Cosmic Creation lifornia ional iity By SUKUMAR CHATTERJI $aijt^L<^2 Cosmic Creation By Sukumar Ckatterji Editor of "ChKatra Sahodar" Published by FIAT LUX SOCIETY 1411 6tt Avenue San Francisco, California Copyright. 1932 ky S. CHATTERJI All rifints reserved, including translation tmttj Ijumbi* rettmtir* to hat (Smtt SOB* r of intmamttr, to uthniu J nuir all that 3 luinut atto all that 31 lut^f to be. 20O4814 COSMIC CREATION GLOSSARY AND KEY TO PRONUNCIATION A is pronounced as u in fur; a as a in far; e as a in fate; ee as ee in feet; i as i in fit; u as u in put ; u as u in rule. Many Sanskrit words in the text have been used in both a singular and plural sense. The proper case-endings have purposely not been used in order that readers unacquainted with Sanskrit may not be confused. Tat That (Indescribable Princi- ple) ; First Cause. (Tatwa Any step farther away from (Padartha Tat; the twenty-four po- tentially creative states. Mool-Prakriti First effect of First Cause. Prakriti Effect of Mool-Prakriti; un- differentiated cosmic sub- stance. Mahat Tatwa Effect of Prakriti ; the Great Impersonal Intelligence. Aham Tatwa Effect of Mahat Tatwa ; first birth of Consciousness. Mana Effect of Aham Tatwa; Cos- mic Mind; abstract sense- consciousness. Jnana-Ijndriya Effect of Mana; the five knowing abstract sense- concepts. Karma-Indriya Effect of Mana; the five working abstract sense- concepts. COSMIC CREATION Tamnatra The five objects of Jnana- Indriya; subtlest form of actual matter. Bhoota Physical manifestations of Tanmatra; the five mater- ial substances. lAkash Subtlest Bhoota of space. JWayu Subtlest Bhoota of air.