1 Ex Libris C. K. OGDEN THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES L A CATALOGUE OP THE GREEK AND ETRUSCAN VASES IN THE BRITISH MUSEUM VOLUME I. LONDON : PRINTED BY WILLIAM NICOL, 60, PALL-MALL. 1851. Art Library /y/K , / ADVERTISEMENT. THE Vases described in the present volume belong either to the Earlier or the Finest period of Greek and Etruscan Art. The work will be completed in a second volume, which will contain the Vases of a later period, chiefly from the South of Italy, and the Vases of all ages from Greece Proper, with a general Introduction, Glossary and Indices. This Catalogue v has been prepared by Mr. Birch and Mr. Newton. Each Vase is entered in the Catalogue under the running number painted on the Vase itself in white on a black label. After this number follows the Name by which the form and purpose of the Vase may be most accurately and clearly in- dicated. The Roman numeral placed after the Name of the Vase refers to the engraved outline of its shape (see Plates I VI) ; then follow the dimensions, in feet, inches and tenths of inches, the height being given first, the width being added in the case of certain forms. At the end of the Description of the Vase, the name of the Locality where it was discovered, of the Donor by whom it was presented, or of the Collection to which it formerly belonged, have been printed in Italics, whenever these facts could be ADVERTISEMENT. ascertained. The names of Collections are indicated by the following abbreviations. El. Thomas Blayds. Br. Dr. Emil Braun. T.B. Thomas Burgon. S.B. Dr. Samuel Butler, the late Bishop of Lichfield. C. The Prince of Canino. C*. Select Vases of the Canino Collection. H. Sir William Hamilton. R.P.K. Richard Payne Knight. M. Millingen. SI. Sir Hans Sloane. T. Towneley. References to Works, where a Vase has been engraved or described, are subjoined to the description, in a smaller type. Plates A and B contain fac-similes of Monograms and other Potter's marks; these are arranged on the Plates in the order in which they are noted in the Catalogue. EDW D . HAWKINS. CATALOGUE OP VASES. EARLY ITALIAN WARE. 1. OVAL VASE. i. Height 13 in. Length 15 in. Coarse brown ware. In the form of the Tugurium or rustic cottage of the early inhabitants of Italy. At one end is a moveable door flanked by perpendicular ridges and grooves, which per- haps represent fluted pilasters. On each side of the roof are five ribs meeting at the top of the ridge, and at each end, under a pointed projection is an object like an E inverted, thus, Fl. The surface of the vase appears to have been painted, as traces of a rude maeander pattern remain in several places. The in- terior is filled with burnt bones. This interesting specimen of the earliest Italian Fictile Art was found in 1817 in the Monte Albano near the road from Castel Gandolfo to Marino, about thirteen miles from Rome. Presented by W. R. Hamilton, Esq., to whom it was given by Canova, in the year 1821. 2. AMPHORA, n. 1 Of inch. Coarse brown ware; archaic; on each side is a small knob between two chevrons. Christie, Vignette, p. 135. 3. ii. 6| in. Coarse brown ware; archaic; on each side two chevrons. H. D'Hancarville, IV. PI. 70. 4. in. 7 in. Coarse brown ware ; archaic ; on each side two circular bosses. H. D'Hancarville, II. PI. 95. 5. in. 7 in. Coarse brown ware ; archaic. 6. ii. 5 in. Coarse brown ware ; archaic ; on each side two vertical bars. 2 CATALOGUE 7. AMPHORA, iv. 6^ in. Coarse brown ware; archaic; on each side of the neck are three globules, on the body two globules and a chevron. T. Christie, Vignette, p. 135. 8. i IT. 3 in. Coarse brown ware; archaic; on each side three vertical grooves. T. 9. in. 3 in. Coarse brown ware; archaic; on each side three vertical grooves. T. 10. KANTHAROS. v. 3| in. by 3| in. Coarse brown ware. SI. 11. KYATHIS. vi. 4| in. by 4 in. Coarse brown ware; archaic ; the handle divided into two parts, so as to be held by separate fingers, and surmounted by projections for the thumbs ; round the body are three knobs and a rudely hatched fret. 12. BOWL WITH TWO HANDLES, vii. 2| in. by 3| in. Coarse brown ware. 13. ASKOS. vin. Height 4 in. Length 5^ in. Coarse ware of a lighter colour ; rude. 14. OINOCHOE. ix. 6^ in. Coarse brown ware ; rude. 15. x. 5| in. Coarse brown ware; rude. round it three knobs. 16. xi. 6 in. Coarse brown ware; rude; S.B. 17. xn. Gin. Coarse brown ware; rude; round the body knobs and vertical ridges alternately. 18. KYATHIS. xin. 5 in. by 10 in. Coarse brown ware ; lips recurved and ornamented with a hatched zigzag band ; from each side of the rim rise two projections ; fluted handle. Si. 19. ONE HANDLED CUP. xiv. 8| in. by 10 in. Coarse brown ware ; handle expanding at the bend into the form of a cubital, round the body rows of horse shoe ornaments and round the mouth zigzag lines hatched. H. D'Hancarville,III. PI. 114. 20. ASKOS. xv. Height 10 in. Length 1 ft. f in. Coarse brown ware ; archaic ; on the body feather- shaped ornaments fromed of incised lines ; the neck encircled by three bands OF VASES. 3 of parallel incised lines ; the handle ridged and terminating at its lower juncture in seven notched lines. H. 21. OINOCHOE. xvi. Nearly 1 ft. 3. in. Coarse brown ware ; archaic ; trefoil mouth ; round the body three arched ornaments. T. 22. VASE WITH ONE SMALL HANDLE. xvn. 1 ft. 4^ in. Coarse brown ware; archaic; the body encircled with a row of perpendicular ridges. Cervetri. 23. VASE. xvm. 8| in. Coarse brown ware ; perhaps an archaic specimen of the Alabastron ; ribbed horizontally. Cervetri. BLACK ETRUSCAN WARE. 24. OINOCHOE. xix. 6 in. 25. xix. Sin. \ TrefoU mouth. 26. xx. 9 in. T. 27. xxi. 9 in. Trefoil mouth ; the body covered with reeded lines ; on the neck five fan-shaped orna- ments punctuated ; on the handle triangular ornaments punc- tuated. 28. xxii. 11 in. Round the neck a double band ; on the handle a leaf. S. B. 29. xx. 10| in. 30. xxui. 1 ft. 2 in. The body encircled by three bands of parallel lines incised ; reeded handle. H, D'Hancarville, IV. PI. 32. 31. DEEP TWO-HANDLED CUP. xxiv. 5| in. by 5| in. Colour, a medium tint, neither brown nor black ; the body encircled by grooved lines and a toothed ornament incised ; under each handle a circular flowret. 32-36. OINOCHOE. xix. From 9J to 8| in. Have been covered with modern green paint. 37. xxv. 8 1 in. Covered with modern paint ; CATALOGUE the body and neck encircled by grooved lines ; the upper part of the handle in imitation of snakes' heads. 38. OINOCHOE.XIX. 7 in- 39. - xx. 9 in. T. 40. - xix. 7| in. T. 41. - xxvi. 11 in. Round the 71 shoulder a broad band with perpendicular lines incised. 42. - xx. 11 in. 71 43. - xxvu. ll in. The body encircled by xxvu. n. parallel lines incised. Cervetri. T. 44. - xxi. 71 i mouth. Afi 4*7 VVT */ AQ moulding. Afl VVT 61 in. Circular \ Vulci or Cervetri. J 6|in. 61 in. T. T. in. Round the body a plain 6| in. Round the neck triangular floral ornament punctuated. Cervetri or Vulci. 50. - xxi. 5|. in. 51. - xxvin. 6 in. Round the shoulder in punctuated lines a double row of toothed ornaments. SI. 52. - xxix. 5| in. Quatrefoil mouth ; round the body a band of grooved oblique lines ; in front a face in relief radiated ; handle double twisted. It may be doubted whether this is an Etruscan vase, as in style it resembles the later vases of the south of Italy. T. 53. DOUBLE' VASE WITH ONE HANDLE, xxx. 5 in. The upper division striated ; the lower encircled by a band Cervetri. of floral ornaments incised. 54. ARYBALLOS. xxxi. 55. OINOCHOE. xxxii. 56. KYATHIS. xxxm. 57. - xxxiv. 58. - xxxm. 4| in. 4| in. Mouth circular. 4| in. by 4| in. Base reeded. 4| in. by 71 in- Body striated. 4^ in. by 5^ in. Round the body and on the handle fan-shaped ornaments punctuated; the bottom inside radiated. OF VASES. 5 59. KYATHIS. xxxiv. 5| in. by 5| in. Body striated. 60. WITH FOOT. xxxv. 6| in. by 4| in- Round the mouth two zigzag bands incised ; handle ornamented with a lion's face, two ivy leaves and a bud. 61. ASKOS. xxxvi. Height 4| in. Length. 6 in. On four feet. H. D'Hancarville, IV. PI. 57. 62. OINOCHOE. xxxii. 5^ in. The neck encircled with four parallel grooves. Vulci. 63. xxxii. 5 in. The neck encircled with four parallel grooves, and a triangular floral ornament, punc- tuated. Vulci. 64 - xxxii. 5 in.-| Round the necks parallel 65. xxxii. 4| in. y grooves and a wreath of 66. xxxii. 6 in.] flowers punctuated. Vulci. 67. xxxii. 5f. in. The neck encircled by grooved bands. 68-9. xxxvu. 6f in. and 6| in. Mouth circular. Vulci. 70. xxvu. 6 in. Mouth circular. Round the body a deeply grooved band, with punctuated lotos flowers and toothed ornament resembling the calyx of a flower. 71. xxxvu. 6 in. Vulci. 72. xxxvu. 6 in. The neck encircled by three parallel grooves. Vulci. 73. xxvu. 6^ in. Same ornaments as those of No. 70. Vulci. 74. xxvu. 6| in. Same ornaments as those of No. 70. 75. xxvu. 6 in. Round the body two parallel lines incised ; has a spout. 76. xxvu. 6| in. Same ornaments as those of No. 70. Vulci. 77- xxvu. 6^ in. Round the shoulder a row of triangular flowers and another of fan-shaped ornaments punc- tuated ; along the handle flowers. Vulci. 78. KRATER. xxxvni. 10^ in. T. 6 CATALOGUE 79. AMPHORA, xxxix. 10 in. Body striated; on the neck and handles fan-shaped ornaments punctuated. 80. xxxix. 8 in. On the body double spirals and zigzag ornaments incised. 80.* xxxix. 3 in. Similar to No. 80. 81. xxxix. 8 in. Similar to No. 60, but above the spirals fan-shaped ornaments punctuated. 81.* xxxix. 3 in. Ornaments as in No. 79. 82. BOWL-SHAPED VASE. XL. 2 in. by 4|. Covered with modern paint. 83. BOWL or PHIALE with recurved lips. XLI. 2$ in. by 7i in. Cervetri. 84. BOWL. XLII. 4f in. by llf in. SI. 85. VASE WITH COVER. XLIII. 8^ in. On the body four projecting studs, inside the cover an Etruscan letter. PI. A. 85. T. 86. BOWL. XLII. 4 1 in. by 10 in. Similar to No. 84. 87. PHIALE. XLI. 2 in. by 7 2 i n ^ 88. - - XLI. 2| in. by 7i in. 89. COVER OF A VASE. 1| by 4 in. Perhaps from an Amphora. 90. VASE WITHOUT HANDLES. XLIV. 2^ in. H. D'Hancarville, 1 1 . PI. 67. 91. TWO HANDLED COVERED VASE. XLV. 8g in. H. 92. XLV. 8| in. 93. - XLV. 10 in. H. 94. AMPHORA. XLVI. 10^ in. Cervetri. 95-7- KANTHAROS. XLVII. From 5 in. to 5 in. and from 3$ in. to 6| in. 98. XLVII. 5^ in. by 4| in. H. D'Hancarville, I. PI. 105. 99. XLVII. 4| in. by 4| in. 100. XLVII. 4| in. by 4 in. 101. - XLVI 1 1. 4 in. by 4| in. T. 101.* XLVII. 4| in. by 5^ in. T. 102. XLVII. 4| in. by 4 in. OF VASES. 7 103. SMALL KRATER. XLIX. 3| in. by 3 in. Round the body thin grooved lines ; covered with modern paint. 104. XLIX. 3| in. by 4 in. Round the body a double grooved line. T. 105. L. 4f in. by Q\ in. Round the body band of grooved and hatched lines, containing double zigzag orna- ments with flowers punched in ; base fluted. 106-7. XLIX. 4| and 5 in. by 5$ and 6 in. Round the body quadruple grooved bands. Imperfectly baked. 108. L. 4j in. by 7i m Round the body a row of lozenges and another of intersecting curves hatched, a row of flowers punched in, and grooved lines ; base fluted. 109. LI. 4 in. by 4^ in. Round the body parallel grooves ; the base surmounted by a notched mould- ing. 110. XLIX. 3| in. by 5jin. Black ware but not of so deep a colour ; has probably been burnt. Round the body parallel grooves. 111. KANTHAROS. XLVII. 5 in. by 4| in. 112. XLVII. 4j in. by 4 in. 113. XLVII. 4^ in. by 4| in. 114. XLVIII. 4 in. by 3| in. T. 115. XLVII. 4\ in. by 4| in. 116. XLVII. 5^ in. by 3 in. 117. XLVII. 6 in. by 6 in. 118. XLVII. 5 1 in. by 6 in. 119. DEEP TWO-HANDLED CUP. LII. 5j in. by 3| in. Round the body a triple grooved band ; above, ivy leaves and flowers ; below, a row of ivy leaves. H. D'Hancarville, IV. PI. 89. 120. VASE. XLV. 6 in. Resembles No. 91, but with- out a cover. 121. VASE. XLV. 8 in. Resembles No. 91, but with handles standing outwards. 122. VERY SMALL JUG. 2 in. Shape nearly No. xxi. 123. AMPHORA, in. 5 in. Archaic. The body en- circled by seven parallel lines incised. H. 8 CATALOGUE 124. AMPHORA, xxxix. 4 in. Similar to No. 80. H. D'HancarviUe, II. PI. 36. 125. DEEP TWO-HANDLED CUP. LIII. 3| in. by 4$ in. The body encircled by a broad band of striated lines ; round the mouth triangular ornaments punctuated. 126. LIII. 4 in. by 4 in. Body striated; round the mouth three fan-shaped ornaments punctuated. 127. LIII. 3 in. by 3| in. Encircled by three bands of parallel lines incised. H. D'Hancarville, IV. PL 117. 128. LIII. 34 in. by 3 in. Encircled as the last. 129. LIII. 2 in. by 3 in. Round the mouth triangular floral ornaments punctuated. 130. OBJECT IN THE FORM OF A CUBITAL. LIV. 3 in. by Si in. T. 131. KRATER. LV. 2j in. by 4 in. Lips recurved. 132. LV. 4 in. by 6 in. Has apparently been painted. Lips recurved. Probably from Vulci. 133. JAR. LVI. 5| in. 134. KRATER. LV. 3^ in. by 4| in. Has apparently been painted. 135. LV. 2J in. by 4| in. 136. BOWL SHAPED VASE. LVII. 3 4 in. by4| in. With wide brim raised at the edge. T. 137. SHALLOW TWO HANDLED CUP. LVIII. If in. by 4 in. Round the lip triangular floral ornaments punctuated. 138. LVIII. If in. by 4| in. Encircled by parallel lines incised, and triangular floral ornaments punc- tuated. Vulci. 139. LVIII. 2| in. by 4i in. j Similarly orna- 140. LIX. 2 in. by 5 in. ) mented. Vulci. 141. LIX. 2 in. by 4| in. *| Encircled by 142. LIX. 2J in. by 4 f in. \ parallel lines in- 143. LIX. 3 in. by 4| in. J dsed ' Vulci ' OF VASES. 9 144. LIX. 2| in. by 4| in. Round the neck triangular floral ornaments punctuated. Vulci. 145. LIX. 2| in. by 5| in. Encircled by parallel lines incised. Vulci. 146. KANTHAROS. XLVII. 65 in. by 5j in. The base surmounted by a row of incuse triangles. 147. XLVII. 5^ in. by 6 in. Has probably suffered from fire; the base surmounted by a notched moulding. SI. 148. XLVII. 5\ in. by 4| in. The base sur- mounted by a moulding, marked with vertical lines. 149. XLVIII. 4j in. dr. Broken. Vulci. 150. DEEP TWO HANDLED CUP. LIII. 2| in. by 5 in. Round the lip triangular floral ornaments punctuated. 151. KYATHIS. xxxni. 4 dr. Handle broken off. T. 152. KRATER. XLIX. 3J in. by 5\ in. The body encir- cled by three parallel grooved lines. SI. 153. L. 6 in. dr. Wants the foot. Round the body four grooved lines, between which a chained pattern of incised lines, and two plaits of hatched lines ; round the base two bands of hatched lines, between, a row of circular flowrets. 154. BOWL OR DEEP PHIALE. XLII. If in. by 4^ in. T. 155. PHIALE. XLII. If in. by 4 in. T. 156. SHALLOW TWO HANDLED CUP. LVIII. 5 in. dr. wants the foot. The body encircled by four bands of parallel lines incised. On the inside a central boss. 157. LIX. 2| in. by 5 in. "") Similar circles, ... . > but no central 158. LIX. 2^ in. by 4| in. 159. KANTHAROS. XLVII. 5| in. by 4| in. Base sur- mounted by a notched moulding, 160. XLVII. 5| in. by 4J in. One handle re- stored. 161. XLVIII. 71 in. At the bottom an Etruscan A incised. T. 162. KYATHIS. LX. 8 in. by 6 in. Archaic. Round the body a band of triglyphs embossed on which are placed at inter- vals four female faces in relief. The brim surmounted by four 10 CATALOGUE buds. On the handle a male figure in relief, clad in a tunic reaching to the loins and with long hair, his head surmounted by a bud ; round him are incised rude zig-zag lines, below, on the inside of the mouth a double spiral ornament. Vulei. 163. KYATHIS. LX. Sin. byGHn. The body encircled by a row of female heads in relief, four in number, and the lip surmounted by five buds; on the handle the same figure and ornaments as on the handle of No. 162. Chiusi or Volterra. Dur. No. 1414. 164. KRATER. LXI. 6 in. by 3$ in. Supported by two pilasters placed alternately with caryatid figures. On the face of the pilasters are three symbols of uncertain meaning. The figures wear a polos on the head, and appear to have pendant recurved wings. Their long hair hangs down in front and is held in their hands. The execution very rude. Round the body of the vase three grooved lines. The base surmounted by a notched moulding. 165. LXII. 6| in. by 6| in. Supported by seven caryatid figures with long hair, in tunics without sleeves. Each holds in both hands above the head a basket. Round the body of the vase are seven fan-shaped ornaments punctuated, and four concentric grooved bands. The base is reeded. Chiusi or Volterra. Dur. No. 1402. 166. LXI. 7 2 m by 6| in. Supported by a central foot round which two winged Caryatids are placed alternately with two pilasters pierced so as to imitate trellis work. The heads of the Caryatids are surmounted by the polos, they hold their hair in their hands, their wings are pendant. The central pillar tapers spirally from a pierced base, and is ornamented with a toothed pattern. Rude representations of dogs and birds are formed by the open-work of the pilasters. The body of the vase is encircled by three parallel grooves above which are fan-shaped ornaments punc- tuated. At the bottom of the Krater inside are grooved lines radiating from a circle. Chiusi or Volterra. Dur. No. 1398. 167- LXII. ,6f in. by 6f in. Supported by four Caryatid figures with long hair and girdled tunics, holding baskets over their heads with both hands. On the body of the vase same ornaments as on last ; base reeded. Chiusi or Volterra. Dur. No. 1403. OF VASES. 11 168. CARYATID FIGURE FROM A KRATER. 3f in. The execution of the hair and features more careful than that of the figures on Nos. 165-7. Round the neck a collar. On the head a polos by which it has been attached to a vase. The tunic has a girdle and a border of hatched lines. Vulci. 169. SITULA. LXIII. llf in. Two ears rise above the brim to support the handle, which is fixed like an arch across the mouth, and terminates at each end in bird's heads. Round the mouth is a zigzag border incised, and on the foot the commencement of an egg moulding may be traced. H. D'Hancarville, I. PI. 100. 170. CARYATID FIGURE FROM A KRATER. 3| in. Clad in a talaric tunic, the hair long and falling over the breast in two curls held in the hands. On each side a pendant recurved wing fastened by straps across the shoulders. The tunic, wings, arms, and hair are covered with hatched lines. l7l OINOCHOE. xxii. 11^ in. Round the body the Nemean Lion thrice repeated. Each lion is flanked by the club of Hercules. Round the neck two grooved lines. Mouth trefoil, and surmounted at the juncture with the handle by two cir- cular plates. Vulci. 172. CARYATID FIGURE FROM A KRATER. 3 in. Clad in a talaric tunic with a deep fringe, and ornamented with a punctuated lozenge pattern. Round the neck is a collar. The head attire much resembles that of Athor, the Egyptian Venus. The hair is parted, and falls over the breast in two long tresses curling at the end. The hair and ornaments executed in hatched lines. 173. OINOCHOE. xxii. 11| in. Round the body, between bands of grooved and zigzag lines, a row of five pigeons. On the shoulder an egg moulding. On the neck a zigzag ornament on a ridged and grooved band. The mouth trefoil with a ridged border, below which on each side of the spout an eye rudely incised. The handle terminates on the mouth in two rams heads. T. 174. LXIV. 16 in. The body and shoulder encircled by a double row of pendants, points opposed. The mouth trefoil. The handle deeply grooved, and terminating at its upper juncture in a female head, on each side of which is a recurved ridge running halfway round the brim. The hair of this head falls in long tresses at the sides, and is knotted in a club behind. Chiusi or Volterra. Dur. No. 1415. 12 CATALOGUE 175 UPPER PART OF CARYATID FIGURE FROM A KRATER. 1^ in. Like No. 164. On the head an abacus. The arms are wanting. The hair falls in recurved tresses on the shoulders. 176. OINOCHOE. xxii. llf in. Same as No. 173. T. 176.* CANOPIC JUG. LXV. 9^ in. Round the body a frieze of lions in relief devouring boars heads. Above and below, a grooved and ridged band, the upper one ornamented with an incised zigzag. On the shoulder a frieze of lions couchant. Above, a grooved and ridged band. On the neck, opposite the handle, a face in relief, with two long tresses hanging down the neck ; above, a ridged and grooved moulding ornamented with an incised zigzag. The handle is broken off; it has terminated on the shoulder in birds heads. The cover is surmounted by a small bird, and has incised on it a honey-suckle ornament and a zigzag band. Chiusi. M. 176** LXVI. lOin. Has on the neck a face in relief like the last. Shoulder, neck and handle orna- mented with grooves, ridges and incised zigzags. Cover as last. Chiusi. M. 176*** CANOPIC JUG. LXVI. Same as last. Chiusi. M. 177 AMPHORA. LXVI. llf in. Round the shoulder an egg moulding between two ridged and grooved bands. Round the neck a ridged and grooved band. The cover is in the form of a cupola tapering to a point, and is encircled by an embossed egg moulding. The handles expand at the upper juncture into two plates, on each of which is a face in relief. T. 178. LEBES. LXVII. 8J in. by 14 in. The shoulder is encircled by a double row of embossed pendants, point to point, in which at regular intervals are four circular flowers. On the brim above each of these flowers, recurs an object which perhaps represents an astragalus. 179. VASE IN THE SHAPE OF A PfiCTEN SHELL. LXVIII. 6i in. T. 180. OINOCHOE. LIX. 6\ in. Round the body a frieze in relief in which the same subject is repeated several times, and has apparently been impressed on the clay from a cylinder. The groups represented are three draped figures, one of whom holds a caduceus, then a naked and a draped figure conversing, followed by a naked figure holding a spear, then a group of two naked figures standing facing each other, between them a spear and a wreath, then a figure holding a spear. S. B. OF VASES. 13 180.* DEEP TWO HANDLED CUP. LXX. 5 in. by 3^ in. Round the body a group in relief of a man standing between two lions, repeated so as to form a double frieze. Chiusi. M. 181. KRATER. LI. 5^ in. by 6 in. The foot restored. Round the body a frieze impressed from a cylinder, representing two groups, a female on a high-backed chair, before whom stand two female figures with outstretched arms, and followed by a male figure. In the second group is a female seated on an okladias, or folding stool ; before her stands a female holding in her right hand a flower, in her left a wreath, behind whom stands a male figure with the right hand raised to the mouth. T. 182. LI. 5 in. by 6 in. The foot restored. Round the body a frieze impressed from a cylinder, consisting of two groups. The first represents a bearded, seated figure, probably Zeus, holding a spear in one hand, and a phiale in the other. His chair has an upright back terminating in the head of a gryphon ; under the chair is a bird, apparently a stork. Before him is a naked male figure holding a bow, proba- bly Apollo, followed by two draped females, perhaps Leto and Artemis. In the second group is a draped female figure seated on an okladias, and holding a flower ; behind are two men holding spears, in front stands a female, behind whom is a male figure holding a spear, and leading another female forward by the wrist into her presence. T. 183. LI. 5-f- in. by 5f in. Round the body is a frieze nearly similar in subject to that of the last. Vulcl. Dur. No. 1401. 183*. JAR. LXXI. 1 ft. T 7 in. Black Etruscan ware. Round the body a double frieze impressed from a cylinder ; two male figures with branches in their hands are holding a horse. In front of this group is a Chimaera. Chiusi. M. 183**. LXXI. 1 ft. \ in. Same frieze. Chiusi. M. 184. KRATER. LXXII. 5^ in. by 4^ in. The bowl reeded in imitation of the calyx of a flower. T. RED ETRUSCAN WARE. 184*. JAR. LXXIII. 3 ft. 9 in. Reddish gritty ware. The 14 CATALOGUE body fluted. On the shoulder a group repeated three times so as to form a frieze. Two chariots in rapid movement, under the horses of the foremost a hare, under those of the second a dog running, in front are three combatants on foot. On the neck a raised zigzag pattern. Cervetri. 185. HYPOKRATERION OR SAUCER. LXXIV. 4 in. by 1 ft. 6f in. Round the brim and repeated on the inside of the mouth is a frieze impressed from a cylinder, representing a bull devoured by two lions. Cervetri. 186. LXXIV. Gin. by 1 ft. 4 in. A frieze, im- pressed like that of No. 185, runs round the brim, and is repeated on the inside of the mouth. It represents two figures, appa- rently draped females, with conical caps, reclining on a couch beneath which are two birds. At the head of the couch stands a naked male figure playing on the double flute ; at the foot are two vases, one placed on the other, and a branch. Towards these a naked male figure is advancing, raising his right hand and holding an instrument in shape like a hatchet, but perhaps intended for a strainer ; before him is a branch inclined. Behind this group is a female stretched at full length on a couch, with a low table at the side ; a naked male figure advances towards the foot of the couch. The whole subject is repeated seven times. These friezes are bordered by an astragalus moulding incuse. Cervetri. 187. LXXIV. 5 in. by 1 ft. 4f in. On the brim and repeated round the inside of the lip is a frieze, similarly im- pressed, representing a hare chased by two dogs, who are urged on by the huntsman. The course of the hare is arrested by an- other huntsman kneeling and holding up a shield in front of it. This subject is repeated eight times on the brim, and seven times inside the lip. Cervetri. MISCELLANEOUS VARNISHED WARE MOSTLY OF THE EARLY PERIOD.* 188. PHIALE. LXXV. 1 ft. dr. Clay pale, varnish red; slightly depressed towards the centre. Cervetri. * The vases of this class are chiefly found in the same tombs as the early Greek vases with painted figures. OF VASES. 15 189. PHIALE. LXXVT. 1 ft. 5 in. dr. Clay pale, varnish red ; on the edge two holes by which it has been suspended to a wall. Cervetri. 190. DEEP PHIALE. LXXVII. 2 in. by 8 in. Clay pale, varnish red ; round the bottom two deep concentric grooves. Cervetri. 191. XLI. 2| in. by 71 in- Clay pale, varnish black. On the inside a circle hatched. 192. PINAX. LXXVIII. 2| in. by 7 in. Clay pale, varnish black ; discoloured in the baking. 193. LXXVIII. 1^ in. by 7! in- Clay pale, varnish black. Vulci ? 194. LXXVIII. 1^ in. by Q\ in. Clay pale, varnish black; on the inside within a circle four circular flowrets stamped in. Vulci or Cervetri. 195. LXXIX. 1| in. by 6| in. Clay pale, varnish black; in the centre a spot of fainter colour. Vulci or Cervetri. 196. LXXVIII. If in. by 7 in. Clay pale, varnish black ; in the centre a spot. Vulci or Cervetri. 197. BOWL. LXXIX. \\ in. by 6 in. Clay ash-coloured, varnish dark green. Round the edge a moulding. Vulci or Cervetri. 198. PINAX. LXXVIII. 1^ in. by 5| in. Clay pale, varnish black ; imperfectly baked. Vulci or Cervetri. 199. LXXX. 2 in. by 6 in. Clay pale, varnish black. T. 200. BOWL. LXXXI. 2^ in. by 6 in. Clay pale, var- nish dark with a metallic lustre both inside and out. Lips slightly recurved. On the bottom inside three concentric cir- cles. The foot left unvarnished. Vulci or Cervetri. 201. DEEP PHIALE LXXXII. 2 in. by 6| in. Clay pale, varnish black ; the lip recurved and encircled by a pale un- varnished band. T. 202. LXXXII. 2f in. by 6| in. Clay pale, varnish black, with metallic lustre. Round the lip pale un- varnished band, on the bottom of the foot two black concentric circles. Inside varnished black with an orange spot in the centre. /Si. 10 CATALOGUE 203. PINAX. LXXX. 2 in. by 3f in. Clay pale, varnish black. On the brim a ridged moulding. Vulci. 204. DEEP PHIALE. LXXIX. 2 in by 6f in. Clay, varnish and ornaments nearly similar to those of No. 202. T. 205. DEEP TWO-HANDLED CUP. LXXXIII. 3 in. by 4^ in. Clay pale, varnish black. Round the body a pale unvarnished band ornamented with vertical wavy lines, mouth deeply grooved. SI. 206. LXXXIII. 3| in. by 5| in. Clay pale, varnish black. The foot and neck encircled by a red band. At the bottom a circular red spot. SI. 207. - LXXXIII. 3| in. by 5 in. Clay pale, varnish black. On a pale unvarnished band round the body alternate ivy leaves and triglyphs. H. D'Hancarville, III. PI. 122. 208. - LXXXIII. 3 in. by 5 in. Clay pale, varnish black. The body encircled by a broad and narrow pale unvarnished band. At the bottom of the foot three black con- centric bands. Inside lead colour. SI. 209. LXXXIII. 3 in. by 4| in. Clay pale, varnish black. On a pale unvarnished band round the body stars with black and white rays. Below, a narrow pale band. On the bottom of the foot three concentric black bands. T. 210. LIII. 2 in. by2|in. Clay pale, varnish black ; round the body a black band, above, a row of vertical black stripes. Inside black with a pale central spot. SI. 211. Two HANDLED CUP. LXXXIII. If in. by 2| in. Clay pale, varnish black. On the body a broad pale band orna- mented with black pendants touched with red, on the bottom of the foot a dark band. T. 212. OINOCHOE. xxxvu. 6f in. Vulci. xxxvu. 6j in. Vulci . Clay pale, covered with modern dark die divided so as to be held by separate fingers green paint. and surmounted by an ivy bud; on each side of theupper juncture are two projections on the rim. 216. xxxvii. 7 2 in- Vulci. 214. xxxvu. 5f in. Vulci. xxxvii. 5 in. The han- OF VASES. 17 217. Two HANDLED VASE. XLV. 6| in. Wants the cover. Clay pale, varnish black. Vulci. 218. AMPHORA. LXXXIV. 8| in. Clay pale, covered with modern dark green paint. 219. LXXXIV. 9 in. Clay pale, covered with modern dark green paint, 220. HYDRIA. LXXXV. 10 in. Clay pale, covered with modern dark green paint. 221. OINOCHOE. LXXXVI. 3 in. Clay pale, covered with modern black paint. 222. DEEP TWO HANDLED CUP. LIII. 10^ in. by \\\ in. Clay pale, varnish black ; fabric like that of Nola. Round the lip a band of undulating lines incised. On the bottom of the foot concentric black bands. 223. AMPHORA. LXXXIV. 4 in. Clay pale, varnish black ; on the shoulder, on one side, festoon, zigzag lines, and row of dots, on the other side egg moulding. On each side of the neck, two lotos flowers drawn in black on the clay. 224. Two HANDLED CUP. Lxxxvu. 5^ in by 3 in. Clay pale, varnish black. 225. KRATER. LXXXVIII. 1 ft. 1^ in. by 11 in. Clay pale, varnish black. Round the lip the mseander ornament drawn on the clay in black between two rows of dots, and re- peated on the handles without the dots. On the bottom of the foot, characters, PI. A. 225. 226. Two HANDLED CUP. LXXXVU. 2\ in. by 4| in. Clay pale, varnish lead coloured. 227. OINOCHOE. xxu. 1 ft. \ in. Clay pale, varnish black. On the shoulder a band of waved and vertical lines. 228. LXXXIX. 71 in. Clay straw coloured, unvarnished. 229. LXXXIX. 9| in. Clay pale, varnish of a mottled brown colour. Round the body a black band. 230. LXXXIX. 8| in. Clay pale, varnish black. Vulci. 231. LXXXIX. 8 in. Clay pale, varnish red. On the shoulder a waved wreath, and on each side of the mouth a circular flower in white. D 18 CATALOGUE 232. OINOCHOE. LXXXIX. 7| in. Clay pale, varnish black. T. 233. ONE HANDLED VASE. xc. 3 in. by 3^ in. Clay pale, varnish black. Round the shoulder three triglyphs between two narrow black bands. T. 234. OINOCHOE. LXXXIX. 7i in. Clay pale, varnish dark green. 235. LXXXIX. 6 in. Clay pale, varnish black with iridescence. Vulci. 236. LXXXIX. 6^ in. Clay pale, varnish black with iridescence. The body encircled with a myrtle wreath and narrow bands, and the neck by a narrow band and a double row of beads in white and red. 237- xci. 6| in. Clay pale, varnish black. Cervetri. 238. KYATHIS. xxxni. 6 in. by 4 T 7 ^ in. Clay pale, varnish black. 239. BOWL. LXXXI. 3| in. by 7i in. Clay pale, varnish black ; the foot of a pale colour. 240. LXXXI. 2^ in. by 6$ in. Clay pale, varnish black ; on the bottom, inside, four honeysuckle ornaments punched in. Vulci. 241. LXXXI. 2^ in. by 5^ in. Clay pale, varnish black. Vulci. 242. LXXXI. 2|in. by 5 1 in. Clay pale, varnish black ; inside at the bottom, four honeysuckle ornaments punched in. Vulci. 243. LXXXI. 2J in. by 5f in. Clay pale, varnish black; on the bottom, inside, four honeysuckle ornaments punched in. Vulci. 244. LXXXI. 2 in. by 5^ in. Clay pale, varnish black ; on the bottom, inside, the head of Medusa in relief, radiated and encircled with crescents and globules; the whole within four hatched concentric circles. Vulci. 245. LXXXI. 2 in. by 4| in. Clay pale, varnish black with iridescence ; partially spotted with red from im- perfect baking. Vulci. 246. VASE WITH TWO HANDLES, xcn. 4J in. by 5j in. Clay ash-coloured, has been varnished. H. D'Hancanrille, IV. PI. 48. OF VASES. 19 247. OINOCHOE. xxxn. 10^ in. Clay pale, varnish black ; round the body three red bands, each between two white lines. Vulci. 248. xix. 8^ in. Clay pale, varnish brown ; lower half unvarnished ; trefoil mouth, much pinched in. T. 249. COVER OF AN OINOCHOE. 5 in. by 4 in. Clay pale, varnish black ; in the centre a stud. 250. OINOCHOE. xcm. 7 in. Clay pale, varnish black, but probably modern ; fabric like that of the Basilicata ; neck encircled by a wreath with fillets incised. H. D'Hancarville, I. PI. 123. 251. xix. 6j in. Clay pale, varnish black ; lower half unvarnished. Vulci ? 252. ; xxin. 8j in. Clay pale, varnish black; round the body five honeysuckle ornaments, drawn in black on the clay ; the neck encircled by a row of beads, white on a black ground. 253. xix. 8^ in. Clay red, varnish black j fabric of the Basilicata ; foot left unvarnished. T. 254. PINAX. xciv. 2 in. by 1 ft. 1 in. Clay pale, varnish black with iridescence ; the centre encircled by a red band and parallel incised lines. 255. LXXX. If in. by 10 \ in. Clay pale, var- nish black; the rim raised; the centre encircled by con- centric grooves. 256. LXXX. 1 T 8 in. by 9| in. Clay pale, varnish black ; in the centre a circular hollow ; lip turned over. 257. xciv. 1^ in. by 8| in. Clay pale, varnish black ; round the centre a hatched circle. 258. xciv. 1 T 6 Q- in. by 8 in Clay pale, varnish jet black ; round a central ornament a hatched circle. 259. LXXX. 1-j^ in. by 8^ in. Clay pale, varnish jet black ; round a central ornament two concentric grooved circles. Vulci. 260. LXXVIII. l T 7 o in. by 8J in. Clay pale, varnish jet black ; round a central flowret punched in, a circular hatched band. Vulci. 261. - LXXVIII. ! T 6 o- in. by 8 in. Clay pale, varnish jet black ; same ornaments. Vulci. 20 CATALOGUE 262. PINAX. LXXVIII. 1-jV in- by 71 in. Clay pale, var- nish black ; in the centre, hatched circular band. Vulci. 263. LXXVIII. l^j in. by 71 in- Clay pale, varnish black ; similar ornaments. Vulci. 264. LXXVIII. 1 T 6 S in. by 71 in. Clay pale, varnish black ; in the centre a lead coloured spot. Vulci. 265. LXXVIII. l-j% in. by 7i in. Clay pale, varnish black ; in the centre an orange coloured spot encircled by an incised line. Vulci. 266. LXXVIII. 1^ in. by 71 in. Clay pale, varnish lead-coloured ; in the centre concentric lines. Vulci. 267. LXXVIII. 1 T 7 C in. by 7 2 in- Clay pale, varnish lead-coloured; round the centre a double band of hatched lines. Vulci. 268. LXXVIII. 1^ in. by 7i in. Clay pale, varnish lead-coloured ; in the centre a dark spot encircled by a hatched band and incised line, within which a monogram, punched in, is repeated four times. Vulci. 269. LXXX. 1^ hi. by 7i in. Clay pale, var- nish black ; round a central star of eight rays a band of hatched lines. Vulci. 270. LXXVIII. \\ in. by 7i in. Clay pale, var- nish black ; the centre encircled by a hatched band and incised lines. Vulci. 271. LXXVIII. 1 in. by 7i in. Similar. Vulci. 272. LXXVIII. 1^ in. by 7a in. dr. Clay pale, varnish black ; on the inside a star of seven rays punched in, round which is a band of hatched lines. Vulci. 273. LXXVIII. 1^ in. by 71 in. Clay pale, varnish dark green. Vulci. 274. LXXVIII. \\ in. by 7 in. Clay pale, varnish dark green. Vulci. 275. LXXVIII. If in. by 7i in. Clay pale, varnish black. Vulci. 276. LXXVIII. 8 \ in. dr. Clay pale, varnish black. 277. LXXVIII. If in. by 71 in. Clay pale, varnish black ; round the centre a band of hatched lines. Vulci. 278. LXXVIII. l in. by 7 T in. Clay pale, varnish black ; round the centre a band of hatched lines. Vulci. OF VASES. 21 279. PINAX. LXXVIII. H in - by 7i in. Clay pale, varnish black. Vulci. 280. LXXVIII. 1^ in. by 7| in. Clay pale, varnish black; discoloured in th e baking. Vulci. 281. xcv. 1| in. by 6| in. Clay pale, varnish black. T. 282. LXXVIII. If in. by 7 in. Clay pale, var- nish black. Vulci. 283. LXXVIII. If in. by- 7 in. Clay pale, varnish black; the centre crimson with four honey-suckle ornaments punched in, round which a triple line hatched. Vulci. 284. LXXVIII. 1$ in. by 7i in - Clay pale, varnish black ; round the centre a double hatched line ; round the lip a double groove. Vulci. 285. LXXVIII. 1^ in. by 6| in. Clay pale, varnish dark green ; in the centre a star encircled by five honey- suckle ornaments punched in, and a triple hatched band. 286. xcvi. 2f in. by 5^ in. Clay pale, varnish black ; in the centre a female head, the hair bound with a sphendone and a kekryphalos on which is a honeysuckle ornament, the whole encircled by a border of waves. 287- PHIALE. xcvu. f in. by 5^ in. Clay pale; in the centre a hole. 288. xcvu. f in. by 5 in. Clay pale. 289. xcvu. | in. by 3j in. Clay pale. 290. xcvu. | in. by 5| in. Clay pale, has been coloured red. 291. xcvu. | in by 5 in. Clay pale ; the word Crai inscribed in Etruscan characters. PI. A. 291. 292. PINAX. xcvi. 1 in. by 5| in. Clay pale, varnish black ; style like that of the Basilicata ; a female head with a radiated crown, the kekryphalos, and earrings, the whole encircled by a border of waves. 293. xcvi. 2| in. by 5| in. Clay pale, varnish black ; a female head with a radiated crown, the sphendone, the Jtekryphalos, and a necklace of beads ; the whole encircled by a border of waves. 294. xcv. 2 in. by 6 in. Clay pale, varnish 22 CATALOGUE red; a small central circle, round whicn are inscribed Etruscan characters. PI. A. 294. 295. PINAX. xcvi. 2| in. by 6j in. Clay pale, varnish black, like that of Nola. 296. LXXVIII. | in. by 5| in. Clay pale, varnish of a dark colour. 297. LXXVIII. \ in. by 4| in. Clay pale, varnish of a dark colour ; near the edge three holes by which it has probably been suspended. 298. LXXVIII. 1| in. by 5 f in. Clay pale, varni sh black ; fabric like that of the Basilicata ; in the centre a lion's face punched in. 299. xcvi. If in. by 6 in. Clay pale, the upper surface varnished black, with an orange spot in the centre ; the under surface red. 300. xcvi. 2 1 in. by 5| in. Clay pale, upper surface varnished black ; on the under surface a black band. 301. xcv. 2 in. by 6 in. Clay pale, with black concentric circles. 302. xcvi. 2| in. by 5| in. Clay pale, varnish black ; star of four rays, in each compartment three berries clustered, the whole encircled by a border of waves. 303. xcvi. 2 in. by 5| in. Clay pale, varnish black ; star as last, between each division an ivy leaf, the whole encircled by a border of waves. 304. xcvi. 2j in. by 5^ in. Ornaments as last. Cervetri. 305. xcvi. 2 in. by 5| in. Clay pale, varnish red ; star of four rays, in each division three berries clustered j the whole encircled by a border of waves. 306. xcvi. 2 in. by 5^ in. Clay pale, varnish black ; star as before, in each division cluster of seven berries. 307- xcvi. 2 1 in. by 5 1 in. Clay ash-coloured, varnish black ; in two divisions cluster of three berries. 308. xcvi. 2 in. by 5f in. Clay pale, varnish black ; in each division cluster of three berries. OF VASES. 23 ITALIAN VASES OF ARCHAIC GREEK STYLE. 309. Two HANDLED VASE. XLV. 7 in. by 7 in- Clay ash-coloured ; design black with incised lines ; ram between two lions, and lion between two deer; the field seme with flowers and spots. Dur. No. 95. 310. XLV. 6| in. by 71 in. Clay ash-coloured ; design black with incised lines ; goat between two panthers and panther between two deer ; the field as that of No. 309. Dur. Nb. 955. 311. XLV. 5f in. by 5J in. Clay pale; design black and red, with incised lines; round the body a band of interlaced lotos flowers and buds. R. P. K. 312. JUG WITH HANDLE, xcvin. 7i in* by 6 in. Clay ash-coloured, varnish black ; the body ornamented by chequered bands, lozenges and interlaced lines ; at the bot- tom a wheel ; on the handle two studs. H. D'Hancarville, I.Pl. 46. 313. Two HANDLED VASE. XLV. 4| in. Clay fawn- coloured ; round the body and neck plain black bands. 314. xcix. 5J in. by 4^ in. Clay ash co- loured ; style like that of the later vases of the Basilicata ; on each side a band of ivy leaves in red, partially restored. 315. c. 8f in. Clay ash-coloured ; design red and black ; round the body laurel wreath, the handles studded with four circular plates. 316.- XLV. 6fin. by 6| in. Clay pale ; design black and crimson with incised lines ; frieze composed of two groups ; a waterfowl between two tigers, and a goat facing a tiger twice repeated ; field seme with flowers. Dur. No. 981. 317. XLV. 6f in. by 7f in. Clay ash-coloured ; design black and crimson with incised lines ; a frieze formed by 24 CATALOGUE OF the group of a panther and a goat three times repeated with a slight variation ; field seme with flowers. H. D'Hancarville, IV. 55, II. 119. 318. KRATER. ci. 4^ in. Clay fawn-coloured; design dark; style like that of the Athenian vases; on the body lozenges formed of interlaced lines, between divisions like triglyphs ; handles twisted. T. 319. JAR WITH TWO HANDLES, en. 4| in. Clay fawn- coloured ; round the body a black band on which is a row of laurel leaves in white. SI. 320. en. 4 in. Clay fawn-coloured ; round the body a band half red and half black, on which is a row of white honeysuckle ornaments; round the neck a border of hatched lines. 321. JAR. XLIV. 3 in. Clay fawn-coloured ; round the neck a wreath of black leaves, below, the same wreath repeated in white on a black ground. 322. ASKOS. cm. Height 4 in. Length 6 in. Clay ash- coloured; design black and crimson, composed of parallel lines and bands ; opposite the mouth a spout. H. D'Hancarville, II. PI. 87. 323. JAR. xcn. 2f in. Clay red ; the body encircled by a plain black band, on one side of which is a row of zig-zags in white ; above, on the same side of the vase, a wave pattern on the mouth. SI. 324. SHALLOW TWO HANDLED CUP. LIX. 2| in. by 4f in. Clay ash-coloured ; design red, white, black and crimson with incised lines; round the body a row of objects like the Amazonian pelta. T. 325. HYDRIA. LXXXV. 4^ in. Clay pale; design red and crimson ; on the body a band of curved lines with two wheels. SI. 326. OINOCHOE. xcm. 8| in. Clay ash-coloured; on the body five black bands. Vulci. 327. VASE WITH ONE HANDLE, xcvui. 5 T ^ in. Clay ash- coloured ; round the body red and crimson bands, ft. D'Hancarville, II. PI. 82. 328. DEEP TWO HANDLED CUP. LIII. 5^ in. by 71 in. Clay ash-coloured ; design black and crimson with incised OF VASES. 25 lines ; frieze of goat, panther and waterfowl ; field seme with flowers. Dur. No. 975. 329. DEEP TWO HANDLED CUP. LIII. 5 in. by 7 in. Clay ash-coloured; design black and crimson with incised lines ; frieze of goat between two panthers, and a waterfowl ; field seme with flowers. Dur. No. 976. 330. KRATER WITH COLUMNAR HANDLES, civ. 11| in. Clay ash-coloured ; design black and crimson with incised lines ; two friezes, 1 . a swan between two panthers, a swan between two birds with ears ; 2. a goat facing a panther, four times repeated ; on each handle a bird with ears, under each a pair of pigeons. Dur. No. 950. 331. DEEP TWO HANDLED CUP. LIII. 5 in. by 7 i in. Clay ash-coloured ; design black and crimson with incised lines ; frieze of goat between two panthers; the field seme with flowers. Dur. No. 954. 332. LIII. 5| in. by 7 2 in- Clay ash-coloured ; design black and crimson with incised lines ; frieze of five swans ; the field seme with flowers. Dur. No. 906. 333. JUG. xxvu. 71 in. Clay ash coloured; design black, crimson, and white, with incised lines ; two rows of intersecting semicircles seme with spots, and bordered by white lines and crimson bands. 334. PANATHENAIC AMPHORA, cv. 7 in- Clay ash- coloured ; design black and crimson with incised lines ; two friezes ; a sw r an and panther, a goat between two panthers ; the field seme with flowers. T. 335. cv. 5 1 in. Clay ash-coloured ; design black and crimson with incised lines ; frieze of five pigeons cleaning their wings, and a flower ; the field seme with flowers. 336. cv. 4 in Clay ash-coloured ; round the body black bands and rows of pellets. T. 337. OINOCHOE. cvi. 4 T % in. Clay ash-coloured; design black and crimson with incised lines ; swan between two 26 CATALOGUE birds with ears, behind, a panther and a pigeon ; the field seme with flowers. H. 338. ARYBALLOS. cvu. 4 in. Clay ash-coloured ; design black and crimson with incised lines ; two lions confronted ; between them a hare placed vertically ; the field seme with flowers. Dur. No. 879. 339. ALABASTRON. cvm. 6 in. Clay pale ; design black with incised lines ; two Sirens flying to the right ; the one in front turns back to look at her companion who is playing on the double flute. H. D'Hancarville, I. PI. 99. 340. ARYBALLOS. xxxi. 5 T 9 5 in. Clay ash-coloured ; design crimson and red with incised lines; bull between lion and panther ; field seme with flowers. T. 341. xxxi. Gin. Clay ash-coloured; design crimson and red with incised lines ; eagle with wings spread ; behind, a bird placed vertically ; the field seme with flowers. T. 342. cvu. 4 in. Clay ash-coloured ; design black and crimson with incised lines ; floral ornament resem- bling a thunderbolt, flowers. 343. CHX. 6| in. Clay ash-coloured; design black and crimson ; frieze of five foxes. 344. cix. 7 in* Clay ash- coloured ; design black and crimson ; frieze of five foxes. H. D'Hancarville, IV. PI. 99. 345. cvu. 5 1 in. Clay ash- coloured ; de- sign black and crimson with incised lines; two friezes, 1. two cocks confronted, behind, a goose ; 2. fox and goose, between them an uncertain object ; the field seme with flowers. T. 346. cvu. 5 1 in. Clay ash-coloured ; design black and crimson with incised lines ; lion-headed bird ; the field seme with flowers. Dur. No 917. 347. cvu. 5| in. Clay ash-coloured ; design black and crimson with incised lines ; two lions confronted ; the field seme with flowers. Dur. No. 881. OF VASES. 27 348. ARYBALLOS. cvn. 6 in. Clay ash-coloured ; design black and crimson with incised lines ; two lions seated, jaws extended, between them a swan ; the field seme with flowers. 349. cvn. 6| in. Clay ash-coloured ; de- sign black and crimson, with incised lines ; lion-headed bird ; the field seme with flowers. Vulci. Dur. No. 919. 350. ex. 3jj in. Clay ash-coloured ; round the body a crimson band between two black bands ; the neck encircled by an egg moulding. T. 351. PANATHENAIC AMPHORA, cv. 2| in. Wants the foot. Clay ash-coloured ; varnish black ; round the body a band of pellets and plain bands; round the neck a wreath of leaves. 352. LEKYTHOS. cxi. 4f in. Clay ash-coloured ; round the body crimson and brown bands; round the neck an egg moulding in brown. 353. cxi. 3| in. Clay ash-coloured ; round the body brown and crimson bands ; the neck encircled by an egg moulding in brown. 354. cxi. 4 in. Clay ash-coloured ; var- nish black and crimson ; round the body a band of pellets between two broad black and crimson bands, and two narrow bands ; on the shoulder three flowers ; on the foot, and round the Up an ornament like the calyx of a flower. 355. cxi. 4^ in. Clay fawn-coloured ; var- nish red ; round the body, between two narrow bands, a band of intersecting semicircles; the foot encircled by a row of leaves or an egg moulding. 356. ARYBALLOS. cxn. 4 in. Clay ash-coloured; the body encircled by black and crimson bands ; round the foot and shoulder an egg moulding T. 357. LEKYTHOS. cxi. 4j in. Clay fawn-coloured; round the body seven bands in red and crimson; on the shoulder an egg moulding. H. D'Hancarville, IV. PI. 65. 358. ARYBALLOS. cvn. 3| in. Clay ash-cofoured ; de- sign, which has been retouched, black and crimson with incised lines; bearded male figure with drapery round the loins, raising both hands in adoration ; before him a bird with ears. Dur. No. 918. 28 CATALOGUE 359. ARYBALLOS. ex. 2 in. Clay ash-coloured ; design crimson and black with incised lines ; swan flying ; the field seme with flowers. 360. ex. 2 1 in. Clay ash-coloured ; design brown and crimson ; large flower with pointed leaves. 361. ex. 2 1 in. Clay ash-coloured; design brown and crimson ; flower with five pointed leaves. 362. ex. 2 in. Clay ash-coloured ; design brown and crimson ; flower with pointed leaves. 363. ex. 3 in. Clay ash-coloured ; design brown and crimson ; flower with four pointed leaves. R. P. K. 364. ex. 2 in. Clay ash-coloured ; design brown and crimson ; group of three warriors with swords and Argolic bucklers. H. 365 ex. 23111. Clay ash-coloured; design black, red and crimson ; three warriors armed with Argolic bucklers ; four circular flowers. T. 366. ex. 2|in. Clay ash-coloured ; design black and crimson with incised lines ; three lions, two of them confronted with extended jaws ; the field seme with flowers. Dur. No. 880. 367. ex. 2 in. Clay ash-coloured ; design black and crimson with incised lines ; Siren or Harpy ; in the field three flowers. T. 368. ex. 2 1 in. Clay ash-coloured ; design brown with incised lines ; Siren or Harpy ; in the field five flowers. 369. ex. 2 in. Clay ash- coloured; design brown and crimson, with incised lines ; five figures, three of them bearded, and all with chitons reaching to the loins, standing in grotesque attitudes and forming two groups ; the field seme with flowers ; on the handle a female head and a flower. H. 370. ex. 3 in. Clay ash-coloured ; design black and crimson with incised lines ; three horsemen in short chitons and with swords, two of them confronted ; in the field flowers and a pecten shell. H. 371. ex. 3| in. Clay ash-coloured, varnish black and crimson ; round the body three bands ; round the shoulder an egg moulding. 372. . xxxi. 4| in. Clay ash-coloured, varnish OP VASES. 29 black and crimson ; round the body broad and narrow bands and two rows of dots ; round the shoulder an egg moulding. H. D'Hancarville, III. PL 104. 373. ARYBALLOS. ex. 5^ in. Clay ash-coloured ; design black and crimson with incised lines ; two cocks confronted, between them a serpent, behind an owl ; in the area three lotos flowers. Vulci. C. 374. ex. 5 1 in. Clay ash-coloured ; design black and crimson with incised lines ; two lions confronted, between them an owl, the area seme with flowers. Vulci. C. 375. LEKYTHOS. cxiu. 71 in- Clay ash-coloured; the body, shoulder, and neck encircled by alternate crimson and black bands. 376. ARYBALLOS. evil. 8 in. Clay ash-coloured ; design black and crimson with incised lines; owl with expanded wings ; the field seme with flowers. Dur. No. 916. 377- LEKYTHOS. cxin. 9^ in. Clay ash-coloured ; de- sign black and crimson with incised lines ; swan between two gryphons. T. 378 cxin. 10 in. Clay fawn-coloured ; design black and crimson with incised lines; swan between two crested birds with recurved wings ; flower. Dur. No. 953. 379. CXTII. 11^ in. Clay fawn-coloured; design black and crimson with incised lines ; swan between two gryphons. H. 380. KRATER WITH COLUMNAR HANDLES, civ. 11 in. Clay ash-coloured; varnish black; on each side two compart- ments, in each of which a star ; above, on the shoulder, an egg moulding. 380.* civ. H T ^in. Clay ash-coloured; var- nish black ; on each side two compartments, in each a star ; above, on the shoulder, a myrtle wreath. 381. Two HANDLED VASE. cxiv. 9| in. Clay pale ; var- nish black ; ornaments imitated from basket work like those of early Athenian vases ; on each side between two triglyph-like ornaments a chequered lozenge ; under each handle a meeander ; on the shoulder a chequered band. 30 CATALOGUE 382. OINOCHOE. xx. 9 in. Clay ash-coloured ; varnish black; trefoil mouth with a strainer; round the body two broad black bands ; the neck black. H. D'Hancarville.III. PI. 82. 383. Two HANDLED VASE. cxv. 6^ in. Clay pale ; round the body three black bands ; below, figures inserted by a modern hand. SI. 384. ARYBALLOS. ex. 2| in. Clay ash-coloured ; de- sign black with incised lines ; a group, twice repeated, of two figures, hands joined, leaping to the right, each clad in a short chiton ; the field seme, with flowers. C. 385. COVER OF A VASE. 10 in. dr. Clay pale, design black; in style resembling the archaic Athenian vases; round the body a frieze of horses grazing, with a colt and a stork ; under the body of each horse a lozenge pattern ; in the field groups of zigzag and undulating lines and a chain pattern ; in the centre a radiated circular ornament. 386. PINAX. xcvu. T 6 ^ in. by lOf in. Clay ash-coloured ; design black and crimson; two concentric friezes composed of a panther facing a goat, repeated several times ; on the bottom a wheel ; on the rim two holes for suspension. 387- xciv. 10 in. Clay red ; design maroon, with accessories in white, and incised lines ; in a central circle a mule, a bird is flying towards its rump, another bird is perched on its tail; in the exergue, an aquatic bird flying, and a fox ; these central figures are encircled by a frieze repre- senting a hunting scene, three naked male figures are chasing a buck, hind, panther and lion ; one of the hunters is hurling the lagbbolon ; two dogs are attacking the buck ; on the rim, in four compartments formed by egg mouldings, alternate foxes and dogs. 388. VASE IN THE FORM OF A CALATHUS. cxvi. 3| in. by 4 in. Clay straw-coloured, varnish black ; round the body a frieze of birds, and four bands. Naples. T. B. 389 OINOCHOE. xxm. b\ in. Clay ash- coloured ; design black with accessories in crimson, and incised lines ; early Greek style; a lion and panther ; under each a bud, between, flowers. Naples. T. B. 390. - cxvu. 1 ft. 3j in. Clay fawn-coloured ; design black with accessories in crimson, and incised lines ; three friezes of animals; 1. a goat, a panther and a boar; OF VASES. 31 2. a goat followed by a panther twice repeated, between the two groups a swan ; 3. five panthers following each other to the right ; the field of each frieze seme with flowers ; the handle terminates on the lip in two circular plates, each ornamented with a flower. Dur. No. 988. 391. ARYBALLOS. xxxi. 3^ in. Clay ash-coloured ; var- nish black ; the body encircled with eighteen narrow and two broad bands ; round the neck a toothed ornament re- sembling the calyx of a flower. 392. OINOCHOE. cxviu. 8 in. Clay ash-coloured ; varnish black with accessories in crimson ; retouched ; two panthers moving in opposite directions; the field and neck seme with flowers. H. D'Hancarville, II. PI. 117. 393. DOUBLE VASE. cxix. 3| in. Clay pale; encir- cled by parallel bands in black and crimson. T. 394. SHALLOW VASE WITH ONE HANDLE, cxx. 3| in. by 7i in. Clay ash-coloured ; varnish black ; mouth circular and recurved so as to form an inner concentric groove ; round the mouth a frieze of lions, Sphinxes, and Sirens, between some of the figures thunderbolts or honey-suckle ornaments.//. D'Hancarville, II. PL 104. 395. DOUBLE VASE. cxix. 4 in. Clay fawn-coloured ; round the body black and crimson bands ; the shoulder and brim encircled by a row of pendants. 396. OINOCHOE WITH COVER, cvi. 7y7 "* Clay ash- coloured ; design black and crimson with incised lines ; the body encircled by a frieze with the following groups, a panther and bull, a panther and waterfowl, a panther facing a goat, the field seme with flowers. T. 397. cxin. 9^ in. Clay ash-coloured ; design black and crimson with incised lines ; on a narrow band round the body a frieze with the following groups, a Siren or Harpy facing a stag, two bulls confronted, a panther and a boarcon- fronted, a lion in pursuit of a goat ; above, a band of inter- secting semicircles or scales, and an egg moulding. 398. cxvu. 1 ft. 1 j in. Clay fawn-coloured ; design red with crimson accessories and incised lines; 32 CATALOGUE two friezes ; a boar between two lions, a goat between two panthers ; the field seme, with flowers. Dun No. 987. 399. PYXIS WITH HANDLES. cxxi. 2 in. by 4 in. Clay ash-coloured ; body and cover encircled with zigzag, and chequered bands in black and crimson ; on the cover a star. T. 400 cxxi. 2 in. by 3| in. Clay ash-coloured ; encircled by a chequered and plain band and a rude meeander ornament in black and crimson. Vulci ? 401. cxxi. 2 in. by 3 in. Similar. 402. SMALL VASE WITHOUT HANDLES, cxxn. 2 in. Clay ash-coloured ; encircled by a row of interlaced lines in brown. 403. SHALLOW TWO HANDLED CUP. LIX. 2 in. by 5 in. Clay ash-coloured ; varnish brown ; the foot forms the centre of the calyx of a flower. 404. LIX. 1 1 in. by 4 in. Clay ash-coloured ; varnish black ; frieze of cocks walking. Nola. 405. ALABASTRON. cviu. 2| in. Clay fawn-coloured; design maroon and crimson with incised lines; forepart of a lion, jaws extended, in front an eagle flying; the field seme with flowers. 406. ARYBALLOS. cvir. 2^ in. Clay ash-coloured; de- sign black but nearly effaced; two Gryphons confronted, between them a serpent darting upwards. Vulci. 407. LEKYTHOS. cxi. 2f in. Clay ash-coloured ; varnish black ; round the body a frieze of four animals, apparently a lion and dogs. 407* cxi. 2 T 7 S in. Clay ash-coloured ; design black with incised lines ; round the body a frieze composed of a hare seized by a dog, and a dog pursuing a lion ; below, a band of flowrets between each of which a sigma retrograde, s ; the foot forms the centre of the calyx of a flower ; round the shoulder a star, between each ray a sigma retrograde, s ; the mouth forms the centre of another star. 408. VASE OR JAR WITH RECURVED LIPS, cxxni. 3| in. dr. Clay ash-coloured ; design black and crimson with incised lines ; lion between two swans ; the field seme with flowers. 409. ARYBALLOS. cxxiv. 2| in. Clay ash-coloured. OF VASES. 33 design black but nearly effaced; the body pierced in the centre so as to form a hollow ring. H. D'Hancarville, IV. PI. 101. 410. VASE IN THE FORM OF A SATYRIC HEAD. cxxv. 3 T %- in. Clay ash-coloured ; design black and crimson, with incised lines ; nose, ears, and chin pointed ; on each cheek a flowret ; the right ear forms the spout ; on the crown a pierced projection for suspending the vase. Magna Gracia. Dur. No. 1263. 411. VASE IN THE FORM OF A HELMETED HEAD. CXXVI. 3 in. Clay pale, varnish black ; the paraynathides or cheek plates ornamented with flowrets ; on the front an honeysuckle ornament, on the crown a volute ; the crest surmounted by the spout. 412. VASE IN THE FORM OF A DUCK, cxxvu. Height 3 in. Length 4 in. Clay ash-coloured ; design brown and crimson, with incised lines; in the tail an orifice. Magna Greecia. Dur. No. 1331. 413. cxxvu. Height 3 in. Length 3f in. Similar. Magna Gratia. Dur. No. 1330. 414. VASE IN THE FORM OF A DEER COUCHANT. cxxvm. Height 3| in. Length 3j in. Clay fawn-coloured ; the ears and spots on the body crimson ; the head is detached and forms the cover. 415. cxxvm. Height 3^ in. Length 4 in. Similar to the last. 416. cxxvm. Height 3f in. Length 3| in. Similar ; on the buttock a waterfowl painted. T. 417. VASE IN THE FORM OF AN APE. cxxix. 3f in. It is seated on its hind quarters, the right fore paw placed on its knee ; the left has probably been raised to its head which is broken off ; the body spotted brown on a pale clay. 418. DOUBLE HEAD, MALE AND FEMALE, cxxx. 4J in. Clay fawn-coloured ; has been coloured red ; the difference of sex indicated by the beard and in the treatment of the curls ; the mouth of the vase rises from the crown of the double head. 34 CATALOGUE 418* ASKOS IN THE FORM OF A HARPY OR SlREN. CXXXI. Height 7 in. Length 9 in. Clay fawn-coloured ; varnish red and black ; the head is covered by a modius pierced so as to form the mouth of the vase ; over the tail a spout. Girgenti. 419. ASKOS. xv. Height 1 ft. \ in. Length 1 ft. J in. Clay ash-coloured ; design black with accessories in maroon ; the body encircled by ivy- wreaths, triple vine-wreaths, cymatium and mseander bands ; round the base fillets, flowers and wreaths ; on the bottom a wheel. H. D'Hancarville, I. PI. 113. 420. LEBES ON A TALL STAND, cxxxu. 2 ft. 3^ in. Clay ash-coloured ; varnish black and maroon ; the body encircled by a frieze of goats, and a frieze of lions, goats, and boars ; the field of the friezes seme with frets, lozenges, flowers, and other ornaments. 421. OINOCHOE. xix. 15 in. Clay ash-coloured ; design black and crimson with incised lines. Three friezes; 1. a double honeysuckle ornament between two seated sphinxes ; on one side a panther and a Siren or Harpy, on the other a pan- ther and boar ; 2. three groups of Greek warriors engaged ; in the centre a warrior, Ajax, protects with his shield a kneeling archer, Teucer, against the uplifted spear of his adversary, Hector ; on the right two warriors contend over a fallen figure ; on the left one of the pair of combatants has fallen on his knee ; seven horsemen, three on one side, and four on the other, are hastening to take part in the battle ; in the field are eagles flying, and flowers ; and under the handle is a Siren or Harpy flying ; 3. groups of a lion and a goat, and a panther and a goat twice repeated ; the field throughout seme with flowers. T. 422. HYDRIA. LXXXV. 15 T 2 5 in. Clay ash-coloured; design black and crimson with incised lines; 1. a Gorgon's head, on either side a Sphinx ; under the body of each is a bird pecking the hind feet; 2. rev. a large waterfowl be- tween two cocks, at the side a smaller w r aterfowl ; 3. Frieze of birds resembling the turkey, but supposed to be the guinea- fowl. Campo Scala near Vulci. Formerly in the Pizzati collection. Inghirami, Vasi Fittili, IV. tav. 302, 308. 422* OINOCHOE. xx. 1 ft. '2 in. Clay ash-coloured; de- sign maroon with accessories in white ; style very archaic ; round the body a chain pattern, in each link of the chain a OF VASES. 35 bird like a crane, with a long crest hanging down the neck ; on the shoulder two horses advancing, face to face, between them two waterfowl, back to back ; on the neck a frieze of three male and two female figures placed alternately ; the female figures are dressed in the talaric chiton ; one of them stands between two male figures, crossing arms with them, the other holds in her left hand some uncertain object, and has her right arm crossed with the left arm of a male figure running to- wards her ; between them is a bird like a crane. The level on which these figures stand is broken by triangular projec- tions, which are represented also in the lower frieze, under the body of one of the foxes, and between the hind legs of the other. Civita Vecchia. 423. OINOCHOE. xxin. 10| in. Clay fawn-coloured; design black, crimson, and white with incised lines. Frieze of Sphinx, panther and lion to the left; in front of the lion a stork pluming itself and a shrub, in front of the panther another shrub, and in front of the Sphinx a tree. Trefoil mouth, on each side of the spout an eye incised ; the handle terminates at its upper juncture in snakes' heads. 424. AMPHORA. LXXXIV. lOf in. Clay pale, varnish black; design black and crimson with incised lines ; 1. aged bearded figure seated in a biga of mules ; in his right hand he holds the reins, in his left a whip ; the chariot and wheel are of a peculiar form ; in front, a youthful figure looking back, and a swan ; behind, another youth holding in his left hand a spear ; all these figures wear mantles, thrown over the left shoulder so as to leave the right arm free, and have long hair ; the aged figu're wears a diadem ; in the field an eagle flying ; 2. rev. two youthful horsemen (the Dioscuri ?) galloping to the left, under the foremost horse is a hound ; the second horse is followed by another hound ; in the field, flowrets, and an eagle flying after a snake. H. D'Hancarville, 1. PI. 91-4. Inghirami, Monum. Etrus. V. Tav. LVII. 425. LXXXIV. 12^ in. Clay pale, var- nish black ; design black and crimson, with incised lines ; 1 . Perseus flying to the right and looking back; he has four wings, one pair recurved, he wears a chiton and winged endro- mides ; behind, Hermes wearing a short chiton, the petasus and talaria, in his left hand a caduceus ; in front, a swan with a human head, probably one of the Graiae, who are described by -