r REESE LIBRARY OF TIIK UNIVERSITY OF' CALIFORNIA. ELEMENTARY BIOLOGY LIBRtffc . OF THE PRINTED BY SPOTT1SWOODE AND CO., NEW-STREET SQUARE LONDON A TEXTBOOK OF ELEMENTARY BIOLOGY BY R. J. HARVEY GIBSON, M.A, \ i FELLOW OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF EDINBURGH ; LECTURER ON BOTANY IN VICTORIA UNIVERSITY, UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, LIVERPOOL ILLUSTRATED WITH 192 ENGRAVINGS LONDON LONGMANS, GREEN, AND CO. AND NEW YORK : 15 EAST 16* STREET 1889 All rights reserved t-f o u BiOLOGY LIBRARY G PREFACE. BY way of preface to this volume it may not, perhaps, be out of place to state briefly the motives which have prompted me to attempt what has proved to be a task of no small difficulty. A not inconsiderable experience as a university teacher of Biology has convinced me that in order to properly appreciate and benefit by a study of that science a student must first undergo a preliminary training in the facts and conclusions of Physics and Chemistry, and in ad- dition must devote not a little time and labour to studying the application of the more general laws of these sciences to the special phenomena of plant and animal life. It is however by no means an easy matter for a beginner in the subject to select from the vast domain of the physical and chemical sciences those generalisations which have an immediate bearing on the problems of Biology. I have therefore endeavoured to summarise briefly in a preliminary chapter the principal conclusions of the inorganic sciences, devoting special attention to those laws on which the higher science of Biology is founded. It is scarcely necessary to vi Elementary Biology. add that that summary is intended to be suggestive rather than exhaustive. I have further endeavoured in the succeeding chapters to keep prominently in the foreground the dependence of Biology on Physics and Chemistry, and the relationship of morphological and physiological details to general principles. I have tried to keep constantly before me the evils of the * cram ' system in education, and this must be my apology, if an apology be deemed necessary, for the introduction of so many speculations and explanations of causal relationship. I am fully aware of the fact that many theories referred to in the text are still matters of discussion, yet I am of opinion that working hypotheses not only serve to weave apparently isolated facts together, but give a certain vividness and in- terest to what would otherwise prove too often a bare and lifeless catalogue of data. It may seem at first sight that I have given undue pro- minence to the botanical aspect of Biology. I have done so intentionally, and for two reasons. First, because there is no want of sound text-books both practical and theoretical on Animal Biology by most competent authors, and no advantage, it seemed to me, was to be gained by a repe- tition of what had already been so often and so ably done ; and secondly, because Plant Morphology and Physiology, from their relative simplicity and clearness as compared with Animal Morphology and Physiology, are more suit- able for elementary study. ! 1 A word of explanation seems necessary apropos of the terminology I have adopted in describing the reproductive organs both in the plant and animal kingdoms. In my experience nothing is more confusing to the student than the diversity of the systems of nomenclature at present in use in text-books. The time has now come for the introduction of a uniform terminology in both these subsciences, and reform may not Preface. vii I desire to offer my most grateful thanks to Professor Herdman, D.Sc., for constant advice and help freely given on all occasions, for his kindness in reading the zoological chapters, and for many suggestions with reference to the subjects dealt with therein. My thanks are also due to Professor Lodge, D.Sc., F.R.S.,for similar services rendered in the chemical and physical sections. To my friend Mr. G. G. Chisholm, M.A., I am indebted for much help and criticism of a more general nature during the passage of the book through the press. I desire also to express my best thanks to gentlemen and firms who have been so kind as to allow me to make use of figures from various publications written by or belonging to them, more especially to Professor Marshall, F.R.S., and Mr. Hurst, of Owens College, the Clarendon Press, Messrs. Cassell and Co., Messrs. A. and C. Black, and the publishers of Van Tieghem's Traite de Botanique and Claus's Traite de Zoologie, and of Luerssen's Grundzuge der Botanik. I have been careful t.o indicate in all cases the source from which I have borrowed figures ; those not so distinguished are original. My indebtedness to the many works on Botany and Zoology already published in our own or other languages will be manifest to all. I have not directly expressed that in- debtedness by footnote references, simply because a student, it seems to me, wants fust of all a certain general acquaint- ance with his subject before entering on the task of consulting special memoirs, and the larger text books on the two sub- sciences of Botany and Zoology such as the works of Van unnaturally commence among the terms applied to the reproductive products where the greatest chaos prevails. I have already given reasons for the adoption of terms similar to those employed in the text in a paper on the subject (Proc. Liverpool Biol. Soc. vol. ii. p. 112). a viii Elementary Biology. Tieghem, Goebel, De Bary, and Sachs in the former, and of Huxley, Glaus, Balfour, and Gegenbaur in the latter will supply him with references to such in plenty. Lastly, I am fully conscious of the risk I run in ven- turing to add yet another text-book on Natural Science to the long list already before the public; nevertheless the absence of any text-book in the English language dealing with the relationship of Botany to Zoology, and of both to the fundamental sciences of Physics and Chemistry, en- courages me to hope that this little book may fill a gap left unoccupied by the classic treatises I have above re- ferred to. R. J. HARVEY GIBSON. UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, LIVERPOOL : October 31, 1 888. Of THE CONTENTS. INTRODUCTION CHAPTER I. MATTER AND ENERGY SECTION i. Matter 7 ,, ii. Energy 12 ,, iii. Classification of chemical compounds . 21 ,, iv. Laws of chemical change . . . 22 II. PROTOPLASM SECTION i. Chemical composition of protoplasm . 25 ,, ii. Morphology and physiology of proto- plasm ...... 29 ,, iii. Phenomena concomitant with the mani- festations of energy by living proto- plasm . . . . 35 ,, iv. Physiological significance of chlorophyll 38 ,, v. Conditions of the environment necessary for the maintenance of life in animal and vegetal protoplasm . . .41 ,, vi. The balance of nature . . . . 48 III. INDIVIDUAL AND TRIBAL LIFE DISTRIBUTION AND CLASSIFICATION 50 SECTION i. Individual life . . . . . 50 Tribal life ...... 52 Distribution . . . . , . 54 Classification 54 x Elementary Biology. CHAPTER PAGE IV. THE MORPHOLOGY AND PHYSIOLOGY OF THE SIMPLEST LIVING ORGANISMS PROTISTA . . . . 55 SECTION i. Protista Protamaba . , . -55 ,, ii. Protista Protomyxa . . S7 ,, iii. The relation of unicellular to multicellu- lar organisms , . . .62 V, UNICELLULAR PLANTS PROTOPHYTA Protococcus . 69 VI. UNICELLULAR ANIMALS PROTOZOA Amoeba . . 73 VII. METAPHYTA NON-VASCULARIA 76 SECTION i. Fresh-water &%&- Spirogyrd . . 76 ,, ii. Salt-water Algae Fucus . . . 83 ,, iii. Fungi Penicillium . . . . 91 ,, iv. Musci Polytrichum , . . . 101 VIII. METAPHYTA VASCULARIA . . . ; . .113 SECTION i. Filices Pteris 113 ,, ii. Ligulatae Selaginella , . -131 ,, iii. Monocotylcdones Lilium . . . 143 ,, iv. Dicotyledones Ranunculus . .178 General physiology of plants . . . 189 Carnivorous plants . . . .213 IX. METAZOA INVERTEBRATA 219 SECTION i. Hydrozoa Obelia . . . .219 ,, ii. Vermes Lurnbrictts . . . . 233 X. METAZOA VERTEBRATA 251 SECTION i. Cephalochorda Atnphioxiis . . . 251 ii. Amphibia Rana .... 263 ,, iii. General physiology of animals . . 335 XI. HISTORY OF BIOLOGY . 345 ELEMENTARY BIOLOGY. INTRODUCTION. Page 84, line 24, for spherical read oblong 100 ,, 4f>for what is known as read an imperfect 174 7 from bottom, unless in so far as it is acted upon by an impressed force/ We are thus introduced to two new ideas * motion ' and * force. 5 The conception of ' motion ' is one so familiar to us, that it does not require further definition. Like 'matter' and ' energy,' the essential nature of force is unknown. It may be defined, however, from a study of its effects, as that which produces, arrests, accelerates, retards, or changes the direction of motion. We have already seen that the same kind of matter may exist in the different states known as solid, liquid, and gaseous, and in intermediate states. We have also seen that these states of matter are transformable, the one into the other. The transformation is possible only in consequence of the application of a certain amount of force. When left alone, the solid is bounded by definite free sur- faces, often, as in crystals, natural planes. Liquids have one free surface, namely, that exposed to the external atmosphere, and other surfaces which are in contact with the containing Matter and Energy. 1 1 vessel, in number and nature corresponding to the sides of the vessel. The one free surface is always horizontal, and is constantly changing owing to the escape of molecules from the surface into the air. A gas has no free surface. The molecules, freed from mutual influence, are constantly tend- ing to become farther and farther separated from each other. It has been calculated that in a cubic inch of air the number of molecules can be expressed only by a row of figures twenty-one in number. This calculation can give only a very faint conception of the number of molecules in a given mass, or of their extreme minuteness. Each molecule is believed to be in perpetual and extremely rapid motion in straight lines in all directions, and to hit against its neigh- bours on every side at the rate of something like 18,000 million times per second. In addition to this motion of translation, molecules are believed to possess intrinsic motions of vibration and rota- tion, dependent for their intensity upon the temperature of the substance. As already stated, an application of heat to a solid has the effect of transforming it into the liquid, and through that state into the gas, or, in some cases, into a gas directly, the molecules of which can by further application of the same force be made to recede farther and farther from each other. Change of state is therefore accompanied by change in the rate of motion of the constituent molecules, a high temperature being associated with a rapid motion, and a low temperature with a relatively sluggish motion. The converse is likewise true, abstraction of heat being sufficient to change the gaseous state first into the liquid and lastly into the solid. Water may be again cited as the most familiar example of this change. The transformation of one state of matter into another is possible in virtue of a manifestation of energy. 12 Elementary Biology. SECTION II. ENERGY. Work is the production of motion in mass or molecule against resistance. Work is done when a mass of matter is lifted against the resistance of gravity ; work is done when a chemical compound is decomposed, for the resistance of the peculiar form of attraction known as chemical affinity is overcome and the molecules are separated from each other. Energy is the power to do work. It must be carefully distinguished from force, the existence of which it, however, implies, and from motion which, as being produced by force, indicates the presence of energy. Thus, force is exerted when a weight is lifted in virtue cf the arm of the labourer possessing a store of energy, a certain proportion of which energy is used in the act of lifting the weight. Force is similarly exerted when a compound is decomposed in virtue of the agent in the decomposition possessing a store of energy, some of which is expended in the performing of the work of decomposition. When a mass of matter rests on the earth's surface, it exerts a certain force due to the action of gravity ; but it possesses no energy, it possesses no motion of its own. When the mass is raised, say to the top of a high tower, the force of gravity has been, in accordance with the law of gravity, reduced, by an extremely small but calculable amount, because its distance from the centre of the attract- ing body has been increased. It has no motion of its own, but it has gained a certain amount of energy energy cf position, or potential energy. It is capable of doing some work ; it is capable, for instance, of driving a pile into the ground if allowed to drop upon it. When the mass reaches the ground again, it has lost its energy. Its energy in the act of falling has become transformed into active or kinetic energy. Kinetic energy is therefore energy of motion. Matter and Energy. 13 Further, by the agency of, say, a steam engine, the weight might be again raised to the top of the tower, i.e. the kinetic energy of the engine may be retransformed into the potential energy of the raised weight. Again, the weight at the tower's top is prevented from falling by the resistance of the tower. It requires an exer- tion of force to overcome this resistance. That counteract- ing force implies a source of energy which must manifestly be a form of kinetic energy. Imagine the weight referred to as suspended from a hook the energy employed to liberate the weight from its support must be a kinetic energy. The liberating energy need not be by any means commensurate to the effects produced by the liberation. The old proverb, 'a small spark may raise a great con- flagration,' accurately expresses this fact. Indeed, we may take this proverb as an illustration. A barrel of gunpowder consists of a mixture of a large number of molecules of different substances which under certain conditions have a very strong tendency to unite and form new combinations. So long as the condition of their union be. absent, the molecules retain energy of position, and the barrel of gun- powder is a store of potential energy. The condition of their union is the production of a high temperature in their immediate vicinity. That condition being satisfied by the application of a spark to the mass, the affinities of the mole- cules become at once satisfied, and the store of potential energy becomes transformed into kinetic energy, accom- panied by the usual attendant phenomena of an explosion, viz. sound, light, and heat. It is necessary that we should trace this conception of energy a little farther. Kinetic energy being energy of motion, the various modes of motion may be conversely termed kinetic energies. Sound is produced by the vibration of molecules, and is communicated to the organ of hearing by the sympathetic vibration of the mplec r ul) By dehydration, or the separation of a certain number of atoms of hydrogen and oxygen in the form of Matter and Energy. 23 molecules of water, some complex substances are reduced to simpler forms. (c) Similarly, the addition of one or more molecules of water hydration may cause a complex molecule to re- solve itself into several molecules, each having a simpler composition than that of the original molecule. (d) Undoubtedly the commonest mode of decomposition is oxidation, that is to say, the constant tendency of the con- stituent atoms of complex molecules to give up their weaker affinities, and to unite with free or loosely combined oxygen. All the changes taking place in decaying vegetal or animal matter are dependent, more or less, on the oxidation and removal of the several constituents of the decaying substance in the form of carbonic acid, water, and other simple com- pounds. The principle at the bottom of disinfection is the supply of a large quantity of free or loosely combined oxygen which is available for the oxidation and rendering harm- less of putrescent and injurious matter. (e) Deoxidation, or the withdrawal of oxygen, is of much rarer occurrence, but does take place in certain cases. Instances of these actions in plenty will present them- selves to us as we proceed. They are omitted here, as they would otherwise be the means of introducing a larger number of new terms than it would be possible to pause to explain at this stage. By way of recapitulation, we may classify chemical com- pounds in the following manner : Simple Complex Stable Unstable Inorganic Organic Found in the environment Found in the organism It must be borne in mind, however, that these different groups flow into one another, and are by no means perfectly distinct. A few illustrations will make this sufficiently clear. 24 Elementary Biology. Water is a simple compound ; it is stable, and it is found in by far the greatest abundance in the inorganic environ- ment, but it constitutes ninety-three per cent, of the turnip, for example, among vegetals, and forms about seventy per cent, of the weight of the human body. Salts of potash, lime, and soda, common salt, and other substances found in the environment in prodigious quantities, are nevertheless present in the organism in no insignificant amount. So also many oils and carbohydrates (or compounds of carbon, oxy- gen, and hydrogen), although probably the result of vital processes in some bygone period in the world's history, are nevertheless found existing abundantly, undecomposed, in the environment. Many comparatively simple compounds are extremely unstable, such for instance as the compound known as iodide of nitrogen, which, although it consists of only four atoms, explodes at once on being touched. Many other examples will be noted in the sequel. CHAPTER II. PROTOPLASM. SECTION I. CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF PROTOPLASM. Protoplasm, the ' physical basis of life,' the granular trans- parent viscous substance present in all living things, and without which no life is possible, may be defined chemically as an immensely complex compound, or mixture of compounds, yielding on analysis l simpler chemical derivatives, which may be classified under the folio wing heads : A. Proteids and albuminoids, containing carbon, hydro- gen, oxygen, nitrogen, sulphur, phosphorus, and a variable amount of ash. B. Amyloids or carbohydrates, containing the elements, carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. C. Fats, with a similar composition. D. Water in large quantity. E. Inorganic salts. F. Many bodies which are regarded as stages in the form- ation or decomposition of protoplasm. All these substances are of the highest importance in a study of biology, and we shall therefore devote some time to their discussion. 1 The process of analysis consists in (i) desiccation, i.e. drying without combuslion, removing all volatile matters, and leaving only non-volatile substances ; (2) combustion or calcination, which by oxidation, dissociation, &c., removes all combustible bodies and leaves a mineral, incombustible ash. 26 Elementary Biology. A. Proteids and albuminoids. Generally speaking, these are substances of unknown constitution, but with a percentage composition, varying in round numbers c H N os from 51 7 15 21 -5 to 55 7-5 16-5 23 5 2 They are all incapable of being crystallised. They are soluble in water, or at least swell up in it. When treated with nitric acid (HNO 3 ), they take on a yellow colour. They are decomposed by the acid, and the yellow deposit, or precipitate, formed dissolves into an orange-red solution on the addition of a solution of ammonia (NH 3 H.,O). Polarised light is turned to the right when passed through a solution of a proteid. Proteids may be divided into two chief classes (a) albumins and globulins, which are distinguished from (/;) albuminates, by the fact that when subjected, in solu- tion, to a temperature of over 73 C. they are coagulated or rendered solid, whilst albuminates are not so affected. Albumins, moreover, are soluble in cold water, whilst globulins are not, unless some neutral salt be added, e.g. common salt (NaCl). It is from these two groups of sub- stances that most of the proteid matter of the animal and vegetal worlds is derived. As examples of animal albumins may be mentioned egg-albumin, or white of egg, and serum- albumin, or the albumin found in the fluid portion of blood, whilst the main constituent of vegetal protoplasm is vegetal albumin. Of globulins, myosin, the chief constituent of muscle, and glutin, which enters largely into the composition of seeds, may be taken as examples. Casein, the chief constituent of milk in the animal world, and the principal source of nourishment in beans, peas, &c., may be given as illustrating the class of nlbuminates. The albumins become changed into albuminates if treated with Protoplasm. 27 an acid or an alkali, and receive the names of acid-albumi- nates and alkali-albuminates according to the nature of the agent employed to bring about the alteration. Albuminoids very closely resemble proteids in general appearance and in chemical composition, save that some albuminoids contain no sulphur. They differ, however, in one point ; they cannot be made use of by animals as. food, on account of their sparing solubility in water and in the comparatively weak acids and alkalies of the organism. As examples may be mentioned mucin, the substance which gives the viscidity to saliva, gelatin, a familiar commercial product, and keratin, the chief constituent of horn, hoof, nail, hair, and such like. B. Amyloids or carbohydrates. These substances, when compared with the group of proteids, are compara- tively simple in their chemical composition. They consist of the three elements carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, the hydrogen and oxygen being present in the same pro- portion as that in which they occur in water, i.e. two atoms of hydrogen to one of oxygen. The large amount of carbon and hydrogen in their composition gives them their name of carbohydrates, whilst a synonym of starch, viz. amylum, which is one of the chief carbohydrates, accounts for the term amyloid as applied to them. They are sweet to the taste, e.g. sugar, or are capable of being converted into sugar by treatment with a weak acid, or certain other sub- stances found in the plant and animal organism. In addi- tion to ordinary sugar and starch, glycogen or animal starch, milk sugar or lactose, muscle sugar or inosite, may be cited as examples of carbohydrates found in the animal world. C. Fats and fatty acids. These substances are closely allied in chemical composition to carbohydrates, from which they are partly derived. They are also largely formed by a transformation of proteids. They contain carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, usually in the form of more complex molecules 28 Elementary Biology. than those of the carbohydrate group. Their general cha- racters are well known. When acted on by an alkali or super- heated steam, 1 they take up water (hydration) and decompose into glycerin and their corresponding fatty acids (dissocia- tion), which unite with the alkalies to form soaps. The chief neutral fats are palmitin, the chief Constituent of palm oil (' railway grease'), olein, the principal component of olive oil, and stearin, of which beef and mutton fat mainly con- sists. The fatty acids comprise a series of bodies which occur chiefly in combination with glycerin to form the neutral fats above mentioned, and with alkalies to form soaps. A number of them will call for special mention afterwards ; at present it will be enough to refer to the fatty acids of the neutral fats, i.e. palmitic, stearic, and oleic acids. D. Water (H.,O) is the chief mineral constituent of both plants and animals. It often forms a very large proportion by weight of the organism, constituting over 80 per cent, by weight of the kidney, and over 90 per cent, of many succulent plants, e.g. turnip. The well-known 'jelly-fish' of our seas are composed almost entirely of water, a mere film of solid matter being left after desiccation. Some parts of the organism contain very little water, as for example the enamel of the teeth, where it is present in the proportion of only 0*2 per cent. E. Salts. The chief inorganic salts are the chlorides, phosphates, carbonates, and sulphates of soda, lime, potash, and magnesia. Salts of iron, manganese, and other metals, also occur. These will call for special mention subse- quently. F. Transition substances formed in the integration and disintegration of protoplasm. The nature and signifi- cance of these bodies cannot with advantage be treated of before a discussion of the chemical changes taking place in the organism during growth and decay. One or two 1 I.e. steam treated under pressure to a temperature above 212 F. Protoplasm. 29 examples of these transition-substances which are more commonly known may be given, e.g. urea, a nitrogenous derivative excreted by the kidney, bile-acids, ammonia, and various ammoniacal salts, tannin, wax, and many vegetal acids and alkaloids. 1 SECTION II. MORPHOLOGY AND PHYSIOLOGY OF PROTOPLASM. Protoplasm (-n-p^ro when examined in large quantity by the naked eye, appears as a colourless, more or less transparent jelly. In nature it however occurs much more frequently subdivided into ex- tremely minute pieces, resembling each other in general structure and appearance. To study these separate par- ticles, or cells as they are termed, high magnifying powers of the microscope are required. When so examined proto- plasm is found to consist of a clear, glassy, or finely granular soft substance, in which there is frequently to be distinguished an outer layer or ectoplasm, always more transparent than the inner, more granular endoplasm. In consistence proto- plasm varies very greatly. In intimate structure it consists of a homogeneous portion or matrix in which are imbedded granules (fig. i). Minute droplets of water also occur (more abundantly in plant than in animal protoplasm), which go by the name of 1 It is to be distinctly understood that a memory-knowledge of the characters of the substances entering into the composition of protoplasm is of little value, unless coupled with a practical knowledge gained by actual observation and experiment in the laboratory. This synopsis of the characters of proteids and other organic compounds is intended for reference. It is suggested that one or two of the most striking pecu- liarities of the substances, once seen, should be kept in mind, and that the other characters should be learnt gradually and unconsciously as familiarity with the substances themselves is obtained. That know- ledge consists in being able to repeat a list of peculiarities by heart is one of the most mischievous delusions of modern education. Elementary Biology. vacuoles. There may be one or more vacuoles in each cell; indeed, in very many vegetal cells there is more of vacuole than protoplasm (fig. 4 c). Vacuoles are probably reservoirs for substances used in the manufacture of protoplasm or for products of its disintegration. After treatment with certain reagents, or in some cases without such treatment, the proto- plasmic matrix is found to be composed of a sponge-like arrangement of threads or fibrillae (fig. 2) interlacing with one another and forming a supporting framework, while the interstices are filled with a more fluid homogeneous sub- Fi. i. DIAGRAM OF AN ANIMAL CELL MUCH MAG- NIFIED. (Schafer.) FIG. 2. DIAGRAM OF AN ANI- MAL CELL WITH TWO NUCLEI AND SHOWING INTRACELLU- LAR AND INTRANUCLEAR NETWORKS. (Klein.) , protoplasm, with vacuoles and granules ; n, nucleus, with intranuclear network and nucleolus ('). stance. Most recent investigators into the minute structure of protoplasm agree in thinking that the homogeneous matrix above alluded to corresponds to the interfibrillar matter, whilst the knots on the network, as well as the fibrillae them- selves when seen end-on, furnish the granular appearance, True granules are, however, also found in the interfibrillar matter itself. In the great majority of cells, generally near the centre, is to be found an oval or rounded, rarely irregular, body termed the nucleus (fig. i). It is usually inclosed in a definite nuclear wall or envelope. Like the cell itself the nucleus consists of a fibrillar network and an interfibrillar substance. Protoplasm. 3 1 In consequence the nucleus presents the apper ranee, undei a low magnifying power, of a homogeneous matrix with scattered granules (fig. 2). Usually one or more granules of larger size are to be distinguished in the nucleus to which the name of nucleoli has been given, some of which are probably knots on the intranuclear network. A mass of protoplasm possessed of these morphological characters may be ' naked ' or without a cell-wall, and in that condition has a more or less irregular outline (fig. 3), FIG. 3. Amxba. polypodia. (Max Schult/e.) , nucleus ; Pv, contractile vacuole. or it may be inclosed in a definite envelope or cell-wall, composed of substances formed from the protoplasm. Most cells when first formed are ' naked.' They may remain so during their whole existence, or they may become en- veloped by a cell-wall of variable thickness and form. The cell-wall is much more extensively developed in the plant than in the animal organism (fig. 4). Physiology of protoplasm. Protoplasm and the various structures differentiated from it may be considered, how- ever, from another point of view. 32 Elementary Biology. It is found that all cells undergo certain changes during their existence changes concomitant with the phenomena known popularly as growth, reproduction, decay, and death FIG. 4. CELLS FROM THE ROOT OF Frltillaria imperialis ( x 550). (Sachs.) c' v *.'' A h A, very young cells from near apex ; B, from 2 mm. above the apex ; c, from about 8 mm. above the apex, /i, cell-wall ; p, protoplasm ; k, nucleus ; k k, nucleoli ; s, vacuoles and cell-sap cavity. changes in which the protoplasm and its modifications play different parts, perform different duties or functions. The performance of any function, i.e. the doing of any work, as already fully explained (Chapter I., section ii), Protoplasm. 33 involves the expenditure of a certain amount of energy. Protoplasm, in virtue of its being composed of a number of very complex and unstable compounds, constitutes a large store of potential energy. In consequence of the trans- formation of part of this rxrtential energy into kinetic energy the various functions of protoplasm come to be performed ; in other words, the- "various functions of protoplasm are manifestations of kinetic energy. In the expenditure of energy the complex compounds become broken down into simpler compounds and often into elements ; hence the presence of so many transitional substances and simple compounds in the chemical composition of proto^asm. We have now to consider what these functions are, and for that purpose we will consider a naked cell, such as that re- presented at fig. 3. We note first that it possesses contractility that is to say, that it is capable of motion as a whole or in certain parts. Protoplasmic motion may be definite or indefinite. Indefinite motion consists in the protrusion and withdrawal of finger -like prolongations of protoplasm from any region. The term pseudopodium is applied to such a projection, and the motion itself is usually known as amoeboid motion, from its being specially developed in an extremely simple animal organism known as Amoeba, the discussion of whose cha- racters will occupy us later on. The mass of the protoplasm may follow the pseudopodium, and locomotion of the cell be effected. Definite motion, or motion always in one and the same direction, occurs only in cells which are more differentiated than those we are at present discussing (e.g. muscle). Reference to definite motion is, therefore, post- poned. Again, protoplasm is irritable that is to say, if a stimulus be applied to the mass, such as a shock of electricity, an application of gentle heat, or certain chemical substances the protoplasm responds, shows irritability or excitement, local or general. For example, a shock of electricity 34 Elementary Biology. immediately produces a general contraction and drawing in of all pseudopodia, amounting, if the shock be a strong one, to actual paralysis and death. Motion, however, seems in many cases to be produced independently of external stimulus, and to arise as a conse- quence of some internal chemical changes taking place, not, as in the previous case, in response to stimuli, but automa- tically. Protoplasm is said, therefore, to possess automatism. Other stimuli than those mentioned produce local irri- tability and motion of a peculiar kind. Contact with solid particles produces a movement of the neighbouring proto- plasm, and results in the engulfing of the particles into the viscous mass by the protrusion of pseudopodia which sur- round and inclose them. The food-particles thus inclosed undergo certain changes in the interior of the cell during a species of circulation which they experience in its mass changes which result in the absorption, alteration, and preparation of the particles into compounds from which new protoplasm is integrated changes which are no doubt brought about by the chemical action of certain substances present in, and formed from, trie protoplasm. In conse- quence of this power of absorbing or ingesting food particles the protoplasm is said to possess the power of assimilation. These primary changes are followed by others of a more complicated nature, in virtue of which new protoplasm is in- tegrated or built up. It will be convenient to designate all chemical changes taking place in the organism as metabolic changes ; changes concerned in the building up of proto- plasm will therefore constitute constructive metabolism or anabolism ; whilst the changes which take place in the decomposition of protoplasm may be termed collectively destructive metabolism or katabolism. The products of anabolism and katabolism will therefore be naturally termed anastates and katastates respectively. The destructive changes to which protoplasm, when formed, becomes at once liable, result in the production of Protoplasm. 3 5 two sets of substances (#), secretions, and (p\ excretions, which may be known therefore by the general name of katastates. Both series are chemical compounds, much simpler as a rule in their composition than protoplasm itself, but differing from each other in one important point, viz. that secretions are themselves necessary for the anabolism of food matters, whilst excretions are bodies which are useless and injurious to the organism, and must ultimately be got rid of. Excretions include not only the products of the katabolism of the protoplasm, but also of the secretions after they have performed their functions. They likewise include those portions of the food-material taken into the organism which are useless from a nutritive point of view. It has been already pointed out that decomposition con- sists chiefly in the oxidation of the constituent atoms of the complex molecules. Further, on reference to the average composition of proteids (p. 26), it will be seen that carbon is by far the most important and abundant constituent. Manifestly, therefore, oxidation in* the cell must mean chiefly oxidation of carbon and formation of carbonic acid (CO 2 ), the most abundant and most stable oxide of carbon known. Katabolism must, therefore, be accompanied by a plentiful production of carbonic acid, the process of excretion of which is known by the special term of respiration. In addition to these changes, there are others which result in the separation of part of the protoplasm to form a young cell or cells. Vegetative multiplication and reproduction are the terms applied to such changes ; the discussion of both is, however, postponed for the present. SECTION III. PHENOMENA. CONCOMITANT WITH MANI- FESTATIONS OF ENERGY BY LIVING PROTOPLASM. Having considered the various manifestations of energy in living protoplasm viz. contractility, irritability and au- tomatism, reception and assimilation of food, metabolism, 36 Elementary Biology. secretion, excretion, and respiration we have now to glance at the general result of these changes on the protoplasmic mass as a whole. Commencing at any given moment in the life of a cell, we may find one of three things happening. *In the first place, the chemical substances assimilated and undergoing constructive metabolism may be just equal in amount to the sum of the compounds used up in the concomitant destruc- tive metabolism. In the second place, the amount assimi- lated and absorbed may be greater than the amount expended. Or thirdly, destructive metabolism may be in excess of constructive metabolism. In the first case the protoplasmic mass will be at a standstill it will neither increase nor decrease in size ; in the second case it will grow ; in the third case it will diminish in size and decay. Growth is accompanied usually by differentiation of parts or development. Development may be either morpho- logical or physiological or both, and consists in the gradual adaptation of special parts to the performance of special functions. Decay is generally ended more or less abruptly by death or the cessation of the various manifestations of energy; no doubt in consequence of a failure on the part of one or other of the functions already mentioned, and the consequent impossibility of maintaining a sufficient store of potential energy on which to draw for the performance of the various functions of the cell. As is to be expected, death is almost always followed by a general breaking down of the complex molecules through the unrestrained play ^f the laws of de- composition. We have seen in the simple case which we have used as an illustration that the various functions were all performed by one cell. In other words, while we had physiological differentiation we had complete, or almost complete, 1 1 It is probable that the vacuoles may perform excretory functions (P- 73)- Protoplasm. 37 morphological non -differentiation. Every part of the cell is capable of taking in food-particles, the excreta being also ejected at any point. Emission of carbonic acid or respira- tion takes place over the surface generally, and so on. By far the majority of plants and animals are, however, made of vast multitudes or collections of cells, some of which are specially differentiated to perform one function, whilst others are differentiated to perform another. All the cells have the general characters we have already described as belonging to protoplasmic units, but while their other functions are in abeyance, some one function it may be the power of contracting or of exhibiting responses to stimuli is very highly developed. Collections of such similar cells are said to be specialised for the performance of one function. Naturally, also, their form and structure becomes correspondingly modified. Such cell aggregates are termed tissues. Thus we have muscular tissue, whose special function is that of contraction ; nerve tissue, whose special function is that of showing irritability in response to stimuli or automatically ; connective tissue, where the cells are modified to act as padding or as connecting links between other tissues, and so on. Moreover, it is con- ceivable that different parts of the plant or animal may con- tain more than one kind of tissue. Such parts are termed organs ; hence the term organic as applied to chemical com- pounds found in the cells and tissues composing such organs, organised as applied to the plant or animal possessing such differentiation of parts, and organism used as a synonym for living thing. 1 A reference was made (at p. 35) to the power which cells possessed of separating a part of themselves for the purpose of reproduction and multiplication. When the organism con- sists of a single cell, separation of, so far as we know, any 1 It must be borne in mind, however, that these terms are applied to many plants and animals which cannot be said to possess tissues, much less organs. 38 Elementary Biology. part of the cell is all that is required to form the basis of a new individual. In the higher organisms, where cells are specialised and differentiated, there are certain cells whose sole function in the organism it is to produce other cells capable, under certain conditions, of undergoing develop- ment and growth, and of forming ultimately a new organism. In the lower organisms reproduction takes place just previous to death, and consists, so to speak, in the saving of the last remains of the store of potential energy of the parent organism. SECTION IV. PHYSIOLOGICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF CHLORO- PHYLL. Hitherto we have spoken of protoplasm in general, but it will have been noted that throughout reference was made to the existence of two varieties of that substance animal protoplasm and vegetal protoplasm. So far as the morphology of protoplasm itself is concerned, the details of difference between the two forms will be more easily under- stood after examples of the animal and vegetal worlds have been examined. At present it behoves us to notice more especially the peculiarities of a substance which is present in by far the majority of plants, and which is characteristic in great measure of vegetal protoplasm. That substance is chlorophyll, to the presence of which in certain cells the familiar green colour of most plants is due. Chlorophyll (save in a few rare cases) is not found uniformly diffused through the protoplasm, but in the form of rounded or (more rarely) of stellate or ribbon-shaped masses, lying imbedded in the protoplasm. These are known technically as chloro- phyll bodies. Chlorophyll bodies consist of a green pigment, chlorophyll itself, united in certain definite proportions with definite masses of protoplasm. The chlorophyll itself is small in amount and can be extracted from the protoplasm by alcohol, ether, and several other allied substances. The Protoplasm. 39 FIG. 5. -CHLOROPHYLL GRANULES IN CEILS OF LEAF OF Funaria hygrometrica (X5;o). (Sachs.) protoplasmic residue, or vehicle, remaining after the re- moval of the chlorophyll, is apparently not diminished in amount, but has a vacuolated or frothy appearance. Chlorophyll bodies grow and multiply like cells, though, of course, they are not to be con- sidered as cells morpho- logically. The growth and multiplication are due entirely to the ac- tivity of the protoplas- mic vehicle. The chlo- rophyll bodies, of which there are usually a large number in each cell, are formed from the general protoplasm by a process of differentiation. In the chlorophyll bodies themselves secondary products of metabolism are often found. The most common of these is starch, which is pre- sent at first in small quantity, in the form of minute granules, but afterwards increases in amount until the whole chlorophyll body be- comes transformed intO A) S ran ^les of chlorophyll, with contained starch grains imbedded in the protoplasm of the a maSS Of Starch. Drop- cells; B. separated chlorophyll granules con- , ,. ., , taining starch ; a. b. young granules ; b' ', //', iCtS Of Oil and Other chlorophyll granules du iding ; c, d, e, old L , i chlorophyll granules ; / granule swollen Substances are also not up by action ,of water ; >, starch granules remaining after chlorophyll has been in destroyed by action of water. 40 Elementary Biology. the chlorophyll body. The significance of these changes in constitution will be discussed later on. The percentage chemical composition of chlorophyll has been lately ascertained, and is as follows : Carbon 73-34 Hydrogen . . . . . .972 Isitrogen . . . . . .5-68 Oxygen 9-54 Phosphorus . . . . . I -38 Magnesium ..... 0-34 lOO'OO It has already been noted that in consequence of meta- bolic changes constantly taking place in organisms, large quantities of carbonic acid were continually being produced. Notwithstanding this fact, the quantity of carbonic acid in the atmosphere is tolerably nearly a constant quantity. The question immediately arises, What becomes of it? In brief terms it may be said that it forms the main constituent of the food of plants, although they themselves, in common with animals, excrete considerable quantities of it. Yet, gene- rally speaking, the quantity they absorb is not only largely in excess of their own production, but balances the production of the same gas by the animal, on which it acts as a poison. Plants are able to make use of this gas as food in virtue ot their possessing chlorophyll, which in presence of sunlight is capable of bringing about the assimilation of carbonic acid by vegetal protoplasm. It is evident, therefore, that chlorophyll is a substance of the very highest importance, not only in the vegetal economy but indirectly in the animal economy also. Further, it is manifest that the absorption by the vegetal of large quantities of carbonic acid must mean the reception into the vegetal organism of an enormous amount of oxygen far more than is necessary for the carrying on of the metabolic changes taking place in vegetal cells. As a matter of fact the oxygen is in great part given back into the Protoplasm. 41 atmosphere, in this manner keeping up that balance of gases in the atmosphere which is necessary for the maintenance of animal life. Before the full bearing of these different phenomena can be seen it will be necessary to refer briefly to certain physical facts of the highest importance in the discussion of the relations of animal and vegetal protoplasm firstly, to their inorganic surroundings, and, secondly, to each other. SECTION V. CONDITIONS OF THE ENVIRONMENT NECES- SARY FOR THE MAINTENANCE OF LlFE IN ANIMAL AND VEGETAL PROTOPLASM. A. Composition of the atmosphere. An * empty' room, 10 feet everyway, contains 1,000 cubic feet of air, which, if dry and pure, is a mixture of nearly 790*2 cubic feet of nitrogen. 209-4 ,, oxygen. 0-4 ,, carbonic acid. To such air the terms ' normal,' or ' fresh air ' are applied. In addition to these, traces of other gases, such as ammonia (NH : <), and ammoniacal salts, carbonic oxide (CO) and certain other compounds of carbon. The atmosphere, moreover, always contains a certain proportion of water- vapour, which varies as is well known from day to day and from hour to hour. Normally it amounts to from 5 to 1 5 per cent. If such a room be occupied by an animal, say an adult human individual, it will be found that after about two hours or so (provided there be no addition of fresh air), the atmo- sphere has become unbearable and highly injurious to life, from the presence in it of certain obnoxious gases. The alteration in the composition of the atmosphere is due to the addition to it of a large quantity of carbonic acid gas (and of other gases in less amount) produced in conse- 42 Elementary Biology. quence of the metabolic changes taking place in the organ- ism. Thus air expired from the lungs contains only 16 per cent, instead of 2 1 per cent, of oxygen, and 4^ per cent, of carbonic acid instead of yj^- per cent. The amount of nitrogen remains unaltered. Expired air also contains traces of poisonous and foetid organic matter, and a large amount of water- vapour. Such air is termed ' foul ' air. If the atmosphere of such a room is to remain perfectly wholesome, about 20 cubic feet of fresh air per minute should be supplied for each individual in it. Small as is the proportion of carbonic acid found in fresh air (only 4 volumes in 10,000), yet that proportion is amply sufficient for the supply of the carbon required by the vegetal economy ; whilst if the proportion be increased beyond that amount, danger would ensue to animal life. The atmospheric conditions, therefore, necessary for the proper maintenance of animal and vegetal life are manifestly that the air should be pure and dry, with a proportion of carbonic acid present not over '04 per cent. We have hitherto considered the atmospheric conditions necessary for the maintenance of life in terrestrial plants and animals; we have now to glance at the conditions necessary for the maintenance of aquatic life. No life of any kind could be possible under water were it not that all gases are soluble in water. The solubility of different gases, however, depends on first, the tempe- rature and pressure of the gas, and, secondly, the degree of inherent tendency of the gas to dissolve. The last, which is called the coefficient of absorption of the gas, varies very greatly. For example, at a temperature of o C., and under a barometric pressure of 760 mm. one volume of water will absorb, of Nitrogen ..... '02035 v l s - Oxygen -04114 ,, Carbonic acid .... 1 7967 ,, Ammonia ... - 1148-8 ,, Protoplasm. 43 When a mixture of gases, such as air, is exposed to the action of a solvent such as water, the proportion of each gas absorbed will depend first, on the coefficient of absorption of the gas, and, secondly, on the proportion of it present in the mixture, the temperature and pressure remaining constant. If the temperature vary, however, the amount of each gas absorbed will vary also, increasing as the tem- perature decreases, and decreasing as it increases. If the pressure vary, the amount of gas absorbed will be directly proportional to the pressure. It will be seen that, owing to the very low coefficient of absorption of the three chief gases of the atmosphere, the total amount of the gases dissolved in water is very small indeed. Nevertheless, the oxygen present is sufficient for the maintenance of animal life, as the carbonic acid is sufficient to supply the carbon required by submerged plants. Ammonia, which we have cited as an instance of a gas with a very high coefficient of absorption, is present in such small quantity in the atmosphere that, notwithstanding its extreme solubility, the proportion present in water is quite trifling. Moreover, it is quickly licked out of the air by rain and carried down to the earth, where it at once enters into combination with other substances in the soil, to form ammoniacal salts, or becomes oxidised into nitric acid, this latter substance at once forming nitrates by combination with such bases as potash, lime, and soda. This 'nitrifica- tion ' takes place also in the case of ammonia produced by decaying humus. B. Temperature. The extremes of temperature between which life is possible vary greatly according as it is vegetal or animal protoplasm that is under consideration. Gene- rally speaking, life cannot be maintained in either kind of protoplasm under a continued exposure to a temperature of above 50 C., or below o C. In the case of certain extremely simple and minute organisms of doubtful affinities, and of the reproductive cells of certain groups of plants, 44 Elementary Biology. these limits may be considerably extended, 100 C, or even 120 C-, being insufficient to cause death. Cold as a general rule retards, whilst gentle heat accele- rates, amoeboid and other protoplasmic movements. A species of coagulation, however, takes place if the tempera- ture exceed 45 C. C. Pressure. The ordinary pressure of the atmosphere at the sea-level is about 1473 Ibs. on the square inch, which indicates the weight of a column of air of the same sectional area. Manifestly the atmospheric pressure will vary according to the height above the sea-level at which the observation is made. Atmospheric pressure also varies with the latitude and longitude, the temperature, the season of the year, and the hour of the day. The total atmospheric pressure on the surface of the body of an average-sized human adult is about 14 tons, a pressure which is, however, equalised by the. outward pres- sure of the air permeating the tissues. As a general rule, higher organisms are constructed so as to subsist under an atmospheric pressure not varying widely on either side of the average, viz. 30 in. or 760 mm. of the mercurial baro- meter. Many of the lower forms of life, however, can tolerate without injury a much higher pressure than that. With reference to aquatic, and more especially marine, animals the limits of pressure are much wider. Many fish, for example, live at a depth of from 300 to 2,000 fathoms, that is to say, they are capable of accommodating themselves to a pressure varying from one-half to two tons on the square inch. Fish living at greater depths must, of course, be subject to still greater pressures, amounting in some cases to as much as four-and-a-half tons on the square inch, always of course balanced by an equally great outward pressure of the water with which their tissues are permeated. These forms, when brought to the surface, are found to be greatly injured owing to the effect on their bodies of the removal of much of the external pressure at the surface. Pretoplasm. 45 D. Light. (a) In relation to vegetal life, it has already been explained that the life of plants containing chlorophyll is entirely dependent on the action of light, inasmuch as the assimilation of carbonic acid is impossible without it. The higher metabolic processes can, however, go on equally well in darkness. It follows that while these processes are active in all parts of the plant, the assimilation of carbon takes place only in the parts which contain chlorophyll. Plants not containing chlorophyll, such as the parasitic fungi, are dependent on chlorophyll-bearing plants for the products of assimilation on which they subsist. Sunlight, as is well known, is a mixture of a number of coloured rays. Sunlight may be readily resolved into its constituent coloured rays by passing it through a prism. In accordance with certain laws of optics, the light comes out of the prism at a different angle to its surface from that at which it enters. Moreover, each of the constituent coloured rays issues at an angle peculiar to itseJf. The rays are said, therefore, to be differently refrangible. The result is, consequently, that the broken-up ray of white light forms a band of colour known as the solar spectrum. The colours are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet, and are arranged in that order. These colours merge gradually into one another; hence the term 'con- tinuous ' as applied to such a spectrum. The red, orange, yellow, and green are the rays of low refrangibility, while the refrangibility gradually increases through blue and indigo to the violet-end of the spectrum. There is abundant evidence to show that there are other rays, non -luminous, and therefore invisible, beyond the red rays on the one hand, and beyond the violet on the other. It is found that these different rays have not all the same effect on vegetal life. For instance, the rays of low refrangibility are those concerned in the chemical changes in the plant, whilst mechanical changes are furthered by the rays at and beyond the violet end of the spectrum. It must 46 Elementary Biology. be borne in mind in this relation that many chemical changes are furthered by the rays of high refrangibility. For example, the decomposition of silver salts in photography takes place under the influence of the violet rays of the spectrum. Probably special rays a 1 through the spectrum are capable of bringing about or influencing in some way or another special chemical changes, while only some (those beyond the red end of the spectrum) are capable of producing the sensation of heat, and others (the red and yellow) the sensation of light, in any appreciable degree. In reference to the decomposition of carbonic acid by chlorophyll-bearing cells, it is found that the less refrangible rays are those through whose influence carbonic acid is decomposed and chlorophyll is produced, while the more refrangible rays have not that effect. The influence of light on plants varies with its intensity. This subject is, however, still far from being thoroughly investigated, so that little may be said on this subject beyond the general statement that diffused daylight seems more suitable for the furtherance of plant life than direct sunlight, while assimilation ceases after sunset. Manifestly this subject is closely connected with the depth to which the light penetrates into the plant tissues, since the light loses in intensity according to the thickness of the tissue through which it has passed. The rays of least re- frangibility, that is to say those chiefly concerned in chemical changes in plants, are found to penetrate most deeply. The rays at the violet end of the spectrum are in great part absorbed by the chlorophyll and the colouring matters in the superficial cells. In regard to aquatic, and especially marine, plmts, the depth to which light penetrates through water has to be considered. Experiments have shown that darkness prevails at all depths beneath 100 fathoms, and conse- quently that no vegetal life can exist beneath that depth, if, indeed, it ever exists so far. (b) In regard to animal life, the presence or absence of Protoplasm. 47 light seems to have little or no particular effect. Some animals live throughout their whole existence in darkness, and very many others in light so dim that they may be said to be practically independent of its influence altogether. The special luminosity known as phosphorescence, which many of these animals are themselves capable of producing, may in some part act as a substitute for sunlight. E. Food-supply. Since animals have no . power of building up complex organic compounds out of simple inorganic materials, but are dependent directly or indirectly on the vegetal kingdom for their food, manifestly it is of the first importance for the maintenance of animal life that vegetals should have the means of nourishment in abund- ance and in an accessible form. The food of animals is extremely variable. Some animals are entirely herbivorous, others entirely carnivorous, while others still are omnivorous. It must be at once evident, in order that any group of animals may remain in existence, that a sufficient supply of that particular food on which they subsist should be available. In some cases that supply is extremely localised and small in amount. The larvce of certain flies, for example, are de- pendent for the maintenance of their life on the larvae of a particular species of bee. The food materials required by plants are most easily determined by analysing the plant itself (p. 187). An ex- amination of the products of desiccation, of calcination, and of the ash shows that the following elements are required for the maintenance of plant life : I. and chiefly, carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen. II. and less important, sulphur, potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, chlorine, sodium, and silicon. The source of the carbon has already been sufficiently explained ; nitrogen is obtained by the plant from com- pounds of ammonia and nitric acid in the soil, and not as might have been expected from the enormous supply in the at- mosphere; oxygen is obtained by the decomposition of water, 48 Elementary Biology. carbonic acid, and oxy-salts; the source of the hydrogen is water, which is decomposed in the chlorophyll -bearing cells in presence of sunlight ; sulphur is absorbed in the form of soluble salts ot sulphuric acid ; the other elements also are absorbed in the form of various salts from the soil or other medium in which the plant lives. The various sources of these different substances and the changes which they undergo in the phnt organism will be dealt with more fully afterwards (p. 188). Reference is made to the subject at this point chiefly to show what are the main conditions of life in regard to food-supply. In section iv it was pointed out that in consequence of the relationship of the plant world to carbonic acid and cf the animal world to oxygen, a balance of gases was main- tained in the atmosphere. Having now reviewed generally the condition of environment necessary for the maintenance of life, we shall be able to understand more readily the importance of the subject of gaseous balance in the air. SECTION VI. THE BALANCE OF NATURE. In explaining what is meant by the balance of nature it will be necessary to repeat certain statements already made, with the view of explaining the relationship in- which they stand to each other. We have seen that animals and plants or parts of plants not possessed of chlorophyll require organic compounds for their sustenance, as well as salts and water, the organic compounds being obtained directly or indirectly from the vegetal world. They remove oxygen from the atmosphere, and return carbonic acid with the evolution of energy ; i.e. the solar energy originally stored in the organic compound manifests itself in the various phenomena of life, ultimately becoming dissipated as heat into space, the products of disintegration being at the same time returned to the inorganic world. On the other hand we have seen that plants possessed of Protoplasm. 49 chlorophyll are independent of organic compounds for their nutrition, since they seize the solar energy and use it to decompose the carbonic acid of the atmosphere. Oxygen is returned to the atmosphere, carbon is retained, and, uniting with the elements of water, is finally precipitated in the form of some comparatively simple organic compound. This being digested as required, and water, mineral matters, and nitrogen being obtained from the soil by the roots, the re- integration of new protoplasm is effected. As explained in section iv., the same destructive meta- bolism exemplified by animals is also exhibited by plants, but masked in great measure by constructive metabolism where chlorophyll is present. There is thus in the economy ot nature a double balance : (i) Between animal and vegetal life, or more strictly between colourless and green protoplasm ; and (2) between fresh and foul air, or more strictly between oxygen and carbonic acM. Thi APct is so important in Biology that it warrants repetition yet once mj^^n the diagrammatic form appended which wieadil understood from the above NH, anima s and plants not possessing chlorophyll, which disintegrate complex chemical com- pounds, liberating energy in the process. Plants possessing chlorophyll integrate complex chemical compounds, storing up solar energy in the process. They ->NH 3 \ <^. c Energy originally obtained from the sun radiated by the animal (chiefly) into space as heat, and thereby becoming ultimately unavailable. 50 Elementary Biology. CHAPTER III. INDIVIDUAL AND TRIBAL LIFE DISTRIBUTION AND CLASSIFICATION. SECTION I. INDIVIDUAL LIFE. THE transference of kinetic solar energy into potential energy stored in complex chemical compounds involves the necessity for the existence of collecting or preparing organs in the organism by and in which the food materials may be brought to it and elaborated for its use. These organs are technically called organs of nutrition, alimentation, digestion, or assimilation. Further, the fo^d materials when prepared must be distributed to everfPpMt of the organism, hence the necessity for distributing organs or organs of circulation. The cells* ultimate constituents of the tissues to which the food materials are 6%tributed then exercise a selective action on them, and new proto- plasm is integrated, thus forming a store of potential energy in each individual cell. Liberation of this store of potential energy as kinetic energy is afterwards effected, manifesting itself in the various phenomena of life. The compounds are decomposed and the energy let loose by the action on the cells of a liberating energy from without, or in virtue of the property of automatism possessed by the cell itself. It still remains to be determined, however, how far automatism is dependent on, and influenced by, external changes not necessarily immediately precedent to the exhibition of au- tomatism. The ultimate results are seen in the various phenomena Individual Life, 51 of life, such as secretion, motion, nervation, &c., for the manifestation of which, special organs and tissues are set apart, as explained in section iii. Organs are consequently developed to fulfil these functions. The muscular or con- tractile system subserves the function of motion ; some parts are specially adapted to protect the more delicate organs from external injury, whilst others are specially modi- fied to act as a supporting framework to the same. More- over, the nervous system with its accompanying sense organs, is that which is especially differentiated to receive and retain impressions from the external world, to regulate the due performance of the functions of the other systems, and generally, to instigate in the cells and tissues chemical changes which result in the several phenomena we have already considered. Lastly, it is necessary that certain organs should be set apart for the removal of the bye-products of the decomposition of complex compounds ; these may be termed purificatory organs. Since it is manifest that the bye-products must consist either of solid, fluid or gaseous con- stituents, the purificatory organs will differ according as it is their function to remove solid, fluid or gaseous bye-products. The solid or fluid refuse matters are got rid of mainly by the excretory or renal organs, whilst the gaseous bye-pro- ducts are removed chiefly by the respiratory system. We have thus seen the individual to consist of a co- ordinated series of organs, or systems, each performing its own function, but all subservient to one end, viz. the proper maintenance of individual life. We may arrange these organs and their functions in two parallel columns, thus : Morphology (structure). Physiology (function). A. Nutritive or alimentary system. Nutrition. B. Circulatory ,, Circulation. C. Purificatory ,, Purification. i. Renal (fluid &c. excreta) i. Excretion, ii. Respiratory (gaseous &c. excreta) ii. Respiration. E 2 52 Elementary Biology. Morphology (structure). cont. Physiology (function). cent. D Contractile system Contraction motion. E. Supporting ,, Support. F. Protecting ,, Protection. G. Nervous ,, Nervation. Sense organs. Sensation. SECTION II. TRIBAL LIFE. The various systems we have already discussed are concerned entirely with the maintenance of individual life. One system present in the individual, however, we have yet to examine, viz. the reproductive system, which is con- cerned entirely with the maintenance of tribal life, i.e. the maintenance on the earth's surface of organisms of the same kind as that in which the special reproductive elements under consideration are developed. Reproduction may be either sexual or asexual. Asexual reproduction consists in the separation of a part (usually a single cell) of the individual, which part is capable (without union with any other part) of becoming an adult organism like its parent By sexual reproduction is meant the production by the same or different individuals of two kinds of cells, one of which is known as the male cell (sperm or spermatozoon), the other as the female (ovum), the union of which results in a product (embryo) capable of forming, after it has passed through several developmental changes, an adult organism like one or other of its parents. It is worthy of note at this point, that the male reproductive cell is almost always in the animal, and very generally in the vegetal king- dom, an extremely minute and very active body, whilst the female cell in all cases (with a few exceptions in the very lowest forms) is comparatively large and immobile. After union with the male cell the female cell begins to undergo changes which are probably due to the instigat- ing influence of the male cell. In other words the female Tribal Life. 53 cell is a store ot potential energy, while the male is a store of kinetic energy, which acts as a liberating energy on the female cell, permitting of the transference of its potential into kinetic energy. 1 In certain rare cases the female cell has the power of developing without previous union with the male cell. This is known as parthenogenesis. These two methods of reproduction are usually conjoined, especially in the vegetal kingdom, save in very low forms of life, where, so far as we know, asexual reproduction alone exists. Sexual reproduction prevails more generally among the highest forms of life, especially in the animal world. After fertilisation (as sexual union is termed) of the female cell by the male, the female cell may be considered as and styled an embryo. The embryo passes through a variety of stages, sometimes very extraordinary in their nature, before arriving at the adult condition. The history of these successive changes is termed its ontogeny, or individual life-history. It is, moreover, apparent that every organism must have a genealogy or tribal history in addition to its individual history. To the genealogical history the term phytogeny is applied. As a result of the brilliant researches of biologists during the past century, amongst whom Lamarck, Geoffrey St. Hilaire, Haeckel, Darwin, and Wallace hold the first places, a definite relation has been established between these two histories. In an elementary text-book like the present, it would be entirely out of place to go into this subject with requisite detail ; it will be sufficient to state briefly that there is abundant evidence to show that the ontogeny of any organism is an epitome of its own phylogeny, and that the various stages in its development indicate landmarks guiding us in the tracing of its genealogical history each 1 Probably the male cell at the same time brings to the female cell certain chemical compounds necessary for the further development of the ovum. 54 Elementary Biology. stage exhibiting, in a greater or less degree, a likeness to extinct or now existing organisms of a lower grade of organ- isation. SECTION III. DISTRIBUTION. It may have been noted that in the preceding sections we have answered three out of the four questions which may be asked concerning every living thing. Morphology answers the question, What is it? Physiology answers the question, How does it live ? Phylogeny answers the ques- tion, Whence came it? What was its origin ? One query yet remains, Where is the organism found ? An answer to that query is given by the section which treats of the distribution of organisms. Any given group of animals may have a distribution in space, or a geographical distribution, and also a distri- bution in time, or a geological distribution. In the former case the habitat and distribution over the earth's surface of the members of the tribe is taken account of, in the latter, note is taken of the occurrence of remains of the same forms as fossils in the strata of the earth's crust. SECTION IV. CLASSIFICATION. It has been already explained that organisms widely differ in the structure of their different organs. Hence we have varying degrees of likeness and unlikeness among organisms, and a starting-point is thus afforded us for classifying them. Classification consists essentially in the grouping together of like and the separation of unlike forms, not merely in their adult condition, but after taking into account their entire life-histories. Classifications may be either natural or unnatural. By an unnatural classification is meant one based on superficial or apparent resemblance, whilst a natural classification is one based, not only on accurate morphological investigation, but also on the story of relation- ship with other organisms told by ontogeny. 55 CHAPTER IV. THE MORPHOLOGY AND PHYSIOLOGY OF THE SIMPLEST LIVING ORGANISMS PROTISTA. SECTION I. PROTISTA PROTAMCEBA. IN the preceding chapters an account has been given of the main principles on which Biology is based, and of the chief aspects or ways of looking at the subject. We have in the chapters that follow to discuss the subject-matter of Biology, dealing with it in the manner already sketched out. We have seen that progress from lowly organised plants and animals to those of a higher grade in either kingdom, is .marked by what we have termed 'differentiation of parts,' that is by the specialisation or setting aside of special organs, tissues, and cells in the organism for special duties the per- formance of which is necessary for the maintenance of individual and tribal life. It is natural that we should find that the lower we go in the scale of being the less differen- tiation we should meet with, until we ultimately arrive at forms that exhibit no structural or morphological differen- tiation at all, although they do show, as has been pointed out (at page 37), physiological differentiation, or division of labour. In order to understand rightly the principle of differentiation in the higher forms it is necessary that we should study the structure and life-history of one of the simplest types known to us. Such a form is that known as Protamceba primitiva (fig. 6). The utmost that can be said of it is that it is a microscopic speck of almost unmodified protoplasm, presenting at most a differentiation into a denser, 56 Elementary Biology. more hyaline or glassy, outer layer or ectosarc, and a more fluid, and granular, inner portion or endosarc. 1 In form Protamteba is irregular, and varies from time to time, the ecto- sarc becoming produced into pseudopodia in consequence of changes taking place automatically in the organism, or in re- sponse to stimuli from without (page 34). The pseudopodia may vary in shape and size, being blunt or filamentous, and are capable of retraction. Frequently the pseudopodia, especially if filamentous, fuse with one another, forming a network, or a mass, at a little distance from the parent body (fig. 7). FIG. 6. P rot amoeba primitiva. (Haeckel.) A, before division ; B, in process of dividing ; Ca and Cb, two new individuals resulting from division. The protrusion of a pseudopodium from the hyaline ectosarc is followed by the streaming into the pseudopodium of the granular endosarc. Locomotion is effected by the gradual movement of the entire body in the wake of a pseudopodium. Food-particles are taken into the protoplasm at any point, and the excreta, or indigestible and useless parts of the food, are extruded at any point. At a certain period in the life- history of Protamceba the protoplasm of the body becomes divided into two or more parts (fig. 6). The organism either separates into halves, either half receding from the other, or small portions of the mass are nipped off. These halves or smaller portions are capable of at once starting life on their 1 These terms, ecto- and endo-sarc, must be carefully distinguished from the terms ecto- and endo-derm, mentioned at p. 22^.1 Protamoeba Protomyxa. 57 own account, engulfing food particles, exhibiting amoeboid motion, and dividing just as in the case of the parent. A simpler state of things than this could scarcely be imagined. Here we have morphological differentiation at FIG. 7. Protogenes porrecta. (Max Schultze.) tepii^s^ ItlSiS -"- K = =TO ,,-:~ / i\ A\\ / I .K\ \\ "^ I iU\ \ ' its lowest ; whilst it is to be noted that all the various functions exhibited by higher forms are manifested by this exceedingly simple organism. SECTION II. PROTISTA PROTOMYXA. Closely allied to Protamceba we find another simple organism, with an even more instructive life- history. Crawling over the shells of some dead molluscs in the Canary Isles, Hgeckel found an organism, the study of whose structure and life-history has thrown a flood of light on the relationships of forms such as we are discussing to each 58 Elementary Biology. other and to the higher plants and animals. That form Hceckel termed Protomyxa aurantiaca (fig. 8). Protomyxa FIG. %.*Protcmyxa aurantiaca. (Haeckel.) d c For explanation see text. exhibits four very different stages in its life-history, each of which has a distinct significance. Protomyxa. 59 At one period of its existence Protomyxa exists as a minute Protamceba-Xfot creature (fig. 8*) possessing the gene- ral characters already described as possessed by that form. Numbers of these Protafnaba-\&. bodies unite to form a large aggregation of protoplasm, to which the name of plasmo- dium is given (fig. 8/). The plasmodium behaves exactly like a large Prdiam&ba, throwing out and retracting pseudo- podia, engulfing food particles, &c. The individuals going to form a plasmodium cannot, however, be distinguished in its mass as individuals ; their identity becomes lost. After a time, however, the plasmodium comes to rest and the pseudopodia are withdrawn. The mass collects into a round ball which soon becomes covered by a capsular invest- ment or cyst ; hence this stage is spoken of as the encysted stage (fig. 8#). Subsequently the protoplasm within the cyst becomes segmented or divided into distinct masses forming a mulberry-like bunch within the cyst (fig. 8/). Under certain conditions the cyst bursts and the separate protoplasmic masses escape (fig. 8, B, c, embryos in different stages of development within the mother cell-wall. A species of sexual union and reproduction prevails in Spirogyra, whereby new individuals are formed. Conjuga- tion, as it is sometimes called, takes place between two cells of different filaments lying close to each other (fig. 19). It is to be noted that the conjugating cells are, to the eye, precisely similar, although doubtless there are molecular differences of importance ; the basis for that belief will be given presently. The first stage in the union consists in either cell sending out late v al protrusions or buds which grow towards each other (fig. 19), and increase in length and Metaphyta Spirogyra. . 81 size until they touch. Fusion of the walls at the point of contact takes place, and a direct communication is estab- lished therefore between the two cells. Meantime the protoplasmic contents of both cells contract and withdraw from the cell-wall, forming a dense rounded mass in the interior of either cell. This contraction is accompanied and rendered possible by the expulsion of a quantity of water from the cell. The contraction may take place in both cells at the same time, or more usually in one cell before the other. This would seem to point to some molecular difference between the cells, probably of nutritive condition (p. 90). The next step consists in the passage of one or other of the protoplasmic masses into the other cell in which latter no doubt preparatory metabolic changes are taking place (fig. 21). This fact would again point to some mole- cular difference between the cells. Union of the proto- plasmic masses follows, and results in the formation of an ovoid mass which is smaller in bulk than the sum of the two masses before union, doubtless owing again to the expulsion of water such a body is called in most text-books a ' zygospore,' or 'resting spore.' The term 'spore,' as applied to such a body, is most undoubtedly inappropriate, if not positively wrong, because that name is applied to cells which multiply the plant asexually (p. 95), and which do not result from conjugation of two reproductive cells of different sexes. l Although the conjugating cells of Spiro- gyra are apparently alike, yet there can be no doubt that this is a case of primitive sexual union, and therefore if we decide to call the egg or female reproductive cell of a plant before fertilisation an ovum, this 'zygospore' is simply a fertilised ovum or embryo. It is true we cannot say before- hand which of the conjugating cells is the ovum, and which 1 The term ' spore ' is used by Vines in his Physiology of Plants to designate both the asexually produced spore and the embryo, or product of union of the ovum and sperm. *G 82 Elementary Biology. corresponds to the male element, until movement of the protoplasm of one of the cells takes place. Then, on the general analogy that the male element is usually the more active of the two (p. 52), we are able to guess that the more passive cell is that which corresponds to the ovum. 1 After undergoing a short period of rest, during which, no doubt, various important rearrangements of the protoplasmic materials take place, the body resulting from the union of the two cells ('zygospore'), which has meantime obtained a thick cell-wall, bursts first its own special capsule, and FIG. 22. GERMINATION OF Spirogyra jugalis. (Pringsheim.) I, 'zygospore' ; e,f, layers of cell-wall. II, germination of embryo, g: III, young Spirogyra, with three cells already formed; c, cell-wall of parent (female) cell ; /, ', new cell-walls ; c, conjugating processes. afterwards the mother cell-wall, and pushes out a long filament, which develops gradually into a new Spirogyra. Such is the life-history of Spirogyra^ and it is to be noted by way of recapitulation that we have here an exceedingly simple thallus, producing two cells of different 1 It is desirable that the student should as far as possible familiarise himself with the terms in use in other text-books, after he has, by means of a uniform terminology such as that adopted here, mastered the exact signification of the various parts of plants, more especially of their re- productive organs. Metaphyta Fucus. 8 3 sex, which unite together, the product of union developing into a new thallus. Taking a general view of the allies of Spirogyra, we find that they embrace a most varied collection of forms. The modification lies principally in the form of the thallus. For example, some take on the form of a hollow sphere, the component cells being provided with flagella, as in Pan- donna. Others again, such as the Coleochcetece, by succes- sive division, assume the form of rounded or irregular plates built out of branched multicellular threads. The familiar though aberrant Chara is more thread-like in form, but the delicate stem and branches into which the thallus is divided are more highly differentiated than those of the filamentous forms of which Spirogyra is the type. All the forms mentioned are inhabitants of fresh water, and differ only in the structure of the thallus, as above stated, and in the nature of their reproductive cells and the parts of the thallus which bear them. All shades of differentiation are exemplified, from the simple form we have just ex- amined to the fully developed sexual apparatus we are about to describe in the next vegetal type that falls to be discussed. SECTION II. SALT-WATER ALG&FUCC7S. In this and succeeding vegetal types where the repro- ductive organs are distinctly differentiated, it will be most convenient to discuss the plant first from a vegetative point of view, and then to treat of its reproductive apparatus. Vegetative organs. To illustrate the group of salt- water Algae, or seaweeds, and as giving a good instance of a typical plant of the lower or less advanced type, of structure, no better example could be found than one of the common seaweeds Fucus platy carpus. The plant consists of a much- branched and flattened thallus attached by means of cylin- drical and branched roots to some fixed object. The G 2 8 4 Elementary Biology. FIG. 23. PART OF THE TH LLUS OF Fitcus platycarpns. (Thuret.) dimensions of the thallus vary extremely ; but it usually attains a length of from one to five or six feet in the group to which F. platycarpus belongs. The branching is dichotomous i.e. the growing apex divides into two nearly equal por- tions. All the branches lie in the same plane, and all more or less resemble each other. Each branch consists of a cylindrical core or mid-rib with a lamella on either side, both lamellae lying also in the plane of branch- ing. Every here and there along the lamellae air-sacs or bladders are found, which are, morpho- logically, simply spaces in the cellular tissue. If a section of the branch be examined microscopically it will be found to consist of cells which differ in shape and size according to the part of the branch under examination. On the surface the cells are small, spherical, and have no intercellular spaces between them ; the cells of the centre are elongated and branched, and form a loose spongy mass, with necessarily large intercellular spaces. The cell-walls are very thick and mucilaginous in their nature, and swell up readily under the action of fresh-water. Hence the slimy cha- racter of the seaweeds when handled, and especially if ex- amined alter steeping in fresh-water, or preservation in alcohol or spirit. Although the colour of Fucus is a dull brown it is not A, dichotomous branching ; f, f, fertile branches. MetapJiyta F 11 ens. 8 5 to he supposed that there is no chlorophyll present. Its presence is masked by an admixture of a brown colouring- matter. It performs the same function as the unmixed chloropKyll of Spirogyra. The carbonic acid is, of course, as in the case of Spirogyra, obtained from the water (in this case salt-water), and the various physiological processes are conducted as in that type. Reproductive organs. The reproductive apparatus of Fucus is of a very complete and highly differentiated nature. At the proper season, certain (usually many) of the branches exhibit at their terminations swellings which are covered over with minute mounds or pimples. These are fertile branches, and the pimples represent the mouths of small depressions or sacs ('conceptacles') sunk in the tissue of the thallus. Each sac contains (in F. platycarpus] both male and female cells. If a vertical section of a sac be examined (fig. 24) it will be found to consist of a bounding wall of cells not unlike, and continuous with, the cells forming the super- ficial layer of the thallus, from which spring numerous hairs of variable shape some long and branching, others thick, short, and in some cases almost spherical. These are respec- tively the spermaria, or sperm-producing organs, and the ovaria, or ovum-producing organs. The cavity of the sac is filled with sea-water, mingled with the mucus secreted from the slimy tissue of the thallus. A more careful examination of the hairs in the sac dis- covers that they spring from the lining-wall of the sac, and that, since the sac itself is formed in all probability by an indentation or imagination of the superficial cells, 1 the reproductive hairs are really equivalent morphologically to superficial or epidermal hairs. Taking the male elements first, we find that the sperms (fig. 25) are minute unicellular bodies without any visible 1 According to Bower, Q.J.M.S. 1876, the formation of the con- ceptacle, at least in some forms, commences with the decay of a super- ficial cell. 86 Elementary Biology. nucleus, but each provided with a red spot of colouring- matter and two fine flagella, by the constant vibration of which they are able to move about with extreme rapidity. The sperms are developed in the interior of club-shaped FIG. 24. SECTION OF THE CONCEPT ACLE OF Fucus platycarpus. (Thuret.) f, a, b, sterile hairs ; c, ovaria ; e, spermaria ; d thallus. branches of the male hairs, each branch being a spermarium (antheridium). Each spermarium consists at first of a cell- wall and granular protoplasm, which latter gradually be- comes segmented and modified into the sperms already described, which escape on the rupture of the wall of the MetapJiyta Fucus. 87 spermarium. Scattered amongst the male hairs are other hairs, which are unbranched, but destitute of spermaria. These are sterile hairs, which have been unable to develop into true sexual hairs owing to the pressure for space, etc. Some of these sterile hairs are very long, and extend out through the mouth of the sac to the exterior. The ovaria are comparatively large spherical bodies rest- ing on a basal cell which arises from the lining-wall of the FIG. 25. Fncus vesiculosJis. (Thuret.) A, branched hairs bearing spermaria. a,. J3, sperms. //, ovarium (outer wall, a ; inner wall, i) containing eight ova. ///, ovum surrounded by sperms. J V, V, development of embryo. sac. Each ovarium consists originally of a cell-wall which is composed of an inner and an outer layer, filed with dense dark protoplasm. The ovarium in F. platycarpus divides into eight ova, although in other forms a smaller number of ova are occasionally formed from the contents of each mature ovarium. The ovarium on bursting ejects its ova *G 4 88 Elementary Biology. into the cavity of the sac, and from thence to the exterior, where they are fertilised by sperms which have meantime escaped from the spermaria. Although many sperms attack each ovum, and by rheir active motion cause the passive ovum to move also, yet probably only one sperm fuses with the ovum (fig. 25). Immediately after the act of fertilisation the ovum becomes an embryo. As the first consequence of union with the male cell, the previously naked ovum takes on a cell-wall and begins to germinate, elongating and dividing, at first transversely, and then ver- tically, or in the direction of the long axis of the embryo. Very soon after fertilisation the embryo comes to rest, attaching itself to some fixed body, whilst the free end develops by repeated cell- division into an organism like the parent. To recapitulate, we have in Fucus a thallus giving rise to two undoubtedly sexual cells which after union produce a thallus like that from which they arose. There is thus exemplified in this form a certain amount of morphological differentiation. We find that a distinction can be drawn between the purely vegetative portion of thallus and th^ purely reproductive portion. That part which has for its duty the formation of cells which have to do with the main- tenance of tribal life is altered in outward form and micro- scopic or histological structure from the purely vegetative portions of the thallus ; yet both the purely vegetative and the purely reproductive branches are modifications of the same type. It can scarcely be said that the thallus of Fucus, from a vegetative point of view, is morphologically differentiated ; since, although we find that there is an approximation to a stem, from which the branches spring, and to a root, yet these are not at the same time physio- logically differentiated, that is to say, they do not perform the functions of circulation and absorption respectively, which are the chief functions of the similar parts known by these terms in the higher plants. Probably every cell in the MetaphytaFucus. 89 thallus performs for itself the important functions requisite for the maintenance of life. Amongst the cells forming the thallus, however, we have a certain amount of modification of form. As already seen, the cells of the centre, or medulla, are different from those nearer the surface, or cortex ; whilst those associated with the reproductive sacs are still more variable in shape. Collections of more or less similar cells are called tissues. Thus we may speak of medullary tissue and cortical tissue, or we may describe in general term the whole thallus as being made up of a cellular tissue. Organs, therefore, are made up of tissues, which are themselves collections of more or less similar cells. It is important that we should pause at this point and endeavour to ascertain what is the rationale of the pheno- mena of true sexual reproduction which we have, in Fucus, met with for the first time. In the first place, what is the connection, if any, between asexual and sexual reproduction ? It was pointed out (p. 52) that asexual reproduction meant the separation of any cell from the parent, which, without union with any other cell, was capable of developing into an organism like the parent. A modification of this process is exhibited among the higher plants, and more rarely among the higher animals ; namely, the separation of many cells in the form of a ' bud,' * shoot,' * stolon, 7 etc., which is similarly capable of deve- loping into an adult organism. The process of protoplasmic anabolism (p. 36) was seen to be one usually accompanied by growth in the early stages of a plant's or animal's life-history. The various pheno- mena of life are, of course, always possible only if the pro- ducts of katabolism be got rid of. Now since the mass of any growing cell increases as the cube of the dimensions, while the surface only increases as the square (H. Spencer), katabolism must sooner or later overtake and outstrip anabolism, with one of two results to the cell, namely, 9 Elementary Biology. either it must be poisoned by its own excreta, or it must divide into two or more parts, so as to restore the proper proportion of surface and mass. Hence at the limit of growth, in Protococcus for example, division takes place. This division amongst the lowest types represents asexual multiplication. It is conceivable, however, that the division might result in the formation of two cells not equally anabolic or kata- bolic. For instance, one half might contain an excess of protoplasm which had a tendency to break down, or exhibit energy in movement ; the other half might be more ana- bolic, passive, and sluggish. We should have thus formed an incipient sexual differentiation ; the more katabolic cell would represent the male cell, or sperm, whilst the more anabolic would represent the female cell, or ovum. Atten- tion was directed in the case of Spirogyra to the difference in physiological activity observed between the two conju- gating cells, and it was there pointed out that it was pro- bable that the more kinetic cell represented the male and the more sluggish the female element in true sexual conju- gation. The kinetic or katabolic cell may be looked upon as the liberating energy which sets off, so to speak, the potential energy, just as the spark sets off the gunpowder; only in this case the conditions are more complicated. The kinetic energy must be energy resulting from the decomposition of special chemical compounds, and the products of kata- bolism must themselves be such as are able to stimulate the ovum to undergo those changes which convert it into an embryo. This subject will be referred to again when we come to consider the fertilisation of the higher plants and animals. Amongst salt-water Algse, as amongst fresh- water forms, we meet with great variety in the form and structure of the thallus. All agreeing in the general characters already de- scribed in the type discussed above, they yet present almost MetapJiyta Penicillium. g i every conceivable modification of such a primitive type. The threadlike thallus is represented by Ectocarpus, which is otherwise specially interesting as exhibiting an incipient sexual differentiation among its reproductive cells. Lami- naria, again, has a flat and much-branched thallus. Amongst the red seaweeds, or JFloridece, there is great variety of form, and one large group the Corallines derive their name from the fact that they have an incrustation of carbonate of lime which covers the thallus and causes them to mimic in some respects the corals among animals. The reproductive cells, the method of fertilisation, and the subsequent changes in the ovum are also somewhat different from the corresponding phenomena in the type selected ; but nevertheless the essential points are precisely similar, and in such a text- book as the present it is not possible to do more than point out the general relationship amongst individual differences. SECTION III. FUNGI PENiciLLiUM. We have now to direct our attention to a group of plants very different in external appearance and in minute structure from those we have been hitherto discussing, viz. the Fungi. Under this extensive class are included such forms as the common grey moulds, the mushrooms, and many others more or less popularly familiar. In microscopic structure and external configuration they present very great variety, but there are certain well-defined characters which they all possess, and which separate them from the Algae on the one hand, and the higher plants on the other. It will be of advantage to briefly emphasise these characteristics and in some measure to account for them. In the first place, it is to be noted that the cells of Fungi contain no chlorophyll, and in the second place that the Fungi live parasitically on dead or living organisms. Can we trace any relationship between these two phenomena? 92 Elementary Biology. It will be remembered that the presence of chlorophyll (Chap. II. sect, iv.) in the green plant was an essential condition of the decomposition of carbonic acid, and that by the assistance of chlorophyll in the presence of sunlight the green plant was able to build up complex organic com- pounds out of simple inorganic compounds and elements. Now a fungus lives entirely upon the already organised compounds found in the living or dead organism on which it is a parasite. The necessity for the complex anabolic processes above referred to is therefore in great measure avoided, and consequently chlorophyll is not required. FIG. 26. MYCELIUM OF Penicillium glaucnin. Hence we see that absence of chlorophyll in the Fungi is a result of parasitic habits. Further, we notice that the form of the fungus as a whole is by no means definite ; that there is to the naked eye a want of that individuality which we see developed in such a form as Fucus. Indeed it will be found that many of the moulds form colonial masses, varying in extent with that of the nutritive surfaces on which they live. It will be best at this point to describe a typical fungus, availing ourselves, as far as we can, of the knowledge of vegetal life-history we have derived from a study of the immediately preceding type. If any moist organic substance, such as a piece of thin MetapJiyta Penicillium. 93 bread, be exposed to air and light for some days there will usually be found over its surface at the end of that time a dense white felt-work, which forms a tolerably firm cover- ing to the underlying organic material. This is the so-called * mycelium ' of Penicillium glaucum. We will assume that the cultivation has been obtained pure, that is, free from admixture with other moulds a result not always obtained. Vegetative organs. The felt-like mass (fig. 26), when examined under the microscope, is discovered to consist of FIG. 27. SPORE BEARING FILAMENTS OF Penicillium glaucum. fl /i 1-6. Stages in the formation of the branched ends of the filaments. closely interwoven threads (hyphae) which branch and twist in all directions. Each thread is composed of a variable number of elongated cells placed end to end. Each cell con- sists of a cellulose cell- wall, containing colourless granular protoplasm. The threads branch and form a loose cellular tissue, which may be termed a thallus, as being comparable in all respects to the thallus of the Fucus. In Penicillium the thallus is entirely composed of elongated cells loosely 94 Elementary Biology. connected, and showing large intercellular spaces ; in Fucus only the medullary portion of its mass is so constituted. The thallus does not long retain its white appearance, it soon begins to show greenish patches at intervals over its FIG. 28. Eurotium repens. (De Bary.) Jt A, portion of thallus with erect spore-bearing filament (c); young ovarium (as). B, young ovarium (as) and spermarium (/j. C, same beginning to be surrounded by sterile filaments, two shown in the front. D, ' fructification.' surface. We must now endeavour to throw some light on this phenomenon. Microscopic examination of a portion of the thallus which shows this alteration in colour demonstrates Metaphyta Penicilltum. 95 Peniciilium glaucum. at once a series of threads or elongated cells springing verti- cally from the thallus into the air and bearing at their free ends many strings or chains of minute rounded greenish bodies, commonly known as spores. More careful exami- nation shows that these spore-bearing filaments are simply modified cells or threads of the thallus (fig. 27). Apparently any cell, may give rise to a filament, which, when it reaches a certain size, begins to branch at its free termination. The successive stages in that division will be best understood by a study of the figure (fig. 27). The terminal Cells, FlG * ^.-GERMINATION OF SPORES OF after the branching has sufficiently progressed, bud off parts of them- selves, the youngest buds being those near- est to the parent cell. This budding is a purely vegetative process, and, though the buds at first remain attached, they are very soon set free and blown about in great numbers. Each bud or spore consists of a very faintly yellowish-green cell-wall and colourless protoplasm. A nucleus is said to be present, but it is not easily seen without the assistance of reagents. If sown in or on a suitable medium, the spore begins to germinate. At one or more places on the spore wall a bud appears, which develops into a much elongated thread not unlike one of the threads of the parent thallus (fig. 29). The filament afterwards divides, and, alone, or in company with filaments formed by other spores, forms a felt-like thallus, like that which originally produced the spores. g6 Elementary Biology. So far, it would seem that we have to deal with a plant very different in life, history from such a form as Fucus. In the above account we have nothing comparable to the spermaria and ovaria and their contents ; the two plants have only a thallus in common. More careful observation, however, discovers that we have by no means exhausted the life-history of Penidllium. If the mycelium be placed under such conditions that oxygen is partially excluded, whilst the cultivation goes on in darkness, spore-bearing filaments after a time are not formed so plentifully, and the budding off of spores comes consequently to an end. In place of these, minute yellowish bodies make their appearance the so-called ' fructifica- tions.' It will conduce to clearness if we trace the de- velopment of these ab initio. The first stage in the formation of a * fructification ' is the spiral coiling of the terminal cell of one of the threads of the thallus (fig. 28, A) ; the spiral coil so formed is a close one, and the cell becomes by transverse partitions divided into as many cells as there are turns in the spiral. At the same time a small branch from the same terminal cell grows up in a spiral manner round the other spiral and closely intertwines itself with it. Ultimately fusion of the two spirals takes place and the protoplasmic contents mingle with each other. After fusion of the two spirals, a series of filaments spring out from the parent filaments from which the spirals arose, which enclose and protect them. In some forms of mould very elaborate capsules are so formed. In Penidllium the surrounding envelope closely embraces the spirals and is of a spongy texture, owing to the continuous growth and division of the enveloping filaments. The chief or primary spiral, however, after fusion with the secondary spiral develops branches (0.rcz)which push their way in amongst the enveloping filaments. At this stage the mass (already re- ferred to above as the ' fructification ' ) becomes detached from its thallus and may undergo further development either Metaphyta Penicillium. 97 FIG. 30. Eitrotium re&cns, Bary.) at an early date or after a long period of rest. If the condi- tions be favourable, a few weeks are required for the deve- lopment of the asci (fig. 30), in the interior of each cf which by a process of segregation, or free-cell formation, a number of cells are formed. As a general rule, eight cells appear in each ascus, each of which cells is in all essential points extremely like the spore formed from the thallus by ordinary vegetative division. They must not, however, be confounded with them, and the commonly accepted term of 'ascospore' given to these cells is misleading in that respect. Each of these spore-like bodies may, if suitably nourished, develop into a thallus exactly like that formed by the true spore, and in a precisely similar manner. It will be necessary for us now to endeavour to obtain some clear conception of the relationship of these different series of pheno- mena to each other, and to trace the homologies between the various stages of the life-history Of FllCUS and those Of the life- E, F, two stageslri the d-.velopment history of the mould we have just J^. been considering. It will con- G ' ascus: H > and of a dark er colour (yellow commune, TERMINA- or brown). The cells forming the cortical TION OF THE FEMALE . . . . . , PLANT. (Maoutand tissue have also thickened cell-walls, but becoming thin-walled as they approach the centre. Such cells of tolerably uniform diameter and imdifferentiated character receive the name of parenchymaj or parenchymatous tissue. The central cells of the stem differ in character in different species of moss. In the type chosen for consideration the cells are elongated and thick walled, forming a tolerably firm axis or support, to which the name of sclerenchyma or sclerenchy- matous tissue is given. In higher plants there is found running through the stem, branches, roots, and leaves, a very perfect system of strands of sclerenchyma accom- panied by vessels and variously modified cells, of which we shall have to speak afterwards more in detail. That system has been called the fibre-vascular system. One is at first inclined to look upon this axial strand in the moss stem as a rudi- mentary fibro-vascular strand. It is scarcely correct, however, to adopt that view, seeing that the moss plant and the ordinary flowering plant are not compar- able organisms in fact, as we shall after- wards see, do not belong to the same generation. Even the terms stem, leaf, root, are used to indicate structures, at the most, only analogous to the corre- sponding parts in higher plants. Only a few species of moss Metaphyta Polytrichu m. 103 show this amount of differentiation. Whilst a few possess a strand of elongated thick-walled cells in the axis of the stem, many have only thin-walled medullary parenchyma. The stem of the moss may branch, whilst not in- frequently a shoot or stolon, which may run along under- ground, or just on the surface, may be given off. The stolon usually takes root at some little distance from the parent plant, and forming an upright stem begins life indepen- dently. The roots of the moss are more correctly termed rhizoids, as being the organs by which the thallus fixes itself to, and absorbs nourishment from, the ground. The rhizoids spring in a tuft from the base of the stem, differing, therefore, markedly from the continuation of the stem below ground, to which the term root is applied 11 ric. 32. Polytrichiim comtm*:ie, in most Of the higher plants. \\ hen TRANSVERSE SECTION OF THE STEM. examined microscopically the rhi- zoids are found to be merely cellu- lar outgrowths from the epidermis, and do not contain any of the sub- jacent tissues. They correspond to the epidermal hairs which are found so abundantly springing from the various organs, more especially of flowering plants. The rhizoids, unlike the stem, branch very freely, and usually form a very dense mat- ting below ground, or just on the surface. The cells forming the rhizoids are elongated, and contain granular protoplasm, oil globules, &c. enclosed in an orange-coloured or brown cell-wall, the outer surface of which becomes gradually clothed with particles of the soil. The leaves are also merely cellular outgrowths of the stem, and are composed of almost undifferentiated paren- chyma, the cells of which, however, contain chlorophyll in addition to the ordinary constituents of such cells. In form IO4 Elementary Biology. the leaf is broad at its base and pointed at its free end. It is sessile, i.e. has no stalk, and is attached directly to the stem. In those species which possess an axial bundle of elongated cells, the leaf shows a central nerve, or midrib, of similar cells, continuous with those of the axial strand. The margin of the leaf commonly bears minute spines. The leaves are arranged in a definite order round the stem, approaching to a more cr less perfect spiral. It has been already remarked that the thallus had the power of throwing out from itself a stolon or shoot, which, after creeping along the ground for some distance, could take root, and develop into an independent plant. This method of multiplication is a form of vegetative repro- duction, and it is a method especially common amongst mosses, and is by no means confined to the production of stolons. The first stage in the formation of a new plant, by vegetative multiplication from the root, is the production of a small branched green intermediate thallus known as a protonema, from which springs the erect stem of the thallus proper. Reproductive organs. The essential organs of repro- duction are borne at the free termination of the stem surrounded by an involucre of leaves. The male organs may be borne on the same stem as the female organs, or on different plants. If on the same thallus, the spermaria and ovaria may be intermingled or may be arranged so that the ovaria are central whilst the spermaria surround them. The involucres differ slightly in the character of their leaves according to the sex. In Polytrichum the sexual organs are borne on different stems on distinct plants. The spermarium is an elongated sac, the wall of which is composed of many cells arranged in a single layer deep. The cells contain chlorophyll bodies imbedded in the gran- ular protoplasm. The sac is filled with cellular tissue, the mother cells of the sperms. The contents of each cell become gradually transformed into a sperm, round which, Metaphyta Polytrichum. 105 when mature, the cell-wall remains as an envelope. Each sperm consists of an elongated spirally twisted body, which terminates in two delicate flagella, by means of which it is FIG. 33. Polytrichum COJIlMline, TERMINA- TION OF A MALE PLANT. (Maout and Decaisne.) FIG. 34. Polytrichum commune. PARAI HVRES AND SPERM ARIA, ONE OF WHICH EMITS SPERMS. (Maout and Decaisne.) FIG. 35.P0?ytrjchitm cammune. SPERMS. (Maout and Decaisne.) able to move in a fluid medium. When they first escape, the sperms with their enclosing cysts lie in a mucilaginous matrix, which, however, ere long becomes dissolved and disappears. In addition to the spermaria there are nume- rous sterile hairs, or paraphyses, which are slightly different io6 Elementary Biology. FIG. 37. Funaria J:ygrometvica. (Sachs.) VI in form, being more club-shaped and with a narrower stalk. They carry chlorophyll grains and resemble in other respects ordinary epidermal hairs, or the paraphyses of Fucus, with which they are homologous. The female sexual organ or ovarium consists of a swollen basal portion, commonly called the venter, and a long terminal tube B or neck (fig. 37). Both venter and neck are made of cells, two layers thick in the venter, and one layer thick in the neck. The venter when mature contains one large central cell, the ovum, whilst the canal in the neck is filled by FlG. 36. DIAGRAMMATIC REPRESENTATION OF THEHOMOLOGIESOF THE FEMALE REPRODUC- TIVE ORGANS OF Fucus AND Polytriclimn. A, apex of stem of a female thallus ( x 100) ; a, female reproductive organs ; b, leaves, u, female reproductive organ ; b, venter with ovum ; //, neck with seven canal cells. the mucilaginous remains of half-a-dozen long narrow cells, whose duty it is before fertilisation to swell and force open Metaphyta PolytricJin m. 107 the neck to permit of the entrance of the sperms. The ovum, by transverse division, adds one more to the row of canal cells. Notwithstanding the great apparent dissimilarity of the various organs to those of Fucus, it is possible to see in the venter the very much reduced cavity of a female ' concep- tacle. 1 The comparison of the two cases will best be under- stood by reference to fig. 36, where a diagrammatic repre- FIG. 38. Polytrichum commune. (Maout and Decaisne.) i, Theca with calyptra. 2, Calyptra removed to show operculum. 3, Operculum removed. 4, Transverse section of theca. sentation of the two ' conceptacles ' is given showing them, as it were, originating from the same thallus. It will be seen that the conceptacle of the moss is simply an upraised and free conceptacle of Fucus. In Fucus the contents of the ovarium broke up into eight cells, all of which became ova. Here seven of these cells perform a very subsidiary function, namely, that of forcing the mouth of the * conceptacle ' open for the entrance of the sperm. Naturally the close-fitting and protecting venter and neck do away with the necessity of a special protecting cell- wall or capsule for the ovum and the seven modified ova, or canal cells. It is subsequent to fertilisation that the difficulty of io8 Elementary Biology. FIG. 40. - -TRANSVERSE SECTION THROUGH THE SPORE-SAC OF Funaria hygrometrica. (Sachs.) explaining the homologies of the various parts begins. On fertilisation the ovum becomes an embryo. The canal cells are now completely disorganised and disappear. The embryo rapidly divides and forms a mass of cells which soon differentiates into a stalk, or seta, and a capsule, or theca. As the development of this organism takes place in the venter, naturally the venter very soon becomes too large to contain it, and its walls give FIG. 35. Funaria. hygrometrica. (Sachs.) A, female plant, with root hairs, and young theca enclosed in the calyptra, c. B, asexual generation nearly mature ; s, seta ; J\ iheca. C. longitudinal section of theca (magnified) ; tec, columella ; d, operculum ; /, peristome ; s. archespo- riam ; h, air-spaces. A, sit, archesporium. B, s i, mother spore-cells ; a, outer, /', inner side of the spcre-sac. way at the base, whilst the embryo bears on its head, or theca, the upper portion of the venter and its neck as a cap, or calyptra. The calyptra remains attached to the embryo Metapliyta Polytrichiim. 1 09 for a time, and then drops off. It will now be necessary to study this product of sexual union, an organism, it is to be noted, quite different from the thallus which produced the sexual cells and which now bears the embryonic new gene- ration as a parasite on itself. As already stated, the new generation consists of a stalk, or seta, surmounted by a capsule, or theca. The seta is fixed firmly in the basal portion of the venter, and consists of a core of slightly elongated cells covered by a thickened epidermis. The seta swells slightly below the theca forming the apophysis. The seta is continued up through the theca as the columella. Surrounding the columella is an annular spare traversed by thread-like ceils, which stretch from the columella to the outer wall of the theca. The wall of the theca is several layers of cells deep, and has its epidermal layer strongly thickened. Closely surrounding the colum- ella, but separated from the annular air-space, by two or more layers of cells containing chlorophyll, forming the spore-sac or sporangium, lies a layer of cells which are highly protoplasmic and are capable of active division This forms what is known as the archesporium (fig. 40). These cells do not become spores directly, but give rise to what are known as mother spore-cells lying in the interior of the now much enlarged sporangium. The walls of the mother spore-cells deliquesce, or become watery, forming a fluid medium in which float the rapidly developing spores, formed by subdivision into four of each of the mother spore-cells. The upper part of the columella is much enlarged, and forms a disc covering the sporangium and its contained spores. The margin of the disc-like head of the columella becomes continuous with the outer wall of the theca, which is itself in this region greatly modified. The terminal pointed portion of the theca separates as a lid or operculum. At the point of junction between the operculum and the theca, there is developed a series of multicellular hairs, the>e^^aJla;O^which are thickened and * 110 Elementary Biology. FIG. 4\.Polytrichum piliforme. (Lantzius- Beninga.) deep brown in colour. This fringe of hairs forms the peristomium. The hairs are broad at their bases and taper inwards, where they are attached to a thin plate or epiphragm, which forms a temporary lid to the theca after the removal of the operculum. When the spores are ripe the operculum is forced off by the expansion of the peristomium, and the spores are shaken out by the swaying of the long seta in the wind. Each spore is a cell covered by an outer brown cell-wall or exosporium and an inner colourless cell- wall or en- dosporium, and contains protoplasm, oil globules, and chlorophyll. The time required for the develop- ment of the asexual para- sitic generation varies in different species, but an average period is three or four months. The spore germinates rapidly when sown on moist soil, and forms a protonema. The A, longitudinal section of theca. B, transverse general character of the section : ?*/, wall of theca ; c//, operculum ; , , , c,c, columella ; p, peristomium; c p, epi- prOtOnema has already E^tf*3i^*S32i'4beai described (p. 104). peristomium. MetapJiyta Polytridtum. i ii From this intermediate thallus the true thallus springs as a lateral outgrowth. The mode of development and the varieties of form observable among i ji i FIG. 42. Fontinalis protonemata cannot be dealt with in antipyretic*. - PERIS- the present volume. The thallus ori- ginates from the subdivision of a single cell of the protonema, which may be termed an apical cell since it, or a descendant of it, retains its apical posi- tion, and by its subdivision increases the length of the shoot. Having gone over briefly the struc- ture and life-history of a typical moss, it may be well by way of summary to follow the plan adopted at the end of FIG. ^.Funaria kygrometrica. (Sachs.) A. germnatng spores XSSQ); s, exosporium ; w, root hair ; v, yacuole. B, part of protonema three weeks after germination ( x QO) ; h. main branch ; ^, side branch ; /i, formation of a bud from which the stem of the moss arises. the preceding sections, and give a short comparison of the stages in the life-history of the moss with those of the lower types already discussed 112 Elementary Biology. We have to note in the first place the comparative importance of the thallus or sexual generation, which in Polytrichum assumes the external appearance of, and simu- lates in internal structure, an ordinary flowering plant We note further the existence of an asexual generation which is parasitic on the sexual generation, although the succes- sion of asexual generations in Penicillium is here represented by the power on the part of the sexual thalli to separate off portions of themselves in the form of protonemata, which are capable of producing again a sexual thallus by ordinary vegetative division. We note, moreover, that the spore- producing generation is a highly organised structure, and that it carries distinctively a sporangium, some of the con- tained cells of which form an archesporium, i.e. a group or layer of cells capable indirectly of producing spores or asexual cells, which, without union with any other cell, are able to form protonemata and new sexual plants. The seta and theca of the moss correspond, therefore, to the stalk and spore-bearing head of the fungus, together with that part of the mycelium which bears the sporangium. We have in the moss, in short, a plant which has made the most possible of its sexual stage, while the asexual plant, by being parasitic on the sexual, has arrested that development, and laid the foundation of a new type of plant altogether, viz. the asexual spore-bearing generation foreshadowed in Penicillium. Metaphyta Pteris. 1 1 3 CHAPTER VIII. METAPHYTA VASCULAR I A. SECTION I. FILICES PTERIS, IN discussing the morphology and life-history of the fern we are upon more familiar ground ; the various parts of the adult plant, and its habit of producing much simpler inter- mediate plants capable again of giving rise to the plant from which it was itself developed, are all matters of common knowledge. It may be well, however, to summarise that knowledge in technical terminology. Starting from the fern, commonly so called, we are able to distinguish an underground stem or rhizome from which roots are given off. We can, moreover, differentiate shoots springing from this rhizome and fronds or leaves, usually of large size, which appear above ground, and constitute the visible part of the plant. On the under surface of these fronds at certain seasons, and covered over and protected by an inturning of the leaf, or a scale-like projection of it, are to be found collections of brown granular-like bodies, known as sporangia, from which can be shaken a fine dust, composed of what are popularly and scientifically known as spores. These spores, if sown in a suitable soil, germinate and form small flattened green plants, anchored to the ground by minute rootlets, and not exhibiting any differentiation into the stem, root, leaves, &c. which characterised the true fern. To this organism the term ' prothallus ' has been applied. It will be known throughout this chapter as the tnallus. Upon this thallus male and female reproductive 114 Elementary Biology. organs are developed, and from the female organ after it has been fertilised the new fern springs. Following the course we adopted in the description of the moss, we ought to begin our study of the life-history of the fern by an account of the thallus ; it will be more con- venient, however, to commence with the product of sexual reproduction, i.e. the fern so called. As already stated, we distinguish in the adult fern, rhizome, roots, shoots, and fronds. It will be necessary to describe these successively in detail. Rhizome. The rhizome of Pteris aquilina consists of an elongated, brown, scaly body, irregularly thickened at intervals where the fronds are given off. To these thickened portions the term node is given, whilst the space between any two nodes is naturally termed an internode. The rhizome itself is covered by a scaly integument, dark brown in colour save along either side, where there is a lighter strip termed the lateral line. The rhizome shows as a whole a difference in age from one end to the other. One extremity is pointed the growing point whilst the other end is thicker, darker, and apparently withering away. The nodes also give rise to shoots which are successively older from the pointed to the withered end of the rhizome. It is worthy of note that the growing point is not bud-like whilst the shoots are so. It is the second youngest shoot that shows fronds above ground, the older shoots having done so in past seasons, and the youngest shoot being that which will take the place of the present bunch of fronds in the following year. Over the outside of the rhizome the leaf-scales, ramenta, or paleae have already been alluded to. They must not be mistaken for the true leaves whose origin they surround. The minute structure of the rhizome is of considerable importance, as in it we come face to face for the first time with that great differentiation of tissues so characteristic of the higher plants. If a transverse section be microscopically MetapJiyta Pteris. 1 1 5 FIG. 44. Asplenium adiantum nigrwn. RHIZOME AND PINNAE. (Maout and Decaisne.) \ examined it will be found that externally the rhizome is covered by a single layer of tabular cells, the epidermis, the cell-walls of which are very thick and of a deep brown Elementary Biology, colour (fig. 46). From this layer may be given off uni- or multicellular hairs, technically called trichonies. These may be simple and hair-like, but frequently take on the appearance of sessile leaves (ramenta). Enclosed by the epidermal layer on all sides lies the fundamental tissue, which composes the main mass of the stem, and which is modified differently in different parts of the section. Immediately beneath the epidermis lies the subepidermis, consisting of FIG. 45. TRANSVERSE SECTION OF THE _ p _ .1 l nvpr c n f t v,j r l, W o11 Pr | RHIZOME OF p tens aguiiina. several ia) ers or micK-^ ailed cells, or sclerenchyma, gra- dually shading off into the general thin-walled paren- chyma of the fundamental tissue. The epidermal and subepidermal cells are filled only with water or granular debris ; the parenchyma of the fundamental tissue, on the other hand, contains nu- cleated granular protoplasm a, fundamental parenchyma; l>, epider- and Starch grains closely ap- mal hair; c, cortex ; d, fibro-vascular ^i.-^j f ~ t Vi~ ^ii ... O ii TJ~,.~ strand ; e, sclerenchymatous strands. pll< a 10 me CCll-wail. 1616 and there in the fundamental tissue are to be seen groups of sclerenchymatous cells, with thickened cell-walls. Such sclerenchyma not infre- quently takes on a horse-shoe or other characteristic shape. Most important of all, however, are the fibro-vascular strands, which are plunged irregularly in the fundamental tissue, and are variable in size. In transverse section one of these strands shows externally, and next the fundamental tissue a layer of cells known as the endodermis (fig. 47). These cells are formed from the fundamental tissue and are dead in the sense of containing no protoplasm ; their cell- walls have been modified and form a definite boundary for the fibro-vascular strand. Immediately within the en- FIG. 46. TRANSVERSE SECTION RHIZOME OK Pter'is aqitilina. (Thome.) It o, epidermis ; R', thick-walled, R" thin-walled cortical cell : s, endodermis s t, sclerenchyma ; x, fundamtntal parenchyma. Ii8 Elementary Biology. dodermis lies another layer of cells, also derived from the fundamental tissue, but differing from the endodermis in that the cells contain starch-granules in considerable abun- dance. Forming a zone of irregular thickness within this FIG. 47. PART OF A TRANSVERSE SECTION OF FIBRO- VASCULAR STRAND OK Pteris aquilina. (Sachs.) ~~ ^ u ^f- - P, starch-bearing parenchyma ; S, spiral vessel surrounded by proser.- chyma ; gg, scalariform vessels ; s p^ sieve tubes ; b, bast ; s^, endo- dermis outside the phloem sheath. inner sheath (sometimes known as the phloem- or bast- sheath) lies the phloem, or bast, one of the two essen- tial constituents of the fibro-vascular strand. The phloem consists chiefly of vessels, along with a small amount of starch-bearing parenchyma. The cells are known as bast parenchyma ; they are closely packed, elongated, and Metaphyta Pteris. 119 much crushed, the walls being considerably thickened. The vessels are of peculiar form and deserve special notice. In section they appear as large apertures lying internal to the bast fibres, and often surrounded by the starch-bearing parenchyma above referred to. Each vessel is an elongated tube whose walls are riddled with minute apertures. These apertures are not uniformly distributed, but are collected in areas, the so-called sieve plates (see fig. 68). From their possession of these curious discs the vessels of the phloeir are known as sieve tubes. Enclosed by the phloem lies a mass of parenchymatous tissue surrounding the vessels, and collectively known as the xylem or wood. The paren- chyma does not differ from specimens of that tissue already described. The vessels are complicated in structure, and are known as tracheae. The wall of each has laid down upon it internally a layer of secondary deposit, and that not uniformly, but in the shape of transverse bars. These bars are joined together at their ends ; hence a series of slit-like spaces are left where the primary cell-wall can be seen. The appearance of such a vessel reminds one forcibly of a ladder, the thickenings corresponding to rungs : hence the name given to these vessels, viz. scalariform (fig. 48). Associated with the tracheae are found long, narrow vessels in which a spiral thickening has been laid down : these are characteristic of the xylem and are called spiral vessels. They are central in position (fig. 47). The structure of these several elements and their relationship to each other may be best made out by comparing a transverse and a longi- tudinal section of a strand. A fibro -vascular strand, then, consists of two kinds of vessels surrounded by certain fibres and cells which strengthen, protect, or act as padding to the vessels, viz. the vessels of the xylem and the vessels of the phloem the tracheae and sieve tubes respectively. These two important elements are differently arranged with reference to each other in different plants. In Pteris the arrangement is said to be I2O Elementary Biology' concentric, seeing that the xylem is internal, and that the phloem encloses it. It will be necessary at this point to investigate the struc- ture of the growing point of the rhizome in order to gain some idea as to the mode of origin of these various tissues. FIG. 48. Pteris aqnilina.- S - AI ARIFORM VESSEL. (Thome.) The growing point of the stem consists of one apical cell, full of protoplasm, the parent of innumerable cells surrounding it, and together with them forming the growing point of the rhizome These growing cells go collectively by the name of meristem. The growing apex is carefully protected by a series of loosely arranged ramenta, but possesses no distinct cap, such as we shall find true roots have. No differentiation of the cells into fibres, vessels, sclerenchyma, &c. is observable near the apex. At some distance from the growing point the cells will be seen to become elongated, thickened, and otherwise metamorphosed to form those modified cells described as composing the fibro-vascular strand. It is possible, by prolonged maceration in water, or very dilute potash, to obtain a skeleton of the fibro-vascular system of the fern rhizome. The skeleton forms a very perfect net- work, or netted cylinder, from which smaller strands pass off into the leaves. Roots. Passing now to the roots we find that they are given off from the rhizome behind the growing point, and consist primarily of a group of actively dividing cells. The root is covered terminally by a root-cap, which originates by the subdivision of a cell segmented off from the apical cell, whilst other cells, likewise formed from the apical cell, become epidermis, fundamental tissue, and fibro-vascular Metaphyta Pteris. 121 strands (fig. 49). The parent roots give off lateral rootlets, which spring from cells of the fundamental tissue of the parent root near its apex, and before it has become differen- tiated into the elements of the fibro- vascular bundles. These again give origin to root-hairs like those of the moss. A transverse section of a true root exhibits an appearance not unlike that described for the stem, i.e. externally an epider- mis, which as the root grows older may be replaced by sub- FIG. \g. Pteris hastata.-h.VTS.-x. OF ROOT. (Naegeli and Leitgeb.) v, apical cell ; c, o, e, tissues of the root ; k, /, m> n, tissue of the root cap. epidermal tissue, fundamental tissue traversed by fibre-vas- cular bundles, and with portions of it metamorphosed into sclerenchyma. Shoots, The leaves appear on the rhizome as small buds, gradually elongating until they reach the surface of the ground. They are covered by ramenta which protect the young fronds from injury. Each leaf when in the bud has its several parts rolled up in crozier form (fig. 44). The arrangement of leaves in the bud is termed vernation or praefoliation. The leaves of all plants are not arranged in the same manner. Those of the ferns are said to have circinate vernation. 122 Elementary Biology. FIG. 50. PINNA AND PrNNULEs or A FROND OF Pleris aguitina. Frond. The leaf or frond is usually a much branched structure of considerable size. It consists of a stout rachis, leaf-stalk, or petiole, and in Pteris of considerable length. From the petiole are given off veins, and from these again veinlets. These strands support the flattened green lamina, which is thus subdivided into pinnae and pin- nules, corresponding to the veins and veinlets respectively. The entire la- mina is covered on both sides by an epidermis of flat green cells, bound- ing and enclosing loose parenchyma plentifully supplied with chlorophyll, starch, &c. The epidermal cells are prolonged into epidermal hairs, but have no intercellular spaces, with the exception of the stomata. A stoma is a minute aperture in the epidermis bounded by two chlorophyll-bearing guard cells, capable of altering the size of the stoma by their contraction or expansion under different hygroscopic conditions of the atmosphere, and according as the frond is or is not exposed to sunlight. The stomata are as a rule more abundant on the under surface of the leaf (fig. 71). Since the histological structure of a fern leaf is fundamentally the same as that of the angiosperm leaf a detailed descrip- tion of that organ is postponed (page 152). One important structure developed on the leaf remains to be described, viz. the asexual reproductive organ or sporangium. At certain seasons of the year the edges of the laminae will be found to be curled in towards the under surface, and will be found to enclose a number of small dark brown stalked bodies. These are the sporangia. In many ferns, where the sporangia are produced on the under sur- Metaphyta Pteris. 123 face of the leaf more towards its centre, there are developed scale-like outgrowths from the epidermis of the leaf, which have for their function the protection of the sporangia before they are mature. The epidermal covering is known as an indusmm, and a group of sporangia enclosed by an indusium is termed a sorus. In Pteris^ however, the edge of the leaf forms a false indusium, whilst the term sorus must be applied to the entire infolded margin and its contents. All the leaves of the fern do not carry sporangia a point of some FIG. 51. Pteris aqiiUina.- SORUS AND INDUSIUM. (Maout and Decaisne ) Pinnule with incurved edge. Sporangia exposed by rup- ture of indusium. importance, as we shall see subsequently. Those leaves which do carry sori, i.e. the fertile leaves, are termed sporo- phylla. It will be necessary now to examine a sorus in greater detail. If a section of the margin of a sporophyllum be made the sporangia will be found to be stalked capsules springing from the under surface of the leaf (fig. 51). Each sporan- gium is multicellular, and continuous with the epidermis of the leaf, the point of origin of a sporangium being termed the placenta. The stalk of the sporangium, or funicle, is itself multi- cellular, but does not contain any fibro-vascular or funda- mental tissue. In its mature state it usually consists of two or more rows of cells, although very young sporangia have only 124 Elementary Biology. a single linear series. The capsule consists of a single layer of thin squames enclosing a space, filled in the mature sporan- gium by a large number of spores. The cells of the wall of FIG. v.AspidiicmJilix-nias. .(Sachs.) A, section of leaf with sorus ; s, sporangia ; /. indusium. B, young sporangium ; r, annulus. c, mature sporangium containing spores ; d, glandular hair. the sporangium are modified in one region, so as to form what is known as the annulus. The row of cells composing it have their walls greatly thickened and are of a dark brown colour. Rupture of the thin parietal cells is brought about by drying Metaphyta Pteris. 12$ of the annular cells. The contents of the sporangium are thus ejected, If one of the spores be examined under a high power of the microscope it will be found to consist of a minute sac filled with granular protoplasm, with a nucleus- The wall is differentiated into a thin inner i j i i , layer or endosporium, and a thick outer layer or exosporium. Among the fertile sporangia are occa- sionally to be seen barren sporangia, multi- cellular club-shaped hairs which have been termed paraphyses ; in other words, sporangia which have not come to maturity, which have been crowded out in fact, and have not had room to develop, owing to the more vigorous growth of their neighbours. As already stated, the sporangium and its contents are formed from the epidermal layer of the sporophyll. Its mode of origin is of importance and demands a brief description in passing. The sporangium first appears as a bud from an epidermal cell on that region of the leaf to which the name placenta has been given. The bud becomes segmented off from the epidermal cell by a transverse par- tition, just as is the case with multicellular or unicellular epidermal hairs. Indeed, a sporangium in the primary stages of its development is morphologically a hair or trichome. The unicellular trichome segments transversely into a proximal cell, which gives origin to the funicle, and a distal cell which gives origin to the capsule. The proximal cell segments repeatedly both transversely and longitud- inally to form the funicle ; the distal cell also repeatedly segments, but the details of segmentation are in that case of more importance. In the first place four cells are cut off tangentially, leaving the central cell to form what is known as the archesporium. These tangentially formed cells be- come the sporangial wall by repeated subdivision perpen- dicular to the surface of the sporangium. The archesporium next segments off again tangentially a layer of cells which - 126 Elementary Biology. may by subsequent division become a double layer, to which the name of tapetum is given. The remainder of the archesporium gives rise by subdivision to what are known as the mother spore-cells, usually sixteen in number. The tapetal cells do not remain long in existence as distinct cells, but deliquesce and form a sort of watery jelly in which the sixteen mother spore-cells float. Thereafter each mother spore-cell divides into four spores, each of which in the process of growth assumes the characters described above as possessed by the adult spore. The various changes which take place in the develop- ment of a sporangium must be carefully borne in mind when the mode of origin of the sporangia of the higher plants comes to be considered. The main features in their develop- ment will be found to be the same, and homologies at present obscured by an old-fashioned terminology will, in the light of the life-history of the fern, become at once evident. We have now considered at sufficient length the morpho- logy of the vegetative and asexual reproductive organs of Pteris ; we must now follow the spore through the changes which it undergoes when sown on moist, warm soil. The first appearance of the future plant is the protrusion of a minute protoplasmic bud through the exosporium. This bud by growth and division becomes an elongated thread, which by future division becomes a flat expansion, the cells of which contain chlorophyll. Growth takes place chiefly at the distal end of the thallus, and in such a manner that the thallus becomes heart-shaped. Though at first composed of only one layer of cells, two or more layers soon make their appearance. The thallus is especially thick at some distance behind the growing point, and rises in a mound-like elevation on the under surface. From this mound root-hairs, or rhizoids, are given off which penetrate the soil and perform the same function that true root-hairs perform in the spore-producing plant. From the same mound are developed the female sexual organs, whilst the MetapJiyta Pteris. 1 27 male sexual organs originate in the immediate vicinity or generally over the thallus. The true sexual organs of re- production are constructed on precisely the same pattern as those of the moss. FIG. 54. Pteris aquilina,. DEVELOPING THALLUS. (Maout and Decaisne.) The male organs, or spermaria (antheridia), consist of extremely short multicellular hairs, composed of one central cell and a covering of chlorophyll-bearing cells, originating after -the manner of the sporangia of the sporophyllum. The contents of the central cell become transformed into sperms of peculiar form. Each sperm originates from, and, 128 Elementary Biology. until shed, is enclosed by, the cell-wall of the cell which arises by division of the central cell. The sperm is a spirally coiled body bearing a tuft of cilia at one end, and having attached to the other a delicate sac containing cell- sap and granules. The sperms according to recent re- searches are produced almost entirely from the nuclei of the daughter cells into which the central cell of the sperm- arium divides. This discovery is quite in harmony with the FIG. 56. SPERMARIUM OF Adi ant nut capillus-veneris{x 550). (Sachs.) IG. 55. THALI.US OF FERN (DIA- GRAMMATIC). (Prantl.) h, root-hairs ; an, spermaria ; ar, ovaria. /, tissue of thallus ; a, wall of sperma- rium ; s, sperm with attached sac, b. conclusions of many workers in the development of the sperms of animals. Theovauum (archegonium) is not unlike the spermarium in general appearance. Like the spermarium also, it is formed from a bud of an epidermal cell, and is morphologi- cally a trichome. As in the moss, it consists of a venter and a neck, but differs from the ovarium of that type in having the venter sunk in and continuous with the general Metaphyta Pteris. 129 tissue of the thallus. It thus approaches more closely to the ovarium of a unisexual Fucus. The neck consists of four vertical rows of cells each from four to six in number. The enclosed canal contains two or more canal cells, while the venter contains the large naked ovum. As in the moss, the canal cells, before maturation of the ovum, become mucila- ginous, and act in the first place as a wedge to force open the canal mouth, and secondly, when expelled, as a trap to FIG. <-$.Ad ; antuin capillus- venerls. THALLUS AND YOUNG FERN. (Sachs.) FIG. 57. Pteris scrrulata. OVARIUM. (Sachs.) b, first leaf ; w'. w", roots ; h, root-hairs of thallus,/,/. catch the sperms and conduct them to the mouth of the ovarium. One or more sperms touch and fuse with the ovum, thus fertilising it. The fertilised ovum, or embryo, soon begins to segment into a number of cells, which early in their history show indications of the respective parts of the mature plant to which they are to give rise. That por- tion of the embryo next the bottom of the venter becomes the apex of the young stem, and a peculiar organ known as the foot ; the part of the embryo pointing towards the neck becomes the root and first leaf. The foot acts as an organ for the transference of the nourishment from the nurse-like K 130 Elementary Biology. thallus to the rapidly growing embryo, and corresponds to that which was so largely developed in the embryo of the moss, namely, the seta. The primary root appears first and penetrates the ground, taking on its proper nutritive func- tion ; subsequently the first leaf and the apex of the stem emerge, and, bending round, pass to the upper surface of the thallus. The thallus, or sexual generation, having now fulfilled its function, withers away, whilst the young fern develops gradually by division and differentiation of cells into the organism already fully described above. It may prove by no means unprofitable if we pause at this point and briefly review the phenomena of the life- history of the fern, and draw attention to some of the more important features viewed comparatively. In the first place, we have to observe the growing importance of the asexual generation and the waning of the sexual thallus. In the moss, it is true, we have this condition reversed, the thallus being the important organism, whilst the asexual plant was a mere parasite on it. In the fern the asexual plant is by far the more important of the two. Again, we have in the fern a perfect example of alterna- tion of generations, unlike that of the fungus in being a regular alternation, and differing from that of the moss in that the two generations are for the greater part of their lives totally independent of each other. Once more we have to observe the gradual simplifica- tion and degeneration of the sexual organs. The ovarium is having its canal cells reduced in number, and the venter is becoming merely a hollow in the thallus, with which, indeed, its tissue is continuous. The spermarium is also simpler in structure, and gives rise to fewer sperms. It is also worth observing that the embryo fern is for some time contained in the thallus which thus acts as a nurse, and from which the embryo obtains nourishment by means of a special organ, the so-called 'foot.' The embryo, MetapJiyta Selaginella. 1 3 1 moreover, has its parts arranged so that the primary root points towards the mouth of the canal, and consequently is able to reach the exterior with the minimum amount of difficulty, whilst one primary leaf is developed by which the embryo first obtains nourishment from the atmosphere on its own account. These various peculiarities will be referred to later on when we come to examine the much more complicated embryology of the ' flowering plant.' There is a large variety of ferns, most of which are familiar objects to many whose tastes do not lie exactly in the way of morphological and etiological research. Osmund.i, Polypodium, Asplenium, Scolopendrium, Aspidium, Adiantum, are all familiar names to fern collectors. There are, how- ever, verv many extremely interesting allied forms, amongst which botanists must look for the explanation of the mode of origin of those anomalies in structure and development which yet await elucidation. Such forms as Marsilea, Sal- 7'ifiia,Afara//ia,Sind Ophioglossum, especially claim attention, but the extent of the present volume forbids more than the mention of their names. SECTION II. LIGULATVE SELAGINELLA. In the preceding section we saw that the fern illustrated very well the principle of alternation of generations in plant life-history, i.e. the intervention of an asexual plant between two sexual thalli. In the moss we found that this alternation of generations was present, but masked by the parasitism of the asexual on the sexual plant. In the type we have now to consider we shall find that the converse holds good, namely, that the sexual thallus is parasitic, for a considerable time at least, on the asexual plant. Selagi- nella, the plant commonly known as a Lycopodium or club- moss in hot-houses, i.e. the asexual plant, produces spores, which in their turn produce sexual thalli, only the sexual thalli never leave their parent asexual plant, and, indeed, K 2 132 Elementary Biology. develop inside the wall of the spore itself ; another and still more striking example of one of the generalisations empha- sised at the end of the preceding section, viz. that in the pro- gress from lower to higher forms of plant life the importance of the sexual thallus gradually diminishes as that of the asexual plant gradually increases. Botanists are accustomed to give names to these two generations. That bearing the ovum is known as the oophyte, that bearing the spore as the sporophyte. The oophyte and the sporophyte therefore correspond to our thallus and asexual plant respectively. The term gamophyte will be employed throughout in pre- ference to oophyte, as taking into account both the male and the female sexual organs. In the life-history of the moss, therefore, the oophyte bears the sporophyte parasitic on it, while in the fern, the oophyte (thallus) and sporophyte (fern proper) are distinct plants. In Sf.lagirulla, the sporophyte carries the oophyte for some time upon itself, and a con- siderable part of its development is gone through in that condition. Sporophyte. Let us now examine the sporophyte in detail, and, taking the vegetative organs first, as in the last type, we will consider it under the headings of stem, root, and leaf, dealing subsequently with the asexual reproductive organs, or sporangia. Stem. 'There are several striking differences between the stem of Selaginella and that of Pteris. In-the first place, it is almost entirely aerial and not underground. It is cylindrical, long, and thin, and branches repeatedly in what is known as the monopodial system, i.e. where the branch is a lateral outgrowth from the principal axis, and not the result of dichotomous division of the same (p. 84). The arrange- ment of the branches, however, resembles that of Fucus in that they are all on the same plane. The stem is very slender, and consequently a considerable part of it rests on the ground ; the primary part, indeed, may simulate the fern rhizome in being underground. Moreover, its relationship Metaphyta Selaginella. 133 to the rhizome is further hinted at by the habit it has of giving origin to rhizophores, which spring from the origin of FIG. 59. Selaginella, FERTILE BRANCH. (Maout and Decaisne.) secondary branches and descend to the earth. The stem is green, and no doubt takes part in the function of nutrition * K 3 134 Elementary Biology. (p. 197), in that respect assisting the leaves, which are small and inconspicuous. The microscopic structure of the stem also shows a like- ness to that of the fern. Externally the stem is covered by epidermis, the cells composing which are elongated and contain chlorophyll grains. Beneath the epidermis are several layers of closely packed cortical cells whose walls are much thickened. Inside this stratum and gradually merging into it lies the general fundamental parenchyma, the cells of which are larger and thinner walled. Plunged in the fundamental tissue are the fibro-vascular strands. These differ from the strands in -the rhizome of the fern in that they are surrounded by a large annular air-space, in the centre of which the fibro-vascular strand is slung by means of anchoring strands composed of small parenchy- matous cells. The fibro-vascular strand itself is very similar in structure to that of the fern, viz. a broad band of scalari- form vessels with a few spiral vessels at either end of the band to represent the xylem, and an enclosing layer of phloem consisting of small parenchymatous cells, the whole enclosed by one or more layers of phloem sheath. Leaf. The leaves in Selaginella are of two kinds, small and large. These leaves are arranged one series on one side of the stem, the other bcrics on the other. The ventral leaves, those lying next the ground, are the larger. The leaves of both types are sessile and very simple in structure. They are heart-shape, the broad base being next the stem. In microscopic structure they are covered by an epidermis, the cells of which contain chlorophyll granules, with stomata on the under surface only. The cells composing the epidermis are very similar to the general fundamental tissue of the leaf, which is composed of loosely arranged parenchyma with large and irregular intercellular spaces. Each leaf has one fibro-vascular bundle in the form of a midrib, consisting of the same elements as those constitut- ing the fibro-vascular strands of the stem, only not so plentiful Metaphyla Selaginella. 135 in amount. The fibro-vascular strand of the leaf is an offset from that of the stem. Root. The roots do not require detailed mention, being fundamentally the same in structure as the stem, though the arrangement of the tissues of the fibro-vascular strand is somewhat different. Numerous root-hairs are given off from the rootlets as they enter the soil. Structures known as rhizophores are developed, as already mentioned, from certain parts of the stem, near the bases of branches. These find their way to the ground and there give origin to true roots. The rhizophores have no root-caps, but are not therefore necessarily branches ; for we have in botanical morphology numerous instances of true roots which have, while still aerial, no root-cap, afterwards obtaining one when they touch the soil. It was stated in the last section FIG. 60. Selaginella. APEX . OF THE STEM. that the apex of the stem in the lower plants consisted usually of a single cell, known as the apical cell, whilst the terminal growing points of the higher plants usually consisted of a group of cells known as primary meristem. In Selaginella and its allies we have numerous transitional stages between the single apical cell and the multicellular state. We will take an instance where the unicellular state is retained. Even in the very terminal portion of the stem, and not far from the apex itself, we find the young leaves mapped out in primary parenchyma. The meristem is formed by successive segmentations from either side of the apical cell, each segment producing by subdivision a group of cells forming the rudiment of a leaf. Asexual reproductive organs. The sporangia are not developed on all leaves of the sporophyte, but on certain leaves towards the ends of certain branches. The fertile branches have their terminal leaves modified (a) in form, 136 Elementary Biology. FIG. 61. Selaginella incEqualifolia. (Sachs.) ' and (b) in arrangement. The leaves are all the same size, and are arranged so as to form a four-sided spike, or cone, not unlike a fir cone pulled out. As we shall find later on, this simile is a strictly correct one, for the cone of Selaginella is morpho- logically comparable to the cone of a fir, since both bear sporangia or asexual organs of multiplication, although terms which are associated with the true sexual organs have become by long usage attached to the sporangia of the fir cone. The sporophyll of Sela- ginella is hollow and spoon- like, broad at its base, and rapidly narrowing to a sharp point. It bears in its axil the sporangium, while between the leaf and the sporangium, and aris- ing from the base of the leaf, is the so-called ligule, a structure which, since it encloses the sporangium and is epidermal in origin, A, fertile branch with cone. B. section of -r^t-,^!/-^ \ 11 , in/ln cone (enlarged), showing sporangia, con- 1S morphologically an indU- J^^5ri^* e1 *^'^ sium - Each sporangium Is composed of a short stout funicle and a bivalved capsule, composed of one or more layers of chlorophyll-bearing cells. The sporangium appears in Selaginella to originate from the stem, but that fact need Metaphy ta Selaginella. 137 not prevent us from comparing its origin with that of the fern sporangium, since the leaf in Selaginella is extremely small, whilst the sporangium is relatively large. Moreover in many allies of the type we are considering the sporangia are borne by the leaf itself. As already stated, the sporangium is, when ripe, a bivalved capsule, although when young the wall of the capsule is complete. On examining the sporangia in more detail, we find that their contents differ from each other and also from the contents of the sporangia of the fern. Before discussing the sporangia of Selaginella, it may conduce to clearness if we glance briefly at the sporangia of an allied type, Lycopodium. The sporangia in that type are developed in the axils of the sporophylla, and spring from their bases. The spores are small and rounded in form and all of .the same size. They are comparable to the spores of the fern, and, by one unaccustomed to the microscopic study of plants, might be readily mistaken for them. Each spore is composed of a mass of protoplasm surrounded by firstly an endosporium, and secondly by an exosporium, which (as is usually the case) is raised into spines and prominences. This spore when sown is capable of producing a thallus bearing spermaria and ovaria. An examination of Selaginella at once exhibits to us a great advance in differentiation, for although the sporangia appear all perfectly alike, yet some contain what appear to be numerous small spores, like those of Lycopodium^ whilst others contain a few very large spores, totally different in appearance. These have been known as' microspores and macrospores respectively. These terms are by no means satisfactory, as we shall presently see. A ripe microspore, when artificially clarified and examined under a high power, shows externally a thick exosporium and thinner clear endosporium, but contains, instead of granular pro- toplasm, a considerable number of cells, one of which is segmented off by a distinct cellulose cell-wall. The rest of the cellular mass consists of small naked cells, which are 138 Elementary Biology. apparently in process of transformation into sperms. Simi- larly when the so-called ripe macrospore is examined it is found to consist of a very considerable collection of cells enclosed in an endo- and exosporium, which latter has three very well marked ridges on one surface. The cellular tissue sho -vs more or less distinct demarcation into two areas ; the FIG. 62. STRUCTURE OF THE SPORES IN Selaginclla. (Pfeffer.) 3 i, 2, 3, ovospore of .$". martens IL A, D, spermospore of S. caulescens. upper of which, that is to say the part nearest the point of union of the three ridges, is termed the thallus, whilst the lower part has been termed the endosperm. In the thallus are found three or four funnel-shaped depressions, leading into minute cavities, which contain naked protoplasmic cells. These cells are on further examination found to be com- Metaphyta Selaginella. 1 39 parable to the cells found in the cavity of the ovarium of the fern thallus. There are in each cavity one large basal cell? or ovum, and one or more cells filling up the neck, i.e. canal cells. We have no option, then, but to consider this so- called macrospore as a thallus which is developing its ovaria within the spore-wall. The entire second or sexual gene- ration has remained hidden in and protected by the spore- wall. What shall we say then of the microspore viewed in the light of this discovery ? Simply that here, too, the thallus has never left the spore-wall, but has first of all divided into a vegetative cell, probably of no service save to guide us towards an explanation of this anomaly, and a number of reproductive cells which at once proceed to form sperms without forming spermaria at all. It appears, therefore, that we have in the spores of Seia- ginella a great advance on the condition of affairs in the fern. In the first place we find two kinds of thalli instead of one, and these ihalli are unisexual instead of herm- aphrodite. How is this to be explained ? Probably in terms of a law which we shall find of supreme importance in higher plants, namely, the law of cross-fertilisation. It is an ad- vantage for a plant to be fertilised by male elements derived from another plant than itself. In the fern, because the thallus was a comparatively large organism and because it obtained its nourishment from the environment, probably the protoplasm of the thallus was sufficiently differentiated in the region of the ovaria from the protoplasm in the region of the spermaria to allow of the invigorating effect of inter- crossing being thus obtained. Possibly future experiments may show that true cross-fertilisation is as helpful t6 the Algae and the Non-vascularia as it is in the case of the flowering plants ; indeed there are numerous observations on record pointing to this conclusion. In Selaginella, since the thalli are not independent living plants, we have male and female elements produced in different thalli, which are pro- duced from different spores, instead of being developed, as 140 Elementary Biology. they might well be, on the same thallus inside the same spore-wall. Again, how must we account for the disappearance of the thallus which ought to have been formed by the micro- spore, and the retaining of the thallus formed by the macrospore ? Obviously when the cells which will produce sperms have been formed there can be no further use for a thallus bearing them only ; whilst not only has the thallus producing ovaria to give origin to sexual cells, but it has also to nourish for a time the embryo that results from the ferti- lisation of the ovum. The thallus, in short, has to act as nurse to the fertilised ovum it has itself given birth to. Hence its persistence for a variable period dependent on the time taken by the embryo to develop. Moreover, we saw that the tissue in the interior of the macrospore is divisible into what has been termed thallus and endosperm. This latter would apparently correspond to the purely vegetative portion of the thallus of a fern, whilst the thallus proper is that portion which gives rise to the ovaria. It is possible, however, that the endosperm is an altogether new formation which has arisen during the gradual assumption of para- sitism by the sexual generation, and for the special purpose of affording nourishment to the embryo during its develop- ment whilst inside the spore-wall. 1 1 Although speculations without detailed proofs are in many cases looked on with suspicion (and rightly so), yet they do so much towards relieving detailed description from the charge of dulness that no further apology is given for their introduction here. In the present instance, when one considers the fact that the unisexual thallus, whether formed from a microspore or a macrospore, must have, at one time in phylo- genetic history, been a hermaphrodite structure, and that the spermaria are developed on a different part of the thallus from the ovaria ; that, moreover, the presence of root-hairs on the exposed ovaria-bearing portion of the enclosed thallus of Seiiginella clearly points to that being the morphologically ventral surface of the thallus, one cannot but sus- pect that the endosperm really corresponds to the spermaria-bearing portion of the hermaphrodite thallus. The division of the nucleus of Metapliyta Selaginella. 141 We have yet to describe briefly the mode of development of the sporangia and their contents, and to follow the development of the embryo into the young Selaginella. A word on the relation of Selaginella to the pine group of plants will complete the section. It is needless to describe in detail the development of the sporangium, since it is, broadly speaking, similar to that of the fern. A tapetal layer is formed, which subsequently becomes absorbed. The archesporium also forms mother spore-cells, capable of developing microspores or macro- spores. It would be preferable to distinguish these spores by terms indicative rather of their sex than of their size. The microspore is a spore capable of forming a male thallus, hence it might be termed a spermospore, whilst the macro- spore might be termed an ovospore, an unavoidable hybrid, since the word oospore has already been given to the fer- tilised ovum or embryo. 1 The development of the spores up to this stage is alike for both sexes, but here their development diverges. The mother cells of the spermospores are numerous, and each subdivides into four daughter cells which become the spermospores in question ; the mother cells of the ovo- spores are also numerous, but only one of these subdivides into four daughter cells which become the four ovospores of the mature sporangium, the other mother cells remaining undeveloped. After fertilisation of the ovum by a sperm the ovum rapidly segments, forming a pro-embryo, which differentiates the embryo-sac of the angiosperm (p. 167), and the subsequent union of a portion of one daughter nucleus with a portion of the other, might on this view be looked upon as a species of cross- fertilisation (resulting in the more vigorous formation of endosperm) of a female nucleus by a male nucleus, rather than a union of two female nuclei as suggested by Marshall Ward. 1 The term macrospore is even etymologically incorrect, since naKpbs means ' long,' not 'large.' Megaspore would be more correct if we must use these tei 142 Elementary Biology. into a portion known as the suspensor and the embryo proper. The suspensor forms the upper portion of the pro- embryo, that is, the part next the canal cells. The suspensor by increase in length pushes the embryo proper deep into the endosperm or vegetative part of the thallus. There the mapping out of the embryo into cotyledon (or seed-leaf), stem, and root takes place before its independent existence outside the spore-wall is established. During the embryonic period, as already explained, the thallus acts as nourishment to the young plant. There are many points of resemblance between the structure and life-history of Selaginella and the Gymno- spennce (pine group), which point to their being transition forms between the Selaginellida and the Angiosperma. There is no difficulty in tracing the relationship between Selaginella and such a type as Pinus, notwithstanding the tremendous difference in size ; for in past ages of the earth's history closely allied forms have flourished which were even more gigantic than the largest pines, the spores of which form no small part of the coal of ordinary use. We have already drawn attention to the likeness between the cones of the two forms, and the structure of the sporangia also shows no great morphological differences. The anatomy of the stem, however, is much closer in its nature to that of the flowering plant than to that of Selaginella ; but beyond this general statement further exposition of their agreements and differences must be omitted here. Lastly, and by way of summary, we must emphasise the fact that we have in Selaginella true alternation of generations just as in the fern, only here the sexual generation is para- sitic on, or at least commensal with, the asexual. If we were to attempt to represent this relationship diagram matically we might do so thus : """;st"(J i X ST J AST< + ; : AST< + \8 T 2 H X S T ? -- ! MetapJiyta Liliu-iii. 143 where AST stands for asexual generation, and S T for sexual thallus. SECTION III. MONOCOTYLEDONES LILIUM. We now reach that point in our examination of the mor- phology of plants when it is necessary to consider what are popularly known as the flowering plants. For that purpose we shall devote our attention to two forms which illus- trate well the characters of that group. A thorough grasp of the preceding section, where we examined Selaginella in detail, will help us considerably towards understanding the at first sight very different organisation of the types now before us. In the first place we meet with what appears to be a perfectly new development in the morphology of plants, namely, the flower. That structure, however, turns out on closer examination to be simply a cone the constituent leaves of which have become variously modified, some coloured, some remaining green, and others, i.e. those bearing the sporangia, which are themselves considerably modified, very much altered in shape and microscopic structure. We find in the second place that certain of the sporangia those which produce ovospores do not shed their contents, but, covered over by the leaf on which they were produced, form with the sporophyll itself what is commonly known as the fruit. Indeed, we might briefly state the case thus : while the fern and Selaginella shed their spores, a flowering plant sheds its sporangia and their contents, and very often the sporophylla also. Again, we find that there are many points of difference, or, rather, advance in the structure of the fibro-vascular strands, and in their mode of arrangement both in the stem and in the root. The leaves also are found to possess, what we may term, higher organisation, in virtue of there being greater differentiation of parts and more division of labour. The Angiospermcz, as the plants we are now considering 144 Elementary Biology. are termed, are divided into two large groups, the Monocotyle- dones and the Dicotyledones. As an example of the first group we may take the lily or hyacinth ; as an example of the second, the buttercup. The former we shall discuss in this, the latter in the following, section. First of all, it may be well to point out several obvious points of distinction between these two plants, which are easily observed and appreciated on the basis of the know- ledge of plant structure we have already gained. A section of a stem of Lilium shows what we know now as fibro- vascular strands scattered apparently irregularly through the fundamental tissue, whilst a similar section through the stem of Ranunculus (buttercup) shows the strands arranged concentrically round the centre, which is either hollow or occupied by a mass of fundamental tissue known as pith. Again, the strands in Lilium are crowded towards the surface, whilst in Ranunculus there is a toler- ably thick layer of cortex between the outer edge of the strands and the epidermis. Further, when we examine the ordinary foliage leaves the veins in Lilium are found to run parallel to one another, whilst those in Ranunculus start at various angles from a central midrib, and the veinlets branch and anastomose, or form a network over the entire lamina. Lastly, when we look at the cone or flower, we discover that although the leaves composing it are very different in colour, shape, and microscopic structure from the leaves which go to form a fir cone or a Selaginella cone, yet they are, broadly speaking, the same in general character in Lilium and Ranunculus, but differ in their arrangement on the cone-axis in these two types. In the lily they are obviously arranged in circles of three each, whilst the outer leaves at least in the buttercup are arranged in circles of five. These flowers are therefore said to belong to the trimerous and pentamerous types respectively. There are other points of distinction between the two forms we have selected, but these will be referred to later on. Metaphyta L ilium. 1 4 ; Still continuing our general survey, we may observe that in the flower or cone of these angiosperms we have far fewer sporophylla than in the cone . , . 77 . . . .. FIG. 63. Nymphffa alba. TRANSITION Of Selagintita, but this dlS- FROM PETALS TO STAMENS. (Maout tinction is bridged over by /s !^ d D the flowers of such exam- ples as the water-lily, a plant which, despite its name, is a far nearer relation to the buttercup than to the true lily. Again we have to note that some of the sporo- phylla are barren, namely, those which are coloured and lower down m the cone. Were space a matter of no object, numerous intermediate conditions might be referred to which would help to con- vince us, if that were necessary, that in the lily and buttercup we have to deal with plants in no respect distinct in nature and life-history from those we have already considered in the preceding sections. Stem. The stem of Lilium y like that of the fern, is underground, but from its peculiar shape it receives the name of bulb. It is difficult at first sight to see exactly where the stem proper is. If a section be made of the bulb (e.g. of an onion or hyacinth) it will be seen to consist of two parts a disc shaped lower portion, from the under-surface of which the roots spring, and an upper portion which is discovered to be composed of the thickened bases of the closely-packed leaves. The typical stem we have already seen consists of nodes, from which the leaves spring, and of internodes between the nodes. In the bulb the internodes are absent, and the nodes are closely crushed together, so that the stem is exceedingly short and reduced to a mere disc- shaped mass, from which the leaves spring. The only part of the stem remaining of tolerable length is the terminal L 146 Elementary Biology. FIG. 64. Attiiim cepa. BULB. (Edmonds.) shoot, which is elongated into a long axis on which the flower is borne. Between the bases of the leaves we may find buds or branch shoots about to give forth another floral axis in the next season. The likeness to the underground rhizome of the fern is thus again brought up. The floral axis presents a more suitable subject for ex- amining the structure of the monocotyledonous stem than the modified underground bulb. If a section be made across it it will show externally a colour- less epidermis, enclosing a large soft fundamental parenchyma in which run the fibro- vascular strands (fig. 65). The mode of origin of these we shall notice later on ; meantime it will be sufficient to draw attention to the fact that the smallest strands are placed close to the epider- mis, while they increase regu- larly in size as the centre is approached. There cannot be said to be any distinct pith, that is, fundamental tissue left unmodified in the centre of the stem, for there is no clear line of demarcation between the fundamental tissue of the centre and that between the several strands. The course of the fibre-vascular strands in the stem may be best studied in a longitudinal section, such as that represented at fig. 65 B. There it will be seen (in an allied type) that the strands pursue a wavy course, arising close to the outside of the stem, curving inwards, and, after recurving outwards again and crossing the strands higher up, pass out entirely into the base of a leaf. These fibro- vascular strands when fur- ther examined are found to contain elements similar in general structure to those described in the stem of the fern, a, a, bu ds ; b, stem proper which roots originate. from Metaphyta L ilium. but differing in certain points of detail The tissue of the strand is confluent with the fundamental parenchyma, but the cells bounding the strand are much smaller and thicker walled: these cells are elongated and form a prosenchy- matous sheath to the strand. Towards the outer side of the strand, i.e. that next the surface of the stem, immediately FIG. 65. MOXOCOTYLEDONOUS STEM, (Maout and Decaisne.) A. Diagrammatic transverse section. B. Diagrammatic longitudinal section. inside the prosenchymatous sheath, is found a mass of tissue which cor- responds to the phloem or bast of the fern strand, and goes by that name. It consists of sieve-tubes, long, thick- walled prosenchymaand thin-walled parenchyma. Next the inner side of the strand lies the xylem, or wood, which also consists of three elements, tracheides, or vessels with dotted walls, one or more spiral and annular vessels, a quantity of pro- senchyma, and a little parenchyma. We have already briefly glanced at the general structure of the cells compos- ing these several types of tissue. As we shall, however, require to use these terms constantly in the remainder of this and in the succeeding sections it may be well to give at this point a few more details regarding them. L 2 148 Elementary Biology, Parenchyma. The parenchyma of the xylem and phloem is mainly important as presenting us with the re- FIG. 66. TRANSVERSE SECTION OF FIBRO-VASCULAR STRAND OF Zeamait. (x 5 oo). (Sachs.) \ \ /, fundamental parenchyma of a, outer and /, inner part of the stem, en- closing prosenchyma ; g; g, pitted ducts ; ,y, spiral vessel ; r, annular vessel ; /, air cavity ; v, v t phloem. mains of the primitive cambium or growing tissue from which the entire strand was originally formed. Metaphyta L ilium. 149 Prosenchyma. The prosenchyma represents parenchy- matous cells which have been elongated in a fusiform manner (usually) in one direction (fig. 67). Their walls may become thickened either by apposition, i.e. the deposi- tion of new particles of cellulose on the inner surface of the cell-wall, or by intussusception, i.e. the intercalation of similar particles between those of the primary cell-wall. Possibly both methods of cell-wall thickening may take place simultaneously. Chemical changes usually take place in the wall at the same time. Secondary thickening may take place regu- larly ; in that case we have a uni- formly thickened prosenchymatous cell of the type represented at fig. 66. In other cases we may have parts of the primary cell-wall left uncovered, when a pit-like depres- sion results (fig. 67). In other cases still we may find that the secondary thickening has been laid down (in this case by apposition) in the form of a spiral band or annular rings upon the primary cell-wall. These varieties of cell- wall thickenings are commonest amongst the next type of tissue. Cell-fusions, vessels. Vessels result from the fusion of two or more elongated cells arranged end to end. The adjacent walls have become completely broken down, or the walls may become perfo- rated by a series of minute apertures through which the contents of the one cell may communicate with the con- tents of the other : good examples of this type of vessel are found in the sieve-tubes of the phloem (fig. 68). It is probable, according to recent researches, that this 150 Elementary Biology. intercellular communication occurs in a great number of tissues besides the sieve-tubes. Among the vessels of the wood, as already stated, a great variety of types exist, known as sftiral. annular. FIG. 68. SIEVE-TUBES FROM PHLOEM OF Cucurbita (Sachs.) reticulated, scalari- forrn, and other ves- sels. It is important to notice, in regard to the fibro - vascular strand of a monoco- tyledon, that there is no growing tissue present it has all become permanent tissue. The strand is incapable, there- fore, of growing larger when once formed ; the strand is there- fore said to be closed. We shall find this an important point of distinction between the monocotyledo- nous and the dico- tyledonous type of stem, in which latter growing tissue or cambium is present, q, transverse section of a sieve ; sL sieve on side wall ; x, pits on face and /, on side view ; ps, protoplasm contracted from the cell-wall ; z, in- termediate prosenchyma. and where the fibro- vascular strands are therefore known as open strands, i.e. capable of further growth. Hoot. Passing next to the root, we find that the struc- ture differs considerably from that of the stem, not in the Metaphyta L ilium. 151 character of the tissues present, but in their arrangement. It is easy to make out the fibro-vascular strands grouped together and forming a perfect cylinder in the centre, and surrounded by the vascular sheath or layer of fundamental tissue next to the cylinder. Outside the fibro-vascular cylinder is a very thick cortex (fig. 69). The epidermis soon disappears, and its place is taken by the outer layers FIG. 69. TRANSVERSE SECTION- ROOT OF Acorus calamus. (Sachs.) PP s, fibro-vascular sheath, surrounded by cortical parenchyma and external to the pericambium ; pp, xylem ; ph, phloem ; g, g, p, p, vessels of xylem. of the cortex. Within the sheath, we again find points of difference from the stem in the arrangement of the various parts of the strands themselves. Immediately internal to the vascular sheath is a layer of cells known as the peri- cambium, or phloem-sheath, which encloses the strands. The bast and wood of the strand, however, are not arranged 152 Elementary Biology. so that the bast is outside and the wood inside, but so that the two portions lie alternating with each other. Such an arrangement is known as a radial strand. The roots, as a whole, originate from the base of the flattened stem in the form of long branched or unbranched filaments, each terminated by a root-cap. The cap may be very well studied in the aquatic roots of the duckweed, an aberrant monocotyledon which exhibits a root-cap not dif- fering essentially in this respect from that of the monocoty- ledon. The roots give origin to rootlets and root-hairs by which the absorption of food from the soil is carried on. Leaf. The leaves of the lily are peculiar in being sessile ; their bases are generally the widest parts, and, in the case of the outer leaves of the bulb, enclose the entire FIG. 70. ROOT-CAP OF Lemna minor. 6. d a, root-cap ; c, epidermis of the root ; b, growing cells. stem. The fibro- vascular strands, as already stated, are arranged in a parallel manner, the veins running without branching from end to end of the leaf or merging into a vein which runs round the margin of the leaf. The micro- scopic structure of the leaf must now occupy our attention for a moment. Superficially the leaf is covered by an epidermis composed of flat tabular cells. The upper epi- dermis has numerous stomata; these are, however, much more numerous on the under epidermis (especially of dico- tyledonous leaves). The guard-cells are, as a rule, smaller than the general epidermal cells, and are concavo-convex in outline, the space between being the stoma. The guard- cells contain chlorophyll, which is absent from the other epidermal cells. The stoma leads into a large intercellular Metaphyta L ilium. 153 space in the fundamental tissue of the leaf. This funda- mental tissue is composed of chlorophyll -bearing cells, which are, next the epidermis, arranged in one or more regular layers and termed palisade parenchyma, whilst to- wards the middle of FlG> 7I '~ A ' EPIDERMIS OF Leucojum Ternum. B. TRANSVERSE SECTION OF EPIDERMIS OF tV>A form What is known ********* umbellatus. (Behrens.) as the mesophyll, or spongy paren- chyma. Through the mesophyll run the fibro-vascular strands, which are similar in structure to those of the stem. The xylem lies next the upper surface of the leaf, since that is morphologically the side next the centre of stem. From either epider- mis (though not in that of the type we are considering) arise epidermal hairs, which are prolongations of ep- idermal cells (fig. 72). Such hairs are termed unicellular when their cavities are continuous with those of the cells of which they are prolongations. Fre- quently, however, these hairs become multicellular by the subdivision of their cavities into chambers. A number of s, guard-cells containing chlorophyll grai 1 cells ; k, nuclei ; h, cuticle ; e, epidermal /, general parenchyma. ins, a ; c, air-space ; FIG. 72. FORMS OF HAIRS. (Thome".) A, unicellular hair of Pelargonium ; B, multicellular hair of Geranium : c, glandular hair of nettle ; D, prickle of hop ; E, glandular hair of Lamium. Metaphyta L ilium. 155 hairs may become matted together, giving origin to a prickle, as in the hop, whilst in the nettle the leaf is covered with multicellular hairs, with the contents of the terminal cells modified into a substance capable of producing considerable irritation should its end be broken off in the skin. These may be termed glandular hairs. Before passing to the consideration of the sporophylla, we must glance at the nature and mode of origin of certain substances which we have had occasion frequently to men- tion in reference to many points in our past survey, and which may conveniently be discussed at this point. They are substances found in the cells of plants, such as starch, inulin, aleurone, crystalloids, crystals, and such-like ; chloro- phyll we have already discussed (p. 38). FIG. 73. STARCH GRANULES OF Solatium tuberosum. (Thom6.) Starch. Starch is one of the most important of the derivatives of plant protoplasm. It is a compound of extreme abundance, some parts of plants, such as the potato tuber, consisting almost entirely of starch. Starch occurs in the form of granules, which possess a characteristic form for different plants. We may take those of the potato as a type. Each granule is ovoid in shape, and presents a usually eccentrically placed point known as the hilum round which the starch is arranged in a number of layers, alternating with thin films of water. The hilum is the 156 Elementary Biology. most watery part of the granule. Starch has the same, com- position as cellulose (C 6 H IO O 5 ), but a different constitution. The granule is believed to consist of a skeleton of cellulose, FIG. 73 A. -STARCH GRAINS UNDER THE POLARISCOPE. (Vines and Dippel.) ha. (Thome.) the interstices of which contain the starch proper, or granu- lose. The physiological importance of starch, and of the other differentiation products of protoplasm about to be mentioned, will be referred to in the - next chapter, where a general sketch w m j^ gj ven o f t ^ e more important phenomena in the physiology of plants. Inulin, a chemical ally of starch, is found abundantly in the roots of many plants (e.g. the daisy tribe). It however differs from starch in that it exists in solution in the cell-sap, from which it may be precipitated by the action of alcohol, in the form of crystalline spheres, usually adhering to the cell- wall (fig. 74). Aleurone is to be considered as a proteid reserve material (fig. 75). It is usually found in the form of grains which lie embedded in an oily matrix. It MetapJiyta L iliu m. 157 also occurs in a semi-crystalline form with which are asso- ciated minute rounded masses of a double salt of magne- sium and calcium termed globoids. All these bodies have a nutritive value, to which reference will afterwards be made. True crystals are also of common occurrence, especially in the cell-sap. They are most commonly composed of oxalate of lime, appearing in the form of short prisms or FIG. 75. ALEURONE. (Sachs.) A, seed of Pisnm sativum ; a, granular form of aleurone ; ?, intercellular bpace; st, starch grains ; B, seed of Ricinns com mum's, crystalline form. long and slender needles known as raphides. Calcic carbo- nate also occurs, but more rarely, and only, at least to any extent, in a few groups of plants. Club-shaped masses of calcic carbonate, pendent in certain cells of the leaf (e.g. of Ficus elastica\ have been called cystoliths (% 77). The reproductive organs. We have already likened the flower of the lily to a fir cone, and emphasised the mor- phological identity of these two structures. We notice 158 Elementary Biology. however, that the flower is much depressed, the diameter (short axis) of the cone being as great if not greater than the length (long axis). The examination of the flower of the FIG. 76.-CRVSTAU, ( A) Sac%s;n, Thome.) ^ter-lily, Or of MyO- sums, close allies of the buttercup, exhibits to us a condition of things where even the external likeness between the flower and the fir cone is unmistakable. The sporophylla are much reduced in number in Lilium ; and further ex- amination proves to us that that number is defi- nite and constant for the whole group to which the lily belongs. We find that there are nine fertile sporophylla in all, six of which are male and three female. Surrounding the fertile sporo- phylla are six barren leaves, which differ from the ordinary foliage leaves in being coloured yellow, blue, red, or some other hue. These leaves form together what is known as the perianth. They are arranged in two whorls, the outer being crystals of calcic oxa- termed the calyx, the inner the corolla. !&TJ5SBd5 car P els - the sporophylla in Sela- ginella resembles that of the foliage leaves in the same type. Owing, however, to the great shortening and condensation which the flower axis has undergone (compare the bulb), the likeness has become in most cases completely oblite- rated. We are compelled, therefore, to discuss the arrange- ment of the floral leaves (anthotaxis) separately from that of the foliage leaves (phyllotaxis). The methods of ar- rangement in both cases may be very well studied in the foliage or floral bud. The study of the relationships between flowers is greatly aided by the use of what are known as floral diagrams. In such a diagram the various perianth leaves and sporophylla Metaphyta L ilium. 161 are represented in ground plan. The floral diagram of a lily is represented at fig. 80. There the sepals are shown as forming an outer whorl of three parts, the petals as forming an inner whorl alternating with the parts of the calyx. Within these two whorls we find the nine sporophylla in three whorls, all alternating with each other and with the members of the perianth whorl. Notwithstanding the extreme dissimilarity of structure between the sporophylla and the perianth leaves we have no difficulty in deciding that both belong to the phyllon type, not only from this FIG. 81. STAMEV. (Semi- diagrammatic.) FIG. 82. POLLEN GRAINS OF Cnpressns sempennrens. (Thome\) II The anther has been sectionised to show the loculi. t, a, entin ; />, intin ; II, forma- tion of the pollen tube, c. arrangement, but also from the study of such flowers as those of the water-lily, where we find a gradual transition from the sepals to the petals, and from the petals to the sporo- phylla (fig. 63). The sporophylla, as we have already seen, are of two kinds, male and female. The male sporophylla form the two outer whorls of three each, and are known as stamens; the three central female sporophylla are known as carpels. M 1 62 Elementary Biology. Each stamen consists of a petiole, or filament, and a club-shaped head, the anther (fig. 81). The anther itself consists of a centrally placed continuation of the filament known as the connective, which is, however, nothing more nor less than the midrib of the sporophyll, and four elong- ated bodies, two on either side of the midrib, all of them pointing towards the centre 6f the flower (introrse). These bodies are the sporangia which are sessile in the great majority of angiosperms. The sporangia are therefore, in the lily, developed not in the axilla, but on the edge of the sporophyll, towards its upper surface. The spermospores fill the interior, or loculus, of the sporangium, and are known when ripe as pollen grains. Passing now to the central sporophylla, or carpels, we find that, in addition to still further modifications in form the three carpels have become united to form one mass known as the ovary, which is in this case described as compound (fig. 79). If a section be made across the ovary the three separate chambers which are then exposed demonstrate its compound nature. In each cavity we ob- serve the sporangia, here known as ovules. The spo- rangia are stalked, are numerous, and are arranged in six rows, two rows in each chamber. The ovary is continued upwards as the style, and ends in a bulb-like furrowed head, the stigma (fig. 79). The style, on a transverse section being made, is found to be hollow, and the stigma, if microscopically examined, is seen to be covered by a number of short hairs. On what part of the sporophyll are the sporangia borne ? A careful study of the development of the carpel shows us that the sporangia are really developed, as in the case of the male sporophylla, from the edge of the carpellary leaf. The edges are, however, during development turned inwards upon themselves, and ultimately unite so as to form a cavity, with, consequently, the upper surface of the carpellary leaf in the interior (fig. 83). The sporangia are thus completely en- Metaphyta L ilium. 163 closed in their sporophyll ; and since sporangia are deve- loped on both edges, the double row is thus accounted for. When the three carpels are fused together to form one ovary, manifestly the ovules (sporangia) will appear to originate from a central axis, in the formation of which the floral axis, or central part of the cone, may participate. The style, then, is simply the upper part of the sporophylla, the edges of which have not united in the centre, and the trilobed stigma is composed of the terminal points of the same, swollen up and covered with epidermal hairs for a purpose we shall discover presently. FIG. 83. -PLACEXTATION. (Prantl.) A, one carpel, one loculus ; B, three carpels, one loculus ; c, four carpels, four loculi by upgrowth of thalamus ; D, five carpels, five loculi ; /, placenta. Turning now to the sporangium itself we meet with still further differentiation from the type we described in the fern. The sporangium is stalked, but the capsule is doubled down on the funicle, and is adherent to it for a considerable distance. The portion of the funicle which is attached to the sporangium is termed the raphe. A spo- rangium turned upside down thus is said to be anatropal (fig. 84). The sporangium is pear-shaped, its pointed end being directed downwards towards the placenta or point of origin from the sporophyll. The wall of the sporangium is incomplete at this point, and the aperture left is termed the micropyle. The sporangia are not always anatropal. In many plants the sporangium is perfectly straight, with the micropyle pointing upwards (orthotropal) ; in other cases a half-way condition is maintained between the anatropal and M 2 164 Elementary Biology. the orthotropal, known as campylotropal. The sporangium has usually two cellular coverings, the outer coat being known as the ' primine,' the inner as the * secundine.' It is preferable to discard these terms altogether and talk of them simply as the outer and inner coats of the ovule. The central tissue of the ovule is known as the ' nucellus, sunk in the interior of which is found one ovospore, which goes by the name of the ' embryo-sac.' If we study the deve- lopment of the sporangia (male and female), we shall be able to distinguish clearly the homologies of the several parts. 1 FIG. 84. DIFFERENT POSITIONS OF OVULES. (Prantl.) A, orthotropal ; B, anatropal ; c, campylotropal ; a z, ii, coats of the ovule ; A, nucellus; w, micropyle ; e i, embryo-sac ; f, funicle ; r, raphe. The development of the stamen. The stamen appears first as a small prominence on the floral axis (or thalamus, as it is sometimes called). Very early a division of the prominence takes place, indicating the primary divisions into two pairs of spermo sporangia. The tissue between the 1 It is very unfortunate that the terminology of the reproductive organs of the Angiospermce is so different from that of the lower plants. The terms ovule, anther, ovary, and such like, have, however, become by long usage so firmly associated with these structures that it is almost impossible now to get rid of them. It is necessary, however, that the student should in all cases know not only the terms in ordinary use, but also the terms which are morphologically correct. In order to familiarise the reader with either terminology, use will be made of both series of names. Metaphyta L iliu m 165 two lobes becomes the future connective ; the filament is an after- formation. The lobes are covered by epidermis and the layer immediately beneath it divides into two layers, the inner of which becomes the archespormm, whilst the outer layer subdivides into three layers, the inner two of FIG. 85. -DEVELOPMENT OF THE STAMEN. A, transverse section of young stamen ; B, c, stages in the development of the anther ; u, pollen grain ; E, pollen tube developing from the repro- ductive cell ; a, epidermis ; 3, bundle sheath ; c, fibro-vascular bundle ; J, layer which will become the tapetal layers, d' t d" ; f, vegetative cells ; /J reproductive cell ; g, intin. which become disorganised and form tapetal tissue ; the outer becomes, with the epidermis, the wall of the sporan- gium. The cells composing this inner layer have their walls irregularly thickened, and form what is known as the endo- thecium, while the term exothecium is sometimes given to the epidermis. The archesporium forms mother spore-cells, 1 66 Elementary Biology. each of which subdivides into fcur daughter spore -cells, which in turn become, after the development of exo- and endo-sporium, the spermospores. As in the case of the spores of the fern, the exosporium (or extin) is ridged or elevated into spines, or otherwise variously sculptured. There are numerous apertures in the exosporium through which the endosporiurn (or intin) may be seen. Careful examination of the spermospore when fully developed reveals a structure highly suggestive of that of the spermospore of Selagintlla, namely, the division of its contents into two por- tions, a vegetative cell or cells and a reproductive cell. The reproductive cell, however, does not undergo further division, and forms no sperms. Both cells are nucleated, and the much smaller vegetative cell is separated off from the other by a cellulose cell-wall. The ultimate fate of these cells we shall see later on, after we have studied the ovosporangium and its contents. The development of the carpel. The carpel, like the stamen, originates as a prominence of the thalamus, and after developing into a leaf-like structure forms on its in- turned edges minute projections the future cvosporangia FIG. 86. DEVELOPMENT OF THE OVULE. (Luerssen.) For explanation see text. (fig. 86, A, B). The projection becomes multicellular, and is covered over by the epidermis of the placenta. The pro- jection gradually increases in size until it becomes differen- tiated into a head and stalk. The head forms the imcellu* Metaphyta L iliu m. 1 67 (c, n\ the stalk becomes the funicle. The cells immedi- ately beneath the nucellus multiply tangentially and form the rudiments of the coverings of the ovule, the inner coat first, and the outer from beneath the origin of, and subse- quently to, the inner coat (D, /"/', at). The ovule, though anatropai when ripe, is orthotropal at first, gradually becom- ing anatropal as it increases in size. These coverings to the sporangium are obviously new developments not present at all in the sporangia of the lower plants. The nucellus alone is the morphological spoiangium comparable to that of the fern. The cell in the terminal portion of the nucellus immediately beneath the epidermis divides into two an upper and a lower. The former becomes the tapetum, which in the ovosporangium is composed of one, or a very few, cells, whilst the latter becomes the archesporium (B, m). The archesporium whilst sunk in the nucellus next divides into four cells, of which one only becomes an ovosoore (macrospore, embryo-sac). The other three cells, which are thus to be considered as barren ovospores, remain in a semi- disorganised condition on the summit of the fertile ovospore. This latter increases in size and very soon shows signs of division. The nucleus divides into two, each daughter nucleus retreating to opposite ends of the ovospore. Each of the two new nuclei again subdivides into four, and round three of either set protoplasm collects, thus forming three cells at either end of the ovospore. The two remaining nuclei reapproach the centre of the ovospore and there fuse, forming a new secondary nucleus for the ovospore. We have thus the contents of the ovospore subdivided into three small cells at the end nearest to the tapetum, and three small cells at the opposite end, with a large secondary nucleus between them (fig. 88). The cells of the upper of these two sets are arranged so that two cells are above and one be- neath, the odd one having for its nucleus the sister of that nucleus which helped to form the new secondary nucleus of the ovospore. This lower cell is the ovum proper, whilst 1 68 Elementary Biology. the two upper cells form the sole remnant left of the canal walls of the primitive ovarium. The three cells formed at the opposite pole may similarly be looked on as the rudi- ment of the thallus, probably that portion of it which would give rise, if completely developed, to spermaria, just as the vegetative cell of the spermospore, no doubt, contains chemical compounds necessary to the development of an ovarium. Fertilisation. - In the life-history of vascular plants we have hitherto found that the male elements have been motile cells termed sperms, which in virtue of their move- ment have been able to migrate from the thallus bearing them to the female organs carried in other thalli. The pollen gram of a lily is itself, however, a non-motile struc- ture, and no sperms are formed. How, then, is the male protoplasm to be carried to the ovum, and what in this case takes the place of the sperm in fertilisation ? Notwithstanding the fact that the majority of flowers are hermaphrodite, i.e. bear both male and female elements, it has been experimentally proved that, if an ovum be fer- tilised by the pollen of the same flower, the result, if there be any, is a weak and diminutive embryo, often in- capable of developing into a perfect plant ; whilst, on the other hand, if the ovum be fertilised by pollen taken from another flower, a healthy and vigorous embryo is produced. Thus cross-fertilisation tends to the maintenance of healthy tribal life, whilst self-fertilisation tends to produce a dwarf and weakly progeny, and ultimately extinction of the race unless cross-fertilisation intervenes and saves it. This law has a number of exceptions, but holds good in the great majority of cases. Granted, then, that foreign pollen (of course from a plant of the same kind) must be employed in fertilisation, how is the pollen to be conveyed from the male sporophyll of one flower to the female sporophyll of another, since the pollen grains, or spermospores, are them- selves non-motile, and do not produce any motile sperms ? Metaphyta L ilium. 1 69 We have noticed already that the perianth leaves of the lily are brightly coloured. We may now notice further that they have a distinct odour, or scent. Lastly, an ex- amination of the bases of the petals reveals the presence of small disc-shaped glands, to which the name of nectaries are applied, and which secrete a copious supply of nectar, a sweet, sticky fluid, not unlike honey, and containing a large amount of sugar in its composition. Everyone is familiar with the fact that insects of various kinds, especially bees, butterflies, and moths, visit flowers for the sake of this nectar, which they use as food. Further, it has been proved that they are attracted to the flower both by the scent (produced by the evaporation of volatile oils) and by the colour of the perianth. The insect in its movements in the interior of the flower, whilst sucking the nectar, rubs itself over with pollen, which when ripe tumbles out of the open sporangia. The pollen grains are viscid and sticky through having lain amongst the gelatinous tapetal cells. The insect's back and legs are covered with hairs, to which the viscid grains adhere. In this way the pollen grains are conveyed to another flower, where they fall, or are rubbed off by the insect, on the stigma. It is needless to say the action of the insect in this matter is a quite unconscious one. The stigma, it is to be remembered, is covered with hairs, also viscid and sticky, and to these some of the pollen grains adhere. They are nourished there by the secretion in which they are caught, and in some way or another are stimulated to further development. The development of a pollen grain consists in the ex- trusion of part of its contents through the exosporium. The protuberance gradually assumes the form of a long thread or tube, the pollen tube, covered by the endosporium. The pollen tube lengthens and bores its way through the tissue of the style, and enters the micropyle of the ovule. There the termination of the pollen tube swells, and its wall becomes apparently more porous and suitable for the pass- Elementary Biology age through it of the male protoplasm. The pollen tube fixes itself to the two upper cells of the rudimentary ovarium, and seems to become continuous with their substance. The nucleus of the male reproductive cell, which has meanwhile migrated down the pollen tube, becomes dissolved in the general protoplasm, and apparently in that form penetrates the endosporium and enters into the two upper cells, which FIG. 87. FERTILISATION. (Vines.) o- A, B, and C, succes-ive stages in ihe fusion of the male and female pro- nuclei : pt, pollen tube ; ;/, male pronucleus ;.//, female pronucleus ; o, ovum. are frequently spoken of as the synergidse. These in turn fuse with the ovum, which thus has transferred to it some of the male fertilising matter. The nucleus (of the reproductive cell of the pollen grain) reaggregates and appears in the ovum, with the nucleus of which it fuses, completing the act of fertilisation. The pollen tube now withers away and the synergidae disappear. Results of fertilisation. The first result of fertilisation is the assumption by the fertilised ovum or embryo of a 'Fie. 88. -VEHTICAL SECTION OF THE CARPEL. (I.uerssen.) a i, outer ovular integument; zz, inner ovular integument; o, wall of ovary : g, style : s, stigma ; f, funicle ; />, pollen tube ; , nuce'.lus ; b, antipodal cells ; k, ovum ; e, embryo-sac ; m, micropyle. Elementary Biology. cell wall (compare the period of rest after sexual union in Spirogyra and other types). Meanwhile rapid subdivision of the secondary nucleus of the ovospore (embryo-sac) takes place, accompanied by the aggregation of protoplasm round the new nuclei to form cells. The result is a mass of cellular tissue, the endosperm, whose function it is to pro- vide nourishment for the embryo about to be developed. In relation to the development of the embryo and the formation of a store of nourishment, it may be well to note FIG. 89. -Viola tricolor. (Sachs.) A, longitudinal section of anatropous ovule after fertilisation. //, pla- centa ; /, swelling on the raphe ; a, outer integument ; /, inner inte- gument ; /, pollen-tube entering micropyle ; e, embryo-sac, with the fertilised ovum at the micropyle end, and numerous endosperm cells at the other. B, apex of embryo-sac, e, with young embryo, eb, of three cells, and one cell forming the suspei.sor. C, same, further advanced. the existence in the funicle of a fibro-vascular strand, a feature absent from the funiculi of the lower types, as being unnecessary owing to the simplicity and short life of the sporangium (Selaginella^ or to the fact that the embryo is not developed in the sporangium at all (Pteris). The ovo- spore now increases greatly in size and becomes completely filled with the endosperm, which appears first round the Metaphyta Lilium. 1 7 3 spore- wall and later in the centre. The cellular tissue (nucellus) surrounding the ovospore meantime disappears, becoming absorbed by the endosperm, 1 which takes its place morphologically and physiologically. The development of the embryo. The fertilised ovum soon segments into a short string of cells, one extremity being fixed to the end of the ovospore next the micropyle, the other end of the string lying free in the endosperm. This row of cells forms the FlG> ^_ VMa tricolor , (Sac hs.) pro-embryo. The proximal cells of the row, i.e. those next the micropyle, become the suspensor, and the single distal cell becomes the embryO proper. Posterior end of embryo-sac : e, wall ; S, _,, j i f cavity of the embryo-sac ; A", A", yoijng 1 lie development OI endosperm cells ; pr, protoplasm of the this distal cell into the embryo is of some importance, and it is at this stage that we meet with the first great difference between monoco- tyledons and dicotyledons. The account here given is true for both types up to a certain stage, when the points of difference will be emphasised. The distal cell first undergoes subdivision, so that eight daughter cells are formed, which form a blastoderm (to use a convenient zoological term). These eight cells next become tangentially divided into eight concavo-convex cells exter- nally and eight small tetrahedral cells internally (fig. 91). The external concavo-convex cells become dermatogen, or the layer destined to give rise to the epidermis ; the inter- nal tetrahedral cells form the embryonic periblem, or fundamental tissue, and plerome, or fibro-vascular tissue. In the dicotyledons the embryo becomes flattened and heart-shaped, and shows a differentiation into two lobes, the cotyledons, or primary leaves, between the bases of which 1 In some few plants it remains, and is then known as perisperm. 174 Elementary Biology. lies an actively growing mass of cells, the future stem, and a body known as the hypocotyledonary axis, the tip- of which is covered by the terminal cell of the suspensor. This suspensorial cell divides transversely into two cells, the cell next the embryo (the hypophysis) giving origin by subdivision to a number of layers, the distal forming the terminal portion of the root, while the proximal cells form the embryonic root-cap, or calyptrogen. The embryology of the monocotyledon does not differ from that just described, save that only one cotyledon is formed, consequently the young stem seems to spring from the side of the cotyledon rather than from the terminal part of the embryo. The manner of arrangement of the cells of the embryo is also somewhat different While these various changes have been taking place in the interior of the ovospore, concomitant changes have been occurring in the surrounding tissues of the ovule and ovary. After fertilisation the ovule becomes the seed, and the ovary, with its contained seed, the fruit. The outer covering of the ovule (now of the seed), is termed the testa, the inner the tegmen. Similarly, the ovarial wall, when it forms the wall of the fruit, receives the name of the pericarp, not in- frequently differentiated into three layers, the epi- meso- and endo-caip. In some fruits the floral axis swells up round the ovary, and, becoming succulent, forms what is known as a false fruit, or pseudocarp. This does net, however, take place in the type which we are considering. We have already seen how the various tissues of the adult plant are differentiated from meristem. The plant so formed may, like the lily, live only one year ; it is then termed an annual, and its individual life, as a rule, ceases after it has matured its fruit. Plants which thus flower only once are termed monocarpic ; others, again, flower after they are two years old and then die (biennial monocarpic) ; others only after they have lived for a number of years (perennial monocarpic). The majority (especially of dico- Metaphyta Lilium. 175 tyledons) flower again and again year after year. These may therefore be termed perennial polycarpic plants. When ripe the fruit falls off, and by withering or de- FIG. 91. -DEVELOPMENT OF EMBRYO OF DICOTYLEDON. (Sachs.) / The numbers indicate planes of division ; v, suspensor ; k, hypophysis ; h 1 , cell formed from the hypophysis ; w, tissues of the embryonic root ; s, stem ; c, c, cotyledons. hiscing allows the seeds to escape, or the fruit may dehisce while still attached to the stem. The seeds germinate when sown on a suitable soil under the proper conditions of heat FIG. 92. DEVELOPMENT OF THE EMBRYO. (Maoqt and Decaisne.) c h a f t-\ i, i 3, Development of a dicoty- ledonous embryo. 4, 5, 6, 7, De- velopment of a monocotyledon- ous embryo, a, raphe ; c, cotyle- don ; e, inner coat of seed ; /, outer coat ; f, funicle ; g; plu- mule ; A, hilum ; t, hypocoty- ledonary axis ; r, radicle ; in, micropyle ; k, groove occupied by the plumule ; s, secondary roots, i. Shows half a pea still attached to the placenta. 2. The embryo removed and split open. 3. The embryo after a few days' growth. 4. Shows a section of the oat with small co- tyledon and large mass of endo- sperm. . 5. The embryo re- moved from endosperm. 6. First stage in its germination. 7. Ger- minating embryo of maize. Metaphyta L ilium. 177 FIG. 93. ORIGIN OF SECONDARY ROOTS. (Prantl.) and moisture. The root is the first part of the embryo to make its way through the micropyle and elongate. The plumule or young stem remains hidden for some time in the seed. When the primary root has taken fast hold of the soil the secondary roots begin to make their appearance to take its place functionally, and the primary root soon ceases to elongate. The plumule next emerges and increases in size. The stems of plants of the lily type increase in thick- ness very rapidly, but do not add secondary wood in future years if perennial. There are a number of arborescent lilies such as the Yucca, Dracaena, and such like which, how- ever, form interesting tran- sition links to the dicotyle- donous type which we shall discuss in the following sec- tion. One point of some im- portance remains to be noticed with regard to the mode of origin of lateral branches of the stem and of the root axis. Lateral roots always originate from what was described at p. 150 as the pericambium layer, , , secondary roots in various stages of growth ; k, root-cap ; r, cortex ; f, fibro-vascular core. especially that portion of it which lies opposite to the xylem of the fibro-vascular strands, whilst branches of the stem axis originate from superficial layers of cells of the cortex into which the fibro-vascular strands afterwards become developed. The root method of development is termed endogenous, whilst the shoot method is termed exogenous. One result of the endogenous mode of origin is that the roots have to push their way through the cortex of the root ; hence, where each root appears on the surface, it is sur- rounded by a collar of tUsue which it has pushed aside, the coleorhiza. /^ N 178 Elementary Biology. We have now completed our examination of the lily, and pass on in the next section to a survey of the points of difference and agreement between it and the buttercup. As already stated, the points of difference are chiefly in external configuration and arrangement of parts, in the arrangement of the tissues of the nbro-vascular strand, and in their mode of secondary growth; and, lastly, in the structure of the embryo. We will devote special attention to these points. It will have been noticed that very little has been said hitherto of the physiology of plants ; that subject is postponed until our consideration of the morphology is completed, since the function of the several structures and the phenomena of nutrition, &c. will be thus more easily understood. The physiology of the several types, moreover, agrees in most essential points, hence by thus postponing our treatment of that subject until we have surveyed all the types we shall escape constant repetition. SECTION I V. DICOTYLEDONES RANUNCUL US. In selecting a type of the dicotyledonous flowering plants it is advisable to choose one where the various parts are as nearly as possible in a primitive or simple condition, where no parts of the flower are wanting (a complete flower) and where none have been specially modified for purposes connected with cross-fertilisation (a regular flower). The buttercup is a particularly favourable subject for investiga- tion, for it is a complete and regular flower of the penta- merous type. Stem. The most important point of difference between the stem of the buttercup and that of the lily is in the arrangement of the fibro-vascular strands. As already seen, they are in the lily arranged irregularly in the fundamental tissue ; in the buttercup they are arranged concentrically. They therefore subdivide the fundamental tissue into a cen- trally placed medulla or pith, and a peripherally placed Metaphyta Ranunculus. \ 79 cortex, whilst joining these two tissues and running between the fibro- vascular strands lie plates of fundamental tissue to which the name of medullary rays has been given. The tissues of the strand are, moreover, also arranged concen- trically. It is easily possible to differentiate three layers in the strand : internally and next the pith, the xylem, con- sisting of prosenchyma, parenchyma, and vessels. These latter are partly distributed through the wood (dotted ducts) and partly collected at the tips of the wood next the pith (spiral vessels), where the latter form what is known as the medullary sheath. Next we meet with a layer of actively growing tissue, the cambium, composed of parenchyma rich in protoplasm ; and externally the bast, or phloem, which is composed on its inner side of parenchyma, prosenchyma, and sieve-tubes, on its outer aspect of thick-walled prosen- chyma. As the stem grows older the strands increase in size, and approach one another so that the medullary rays are di- minished. Moreover, a layer of cambium appears, uniting the cambium regions of the various strands together. The cambium of the strands and the cambium between the strands are known as fascicular and interfascicular cam- bium respectively. The interfascicular cambium has the power of forming xylem on its inner and phloem on its outer side. Thus are formed new or secondary strands, which become wedged in between the primary strands, squeezing and crushing the medullary rays, of which nothing is ulti- mately left save a few thin plates or isolated patches of cells. The cambium of both kinds has, however, another duty to perform, namely, to add new wood and (to a less extent) new bast to the wood and bast already formed. Towards the end of the year when the vitality of the plant is ebbing, the cambium cells divide less rapidly and the cells are much smaller. Again, on the return of spring, when vitality is in full flow, the cells become much larger and divide rapidly. This cessation and renewal of growth form what are popu- N 2 i8o Elementary Biology. larly known as annual rings. These rings are not so distinct in the bast, for there is not so much of it formed, nor is it formed so regularly. This formation of new layers of wood and bast may go on for an indefinite number of years, hence FIG. 94. DEVELOPMENT OF THE DICOTYLEDONOUS STEM. (Sachs.) K, cortex : M, pith ; zV, interfascicular cambium ; fc, fascicular cimbium ; /, primary phloem ; .r, primary xylem ; l>, hard bast ; f/i, ifh. fascicular and interfascicular wood. the term open, or capable of continuous growth, as applied to strands of the dicotyledonous stem. Manifestly as the stem thus increases in size, some arrangement must be made whereby the cortex may increase concomitantly. Such an MetapJiyta Ranunculus. iSi arrangement is found in the cork cambium, a layer of grow- ing cells lying outside the bast. This layer is capable of growth in two directions outwards and inwards. Outwards FIG. Q5. DICOTYLEDONOUS FIBRO-VASCULAR STRAND. (Sachs.) V l>, hard bast ; c, fascicular cambium ; c b, interfascicular cambium ;y, sieve-tubes in soft bast ; m, fundamental tissue ; g, dotted ducts ; t, pitted vessels. it forms a layer of periderm, or cork, the cells of which are dead and filled with air, and have their walls rendered almost impermeable to water ; and inwards a layer of phelloderm, 1 82 Elementary Biology. or green cortex. The cork cambium itself is often known as phellogen. These successive layers of cork form the bark ; even in young twigs little patches of cork form below the epidermis (usually beneath a stoma) and bulge it outwards, forming what are known as lenticels. In the cortex, and frequently amongst the other tissues as well, are found vessels of an entirely different character FIG. 9^. ORIGIN OF CORK. (Sachs.) f, epidermis ; A', cork or periderm ; /*/*, phellogen, or cork cambium ; pd, phellodenn. from those already described. Two forms will be here de- scribed, the laticiferous vessels and the resin canals. Laticiferous vessels usually run in an irregular manner through the tissue in which they are found. They branch and anastomose. They contain a watery fluid known as latex, seen very well exuding from the cut stem of a dande- lion. The latex is not always white, however. It may be red, blue, or yellow. Some varieties of latex are of great commercial value, such as, for instance, india-rubber, gutta- MetapJiyta Ranunculus. 183 percha, and opium. Whilst laticiferous vessels are formed of straight or irregular cells, placed end to end and having FIG. 97. LATICIFEROUS VESSELS. (Sachs.) A, slightly, B, highly magnified. their common walls absorbed, resin canals are formed by a 184 Elementary Biology. number of cells enclosing a cavity, which is thus an inter- cellular space. They also contain substances of economic value, as turpentine, resin, &c. Numerous other varieties of vessels, ducts, and glands might be mentioned, such as oil glands, nectar glands, cavities containing volatile oils, and such like. The pecu- liar glands of insectivorous plants will be described in sect. vi. FIG. 98. TRANSVERSE SECTION OF A RESIN CANAL. (Vines.) Root. The chief point of importance in the dicotyledon- ous root in which it differs from that of the monocotyledon is its power of increasing in thickness by growth of second- ary wood. It will be remembered that while the primary root of the monocotyledon soon ceases to grow, and has its place taken by adventitious roots, the primary root of the dicotyledon goes on growing, and increases in thickness by Metaphyta Ranunculus. 185 the addition of new wood and new bast to that already formed. The secondary layers of wood and bast arise from a fascicular and interfascicular cambium, which lies internal to the pencambium, and, owing to the position of the two parts of the primary strands, winds in a sinuous mariner out and in between the primary masses of bast and the primary masses of wood. The cambium first makes its appearance opposite the bast portions of the strands. Leaf. The arrangement of the fibro- vascular strands in the dicotyledonous leaf differs from that of the monoco- tyledon in being netted or reticulated, the strands starting from one or more chief ribs, and gradually becoming smaller towards the leaf edge, branching and anastomosing as they go. The shape of the leaf as a whole is most varied. We may distinguish, however, between simple and compound leaves, and reduce each leaf or leaflet (if compound) to one or other of the three types, circular, elliptical, and ovate. The shape of the leaf is always related to the arrangement of the leaves on the stem (phyllotaxis). It must be remem- bered that the main object of phyllotaxis is to enable the leaves to get a maximum of light and air. We will first con- sider one or two of the chief phenomena of phyllotaxis and then it will at once become apparent that the shape of the leaf and the phyllotaxis are closely correlated (Lubbock). There are two chief methods of leaf arrangement, namely, where the leaves are arranged in pairs opposite to each other or in circles or whorls of more than two, and they are arranged in an alternate or spiral manner round the stem. These two methods may be termed the verticillate and the spiral respectively. The verticillate is often mimicked by the spiral when the internodes of the latter are very closely approximated, as, for instance, on the floral axjs. There are many varieties of the spiral arrangement, but all are found to obey a definite law, viz. that if the numerator of a vulgar fraction indicate the number of times it is neces- 186 Elementary Biology. sary to go round the stem before coming to the leaf directly above that from which the start is made (following the bases of successive leaves on the branch in regular order), and if the denominator represent the number of leaves passed, then the numerators of two successive fractions added together give the numerator, and the denominators added together the denominator of the succeeding fraction. Thus the FIG. 99. DICOTYLEDONOUS LEAF. (Thom.) simplest spiral phyllotaxis must be that where the leaves are alternate, one on one side and the other on the other side of the stem. Manifestly, under such circumstances, we must pass two leaves and go once round the stem to reach the leaf directly above that from which we started. Hence we have here a \ spiral. Again, still circling the stem once, every fourth leaf might be that directly above the starting point. The fraction then would be ^. According to the MeiapJiyta Ran uncnlus. law, the succeeding spirals must be f, f, ^Vim an( * so on - The law, however, does not always hold good amongst the higher fractions, and seldom among the sporophylla and perianth leaves, where various modifying influences come into play. Now if a plant has large broad leaves, manifestly Fto. rco. COMPOUND LEAF. (Thome). FIG. lot. DIAGRAM OF SHRAU (Prantl). if they are to obtain a maximum of light and air, they must be arranged on a wide spiral, and not in a whorl, else they will cover each other. So, also, if the leaves are small and narrow, they might well be arranged in whorls or close spirals, and still be sufficiently exposed to the air and light. 188 Elementary Biology. The flower. It has already been pointed out that the flower of the buttercup conforms to what is known as the FIG. ^.-VERTICAL .SECTION OK RANUNCULUS. PentamerOUS type, (Maout and Decai^ne.) that is tO Say, has itS parts arranged in whorls of five each. This may be best seen by comparing the floral diagram (fig. 103) with the vertical section of the flower (fig. 102). The sporophylla are more numerous than in the lily, and are spoken of as indefinite. The stamens conform to the type already described for the lily. The carpels are, however, in Ranunculus free as well as numerous. Moreover, each carpel contains only one anatropal sporangium (ovule). After the ovum in its interior has been fertilised the carpel is then a one-celled one-seeded fruit. The carpels in the lily formed a three- celled many-seeded fruit. All the sporo- phylla, as well as the perianth leaves, spring from a convex thalamus or floral axis, and the stamens rise free from each other and the peri- anth, and at a lower level than the carpels. The stamens (andrce- cium) are therefore said to be hypogynous, or beneath the carpels (gyno3cium). The ac- count of the structure of the sporophylla and the essential FIG. 103. FLORAL DIAGRAM OF RANUN- CULUS. (Allen.) a a, carpels ; b b. stamens ; cc, petals ; dd, sepals. General Physiology of the Plant. 1 89 elements of reproduction already given for the lily will, with very slight modification, do also for the type now before us. Repetition, therefore, is unnecessary. We have also directed attention to the chief points in the embryology in connection with that of the lily. We proceed now to give a brief ac- count of the general physiology of the plant in application (with exceptions which will be pointed out) to all the types considered in the preceding sections. SECTION V. GENERAL PHYSIOLOGY OF PLANTS. As was pointed out in sect. i. of Chap. III. every organ in the plant body has a special duty or function to perform, a duty directly subservient to the welfare of the individual as a whole. Just as we may consider the plant body as a whole from a morphological point of view, so also we may discuss the general physiology of the vegetal organism as a whole. These two aspects may be denominated the statical and the dynamical aspects respectively. Previously, however, to entering upon the detailed examination ol the dynamical or physiological aspect of plant life, it will be found of great assistance if we devote a short time to the survey of the special chemical elements which enter into the composi- tion of the plant, and the conditions under which they occur there. The easiest method of ascertaining the elements which compose the food of plants is by subjecting the entire plant to destructive analysis (footnote, page 25). The plant organism contains a very large percentage of water (uncombined) which can be dried off by application of a gentle heat (desiccation). Many of the volatile oils and aromatic substances are also got rid of by this means ; we will not, however, consider them at present The amount of the water present varies with the season of the year at which the examination is conducted, and the plant and part of the plant examine, perisarc ; d, ?ooid ; c, sexual zooid with rudimentary gonophores. fixed to the rock by a network of root-like filaments, which, however, are only superficially comparable to roots. The Metazoa Obeli a. 221 upright stems spring from the rooted portion, each stem having smaller branches. There may be few or many up- light stems, and the root- formation or stolon may show a corresponding variability in extent. Each branch is termi- nated by a zooid, and the entire structure is a colony, [he persons of which are thus intimately connected with each other. The stolon is a branching and anastomosing network of delicate tubes, the cavities of which are perfectly continuous with each other and with the upright stems which spring from them. The tubes of the stolon are covered externally by a horny, laminated cuticle, known as the perisarc, enclosing a cellular axis or coenosarc. The outer layer of the coeno- sarc shows no very clear division into cells, though nuclei are scattered at intervals through it, pointing to the fact that the layer is of cellular origin. The cavity of the tube is lined by a layer of cells bearing cilia. To the outer or protective layer the name of ectoderm is given ; to the inner or digestive layer, that of endoderm. These two terms must on no account be confounded with the terms ecto- and endo-sarc used in describing the differentiated layers of protoplasm in the Protozoa (p. 56). The endoderm and ectoderm are layers of cells ; the ectosarc and endosarc are layers of protoplasm of one cell. The structure of the upright branches is the same as that of the stolon, save that the central cavity becomes larger and more distinct as the ends of the various branches are reached. It will be advantageous at this point to digress and examine another related Hydrozoon known as Hydractinia. A common species (ff. echinatd] is found covering the shells of many hermit-crabs. Like Obelia it consists of a rooted branched stolon and upright stems. But the stems are short, and each is terminated by a single zooid. Four distinct types of zooid can be identified. One known as the ali- mentary zooid consists of an upright stem or body, con- tinuous with the stolon at its fixed extremity, and terminated 222 Elementary Biology. at the other by a swollen head, bearing in the centre a mouth, and fringed with a circle of tentacles. The head is conical, and the tentacles spring from its broadest portion. The conical eminence over the origin of the tentacles is known as the hypostome. The hypostome bears the termi- nal mouth aperture leading into the interior of the zooid. The cavity into which the mouth leads we shall term the FIG. 114.-- PORTION OF A COLONY OF Hydractinia. (Glaus.) a, alimentary zooid ; d, tentacular zooid ; e, reproductive zooid enteron, but defer the explanation of that term until we have completed our study of the general morphology. Another kind of zooid is seen near the alimentary zooid, possessing a body and swollen head ; but the head carries no tentacles, and there is no mouth. This degraded form we shall term a tentacular zooid. Yet another type is to Metazoa Obelia. 223 be distinguished, like the tentacular zooid in general appear- ance, but bearing two-thirds of the way up a number of swellings. This is the reproductive zooid. 1 Lastly, there are to be found scattered here and there throughout the colony upright stiff branches, incapable of movement and tapering to a point. The perisarc in this type of zooid is largely developed. This we may term a protective zooil Before proceeding to the comparison of Hydractinia and Obelia we must endeavour to explain this peculiar arrange- ment and modification of parts. We have often had occasion to refer to division of labour as the key to the understanding of the evolution of highly developed from lowly developed types, briefly sketched out in Chapters II. and III. We must again employ this expla- nation in the present instance. Examining into the func- tions of the several zooids in the colony, we find that the alimentary zooid digests food not only for itself but for the whole colony ; the tentacular zooid works towards the same end by catching and killing small animals floating in the water ; the reproductive zooid, fed like the others through the stolon by the nourishment prepared by the alimentary zooid, confines its attention to the production of gonophores (p. 227) capable of forming sexual elements ; whilst lastly, on the approach of danger, all three varieties of zooid rapidly contract under shelter of the strong pointed protecting zooids, which stand up firm and erect to shield the others from harm. The tentacular zooid no doubt also serves to warn off enemies by its active movements on the border of the colony. In other words, we have in a Hydractinia colony a number of persons all reducible to the same type but each modified in some peculiar way to perform one or other of the functions necessary to the maintenance of indi- vidual and tribal life. We have morphological differentia- tion accompanied by physiological specialisation or division 1 Though termed the reproductive zooid, it is to be noted that it does not produce sexual cells (p. 227). 224 Elementary Biology. of labour. As in the plant we found leaves nutritive in their function and leaves reproductive (sporophylla), leaves protective (sepals) and leaves attractive (petals), so in the Hydrozoa we have zooids performing nutritive, protective, and reproductive functions ; only in the case of the plant we had differentiations of organs, in the Hydrozoa differen- tiation of persons or zooids. If we now return to the consideration of Obelia, we find that the various zooids are becoming more closely, i.e. organically, united, but physiologically less dependent on each other. All the zooids (the protective zooids are want- ing) are, moreover, aggregated or gathered together on one branch ; a manifest gain, for not only is a far smaller amount of stolon required, but the colony being closely packed can maintain itself in healthy life, with less expendi- ture of energy, and is moreover not so liable to injury in its compact form. If space permitted, we might instance Hydrozoa that showed still further aggregation. We must content ourselves by a reference to Hydra only. In this form we have not only the functions performed by one person, but we have degeneration and simplification taking place as well. Hydra does not form colonies, and the in- dividual consists of one zooid similar to the alimentary zooid of the Hydractinia, but with the power of producing sexual organs, which latter are of a far simpler type than those possessed by Obelia or even Hydractinia. We must now leave general questions and devote our- selves to the study of the social economy of the colony, and the life-history through which it passes. As already mentioned, the alimentary zooid of a Hy- dractinia or an Obelia does not materially differ from a Hydra. It will, therefore, be convenient to describe the histological structure and mode of life of Hydra as an ex- ample of an alimentary zooid. One point of difference we must, however, note, viz. that the perisarc is absent in Hydra. The body and tentacles, eight in number, are eminently Metazoa Obelia. 22$ FIG. 115. TRANSVERSE SECTION OF THE WALL OF Hydra. contractile, and are composed of two layers an outer ecto- derm and inner endoderm. The cavity, or enteron, opens to the exterior by the terminal mouth, and is continuous throughout the body and into the tentacles. The ectoderm is composed of large pyramidal cells, having the pointed ends, which are internal, pulled out into long processes ; these processes from the ectoderm cells form a tolerably complete layer beneath the ectoderm termed the neuro - muscular layer. The ectoderm cells are nucleated and granular, and contain, in addition, pear - shaped bodies, known as nematocysts. The nematocysts are organs of offence and de- fence. Each consists of a small sac in the interior of which is coiled a very long barbed thread, lying bathed in what is no doubt a poisonous fluid. The animal can at will evert the thread with great rapidity, with the effect of stupefying or poisoning the prey it strikes. Nema- tocysts occur in the endoderm also. The tentacles of the alimentary and tentacular zooids of Obelia and other genera are plentifully supplied with nematocysts. Numerous young cells lie in nests round the pointed inner ends of the ecto- derm cells (fig. 114), ready to take the place of the ecto- derm cells when these are shed, as they frequently are when a nematocyst is fired. The endoderm differs considerably in character from ectoderm ; 6, endoderm ; c, neuromuscular layer ; d, basemem membrane ; , endoderm ; c, enteric cavity ; ef, neural canal ; e, mesoblastic somites ; f, neurenteric canal ; g, anterior opening of the neural canal ; h t notochord. been forming a series of saccular outgrowths, which ere long become disconnected from the archenteron, and lie along its sides as cubical bodies, known as the mesoblastic somites. Each block becomes subdivided into a dorsal and a ventral portion. The dorsal part becomes transformed into the muscle plates, while the ventral portion splits into two layers : the inner, or splanchnic layer, forming the 262 Elementary Biology. muscular and other layers of the alimentary canal (save the cell-layer lining the canal which is formed by endoderm) ; whilst the outer or parietal layer applies itself to the body- wall, and becomes transformed into a muscular layer. The space between these two layers is the coelom. The origin of one other important organ may be alluded to, namely, the notochord. That structure is formed by the folding off of a ridge from the dorsal wall of the enteron. This band afterwards becomes distinct and en- veloped, as does also the nerve-cord, by cells developed from the mesoblastic somites, which become modified to form the fibrous sheath above alluded to. The embryo meanwhile becomes elongated, and the communication be- tween the neural and enteric canals is interrupted, the notochord growing backwards between the two canals. The anterior end of the neural canal now becomes closed, and the walls of the canal thicken to form the spinal cord of the adult. It will be noted that at this time the alimentary canal is a tube closed at both ends. It is put in communica- tion first anteriorly and, later on, posteriorly, by the wall of the tube and the wall of the body growing together, and by the subsequent absorption of the tissue at the point of union. In this way are formed an anterior depression, or stomodseum, and a posterior depression, or procto- daeum (anus). In a quite similar way the gill-slits are formed in the pharynx, or anterior portion of the enteron. We have already seen how the atrial folds arise along the sides ,of the body and enclose the atrial cavity. The further changes which take place need not be dealt with. They consist in the gradual moulding of the body of the embryo into the shape it ultimately assumes : the formation of a liver as a diveiticulum from the mesenteron as the alimentary canal between the proctodaeum and stomodaeum is termed and of reproductive and circulatory organs from the mesoblastic somites. Metazoa Rana. 263 It will have been seen, so far, that the great point of advance in organisation which Amphioxus shows over Lum- bricus is the possession by the former of an endoskeltton supporting a dorsally placed nervous system. Further, as a consequence of the mode of formation of the nervous system, a transverse section of the body of Amphioxus exhibits two tubes a large ventral y placed ccelom, and a small dorsally placed nervous canal. Lumbriats, on the other hand, in transverse section, exhibits only one tube the alimentary canal the nervous system lying free in the coelom. Finally, although the alimentary system of the worm is scarcely less complicated than that of Amphioxus, yet the respiratory system in the latter is greatly in advance of the simple dermal respiratory mechanism in Lumbricus. We have now completed our study of this very simple chordate, and we have now to consider a more highly de- veloped type of the class, so as to obtain some idea as to how the simple organs of Amphioxus become modified in these higher forms. SECTION II. AMPHIBIA RANA. In the preceding section we noted that the great point of advance in the structure of the higher animals was the possession of a backbone, or vertebral column, above which (i.e. dorsally) lay the nervous system in the form of a tube developed from the outer layer of the body of the embryo, and beneath which (i.e. ventrally) was situated the body- cavity, a space containing the chief organs of alimentation, circulation, purification, and reproduction. In Amphioxus the vertebral column we found to be of very simple structure, being merely a rod of cellular tissue, or notochord, but en- closed by a tough membrane continuous with the septa separating the myotomes from each other, and present also as a sheath round the dorsally placed nerve-cord. In forms *S 4 264 Elementary Biology. higher in the scale than Amphioxus this notochord becomes much modified. The originally cylindrical rod is encroached upon by the fibrous sheath which covers it, and the sheath itself becomes transformed into or replaced by cartilage, or 'gristle' (in the lower fishes, e.g. skate and shark), and by bone (in bony fishes, e.g. cod, and all the higher animals). Moreover the flexibility of the primitive axial rod, which would otherwise have been lost in the firm osseous cylinder, is still obtained by the segmentation of the osseous column into separate short cylinders, or ver- tebrae, capable of a limited amount of movement on each other. In accordance with the plan adopted in the preceding sections, we may begin our study of one of the higher animal types by a brief summary of the external characters. In regard to the choice of a suitable type for the discussion of the structure and general physiology of the higher Chor- data there is much to be said in favour of the newt or the salamander. The Amphibia, to which these examples belong, is a remarkably interesting group in many respects. Among them, for example, we find the first appearance of true lungs, the characteristic respiratory organs of the reptiles, birds, and mammalia, and the life-history of many members of the class presents us with stages where the transition from the fish-like condition respiration by gills, or branchiae to the true air-breathing condition can be easily demonstrated. Again, the skeleton in the Amphibia, and especially in those members of the group cited above, is found in a very typical condition, and the modifications which have taken place in birds and mammals can be more easily understood after a careful study of the system in its relatively simple state. The difficulty of obtaining specimens of the newt or salamander is a serious drawback, and we are accordingly compelled to fall back on the common frog (Rana tempo- raria) for dissecting purposes, although the skeleton of that Metazoa Rana. 265 form is so much specialised as to render it a less suitable subject for the preliminary study of that system. We will therefore adopt the frog as the subject for consideration, save. in the case of the skeletal system, where the skeleton of the salamander will be taken as our type. External characters. A very cursory examination of the external characters of the frog enables us to distinguish a head, neck, trunk, and fore and hind limbs (fig. 128). The wide mouth, nostrils, eyes are easily seen on the head ; and the ears may be identified as two small rounded patches a short distance behind the eyes. There is no external ear, but the drum, or tympanic membrane, is itself exposed. Posteriorly only one opening can be made out, the opening of the cloaca, a small chamber into which the ducts of the renal and reproductive glands open together with the ali- mentary canal. The animal is covered externally by a soft, moist, pig- mented skin, which is very loosely attached to the body proper. The underlying space is occupied by a colourless fluid, called lymph, which will call for a more detailed de- scription presently. The alimentary system. We have already seen that the alimentary system in the animal consists essentially of a tube of variable length, running from mouth to anus, into which the food is introduced, and in which it is subjected to the action of certain fluids or secretions which render it capable of being absorbed through the walls of the ali- mentary canal, directly or indirectly into the terminal vessels (capillaries) of the circulatory system. In Lumbricus and in Amphioxus that canal is straight and simple, but in the frog it has become much modified. In the first place it is much longer than the body of the animal, and consequently is coiled up inside the body-cavity. In the second place, it has become differentiated into several distinct regions : a buccal cavity, where (though not in the frog) food is mas- ticated ; an oesophagus, or tube for the carriage of the 266 Elementary Biology. food down to a stomach, or store-chamber, where the food is mixed with digestive secretions ; an intestine, or narrow canal, where further digestive changes are effected, and where the nutritive part of the food is chiefly absorbed into the circulation ; and lastly a rectum where the effete or useless portions are collected, and from which they are periodically got rid of through the cloaca. FIG. 128. RANA TEMPORARIA. (Milnes Marshall.) Again, the secretions with which the food is mixed, and which render it capable of being absorbed, are produced in glands which are either minute and sunk in the wall of the alimentary canal itself, or are large and distinct from it, but opening into it by ducts at various points. These glands, Metasoa Rana. 267 as \ve shall afterwards see, are formed as outpushings from the alimentary canal itself. The two chief glands of this nature are the liver and pancreas. It will be necessary now to describe the course of the alimentary canal and the structure of that organ and of the glands which open into it. It will be convenient to subdivide it into four regions, viz. the buccal cavity, the oesophagus, the stomach, and the intestine and to describe in connection with these several regions the glands which are specially related to them. The buccal cavity. The mouth is proportionally of large size, the gape being very wide. The upper jaw is fringed with a row of small teeth, and additional patches of teeth may be felt on the roof of the mouth behind the jaw-teeth. These are known as maxillary, premaxillary, and vomerine teeth respectively from the bones of the skull on which they are supported (p. 301). The lower jaw bears no teeth, but has attached immediately behind its most anterior portion the tongue, a flat bilobed organ of large size, free behind and capable during life of being everted with great rapidity. The large bulgings due to the eyeballs may also be noted on the roof of the mouth. Six openings may be easily made out on the walls of the buccal cavity. Most noticeable of all of course is the wide pharynx, or upper part of the oesophagus, and close to it the small slit-like glottis, or aperture of the respiratory system. Two other apertures are visible in the hinder portion of the cavity. These are the eustachian tubes leading into the ears. Lastly, in front and on the outer side of the vomerine teeth are two small apertures, the posterior nares, or inner nostrils. The entire buccal cavity is lined by a continuation of the outside skin termed a mucous membrane, since it contains many small glands whose function it is to secrete mucus a sticky, more or less watery fluid mainly of service in keeping the membrane moist and facilitating the act of 268 Elementary Biology. FIG. 129. VERTICAL SECTION SKIN OF RAN A. (Owen ) swallowing. The microscopic structure of skin proper and mucous membrane may be best considered together. The skin consists of a series of layers of cells, the superficial layers being composed of flat plates or squames and the deeper layers of more rounded or polygonal cells. To this portion of the skin is given the name of epidermis. The epidermis rests on, and is organically con- nected with the dermis, which is composed chiefly of fibrous tissue, blood- vessels, and nerves, amongst which are im- bedded, especially next the epidermis, a large number of irregular pigment cells. The dermis is elevated into a series of vascular papillae which project into the epidermis. In the dermis, and with their ducts piercing and opening on the surface of the epi- dermis, are many subcu- taneous or mucous glands, already referred to. The subcutaneous tissue is separated from the under- f . , . lying muscles of the bodv- A, vertical section; e, superficial layer of i O epidermis; b, deep layers of epidermis ; \yall by a larSje lymph a, layer of pigment cells : c, dermis d, mucus gland ; g, connective tissue ; f, SpaCC. The mucous membrane of the buccal cavity does not differ essentially from the skin in structure ; the layers of cells are, however, fewer in number, the pigment cells are absent, and the vascular supply is more abundant. We shall find, later on, that the Metazoa Rana. 269 FIG. 130. VERTICAL SECTION OF A TOOTH. (Quain.) c, pulp cavity ; i, enamel, with radial and concentric markings ; 2, den- tine, showing tubules and concentric lines of growth ; 3, cement (bone) ; 4, periosteum or bone-sheath ; 5, bone of jaw. character of the mucous membrane is considerably modified in other 'portions of the alimentary canal Elementary Biology. FIG. 131. SECTION OF A PORTION OF DEVELOP i.xG TOOTH. (Quain.) The teeth, 1 already described as present en the upper jaw and palate, next claim some attention. They are by no means so distinct and elaborate in structure as those of the higher animals, such as those of the rabbit or dog ; yet the several layers distinguishable in the teeth of those latter forms are to be seen even in the frog's teeth. Each tooth consists essentially of a papilla of the dermis, capped by epidermis, which has become considerably modified. In the frog these teeth are constantly being renewed as the older teeth became worn away. A typical tooth, say of a dog, consists of a crown and neck above the level Ot the jaw, and a fang sunk in a cavity, or alve- olus, in the jaw itself! In the frog the tooth is simply united to a process of the bone beneath. The sur- face of the exposed portion is covered by an exceedingly hard dense substance termed enamel, covering a hard but sensitive core of dentine a substance not unlike bone which again contains in its interior a papilla of submucous tissues. The enamel consists of long closely packed prisms of phosphate of lime, while the dentine is partly organic, being composed of long branching tubules, imbedded, 1 The student is recommended to study the figures of the histology of the frog in Howes' Atlas of Biology. The figures introduced in the text are mainly taken from QuaMs Anatomy , and illustrate the histo- logical structure of the mammal. Good woodcuts of the microscopic structure of the lower vertebrata are still a desideratum, but those em- ployed in the text, as being in most points applicable, may serve the purpose in the present instance. ;, ou'er layer of dentine, fully calcified ; b, un- calcitied layer ; , dentine-forming cells ; d, pulp. Metazoa Rana. 271 however, in a matrix consisting chiefly of phosphate of lime. The cavity of the tooth (pulp cavity) is occupied, as has already been stated, by a papilla of submucous tissue. Over the surface of the papilla there lies a number of branched cells, from each of which proceeds an especially long branch which enters a dentinal tubule. When we come to speak of the minute structure of bone, the meaning and function of these fibres will become apparent. The only other organ we need mention in the buccal cavity is the tongue. It has already been stated that, contrary to the usual rule, the frog's tongue is free behind and attached to the jaw in front. The organ is composed of bands of muscle separated and at the same time bound together by connective tissue. The surface of the tongue is covered by mucous membrane, which is, however, elevated to form papillae. There are also special, papillae, which have to do with the sense of taste. These will be referred to later on when the senses come to be discussed. We must now endeavour to gain some general idea of the nature of the alimentary canal and the modifications met with on its course. The pharynx opens into a wide dilatable tube, the oesophagus, opening in its turn into a thick- walled stomach (fig. 153). The stomach together with the lower part of the oesophagus is partly hidden by the liver, a large, brown lobed organ, lying ventral to the alimentary canal, and attached to its wall just anterior to the proximal or cardiac end of the stomach. On leaving the stomach the alimentary canal narrows, and forms a tube of uniform bore, the small intestine, which lies coiled on the right-hand side of the lower portion of the abdominal cavity. The small intestine bends forward along the wall of the stomach, and encloses in the fold a long whitish organ, the pancreas. Lying between the lobes of the liver is a small round sac. of greenish colour if full, the gall-bladder. From the gall-bladder a delicate tube, the bile-duct, passes 2/2 Elementary Biology. away, traversing the substance of the pancreas and receiving in its course ducts from that organ. The bile-duct finally opens into the small intestine about midway along the re- current fold. This first portion of the intestine is known as the duodenum. The intestine thereafter makes a series of coils and finally en- FIG. 132. VERTICAL SECTION OF THE HUMAN -, , , . CESOPHAGUS. (Quain.) larges abruptly mtc a large short tube, the rectum, which opens into the cham- ber already referred to as the cloaca. The entire outer surface of the ali- mentary canal and its glands is covered by a shining mem- brane continuous with a similar mem- brane covering the inner wall of the abdominal cavity, and known as the peritoneum. The pe- ritoneum rises from tfte dorsal wall of the abdomen and becomes continuous with the layer re- flected over the viscera, forming na- turally a double layer, which attaches the alimentary canal and its glands to the abdominal wall, and forms the delicate membrane known as the mesentery. The mesentery, as we shall afterwards see, serves to support not only the alimentary canal but also blood-vessels, ducts, and nerves. a, connective-tissue layer; b, longitudinal muscles, cut transversely; c, circular muscles, cut longi- tudinally ; d, layer containing mucous glands ; e, layer of muscle fibre ; f, subepithelial tissue (dermis) ; g; epithelium layer (epidermis). Metazoa Rana. 273 The alimentary canal, therefore, consists of a tube for conveying the food to a storing and digesting organ, from which it is passed into another tube, in which it is mixed with and further acted on by digestive fluids secreted by certain organs opening into the canal, through whose walls absorption of nutriment takes place. The refuse is col- lected in the rectum and ejected to the exterior periodically. The wall of the oesophagus is composed of three layers, internally (i) mucous membrane with mucous glands (fig. 132, d, e, f, g) surrounded by (2) a layer of muscle fibres (, c) and (3) of connective tissue (a). It will be most con- venient to refer briefly at this point to the essential charac- ters of the muscular and connective tissues, since we shall meet with them in almost every part of the body. Muscle. Like every tissue in the organism muscle is composed of cells. The cells are much elongated in one direction, and have the function of contractility specially developed. There are two varieties of muscle, striped and non-striped. The protoplasm of the cell or fibre of striped muscle is greatly modified, being transformed into a bundle of exceedingly delicate fibrillae, each of which appears to consist of alternate dark and light segments. The cell-wall is exceedingly thin, and is known as the sarcolemma. Nuclei may be observed scattered here and there through the fibre, or immediately below the sarcolemma of the muscle-fibres of higher forms. The alternate light and dark segments of the individual fibrillae give the fibre as a whole a transversely striped appearance, whence this variety of muscle derives its name. Striped muscle is also known as * voluntary ' because it is the variety met with in muscles under the direct command of the will. There are, however, exceptions to this rule, as, for instance, in the heart, where the fibres are striped, but where the muscles are independent of the influence of the will. The voluntary muscles of the frog are sometimes branched as in the tongue (fig. 135). The other variety of muscle, termed non-striped or T 274 Elementary Biology. involuntary from the fact of its occurring in situations where movement is outside the dominion of will, consists of cells less far removed from their typical condition. The protoplasm is longitudinally striated, suggesting the differ- entiation into nbrillae which we have studied in the striped muscle-cell, and a delicate envelope is present correspond- FIG. 133.- STRIPED MUSCLE FIBRES. (Quain.) B A, portion of a muscle fibre ; n, part of the same teased, showing groups of fibrils, a, b, c, and ultimate fibrillse, d, d. ing to the sarcolemma. The cell possesses an elongated nucleus lying centrally in the protoplasm. In the case of both striped and non-striped muscle the cells are bound together by an intercellular cement into elementary bundles, or fasciculi, which are again collected into larger bundles. Both large and small bundles are held Metazoa Rana. 275 together by connective tissue, to which we may now briefly vpfpj- ' . . FIG. 136. FIBRES Connective tissue, which performs, as OF NON- STRIPED . .. . , . , MUSCLE. (Quain.) its name indicates, a purely mechanical function, namely, that of binding other tissues together or sheathing special organs, consists typically of three elements white fibres, elastic fibres, and cells (figs. 137-9). The white fibres are pale, extremely fine and wavy, and unbranched; the elastic fibres, on the other hand, are FlG. 134. A MUSCLE- FIBRE TORN SO AS TO SHOW SARCOLEMMA AND NUCLEI. (Quain.) FIG. 135. BRANCHED MUSCLE FIBRE FROM THE TONGUE OF THE FROG. (Quain.) sharply defined, branched, and show a disposition to curl up at their free ends. The connective-tissue cells are T 2 276 Elementary Biology. typical branched nucleated cells, of quite irregular form and size. These three elements are present in variable amount in different varieties of connective tissue. FIG. 137. ELASTIC FIBRES OF CONNECTIVE TISSUE. Quain.) FIG. 138. WHITE FIBROUS ELEMENTS OF CONNECTIVE TISSUE. (Quain.) In the wall of the oesophagus the muscles are for the most part non-striped. In the upper portion only are the FIG. 139. CONNECTIVE TISSUE CORPUSCITES. (Quain.) I fibres striped. The fibres are arranged in two layers (fig. 132), an inner circular and an outer longitudinal. Their Metazoa Rana. 277 FIG. 140. PORTION OF THE WALL OF THE ALIMENTARY CANAL AT THE JUNCTION OF THE STOMACH AND SMALL INTESTINE. (Quain.) function is to assist by their contraction (and consequent narrowing of the oesophagus) in pushing the food down into the stomach. The wave of contraction that follows the food is known as peristalsis. The stomach may be divided into a proximal or cardiac (nearest the heart) portion and a distal or pyloric end. Its wall from within outwards consists of (i) a mucous coat with special glands ; (2) a submucous layer of connective tissue, non- striped muscle, blood-vessels, nerves, and ab- sorbing ducts known as lymphatics ; (3) a non-striped muscular coat, whose fibres are arranged in two layers similarly to those of the oesophagus ; and (4) a con- nective tissue coat formed by the peritoneum. The intestine similarly consists of four layers mucous, submucous, muscu- lar, and fibrous (fig. 140). A detailed study of the last three of these layers is unnecessary in the present instance, but the principal characters of the mucous layer merit more careful considera- tion. In the case of the stomach it is thick, relatively to the other layers, from the presence of closely packed tubular glands, not unlike the test-tubes used in chemical manipu- lations. The glands (gastric glands) are arranged vertically to the surface of the stomach, and consist of a wall formed of columnar or cubical cells capable of secreting into the cavity of the tubule a digestive fluid known as gastric juice, having for its function the rendering soluble of certain sub- stances in the food chemically known as proteids (p. 26). The glands are surrounded by fine connective tissue, capil- laries, and lacteals prolonged upwards from the submucous peritoneum ; me, muscular layer ; mi t layer of submucous tissue ; g,g mucous layer ; /, p } pyloric valve ; z, villi of small intestine. 278 Elementary Biology. layer. It is from the blood circulating in the capillaries that the secretory cells lining the glands obtain the materials for the formation of gastric juice, the most important con- stituent of which is a ferment called pepsin. In the intestinal mucous membrane there are similar glands, known there by the name of Lieberkiihnian follicles, and having a similar function to those in the gastric wall. In addition, however, FIG. 141. VERTICAL SECTION OF THE SMALL INTESTINE. (Qualn.) /, /, submucous layer containing blood-vessels d, c, and large lacteal, a, a; ~, g", mucous layer with Lieberkiihnian follicles ; e, e : , epithelial layer; a, lacteal in the interior of a villus ; b, network of blood-capillaries in the subepithelial tissue (/) of the villus. the mucous membrane is elevated between the mouths of the follicles into long papillae, or villi, which are, structurally speaking, follicles turned inside out. Each villus is covered by columnar cells resting on a basement membrane, and covering a core of submucous tissue, consisting of lymphatics, or, as they are here termed, lacteals, nerves, blood-capilla- ries, and connective tissue. Among the columnar cells are found many wide-mouthed goblet-shaped cells, whose func- Metazoa Ran a. 279 tion it is to secrete mucin to keep the surface of the intestine moist, and to dilute the intestinal digestive juice as it flows from the follicles. At the junction of the . intestine and the stomach the circular muscular coat is very much thicker, and forms a sphincter valve (fig. 140). When it is contracted no food can pass from the stomach into the intestine ; relaxation takes place only when the food in the stomach has been sufficiently acted on by the gastric juice. In the rectum both follicles and villi are absent, and the mucous membrane consists simply of stratified squamous cells with a few mucous glands. The liver is the largest organ in the body, and consists FIG. 142. GOBLET CELLS. (Quain.) U. of a single right and a double left lobe. The two lobes are united by a transverse commissure of liver substance. The liver lobes are composed of an immense number of polygonal lobules of small diameter (^ to ^ of an inch). Each lobule is composed of many liver-cells, also polygonal in form. The cells have extremely fine cell-walls, with protoplasmic contents and nucleus, in which intracellular and intranuclear networks can be readily made out. The intercellular spaces open into minute ducts, lined by cubical epithelium, which in turn communicate with the duct already referred to as the bile-duct. The gall-bladder, already mentioned, is practically an enlargement on the course of the bile-duct, in which the surplus bile is stored. 280 Elementary Biology. In reality the duct from the liver opens into the gall- bladder, from which in turn the true bile-duct arises, open- ing into the alimentary canal in that region known as the duodenum. Bile is, in the frog, a greenish-yellow viscid fluid, highly antiseptic in character, and for that reason of service in pre- venting putrefaction of the intestinal contents. It performs the additional function of serving to assist in rendering FIG. 143. T\VO LIVER LOBULES (SEMI-DIAGRAMMATIC). (Qualn.) h, h, intralobular vein ; /, interlobular (portal) veins ; .?, sublobular (hepatic) vein. The arrows represent the course of the blood. Liver- cells are represented in one part of each lobule. fatty substances in the intestine capable of being absorbed through the intestinal wall. The formation of bjle is, how- ever, by no means the only function which the liver has to perform. Probably its chief function is to act as a manu- factory and storehouse for glycogen, or animal starch. The physiology of the so-called glycogenic function of the liver is, however, not yet fully understood. The arrangement of blood-vessels in the liver is of the Metazoa Rana. 281 highest importance, and will be described in connection with the circulatory system. One Other digestive FlG - T 44- FOUR HEPATIC CELLS WITH f COMMENCEMENTS OF A BILE-CAPIL- gland may be referred to, LARY. (Quain.) viz. the pancreas. This organ lies in the fold of the duodenum, and is the agent in the formation of pancreatic juice. It con- sists of a series of closely packed tubules, lined by cubical glandular cells which have the power of abstracting the constituents cf the pancreatic juice from the capillary blood- vessels distributed in large numbers through its tissue. The secretion differs from that of the stomach in being alkaline (that of the stomach is acid), but, like the gastric juice, it has the power of rendering proteid substances soluble which have escaped the action of the gastric se- cretion. It also assists in the ab- . r r ^ j a > secret ory tubule ; d, origin of a pancreatic duct. sorption of fat, and, in addition, transforms staj-h intp .sugar a function in the higher animals mainl^g^faled by "the secretion of the FIG. 145. SECRETORY TUBULES OF THE PANCREAS. (Quain.) 282 Elementary Biology. salivary glands. These latter are absent, however, from the Amphibia. By the action of these various secretions the contents of the alimentary canal are thus rendered capable of absorption. That process takes place through the walls of the small intestine chiefly, where there are very many special vessels known as lacteals and blood-capillaries in readiness to re- ceive the soluble products. The lacteals are extremely delicate ducts, whose walls are composed of a single layer of thin plate-like cells (squames). They abound in the villi of the small intestine and in the wall of the alimentary canal generally. These lacteals communicate with larger trunks, which ultimately pour their contents into the general blood circulation. The food matters also enter the capillaries and so pass directly into the circulation. The circulatory organs are in the frog, and, indeed, in all the Vertebrata, very highly differentiated. It will not be possible to give more than a brief outline of the plan of these organs. Further details must be obtained from zoological treatises. Generally speaking, the circulatory system of any one of the higher animals, and of the frog in particular, consists fundamentally of a pumping organ or heart and two sets of vessels, one passing from the heart (arteries) and one passing to the heart (veins). Blood, the contents of these various organs", is, as we have previously seen, a fluid which has two all-important duties to perform, viz. (i) to convey to the various tissues of the body the nutriment absorbed from the alimentary canal, and (2) to act as the medium for the carriage of a supply of oxygen to the tissues whereby that disintegration of organic compounds may be effected which we have seen to be a sine qua non in the manifestation of life, and incidentally to act as the medium for the con- veyance of the products of disintegration from the tissues to the exterior. The blood of the frog is a red, slightly viscid fluid, which Metazoa Rana. 283 on being examined under the microscope is found to consist of an almost colourless medium or plasma in which floats an immense number of blood-corpuscles of two kinds the one irregular in shape, colourless, and not unlike Amotbce in FIG. 146. BLOOD-CORPUSCLES OF THE FROG. (Ranvier.) a, red corpuscles seen on the flat ; v, vacuoles in a corpuscle ; t>, c, red corpuscles seen in profile ; n, k, colourless corpuscles at rest ; in, colour- less corpuscle showing pseudopodia ; /, coloured fusiform corpuscle. general appearance, and exhibiting when living that indefinite motion which has already been described and termed amoeboid ; the other definite and elliptical in shape and reddish yellow in colour. It is from these latter that the blood derives its red colour. Blood after death, or if with- drawn from the living body, does not long remain liquid. In the plasma extremely delicate branched filaments (fibrin threads) make their appearance, in the meshes of which the corpuscles become entangled. The clot (coagulum) subsequently con- tracts, with the result that the watery element (serum) of FIG. 147. FIBRIN THREADS. (Schafer.) The coloured corpuscles have been removed by washing. 284 Elementary Biology. the plasma is expressed. We might therefore classify the various constituents of blood thus : Blood Corpuscles Plasma Colourless Red Fibrin Serum Coagulum The two most important functions of blood have been mentioned above ; it will be sufficient to add here that the plasma performs the double duty of carrying nutritive material to the various tissues, and of removing from them many of the waste products always being formed there during life, while on the colouring matter of the red cor- puscles, haemoglobin (p. 21), devolves the duty of carrying oxygen gas from the exterior to the tissues. Naturally, therefore, a considerable difference exists between blood passing to the tissues from the heart (ar- terial blood) and blood passing from the tissues to the heart (venous blooi). Arterial blood contains about 17 % of oxygen gas (by volume), while venous blood contains only 6 %. Similarly arterial blood contains about 30 % of carbonic acid gas (by volume), while venous blood may have as much as 40 % to 45 %. There are also other points of difference between arterial and venous blood, the most noticeable of which is the bright scarlet colour of arterial, contrasting in this respect with the dull red of venous blood. The red corpuscles are derived from the white in a manner not yet accurately determined. The white in their turn are developed in a variety of situations in the body, chief amongst which are the so called blood-glands. The heart, or pump which drives the blood through the vessels, is a hollow, muscular, pyramidal sac, lying in the anterior part of the body-cavity known in the higher animals as the thorax, where indeed it forms a distinct subdivision Metasoa Rana. 28 S FIG. 148. ARRANGEMENT OF THE CHIEF ARTERIES AND VEINS IN THE FROG. (Owen.) of the ccelom. The heart is enclosed in a double-walled sac, or pericardium, between the walls of which there is a space filled with a colourless nutritive fluid known as lymph. From and to the heart a number of large blood-vessels pass, dividing afterwards into smaller branches. The heart itself is subdivided into three chambers, a ventricle, which composes the apex and aconsiderable portion of the body, and two auricles, which occupy the base of the pyramid. The heart lies close to the ven- tral body- wall in such a way that the apex points backwards and the large vessels arise from near the base and pass forwards. Above or behind the heart . lies a large membranous sac known as the sinus venosus, into which all the impure blood is poured in the course of the circulation ; below or in front of the heart and springing from the ventricle is a large muscular vessel known as the truncus H, heart ; A, above the origin of the common carotids ; p, the left lung ; /, pulmonary vein ; p', pulmo- cutaneous artery ; o, right precaval vein ; /, hepatic vein ; L, portal vein ; v, postcaval vein ; A, union of the two aortae ; u, right aortic arch ; k, renal vein ; /', renal artery ; , anterior abdominal vein ; A', divi- sion of the aorta into two common iliac arteries going to the hind limbs. Compare this figure with fig. 53. 286 Elementary Biology. arteriosus, by which pure blood leaves the heart to pass to the tissues. It very soon branches into a number of large arteries afterwards to be specified. Lastly, one vessel opens directly into the left auricle, while the sinus venosus mani- festly is connected with the right auricle. Before entering into further details with regard to the circulatory system it will be necessary for us to understand clearly the nature of the three important sets of vessels con- cerned in the transport of the blood, namely, the arteries, veins, and capillaries. Arteries and veins have fundamentally the same struc- ture, but they differ in the relative amounts of the FIG. 149. TRANSVERSE SECTION OF THE WALL OF A TYPICAL ARTERY. (Quain.) c & ?". "' -' : '" \^ a, epithelial layer ; b, elastic membrane ; c, tunica media ; d, tunica adventitia. separate elements entering into the composition of their walls. The wall consists of an internal epithelial lining of flat squames followed by a sub- epithelial membrane com- posed of elastic fibres : this is known as the tunica intima. The tunica media consists of a thick layer of circularly arranged muscle-fibres of the non-striped variety, plentifully mingled with delicate elastic fibres. The whole is strengthened and attached to adjacent parts by a tunica adventitia com- posed of connective tissue in which all three elements of that tissue cellular, fibrous and elastic are well represented. The veins differ from the arteries chiefly in two points ; first, in that the various coats are thinner ; and secondly, Metazoa Ran a. 28; in the presence (in most veins) of valves or pocket-like flaps formed by the tunica intima and tunica media. These valves are so arranged that a current of blood flowing in the normal direction into the heart encounters no opposition, FIG. 150. TRANSVERSE SECTION OF WALL OF A TYPICAL VEIN. (Quain.) a, epithelial layer ; l>, elastic membrane ; c, tunica media ; d, tunica adventitia. whilst a regurgitation from the heart causes the pockets to open and press against each other, and so prevent the back- ward passage of impure blood to the tissues (fig. 151). FIG. 151. -VALVES IN A VEIN. (Quain.) A, vein cut open ; n, longitudinal section of vein showing the valve in action ; c, the same seen from outside. Capillaries are exceedingly delicate vessels, which form the connection between the artery and its corresponding vein, and whose walls have been reduced to a tunica intima of 288 Elementary Biology. FIG. 152. CAPILLARY NETWORK UNITING AN ARTEK>' AND A VEIN IN THE WEB OF THE FROG'S FOOT. (Quain.) epithelial cells only. Every artery subdivides into capillaries ; every vein is formed by the reunion of capillaries ; the current of the circulation is from the artery to the vein through the capillary network so formed. Capillaries thus form the ultimate subdivisions of the circulatory system, and as such bring oxygen and nutritive fluid into close rela- tion with the tissues, and at the same time extract the waste products produced in the tissues as a consequence of metabolic changes taking place there. Having now briefly noticed the general character of the constituents of the vascular system it will be necessary to sketch the course of the chief blood-streams through the body. A little consideration will show us that there must be three important currents, viz. (i) a blood-stream from the alimentary canal which passes through the liver to the heart, carrying the products of assimilation into the general circulation ; (2) a blood- stream from the heart to and from the various organs of the body ; and (3) a blood-stream to and from certain purifi- catory organs the lung and the kidneys. The first current is conveyed by a large vein, the portal vein, which on the one hand has its terminal capillaries diffused in the walls of the intestine, and on the other breaks up into a similar capillary network in the substance of the liver, in which organ the constituents of bile are ab- stracted from the blood, while at the same time glycogen is removed and stored in the liver-cells. This blood-stream is known as the portal circulation. The second or systemic circulation is more elaborate. The arrows indicate the direction of the blood-flow. Metazoa Rana. 289 Starting from the truncus artericsus the blood is pumped by the ventricle into a number of vessels springing from the truncus. These vessels are six in number, three on either side : nearest the origin of the truncus, a pair of vessels we may know as pulmo-cutaneous ; next two aortse ; and lastly the two common carotids. We have already seen that the heart consists of three chambers, a ventricle and two auricles. The sinus venosus opens into the right auricle, while it has been noted that one vessel, to be known now as the pul- monary vein, opens into the left auricle. The auricles in turn open into the ventricles, and the auriculo- ventricular openings are guarded by valves which prevent regurgitation. Further it will be noted that the truncus arteriosus springs more from the right than the left side of the ventricle. When the ventricle contracts, therefore, the blood occupying the right side of the ventricle will be the first to enter the truncus. Now we have already learnt that the sinus venosus receives all the impure blood from the systemic veins ; while the pulmonary vein, on the other hand, contains pure blood from the respiratory organ, the lung. Under these circum- stances, when the auricles contract and pour their contents into the ventricle, the ventricle will contain pure blood on its left side, impure blood on its right side, and mixed blood in the middle. Therefore the ventricular contraction will drive into the truncus first of all impure blood, which will find its way into the first of the branches of the truncus, namely, the pulmo-cutaneous arteries, by which vessels the blood is conveyed to the lung and skin (the two great respiratory organs in the frog) -to be purified. The blood immediately following will pass into the two aortae, and the last and purest blood will enter the carotids. This process is greatly assisted by a special valve in the interior of the truncus, which closes the entrance to the pulmo-cutaneous arteries after they have been filled. By the aortas (which afterwards unite) the blood (mixed) is carried to all the chief organs of the trunk, to the limbs, stomach, intestine, &c. supplying u Elementary Biology. FIG. 153. VENOUS SYSTEM OF THE FROG. (Milnes Marshall) ST. JV. ar.T. , stomach ;".!/., anterior abdominal vein ; b., bladder ; b.v., brachial vein ; cl., cloaca ; c.v., cardiac vein ; d, rectum ; e, liver ; e.v., external jugu- lar vein ; f.v. femoral vein ; g., gall bladder ; h, sp'een ; i.e., inferior vena cava ; i.v., innominate vein ; jv, internal jugular ; /./., left pelvic ; m.v., musculo-cutaneous vein; o, kidney; p.v., hepatic portal ; r.p., right pelvic vein ; r.v., right renal-portal ; s., sinus venosus ; ven vein sc., sciatic vein; s.v., subclavian vein; t., tongue; t.a., truncus arteri- osus ; a., right auricle ; z/., ventricle ; v.v., vesical veins. FIG. 154. ARTERIAL SYSTEM OF THE FKOG. (Milnes Marshall.) 2 S.a c.a c.a | b, nostril; c, small intestine; c.a., carotid artery; e.g., carotid gland; c.m., coeliaco-mesenteric artery; en, cutaneous artery; d.a., dorsal aorta ; /., femur ; h.a., hepatic artery ; z, right lung ; l.a., lingual artery ; tn, spermarium, or testis ; o.a,, occipito-vertebral artery ;/>.#., pulmonary artery ; r, pelvic girdle ; s., sternum ; s.a,, subclavian artery ; j c., sciatic artery; u.a., urino-genital arteries; i, carotid arch; 2, systemic arch ; 3, pulmo-cutaneous arch. Metazoa Rana. 291 these viscera with nutriment and oxygen. The purest blood passes by the carotids to the head region, where naturally the purest blood is wanted. Similarly the impure blood is returned to the heart by special veins from each organ, uniting ultimately into four large vessels, two anterior or precaval veins and one posterior or postcaval vein which run direct to the sinus venosus, and one anterior abdominal, which, after traversing the ventral body-wall goes to the liver. The details of the arrangement and distribution of the smaller branches though of great importance cannot be dealt with here. Figs. 148, 153, and 154 will, however, show many of these details, which can be made out without diffi- culty in the animal itself. (The names of the various veins and arteries indicate sufficiently the origin and distribution.-) One point must, however, be briefly noticed with regard to the renal circulation. The common aorta gives off a number of branches to each of the two kidneys lying in the dorsal portion of the ccelom, while the renal veins open into the postcaval : this is the normal arrangement of artery and vein. But in the frog an additional means of circulation is present in the shape of a large vessel known as the renal- portal, which carries venous blood from the hind-limb and lumbar region to the kidney. The renal-portal on either side gives off a branch to the anterior abdominal, so that blood coming from the hind-limbs may pass to the heart by two channels, through the liver by the anterior abdomi- nal, or through the kidney by the renal-portal. Respiratory system, Before venous blood can be made use of again as a carrier of oxygen to the tissues it must be purified by the removal from it of the carbonic acid, water, and other waste products collected in its passage through the systemic capillaries. We shall consider first the re- moval of the carbonic acid. This duty is performed by the lungs, two semi-transparent sacs of large size situated ventrally to the oesophagus. At the posterior end of the u 2 292 Elementary Biology. buccal cavity, and immediately beneath the opening ol the oesophagus, may be seen a slit-like aperture, already men- tioned, known as the glottis, the walls of which are strength- ened by cartilage. The glottis leads into a cylindrical chamber from which the two lung-sacs open. Each lung is a hollow tapering bag, externally covered by a layer of FIG. 155. SECTION OF INJECTED LUNG. (Quain.) a, a, free edges of the pulmonary sacs (alveoli); c, c, partitions between neighbouring alveoli in section ; b, small artery giving off numerous ca i laries which form network over the alveolar wall. the same membrane which has already been described as covering the viscera generally, here, however, known under the special name of pleuron. The inner surface of the lung is thrown into folds and ridges, giving the wall the appearance of being honeycombed. Manifestly the super- ficies of the lung-wall is thus greatly increased. The pul- Metazoa Rana. 293 monary artery already mentioned in considering the branches of the truncus arteriosus here subdivides again and again, and its- ultimate capillaries ramify in the lung-wall, separated from the air which normally fills the lung by a single layer of squamous epithelium. It is manifest that a gaseous ex- change between the atmosphere and the blood circulating in the capillary terminations of the pulmonary artery is thus made possible. (It must be noted that the pulmonary artery, despite its name, contains venous blood.) The wall of the limg is exceedingly elastic, and readily collapses if the glottis be kept open or the wall be punctured. In principle the lung of the frog does not differ from the gill of the fish, for in both the end to be gained is the exposure of a maximum amount of blood to the atmosphere. In the fish the blood is carried outside the body in capillaries, which ramify in processes supported by a connective tissue framework, and thus meets with the oxygen dissolved in the water, while in the frog the air is sucked into the interior of the body to the blood, a method by which risk of injury to so delicate and important a system is reduced to a minimum, If space permitted, it would be interesting to trace the manner in which the lungs have arisen as a modification of a curious organ -the swim-bladderdeveloped in many fish. By altering the quantity of air contained in the swim- bladder, fish are able to increase or decrease their buoy- ancy. In higher animals, such as the rabbit or the dog, the lung, instead of being a single hollow sac, is composed of an enormous number of extremely minute sacs closely packed together (fig. 155), and communicating with the external world by means of a series of branched tubes (bronchi), which ultimately unite to form one large tube (trachea), of which the sole representative in the frog is the small cylindrical chamber into which the glottis opens. The gain in the extent of respiratory surface in the mammalian lung by this arrangement must be at once evident, whilst at the same time every particle of air inhaled is made use of. In 294 Elementary Biology. the frog, on the other hand, only the air nearest the wall of the lung can be employed for respiratory purposes ; a loss, however, not of much importance, since pulmonary respira- tion is in the frog greatly assisted by secondary respiration through the skin. The mode of inspiration in the frog differs from that of the higher animals, since, instead of FIG. 156.- DEVELOPMENT OF THE LUNGS. (Wiedersheim.) PD ff AT' FD, primitive intestine ; S, S', lung-sacs ; /, trachea ; b, bronchus ; Lg, seconda y pulmonary sacs. employing the muscles of the lung and the abdominal wall, &c. to bring about the distension of the lung, the frog inhales by the nostrils, so filling the buccal cavity, then, shutting the oesophagus and nostrils by means of the muscles of the buccal wall, it forces the air into the lungs, from which it is e.xpelled by the natural elasticity of the lung itself. Metazoa Rana. 295 FIG. 157. KIDNEYS AND SPERMARIA OF FROG. (Wiedersheim.) CrAo FK Renal system. It will now be necessary to glance at the mechanism by which the water and soluble nitrogenous waste are removed from the blood and got rid of. That duty is performed by two organs, the kidneys, which have already been mentioned in connection with the circulatory system as lying dorsally one on either side of the dorsal aorta, and receiving branches from that vessel. The kid- neys are closely attached to the dorsal body-wall, and are covered on the ventral aspect by a layer of peritoneum. Each kidney is a flat elongated body of a dull red colour. Enter- ing the outer edge of each is the renal-portal vein, and leaving the same edge, a little more than half-way down, is a delicate tube known as the ureter, by which the renal excreta are got rid of. The ureters open into the common chamber, or cloaca, behind the open- ing of the rectum. In structure the frog's kidney is essentially an im- mense number of nephridia ^ fkidne3?; Ur> Ur , ur eters ; t, their Closely packed together P int , of ongin; S,S', their opening imo 1 ' the cloaca, Ll\ HO, spermaria ; FA, fat Supported by Connective body; AO, aorta; Cv, vena cava ; Vr t . . . efferent veins. tissue and permeated by the capillary endings of the renal artery and renal and renal-portal veins. Each nephridium consists essentially of a terminal double-walled sac, containing a tuft of capil- laries communicating on the one hand with a small artery 296 Elementary Biology. FlG. 158. TUBT OF CAPILt.ARIKS IN A GLOMERULUS WITH RELATED BLOOD-VESSELS. (Quain.) and on the other with a small vein. The tuft and its cap- sule together form a glomerulus. The space between the walls is continuous with the tube of the nephridium. The tube-wall is lined by secretory epithelium, which differs in character in different regions. It pursues a very convoluted course through the substance of the kidney, and is in in- timate relation throughout with the renal capillaries. It ultimately unites with other tubules, and all finally open into the ureter above men- tioned. In passing through the capillaries of the glome- rulus, part of the water in the blood is squeezed out into the space between the two walls of the sac, whence it trickles down the tube, washing out in its course the soluble ni- trogenous waste abstracted meanwhile by the secretory cells from the renal capillaries surrounding them. The water and the nitrogenous and other salts contained in solution in it go by the name of urine, the most important constitu- ent of which is a complex nitrogenous compound known as urea. Urine does not escape directly from the ureter to the exterior. It is collected in a large bilobed and very extensible sac, the urinary bladder, which opens on the ventral surface of the cloaca, just in a, artery ; af, afferent brand i ; /, capi lary tuft; ef, efferent vein; b t capillaries of the efferent vein. Metasoa Ran a. 297 front of the rectal aperture. From the bladder the urine escapes to the exterior periodically. So far we have followed the course of the blood only to and from special organs. A very large amount of the blood is devoted, however, to the nourishing and oxygenating of the muscular and skeletal or supporting system. At p. 273 we have glanced at the histological characters of muscle, so that we may now proceed to the consideration of the hard parts or, in other words, the skeleton, or skeletal system. The only representative of the skeletal system we have yet had to deal with was the notochord of Amphioxus, a structure, however, of supreme importance ; for, as indicated at p. 258, we find that this rod forms the basis on which the chief part of the skeleton of the frog and of higher animals as well is built. The skeleton is composed of two substances, bone and cartilage. The histological character of these are of some importance. Cartilage is, like most other tissues, composed of a matrix in which are embedded numerous cells. The matrix is relatively very abundant ; it consists of a homogeneous intercellular substance very elastic in its nature. The cells are spherical or polygonal, and frequently occur in small groups which result from the fissiparous division of a single cell. By studying the process of division it may be made out that the matrix is produced by modification of the old cell- walls, which are successively cast off as new walls are formed round the daughter-cells. The matrix is not always homogeneous. In one variety of cartilage there may be formed in the matrix delicate elastic fibrils (yellow fibro-cartilage), in another wavy fibres of white fibrous tissue (white fibro-cartilage) (fig. 16). Cartilage whose matrix is free of either form of fibril is known as hyaline cartilage (fig. 159). Bone similarly consists of a matrix and embedded cells, although here both cells and matrix undergo considerable 298 Elementary Biology. modification. The cells are repeatedly branched, and lie in spaces (lacunae), which are moulded to the form of the contained cell. The branched processes of the cells lie in delicate canals (canaliculi), and these again communicate with the canaliculi of neighbouring lacunae. Moreover the FIG. 159. HYALINE CAHTTLAGE. (Quain.) a, group of two cells ; b, group of four cells ; ft, protoplasm of cell, with fat granules, ; , nucleus. lacunae themselves are arranged in circles round larger spaces (Haversian canals) which contain one or more blood- vessels. The Haversian canals anastomose and form a com- plete network in the bone and act as the channels by which nutrient blood-vessels pass to every part of the bone. Metazoa Rana. 299 The skeleton, looked at as a whole, consists of an axial vertebral column terminated anteriorly by the skull, and having attached to it two girdles, each bearing a pair of appendages, which constitute the appendicular skeleton. It will be advisable to compare the skeleton of the allied sala- mander with that of the frog, since the skeleton of the latter deviates considerably from the typical condition. FIG. ifo. TRANSVERSE SECTION OF TYPICAL LONG BONE (HUMERUS) (Quain.) The section shows three Haversian canals, with three concentric rings of lacuna;, from each of which spring a number of canaliculi. The axial vertebral column is composed of a series of vertebras articulated to each other, and all more or less re- sembling each other. A typical vertebra, say from the middle of the back, consists of a short cylindrical body (centrum), from the dorsal side of which an arch arises, the apex of the arch being prolonged upwards as a spinous process. The arches of the successive vertebrae, when placed together, thus form a canal in wfiich lies the spinal 300 Elementary Biology. FlG. 162. A TYPICAL VERTEBRA (HUMAM). (Quain.) cord, and which therefore goes by the name of the spinal or neural canal. From either side of the arch there projects a longer or shorter process known as the transverse process. It is to this process and to the body of the vertebra that the ribs are articulated in those forms which possess ribs ; here, however, ribs are absent. In addition we must note the existence of facets or the points of articulation of the successive vertebrae on each other. There are two facets in front and two behind, also borne on the sides of the arch. Vertebrae differ from each other in size, in the length and direction of the FIG. 161. A HAVERSIAN SYSTEM. (Schafer.) v, vein ; a, artery ; /, lymphatic. :, centrum ; 2, arch ; 4, neural canal ; 5, spinous process ; 6, transverse process bearing facets, f> 7, 7 1 ; c, c f , facets on centrum. ( I he upper figure shows a vertebra seen from before backwards, the lower is a lateral view of the same ) transverse processes, and in other less important points. A comparison of the vertebral column of the newt with that of the frog shows that in the latter the tail vertebrae are absent and that the last few vertebrae have coalesced into a long fluted bone, the urostyle, in which, however, evidence of the union can still be made out. Metazoa Rana. 301 l63 _ DoRSAL VIEW OF THE FROG>S SKULL> (Milnes Marshall.) Nat The several vertebrae are bound together by connective tissue, but in such a maner as to permit of a limited amount of movement. The skull is too complicated a structure to allow of de- tailed treatment here, and therefore only the essential features will be referred to. It is to be noted that the neural canal communicates with the cavity of the skull by the foramen magnum, a large aperture in the posterior wall of the skull. The skull is hinged to the first vertebra by two condyles, or SmOOth processes be- tween which a peg- like projection of the first, or atlas, vertebra fits. The skull itself may be said to con- sist of three parts, a cylindrical box, the cranium, or skull proper, to which are attached two pairs of sense-organs, the ol- factory and auditory Capsules I a frame- WOrk attached tO the .j _ . T i sides of the cylinder and forming the upper jaw, the maxilla ; and a lower jaw, or mandible, articulating on either side with the posterior part of the upper framework. The cranium itself is com- posed partly of cartilage, partly of bone. Posteriorly, i.e. in the occipital region, it consists of a floor and two side walls of bone (the basi- and two ex-occipitals) and a roof of cartilage, the ring thus formed bounding the foramen mag- num. The floor of the middle portion of the box is formed mainly of cartilage strengthened by a dagger-shaped bone, -, premaxilla ; Na., nasal ; S.e., sphenethmoid ; Sr., parieto-frontal ; Pr.O., prootic ; E.G., ex- occipital ;Q. 7., quadrato-jugal ; Sg,'', squamosal ; Pt'i pterygcid ; Pa., palatine. 3, lym- " phatic in a papilla of the dermis, / ; , gustatory body, or taste-bulb. fibrillge lie in close relation to the epithelial cells which form the outer layer of the skin, although in the frog no special organs of touch have been discovered. Taste. The organ of taste, at least in the higher animals, lies in the tongue, and more especially in its posterior third, where there is a limited number of papillae of very peculiar character. Each consists of a broad columnar projection of dermis and epidermis, surrounded 3 20 Elementary Biology. FIG. 17*?. SENSORY EPITHELIUM FROM THE NOSE. (Schafer.) by a groove or ditch : hence the name of circumvallate applied to these papillae. On the sides of this groove are situated numerous flask-shaped depressions, formed of long stave-like epithelial cells, whose outer ends project freely into the vallum, while their inner ends are in communica- tion with the axis cylinder of the glosso-pharyngeal nerve. Soluble substances introduced into the groove must of ne- cessity stimulate the nerve- terminations through the epi- thelial cells. Smell. The sense of smell is located in the rose. The interior of the nasal capsule is ridged in such a manner as to largely increase the surface .of the chamber- wall. The terminations of the nerves of smell are dis- tributed over the mucous membrane covering the ridges, and their axis-cylin- ders end in long spindle- shaped cells, whose pointed free ends project from the surface of the membrane. Air bearing odoriferous par- ticles enters the anterior nares and stimulates the nerve - terminations in its passage over the ridges projecting from the walls of the nasal capsule. Hearing. The organ of hearing is much more compli- cated, though fundamentally the same in principle as the sense-organs already described. Without entering into detail, it will be sufficient to say that the auditory or periotic and 2, varieties of olfactory epithe- lium and supporting cell-; 3, termi- nation of the olfactory nerve. Metazoa Rana. 321 capsule of the frog contains a cavity, lined by a mem- branous capsule, which fits it exactly. The membranous capsule, which takes the form of a partially divided vestibule with semicircular canals opening into it, is composed of a framework of connective tissue carrying modified ciliated epithelial cells. These cells are connected with the termina- FIG. 177. THE MEMBRANOUS LINING OF THE RIGHT INTERNAL EAR OF THE FROG FROM THE OUTER ASPECT. (Millies Marshall.) a, anterior vertical semicircular canal ; b, ampulla or swelling on it ; h, hori- zontal canal and its ampulla, i ; p^ posterior vertical canal and its am- pulla, r '\ s, sacculus and 7/, utriculus, the two subdivisions of the vestibule. FIG. 178. SENSORY EPITHELIUM OF THE EAR. (Quain.) c, c, sensory cells ; f, f, support- ing cells ; , nerve ; h, /t', cilia. tions of the auditory nerve. The cavity of the capsule is filled with lyrnph into which the cilia of the cells project. The wall of the cavity is perforated at one point, termed the fenestra ovalis, which, however, is closed by a delicate membrane, to which is fastened on its outer side a small rod-like bone, known as the columella, whose outer end abuts against the membrana tympani already described as visible on either side of the skull behind the eyes. The intermediate chamber (or tympanic cavity) containing the columella communicates with the buccal cavity by a tube, known as the Eustachian tube, whose opening has already 322 Elementary Biology. been referred to (p. 267). Vibrations of the air cause the membrana tympani to tremble in unison, and those trem- blings are, by means of the columella and the membrane covering the fenestra ovalis, communicated to the lymph filling the inner ear, which in its turn stimulates the epithelial cells in connection with the terminations of the auditory nerve. Sight. The peripheral terminations of the nerve of sight are more complicated than those of the other sense-organs. The eye consists of a strong capsule of fibrous tissue, known posteriorly as the sclerotic, anteriorly as the cornea. The cornea is transparent, the sclerotic is white and opaque. . The capsule is pierced behind by the optic nerve, and is kept in its socket and at the same time moved by six bands of muscle, four of which spring from the upper, under, and two lateral margins of the eye, whilst the remaining two are obliquely placed, one arising from the upper and outer margin, the other from the under and inner margin. The four muscles first mentioned are known as the superior, inferior, exterior, and interior recti, while the oblique muscles are spoken of as the superior and inferior oblique respectively. It will be remembered that no less than three out of the ten pairs of cranial nerves were distributed to the muscles of the eye. Their distribution is as follows : the superior, inferior, and interior recti, and inferior oblique are supplied by the oculi-motor nerve (in.) ; the exterior rectus is supplied by the abducens (vi.) ; while the pathetic (iv.) nerve goes to the superior oblique muscle. Within the fibrous capsule there are two chambers, a large posterior and a small anterior. Lining the inner surface of the sclerotic is a highly vascular pigmented membrane, the choroid, which separates away from the sclerotic just where the sclerotic becomes continuous with the cornea. It there forms a diaphragm, ramed the iris, crossing the eye from side to side, incomplete, however, in the centre, where a rounded aperture is left, the pupil. Behind the iris lies a muscular Metasoa Rana. FlG. I79.-~HuKIZO.NTAL SECTION OF THE RIGHT EVE. (Quaill.) 323 , a, antero-posterior axis ; <5, b, lateral axis ; i, cornea : 2, 2'. sclerotic ; 3, 3', choroid; r, r 1 , retina; 4, ciliary muscle; 5, ciliary process; 6, 10, 14, lymph canals ; 7, 7', iris; 8, 8', optic nerve; 8", point of acutest vision ; 9, crinated zone marking the anterior termination of the retina ; 11, anterior or aqueous chamber ; 12, crystalline lens ; 13, posterior or \ itreous chamber. Y 2 Elementary Biology. FIG. I80.-VKRTICAL SECTION OF KET.NA. zone, also continuous with the choroid, known as the ciliary is continuous with a ligamentous zone which supports the crystalline lens. The lens thus occu- pies the space im- mediately behind the pupil, and assists in separating the an- terior from the pos- terior chamber of the eye. Lining the choroid is a very delicate membrane, composed partly of nerve fibres, partly of nerve-cells, arranged in a series of definite layers, supported by very delicate con- nective tissue. These nervous elements are the terminations of the optic nerve, which enters, as has already been stated, at the back of the optic capsule. The greatly modified epithelial The layer of rods and cones is shown abutting Cells, which form the against the pigment layer of the choroid. Nume- u -, j rous granular layers follow, bounded by a layer of true peripheral end- nerve-cells and fibres. The layer next the bottom : ncr c n f fV.p nPTVP lie of the page is that which is nearest the centre of 1IJ fo b U1 luc the e y e - between this nervous layer and the innermost pigmented layer of the choroid, and Metasoa Rana. 325 point towards, or rather have their free ends abutting against, the latter. The nervous layer and the terminal epithelial cells (named the rods and cones from their ap- pearance) form the retina. Lastly the posterior chamber is filled by a gelatinous substance, the vitreous humour, while the anterior chamber similarly contains a more watery fluid allied to lymph, the aqueous humour. A ray of light trans- mitted through the cornea and aqueous humour is focussed on the retina by means of the crystalline lens. The cur- vature, and therefore the focussing power of the lens, can FIG. 181. ILLUSTRATION OF THE METHOD OF FOCUSSING RAYS OF LIGHT ON THE RETINA. (Landois and Stirling.) A, point of origin of rays ; B, cornea; c, iris; D, lens; E, point of acutest vision ; F, scierotic. be altered to suit rays coming from different distances by means of the ciliary muscle. The iris is also provided with radiating and circular muscle-fibres by means of which the size of the pupil can be altered so as to allow of the entrance of more or less light according to circumstances. The rays pass through the vitreous humour and penetrating the retina are reflected back from the choroid on the rods and cones. The excitement produced there is carried by means of the elements in the nervous layer of the retina to the optic nerve itself, and by that means to the brain. 326 Elementary Biology. We have now briefly surveyed the chief points in which one of the higher animals shows advance in organisation as compared with the types already discussed, so far as indi- vidual life is concerned. We have still left the organs con- cerned in the maintenance of tribal life, viz. the reproductive system. This system is a comparatively simple one, though in the course of development considerable modification has taken place. The sexes are distinct. The spermaria (testes) in the male consist of a pair of white elliptical masses lying in close relation to the ventral surface of the kidneys and connected to these organs by mesentery (mesorchium), and bearing at their anterior ends lobed fatty masses, the corpora adiposa (fig. 157). The spermaria of the frog differ in one important point from the spermaria of the majority of animals, viz. in that the vas deferens or special duct for the con- veyance of the sperms to the exterior is also the ureter. The mesorchium supports a large number of vasa efferentia, or efferent vessels, which transfer the sperms from the sper- maria to the kidney, whence they escape into the cloaca by the ureter, which for that reason may be known as the urine-genital duct. (From a developmental point of view, however, the ureter is wanting, and the vas deferens carries the products both of the kidneys and spermaria to the exterior.) In the female there are two ovaria, which at the breed- ing season are often of very large size, connected to the body-wall by peritoneum, and also provided with corpora adiposa. The walls of the ovaria are very thin, and, when the ova, which are of large size, are ripe, rupture readily, shedding their contents into the ccelom. The oviducts which are quite unconnected with the ovaria are of great length, and are stowed away in the ccelom in complicated coils. Each oviduct opens anteriorly beneath the lungs by a thick-lipped aperture, into which the ova find their way in a manner not understood. They are then forced down to Metazoa Rana. 327 the cloaca by the rhythmic contractions of the muscular fibres in the wall of the oviduct, while at the same time glands in the upper region of the duct coat the ova with an albuminous substance which swells readily in water. The ova, as they are shed from the cloacal aperture, are fertilised by sperms from the male. Before describing the subsequent de- velopmental changes which the fertilised FIG. 182. FEMALE REPRODUCTIVE ORGANS OF THE FROG. (Owen.) ovum undergoes it will be necessary to glance at the origin and development of the sperms and ova themselves, and also at the changes which take place in the ovum before and in the act of fertilisa- tion. Both kinds of reproductive glands are at first precisely similar ; they both originate from meso- blast (p. 249), and both consist of what is known as germi- nal epithelium. In the male this epithelium arranges itself in the form of a mass of convoluted tubules, which are bound together by connective tissue. The cells lining these tubules are spermatospores, or cells capable of forming sperms. Each sperm originates as a bud (spermatoblasl) from the spermatospore, the bud or daughter-cell having its a, oviduct ; o, ovaries ; 6, swollen end of the ovi- duct with fertilised ova ; c, oviducal outlets into the cloaca. 328 Elementary Biology. nucleus transformed into the head, while the cell-protoplasm becomes the vibratile tail of the sperm. No tubules aie formed in the ovarium ; the outer cells of the germinal epithelium become transformed into the ovarian wall, while the central cells become ova. The ripe ovum differs from the germinal cell or primitive ovum in the possession of a cell-wall, the vitelline membrane, and in having a large development of oil-globules in one region, the pure protoplasm (with the nucleus) tending to aggre- gate towards one side of the ovum. Such an accumulation of fat-granules is known as yolk, and it is much more FIG. 183. DEVELOPMENT OF SPERM IN THE EARTHWORM. (Blomfield ) FIG. 184. SPERM OF FKOG. (Owen.) .A, spermatospore.; B. eight young spermatoblasts ; c, numerous spermatobLists ; D, spermatoblasts developing into sperms. abundant in the ova of some forms (e.g. the fowl) than in the frog. Before fertilisation takes place the nucleus of the ovum undergoes karyokinesis (p. 78) and segments, one half remaining as the nucleus of the ovum, the other half being extruded and forming the so-called polar body (fig. 186). A second polar body is then extruded in the same manner. Only one sperm fuses with the ovum, and its nucleus (known as the male pronucleus) unites with the new nucleus of the ovum (to which the term female pro- nucleus has been given). When the fusion is complete the ovum has been fertilised, viz. has become an embryo. Seg- Metasoa Rana. 329 *J>, FIG. 185. TYPICAL OVUM. (Quain.) vi V s \ mentation then commences, the entire ovum undergoing division. Two cells, therefore, result, one half of each, however, owing to the distribution of the yolk, being more protoplasmic than the other. Occasionally (as in the bird) the relative abundance of yolk and comparative absence of protoplasm in that section of the ovum prevent the segmen- tation being complete, that is to say, only the protoplasmic part of the ovum undergoes segmentation, while the yolk remains passive and acts as a store of food-matter for the embryo which will de- velop from the more protoplasmic section. When segmentation is complete, as in the frog, it is spoken of as holo- blastic ; when it is in- complete, as in the fowl, it is spoken of as mero- blastic. The yolk por- tion of the frog's ovum divides much more slowly than the pro- toplasmic, so that as a final result of the divi- cinn i micscs nf rplk ic SlOn a maSS C formed, small and very numerous at the protoplasmic, large and fewer at the yolk end. This will be best understood by reference to fig. 187. The next change which takes place consists in the gradual covering of the large slowly dividing cells by the rapidly developing protoplasmic cells, until in the end the former become entirely hidden save at one spot, the blastopore. Although no actual invagination takes place as in Ampkioxus^ yet it is not difficult to see the homologies of the parts of the embryo, or the similarity of the phenomena in the two cases. The ^mail-celled outer part is obviously epiblast cell-wall ; w, protoplasm with fat-grermles 5^ nucleus ;**, nucleolus. 330 Elementary Biology. and comparable to the outer layer of the gastrula in Am- phioxiis, the large enclosed cells being comparable to the inner layer of the gastrula, though they do not take the same share in the formation of the alimentary canal as in the case of Amphioxus. The small segmentation cavity also is left for a time between the two layers in the frog embryo. This, however, soon becomes obliterated. The blastopore is present in both, though formed rather as a FIG. 186. FORMATION OF POLAR BODIES FROM THE UNFERTILISED OVUM (Quain.) i, segmentation of nucleus and formation of nuclear spindle, g.v. ; 2, 3, extrusion of first polar body,/' ; 4, 5, extrusion of two polar bodies and formation of female pronucleus, //. consequence of the activity of the epiblast than as a result of the sinking in of the hypoblast. It is plugged up in the frog. Before the epiblastic cells have enclosed the yolk-cells a ridge or lip of epiblast arises at the margin of the blastopore, and, pushing its way backward, roofs over a cavity whose floor is formed by the yolk-cells. This cavity is the mesenteron, and the layer of epiblastic origin which forms Metazoa Ran a. 331 its roof becomes, therefore, hypoblast. At the same time between the epiblast and hypoblast above, and the epiblast and yoke-cells on the other side, several layers of cells are formed the mesoblast Lastly, the floor of the mesen- FIG. 187. -STAGES IN THE DIVISION OF THK FROG'S OVUM. (Ecker.) 1248 FIG. 188. DIAGRAMMATIC LONGITUDINAL SECTION OF EMBRYO. (Ow en.) teron is formed partly of hypoblast cells derived from the superficial cells of the yolk, and partly of an ingrowth of epiblast. The only difference, therefore, at this stage be- tween the embryo of Amphioxus and that of Rana lies in the possession by the latter of a quantity of food-yolk (after- wards absorbed), the presence of which to a certain extent alters the shape of the embryo and renders the in its development rather more difficult to follow. It is unnecessary to follow the various changes in the development of the embryo in detail here ; we may rather conclude this section by a brief consideration of the mode of origin of the sstenth^?&^^vhich shows the Sta CT eS "' neuro-vertebral axis; a, i, layers of the abdominal wall ; r, heart ; hv, yolk. 332 Elementary Biology. FIG. 189. VENTRICLES OF J HE BRAIN. (Jeffrey Bell.) greatest amount of differentiation, viz. the nervous system and by summarising the very remarkable changes undergone by the embryo after it has been hatched. The development of the brain. The nervous system of the frog originates somewhat similarly to that of Am- phioxus, save that in the former the neural canal is formed entirely by the laminae dorsales. The anterior blind end of this canal becomes swollen so as to form three so-called cerebral vesicles, the walls of which become differentiated into the fore-, mid-, and hind- brains, while their cavities are represented by chambers already referred to as present in the fully developed brain. From the first- cerebral vesicle a hollow bud is given off on either side to form the cerebral hemispheres, the vesicle itself becoming the cavity of the thalamencephalon ; its cavity is known as the third ventricle. The walls of the second cerebral vesicle differentiate to form the optic lobes ; its cavity becomes a narrow channel T