i +* ' t : ' '-it UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES Btfttfotijeca Cimosfa. OF ALL THE PUBLICATIONS OF THE AT LEYDEN, AMSTERDAM, THE HAGUE, AND UTRECHT, WITH INTR OD UC TION, NO TES, AND AN APPENDIX CONTAINING A LIST OF ALL WORKS, WHETHER FORGERIES OR ANONYMOUS PUBLICATIONS, GENERALLY ATTRIBUTED TO THESE PRESSES. BY EDMUND GOLDSMID, F.R.H.S., F.S.A. (Scot.) IN THREE VOLUMES. VOL. I. PRIVATELY PRINTED, EDINBURGH. 1888. Of this special edition there are only 200 copies printed on thick paper. AN aipbabetical Catalogue OF ALL THE WORKS PRINTED OR PUBLISHED BY THE ELZEVIERS. N.B.-IN THE COLLATIONS, THE ROMAN NUMERALS INCLUDE all PRELIMINARY MATTER. ABENCUFIAN, La vie du Roy Alman- sor. A Amsterdam, chez Daniel Ehevier, 1671, avec privilege du Roy. sm. I2mo. Trans'ated from the Spanish by D'Obeilh. It is printed in large type. Collation: xii and 202 pp. I leaf with privi- lege. ABRABANIELIS (D. I.) et R. Mosis ALSCHECHI Comment, in Esaise pro- phetiam 30. Lvgdvni Batavorvm, ex ojjidna Bonaventvra et Abrahami Elzevir. Academ. typography 1631. 8vo. Mr. Pieters following Adry, mentions an edition of 1645. As no other bibliographer has ever met with it, and as it is not in Daniel Elzevier's catalogue of 1674, it is probably apocryphal. Collation : xvi and 291 pp. 13 pp. of index. ACT 2 ADE ACTA Synodi Nationalis, in nomine Domini nostri lesv Christi. Lvgdvni Batavorvm, typis Isaaci Elzevirl, Aca- demics typography, Sorietatis Dordrechtanee sumptibus, 1620. Cum privikgio III. Ord. Generalium. Folio. Some large paper copies known. Collation: xl and 360 pp. for Acta; 252 pp. for Judicia theologorum exterorum ; 292 pp. for Judicia theologorum provincialium ; I leaf of errata. ACTES dv Synode National, tenu a Dordrecht, Tan C!D ID cxnx. A Ley- den, chez Isaac Ehevier, imprimeur jure de f Acad. Aux despens de la compagnte de ceux de Dordrecht. L'an 1624. 3 parts in i vol. 410. The French translation of the preceding article. Collation: 1st part, Ixviii and 618 pp.; 2nd part (dated 1622), viii and 332 pp. ; 3rd part (dated 1624), x and 356 pp.; 2 pp. of errata. ADELAIDE de Champagne. Suivant la copie imprimee a Paris, 1680. 4 parts in 2 vols. sm. 1 2 mo. The author was P. Dortigue de Vaumoriere. Collation: island 2nd parts, 165 pp.; I blank ADV 3 JELI leaf (the title to part ii. is on p. 87); 3rd and 4th parts, 176 pp.; 2 blank leaves. (The title to part iv. is on p. 93.) ADVERSUS novos pro KcuvoSo^io, conatus nova querimonia. 1664. sm. i2ino. Collation: 189 pp. ADVIS du gazetier de Cologne a celuy de Paris. Traduit d'allemand en fran9ois. 1647. 4to. This tract is undoubtedly a Leyden Elzevier. The head-piece on p. 3 is found in the Academic de /' efee. Collation : 35 pp. ^ELIANI (Clavdii) Tactica. LvgdvniBata- vorvm, apud Ludovicum Elzeuirium. Anno ClD.lD C XIII. 4tO. Collation: viii and 214 pp.; 3 folding plates facing pp. 173, 176, 179. et LEONIS Imp. Tactica. Lvgdvni Batavorvm, apud Ludovicum Elzevirium. Anno C!D!D cxin. 4to. This is the previous article, to which is added Leo's Tactica and the tract by Modestus. Collation : like the last article for ^Elianus ; 447 pp. for Leo ; one leaf on which is written, " Excvd. /. Balduini" &c. 8 pp. for Modestus. AFF 4 ALI AFFAIRES, (Les) qui sont aujourd'huy entre les maisons de France et d'Avs- triche, 1648. izmo. The author of this work is unknown. (See under the same heading amongst the forgeries). Collation : 384 pp. The same work, and edition, 1649. It is rather better printed than the preceding. Collation : 384 pp. The same work, 3rd edition, 1662. Collation : 384 pp. AAMEDIS Arabsidae Vitae et rerum gestarum Timuri, qui vulgo Tamer- lanes dicitur historia. Lvgdvni Bata- vorvm, ex Typographia Elseviriana. 1636. sm. 410. Collation : viii and 448 pp., numbered in Arabic figures. AITZEMA (L. ab.) Historia pacis. Lug- duni Batavorum, ex officina Joannis et Daniel.! Ehevier, Academics typograph- er um, 1654. 4tO. See also under Tractatus. Collatiion: iv and 872 pp. 6 pp. of index. ALIS Proverqia quaedam. Et carmen Togra'i', poetse doctiss. Nee non dis- ALT 5 AME sertatio quaedam Aben Sinae. Lvgdvni Batavorvm, exofficinaBonaventvrteet Abra- hami Elzevir. Acad. typogr., 1629. 8vo. Arabic text only. Collation : 24 leaves unnumbered (A, B, C in fours ; D in twos ; E in fours ; A in sixes.) ALTERA Appendix, seu Responsio S. theologise professorum in Academia Leidensi, ad Prodromum adversus ipsorum specimen a Remonstrantibus emissum. Lugduni Batavorum, ex officina Bonaventura et Abrahami Elzevir. Aca- dem. typograph. 1631. 4to. For the Dutch Version, see Anfwoorde op Den Voor- looper. Collation : 22 pp. I blank leaf. AMAMA (Sixtini Frisi), Anti-Barbarvs Biblicvs. Pranequer apud Ludovicum Elzevirium. Anno 1655. Sm. 121110. Collation: 569 pp.; 7 pp. unnumbered for key and index. Sixth edition. Amstelodami, ex offidna Elzeviriana. Anno 1659. Sm. 1 2 mo. Collation: same as 5th edition. Seventh edition, 1671. The least valuable of all. Collation: same as 5th edition. Evphormionis Lusinini sive Satyri- con, partes quinque cum clavi. Acces- sit conspiratio anglicana. Lugd. Bata- vorum, apud Elzevirios, A 1637. Sm. i2mo. There are two editions under the same date ; the first has pages 207 and 209 wrongly numbered 107 and 109. Collation: 717 pp.; I blank leaf. Second edition, 1637. Collation: same as 1st edition. Third edition, 1655. Some copies contain, after the title, an inserted dedication to Daubray, signed I4th Jan. 1655. As Jean and Daniel dissolved partnership three BAR 29 BAR months later, it was probably not added to copies sold afterwards. Collation: viii and 568 pp. Fourth edition. Amstelodami ex officina Elzeviriana, 1658. Collation: xii and 573 ??; I blank leaf. BARL^EI (C.) Poematvm editio nova. Cum privilegio. Lvgdv. JBatav., ex officina Elzeviriana. Anno 1631. Sm. i2mo. Collation: xvi and 511 pp. BARIvEI (L.) Oratio inaugurate de graecarum litterarum prsestantia ac utili- tate. Lvgdvni Batavorvm, ex officina Bonaventvra et Abrahami Elsevir. Academ. typography 1642. 410. Collation: 30 pp.; I blank leaf. BARRICADES (les) de Paris, en vers bur- lesques. A Paris, 1649. 4to. Until Mr. Willems discovered seven Mazarinades* in the Library at the Hague, it was not known that the Elzeviers had printed any. They certainly chose some of the wittiest. No one who has compared these seven pamphlets with the Elzevier 4tos., can doubt their being the * Under the name of Mazarinades are comprised the immense number of political pasquils issued during the civil war of the Fronde. BAS 3 BAS production of the Leyden presses. (See also Decision, Lettre a M. le Cardinal, Guerre civile, Raistns, R&it and Passefort.) Collation: 28 pp. BASSECOUR (F. de la). Sermons de pie"te", pour reVeiller 1'ame a son salut. A Amsterdam, chez Louys Elzevier, 1645. Sm. izmo. One of the rare Elzeviers. The Catalogue of 1674 mentions an edition of 1652 : this is probably a typographical error. Collation: xvi and 312 pp. BASSOMPIERRE (Mareschal de). Memoires. A Cologne, chez Pierre du Marteau t 1665. 2 vols. Sm. i2mo. This book was printed by the widow of Jean Elzevier for Steucker Brothers, of the Hague. In 1666, having started presses of their own, they reprinted the work with a fine portrait of Bassompierre. Both editions are equally hand- some, and the latter fetched as much as 48 at the Montgermont sale. There have been innumerable forgeries of this work. Collation: original edition, vol. i., x and 564 pp. Vol. ii. , title-page and 824 pp. Re- print, vol. i., x pp., including portrait; 552 pp. Vol ii., 813 pp. ; i blank leaf. BASSON (S.) Philosophise natvralis ad- versus Aristotelem libri XII. Ams- BAV 31 BAV terodami, apud Ludovicum Elzevirium. Anno 1649. 8vo. Collation: xxxii and 631 pp.; 40 pp. of tables. BAVDII (D.) Amores, edente Petro Scriverio. Amstelodami, apud Ludo- vicum Elzevirium, 1638. i2mo. Printed by Van der Marse for Louis Elzevier. This quaint collection contains the love con- fessions of Baudius, the Cento in faeminas of Capilupus, the nuptial hymn, and the Cupido cruel affixiu of Ausonius, two different texts of the Per-vigllium Veneris, Thomas More's Quatts uxor deligenda, and the An, et yualis 1659. Sm. i2mo. Collation: xxxii and 317 pp.; 3 unnumbered pp. for index and errata. BOG 47 BON BOGERMANNUS (J.) Het christelijck overlijden van den doorluchtichsten ende hooghgheboren Prince, Mavritivs van Nassau, Prince van Orangien, etc. hoogh-loflijcker ghedachtenisse. Tot Leyden, by Isaac Elzevier, ghesworen ordinaris drucker der Vniversiteyt. A 1625. Met privilegie der H. M. Heeren Staten Generael voor 8 iaren. 4to. A second edition appeared under the same date, as also a German translation bearing the name of Elzevier, but not printed by him. Collation: xxviii and 35 pp. N.B. The second edition contains only viii and 19 pp. BONAIR (De). La Politique de la maison d'Avstriche. Suivant la copie imprim'ee a Paris, chez Antoine de Som- maville, au Palais, a FEscu de France, 1658, awe privilege du Roy. Sm. i2mo. Though Mr. Pieters is of a different opinion, the work is evidently printed by Jean Elzevier. Collation : 233 pp. ; 3 blank leaves. La Politique de la maison d'Avs- triche. Avec un discours sur la con- BON 48 BON joncture pre"sente des affaires d'Alle- magne. De I'&ection et couronnement des empereurs et des roys des Remains. Suivant la copie imprimee a Paris chez Antoine de Sommaville, 1658. 2 parts in i vol. Sm. 12 mo. An enlarged edition of preceding article. A reprint was issued under the same date, &c., by Blaeu, but the collation is different. De Bonair was Varillas the historian. Collation: First part, 233 pp.; 3 blank leaves. Second part, iv and 130 pp.; 3 unnum- bered pp. ; I blank leaf. BONARELLI (G. de'). Filli di Sciro, favola pastorale. In Amsterdam, nella stamperia del S. D, Elsevier. Et in Parigi si vende appresso Thomaso Jolly, nel Palazzo, 1678. 241110. Collation: 168 pp.: 6 plates by Sebastian Leclerc. BONGARSI (J.) Epistolse ad Joachi- mum Camerarium. Lvgd. Batav., ex officina Elzeviriorum, 1647. Sm. i2mo. These letters are highly spoken of by Bayle, both for elegance of style and historical value. They embrace the ten years from 1588 to 1598. Collation: xii and 444 pp. BON 49 BOU BONNEFILLE (C.) L'Homme irr- prochable en sa conversation. A Leide, chezjean Elsevier, 1661. Sm. i2mo. Scarce and curious. Collation: xxiv and 413 pp.; i blank leaf. BOURIGNON (A.) Traitte' admirable de la solide vertu. Deuxiesme partie. Qui enseigne le chemin assure" de para- dis a tous ceux qui le voudront suivre sans feinte, sans fard et sans hypo- crisie. A Amsterdam, chez Pieter Arentz, marchant libraire, aux trois navaux, rue de la Bourse, 1678. 8vo. Mr. Campbell, the well-known librarian at the Hague, called Mr. Willem's attention to the following words at the end of the catalogue of Antoinette Bourignon's works at the beginning of the Dutch translation of this book : "Het eerste deel der Waare Deugt vint men by Michiel Pietersz. " Het tweede deele is nu onder de pres, in de Fransche tael, by Daniel Elzevier, boekver- kooper, op het Water. " Den 23 October anno 1677." This means that in October 1677, the se- cond part of this book was being printed by Daniel Elzevier. On examining it, it is clearly the work of that printer, and from the follow- ing entry in the catalogue of 1681, it would BOU 50 BOX appear that the first part had also been printed by the Elzeviers : "Bourignon (Ant.) de la solide vertu. 8. 2 parties. " premiere partie separee." Bourignon was a celebrated mystic. Collation: xxiv and 324 pp.; 4 unnumbered pages containing summary. BOURSAULT. Le Portrait du peintre, ou la contre-critique de 1'Escole des femmes, Come"die represented sur le theatre royal de 1'Hostel de Bourgogne. Suivant la copie imprimee a Paris, 1663. Sm. i2mo. Scarce. Mentioned in the catalogues of 1675, l &7$ and 1681. Collation: 45 pp.; I blank leaf. BOXHORNIUS (H.) Anticvyckivs et Commentariorvm de Evcharistica Har- monia, libri tres. Lvgdvni Batawrum, ex officina Ludouici Elzevirij. Anno M.D.XCVIII. 8vo. Collation: 127 pp. for the Anticuyckius ; 421 pp. for the Harmonia; 13 unnumbered pages of index ; I leaf of errata ; between the first and second pages of the index, a tolded sheet containing a Tabula Methodica. BOX 51 BRA Commentariorum de Eucharistica Harmonia libri tres. Lvgdvni Bata- vorvm, ex offirina loannis Paetsij, et Ludovici Elzevirij. Anno dfo.Io.xcv. 8vo. Collation: xxxii and 421 pp.; 13 unnumbered pages of index ; I leaf of errata. BOXHORNIUS (M. Z.) Adillustr. Dom. Thomam Howardum, comitum Suf- folcii filium ac fratrem etc., sponsum ; cum domum duceret nobil. eximiam- que virginem Walburgam a Kerckhove, sponsam. Lugd. Batav., ex offirina Elzevir, 1646. Folio. Mentioned by Mr. Pieters in his catalogue of his library. Collation: 8 pp. BOYLE (R.) Tentamina qusedam phy- siologica diversis temporibus et occa- sionibus conscripta. Amstelodami, apud Danlelem Elzevirium, 1667. izmo. Collation : viii and 424 pp. BRA (H. a) Medicamentorum simpli- cium et facile parabilium, ad icterum et hydropem, catalogus : et quomodo BRA 52 BRA iis utendum. Lugd. Batav., ex officina Ludov. Elzevirii, 1597. 8vo. I mention this book on the authority of Paquot (Memoires, vol. ix., p. 89). BRANTOME. Memoires, contenans les vies des hommes illustres et grands capitaines frar^ois de son temps. A Leyde, chezjean Sambix le feune, a la Sphere. 1666. 4 vols. Sm. i2mo. These volumes are evidently the work of the Am- sterdam house. Of the works of Brantome, this is the only one printed by Daniel Elzevier. The collection may be completed by adding Les -vies des Dames illustres de France, Leyden, 1665 (printed by Foppens at Brussels), Les -vies des Hommes illustres et grands capitaines estrangers, Leyden, 1665 (printed by Hackius at Leyden) or Leyden 1666 (2 vols. printed by Foppens); Les -vies des dames galantes Leyden, 1666 (2 vols., printed at Amsterdam, in all probability by Wolfgang) ; Les Anecdotes de la cour de France, sous lei Rois Henry II. Francis II., Henri III. et IV., touchant les duels, Leyden, 1722. All these works bear the imprint of Jean Sambix le jeune, a la Sphere. Though very incorrect, this edition is much sought after, and fetched as much as 10 at the De la Villestreux sale. Collation: vol. i., viii and 417 pp.; 3 blank leaves. Vol. ii., iv and 404 pp. Vol. iii., iv and 442 pp.; I blank leaf. Vol. iv., ii and 352pp., the last unnumbered BRO 53 BRU BRONCHORST (E). In titvlvm Diges- torvm de diversis regvlis ivris antiqui enarrationes. Lvgdvni Batavorvm, ex officina Elzeviriana. Anno 1624. Sm. 8vo. Collation: xxxii and 338 pp.; 12 unnumbered pages of index. Second edition, 1641. Sm. i2mo. Collation: xxiv and 355 pp.; 5 pp. of index. Third edition, 1648. Sm. i2mo. A line for line reprint of the 1641 edition. Collation : as above. BROUWER (H.) De Jure connvbiorvm apud Batavos recepto, libri duo. Am- stelodami, apud Casp. Commelinum, 1665. Cum privilegio. 4to. The ornaments prove that it was printed by Jean Elzevier's widow. Collation: xx and 718 pp.; 46 pp. of index; 2 pp. of errata. BRUYDOF-DICHT, Ter eeren des eersamen ende godtsaligen Henrici de Pvtter. Sich iu den echten staet ver- bindende met de eerbaere ende deuch- trijcke Jonckvrou Digna Hvyghens. Den 1 8 novembris, anno 1618. Tot BUG 54 BUG Leyden, by Isaac Elzevier, in fiaer 1618. 410. Collation: 12 pp. BUCHANAN (G.) Paraphrasis Psal- morvm Davidis poetica. Lugduni Batavorum, typis Isaaci Elzevir I, iurati Academics typographi. Sumptibus Hen- rid Lavrentl. Anno 1621. i6mo. Extremely rare. Collation: 421 pp.; I blank leaf. The same work. Lvgd. Batavorum, ex officina Elzeviriana, 1628. 24010. Collation: ii and 561 pp.; 15 unnumbered pages of notes. Poemata quse supersunt omnia. Lvgd. Batavorvm, apud Abrahamum Elzevirium, Anno 1621. 241110. Abraham Elzevier having purchased most of the copies of this edition, which was printed at Saumur, inserted a new tide-page. In the library at the Hague, there is a copy, to the second part of which is prefixed the original title-page, bearing the imprint Sa/mtu-ii, ex typis jfoannis Burelli, 1620. Collation: xvi and 316 pp.; part ii., 376 pp. Poemata quse extant. Lugduni BUG SS BUR JBatav., ex offidna Elzeviriana, A 1628. 24mo. Collation: 511 pp.; 14 unnumbered pages of notes ; 3 blank leaves. Poemata quas extant. Amstelodami, apud Danielem Elsevirium^ 1676. The edition of 1628 is to be preferred. Collation: 531 pp.; 10 unnumbered pages; I blank leaf. Rerum Scoticarvm historia. Ad Jacobum VI, Scotorum regem. Ac cessit de jure regni apud Scotos dialogus. Amsterodamt, apud Ludo- vicum Elzevirium, 1643. 8vo. Some copies bear on the title-page the words ad exemplar Alexandri Arbuthneti, editum Edim- burgi. Collation: viii and 818 pp.; 38 pp. of index. The same works. Ultrajecti, apud Petrum Elzevirium, 1668. 8vo. A facsimile of the former edition, differing, how- ever, in the ornaments. Collation: as above. BURGERSDICIUS (F.) Collegium phy- sicum, disputationihus XXXII. absolu- BUR 56 BUR turn. Lvgd. Batawrvm, ex offidna Elzeviriorum, 1637. Sm. 12 mo. Collation: iv and 353 pp.; 3 pp. for syllabus. The same work, 1642. An exact reprint of the previous edition. Collation: as above. Idea philosophise moralis. Lvgd. Batav., ex offidna Elzeviriana. A 1623. Sm. i2mo. Collation: xii and 348 pp. The same work. Lvgdvni Bata- vorvm, ex qffidnd, Elseviriana. Anno 1629. Sm. i2mo. Collation: xvi and 258 pp.; 2 unnumbered pages of index ; 2 blank leaves. The same work. Lvgd. Batavorum, ex offidna Elzeqiriana. Anno 1640. Sm. i2mo. Collation: 261 pp.; 2 pp. of index. The same work. Lvgd. Batavor., ex offitind. Elzevirian^ 1644. Sm. izmo. There are two editions under this date : the second has page 261 numbered 161. Collation: as in 1640 edition. BUR 57 BUR Idea philosophise natvralis. Lvgd. Batavorum, apud Bonavent. et Abraha- mvm Elzevirium. Anno 1622. Sm. 1 2 mo. Collation: viii and no pp.; i leaf for table and errata. The same work, 2nd edition. Lvgd- Batav., ex officina Bonaventurce et Abrahami Elzevir. Acad. typography 1627. Sm. i2mo. Collation: viii and 125 pp.; 2 pp. of index. The same work, 3rd edition. Lvgd. Batavorvm, ex officina Bonaventura et Abrahami Elzevir, 1635. Sm. i2mo. This edition is mentioned by Pieters and by Renouard in his "Catalogue de la Bibliotheque d'un Amateur," vol. i., p. 193 ; but neither Mr. Willems nor myself have been able to meet with it. The same work, 4th edition. Lgvd. Batavorvm, ex officina Elseviriorum, 1640. Sm. i2mo. Collation: 86 pp.; I leaf of index. The same work, 5th edition. Lvgd. Batavorvm, ex officina Elseviriorum, 1645. Sm. i2mo. Collation: as above. BVR 58 BVS The same work, 6th edition. Lvgd. Bata-vorum, ex officina Elzeviriorum, 1652. Sm. i2mo. Collation: as above. BVRGI (P. B.) Genvensis de Bello Svecico commentarii, quibus Gvstavi Adolphi, Suecorum regis, in German- iam expeditio usq. ad ipsius mortem comprehenditur. Leodii, apud Henri- cum Edelmannum. Anno 1639. Su- per iorum permissu. Sm. izmo. This is a reprint, even to the very imprint, of a work published at Liege in 1633. This edi- tion was published but not printed by Louis Elzevier. Collation: vi and 416 pp.; i blank leaf. The same work, figuris seneis ador- nata. Leodit, apud Henricum Edel- mannum. Anno 1643. Superiorum permissu. Sm. i2mo. A fine edition, printed in large type by Louis Elzevier ; scarce and sought after. See also under Forgeries. Collation : viii and 424 pp. ; 25 portraits. BVSBEQVII (A. G.) Omnia quae extant. Cum privilegio. Lvgd. Batavorvm t ex BVS 59 CM officina Elzeviriana. Anno 1633. 24010. There are two editions bearing this date : the head- ing of the Letters in the first reads Episto/e, in the second Ephtolae. Collation: 575 pp.; 23 unnumbered pp. of index. The same work. Amstelodami, ex officina Elzeviriana. Anno 1660. A line for line reprint of the Leyden edition of 1633, to which, however, it is inferior. Collation: as above. C^SARIS (C. J.) Qvse exstant. Lvgd. Bat. Typis Isaaci Elzevirl, sumptibus Henrici Lavrentii, 1619. 8vo. The first edition of Ctesar issued by the Elzeviers, Collation: viii and 480 pp.; 54 pp. of index; 2 folding maps facing p. I. - The same work. Cum commentariis variorum. Lugduni Batavorum, Pros- tant in officina Elseviriana, 1635. Folio. This book was printed by George Corvinus at Frankfort, as may be seen by the Colophon. Collation: xxxii and 265 pp.; i blank leaf; 24 pp. of index. ; 207 pp. of notes. - The same work. Ex emendatione CM 60 CM los. Scaligeri. Lvgdvni Batavorvm, ex offitina Elzeviriana. Anno 1635. Sm. i2mo. Four works produced by the Elzeviers may be reckoned their masterpieces : the Casar and Pliny of 1635, the Virgil of 1636, and the Imitation, without a date. Of these, the Caesar, in my opinion, ranks first. Mr. Willems calls it, *'Un des plus enviables joyaux qui puissent orner 1'ecrin d'un Bibliophile." The genuine first edition may be recognised by having the buffalo's head above the dedication, and the pages 149, 335, and 475 numbered in error 153, 345, and 375. The finest known copy is in the National Library of Paris. A tall copy is worth from 12 to 20. There are two reprints under this same date. The first is extremely fine, and is known by the siren's head above the dedication, and by having page 238 numbered 248. The second reprint is very inferior, and has 37 lines to the page instead of 35. Its collation is therefore different, being viii and 526 pp., with 34 pages of index. Collation: xxiv and 561 pp.; 70 unnumbered pages of index; 3 small maps, generally placed between signatures * and **. The same work. Amstelodami, typis Lvdovici Elzevirii. Sumptibus sorietatis, 1650. 24010. A poor edition. Collation : 456 pp. ; 56 pp. of index ; 3 fold- ing maps facing p. 3. CM 6l CM The same work. Cum selectis variorum commentariis, opera et studio Arnoldi Montani. Accedunt notitia Gallise et notse auctiores ex autographo losephi Scaligeri. Amstelodami, ex offidna Elzeviriana. A 1661. 8vo. A well printed edition. Collation : xvi and 918 pp. ; 32 pp. of index; I blank leaf; a folding map facing p. i. The same work. Ex emendatione los. Scaligeri. Amstelodami^ ex offidna Elzeviriana. Anno 1661. Sm. lamo. An exact reprint of the 1635 edition. Collation: viii and 526 pp.; 46 unnumbered pages for index; 2 blank leaves; 3 maps. The same work. Amstelodami, typis Danielis Elzevirii, sumptibus sodetatis, 1664. 24010. A reprint of the 1650 edition. Collation : 456 pp. ; 56 unnumbered pages for index. The same work. Cum selectis vari- orum commentariis opera et studio Arnoldi Montani. Amstelodami, ex offidna Elzeviriana. A 1670. 8vo. CM 62 CAL A line for line reprint of the 1661 8vo edition. Collation : xvi and 918 pp. ; 32 pp. of index ; 1 blank leaf; a folding map facing p. I. The same work. Ex emendatione los. Scaligeri. Amstelodami, ex officina Elzevir iana. Anno 1675. Sin. 12 mo. A poor line for line reprint of the 1661 izmo edition. Collation: viii and 526pp.; 46 pp. of index; 2 blank leaves; 3 maps. C^ESII (P.) a Zesen Leo Belgicvs. Am- stefadami, apud Ludovicum et Danielem Elzevirios, 1660. Sm. i2mo. Collation: xxiv and 346 pp. ; 34 pp. of tables ; 2 pp. of errata; I blank leaf. CALDER^E (C.) de Heredia medici ac philosophi Hispalensis Tribvnal medi- cvm, magicvm et politicum. Lugduni Batavorum, apudjohannem Elsevirium, Academ. typography 1658. 2 vols. in i. Folio. Collation: 1st part, xii and 534 pp.; 22 pp. of index. 2nd part, 194 pp.; 18 pp. of tables; 4 pp. of supplement. CALVINI (J.) Magni theologi, Instit- vtionvm christianse religionis libri CAM 63 CAM quatuor. Lvgdvni Batavorvm, ex offi- cina Johannis et Danielis Elsevier, Acad. typogr., 1654. Folio. Some copies bear different imprints, but they do not contain the dedication to Heidanus. A most splendid work. Collation: xliv and 544 pp. ; 54 pp. of index. CAMDEN (W.) Annales rervm Anglica- rvm, et Hibernicarvm regnante Eliza- betha. Lvg. Batavorvm, ex ojficin& % Elzeviriana, 1625. 8vo. Collation: xxii (including portrait of Elizabeth, by Crisp van Queboren) and 855 pp.; 40 pp. of indices. The same work. Lvgd. Batavorvm, excudebantur typis Elseviriorum, 1639, 8vo. A reprint of the edition of 1625, but better printed and on finer paper.* Collation; xxxii and 856 pp.; 38 pp. of indices; I blank leaf. CAMPANELL^E (T.) DeMonarchiaHis- panica discursus. Amstelodami, apud Ludovicum Elzevirium, 1640. Sm. 1 2 mo. * See also under a Forgeries. CAM 64 CAP Some copies merely bear the imprint Amtelodam, 1640. Collation: xii and 560 pp. The same work. De Monarchia Hispanica. Amsterodami, apud Ludo- uicum Elzeuirium. A 1641. 241110. An improved edition of the last work, printed by the Leyden Elzeviers for their Amsterdam relative. Collation: viii and 376 pp., the last being erro- neously numbered 379. The same work, 1653. 241110, A line for line reprint of the 1641 edition. Collation: as above. CAMPANI (M.) De Alimenis Spoletini. Amstelodamiy apud Danielem Ehe- virium, 1678. Sm. 12 mo. Printed in large type. Collation: 65 pp.; 3 blank leaves. CAPPELLI (J.) Observations in Nowm Testamentvm. Amstelodami, apud Lu- dovicum et Danielem Elzevirios, 1657. 4to. Collation: iv and 502 pp. (L.) Diatriba, de veris et antiquis Ebraeorum literis. Amstelodami, apud CAR 65 CAR Ludovicum Elzevirium, 1645. Sm. 1 2 mo. A curious book. Collation: 336 pp. CARDANI (H.) Arcana politica. Lvg- dvni Batavor., ex officina Elzeviriana. Anno 1635. 24010. This had been previously published under the title of Proxeneta (which see). There is a second edition bearing the same date, but the dedica- tion of which, instead of being dated 1634, is dated 1656. Collation: xvi and 608 pp. Proxeneta. Lugd., Bat., ex officina Elzeviriana. Anno 1627. Sm. i2mo. Scarce. Collation: xxiv and 767 pp. CARDINALISMO (il) di Santa Chiesa, diviso in tre parti, 1668. 3 vols. Sm. i2mo. Written by Gregorio Leti, as a pendant to his Nipothmo di Roma. These volumes are inter- esting from the fact (proved by comparing them) that the first and second were printed by Daniel at Amsterdam, while the third came from the Leyden press of Jean's widow. Collation: vol. i, 392pp.; 2 leaves of tables; Vol. ii, 394 pp.; 5 leaves of tables; 2 blank leaves. Vol. iii, 391 pp. The CAR 66 CAR tables, on 6 unnumbered pages, follow the title page. CARMEN censecratum sempiterno honori prsestantissimorumvirorum, qui strenue, nee sine gloria, pro conservanda patria, urbe, Academia studiosi Lugd. Bat. bonorum gaudio militaverunt a 1672. Lugduni-Batavorum, apud Abrahamum Elzevier, Academics typograph., 1683. Folio Collation: 19 pp.; 5 unnumbered pages. CARMINA epithalamia in nuptias claris- simi et summi viri Danielis Heinsii, et lectissimge virginis, Ermgardis Rut- gersiae, celebratas Dordrechti xvi maij. Scripta ab amicis. LugduniBatavorum^ typis Isaad Elzevierl, 1617, 2 parts in i vol. 4to. With this should be bound up Epithalamivm in nvptias Danielis Heinsii, et Ermgardis Rutgersiae. Scriptum a Jano Casperio Gevartio Antverpiano. Lugduni Batavorum^ typis Isaaci Elze- vierl, 1617. These two tracts have but one series of signatures. CAR 67 CAR Collation : 24 pp. for the first, and 8 pp. for the second tract. CARMINA gratvlatoria, in honorem loannis Klenckii. Lvgd. Batavor., ex officina Elsevir.) 1642. 4to. Collation: 1 6 pp. CARION (J.) Chroniqve et Histoire vni- verselle, contenant les choses plus memorables auenues es quatre souuer- ains empires, royaumes, reipubliques, et au gouuernement de 1'Eglise, depuis le commencement du monde, iusques a 1'empereur Charles cinquiesme. Aug- mentee par Ph. Melanchthon et Caspar Pevcer, et reduite en cinq liures, traduits de latin en fran9ois. Ensemble deux liures adioustez de nouueau aux cinq precedens, compre- nans les choses notables auenues en 1'Europe sous 1'empire de Charles cinquiesme, Ferdinand premier, Maxi- milian second, et Rodolphe second. Pour Louys Elzemer, M.D.XCVI, 2 vols. 8vo. The first French work bearing the name of Elzevier. CAR 68 CAT It is'no other than the book printed by J. Berjon, 1579, 2 vols., 8vo, which was purchased by Louis Elzevier, and to which he added a supplement of 103 pp., and reprinted the first sheet so as to introduce the new title-page. No perfect copy is known, but the Library of the Hague possesses the first volume, and the library of St Petersburg the Second. Collation : vol. i, Ixiv and 858 pp. ; 68 unnum- bered pp. for indices. Vol. ii, 366 pp. (book v) and 665 pp. (books vi and vii) ; 103 pp. of supplement. CARTWRIGHTI (T.) Harmonia evan- gelica. Amstelodami, apud Ludovicum Elzevirium. A 1647. 4to. Printed by Hackius, whose name appears on some copies. Collation : viii and 1 142 pp. ; 36 pp. of index. CATALOGUS bibliothecae publicse Lug. duno-Batavse. Lvgd. Batav., ex qffi- cina Elzeviriana, 1623. 4to. Mentioned by Paquot. Lvgd. Batavorum, ex offidna Elsevir. Acad. typography 1636. 410. Collation: iv and 237 pp. Lugd. Batavorvm, ex offidna Elsevir. Acad typography 1640. 4to. The same edition as the previous one, with a new title-page and 4 pages of appendix. CAT 69 CAT Collation: as above. The 4 pp. of appendix are inserted between pp. 200 and 201, and are wrongly numbered 221-224. Lugduni JBatavorum, apud viduam et heredes Johannis Elsevirii, Academics typography 1674. 4to. Collation : xxiv and 424 pp. ; 4 unnumbered pages. Librorum miscellaneorvm, ex C. et E. V. Reineri Bontii bibliotheca, quorum venditio fiet xn martii. Lugd. Bat., ex offic. Elzev., 1625. 4to.* Mentioned by Dodt von Flensburg in his work : Over de Elzeviers', p. 6. Collation: 63 pp. Librorvm illustris bibliothecae, quse fuit Theodori Canteri Ultrajectini. Lugd. Bat., typis Isaaci Elzevir I. Anno 1617. 4to. Mentioned by Pieters in his Annalet, p. 65. Collation: 56 pp. Variorum et insignium librorum Cornelii Copier a Calslagen. Lugd. * The Elzeviers were in the habit of holding sales by auction. Most of the catalogues printed by them for this purpose have been lost; but the few that aie known 1 hare mentioned. CAT 70 CAT Batav., ex offic. Bon. et Abr. Elzeviri, Acad. typogr., 1638. 4to. This sale is mentioned in a letter from Gronovius to Nic. Heinsius. (Burmanni Syll., vol. iii., p. 44.) A copy is in the library of St. Petersburg. Collation : 44 pp. Biblioth. D. Ludovici de Dieu. Ludg. Sat., ex offic. Bon. et Abr. Else- vir, 1643. 410. A copy is in the Royal Library at Brussels. Collation: 26 pp. Librorvm lani ac Georgii Dovsarvm. Lvgdvni Batavorvm, ex offidna Thoma JBasson, 1604. 4to. This sale took place at the Elzeviers' establishment, as is proved by the note at the end. A copy is in the library at Brussels. Collation : 72 pp. Librorvm variorvm. Ex bibliothecis D. Gvilielmi Geddaei et D. Jo. Volceri. Lugd. Bat. ex offic. Elzev., 1625. 4to. A copy is in the library of Winterthur. Collation: 73 pp. Librorvm D. Francisci Gomari. Lugd. Bat., ex offic. Elzev. A 1641. 4to. In the library at Brussels. Collation: 72 pp. CAT 71 CAT Bibliothecae D. Jacob! Lettingii. Lugd. Bat., typis Bonav. et Abr. Elze- viri, Acad. typogr., 1626. Mentioned by Dodt von Flensburg. Collation: 20 pp. Librorum D. loannis Baptistse de Monte Valdono. Haga-Comitis, anno 1643. 410. In the Royal Library at the Hague. Collation: 12 pp. Librorvm bibliothecis Fra. Raphel- engii. Item, Isaaci Swanebvrgii. Nee non Petri Moseii. Lugd. Bat., typis Bonav. et Abr. Elzevir, Acad. typogr., 1626. 410. Mentioned by Dodt von Flensburg. Collation: 147 pp. Bibliothecae Jani Rvtgersii Dordra- ceni. Lugd. Bat., ex offic. Elzeviriana, 1630. 4to. This was only the first part of Rutger's Library. For second part see next entry. This cata- logue is mentioned in the Catalogue of the Motteley Library, 1848. Collation: 126 pp. CAT 72 CAT Bibliothecae Jani Rutgersii. Lugd. Eat., ex offic., Elzev., 1633. 410. In the library at St Petersburg. Collation: iv and 126 pp. Bibliothecae Josephi Scaligeri Jul. Caes. F. Lugd. Bat. ex offic. Thoma Basson, 1609. 410. In the Bulletin du Bibliophile Beige, vol. iv., p. 229- 233 is an article from the pen of M. de Reiffenberg devoted to this sale. Collation: 51 pp. Bibliothecae Bon. Vulcanii. Sive, catalogvs librorvm graecorvm, latinorvm, hispanicorum, italicorum, gallicorum. . . Lugd. Bat., ex offic. typographica loan nis Bauduini* 1610. 4to. This sale took place during the lifetime of Vulcanus. The rest of his library was sold by Louis Elzevier after his death (see next entry.) A copy of the catalogue is in the Westhreenen Library at the Hague. Collation: ii and 84 pp.; 4 pp. of appendix. Librorum Cl. Bon. Vulcanii. Lug- duni Batavorum, excudebat Henricus Ludovici ab Haestens, 1615. 4to. Mentioned in the Bulletin du Bibliophile Beige, vol. ix., p. 322. Collation: 64 pp. CAT 73 CAT Librorvm D. Joannis a Wittenhorst. Lugd. Bat. ex offic. Elzeviriana, 1619. 4to. Mentioned by Dodt Van Flensburg. Collation: 40 pp. Librorvm, quorum auctio habebitur in officina Elseviriana, ad diem 5 aprilis 1660, stylo novo. Lugd. Bat., ex typogr. Johan. Elsevirii, 1660. 4to. In the National Library at Paris. Collation: 112 pp. Librorum. Lugd. Bat., apud viduam et hceredes Joh. Elsev. acad. typogr., 1662. 410. In the National Library at Paris Collation: ii and 74 pp. Librorvm. Haga Comitis, apud Johannem Elsevirium, 1658. 410. In the National Library at Paris. Collation: 45 pp. Librorvm officinse Elzevirianse, de- signans libros, qui tarn eorum typi? et impensis prodierunt; quam quorum alias copia ipsis suppetit. Lvgdvni CAT 74 CAT Batavorvm, ex ojficina Elseviriana, 1628. 410. In the Plantin Museum at Antwerp. Collation: 16 pp. Librorvm officinse Elsevirianae, de- signans, etc. Lvgdvnt Batavorvm, ex offidna Elseviriana, 1638. 8vo. In the Imperial Library at St. Petersburg. Mr. C. F. De Walther, the librarian, has reprinted this catalogue in 1878. The edition was limited to 220 copies. Collation: 32 pp. Librorvm officinae Elsevirianae, de- signans, etc. Anno 1644. 410. Reprinted by Mr. Pieters at Ghent in 1854. The edition was limited to 100 copies. Collation: 8 pp. Librorvm officinae Elsevirianae de- signans, etc. Lvgdvni JBatavorvm, apud Elsevirios, Acad. typograph. A 1650. 8vo. Collation: 24 pp. Librorum officinae Danielis Elsevirii; designans, etc. Amstelodami, apud Danielem Elsevirium, 1675. 12 mo. A copy of this, the most important of all the Elzevierian catalogues, is in the National CAT 75 CAT Library at Paris. It mentions the qualities of the papers on which the books are printed, the fount of type used, the plates in each work, and, in the case of 437 books, the number of sheets or half sheets contained therein, with the price subjoined. Collation: 36 pp. Librorum officinae Danielis Elsevirii; designans, etc. Amstelodami, apud Danielem Elsevirium, 1675. Sm. Only one copy known, in the possession of Mr. Alphonse Willems. Collation: 34 pp.; I blank leaf. Librorum officinae Danielis Else- virii, designans, etc. Amstelodami, apud Danielem Elsevirium > 1678. Sm. i2mo. Collation: 36 pp. Librorum officinae Danielis Else- virii; designans, etc. Amstelodami, 1681. Sm. i2mo. This was a catalogue of the stock left by Daniel Elzevier, which was sold in July 1681. It was reprinted by Didot in 1823. The edition being limited to loo copies, with one copy on vellum. The original is extremely rare. Collation : 40 pp. CAT 76 CAT Librorum officinse Johannis Else- virii, designans, etc. Lvga. Batav., ex typograph. Joh. Eltyir., 1655. 8vo. Collation: 21 pp. Librorum officinse Joh. Elsevirii. Lugd. JBafav., ex officina Elseviriana, 1 66 1. 410. Mentioned in the Gaettlngische gelehrte Anyeigtn^ vol. ii., 1823. Librorvm officinse Lvdovici Elze- virii; designans, etc. Amstelodami, apud Ludovicum Elzevirium, 1649. izmo. The only copy known is in the public library at Hamburg. It was first reprinted in the Serapeum of 1 5th May 1854 : Then Mr. Jules Chenu had 100 copies printed at Paris in 1855, and Dr. Hoffman printed 50 copies at Ham- burg in 1857. Collation: 1 6 pp. Librorvm officinse Lvdovici et Dani- elis Elzeviriorvm. Designans libros, &c. Amstelodami, ex officina Elze- viriand, 1656. Large 8vo. A copy is in the Library of the Arsenal at Paris. Collation: 16 pp. CAT 77 CAT Librorum officinse Ludovici et Dani- elis Elzevirorum, designans, etc. Am- stelodami, ex offidna Elzevirianci, 1 66 1. 8vo. Collation: 20 pp. Librorvm qvi in bibliopolio Else- viriano venales exstant. Lvgdvni Ba- tavorvm> ex offidna Elseviriana. A 1634. 410. A copy is in the National Library at Paris. Collation: 80 pp. ; 30 pp. for French, Italian, Spanish, German, and Flemish works. Librorum qui in bibliopolio Dani- elis Elsevirii venales extant. Amstelo- dami, ex offidna Elseviriana, 1674. Sm. izmo. The special value of this catalogue is that it gives the real publishers of works which appeared without address or with a fictitious name attached. It is not nearly so scarce as the other catalogues, but copies should be carefully collated, as many pages are often missing. Collation: 176 pp. to end of books of theology; 86 pp. for works relating to jurispru- dence; i blank leaf; 60 pp. for medi- cine ; 200 pp. for miscellaneous books ; 2 blank leaves; 1 20 pp. for French books ; 24 pp. lor Italian, Spanish, and English CAT 78 CAT works ; 103 pp. for German works ; 2 blank leaves. Librorum qui in bibliopolio Dani- elis Elsevirii venales extant. Amstelo- dami, 1681. Sm. i2mo. Interesting, though less extensive than the last entry. It is difficult to find a complete copy. Collation : 49 1 pp. for Latin and French books ; 22 pp. for Italian, Spanish, and English works; 80 pp. for German books; 12 pp. for Dutch books. Plantarvm horti academici Lvgdvno- Batavi. Lugd. Batavorum, ex officina Elzeviriana, 1636. 24010. Collation: 66 pp.; 3 blank leaves. The same book. Lugd. Bat., ex officina Elzeviriana, 1643. 241110. Quoted by Motteley. The same work. Lugd. Batav., ex officina Elseviriana, 1658. 24010. Collation: 72 pp. The same work. Lugd. Batav., apud I'iduam et haredes Johannis virii, Academics typograph, 1668. 8vo. Collation: 74 pp. CAT 79 CAT Librorvm Bonaventvrae et Abra- ham! Elsevir. Lvgdvni Eatavorum, ex typographia Elsevir. 1653. 410. In the National Library at Paris. Collation: ii and 113 pp. Librorvm. Lugduni Batavorum, ex typogr. Johannis Elsevir it, 1659. 4to. In the National Library at Paris. Collation : ii and 107 pp. Van verscheyden boecken, die Johan. Elsevier, etc. Tot Leyden, by Johannes Elsevier, 1660. Sm. i2mo. Collation: 54 pp.; 3 blank leaves. CATS (J.) Faces Avgvstae, a Casparo Barlaeo et Cornelio Boyo latino car- mine celebratae. Lvgdvni Batavorvm, apud Johannem Elsevirivm, Academ. typograph. Anno 1656, 2 vols. in i. 4to. This book had been published by Havius of Dor- drecht in 1643, and was purchased by Jean Elzevier, together with the sermons of Jacob Lydius. The copies bearing the name of Havius are to be preferred, as they contain the first impressions of the portrait of Elizabeth of Bohemia. The two books are generally found in one volume. CAT 80 CEL Collation: For the Faces, xlii and 302 pp., with portrait of Elizabeth of Bohemia ; for the dialogi, ii and 64 pp.; for the Faces Sacra, 32pp. CATS (J.) Selbs-streit. Zu Amsterdam, bet Ludwtg Elzevier. Anno 1648. Oblong i6mo. Extremely rare. For another translation of this book, which appeared originally in Dutch, see Gervinus, Gesch. der Nat. Litter, der Deutichen, vol. ii., p. 270. Collation : xxiv and 203 pp. CATVLLVS, TIBVLLVS, PROPERTIVS, cum C. Galli fragmentis quae extant. Amstelodami, typis Ludovici Elzevirii. Sumptibus societatis, 1651. 241110. Collation : 260 pp. CELESTE (le) Divorce. Traduit de 1'italien en fran$ois. Anno 1644 Sm. i2mo. I agree with Mr. Walker in attributing this trans- lation of Ferrante Pallavicino's book to Louis Elzevier, although Vander Marse is mentioned by Motteley as the possible printer. Collation: 165 pp.; 2 pp. of tables. CELSI de Medicina libri Octo. Lvgdvni Batav., apud Johannem Elsevirium y Academ. typograph., 1657. Sm. i2mo. CEN 8l CHA Rare. Patin, to whom the book is dedicated, lent Van der Linden many books to enable him to edit it. The portrait on the engraved title- page is that of Fernel. (See Renouard Catal. fun Amateur, vol. i., p. 273, and Patin, Letters, vol. i., p. 230, and vol. iii., p. 279.) Collation: xxiv and 558 pp.; 2 pp. of errata. CENSVRA in confessionem. Lvgdvm Batavorvm, ex qfficina Bonaventura et Abrahami Elzevier. Acad. typogr. 1626. Cum privilegio. 410. Collation : Ixxxviii and 333 pp. ; 2 pp. of index. CENSVRE ofte oordeel. Tot Leyden, voor Bonaventura ende Abraham Elze- vter, boeckdruckers der Unwersiteyt t 1627. Met privilegie. 4to. Printed mostly in BIac& Hetter. Collation : xxiv and 432 pp. CENTUM quinquaginta Psalmi Davidis. Lvgdvni Batavorvm, apud Johannem Elsevirium, Academics typographum, 1660. Folio. Collation: xxiv and 593 pp.; 19 unnumbered pages for indices. CHARLETON (G.) ^Economia animalis. Londini, typis R. Danielis et J. Red- man, 1659. Sm. izmo. CHA 82 CHA Clearly an Elzevier. Collation : xvi and 292 pp. Spiritus Gorgonicus, vi sua saxipara exutus ; sive de causis, etc., lithiaseus, diatriba. Lvgd. Batav., ex officina Elseviriorum, 1650. 8vo. A ridiculous title to an absurd book on stone in the bladder. Collation xii and 242 pp. ; 5 blank leaves. CHARMES (Les) De Fdlicie, tires de la Diane de Montemaior. Pastorale. Suiuant la copie iniprimee a Paris, 1657. Sm. i2mo. Printed by Jean Elzevier. The author was J. Pousset de Montauban. Collation: 93 pp.; I blank leaf. CHARRON (P.) De la Sagesse. A Leide, chez les Elseviers, 1646. Sm. i2mo. The first and best of the four editions printed by the Elzeviers. The original edition of Bor- deaux, 1601, has been followed. A nice copy is worth about 4. Collation: xxiv and 663 pp.; 8 pp. of tables. The same book. A. Leide, chez lean Elsevier, 1656. Sm. 12 mo. The commonest of the four editions. Collation: xxiv and 621 pp.; 12 unnumbered pages of tibles; 3 blank leaves. CHA 83 CHE The same work. A Leide, chez lean Elsevier. Sm. 12 mo. This undated edition seems to have been printed in 1659, since Jean Elzevier had only started printing one year when he issued the 1656 edition, and the date, 1659, would come midway between that edition and the 1662 Amsterdam edition. This is confirmed by the Catalogus librorum of J. Blaeu, 1659, where that date is given. This edition is not so handsome as that of 1646, but it is rarer, and has fetched as much as 10 to 12.. It is an exact reprint of the edition of 1656, repro- ducing even the mistake of the pagination. From page 264 both editions jump to page 295, and both also omit pages 367 to 376. The only difference is that the edition of 1656 is dedicated to Maximilian of Burgundy, whilst the undated one is dedicated to the Provincial Court of Holland. Collation: as in 1656 edition. The same work. Amsterdam, chez Louis et Daniel Elsevier > 1662. Sm. i2mo. Well printed. The value is about 8 to 10, although a copy at the Villestreux sale fetched over 20. Collation : xvi and 622 pp. ; 8 pp. of tables ; I blank leaf. CHEITOM^EUS (M. P.) Grseco-Barbara Novi Testamenti quae Orient! originem CHI 84 CIC debent. Amstelodami, apud Ludovicum Elzeviriuni) 1649. Sm. i2mo. Collation: 173 pp.; I blank leaf. CHILIANO (J.) Oratio de homine. Anno salutiferae incarnationis TOU Aoyou M.D.C xxii. Lvgdvni Batavorvm, ex officina Isaaci Elzevirii, iurati Academ. typography 1622. 4to. Collation: 75 pp. CICERONIS (M. T.) De officiis libri tres. Amstelodami) ex officina Elze- viriana, 1656. Sm. I2mo. Collation: 234 pp.; 3 blank leaves. The same work, 1664. Sm. i2mo. Collation: as above. The same work, 1677. Sm. i2mo. Collation : as above. Epistolarvm libri XVI ad T. Pom- ponivm Atticvm. Amstefadami, sump- tibus Blaviorvm et Henrici Wetstenii, 1684. 2 vols. 8vo. The letters of Daniel Elzevier, preserved at Utrecht, prove that this work began passing through the press in 1678. Collation: vol. i., xvi and 822 pp.; 284 pp. o f CIC 85 CIC notes. Vol. ii., 802 pp.; 344 pp. of notes; 48 unnumbered pp. for indices. Epistolarvm ad familiares libri XVI. Amstelodami, apud Danielem Else- virium. Lvgdun, Batav., apud ffackios, 1677. 2 vols. 8vo. Collation: vol. i., xxii and 506 pp.; 434 pp. for the commentary of Manutius; 78 pp. of varies lectiones; I blank leaf. Vol. ii., 468 pp. ; 416 pp. of commentary ; 104 pp. of indices. Epistolarvm selectarvm libri tres. Lvgdvni Batavorvm, ex officina Bona- venlvra et Alrahami Elzevir. Aca- demic typography 1626. 8vo. Collation: 160 pp. The same work. Amstefadami, apud Ludovicumet Danielem Elzevirios 1657. 8vo. Collation: 160 pp. Opera. Cum optimis exemplaribus accurate collata. Lvgd. Batavorvm, ex officina Elzeviriana. A 1642. 10 vols. Sm. i2mo. There are two editions of vol. ix., one containing CIC 86 CIC 301 pp., includes an apocryphal work, the Comolatio. This should be preferred to the edition in 237 pp., where the Somnium Scifionit replaces the Comolatio. The Somnium is also in vol. x. The edition is extremely handsome, a^nd much sought after, and was printed on two different papers. Although at the Libri sale, one copy, which formerly belonged to Hoym, fetched 61, and was afterwards resold for 197 at the Montgermont sale, a very fine copy is really not worth more than 15 to 20. Collation: vol. i., xxiv and 768 pp. Vol. ii., 614 pp.; I blank leaf. Vol. iii., 550 pp.; I blank leaf. Vol. iv., 560 pp. Vol. v., xvi and 506 pp.; I blank leaf. Vol. vi., xii and 685 pp.; I blank leaf. Vol. vii., 486 pp.; I blank leaf. Vol. viii., 386 pp.; i blank leaf. Vol. ix., 301 pp.* Vol. x., 318 pp.: 10 unnumbered pages for the Index Consulum. The same work. Amstelodami, apud Ludovicum et Danielem Elzevirios. Lugd. Batavorvm, apud Franciscum Hackium. A 1661. 4 vols. in i. 4to. Sometimes bound in 2 vols. A good and hand some edition, but of little value. Collation : viii pp. ; 5 1 pp. for the life of Cicero ; * The "Consolalio," the pages of which are numbered 1x9-301 , follows page 238, so that pages 129-238 arc repeated. CIC 87 CLA 5 unnumbered pages ; 1339 pp. 553 pp. of index ; 3 bastard titles following pages 188, 636, 968, but included in the pagina- tion. Orationvm selectarvm liber. Lvg- dvni Batavorvmex officina Bonaventvrce et Abrahami Elzevir. Academics typo- graph., 1626. 8vo. Collation : 239 pp. The same work, 1639. 8vo. Collation: 222 pp. The same work. Amstelczdami, apud Ludovicum etDanielem Elzevirios, 1657. 8vo. Collation: 229 pp. CLAPMARII (A.) De Arcanis rervm- pvblicarvm libri sex. Amsterodami, apud Ludovicum Elzevirium, 1641. Sm. i2mo. Collation: xl and 51 pp.; 2 blank leaves; 340 pp. Then follows a treatise of Besol- dus, ii and 53 PP- > 29 unnumbered pp. of index ; 4 blank leaves; then the Conclu- siones of Clapmarius, 120 pp.* * This has a separate title page, with the imprint, "Amster- dam!, apud Ludovicum EUcvirium, 1641." CLA 88 CLA The same works, 1644. Sm. i2mo. Collation : cxxviii and 323 pp. ; then the treatise of Besoldus, ii and 51 pp.; 29 unnum- bered pages of index; i blank leaf; the Conclusions,* 114 pp.; 6 blank leaves. Nobile stvdiorvm triennivm. Lugd, jBatav., ex offirina Elsevir., 1640. 241110. Collation: 232 pp.; 4 blank leaves. CLAUBERGII (J.) Defensio Cartesiana. Amstelodami, apud Ludovicum Elze- virium y 1652. Sm. i2mo. A defence of the philosophy of Descartes. Collation: xii and 631 pp. Logica vetvs et nova. Amstelodami, apud Ludovicum Elzevirium, 1654. Sm. 1 2 mo. Excessively rare, only one copy being known (Cat. Duriex, No. 668). Collation: xxiv and 413 pp.; 18 pp. of index. The same work. Amsteladami, ex officina Elzeviriana, 1658. Sm. izmo. More complete, though not so rare as the first edition. Collation: viii and 463 pp.; 21 pp. of index. * With separate title page and same imprint as 1641 edition, but dated 1644. CLA 89 CLA Physica. Amstelodami, apud Dani- elem Elzevirium, 1664. 4tO. Collation : xvi and 470 pp. Metaphysica de ente. Amstelodami, apud Danielem Elzevirium. A 1664. 4to. This work is generally bound up with the preceding one. Collation: viii and in pp. CLAVDIANI (Cl.) qvse exstant. Lvgdvm JBatavorvm, ex officina Elzeviriana. A 1650. Sm. i2mo. Some copies are printed on fine paper. It has been sold as high as 16. Collation: xxiv and ^70 pp.; 276 pp. of notes; I page of errata. The same work. Ex emendatione virorum doctorum. Amstelodami, typis Ludovici Elzevirii, 1650. Sump- tibus societatis. 24010. Collation: 256 pp. The same work. Ex emendatione Nicolai Heinsy, Dan. F. Amstelodami^ typis Ludovici Elzevirii, 1650. Sutnp- tibus societatis. 241110. CLA gc CLE More correct, but not so well printed as the previous edition. Collation : 260 pp. ; 2 blank leaves. The same work. Nic. Heinsius Dan. fil. recensuit. Amstelodatni, ex officina Elzeviriana, 1665. 8vo. One of the rarest of the Variorum Classics. Collation: xxviii and 917 pp.; 15 pp. of indices. The same work. Amstelodatni, apud Danielem Elzevirium 1677. 24010. An exact reprint of the second edition of 1650. Collation: 260 pp.; 2 blank leaves. CLAVIS Talmudica. Lvgdvni Batavorvm, ex officina Elseviriorum. Anno 1634. 4to. Printed in Hebrew and Latin. Collation: xl and 232 pp.; 24 pp. of indices. CLEMANGIIS (N. de). Opera omnia. Lvgdvni Batavorvm, apud lohannem Balduinum, impensis Lud. Elzeuirij et Henr. Laurencij. Anno C!D ID cxm. Cum priuilegio ad sexennium. 410. De Clamanges was a French theologian who wrote against the vices of the clergy. He was a contemporary of Gerson. Some copies have the imprint Apud Lud. Elyx-virium et Henr. Laurentium. CLE 91 CLE Collation: xxxvi and 359 pp.; 86 pp. of Ana- lecta and glossary ; 14 pp. for index and errata. CLENARDUS (N.) Institvtiones lingvae graecse, olim quidem scriptae, nunc autem ab erroribus multis expurgate. Amstelodami, apud Ludovicum Elze- vir ium, 1651. 8vo. Collation: viii and 402 pp.; I blank leaf. The same work. Amstelodami, apud Ludovicum et Damelem Elzevirios, 1660. 8vo. Collation: viii and 298 pp. ; no unnumbered pages for index. The same work. Amstelodami^ apud Danielem Elzevirium, 1672. 8vo Collation : viii and 400 pp. CLEOPATRE (La). Suivant la copie im- prim'ee a Pan's, 1 648. 1 2 vols. in 6. 8vo. This romance was satirised by Boileau. The author was Coste de la Calprenede. Collation: vol. i., 304 pp. Vol. ii., ii and 312 pp. Vol. iii., 352 pp. Vol. iv., 368 pp. Vol. v., 336pp. Vol. vi., 352 pp. Vol. vii., 380 pp.; 2 blank leaves. Vol. viii., CLI 92 CLU 360 pp. Vol. ix., 336 pp. Vol. x., 315 pp.; 2 blank leaves. Vol. xi., 362 pp. Vol. xii., 376 pp. CLITIE, nouvelle. Suivant la copie im- primee a Paris chez Claude Barbin, 1680. Sm. izmo. Collation: ii and 206 pp. CLOPPENBVRGI (J.) De fcenore et vsvris, brevis institvtio. Lvgd., Batav., ex officina Elseviriorum, 1640. 8vo. Collation: xvi and 176 pp. Sacrificiorvm patriarchalivm schola sacra. Lvgd.> Batav.> ex officina Else- viriorum, 1637. Sm. i2mo. Collation: viii and 240 pp.; 1 6 unnumbered pp. of index. CLUVERI (P.) Commentarivs de tribvs Rheni alveis, et ostiis. Lvgdvni Bata- vorvm, apud loannem Balduinum; impensis Ludovid Elzevirl. Anno ClD.lDC.XI. 4tO. "De tous ceux qui ont entrepris de concilier les divers temoignages de 1'antiquite au sujet des embouchures du Rhin, Cluvier est celui qui nous parait encore aujourd'hui, avoir le plus d'autorite. S'il n'a pas donne la solution complete du probleme, c'est lui qui nous parait CLU 93 CLU avoir approche !e plus pres de la verite, ou tout au moins de la vraisemblance." (E. Des- jardins. Geographic de la Gaule R'.maine, Paris, 1876, vol. I., p. 1 1 8.) See also under Scri-venus, Collation : xvi and 232 pp. ; 10 pp. of index ; I blank leaf; 3 maps facing page I. Germanise antiqvse libri tres. Lug- duni Batavorum, apud Ludovicum Elzevirium. Anno cio IDC xvi. Folio. Collation: xliv pp. First part, 400 pp.; 2 maps and 26 large plates. Second part, 203 pp. ; 4 maps. Third part, 230 pp.; 4 maps; I blank leaf. Fourth part, 36 pp.; I map; 18 pp. of tables; I blank leaf. The same work. Lugduni Bata- vorum, ex offirina Elzeviriana. Anno 1631. Folio. Collation: xxxvi and 748 pp.; 16 pp. of index. Same plates and maps as in the edition of 1616. Introdvctionis in vniversam geogra- phiam libri VI. Lvgdvni Batavorvm, ex officina Elzeviriana. Anno 1624. 4to. Collation: xvi and 245 pp.; 1 8 unnumbered pages for the Oratio ot Heinsius. CLU 94 CLU The same work, 1627. 241110. Collation: 373 pp.; 18 unnumbered pages of tables; I blank leaf; 3 folding plates facing pp. 16, 32, 34. The same work, 1629. 241110. Collation : 352 pp. (the last numbered in error 252); 8 pp. of tables; 3 folding plates facing pp. 29, 30, 31. The same work. Accessit P. Bertii breviarium orbis terrarum. Lvgd. Bat., apud Elzeuirios, 1641. 241110. Collation: 352 pp.; 70 pp. for the Breviarium; 9 pp. of tables ; 3 folding plates facing pp. 32, 33, 34. (See also under Forgeries. ) The same work. Amstelodami, apud Ludovicum Elzevirium t 1651. Sm. i2mo. Collation: viii and 394 pp.; IO unnumbered pages; 3 folding plates facing pp. 20, 21, 25. The same work. Amstelodami, apud Elzeuirios, 1659. 241110. Collation: 352 pp. ; 70 pp. for the Breviarium ; 10 pp. of tables ; 3 folding plates facing PP- 9 33. 34- The same work. Amstelodami, ex offidna Elzeviriana, 1661. Sm. 12010. CLU 95 CLU Collation: xii and 388 pp.; 76 pp. for .The Series Rom. Imp. and indices; 38 maps and plates. The same work. Amstelodami, apud Elzeuirios. 241110. Collation: same as the edition of 1659. The same work. Amstelodami, ex officina Elzeviriana. A 1672. Sm. 1 2 mo. Collation: same as the edition of 1661. The same work. Amstelodami, apud Elzeuirios, 1677. 241110. Collation : same as the editions of 1659 and 1670. Italia antiqva. Lvgdvni Batavorvm ex officina Elseviriana. Anno 1624. 2 vols. in i. Folio. Collation: vol. i., xx and 786 pp.; I blank leaf; 9 double-page maps facing pages i, 46, in, 125, 316, 419, 593, 641, and 722. Vol. ii., ii pp.; p. 787 to p. 1338; 22 pp. of index ; 5 double maps facing pages 787, 820, 1087, 1208, and 1282. Sicilia antiqva. Lvgdvni Batavorvm, ex officina Elseviriana. Anno 1619. Folio. Is generally found as a supplement to the Italia. CLU 96 COC Collation: xvi and 510 pp.; 2 unnumbered pages; 10 pp. of tables; i blank leaf; 5 double maps facing pages i (2 maps), 139, 425, and 477. CLUVERIUS (J.) Historiarum totius mundi epitome, a prima rerum origine usque ad annum Christ! MDCXXX. . . . Accessit . . . continuatio historise ad annum MDCXXXIII. Lugduni Bata- vorum, apud Jacobum Marci, 1639. Cum privilegio. 410. Although dated 1639, it will be seen by the follow- ing colophon, that it only appeared in 1641 : Lmgd, Bat. Anno MDCXLI. Imprtmebat suit typis ac sumptibus lacobvs Marci, Prostat etiam venum Amsterodami apud Lvdo-vicvm Elzewrivm. Collation: iv and 852 pp.; 32 unnumbered pages of index. COCCEII (J.) Admonitio de principio ecclesiae reformatse. Lvgd. Batav., apud Johannem Elsevirium, Academ. typography 1657. Sm. 12 mo. This is a reply to a theological tract of J. Masenius. Collation: 206 pp.; I leaf of errata. Animadversiones ad LXXXIII quaes- tiones de vetere testamento. Lugd. COC 97 COC Batav., apud Henricum Verbiest, 1663. Sm. 1 2 mo. A real Leyden Elzevier, with Buffalo's head, Sken, and Medusa. Collation: xii and 163 pp. Cogitationes de Apocalypsi S. Jo- hannis theologi. Lugd. Batav., ex offic. Corn. Driehuysen, 1665. 410. Collation: viii and 280 pp. Cogitationes de Cantico Canti- corum Salomonis, ut icone regni Christi. Lvgd. Batav., apud Corn. Driehuysen, 1665. 410. Collation: cxxxii and 201 pp. De Ecclesia et Babylone disquisitio. Lvgd. Batav., apud Johannem Else- virium, 1656. Sm. i2mo. Mentioned by Brunei and Millot, and appearing in the catalogue of 1674. I have nevertheless been unable to trace a copy. The same work. Lugd. Batav., apud Johannem Elsevirium, Academ. typography 1658. Sm. i2mo. Collation : viii and 280 pp. Epistola S. Judae Apostoli. Lugd. Batav., ex offic., Gaasbeeck, 1665. 410. Collation: viii and 63pp. COC 98 COC Epistolae ad Hebrseos explicatio. Lvgdvni Batavorvm, apud Johannem Elsevirivm^ Academ. typography 1659. 4to. Collation: xii and 655 pp. ; 12 pp. of index; I page of errata. Eqvitis Poloni Apologia adversus edictvm Illustr. et Praepotent. D.D. Ordinum Hollandiae et West Frisise, de 19 Sept. A.D. clo IDC LIII. quo so- cmianae doctrinae propagatio coercetvr. Lvgdvni Batavorum, apud Johannem Elsevirivm, Academ. typography 1656. 4to. At the instigation of the University of Leyden, the States of Holland had issued an edict against the Socinians. The latter replied in an jlpo/ogia fro Iferitatt accusata, Comcripta ab eqwte polono. This Apology has been attributed by Adry and Pieters to Carpzovius, but according to the Bibllotheca Anti-Trinitari- orum, the Polish knight is Jonas Slichtingius. The work of Cocceius is a Calvinistic refuta- tion of this Apology. It was also published in Dutch. (See Cocceius, f^tranfwoordinge), Collation: xl and 312 pp. Evangelium secundum Joannem. COC 99 Lugd. Batav.. apud Fd. Lopez de Hare, 1670. 4to. Collation: 691 pp. Indagatic naturae sabbati et quietis Novi Testamenti. Lugduni Batavorum, apud Johannem Elsevirium, Academ. typography 1658. Sm. i2mo. A Dutch translation appeared the following year. (See Cocceius, OndenoecK). Collation: xii and 269 pp.; i blank leaf. Indignatio adversus personatum Nathanaelem Johnsonum. Lugduni Batavorum, apud Johannem Elsevirium, Academ. typograph., 1659. Sm. i2mo. Collation: 260 pp. Judaicarum responsionum et quaes- tionum consideratio. Lugduni Bata- vorum, ex offidna Elzeviriana, Academics typograph., 1662. 4to. There is a large paper copy in the Leyden Library. Collation: xlviii and 348 pp.; 37 pp. for the Oratio; 21 pp. of index ; I leaf of errata. Observata ad Danielem. Accedit praefatio exhibens crvyxpovitrfiov pro- phetise Mosis et Danielis. Lugd. Ba- COC ioo COC tav. t ex qffic. Dan. Abrah. et Adriani a Gaasbeeck, 1666. 410. Collation: xxxii and 171 pp. Ondersoeck van den aert ende na- tuyre des sabbaths en der ruste des Nieuwen Testaments. Tot Leyden, bij Johannes Elsevier, drucker der Universiteyt, 1659. Sm. 12 mo Collation : xvi and 295 pp. Oratio inauguralis de causis incredu- litatis Judseorum. Lvgd. Batavor., ex officina Bonaventura et Abrahamt Elsevir. Academ. typography 1650. 4to. Collation : viii and 48 pp.; I blank leaf. Panegyricus de regno Dei. Lvgd. Batav.) apud Johannem Elsevirium, Academ. typography 1660. Sm. i2mo. Collation: 68 pp.; 2 blank leaves. S. Pauli Apostoli Epistola ad Ephesios, cum comment. Lugd. Ba- tav. t ex offic. Dan. Abr. et Adriani a Gaasbeeck, 1667. 410. Collation: 366 pp. COC 101 COC S. Pauli Apostoli Epistola ad Gala- tas, cum commentariis. Lugd. Batav., exoffic. Gaasbeeck, 1665. 4to. Collation: xii and 302 pp.; 2 pages of errata. Repetitio illustrium locorum Veteris et Novi Testament! qui de Antechristo agunt. Lugd, Batav., apud Felicem Lopez de Haro. A 1667. Sm. izmo. Some copies bear the date of 1669. It was printed at the Leyden press. Collation: 333 pp. Sanctae Scriptvrse potentia. Lvgd. Batav,) apud Johannem Elzevirium, Acad. typogr., 1655. Sm. i2mo. Collation: xxiv and 828 pp.; 48 unnumbered pages of index. Svmma doctrinse de Fcedere et Tes- tamento Dei. Lvgd. Batav., ex officina Etseviorvm, Acad. typography 1654. Sm. i2mo. A curious work, the most interesting of any written by Cocceius, giving complete details of the strange system of interpreting Scrip- ture known as Cocceianism. Collation: xxiv and 544 pp. The same work. Lvgd. Batav., COC 102 COC ex offic. Jacobi Voorn, 1660. Sm. 1 2 mo. Printed by Jean Elzevier. It is often followed by this author's Panegyricus, Collation: xxiv and 460 pp.; 44 unnumbered pages of index. Summa theologiae Scriptvris repetita. Lugd. JBatav., apud viduam et haredes Johannis Elsevirii, Academ. typography 1662. 410. Collation: viii and 988 pp. To 8exoffitinaElzeviriana. Anno 1636. Cum privilegio. Sm. 1 2 mo. Colonius was father-in-law to Bonaventura Elze- vier. A pretty edition. Collation: viii and 950 pp.; I blank leaf. COLONII (D.) Dan. fil. Oratio pane- gyrica de illustri victoria, quam amplis- simi rerum Indiae Occidentalis adminis- tratores, ductu magnanimi herois Petri Henrici, vi Idus Sept. Ann. clo lo c xxviii. capta Hispanorum classe, retulerunt. Habita xm. Kal. Febr. M.D.CXXIX. Lvgdvni Hatavorvm, ex officina Bonaventvra et Abrahami Elze- vir. Acad. typogr., 1629. 4to. Written by Colonius the younger. Collation: 23 pp. COMENII (I. A.) lanua avrea reserata linguae latinae. Lvgd, Bat.> ex officina Elseviriorum.) 1641. 241110. The Latin part of his Janua Sjuatuar Linguarum. Collation: viii and 191 pp. ; 229 unnumbered pages of index; I blank leaf. COM 105 COM The same work, 1643. Collation: xvi and 193 pp.; 220 unnumbered pages of index ; I blank leaf. Janua aurea linguarum. Amstero- dami, apud Ludovicum Elzevirium, 1642. Cum privilegio. Sm. i2mo. Contains the Latin and Greek versions of hia Janua Linguarum. Collation: iv and 232 pp.; 166 pp. of Latin index ; 98 pp. of Greek index. The same work, 1649. Contains the Latin, Greek, and French versions, but no indices. Collation: 286 pp. Janva avrea reserata qvatvor ling- varvm. Lvgd. Bat., ex offidna Else- viriorum, 1640. Cum privilegio ', 8vo. Collation: xxiv and 321 pp.; 276 unnumbered pages of indices; I blank leaf. The same work, 1644. Collation: xxiv and 321 pp.; 274 unnumbered pages of indices. Janua linguarum reserata. Amstelo- dami, apud Ludovicum Elzevirium^ 1643. Cum privilegio. 8vo. Contains Latin, Greek, and French Versions. Collation: xxiv and 256 pp. ; 240 pp. of indices. COM 106 COM The same work, 1649. Collation: xxiv and 266pp.; 238 pp. of indices. The same work. Amstelodami, apud Danielem Elzevirtum, 1665. Cum privilegio. 8vo. Collation : xxii and 266 pp. ; 238 pp. of indices. Janua linguarum reserata quinque linguis. Amstelodami, apud Ludovicum et Danielem Elzevirios, 1661. Cum gratia et privilegio Sacra Ccesarece Majestatis. 8vo. The most complete of all the editions issued by the Elzeviers, having Latin, French, Italian, Spanish, and German versions. Collation: xx and 863 pp. Pansophiae diatyposis. Amstero dami, apud Ludovicum Elzevirium, 1645. Sm. i2mo. Collation : 212 pp. COMMINES (P. de). Me'moires. A Leide, chez les Elzeviers, 1648. Sm. iamo. An admirable and very valuable edition. A some- what poor copy, bound by Derome, fetched 48 : I os. at the Payne sale. Collation: xxiv and 765 pp.; 19 pp. of tables. See also under Forgeries. . 0M 107 CON COMPLIMENS (Les) de la langue fran- 9oise, par N. N. A Amsterdam, chez Louys Elzevier, 1644. Sm. 12 mo. This is nothing but the third part of the Secretaire a la Mode of La Serre. Collation: 68 pp. [The last numbered in error 86.] COMTE (Le) de Gabalis, ou entretiens sur les sciences secretes. A Amsterdam, chez Jaques le Jeune, 1671. Sur la copie imprim'ee a Paris. Sm, 1 2mo. Written by the Abbe Montfaucon de Villars. It is a real Elzevier quoted in the catalogues of 1675 and 1 68 1. Nodiercalls it, "Un badina- ge d'un excellent gout, ecrit avec beaucoup de delicatesse et d'agrement." For an analysis of the work see the Analecta Biblion, vol. ii. page 304. Collation : 228 pp. CONCIONES et orationes ex historicis latinis excerptae. Lvgd. atav., ex officina Elseviriana, 1649. Suniptibus societatis. Sm. 12 mo. Collation : xii and 41 1 pp. ; 8 unnumbered pages of index. The same work. Amstetodami, apud Ludovicum Elzevirium, 1652. Sm. i2mo. Collation: xii and 420 pp.; 12 pp. of index. CON 108 CON The same work. Amstelodami^ ex officina Elzeviriana, 1662. Sm. izmo. Collation: xii and 382 pp.; 14 pp. of index. CONCLAVE nel quale ffl eletto Fabio Chiggi detto Alessandro VII. 1664. Sm. i zmo. Mentioned in the catalogues of 1675 and 1681. CONESTAGGIO (J.) Historia delle guerre della Germania inferiore. Anno 1634. Con licenza de' superiori. 8vo. Has the typographical mark of Erpenius purchased by the Elzeviers in 1625. Collation: x and 532 pp. ; 14 unnumbered pages of tables. CONJURATION (La) du Comte Jean- Louis de Fiesque. A Cologne, 1665. Sm. i2mo. An English account of this conspiracy is to be found in my Bibliotheca Curiosa, No. 9. The French account was the work of the Cardinal de Retz. It is rare, and fetches about 5. Collation: 136 pp. CONRINGIUS(H.)de Sangvinis genera- tione et motv natvrali. Lvgd.-Bat.,apud Franciscum Hackium. Amsterod., apud LudovicuniElzevirium. Anno 1646. 8vo. Collation : xvi and 626 pp. CON 109 CON CONSEILLER (Le) d'Estat. Jouxte la copie imprim'ee a Paris > 1641. Sm. izmo. Printed by F. Hegerus. It is written by Philippe de Bethune, brother of Sully. Collation: xl and 501 pp. The same work, 1645. Collation: xl and 539 pp. CONSILIUM Gregorio XV. ... exhi- bitum. Lvgdvni Batavorvm, ex offirina Elzeviriana y 1623. 2 parts in i vol. 4to. The second part is entitled Aphontmi de stat-v restavrando. The volume is rare, and is the work of Gerard Vossius. Collation: 1st part, 28 pp. 2nd part, 23 pp. CONSTANTINI Imperatoris Porphyro- geniti, de administrando imperio. Lvgdvni Batavorvm, ex officina typo- graphica loannis Balduini, impensis verb Ludovici Elzevir I, clo.loc.xi. 8vo. Collation : viii and 230 pp. ; I blank leaf ; 45 pp. for the notes of Meursius ; I leaf with colophon. CON 1 10 COR Opera. Lvgdvni Batavorvm, ex officina Elzevir iana. Anno 1617. 8vo. Collation: xvi and 230 pp.; i blank leaf; 45 pp. of notes; 58 pp. for Tactica; I blank leaf; viii and 307 pp. for the De Thematibus ; I leaf with colophon. CONSTITUTIONS (Les) du monastic de Port Royal du S. Sacrement. A Mons, chez Gaspard Migeof, en la Rue de la Chaussee, a t'enseigne des trois Vertus, 1665. Avec privilege et appro- bation. Sm. 1 2 mo. Printed by Daniel Elzevier. Collation : xvi and 528 pp. ; 2 pp. of errata. CONTARENI (C.) De Repvblica Vene- torvm libri quinque. Lrgd.: Bata- vorvm, ex officina Elzeviriana, 1626. 340*0. The same work, 1628. Collation : 447 pp. The same work, 1628. Not so well printed as the last. Collation: 431 pp. CORNEILLE. Le Cid. Jouxte la eopie imprimee a Parts, 1638. Sm. I2mo. COR in COR Very rare. It is evidently an Elzevier, being printed in the same italic type used for the Herodes Infanticida of Heinsius. Collation: 95 pp. The same work, 1641. Mr. Pieters, misled by a typographical error in the catalogue of 1644, has announced an edition 241110. Had there been one, why should the catalogue, when giving the names of the four other plays of Corneille contained in the Blustre Theatre, have omitted the izmo C/W, which had just been printed by the Elzeviers ? Collation: 87 pp. The same work. Suivant la copie imprimee a Paris, 1644. Sm. i2mo. Under the date of 1644 there are two editions, the first having the siren's head above the dedi- cation, the second the buffalo's head. Collation: 87 pp. The same work, 1651. Collation: 81 pp.; the last two being numbered in error 62 and 63 ; I blank leaf. The same work, 1656. Collation: 8 1 pp.; I blank leaf. Cinna ou la cle"mence d'Auguste. Suiuant la copie imprimee a Paris, 1644. Sm. i2mo. Collation: 86 pp.;* i blank leaf. * The last page is numbered 84. This is caused by pages 71 and yz being repeated, and thus throwing all numbers alter them wrong by two pages. This was first pointed out by Picot. COR 112 COR The same work, 1648. Collation : 72 pp. The same work, 1656. Collation: 72 pp. He"raclivs empereur d'Orient, trag- die. Suivant la copie imprimke a Paris, 1647. Sm. i2mo. A true elzevier. Picot states that some copies have the date of 1648. Collation: 84 pp. Horace, trage"die. louxte la copie imprimee & Paris, 1641. Sm. 12 mo. Collation: viii and 75 pp. The same work, 1645. Collation: vi and 65 pp. The same work, 1647. Collation: vi and 65 pp. The same work. A Leyde, chezjean Sambix, 1654. Sm. 12 mo. Collation : vi and 65 pp. L'lllvstre Theatre. A Leyden, 1644. Sm. i2mo. Extremely rare, only some eight or ten copies being known. At the Benzon sale it fetched 264. Collation: Le Cid, 87 pp.; Les Horaces, viii and 75 pp. ; Cinna, 84 pp. ; I blank COR 113 COR leaf; La mortde Pompee, 82 pp.; I blank leaf; Polyeucte, 93 pp.; I blank leaf. - Limitation de Je"sus Christ. Tra- duite en vers fran9ois. A Leyde, chez Jean Sambix, 1652. Sm. i2mo. Extremely rare pamphlet, printed by the Elzeviers of Leyden. It is worth from 14 to 15 if a tall copy. Collation: 71 pp. - Le Mentevr, comddie. Suivant la copie imprimee a Paris, 1645. Sm. i2mo. Collation : viii and 88 pp. The same work, 1647. Collation: as above. La Svite dv Mentevr, comedie. Sui- vant la copie imprimee a Paris, 1645. Sm. I2mo. This is generally bound up with the Mentevr of 1645. Collation: 95 pp. The same work, 1647. This is generally bound up with the Menteur of 1647. Although these works are evidently from the Elzevier press it may not be out of place to quote the testimony of Gronovius, who, writing to N. Heinsius says, under date of March zoth 1645. " Habent nunc (Elzevirii) sub manu comaediam Gallicam Cornellii quam mendacis titulo insignivit." (Epist. Syli. de Burman, vol. iii. page 146.) Conation: COR 114 COR La Mort de Pompe'e. Trage"die. Sui- uant la copie imprim'ee a Paris, 1 644. Sm. i2mo. Mentioned in the catalogue of 1644. Collation: 82 pp.; I blank leaf. The same work, 1648. Collation: 82 pp.; I blank leaf. Nicomede, tragedie. A. Leyde, chezjean Sambix, 1652. Sm. Collation: 88 pp. Polyeucte martyr, tragedie. Sui- uant la copie imprim'ee a Paris, 1644. Sm. i2mo. Mentioned in the catalogue of 1644. Collation: 93 pp.; I blank leaf. The same work, 1648. Collation: as above. The same work. A Leyde, chez Jean Sambix, 1655. Sm. i2mo. Collation : as above. The same work. Suiuant la copie imprim'ee a Paris, 1656. Sm. i2mo. Collation: as above. Rodogune, princesse des Parthes. COR 115 COR Trage"die. Suivant la copie imprimee a Paris, 1647. Sm. 12 mo. Collation : 84 pp. The same work. 1652. Collation: as above. D. Sanche d'Arragon, comedie he*roique. Suiuant la copie imprimee a Paris, 1650. Sm. I2mo. Collation : 90 pp. ; 3 blank leaves. The same work, 1656. Collation: as above. Sertorius, tragedie. Suivant la copie imprimee a Paris, 1662. Sm. I2mo. The only one of Corneille's works printed by the Elzeviers at Amsterdam. Collation: 84 pp. CORNEILLE (T.) D. Bertran de Cigar- ral. Comedie. A Leyde, chez Jean Sambix, 1652. Sm. 12 mo. Collation: 113 pp. Le Geolier de soy-mesme, come'die. Suiuant la copie imprimee a Paris, 1657. Sm. i2mo. Dedicated to "Son altesse Royale Mademoiselle." Collation: 96 pp. COR 116 COR Timocrate, tragedie. Suiuant la eopie imprim'ee a Paris ', 1659. Sm. i2mo. Collation: 95 pp. CORONA virtutum principe dignarum. Lvgd. Bat,, ex offidna Elseviriana, 1634. 241110. The author was Walter Quinn, whose name will be found at the foot of the dedication. Collation: xvi and 242 pp. CORPUS juris civilis. Amstelodami, apud Johannem Blaeu. Ludovicum et Danielem Elzevirios. Lugd. Batavorum, apud Franciscum Hackium, 1663. Cum privilegio S. C. Majestatis, 4 parts in 2 vols. Folio. Bonaventura and Abraham, of Leyden, had some sixteen years previously commissioned Claudius Sarran to induce Denys Godefroy to complete the commentary begun by his father. In December 1648, he writes to the Elzeviers that Godefroy finally refuses, adding that he is endeavouring to induce Salmasius to take up the matter. (G. Sarravii Epistolte, p. 195.) Salmasius, however, declined. This is the less to be regretted as this Corpus Juris of the Amsterdam house, published in conjunction with Blaeu and Hackius, is perhaps the finest work issued by the Amsterdam presses. It is worth about %. COR 117 COR Collation: 1st part, xx and 796 pp. 2nd part, xii and 388 pp. 3rd part, xii and 300 pp. 4th part, 92 pp.; 40 pp. of tables. Editio nova, prioribus correctior. M DC LXIV. Amsteladami, apud loan- nem Blaeu. Ludov. et Dan. Elze vt'rios, et Lugduni JBatavorum, apud Frandscum Hackium. 2 vols. 8vo. Though inferior to the first edition, a copy at the Brunet sale fetched $z. Collation: vol. i., xxiv and 1037 pp.; I blank leaf. Vol. ii. (dated 1663), 820 pp.; I leaf with colophon; i blank leaf. The same work. Amstelodami, Sump* tibus Societatis, 1681. 2 vols. in i. 8vo. Collation: vol. i., xx and 904 pp. Vol. ii., 754 PP- CORRARO (A.) Relation de la cour de Rome, faite Tan 1661 au conseil du Pregadi. A Leide, chez Almarigo Lorens, 1663. Sm. 12 mo. The author's real name, according to Barbier, was Charles Ferrare du Tot, a counsellor in the parliament of Rouen. Almarigo Lorens are a pseudonym of Laurent Maurry of Rouen, by whom the original was printed. See also under Forgeries. Collation: viii and 136 pp. COR 118 COR CORVINI (T. A.) Enchiridivm. Amstero- dami, apud Ludovicum Elsevirium. A 1640, Sm. i2mo. Collation: xi and 732 pp. The same work, 1644. Collation: xxiv and 714 pp.; i blank leaf. The same work, 1649. Collation: as above. The same work. Amstelodami, apud Ludovicum et Danielem Elzevirios, 1657. Sm. izmo. Collation: xxiv and 644 pp.; 2 blank leaves. The same work. Amstelodami, apud Danielem Elzevirium, 1664. Sm. i2mo. Collation: as above. Elementa juris civilis. Amstero- dami, apud Ludovicum Elzevirium. Anno 1645. Sm i2mo. There are two editions under this date. The second and inferior one has the last page of the treatise of Cousin, numbered 53, in error. Collation : xii and 248 pp. : 54 pp. for the Regu- larum partitiones ; 10 pp. of index. The same work. Amslelodaini, COR 119 COR Danielem Elzevirium, 1664. Sm. izmo. Collation: as above. Ivrisprvdentia romana H. Vulteii contracta. A 1644. Amsterodami, apud Ludovicum Elzevirium. Sm. izmo. Collation: xii and 360 pp. The same work. Amsterodami, ex officina Elzeviriana. A 1658. Collation: xii and 358 pp.; I blank leaf. Posthvmvs Pacianvs, Amstelodami, apud Ludovicum Elzevirium, 1643. Sm. i2mo. Collation: x and 499 pp. ; ?8 unnumbered pages of indices. The same work. Amsteladami, apud Ludovicum et Danielem Elzevirios, 1659. Sm. i2mo. Revised and augmented by his son. Collation: xii and 440 pp.; 60 unnumbered pages of indices ; 2 blank leaves. CORVINI (A.) a Belderen Digesta per aphorismos strictim explicata. Amstero- COR 120 COR dami, apud Ludov. Elzevirium^ 1642. Sm. i2mo. Collation: xxiv and 666pp.; [the last unnum- bered] ; I blank leaf. The same work, 1 649. Collation: xx and 651 pp. The same work. Amsterodami, ex officina Elzeviriana, 1656. Sm. i2mo. Collation: xvi and 631 pp. The same work. Amsterodami, ex officina Elzeviriana. Cum privil. S. Cess. Maiest. 1664. Sm. i2mo. Collation: as above. Ivrisprvdentise Romanse svmmarivm. Amstelodami, apud Ludovicum et Danie- lem Etzevtrios, 1655. 2 vols. 410. Collation: vol. i., viii and 792 pp.; 8 pp. of tables. Vol. ii. (dated 1660), viii and 302 pp.; 8 pp. of index. Ivs canonicvm per aphorismos strictim explicatum. Amstelodami^ apud Ludovic. Elzevirium, A 1648. Sm. i2mo. Collation: xii and 380 pp.; 12 pp. of index. The same work, 1651. Collation: as above. COS 121 CRA The same work. Amstelodami, ex officina Elzeviriana, 1663. Cum pri- legio Sacr. C&s. Majest. Sm. 12 mo. Collation: xii and 362 pp.; 20 pp. of tables. The same work, 1672. Collation: same as above; I blank leaf at end. Jus feudale, per aphorismos strictim explicatum. Editio altera, priori emendatior. Amstefadami, ex officina Elzevirian^ 1660. Sm. I2mo. Collation: xii and 216 pp. The same work, 1 680. Collation: as above. COSTERUS (A.) Vindex loci S. Scriptvne, Gen. in.xv. a vitiosa interpretatione de B. Virgine Maria, quse in Bibliis Ecclesiae Romanse jamdiu inveteravit. Lvgdvni JBatavorvm, apud Lvdovicum Elzevirium. Anno clo.Ioc.xiv. 8vo. Collation: 125 pp. ; 2 pp. of tables. CRAS credo, hodie nihil, siue, modus tandem sit ineptiarum. Satyra Me- nippea. Lvgd. Batavorvm^ ex ojficin& Elzeviriana, 1621. Sm. i2mo. Written by Heinsius. ation: xvi and 101 pp.; I blank leaf. CRE 122 CUN CREMONINVS (C.) Centensis de calido innate, et semine, pro Aristotele ad- versus Galenum. Lvgd. Batavorvm, ex officina Elzeviriana t 1634. 241110. Collation : 394 pp. CVN^EI (P.) Animadversionvm liber in Nonni Dionysiaca. Lvgdvni Bata- vorvm, ex officina Ludovici Elzeviri (sic), clo.Io.cx. 8vo. This was published as a supplement to the edition of Nonnus, Hanovia, 1605. 8vo. Collation: xvi and 216 pp. de Repvblica Hebraeorvm libri III. Lvgdvni Batavorvm, apud Ludovicum Elzevirium, ck> ID c xvn. 8vo. Collation: xxxii and 538 pp.; i leaf of errata. The same work. Lvgd. Batavor., ex officina Elzeviriana. A 1632. 24010. There is a second edition under this date, which is more correct. The collation is xxxii and 372 pp. ; 2 blank leaves. Collation: xxiv and 502 pp.; I leaf of errata. Exercitationvm oratoriarvm, quae autoritate publica in Academia Ley- densi institutae sunt, inavgvratio no- CUP 123 CUR bilissimorum et amplissimorum Aca- demiae curatorum et Vrbis consulum mandatu facta 10 novembris 1620. Lvgd. Batavorvm, ex offidna Isaaci Elzevirii, iurati Academics typogr., 1621. 4to. Collation: viii and 30 pp.; I blank leaf. Lavdatio fvnebris recitata in exe- quijs viri clarissimi D. ^Elii Everardi Vorstii medicinse professoris primarij, ad diem xxv. Octobr. C!D lo c xxiv. Lvgd. Batavorvm, ex offidna Elze- viriana. A 1625. 4to. Collation ' 40 pp. CUPERI (G.) Observationum libri tres. Ultrajecti, apud Petrum Elzevirium^ 1670. 8vo. Collation: xxxii and 355 pp.; 5 unnumbered pages for index and errata. CURCELL^EI (S.) Opera theologica. Amstelodami, apud Danielem Else- virium, 1675. Folio. There are some copies on large paper mentioned in the catalogue of 1675. Collation : xxxvi and 1028 pp. ; 34 unnumbered pages of index; i blank leal. CUR 124 CUR CURTII (Q.) Rufi Rerum Alexandri Magni lib. VIII superstates. Acce- dunt Titi Popmae notae. Lugd. Bata- vorvm, ex offidna Elseviriana. Anno 1622. i6mo. Collation: xxviii and 353 pp. ; for Titi Popmcz note, iv and 96 pp. ; 24 pp. of index. The same work, 1625. Collation : as above, followed by 89 pp. of Loc cenii notae. The same work, 1633. Sm. i2mo. A fine edition edited by Heinsius. Worth from 4. to 8. There are three reprints under the same date, the collation of which is xii and 338 pp. ; 22 pp. of indices, and a map. The first reprint is distinguished by the dedication being dated Lugdun. Bata-v. mense Augusta, The second, Lugdun. Batavor. mense Augusta. The third, Lugd. Bata-v. mense Augusta. These three reprints are inferior to the original edition. Collation: xii and 364 pp.; 24 pp. of index; map facing page i. The same work, 1653. Sm. 12010. Collation: as above. The same work, 1656. Sm. i2mo. Collation: as above. The same work. Lvgd. Batav., CUR 125 CUR apud loh. Elsevirium, Acad. typogr., 1658. 8vo. Collation: iv and 751 pp.; 93 pp. for the supplement of Freinshemius; 46 unnum- bered pages of index; a map facing p. I. The same work. Amstelodami, typis Ludovici Elzevirii. A 1650. Sump- tibus societatis. 241110. There are two editions under this date. The first has the name of the author CVRTIVS on pages 3, 5, 20, and 256, whilst in the second it is CURTIUS. All the editions, 241110., are of little value. Collation: 284 pp.; 18 pp. of index. The same work. Amstelodami, ex offidna Elzeviriana. Anno 1660. Sm. i2mo. Collation: xii and 338 pp.; 20 unnumbered pages of index ; I blank leaf. The same work, 1664. 8vo. Collation: the same as the 1658 edition. The same work. Amstelodami, typis Danielis Elzevirii. A 1665. Sumptibus societatis. 24100. Collation: the same as the 1650 edition. The same work. Amstelodami, ex CUR 126 CUR officina Elzeviriana. Anno 1670. Sm. 1 2 mo. See also under Forgeries. Collation: xii and 335 pp.; 17 unnumbered pages of index; map facing page I. The same work. Amstelodami, typis Danielis Elzevirii. A 1670. Sumptibus societatis. 241110. See also under Forgeries. Collation: as in the 1650 edition. The same work. Amstelodami, ex offidna Elzeviriana, 1673. 8vo. Collation: as in the 1658 edition. The same work. Amstelodami, typis Danielis Elzevirii. A 1677. Sumptibus societatis. 241110. Collation: as in the 1650 edition. END OF VOL. I. 0( ify publications of Curtosa, A OF ALL THE PUBLICATIONS presses AT LEYDEN, AMSTERDAM, THE HAGUE, AND UTRECHT, WITH INTRODUCTION, NOTES, AND AN APPENDIX CONTAINING A LIST OF ALL WORKS, WHETHER FORGERIES OR ANONYMOUS PUBLICATIONS, GENERALLY ATTRIBUTED TO THESE PRESSES. BY EDMUND GOLDSMID, F.R.H.S., F.S.A. (Scot.) IN THREE VOLUMES. VOL. II. PRIVATELY PRINTED, EDINBURGH. 1886. Of this special edition there are only 200 copies printed on thick paper. AN Hlpbabetical Catalogue OF ALL THE WORKS PRINTED OR PUBLISHED BY THE ELZEVIERS. N.B. IN THE COLLATIONS, THE ROMAN NUMERALS INCLUDE all PRELIMINARY MATTER. DALL^EI (loannis). De imaginibvs libri IV. Lvgd. B a favor., ex officina Elze- viriana, 1642, 8vo. Collation : xvi and 55 2 PP- > 2 leaves of errata. DAMVILLIERS (S r - de.) Les Imagi- naires, ou lettres sur 1'heresie imagi- naire. Les Visionnaires, ou seconde partie des lettres sur 1'here'sie imagi- naire. A Liege, chez Adolphe Beyers, 1667. Sm. i2mo, 2 vols. A fine copy of these two volumes fetched 8 at the Brunei sale. Damvilliers is the pseudonym of P. Nicole. Collation: vol. i., xxviii and 430 pp. ; I blank leaf. Vol. ii., 495 pp. DAS 6 DAU DASSOUCY. L'Ovide en belle hvmevr, suiuant la copie imprim'ee a Paris, 1651. Sm. i2mo. One of the rarest of the Leyden Elzeviers. It fetched 26 at the Montgermont sale. Collation: 92 pp.; I unnumbered leaf with verses. DAUBERI (J. H.) Oratio funebris, &c. Lvgdvni Batavorvm, ex officina Bonaventurce. et Abrahami Elsevirio- rum, 1651. Folio. Collation: viii and 120 pp.; 2 plates facing p. I. DAUDIGUIER. Liebes - beschreibung Lysanders und Kalisten. Amsteldam, bey Ludwig Elzevieren, 1644. Sm. i2mo. A German translation by Phil. Zaesien of Daudi- guier's Romance. It is very rare. Collation : viii and 437 pp.; including 16 fine plates. The same. Amsteldam, bey Ludwig Elzevieren, 1650. Sm. i2mo. Collation : xii and 437 pp. ; including 16 plates. Histoire des Amours de Lysandre et de Caliste. f Amstelredam, by Joannes van Ravesteyn, boeckverkooper DAU 7 en ordinaris drucker, op 't Water in V Schrijf-boeck, 1663. Sm. i2mo. Printed in two columns (French and Flemish). Is quoted in the Catalogue of 1 68 1. Collation: xvi and 606 pp., I blank leaf, 16 plates. Page 485 is wrongly numbered 585- The same, a Amsteldam, chez lean de Ravestein. A 1663. Sm. 12 mo. Millot has proved that this is an Amsterdam Elzevier. Collation : 408 pp. DAVIDIS. Les Pseaumes mis en rime fran9oise. Par Clement Marot et Theodore de Beze. A Leyden, chez Lowis E/scvier, 1606. Sm. 8vo. Very rare. Collation : Signatures, blank, A. Mm. 4 leaves of verses and tables. De CL Psalmen overgeset ende in dichte gestelt door Philips van Mar- nix. Tot Leyden, by Lowijs Elzevier, 1617. Met privilegie voor ses iaeren. 2 parts in one vol. 8vo. Very rare. Collation : Part i , xxxii pp. ; Signatures A. Fff iii. Part 2, 173 pp.; I blank leaf. DAY 8 DEC Psalmi lingva syriaca. Lugduni, Batavorum, ex typographia Erpeniana. Pros font apudloh.Maire, et Elzevirios, 1625. 410. Collation : viii and 346 pp.; I leaf. Psalterivm. Lvgdvni, apud Joh: et Dan: Elsevirios. Anno 1653. Sm. i2mo. Very rare. Fetched 11 us at the Payne sale. Collation: 381 pp.; I leaf blank. See also under CENTUM and LOBWASSER. DE BRUYN (J.) Defensio doctrinae Car- tesianae. Amstelodami^ apud Danielem Elzevirium, 1670. 410. Collation: I leaf; 134 pp. Epistola ad clariss. virum D. D. Isaacum Vossium. Amstelodami, apud Ludovicum et Danielem Elzevirios, 1663. 410. Collation : 68 pp. DEGAS epigrammatum sacrorum. Lug- duni Batavorum. Anno 1632, xn lanuar. 410. A finely printed tract. Collation : 8 pp. in all. DEC 9 DEC DECISION de la question du temps. A Pan's, 1649. 4to. A well-written pamphlet. Collation : 20 pp. altogether. DECLARATIO Ordinum Hollandise West-Frisiaeque. Lugduni Batavorum, apud Joannem Maire, et Amstelrodami, apudLudovicumElzevirium, 1644. 4to. Printed by J. Maire of Leyden for Louis Elzevier. See under" Deductio" for a iimo edition of the same book. Collation : 196 pp. DECRET de N. S. P. le pape Innocent XI. centre plusieurs propositions de morale. Suivant les exemplaires de Rome, de P imprimerie de la r'everen- dissime Chambre apostoligue, 1679. Sm. i2mo. Appears in the Official Catalogue of 1681. Collation : 144 pp.; 2 blank leaves. DECRETVM nobilissimorum ac praepo- tentum DD. Hollandise ac West- Frisiae Ordinvm, de studiosorum Lei- densium duellis. Lvgdvni Batavorom, apud Bonaventuram et Abrahamum DEC 10 DED Elsevirios, juratos Academic typo- graphos. Anno 1641. 4to. This decree would have perfectly suited the present state of affairs at Heidelberg and other German Universities. Collation : 8 pp. DE DIEU (L.) Animadversiones in Acta Apostolorvm. Lvgdvni Batavorvm, ex officina Elseviriorum. A 1634. 4to. Collation : 4 leaves prelim, matter ; 221 pp. 10 pp. of Indices. Animadversiones in D. Pauli Apos- toli Epistolam ad Romanos. Lvgd. Batavor.^ ex officind Elzeviriorum. A 1646. 410. Collation : 4 leaves prelim, matter ; 360 pp. 16 pp. of Indices. Animadversiones, sive commentarivs in quatuor Euangelia. Lvgdvni Bata- vorvm, ex officind, Bonaventvrce et Abrahami Elzevir. Academ. typography 1631. 4to. Collation : 8 leaves prelim, matter ; 548 pp. 20 pp. of Indices. Animadversiones in Veteris Testa- menti libros omnes. Lvgdvni Batavo- DED ii BED rvm, ex offidna Bonaventvta et Abra- hami Elzevir. Acad. typography 1648. 4to. Note: These four last mentioned works form a complete Biblical Commentary, and were re- printed in the vol. folio in 1693 by Borstius. Collation : 8 leaves prelim, matter ; 745 pp. 22 pp. of Indices. Compendivm grammaticae Hebraese. Lvgdvni Batavorvm, ex officina Bona- ventvrce. et Abrahami Elzevir. Acad. typography 1626. 4to. oblong. Collation : 40 pp. Grammaticae Hebrseae compendium. Lvgdvni Batavorvm, ex officina Bona- ventvrce et Abrahami Elsevir. Acad. typography 1650. 40. oblong. A second edition of the last article. Collation : 48 pp. Grammatica linguarum orientalum, Hebraaorvm, Chaldaeorvm, et Syrorvm, inter se collatarum. Lvgdvni Bata- vorvm, ex officina Elseviriana. Anno 1628. 410. Collation : 8 leaves prelim, matter ; 423 pp. Rvdimenta lingvse persicae. Lvg- DED 12 DEF dvni Batavorvm ex officina Elseviriana. A 1639. 410. Large paper copies are mentioned in the Catalogue of 1660. Collation : 8 preliminary pages ; 95 pp. Tractaet teghen de gierigheyd. Tot Leyden, by Bonaventuer ende Abraham Elzevier, 1643. 12 mo. Though mentioned in the Catalogue of 1644, and in a Catalogue of a sale by the widow of Jean Elzevier, held 2yth Sept. 1662, no biblio- grapher seems ever to have met with this tract. Collation: unknown. DEDUCTIO, sive declaratio Ord. Hol- landiae West-Frisiaeque. Lugduni Ba- tavorum, apud loannem Maire, et Amstelrodami, apud Ludovicum Etze- virium, 1654. Sm. i2mo. See " Declaratio Ordinum " as above. Collation : 309 pp. I blank leaf. DEFENSIO regia, pro Carolo I. Sumpti- bus regiis. Anno 1649. Folio. This is the celebrated work of Salmasius which called forth all Milton's polemical skill. See a most interesting account in Wil/ems, p. 1 60. Collation : Title-page ; 338 pp. I leaf of errata. DEF 13 DEL The same. 1649. Sm. i2mo. Published at the same time as the Folio Edition. (Sarra-vii Epistolte, p. 225.) Collation : Title-page ; 720 pp. The same. 1652. Sm. i2mo. Collation : 499 pp. DE LAET (J.) Beschrijvinghe van West- Indien. Tot Leyden, bij de Elzeviers. A 1630. Met priuilegie. Folio. Collation : 28 pp. prelim, matter ; 622 pp. 18 pp. of Indices. Fourteen maps, facing pp. i, 45, 89, 137, 169, 301, 357, 425, 449, 477, SOT, 552, 597- L'Histoire dv Nouveau Monde. A Leyde, chez Bonaventure et Abraham E/seuiers, 1640. Folio. A French version of the above. Collation : 28 pp. prelim, matter ; 632 pp. 12 pp. of tables. Fourteen maps, (the same as in the Dutch Edition), facing pp. if 33, 67, 103, 131, 267, 319, 409, 431, 45i, 473, 563, 609- Historic ofte iaerlijck verhael van de verrichtinghen der geoctroyeerde West- Indische Compagnie. Tot Leyden, by DEL 14 DEL Bonaventuer ende Abraham Elsevier. Anno 1644. Met privilegie. Folio. There are said to be some large paper copies measuring 355 mm.; the ordinary copies mea- sure only about 310 mm. Collation : 32 pp. prelim, matter ; 544 pp. ; 31 pp. of summaries ; 6 leaves (unnum- bered) of tables. 12 large maps, facing pp. ii, 17, 59, 185, 353, 355, 365, 383, 417, 433. 46i, 505- IFUeUWe WerClfct Tot Leyden in de druckerye van Isaack Elzevier. A 1625. Met privilegie der Ho. Mo. Heeren Staten Generaet, voor 12 iaren. Folio. The first edition of the History of the West Indies. (See above De Laet, Beschrijvinghe, &c.) The Library at Ghent possesses the only large paper copy known, measuring 374 mm. Collation: 24 pp. prelim, matter; 510 pp. 16 pp. of tables ; I blank leaf. 10 large maps, facing pp. I, 141, 249, 299, 357, 379, 395, 413, 455, 49* Notae ad dissertationem Hugonis Grotii de oiigine gentium Americana- rum. Amstetodami, apud Ludovicum Elzevirium, 1643. 8vo. This was an answer to the celebrated treatise of DEL 15 DEN Grotius (an English translation of which has been recently published by the Editor of the present Catalogue), in which he maintained that the Native Races of America came from Norway, Ethiopia, and China. Collation : 223 pp. Novvs Orbis seu descriptionis Indise Occidentalis libri XVIII. Lvgd. Balav,, apud Elzevirios. A<> 1633. Folio. The Latin translation of the History of the West Indies above noticed. Collation : 32 pp. prelim, matter ; 690 pp. 18 pp. of Indices. 14 maps, facing pp. I, 3". 6 3. 95. 221, 347, 397, 481, 501, 521, 541, 625, 667. Responsio ad dissertationem secun- dam Hvgonis Grotii, de engine gentium Americanarum. Amstelrodami, apud Ludovicum Elsevirtum, 1644. 8vo. A further contribution to the controversy as to the origin of the American Races. Collation: 4 pp. prelim, matter; 116 pp.; 8 pp. of tables and errata. DENIS (J. B.) Recceuil des memoires et des conferences sur les arts et les DEN 16 DES sciences. A Amsterdam, chez Pierre le Grand, 1673. Sm. izmo. This was a volume of the Journal des Scavant (which see), which was also sold separately. Collation : 332 pp.; 4 pp. of tables; 116 pp.; I leaf for advertisement. DEODATI (A.) Consiliarii, ac medici regis christianissimi Valetudinarium. Lvgdvni Batav., ex offic. Johan. Elze- vier, Academ, typography 1660. Sm. Collation : 16 pp. prelim, matter ; 402 pp. ; i leaf of Index. DESCARTES (R.) Epistola ad Voetium. Amsterodami, apud Ludovicum Elzevi- rt'um, 1643. Sm. i2mo. This is the original edition of this famous letter. Collation: 12 pp. prelim, matter ; 282 pp.; 3 blank leaves. -- Epistolse. Amstelodami, apud Dani- elem Elzevirium, 1668. 2 vols. 4to. Collation: Vol. i., 8 pp. prelim, matter; 383 pp. Vol. ii., 4 pp. prelim, matter ; 404 pp. ; 2 leaves of Index. The third volume of Descarte's letters was pub- lished by Blaeu in 1683, 410. DES 17 DES Geometria. Amsleloedami^ apud Ludovicum et Danielem Elzevirios, 1659. 2 vols. 4to. Collation: Vol. i., 16 pp. prelim, matter ; 520 pp. Vol. ii., 1 8 pp. prelim, matter , 420 pp. ; 2 unnumbered leaves. Lettres. A Paris, chez Charles Angot, 1657. Avec privilege du Roy. Et se vendent a Leyden, chez Jean El- sevier. 410. The collection really comprises 3 vols. ; the second and third were published in Paris in 1659 and 1667 without the name of Elzevier. Collation : 30 pp. prelim, matter ; 663 pp. Meditationes. Amstelodami, apud Ludovicum Elzevirium, 1642. 2 vols. Sm. i2mo. Collation : Vol. i., 10 leaves prelim, matter ; 496 pp. Vol. ii., 212 pp. ; 2 blank leaves. - The same. 1650. 4to. Collation: 12 pp. prelim, matter; 191 pp. for part i. ; 164 pp. for Appendix ; 88 pp. for the Epistola ad Voetium. - The same. 1654. 4to. Collation: as the last. The same. Amstelodami, apud Lu- VOL. II. C DES 18 DES dovicum et Danielem Elzeverios. 1663. 4to. Collation : as the edition of 1650. The same. Amstelodami, apud Danielem Elzevirium, 1670. 4to. Collation: as the edition of 1650. The same. 1678. 410. Collation: as the edition of 1650. Notae in programma quoddam. Amstelodami, ex offidna Lvdovici Elze- virii, 1648. Sm. 12 mo. These notes were written in answer to a tract of Henry Regius. The book is extremely rare. Collation : 63 pp. Opera Philosophica. These consist of the Passiones, Princifia Philosophise, Specimina PAilosophite, mentioned below, to- gether with the Meditatitmes of 1650, noticed above, to which a title-page bearing the words : Rtnati Des-Cartes Opera Philosophica. Editio teconda (tertia, quarto, quinta, vel ultima) ab auctore recognita, has been prefixed. Passiones Anima?. Amstetodami, apud Ludovicum Elzevirium, Anno 1650. 410. Collation : 24 pp. prelim, matter ; 98 pp. ; 3 leaves of Index. The same. Sm. 12 mo. DES 19 DES Collation .-56 pp. prelim, matter ; 242 pp. ; 13 pp. of Indices. The same. Amstelodami, apud Lu- dovicum et Danielem Elzevirios. A 1656. 410. Collation : 24 pp. prelim, matter ; 92 pp. 5^4 pp. of Index. The same. 1664. 410. Collation : As the edition of 1656. The same. Amstelodami, apud Danielem Elzevirium, A 1672. 410. Collation: as the edition of 1656. The same. 1677. 4to. Collation : as the edition of 1656. Les Passions de 1'ame. A Amster- dam, chez Louys Elzevier, 1649. Avec privilege du Roy, Sm. 8vo. Great confusion has arisen with regard to this book : I therefore quote Willems at length : " Edition originate de cet ouvrage celebre, im- primee par Louis Elzevier, de compte a demi avec un libraire de Paris nomme Le Gras. En effet une partie des exemplaires portent : a Paris, chez Henry Le Gras, 1649, avec cette unique difference que la Minerve est remplacee par les armes de France et de Navarre, avec les colliers des ordres de S. Michel et du S. Esprit. " Le volume a subi par la suite diverses trans- formations. Car on rencontre des exemplaires DBS 20 DES avec les addresses suivantes : A Amsterdam, par Lovis Elzevier, et se vendent a Paris chez Henry Le Gras, 1650 ; ou bien : Amsterdam, par Lovis Elzevier, 1650 ; ou bien : Amsterdam, et se vendent a Paris, chez Thomas Joly, 1651 ; ou enfin, sans date : a Paris, chez Guill. Angot. Mail tandis que les litres de 1649 au nom de L. Elzevier et de Le Gras, sont d'impression elzevirienne, les autres litres que nous venons de citer ont ete executes a Paris. " II resulle clairement de la que Le Gras a cede successivement des parties de 1'edition a quelques-uns de ses confreres. C'est meme lui qui a fait imprimer en 1650 des litres au nom de L. Elzevier, soil par suile d'un arrange- menl avec 1'imprimeur, soil plutot qu'il ail cherche a tirer parti de la vogue qui s'attachait aux produits des presses elzeviriennes. Quoi qu'il en soil, il est sur que celle substitution de litres a etc faile a Paris. D'abord les exem- plaires signes L. Elzevier, a la dale de 1650, porlent au lieu de sa marque un simple fleuron typographique. En oulre le litre fail corps avec un feuillet blanc qui precede, landis que le 8 f. limin. n'a pas de correspondanl. Enfin 1'edilion etait deja epuisee a Amslerdam, puisqu'en celte meme annee 1650 L. Elzevier se decida a en publier une seconde dans le format pet. in- 12." The edition of 1649 is rare, and is worth 5, in good condition. Collation : 48 pp. prelim, matter : 286 pp. ; I blank leaf. The same. 1650. Sm. i2mo. DES 21 DES Collation : 48 pp. prelim, matter ; 272 pp. ; 14 pp. for tables ; I blank leaf. Principia philosophise. Amstelo- dami, apud Ludovicum Elzevirium. Anno 1644. Cum privilegiis. 410. Collation : 22 pp. prelim, matter ; I blank leaf; 310 pp. ; I blank leaf. This Edition of the Principia and the Sfecimina of 1644 form the first edition of Descarte's Of era Philoiophlca. The same. 1650. 4to. Collation : 40 pp. prelim, matter ; 3OZ pp. The same. Amstelodami, apud Ludo- vicum, et Danielem Elzevirios, A 1656, Cum privilegiis. 410. Collation : 36 pp. prelim, matter 5222 pp. The same. Amstelodami, apud Danielem Elzevirium. A 1664. Cum privilegiis. 410. Collation : as the edition of 1656. The same. 1672. 410. Collation : as the edition of 1656. The same. Amstelodami, apud Danielem Elzevirium, 1677, cum pri- vilegio S. Casareoe, Majestatis. 4to. Collation : as the edition of 1656. DES 22 DES Specimina Philosophise. Amstelo- dami, apud Ludovicum Elzevirium, 1644. Cum privilegiis. 410. See Descartes, Ofera Philosophica; and Descartes Prin- cifia, 1644, note. Collation: 1 6 pp. prelim, matter ; 331 pp. The same. 1650. 410. Collation: 16 pp. prelim, matter ; 316 pp. The same. Apud Ludovicum et Danielem Elzevirios, A 1656. Cum privilegiis. 410. Collation : 16 pp. prelim, matter ; 248 pp. The same. Amstelodami, apud Danielem Elzevirium. A 1644. Cum privilegiis. 410. Collation : as the edition of 1656. - The same. 1672. 410. Collation: as the edition of 1656. The same. 1677. 410. Collation: as the edition of 1656. Tractatus de homine et de forma- tione foetus, quorum prior notis perpe- tuis Ludovici de La Forge, M.D. illustratur. Amstelodami, apud Dani- DES 23 DEV elem Elsevirium, 1677. Cum privilegio S. Casarea Majestatis. 410. Collation : 76 pp. prelim, matter ; 239 pp. DESMARETS (J.) ARIANA. Zu Am- sterdam^ by Ludwich und Daniel Elze- viern. 1659. 2 parts in i vol. Sm. 12 mo. A translation by F. de Heger. Collation: Part i., 20 pp. prelim, matter; 472 pp. Part ii, 491 pp. DEUSINGIUS (A.) De Vero systemate mundi. Amstelodami, apud Ludovi- cum Elzevirium, 1643. 4 to - Collation: viii. and 173 pp; I blank leaf. DE VILLE (A.) De la charge des gouver- neurs des places. louxte la copie imprimee a Paris, 1640. Sm. i2mo. Pieters and Brunet are mistaken in stating that there should be a plate opposite the frontis- piece. Collations : vi. and 662 pp ; 22 pp. of tables. DEVINERESSE (La) ou les faux en- chantemens. Suivant la copie imprimee a Paris, 1680. Sm. I2mo. Printed by Daniel Elzevier. It was written by T. Corneille and Donneaa de Vise. The character represented is that of the famous DEV 24 DIS Madame Voisin who was burned as a witch. A fine copy is worth about z. Collation : 190 pp. DE VOLDER (B.) Oratio de rationis viribus. Lugduni Batavorum, apud Abrahamum Elzevier, Acad. typogr., 1698. 410. Some copies bear the imprint of Frederick Har- ingius. Collation : iv. and 35 pp. DIALOGUES rustiques d'un prestre de village, d'un berger, le censier et sa femme, tres utile pour ceux qui demeu- rent es pays ou ils n'ont le moyen d'estre instruits par la predication de la parole de Dieu. A Leyden, chez Loys Elzevier, 1612. i2mo. No copy of this edition is known, but that it is genuine is proved, first because it is mentioned in the Frankfort Catalogue of 1612, and in that of 1628; and secondly, because Adry must have had it in in his hands, as he men- tions the number of pages it contains. The author, according to Willems, was Jean Money, schoolmaster at Tiel. Collation .-190 pp. DISCOURS merveilleux de la vie, actions et deportemens de la reyne Catherine DIS 25 DOG de Medicis, mere de Frar^ois II, Charles IX, Henry III, rois de France. Suivant la copie imprim'ee a La Hai'e\ 1663. Sm. i2mo. Scarce. Collation : 1 56 pp. DISCOURS sur la creche de Nostre Seigneur. A Cologne, 1677. I2mo. Undoubtedly printed by Daniel Elzevier. Collation : xxxiv. and 330 pp. ; 6 pp for table and errata. DISPVTATIO de finite et infinite, in qua defenditur sententia clarissima Cartesii, de motu, spatio, et corpore. Amstelo- dami, apud Ludovicum Elzevirium, 1651. Sm. i2mo. Collation : viii. and 80 pp. DISSERTATIONES de indvciis belli Belgici. Lvgd. Batavorvm, ex officina Elzeviriorum, 1633. Sm. izmo. Collation: 312 pp. ; I blank leaf. UOGEN (M.) Architectvra militaris moderna. Amstelodami, apud Ludovi- cum Elzevirium. Anno 1647. Folio. DOG 26 DUG A magnificent publication, full of illustrations, including 70 separate plates. Collation : viii. and 504 pp. ; 24 pp. of Indices. L'Architectvre militaire moderne. Amsterdam, chez Louys Elzevier^ 1648. Folio. A French translation of the previous article. Collation: viii. and 547 pp. Heutiges tages ubliche kriges Bau- kunst. Amsterdam, bey Ludwich Elze- viern. A 1648. Folio. A German translation of the same. Collation: viii. and 475 PP- DRVSII (T.) Ebraicarvm quaestionvm, sive, qusestionum ac responsionum libri duo, videlicet secundus ac tertiiis. In Academia Lugdunensi, M.D.LXXXIII. 8vo. Collation: xvi. and no pp. ; I leaf of errata. DUCK (A.) De usu et authoritate iuris civilis Romanorum. Lvgd. Batav., ex offidna Elscviriorum, Academ. typo- graph., 1654. Sm. i2mo. Collation : xlviii and 474 pp. , 54 pp. of indices. DU CLOS. Dissertation sur les principes DUG 27 DUE des mixtes naturels. A Amsterdam, chez Daniel Elsevier, 1680. izmo. Printed in large type, and now scarce. Collation: 103 pp. DUESII (N.) Compendivm grammaticae gallicae. Lvgd. Batavor., ex officina Elzeviriorum, 1647. 8vo. Collation : 96 pp. The same. Amstelodami, apud Lu- dovicum Elzevirium, 1650. Sm. 8vo. Collation : iv and 44 pp. Compendium grammaticse germani- Ce. Amstelodami, ex officina Danielis Elsevirii, 1668. Sm. 8vo. Collation; 155 pp. ; I blank leaf. Dictionarium Gallico-germanico-lati- num. A Amsterdam, chez Louys et Daniel Elzevier, 1664. Avec privileges de S. M. Imp'eriale et des Estats de Hollande et Westfrise. 410. Collation: xvi and 1115 pp. - Dictionarium germanico-gallico-lati- num. Zu Amsterdam, bey Ludwigund Daniel Elzevier. Imjahr 1664. Mit privilegien. 4to. DUE 28 DUE This is the 3rd edition of this dictionary. Collation : 744 pp. ; I leaf of errata. Dittionario italiano et francese. A Leide, chez Jean Elsevier, imprimeur de r Academic, 1660. 8vo. The second part, containing the French-Italian version, has a title-page dated 1659, Collation : 1st Part, xvi and 970 pp. ; 2 blank leaves. 2nd Part, 605 pp.; I page of errata. Epitome dictionvm quarundam aequi- vocarum et ambiguarum in lingua gallica. Lvgd. Batav., ex officina Else- viriorum, 1651. Sm. i2mo. Very rare. See a curious note by Charles Nodier in the Nouveaux Melanges of 1844, p. 322. Collation: 144 pp. Le vray Guidon de la langue fran- 9oise. A Leyde, chez Bonaventure et Abraham Elseviers. L'an 1639. 8vo. Collation : 263 pp. The same. 1646. 8vo. Collation: xvi and 470 pp.; I leaf of errata. The same. Zu Leyden bey Johann und Daniel Elsevier. Im jahr 1653. 8vo. DUE 29 DUE Collation : xvi and 912 pp. The same. Zu Leyden, bey Johann Elsevier. 1657. 8vo. Collation : xvi and 848 pp. The same. Zu Amsterdam, bey Lud- wig und Daniel Elzevier, 1662. Mit R'6m. Keyserlicher Majestaet privilegio. 8vo. Collation : xvi and 834 pp. The same. Zu Amsterdam, bey Daniel Elsevier. 1669. Mit Rom. Keyserl. Majest'dt privilegio. Sm. 8vo. Collation : xii and 834 pp. NOTE. See also under Forgeries. - Le gvidon de la langve Italienne. A Leyde, chez Bonauenture et Abraham Elseuiers. L'an 1641. 8vo. Collation : 286 pp. The same. 1650. 8vo. Collation : 269 pp. ; I blank leaf. - The same. A Amsterdam, chez Louys et Daniel Elzevier, 1'an 1659. 8vo. Collation : viii and 263 pp. NOTE. See also under Forgeries. DUE 30 DUM The same. A Amsterdam, chez Daniel Elzevier, 1'an 1670. 8vo. Collation : viii and 256 pp. Nova nomenclatura quatuor lingua- rum, gallico, germanico, italico, et latino idiomate conscripta. Lvgd. Ba- tav. t ex officind, Elzeviriorum, 1640. 8vo. Collation: viii and 212 pp.; I leaf of tables. The same. Lvgd. Batavor., ex officina Elzeviriorum, 1644. 8vo. Collation : viii and 214 pp. ; I leaf of tables. The same. Lvgd. Batav., ex officina Elzeviriana, 1652. 8vo. Collation : xii and 242 pp. (the last erroneously numbered 342) ; I leaf of tables. The same. Amstetodami, ex officina Elzeviriana, 1663. 8vo. Collation: 258 pp.; 2 pp. of tables. DU MOULIN. Anatomic de la Messe. A Leyde, chez Bonaventure et Abraham Elsevier, 1638. Sm. i2mo. See under MoLrNceus. One of the rarest of the Elzevier collection. Collation: xii and 324 pp. DUR 31 DYE DU REFUGE. Traicte" de la Cour. A Leide, chez les Elseviers, 1649. Sm. 1 2 mo. Collation : viii and 377 pp. ; 23 pp. of tables. The same. A Amsterdam, chez les Elzeviers, 1656. Sm. i2mo. Collation : viii and 350 pp. (the last erroneously numbered 305) ; 26 pp. of tables. DURYER (P.) Nitocris, reine de Baby- lone. Suiuant la copie imprimee a Pan's, 1650. Sm. 121110. A true Leyden Elzevier. Collation : 70 pp. The"mistocle, tragi-come'die. Suiuant la copie imprimee a Paris, 1649. Sm. 1 2 mo. Collation : 78 pp. DYEMENI (G.) Cajsarei ad Regvlas ivris Romanorvm antiqui notse. Lvg- dvni Batavorvm, ex officina Ludoviri Elzevirij. Anno M.DC.XVI. 8vo. An edition of 1654, with the imprint of Jean and Daniel Elzevier, is quoted in the Motteley catalogue of 1848, with the observation that the title-page seems to have been added to a previous edition. It is probable that Jean and Daniel merely put a new title-page to this DYE 32 IKK edition, as they did to the Parcemia of Aposto- lius of 1619, and the Commentaries of Gerard Tuningus of 161 8. Collation' xxxvi and 551 pp.; 59 pp. of Indi- ces ; I leaf of errata. BeAyiKTjs ^o/ioAoyTjcris Hoc est : Ecclesiarvm Belgicarvm confessio. Lvgd. Batavo- rvm, ex officina Elzeviriana, 1623. Sm. i2mo. Greek and Latin text. Each version seems to have been published separately. Collation: Greek, iv and 118 pp.; I leaf of errata. Latin, iv and 108 pp. The same, 1635. Collation : iv and 182 pp. ; I blank leaf. The same. Amstelodami, apud Jo- hannem a Ravensteyn, civitatis et Illu- stris Scholce typographum, 1661. Sm. i2mo. Collation : iv and 182 pp. (Twv) T^S BeAyi/c^s XP UJ " rLaviK *) 6p66Soos SiSacncaAta Kat ra^is : Tov/oyia, Kai Kavovcs fKK\rj/3acr/xei/?7. 'ErvrrwOrj ev AovySowi; TWI/ Bara/3wv, Trapa BovaftevTovpy. Kal 'Af3pad[jui) rots ' Tl TT^S X/31CTTOU Every word in the volume is in Greek, even the imprint, as above. This translation of the creed of the Dutch Protestant Church is attri- buted to Hierotheus, Abbot of Cephalonia. Having been printed on somewhat large paper, it is not uncommon to see it marked in cata- logues, " large paper copies." There are really none on larger paper. Collatton: xii and 500 pp. EDUCATION (L J ) des enfans. A Ams- terdain, chez Daniel Elsevier, 1679. 8vo. Barbier names Frederic Rivet, son of the tutor of William of Orange, as the author. Collation: viii and 262 pp. i blank leaf. ELEGANCES (Les) frar^oises accommo- dees au langage dv temps. Par N. N. A Amsterdam, chez Louys Elzevier 1641. Sm. i2mo. Collation : 72 pp. ELM ACINUS (G.) Historia Saracenica. Lugduni Batovorum, ex typographia Erpeniana linguarum orientalium, ELM 34 EMM 1625. Pros f an f apud lohannem Mairc, et Elzevirios. Folio. Collation : xii and 339 pp. ; 2 pp. of errata. The same. 410. Collation : viii and 447 pp. EMMIUS (U.) Genealogia universalis imperatorum, regum, principum, alio- rumq. illustr. virorum. Lugduni Bata- vorum, sumptibus Elseviriorum. Pro- stant apud Davidem Lopes de Haro. Folio. This is really the third part of the Opus Chronologi- cum with a new title-page. Collation : iv and 169 pp.; I blank leaf. Graecorvm Respvblicse. Lvgd. Ba- tavorvm, ex officina Elzeviriana. Anno 1632. 2 vols. 24mo. There is another edition, the first vol. of which bears the date of 1632, whilst the second has the real date 1644. This inferior edition contains 416 pp. in the first vol., and 304 pp. in the second. Collation : Vol. i., 432 pp. Vol. ii., 330 pp. Opus chronologicum. Groningce, excud. Johannes Sassivs, typographus ordinarius, sumptibus Elseviriorum, 1619. Cum privilegio. Folio. EMM 35 EMM Chronologia rervm Romanorvm. Groningcz, excud. I. Sassivs, typogr. ordin., sumptibus Elseviriorum, 1619. Appendix Genealogica. Groningce, excud. I. Sassius, typogr. ord., sumpti- bus Elseviriorum, 1620. These three parts are generally united in one vol. Collation: Opus, xxiv and 600 pp.; Chronologia,, viii and 101 pp.; I blank leaf.; Appendix, iv and 169 pp. ; i blank leaf. Rervm Frisicarvm historia. Lvg- dvni Batavorvm, apvd Ludovicvm El- zevirivm, clo loc xvi. Cum privilegio. 2 vols. in i. Folio. There are two editions under the same date. The first is very incomplete, having neither the preface of Emmius, nor the critical letter on Pontus Heuterus and Hamelman, nor the maps and plans, nor the indices. The second, there- fore, should always be obtained. Collation: Vol. i., xxxii and 962 pp.; 34 pp. for errata and indices; I plate (p. 33.) Vol. ii., viii and 70 pp.; I leaf of errata ; 92 pp.; 64 pp.; 60 pp.; 12 pp. of tables. 12 plans and maps, (pp. 36, 48, 52, 54, 58 S9> 60, 62, and 64 of the first treatise ; p. 14 of the second ; and pp. 2 and 6 of the third.) EMM 36 ENT Vetvs Graecia. Lvgdvni Batavorvm, ex officina Bonaventvrce. et Abraham i Elzevir. Acad. typography 1626. Cum privilegio. 3 vols. 8vo. Collation: Vol. i., xxiv and 194 pp. ; 22pp. of indices. Vol. ii., iv and 536 pp. ; 32 pp. of indices. Vol. iii., iv and 520 pp. ; 24 pp. for indices and errata. ENNI (Q.) poetae cvm primis censendi, Annalivm libb. xnx quae apud varies auctores superant, fragmenta. L. M. Lugduni Batavorum, ex officina loan- nis Paetsij et Ludovici Elzevirij. Anno clo.lo.xcv. 4to. Printed by Baldwin of Leyden. Collation : Ivi and 632 pp. ; 24 pp. of tables. ENTRETIEN du sage ministre d'Estat sur 1'egalite de sa conduite en faveur et en disgrace. A Leyden, chez les E/zeviers, 1645. Sm. izmo. Written by Breuche de la Croix. (See Bulletin du Bibliophile Beige, 1858., pp. 298 to 317.) Collation : xvi and 103 pp. The same. 1652. Collation : As above. ENTRETIENS (Les) d'Ariste et d'Eu- ENT 37 EPI gne. A Amsterdam, chez Jaques le Jeune, 1671. Sur la copie imprim'ee a Paris. Sm. i2mo. Collation : x and 438 pp.; 10 pp. of tables. EPICEDIA Amicorum in obitum M. P. Colonii. Lugd. Batavorum, ex officina Elzeviriana. A 1625. 410. Collation : 36 pp. EPICEDIA in obitvm D. Simeonis Rvtingii. Lvgd. Batav., apud Isaacum Elzevirium, iurati Academ. typogr., 1622. 4to. This is generally followed by the Dutch version. Collation : Latin, 39 pp. ; Dutch, 13 pp. EPICTETI Enchiridium. Delphi* Bata- vorum, apud viduam Gerardi dejager. A 1683. 8vo. Printed by Abraham Elzevier. Collation: xxxii and 280 pp.; a large alle- gorical plate facing p. i. EPISTOLICA dissertatio de principiis ivsti, et decori, continens apologiam pro tractatu clarissimi Hobbsei de Give. Amstelodami, apud Ludovicum Elze- verium, 1651. EPI 38 EPI Generally follows the " Disputatio de finito et infi- nite," which see. Collation : xvi and 269 pp. ; 2 pp. of tables. EPITHALAMIAin nvptias Johannis Poly- andri et castissimse lectissimseque virgi- nis, Catharinse Carolinae. Lvgdvni Batavorvm, ex officina Bonaventvra et Abrahami Elzevir. Academ. typography 1631. 410. Collation : 7 pp. EPITHALAMIA in nvptias Johannis Polyandri a Kerckhoven et Catherinae Wottoniae, baronis a Wotton filiae majoris natu, baronis Stanhopii viduae, Lvgdvni Batavorvm, typis Elsevirianis. Apud lacobum Lauwichium, mense Martio. A 1641. Folio. Collation : 12 pp. EPITHALAMIA in nuptias Wyboldi Douzae et domina? Annas Kerchovisa, Job. Polyandri a Kerckhoven... filias; celebratas Hagas 22 Apr. A 1640. Lugd. Batav., ex officina Etzevir., 1640. Folio. Collation : 12 pp. ERA 39 ERA ERASMUS (D.) Adagiorum Epitome. Amstelodami, apud Ludovicum Elzevi- rium, sumptibus societatis. Anno 1650. Sm. I2mo. A good copy is worth about 8. Collation : xxiv and 622 pp. ; 72 pp. of index. i blank leaf. The same. Amstelodami, ex officina Elzeviriana. Sumptibus Societatis, 1663. Sm. i2mo. Collation : as above. Codicille d'or, ou petit recueil tire de 1'Institution du prince chrestien. 1665. Sm. i2mo. An edition under the same date, of 189 pp., was not printed by the Elzeviers. Collation: 187 pp. Colloqvia nunc emendatiora. Lvgd. Batavorvm, ex officina Elzeviriana. Anno 1636. Sm. i2mo. Best edition. Collation: xxiv and 716 pp.; 2 blank leaves. The same. 1643. Sm. i2mo. Collation : as above. The same. Amstelodami typis Lu- ERA 40 ERP dovici E/zevirii, 1650. Sumptibus Societatis. 24mo. There are two editions of the same date, 241110. The best is that in which p. 269 is wrongly numbered 169. Collation : viii and 589 pp. ; 2 pp. of index. The same. Amstelodami ex officina Elzeviriana. Anno 1665. Sm. izmo. Collation : xx and 672 pp. The same. 1662. Sm. izmo. Collation : as above. The same. 241110. Collation : viii and 589 pp. ; 2 pp. of index. The same. 1668. 241110. Collation : as above. The same. Amstelodami, typis Danielis Elzevirii, 1677. Sumptibus societatis. 24010. Collation : viii and 592 pp. The same. Amstelodami ex officina Elzeviriana. Anno 1679. Sm. i2mo. Collation: xx and 662 pp. ERPENII (T.) Rvdimenta lingvs arabicae. Lvgdvni Batavorvm, ex officina Bona- ventvra et Abrahami Elzevir. Acad. typogr., 1628. 8vo. ERP 41 ESC Collation: x and 172 pp.; 24 unnumbered leaves; I blank leaf. ERYTHR^I (J. N.) Evdemise libri VIII. Anno Christ! Salvatoris 1637. Srn. i2mo. Undoubtedly printed by the Elzeviers of Leyden. The author's real name was Jean Victor Rossi, turned into a Greek form, as above. A key to the Eudtmia will be found in Gryphius's Apparatus de scriptoribus historiam sec. xvii illustrantibus, Leipsic, 1710, 8vo., pp. 491-495. Collation: 311 pp. ESCHOLE (L') de Salerne, en vers bur- lesques. Et duo poemata macaronica; de bello huguenotico : et de gestis mag- nanimi et prudentissimi Baldi. Suiuant la copie imprimee a Paris, 1651. Sm. I2mo. Very rare. Sold as high as 40. Collation : 139 pp. ESCOLE (L J ) des princes, ou Alexandre le Grand combl de gloire et de mal- heurs. A Amsterdam, chez Jaques le Jeune, 1671. Sm. i2mo. Printed by Daniel Elzevier. Collation : xvi and 223 pp. ESCRIT du pape Clement VIII, et con- ESC 42 EST formite' de la doctrine soutenue par les disciples de S. Augustin sur les con- troverses preterites de la grace, avec la doctrine contenue dans 1'ecrit de ce pape et confirmee par plusiers temoi- gnages de S. Augustin qui y sont rapportez. A Cologne, 1662. 410. Printed at Amsterdam. Collation: 68 pp. ESSAIS de morale. Suivant la copie imprim'ee a Paris, chez la veuve Charles Savreux, 1672. 4 vols. Sm. i2mo. Written by Pierre Nicole. Scarce. The different vols. are found with dates ranging from 1672 to 1 68 1. This arises from their having been very frequently reprinted, and it is rare to find any one copy in which the four vols. bear the same date. Collation : Vol. i., xxiv and 329 pp. ; I blank leaf. Vol. ii. f xii and 324 pp. Vol. Hi., viii and 352 pp. Vol. iv.. xx and 364 pp. ESSENIUS (A.) Trivmphvs Crvcis. Am- stelodami) apud Ludovicum Elzevirium. 1649. 4 to - Collation: xx and 560 pp.; 36 pp. of indices and errata. EST AT de la France, comme elle estoit EST 43 EVT gouverne'e en 1'an MDCXLVIII, 1649. 1 2 mo. Printed at Leyden. There is another edition under the same date, of 188 pp.. which was not printed by the Elzeviers. Collation : 185 pp.; 3 blank leaves. EUFRASIA. Ooghen-troost, aen Par- thenine, bejaerde maeghd : over de verduysteringh van haer een ooghe. Tot Leyden, ter druckerije van de Else- viers. Anno 1647. 8vo. Written by Constantine Huygens. Very rare. Collation : 56 pp. EVSEBII, Polychronii, Pselli, in Canti- cvm Canticorvm expositiones grsece. loannes Mevrsivs primus nunc e tene- bris eruit, et publicavit. Lvgdvni Ba- tavorvm, ex officina Elzeviriana. Typis Godefridi Basson. Anno 1617. 410. Collation : viii and 186 pp. EVTROPI (V. C.) Historic Romanse, libb. x. His additi Pavlli Diaconi libb. nx. Lvgdvni Batavorvm. Apud Lu- dovicum Elzevirium. Anno clo.Ia.xcn. 8vo. EVT 44 EXT This is really the first book printed by Louis Elze- vier, the Drusius of 1583 having simply been published by him. Collation : iv and 169 pp. ; I blank leaf. EVERSIO electoratus bavarici, opposita assertioni Johannis Adelzreiteri J. U. L. et consiliarii bavarici : quam ad turbandos pacis generalis tractatus emisit. 1645. 410. Mentioned in the Catalogues of 1649 and 1674. Collation : 72 pp. EXEQVI^ iuenis nobilissimi Henrici Ploos ab Amstel. Lv^dvni JBatavorvm, ex officina Elseviriorum. A 1639. 4to. Written by Heinsius. Collation : 8 pp. EXTRACT uyt de ordonnantie van 't Collegium Theologie tot Leyden. Gearresteert by de ridderschap, eedelen ende steden van Holland ende West- Friesland. Representerende de Staten van den selven lande. Gedruckt in Leyden^ by Abraham Elzevier, drucker Anno 1699. 410. Generally found after fVetten ende statuten van de Univcrsiteyt tot Leyden. EXT 45 FAB Collation : 38 pp. EXTRACT uyt het Keur-boeck der stadt Leyden, van de achtentachtigste keure. Ten bevele van die van de gertchte der stadt Leyden. Gedruckt by Abraham Elzevier, drucker van de Academic, 1686. 4to. Collation : 20 pp. EXTRAICT de la lettre envoyee aux Provinces confederees, par les hauls et puissants Seigneurs Mess, les Estats Generaulx. A la Haye, chez Loys Elzevir, marchant libraire a la Salic, anno 1619, Auecq privilege. 4to. Collation : 4 pp. FABER (T.) Disputationes anniversarise ad qvatvor libros Institvtionvm. Lug- duni Batavorum, apvd Lvdovicvm Elzevirivm. Anno 1615. 4 to - Collation: viii pp; the pages are not num- bered ; signatures, a z, aa hh 4, A S 4, all in fours then A to G 3 ; I blank leaf. FABRI (S.) Italianische Fechtkvnst. Lei- den, bey. Isack Elzevier. Anno 1619. Folio. FAB 46 FIE Collation : viii and 196 pp. FABRITII (V.) Hamburgensis, Oratiode obsidione, et liberatione civitatis Lei- densis. Lvgdvni Batavorvm, ex officina Bonaventvrcz et Abrahami Elzevir. Academ. typography 1632. 4to. Collation : viii and 24 pp. Poematvm junenilium libri III. Lvgd. Batavorvm, ex officina Elze- vtriorum, 1633. Sm. 12 mo. Collation : xxiv and 108 pp. FELBINGER (J.) Griechisch - deutsch Xfue befeeerinofoe enfce stt wefcer=feomen tot &e gbe* me^ltte (B OOtS. In 's Graven-Haghe, voor Loivijs Elsevier. Anno 1610. Met privilegie. 4to. Collation: 36 pp. (La repentance de) et son retovr en PEglise de Diev. A la ffaye, pour Louis Elsevier. Anno 1610. Avec privilege. 4to. The French version of the preceding article. Collation : 24 pp. Exercitationes de generatione ani- malivm. Amstelodami, apud Ludovi- cum Elzevirium, 1651. Sm. 12 mo. Collation: 568 pp. ; 6 pp. of index; I blank leaf. HEGENTI (G.) Itinerarivm Grisio-Hol- landicum, et Abr. Ortelii itinerarivm HEG 68 HEI Gallo-Brabanticvm. In quibus quse visu, quse lectu digna. Lvgd. Batavor., ex officina Elzeviriana, 1630. Cum privilegio. i8mo. Collation: 343 pp.; 13 pp. of indices; 2 blank leaves. The same. Lvgd. Batavor., apud Henricvm Verbiest, 1661. Sm. 121110. Printed by Jean Elzevier. Collation : viii and 251 pp. ; 5 pp. of index. The same. Lvgd. Batav., apud viduam Henrici Verbiest, 1667. Sm. 1 2 mo. Collation : viii and 283 pp. ; 5 pp. of index. HEIDANI (A.) Consideratien over de heyligingh van den dagh des Heeren, tot vrede der kercken. Tot Leyden, by Johannes Elsevier, drucker der Uni- versiteyt, 1659. Sm. 12 mo. Collation : 168 pp. ; I leaf of errata. The same. 1659. 2 vols. in i. Sm. 121110. Collation: Vol. i, 168 pp. Vol. ii, 228 pp. de Sabbato et die dominica dispu- tatio II. Quae est apologetica primae. HEI 69 HEI Lugd. Batav., apud Joh. Elsevirium, Academ. typogr., 1658. Prostant apud Fr. Moiardum. Sm. izmo. The Latin version of the preceding article. Collation : 57 pp. Oratio de Ivctvosa calamitate quse anno Domini CID IDC LXIX civitatem Leidensem, curiam, ecclesiam et aca- demiam graviter afflixit, et praecipuis suis columnis et ornamentis destituit, et orbavit. Lugduni Batavorum t ex officina Felicis Lopez, 1670. 410. This disaster was the Great Plague of 1669. Collation : title-page ; 76 pp.; (sigs. A Ki.) Oratio in funebris F. Spanhemii. Lvgd. Batavor., ex officina Bonaven- tur& et Abrahami Elzevir. Academ. typography 1649. 410. Collation : iv and 52 pp ; 24 pp of Epicedia. Oratio inauguralis. Lvgd. Batav.^ ex officina Bonaventvrce et Abrahami Elsevir. Acad. typogr., 1648. 410. Collation : viii and 88 pp. HEINSII (D.) Aristarchvs Sacer. Lvg- dvni Batavorvm, ex officina Bonaven- HEI 70 HEI tvra et Abrahami Elzevir. Academ. typography 1627. 2 parts in i vol. 8vo. A learned edition of the paraphrase of St. John's Go*pel by Nonnus of Panopolis. Collation: part i., cxvi and 225 pp. ; 39 leaves of notes and index. Part ii., 551 pp. ; 48 pp. of index. -- De contemptv Mortis. Lvgdvni Batavorvm, ex offirina Elzeviriana, 1621. 410. Two copies printed on vellum : one was sold for 38 173. in 1818 in London, and the second was presented to the Hague Library by Louis Buonaparte, King of Holland. Collation: viii and 196 pp ; 24 pp. of index. - De Politica sapientia Oratio. dvni - Batavorvm, apud Ludouicum Elzcuirium. Anno clo.loc xmi. 410. Collation : viii and 86 pp. ; (sigs A L. ) ; I blank leaf. De praestantia historiae. Lvgdvni Batavorvm> apud Lvdovicvm Elzevi- rivm. Anno clo ID cxiv. 410. Collation : 20 pp. De Tragsedise constitutions Lvgdvni Batavorvm, apud loannem Balduinum: HEI 71 HEI prostat in bibliopolio Ludouici Elzevirij. Anno clo.Io.c.xi. 8vo. Collation : 2 S3 pp. ; I blank leaf The same. Lvgd. Batav., ex officina Elseviriana, 1643. Sm. 12010. Collation : xii and 368 pp. - Deux homelies. A Leyde, chez Lv- dovic Elzevirier (sic.) L'an 1613. 410. Collation : xii and 59 pp. - Epistola, qva Dissertationi D. Bal- saci ad Heroden Infanticidam, respon- detur. Lvgd. Batavorvm, ex qffitina Elzeviriana, 1636. 8vo. Collation : viii and 264 pp. Gratvlatio. Lvgd. Batavorvm, ex officina Isaari Elzevirl, iurati Aca- demitz typogr. A 1621. 410. Collation: 30 pp.; I blank leaf. Harangve fvnebre faite a la memoire du tres-illustre et invincible Prince Mavrice de Nassav. A Leiden, ches Isaac Elzevir, imprimeur de /' Vniver- site, 1'an 1625. 410. Collation : viii and 83 pp. ; folding plate facing page I. HEI 72 HEI Herodes infanticida, tragcedia. Lvgd. Batavorvm, ex officina Elzeviriana, 1632. 8vo. Collation: 112 pp. Histoire dv siege de Boldvc et de ce qui s'est pass es Paisbas Vnis 1'an CID IDC xxix. Lvgd. Bat. Ex officina Elzeviriorum. A 1631. Folio. Collation: viii and 212 pp ; 4 pp. of tables ; 5 plates facing pp. 42, 48, 52, 54, and 164. Homilia de Electione. Lugd. Ba- tavorum, sumptibus Jacobi Elzevirl. 1625. Cum privilegio. Sm. i2mo. Collation : 96 pp. Illustris viri lac. Aug. Thuani Apo- theosis. Folio. Probably printed by Isaac Elzevier. Collation : 16 pp. In crventvm Christi sacrificivm, siue Domini passionem, Homilia. Lvgdvni Batavorvm, apud Ludouiaim Elzevi- rium. Anno cia.ioc.xiii. 410. Collation : 36 pp. HEI 73 HEI In obitum clarissimi viri Philippi Clvveri geographi celeberrimi, Oratio. Lvgdvni Batavorvm, ex officina Elze- viriana, 1623. 4to. Collation: iv and 19 pp. In obitum V. illvstr. losephi Scaligeri. Orationes dvse. Ex officina Pcantiniana Raphelengij, M.D.C.IX Lugd. Bat. pro- stant apud Lud. Elzeuirium et Andream Cloucquium. 410. Collation: viii and 100 pp.; 2 portraits and 3 plates. The last leaf containing verses by Dousa, is often wanting. In Theophania, siue Domini nata- lem, Homilia. Lvgdvni Batavorvm, apud Ludouicum Elzevirium. Anno CID.IDC.XIII. 4tO. This and the " In cruentum " above mentioned are the two homilies translated in the " Deux Homelies." Collation: 37 pp.; I blank leaf. Lavdatio fvnebris, invicto et excelsae memoriae Principi Mavritio D. G. Principi Avriaco, comiti Nassouias. Lvgdvni Batavorvm, ex officina Elze- VOL. II. G2 HEI 74 HEI viriana. Anno 1625. Cum privilegio. Folio. For the French version see " Harangue funebre." Collation : iv and 76 pp. Oratio de prima Romanorum aetate et prima eius populi virtute. Lvgdvni Batavorvm^ apud Ludovicvm Elzcvi- rivm. Anno C!D Io c xiv. 410. Collation : 27 pp. Oratio funebris, in obitum Ernesti Lvdovici a Bvrckstorf. Lvgdvni Ba- tavorvm, apud Lvdovicum C!D ID cxvi. 410. Collation : 20 pp. Oratio, in obitum clarissimi viri Reineri Bontii. Lvgdvni Batavorvm, ex officina Isaaci Elzevirii, jurati Aca- dem. typogr. A 1624. Sm. folio. Collation: iv and 22 pp.; I blank leaf. Oratio politica. Lvgdvni Batavo- rum, apud Ludovicum Elzevirium. Anno 1617. Folio. Collation : iv and 24 pp. Orationes. Lvgd. Batavorvm, HEI 75 HEI apud Ludouicum Elzeuinum. Anno clo.Ioc xn. i2mo. Collation: xxiv and 407 pp.; I leaf with im- print of Haestens. The same. Lvgd. Batavorvm, apud Ludouicum Elseuirium. Anno clo IDC xv . Typis Henriri ab Haestens. 8vo. Collation: xxiv and 551 pp. The same. Lvgdvni Batavorvm, ex offirina Elzeviriana, 1620. 8vo. Collation : xxiv and 558 pp.; 2 blank leaves. The same. Lvgdvni Batavorvm, ex officind, Bonaventvra et Abrahami Elzevir. Acad. typogr., 1627. 8vo. Collation : xvi and '664 pp. The same. Lvgd. -Batav., ex officind Elseviriand,, 1642. Sm. i2mo. Collation : xvi and 750 pp. (the 6 last wrongly numbered) ; I blank leaf. The same. Amstelodami ex officina Elzeviriana, 1657. Sm. 12 mo. Not so well printed but more complete than the edition of 1642. Collation : xx and 578 pp. (the 2 last wrongly numbered); I unpaged leaf. HEI 76 HEI Panegyricvs, Gustavo Magno, Sue- corum, Gothorum, Vandalorum, etc. regi, consecratus. Lvgdvni Batavorum, ex officina Bonaventvrce et Abrahami Elzevir. Academ. typography 1632. Folio. Collation : iv and 67 pp. Peplvs graecorvm epigrammatvm. Lvgdvni Batavorvm, ex officina loannis Patij, iurati et ordinarij Academics typographi, cla loc xin. Prostant apud Lvdovicvm Eltevinvm. 4to. Collation : xii and 32 pp. Poematvm editio nova. Lvgdvni Batavorvm. Sumptibus Elzeviriorvm et Johannis Mairii, 1621. 2 parts in i vol. Sm. 8vo. Collation: viii and 474 pp. ; I blank leaf. Rervm ad Sylvam-Dvcis & alibi in Belgio avt a Belgis anno CID IDC xxix gestarvm historia Cum privilegio. Lvgd. Bat. Ex officina Elzeviriorum. A 1631. Folio. See for French version, " Histoire Hu siege de Bolduc " above mentioned. HEI 77 HEL Collation : xii and 143 pp. (the last wrongly numbered 141); 24 pp. of tables ; 5 large maps facing pp. 27, 36, 38, 40, and 116. Sacrarvm Exercitationvm ad Novvm Testamentvm libri XX. Lvgdvni Ba- tavorvtn, ex officina Elzeviriorum, 1639. Folio. Collation : xii and 966 pp.; 84 pp. of indices ; I blank leaf. THE READER IS ALSO REFERRED TO THE HEADINGS Crat Credo ; Laus asim ; Satirce duce. (N.) Breda expvgnata. Lvgd. Bata- vorvm, ex officina Elzeviriana. Anno 1637. Folio. Collation : viii and 24 pp. - Poemata. Lvgd. Batav., ex officina Elseviriorvm, Academ. typography 1653. Sm. i2mo. Collation : xxiv and 256 pp. The same. Amstelodami, apud Danielem Etzevirium, 1666. 8vo. Collation: viii and 352 pp.; 150 pp. cf Cat- mina adoptiva ; I leaf of errata. SEE ALSO UNDER Exeqvlte. HELMFELD (G.) Ratio status Barbaro- rvm. Lugduni Batavorum, apud HEL 78 HER viduam et htzredes Johannis Elsevirii, Acad. typogr., 1668. Folio. Collation : 52 pp.; 2 leaves of verses. HELMONT (J. B. van) Opuscula. Colo- nice Agrippincz, apud Jodocum Kalco- ven, 1644. 3 vols in i. 8vo. Collation : 572 pp. The same. Amsterodami, apud Lu- dovicum Elzevirium, 1648. 4to. Collation : 324 pp. Ortvs medicinae. Amsterodami, apud Ludovicum Elzevirium, 1648. 410. Collation : xxxvi and 800 pp. The same. 1652. Collation: xxxvi and 894 pp.; 48 pp. of tables. HELVETIORVM Respvblica. Lugd. Bat., ex officina Elzeviriana. Anno 1627. Cum privilegio. 24mo. There are three editions of the same date. The two inferior ones have 535 pp., and 17 pp. of index. Collation : 508 pp.; 18 pp. of index. HERDESIANUS (C.) De perivrio. Log. dvm-Batavorvm, apud Ludovicum Elzevirium. Anno 1613. 8vo. Collation : 30 pp. HER 79 HEU HERMANNUS (P.) Paradisus Batavus. Lugduni Batavorum. Impensis viduce. Apud Abrahamum Eizeiier^ Acad. typogr.) 1698. 4to. Collation : xx and 263 pp. HEROINE (L') mousquetaire, histoire veritable. A Amsterdam, chez Jaques lejeune, 1677. 4 parts in i vol. Sm. i zmo. There seem to be two editions uuder this date with slight variations in the title page. It was printed by Daniel Elzevier. Collation : 408 pp. 'Ho-ioSov 'AcrKpaiov TO, ev/swrKo^eva. Am- stelodami) typis Ludovici et Danielis Elzeviriorum, 1657. Sumptibus so- rietatis. Sm. 8vo. Collation : xvi and 341 pp.; I blank leaf. The same, 1658. Collation : xxiv and 608 pp. The same, 1667. Collation : xxxii and 370 pp. ; I leaf of errata. HEURNIUS (J.) De legatione evangelica ad Indos fil. Lvgdvni Batavorvm, ex officina Elzeviriana, A 1616. 8vo. Collation : xvi and 304 pp. HEU 80 HEX - De vocatione, Lugduni Batavorvm ex officina Elzeviriana. 1628. 8vo. The same edition as the De Legatione above, with new title-page. Collation : as above. HEXAMERON rustique. A Amsterdam, chezjaques le Jeune, 1671. Sm. I2mo. The following is the key to the characters in this clever but licentious work, which is rarely met with : EgistAe, Chevreau. Menalque, Menage. Marulle, 1'abbe de Ma- &io;V, 1'abbe Le Camus. rolles. Tubertus Ocella, La Mothe Racemius, Bautru. le Vayer. Collation: 176 pp.; I leaf for contents. 'iTTTroKparovs aapfj.a,K(av. Lvgd. Batav., apud Johannem Elzevirium, Academ. typography 1661. Sm. i2mo. Collation : 1 1 pp. 'iTTTTOK/aaTODS 7re/)i aepwv, vSarcov, TOTTWV. Lvgdvni Batavorum, dpud Johannem Elsevirivm^ Academ. typography 1658. Sm. I2mo. Collation: 94 pp.; i leaf of errata. Opera omnia. Lugduni Batavorum, apud Danie/em, Abrahaimum et Adria- num a Gaasbeck, 1665. 2 vols. 8vo. A beautiful edition printed by Jean Elzevier's widow. Collation: Vol. i., xl and 790 pp.; 67 leaves of tables. Vol. ii., iv and 1034 pp. HISPANIA. Lvgd: Batav : ex offirina Elzeviriana. A 1629. Cum privi- legio. 241110. There are two editions, the inferior one containing 514 pp. and i leaf for the " privilege." HIS 82 HIS Collation: 520 pp.; 3 leaves of index; i blank leaf. HISTOIRE de Philippes de Mornay. A Leyde, chez Bonaventure et Abraham Elsevier, 1647. 4to. Collation: xii and 732 pp.; 4 leaves of table; I leaf of errata ; I blank leaf. de 1'Eucharistie. A Amsterdam^ chez Daniel Elzevier, \ 669. 410. Collation : xvi and 585 pp. ; 9 pp. of index ; I leaf of errata. The same. 1671. Collation: xxiv and 900 pp.; 6 leaves of table. des Amovrs de Lysandre et de Caliste. See DAUDIGUIERS. des plus illustres favoris anciens et modernes. A Leide, chez Jean Elsevier, imprimeur de t'Academie, 1659. 4to. Collation ; xx and 415 PP- dv ministere d'Armand Jean Du Plessis, cardinal due de Richelieu. A Paris, 1650. 2 vols. Sm. i2mo. Collation: Vol. i., xxiv and 760 pp. Vol. ii., 737 PP-; 2 PP- f r table. The same. A Leide, chez Jean Sambix, 1652. 2 vols. i2mo. HIS 83 HOB Willems gives unanswerable reasons for believing that this work was printed by Louis Elzevier for Jean and Daniel. Collation: Vol. i., xxiv and 708 pp. Vol. ii., 697 pp. HISTORIA natvralis Brasilia. Lvgdvn. Batavorvm, apud Franciscum ffackium, et Amstelodami, apud Lud. ILlzevirium, 1648. Folio. Collation : xii and 432 pp. HISTORIARVM mirabilivm avctores grajci. Lvgdvni Batavorvm, apud Abrahamvm Elzevirivm. Anno 1622. 3 parts in i vol. 410. Thii is merely a collection under one title of the Apollonius of 1620, the Antigonus of 1619, and the Phlegon of 1620. Collation : xx and 594 pp. HOBBES (Th.) Le corps politiqve. A Leide, ches Jean et Daniel Elsevier, 1653. Sm. i2tno. Translated by Samuel Sorbiere. Collation : viii and 231 pp. Elementa philosophica. Amstero- dami, apud Ludovicum Elzevirium, Anno 1647. Sm. izmo. Collation : xl and 408 pp. HOB 84 HOG N.B. An edition containing xlviii and 403 pp. is also mentioned by Willems. The same. Amsterodami, apud Ludovicum et Danielem Elzevirios. A 1657. Sm. i2mo. Best edition. Collation : xxxvi and 403 pp.; 2 blank leaves. The same. Amsterodami, apud Daniclem Elzevirium. Anno 1669. Sm. i2mo. Collation : as above. HOELZLIN (J.) De grsecae linguae prae- stantia. Lvgdvni Batavorvm, exofficina Bonaventvroz et Abrahami Elzevir. Academ typograph., 1632. 410. Collation : viii and 24 pp. HOGELANDE (C. ab) Cogitationes. Amstelodami, apud Ludovicum Elzevi- rium, 1646. Sm. i2mo. Collation: xxviii and 318 pp.; I blank leaf. de divina praedestinatione. Amstelo- dami, apud Ludovicum Elzevirium, 1653. Sm. i2mo. Very rare. Collation : 44 pp. HOGERSII (T.) Alea belli Belgici. Am- HOG 85 ROM slelodami, apud Danielem J/sevirium, 1674. Folio. A large paper copy is in the Library at the Hague. Collation: iv and 1 6 pp. Orationes. Amstelodami, apud Danielem Elsevirium, 1672. Sm. i2mo. Collation: 84 pp.; i leaf of errata ; I blank leaf. Poemata. Imprint as above. Sm. 1 2 mo. Collation : iv and 92 pp. ; 2 blank leaves. N.B. The two works really form one vol. HOLSTENIUS (L.) Notse. Lugd. Bata- vorum ; apudjacobum Hackium. A. C. 1684. Folio. Printed by the widow of Daniel Elzevier. Collation : xvi and 497 pp. ; 17 leaves of index. HOMER. L'Odyssee, ou les avantvres d'Vlys$e, en vers bvrlesques. A Leyde, chez Jean Sambix, 1653. Sm. i2mo. Though absolutely devoid of merit, the work is so scarce that a good copy is worth 24.. Collation : 68 pp. ; 2 blank leaves. - 'IA.iaSos 17 a.X(j>a 'pa^wSta. Lugduni Batavoricm, typis Isaaci Elzevirl. HOM 86 HOM Sumptibus Hennci Lavrentii, 1619 Sm. 410. Collation: 31 pp. AtaSos /3i/3Aoi a e i. Lvgdvni Batavorvm, ex offidna Bonaventvra et Abrahami Elzevir. Academic typography 1626. 8vo. Collation : 80 pp. The same. Lvgdvni Batavorvm^ ex offidna Bonaventvrce et Abrahami El- sevir. Academ. typography 1635. 8vo. Collation: Text, 80 pp.; glossary, III pp. - The same. 1642. Collation : 175 pp. 'lAtas KCU 'OSwcrei'a, Kat eis awas cr^oAia, r) e^y^o-is AiSv/iov. Amstelodami, ex offidna Elzeviriana. Anno 1656. 2 vols. 410. Collation: Vol. i., xvi and 7 16 PP- Vol. ii. (dated 1655), 536 pp.; 22 leaves of index. HOMMIUS (F.) Specimen controversia- rvm belgicarvm. Lvgdvm Batavorvm^ ex offidna Elzeviriana. Anno 1618. 4to. Collation : xvi and 162 pp. HON 87 HOO HONDIUS. Italise descriptio. Lugduni Batavorum, apud Bonavonturam (sic) et Abrahamum Elsevir, Academia typo- graph,, 1627. Obi. 4to. Collation : viii and 406 pp. HONORI nobilissimi, doctissimiq., &c. Lvgd. Batav., typis Isaaci Elzevirii, 1618. Folio. Collation : i leaf. HOOFTS (P. C.) Neederlandsche Histoo- rien. Tot Amsterdam by Louys Elze- vier. A" 1642. Met privilegie. Folio. Collation : xlii and 899 pp. HOORNBEECK (J.) Apologia pro eccle- sia Christiana. Amstelodami, apud Lu- domcum Elsevirium. 1647. 8vo. Collation : viii and 135 pp. Disputationes theologies. Lvgd. Batavor.) apud Johannem Etsevier, 1656. 4to. NOTE : Contains 53 theses. Oratio funebris in obitum D. Jacobi Revii. Lvgd. Batav.> ex typographic Johannis Elsevirii, 1658. 4to. Collation : 22 pp. HOO 88 HOR Oratio inavgvralis de scholis theolo- gicis. Lvgd. Batav.,ex officina Johan- nis et Danielis Elsevier, Acad. typo- graph., 1654. 4to. Collation : iv and 38 pp.; I blank leaf. HORACE. Odes en vers bvrlesqves. A Leyde, chez Jean Sambix, 1653. Sm. i2mo. Like the burlesque of Homer mentioned above, this Horace travestied is utterly worthless, yet fetches an even higher price, though it'has not the rarity of the former to recommend it. A copy at the Benzon Sale, which had formerly belonged to Berlin and had fetched at his sale 5 153., sold for 48. The average price is about 30. Collation : 69 pp. ; 3 pp. for tables. HORATII (Q.) Opera. Cum animaduer- sionibus et notis Danielis Heinsl. Lvg- dvni Batavorvm, apud Ludouicum Elze- . uirium. Anno do. IDC. xn. 8.vo. Collation : xxii and 614 pp. The'same. Lvgd. Batav., ex officina Elzeviriana. Anno 1629. 3 parts in i vol. i6mo. Generally considered rare, but is not so in reality. The real value is about 258. Collation: Part i., xxxii and 239 pp. Part ii., HOR 89 HOR 286 pp. ; I blank leaf; partiii., 250 pp.; 3 blank leaves. The same. Lvgd. Batav., ex offidna Eiseyiriorvm, Acad. typography 1653. i6mo. Merely the 1629 editibn with a new title-pge. Collation: 239 pp. Poemata. Amstetodami, apud Dani- elem Elzevirium, 1676. Sm. i2mo. Somewhat rare ; handsome, but not very correct edition. Avoid copies printed on poor paper. Collation : 235 pp. 54 pp. for Life of Horace and Testinionia. The same. 241110. Co*li*tion : 213 pp.; z blank leaf. Sapientia. Lvgdvni Batavorvm, ex offidna Bonaventvriz et Abrahami Elzevir ; Academic typography 1626. -8vo. Printed in italics. Rare, like all school books. Collation: no pp.; I blank leaf. HORN (C.) Oratio panegyrica, etc. Lugduni Batavorum, ex offidna Isaad Elzevir ;/, iurati Academic typographi, 1622.- Folio. VOL. II. H HOR 90 HOR Collation : viii and 42 pp.; I blank leaf. HORN (G.) Orbis Imperans. Lugdunt Batavorum, apud Felicem Lopez de Haro, A 1668. Sm. ismo. Evidently printed by the widow of J. Elzevier. Collation: iv and 341 pp.; 31 pp. of tables ; 2 blank leaves. HORNE (J. van). MiKporexvTj. Lugd. Batav., apud Gaasbekios, 1668. Sm. izmo. From the same press, but poorly printed. Collation: xvi and 264 pp. ; 12 pp. of index. HORNIUS (G.) Auctarium. Lugduni Batavorum> apud Johannem Elze- virium, Academ. typography 1659. 410. Collation : xii and 28 pp. Defensio dissertationis. Lugduni JBatavorum, apudjoannem Elsevirium et Petrum Leffen, 1659. 410. Collation : xvi and 64 pp. Dissertatio de vera aetate mundi. Lugduni Batavorum, apud Joannem Elsevirium et Petrum Leffen, 1659. 4to. Collation : xvi and 72 pp. HOR 91 HUG Historise Philosophies libri septem. Lvgdvni Batavorvm, apud Johannem Elsevirium^ Academ. typography 1655. 4to. Collation : viii and 387 pp. ; 21 pp. of index. HOTTON (P.) Sermo Academicus. Lugduni Batavorum, apud Abrahamum Elzevier^ Academics typographum* 1695. Folio. Collation : iv and 67 pp. HOVERS (A. O.) Poemata. Amstel- dant, beij Ludwig Elzevieren. A 1650. Sm. i2mo. Collation : iv. and 304 pp. HUGENIUS (C.) Poemata. Lvgd. Batavor., Typis Bonaventurce et Abra- hami Elzevir ii^ 1644. 8vo. Frontispiece is often missing. Collation : xxx and 322 pp. The same. Hagcs-Comitum, ex Typographia Adriani Vlacq, 1655. Cum primlegio III. Ord. Holl. ac West Frisia. 8vo. HUG 92 IAN This is the edition of 1650, with new title-pages and a few additions. It should contain besides the engraved frontispiece, a medallion portrait of the author. The portrait is rarely found. Collation : Ixxviii and 423 pp. HUGENIUS (Christ.) De circuli mag- nitudine. Lvgdvni Batavorvm, apud Johannem et Danielem Elzevier, Aca- dem. typography 1654. 4to. Collation: viii and 71 pp. Theoremata de quadratura hyper- bolis, ellipsis, et circuli. Lvgd. Batavor., ex officina Elseviriana. Anno 1651. 410. Collation : viii and 43 pp. HULSIUS (A.) Non-ens prae-Adamiti- cum. Lvgd. Batav.) apud Johannem Elsevirium, 1656. Sm. i2mo. Collation : xii and 107 pp. IANNOTUS (D.) Dialogi. Lvgd. Batav., ex officina Elzeviriana. Anno 1631. 24mo. There are two editions under the same date, the second and inferior one hating iv. and 506 pp. ; and 18 pp. index. Collation : iv and 467 pp. ; 18 pp. of index. ILL 93 ING ILLUSTRE Parisienne. Suivant la copie imprimke a Paris, 1679. 2 vo ^ s - Sm i2mo. Mentioned in the catalogue of 1 68 1. Collation: Part I., 132 pp.; Part II. (dated 1680), 132 pp. ILLUSTRIUM et Clarorum virorum Epistolse. Lvgdvni Batavorvm, apud Lvdovicvm Elzevirivm. C!D loc xvn. 8vo. Collation : xlviii and 988 pp.; 14 pp. of index and errata ; I blank leaf. IMPERIO Magni Mogolis (de). Log- dvni Batavorvm, ex offidna Elzeviriana. Anno 1631. 24mo. There is a second edition, containing xii and 299 pp.; 17 pp. of index ; and 2 blank leaves. Collation : viii and 285 pp. ; 16 pp. of index ; i blank leaf. INGENUA et Vera oratio. Lvgdvni^ 1602. 4to. There is no doubt the book was printed by Louis Elzevier, as it appears in the Frankfort cata- logues. Lugduni, instead of Lugduni Bata- vorum, is merely a fraud to avoid suspicions of such a book being printed in a Protestant country. Collation : 72 pp. INS 94 INT INSTITUTIONES Aulics;. Amstero- dami, apud Lud. Elzeverium. Anno 1642. i8mo. Thi is the translation of the second part of the Traicte de la Cour of Du Refuge. Collation: xxxii and 196 pp., separated by 5 blank pp.; 35 pp. of index. INSTITUTIONES Juris civilis. Lugd. t Batav., ex offic. Elsevir., 1675. 12 mo. Collation : 282 pp. INTEREST des Princes et Estats de la Chrestiente". louxte la copie imprimee a Paris, 1639. Sm. i2mo. The anonymous author wai H. de Rohan. Collation : 199 pp. ; 2 pages of tables. INTERETS et Maximes des Princes. A Cologne, Ms Jean dit Pa'is, 1666. Sm. i2tno. This work is a copy of the last. A second edition, not so well printed, is distinguished by page 248 being wrongly numbered 284. Collation : viii and 248 pp. The same. 1670. Collation : As above. INT 95 JAC INTRIGUE des Filous. Suivant la copie imprimee a Paris, 1649. Sm. izmo. Written by Claude de 1'Estoile. Printed at Leyden, and mentioned in the catalogue of 1650. Collation : 83 pp. IRVINUS (A.) De Ivre regni diascepsis. Lvgd. Bat., ex officina Elzeuiriana. Anno 1627. i8mo. Collation : 239 pp.; 5 pp. of index ; 2 blank leaves. IVANICKI (P. de I.) Institutio politica. Lugduni Batavorum, apud Franciscum ffegerum, 1641. Sm. i2mo. Collation : xvi and 123 pp.; 3 pp. of index. JACCH^EUS (G.) Institutions Physicse. Amstelrodami, apud Ludovicum Elze- virium, 1644. Sm. i2mo. Collation: xxiv and 356 pp.; 2 blank leaves. Primse Philosophise. Lugduni Bata- vorum, prostant apud Elsevirios. Anno 1640. Sm. i2mo. Brunei is wrong in giving an edition of 1621, first, because no book of that date bears the imprint of the above ; secondly, this edition says JAC 96 JON " priore correctior " which presupposes only one, and that would be Patius's edition of 1616 ; thirdly, because it is not mentioned in any of the catalogues. If Pieters is correct, however, there must be another edition of 1640, as he says his copy bears a foreign mark instead of the Elzevier Hermit. Collation : xii and 399 pp. JONSON (S.) Nova cubi Hebrsei tabella. Lvgdvni Batavorum, ex officinct Bona- ventvrce et Abranami Elzevir., Academ. typography 1627 . Oblong 4to. A vellum copy of this sheet is in the library of Leyden. JONSTON (J.) Consolatio Christiana. Lvgdvni Batavorvm, apud Ludovicum Elzevirium. Anno do. IDC. ix. 8vo. Collation : 1 10 pp. de Commvnione veteris ecclesiae. Amsteladami, ex officina Elzcviriana. A 1658. Sm. i2mo. Collation : 235 pp. ; 2 blank leaves. Enchiridion. Lugd. Batavorum, ex officina Elseviriana, 1634. 24mo. Collation: iv and 22g pp. JON 97 JOU Historia. Amsterodami, apud Ludo- vic. Elzeuirium, 1641. 241110. There is a second edition under the same date con- taining xvi and 310 pp. It is poorly printed. Collation : xvi and 309 pp. ; 4 blank leaves. The same, 1644. Collation : as above. Idea Vniversae medecina absoluta. Amsterodami^ apud Ludovicum Elze- virium, 1644. Sm. i2mo. Collation : xii and 759 pp. ; 2 pp. of errata ; I blank leaf; 12 pp. of index. The same. Amstelodami, apud Ludo- vicum Elzevirium. A 1648. 8vo. Collation : xxxii and 756 pp. The same, 1652. 8vo. Collation: xxxii and 752 pp. JOURNAL des S9avants. A Amsterdam, chez Pierre le grand, 1669-80. 7 vols., sm. 1 2 mo. The complete work consists of 171 vols., but only these seven have an Elzevirian origin. Collation: Vol. i., 641 pp.; vol. ii., 497 pp : vol. iii., 152 pp. ; and 489 pp. ; (pp. 117- you 98 TUN 150 never appeared, being intended for " 1 5th Conferenct on Science and Art ;") vol. iv., 649 pp. ; vol. v., 628 pp. ; vol. vi., 526 pp. ; vol. vii., 379 pp. (pages 360-379 wrongly numbered 560-579). All the vols. contain plates. A second edition of vols. i. snd ii. appeared in 1679. JOURNAL du Journal. A Utrech (sic), chez Pierre Elzevier, 1670. Sm. 1 2 mo. Collation : 75 pp. JUNGST-ERBAWETE Schafferey. Am- sterdam, bey Ludwich Elzeviern, 1652. Sm. izmo. Collation : 214 pp ; I blank leaf. The same. Amsterdam, bey Ludwich und Daniel Eizeviern, 1659. Sm. 1 2 mo. Collation : as above. JUNII Poemata. Lvgdvni, ex officina Ludovici Elzemrtj. Anno do. Io. XCVIH. 8vo. Collation : xvi and 198 pp ; I blank leaf. JUS 99 JUS JUSTINI Historiarum lib. XLIV. Lvgd. Batavorvm, ex officina Elzeviriana. Anno 1640. Sm. i2mo. There is a second and somewhat inferior edition under this date, containing xii and 395 pp. Collation: xvi and 294 pp. ; 39 pp. of notes ; 54 pp. of index. The same. Amstelodami, typis Ludovici Elzevirii, A 1650. Sumpti- bus societatis. 24010. A poor edition. Collation: 260 pp.; 2 blank leaves. The same. Amstelodami, ex officina Elzeviriana. Anno 1656. Sm. i2tno. The Amsterdam editions are all inferior to those of Leyden, Collation : xii and 330 pp. ; 38 pp. of index. The same. Amstelodami, apud Ludovicum et Danieiem Elzevirios. Anno 1659. 8vo. Collation: iv and 54.7 pp.; 73 pp. of index. The same. Amstelodami, ex officina Elzeviriana. Anno 1664. Sm. izmo. Collation : Like edition of 1656. JUS ioo JUS The same. Amstelodami^ apud Ludovicum et Danielem Elzevirios. Anno 1669. 8vo. Collation : iv and 567 pp. ; 73 pp. of index. The same. Amstelodami, typis Danielis Elzevirii. A 1671. Sump- tibus societatis. 24010. Very poor edition. Collation : 260 pp. The same. Amstelodami, ex officina Elzeviriana. Anno 1673. Sm. i2mo. Collation: Like edition of 1664. The same. Amstelodami, ex officina Elzeviriana. Anno 1675. Sm. i2mo. Extremely rare : the only copy known being in the Winterthur Library. Collation: Like edition of 1656. JUSTINIANI Institvtionvm libri qvatvor. Lvgd. Batav.) ex officina Fr. Hackii. A 1646. 1 2 mo. The Elzevier's name appeari on the frontispiece. Collation : xxxiv and 637 pp. JUS ioi JUS The same. Amstelodami, apud Ludovicum Elzevenum, 1652. Sm. tamo. Collation : xxiv and 643 pp.; 2 blank leaves. The same. A 1654. 24mo. Printed in red and black. Collation : ii and 393 pp. 532 pp. of index ; I blank leaf. The same. Amsteuzdami, ex officina Elzeviriana, 1658. Sm. i2mo. Collation : xxiv and 643 pp. The same, 1663. Collation : Like edition of 1652. The same. Amstelodami, apud Danielem Elzevirium, 1664. Cum privelegio Cczsareo. 241110. Printed in red and black. Collation : viii and 391 pp. ; 106 pp. of index ; I blank leaf. The same. Amstelodami, ex officina Elzeviriana, 1669. Cum privilegio sacr. CCRS. Majest. Sm. i2mo. The frontispiece is sometimes dated 1663 and sometimes 1679. This proves that there were two editions, in the first of which the old JUS 101 JUV frontispiece was used, while in the second a new one was inserted. It is evident, too, that the date of 1669 on the printed title-page is an error for 1679. One edition also has Elseviriana instead of Ekeviriana, Collation : Like edition of 1652. The same. Amstelodami, apud Danielem Elzevirium, 1676. Cum privilegio Ccesareo. 241110. Printed in black and red. Collation: viii and 391 pp.; 102 pp. of index; I blank leaf. The same. Amstelodami, apud Danielem Elzevirium, 1676. 241110. Collation : ii and 391 pp. ; 102 pp. of index ; I blank leaf. The same 1679. See edition 1669. JUSTI (P.) De allea. Amsterodami, apud Ludovic Elzvirium. A 1642. i8mo. There are two editions under the same date, the second not having the errata. Collation: Ix and 213 pp. ; 42 pp. of index ; I p. of errata. JUVENAL et Persius. Amsterodami> typis Ludovici Elzevirii. Sumptibus sodetatis. 1651. 241110. JUV 103 KEM A poor edition. Collation: 119 pp. The same. Amsteroddmi^ typis Daniehs Elzevirii. Sumptibus socie- tatis. 1671. 24mo. Collation: 119 pp. KEMPIS (Thomas a). De imitatione Christi. Lvgdvni^ apudjoh : et Dan: Elsevirios. Sm. i2mo. One of the most beautiful as well as one of the rarest books printed by the Elzeviers. It bears no date, but it was probably produced in 1653, as Jean and Daniel were only partners from 1652 to May 1655, and it is often found bound up with Corneille's French metrical translation of 1653. Good copies (above 128 millimetres) are worth 10 to 15, and one copy (132 millimetres) fetched 28, los. at J. T. Payne's sale. The MacCarthy copy mea- sured 134 millimetres. Collation : 257 pp. ; 3 blank leaves. The same. Lugduni, ex offidna Elzeviriana, 1658. Sm. i2mo. Was evidently printed at Amsterdam, not at Leyden. Collation : 261 pp. j I blank leaf. The same. Amstelodami, ex offidna Elzeviriana t 1679. Sm. izmo. KEM 104 KLA Very inferior to the former editioni. Collation: 261 pp.; I blank leaf. The same. Leida et veneunt Paristis, apud C. Angof, -via lacobea. 321110. Printed, as Willems has shown, by Daniel Elzevier in 1669. The title-page was afterwards used for other editions, which, however, do not correspond as to collation. Collation : 454 pp. in all. KEUREN ende ordonnantien, etc. Tot Leyden, gedruckt ten beveele vande voornoemde dijekgrave ende hoogehecm- vanden, by de iveduwe ende erfgenamen van Johannes Elsevier, 1664. 410. Collation : iv and 454 pp.; 24 pp. of tables ; I blank leaf. KIMCHI (M.) 'OSowropia ad scientiam. Lvgdvni Batavorvm, ex officina Bona- ventvra et Abrahami Elzevir. Academ typography 1631. 8vo. A large-paper copy is in the library at the Hague. Collation : xvi and 256 pp.; 16 pp. of index. KLACHT-GHEDICHTEN over de doodt van Mr. Symeon Rvyting, etc. KLA 105 LAB The second part of " Epicedia in Obitvm .... Simeonis Rvtingii," 1622, 410, with which it is almost always bound. Collation : 13 pp. ft1RZi;E onfcerrtcbtfnobe en&e vermaeninae, etc. Tot Leyden, inde druckerye van Isaack Elzevier, boekdrucker vande Umversiteyl. A 1622. 410. Collation : 20 pp. in all. KRUUS (J. J.) Lavdatio fvnebris Gus- tavi Magni. Lugd. Batavorum, ex officina Elseviriorum, 1634. Folio. Collation : viii and 39 pp. KYPER (A.) Anthropologia corporis hvmani. Lugduni Batavorum, apud Johannem Elsevirium, Academ. typo- graph., 1660. 410. Collation : iv and 665 pp.; 30 pp. of tables and errata ; 26 pp. for " Responsio ad Plempium." LABADIE (J. de). Les divins he>auts de la penitence au monde. A Amster- dam, chez Daniel Elzevier, 1667. 8vo. VOL. n. K LAB 106 LAC Very rare. Collation : viii and 208 pp. Le He"raut du grand roy Je"sus. A Amsterdam, chez Daniel Elzevier, 1667. 8vo. Very rare. Collation : viii and 382 pp. Le veritable exorcisme. A Amster- dam, chez Daniel Elzevier, 1667. 8vo. Very rare. Collation : viii and 146 pp.; 3 blank leaves. LA CHAMBRE. L'art de connoistre les hommes. A Amsterdam, chez lacques lejeune, 1660. Sm. i2mo. A second edition of the same date wants the errata. Collation : xii and 278 pp. ; 8 pp. of tables ; I blank leaf. Les characteres des passions. A Amsterdam, chez Antoine Michet, L'an 1658. 3 vols. in 4. Sm. i2mo. In the catalogue of 1681. A beautiful book, and somewhat scarce. There are two editions of vols. i. and ii. In the second the title of chap- ter ii. reads LES CHARACTERES DE L'AMOUR, whilst in the second it reads Les characteres de L'aneovr. LAC 107 LAP Collation : Vol. i., xxiv. and 236 pp. Vol. ii., pp. 237 to 599, with bastard title and iv pp. of preliminary matter. Vol. iii., viii and 397 pp.; i blank leaf. Vol. iv., 323 pp. in all. LA FORGE (L. de.). Tractatus de mente humana. Amstelodami, apud Danielem Elzevirium^ 1669. 4to. Collation : xxxvi and 224 pp. LANGUETI (H.) Epistolse. Lvgd. Batavorvm, ex officina Elzemrionim^ 1646. Sm. 121110. Collation : xvi and 477 pp. LAPIDE (H. a). Dissertatio de ratione status. Freistadii. Anno 1647. Sm. 1 2 mo. Usually attributed to de Chemnitz. This edition must not be confounded with three others of the same date, which may be distinguished from that of the Elzeviers as follows. The first, which has the same number of pages as the Elzevir edition, is easily detected by having page 229 numbered 329. Another, also with 583 pp., has the last page unnum- bered. The last edition has only 576 pp. Collation : xxiv and 583 pp. LAP 108 LAS LA PLACE (P. de). Du droict usage de la philosophic morale. A Leyde, chez Jean Elsevier, 1658. Sm. i2mo. The author had been massacred on the Eve of St. Bartholomew. Collation : xii and 206 pp. ; 8 pp. of tables. LARROGUE (M.) Histoire de L'Eucha- ristie. A Amsterdam, chez Daniel Elsevier, 1671. 8vo. The authors name was really Larroque. Collation : xxiv and 900 pp. ; 12 pp. of tables. LA SERRE. Le Secretaire a la mode. louxte la copie imprim'ee ct Paris, 1641. Collation: Part i., 195 pp.; 8 pp. of tables; Part ii., iv and 106 pp. ; Part iii., 72 pp. The same. A Amsterdam, chez Louys Elzevier, 1645. Sm. i2mo. Collation : 447 pp. in all. The same, 1646. Collation : Like the edition of 1645. The same, 1650. Collation : 420 pp. LAS 109 LEB The same. A Amsterdam, chez Louys et Daniel Elzevier, 1655. Sm. 121110. Collation : 420 pp. The same, 1662. Collation : 420 pp. LAVRVS Flandrica. Lugduni Bata- vorum, ex officina Elseviriana, 1646. Folio. Collation : 33 pp. LAVS Asini. Lvgdvni Batavorum, ex officina Efaeviriana. Anno 1623 4to. Written by Daniel Heinsius. Collation : viii and 222 pp. Lvgd. Batavorvm, ex officina Elze- viriana. Anno 1629. 241110. Collation : xx and 438 pp. ; I blank leaf. LE BLEU (I.) Gode-lof dicht in-gestelt des fursts Frederic de Nassau. Tot Leyden, in de druckerye van de Elze viers. A 1629. 410. Collation : 44 pp. LEG 1 10 LEM LE CLERC. La Virginie Romaine. Suivant lacopie imprim'ee a Paris, 1645. Sm. i2mo. Collation : 63 pp. LEGIBUS Ebrseorvm (de). Lvgd. Bata- vorvm, ex officind Elzeviriorum. Anno 1637. 410. Collation : xlviii and 306 pp.; 22 pp. of indices. LE MOYNE (P.) La Gallerie des Femmes Fortes. A Leiden, chezjean Elzevier, et ci Paris, chez Charles Angot, Rue St. Jacques, 1660. Avec privilege du Roy. Sm. izmo. Rare. Collation : Ixxii and 452 pp.; 24 pp. of tables ; 2 blank leaves. LE MOYNE (S.) Oratio de Jesu. Lugd. Balav., apud viduam et heredes Joh. Elsevirii, Acad. typogr., 1678. 4to. Collation: iv and 46 pp.; I blank leaf. L'EMPEREVR (C.) Oratio inavgvralis. Lvgdvni Batavorvm ex officina Bona- LEM in LER ventvrce, ct Abrahami Elzevir, Acad. typogr.) 1627. 410. Collation : 44 pp. LENTULUS (C.) Augustus. Amstelo- dami apud Ludovicum Etzevirium, 1644. Sm. i2mo. Collation : xxiv and 367 pp. LEONIS. Imp. Tactica. Lvgdvni Bata- vorvm, apud loannem Baldvinvm: impensis Ludouici Elzeuirij. Anno CID. IOC. XII. 4tO. Collation : viii and 447 pp. ; i leaf for im print. LEONIS (J.) Africse descriptio. Lugd. Batav., apud Elzevir. A 1630. 2 vols. in i. 24010. Collation : 800 pp. ; 16 pp. of index. LERNUTIUS (T.) Initia etc. Lvgdvni Batavorvm, apud Ludovicum Elze- virium, CID. IDC. xini. 8vo. Collation : iv and 397 pp. ; 3 blank pp. ; 4 pp. of addenda ; 4 pp. of errata. LET 112 LIN LETTRE a Monsieur le Cardinal. Suiuant la copie imprim'ee & Parts, chez Arnold Cofinet, 1649. Avec per- mission. 4to. Collation: 20 pp. ; 2 pp. unnumbered. LETTRE a un amy. Amsterdam, chez Daniel Elsevier, 1679. lamo. Collation: 218 pp. LIEBES-BESCHREIBUNG Lysanders und Kalisten. Amsteldam, bey Lud- wig Elsevieren, 1644. Sm. i2mo. Very rare. Contains 16 pretty plates. Collation : viii and 437 pp. The same. 1650. Collation : xii and 437 pp. LINDA (L. de). Oratio de Virtute sageta. Lugd. Batav., apudjohannem et Danielem Elsevier, 1652. Folio. Collation : 1 6 pp. LINDEN (J. A. Van der). De Hemi- crania menstrua historia et consilium. Lvgdvni Batavorum, apudjohan. Else- virium, Acad. Typographum, 1660. 4to. LIN 113 LIN Collation: xxiv and 92 pp.; 4 pp. of index. Hippocratis de Circuitu. Lugd. Batav., apud Joh. Elsevirium, or apud Viduam et hceredes Joh. Elsevirii, 1659-1663. 4to. Collation : 27 dissertations, signatures A to Oo. Selecta Medica. Lvgdvni Bata- vorvm, afud Johannem Elsevirium, Academic Typographum, 1656. 4to. The imprint of some copies reads Amitelodami, afud Ludov. et Danielem Else-vinos, 1656. Collation : xii and 772 pp.; 56 pp. of index. LINGV7E Latinse rvdimenta. Lvgdvni Batavorvm, ex officina Bonaventvra et Abrahami Elzevir., Acad. typogr., 1628. 8vo. Written by Vossius. Collation : 95 pp. The same. Lugd. Batavorum, apud Johannem Elsevirium, Academ. typo- graph., 1656. 8vo. Collation : 103 pp. LINSCOTANUS (J. H.) Navigatio in orientalem sive Lvsitanorvm Indiam. HagcK-Comiiis, ex offic. Alberti Henrici. VOL. II. L LIN 114 Impensis authoris et Corntlii Nicolai, prostantque apud sEgidium Elsevirum. Anno 1599. Folio. Collation : 8 pp. ; prsefatio ; dedication ; arms of Maurice of Hesse ; 124 pp. ; 44 pp.; 3 pp. of index and tables. * # *The work should contain 35 plates and 7 maps. LIPSIUS (T.) De Constantia. Am- stelodami, typis Ludovid Elzevirii, sumptibus societatis, 1652. 241110. Collation: x and 121 pp. ; 13 pp. of addenda. LIPSTORPIUS (D). Specimina philo- sophies Cartesianae. Lvgdvni Bata- vorvm, apud Johannem et Danielem E/sevier, 1653. 2 vols in i. 4to. Collation: Vol. i., xx and 22O pp.; vol. ii., xii and 1 60 pp. LIVIUS (T.) Historiarum Libri. Lvgd. Batavorvm, ex officina Elzeviriana. Anno 1634. 3 vols. Sm. i2mo. This is the best of the izmo editions. The vol. of notes by Gronovius of the 1645 edition is sometimes found with it. A copy of 124 millimetres is worth about 3. LIV 115 LIV Collation : Vol. i., xxiv. and 726 pp.; 16 pp. of index ; i blank leaf. Vol. ii., 848 pp.. and 1 6 pp. of index. Vol. iii., 796 pp. ; 14 pp. of index ; 3 blank leaves. The same, 1645. 3 vols. Sm. i2mo. Though less sought after, this edition is more correct than that of 1634. Collation : Vol. i., xxiv and 675 pp. ; 16 pp. of index ; 2 blank leaves. Vol. ii. (dated 1644), 751 pp.; 14 pp. of index; I blank leaf. Vol. iii. (dated 1644), 774 pp.; 14 pp. of index ; 2 blank leaves. The same. 1654. Collation: Vol. i., xxiv and 578 pp. ; 14 pp. of index ; vol. ii. (dated 1653), 651 pp. ; 13 pp. of index ; vol. iii. (dated 1653), 676 pp. ; 12 pp. of index. The same. Amstelodami, apud Ludovicum et Danielem Elzevirios, 1665. 3 vols. 8vo. Collation : Vol. i. xlviii and 820 pp. ; 76 pp. not numbered ; vol. ii. (dated 1664), 842 pp. ; 70 pp. unnumbered ; vol. iii. (dated 1664), 997 pp. ; 90 pp. unnumbered. LIV 116 LOG The same. Amstelodami, apud Danielem Elzevirium. A" 1678. 1 2 mo. Tall copies (about 150 millimetres), are rare and worth from 3 to 4. Collation : ii. and 788 pp. The same. Amstelodami, apud Danielem Elzevirium. An. 1679. 3 vols. 8vo. Fine and rather scarce edition. Collation : Vol. i., xlviii and 922 pp. ; 70 pp for index and errata ; 62 pp. for chrono- logy ; vol. ii. (dated 1678), 973 pp. ; 6l pp. for index and errata ; 58 pp. for the letters of Gronovius ; Vol. iii. (dated 1678), 1080 pp. ; 84 pp. for sundries 5 I blank leaf. LOBWASSERS (A.) Psalmen Davids. Amsterdam, bei Ludowich Elzeviern. Im Jahr, 1646. Large i2mo. Collation : viii and 580 pp. ; 4 pp. of index ; 156 pp. for canticles ; 58 pp. for cate- chism. LOGIQUE (La.) A Amsterdam chez Abraham Wolfgank, 1675. Sm. i2mo. LOG 117 LUC Printed by D. Elzevier, and written by Arnauld and Nicole. Collation : 556 pp. ; 8 pp. of tables. LOWER (R.) Tractatus de Corde. Amstelodami, apud Danielem Elzevir- ium, 1669. 8vo. Collation : xvi and 232 pp. ; 7 folding plates. The same. Amste/odami, apud Danielem Elzevirium, 1671. 8vo. Collation: xvi and 237 pp.; i blank leaf; 6 folding plates. LVBINUS (E.) Clavis Greece lingvse. Amstelodami, apud Ludovicum Elze- virium, 1651. Sm. izmo. Collation : viii and 448 pp. The same. Amstelodami, apua Danielem Elzevirium, 1664. Sm. i2mo. Collation : like edition of 1651. LVCAIN (La Pharsale). A Leide, chez Jean Elsevier, 1658. Sm. 12 mo. Rare and beautiful. Collation: ii and 417 pp. ; i blank leaf. LUCANUS (M. A.) De bello civili, Amstelodami, ex officina Elzeviriana. A 1658. 8vo. LUC 118 LYC Printed in italics. Collation: xxiv and 643 pp. ; 146 pp. for variations and index ; I folding map. The same, 1669. 8vo. Collation: xvi and 614 pp. ; 146 pp. for varia- tions and index ; I folding map. Pharsalia. Amsterodami, typis Ludo- vici Elzevirii. Sumptibus Societatis, 1651. 241*10. Collation : xii and 273 pp.; I blank leaf. The same. Amsterodami, typis Danietis Elzevirii. Sumptibus sorietatis 1671. 241110. Collation : Like edition of 1651. AovKiavov ^evSoo-o 1652. 2 vols. 410. Rare and valuable. Collation: Vol. i., xlviii and 444 pp.; 3 plates ; vol. ii., viii and 363 pp. MELANCHTHONIS (P.) Epistolarvm liber. Lvgdvni Batavorvm, ex offidna Bonaventvra et Abrahami Elzevir. Academ. typography 1647. 8vo. The editor of these letters seems to have been L. Camerariua. Collation: xxiv and 518 pp. ; I blank leaf. MELITON. L'Apocalypse. A Saint Lger t chez Noel et laques Chartier, 1662. Sm. izmo. Collation : xii and 262 pp. ; I blank leaf. MEM 129 MER MEMOIRES de la guerre de Transil- vanie et de Hongrie, entre 1'empereur Leopold I. et le grand seigneur Mehemet IV., Georges Ragotski et les autres successeurs princes deTransil- vanie. A Amsterdam, chez Daniel Elsevier, 1680. 2 vols. in i. Sm. tamo. Collation : Vol. i.. iv and 130 pp. ; i blank leaf; vol. ii., 150 pp. ; I blank leaf. MENAGII (&.) Poemata. Amsteto- dami, ex officina Elzeviriana, 1663. Sm. i2mo. See Willems's curious note on these poems. Collation : viii and 327 pp. ; and in some cases 3 extra pp. containing an elegy to Mazarin. MERCATORIS (A.) Pro lacobo Cvi- acio inclytae recordationis IC to , opera? gratvitse; de condictione furtiva. Lvgdvni Batavorvm, apud Ludovicum Elzevirium, dDlocxvi. 8vo. Collation : xvi and 192 pp. VOL. II. N MER 130 MER MERCERI (G.) Commentarii, in lobum, et Salomonis Proverbia, Ecclesiasten, Canticum Canticorum. Atnsterodami, ex officina Ludovici Else- virii. Anno 1651. Folio. Collation : xii and 672 pp. MERITA Principis Avraicse in Belgas. Lugduni Batavorum. Typis Isaaci Elzevir I. Sumptibus Henr. LavrentI, 1620. 4to. Collation : xxiv and 558 pp. ; a blank leaves. MERULA (P.) Fidelis et svccincta rervm adversvs Angelvm Mervlam tra- gice ante XLVII. annos, etc. Lvg- dvni JBatavorvm, apud Lvdovicvm Elzevirivm, bibliopolam et Academic. Lugdunensis pedellum. Typis loannis Nicolal F. DorpI, clo lac iv. 410. Rare. Collation: xx and no pp. ; I genealogical table. Cosmographies generalis libri tres quam antehac accuratioribus. Am- MER 131 MET sterodami, apud Henricum Hondium, 1621. Folio. Collation : xvi and 1075 pp.; many maps. METII (A.) Arithmetics et Geometrise practica. Franequera. Excudebat Rombertus Doyema^ 1 6 1 1 . Prostant in officina Lugdunensi apud Elsevirium. 4to. Collation : xvi and 235 pp. ; 2 plates facing pp. r and 28. The same. Lugd. Batavorum, ex officina Elzeviriana. Anno 1626. 3 parts in i vol. 4to. Collation : xvi and 542 pp. , and titles after pp. 308 and 1 1 8. The same. Lvgdvni Batavorvm, sumptibus Bonaventurce et Abrahami Elsemriorum^ 1640. 4to. Collation : xvi and 574 pp.; 4 folding plates. Maetconstigh liniael. Ghedruct tot Franeker, by Ulderick Balck, boeck- drucker or di nans der E. E. Heeren Staten van Vrieslandt, 1626. Men MET 132 MEV vintse te koop tot Leyden, by Bonav. ende Abraham Elzevier. 4to. Collation: xii and 134 pp.; 2 folding plates. MEVRSI (J.) ad Theocriti Idyllia spici- legivm. Lvdgvni Batavorvm, ex offi- cina Ludovici Elzeuirij, Anno C!D. 13. xcvii. 8vo. Collation: viii and 192 pp. Archontes Athenienses. Lvgdvni Batavorvm, apud Abrahamvm Elze- virivm. Anno 1622. 410. Collation s viii and 222 pp.; I blank leaf. Athenae Batavse. Lvgdvni Bata- vorvm, apud Andream Cloucquium et Elsevirios. A 1625. 410. A valuable collection of biographies. Collation : xliv and 351 pp.; 9 folding plates. Atticarvm lectionvm libri VI. Lvg- dvni Batavorvm, ex officina Elze- viriana. Anno 1617. 410. Collation : viii and 408 pp. Cecropia. Lvgdvni Batavorvm, ex officina Elzeviriana. Anno 1622. 4to. MEV 133 MEV Collation : viii and 107 pp. Criticvs Arnobianvs tributus. Lvg- dvni Batavorum, ex offidna Ludouici Elzevirii. Anno do. ID. xcvin. 8vo. Collation : xx and 291 pp. The same, 1600. Collation : xx and 291 pp. de Lvdis Graecorvm. Lvgd. Batav., apud Isaacum Elzevirium, Acad. typogr. A 1622. 8vo. Collation : viii and 70 pp.; IO pp. of index. De popvlis Atticse. Lvgdvni Bata- vorvm, ex offidna Lvdovid Elzevirl. Typis Godefridi Basson. Anno clo.loc.xvi. 410. Collation: xii and 173 pp. Elevsinia. Lvgdvni Batavorum, ex offidna Elzeviriana. Anno 1619. 410. Collation: xvi and 104 pp. Exercitationvm criticarvm partes II. Lugduni Batavorum, ex offidna Ludo- vid Elzevirii. Anno clD.Iaxcix. 2 parts in i vol. 8vo. MEV 134 MEV Collation : Part i., viii. and 262 pp.; 10 unnum- bered pp.; Part ii., 251 pp. ; 8 pp. for errata and index. Ferdinandvs Albanvs. Lvgdvni Batavorvm, apud Lvdovicvm Elze- virivm. Anno C!D ID c xv. 410. This is merely the Rcrum Belglcarum with another name. Collation : viii and 319 pp. Glossarivm Graecobarbarum. Lvg- dvni Batavorvm, ex offidna Thomx Hassan, clo.lo.c.x. 4to. Collation : xvi and 808 pp.; 28 pp. for indices. The same. Lvgdvni Batavorvm, apud Lvdovicvm Elzevirivm. Anno clo.lD.c.xiv. 410. Collation : xvi and 672 pp. Graecia feriata. Lvgdvni Batavorvm, ex offidna Elzeviriana. Anno 1619. 4to. Collation : viii and 341 pp.; I blank leaf. Graecia Ivdibvnda. Lvgd. Bat., ex offiana Elzeviriana. Anno 1625. 4to. Collation : viii and 70 pp.; IO pp. for index ; and xxxii and 248 pp. for the Palamedes. MEV 135 MEV Gvlielmvs Avriacvs. Lvgdvni Bata- vorvm, apud Isaacvm Elzevirivm, Academics typographum, 1621. 410. Collation : viii and 418 pp.; 20 pp. for tables and errata ; 2 blank leaves. The same. Lvgdvni Batavorvm, apud Abrahamvm Elzevirivm, 1622. 4to. Collation : As above. Panathensea. Lvgdvni Batavorvm^ ex officind. Elzeviriana. Anno 1619. 4to. Collation : viii and 48 pp. Pisistratvs. Lvgdvni Batavorvm, ex officina Elzeviriana. Anno 1623. 4to. Collation: viii and 159 pp. Rervm Belgicarvm liber vnvs. Lvgdvni Batavorvm, apud Ludouicum Elzeuirium. Anno MDCXII. 4to. Rare, as it was suppressed by the author. It is a valuable historical work as the author was intimate with the grand pensioner Olden- barneveldt. Collation : viii and 87 pp.; I p. of errata. MEV 136 MIS The same, 1614. Collation: viii and 319 pp. Theophrastvs. Lugduni Bata- vorvm, ex officina EIsevirianA, 1640. Sm. 1 2 mo. Collation: 130 pp.; I blank leaf. Variorvm divinorvm liber vnus. Lvgdvni Batavorvm, apud Isaacvm El- xevirivm. Anno 1619. 4to. Collation : 148 pp., the last wrongly numbered 128. MEVRSI (J.) Filii Arboretvm sacrum, Libri III. Lvgdvni Batavorvm, ex officind, Elseviriana, 1642. 8vo. Collation : xvi and 144 pp. MILTONI (J.) Pro popvlo Anglicano defensio, contra Clavdii anonymi, alias Salmasii, defensionem regiam. Lon- dini, typis Dv Gardianis. Anno Domini 1651. Sm izmo. Collation : 283 pp. ; 2 blank leaves. MISCELLANEA ex historiis anglicanis concinnata, autore J. D. Lvgdvni MIS 137 MOL Batavorvm, ex officina Thoma Basson, sumpt. Lud. Elsevirii, 1606. 4to. John Dickenson is the anonymous writer. Collation : 72 pp. MOLIERE (J. B. P.) L' Amour medcin, comedie. Sur fimprim'e a Paris, se vend a Amsterdam, 1673. Sm. i2mo. Collation : 48 pp. Amphitryon, comedie. Suivant la copie imprimee a Paris, 1669. Sm. i2mo. Collation : 84 pp. L'Avare, come'die. Suivant la copie imprimee a Paris. 1669. Sm. i2mo. Collation : 1 08 pp. Le Bourgeois gentilhomme. Co- m6die-ballet. Faite k Chambort, pour le divertissement du Roy. Suivant la copie imprimee a Paris, 1671. Sm. i2mo. Collation: 108 pp. La Critique de 1'Escole des femmes. Come'die. Suivant la copie imprimee a Paris, 1663. Sm. 12010. Collation : 68 pp. ; 2 blank leaves. VOL. II. O MOL 138 MOL De*pit amoureux. Come'die, repre- sente"e sur le theatre du Palais Royal. Suivant la copie imprim'ee a Pan's, 1663. Sm. i2mo. Collation: 91 pp. L'Escole des femmes. Come'die. Suivant la copie imprim'ee a Paris, 1663. Sm. izmo. Collation : 88 pp. ; 4 blank leaves. L'Escole des Maris. Come'die, re- pre"sente sur le theatre du Palais Royal. Suivant la copie imprim'ee a Paris, 1674. Sm. 121110. Collation : 60 pp. L'Estourdy ou les contretemps. Come'die reprsente"e sur le theatre du Palais Royal. Suivant la copie im- prim'ee a Paris, 1663. Sm. 121110. Collation : 104 pp. Les Fascheux. Come'die Re"pre"- sente'e sur le theatre du Palais Royal. Suivant la copie imprimee a Paris, 1662. Sm. izmo. Collation: xvi and 43 pp. MOL 139 MOL Les Femmes ssavantes. Comedie. Suivant la copie imprim'ee d, Paris, 1674. Sm. i2mo. Collation : 84 pp. Le Festin de Pierre, ou 1'athee foudroye", tragi-come'die. Suivant la copie imprim'ee a Paris, 1674. Sm. 1 2 mo. This play wa not written by Moliere but by Dori- mond. Moliere's Don Juan was never printed till i68z. Collation : 84 pp. Les Fourberies de Scapin, Come'die. Suivant la copie imprim'ee a fan's, 1671. Sm. izmo. Collation : 82 pp. George Dandin, ou le mary con- fondu. Comedie. Suivant la copie imprim'ee a Paris, 1669. Sm. i2mo. Collation : 60 pp. L'Imposteur ou le Tartuffe, comedie. Suivant la copie imprim'ee a Paris, 1669. Sm. i2tno. Collation : 84 pp. Le Malade imaginaire, comedie MOL 140 MOL mesle'e de musique, et de dance (sic). Represented sur le theatre du Palais Royal. Suivant la copie imprimee a Paris, 1673. Sm. 121110. Collation : 36 pp. Le Malade imaginaire, come'die en trois actes, mesle"s de danses et de musique. Suivant la copie imprimee a Paris, 1674. Sm. i2mo. Collation : 72 pp. Le Mariage force", come'die. Suivant la copie imprimee a Paris, 1674. Sm. izmo. Collation : 36 pp. Le Me'decin malgre-luy, come'die. Suivant la copie imprimee a Paris, 1667. Sm. i2mo. Collation : 60 pp. Le Misantrope, come'die. Suivant la copie imprim'ee a Paris, 1674. Sm. I2H1O. Collation : 96 pp. Monsieur de Pourceaugnac, come'die. Faite a Chambord, pour le divertisse- MOL 141 MOL ment du Roy. Suivant ta copie imprimee a Paris, 1670. Sm. i2mo. Collation : 72 pp. Les CEuvres. A Amsterdam, chez Jaques le Jeune, 1675. 5 vo ^ s - Sm. lamo. Very rare and valuable. A very fine copy, 131 to 132 millimetres, is worth about 100. Any- one interested should read the article of Willems on this edition. As it does not quite contain all Moliere's works one should try and add to it : CEuvres posthumes, Amsterdam,! acque* le Jeune, 1 684 or 1 689, and if possible Le Festin de Pierre, Amsterdam, 1683. Lastly, copies containing the Sganarelle of 1662 are to be pre- ferred to those having the edition of 1674, as it is followed by La Cocue Imaginaire of Donneau de Vise. Each play has a separate title, all bear- ing the date of 1674, except Sganarelle, (some- times 1662); L'amour Median, 1673; Amphi- tryon, 1669 ; George Dan Jin, 1669 ; Les Fourberies de Scapin, 1671 ; Psiche, 1671, and Le Malade Imaginaire, 1673. All but the last being exhausted in 1675, Daniel Elzevier re- printed them in that year. Any of these edi- tions are good, but one must be careful that none of the plays are dated later than 1675. Collation : Vol. i., 8 pp. of prelim, matter, and 5 plays; vol. ii., title and five plays; vol. Hi., title and 7 plays; vol. iv., title and 4 plays; vol. v., title and 5 plays, MOL 142 MOL Le Malade Imaginaire consisting of 2 sepa- rate pieces. The same. 1679. The only difference between this and the previous edition is that the Malade Imaginaire forms a single piece. A fine copy is worth about 15 or 20. All the plays should be dated 1679, except Les Femmes Sca-vantes, 1678 ; Sganarelle, 1680 ; La Critique de FEscole des Femmes, 1680 ; L' amour Medecin, 1 6 80 ; Le Sicilien, 1680 ; George Dandin, 1680 or 1 68 1 ; Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme, Les Fourberies de Scafin and Psichf, all 1680 ; et L' ombre de Moliere, 1681. Collation : like the edition of 1675. Les Precieuses ridicules, comedie. Suivant la copie imprim'ee a Paris, 1674. Sm. i2mo. Collation : 48 pp. La Princesse d'Elide, come'die du sieur Molliere (sic). Ensemble les Plaisirs de 1'isle enchanted, course de bague, collation orne"e de machines, mesl^e de danse et de musique, ballet du palais d'Alcine, feu d'artifice : et autres festes galantes de Versailles. Suivant la copie imprim'ee a Paris, 1674. Sm. i2mo. Collation : 108 pp. MOL 143 MOL Psiche", tragedie-ballet. Suivant la copie imprimee a Pan's, 1671. Sm. i2mo. Collation : 82 pp. Sganarelle, ou le cocu imaginaire, comedie. Avec les argumens de chaque scene. Suivant la copie im- primee a Paris, 1675. Sm. 1 2 mo. Collation : 60 pp. Le Sicilien, ou 1'Amour peintre, comedie. Suivant la copie imprimee a Paris, 1674. Sm. i2mo. Collation : 36 pp. MOLIN^EUS (P.) Anatome Arminian- ismi. Lvgdvni-Batavorvm, apud Bona- ventvram Elzevir, 1619. 4to. Collation : xx and 427 pp. Anatome Missse. Lugd. Batavor., ex officina Elzeviriorum, 1637. 8vo. Collation : viii and 248 pp. de cognitione Dei tractatvs. Lvgd. Bat., ex officina Elzeviriana, 1625. 24mo. Collation : vi and 144 pp, ; I blank leaf. MOL 144 MON Enodatio gravissimarum qusestionum de providentia Dei. Lvgdvni Bata- vorvm, ex officina Elzeviriana, 1632. 8vo. Collation : viii and 375 pp. fl&1RSTrElR1fc)Em\>an t>e ontrou* wicbe^t enfce notoire leugenen t>er (jenoemfce IRemonstranten. Tot Leyden, by Bonaventura ende Abraham Elzevier, ordinaris druckers der Universiteyt, 1630. 410. Collation: 12 pp. and portrait of Heinsius. MONTALTE (L. de.) Les Provinciates ou les lettres escrites a un pro- vincial de ses amis, et aux RR. PP. Jesuites : sur le sujet de la morale, et de la politique de ces Peres. A Cologne cMs Pierre de la Vallee, 1657. Sm. lamo. Very rare and valuable. A tecond edition which contains some additions, but has only 396 pp (with 1 08 added for the A-vh det CurA), ap- peared the same year. The value of the original edition, fine copy, would be about 20. Printed by Louis and Daniel Elzevier. MON 145 MON Collation; xxiv and 398pp.; I blank leaf; III pp. for the Avis des Curls. The same. A Cologne, chez Nicolas Schoute, 1659. 8vo. Printed by Jean Elzevier. Collation: xiv and 320 pp. It is generally followed by 2 parts called La Theologie Morale des fesuites, etc., of iv and 328 pp. for the first part, and 493 pp. for the second part. The same, 1669. Sm. i2mo. Collation : xxiv and 476 pp. ; 2 blank leaves, MONTALTII (L.) Litterae provinciales, de morali et politica Jesvitarvm dis- ciplina. Colonies, apud Nicolaum Schouten, 1658. 8vo. Printed by Jean Elzevier for the Amsterdam house. Collation : xxxii and 608 pp. The same, 1665. 8vo. Printed at Amsterdam by Daniel. Collation : Ixxx and 646 pp.; I blank leaf. MONTANUS (P.) Tractatus nouus, de iure tutelarum, et curationum. Lvg- MON 146 MOR dvni Eatavorvm, ex officina Ludouici Elzevirij. Anno clo.l3.xcv. Folio. Collation : viii and 212 leaves numbered on one side only : 26 leaves of index. The same. Lvgdvni Batavorvm^ ex officina Ludouici Elzeuirij. Anno clalo.xcvn. Cum S. Goes. Maiestatis priuilegio ad sexennium. Folio. Collation: like the edition of 1595. MONUMENTA Paderbornensia, ex his- toria Romana, Francica, Saxonica eruta. Amstelodami, apud Daniel Elsevirium, 1672. 410. A magnificent work. Collation: Ivi and 337 pp. ; 15 pp. of index. Then, for the Panegyricus xvi and 134 pp.; and 6 pp. of index. The volume should contain besides, 3 maps and 29 plates by R. de Hooghe. (All except the 2 double plates are included in the pagination. The index of plates at the beginning only men- tions 24. MORALE (La.) des Jdsuites, extraite fidelement de leurs livres. Suivant la copie imprim'ee b Mons, chez la veuve MOR 147 MOR Waudret, a la Bible tfOr, 1669. 3 vols., sm. 1 2 mo. Collation : Vol. i., lii and 446 pp. ; 8 pp. of tables and I blank leaf ; vol. ii., title and 340 pp. ; 10 pp. of tables ; I blank leaf; vol. iii., title and 410 pp.; 6 pp. of tables ; 2 blank leaves. MORALE (La.) pratique des Jesuites, representee en plusieurs histoires arrivees dans toutes les parties du monde. A Cologne, chez Gervinus Quentel, 1669. Sm. izmo. Collation : xxii and 33 1 pp. MORN AY (P. de.) Memoires de. A Amsterdam, chez Louys Elzevier, 1652. 2 vols., 4to. Collation: Vol. i., viii and 1207 pp.; 15 pp. of tables; vol. ii., 903 pp.; IO pp. of tables followed by a supplement of 278 pp. i blank leaf. MORI (A.) Calvinvs. Oratio Genevse habita pro more academise ac rectoris munere. luxta exemplar Genevense apud Phitippvm Gamonetvm. Anno 1648. 410. MOR 148 MUL Printed by Louis Elzevier. Collation : viii and 80 pp. MORI (T.) Dissertatio epistolica, de aliquot sui temporis theologastrorum ineptijs. Lvgdvni Batavorum ex officina Elzeviriana. Anno 1625. Sm. i2mo. Collation: xxviii and 125 pp.; I blank leaf. MUHAMMEDIS Fil. Ketiri Fer- ganensis, qui vulgo Alfraganvs dicitur, Elementa astronomica, arabicb et latin&. Amstelodami, apud Johannem Jansonivm a Waesbergc et viduam Elizei Weyerstraet, 1669. 4to. Collation : xii. and 546 pp.; I blank leaf. MULERIUS (C.) Lingvse gallicae com- pendiosa institvtio. Lvgdvni Bata- vorum, ex offidnb Bonaventvrtz et Abrahami Elzevir. Acad. typogr., 1634. 8vo. Collation : 79 pp. Lingvse hispanicae compendiosa in- stitvtio. Lvgdvni Batavorvm, ex officina Bonaventvra et Abrahami Elzevir. Acad. typogr., 1630. 8vo. MUL 149 NBA Collation : 62 pp.; i blank leaf. The same. Lvgd. Batavorvm, ex officina Elseviriana, Acad. typogr., 1636. 8vo. Collation : Like edition of 1630. Linguae italicse compendiosa insti- tutio. Lvgd. Batav., ex officina Bona- venturiz et Abrahami Elzevir. Academ. typography 1641. 8vo. Collation : 63 pp. The same. Amstelodami, apud Ludovicum Elzevirium, 1653. 8vo. Collation : 62 pp. NAUDE (G.) Considerations politiques sur les coups d'Estat. Sur la copie de Rome> 1667. Sm. i2mo. Printed by Daniel Elzevier. Collation : iv and 344 pp. The same, 1679. Collation : 360 pp. NEANDER (J.) Tabacologia: hoc est, tabaci, seu nicotianse descriptio me- dico-cheirurgico-pharmaceutica. Lvg- NEA 150 NEO dvni Batavorvm, ex offidnct, Isaaci Elzevirl, iurati Academic typography 1622. 4to. Collation : xl and 260 pp. ; 9 engravings. The same, 1626. Collation : Like the edition of 1622. NEOSTADIUS (C.) Cvrise Hollandise Zelandise et West-frisiae, Dicisiones (sic). Lugduni Batavorvm ex offidna Elzeviriana. Anno 1617. 410. Collation : xvi and 230 pp. ; i blank leaf. The same, 1627. Collation: iv and 242 pp.; I blank leaf. The same, 1644. 3 parts in i vol. 4to. Collation: xvi and 271 pp. De fevdi ivris scripti, Hollandici Westfrisiciqve, svcessione. Lvgdvui Batavorvm, ex officind, Elzeviriana. Anno 1620. 4to. Collation : xvi and 64 pp. The same, 1644. Collation : vi and 56 pp.; I blank leaf. NEO 151 NIP De pactis antenvptialibvs rervm ivdicatarvm observationes. Lvgdvni JBatavorum, ex officind, Elzeviriana. Anno 1620. 4to. Collation : iv and 64 pp. The same, 1644. Collation : 64 pp. NIEUSTADT (K. van). Decisien van Den Hoogen ende Provincialen Raade van Hollandt, Seelandt ende West- Vrieslandt. Tot Leyden, by Bonaven- tura ende Abraham Elzevier, boeck- druckers der Universiteyt. Anno 1627. 4to. Collation: iv and 242 pp.; I blank leaf. NIPOTISMO (il) di Roma, o vero relatione delle raggioni che muovono i Pontefici, all'aggrandimento de'nipoti. Del bene, e male che hanno portato alia chiesa doppo Sisto IV. sino al presente. Delle difficolta che in- contrano i ministri de'prencipi nel trattare con loro, et insieme col rimedio opportune per liberarsi da tali difficolta. NIP 152 NIS E della causa perche le famiglie de' Pontefici non sono durate lungo tempo in grandezza, 1667. 2 parts. Sm. i2mo. Printed by Daniel Elzevier. Collation: Part I., xxiv and 208 pp.; Part II., 248 pp. and 25 pp. of tables. NISSELIUS (J. G.) Historia de Abra- hamo et de Gomorro-Sodomitica eversione ex Alcorano, ejusque surata xiv ta et xv u arabice. Lvgd. Batav., ex officina fohannis Efcevier, Acad. typogr, Sumtibus authoris, 1655. 4to. Collation : 42 pp. Testamentum inter Muhamedem et christianae religionis populos initum. Lvgd. J3atav., ex officina Johannis Elzevier \ Acad. typogr. Sumptibus authoris. Anno 1655. 410. Collation : Title and 16 pp. et T. Petrseus. S. Jacobi Apostoli Epistolae versio arabica et aethiopica, latinitate vtraqve donata. Lvgd. Batavor.^ ex officinA Johannis et NIS 153 NON Danietis Elsevter, Academ, tvpograph. Sumptibus auctorum, 1654. 4to. Collation : 32 pp. S. Johannis Apostoli et Evangelistae Epistolse catholicae tres, arabice et aethiopice. Lvgd. Batavor., ex ojfiantt Joh. et Dan. Elsevier^ Acad. typogr. Sumptibus auctorum, 1654. 4to. Collation : iv and 41 pp. S. Judae Apostoli Epistolae catholicae versio arabice et sethiopice, in latini- tatem translata, et punctis vocalibus animata. Lvgd. Batavor., ex officinb Joh. et Dan. Elsevier, Acad. typogr. Sumptibus auctorum, 1654. 410. Willems says of Nisselius : " L'editeur de ces trois pieces, Jean Georges Nisselius, etait un alle- mand etabli a Leyde. Suivant 1' 'Album studio- forum, il etait ne a Haseloch dans le Palatinat, en i6z3 ou 1624. Tres verse dans 1'etude de 1'arabe et de 1'ethiopien, il avail fait graver pour son usage des caracteres orientaux qu'il confiait aux typographies charges d'imprimer ses travaux." Collation : 24 pp. NONNII (L.) Commentarivs in Hvberti Goltzii Graeciam, insvlas et Asiam NON 154 NOU Minorem. Antverpia, apud lacobvm Bievm, 1620. Folio. Collation : xxiv and 326 pp. ; 14 pp. for errata and index. NOUVEAU trait de la civilite" qui se pratique en France parmi les honnestes gens. A Amsterdam, chez Jaques le Jeune. 1671. Sur la copie imprim'ee & Paris. Sm. i2mo. Printed by Daniel Elzevier. Collation: xii and 128 pp. The same, 1762. Collation: xii and 274 pp. ; 2 pp, of tables. The same, 1679. Collation : like edition of 1672. NOWELLE alle"goriqve, ov histoire des derniers trovbles arrivez av royavme d'Eloqvence. Suivant la copie im- prim'ee a Paris, chez Gvillavme de Lvyne, libraire iur'e, au Palais, 1658. Sm. i2mo. Written by A. Furestiere, and printed by Jean Elzevier. Extremely rare. Collation : 152 pp.; I folding map. NOUVELLES d'Elisabeth reyne d' Angle- NOU 155 NOU terre. Suivant la copie imprimee ci Paris, chez Claude Barbin, 1680. 2 vols. in i, sm. i2mo. Printed by Daniel Elzevier. Collation: Vol. i., 120 pp.; vol. ii., 116 pp. NOUVELLES (Les) Lumibres politiques pour le gouvernement de 1'Eglise. Suivant ta copie imprimee & Pans, chez Jean Martet, 1676. Sm. i2mo. Printed by Daniel Elzevier. Collation : xii and 264 pp. END OF VOL. II. ^fefc- of th fubliraiions BtMotfrcca Curtosa. OF ALL THE PUBLICATIONS OF THE presses AT LEYDEN, AMSTERDAM, THE HAGUE, AND UTRECHT, WITH INTRODUCTION, NOTES, AND AN APPENDIX CONTAINING A LIST OF ALL WORKS, WHETHER FORGERIES OR ANONYMOUS PUBLICATIONS, GENERALLY ATTRIBUTED TO THESE PRESSES. BY EDMUND GOLDSMID, F.R.H.S., F.S.A. (Scot.) IN THREE VOLUMES. VOL. III. o z PRIVATELY PRINTED, EDINBURGH, 1888. This Edition is limited to 275 small-paper and 75 large-paper copies. AN alphabetical Catalogue OF ALL THE WORKS PRINTED OR PUBLISHED BY THE ELZEVIERS. N.B. IN THE COLLATIONS, THE ROMAN NUMERALS INCLUDE all PRELIMINARY MATTER. OBEILH (d 5 ) Trogo Pompeio lib. XLIV. A Amiens, pour la Veuve du (sic) Robert Hubant, rue de Beaupuis, 1671. Avec privilege du Roy. Sm. 1 2 mo. One of the rarest of the Elzeviers, and has sold for as much as 31. Some copies are said to bear the imprint of Daniel Elzevier, but the exist- ence of but one copy seems to be authenticated. Daniel was condemned in 1687 for making use of a false name on the title-page of this book, and a large number were seized in Paris by the French Government, hence probably its rarity. Reflexions prudentes. Pensees morales. Maximes stoiciennes. A Am- QBE 6 ORD sterdam, chez Daniet Elswier, 1671. Sm. i2mo. Collation : xii and 200 pp. ; 2 pp. of errata ; I blank leaf. Reflexions, sentences, ou maximes royales et politiques. A Amsterdam, chez Daniel Elsevier, 1671. Sm. 1 2mo. Collation : xii and 156 pp. OBSERVATIONES politico super nuperis Gallise motibus, 1649. Sm. i2mo. Collation : no pp.; I blank leaf. OMBRE (L') de Moliere, come"die. Suivant la copie imprimee a Pans, 1674. Sm. izmo. Written by Brecourt and printed by Daniel Elze- vier. To be joined to his Moliere of 1675. Collation : 36 pp. 1RH>31FlHmtt3E van &e peste, aemaecfet b^ ben Tbove van Ibollanfct, inDen jare M D LVH. Tot Leyden, in de druckerije van de Elseviers. A 1636. 410. Collation : 16 pp. ORD 7 OVI ORDONNANTIE van 't Collegium Theologie tot Leyden. Gedruckt in Leyden, by Bonaventuer ende Abraham Elzevier, ordinaris ghesworen druckers der Universiteyt. Anno 1632. 4to. Collation : 68 pp. The same, 1658. Collation : 68 pp. The same, 1699. Collation : 74 pp. OVVERTURE du theatre du Palais Car- dinal. Mirame. Tragi-comedie. louxte ia copie imprimee a Paris, 1642. Sm. izmo. Rare. Sells at from 4 to 8. Printed by Bona- venture and Abraham Elzevier. Collation: vi and 82 pp. OVIDII (P.) Nasonis Metamorphoseon liber I. II. VIII. et XIII. Lvgdvni Batavorvm, ex officina Bonaventvroz et Abrahami Elzevir. Academics typo- graph,, 1626. 8vo. Collation: 151 pp. Opera. Daniel Heinsivs textum OVI 8 OVI recensuit. Lvgd: Batavorvm^ ex officina Elzeviriana. Anno 1629. 3 vols. i6mo. Somewhat rare. Collation : Vol. i., xxiv. and 344 pp.; vol. ii., xvi and 444 pp.; 3 blank leaves; vol. iii., xii and 410 pp., last being wrongly numbered 420. The same. Amstelodami^ typis Ludovici Elzevirii, 1652. Sumptibus ioactatis. 3 vols. 241110. Collation: Vol. i, 252 pp.; vol. ii., 292 pp.; vol. iii., 335 pp. The same. Amstelodami, ex officina Elzeviriana. A 1661. 3 vols. Sm. i2mo. Collation : Vol. i., xxiv and 871 pp.; i blank leaf; vol. ii., 356 pp.; 10 pp. of index ; I blank leaf; 465 pp. of notes ; I blank leaf; vol. iii., xvi and 797 pp. The same. Amstelodami, typis Danielis Elzevirii, 1664. Sumptibus societatis. 3 vols. 241110. Collation : Vol. i., xii and 268 pp. ; 2 blank leaves ; vol. ii., 292 pp. ; vol. iii. 309 pp. OVI 9 PAC The same, 1676. Collation : Like the edition of 1664. De Tristibvs. Lugd. Batavorvm ex officina B onaventvra et Abraham, Elzevir. Acad. typography 1627. 8vo. Collation: 132 pp. OWEN (J.) Epigrammatum, editio postrema. Lugd. Bat., ex officina Elzeviriana. Anno 1628. 241110. This volume contains besides Owen's epigrams 128 by Michael Verino, an Italian, who died at the age of 19. Collation : 280 pp.; 2 blank leaves. The same. Amsterodami, apud Lud. Elzevirium. A 1647. i8mo. There seem to be three editions under this date. The best ends at the bottom of p. I with the word &/. The first seems to have been that which has an X in a triangle in the head- piece at the top of first page ; the second, that which has the same head-piece on p. I ; and the third, that which has a tailpiece on p. 204,. Collation : iv and 212 pp. PACII (J.) Isagogicorvm in Institvtiones Imperiales libri IV. Amsterodami, ex officina Ludovid Elzevirii. Anno 1647. 8vo. VOL. III. B PAC 10 PAL Collation : xliv and 672 pp. ; 22 pp. of Index ; i blank leaf ; I folding plate. HaXaidTov TrepiaTrwrnov. Palaephati de Incredibilibvs. Amstelodami^ apud Ludovicum Elzevirium> 1649. Sm. 1 2 mo. Collation : xxxvi and 262 pp.; I blank leaf. PALLADII Episcopi Helenopoleos, Historia Lausiaca. Lugduni Bata- vorum, ex officind Ludovici Elzevirl, typis Godefridi Basson. Anno clo ID c xvi. 4to. Editio princeps. Collation : viii and 208 pp. PALLAVICINI (F.) Opere scelte ciob, il Divortio celeste. II Corriero sua- liggiato. La Bacinata. Dialogo tra due soldati del Duca di Parma. La rete di Vulcano. L'anima. In Villafranca, 1666. Sm. Collation : xii and 672 pp. The same, 1671. Collation : like edition of 1666. The same, 1673. Collation : xii and 871 pp. PAL ii PAR PALMERII (J.) A Grentemesnil Exer- citationes in optimos fere auctores grsecos. Lvgdvni Batavorum, ex offidna Danielis, Abrahami et Adriani a Gaasbeeck, 1668. 410. Collation: xx and 819 pp.; 31 pp. of index, 4 pp. pasted in at p. 680. PANORMITA (A.) Speculum boni principis Alphonsus rex Aragoniae. Amstelodami, apud Ludovicum El- zevirium, 1646. Sm. i2mo. Collation: xxiv and 323 pp ; i blank leaf. PARFAICT (Le) Capitaine. Avtrement, 1'abrege des gverres de la Gavle des Commentaires de Cesar. louxte la copie imprimee a Paris, 1638. Sm. i2mo. Collation : xvi and 260 pp. ; 2 blank leaves ; I folding plate. The same, 1639. Collation: x and 364 pp.; 3 blank leaves; I folding plate. The same, 1641. Collation : x and 424 pp. PAR 12 PAS The same, 1648. Collation: like edition of 1641. PARFAIT (Le) Ambassadeur, traduit de 1'espagnol en fran9ois, par le sieur Lancelot. Jouxte la copie imprim'ee a Paris, 1642. Sm. i2mo. Collation: vi and 614 pp. PARIVAL (J. de.) Les De"lices de la Hollande. A Leide, chez Charles Gerstecoren, 1660. Sm. i2tno. Collation : viii and 424 pp. The same. A Leide, chez Pierre Didier, 1662. Sm. 1 2mo. Collation : viii and 424 pp. PASCHALIUS (C.) Legatus. Am- stelodami, apud Ludovicum Elzevirium, 1645. Sm. i2mo. Collation: xvi and 561 pp.; I blank leaf. PASORE (G.) Manuale grsecarum vocum N. Testament!. Lvgd. Bata- vorvm, ex officina Elzeviriana. Anno 1628. Sm. i2mo. Collation : viii and 585 pp. PAS 13 PAS The same, 1634. Collation : 598 pp. ; i blank leaf. The same, 1640. Collation: viii and 613 pp. ; i blank leaf. Manvale Novi Testament!. Ams- telodami, apud Ludovicum Elzevirium, 1654. Sm. i2mo. Collation : xvi and 750 pp. The same. Amstelodami, ex officina Elzeviriana. A 1664. Sm. izmo. Collation : Like edition of 1654. The same, 1672. Collation : like edition of 1654. PASSE-PORT (le.) Et 1'Adieu de Mazarin. En vers burlesques. Suivant la copie imprimee a Paris, chez Clavde Hvot, 1649. 4to. Collation : 12 pp. PASSERATII (J.) Prafativncvla in dispvtationem de ridiculis. Lvgdvni Batavorvm, ex officina loannis Paetsij et Ludovici Elzevirii. Anno clo Io xciv. 4to. Collation'. 15 pp. PAS 14 PAT PASTISSIER (le) frar^ois. Oil est enseigne" la maniere de faire toute sorte de pastisserie, tres-utile a toute sorte de personnes. Ensemble le moyen d'aprester toutes sortes d'oeufs pour les jours maigres, et autres, en plus de soixante fa9ons. A Amsterdam, chez Louys et Daniel Elzcvier. A. 1655. Sm. i2mo. This book has long been considered the rarest of all the Elzeviers. Willems, however, gives a list of zg known copies. It has sold uncut and in boards as high as 400. Collation : xii and 252 pp. PATERCVLVS (M. V.) Lvgd. Bata- vorvm, ex officina Elzeviriana. A 1639. Sm. i2mo. Collation: xii and 260 pp. ; I blank leaf. The same, 1654. Collation : like edition of 1639. The same, 1664. Collation: like edition of 1639. The same, 1678. Collation : xxiv and 264 pp. PATIN (C.) Introduction a la con- PAT 15 PER noissance des medailles,. De F im- pression cfElzevier, et se vend a Paris, chezjean du Bray, rue S l Jacques aux Espies meurs, 1667. Avec privilege du Roy. Sm. izmo. Collation: xxxiv. and 261 pp. ; I blank leaf. PEREFIXE (H. de.) Histoire dv roy Henry le Grand. A Amsterdam, chez Louys et Daniel Elztvier, 1661. Sm. i2mo. Sells at from 4 to 6. The first of the two editions, printed in 1661, has the word rien on the gth line of p. 194.. The second has ray rien. Collation : xii and 522 pp.; 4 blank leaves. The same. A Amsterdam, chez Darnel Elzevier, 1664. Sm. i2mo. Collation : xii and 586 pp. ; I blank leaf. The same, 1678. Collation: Like edition of 1664. PEREZI (A.) Commentarius. Amstelo- dami, apud Danielem Etzevirium, 1669. 4to. Collation : viii and 422 pp. ; 2 pp. of errata. Institutiones Imperiales. Amstelo- PER 16 PER dami, apud Ludovicum Elzevinum, 1647. Sm. i2mo. Collation : xvi and 608 pp. The same, 1652. Collation : xvi and 607 pp. The same, 1657. Collation : Like edition of 1652. The same, 1662. Collation: xvi and 524 pp. The same, 1669. Collation : Like edition of 1662. Ivs pvblicvm. Amstelodami, apud Ludovicum et Danielem Elzevirios, 1657. Sm. i2mo. Collation : xvi and 338 pp. Praelectiones. Amste/odami, apud Ludovicum Elzevirium. Anno 1653. Folio. Collation: xii and 1012 pp. The same. Amstelodami, apud Ludovicum et Danielem Elzevirios. A 1 66 1. 2 vols. 4to. Rare. P 17 PER Collation: Vol. i., xvi and 694 pp.; vol. ii., 724 pp. The same. Amstelodami, apud Danielem Elzevirium. 1671. Collation : Like edition of 1 66 1. PERIZONIUS (J.) Laudatio funebris Mariae II., Angliae reginse. Lugduni Batavorum, apud Abrahamum Elze- vier, Academic typographum, 1695. Folio. Collation : iv and 96 pp. Oratio de usu graecas romanaeque linguae. Lugduni Batavorum, apud Abrahamum Elzevier, Acad. typogr., 1693. 4to. Collation : vi and 58 pp. PERSIA. Lvgd. Batav., ex officina Elzeviriana. Anno 1633. 24010. Collation : 382 pp. ; i blank leaf. The same, 1647. Collation : viii and 362 pp. ; 14 pp. of index. PERSIUS enucleatus. Amstelodami, apud Danielem Elzevirium, 1664. Sm. I2H1O. VOL. III. C PER 18 PHI Collation : 106 pp. ; I blank leaf. PETITI(S-) Diatriba de Jure. Amstelo- dami, apud Ludovicum Elzevirium, 1649. Sm. 8vo. Collation : 128 pp. De sacrorum dissidiorum cavsis. Ametelodami) apud Ludovicum Elze- virium t 1649. Sm. 8vo. Collation : 40 pp. PETR-ADOLPHUS (I.) Medulla ora- toria. Amsteiodami, ex offirina Elze- virian^ 1656. Sm. lamo. Collation : xxiv and 280 pp. PHILALETHES (JE.) Enarratio trium medicinarum. Amstelodami, apud Danielem Elsevirium, 1678. 8vo. Collation : 252 pp. PHILOSTRATI Epistobe. Lugduni Batavorum, ex offidna Lvdovid Elzevirii. Typis Godefridi Bass on. Anno clo loc xvi. 410. Collation : 24 pp. PHL 19 PLI PHLEGONTIS Opuscula. Lvgdvni Bata- vorvm, apud Isaacum Elzevirivm. Anno 1620. 410. Collation : viii and 190 pp.; I blank leaf. PICHERELLI .(P-) Opuscula. Lvg- dvni Batavorvm, exofficind Elseviriana. Anno 1629. Sm. lamo. Rare. Collation: xii and 368 pp.; 2 blank leaves. PISO (C.) enucleatus. Lvgd. Batav. t ex officina Elzeviriorum, 1639. Sm. i2mo. Collation : 168 pp. PISO (G.) de Indiae re natural!. Am- steladami apud Ludovicum et Danielem Elzevirios. A 1658. Folio. Collation: xxiv and 597 pp.; 2 pp. of index. PLAVTI (M. A.) Comaediae. Am- stelodami Typis Ludovici Elzevirii. Ai652. Sumptibus Societatis. 24mo. There is a second edition under the same date, differing only by not having an ornament at top of p. 3. Collation: 715 pp. PLI 20 POC PLINII (C.) Secundi historise lib. xxxvii. Lvgdvni Batavorvm^ ex officind, Elzeviriana. A 1635. 3 vols., sm. I2mo. One of the masterpieces of the Elzevier presi. The value is about 3. Collation: Vol. I., xxiv and 672 pp.; Vol. II., 647 pp.; Vol. III., 600 pp. Epistolae. Lvgd. JBatavorvm, ex offidna Elzeviriorum, 1640. Sm. i2mo. Collation : xxiv and 442 pp. The same, 1653. Collation : xxiv and 432 pp. *,* A reprint line for line of the last edition, but in which a mistake in the pagination of pp, z8g 300 has been corrected. The same, 1659. Collation : Like the last edition. Panegyricus. Traiecti ad Rhenvm, ex offidna Petri Elzevirii, 1675. ^ vo - Collation : xl and 469 pp. POCOCKE (E.) Epistolae. Lvgdvni Batavorvm, ex offidnct, Bonaventurce et Abrahami Elzevir. Academ. Typo- graph. Anno 1630. 410. Collation : vi and 66 pp. POE 21 POL POEMATA et Effigies trium fratrum. Veneunt Lvgdvni Batavorum, apud Lvdovicvm Elzevirivm. Amno (sic) cl3.l3C.xn. Sm. 8vo. Collation: xviii and 325 pp.; I blank leaf; 3 portraits. %* Many copies differ in the preliminary matter. POIRET (P.) Cogitationum libri quatuor. Amstelodami, apud Danie- lem Elzevirium, 1677. 410. Collation : viii and 309 pp. ; 6 pp. of index. POLYANDER (J.) Dvse orationes. Lugdvni-Batavorvm, apud Ludovicum Elzevirium. Anno clD.Io.cxiv. 4to. Collation : 46 pp.; I blank leaf. The same. Lugduni Batavorum, ex officina Elzeviriana. A 1618. 410. Collation : 40 pp. Judicium et Consilium. Lvgd. Batavor., ex officina Elzeviriorum, 1644. 8vo. Collation : iv and 76 pp. Miscellanese tractationes. Lvgdvni Batavor., ex officina Bonaventvrcz et POL 22 PRE Abrahami Elzevir. Acad. typogr., 1629. 8vo. Collation: xvi and 284 pp.; 2 blank leaves. Oratio funebris in obitum D. Ludo- vici de Dieu. Lvgdvni Batavorum, ex officina Bonaventvriz et Abrahami Elsevir. Academ. typography 1643. 4to. Collation: 28 pp. Oratio de differentia inter consola- tiones ethnicas ac Christianas, 1636. 4to. Collation: 32 pp. Syntagma. Lvgdvni Batavorvm ex officina Isaaci Elsevirl^ iurati Aca- demics typographi^ 1621. 8vo. Collation : xxiv and 749 pp. PORTVGALLIA. Lvgd. Batavor., ex officina Elzeviriana, 1641. 24mo. Co ation : xvi and 470 pp. PREVOTII (J.) Ars componendi medi- camenta. Amstelodami, apud Danietem Elzevirium, 1665. Sm. izmo. Collation: viii and 184 pp. PRI 23 PRI PRICE (G.) Ars concionandi regulis perspicuis, etc. Amstelodami, apud Ludovicum et Danielem Elzevirios, 1657. 8vo. Collation: viii and 320 pp.; 6 pp. of index and errata. PRIMA Scaligerana. Ultrajecti, apvd Pet rum Elzevirium, 1670. Sm. 8vo. Collation : x and 101 pp. PRINCIPATIBUS (de) Italics. Lugd. Batav., ex officina Elzeviriana. A 1620. Cum privilegio. 241110. Collation : 320 pp. ; 14 pp. of index ; I leaf of errata ; I blank leaf. The same, 1631. Collation : 384 pp. PRINCIPVM et Illvstrivm virorvm epistolse. Amsterodami, apud Ludoui- cum Etzeuirium. A 1644. Sm. i2mo. Collation: viii and 432 pp.; 16 pp. of Index. PRIOLI (B.) De rebus gallicis. Ultra- jecti, apud Petrum Elzevirium, 1569. Sm. i2mo. PRI 24 The date is evidently intended to be 1669. Collation: xxxii and 518 pp.; I blank leaf. IIpo^Aou TOU AtaSo^ov 7rapae lasteringen t CtC Tot Leyden, by Bonaventuer ende Abraham Elzevier, ordinaris druckers der Universiteyt, 1630. 4to. Collation .-55 pp. PROEVEN van letteren, etc. As mentioned by me 'on p. xxi of the introduction (Vol. I.), this important sheet was discovered in the Plantin Archives at Antwerp. It con- tains specimens of 40 descriptions of type and 8 ornaments. A fac-simile will be found in Willems's Lei Elzevier, hhtoire et annales typo- grafhiquts (Brussels, 1880, 8vo). Collation : I folio sheet, printed on one side only. PRO rege et populo Anglicano apologia. Antwerpia, apud hieronymun Ver- dussen, 1652. Sm. i2mo. This answer to Milton's Defentio is undoubtedly printed by Louis Elzevier. It appears in the Catalogues of 1656, 1675, an( ^ '681. Collation : xvi and 175 pp. PROVISIONELE Keure Gedruckt by VOL. Ill, D PRU 26 PVT de wedne ende erfgenamen van Johannes Elzevier, druckers van de Academic, 1678. 410. Mentioned by Mr. Peters. PRUDENTII (A.) Quse extant. Am- stelodami, apud Danielem Etzevirium, 1667. Sm. i2mo. Scarce and well printed. Collation: xxiv and 327 pp.; I pp. of errata ; 167 pp. of notes ; 17 pp. of index. PSELLI (M.) Compendivu Mathemati- cvm. Lvgd. Batav., ex offidnd Elze- viriorum, 1647. 8vo. Collation : xri and 252 pp. PVTEANI (E.) Amoenitatvm hvmanarvm diatribae XII. Lovani, typis Christoph. Flavl. Francofurti, apud Lvd. Elzevir. M.D.C.XV. Cum privilegio Casaris aiiorumque principum. 8vo. Collation : xxxii and 845 pp. Belli et pads statera, etc. Lvgdvni Batavorvm etqfficintiElseviriana, 1633. 4to. Collation : 24 pp. PVT 27 PVT De officio judicis Dissertatio. Ex officina Elzeviriana, 1619. 8vo. Collation : 32 pp. de Symbolo. Lovanii, typis lo. Christoph. Flavii. Francofurti, apud Lud. Elzevirium, 1615. i2mo. Mentioned by Paquot. Epistolarvm Atticarvm promvlsis. Colonicz, sumptibus Lud. Elzevirii, 1616. Cum privilegio Regis christian- issimi. 8vo. Collation: xxxii and 648 pp. Epistolarvm Atticarvm missus secvndi. Coloma:, Prostant in officina Elzeviriana, 1617. Cum privilegio Regis christianissimi. 8vo. Collation : xxviii and 603 pp. Historiae Cisalpinse libri dvo. Lovanii, apud Ph. Dormalium et lo. Sassenum, 1614. Veneunt Francofurti in bibliopolio Elzevirii. 410. Collation : viii and 160 pp. ; I portrait. Historiae Insvbricae libri VI. Lo- PVT 28 PYT vanii, typis lo. Christoph. flavit, apud Etzevirivm, clo ID cxiv. 8vo. Collation: xxxii and 221 pp.; I blank leaf. Martyremata academica. Lvgdvni- Hatavorvm, Prostam in officina Elze- viriana. Anno 1618. 8vo. Collation : riii and 64 pp. Svada Attica, sive orationvm select- arvm syntagma. LovanI, typis lo. Christoph. Flavl. Francofurti^ apud Lvd. Elzevirivm, M.D c xv. Cum privilegio Casaris, et aliorum princi- pum, 2 parts in i vol. 8vo. Collation : xxxii and 752 pp. The same. Lvgdvini Batavorvm ex officind, Etzcviriana. Anno 1623. 4to. Collation: xxiv and 614 pp.; i blank leaf. The same. Amsterodami, apud Ludovicum Elzevirium. Anno 1644. Sm. i2mo. A handsome edition. Collation : xxiv and 620 pp.; 2 blank leaves. PYTHIUS (J.) Responsio exetastica PYT 29 QVI ad tractatum cui titulus Praeadamitae. Lvgd. Satav., apud Johannem Else- virivm, Academ. typography 1656. Sm. i2mo. Collation : xvi and 414 pp ; I blank leaf. QUEISSERN (M.) Wunsch Schrifft, Herrn Simon Schultzen als er auff der beruhmten Hohen-Schuel in Leiden der Artzeney Doctor worden. Lvgd. Hatavorvm, ex officinct Elseviriana, do ID ci. 410. Extremely rare. It is said to be the first German production of the Elzevier press. Collation : 4 leaves. QVINAVLT L'amant indiscret. Suivant la copie imprim'ee a Pan's, 1657. Sm. i2mo. Collation : 103 pp. Le Fantosme amovrevx. Suivant la copie imprim'ee a Paris, 1658. Sm. 1 2 mo. Collation : 96 pp. La Generevse Ingratitude. Suivant la copie imprim'ee a Paris, 1658. Sm. I2IUO. QVI 30 RAV Collation : 93 pp. ; i blank leaf. Les Rivalles. Suivant la copie imprimee a Paris, 1657. Sm. izmo. All the above works of Quinault were printed by Jean Elzevier. Collation : 92 pp. RABELAIS (F.) CEuvres de, 1663. 2 vols. Sm. i2mo. A pretty edition, much sought after, is worth about 20 if over 132 millemetres. Collation : Vol. I. xxiv and 488 pp. ; 10 pp of tables; 2 blank leaves. Vol. II. i and pp 489 to 946 ; 8 pp. of tables. -- The same, 1666. Not so good an edition by any means as that of 1663. It is worth z. Collation : Like the edition of 1663. (J. de). Claris philosophise natu- ralis. Lvgd. Batavor., ex officina Johannis et Danietis Elsevier, Academ. typography 1654. 4to. Collation : xxviii and 219 pp. The same. Amstelodami, apud Danielem JS/sez>irium,i6'j'j. 410. Collation : xxiv and 752 pp. RAVOIRE (P. de la.) Remonstrance RAV 31 REG tres-hvmble. A Leyden, chez Isaac Elzevir, Tan, 1617. 4to. Collation .-52 pp. The same, 1618. REGII (H.) Philosophia naturalis. Am- stelodami, apud Ludovicum Elzevirium, 1654. 4to. Collation : xlviii and 442 pp. The same. Apud Ludovicum et Danielem Elzevirios, 1661. 4to. Collation : xliv and 523 pp. ; 2 folding plates. REGLEMENT geformeert ten behoeven van de dorpen van Soeterwoude en Stompwyck. Tot Leyden, by Abra- ham Elzevier, 1699. 4to. Collation : ii and 30 pp. REGNIER. Les satyres, et autres ceuvres. Selon ta copie imprm'ee d, Pan's, 1642. Sm. i2mo. A very pretty and valuable edition, printed by Bona- venture and Abraham Elzevier. Collation: viii and 166 pp.; 4 pp. of tables; I blank leaf. The same. A Leiden, chez Jean et Daniel Elsevier, 1 65 a. REG 32 RES A fine edition, worth about 10. Collation : viii and 202 pp. ; 4 pp. of tables ; i blank leaf. REGNI chinensis descriptio. Lvgd, Batav., ex offic. Elzeviriana^ 1639. 241110. Collation : viii and 374 pp. REGNO (de) Daniae et Norwegian Lvgduni Batavorvm, ex offidna Eize- viriana, 1629. Cumprivilegio. 241110. A second and better edition under the same date has xvi and 453 pp. Collation: xvi and 512 PP- REGVLyE societatis lesv. luxta exemplar impressum Lvgdvni, ex typographia lacobi Roussin. Superiorum permissu. Sm. I2mo. Wrongly attributed by Brunet to the Amsterdam 1656 (see Willems). Collation : viii and 400 pp. press. It was printed by Jean at Leyden, RESPONSA prvdentum ad autorem dissertationis de organo in ecclesiis Confoed. Belgii. Lugd. Batavor., ex officincl, Elseviriorum, 1641. 8vo. Collation : 108 pp. RES 33 RES RESPVBLICA et statvs regni Hvngarise. Ex ojficina Elzeviriana, 1634. Cum privilegio. 24mo. Collation: 332 pp.; 2 blank leaves. RESPVRLICA et statvs Imperii Romano- Germanici. Lugduni Batav, ex ojjtcina Elzeviriana. A 1634. Cum privilegio. 2 vols., 24mo. There is a second edition of Vol. I. (dated 1640) with 6 pp. less. Collation: Vol. i., xvi and 414 pp.; I blank leaf; vol. ii., 382 pp.; I blank leaf. RESPUBLICA, sive status regni Gallic diuersorum autorum. Lvgdvni Bata- vorvm, ex officina Elzeviriana. Anno 1626. Cum privilegio. 24mo. Collation: 623 pp. RESPUBLICA, sive status regni Polonise, Lituanise, Prussise, Livonise, etc. diuersorum autorum. Lvgdvni Bata- vorvm, ex officina Elzeviriana. Anno 1627. Cum privilegio. 241110. A second edition under the same date has 490 pp. Collation : viii and 468 pp. VOL. III. E RES 34 The same, 1642. Collation : iv and 492 pp. RESPUBLICA, sive statvs regni Scotise et Hibernise. Diversorum autorum. Lugd. jBaf., ex officina Elzeuiriana. A 1627. Cum priuilegio. 24mo. There is a second and inferior edition under the same date with 284 pp, Collation : 282 pp. RIVET (A.) Apologeticvs. Lvgd. Batavor., ex officina Elsevirianci, 1643. 8vo. Collation: xii and 321 pp. Disputationes tredecim. Lvgd. Batavorvm, ex officina Elzeviriana, 1631. 8vo. Collation : xvi and 298 pp. ; 64 pp. for the Collegium ; 3 pp. of index. Examen animadversionvm Hvgo Grotii. Lvgd. af., ex offidnfr Else- viriana^ 1642. 8vo. Collation : viii and 167 pp. Exhortations a repentance et recog- noissance, etc. A Leyde, de rim- primerie des Elzeviers, 1632. 24mo. RIV 35 RIV Very rare. Collation : 288 pp. Instruction preparatoire a la Saincte Gene. A Leyde, de Pimprimerie des Elzeviers, 1'an 1634. 24mo. Extremely rare ; dedicated to Anne Marie Schur- man. Collation : 288 pp. Oratio de bono pacis et concordise in ecclesia. Lvgdvni Batavorvm, apud Isaacum Elzevirium, Academice typographum, 1620. 4to. Collation: 46 pp.; I blank leaf. Oratio qua Academiae valedixit, et gratias egit. Lvgdvni Batavorvm, ex officina JBonaventurce et Abrahami Elzevir. Academ. typography 1632 4to. Collation : 22 pp. Sermons sur la nativite" et la resur- rection de I6sus-Christ. A Leiden, en rimprimerie des Etzevier, 1625. 24010. Though mentioned in 'the catalogues of 1628 to 1644, no copy is known at the present day. Theologicaeet scholasticse exercita- RIV 36 RUS tiones. Lvgdvni Batavorvm, ex officina Bonavcntvra et Abrahatni Elzevir, Academics, typo graph. Anno 1633. Cum privilegio. 4to. Collation: viii and 916 pp.; 38 pp. of index. ROCOLES (J. B.) Oratio inaugurate etc. Lugd. Batav., apud viduam et htzredes Joh. Elsevirii, 1677. 4to. Collation : 60 pp. ROHAN (Due de). Voyage en Italic. A Amsterdam, chez Louys Elzevier, 1646. Sm. i2mo. Collation : iv and 256 pp. RUDIMENTA linguae graecae, in usum juventutis scholae Dordrechtanae. Lugd. Batav.- apud Isaacum Elze- virium, 1617. 410. Mentioned by Pieters. RUSDORF (J. J. a.) Vindicise cavsas Palatinae. Anno Domini 1640. Folio. Mentioned in the catalogue of 1644; printed at Leyden. Collation: viii and 512 pp ; 14 pp of index; I blank leaf. RVS 37 SAC RVSSIA seu Moscovia, itemque Tartaria. Lvgd. Batavorvm, ex officina Elze- viriana. Anno 1630. Cum privi- legio. 24tno. A second edition under the same date has 372 pp. Collation : 336 pp. RVTCOVII (A.) Cteticae, id est, de modis acquirendi libri dvo. Amstelo- dami, apud Ludovicum Elzevirium, 1650. Sm. i2mo. Collation : 207 pp. RVTGERSII (I.) variarvm lectionvm libri sex. Lvgdvni Batavorvm, ex officina Elzeviriana. Anno 1618. Large 4to. Collation : xxiv and 636 pp. ; I leaf of errata. SABAVDI^E Respublica et historia. Lvgd. Batav., ex officina Elzeviriana. Anno 1634. 241110. Collation : xvi and 317 pp.; 2 blank leaves. SACRO-BOSCO (J. de). Sphoera. Lvg- dvni Batavorvm, ex officina Bonaven- tur SAL 40 SAT ex officina Elzeviriorum, 1638. 8vo. Collation : Ivi and 758 pp.; I blank leaf. Epistola ad Andream Colvium. Lvgd. Batavor., ex officina Eize- viriorum, 1644. 8vo. Collation : 748 pp. librorum de primatu Papse. Lvgd. JBatavor., ex officina Elzeviriorum. Anno 1645. 4 to - Collation: xii and 857 pp.; i blank leaf. SANDIS (E.) Relation de 1'estat de la religion, etc. A Amsterdam, chez Louys E/zevier, 1641. Sm. lamo. This is usually followed by La saincte Chorographie, ov description des lievx ov reside 1'Eglise chrestienne par tout 1'vniuers, par P. Geslin. A Amsterdam, chez Louys E/zevier, 1641. Collation : vi and 532 pp.; 3 blank leaves. SARPI (P.) De ivre asylorvm, liber singvlaris, Lvgdvni Batavorvm, ex officina Elzeviriana. Anno 1622. 410. Collation : 80 pp. SATYRS dvae Hercvles tvam fidem sive SAT 4 i SCA Mvnstervs Hypobolimaeus et Virgvla divina. Lugduni Batavorum, apud Lvdovicvm Elzevirium. Anno clo lo c xvn. Sm. i2ino. Collation: xxiv and 619 pp. (pp. 510 to 602 omitted in pagination) ; 19 unnumbered pp.; I leaf with imprint ' I blank leaf. SAVILIVS (H.) In Taciti Histor., Agricolae vitam, et commentarivs de militia romana. Amstelodami, apud Ludovicum Elzevirium. A 1649. Sm. i2mo. Collation: xx and 475 pp.; 2 blank leaves; I folding plate. SCALIGERI (J.) Epistolae omnes quse reperiri potuerunt. Lvgdvni Bata- vorvm, ex officina Bonaventura et Abrahami Elzevir. Academ. typography 1627. Cum privilegio. 8vo. Collation : xxiv and 887 pp. SCAPULCE (J.) . Lexicon. Lugduni, Batavorutn, typis Bonaventurce et Abrahami Elzeviriorum> et Francisci Hackii, 1652. Folio. SCA 42 SCH Collation: 4 leaves prelim, matter. Text, 1790 columns. Index Grsecus, signatures F f f f 4 to PpppS. Index latinus, signatures A to K 7. 366 columns of suppl. matter. *^* The imprint varies considerably, as many book- sellers joined with the Elzeviers to produce this costly work. SCHEDII (E.) de DIs Germanis. Am- steroaami) apud Ludovicum Elzevirium Anno 1648. 8vo. Collation : xxxii and 505 pp.; 22. pp of index. SCHEINER (C.) Oculus. Londini, excudebat J. Flesher, et prostant apud Corn. Bee, 1652. Prostant etiam Lugduni Batavorum ai>ud Elsevirios. 4to. Collation : xii and 254 pp. SCHELIUS (R. H.) De Jure imperil liber posthumus. Amstelodami, apud Danielem E/sevirium, 1671. Sm. i2mo. Col/ation : Ixviii and 360 pp. SCHERERTZENS (H.) Madrigalen. Leyden, bet Johann E/zevier, der SCH 43 SCH Ho hen Schule Buchdrukkern, 1m 1656 Jahre. 410. Collation : 4 pp. Sacrarium Minervse. Lugd. Batav. ex offidna Elseviriana, 1662. Sm. i2mo. Collation : xxxvi and 68 pp.; I folding plate at p. 4.4. SCHLOER (J.) Klag und trawerpredigt uber den Abgang Gustavi Adolphi, konigs zu Schweden. Gedmckt zu Leiden^ bey Bonav. und Abr. Elzev., 1633. 410. Collation: 23 pp. SCHONBORNERI (G.) Politicorvm libri septem. Amsterodami, apud Ludovicum Elzevirium. Anno 1642. Sm. i2mo. Collation: Ixxvi and 574 pp.; I blank leaf; I folding plate. The same. Amsterodami, apud Ludovicum Elzevirium. Anno 1650. Sm. i2mo. Collation : Ixxii and 550 pp. ; I blank leaf. SCH 44 SCH The same, 1660. xxiv and 550 pp.; I blank leaf. SCHOONHOVIUS (J.) Emblemata. Lvgdvni Batavorvm, ex offirina Elze- viriana. Anno 1626. 410. Collation : xii and 235 pp. SCHOOTEN (F. a). De organica coni- carum sectionum in piano descrip- tione, tractatus. Lvgd. Eatavorum, ex officina Elzeviriorum. A 1646. 4to. Collation . xvi and 117 pp.; i blank leaf. Exercitationvm mathematicarvm liber primus. Lvgd. Batav., ex officina JohannisElscvirii,Acadetnicetypographi, 1657. 4to. Collation : xii and 536 pp. Principia matheseos vniversalis. Lvgd. Batav., ex officina Elseviriorum, 1 65 1 . 410. Collation : xvi and 46 pp. SCHOTANI (B.) Examen jvridicvm. 1657. Sm. larno. Collation : xii and 658 pp.; I blank leaf. SCHREVELI (T.) PaUemon. Lvgdvni SCH 45 SCR Batavorum, ex offiand BonaventvrcR et Abrahami Elzevir. Academics typo- graph., 1626. 8vo. Collation : xxiv and 275 pp.; I folding plate. SCHVRMAN (A. M.) Dissertatio, de ingenii muliebris ad doctrinam et meliores litteras aptitudine. Lvgd. Ba favor., ex officina E/sevirtana, 1641. 8vo. Collation: 1 12 pp. Opuscula. 1648. 410. Collation: viii and 364 pp.; I blank leaf. The same, 1650. Collation : viii and 376 pp.; 2 blank leaves. SCRIVERII (P.) Batavia illvstrata. Lvgdvni Batavorum, apud Ludovicutti Eizevirium, do. ID. c. ix. 410. Collation: viii and 512 pp. Inferioris Germanise antiquitates. CID. lo. c. XL 410. Collation : xvi and 754 pp.; 3 folding maps. - Respublica Romana. 1626. 241110. Collation : 575 pp. The same, 1629. SCR 46 SEN There are two edition! of this date. The second has p. 63 numbered 36. Collation : 575 pp. SELDENI (I.) de DIs Syris syntagmata TI. Same imprint. Anno 1629. 8vo. Collation : xl and 373 pp.; I blank leaf. De successionibus. 1638. Sm. i2mo. SENAVLT (J. F.) De 1'vsage des pas- sions. Suivant la copie imprim'ee a Paris, 1643. Sm. i2mo. Collation : xxxvi and 559 pp. The same. A Leide, chezjean Elze- vier, 1658. Sm. I2mo. Collation. : Like edition of 1643. SENECA (L. A.) Epistolse. Lugdun. Batavor., ex officina Elseviriana, 1649. Sm. I2mo. Collation : 502 pp. The same. Amstelodami, apud Ludo- vicum et Danielem Elzevirios, 1658. Sm. izmo. Collation : 480 pp. Flores. A 1642. Sm. izmo. Collation : 336 pp. SEN 47 SEN -- Opera. Lvgd. Batav., apud Elze- virios, 1640. 3 vols. Sm. i2mo. Collation : Vol. i., xxiv and 552 pp.; vol. ii., 718 pp. ; I blank leaf; vol. iii., 442 pp.; 152 pp. of index ; 2 blank leaves. -- The same, 1 649. Collation : As above. - The same, 1659. Collation: Vol. i., xlviii and 535 pp.; vol. ii., 694 pp. ; i blank leaf; vol. iii., 440 pp.; 148 pp. of index. -- The same. 1672. 3 vols. 8vo. Collation: Vol. i., Ivi and 869 pp.; i blank leaf. Vol. ii., iv and 998 pp.; 86 pp. of index. Vol. iii., xxiv and 750 pp.; 316 pp. of notes ; 28 pp. of index. -- Tragaedise. Lugduni Batavorum, ex officina Eizeviriana. A 1667. 8vo. Collation: Ix and 785 pp.; 16 pp. of index. -- The same. Amstelodami apud Danielem Elzevirinm. A 1678. Collation: 428 pp.; 2 blank leaves. SEP 48 SIM SEPTEM Virorum Poemata. Same imprint. 1672. 8vo. Collation : 528 pp. SEVERUS (S.) Historia Sacra. Lvg- dvni Batavorvm, ex ojfidna Bonaven- tvra et Abrahami Elzevir. Academics typograph., 1626. 8vo. Collation: 271 pp. The same, 1635. Sm. i2mo. Collation: 312 pp. The same, 1643. Collation : 212 pp.; 2 blank leaves. Opera. Lugd. Batavorum, ex offi- cina Elzeviriana, 1635. Sm. i2mo. Collation : 352 pp. The same, 1643. Collation : 338 pp. The same, 1656. Collation : 336 pp. The same, 1665. 8vo. Collation : xxxii and 608 pp. SIMLERI (J.) Vallesias descriptio. Lvgdvni Batavorvm, ex officina Elze- viriana. A 1633. 241110. SIN 49 SLE Collation : 391 pp. SINGENDONCII (M. L.) Oratio de bello. Lugduni Batavorum, apud Abrahamum Elzevier, Acad. Typogr.^ 1700. 4to. Collation: 43 pp. SKYTTE (B.) Oratio. Lugd. Bata- vorum, ex officina Bonaventura et Abrahami Elzevier. A 1635. Folio. Collation: iv and 64 pp. SLEIDAN (J.) De quatuor monarchiis. Lugd. Batav., apvd Felicem Lopez de Haro, 1669. Sm. i2mo. Printed at Leyden. Collation : xii and 360 pp. De quatuor summis imperiis. Lvgd. Batavorvm, ex officinfr Elzeviriana. Anno 1624. i2mo. Collation : iv and 258 pp. The same, 1631. 24010. Collation: 374 pp.; 3 blank leaves. -The same. A 1654. 24mo. Collation : 333 pp.; I blank leaf. TOL. III. G SLE 50 TIP The same, A 1655. 241110. Collation : Like edition of 1654. - The same. A 1667. 241*10. Collation: 287 pp.; I blank leaf. The same, 1678. Collation : Like edition of 1667. SMITHI (T.) De repvblica Anglorum. Lvg. Batavorum, ex officina Elzevi- riana, 1625. 241110. There are two editions under the same date, the second and best having the privilege dated 1 5th May 1626 on the last page. Collation : 239 pp. The same, 1630. Collation: xii and 416 pp. The same, 1641. Collation : xvi and 440 pp. SNELLII (W.) Cyclometricvs. Same imprint. Anno 1621. 4to. Collation: xx and 102 pp.; I blank leaf. Descriptio cometse anni 1618. Same imprint. Anno 1619. 4to. Collation: viii and 156 pp. Tiphys Batavvs. Same imprint. Anno 1624. 4to. Collation: Ix and 175 pp. SOU 51 SPA SOUTERI (D.) Palamedes. Lvgdvni Batavorvm, ex officina Isaad Elzevirl, Academic typograpi, 1622. 8vo. Collation : xxxii and 248 pp. SPANHEMIUS (E.) Dissertationes. Amstelodami, apud Danielem Else- virium, 1671. 4to. Collation: xlvi and 917 pp.; S 1 PP- f addenda, etc. (F.) Adlocutio ad Guilielmum regem. Lugduni Batavorum^ apud Abrahamum Elzevier, Academ. Typo- graph., 1689. Folio. Collation : 28 pp. De degenere christianismo. Same imprimt, 1688. 8vo. Collation : ii and 1 16 pp. De corruptis studiis. Same im- print. Collation: 50 pp. Laudatio funebris Frederici Henrici. Lugduni Bata^or., ex officinA Elzevir- iana. Anno 1647. Folio. Collation : iv and 120 pp. SPA 52 SPA The same. A 1647. Sm. izmo. Collation : iv and 100 pp. Laudatio funebris Marise II. Lvgd- vini Batavorum apud Abrahamum Elzevier, Academies typographum, 1695. Folio. *,* See Perissoniut. Collation : iv and 93 pp. Oraison funebre svr Frederique Henri. A Ley den, chez les Elzeviers Fan 1647. 4to. Collation : xii and 252 pp. Oratio funebris in excessum J. Polyandri, etc. Lvgd. Batavor., ex officina Elzeviriana, 1646. Folio. Collation : xii and 107 pp. Oratio inauguralis, etc. 1643. 4to. Collation : viii and 70 pp.; i blank leaf. Oratio praecipue de cometarum, etc. Lugd. Batav., apud viduam et hceredes Johannes Elzevirii, Acad. typogr., 1 68 1. 410. Collation : vi and 30 pp. Vindicarum .... partes duae. SPA 53 SPI Amstelodami, apud Ludovicum Elzevi- rium, 1649. 410. Collation : xvi and 476 pp. SPECIMEN calvmniarvm, etc., 1630. 4to. Collation : 40 pp. SPECIMEN confutation! s, etc. Lvgd. Batavor., ex officina Elzeviriorum, 1648. 8vo. By Salmasius. Collation : 384 pp. SPECULUM tragicum. Ex officina Ludo- vici Elzevirij. Anno 1602. 8vo. Collation : 1 52 pp. The same, 1603. Collation : 174 pp. The same, 1605. Collation : 270 pp. The same, 1611. i2mo. Collation : 393 pp. SPIGELII (A.) in rem herbariam libri duo. Lvgdvni Batavorvm, ex officina Elzeviriana. Anno 1633. 241110. Some copies are printed on blue paper. Collation : 288 pp. SPR 54 STE SPRECHERI (F.) Rhetia. Same im- print. Anno 1633. 24010. Collation : 432 pp. STAROVOLSCI (S.) Rei militaris libri riii. Prostant Amsterodami, apud Ludovicum Elzevirium, 1641. Folio. Collation : xviii and 524 pp. STATII (P. P.) Opera. Amsterodami, tyfiis Lvdovici Elzevirii. Sumptibus Societatis, 1653. 241110. Collation : yiii and 424 pp. STATUTA et leges Academige Lvgdvno- Batavas. Lvgdvni Batavorvm. 1637. 4to. Collation : 30 pp.; i blank leaf. - The same, 1654. Collation : 40 pp. STEVEN (S.) Arithme'tique. A Leide, de rimpnmerie des Elzeviers, 1625. 8vo. Collation : xii and 885 pp.; 7 pp. of tables. Castrametatio. Tot Leyden, by Bonaventuer ende Abraham Elzevier. Anno 1633. Folio. Collation : viii and 66 pp. STE 55 STR # * 4 Is generally followed by his " Nievwe Maniere," 66 pp. La Castrametation. A Leyden, chez Matthieu et Bonaventure Elzevier, 1618. Folio. Collation: viii and 54 pp.; I blank leaf. * # * Is generally followed by his "Nouvelle Maniere," 65 pp. CEuvres Mathematiques. A Leyde, chez Bonaventure et Abraham Elsevier, imprimeurs ordinaires de PUmversite. Anno 1634. 2 vols. in i. Folio. Collation : Vol. i., viii and 224 pp. ; vol. ii., 678 pp. ; i blank leaf; notice to binder. STRANGII (J.) De voluntate et action- ibus Dei. Amstelodami, apud Ludovi- cum et Danielem Elzevirios, 1657. 4to. Collation : xxviii and 886 pp. ; 74 pp, of tables. STRANSKIUS (P.) Respvblica Bohe- miae. Lvgd. JBatavorvm, ex officina Elzeviriana. Anno 1634. Cum priv. 24mo. Collation : viii and 533 pp. Respublica Bojema. Same im- print. Anno 1643. 24mo. STR 56 SYN Second edition of preceding work. Collation : viii and 587 pp.; 2 blank leaves. SVECIA. Same imprint. 1631. 241110. Collation: 319 pp. The same, 1633. Collation . 312 pp. SUETONIUS (C.) Amsterodami, typis Lvdovici Elzevirii. Sumptibus Socie- tatis. 1650. 241110. Collation . 382 pp. ; I blank leaf. The same, 1671. Collation: 382 pp.; I blank leaf. SVTHOLT (B.) Dissertationes. Lvgd. Eatavorvm ex ojficina Elzeviriorum, 1633. Sm. i2mo. Collation: 501 pp. SWARTI (E.) Analectorum libri III. Lvgdvini Batavorvm, apud Ludovicum Elzcvirium. Anno do. lo. c. xvi. 4to. Collation: xxiv and 156 pp. SYNOPSIS purioris theologise. Lvgd. SYN 57 TAG Bata-v^ ex offidna Elzeviriana^ 1625. 8vo. Collation : xvi and 880 pp. The same, 1632. Collation : As above. The same, 1642. Collation : xii and 822 pp. The same, 1652. Collation : Like edition of 1642. The same, 1658. Collation : Like edition of 1642. TACITI (C. C.) Opera. Amstelodami, apud Danielem Etsevirium, 1672. 2 vols. 8vo. Very excellent and scarce edition. Fetched as much as 74 at the Pichon sale. Ordinary price, about 8. Collation : Vol. i., xxxii and 1024 pp.; vol. ii., ii and 910 pp.; 224 pp. of tables. The same. Amstelodami, ex offidna Elzeviriana. Anno 1634. Sm. i2mo. A good and scare* edition. Collation : xx and 786 pp. ; 30 pp. of index. The same, 1640. 2 vols. in i, sm. i2mo. Collation : xvi and 746 pp.; 16 pp. of index ; 2 blank leaves. VOL. III. H TAG 58 TAS The same, 1620. i6mo. Collation : 789 pp.; 29 pp. of index. The same. Amstelodami, typis Ludovici Ehevirii) 1649. Sumptibus Societatis. 241110. Collation : 648 pp. The same, 1665. 241110. Collation: Like edition of 1649. The same, 1678. 24010. These last three editions were for school use. Collation : Like edition of 1649. TADDEL (E.) Doctrinse Jesu Christi, etc. Same imprint 1 648. Sm. 12 mo. Collation : 226 pp. TALMUDIS Babylonici codex. Lvg- dvni Batavorvm, ex offiana Bonaven- turtz et Abrahami Elzevir. Academ. typography 1630. 4to. Collation : xl and 208 pp. ; 2 folding plates. TASSO. Aminta. In Leide, presso Giovanni Elsevier> 1656. Sm. 12 mo. Rare. Collation : xxii and 84 pp. The same. In Amsterdam, nella TAS 59 TER stamperia del S. D. Elsevier, 1678. 241110. Collation : 85 pp.; 6 plates. II Goffredo, overo Gierusalemme liberata. Same imprint. 1678. 2 vols. 241110. Collation: Vol. i., 271 pp.; vol. ii., 285 pp.; also portrait and 20 plates. TERENTIVS. Lugd. Batauorum, typis Isaaci Elzevir I. Anno 1619. 8vo. Collation : 280 pp.; 8pp. of index. The same. A 1635. Sm. i2mo. There are five editions of the same date, with same collation, but of very different value. The first and best has page 101 numbered 69, and on p. 51 the word Laches is printed in red. The second has Laches in black, and the second comedy is entitled EVNVCHVS. The third reads Eunuchm and has LACHES in black. The fourth has Laches in black, but has Prologus (on page 54) in red. [It is black in the three first editions.] The fifth has both Laches and Prologus in red. The fourth edition is nearly as rare and as good as the first. The value is about 3. Collation : xlviii and 304 pp. ; 8 pp. of index. - The same. A 1651. 241110. Collation : 236 pp.; 2 blank leaves. TER 60 TES The same. A 1561. Sm. izmo. A nice edition. Collation: xlviii and 312 pp. The Same. A 1665. Collation : 236 pp. TESMAR (J.) Exercitationum libri viii. Amstelodami, apud Ludovicum et Danielem Elzevirios, 1657. 8vo. Collation : xvi and 1096 pp. TESTAMENT (Het Nieuwe.) Tot Ley- den, by Johannes Eisevier, drucker der Universiteyt, 1659. 12 mo. Collation : xvi and 286 pp. TESTAMENTUM (Novum.) Lugd. Batavorum, ex offidna Elseviriana^ 1641. 8vo. Very rare. Collation : viii and 472 pp. The same, 1624. Sm. i2mo. Collation : vii and 863 pp. The same, 1633. Sm. 121110. Collation : xvi and 895 pp. The same, 1641. Sm. izmo. Collation : xvi and 776 pp. TES 61 THU The same, 1658. i2mo. Collation: xii and 936 pp.; I blank leaf. The same, 1675. izmo. Collation : xii and 732 pp. The same, 1656. 241110. Collation : xvi and 703 pp. The same, 1662. 241110. Collation : xvi and 703 pp. The same, 1670. 241110. Collation : xvi and 703 pp. The same, 1678. 241110. Collation : xvi and 703 pp. 0ewvos cro(f>LCTTov 7rpoyvfj.vdcTfj.aTa. dvni Batavorvm, ex officina Bonaven- tvrce et Abrahami Elzevir. Academ. typograph., 1626. 8vo. Collation : xvi and 144 pp. THORIUS (R.) Hymnvs Tabaci. Lvgd. Bat., Typis Isaaci Elseuirij, 1625. 4to. Collation : viii and 55 PP- THUANUS (J. A.) Posteritati. Am- stelodami, apud Danielem Elsevirium, 1678. Sm. i2mo. Collation : 86 pp. THY 62 TRA THYSIUS(A.) Roma Illustrata. Am- stelodami, apud Ludovicum et Danielem Elzevir ios, 1657. Sm. 12 mo. Collation: viii and 542 pp.; i blank leaf. TILEMANNUS (J.) Dissertatio de successione. Lvgd. Batavor.. ex offidna Elzevirian^ 1644. Sm. 1 2 mo. Collation: viii and 226 pp.; I blank leaf; I folding plate. To 8r}Tov. Lvgdvni Batavorvm, apud Johannem et Danielem E/sevier, 1652. Folio. Collation : xl and 636 pp. TRACTATUS pacis inter Hispaniam et unitum Belgium. Lvgd. Batav., ex officind, Etseviriorum, 1651. 8vo. Collation : viii and 418 pp. ; 2 blank leaves. TRA1TTE de la politique de France. A Utrecht, chez Pierre Elzevier, 1670. 2 parts in i vol., sm. i2mo. Collation : Part I., 296 pp. ; Part II., 65 pp. %* An edition of 1669 bearing the imprint Pierre du Marteau is also said (I thing wrongly) to have been printed by Pierre Elzevier. TRI 63 TUN TRIGLANDIUS (J.) Laudatio Funebris Guillielmi III. Lugduni Batavorvm, apud Abrahamum JElzevtcr, Academics typographum, 1702. Folio. Collation : iv and 62 pp. Systema disputationum theologi- carum. Lugd. Batav., ex ojpcina Bonaventuriz et Abrahami E/sevir., 1650. 410. TVLPII (N.) Observationvn medicarum libri tres. Amsterodami, apud Lvdo- mcvm Elzevirivm, 1641. 8vo. Collation : xiv and 279 pp. ; 14 plates included in this pagination. The same, 1652. Collation : xvi and 403 pp.; 2 blank leaves. The same, 1672. 8vo. Collation : xvi and 392 pp. TUNINGUS (G.) Commentarius in Justinianum. Lvgdvni Batavorvm, ex offidna Elzeviriana. Anno 1618. 4to. Collation : xx and 928 pp ; 14 pp of index ; I blank leaf. - The same, 1653. Collation : xviii and 942 pp. TVR 64 VAR TVRCICI imperii statvs. Same imprint. A 1630. 24mo. Collation : viii and 320 pp. The same. 1634. Collation : viii and 368 pp. ULITIUS (J.) Venatio. Same imprint. A 1645. Sm. i2mo. Collation: xxiv and 491 pp.; 16 pp. of index, etc. VALERII Maximi dictorum factorumbue memorabilium libri IX. Amstelodami, typis Ludovici Ehevirii. A 1650. Sumptibus societatis. 241110. There are two editions of this date : in the first the three last pages are wrongly numbered 226- 228. Collation : viii and 328 pp. The same. A 1671. 241110. About 35 years ago, in selling off an old book- seller's stock in Holland, a number of copies in sheets of this work were found : hence uncut copies are common. Collation : like edition of 1650. VARENIUS (B.) Descriptio regni laponicse. Amstelodami, apud Ludo- vicum Elzevirium. Anno 1649. 2 parts in i vol. 241110. VAR 65 VER Collation: Part I., xxiv and 287 pp. Part II.; viii and 320 pp.; I folding plate. Geographia generalis. Same im- print. 1650. Sm. i2mo. Collation : xliv and 786 pp.; 3 blank leaves ; 5 folding plates. The same, 1664. Sm. ismo. Collation: xl and 748 pp.; 5 folding plates. The same, 1671. Collation : Like edition of 1664. VARIORUM tractatus theologici, de Peste. Lvgd. Batav., apud Johannem Eizevirium, Academ. typography 1655. Sm. i2mo. Collation: ii and 380 pp. VERGILIUS (Polydorus). De inventori- bus rerum. Amstelodami, apud Danielem Eizevirium, 1671. Sm. i2mo. Collation : xl and 705 pp. VERI (J. B.) Rerum Venetarum libri quatuor. Amsterodami, apud Ludovi- cum Elzevirium, 1644. Sm. I2mo. Collation : xvi and 458 pp.; i blank leaf. VOL. III. I VER 66 VIG VERITAS pacifica. Same imprint, 1651. Sm. lamo. Collation: 191 pp. VIE (La) de Caspar de Coligny. A Leyde, chez Bonavcnture et Abraham Elzerier. Anno 1643. Sm. izmo. One of the most sought after of the Elzevier pro- ductions. Over 127 millimetres, it is worth about 6, and a copy of above 134 millimetre* sold as high as 770 francs at the Montgermont sale. Collation: viii and 143 pp.; 88 pp. (including title) for Memoires. VIE (La) du pere Paul. A Leyde, chtz Jean Elzevier, 1661. Sm. i2mo. Collation: xxiv and 550 pp.; 3 pp. of cata- logue ; I blank leaf. VIET^E (F.) Opera. Lvgdvni Bata- vorvm, ex officina Bonaventura et Abrahami Elzeviriorum, 1646. Folio. Collation : xii and 554 pp. VIGNOLA (J. B. van) Reghel van de vijf ordens der architecture, f Am- sterdam, by Louys Elzevier, boeck- verkooper op f Water inden Olmboon 1638. 8vo. Very rare. VIG 67 VIR Collation : ii and 16 pp. of text ; 50 archi- tectural plates marked I. to L. VINNIUS (A.) Commentarius in quatuor libros Institutionum Imperialium. Amst., apud Lud. Elzevir, 1642. 4to. Collation -. xii and 1474 pp.; 30 pp. of index. The same, 1655. 410. Collation : x and 888 pp.; 20 pp. of index. The same, 1659. Collation : like edition of 1655. The same, 1665. 4to. Collation : like edition of 1655. De Pactis Tractatus. Lvgd. Bata- vor., ex offidnct, E/zeviriorum, 1646. Sm. I2mo. Collation : xii and 323 pp. Selectarum juris qvstionvm librias duo. Lvgd. Batav., apud Joh. et. Danielem E/sevier, 1653. 8vo. Collation : xvi and 511 pp. VIRGILIUS (P.) Opera. Lugd. Bata- vorum, apud Abraham. Elsevirium. A 1622. Sm. i2mo. A poor but rare edition. Collation : xxiv and 444 pp. VIR 68 VIR The same. Lvgd. Batav., ex officina Elzeviriana. A 1636. Sm. izmo. A lovely, rare, but incorrect edition. It sells at very high prices, viz., from 10 to 50. There are three editions of the same date. The original has the fragment of letter before the Bucolics : Ego vero, etc., printed in red, ai also the dedication on p. 92. The reprints are worth about 1. Collation: xl and 411 pp.; 43 pp. of index; I blank leaf; I map facing p. 92. The same, 1676. Sm. i2mo. This edition was printed on two different sized papers. The larger (over 170 millimetres; is very rare, and worth 20 to 30. There were but 48 printed. (See correspondence of Daniel Elzevier.) Part of the edition was issued in 1676, and part in 1679. The latter may be known by the word lector forming the fifth word in the address to the reader. They also vary sometimes from the original issue in the contents of the prelim, matter. The text is extremely correct. Beware of the forgery (see under Forgeries}. Collation : xlviii and 307 pp.; 29 pp. of tables ; I blank leaf; I map facing p. 84. The same. Amstelodami, typis Ludovici Elzevirii. A 1649. Sump- tibus Societatis. 241110. Collation : 359 pp. VIR 69 VIT The same. Amstelodami, ex officina Elzeviriana. 1664. Sumptibus Socie- tatis. 24mo. Collation : 359 pp. The same. 1668. 241110. Collation : 359 pp. The same, 1670. 241110. Collation : 359 pp. The same, 1676. 241110. Collation : 359 pp. VITA Gerardi y-Emilii van Hoogeveen. Lugduni Batavorum, apud viduam et hczredes Johannis Elscvirii, Academ. typograph. 1666. Large folio. Collation : 12 unnumbered leaves. VIT^E privatse commoda. Amstelodami, apud Danielem Elsevirium, 1675. 4to. Collation: 18 pp. VITRUVIUS (M.) De Architectura libri decem. Amstelodami, apud Ludovicum Elzevirium. Anno 1649. Folio. Rare. Collation : viii and 568 pp.; many plates. VOR 70 VOS VORSTII (A.) Oratio in excessum C. Salmasii. Lvgd. Batavor., ex ojprind, Johannis et Danielis J5/sevier, Academ. typography 1654. 4to. Collation : 40 pp. (E.) Oratio funebris Petri Pavi. Lvgduni Batavorvm^ ex officin& Elze- viriana, 1617. 4 to - Collation : 39 pp. VOSSIUS (G. J.) Commentarivs de rebvs pace belloque gestis Fabiani senioris. Same imprint. Anno 1628. 4to. Collation: xxxii and aoo pp. (i) Poeticarum institutionum libri tres. Amstolodami, apud Ludovicum Elzevirium, 1647. 4 to - (2) De artis poeticae natura, etc. (Same imprint). (3) De imitatione, etc. (Same im- print). These three works are always found together. Collation: 657 pp.; I blank leaf. - De Baptismo. Same imprint. 1648. 4to. VOS 71 VOS Collation : xviii and 259 pp.; 26 pp. of tables. De vitiis sermonis. Same imprint. 1645. 410. Collation : xxxii and 824 pp. ; 82 pp. of index, etc. Etymologicon linguae latinse. Am- stelodami, apud Ludovicum et Danielem Elzevirios. 1662. Folio. Collation : Ixviii and 606 pp.; I blank leaf. Harmoniae evangelicae, etc., libri tres. Amstelodami, apud Ludovicum et Danielem Elzevirios, 1656. 4to. Collation : viii and 432 pp. Historia de controversiis, etc. Same imprint. 1655. 410. Latina grammatica, etc. Lvgdvni Batavorvm, ex officina Bonaventvra et Abrahami Elzevir. Academ typography 1628. 3 parts in i vol. 8vo. Collation : viii and 296 pp. The same, 1644. Collation : viii and 343 pp. (I.) De lucis natura. Amstelodami^ VOS 72 WAL apud Ludovicum et Daniekm Elze- vinos, 1662. 410. Cotfation : viii and 87 pp. VOTA nuptialia in honorem F. Schwetgii, etc. Lugd. Batav., ex offidna JElseviriana, 1650. 4to. In the library of St. Petersburg. Collation : 8 pp. WALRUS (A.) Compendivm ethicae Aristotelicae ad normam veritatis Christianae revocatum. Lugduni Bata- vorum, apud Isaacvm Elsevinvm, Academics typographum. Anno 1620. Sm. i2mo. Collation: xxiv and 261 pp. The same, 1627. Sm. i2mo. Collation : xii and 252 pp. The same, 1629. Collation : Like edition of 1627. The same, 1636, Sm. i2mo. Collation .-283 pp. The same, 1644. Sm. lamo. Collation: like edition of 1636. Dissertatio de Sabbatho. Lugduni WAL 73 WET Batavorum, ex officina Bonaventura et Abrahami Elzevir. Acad. typog., 1628 8vo. Collation : xvi and 243 pp. WASSENAER (Baron de.) Enconium Gvillelmi Henri ci, Arausionensis principis. Same imprint. 1687. 4to. Collation : 32 leaves. WASSENBERG (E.) Der erneuwerte Teutsche Florus. Amsteldam, bey Ludwig Elzevier, im Jahr 1647. Sm. izmo. Collation: viii and 731 pp. WENDELINI (M. F.) Christians Theologiae libri II. Lvgd. Batav., apud Joannem Eisevirium, Acdemice typographum, 1656. Sm. i2mo. Collation : xxxvi and 875 pp.; I folding plate. WESTERBVRGII (J.) Epinicivm in Sylvam, etc. Lvgdvni JSatavorvm, ex officina Elzeviriana. Anno 1629. Folio. Collation : 60 pp. WETTEN ende statuten van de Vniver- VOL. III. K WET 74 WIT siteyt tot Ley den. Gedrvckt in Ley den. by Bonaventver ende Abraham Elzevier. Anno 1631. 410. Collation : 24 leaves in all The same, 1653. Collation : 45 pp. The same, 1699 (followed by Ordon- nantie van Y Collegium, and Extract uyt de ordonnantie). Collation : 42, 37, and 19 leaves respectiuely. WILLIS (T.) Pathologiae .... speci- men. Amstelodami, apud Danielem Elzevirum, 1668. Sm. i2mo. Collation: xii and 338 pp.; 19 unnumbered pp. The same, 1670. Collation : like edition of 1668. WITSII (H.) Theologus modestus. Lugduni Batavorum, apud Abrahamum Elzevier, Acad. typogr., 1698. 410. Collation : 36 pp. WITT fCHIUS (C. ) Dissertationes duse. Amstelodami, apud Ludovicum Elze- virium, 1653. Sm. i2mo. WOL 75 XAV Collation: xvi and 306 pp.; i blank leaf. WOLZOGEN (L.) Oratio funebris N. Tulpii. Amstelodami, apud Danielem Elsevirium, 1674. Folio. Collation : 48 pp. WORM (O.) Museum Wormianum. Lvgdvni Batavorum, apud Johannem Elsevirivm, Acad typograth,^ 1655. Folio. Collation : xii and 392 pp.; Frontispiece and portrait. XAVIER (H.) Historia Christi persice conscripta. This work is always found followed by Historia S. Petri persice conscripta. Lvgdvni Batavorvm, ex officina. Elsevinana. A 1639. 2 vols in i, 4to. Collation : xii and 640 pp.; viii and 144 pp. XVO