1 IC-NRLF SB 2fi 157 H X 86 S52 1913 MAIN FAVOR LISM GIFT OF Why I Am In Favor of Socialism SYMPOSIUM Original Papers EDWARD SILVIN Sacramento, California U. S. A. o IA7 Copyright, 1913 BY EDWARD SILVIN to ff < z i. 1 1 > S J; t > li tn z u S 5 * > u u 01 o3 03 03 O CD 2 o 01 -P f> H *P CD fl CQ CD O ft CD ft M O- M s e 2 6 cd CQ > H M T ft O ro r^ o ^ o o J p ^ o J^J 40 }> CD H 03 ^ 7 CD rX O CD CQ H H ft o o 03 CD o3 03 CD ^ H J INDEX TO AUTHORS Allen, Fred Hovey 31 Andrews, Eliza Frances 10 Andrews, Martin Register 12 Axon, Stockton 23 Baldwin, E. F 11 Baxter, James Phinney 11 Beard, Daniel Carter 11 Bigelow, Poultney 9 Broome, Isaac 15-16 Burgess, Gelett 8-9 Cazalet, Edward Alexander 31 Chancellor, William Estabrook 7-8 Clare, Israel Smith 24-25 Conger-Kaneko, Josephine 31 Cooke, George Willis 36 Cutler, James Elbert 5 Fisk, Everett Olin 9 Fleming, William Hansell 22 Gates, George Augustus 7 Helms, E. J 31 Hitchcock, Charles C 32-34 Hume, Gibson 17-21 James, George Wharton 35 James, W. E. S 25-27 Kalley, Ella Hartwig 29 Kinney, Abbot 30 Koeb, Otto 36 Levermore, Charles Herbert 29-30 London, Jack 5 Loveman, Robert 5-6 Noll, Aaron 34 O'Neill, John M 25 Parsons, Eugene 16-17 Peake, Elmore Elliott 27 Pease, Charles Giffin 13 Post, Louis Freeland 6 Russell, Charles Edward 34-35 Sawyer, iRoland Douglas 14 Schindler, Solomon ^ 23 Silvin, Edward 37 Sinclair, Upton 14 Smiley, James L 6 Strobell, George H 28-29 Towne, Elizabeth 12 Taylor, J. P 15 Weber, Gustavus Adolphus 27-28 Whitaker, Robert 22 White, Hervey 9-10 Whitson, John Harvey 10-11 Williams, S. B 15 273545 Vvny I Am In Favor of Socialism London, Jack. (Author.) I am in favor of Socialism because I am an individualist, and because in Socialism I see the only possible social organi- zation that will give equal opportunity and an even chance to every individual to develop and realize what is strongest and best in him and in her, if you please. Because Socialism is in line with social evolution, is fore- shadowed as inevitable by today's social tendencies, was fore- shadowed as inevitable by the social tendencies of ten thou- sand years ago and ten thousand generations ago. Because I am convinced that it is the only form of social organization that will give a square deal to the little boys and girls that are coming into the world today, tomorrow, and in the davs after tomorrow's morrow. Cutler, James Elbert. (University Professor.) I am in favor of Socialism as regards its aims and pur- poses, because I believe it to be in this respect in harmony with the fundamental principles of social progress. Loveman, Robert. (Poet.) I believe Plato favored an ideal commonwealth, and I favor Plato. Walt Whitman was inclined towards the Utopian theory and Walt was a poet with a "yawp," that was perhaps bar- barian but it was emphatic. I am something of a Socialist a little of a Communist I hope not much of an Anarchist and I believe with Lincoln that "God must love the common people He made so many of them." Wm. Morris, the English poet, had Socialistic theories and headed a movement in 1884, I believe so we have plenty of example. I do not hate the rich but I pity the poor and I do not think a few men should own billions and hoard the wealth and that millions of human kind starving, barely exist. "We are still savage. Post, Louis Freeland. (Editor, The Public, Chicago, 111.) I am in favor of Socialism because it aims at abolishing the exploitation of labor. Smiley, James L. (Clergyman.) I am in favor of Socialism because First: It stands for absolute justice. It guarantees to every one the full product of his labor. It provides that children and infirm and aged persons be cared for by the strong. It demands that all the natural resources of the earth be equitably administered for all the inhabitants. Second: Socialism will abolish capitalism, which is a grand system of gambling. Third : Socialism will abolish the evil fruits of capitalism, such as internecine commercial competition, the white slave traffic, preventable poverty and disease, and war itself. Fourth : Socialism means brotherhood, industrial and com- mercial. It, therefore, harmonizes with the teachings of the Bible, making the Ten Commandments and the "Sermon on the Mount" perfectly practicable. Fifth: As an excellent example of its practical value, So- cialism will solve the intricate liquor problem. By public own- ership this traffic will be purified from all adulterations and excessive abuse, allowing (in harmony with the Bible) the temperate use of pure beverages. Sixth: Socialism is the economic expression of Chris- tianity. G Gates, George Augustus. (President, Fisk University.) I don't think I am wholly in favor of Socialism,, though I believe it would, even if actually in power, be better than the present reign of stark capitalism. I am in favor of about nine-tenths of what Socialism advo- cates. Nearly all of the world's real troubles arise from self- ishness. Some way must at last be found out of that regime. The world is keyed to mutual helpfulness ; consequently there is and ought to be discord as long as we stupidly play the great game of life in the false key. There is, as a matter of fact, mutual helpfulness anyhow; we cannot live without each other, and more so as our civilization rises. The trouble is that in the present order this helpfulness is an incident, not the motive. All gospels must unite to make it the motive. Chancellor, William Estabrook. (Lecturer and Author.) It all depends upon the definition and description of So- cialism. I am heartily in favor of what I call Socialism. I was indeed mayoralty candidate in my city upon a Socialistic ticket. I do not see how any good or intelligent man can op- pose my notions of Socialism. To illustrate : I believe that God made the earth for all of us and that it is a crime, vile and terrible, to allow any man or woman as landlord to collect rent from the father of a family or the mother of babies for a place upon which to rear their children God's children, my brothers. Yet I, myself, am both a landlord and a rent tenant because of a pitiful legalistic and economic regime that does not allow me to solve my problem. I am a landlord of a trust estate and yet unable to buy a home where my business is because I cannot sell. It is a mere illustration. There are tens of thousands of others as pertinent. To illustrate again : I am sure that it is absurd and wicked that some should rot in luxury without working, while -others- die of the diseases of starvation though working diligently. I am in favor of changing the statute laws so that these kings shall no more be, than chattel slavery of blacks, or the punish- ment of religious heresy by death. I believe that the Father in Heaven does not intend the vicious inequitableness of this 7 passing economic system and of this social regime upon which the habit-minded look with such apish pleasure. I refuse to eat the leavened bread of the Pharisees and to sit silent amid these wrongs; but at the same time I suspect that I am rather an opportunistic reformer, a Christian Socialist, perhaps a Social Democrat, than a revolutionary all-or-none, now-this- minute Socialist, for I can be charitable to most other men who still worship the idols of the market-place. Some, how- ever, I cannot forgive; I cannot forgive the hypocrites or the malicious. Burgess, Gelett. (Author.) I am in favor of Socialism because I believe that co-opera-^ tion, rather than competition will the sooner bring about tin- brotherhood of man. . Because the conditions that surround the majority of man- kind are continually growing worse, and Socialism offers a radical solution for the problem of the greatest happiness for the greatest number. Because the rich are steadily growing richer, and the poor, poorer, under the present industrial system. Because the concentration of this wealth in the hands of a few has shown the possibility of a centralized control of the industries, and has taught methods of handling big business, so that these activities may and should be in the hands of the people. Because of the enormous saving through co-operation, both time and opportunity will be increased for the benefit of the people. Because the use of this time may be used by the people for education, for culture, for travel and for larger mental growth. Because this change in economic system will emancipate woman by making her man's equal and will thereby develop her mind, her self-respect, and her inventive capacity. Because with a rational industrial system and the oppor- tunity for leisure natural and sexual selection will work more freely amongst men and women by giving both a wider choice, a better approximation of the ideal mate. Because this effect will result in a benefit and happiness not only to the present but to the future of the race. Because Socialism is the only project which contemplates these benefits. Bigelow, Poultney. (Author and Barrister.) I am in favor of Socialism because it is the teachings of our Savior, Jesus Christ, and of his predecessors, the Buddhists, and before them the people who followed the example of Rama or Brahma. Fisk, Everett Olin. (President of the Fisk Teachers' Agencies.) While I do not count myself a Socialist in the extreme sense and shall never vote a Socialist ticket. I lean very strongly toward public ownership of public utilities and find myself in cordial sympathy with the view of some of my inti- mate friends who will vote for Mr. Debbs. Just how fast the public should assume control of public utilities I am not clear, but I feel quite sure that we should move in that direction and keep public ownership in mind as an ideal. Whatever embar- rassments may arise, and certainly embarrassments must arise in any change of program, I feel that the disadvantages would be more than offset by the education of the public and by the cultivation of public spirit which would naturally accompany the gradual introduction of public control. The fact that the post-office, the public schools and in many cities water* supply, street lighting and transportation have been well managed by the public, promises well for extension of public control and I think we are moving along toward this perhaps as fast as can be expected, in view of our imperfect human nature. White, Hervey. (Novelist and Poet.) Socialism seems to me the most practical plan for the indi- viduals of a highly specialized and complicated society to share 9 the duties, the responsibilities, and the rewards of their organi- zation. It is the logical development of our system of combination or " trusts" that has already supplanted competition. It will do more to put the wealth produced by intellect and labor into the possession of the earners than any program I 'have met with. Andrews, Eliza Frances. (Author and College Professor.) There are so many reasons why I am a Socialist and why everybody should be one, that it would require a book to give them all. A few of them are : First: Because I believe that those who do the work of the w T orld should receive the full product of their labor, and not be forced, as under the capitalist system, to pay a tribute from their toil for the support of useless idlers. Second: I believe that "the earth and the fullness there- of" was provided by nature for the benefit of all her children, and not as the "vested interest" of a few greedy monopolists. Third : As history teaches us through the example of Jesus Christ and all who have rendered the greatest and noblest serv- ices to mankind, that, love of greed and personal gain is not an incentive, but a hindrance to noble deeds. I believe that Socialism, by removing this hindrance, will leave men free to follow the higher promptings of their nature, and through the noble incentives it offers, hasten the evolution of the race to a higher plane. Whitson, John Harvey. (Novelist.) At present I am a Progressive. But I can see that our in- |dustrial system is breaking down. As men rise in the scale of humanity they reaeh a point, and it is now near, when the / exploitation of the weaker by the stronger can no longer be / tolerated. I think present conditions clearly show that the government (the people) should own all such natural monopo- lies as coal, oil, minerals and the like ; and that the railways, express companies, and the big machinery of transportation 10 should also be government conducted, like the post-office. When that has been accomplished, further steps in that line can be taken, if the people deem that best. In so far, I am in favor of Socialism, and stand ready to go farther when it seems de- sirable and the people are ready for it. That is, have risen to it. Beard, Daniel Carter. (Author and Artist.) I am in favor of Socialism because I am not afraid of their ever introducing into this country the Socialism of Carl Marx, and I do believe that by their propaganda, their enthusiasm and insistency, they are forcing people to think who otherwise would drift along in the same old rut, and anything that makes the people think stands for progress, although it may not be progress along the lines advocated. Baldwin, E, F. (Editor, Star, Peoria, 111.) Socialism is a beautiful dream, but when we wake up, we still have to scratch for a living. Under Socialism, one man is as good as another, and generally a good deal better. Pov- erty is a crime. Therefore, every poor man ought to be in jail. Socialism is a panacea for all the present ills. The trouble is, nobody wants to apply it. Under the present system, it is every man for himself, and the devil take the hindmost. Under Socialism every man is hindmost. Every honest man now is a Socialist. The trouble is, there are no honest men. I never knew but one honest Socialist editor, and he has just committed suicide. Baxter, James Phinney, (Author and Ex-Mayor, Portland, Me.) Socialism is subject to several definitions. There is a Christian Socialism which embodies the spirit of the second precept: "Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself." It is pa- tient and long-suffering; wise in its efforts of helping men to advance by righteous ways to the stature of true manhood. 11 Towne, Elizabeth, (Editor and Author.) I am in favor of the Socialist ideal, because it aims to take care of all the people, affording equal opportunity for every- body to develop, laying no extra burdens on any one person or class of persons. I believe the Socialist ideal to be the ripened fruit which the world is to bring forth. But I do not believe in the Socialist practice of forcing the ripening of that fruit. In other words, I do not believe the world is ready to do away with capitalism. And I do not be- lieve in the inopportunism of Socialists. I do not believe in tearing off the husks of capitalism before human intelligence is ripe for expression on the higher plane. As long as Social- ists hold aloof, and will not co-operate with capitalism they show themselves unfit to co-operate with all the people in the world in the making of an ideal government without capital- ism. The Socialists missed the chance of a life-time, yes. of a hundred years, when they did not lead and nominate Theodore Roosevelt and Hiram Johnson on their own ticket, instead of putting up two men whom they know it is impossible to elect this year, thus weakening the strength of Roosevelt, who is try- ing to put into practice a whole lot of the Socialist program, which the Socialists accused him of stealing from them. As if the Socialists themselves did not steal every one of those ideas from somebody else ! Why, Confucius ran a Socialist government five hundred years before Christ. I am opposed to the Social- ist practice of hypnotising itself with the working class con- sciousness, in opposition to all other classes. Because of Social- ist inopportunism others will have to do the practical work of putting into practice the Socialist ideal. Theodore Roosevelt has done and is doing more to bring Socialism into practice than any other one man in the world today. Andrews, Martin Register. (College Professor and Editor.) I have listened attentively to the talks of Socialist ora- tors, who seem to be honest, earnest men, who have a strong desire to do something for the betterment of "poor, sad hu- manity." With many of the reforms for which they plead I am heartily in sympathy. 12 Pease, Charles Giffin, M. D. (Reformer and Author.) I am in favor of Socialism, the fundamental basis of which, as I understand Socialism, is economic co-operation or the indi- vidual laboring for the good of the whole ; for the reason that competition is based upon selfishness, and stimulates selfish- ness. Competition or doing business for individual gain is re- sponsible for the placing of liquor saloons on almost every other block of some of our avenues ; for the opening of a still larger number of tobacco stores for the sale of the most poison- ous weed grown ; for the opening of gambling halls, race tracks, questionable resorts and brothels of all kinds. Doing business for personal gain is an incentive to foister upon the people intoxicating liquors, tobacco and other harmful drinks and ar- ticles by means of alluring advertisements ; the adulteration of foods ; the maintaining of high prices, thus depriving the poor, who are victims of the competitive system, of the necessities of life. Under the present system, the anxiety of the employed upon the advent of "dull times," lest they may lose the needed employment ; the unrest, the chicanery, the criminality and the perversion of normal appetites resulting therefrom, is opposed to the best interests of the race morally, mentally and physi- cally. 'Competition or doing business for personal gain, develops the worst there is in man. Co-operation or the individual laboring for the whole, brings out or develops the best there is in man and establishes true brotherhood. The greatest bene- factors the world has ever known have labored for the uplift of the race without personal material gain as an incentive, but with the full knowledge that their labors would mean for them persecution or perhaps the Cross. Under Socialism, the whole moral atmosphere would be changed and the individual, and consequently, the race would be enriched in the development of qualities that make for peace, joy, love and normality, as man would merge from the influence of the present conditions into the influence of the conditions under Socialism. 13 Sawyer, Roland Douglas (Clergyman and Author, Ware, Mass.) We of the present generation come into a world where the swamps are cleared, the forests felled, the soil ready for our seed, roads of gravel, steel, and across the trackless waters connect us ; great machines of iron and steel are ready to take upon their tireless muscles the work of the world and the human race today is rich so rich that it can easily supply the material needs of every soul. But still over half the race are in want, just as though we were poor. The only thing needed is a scientific organization of indus- try, and Socialism is a scheme for such scientific organization. Therefore, I, as being intelligent to the present-day conditions, favor Socialism. Of course, those who are selfishly receiving personal gains out of the present system, and those who live in the ideas of the dead, will howl for "things as they are," but more and more we must firmly (though kindly) show them the door they don't belong with us of this day. I might also add that it is necessary for me to advocate Socialism to square myself with my profession ; I am a minister of the Gospel; as such I advocate before men that there is a loving Father in Heaven ; that Jesus was the divine, ideal man ; that human beings have souls that will not die with the body. I could not advocate these things without blushing if I did not at the same time condemn the existing social Order for the existing social order kills the souls in men, the ideals of Jesus cannot live in it, and should it continue we could not believe in a loving Father who rules things. For me to preach the gos- pel of Jesus without at the same time demanding social revo- lution, would be for me to confess that I was either a mental prostitute or a moral pervert, and I hope I am neither. Sinclair, Upton. (Author.) I am in favor of Socialism because it is impossible for me to be happy while living under a system which deprives others of the fruits of their labor. I' Taylor, J. P. (Manufacturer, Winston^Salem, N. C.) I am in favor of Socialism because I think that the time has about arrived for society to take into its own hands the operation of the means of producing and distributing the wealth by which it lives and progresses. I have become conscious that the present mode of produc- tion and distribution of wealth does not fill society's require- ments ; that private ownership is no longer necessary in the machinery of wealth production and distribution, either as owning or managing; that the whole machinery is operated by hired men ; that these hired men can better be used to pro- duce social wealth for use than private wealth for profit. Williams, S. B. (Clergyman, Eureka Springs, Ark.) I am in favor of Socialism because it is more than a politi- cal party. It is a world movement having as its fundamental principles, the teachings of Jesus. It is an intensely practical interpretation of such teachings. Socialism stands for the brotherhood of the human race. It is a constructive program of economics that will result in the emancipation of the wage slave. Many good people misunderstand Socialism, be- cause some of its most ardent advocates blunder in their teach- ing, and its growth is retarded by the fact that skeptics and infidels become prominent in leadership and try to foster their private religious beliefs on the movement, but in time all such will find their proper level, and all true, earnest Christians will be glad to embrace the propaganda, and Socialism in its truest aspects will help to usher in the kingdom promised by our Lord. Broome, Isaac. (Sculptor, Lecturer, Inventor and Author, Trenton, N. J.) All good men poets, artists, moralists, philosophers, scien- tists, economists, scholars have in all ages proclaimed the ideal of a civilization, wherein all should help and protect each other, to develop intelligence and destroy ignorance, which is the root of all crime and misery. 15 Socialism has for its proper idea the fulfillment of this universal hope by uniting the world industrially, with the object of abolishing poverty as the base of ignorance, and igno- rance as the base of crime, injustice and disorganized society. This is the ideal. An ideal impossible at present with society composed of a few ignorant, predatory rich and a mass of equally ignorant, predatory poor both destroyers of society's substance, from the scientific, economic view. Parsons, Eugene. (Editor.) I am not altogether opposed to Socialism. I am willing to see a move, yes, several moves, made in that direction. I am in favor of municipal ownership of public utilities, such as gas, water, electric light, street railways, etc. When franchises for these utilities are sold or given away to an individual or a company, they afford opportunities for private enrichment at the expense of the people at large. If such enterprises as water or lighting, or tramways, be in the hands of the city fathers, the profits, if there be any, go into the pockets of the common people, which is better than A the piling up of fortunes by the favored few, known in com- mon parlance as "big business." It has been proved time and again that men of business ability and initiative do have public spirit and are willing to serve the people well, to give the attention requisite for suc- cess in the management of public utilities. I have a case in mind. The light plant of Ellsworth, Iowa, is a paying propo- sition, although run by the town. Says the "Ellsworth News," December 5, 1912 : "Not only is it a question of being on a paying proposi- tion, but the comfort of having good lights is worth consider- able. The city fathers are to be congratulated upon the man- agement of the light plant. Many dollars of expense would have been added to the installation of the plant had they charged anything for their services, but they had gone to a great deal of trouble and a large amount of expense that they had paid out of their own pockets, just because they were enough interested in the welfare of the town to push things along and make it a success." 16 There it is in a nutshell unselfish service. So it is a mat- ter that involves one of the fundamentals of human nature. However, the altruistic sentiment will develop more and more under a different system from the present, with all its inequali- ties in the distribution of wealth. The question is a large one, requiring full discussion. Let the trial of municipal ownership and management be made, I say. Time will tell how much of grafting will be done. Je ne sais quoi. I for one am willing to risk it. Furthermore, let us go one step toward Socialism in an- other direction. I refer to the nationalization, of- railways. I am in favor of it, and hold that all public-spirited citizens should advocate it, whether Socialists or not. It would simpli- fy things, and put an end to the extortionate charges of the express companies, to say nothing of unfair freight rates. Hume, Gibson, A. M,, Ph. D. (Head of the Department of Philosophy, University of Toronto, Canada.) To endorse and accept all the various conflicting and even contradictory proposals loosely and popularly called Socialism would indeed be absurd and ridiculous. Nevertheless, on the whole the term Socialism has stood for constructive rather than destructive plans. What might be termed Christian So- cialism, or perhaps still better constructive Christian Social- ism, has ideals and aims that I unhesitatingly adopt as noble, just and right. When it comes to a program or plan to give practical application and realization to these ideals there is much room for debate and difference of opinion. Here, it seems to me, we face real problems. Christian theology dealing with the relations of God and man succeeded long ago in definitely rejecting the abstract atomism of atheism, and also, though perhaps not so clearly and definitely, the pantheism which over-zealous for God for- got to leave a place for human personality. In our time modern Christianity is concentrating its attention on the problems of the relation of mian to man, of the individual to the community, and logically and consist- ently with its past speculations opposes the extreme individ- ualism that issues in anarchism and atomism, and also opposes 17 the other extreme of communism which overshadows the indi- vidual overmuch in its zeal for the collective standpoint, and the opposition in this instance is the more notable because the early Christian Church for a short time really tried the experi- ment of having "all things in common." W'hile modern con- structive Christian Socialism rejects the opposing panaceas of a simple character offered by the extreme individualist on the one hand and the extreme collectivist on the other, it nevertheless sees in each of these one-sided proposals and theories a certain measure of truth, and it therefore faces the much more difficult and complex problem of trying to com- bine and harmonize these partial truths in such a manner as to secure a proper self-respecting individualism or personal responsibility on the one hand, and an adequate collectivistic co-operation on the other. With this double aim and purpose in mind there has arisen a beginning at least of a positive and constructive program leading toward this goal. Emerging from the mediaeval twi- light where the. fallacy was widespread that made religion a thing apart, modern Christian thought is suspicious of any re- ligious creed or profession which remains a merely intellectual assent or declaration of faith, and demands that a true religion should also permeate and transmute the life and issue in con- duct touching and helping the lives and conduct of others. The key to the Christian social position is the "Golden Rule," not las a mere sentiment of kindliness, though that is good as far as it goes, but it must be made to go further and issue in a principle of action, a principle in action controlling the practice, guiding and inspiring the actual conduct of life, both in its individual and in its social or collective aspect. At the outset, then, it respects and preserves the indi- vidual, not by the negative and suicidal method of rejecting the claims of society, but, on the contrary, insisting that the individual can develop his moral personality only by accept- ing the duties of social service, which when properly under- stood becomes not a burden but a privilege, since in this way alone may real self-hood 'become realized. Zeal for the preservation of the other person inspired the earlier attack on slavery ; it now reappears in a crusade against industrial bondage. Corporations now resist control on the plea that it is an interference with personal liberty. The Chris- tian view-point never granted to the individual a selfish lib- 18 erty of defying properly constituted authority, much less such, right to a corporation. It now makes it perfectly plain that the individual has duties, and to this view of the individual it would be ludicrous for the corporation to appeal in its dis- like to bow to social demands. In international relations the claim of Christianity to be under the Prince of Peace makes modern Christian Socialism demand that other nations should be treated not simply as good neighbors, but as actual brothers, since all are children of the same Father. Hence it follows that the brutality, waste and wickedness, the wholesale butchery and murder known as war, must be condemned and opposed. Furthermore, all militarism and jingoism, all journalistic or other stirring up of bad feeling, leading to strife between different races, the atavistic revival of ancient blood feuds or modern commercial intrigues to reap profit out of the piling up of armaments oppressing the common people, are all to be resisted. The spe- cious claim that armies and navies are merely policy restrain- ing criminals is easily seen to be erroneous, for if each army claims to be a policy restraining criminals, it must follow that each army is by the other army put among the class of crim- inals. .And the fallacious claim that preparation for war is a guarantee of peace, an insurance policy against war, is met by the counterclaim that the best way in times of peace to insure the continuance of peace is to extend the principles and practices that teach the value of peace, that conduce to peace, that make people desirous that peace may continue. The belli- cose claim that our neighbors cannot or will not attack us if we are powerful enough in armaments to intimidate them, simply teaches other nations to pursue the same policy of at- tempted intimidation, which can only breed ill will and ulti- mately tend to provoke actual hostilities. When disputes 'and misunderstandings arise, Christian Socialism favors arbitration as a peaceful way of settling dif- ferences, appealing to right and justice and intelligence, not to brute force and blind passion. Hence the development of the principles of international law and justice, the establish- ing of international courts of appeal and arbitration in mat- ters of divided jurisdiction or conflict of interests is explicitly approved. Within the State, the principles of Christian Social- ism demand that each person participate in governing, mak- ing government to become simply collective self-control 19 through willing co-operation. In proper theories of govern- ment much progress has been made towards at least the par- tial adoption of "the rule of the people, by the people, for the people," though this miaxim is disregarded for earlier tyranni- cal or paternal theories of government wherever women are debarred from taking their share in the duty of directing and controlling the laws governing all and affecting all, not only men but also women. The reason for still excluding children is simply due to the fact of their immaturity. It is in the field of industry and commerce that the great- est reconstruction will need to be made, for after having struggled so long to secure the freedom of the individual when it becomes clearly recognized that the only freedom that is even partially secured is the negative one of being left alone and that positive freedom of efficient action is lacking, there is bound to be a new direction to the constant efforts of civili- zation to secure the good of its component members. When aggregations, companies, corporations, trusts, etc., become an "imperium in imperio," turning the powerful engine of com- bination into the work of consolidating selfish aggrandizement and rendering impossible the development of a normal and healthy life among the great masses of the unorganized, the lesson taught by the power of organization is likely to be learned by the masses, and this will point to the attempt to secure the control for the co-operative community of all those great fundamental factors that are sometimes called natural monopolies, and the old regime that allowed these to be used as toll houses on the highway of progress to levy tribute to private monopoly and leading to the formation of a class of idle rich on the one hand and of idle poor on the other, will require most radical reconstruction in the interests of man- kind. As Christian Socialism has no simple formula to solve all the manifold and complex economic difficulties, it must go slowly, cautiously and experimentally. As it sympathizes witli both the individualist and the collectivist in certain respects in each case, it may seem to favor opposing policies, but per- haps it is a case of walking forward by first moving up the left foot, then the right foot. Where competition is found by experience to be both feasibly and advantageous, Christian Socialism will strive to secure real competition and so will assist in removing any de- 20 vice tariff or tax that favors one and penalizes the other. On the other hand, where monopolistic control is unavoidable or economically advantageous, it will strive to have such monopo- listic enterprize strictly supervised and controlled by govern- ment or where it is practicable owned and operated by the community through its government, central or local. Christian Socialism stands unambiguously jtpr iM-mrr^ Mi] 1g ; wViipVi i s: "First. The collective ownership of the means of pro- ducing the means of life." "Second. The democratic management by the workers of the collectively owned means of producing the means of life." Third. Equal opportunities for all men and women to the use and benefits of these collectively owned and democrati- cally managed means of producing the means of life." Under the present order of society the means of produc- ing the means of life are privately owned and controlled ; the owners thereby forming a privileged class and are enabled to dictate the terms on which the means of life land and the machinery of production can be used. /" As a result of this private ownership labor receives but va portion of the product, the larger part of wealth produced either wasted in the strife of competition or retained by the capitalist in the form of interest, rent and profit. The wealth we command merely through the ownership of stocks and bonds so-called income producing capital is wealth received which we do nothing to produce ; hence this wealth must, of necessity, be produced by others who are de- prived of a portion of their product. This wealth thus appro- priated is wealth derived from profit in the employment of labor (surplus value)./ A thorough study of economics shows clearly that interest, rent, and profit result in exploitation of labor the robbery of labor. It is this profit system which is strangling our civilization. Poverty and the greater portion of crime can be traced directly to this exploitive system:/ 32 The aim of the Socialist movement is the dethronement of capital and the capitalistic class by merging all humanity into one class, a producing class. The exploited majority, the poverty stricken, the sub- merged, as now under capitalism, will under a Socialistic Re- public come into their inheritance equality of opportunity to the resources of wealth and production and be enabled to retain the wealth they produce. The capitalist class, in any fair view of the situation, while being obliged to surrender the privileges now retained through the private ownership of "the means of producing the means of life," will under a Social Republic receive indirect benefit which we claim will out-weigh any advantage they may now seem to possess. Human nature does not stand in the way of the realiza- tion^f^^cuQzflfLerative commonwealth. It is natural that man- "THnd not only seek but demand that to which they are in equity entitled. Under capitalism the majority are exploited out of a good share of their product. As the producer awak- ens to an understanding of the present situation, it is this nor- mal and justifiable self-interest selfishness which will prove to be a strong, if not the leading, factor in bringing about So- cialism. The unseemly antagonism and strifes so manifest today under capitalism are largely traceable directly to our conflict- ing economic interests occasioned by the private ownership of the means of life. A study of social evolution leads clearly in the direction of Socialism. But it is when we carefully consider the eco- nomic situation that we* become aware of the fallacy of the capitalist system and realize that the wealth producing major- ity will in time inevitably demand, as a matter of justice, the co-operative commonwealth ; that is, will insist that the wealth producer receive the wealth he produces that the capitalist, who as capitalist receives usury thereby commanding, without labor, wealth produced by others, must cease to be a parasite on labor. This changed order, this revolution, can be brought about only through socialization of the means of production and of distribution. 33 Not very long ago the advocate of Socialism was the voice "crying in the wilderness." To-day he bears "good tidings of great joy" to a rapidly assembling multitude. Noll, Aaron. (Clergyman.) I have been a member of the Socialist Party since the year 1900. I have, also, for twenty-five years, been a Chris- tian minister, serving pastorates, in regular connection with an orthodox denomination the Reformed Church in the United States. I am increasingly persuaded of the righteousness of the Socialist Movement. To me it seems that Socialism will make possible, in a practical way, the social ideals of the found- er of the Christian Religion. The Church, at any period of its history, may, or it may not, truthfully, stand for the practical* application of those ideals. But the Socialist Movement, at all times, the world over, stands for social and industrial jus- tice. Jesus implanted in the consciousness of man the worth of the individual life. Socialism will make possible the true development of the individual unto a complete life. Social- ism will throw around every individual a wall of protection against the rapacity of the strong, greedy, selfish individual, and it will put into the hands of every one the means of life whereby he may rise to the full stature of his being, there be- ing none to hinder or oppress him. The concern of each will be the concern of all. But it will be a concern founded on jus- tice, love and peace. Socialism, being scientifically correct, holds out to all men a vision of future good that inspires a hope that makes life seem worth while. Russell, Charles Edward. (Journalist and Author.) I am in favor of Socialism because Socialism would put an end to the monstrous system of injustice by which men toil to create wealth and then are deprived of the wealth that they create. All wealth is created by labor and should belong to the men and women whose labor creates it. 34 Socialism would abolish poverty,, put an end to child labor, make education the universal possession, abolish prostitution and make the earth fit for the inhabitation of its children. It would obliterate the slum, the breeder of nine-tenths of the evils that now afflict society. It would mean industrial as well as political democracy. I believe in democracy. There- fore, I believe in Socialism, which is perfected and applied democracy. James, George Wharton. (Explorer, Ethnologist and Author.) As I now stand I can scarcely be said either to favor or oppose Socialism. The term must first be clearly defined. I believe in fellowship, in municipal ownership of all public or semi-public utilities; the establishment of free municipal mar- kets for vegetables, etc. ; the purchase by the city authorities of fruit, vegetables, eggs, meat, coal, etc., when dealers seek to force up the prices, and their disposal at cost to users. I would take back from all corporations, or else compel them to pay to the people an annual rent for the same, all water rights, power rights, etc., that they have filed upon and held by the right of might; I would make all great coal mining, oil min- ing and other reapers of crops for which they did not sow, pay a certain percentage of their returns into the public treasury ; I would compel the abolition of all slums, even to the extent of compelling the municipalities to provide decent shelter for the poor at reasonable rates; I would parole all well-behaved prisoners (as a rule) at the end of a year and give them a chance to make good; I in every way would seek to educate the people as a whole to the rights, responsibilities and privi- leges of government, and then give them, what is theirs inhe- rently, a full power to determine how and by whom they shall be governed. These, hastily and crudely expressed, are some of my ideas on this important question. 35 Koeb, Otto, B. S. (Stanford University, Cal.) I believe in universal world-peace between all nations. Since the Socialists are the only political party honestly in- dorsing world-peace, I sympathize with them. I am in favor of an universal eight-hour working day, six days per week; abolition of child labor; creation of old age pensions for disabled working men. A certain minimum wage rate, which makes it possible for every normally developed laborer to Support a family. Up to the above mentioned points I am in favor of Socialism. Cooke, George Willis. (Author and Lecturer.) I am in favor of Socialism because I believe in equal oppor- tunities for all children born into the world, and that each should be able to use all his natural gifts according to his abil- ity. I believe in Socialism because I detest all forms of monop- oly and exclusiveness, not being able to see why the minority should possess property and the majority should be deprived of its advantages. If it is good for any, it is good for all. I am a Socialist because it is quite apparent that the great fundamental sources of the necessities of life, 011 which all alike are dependent, are social and public in their nature, and should be open to all. They should belong to the nation, acces- sible on the same terms to all who need them, without giving monopolistic advantage to any. I am a Socialist because I cannot understand why one man should be subject to another as slave, serf or wage-earner. No man is good enough, said Lincoln, to have the control of an- other man's life. I am a Socialist because I believe in the equality of men and women, that the domination of women by men has been vastly injurious to the race, and that the ballot will give women a better opportunity to live a noble and healthy life as woman, wife and mother. I am a Socialist because I believe in freedom, individual- ity and initiative for every man and woman, and that these can be secured for all men and women, according to the meas- ure of their individual capacity, only by that co-operative method offered by Socialism. 36 HERE AND THERE, Here is a mother kneeling by a cradle, who vainly endeavors with smacks and kindly words to appease her hungry babies. There is a father, dusty and fatigued, vainly begging for work. Here is a magnificent edifice which is called a museum. It shelters dead mummies and statues of marble. There on a park bench sits a homeless living hu- man being, who, shivering with cold, stares at the pale moon and wonders why his tears are subject to gravitation. EDWARD SILVIN. DEC 6 1932 APR 11 1933 9 ^ '* 9 * 0# ** 9f ^. \ U.C.BERKELEY LIBRARIES YC 14983 \ UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY