The Castel of Helth 
 This facsimile was made from the original (the first 
 augmented edition) now owned by 
 Dr. A. S. W. Rosenbach
 in to ijts bofec, cailpD tfje Cafiel . \ | - 
 ST of-** 
 i\ W^NJL' 
 lj\ \flgjF 
 alen tbemofttfcellflpfjffltfon M erhodi\ 
 fearpfc, tbatm to?ptpnge a com= lu.foj. 
 pcnDtoufe Doctcpne fo? :I?e curing 
 of fpcfeciics,I;e 0?ouID lofe all bis 
 labouee, fo? asmoke as no man 
 almofteDpD eriDettourcbym fclfe 
 a to tbe fpnbpngeof trutbcbut tbat all men DpD fo 
 mocbe eftemc rpcbes, pcfFeflions, autbo? itp, anD 
 pleafutcs, t!;at ttjep fuppofeO t&epm, to&id) toere 
 fluDioufe in anp parte of S>appcnce, to be maDDe 
 3 oj Dtftracte of tbcpje toittes : fo; as mocb as tbep 
 : fcemib ttye djtfc Sapience (blncb is in ftnotolcge 
 of tljpngcs belonging as tocltogooastoman) 
 ; (o baue no bepng^ens tbis noble footer founD 
 " ttjatlacfcembis tpmt, toljantljereBourpfl&e&tti 
 futiD;p coutrapes a great multttube of men ejecel* 
 lent in al fepn&eg of lermng 5 as tt pet &otb appere 
 bp fomeof fyeire toacfce0,tobp Q)U\D 3J begreupD 
 s foitb rep?ocbes, toberetottb fome of mp counttap 
 I Do recompence me,f o? mp labours taften tmrljo u t 
 s&opeof temporall retoarDe, onclpfojt&efeeuent 
 affectpon tobfebe Jbaueeucc borne to toaro tbe 
 publifte tocaic of mp countrap'3 teo;tf;p matter, 
 faptb one, fpj Cbomas <lpot is become a }btfi= 
 tion, ana torptetbe in pbifi&> tobicb befemetb not 
 a knpgbt, tje mougbt Ijaue ben mocfj better occu- 
 2Mu ppeD 
 pieb.-tTrulp if tft cp foil calle ftun a pftifition,tofttcfo 
 is (TuDioufc about tftctoealcof ftie counttap, 3 
 tin tfauf c tftep fo name me, f o; d urpnge mp Ipfe % 
 tDtll in t fta t affection altoap contpnu c . 3!nD toftp, 
 31 p;ap p o u,Q) ulDe men ftauc in Difoapne o; fmall 
 reputation tfte fcience of pft ificfce;' toft tcft c bemge 
 toel ImDcrftanDMruip cjcpcrienccD.anD Difctetelp 
 o;DeccD,D otft c confecue ft cltft ctoitftout tfte tofticft 
 all plcafurcsbcpcpneful, rpeftes bnp?ofptablc, 
 companp anoiancerftccngtft tourneD to f cbiencs, 
 bcautptb lotftefonmcs,fcncisareDifperfiD 3 elo- 
 quence intcmip tcD, rcmcmb:aunce confounDpD. 
 tofticft ftatft bene con fiDcnD of topfe men not onelp 
 of tfte p;ptiatc eftate, but alfo of Cmpcrourg, 
 fcpnges , anD otfter 3 tea t p ?pncis M)o f 0? tft c t)iu- 
 ucrfall neceflitp anD incomparable titiUtp, toft icft 
 tftep petcepupb to be in tft at fcpence of pftpfpcfte, 
 tftep DpD not onelp aouaunce anD ft onout it toitb 
 fpectall p:puilcge0, but alfo Dpuetfe and manp of 
 tftepmtoeretbctlnrpgftt ttutuoufe, in foomocfte 
 as 3 uba tfte ftpnge of S^aurptanta ano Ipbia . 
 f ounce oute tfte bcttuoufe qualities of tfte ftctbe 
 calico Euforbium Renting fepnge of JiUitin , 
 f ounce tb e bettues of <*ntianc*Cfte fterbe Lyfw 
 machia,tofee big name of felu geXLpfima eft tt0.fl9u 
 tft?iDates tftegceatelipnge of i^ontftus, founDe 
 fi\2ftc tfte bettuea of Scordion, and alfo inuentefc 
 tfte f amoufe mcDicme agepnft popfon,calliD mu 
 thridatc, aittftemifta queene of <atia,founDc tfte 
 1) ec t ucg of motftertoojte, totyefy in latpne bcaritfy 
 ftet name, fob crebp ft ec noble renome ft at ft lengac 
 cottftottefcr t&anbp ttje mafcpnge of tbe famoufe 
 monument ouer f?et beao bufbonb, calipD Maufo* 
 leum^ltftouijl) a toere recfenpb amonge tbe toon * 
 berfull toatfcesof tbe too jibe: anb pet byname 
 tmtb tbe fapb betbe fttl abpbetbe, tobples t&e fapb 
 monument atboufanD petes paflfib toasbttctlp 
 diffblupb Jt feinnt?,tbat pbificfce tn tftis realme 
 batfje ben toeli efteraib, fens $e bole ftuope of 
 Smlet ne, at tl;e tequeft of a spnge of <nglanbe, 
 folate an D fetfo^acompenDioufeanD p;oftta= 
 bit tt catpfe,caIlpD t^e d&ouemaunce of beltbe, in 
 latpne Regimen fanitatis 3ta& 31 ttttde W ab 
 rmgbtp gob tbat out fouetapgne I02D tbe lunges 
 ma teftp, tobo Daplp p?epantb to (tablpOje among 
 I30 true and bnco?tupteD Doctrinw, topll fljojtlp 
 ejtamtne alfo tbte parte of ftuope, in fuc^e topfe, 
 astbpnges aptefo?mcDtclne, gtotopngemtbis 
 realme , bp confet ence toitb molt noble autbours 
 map be to fenotoen , tbat toe a>alll;aue lelTe neeoe 
 of tinges b;ougl)t out of fattc coumtape0 5 bp 
 tbeco;rupttontoberof innumerable people baue 
 penfO}eD 3 toitl)oute blame to begtuen to t\)tp\)u 
 fpttons, faupnge onelp, tfjae Tome of tbem not Dt= 
 ligent inougb inbeboldpngetbett D;ouge0 0? in* 
 grebienee at all tpmes bifpenfto anb tttcD. 
 C*3 tfpbeg tbe fapbe kpngeg, toljome 3! ba* m 
 betfeb, otber bono?ableperfonagt0 baue to;tten 
 tn tbte excellent Doctrine>anD not onlp of tbe fpe= 
 mlatvm parte, but alfo of tbepjaetpfe tberof : 
 tobofe toarfcegDoopetremapnebntotbetr glo?p 
 fmmojtalUs SPuicena, 3bmfoat t mus, Come- 
 3Uiu Mm
 Jrns elfttS, &erenti0, anD fobtcb* 3[ tyoulDe 
 bau c firft namiD,sa?acbaon anD p oDalmu s,\\o * 
 Weoubcs m<3rcnatobtcbe came to tbefpegeof 
 Crop,anD bjougb t tmtb tbcnurjek great C^ippes 
 toitb men of toaccc* Cb 10 UjcI I confiDecpD, 3 take 
 itfojnofljame, to ftuDpetbatfcience, o?to fette 
 f outitn an? bokes of ei;e fame , bepnge t^erto 
 p:ouokco bp tbemofte noble anD bectuoufe cr= 
 ample of mp noble mapfteefcpnge henry tlje. 
 viii, fobofebeltbe 3ibacteippzapgoDa8longe 
 top:efctuc, as goobatbeotrthtute mans Ipfeto 
 contpnue:foj bis btgbw ftacb not DpfbaineD to 
 be tlj e dnef autbouc anD f mat fourtbe of an 3jn- 
 ttoDuetion in to gcammecf 0; tbe cbtloecne of bis 
 lotting fubtectes,tDbctbp, bautag gooD matters, 
 tbep (ball mode eafelp anD in tyofie tpme appje* 
 bcnD tbe bnDerftanbtng anD fourme of fpcafcmg 
 of true anD eloquent latpne . > ropall barte, full 
 of fcerp nobility ) noble b;e8,fettpnge fourtbe 
 fcertuoufe Doctrpne,anD lauoable ttuDp . tit pet 
 one tbpnge moctje geeuptfc me, tbat n ot toitbftan = 
 Dpnge^baueeue* bonoureD, anD fpecpallp ta= 
 uouD tbe reuetenD college of appjouiD p^ifittos. 
 ret Tome of tbem bearpng me fpofcen of,baue fatD 
 inDeeifton, that all tbougb 31 lucre pjetplpfceue 
 in tySoivtz, pet being not lernpD in pbtiicbe,3l 
 bauc putte in mp bofcc Dpuerfe eccour*, m p#fu= 
 tnpnge to typu of berbesanDmcDtctnes. fir He 
 as concernpnge btfto;pes, as J fymt plantpD 
 tbem in mp toarkes, beinge toel bnDerSatiD*tbep 
 be not foo lpgl;t of impojtaunce as #ep Done 
 The prcfacb. 
 cffemctbcpm, butmapmojc furdp cure memtc* 
 affections, tban biuetfe pbtfittons do o cute mala* 
 Dpes- i3o? foban 3 folate fp;fle tbts bo&e, 2 1980 
 not all ignojante in pbifpefee f o?e before ttjat 3 
 teas, kc peres olDe, a toojQipfull pbifition, an& 
 one of tbemoltcrenoumcb at tbattpmein Cng* 
 lanb 3 percepupng me bp nature inclined to fcnota= 
 ledge, rabfcntome tbe too;fcc0 of alette of tern* 
 peramente0,natural faculties, tbe Jnttoductiots 
 of 3!obamciu0toftb Come of p3(pbojifmes of 0tp 
 pocratcs . 2nd af tectoarde bp mine o tone fludp, 
 31 taDdeoueuno:dec tbe mo?e parte of tbetoar= 
 fees of Iippoccate0,(5alro^iibafiu0,paulu0 
 Cellu0,3PUjcanDer Cralltanu0f Celfus^ltntudf 
 one anb tbe otbet, tmtb & wfcojpoes . $o? 3 bpb 
 ommtt to reabe tbe longe Canones of lutcena, $ 
 Commentaries of 3 nettots Jp^acttfts of 3!fake, 
 $alpabba0, i&afps^efue, anb alfo of tbe mo;e 
 part of tbem tobicblacte tbtiragregatouts and 
 folotoere -andall tbougbe ^baueneuet ben at 
 $ dtpemer,}aaD na ,no? &aietn,pet ba ue3 food 
 fom e tbpnge in pb tfpeke, toberebp 3 baue tafcett 
 nolitle p;ofpte concempngempne atone beltbe* 
 $?o?couet j too tenet tobpp buttons Qjouldbe 
 angrp tottb me,fen0 J to?ate anb bpb fet f outtij 
 t\)c Caftcl of beltbefoUbrocommoDttprttjattbe 
 tmeettapne tofeett of fcrpnrs and otber mtu 
 mentes fbouib not bcrepue tbetm but tljat bp tbe 
 true information of tbe fpcUe man, bp me inftrts* 
 cttd,tbep mougbr be tbe moje fare to prepare me= 
 diet nes conuenient f o? tbe bitleaftg 3ifo to tbe 
 intent $at men obferupng a goob optt in biete > 
 anil p:cticnting t\)t great ca ufps of ficfcene^tbep 
 fl)oulDe of tbofc tnalaDpes tlje foner be curpD 
 But if ptjifuionsbe angrp, tbat 3 baue toipten 
 ptjifihc in englptye, let tftepm r emembje, tbat tlje 
 grebes to;ate m grebe, tbe Romanes in latpne* 
 Buicena, anD tljeotbcnn^rabifce, tobtcbe toere 
 fteir o tome p.:op.ze anD maternal tonges. 8nD if 
 tbep baD bene as moc&e attached tomb enup anD 
 couaptife,asfomenotoefeemeto be, tfyep toolDe 
 baue Deupfeo famine partteuler language, iottf> a 
 ft range fpp fee ojfourmeof lettres. foberfn tbep 
 toolD baue tojiten tftetc fcience, tobicb laguage o? 
 lettres no man 0) ouiDe baue fcno toen t&at baDde 
 notp?ofe(FpD anD p?acttfcD pbtfpcfce: but tbofe, 
 altljoug!) ttjep tecre painimes anD 3[etocs,in tins 
 parte of cbarttpc tbep farre furmountiD bs Cb?k 
 ftianes, t!;a t tb ep foolDe not baue foo neceflatp a 
 fenotoleDge as pbiftcfee is, to be bpa frome tyem, 
 fobpefj tooIDebe ftuDtoufe aboute it* 
 CftnaUp gob is mp Huge, 3 tojpte neptljer fo; 
 gto?p,retDarDe,no? p;omotion 3 onlp 31 Defpje men 
 to Deme foel mpne intent,fens 3 Dare attire tbem 
 tbat all tbatjbauetmtteuin tbisbofte, J bauc 
 gatlKceDoftbemo(lep?tncppaUto?ptars in pin- 
 fiefce. ubtcbbetngetfeougblp (IttDieDanDtoell 
 rememb;tD, f&albe profitable (J Doubt not) bnto 
 $e reDee,anD notbpnge nopoufe to bonette 
 p bpfptpons, tat Doo meafure t\>m 
 ftuDp, tettb moderate Ipumge 
 anD Cfetftian 
 t\wt\)t nutnbtv ttulje Cable, Dot&c 
 fpgm fp tije leaf, anD tljc letter 3, Dot!> 
 fpgmftetbefp^pageoifpDe, tyeiet* 
 tec & , tl; e feconDe page o? fpDc* 
 3 28;apneIjoteanDmoitt# 
 AiBucjccD to tfjf ge0 ibt'Dem* 
 natural! f oL i.b, japn bot anD D#* *M# 
 5Uge0* f oUiiU. 2S;am ccID anD motile* 
 anD.jwa:bf.a* foliitUb* 
 Sp? e*f oI t.b.anD pit u*a ;apn colD anD D;p.fbf 
 Hlppute- fo.jcrtiub* 23;amfick-foUw;jrt)t.a 
 ailtnonDcs* fo! ^cbuub 25?ea& &C& .f ol JWb 
 ainpfefeDefoi.w;Dtfi.b* *3iefe* foL5Ctc*a# 
 3!e folwcirtuM). Bcanc&fol* jcjtttifft 
 3bftmence* foiatu^b* 53;eakefaft* foL]cit*a- 
 a(fecte0 of t&e mpnDe* 25luD fuckers. foUjct.a* 
 fol.lctf.a* o;age* foLjcujcb 
 3utumne.foLjcjCjCtmJb* jeaDDe* foLjrtntt.b. 
 BB Blacfce bvfbc* f o Uic.fc 
 %oum>fo\MUn> BuftacDc, foUti.a, 
 fteett** fbl.w(r.a. 35pttoufc tbibetm 
 23pjDc& fol*jCjC.a ;apnofbeaeg*icjc.a* 
 ftftvnt ejccebpnge in Jdntteu fohtcuU* 
 fceate. foiuub, 2Dicre* foljCjcjctftU. 
 ffijapne eicceDpnge to 
 colDe* ibfDetm c 
 JB?apnmot* ibfln f^JJDnfpDerationsof 
 ##pneD;pe* foLWU* wtftmgefifbelogpng 
 b to
 fobcltb*. foUa. Cloues* fol.rrr.b. 
 Co p I en o n of man. if. a. Coupe. f ol jruc. b* 
 CoIcnfecboDp. folu.b. Capons, Ijenncs, and 
 Coler. fol.imi.a. t\)pcka\s. foLrjr.a 
 Colcr natural, fohir.a. Crane* f oLjraa. 
 Colcr bnnaturall. ibid. Cbcfe* fo!.jcjeiu.a* 
 Colour* fol.jcni.a* Cpdcr. foUrnuu* 
 Colour of intoardecau- Confojtatiucs of tb* 
 fes, ibidem* barte. fol.ljcbui.a* 
 Colour of outtoard cau Cbpldjen.fol.jccjcbiii*b* 
 fes* fol.jcui.b* Co unraplcsagamft in - 
 Colour of brines* foi. gratitude* f oMjcb.a* 
 irrrtm.b. Cbaunces of fortune. 
 Colour of bcare. jciif. b* fol* itbii.a. 
 Caufcs tubcebp theatre Cruditie. fol. Imui.a* 
 ts co; r up tcD .f ol.jcu it a* Concoctio. f oLfttf tf f b 
 Cuftome* foI.#m.a 5 
 Comoditp bapnpng bp 1 3jft pecature bap* 
 moderat bfe of quali JL^ penpnge bp ejeceffe 
 ties of mcat.f oUbiii.b of funtyp qualpties of 
 Cucumbccs.fol.jtnm.b. nicate. fol.jcbui.b. 
 Cbcnes. foI..tjcb*b* JDcere red and falofot 
 Cbcft n u t tcs .f o I jejed ii.a. f oLjCijcb. 
 Capers* foLwbiib* 2Datcs. folrriiiib. 
 Coletoo?tes and caba* uicfce. foUn*a. 
 ges. f ol.rrbtu.a* Biuccfitic of meates* 
 Cifeo;ie fol.jcjcbiii*b* fol.jclii.a* 
 Cberurle* fotajcbiU* teigeftiues of cboler* 
 Carettes* foUwr.b. fol.ibiita* 
 Con fp derations in ab- feigcttiucsof ffcme.fbi. 
 ttmence* foUm.b. letceoncwmngcfiin-
 t># tpme0of tljepste* f 
 f oLmftiUk TT&ematttt bobp. * 
 fcompnpon of futile Fjfpje- foUb- 
 complcjctd0 CSoLltjbtb* ffeume- foMrffib* 
 pete of ratsgtstoe pec* ^ lmm naturall. tbtoe. 
 fone0- blbfrh tftemetmnattieaUbtoe. 
 MttofcWertkeptt* ^^0- foDoc^b. 
 fone0* fOMj$t4. jf a(re0. folricb^ 
 tepete of fleumatpcfce ^^ foWjc-b- 
 petfone0* foUw*u jf p ibetDe0- foMtfitto 
 fepeteofmelancolpcfee ^ let5e4 foW ^ 
 petione0* folton&b. jFeraimfc folic** 
 tepeteoftbem, tol;p*e fete of beaded wrtlb, 
 bereDptofaiimtoftte jf p ^ e4 ftfoetm 
 neifc- folUgmiM. tf rpcafpe* oj wsbbptv- 
 fefetetntpmeofpeftp. Be V WjBfc* 
 fejpnfce betfoene mea* 
 ie0. foltfMu f*(Cnito?0ftotb.a* 
 &;tnfc at mele0*jrtutta. vJT<genito?0 colo* ibi* 
 SDigefteD* foLlrtua. <25enttouc0tnop^bub. 
 Betl)ofc^tlD;enJrtt.b. <BenttottC0Djp- fbttn 
 (DenptouccB botte anD 
 Eftemente0* foM,b niopftc tbiD* 
 Cctb tbiDcm. (Senptouces botte anD 
 (EnDptie* fof.jcjcbULb* D#e. tbiDeni. 
 <2ggc0* foLjetf&b* cmtoutcs colDe anD 
 CDjceccife* foi.jcibt.a. mopft. ibtDeim 
 atUhtiimi.a. ^enptouces coioe anD 
 <ttacuatfon* foUtt-b* D;pe* folbw.a- 
 $ctemente0*foMi&a* (BoutbtB. folwiiiU. 
 bii (Scapes
 drapes, foltfb.b )onpc foljtjrrb.a 
 <5attyfcc, foLrrn.a. i[)cmo?roit)C0 o; pple0. 
 <pnj|e& foI.w;jC.b* foMict.b.- 
 <3oofe. foUri.a* mutneso;fo?otal;iuu.a 
 45pfac of bpjbe0. jctf.b. 3 
 (Sluttonp. foL.rhtt.a* |>ope. folxm-b. 
 d&eftatiotn foljd&b J-3Iope. foM#ttt.b 
 & 3<ce + fol.ijctt.b. 
 H^cfc !)otte Dtflcm- & 
 pcteD. tiu.b. C&P D & C - foljttjcb. 
 i^acte coibe bpftempe- XL 
 teb. fol*ba* 3[uer in feeatc bpf* 
 $atte mobile bpttem* J-' tempeteb- 
 pcceD. tbtbem. Upuer co!De Dpftcmpe- 
 i|arte b;pe bpfiempc* rcD. tbibem. 
 teD. tbibem. iptiec inoptte Dpftem* 
 $artbote$mopft.tbtb. peccD. tbtbem. 
 iparteboteanb typ.u.b. Upuet b?pe Dpftempe- 
 l|attco!b$motft. ibtb. teb. tbtbem. 
 $attcoloeanbb?p. tbt. XpuerrtcfcefoMjCjcjrtrt.b 
 $atte fpckeToHtjtjcbr.b letttfe. fol^buia 
 Rumours, ftefccs. foLjctjn.a 
 Rumour fupetfiuoufe* TLambe. fol.rit.a, 
 fol.lm.a &acfee. foLjCjtb* 
 tytbcs tjfcb tapotaac, Jlpuecs of bpjbes anb 
 ojtocate. fol.jxbt.b beafle0. foljcjcta 
 $ate. foljctjt.b XLungesofbcdes.jCjcaa 
 ^cacom foL]Ctf.a. Aettpngcofblub. Irr.a, 
 $act of betfts.fcljtru.a. leaches o? blcube foe* 
 i^eab of beaded jcjcu.b. feerB. fo.ljtt.a. 
 8afU nuttc0. f olwwu Xoffe of geoDes. tebfc a 
 ftacfte of pjomotto.eob. abates tofnDp.tbiDcm, 
 XaflitHDe. foltem.b. S^clons. fo!.#iui.a* 
 anDJwnu.b. #eblat0. fol-jcjcbub 
 S^alotoc0. foimi* 
 W 3JMton* foLjcijca. 
 M Blanco! pfce bobp. S^oDecation tofctet. f o. 
 foltfU. roijcb. 
 ffl^dancolpe folfob* H9eaic, folcLb. 
 #elacolpnattttaUbtD* Spaces. fol-rau 
 #eiancolp brniatural ^embers of bp?oes. 
 foUobem. fol.jgcub* 
 $pembet0 fo&rotwns ^eltoKplencfoI.^i.a 
 tail. foL&b #atoif. tbtDem. 
 S^eatanDD;fnfe.,nui.b* #plfcc. foLjRCjrtfrb* 
 Spates mafcpng goob IJ 
 tupce* tbiDenn CButmfgges. jejerta. 
 ^caees maftpnge pile $aueto0. foLjcjcjca 
 tupce. foLrtJ.a > 
 apeate0 mafcpng tbtcfc /^\tf fictal member 
 fupce* ibidem* V^ foI.jr.a. 
 S$cam mafepngc cbo- >petation0. fo.jcu.b, 
 ler. j^Ipucs. foltttni.a 
 filiates; mafcpng flemc D;enges* foUrtm.b 
 tbtdem. >npons. foljcjcicta 
 fixates mgenb;pngc >2Detm eatpngeanb 
 inelancolp. cbioeut D?pntrtrige. foljclm.b 
 Orates ijuctpngc tbc >ptfatton0 fobat tbep 
 tet&e. ace* foLjcjcjctjca 
 peaces (jurrpnge tlje Db ftructiono^ rupture 
 epen. tbiD- fol.tftm.b 
 filiates mafcpnge op* 4Mbe mm* (btoem. 
 pilatione. ibiDcm. >jDure. foMttia 
 bm |&tpt>
 Pftpncppalle mem* 
 bers. fol.jca* 
 partes fumlaresabtD- 
 potuers naturall. j;u*a 
 potuers fpintualabiD* 
 pepons, fof..rnm.a 
 l^cdcl;e^ fol.jcjcti.b* 
 pcarcs* folrrbt.b. 
 pourfelane* foLm&a. 
 perfelp- foLjctf&b 
 purgcrs of coler.Ibm.a 
 Purgersoffleme* fol 
 pourgers of melanco- 
 Ipe. tbiDcnt. 
 &)CttpttB Of &pOCle$, 
 pcafon. folrtir.a. 
 patfencpes* fol.nx*b. 
 pepper fol.jCjc&b* 
 partrpc&e. foljciub. 
 piouer. tbibem. 
 Ppgcons. fol.jctf.a. 
 particular comcDities 
 of etieep pourgatiom 
 peculiar reimbpes of 
 cu ttp bumour. Irr.a* 
 pourgattous bp fyege 
 QOanttteot meat, 
 4Qualiteof meat* 
 4Qupnce0 foljrjcbu* 
 jffiuaple. fol.w;*b. 
 R3(pfon0 fol.tfkb* 
 ffiapes. foI.rr.c.a. 
 iftabpt&e. foljtjcjcb.b- 
 IKofcat. foLjew&b* 
 Eofemarp* fo!.w;jM.a* 
 Hcplccton. foUtfe 
 Iflcume&anD rcmeDpes 
 f&eefo?e. folljcjcb&b. 
 Stomafce colDc* ibtDc* 
 Stomacketype. brt.a* 
 Atones of beaded ibidem* 
 foi.jcjnua* Cbpnges agamftenfc 
 S>o;ell. folgjtfcb* mre* ibmem* 
 >auge* foi.jCjcjci.a* Cbpngee goob fa? tfc 
 ^tomafcemtbetobtcb beab; AL&a 
 meat ts corrupted jcct.b Cbpnges good fo; tbe 
 &tomafcefpfc,lw:jt;bi.b. back tbtoem* 
 >Icpeandtoatcb.jclb.a* Cbpngeg good fonbe 
 &aucrp foI.rrrt*b. Ipuet. 
 afftom folm*b Cbpnges good fo: fte 
 >fopnes fled) .fol jijca lunges. tbtocm* 
 >parotocs. fol.jCjc:i.a Cbmges gooD fo? tt;e 
 Sboueler. talma* tyts* ibideim 
 temper fol.rlt.b* Conges gooD fo? rbe 
 ftwgat* foUrrbi.a ftomafee ibidem, 
 ^trupe acetofe*OTbt*b ^Temperature of mea= 
 >p?ing tpme.jCjCjCb iun> tts> fol jcbti*b 
 ftommec* eoDem. Curnpppe0. foLjcjckb* 
 >catifienge* fo!*fr*b* Cpme. tolmub* 
 ^rc&eneflesapp?op?p= CotonecreBte* rjrtfU 
 edtoftmdjpfeafonB^ Ctppes* foljqciu 
 ages* foLlrjcjcmt.b* CungofbeafticicjciLb 
 &igmftcatpon0 of fitc- Cpme. foLjBtfn*b. 
 netFes* foUjcjqcbia* and.jcjcjcbttb 
 jubilance of brpnc*. Cpmes in tbe bap con- 
 follmbiiitu atnpnge mcales. jcl.b 
 Cpmes app?op?pebto 
 T 1 ^ etietp b mottt Ijrtmub 
 JOpnges natural!, w 
 ta \ /fflpnbe0.fol*jctff!*8 
 ^bPngegnotnaturall* V W8!iiatrt0jbf.b 
 SJeale* tolp&A. saocffetatiott. foUA* 
 Wcnrfoii. ibiDcnn SLlompte. foMttiUi 
 ^oodcocUcs. foljcn.a. WltintB. foMjtpjttm.8 
 aiDDet. fol.mua. iUcrtucofmcatcs* foU 
 abater. foM.b.$.jcw:t*a* jeei-b 
 *&pntc& fo!.jpjt:jctitti r 
 'Xtfime. folmvua C *otu&t mttu fflttf&fc 
 axtyape. fo!.OTim*b. 
 C cf}tis etibetl; tl;e Cable.
 of tl)t boDp of manfcpnDe, foitbtn 
 \tl)t limitation of Ijdtb (toincbc as 
 ealene faptlje; te tlje ftate of t^e |?V l,r? = 
 boDp, toijcnn toe be ncptber gte* f/^ m " 
 aieD tottbpepne, nojletteftomDo- 
 tngc our neceflarp bufpne(Te,Dotb belonge tljt Di* 
 ipgent confpDetatton of tfjje fortes of tinges, 
 -s Conges not naturafl,an& 
 <-Cbpnge0 agemft nature* 
 CCfttoges $aturall fctnMn number. 
 (Wcmentc0 ojdotoets. 
 > Com p lcnon0, -< >p cration an& 
 Rumours, <-&pitite5. 
 C^^Ce bcncccflfarp to t!;c befogeof&eltft, ac- 
 cojbpnge totbe o;Derof tl;ctcUpnDc: anDbe al* 
 Conges not natural! be fpjre in number* 
 Apje, r Cmpttnelfe anD re- 
 )$& eate anb tymfce* J pletion, anb 
 4>iepe anb foatd&e* /Affections of t\)t 
 ^euinge anb reft * mpnbe* 
 C^ftmg^ agetnft Mature be tfce* 
 c 3ccioent,to!;icl)e folofoetft fickeneSt 
 ' 75 3ime;ceb
 THE F Y R. 5 T B 
 C^nnereD to tinges natural!* 
 i^ge. itfpgure,anb 
 4 Colour* < >puerfitie of ktnbts. 
 C t h e <!emente0 be tijofe ojtginall tbinge* 
 bnmpjctanbfcncompounbe, of toljofc temperate 
 anb mvmut al! otbcrtljpnges, baupnge co;po= 
 tallfubflaunce, be compacte: >f tljem be foure, 
 5<rtl)e. i&pjeanb 
 cx^ater. <fec. 
 O rthe, 10 tlje moofte grofle anb ponbe- 
 roufe clement, emb of Ijcc proper nature tscolDe 
 C v v a t e r, is moje fubtpll anb Ipgljt tljanne 
 crtbe, but m repecte of 3flp?e anb f p?e, it is grofle 
 aub ijeupe, aub of ijer proper Mature 10 colbe 
 anb mot He. 
 C e y r e, t0 moje Ipgfjte anb fubtpll tl)an tlje 
 otbertfoo, anbbeinge notaltcrebfoitljanpejcte- 
 riour caufe,t0 pjoperlp Ijotc anb motile. 
 C f y r e, 10 abfolutelp ipgfct anb cleare, anb i* 
 t\)t clartfierofotber elemente0, if tbepbe tytp; 
 atco: out of tbeir natural! temperaunce, aub 10 
 pjopcrlpljote anb type, 
 C 1 t 1 s to be rememb;teb 3 tl?at none of tl?e fapb 
 clemcnte0 bt comonlp fene 0? felt of mortal mm, 
 as ttyy arc tn tbeir o?igina!l beingfout t!jep,ti>l?t- 
 ttyebpour fenfesbe percepueb,becojiuptebtDitft 
 mutual mtjttur^anb be rather ertljp,tuatrp,atrp, 
 anb fp;p,tijan abfolutelp erti;>foater 5 ap?c ; gtfpje, 
 B O K E. 2 
 Of tf>f complexion of M<m.C*p2. 
 Complexion is a combination of ttuo 
 Dpucce realities of $efotitc elementegtw 
 oneboDpe, asfcotte anD Dipe oft!)c tfp;ie:!)otte 
 anomopfteof tfye^pje, coioeanD mopiteof tye 
 abater, coiDe anD D?p oftljc & ut alftoagij 
 all djefe completions be alTembleD tn euetp boDp 
 bfnumanDfaoman, pett?jebcDp tafcetljbis De- 
 nomination of tljofe qualpties, fotycljc abonnDe 
 in ftpm, mo;e tljanne intlje otycr, as l;ci;cnftct 
 C^&oDpe, togcrebeate anDmopllure Ijane 
 foucraptme, t0 calieD Sanguine, to\)tmt\)t %;e 
 f;atb preeminence, anDttts percepueD anDfcno- 
 foen b^ ttyte fpgne0 3 toijicbe do folotoe, 
 fCarnofttie o? f lefitypnefle. 
 i Cbetjapne0anDarterie0iatge# 
 I Deare picntie anD ceDbe* 
 Cfte infage tofyre anD tnDDp* 
 3^cme0ofb!ouDDptl;pnge0, ozttyte 
 Sanguine J qcb p!eaTaiint 
 ^ulfe great anD full* 
 I &tege 3 brtne,anD Rugate abunbaunt* 
 I S allpnge O)o#p in to bleDpneje. 
 ICfjeimneceDDcanDtfjicUe* " 
 $& Wijece
 'Cljc IjcaDc nnD bifage 1) crpc tcDDc 
 Cbclicarc grofcingcfaftc biacfec 
 nnD couticD* 
 crccDingm <{ flTfte Raines tnt&cepcn&pparant* 
 Ijeare f?atf| S> eipcrf Iuoure mattec in t!;e nofe^ 
 CfjcljsaD annopeDtoitfjljotemea* 
 tes,D;ipn&e5,anD fauouts. 
 &>Iepe (&o?teanDnotroun&e 
 f 3oc\)zfa$ctluitie tunning 
 oute of rl>e nofe^mouti^ea^ 
 te*,ant> epen* 
 eate ftteigln anD fpne, gto- 
 topngc liotulp.aao flaceu. 
 flEbetyapne ejece- J (CfjeijeaD Difpofco bp fmaUe 
 ting; in c olo Ijat!) [ occafion to poofe0 anD 
 jt ts Cone annoteD ixritlj colD 
 ] 3(t is colD m touc^mge, 
 I suavnes of tljccpen not fen?* 
 earcs platne> 
 #?lDorceoj newer baIDe 
 ^lepe mocije anD Depe. 
 SOKE. 4 
 f$o ftiperfltiittesttmnpnge. 
 \ Vtytm goooanbtebp* 
 (Htytymt J V0tltt\}Ml 
 type fatty \ !eares blacfce tyatbe ana fatt gto- 
 / topnge* 
 Complexion composed. 
 fCljebeab afepngeanb&eupe* 
 | fulicof fupecflutticsmtijc 
 | nofc* 
 Jfyapnebotanb I CJ;efoutijern totnb greuous* 
 mopftebtttempe I Ue j3o?tl)cnifomDt)olfomc* 
 teb Ifitl) <; Siepe beepe, but trnq upete, 
 imtb often toafcpnge0 3 anD 
 Cbefenfesanb toptte bnper* 
 I fecte. 
 f$one abounbatinceof fuper* 
 I mities, totjpc&e roape be 
 I etpclfcD* 
 I >enfe0 petfccte* 
 J^apnebotanb^ flJ^oci^c toatcl)c* 
 typeapftempe- ( Sooner bdlbe tlian otbet* 
 nbtmty I Sl^ocbe beate in cgplbefioobe 
 anD blacfce o; tyottme, fmD 
 M !)cao l;of anD lUDDpc* 
 rCl/e retires anD toptte DuHe. 
 BWie V ^oc^flcapc* 
 C0ID2 ana j Cbe IjeaD fonc rep!enpf(])eD toft!) fu ^ 
 tnoiftDt-< pcrfiuoufemojpftute* 
 ftcpetcD ) )i(f illations anD pofes ojmurrcs. 
 fjaty f BotfljotflpbalDe* 
 v*jboone tyucte toi$ coIDe. 
 r<Cf)c ijcaD colDc in felrnge anD Ml) 
 I our colour* 
 J$japne I Cfjc batwea not appcarpnge* 
 roiDanD<J ^oonetycrtcuntlKolDe. 
 &#Di(fe j 4DftenDifcrafeD, 
 geDijafy j vopttt perfects tnc^t(Dl;oDe, 
 I buttnageDulle* 
 L3geD f^o^tlp anD balDe* 
 Of the Hate. 
 ^ocljeblofofngeanD puffinge* 
 l^atDpnefle anD mantjoDe moc!je 
 Cljebatt I Jdjomptnesacttuitte anDquicfcencs 
 bote Difte J in Dotngc of ttyngef* 
 pjeD&atln jFurp anD bolDneflfe. 
 ((je tytft bentp to toatD tfte !pf t fiDe, 
 [ Cfte b;eft b;oDe,toitb tlje fceaD Iptle* 
 j CbeboDrUote 3 ejcceptt^c JipuctDo 
 B O K E, 
 I Cbeb;eti;e IptteiUnDflotoe* 
 I Cfjetyeftcnatotoe. 
 CUe boftp all coloc,ecccpt t&e 
 C be batt colD Dt'J Ipuej; botlje inflame tt. 
 8empeteO&at& ] jFearcfiilncffc. 
 >crupulofite, $ moc^e cate* 
 Cljetyeafte cleane toit&outc 
 . \)tatts> 
 Cfje Ijarte motile }>oneangrp 5 Tone pactfpeD, 
 fciftempeceD ljat& }C&e bofcp all moift.ejccept t\)t 
 Ipucr tiifpofetl; contrary. 
 Cbc Ijarte typ te \ 0ot ipgbtlp angrpjbtit being 
 OempcceD ba$ <; ang rp,nor Cone p aciftcD . 
 Clje boDp D;p,ejccept tlje Uuee 
 Dot!; Difpofc contrary* 
 [Ctye b;eaft anD ftomafce fceatp* 
 I ^omptncg m acres* 
 I >oonea#grpe, 
 J jf lecfncflfe but not fo moc&e as 
 Cfjefjattefjotte*! tn&otteanDD:pc* 
 anD mopfte Juife fofte,ftMfte,anD bufp. 
 fc^etl) 0; topnD acco^mw. 
 f&lmtlp failed) mto oifeafes 
 .cauleD of pumf action* 
 Cbcf;artcpoulfe grcatteaim 
 Clje b?ctf) o? total) aeeojbtnge* 
 Cfye tycafte auD tlomafcc all 
 C&e barf e fcotte J <&uitU in Ins Dotages 
 anD type &a# 1 BoiDtteg anD ijattuneffc* 
 ^topft ano baftp in momngev 
 >oone (Ip^eD to angeMtiD t$* 
 I tannous in manei** 
 J Cbebjeafte tyoDc, anballtfje 
 L boDp&ottcanDD?pe, 
 Itfcatef till ano tun o;ou0* 
 I ^lotoe* 
 CbcbartecotoeJ Cfjeb?cftclene buyout Ijeate, 
 1 #ot baftplpe angrpe , no* w- 
 jiltijcboDp colbeanb moptte. 
 ratty pulfcftatbeanbipaci. 
 \ CticfopnbemcDetatc, 
 ffhcbactecoIDO^elbomeanfirpc, but fc!>an 
 art tow baft K i^apnetWtbutetijionge. 
 / fceateanDlpttelL 
 v-aiUtljcbcDpcoiDc anbb?pe 
 SOKE, * 
 Oftbi Lyuet. 
 "ftebapncs latgeanbbatb* 
 <Cbebioubtt>tcfcebp refoaot 
 tebtmmt bear c confuuim gc 
 t\)t futtel partes of moiftuce. 
 3Utljc boDp ljotte ejteebpnge 
 DittempcwD tyaty | temperance. 
 $$ot\)cm cUolccanb bpttct 
 Q oc!;e blacfce cooler totuacd 
 L agebpabuftto of ceo cooler* 
 'Cfjebapnes froalle* 
 ^ abundance of fleume* 
 Cfte Ipuee coIDe bt- ) ^ e tiotsD ttynne anD fleti 
 ftempewo&atb < matpfce, 
 (fc&e bealp toityout t?cacc # 
 Cf>e liuet moid bfc \ ^o*e bloube anD Wnnt. 
 fiempeteo fcatlj < M fte WwinW 
 / ciccentt&e fcatte Difpofetb 
 L ttconttatp*
 Cthe completions tempo tinDe, mape be be* 
 G . tctneb bp tty fapbefpmple qualptieg* 3toD bete 
 rfnanrpar ittstobenotcfc tfjat r^e beateof tbebatte mape 
 ua.ub.. fcanQitpflje t l;c coIDc in tbe ipuct . tf o; beate is tti 
 tbebarte, asintbefountapne o; fpjpnge, anD tti 
 rfje jipuet,as in t!;e tf pucr. 
 Of (be /lonMckr. 
 "iBcfcigeftetb toelle, fpeciallpe 
 barDc meates, anbtljattopH 
 Ipgbt meatcs, anD fooneal* 
 Cbe ft omafee bot<j tctcb,be tbetin cojtupteD* 
 DiftcmpeteD* I Cbe appetite Iptteil ant> floto* 
 I m Delptetbe m ^eates anD 
 I D?pnbe0,tebptbebebotte s fO3 
 eucrp natural completion D t 
 r^tbatb 500b appetite, 
 ^cbpgeftetbpUanD CotDClp, 
 1 fpecpallp gtofle meates anD 
 j ColDmeatesDotbtoare foute 
 ] ijc;ngeinbimt)nbigefteD 
 $e belptetbe in Sweatee anD 
 D;pnUeg>bicb beColD,an& 
 pet of tl;em tie $ mDamma* 
 BOKE, 7 
 rteettynttetl) butfefooine, ptf 
 Cljeftomafee \ fc*befp?etbtoD;tpnfce. 
 mom Dtacmp?pD i wrt & Tupcrf luottfe D#n&e 
 v*$eDeiptetlj in moift meates* 
 Cbe ftomafcetyOContent tottl^ a ipttel D?fnfcc 
 bfilempereb, ^tetfeafeD fcitb mocbc tytnfce* 
 v ^e Delptetb m D# meates* 
 C'T is to benoteD, tbat tbe Dpfpofitions Gai* 
 of tf?e ftomake natural!, boo Defp?e tfjattotjtcljeinane 
 te of Ipfee qualities* Cbe Difpofitions bnnaturai P aja * 
 Do Deffce tinges of contrary qualities* 
 C^lfonottbeftomacfee onely caufctlja man to 
 t&j>;fteo;nottljwfte, but alfo tijelpuet, tyelMi 
 COf rfef glories or/Io- 
 Wf s f Z* iteration. 
 r (bxtmt appetpte to tf> c act of 
 CfjedBenptojfesN generation* 
 fcotDpflempeteb ^ 1ingenD?pnge men ctylbitti* 
 /jeatefoone grotocu about e 
 v* $e members* 
 r>maHe appetpte totfce act* 
 CtedPenptotfcsX of generation* 
 eolD DiflempcreD <( 3ngcD?inge teorccnc&iFD^en* 
 / Iblotoe grottf!>e of l?e;.:e a* 
 L bout tfcf members*
 Cbegenftojfes 5fecDc abtitiDaunC but tfemne 
 inoiaMflKwpD c anotoatrp* 
 <E&e gerutojf e* 4 >ebe Ipttell but metelp ftpcke 
 D;peDifteinp;iD c tnfubftance* 
 fjtaffe appetite to lecbetp, tbati 
 _ \ tatyem, fobtcbebebotD;p* 
 Cbe genpto;ies J ^ oie puiffaunce to Doo it,anD 
 fcoteanDnjoi8e\ fottblaffe Damage, 
 /^urtbpabllepnpnge from it. 
 (jleffebenne* tban in bo* mv* 
 $)orbe fcutcfuUieffcof <5e; 
 ( <5ceattc appettc anD tebpneffe 
 Cbe genftorfes <; to tbe acte, 
 ftotte atio type | ideate about tbe members Tone 
 I gcofoetn 
 I gtoifmcg in fpcDig of tljeacf* 
 I ftonetbertmtbfatiBficD* 
 l&amage bp bfpnge $e tof 
 5Cbe febe toatcp anb tbitme. 
 kptteli Derpje to tbe acte, but 
 moje pupflTance tbatt in tbetn 
 coioeaaomopw \ tobicbebccoIoeanDD-pc. 
 /tpttellbeacesoj none about* 
 I #e member. 
 T$eare0 none oj fetor, 
 \ 3d itel ap ttitt o? none to lecfjerp* 
 Cbe genito;iC0 J XL pctell pmflance to D o it 
 colDeanD type ^\3f"genD;pngemo?e female* 
 / tF;aninencI)plDentc 
 ( Cbatlptellfebetbat 10,10 tbic^ 
 Her tf;an m coloe auo mopfte* 
 4^0 f humours. 
 In the bobp of Span be foure principalis 
 niottts, to&tclje contpnumge in the proportion, 
 tbat nature batb Ipmptteo, tljebobp is free from 
 allfpcfcenelFe* Contrary toife, bpt!;e increafe oj 
 Diminution of anp of iljcm mquanmie o; qua- 
 fptte,oucr o; bnOec tljcir natural afftgnnncnMn* 
 equall temperature commetb in to tlje bo&p, tuftr- 
 cbe fpckenefife,folotoctb more or laffe, acco^Dpnge 
 tor Ik lapfeor becapeof tbe temperatures of tie 
 TapD Rumours, tof)tcf;e be tbefe folctumgc, 
 CBloubbe, ^Cboler, 
 < Jfleume, c iS^cIancolp* 
 C^touDDefcatb preeminence ouerall otI;ct!>u 
 mours in fuftcpnpnge of alllpupnge creature0j, 
 for ttbatb more conformttie toitl) tbe originalle 
 caufe of Ipupnge, b^ teafonof tcttipcratcncs in 
 fteateanD mopfture, aifoo "x-uriflljctb more t\)C 
 bobp,anb reftorcty tbattobtc!?eis decapeDjbemge 
 tbeberp treafureof Ipfe, bplcflfetoberof, Dcai^e 
 fmmebpatelp folotoetb. ftbe bpftemperature of 
 bloub bapnetb bp one of tin otber tint (tumour* 
 bp tl;e inornate o; fupfluous nurture of tl;cm. 
 Ciftatural fleumctsa IjumouccoiD auD mopft, 
 toijite 9 ftoetc,oj iDtti^out ta(l,iugcnD;cD bp fitful 
 Uact D ccoctto m trje feconD Dt geftto of toattp oj 
 ta to partes of rijc matter Decoct calfeD Cbilws, bp 
 la ft Digeftio maoe apt to be cot* crtco into blouD,tti 
 tt)iB I; umouctoatcr ijatlj Domuuo moft p;inctpal. 
 Cfiwme imnattitall (stljat, fo&pc&etempjtfc 
 butt) otl;et turnouts, o; is aitccrD mfjts qualp- 
 Cte : InD tfjerof 10.U trt.fonD?p fcpnDes, 
 Twatrp, tobpdjets founoe in fpettpll 
 j of great o;uifcers, 0; of rijem, tu!;icl;e 
 dPlafp. Ipfee to toljpte glaffe, thptbe, 
 tnfcoufe Ipfce bp;De IpmeanD fjeup, 
 l&Iaftrp^fnclKistoerpgtofle, *astt 
 berc cbalfcp, fuel) t s found in trje toptt 
 tes of tljem, toljtcb Ijaue tlK gototc* 
 jfletime.^ ftalt, totyebets mpngleD tutt^ co!cr # 
 &otoet, mprte toitl) melancolp, tui;tc!| 
 commctlj of corrupt DtgeiUon* 
 $?atflje, t&pcfceanD groflfe, tuftfefce & 
 fclDomerotinDen, tul;ccl;e tafirctf; I^iiC 
 grenccrabbeso; floes, 
 S^tiptpfee 0; bin&uigc, t0 not fo groflfe 
 no; colD, as &acfl) 3 an& Ija :i; trie ta flte 
 Ipfec to grecne ceDOe topne, 0; otljec 
 BOKI. 9 
 Cooler botf) participate toitl) natural! Jjeate 
 as longeas it tstn gooD temperaunce, anDtl?et> 
 Natural! eolet i* tyc fbme of blouD, 
 tbecoio; tobcrof 10 rcDDe anbclere, 
 ojmo^lpfce to an o:cge colour, ano 
 tsbotauDtype, tobetuitbe fire bat!) 
 CboIerna-<; Dominion, anDisIpgbtanoOjarpe, 
 turall , anD is tngenDjeD of tbe mod fubtpll 
 parte of matter Decocte, o? b oplcD in 
 t&e ftomacfce, toijofc beginning* ts 
 C^naturall cbolcr (0 tbattoljicbe ismpjrtco; 
 corrupted tuitl) otfjerbumours, tofcetof be foure 
 Citrine 0? pelotoe cooler, tobicb 10 of 
 tbe m tpt ure of natural cooler $ foa= 
 tip f!eume,e tberfo;e batb leffc beat 
 Yelfep,lifce to pelves of cgge0 5 tol>icb 
 ts of p mijeture of fleumeeongeleD, 
 Cboler bn J 9 cooler natural,anD is pet laffe bote 
 <<5rene Jtfee to 'efee0 a fobofe begimng 
 t0 ratber of ftomafcjtbau of p Utter. 
 <5renelifeeto grcne cakec of metta! 3 
 * bourn etb libebemm, ausofcrce* 
 Ding aouftio of cooler 0; f !cum: $ bp 
 jttyto etpo Kidcb nature is motftfteD*
 C G cfanc o!p o? blacfte choice is 
 oeupDeo in to ttoo fcpn&cs . 
 Natural!, fc?l?pcl)c ts tfje D?eggcs of pute 
 blcuD, anD is fenotoen bp tlje blar fcnes, tolja 
 it ifTx cit) cither DotonefoatDe o: bptoatDc, 
 anD is toertlp colDcanD Djpe* 
 <Unnnt wraile, It >bpcljc p:or cDctl) of tfce aD - 
 uCltou of colmfe miKtutt, antns hotter ana 
 lifefttcr, baupnge in te btolcncc to fcpll, Untl? 
 a Daw igcrous Dtfpofttion* 
 He*te s ingenirynge 3[nfoatDeS Of bea(tC0* 
 choler. ftambes fleCffje* 
 ^artpfec. Cbc fpnetoe pattc0 of 
 mpon0, flcfll)e* 
 iflofcat, >fepnne0 
 Partes* B?apne0* 
 2Ufce0, lunges, 
 SpuftatDe, lEapes, 
 IDcppcr, Cucumber^ 
 l^onpe, Keplecfon* 
 ixpnc mocbe D?onfccm )tacfceof cccrcifc* 
 Metres itfge ndr^Hgf 
 Hf4tf5 igfJr)ngf mcldticoly. 
 jieumc. Hl&itft* 
 C3IU flpmpe anD clea- 5otcsfleO)e* 
 upnge meate0* tyattB f tefl&e* 
 Cbefenefoe* 25o?es flcG&e* 
 311 fpffie, rpecpallp in a ^altcfleOje* 
 fleumatiKe ftomafee* >alte fptye* 
 BOKE, 1* 
 Coleto o;tc$< Biacfce fopne, 
 3811 pulfe, ejccepte to&pte DlDcc^cfe 
 pcafon* >lDcflctfte* 
 bourne bjeaDDe courfc* <3rcat fitfic0 of tl;c Tea* 
 CC^ete be D mccftties of mcbers, ft at is to tape, 
 member ^Cbelpuec, 
 ^C&ettone0 of generation* 
 "s>pnctocs 3 to^ctye Doo feme to tijc 
 3cterie0, o;puUe0, to We Do feme 
 >f$efallei totyebacte* 
 twemb W0. ittapnes, toijicb tio feme to t&e Ipuet* 
 bedels fpctmatifce, iuljecm mamics 
 feeDe Ipetfc totjpcije Doo fecue to fte 
 Mattes calleD su \ <5tiML 
 wil<r,fojbeinge JCalles betfottt tfte bttecmotte 
 DetipDeD,tl)ep re=< (Untie atiDtfeefleQe, 
 nam fn $em felf ) 3uftei0 oj fpiet0. 
 lifeea0fteptoerr( tfatte, 
 Members inOC^e raine0 
 ftuinteiitall* ;>Cbebotoelle0. 
 ^illftbe great fpnctoc0. 
 Cbefe o f tlj cic b crtu c Do appetite in rate $ alter it* 
 Mates xohkhe io hurt* 
 tbf tethe. 
 {[ Vlctp Ijottc tncatcB* 
 >toete metes; etyihe* 
 L t %aDr(T)eroote0, 
 Tb^wgf * wfci^fc <fo faff r 
 ^toeete topnes , anD 
 tfecopnge after Cupper 
 Makynge gtert oppi* 
 ityc tycaDDe, 
 Mates wflttynge of 
 CBeane0* ' 
 <$plfee* tiCamompIIe* 
 l^onpnottoeUclatifieD* #ellplote 
 Tb'mg good for 4 colde 
 Hore rbingt* conferuyngt 
 a colde Harie. 
 Ctjc bone of tty fyatte 
 iDta Cringes
 Thpges good for the 
 tvpfy topnDe* 
 O;agou0 5 
 Tk)ge$ makynge tfcr jf 02 
 m4kf /irowgf 
 thynges good for the 
 Clouc0 3 
 of a ft cnncs gpfat. d)e ttDc of an o?ge 
 CcuianDec p jcpaccD* 13 oto g!)c Sprits* 
 >lptt e betie0 Tcpojmtoo&c fltpeD fa 
 lHapfcns. tomieo?ale 
 $utt cs toit& fpge0, Caere gtape0.ailoe0# 
 ^aturall poller, SWl$tmmm*i 
 ^ F ' 1 (Co tofcome 10 mpmftccD* 
 ^pcf) e Dotfce ^iftetainetl), 
 tnpnpfter, /3igeftet&, 
 Cofofjomefe c3[ngentyetk 
 mpniftreD, -5 Bouttfl&etfc 
 r'tooatftpnfle, fofcpc&e fcdatetfr 
 \ tfte tiatte anD actetpc0 5 an& 
 J eftefoone0 fttapnetlje djem* 
 }otoetfpitttualK W?ougf?te, toljpclje & ftpjeD 
 ) bpanejeterio?eaufetoto02fte 3 
 ( hereof coinetb anger, inbU 
 ni anatton,fub(iUtte,anDfate*
 f^otoecammall < 
 (&lm toljpebc o;Depnetfj, t)pD 
 ccrnctb,aiiD compofetfj* 
 Cbat mouetb bp boluntatpe 
 <Cftat toftpclje is caUcD fcnfp- 
 blr, tubcrcof Dop;occDe tftc 
 DemetljDo jceDe (lii5 em e m b;ancemt^noDcll* 
 r Appetite bp fceate anD Djptfce* 
 ^ti^ftf mttff ^3 8rtion bp beate anD motttute, 
 wpwwion0 Oetapnpn8e bp coiDeanD D;itt>e* 
 ^ CBjcpttffion bp coio anD mopft* 
 H&pititt {% an apjp fubftance fubtpH, Rnvw* 
 tfyt pofoets oftfce boDp topecfounne tyepjope* 
 cations>fobicfc is DpupDeD into 
 fBaturall, tot)ic\)t takctlj is beginnfngc 
 I of toe Ipuer, anD bp tljc bapnes>u>bicbe 
 baucnoopoulfe, fpjeaDctij into all ttjc 
 j SL1itai!,toI)tcfje pjoceDetlj from tlje fatfe, 
 fepf rin anD bp tty arteries 0; pulfcs is rente in* 
 3npmalle, tobpclje 15 ingeiiD:cD in tbc 
 b;apne, anD is rente bp efje fpneh^es 
 tb?ougbont e^e bobp.anD ma&etfc fence 
 B O K . 
 ^Annexedto thynges tiaurdi. 
 ~30DoIefcencp to* jCjCb* petes, fcott* 
 anD mopft, intije u>ljtc!;e tpme 
 iuuentute bnto*jCl.peces, fjotte 
 aiiDDape, toljcrin t^eboDpt^tti 
 I pecfptegtototbe* 
 8ge0befouce^ g>enectttte, tjnto- Ijc*pecc0, colDe 
 anbtyie, to&erin t^e boope be* 
 3ge Derate, linetl t'? lad time 
 of lpfe 3 acciDentlp moi(i,bttt na- 
 tutalfp colD anD D;p 5 tobenn t&e 
 potoecsanDfttengtb of ti>c bo- 
 I Dpbemo;e anD mo^emuuOjeD* 
 "Of equaiptie of fcumoutes, a* 
 be tfjat 10 ceDDe anD toltfte* 
 )f mequalptie of turnout**, 
 toljerof Doo pjocebe, blacfce, fa- 
 Colour of m-^EeDDe, > 
 lacfee, > bo betoken Domp- 
 fealotoe.j monofbeate* 
 oa?btte 5 colDeofleume, 
 JBalccolbc of melancolpe* 
 ifteDDe, abunoaunce of blouDDe* 
 ^alotuc, cbolec citrine, 
 23iac&e 3 melancolp o? colecaouft* 
 <E Of
 f ^>f colbe o? Ijeate, a0 cnglpff)* 
 Colour of out- j mcbeto^ttc 3 ^o?ic0 be black* 
 toacbecaufe0. jt tinges accpbcntalle , as 
 I of feare,of angecof fo;otoe, o; 
 ^ ottjerlpfcemotion0* 
 Icr inflamed, ojefmoclje mccti- 
 Dpttgc o? abuftion of bloubbe. 
 Heb f jf ace of mocbe beatc not abuft* 
 Colour of <j <5tap fcearesof abunbaunceofme* 
 Wfjpte peaces of tyelacfceof mat- 
 rail beate, anb bp occafpon of 
 C 311 t ft c refpbue concerninge tljtnges natural!, 
 rontepned in tbe Jntrobuctton of 3)oanntciu0, 
 anb in tfte Ipttcll craftc of 5alene, f pourpofelp 
 pafFeoucr fo;tftt0 tpme, fojafmocbeas ttbotyt 
 requp?e arcber baupngefome knotolegc inpty- 
 iofopbpc naturall, o; els tt ib to batdeanb ttDp* 
 C^fcefeconDe Cable* 
 Thy nges not jftataratt be foo called bp 
 caufet&ep be no ponton of a naturall bobp, 
 as tft ep be tofcicb be calico $atucail ttynges: but 
 j>et bp ti)t temperance of ttjem, tfje bobp beinge in 
 ijealt&e, ffftyctM ppTffnpD t p tlje dpftempe* 
 ratmce of tbem,, fpcfceneifcfcftttMceD, an&bettb 
 is DiffblueD* 
 CCbe f pftc of tijmges not natural! ts apje. 01 
 b;etf| to^tcft is pjopeelp of it feif e,o^ of tome mate* 
 rtall caufeo; occafton,goooo?plL 
 C^at tnbtcb t0 of it felfc gooD, Ijatlj pure fca* 
 pours,am> ts of good fauoue* 
 C^lfottisof ttfelfe ftoifte in alteration, from 
 I) ottc to coloe, toberm tl>e boDp ts not moclje p?o^ 
 uofceDto ftoeatcfojfreate, neto c^pliefo; fcefte- 
 C^pje among al tbf nges not natural, ts ttytflp 
 to be obfer ueD.f ojafmocb as it Dotfje botlj incloft 
 fcs,an&alfo enter into ourboDpes, fpeciallpt&e 
 mode noble member, fatyfdMsfte^atte, and toe 
 cannot be fepeeate one bofo?e from it, fojtyene* 
 celfitie of tyeatbtngeanb fetcbingeof topnoe* 
 Cf^ecanfes, tof;erbptfjeap;e is corrupted, be 
 fpecpallp foure* 
 influences of funtypfterres, 
 <25reate ftanDpnge toaters ne* 
 Carapne Ipenge longe aboue 
 f grounbe* 
 ^ocl) people in fmai roume li 
 titng bnclenlpano fluttiO/elp* 
 r Jftotfb, tobicb pjolonget!) 
 Wimdes b?pngpng J ipfe bp erpoulfpnge pile 
 Ijolfomeapje, p Vapours* 
 ^Caft is temperate luftp* 
 <8ii ^outb
 The fyrste 
 C &outi;e co;ruptctUc, auD ma* 
 wpn&esbtfmo fcetbpllfcapours* 
 gpngepllapje* }<xefte, is &ecp mutable, fofjp* 
 C eijc nature Do tljfcate. 
 Of meate tn&durike. 
 C3in meatcanD D;pnfeetoe mufle confpDer fpice 
 fyrnge0* ^ 
 ' Tyme, 
 C&ubftaunce> fommetegooD, foljic&c mafcetfj 
 gooD iupce, anDgooD biou&DcrfometspHc, anfc 
 tngentyety pi! tupce,anD pll blouDDe. 
 Mf ttts *n& irynkes mh/nge gooi iuyce. 
 B&cafc of pure flour ucs of mpnte*, 
 fo m totja t le ucncD, f cfauntcg 
 toell bafceD, not to olDe J&artriclj C0 o; cljtft ens, 
 no? to (tale* Capons oj Ijemies* 
 Cgges of f efantes ben ttptfw of tbe f ielbts, 
 nes o? partrtcbes netoe f ityc of flonp tpuer0, 
 lapb,pocbeD,meane be* Wtalt f uctttnge, 
 ttocne rere anD Ijaibe* &o;kt ponge, 
 S^rlfee netoe mplfcefc ffiiefe not paflpnge tfoe 
 tyonfee f aftjmg^tober * pere0* 
 to 10 fugat, 0} tlje Ua japgeons, 
 BOKK, If 
 ticnpfon of rcDOc Dere* JntoatDe of beaflt0* 
 ea fe potagc tostl) 23Iacfce p uDDpnge0 . 
 tnpnte0, Clje &act Ipuer anD fepD 
 fete offline 02 calue0* neps of all beaftes* 
 3Fpgge0 ripe, jf before tye tyapne0 anD matp 
 tf aprons, Imeales* of tyt backbone* 
 15 o^age. o^oDDe cttluece* 
 XangticDcbiefe* ^ell fyfte, ejccepte ere* 
 jBetfelp* upfefceau Doulce* 
 39pnte0, Cijere&atDe. 
 ftprcUufyalmoDrnptft* Apples anD pcres mo* 
 Xcrpfe, c^e bfeo* 
 Cpr ojte* JFpgges anD gtapi* not 
 d5capc0cppe rppe* 
 Vppms gboD moDecat= 341 ra toe t; erb e0 , crccpt 
 Jp eafcen,foell fpneD* ietife, borage, 9 cpfe o?p* 
 3tie anD biece fpje Dape0 4Dnf60, r cotmuellp eatc 
 olD , cleane bjefoeD; anD <Sa tltK, jfpeaallp of tl)c 
 not (ttonse* TUkft, *) fobtclj be cljole 
 fiptct&e anD glaDneffe* C rpfce* 
 C!;e ipuer auo toatnes u>ine in muft 0; foute, 
 of bennes anD ebpfcen0 jfeate, fo;ofoe, pen- 
 anD pongegeefe* fpfeneffe* 
 Me gtes ml irynkes una Mtttes mtkynge tbycke 
 kynge ylliuyce. iuyce. 
 OILDebpefe. CKpe tyeaDDe* 
 ^iDe mutton* ^Bufte, 
 eefe o!De* 23;eaDDe tmt&cut Ictiem 
 Sfoanne olfce. Cafee b?eaDDe 
 Jaucto of tfje fcancll- frcaf t tyc grcatte.
 Relief p(l)c. 
 Oclpuet of a ftopne, 
 Cbc (tones of bcaftes* 
 Ctjcften nuttes, 
 fl>npon0, modje fofek 
 he }uantttte of mcate muftebe 
 p?opo;cioneD after tije fubftatmce 
 I anD q uahtc tl/etof , anD aecojDtnge 
 to t\)t compienon of l;pm tfjat ea- 
 tcty* Jfp?ft, it ougljt toberemctm 
 b?eD, ttyat meate s bote attD mopfte, 
 tuljpclje ace qualities of rt?eblouDDe 3 aie foone 
 totitneD into blouDDe, anDtI;erfo?e niocfte nou- 
 rpftyetl) t\)t boDp,">ome meates Do no tmfbe but 
 IpttdUjaupngc Ipttcil confomutte tmtlj blouDDc 
 in t\;tit qualities* >f tl)tm, toljic&e Do noutiflje, 
 fomcaremo^gtofle, fome lpgl)tec in Dtgeftpom 
 Cfcegroffc meate nigcnDtftfc gtoffe blouDe,but
 foljere it is foell concocte in tf)t ftomafce 5 anD foeli Jf^j 
 DtgefleD, it mafcetb tbe flefte mo?e fp?me, anD 
 d^offuiall members mo?eftronge, ttyannefpne 
 meates, ooctyerfoje of men, totycb bfemocblaboj 
 o; cjccrcifc, alfoofttom, totjicMaue toctpcljoic- 
 ufte aomaches i;cte in <n glanDe, grofle meates 
 map be eaten in a great quantitte: ano tn a cijole^ 
 t tftc ft ornate btefeis better DpgefteD tbanacbp= 
 kens legge, foiafuioclK as in aijotte ftomacUe 
 fpne meates be tyojtip aDutle anD eo?rupteD i^ duft ^ 1 
 Conttarptette in a eoiDeojfleumatpfeeftomafce bu,n<cU 
 grofle meate abpDetlj longe lmotgcft cd, anD tna= 
 fcctljpumfieD matter: lpc#t meates tberfoje be 
 tofucbea ftomaifce mo;e apte anD conuenpent 
 Cbe temperate boDpe is befte nourpfO)eD toiti) a 
 tpttell quantitte of groffe meates : but of tern* 
 perate meates tnfubftaunce anD quaiptte,tbep 
 mapefafelpeateagooD quantitte* tfojefeeneaU 
 toap tf?at tljep cate tmtftoute gourmanopfe, o? fif 1 ?* 
 leauetottljfomtmne appetpte* HlnDfjeresttoolDe g I u tC0 y f 
 be rememb?eb, tljat tlje cftolerpcfce Somakc Dotfc 
 notDefpjc foo mocbc as Ijcmapeopgeft : ftemt* 
 lancbolpedomac&emapenat Dpgefte Too mocbe 
 as&eDefp;ettj* f o; coIDe rnaUti) appetite, but 
 naturail fjeatecoueocietlj o? bopletty* Bot toitft 
 ftanDpnge bnnatueall oj ftioernaturall Ijeate Di* 
 ftropeel? appetite, anDcojruptetb Dpgeftpon, as 
 ftapperetb tn feuers, <o?e otter, fruptes anD 
 Ijerbes, fpccpallp ratoe, fooIDe be eaten tn a fmaH 
 quantitte, all tljougbe tljt perfonebe berp cbo- 
 ierpefce, fo? afmoc&e as tyep do tngenDer tbpnne, 
 foatrpe blouDDe, apte to teceptie putrpfacfpon, 
 fobpcbc all tbougbc it be not (I)ojtelpe pcrcep* 
 ueDof tbepm c!?at bfeit, atlengtbe ttjep feelett 
 bp fonDjpe Dpfeafes, tobpcbe ace longe in com* 
 mpnge, anD flwteipefleetb, ojbc barDelp efca 
 pco. f pnailp, ejcceffe of meates fs to be abbo?* 
 Bcc 1.J7. teD* f o: as it is fapDein tfjebooke calleD $tclt~ 
 ftaftpcus, 3jti mocbe tneate (Ijall be fpefcencfie, 
 anD mo;Dinate appetite (tyallappjocbe bttto cijo* 
 fen* Seniblablpe, tljc quantttie of D;pnlic tooIDe 
 be moDcratrD, tbat tt ejeceDe not, no? be equalle 
 btii o tbe quantitie of meate, fpeciallp topne* \d\)U 
 Ec i C ^ e moD * c atelp takem apDetb nature, anD com* 
 5I * fojtetb bee, anD as tbe fapDe autbour of Cede* 
 fiafticu s faptb, wopnz is a mop cm ge to tbe fonle anD boDpe. JhtD Cljcognes faptbe, in <5alenes 
 iuei,fauj, toatfee, 3 large Djaugbt of fopne,is plL 3moDe* 
 rate D :augb t is not onelp not pll,but alfo comma* 
 Of <{Hilitie oftnertes.CdfX 
 QStfalptie is in tbe completion, tb at is to fap 9 
 it is tbe (late tljcr of, as o ttc o? eolDc, moift 
 o: D:p. 30lfo fome ineatcs be in iupntcc colDe 
 in acte, anD in berttie b otte. 3toD it toolDc be con* 
 fpDeteD, tbat euerpt complejcpon temperate anD 
 intemperate, ts conferueD in btsttate, bp tbat 
 tobpcbsislpfteti/crto in fourme anD Degree* J5ut 
 tbat tobpebe ejcceoetb mocbein Dpftempecannce, 
 bptbattofcpcbeis contcarpeto bpmtnfourmeo? 
 BOKE, 17 
 qualptfe, but Ipfce in Degree moDeratefp fcfeD. Bp 
 fourmeie biiDerftariD groflenette, fpnenefle, tfjtc- 
 fceneflMjtbpnnefle, bp Degree, asttjefp^fteabe 
 feconDe, t!;e tl^De, tlje fourth, innate, coIDe, 
 OfCuftome, Crpit. $. 
 CSUft omc in f eeDpnge is not to be contemneD, 
 0? Ipttell regacDeo : fo? tbofemeates, totbe 
 foljtcbe a man batbe bene of longetpmeaccufto- 
 tncD, tljougf) tljep be not of fubftauncc commen- Hippocra 
 Dable, vtt Do tljep fomtpme laffe Marine tban bet- ' a P ho * 
 termeates, toberbntoa maisnotirfeD- 30lfotbe rifmo * 1 * 
 m eates anD Djpnttes, tulj id; e Do mod) Delpte !jpm 
 tbat eatctf j, at c to be p :cf crrr cD before tf) MM) tclj 
 is better, but mo?e tonfauerpe* J3utpf tbecus GaIenu,# 
 Home be Too pernpeioufe, tljat bit nceDes mufte 
 belefte, tbanne toolDe it be toitbDjatoen bp Ipt- 
 telle anD Ipttelie in trine of bealtlje, anD not of 
 fpefceneffe* jfo? pf it (ftoulDe be toitbDjafoen in 
 tpmeof fpebeneffe, Mature (ftulDe fnftepne tre- 
 ble Detriment, fpjftebp tlje grief uiDureDbpfpfe- 
 ncflTe, feconDe bp recepupnge of mcDicines , tbirD- 
 Ip bp fo;bearpng tlje typng, tofymn flfte Deiitettn 
 f m
 ^f Of the te mpf uture of mates to he 
 receyuei, C*f>.4-. 
 T<Oktpct\)t boDpfn gooD temper, tottypm 
 tofjofc natural! completion ismopft, ougljt 
 to be gpuenmeates, tlmtbc mopftem ticrtuc o; 
 potter. Contrarptoife to tbepm, tobofe naturalle 
 completion is D;pe, ougbt to be qpucn mcates 
 type inDertue o; potter. CljeboDpes Dntempe* 
 rate, fuebe meates oj Djpufces arc to be gpuen, 
 to&icfj been potter cotrarp torlje Diftemperance, 
 buttljc Degrees are alttapeto be confiDereD, as 
 toellc oftlje tempcraunceof tljeboDpc, asof tl;e 
 meates. f oztofjeretljemeatrs DoomorbcccccDe 
 in Degree the temperature oftbeboDpe, tbepan* 
 nope tin boDp in eaufpng Diftcmpcrauncc, M l)ot 
 toptm, pepper, garlpcfce, onpons, auDfalte, be 
 nopfull to tbepm, tobpebebe cbolerpfce, bpcaufe 
 tbepbcint!;ebigbeft Degeeeofbeate anDDjpt&e, 
 aboue fyc Mftc temperaunce of mannes boDp in 
 tbat completion. 3lnD pet be tl) cp of tentpmes bol 
 fometotbem. ttljtcbe be fletimatifce* Coutrarpe 
 topfc, colDc toater. eoIDe bccbc&anD color f rut tcs 
 moDeratelptofeD, beljolfom to cbolcrifceboDpcs, 
 bp puttpnge atoap tbe Ideate, ejcceDtnge tlje natu* 
 rail temperature ranD totljem, teljpc&cbe flcu- 
 matpfce, tbepbetnbolfome,anDDoob;pRge into 
 $cm DiBemp erauncc of colDe ano motft* 
 I O K , 
 f xnhdt lijlmpn*unct hipnetk by the exceflc 
 effundry <\ha litie $ in mcatcs *nl 
 irynkcs. Grfrf. 
 ("CoIDcdo congeleanDmojttfpe* 
 9opa 3 Doputnfte anD fatten age. 
 &?pe, fucfectf; fc p natural! motft ure* 
 Cfammp 3 ftoppet(j$etffueofbapo;0 
 anD ferine, anD ingenDjetfte tousle 
 S atte anDoplp. ftopmmetfj longc to 
 t&c ftomafce, anDb;pngct(j in lot&e* 
 ^eates^ Bpttec.Dotljcnottioutpffic. 
 fi>alte, Do frctte mocfje t&ettomafte* 
 $arrptye,lpfce tfjc tafte of toploe imu 
 teBflo conftipate anD tefttapne* 
 fetoete djauffctfj tlje btouDDe, anD 
 caufetlj opilattons 02 ftopppnges of 
 tfcepo;e0anD cunDpte0 of tyeboDp* 
 ftofoer cooktl) nature, anD (jafte- 
 fit W&at
 The seconde 
 %xe\)it c ommoiltie happe neth by the moderate 
 vfe ofthefayd qualities ofmeates 
 anddrynkes. Cap<6. 
 [CoID alTltiagetfi rtie burning; of coler* 
 ^oift bumectetb tljat tobicb ts DjteD. 
 &?p,cortimetb fuperfluons moiftuce 
 Clammpe, ttjpcferrb tbat, U)^pcbet0 
 / fubtpll anDpetfpnge* 
 | Bptter, clenfetb anD toppetb of, alfo 
 <!kw J woHiftetftanDerpdletftflcumc* 
 ** < >a!te,telentetb f Jeume clami}ip,anD 
 I f atteanD bnctnott0,nowri$etfcanD 
 mafectf? folubic. 
 j >ttptifce o; tocigb on tbe tonge 5 bpn* 
 Detl) anD comfojtctb appetite. 
 &iccte, Dotije clenfe, Diflblue, anD 
 . nourpfyc* 
 qOfbreadde. Cap. 7. 
 BIReaDDeof fpne flout* of tobcate, baupnge 
 no lctrpn,ts (lobe of Digcltion, and inal%ctf)c 
 flpmp bumours 3 but it nourp fl)ctb mocbe : if it be 
 IcupncD, it Digeftctft foonet : tyeabe batting mod) 
 b;anne, fplietbtbe be^ptoitbejecremcntes, and 
 nourpltetb Iptell o; notbpnge 5 but G)o?tlp Defcen- 
 Detb from tbe ftomafce: Cbe meane bettoene botb 
 fttfficientlp leupneD, toell mouIDeo, anD moDerat* 
 !p ba&en is tbe mode bolfome to euerpe age, tbe 
 fitcatcft ioucs do nurptyc moll fall, fojafmocb 
 SOKE. 1* 
 as t\)t fp?e fyatye not ejcIiauftcD tfcemop tfuce of 
 tl)cnh l^otte b;caDDe,moclj eaten, makett) fulnes 
 anD tbp^fte, ano flovDcip patTcd). Bar icp b;eaD0e 
 clenfctlj tbe boDp 3 anD Dotb not noucpfte fo mocty 
 a$ UjIj eat e.aiio maUctl? colDec uipce in ttje boop* 
 QOfflcfhe. Cap. 2- 
 B3[efe of cfrtgJanDe to Cnglpftyemen, tol^tcfie 
 areinbeltb, b;tngetbftconge noucpfbpnge, 
 but it mafcetlj gcoflfe bf ouDe, ano tngenD;etb me* 
 iancoip : but bcpng of ponge ojcen, not ejcceDpnge 
 tyeageof foucpeces, totljem, tobicbe tjaueco* 
 iectfceftomafce0, itismo;ecoituenient, t^an cl;i- 
 feeti0,anD ot&ec Ipfce fpne meatts* 
 Swynes flefhe, 
 Sflboue allftpnDegoffleQjein nourptypngetfje 
 boDp,d5a!ene mod commenDetfj po;fte, not t:tng 
 of an olDeftopne, anDtljat ttbe toell DigefteD of 
 bpmtbat eatetbtt tfo;ttmaftetlj belle tupce, it 
 is mofte connenient fo; ponge pecfons, anD tfjem 
 tobtcfj baue futtepneD mocb Iabour,anD t&ectoitl) 
 at fatigatcanD become foealte 5 ponge pi gges ace 
 tiotcomenoeb before tbattbepbeonemont&ofo* 
 fo; tfycp Do b;eDe f uperf too us fyumo ucs* 
 Lam be, 
 3fs Utpt mopfte anD f (urattfce, foljecfo;e it is 
 not conuenient fo; ageD men, accept tbat it be be= 
 cpD;peroftcD, no;petfo; tfavm, tofyicfyt Ijauein 
 tlmt ftomafec mocbe f leu me* 
 <5aicne Dotf;e not commcnDc it, not toitbftan* 
 Sin Dinge
 i>e dim?. D tog experience pjouetl) fjerc in tl|t0 realme, $at 
 m>.?. pftt be ponge, tt is a rigbt temperate meate> anD 
 mafcctf; gooo f upce : anD tl;ecfo;e it cs tfeD mo?e 
 tbananp otl)crmcatc, mall Difcafcs. anD petit 
 t6 not Ip fce gooD tn all places, no? tfye fljep e 3 totjp^ 
 cbc beared) fpneft tuollc, 10 not tbcftocteftinea= 
 tpnge, nojrtjcmoftctenDcr* 25ut3(bauefounDe 
 in fome countraps mutton, foljicljc m fobiteneflTe, 
 ttiiDerneffe, anD f toctcnefle of tlje f let&e, mougbt 
 be toell npgb compaceD to fcpDDe, anD in Digeftton 
 ijaue pjoueo as Ijolfome* 
 Kydde and ueale, 
 f (Balene is commenDeD nejcte fcnto pojfee, 
 but fome men Do f uppofc, tfjae tn beltlj anD fifcne* 
 tbep bemocb better tfcanpo?fte 3 tiije iupce of ttyem 
 bo tb being mo :c pure* 30nD bece it is to be noteD, 
 tba * of all beaftes,tobic&e be D?pe of tbeir nature, 
 tbepongeftbe mooftebolfome: of tljemt&atare 
 mop ft e, tb e el D eft are left burtf ull, 
 Hare, Cony, 
 . <afcetb grofle blouDDe, it D?petb anD ftoppctb, 
 Mt?one uf but vet it p?ouofcetb a man to pifle*Conp mafcetlj 
 aus Mb**, better anD mo je pure no urpfl&mcnt,anD is foonet 
 cap.19. DigefteD tban bare. Jt is foell pjoueD, tbat tbere 
 punas. fe noo mcatc mo;e ^ |f ome> 0? tyM m0?e deane, 
 f irmelp,anD temper tip norpfljetl; tl)at? rabettes* 
 Dere redde and falowe* 
 Hippocrates affp?metb tbcfletyeof partes anD 
 fcpnDes, to be of pll tupce, barDe of Digeftion anD 
 Dipe, but pet tt mouctb brine* )f faloiue Dere, be 
 no; anpotbec oloetytter Dotbc fpeafce of, as 3 
 IOXE, lO 
 tememtyeb, 31 fuppofe>bpcaufe tberebc not in nil 
 tbe tuojlD fo maup as be in ngIanDe,tobMe tljep 
 confume a gooD parte of tbe beftepaflure tntbe 
 realme, anDaremnotbpngepzofptable, faupnge 
 tbatoftbe ffcpimesoftbemfs maDe better ietbcr 
 tfyan is of calucs : tbe buntpnge of tljcm bcpnge 
 not fo pleafawnt 5 as tbe buntpnge of otber bcnerp 
 o?bcrmpne> tbe fleflbe mocbe mo?e tmbolfome 
 anD bnpleafant,tban of a reDDe Here, f ngentying 
 melancoIp 3 anD maftinge manp feareful Djeames, 
 anDDtfpofetb tbeboDpetoafcuer, if it be mocbe 
 eaten : not tottbftanDinge tbe fatte tberof,as font 
 lerneD men bane fuppofeo) is better tobebige- 
 fteD 3 tbant&eleane* 
 T e flcfbe of all bp t :Dcs, is mod) ligbtec rtan 
 tbe fle&e of beftcs in comparifon, moftfpe* 
 riallp of tbofe f oules , tolncbc trade mod to tym 
 fopnges^anD Do b?eDe in bigb countreps/} 
 Capon5,Heniics f 3nd Chyckens* 
 C^fte Capon ts aboue all otber f oules p?aifeD, 
 fo;as mocbeasittseafilpDtgefteD, anDmaketfj 
 Ipttell ojDure, anD mocbe gooD nonrpfljment. 3t 
 Is commoDious to tbe tyeafte anD ftomafte. 
 >emies mfopntcr, arealmoofteecwall bnto tbe 
 capon, but tbep Do not make fo ftronge nounQ)c= 
 tnent* aiupcen faptb, tf tbep be rofteD in tbe bealp 
 of a kpDDe o? lambe, tbep topil be tbe better 
 Cbt'cftens in fo miner, fpectallp if tbep be cocfecek 
 kc are berp conuentent f oj a toeake ftomafee,anD 
 notttifoertja IptelL CbefiefoeofacocfccteljatD 
 ofDtgeftion, but tt)e b^ott)e, tobenntttsbopleD, 
 loufetlj tljc bcaip, anD^nupngefoDDetunttcole^ 
 toojtes, ?BolppoDmm,o? Cartamus 5 itpucgitbpl 
 Rumours, anD is meDicinable agapnfte go totes, 
 lopnt acbes, anD feuers, totnctj come bp coutfes* 
 CErceDetb all fotulesmftoeteneireanDfjoirom- 
 nefle,anD is equail to a capon m nouuQ)pnge,bufc 
 be is fom uibat D;tcc ; anD ts of fome men putte m 
 copanfo n, meant bet men e a l)cnne at a pacmclje* 
 > f all fo tol c s t s mod f 11 1 ft D rgelt eD : anD b a tl> 
 in fjpm mocbe nutriment, comf ouetb tin tyapne, 
 anD mafeetb feDe of generatton 3 auD receiuetb lull 
 Sltbotigb t\)tp be of fome men commenDeD, pefc 
 experience pjouetlj tljem to mcceace melancolpe, 
 anD ace of a fmall nounffltfnge* 
 75c as foell tbe fleffte as tlje bjortj, beep fcolfom, 
 eaten todeD, tijepDo mocbe bclpcagcmfttljcco- 
 Ipkcas JaiofcojtDesfaptb* 
 A ploucr, 
 3!s flotoe of Dtge&ton 3 noucpfyetl) Iptell, anD m- 
 Blacke byrdes or oufyh, 
 Slmong e foplDc fofole Ijatb tbe cbrefe p;apfe, f oj 
 IpgbtneflTe of otgeftion, anD tljat tljcp make gooo 
 noucptymenwnD Ipttell ojDuce* 
 SOKE. Z% 
 testae toDigcft, aD are tjetp bote, anDftp^ 
 cetf; fcp fl*enu0,anD fpcctallp tbe tyapns of tfceim 
 3lce of a good teropecauncc, anD roetelplpgljte 
 55c eaftlp D tgefteD, anD at berp bolfom to rtjcm, 
 fn^tc^e ace f ieumatt&e,02 puce melancolp* 
 Jfi batD of Digefttom but being pong anD fatte. 
 tbetopngcsbe eafptoDpgeftcma fcolettomafce, 
 anD nourplbefy competent!?* 
 3f0 botcr tb an goofe, 9 fjacD to Dt geft^ mafcetb 
 tears fuicc/aumg tfce bonnes on tbe b?ea(t bone 
 anD tbe necfce is better tban tbe temnaunt* 
 Crane and buftarde, 
 Crane te&atDe of Digeftion, anD maftetfc pile 
 f upce,but betnge Ranged bp longe in t&e ap?e, be 
 10 tbe lafle tonfyott ome* BuftacDe being fatte,anD 
 hep t buyout meate a Dap 0; t too af o;e tbat be be 
 fcplleD, toejepuife btsojDure, anD tban Djatoen. 
 anDbangeD as tbe crane is, betnge rofteDo?ba* 
 hen, is a good meate, anDnoucpfljetb bell, tf be 
 tSetngeponge anD facte, beipgbtlpec DpgcfteD 
 tban crane : anD tbe bpttoue toner tban tbe bea- 
 tonc.HinD tbe Qouelar fooner tban anp of tbent: 
 but all tbefefotoies mufte be eaten toitij ntocbe 
 <B gpngee
 gr ngct o; pepper. $ fcaue goob olDe tome tyunfec 
 after tbepm, anb footyall tbep be moje cafplpc 
 Dpgefteb, anbtbe tupee corampngeof $epm,be 
 tfjelaflc nor full 
 ^[Tfjf p*rff J <md mf mtfrs efbyries tmi 
 heajits. Cap. 9 . 
 Tile topngcs b?atonc0 anD necfcc of gefe,ca* 
 pons, f;cnnc0,f efauntpartnclK , anb fmalie 
 bprbcg betnge fatte, are better tban tbe legges tti 
 btgeftum ? anblpgbtertn nourtOjpng* >ftoplbe 
 f o ulc anD' ppgeons betnge fatte, the legges are 
 better tijantbe topnges: tbebjatones of Dticfte, 
 Ceale, anb topgeon creep t, Uibiefcc 10 better to ty* 
 gefte:tf;an tberefto uc. 
 The gy far or ftomake 
 Of a goofe o^enne betnge fatte toft!) bjanne 
 anDmplfee, betnge toeii fobben ojmabe mpotiU 
 ber,ts goob f 0; the ftomatte,in mafeingc it ftrong 
 to btgeMnb nottrpftctlj competently 
 >f a capon, Ijennc, fefauntc, 0? goofc, betnge 
 mabe fatte toitb roplfce mpirte totttj tbctr meate, 
 is not onelp eafp to Dtgcft e, but alfo mafeetb goob 
 topee, anb nourpftett zrcclientlp* 15 ut tbe Ipue re 
 of beaftc0 bepll to btgeft,pa(Tetbe Uotolp,anD ma= 
 fcety grofle bloub,bttt it 10 ftrong in no uufl&ingc. 
 B O K z% 
 Ti)efIcf(I)cof t^emts mo?ebarDeto Dpgeft* 
 3DnD tljcrf ok altbcugb tljep be toel DtgeCieD, 
 petmafte ttyep notiupcenatucallpe fangupne o? 
 cleans but cntDciupce atiDcoIDc: anD rcqup?et& 
 a icnge tpine to be conuecteD in to blouD, 
 The lunges or lyghtes, 
 3ce mo x eafp to btgeft, tban the Ipuec, ant) IalTe 
 noutttyetb, but tbe no untyment , tl;at it tnafceft, 
 16 fleumatifce: albeit tbe lunges of a f ojee, is me- 
 Dtcinable f oj tl; em, tolj tcb baue fitmes of luges* 
 The fplene or mylte, 
 Jfi of pi iuice,fo? it is tb e chamber of melancolp* 
 310 of bar&e fleflje, anD tfjerf o?c is not toe! Dige* 
 fteD,noj pafletb Q}o;tIp , but foljece (jc is toel Dige* 
 (tea, tlje iu^tc $ it mafcetfc is not to be mfpjatfeb. 
 The brayne 
 3s fleumatpfce, ofgeofleiupee, flotoeinbpges 
 ftpng,nopoufe to tbe ftomafce,but to&ece it IB toel 
 DigefteDjtt nountyetb moctje* 
 3* mo;e delectable t&an tlje bjapne, it is pll foj 
 tbe ftomacfce, but tuyere it is foell o tgefteb, it no* 
 tptyetb moclje. 
 The ftones and vdders 
 EetngetoeUDtgetteD, DonourpD&e tnoefce, but 
 tbe ftones ace dottec luttb tfjeic mopftnes, tfte bo* 
 fcecscotoe anDflcumatifce, tbepbotljDotncccafe 
 feDeof generation, but tye bloui maoc of tbe bD= 
 d5it Dec
 Dec is better tljau tbat , lulneljc co met!) of tf;c (to- 
 nes, ccceptc it be of calucs anDfambeg. aifoftc 
 Hones of cockes , maftetb comenoablc no;ifljmct 
 The head, 
 Cbc flcflK tbeeof nourpfljetb moebe. anD aug= 
 mentetb feeDe: but it isflotoe ofDtgeftton, anD 
 nopetb tlje ftomafce,b;it to tbem, toljic(K bfe mo* 
 cljc e,rcrnfc ; tt is not DifcommenDabie. 
 The tounge, 
 3* of a fpugpanD fangutne fubftanec, bnttfte 
 fcernelles anDgriftell, tolncbc arcin tberootcs, 
 if tbep be toel DtgefteD, tbep make gooD nouri- 
 tnecaf tl;ep be not foei digetteD, tljep make fleme* 
 *Be tnae toe lie bcp!CD anD tender, in a bolle fto* 
 make, Dpgcftetb tocUc, anD maker!) gooD tupce, 
 anD raffetb f ojtb caftlp. dBalene eommenoetb tbe 
 feteofftopne. Tout J batiepjoueD, tbattbefeete 
 of a pongc buliockc tenbetlp foDDen, anDlapDe 
 in fotofe ttoo Dapcs o; tb;e, anD eaten coIDe m tlje 
 euenninge 3 bauetyougbt a coterttte ftomafee into 
 a gooD Df geftion anD flepe, anD tbertoitb batlj al* 
 fo ejcpulfeD fait Heme anD colet, anD tbts baue 3J 
 fotuiD in mp felf e bv often experience : alfoap fo?- 
 fene , tljat it be eaten before anp otbec meate, Vuitft 
 out Djpnfcpnge immcD'atlp after it* 
 Offyfhe genrrally.Cdf.iOi 
 T$ebefte fpfte after tbe opinion of dSalen, i* 
 tbat>bicbeftopmmetb intfcepurefea, anD 
 tetoffeDanDipfte tp luielj topnocs anoCoucges* 
 BOK, 1$ 
 Cb*nto;e catmetljat tljefoafet *0, tbe foatfets 
 tbefpflje, tl;cp Huc!;earemmut)DptDatccs,Doo 
 mafec mocfye f icun ic anD oiDure : tabu in f ennes 
 anDDpcbegbp tuardc, bctuge iuftcfQje rpucrs, 
 and ftopfte, be fometpme conin;cnDablc : all be it 
 generally, alfepnbesof (pfljemafcctbnto?e ftin* 
 net blouD, tban fftfte, fo tt at tt Do tbe not mo cbe 
 nourrfl) e, ano tt Dot!; fonec paffe out bp fcapo;s : 
 tea bo ttc coIcriUc ftcmaUc, o? in f eucrs ,fomt pine 
 tljr p be bolfome.betng netoe, t teflje, anD not berp 
 fearoe in Jubilance o; flpmp. barbe fpflje is Ijaroe 
 of Dfgeftton, but tbe uoutilbmenttberofismoje 
 f inne, tija n t bat ,fobicb is fofte : tb ofe tobicb tya ue 
 tnoclje gcoOTe Rumours in beft,pouDjeD* 
 Better is alfo noutttypnge, anb p?ofitc;!jto 
 tbent, tobiebe baue burnouts fupetfluoufe 
 t'n tb e tyeafte oj I unge s >anb lacfeetb rtppnge anD 
 clenfpngeof tbcpm : fpectaiip if it be eaten toitl) 
 fugat; o? bonpe. J|f ttbe toeil falteD, it beatetl/e 
 f OfChefe. Cpn. 
 Cfcefebp tbe bole fentenceof all lusters, let* 
 tetb Di : geltto \\ anD is t.mempe bnto tbe ft o- 
 mafte* aUfoituutcnDjetbrll burnouts, anDbje* 
 betb tbe (lone* Cbe cbefe tobiclj Dotb leeft batme, 
 is fofte cbefe, teafonablp falteD, totyefj fome men 
 bo fuppofe,nourpfl&efy moclje*
 E45gesof fefauntcs, bennes, anDpatfrpcfjea, 
 be of ah otlicc mcaccs moftf agreable bnto 
 nature, fpeciallpif tbepbe netoe lapDe: 3fif t^c^ 
 be rete,tbep Do clenfe tbe t&jote anD bjefh 31 tbep 
 be barDe, tljep be (lotoe in Dfgefftom but bepnge 
 ones DtgeiieD. tlKpuonourpftc mocbe* Arcane 
 bcrtoene cere aD IjarDe, tbep Dtgcft conuententlp 
 anD nourpfl)e qupeftelp, <gges toell pocljcD, are 
 better tljan rofteo. Jf tbep be fcicD barDe,#ep be 
 ofpli nourpftment, anD do mafceftpnfcpnge fu- 
 mes 111 1\) e ftomalte, anD Do corrupt otlicc mcatcs 
 feutl; tobome tl)tp be mpnglcD.Cbcp be moft boU 
 Come uibati tbep be pocbeD, anD mode tmbolfome 
 tobantbep befrpeD* &iofcojtDes faptft, Jf $ep 
 be foupeD toarme. before an? ot&er meat. ti)tp Do 
 bea v ? tbe grefes oftfic blaDDer anD rapnes, maDe 
 tcttlj grauell: alfo forties of tbc ctjcUes $ tfcote, 
 anD fpittpng of blouDe; anD tbep be gooD agetnft 
 cams 0} foiling out of t!je Ijcd into t&e Go make. 
 F>;as moclje as before tbat tpllageof come 
 teas tnuenteD, anD tljat Deuouringc of flefljc 
 anD fpfoe teas of manfcpnDe bfeD, men bnDoub- 
 teDIpeipueD bp fruits, anD Mature toastbere* 
 teitljcontenteD anDfattsfteD: butbpefcaungeof 
 tbebicteof ourp?ogcnptours> t&crets caufeD to 
 be in out boDpes, fuc&e alteration frometyena- 
 cure, tolrtcbe &as in men at Ac bzqvrmvn$t, that 
 na&c all f rutted "tnerailp are nopfull to manne, 
 SOKE* Z4 
 anD Do ingenDer pit turnouts, anD be ofte tpmes 
 tbe caufe of putrif ied feuer0,if tftep be mocbe anD 
 continual!? eaten* &ot toitbftanDing Dnto tljtm, 
 toljicb baue abunDaunce of cole&tbep be fomtiinc repjeffe tbe f lame,tobtcb p?occDetb 
 ofcoler* 3nDfome frmtestobicbebeftppttfce,^ 
 bpnDing in taft,eaten befojv meafes, Do bpnD c!)e 
 belp 3 tmt eten after meato^ep be rather laicatitw 
 GDuctJcg rafoebebnpleafant tneatmge>pH 
 fojtfyc (tomato, anDalmoft neuer DigefteD. 
 tljerf o;e be tint topi! neoes eate tbem, mud bopie 
 tbenuofte tbem, oi frpe tbem, euerp toa pe tbep be 
 toitbout fauouro;tafte, anD of tbep? proper no* 
 ture,tbep gpue to tlje boDp colD anD mopft notify* 
 ment, anDtbat berplpttdl, butbp reafon c c tbe 
 flppper n es of tbett fu b ft anee } anb bpcaufe al mea- 
 tes tobtcbe be mopfte of their nature, be not bpn= 
 Dpnge,tbep Ipgbtlp palTc fotfb bp tbe bealpe, UnD 
 being to ell o?DjeD, tbep topll be metelp concoct, if 
 corruption tn tbe ftomafceDonot pjeuent tbem: 
 tb ep be colD anD mo til in tbe feconDe Degree* 
 qOfMelonts *ni Pepontf. 
 M (Hones anD depones bealmoofteof oone 
 ftpnoe, buttbattbe melone tsrounDe Ipfee 
 an apple, anD tbe inner in o ft c parte tb er of > fob ere 
 tbe feDes are contepneD, is DfcD to be eaten* Cbe 
 l^cpon is mocbe grcattcr, anD fometobat long* 
 anD tbe inner part t^ccof 10 not *o be eaten: Cbep 
 b o tf)c ate berp coiDeanDmopft, anD Do make pit 
 tupce in tfye boDp, if tljep be not toell DtgcftcD, but 
 tbe pepon mocb mo;c tljan t&e melon, tbep Do left 
 b tm >tf tytp be eaten af o;e mcaies. 3Klbe it, if tljcp 
 Do fpnDe in tOc ft omafce fleume, tbep be turneD in 
 to f leume,if tlicy fmoe cooler, tbep be turneD tn to 
 cooler* jBot tott&fta.fopnge tbctc is in tbepm tfjc 
 tier tue to cicnfe $ to p ?o uofte b rine, t&ep be coioe 
 anD mopft in tijefeconDe Degree* 
 4f Cucumbers* 
 Cucumbers DonotejCceDefomocfteinmop* 
 ft wre as melons : anD tljcxfotc tl)tp be not fo 
 Sfmcn foone co^wpteD in tije ftomacfce : but in fome fto* 
 fa z. malie0,betng moDeratlp bfeD 3 tyep Do Digeft fuel: 
 but if t^ep be abunDantelp eaten, oimocbebfeD, 
 tl)t t ingenDera colDeanDtfrpcfce Rumour intyt 
 bep ttes, to \)icl)t neuer o; felDome is tourneD in to 
 ?[OoD b!ouD,anD fomtpme b?pnget!j in feuers*3II- 
 b $ep abate carnal! lufcCbe feDes as fuel tfyeee* 
 of,as of melonesanD gourDes,beingeD;peD,anD 
 maoe cleane from tbe tyuffces,are beep meDpcina- 
 bit a gamft fpefteneffes pjoceDpnge of fceate, alfo 
 the D tfftculttc o; let tn ppffpnge, ti;ep be colDe anD 
 moid in t be feconD Degre* 
 BC ba rbe to Digefte,t&erfoje beinge mocbe ea- 
 ten,anD not toe! DtgefteD 5 tfjep annop tbe beaD 
 anD eaufe gnatopnge in rtje ftomacfce, anD make 
 grotte iupct, anD fometpme caufe obftructpons 
 o; ftopppnges in %t\pm anD fplene. 3JnD tobere 
 Bon. *f 
 tbetefs inflammation o? batbneffem tbebobpe, 
 tbep ace b nbolfome, but bemge tnell Dtgelteb anb 
 tetnpecatelp fcfeb, tbep noutpltye anb make tbe 
 f!cQ;e f itme, anb alfo bpnbetb tbe beaip : oioe ba- 
 tes be bo etc anb b :p in tbe f&ft begece : ne toe ga = 
 t&eteb ace botte anb moid m tbe fttft oegcee, 
 F3!gges eaten, Do flwtelp paflfe out of tbe ftc^ 
 maefce, anbatefoone btdctbutebtn to all tbe 
 partes of tbe bobp, anb baue tbe potocr to clenfe, Aeuus.i. 
 fpeeiallp grauclle, beinge in tbe capnes of tbe 
 backe, but tbep make no fubdanctal noptyment, 
 but catbec fometoliat lotofeanb topntyt, butbp 
 tfyett qutctte paflfage, tbe fopnoe is fone Diffblueb. 
 Cbctfo?e tf tbep be eppe, tljep bo lead baeme of a 
 tip fcuttes, 0} almofte none* 3D;p f igges anr olb, 
 ace mo?e botteanb type tban netoe gatbeeeb, but 
 beinge mocbe eaten, tbep make pllblotibbeauD 
 lupce, anbasfomebofuppofe, Domgenbeclpce, 
 anb alfo a nope tb tbe Ipuecanbttyefplene, if tbep 
 be inflameb, but bauinge tbe potoet to attenuate 
 o?maUe burnouts cutcant, tbep make tbe bobpe 
 foluble, anb bo elcnfe t\^t caputs. 3tlfo beiuge ea* 
 ten afoje btnet tuttb gpnget o? pepper, o; po tobec 
 of tpme, o? penp topall,tber pjofpt mocb to tbem 3 
 fob tcl;e baue oppilations o? fjaebe congeleb mat- 
 lec in tbe mnet pactes of tbe bobp, o; baue biftil* 
 lattons 02 teumes fallpng into tbe b:eltc anb do * 
 make, tflcto f igges ate bot anb moid,olbe figges 
 ace fjot m tt;c ftcd begtee,anb tyie in tlje feconoe* 
 $ m
 ^[Of grapes and rations* /^liapes Do not turn rpQe fo mocb as fpgges, 
 aiimea.z, VJbut bcmgerppe, ttyp mafcenot mocljeplle 
 iupce m tl;eboop: albeit netoelp gatfeereD, tbep 
 trouble tbe bealpe, and fpHctf) tye ftomacfee tottl) 
 fopnDe* t&crfojeiftljepbeljangeD bpatoijple 3 ec 
 tijep be eaten, tijepatetfje laffenopfall >toeete 
 Diofco.f. Q tapes are ijotteft, anDDolotofefomefoljatjanD 
 mafce a man fypjftp.feo to :e grapes are colD, ano 
 Do alfo totofe, but tFjep are IjarD of Digeftion, anD 
 pet tijep Do not nourifte. Cbep U>l>ic6e are in taft 
 bptter o? IjarrpC)e 5 be Ipfce to tl^em tijat are foure, 
 iftapfons Do make tl?e Komafee firme anD ftr ong, 
 anD Dopjcuofeeaperitc, anDDoeomfojte tocafce 
 fcoDpes. beinge eaten afoje incaire : tljep be Ijotte 
 in t\) e fir a Degree,anD mop ft tn t ij e fecoube* 
 Series, if tljcp befteete, t&epDo foonellpp 
 'Dofone into tfje ftomafce, but if tljep be foure 
 o?Q)arpe, tbepbemojeftolfome, anDDofoufe,if 
 tliep be eaten freOje, anD nefoip gatijereD* tfjep be 
 coiD anD moid in ti;e ftrft Degree. 
 0[ Of Peaches* 
 i Caches doo lafle f;arme, anDDoo maftebet* 
 ter iupce tntbe boDpe, fo? &w are not foo 
 fone cojraptcD being tatem fDt t\)t iupce of tfjem 
 map be maDea fpjope, toerp&oifomeagapnfttlje 
 Diftemperaneeof coler, to!)erof p?oceoetbaftpn= 
 fcpngebjeatije* tbepbe rolDeint&e fftfteDegree, 
 anD mepfle in tyt feeonDe. 
 B O K E ** 
 A% appuiles eaten fone after tbatrtep be ga 
 tb crcD,a re colD,barD to Dtgcft, aD Do make 
 pi! anD cojrupteD blouDDe, but bemge toell kepte 
 fcntpl! tbe nejete topnter,oj ttye pere folototnge,ea* 
 ten after meales, tljcp are ngbt boifome, anD Doo 
 cotificme tbe (to m a Ue, anD make gooD Dig eft ion, 
 fpcctallp if tl)cp be to fteD 01 bafcen, mod pjopcrlp 
 in a ct>oIcttfteftomafee,ijep ace beftc pjefetucD 
 m bonp, To t one toucb not an otljer. Cbe rougbe 
 taftcoappuls are boifome, U)beretl;eftomaUei0 
 toeakcbpDiftcmpcrancc of beatco:mocbemop= 
 (lute: <\)e bptttt ap p tils, tolj ere tbat gnef c is i\u 
 ereaceD :Cbefoure appute, toberetye matter is 
 con gel co o;maDe tbpeke fcntbbeate. JnDpftcm* 
 perature of beatc anD Djptfje bp Djpntunge mocii 
 tome^bcp baue ben founD c5moDtou0, beir g ea- 
 ten at npgb t, goingc to beDDc, toitljout Djpnfemgc 
 to tyem: tl) ep be colD anD moid tn tbe f icft Degree* 
 ^[Of Quynces* 
 Qfflpnces be eolD anD Djp, eaten afoje meale, 
 tbep bpnDe anD reftrame tbe ftomafce, tbat 
 it map not Digeft bell tbe mete, ejecept tbat 
 ftep be rofteDojfoDDem tbccoic taken out, anD 
 mpjcte fautb bonpe clartficD, ojfugar, tbantbep 
 caufe gooD appetite, anD p<efecuetb tbe bcD from 
 &;unfcemuffc: taken after mcate, itclofetb anD 
 Djatoetb tbcftomafce togptijer, anDljclpctb ttto 
 Dtgeftc, anDmollpftet!) tbebealp, if it be aboun- 
 Dantlp fatten* tbep be colD in tbe fpjft Degree, anD 
 D# in rt)e begmninge of t&e feconDe* 
 %ii Of
 ^ Of Pomegranates. 
 Pomegranates be of good iupce, anDp:of^ 
 table to tl;c ftomafcclpcnailp rfjep, urfneb are 
 ftoete : but m a botte feuer, tbe p tbat are foto?e, be 
 mo;e crpeDtent anDboIfome. fo?tbantbeftoeete 
 Do tuccnDc f; cate : anD puffc Dp rlje ftomaUe. 
 f OfPeares. 
 P (fares are mocbe of tb e nature of apples, but 
 tbe p ate beuper, but taken after meate 5 rofte& 
 o; bafcen, tljcp are not bnbolfome, and Do rr ft ram 
 anD fcnp ttc tbe ftomaft e,bemgc rppe : tbev be coID 
 anD mopft in tbe ftrft Degree. 
 q Medlars* 
 MCDlars ar coiD 9 D?p,anD coitricttfe 0? ftra^ 
 ninge tbe fto mafce,anD tberf o?e the? map be 
 eaten after meles as a mebpctne, but not lifcD as 
 meate, f oj tbep mgcnDer melancolp, tbep be colDe 
 anD D;p m tbe feconDe Degree. 
 VWaiinuttes, if tbep be blancbeD, are fuppo- 
 feD to be gooD fo; tbe ftomabe ano fomtoljat 
 loufpnge tbe bealp,mp# toitb fugar tbep Do note 
 tptye temperatelp, fl)f tfoo D?pe nuttes, as manp 
 fpgges,anD.]C]C* leaues of ftetoe, toitb a grapn of 
 fait, ismaDe amcDictne, fobetofifone Dooeate 
 faftpng, notbtnge tobtcb is fcenomous, map tbat 
 Dap butte bpm, anD it alfo p?eferuetb agapnft tbe 
 peftilence,anD tbts \B tfte fcerp rpgbt SlpitfetDate. 
 tbep be bot anD D?p in tbe feco nD Degre,af ter fome 
 opinions bot in tlje tyttD Degre, D?p in tye feconD,
 BOXE. *7 
 Fylberdf s and hafyll nutt 
 Cbepatemo2e ftronge in fubftanc* tbantoall* 
 nuttes, tobetfo?e tbep ace not fo caftip o? fone Di~ 
 gefteo* 3Ufo tbep Do inflate tbe ftomafc>anD canfe 
 bead aelje,but tbep wgeuDec fatte* 3inD if tbep be 
 todeD, tbep are gooDtoreftrapne reumesu Mo 
 eaten unci? pepper, tbepar gdoD agamftetout= 
 men teg of tbe bealp, anD tl)t ftopppnge of brpne* 
 tfjep be botte anD Djie tn tbe fp?ft Degree* 
 Of Almondes. 
 Cbep do errenuate anD clenfe toitbout anp bptv 
 Dpnge, iDbetfoje tbep poucge tbe bjefte anD ton* 
 ges , fpeciallp bitter almonDeg. 3lfo tbep Do moi= 
 lpfpe tbe bealp, p?ouofee fleape, anD eaufetb to 
 ppfle pue 02 fpjee of tbent eaten af o?e meat, 
 fcepetbaman ftombeinge Drunfce: tbep be botte 
 anD mopfte in tbe fp?ft Degree. 
 Cbep bemge rofteD bnDet tbe pmbers 0? bot af* 
 Q)cs 3 do noutpfbe tbe boDp ft ronglp,$ eaten toitb 
 b onp faftpng,Do belpe a man of tbe cougb* 
 >f the garDepn, anDrppe, DoDifpofeamanto 
 tbeftooie, but tbep Do typngeno matter of nou* 
 rp torment* <To tbfs fruite Ipfceas to figges, tbts 
 p?opertperemapnetb, tbatbeinge D?peotbepDoo 
 p?ofite* Cb e Damaftte pjuwe rafter binDetb tban 
 lofofetb, anDismo?e commoDious Ditto tljefto- 
 mabc* tbep be colD anD moift in tbe feconD Degree. 
 ConDpte in fait Ipcoitr, tafcen at tbe begpnnpng 
 $tii of
 The seconde 
 of a mccjle, Dotbc corroborate tbe ftomafce, ftiretlj 
 appetite,atiD loufetb tl)c bealp. beinge eaten toir ij 
 fcpnegec. Cljci' U)lj(cl;c bcrppc, arctcmpctatcip 
 ft ore: ti;e p u>ij icb be grrnc.atc colD anD D;p* 
 <Cbcp nourifye notljpnge after tbat t!>ep be fal- 
 t?D,butpettbepmafc; tbe bealp loufe, anopouc- 
 Qctl) f leume, to!) icbc is ttjenn contepneD* 3 If o fti= 
 rcttj appetite to meat, anD opened; tljeobftructi- 
 oiis o; ftopppngcof tbelpucranDfplenCjbciiigc 
 eaten tof tb ojcimell, befo;eanpotbermeate:tbep 
 be f;otc anD D;p in tlje feeonD Degree* 
 Cbe rpnDes taken in a Ipttell qnanttf ie,Do com- 
 f o;t tbe ft omaftc, tofjerc it Digcftctb, fpectallp con- 
 Dite tmtb fugat, anD taken faftpngem afmalle 
 quantities Cbe tupce of ojenges Ijaupngc a tofte 
 of b;caDDc puttmto tt, tuttl) a Ipttell potoDer of 
 niprites , ftigar , anD a Ipttell cpnamom, maftetb a 
 fceep gooDfauceto p;ouoUc appetite. Cbecttpce 
 eaten to ttb fugar in a botte feuer, is nat to be d t f- 
 commenbeD* Cbe rpnDe is fjottein tbe firfte De- 
 gree, anD D?peintbefeconbe. Cbe iupce of tbepm 
 is coiDe in tJje fecotiDe Degre, anD D?p in t!;e f p;ft* 
 Habcs vjti m fottge i cr to f tff.Grp.if* 
 G<gnc&alfp all berbes rafo,anD not foDDtn, Do 
 ingenfcet colD 9 toatrp iupce, if tbep be eaten 
 cuftoraablp, 0? in abunbance : albeit fome berbes 
 are moje comeftible, anD Do latfe barme bnto na- 
 tw,9 moDecatlp bfiD,mafceti> metelp gooD bluD* 
 B O K E. 1* 
 Aa&onge a! becfces, none (jatij fo goob f upce 
 aslettpfe : fojfomemenbofuppofe, tbatit 
 wafcctlj abounbanecof bio ubbc, atbeitnot toerp 
 puce o; perfpte* 3|t bot&e fette a ^otte ttomafce m 
 a bet? gooD temper, auD mafcctl) gooD appetite, 
 anb eaten in tbe euenpnge, u p?ouofcetlj ilepe, ak 
 bctr, tt neither Dotije lotofenoj bpnbetljebealpe, 
 of bts otutie p?opectie. Jit increafctb mpifceina 
 toomans b?eaftes,but it abatetb carnall appetite, 
 anDmocbe bfpngetberof, fcurtetfctlje epefpgljt* 
 3|t is colbe anb m opft tempecatelp* 
 ^[Colewortesand Cabages* 
 Before t!;at auartcc caufrD marcljauntes to 
 fctcbe out of tbe eafte anb fotitbc partes of 
 t\)t too?ib, tf;e traffpfce of fppce anb Qitibjp b?ou= 
 ges, to content tfje bnfactabiencB of toantor ap- 
 petites, Coletoojtesfojtijebertues fuppofebto 
 btin djepm, toereof fucbeettimatton, t!?at tbep 
 tocrc iubQto to be a fuffment mebitim agapnfte 
 allbifeafes, asitmapappcrc inrtjebofceof topfe 
 Cato, toljenn be to;ttetb of I)UfbanD?p*l3ut nofoe 
 3 fopH no mo?e remember, t&an Qjalbe requp?eb, 
 fntijat tobpe^e Qallbe tjfed asmeate, anb nat 
 puttmtbicint. ficbeiupeetljcrcof bat!j fccrtueto 
 purge : tl;e Ijolle leaues berg* baife fobben, anb 
 r&etoatecpourebout, anb tfjep being puteftefo- 
 iirs into bot foater,aub fobben fcntpll tbep be ten- 
 ber, fo eaten, $ep bo bpnbe tl)t bealp, feome boo 
 fuppofe, if tt)tp be eaten ratoefoitbbpneger, be* 
 fo;e meate, it fyall p; efecne tijc ftomafce from fu&= 
 fettpnge, anD tbe fjeaD from DrunkenclTe t albert 
 inocbc bfpnge of tijcui Dulletb tfje fpgljt, eccepte 
 ttje epes be beep mopfte. tfpnallp tlje iupr e tljat it 
 niafcctbm tljc boDpeis notfo commendable, as 
 tijattobtcljeis ingenDjeD oflettpfe. 3t is bote m 
 tbe fir ft DegrecanD D;ie in tbe feconDe. 
 ^f O f Cy korie or fuckoric . 
 IC is Ipfec m operation to letttfe, anD tempered 
 coler toonDerf ullp, anDtberfojem allcolcrtfce 
 feuers, tbe Decoction oftljisljerbe, 02 tbe foatec 
 tbctof ftpfleD, is rpgt)t erpcDient. fembiablp tl)c 
 IjerbcanD rotebopleb tDttli f IeQ>e> tbatisftefyc, 
 being eaten, fccpctb tlje ft omafcc anD beaD in bcrp 
 gooD temper. 31 fuppofe tbat > outbtftel 9 2Dcnt= 
 Delpon, be of Ipfce qualities, but notfo conmnu 
 ent to be fcfeD of tbepm, tobicbe are bole, bpcaufe 
 tbe t ar toptoe of nature, anD mcfte bitter ,anD tf>cr 
 fojecaufetb faftiDtoufnes 0; lotbfomnclTeof ti)c 
 ttomafee* 3lt is colDe anD Due in tbe feconD Degre. 
 ^f Endyue and Scariole* 
 C#*niQc!)c lifcemtbeic operation to Cpko;ie, 
 but tfjep are moje conuentent to meDictne tljan to 
 meate* llbeit ^cariole caUpD tobptc <CnDpue, 
 baupnge tbe toppes of tbe leaues turneD m, anD 
 lapDetntbe ertbe, at tbe latter enDeof fommer, 
 anD couereD, becotr^tb tobiteanDcrifpc, ipketo 
 tbe great ftalfees of cabage lettpfc, tob i cb take bp 
 anD eten tttf| tnneger coolitb tbe bcatc of tbe do 
 make* 3KnD to tbem tbatbaue bote (to make s anD 
 DiMbcpbe rtgbtbolfome, but being tomoebb- 
 fcD, 0; in berp great quantitie. tbep ingenDer tbe 
 BOKE. %7 
 &umout s foincbe mafcetb tbe colpfce* ttyp becolDc 
 anD moid m tbe fttft Degree* 
 3te not colD c in operation, but catfjee fomtobat 
 foarme, anDbaue interna flppperneffe: fobet= 
 C o?e being bopleD anD moDeratlp eaten tmtb opie 9 aI 5" f # 
 anD bpneger, tbep make lutelp gooD concoction t 
 in tbe ft ornate, anD caufetb tlje fupetfluous mate 
 eertberin eafiiptopafle, anDdcnfetb tfcebealpe, 
 3!t i0 botte anD mopft in tbe f itft Degree* 
 white betes 
 35re alfo abftecfiue, anD lofofetb tbe bealpe, but 
 mocbe eaten, annopetb tbe ftomafce : but tbep ace 
 rpgbtgooD againft obfttuctions ojftopppng of 
 tbelpuer, if tbep be eaten tmtb bpneger ojnro* 
 ftarDe. Ipfeetopfe it belpetb tbe fplene* 3!t is coiDe 
 in t\)t f it ft Degree,anD moift in tbe feconDe* 
 Botbc mitigate tbe great beat in al tbe infoatD 
 partes of tbe boDpe, femblablp of tbe beaD anD 
 epe* : alfo it rep;e(Tetb tbe rage of WLtnw, but pf 
 it be pjeferueD in fait o; b?ine, it beatetb anD put- 
 getb tbe ftomafce* Jt is coiDe in ti)t tbttbe Degre, 
 anD moift in tbe feconDe* 
 3[sbetpe pjofptable im'o tbeftomacfce, butit 
 map not fuftein beep mod) boiling: cttn tottb bi* 
 neger } it p?ouofcet!j appetite^ alfo brine.Cbe De* 
 coctio t&ecof Djunfc Ut\) fopne, clefeti? $ blaDDec, 
 3 *>o;ell
 Beingcfobben, itloufetb tbe bealp* 3fnatpme 
 of peftiience, if one bemgefaftpnge, boocljetoe 
 fomc of t\)t f caucs, anD fucfee DoVduc tbe tupr c, it 
 meruaploufclp p;cfcructlj from infections, as a 
 neto piactifcr calliD (5uainetius Dot!) to;tte* 3In& 
 Diofcori^ j m p feifiiaue pjouo it in mp Ijoufl&olb* Cbe tt* 
 Moff.' s< &e5tberofb2atebanbb?unketmtb foine^toater, 
 Is berp bolfomc agapnft tbe colpfce, ano f rettinge 
 oftljeguttes. it rtoppctbf lum> anbijelpctbtbe 
 ftotnau c annopcD hutb tcplecion. j t is colD in tlje 
 t!;irD Degree, anb D:p m tJ;e fcconDe* 
 3 s fcerp conuciuent to tfjc ftomafc, anD comfoj* 
 eetli appetite, ano makctlj tbc b;eatbe rtueetc, tbe 
 feDcs anD roote caufetb brine to pafle belle, anD 
 bicpHcttj tbe (lone, D tlToI uctb topnbes. tbe rooted 
 bopleb m foater, anb tberof ojeimell bemge maoe, 
 it biffhiuctb fietime, anb mafcetb goob Digcttton. 
 3ft is fjote anD D?p in tlje tljirb Degree* 
 JSeinge eten,tb t febe o? rote mafcetb abunbance 
 of mplfcerlpfcetopfc tuunte Mtb ptpfane ojale. 
 C&e febe fometoljat reltrapnetb flute, pjonoftetl) 
 to ppffe, anbnutigatetb freattpnges of tbefto^ 
 make anb guttes, fpcciallp tlje Decoction of the 
 roote, if tfje matter, eaufpnge frettpnge be cofbe, 
 but if it be of a botte caufe, tbe bfe thereof 10 
 Gaif.fim. Dangerous, fo? inflammation o? ejtulcerattonof 
 dr mcdi< ^ rapne0 02 blabber* Ht i0 fcotte in tf^e tljirb be* 
 r<7 7 ;; * Sc,anb D;p intl)t fp;ft* 
 IOKE, 2f 
 ^\ny(e fedf 
 < aftcrtj rtDete b?etf,\p20uokctl) fcrfne,anD D?i- 
 uetb Do tone tftmgcs , cleaupuge to tlje rapnes o? 
 blaDDcr, ftpretfj tip courage, ? canfetf) abunDancc 
 of mplke. jfl t is Ijo te anD D;p m ti?c tfticD Degce. 
 Cftep mafcetopnDe, botorfo euertftcp.beojDe* 
 ceD : tlje fuuftancc, toft tebe tftep Do make, ts fputt- 
 gpe ? anD not f icme, albeit tljcp be abfterfmc o; 
 derifinge tfte boDp, tftep tacp longe oj tljep be Dp= 
 gefteo,ano maKc gcoflfe iupce in tbeboDp, butpf 
 onpous be foDDen tottft tftem, t'qep be laffe ttopfuL 
 airemocfjcof tfte nature of beanee, buttbepbe 
 laffe topnDp, anD pallctl; fader out of tbe boDpe : 
 tbepbealfoabftecfiue o;clenfmg,fpeciallp tobite 
 peafon,$ tbep alfo caufe metelp gooD no uriflimg, 
 t\) ijuf^f g taken atoape. % i D ti)c tyorfje, toy etui 
 tftep be foDDen, cl cnl'ctft ngftt toel t!)e tapnes anD 
 R*pf rotes ani N*Hfto>* 4 C*p.i^ 
 T$e wpce maDe bp tbem, 10 fcerp grolfe : 3fnD 
 tljerfoje bemgemocbe eaten, if tbep be not 
 perfptelp concocte m tbe ftomafce, tbep Doo mate 
 cruDe 0? ratoe tupce tit tbe l^pnes- 3dlfo tf tbep be 
 notfoellbopleD, tbep caufe topnDes, anDanuope 
 tfje ftomafce, anD make fometpme frettpnges : Jit 
 tbep be toell bopleD fp;(l in deaue toater, anD tbat 
 beinge cad a toap,tbe feconD tpme toitb fat flefte, 
 tf?ep nourptye moc&e, anD Doo nept&ec lo tofe no? 
 31 11 bpuDc
 bpnoe tbcbealp. &ut Bauclus Do not nourpffje 
 fomocljc as rapes, but t(;cp be cucn as topuDye. 
 ISeinge tuclie boplcb tn toatec, anb after tottfc 
 facte fletye, nozifyctlj mocb, augmented tbe feDr 
 of man, p jo uottctb carnal! lull* Caten ratoe, tbei 
 flp:c bp appetite to erte, b nngc temperatlp bfco 
 auDbc conuenient bntotbem, tobpefjebauc pu- 
 tn ttcD matter tit tlj eic b :caft cs o; Umgcs>ca ufum 
 tlnin to fppf te eaft!p,but beinge m ocb c anb of ta 
 eatcn 3 tljep make ratoe tupce anb topnoptu flc. 
 Parfnepes and carctttes* 
 C^KPbo nourifbe toitb better tupce tfcantbe 
 Gaiftmp. otbertoote0,fpeciaHpcaretteg, tobtcbeacebotte 
 med.u. 7 . anD DwMb ejcpelletb fopttfh Bot foitbftanbiuge 
 mocbe bfeb, tbep tngenDer pll tupce : but caretteg 
 Ia(Te t ban parfuepes, tlje one anb tlje ofyer ejcpcl- 
 ^[Radifhe rootcs 
 pauius e $aite $* ** * Attenuate, o? mafce tf?pu, anb 
 R in * alfo to toarme. 3iifo tbep caufe to b?eafee tupn D c , 
 Diofcori* anb to ppfle : being eaten afo^e meales, tbep lette 
 to# t&e meate,tbat it map not bifcenbe,but beinge ea- 
 ten lade, tljepmafee goob bigeftion, anbloufetb 
 Lifa.7.^c tbebealp,tljougb<i5airou0fo;itecotttcarpe tfo> 
 iimPiris. 3[ 5 amongebiuer0Otfeer, bp experience bauep?o- 
 utt) it : not toitb (tanbH ge tlpp be b nbolfomc f oj 
 tljcm, tbat baue continuallp t!;e goute, o; pepnes 
 Garlykf r 
 Jt Dotf) e attenuate anb cutte g wife \jumo urs,* 
 IOXE. ** 
 apmp.DitToluetljgroffetopnDes, ant^eatetft all 
 ttje bobp-alfo opened ti)t places,toi)icbe ace flop* 
 peD,generallp tofcere it is toeli DigefteD in #e (to* 
 mafee : it i* bolfome to opuers purpofes,fpectaup 
 n tbe bobp, toljeein is grolte matters? mocft eoto 
 nclofeo, ifitbefoDben fcntpll itloufettybistart* 
 lefle, it fometofcat nourpflKb> ano P# lofetfc not 
 us p2opccte,to ectenuate groffe turnouts : being 
 JoDbmin mplfee,it profited) moclje agapnftebi* 
 ipllations from fye b cab into tlje ftomafee. 
 2D o alfo ejetenuate, btittbelonge onions mo;e 
 tban tbc rounbe, tbe reb mo?e tban tbe fc%te 3 tbe 
 D?pemo?c tljantfcep foljtcbe begrene: alfo ratoe 
 mo2e ttjan CoDDen, tbep (lire appetite to meat, anD 
 putatoap lotbfomnes, anbiotofetbebealp, tl;cp 
 qupcfeenfpgbt: anD beinge eaten in great abtm* 
 Dance tmtb meat, t&epcaufeonetoflepe founDlp* 
 tBeof pliiupce, and bo mafce troublous b?ea- r . 
 tnes, buttftep DoeictetMateanDcIenfet&eboDpe^aLjs, 
 anD alfo make it foluble,anb p;o uofcetb brine. 
 fi^oje ouer it caufety one to fpptte oute eafilp tl)t 
 fleume, totytty is in $eb;eafte 
 Jt Ijeatetk and fommetoba t bp nDe tb, anD tber^ 
 to t tb p^o uofectb brine, t b e uecoctton of tbe leaues 
 anD tyauncbes beinge Djunfee* Mo it ftoppetfy 
 blebpngeof toounoes, beinge iapDe tmto tbem. 
 $oiz ouer it batb ben p^oueD, ttjat toomen, tobi= 
 c&el;aue ben longetpme toitboutc^pioeme, anD 
 Z i" i;aus
 fmucD;:un&e..oiince0 of tbetupccof fauge, tmtlj 
 a grapne of falte, a quartet of an Ijoure before 
 t!;at tf;cp bauc companpeD toitf) tfietr !) ufbanbcs, 
 bau c eoncepueD at t!j at tpme, J\t is I;ott e anD D;p 
 tttttje tfjp;De Degree, tl;e bfpngc thereof is gooD 
 Ootbc bcafcauD crtemiate, fotyerbp ttDigcdct^ 
 flpmp fleumc: betnge p:cparcD \mt\) fpggc0,tt 
 pourgetb flcume DoitmctoacDe, tottbbonpe and 
 toater up toaro e, bopIeD in bpneger, it Ijclpctli tfje 
 totfje abe, tf tt>e tettfje be toaffyeD t^ettuit^Jt 10 
 &o te anD Djp in tbe tlnrD Degree* 
 Comfojtctfjtljetyarte, anD mafeefy one merpc, 
 eaten ratoe befo;emca!e0, ojlapDetn topm tljiat 
 tsD:ur;Hc; 3fllfo mollifietfj tljcbcalp, anDp;cpa= 
 cert* to tbe ftoolc, Jt is I; ore anD moid in tlje nipo- 
 Dcll of rljcftrft Degree. 
 |ourgetl? flcume* Ijelpetlj bpgeftion, mafcet!) 
 qupclt fpgbt,pjouofcetlj bune,anD ftpjetlj carnaU 
 appetite* jft 10 Ijote anD D# m tfje tI)irD Degrc. 
 catefy moef), anD tncreafetft fcDe cf man, po* 
 tiofcetb courage^elpetljDigefttonjanD fome&bat 
 ioufetfj. jt is bote am* mopft tn tlje feeonD De#tc* 
 %t(Folueft fopnDe& bjeafcetlj tbe ffootte, erpul* 
 fprt? tonne, anDceaflctb feeattpnge0* Jusfymz 
 anD d;p tn t&e tljirD Degree. 
 SOKE* *0 
 3otbce#enuate, beate, anDDecocte,ttrefout* 
 met!; tbe (lomafcc,opp;eircD tuttU fleume, tt Dotbe 
 tecomfo?te tbe fapnt fpicite, tt erpeiletb melanco* 
 Ip bp fegc, anD ts meDtctnable agapnft manp Du- 
 eafc0<3] t is bote anD D?p in tbe tfjtro Degree 
 CPaulus DifcommenDetb, fapenge,tbattttcfc= 
 ttetb concoction, anDburtctb tfjettomaefce, anD 
 mafcetbpH iupcetn tbeboDp, tafeena0 meDtctne 
 tt (iclpctfj matip Difeato* Jtfebotte anDDjpetti 
 d;ctI;D Degree. 
 $atb tbe berttietoljeace, anDtljetfojc it OtfToI^ 
 mtl) burnout congelcD luttft coloe : 3[t l^elpctO a- 
 gapnft palfep0, faHmgc ficfcenes,oiDc Difcafcs of 
 tbe b;eafte,tourmentc0 02 ftettpnge, tt pjouofeetfj 
 b tin c anD ftoeat : tt belpe tb tf?e cougb taken toitlj 
 pepper anD bonp, ttputtetbatoap totbeafce, tbe 
 to te beirtge d; e toeD , j tb e wpce tl; ecof put m to 
 t&etotfye, betngebourncD, tbe fume tftccof tefp- 
 ftetbtbepeftilence: tf;e rpnDe thereof foDDen 02 
 burneD,$ tbe fume tecepueDat tbcmoutb, flop- 
 petb tbe reume 3 fobtcbe fall etb out of tb e beao u^ 
 to the cbehesojtbjcotc: fobtcbe jjnipfelfebaue 
 pjoueD, tf)e grene f eatics b;upfcD, Dooftoppetbe 
 bcmo;toiDes,pft(;epbeIaj oebnto tbepm Cljts 
 bctbe ts bote anD D;p in tlje tljirD Degree* 
 ^ Spyces groxp'mgc out of this retime vfei in 
 me Ate or drynke. C*p.i7, 
 Uacfee pepper is fyttt% ant> mod b;p, tof^tte 
 pepper is nejet, longe pepper is mode tempe* 
 rate. C!>e general p;opcrttc of ail fcpnbes of pep 
 pens tofjeatet&eboop: but as C3alencfaptb, it 
 peccetl) bo tonetoatbc, and Dotfye not fpjeabc in to 
 t\)t bapnes, if it be gtoffc beaten. 3|t Dififoiuetl) 
 f Ieume anb topnbe, it bclpety D igeft ton> erpuifetfi 
 trine, anb it belpcty agatnftc tf)c bifeafes of ttye 
 bjealie, p?ocebpnge of colbc 3ft is Jjotte in tfjc 
 f trft begee, anb d;p in i\)c feeonoe* 
 Seated) t&e ftomafee.anb fjclpctfc bigeftion, but 
 it beatctl) not Co foone as pepper : but aftertoacd 
 tl)c \, eate remapnetjj longer, =t caufetb tfre m outb 
 to be moitter : 23etng grene, o; foel! confectioned 
 tn fp;ope, it comfojtetft moc&e tl)t SonmcUe anb 
 fteab, andqupefcenetft rememb;aunce, if it be ta* 
 ben in t&e moiotoe f aftpnge* 3|t is tjotte tnt&e fe- 
 conb begree,anb D;p in t\)t f irft* 
 &omefofjat bpnbet&.&eatetfcanb eomfotfetl) 
 tlje ftomake anb t&e&artefpecfallp, and matted 
 goob bigeftion.beinc eaten o? d?unfcen tn a fmali 
 quantitie. 3[t is fjotteint&c feconbe Degree, anb 
 $a# berate to comf o?t tfje fpnefoes^aifo to con* 
 Tame an&Dtffohi* f up etfiuous Rumours, Ctjep 
 be bo ttt an b top m tbe tbp;D Degree : foDDen toltb 
 mplfte,it comfojtetb tbe nebilttie of nature. 
 2&tofco;tDe0 commenDetfc to be Djunfee agapnft 
 fpf tttng of bIoD,anD bluDDp fluces,* erceffiue laf- 
 fees* i&aulttt Cgtneta aDDetb to it, tbat it belpetb 
 tbe colpfce : tbep be botte tr tbe feconD Degree anD 
 D;pe in tbe tbirbe Degree. 3 1 (0 to tbe (tomato be* 
 rp commoDpo U0, taken m a Ipttell q uantitic. 
 Witb tbctr ftoeteoDour comfozte anD Diflfolue, 
 anD fomtpme comfojtetb tbe potoer of tbe fpgbt, 
 anD alfo tbe bjapn in colDe Difcrafie0>anD 10 bote 
 anD D;p in tbe feconD Degree* 
 %Of irfnkes^dfyrji of w<rfff.C<pi8* 
 VBDoubteDlp boater batbe p?eempne~*e a* 
 bone all otber ipeourcs, notonelp bpcaufe 
 it i an elemct, tbat 10 to fap,a pure matter, tober 
 of ai otber ipcoucs fyatte tbetr original fubftance: 
 but alfofo?afmocbe, a0 ft toa0 tbe berp natural! 
 anD fpjft D;pnfce to all maner of ttmutesMjet; 
 fo;e tbe fapeng of pinDaru0 tbe poete, teas euec 
 toell alio toeD, tofnebe faptbe, toater is befte. 3dnD 
 one tbpnge ts tocll conftbeceD, tbat from tbe ere* 
 atfonoftbetoojlDe, bntpf'tbe bmuerfall Deluge 
 0; flouDDe, Duunge tobtcbtpme, mm IpueD eigbt 
 0; npne bunberDe pere0 , tjjere toas none otber 
 tyii&t bfeD no; fcnotoen, but toater. Mo tbe true 
 folotoer0 of 0ptbago?a0 Doctrine, D;anKe onelp 
 toater, anbpetlpueDionge: as ^poiiotuus anD 
 & otber
 otbcr : anD ttUbcfcrcbmgcout of fccccrc auo tin 
 Etcall tbpugcs, tficir topttes crccIIpD.^ o^eouee, 
 toebaue fcnc men anD tucmtnof great age, anD 
 ftrongcofboDp, tobpebeneuer o? berpe felDome, 
 Djanfe c other D;pnfe c, tban puce Umtcr : as bp cp 
 ample in o;nctoail, altliotigii tbat tbe eottntrep 
 to tit a Deep colDe quarter, tofjtc^epioueti^ t!;at 
 if men from tbett infancpe, toere aecuftomeD to 
 none other D?inft e, but to toater onelp , mobtratlp 
 bfeD,tt(buiDbc fufttcieuttofeepe natural! mop* 
 (lure, and to eaufe tbe meat tbat is eaten, to perec 
 anD DtfccuDc bnto ti)e places of Digeftiou, tobicbe 
 are tbe pourpofest&ae Djpnfeeferuetbfo?*. But 
 notoe to tbe qualities of toater, after tbe kntmct 
 of auncient pfcilofopfjers anD D&ifitions, Clje 
 rapne toater, aftettbe opinion of tfye moft men, if 
 ibe recepueb pure and eleane, is moft fubtpl anD 
 penettatme of anp oftee toaters : tbe ncjct is tbat, 
 fetlj ftoiftlp among great ftones o;rockes: C&e 
 tbitbc 10 of a cieane rpuer, tobpebe rennetb on 
 great barDe ftones o? pebics. Cljere beDpuerfe 
 meanes to trie out, tobicfje ts tbe belle toater* jf 0? 
 tbat tofctcfee is ligljteft in popfe 0? toetgb t is beft, 
 alfo tbat, tofyerof cornet!) leeftfttpmmeo? frotbc, 
 toban it Do tb bople. 3Hfo tbat , tobtcb topll (boned 
 be bot* $ o?eo ucr Deape Itnnen clothes in to fun* 
 D;p toaters, anD after lap tfjem to D;p, 9 tbat tobi- 
 cbe is foneft D;p,tbe toater toberm it toa*Deapet& 
 ts moft fubtpl. after a great fur fcte,fpcciallp*a W 
 toitbfuperfluoufe eattngeof* 
 8 KB* It 
 tcs,coR> b&tee b?unfeen 3 is a general remebp.tMp* 
 pocrates affermetb f In fltjarp 9 fetuent bifeafes,;^* 
 none otf^ec temebp ts to be requp^D, t^an toatec* mor . 
 3nD (oaleti topi not, tljat cI)tlD;cn tyulD be let fro di flt> . r, 
 tytnfcmg of toatenbut tbat toban tbep f cle tije fei- 
 f es betp l)ote,af cec meales. and Do Deftre to D^tnfe 
 toatcr,fpcaallp of a cleanr f ountapne, $ep Q) u!D 
 be fuffteD^lfo Hippocrates faitb>3i facb ftfcnes 
 tabere as tbou feareft,lell tbeljeaa Q) utt> be befce* 
 mentip gceueD ,0; tfye mpnbe penfljeD, tbere muft 
 tyou groe eptljer toatec,o? tobite topnc alapD tottb 
 moclje foater*$ot hutb ftanbmg there be in toatcc 
 caufes of Dpuets Difeafes as of fttieUpnge of tbe 
 fplencanD tbe Iptter, ft alfo f Ip ttetl; $ ftopmmety, 
 atiD ft ts longe 0; tt percetfc, tn as moc!;e as it is 
 col&e $ flotpe tn Decocttonat lotofetlj not tlje bealp 
 110; pjouofcetl) bnne. aifomtbis itisbpefoufe, 
 tfjat of bis p;opet nature, it mafcetb none o:Duce. 
 jf pnallp, al toap refpect mufte be I) aDD e to tfce p zu 
 Tone, tfiat Djpnfcetb it f 0? to pong men, ana t\)em, 
 tljatbe&otteof completion, itDotbelafle batme, 
 and fotntpme tt p? of p tetlj . b ut to tbem tbat are f & 
 ble 5 olDc fieiimatifce, o;meiancolp,it is not coue- 
 Plato, tfje fopfeftofpU pbplofopljers, Dotlje 
 affirme, tbat topne mo&eratelpDjunfce, noti- 
 rpflbetb anb comf o#etb,as bell all tfic bobpe, as 
 Cbe fplrttes of man* 3flnD tfcrf cue gob DpD o;Depn 
 it fo? mankpnDe,as a remebp agamge tbe tocom* 
 ttiootttcs of age : tf;at fyerbp tljep Q) ulbe feme to 
 feu retonrne
 retourne tmto pout^ano foigctte ticupnc s, fan* 
 DotibtcDIp topne theater J) and mopftctb tbe boDpe, 
 tobpcljc qualities c Ijief dp conferuetb Mature* 
 3nD<5aleneof alltopnes, comcnDetij tbat, tofjfe 
 c\)e 10 pelo to atiD clere/apmg. Cba t it is tbe bote 
 ted, anDtobite topne leftebottc. 3inDtbe eoloure 
 mcancbettocuebbrb, -ffcmblablc temperature, 
 <Cl;e pelo toe topne, toljiclje is tbe proper colour of 
 Derp botre topnes, to olDc men Dotljc b;pngc tljcfc 
 comoDities. JFp?ftit beatctb all tf)cir members: 
 alfoitputgetl) bp tonne, rljctoatrpefubftanceof 
 tbe blouD, dlo?eouer, tin toptm, tntyebe be pale 
 02 pelo toe, anD full of fubftance, 'tljep Do tncreafe 
 bio uD e, anD nour iQjc the boDpe : but f oj tin mo?e 
 part olbe men b'aue neDe of fucije topntB, toljtclje 
 Dop?ouofcebrine:fo;afmoc!jea8 m tbem Dooa* 
 bound* toatrp ercrementcs 02 fupcrf turn cs* 3toD 
 rbep tobiclje Do tarp longe in tlje bealp* be not apt 
 fo;agcDmen. $lacfeeo? beepereDDe topnesano 
 tbicfce, Do btnD anD congele ttjat tobiebe tfrep boo 
 fpnDe mt&e boDp, anDalt&ougb fomeof tbcpm 
 Do not long abpDe in tbe bealp, pet ttyp moue nor 
 brine, but ratfyer toitljD jatoctb : bat ytt rb cp Do a 
 Marine to olDe men, fo?afn;ocl)e as tfyep Do ftoppc 
 tl;c etinDites of tbe4plene, tijetpuer, anD tbe rap 
 nes. aiir&groffe tomes be bed fo; tfoem, tobtcfj De* 
 fire to be f at,but it mafeetb epilations: olbe topne 
 anD clere,is better fo; thcntjtljat be f leuma tike. 
 (aleneaifo p;ot>ibitetb rfjplDcrnetoDjpufteanp 
 * ' dt . topne, fojaftnocbe as titty be of a bote anD mopft 
 Men. fmu tt mpmnm^ano fo 10 tx>vm t anD tJ>etfo;e it &e&? 
 BOK!. * 
 tett) and mop ftetft to m oclje ttctr bod ies, and fpl= 
 letfj tljeir fceaDes bit!) toapoures. a^o?e ouet be 
 foolde tftat ponge men ft ulde Djpnfce Ipttell toine, 
 foj It Q) all mahc tbem pjone to ftirp anD to Icc^c* 
 rpe:anDti)at parte of tljefoule, tojjtcfceiseallpD 
 rational!, tt Q) all mahc troublous anD Duile : not 
 to t tlj (land in ge> pet tt is fo n i time profitable to mfc 
 tt gate o; ejrpeil ojDuee, made of eoler o? melan co* 
 Ip.aifo it p;ofptetb again ft Djpttje, tobicbeljap* 
 netb tn t&e fubfta nee of t ft e boDp, eitbec bp to mo* 
 cbe labour, Qjbptbe proper temperature of age: 
 fojtopue mopftet&anDnourtfljetbtbat, toljtcbis 
 to d;te, alfomitigatetl; anddilToiuetb ffcefyatp* 
 nes of eoler, $ purged* italfo bp brine 3 ftoeate: 
 f inallp (as Cbeognes fattb) $$ot\) D?inttinge of 
 fcpnewpll, but moDerate Djpnfcpnge of topnei* 
 not onclpnotpll, butalfo commodious and p;o* 
 f p table. TObtcbefenteneeis confirmed bp 3jefu0 
 >p;ac,tn tbebofce named Cccleftafttc? fapinge, 
 tt>pnemoDeratelp DjunUe, teiopfetI)bot!)t&ebOs Ec<Ic,,, ' 
 DpanDfoule, wfcerfoje to conclude ttyseftapfc 
 ter, Cfteee is neptber meate no; Djpnke, in tbe fcfe 
 toljerof ougftt to beamo?c difecete moderation, 
 tftan in topnc,co nfpd e tpnge tbat beinge go od anD 
 D?untte in Due tpmt anD meafure,lt not onlp con* 
 feruetft natural! anD raoiea ' I mopfture, tobcrebp 
 Ipfe inDurctb, but alfoit belpetb tfte fcincppall 
 members, tobiebe belonge to Digeftion,to Do tbeir 
 o If ice : Qn tbe o tb ec parte, being pll o; co?r upt,oj 
 taken out of o;Der anD meafure, tt Dotbe centrarp 
 to all tl)t p;cnufft** befpdes tftat it tran(fo;met^ 
 fttti amaa
 a man o;tooman, mafepngctbcmbcadlp* t^ot$ 
 cftbc qualities of tome, Qailbt toucbeDbeccaf 
 MI the ts compact of t&e fubdanceSjCteame, 
 uiijep, $ ccuDDeg. Cbe mode excellent milfte 
 isof atuoman. Hbcmplfccof a cohns tbpeftcd. 
 tbe inplttc of a camcll is mod fubtpll,tbe mp ifcc of 
 a goote 10 bcttocne cotoc mplfce s anD cameli mplfc. 
 Ctoesmplke is bettoeenccotoc raplfcc ano alles 
 mplfee* 3 Ifo ti jc mplfc f bcaft cs, f copn ge in large 
 paftureg, ano out of fames and marfljes, 10 bet- 
 lee t&an of fyem, tobiclje be fedde in Iptteil clofc0, 
 ojmtoatrpgroimdes. Jnfpjinge tpmeniplke 10 
 mod fubtpll, and mplfce of pong beade6,is J;oifo= 
 met, tban of olbc. Co cfjpld?en, olde men,and to 
 tbem, tot)icl) be opp:cflcD kutb mcIancoIj\bj baue 
 tfyc UtQ)t confumed toitb a feuer ctbtfce, mplfce is 
 conucntent. Sflnd generally to all tbem, tobiclje Do 
 not f cle tbe mplk nfe m tljctc ft makes, after that 
 tfcep baue eaten it : and in tbofe oecf cms, it botbe 
 eafilppourge tbattoljicbe 10 in tbe bealpefupec^ 
 fluous. 3nD nftettoatDe it cntuctb into tbebap^ 
 tie0,anDb;tngetb goodnourityement, ^bofoo 
 euer ba tf? an appettt : to eate 0? D?pnfee mplfce, to 
 tbe entct tbat it 0>al not artfe : ab;aieo m tbe do 
 mallet bpm p ut in to a be(Tell,out of tbe vd^ic be 
 befoplltecepue it a fetoleaues of mpntes, fugar 
 o;purebonp. Ind in to tbat bedell caufe tbe bed 
 to be mpifced, andfo d;pnfce itumrme from t&e 
 ioxi, *4- 
 uDDet: o? els Itttyvm Do as aulus gineta tea- 
 cheth>tIjattstofa}>, boplefica tfjempiUctoitftan 
 eafp ftre, $ fet^e it after toitfc a potter fire, 9 ftpm 
 itelene,anDtottlja fpungeDeapeDin coIDtoater, 
 tafte tfjat cleane afoap, tohtch toelDc be burneD to 
 the befFell, than put to the mplfee, fait anD f ugar, 
 $ Here it often. <$o?eouermpifte tafcen to purge orfbafws 
 melancolp, lnoID be D junfee in the moaning atom* J conf ^ 
 Dantip netoe mplfccD as is before tojitten* 3nD fte 35? 
 that D?infeeth, ChulD abftepn from meate, anD eje- 
 eec!fe 3 bntpll the mtlft c be DigefteD 3 anD ha ue f om= 
 tohatpnrgeD tfcebealp. fo;Voit\) labour it beco* 
 metfc foure:$ t&erf oje it requpjetlj reft 9 toatei) oj 
 to toalfce berp foftf Jp*# inaUp,tD^ere men $ toome 
 be DfcD from i heir chtlD hoDc, f 0; the mo;e pact, to 
 mplfccmiD bo eate none 0? Iptteli other meate,bt*e 
 mplfee anD butter,tbep appere to be of gooD com- 
 pletfonanDfacionofboDp, $ notfo moche*ereD 
 totth fr cfcnes, as thep toh tchc Djpnbe tome 02 ale: 
 not toit&tfattDinge mocf? bfe of mtifee tn men fan= 
 m\t 0; colenke.o rtj tngenDer the done. 
 ^[Of al^bier^cyder^and \rhay* 
 I Can neitfpr here no; rcDe, that ale is maDe anD 
 bfeD f 0? a comon D?pnfce in anp other countrep 
 than <SnglanD,>cotlaD,3lreIanD, $ j^ople* Che 
 latpn too;De Cmwri*, is inDifft rent as toelle to afe 
 astobiere* 3If thecojne begooD, thetoatcr \)oU 
 fomcano clean c, anD the ale 0? biere toelle anD 
 perfptelpebjetoeD anDclenfeD> anD bp tfje fpaee 
 of fpjc trar C0 o? mo?c, fcttl eD anD Defecate, tt mud 
 ncDcsbca nccea*arp^conuGiucntD?piik 3 as toeU 
 tnfpkncs asm^efct;: confrDcnngctbatbarlcpe 
 cojne,U)bcrof it is maDe,is comnienDeD, anD bfeD 
 inmeDicme, in all partes of tbetoo^lD^accomp^ 
 tco to be of a fpnguiar cfficacp, m reD uepuge t&e 
 boDp into go oD temper, fpeciallp toi|icl> is in a Di= 
 (temperature of beate. tfo? tobat auncient pe- 
 tition is tbere, tbatm bis looses commenDetfr 
 not p tpfanc, tobic&e is none otftec $an pure bar - 
 lep, b?atcD in a mojter, anD foDDen in toatee/ Cbe 
 fame tbpnge is fmalle anD cleatie ale 02 bpere, fa - 
 upnge tbat pe retail nee, tbe D jienge of tbe matte, 
 is caufe of m o?e D?pfy to be in tbe ale, t ban in p ti- 
 fane. 3biD tbe b oppes in biere maft etb it coIDer in 
 operation. But to fap as 31 tbpnbe, J fuppofe. p 
 neitber ale no; biere is to be compared to topne, 
 conUDeeinge, tbat in tljem Do lache tbe beate anD 
 mopfture tobtcb is in topne. jfojttjat being moDe- 
 tatelp bfeD, ts mod Iphe to tbe naturall beate anD 
 mopfture of mans boDpe. Snoalfo tljelpfcourof 
 ale $ biere beinge mojcgrGfle, DoingenDermo?e 
 grolfe bapours. and corrupt bumo;stban topne 
 Dotb,beinge Dntnfcc m like erceffe of quantitie. 
 CSlsfo? Cpoec, mape natbe gooD in anpeon* 
 Dicton, confpoerpnge(as 31 fapDe)tbat all f rut* 
 tes Doo tngenDer pll rumours, anD Doo coole to 
 m oebe naturall beate t but to tb em, tobicbe baue 
 abundance of reD coler, moDeratlp bfeD, it fome= 
 tobat p;ofptetb in mitigation of ejreeflpue beate. 
 23ut tebo t^at topll Diligentlp martc in tljc coun* 
 SOKE* If 
 treps, fofjetefpfcensbfeb foj a common bjpnfee, 
 fte men ano toomen bauetl?e colour of fteic top* 
 fage pallpD 3 anD tfje ffcpnne of ftepj bpfage rp- 
 uelleD, alftougb ftat tljep be pongc, u> bap, pf it 
 be lef te of fte butter, beinge bell ojtyeb, ano not 
 D?unke,bntpilttl;atie a ftpcfcecutoe of mpifec o- 
 uec it, Ipht to a ftatte, is a ugijt temperate D?mfce 
 f oj as mofte as by fte bnctuofitte of ttje butter, 
 to&erof fte to&ap retapneft font pojtto, it is boft 
 moift ano nourpftpnge, and clenfetb fte bjeafte : 
 anD bp fte fubtplnes of tt fcife, tt btffendeft Cone 
 from fte (tomato, anb ts ft o jtlp Dtgeftco^ifo bp 
 reafon of fte affmttte, toftffte tt ftat& totft mplfce, 
 tt ts conuertible m to bloube anb f left e, fpecpallp 
 in ftofepecfons, totyftebo uftabpte fte nojfte 
 partes>uttt^om naturail beatefs congluttnate* 
 anb ftecfojeisof tnoje ptuflfance ano ber'ue tit 
 fte office of concoction. SBtfo cuftome from ftpld* 
 t) obe soft eleuate ft e potoer of meates anb D?pn* 
 fees m ft etc bifpofttion, not totftftanDpngc ftat 
 ft e foure bumours, fanguine, colec, fleume, anb 
 melancoip , muft atfo be confpbereb, as tt ft ai ap= 
 pere in Diners places thereafter, 
 Htipnpe as toelle in mc ate as inbjpnfce, is of 
 incomparable effiicacp, fojitnot ondpclen* 
 feft , altereft ,anb nortfteft ,b ut alfo it long tpme 
 p?eferueft ft at bneojeup tco, tob ift is put in in to 
 tt 3In fo mofte as linp fapft : >ufte is fte na* 
 ture of l>onp, tbat it fuffcctb rot fte bobies to pti* 
 % tnfie*
 The seconds 
 etiRe* 3nD be affirmed, tfjat f jc bpd fe an l^rppo~ 
 centaur e (tobiclje ts a beaQc ijalfe manjjalf bojfc) 
 b;ougbr m Ijonpc to ClauDius tbcempetouc out 
 of Cgpptc, toftome. 25nd&e telletljalfo of oone 
 }3 oliio liionmius, fcbo toas aboue a bunbjcD pe= 
 resolDe, of tobome aiuguftus tbeemperour be* 
 inandeD, bp lubat mcaties l;e IpucD To longe, auD 
 cetapned ftp II tfje fcpgour o; Ituelmes of bobp and 
 mpnD^olUo anffocrcd , $ be DpDit tntimtde tmtb 
 inrabe (fob tcb is D;tn&e made ami) !; onp 3 foater) 
 outward fo itb ople* aTljicfj e fapeng agrcetb imtfj 
 tlje fenteuce of ^emocritus, tljegrcate pfjtlofo- 
 pljcr : h)\)0 being demanded, bob a man ntougbt 
 Ipuelonge in beltbc be aunftocted, J flic totttz 
 lipinfoitbmtMtb&onpe, imtljouttoitboplc. Cbe 
 fame pbiiofopljcr, toban &e foas a bundled peres 
 olde ^ nb npne, prolonged b ts Ipfe cc ttap m dapes 
 fcntb tbe cuapo;atton of bonpc, as aireftojrenus 
 htfifetfj. >ftbts excellent matter, moftetuonber- 
 fulipto^ougbtandgatbcrcdbptljclpttell bee, as 
 foe! of tfjepuredefoeof beuen, as of tbc mo(tfub= 
 tpll bumo; of foete$bertuou0berbc$ftonre0, 
 bemabe lpfco?s comodtdus to mSfepitd, as mead, 
 metbeglpn,and onmcll . ^eabe, fobicbe is mabe 
 U)itb one parte of b onp 5 anD foure tpmes fo mocfje 
 Gaien.d of pure tt?atec, andborleb bntpllno ffcpm bore* 
 mend, fa, niapne, is mocbe comended of <Salene> djunfce in 
 nita,ii,+. former, fo?p?eferupngeofbeifb* <l?e ferae au* 
 tboj alfoap eommenbetb tbe bfpnge of &onp, cp* 
 tbetrafoe eaten fottb fpneb^cabbe, fomefobatle* 
 ueneD,o;foDDcn, andrecepuedasd;pn&c. aifoo 
 SOKE. % 
 m cafcc perfectly ma&e.clenfctlj tfje bieaCl anb lun* 
 gcs, caufctf? a man to fpptte eafplp,anb to ptile a* 
 bunDawlp,anD purged tbe bclp moberatlp^e* 
 tlmlp nM) icl)t is mode bfeb m bales, bp ceafon 
 of t)ottc becbcsboplco totti; ^onp, ts bottcc ttjati 
 tneaoe, anb mo# comf o;tetb a colbe ftomafce, if it 
 be perfectly mabe,anb not neto o: beep dale, tu 
 mell ts, tolj ere to one part of bpneger is put Dou- 
 ble fo nm\)t of bonpe, fouretpmes asmoke of 
 tea tec, and tbat being bopleb bnto tbe tbieb p act, 
 anbcleane ffcpmmeb toitb afetljcc, is bfeb to be 
 taken, fobere in tbe ttomacfcersmoclje fleumeo; 
 matter bnbigetted, fot&atttbe natrebbe cooler. 
 Zlofce tbe bfe tberof in 3llejcanb;o Cralliano* 
 *$anpotber gooD qualities ofljonpe, %omytt$ 
 totojtteof, bntpllfomeotber occafionfballljap^ 
 pen, to remember tbempartpcuiatlp, tubere r^cp 
 flball feme to be profitable* 
 Of &ugar, 31 bo fpnb none aunctent aut&oi 
 of grefces ojlatpnes, botojitebpname, but 
 onelp jBauius SBegineta, tobo faptb in tl)iz fopfe, 
 after tbat be batb treated of bomn ^o?eoucc fu- 
 fiar,fobicbe tbep calle bonp, tba t is tyougbt to bs 
 front 30rabia,calleb Felix, ts not fo f toecte as ouce 
 bonp but isequall tnbercue, anbbotb uotanop 
 tbe ftomafce,noj caufetb tbpjfh Cbefe be tbe too?* 
 besof^aulus* Jt is nofoe in bapelpejcperpence, 
 tbat Smgar is a tljpnge berpe temperate anb 
 nourpftypnge, anb Mjere tbere is cijoiec in tbe 
 ft 4 (tomato
 ftomactte,o?fyattye ftomacftc abbojcctb bonpe, 
 it map be bfeD f 02 bonp m all tbinges ,tob er i n 60- 
 tip is required to be* voitl) fugar anD bpneger is 
 sirupea^ maoe >irupeacetofe* 
 IB tl;c confpDeratic.i of tpme, fo? tafcpngc of 
 mcates anD D;pn&es,it is to be rcmemb?eD, tl;at 
 * mtointer meates otigbt to be tafccn m great a- 
 bunDaunce.anD of a mo?e groffe fub fiance tban 
 f n fommer, fojafmocfy as tbe cjcteciour ap?e, tolji* 
 ebe compafFetb tbe boDp beinge colDe, caufetb tl;e 
 bcatc to umbo ja toe into tbc inner partes, tuyere 
 being mclof co,anD gathered npgb togitber in tbe 
 ftomafce anD is of mo;e f o;ce to bople 
 anD Digetle tfjat, fofjicbe is recepneD in to it, M(o 
 meatr s tofleo, are tban better tban fo DDen, * fle fl) 
 anD fptyc p oii>D;eD, is tban better tban in fomer* 
 erbes be not tban commenDable, fpcriallp rato, 
 neither fruites, ejecepte qupnees rofteD 02 bafeeD : 
 Drinks 2&?fnfte fljulD be tftan taken in a ipttell quantitie. 
 oie ouer topnes al neDe no toater, 0? fcerp lp- 
 teiUnDtfyatto colcrifeepcrfoncs : reDDe topnes, 
 anD tljep, tobicbe be t&tcfce anD (bete map be tban 
 mode furelp taken of tfeem, tobicbe bauc none 0= 
 ptlattons,o?tt>eftone* ^Ifoap remember, tbat in 
 topr.tet ficume inrreafetfy, bp reafon of rapne anD 
 mopftnes of tljat feafon, alfo tbe lengtij of nigij* 
 cai. in co tes anD mocije reft. atoDtberfojc in tbat tpme co* 
 went .in a feflfce perfons,ar bed at eafe, femblablp are pong 
 phoa.u.5 men; bt|t (0 otoe mm tpptieer is enemp* 3ft begin* 
 BOKE, 17 
 net!? tbe-tmi.Dap of Bouember, anD cnburetb tin 
 tpll tye4mt* Dap of jf ctyuarp* 
 Cbefopnge tpmeDotbe pacttctpate tbefpjftesprynge 
 parte toitbtopnter, tbe later parte toitb fommer* <y mc - 
 Tcx>berfo?e if tbe fp?ft parte be colDe, tban all tbe *%><* 
 Diete be acco?Dinge to tutnter^f tbe enDe be bote, * de n** 
 tban (ball tbe Dietebeofft>mmer*3ifbotb partis ^^ 
 be temperate, tba fl&ulD tbere be alfo a temper&e 
 in Diete : al toap confpDerpnge, tbat fleurae pet re^ 
 mainetb, anD blouDe tban increafetb* ainDmeate 
 to oiDe be laffe in quantitie tbanne in topnter, anD 
 typnfee rometobatmoje* fiwpnge tpme begpti* 
 netb tbe*biiubap of jfeb?ttarp,anDcontinuetb b 
 tpil tbe.b ii i. Dap of $ ap, 
 . 3Jn S>ommer tbe tn toarD beate ts but lptel,anD Sommen 
 tbeHBtomafee DotbnotDigeftfoftronglpnojcitii&iF 
 fp,as in termer* ^berNein tbatfeafon, eatinge ^P; lor * 
 often, anD a Ipttell at ones, is mode conuemente, 
 3nD ^amafecnus fapt^tfjat faftpng in fommer 
 D?ietb tbe bobpe, mafcetb tbe colour falofoe, <n^ H . 
 genDjetb melaneolpe, anD buecetb tbe fpgbt alfo Wdehi 
 bopleD meatc, b;eaDe ftepcD in to!?ite b?otbe, fcrttb monbtts. 
 foDDen iemfe,o; cifco?te,are tban gooD to be Ihcd, 
 alfo bariette in meates, but not at one meale, pp- 
 rages made toitb tolDe berbes, Djpnfce in mo;e a- 
 bunoanee, tepne alapbe toitb toater, to borte com- 
 pletions mbebe, tocolDe natures lafle, jit tbis GaIen in 
 feafonblouDDe increafetb* anDtotoatDetrjeenoe commw, 
 tberof, coler* 3InD tberfo;e tbep,tobicbe be coID of n aphor. 
 nature anD mop ft, arc tban bed at cafe, bottena? 
 tures anD Dppe toarfte* ^ojeouer cbrtDerni ai$ 
 fcetp pons men to tbe bcgmmnge of fomm*c,ate 
 boleft>olbe foIUc mtl)c latter enbe,anD in batueft* 
 Corner begpnnctb tbe.btit.bap of g$apanD con* 
 tinuctl) totupll tljcMiimp of 31 ug u ft* 
 Awumnc 4aittttinine bcgpnnetb t^e bUt* Dap of aiuguft, 
 rnibcnbetbtbc.tmi.Dapof /i&ouember, tbatfca- 
 f on of the pete ts bat'able, ano tbe ap:e cbangca-- 
 ble,bp occafion toljctof, tjappen ftmtyp fpcUcncf- 
 fes, anD bloDcoccreafctb, and melancolp aboun* 
 Occij ; vol)ctf o :c all fommcr fctutes toolb tban be 
 cfcljctoco, fojafmocbe as tbep make pll i upce anD 
 topnbe0 m tbe bobp. 3Iu tbis (pine meate tooib be 
 mo;c ab o unban tt ban tiifommec, butfometobat 
 D#ec:b?pnke muftbclaflfe mqttantitte, butlalTe 
 mpjctimtb toaten (&\w tpme tsDaungecous to 
 ail age0,al! natute0,anb m all cotmtcep0,but tlje 
 natucc0 bote ano mopft, be IcftcmDamageD* 
 ^[Dif te coAcernyngefun&rse tymes of tta yr#, 
 tpr^rten ty tbe ol<fc pm/irioM Dioclf f 
 Flflom tbe* tiu bap of December, at tbe fobiebe 
 tpnic tbe bap ts at tbe fl)o?teft , bntpl tbe mntlj 
 bap of S^accbe, tob^b^bo contepne*xc* baps, 
 retimes anD ttiopflme0 botnereafe, tbanmcatcs 
 anb ojmkes natutallp bcrp Ijot.foolb be mobecat 
 IpbfeD- 3Mfo to bjpnfce topnt abounbantlp toitb- 
 oute alapeo: imtb Ipttell toatec, anbtafefelpbe- 
 tallp tbe companp of a fooman, ts not bnbolfome 
 to tbe bobp* 
 Ctfmnfte npntfa bap of S^arcbe, at febP*e 
 BOKE, as 
 fpmeis ^ioftiKw Hernum, bnto tbe- jtb*tjapeo 
 aipjpiUtoetefleume anDbiouDDo iucrcafe, the* 3 
 fo;cbfetban tfjingeg baupngc mocbe tupceanD 
 (barpe,ejcerctfe tbe boDp Dilpgentlp, tban mape pe 
 bfefafelptbecompanp of atoomam 
 Ciftom tbe.jtrb. Dap of 3Hp?pil, to tbe. tfttf. Dape 
 of June, Cboler mcrcafeti,, tban Wealitbpnges 
 tljat arc ftaete 5 anD Do make tbe bealp folublc,fo;= 
 b ca re camall companp tottt> toomen* 
 CJf^mtfic^tm.Dapeof Jam, atto&tdje tpme 
 tbe Dap is at tbe Iengeft,tmto tbe,rii,Dap of Sep- 
 tember; Do tlje melancolp reigne, f o?bear c carnall 
 companp o; ttfc it moDeratelpe* 
 Cf wm tbe.jtrt. Dape of September, tmto tlje 
 jttw.Dapeof October, DooabounDefleume atu> 
 tbpnnebumours, tbanfoolDe all f lures anDDi- 
 filiations be p^o!>tbctcD, tban ail fl)arpe meates 
 anD D;pnfte0, anD of gooD tupce, are to be ufeD, 
 anD carualf occupation flbulDe tban be crcbetocD* 
 dtom tbe.rbiuDap of 4Dctober,to tbe-jcit* Dape 
 of December, tncreafetb groflefleume, Wtt\)z& 
 fo;ealIbpttermeates, ffoetetopnes, f attentate, 
 anD mocbe cicerctfe, 
 fOf Ages . Op*!?* 
 C^pID jen toolD be nor; tyeD foftb menus anD r * 
 Djpnfces, tobpebe are moDeratlp botte anD m en .ri* 
 mopft,nottmtbftanDthge 6aleneDotbpjob&bfte lib.prim, 
 tbem tbe bfe of topne, bpcaufe it mopftetb anD be- 
 fetb to mocbe tbe boDp, atiDfplletb tbebeaDesof 
 tbem,fol;fcbeare bote anD mo*, toitb vapours* 
 alfo be permitted tljcm in bo ttc better to tyfnfee 
 ciiiiciren, C^ ri)Pl&* grotopnge fade to fjis members to- 
 oiibaim? toarDeaman. fo tbat be femetbtoell feDDe in tbe 
 deuirmre b oD p j g t j^ n tobefearebof fulnefleof bumojs. 
 imp ' U1, anD ifttbc perceiueb, tfrat bets replete,tban mud 
 be Imtbbjatoen and winitbeD fomc parte of tbat 
 nutriment, anDacxortmgefcntobisagc, fomee* 
 uacuation teotoebebeuifeD, otbertobile bptxtt* 
 c tfe, toalfcpngc bp anD Dotmtc fafttnge,anD before 
 tbat tbep eate anp meate, let tb em ere tafc tbepm 
 felfes witl) tbeir otone labours, anD do tbeir ac* 
 cuftomeD bufpnes,anD eate tbe meates , tnlicctm- 
 to tb cp be mod tfco 3 fo tba t it be f ucbe, tbat mape 
 nat burte tb epm. 3CnD tbis nebe tb cp not to fcnoto 
 of pbifitions,but bp experience anD Diligent fercb 
 bp their ftoole,tbeir nounces foal percepue tobat 
 Dtgeftetb toel, anD tobat Dotb tbe conttatp* 
 Cidtit ifitappece, tbat bpejxefFtuefeDmge, tbe 
 beaip of tbe cbplDeis fuller anD greatter tbanic 
 toas foonte to be, anD tbat tobfcbe paflfctb bp tbe 
 be^lp, 10 co;t up tcD,o? bis ftueate ftpnfcetb . C&efe 
 t b i n ges Un o to en,if tb cp eate fteong meates, giue 
 tb em not onc,ftpnDc of meate, but Dpuers.tbat tbe 
 noueltte of tbe meate map bclpe,tbat tljep map go 
 mo;c eafilp to tbe ft oe 1 e* jfo: tf anp baue an bnrea 
 rentable appetite, betsfoonerrccouercD, if be be 
 poucgebbp abopleo? tmpoftume comcnfotfbc* 
 b;ofcen,befo?e tbat tbe meate be eo;r up tea:? after 
 tbat let b im eate fine meates, anD being ones bole 
 cetourne bp Ip tell anD Ipteil to fyts olDc cuftome. 
 BOM, 59 
 CYongemen, ejcceDpnge tbe age of* riiii* petes, Yongmc 
 ftaileatemeates mojegtofleof fubftaunce, col* 
 Dec and mopltet : atfo falaDes of coiD betbes>anD 
 toDjinfeefelbometopne, erceptett be alapeD toitb 
 toatet* Albeit all tbefc tinges mud be tempted, 
 acco?Din ge to tbeit compiejctons,and ejeercife anD 
 quietnede In Ipuingctofjejof pe $all teDe in t&eic 
 proper places fjcreafter* 
 C >lb e men,in tobome natural! Ijcate $ ftrcngtb oide me. 
 femetb to Decap, (bulb life altoap mcates, fo^ic^e 
 ace of quahtie botteanDmopfle, anDtbettoityall 
 t afp to be DtgefteD, anD abftapne tittetlp from all 
 meates anD D;pnfees, totyeft topll ingenDet tytctte 
 tupce anD (Iprnp* femblablp from topne, tobtcbe 10 
 tbpefceftoete, anD Datfce reDDe topnes, anD rattjec 
 t)fe tt)mM)ict) topll make typnne burnouts , anD 
 topi purge toel tin bio ud bp bttne : tbetf o;t tobite 
 o? peloto topnt*, anD perctjance frencbe claret toi- 
 ties ate f o? t&em berp comenDable*3lfo totne pje- Pauius e* 
 paced toitb pure Ijonp ciatifieb, toljerin rootes of gn a . . i 
 petfelp o? fenell be iliepeD, fpectallp if rtjep fufpect cap,I * # 
 anp fting of tbe (tone, o? goute* 8nD if tbep no?e 
 Defpje to clenfe tbeit rapnes anD blabber : tfjan is 
 it gooD to bfe fntall tob itc toine,as racfceD centre 
 totne, o? o tl; ec like to if , anD fomtpme to (lepe ouet 
 nigbt tbecm a perfelp rote QiUnD fomtobat b?ut= 
 feD, anD a Iptel Ipftojtce* tf inallp, let tbem betoare rfW-# .. 
 of all meates, t&at topil ftoppe tbe po^es, 9 mafce K ?! 
 obft ructions 0? oppila turns, tbat is to tape, toitb ^ 
 clammp matter (toppe tbe places, tofceretbe na= 
 tucall burnouts ate to?ougt>t $ DigeReD, t\)t \xfyu 
 39 c^e
 c&e rotates 3 bauc before retina table. But if it 
 clmunc c tljeni tocatcanp fucbemeatein abotm- 
 Daunce> let tbem talse fljojtclpfticbc tinges, as 
 Do tefpftc oppiIationSjO? refolue tbem* Sis tobpte 
 pepper bjufco $ mprt tout!; tbeir rocates o; D;mfc : 
 gaclpfcc alf o, o; onions, if tbep abbojre tbem nat* 
 alltoap tcmcmbcct&at .igcD men 0) uio eate often, 
 anb but litel at eucrp tinted it farctb bp tbem as 
 it Dotlj bp a lampe, tbc Ipgbt tp&ecof is almoft eje- 
 tincte,fej tysl) bp pouring m of ople htti and litel is 
 long kept bo u nun ge: ^ toitb mocfj ople poureD in 
 at ones, 1 1 is clcne put out Wo tbep mud f o:beat 
 ait t bpn ges, tobicb bo ingenber melancolp, to';cr 
 ofpe Qmll rebein tbc tabic before: anD tycabbe 
 dene to'itl; o ut leuen is to tbem bnfcolfome* 
 ^Moderation m Aiete, hauyttg refpeSi to the fire ngtb 
 or xveakenes of the perfone. Cap.z6 
 N<0 to fyete it mud be confitycD, tbat alt!; ougf? 
 31 ba tic topttm a general! Diet fo; euerp age, 
 pet nctbelefle it mutte be rcmemb^eD, tbat fomme 
 cljph?cn anD pong men, eptbec bpDebilttie of na- 
 ture, o; bp Tome acciDentall caufe, as fpefcenes, o ? 
 moclje ftubpe, happen to gather Rumours ffeu^ 
 matifeo?melancolp in tbc places of Digeft ion, Co 
 tbat concoction o? Dig'ftion isastockc in tbem, 
 as in tbofe, fobpebe are agco. ^embiablpe, fome 
 olbe men fpnDe nature fo beneficiali tmto tbepm, 
 tbat tbeir ftomakes anD lpuersaccmo?e ftrongc 
 to Dpgefte, tban tbc fapDe ponge men, fomme per- 
 c^aunce ijaue moctje cooler remapnpnge in $em. 
 BOKE. 40 
 3jn tljcfc cafes tf)erapDpongc men mu(t e bfefye 
 Dt etc of oIDemen, ojnpgfc imtoit, bntplltye Dtf= 
 ctafp be remo ucD, bauinge al toap refpect to tl;er? 
 tmpuetfall completions^ tbep, tabid; ace nam- 
 talip colecifcc, to bfe bo ttc tbpnge0 tn a mo?e tern- 
 perancctban t\)cp, tobtcljcbe fleumatpfce, ojme* 
 lancolp bp nature. Cbe Due obfetuatton (ball 
 to be oloe mem failing* tljat age,of iji0 otone p?o= SESJ " 
 pcrtie 10 colDeanD D;pe, tberefoje tbeolDe man, Gaicmm 
 tbat ts djolecpcUe, ^all baue moje regarbe to comment 
 mopfture in mcates, tban tbeponge man, bemge 
 oftlje fame completion* jfojefecne altoape, tbat 
 tobere nature is oflenDeDoj greticD, (be ts cured 
 b^ tbat, fobicbe is contrarp to tbat, tobicbe offen* 
 Det& oj greuetb, as colde bp locate, beate b^ colde, 
 Djptbebp mopfture, mopfture bpDjptbe* 3fn tfcat 
 foberbp Mature fljoulDe be nourpftyed, in a Ijole 
 and temperate bodp, twinges mud be tafcen,fo&i- 
 clj e are Ipfec to tbe matmes nature ttt qualttie and 
 Degree* %s tuyere one batbbis bobpe in a good 
 temper, tbpngesof tbe fame temperaunce ootbe 
 nourpflije bpm, *3ut foljere Oe is out of temper in 
 beate, coloe, mopfture,ojd;ptbe, temperate mea- 
 tes o? d?pnfce0, notbpnge Do p?ofpte bpm* f oj be* 
 tngeoutof tlje meant and perfptte temperature, 
 nature rcqupjetlj tobetberto rebuceD bp contra* 
 ties, remembjpnge not oonelp, tbat contrarpes 
 are remedpebnto tbeir contraries, butalfo int* 
 uerp contrarp, confiberation be l;adde of tbe pjo* 
 pojeion in quantities 
 $ii Cpme0
 T)wes w tbr dty conccrnyngc males. C\rp.i7 
 BCfpDcs t!jc tpmes of f Ik rcrc atiD ages, t&ere 
 be alfo otljcr tpmcs of eatmge anD Djmtunge 
 to be rememb?eD, as tlje funD?p tpmcs in tfce Dap, 
 iulnclK toe call niealcs , totyclj ate in number anD 
 inftancc,acco;Dinge to djc temperature of t\)t cou 
 trep atiD perfon : 3Cs tuyere tl;e countrep i0 color, 
 anD tljc perfon luftp,anD of a ftcong nature, tl)etc 
 map mo meaics be bfcD,o:tl)c laflfe Diftauncc of 
 tpme bcrtucne tljc. Contrarp totfe m contrarp cou- 
 trais and pcrfonages.tbc caufe is afoje rctjecfco, 
 in\)ctcJl)Mc fpokcnof t^cDictcof tfce tpmes of 
 tbe pere,not tm tl) ftanD in ge fjere mud be alfo con = 
 federation of ejcercife anD red, ktyicl) do augment 
 o; appaire tlje natural! Difpofition of boDpes, as 
 QjaUrmoje DedareD hereafter mtfte chapiter of 
 ejcercife. 23utconcernpnge tljcgcncrall bfageof 
 countreis, anD admitting ti;c boDies to be in per- 
 ftteftateof fjeltfte, Jlfuppofe, tfjatinCnglanDe, 
 pong men,bntil tljty come to tljt age of, jet petes* 
 mar toeli eate tfoe meales in one Dap,as at b;cke^ 
 f aft,Dpner,anD fupper, fo tfyat betfoene b;cfeefaft, 
 anD Diner, be tfye fpace of f oure fcoures at tfte ie ft, 
 bettoene Diner anD fupper* to Jjo ures > at tl) c b;efc e 
 fad lafle t&an tlje Diner anD tfye Dpner moDcrate, 
 t&at is to fap, laffe tljanfacietie o; fulnefle of bea- 
 !p, anD t\)t D;pnfce t&ecbnto mefurable,acco;Ding 
 totfyeD?pne(Te ojmopftnesoftfjemeate, f o;mo= 
 clje abunDanceof D;pnfeeatmeale, D;ottmcti) tfjc 
 meate eaten, anD not onlp lettety conumimt con- 
 EOKE. 4* 
 coction in tbc ft omafcc, but alfo cauf ctb it to paffe 
 fader tljan nature tec] turctlj, and tl)crfo:e mgen* 
 tyctb mocbe fleume, anb confequentlp mimes, 9 
 crubenes m the bapncs, bebilitieand fipppernes 
 of tbcftomacfec, eontpnuall flare, andmanp o- 
 tbet mconuetuences to t!;e bobp anD members. 
 3Sut to retourne to mealej, % tbpnfee bjeafcefa- &*& 
 ftesneceflarp m tbtstealme, astoellfo? tbecau- 
 fes before rebetfeD, as alfo f ojaCmocij as colee be- 
 m gefcr unit mtbeftomacfce, fenbetbbp fumofi* 
 ties l)u to tbe bjapne, anb caufetb beab acbe, anD 
 fometpme becommetb abufte, anbfmoulbjetbin 
 tbc (tomafce, foberbp bappenetb perpllous fpefee- 
 nes, anb fomtpme fobapne beatbe, tf tbe beate tn< 
 clofcD uube ftomafcc bauenat otbereomientente 
 matter to tooifc on:tbts baplp experience p?ouetb, 
 anbnatueallereafou confirmed?* Cberfojemen 
 anbfoomen notageb, baupnge their ftomackes 
 cleane imtbout putrifteb matter, ueppnge mobe* 
 ratelp anb founblp in tbe npglj t,anb f elinge tbem 
 felfe Ipgb t in tbc mo jnmge. anb ftoete b;etbeb, let 
 tbcm on gobbis name b;eafee tbeit faft : Colerike 
 men Uritb grolfe meate, men of otber complcnos 
 foitb Ipgbtct meate* f ojefeene, tbat tbeplabourc 
 fomtobatbefo;e: femblablp tbeirbineranbfup- 
 per, as 31 bauc before bitten, fo tbat tbep fleape 
 not incotinmt after tbett meales*8nb bete 3 topi 
 notrerpte tbefenteneesof autbo;s, fobpebe bab 
 neuer experience of Cnglpfl&e mens natures, o? 
 of tbe mfte temperature of tbis realm e of Cng- 
 lanbe, oneip tbis counfapie of Hipocrates (ball 
 % Hi be
 Hipoc.a* betkiflBcfent. <tt>e ougbte tograunt fomefo&atto 
 phor. ts. (g m age, $ to cudom: not tmtbdanDing tobere great focarinefle oj D;itlj, greuetb tbeboDp, tbett; 
 tuen, Gmi, OUgbt tl)C DptlCr tO be tI)C icITc, HllD ty C lOtigCC Dt- 
 (lance b ettocne Djmcr anD fupp cr,alfo moc&c red, 
 creep tea Ipttellfofte foalfcpngc, tbat bp anbp= 
 rpgbt moupnge, ttje neate being dpjeD, map DeC* 
 cenbe. Cbts 10 al toap to be remcb;eD, tba t tobere 
 one feletb bpm felfe full, anD greueD uutb bis Di- 
 ner, 02 tbe fauoure offjts meate bp eructation af= 
 ccnDetb. 0? t bat bis ftomafce 10 toefce bp latefpfc- 
 ncs 0; mocbe ftuDp, tban ts it mod co n ucnient, to 
 abftepne from fupper, $ rather p;o uofcc tym felfe 
 to flepe mocb.tfran to eate 0; D; ink anp tbiuge. al- 
 fo to D jtnfcc bettoene meales, ts not lauDable, eje* 
 ccptc berp greate tbtrfte conftrapnetb, f 0? it inters 
 rupf ctb tl)c oSptt of tbe ftomafce in concoction, 9 
 cauictb tbe meate to paflfe fader tbS it OJulD bo, $ 
 tbe Djinfte being colD, itrcbufcerl; naturallljeate 
 tbat ts toojfcmgcatiD tbe meate remaininge rate, 
 it co ?r uptctlj Digedion, $ mafcetb ccuDenes in tfyt 
 tmtnes. <fcoljerfo;e lie $ is tbtrdp, let btm conftDer 
 tbe occafiom^f it be of fait fieme, let bpmtoalfte 
 f aire $ foftlp, anD onlp ftmO)c bis moutb anD bis 
 tfeotCjtoitbbarlptoatcr, ojfoit&fmallale, ojlpe 
 Do tunc anD flepe a Iptell, anD fo tbe tbtr ft tuil pafle 
 atoap,oj at tjje lead be toell afltoageD/|f it bappe 
 bp extreme beat of tbe aire, 0; bp pure coler,o? ea- 
 tinge of botte fpice0, let bim D?rnfce a Ipttell iulep 
 maDe fottb cleane toater anD fugar,o? a Iptel fmal 
 biere 0; ale, fo tl;at l;e Dtfnfce not a great glut, b ur 
 in a
 SOKE, 4t, 
 in a Iptel q u a tuttclct it dp! D o ton e fof tip in to b t s 
 nomaft be fittetb^ than let bun not moiie fo- 
 Datnlp3jf tbe tbtcd be in tbe euenmge,bp eattnge 
 to inocbf anD Djinkinge of tome, tban after tbc c- 
 ptnion of tbc bed lerneD pb ifi turns , anD as J mp 
 rr If e baue often experienced, tbc bed remeDp t0, tf 
 tbece be no f euer, to Djpnft e Ip t ell D ?au gb t of colD 
 toater immeDiatlp, o? els if itbenot pepnefull to; 
 bpm,to bounce, to pjouofte bun tbecto toitb a lite l 
 toarm toatecs after to toalbe bis moutb tottb bi- 
 neger $ toatec, anD To to flepe long $ funDlp, if be 
 cam anD if in t^c mojnpnge be fele anp fumo- 
 fitics rpfpngc, tban to Djf nfce iulep of biolctte0,o: 
 f o? laelic tbcreof, a good D?augbt of beepe fmalle 
 ale o; bicre, fomctoijat toarmeD, toltbout eatpnge 
 anp tbpnge after it. 
 ^Of iluerfit le ofnic4tes>v>berfby bedtbt 
 N)toelcttbts be a general! rule, tbatfunD?p 
 meates, being Dpuers in Tubflance anD qua- 
 Itttc, eaten at one meale, fsfbegreatted enmr to 
 b c! 4 tbat map bc,$ tbat tobicbe ingenDjetb mod 
 tyfe neflfes. f o? Come meates being groffe anD bard 
 to Diged, foine fpneanD cafp to Diged a Do requpje 
 Dpuers operations efjftafte, anD Dpuers tan* 
 peraturesof tbedomafee, tbat is to Tape, mocbe 
 beate, anD temperate beate, tobicbe mape natbe 
 togptber at onetpme* tbcrfo?e tobannetbe fpne 
 meate is fuiftcpentelpe bopIeD in tbe ftomacke, 
 tbe groffe meate is tatoe, fobotbeiupces, tbe one 
 gooD anbpcrfttr, tl)totl)tt groflfcanb crube, at 
 one trine tugcftcD , anD rente in to tbe bapnes anD 
 bobp,nebes tmift beltbe becape,anb fpcfcnefles be 
 mgcnb;cb. JLpfcctopfc tn bpuers mcatcs betnge 
 Dr ucrs qualities, as to!) ere fome ate b o t at mo t ft, 
 fome coloe anD moptte,fome botte anb bate, fome 
 colbe anb b?p,acco jc;wge tberbnto (ball tbe iuice 
 be Dptters, tobtcb tbep make tn tbe bobp*3Inb lifce 
 as bettoene tbe fapb qualities is contrartetie, too 
 tljerbp fljalbe in tbebobpan bnequall tempera- 
 ture, fomfmocbeas it is not poflpblefo? man to 
 efteme fo tuft a p;opojcion of tfje qualites of tbat 
 fobicbe be recepuetb, tbat tbe one (ball nat ejecebe 
 tbe otbec* o&betefo^e of tbe fapbe bnequall mpp 
 ture, nebesmufte enfue corruption, anb confer 
 quentlp fpcfcnes* 3inb tijetfoje to a bole man it 
 toere better , to febe at one meale eompetentelp 
 on berp groffe meate onlp, fo tbat it be ftoete, anb 
 &ts nature bo not abbojte it, tbanonbtuersfpne 
 meates,offunbjpfubftatice anb qualities.31 baue 
 kno toen anb fene olbe men anb olbe toomen, tobi- 
 cbeeatpngeonelpbiefe, bafcon, cbefe, ojcurbes, 
 bauecontinuebin goobbealtbe, tobomeJibaue 
 pjoueb, tbat tobait tbep baue eaten fuutypc fpne 
 meates at one meale,baue foone after f elte tbepm 
 felfe greueb toitb f rettpnges anb beab acbe, anb 
 after tbat tbep baue oen bole agapne, tbere batbc 
 ben gpuen to tftem one KptiM of ipgbt meate s tbep 
 baue bone as toll tbcrtoitb, as tbep toere foontc 
 to bo toitb grofle meates, toban tbep eate it alone 
 toijtcbe pjouetb to be true tbat tobic'be 2 baue re* 
 BOK, 4? 
 fterfeb.ainD it is goob tctonM after tlyt general! 
 opinion of p b il o fop Ijcr sand pijifmons, dena- 
 ture of manfcpnDeis bedcontente Uutb tbjntges 
 mode fpmple antrtmnptf, all tinges tenfcpge 
 to bmtte, tobenn is tbe onlp perfection. 3iifo it ts 
 a general I rule of ptyfpfce, tbat tuyere a fpcltnefle 
 inapbecureDtoicbfpmpiej, tftac t to fape, twrtj 
 one onelp twinge tbat ib mtDiemabie, tbereftulo 
 tljepijifitiongpue nocompounoe memememprt 
 tmtfjmanptljpnges* Cljefetbpnges confp&eceb 
 tt map feme to ail men, that ijaue reafon, tobat a= 
 bufe is ijere m rbis ceaime tn tbe continual gour- 
 manb t fe, ano oapip febinge on funfyp meateg , at 
 oncmeaie, tbefpiriteof glattonp, trpumpljpnge Gluttony. 
 amonge bs m bis glorious clmnotte, callpb toel= 
 farctypupnge bs afo?e bpm,as tns p?ifonec0,fn* 
 to ftts Dungeon of furfet, fobere focare tourmen= 
 tcD Id ttb catarrec, feuers, goutes, pin rcftes , fret* 
 tinge of tbe guttes, anDinanput&erfpc&enefle*, 
 anDfynailpcruclIpputtoDetbebptljem, ofttntt? 
 nies in pomlh oj m tbe *# od pleafant tpme of our 
 lpfe, toljan toe tooibe mode giaDIp bntc. jfonbe 
 temcDp toberof, bote wanp tpjues baue*bece ben 
 DeupfeD, o;Dpnaunces ano acres of counfaple, all 
 tbougb per cbance boDplp beltb foas nat t\)t ci)tcf 
 occafton tbereof, but ratber p;ouifton agapnfte 
 bapne anb fumptuous crpenfee of tbe meane 
 people, f on be nob tit tie teas erf mpteD anbljab 
 Ipbettie to abioe dpi in tbe Dongeoiuf tljep tools, 
 anD to ipue laflfe tobtlc tban other mm : 23ut tofca, 
 tobere 3 and botoclongetoeretlje fapbgooD Deut* 
 res put m Due execution, f o? all tbat ttjerof (I) uID 
 fucceoe Double p;ofit,ti;at is to Cap, t)e W) of boDp 
 anD increafe of fubftance, bp efcljetoiuge of fuper= 
 fiuous ejepenfes in funD;p DiQ)cs^ 3das ho to loge 
 topll menfantafp latocs auD gooDo;Dpuauuces, 
 anD neucr Determpnetbem* fantafp pjoceDetU of 
 toptte, Determination if toifeDome, imtte is m tlje 
 Deuiftu g $ fp efcpngcbti t to if oom is in t l;e peef 02= 
 manectoljicbereftctfjondp m execution* fc)ere3l 
 IjaD almoft forgotten, p mp purpofc toas to bmte 
 of tl)t o;Der of Dicte, anD not of latoes, buttbe 
 fecucnt iouetljat 3baueto tljepublifee toealeof 
 mp counttep, confttatneD me to Dtgreffe fomtoljat 
 frommp matter: but no toe toplljP p?occDe foitb 
 to tojttc of o;Der, tobpcljcm tattpnge of meates 
 anD D jmfces 3 ts not tye lefte parte of Die te. 
 qOf Order in receyuynge of mute and 
 drynke. Op.zp. 
 H<rbes as toell foDDen as bnfoDDen, alfo fru* 
 tes 3 toljicbe Do moHtfie anD loufe tlje bealpe 3 
 ourbt to be eaten before anp otber meate, ejecepte 
 tba"t fometpme f 0? t&e rep^ffpnge of f umofitieSj 
 rpfpnge tn tfje IjeaD bp mocbe D?f nfepnge of topm* 
 ratoe lettpfe, o? a colDe apull, 0? tl# tupce of o?en* 
 geso? Ipmons mapeb? taken after meales ma 
 Ipttell quantities #o?eouer all tyotfjes, mplfce, 
 cere egges, anD meates, tobicbe are purpofelp ta* 
 fcentomafcetbebelpfoluble, toolDbefp?ft eatem 
 aillfruites anD ofyer meates, tbat are (fiptifce 0; 
 bpnDpnge, foolDe be eaten laft of all otyer, $ mi- 
 8 0KE* 44 
 tes con f cction a tc fpcciallp tnttU ft o np at not to be 
 eaten foitft otftec meates. Bu( ftcte it 10 to be Dili* 
 gentlp noted, tftat toftece tfte ftomafce 10 coleticfee 
 and ft r ong e, gtofle meates toolde be f pjfte eaten : 
 to^ecc tfte ft omafc c is colde 0; toca fc c, tftece toolde 
 fpne meates be fit ft catcu.f 0; ma bot ftomafc fine 
 meates ace boucned, toftpL tbe gtoffe meate is Dt* 
 geftpng* <Contratptoifc in a colde ftomalte, tfteli 
 tellfteateisfnffocate tDttb gcoflfc meate, and tfte 
 fine meate left ra to, f 0; lacfce of conco won. toft cti 
 tftfte fine meate be fitft taken modccatelp, it ftp* 
 tetftbpand comfojtetft natucallfteate, and ma* 
 kctl) it mo;e able to concoct gtoffe meates, if tftep 
 be eaten aftectoacdrfo tftat ft be but in final qiiau- 
 tituwt toitft ftandtng,as 31 (ate aflttmek one ma 
 necofmeatetsmoftfuce toeuecp coplccion* fo;- 
 fene tftat it be aitoap moftcomonlpin confymi- 
 tie of quale tcs, toitft tl)tp etfon tftat catctft . <3^o?e 
 cuertakeftcoc, tftat flpppec meates be not fpjfte 
 eaten, left it tyato tmtft it to ftaftplp otftec meates 
 ; tljtp be tftat ftiptik 0? teftcainpng 
 meates be taken at tfte begpnnpnge, as quints , 
 peaces, anb medlars, left tftep map let otftec mea* 
 tts, tftat tftep befcenbe not in to tfte bottom of tfte 
 ftomafee,foftcte tbcp fljuldcbe digefted, not toitft= 
 ftandpngetfte confection made toitft tftefupce of 
 qupnees called Buy unites, taken* it ftoures afoje 
 bpnec 0? fupp cr, is commended of ffialen,9 otftec, 
 f 0? redoing appetite,^ making good concoction* 
 3d fo concerrunge d;pnke at meales ,it toold not be Dnni at 
 afoje tftat fomtoftat toe re eaten*Wnd at tfte begins meaIe * 
 xtti npng
 nmge , tfjc D^itift toolD be ftrongcft, auD fo totoarD 
 tf;e enD mo; c fmall, if it be ale o; bictc : anD if it be 
 topnc, mo;c anD mo:c alapDe foitb toater. 38nD af = 
 ter tbe better opinion of p&plittonfif, tbe Dirnfce 
 toolDe rat&er be mpxtt tottft tbe meate bp fuuD?pe 
 Ipttell D?augbtes, tban tuttli onegteate D;augbte 
 attbenDeof tbemeaic, fo;tlje mprturetempjetlj 
 bell tfjc meate tDitfjout anopace : a great D;augbt 
 toitb mod) D :puhe, D?o tonctb (be meate, rebufcetlj 
 iiamrallljeate, tbattban too;fcetljui concoction* 
 anD tottb Ins toeigbt Dipuetb Do tunc t\)c meate to 
 &aftilp.||ote topncs $ ftocte, 02 confectioneD toitfj 
 fpiccs, o; berp ftrongc ale 0; btece, ate not conu e- 
 n tent at meales, f 0; tbe meate is bp tljepm rather 
 cojtuptcD, tban DtgefteD, anD tbep mafee bote anD 
 ftpnfcpngebapoursafcenD bp totbeb;apncs, at 
 bett if * \)t ftomaehc be berp topnDp, 0; fo colD anD 
 feblc, tbat ft can not concocte fticbc a quanti tie of 
 meat,as is requprcD to tbe fufftcient nouriftmcf 
 of tbe boDp of bpm tbat eatetb, 02 batb eaten rain 
 fcerbcso; fruiter, foberbpbe feletbfome annop* 
 ancr , tbanmaplieD?pnkelafte incontinent after 
 bis mealea Ipttell quantitteof fecfte, oigooD a= 
 qua bite in fmall ale: but if bebaue mocbc colet 
 in his ftomatte, 0; a beaD full of bap ours, tt tocc* 
 moclje better, tfjat be t^D nettber D;pnfce tbe one, 
 no; tljeortjer, butratber eate a Ipttell colpanDei 
 feDepjeparcD, 0; a piece of a qupnee rofteD, o;m 
 marmdaDe, anD after reft,to amen Dc t\)c laefce of 
 nature foitb flepcmoDcrate ejeereffe, anD p!a Acts 
 P?oupDeDfo? comfojtpngeof t|je(towacle t 3uD
 BOKE. 4? 
 bete tupU 31 ieaue to U);tte anp mo;e of tljc Diete m 
 eatinge anD Djinfcpnge/auinge tbat 31 tnolD,t!iat 
 t be tcDers tbulDe t;auc m remembrance tbefe ttoo 
 c ounfaplcs . jr p:ft 3 tbat to a b ole man, to p?ecife a 
 rule ib not conu cmen t in Dt etc: a no tbat tlje Difea* 
 fes , \nl)ic\)t Do happen bp to mocbe abftin enccare 
 tears to be cureD,tban tbep tobicbe come bp reple* 
 ttom 3flnD as Cornelius Celfus faitb. 3 man tbat 
 ts bole anD toell at cafe, $ is at bis Ipbectie,ougbt iuca i!' 
 not to bpnbe ijtm fclfe to rules ,o; neDe a pbifitton: 
 butpetfoberetbe ftomaefcets feeble, astsof tbe we. cap.*, 
 moje part of citefpns , anD bell npgb all tbep tbat 
 be ftuDrous m leenpnge o; toepgbtpe affapres, 
 tfjete ougbt to be mo;e ciccumfpection, tbattbe 
 meatemapbefucbe, astbateptberin qualitteo? 
 quan titie, nature being but feble, be not tebufeeD, 
 ^0\fleape andvt>4tche.C*p.}o. 
 T&e commoDitie of moDerate flepe apperetb 
 bp tbis , tbat natural! beate, tobicbe is occu* 
 pteD about tbe matter,toberof pjoceDetb nour IB* 
 inent, is comfo;teD in tbe places of Digeftion,anD 
 fo Digeftio is mabe better, o? mo;e perfit bp flepe, 
 tfee boDp fatter, tbe mpnDe mojequieteauD clere, 
 tbe bumours temperate : en bp mocbe toatcbe all 
 tljpnges bappen contrarpe* Cbe numeration of 
 flepe muft be meafureD bp beltbe anD fpefcenes,bp 
 age, bptpme, bpemptpneireojfulnefleoftbebo* 
 Dp, * bp natural! completions fed to a bolema 
 fcamng no Debilitie of nature, anD DigelUng pet* 
 But fulp
 fp tip tin mcatc tbat Ik catctlu Iptcl flepe is fufft- 
 ctentrbut to tbcm, to!jiclj bauc liicaUc ftomaftis,? 
 DoDigcftflotolp, it rcqurtctfi tljat flcapcbemocb 
 Icn gar* femblable teperance is requireD in pout!) 
 anoagc, topntcranD To miner. fCijc bobpbemgc 
 full of plHjumo^s, bcrplpttcllficpcisfufficicut. 
 creep t tbe b umois be .cube o? ratof oj tba is ficpe 
 necefTarp,to!)icbe Dtgcftctfj tijepm better tljan la- 
 bour* feemblablp, toberc tbc boDp is long emptp 
 bplongefpfenefife o?abfttnence, flepe comfojtetb 
 nature, as tocll in tbe pnncipall members, asm 
 all tbe o tljer. ailfo regacbe mull be Ijab to tbc coin 
 pIenon 5 fo? tljep tljat are !>ot 5 $ bo eatelpttell $ Dt- 
 gr ft quiefcip, a Ipteil flepe fecuefy, fpectaUp to co* 
 lerpfte perrons, foj in t& cm moclje flepe augment 
 tetlj t)ta tcmojtc tljan is neceflarp, mtjerbp bot f u= 
 tncs auD tnflamations ar often ingenbjeb, $ torn 
 tpmetlje naturall colec is abufteo?putrifieD> as 
 experience tcacbetb* f leumatifee perfons are na= 
 t urai Ip incipnco to flepe: anb bpcaufc tb ep ingen- 
 l) er moclje b umojs, tljcp require mo;c fleape tbatt 
 fanguine 0} colcrifcc jDcrfones baupnge natural 
 meianco ip, net p?occDpn ge of coler abufte, bo re- 
 qup^e bcrp mod) flepe, tobirf) in tbcm comfojtetb 
 tbe potoers antmaU,bttall,anb natural, fobicb pe 
 map finbe fo#en in tbe tables pzecebinge* ifelepe 
 tooiD be taften not tmmebiatlp after meales,$ be= 
 fo;etbat tjjemeateisbifcen&eb from tbc mou tbe 
 of tbe ftomake. f o; tfyttfy is ingenb?eb peines $ 
 nopfe in tlje belp 3 $ bigeftion cojfupteb,^ tbe flepe 
 bppi toapojs afcebmg,mabe bnquiet 9 tcoublus* 
 BOKE, 4* 
 <$o;eoner immoderate flepe mafcetbi? bob? apt 
 fcnto palfets,apopIejcis,falltng fifenes, retimes, $ 
 impoft times, alfo tt maUect) tljc totttes bulle, anD 
 tbe boDp flotoe 9 tmapt to boneft ejcetetfefembla= 
 blp imoberate ton tcb tyietb to mod) tf;e boop, and 
 Dotfi Debilitate tl;cpotuers animal!, iettetij Dtge= 
 ftf on,$ mafcetb tbe bobp art to confupttos^tobec- 
 f o:e in tbefe-iLtbiges, afbel as al otber, a Diiiget 
 tepcrance ts to be bfcD. tije mobeiatt on 10 bed co= 
 iecteb(fo? it is barD perfttlp to fenofo it)bp tbe fetv= 
 ftble ligbtnes of al tbe boDp,fpectallp of tbe bmi 
 tbe biotues anD tbe etes 3 tljc paflfagebofone of tbe 
 meat from tbe ftomafcc, tfte topll to make brine, $ 
 to go to tbe ftoole. Contratytopfe, beup ties in tbe 
 boDp $ eies,anD fatiour of tbe meate before eaten 
 fignifietb ttjat tljc ricpc tuas not fufftacnt* Cbep 
 tliat are bole mud flepe fpift on tbe rtg l)t fp&c, bp- 
 caufe tbe meate map app?ocbe to tbe lpuer 3 fo0icbe 
 is to tbe ft omafceas fp?e t nocr tbe pot, $ bp bpm 
 ts bigeft eb . Co tbem , fobtcb ba tie f eble Digcftton, 
 tt is go oD to flepe p :ofl rat c on tbetr b eaites , oj to 
 bane tbctrbarebanb on tbetr ft omafces. fttenge 
 fcprigbt on t!jc backc is to be btterlp abb ojreb 
 ^Tbf commoiit le ofexercife^and rbr tyme wtan it 
 fhuld be vfed* Crfp. ji 
 EJBJerp meupng is not an ej;erctfe 5 but onlp tbat 
 fobicbe is bebement, tbenbe foberof is altera- 
 tion of tbe tyeatlj 0? tnpnbe of a man* <Of ejeerctfe 
 Do p?ocebe ttuo commoDtties, ewactiatton of t& {* 
 wementes, an&alfogooD&abtte of tyebobp, fo? f e * crcmc '
 Cjeerctfe betnge a tenement motion, tbcrof nefces 
 muft enfue batDncsof tl;c members, tut)ecbp la- 
 bour 0>al rbc ielfe grcucanD tbe boDp be tbe mo :e 
 ftrongc to labour, alfo tbcrof commetb augmen- 
 tation of beate, lubcrbpbapncrb tbemoje attra- 
 ction of tljpngcs to bcDigcftcD, allomoicqupcUe 
 altcrauoiuanD better nourpffypnge* o;couec, 
 tbat all anD fpngular partes of tbe boop, be ttjet- 
 to i tb fomtobat b u mccteD, totjerhp it bapnetb, tbat 
 tbpnges barDcbcmollificD, mopfte tbpnges arc 
 crreiwatc, anD tbe poo:csof tbeboDpe aremo;e 
 opened 30nD bp tbe bpolence of tbe bjeatbe o? 
 topnDc, tbe poo:cs arc clcnfcD, auotbcfpltbem 
 tbe bobpe natura Up rtpcllcD. Cbis tbpnge is Too 
 CorCeU nece(Tarp to tbe prefer uation of ijeltb, tbattoitb= 
 ii.i. * * out it, no man map be longe toicbout fpefeeneffe, 
 tofyf cbe 10 afhtmcD bp Cornelius Celfus, fapeng, 
 tljat (luggpfocnes DcMetbtbebobp, labour Dotb 
 ftreugtb it, tbe Uittt b;mgetb tbe mcommooities 
 of age Qojtelp, tbe lad mafeetft a man longe tpme 
 iuftp* iSottotcbftanopngc tuercrcifeougbttobe 
 fouretbtnges DifpgeatelpconfpDcren, tbat is to 
 fap, tbe tpmctbe tbpnges p;eceDpnge, tbe qualp- 
 tit anD tbe quantttic of ejceccifo 
 Cif P# as concernpnge tbe tpme conuenf cnt foj 
 ejeerctfe, tbat it be not tuba tbere is m tbe ftomake 
 o? botoels, greatte quantitie of meate not fuffrcp- 
 entlp DigefteD, oj of btimours ccuDe o; ratoe, lefte 
 tberbp perpUmougbte tnfuebp conuepaunce of 
 tbem in to al tbe members, before tbofe meates o? 
 bumoure be concoct o; bopieD fnfficientlp. Palest 
 fapft, ftat ftetpme mofte conuenienf fo; eteccifec^n. d 
 10, toban bo fte fte ftcfte atiD feconDc ttgefttoti 10 j^\ fanK 
 completers toei m fte ftomafce, as m fte bames, 
 9 ftat fte tpme app;ocbeft to eate eftfones* f 0? if 
 pe Do ererctfc foner 0? later, pe all epftee fpll fte 
 boDptoiftccubc &umour0 o?elles augment pe* 
 lotoe cola* Cbe knotolecp of ftis tpme 10 peccep- 
 ueo tip ft e colour of ft e ferine, f oj ft at tofjtft e re^ 
 fembleft bnto ciecetoater, betofceneftc, ft at ft e 
 tupce, fobtftecomeft from fte (tomato, 10 crude 
 in ft e bapne0:ftat tob t ft e is bell colouceo,not to 
 btgb 0; bale, betofeeneft, ftat ft e feconD Dige&ton 
 10 notoe perfite : tobere fte colour is berp big# o; 
 reDDe, itfpgmfpeft, ftatfte concoction is moje 
 ftan fufftnent- ^betfoje toban ftebtpneappe^ 
 reft in a temperate coloj, not ceD no? pale, but as 
 it toece gilt,fta ftulD ereccife ^aue $0 beglning* 
 ^f Offricdfie s or ruhhynges fuctiingt 
 excrcife. C<p. 3i 
 A&touftmgftmgespjece&ingc;cemfe, fo: 
 as mocb as it is to be f ereD,left bp b ftcment GaI emSt 
 ejcercifeanpdf fte ejrcremete0offtebelpo? blab; Pauius. 
 Der,ftulDba(lttpbe receiuebintoftefcabitoffte 0"M US 
 bobp, bp fte Violence of fcete, fcenblpb bp ejeercife: s * 
 alfo left f ome ftinge, tofyich is bole,be bp tyupius 
 of ercrcmcntes,02 bpolent motion,b?ofcen 0? pul= 
 Ipboute of bt0 place, 02 that fte ejecrcmentes, bp 
 Violence of fte b icft, ftulb (top fte p o?cs 0? am- 
 bites of ft e bobp, it ft albe neccflfarp Iptell anb lp^ 
 tell, ty ftaffoge ftebobp,firft tomollifp fte par* 
 > tes
 The seconde 
 te confohDate, $ to extenuate oj mafee tfonne tbe 
 humours, atiDtoioufcauD opciu??cpoo;es, anD 
 tbanfljall enfuetobprntbatererctfeft, noperpll 
 obftrufii ofobftructfon o? rupture. SKnDto typngetbatto 
 on rupture p^ lt ^ a jj be cjcpeDicut , after tbac tbe boope is 
 denfcD, torubbe tbeboDpe toitbacourle Ipnnen 
 ciotb, firft fof tip ^t eafvlp, rafter to tncreafemoje 
 anD mo;e, to a baroe anD f totf t rubbing,Dntpl ti)t 
 fleflje Do ftoelle, anD be fomtobat ruDDp, anD tbat 
 not onlp Doton rigbt,but atfo ouertbtoart 5 rouo . 
 m Do bfe f ricafics in ttys f o;me In tljc mo?* 
 npng, after tbat tljep bauebenattbeftoole, toitl) 
 tbetrffjtrtefleue ojbarebanDe, tf tbeir flefQje be 
 tenDer, ttjep Do ftrflt fof tip, 9 aftertoarD f after 3 rub 
 tbeirb?eafte 3 anDfpDe0 DotonetoarDe, anDouer* 
 tt) tear tc , not toucbtng tb ei r ftomaUe 0? bca!p,anD 
 after caufe tbeie feruant femblablp to rubbe oucr 
 tb toart time fl) u (Ders anD backe, begpnnpnge at 
 tbenccfeebone, anD not touebpngetbe rapnesof 
 tbetr baefce, rrccpte tbep Do f ele tbere mocbe colDe 
 anD topnDc, anDaftettoatOtbeitleggcs from ft e 
 fcners to tbe ancle : laft tbeir armes, f come tb e tU 
 bo toe to tljebanDetojeftc* 3mDm tbis fourmeof 
 fricafp, 31 mp felf bauefounDen an ercelleut com- 
 moDitte* 4DiDe men,oj ftep, tobicbebe Derp D^p hi 
 tbcrrboDtcs, tf tbtp put to fomeftoeete oplea, as 
 Yrmm^rdimm^hamtme linum, 0? Otber Ipfee,mpjCt 
 toitba Ipttellftoete opleofrofen, 3|fuppofetbep 
 Do tocl.j topi not bere fpefce of opntcm en tes fcfeD 
 tnoiDetpmeamonge tbeSomapns anD <25rekc0, 
 in tacaftes o? rubbpnge0t foi 3 fuppofe, $ tbep 
 ORE. 4f 
 foete neuet be re fcfet), and m t&e far & places, tbt? 
 be alfo lefte, onlcs it be in palfeps, o? apoplc jcies, 
 02 agapnft tbe rigour, tuijic^efjapnet!? in feuers, 
 onlp 3H topi remember tbe Taping of l? tppocrates, 
 jf rtcafpe batb potoer to toufe,to bpnbc, to increafe 
 fiefte, anb to minpfl)e it, f o^acDcfricaftesboo 
 bpnbe o; confolpbatcfof t: rubbpnge Dotbe iotufe 
 o; mollif ic, mocb Dot!; miniQJc f letoe, meane rub- 
 bpng Dot!) augment o: mcreafe it. Bttlyat tovlk 
 fcnotoemojc abunbantlp bcreof, let bpm ceDetljc 
 bofec of <Saien of tbe prefer uation of ijeitlj, calleo 
 tnlatpn BeauvitfaxMc, tbanQatcD mooftttuclp 
 <* eioquentip,out of dffrefee in to latpn, bp boctouc 
 iinacre 3 latc pbifition of mod too? tbp memo ?p to 
 our fouerapnc !o?De fcpnge ^enrp tbe eigbt* Cbe 
 famemattier is fojitten mo?e bjcfclpof paulus 
 aoegineta , jibafius, 3etius,anD fomc other late 
 lusters, but bnto alenc not to be compared 
 4f The Jier/ltie5 of exercifcs* C*p. # 
 TE)e qualttic of ejeercife is tbe Diuerfltie tber- 
 of ,f ojafmocbe as tbe tin be manp Differences 
 in moupnge, anb alfo Tome ejeerctfe mouetb mo jc 
 one part of tbe bobp,fomc an otber* Jn Difference 
 of moupnge, fome is Qoto o; fofte, Come is ftmf tc 
 o? fade : fome is ftronge cm bpolent, fome be mpjet 
 uiitb (trengtb ttftmftnefte* >tronge o;bpolente 
 crerctfesbc tbefe, bclupnge(fpeciallp in tougbe 
 clap anb beup, bearpnge o; fuftepnpnge of beupe 
 burbepns, clpmmpng oj toaltspng agapnft a (Upc 
 bprpgbt ljpli,l;olDpng a rope,anb clpmmpnge bp 
 >ii tjjetbp
 tberbp, bangpngbptbebandesonanptbing, a* 
 boueamansreacbe, tbat bis fete toucbe not tbe 
 gtounDc: ftanding and bolDmgc bp,o? fp?edmge 
 tijc amies, toitb tbe bandes fad c iofco,at abtfmige 
 fo a longe tpmc, 3lfo to bolde tbe amies ftebfaft, 
 caufmge an otbet man, to aflap,to pull tbem out, 
 and not foitbftandpnge befccpetbbis armefted- 
 faft,in fojepnge tbcrbnto tbe fmetoes and mufeu- 
 leg. u>;aft!pnge alfo foitb tbe amies ano tegges, 
 if tbe pcrfons be c quail in ftrcngtb, it dotbe ejeec^ 
 ctfetbeoneanD t^eotbet: if tbe one be (hunger, 
 tban is it to tbe toeafter a mo?e Violent crer ctfe* 
 W t\) efc fcpnDcs of mtc ifcs 9 and otber Itfcc tbem, 
 Do augment ftrengtb, anb tberf oje t\)t$ feme on* 
 Ipfojpongemen, tobicbbemclined, o? be ap tc to 
 tbetoatte** &toiftecjcctcife toitboutbioleneets, 
 runnnge,plapeng: toteii toeopon0, temfe, o; tb?o- 
 foinge of tbe ball ,trotting a fpacc of grounde f op 
 toard anb back toard, going on tbe toes, anb bol- 
 dpnge bp tbrbande&Slfo Birring bp anb ootone 
 bis armes,tof tbout plummettes. eebement cm* 
 tite :s compounbe of bpolenf rrercife anb ftotfte, 
 ioban t\)t? ate iopned togitbet at one timers ban 
 fpngof galpatoes, tb?otom^ of tbeball, anb run* 
 ning after it,f ooteball plap map be in tbe number 
 tberof ,tb?ofoinge of f b* longe dart, anb continue 
 ing it manp time0,tunnpng in barneps anb otber 
 lr fee* Clje moderate ejectctfe 10 longe toalfcmge o? 
 going a tcurnepe* Cbe partes of tbe bodpe baue 
 funbjpejceteifes applied bnto tbem, asroun* 
 ning anb going is tbe mod proper f o) t&e leggt0* 
 B O K E 47 
 gpouinge of tfje amies ftp $ Dofone, o? firetcbing 
 tfjem out, 5 plapeng bntfj toeapons, feruetb moft 
 f 02 tbe amies atiD tyulDers, ft oupmg anD rtfinge 
 often tpme, o? Ipfttnge great toeigbtes,tafcing Dp 
 plummetteso?otber Ipftepopfesontbe enoesof 
 ftaues,? in Iphetoife Jiftpngc Dp in euerp banDe a 
 fpeareo? mojprptfce bptt^ enDes, fpecialp crof- 
 fing t^e banDes 3 anD to lap tb em Dotone a gcme in 
 tbetr places, tfjefe Do ejterctfetbebacfce* lopnes. 
 )ftbebuifee$ lunges tbe proper ejcercife tsme= 
 upng of tbe b?eatb in fpngpng o? cneng. Cbe en* 
 t raples, tobtcb be bnD ernetb tl;e mpDD?effe, be eic* 
 ercifeD bp bio totnge, eptber bp conftramt* o? plap* 
 eng on Paulines, o? faefcbottes , o; otber Ipfce in* 
 ftrumentes, tobicb bo require mod) topnbe, Cbe 
 mufcules are beft ererctfeD fentb bolbmg tbe foctl; 
 in, a longe tpme,fo tbat be, tobtcbe ootbe errcife, 
 batb bell D t gefteD bis meatc, anD is nat troubleD c ,- 
 foitbmocbetepn&e inbts bo&pe,:ffpnallpelotoDe u * # 
 teabpnge, counter faptebactaple, tenpfe,o?tb?o= 
 fringe the ball ,runnpnge,tDalftmge, aDDe to tyo^ 
 tpnge, tobicb in mpne opinion e^ceDe all t!)e or"?er, 
 fcoerercifetbe boDpecommoDioufelp* aiitoap re- 
 member, tf;a t tbe enDe of bpolent ejcercife, is Diffc 
 cultte in fetcbing of tbe b?etb tf>f moderate ejeer* 
 cife,alteeation o f b:ea tb or elp, o? tbe beginninge 
 of ftoeate* fl9o?eouerm topnter, runnpnge, anD 
 to;aftf pnge is tonutnkm^n fommer to?aftlpnge 
 alvtell but not riming. 3fn berp colD toetber, mo- 
 cbe to al fct n ge, in bote toctber, reft is mo?e expedi- 
 ent* Cbep tobicb feme to baue motft boDtes,^ Itue 
 &nt in
 iti ibelnes -tftcp ftaue neDe of toiolft cjccrcifc* Cftep 
 tofttcft at lean anb colcrpb wmift toaifc fof tip anb 
 crerctfc tftcmfclfcs toctptemperatip* Cfteplum- 
 mettes, calttD of (Salen Uteres 3 tofticftc ate notoc 
 mo eft bfcD tottft grct men, being of equail toctgbe 
 ci according to tOe ftrcngt ft of fttm tftat ccerc ifctft, 
 ace to crpc goooo to b; tofcD faftpngca Iptel before 
 b;eabefoft o j bpnet, ft olbpngc in eweep ftanbe one 
 plumet, ano Ipftpng tftem on ftigft, anD banging 
 tft cm d o tone toitft mocfte bpolence, anbfoftcmap 
 make tfte ejeerafe fciolent, o?mobetate, after tfte 
 popfcof tftepUmmiettcs, fteupetojlpgfttet, anb 
 tottft mocfte o; Ipttell labo utpnge twtft tftem* 
 f Of GffttttoM,th*t is to pry, where one U ca 
 ryei>and Is of an other thynge meued % 
 and not of hymfe\fe< C*p.$4% 
 T%)tu 15 alfo an notftec frpnde of ejeeref fctofti- 
 eft e is eaileb d5eftaf ion, anb ts mpjt t nut ft mo 
 anew W PS ano tefLtfo; as mocfte as tfte bobp 5 fettingc 
 Acdus. o? Ipenge^emetft to re(l,anb not tottft ftandpnge it 
 is mutt) bp tftat, toft teft beatetft it, as lienge in a 
 bebbe>ftangmge bp cojbeg o? cftapne&o? in a cta- 
 bell, fptting in a cftaite 3 tofticfte is catieo on mtnz 
 tUbers tottft ftanes, astoas tfte tofe of tfte awn- 
 ctent iftomapnes, o; Ktpnge in a boote oj baege, 
 foftiefteistotoeb, tpbpngonaftojfe, tofttcfteam= 
 bletft beep eafplp, o? gotfte a toetp fofte pace* Cfte 
 beb.cradel, anb cftaitecanebjecuetftfo; tftem, ft 
 at in long 9 continual! fifme&o? be latelp recoue- 
 tebof afeuet* 3Wo tftem, tofticfte bane tfte ftanfp 
 B O K E Of 
 o?IetIjarge, ojljauea Ipgbte tctctane feuet, o?a 
 cotiDtanc. Cbisejrcmfc ftoetelp afTtuagctl) ttou^= 
 bits of tl;c mpnDe, anD p?ouofcctb flepe, as it ap- 
 peretb tn cbpl&erne, fobicbe ate tocfccD, lifo it is 
 conuenientfo;tbem 3 tobtcljeljauetbepalfep, tbe 
 (lone, o? tbe go tote, deflation tn a cbatpot o? toa= 
 gon batb in it a dmKpng of :be boDp, but font to* 
 foment, anDTomcmo?efofre* tbefofte fcructtj in 
 Dtfeafes of rbebeaDe, anD tobereanp matter tun= 
 net!) Do tone in to tbe ftomafce anD entraples* 23 ut 
 tl)c bebement fftafcmigetstobc bfcD in tbe gric- 
 f es of tfje b;eaft anD flomafce, 3fllfo in ftoellpng of 
 tbe boDp anD iegges in D;opf tes, palfeps, mpgei* 
 mes, anD fcotom tes, tobicfj is an imagination of 
 Datfceneg, bepnge tetoutneD, attbe enDe of bts 
 tournep, bemuftefptte bp anDbeeafplp motieD* 
 3 bane ftnotoen, faptbe 3ettti0 manp perfones 
 in fuebe fopfe cuceD toitbout anp otber belpe fin* 
 uigation 02 to topnge npgb to tbe lanD>in a calme 
 toater, ts ejepeDtent fojtbem tljat baueDjopfies, 
 lepers, palfcpg, callcD of tbe bulgare people,ta- 
 fepnges, anD f ratifies* Co be carpeD on a roimljc 
 toatcr, itisabpolentejtecafe, anD inDucetb fun- 
 bjpe affections of tbe mpnDe, fommetpme feace, 
 fometpmebope, notoccotoatoebatte, no toe bat- 
 Dpnefie, onetobplepleafure, anotbec tabpleDpf- 
 pleafuce. (Cbefe emctfes, tr tbcp be to el tempjeD, 
 tbep map put out of tbe boDp, alllonge Durpnge 
 fpefeeneffes* f onbat tobtcbe ts mpjet toitb tefte 
 anD meupng, if anp ftinge els map, it mod tjcctU 
 Itmlp caufeti; tbe boDp to be toell nouutyeD.Cei- 
 fus Dot!) p;o Ijibitc geftaf ton, tul^cte tlje bobp fee* 
 le$ peptic, anD in tlje bcgpnnpngc of fcuets , but 
 ceifus.i. fo^ant&epcea(Te,&ealotoet!Mt* ttpDpnge mooe- 
 tateljs anD tottfcout grefe, it Dotb corroborate tljc 
 fptutcauD boDpaboue otJjcrejtfcctfcs, fpeciallpe 
 tljcftomacfce, it cieufetfj defences, anDmafcetfj 
 tl)cm mo?e qupcfce : a'beit to fye tyefte, it 10 Decpe 
 nopf ull. 3!t o ugtjt to be remembjeD, t&at 30 foell 
 t\)iB, as all otbeefrpnDes of erecetfe, tooID be fcfeD 
 ma bole counttape, $ toljerc tlje ap?ete puce anD 
 lmco?tupteD* ft o jefenc, t&at &e tfjat tooll ejeerctfe, 
 Do go ftcft to tJ?c ftoole, foj tye caufes tc\)ttkD in 
 tl;claftc chapiter, 
 ^fOf vociferation. C*p *? 
 T$e c&iefe ejeerctfe of tlje b;eH $ tnftcumentes 
 oftlje bopcets Vociferation, lu^icfje 10 fpn^ 
 gpngcreDpnge, 0? cctenge, toljecof ts t&e proper 
 tie, tftat it purged natucall ideate, anD mafcetb it 
 alfo fubtpll anD liable, anD mafcett) t&e members 
 of tfye boDp fubftanctall anD ftronge,refttttng biU 
 ea f eg* Cljts ejeercife foolDe be tjfcD of perftmes 
 fl)o;t topnDeD>anD tlnmMncty can nat fetcf) tftetr 
 tyetye, but JjolDtnge tfcetr neefce ttreig!)t fc prigljt* 
 3ilfo of t&em, to&ofe fietye is confumeD, fpeciallp 
 about t&eb?efte anDtyulDees. airotofycfje Ijaue 
 f;ao apofltomes tyotten in tijett beetles : moro tier 
 oftfcemt&at atefjoojfebp tomoclimot(lareanD 
 to tljem, tol)ic\) &aue quartepn is conue- 
 mente,tt loufet^ tl)t Rumour, tljat ftpc&et& intfyt 
 tyeft, anD Djtetlj i>p tye mopftnes of tf?e flomafce, 
 BOXE. ft 
 to\)it\) p jopctlp $* courfe of ti?e quartcn te foont 
 to tying lmtb bpm, it aifo p?of itctl) tljem, tu^tc^e 
 baue feble ftomake^ Do Somite continuallp,oj 
 Do b;caUc bp foto?cnes out of ttje ftomafec* it 10 
 go od alfofoj grief es of tt?cf?eao* S^ettjatrnten- 
 Ml) to attempte t&isejceccife, after rbat be fjatbe 
 ben at tlje ft oolc,ano fofti[ tubbed tbe lotoec par* 
 teg,anD toaCbeD bis banDc0. XLct bim fpeahe foitb 
 80 bate a b opce as be can, anD toalfcpnge,begpne 
 to fpnge lofoDec $ lotoDet,but dpi ma bafe botcc, 
 ano totafceno bcDcof ftocete tune 00? armonpc* 
 jf ojtbatnot&ingeDotfjpjofttetmto beltbeof tbe 
 boDp- buttoinfojcebfm felfeto fpnge great, foj 
 t&ecbp mocb aire tyatocn in bp fetching of bjctb, 
 tb;wftetbfo?tbtbeb?ca(t $ ftomafce, anD opened 
 anD tulargetb tbe p oo?es I3p btgb ctieng * louDe 
 redmgcare ejcpelleo fupctfiuou burnous. Cber= 
 f o;e men anD tuomen, baumge tbeir bodies feble, 
 anotbetrfleftyeloufe, anD not f feme, muftteaoe 
 oftentimes louDe, anD in a bafe fcopce, ejctettDpng 
 out tbe topnD ptpe,$ otber paffages of tbe b;etbe* 
 23ut not tmtbftaDinge tbi0 ejeecctfe is not bfeD al* 
 toap, anD of all perf 0110* f 0; fyejtfn tobome 10 a- 
 bunoance of bumours corrupted, o? be mocb bite 
 eafeD toitbcruDitiein tbeftomacfee andbapnes, 
 tbofe do 3 counfaple,to abftepn fro tbe ejeetcife of 
 boice,left mocbc co?ruprco mice o? bapo?0,map 
 tbetbp be into al tbe boDp Diftcibuteb.3lnD bete % 
 conclude to fpcafee of cjcerufc, fob icb of tbe, tija t De 
 fire to remain log in beltlj, 10 mod dtligctlp, $ a* 
 3 mougljt rap, mod fccupulouflp to be obferuco. 
 ^ Cbe
 qof Refleclon* Off 4 u 
 fupcrfuious abundauncc of l)tu 
 mours in tft e bodp : and tftat tg tit 
 ttoo maner of topfe, t^at 10 to fap 
 tnquantitie, andinqualttte. 3ln 
 quantttte, as toftcreall tftefoure 
 ft um urs are mo;e in abundance, tftan be cquali 
 in p?o p ojcion to tft e bodp tftat tonttpnttj) tl)tpm> 
 0; toft etc one turnout mocfte erccDctfj tftctemc- 
 tiawnt in quantities 3Jn qualptie, as toftcre tfte 
 blouD, 0; tft et Rumour, 10 potter 0? colder, tftpc- 
 feer, 0; tft inner, tft an is conuenient fcnto toe bodp* 
 f p#e, tuftere all tfte ftumour0, beinge fuperflu* 
 oufelp increafed, fplletft and ejctendetft [tfte recep* 
 topics of tfte bodpe, a0 tfte (tomacfte, tljc trapnes, 
 andbotoeiles, and 10 moofte p;opetlp callpd ful- 
 nelTcjngreftePlrtfcor^ inlatpnePloiK<fo. cfteo* 
 tfter i0, toftere tfte bodpe i0 infarced, eptfter toitfy 
 coler, peloto 0? blncfce,o? fottft f leume s o? tmtft te 
 trp ftumours, and i0 pjoperlp rallid in grefce o 
 coc^mw, in latpne v\doji>*fiKcus,in engfiGfte it map 
 be called co?rnpt iupce* 3! topllnotftere to?tte, tfte 
 fubtplland abundant definitions and difcripti- 
 on0of <25alene in \)is boftes lt?Mmlm y and it? 
 ft 10 camentaue6Dpontfteapfto;iruic0of I^ippo* 
 BOSS* 1l 
 crates, if o? f t flbali ticre fufftTc, fot&efoe tljeope* 
 cations of repletion good 02 pH^ctmtttngc tftem, 
 tuljiclj be curious, anD Defire a mo?e ample Decla* 
 ration, to t&c moft ejccellente toatfeesof (Balene, a p ,1 ' u -** 
 toljere Ijemapberatisfiek tf^e be not Determp= A ho If# 
 ncD to repugneagamft reafom Hipocrates fatt^vbicibuf 
 inhere meat is tecepueD tr 3dj about nature, tljat v*** 
 mafcetlj fpcfcenelfo d5alene Declarpnge tyatplace [**$;" 
 faptb : $oit mcate ttjan acco:Dctlj tuitlj natures hif moibu 
 mcafure, is nameD l^eplcctom 3!nd aftettoatoe facit. 
 Ijeejcpounoetft tftatUjo?oe aboue nature, tofpg*G alcn ia 
 npfpe to moc&e ano fuperfluouQp, as tnlio faptl;, { f ; 
 tof)cre tijc meate is fuperfluoufelp taken, it ma- difto . 
 ketij f pekenrffo jf 02 meate but a Ipttell ejcceDpnge 
 temperance, map not fo;tt) fott!j matte fpeftenes, 
 but map petfcepetlje booptoitfjin tfje latitude o? 
 bounDcsof l^eitije, fo?tf>e meate ftattyallmafte 
 fpeftenes, mud nat alpttcUerceDe tfje etqutftte 
 meafure. Cfje ineommoditie, tof^pc^e fjapnetf) 
 tljerbpis, that mopftneffe is to moclje extended 
 and naturall fjeateis Debilitate* 8lfonaturalle 
 fjcate, refoluctb fommeto&atof tfcefuperfluoufe 
 meate anDtypnke* 3!nD of ttyat, \ul)pcl)t is refold 
 ueo of meate tmdpgefted, p?oceoetfj fumofptie, 
 groflTeand bnbpgefteo, to&icfrafcenDpngefcpin* 
 tottyetyeaD, andtoucljpngetljcrpme, tuliectn tlie 
 fyapw is fo;apped,caufeifc fcead acfye, trembling 
 oftftc members ,Duf feptbn cs of the figljt.and ma= 
 npot&er fpebneffes : alfo bp tljeftarpnes tljcrof, 
 tt pjipcfcetlj and anopetl) tbc fuiciucs, toljtc!) make 
 fenfib tlitie, tfje rootes of tol;om, are in tlje bjatne, 
 <Du and
 and from t b en s paflfctf; tb?o u gfje all tij c bo ope, 
 f piiailpc, tbe fapD fumofitie, mgcnD;cD of rcple- 
 cton, percpngetbe mnermooftc parte of tljc fapD 
 fpnetocs, called fenfible, ttgrcuoufdpannopetfj 
 tbe po toec antmall, tbere conftftuige, bp tide occa- 
 Hon tobcrof, tmDerftanDpnge anD reafon, as to 
 tljetofeof tfyem, aceletreanD troubled. aiuDalfo 
 tije tongue, tobtcfjeisraplonserpofptour, isDe* 
 p;iueb offjts offpce, as it apperetf) tn tbem, tobp= 
 clje ace Djtmfte, anD tbem, tubp cl;e ba u e gr c ttou s 
 pcpncs in tbep; IjcaD , p?oceopnge of teplecton* 
 oribaftus Segues of replecpon bertjefe, loffe of appetite, 
 Euporifto Dclptemnotbrngcfloutbfuluefle, Dulneflfeoftbe 
 UbtU foptte, and fences, mo;efleape, tfiati toas acta* 
 ftomcDtobe, crampcs mtlje bo&pe ftettpngeoj 
 falttott of t!)e members, f ulneflc of tljc bapnes, 
 and efypefteneffe of tlje poulfcs, bo?rouco?fl)?o^ 
 uclptigc of tbeboDp mprttmtbbeate* Cl;e remc^ 
 Dies are abftmencc, anD all cuacuatious, tofjetof 
 31 toil make mencto m tye nejet cl;ap ue r* 
 T$e mcares anD Djpnttcg recepucD into tlje 
 boDp, ift!)eftcmafce anD!pucrDootbrna= 
 rural! offtce,be altercD bp concoction anD D eg eft 1 5 
 in fucbe toife tfjat tbe bet parte tbcrof go t\) in tbe 
 notmfljement of tbe boDp : tbe foarihbeinge fepe* 
 ratebp rtje members official!, from t(jeref(Due } atr 
 made ejecrementeg in funDjpe fourmes anDfub- 
 fiances, tobiebe are Ipfte in qualitie to tlj c natural 
 ijmour 3 Wjiclje tfjan raignetfj mod in tfje boDp
 SOKE. 1 J 
 Cbefe ercte mentes be none otfcer, but matter fit- 
 perf luoufe anD tonfauecp, toljicbe bp natu call po- 
 frets map not be couerteD in to fietye, but temap= 
 npng in rfie boDp corrupt tbe members. anD tfcer- 
 f o;e nature abfto;rpnge tlj em 3 Defir etb to baue tftc 
 ejrpelleD* Cbefe ejccrementes bcttyt in number, Exmmcn 
 otfmrcbrincbumourfup'rfluous. fl^o;eouer, tes. 
 rijiere be ttoo fojtes of o?Dure, t&at is to Tape, one Tdutr * 
 Digc&eD, totycbe p^jfetb bp fiege, tbe otfycr to no u 
 ge&eD, tobicbeis ejepeUpDbp bompte* YDfyereS &r3tf'* 
 Tape DigefteD, 31 meanc, tbat tt ts pafleD tbe (to* 
 mafce, anbtourneo in to an otber fygure. Xlpfee 
 topfe 3f caile tbat bnDigefteD, toljpcb c ftpll retap* 
 netb tf*e fpgure of meate. dllrine is tbe toatrp fub- vi** 
 (lance of tt)cl)(ouDDe> Ipfteastobapisof mplfte, 
 to&icljeoutof tbe meate tbat ts altereD anD con= 
 cocte o? bopIeD in tfce ftomacfce, is (IrapneD in tbc 
 bapnes called Mefaraicf, tobicfje p^occbet!) icome 
 t&e ftolo toe part of t!j e lpuer,anD fente bp tl)c rap- 
 nes m to t^e MaDDer, pa Oetb bp tbe 3[n(lr umcnt , 
 tbe totycbe is o;DcpncD as toeil to tbat purpofe 3 as 
 foj generation. umo; fuperfluous is in* UtSop 4*** N 
 tes,eitbermpjcttoitbanpof tbefoure turnouts, P er ' rH0M * 
 callpD n atu ral s ojels st ts gati^ereD in to tbc tnaiu 
 o; it is bettoene tbe fopn anD tbc fletye, q; (petb a- 
 mouge tbc fine tocs,mu fculcs, o; iopuf cs* > f b u- 
 moursfomearemo?e grou'e anDcolDc, fomcare 
 fubtpl anD bo t, anD are calico bapours. Bo to f o j 
 to erpcll tbe fapD ercremen tes, a re. t.c.f unD?p ftp u* 
 Des of euacuation, tbat ts to Tap, abfltinence, bo * 
 mpte, purgation bp fiege Jettpn ge of blouDe> fca= 
 fem rtfteug,
 tf ft'cng callitJ cuppmg,ru)cating,p;ouocatto of fa 
 rmc,fpittinc^,blcDtng at g nofco; bp bemototDeg: 
 $ tn toomc,tljetr natural pucgatioB.)f djcfe eua= 
 cuattos 31 toil bjefelp Declare, toitl) comointtes, 
 fo^tclj bp Dtfccet bfe of tljcDo Ijappe buto boDp 
 I3iimcncc is a fo:bcarpngcto rcccjutc anp 
 meateojtytnfte* jf o?tlttbe but tn parte, tt 
 is tfjancailpDratljec temperance tban abftincce* 
 3!tougl?ttobebfeDonelpaftec teplccton, asfye 
 proper remeDpe thetfo^c* SlnDt&antfitbemoDes 
 Ceir.ju. 2. r3 t e , it confttmetl? fuperflurties, 9 tn eonfumtnge 
 Si ! Sh>! r ^ m ' rt clanf tetfi tfte burnouts, mafcetfj t\)t boDp 
 ' f ap;e coloured, anD not on dp fapctl) out ftcfenes, 
 but alfo tofjere fpefcenes is entteD,notl;pngemo?e 
 f)clprt!)j iftt be bfeD in feafon* (Cotljem, luftpcbc 
 l?aue bcrp mopft boDtcsJ) ungcr is right ejcpcDiet 
 f 0? tt mafcetl* t^etn mo;e D?ie, not totfijftanDpnge 
 confp&e^ tljeteougljttobeconfp&eratiSs, int&emeate be* 
 9tm* in f p catCttj i n t ^ e a g e f ^ e perfon, in t&e tpme of 
 <i .unmet t tyy m ^incuftom. jfp?fttnt!)emete;befo?eeatl, 
 if tt be tnocli in cxtctte 0? Utp gcoflfe, 0? not mod) 
 ctccDpnge, o^lpgbtof Dtgcftion, anDaccojtnnge, tooloeabfttnencemojeo? laffebe p?opo?* 
 ctoneD*Concetnpng age,lipoctates fattl^olD mc 
 map fttftepn fafttnge eaftlp : nejet twto tljern, men 
 of mp&Del age, pong mm map foats beare tt,cljil= 
 Dern foatft of all, fpeciallp tijep t&at be luffp : not 
 Gaien. in. fott&ftanDing&ete d5alenco?rectet& Hipocrates, 
 comment (j^g^ c (^ U J D J^g tf cepteD WW tierp OlO.
 BOKE. 54- 
 tofjo, as experience d cdacetl? } muft catc often and 
 IpttelL %s to u cbtn gc tpme>tt muft be remembjed, 
 tbat m hunter anD fpnnge tpme, tl;e ft omaftee; be 
 natutallp berp bote,? tiepe is longe, $ i\wfa;z in 
 tbat tpme meatesfooldebe moje abundant, gtall 
 rbo tig!? mocbc be eaten, it topli be fonec D tgcftc D* 
 ^berfo;:e abfttnence foold ::ot betbafomocb ns 
 mfommcr, albeit to abtttpn mod) in foiunet, *j> 
 tept it be after replecjton, Bamafcene faptfcit bit- Damage* 
 etb tbe bodp, it mafeetb tbe colour falotoe, tt f ngc= nus a f ho 
 d;ctb meIancolp,and burtetb tbe figbt.I9o?eouec 
 tuftome map not be f o?goten-f 02 tbep, fcbtcbe are 
 bfcD from cbtldbode, to eatc funD;p meales tutbe 
 dap, tuolD ratber be reduced to fetoer meales, $ ii= 
 tell meate, tban to be cope lied to abftepn tote tip, 
 to tbin tcnu tbat nature, fobicb is made bp cuftom, 
 be not rubufced,? tbe polrrcr digeftiue tberbp debl 
 Ittate* 3nd note toell, tbat bp to mod; abfttnence, 
 tbe mopfture of tfye bobp ts hutbd?atoen and con- 
 fequentlp tlje bobp o?tetb, and toaretb leane: na= 
 turaU beate, bp tottbb?atoinge of mopfture, is to 
 mocbe intended, and not fpndpnge bumouretd 
 bathe tn, tournetb bts bpoleuce to tbe rabpcall 
 ozfubftanctall mopfture of tbe bodp, andejrbau^ 
 ftpngetbatbumour, tyingetjjtyebobp tnto a co- 
 emption* TCPbcrfoje Hipocrates faptbe, tbat to 
 fcarfe and ejcciutfite an ojoet tn meate and d?infce, A P hx 2 
 is fo; tbe mo?e parte mo;e dangerous tban tbat, 
 fobtcbets mo^e abundant Contrarpfopfemode* 
 ration tn abfttnence, accojdingetotbe fapdecotts 
 ftderationg, is to (jeltl; a fure b ultoar&e*
 1 I 
 The thirde 
 q[Of Vomyte. C*p. * 
 I? c mcate o; D?pnfte f iiperfltt otts, o; co;rup - 
 tcD m tbe ftomalt is belt crpcUco bp bompte, 
 if it be not b erp grcuous to bpm.fobpcb c is Dtfea- 
 Ai. iu TeD* llfo tbe moberate bfe ofit,pourgeri| fleume, 
 Irgf;tctli tbc !;caD. caufetb tbattljc ejecefle of mca= 
 tes o; D; n fees, (ball not anop o? bitngc Qt^chcb* 
 9o;c ouer,tt ameDetb tbe affectes of tbe rapnes, 
 tbe blabber, anD tbefunbement, 3ft alfo I;cipct!j 
 agamft lepnes, cankers, gou tes, D;opf teg, $ alfo 
 Dp wee s fpefceneflcs pjoeebpnge of tbe ftomaefce. 
 3Foj if anp gecfe Ijapnctb of tbe beabe, tjomitcts 
 tban tmcommobiouc *3J t is better tn tututcr 3 tl;aa 
 in fommec. Sllfo gooo fo; tbem , tobicb are replete 
 o; fcerpcolerpfcc, tftbcpbaue not belle bigefteb* 
 but it is pll f o? tbem tbat be leant, o: batte toeafee 
 (lon.abes.3lnDtberfo;c toberconc fcclctb bpttec 
 fcapours s rtfpnge out of bis ftomacfee, toitb grtefe 
 anD bcigbtp ncs, in tbe ouer partes of bis bobpe, 
 let bint runne f opb toitb to tbis remeDp. Jt is al- 
 fo gooD f o: l|tm tbat is bart burneb } anD barb mo- 
 cbv fpittel, o; bis ftomafte foambletb, anb f oj tym 
 tbat remetietb into ftinb?p placespet 31 connfaile 
 Ceir * h - ** faitb Celfus,bpm tbat topll be in beltb, and toolD 
 not be to foone agcD , tbat be bfe not tbis Dapelpe. 
 ainD 3 mp felfe Ijaue "mo tocn men, fobicbcbaplp 
 fcfinge it, baue b;ougbt tbeebp tbeir ftomafces tit 
 to fucbe cuftome, tbat tobat fo etier tbep bpo eate, 
 tbep coube not longe tetatnc it,tol;crbp ttyy tbop 
 tmc tbeir Iiues, ui;erfo?e it foolb not be bftD,bttt 
 onelp tob w greaf fuefet, o? abundance of fleume 
 SOKE. 5? 
 Do requite it $e that topU b ompte after meateJet 
 bpmD?pnfcefunD;p D^mhes tn^jcte togptfecr* anD 
 iaCofall, foarmefcmtcr: ojtftbatbetoeafp, lee 
 fcpm mpjet t&ertoitfc fait o; bonp* Jf IjetopU bo- 
 mite f aftpnge Jet btm D;tnbe toatec an D \) onp foD- 
 Den togttljec, oj 3!fopc uutb it,o; eate of a raoptye 
 coote, anD Djinfce toacme laater bpon it. alfo toa= 
 tec, tobecui raDpl&e is bopleD,anD aftciUmtD pjo* 
 uofcebpmfelfetoit. iCtjem, tb at topi I Ijauemoje 
 Violent purgations, 3J rempttc to p^tfutous iec- 
 neD.^5 ut pet 31 Do ef tfones toarne tljem,tbat tftet> 
 in tbep be ctrcumfpcct, anD Do not moclje life it* 
 $$otzo uec in bomptes,tbe matter bjougft t f o;tl?, Hioocr . 
 tooID be confpDereD 5 accojDpug to t&e rules of f$u pt lbg.u 
 pocrate,tn bis feconDc bo fee of pjonofttcations, cap. 7. 
 tba t is to fap,if it be mm toitfr flemc anD eoler , it 
 is mod profitable tf it be not tn berp great quart* 
 tp, no; tbicfc, tl) e lade nurture it ba tl;, tbe ioara is 
 ft* ]|f tt be grene, like to iefceblaDes.tljpn 0; blab, 
 ft is to be iugeD pll . 3If it bau e al colours,tt is ejr- 
 treine perilous. |f it be leDp coloureD,$ fauontb 
 ^o;rtblp, it fignif ietb a $o?t abolition, 0? DifTalu- 
 tion of nature, f ojasd5alene affitmetbtbece tti 
 Ijis commeute, fucbe maner of bomite Declared^ 
 corruption toicb eirtincttnge of nature* SMfo eue- 
 cp putrtfteD anD ftpnfcpnge fauoure in bompte ts 
 piU Cljefe tinges be rpgbt nece(Farp,to be lofeeD p a ! fn <! e 
 fo?, tobere one Dotb bompte toitboutanpDifficul ^jibf^ 
 tie: but to tnfojeeoueto bompte tofycb cannot, 
 te beep oDtous, anD to be ab^o;reD*
 qOfPuxgdUonshyficgc. C4f.5. 
 If tbe beD be bettp, o j tlje eten Dtmme, o? tf tfym 
 be pep nc felt of tbccolpfcc, o?mt!jc lotoer parte 
 AcdMLi. f tf^e belp, ojm tbe btppc0,o? tome coienfcc mat- 
 ter o2fIcumcmtbcftomakc* 3BIfotf tljc b?eatbbc 
 barbelpfetcljeD, if tlje bealpof bpm felfefenDetlj 
 f 02tf) nothing, 02 tf being collate, one fcletl) pi fa- 
 il otic ojbptternes in btsmoutb, o;tbatU)!)icbbe 
 niafcetb, batlj an bojrible fauour, 0; if abftincnce 
 Do not, at ti)t fp;fi; putte a toape tbe feuer, 0? if tlj e 
 ftrengtfc of tbe boDp map nat fuftepne lettpnge of 
 biuD, ojelstljetpmetbetfoje eonuententis paft, 
 0; tf one baue D;unfcc moebe before bid fpefcencs, 
 02 if be toljicbe oftentpmes bnconftrapneD, fyatf) 
 bao gnat ficgeg, be fobepnlp ft oppeD : in all tbefo 
 cafes, anD toljcr e it is pepnfull to bompte, anD tti 
 gnafooge 0; ftettmges of tlje Romafte, finallp tti 
 all replecions, toljerea man can not 0; toplljno t be 
 let blouDDc 02 bomptc, it is ejcpeDient to pjouofee 
 ftege bp purgations, tobtcbe are recepueD bp ttoo 
 toapes: bptoaroeat tfjefounDementbpfuppofc 
 t o:tc j 0; clpfters* 2d fonetoa tDe at tlje m outb, bp 
 potions, electuaries, 0? pplles*mppoftto?ies at 
 bfcD, tobetetbe patient isfocafee, anD mapenot 
 recepue anp otber purgations, fometpme f02as 
 mocbe astbe ftrapt gr'tets ftoppco tmtb cxac* 
 mmtczMntl) are D?p anD barb : fometpme terete 
 tbereuebetbnone otber pourgatton, fpeciallpiti 
 bourninge f ewers, tuber of tl;e matter afenDetb in 
 totbcfceaD, tbancliftcrsmapDobarme, nbptye 
 benefit of flipporito^e^ejccrementes are tyougb*
 BOKE. 13 
 fojtfye fottijo ut any annopanc<\3;nD oftcntpmcs it 
 bntiQttl) f ottl) t l;a t tatjt cb ciphers map na t. 
 ^uppoftto;tes atmaoe fomtpmetoitb bonpon 
 lp, foDDcn, tolieDonaboutDe, anDmaoe rounDe, 
 fiuallcc at tfjeone cnoc t!;an at tlic ot!;er, soft&e 
 ienoctfi atiD geeames, acco;Dmg to tbe quatitie of 
 t Ik boDp tba t rafcetb tt $c omtpme t()crc is inpjete 
 toitf? tbe 1) o tip faft Dztco, o? fait peter, c; tbe poto* 
 Dcroffucbc tbmges, a0Doeptbec purge tbe l)u~ 
 me?, tobtcb offcDctb, o;DilToIuetl;gcoffc UiinDes. 
 o?ot!jet matter: tbep be fomtpme maDetoitb ro- 
 fepn, p itcljc , toarco? gft ine0, fo mtpmc of totc0 , o: 
 tbe leauesof meccurp grene, fcetpfmall bjuitttu 
 alfo tDttl# ftggi0 o; reifons , tbe Hones taKe out,o? 
 of tulnte fope, tnaDc t tbe figure af o^efapD,* being 
 maDc in tbe fo jme afo; cf apD 3 tfjep mud be put fcp 
 tn at the f unDement, to tbe great enD, atiD tbe pa- 
 tient mud fcepe it tbece tbe fpace of balfean boure 
 oj'moje. CIpftcrs atetnaDe of ipcouc, fommetpme 
 fpmple,as toater f odd e n, mplfe, ople,o? fopne.fom= 
 tpme mp,tt,as toa tec and ople togitber, o? Decoctr- 
 ons,as tobctebcrbe0,totes 3 fruttes,feDC0, o?gu* 
 me0, fjaupnge pjopertteto mafcefoftc, Dilioiuc, 
 D;atoe fo?tbe, ojejrpelle matter tbat gtcuetb, be 
 bopieD, anD tbelpcourtbetof, fometpmetoacme, 
 fometpme bote, is tecepueD at tbe funDement into 
 tbe boDp bp a Ipttell pipe of golDe 02 fpluer, puo* 
 neojtooDDc, tbecfo;c oflepncDanb callpDaclp- 
 Her pipe. Cb 10 10 neceffarp, tub ere tb c ftomafcc is 
 tocabc, and map not fuftepn tbe toartunge of me* 
 Dtcmcs tecepueD at tbe moutb* alfo mfeucrs, co= 
 Slii Itfces,
 ipfte0,anDoftecmfcafcs mtbebotoels, gtiefein 
 tt)c rapncs of tl;e bacUe o? bucbicbone, fcentofp- 
 tiesuubebcalpe, tnflamattott o; ejuilccratum in 
 tbe giittcB o; blaDDen 31 1 is a couenpent anD face 
 mcDicmcanD left burt Dot!) cnfue of it Cbe nia= 
 Hinge anD outage tbetof, 3j topil ompttc to to;tte 
 in tijijs place 5 partlp t\)r 1 31 toolD not, tbat pbifitt- 
 ons 0) tilo to mod; note in me pjefumpttom pact- 
 ip tbat an notl;ec place map bemoje apteto tyat 
 ^ Tf?f particular commodities of tuny 
 fourgation, C*p*tf* 
 I 45 potions, elf ctnaries, anD pplles ougftt to be 
 mod) nioie obferuatiom tban m eipfters o; fup^ 
 pofito;te j, fo; a0 moc be as tbefeDo enter no f ur* 
 t&ertban in to tbe gutte, tbberetbeojDucelietb^ 
 bp that place onlp* b?mgetb fojtb tbe matter, tobi- 
 eije caufetb Dtfeafe^u t tbe otber entringe in tbat 
 toap, tbatmeatesanDD^infeegDo, eommetbtnto 
 tbeftomacfee, anDtbere isbopleD, anD fente in to 
 Replaces of Digeftfon, anD aftettoatbe is mtjet* 
 tmtbtbeitrpce, tobetof tbe fubftanceof tbeboDp 
 temaDe, anDejcpeHpngetbeaDuetfatp bumonrs, 
 fometobat tbetof DontlcfTe remapnetbin tbe bo* 
 Dp* WQljafoit men baue neDe to betoare,tobat me* 
 Dpcmestbcp recepue, tbatintbem be no beneno- 
 fitie, malpce 5 oj coemption, telle f o? tbe ejcpellinge 
 of a fuperfi nous bumo;, tobicbe perchance gooD 
 tittt, o; Torn b?otbcs maDe of gooD berbes, o? tbe 
 (apbe euaomtion, toitb fuppofpto^e o; clpfter, 
 boxi. 57 
 mougftt brng f o;tb at lepfure* bp Defp;inge of to 
 ftaftp rem eDp, tftep r ecepue in meDicine tftat, tofyu 
 cfte (bail mgenDer a tjeticmous ft umout,anD tme 
 suitable Di (Uuctto twto all tfjc boDp.3nD tft erf o?e 
 Irappp is fte, fofticfte in fpcknes f pnoetft a Dtfctete 
 anD tucll IctacD pft ifttion, anD fo true a poticaep, 
 tftatftatftaltoap ozohrges \inco^ruptcD. $ toftom 
 tfte pljifi tto n map fueelp truftto Difpenc: ft 10 tfttn 
 ges truelp- But nolo to returne to tfte fapD f ojme 
 of purgation, 3[topil notoefct fotfft temccoun- 
 faples, concernpngetftat matter, tofticftelbaue 
 c ollccteD out of tfte eft tefe a u tf j o?s of pi) tfike* 
 JSoDtes bote 9 mopft : map eat tip fuftepn purga* 
 tio n bp tfte ftoole. CIkp, tofticfte be leane 0; tljpn, 
 ft a umge rft e members tenDcr , map take ftarme b^ 
 purgations* Co men tftat are colecike, anD tftem, 
 tftat eate liteiLpur gattons ate gceuotis. 35n pons 
 cftplDern anD olDe men, it is Daungerous to loufe 
 mocfte tfte bealp,o tftem tftat are not toont to it, 
 purgation is nopf till. ie tftat liuetft in a gooD 0^ 
 Der of Diet, neDetft neither purgation no: tiomtte. 
 Sifter tftattbe purgatio ftatft tozougftMfttrames 
 anD founoe flepe, be ftgnes tftat tfte boDp is (aflft^ 
 eientlp purgeD* Bp oaplp takpnge of meDicmes. 
 nature is cojrupteD. Tooftanpctoplle poucgeanp 
 tft mg 5 make ftr (I tfte matter ftoimng anD foluble* 
 APeD tccne to purge ougft t not to be mingleD tmtft 
 meate, buttobetakcfoureftouresattfteleaftbe* uipoau 
 fojemeales, ojtftjeftoutcs after mealcs, ejrcepte apfcoi* 
 certapne eafp pplles maDeto clenfe anD comfo;te 
 tfte (tomato, tofticfte toolD be taken at tfte begpn- 
 Ciu ninje
 nfng of f up pec , o; after fuppcr, a Ittell before tbat 
 oncgotluobcD, maiungca ligbt fuppcr 02 none* 
 3iftc r purgation taken, tljc patient ft) uio reft ,anD 
 Oaten, de not toalfce, Dti tpil tbe mcDtein c batb tojougbf no? 
 fanitucn. eateoj typnfceiutbe meanefpace* Crisis age* 
 ncral rule coceenpng ejecrementes, that f> eaufe of 
 tetapnpnge of tbero mnge peccepueb, tbe contra* 
 rpes b ntu tbat caufe toolbe be gpuen, as tf a Iptcil 
 quantptie anbb;ptbe be tbe caufe, tbanto take 
 mo;c in quantitie, and that tobicbc is mopfte pf 
 typtbe be tbe caufe onelp, tbannotto increafetbe 
 quantitie, but tbat tobicbe is m op ft c- Jf tbe caufe 
 be of taftinge foure tbpnges o? bpttecf ban to bte 
 competentlp tbpnges ftoeete,o;fatte* ftpfcefopfc 
 In o;dcr of mcales, as if befobpebefoas luonteto 
 eatcttopfcin one bap catctbbut ones, anbtber* 
 bpisbtfecafeb, be mutt feebe notonelp ttopfcitt 
 one bap,but alfo of tener .Ijaumgc refpect to a con- 
 uenient q uantitie-Cbcfc tbinges baue J remem* 
 b; cD, bpcaufe 3f baue fcnotoen rigbt goob pbifitt- 
 ons,to baue fo;gotten,to f nftruct tberof tbeir pa- 
 cientes* &otot topil 31 Tettte fojtbe tbe table of fu* 
 cbetbmgcs, tobicbof tbew p;opectiebo Digeftoj 
 purge fupcrf Itious bumojs particular!?, tobicbe 
 31 baue gatbereb out of tbe bofces of iDiofcojibcs 
 0alen ,pauP Cgineta, >;ttbafMM 3ettus,anD 
 otber late Otters, not tottb ftanbpnge, Kbaue 
 not tojiten all, fo?as mocbe as tbere be bpuers 
 tbinges, toberbn to foe baue not pet founbenanp 
 names in engine. 
 K E. 58 
 ^Poiffgm of 
 Toftap of butter* 
 Camarpnae0 Ijalfe mi 
 ounce tit a Decoction: 
 #anna. Du D?amme0 
 5UtoIette0,tf)c leafe ano a( tfje leaft e, anD Too to 
 f Iofo;e. JXtn m tf?c tyotfje of a 
 S>o;eU. frenneo? capon. 
 Xpuerfoojte i&eubatbatu bp it fclfe 
 &o :cll be bopfe* from ttoo D;amme0, ton 
 volinp clartfpeD* to foure, infufeD o? ftu 
 Cfje greate foure col&e peD in Ipcour, f it* 
 fcDc0 5 tbat i0 to Tape, of t;ammcs fento. frit. 
 gourdes, cucumber0> 
 ^Divefl'ms of 
 t^oIppoDtu of tlje ofce, 
 SPpjobaiam fcebuli, m 
 fufeo fromijalfanouce 
 to an ounce, anD.UD?a= 
 me0.3jufubftacc, from 
 ttoo Diamines to fyaife 
 an ounce. 
 a gancus fro a D;ame 
 to ttoo D?amefc tnfufeD, 
 q?ur gets of mUii* 
 CX&* b;etfje of cote 
 too?teg Ipgbtbopleo* 
 <feeene, bopleD in Infntc 
 tonne o?tntyebjotlje of 
 55onrage* TOpfytoptt&e* 
 facets tongue* tslpall moantapn^ 
 jtoufcfcbcme. teonpe. 
 flpapnbcnljeare. s*ugac* 
 C^^aocolpcfo; tbeftpnuelTe anbfubtpiitetre 
 of tfte Rumour, nebetb no Dtgeditte. 
 C^bep teljicbe fopil tafce Cbatpet purgations, 
 o? compound totet? Dpuers ttnngcs, let tijem tafec 
 ttje counfaple of an boneft anD pecfite ptjtfttton, 
 $ not aouenture to mprte tljpnges togtttjec, tottt) 
 out fcno toing tlje temperance of tyem In Degrees, 
 ano tljat be can p^op o;on $em to tlje bobp, tbat 
 (bailrecepue tbemmfpmplcs, as tbep be tyitm. 
 nm To be map bfe tbein bntbout perpll, agepnfle 
 tt>c \)umout8M) erbnto ft ep fetuc. 
 If rrywg* of blouide . Cp. 7 
 T$e parte of Cnacuation bp letttnge of bln&e 
 is tnetfion o? cuttpnqt of tfje bapne, tobecbp 
 t\)t b\out)fr\)ic\)c is caufe of fpefcenes 02 griefe to 
 tbe bole boDp, 0? anp particular part tberof, jotlj 
 tnoftaptlp paflfc. Cbe commootttes fobceof, be- Amoidut 
 tngetn amoDerate qtiantttte, anD in a Duetpme deuau 
 taken,' be tyefe tbat folotoe, it clarif ietb tbe tnptte, nona - 
 anD mafc etb go od memory clenfety tlje blabo er, 
 ttD;ietb tbeb?apne, tttoarmettj t\)t marotoe, be- 
 tngc in tljc bones, it opeuctb tlje ljcrpnge, it ft op= 
 petbteareso? Djoppprtgcs of tljeepcn, ittafeetft 
 atoap lot^fomnes,anb eotiftrmetlj the ftomafec, it 
 hojpQfeft tbat tofacb ts p?bp*e to nature, ano tbc 
 ft con-
 contrary erpeiletb* 3(t is tbougbvbat tf)crbp life 
 - is pjolongeD, and tlje matter mafepuge fpcfceneffe 
 fofmcdki GwtelpconfumeD* wljecfoje lettpnge of bioube 
 nc com, is not onlp crpcDtent f o; tfteun tuijicMe ace full of 
 peodio, b!ouD,o; bane abunDance of ft rengtb,but alfo foj 
 f !jem, tn tu&om, toitbout plemtiiDccalipD f uincs, 
 inflammations begp. . to be in tbeic boDies, o; bp 
 f omc out matDe (frolic, d)e blouDe being gathered 
 Imtbtn bp collection ttymf } do fele gnefeo;Di 
 cafe* 31fo tob ere djerc w mocbe pepne felte, oj De- 
 bilitie of fome member, totjerofts fuppofeotobe 
 tngcnDjeD fome grcuous Difeafe. a^ojeoucr t^cp 
 to\}ici)c bfe crceflfeof meates anDD^nfees, mape 
 be cuceDbp lettpnge of blotiDDe, Buttbofe, tolju 
 cbe be temperate, tteppngegooDDiete; bc^otpeti 
 tor tlj o u t lettpnge of bio uoe : as bp fticafies,t) fmg 
 of ba'bes, ejeereife, toalfcpnge, anDrpopng moDe- 
 rateip* 3lfabncticms toityoples anDopntcmen* 
 tes> callpD Di<f boreticg , tol^icb bp euapojattbn, Do 
 flE)o; telp ettacuate tbe f ulnefle, 31! be iu if tbe ftil- 
 neffebeof melancolpeblotiD, tbanaltoapeneDes 
 tm'le be lettpnge of blottDDe* SUbounDawnce of 
 melancolpe bloubDe is fcnotoenbp t^efe fpgnes. 
 Cfcere is felt in tl)t entraples, o? to itl) m tbe bulfce 
 of a man o; tooman, atoepgbtpneffe tmt^ tenft- 
 <m o? tb;uftpng outtoarDe: anD all tbat part, tofji* 
 clje is aboue tbe naueli,i0 mo;e bcup, tban it toas 
 toont to be* 3Ufo mod) brin anD f attp,tbe refiDece 
 o; bottom tbpcfce,troublous, anD fatte. fometpmc 
 blacfcepouGKsojbopIes, foitb inflamation anD 
 mocfj pepne* Cfcefe mu& be #o; tip let Mono, anD 
 B O K E 66 
 ftemelancolp fcumojalfo purged bpficge* C&ep 
 toljtctjc i?ae crttDe o j rato b umojs, muft be bate* 
 IpIetblouDDc, befo;etbatfpkne(TemgenDcr, but 
 fjaupnge tbe feuer, m no topfe- Concetnpnge lef^ AiMi. 2 
 tpn gc of blouD, t^cfe tbinjj?s f olofoinge too ID be 
 IjaDDcm continual I rememb?a ancc, an D be afo?e 
 rbougbt on. J,n abunoanu of tbe blouD, tbe qua- 
 It tie and quantity tf^egccatncflTcof tljcfpcfeneff, 
 anD if ft be pjefent, 0? lofeeD f 0?. alfo tJ?e Dtcte p?e- 
 ccDpnge, tbe age anD ftrcngtb of tbe perf one, tbe 
 natural! fourtne of b is boDp, tbe time of tbe pere, 
 tbe region 0; countrep, tbe p jefct (late of tbe aire, 
 tbe bifbfe of accuftomed ererctfe, tbe feflftnge of e- 
 uacuations bfed befoje. jn quatttic confpDer, of 
 tobatbumourtbe fulne(fep?ocedetb 3lnquantt- 
 tie tbe abundance of tbat, tobtcbe is to be purged. 
 3Jn f ift ncs, if it be Dangerous 0? tollerabie : vf tbe 
 fifcn eg be parent, it eeq uir etb tbe m o;e dt!tgccc:tf 
 tt be lofted fo?, it map be tbe better p?opojcioned* 
 Jn d t et, tb c cuft ome fn eating 5 Drinking mud be 
 fpeciallp notcD. J t n pong men $ toome,lettinge of 
 b loud too ID be m o;e liberal!. Jn olD men $ ponge 
 cbiltyen, it tooid be fcarfer : ftronge mat map fu* 
 ftepne bleDtnge, tbep tobieb are feble, map not en 
 Dure it : Tlarae bodies baue greater bedels, tljan 
 tb ep, tobtcbe be Iitell* lean* men baue mo;c b 1 6ud, 
 co?po?atemen bauemojetlefte* Cbetpmeoftbe CorCeIrf 
 pere mull be fpeciallp mac&eo. f o;intbebegpn-fJ$i, ?t 
 ntngeof fp?ingetpme is tbe bed letting of blouD, 
 as D?ibnftus faptbe>and fo dotbeconttnue,aftec 
 tl)c opinion of Jraolde, tonto tbe eigbte calenoes 
 lUii of
 THE THIRDS offline. Ittius affitmetf), fyatm topntet 3 o?fa 
 de"^ 11 ' a colDe wwntrep, ? to & e * c *ft* petfon is cf abetp 
 noul de **. nature, ttje bapnes 0) ulDc not be openeD. 
 floboiho* 3toD iDamafcene faptbe, Cljep totjicbe in poutfje 
 J" 1 ' 3 * baue bfeb to be modje let blono,aftec tbcp be tbje 
 fcenusTn" fco;e petes oioe, tbetc nature tuaretM colDc, an& 
 arwmcd. tidtucail bcateisin flhm fuffocate, fpecpallpepf 
 $ep toerc of a coIDe completion, but tbat is to be 
 tjnDet ftanDe, foijcte tb ep t&at ate in tjeltlj , ate oU 
 tenletbiouD. jfojmt&e iapfe from bcltb, aub in 
 bpuers Difeafes, tobettn tbe bioube is corrupted, 
 o; tofccte it mgco?etb impo ft umcs , o? refotfety to 
 anp place, togete it ouQljt not to be, o; paffetb bp 
 anp otfjer cunDpte, tban nature batb ojbepneD, tn 
 lutjcteit isfuttous o) inflamed, ojbpanp otyet 
 meanes tycDctb gceuous bifeafes, tn all tbefe ca- 
 fes, tt o ugbt to be p?actifeD, pe foinetpme in ageo 
 pet tons, toomen toitb cl)iiDe,anD pouge mf antes. 
 jfoj in tfttemeneceflitieft toere better experience 
 fome cemeDp, tban to bo notbpnge, 3ill otbet tbtn* 
 ges concetnpnge tins matter, pattapn to tbe pate 
 cutattue, tobicbe tteatetb of bealpngeof fpcfcnes, 
 to&ciof 3 topll not notoe fpeatte, but re mptte tfc 
 tebers to t&e couofatf e of mfecete pl;ifirton0* 
 Offcatfyeng called faxyng or cufpyng. C*p, 8* 
 Gaieimr* "p^D? as moc&e a0 tt ts not conuentent, to be let 
 a bloub oftentimes in tbepcre,bpcaufe motf? of 
 Acr^ li. ?, t\)t bptail fpirtte, paffetb fo;tl) tuttf^ tbe bloubbe, 
 tobiclje being ejefcautt, tlje bobp toatetlj colbe,anD 
 natural! opetations be com tfce-raoje f eblej tbet* 
 B O K *I 
 fo;e Do co<mfaple(faptb (Mm) tbat tbe bafe pat* 
 tea of tbe boDp,as ttje leggra, be fcatifieD, tobieb 
 ts tbe mode (lute temeDp, as teell t n conferupngf 
 beltbe, as mcepap?pngetbetof, betnge DecapeD* 
 f o? it curetb tbe epen being annopeD toitb loage 
 Dpft ilia ttons, 3ft p?of ttetb alfo to ft e beaD,anD o* 
 ucr patte of tbe boDp againft fano?p Difeafes- 3Rn 
 fobat membet tbe blouo is gatbeteD, tb: bobp be* 
 ing f p?ft pourgeD bp fcanf icattomtbe gtef e mape 
 be eu ceo, mfo >?tbafms aflfometb tbe fame, anD oribafim 
 alfo abDetb tbetto, tbattt belpctbfQupnarae*, o* " medid 
 quptsccs in tbetb?ote,8ttb Diffbluetb tbe f onttipa, pe ^ 
 lions o? ftoppinges waDcsf all plates, if tbe pla* 
 ces be fcanf icd : not foitbftanDing application of 
 botes about tbe ftomafc in bot f ett*ts*tobete re= 
 Ton ts troubled, at to be efcbctoea,f o? feate of fuf* 
 f ocatiom tpfeetert e put to tbe beaD bntofctetelp, 
 it buttetbbotb tbe beao anD tbe eie3(be late au- Aius 
 tbo?s Daaffitme, tbatfcatifiengis tntbefteoe of 
 lettingeblouDDe, tobere to? age>DebiUtie, o? tpttie 
 of tbe pete, o; otbetlpke confcDcratton, amanne 
 map not fttftepnWottD lettpnge, anD it bjpngetbe 
 f 02tb tbe tbpn bloo, tobicb is nett to tbe ffcpm e 
 QfUoM&fmke u oi luches* C*pi p* 
 T ere is alfo another fourmeof euatuatteti 
 bp toojmeg, f ounDe in toatets calleD blouDDe 
 fuck#s,o; leacbeB, tobicbe being put bhto tbe bo * 
 Dp o; rhember, Doo Djatoe out blouDDe. 3nD tbei t 
 D#topnge is mo?e conuenient fo* f ulneffe of bloD 
 tbantie fcaafienge tfc f o? as moclje as tbep fetcbe 
 ft in blouDe
 The thuds 
 MouDe mo?c Deper, ant> (8 mo?e of tfje fUbffatmce 
 of WotiDc pet tlic opinion of fomme men 10, tbat 
 e^cp Do Djatoe no bloncDc but ttyat, tu^icbe is co2= 
 tupteD,anD not p?opo,ctonablc tmto our boDp* 
 3nDtbcrfo;c ingttcfes,tobicb*bappen bettoene 
 tbeffcpnneanb tl?c flcffye of blouDDeco;cupteD, 
 tbcfc arnnoie Conner ent tl;anfcartficngc $ut 
 pribasus before tftat tbep be pat fcnto anp part of tije boDp 
 i*ndio. bnto $em a Iptteil blonde in f rcfltye f letlfte* InD 
 tban put tljcm in a dene toatet, f omtobat toacme, 
 ano tottb a fpounge toppe atoap tlie Qpme. tob tcb* 
 is about tbem, anD r ban lap a Iptteil biouD an tbe 
 place grcucD, anD put tbem tban to it, anD lap on 
 t&cpm a fpounge, tbattoftan tftepbe fuile, tbe? 
 map falle atoape> 0; if pe fopll foonec banc tbepm 
 of, putteafcotfe&eate bpttoccnctbep? mouses, 
 anD tije place; anD Djatoe tbepm atoape, 0; putt* 
 Co tbeic moutbes falteojaflfoes, 0? fcpneget, anD 
 fonbtoub tbep (I) all falfr* anD tban toafftc tbe 
 place to it ft a fpounge : anD tf tbete d pffue mo* 
 c!je blouDDe, lape on tbe place tbe poulDer of a 
 fpounge, anD pptc&e bourncD, 02 ipnnen ciotbe 
 bourncD, o;gal!es bourncD, 02 tbe fjcrbe calipD 
 Burfifaftofis bjup feD.ftnD tty& ft#fetl) concern 
 ^ofhernoroMcs orp)II.G* 
 Hmo2totDe0 be fcapnesin tbe founDement, 
 of toljome Do bappen funDjp paflion*. fome 
 ipmeftoellpng, toitboutbleDpnge, fometpmc fu* 
 SOKE % 
 perf taous bl oud bp tbc p tnfTan ce of nature, is bv 
 rf?em cjcpeileD, anD f ban be tftep berp conuentent* 
 f oj bp tfjem a man 0>aII efeape manp great fpefee^ 
 neflfe0> toljutyc beingenDjeD of cojrupteD blouDe, 
 o; of meiancolp. &cmblablp, it tfytp beljatfplpe 
 ftoppeD frame tbecoutfe, tobtcbetbep^aue bene 
 bfeD to, tbecbp Do incceafe ^e fatD fpfcneffes, tobt* 
 ebe bp tbem tore ejcpelleD, as tyopfies, cofurapfe 
 ons, maDncs,f ranftes, anD Dtuers Dtfeafcs of tbe 
 &eaD,anD otber fpcfcnefFes, paienes of tbe bpfage, 
 gnefemtberamesof tljcbacfce, anD tbies. 3nD 
 if tbepflofoto mocfctbere tnfuetl) feblenes, lean* 
 negof tbeboDp, alteration of colour, great pep* 
 tics in tbelotaer partes of tbe boDpe* StoDpft&e 
 flute be bnmoberateut mgcm^etbmpfcljcuous 
 Difcafes* ocflbetfojeitfoolDebeOpligentelp taken 
 bebe, tbat tbep cttnne in mefure,o; els to bfe Come 
 ebtnges moDecatelp, iutyctye map reftrapn ti,etm 
 C^oneerninge otber euacuattos, 3 bo pu tpofe* 
 Ip omptte to totptt of tbepm in tins place* fo; as 
 mocbe as in tbis realme, it batb bene accompteD 
 not bonetf,to Declare tljem in t&e bulgar tongue, 
 Of4fftctcsofibe*yn&c. C4f.11. 
 T$e lad of tbpnges cantD not natttraH,ts not 
 tbeleaft parte to beconfpDereb, tyetotycht 
 is of afftctes anD paflfions of tbe mpnDe* f 0? pf 
 tbep be tmmoDeeafe, tbep bo net onelp annope tip 
 bobp, * fl)o?f en tbe fpf e, but alfo tbep Do appatre> 
 ano fomtpmelofe btterlp a mans eatmattoin3inD
 Tut THUD! 
 tbatmoebe mo:efs, tbcp bjingeaman frcmtbe 
 bfc of reafon, and fometpme in tfic Difplcafutc of 
 altmgbtp goD. to^crf o;e tltep Do not ouip require 
 tf7c!;c!pcof pbtfpfce cojpo^all, bittaMp tbe coun= 
 fell of amantopfeanDtoell lerneDtn tno?all pbi* 
 lofopbpe* Tcl?eccfo?c after tbat 5 baue cecptcD. 
 toba t tbep be, J fzplf bucfeip Declare f udje court* 
 faples ,a:> 3 baue gatljeteD. 3nD a0 concctnpngc 
 ccmcDi es of ptytftke faumge a feto fpmples,tobtcb 
 Do comfort tye barte $ fpicites, tbe tefiDuc ;$ topi 
 tempttc to tbe counfaple of pbifttums, ipfce as 3 
 banc none in evacuation. Mectesof tbempnDe, 
 tol;ecbp tl)e boDp ts annoprD, anD Do bung in ftfc= 
 nes , be tbefe,p;e o? to; a tb,beupnes o; fo;o to, glab 
 HOflrc. dp. ii. 
 II&efeftenDIpD m tbe barte, tno?Dpnatc!p rfjau* 
 fpnge tb c fptrttcs tbere, anD tban is fent fo;tbe 
 in to tbe members, anD Doty fupetf luouflp beate 
 tbem> anD Dtftucbctb reafon, tobete M;e bo&pe* be 
 bo f tc afo?e. toobcre natural! beate fc feeble, tbe 
 beate map nat br DtfperfeD bnto tbe cnremc par= 
 teg, anD tban Dotbe tbe extreme members, tbat t j 
 to far, tobtcbe are farce frome tbe barte, remapne 
 colDe, anD tcemblpng** >f tbis affection cometb 
 fometpme feuers Jomctpmc apoplejeies, o; p;iua^ 
 tion of fencis, tremblpnge,palfeps,maDnes,fran 
 fies, Dcf o;mttte of Mage,anD tbat toarfc is, ou t = 
 cagtous ftoearpnge, blafpberap* Defp;e of benge- 
 anee, loSe of cbaritte,amitte > creDence > alfo f ojget- 
 BOKE, 6j 
 fulnes of beiKfptc pieceDpnge, atiD of obebpenee. 
 Duct t c, anD tetter encc* ctj etc alfo Do fucceDe coti 5 
 tcncton, chargeable f u ite, bnqutetnes of mpnDe, 
 laefce of appetite, laefceof flepe, feeble Digeftion, 
 fcojne, D itoap ne, anD batreDe of o t&er, toit b perpll 
 of lofpngrof all gooD reputation* Cbefeincom* 
 moDtties of 3(re, perfitelp bao in remembjaunce, 
 $attbefpjft motion tbcrof one of tbem tbougbt 
 on, map Ijappcn to bjpnge in bis f clones, $ tbet^ 
 bp tbe flame map be quencbeD. >; let bpm tbat is 
 angrp,euen at tb e f p jft confpDer one of tbefe tb in* 
 ges , tbat Ipfte as be is a man, fo 10 alfo tbe otfjec, 
 tottb tobombcts angrp, anD tberfoje it tsasit= 
 full fo; tbe otber to be angtp,ae bnto bpm:anD if 
 be fo be, tban tyail tbat anger be to bpm Dtfplea* 
 fant } anD ft etc bpm mo;e to be angtpe. wberbp it 
 apperetb , tbat 31 re ts to bpm lotbfome* J F tbe 0- 
 tbec be patient, tban let bpm abbo?re tbat typnge 
 in bpm felfe, tbelacfce tobereof, in tbe otber con* 
 tcntctbbptmanDafftoagetb bts malice* Qpojeo- 
 tter, let bpm before, tbat occafion of JIre Dotb bap 
 pen, accuftome bpm felfe to bebolDe, anDintfee 
 foelltbem tbat be angtp, toitb tbe fucccfTc of tbat 
 anger, $ ruminate it in bis mpnDe, a gooD fpace 
 after. 3InD in tbat tpme, let bpm remember, boto 
 Cbzifte, tbe fonne of <od anD<H5oD, tobo(asbe 
 bpm felfe fapD) mougbt baue bao of <5od bis fa* 
 tber, if be toolDebaue affceD tbem, legions of an* 
 gels to baue DefenDeD bpm, pe fcutb laffetban a 
 topnge, mougbt baue flapne all bis aDuerfaries; 
 pet be not toityftanDinge rebutteb,fto?ueD, falfelp 
 fb accufco
 accufcD , pi urfceD bptljet $ t&pt&ct, flrppcD, b o un- 
 Den ant!? baiters , tobpppcD, fpptte on, bulfctteD, 
 crotoneDfombtfcarpetbo^ne, laDeD toutbabcupe 
 piece of tpmbet, tys otone p?opcr tojment, balpD, 
 ^ D;tuen f o?tb Ipfee a calf e to t^e (l a ugb tcr b oufe, 
 eftfoncs beaten anD otimfcotocn, retcl;cb fo;tf?e 
 turtb ropes, anw s ant legges lapD on tbc ccoflfe, 
 anDtbetbnto toftblongp^onnaples tfeottgb tbr 
 banDes anD fete napIcD.iott^ inanp ftrofces of fciU 
 tners, fottbmanp pjicfcpngcs, o;ctter tbcnaples 
 mougb t pecce bp fits tenDer ? mod blcfteD flefft e, 
 anD fpnetoes, cjuptctbjougbe tljebatDe tpmber, 
 tip to tlje beabes of tbc naples , anD all $ts 6elng 
 Done f 0; tbe offence of manfcpnD, anD not b t& pee 
 toitb tbc men, toljiclje DpD it, bis moolte fcnfcptiDc 
 countrcp men, btsnioft bnnaturall fcpnnefmen, 
 tuftm* fccfpjfte maDeof not&pngc, p?efecueD Dp 
 mp?ac!e0, DelpuereD fcomperplles, anDcuteDof 
 Dpfeafes, in ail bis fetation anD trouble, betoas 
 neueefeneo? percepneDangtp* Jf one fopllfape, 
 tbat SEngeris natutall, lettcftpm alfc confpDcr, 
 ftat 'nCtetfttg manbooDe toere all naturall po* 
 tocrs- 3Rf betopllfape, tbatjjrczs toKcti ofcou* 
 ea ge,anb In Cb?tG e it lacfceD n 1, toft nt e bo ti; an* 
 gels anDDeupls trembleD anDfeareD* C&ep;** 
 mpfle* often teuolncD,anD bojnc in tbe mpnDe, 31 
 topllnotfap, all Utalp cxtincte all motions of 
 to?atb, tubicbe is not poffible, but it ffiall,bban it 
 fcpnbfctblpgbtlp tepjeffeit, anDIcttetbat it Qall 
 notgrotoe into flame* 3nD in fpeafcpnge hereof 
 to^e^ 3 Do not meane t^to^tiegooD menne
 loxi, *4 
 fcaucagafnft bices : o? tupfe ant) Dtrcrete gouec~ 
 ttoutg, anD matft ers, agapnft t&e Defames o? ne* 
 gligencesof fteic fubtceteso? fecuauutes, bfcD 
 tit rebufcpngeftem, onnooeratelp pwtpfibpnge 
 ftem. tfo; ftat is not pjoperlppje, but rafter to 
 be callpD Difpiefuce, ano is ftat fojjeeof goD fpe- 
 fetft, bp bts p;opbete BiupD, fapcngc, Bepoupfai. +, 
 angrp,anDDonotfpnne. BnDftat munecof an=c cncf * r - 
 ger, ijaft ben in Dpuera &olp men, p;opfcete0, anD 3k ,? 
 often 31nb (tapper eD inCb;tfte, toljanfee D;aueMuc.n,' 
 outcftepm, fobPftemaDe ftetr marttette, tn fte 
 fjolp temple of goD, fobcreftcre ougbteto beno; 
 ftpnge but p;apec 3nD tn Ipfeetopfe toban be re* 
 bufceDftebPPOcntcs* 23utpf none of ftefeftpn* 
 ges map come fo$o;telp to bis remembjatmee, 
 ftat is meucDtotft anger, atfteleafte, lettcbpm 
 ftpnfceon fteleflfon, ftat 3polloDo?U0 fte pbp- 
 lofopbec, taugfy t to fte emperouc > ctatmm, ftat 
 befo;e be fpcafce o? Do anp ftpnge tn anger, be Do 
 recite in o;Der,aII fte letters of fte 3.$,,anb re* 
 moue fomtubat out of fte place, ftat be ts tn, anD 
 fefce occafton to be oftertopfe occupied Cbis ftal 
 to: ftt0 tpme; fte remeDpes of 3fre^KnD 
 be ftat topll feno toe mo je of ftts matter, iette btm 
 reoetn mp toacfce, callpDfted&ouernour, to&ere 
 31 ft et of Do to;ite mo;e abunoantlp* 
 ^Of dolour orheuyneffc ofwjn&e. 
 C'pitulo. i2 
 T$cre is noftpnge mo?e ennempe to fpfe, ft . 
 fo;o tor, callpD aifo Ijcupncs, to; it ejftaufteft 
 &n beft
 The thirde 
 botbenatutall btateanD mopftuce of tljebobpe, 
 anD do tljc crtcnuatc o : make t\)t boDp leane, DuU 
 letlj the topttc, anD Dackcnetb tije fpiritcs, icttctlj 
 tbe bfcanDiuDgcmcnt of reafou, anD opp?cfl*ctb 
 6i7> memojpe 3inD Salomon faptb, tljat fo:o\uc D?i- 
 c tl; bp ttje bones 3nD alfo, tpfee as tlje motlje m 
 t\)c garment, anD tbe t ourmc in tbe ttee,fo Dotbe 
 beupneffe unnope tbe barte of a manne.SMfo m tbe 
 Ecciefia* bofcccallpD <ccJeftaftictjs, S>o?oUic batb kpllcD 
 .25. 28. manp>anD in tefelfe is founbe no commoDitie. 
 Slfobp betipncireDetbisbafteneD, ttbpDetbbct* 
 rue o; ftrcngtbe, anD bcupnelTc of barte botoctl) 
 D o tone tbe n ccfee C b is ts fo putflant an ennempe 
 to nature anD boDilpljeltb, tbattorcfiftc tbe ma - 
 Ipce anDbiolencetberof, arerequireD remeDies, 
 as toell of tb c boifome counfaples f ounDe in bolp 
 fenp tu cc,anD m tbe bokes of mo;all Doctrine, as 
 alfoot ecrtapne betbes, f writes, anD fppccs,ba= 
 uptime tbe p:op?etie to ctpelle melancolpfce Ijw 
 mours, anD to comfojt anD fcepelpuelptbe fpitf- 
 tes, tobpebe bauc tbeit proper babptation in tbe 
 bar te of man, anD moDe rate notmdjpnge of tbe 
 natural! beate anD bumour calipD raDtcalfcto btcb 
 is tbe bafe o; fbuDation, tobcrbpon tbe Ipfe of ma 
 ftanDetb,anD tbat f apling, Ipfe failctb m mine* $ 
 tbe boDp ts DtftblueD* Bow fp?fte 31 tovll Declare 
 fome remeDies a gepnft lojofofulncffc of barte,co- 
 cernpnge ncceflarp counfaple. 
 omctpme tbts affecte bapnetb of 3Ingratp* 
 t ur e, cptbec tuyere fo; benefpte,oj fpecial toue em* 
 plopDe, one wepwetfc Damage, oj is abanDoneo 
 B O K E * * 
 to bis neceffitic, o: is DccepucD of ftpm, fobome fa 
 tcudeb, ojfpnbctljbpm, oftobombcbatbgteate 
 erpcctation, forgetful! ojneglpgent in tjts como* 
 Dtcte, o: perccpuctl) tl?e pccfonc, tobomeof longc 
 tp me be batb loueb, to be edraungeb from ljtm,o? 
 to baue one of later acquapntauncetnmo?eeftp= 
 mat ion* Cijis affection wppctb tbebatte, peof 
 mode topfe men, fonbcpioue mode fecrtilp, not 
 p;o uofccD bp carnal affection, but rather bp goob 
 opinion, ingcbjed bp fimilttube of boned ftubpes 
 and bertuousmanersof longe tpmemuttmilpe 
 ejcperienceD^nD it is not onlp bnto ma greuou0, 
 but alfobntogob modtofpleafant ano odious, 
 asittsabttnDantlp Declared in fccipture* vobct* 
 fo;etbeperfone, tobicbe feletb bpm feifetoucbeD 
 fottbtbtsaffecfc, before tbat it grotoeinto apaf^ 
 fiott, anDtoacetl) arpcfcncfle, lettebpmcalltore* 
 memtyance tbcfe articles folofcocnge, 02 at tge left 
 tamps fonte of tbem, fo? euecpc&e of t&epm mape 
 eafe Opm, tbougb peccfcaunee tljep can nat f o?tlje 
 tmtbpcrfitelp cure bpm. 
 CConfpDcr, tbat t\)t corruption of mans nature mum 
 is not fo mocb Declared in anp tbing, as tn nigra* *&jff* 
 titube, toberbp a man is mabetoarfe, tbaDpuer0 sr ^'* 
 tyutt b cades* Cbe Ipttell ant 02 emote belpctb bp 
 bis folo to, tobom be feetfj ouettb?otoen tuitb bur- 
 De pn,02 bp otl;ec occafiton* Mfo toban olppbantes 
 bo paffe ouer anp great fotf ter, tbe gretteft 9 mod App fa . n " 
 puilTant of tbem DeutDe tbem felfes, anb fettpnge ft V n ? i! 
 t be toeafced m tbe mpDDell, part go before, trieng 
 f be Depenes anb perpls, parte come after, fuccou* 
 &( rpnge
 Itoge fte tocafceft 02 leaft , tot ft ft ere longe notes, 
 toba nftep feftem iii Danger* Cliefame beaftes 
 bauebenfenenot onelptypngemenoutof Defers 
 teg, tol;tft baue loft t^etr toaps, bat alfo reuenge 
 fteDifpleafure0 Done to t&epm, t^cto^ictje gauc 
 ft em mcate,as one ftat fletoc ftfm, toftcft baDe co- 
 mpttco aDuoutrte tort? bis mapfters tvpfc. Cftc 
 terrible pon0 anD ]anfter0, baueben feencu? 
 ft eir matter, toreu&er ftanfeestofteic benefac- 
 tours, pe ana to obtecte their ofone beopes anD 
 Ipucs f 0? ft ete Defence* Cbe fame toe tnape Daplp 
 bcboIDe in our otone Dogge0. Cba in tobom ftou 
 f pnocft ft e fceteftabie t?pce of 3!ngratit uoe, repu* 
 tpngclipm amongefte toarftf02te of creatures, 
 ftmfce not ftat ftou baft loft a f renDe, but ft infce 
 ftat ft on arte DelpuereD from a monfter of na- 
 ture, ftat Deuo ureD ftp toue, $ ftat ft on art nolo 
 at itbertie, anD baft toon experience to ftefe tbe a 
 bcnlfiT ^tter.}3tttifftt0mapnotfufe, ftaneftfone0 
 confpDer, ftat tf ftou iofce Utell on ftp felfe, per- 
 ftance ftou mapft fpnDe fte faute, tofiecof ftou 
 complapneft, totftm ftpn otone bofo me* Callcto 
 ftp remembrance, if ftou baft altoap eenDieD fciu 
 to euerp man conDigne ftanfccs 0; benefitte, of 
 foljom ftou baft kpnaues recepueo,oi if ftou baft 
 altoap remembieD, euerp one of ftepm, ftat baue 
 Boone to fte anp com<ioDitte oipleafure* Cbou 
 flbalte toelipereepue, ftat tobat ftpngeftou re* 
 cepu eDft in ftilDeboDe, ftou f ojgatteft 0; DtDDcft 
 iitel efteme,toban ftou catnip to fte date of a ma. 
 3n$>toi;atftou DpDDcfte remember in poufte, in 
 10X1 * * 
 figc f!)ou DpDDctl Ipttcli t^pn^c cm : ftpnotttpce* 
 $app t$ ec ro cfcpnges, 1? er toatcljpngcs, ttyou !?aft 
 not altoap rcmembjcb, o? cquailp recomp enfeD* 
 C&p fcljoic mapftets (tubp, l;is labour, fji* Dtfp* 
 gcce, in a like begre,tyou fraft not requiteb^fjat 
 greter fteoesljaft tfjou^ab, of fc^omt^ou couh 
 fccft reccpueanpgteatetbe;:efttes, tljantijpno;^ 
 pnge anD pjcferumge of t^p lpfe,fn ft? mott fe= 
 Wenes, o? tl?pne e tuDtao, tofjctbp tt>p nature teas 
 tnabe mo:e excellent. Kemembjpnge tftts, leaue 
 to beattgrpo? fojotofull fo; focomon a bpcc, pet 
 <f tt cc(Te not to greue rtc cofette t\)t ingtatttube 
 tfcat Dotl^ bc^c tije, toidb t&at tagtatitube, totycije 
 toas tyctoeo bp $e 3 ftaclttes, to&ome gob ct?afe 
 tf o; ifiB otone people,De!pueteb from fetuageffce- 
 toebfojt&emtoobers, pjeferuebtfjemfo;tppere* 
 in befert, DeftropD fo? tl)tm fcpnges,gaue to ttjettt 
 tfKcounttcp,to^rrtjefiofoc&mplkean&I)cmp 3 be* 
 f enbeb tytm agepnft all outfoarbe !;oftt IttteXente 
 Imto t&em fact) abunbanee of tpcfyts, t^at fpluec 
 toas fo^terufale. as ftones ta tfce fttete, fjao &t$ 
 tabernacle, anbaftertoarbe&femofteljolpe tem- 
 ple amonge t&em, totytty &e opb baplp bpfit to itl> 
 bts Wufnematcftte, niaogrtjeitfepngestoteigne 
 glotfoufelp, anbfpafce tottlj tljctt p?opl?etesfa- 
 tnplparlpe. anb corrected tytpi ertouts mooflte 
 gcntrtlp : anb pet fo? all t&tfJfyepimb#cpgeitlie 
 papnpms tbolatrte, t^cpleftfo gracious anblte 
 tipng a lo#re,anb Ipupnge gob,anb to fjis greatte 
 btfpite, gaue amine fjonoucs, to calucs of bjaflfe, 
 wtf> otljer monQrttou0 images, anb at $e lade, 
 The thirds 
 put to mofteetucIlDetbc, tbe onelpfonne of goD, 
 cbat baD Done fo mocb f o; tbcrm 
 lift if toe ctyifteu men, Do lobe bell on our fei- 
 nee, reuo lupngc tbe incomparable benefite, tobi- 
 cbe toe baue tecepueD bp Cfeiftie paflton, anD co- 
 fpDettbe citeumftanceof bis mode excellent pa- 
 tience, anD moftefetu:nt louetotoatDebs, tmtb 
 out fojgufuineffe* anDtbeDaplptyeacbcof oure 
 p?ompfe 5 fobicbeteemaoe atoutbaptpfme, con^ 
 f cttuige our mutuail tmfcpnonee tbctimto, tyete 
 (ball appere none mg ta t imDe tbat fljulDe offenDe 
 tie. $pnallpfo?acDntfu&on,bebolDetoeilabout 
 tbe,ano tbou 0)alt all Dap fjmoc tbe cbpiDerne in* 
 State to rbetr patentee, anD tupueg to tfjetr buf= 
 fcanDee, 3nD toplte tbo u lobe rijat t&p benefite o? 
 fcapne erpectation, tt>ulD make tbe mo?e f re from 
 tngtatituDe of tbpftenoe, tobome cbauuee batij 
 fent tbe, tban nature mape tbe patentee to toatDe 
 tbeit cbilD?en,o; #e comuction of boDies bp lefuli 
 manage* tafte tmfcpnDeneffefcom tbetopuee to- 
 fcmtD tbett bufbanoee/Cbts Dice tijetfoje of 3|n* 
 gta tituDe, being fo common a cbanccmattetb no 
 footfDlp feenDO)pp fo p?ecioue, tbatlpfe o^cltbe 
 tberf o?e OniiDe be fpent o? confumcD. 31 baue bene 
 tbe lengat in tUz place , bpeaufe 3 &aue fcaDDe m 
 tbie grief efufftetenterpcticnce. 
 D^t f CUf Deatbeof cfjplDerne be caufe of tbp beup- 
 c^fbercn. neffe> call to tbp remembrance fome cbpiDerne (of 
 inbome tbecets nolpttell number) tobofe Ipues 
 eitber fo? D nco?cigible iricee, o? inf o#unate cban 
 us, &aue ben moje greuoue touto e^ep? patentee, 
 IOK. 1 
 tbantb*deatbof tbpctyid;en, ougfjttto be into 
 tljc : conftderinge r^at Detb ts $e fcKcbatgct of al 
 gnefesandmpfenes, anotortjcm tbatdpetoeil, 
 tbe fp;ft enttte ttt to Ipfc eueriaftpnge- 
 C^b* loflfeof goodes oj autf^o?ttic Doo gtetteLeireof 
 none but fooles, tobicbdonot marfee Diiigeutlp, <>*&*. 
 $at ipfee as neptbet tbe otft no? tbe otbet D otb aU 
 foap happen to tberatbatacetoojtbp, fo toebatie 
 fadaplp experience, that t^ep faile ftombpntfo* 
 depnip, tobomtncreafpngeo;fecppnge tyepmte 
 C^>^entpmc0 tbecepulfe frome promotion ts Uc ^ e$f 
 caufe of Df fcomf o;te but tban confpdet, tobetber p?omc*** 
 In tf?e opinion of good men, tbou att Denied too?= 
 tbp to bane fucb aouaancement, o? in tbpne o tone 
 ejcpectation and fantafp. If good men fo iudge 
 tbe, tbanfce tbou god of tbat feltritte, and Htgbe 
 at tbe blpndnefleof tbem. tbatfoo baue tefufed 
 $e Hfitp;ocedeoftbpneotonefolpe, abf?o?ceal 
 attogance,anb infojce tbp felfe to be aduanced in 
 mms eft tmatfon, before tbou canft fpnde tbp felfe 
 toottyp in tbp pjopec opinion* 
 f3H otbet cbaunces of fortune, efteme as noo- c*m*i* tbat longe before tbep do bappen. Cbe of Mime. 
 ofte cecojdpngeof mpferie, pjepatetbtbempnde 
 to fele leffe aduerfitte* 3tod tbe cotempt of fortune 
 is fure qutetnelTe and moft petf ite felicf tie, 
 CCbts n o toe OJall fuffife cometninge remedies 
 ofmojallpbtiofopbte. $otoe topll31to?tte fomr- 
 fobattoucbpngetbe counfaple of pbifpcbe, as in 
 relteupnge tbebobpe, tobicbfeptbctbptbefapde 
 tt occaft*
 occaftons, 02 bp tbe bumoure of mdancclpc 10 
 b:otibt out of temper 
 Clje fp:ftc counfaple is, tfcat Dtftpngetfte tpme 
 of tijat patfion, dchctoc to be angtp, (Ik Dpoug,ojr 
 folptatte, ano retopfe t\)t \mtl) meloDp,02 els be ai 
 toap in fuclje company, as belle map content tlje* 
 3tuopD*all fypnges ttyatbe nopoiwtnfpgljte, 
 fmeUpn&anD ^ecpg 5 ano imbjacealttjmge tl;at 
 tfleeDaduies, mocije toatetje, anDbufpnetTeof 
 tnptiDc, mocljeconipamengtoubtoomcn, tbebfe 
 of tbmges beep bote anD Due : often p u tgatton0, 
 tmmoDcrate ernctfe, tfjitit, mocfye abft taence,Djp 
 Hbttcpm from Daplp eattnge of modi f D e b t efe 
 oroide mutton, batDecbefe, batefleffbe, booses 
 flcO)c, benpfon, faltfpOjecoIcioo;teg,beaiicfi,anD 
 peafon, betp coutfc tyeaDDe, geeatte fpflt) eg of tfye 
 fee, as tbur!epo!e,po?ppfc, anD ftutgeon, n ortjes 
 of Ipfce nam res, topneteDDeanDtljpcke, meate* 
 bemgeberpfalteo?fofo?e, olDe, butncD, 0; fueD, 
 gatlptte, onpons, anbiefces. 
 safe meatcs, u>btcbc ate temperatelp ijotte, anD 
 fteretottlj femctotjat mopfte, bopleo rattjec t&an 
 rolhD,Ipg!jt of Dtgc(hon,anD tngentypng blouDe 
 deee anD fine. 380 mpl^e t?ot from tlje bDDet, ojat 
 tl)t ltd nc Vue miifccD>t ucn cl)efe 3 fiuccte almonDe0 3 
 tlje pelfees of rete egge0 } litel bp?De0 off buffte0 
 etjpefcen0,$ Ijcnnes* Wpne folate 0? clarette, ciece 
 0; fra graun tc.feiuccte fauo tug, in tortntet !;ot,m 
 fommec coIDe, in th meane tym temperate. 
 f Con^ortitiues of the qConfottttmes of tbe 
 H4rtfborte H*rrecoI(k. 
 #)lDe appalls toijic^e 
 Cbe olppftante0 totfje* 
 water lpiUc0* 
 Co;tanDec prepares* 
 o? leaf e 
 dje bone of tf}e ftattc 
 f Confortatiue s tfljte 
 flp;abolane0, caitpo 
 IDpe o? gtetmeffe of !;atte Dotfte p^olottge t&e 
 Ipfe, it fattctt) tt?e bobp cljat (0 ieatte totty trott* 
 bles, tymgmgetye bumottrg to an cquall tem- 
 perance, anD Djatoinge na tu call Ideate outtoatDe* 
 But if ttbefooapneanD fetuente, it oftentpmes 
 fleet!?, foj as nm\)t as it o;atoety to f oD epnlp anD 
 <&u e&ceffiue*
 etfeffiudp natural! Ijcatc otittonrDe.^nD t!jcrfo;e 
 Dpuctsnten aiirtoomcnftauc benfenetofalietti 
 afounbe, tobantljcpbaucfoDcrnlp beijotocn ttje 
 perfoncs , totyom tbcp ferucntlr loueD. 
 310 a tooman m Iftome, fjerpnge fp;ftc, that f?ct 
 raiuius. fonnefoasflapne tnbattaple. lifter toijanfyc cam 
 tobcr, foe fringe Ijpm a Ipue, tmb;aepngeccbcos 
 tljer, fl)e DpeD In ^10 amies. Cbts toell confpbjcD 
 agepnit fuclje inojbinate glabncs, tbe belle p;e= 
 fetua toi c is to remember, tfjat tbe extreme partes 
 of munbapneiope isfo?otoeanbbeupnefle: 3HnD 
 tfjat nottynge of tbts toojlb,map fo mocbe ret opce 
 bs ; but occafton mape caufc it to betttfpleafant 
 fcnto bs 
 ^[Tbf Jow^mioh offun&rj coinplr*tojtf,Gff& 
 ICfme$ tome not tnconuement, tftaf'31 boo 
 Declare as teell t&e counfaplcs of ancient anb 
 app?oueDautbo?0, asalfo mpne otrme oppnton 
 gatfjercD bp Diligent marking in Dapip ecpecicce, 
 concernpnge as toell tbe neceflacp Diet* of etierpe 
 com^lenomage, anb Declination of bei tb 3 as alto 
 tbe meane to refpfte bifcrafies of tbe bobp, before 
 fpefcenes be tberm confiemeb, leaupnge tbe cent- 
 ime buto t&e ftibftactali lernpng anb circumfpcct 
 p;actife of gooD pbifitLns, bbicbc (ball tbe mo?e 
 cafilp cure tbe pacientes, if t&eir pacientes bo not 
 Difoapneto beareatoap anDfolotoe tnpcounfcll* 
 3!nD fp?ft it ougbt to be confpb;eb, tbat none of 
 tfcefouce completions, fcauefoolpfuclje Do mini- 
 on m one man o; formausbobp, t&atuoparteof 
 BOKB *7 
 anp own completion is tbertoitb mpfa fox to^ 
 toe call a tnanfangufne, colcnfce, fleumattfce, 9; 
 melancolpe, toe Do nor meane, tbat be batb bloufc 
 onlp imtbout anp of tbeotljct humours, ojcolec 
 tott^o ut blouDe, 0; f leu me hutbout blouoe 0? me* 
 lancoip, o;meiancolp hutbout blobo?colcr* 3BnD 
 tbetfoje tbeman, tobicbete fangupne, tbemojc 
 tbat be Djatoctb into age* tobetbp natural! mop* 
 Gu re Deeapetb* t mo?e ts be colerifce, bp reafon 
 tbatbeate, futmountpngemopfture, nebesmuft 
 tcmapne b care and b;itbe- femblablp tbe colerpfce 
 man, tbe mo?e tbat be toajcetb into aege, tbe mo?e 
 naturall beate in bpm is abateD, anb D?ptbefur= 
 mountpnge natural! mopfture, be becometbme= 
 lancolpfce; but fome fangupne manbatb int&e 
 pjopojcion of temperatures, agteatter mpjcture 
 imtb coler, tban an otbc t batb* lifcetonfe tbe cole* 
 cifeeo;f!eumattfte manfoitb tbe burnout or fan* 
 guineojmclancolp. atoDtberfoje latep?actifets 
 of pbififte are toont to call men, accojbpnge to tbe 
 mpicture of tbeir completions, tobicbe man t ecep- 
 uetb in bis $tneration, tbe b umouts, fobecof tbe 
 fame completions bo confpft, beinge augmented 
 fuperfluouflp in tbe bobpo; members bpanp of 
 tfyefapb tbinges callibnotnatutal.euerp of tbent 
 Do femblablp augment tbe completion, tobicbe is 
 proper bnto tym> anb b?pugetb bnequall tempe- 
 rature bnto tbeboDpe 3nDfo;tbefe caufcs, t^t 
 fangumeo? fleumatifce man 02 tooman, felpnge 
 attp Difcrafp bp cbolet bapneD to tbem bp tbe fapD 
 %ngescalieb not jBatutaiic, tbepfyall bfetbe 
 (Liit titit
 DpefeDtfcribeD hereafter to bpm, tobprbc isna^ 
 tutallp colerplte. ^emblablp tbe coicrj^c 02 inr- 
 lanrolpfce man 0; tooman, baupnge attp Diferafpe 
 by ff c time, to bfe tfjc Dictc of bpm, tolnc'b is nam* 
 callpfieumattfee, altoapremembjpnge, that ran= 
 Qupne atiDfleuinaticke men baue mo;c tefpecte 
 imto D?itbe, coletpfee *mD melan colpfte unto mou 
 fture, anotbataltoapas tbeacciDc'rallcompieno 
 Oecapetlj, to refojt bp Ipttelf anD Iptel to tfje Diete, 
 pettapninge to bis natural! completion* 
 %The tymes appropritd to euery ntturall 
 humour. Cap. 14.. 
 BSUt fp?fteitmufte beronfpDereD, tljatfoFjerc 
 tf?c foure burnouts, be altoap in uianne, anD 
 in fomme man commonlp one bumourc tsmoje 
 aboi'MDant tbanannotbet natutailp, tbatts to 
 fape, from bis generation* Cbefapbc burnouts 
 baucalfo peculpartpmes aflpgnebtoeuetpoone 
 of t&epm, toberin ccficof ti)tm is in bismoftpo* 
 foet anD fojee, as after enfuetb, after tbe Difctip- 
 Sonnus tio" of S>o?anus. 
 Ephedus. fjjflmmtlffltbmottt puiflfanceinfopntet, from 
 tbe. but* J Dus of $ouember, tonto tbe*biu*3lDus 
 of j? eb?uarpe, tobeccbp are tngenD;eD Catarres 
 ojteumes.tbebuula. tbecougbt atiD tljcftptcbe* 
 Cbis burnout is part in tbe fjeaD, part in tbe lto= 
 make. Jt batbDommpon from tbe tbp;Deboure 
 of npgbte, tmtpif tbe npntbe boutcof tbe fame 
 C^towDDe tncte&Cet&in <&p?pngetpme, frome 
 BOX! 70 
 tfce* Ml Jpus of :febjuarp,tmto t&e, toil. 3IDW0 
 of *Uap, U)l) er of are inge nojcD^f c ti erg, auD ftoete 
 &umonr0,toi)pcbe Do Q)o;tely putnfpe.tbc potuet 
 of tt)ts Iwnout 10 about tl) e bart^nD l)atl) Domi- 
 nion from t hut. l)outc of niglj t, tmtpii tije tf^itDc 
 C^cddc cooler batb potest in fommcr fromt&e 
 bin, HDU0 of bl^ap, bntpU tf)e.b tti. JDrs of 3du- 
 gu ft, toberebp are ingenDjeD botte anD Q)arpe f u 
 uec6 3 t!; is ftu mour c is fpecialip in tfje Ipuer, aim 
 featlj Dominion from tl)t tbirDc fcoure of Dap, bn* 
 tpll^oure of rtje fame Dap* 
 CYelotoe cooler, tofcerof i0ingenDjeD ti)eflcme 
 ofiljcftomafcc, 10 nourplfceD m ibitumme, tobp- 
 c!;c begpimetlnbe-btU'jD us of 3u$uft 3 anDDfe 
 rcrt) bnto t&e. buujBDus of ifrouember, anD ma= 
 feerij fl&afejmge fcuers anD (barpe, tf?e biacfee coo- 
 ler tban mcreafetfc, anD t&an fololuetl; t {jpcftiufle 
 of ttKblouDun tftebapne0* Blacfce coler oj mc- 
 lancolpmoftcraignetl) in tfyefplene, anD it ratg- 
 nctljfromt&e npntfjebotojeof Dape, bntplletfte 
 flPf cI^4r rmeiyts tga'wft the Aijie wpf s 
 r*w* ofeuerye humour. 
 If t\) D iftcmpcra nee be nf b 1 uDc, ^cfpe it foitfr 
 tinges colDe, C&arpe, anD D?pe : fo? blouDDe in ? onms 
 mopftc, fcotte, anDCtoete, if it be of teDDecolecS" 1 * 
 gptie t^pnges coI^mopft^nD ftoete, fo: reDDe co* 
 kr is better anD fp?p. %% it be of blacfee coier giue 
 ct;png eg I; tte mopit anD ftoetc 3 f 03 b iacfce coler 10
 #arp e anb col D c. 3Jf tbe D tfeafc be of fait flcmtie, 
 gpue tljjmgcs ftuctc dot aiiD D?pe,tbUB faptli &o * 
 ranus, Bo t toitb ftanbpnge tobere tljccc is abun* 
 Dance of coiocflcmne not mpjctc tambcoler, tbece 
 cb tages beep (b arp c attO bote be m o o lie conueni* 
 ent,astartebpnegectoitb bote cotes and febes, 
 0) topnes ftconge anb * ouijb, bonp bemge fobben 
 in tbe one anb tbe otber, o? totjece cooler is mpjete 
 fcmb fleume, fpjope acetofe mabe tmtb bpneget 
 anb fugar bopleb, fometpme tmtb berbes, r ootcs, 
 o; febes, toincb map Diflblue fleume anb Dig eft it* 
 4fDirtt of them, wbicfce 4ff of f*ngn-jne 
 complexion. C'p. 15* 
 F>;afmocbea0tn fangupnemen bioubmofte 
 ratgnett7,tot)ic!;c 10 foone corruptee, it (bal be 
 ttcccffirp f 0? tbem, tobicbe are of tbat comp lejcto, 
 tobcnccumfpcctcmcatpnge meate tbatffiojtelp 
 tovlltttctvut putcif action, astbemoje parte of 
 f ruites,rpecialip not being perf itlp ripe, alfo mea 
 tes tbat be of pi tuvct, as f leffte of beaftes to oibe, 
 ojttponge, b&Dccsof beaCes, b;apne0 ejreept of 
 capons anb cbpfeens, marotoe of tbe backe bone, 
 morbebfeof onpons, iefces, garlpfee, mocbebfc 
 of olbe fpgges, mocbe bfe of rafoe beeb c0,ano a! - 
 tbpngej foberinis ejerffeof bete, coibe, ojmop* 
 fture, meate* tbat be ftaic, frfbes of tbe femted o) 
 tmibtyt toaters, anb to mocbe flepe, asejeperp* 
 BORE. 7f 
 ^f Dy ft t ofchoUrlke per/on x. C<rp. i 
 T> tbem , toljicljc be c&olerifte, beinge m tbef r 
 uaturail temperature,and Ijauinge not from 
 tbcttpoutbbfcD tbecontcarp, groflfemeates mo= 
 Dcratelp taften, be mo;e couentent, tban tbe mca- 
 tes tbatbe fpnc, and bettsr (ball tbcp opgcftca 
 piece of good btefe, tban a cbpfcens legge* Cbolet 
 of bis piopcttte eatbec b urnpngc tban toell dtge* 
 ftpnge meates of Ipgbt fubftaunce, not toityftan* 
 dpnge fome gentpltncn,tobtcbe be npeelp bjougbt 
 fcp tn tbcp? inf ancp, map not fo toell fuftcpne tbat 
 dietc as poo?e men. beinge tlje mo?e parte bfed to 
 groflemcatcs* tofterfo;c tbcp;dietemufte be in a 
 temperance, as ponge btefe, oldebeale, mutton, 
 and benpfon potodjed, ponge geefe, and fucbe 
 Ipfec, conferupngettjeir completion tottb meates 
 Ipfce tbcreb nto m quaittic and degree, according* 
 co t\) e counfatle o f Hipocrates. 3nd as be percep* 
 uetb cboler to abouoe,fo to interlace meates, tobi= 
 cbe be cold in a moderate q uanttte, * to alap tbcic 
 topnemojeojlaffe tottb toatcr, efctyetopnge fyotte 
 fpiccs, botte tomes, and ercefliue labour, tobcrbp 
 tbebodpemape be mod; e ebaufed. aifoljc mape 
 eateoftener intyedap, tbananp otber: fo;efene, 
 tbat tb etc be fucbe diftance bet toenc bis mealcs, 
 as tbe meate before eaten U f ullp dpgefted. tobp= 
 cfyetn fome perfon ismoje, in fome laffe, acco;- 
 dinge to tbe beate and ftr cngtb of bis ftomaKcno 
 tpnt al toape, tfjat tlje eolcrtfcc perfone digeftetl) 
 mo;e meate $an ijis appetite defiretlj, tlje mclan- 
 01 colpfce
 colpfcepetfon Dcfpjetbbp falfe appettfe mo?e tlia 
 b is ftomacfce map Digeft* 2BnD to a cbolerpfee pec- 
 fori, it is rigb t Dangerous, to bfe long e abftinece: 
 f o : cboicr , fpnopnge no tljpngc in tbe ft o mac Uc to 
 concocte, tt faretlj tban, as luije re a Ip tell potage 
 o; inplfcc, bemge m a beffell o net a great ftre 5 tt is 
 burneDtr tbe beffell, anDDnfauerp fumes <i Da* 
 pours Do ittut out tljer of liheiuife ma cbolcrtfce 
 ftomafce, bpabftinence, tbefc mconucmcnccsDo 
 bappen turnouts aD u ft, confumpnge of natural 
 mopfture, fumofities anD ftpnfcpnge bapouts, 
 afcenDpnge bp to tbe b caD, tub e t o f is tngcnD;cD, 
 Duffepnge of tbe epes* bcao acbes, botte anD tbpii 
 reumes, after euerp iittel f u rfcte,anD manp otljet 
 tnconueniences. wberf o?c befpDe tbe oppmon of 
 beft lerneD men, mpne oton pepnf ul experience al= 
 fomcictljme, toctljojtetljcm, to&icbebcof tbts 
 completion, to cfebttoe moclje abftpnence. 3nD 
 altbougbe rbep be ftuDpous, anD bfe ipttell erer- 
 cifc, pet in tbe mojnpnge, to eate fometoljat in lit* 
 tell quantise, anD not toftuDp immeDiatlp, but 
 fp;f> to fptte a fobple, anD after to ftanD o: toalfce 
 f of telp, tob tcbe bfpnge tbefe ttoo peres, 31 anD al= 
 foorbcr, tjjatbauelongefcnotoenmc, Ijaue pet= 
 cepucD in mpboDp a greate alteration, tbatis to 
 fap, from pile aftate tc better* 3 1 toap remember, 
 tbat if anp other burnout Do abounD in tbe djole- 
 tpfte perron , as fleume, o; mclancolp, tban bnrtll 
 tbat burnout be etpelleD, tbe Diete mutte be coire- 
 ctiue of tbat Rumour, anD tberf o^e mo?e b o tc anD 
 fine, t&antfje natural Diete before rerjerfco ; but 
 IOKE, 7l 
 ptttfyttc toolDcbcaltoapcrcfpectefmb tothenn* 
 turall complexion, fomctpmc fuffetpngctbcpcc; 
 Ton to eate o; Djpnbe tljat>U}i)tcb nature tooling, 
 ^fD^ftf offleuntdtikeperfones. C*p. 17. 
 IC is to be rememb;co, tifat pure f leu me ts p;o- 
 perlp cold and mopfte, anD lacfcctb tan. Smite 
 fleume is mpjcte tottbcbolcr, anD rberfo;e batbe 
 not tit Ijpm fo motive colDe no? fj umtD ttie, as pure 
 t'leume batb: tfterf oje tt requpjetb a temperance 
 inrtjmgcs tjot ^D;p> to&erbp fleume tsDpgcfteD 
 0? erpulfeD. Co fleumatifce perfons al meates ar 
 nopfull,tobfcb are berp colD, inlaws o t : flpmp,fat 
 0; fone putufieD, eating mo cb anD often, fpectal- 
 Ip meates tngenDtfnge fleume, tobic&e be remem- 
 tycD in tb'e table p jecedpnge. 311 tbpnges br gooD 
 to&icfjcarcbotteanDDjpe, alfomeatcs anDtypn- 
 fees tDl^pcbe be fo toje : onpons alfo, anD gariphe, 
 moberatelpe bfeD, be berp commendable, in pure 
 fleume not mpjete toitb cboler, mocbe bfpngeof 
 fait, fp cctallp D?teD. pepper groUe beaten anfc-ea^ 
 tm tmtij meate, ougbt to be toitb all f leumatpefte 
 perfons famplpar, alfogpngerts rpgbte conue- 
 nient, but not to be fo frequently bfeD as pepper, 
 fo; as mocbe as tbenaturrof pepper is. tbatbe- 
 inge eaten, it paffetb tb 20 ugl; tbe boDpe, Ijcatpng 
 anDcomfo;tinge tbeftomaUe, notentrpnge into 
 tljebapnes, ojannopengetbelpuer, tobicbeber- 
 tut is not in gpnger. d&pnger co nDp te, tbe to&icbe 
 toe Do eallgrene gpnger, rpgtallp canDpDtoitl) 
 mi $>ugac
 &ugar,if it mapbegoten, anbalfo fljJp;obala* 
 n cs, calleD UebulucouDite m JnDia, be mod curl 
 lenteremeDpes agapnft fleume. alfotbc berbes, 
 tob icb are rememb jeD a f o;c In tb e table of Di gcfti^ 
 ues of f Icme, anD tbe rootes of perfelp, f encll s p;e- 
 os, crlpcampane. anDcarettes beberp comment 
 Dablc. etemfethnfeintbebap, tbeftomake be* 
 inge almofl emptp, fo tbat ftoeate begpnne to ap - 
 pcrcts b e rp e cp em en t, clenfinge o f tb e boDp from 
 al f il tbpnefle, ttutb rubbpnge anD topp i nge,of r en- 
 tprnes fcntb toaflMnge,fpeeiallp tbe beao anD par- 
 tis tbcrabo uunooetatc ftocatpnge in bot battles 
 o; ft uf es be to tins completion neceflarp, fpeciaU 
 Iptoban tbepbaue eaten o; D;unfcen emffpuclp. 
 Cb e b eaD anD fete to be kept from colD, 9 to Dtoel 
 bpgb anD far from in o;es anD marfl&es, is a rule 
 rtgbt leceffarp.alf o to abftepne from eaungc bet - 
 bes anD rotes not bopleD, anD generailp from all 
 mea tes, tofyiti)* topU not be eafplp Dpgcft eD 
 ^The imifion ofmehmcobj, tni the fate offer* 
 fons mcUncol'ikf. C*p. is. 
 MOWanrolpc iB of t too fojtes, tb e one is called 
 natural!, tobicbe is onelpe coIDe anD D;pe v 
 tbe otber is cailpD atoifte 02 bumeo . jRaturall 
 melancolpe is (as d5a::nefaprtje) tbe rcfpDencc 0? 
 D;egges of tbe blouD : anD tb erf o;e is colDer anD 
 tbpehet tban tbe blouse, &?elanco!p abutters in 
 foure ftpnDcs, eptfjcr it is of natural! melancolp 
 a&ufte, 0; of tbe mo:c pure parte of tbe blouDDe 
 aoude, 0; of cooler isuft, 0; of fait f leume aftitft* 
 BOX! 7* 
 &ut of all otbet tbat melancolp ts toatft, fobicbe 
 is mgenD;eD of cooler : fpnallp all abufte meian= 
 colp annopctf; tbetoptte anD wDgement of mam 
 f 01 toban tbat burnout to fjotte, it mafcetb menne 
 maDDe , anD toban it is ejctincte, it maftet b menne 
 fo oles, f o jgetf ull 5 anD Duile* Cbe natural inelan- Ex Mat d 
 colp fcepte tn Wfi temperance, p?ofpte$ mocbe to o fino. 
 true tugement of tbe topt, But pet if it bs to tbicfee, M,B f * 
 tt Darfc enetb tbefpttites, maftetb one timorous, 
 anD tbe toptte Du lie. 3[ f it be mpjcte tatty f !eume,it 
 mojtif tctb tbe blouDe toitb to modje colD. aCDber* 
 f o?e tt map not be To littell, tbat tbe bio ud anD rpi* 
 cites in tbeir f ec uentnes , be as it bete imb?iDlpD, 
 tebetof do bappen bnftabieneffe of toitteanD flips 
 per rememb?aunce : no? i^tt fo m ocb e, t b a t bp tbe 
 toeigbt tberof (f o; it is beup, appjocbpnge npglp 
 to tbe ertbe) t bat toe feme to be altoapein f I cape, 
 anDneDeafpurreto packets fo^toar&e. xebecs 
 foje it is rpgbtejcpeDiente, toftepetbat fyumoure 
 as tbpn as nature toplifuffetit, anD not to baue 
 to mocfce of it* But no toe to tfyt Diete pertapnpng 
 to tbcm, tobomtbts ljttmo?anopetb* Cbeftnoto* 
 leDge, tbat melancolp teignetb, is oftentinu* bes 
 upneffeofmpnDe, o; feace toitkwt caufe, flepp* 
 neffe in tbe members, manp crampes toitbo ut ces 
 plectono?emtpnefie, foDapnfurp, fobapnincons 
 tinencie of tbe tongue, i.ocbe folicituoe of Ipgbt 
 tbpn g es, to t tb palenefle of tbe bpfage, anD fcare* 
 full Djeames of terrible bpfpons, D?eampnge of 
 Darftenes, Depe ppttte, o; Deatbe of frenDes o; ac- 
 quepntance, anD of all twinge tbat is blacfte* Cbe 
 (3 (it mcatea
 uicates conuenient ace tb cp M) tcbc be temperate 
 In bcate, but fp cnallp tbep tftat be mopft : mcates 
 font DtgefteD, anD the p rather boplcD than roftco, 
 eemperatelp mpjete toitb fpiccs, titplbe botte from 
 tbe bDDcr,o; late mplhcD, is beep conuenient fo? 
 tftat completion, f tocte almonbes blauncbeb 3 anb 
 alinonbemplfee, tbepe'fcesoftereeggeg, anbfp* 
 nallp all t!;iugcs 3 tobicbeingenbcr purebloube, 
 anD all tbatis to;ttcn in tljecbap tree of age* Ml 
 tbefebepll fo? tbcm, topnetbpefee oj trotibloufc, 
 rpf ctallp rebbe topnt, meates ljarDe,D?p,berp fait, 
 o; fo toje, boucncD meare.fricD meate, tnocbe btef, 
 Jjares f lefljcbcancs, rofcet, eolcuwtes, muftarb, 
 tabpfoe, garipfee, ejcceptet&ere bemoebe topnoe 
 intbebobp, fo? tbanisitberpljolfomc, onpon$> 
 lefces, fpnallp all tbpnges, tobpebe beatctb to mo- 
 d)e,Beletlj to mocM? b;ietb to mocbe, alfo to :atb, 
 f carc,i umpairion,ro:otomoe&e ttubp o? care,mo- 
 cbe pbelneffe o? rede : all tbpngc tbat ts gceuoufe 
 to fee, to fmcll,o; to bete, but mod fpectallp bat fe- 
 neffe* ajJojeouci: mocbe Djtengeof tbebobp, ep* 
 tbet toitb longe toatcbe, oj toitb mocbe care anD 
 toffpuge of tbe mpnbe, o? tot tb mocbe lec&etpe, o j 
 mocbe eatpngeanb D;pnkpnge of tbpnges tbat 
 be botte anD Dipe, o? toitb immobecatc etiacua- 
 tto n, labour, abfttnence, tbprft, going in tbe aire 
 b ntcmperatclp botte. coibe, o? tyie, all tbefc tbin- 
 aesbo anope tbemtbat begteueb toitb anpme- 
 fancolpe* 3ltiBtobebiligentelpconfpbeceb, tbat 
 tobece mclancolpe tjappenctb of cooler abufte, 
 t\)ttz mcatcfi, tobpebe be botte in toarfcpuge, 
 BOK1 74- 
 tooIDe be topfelpe tempered, anD D;pnfcpnge of 
 botteicpucs tooioebe efcljetoed; femblabte cau= 
 tele tooiDc be tn fauour cs $ot tottbftandpnge 
 moderate fcfe of (mail topnes, cierc, and toell bee- 
 DucfD, is beeein Deep commendable, tbe bumouc 
 t\)ttbp betnge clarified, andtbe fpmtes clenfeD, 
 buttbeabufeoj eicceflfetljuof Dotljas moctjcDa- 
 mage. Hilfooittsrpgbte expedient, toputte into 
 topneoj ale, a gadde of fpluer o; goloe, glotmnge 
 botte oute of tbe fp;e 3 to temper fcotte meatcs 
 mt) rotes, SUpolettes, launders, ftofe toatec* 
 boutage, ^ugloflfe, baulmecallpd miatpneMe* 
 1#, oztbefoatecof all t^e Drunken toitbgoob 
 topne, tobpte, o; clacette. o; made in a Julep 
 toitb Tugac, is toondcrfull ftolfotne, cbetopnge of 
 ipfcojife, 0} eaifons of co;aunce is rpgbt cjcpcbp^ 
 ente: but moofte of all otbee tbpnges, irtntbe, 
 gooD companpe, gladneffe, moderate ereccpfe, 
 toitb moderate feedpnge* 3tod tyw 3 leaue to 
 fpeafceof dpetes aptelp belongpngeto tbefoure 
 <&$t caufc 
 Galen de 
 CXOhdt cxuiitie if, tniremeiies there? 
 fore. Cditulo<u 
 of t too otic tafpes of tljc boDp, tol>t= 
 c!)e Ooo happen bp tbe ejccefle o? 
 lacbe of tfjpngcs callpD notnatu* 
 tall, to!?ecof J baue fp often before. 
 Clje one ts callpD ccud tttcj o ftec 
 latTitnoc, tofjpclje altljougfte t&ep be toojDes maoe 
 of latpne, fcaupngenone apteenglpfte toojDe 
 cf)ccef o?e, pet bp t&e Defpnpttons anD moje am= 
 pie Declaration of rfjem, tbep fball be bnDerftanDe 
 fuffpcpentelp, and from ftenfefo;tl)e bfeo fo; en- 
 glpfQU But fpjfteit Qall be neceffatpe, to con- 
 fpDer, t^at concoction is an alteration intbefto* 
 macfee of meatcs anD D?pnkes, accojDpnge to 
 tbeir qualities, tobetbptfjepace maDelpftetotbe 
 fubftanceof tljeboDp* CruDitieis afcpctouscoiu 
 coouon of tfjpnges recepueD, tf)tp not beinge t)oU 
 IpojpctfttelpaltereD* C&ecaufetbecofis, fome- 
 tpme tbe Dtftemperature of tyc ftomafce,fomtpme 
 inflammations, fomtpme matter congeleD, o? tm- 
 poftumcsm tljeftomrte, otljcrtobile tngutgita- 
 tion of meate anD Djpnfce : o? f o? t&e bpctous qua - 
 litieof tbe fame meatesoj D?infccs, o;t&e recep* 
 upnge tberof out of ojber, o? lacfce of erercife, o? 
 of conuement euacuation* <5alcne faptk tbatin 
 cctiDttp o; bictous concoction it mud be confiDjeD. 
 ts foell if tf?c iupce be btterlp co?r uptea, anD m^ 
 not be futficientlp concocte, asalfotf it be iiuIk 
 toap of cenco ctton,f o? if tt be co# upteD, it imift be 
 erpeilcD bp ftoeate o j nrpue, if it be balfe concocte, 
 tban muftfucbe tinges be mmpfaeDas inapt 
 belpe to p L :ofite concoction, baupnge tegatoe to 
 tbe quality anD temperaunceoftbe tupce, tbattg 
 to faye, tobetberitbe tbpcfceo? tbpnne, fleuma^ 
 tpfeeo? cbolectfce: tobpcb* (ball be peecepueDbp 
 tbe Diet p?cccDpng, auD aifo bp otbet tbinges na* 
 meb not Natural, f o; f leumat&e meates eaten in 
 great quantity o? often,mafcetb f leumatike ium. 
 ftpltetopfe Dotbe lacfte of conuenpent ejgrcife* to 
 tnocbeteftojpDelneflfe: ascbolerpfcemeatea and 
 fccfjemet labours Do mate colertfte iupce in Comer 
 anD melancoltb e iuict in 3lutume.fpectallp tobere 
 labours be contpnuaH oj longeDucpugc* llfoo 
 tobece labour t toitb mocb ftoeate, tbere is tl)t b- 
 cpne mo je gr o fle: tob ece tt 10 toitbout Dcea t, tljete 
 is it tbpnner.39 ojeouer t be colour anD fubfta nee 
 of tbe brine,Declaretb tbe temperance of tbe mice, 
 fobtcbc (ballbebercafter Declare uub^ab'e of 
 fctpnes* S>embfablp tbe colour of tbe boDp Decla- 
 tit b tbe iuptz tbat is tn it, fo; bemge tobtter tijan 
 it teas toont to be, ttfpgnifietb abounDauncc-of 
 fleume : betnge mop pale "7 peloto, tr betokenetb 
 erccileof coler : if tt be blacker, ttfpgnifietb me~ 
 Iancoipe,tftbepU iupce be mocb in quantity and 
 tbt blouDDe iptteU, tbepli iupce toolDe beings 
 fteo anD cjcpeiieb toitb fucbe tbjmges as &ao few 
 fo; tbat temperature: but if t^eblouDebe-mocbt 
 $ ano
 atffl tfjepll iupce Iptell in quantity, tf?rtc toolD tt)t 
 bapne be opcnco, anD after fuffment bleDpnge, a 
 conuenpent purgation gpuen, baupngeregarDe 
 aftoel of tl)t quantttte of tin mpce,** of tbefcinoe 
 tbcrof ,m cafe tbat citbec f o; age o;t f o; tunojoufe^ 
 nefle, a man topll not be lette blouoc, tban mufte 
 fce be ptic^cD bp fiege in mo;e abunDance: 25 ut tf 
 Ocw toljomcts (pttelt goob bloube, and mocbe 
 pil iupcc, attb fecial) a iaffituDc 0; toecpneffe m all 
 bis boDp, be QjulDe ncitljer be lette re- 
 tc^ut purgation, no? pet labour 0; toalfce mor be: 
 but abpbe in moclj qupete, $ a(Tap to fleape mocbe 
 and recepue fuel) meates Deputies anD medicines, 
 fobicbe Dotb attenuate o? make tbpnne, cuttcanD 
 Digeftgroflfe bumours toitljout lidjemcnt fjeate* 
 toberof it is fasten t'n tfje table of DigeftpuesMti 
 tbe number of tobome 10 ojctmell,being toe! made, 
 0? Acetofusfymple xM)ttt tjje iUpce IS UtOCbe C&Ole* 
 ctkc 02 melancoliKe*S>emblablp capers tmtb ople 
 anb fcpnegerbe pjapfpDof d&alene* ra?ban tbere 
 appentb m tbe brpne a refftence ligbt anD tobtte, 
 ebat. topm tobtte o? ciarette moDeratelp taken tyU 
 petb to concoction, mafcetb good iupce, anDp?o* 
 uotutb brpne: tban ineceafe fcicacions anD ejeer* 
 nfe bpTitel $ litel,anD tban let bim retourn to bts 
 naturaU Dpete. In to!) me is abunDaunce of rate 
 tuyct, anDouttoaeDlpfeeletfjalaffttuDe, totbem 
 Gaienrs. (Balene counfapletb, tbe feconDeo? tbrrDe dape, 
 ia>. . to gtue Q^eatbe, toberiu 3flfop e is bopIeD,and afc 
 tertoar-D to bomite.Cbe meane to efcape cruDitte, 
 is tobeDiitgentem ibferuatton, of tl) ccounccis 
 SOKE* 7* 
 before fojptfen, concernpngc fte tljpnges? called 
 not natural!, not mocf?e bfpngc mcates tljatbe 
 berp bacDe to concocte, aifo f attc meate anb mta* 
 tts long* fccpt, alfo eo;tupteD o? ftpnfcpnge,ftoete 
 frmtes, anb banfcettpnge Dpfljcs, baftpfcDpnge 
 bntyout gooD cbetopuge, alfomocbe ojbecpofte 
 typnfepng* at mcales, b c^p moct)e bcate , o; beep 
 mocbe colbe after meate* 
 CJ urtbcrmo?e tt mud be confpbereD, tftat all 
 tljpngeg lu^tc^e bjpngetb grief e to tlje boosts ui- 
 genbjteb eptbet of to mocbe abunbance of iupce, 02 
 of tbebpnous qualrtptljccof. t^c ti^t 10 fy&c of 
 abunbance,tbe bpete of bpm bolp cottftfltct^tn re- 
 twemge tbe wpce to a conuenpentquantptic, $e 
 tbatis gteueb toitb tbe btctoufe qualptteof t\)c 
 m?m, fas o;ber tefletb in mabpngc tbe ttspces t- 
 quail in temperature^ojoucc tobere tW tobtcb 
 pallet^ out of tbe bobpas icflTc tban tbat tub tcb ts 
 rec^ueb m to tbe bobp, tbece Implied? fpefcenefle, 
 tobicbe commetb of a b unDance*In tbe toljiclj cafe 
 It ougbt to be Diligent!? f o?efcne,tbat tbere be ob~ 
 fetueb a conuenient mcane of roeates ano ^ipti* 
 fees, in refpect of tbat tobicb is ejcpelleD out of tbe 
 bobp, tebtcbe map be Done tf tbe q uautitp of ecbe 
 of tbem be tmfelp confpbereD* 3GnD tobece aboun* 
 Dance 10, tberc tbe qttanftie 0; qualp tic, 0; b otb 
 be temp? cd* 3lltoap remember, tb a t of c tube tupce 
 bebptiets kpnbcs, Come be colbe anD f leuniatifce, 
 fbme be l)ottc anb cbo!ectfeeotber be mo?e ttytmt 
 anb toatrp, Come of blacKe eolcr 0; melanc&olpfee. 
 C^ep tobicbeboabounoc *anpof tljem, mute 
 %\i abftcpne
 abftepwe front fucbe meates anb D;>pn&e0 3 fo&tcf)e 
 bo tngenber fucbe tupeeas fcotbe annopetljepm: 
 fyofe meates anb b;pnhesbe bedarebtn tables 
 ai> rer, pjeeebing. 3Ietms aifo foolb, tbat be t^eilD tytnfce 
 one. 9 . a D;atl g^ te of (0 j D toattrt afftrmpnge,tbat tbetbp 
 tbe ftomaftc being co:robo?ate,D:uictb out of fjitn 
 Dotune into tbe belp,tbat tobicb cleauetb fall to it. 
 3B nip felt bftnge to tymfc faftmg,berp fmal btere 
 o; ale, toban 31 bane ben in tbat cafe, baue found 
 PauiEgi. eafebptt*}aulus ^egmetatoplletb, tbatattlje 
 iib.2, begpnnpnge, tbe legged anb acmes tyoulbe be 
 rubbeD hue!) a cotirfe lpnnen do tbe, tbelegges 
 bofon efoarb c to tbe fete, tbe amies to tbe toppes 
 of tbe fpngers, ano toban tbep be foci cljauf eo, tb$ 
 to rubbe tljem agapne fottb fome ople, tbat botfje 
 open tbe poo?es, auD Dpfcuflc tbe bapours, as 
 opleo^eamompll, ople of anete, anbotber Ipfce* 
 bep?apfct& mocbed^ulfe, oztljetoatetof bonpe, 
 fpeciallp pf fome 3! rope be bopleb in it d&alene, $ 
 all otbet, bo agre, tbat in t\m cafe pepper bjtip- 
 feb anb eaten toitb meate, ts betp ejepebient : 3nD 
 fob e ' 'z tbe re ts mocbe topnbe in tbe tomato, tban 
 to eate all tpmes of tbe Dap of tbe mebpctne mabe 
 of tbe t\w hums of pepper, tpmc,anpfe febe, anb 
 bonp tia-r if ieo, fobtcb e ts calicb natrion p t p ere- 
 Galcn'de on * OJtbatfobtCbtSCaJ^D&tafpOltttCOn, O^t- 
 tuenda fa aptganon, fobtcbe ts mabe of tmmn^nt> fttcpeb 
 wi.ub.j-, one bape anb a npgbt, o? lengec in tarte bpnegec 
 anb after frpeb o? lapbe on a bttrmnge bot Hone, 
 anb mabe tn potolber,alfo pepper,anb refoe type* 
 fomctoijat, antunftft uuopotolber, all uicQuall
 SOKE 77 
 pojcion&anDmpjCttottb dartfuo bonp, dSalcne 
 aDDetb tljetto falte peter, called in latpn Nitruw. 
 C&e confection maDe foitlj ti;c lupcc of qupnces, 
 anD is calleD Di4C)ronitf, ts iierp excellent, but it 
 is to be Diligently notcD , tl;at M)ttc ccuDitie is in 
 a cl) olenUe perfonne, tfyete toolDe tifje fapDe medi- 
 cines be temperatlp bfeD, -mD ttye fapDe toutytom* 
 ten, tobauelpttello?no fptces in it Znh fo?rop 
 parte, beinge of a cljolertfte burnout mptte fcuttj 
 fleume, manp peres contuiuallp in cruDitf e,3I[ne- 
 uer f o mid anp twinge better tfyan fpne l&cubat be, 
 c&efoeD luttlj capfons of cogens, tolj tc!; c 31 tofce bp 
 tl;c counfaple of tl;e toojtyppf nil anD toell lerneD 
 pljifttion, maitter &octour SHuguftine, toijo iti 
 ^is inaners Declared? tbegcutplneffe of bte an^ 
 ctent blouDDe, VotyKtyzmcbityntJ Do not leaue 
 tobfeDapelp faftpnge, toban jfjfeicfticl;c cruDfc 
 lie to begpnne, 3Hfb fprope acetofc, tl>at is to fap, 
 fugac foDDen in pure bpneger, anD Ipttell toater, 
 bmpll it be t&pcfce as a fpr ope, is fometpme con= 
 uenpent 9 anD tljat as toell to cbolerpfte perfonues, 
 as bnto fleumatpcfee: anD pf fleumebe aboun* 
 Dant, tbantottfy rootes anDfeDesof fenellc anD 
 pcrfelp foDDen foitlj it ilfo in that care >pmel, 
 tfjat is to fapc, bonp anD foater foDDen togpfljer, 
 foityt&efapDe rootes anD feDes, anD a quantttte 
 of bpneger put tberto tntftc boplpnge, ts fcerp 
 commenDable* pf tbepacient be berp coftiuctljatt 
 tbe mcDicine of <5alene, calleD ^terapicra, frome 
 (jalfe an ounce to an ounce, tafecn in toater of bo= 
 up o; ale, o; taken in pplles tf;e bepgfjt of agrote 
 #iit torn
 mftftb&lfe, o;ttoo gtotce, pf efje italic be goob. 
 tepti purge tbebodpe fuffccpentfp, totrijout ma* 
 fcpngetbe bobp foeafeer. l!fo tbat mebfepne bp 
 rienftnge tbe ftomafte anb bobpjbeftueeetb a man 
 anbtooman, fromemanp perpl!ou0 fpcfeenefle0* 
 3if the Rumours rnt^e ftomaftebenot pntnftcb, 
 bat tbat ft 10 gteueb Utf) abounbaunceof falte 
 fleume, j| bauefounbetbatmpftenetocmplfceb. 
 tobectn teputa quantise of goobbonpojfuger, 
 anb tlv & tc leauesof goob fpeare mpntes, anb a 
 Ipetefi bopieb, fo bepiige tyunU toaeme faftpnge, 
 tbe quantitie of a ppnre, ano eeftpnge on it, toitb-- 
 out eatpngeaj btfoftpnge anpotbec tbpngetbe 
 fpate of t!#e bontes af tot, (put abunbantlp put* 
 gebanb eomfo;tebtbeftotnafce ? buttobere tbete 
 t0 no fleumctbue on!p ebolee, it is not fo bolfome, 
 hut ra^et burtetb,mafcmg fumoftttee in tbe beb, 
 tobetof commetb bead aebc* 
 HOfieftiHUtlons called commonly Rexomes y aniof 
 jome remedies *g*ynjl them ryght 
 tieceffary. Op. i* 
 FQtns mocbea0 at tb*0p?efent tpmefn tbfe 
 rcaltnc of (England, tljcrc is notanp one mo?c 
 onnopauncc to tbe belt!) of mans bodp,tban DcCtl 
 lactone from tbe bead alieD retomc0, 39 topil not 
 let to fo;ite fometobat of tbem, toberbp men map 
 take benefited tbep topll : altbo ugb Tome pb tftt i* 
 on0,mo:e confpdecing tbete market tban tbe i r m 
 tpcto 0ob anb tbeit countrep, fopll beneuerfo 
 mocb offcnDcD toitfc mpnc boucft cnfcrp,afr* 
 BOX! 7 5 
 C^ftpIIatton 10 a Djopppnge Dotone of alp* 
 qnpDe mates out of tl)t !jeaD,auD falipnge eprfjec 
 tit to Clie mo utl), o? tn to tlje uofet^tlles, o; in to 
 1 1; e epes,anD fometime uuo tljc cl) ekes and eaces. 
 t(;at tof)iclje falletlj into tljemoutlje, is tccepueD 
 of tbe t\)io te in to ttyat parte tulncbe is tbe infttu- 
 mcnt oftbe fc oice, tolnci) at tlje ftrft mattetb Uo?fc^ 
 neflc, anD m p^occfTe of tpme mafcetft tf; : boiee lit* 
 tell, anDbnetb tobebarDe. ainDtf $e reOmebe 
 fbarpe, it rafttbtbe inner f^pn of tl;e t!^:ote ? anD 
 fometime it DotI; entlcctate tin iungcs.^f it Dot!) 
 fall into tljeflomafcc, tberetome beingecolDe, it 
 alterctb tbeboDp in to a eolD Diftempe rance.if it 
 beftottt mabctbaijot Diftemperature,anDDotbe 
 fometpmeejculeerate in p;oce(Te of tpnie: 2BnDat 
 t\)t begpnnpnge abatetb appettte,anD mafcet 1} it* 
 ble concoctiomCfje colD reume.mafeetb concocti- 
 on ao toe, anD alfo crnDptie,anD mgcnDictlj foto;e 
 fumes m tlje moutbe Jffttbe cojrttpteD, tttour- 
 netbaifo nourtQmcut bnto corruption, tobwbe 
 mafcetb bptyaDingcs f umilfte o) fyntp ,o: of font 
 pll qualitie, tobicbe cannot bee]cp?effeD. Jftije 
 mater Do DifcenDe lotoer, it to?mentetb tin guttes 
 called uiumm, and colon, anD toucUetl) other beffel* 
 les, from fobenfe pjoce&etb Dtgeftion.3fin ftis Dit- 
 cracp ttoo tbpnges are to be pjoupDeD f o?, fp?& to 
 lettetbattbereumeDo nutDeftpll in to tbe fapDe 
 places,? if it batb Donctfjat it be fljojtlp erpelleo 
 from tbenfe, jfp;ft to lette cbat it ail not Dcftplf , 
 it dial be neceflarp to eate Come meate tbe foner tn 
 t&e rooming, if ttjereijatl) not pjeceDcD replecion. 
 fCwrtjerc tl)t temperature of all tbe boDp is cole* 
 tpfee,anD t;e flomafee is toeafectftc ftomake foolD 
 be made -ftronge-totty fluty* tinges as of t^m 
 pjopectp no comfort tljeftomafce: foiefeeuetbat 
 tfjcp be mcDeratelp cold anD moid: 3Pii& tbat tobi- 
 cfje ig all reDp fallen into t&e ftomafce,mu8 be ej> 
 pelleD tmtb bompt a? Dge, p*ouoUeD fof tb &o?m 
 fcmbe ftepiDall one Dap and a npgbt in a Iptteil 
 fmall tobtte fopne, o?fmali ale anD (tale, h^tdje 
 ftatfi bertue onelp totoppe atoaptbefiltbe from 
 tbe ftomafce,but if it be foufteD Depe in to tbe f iltb 
 o f t \)c Homage, tban is it better to take the meDp* 
 cpne called Hippie, either tn poulDer tmtb D;mi$ 
 foarmpD, o: els in ppI!es,to tbe number of fpue o? 
 mo m tbe mo?npnge* bi. boures before anp ottjer 
 meateoj Djtnfce taken: aftertoarDeto nopnt tbe 
 mouthe of tbe fiomacfte tmtb ople of ^attpfcc oj 
 ^arbmtun temper a telp toarme. ailtoap if a bo tte 
 teitmie Do fall in to a f?otte (lomaHe, than meates 
 ano D#n&es tubtcbe be colDe in bertue tooID onlp 
 bebfeD* bljere tbe ftomaefcets DiftempjeD toitlj 
 &eat,anD tbe reume Deftilletb into a co!D,beD tftere 
 is tbe Difcraep barDc to be cureD : 3BnD tficp tobicl* 
 be fo affecte,o; DifeafeD, mult take fucbe tbpnges 
 as map Diffblue tbe f Ictime anD clenfe the ftomak 
 foitbout b catin gc tfterof,of f be tof;td;e bertue toe 
 C3f t&eflomafceanDljeaDbebotfje DiftempjeD 
 luit^ colD, tftan mull be bfeD meates Djinfccs anD 
 opntmentes> fobtcbe onelp be ftotte 3 anD btf edp to 
 fo;beaj;e all t&at is c<1De* 
 SOKE. 79 
 C$P t^efe d c(M totics o? rcumcs bapnrtb manp 
 otber greuoufe Dtfeafes, befpDes tfcofe ubetof j 
 baue fpokc,as tn tt>e ijtD leb^hnges.cailcD m Id- 
 tpn Verriginr;, foDapne foiinDpngeg, fallpnge fpc* 
 neffe, pofis, ftpnfepnge of tbe nofe, callpD Potypw, 
 fo#s in tbe moutbe, totbeacbe, ppnneanDfotbe 
 tn tbe eres ,D u IncfTe of becuge, qupnccs ,f ixttmgc 
 of tbebofoelles imtb fiijces, nwtneffeof bjetbe, 
 grief e in tbe Ijartc, palfcpes, acbe tn tbe mufcules 
 anoicpntes, Uibcifo^e itts not to be ncglcctcD. 
 3lnD3!Doomocbe meruaple, tf^at our pf^tftttons 
 to not ino;cfltiDpoufeIp p?oupDe tberto^c reme- 
 Dtcs. 31 nip feifc toas bp the ip ace of foure peres 
 conttnualip in tfyft Dtfcrafp, anD toas counfapIeD 
 bp Dpuers pf.jifmcns, to fcepe mp btD toatmcanD 
 to bfe Diatr'wn piprriow,^ fucb otber bot tbinges as 
 31 baue i-eijetfeD, at tbe laft felpnge mp felfc beep 
 feeble, and iacfcmge appetite anD 31 bap- 
 neo to teaDe tbe bofce of <2$aiene d* trmp ^onmri^ 
 fobicb* teeatitb De \n*<{u*\itmpeuMu 9 anD aftec= 
 toatDe tbe* lu.bofce, Dc rw nd* /iniwf, j percepueD 
 rbat3l baD ben longein an ecrour. tobecfojefirft 
 31 DpD tb?o toe atoap mp qupiteD cappe,anD mp o- 
 tber clofe bonett cs, anD onelp DpD Ipe tn a tbpnne 
 corff , tobicfjc 3! baue euet fens I) feD botb topntcv 
 anD fomecanD toate a Itgbt bonet of Mutt onlp, 
 eban maDe 31 ojcpmei af tec tbe Doctrine of <Ea!en, 
 faupngetbat^bopIeD in tbe bpneger rootc6 of 
 perfelp anDfeaeil, toitbeiiD-me, CiCljo;panD, be- 
 tapne, anD after tljat 3 baDDc taken it tint capes 
 contum allpicuerp Dap t^e fponcsf ttl in tbe moj* 
 Tt npnge
 npnge toarmc: than toUcjR of tbefameojcpmelk 
 tohcnn 3! haD mf ufcD o;ftcaptD one Djamme of 
 3Kgarplte, anD halfea D;amme of fpue tfeubatbe, 
 fye fpace of ml Dapes anD . gh teg , tohpchc 3 
 recepueD m tfje mo;npnge 3 eatpnge noo meate 
 bi.bourcs after, anD that but a Iptteli tyotbc of a 
 bopleD hemic, tobeeo* enfupD. but. Holes abun= 
 Dantof ciiolcr anD fleume : foone after 3J (lepte 
 founD!p,auD ijaD gooD appetite to cate, after fup= 
 per}! too Idc eptber eatea fc\ue colpanDer feDcs 
 p; cpareD o? ftoalotoe Do tone a If tei fpne maftpM 
 f o;beare top ne, a nD D?anfce onlp ale, anD tfj at but 
 Ipteil anD dale, anD alfo toarmeD. 3nD fometpme 
 in the mo?ntnge tooulDe tafce a perfume of Sroux 
 calm\u t anDnotoanD tban3! tooiocputm tomp 
 nofetb?tlIes eptbera leaf e of g ten e la tire 11 o?be- 
 tame o; toater of matojame b?uifeD,toljicb eaufeD 
 the humour to Dtftili bpmp nofetl)?tlIes* 3nD if 
 31 lacfceD ftorajr, 1 toHc f o; a perfume the tpuDes 
 of otDe rofemarpanD burncD them, anD hefDmp 
 mouth otic t the fumeclofpnge mpnecpeg, after- 
 banc to comfou mp ftomafee anD make it ftrong 
 fometpme 31 tooID eate tottb mp meat a lite! toh tte 
 pepper groffeb;upfeD,fometpme <25aleti0 electtra* 
 rp maDe of the tutee of quinces, calkD Di^tonitn, 
 fomtpme marmalaDe *f q upmes ,o? a qupnee ro= 
 ft eD. SfnDbptbie Dieted tbanfce almiqbtp goD 
 Dm o tobeme onelp be gpuen all glo;p, 3B foas re- 
 DuceDro abetter (late tnmpftomacfee anD fceaD, 
 than 31 toaMbt.pereg before, as it mape appere 
 Dnto t^mjtoljtc^ebauclongeknotoen me. %nb
 SOKE* f 9 
 eWs &aue 3J not to?ttten fo; bapng!o;pe oj of pje* 
 fump tion, but to tjje intent tbat t^ep toftf cbe baue 
 tbeit bodies in Ipbe temperature asmpne tons, 
 tbatisto fape, bcpnge cboletpfceof completion, 
 anD ft aupngc reumes fallpnge out of a ftote ftead, 
 map if tfyp Itftc aflapmpne experience, o;in tfte 
 flede of mp fapD infiifton, take Himpicr*, \nify ale 
 o; toatet to purge tftem,tefterof fftall not enfue To 
 mocfte p enlcas of corrupted fttopcs ,9 o tftcr eon= 
 f cctioncs cafleD M*gi/irl, made toitft olde rotten 
 tyugges, tftougft tftepfttfmonsbeneuerfo toell 
 letneD . 3J bodpes of otfter temperature, 31 too ID 
 nottbatmpne experience fl)ulDe bepjacttfcdbut 
 toitft dtfcretion, temp?pngetfte mcdupne, astfje 
 qualities of tfte ftomafeeand ftead Do requpje, re* 
 memtyinge aitoap, tftat ftote reumes bp ttyn anD 
 fubtell, colde ceumes be f o? tfte mo;e parte f ft icfec* 
 3(fo tftat tftcp tofticft be tftpn toolD be made tftifcc, 
 eftattftep pctcenottofaft. aindtftattftep tofticfte 
 betftpctte, loolDebemaDetbpnne tftat tftep mape 
 eftefoonerbe purged, bp toftat tokens onemape 
 fcnotoetoftetftertfte ftomabeand bead be fto'eoj 
 cold* if ma lip tins dare 31 afifi erne, tljat tf?e reunies 
 tofticft of late time ftaue ben mop frequent in tftts 
 realm, tftan tftep toece toon t to b patted, 
 ftaue ftapned of none occasion mo?e tftan of ban* 
 fccttmges after fouper $ d:miung mocft,fpcciallp 
 ftipnea Ipttell afo;e fiepe. 3n otftee tftmge is tfte 
 feeppng tfte ftead to ftote o? to long couered tofter* 
 bp tfte bjapne tofticfte is naturaltp cold is oiftem* 
 p;cD im tft ftote vapours a&endpnge from tfte flo * 
 Yu make
 maftetbofe famefcapours beingelettetoeuapo* 
 rate o; paffe fojtb out of tlje beaD, anD tbcrf o;e be 
 concrete 02 cjatbcrcD into burnout fuperfluoufe, 
 tuijf c(;e fhlletb Dohmc eftfones out of tbe beaD in 
 to tbe places bef o:e ceberfcD. Yet n o tu a Dapes if a 
 Dope of 4 b if .p e res age,o? a ponge man of.r e.peces 
 banc not ttoo cappes on \m bco, be anb bis f ten- 
 Dcs toil tbpnke tbat be map not continue in belrtj. 
 3nD pet if tbe inner cappebenotof fceluctojfa* 
 tpn, a feruinge man f eantb to iofe bis cceDcnce.31 
 perfone fcicaceoj pari(bep?e(te, bp bfpngetbeic 
 htluet cappes embjotoDjeD tmtb laces, Domahe 
 fomemen tbpnfeetljat tfytpbt afbampD of tbepj 
 f rounes tbat reuerenb tofec of tbe o?Dcr of p?eeft- 
 boDe, tbc tobicbe notable abufe, 31! mod; meruaple 
 tbat tbe bpfyoppes topi fuffcr, fpeciallp tbep tobi- 
 cbe b ue babbe leafour to reaoe tbe toatfces of 
 fapnt Cpp?iane, fapnt li^ierome, Cbtftoftomus, 
 fapnt %mb?oU& funb?p Decrees maDe bp tbe olDe 
 fathers , cocermnge tbe boned Deft utc of p;eeftes, 
 tobicbc altbougbe it feme a Ipgbt matter to fome 
 men^pet it augmentctb o? minifl)etb not a Ipte! in 
 p;ee(tcs,tbe eftimatton of tbeir conDttions.&alo 
 mon confirming tbe fame,fapmg. Cbe gaemct, 
 gate.anD latogbtec of a ma Declarttb tobat be 10, 
 but tbis mater toil 31 Jrie to a norber place tobere 
 "4 inteno to fpeafce mo;e abunDantlp of it, if itbe 
 not tbe frsner amenDeD* $otoe to concluDe, as 
 longeas tbe fapDe occafions continue, to longe 
 meti ttjall not be toitbout reumes, altbougb tbep 
 tare all perftte pbif'tions, 
 BOKE f I 
 C&ofototctoutneto the remedies agaynfttbe 
 fapde anopaunce u? Ucrcf hapnetb fo matip great 
 fpcfcneffcs, 3 topll be bolDe to twite a Ipteil out of 
 the toarbes of the mode famoufe and erpect pin- 
 fitions* jf pull the caufeof the retime mitft bcdt= 
 gefteo, after ejcpulfedjtbirdlp diuerte&, that is to 
 fap, tourned from the epei. o? tb?ote,into the nofe 
 from tofjcfe it map be mo je eaftlp p ur gcd,f ourtb- 
 tpttmap be flopped, that tt^all not deftplh 3|n 
 bote Dcttt llattons the bead is berp hot in fcltnge, 
 the retime being in the mouth is tljpn anD Umrme* 
 the tongue o: cbebes toitb in bit fterco,tlje face font 
 tp me reDDer than it is accu ft omeD to be, fo imp me 
 a burntnge tottbtn the nofe*<Co them tobtcb haue 
 this bote retome, map be gpuen the febe of tuh tte 
 popp. D'ucoiion made of the b eDDes of tohtte popp 
 and rapne toatee, Amylm toitb mplfeeuf there be 
 no feuer, pemdees,malotoes,o;age 5 o;ctitDe3, and 
 fpinage.bopled and eaten bntb ople of almnndes, 
 firope of btoiettes, nenuphar o? the bun e of fine te 
 pomegamatcs, the toatcrs of a great umwibWi 
 bopleo forth a Ipttell fugar, beinge d?m rbe, doths 
 mitigate co!er ; ftoppetb the reumc,and eafflp I ou- 
 fuh the help, the fedes of melons b?aped m a mo?= 
 ter toitb toater, and (trained lurch fofte bjcade ba 
 upngefugarputtoit, mafeetb an excellent good 
 meate agapnft the hot retimes, plapflxrc made of 
 barlp b^upfed.biolettes^popp^and camomp! bop* 
 led in toater, foberin fpounges 02 linen clothes be 
 inge dept, fljulde be lapd on $ bed 3 $ the gcnito;e$ 
 o;legge0 therfoith toafl&ed^f tbeftcfc niacan not 
 Yfu fiepe
 fleape, tban tbefapbe partes tmtlj tfjc bealranD 
 funDcmcnttfiali be nopnteD tottbe ttje oplcs of 
 tJioicrs anD Bcuupfjar, tljerauourof Campftac 
 in rorctoatc r tmtb fcpollettes to gooD in tbat cafe. 
 <Men crbojtetb and J baue pjoucD, tbat in a be 
 tp bote trumc tobicbe batb (WleD fatte, tfie poto* 
 rpnge of colo toater in bpon ones bead batb thru 
 ttt) tl)c teume. ISe tbat is tberin o tfeafeo mud eg* 
 cbetoe goinge in tbe fonne, o? to come mgb a grct 
 fp?e, o;toftanDeo?belonge couercD, o?to toert 
 wocbe on b ts bcD, be mud reft mod) anD p;ouoke 
 f)im felfe to flepea npgbt, but not betp longe anD 
 tolpeon tbeonefpDeonabarDebeDbe, ^aupnge 
 bis beaD bpgb* alfo rubbpnge of bis legges be* 
 fo;emealnsbecp bolfome* CoiD retimes be pet? 
 cepueobp colDneffeoftbebumouranDbea&toitb 
 p alenr fife of tbe bpfoge, all colDe tbpnges tncrea- 
 ftnge tbe refome.Cbefe tbmges ace gooD agetnlt 
 it, tbe Decoction of cicec tmtb bonpe anD rapfone, 
 fplbecD nu ttes tofteD eaten after meale*, nothing 
 is moje bolfome tban abftinence, fpeciailp in tbe 
 euenmge, tbep tp^tc^e bane it mutt betoate of 
 jBojtbem totnoes, tbe moneftine bp npgb t, toaf- 
 Q) mge in colD foater, anD to belong batebeDDeD* 
 <Cbe feDes of ^tgella a ipttell tofteD anD putte in 
 to a ppeceof tbpnne fatcenct anD fmelleDbnto, 
 flopped tbe reume0* 
 Dfttffpnge in tbe begpnnpngeof tbereumet* 
 Wfp;aifeDof <5alen, but after tbat tbe matter is 
 DpgeaeD iti0berp bolfome tbat mape be maoe 
 tmtb lea u es of laurr y o; betapne put into tbe note 
 IOK! i* 
 dailies, tbe iupce of colefoo?tes, tfje rootcs of reD 
 beetes,toatet of ^ aio?ame.a! p?etp meDpcme fo; 
 tbat purpofe p:oueD, t?e tupce of ponge betes 
 anD 2ato;ame of euencbe one ounce, go oD iuijit 
 topne. tin. o unces 3 fafftone tbe toct gbt of aupence, 
 tbat bemge bette anD taken tn tbe moutb> Q)albe 
 D;atoen bp toitb b jetb to fhe place toberbp tbe De* 
 ftillatton failed out of tbe nof e in to t!,e moutye, 
 3indif tbe reumeDo Demlltntodje cbcekesanD 
 teetb,3I ba ue pjoueD tbat tfje mice of ground iup, 
 and t^at becb e tobtcbe be call ^oufc eare, tafeeti 
 totttynaqupl! mtotbe nofetfetiles, oftmtpmes 
 pucgetbecceomgeip tbe retime anD tafeetfcatoap 
 C^acganrtng tf it be not Difctetlp bfeD, map Do 
 mojebarmetbangooD, b?pngeDotone mocljea- 
 b un Da tin ce of mater bnDigefteD, but tafcenin o;- 
 Decimtb toater&onp anD pepper, o? toitb Jffope 
 anD fpgges bopieD in tofiitc topne, anD taken beep 
 fcote in a gargartfe ts rtgbt conuement. 
 Cf o; companion tobtcb 31 ^ue of ttjem tbat be 
 bejceD toitb tootle atbe caufeD of reumes, J topll 
 bp tbe leaue of pbiftttons conclude t^te cljapitec 
 tout) an ercellct meDictne agamft tl) e fatD pafltotr, 
 tobtcbe is tojitcn of an bo notable petition of late 
 peccs,tobtcb medicine alf* maketb teetbe fad tobt 
 cbe beloufc, anD alto ftoppetb tbe fuperflucufe 
 blcomge of goumes. tobettoitb tbe bjetb is made 
 bnfauen: Cake the rtnDes of Caper cotcsj rotes 
 of bumbles tobtcbe Do beare biaefce betpc0, tbe 
 floutes of pomegranates callpb BU*/!U,of enetp 
 of tbepm,tbe toepgbt, Ducates, pelptojpof 
 &papn out Ducate,fcDe of tolmc bcnbane,tlje nit* 
 Dcsof mantyageof cuerpof tbconeDucate auD 
 a baif Xpourge of tlje garDen one banDf ul, aiume 
 of tlje robcai.Ducates, bopleaJl tbts in tofctt toine 
 o; clatette, touted is br rp to toglj in tad, at ft tapne 
 it tbertoito, let tlje patient ofrentpmes toatye bis 
 moutbe. Bilbeit J hull eounfaple t ban tobicb toiH 
 take tins meDicine o;anpotI;er, fp^ttctopoutojc 
 9 caufe of p reume as bef o;e (0 r ebcrfeD, j tn anp 
 otijer topfc, as tljep H;af be counfapleb bp toeil let; 
 ncD anD Met etc pfyi fit ions* 
 f Of Ltpituic. dp * 
 LStfTituDete amfpofitton totoatDefpcfccneffc, 
 toherm a man f elctb a foojeneOe, a ftueUi itge 
 0; an inflammation. do;eneffe bapnetb of tyi 
 mours fljarpe anD gnatoing, as after great ejeer* 
 ctfeanb labours, tobpebctoffittuoc bappenctljto 
 ai .n* inen^s.aifo after ctaWtte to tfteimtofttcft are not 
 ejcerclfcD. o;doo abpDelonge intlje beatcof tbe 
 fon n c. 3 t map alfo be m tbe boop, tobcrin is gooD 
 iupct, if bebefatigate tottbimmoDeratcejcerctfe. 
 Galen* de 3|n tljCin, tD^td)C DO fdc ti)|0 UlfTltUD C tbe fKlHlie 
 tuendafa apperetlj tljtckeano rougMtbereis feitagrefe 
 *.!*./ fomtpme to tlje fftpntw onelp, fomtpme alfo in tbe 
 flctyu asitfoereof afooje. execute t&erof. is 
 bp mocbe aub pleafant rubbinge, toitb Heete op? 
 k&, totyfyz *?aue not tl)c fcertuc toreftrapne 0? 
 BOXE. t$ 
 dote, anD tbat bitty manp b anD es,anD aftertoatfc 
 to ejtercife moDeratefoanD to be bapneD m toatec 
 ftoete anD temperate in beate* alfo tban irut (te be 
 gpueti meatcsof gooD tupce, potagebut felDe, 
 fopneis not to be f o;b oDen* to; tmto ttipne bnetfc 
 anp tbpnge map be compareD, tbat to toell Dpge- 
 Oetl? cruDe burnouts, tt alfo p;ouofectlj fbeatte fr 
 trine, anD mafcetb one to fleptfouoip. out if tbis 
 laflfituDc Do abpDe tfje npgbt anD Dap f olofomge, 
 02 toajcetf? mo?e anD mo?e 3 tban If tbe pactente be 
 of gooD ftrengtb anD ponge,anD batb abundance 
 of bio u&e,Iet bpm be let blouD, o? p?o uofce tbe be- 
 mo;otDes o; piles to bleDe,if tbep Do appere* iSut 
 pf it pjoteDe of tbe malpce of anp burnout, fottb= 
 out abunDance of biouo>tban rcfojt to putgattos 
 aptefo?tbe burnout tbat gteeuetf?. Cbe tofccnr 
 tobetof, allappete as bell bp tbe colour of tbe 
 ffeptme anD Diete p?eceDpnge,as bp b tine, o;Du te, 
 fbeatte, tbtttte, ant) appctttcas it is rebetfeD bu 
 f o?e in tbe completions 3|f tbe pli blouDDe be lp* 
 tell in quantitie, anD tbe cruDe burnouts abound 
 tranfctban ft ai be not be let blouD,no? fcebement* 
 IppourgeD, neptberftall ejeercpfe o?moue tipm 
 felf,no? be bapneD* f o? all cretctfe cattctb bmo;g 
 tb?ougbo ut al tbe bobp,anD ftoppttb tbe powers, 
 noo betf o:e tbefe maner of oerfons fljjulDe be Uept 
 in red, anD fucbe mcates D?pnfces anD meDictnes 
 OjuId be gpuen to tbem, bbicbe (b uloe attenuate 
 ojDiffbluetbe groflenes of tbe bumo?s, bttbout 
 notable b ea teas oitpmell, barlep bate t, $ mulfe, 
 if tbe patient abbojre not bonp. 3nD f o j as mocb 
 z as in
 agfndjefapDeperfonnes, eommonlptbere 10 a- 
 bunbance of topnDe about tljcit (lomacfccs. t Ijec- 
 foje pepper, fpecpailpc ion gc pepper, 0; tu!;pte, 10 
 beep conucment tobetifco, anbtbemeDicmebe* 
 fo;e to;trcti 3 caiieD Di/f oliricKm* Xflljan tbe bumo?S 
 are DiiToiiu D,tl)a is tt gooD to D;pnfce u> bttc Uiine, 
 0; fmall clarette topnt moberatelp* 
 fL4J?itKJfextf/iKf. dp. 4* 
 VSUbnn one t bp nUctf? tbat I) e DotI; f eie a ftoel* 
 Ipnge 0? boilpnge of tbe bobpe, fober m oebe 
 tljere Dotbe not appeee in fpgbt 0; to uebpnge anp 
 (toeHpnge, tbat 10 calipD JUfrituDecrteufuie, if it 
 bapnetb tott^otit emcife 0; bebement moupnge. 
 CW0 botb bappenof erceffiue multituoeof bu^ 
 mo?0, fobicb bo ejctenbe tbe mufcule* 0; fpllette** 
 3! n tins no teenes 10 felt, but onelp an beupnefle 
 tottb ertentioh 0? tb;uftmge out of tbe boDp. 2Hnb 
 bpcaufetbattbeceis abunoance of bloubetntbe 
 boop, bed remedp 10 to be letten bloube about t!;e 
 elbotoe 0; ancle, aftertobepurgeD, tbanto bfe 
 foftefneafpes tottb epics afoje reberfeb, after* 
 fcmro moclje reft anD temperate batbes, ano mea* 
 us lacfcpng arpneB, anD being abftcrfiue. 
 qiifiitHie mth the feelyngc of wflm* 
 motion. Cifitulo. ? 4 
 If toitboute anp moupnge, tbe mufculcg anD 
 flefbe rife bp in tbe boDpe, as it ftoeUeD,toitb 
 great pepnes anD ejcecDinge beatctban fone after 
 f oio toetb mod bo tteft I euer*, except it be pjeuen- 
 SOKE* gtf 
 teb bp letting of bluD,anD tba t in abtmbanee s attD 
 aimed to fotontogcbut it tocrc mo?e fare to be let A . 
 bloub tfople tn one bare, t\)t fitfic tpme tottboute ' 
 fotonpnge,at tl;e net* tpme fo tonpnge 10 not to be 
 f ereo* 3 f ttje grcfe be tn tljc neck o? eb,tfce bloub 
 muftbe lette of tbcbapne called Cepbalca, o;t&e 
 (bulbec licpne. Jilt be tn toe bulfce o; bppermoft 
 pact of tbe bobp, tban mud t&e bepne be cutMiu 
 tl)t is callpD JBaftitca, o? fye tnnecmoft bepne*31f 
 all tbe bobp be greueb. tlja cut f be bepn, tofjtcb 10 
 named a^eo tana, o? tbe mpDDel btpn. 31 f a feuet 
 cemapne after bloub letting, tban o?ber b mi tottb 
 tbe biete of t bnn t&at bau c fetters, tobicb pe fljall 
 fpttoe to?itten bereafter, 3 f noo fetter rcmapne, 
 tban bfe moderate fncafieg, and iptteli eatpng, $ 
 tbat of meatcB baupnge geoD tupce, tncreacpngc 
 bp ipttell and Ipttell to tfye naturall diete* 
 [Dif re of them that are reiy to fa lie into 
 /ycfcracj}*. C<pitlo. d, 
 Nettie tetourne eftefoncsto fpcafec of btete, 
 it is to be rcmemb?eD, tljat tfcep, iufjtcl; are 
 cebptofall into Dtrcafcs, tbep ace prepared tbcr- 
 fcnto, eitbec bp replecton of fupccfUt ous bumo?s, 
 o;eIs bp ctubttie o? malpce of bumottra, tobtcb ar 
 in tli em. 3ds touebpnge ttr fp;ft tbe general! btete 
 tn uft be fucbe,as tberbp tbe b umours map be at- 
 tenuate, and bp cotwententeuacuatton, bjougbfc 
 to a moderate quantitte. 3Ps f a; tbe feconbe mufte 
 be corrected ftutlj meatesanod;mfce0 of contra- 
 tp quaiitte0$auinge alfcoap -efp ecte to tljc age of 
 ztt tljc
 the pctfon, tpmc of tbe pete, place of babitafiot?, 
 anD mod fpccpailp tbe btuuerfail completion^ 
 cooler offcnDpnge in an oioe mannc, in topntcc 
 epme, macoIDe countrepe, ojtbeperfonebeinge 
 of bis naturall completion fleumatibe o? mclan= 
 colp, foolbe not be fo babuoantlp ccpulfco o; fub = 
 DetocD, as if it be in oue pong anD l uflp,m tbe bot 
 fommer, in tbe coutceps,tobece tbe fonne f eruent- 
 Ip b u rnctb, o? tbe p erfonrof bis Proper nature is 
 fc ctpc colcnkc. 3nD in Ipftetoife contrarpe.^ber* 
 fojeeuerpmanne, imotopngebis otone natural* 
 complerion,tmtb tbe qualitle of tbe bunio ut tba t 
 offenDetb, lettcbpmmafee temperance biscbtefe 
 robe, anD rememtymgc tbat foblcbe 3J baur be- 
 fore Declared ojbapne to bpm felf e fuclje Diete, as 
 amp refoucme tbe offence toitb none o? Iptteii an* 
 nopawe,tobfet)nttierfal completion. SRiopf be 
 can fo Do, be fljal bappilp efcape, not onlp Diuers 
 fptteneffes, but alfo tbe mod pernicious danger, 
 p?oceDing of cojrupteb tyouges o: fpiccs,toberof 
 fom couetons po ticaries bo make mcbictnes,mati 
 gee t be beDes o f gooD anD foelf IcrncD pljifx t tons. 
 4 Sicfcf rtf * fflo/fc commune to particular fjmes 
 of the yere and ages. Cap. y* 
 Afttbougbc J bo rot fntenbe to to;ite of tbe 
 cure of egrituDes o? fpefceneffes confp?meD 3 
 as toell bpcaufe it mougbte be reputes in me a 
 great pjefumption, as alfo fo;afmocbe as it toere 
 fcerppenllous, toDpuuIgate tbat noble fcpence, 
 to commune people, not lerneD in Ipberall fcien* 
 BOKE 81 
 ccs anD pfttiof opljp, tofncb be tec) wpjeD to be fufft- 
 ctentlp m a pi; tfition^nD mo;eouer,manp bofees 
 of Hipocrates atio (Baltm ougfot to be taDDe, be* 
 f oje tbat one Do take Dpon bpm tbe general! cure 
 of menncs boDies: pet not tot tbftanDtnge,3l ttuft 
 3Imape tuttbout anpnoteof arrogaunce tojpte, 
 tobat D ifeafes Do mod common!? bapp en in fun* 
 typ tpmes of tbe pere anD ages of men anD too* 
 mm, fottbfome ftgmfwations, fobetbp tbeDpf* 
 erafp o; Dtflemperatwte of tbe boDp is percepueo, 
 to tbe mtet tbat tbe pbtfition beinge fatre of, map 
 be tceuip tnf ojmeD,confiD erpn g tbat brines f acre 
 carteD, Do often Decepnetbem, anDlpkctotfelacfc 
 of tbe fpgbt oftfjc pactct 5 aitD mqutfltton of tbite 
 500, tubicfte Do pjeceDe o; foloto tbe (primes* 3nD 
 fcttb tbis 3 truft none boned anD cbatttable pbk 
 fition foplle be offenDeD, but tatter gptieto me 
 tbanhes f o; mp Dflpgence, in tbe aouatmunge of 
 tbetr efttmatton, tobte&e bp lacfce of perfptte m= 
 ftruction batb ben appaireD* 
 ^Syckeneffes of Springe tyme* 
 C^iTeafes pzoceDpnge of melancolpe, as matr* 
 nefle, faflpngefpefcenefle, bleeDpnges, qupnees, 
 pcfe, boo;fenes, eotig&es> levies, fcabbes> acbe 
 4fSycfteneiTe ofSommer* 
 CSStenp of tbe fapDe Difeafes, alfo fetters con* 
 tmua!,bot feuers^f euers terct ane,quatta<ris,D o* 
 mptes, flpjces, foatrtnge of efes,pepnes of tbe ea* 
 tes, blider s $ fojes of t&e mo tub $ f toeattf nges. 
 -lift $pA*
 ^[Syckenefles of Autumne. 
 C&PUtts of Comet fpcfencflcs.alfo oppilations 
 of tbe fpicne, D^pficsjconfumptions, Clcatigulp^ 
 one, cofhueneflc, acbc in tbe buckle bonce, ft o?t* 
 neffe of fopnbe, frettpnge of tbe bofoe Hc0 > f allpng 
 fpc fcnes, anD meiancolpfee Difeafes. 
 4|SyckeneCs of wynter. 
 &tptc\)ts anD gccfes in $e fiDcs, inflamattott 
 of tbe lunges, tmmcs, cougbes, pepnesm tbe 
 tyefl, fpoes, anD iopnes^eaD acfre, anD palfepes* 
 ^jSyckeneflfes happenynge to children* 
 Cftban tbcp be netoe bopte, tber e Do happen to 
 $em fo;e0 of tf?c mou tb calico 2Bpbte, b otmtpng, 
 cougbes, toatebmge> featef ulneffe, mflamattons 
 of tbe naueil, mopfture of tbe cares. 
 (L T#b an tbcp DjeDe tctbe, ptcb in ge of tbe gum - 
 roes, fences, crampes,anD laftes* 
 C^ban tbcp bare elDer, tban betfiep gteneD 
 imtb fcetnelles, openneffe of the mouID of fjeaD, 
 f&ojtneflfe of fopn&e, tbe (lone of tbe biaDDet,too?* 
 tncs of tbe bealp, foatess, foellpnges fcnDertbe 
 cbpnne, anD in englanoe coroonlp purppls>mea 
 fels, anD (mall pocfces. 
 4f Syckenefle happenings to yonge men 
 from 4 xiJihveres of age 
 Ctf euets cotitaanc, teicpane, quartepne, botte 
 feuets, f pittpnge o? fcomptinge of MouDe,pleute* 
 fies 5 Difeafesof tbefp&es, inflammation of tin 
 lunges, ietfjacgtes, franfp, bote fpcfccncires^bo; 
 letifce paeons, coftweneso; fcebemenciaOies.
 SOKE |<fr 
 ^f Syckenefles of age* 
 UtettUcuUit of bitty, teamen foit& coughs, 
 ftrangulpon, ana tufficuUtetn ppflpnge, ac&em 
 tlje topnte0,Difeafe0 of tfje rapnes, ftopmmpngeg 
 in tbe tjeaD, palfepe0, ptc^pnge ofailt&eboope, 
 lactte of flepe,mopfture in t&e epes and eare0,bul 
 neffc of fpgbt, banmefle o' fceatpnge, tififcneffc oj 
 ttwtncfle of b;eti). 
 CSMt&ougfj manp oftfje faib fpctweflte Do bap* 
 pen in euerp tpme ant> age: pet becaufe tbepbe 
 mod frequent in tlje fapoc tpnus ? ages, 31 baue 
 tytttm tbem, to Winter, t&at in tye ages $ tpme* 
 mode mclpneb tmto tbem, fuel) twinged in ougtjt 
 be tban efc&etoeb,to|>te& are aptte to ingenbje m 
 % The gcnertllfignificitions ani tokens 
 Yir tlje boop be hotter, coiDcr, mopftet, typer, 
 leaner, f uller,tbe colour moje pale,o; fbart, 
 tyttptB mo;te!;olotoc, tbanteaccuftomed to be, 
 itfignifietl) tfjattbeboDp&Difpofeo tofickne*, 
 bebiapu cM Amours cominpngeftomeS 
 roufeoftUemoutbc ) tI;cepe0, 
 THE rorRTH! 
 r 2D ifftcultie of b?eatt)c. 
 V Cremblpngc of tlje ftect. 
 <CFje (parte fpcfcc* < Jf cuec0* 
 f 2&f uecfitfe of colour 
 M&uefe about tfjefeart* 
 Cf)efo;me of? boDp aitcceD. 
 ^iteration of ztmmmttz ac 
 I&epne to $e place of Ipuet* 
 1 ^todlpnge* 
 "Concoction, flo to o; qtucfcc* 
 appetite of mopft o? D?p,Dul 
 Reparation of ejecremen- 
 tcs motft o? bars toify tfcete 
 yerpnge* eifepnge* 
 ttiometpnge tot $ pepne anD 
 colour anD fubftance,w re& 
 I O K E. $7 
 Cbefoeft. jofogbe* 
 ** ' Oftpptttnge, 
 C Cb f s baue 31 to jitten , not to gpuc f uogement 
 ebcrbp. butonelp fojtbe pactentto bauem ate* 
 bpneffe, to tbinttnt tbatbbatfo euerbefeletbo; 
 pereepuetbineuerpof tbefapde tbpnges. tfjecof 
 to inftructe bt0 pbifition, fobetbnto be mapeao* 
 apt b is co unfaple ano cemeDic0* 
 % Of vntus. G*p. p. 
 F4D?afmo$basnotoaDapes tbe mod common 
 taDgement in fpcfeenelfe is bp brpnes, tobfcb* 
 bepnge farre carieb o; mocbe meucD,o? (tatiDinge 
 longc after tbattt 10 mabe, tbefo urine tberof fc 
 fo altered, tbat tbe p Ijifttt on fyal not perfptlp per 
 ttpuz tbe natural coloutno? contente0,altbougb 
 it be neuerfo toelfcbaufebattbefpje, as3ictua- 
 tms anb otber great lerneb men bo affirmed toil 
 tbecfoje fometobat (peafte of brtnes>not To mocbe 
 as a pbtfitiou bnobetb, but as mocbe asn ne- 
 reflfarp to euerp man,f o; to pttcepue tbe place anD 
 eaufe of bis grtcfe, tobetbp be mape tbe better in* 
 Cfcftfn brine, fouretbinges aretobe confp* 
 fcereD. tbat 10 to rape, tbefubftaunce, tbe colour, 
 tbe regions o; partes of tbe b rpne.ano tbe conten 
 tes o? tbpnge& tbertn contepueo* 
 tLMo f o;afmocb as in tbe bobp of man be foure 
 a qualities
 qualities, fjeate, colbe, mopftute, anD typtfc, ttoo 
 oftl^em, fjcate anD cola, ace caufes oftbe coicmr, 
 D;ptf) anD mopfture are caufes of tbe fubftance* 
 C^?o;coucr m fcrtnc, being tn a beflell apt tbct 
 t mo to be fenr , ace ttye r eg tos , Cbe lotoeft rcgio 
 Intlje bottome of tlje fcrpuall, contepnpnge t&e 
 fpacc of ttoo fyn$tt$ o, Iptteil mo?e. Cfce tnpbbet 
 region, from tobcnfe t\)t lotoeft enbcD, unto tyt 
 cerfcle. Clje bpgbeft region 16 the cerhle. 
 Cljc Ijpgljtuffeof fte colour Qgnifietl) Ijcatt: 
 fyepalcblactte o?gcene, ftgmfictljcolDe, 
 C^lfo tbegcoflcheso; tbtckeneflc of tyetorpne 
 fpgnpfpetlj mopfture, tl;e ciecencs o; tonnes, ft* 
 4|Tl)f colour* of vriiif s . 
 CCoIotftof bjpgfct golbe. 4 0erfpte t>U 
 Colout of gplte. < geft ton. 
 ReO as a cet> apple 0; ctyrv* ) 
 23 are reDDe, Ipfee to bole ac= Cjcccffe of 
 menake, 0? faffron typ* C bpgeftton. 
 fBetfor glotopnge Ipfcefpje. J 
 Colour of a beaft es Iptter. -> 
 Colour of Darfee red tome* > 3>D ullion of 
 dStene Ipfte to eoletoo;* tes* -> Rumours* 
 JLeabbp colour, > f eblenes 0? mojttf tcatton of 
 aBIacfeeaspnlte* > nature, eiccepte it be in pur* 
 JMacfeeasftojue.^ guigeofwelaacolp*
 OKI, ft 
 <5zap as a bojne, C i lacfce of bi* 
 tootytc as toijap. C < geftioo* 
 Colour of a camels fceare* -3 
 tdale ipfce to bjotb* i tfEbe begpnnpnge 
 offlet&efoDDer*. c cfDfgeftion* 
 Cttcm e colour o; pclofoe, 5 Cbe mpDDell of 
 fttubcitrf ne o? paler, c Digefitton. 
 *x>bpte anD tbpnne betofeenetb melancolpe to 
 fcauc Dominion* 
 Vobptt anD tijpcfee, fignifietb fleumc* 
 IReDDe anD tbpcfce betofcenetb fanguine* 
 lacDDc anD tbpnne betofceuetfye cooler to fyaue 
 fl Tbf fMmue of the vrmr. C*p. io* 
 AC tlje fp;(t p iflpnge,all brutes toll nf gl? Do 
 appere tbpn,as longe as tfytp abtDe foarme. 
 f o? natural beate,Dunng tyt tpmetbat it pjeuap* 
 letb jfuffre tb not t&at tbe Ipco u c, tobtcb is rtje fab* 
 (lance of tfje brtne,to congele oj be ftvtht fo c anp 
 occafton : but after tljat beate is gone, fome top* 
 nes Q)o? tip ,fo me a longer time after, toare tbtcfc, 
 Jlpfc cfoife fomtt m e, fome ar piffeD tbtcfcec,anD af* 
 tet toareclere, fomerentrpne ftplleastbeptoere 
 maDe, fome be metelp tbpcfce, as tbtp toece trou= 
 bleD,fome berp thick anD groflfc Cfycp tljat toare 
 clcre,fonc Do gather tbat, u>bb is tbpcfce into tbe 
 bottome of tbc btinal : fome remapn.troubleD,tbe 
 groffenes not tot tyftanDmg? gatljereD in tyt Dot* 
 a it tome
 tome* & cmblablp tljc Diucr fitic of tbpn o; ftibfpl 
 to rinc0,tmilt be pcrccpuco, tbat is to fap,tbat Tom 
 are berp fubtp li as toarcr,fomc iaflfe fubtpll, fome 
 in a meane bet tome tb t cbe ano tbinne, 
 C^ f tbpngescontepneo m tbe tonne, fome boo 
 Difcenoeootonc totbebottome, ant) be called ma 
 grebe UuroeHjpo/tytf, in englpfd)e fomecalleit 
 cbe grotinOeg, fome tbe refpoence, tobicbe if it be 
 to&ptcjpgbt, rifpnge top from tbe bottome of tbe 
 tor mall, Ipbe a peace, it fpgnifiefy beltlj, tf it be of 
 anp otber fpgure oj colour, it bctobenetb fome a- 
 nopance. 3f Ipbetbpngcsbe fenemtbe mpooell 
 of tbetocpnall, tbep be calico fublations, pftljcp 
 appjocljetonto tbe bpgbeft region of tbe torpnc, 
 tfytp be nameb cloubes,in latin N<Mg. Cbe groti* 
 ues o? cefiocnccs not perfite, fome is Ipbe Ipttellc 
 rcDDe <ietcb?0> and is callpb in latpn Orobe*, fome 
 is Ipbe to tyanne of totjeat geounbe, anD feuereD 
 from tbemeale, ano is calleo tyannp reftoence, in 
 latpn UrfweiSomt be ipbe tonto plates, baupnge 
 b?eotb ano lengtb uutljout tbpebnes, ano map be 
 nanro platp refpoence, in latpne imm*, fome is 
 Ipbetomeale, tobeate,o?barlep 9 anOmapbc na* 
 meO mealprefioencMii latpn Smkeea 
 CCbereisalfofeenein tbe torpne Ipbe tofobptt 
 bear cs , fome Icngar, Come Qjo?ter.fon: time lib e to 
 cagges fo m toljat red* lucre is alfo fene in tbe top- 
 permofte parte of tbe torine, fometpmea fomeoj 
 frotl;, fomrpme bell ceo? boblcs* fometpmetbere 
 ftopmmctl; tn tbe torine a tbmge libe a cop toebbe, 
 o tlj ctu^ile tljer is about t \)c cerble, as it toe re tbe 
 BOKE 99 
 tentpnge of clotbe, fomtpme tbece is in tljcMnt 
 ipfce motes of tbe fonne,fomtpme Ipfte tbe matter 
 of a fo?e, ot^erhj^tle ipfee tbe febe of a man* aifo 
 grauelleo?fanbe. ainbintbefe tinges mapc be 
 bpuers colours, fome U)bpte, fomereD, fome be* 
 ttoenebotbejfomepeloto, fome grape, anD fome 
 blacfce. ^iltbismufobefctltgentlpmarfceD, anD 
 tljeroffcpccaclpto aoucctifet^e Jdbiftoon, tmto 
 tobome 31 referee tbe iubgement of tl?e fpefcenes, 
 f o? tljc caufe afoje rcberfeD, anD fo; as mocbe as 
 t\)c i ud $e m enc of tbem is berp fubtpll. 
 C Semblablp of otfmre, tobptber it be berp tl)Ui 
 0} berp tbiefce: tobat otbec matter pfliietb out tuitb 
 iU tobat colour it is of, tbe fauottc berp great, lp- 
 tell o? none, if ittoere eafpip ejcpulfeb, ojpepne* 
 f u lip, boto oft o; boto feioome. 
 C#o;eouerof ftoeat, tobat colour it is of, anD 
 of tobat fauour, if in taftinge tt be faJt,fotoje*btt* 
 ter, o; bnfauap* 
 HMo tbe bompte, pf it be of one colour o? ma 
 np, if it boo fmell bojriblp, of tobat bumoure it 
 baD mod about iDaunce, pf it tocre f aftinge, o? af- 
 ter meales, if it toere pepuefull o; eafp* 
 fltpkztotc fpettel, tub etber it be tbpcfce o; tbin, 
 t mptt tuitb bloube, o; matter corrupt accojbpn* 
 glp of tbe b umour iffupnge out at tbe note, anD if 
 t bat be bloube, tban tobpujer it be reD , toattpe, 02 
 C^o?eoucc, it mape not be forgotten, toabuec 
 tpfe tbe jBbtfition of tbe biete bfeb bp tbe pacpent, 
 altoeil afoje tfje fpefcenefle, as in tlje tpme of tbe 
 t nt fpefee-
 rpcfcctteflejjtsagc, tbeflrengtbof b&boDp, bte 
 crctcpfe, and p lac c, toljere ft e frtsgeft aboDe mtys 
 rout!), to bctljcr it bete bpe o; lobe, toatrp o? d#\ 
 Cbis3truft 0)aU be fufftocnt, toinfltuctea 
 pfttfition : be t!;at Defpjetl) to fcno to mo?e particu- 
 lar^ bereof ,!et fjim re }e tbe b ofces of i^tpoetates 
 <25alcne, Cornelius Cell us , Sctuanus, ]3aulu0, 
 anD Dm ers otbet late to?itccs,f o; tins Iptteli tees 
 tj>fe map e not ceeepue it* 
 The oreceptes of the iuncient ph'tjkion Diodes 
 vnto kynge Anugoms. Cap. u 
 VSUcfopllnotoc DiuiDe ttjeboDpof man Otto 
 foute partes, tfte tjeaD, rtje bo ulfee, called in 
 f atpn thoux, totycije contemner!) tbe b;eft, trjeftDes, 
 tfte ftotnafccanb entraples- Cfte belp,calleD m l&> 
 tpn venter, contepn etb tl;e panctje anD tbe botoels* 
 3Hfo tfte blaDDec, calleo in larwi vr/io, t n tfje tofyu 
 dje name is alfo contepneD trjecunDptcs, bptfre 
 toftict) btme paffctlj. SEftan anp Dpfeafe appjo* 
 cftctb to tlje fceaD, tfjefe tofcens Do commonlp p^ 
 ceoe,f topmmpnge in tlje fteao, ijeaD acWjcutues 
 of tl)eb;otoes, founDpngemtrjeeares, p#efcpn= 
 gesin tbe temples, tbe eyes in tljemojnpnge Do 
 toater, ojtoatcDpmme, t&efmeilpngc is Dulle,fi 
 gummcsDo rtoeile* uban tftou felcft fac&e to= 
 bens, f ojt&foitft pourge tfje rjeaD toitb fomctobat, 
 not toitb beftement meDtciues 3 but tabmge 3|fope 
 o? 4D?ganum,anD tbe eroppes of ttjem bople but!) 
 iibvt* o; clam fynt ^aif e a ppnte, anD fyecfottl^
 gatgattfe pout mout!) faftmge,tmtpU cge fleam* 
 beptirgeb outeof poureljeao, tins istbeeafpelt 
 medicine in Dtfccaftes of tbe bead. 3t is alfo beep 
 bolfo me to gar ganf e t^e m o utl? t and b;eft tottfr 
 bonptoatec, brfjeninomuftardeisputandmpn* 
 gled, btttfitftetfce tjeaD muftbe rubbed imtb a 
 ttmrmeclotbe, tyattbe fletrmemapeeafpircome 
 out of fyc &eab. Md tftfjcfc tokens be ntgletteb, 
 tbefe manecof QtcfcenelfesDo folotaefone after, 
 bleared epes, a* Rumour lettpnge ftg^t, clef tes in 
 tbe eares,ftoellfnges fir tbe necfe ful of mattet ; cal 
 left tbe binges eupll,co?ruptio of tbe tyait^pofes, 
 01 reumes*beupnes of tbe bed,anb tootb acbe* 
 C^ban tbe bu [fee is Iphe to f uffet anp fpclmtes, 
 itispercepued bp tbefe tokens, all tbe bodp is in 
 a ftoeatte, tf>e bulfce m oft fpeeiaiip, tbe ttmge toa- 
 jtetb fypcfte, tbe fpettpil is eptbec fait o j bpttee,o; 
 cbolerpfee, tbefpbesanb flHrttldersboafeeuritiM 
 out anp occafion, tb* patient gapetb often, alfo 
 tbere dotbe bappen mocbe toafcpiigc, fuffoeate 
 ons o? lacfee of bjetb, tbirfte after flepe, tbe mpnb 
 is bejceb tm tb beupnefle, alfo tbe tyeft and arm es 
 ateberpeeolde, andtbebandes doo tremble* 
 Sgapnft ttjefe tbpnges tbts remedp mapc be pjo* 
 updcd. lifter a moderate fouppet, aflapc to bo= 
 mite foitboute anp medicp n e : bomtte is alfo p^ 
 fp table, tobfcbe meate DoMfolofuetl^e tbatm 
 ftiebe topfe tmll bomite,let btm eate baftplp fmall 
 radpftye tootcs, totonfcerfis, rofcatte, fpnup, o; 
 putftane, and d#nfceafterJtagreatequantitte 
 if toarme &atec, and pjouofce tipm felfe to o* 
 mpte* $e tba t fcttctlj ipttcil bp tbe fapDe fatten*. 
 tettcbpm feare tl;cfe fpdicuclTcs folotopnge, tbe 
 plcurcfic, tbcfictmics of tJ;e lunges, melancolpe 
 o?maDtte0,Qarpe fetters, tfteftanfpe, tbeletat; 
 gte, tnflamatton lmtb pejcinge. 
 Jf anp fpcfeencflebc totoarDe tf?cbealpe, tbep 
 mapc be efptcDbptbef .tokens, tl;e bcalp ts ffrfte 
 tD?appcDroget!Kt, anD in it felfe tg troubles, all 
 meates anD D;pnfccs Do feeine bptter in taftjje fe * 
 ietb f;cupnclTc in bis h n ees> a ftpffencs in bis iop- 
 ucs, a focarmcflTe in ail bis boDp tottbo u t anp oc* 
 caDion, a fleppnefle tnbts legges,toitft a Ipttell fc= 
 uet, tobantboufcleftc tbcfetobcns, mollpftetbe 
 beaty, not totrb meotcpne, but toitb gooD ojDer of 
 &tete, fo; ttjis bed anD mod tofe tbofe ttyn= 
 Ses, tobetoflpgbtlp map enfue none annopance, 
 in tbe number of tbem are betes bopleD in toatet 
 of bonp, garltfcc fobben, malotoes,fo2el,mercurp, 
 anD alt tbinges conDitc in ft nnp.3(U tbefe Do espel 
 tbe o?Dure of tbe belp:but if anp of tbe faiD ftgnes 
 fcotfce mo;e $ mojc increafe, tbe Ipquour, toljeretn 
 tbe feDe of cnbm j 5 calipD alfo Cn\cu$ 9 is bopIeD, 
 is a plcfant $ Cure meDtcinc* final coletoo?tes bop* 
 Icd m a good quantttie of tuatec,tl;e I trout tberof 
 in m cafure.ti. p tntes, faupnge tlje tft itD parte of a 
 p mt, toitb bonp $ fait being Djunftcn, fljall p jof ite 
 mocbxicfr, 9 tbe p ulf* calltD in latin mum, in en- 
 fllifye J fuopofe cftittes) tn toatet D;unfe fading) 
 batt) tbe fame effect. Co tbem, tobicb ret Ipttell bp 
 tbe faiD tol$ens*t&efe tufeafes do foDenlp bappeu* 
 Jf lujce of tbe bealp,bluDDp flujee, flppp ernes of tbe 
 ICXI. 91 
 botoels ,pe*nes in tbe gu t0, ac&e tit Ruckle bones, 
 tbe f euer tecctane, tb e gotote,tbe apopletfe 02 pal* 
 fep in tbe Ipmmes ^emojotbcs^fctnge of fopntes. 
 C /uoban tbe blabber t0 totoacbe anp ftcfcenes, ft 
 10 peecepueb bp tbefe tokens, f ulnefle felt after Ip 
 tell meat, b;ektnge topttDe botone toaroe and bp- 
 toarbe, paleneflfe of colotsiftn all tbe bqpp>beup 0? 
 troublous (leapes, tbe bcpne pale, anbpaflpnge 
 f o?tb pepnef ullp, ftoeil pnges about tbe cobbes $ 
 p;tup members, Wban tbefe tokens appere,tbati 
 10 it eicpeDict to baue remcbp of obo?tfetous t&in* 
 ges, tobicbe Do ecpell b ttne, tobicbe (ball be bone 
 tmtboutanpperplltoftb tbe cotes of fenelletpec* 
 f elp (hepeb one 0? ttoo Dapes in good tobtte topne, 
 anD to b?tnfee tbecof f afttnge euecp mo?mng tffte 
 ounces anb ttoo blames, tottb tbe toater of totlbe 
 cacettes, 0? elpcampane, tobtcb of tbefe ts lejct at 
 b anbe, euetp of tbem baue Ipke effecMlfo toater 
 tojjectn tbe peafpn tallpb in latpue Cicms, ace (lie 
 peb, bepnge b;unke tottb tovnt* is Ipke commobf * 
 ufe : be tbat neglected tbe fapbe toftens.let bint 
 lofce fo j tbefe fpcketteflcs folotopnge , tbe b; jp fp, 
 tbe gceatnes of tbe fplene, gcief e in tbe Ipuec, tbe 
 ftone, acbe of tbe bac&e, 0; pepttes in tbe capnes, 
 tbe btfficultte of b cme 3 f ulnefle of tbe beip* Jn all 
 tbefe tbmges tbat toe batf 1 fpoke of, toe tyal gtue 
 to cbtlD;e moft eafp mebtcmes, to mm, tbofe tobt- 
 cbe be ftronge* in toojtunge* 
 CCbis btete of iotocies, altbougb at tbfs tpme 
 ttfemetb not mode pleafaunt, nojaccojbpngeto 
 tbe practice notoebfeb, pet Uingetemp?eb tottb 
 b tbat,
 fyat, tot) ielj 3 fjau e b d o;c rcmcmb;cD , fo me tljmg 
 map be foiiDe in it, toljicb ban q; crpertenceD, map 
 be as commoDiouB fojtljebelt!) of mas bobp, 80 
 tyat Dtctc,tol;icl; is mo;e cutpotts o; pleafaunt. 
 Of tbr m in trbop \\onuhs mctt \s* 
 Tiep in toftome ctutomablp meate 10 cojrup* 
 tcD, ictt!)emafo;ett)atrt>cpeateanp meate, 
 affap to bompte, D?i nfcpn ge f toete topne,abftcpne 
 from meate, tljat mgenDer botcftcg, inflammati- 
 ons, fumou0 nictitations 0? Dap ouc0, anDta&e 
 fucijeas nourpft gooD tupce, anD cbofe tftcm -out 
 tol)ic\) Do molltfp t&ebelp, $ at fnnDjp tpmes ta&e 
 tljem. 3Jt 10 alfo gooD to take temperatlp # totycb 
 lotofetb tlje belp, as tljt meDf cine called ?icu and 
 to abftepne from fur ty tljf ngc0, to&ecbp pll tupce 
 tegatHreD, anDDoingenDerfpcfeeneflte, fyarDe 
 tobecuteo ojnetter, as gonte0, boneac&e, pep* 
 Of the veme of incites, dp. 15* 
 ^ t&at 10 &nDpott0 abottte tl;e conferuatii 
 on of ipaltlje, In ncDetfj to fcnotoe t&e fcer* 
 Oribajus (ye of meates* C&e meate fo&tc&e fjatb bertue fo 
 mifopu Attenuate, ojmafce ljumours fubtplleatopenetb 
 ' t\)t poo;e0 } anD b;pngt& fojrtje tbat toljtct)ct0 
 fade m tfje flefdje , it mabetb tfeat tottfefye 10 
 clammpe, fubtplie , and boetbe ertenttate, 0? 
 relent tfrat toftt'eft is fattc, it bjpngetlj fo;tt?c tljafl 
 tobic&e abiDctl) iouge in tfte bealp,bttt tljat toljiclj 
 10 eaten,** a fttpet S trtte toatrp anD colespke,an& 
 BOKE. 91 
 at Ungtfc iwhttb melancolpfce blouDe* ixtyetf oje 
 tnocfjebftngeof tfjem tepjofjibtteD fpectaUpeto 
 tbcm, cbatatc coIetpfce 3 anD onlp fecuet^ fo; ftem 
 r^at are replete toi tb fleume, critDe, o; b notgeftcD 
 Uumours, elammp o; fattc. Cbe Dtete of f attpnge 
 tbtnge0, Dotbe nou nOje ah unoantlp, foo tljat te 
 Goma&eanD Ipuet Do Dpgeft toell : merteof gooD 
 tupccmafcety gooD biotiDcbutpet ft ftoppetf) t&e 
 Ipuer anD fplene* C&efe Do t&ep^icbc mafec fat 
 Rumours oncip, as the potiife callpD Lm'icuU, anD 
 tbcpt&atarefipmp Ipfeetnalotoee, fomeDomafce 
 fat burnouts, $ be alfo (lpmp 9 as f iftes fcuty bard 
 Qelle*. tfpnallp t&e Dtete, to!;icl;c Dotlj ejctenuate 
 anD mafce lcanc,f mo;e fure f o; ft cppng of fycltlh 
 ttjan tbat tebiclje fattetb mocb* i3o?tfytnge mes* 
 tes tooID be t &etf o# moDeratelp bfe D, tofjan a mS 
 petcepuet^ bpm feife to Ijaue neDe tfyerof, U mape 
 be mod fucclp DfcD of t^cm tbat be ejccrcifeD tcin* 
 pecatelp, anD can ffcpe toban rtjep ip ft* Cbep tbat 
 can not flepcbp teafon of etercifc, lette tbepmef* 
 cbetoe fattpngemeate0, lettenonepDellepecfonc 
 attempte to fcfe tbcpim 3fn tbe pjeferuatton of 
 Ijcltb, fluggarDpi0tbegreatteftmifcbiefe. &pfce 
 as tbe temperate mouinge ts gooD, fo is tbe meat 
 tobtcljc bettoene tbpcfce anD tbpnne, t0 to manned 
 beitbmoft continent, fo^cbingenDjetb blouDe, 
 m coding to tbe competent conftit utton of mans 
 boDp, * tbecfoje (0 it to be cljtcflp bfeb* fl eatc of 
 pil tupce is altoap nopf ul ktobccf o?c ft ougbt to be 
 efcljctocD. flplietopfctbe bacfetteof mentcsts to 
 be obferueb Diiigentlp, f 0; it i0 a great tbpnge to 
 btf couple
 couple toel togftbeetbinges of contrarp bettue*, 
 fo; if tfyp be not toellDigefteD, tbattobic&cisres 
 cepucD, map b;tngc D tfplcafute. 
 f A Jirtr frefcrttdtuie in the tyme of ft* 
 Mcnce. Cafitklo. 14., 
 'ie bufcues mod apte to be tnfcctcD, ate fpect- 
 allp fanguincti m toktihe, tba f 1 eumatifce, 
 lafte mdancolpfee,fo? in tbcm tt>c Rumour beingc 
 coID anD D?pe, is mod tmapt to recepue ptttrifa* 
 ction 3 bauinge alfo ftrapte parages , bp tfjc tobictj 
 Marfiiius ^ en i m muftpaffe.CbeDtetconuenient fo? J tpme 
 cmu5# t0 to abftem fro metes,mflamig $ openfg po?e* 
 alfo from tbe beat of tbe fonne, fro to mod) tjcate 
 cf f ice,o; gatmentcs,ftom Dcrp t?ot betbes,* mo- 
 d;e bfe of tart tbmges,ejccep t onions anD etfcojp, 
 o; raDitoe tottlj trineger, fo; tbep Do refill agamft 
 b emm, from tome beep f unrifyc, ejeercife mcontfe 
 Dent after meales,f rom ftoetttng,from al tfyin gt $ 
 t^attopircaufe oppilattons^putnfactton, from 
 tbmcres tyot 9 motif, to^te mopfture batb tyc Do- 
 minion in Degree/peciallp beinge not fufitcientlp 
 boileD : alfo from mtlfcccjcccpt tt be tn a Ittel qua* 
 ti te,$ tbat foitb a lit el fugar. jf cutis $ berbts cold 
 $ D?p,$ tbertoitb foure o? fomfobat bitter, are not 
 p?obtbiteb*3|f pe eate f tgges, grapes, o; ftoete cbe 
 ties, eate after tbem of an ojenge foitb fait* Jf pe 
 eate tbinges coID $ m opft, as c'u cubcrs, melones, 
 fp (I) e fo f t a nD f ceffbe, o? Damfp ns,cat c bp anD bp 
 after fome feneUnD o;enge foitb falt 5 D?pnfcpnge 
 iljetfoitfj a D^augtyte of gooD topne* Eefoare of
 lOKE | 
 mutter on&mocb putflane, gout&e0 3 anb al otijes 
 tl)tngcs,to^cl)c topU Tone pu tnfce : no t foitftftaifc 
 bmge,3i topli not f ojbpb eatinge of lettpfe 3 tottb a 
 fetoe mpntes.oj mprt totrij cpnamom.aili tbingea 
 fo to;e ace commenDeD 3 aftoel in Diet confeeuatiue, 
 asmtbat fobtcbets curattue o^ealctl;, eiccepte 
 folate tbcrc is ftraptnefife tf f tfje b?cfte, o; toeafce* 
 nc0 of e^e ttomafe, tijan ougbt tfjep to be tempjeb 
 toitb fu gatjfait, almonD tmlfcc 3 cmamom,peppet, 
 fenell,faffron,egge0,anb fome tbmg tljattB fatte 
 o? bnctuou*. Capers ar good to be Web toitb b t- 
 ncget*Cbefe beep fatte ano falt,ts not comenbeb, 
 no mo?e 10 coletootfes, o: anp fcpnbe of puife, ex- 
 cept cbittes : great peafon, tapes^io? fppnaclje 10 
 goob Mo tbere be fojboben rofeat anb muftarb, 
 motive tome anb egge0, eccept t\) ep b e eaten toil* 
 ftnell faticc, bpneger o? tupce of o?enge0 : perfeip 
 anb alfo parfnepes be goob* netoe fopnes be nop- 
 f nll,let tlje meate k fometofcat mo?e $an typntte. 
 but pet fuftepn not to mocb hunger no? tbp?ft- be 
 bare of lecfeerp, of a do tobp toetfjec anb dofe, tU 
 cfjetoe mocfte refojteo? tfeongeof people, *)pn= 
 bee commpnge from f ennes o? mojes, f torn (lepe 
 at none: bfefoitlj pour meate tljispoulDer, ran- 
 bets rebbe, balf e an ounce, cpnamom tbje b?am* 
 me0 anb a balfe, fafftor ijalfe atyamme; Zlttr 
 pour meate, care a Ipttell of co?ianbet febe, foelle 
 pjeparcb, 3(ntbe mojnpnge, at a temperate fp?e 
 fccmbe pour fceb baefcfoarb, clenfe pour bobp anb 
 fceabof all fuperffuities : fcfcalfo moberatefti* 
 cafte0, Mtl) toete perfumer* anb obour0, toafl&e 
 aii* often*
 oftmtrmcsrour faceanD fyanDegtottb purebp* 
 ncgcr mprt ttut!? rofc tuatcc 3Rn colD toctber mprC 
 ft tDitft mpntes, baulmc, rue, o; mp2tc0,attD Come 
 tpmc cloues. 3m bottc fommer imtb rof cs 02 bpo -- 
 lettcs* 3boue ail tbpngcs bfe to take to&ptc bine 
 g od , tpft 1 tc bpnegcc rofette, tea tec f r fee, in u 
 qua!! po;aon0,p u t t&ecbnto a Ipttel fetualco: of 
 tyc rpnoe of a citron, ana D?pnfce t&erof a iptteil, 
 anD oftentimes toatye tbcrtottl? pour IjanDes and 
 fcpfage. <J?)eDicmesp;cfetuaucagajmft tlje pe* 
 fti!ccrto$ tcb be altoap mod rebp, ar tijck.a figge 
 hjul) rue, and a toai uutte eaten faftpnge, alfo tri* 
 afele, 0? nut totoa te, to olo men a Diamine foeigfct, 
 topongemenftalfe aD;ammc, ojafcrupleDiirol* 
 tD in bpneger anD rofe toatcr, 02 in toa tec of to:- 
 luentiil, fcabiofe, 0; balmc, if t^e plage be in Tom* 
 mer : tftt be in topnter, putteto ttjetoaters fome 
 tobttciutne^irotbepilleB callpD eomonlpPilM* 
 R^/if, but in DeDetfjep foeretuuenteDbp iflufus) 
 are berp e jccclicnt , fpeciailp if tl; c aloe, fn^cc^e i0 
 in tt 9 be toatyeD,anb tfcerebnto abbeb a Iptel b ol* 
 otwi, er tai/figi\Ut4, anD if t&e perfon be of Ijot 
 completion, a q uantitte of f o?e!l febe, anD reD co> 
 ralljtljts confectioncD tottf) fp:opeof citrons, in 
 colD comp !enons,oj to o!D mm tuitb toi)ite tup ne, 
 rife t^emeuerp tbp?D b?*> one pille at a t tmc,tb?ee 
 Routes 0; foure afo^e Diner 0; fupper. 3If pe taite 
 ttiahic 02 30 .t!;2iDate,abftepne from meate at tlje 
 lead fpje bouces after, 3 pece of tfte rote of fetual, 
 bo:ne m tl)e mo otb,p;efecuetb from infection. 3 
 Ufeeiwfe ml) fo#li c^elcD faftmg> anD t&e iupce 
 BOX! 54- 
 fUckeb fcotone. Co pooje menne, flparfilius teas 
 toont to gptte a to ft e of b; caDe ft epeD in btneger, 
 tottb a piece of an onpon o; cetoe^l tbmges tobt* 
 cbe be eojD iall>tfja t ts to fap>tobicb o in anp to tfe 
 comfort tbebatt>Do refill peftilcce, tenement an* 
 gee, o; beupneffe, be fcerp pecmno us> ot&er moje 
 ecqutfite anD cofllp p;efeamttuc0> 3) purpofelp 
 paffe ouer, tol^tcii $?aeMtus , $ ot&cr p btfctions, 
 Do Wtt of abunoantlp, fo^afmocl) as 3! Defp?e to 
 be m tbfe toar ke c ompent>iou0*)ne tbing 31 baD 
 almoft f ojgotten,tbat tbere 10 no better p^efectta? 
 tint, tban to fie from $e place co;rupteD 3 betpme 
 ano farreof, anD to let none appjoc&epou, $at 
 barf) made tbcic aboDe, to!) ere t be plage is fetuct. 
 dg)o?eottec recepue not into pour bous anp ftuffe, 
 tbat rommetfy out of a boufc, toberin anp pecfou 
 &atb ben tufecteD. f ojttbatb benefene, t^atfts* 
 cbe ftuffe Ipenge tn a cofer fad fl&utf c bp tije fpace 
 of ttoo peres,aftcr t!;at ft e coffer batb be openc D, 
 tljep tobtcb ftatie Hanoi nigb to tt^aueben Infect 
 teD, 9 fo tie after baue dwd* *} ut b ere J altoap cr- 
 eep t tfte po toec of goD, tobtcb to toonDecf ul^ alfo 
 merctfulUboue mis refon 0; confelLflfectiphg 0; 
 ftrifcig toljom, toba 5 tobcre tt %all like bts mate* 
 ft te,to toljom be glocp $p?apfe cucrlaflf ng.3mctt. 
 C t h v s make 3tan eWeof t&is treatpfe, De* 
 fpnnge ttjetn tbat 6) all take p;o fit e tfcerbp, to De= 
 fence it a gapnft entipoufe Dpfoapne, hi to&ome 3 
 bauefct fteaoucnturc, fo?tbe lone tbat 31 beare 
 Co mp countrep : ecqupjinge all b oneft pb ifit tons 
 to remember, tyat tfje intent af mp labour toas, 
 men ant) too m m teo m gc tiits toar ke, ant) obfefc 
 uingc tf;c counfaplcg tberin, QuilDe aoapte tbec= 
 bptbmbooicg, torccepue moje furetemeDp bp 
 tbe meDictneg p?e parcD bp gooD pbifittons to DS* 
 gcrous fpcfeenefles, tbep fccppnge good Dpet,an& 
 f nfourmpngc Dtligentlp #e fame partitions, of 
 mancc of ft^etc affectea. pafftons, ann fcnfibleto* 
 fecti0. Stab fo Qjall t be noble anD mofte neceffacpe 
 faenceofpbifpfce, tottft tl^e minifteM tfcereof,efr 
 cape tbe fclaunDec,tobtcb tbcp baue of long tpmc 
 fuftepneb, and acco?Dpnge to t!;e pjecepte of ttjt 
 topfc mam be toojtbelp bonou reb, fojafmocbe as 
 tbe bpgbeft gob bpb create tye pbifitton , fo; mas 
 neceffitie, $nb of tbe eattb cteatcb meDtctne, anD 
 $ topfe man tyall not ab&oje it. Cbus face pe toel 
 ijentpll reDec0,anD forget me not tottb pour gooD 
 cepo?r, anDpjape tooD tyatjbeneuertoatg 
 l j n d i n i in xdibus Thomx Serthe- 
 lcti typis impreff. 
 Cum priuilcgio ad imprimen- 
 dum folum.
 Thomas Elyot 
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