convert, Breslau, b. 1839. — Israel ben Samuel, author, Sklow, d. 1843. — Adolf Baginsky, physician, university professor, Berlin, b. 1851. — M. M. Noah, who attempted to found a Jewish state, New York, d. 1858. — David Ottensosser, Biblical exegete, Fiirth, d. 1880. — Joseph Aub, rabbi, Berlin, d. 1880. — G. R. Halphen, mathematical writer and French artillery officer, Versailles, d. 54 MEMORABLE DATES — MAY. 23. 1708. — Solomon de Oliveira, Amsterdam, d. 1893. — Anton von Schmerling, liberal Austrian statesman and somewhat of an anti-semite, d. 1897. — Ed. E. Pereire, artist, Paris, d. 1903. — Eussian edict adding one hundred and one towns to the Pale promulgated. 24. 1241. — Murder of Jews at Frankfort-on-M. 1801. — A. A. Wolff, chief rabbi of Copenhagen, Darmstadt, b. 1810. — Abraham Geiger, one of the greatest Jewish theologians of modern times, Frankfort-on-M., b. 1862. — Samuel Low Citron, Hebrew essayist, Minsk, b. 1883. — G. G. Valentin, professor, Bern, d. 1896. — P. E. von Noorden, musician and composer, d. 25. 1096. — Many Jews killed at Worms. 1523. — Saul Hakohen, philosophical writer, from Candia, d. 1741. — Daniel Christian Jablonski, printer of the Talmud, Berlin, d. 1757.— Jacob Daniel Olmo, author of "Eden," Ferrara, d. 1832. — Jacob of Lissa, Talmudic author, Stryj, Galicia, d. 1868. — Religious freedom in Austria promulgated. 1894. — Alexander Kohut, rabbi and scientific author, New York, d. 1904. — Kalman W. Wisotzki, philanthropist, Moscow, d. 26. 1171. — Many Jews martyred at Blois. 1615. — Samuel Bacharach, rabbi, Worms, d. 1711. — Lob Minden, poet, Altona, d. 1746. — Menachem Manele ben Baruch Halevi, Lemberg, d. 1820. — S. Kristcller, M. D., and Jewish writer, b. MEMORABLE DATES — MAY. 55 1841. — Simon Fubini, professor, medical writer, b. 1878. — Dr. Abraham de Pinto, jurist. The Hague, d. 1881. — Jacob Bernays, philologist, archaeologist professor, Bonn, d. 1881. — Philipp, Baron de Schey, financier, Vienna, d. 27. 1096. — Jewish population of Mayence killed by Crusaders. 1782. — Eegulation of the political status of the Jews in Sweden. 1799. — Jacques Fromental Halevy, composer, b. 1848. — Maimon Fninkel, co-editor of "Teutonia," Hamburg, d. 28. 1783. — Cherem prohibited in Austria. 1811. — Abraham de Pinto, jurist, b. 1831. — Abbe Gregoire, champion of the Jews, d. 1880. — Moritz Eappaport, poet and physician, Vienna, d. 1881. — Feisch Fischmann, Maggid, Pressburg, d. 1889. — Jonas Wiesner, rabbi and author, jSTachod, d. 29. 1090. — E. Isaac, killed in a church at Cologne. 1820. — Christian Dohm, champion of the Jews, d. 1839. — Herman Adler, chief rabbi of London, Hanover, h. 1861. — Lelewel, Polish historian and geographer, friend of the Jews, d. 1876. — B. A. Herrmann, dramatist and manager of the theatre, Hamburg, d. 1900. — David Tittinger, member Austrian Eeichsrath, Czernowitz, d. 30. 1624. — Isaac ben Samson Kohen, author, Prague, d. 1794. — Ignaz Moscheles, musician, Prague, b. 1806. — Assembly of Jewish notnhlos c'llled by "NTapolenn. 56 MEMORABLE DATES MAT. 1829. — Lewin Goldschmidt, professor, prominent jurist, b. 1840. — Jewish oath abolished in Saxony. 1844. — Benzion Frizzi of Ostiano, apologist of the Jews, d. 31. 1776. — During a wedding ceremony at Mantua house collapsed and sixty-seven Jews killed. 1855. — Anton von Rosas, physician and anti-semitic writer, Vienna, d. 1872. — Law concerning Jewish elementary and normal schools in Russia enacted. MEMORABLE DATES — JUNE. 57 VI. JUNE. 1. 1588.— Chajim ben Bezalel, Hebrew grammarian, Friedberg, c1. 1685.— Samuel Haida, Cabbalistic author, Prague, d. 1790. — S. L. Kapoport, rabbi and author, Lemberg, b. 1812. — William Stahl, political economist, convert, Munich, b. 1833. — The law concerning the emancipation of the Jews in the Province of Posen. 1901.— Eugene Manuel, poet and pedagogue, Paris, d. 2. 1735. — Chajim Kimchi, rabbi in Constantinople, d. 1753. — Count Potocky, proselyte, burned in Wilna. 1783. — Charter of Toleration, Emperor Josepli II. 1816. — Grrace Aguilar, Jewish authoress, London, b. 1847. — Emanuel Bessels, north pole explorer, b. 1892.— Isidor Loeb, secretary of "Alliance Israelite Universelle," author, d. 1895.— Heinrich von Friedberg, Prussian attorney-general, con- vert, Berlin, d. 3. 1670.— Ephraim ha-Kohen, rabbi, author, Altofen, d. 1728. — Chajim and Joshua Eeizoles, executed in Lemberg in a gruesome manner. 1803. — Gabriel Polak, historian and translator, x\msterdam, b. 1816. — Senior Sachs, Hebrew author, Keidani, b. 18r9 — M. Wiener, Jewish historian, Glogau, b. 1879.— Lionel Nathan Eothschild, member of English Parliament, d. 58 MEMORABLE DATES — JUNE. 1391. — Kiot against the Jews in Seville, accompanied by bloodshed. 1786. — Samson School founded in Wolfenbiittel as '•Klaus." 1835. — Seckel Friinkel, one of the founders of* the Hamburg tem- ple, d. 1848. — Ludwig Geiger, historian, Breslau, b. 1894. — Wilhelm Freund, philologist and champion of emancipa- tion, Breslau, d. 1667. — Prof. Hottinger, investigator of inscriptions on Jewish tombstones and coins (drowned), d. 1763. — Abrah. Easch, physician, teacher of Mendelssohn, Prague, d. 1768. — Slaughter in Uman, Kussia, 8,000 Jews murdered. 1835. — Mattathia Zacuto killed with thirty-five persons in the col- lapse of a building in Alexandria. 1861. — Moses Frankfurt, called Mendelsohn, poet and translator, Hamburg, d. 1862. — E. Nathan, physician, translator, d. 1882. — Abraham de Sola, rabbi, Montreal, d. 1885. — Julius Benedikt, composer, convert, London, d. 1887. — Leo Hollander, Hungarian patriot, Eperies, d. 1892. — Jacob Fischel, alienist, Prague, d. 6. 840. — Agobard, Bishop of Lyons, anti-Jewish author, d. 1629. — Joseph Samega, theological author, Venice, d. 1818. — I. M. Eabbiaowitz, physician and rabbinical author, b. 1838. — Juda Jeiteles, Hebrew writer, Prague, d. 1651." — Abraham Eapoport, rabbi and author, Lemberg, d, 1744. — Meir Ashkenasi, rabbi and Talmudie author, Eisenstadt, d. 1817. — Jacob Saul Elvaschar, rabbi, Jerusalem, b. MEMORABLE DATES — JUNE. 59 1853. — Israel Deutsch, anti-Eeform rabbi, Beiithen, d. 1867. — Angelo Paggi, Jewish writer, Florence, d. 1874. — Abraham Firkowitsch, famous Karaite, d. 8. 1779. — Joseph Franz Molitor, Catholic apologist for the Jews, Frankfort-on-M., b. 1815. — Act of Confederation guaranteed the rights of the Jews in the German Confederation. 1815. — Samuel Hirsch, philosopher of religion, b. 1818. — Fanny von Arnstein, society leader, d. 1837. — Chajim Mussafia, Talmudical author, Spalato, d. 1839. — Resolution for the admittance of Jews in Norway intro- duced in the Eeichstag. 1171. — Jacob ben Meir (Eahenu Tam) Tosaphist, d. 1794. — Julius Eubo, jurist in Berlin, b. 1869. — Solomon Kluger, rabbi and Talmudic author, Brody, d. 1891. — Samuel Adler, rabbi of Congregation Emanuel, New York, d. 1898. — Samuel Mohilewer, Zionistic leader, rabbi in Bialystok, d. 1900. — Leon Kahn, Jewish historian, Paris, d. 10. 1648. — Eabbi Michel killed in ISTemirow by Cossacks. 1727. — Samson Modon, merchant, author, Mantua, d. 1729. — Abraham Isaak, author of a commentary to Maimonides, Jerusalem, d. 1789. — Eward Kley, Eeform preacher of Hamburg, b. 1803. — Moritz von Goldschmidt, financier, Frankfort-on-M., b. 1813. — Bavarian edict on the Jews promiilgated. 1846. — Heiman Joseph Michael, bibliophile, Hamburg, d. 1874. — Giuseppe Levi, author, Vercelli, d. 60 MEMOEABLE DATES — JUNE. 1883. — Simon von Winterstein, member of the Austrian House of Lords, d. 1895. — Martin Eoeder, composer, New York, d. 1895. — M. Griinwald, rabbi in Sofia, London, d. 11. 1847. — Abraham Muhr, advocate of moderate reform, Breslau, d. 1868. — Lazar Horowitz, rabbi, Vienna, d. 1881. — Solomon Alex. Hart, painter, d. 1884. — Ad. Pollak von Kudiu, manufacturer and philanthropist, Vienna, d. 1886. — James Gutheim, rabbi, New Orleans, d. 12. 1269. — Yellow Badge decreed in France. 1490. — Elijah Bashjazi. Karaitic author, d. 1773. — Anselm von Eothschild, Frankfort-on-M., b. 1844. — Tlie Eabbinical Conference in Brunswick opened. 1875. — Isaac Ascoli, rabbi, Ferrara, d. 13. 1851. — Jos. Johlson, Jewish pedagogical author, Frankfort-on-M., d. 1884. — Moses Boris, Colonel in the French army, d. 1896. — Count Berchem Heimhausen, benefactor of the Jewish community, Kuttenplan, d. 14. 1804. — Isaac Euchel, biographer of Mendelssohn, Hebrew author, Berlin, d. 1821. — Chajim ben Isaac of Woloshin, founder of the famous "Ye- shiba," d. 1827. — Prof. Gurlitt, friend of the Jews and versed in Jewish lit- erature, Hamburg, d. MEMORABLE DATES — JUNE. ^ 61 1897. — Barney Barnato, South African mine speculator (suicide), d. 15. 1831. — Meyer Friedmann, Talmudic critic, Haraszt, b. 1874. — Emil Roediger, reviser of Gesenius's Grammar, Berlin, d. 1888. — Emperor Frederick III., friend of the Jews, d. 1903. — Theodore Roosevelt, President United States, receives Jew- ish delegates in Kishineff affair. 16. 1221. — Twenty-one Jews put to death in Erfurt. 1244. — Twenty-four carloads of Hebrew books burned in Paris. 1591. — Joseph Sol. del Medigo, critic, Greta, b. 1836. — Prussian "Cabinets ordre" forbids Jews to adopt Christian names. 1849. — Prof, de Wette, author of the "Introduction to the Old Testament," d. 1851. — George Jellinek, jurist, Leipzig, b. 1883. — Ad. Samter, banker and writer on political economy, d. 17. 1803.— Herman Goldschmidt, painter and astronomer, Frankfort- on-M., b. 1829. — M. Kayserling, Jewish author and rabbi, Hildesheim, b. 1833. — Fedr. Frensdorff, .jurist, professor, Hanover, b. 1839.— John Hacking, author of "Modern Judaism," d. 1844. — Hartwig Derenbourg, Orientalist, Paris, b. 1883.— Meir Heimerdinger, justice of the District Court in Karls- ruhe, d. 1898. — Moses Tedeschi, Hebrew literateur, Trieste, d. 18. 1750. — Johann Jahn, Catholic theologian, and exegete, b. 1831. — Edwin Oppler, architect, b. 62 MEMORABLE DATES — JUNE. 1874.— Chr. G. X. David, Danish minister, d. 1890. — Monument of Mendelssohn unveiled in Dessau. 1891. — Calmann Levy, publisher, Paris, d. 19. 1790. — Saul Lowenstamm, rabbi, Amsterdam, d. 1843. — Ignaz Jeiteles, author, d. 1863. — Mordecai Zeeb Ettinger, rabbi and Talmudic author, Lem- berg, d. 1890. — Max Briill de Domony, great manufacturer, Budapest, d. 20. 1391. — Jews killed in Toledo. 1794. — Alois Jeiteles, writer, Briinn, b. 1808. — Samson Rafael Hirsch, founder of modern orthodoxy, Ham- burg, b. 1823. — Law in Weimar permitting intermarriage of Jews and Christians. 1839. — Jacob Freudenthal, University professor, philosopher, Bo- denfelde, b. 1865. — Isaac Berlin, author of commentary to the Machzor, Ham- burg, d. 1883. — Bishop Colenso, Bible critic, d. 1893. — Benjamin Luzzatto, professor, Palermo, d. 21. 1819. — Jacob Offenbach, composer of operas, convert, Cologne, b. 1896. — ^L. A. Weiss, German poet, Meran, d. 22. 1770. — W. T. Krug, advocate of the Jews, Leipzig, b. 1850. — Ignaz Goldziher, Orientalist, Stuhlweissenbnrg, b. MEMORABLE DATES — JUNE. 63 33. 12T0. — Martyrs killed in Weissenburg. 1785. — Arjeh Loeb, author of '^Shaagat Arjeh," Mctz, d. 1807. — Ferdinand Hitzig, Biblical exegete, b. 1813. — Solomon Dubno, Biurist, Amsterdam, d. 1839. — Lady Esther Stanhope, convert, d. 1858. — Abduction of Mortara. 1868. — Morris J. Kaphall, American preacher. New York, d. 1881. — M. J. Schleiden, apologist of Judaism, d. 1891. — Meir Jona, Talmudic author, Svislotsch, d. 1901. — Charles K. Salamon, musician, London, d. 34. 1240. — Eeligious disputation in Paris. 1320. — Farmers and shepherds killed four hundred and ten people in Jacca. 1386. — John Capistrano, persecutor of the Jews, b. 1809. — Louis Loewe, secretary of ■\Ioses Montefiore, Ziilz, b. 1897. — Sir John Simon, member of Parliament, d. 25. 1298. — Two hundred and fifty Jews killed in Rothenburg on the Tauber. 1771. — Chajim Eappoport, rabbi, Lemberg, d. 1827. — Prof. Eichhorn, biblical exegete, d. 1882. — Mich. H. Godefroi, Minister of Justice in Holland, d. 1886. — J. H. R. Biesenthal, missionary, convert, d. 1898. — Ferdinand Cohn, botanist, Breslau, d. 1902. — Sam. Edw. Shrimski, politician at Auckland, New Zealand, d. 26. 1570. — Moses Cordovero, Kabbalist, Safed, d. 1643. — Murder of Jews in Kremsier. 64: MEMORABLE DATES — JUNE. 1715. — Wolf Beer Buchsbaiim, physician, Frankfort-on-M., d. 1821. — Adolph Jellinek, chief rabbi of Vienna, b. 1831. — Julius Eodenberg, author, b. 1855. — Anton von Schmid, Hebrew publisher, Vienna, d. 1877. — Friedr. W. Ghillany, anti-semitic author, d. 1881. — Th. Benfey, Orientalist, convert, d. 1887. — Lionel Louis Cohen, M. P., London, d. 37. 1096. — The Jews were visited with hardships in Xanten. 1705. — Samuel of Opatow, medical author, d. 1714. — Loeb Abusch b. Simeon, Kabbalist, Metz, d. 1805 — Peter Theophil Riess, mathematician, first Jewish mem- ber of the Berlin Academy, Berlin, b. 1824. — Joseph Israels, Dutch painter, b. 1846. — Martin Philippson, historian and university professor, Mag- deburg, b. 1886. — Chajim Sofer, rabbi and author, Budapest, d. 1893. — Nahum Cohen, Russian novelist, Jekaterinoslaw, d. 28. 1831. — Joseph Joachim, famous musician, b. 1831. — Otto Stobbe, author of a history of the Jews in Germany, b. 1894. — Moritz Traube, medical author, Berlin, d. 29. 1337. — Jechiel Hakohen, martyred in Erfurt. 1652. — Moses de Meccado, Bible exegete, d. 1654. — Balthasar Lopez, died as martyr, Cnenca. 1818. — Meyer Amschol Rothschild, member of Parliament, London, b. 1827. — Moses Belinfante, publisher of a Dutch paper. The Hague, d. MEMORABLE DATES JUNE. 65 1852. — Aaron Moses Taubes, rabbi, Jassy, d. 1891. — Murder of a boy in Xanten, ritual murder accusation. 1901. — Edward Foa, African explorer, Villers sur mer, d. 30. 1271. — Bloody persecution in Pforzheim. 1522. — John Reuchlin, defender of Hebrew literature, d. 167G. — Aaron Samuel Kaidanower, Talmudic author, d. 1680. — Several Jews burned by Priests in Madrid. 1719. — Samuel Schotten, great-grandfather of Moses Sofer, Frankfort-on-M., d. 1821. — Siegmund von Henle, Bavarian politician, b. 1835. — Moritz Benedikt, university professor, physician, p]isen- stadt, b. 66 MEMORABLE DATES — JULY, VII. JULY. 1244. — Jews' statute, Frederick II. of Austria promulgated. 1298. — Elijah ben Samuel burnt at Rome. 1805. — Phineas liurwitz, Haphlaah, rabbi at Frankfort-on-m., d. 1849. — S. Francolm, preacher and author, d. 1852. — Genrich A. Schapiro, Eussian physician and professor, b. 18G1. — Bernhard Beer, Jewish author, Dresden, d. 1878. — The Congress of Berlin enforces political equality of Rou- manian Jews. 2. 1453. — Alvaro de Luna, Spanish statesman beheaded. 1805. — Joseph v. Hirsch, financier, father of Moritz v. Hirsch, b. 1812. — Sigism. Stern, pedagogue and Reform author, Karge, b. 1828. — Joseph linger, Austrian jurist and statesman, convert, Vienna, b. 1833. — Francis H. Goldsmid, first Jew in England admitted to the bar. 18G3. — Isaak Benjacob, bibliographer, Wilna, d. 1871. — Anglo-Jewish association founded. 1840. — Mansion House assembly protests against Damascus affair. 1844. — Dankmar Adler, archi-tect, Stadt Lengsfeld, b. 1867. — Jacob Lobl, philanthropist, Bucharest, d. 1869. — Religious freedom proclaimed in Germany. 1904. — Theodor Herzl. Zionist leader, d. MEMORABLE DATES — JULY. (i"^ 1349._Jehudah ben Asher, Talmudist, Toledo, d. 1632.— Isabella Nunes Alvarez, Madrid, burned. 1842.— Hermann Cohen, philosopher, professor, b. 1843. — Michael Beer, author, Nancy, d. 1628.— Hendel Bassewi, benefactress, Prague, d. 1832.— Ludwig Eobert, poet, Baden-Baden, d. 1852.— Barney Barnato, South African mine-owner, London, b. 1853. — Isaac Levin Auerbach, preacher, Breslau, d. 1857. — Baron David Gtinzburg, Jewish scholar, b. 1894.— Betty Paoli (Gliick), poetess, convert, d. 6. 1348.— In Tarega, Spain, over three hundred people killed. 1624.— Hirsch Luntschiitz Darshan, Prague, d. 1707._Samuel ben Alexander, mathematician, d. 1733. — Senora Alvarez burnt. 1743._Chajim ibn Attar, Talmudic writer, Jerusalem, d. 1821. — Leone Levi, political economist, b. 1842.— Nehemias Trebitsch, chief rabbi of Moravia, d. 1846. — David H. Mueller, Orientalist, Buczacz, b. 1882.— Samuel E. Meyer, rabbi, Hanover, d. 1898. — Cornelius Herz, known through the Panama affair, d. 1899.— David Kaufmann, professor Budapest Seminary, Karlsbad, d. 1900. — Gustav Born, professor, Breslau. d. 1754. — Aaron Worms, Talmudic author, b. 1800. — Isaac Daniel Itzig, communal leader, Berlin, d. 1836. — Imperial decree demands of the rabbis in Galicia secular education. 68 MEMORABLE DATES — JULY. 1863. — Edward Fischel, journalist, Paris, d. 1889. — Elias'Karpeles, rabbi and author, Vienna, d. 1891. — Ludwig Chronegk, German actor, d. 1894. — Sir Henry Bayard, Assyriologist, d. 1690. — Aaron Teomim, rabbi at Worms and Cracow, d. 1810. — G. G. Valentin, physiologist, professor at Berne, b. 1824. — K. W. Wisotzki, Eussian philanthropist, b. 1831. — Seligmann Heller, poet, Raudnitz, b. 1852. — Moses Benedict, banker and philanthropist, Stuttgart, d. 1863. — A. B. Piperno, Hebrew poet, Leghorn, d. 1894.— Aug. Dillmann, exegete, Berlin, d. 1391. — Jews murdered in Valencia. 1639. — Joseph di Trani, Talmudic author, Constantinople, d. 1667. — Abraham Athias, burned at Cordova. 1730. — Berman Halberstadt, Berent Lehmann, court Jew, d. 1749. — Ezekiel Katzenelnbogen, rabbi, Altona, d. 1791. — Samuel Sar Shalom Finzi, preacher, Ferara, d. 1825. — Julius Oppert, Orientalist, Hamburg, b. 1871. — Lelio della Torre, professor in the seminary, Padua, d. 1890. — Immanuel Ritter, preacher of the Reform Cong., Berlin, d. 1893. — Israel Joshua, rabbi and Talmudic author, Kutno, d. 1902. — Marcus Antokolski, Russian sculptor, Homburg, d. 10. 1773. — Meir Teomim, rabbi, Lemberg, d. 1787. — John Emanuel Veith, convert, famous Catholic preacher, Kuttenplan, b. 1818. — Joseph Meyer, professor in medicine, Stralsund, b. 1874. — Giuseppe Levi, translator of the Talmudic Fables, Vercelli, d. MEMORABLE DATES — JULY. 69 11. 1605. — Abraham Gawison, Hebrew poet, Algiers, d. 1622. — Abraham ben David, Talmudic author, Lemberg, d. 1865. — Elias H. Lindo, JeM'ish historian, London, d. 12. 1753. — Moses Dobruska, poet, convert, Briinn, b. 1814. — Law regarding Isr. Kerkgenootschap issued, Holland. 1845. — Hen. Wergeland, champion of Jewish rights in Norway, d. 1880. — Isaac Pereire, French financier, Armainvilliers, d. 1896. — Moritz Kirstein, communal leader, physician, Berlin, d. 1899. — Israel Hildesheimer, President of the orthodox seminary, Berlin, d. 1900. — Joseph Oppenheim, journalist, political economist, Vien- na, d. 13. 1105. — Solomon Isaaki, Eashi, d. 1788. — Isaac Formegini, advocate of secular education, Trieste, d. 1816. — Gustav Freytag, German poet, writer of Jewish charac* ters, b. 1843. — Ehenish states petition for the emancipation of the Jews. 1846. — Opening of the Kabbinieal Conference at Breslau. 14. 1683 — Nathan Nata ben Moses, murdered at Ungarisch Brod. 1748. — Queen Maria Theresa repeals the order for the expulsion of the Jews from Bohemia. 1785. — Mordecai M. Noah, the first Zionist, Philadelphia, b. 1818. — Wolf Boskowitz (Low), rabbi and Talmudic author, Bony- had, d. 1835. — Leo Lewanda, Russian Jewish writer, b. 1851. — August Neander (David Mendel), church historian, d. 1862. — Ludwig Fulda. poet, Frankfort-on-M., b. 70 MEMORABLE DATES — JULY. 1863. — Political equality of the Jews of Holstein promulgated. 1899. — ^Jeanette Schwerin, champion of the rights of women, d. 15. 1572. — Isaac Luria, Kabbalist, d. 1811. — Moses Wassermann, rabbi, Stuttgart, b. 184:1. — Jacob Kaplan, Hebrew author, d. 1843. — Louis Marcus, archaeologist, Paris, d. 1845. — Eabbinical Conference at Frankfort-on-M. opened. 1900. — S. Kristeller, communal leader, Berlin, d. 1901. — Ferd. Caspary, mathematician, Berlin, d. 16. 1829. — G. I. Ascoli, philologist, Trieste, b. 1836. — Isidor Eosenthal, physiologist, b. 1891. — Lewin Goldschmidt, professor, jurist, Berlin, d. 1900. — I. Brasch, painter, d. 17. 1349. — Jews burned at Meiningen, 1728. — Ephraim Kohen, rabbi, Modena, d. 1793. — Ludwig van Meseritz, Dutch statesman, b. 1831. — Meir Polak, grammarian, Amsterdam, d. 1840. — Isaac Leonini Azulay, Spanish poet, London, d. 1841. — Moses Teitelbaum, Chassidic rabbi, S. A., Ujhely, d. 18. 1255. — Moses Abulafia ben Meir Halevi, physician, Toledo, d. 1775. — Karl v. Eotteck, historian and anti-semite, b. 1819.— Jeh. Bchak, Talmudic author, d. 1836. — Nathan Eothschild, founder of the London house, d. 1873. — David Salamons, champion of the civil rights of the Jews in England, d. 1889. — Wolf Frankenburger, Bavarian politician, Nureml)erg, d. MEMORABLE DATES — JULY. 71 19. 1263. — Disputation at Barcelona. 1510. — Thirty-eight martyrs burned in Berlin. 20. 1633. — Nathan Ifata Spira, rabbi and author, Cracow, d. 1722. — Jehuda Briel, Italian author, d. 1779. — David Frankel, editor of Sulamith, b. 1801. — Bernhard Beer, Jewish author, Dresden, b. 1808. — Napoleon's decree regarding the Jews. 1819. — H. B. Oppenheim, German politician and political econo- mist, b. 1822. — Jacob Landau, son of Ezekiel, Brody, d. 1832. — A. L. Davids, author of a Turkish grammar, London, d. 21. 1498. — Decree concerning the expulsion of the Jews from Nurem- berg promulgated. 1718. — Shabbetai Bass, publisher and author, d. 1805. — Jisai Berr Bing, champion of the emancipation of the Jews in France, d. 1821. — Julius von Eeuter, founder of the telegraph bureau, con- vert, Kassel, b. 1841. — A. S. Levy, mathematician, Paris, d. 1846. — Benedict Schott, principal of the Jacobson school, d. 1901. — Isaac Mautner, manufacturer, Nachod, d. 22. 1209. — A day of trouble for the Jews in France. 1306. — A day of trouble for the Jews in France. 1798.— Meir Schiff, Talmudical author, d. 1810. — Abraham Abrahamson, engraver, Berlin, d. 1817. — Lazare Wogue, theological writer, b. 72 MEMORABLE DATES — JULY. 1823. — Ludwig Bamberger, member of the Keichstag, b. 1885. — David Honigman, novelist, Breslau, d. 1890. — Moritz Duschak, rabbi and author, Vienna, d. 1895. — Eudolph Gneist, defender of Jewish rights, d. 23. 1298. — Massacre of the Jews in Wiirzburg. 1626. — Shabbetai Zebi, pseudo-Messiah, b. 1832. — Ad. Pollitzer, musician, b. 1847. — Prussian law referring to the Jews issued. 1854. — Leopold Dick, painter, Kaiserlautern, d. 1885. — U. S. Grant, President of the United States, known by an anti-Jewish order, d. 1892. — Captain Meyer, victim of anti-semitism, died in duel. 1903. — Benj. Leop. Farjeon, English novelist, d. 24. 1636. — Elijah Loans, Hebrew author, d. 1716. — Massacre of Jews in Posen. 1894. — Eabbi Goldmann, Eschwege, d. 25. 1196 — Jews killed in Lyons. 1644. — Jews burnt in Valladolid. 1644. — Alarcon, a proselyte, burned in Valladolid. 1739.— John. Chr. Wolf, bibliographer, d. 1818. — Alb. Sassoon, financier, Bombay, b. 1840. — Jacob Lazard, member of Sanhedrin under Napoleon I., d. 1880. — Moses Lattes, Jewish historian, d. 1894. — Isidor Cohnstein, writer on medicine, Berlin, d. 1900. — J. Levitan, painter, Moscow, d. 26. 1799.— 0. L. B. Wolff, poet, convert, Altona, b. 1806. — Assembly of Jewish notables opened in Paris. MEMORABLE DATES — JULY. 73 1815. — Eobert Eemak, medical professor, Poscn, b. 1844. — Karl Streckfuss, writer on Jewish emancipation, d. 1856. — Eiseck Graber, Hebrew author, b. 1858. — Lionel Eothschild, admitted into the English Parliament. 1887. — Lionel Lonis Cohen, M. P., London, d. 1893.— Paul d' Abrest (Cohn), writer, d. 1894. — Ed. Tauwitz, composer, Prague, d. 27. 1656. — Spinoza excommunicated. 1671. — Abraham Fonseca, rabbinical author, Hamburg, d. 1782. — Jacob Chasak, Hebrew author, Padua, d. 1808. — S. Formstecher, rabbi, Offenbach, b. 1825. — Jacob Salomon Bartholdy, diplomat, convert, d. 1840. — Edward Arbib, Italian politician and writer, Florence, d. 1855 — Solomon von Rothschild, financier, Vienna, d. 1870. — Hermann Hersch, dramatist, Berlin, d. 1874. — Anselm Solomon von Rothschild, financier, Vienna, d. 28. 1639. — Aaron Berechya, writer on liturgy, Modena, d. 1789. — Meir Barby, rabbi, Presburg, d. 1858. — Benoit Fould, French politician, d. 1876. — Prussian "Austrittsgesetz''' issued. 1883. — Ad. Ginsberg, painter, d. 1885. — Moses Montefiore, the great philanthropist, d. 1899. — Emil Breslaur, composer, Berlin, d. 29. 1384.— 200 Jews killed in Nordlingen. 1612. — Abraham de Portalcone, Talmudic author, d. 1829. — Chajim N". Dcnibitzer, Jewish historian, Cracow, b. 1849. — Max Nordau, writer and Zionistic leader, b. 74 .^MEMORABLE DATES JULY. 1893. — Julius Aronius, historian, d. 1895. — Jos. Derembourg, Orientalist, d. 1900. — Prince Urusow, champion of the Eussian Jews, d. 30. 1576. — Moses Provenzale, rabbinical author, Mantua, d. 1836. — Gust. Oppert, philologist, Hamburg, b. 1895. — Otto von Bismarck, German Chancellor and somewhat of an anti-semite, d. 31. 1840. — Nachman Krochmal, Hebrew author, d. 1876. — Joachim L. Lederer, poet, d. 1886. — Solomon Ganzfried, rabbinical author, Unghvar, d. MEMORABLE DATES — AUGUST. VIII. AUGUST, 1398. — Massacre in Niirenberg, in wliich the Talraudic auflior, Mordecai ben Hillel, and tlie liturgical poet, Abra- ham ben Joseph, were slain. 1641.— Charter (Schntzbrief ) issued by which the congregation, of Altona was founded. 1789.— Abraham Isaac Castello, poet and preacher, Leghorn, d.. 1811. — A decree against usury, aimed at the Jews, issued in Sax- ony. 18 57. —Abraham Danon, president of the rabbinical seminary in Constantinople, b. 1875.— Samuel Meyer, raljln and author, d. 1887. — Isaac Margolis, Hebrew author, New York, d. 1903.— Immanuel ]\Iunk, physiologist, Berlin, d. 2. 1371. — Three hundred Jews killed in Mallorca. 1492. — Emigration of the Jews from Spain. 1579. — Don Joseph Nasi, Duke of Naxos, Constantinople, d. 1675_ — Portuguese synagogue dedicated in Amsterdam. 1784. — Simcha Calimani, rabbi and author, Venice, d. 1794. — Nathan Maass, rabbi, Frankfort- on -M., d. 1803. — Moses Bruck (Briick) reform author, IMahr Woisskircben, b. 1819. — Riots against the Jews at Wiirzburg. 76 MEMORABLE DATES — AUGUST. 3. 1603. — Tamar Barocas and Diego de la Ascension, burnt by Inqui- sition at Lisbon. 1830. — Moses Joseph Spiro, rabbi and Talniudic author, Kanitz, Moravia, d. 1836. — Carl Asser, statesman, Dutch Council (Staatsrath), Am- sterdam, d. 1839. — Dorothea Schlegel, daughter of Moses Mendelssohn, d. 1890. — Emil Levy, artist, Paris, d. 1891, — Leopold Dukes, Jewish author, Vienna, d. 1903. — Adolph Landau, editor of the "Woschod," Berlin, d. 70. — Temple burnt at Jerusalem. 1724. — Samson Wertheimer, charitable "Hofjude," Vienna, d. 1817. — Max Ring, German poet, Zauditz, d. 1828. — Ephraim Salman Margulies, rabbinical author, Brody, d. 1842. — Isaac Hartvig, philanthropist, Hamburg, d. 1891. — Salvatore de Benedette, professor and Italian Jewish au- thor, Pisa, d. 1391. — Massacre of Jews at Barcelona. 1620. — Menahem Azariah da Fano, Talmudical and Cabbalistic author, Pisa, d. 1784. — Isaac Samuel Eeggio, Hebrew writer, Gorice, b. 1820. — Meyer Carl v. Eothschild, member of German Eeichstag, Frankfort-on-M., b. 1831.— Joseph Veit, Hebrew author, Berlin, d. 1839. — Jacob Ornstein, rabln and Talnuulical autlior, Lemberg. d. 1842. — Michael Creizenach, Reform writer, Frankfort-on-M., d. 1865. — Naphtali Keller, Hebrew author, Roznau, d. 1889. — Fanny Lewald, novelist, convert, Dresden, d. MEMORABLE DATES — AUGUST. 77 1243. — Massacre of Jews at Kitzingen. 1775. — Daniel O'Connell, champion of the Jews, Ireland, b. 1787. — Solomon L. Steinheim, M. D., and author, Altona, b. 1799. — Marcus Eliezer Bloch, ichthyologist, Karlsbad, d. 7. 1776. — Joseph Steinhart, rabbi and Talmudic author, Piirth, d. 1839. — Bernhard Freiherr v. Eskeles, banker, Vienna, d. 18()8. — S. Rosenthal, bibliophile, Hanover, d. 1885. — Baron Jacob Treves, financier and benefactor, Venice, d. 1887. — Edward Goldstein, musician, Leipzig, d. 1898. — George Ebers, novelist, descendant of Veitel Heine Ephraim, d. 8. 1820. — Julius Stern, composer, Breslau, b. 1886. — Gedalja Tiktin, rabbi, Breslau, d. 9. 1821. — Heinrich Landesman, author (Hieronymus Lorm), Nik- olsburg, b. 1826. — Meir Kurnik, chronologist, Hamburg, d. 1827. — Mendel Hess, reformer, rabbi at Lengsfeld, d. 1902. — Moritz Szeps, editor, Vienna, d. 10. 1728. — Jehuda Mazliach Padova, rabbi Modena, d. 1794. — Leopold Zunz, Detmold, b. 1810. — Simon Bloch, founder of "Univers Israelite," b. 1819. — Julius Landsberger, rabbi and author, b. 1843. — Jacob Fr. Fries, professor at Jena, anti-somite, d. 1851. — IT. E. G. Paulus, rationalistic theologian and anti-semitc, d. 78 MEMORABLE DATES — ^AUGUST. 1861. — Frederick Julius Stahl, conservative politician and con- vert, d. 1893. — Xaphtali Zebi Jeliuda Berlin, President of the "Jeshiba" at Woloshin, d. 11. 1667. — Jonah Abravanel, poet, Amsterdam, d. 12. 1807. — Michael Levy, industrial leader and Hebraist, b. 1825. — Moses ]\Iielziner, writer on Jewish subjects, Schubin, b. 1829. — Marcus Benedict, chief rabbi of Moravia, Karlsbad, d. 1855. — Eleazar Morpurgo, Hebrew translator, A-^enice, d. 1900. — William Steinitz, chess player, New York, d. 13. 1453. — Saint Capistrano had Jews burnt at Schweidnitz and Liegnitz. 1831. — Solomon Jadassohn, musical writer, Breslau, b. 1851. — Felix Adler, founder of ethical culture society, Alze}^ b. 1865. — William Wolfson, poet, Dresden, d. 1890. — ]Sr. N. Coronel, publisher of rabbinical works, d. 1900. — Wladimir Solowjew, advocate of the Eussian Jews, d. 1902. — Eduard Halban, Austrian statesman (Blumenstock), con« vert, Gastein, d. 14. 1779. — Xehemiah Trebitsch, chief rabbi of Moravia, Prague, b. 1814. — Maier Zipser, Hungarian rabbi and author, b. 15. 1762. — Moses Frankfurt, publisher of the rabbinical Bible, Am- sterdam, d. 1831. — Moses ]\Iunz, rabbi and Talmudical author, Altofen, d. 1838. — Moses Moser, Heine's friend, Lippchne, d. MEMORABLE DATES — AUGUST. 79 1853.— Basilius (Bezalel) Stern, pedagogue, Odessa, d. 18S7._Meier Aaron Goldschmidt, Danish ghetto novelist, d. 16. 1599. — Isaac Menahem ben Isaac, rabbi and author, Cracow, d. 1G48. — Joshua ben Joseph, rabbinical author, Cracow, d. 1664._John Buxtorf, Jr., learned Christian Hebraist, Basel, d. 181G. — John Jahn, rationalistic Catholic exegete, d. 1838. — Laws regulating the condition of the Jews issued in Sax- ony. 1840. — Herman Shapira, mathematician, b. 1842. — Jacob Rosanes, German mathematician, Brody, b. 1843.— Jacob Epstein, philanthropist, Warsaw, d. 1868. — J^eubcn Wundcrbar, pedagogue and author, Mitau, d. 17. 1550.— Meshullam Horowitz, builder of 'Tinkas Synagogue," Prague, d. 1786. — Frederick the Great, freethinker and anti-semite, Potsdam, d. 1901. — Leonard Sachs, son of Michael Sachs, communal worker, Berlin, d. 1902. — Sal. Jehuda Sachs, Russian manufacturer and Maecenas oi Jewish literature, Homburg, d. 18. 1882. — Jacob Leon Wertheim, Dutch poet, d. 1892. — Elise Henle, German poetess, d. 19. 16-54. — Lipman Heller, "Tausvcs Youtew," Cracow, d. 1800. — Michael Beer, German poet, Berlin, b. 1800. — Wolf Davidson, playwright, Berlin, d. 1872. — Carl Feust, prominent attorney, Bavaria, d. 80 MEMORABLE DATES — AUGUST. 1888. — Meyer Isler, historian, Hamburg, d. 1900. — Emilie Ludwig (Levy), juvenile writer, Berlin, d. 20. 1153. — Bernhard of Clairveaux, defender of Jews against the Crusaders, d. 1820. — Ferdinand Falkson, M. D., and writer, Konigsberg, b. 21. 1802. — Hirsch B. Fassel, rabbi and author, Boscowitz, b. 1811. — Joseph Derenbourg, Orientalist, Mayence, b. 1852. — Marchand Ennery, Grand Eabbin of France, Paris, d. 1868.— Hirsch Eisenstadt, author of "Pitche Teshuba," d. 1872. — David Calisch, humorist, Berlin, d. 1893. — Law prohibiting the Shechitah passed in Switzerland. 22. 1400. — Massacre of Jews at Prague. Seventy-seven Jews killed. 1484. — Jews at Tyrnau biirnt. 1694. — Samuel Aboab, rabbi and Talmudical author, Venice, d. 1718. — Samuel David Ottelengo, rabbi and author, Padua, d. 1791. — John David Michaelis, Christian Hebraist, Gottingen, d. 1800. — Sam. D. Luzzatto, prominent Jewish scholar, Trieste, b. 1853. — Abraham Belais, "Hacham'' and author, London, d. 1860. — Solomon Friedlander, Eeform rabbi, Chicago, d. 1860. — Samuel Holdheim, leader of radical Eeform, Berlin, d. 1863. — Joseph Levin Saalschiitz, preacher and professor, Konigs- berg, d. 1903. — Joseph Josephson, Hebrew author, Paris, d. 23. 1349. — Massacre of Jews at Mayence. 1773. — Jacob F. Fries, professor and anti-semitic author, ]). MEMORABLE DATES — AUGUST. 81 1799. — Kopel Theben, leader of Hungarian orthodoxy, Prague, d. 1805. — Anton v. Schmerling, liberal Austrian statesman and some- what of an anti-semite, b. 1808. — J. L. Lederer, dramatist, Prague, b. 1819. — Simon Szanto, prominent journalist, b. 1885. — Marcus M. Kalisch, writer of an English commentary on the Pentateuch, d. 1887. — P. F. Frankl, rabbi at Berlin, and scientific author, d. 34. 1424. — Jews banished from Cologne. 1811. — Herz Homberg, "Biurist," Prague, d. 1844. — Aaron Chorin, first Eeform rabbi, Arad, d. 1886. — Wolf Landau, rabbi, Dresden, d. 1900. — Elchanan Verveer, artist. The Hague, d. 25. 1613. — David Gans, Jewish historian, Prague, d. 1744. — J. Gr. Herder, lover of Hebrew poetry, b. 1798. — Henrik Herz, Danish poet, b. 1867. — Levi Bodenheimer, rabbi and author, Krefeld, d. 1886. — Ludwig Todesco, delegate to Bohemian Landtag, Prague, d. 1895. — A. Wiener, rabbi and author, d. 1900. — Ch. D. Lippe, bibliographer, Vienna, d. 1900. — Fr. Wilh. Nietzsche, philosopher, opponent of anti-semit- ism, d. 1903. — Jacques Kissim Pasha, Turkish surgeon-general, Salonica, d. 26. 1800. — Hinschel Levin, rabbi, Berlin, d. 1828. — Otto Henne am Ehyn, anti-semitic writer on History of Cul- ture, b. * 1853. — Meno Burg, Prussian major, Berlin, d. MEMORABLE DATES — AUGUST. 27. 181G. — Alex. Zederbamii, Hebrew author, b. 1887. — Charles Wiener, engraver, Brussels, d. 28. 1?66. — Simon v. Liimmel, financier, Tuschkau, b. 1799. — Immanuel Wohlwill, pedagogue and writer, Harzgerode, b. 1883. — Solomon Plessner, leader of Neo-Orthodoxy, Posen, d. 29. 1339. — Abraham ibn Shoshau, Talmudical writer, Toledo, d. 1435. — Paulus, Bishop of Burgos, hater of the Jews, convert, d. 1729. — Moses Benjamin Wulff, court Jew at Dessau, d. 1843. — Ludwig Levin Jacobson, physician, Copenhagen, d. 1855. — Isaac Samuel Keggio, Gorz, d. 1865. — Eobert Eemak, physician and professor at Berlin, Kissin- gen, d. 1870. — Lazarus Geiger, prominent philologist, Frankfort-on-M., d. 1882. — Fr. Ad. Philippi, convert, orthodox Lutheran theologian, d. 1885. — Bernhard Horwitz, Chess player, d. 1897.— First Zionist Congress held at Basil. 1900. — Sir Saul Samuel, Austrian politician, London, d. 30. 1658. — Zebi Ashkenasi, Chacham Zebi, 1). 1813. — Lavid Anschel Meyer, Danish patriot, Copenhagen, d. 1829. — G. Adersbach, physician and Jewish poet, New Orleans, d. 18G6. — Hermann Goldschmidt, painter and astronomer, Fontaine- bleau, d. 1882. — Abraham Stein, preacher aud author, Prague, d. 1889. — Gustav Weil, Orientalist, Freiburg, Breisgau, d. MEMORABLE DATES — AUGUST. 83 31. IGT;). — Chtjim Benvenisti, rabbi and Talmiidic author, Smyrna, d. 1864. — Ferdinand Lasalle, socialistic agitator, Geneva, d. 1886. — Franz Liszt, pianist, anti-semite, Bayreuth, d. 1900. — Ferdinand Falkson, Konigsberg, d. (See August 20.) 84 MEMORABLE DATES SEPTEMBER. IX. SEPTEMBER. 1. 1614. — Fettmilch's uprising against the Jews in Frankfort-on-M. 1761. — H. E. G. Paulus, rationalistic theologian and anti-semite, b. 1833. — A. Asher, translator of Benjamin of Tudela, Venice, d. 1876. — F. Lebrecht, Jewish scholar, Berlin, d. 1903. — Bernard Lazare, champion of Judaism against anti-semit- ism, Paris, d. 1788. — Isaac Baer Loewinsohn, leader in culture movement among Jews in Eussia, Kremenitz, b. 1795. — Emancipation of the Jews in Holland. 1807. — Hirsch Zamosz, rabbi and Talmudic author, Altona, d. 1825. — Corner-stone of M. M. Noah's Jewish state laid at Buffalo. 1831. — Daniel L. Lessmann, German poet, convert (suicide), d. 1898. — Moses Angel, principal of the Jews' free school, London, d. 1582. — Isaac Spira, father-in-law of Meir Lublin, Cracow, d. 1658. — Oliver Cromwell, friend of the Jews, d. 1814. — J. J. Sylvester, English mathematician, b. 1883. — Loon Tlfdevy, French Literateur, d. 1889. — Joseph von Weilen. dramatic author, convert, Vienna, d. 4. 1788. — Samuel lesi, engraver, Correggio, b. 1808. — Michael Sachs, rabbi and author. Gross Glogau, b. 1843. — B. L. Ullmann, translator of the Koran, rabbi, Crefeld, d. MEMORABLE DATES — SEPTEMBEU. 85 1878.— Sol. Geiger, Abraham Geiger's orthodox brother, Frankfort- on-M., d. 1G29.— Jehuda Saltaro da Fano, Talmudic author, Venice, d. 1764— Henrietta Herz, leader of the Berlin "Salon," b. 1818.— Joseph Haltern, translator into Hebrew, Berlin, d. 1829. Hillel Noah ^laggid Steinschneider, Jewish historian, Schnirpschak, b. 1853. — George Depping, Jewish historian, d. 1858. — W. G. Saphir, satirist, convert, d. 1888.— Kaphael Kirchheim, scholar and author, Frankfort-on-M., d. 1902.— Kudolf Virchow, opponent of anti-semitism, Berlin, d. 6. 1713.— Hirsch Spitz, Talmudic author, Worms, d. 1781. — Solomon Salem, rabbi in Amsterdam, d. 1783. — Wolf Nathan, writer of exegetical works, d. 1848. — Abraham Kohn, rabbi in Lemberg, poisoned. 1880. — Edward Oppler, architect, d. 1888. — Jacob Neuschotz, philanthropist, Jassy, d. 1898. — Simon Fubini, professor and medical author, Turin, d. 1902.— Albert Friinkel, editor of the "Gartenlaube," Leipzig, d. 1677. — Francis Haselbauer, Jesuit missionary and censor, Frauen- berg, b. 1814. — Ludwig Kalisch, humorous writer, Lissa, d. 1882. — David Joel, "Seminarrabbiner," Breslau, d. 1891. — Hirsch Graetz, historian, Munich, d. 1893.— Alex. Zederbaum, Hebrew editor, St. Petersburg, d. 86 MEMORABLE DATES — SEPTEMBER. 1560. — Eight living Jews and a corpse burnt in Murcia. 1861. — Jacob Leon Aronsohn, Universit}' professor, Strassbnrg, d. 9. 1774. — Solomon von Eothschild, Frankfort-on-M., b. 1809. — Bruno Bauer, radical theologian and anti-semite, b. 1845. — Ignatz Acsady, Hungarian historian, b. 1851. — L. Weyl, humorous writer, Berlin, d. 1861. — Samuel Eomanin, historian, Venice, d. 1894. — Brugsch Pasha, Egyptologist, d. 1899. — Drevfus condemned for a second time. 10. 1671. — Berlin congregation founded. 1676. — Shabbethai Zebi, the pseudo-Messiah, d. 1691. — Edw. Pococke, Christian Hebraist, d. 11. 1400. — Three Jews burnt in Prague. 1823. — David Eicardo, member of Parliament, and political econ- omist, convert, d. 1860. — Siegfried Hirsch, convert, historian, anti-semite, d. 1886. — Ludwig Lowe, member of the Eeichstag, d. 1893. — Opening of the Parliament of Eeligions in Chicago. 12. 1597. — Eirst place of worship opened in Amsterdam. 1695. — Jacob Abendana, chacham and Talmudic author, London, d. 1736. — David Oppenheimer, owner of the famous library, Prague, d. 1812. — Eeuben Wunderbar, Jewish author, Mitau, b. MEMORABLE DATES — SEPTEMBER. 87 1820. — Abraham Danziger, author of popular ritualistic works, Wilna, d. 1903. — Fabian Jolles, Hebrew author, Vienna, d. 13. 1647. — De Castro Tartas, Lisbon, burnt at the stake. 1690. — Meir Grotwohl, rabbi, Koblenz, d. 1721. — Emanuel Oppenheimer, banker, Vienna, d. 1783. — Ignaz Jeiteles, author, Prague, b. 1813. — Joseph Eotvos, advocate of Jewish emancipation, b. 1828. — Israel Jacobson, philanthropist, Berlin, d. 1847.— Isaac Lob Wormser, the "Baal Shem" of Michelstadt, d. 1883. — Abraham Jacob (Friedmann), wonder-rabbi, Sadagora, d. 14. 1427.— Jacob Halevi, "Maharil," Worms, d. 1792. — August Lewald, author, convert, Konigsberg, b. 1903. — Massacre in Homel, b. 15. 1746. — Solomon Hanau, Hebrew grammarian, Hanover, d. 1758. — Akiba Eger the elder, rabbi and Talmudic author. Press- burg, d. 1780. — Eoderiguez Pereira, teacher of the deaf and dumb, Paris, d. 1780. — Jonas Daniel Meyer, jurist, Arnheim, b. 1824 — Moriz Lazarus, philosopher, Filehne, b. 1834. — Heinrich von Treitschke, historian and anti-semite, b. 16. 1390. — King Wenzel annuls debts due to Jews. 1498.— Thomas Torquemada, grand inquisitor, d. 1747. — Joh. Ludw. Ewald, evangelical pastor, advocate of Jewish emancipation, b. 88 MEMORABLE DATES — SEPTEMBER. 1777, — Nathan von Eothschild, founder of the London house of Eothschild, b. 1843. — Ezekiel Hart, Canadian politician, d. 1847. — Grace Aguilar, English poetess, Frankfort-on-M., d. 1851. — 0. L. B. Wolff, poet, "Improvisator," convert, Jena, d. I860. — Solomon J. Solomon, artist, London, b. 1884. — Jacob Nathansohn, medical author, Warsaw, d. 1888. — Lazare Isidor, chief rabbi of France, d. 1895. — Moriz Brasch, philosophic writer, d. 17. 1394. — Order issued to exile Jews from France. 1485. — Peter Arbues the "Saint," blind inquisitor, d. 1609. — Lowe ben Bezalel, rabbi and author, Prague, d. 1800.— jSTathan Adler, mystic, Frankfort-on-M., d. 1832. — Carl Storck, professor of medicine, Ofen, b. 1835. — Ernst E. Eosenmiiller, learned exegete, d. 1855. — Moses Mocatta, Jewish author, London, d. 18. 1610. — Hendel ben Shemarya, rabbinical author, Lemberg, d. 1693.— Jacob Zalialon, rabbi and medical author, Feuara, d. 1764. — Jonathan Eybeschiitz, rabbi and author, Altona, d. 1824.— Jacob Bernays, philologist, Hamburg, b. 1879. — Meir Leibush Malbim, celebrated rabbinical author, Kiew, d. 1890. — Benjamin Peixotto, American diplomat. New York, d. 1903. — Eugene Merzbacher, author on numismatics, Munich, d. 19. 1495. — Isaac Stein, rabbinical author, Eatisbon, d. 1659. — Israel and Tobias, martyred in Eushony. 1666. — Jacob Cansino, author, Oran, d. 1781. — Poll-tax abolished in Austria. 1812.— Maier Eothschild, founder of the house, Frankfort-on-M., d. MEMORABLE DATES — SEPTEMBER. 89 1820. — Bezalel Eanschburg (called Daniel Eosenbaum), Talmudic author, Prague, d. 1825. — Edward Horn (Ignaz Einhorn), Hungarian statesman, Waag-Neustadtl, b. 1827. — Leo Herzberg-Frankel, ghetto poet, Brody, b. 1860. — Israel Lipschitz, rabbi and commentator of the Mishna, Danzig, d. 18GG. — Jehuda Scherschewsky, teacher at the rabbinical school at \Yilna, Kowno, d. 1892. — Leon Gordon, Neo-Hebraic poet, d. 1899. — Von Scheurer-Kestner, champion of Dreyfus, d. 1899. — Charles Daly, historian of the American Jews, New York, d. 1902. — Isaac Eiilf, rabbi, author and philanthropist, Bonn, d. 20. 1487. — Gedaliah Jachia, Jewish author, Constantinople, d. 1788. — Karl Streckfuss, apologist of the Jews, but of anti-semitic leanings, b. 1816. — Hirsch Horowitz, rabbi and Talmudic author, Erankfort- on-M., d. 1826. — Immanuel Cappadoce, leader in Jewish congregational life, Amsterdam, d. 1870. — Ghetto in Eome abolished. 21. 1666. — Shabbetai Zebi, converted to Islam. 1758. — Sylvester de Sacy, Orientalist and friend of the Jews, b. 1771. — Joseph Samuel Erey, converted American Jewish mission- ary, Maynstockheim, b. 1823. — Julius von Gomperz, Austrian Peer, Briinn, b. 1871. — Mendel Hess, radical Eeform rabbi, Eisenach, d. 1895. — David Segre, Italian ambassador to Peru, d. 90 MEMORABLE DATES — SEPTEMBER. 23. 1575. — Meir Parenzo, publisher of Hebrew works, Venice, d. 1769. — Abraham Lissa, rabbi, Frankfort-on-M., d. 1807. — Gottlieb Schmelkes, physician and author, Prague, b. 1808. — Abraham Abele Kohen of Pinczow, rabbinical author, d. 1817. — Hermann von Zeissl, medical professor, Vierzighuben, b. 1842. — Fr. Cerfberr, French consul in America, at sea, d. 1862. — Heimann Arnheim, Jewish author, Glogau, d. 1896. — Saul Kowner, Eussian medical and philosophical author, d. 1902._Sol. Cohen, chief rabbi of Mecklenburg, Breslau, d. 1903. — Enrico Guastalla, Italian patriot, Milan, d. 23. 1756. — Franz Haselbauer, Prague (see Sept. 7). 1884. — Hermann von Zeissl, University professor, Vienna, d. 24. 1762. — Moses Sofer, rabbinical author, Frankfort-on-M., b. 1814. — Albert Cohn, Orientalist and philanthropist, Pressburg, b. 1841. — Abraham Basch, Neo-Hebraic author, Berlin, d. 1862. — Judith, wife of Moses Montefiore, d. 1880. — Oswald Honigsmann, Galician politician, d. 25. 467. — Mar bar Rab Ashe, head of school in Babylonia, d. 1809.— Meshullam v. Joel Hakohen, Talmudical author, Lemberg, d. 1812. — Carl Biederman, Cliristian, advocate of Jewish emancipa- tion, Leipzig, b. 1812. — Isaac Raphael Finzi, member of the Parisian Sanhedrin, Padua, d. MEMORABLE DATES — SEPTEMBER. 91 1885. — Isaac Kromczyk, Polish Jewisli autlior, Warsaw^, d. 1887. — Joseph Meyer, physician, University professor, Berlin, d. 1893. — Elias Griinebaiim, rabbi, Landau, d. 1900. — Louis Eatisbonne, author, Paris, d. 26. 1729. — Moses Mendelssohn, Dessau, b. 1798. — M. J. Raphall, American preacher and author, Stockholm, b. 1890. — Max Henoch, mathematician, Berlin, d. 37. 1791. — Emancipation of the Jews in France. 1799. — Adat Jeshurun Reform synagogue in Amsterdam dedicated. 1871. — Jacob Herz, physician, professor in Erlangen, d. 1882.— Siegfried Isaacson, Prussian historian, d. 1889. — M. D. Hofmann, rabbi and author, Ungarisch Brod, d. 1891. — Sigmimd T. Stein, medical author, Erankfort-on-M., d. 1903. — Julius Plotke, philanthropist, Frankfort-on-M., d. 28. 1741. — Eleazar of Brody, rabbi of Amsterdam, Safed, d. 1775. — Eirst Jewish congregation formed in Stockholm. 1809. — Michel Levy, prominent physician, Strassburg, b. 1845. — Michael Kitseer, Talmudic autlior, Pressb\irg, d. 1903. — Ahr. Levi, murdered by anti-semites, Stegers, Prussia. 29. 1024. — Enoch ben Moses, founder of Talmudic study in Toledo, d. 1349. — Massacre of Jews in Krems. 1757. — Fanny Arnstein. leader of the Vienna Salon, Berlin, b. 1814. — Israel ben Shabbetai, the "Kozenicer Maggid," d. 1815. — Isaac Luntschiitz, rabbinic author, d. 1828. — Aaron Horwitz, chassidic author, Straszydlov, d. 92 MEMORABLE DATES — SEPTEMBER. 1849. — Bar Oppenheim, Talmudic author, Pressburg, d. 1865. — Samuel D. Luzzatto, versatile Jewish scholar, Padua, d. 1865. — Therese Warendorff, religious poetess, Hamburg, d. 1902. — Bernhard J. Stockvis, professor of medicine, Amsterdam, d. 1902. — Emile Zola, advocate of the cause of Dreyfus, d. 30. 1701. — Portuguese synagogue dedicated in London. 1782. — Tebele Scheyer, rabbi, Mayence, d. 1873. — Benjamin H. Auerbach, rabbi and author, Halberstadt, d. 1892. — Michael Erlanger, philanthropist, Paris, d. 1892. — Hector Cremieux, dramatist, Paris, d. 1894. — Max Bernstein, professor, jurist, Berlin, d. 1896. — Samuel Zebi Peltin, Polish Jewish author, d. MEMORABLE DATES OCTOBER. 93 X. OCTOBER, 1. 1697. — Moses Zakut, Kabbalist and poet, Mantua, d. 1801.— Zacharias Frankel, President of the Seminary at Breslau, Prague, b. 1817.— Math. Strasehun, Maecenas and Talmudic author, Wilna, d. 1831. — Eugene Pereire, financier and politician, Paris, b. 1835. — Adam PoUitzer, professor medicine at Vienna, Albert!, Hungary, b. 1838. — Joseph Perl, champion of modern culture, Tamopol, d. 1858.— S. N. Ehlenberg, rabbi, Lemberg, d. 1902. — Bernhard Abraham, brigadier-general, Paris, d. 1633.— Ephraim Solomon Shor, author of "Thebuoth Shor;' Lub- lin, d. 1656.— Thousands of Jews murdered by Cossacks in Lublin. 1727. — Solomon Sasportas, liturgical poet, Nizza, d. 1774. — Ambroise Bonald, French anti-semite, b. 1838.— Julian Goldsmid, M. P., b. 1882.— Chas. Netter, founder of the Agriculutral School in Jaffa, d. 1892. — Ernst Eenan, critical theologian and friend of the Jews, d. 1900. — Hugo Kheinhold, sculptor, Berlin, d. 3. 1743. — Abiad Sar Shalom Basilea, rabbi and theological author, Mantua, d. 94 MEMORABLE DATES — OCTOBER. 1839. — Moses Schreiber (Sofer), leader of orthodoxy, rabbi at Pressbiirg, d. 1892. — Martin Steinthal, Berlin physician, d. 1862. — Emancipation of the Jews in Baden. 1864. — Jacob Kern, communal leader of Budapest, d. 1867. — Eduard Kley, pedagogue and reform preacher, Hamburg, d. 5. 1787. — Simon ben Samuel, Hebrew writer, Konigsberg, d. 1803. — Eaphael Kosch, deputy in German Eeichstag, b. 1833. — Simon Samuel, medical professor, b. 1867. — Achilles Fould, French minister of finance, Paris, b. 1880. — Jacques Offenbach, composer, convert, Paris, d. 1891. — Yetta Wohllerner, Hebrew authoress, Lemberg, d. 6. 1787. — Abraham Firkowitch, Karaitic scholar, b. 1866. — J. Hess, champion of Jewish emancipation, d. 1869. — Abraham Sutro, orthodox rabbi, Miinster, d. 1894. — Nathaniel Pringsheim, University professor, botanist, d. 1903. — Saul Isaac, M. P., London, d. 7. 1771. — Nachman Bratzlaw, chassidic rabbi, Miedzyborz, d. 1845.- — Samson Bloch, Neo-Hebraic author, Zolkiew, d. 1881. — Lewis Jacob Marcus, deputy for Mecklenburg, Manchester, d. 1896. — Isaac Hirschensohn, rabbinical author, London, d. 8. 1821. — Wolfgang Strassman, President of tlie Berlin city council, b. MEMORABLE DATES — OCTOBER. 95 1823. — Iwan Aksakow, leader of the Prussian anti-semites, b. 1865. — Heinrich Wilhelm Ernst, pianist, Nizza, d. 1891. — Jacob Eduard Polak, body physician to the Shah, Vienna, d. 1892. — Aaron Griinberger, rabbi and Talmudic author, Michalo- witz, d. 9. 1580. — Imraanuel Tremellius, convert and friend of Calvin, d. 1798. — Carl Feust, prominent Bavarian attorney, Bamberg, b. 1809. — Adolph Franck, French philosopher, Liocourt, b. 1859. — Alfred Dreyfus, Miihlhausen, b. 1867. — Abraham Mapu, Neo-Hebraic poet, Konigsberg, d. 1871. — Jacob Kaufmann, prominent German journalist, d. 1887. — Maurice Strakosch, impresario of Nilsson, d. 1889. — Benjamin Samuel Phillips, Lord Mayor of London, d. 1894. — Jacob Segre, colonel and director of arsenal, Turin, d. 10. 1619. — Joseph Pardo, rabbi and author, Amsterdam, d. 1674. — David Cohen de Lara, Hebrew autlior, Hamburg, d. 1797.— Elijah Wilna, the "Gaon" of Wilna, d. 1871.- — Joseph Zedner, bibliographer, Berlin, d. 1884. — Johanna Goldschmidt, authoress, Hamburg, d. 1884. — Adolph Hiibsch, rabbi and author, New York, d. 1902. — Sussmann Sofer, rabbi and Talmudical author, Pacs, d. 11. 1792. — David Franco Mendes, Hebrew poet, Amsterdam, d. 1805. — Jedidja Tiab Weil, rabbi and autlior, Karlsruhe, d. 12. 1285. — Ninety Jews butchered in Munich. 1589. — Samuel di Medici, rabbi and Talmudic author, Salonica, d. 96 MEMORABLE DATES — OCTOBER. 1795. — Dr. Gottschalk von Geldern, grandfather of Heine, Diis- seldorf, d. 1837. — Akiba Eger, rabbi and Talmudic author, Posen, d. 1855. — Hirsch Chajes, Talmudic author, Lemberg, d. 1878. — Max Konigswarter, French politician, Paris, d. 1895. — Isaac Wolfsohn, member of Keichstag, Hamburg, d. 1896. — Felice Finzi, rabbi Genoa, d. 1903. — Moses David Friedmann, wonder rabbi, Czortkov, d. 13. 1801. — Emil Eodiger, reviser of Gesenius' grammar, b. 1846. — Isaac Rabbinowitz, Hebrew poet, Kowno, b. 1875. — Leopold Low, rabbi and critical author, Szegedin, d. 1877. — Seligman Baer Bamberger, prominent orthodox rabbi, Wiirzburg, d. 1899. — Fabius Mises, Hebrew philosophic author, Leipzig, d. 1903. — Marcus Jastrow, Talmudic lexicograplier, Philadelphia, d. 14. 1806. — Benedict Levi, rabbi in Gressen, b. 1818. — Samuel Joseph Fiinn, Hebrew writer, b. 1829. — Eduard Lasker, German statesman, Zierkow, b. 1841. — Joseph Franco Mendes, violinist, Amsterdam, d. 1899. — Charlotte von Emden, Heine's sister, d. 15. 1800. — M. A. Wessely, author of medical work, Bleicherode, b. 1809. — Friederich Ad. Philippi, convert, orthodox Lutheran theo- logian, b. 1821. — Moritz Hartmann, German poet, b. 1842. — Reactionary law in regard to the Jews enacted in Hanover. 1892. — Saul Isaac Ksimpf, preacher, professor, author, d. MEMORABLE DATES — OCTOBER. 97 16. 1655. — Joseph Solomon del Medigo, critical author, Prague, d, 1773. — Samuel Meyer Ehrenberg, Zunz's teacher, Braunschweig, b. 1783.— Jeanette Straus Wohl, friend of Borne, Frankfort-on-M., b. 1855. — Jeremiah Heinemann, translator and publisher of periodi- cal, Berlin, d. 1863. — Alexander Haindorf, founder of seminary in Miinster, d. 1867. — S. L. Rapoport, rabbi and critical author, Prague, d. 1875. — Hirsch Kalischer, the real founder of Zionism, Thorn, d. 1886. — Mayer Carl v. Rothschild, member of the German Reich- stag, d. 1886. — Hermann Sternberg, author of the history of Jews in Po- land, Vienna, d. 17. 1648. — Lipman Popper, Hebrew poet, Prague, d. 1680. — Constance, Countess Cosel, the courtesan of August II. of Saxony, a secret proselyte, b. 1768. — Israel Jacobson, philanthropist, Halberstadt, b. 1793. — I. ]sr. Mannheimer, the Vienna preacher, Copenhagen, b. 1833. — Moses Lemans, Dutch writer on Pedagogy, Amsterdam, d. 1839. — Albert Harkavy, historian of Jewish literature, b. 1903. — Lewis Tallermann, inventor, Loudon, d. 18. 1763. — Lazarus Bendavid, philosopher and champion of modern culture, Berlin, b. 1800.— Charlotte Emden Heine, b. Cf. Oct. 1-i. 1806. — B. A. Hermann, dramatist and theatrical director, Ham- burg, b. 1818. — The Reform temple in Hamburg opened. 1893. — Moses von Wassermann, rabbi, Stuttgart, d. 1903 — Reuben Asher Braudes, Hebrew author, Vienna, d. 98 MEMORABLE DATES OCTOBER. 19. 1298. — Massacre of Jews in Heilbronn. 1700. — Jehuda Chassid, mystic, Jerusalem, d. 1819. — Calmann Levy, Parisian publisher, b. 1826. — Manuel Joel, rabbi and theological author, b. 1843. — Moses Lob Lilienblum, Hebrew author, b. 1849. — Israel Friedmann (Keb Srulzc), wonder rabbi, Sadagora, d. 1894. — James Darmestetter, French philologist, d. 1898, — Harold Frederic, English writer, advocate of the Russian Jews, d. 20. 1616. — Solomon Sforno, Hebrew writer, Venice, d. 1820. — Wilhelm Wolfsohn, German poet, Odessa, b. 1892. — Emin Pasha (Ed. Schnitzer), African explorer, murdered. 1894. — Ludwig Mauthner, professor of Ophthalmology, Vienna, d. 1901. — Hippol3rte A. Wawelburg, Russian philanthropist, Wies- baden, d. 21. 1663. — Joshua ben Jacob (Rebbe Reb Hoschl), Cracow, d. 1817. — Meyer Abrahamson, writer on medicine, Hamburg, d. 1837. — Michael J. Gusikow, musician, Aachen, d. 1847. — Eduard Brandos, Danish writer, Copenhagen, b. 1853.— Samuel Meyer Ehrenberg, Wolfenbiittel, d. (See Oct. 18.) 1873. — The giving of equal rights to the Jews proclaimed in Cro- atia. 1876. — David Oppenheim, rabbi and author, Vienna, d. 1881. — Levy Popper, professor Tiibingen, d. 1893. — The Jewish Theological Institute at Vienna opened. 22. 1693. — Menahem Samson Basilea, rabbinical author, Mantua, d. 1781. — Hartog Sommerliausen, pedagogue and writer, Nieder- wehren, b. 1798. — Martin Steinthal, physician in Berlin, b. MEMORABLE DATES OCTOBER. 99 1801. — Eleazar Kaliir, rabbi, Talniudic author, Kolin, d. 1811. — Franz Liszt, musician and anti-semite, b. 1814. — Joseph Schwarz, author of the Geography of Palestine, Ba- varia, b. 1846 — Sarah Bernhardt, the great French tragedienne, b. 1847. — Henrietta Herz, leader of Berlin Salon, d. 1883. — Peter Th. Riess, physicist, the first Jewish member of the Berlin Academy, d. 1887. — Simon (Sinai) Hock, Jewish historical investigator, Vien- na, d. 1894. — Alexander Langbank, Hebrew writer, Jaroslau, d. 1900. — Max Miiller, founder of the science of Comparative Eeli- gion, Oxford, d. 1902. — Siegmund Hinrichsen, President of "Biirgerschaft,'' Ham- burg, d. 23. 1340. — Nicholas de Lyra, Catholic Biblical exegete, student of Jew- ish literature, d. 1456.— John Caspistrano, the ''holy" murderer of Jews, d. 1825. — Solomon Friedlander, Reform rabbi, Brilon, b. 1842. — William Gesenius, lexicographer, exegete, Halle, d. 1874. — Abraham Geiger, liberal Jewish theologian, Berlin, d. 1899. — Epbraim L. Zox, Aiistralian politician, Melbourne, d. 24. 1492. — Jews in Sternberg, Mecklenburg, burned for the supposed desecration of the host. 1763. — Dorothea Schlegel, Moses Mendelssohn's daughter, Berlin, b. 1784. — Moses Montefiore, the great philanthropist, Leghorn, b. 1811. — Ferdinand von Hiller, musician, convert, Frankfort-on-M., ' b. 1819. — Meyer Aaron Goldschmidt, Danish ghetto novelist, b. 1826. — Jacob Herzfeld, actor, Hamburg, d. 100 MEMORABLE DATES OCTOBER. 1846. — Emanuel Osmund, Jean Paul's friend, Bayreuth, d. 1870. — ISTaturalization of the Jews in Algeria. 1884. — David Ephrussi, rabbinical writer, d. 1896. — Sir Albert Sassoon, East Indian nabob, London, d. 1898. — David Levi, Italian poet, Turin, d. 25. 1327.— Asher b. Yechiel "Eosch", Toledo, d. 1743. — John Baptist de Eossi, famous bibliographer, b. 1800. — Thomas Macaulaj^ English historian, champion of the emancipation of the Jews, b. 1848. — Karl Erail Franzos, Ghetto poet, Czortkov, b. 1871. — Alex. Mendelssohn, the last Jew of Moses Mendelssohn's family, d. 1896. — David Eachamin Aghion, philanthropist, Alexandria, d. 26. 1407. — Massacre of the Jews in Cracow. 1631. — Leopold Kollonitsch, cardinal, Jew-hater, Komom, b. 1864. — M. L. Schlesinger, juvenile writer, Breslau, d. 1881. — Aaron Kornfeld, great Talmudist, Jenikau, d. 1893. — Bernhard Deutsch de Hatvan, manufacturer, Budapest, d, 1896. — Isaac Bamberger, rabbi, Konigsberg, d. 27. 1774. — Abraham Broda, author of Memoirs, Aussee, d. 1786. — Frederick Cerfberr, French consul, b. 28. 1672. — Isaac Deckingen, rabbi, Amsterdam, d. 1752. — Jacob Simon, engraver and brave soldier, Brussels, b. 1825. — Jacob Herz Beer, Meyerbeer's father, Berlin, d. 1834.— Hirscli Heller "Charif", rabbi and Talmudical author, Alt- ofen, d. MEMORABLE DATES — OCTOBER. 101 1840.— Montefiore's audience with the Sultan regarding the affair of Damascus. 1870.— Gottlieb Schmelkes, physician and poet, Interlaken, d. 1884.— Abraham Brodsky, philanthropist, Odessa, d. 1895. — Ferdinand Ludwig Neubiirger, dramatic writer, Frankfort- on-M., d. 29. 1831. — Leopold Sonnemann, journalist and parliamentarian, Hochberg, b. 1833. — Emancipation of the Jews in Kurhessen. I860. — David Aaron de Sola, chacham and writer, London, d. 1864. — Simcha Pinsker, investigator of Jewish history, Odessa, d. 30. 1724. — Israel von Honigsberg, Austrian financier, Kuttenberg, b. 1836. — David Castelli, learned Orientalist, Leghorn, b. 1887. — Jacob Auerbach, pedagogical writer, Frankfort-on-M., d. 1893. — Gerson Wolf, writer of Jewish history, Vienna, d. 1903. — Hillel Noah Maggid Steinschneider, Jewish historian, Wil- na, d. 31. 1711. — Moses Chefez, philosophical author, Venice, d. 1820. — Joseph Kazan, chief rabbi, Jerusalem, d. 1824. — Fabius Mieses, Brody, b. (See Oct. 13.) 1834. — Samuel Landau, chief rabbi, Prague, d. 103 MEMORABLE DATES NOVEMBER. XI. NOVEMBER. 1. 1478. — Inquisition founded in Spain. 1784. — Gotthold Salomon, preacher, b. 1817. — Joseph Cohen, French journalist and writer, b. 1839. — Isidor Loeb, French savant, b. 1842. — Solomon Herschell, chief rabbi of England, London, d. 1843.— Samuel Phil Gans, jurist, Celle, d. 1870. — Ephraim linger, author of mathematical works, Erfurt, d. 1893. — Marcus Hirsch, physician and author, son of S. A. Hirsch, Frankfort-on-M., d. 1894. — Czar Alexander III., persecutor of the Jews, d. 1903. — Theod. Mommsen, historian and opponent of anti-semitism, Charlottenburg, d. 2. 1761. — Akiba Eger, Talmudical author, Eisenstadt, b. 1786. — Abraham Oppenheimer, rabbinical author, Hanover, d. 1820. — Sir Saul Samuel, Australian politician, b. 1827. — August de Lagarde, learned Orientalist and anti-semite, Berlin, b. 1831. — Julius Stettenheim, famous humorist, Hamburg, b. 1875. — Eduard Horn (Ign. Einhorn), preacher of Eeform and Hungarian statesman, Budapest, d. 1879. — David Einhorn, German-American, Eeform rabbi, New York, d. 1882. — David Morgenstern, Bavarian politician, d. 1894. — Captain Dreyfus arrested. 1896. — George Levin, medical professor, Berlin, d. MEM01L\BLE UATKS NOVEMBER. 103 3. 1394. — Jews expelled from Paris. 1766. — Thomas Abbt, friend of Mendelssohn, d. 1810. — Leop. Stein, Keform rabbi, Burgkunstadt, b. 1837. — Ludwig Chronegk, German actor, b. 1839. — "Hattisherilf of (liilhane issued; improvement of the po- sition of the Jews in Turkey. 1890. — Manuel Joel, rabbi and philosophical writer, Breslau, d. 1899. — Jacques Wiener, engraver, Brussels, d. 1902. — Ferd. Reichenheim, philanthropist, Berlin, d. 1902. — Heinrich Rickert, opposer of anti-semitism, d. 1481.— Great ''Auto da fe" in Seville. 1684. — Abr. Jos. Sol. Graziano, rabbinic author, Modena, d. 171G. — Raphael Rabenio, physician and Jewish literateur, Padua. d. 1748. — Jacob Chai Chefez, poet and preacher, Gorice, d. 1795. — Abraham Kassel, Hebrew mathematical author, Berlin, d. 1846. — M. A. Giinzburg, worker for Hebrew Renaissance movement in Russia, d. 1849. — J. S. Avigdor, member of the Parisian Sanhedrin, Nizza, d. 1861. — Servian law forbids the residence of the Jews in interior. 1337. — Two martyrs in Parchim Mecklenburg killed. 181 C). — Siegfried Hirsch, historian, convert, b. 1828. — Beer J. Beer, advocate of Jewish emancipation, Nancy, d. 1830. — Albert Fischer, writer on kindergarten subjects, b. 1846.— Solomon Trier, rabbi, Frankfort-on-M. (90 years old), d. 1853. — Sir Marcus Samuel, Lord Mayer of London, b. 1864. — David Sassoon, founder of the famous house in Bombay, d. 1888. — Louis Lowe, Montefiore's secretary, London, d. 1896. — Rachel, Countess d' Avigdor, d. 104 MEMORABLE DATES — NOVEMBER. 6. 1643. — Abraham Azulai, Cabbalistic author, Hebron, d. 1805. — Meir Obornik, "Biurist," Yieima, d. 1840. — Ferman of the Sultan issued against "blood accusation." 1876. — Job. Emmanuel Veith, Catholic pulpit orator, convert, d. 1895. — Joel Miiller, rabbinical author, Berlin, d. 7. 1573. — Solomon Luria, eminent Talmudist, Lublin. 1610. — Victims of the Inquisition in Lograno burned. 1846. — Ignaz Briill, pianist, Prosnitz, b. 1859. — Moriz Horschetzky, physician and Jewish writer, Kanisza, d. 1860. — Jacob Joseph Ottinger, rabbi, Berlin, d. 1884. — H. Eedlich, engraver, Berlin, d. 1895. — Emmy Eossi, novelist, Berlin, d. 1898. — Isaiah Luzzatto, editor of the works of his father, S. D. Luzzatto, Padua, d. 8. 1610. — Jews murdered by the Inquisition in Lograno. 1807. — Seligmann Bar Bamberger, orthodox rabbi, Wiesenbronn, b, 1838. — Peter Beer, writer on the Jewish Eenaissance, Prague, d. 1840. — Nathan Meyer von Eothschild, first Jewish Lord in Eng- land, b. 1878. — Hermann Godsche (Sir John Eatcliff), anti-semitic novel- ist, Trachenberg, d. 9. 1526. — Jews expelled from Presburg. 1703. — Samuel ben Zebi, of Cracow, publisher of the Talmud with parallel passages, Frankfort-on-M., d. 1891. — Simon Bacher, Neo-Hebraic poet, St. Miklosz, d. 10. 1689. — David Lida, Talmudic author, Lemberg, d. 1773. — Joseph Perl, participant in the Jewish Eenaissance and satirical writer, Tarnopol, b. MEMORABLE DATES — NOVEMBER. 105 1809. — David Einhorn, Keform rabbi, Dispeck, b. 1810.— Martin Edward von Simson, President of the German Reichstag, convert, Konigsberg, b. 1810. — Lazarus Adler, rabbi and author, Unsleben, b. 1810. — Jacob Kaufmann, German author, b. 1826.— Jacob Hamburger, author of the Jewish Encyclopedia, b. 1833. — Ed. Jacobsohn, humorist. Gross Strehlitz, b. 1843.— Lazarus- Gumpel, philanthropist (Heine's Gumpelino), Hamburg, d. 1867. — Solomon Klein, orthodox rabbi and author, Colmar, Alsace, d. 1892.— Israel M. Japhet, teacher and author, Erankfort-on-M., d. 11. 1558.— Shalom Shechna, founder of the Talmud study in Poland, Lublin, d. 1803. — Raphael Kohen, rabbi and Talmudic author, Altona, d. 1823.— Hirsch Katzenelnbogen, rabbi and Talmudic author, Wai- zenheim, d. 1823.— Nathan von Keller, Austrian deputy of Reichsrath, Brody, b. 1848. — Gustav Karpeles, historian of literature, Loschitz, b. 1855. — Jews' College in London opened. 1891. — Ignaz Hirschler, Ophthalmologist and member of the Hun- garian House of Lords, Budapest, d. 1897.— Sabbato Morals, orthodox rabbi, Philadelphia, d. 12. 1631. — Simon Wolf Auerbach, rabbi, Prague, d. 1778.— Lob Sundel Pfersche, Talmudic author, Hamburg, d. 1787. — Law requiring the Jews to adopt a family name in Austria issued. 1797. — Jehuda Horowitz, physician and Hebrew writer, Grodno, d. 1812. — Julia Goodman, paintress, London, b. 106 MEMOlUBLJi: DATES — NOVEMBER. 1813. — Meir Heimerdinger, German judge, b. 1819. — Daniel Sanders, German lexicographer, Alt Strelitz, b. 13. 1550. — Paul Fagius, Christian Hebraist, England, d. 1679, — Thomas de Pinero, learned Marano, Amsterdam, d. 1757 — Talmud in Kamienetz burned through the efforts of the Frankists. 1834. — Benj. Peixotto, advocate for the rights of the Jews, New York, b. 1863. — Alex. McCaul, missionary to the Jew?, liondon, d. 1882. — Ephraim Alexander, philanthropist, London, d. 1890. — Joseph Klingenstein, pedagogical writer, d. 1894. — Jacob Reifmann, Plebrew writer, Sz.-:zebrszyn, b. 14. 1797. — M. M. Haarbleicher, historian, Hamburg, b. 1893. — Moriz von Konigswarter, philanthropist, Vienna, d. 1900. — Adolph Pollitzer, musician, d. 15. 1832. — Gottlieb Bondy, Bohemian politician, Prague, b. 1832.— Hannah Adams, Christian authoress of a history of the Jews, Boston, d. 1843.— C. A. Buchholz, Christian champion of Jewish rights, d. 1808. — James von Rothschild, Paris, d. 1882. — Daniel Ehrmann, rabbi and author, Briinn, d. 1886. — Gustav Heine, proprietor of a periodical, Heinrich Heine's brother, Vienna, d. 1892. — Senior Sachs, Hebrew writer, Paris, d. 1894. — Arnold Bodek, author, grandson of S. L. Rapoport, Leip- zig, d. 1900. — Jehuda Behak, rabbi and author, Cherson, d. MEMORABLE DATES — NOVEMBER. 107 16. 1491. — Execution of many Marannos in Avila. 1794._Saul, rabbi in Frankfort-on-the-Oder, as fugitive, London, d. 1800. — F. Lebrecht, historian of Hebrew literature, b. 1803.— Heinrieh Ewald, Christian author of a "History of Israel/' Gottingen, b. 1822. — Bar Kestin, Hebrew author, Borki, b. 1850. — Albert Alexander, chess player, Paris, d. 1871. — Emil Makai (Fischer), Hungarian poet, Mako, b. 1888. — Arsene Darmestetter, French philologist, d. 1890. — Israel Bar Merenlander, Talmudic author, d. 1900. — Moriz Rosenhaupt, cantor and composer, Niirnberg, d. 17. 1800.— Achilles Fould, French Minister of Finance, b. 1834. Michael Bernays, German historian of literature, convert, Hamburg, b. 1862.— Gotthold Salomon, first German preacher, Hamburg, d. 1891. — Jacob Egers, Hebrew writer, Berlin, d. 18. 1616. — Moses Mordecai Margalioth, Talmudic author, Cracow, d. 1822. — Daniel Hai:obcn Azevedo, Portuguese rabbi, Amsterdam, d. 1840. — Seminary for teachers opened in Berlin. 1844. — Russian law concerning the education of rabbis. 19. 1791. — Jacob Beck, author of a popular book on Shehitah Leipnik, d. 1864. — Jacob Weil, Jewish writer, Frankfort-on-M., d. 1879 — Abraham Bar Lebensohn, Hebrew author, Wilna, d. 1887. — Emma Lazarus, Jewish poetess, New York, d. 1890. — Lady Hanna Roseberry (nee Rothschild), d. 1892. — Baron Reinach, financier Panama affair, Paris, d. 108 MEMORABLE DATES — NOVEMBER. 20. 1657. — Manasseh ben Israel, champion of Jews, Middelburg, d. 1842. — Cesare Parenzo, Italian senator, Rovigo, b. 1850. — Jos. Sam. Bloch, journalist, advocate of Judaism, Dukla, b, 1858. — Hirsch Edelmann, Hebrew writer, Berlin, d. 1860. — Isaac Marcus Jost, historian, Frankfort-on-M., d. 1864. — Jacob Ezekiel Lowy, rabbi and author, Beuthen, d. 1889. — Meyer Roest, lithographer, Amsterdam, d. 1892. — Chajim Nathan Derabitzer, historian, Cracow, d. 1894. — Anton Rubinstein, composer, convert, Peterhof, d. 1894. — Samson d' Ancona, Italian senator, Florence, d. 21. 1619. — Martyr Abba torn to pieces by a dog in Ispahan. 1792. — Eenoit Fould, French politician, Paris, b. 1819. — ^Daniel Chwolson, convert and defender of the Jews, Wilna, b. 1899. — A. L. Friedland, Maecenas and philanthrophist, d. 22. 1736. — x^rjeh Lob, preacher, martyr, Posen, d. 1797. — David Salomons, first Jewish Lord Mayor, London, b. 1800. — Solomon Maimon, philosopher, ISTieder Siegersdorf, d. 1808. — Lionel von Rothschild, first Jewish member of the English Parliament, b. 1811. — David Wolf Marks, first English Reform preacher, London, b. 1819. — George Eliot, authoress of David Deronda, b. 1830. — Sigmund Meyer, communal leader, b. 1851. — Wolf Pascheles, editor of the "Sippurim," Prague, d. 23. 1703. — Powder explosion in Lembcrg. Many Jews killed. 1793. — Joliuda Pinchas, painter, d. MEMORABLE DATES — NOVEMBER. 109 1825.— Henrietta Goldschmidt, champion of woman's rights, Kroto- schin, b. 1836. — Jacob Kohen Lakri, French consul, d. 1836. — Moses Korner, author, Breslau, d. 1840. — Ambrosius Bonald, French Jew baiter, d. 1844. — Hermann Todesco, phihmthropist, Vienna, d. 1845.— M. S. Alexander, Protestant Bishop of Jerusalem, convert, d. 1848. — Hermann Jellinek, Vienna, shot as rebel. 1886. — Leopold Kompert, ghetto poet, Vienna, d. 1899. — Joseph Cohen, French journalist and author, Paris, d. 24. 1777. — Aaron b. Meir of Brest, Talmudical author, d. 1848.— Joseph Mendelssohn, son of Moses Mendelssohn, Berlin, d. 1869. — Jonathan Alexandersohn, victim of orthodox persecutions, Altofen, d. 1872. — Moriz Schorstein, writer on Hydrotherapeutics, Odessa, d. 1877. — Simon Deutsch, bibliographer, Constantinople, d. 25. 1806. — Isaac Pereire, financier and politician, Bordeaux, b. 1829. — Jenny Hirsch, authoress, b. 1830. — Lina Morgenstern, champion of Woman's rights, Breslau, b. 1839. — Kaim Samuel, advocate of Jewish emancipation, Dresden, d. 1868. — Michel Sabludowski, Jewish author, Bialystok, d. 1899. — Marcus Nordheim, philanthropist, Hamburg, d. 26. 1660. — Daniel E. Yablonski, Hebrew book publisher, Christian, b. 1822. — Karl August, Prince Hardenberg, originator of liberal Prussian laws of 1812 concerning the Jews. 1840. — Karl von Rotteck, historian, opponent of Jewish emancipa- tion in Baden, Freiburg, d. 110 MEMORABLE DATES — NOVEMBER. 1849. — Julius Hitzig, architect, of Jewish descent, Berlin, d. 1862. — Jos. A. Friedlander, Landrabbiner, Brilon, 100 years old, d. 1892. — Moriz Wahrmann, Hungarian politician, Budapest, d. 1893. — Sebastian Brunner, clerical anti-semite, Vienna, d. 1900. — Hermann Hirschel, author of humorous works and libret- tist, Berlin, d. 27. 1804. — Sir Julius Benedict, musician, Stuttgart, b. 1815. — Simon Hock, investigator of Jewish history, Prague, b. 1836. — Wm. Ebstein, medical professor, Jauer, b. 1861. — Jeanette Wohl, Borne's friend, Paris, d. 1883. — Mordecai Plungian, Hebrew author, Wilna, d. 28. 1706. — Solomon Mirels, rabbi, Altona, d. 1830. — Anton Eubinstein, composer, convert, b. 29. 1349. — Jewish massacre in Augsburg. 1882. — Moise Soave, writer, Venice, d. 1888. — E. N. Eabbinowitz, critic of Talmudic texts, Kiew, d. 1889. — Jacob Briill, rabbi and author, Kojetein, d. 30. 1215. — Lateran Council decrees the Jewish badge. 1631. — Samuel Edels, the "Meharscha," Lublin, d. 1748. — Mordecai Zahalon, physician and poet, Ferrara, d. 1818. — Ch. V. Alkan, musician, Paris, d. 1820. — M. A. Alexander, Australian politician, b." 1828. — Prussian Cabinet Order forbidding Jews to take Christian first names issued. MEMORABLE DATES — NOVEMBEE. Ill 1867. — Wolf Aloys Meisel, rabbi and theological writer, Budapest, d. 1871. — Gaston Cremieux shot in Marsailles as a Communist. 1897. — Naphtali Maskillejson, Hebrew writer Minsk. 112 MEMORABLE DATES — DECEMBER. XII. DECEMBER. 499. — Rabbina, editor of Talmud, Sura, d. 1364, — Proselyte Abraham burned in Bavaria. 1893. — Peter Sbarbaro, advocate of the Jews, Rome, d. 2. 1809. — Samuel Adler, Reform rabbi, Worms, b. 1825. — Dom Pedro, Emperor of Brazil, lover of Jewish literature, b. 1867. — Ludwig Lesser, writer, Berlin, d. 1870. — Commander Franchetti, fell near Champigny. 1882. — Leopold Stein, Reform preacher, Frankfort-on-M., d. 1886. — Aaron Auerbach, rabbi, Bonn, d. 1890. — David Asher, philosophical writer, d. 1900. — Ludwig Jacobowski, German poet, d. 1800. — Jacob Emil Pereire, politician and financier, Bordeaux, b. 1811. — Ed. Bendemann, painter, convert, Berlin, b. 1836. — Adolf Lieben, chemist, University professor, Vienna, b. 1842. — Samuel (Sanwel) Eger, rabbi and Talmudic author, Bruns- wick, d. 1844. — H. Gerson, physician and medical writer, Hamburg, d. 1875. — Philip Anspach, judge at Court of Cassation, Paris, d. 1891. — Abr. Alexander Wolff, chief rabbi, Copenhagen, d. 1903. — Heinrich Landesmann (Hieronymus Lorm) author. Briinn, d. 1903. — Deborah Romm, Hebrew publisher, Wilna, d. MEMORABLE DATES — DECEMBER. 113 1741. — Moses ben Abraham Broda, rabbi, Worms, d. 1750. — Abbe Gregoire, advocate of the Jews, b. 1805. — Philip Samson, one of the founders of "Samson Schule,' Wolfenbiittel, d. 1878. — David B. Adler, Danish politician, d. 1896. — Felix Luka, professor, Charlottenburg, d. 1349. — Seventy Jews were killed at Nuremberg. 1756. — Isaac Lampronti, author of Talmudical lexicon, Ferara, d. 1823. — Hartog Lemon, physician and worker for emancipation, Amsterdam, d. 1849. — Baruch Lindau, Hebrew writer, Berlin, d. 1891.— Dom Pedro, Paris, d. (See Dec. 2.) 1900. — Emily Marion Harris, philanthropist and writer, London, d. 1213. — Massacre of Jews at Erfurt. 1675. — John Lightfoot, Christian Hebraist, Eli, d. 1699. — Tebele ben Wolf, rabbinical writer, Altona, d. 1750. — David Friedlander, worker for enlightenment, Konigsberg, b. 1834. — Jonas David Meyer, jurist and advocate of Jewish rights, Amsterdam, d. 1834. — Hermann Senator, medical professor, Berlin University, Gnesen, b. 1855. — Amschel Mayer v. Eothschild, Frankfort-on-M., d. 1877. — Theodore Creizenach, historian, convert, d. 1878. — Louis Jean Konigswarter, politician, Paris, d. 1885. — Wolfgang Strassmann, member of city council, Berlin, d. 1888. — Arnold Domashowski, Eussian jurist, d. 114 MEMORABLE DATES — DECEMBER. 1820. — Abraham Tiktin, rabbi and Talmudic author, Breslau, d. 1823. — Leopold Kronecker, mathematician, Liegnitz, b. 1895. — Solomon Fiichs, rabbi and writer on Jewish science, d. 1900. — Henry Eiissell, song composer, London, d. 1816. — Adolf Fischhof, Austrian politician, Altofen, b. 1818. — David xAsher, b. (See December 3.) 1822. — Saul Ascher, writer, Berlin, d. 1826. — Cerf Berr, called Ibrahim Manzur Effendi, adventurer, La- rousse, d. 1839. — Julius Bernstein, physiologist, professor at Halle, Berlin, b. 1859. — M. B. Friedenthal, merchant and Jewish writer, Breslau, d. 1871. — Jacob Ettlinger, orthodox rabbi and author, Altona, d. 1903. — Solomon Lob, financier and philanthropist, New York, d. 1669. — Mathathia Calahorre, martyred by Jesuits at Piotrkow. 1712. — Simon Frankfurter, author on ritual, Amsterdam, d. 1738. — Jews expelled from Breslau. 1804. — Edict of Czar Alexander to establish Jewish colonies. 1815. — Reform service in the house of Berr forbidden by police. 1818. — Sir John Simon, English Parliamentarian, Jamaica, b. 1839. — Moriz von Hirsch, philanthropist, b. 1869. — Meier Zipser, rabbi and author, Stuhlweissenburg, d. 1880. — Jacob Jacobs, artist, Antwerp, d. 1885. — Joseph von Hirsch, father of Moritz v. Hirsch, Munich, d. 10. 1198. — Averroes (ibn Eoshd), Arabic philosoplior, supposed teacher of Maimonides, d. 1768. — Ernst K. Kosenmiillor. Christian exegete, TIessberg, b. MEMORABLE DATES — DECEMBER. 11-^ 1791._Jacob Frank, founder of a Judeo-Christian sect, Offenbach, d. 1814.— Sebastian Bninner, clerical anti-semite, Vienna, b. 1862.— Peter Geller, artist, Sklow, b. 1864. — Gerson Levy, Eeforni worker, Metz, d. 1884.— Abraham Placzeck, chief rabbi of Moravia, Boskowitz, d. 1888.— S. L. Schwabacher, rabbi, Odessa, d. 1891. — Abraham Knenen, exegete and writer of a Jewish history, Christian, Leiden, d. 11. 1751. — Christian William von Dohm, advocate of the Jews, Lemgo, b. 1809. — Theodore Griesinger, anti-semite, novelist, Kirmbach, b. 1835. — Adolf Stocker, court chaplain and anti-semite, Halberstadt, b. 1890. — Heinrich Davidson, professor of medicine, Berlin, d. 1896.— Cecilia Furtado Heine, French philanthropist, d. 1898. — Max Griinbaum, writer on Yiddish literature, Mimich, d. 12. 1795. — M. A. Giinzburg, Russian Haskalah-writer, Salant, b. 1893. — J. Lowenberg, geographer, Berlin, d. 1897. — Isaac Costa, rabbi, Leghorn, d. 1900.— M. G. Ottolenghi, rabbi and pedagogical writer, Salonica, d. 13. 1204. — Moses Maimonides, Cairo, d. 1349. — Massacre of Jews in Germany. 1585. — Eliezer Ashkenazi, Talmudical author, Cracow, d. 1807. — Levi Bodenheimer, rabbi and author, Karlsruhe, b. 1830. — Isaac Plessner, translator into Hebrew, Breslau, d. 116 MEMORABLE DATES — DECEMBER, 14. 1808. — x\braham b. Elijah (Gaon), scientific author, Wilna, d. 1885. — Matthias Straschun, Maecenas and Tahnudical scholar, Wil- na, d. 1899. — Samuel Schlessinger, nautical inspector, Budapest, d. 15. 1679. — Moses Raphael Aguilar, rabbi, Amsterdam, d. 1818. — Abraham Treuenfels, rabbi and author, b. 1827. — Joseph Halevy, Orientalist, Adrianople, b. 1833 — Prosper Wittersheim, advocate of the Jews, Strassburg, d. 1891. — Benedict Zuckermann, teacher at rabbinical seminary, Bres- lau, d. 1899. — Gottlieb Adler, mathematician, Vienna, d. ' ^ ^^ 16. 1741. — Nathan Adler, mystic, Frankfort-on-M., b. 1778. — 1/udwig Eobert, dramatist, brother of Rahel, Berlin, b. 1878. — Carl Gutzkw, author of Uriel Acosta, d. 1895. — Samuel Spitzer, rabbi and author, Essek, d. 17. 1568. — Israel Horwitz and son-in-law, Moses b. Joel, burned in Prague. 1659. — Three hundred Jews killed at Buchow. 1700. — Zadek Cohen Belifante, rabbinical author, Raussnitz, d. 1839. — Jos. Flesch, Neo-Hebrew author, Raussnitz, d. 1890. — Philip Abraham, English author, London, d. 1893. — Henry Zirndorf, rabbinical author, Cincinnati, d. 18. 1706. — Moses Jehuda ben Kalonymos (Lob Chariff), rabbi, Am- sterdam, d. MEMORABLE DATES DECEMBER. 117 1725.— Johann Solomon Semler, ratiomalistic theologian, "Judaeis peior," Saalfeld, b. 1744. — Edict expelling Jews from Bohemia issued. 1803. — J. G. Herder, admirer of Hebrew poetry, d. 1813. — Baruch Jeiteles, Hebrew author, Prague, d. 1816. — David Oppenheim, rabbi and author, Leipnik, b. 1889. — Heinrich Deutsch, Hungarian Hebrew writer, Budapest, d. 1896. — Moritz Eohr, philanthropist, Berlin, d. •61 1791.— David Teble Schiff, rabbi, London, d. 1837. — Leon Gordon, Hebrew poet, Wilna, b. 1844. — "Kahal" (Synagogal organization) abolished in Russia. 1886. — Giuseppe Finzi, Italian patriot and senator, d. 1902. — Isaac Askenasy, painter, Moscow, d. 1902. — Moses Basilewsky, Russo-Jewish author, Odessa, d. 20. 1704. — John Andreas Eisenmenger, the bitter enemy of the Jews, d. 1816. — Zechariali IVIendel of Podhaycz, rabbinical author, Frank- fort-on-O., d. 1816. — Simon Bondi, Hebrew writer, Dresden, d. 1821. — Michael Levy, Parisian publisher, b. 1863. — Founding of the society Mefize Haskalah, Russia. 1868. — Hungarian Parliament passes laws giving Jews politica] equality. 1882. — Philipp Ehrenberg, principal of Samson school, d. 1895. — Leopold Jacoby, poet Zurich, d. 31. 1627. — Four Jews killed in Cordova. 1725. — Abraham of Glogau, rabbinical author, d. 1804. — Benjamin Disraeli, Lord Beaconsfield, London, b. 118 MEMORABLE DATES DECEMBER. 1832. — Sir Samuel Montague, English politician, philanthropist, Liverpool, b. 1834. — Adolph von Sonnenthal, Vienna actor, Budapest, b. 1838. — Samuel Bernstein, chief rabbi, Amsterdam, d. 1891. — Leon Pinsker, Zionistic writer, Odessa, d. 1895. — Moritz Popper, Jewish historian, Prague, d. 33. 1239. — Abraham Alfakar, Hebrew poet, Toledo, d. 1773. — Solomon Sachs, architect, Berlin, b. 1822. — Gerson v. Bleichroder, financier, Berlin, b. 1847. — Baron Fuld, Hebrew scholar, Frankfort-on-M., d. 1890. — Sam. Jos. Fiinn, noted Hebrew author, Wilna, d. 1891. — Paul de Lagarde, learned Orientalist and anti-semite, Got- tingen, d. 23 1839. — M. J. Bresselau, Reform writer, Hamburg, d. 1844. — Solomon Heine, philanthropist, Henry Heine's uncle, Ham- burg, d. 1871. — Jonas von Konigswarter, philanthropist, Vienna, d. 1880. — George Eliot, writer of Daniel Deronda, d. 1887. — Laurence Oliphant, Gentile promoter of the colonization of Palestine, d. 1892. — 'Paulus (Selig) Cassel, Jewish missionary and scholar. Berlin, d. 24. 1496. — Banishment of Jews from Portugal. 1804. — Isaac Satanow, Hebrew writer, Berlin, d. 1813.— Henry Russell, b. (See Dec. 7.) 1821.— Leon Pinsker, b. (See Dec. 21.) 1841. — Flaminio Servi, rabbi and author, Pitigliano, b. 1853. — Marco Brociner, novelist, Jassy, b. MEMORABLE DATES — DECEMBER. 119 25. 1800.— Biir Goldberg, Hebrew author, Chlodna, b. 1825.— Adolph de Blowitz (really Oppert, journalist, convert), Blo- witz, b. 1831. — Sol. Lerrnnnn, Sanscritist, b. 1834. — David Friodlander, Berlin, d. (See Dec. 6.) 183!). — David Caro, Keform writer, Posen, d. 1859. — Alphonse Th. Cerfberr, dramatist, d. 1880. — Simon v. Oppcnheim, banker and philanthropist, Cologne, d. 1884. — Solomon Ilorxhcimer, rabbi and author, Bernburg, d. 1901. — Carl Schick, Palestine explorer, Jerusalem, d. 36. 1669. — Gerson Chefez, Hebrew author, Venice, d. 1835. — Joseph Perles, rabbi and author, Baya, b. 1838.— Giuseppe Ottolenghi, Italian Minister of War, Sabinnetta, b. 1840. — David Segre, Italian diplomat, b. 1859. — Bar Oppcnheim, rabbi, Eibenschitz, d. 1873. — Isaac Lowi, Pcform rabbi, Flirth, d. 1883. — llirsch B. Fassel, rabbi and author, Gr. Kanisza, d. 1885. — Julius Glaser, Austrian minister, convert, d. 1892. — lomtob Baschanski, rabbi and Talmudic author, Mir, d. 1892. — Isaac Meir Dick, Hebrew author, Wilna, d. 1901. — Jonas Bergtheil, pioneer in Natal, London, d. 1902. — Moritz Scherbel, preacher, author, Hamburg, d. 27. 1812. — Shneor Zalnuin of Liady, Chasidic author, d. 1818. — Lipmann M. Biischenthal, Germnn poet, Berlin, d. 1837. — Lnnis L()\vc, (^icrman ])arliamentarian, b. 1801. — Jacob Eichenbaum, Hebrew writer in the Jewish Renais- sance movement, Kiew, d. 120 MEiMOIUBLE DATES — DECEMBER. 1861. — Meir Eisenstadter, rabbi and Talmudic author, Unghwar, d. 1862. — Michael Goudchaux, French Finance Minister. 1889. — Edward Bendemann, d. (See Dec. 3.) 1893. — Moritz Ehrentheil, popular writer, Budapest, d. 1899. — Moses Levi Ehrenreich, rabbi, Eome, d. 28. 1235. — Massacre of Jews at Lauda. 1757. — ]\Ioses Lwow, chief rabbi, Nikolsburg, d. 1788. — Moses J. Landau, writer, Prague, b. 1810. — Levi Herzfeld, rabbi, rabbi at Brunswick, b. 1811. — Ludwig Philipson, Jewish publicist, Dessau, b. 1828. — Joseph v. Weilen, Dramatist, convert, Tetin, b. 1859. — Thomas B. Macauly, champion of Jewish rights, d. 1887. — Julius Sachs, composer, Frankfort-on-M., d. 1893. — Adolph Jellinek, preacher, Vienna, d. 29. 1590. — Zemach Duran, rabbi and author, Algiers, d. 1817. — Aug. Abrahamson, philanthropist, Gothenburg, b. 1853. — Ferdinand Caspary, mathematician, Berlin, b. 1862. — Samuel Mulder, Dutch Jewish writer, Amsterdam, d. 1889. — Ludwig Philipson, Bonn, d. (See Dec. 28.) 1891. — Leopold Kronecker, Berlin, d. (See Dec. 7.) 1896. — Jacob Bacharach, Hebrew scientific writer, Bialystock, d. 30. 1066. — Massacre of Jews in Granada. 1702. — Joseph Darshan, rabbinical writer, Berlin, d. 1791. — Anton von Eosas, anti-semitic writer, Fiinfkirchen, b. 1811. — Betty Paoli (Gliick), German poetess, convert, b. 1832. — Max Hirsch, German politician and political economist, b. 1855. — Samuel Bleichroder, founder of banking house, Berlin, d. 1894. — Eugenia Fortis, Italian poetess, d. MEMORABLE DATES — DECEMBER. 131 31. 1754. — Herzl Levi, in Colmar innocently put to death. 1829. — Isaac Artom, Italian senator, b. 1852. — Zacharias Wertheim, physician and medical writer. 1871.— Samuel Wolf Schreiber, rabbi at Pressburg, son of Moses Sofer, d. 1888. — Samuel Eaphael Hirsch, leader of neo-orthodoxy, Frank- fort-on-M., d. 1894. — David Rosin, teacher at Breslau seminary, d. 1901. — B. Spiers, Dajan and Talmudic author, London, d. INDEX. DIKECTIONS. 1. The Eoman figures refer to the months, and the Arabic figures to the day. Where two dates are given, the first refers to the birth, and the second to the death of the person. 2. The Hebrew names are found under the first name, so Aaron ben Meir, under Aaron, Jacob ha-Levi, Jacob of Lissa under Jacob. 3. The spelling is in general that of the Jewish Encyclopedia, except that for the Hebrew "Chet'' the "Ch " is used. A. Aaron ben Meir, XI, 24. Aaron Berechja, VII, 28. Aaron Meir, VII, 25. Abraham Bernhard, X, 1. Abeles Lazarus, II, 21. Abba, XI, 21. Abbt, Thomas, XI, 3. Abendana, Jacob, IX, 12. Abraliam ibn Shoslian, VIII, 29. Abraham, Isaac, VI, 10. Abraham, Lissa, IX, 32. Abraham, Philip, XII, 17. Abrahamson, Meyer, X, 21. Abrahamson, Abraham, VII, 22. Abrahamson, August, XII, 29, V, 16. Abendana, Jacob, Chayira, IV, 5. x\bravanel, Joel, VIII, 11. Abenheim, Joseph, I, 18. Aboab, Isaac, IV, 4. Aboab, Samuel, VIII, 22. Abraham, Proselyte, XII, 1. Abraham, Abele, IX, 22. xM)ralmm, Abraham, III, 31. Abraham ben Jehuda, III, 12. Abraham ben David, VII, 11. Abraham ben Elijah, XII, 14. Abraham of Glogau, XII, 21. Abraham ben Solomon, V, 6. D'Abrest, Paul, VII, 26. Abudiente, Moses Gideon, II, 24. Abulafia Chayim Nissim, II, 21. Abulafia, Meir Halevi, III, 29. Abulafia, Moses, VII, 18. Acsady, Ignacz, IX, 9. Adams, Hannah, XI, 15. Adersbach, G., VIII, 30. Adler, Dankmar, IV, 15, VII, 3. Adler, David B., V, 16, XIT, 4. Adler, Felix, VIII, 13. 122 INDEX. 123 Adier, Gottlieb, XII. 15. Adler, Guido, III, 7. Adler, Hermann, V, 29, V, 31. Adler, Lazarus, I, 5, XI, 10. Adler, Liebmann, I, 9, I, 29. Adler, Xathan, XII, 16, IX, 17. Adler, X. M., I, 15, I, 31. Adler, Samuel, XII, 2, VI, 9. Aghion, David Eachmaim, X, 25. Agobard, VI, 6. Aguilar, Grace, VI, 2, IX, IG. Aguylar, Moses Eaphael de, XII, 15. Aix, I, 24. Aksakow, Iwan, X, 8, II, 8. Alatri, Samuel, III, 12, V, 20. Alarcon, VII, 25. Augusti, Francis Albrecbt, V, 13. Alexander III., V, 10, XI, 1. Alexander, Bernhard, IV, 13. Alexander, Ephraim, XI, 13. Alexander, X. A., I, 27. Alexander, X. A., XI, 30. Alexander, M. S., XI, 23. Alexandcrsohn, Jobnatban, XI, 24. Alexandre, Albert, XI, 16. Alfakar, Abraham, XII, 22. Alfasi, Isaac, V, 19. Algeria, naturalization of the Jews, X, 24. riot in, V, 18. Alkan, Cb. v., XI, 30. Alkan, Charles, III, 24. Almanzi, Joseph, III, 25, III, 7 Alsace, poll-tax abolished, I, 10. Altaras, David, IV, 3, III, 29. .Vltaras, Jacques Isaac, I, 30. Altona, cliarter issued, VIII, 1. Alvarez, Isabella Xunez, VII, 4. Alvarez, Leonora, VII, 6. Amsterdam, Betstube opened, IX, 12. Ashkenazi Synagogue opened, III, 26.^ Amsterdam, Portuguese syna- gogue dedicated at, VIII, 2. Amsterdam, Keform synagogue dedicated at, IX, 27. Anaklet II., Pope, I, 25. D'Ancona, Samson, XI, 20. Angel, Moses, IV, 29, IX, 2. Angelo Association founded, VII, 2. Anspach, Philip, XII, 3. Anthoinc, Xikolaus, IV, 20. Antibi, Abraham, III, 13. Antokolski, Marcus, VII, 27. Arbib, Edward, VII, 27. Arbues, Peter, IX, 17. D'Argens, the Marquis, I, 11. Arnheim, Fischel, I, 31, II, 23. Arnheim, Heimann, IX, 22, I, 16 Arnold, Abram B., Ill, 28. Arnstein, Fanny, IX, 29, VI, 8. Arnaud, Aaron, IV, 3. Aronius, Julius, VII, 29. Aronsohn, Jacob Leon, IX, 8, V, 2. Artom, Benjamin. I, 6. 134 INDEX. Artom, Isaac, XII, 31, I, 24. Ascension, VIII, 3. Ascher, Anton, IV, 23. Ascher, Saul, II, 8, XII, 8. Ascoli, G. 0., VII, 16. Ascoli, Isaac, VI, 12. Aster, A., IX, 1. Asher ben Jechiel, X, 25. Asher, David, XII, 8. Ashkenazi, Abraham, I, 22. Ashkenazi, Eliezer, XII, 13. Ashkenazi, Gerson, II, 17. Ashkenazi, Meir, VI, 7. Ashkenazi, Zebi, VIII, 30. Ashkenazi, Isaac, I, 16, XII, 15. Asser, Karl, II, 15, VIII, 3. Asser, C. D., Ill, 11. Asylum, Orphan, 1, 22. Atias, Abraham, VII, 9. Athias, David, III, 22. Atlas, Lazar, IV, 6. Attar, Chajim ibn, VII, 6. Anb, Joseph, V, 22. Auerbach, Aaron, XII, 22. Anerbach, Baruch, I, 22. Anerbach, Benjamin H., IX, 30. Anerbach, Berthold, II, 28, II, 8. Anerbach, Isaac Levin, VII, 5. Anerbach, Jacob, X, 30. Anerbach, ]\Ieyer, Y, 8. Anerbach, Simon Wolf, XI, 12. Augsburg, XI, 29. "Auto da fe-' in Seville, XI, 4. Austria, Frederick II. promul- gated Jewish statute, VII, 14. poll tax abolished in, IX, 9. Cherem prohibited, V, 28. law for Jews to adopt fam- ily names, VI, 12. freedom of religion proclaimed, III, 4. freedom of religion promulgat- ed, V, 25. regulation of Jewish rights, III, 21. Averroes (ibn Eoschd), XII, 1. D'Avigdor, Rachel, XI, 5. D'Avigdor, Elias Henry, II«, 16. Avigdor, J. S., XI, 4. Avila, VI, 6. Ayllon, Samuel, IV, 10. Azevedo, Daniel Halcohen, XI, 18. D' Azevedo, David Acoen, I, 10. Azulai, Abraham, XI, 6. Azulai, Chajim, Joseph David, III, 1. Azulai, Isaac Zerachia, I, 16. Azulay, Isaac Leonini, VII, 17. B. Bach, Joseph, II, 3. Bacharach, Jair Chayim, I, 1. Bacharach, Samson, IV, 19. Bacharach, Samuel, V, 26. INDEX. 125 Bachrach, Jacob, V, 9, XII, 29. Basle, Zionist Congress, VIII, 29. Bachrach, Jehuda, IV, 25. Basnage, Jacob, IX, 23. Bacher, Simon, XI, 9. Bass, Schabetai, VII, 21. Bacher, William, I, 12. Bassewi, Hendel, VII, 4. Baden I, 13, X, 4. Bassewi, Jacob, V, 2. Baer, Abraham, III, 6. Bauer, Bruno, IX, 9, IV, 15. Baer, Seligman, III, 1. Bavaria, III, 22. Baginsky, Adolph, V, 22. Bavarian edict, VI, 10. Ballin, Joel, III, 20. Bayard, Sir Henry, VII, 7. Bamberger, Isaac, X, 26. BeaconsfieM, Lord, IV, 18. Bamberger, Ludwig, VI, 22, III, Beck, Jacob, XI, 19. 14. Beck, Karl Isidor, V, 1, IV, 9. Bamberger, Seligman Bar, XI, 8, Beer, Adolph, II, 27. X, 13. Beer, J. Beer, XI, 5. Barby, Meir, VIII, 28. Beer, Bernhard, VII, 20, VII, 1. Barcelona, VIII, 5. Beer, Jacob Herz, X, 28. Barcelona disputation, VII, 19. Beer, Michael, VIII, 19, III, 22. Bardach, Eliah, IV, 11. Beer, Michel, VII, 4. Barnato, Barney, VII, 5, VI, 14. Beer, Peter, II, 19, XI, 8. Barnay, Ludwig, II, 11. Beer, Wilhelm, III, 27. Barocas, Tamar, VIII, 3. Behak, Jehuda, VII, 18, XI, 15. Barrasch, Dr. Julius, IV, 12. Bein, Dr. Louis, IV, 22. Barrios, Dan'l Levi de, II, 19. Belais, Abraham, VIII, 22. Barth, J. Ill, 3. Belinfante, Moses, VI, 29. Bartholdy, Jacob Solomon, V, 13, Belinfante, Zadik Cohen, XII, VII^ 27. 17. Baruch, ben Samuel, IV, 25. Belmonte, Sal., Ill, 19. Basch, Abraham, IX, 24. Benamozegh, Elijah, II, 6. Basclianski, XII, 26. Bendavid Lazarus, X, 18, III, Baschjazi, Elijah VI, 12. 28. Basewi, Joachim, II, 8. Bender, Dan'l, I, 6. Basiled, Abiad Sar Sholan, X, 3. Bendeman, Ed., XII, 3, XII, 27. Basiled, Menachem, Simson, X, Benedetti, Salvatore de, VIII, 4, 22. Benedict, Sir Julius, XI, 27, VI, Basilewsky, Moses, XII, 19. 5. 126 INDEX. Benedict, Marcus, VIII, 12. Benedict, Moritz, VI, 30. Benedict, Moses, VII, 8. Benedict, Rudolf, II, 8. Benfey, Theodor, I, 28, VI, 26. Benjakob, Isaac, I, 10, VII, 2. Benjamin, Israel Joseph, V, 4. Benjamin, Judah. P., V, 8. Bensew, Jehuda Lob, II, 17. Benvenisti, Cliayim, VIII, 3. Berchheim, Count. VI. 13. Berendt, Martin, I, 31. Bergl, Joseph, II, 15. Berghtheil, Jonas, XII, 26. Berkowitz, Benzion, V. 10. Berlin, martyrs burned, VII, 19. Academy (first Jewish mem- ber) X, 22. Congregation, IX, 10. Orphan Asylum, IV, 30. Seminary, XI, 18. Congress, VII, I. Berlin, Isaiah, V, 3, VI, 20. Berlin, Xaphtali Zeli Jehuda, VIII, 10. Berlin, Xoah Chayim Hirsch, III, 7. Berliner, Abraham. V, 2. Berman, Vassili, III, 18. Bernal, Abraham, V, 3. Bernaj^s, Isaac, V, 1. Bernays, Jacob, IX, 18, V, 1881. Bernays, Michael, XI, 17, II, 25 Bernhard of Clairveaux, VIII 20. Bernhardy, Gottfried, III, 20, V, 14. Bernhardt, Sarah, X, 22. Bernheim, Ernst, II, 18. Bernstein, Aaron, II, 13. Bernstein, Julius, XII, 8. Bernstein, Max, IX, 30. Bernstein, Samuel, XII, 21. Berolzheimer, L. E., V. 14. Berr, Cerf, XII, 8. Beschitzi, Moses, V, 9, XII, 9. Besht, Israel, V, 21. Bessels, Emanuel, VI, 2. Bessels, Emile, III, 30. Biedermann, Carl Christian, IX, Biesenthal, J. H. R., VI, 25. Billroth, Th., IV, 26, II, 6. Bing, Abraham, II, 28. Bing, Jisui Berr, VII, 21. BischoiTsheim, Jam. Raph., II, 5. Bismarck, Otto Von, IV, 1, VII, 30. Bleichroder, Samuel, XII, 30. , Bleichroder, Gerson Von, II. 19, XII, 22, III, 21. Bloch, Jos. Sam., XI, 20. Bloch, jMarcus Eliezer, VIII, 6. Block, Maurice, II. 18. Bloch, Samson, X, 7. . Bloch, Simon, VIII, 10, III, 22. . Bloch, Jean de, I, 6. , Blood accusation, XI, 6, VI, 30, VI, 29. INDEX. 127 Blogg, Sol., II, 11. Bremersdorf, Samuel, V, 21. Blois, J\lartyrs, V, 26. Breslaii, Jews expelled, XII, 9. Blowitz, Adolph de, XII, 25, I, Sclnde opened. III, 15. 18. Kab. Conf., VII, 13. Bliicher, Eph. Isr., Ill, 6. Brcslan, M. PI. V, 14. Bochner, Chayim, II, 2. Breslauer, Eniil, A' II, 28. Bodek, Arnold, XI, 15. Bresselan, M., XII, 23. Bodenheimer, Levi, XII, 13, Bresslan, Ilarrv, III, 22. VIII, 25. Briel, Jelnida, A'll, 20. Borne, Lndwig, V, 6, II, 12. British Society, III, 7. Bohemia — edict of expulsion, Brociner, Marco, XII, 24. XII, 18. Broda, Abraham, IV, 16, X, 27. Bonald, Ambroise, X, 2, XI, 23. Broda, Moses ben Abraham, XII, Bondi, Simon, XII, 20. 4. Bondy, Gottlieb, XI, 15. Brodsky, Abraham, X, 28. Borchart, Samuel, V, 16. Bruck, Moses, VIII, 2. Boris, Moses, VI, 13. Briichenhausen, Isr., IV, 23. Born, Gustav, VI, 6. Brugsch, Pascha, II, 18, IX, 9. Boschan, W. Von, IV, 6. Briill, Ignaz, XI, 7. Cosing. Hungary Jews, V. 21. Briill, Jacob, XI, 29. Boskowitz, Wolf (Low), VII, 14. Briill, Max de Dormony, VI, 19. Brandes, Edward, X, 21. Briill, Nehemiah, III, 16, II, 5. Brandes, George, II, 4. Brunner, Philip, I, 25. Brandon, Ed. E. Pereire, V. 23. Brunner, Sebastian, XII, 10, XI, Brasch, I., VII, 16. 26. Brasch, Moritz, IX, 16. Brussels, Jews burned, V, 22. Bratzlav, Xachman, X, 7. Buber, Salomon, II, 2. Braudes, Euben Asher, X, 18. Buchholz, C. A., XI, 15. Braunsch-weig (Conference), VI, Buchow, Jews killed, XII, 17. 12. Buchsbaum, Wolf Beer, VI, 26. Braunschweig, Jacob Eliozer, IV, Biidinger, Max, IV, 1, IT, 23. 16. Biidinger, Moses, I, 30. Breal, Michel, III, 26. Bulow, Hans von, I, 8, II, 12. Brecher, Gideon, I, 14, V. 12. Burg, Meno, VIII, 26. Breidenbach, AVoKf. II, 28. Burgheim, S. H., II, 27. 128 INDEX. Biischenthal, Lipman M., XII, 27. Buxtorff, John, VIII, 16. Byck, Sam. Alex., IV, 26. c Cahen, Isidore, V, 7. Cahen, Samuel, I, 8. Calahorre, Mathathia, XII, 9. Calimani, Simcha, VIII, 2. Calish, David, VIII, 21. Camondo, Abraham, III, 30. Cansino, Jacob, IX, 19. Cantarini, Isaac Chayim, V, 13. Capistrano, Johann, VI, 24, VIII, 3, X, 23. Cappadoce, Immanuel, IX, 20. Carmol}'-, Eljakim, II, 15. Caro, David, XII, 25. Caro, Jacob, II, 2. Caro, Joseph Heimann, TV, 20. Carpzov, Prof., IV, 7. Caspary, Ferdinand, XII, 29. Caspary, Ferd, A^II, 15. Cassel, David, II, 11, I, 22. Cassel, Paulus, II, 27, XII, 23. Castello, Abr. Isaac, VIII, 1. Castelli, David, X, 30, I, 14. Castro De, Baruch Xehemia, I, 7. Cattavi, Menahem, IV, 4. Cerfberr, Alphonse Th., XII, 25. Cerfberr, Frederick, X, 27. Cerfberr, Fr., IX, 22. Chajes, Hirsch, X, 12. Chajim ben Bejalel, VI, 1. Chajim ben Isaak, VI, 14. Chasak, Jacob, VII, 27. Chefez, Gerson, XII, 26. Chefez, Jacob Chai, XI, 4. Chefez, Moses, X, 31. Cherem, prohibited, V, 28. Chicago, Pari, of Eeligion, IX, 11. Chiera, Esther, III, 30. Chorin, Aaron, VIII, 24. Chronegk, Ludwig, XI, 3, VII, 7. Chronik, I, 14. Chwolson, Daniel, XI, 21. Citron, Samuel Low, V, 24. Colombo, Coen, II, 14. Cohen, Chananja, III, 29. Cohen, Dina, XII, 21. Cohen, Feibus, V, 8. Cohen, Hermann, VII, 4. Cohen, Joseph, XI, 1817, XI, 23. Cohen, Lionel Louis, VII, 26. Cohen, Xahum, VI, 27. Cohen, Shalom, II, 20. Cohn, Sal, IX, 22. Cohn, Adolf Ludwig, V, 22, I, 13. Cohn, Albert, IX, 24, III, 15. Cohn, Ferdinand, I, 24, VI, 25. INDEX. 139 Cohn-Oppenheim, Julie, I, 5. Coronel, N. N"., VIII, 13. Cohn, Moritz von, V, 1. Cosel, Countess, X, 17. Cohnstein, Isidor, VI, 25. Coslin, Chayim, III, 21. Colenso, John W., I, 24, VI, 20. Costa da, Isaac, I, li, IV, 28. Cologna Di, Abraham, III, 24. Costa, Isaac, XII, 12. Cologne, banishment from, A^II, Cowen, F. H., I, 29. 24, Cracow, X, 26. Cologne, resettlement in, IV, 17. Creizenach, Michael, V, 16, VIII, Colonies, XII, 9. 5. Conference, VII, 13, VI, 12, Creizenach, Th., IV, 17, XII, 6. YII 15. Cremieux, Gaston, XI, 30. Cordova (4 Jews killed in), XII, Cremieux, Hector, IX, 30. 21, Croatia, Equal Eights in, X, 21. Cordovero, Moses, VI, 26. Cromwell, Oliver, IV, 25, IX, 3. D. Daly, Charles, IX, 19. Deckingen, Isaac, X, 28. Damascus Affair, X, 28. Delitzsch, Franz, II, 23. Protest against, VII, 3. Dembitzer, Chajim X., VII, 29, Danon, Abraham, VIII, 1. XI, 20. Danziger, Abraham, IX, 12. Depping, G. B., V, 11, IX, 5. Darmestetter, Arsene, I, 5, XI, Derembourg, Hartwig, VI, 17. 1(3, Derembourg, Joseph, VIII, 21, Darmestetter, James, III, 27, X, VII, 29. 19. Dessau, Congreg. at, II, 16. David, Chr. Geo. X., I, 16, VI, Dessauer, Moritz, IV, 29. 18. Deutsch, Bernard de Hatvan, X, David, Halevi, II, 20. 26. Davids, A. L., VII, 20. Deutsch, David, IV, 26. Davidson, Andrew B., I, 26. Deutsch, Emanuel, V, 13. Davidson, Isaac Henry, XII, 11. Deutsch, Heinrich, XII, 18. Davidson, Wolf, VIII, 19. Deutsch, Israel. Gemeindebund, Deckert, Joseph, III, 21. II, 28. 130 INDEX. Deutsch, Israel, IV, 2, VI, 6. Deiitsch, Joel, III, 20, V, 1. Deutsch, Moritz, II, 27. Deutsch, Simon, XI, 24. Deutz, Emanuel, I, 28. Dick, Isaac Meir, XII, 26. Dick, Leopold, VII, 23. Dillmann, Aug., VII, 8. Diskin, x\bra. Samuel, I, 8. Disputations at Paris, VI, 24. Disraeli, Benjamin, XII, 21. Dobruska, Moses, IV, 5, VI I, 12. Dohm, Chr. XII, 11, V, 5. Domashowski, Arnold, XII, 6. Dollinger, Ignaz von, II, 28, I, 10. Drach, David Paul, III, 6. Dreyfus, Alfred, X, 9. Dreyfus, Alfred, arrested, XI, 2. Condemned, IX, 9. Degraded, I, 5. Droyfus-Brisac, Emile, V, 5. Dubno, Solomon, VI, 23. Duehring, Eugene, I, 12. Dukes, Leopold, VIII, 3. Duenner, Jos. H., I, 4. Duran, Zemach, XII, 29. Duschak, Moritz, VII, 22. Duschenes, Feivel, I, 15. E. Ebers, George, III, 1, VIII, 7. Eberstadt, Ferdinand, II, 10. Ebstein, Wilh., XI, 27. Edelman, Ilirsch, XI, 20. Edelman, S. E., I, 11. Edersheim, Alfred, III, 16. Eger, Akiba, X, 12, XI, 2, IX, 15. Eger, Samuel, XII, 3. Eger, Solomon, I, 3. Egers, Jacob, XI, 17. Ehlenberg, S. W., X, 1. Ehrenberg, Philip, XII, 20. Ehrenberg, Samuel Meyer, X, 16, X, 21. Ehrenreich, Moses Levi, XII, 27. Ehrentheil, M. Horice, I, 19. Ehrentheil, Moritz, XII, 27. Ehrmann, Daniel, XI, 15. Eichenbaum, Jacob, XII, 27. Eichenhorn, Prof. VI, 25. Eidlitz, Moses Serach, V, 17. Einhorn, David, XI, 10, XI, 2. Eisenmengcr, John Andreas, XII, 20. Eisenstadt, Ilirsch, VIII, 21. Eisenstadter, Meir, XII, 27. Eisman, Moses, IV, 18. Eleazar of Brody, IX, 28. Elijah ben Samuel, VII, 1. Elijah, Wilna, X, 10. Eliot, George, XI, 22, XII, 23. INDEX. 131 Elyaschar, Jacob Saul, VI, 7. Emancipation, Baden, I, 13, X, 4. France, IX, 27. Holland, IX, 3. Kurhesscn, X, 29. Posen, VI, 1. Rhenish Estates, VII, 13. Embden-Heine, Charlotte, X, 18, X,' 14. Enidcn, Jacob, IV, 19. Euchel, Isaac, VI, 14. Emin, Pasha, X, 20. Ennery, Adolphe de, I, 25. Ennery, ]\Iarchand, VIII, 21. Enoch ben Moses, IX, 29. Eotvos, Carl, III, 11. Eotvos, Joseph, IX, 13, II, 3. Ephraim, Cohen, VII, 17, VI, 2, Ephraim, Veitel Heine, V, 16. Ephnissi, David, X, 24. Epstein, Jacob, VIII, Ki. Erckniann, Emile, V, 20, III, 14. Erfurt, XII, G. Erlanger, Michael, IX, 30. Ernst, Heinrich Wilhelm, X, 8. Erter, Isaac, V, 20. Eskeles, Bernhard Freiherr von, VIII, 7. Eskeles, Berusch, III, 2. Ettinger, Isaac Aaron, I, 16. Ettinger, Mordecai Zeeb, VI, 19. Ettlinger, Jacob, XII, 8. Ewald, Heinrich, XI, 16, V, 4. Ewald, Job. Ludwig, IX, 16, III, 19. Estella, III, 5. Expulsion from Bohemia, XII, 8. Breslau, XII, 9. Liibeck, III, 6. Niirenburg, VII, 21. Paris, Xt, 3. Presbnrg, XI, 9. Sicily, I, 21. Spain, III, 21. Tyrnau, II, 1. Eybeschiitz, Jonathan, IX, 18. F. Fagius, Paul, XI, 13. Falk, Samuel, IV, 17. Falkson, Ferdinand, VIII, 20, VIII, 31. Farjeon, ]'>enj. I^eop., VI, 23. FcMtel, Moritz, III, 21. Feldinann, Leopold, V, 22, III, 26. Felix, Pachel, II, 28, I, 3. Felsenthal, Bernhard, I, 2. Fassel, Hirsch B., VIII, 21, XII, Fettmilch's Uprising, IX, 1. 26. Feust, Karl, X, 9, VIII, 19. 132 INDEX. Fichte, J. B., V, 19. Finland, IV, 10. Finzi, Giuseppe, XII, 19. Finzi, Isaac Eaphael, IX, 25. Finzi, Samuel Sar Shalom, VII, 9. Finzi, Felice, IX, 12. Fiorentino, Sol. II, 4. Firkowitsch, Abraham, X, 6, VI, 7. Fischel, Edward, V, 7. Fischel, Eugene Benj. II, 7. Fischel, Jacob, IV, 19, VI, 5. Fischer, Albert, XI, 5. Fischer, Karl, I, 22. Fischhof, Adolf, XII, 8, III, 23. Fishmann, Feisch, V, 28. Fleckeles, Eliezer, IV, 27. Fleischer, H. L., II, 21. Flesch, Joseph, XII, 17. Foa, Eduard, VI, 29. Fonseca, Abraham, VII, 27. Formegini, Isaac, VII, 13. Formstecher, S., VII, 27, IV, 24. Forti, Eugenia Pavia, I, 4, XII, 30. Fould, Achilles, XI, 17, X, 5. Fould, Benoit, XI, 21, VII, 28. France (yellow badge), VI, 12. Days of trouble, VII, 22. Exile, IX, 17, IX, 27. Cult, II, 8. Franchetti, XII, 12. Frank, Adolf, X, 9, IV, 11. Franco, Joseph, V, 4. Francolm, S., VII, 1. Franck, Jacob, XII, 10. Frankel, Albert, IX, 6. Frankel, David, VII, 20, V, 18. Frankel, Jonas, I, 27. Frankel, Maimon, V, 27. Frankel, Seckel, VI, 4. Frankel, Zacharias, X, 1, II, 13. Frankenburger, Wolf, V, 8. Frankfort-on-Main (Eab. Conf. opened), VII, 15, V, 24, IV, 14, IX, 1. Famous Fire in Jewish Quar- ter, I, 14. Frankfurt, Moses, VIII, 15, VI, 5. Frankfurter, Xaphthali, II, 13, IV, 13. Frankfurter, S., X, 9. Frankl, Ludwig August, II, 3, V, 12. Frankl, P. F., VIII, 23. Franzos, Carl Emil, X, 25, I, 28. Frederic, Harold, X, 19. Frederick the Great, VIII, 17. Frederick ITL. Emperor, VI, 15. Frenkel, Herman, IV, 19. Frensdorff, Ferd., VI, 17. Frensdorff, Sol., Ill, 1. Freudenthal, Jacob, VI, 20. Freund, Samuel, I, 13. Freund, Wilhelm, I, 27, VI, 4. Fre}^, Joseph Samuel, IX, 21. Frey, Joseph, I, 4. Freyta^, Gustav, VII, 13, IV, 30. INDEX. 133 Frizzi, Benzion, V, 30. Friedmann, Moses David, XI, Friedberg, Abraham Shalom, IV, 13. 20. Friedrichsfeld, David, II, 19. Friedberg, Heinrich von, VI, 2. Fries, Jacob F., VIII, 23, VIII, Friedenthal, M. B., XII, 8. 10. Friedland, A. L., XI, 21. Friesenhausen, David, III, 23. Friedlander, David, XII, 6, XII, Fubini, Simon, V, 26, IX, 6. 25. Fuchs, Solomon, XII, 7. Friedlander, Joseph A., XI, 26. Fuld, Aaron, XII, 22. Friedlander, Solomon, XI, 23, Fnlda, Lndwig, VII, 14. VIII, 22. Funn, Samuel Joseph, XI, 14, Friedmann, Abraham Jacob, IX, XI, 22. 13. Furst, Julius, V, 12. Friedmann, Israel, XI, 19. Furstenthal, Eaphael, II, 16. Friedmann, Meyer, VI, 15. Furtado, Abraham, I, 29. G. Galante, Moses, II, 11. Germany (religious freedom), Galicia, gymnasium education, VII, 3, II, 17, I, 11. YII, 7. Gerson, H., XII, 3. Gans, David, VIII, 25. Gesellschaft der Freunde, I, 30. Gans, Edward, III, 22, V, 5. Gesenius, William, X, 23. Gans, Samuel Philipp, XI, 1. Ghillany, Friedr. W., I, 26. Ganzfried, Salomon, VII, 31. Ghirondi, Marco Samuel, I, 4. Gawison, Abraham, VII, 11. Ginsberg, Ad., VII, 28. Geiger, Abraham, V, 24, X, 23. Ginsberg, Asher, V, 11. Geiger, Lazarus, V, 21, VIII, 29. Ginzberg, Meier Jacob, II, 27. Geiger, Ludwig, VI, 4. Glagau, Otto, III, 2. Geiger, Solomon, IX, 4. Glaser, Julius, III, 9, XII, 26. Geldern, Dr. Gottschalk von, X, Gliick, Betty, XII, 30, VI, 5. 12. Gneist, Rudolph, VII, 22. Geldern, Joseph von, IV, 25. Godefroi, Mich. H., VI, 25. Geller, Peter, XII, 10. Goedsche, Hermann, II, 2, XI, 134 INDEX. Goldberg, Baer, XII, 25, V, 7. Goldberg, Samuel Loeb, I, 3. Goldmann, Kabbi, VII, 34. Goldmann, Isaac, I, 13. Goldmark, Joseph, IV, 22. Goldsmid, Albert W., Ill, 27. Goldsmid, Anna, II, 8. Goldsmid, Francis, V, 1, V, 2. Goldsmid, Francis H., VII, 2. Goldsmid, Isaac Lyon, I, 13, IV, 27. Goldsmid, Julian, X, 2, I, 7. Goldschmidt, Henrietta, XI, 23. Goldschmidt, Hermann, VI, 7. VIII, 30. Goldschmidt, H. S., II, 27. Goldschmidt, Lewin, V, 30, VII, 16. Goldschmidt, j\Ieyer Aaron, X, 24. Goldschmidt, Moritz von, VI, 10, IV, 5. Goldschmidt, Selig, I, 15. Goldschmidt, Siegfried, I, 31. Goldstnecher, Theodore, I, 18. Ill, 6. Goldziher, Ignaz, VI, 22. Goldziher, William, A^, 1. Gomperz, Julius von, IX, 21. Gomperz, Theodore, III, 19. Goodman, Julia, XI, 12. Gordon, David, V, 1. Gordon, Leon, IX. 19, XTl, 19. Gottheil, Gustav, IV, 15. Gottlober, A. B., IV, 12. Gottstein, Jacob, I, 11. Goudchaux, Michel, III, 18, XII, 27. Goudsmid, Prof., Ill, 18. Graeber, Els, VII, 26. Graetz, Hirsch, IX, 7. Granada, XII, 30. Granboom, Isaac, III, 10. Grant, U. S., IV, 27, VII, 23. Graziano, Abr. Jos. Sal., XI, 4. Gregoire, Abbe, XII, 4, V, 28. Griesinger, Theodore, XII, 11. Gross, Jenny, V, 9. Grotwohl, Meier, IX, 13. Gruber, Joseph, III, 31. Gruenbaum, Max, XII, 11. Gruenbaum, Elias, IX, 25. Gruenberger, Aaron, X, 8. Gruenwald, M., VI, 10. Guastalla, Enrico, IX, 22. Guedemann, Moritz, II, 19. Gumpel, Lazarus, XI, 10. Gumperz, E. Samuel, III, 9. Guensberg, S., I, 23. Giinzburg, Baron David, VII, 5. Giinzburg, Baron Joseph von, I, 12. Guenzburg, M. A., XII, 12. Gurland, Jona, XI, 4. Gurlitt, Prof., Ill, 15. Gusikow, Michael J., XI, 14. Giitheim, James, VI. 11. Gutraan, Joseph, IT, 7. Gutmann, William von, X, 17. Gutzkow, Carl, TIT, 17, XII, 16. INDEX. 135 H. Haarbleicher, M. M., XI, 14. Haber, Sigmimd, II, 27. Haber, Sol. von, I, 23. Hackney, John, VI, 17. Hai, Gaon, III, 28. Haida, Samuel, VI, 1. Haindorf, Marks, V, 2. Haindorf, Alexander, X, 16. Halban, Edward, VIII, 13. Halberstannn, Sal. Joachim, III, 24. Halberstadt, school founded, IV, 1. Halberstadt, Berman, VI, 9. Halevi, Ludovic, I, 1. Halevy, Jacques Fromental, V, 27, III, 17. Halevy, Joseph, XII, 15. Halevy, Leon, I, 14, IX, 3. Halphen, G. E., V, 22. Haltern, Joseph, IX, 5. Hamberger, C. H., Ill, 2. Hamburg, Eeform temple, X, 18. Hamburger, Jacob, XI, 10. Hamburger, Wolf, V, 15. Hanau, Solomon, IX, 15. Hanover (reactionary law), X, 15. Harbruecker, Theodor, I, 21. Hardenberg, Karl August Prince, XI, 26. Harkavy, Albert, X. 17. Harris, Emily Marion, XII, 5. Hart, Solomon, Alex, VI, 11. Hart, Ezekiel, IX, 16. Hartmann, A. Th., IV, 20. Hartmann, Moritz, X, 15, V, 13. Hartvig, Isaac, VIII, 4. Haselbauer, Francis, IX, 7, IX, 23. Hattischerilf of Gulhane, XI, 3. Hazan, David, I, 17. Hazan, Joseph, X, 31. Hebrew books burnt, VI, 16. Hecht, Emanuel, II, 25. Heidenheim, Wolf, II, 26. Heilbronn, X, 19. Hcilprin, Michael, V, 10. Heilprin, Phineas, Mendel, I, 30. Heimerdinger, Meir, XI, 12, VI, 17. Heine, Cecilia Furtado, III, 6, XII, 17. Heine, Gustav, XI, 15. Heine, Heinrich, II, 17. Heine, Solomon, XII, 23. Hoinemann, Jeremias, X, 16. Heinemann, IV, 7. Heller, Hirsch, X, 28. Heller, Jomtob Lipman, VIII, 19. Heller, Scligman, VII, 8, I, 8. Hendel, ben Shemarya, IX, 18. Henikstein, Alfred von, I, 29. Henle, Elisa, VIII, 18. Henle, Sigmund von, VI, 30. 136 INDEX. Henne, Otto, VIII, 26. Hiniichsen, Marcus Wolf, IV, 18. Henoch, Max, IX, 26. Hirsch, Baroness Clara de, IV, 1. Herder, J. G., VIII, 25, XII, 18. Hirsch, Jenny, XI, 25, III, 10. Hermann, B. A., X, 18, V, 29. Hirsch, Joseph von, VII, 2. Hersch, Hermann, VII, 27. Hirsch, Marcus, XI, 1. Herschell, Lord Farrar, III, 1. Hirsch, Max, XII, 30. Herschell, Solomon, II, 3, XI, 1. Hirsch, Mendel, III, 28. Hertz, Henrick, VIII, 25, II, 25. Hirsch, Moritz von, IV, 21. Herxheimer, Sol., II, 5, XII, 25. Hirsch, Philip, V, 2. Herz, Cornelius, VII, 6, Hirsch, Samuel, VI, 8, V, 14. Herz, Henri, I, 6, I, 5. Hirsch, Samson Eafael, VI, 20, Herz, Henrietta, IX, 5, X, 22. XII, 31. Herz, Jacob, II, 2, IX, 27. Hirsch, Siegfried, XI, 5, IX, 11. Herz, Jacques, I, 27. Hirsch, Theod, I, 17. Herz, Marcus, I, 17, I, 19. Hirschell, Hermann, III, 20, XI, Herz, Mendel, III, 17. 26. Herzberg, Wilhelm, I, 30. Hirschensohn, Isaac, X, 7. Herzberg, W., IV, 20. Hirschfelder, Samuel, V, 16. Herzberg-Frankel, Leo, IX, 19. Hirschler, Ignaz, XI, 11. Herzfeld, Jacob, X, 24. Hirzel, Levi, XII, 31. Herzfeld, Levi, XII, 28, III, 11. Hitzig, Ferdinand, VI, 23, I, 22. Herzka, ben Abba, IV, 3. Hitzig, Julius, jurist. III, 26. Herzl, Theodor, V, 2 ; VII 3. Hitzig, Julius, architect, XI, 26. Hess, J., X, 6. Hochheimer, Moses, II, 10. Hess, Mendel, VIII, 9, IX, 21. Hochstraten, Jacob von, I, 21. Hess, Michael, II, 26. Hock, Simon, XI, 27, X, 22. Hess, Moritz, IV, 5. Hoff, John, III, 11. Hessen, poll-tax abolished, I, 12. Hofmann, M. D., IX, 27. Hildesheimer, Israel, V, 17, VII, Holdheim, Hermann, I, 14. 12. Holdheim, Samuel, VIII, 22. Hillel, ben Naphtali Herz, I, 11. Holland, VII, 12, V, 12, IX, 2. Hiller, Ferdinand von, X, 24, V, Hollander, Benjamin, V, 12. 10. Hollander, Leo, VI, 5. Hinrichsen, Sigmund, I, 17, X, Holstein, political equality, A"II, 22. 14. INDEX. 137 Homberg, Herz, VIII, 24. Homel, IX, 14. Horn, Edward, XI, 2. Homem, Dr. Antonio, V, 5. Honigmann, David, VII, 22. Honigsberg, Israel von, X, 30, 19. Honigsmann, Oswald, IX, 24, Horowitz, Chayim, M., IV, 8. Horowitz, Hirsch, IX, 20. Horowitz, Isaac Levy, V, 5. Horowitz, Israel, XII, 17. Horowitz, Jacob, IV, 23. Horowitz, Jehuda, XI, 12. Horowitz, Lazar, VI, 11. Horowitz, Meschullam, VIII, 17. Horowitz, Scheftel, IV, 12. Horowitz, Schmelke, IV, 28. Horschetzky, Moriz, XI, 7. Horwitz, Aaron, IX, 29. Horwitz, Bernhaxd, VIII, 29. Hottinger, Prof. VI, 5. Hubsch, Adolph, X, 10. Humboldt, Alexander von, V, 6. Hima, Mari, I, 7. Hungarian law giving political equality, XII, 20. Hurwitz, Phineas, VII, 1. Hurwitz, Simon, III, 6. L Ibn Ezra, Abraham, I, 23. Ibn Shoshan, Joseph, I, 20. Inquisition, Spain, XI, 1. Logrono, XI, 7, XI, 8. Isaac E., V, 29. Isaac Menahem ben Isaac, VIII, 16. Isaac ben Pethachja, I, 23. Isaac ben Samson Cohen, V, 30. Isaac, Saul, X, 6. Isaacson, Siegfried, IX, 27. Isidore, Lazare, IX, 16. Isler, Meyer, VIII, 19. Israel (martyr Eushony), IX, 19, Israel, Elijah, II, 1. Israel Levi ben Moses, IV, 20. Israel of Krems, V, 3. Israel ben Shabbathai, IX, 29. Isaac d'Israeli, I, 19, Israels, Joseph, VI, 27. Isserls, Moses, V, 1. Italian Senator (first), XI, 20. Itzig, Daniel, V, 21. Itzig, Isaac Daniel, VII, 7. J. Jablonski, Daniel E., XI, 26, V, Jachia, Gedalia, IX, 20. 25. Jacob ben Meir, VI, 9. Jacca, VI, 24. Jacob, Halevi, IX, 14. 138 INDEX. Jacob, Joshua, I, 16. Jellinek, Adolph, VI, 26, XII, Jacob of Lissa, V, 25. 28. Jacobi, Abraham, V, 6. Jellinek, Georg, VI, 16. Jacobowski, Ludwig, I, 21, XII, Jellinek, Hermann, I, 22, XI, 23. 2. Jellin, Arjeh Lob, IV, 12. Jacobs, Jacob, XII, 9. Jesi, Samuel, IX, 4, I, 17. Jacobsohn, Ed., XI, 10. Jessel, Sir George, II, 23, III, Jacobson, Edward, I, 29. 21. Jacobson, Israel, X, 17, IX, 13. Jew Badge, XI, 30. Jacobson, Ludwig, I, 10. Jewish Theological Seminary, Jacobson, Louis Levin, VIII, 29. IV, 26. Jacoby, Johann, V, 1. Jews' College, XI, 11. Jacoby, Leopold, XII, 20. Joachim, Joseph, VI, 28. Jadassohn, Solomon, VIII, 3, II, Joachimson, Philipp, I, 6. 1. Jafe, Mordecai, III, 7. Jaffe, Philipp, II, 17, IV, 3. Jahn, Johann, V, 18, VIII, 16. Japhet, Israel M., XI, 10. Jastrow, M., V, 13, X, 13. Jehiel, Hacohen, VI, 29. Jehuda, ben Asher, VII, 4. Joel, David, IX, 7. Joel, IManuel, X, 19, XI, 3. Johlson, Joseph, VI, 13. Jolles, Fabian, IX, 12. Jona, Meir, VI, 23. Joseph II., II, 20, VI, 2. Joseph Darshan, XII, 30. Joseph ben Mordecai, I, 28. Joseph Shammash, II, 5. Jehuda, Chasid, X, 19. Jehuda, Saltaro da Fano, IX, 5. Josephs, Meier, II, 14. Jeitteles, Alois, VI, 20, IV, 16. Josephson, Joseph, VIII, 22. Jeitteles, Barucli, IV, 22, XII, Joshua, Falk Cohn, IV, 29. 18. Jeiteles, Ignaz, IX, 13, VI, 19. Jeiteles, Jonas, V, 9, IV, 18. Jeiteles, Juda, VI, 6. Kahane, Hillel, IV, 7. Kahn, Leon, VI, 9. Kahn, Zadok, II, 18. Joshua ben Jacob, X, 21. Joshua, Israel, VII, 9. Joshua ben Joseph, VIII, 16. Jost, Isaac Marcus, II, 22, XI, 20. K. Kaidanower, Aaron Samuel, VT, 30. Kalisch, D., II, 23. INDEX. 139 Kalisch, Isidore, V, 11. Kennicot, Bishop, IV, 18. Kalisch, Ludwig, IX, 7, III, 3. Kern, Jacob, X, 4. Kalisch, Marcus M., VIII, 23 Kestin, Bar, II, 16, III, 35. Kalisch, Moritz, III, 23. Kimchi, Chayim, VI, 2. Kalischer, Ilirsch, IV, 3; X, IG. Kirchheim, Raphael, IX, 5. Kallir, Eleazar, X, 22. Kirstein, Moritz, VII, 12. Kallir, Nathan von, XI, 11, II, 4. Kisch, Abraham, VI, 7. Kamicnetz, XI, 3. Kishineff, IV, 19. Kiimpf, Sanl Isaac, X, 15. Kitseer, Micliael, IX, 28. Kann, Jacob, I, 19. Kitzingen, Joseph Chayim, V, Kaplan, Jacob, VII, 15. 22. Kaplan, Wolf, V, 18. Kitzingen, VIII, G. Kara, Abigedor, IV, 24. Klapp, Michael, II, 26. Karaite, X, 6, VI, 7. Klein, Max, I, 27. Karben, Victor von, II, 15. Klein, Solomon, XI, 10. Karpeles, EL, VII, 7. Klein, Tlieodore, V, 1. Karpeles, Giistav, XI, 11. Klemporer, Outmann, I, 28. Kassel, Abraham, XI, 4. Kley, Edward, VI, 10, X, 4. Katz, Menahem, II, 23. Klingenstein, Joseph, XI, 13. Katzenelnbogen, Abraham, IV, Klnger, Solomon, VI, 9. 30. Kohn, Abraham, X, 6. Katzenelnbogen, Ezekiel, VII, 9. Kohn, Sal., Ill, 8. Katzenelnbogen, Hirsch, XI, 11, Kohner, M., IV, 4. Ill, 10. Kohiit, Alex., V, 25. Katzenelnbogen, Sam. Jeh., Ill, Kollonitsch, L., X, 26, I, 20. 25. Kompert, Leopold, V, 15, XI, 23. Kauder, Samuel Loeb, V, 6. Konigswarter, Max, VII, 5, X, Kaufmann, Arkadi, III, 24. 12. Kaufmann, David, VII, 6. Konigswarter, Jonas v., XII, 23. Kaufmann, Jacob, XI, 10, X, 9. Konigswarter, Louis Jean, III, Kaulla, Benjamin von, I, 16. 12, XII, 6. Kayser, Paul, II, 13. Konigswarter, Moritz von, XI, Kayserling, M., VI, 17. 14. Keller, Naphtali, VIII, 5. Konigswarter, William, V, 15. Kempner, Frederick, II, 23. Konitz, murder at. III, 11. 140 IXDEX. Korner, Moses, XI, 23. Kornfeld, Aaron, X, 26. Kornfeld, Siegmund,, III, 27. Kosch, Eaphael, X, 5, III, 27. Kowner, Saul, IX, 22. Krems, IX, 29. Kremsier, VI, 26. Kristeller, S., Y, 26, VII, 15. Krochmal, Mendel, I, 2. Krochmal, Nachman, II, 19, VII, 31. Kromczyk, Isaac, IX, 25. Kronecker, Leopold, XII, 7, XII, 29. Krug, W. T., VI, 22, I, 12. Kuenen, Abraham, XII, 10. Kiiffner von, Ignace Edler, III, 24. Kuli, Moses Epliraim, IV, 5. Kimitzer, Moses, II, 2. Kuranda, Ignatz, V, 8, IV, 3. Kurhessen, X, 29. Kiirnick, Meir, VIII, 9. L. Lagarde, Anguste de, XI, 2, XII, 22. Lakri, Jakob Kohen, XI, 23. Lambert, V, 15. Laemmel, Simon von, VIII, 28, IV, 18. Lampronti, Isaac, XII, 5. Landau, Adolph, VIII, 3. Landau, Ezekiel, IV, 29. Landau, Jacob, VII, 20. Landau, Moses J., XII, 28, V, 4. Landau, Samuel, X, 31. Landau, Wolff, III, 1, VIII, 4. Landauer, M. H., II, 3. Landesmann, Heinrich, VIII, 9, XII, 3. Landsberger, Julius, VIII, 10, III, 3. Landshuth, Lazarus, I, 13, III, 23. Langbank, Alexander, X, 22. Lara, David Cohen de, X, 10. Lasker, Eduard, X, 14, I, 5. Lassalle, Ferdinand, IV, 11, VIII, 3. Lateran, Council, XI, 30. Lattes, Moses, YII, 25. Lauda, persecution at, I, 2. Lazard, Jacob, VII, 25. Lazare, Bernard, IX, 1. Lazarus, Emma, XI, 19. Lazarus, L., IV, 16. Lazarus, ^loriz, IX, 15, IV, 13. Lebensohn, Abraham Baer, XI, 9. Lebensohn, Micha Josepli, II, 22, II, 17. Lebrecht, H., XI, 17. Lebrecht, F., IX, 1. Lederer, J. L., VIII, 23, VII, 31. Lefmam, Sol., XII, 25. INDEX. 141 Lehmann, Emil, II, 25. Lehmann, Joseph, II, 19, IV, 14. Lelewel, V, 29. Lema, Beer, V, 6. Leman, Hartog, XII, 5. Lemans, Moses, X, 17. Lemberg (powder explosion), XI, 23, V, 8, V, 3, IX, 19. Leutschnetz, Hirsch, VII, 6. Lerner, Eh. Zewi, IV, 14. Lerner, Chayim Zebi, V, 6. Lesser, Louis, XII, 2. Lessmann, David L., I, 18, IX, 2. Letteris, Max, V, 19. Levi, Abr., IX, 28. Levi, Benedict, X, 14. Levi, David, X, 24. Levi, David, V, 8. Levi ben Gerson, IV, 20. Levi, Giuseppe, VI, 10, VII, 10. Levi, Hermann, V, 13. Levi, Joseph, IV, 24. Levi, Leo X., I, 13. Levi, Leone, XII, 6, V, 7. Levi, Michael, V, 4. Levi, Eaphael, V, 17. Levin, George, IV, 19, XI, 2. Levin, Hirschell, VIII, 26. Levin, Rachel (Varnhagen), V, 19, III, 7. Levita, Elijah, I, 28. Levitan, J., VII, 25. Levy, A. S., VII, 21. Levy, Caiman, VI, 18, X, 19. Levy, Emil, VIII, 3. Levy, Gerson, II, 25, XII, 10. Levy, Jacob, II, 27. Levy, Louis, I, 25. Lev}', Meyer, X, 18. Levy, Maurice, II, 28. Levy, Michael, VIII, 12. Levy, Michael, I, 31, XII, 20. Levy, Michel, IX, 28, III, 15. Levy, M. A., Ill, 11, II, 22. Levy, Eaphael, I, 17. Lewald, August, IX, 14, III, 10. Lewald, Fanny, III, 24, VIII, 5. Lewanda, Leo, VII, 14, III, 18. Lewisohn, Leonard, III, 5. Lewysohn, Ludwig, III, 26. Libermann, Abbe Franz, II, 2, IV, 12. Libowitz, Mendel, III, 29. Lida, David, XI, 10. Lieben, Adolf, XII, 3. Liebmann, Josh., I, 20. Lichtenstein, Hillel, V, 18. Lightfoot, John, III, 29, XII, 6. Lilienthal, M., IV, 5. Lilienblum, Moses Loeb, X, 19. Lindau, Baruch, XII, 5. Lindo, Elias H., VII, 10. Lippe, Ch. D., VIII, 25. Lippman, G. H., V, 21. Lippold, I, 28. Lipschitz, Israel, IX, 19. Lipschitz, Solomon, V, 4. Liszt, Franz, X, 22, VIII, 31. Loans, Elijah, VII, 24. Loeb, Abusch, VI, 27. 142 INDEX. Loeb, Arjeh, XI, 33, IV, 2. Loeb, Arjeh, VI, 22, III, 6. Loeb, Isidore, XI, 1, VI, 3. Loeb, Solomon, XII, 28. Loeb, Suendel Pfersche, XI, 12. Loebl, Jacob, VII, 3. Logrono, XI, 7, XI, 8. Lolli, Samuel Cbayim, V, 18. London, Port. Synagogue dedi- cated, IX, 30. London, Eef. Synagogue opened, I, 27. Lopez, Balthasar, VI, 29. Loew, Benjamin Wolf, III, 9. Loew, Eleazar, II, 2. Loew, Leopold, V, 22, X, 13. Loew, Samuel, V, 20. Loewe ben Bezalel, IX, 17. Loewe, Joel, II, 11. Loewe, Louis, XI, 5, VI, 24. Loewe, Ludw^ig, XII, 37, IX, 11. Loewenberg, J., XII, 13. Loewenstamm, Saul, VI, 19. Loewenstein, Bernhard, III, 15. Loewenstein, Jacob, III, 39. Loowenthal, Wilhelm, IV, 39. Locwi, Isaac, XII, 36. Loewinsobn, Isaac Beer, IX, 3, II, 17. Loowisobn, Gumpel, II, 10. Loewisohn, Sal., IV, 37. Loewy, Jakob Ezekiel, XI, 30. Loewy, Maurice, IX, 15. London, II, 1. Lord of England, First, XI, 8. Liibeck, III, 6. Lublin Massacre, X, 3. Ludwig, Emily, IV, 15, VIII, 19. Lueger, IV, 16. Lumley, Henry, I, 2. Luna, Alvaro de, VII, 2. Luntschiitz, Ephraim, III, 3. Luntschiitz, Isaac, IX, 29. Luria, Isaac, III, 15. Luria, Moses, II, 11. Luria, Salomo, XI, 7. Luther, Martin, II, 18. Luzzato, Attilio, V, 12. Luzzatto, Benjamin, VI, 20. Luzzatto, Filosseno, I, 20. Luzzatto, Israel, XI, 7. Luzzatto, Moses Chayim, V, 6. Luzzatto, Sam. D., VIII, 22, IX, 29. Luzzatto, Simon, I, 6. Luow, Moses, XII, 28. Lyon, George Louis, I, 14. Lyons, Israel, V, 1. Lyons, Jews killed, VII, 25. Lyra, Nicholas de, X, 33. M. Maass, Nathan, VTTI, 3. Macaulay, Thomas, X, 35, XII, McCaul, Alexander, V, 16, XI, 38. 13. Magnus, Meyer, II, 13. INDEX. 143 Maggid, Steinschneider, Hillel Noah, X, 30. Maimon, Moses, II, 4. Maimon, Solomon, XI, 23. MaimonidGS, Moses, XII, 13. Makai, Emil, XI, 16. Makower, Hermann, III, 8, IV, 1. Malbim, Meier Leibnsli, IX, 18. Malorca, VIII, 2. Manasseh ben Israel, XI, 20. Mandelkern, Solomon, III, 24. Mandelstein, Benjamin, III, 26. Mane, Mordeeai Zebi, V, 5. Manuel, Eugene, IV, 13, VI, 1. Mannheimer, Isaac Xoah, X, 17, III, 18. "Mansionhouse," London, II, 1, VII, 3. Mantua Disaster, V, 31. Mapu, Abraham, I, 11, X, 9. Marannos, XI, 16. Mar bar Eab Ashe, IX, 25. Marcus, Lewis Jacob, X, 7. Marcus, Louis, VII, 15. Margalioth, Meir, IV, 24. Margalioth, Moses Mordeeai, XI, 18. Margolis, Isaac, VIII, 1. Margulies, Ephraim, VIII, 4. Maria Theresa, Queen, VII, 14. Marini, Shabtai, V. 17. Marini, Solomon. IV, 19. Marks, David, V, 22. Martyrs, VII, 19, V, 26. Marx, Jacob, I, 24. Maskilejson, Xaphtali, XI, 30. Massacre, Aix, I, 24. Augsburg, XI, 29. Barcelona, VIII, 5. Buchow, XII, 7. Cracow, X, 26. Erfurt, XII, 6. Erfurt, VI, 16. Estella, III, 5. Frankfort-on-the-Main, V, 24. Germany, I, 11. Granada, XII, 30. Heilbronn, X, 19. Homel, IX, 14. Kishinetf, IV, 19. Kitzingen, VIII, 6. Krems, IX, 29. Kremsier, VI, 26, Lauda, XII, 28. Lemberg, V, 3, V, 8, IX, 9. Lyons, VII, 25. Madrid, VI. 30. Mallorca, VIII, 2. Mayence and Bacharach, IV, 19. Mayence, VIII, 23, V, 27. Meiningen, VII, 17. Mulrichstadt, III, 31. Mimich, X, 12. Murcia, IX, 8. Xavarre, III, 6. Xeuss, T, 28. Nordlingen, VII, 29. Nuremberg, VIII, 1, XIT, 5. 144 INDEX. Massacre — Continved. Parchim, XI, 5. Posen, VII, 34. Prague, VIII, 22, IX, 11. Eothenburg, VI, 25. Seville, VI, 4, III, 26, IV, 21, IV, 14. Speier, V, 3. Sternberg, Mecklenburg, X, 24. Tarega, VI, 6. Toledo, VI, 20. Troyes, III, 27. Uman, VI, 5. Valladolid, VII, 25. Valencia, VII, 9. Weissenbiirg, VI, 23. Wilna, III, 21. Worms, V, 25, III, 1. Wiirzbnrg, VII, 23. Maiirogonato, Isaac Pesaro, IV, 5. Mauthner, Ludwig, X, 20. Mautner, Isaac, VII, 21. May Laws, V, 3. Mayence and Bacharach, IV, 19. Mayence, VIII, 23, V, 27. Mayer, Jacob Freiherr von, V, 12, " V, 1. Mayer, Bacliel, II, 8. Mayer, Samuel Manim, III, 12, IV, 16. Mayer, Sigmund, III, 8. Meccado, Moses de, VI, 29. Mecklenberg, Zebi Hirsch, IV, 6. Medigo, Joseph Sol. del, VI, 16, X, 16. Medina, Samuel di, X, 12. Mehling, Isaac, V, 3. Meiningen, VII, 17. MeiT ben Baruch, IV, 27. Meir of Lublin, V, 3. Meyer, Jonas Daniel, IX, 15, XII, 6. Meisel, Mordecai, III, 13. Meisel, Wolf Aloys, XI, 30. Meisels, Berish, II, 5. Menachem Azariah de Fano, VIII, 5. Menachem Manele ben Baruch Halevi, V, 26. Menachem ben Jacob, IV, 16. Mendelssohn, Alex., X, 25. Mendelssohn, Joseph, XI, 24. Mendelssohn, monument of, VI, 18. Mendelssohn, Moses, IX, 26, I, 4. Mendes, David Francs, X, 11. Mendes, Joseph Francs, X, 14. Merenlander, Israel Bar., XI, 16. Merzbacher, Eugene, IX, 18. Meseritz, Ludwig von, VII, 17, V, 3. Meshullam b. Joel Hakohen, IX, 24. Meyer, Captain, VII, 23. Meyer, David Anshel, VIII, 30. Meyer, Hirsh, II, 11. Meyer, Joseph, VII, 10, IX, 25. Meyer, Rachel, III, 10. INDEX. 14:6 Meyer, Samuel, I, 3, VIII, 1. Meyer, Samuel E., A"II, G. Meyer, Sigmund, XI, 22. Meyerbeer, Giacomo, V, 2. Michael, H. J., IV, 12. Michael, Heiman Joseph, VI, 10. Michael, Samuel, IV, 10. Michaelis, Johann David, II, 27, VIII, 22. Michel, Eabbi, VI, 10. Mielziner, Moses, VIII, 12, II, 18. Mieses, Fabius, X, 31, X, 13. Minden, Lob, V, 26. Mirabeau, Count, IV, 2. Mirels, Solomon, XI, 22. Mocatta, Moses, IX, 17. Modena, Leon, III, 21. Modon, Simson, VI, 10. Mohilewer, Samuel, VI, 9. Mokiach, Mordecai, V, 18. Moline, Joseph Kohen, IV, 15. ]\Iolitor, Joseph Franz, VI, 8, III, 23. Mommsen, Theod., XI, 1. Montague, Sir Samuel, XII, 21. Montalto, Elijah, II, 16. Montefiore, Sir Joseph Sebag, I, 18. Montefiore, Judith, X, 24. :Montefiore, Moses, X, 24, VII, 28, X, 28. Morgenstern, Isaac, IV, 4. Morals, Sabbato, IV, 13, XI, 11. Mordecai, Chayim ben, V, 15. Morgenstern, David, III, 7. Morgenstern, Lina, XI, 25. Morin, Jean, II, 28. Morpurgo, Eleazar, VIII, 12. Morpurgo, Baron Joseph, II, 28. Morpurgo, Simson, IV, 12. Mortara, Edgar, VI, 23. Mortara, Marco, IV, 7, II, 2. Mortara, Saul, II, 10. Moscheles, Ignaz, V, 30, III, 10. Mosenthal, Sol. Hermann, I, 14, II, 17. Moser, Moses, VIII, 15. Moses, Adolf, I, 7. Moses, Darshan, V, 14. Moses Jehuda ben Kalonymos, XII, 18. Moses, Eothenburg, I, 11. Muhr, Abraham, IV, 7, VI, 11. Mueller, David H., VI, 6. Mulder, Samuel, XII, 29. Muller, Joel, XI, 6. Muller, Max, X, 22. Mulrichstadt, III, 31. Mimich, X, 12. Munk, Edward, I, 20, V, 3. Munk, Immanuel, VIII, 1. Munk, Solomon, V, 14, II, 6. Miinster, Sebastian, III, 23. Miinz, Moses, VITI, 15. Murcia, IX, 8. Mussafia, Chajim, VI, 8. Myers, Asher, V, 11. 146 INDEX. N. JSTabon, Ephraim, IV, 18. Nabon, Judah, I, 26. Nachod, Jacob, III, 14. Naphtali Hakoben, I, 15. Naphtali, Herz, IV, 9. Napoleon, V, 30, III, 17, VII, 20, V, 5. Nasi, Joseph, VIII, 2. Nathan, E. S., VI, 5. Nathan, Nata ben Moses, VII, 14. Nathan, Wolf, IX, 6. Nathansohn, Jacob, IX, 16. Nathansohn, Joseph Saul, III, 4. Naturalization of Jews (Al- geria), X, 24. Navarre, III, 6. Neander, Aug. Wilh., I. 17, VII, 14. Neppi, Hananel, I, 18. Netter, Charles, X, 2. Netter, Solomon, I, 3. Neubauer, Adolph, III, 11. Neubiirger, Ferd. Ludwig, X, 28. Neuda, Abraham, II, 22. Neuda, Fanny, IV, 17. Neumark, Lob, IV, 9. Neuschotz, Jacob, IX, 6. Neuss, I, 28. Neustadt, Pinkus, II, 24. "New Israel," V, 17. Neuwirth, Joseph, V, 6, V, 20. Nicholas I., II, 28. Nierop, Solomon Van, V, 15. Nieto, David, I, 10. Nietzsche, Fr. Wilh., VIII, 25. Nissim, Jacques Pasha, VIII, 25. Noah, Mordecai M., VII, 14, V, 22. Noorden, P. C, V, 24. Nordau, Max, VII, 29. Nordheim, Marcus, XI, 25. Nordlingen, VII, 29. Norway, admittance of Jews, VI, 8. Notables, assembly of, VII, 26. Nuremberg, VII, 21, VIII, 1, XII, 5. o. Obornik, Meir, XI, 6. O'Connel, Daniel, A^III, 6, V, 15. Offenbach, Jacques, X, 5. Offenbach, Jacob, VI, 21. Oliphant, Laurence, XII, 23. Oil voir, Solomon de Amsterdam, V, 23. Olmo, Jacob Daniel, V, 25. Olsbauson, Justus, V, 9, II, 27. Oppenheim, Bar, IX, 29. INDEX. 147 Oppenlieim Bar, XII, 26. Oppenlieiiu, David, XII, 18, X, 21. Oppenheim, H. B., VII, 20, III, 29. Oppenheim, Joseph, VII, 12. Oppenheim, Joachim, IV, 20. Oppenheim, Moriz, I, 20, II, 24. Oppenheim, Simon von, VII, 25. Oppenheimer, Abraham, XI, 2. Oppenheimer, David, IX, 12. Oppenheimer, Emanuel, IX, 13. Oppenheimer, Samuel, V, 3. Oppenheimer Siiss, II, 4. Oppert, Gust., VII, 9. Oppert, Julius, VII, 9. Oppler, Edwin, VI, 18. Oppler, Edward, IX, 6. Orgels, Samuel, IV, 10. Ornstein, Hirsch, V, 18. Ornstein, Jacob, VIII, 5. Ortenau, Ignaz, III, 22. Osmund, Emmanuel, X, 24. Ottensosser, David, V, 22. Ottinger, Jacob Joseph, XI, 7. Ottolengo, Samuel David, VIII, 22. Ottolenghi, Giuseppe, XII, 26, V, 14. Ottolenghi; X. G., XII, 12. Oven, Joshua van, II, 5. P. Padova, Jehuda Mazliach, VIII, 10. , Paggi, Angelo, V, 4, VI, 7. Pallagi, Chajim, II, 10. Panigel, Meir, I, 4. Paoli, Betty, XII, 30, VI, 5. Pappenheim, Sal., Ill, 4. Parchim, XI, 5. Pardo, Joseph, X, 10. Parenzo, Cesare, XI, 20, IV, 15. Parenzo, Meir, IX, 22. Paris, disputation in, VI, 24, XI, 3. Books burned, VI, 16. Assembly of Notables, VII, 26. Synhedrin, II, 3. Parliament of Religions, IX, 11. Pascheles, Wolf, XI, 22. Paulus, Bishop, VIII, 29. Paulus, H. E. G., IX, 1, VIII, 10. Pedro, Don, XII, 2, XII, 5. Peixotto, Benjamin, XI, 13, IX, 18. Peltin, Samuel Zebi, IX, 30. Pereira, Abraham Lopez, V, 10. Pereira, Podriguez, IV, 11, IX, 15. Pereire, Emil, XII, 3, I, 6. Pereire, Eugene, X, 7. 148 INDEX. Pereire, Isaac, XI, 25, YII, 12. Pococke, Edw., IX, 10. Pereira, Jonathan, I, 20. Polak, Gabriel, YI, 3, V, 14. Perl, Joseph, XI, 10, X, 1. Polak, Jacob, Edw., X, 8. Perles, Joseph, XII, 26, III, 4. Polak, Meir, VII, 17. Pethachyah ben David Lida, Y. Poliakoff, Samuel, lY, 20. 12_ Political equality. III, 29, II, 16, Philanthropin at Frankfort-on- X, 21, III, 11, YII, 14, XII, Main., lY, 14. 20, III, 21. Philippi, Fr. Ad., X, 15, YIII, PoUitzer, Adam, X, 1. 29. Pollitzer, Ad., YII, 23, XI, 14. Philipson, Ludwig, XII, 28, XII, Poll tax, I, 12, I, 10, IX, 19. 29. Popper, Heinrich, II, 4. Philippson, Martin, YI, 27. Popper, Joachim Edler von, Y, Philippson, Moses, Y, 9, lY, 19. 10. Philippson, Phobus, lY, 1. Popper, Levy, X, 21. Phillips, Benj. Samuel, I, 4, X, Popper, Lipmann, X, 17. 9 Popper, Moritz, XII, 21. Pick, Leopold, III, 28. Poppers, Jacob Hakohen, II, 20. Pinedo, Thomas de, XI, 13. Portaleone, Abraham de, A'll, 29. Pinchas, Jehuda, XI, 23. Portugal, banishment from, XII, Pinsker, Leon, XII, 24, XII, 21. 24. Pinsker, Simcha, X, 29. Posen, edict in, XII, 22, YII, 24, Pinto, Abraham de, Y, 28, Y, 26. YI, 1. Piperno, A. B., YII, 8. Potocky, Count, YI, 2. Pirbright, Lord, I, 9. Prague, YIII, 22, IX, 11. Pius IX., Y, 13, II, 7. Presburg, XI, 9. Pforzheim, blood accusation in, Pringsheim, Xathaniel, X, 6. VI, 30. Proops, David, lY, 10. Placzeck, Abraham, XII, 10. Provenzale, Moses, YI, 30. Plant, Jacob, II, 4. Prussian Jews, Eeglement for, Plessne-, Isaac, XII, 13. lY, 17. Plessner, Solomon, lY, 23, YIII, Prussia, edict of civil rights in, 28. Ill, 11. Plotke, Julius, IX, 27. Prussian order against Christian Plungian, Mordecai, XI, 27. first names, XI, 30. INDEX. Ud Prussian laws enacted, V, 14, Prussian Austrittsgesetz issued, VII, 23. VII, 38. Pmnpianski, Abraham C, l\, 26, R. Kabbina, XII, 1. Rabe, John Jacob, I, 16, II, 12. Rabbinowitz, David M., V, 21. Rabbinowitz, Hirsch, I, 16. Rabbinowitz, Isaac, X, 13, IV, 7. Rabbinowitz, M. M., VI, 6. Rabbinowitz, Joseph, V, 17. Rabbinowitz, R. N., XI, 29. Rabeno, Raphael, XI, 4. Rahmer, Moritz, III, 2. Ranschborg, Bezalel, IX, 19. Raphael, Kohen, XI, 11. Raphall, M. J., IX, 26, VI, 23. Rappoport, Abraham, VI, 7. Rappoport, Ch., VI, 25. Rappoport, Moriz, I, 17, V, 28. Rappoport, Simcha Bunem, IV, 9. Rappoport, S. L., VI, 1, X, 16. Raschkow, Siisskind, IV, 12. Rashi, Salomon Jizcliaki, VII, 13. Ratisbonne, Louis, III, 12, IX, 25. Ratisbonne, Theodor, I, 10. Raynal, David, I, 28. Redlich, H., XI, 7. Ree, Anton, I, 13. Reform service, XII, 9. Reggio, Abraham Vita, I, 8. Reggio, Isaac Samuel, VIII, 5, VIII, 29. Rehfuss, Carl, II, 18. Reich, Ignaz, IV, 18. Reichenheim, Ferd., XI, 3. Reichenheim, IV, 16. Reichersohn, IV, 3. Reichenmann, Jacob, XI, 13. Reinach, Baron, XI, 19. Reines, Moses, III, 26. Reis, Philipp, I, 7, I, 14. Reischer, Jacob, I, 24. Reizeles, Chajim and Josliua, VI, 3. Reland, Hadrian, II, 5. Remak, Robert, VII, 26, VIII, 29. Renan, Ernst, II, 27, X, 2. Reuchlin, Johann, II, 22, VI, 30. Reuss, Edward, IV, 15. Renter, Julius von, VII, 21. Rheinhold, Hugo, III, 26, X, 2. Rhenish Estates, VII, 13. Ricardo, David, IX, 11. Richi, Immanuel Chai, II, 25. Rickert, Heinrich, XI, 3. Riess, Peter Theophil, VI, 27, X, 32. 150 INDEX. Kiesz, Israel, IV, 22. Eossi, Emma, XI, 7. Riesser, Gabriel, IV, 2, IV, 22. Rossi, John Baptist de, X, 25, Riesser, Lazarus, III, 9. Ill, 23. Ring, Max, VIII, 4, III, 28. Rothenburg, VI, 25. Ritter, Immanuel, III, 13, VII, Rothschild, Anselm Mayer von, 9. VI, 12, XII, G. Robert, Lndwig, XII, 16, VII, 5. Rothschild, Anselm Solomon von, Robinson, Edward, I, 27. I, 28, VII, 27. Rodenberg, Julius, VI, 26. Rothschild, Ephraim, I, 30. Roeder, Martin, VI, 10. Rothschild, James, V, 15, XI, 15. Rodiger, Emil, X, 13, VI, 15. Rothschild, Lionel von, XI, 22, Rodkinson, Michael Levi, I, 6. VII, 26. Roest, Meyer, XI, 20. Rothschild, Lionel Nathan, VI, Rohr, Morris, XII, 18. 3. Rokeach, Joshua, I, 29. Rothschild, Maier, IX, 19. Romanin, Samuel, IX, 9. Rothschild, Meyer Anschel, VI, Rome, ghetto, IX, 20. 29, II, 6. Romm, Deborah, XII, 3. Rothschild, Mayer Carl von, Roosevelt, Th., VI, 15. VIII, 5, X, 16. Rosanes, Jacob, VIII, 16. Rothschild, Nathan, IX, 16, VII, Rosas, Anton von, XII, 30, V, 31. 18. Rosen, Joseph, I, 12. Rothschild, Nathan Meyer von, Roseberry, Lady Hanna, XI, 19. XI, 8. Rosenmiiller, Ernst R., XII, 10, Rothschild, Solomon von, IX, 9, IX, 17. VII, 27. Rosenfeld, Samson Wolf, I, 4, V, Rothschild, Wilhelm von, V, 16, 12. I, 25. Rosenhaupt, XI, 16. Rotteck, Karl von, VII, 18, XI, Rosenstein, S., II, 20. 26. Rosenstiel, Eugene, III, 9. Roumanian Jews, VII, 1. Rosenthal, D. A., IV, 16, III, 29. Rubinstein, Anton, XI, 28, XI, Rosenthal, Isidor, VII, 16. 20. Rosenthal, S., VIII, 7. Rubo, Julius, VI, 9, III, 13. Rosenthal, Solomon, IV, 8. Rudin, Ad. Pollak von, VI, 11. Rosin, David, V, 21, XII, 31. Rtihs, Ehr. H., Ill, 1, I, 31. INDEX. 151 Kiilf, Isaac, IX, 19. Riissel, Henry, XII, 24, XII, 7. Enssia, Kahal, V, 21. Alexander, XII, 9. Rabbis, XI, 18. Synagogal organization, XII, 19. Mefize Haskala, XII, 20. Schools, Y, 31. May laws, V, 3. Revision of laws, II, 16. Pale, V, 23. Massacre, X, 2. s. Saalschiitz, Joseph Levin, III, 15, VIII, 22. Sabludowski, Michel, XI, 25. Sacher-Masach, Leopold von, I, 27. Sachs, Johann, I, 11. Sachs, Julius, XII, 28. Sachs, Leonard, VIII, 17. Sachs, Michael, IX, 4, I, 31. Sachs, Nahum, III, 28. Sachs, Senior, VII, 16, XI, 15. Sachs, Solomon, XII, 22. Sachs, Solomon, IV, 30. Sachs, Sal. Jehuda, VIII, 17. Sacy, Sylvester de, IX, 21, II, 21. Safed and Tiberias, earthquake, Salant, Israel, II, 9. Salkind, Solomon, III, 14. 1,1. Salomon, Charles K., Ill, 3, VI, 23. Salomon, Salem, IX, 6. Salomon, Gotthold, XI, 1, XI, 17. Salomon, David, XI, 22, VII, 18. Salvador, Gabriel, II, 22. Salvador, Joseph, I, 5, III, 17. Salzer, Moses, II, 28. Samania Kaid Xissim, I, 24. Samega, Joseph, VI, 6. Samosch, David, IV, 29. Sammter, Asher, I, 1, I, 31. Samson School, VI, 4. Samson, Philip, XII, 4. Samter, Ad., VI, 16. Samuel ben Alexander, VI, 6. Samuel, Edels, XI, 30. Samuel, Israel ben, V, 22. Samuel Kaim, XI, 25. Samuel Sir Marcus, XI, 5. Samuel of Opatov, VI, 27. Samuel, Sir Saul, XI, 2, VIII, 29. Samuel, Simon, V, 9. Samuel ben Zebi, XI, 9. Sanders, Daniel, XI, 12, III, 11. Saphir, Adolph, IV, 9. Saphir, M. G., II, 8, IX, 5. 152 INDEX. Saraval, Lob, V, 17. Saraval, Leon, I, 26. Sarbai-o, Peter, XII, 1. Sardinia, III, 39. Siirkes, Joel, III, 14. Sason, Joseph, III, 2. Sasportas, Jacob, IV, 15. Sasportas, Salonian, X, 2. Sassoon, Alb., VII, 25, X, 24. Sassoon, David, XI, 5. Satanow, Isaac, XII, 24. Saul, son of Joshua Hoschel, V, 19. Saul, Eabbi, XI, 16. Saul, Hakoben, V, 25. Saul, Halevi, V, 6. Saxony, usury, VIII, 1, II, 13. regulating conditions, VIII, 16. Jewish oath, V, 30. "Shechita," II, 21. Schapira, Herman, VIII, 16. Schapiro, Genrich A., VII, 1, II, 2. Scheineanu, Lazar, IV, 23. Scherbel, Moritz, XII, 26. Schereschewski, Samuel I. J., V, 6. Schershewsky, Jehuda, IX, 19. Scheurer, Kestner von, IX, 19. Schey, Joseph Freiherr von. III, 16. Schey, Philip Fieilierr von, V, 26. Scheyer, Tebele, IX, 30. Schick, Carl, XII, 25. Schiff, David Teble, XII, 19. Schiff, Hermann, IV, 1, V, 1. Schiff, Meir, VII, 22. Schlegel, Dorothea, X, 24, VIII, 3. Schleiden, M. J., IV, 5, VI, 23. Schlessinger, H. L., X, 26. Schlessinger, Samuel, XII, 14. Schwelkes, Gottlieb, IX, 22, X, 28. Schmerling, Anton von, VIII, 23, V, 23. Schmid, Anton von, A^I, 20. Schmiedel, Abraham, I, 27. Schnapper, Gottlieb, II, 2. Schnitzer, Edward (Emin Pasha), III, 29. Schnitzler, John, IV, 10, V, 2. Schorstein, Moriz, XI, 24. Schott, Benedict, III, 11, VII, 21. Schott, L., I, 20. Schotten, Samuel, VI, 30. Schreiber, Moses, IX, 24, X, 3. Schreiber, Samuel Wolf, XII, 31. Schreiber, Simon, III, 26. Schudt, J. J., II, 14. Schulmann, Kalman, XII, 17. Schwab, Low, IV, 3. Schwabacher, S. L., IV, 19, XII, 10. Schwarz, Israel, I, 25. Schwarz, Joseph, X, 22, II, 4. Schwerin, Jeanette, VII, 14. INDEX. 153 See, Gennain, V, 13. See, Leopold, VII, 17. Segre, David, XII, 26, IX, 31. Segre, Jacob, X, 9. Seminary, XI, 18, XI, 11 (Jews' College) ; IV, 26 (Jewish Theological, X. Y.). Semler, Johann Solomon, XII, 18, III, 14. Senator, Herman, XII, 6. Servi, Flaminio, XII, 24, I, 23. Servian residence law, XI, 4. Seville, VI, 4, III, 26, IV, 21, IV, 4, XI, 4. Sforno, Solomon, X, 20. Shabbethai Cohen, II, 8. Shabbethai, Zevi, IX, 21, VII, 23, IX, 10. Shalom Schechna, XI, 11. Schemaya ben Abraham B-ir, IV, 2. Shepherds, massacre by. III, 5 Shneor, Zalman, XII, 27. Shor, Abraham Chajim, I, 6. Shor, Alexander, I, 29. Shor, Ephraim Solomon, X, 2. Shrimski, Sam. Edw., VI, 25. Sicily, expulsion, I, 21. Silva, Joshna di, IV, 29. Silva, Fr. Meldola da, I, 23. Simmons, L. W., IV, 5. Simon, Jacobs, X, 28, III, 12. Simon, John Sir, XII, 9, VI, 24 Simon ben Samnel, X, 5. Simon, Sam'l, III, 21. Simson, M. E. von, XI, 10, V, 2. Sinzheim, Joseph David, II, 11. Slonimsky, Chajim Selig, HI, 10, V, 15. Smolensky, Perez, II, 25, II, 1. Soave, Moise, XI, 29. Sofer, Chajim, VI, 27. Sofer, Sussmann, X, 10. Sola, Abraham de, VI, 5. Sola, David Aaron de, X, 29. Solomon, Anton S. Adam, IV, 39. Solomon, Kohen, V, 20. Solomon, Solomon J., IX, 16. Solowejczyk, Jos. Beer, V, 11. Solowjew, Waldemir, VIII, 13. Somerhausen, Hartog, X, 22, III, 5. Sonnemann, Leopold, X, 29. Sonnenfels, Baron Joseph von, IV, 26. Sonnenthal, Adolph von, XII, 21. Soyka, Isidor, II, 23. Spain, emigration, VIII, 2 ; In- quisition, XI, 1; Expulsion, III, 31. Spector, Isaac E., Ill, 6. Speier, Michel, II, 14. Speier, V, 3. Spiers, B., XII, 31. Spinoza, VII, 27, II, 21. Spira, Elijah, IV, 14. , Spira, Isaac, IX, 3. Spira, Kathan Xata, VII, 20. Spiro, Moses Joseph. A^III, -. 154 INDEX. Spitz, Abraham, lY, 16. Spitz, Hirsch, A'lII, 6. Spitz, Isaac, Y, 3. Spitzer, Daniel, I, 11. Spitzer, Heinrich, III, 13. Spitzer, Sanmel, XII, 16. Spitzer, Simon, II, 3, III, 16. Stahl, Fr. Jnl., I. IG, VIII, 10. Stahl, Friedrich Karl, Y, 19, III, 23. Stahl, William, VI, 1, III, 19. Stanhope, Lady Esther, III, 12, VI, 23. Steblicky, Jos. Abraham, V, 16. Stein, Abraham, VIII, 30. Stein, Isaac, IX, 19. Stein, Leopold, XI, 3, XII, 2. Stein, Sigmimd Th., IX, 27. Steinhardt, Jacob, II, 2. Steinliardt, Joseph, VIII, 7. Steinliardt, Solomon, I, 17, III, 10. Steinheim, Solomon, VIII, 6, V, 19. Steinitz, William, V, 18, VIII, 12. Steinschneider, Hillel Xoah Alag- gid, IX, 5, X, 30. Steinschneider, Moritz, III, 30. Steinthal, H., V, 16, III, 14. Steinthal, Martin, X, 22, X, 3. Stem, Abraham, II, 3. Stern, Basilius, VIII, 15. Stern, Julius, VIII, 8, II, 27. Stern, Moritz A., I, 31. Stern, Sigmund, VII, 2, V, 9. Sternberg (Mecklenberg), X, 24. Sternberg, Herman, X, 16. Stettenheim, Julius, XI, 2. Stobbe, Otto, VI, 28, V, 19. Stocker, Adolph, XII, 11. Stockvis, Bernhard, IX, 29. Stockholm, congregation, IX, 28. Stork, Carl, IX, 17. Strack, Herman L., V, 6. Strakosch, Maurice, X, 9. Straschun, Math., X, 1, XII, 14. Strassman, Wolfgang, X, 8, XII, 6. Streckfuss, Karl, IX, 20, VII, 26. Sullam, Sarah Copia, II, 15. Sulzer, Sol., Ill, 30, I, 18. Susan, Diego de, I, 10. Sussex, Duke of, IV, 21. Sutro, Abraham, X, 10. Sweden, "reglement," V, 27. Political equality, II, 16. Switzerland, "schechita," A^II, 21. Sylvester, J. J., IX, 9, III, 15. Synhedrin, II, 3, V, 30. Szanto, Simon, VIII, 23, I, 17. Szeps, Moritz, VIII, 9. INDEX. 155 Talmud, XII, 1, XI, 9, XI, 11, XI, 13. Tallermann, Lewis, X, 17. Tarega, VI, 6. Tartas, De Castro, IX, 13. Taubes, Aaron Moses, VI, 29. Taussig, Solomon, V, 21. Tauwitz, Ed., VII, 26. Tebele ben Wolf, XII, 6. Tedeschi, Moses, VI, 17. Teitelbaum, Moses, VII, 17. Temple burnt, VIII, 4. Teomim, Aaron, VII, 8. Teomim, Jonab, IV, 16. Teomim, Joseph, IV, 26. Teomim, Meir, VII, 10. Theben, Kopel, VIII, 23. Tiktin, Abra, XII, 7. Tiktin, Gedalia, VIII, 8. Tiktin, Sol. Ill, 20. Tisza, disappearance of Esther Solymosi in, IV, 1. Tittinger, David, V, 29. Tobias, IX, 19. Todesco, Hermann, XI, 23. Todesco, Ludwig, VIII, 25. Toledo, VI, 20. Torquemada, Thomas, IX, 16. Torre, Lelio della, I, 11, VII, 9. Tortosa, religious disputation at, II, 7. Touro, Judah, I, 18. Trabotti, Samuel, lA^ 28. Trani, Joseph, VII, 9. Trani, Moses de, IV, 31. Trarieux, Ludovic, III, 13. Traube, Ludwig, I, 12, IV, 11. Traube, Moritz, VI, 28. Trebitsch, Nehemiah, VIII, 11, VII, 6. Treitschke, Heinrich von, IX, 15, IV, 28. Tremellius, Immanuel, X, 9. Treuenfels, Abraham, XII, 15, I, 30. Treves, Jacob, VIII, 7. Treves, Joseph, II, 3. Treves, Marco, I, 22. Trier, Salomon, XI, 5. Tugendhold, Jacob, IV, 20. Turkey, XI, 6, XI, 3. Turkish law giving equality witb Mohammedan, II, 18. Tyrnau, Jews burned at, VIII, 22. Expulsion from, II, 1. Ullman, B. L., IX, 4. Ullmann, Benj., II, 24. Ulmann, Solomon, I, 1. Uman, VI, 5. u. Unger, Ephraim, XI, 1. linger, Joseph, VII, 2. Urusow, Prince, VII, 29. Usiel, Isaac, IV, 2. 156 INDEX. V. Valladolid, YII, 25. Valencia, VIII, 9. Valentin, G. G., VII, 8, V, 24. Vambery, Hermann, III, 19. Veith, John Emanuel, VII, 10, XI, 6. Veit, Joseph, VIII, 5. Veit, Moriz, II, 5. Veneziani, Emanuel F., II, 5. Verveer, Elchanan, VIII, 21. Vienna, expulsion, II, 11. Theological Institute, X, 21. Virchow, Eudolf, IX, 5. Vital, Chajim, V, 6. Vitringa, Campegius, V, 16, III, 31. Vogel, Sir Julius, III, 12. Voita, Samuel della, III, 29. w. Wagner, Eichard, V, 22, II, 13. Wahrmann, Moritz, II, 28, XI, 2G. Waldenburg, Ludwig, IV, 14. Warburg, M., IV, 4. Warendorfe, Therese, IX, 29. Warschawski, Abraham, IV, IT. Wasserman, Moses, VII, 15, X, 18. Wawelburg, Hippolyte, X, 20. Way, Lewis, II, 11, I, 26. Wechselmann, Ignaz Ritter von, 11,4. Weil, G., IV, 25, VIII, 30. Weil, Jacob, XI, 19. Weil, Jedidia Tiah, X, 11. Weil, Karl, I, 5. Weilen, Joseph von, XII, 28, IX, 3. Weimar (marriage between Jews and Christians), VI, 20. Weisenburger, VI, 23. Weiss — Weil, Ignazio, II, 5. Weiss, Isaac Hirsch, II, 9. Weiss, L. A. I, 19, VI, 21. Weissman, A. S., IV, 21, V, 14. Wenzel (King), IX, 16. Werblow, Eleazar, V, 20. Wergeland, Hen., VII, 12. Werner (vSt.), IV, 19. Wertheim, Jacob Leon, VIII, 18. Wertheim, Wilt, I, 20. Wertheim, Zachariah, XII, 31. Wertheimer, Joseph von. III, 15, III, 16. Wertheimer, Samson, I, 17, VIII, 4. Wesel, N. Herz (Hartwig Wes- sely), III, 23. Wesseley, Emanuel, I, 5. Wessely, M. A., X, 15, III, 7. Wessely, Wolfgang, IV, 21. INDEX. 157 Wette de, VI, 1849. Weyl, L., IX, 9. Wiener, A., VIII, 25. Wiener, Charles, VIII, 27. Wiener, Jacques, XI, 3. Wiener, M., VI, 3, III, 30. Wiesner, Jonas, V, 28. Wihl, Ludwig, I, 16. Willstadter, Ephraim, V, 19. Wilna, III, 21. Winer, J. G. B., V, 12. Winter — murdered, III, 11. Winterstein, Simon von, VI, 10. Wise, Isaac M., Ill, 29, III, 26. Wisotzski, Tvahuan W., VIT, 8, V, 25. Wittersheim. Prosper, XII, 5. Wogue, Lazar, VII, 22, IV, 14. Wohl, Jeanette Strauss, X, 16, XI, 27. W^ohllerner, Jetti, X, 5. Wohlwill, Immanuel, VIII, 28, III, 2. Wolf, Gerson, X, 30. Wolf, J. Chr., II, 21, VII, 25. Wolf, Dr. Leo, IV, 26. Wolf, Paul, I, 2. Wolf, Sabatja, II, 28. Wolfenblittel, VI, 14. Wolff, A. A., V, 24. Wolff, Abr. Alexander, XII, 3. Wolff, Hermann, II, 4. Wolff, Joseph, V, 2. Wolff, Moritz, III, 19. Wolff, 0. L. B., VII, 26. Wolffson, Isaac, I, 19, X, 12. Wolfsohn, Wilhelm, X, 20. Wolfsohn, Aaron, III, 20. Wolfson, William, VIII, 3. Wonder, Eabbi, I, 29. Worms — riot, IV, 7. Worms, Aaron, VII, 7, V, 2. Worms, Kalman, IV, 28. Wormser, Isaac Lob, IX, 13. Wulff, Moses Benjamin, VIII, 29. Wunderbar, Eeiibeu, IX, 12, VIII, 16. Wiirt ember g-, IV, 25. Wurzburo— riots, VIII, 2, VII, 23. X. Xanten, Jews of, VI, 27. Xanten, accusation, VI, 29. Young, Philip, II, 11. 158 INDEX. z. Zacuto, Matathia, VI, 5. Zahalon, Jacob, IX, 18. Zahalon, Mordecai, XI, 30. Zakut, Moses, X, 1. Zamosz, Hirsch, IX, 3. Zang^A'ill, Israel, II. 14. Zebi, x\shkenazi, Y. 3. Zecharja, Mendel, XII, 20. Zederbaum, Alex, VIII, 27, rv i . Zedner, Joseph, X, 10. Zeiszl, Herman, von, IX, 22, IX, 23. Zionists Congress, VIII, 29. Zipser, Maier, VIII, 14, XII, 9. Zirndorf, Henry, XII, 17. Zola, Emil, IX, 29. Zox, Ephraim L., X, 23. Zuckermann, Benedict, XII, 15. IX, Znnz, Leopold, VIII, 10, III, 18. Zweifel, El. Zebi, IV, 15, II, 20. 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