IP IT o 51 11- CO CD r- Q ■ 1 > i^DDRESS ON THE HISTORY OF JOURNALISM — IN — NORTH CAROLINA, DELIVERED BY W. VV. H OLDEN AT THE NINTH ANNIAI. MEETING OF THE PRESS ASSOCIATION OF NORTH CAROLINA, HELD AT WINSTON, JUNE 21, 1881. SECOND EDITION -RE-PUBLISHED BY REQUEST. ^i^^_ RALEIGH: NEWS AND OBSERVER BOOK AND JOB PRINT. A.DD RESS ON THE HISTORY OF JOURNALISM -IN NORTH CAROLINA, . DELIVERED BY W.'''W;'''h OLDEN, AT TIIK NINTH ANNUAL MEETINfJ OF TlIK PRESS ASSOCIATION OF NOirni CAROLINA, IIKIJ) AT WINSTON, JUNE 21. 18S1. » ■ » » ♦ -*V * m t » • J i t i « 3 > » SECOND EDITION -RE-PUBLISHED BY REQUEST. RALEIGH: NEWS AND OBSERVER BOOK AND JOB PRINT. /Il^ 'k • • • • • • • • • • • • •••••■ ADDRESS. Mr. President, Ladies and Gentlemen, and Gentlemen of the North Carolina Press Association : I learned with equal surprise and gi-atification that I had been chosen to deliver this address; surprise, because I have not the honor to belong to your body, and have been for nearly ten years out of the editorial harness ; gratification, that so distinguished an honor should have been conferred on me. In this case certainly "the office has sought the man, and not the man the office." I have approached the duty of preparing this paper with hesi- tation and anxiety, since the task of writing the history of jour- nalism in North Carolina is one which no man can adequately pel-form ; and since also I have to follow the distinguished editors, yourself (Mr. Battle,) in 1878; Mr. Cameron, in 1879, and Colonel R. B. Creecy, in 1880, who were the selected speakers for those occasions. We learn from Martin's " History of North Carolina" that print- ing was introduced into this State in 1749, by James Davis, from Virginia, who set up a press in Newbern. His paper was a small weekly, and was called the "North Carolina Gazette." His paper continued six years. On the 27th of May, 1768, its publication was resumed, and continued until the Revolutionary war. The second press was by Andrew Stewart, Printer to the King, at Wilmington, in 1763, called the "Cape Fear Gazette and Wil- mington Advertiser." This paper ceased in 1767. Stewart's paper was succeeded by Adam Boyd's "Mercury," which ceased during the Revolutionary war. The first revisal made in this State of the laws was printed by James Davis, Newbern, State Printer, in 1752. From the color of the leather with which it was bound it was called the "yellow jacket." In 1776 newspapers were printed at Newbern, Wilmington, Halifax, Edenton and Hillsboro, Had copies of these papers, says (4) Wheeler, been pivserved in the State archives, the history of that period would have been much better known than it is. In 1812 papers were printed at Raleigh, Newbern, Wilmington, Edenton, Tarborough, Murfreesborough, Fayetteville and Warrenton, but there was no paper west of Rileigh. Governor Swain, writing in the "University Magazine," February, 1861, says: "We possess copies in a pretty good state of preservation of all the Acts of the General Assembly, passed and printed during the Revolution. The pamphlet containing the laws of October session^ 1779, con- sists of 34 pages, 16 small folio, the remainder in quarto. The continued scarcity of paper in 1781 compelled the Public Printer to adopt a similar arrangement. Even writing paper was not always at the command of men in high official station." He adds that he had thought that the earliest paper mill estab- lished in the State was by Gotlieb Shober, at Salem, in 1789, but he offei-s proof that there was a paper mill at Ilillsboro in 1778. There were four printing offices in operation during the Revo- lutionary war, one at Newbern, another at Halifax, a third attached to the army of Cornwallis, and a fourth in the army of General Greene. I have in my possession a bound file of the "North Carolina Chronicle or Fayetteville Gazette," printed in 1790. It is a very small weekly, six by seven inches. It was printed by George Roulstone, for John Sibley & Co., at Franklin's Head, in Greene street, Fayetteville, at "thre^ dollars per annum." Like all the papers of that period, and indeed of the early part of the present century, this paper contained little editorial, but is made up of foreign and domestic news, advertisements, Legislative and Con- gressional proceedings, and the like. I have also a valuable file (kindly loaned me by John Gatling, Esq., of Raleigh,) of the "State Gazette of North Carolina," printed at Edenton by Henry Wills, Joint Printer to the State with A. Hodge, running from January 10, 1794, to October 19, 1797. This is also quite a small weekly. The "post days" at Edenton were, for the Northern mail, Tuesdays, and the Southern mail Wednesdays. I find no terms of subscription in this paper. Among othei names at that time common to that locality I find the following : Standin, Skinner, Brough, Cowper, Goodwin, Granbery, Newby, Hamilton, Simons, Blount, Brownrigg, Egan, (5) Littlcjohn, Payne, Williams, Allen, Ming, Haughton, Norfleet, Norcom. I find in this file an advertisement by William Polk, "Supervisor of the Revenue District of North Carolina." Also, "A charge delivered to the grand jury of the District of North Carolina, in the Circuit Court of the United States, held for the said State at Wake Court House, June 2d, 1794, by James Iredell, one of the Associate Justices of the Supreme Court of the United States." Documents signed by George Washington, Edmond Randolph, Napoleon Bounaparte, Anthony Wayne, Henry Knox, John Jay and Lord Greenville appear in this file. Probably two of the most remarkable and useful men who ever lived in this State were Francis Xavier Martin, a native of France, and Joseph Gales, Sen., a native of England. Mr. Martin was born in Franc^e in 1764, and died in New Or- leans in 1846. He settled in Newbern in 1786, and for a while taught the French language. He learned printing, established a newspaper, and published school books, almanacs and translations of French works. In 1789 he was admitted to the bar, of which he soon became a leading member. He prepared and published treaties on the duties of sheriffs and other officers, made a digest of the laws of the State, and reported the decisions of the Confer- ence Courts, all the while pursuing his avocation as a printer. He was appointed by Mr. Madison a Judge of the Federal Court for Mississippi Territory, was transferred thence to the Federal bench in New Orleans, and afterwards served thirty-two years or* the Supreme Court bench of Louisiana. By engrafting certain princij)le8 of the common law upon the system of civil law then in use in that State, and by his rare knowledge of the law^ generally, he acquired the title of Father of Jurisprudence of Louisiana. He received the degree of Doctor of Laws from Harvard College and Nashville University. He was w^orth one million dollars at his death. His labors in North Carolina as printer, editor, collator, reporter, essayist, and the variety of books and pamphlets which he published, cannot be overestimated in their importance and value. Mr. Martin was a favorite with Mr. Gaston and the leading families of Newbern, and was universally esteemed. It was re- lated of him that while he kept bachelor's hall in his small house and p'inting office he gave a party, to which he invited all his (6) fiiends. And they came, filling his house, his office, his dining room, the 'upstairs, the front yard, the back yard, until, over- whelmed with their kindness, he went to Mr. Gaston, rubbed his hands together as was his wont, and exclaimed, " Mr. Gaston, vat sal I do? Mr. Gaston dey all come!" Mr. Gaston relieved the little big-hearted man, whom all the people loved, by requesting the family living opposite to him to open their palatial mansion to his guests. The request was graciously complied with, and Xavier's party was a happy one, and for a long time the talk of the" town. Joseph Gales, Sen., was originally a printer and a bookseller at Sheffield, England, where he founded and published the " Sheffield Register." He was born in 1760, and died in Raleigh August 24th, 1841. As the editor of the "Register" he warmly espoused the cause of liberty. The principles of the French Revolution were convulsing Europe, and Mr. Gales, probably with more zeal than^prudence, was so outspoken in his support of these pnnci- ples that he was in danger of arrest and imprisonment by the British Government. Whereupon, in 1794, he left England with his family and came to the United States in 1795, having spent some months on his way at Hamburg, Germany. After residing four years in Philadelphia, during which he carried on the printing business, he was induced by Mr. Macon and other friends to transfer his establishment to Raleigh, where, on the 22nd of % October, 1799, he established the "Raleigh Register." T have in my possession the first volume of this paper, running two years from the first number inclusive. I also have a copy of the "Sheffield Ins," formerly the "Register," with the motto from Oowper, adopted by both papers : " Ours are the plans of fair delightful peace, I^nwarped by party rage, to live like brothers." Mr, Gales was succeeded in Sheffield by James Montgomery, the poet, who had been reared in his family, and this copy of the "Iris" bears his imprint. The infiuence of the "Raleigh Register in the hands of Joseph Gales, and imder the conduct of his son, Weston R. Gales, and of his grandson, Seaton Gales, was potent in shaping the politics and character of our State. The "Register" was always on the side (7) of law, order and good morals. Like the "Intelligencer," at Washington, establishecf by his eldest son, Joseph Gales, Jr., and conducted for^so many years by Gales & Seaton, the latter one of the sons-in-law of Joseph Gales, Sr., the "Register" did not teem with editorials, especially while in the hands of the Senior Gales. The seniors among us will recollect that the "Intelligencer" spoke to the country not oftener than once .a week, but when it did speak, in support of or in defence of its principles, it was with such fulness, discrimination and power that the whole country was moved and impressed. Edward J: Hale, Sen., Esq., w^ho was reared as a printer in the "Tiegister" office, and was a member many years of Mr. Gales' family, in a^recent letter to me says : "The feeling in regard to editorials in that day was well ex- pressed by that eminent lawyer, Peter Browne, who complimented me for good sense, half a score of years later, in giving the news and eschewing editorials." I am sure I will be pardoned for making further extracts from Mr. Hales' letter. He says: "Mr. Gales was a man of untiring industry. Besides editing the *• Register" he kept all his accounts, made out bills, gave re- ceipts and conducted a book store. He was also a director in a bank, secretary of nearly every benevolent society in the city, member of one of the State boards, etc. His accomplishment as a sliorthand writer was of great advantage to him in all these occu- pations. * * * Pie was never idle. When not occupied by company, of which there was a great deal at his house, attracted by his own reputation for sound sense, and by the hospitality of his brilliant wife and accomplished daughters, his evenings were devottd to writing and reading. He was a man of few words. His wife, on the contrary, was a great conversationalist. * * * When I entered the "Register" office in 1812, Mr. Seaton, who had married Mr. Gales' second daughter, was associated with him as editor. Mr. Gales, Senior, being the whole or part owner of the "Intelligencer," at Washington, edited by Joseph Gales, Jr., transferred to Mr. Seaton a half interest m that paper, and he re- moved to Washington in 1812. The whole world knows how eminent the "Intelligencer" became under the conduct of Gales and Seaton." (8) The editors of the "Intelligencer" enjoyed the personal friend- ship and were the social peers of such men as Madison, Monroe, John Quincy Adams, Webster, Clay, Jackson and Randolph. They reported alternately the debates in Congress, for which they received a salary of $1,000 per annum. Mr. Seaton reported a number of the speeches of Mr. Randolph, and Mr. Gales reported the great speech of Mr. Webster, in reply to Mr. Hayne on Foote's resolutions. Time and space would fail me should I attempt to sketch at length the lives of Weston R. Gales and Seaton Gales. They were graduates of our University, men of letters and learning, largely gifted with genius, orators and forcible and graceful writers. The dust of the grandfather, and his son and grandson sleeps in Raleigh cemetery ; and the remembrance of their useful and spot- less public lives, and of their numerous private virtues, is very dear to all our people. It would require a volume to do justice to the character of Joseph Gales, Senior, and to the beneficent influences which have resulted from his life and labors. These influences still operate. His example lives and should be imitated by all our young men, especially by the younger members of our profession. The "Hillsboro Recorder" was founded by Dennis Ileartt, in 1820, and was conducted by him, assisted by one of his sons for a time, until 1869, when he disposed of it to Mr. Evans, of the "Chronicle." It is now in the hands of a worthy successor, John D. Cameron, Esq., associated with Mr. Webb, and is known as the Durham Recorder. Dennis Heartt was born in Connecticut in 1783, and died at Hillsboro 13th May, 1870. In Mr. Heartt's day the double pull Ramage press was used, with buckskin balls tor inking the form. Printing was executed under many difficulties. Types were costly and were used from ten to fourteen years. The forms were sometimes underlaid with damp paper to bring out the impression. Mr. Heartt engi*aved the head of his paper, and with leaden cuts of various kinds illus- trated his articles and advertisements. He made his own compos- ing sticks of walnut wood, lined with brass. They were good sticks, and I remember to this day the sound made by the types a^ they were dropped by the left thumb into their places. The latest news fi-om China was printed once in three months ; and (9) ' t Noilhern news, brought to Hillsboro by the tri-weekly stage coach, was condensed and printed once a week. How slowly, in comparison with the present, did the world move at that day. Mr. Heartt was a good scholar and wrote well, but he seldom presented his readers with a column of editorial in any issue. He was a man of refined taste, and his selections were, therefore, ex- cellent. His integiity in all respects was perfect. No considera- tion could have induced him to abandon or compromise his piinciples, or to do wrong knowingly. I was a member of his family as one of his apprentices for six or seven years, and I knew him thoroughly. There were many features in his character and conduct which I could not then understand, but in reviewing the past I have since seen him in his true light, and I declare in this presence that the best man in all respects whom I have ever known was my old master and teacher, Dennis Heartt. His son and associate, Edwin A. Heartt, died on the 29th August, 1855, in the 36th year of his age. He was an able editor and a good man. Unusual honors were rendered to his memory. The county court of Orange, the town government, all the churches in the town, and the academies and benevelolent institutions put on the habiliments of mourning on account of the loss they had sustained. " Green be the turf above thee, Friend of my early days; None knew thee but to love thee, Or named thee but to praise." For many yeara the "Register," the "Minerva" and the "Star were the only papers at the seat of government. When quite a youth William Boylan removed from Pluchamine, New Jersey, to liis mother's brother, Abrara Hodges, first editor of the "Minerva,'* tlien State Printer at Halifax. Abram Hodges, during the Revo- lutionary war, conducted the Whig press of Samuel Lowdon, of New York, and just before the close of the war he conducted Washington's traveling press while the army was stationed at Valley Forge. At Mr. Hodge's death he left his press and other property to Mr. Boylan, who removed to Fayetteville, and thence to Raleigh with the "Minerva." There were heated controver- sies in those days between these three Raleigh papers, but Halifax, where this "Minerv " had sprung full armed from the brain of ( 10 ) Jove, was a hotter place politically than Raleigh. Politicians in that noted town met and fought every week or two. There was a paper called the "Halifax Compiler." Some mischievous wag altered the head so as to make it read "Helfire Compilax," and one whole issue was printed with this sulphurous title. For seve- ral weeks thereafter Halifax was a very hot place. Mr. Boylan was a useful, honest and distinguished public man. Among other places which he filled he served the people of Wake county in the House of Commons from 1813 to 1816 inclusive. He died at an advanced age in Raleigh, universally esteemed and honored. I learn from Governor Swain, in the "University Magazine," that the "Star" was founded November, 1808, by Calvin Jones and Thomas Henderson. Dr. Jones was an eminent physician, a man of science and knowledge, and an able writer. During the war of 1812 he was Adjutant-General of the State. The firm of Jones & Henderson was succeeded by Bell & Lawrence, and that by Lawrence & Lemay; and on the 3d September, 1835, Mr. Lemay assumed sole control of the paper. He conducted it many years, and it passed at last into the hands of Mr. W. C. Doub, and after a time ceased to exist. Mr. Lemay was educated as a printer by Thomas Henderson. Thomas J. Lemay was born in the county of Granville in 1802, and died in Wake county September 8, 1863. In 1836-37 David Outlaw, of Bertie, afterwards a member of Congress, and in 1840 Hugh McQueen, of Chatham, afterwards Attorney-General of the State, were his associates in conducting the "Star." Mr. Lemay was himself a good English scholar and was very successful as editor and State Printer. I knew him well. He was the friend of my youth, a just and good man. "The actions of the just Smell sweet, and blossom in their dust." The "Free Press," now the "Tarborough Southerner," was first issued in Halifax by George Howard, in 1824. Mr. Howard was a native of Baltimore. In 1826 he removed to Tarborough, where he resided until his death, which occurred in 1863. He was an able man, of unswerving integrity, a Democrat of the strongest Jackson stamp. He brought his paper with him to Taiborough. In 1844 the name of his oldest son, George Howard, Jr., then in (11) his 15th year, was associated with that of his father. Meanwhile the young man graduated at Chapel Hill, and in 1852 again assume^ control of the paper, and at the end of that year the paper passed again into the hands of the father. On the 23d September, 1875, the "Tarborough Southerner" passed into the hands of Dossey Battle, Esq., the late distinguished presiding officer of this body, who so worthily and ably fills its editorial chair. It is related that Hon. B. F. Moore once sought the publication of a Whig article in the "Free Press." Mr. Howard declined to publish it, when Mr. Moore exclaimed, "What do you call your paper .the *Free Press' for f "I'll change it," replied Mr. Howard, and the next issue was the "Tarborough Press." If this time-honored journal had been the means only of edu- cating Judge Howard, and presenting him to the State as one of Edgecombe's most useful and distinguished sons, it would deserve on that account our most respectful regard. Among the oldest printing establishments in the State is that of L. V. & E. T. Blum. The founder of the establishment, John C. Bhim, was born in Bethania, old Stokes, July 17, 1784. He died November 11, 1854. The Salem printing office was founded November, 1827. Several newspapers by different titles have pre- ceded the "People's Press," which still exists." That useful pub- lication, the "Farmer's and Planter'^ Almanac," was commenced by Mr. Blum in 1828, and has been continued for more than half a century. John C. Blum was of a friendly and cheerful disposi- tion, and was highly respected and esteemed wherever known. He was among the pioneer editors and publishers of Western North Carolina. Salem and Winston have been especially favored with good newspapers. Indeed, this locaAy has been for a long time the seat of learning and letters, and the publications which have emanated from it have been, and are now worthy of the thrifty and growing and enlightened population which compose those two towns. All of us, who are here present from a distance, ardently wish for this whole community the most abundant prosperity and happiness. Hon. Philo White, LL D., was born in Whitestown, New York, June 22d, 1799. After spending a few years in Utica, he re- moved to North Carolina, and in 1820 settled in Salisbury, and (12) became the editor of the "Western Carolinian," In 1830 he was appointed Navy Agent for the Pacific station. Returning home, on the 14th of November, 1834, he established the "North Caro- lina Standard" in Raleigh, and was elected State Printer. At that time the State Printer received a salary of $900 per year, which covered everything — paper, folding, stitching and binding. In 1836 he disposed of the "Standard" to Thomas Loring, and was for seven years purser in the navy. Afterwards he removed to Wisconsin, and held many important offices in that Territory and State. He was one of the founders of Racine City and the author of the system of plank roads. In 1856 Racine College conferred on him the honorary degree of Doctor of Laws. In 1849 he was Consul at Hamburg, Germany, and in 1853 he was United States Minister to the Republic of Ecuador. In 1859 he returned to his native place, Whitestown, where he still lives, in the 82d year of his age, closing happily and honorably a long life devoted to his country, to society, and to hosts of friends. In 1822 he married Nancy R. Hampton, of Salisbury. His oldest child, Maiy, was the first wife of Hon. John W. Ellis, after^^ ards Judge and Governor of the State. Several years ago his first wife died, and as a proof of his gallantry and his love of domestic life, he has recently married a second time, and his remaining years and those of his excellent consort are devoted to works of benevo- lence and charity in his native town. The lives of such men as Philo White and Edward J. Hale may justly be regarded as benefactions to mankind]; and the real but modest fame which encircles them mellows and glows more and more as they approach what men call death. "Nor love thy life, nor hate; but what thou 11 vest Live well ; how long or short permit to heaven." The labors of Mr. White for ten years as editor of the "Western Carolinian" were arduous and incessant. He was preceded by Mr. Samuel Bingham. Mr. Bingham and himself got out the first publication deserving the name in all that region of the State between Vn-ginia and South Carolina, stretching westwardly from Ilillsboro to the Tennessee line. Mr. White pervaded all this region in person or by his paper, diffusing light and establishing (13) mail routes for the benefit of the people. Mr. White thus con- chides one of his recent letters to me: "Being obliged to leave Raleigh in 1837, to attend to my father's landed interest in Wisconsin, I transferred the "Standard" to Thomas Loring, of whose management of the paper no one can know more than yourself. It was among the painful incidents of our lives for myself and family to be severed from our residence in the State and from social intercourse with many friends ; and I may here be allowed to reiterate the life-long sentiment of ray heart, that I shall ever cherish a deep affection for the good Old North State, ray political foster mother, whose very soiy rever- ence, as within it the dearest objects that ever sweetened existence and blessed my sojourn here on earth, lie entombed." Speaking of Mr. Hale, Mr. White says: "Edward J. Hale, our mutual and most excellent friend, was coirtemporaneous with my- self as a journalist, he always at Fayetteville, and I at Salisbury and Raleigh, and to hini I raust award the honor of being the patriarch of journalism in North Carolina, for he was probably longer continuously in the harness as printer, editor and owner of one among the first-class newspapers in the State than any other now living." Mr. White also refers in very kind terms to Mr. Bingham, who still lives, very old and blind, in the family of his daughter, Mrs. Judge Furches, of Statesville. And of our brother Bruner he says: "The 'Carolina Watchman' still exists and prospers, some half a century from its establishment, under the control of that excel- lent man and prudent journalist, J. J. Bruner." Thomas Loring, an educated printer, a native of Massachusetts, succeeded Mr. White in the "Standard" in 1837. He died about the close of the war in Goldsboro. He was a raan of good attain- ments, and for many years one of the ornaments of the press. Edward J. Hale, Sen., Esq., was born in Randolph county, October 26, 1802. His father died when he was seven years of age, and his mother when he was nine, leaving eight children. He was adopted into the accomplished family of his guardian, Colonel Edward Jones, of Rock Rest, Chatham county. He was sent to school one year, and at the end of that time, February 28, 1812, he was placed with Mr. Gales in the office of the "Ralrigh (14) Register," with whom he remained until 1824. He then went to Washington City, where he spent one year in the "Intelligencer" office, perfecting himself in his business. At the end of this time he was invited by John D. Eccles, Esq., and Colonel John McRae to Fayetteville, to assume editorial control of the "Observer." He conducted the "Observer" from the 8th of January, 1825, until March, 1865, more than forty years, when Shermajii's forces burned his office and bookstore, thus depriving him of his means of living. This vandalic act was similar to the outrage of Admiral Cockburn, of tho British forces, who, when he had captured Washington City in August, 1814, sacked the office of the "National Intelligencer." Forty years of active industry had blessed Mr. Hale with a comfortable fortune, which was well nigh obliterated by the stroke of war. In August, 1866, he re- moved to New York City and re-opened his business as publisher and bookseller. Though in his 79th year, he is still active and industrious. A true-hearted North Carolinian, he loves his State and her people, many of whom honor and cheer him by their visits when they are in his adopted city. His interest in his native State and his industry are shown by the weekly letters he writes for several of oiir newspapers. As soon as Mr. Hale's sons were of age, and had graduated at Chapel Hill, he associated them with him in his business. It is needless to say that their labors have been valuable alike to the public and himself. And here it may not be improper to state that in 1854 Mr. Hale and myself established the cash system in subscriptions to newspapers, which has worked so well, and without which the press of the State could not prosper. Every subscriber should read his own paper, and when he has paid for it in advance it is his. The "Fayetteville Observer" wielded for forty years a powerful influence in North Carolina. It circulated in every part of the State, but especially in the Cape Fear country. Mr. Hale is not a florid writer. His style is plam and clear, the " pure English un- deflled." He has that first quality of genius, the power of conden- sation. Mr. Hale has shown his good sense in that he never sought or held public office. The " Carolina Watchman" was founded by Hamilton C. Jones, Esq., in 1832. Mr. Jones is remembered as the able lawyer, the ( 15) genial gentleman, and the author of "C^ousin Sally Dillard." The '' Watchman" opposed the nullification movement, headed by Hon. Burton Craige in the "Western Carolinian." It is a singular fact, and evinces great tenacity on his part, that Mr. Craige, who was an honest and an able man, lived to be the author of the ordinance of secession in our State convention in 1861. Mr. Jones sold to Pendleton t\; Brnner in 1839. After some other changes Mr. Bruner became sole owner of the "Watchman," and has conducted it "since 1850. He is one of the old style, model editors. I am indebted to Mr. Bruner for tlu^ following information in relation to the Salisbury "Western Carolinian :" Editors from 1820 to 1823, Samuel Bingham and Philo White. From 1823 to 1830, Philo White. From 1830 to 1831, Burton Craige and H. Jeff. Jones. From 1831 to 1833, Burton Craige. From 1833 to 1836, John Beard. From 1836 to 1838, Dr. Ashbel Smith and Joseph W. Hampton. From 1838 to 1844, Dr. Ben. J. Austm and Charles F. Fisher. The paper then expired. All these, save Dr. Ashbel Smith, Philo White and Samuel Bingham, are dead. Colonel Charles F. Fisher, who was the son of Hon. Charles Fisher, of Rowan, had been a member of the State Senate, Presi- dent of the North Carolina Railroad, and Colonel of the Sixth Regiment North Carolina State Troops. He was slain in the first battle of Manassas while gallantly leading his regiment. Among the oldest editors in the State is C. N. B. Evans, Esq., of the Milton "Chronicle." Mr. Evans was born in Norfolk county, Virginia, in 1812. He has worked as a journeyman in Columbia, S. C, in Raleigh, with Philo White, in Richmond, Virginia, in Hillsboro, with Dennis Heartt, and elsewhere; and was once on the eve of goinu to Buenos Ayres, to work on a ])aper half English and half S[>anish, but was deterred by a civil war which 8\iddenly broke forth in that quarter. His first con- nection with the press as editor was with the Greensboro "Patriot." William Swaim, long since deceased, a brilliant writer, was the founder of the "Patriot." In 1835, when this paper was sold, Mr. Evans became the purchaser. He conducted the paper for several years, and sold to Lyndon Swaim and M. S. Sherwood. The first paper in Milton was by a Mr. Perkins, in 1818. He was succeeded by Benjamin J. Cory ; he by John Campbell, Jr.. who (16) died in Weldon a few years since, Mr. Kenyon succeeded Mr. Campbell, and the former, having failed in 1831, Nathaniel J. Palmer, Esq., established the Milton "Spectator." Mr Palmer died prematurely, from an accident many years ago, at hi^ resi- dence. Cherry Hill, near Milton. He was a native of Orange, a brothel" of John C. Palmer, Esq., of Raleigh, the latter of whom is a brother-in-law of Philo White. In 1841 Mr. Evans rented the old "Spectator" office and began the publication of the Milton "Chronicle." At the close of the war the "Chronicle" stopped, and Mr. Evans nublished, for two years, a paper in Danville, Va. ^Next, with his son. Captain T. G. Evans, he published the Hillsboro "Recorder" for two years, and then sold to John T>. Cameron. Next and last, in 1873 he re- vived the "Chronicle," and now, in his 69th year, he is still con- ducting the paper he established forty years ago. Mr. Evans, though by no manner of means a romantic person, has certainly led an eventful and romantic life. He is a capital editor. Like Xavier Martin, he sets up much of his editorial in his composing stick, without stopping to write it out. "Charley Evans," as he is called by his friends, could not do a dishonest thing if he were to try. It is the wish of the whole press of the State, whether he belongs to this association or not, that his last days may be his best days, and that he may long be spared to his family, his readers and his friends. I regret I have mislaid an interesting letter from Lyndon Swaim, containing a sketch of the Greensboro press. William Swaim died in the prime of manhood. His nephew, Lyndon Swaim, with M. S. Sherwood, conducted the "Patriot" many years, and gave it a high character as a newspaper. Some years since Mr. Swaim re- tired from the press. He has represented Guilford county in the Legislature. Mr. Sherwood died some years since. He also rep- resented Guilford county in the Legislature. And now, Mr. President, though I am sure I weary you, I must refer to another living editor, who, though not yet an old man, has made his mark indelibly in the annals of the State. William J. Yates, of the Charlotte " Democrat," is a native of Fayetteville, a practical printer, having learned the art in the office of the "North Carolinian," in that town. That paper was established by H.L.Holmes, and continued by W. H. Bayneand Robert K. Bryan, (17) the latter now the editor of the Fayelteville "Examiner," and in 1855 by Mr. Yates, who removed to Charlotte in 1856, and pur- chased the "Democrat." Mr. Yates has never been a candidate for office before the people, but in 1859-60 he was chosen a Coun- cillor of State by the Legislature, arfd under Governor Clark's administration was a member of the Literary Board. Mr. Yates has never been neutral on any public question, but has uni- formly expressed himself, without regard to the smiles or frowns of the public. Honest, candid, inflexible in his devotion to his principles, industrious, enterprising and public-spirited, we all re- joice in his "prosperity and wish for him many more years of use- fulness. I have thus imperfectly sketched a number of the luminaries of the press. Some of them have gone out, and others are still shin- ing. ' I might mention a great many others within my own recol- lection during the last iifty years who were tra ned writers for the ju-ess, and who have left shining pages of wisdom and wit in the State's history. Neither have I space to dwell on that very largo number of public men whose intellectual training may be traced to the habit early formed of writing for the press as correspond- ents or amateur editors. The old iown of Oxford has witnessed the training of such men as Goodloe, Wiley and Kingsbury, the latter now the scholarly editor of the Wilmington "Star." Mr. Goodloe is one of the ablest writers in this country, and Calvin H. Wiley needs no eulogy from any one. I say plain Calvin H. Wiley, for no title could add weight to his namp. He has pro- bably done more for the cause of letters in this State, and more by tongue and pen for the education of the people of all ages than any other living man. And this is true in a greater or less degree of all the cities, and towns, and villages in the State. Kind words uttered over the dead can do them no good. If they deserve these words, let them be said while they are living, that they may be thereby cheered and strengthened in their endeavors to benefit mankind. And John H. Wheeler, our venerable historian, who began to live almost with this century, whom I had the pleasure of seeing recently at his house in Washington. He has nearly lost his eyesight from intense labor in finishiiig the second edition of his history. His eye is dim and his frame totters, but his heart is still young, and its last pulsations, so far as things mortal are (18) concerned, will be for his beloved native North Carolina. Like Governor Swain, he has been writing nearly all his life for the press. Governor Swain once told me that his father being postmaster at Asheville, he imbibed his first love of reading when a boy from the "National Intelligencer." During his most valuable life lie wrote much for the press, especially for the "University MagM- zine." The same is true of Governor Vance, also a native of Buncombe county. When a youth of 18 he wrote for the Ashe- ville "Messenger," and in 1854 for the Asheville "Spectator," and in 1855 he became a regular editor, with John D. Hyman, of the latter paper. While at Chapel Hill, in 1852, he was one of the first editors of the "University Magazine." Governor Swain entered the House of Commons from Buncombe in 1824, in his 23d year, and Governor Vance entered the House fi*om the same county in 1854, in the 24th yeai* of his age. Governor Swain was chosen Governor in 1832, in his 3l8t year, and Governor Vance In 1862, in his 32d year. Both these men were poor in early life, but they were largely gifted with mind. I have no doubt that much of their great success in life may be traced to their habit, early formed, of writing for the press. " Hard are life's early steps ; and but that youth Is buoyant, confident, and strong in hope. Men would behold its threshold ami despair." I would earnestly urge upon the youth of the State, and especially on printers who aspire to be editors, the importance of learning and practicing the art of composition. A man who writes well thinks clearly, and may speak well also, if he will train himself to it. An editorial convention was held in Raleigh, November, 1837. The papers represented were the "Register," "Star," "Standard," Raleigh ; " Recorder," Hillsborough ; " Western Carolinian " and " Carolina Watchman," Salisbury ; " Citizen," Asheborough ; "Spectator," Newbern ; "Observer," Fayetteville ; "Telescope," Green sborough ; "Free Press," Tarborough ; "Journal," Char- lotte ; " Spectator," Milton. These men were so modest that their names were not even recorded in the proceedings. On motion of Mr. Loring, Dennis Heartt presided, and Weston R. Gales was (19) secretary. Mr. Gales, from the committee appointed for that pur- pose, reported some excellent resolutions, which were adopted, with rules for advertising and job work. But these rules were not closely adhered to. And here let me observe that it is idle to adopt rules of this kind if they are not carried out in good faith by all. All the other professions have their rules, to which they strictly adhere. If it is worth five dollars to make a motion in court, a subscription to a good newspaper should be more than two dollars per annum. If a visit by a physician is worth two dollars, an advertisement of fourteen lines should be worth the same for one insertion. Gentlemen, it would not become me to thrust ad'^e upon you, but let me urge you to look to your in- terests as^ther professions do ; to do good work, charge full prices, and not underbid each other for public patronage. Wheeler, in his history in 1851, gives a list of 44 papers then jmblished in the State; and Mr. Bennett, in his chronology in 1858, added 30 to Colonel Wheeler's list. Many of these have ceased to exist; some of them are continued under different names, and not less, I presume, than two-thirds of the editors living in 1851 have passed away. I do not know accurately the number qI newspapers and periodicals now published in the State, but I think I would not err materially if I should assume the number to be one hundred. I am painfully sensible, Mr. President, of the omissions and impei-fections of this address. I have referred only to the oldest presses and to the oldest editors and ex-editors, with incidental allusions to modern editors and writers for the press. I think I have not commended unduly those I have mentioned. I regret I could not sketch the lives and services of all these laborers in the fields of mind, whether present or absent on this occasion. I would respectfully suggest that the Association appoint some one to continue the history of the press at each communication of your body; and when, in the judgment of the Association that history shall have been fully written, that a committee be ap- pointed to condense it into a book, to be printed for perpetual preservation. Among the dead, not already mentioned, trained writers tor the press, but not editors, I recall the following: Dr. Joseph Caldwell, Archibald D. Murphy, George E. Badger, William (20) Gast5n, Francis L. Hawks, William B. Shepard, B. F. Moore, William A. Graham, William II. Haywood, Jr., Bedford Brown, Charles Fisher, Bartlett Yancy, Louis D. Henry, Robert Strange, John Orfty Bynum, Warren Winslovv, Edward Jenner Warren, Henry W. Miller, Robert B. Gilliam, Edward Conigland, Romulus M. Saunders, Charles F. Fislier, Asa Biggs, James B. Shepard, Perrin Busbee, H. W. Husted, William Hooper, Abram W, Yen- able, John H. Haughton, Charles Manly, Henry T. Clark, Henry I. Toole, John A. Gilmer, John M. Morehead, John H. Bryan, William H. Washington. Many others might be added. Some of these were editors for a short time, but editing was not their profession. Dr. Caldwell wrote much in favor of inlernal im- provements and public schools, and Archibald D. Murphy was one of the finest scholars and writers of his day. Some of his ablest papers in the way of reports may be found in the journals of the State Senate from 1812 to 1818 inclusive. It would be impracticable, as I have observed, to sketch modern presses and editors. This must be left * to the future. But I cannot forbear to refer to Henry S. Ellenwood, a native of Boston, who lived and taught school for many years in Hills- borough, the author of the beautiful verses, " The Marriage of tli£ Sun and Moon." He established a paper in Wilmington, and died soon after of apoplexy; and George W. Sitefi, the accomplished writer whom the people of Salem and Winston so well remember, who sat when a boy at the feet of Wordsworth and Poe, and listened to their harmonious numbers. And John W. Cameron, of the Wadesboro "Argus," whose career was so biilliant, and all too brief for the State he loved so well. And the two Fultons, Price, Burr and Engelhard, of Wilmington ; Mayhew and Pasteur, Newbern ; Machen, Mc Williams, Houston and Dimmock, of Washington; Raboteau, Busbee, Lawrence, Wilson, Merexlith and Pell, of Raleigh; Hybart, Cameron, Bayne and Sherwood, of Fayetteville ; Thomas J. Holton, of the Charlotte " Journal," who was reared by Philo White in the "Carolinian" office, Salisbury; Atkin and Edney, of Asheville; Webb, of Halifax; Yancy and Paschall, of Oxford ; Robert N. Yerrell, of Warreiiton ; of some ^ in the western part of the State, and indeed in every part of the State, including the great Albemarle region, whose names I can- not now recall, but who have left behind them on record marked (21) and honorable proofs of their attainments and labors as members of the profession. And there are many journeymen and foremen, modest, intelli- gent, unobtrusive men, who deserve notice and commendation. If the editor is the big wheel of the mill, they are the driving wheels, without which the mill would stop. Among these I may notice Thomas Covington, for so many years the foreman of the '-Register" office, who trained a number of young men for usefulness as good printers, including such men as Mr. Hale and Mr. David C. Dudley, of Raleigh, who is one of the oldest printers in the State, and much beloved and honored by the printers of Raleigh. John T. West, Esq., of Raleigh, deceased for some years, formerly a foreman and publisher in New Tor]^, gave Mr. Greely the first job that brought him into notice as a good printer. Mr. Greely remembered him affectionately, and when a candidate for the Presidency wrote him that if he should be elected he, Mr. West, must hang up his hat m the White House and stay with him a long time. The press has done more than all things else to diffuse intelli- gence among the people, and to acquaint the world with the character ol our State and her resources. In 1848 it forced the pas- sage of the charter of the Central Railroad, by which the East has been gradually but surely tied to the West by iron bands, and by which, most intimately and directly, this active and prosperous place of trade now has a railroad; for, if there had been no i ail- road to Greensboro there would have been no iron horse to-day in Salem and Winston. The press has fostered the University and the Colleges and the Public Schools. It has always ranged itself on the side of learning, liberty, social order and sound morals. It has uniformly rejected the isms which infest Europe and the Eastern and Western States of this country. Newspapers devoted to socialism, or to social equality, nihilism, communism, or to infidelity in any of its shapes or shades, could not live in the at mosphere of North Carolina. It is still a reproach to our people that ministers of the gospel, editors and teachers of our children and youth, are less cherished and supported than the other professions. Editors should be more united as a class, and should respect themselves and each other more than they have heretofore done. Let them bear in mind ( 22 ) that thoy are the peers personally and socially of the politicians and statesmen whom they so largely make. The "black art" of the printer and editor fills the world with light. The press is emphatically the power in this country. There is more potency in tlie click of the type in the composing stick than in the click of the musket. The roar of the steam printing press is more powerful in the councils of the world than the roar of artillery. Editors can- not create, they only collect and utter public opinion. Poets [nit into hamionious phrase the common things which all see and feel, but cannot express, and we are pleased or charmed with the poem because it voices our sentiments and our thoughts. It is so with the press. It leads by not seeming to lead. It condenses and pj;ppagates public thought. Its white-tipped sheets sail every- where, the messengers of myriad minds. They are seen in all public places, and they flutter down by every fireside. How much do they contain to solace the aged and infirm, to cheer and to animate and rouse the active and enterprising, and to mould and shape the minds and morals of the young! This great power, gentlemen, is in your hands. Use it well. Lift it up on high before all the people, that its light may stream out in all direc- tions. Let nothing unclean or vicious pollute your columns. Let the father, by his fireside, read your journals through and through to his wife and his children without bringing the slightest blush to the cheek because of one word even that journal may contain. And give and take good humoredly in politics. A disputant who loses his temper admits his own weakness or that of his cause. And let us all be as teachable as may be. ^ Wisdom will not die with us. Wise men are always learning, an>l it is to the teachable that wisdom opens her treasures But above all, gentlemen, let us be true to the welfare and glory of North Carolina. Let our chief attention be given to our h ome interests. The Republic is now so large that no one name can fill it, as in the days of Jackson and Clay. It stretches through twenty-five degrees of latitude, and stands with its vast breadth from sea to sea. Men, and even States are dwarfed in its pres- e nee. This remits us in a certain sense to our own State, and each man to his own work "over against his own house." Let us augment the wealth and gloiy of the State by making the coun- ties and cities and towns what they should be, by a wise and liberal ( ^3 ) development and cultivation of their resources; and thus let us contribute our full share to the renown and the power of the whole country by making North Carolina what she should be as one of the Old Thirteen. As Massachusetts men are true to Massachu- setts, let us be true to North Carolina. We would not boast of anything, but we are willing to be looked at and judged by the country and by our sister States. Our men are brave and true, and our women as accomplished and beautiful as any in the world. We have not lost in our moral status or Christian manhood be- cause, like Rhode Island and New York, we once owned slaves. In all these efforts to cherish and develop our home interests the press of the State must lead. We live in an age of great and startling events. The apparently impending war in Europe, A^a and Africa will pour floods of immigrants into this country. They are coming now at the rate of one hundred thousand per month. These immigrations may become irruptions. They will scatter themselves over the continent. Many of them will, after a while, settle in this State. They will bring with them their habits, their j)rejudices, their isms of all kinds, their knowledge and their ignorance, their accomplishments, their muscle for labor and their money. Through the influence of the press we must mould and govern them, not they us. Let them come from all quarters, but let us, as far as we can, preserve the character of our State for integrity, for devotion to law, liberty and order, and for a real, heartfelt regard for the pure doctrines of our common Christianity. And now, Mr. President, having detained you so long, I will conclude with a sentiment which has at all timeq and under all circumstances animated my heart ; a sentiment delivered by Willie P. Man gum fifty years ago, at a Fourth of July festival in Raleigh: " North Carolina, great in physical, in intellectual and in moral resources; the land of our sires, and the home of our affections." t UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY BERKELEY Return to desk from which borrowed. This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. l5Dec'54feH .# JANS 1955 lIU 28^ug'56PW REC'D LD AUG 1 4 igs6 LD 21-100m-9,'48(B399sl6)476 M214832 9/f- OdL THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY I