GIFT OF HEALTHFUL LIVING p. THE MACMILLAN COMPANY NEW YORK BOSTON CHICAGO DALLAS ATLANTA SAN FRANCISCO MACMILLAN & CO., LIMITED LONDON BOMBAY CALCUTTA MELBOURNE THE MACMILLAN CO. OF CANADA, LTD, TORONTO HEALTHFUL LIVING BASED ON THE ESSENTIALS OF PHYSIOLOGY FOR HIGH SCHOOL PUPILS BY JESSE FEIRING WILLIAMS, A.B., M.D. ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION, TEACHERS COLLEGE COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY FORMERLY PROFESSOR OF HYGIENE AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI LIEUTENANT IN MEDICAL CORPS, UNITED STATES ARMY Illustrations by B. F. Williamson Nefo gorfc v THE MACMILLAN COMPANY 1921 All righto reserved QP.3& COPTBIOHT, 1919, './i b^THE MACMILLAN COMPANY. S^ vi^nd eicctrotyped. Published July, 1919. INTRODUCTION IN writing this book, I have been guided by two con- siderations : first, to present the essentials of physiology for the high school pupil in a form that would provide motives and material that would enable him to interpret intelligently conditions underlying the problem of effective living, and second, to limit the technical discussion without making the subject matter worthless as a scientific text, incapable of providing the background necessary to secure the first consideration. As regards the limiting of material, it is evident that the selection of what to give and what to omit is a matter of judgment on the part of the author. If that judgment is to be approved by the educational world interested, then the anatomy should have a definite relation to the physiology, and the physiology, although it may give incidentally a scientific basis for more advanced study, should be deter- mined by the larger question of usefulness in understanding essential life processes. The material and the method of presentation have been tried out for several years with many students and there is reason for feeling that a proper and satisfactory selection of physiologic facts and principles has been made. It is interesting to note that at one time physiology in the schools was merely the teaching of anatomy. "How many bones in the skeleton?" was a typical question. As the texts improved and the method changed, function was emphasized, and in most texts to-day, the presentation of v 450954 vi Introduction function is the goal of endeavor. It should be remembered, however, that knowledge of the structure and function of the body is of value in proportion as it helps the boy or girl to live a finer and more vigorous life, or as it lays the foundation for further study in this field. As regards these values, it may serve effectively to teach not only hygiene, but also social science and ethics. The study of physiology should arouse interest in health in the student and provide guidance for intelligent care of the body. One effect of civilization on the race is that health is increasingly harder to maintain. The gradual but pronounced change in the character of our food, the increasing emphasis laid upon studies, the prevalence of bad housing conditions, the increase in sedentary occupations, and the enforced use of the transportation facilities are a few of the forces arrayed against the maintenance of health. The school does not stand alone and unrelated to these problems, and physiology to be of most service must help to educate the child in the nature of the human body and the dangers that confront its growth, development, and efficiency. With this object in mind, distinct emphasis is given the application of the physiological fact to the life of the reader. Therefore, relatively little space is devoted to, the study of the mechanism of the eye and ear ; but the physiology of exercise is stated prominently, both in text and in illustra- tion. The wisdom of such a course will be clear to every one whether he judges by the standards of "pure science" or by those of "applied science." Spirited questions, which should suggest many others of similar character, are placed at the end of chapters. There are numerous laboratory experiments ; most of these require only the simplest apparatus or none at all. The text is not impaired if the experiments are not performed, but its value is increased by the demonstration of both structure and func- tion. At the close of each chapter is a glossary of technical Introduction vii terms used in that chapter. There is no thought of doing away with the need for consultation or reference books ; they are always necessary, and the brief glossary should stimulate to greater use of dictionary and encyclopedia. To acknowledge the service of those who have contributed in the preparation of this book, gives me especial pleasure. The organization is based partly on the plan of Coleman's Elements of Physiology. All rights in that work have been purchased by the publishers and this new book is offered to the school public without apology for similarities or identities, which are many. The task was to remodel a structure that had been very valuable but was now in need of repairs. The repairs have been made but it would ill become me to deny the old in my enthusiasm for the new. To Miss Marguerite Smith for the picture of girls' athletics, to Miss Mary Gross for excellent illustrations of posture, to Dr. Frank S. Matthews for the splendid pictures of adenoid deformity, to Dr. Thomas D. Wood for numerous health essentials which he has proposed, I desire to express my thanks. Students, instructors and friends who have gone over this subject with me share with me whatever merit the book may have, but I desire especially to acknowledge the in- spiration and help of Professor Henry Carr Pearson, prin- cipal of the Horace Mann School. The criticism and suggestions of Professor Edward Law- rence Hall-Quest, of the University of Cincinnati, have been valuable indeed. Professor Hall-Quest has read the entire manuscript, correcting mistakes and revising statements. Numerous conferences with Professor William Paxton Burris, Dean of Teachers College of the University of Cin- cinnati have resulted in substantial aid in preparing the manuscript. Credit should be given to the Harvard Apparatus Co., The Metropolitan Life Insurance Co., The American Posture viii Introduction League, and The Scientific Temperance Federation for the privilege of reproducing illustrations that have appeared in other publications. With such an indebtedness, I hesitate to call the book my own. However, I am glad to owe something to all of these. J. F. W. CONTENTS PART I HOW THE BODY IS CONSTRUCTED * PTER PAGE I. THE CELLS OF THE BODY 1-11 The cell, the unit of structure. The origin of cells. The properties of cells. Tissues formed from cell groups. Organs formed from tissues. Similarity between living organisms and social groups. Similarity between the human body and a city. II. TISSUES 12-37 Kinds of tissues. Epithelial tissues. Indications of good health. III. TISSUES (continued) 38-59 Connective tissues. Muscular tissues. Nervous tissues. Building good tissues. IV. ORGANS FORMED FROM TISSUES .... 60-71 The different systems in the body. Organs of the muscular system. Organs of the skeletal system. Organs of the digestive system. Organs of the respira- tory system. Organs of the circulatory system. Organs of the nervous system. Organs of the excretory sys- tem. Organs of the reproductive system. PART II HOW THE BODY IS MOVED V. THE SKELETON FRAMEWORK OF THE BODY ". . 72-94 The use of the skeleton. Parts of the skeleton. The structure of a long bone. The composition of bone. Joints. ix x Contents CHAPTER PAGE VI. HYGIENE OF THE SKELETON . . . 95-108 The nourishment of bones. Broken bones. Dis- locations and sprains. Weak feet. Deformities of the spinal column. Posture. Essential facts in the growth and development of bones. VII. THE MUSCLES 'AS THE MOTOR MACHINERY OF THE BODY . . r V' 109-121 What the muscles do. Muscles and nerves. Kinds of muscles. Voluntary and involuntary muscles com- pared. The attachment of muscles. How muscles and bones cooperate. Names and positions of muscles. VIII. THE MUSCLES IN ACTION AND THE HYGIENE OF EXERCISE 122-145 The neuro-muscular mechanism. Muscular energy. Muscular tone. Muscular activity and fatigue. The effects of stimulants and narcotics on muscular action. The effect of exercise on growth. The relation of exer- cise to health. Forms of exercise. Over-development .of the muscles. PART III HOW THE BODY IS NOURISHED IX. FOOD AND ITS ELEMENTS 146-157 Nutritive and non-nutritive elements in food. Com- position of foods. Sources of food elements. Uses of food in the body. Proportion of food elements in a normal diet. Calculation of food values. The diet of different peoples. The body's method of regulating the food supply. The work of enzymes in digestion. X. THE DIGESTION OF FOOD 158-188 The structure and functions of the alimentary canal. The liver. Diagram of digestive mechanism. The waste products from food elements. XI. THE HYGIENE OF DIGESTION . . tt . . . . 189-210 Digestion and health. Digestion and environment. Hobbies about nutrition. Man's original food re- Contents xi sources and how they have been enlarged. Present day sources of food. Patent medicines. Eating and drink- ing at meals. General rules modified by individual needs. Cooking. The fireless cooker. Times for eating. XII. THE CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD .... 211-234 How the circulation of blood serves the body. The nature of circulation. The composition of the blood. The heart as a pump. The blood vessels as tubes. Blood pressure. The heart rate. XIII. THE CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD (continued) . 235-255 How the heart is aided in its work. The lymphatic circulation. Hygiene of the circulation. XIV. THE RESPIRATION 256-285 Why breathing organs are needed. The respiratory organs. The breathing process. The air we breathe. The hygiene of respiration. PART IV HOW THE BODY IS CONTROLLED XV. THE NERVOUS SYSTEM 286-315 The functions of the nervous system. The nerve cell the unit of the nervous system. Nerve action. Sensations. Injury to nerves. General arrangement of the nervous system. XVI. HYGIENE OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM . . . 316-331 Connection between body and mind. The effect of activity of the nervous system. The effect of sleep. The effect of fatigue. The effect of alcohol. Improper func- tioning of the nervous system. Ten Golden Rules of Health. XVII. SENSATIONS AND THE SPECIAL SENSES . . . 332-356 Classification of the senses. The sense of taste. The sense of smell. The sense of sight. The sense of hearing. The sense of touch. The muscular sense. General sensations of the body. xii Contents CHAPTER PAGE XVIII. SOME SPECIAL REGULATIVE PROCESSES . . . 357-367 The regulation of the temperature of the body. The regulation of body activity and growth. The control of the voice. PART V HOW THE BODY IS INJURED XIX. BACTERIA AND DISEASE ...... 368-399 Injury to the body by forces in its environment. Microscopic forms of life. The effects of bacterial growth in the body. The germ theory of disease. Anti-toxins and immunity. Injury of the body -by poisons in food. Injury of the body by physical agents. Injury of the body by chemical agents. Diseases caused by mosquitoes. Tuberculosis. Prevention of commu- nicable diseases. Table of ways and means of com- munication of the important infections of man. How bacteria are destroyed within the body. How bacteria are destroyed outside the body. A curious theory of disease. Health rules for school children. XX. THE EFFECT OF ALCOHOL AND TOBACCO . . 400-416 The body as a storehouse of energy. The meaning of fatigue. The effect of stimulants on energy and nerves. Alcohol. Tobacco. APPENDIX. FIRST AID IN EMERGENCIES 417-426 HEALTHFUL LIVING HEALTHFUL LIVING CHAPTER I THE CELLS OF THE BODY I. The Cell, the Unit of Structure. Protoplasm Nucleus One-celled animals II. The Origin of Cells. III. The Properties of Cells. IV. Tissues Formed from Cell Groups. V. Organs Formed from Tissues. VI. Similarity between Living Organisms and Social Groups. One-celled animals and primitive society The developed body and modern society VII. Similarity between the Human Body and a City. The cell, the unit of structure. A brick wall is con- structed from bricks. Assembled in a certain order, they are the parts which compose the wall. It makes no dif- ference whether the brick is round, square, or irregular, whether it is painted red, green, or blue ; it remains, in all cases, the unit out of which the wall is built. Consequently we speak of the brick as being the unit of structure of the wall (Fig. 1, A). In similar fashion, all forms of life are composed of cells. Plants and animals are both constructed from cells. They may vary in shape, size, color, and ac- tivity, but, nevertheless, they are to be considered as the units of structure. These units are so small that they can be seen only by means of the microscope, but when we look -Healthful Living FIG. 1. A, brick wall ; B, segment of orange ; C, cells from stomach. The cell is the unit of struc- ture. Relative size is not shown. The cells in C are much smaller than the cells in B. at them through this instrument, we notice that they are as definite in shape as the bricks in a brick wall (Fig. 1, C). The cells of 3 0123^^ ^j^M^^ P lant and animal are not hard and solid as bricks are. On the con- trary, they are soft and liquid. It is quite com- mon to think of an orange as a solid substance, and yet the orange is composed of cells which are filled with a liquid, the juice. If we break open the segment of an orange, we can see the cells with the unaided eye, and if we prick one of them the juice will run out (Fig. 1, B). Protoplasm* The liquid substance of which the body cell is made is called protoplasm, and this name is applied to the cell substance of both animals and plants. Workers with the microscope, many years ago, found that plant and animal tissues are com- posed of cells, and that the liquid in the cells is of more importance than the walls F[G 2 _ Diagram of . coll Which the protoplasm builds Showing that protoplasm has an around itself. intricate structure; in this case it appears somewhat like honeycomb. We should not think be- cause we use the same name, protoplasm, for the substance forming the cellular material of both plants and animals, * Words marked with a star * are defined in the glossary at the end of each chapter. Nuc/eofus Protoplasm The Cells of the Body that its chemical composition is always the same (Fig. 2). It is best to think of it as a substance that makes possible the life and activity of the cell rather than as a substance that has definite and fixed chemical properties. Furthermore, it is important to remember that the composition of protoplasm varies in the same cell according to many factors. Exercise, food, fresh air, alcohol, and disease cause changes in the protoplasm. Some of these changes are favorable. Can you name, from the above, the factors which cause unfavorable changes? Physiology is the study of the way this protoplasm acts in the cells of the body. Nucleus. A living cell has two essential parts. One is a small mass or globule* of protoplasm, and the other is a small body within the mass of protoplasm, called the nucleus * (Fig. 2) . There are two other parts of less importance. Within the nucleus there may be a small body, called the nudeolus* and usually the protoplasm has a membrane surrounding it, called the wall. The nucleus is the vital part of the cell. If a cell is divided, that portion containing the nucleus alone survives. After they lose their nucleus, the red cells of the blood live only a few days. One-celled animals. The cells of the body, owing to the fact that they have a wall, soft food (as seen contents, and a nucleus, resemble minute one- U Q^ ^ f h ^e celled animals sometimes found in stagnant microscope), water. Figure 3 shows the appearance under the microscope of the amoeba, one of these small animals. The amoeba seems to be hardly more than a minute drop of jelly, yet it lives and does in a simple way many of the things Healthful Living that the human body can do. It moves by pushing out a part of its body ; it takes in food by rolling a process of its body around the food to be eaten ; and after digesting the part it wants, it discards the indigestible portion of the food. If the amoeba is struck or jarred, it reacts by moving its body. It absorbs oxygen * from the air and it gives off carbon dioxide.* When it attains a certain .size, it divides into two parts. It does not divide, however, and produce new individuals until it has reached its full growth.* The origin of cells. For many years it was believed that life origi- nated spontaneously. This viev is called the theory of spontane ous generation. We know now, however, that all cells are derived from cells (Fig. 4) and that the vast number of different cells which com- pose a living body are all derived from two single cells, the ovum* (Fig. 5) and the spermatozoon* The health and strength of these two cells are dependent upon the health, strength, and vigor of the whole body. In this respect, the strength and vigor of the race are dependent upon the strength and vigor of each member of the race. This is an im- portant responsibility because each person, by being strong and vigorous, makes it possible for coming genera- tions to have health and strength. In this way, health is a duty that no one may neglect. The properties of cells. If we say that a stone is hard, that it sinks when thrown into the water, that it will break FIG. 4. A cell under- going division. A, cell be- fore division ; B, thread-like formation of the vital parts of the nucleus ; C, equal di- vision of the nuclear thread ; D, separation of the nuclear structure for the new cells and commencing constric- tion of cell body ; E, nuclei beginning return to resting states ; F, complete division of cell body into daughter cells whose nuclei have re- turned to the resting states. The Cells of the Body 5 when hit with sufficient force, we are speaking of the proper- ties * that belong to the stone. Cells also have properties FIG. 5. Different stages in the development of the frog's egg (-4) to form the body of the frog. In D the egg (ovum) has divided many times, and presently these cells will begin to change into bone, nerve, and muscle cells, and other types of body cells. the characteristics which distinguish them from other struc- tures. In the first stages of the formation of the body, the cells which later on develop into muscle cells, or nerve cells, or skin cells, look very much alike and have identical properties. They can divide and reproduce themselves (the property of reproduction*) ; they can take up food and build it into tissue * and remove the waste (the property of metabolism *) ; they can receive an impulse and conduct it to all parts of the cell (the property of irritability * and conductivity *) ; they can respond to a stimulus and contract the cell body (the property of contractility *) . They also change in their properties. Certain cells be- come unable to contract, but are very proficient in sending nerve impulses ; others cannot secrete digestive juices, but they are able to reproduce the individual. We say, there- fore, that the sex cells develop the property of reproduction, the nerve cells the properties of irritability and conductivity ; the digestive and excretory cells develop the property of me- tabolism, and the muscle cells the property of contractility. Tissues formed from cell groups. Cells of one kind group .themselves together to perform a particular function and are called a tissue. We speak of muscle tissue, and we 6 Healthful Living understand that there is this grouping of many muscle cells for the purpose of contraction. Therefore, a group of cells of a particular kind to perform a particular function is known as a tissue (Figs. 6, 7, 8). Organs formed from tissues. Tissues combine to per- form more effectively a highly complex act. The resulting structure is an organ. Tissues grouped in a definite way to cooperate their tissue functions in some special task are known as an organ. The stomach, for example, is an organ composed of muscle, nerve, and connective tissues, and each tissue cooperates in the digestion of food in the stomach. The muscle contracts the stomach and moves the food at the proper time into the intestine; the nerve tissue tells the muscles when to contract, and the epithelial cells when to secrete digestive juice ; and the connective tissue binds the other tissues together to produce the whole organ. Similarity between living organisms and social groups. It has been learned that the body is composed of cells with special properties grouped into tissues ; that the tissues are arranged to form organs. An individual constructed to carry on the activity of life by means of parts or organs which are separate and yet dependent upon each other is called an organism* Man is, therefore, frequently referred to as an organism. The term is sometimes used with refer- en^ce to society. The relation of the parts of the body to the whole body and of the individual man to the organism of society is very important. We have learned that there are organisms composed of only one cell and that such organisms may show all the properties of living matter. As soon as an organism becomes multicellular,* an arrangement is nec- essary for groups of cells to take up certain special tasks. This arrangement and organization permits greater achieve- ment in the group because certain cells are free to accomplish results which would have been impossible in an unicellular * type of organism. The Cells of the Body 7 This division of labor among cells may be likened to a similar division of labor that occurs in human society. A city with its million inhabitants is a superior social group for the performing of greater tasks than are possible for the people in a pioneer settlement. In this respect, the organism, man, is superior to the amoeba. Both man and a city are superior as types because they have greater opportunities and can make better use of abilities in acts that enrich the life of the world. The city is more complex, more alive, more sensitive than the pioneer settlement, but in order to maintain this highly specialized state it must be exceedingly watchful against disease * and degeneration.* In this same way, man, a highly specialized organism, superior to the unicellular animals, needs to be careful of the laws of life and health, the observance of which makes such high special- ization * possible. In each case then, in animal life and in human society, specialization produces a superior life, but it also produces the need for intelligent care of the basis of life. The castle needs a better foundation than the kennel. One-celled animals and primitive society. The basis of life for the complex organism is the same as that for the simple organism. The amoeba in its self-dependence is like the savage living alone. Modern man with his highly de- veloped body is like the organization of a great city. In each case, however, the simple organism and the complex organism resemble each other by requiring food, air, and water, by needing activity of the proper kind and the re- moval of body waste. In a complex society, it is necessary that all groups of men do their special tasks well. In a similar fashion, man must look for his strength and security to the proper functioning of all his cells, and in no instance may he with impunity sacrifice the removal of waste to the development of the nerve cell. All must be cared for. The developed body and modern society. The more com- plex an organism becomes the greater is the necessity for 8 Healthful Living cooperation. In human groups there is this important re- lation between men and women and their fellow members in society, which illustrates the cooperation required in the developed body. Members of the human family are de- pendent upon each other. The chemist has to rely upon the integrity of the manufacturer of chemical apparatus ; the farmer is dependent upon the chemist for a complete and accurate analysis of his soil ; the child in school is dependent upon the teacher for guidance and instruction ; and every man must rely upon other men to do their work honestly and efficiently. Therefore, just as man is dependent upon his fellow men, just as eight players on a baseball team are dependent upon how the ninth player plays the game, just as the work of a class is dependent upon the cooperation of the individual members, so in the body, cells in one place are dependent upon the action of other cells forming some other part of the body and doing a different sort of work. The muscle cells cannot act unless the nerve cells do the work of sending nerve impulses ; the nerve cells cannot send and receive impulses unless the heart and lung cells do the work that is expected of them. This interdependence of cells upon other cells and of men upon other men is very important. Similarity between the human body and a city. In com- paring the city with an animal such as man, it will be noted that the construction of the city and the way its work is carried on resemble the body and the activities of its cells. The city proper is composed of buildings that serve definite purposes ; the body is made up of a great number of distinct cells which perform special tasks. The stores on the out- skirts of the city obtain their supplies from the wholesale district by the established channels of trade and commerce ; the body cells receive their nutritive supply through the blood channels which run past the great digestive tract and respiratory tract. The blood with its millions of red blood cells transporting life-giving oxygen, and with its plasma, The Cells of the Body 9 carrying life-giving food, resembles a continuous chain of auto trucks transporting the necessities of life to the out- lying population. The waste products are carried by the blood to the kidneys, skin, and lungs organs which serve to remove this waste material. So in a city the " white wings " gather the ashes, rubbish, and garbage and, carrying it to the disposal plant or scows in the river, perform for the city the function of excretion. The city is controlled and directed by officers elected by the people. These officers must provide for the life and development * of the people, not only with reference to what they need in the way of food, protection, and recreation, but also with reference to what other cities are doing in pro- viding for man the best opportunities for life. In similar fashion, the body is controlled and directed by the nervous system, which constantly receives messages from all the cells of the body. To .these messages it responds and pro- vides the necessities of life. It also responds to messages from other men. In this way, man and city, both, in co- operation with other groups and led by high ideals, achieve the best development. GLOSSARY Carbon Dioxide. A gas having the composition of two molecules of oxygen in combination with one of carbon. It is heavy, colorless, and incombustible. It is produced in the decay of animal and vegetable matter and in the bodies of animals during activity. Conductivity. Ability to carry heat or electricity. In nerves, it is the ability to transmit stimuli from one part of the body to another. Contractility. Power to change the shape, to shorten, in the case of a muscle. In single cells, the shortening in one direction produces an increase in diameter in the opposite direction. Degeneration. The change in the chemical constitution of the cells from a complex to a simpler chemical form. io Healthful Living Development. A series of changes by which the body progresses from a lower to a higher type of being. Growth may best be thought of as an increase in substance; development refers to the organization of that substance. Disease. The general term for any deviation from health. It may be caused by destruction of essential body cells, or by poisoning so that the cells are unable to function properly. Globule. A small spherical structure. Growth. The process of increasing in size. It is to be dis- tinguished from development, which refers to organization of the mass. Irritability. The responsiveness that living matter shows to more or less rapid changes in external conditions, manifested by motion, change of form, and in other ways. Metabolism. The act or process by which on the one hand food is built up into living material, and by which on the other hand the living matter in protoplasm is broken down into simple, waste elements for removal from the body. Some- times the building up of food into protoplasm is called anabolism; the breaking down into simple waste products, katabolism. Multicellular. Many-celled. Nucleolus. A small, well-defined particle found within the nu- cleus of the cell. It is easily stained with staining fluids, and because it absorbs stain more readily than the nucleus, it is distinguished without difficulty. Nucleus. A round or oval body within the protoplasm ; it is surrounded by a delicate membrane. The nucleus is respon- sible for the vital functions of the cell. Organism. A body composed of different organs or parts, per- forming functions that are mutually dependent and essential to life. A single cell may be considered an organism although the different parts are not readily distinguished. Ovum. A cell produced by the generative organs, the ovaries, of the female. It is capable of producing a new individual. Oxygen. In chemical terms, oxygen is represented by the letter O. It is a colorless, tasteless, odorless gas, very abundant in nature. It was first discovered by Priestley in England. It combines with other chemical elements, and all mechanical power obtained from combustion, whether through the medium of steam, electricity, or muscular action, depends upon oxida- tion. The Cells of the Body n Properties. Distinguishing characteristics. Qualities that make the object what it is. Protoplasm. The semiliquid, more or less granular substance that forms the principal portion of an animal or vegetable cell. It is present in all organized bodies and so Huxley called it " the physical basis of life." Reproduction. The process by which an animal or plant gives rise to another of its own kind and therefore the process by which life is continued from one generation to another. Specialization. The setting apart of an organ or part for per- forming a particular function. Spermatozoon. The germ-cell of the male which joins with the ovum in reproducing a new individual. These cells are com- posed of protoplasm and illustrate specialization. Tissue. An arrangement of cells in a definite manner. The cells are grouped in masses of one kind. Unicellular. One-celled. Consisting of a single cell. CHAPTER II TISSUES I. Kinds of Tissues. II. Epithelial Tissues. Mucous and serous membranes Glands The teeth The skin The hair The nails III. Indications of Good Health. Kinds of tissues. In all but the single-cell type of life the body is composed of an arrangement of many cells. These cells, as we have learned, are of different kinds. They have come from a single cell but in developing they have specialized in order to do a certain kind of work. From the cells there has developed a substance which lies outside the cell wall ; it is known as the intercellular substance. Now, it is a very important fact that certain tissues arc more highly specialized than others. Such tissues become more highly developed because they have a more important work to do. It is generally understood that nerve tissue is more valuable than the tissue that forms our nails or our hair. Nevertheless, some foolish people take better care of their hands than they do of their nervous system. Physi- ology should teach us what is relatively more important. In the construction of the body different types of tissues Are used. By analogy, the body may be likened to a house, where sills, rafters, plates, and studding are used for the Tissues frame. Other material different in shape and form is used to fashion the separate rooms, to provide a covering, and to make the place habitable. So the tissues in the body serve particular purposes. We say, therefore, that the muscle and the nerve tissues serve the body in acting and thinking ; the epithelial and the connective tissues afford protection and support to the muscle and the nerve tissues. Of these four tissues, the epithelial and the connective may be re- garded as elementary, being common to both plants and animals. Muscles and nerve tissues are seen only in animals. The four kinds of tissues, therefore, are epithelial, con- nective, muscular, and nervous. Epithelial tissues. Covering the surface, and lining every cavity and tube of the body is a tissue consisting of one or more layers of distinct cells, forming what is called epithelial tissue. It is very simple, consisting merely of cells packed closely together, and united by a very small amount of cement substance (something like the white of egg), which holds the cells together. The cells may be in a single layer or in many layers. .No blood- vessels pass into the epithelial tissue ; the cells derive their nourishment * from the blood exuded into the adjacent tissues. The epithelial tissues may be placed, according to their function, in two divisions. One is chiefly protective in character, such as the skin, the lining of the mouth, trachea, and alimentary tract. The other kind of epithelial structure consists of cells that contain highly active protoplasm. These cells are engaged in forming secretions* from food brought to them by the blood. Such are the cells of the salivary glands, which secrete the saliva * ; of the gastric glands, which secrete gastric juice* ; of the pancreas, sweat glands, kidneys,* liver, FIG. 6. Two gastric glands. Simple tubular glands such as these may be likened to a well ; the cells are like the bricks of the well-curb. Healthful Living FIG. 7. Cells forming a membrane. (Mucous membrane of intestines.) A few cells (dark) that secrete mucus are shown. etc. This class of epithelial tissue is of the greatest value in removing waste from the body and in preparing the food for use by the body. Mucous and serous membranes.* Epithelial cells, in se- cretory glands, within the body produce powerful digestive juices, as in the liver, stomach (Fig. 6), pan- creas ; or they serve to protect passageways and cavities (Fig. 7) with a secretion whose function is chiefly to lubricate the part. All cavities * to which air has access, as the mouth, stomach, and lungs, are lined with one or more layers of closely packed epithelial cells, called mucous membrane (Figs. 7, 8). All cavities from which the air is cut off, as the heart, are called serous cavities, and have a lining of epithelial cells forming what is called a serous membrane. These membranes secrete a lu- bricating fluid. The fluid formed by the mucous membrane is called mucus ; that formed by the serous membranes is called serum. The line where the skin and the mucous membrane of the lips join can be plainly seen, as the latter mem- brane is so thin that the color of the blood shows through it. Glands. Glands (Figs. 9-13) are always lined with epi- thelial cells, which form a secretion. These glands vary in shape ; some being tubular, others bag-shaped. The cells of the gland, in their own distinctive way, make use of the FIG. 8. Epithelial cells lining the mouth. Tissues various chemical substances in the blood, so that one gland secretes oil, another perspiration,* another saliva, another gastric juice, etc. The kidneys are important glands which resemble some of the glands of the skin in that they secrete injurious substances that must be removed from the system. Secretion is the name given the various fluids formed by glands. FIG 9 A t ical If this fluid is waste to be removed, structure of a mucous it is Called an excretion.* membrane with two layers of epithelial cells, a, 6, Secretion by glands IS not Sim- c , the connective tissue plv a process of beneath ' with ^ blood - ^ , vessels ; and /, connective SOakmg Or Sifting tissue cells. B, the same through. The cells with one layer of resting on b, the so-called of these glands are basement membrane. wonderful little chemical laboratories and they produce FIG. 10. A simple the different secretions from the blood in tubular gland with their own way. Moreover, by the aid of blood-vessel. The , r letters, a, b, c, and e the secretory nerves, they can tor a time refer to the same struc- regulate the amount of secretion regard- tures as shown in Fig. , . ,. , , , . -, , 9. less of the quantity of blood circulating around them, although usually the amount of secretion is greatly influenced by the supply of blood in the skin (Chap. XII). Sometimes the skin is hot from the abundance of blood flowing through it, as dur- ing a fever, but it is dry then, as well as hot, because the sweat glands are not active. At times, under the influence of excitement or fear, a person breaks out in a profuse perspi- ration, which is cold, however, for there is little blood in the skin. the gland. Namea.&.andc. i6 Healthful Living FIG. 12. A sac- like gland. The teeth. The teeth are developed from the same kind of tissue (epiblastic *) that produces mucous membrane, glands, and skin. These struc- tures, like the hair and nails, arise from papillae* in the dermis of the skin. A tooth growing from epithelial-form- ing cells extends down in a depression in the jawbone, called a socket,* and is held in place largely by the tightness with which the root, or lower part, fits into the socket. The visible part of the tooth is called the crown. Permanent Teeth. A complete set of teeth in adults consists of sixteen in each jaw or thirty-two in all. They are named according to their form and the uses to which FlG , .13- -A racemose or branching gland, part only they are adapted. There are eight being shown. Name the (Fig. 14) in each quarter of the ^ indicated b ^ & - c - mouth; and if the names of the eight in one quarter are learned, you know the names of the thirty-two, since they are designated by the same names, in the same order, in each quar- ter of the mouth. Looking then at the teeth in one half of one jaw and naming FIG. 14. Teeth from one side of the lower them in order from are two incisors, one canine, two bicuspids, and three molars. How many of each kind are found in the whole mouth (Fig. 14) ? Tissues 17 The eight teeth in front are for the cutting of the food, and hence are called incisors, or cutters. They have chisel- like edges. Do the edges of the upper and lower teeth usually meet in the mouth, or do they miss each other like the blades of scissors? The incisors are very long in gnaw- ing animals such as rats and squirrels. Next to the two incisors in each quarter of the jaws, comes one canine, so called because the corresponding tooth in the jaws of dogs is well developed. In cats, tigers, dogs, and other flesh- eating animals, it is suited for tearing. It has only one root, but that is a long one. The two upper canines are fanci- fully called the " eye teeth," and the two lower, the " stomach teeth." Next in order behind the canines are the two bi- cuspids, which are grinding teeth. Their crowns are broad. Last of all come the three large grinders, called molars. Are the grinding surfaces of the molars smooth or rough ? Are they like or unlike the surfaces of the bicuspids ? The last molar in each jaw is called the wisdom tooth, because it does not come until the person is supposed to have reached years of discretion. Activity is the law of life, and the wisdom teeth are so far back in the mouth that they are not much used ; therefore, they do not usually remain so long as the others. Milk Teeth. Milk teeth are the first teeth to appear. The teeth just described are those of the permanent set. The first or temporary set of teeth also called the milk teeth consists of teeth the same in name and number as those of the permanent set except that the three large molars in each half of the jaw, twelve in all, are lacking; so there are twenty teeth in the temporary set (Fig. 15). The milk teeth come in the first two years of life, and begin in the sixth or seventh year to be pushed out and replaced by the permanent set. They are all gone by the twelfth year. On the other hand, the presence of the milk teeth is important in the development of the jaw. If a milk tooth remains so c i8 Healthful Living long as to cause the tooth of the second set to grow out of place, the first tooth should be removed. If the milk tooth decays, it should be filled, and if the filling comes out it should be replaced by the dentist ; the milk teeth are an important FIG. 15. Diagram of temporary and permanent teeth, showing only the parts outside the gum line. stimulant for the proper development of the permanent teeth, the jaws, and the bones of the face. Parts of a Tooth. The main part of the body of a tooth is dentine * (Fig. 16) . The dentine of the teeth of elephants and other large animals is the ivory of commerce. It is commonly used to make piano keys, fans, and many novelties. In the central part of the dentine is a space called the pulp * cavity. The soft substance, called the pulp, contains the nerves and blood vessels, which enter at the tip of the root. In the socket, the dentine is covered by cement ; above the socket it is covered by enamel, a substance harder, denser, and more shining than the dentine. The enamel wears off of the top of the crown between the twentieth and thirtieth years. Although the dentine Tissues is exposed through the wearing or breaking of the enamel, it will last for years without decaying, but it is more likely to decay than the enamel. We should never run the risk of breaking the enamel by crushing hard candies or cracking nuts. A tooth should never be pulled if it can be saved by being filled ; for pulling a tooth means not only the loss of one tooth, but the end of the usefulness of the tooth opposite to it, and imperfect chew- ing in that part of the mouth. Losing a tooth is equivalent to los- ing a part of life. Hygiene of the Teeth. Decay of the teeth is caused (1) by using only soft food which requires no pressure of the teeth while chewing it; (2) by particles of food that lodge between the teeth and become quickly decomposed * in the warm, moist mouth ; (3) by the collection of tartar on the teeth. This is a yellowish deposit that forms on the teeth when they are not kept clean'. (4) Constant nibbling of candy causes injury to the teeth through the fermentation of the sugar left in the mouth. In cleaning- the teeth, the toothbrush should be rubbed up and down as well as across the teeth. Most tooth powders are made from chalk as a base ; and fine precipitated chalk* is considered perfectly satisfactory for cleansing the teeth. The teeth should be cleansed at least twice a day and always before going to bed at night. The teeth should be examined once a year by a dentist, and the cavities promptly filled. Adenoids* should not be allowed to deform the jaw and so FIG. 16. Vertical sec- tion of a bicuspid tooth, magnified. 20 Healthful Living produce crooked teeth (Fig. 17). It may be necessary to have adenoids and tonsils removed. FIG. 17. Casts of the upper jaw of two children twelve years old. The left one shows typical narrowing of the arch, overlapping of the teeth, and elevation of the palate due to adenoids. The right one is that of the jaw of a healthy, well-built child. (Drawn from photograph by Dr. Frank Mathews.) The Department of Health of the City of New York, in an effort to help the children in the schools to have better teeth, has issued the following instructions to parents : DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH THE CITY OF NEW YORK Instructions to Parents Regarding the Care of the Mouth and Teeth The physical examination of school children shows that in many instances the teeth are in a decayed and unhealthy condi- tion. Decayed teeth cause an unclean mouth. Toothache and disease of the gums may result. Neglect of the first teeth is a frequent cause of decay of the second teeth. If a child has decayed teeth, it cannot properly chew its food. Improperly chewed food and unclean mouth cause bad digestion, and consequently poor general health. If a child is not in good health, it cannot keep up with its studies Tissues 21 in school. It is more likely to contract any contagious disease, and it has not the proper chance to grow into a robust, healthy adult. // the child's teeth are decayed, it should be taken to a dentist at once The teeth should be brushed after each meal, using a tooth brush and tooth powder. The following tooth powder is recommended : 2 oz. powdered precipitated chalk. % oz. powdered castile soap.* 1 dram powdered orris root.* Thoroughly mix. This prescription can be filled by any druggist at a cost not to exceed fifteen cents. The child should take the tooth brush and powder to the school and receive instructions from the nurse as to their proper use. Issued by Order of the Board of Health The skin. We have learned that epithelial cells form mucous and serous membranes, teeth, and secreting glands. They also form the skin covering the body, and from these skin cells there develop the hair and the nails. The thick- ness of the skin is due to the great number of cells composing it. These cells are arranged in a definite manner, in two layers, the dermis and epidermis. The outer layer, or epidermis, rests on the inner layer, the dermis (Fig. 18). The dermis is called the true skin. The epidermis is composed of a mass of cells held together by a cement substance. Those near the surface are hard and flattened ; those deeper down, near the dermis, are round and soft. The lowest layers contain a pigment* con- sisting of minute grains of coloring matter. The varying amount of this pigment present causes the difference in hue of the blonde and brunette and the light and dark races. Freckles are due to an increase of pigment in patches of neighboring cells. Some persons lack the pigment entirely ; their hair and skin are white, the eyes pink. They are called albinos. 22 Healthful Living The Dermis. The main part of the skin is the dermis ; it is chiefly a network of fibers. This is the part of the skin of animals that is tanned for leather. Did you ever notice the fibrous appear- ance in the leather of a shoe that has be- come much worn ? Which side of leather is smooth, the side covered by epidermis, or the other side? The dermis is con- nected with the body beneath by a loose tissue consisting of fibers interwoven with cells of fat (Fig. 18). This tissue, together with the skin itself, partly conceals the outlines of the mus- cles beneath. Yet artists study the muscles carefully, as their shape shows faintly through the skin and gives a key to the human figure. The outer surface of the dermis grows into numerous little projections called papillae. If its covering of epidermis were taken off, the dermis would appear somewhat like coarse velvet because of its unevenness ; for the prominences or papillae appear, in a cross section of the skin, under the microscope, buried beneath the cells of the epidermis, like Sweat G/and3 Nutr/ent Artery FiG. 18. Sectional view of the skin, mag- nified. Find : oil (sebaceous) gland, sweat gland, sweat duct, hair bulb. Compare thick- ness of epidermis, dermis, and subcutaneous tissue. Tissues 2 3 a tiny mountain range. As the epidermis fills up the valleys between them, the papillae do not show plainly on the sur- face of the skin. However, on the palm of the hand and fingers, where the papillae are especially numerous, they are N. B.-Do not write on this side of the sheet. Classification JVb. RIGHT HAND. ILD ON THIS LINE I "LEFT HAND. FIG. 19. The finger prints of the right and left hand, is distinctive for each individual. The marking crowded into rows, their positions being shown by the parallel ridges seen on the epidermis of the palm. These markings are very distinct on the palm. Moisten the index finger and notice that an imprint of the finger shows when pressure is made on white paper (Fig. 19) . Under what conditions are finger prints of service ? Within the papillae are found the ends of nerves and loops of small blood vessels called capillaries* (Fig. 18). 24 Healthful Living Epidermis. The cells of the epidermis which lie next to the dermis are living cells. They are kept alive by nourishment brought by the liquid portion of the blood in the blood vessels of the neighboring papillae. These cells grow and when they have matured they divide and produce new cells. The multiplication of the cells would cause the epidermis to increase greatly in thickness, were not the outer cells constantly worn away by friction. This happens the more easily because the outer cells are dead cells. The new cells forming beneath push them so far away from the dermis, that nourishment from the blood no longer reaches them, and they die. By this constant loss and renewal, the body always has a comparatively new outer skin. Even on the scalp, which is partly protected from friction, the flat dry cells are constantly coming off. If there is much oil on the scalp, the cells stick together and form flakes called dandruff. This physiological shedding of the cells of the epidermis is to be aided by bathing the skin and shampooing and brushing the hair. Organs of the Skin and Their Functions. Lodged among the fibers of the dermis and supported by them are (1) a fine network of blood vessels ; (2) a fine network of nerves ; (3) several million sweat glands ; (4) a great number of oil glands. Suppose you were to stick a pin into the dermis. The pin would first pass through the epidermis. After entering the dermis there would be two signs that certain structures had been encountered. What are these structures ? What signs would appear? The blood vessels in the skin are fine tubes which carry the blood supply to and from the skin. These vessels have muscles in their walls, and when stimulated through the nerves of the skin, the vessels change their size. Warmth causes an increase in size of the vessel and more blood is brought to the skin ; cold causes a decrease in size and the opposite effect is produced. Tissues The nerves of the skin serve two main functions. One function is to control the size of the vessels by responding to changes in temperature ; the other is to make us aware of the character of things we touch. The nerves of the skin of the fingers in this latter function are more sensitive* than those in any other part of the body. The sweat glands, or perspiratory glands are little tubes, lined with epithelial cells, which pass through the epi- dermis and down into the dermis. The tube is coiled FIG. 20. Coiled end of a sweat gland, epidermis not shown, a, the coil ; 6, the duct ; c, network of capillaries. The gland and capillary net- work are shown separated and combined to indicate how completely the organ is supplied with blood. into a ball in the true skin, where it is surrounded by a net- work of capillaries (Fig. 20). Its course through the epi- dermis is spiral like the turns of a corkscrew. Its opening on the surface is called a pore. The coiled part is supplied with nerves which stimulate the cells to secrete perspiration. The cells obtain their supply of material from the blood, and this supply is controlled by the 26 Healthful Living nerves which regulate the size of the arteries* leading to the skin. The sweat glands take up water and various other sub- stances from the blood and pour them out on the surface of the epidermis. The water evaporates, but the salt and other solids in the perspiration are deposited on the skin. Usually the amount of perspiration from each gland is so small that it evaporates as soon as it reaches the surface, and hence does not become visible. On this account it is called insensible perspiration; it becomes sensible perspiration when it is formed rapidly in warm weather or during vigor- ous exercise. It does not evaporate so quickly in a moist atmosphere; and those who live near the seacoast or in rainy regions show more perspiration than those who live in dry regions. The evaporation of this moisture on the skin cools the body. Why is the heat so oppressive on a " muggy " day ? The amount of perspiration averages about one and one half pints a day. Is the skin more active in throwing off impurities in winter, or in summer? The oil glands, or sebaceous glands, are small, irregu- larly-shaped cavities which open into the little pits from which the hairs grow (Fig. 18). A few oil glands open directly upon the surface. They are lined with epithelial cells. The cells deposit a kind of oil, which flows out of the mouth of the glands, renders the epidermis flexible and less penetrable by water, and prevents it drying out by evapora- tion and cracking open. It is also the natural " hair oil," for softening the hair and keeping it from becoming brittle. The oil glands of the center of the face are especially large and numerous. When their mouths are stopped by dirt, they become distended with oily material and cause black- heads. Oil glands are absent from the soles and palms. Protection of the Skin. Clothing does not give heat to the body but helps to prevent the escape of bodily heat. Linen and cotton absorb moisture readily and allow it to Tissues 27 evaporate rapidly. They thus serve, when worn next to the skin, to keep the body dry; the evaporation, however, if very rapid may chill the body. Woolen absorbs moisture quickly, but parts with it slowly, and, in the case of those who perspire freely, the damp clothing next the skin may conduct away the heat. In this way woolen may seem cool. But dry woolen contains much air in the meshes of the cloth ; and as this is a non-conductor of heat, such clothing is the warm- est of all, silk ranking next. In cold climates woolen should be worn next to the skin, and should not be laid aside until the heat of summer begins. In warm climates, like that of the Gulf States, it should not be worn next to the skin at all, even in winter, except ;*T*>^:i~ SS ^5sSwfe y*y<3sir*r? ' , /. i nerve enafnti e,ssner>s corpusc/e} >< * 1 '";:f V t o/- FIQ 2L _,_ 0i arrow indicates where the epidermis separates in the formation of a blister. The serum K-.T +V> - A^\\ f the blister exudes from the cells below, which Dy tne very deli- are supplied by capillaries, cate, and it is a question as to whether woolen does not do more harm than good, even to the delicate, as it relaxes and weakens the skin. If it is worn in such climates, with the warmth of spring it should be changed for less relaxing fabrics. White clothing reflects the heat of the sun ; dark clothing absorbs the sun's heat. Rubber clothing prevents moisture from 28 Healthful Living penetrating to the body and also prevents perspiration from escaping. Bed clothing should not be too heavy. On account of the warm air between them, two coverings are warmer than one equal to the two in thickness. The bed clothing should be aired thoroughly every morning. When the epidermis is broken so that the true skin is ex- posed, the epithelium* at the edge of the break usually pro- duces new cells to cover and heal the opening. But if new cells do not form, sufficient to bridge the opening, the dermis sprouts through, forming proud flesh, which must be scraped off or cauterized before the epidermis can complete the heal- ing. In the case of a blister, the lowest cells of the epidermis are not removed (Fig. 21), hence the epidermis is readily renewed. Preparations advertised to make new skin over a cut or injury should not be used. Nature will grow the epidermis if the part is kept clean. When the epidermis is weak the papillae over a small area sometimes become overgrown, so that they project above the skin, and form a wart. If it is burned away with acid, the epidermis will grow over the place. Why is a wart rough? How does it differ from a mole? Which is more likely to increase in size? Which has more pigment? Which contains hairs? Hygiene of the Skin. The scales of the epidermis are gradually passed off, and with the secretions from the oil glands and surface dirt, they tend to form a pellicle* or coat which interferes with the proper functioning of the oil and perspiratory glands. Bathing removes this pellicle and is of great importance in maintaining a healthy skin. The cold bath is intended to stimulate the body; the warm bath is cleansing. The best time to take the cold bath is before breakfast. If this practice is started in the summer, it may be continued through the winter and not be disagreeable even with very cold water. It is best to have a warm room for the bath. Every one may take a cold bath because a sponge Tissues 29 and a basin of water are the only necessary articles, although a shower is to be preferred. A warm bath is more suitable on retiring than on rising ; it is also more suitable for a person who is fatigued. A warm bath has a soothing effect on the nervous system. The proper time to bathe is just before a meal or at least three hours after. Sea-bathing is beneficial to the health of the skin and body in general, but its effects are due to the enjoyable exercise and pure out- door air of the seashore. Bathing in ocean or lake should not be prolonged until the bather's lips are blue. The complexion is the outward expression of inner health. A good complexion cannot be bought in a box or bottle. An artificial complexion produced with cosmetics and face powder is as barbaric and unnatural as the war-paint of the savage. Do you know a girl who paints and powders her face? Is she a wholesome, healthy appearing girl? A little powder is of value at times on oily skins, but its abuse gives an improper appearance and interferes with the proper action of the skin. The face should be washed at least twice daily. Cold water should be used because it improves the circulation, it tones up the elastic fibers, and it prevents chapping and roughening of the skin. Unless the face is very dirty it should be washed without soap. A vigorous washing with cold water or with warm water followed by cold water will remove the dirt in most cases. If the skin is dry a cream may be used to soften it, but it is to be remembered that the best way to get a beautiful complexion is to take proper care of the functions of the body and to indulge in regular exer- cise, preferably out of doors. The Skin as an Index of Health. People prefer a clear skin of fine texture to a mottled, pimply, coarse skin. This preference is based partly on the attractiveness of the one and the repulsiveness of the other. It is also sustained by the wholesome desire to appear well and strong, for it is Healthful Living recognized that the skin very delicately and accurately shows the bodily condition. In an effort to state clearly from your own observation the value of health, answer the following questions : 1. Name five blessings in youth or in later life that result from good health. 2. Name five unfortunate results of bad health. 3. Name five things that people apparently value more highly than health. 4. Think of ten grown persons. How many of the ten are in sound health so far as you can tell ? What are the signs ? The hair. It has been learned that the papillae in the dermis are composed of epithelial cells arranged in minute projections. A hair is composed of a column of minute epithelial cells which grow from a depression in a papilla. This depression is the hair follicle* or "root." Therefore, a hair grows from a papilla below the epidermis. The only point at which the cells of the hair and, therefore, the hair itself, are living and grow- ing is at the top of the papilla, deep down in the follicle (Fig. 18). From this it is easy to see that the com- mon notion that cutting off the ends of the hair, either by shaving or trimming with scissors, causes it to grow faster and stronger, is erroneous. It may stop the splitting of hairs and thus prevent the wearing away of the hair. Of course, when the hair or beard is short its growth is more noticeable. Long- hair seems by its weight to give exercise to minute muscles in the skin and to strengthen the flow of blood, thus adding to the vigor of the hair. The cut end of a hair is nearly round in the straight-haired races, as Indians and Chinese ; FIG. 22. A, section of hair ; B, piece of human hair, magnified. Tissues 31 it is oval in the wavy-haired white race, and flattened still more in the kinky-haired negro race. Hair is very durable (Fig. 22) ; that found on Egyptian mummies has remained unchanged through several thousand years. It is elastic and is said to stretch one third of its length without breaking. Hair absorbs moisture readily and for a time its length is considerably increased thereby. Each hair follicle has fine muscles connected with it. Cold or fear may cause the muscles to contract and the hairs, which are usually in a slanting position, to stand erect. This causes the hair to afford a better protection to the animal from cold or blows. " Goose skin," which occurs if a cold bath is unduly prolonged, is caused in the same way; but the hair on the human skin is so fine that the. goose skin avails little against cold. Superfluous hairs sometimes grow on unusual parts of the face. To remove this hair so that it will not grow again, the papillae at the bottom of the follicles must be destroyed. This is no easy matter. Numerous " infallible remedies " are advertised, but the only effective way is by means of electricity, used in an electric needle by a skilled operator. Care of the Hair. The two main causes for falling hair are a tight scalp with a poor circulation and the presence of dandruff. The two important things to attend to, there- fore, are massaging the scalp in order to promote the circu- lation, and keeping the scalp clean by daily brushing of the hair and shampooing every two or three weeks. Why does the groom spend so much time in currying and brushing his horse ? The nails. Nails are a growth of the epidermis, and, like the epidermis, only the lowest cells near their roots are alive and receive nourishment. The root of the nail is in a kind of groove or fold of the true skin at the bottom of which papillae are very numerous. The nail may be re- garded as a very wide flat hair. The nail grows not only at Healthful Living -Naif Epidet Uermis FIG. 23. Section of nail and parts beneath. its root but along its bed, which is of true skin (Fig. 23). Hence, "its thickness increases as it approaches the tip. If the epidermis is pressed back at the root, the nail may not be perfectly nourished, and a white speck or flaw is formed, which travels slowly along with the growth of the nail. It is said that the nail is renewed in three or four months. If you note the date of the appearance of a scar at the base of the nail and note when it has traveled to the tip, you can find whether this is true. Find whether or not a nail is transparent, by looking through the tip of the nail, held up to the light. The nails stiffen the ends of the fingers and aid in handling small objects. Can you pick up a pin without using the nails ? Corresponding organs in the lower animals are claws and hoofs. In manicuring the nails a file should be used. Cutting makes them brittle. Biting the nails is often a sign of nerv- ousness and should be controlled, not only because of the unpleasant habit but also because of the injury to the nails themselves. Proper care of the body involves manicuring the nails and this care should be given. A well-groomed appearance increases one's self-respect and commands the respect of others. Indications of good health. One* may be not definitely sick and yet lack the feeling of good health. This is ex- pressed at times as not being up to " par." Health is not only a condition of freedom from disease but also a quality of life and it is to our advantage to keep ourselves at the highest and best level of health attainable. In this connection there are certain indications of health that are valuable : Tissues 33 1. Consciousness of feeling well. Allied to this, of course, is the absence of pain. 2. Enjoyment of activity of muscle and mind. One is not at the highest point of efficiency if activity is not enjoyed. 3. Sound sleep with a feeling of being rested in the morning. One should be sleepy when tired out, and one is in normal condi- tion in this respect if he can go to bed and sleep. 4. Normal appetite and normal digestion. The power to enjoy wholesome food, to eat and enjoy a good breakfast. 5. Power to remove the waste of the body without taking drugs. 6. Poise and control in the muscular movements of the body. This means the involuntary movement of breathing also, and requires that the individual breathe calmly, deeply, and regularly. 7. Ability to accomplish the work that lies ahead. This does not mean that all work must be successful, but there should be the feeling that there is achievement. 8. Throughout all these activities, the happy, cheerful disposi- tion is a sign and indication of good health. This does not mean that one .must go about with a smile or grin on the face, but a habit of meeting difficult tasks without fear or discouragement should be cultivated. These eight indications are of value in that they point out the way of health, which is something more than mere ab- sence of disease; it means abundant health of such a kind that one can do more work and also give and receive more happiness and enjoyment in the world. APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY Exercise I 1. If a hair is pulled out, what determines whether it will grow again ? 2. Why is linen used for towels ? 3. What causes the hair to " stand on end " when a person is frightened or when an animal is cold ? 4. What color of clothing is best adapted to summer? To winter ? 5. How may rubber shoes make the feet moist? 6. State a fact which shows that the skin is a regulator of temperature 34 Healthful Living 7. Are wrinkles a sign that the skin is too tight or too large and loose for what it covers ? 8. In what ways may a city and the body of man be compared ? 9. Describe the division of labor in cells. 10. What are signs of health in the body? Exercise II 11. Why does the heat seem more oppressive in moist weather? 12. Which should usually wear warmer clothing, a farmer or a merchant ? 13. Which teeth are important for the development of the bones of the jaw and face? 14. In what respect do patent leather shoes resemble rubber shoes ? 15. Why is baldness more common among men than among women ? 16. What are the important principles in the care of the hair ? 17. Why is a complexion considered beautiful when it is pink and fair ? 18. What is the best means of improving the circulation in the skin? 19. Who is more apt to have a sincere nature, a person with a clean face and truthful complexion, or one who paints and powders ? 20. What are the functions of the skin? Exercise III 21. What are the causes of decay of the teeth? 22. Of what use is this information? 23. Did you ever know of a case of loss of health caused by changing the warm clothing of daily wear for the thin or scanty dress of a ball or party ? 24. Why should we remove an overcoat or cloak when we go into a room ? 25. Why is cold water better than warm water for the daily bath? 26. Explain how the wearing away of the outer cells of the epidermis contributes to the cleanliness of the body. 27. What is the effect of cold water upon the skin ? Tissues 35 LABORATORY EXERCISES Experiment 1. To study the structure and arrangement of the cell in an orange. Material. Navel orange. Method and observation. Peel the orange and separate a seg- ment. Gently break open a segment and observe the cells filled with juice. In terms of animal tissues, locate the cell wall, the intercellular spaces, and the protoplasm. Experiment 2. To study cellular structure. Material. Onion (sprouting), slide, microscope, toothpick, methylin blue, medicine dropper. Method and observation. (a) Peel a thin piece of tissue from an onion root and place on a slide. Observe with low and high power and identify cellular structure. (6) With a clean toothpick take a scraping of cells from the tip of the tongue or inside of cheek. Place scraping on slide and add one drop of methylin blue. Allow the stain to remain one minute and then remove the excess of stain by gently flushing the slide with water from a medicine dropper. Cover with cover glass and place slide under microscope. Identify cell wall, nucleus and protoplasm. Experiment 3. To study cells and tissues. Use prepared slides 1 showing different tissues and exhibit these under the microscope. Let the pupils see the main varieties. GLOSSARY Adenoids. An enlargement of the connective tissue at the upper part of the throat where the throat and nose meet. Artery. One of the tubes that convey blood from the heart to the cells and lungs of the body. Capillary. A fine, slender blood tube with a hairlike bore. Capillaries are the smallest tubes for conveying blood. The arteries terminate in capillaries. Castile soap. A white hard soap made with olive oil. In making hard soap the alkali used is soda ; if potash is used the product is soft soap. 1 Permanent preparations of cells and tissues may be obtained from Bausch and Lomb Optical Company, Rochester, New York. 36 Healthful Living Cavity. A hollow space within the body. The term cavity is used if this space is either actual or potential. Decompose. A separation into the chemical elements that make it up. Used to describe decay and disintegration. Dentine. The hard dense substance which forms the major part of the tooth. Epiblastic. The outermost layer in the developing embryo. It forms the skin, the hair, the teeth, and the nails. Epithelium. The tissues in which the cells are arranged to cover free surfaces and to form the active structural element of the glands that secrete. The arrangement of the epithelium is very orderly; epithelium of the mouth can readily be dis- tinguished from the epithelium of the skin, stomach, liver, etc. Excretion. The discarded waste from the body. This waste matter is thrown off by the cells and in doing so illustrates the katabolic aspect of metabolism. Excretion is not to be con- fused with secretion, because, although both are produced by the cells of the body, the product of the former contributes to remove waste, and the product of the latter is useful in activities of the body. Follicle. A minute cavity, sac, or tube. Gastric juice. A thin acid fluid secreted by the glands of the stomach. These glands are composed of epithelium and produce hydrochloric acid and also pepsin and rennin. These substances form the chemical essentials in the juice and are responsible for its action. Kidneys. Two organs situated in the back part of the abdomen. The cells are mainly of epithelium and secrete from the blood as it passes through the kidneys the waste that forms the excretion known as the urine. Membrane. A thin sheetlike structure composed of epithelium cells and serving to line a cavity, tube, or follicle. Nourishment. That which sustains the life and promotes the growth of the individual. Orris root. The fragrant, violet-scented root obtained from several species of Iris, a plant with sword-shaped leaves and known in cultivation as fleur-de-lis. Papilla. A small nipple-like process. Pellicle. A thin film. Perspiration. The product of the secretion activities of the sweat glands in the skin. This exhalation is an excretion. Pigment. Any substance that gives color to animal or vegetable Tissues 37 tissues as exhibited in the skin, the hair, the eye, and the leaves and flowers of plants. Precipitated chalk. A heavy, fine powder. It is obtained by pre- cipitating calcium carbonate. It is much used in tooth powders. Pulp. The soft tissue composed of blood vessels and nerves and found within the cavity of a tooth. Saliva. A tasteless, odorless, slightly viscid, alkaline secretion of the salivary glands of the mouth. Secretion. A substance separated from the blood by the cells developed for that purpose. This substance plays some useful part in the body. It is to be distinguished from the term excretion. Sensitive. A quality of being easily affected by outside opera- tions or influences. Serous membrane. A delicate tissue composed of flattened cells that line the large cavities of the body. These cells secrete a fluid called the serous fluid. It is similar to the serum of blood. Socket. A cavity or opening especially adapted to receive some correspondingly shaped piece. Vein. A muscular and tubular vessel that conveys blood to the heart. It is distinguished from an artery by having less muscle and elastic tissue in its wall and by carrying blood to the heart ; the artery carries blood from the heart. CHAPTER III TISSUES (Continued) I. Connective Tissues. White fibrous tissue Yellow elastic tissue Adipose tissue Cartilaginous tissue Osseous tissue II. Muscular Tissues. Oxidation and muscular action Oxidation and burning Oxidation in the body and in a machine Points of similarity between the human body and a steam engine Points of difference between the human body and a steam engine Muscular contraction and chemical change Alcohol and muscular efficiency III. Nervous Tissues. Nerve structure How nerves and muscles work together IV. Building Good Tissues. The effects of alcohol The effects of drugs Stimulation vs. construction Connective tissues. Connective tissue serves the body by affording support to its several parts. The fibrous tissue, which binds the cells together and supports the various organs, is also called connective tissue, but it is distinguished from the connective tissues in general by the name " white fibrous connective tissue." In some of this tissue there are 38 Tissues 39 yellow elastic fibers, hence the name " yellow elastic con- nective tissue " is used. The tissues that are to be grouped under the connective tissue head- ing are : 1. White fibrous tissue (Fig. 24). 2. Yellow elastic tissue (Fig. 24). 3. Adipose (fatty) tissue (Fig. 25). c 4. Cartilaginous tissue (Fig. 26). 5. Osseous (bony) tissue. White fibrous tissue. White fibrous connective tissue consists of cells that have very small nuclei and cell bodies that are prolonged into fibrous strands (Fig. 24). These fibers may be considered as a development of the cell (Fig. 24, c). They are . & . ' . / FIG. 24. Connective tissue not elastic. IhlS tissue lorms taken from beneath the skin, the ligaments * Structures that yellow elastic fibers ; b, white fibers; c, cell which forms the hold the ends of bones together, kind of fiber shown in b. making a joint. Yellow elastic tissue. Yellow elastic connective tissue is found scattered among the white fibers (Fig. 24). It is relatively large in amount in the walls of the blood vessels, and in the firm part of the ear. Adipose tissue. This soft tissue furnishes cushions for delicate organs like the eye, forms a layer under the skin, thus rounding out the form and storing up food for the use of nerve, muscle, and other cells. The fat is first deposited in the form of minute globules in the white connective tissue cells ; these globules gradually increase in size. Fatty tissue is, therefore, nothing more than fat deposited in the cell body of white connective tissue (Fig. 25). What is lard ? Tallow ? Suet ? In what tissue do these substances lie? 4 o Healthful Living Cartilaginous tissue. Some parts of the body require tissue having something of the rigidity of bones, yet capable White Fibrous 'Connective Tissue Protop/asm FIG. 25. Fatty tissue. Five fat cells, held together by bundles of connective tissue. of bending under pressure. This purpose is fulfilled by the elastic tissue called cartilage. A piece obtained fresh from an animal is seen to be covered by a thin fibrous membrane, which is reddish because it contains blood vessels. When this membrane is stripped off, the cartilage shows no sign of redness, that is, it contains no blood vessels. Under the microscope, cartilage is seen to be composed of cells, often arranged in pairs (Fig. 26), which suggests the fact that they have been formed by the division of one cell. The substance between the cells is the product of the cells, has been de- Tissues 41 posited by them, and is called the intercellular substance or matrix.* Cartilage may be readily felt in the nose at the tip, and in the ears. The cartilage of the ear contains an abundance of elastic fibers. The cartilage between the . ^ ofTwo divisions of the ver- tebral column con- tains both yellow elastic and white fibrous cells. It is, "*'"* therefore, in nature, 7 ,. , , i FIG. 26. Cartilage. A thin section, elastic and tough. highly magnified . Osseous tissue. Just as white fibrous tissue supports and holds in place the delicate cells and fibers of the organs, so bone and cartilage support the complete organs and hold them in their places in relation to one another. Cartilage and bone are closely related as to location, function, and de- velopment. For example, the flat bones, in infancy, form- ing the roof and sides of the skull, are soft and flexible, being composed of cartilage, except for a small patch of bone in the middle of each. As growth proceeds, the bones touch and interlock, replacing the cartilage. If a bone is broken, the new part, as it forms, is first cartilaginous and afterward it is replaced by true bone. Growth in length of the bones takes place in the cartilage at the ends of the bones. A person ceases to grow in height at about the age of twenty- five on account of the ossification of the cartilage. There are machined for increasing one's height. They work by stretching the spine. Many persons could become taller by standing and walking in an erect posture. After the ossification of the cartilage in bone, however, increased height can only be secured by making the body more erect, either by machines or by exercise. 42 Healthful Living All bones are covered by a thick fibrous tissue called periosteum.* This contains the blood vessels which pass into the bone to supply nourishment and also bone cells which by development increase the circumference of the bone. Muscular tissues. The cells constituting the body were likened to a human community or city. Such a comparison helps us to realize how complex is an animal body, and how wonderful are the processes of life. But the relation be- tween the cells is much closer than that between the in- dividuals of a community. There is a marked difference, however. The human being can move as a whole, can change place in space, and can act with the harmonious assistance of the organs of the body. The energy * stored in the body enables it to do these things, and the two tissues that chiefly expend the energy and give us the ability to do thinge, to act, are nervous tissues and muscular tissue. In me- chanical terms, therefore, the body may be called a neuro- muscular mechanism.* Oxidation* and muscular action. This energy in muscular action arises from a kind of combustion* or chemical reaction, and resembles, in its source, the energy of the steam engine. That something besides wood or coal is necessary to a fire can be shown by shutting off entirely the draught of the stove. Fire and all other forms of combustion depend upon a process called oxidation. This consists in the uniting of oxygen, the active element of the air, with carbon,* hydro- gen,* and other elements in wood, coal, etc. Bread, meat, and other foods contain these energy elements also. That there is carbon in sugar can be easily proved by charring sugar upon the stove, the charcoal thus produced being a form of carbon. Complex organic * food compounds contain- ing these elements are taken into the body through the diges- tive organs and broken up into smaller units which may be stored in the body cells ready for union with oxygen when Tissues 43 action is needed. The oxygen enters the body through the lungs and is carried to the tissues by the red blood cells of the blood. Oxygen is not stored in the body but is taken in in response to the needs of the body for oxygen. Oxidation and burning. The body resembles a locomotive in having warmth and motion as a result of the union of fuel and oxygen ; but it differs from the locomotive, since the intelligent engineer is an integral part of it, and since the oxidation in the body is in the presence of moisture, and so gradual that it is not a true fire accompanied by light. More- over the body can repair itself as it wears out, and the engine cannot. The energy stored in the body is used more economi- cally than any steam engine can use fuel. Oxidation in the body and in a machine. There are points of similarity and points of difference between the body and the machine. Too often the differences are not noted. The human body is very complex, and the effect of any particular process is so profound that great care must be exercised to avoid stating too positively what any effect will be. There are people who are willing to state what the effect of a certain exercise on the body will be, and they talk about educational exercise and hygienic exercise. In most instances they are unfamiliar with the real meaning of education and hygiene, and they do not appreciate how very difficult it is to predi- cate the effect of any particular exercise. That the body resembles a machine there can be no doubt, but it is quite as important to remember that there are very important differences. Points of similarity between the human body and a steam engine. 1. Both require fuel. 2. Both transform energy from rough masses. The energy in the wood and coal is potential * and in the steam engine it is changed into kinetic * energy in the form of heat. The energy in meat and potatoes and other foods is potential, and by digestive processes it is changed into kinetic energy. 44 Healthful Living 3. Both produce waste products and both must have this waste removed. It is just as important to keep the human body free from its waste as it is to keep the ashes out of the furnace box. Many people take better care of the furnace in the home than they do of the furnace in their own body. This is largely because of ignorance and not because of lack of interest. 4. Both are of complicated mechanism. 5. Both need repair. The engine cannot repair itself, but the body in many particulars can repair injuries. It is important to remember that the body cannot repair all injuries without the assistance of man. An inflamed appendix,* a broken bone, cancer, and many other instances of injury need the trained hand and intelligence of the surgeon. There are people who attempt to repair the body by taking " patent medicine," and yet they will send for a mechanic to repair the' broken pump or the black- smith to repair the broken wheel of the wagon. These people foolishly attempt to tell what is wrong, and to treat a mechanism that is very complicated ; on the other hand, they would not think of such procedure in repairing a simple mechanism like a pump, wagon, or automobile. 6. Both need rest. Great industrial plants often have two sets of power engines so that they can rest one set on alternate weeks. Men are saying to-day that they can do twelve months work in ten months, but they cannot do it in twelve. Rest is needed. 7. Both need exercise, activity. This similarity is very im- portant. In each case the right kind of activity is essential for the most efficient action. 8. Both, need intelligent care. We need to take as good and as intelligent care of our bodies as the engineer takes of the steam or gasoline or electric engine. Points of difference between the human body and a steam engine. 1. A human body requires a greater variety of fuel. The steam engine will burn coal and will do its best work on that particular kind of supply. The human body will not do its best work on meat or vegetables or nuts alone. 2. A human body is never entirely inactive. Even at night when asleep, the human body is working, carrying on the processes which keep the body alive. 3. A human body has the power of self-development. On the physical side it starts with a single cell and grows to maturity. Under intelligent direction, this growth may be directed to produce Tissues 45 a very fine type of being. This power of self-development make^ the human body very much more interesting than the steam en- gine. Muscular contraction and chemical change. How does the oxidation of food produce motion? We learn that the amoeba and other one-celled animals can change their shapes. Many of the cells of the body have lost this power, but the muscle cells retain it. Figures 79, 80, 81 show various types of muscle cells. They differ in the shape of the cells and to some extent in the structure of the cell, but they are all alike in that they get broader and shorter when they contract. The food that is most easily burned in the muscle is sugar. Sugar is stored in the muscle in the form of glycogen,* and when a nerve impulse comes to the muscle it causes the sugar to undergo a chemical change. This chemical change in the muscle produces heat (see Laboratory Experiment, page 30) and the heat causes such change in the muscle cells that the cells become shorter and broader. This change is called the muscular contraction. If sugar is deficient in the muscle, it is possible for the cells to burn fat * and protein.* The waste from this combustion causes the fatigue* that is experienced after muscle work, and this waste may be likened to the ashes or clinkers left in the furnace after the coal has burned. The duration of a muscular contraction varies in different animals. The following table shows the duration of a simple muscular contraction : Insect 0.003 second Rabbit 0.070 second Frog 0.100 second Terrapin . 1.000 second The height of a muscular contraction depends upon the strength of the nerve impulse and whether the muscle is fresh or fatigued. In other words it depends upon- how hard one tries and upon how much work has been done. The 46 Healthful Living strength of the contraction, however, is greater after some work has been done. For this reason, athletes always warm up before trying for a record or running a race or playing a game. It is greater if one has had plenty of sleep and rest at the proper interval, before the activity. Figure 27 shows how fatigue occurs in the muscle of the finger. Using an FIG. 27. Tracing of muscular contraction showing a decrease in muscular power (fatigue). ergograph,* each contraction of the finger is recorded on smoked paper. The increase and decrease in muscular efficiency is to be noted. Alcohol and muscular efficiency. People have had the erroneous idea that alcohol * helps the individual to do work. This belief arose because of the drug effect of the alcohol ! { I Alcohol and Muscle Work Mountain- Climbing 1 ^(Abstinent Days. ^%%%^j Atcohot Days* Expenditure of Energy \vas /5# Greater on Alcohol Days. K^^^^^^^ Work Done(foot-pounds per second) Averaged 16. 4% Alcohol Days. I . J fcZZZZ^^ Time Required to Climb the Mountain 21. 7?? Longer on Alcohol Days. i _ -i K/^^^^x^^^ y/A Crubrr. "T/>e A/c oho/ Question " Va/ V2ff No ? /9I2 , 1912, by Scientific Temperance Federation, Boston FIG. 28. Alcohol decreases the ability of man to do muscular work. Tissues 47 upon the brain.* It has been shown that from 8 to 10 per cent less work is done when alcohol is taken, even in such small amounts as that present in a pint of beer. Professor Durig, a mountain climber, experimented on Mt. Bilkencrat in the Alps with alcohol to determine the effect upon muscu- lar efficiency. On the days when he took alcohol amounting to 2 or 2-J glasses of beer, " his watch showed that it took 21.7 per cent longer to reach the top of the mountain than on the days when he took no alcohol " (Fig. 28). It has been shown that alcohol impairs the efficiency of athletes in all contests. A test was made at a marathon A 62-Mile Walking Match Comparison of Abstainers and Non-Abstainers Match held at Kiel, Germany, 1908 f- 1 Abstainers. V2Z222ZA Non-Abstainers. 29/5 Percentage of Each Class Entered 71 % 1 VZ%%2%2^^ lZ%% 60% Percentage of the JO Prizes Won 40% 60% First 25 to Reach Goal 40% 27# Last 26 to Reach Goal 73 * 1 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^$^$$$$$$$$$$$^^x^^^$^^^$^ : %%$ 6% Failed to Reach Goal 94% Akttaingra ~on /,t, fnj, 3rd, 4th, 8tf> and fripbcey. Drinkers -ron Stfi, 6th, 7tft and '/&//> places. , 1910, by Scientific Temperance Federation, Boston FIG. 29. Abstainers are more effective in athletics. Achievement in k all fields of endeavor is greater without the use of alcohol. race in Germany with reference to the ability of those who were drinkers and those who were not. The first four men to cross the line after covering a distance of sixty-two miles were abstainers. More than half of the drinkers fell by the way and only two of the abstainers (Fig. 29). In baseball the same test has resulted in managers insisting upon ab- stinence. Connie Mack, manager of the famous " Athletics " in the years when they twice won the championship in both leagues, said, " Baseball men are not now of the drinking 4 8 Healthful Living FIG. 30. The general arrangement of the nervous system (viewed from behind) . Showing the brain, the spinal cord, and the chief nerves that branch from it. Tissues 49 class. The fact is that a big-league player has to be in trim day in and day out or he is sent to the minors. It is the survival of the fittest." He who would excel in the world must leave alcoholic drink alone. Nervous tissues. Knowing, as you do, how micro- scopic the cells are in size, what would you think if you were told that there are cells in the body that have parts which extend several feet in length ! There are cells with branches which reach, for instance, from the spinal cord to the toes (Fig. 30). A mass of nerve tissue called the brain occupies almost all of the skull, and the lower part of this nerve tissue forms the spinal cord,* or spinal marrow. Nerve tissue forms also the glistening white cords, called nerves, going from the brain and spinal cord to all parts of the body (Fig. 30). Have you seen a hog's brain or the brain of an ox ? However complicated nerve tissue may seem to be, it is found to consist of nerve cells and their branches, called nerve fibers. Some cells, are ar- ranged in a dis- tinct mass called a ganglion (Fig. 37). Nerve structure. A nerve consists of a great number of cell-branches or nerve-fibers, just as a number of telephone wires are sometimes E 4 FIG. 31. Nerve cells from different animals. A, frog ; B, lizard ; C, rat ; D, man (after Ramon y Cajal). Sheofh of connective tissue 50 Healthful Living bound together in a cable. Nerve cells grow, become active and die, like other cells, and like other cells they consist of protoplasm with a nucleus and nucleolus. A number of processes branch off from them, some cells giving off only one or two, others many (Fig. 31). One of these processes, larger, longer than the others, forms the nerve fiber or axone. The axis, or central part of the fiber, is a continuation of the jelly like protoplasm of the cell; this core is the essential part of the fiber. The axis is sur- rounded in most fibers by a sheath of fatty material (Fig. 32) . This is for nourish- ment and protec- tlOD Oi tll6 ^ ^ j g FIG. 32. Scheme showing structure of nerve o-ivpa fn ~, TT j -j. i i j.i i j.- e g,i V Co \j\J fibers. How does it resemble the insulation of a . . . copper wire used in electric wiring? its characteristic ivory-white ap- pearance. The whole is strengthened by being inclosed in a thin, delicate sheath of connective tissue. Some of the nerves go to the muscles, and passing between the bundles of fibers, soon divide into branches, for we have seen that the nerves are bundles of separate fibers. They subdivide in the muscles till they ultimately send a single nerve fiber to each individual muscle fiber. How nerves and muscles work together. Suppose you put your hand on a hot stovepipe or poker; it is immediately jerked away. How does this wonderful thing happen ? The heat of the iron causes a disturbance in a nerve fiber ending just under the skin of the finger. This disturbance travels rapidly along the axis, or core, of the nerve, and is called an impulse.* It is not a visible change, but some influence that travels from particle to particle. It resembles electricity somewhat, but some physiologists think it is like a wave of chemical change, running along the nerve faster than a rail- way train can run. It reaches a nerve cell in the spinal cord. Tissues The disturbance there causes the cell to send out impulses along its other branches or fibers. Some impulses (Fig. 33) are sent down the arm again to its muscles, causing them to contract, and the arm is jerked away, as we say, by reflex action, or action without will on our part. Other impulses go at the same time to the brain, and we become conscious of what has happened. The nerves which carry impulses to the nerve cells (afferent) are called sensory nerves, or nerves of feeling, arid those which carry impulses from the cells to the mus- cles (efferent) are called motor nerves, or nerves of motion. Nerve fibers transmit impulses, but do not originate them. An impulse in a nerve can be excited by a pinch, a J . . FIG. 33. Reflex arc (after Kolliker). prick, electricity, a drop The sensory impulse comes from the skin Of acid, a hot wire, a COld ? d is directed out to the muscles over 7 the motor neurons and to the brain by Object, Or a thought. Re- the sensory brain paths. flex action always occurs on account of some influence from the outer world but voluntary action comes from activity in the brain. Suppose you step out of a warm house into a cold wind. The face immediately blanches or turns white. Let us see how this can be accounted for. There are muscle fibers in the walls of the blood vessels. The cold air excites impulses in the sensory nerves of the face, which travel to the enlarge- Sensory /Afferent J ncuran from skfn 52 Healthful Living ment at the top of the spinal cord just at the base of the brain, called the medulla oblongata (Plate VI). Here the impulse reaches a nerve center which sends it along another set of nerves that go to the muscle fibers in the walls of the blood vessels, causing them to contract, and the face turns white. Thus we see how closely related are these two tissues. If we consider that the nerves reach almost everywhere in the body, and that the muscles of the body weigh nearly as much as all other tissues together, we realize how important these tissues are. Let us count up some of the activities in which the muscles are necessary : swallowing, digesting food, breathing, blushing, writing, walking, talking, looking, tasting, chewing, frowning, smiling, laughing, circulation of the blood. There are only a few things, such as hearing, smelling, and feeling, that can sometimes be accomplished without muscles. In their functioning, muscle and nerve cannot be separated. Body reacts on mind ; mind controls the body. Building good tissues. As you have learned, all of the tissues are built, maintained, and repaired by living cells. Life and health depend upon the proper and continuous activity of these cells, and anything that aids in this activity strengthens the body and prolongs life; anything that in- jures them or interferes with their activity, impairs the health and shortens life. Growth and repair of tissue are prompted by sunshine, by fresh air, by drinking plenty of pure water, by good food, by active and happy occupation. Weakness and injury of cell and tissue result from depriving the body of these conditions. When these essential condi- tions are absent, the first step in the restoration of health is to restore these conditions, and adapt the daily life to them. Injury to tissues shortens the life of the individual. With the knowledge of the injurious effect of alcohol upon the tissues of the body, life insurance companies are refusing Tissues 53 insurance to those who are drinkers. Intelligent persons would not sell ten to fifteen years of their life for a portion of alcohol ; statistics show that abstainers live longer. The effects of alcohol. Arthur Hunter, of the New York Life Insurance Company, in a report (May 1916) of the De- partment of Health of New York City, shows that the death rate among abstainers is from 10 to 30 per cent lower than among non-abstainers. This report agrees with the British statistics, which also show that alcohol has an unfavorable effect on longevity and that total abstinence increases longevity. The Actuary of the Mutual Life Insurance Company, after an experience of fifteen years, came to the following conclusion : " The difference between those who drink beer and those who drink water is unmistakable, while the loss on beer drinkers has been almost the same as among wine and spirit drinkers." The effect of drugs. The physician uses drugs in illness to produce certain effects in the body. He can change the rate of the heart, the force of the blood pressure. He can stimulate or quiet the nervous system. He can increase the activity of the sweat glands, cause changes in the intestines, and relax the muscles. But all the effects are accomplished because of some condition existing in a sick body. The giving of medicine must be preceded by a diagnosis of the illness. There are some people who are so ignorant of the human body that they are willing to treat themselves and even their friends with virulent * drugs and patent medicines. These persons frequently recommend a drug or endorse a headache powder because it relieved a certain friend, but they fail to realize that every case of illness varies in a marked way, and that the same symptoms * may be present for different dis- eases. Some people use drugs because they have formed a habit. 54 Healthful Living Drug habits are very injurious because the dose must con- stantly be increased to have the desired effect, and in time the person becomes dependent on it. Morphin, cocain, heroin, headache powders, bitters, and tonics are preparations that are injurious when used carelessly. They are only to be used on prescription by a physician. Stimulation vs. construction. The body does not usually need stimulation from alcohol or drugs. The stimulating effects of exercise, wholesome food, fresh air, good com- panions are far more valuable. Alcohol must not be thought of as a stimulant, because it does not construct the body but it destroys. This is one reason why a person who has been used to alcoholic drinks recovers less rapidly from an accident or surgical operation than one who uses none. Sick benefit societies in England and Australia have shown in records that members in the abstaining societies have about half as much sickness as those in the non-abstaining societies. In general, it may be stated that care of the body with reference to hygienic living is the best kind of advice to give to people who are continually ailing. Sickness that re- quires a physician is sometimes unavoidable, and in such a case care should be taken to call a good physician, and his directions should be implicitly followed. Self-drugging by the public is considered by some the most fruitful cause of disease in the United States. " Mind cures " and kindred ideas often do more by rescuing victims from poisonous drugs than through their calming effect upon the mind. APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY Exercise I 1. The arteries contain more of the yellow fibers of connective tissue than the veins. Which have the more elastic walls ? 2. Does fat accumulate in the body within the cells or outside them? Tissues 55 3. How can one " add a cubit to his stature " after the age of twenty-five ? 4. What arguments can you present that may show that al- cohol causes a loss in efficiency to the user? 5. Does the body take up oxygen? If it is desired to increase the process of oxidation in the body, how can this be accomplished? 6. In what respect does the body differ from a machine ? 7. Which animal can contract its muscles the more quickly, a bee or a frog ? 8. Why should there be " warming up " exercise in the gym- nasium before the main part of the gymnastic lesson ? 9. What part of the nerve cell is the nerve fiber ? 10. What is meant by the statement that body reacts upon mind and mind controls body? LABORATORY EXERCISES Experiment 1. To study a one-celled organism with reference to its (a) structure (6) reaction to stimuli (c) properties Material. Hay infusion, 1 pipette, glass slides, cover glasses, microscope, alcohol, and medicine dropper. Method. With the pipette draw a few drops of the scum which collects on the hay infusion. This scum usually contains a great number of single cell animals, called paramcecia.* Place a drop of this material on a slide, cover with a cover glass, and examine the specimen under low power of the microscope. Observation. 1. What is the structure of the organisms seen? Is there a definite shape? 2. Do they move? Do they move with a definite end for- ward? Do they move in any definite direction? 3. Add a drop or two of alcohol at the side of the cover glass. What happens to the movement of the organism ? 1 Instructions for making hay infusion. Obtain, from the side of a river or pond, some grasses that have grown on the water's edge. These dry grasses will have on their stems organisms of the single cell type. Place these grasses in a glass jar with water and set the jar in the window of the class room. In two or three days organisms can easily be obtained. 56 Healthful Living 4. Place a heated needle at one side of the cover glass. Does this produce movement in any particular direction ? 5. Are there paramoecia around an air bubble? What do they get from that? Is an air bubble necessary for the obtaining of oxygen by this organism? 6. Are there any paramoecia undergoing division? Reproduc- tion in this organism occurs when it is mature and follows definite laws of division. Draw paramoecia showing structure, reaction to stimuli, and properties. Experiment 2. To demonstrate chemical and electrical action with reference to muscular and nervous activity. Material. Test tube, pieces of zinc, sulphuric acid, zinc strip, copper strip, current key, electric bell or galvanometer. Method and Observation. (a) Into a test tube place several pieces of zinc, add some water until the zinc is covered. Feel the test tube and notice any change. Pour in sulphuric acid. Again feel the tube and note the change. The action resulting is chemical in nature and heat is produced. The energy formed here in this chemical action expresses itself as heat. The chemical action in muscle expresses itself as heat and the two actions are similar. (6) Make a voltaic cell by placing zinc and copper strips in a twenty per cent solution of sulphuric acid. Connect wires with the end of each strip and fasten the two wires by means of a key to an electric bell or galvanometer. When the key is closed the bell will ring or the needle will move. The energy generated here produces heat, as can be determined by feeling the voltaic cell, but the characteristic effect is the production of an electric current. The chemical action in the nerve cell produces a nerve impulse which is similar to an electric current. GLOSSARY Alcohol. A volatile, inflammable, colorless liquid of a penetrating odor and burning taste. The chemical formula is (CVHrOH). It is derived principally from sugars and sugar-giving sub- stances such as corn, potatoes, and grapes. Dr. Frederick Peterson classifies it as a poison in the following words, " Al- cohol is a poison. It is claimed by some that alcohol is a food. If so it is a poisoned food. Alcohol is one of the most common causes of insanity, epilepsy, paralysis, diseases of the Tissues 57 liver and stomach, dropsy, and tuberculosis." Collier's Weekly, Nov. 30, 1907. Appendix. Vermiform appendix is a wormlike organ situated at the junction of the small and large intestine, on the right side of the abdomen. It is the seat of the disease called by the name appendicitis. Axone. Sometimes spelled axon, and known as the axis cylinder of the nerve cell. It is the long process that runs from the cell body and joins the processes of the nerve cell with which it connects. Brain. The organ of the mind. It is an enlarged portion of the nervous system, located in the skull. It is the organ of con- sciousness, of thought, and of voluntary action. It receives and sends impulses and regulates and controls the functions necessary to life. Carbon. An element found in all organic substances. It is present in all foods and usually found in chemical combina- tion with hydrogen and oxygen. Combustion. The action or process of burning. The fire in the stove illustrates combustion. In the human body combus- tion is much slower and the continuous combination of chemi- cal substances that produces energy for work is similar to the combustion in the steam engine that produces energy in the form of steam. Energy. The quality by reason of which anything is able to act. It represents force. In physics it is the capacity for per- forming mechanical work. There are different forms of energy and one form may be changed into another. No energy is ever lost. Ergograph. An instrument for recording work done by the muscles. Mosso, an Italian physiologist, invented the first ergograph. The word comes from ergon, meaning work, and graphos, writing. Fat. One of the food elements. Fatigue. A condition of diminished ability to do work. The amount of fatigue varies under different conditions. Fatigue of muscle can be measured by the ergograph. Glycogen. A complex compound of sugar. Hydrogen. A colorless, odorless, tasteless gas represented in chemistry by the letter (H). It is very abundant in nature, occurring in combination with oxygen to form water (H 2 O) and with carbon (C) to form many organic compounds. 58 Healthful Living Impulse. Represents the change set up in nerve fibers by means of stimuli coming either from the endings of the nerve in the cells of the body or from the brain or spinal cord. The impulse is a force that travels along the nerve. What its nature is has not been definitely determined, but it is thought to be something like an electric current. Kinetic energy. The energy of action. It belongs to every body in motion and is to be distinguished from potential energy. Ligament. A band of firm, compact, fibrous tissue that closely binds related parts together. It is most often found binding the ends of two bones together to form a joint. Matrix. The formative cells from which a structure grows. Mechanism. The structure by means of which action is secured. The neuro-muscular mechanism refers to the arrangement between the nerves and muscles by means of which certain types of action are secured. Organic. Relates to organism and pertains to animal and vege- table life. Also used to designate compounds. An organic compound contains carbon and is distinguished from inorganic compounds which contain metals in their composition. Some organic compounds may contain metal, as for example, haemo- globin, which contains iron. Oxidation. The process of uniting of some chemical substance with oxygen. All combustion in the body is an example of oxidation and the ability of oxygen to unite with chemical compounds and cause combustion with the production of energy is oxidation. Paramoecium. A small animalcule with an elongated, ciliated body. The mouth is in a pit on the under surface of the body. Periosteum. The fibro-vascular membrane that covers and nourishes bone. In this membrane runs the blood vessels which carry nourishment to the bone. Potential energy. The energy that is in the substance or mechan- ism but not as yet in action. It represents the energy that is available for action. The energy in food is potential but when the food undergoes oxidation and combustion results, the energy becomes kinetic. Protein. One of the food elements. Spinal cord. That part of the nervous system which lies within the canal formed by the openings in the bodies of the verte- brae. Into this structure come the nerves from all parts of Tissues 59 the body ; at the base of the skull it joins with the brain. The brain and spinal cord are called the cerebro-spinal nervous system. Symptom. A sign or indication that serves to point out the exist- ence of something else. Pains in the body are symptoms of a condition of abnormality in the body. Virulent. Having the characteristic of strength or poison. A virulent infection is one that is severe and dangerous because the poison from the disease is so strong. CHAPTER IV ORGANS FORMED FROM TISSUES I. The Different Systems in the Body. II. Organs of the Muscular System. III. Organs of the Skeletal System. IV. Organs of the Digestive System. V. Organs of the Respiratory System. VI. Organs of the Circulatory System. VII. Organs of the Nervous System. VIII. Organs of the Excretory System. IX. Organs of the Reproductive system. The different systems in the body. We have learned how the different types of body cells were grouped in tis- sues to form organs. This grouping serves the purpose of bringing together the cells of one kind for a specific task and is similar to the collective work of men and women in an industry. In the body we find muscle cells arranged in large masses for the purpose of contrac- tion ; in a similar way in human society we see the crew of a railroad train working together to accomplish some result. But the organization of the body is more wonderful, even, than indicated above. Organs composed of cells of the same or different variety are coordinated into systems that carry out important life processes. A railroad system is an organization of men and women for the purpose of carrying- on transportation. It includes in addition to its executive and administrative officers, trackmen, clerks, telegraphers, 60 Organs Formed from Tissues 61 trainmen, repair men. In similar fashion the digestive system, which is concerned with the preparation of food in the body for the use of the body includes in its working organization teeth, salivary glands, stomach, liver, gall bladder, pancreas, intestine, and colon. Not all of the bodily systems have so many different organs cooperating. The muscular system is composed entirely of muscles ; the nervous system comprises brain, spinal cord, and nerves. But whether the bodily systems are composed of the same kind of organs or of many different organs, they are all alike in that the organs cooperate in the system to accomplish a specific result. We recognize in the body eight systems. They are the muscular, the skeletal, the digestive, the respiratory, the circulatory, the nervous, the excretory, the reproductive. Organs of the muscular system. The organs of the muscular system are the muscles attached to the skeleton (Figs. 90, 91). These muscles are concerned chiefly in per- forming movements necessary in work and play. We have in this system of muscles an arrangement, so coordinated that movement of the entire body or of parts of the body may be produced readily and efficiently. We shall learn later of some of the separate muscles in this system, but it is sufficient at this time to classify them in the following groups : Muscles of the head and neck, back, chest, ab- domen,* arms, and legs. There are other muscles in the body, especially in the walls of blood vessels and in the walls of hollow organs as the stomach and intestine, but the muscles so situated are concerned in the work of other systems and are not to be classified in the muscular system. Organs of the skeletal system. The skeletal system (Fig. 43) comprises the bones of the skull, vertebral column, thorax, shoulder girdle, pelvis, arms, and legs. These bones are assembled in a definite order and are held together by 62 Healthful Living ligaments. The bones vary in shape, size, and function, but they. are all concerned in forming a framework for the structure of the body. Organs of the digestive system (Plate III). The organs of the digestive system are arranged so that the food taken Salivary G/ands Trachea GaJl_ B/adder Liver Duodenum' Sa/jyary ~~G/and -Esophagus Stomach -Pancreas Vermiform_ Appendfx FIG. 34. The digestive system. Organs Formed from Tissues into the mouth must pass along a certain tract and receive the action of the secretions of the organs along the way. Study the diagram in Figure 34 and name the organs. From this study it will be seen that the digestive system is made up of many different organs and in this respect it is unlike the muscular or skeletal systems. But it is similar in that it is an organization of organs for the accomplishment of a specific function. The function in this system f | is digestion. The organs are teeth, tongue, sali- vary glands, esophagus,* stomach,* liver,* gall bladder,* pancreas,* small intestine, large intestine. After the usable parts have been taken from the food, the remainder or waste is removed from the body. This waste should be removed daily and reg- ularly or the health will be impaired. Organs of the respira- tory system. In the case of the amreba and paramcecium, which have only one cell, it is pos- sible for oxygon and carbon dioxide to pass directly through the cell membrane. In higher forms, where so many cells are situated below the surface, a means must be provided for getting oxygen to the cells and removing the carbon dioxide. This is accom- plished by the respiratory system. The organs of this FIG. 35. Diagram of respiratory mechanism in lung showing how the blood comes in contact with an air sac and thus receives oxygen and gives up carbon dioxide (modified after Adami and Nichols) . 64 Healthful Living system are nose, larynx,* trachea,* lungs, and the muscles of respiration, the diaphragm* and intercostals.* This system provides for getting air into and out of the lungs but it is dependent upon the circulatory system for convey- ing the oxygen of the air from the lungs to the cells of the body (Fig. 35). Study the structures in Plate III and tell what they do. Organs of the circulatory system. The simplest circula- tory system would be one in which there is a tube that con- tracts and, by the aid of a valve, forces on the fluid within the tube. The water supply sj^stem of a city is a means of water circulation in which the pumps at the station, the water mains traversing all sections of the city, and the running water are the essential parts. The essential organs of the circulatory system of the body are the heart, blood vessels, and blood. In the city water system there are engineers who run the machinery that pumps the water; in the body there are nerves and chemical substances that increase or decrease the rate and force of the heart's beat. These controlling agencies are very important but they do not constitute a part of this system. They illustrate the harmonious action between different systems and one of the ways in which the nervous system coordinates and controls all. Name the parts in Plates III and VIII and trace the blood from the left side of the heart until it reaches the right leg. Trace it from the stomach through the liver and back to the heart. Organs of the nervous system (Plates VI and VII). The simplest nervous system is one in which a stimu- lus is carried along a nerve to a nerve cell and the response follows (Fig. 36). If the central cell or mass be joined to other masses, it is possible for a stimulus to come in from one part and go out at another at a different level of the spinal cord (Fig. 37). Suppose that the first neu- ral mass enlarges and takes control over all the other Organs Formed from Tissues masses and directs their activities. In this arrangement we have an illustration from comparative anatomy * of k the Nerve Center Muscle Skin FIG. 36. Diagram of simple type of nervous system. Stimulus coming from the skin is sent by the center * to the muscle. evolution* of the nervous system from a simple type to a complex type as seen in man. The nervous system has _,.' ' " " " N X I/eod yetny/fon / \^ en/dryes to form ! /' \ \ fhp FIG. 37. Diagram of a simple type of nervous system. A stimulus coming in at A from the skin of the leg may travel to B in order to get action by the muscles of the arm to relieve the cause of the stimulus. evolved to such an extent that in man it is composed of the brain, spinal cord, cranial nerves,* spinal nerves,* 66 Healthful Living Pyramid Cortex Medulla FIG. 38. Section* of the kidney. ganglia,* and pe- ripheral nerves. The brain is the highly specialized center which con- trols and directs (Fig. 37). The rest of the struc- tures exist for the purpose of carry- ing out the will of the brain. Cer- tain acts go on, however, without the brain control- ling them. Such are automatic and reflex. They represent functions that were carried on before the brain developed. They did not need the brain then; they do not need it now. Such acts are breathing and digest- ing food. Organs of the excre- tory system (Plate V). As a result of chem- ical changes in the body, there are waste* substances which must be removed. These, together with the ex- FIG. 39. Waste from the cells going into cess of water in the blood stream. blood, are eliminated by the chief organs of the excretory system, the kidneys (Fig. 38). This system is very important in the mainte- Body Co// Body JJody Ce//. 'y ff/ood Stream Organs Formed from Tissues 67 nance of body health, and the efficiency with which it works determines very largely the health of the whole body. Plate V shows these organs in their position in the body. The large arteries, branching off from the main blood channel, carry the blood to the kidneys, and the veins carry it away after the waste has been re- moved. If the kidneys, through disease or other injury, become unable to remove this waste, the health of the body is impaired. Figs. 39-42 show the removal of waste from the cellular spaces and the subse- quent elimination by skin, lungs, and kidneys. The problem of keep- ing these organs strong and well is a complex one. All the factors that cause injury to the kidney cells are not known ; but through study, experiment and close observation of <> Sweat G/ancf Duct eat G/and FIG- 40. Sweat gland of skin removing waste from the blood. FIG. 41. Waste from the blood eliminated by the lung. FIG. 42. The elimination of waste by the kidney. 68 Healthful Living people's habits of living, some important directions for pre- serving the efficiency of the kidneys have been formulated. It is generally agreed by physicians and hygienists that the habit of drinking plenty of pure water is valuable. For an adult, six to seven glasses a day are recommended '. In a day's schedule, the drinking of water could be arranged in this way : one glass on rising, one at breakfast, one in the course of the morning, one at lunch, one in the middle of the afternoon, one at dinner, and one before retiring. In addition, attention is to be given to the prevention of excessive work for the kidneys by reducing the amount of waste that these organs will have to eliminate. It will be learned later that the waste from animal food is largely removed by the kidneys. The restriction in meat eating would seem, therefore, to be another valuable method of protecting these organs. The skin is, in part, an organ of excretion and so assists the kidneys. Keeping the skin healthy by frequent bathing and by wearing proper clothing is an important part of keeping the kidneys efficient. Chilling of the body, getting the feet wet, and sudden losses in body heat from various other causes, may be injurious to the kidneys. Finally, it should be noted that the health of the excretory system cannot be maintained by patent medicines of the Kidney Remedy type. There are innumerable " cures " and " remedies " advertised in newspapers and magazines for the treatment of kidney disease. They are worthless, fraudulent, and exceedingly expensive. The restoration to health of these injured organs is usually a problem of adjustment of life, and the plan and program for that should be in the care of a skilled physician. The reproductive system. Simple one-celled animals, such as the amceba, reproduce by dividing into two parts. The entire body divides and two new individuals result from the one. In the higher mammals nature has formed a CHARTS OF THE HUMAN BODY SHOWING DIFFERENT SECTIONS OF THE TRUNK AND HEAD AND A SCHEMATIC REPRESENTATION OF THE CIRCULATION EXPLANATION OF PLATE I Plate I shows the skeletal muscles on the ventral (front) part of the trunk. These muscles lie beneath the skin and are attached to the bones of the skeleton. The blood vessels and nerves which supply the muscles come from within the body and send their branches into the fibers of the muscles, giving nourishment and stimulation, and controlling elimination. The muscles of the trunk are more important than the muscles of the arm from the standpoint of health, because if the trunk muscles are not well developed, the heart, lungs, digestive organs, and nervous system will not be vigorous. PLATE I mm. .OBL/OUUS; ABDOMNAUS INTERNUS-" EXPLANATION OF PLATE II This Plate presents the rear view of the front wall of the body. It shows the ribs which lie beneath the muscles of the chest illustrated in Plate I and the inner layer of tissue that makes up the structure of the abdominal wall. The organs shown in Plate III lie against the ribs and abdominal wall pictured here. EXPLANATION OF PLATE III This Plate shows the organs of the trunk as they appear after removing that part of the body indicated in Plates I and II. The diaphragm runs transversely across the body and separates the organs of the chest (heart and lungs) from the organs of the ab- domen (stomach, liver, intestines, etc.)- The diaphragm is a muscle and when it contracts it moves downward and helps to bring air into the lungs. Notice the situation of the liver, and stomach. Increased action of the diaphragm following exercise massages these organs and improves their action. Breathing exercises alone are not as valuable as those that cause the respirations to increase in response to the needs of the body. PLATE III EXPLANATION OF PLATE IV This view shows the rear of those structures indicated in Plate III. Part of the lungs have been removed to show the way in which the blood vessels from the heart enter the lungs, and to show the tubes (bronchi) which carry air in and out of the lungs. In the abdominal part there are two organs that were not shown in Plate III. One is the pancreas, that lies behind the stomach, and the other is the gall bladder, that lies on the under surface of the liver. Notice the large blood vessels going to the intestines. If the muscular wall shown in Plate I is not held in place and well contracted these blood vessels will be stretched and will be less able to carry blood to the organs of the abdomen. It is important, therefore, always to stand erect so that the organs of the abdomen will receive the full supply of blood which they need. PLATE IV EXPLANATION OF PLATE V This Plate presents the front view of the back wall of the trunk with all the organs of the chest and abdomen removed except the kidneys and bladder. This view shows the esophagus, which empties into the stomach ; the large blood vessels going to and from the heart. The kidneys are seen receiving blood from the renal artery and sending blood away in the renal vein. The kidneys take the impurities from the blood and remove the excess of water. The excretion is carried in tubes, marked ureter, to the bladder. All the organs are of importance in maintaining the health and strength of the body, and the excretory system is as important as if not more important than the others. PLATE V EXPLANATION OF PLATE VI This Plate shows structures inside the skull and face. It is a composite picture, being made up of several different sections. It shows the spinal cord with its connections with the cerebrum (brain) ; the eye and optic nerve ; and nerves going from the brain to the teeth, the nose, and the muscles of the neck. It is to be noticed that the brain and nerves are well protected, the brain being covered by the bony skull and the nerves gaining protection from the bones of the face and soft parts. The bones protecting the spinal cord have been cut away in order to show this structure. PLATE VI PLATE VII ^-ai-CKL^ EXPLANATION OF PLATE VII This view of the head is that which would be presented by looking at the surface of the sagittal section through the head. The opening from the mouth into the esophagus and the path- way from the nose to the lungs are shown. The spinal cord entering the base of the brain is clearly indicated and some of the internal structures of the brain are represented. The corpus callo- sum is composed of fibers connecting the two sides of the brain. The cerebellum is shown cut across ; the pons lies in front of it. In the medulla are situated the vital centers of life the respiratory, cardiac, and vaso-motor centers. EXPLANATION OF PLATE VIII [OVER] This Plate represents the circulation of the blood. The blood flowing from the left side of the heart is represented in the arteries by a circular marking ; that coming to the right side of the heart and from there to the lungs, in the veins by a straight line. This representation of veins and arteries indicates a difference in structure ; it also suggests one very important fact in the circulation the blood which the heart sends out to the cells of the body is not the same in composition as that which returns to the heart. The chief difference is a waste product of oxidation, carbon dioxide. Trace the blood from the left side of the heart to the head, hands, and feet by the arteries; trace the blood from the right side of the heart to the lungs ; and trace the blood from the head, hands, and feet by the veins to the heart. PLATE VIII Organs Formed from Tissues 69 complex system of special organs to care for this important work Of reproducing the species. Nature's laws here as elsewhere are helpful when understood. Ignorance of these laws results, frequently, in disease, in loss of health and happiness. Parents or the family physician are the logical persons to instruct children in these laws. It should be remembered that the proper care and functioning of this system determines not only the health and happiness of the individual, but also the health and prosperity of the race. APPLIED ANATOMY LABORATORY EXERCISES 1. To demonstrate the digestive organs. Obtain from the body of a cat or rabbit the stomach and in- testines. Tie off the two ends. Show the relations between stomach and intestines. Indicate the mesentery and show how the blood vessels coming to the intestines run in the mesentery supporting the tube. 2. To demonstrate the organs of respiration and circulation. From the same source as in (1) obtain the lungs and heart. Place the specimen in water. Do the lungs float ? Show the rela- tion between lungs and heart. 3. To demonstrate organs of the nervous system. Obtain from the butcher a fresh calf brain and also a section of the spinal cord of the hog or calf. Show how the spinal nerves come off from the cord and indicate the root of origin of the cranial nerves. 4. To demonstrate organs of the muscular system. Obtain from the butcher the fore leg of a can 3 . Dissect out the tendinous attachment of the muscles and at the joint indicate the difference between the tendon and the ligament. 5. To demonstrate the organs of the excretory system. Obtain from the butcher the kidneys from a calf and indicate for the class the arterial and venous blood supply. By a diagram show how the kidney removes waste from the body and emphasize the importance of water in the diet. GLOSSARY Abdomen. The cavity lying between the diaphragm and pelvis and holding the viscera. The viscera is the plural term for yo Healthful Living viscus. Viscus refers to the organs in the abdomen, such as the intestines and stomach. Center. Used here in connection with the nervous system, i.e., nerve center. A group of nerve cells arranged in a circum- scribed mass for the purpose of carrying on a particular func- tion or coordination. Cerebrum. The upper and foremost part of the brain. It con- sists of two symmetrical halves, called hemispheres. In man and the higher animals the cerebrum is the chief bulk of the brain. It is supposed to be the seat of thought and will. Cerebellum. A part of the brain lying below and behind the cerebrum. It is much smaller than the cerebrum and is con- cerned with equilibrium and allied functions. Comparative anatomy. The study of the structure of different animals and man with reference to similarities and differences in structure and development of organs in different species. Corpus callosum. A great band of nerve fibers that runs trans- versely across the brain, connecting the two hemispheres. As compared with other parts of the brain, this band is very hard and it receives its name from being a " hard body." Cranial nerves. The nerves that come off from the brain. There are twelve pairs and comprise such nerves as the optic (to the eyes), the auditory (to the ears), the facial (to the face), and the vagus (to the heart). Diaphragm. A muscle situated between the cavity of the chest and the abdomen. It is the chief muscle pf, respiration. When it contracts it descends and causes air to rush into the lungs ; when it relaxes it rises and forces the air out. Esophagus. A tube composed of muscle and membrane, about ten inches long. It serves to carry food and drink from the mouth to the stomach. It is sometimes called the gullet. Evolution. A term to denote the development of the complex individual from the single cell and to explain the way in which all development has occurred and the conditions modifying such development. Gall bladder. A muscular bag that lies on the under surface of the liver and holds the bile secreted by that organ. Ganglion. A group of nerve cells lying outside the spinal cord. Intercostal. One of a group of muscles attached between the ribs and concerned in respiration. Larynx. The upper part of the air tube. It contains the vocal cords. Organs Formed from Tissues 71 Liver. A large gland composed mainly of epithelium, situated in the upper part of the abdomen on the right side. It se- cretes a liquid called bile ; it stores sugar in the form of gly- cogen ; and it removes certain waste substances that come to it in the blood. Medulla oblongata. The extreme upper part of the spinal cord, forming the connecting structure between the cord and the brain. It is conelike, and about one inch long. It contains important nerve centers such as the respiratory center, the cardiac center, the vaso-motor center, etc. Pancreas. An organ of digestion concerned in the metabolism of fat, sugar, and protein. Pons. Usually called the Pons Varolii after the anatomist of Bologna, Constanza Varoli. It is a part which contains the fibers from the two hemispheres of the cerebellum. The corpus callosum was the connection between the two parts of the cerebrum ; the pons is the connection between the two parts of the cerebellum. Section. A picture or view of a part or body that would be seen if it were cut by an intersecting plane. If the cut is made across, the section is transverse; if lengthwise, it is called a longi- tudinal section. Spinal nerves. Nerves that have an attachment with the spinal cord. They comprise nerves going to the cord and nerves coming away from the cord. Stomach. An enlargement of the alimentary tract that serves to hold food while it is being acted upon by digestive juices se- creted by the stomach. Trachea. The tube connecting the lungs with the mouth and nose cavities. Vaso-motor. Refers to movement produced in the blood vessels. This movement may be constriction in which the lumen grows smaller ; or it may be dilatation in which the lumen grows larger. Vaso comes from vas, meaning vessel. Constriction of the vessel is called vaso-constriction ; dilatation of the vessel is called vaso-dilatation. Waste. The waste substances in the body result from the chem- ical changes that go on in the production of energy. Ashes represent the waste of combustion when wood and coal are burned. The waste of the cells of the body is represented by such substances as carbon dioxide, urea, uric acid, creatin, xanthin, etc. CHAPTER V THE SKELETON FRAMEWORK OF THE BODY I. The Use of the Skeleton. For attachment of muscles For support and protection For movement II. Parts of the Skeleton. The skull The vertebral column The thorax The shoulder girdle The arm The leg III. The Structure of a Long Bone. IV. The Composition of Bone. V. Joints. Motion in movable joints The use of the skeleton. There are some animals, such as the slug and the jelly fish, that do not possess any hard part corresponding to a skeleton. Such an animal if it lives on land, lies flat on the ground, and moves slowly and with difficulty. Animal life in its lowest forms is characterized by a resemblance to plants ; in fact, in the case of bacteria* it is not known whether they are plants or animals. Plants in both high and low forms are characterized by their im- mobility. Animals in their evolution from lower to higher forms have increased their power to move about. So far as movement on land is concerned, the feature that brought an increased range of movement was the bony skeleton. 72 The Skeleton Framework of the Body 73 Evolution is a slow and gradual process and the skeleton of man is the result of centuries of development. For attachment of muscles. The bones that form the skeleton of man (Fig. 43) make possible not only movement of the body itself but also of its parts. Muscles attached to two bones, on contracting and shortening, pull the two bones toward each other. If the bone at one attachment is held in a rigid way, the contraction will result in a move- ment of the other bone toward the fixed part. We say, therefore, that bones serve for the attachment of muscles and give support from which the muscles can pull. For support and protection. Bones also give support to the body. Man could not be an erect animal if there were not a rigid skeleton to support his organs" and parts. In addition, the bones serve for protection, for even in man, so capable of self-protection, it is necessary to have the skele- ton to protect some of the delicate organs. Some animals have developed for protection other means also. The scales of the fish, the quills of the porcupine, the heavy fur of arctic animals, serve to protect these animals from various forces in their separate environment.* In man the bones that protect the vital organs are flat, as the breastbone and shoulder blade, the ribs, which pro- tect the heart and lungs, and the skull bones, which protect the soft and delicate brain. For movement. Bones serve for the attachment of muscles, they give support and protection, and they in- crease the possibilities of movement of the parts of the body. The muscles by their shortening accomplish very simple and imperfect motions ; by using the bones for support and as levers, this motion is changed in rate, direction, and place of application. The long bones of the arms and legs, with the fingers and toes, have motion as their chief function. The ribs are flat but they are the longest bones in the body in proportion to their 74 Healthful Living Cranium. (Clavic/eJ Co/Jar Son e. (Scapula]. Shoutc/er Blade tfumerus. Pe/vic one Cav/'fy of Pelvis Pate/la ftfnee C0pJ Tarsa/s 'asa/Bones. Ma/arfCheekjBone. Superior Maxil/ary Bones. Inferior Maxillary Hone. Spinal Column Cervical Region. fSternurnJSreastSone. Ribs. Spinal Column Radius. Ulna. tatersals -Phalanges FIG. 43. The skeleton. The Skeleton Framework of the Body 75 size, and enable us to perform the important motions of breathing. Yet they are classed as flat bones, for they lack the round shaft and enlarged ends or heads which typical long bones have. Even the bones of the instep, palm, fingers, and toes, which are the smallest of the long bones, have the shaft and heads. Many of the small, short bones are stronger than the long, slender bones, or the flat, thin ones. These bones are called irregular bones. They are not easily broken and their chief function is support. They are found in the spine, the ankle, the wrist, the knee, and the face. We should re- member that the irregular bones also assist in the two other functions of protection and motion ; also that the long bones and the flat bones are not confined to one function but par- ticipate in all three functions (Fig. 43). Parts of the skeleton. The central part of the skeleton called the vertebral or spinal column, forms a firm but flexible axis. The head rests upon the top of this column. The ribs are attached at its side to make the walls of the chest. The shoulder girdle rests upon the chest, and the hip girdle is attached to the base of the spinal column. These girdles connect the upper and lower limbs with the trunk. The bones of the head and trunk form the axial skeleton. The bones of the girdles and limbs are called the appended skeleton, since they are appended to the axial framework. The skull (Fig. 44). The skull is the cranium, or casket which contains the brain, and the facial bones. The arched form of the skull is the best shape for resisting blows and pressure. Its bones are so firm and hard that bullets some- times glance from it, but the structures within the skull are so important and delicate that in war the head is protected by a metal helmet to resist shrapnel. The occipital bone curves under at the back of the neck to aid in forming the floor of the skull. It has two projections called condyles* (knuckles) situated just behind its junction with the sphenoid 7 6 Healthful Living HyoidJBone (wedgelike) bone. The condyles fit into depressions (Fig. 45) in the uppermost vertebra; thus the head rests and rocks upon the spinal column. Grasp the neck with both hands so as to hold it motion- less and stiff, and find whether the head rocks for- ward and back- ward, or side wise. Between the con- dyles is a large opening through which the spinal cord goes from the FIG. 44. Side view of skull. The larger bones brain, are named in the figure. The lower jaw is dropped jr^ g ver teoraZ col- down. Its socket in the skull is shown in front of the opening of the ear, a; b, process of temporal Utnn. The Spinal passing to malar, or cheek bone. Locate one of co lumn consists in the adult of twenty-six bones (Fig. 45). Twenty- four of these bones have a similar shape, and each is called a vertebra (Latin, that which turns) . The other two have the names of sacrum and coccyx. The first seven vertebrae are in the neck and are called cervical (of the neck) . The next twelve are those to which the ribs are attached and are called thoracic or dorsal (of the back). The next five vertebrae are in the loins or lumbar region and are the condyles or projections which rest in sockets on the highest vertebra; the hyoid bone, not joined to any other bone, except by muscles ; opening of ear and styloid process. A small part of the sphenoid bone is shown ; the main part is at base of skull. The eight cranial bones are : One Frontal (forehead) One Occipital (back and floor) Two Parietal (sides and roof) One Sphenoid (central floor) Two Temporal (sides) One Ethmoid (front floor) The Skeleton Framework of the Body 77 called lumbar (of the loins). They are the largest of the vertebrae. The lowest lumbar vertebra rests upon the sacrum (sacred, because this bone of lower animals was once used in sacrifice). In infancy the sacrum consists of five ver- tebrae ; these begin uniting at two years of age and complete the union at twenty years. The coccyx (cuckoo, from its resem- blance to the bill of a cuckoo), or last bone of the column, is that part of the skeleton which in the lower animals forms the tail. In infancy it consists of four small bones which later unite into one. The coccyx is of little use, -but the sacrum is a highly important bone, since to its sides are attached the bones of the pelvic arch, by which the weight of the body is trans- mitted to the legs. Vertebrae. The different ver- tebrae all conform to a general plan of structure. On examination they show a large massive central part (the body), and leading from this part and running posteriorly (back- ward) are two processes of bone, the pedicles (Fig. 46, A). The pedicles are continuous with two other parts, the laminae, and with them form the neural arch. Where pedicles and laminae join there runs ..J FIG. 45. Spinal column (seen from behind) . s, spinous process ; t, transverse process. Find the 7 cervical, 12 tho- racic, 5 lumbar vertebrae. Do the sacrum and coccyx show evidence of having been di- vided in early growth ? Healthful Living off horizontally to each side a process, the transverse pro- cess. The laminae at their junction behind meet the spinal process, which points directly backward. Neuro/ CanaJ -So/nous Process Lom/na Transverse f roc ess Opening for J?x>l of Sprna/ Ner ve Spinovs Process FIG. 46. A, plan of a typical vertebra showing rib attachment; B, side view of several vertebrae showing inter-vertebral fibre-cartilage and openings for spinal nerves. The arches formed by the pedicles and laminae serve admirably for protection to the highly specialized spinal cord (part of the nervous system). The processes are well adapted by their roughened surfaces for the attachment of muscles and ligaments. Strictly speaking, however, the rough places on the bones are caused by the pull exerted by The Skeleton Framework of the Body 79 the muscles at the point of attachment. Between the bodies of the vertebrae are elastic cushions (Fig. 46, R) called fibro-car- tilages. pads are These of im- portance in pre- venting jar to the spine, arid they assist greatly in all movements of the spine. It will be seen, therefore, that the spine is constructed to support the head, to keep the trunk erect, to protect the spinal cord of the nervous sys- tem (Fig. 47) , and to allow motion of the spine. This last function is provided for by the separate ver- tebrae, which means, of course, that each verte- bra need move only a little to get a resulting large movement. The whole is equal to the sum of its parts. /Verves to Neck. Nerves to Lower A bdorxen and Sciatic Nerve (o Leg. FIG. 47. Spinal cord in the vertebral column, showing segments of cord and emergence of nerves going to arms, trunk, and legs. (After Dejerine and Thomas in Starr.) 8o Healthful Living CfRV/OAL CURVE Arc of 18 degrees Radius of Arc 6% in THORAC/C- Arc of 42 degrees Radius of Arc 12 %/ Curves of the Spine. When the vertebral column is viewed from the side (Fig. 47), it shows four curves. The cervical curve starts with the first verte- bra and extends to the second thoracic vertebra. It is con- vex forward. The thoracic curve be- gins with the second thoracic and ends with the twelfth tho- racic. This curve is concave forward. The lumbar curve begins with the twelfth thoracic and ends at the junction of sacrum and fifth dorsal. It is convex forward. The sacral curve completes the picture with a deep concavity forward. Figure 48 represents the curvature in these sections. The degree represents the num- ber of degrees in a segment of a circle of which this curve * S tne arc< -LUMBAR CUffVf Arc of 8O degrees Radius of Arc 5%in. SACRAL Arc ofJ25 degrees Radius of Arc 2% in. FIG. 48. Normal curves of the spine. m Notice that the spine is faced in the opposite figures given in inches direction from the one shown in Fig. 47. A i j These curves are normal. They should not ^Present the radlUS be changed because the body is injured. of each segment. The Skeleton Framework of the Body 81 The thoracic and sacral curves are called primary curves because they are present when the child is born. The cervical and lumbar curves are compensatory or secondary, because they develop after birth by the effort the child makes to hold up its head and to walk erect. Now, the im- portant thing for us to remember is that nature provides us with a backbone that has curves. These curves are normal and they should be maintained. Some boys and girls stoop over so much that they increase the thoracic curve. This destroys their good appearance and also interferes with the development of their lungs. Girls by improper modes of dressing often increase the lumbar curve too much. This re- sults in a weak and painful back. The thorax. - The thorax, or chest, is formed in the rear by the twelve thoracic vertebrae; in front, somewhat parallel to the spinal col- umn, but approaching it above, is the sternum, or breast- bone (Fig. 49). Twelve ribs curve around each side. Each rib joins one of the thoracic vertebrae behind. The first seven pairs directly join the sternum in front by means of short carti- lages, and are called true ribs. The next three pairs, called false ribs, do not reach the sternum, but each rib unites to the rib above by a long cartilage. The last two pairs are FIG. 49. Front view of thorax and shoulder girdle showing projection of heart on chest wall. 82 Healthful Living called floating ribs, since the front ends are not attached to a bone either directly, like the true ribs, or indirectly, like the false ribs, but rest in the mus- cular walls of the waist (Fig. 50). The shoulder girdle. The arms are attached to the trunk by the shoulder girdle. This consists of four bones, two on each side, scapulae or shoulder blades, and the clavicles, or collar bones. Each shoulder is composed of a clavicle (key, from its resemblance to the ancient key) and a scapula (Fig. 51). The scapula (trowel) occupies the rear part of the shoulder. It is a large flat bone of triangular shape and bears in the end at the angle of the shoulder a shallow socket into which is fitted the end of the upper bone of the arm. The clavicle is a slender bone, round and slightly curved, which occupies the front of the shoulder, and is joined at one end to the scapula arid at the other to the sternum. The clavicles can be felt at the right and left of the base of the neck. The arm. The arm consists of the upper arm, forearm, wrist, and hand (Fig. 51). The upper arm extends to the elbow and has only one bone, the humerus. From the elbow to the wrist is the forearm, formed of two bones, arranged parallel to each other ; the ulna is on the inner side, the side corresponding to the little finger ; the radius oc- cupies the outer side, the same side as the thumb. At the lower end of each, a bump may be felt, the bump on the ulna being larger. The wrist is called the carpus,* and is FIG. 50. Side view of thorax, spine, and pelvis. The Skeleton Framework of the Body 83 composed of eight small bones arranged parallel in two rows, four in each row, running across the wrist. Next follows -- Scapula Femur Humerus Patella Utna 11 \ Radius Fibula TUbfa Carp&fs--- Afetacarpals -Phalanges FIG. 51. The arm and the shoulder. Seen from the rear. Why do the fingers seem so long? Tarsals Metatarsafs--; -Phalongt FIG. 52. Bones of the hip and leg. Front view. the metacarpus* (beyond the carpus) (Fig. 51), or the bones in the palm of the hand. The palm is composed of five long bones, each serving to support a finger or thumb. Each 84 Healthful Living finger is composed of three small bones called phalanges (rows of soldiers) ; the thumb has only two. The thumb is more movable than the fingers, and can be opposed to each of them. The leg. The skeleton of a lower limb has a striking resemblance to that of an upper limb (Fig. 52). The hip Fifth Lumbar Vertebra- -Sacrum A cetabulum \H\M\\\ :N>V.X '^W UKon-amcr / MWfVf/amammtmri Coccyx FIG. 53. The pelvis. girdle, corresponding to the shoulder girdle, forms the hip. The hip bones, or innominate (nameless, because they do not resemble anything) bones, are large, flat, and somewhat semicircular in shape. They meet in front (Fig. 53), but behind they join the portion of the spinal column called the sacrum, which separates them and forms, as it were, the keystone of the arch. Thus is formed a large band of bone inclosing a basin-shaped space, called the pelvis (basin), which contains the bladder, rectum,* and generative organs. There is a deep socket at the side in each innominate bone. This socket is occupied by the round head found on the upper end of the thigh bone, or femur. The femur is the largest and longest bone in the body (Figs. 54. 55). The Skeleton Framework of the Body The leg below the knee, like the fore- arm, is composed of two parallel bones. They are unequal in size, like the radius and ulna. One, called the tibia, is much larger than the other, the fibula (Fig. 52). The latter bone is merely a brace to the large tibia, which forms the joints with the femur above and the foot below. There is a bony disk embedded in the great ten- don over the knee, form- ing a protection to the knee joint ; this is called the patella, or knee-pan. In which direction can you move the patella to and fro with the hand, when the leg is straight and the heel resting upon the floor? Like the hand, the foot consists of three parts. The tarsus,* or ankle, is FIQ 5 J_ Front formed of seven bones, view of femur, although the carpus has bonTfo^artlcuiat- eight. The metatarsus,* ing with hip bone ; like the metacarpus, is 6 ' sh , aft; c and f* rough processes to Composed of five bones, which muscles are arranged parallel to one another, which serve for ulates with tibia, the base of the toes. The toes have the same number of bones as the fingers, and have the same name, the phalanges. The Structure and Hygiene of the Foot. It is important to understand what the human foot is like, because abuse of 86 Healthful Living the foot is so common and the value of strong, sound feet is so great. The foot must support the weight of the body and in addition must serve to transfer the weight of the body from the heel to the toe in walking. 1. The bones are ar- FIG. 56. Skeleton of foot, If the child never goes barefooted, the arch is ranged to Jorm an arch. likely to become flattened instead of J n ^ Q g rg ^ pl ac(3j the bones of the foot are arranged to form an arch extending from the toes to the heel (Fig. 56). This arch is low on the outer side of the foot and here the tissues covering the bones are in contact with the ground (Fig. 57). On the inner side, however, that arch is high and is held in place by ligaments on its under surface, and by small muscles (Fig. 58) attached to the bones of the foot, and by the tendons from the calf muscles which pass under this part of the foot on the way to the toes. In addition, the heel bone (os calcis) is placed more to the outer side of the foot. As regards the use of the foot, these anatomic facts mean that the weight of the body can be carried on the outer side of the foot to the best advantage. We should use the body in conformity with the laws of its construction. In this way we shall be more efficient. In walking, therefore, the track made by a . T . i i i ^ n ,1 i p ,1 natural foot. Make weight should tall on the outer side ot the a test by wetting foot (Fig. 57). your foot and notic- ~ rm 777 JT 7 ing the track made 2. The muscles help to support the arch upon the floor. and the muscles must be used correctly. In the second place, the muscles on the under surface of the foot (Fig. 58) must be kept strong and the muscles of the FIG. 57. The The Skeleton Framework of the Body 87 calf, going to the toes, must be exercised. It is important, therefore, to walk with the feet parallel. This will more readily bring the weight on the outer side and in addition will allow better action of the foot muscles. If the feet are turned outward in walking (Fig. 59), the weight of the body will be transferred to the inner side of the foot just over the arch instead of passing forward over the toes (Fig. 60). The feet should not be turned inward, "pigeon-toe." The parallel position only is correct. 3. Shoes must not distort the bony ar- rangement of the foot. Shoes must not cramp the toes or press the toes outward. This occurs in pointed shoes and prevents the proper action of the foot muscles (Fig. 61). 4. Shoes must not throw strain upon the foot. If the foot is to remain useful and efficient, the arch must not be subjected to a change in position of the bones of the foot. High heels throw the bones of the arch out of position and prevent proper foot action (Fig. 62). Women who wear FIG. 58. Sole high heeled shoes are as barbarous in this %% themus- respect as the Chinese women who bound cies and tendons th P f A pt that bend the toes and support the The structure of a long bone. If a long arch. bone is sawed through lengthwise (Fig. 63), it will be observed that there is a central cavity containing yellow marrow.* (What cut of steak has a marrow bone?) We should observe also that the portions inclosing this cavity are of a dense solid structure, but that the bone is spongy near the ends, enlarged for forming the joints. The cavities in this spongy portion contain red marrow. A long bone is hollow. A given weight of material has more 88 Healthful Living strength in the form of a hollow cylinder than in the form of a solid rod. (Does this imply that a hollow cylinder is as strong as a solid one of the same size?) The composition of bone. Bone is covered with periosteum. This is the name given to the close clinging fibrous covering of the bone, composed of con- nective tissue and blood vessels. If we remove the periosteum from the surface, the red marrow from the pores, and the yellow marrow from the larger cavity, we have remaining the true bony sub- stance. Yet even this is not one sub- stance, but consists of mineral matter and animal matter in the proportion of two parts of the latter. The animal matter is gelatin,* like the substance composing the white fibrous part of con- nective tissue. The mineral matter is chiefly phosphate of lime and carbonate of lime. The mineral matter may be removed by soaking the bone for several days in strong vinegar or in dilute muriatic acid. The bone is then flexible but tough. If a slender bone, such as a hog's rib, has been used, it can be tied in a knot ; after the acid has been washed off, it may he preserved in dilute alcohol as a curiosity, other. FIG. 60. In walk- The weight The animal matter mav be removed by should be placed on the outer borders of feet. holding the bone on a shovel in the fire for a sufficient length of time. The mineral part remaining is very light and brittle, and weighs much less than the PLATE IX. X-ray of ankle, showing tarsus and lower end of tibia and fibula. Notice the bony arch. The Skeleton Framework of the Body original bone, the form of which it still preserves. Joints. The meeting of the ends of two bones makes a joint and this joint is held together by bands of con- nective tissue, called ligaments. Liga- ments are composed of white fibrous tissue. Are they tough? Are they elastic or non-elastic? The way the bones are placed in the body to allow movement is shown in the X-ray picture (Plate IX). The shadow shows the outline of the ankle with the bones of the tarsus and the lower end of the tibia and fibula. The ligaments holding the bones to form the ankle joint do not show in an X-ray. This picture indicates how the bones are kept together and yet are free to move one upon the other. Now all joints are not alike in the movement they allow. Some have very little motion ; others move freely and over quite a range. The bones forming the skull have practically no motion in adult life and they are called fixed joints. They are remarkable in that the bones fit into each other by toothed edges, forming irregular lines, known as sutures. Other joints which we shall study have a free type of movement. FIG. 61. The track made by a foot in which the natural arch has been partly broken down by tight shoes. If the arch breaks down" entirely the foot is called flat foot. _Jmportent Ligament Supporting the Arch. FIG. 62. After wearing high heels the small bones of the foot are adjusted to a cer- tain position. If a sudden change is made in height of heel, pain and disability follow. Pain in the knees and hips follows wearing high heels. Healthful Living Let us take the knee joint, for example. The two bones which join are the femur and the tibia. They present to each other an enlargement, or head, which serves to increase the strength of the joint and increase the surfaces applied to each other. The two heads instead of being formed al- together of rigid bone are covered by cartilage, which by its elasticity and smoothness provides for the gliding of one bone upon the other. Strong fibrous bands called ligaments bind to- gether the ends of the two bones. Sur- rounding the ends of the bones, like a collar, is found a ligament (the capsular ligament) inclosing the space of the joint in a closed sac. This closed sac is called the capsule. A thin membranous sac, called the synovial membrane, lines the capsule. It secretes a slimy fluid which resembles the white of an egg and is called the synovial fluid. This lubri- cates the joint, and is deposited con- tinuaU y> but on 'y so fast as used p in length, exercise. As the sac has no opening, cxc i uc i e d, and atmospheric pres- , . ' porting c, the upper sure aids in holding the bones in place. and lower articular The ^ . ^ ^ ^ and ^ . { surfaces; d, compact bone forming the shaft ; have the same parts as the knee joint. e, marrow cavity; /, J t fe mrely that twQ boneg t to _ periosteum. gether so perfectly are forced from their natural places. When this happens it is called a dislocation. Motion in movable joints. Not all movable joints can be moved in a similar way. We can move the knee joint in two directions, forward and backward. The shoulder along its o. struts and stays of air b, spongy bone sup- The Skeleton Framework of the Body joint is capable of more and wider movements. There are four varieties of movement in the joints of the body. 1. Gliding Motion. This is the simplest kind of move- ment. It is the rubbing of one surface on another and it is small in extent. Ex- amples of this move- ment are found in the carpal and tarsal bones of the hand and foot. 2. Angular Motion. This type of motion occurs in only one plane. It is seen in what is called a hinge joint. Does a door swing in one plane? The human body has four varieties of angu- lar movement, two in the forward and back- ward direction (the antero-posterior* plane of the body) and two in a sideward direction FIG. 64. The right hip joint. The hip (movement from an antero-posterior plane of the body) (Fig. 65). (a) Flexion in a joint is always in an antero-posterior plane of the body. The angle formed by the parts grows smaller during the movement. When the body bends for- ward, flexion occurs. Show flexion of the head, the fingers, the knee joint, the ankle joint. (6) Extension in a joint is always in an antero-posterior plane and the angle becomes greater. The fingers are ex- bone sawed through so as to show the cup of the joint, a, head of femur in acetabu- lum ; 6, ilium bone of pelvis; c, capsular liga- ment; /, femur; i, ischium bone of pelvis; r, round ligament of hip joint; s, sacrum. 92 Healthful Living tended when they are stretched out straight. Show flexion and extension of the hip joint. (c) Abduction is movement outward from an antero- posterior plane of the body and the angle increases in size. FIG. 65. Diagram of a cross section of trunk showing planes and directions. Raise the arm directly to the side. This is abduction of the arm. What is abduction of the head ? Of the leg ? (d) Adduction is movement toward an antero-posterior plane of the body, and the angle between the parts decreases in size. Show adduction of the leg. 3. Circumduction. This movement is a combination of flexion, extension, abduction, and adduction. The end of the The Skeleton Framework of the Body 93 moving part describes a circle and the part itself describes the sides of a cone (Fig. 66). Show circumduction of the arm. FIG. 66. Circumduction the extremity (hand) describes a circle and the part describes the sides of a cone. 4. Rotation. In this movement, the moving part turns around its own axis. Show rotation of the head. Show circumduction of the head. GLOSSARY Antero-posterior. A compound word made up of anterior and posterior to denote a direction or plane passing from the an- terior (front) part of the body to the posterior (back). If the anterior plane is a plane parallel to the front of the body and the posterior to the back of the body then it follows that there are innumerable antero-posterior planes and they will all be perpendicular to the anterior and posterior planes. Bacterium. The plural form is bacteria. They are small cells, spherical, rod-shaped, or spiral in form. Some are capable of causing disease in the body, but most of them are harmless. They are widespread in nature. Carpus. The eight small bones which form the wrist. Condyle. An enlarged and prominent part of a bone. Environment. All the external surroundings of an organism. The air, climate, food, work, play, housing, clothes, etc., make up the environment. Gelatin. A hard, transparent, tasteless substance obtained from animal tissue such as skin, hoof, and horns. It dissolves readily in hot water. Marrow. A soft, vascular tissue found in the cavities of bones. It contains fat and many cells of the blood. 94 Healthful Living Metacarpus. That part of the hand between the wrist and fingers. It comprises five bones. Metatarsus. That part of the foot between the ankle and the toes. It comprises five bones. Rectum. The lower part of the colon. It is made of muscle and mucous membrane and is richly supplied with nerves. Tarsus. The seven small bones which form the ankle. CHAPTER VI HYGIENE OF THE SKELETON I. The Nourishment of Bones. II. Broken Bones. III. Dislocations and Sprains. IV. Weak Feet. Foot exercises Characteristics of a good shoe V. .Deformities of the Spinal Column. Lateral curvature of the spine Posterior curvature of the spine VI. Posture. Sitting Lying down Standing Walking VII. Essential Facts in the Growth and Development of Bones. The nourishment of the bones. If a limb be disused because of paralysis * or long sickness, the bones, as well as the soft parts, lose in strength and weight. This shows that the more vigorous circulation which comes with exercise helps to rep'air the osseous tissue. The blood vessels that supply the bones enter from the inner side of the periosteum. We thus see why the bone shrinks away if the periosteum is removed, and why the surgeon * is careful to leave as much of the periosteum as possible in the case of bones splintered by accidents. The animal matter of bones is most abundant in childhood, and a child's bones will bend before they break. If broken, they heal rapidly. The animal matter is less abundant in 95 g6 Healthful Living the aged, therefore, the bones are brittle and more easily broken, and they take longer to heal. Broken bones. The two ends of a broken bone should be brought together in their correct position as soon as possible, before inflammation and swelling render this dif- ficult. Of course, a surgeon should be called to set a broken bone. If the patient has to be carried some distance, care should be taken to prevent injury to the fleshy parts by the ends of the broken bone; the limb should be bound with handkerchiefs to a strip of board, or even to umbrellas or walking sticks, as temporary splints. Learn the first aid treatment for broken bones on page 419. Dislocations and sprains. A dislocation * sometimes breaks the ligaments surrounding it, producing inflamma- tion.* This makes examination of it difficult, hence there should be no delay in procuring the necessary skill and restoring it to place. A sprain * is an injury due to a sudden wrenching or tear- ing of the ligaments, as a result of which a ligament is lacer- ated or torn from its fastenings to the bone. A bad sprain may be more serious than a fracture,* and result in stiffness or in permanent weakness. Immediate rest is necessary. A cold footbath immediately after spraining the ankle is sometimes beneficial. If there is delay in treatment and the joint swells, then use hot water. Careful rubbing, very light at first and gradually increasing in vigor from day to day, may shorten the period of recovery. Learn the first aid treatment for a sprain on page 422. Weak feet. In discussing the foot it was pointed out that the feet are very important parts of the body. If we are to be able to do the many things in games and work that we will want to do we must have strong feet. Feet are not all beautiful and many people are ashamed of their feet. That is because they have deformed them by improper shoes and improper methods of walking. Notice the well-shaped use- Hygiene of the Skeleton 97 ful feet in Figure 60. What would happen to the feet in Figure 60 if placed in shoes of the type shown in Figure 62? Foot exercises. To strengthen the muscles of the feet the following exercises will be found useful : 1. Stand with the feet parallel about three inches apart. Roll outward on the outer borders of the feet. 2. Stand with the feet parallel about three inches apart. Raise on toes and then lower heels slowly with weight on outer borders of the feet. 3. Walk on outer borders of the feet with the feet parallel. 4. Sitting, feet flat and parallel on the floor, raise the arch by attempting to draw the toes toward the heel. 5. Same as number four standing. Exercises to be done ten to twenty-five times daily. Characteristics of a good shoe. The choice of a shoe that will provide the necessary protection to the foot and that will not injure the foot is very important. Such a shoe will have a heel low and as broad as that of the wearer. The sole of the shoe should be, in outline, essentially the s'ame as the outline of the foot and especially it should have a straight inner line. The shoe should fit tightly over the heel and should grip the foot through the instep, leaving plenty of room in the region of the toes. Compare the illustrations in Figures 67, 68, and 69 and keep these points in mind when buying your next pair of shoes. Deformities* of the spinal column. This comes chiefly on account of the yielding nature of the cartilage. The FIG. 67. Shoes should be made to fit the foot. FIG. 68. Feet should not be crowded to fit the shoe. 98 Healthful Living extent of the compressibility of cartilage may be realized if one's height is measured upon rising in the morning and again at night, when the loss in height sometimes amounts to nearly half an inch. The cartilages between the vertebras FIG. 69. The two figures above represent young people who are victims of a custom that is foolish : the Chinese are giving up foot-binding. The lower figure represents young America, shod with healthful shoes, and ready for work or play. are very thick, so as to give flexibility to the spinal column. This blessing also brings with it a danger of deformity. If the head is bent forward continuously in study or work in- stead of being held up, the upper cartilages are compressed in front, the ligaments stretch, and a deformity of the neck may result, causing the head to project forward. Working Hygiene of the Skeleton 99 with the desk low in front, or working upon the ground, may cause round shoulders. Lateral curvature of the spine. Tight clothing deforms the ribs, which are early altered because of the long carti- lages. The binding down of the front ends of the ribs causes posterior curvature of the spine, with flat chest and round shoulders. Lateral, or sidewise, curvature (Fig. 70) of the spine is caused by constantly carrying the books, satchel, or other weight in the same hand ; by writing at a desk that is too high; by hanging the head to one side; and by improper and insufficient food, so that the muscles are weakened. Figures 71 and 72 show the improper and proper ways to carry books. It is important that girls, especially, learn to carry books in the proper way at all times. Posterior curvature of the spine. Posterior curvature is caused by habitually bending over the work, and by slipping down in the seat or desk (Fig. 73), " trying to sit upon the small of the back." It is caused also by weakness of muscles, by wearing shoes with high heels, and by writing at a desk that is too low. In curvature of the spine, the cartilages become V-shaped and the ligaments stretched. Shoulder- braces should not be worn to correct round shoulders. If they hold the shoulders back they are doing the work of the muscles and so the muscles become weaker and less able to maintain a good posture. Corrective exercises * are necessary FIG. 70. Such a condition prevents the boy or girl from playing freely in games. In most cases it can be prevented ; in many, it can be corrected. 100 Healthful Living in many cases, and they should be given by the teacher of physical education or the school physician: If an incorrect posture is habitually assumed in walking, in carrying books or otherwise, one should not expect to recover natural grace of form by wearing a brace. Exercise of the neglected FIG. 71. An improper way to carry books. FIG. 72. By distribut- ing the books properly the posture may be held easily in correct position. muscles, that is, opposite muscles, instead of those that were used excessively while acquiring the deformity, is a great aid. Posterior curvature has been improved by sleeping on the back on the floor or on a hard mattress. Posture. The bones are more or less flexible in child- hood, so that the posture we assume while we are growing children will determine and control, very largely, the shape of our bodies when we become grown. If a young tree is Hygiene of the Skeleton - ;*\ \ , , \ \ ' *>> ici bent, it grows into a crooked tree. What is that saying, " As the twig is bent "? There are four positions which must be cor- rect so that grace, strength, and con- trol of the body will result when wo are adults. These are the sitting, the lying, the standing, FIG. 73. Flat chest, round shoulders, and displacement of vital organs are produced by slipping forward on the seat. and the walking positions. Sitting. One should sit in a chair or at a desk so that the trunk is kept straight and any inclination should occur at the hip joint. This not only looks better but it allows the organs in the chest and abdomen to act in a free and unobstructed way. Select the good posture in Figures 74 and 75, FIG. 74. This position is not only hygienic but also comfortable because the weight is balanced. . t e : Healthful Living Lying down. When the body is reclining, all the muscles should be relaxed. There should be no effort to hold the body in any particular posture. Does that mean that there is no instruction as regards lying? No! The proper lying position is on the right side or partially on the face. Standing. It must be remembered that the upright position of man is an acquired position. A long time ago the ancestors of man climbed and walked on "all fours." It is also true that the posture of man differs in different races. The stand- ing posture of the Chinese is different from that of the Englishman. The pos- ture of people of the same race varies because they are expressing different things in the way they stand. This is a very im- portant fact. The body speaks all the time and tells many things by the position it takes in stand- ing. We should be sure that we are having it tell the things that we are willing to stand for. Ob- serve the walk of people on the street and see if you can tell what the3 r are thinking about or how they are feeling. What do you express in your body as you walk to school. The standing position in order to be most efficient must be in balance. The weight must be carried on the balls of the feet. This does not mean that the heels are not to touch the ground. The head should be carried on top of the chest and not projected forward as if it grew from the FIG. 75. The sitting posture de- pends upon proper seats. Hygiene of the Skeleton 103 FIG. 76. Good posture makes for health, happiness, and improves personal appearance. Write a legend for A, B, and C that tells what the girl is saying with her body. FIG'. 77. The boy with good posture is not only a stronger and more active boy, but his posture will be an asset in business or professional life. A, body erect, weight over the balls of the feet. B, body relaxed, no control and no balance, hence in a poor position for action. C, body stiff and bent backward awkward. 104 Healthful Living front of the chest. Compare the postures in Figures 76 and 77. Walking. In walking, the weight should be carried on the outer side of the feet (Fig. 57), the feet should be placed on the ground parallel to each other (Fig. 60), the chest should be carried well forward (Figs. 76 A, 77 A), and the arms should swing easily at the side. In Figures 71-77 tell the good and bad points in the postures shown. If the habits of the body in motion and at rest are in- correct, if the parts are not clothed properly, the flexible bones in childhood will be malformed. There are many who suffer in adult life because they have worn improper shoes and clothes, and have walked and sat in incorrect postures. Bow legs are often caused by encouraging children to walk while too young. They may also result from im- proper methods of feeding, while infants. Essential facts in the growth and development of bones. For proper growth and development, the bones must be used correctly. Any constant incorrect use will show in distorted and crooked bones, producing a form that is less able to move quickly and easily, and hence a form that is less efficient. Good food and pure air brought by a vigorous circulation are essential. Poor or indigestible food, stimulants,* and poisons affect the health and strength of the bones. Surgeons report cases of fracture occurring in persons having the alcohol habit, FIG. 78. Appearance of the face of a boy who did not have his adenoids re- moved. (By courtesy of Dr. Frank S. Mathews.) Hygiene of the Skeleton 105 where the bones would not unite by bony material, but remained flexible and useless. Indulgence in alcoholic liquors, especially wine, is a very common cause of gout, a disease of the joints. Smoking in boyhood often prevents the proper development of the long bones and a stunted stature results. It must also be remembered that growing parts are deformed by conditions that interfere with proper functioning. In this way, adenoids may cause marked deformity of the bones of the face (Fig. 78). APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY Exercise I 1. What are the common faults found in shoes and how do such shoes injure the feet? Most people assume the following rule in selecting a shoe : If you can just draw on a shoe without much effort and sit with it on the foot for ten minutes, it will be comfortable to walk in and wear all day. Yet such a shoe is one size too small for walking. Many makers no longer number their shoes plainly because of the vanity of some purchasers. A new shoe should be as comfortable as an old one. Persons who, be- cause of silly jokes about big feet or for other reasons, have the idea that the shoe should leave no extra room, but should fit as if it were covering a wooden foot, will always get uncomfortable shoes. 2. If a shoe is too loose, it slips up and down at the heel and chafes the sldn there. If too tight, there is pressure on the toes, which causes a corn or ingrowing nail. Have your shoes been correct or have they been too loose or too tight ? 3. How many sprained ankles have you known of? Were the sufferers mostly boys or girls? Why? 4. What is the general arrangement of the bones of the foot? Does the weight of the body come upon the middle of the arch? How can this arch be injured and what is such a deformity called? 5. Why is it that people who grow up in warm climates are more likely to have high arched insteps and elastic feet than those who pass their childhood in cold climates ? io6 Healthful Living Exercise II 6. What in the composition of a bone gives it stiffness ? hard- ness? toughness? flexibility? 7. Should chairs and benches have straight backs ? 8. Why is a chair back that is very slanting often injurious? Why is a very deep chair injurious if deep enough for the front edge to strike the occupant behind the knee ? 9. Why does a young child usually crawl before it walks? 10. Which girdle is attached directly to the spinal column? Which girdle is attached indirectly ? 11. Why is the arm so often dislocated at the shoulder? 12. High pillows may cause what deformity? 13. Should a young child be urged to stand or walk? 14. What part of a long bone is composed of compact tissue? Of very porous tissue ? Exercise III 15. Could the neck be broken and death result without break- ing a bone ? 16. What would be the result if the ligaments were composed of the yellow fibers of connective tissue instead of the white fibers? 17. If a child's feet be allowed to dangle from a high seat, what will be the effect ? 18. When the palm is turned upward is the radius parallel or crossed with the ulna? When the back of the hand is up? 19. Why should one always sit and walk erect ? 20. In a long bone what is chiefly a storage tissue, saving food for future use? 21. Ligaments are of very slow growth. This accounts for the tedious nature of the recovery from what kind of accidents? 22. Observe how many of your classmates sit " slid forward " in the seat, and report in recitation the result of your count. 23. When the school is marching out, count those who walk with the head protruded. 24. A " bone felon " is often caused by an infection beneath the periosteum. Why should it be lanced ? 25. What is the first aid treatment for a fracture? A sprain? Exercise IV 26. Is it correct to walk with the weight on the outer side of the foot? Why? Hygiene of the Skeleton 107 27. Determine, by placing the wet feet on a piece of paper, where the weight comes. Let the weight sag inward and observe how this position increases the size of the imprint. 28. Make a tracing on paper of the feet in an abducted posi- tion and in a parallel position. 29. Measure your height in the morning and evening of the same day. Is there a difference? 30. Notice the difference in breathing while in the correct and incorrect sitting position. LABORATORY EXERCISES Experiment 1. To study the organic and inorganic * parts of bone. Material. Hog's rib, glass beaker, dilute muriatic acid, and alcohol. Method and observation. Place the rib 1 free from all muscle and connective tissue in the beaker and cover with the acid. Leave in the acid until the bone becomes elastic. When the mineral (inorganic) matter has been dissolved, the bone can be easily bent. Remove the excess of acid and preserve the rib in alcohol. Experiment 2. To study the foot in relation to the shoe. Material. White paper, ruler, and pencil. Method and observation. Place the bare foot on the paper and draw an outline of the foot. Measure with the ruler the width of the foot in the instep region and the length of the foot from toe to heel. Measure the width of the shoe in the same region as that taken for the foot ; measure the length of the shoe. Compare the two sets of measurements. Experiment 3. To determine the proper height of the school seat. Material. Ruler or yardstick. Method and observation. With the foot flat on the floor measure the length of the leg from the floor to the under surface of the knee. How many inches is it? Measure the height of the seat from the top of the forward edge to the floor. How many inches is it? The leg measurement should be one inch more than the seat measurement. Are your school seats adjustable. Are they properly adjusted? GLOSSARY Corrective exercises. Exercises usually of a passive type at first and later of an active type for the purpose of correcting deformities of the skeleton. io8 Healthful Living Deformity. A change from the normal. Dislocated Displaced. The term here refers to the displace- ment of a bone from its normal position in a joint. When there is a dislocation, there results a deformity. Fracture. A break. Used with reference to bones. A broken bone is called a fracture. In a fracture, the deformity may not be seen except by an X-ray. Inflammation. A process in the body characterized in most cases by heat, redness, swelling, and pain in the part affected. Inorganic. Not being or having been a living organism. Refers to substances in chemistry that relate to the world of metals and their compounds. Paralysis. Loss of the power of contractility in the voluntary or involuntary muscles of the body. Sprain. The injury to ligaments of a joint. This may be a stretching, or, if severe, a real tearing. The word strain is applied to the same sort of injury occurring in muscle. Stimulant. A substance that excites action in the body whether acting on the nerves through the skin or after getting into the circulation. Typical stimulants acting on different parts and in various ways are spices, mustard, camphor, ammonia, strychnin, light, heat, electricity, joy, hope. Surgeon. One who by training, skill, and experience is able to treat injuries and conditions of abnormality by means of manual methods or by the use of instruments. CHAPTER VII THE MUSCLES AS THE MOTOR MACHINERY OF THE BODY I. What the Muscles Do. II. Muscles and Nerves. III. Kinds of Muscles. Voluntary Involuntary Cardiac muscular tissues IV. Voluntary and Involuntary Muscles Compared. V. The Attachment of Muscles. VI. How Muscles and Bones Cooperate. VII. Names and Positions of Muscles. What the muscles do. We have learned that motion is one of the properties of protoplasm. What are the other properties? A very interesting fact of physiology is that the cells of the body, such as muscle, nerve, skin, and bone cells and the cells of the different organs, have become specialized through the development of a certain property at the expense of other properties. For example, the muscle cell has developed to a high point of efficiency the property of contraction ; the nerve cell has specialized in conductivity and irritability. This specialization of function was re- ferred to under the head of division of labor. How does this same principle work in the society of men? Movement of the body, which is made possible by this specialization of muscle, is one of the essentials of life. The individual who cannot move is handicapped greatly, and the ability to move 109 no Healthful Living easily, gracefully, and with the body in control is greatly to be desired. Muscles and nerves. Now, the one essential condition for contraction of the muscles is stimulation by the nerves. If an impulse is not sent to the muscle, the muscle cannot contract. Therefore, it must be remembered that the muscle and its nerve are to be thought of as a unit. For this reason the strength of a muscle is not dependent en- tirely upon its size. People who think that large muscles are a sign of health, and that large muscles give strength and vigor, are very much mistaken, if they depend only upon muscular strength. The development of the will is very im- portant. The body has been compared to a steam engine. To what parts of the engine may the muscles be compared ? We are hearing a great deal to-day about eugenics.* This word means " favorable birth." The eugenic movement aims to improve the physical, mental, and moral qualities of the race. It seeks to improve the quality of life in the nation. Now muscle and nerve tissues will have a good heredity,* they will be strong and efficient in proportion to the vigor and strength of the protoplasm from which they come. The science of eugenics aims at ends which should encourage all thoughtful young persons so to live that they will keep strong and healthy. Kinds of muscles. Muscular tissue occurs in nearly every organ. It helps to form the walls of the blood vessels, and assists in the circulation of the blood ; the eyeballs are moved by six sets of muscles ; the act of swallowing is performed by muscular contraction in the esophagus ; the contrac- tion of the muscles in the walls of the stomach produces the motion by which the food is mixed ; in the intestines the muscles keep the partly digested food in motion ; the muscles in the limbs enable us to move and work ; the heart is chiefly muscle ; the muscles in the chest and trunk enable us to breathe ; those in the larynx are used in talking. The Muscles as the Motor Machinery of the Body in Muscles Have been divided into two classes, voluntary and involuntary. The first class is under the control of the will, either at all times or part of the time; the second is never under the control of the will ; their work goes on quite independently of the will and even during sleep. Can you assign to their proper classes the muscles named in the preceding paragraph ? Voluntary (striated) muscles. It is to be remembered that a muscle is made up of cells which are specialized to perform the function of contracting. For the carrying out of this purpose, they have developed fibers within their protoplasm. The contraction of a muscle is caused by the contrac- tion of the individual fibers which compose it. Each fiber shortens in length and becomes proportionally thicker ; the sum total of the con- tractions of these fibers taking place at the same time makes up the contraction of the whole muscle. The number of fibers lying side by ., , , xu xi i / xi FlG - 79. A portion of Side determines the thickness of the three striated muscle fibers, muscle, and the amount Of Strength moderately magnified. Show- vu u- u -4. u-i ing the capillary vessels with which it can contract; while (dark). the number of fibers lying end to end determines the amount of shortening or contraction of which the muscle is capable. When the muscle is habitually used, it becomes larger, finer, darker, and stronger. Voluntary and involuntary muscles are not constructed exactly alike. Examined under the microscope, each fiber of a voluntary muscle shows bright bands alternating with ii2 Healthful Living dark bands, running across it (Fig. 79). These bands give the whole muscle a striated or striped appearance under the microscope, and this kind is, therefore, called striated muscle. The fibers are bound together by connective tissue into bundles called fascicles and these again into larger bundles. The connective tissue surrounding the bundles can be plainly seen in chipped beef, also in raw or boiled beef. The voluntary muscles are darker red than the involuntary. Lean meat is made up of these muscles. They are near the surface, but their outlines under the skin are obscured to a greater or less degree in different persons, according to the thickness of the layer of fat between the muscles and the skin. These muscles are usually attached to bones. They contract quickly, while the involuntary muscles contract slowly. Involuntary muscles (non-striated, smooth). Involuntary muscles are found in the walls of the alimentary canal, the bladder, the esophagus, and several other organs; all such muscles are com- posed of fibers which are not striated, and are, therefore, called plain muscle fibers. A striated FIG. 80. Fibers of non-striated muscles, or involuntary muscles. fiber is about One inch in length and -g-J^ of an inch in thickness and is shaped somewhat like a cylinder; it possesses several nuclei. A non-striated muscle fiber is not more than ^^ of an inch in length, has the form of a very slender spindle, and contains one nucleus (Fig. 80). The fibers interlace and are held together by fine connective tissue. Cardiac muscular tissue. Cardiac* muscular tissue, 'of which the heart consists, differs from both striated and plain muscular tissue (Fig. 81). Its fibers possess one nucleus, The Muscles as the Motor Machinery of the Body 113 FIG. 81. Two like plain fibers ; they are not spindle-shaped and narrow, however, but broader and cylindrical. They are, more- over, faintly cross-striated by light and dark bands. We may say, therefore, that al- though the heart is in every respect an in- voluntary muscle, it has more resemblance to striated than to plain muscles. The many muscles used in breathing are at times voluntary, and at other times in- voluntary ; but they are all striated muscles with the usual structure. Voluntary and involuntary muscles com- pared. Compare the voluntary and in- voluntary muscles by Writing in two Col- cardiac muscle fi- umns headed, Volun- ^ ne "j junction tary Muscles and between the two InvoluntaryMuscles, ^ s ing \ ^Sar the facts concerning process of another their Control, Struc- el1 ( ma g nified 40 diameters). ture, Color, Position in Body, Attachment, Rate of Con- traction, Number of Nuclei, Length of Fibers, Breadth of Fibers, Shape of Fibers. (Place these titles in a third column.) The attachment of muscles. The involuntary muscles are usually found in the wall of organs that have cavi- ties. Thev are sometimes called the in tendon (6) . Many other visceral muscles because the internal Sn^ ***** * *** Or g anS are CalM the V*' The quicker, stronger-acting voluntary muscles are called the skeletal muscles because nearly all of them are attached to bones. There are about five hundred Healthful Living voluntary muscles. By studying the figures you will notice that the middle portion of these muscles is usually large and full, and that the muscles taper to small cords at the ends (Fig. 82). The muscles of the calf move the foot, and the muscles of the forearm move the hand. If the full round muscles extended down over the wrists and ankles, it would make these as large around as the forearm or calf, and the wrists and ankles would be very clumsy and awkward. It is found that the connective tissue which binds the fibers of a muscle into bundles and forms sheaths for the bundles, extends beyond the muscular tissue and unites to form a dense, in- elastic, glistening white cord called a tendon. The fibers are very closely packed together and make a very strong cord. One no thicker than a lead pencil is strong enough to support twice the weight of the body. A tendon contains no nerves and very few blood vessels. Some muscles have a tendon at only one end ; some have no tendon but are at- tached directly to bones. Find muscles without tendons by studying the figures. The cordlike nature of tendons can be ascertained by feel- ing the tendons under the knees, called ham- strings, or the tendons in the angle of the elbow. How muscles and bones cooperate. When you grasp a heavy weight in the hand and lift it by bending the elbow, where is the muscle that does the work? You will easily find it in the upper arm. This muscle is called the FIG. 83. Diagram to show the action of the biceps muscle of the arm. The two tendons by which the muscle is attached to the scapula are seen at s ; r, the point of attachment of the muscle to the radius; e, the elbow joint ; h, the weight of the hand. The Muscles as the Motor Machinery of the Body 115 biceps because it is attached to the shoulder blade above by two tendons. The lower arm acts as a lever * with the ful- crum,* or fixed point of the lever, at the elbow (Fig. 83). It is easy to see that a slight contrac- tion of the biceps muscle will move the weight a greater distance than is accounted for by the shortening caused by the actual contraction of the muscle. This is what the bones usually accomplish for the muscles ; they change a slow, short, inade- quate movement into a long, swift movement. While the muscle con- tracts an inch, the bone may move a foot. The bones thus add greatly to the range and rate of motion. Figures 84, 85 and 86 show the three orders of levers. In the lever of the first order, the fulcrum (F) is between the power (P) and the weight (W). In the lever of the second order the weight is between the other two, and in the lever of the Power FIG. 84. Tapping floor with toe. Lever of first order. Fulcrum Weight FIG. 85. Raising weight of body upon ankle. Lever of second order. Fulcrum FIG. 86. Raising a weight upon toes. Lever of third order. third order the power is between the others. In Figure 83 the biceps muscle acts on the radius and ulna fastened to- gether as one, turning at the elbow as a fulcrum ; the weight to be lifted is in the hand. This is evidently a lever of the n6 Healthful Living third order with the power between the other points. In this case it takes a force in the muscle equal to about six pounds to raise one pound in the hand. Figure 87 shows how the muscles may act upon the bones as levers to prevent the bones from turning upon the joints FIG. 87. Diagram of the muscles that keep the body erect. stoid FIG. 88. Muscles of head and neck. Find the following muscles : Chewing muscles ; scalp muscles ; bowing muscle of one side ; muscle that holds head erect (upper part of trapezius at back of neck) ; muscle that squints the eye ; muscle that pouts the lips ; muscle that broadens the mouth in smiling ; muscle that raises corners of mouth ; muscle that draws down corner of mouth. as fulcrums; thus the body is held erect. Where are the muscles located that keep the body from falling or bending forward? From falling backward? Which of the two sets is in front? What kind of lever is illustrated by the head tilted upon the first vertebra? The Muscles as the Motor Machinery of the Body 117 Names and positions of muscles. A few of the important muscles are here mentioned : The scalp muscle (Fig. 88) passes over the top of the head ; it raises the skin over the eyes, and (in some persons) moves the scalp. The two pairs of chewing muscles are the temporal * and masseter * (Fig. 88) . You can feel the temporal muscle swell and harden if you Trapes/us Jtoid Latissimus FIG. 89. Principal muscles of the back. Trapezius draws shoulder and head back ; deltoid raises whole arm ; latissimus, climbing muscle ; obliquus internus and obliquus externus draw abdominal wall in and force abdominal contents against the diaphragm, thus expelling air from lungs. place your finger on the temple and close your mouth forcibly. In the same manner you may feel the contraction of the masseter by placing the fingers just below the cheek bone. The muscle used in bowing passes obliquely down on the side of the neck to the collar bone (Fig. 88). It can be felt as a thick band ; when the head is turned to one side, it stands out as a ridge. When one of the two acts alone, it turns the face so as to look to the other side. When both act, they bow the head. The deltoid * (Fig. 89), or shoulder n8 Healthful Living cap muscle, raises the whole arm outward and upward from the side. Can you locate it by the feeling of fatigue after raising the arm twenty times? The biceps can be seen and felt contracting on the front of the arm when bent at the elbow. The triceps* is on the opposite side of the arm and Extensors of the Hand flexors oftheffand Trrceps -PectoraNs- Maic De/toid- ~ "" Serratus Afatjnus- -Rectus Abdominal/ s Pectus Femorfs - \HPBVifiS3Bii -Vastus Externus Hr Tibiatis Anticus' //m\ -Extensors of the Toes FIG. 90. Full-figure muscles (front) . straightens the elbow (Fig. 92). Which is used in striking a blow, the biceps or the triceps ? The sartorius* (tailor) muscle (Fig. 90) is nearly two feet long and is the longest muscle in the body ; it passes from the outer side of the hip bone to the inner side of the leg below The Muscles as the Motor Machinery of the Body 119 the knee, and is used in crossing the leg; because of the position assumed by a tailor at work it is named the tailor's muscle. The gastrocnemius* is a thick muscle in the calf of the leg, which raises the heel (Fig. 91). When is it used? It is attached to the heel by the largest tendon in the body, Extensors of (he Hand o 1 >f c > S t < 2 >% I-J z WEIGH i] i~ K O r j C 'E ,0 S o I Roast beef . . 1 slice 100 48.20 22.30 91.4 28.6 266 357 357 Roast lamb 1 slice 175 50.33 14.78 60.6 9.53 88.6 200 150 Mutton chop . 1 chop 100 71.80 22.60 92.7 4.5 41.9 135 135 Fried ham . . 1 slice 35 12.81 7.77 31.9 11.62 108.1 400 140 Butter . . . 1 ball 15 1.65 0.15 0.6 12.75 118.6 795 119 Cheese (Amer.) 1 cu. in. 20 6.32 5.70 23.6 7.18 66.7 0.6 .2 453 91 Milk (whole) . 1 glass 220 191.40 7.26 29.8 8.80 21.8 11 45.1 72 157 Egg (boiled) . 1 egg 50 36.60 6.60 27.1 6 55.8 169 83 Baked beans . 3 h. tbs. 150 91.17 10.83 44.4 12.76 118.7 32.84 134.6 199 298 Carrots . . . 3 h. tbs. 100 93.40 .53 2.2 .17 1.6 3.39 13.9 18 18 Corn (green) . 1 ear 100 72.6 3.07 12.6 1.10 10.2 18.78 77 100 100 Peas (green) . 3 h. tbs, 92 67.90 6.16 25.3 3.13 29.11 3.43 55.1 119 110 Potato (baked) 1 med. 130 90.87 3.77 15.5 .20 1.9 32.07 131.5 114 149 Apple . . . av. size 150 94.90 .45 1.8 .45 4.2 16.2 66.4 49 72 Orange . . . av. size 250 158.5 1.5 6.2 .25 2.3 21.25 87.1 37 96 Marmalade 1 h. tbs. 30 4.35 .18 .7 .03 .3 25.35 103.9 349 105 Bread (white) 1 slice 30 10.59 2.76 11.3 .39 3.6 15.93 65.3 268 80 Bread (whole wheat) . . 1 slice 42 16.13 4.07 16.7 .38 3.5 20.87 85.6 251 106 Crackers (graham) 1 cracker 8 .43 .80 3.3 .75 7.0 5.90 24.2 429 34 Ham sandwich 1 sand. 70 24.15 7.28 29.8 10.07 93.7 26.65 109.3 332 233 Oatmeal . . 2 h. tbs. 100 84.50 2.80 11.5 .50 4.7 11.50 47.2 63 63 Rice (boiled) . 1 h. tbs. 100 72.50 2.80 11.5 .10 .9 24.40 100 112 112 Shredded wheat bis. . 1 biscuit 29 2.35 3.05 12.5 .41 3.8 22.59 92.6 375 109 Spaghetti . . 3 h. tbs. 145 111.21 4.52 18.5 2.81 26.1 25.76 105.6 103 150 Cake choc. . . av. slice 70 14.30 4.34 17.8 5.67 52.7 44.87 184 364 255 Sugar cookies . 1 cooky 11 .91 .77 3.2 1.12 10.4 8.05 33 423 47 Granulated sugar . . . 1 h. ts. 10 ~ 10 41 410 41 The diet of different peoples. Milk has an excess of nitrogen, and oatmeal an excess of carbon ; oatmeal and milk form a perfect food, and it is not surprising that the Scotch people, with whom it has been a chief food, are a sturdy race. Potatoes are mostly starch and water; the starch in them is nearly nine times as much as the protein, and an Irishman who tried to live on potatoes alone would have to eat seven pounds a day to get enough protein. By 154 Healthful Living eating milk and eggs also, he can get along on half the amount of potatoes named above. Every Irish peasant is said to keep a cow and chickens. The Mexicans eat bread made of corn meal, and supply the protein by using beans as a constant article of diet. The Zulus live on cracked corn by adding milk to it. The Arabs live on barley and camels' milk, rarely eating the camels' flesh. Hundreds of millions of people in Asia (the Hindoos, Chinese, and others) subsist mainly on rice, which is more nearly pure starch than any of the grains, containing only 6 per cent of protein, about half as much as wheat and corn; the chief addition they make is butter or other fat, and beans, which contain vegetable protein. Their meager diet may partly account for their lack of energy and bravery, and the ease with which they are conquered and controlled by European nations. The greatness of a people is greatly influenced by their diet. The body's method of regulating the food supply. We should not think that the food eaten must be regulated with the greatest precision. Any reasonable excess will pass through the canal unabsorbed, without great injury to the body. The lack of any of the necessary elements will be well tolerated for a time until a craving for a certain kind of food will lead later to the supply of the elements needed. If a person feels bad, or the digestion seems weak, some will advise dieting. There is a tendency among certain writers on hygiene to overrate the importance of this subject. If the laws of health in regard to fresh air, muscular exercise, sleep, cleanliness, temperature, and abstinence from the use of stimulants be observed, our appetites usually will be a sufficient guide in the matter of diet. These matters should first be looked to, and dieting then will probably become unnecessary. It is an instructive and important fact, that too much consciousness of what is eaten and too much dwelling on what might be the consequence of eating this food or that Food and its Elements 155 food, may interfere seriously with good digestion. If the sense of taste is not abused, but its promptings treated with great respect, we shall preserve a useful guide which will tell us more perfectly what is needed than any scientific table can do. Food that brings discomfort after eating, however, should not be eaten. The work of enzymes * in digestion. The preparation of food in the body so that it can be assimilated (taken up by the cells) is a process in which certain digestive juices act upon the food mass. The action of these juices is effective because they contain substances which break up the food masses into smaller units. This breaking up is accomplished by bodies known as enzymes. It is important to under- stand what their nature is. Example of enzyme action. The souring of milk, the putrefaction* of animal substances, and the fermentation of food materials have been explained in various ways in past years. These phenomena led to investigations, and it was learned that the chemical action going on differed from other chemical action in that the substance producing the change was not destroyed or used up in the reaction. Pasteur showed that fermentations were due to bacterial action. It was later learned that there were other substances produced by living cells which would cause changes in food. These substances are known as enzymes. They have special names, for example, the enzyme of the saliva is ptyalin, of the gastric juice, pepsin and rennin, of the pancreatic juice, trypsinogen, lipase, etc. Enzymes act to produce a chemical change, but they themselves do not enter into the reaction. What is catalysis* in chemistry? Are enzymes similar to catalyzers ? The action of the enzyme is always specific. The ptyalin of the saliva changes starch to sugar, but it has no effect on protein. Each enzyme acts on a particular kind of food material ; it is fitted to it " as a key to its lock." 156 Healthful Living Classification of enzymes. If digestion is thought of as a process similar to the work of a stone cutter, who takes a rough mass of stone and cuts it up into blocks of a certain size to fit into a particular place in the building, then the action of enzymes may be likened to the chisels which break the stone. This breaking down of food compounds into smaller units is called " splitting," and so we speak of protein- splitting enzymes, fat-splitting enzymes, etc. 1. Protein-splitting enzymes. Pepsin (gastric juice) and trypsinogen (pancreatic juice). They cause in a reaction with water a splitting of the protein into smaller units capable of absorption by the body cells. This action with water is called hydrolysis.* 2. Starch-splitting enzymes. Ptyalin (saliva) and amylase (pancreatic juice) . The action in this case is one of hydrolysis. The starch molecule is converted into a less complex one, a sugar, in the form of two molecules of sugar (disacchride) . 3. Sugar-splitting enzymes. These split the disac- chrides into monosacchrides. Examples, maltase, which con verts, maltose into two molecules of dextrose; invertase, which splits, cane sugar into dextrose and levulose ; and lactase, which splits milk sugar into dextrose and galactose. The following f ornlula * indicates what this change is : Ci 2 H 22 Oii+H 2 0+maltase = C 6 Hi 2 6 +C 6 H l2 O 6 + maltase III III maltose water enzyme dextrose dextrose enzyme The enzyme maltase causes the change; it is not de- stroyed or used up in the process. 4. Fat-splitting enzymes. Lipase (pancreatic juice and bile). This acts by hydrolysis; as, C3H 5 (Ci8H 3 50 2 ) 3 +3H 2 0+lipase = C 3 H 5 (OH) 3 +3(C 18 H 36 02) 4-lipase I I I I I Tristearin water enzyme glycerin stearic acid enzyme The fat mass tristearin found in beef fat is broken down into glycerin and stearic acid. Food and Us Elements 157 GLOSSARY Albuminoid. Substance similar in composition to albumin. Calorie. Food when it undergoes combustion produces heat. This heat is measured by standards and th'e unit of heat used as the standard is the calorie. - The greater calorie is the amount of heat required to raise one kilogram of water one degree C. When speaking of the caloric value of food, it is the greater calorie that is meant. Casein. The name of the protein of milk after it has been coagu- lated by the enzyme rennin. Before coagulation, the protein is called caseinogen. Catalysis. A chemical change brought about in a chemical com- pound by an agent that does not enter into the action of the change in a chemical way. Dietary. A systematic arrangement of the diet. Enzyme. A substance that induces digestive chemical action in the food elements but does not enter itself into the chemical change. The ptyalin of the saliva is an enzyme. Formula. A group of symbols showing the composition or structure of a chemical compound. Gelatinoid. A substance similar in composition to gelatin. Globulin. One of the proteins. The chief globulins in the body are serum globulin and fibrinogen of the blood, myo- sinogen of muscle, and globin in combination with hematin in the red corpuscle. Gluten. An essential element in the cereal wheat. It gives to the flour important nourishing characteristics. It is a pro- tein. Haemoglobin. The iron-containing substance in the red corpuscle. Chiefly noted for its ability to carry oxygen in chemical com- bination. It is formed from a globulin, globin, and an iron radical called hematin. Hydrolysis. The chemical decomposition of a compound that ensues when water (H 2 O) is absorbed by it. Myosin. Formed from myosinogen. It comprises 75 per cent of the protoplasm of muscle tissue. It is a protein. At death it coagulates, and causes rigor mortis. Nutritive. Having properties which promote nutrition. Putrefaction. The act of breaking down of an organic compound It represents decay and decomposition. CHAPTER X THE DIGESTION OF FOOD I. The Structure and Functions of the Alimentary Canal. The mouth The pharynx The esophagus The stomach The small intestine The large intestine II. The Liver. Anatomy Functions III. Diagram of Digestive Mechanism. IV. The Waste Products from Food Elements. The structure and functions of the alimentary canal. Food, in order to be of service to the body, must undergo several changes. Its nutritive portion must be separated from the non-nutritive; and the former must be made soluble, or in fit condition to be taken up by the blood and carried to the tissues. This process is called digestion, and the assemblage of organs by which it is carried on is called the digestive system. The tube which forms the receptacle for the food during digestion is called the alimentary * canal. In the carnivora, or flesh-eating animals, whose food con- tains but a small amount of indigestible matter, the ali- mentary canal is comparatively short, being, when stretched out, only three or four times the length of the body. In the herbivora, or grass-eating animals, the canal is thirty times the length of the body. In the hog, which is omnivorous 158 The Digestion of Food 159 (" all-eating "), it is ten times the length of the body. If man's trunk only is counted, the canal is twelve times as long ; if his height is counted, the canal is six times as long. The'alimentary canal has three coats in its walls throughout its whole length. What is each for? The inner coat, or lining, is a delicate epithelial tissue called the mucous mem- brane. It forms a smooth lining to prevent friction, and secretes a mucus which serves the same purpose. The next coat is the submucous coat ; it is of elastic connective tissue, and serves to toughen and strengthen the wall, and to bind the mucous coat to the muscular coat. Outside of this is the third coat. It is composed of several layers of invol- untary muscular tissue, which, by its contraction, causes the food to move along the canal (Fig. 114). In the walls of the alimentary canal are numerous blood vessels and lymphatics. Opening on its inner surface are mouths of ducts from the various glands of the digestive system. Some of the glands are of considerable size and lie outside of the canal ; others are very minute and are em- bedded in the walls of the canal ; their secretions render the food soluble. When we swallow food or drink, we are accustomed to say that it is in the body, but anatomically and physiologically this is not correct. It is on the outside anatomically, be- cause the mucous membrane is continuous with the skin, which is the external covering (Fig. 106). It is on the out- side physiologically, because the food must pass through the mucous membrane before it can be assimilated by the tissues and become of use to the body. A lean person often eats a great deal, expecting to get fat, and finds that, although he has swallowed the food, the nourishment has never really entered his body. The mouth. The food is held in the mouth for a short time while it is mixed with the watery alkaline fluid called the saliva, and is ground up fine by the teeth. The partition i6o Healthful Living between the nose and the mouth is formed by the palate bones, covered with mucous membrane. The larger part of the roof of the mouth is formed by these bones and is called the hard palate. The roof is completed in the rear by the fleshy soft palate. The floor of the mouth is occupied FIG. 106. The food materials must pass the mucous membrane lining of the alimentary tract before they are within the body. The liver is dis- placed upward to show the parts under it. mostly by the tongue ; the lips form the front wall, and the cheeks the side walls. The cheek is composed partly of a large flat muscle called the buccinator (trumpeter, because used in blowing a trumpet) . The contraction of the trump- eter muscles, together with the movements of that flat muscle called the tongue, keeps the food between the teeth in the act of chewing, or mastication. Salivary Glands. There are three pairs of glands that The Digestion of Food 161 secrete saliva. In structure one of these glands with its duct resembles a minute bunch of grapes with a hollow stem. The largest, called the parotid, is just beneath the skin in front of the ear. Its duct opens into the mouth in the upper jaw opposite the second molar tooth. This gland swells in a disease called the mumps. The next largest gland is the submaxillary, lying within the angle of the lower jaw. Its duct opens into the floor of the mouth. The smallest, the sublingual, lies farther to the front ; both glands of the pair lie beneath the tongue, and open by a number of ducts. The fluid produced by these glands becomes mixed with the mucus from the mucous membrane of the mouth and is called the saliva. Saliva. Saliva is a thin, colorless, alkaline liquid, slightly sticky, and often containing air bubbles. The digestive en- zyme of the saliva -is ptyalin, which has the power to FIG. 107. Cells of the salivary gland. A, after rest; B, after a short period of activity ; C, after a prolonged period of activity. Shriveling and loss of granules occur. change starch to malt sugar. Maltase is also present which changes the malt sugar to dextrose. From one to three pints of saliva are produced daily (Fig. 107). Its flow is excited by the act of chewing and by anything held in the mouth, especially if it be of an agreeable taste or odor. Hunger, or the sight or thought of agreeable food, makes the " mouth water " by stimulating the cells in the glands to activity by means of the nerves. But by far the most powerful of all the excitants to the salivary flow is dryness 162 Healthful Living Right Tons/7 Poster/or of Pharynx Soft Palate Uvula Left Tons/7 of the food. Only one fourth as much saliva is deposited in the same length of time when eating oatmeal and milk as when eating crackers or dry toast. The Tonsils. The tonsils * (Fig. 108) are large lymph glands. They are oval in shape but vary greatly in size in different people. They become in- fected frequently and cause in this way many cases of heart disease and rheumatism. * Many people who suffer from rheu- matism could be cured by proper treatment of in- fection existing in the tonsils or teeth. The ton- sils can be re- moved entirely without injury to the health, and if they are diseased, removal of them will improve the health. The use of tobacco is a common cause of diseases of the throat. It causes a dry ness and thirst, and frequently leads those who use it to take alcoholic drinks. Often the habit of smoking produces a troublesome disease called smokers' sore throat, which can be cured only after smoking has been discontinued. The heat of smoking is very trying to the organs, although not so injurious to them as the poison of the tobacco. Absorption * from the Mouth. The passage of digested food into the blood vessels is an important sequel of the FIG. 108. Structures within the mouth as seen when it is open and tongue depressed. (Modified after Coakley.) The Digestion of Food 163 digestive process. A little of the water containing sugar and salts is absorbed from the mouth directly into the blood vessels. Poisonous substances may sometimes be absorbed from the mouth in sufficient quantities to produce death. If a drop or two of prussic acid should be placed on the tongue or on the mucous membrane of the mouth, death would occur in a few minutes, although not a particle of it had reached the stomach. Boys who take their first chew of tobacco learn in a disagreeable way that the entire body may be af- fected by absorption from the mouth. The absorp- tion of food in the mouth is insignificant in amount compared to the absorp- tion that takes place in the small intestine. The pharynx * (f ar'inks) . -A muscular bag open- ing from the nose and month frmr anrl a half niOUtn, lOUr and a halt inches in length, lies atraiW thp sninnl polumn nurnn. It is commonly called the throat. There is an air passage from nose to lungs and a food passage from mouth to stomach. They cross each other, and the intersection is called the pharynx. There are seven openings from the pharynx : one to the mouth, one below the mouth into the trachea, one behind the trachea into the FIG. 109. Mouth and upper part of d, larynx; e, epiglottis; /, soft palate and uvula ; 0, opening of left Eustachian tube ; ^ opening of left lachrymal duct ; i, hyoid bone ; k, tongue ; I, hard palate ; m ' w ' base of skull; p ' 9 ' the scroll ~ like or turbinated bones . Tt tonsiL 164 Healthful Living (Esophagus, esophagus, and two pairs of openings in the upper pharynx ; one of these pairs is to the nasal passages, and the other pair is into the Eustachian tubes, which lead to the ears. When swallowing, all of the openings close but the one to the mouth and the one to the esophagus. (See Plate VII.) The upper part of the pharynx, and thus the openings to the nose and ears, can be closed by raising the tip of the soft palate, or uvula,* against the back wall of the pharynx (Fig. 109). Sudden laughter or coughing while swallowing may cause the soft palate to relax, and then a portion of the food or drink is sometimes forced into the nose. The opening to the trachea can be closed in two ways : by the vocal cords contract- ing and approaching one another; or by FIG. 110. The stomach, duodenum, and the drawing Upward Stomach 'Pancreatic Duct gall bladder laid open. pleted the bile from the liver backs up into the gallbladder. When digestion is com- f ,, l arV nY tn ( tne iar y nx * epiglottis.* The opening from the mouth, called the fauces, can be closed by the contraction of upright muscles, called the pillars of the fauces, which connect the posterior part of the soft palate and the base of the tongue. These muscles come together in the middle like sliding doors. There are two of them on each side, and the tonsils lie between them (Fig. 108). The tip of the soft palate hangs down between the pillars, and is called the uvula. By looking into a mirror with the mouth very wide open and the tongue flattened, you can The Digestion of Food 165 see the palates, the pillars, the uvula, and perhaps the tonsils. The esophagus. The esophagus, which conducts the food to the stomach (Figs. 109, 110), opens from the lower part of the pharynx. It is about nine inches long, and lies in front of the spinal column and behind the trachea. It has the three layers found elsewhere in the alimentary canal, and its walls are soft and he collapsed when no food or drink is passing. The food is under reflex control after passing the fauces. The contraction of the pharynx presses the food down into the esophagus. A ring of the muscular tube con- tracts just above the morsel. This contraction runs down to the stomach, forcing the food before it as if a tight ring were slipped down over the esophagus. A contraction of any part of the alimentary canal in this manner, as if a wave were traveling along, is called a peristalsis.* While a horse is drinking, the peristaltic waves of the esophagus may be plainly seen along the neck (Plate V) . The stomach. The esophagus pierces the diaphragm to the left of the center and enlarges into a pouch called the stomach. This organ lies just under the diaphragm, mostly on the left side of the abdomen and half covered by the lower ribs. It is capable of holding about two quarts. When full, it is about a foot long and five inches broad. Its shape is not easily described (Fig. 110). It is placed across the abdomen, and its left end is the larger. Its outline is curved inward above and outward below. When empty, it flattens and its walls touch, and the mucous lining then lies in deep wrinkles or folds. The opening where the esophagus ends, and through which the food enters, is called the cardia, because it is near the heart. The opening where the intestines begin, and through which the food leaves, is called the pylorus* (gate keeper); both openings can be closed by circular muscles in their walls. i66 Healthful Living Movements. Anything taken into the stomach causes peristalsis. The food is caused to go from the esophagus to the left of the cardiac orifice, then down to the right and back again, the circuit from left to right, then from right to left, taking from one to three minutes according to the ac- tivity of the peristalsis. The muscular fibers in the walls , of the stomach are in three layers (Fig. Ill) ; one layer runs length- wise, another around, b and the third obliquely, so that the varied con- tractions cause the food to become thoroughly mixed with the digestive juice. Secretion. The secre- tion of the stomach is called gastric juice. This FIG. 111. A section through the wall i s a yellowish fluid and of the stomach. (Magnified 15 diameters.) . , a, surface of the mucous membrane, show- Consists Ot Water having ing the openings of the gastric glands; in solution hydrochloric* 6, mucous membrane, composed almost . , , , entirely of glands ; c, submucous, or areolar acid and *WO enzymes, tissue; d, transverse muscular fibers; These remarkable Sub- e, longitudinal muscular fibers ; /, peri- , . , tonealcoat. stances, although exist- ing in very small quanti- ties, are able to change the composition of large quantities of food. In times of rest, when there is no food present, the mucous membrane of the stomach is of a pale red color. But when food is introduced, a change at once takes place. The membrane becomes charged with blood and consequently turns to a deep red color. The gastric juice, secreted by many small glands (Fig. 112), appears on the walls of the stomach, and peristaltic action begins. One enzyme of the gastric juice, called rennin, acts by The Digestion of Food coagulating milk, a change somewhat like the coagulation of the blood. It causes coagulation by acting upon the protein part of the milk. It is especially abundant in child- hood. The other enzyme, called pepsin, softens the protein part of food and reduces it to .peptone, in which form it is soluble in water. Pepsin, however, can act only when the hydrochloric acid has ac- cumulated to an amount sufficient to neutralize* the alkaline condition caused by the saliva. This usually re- quires about thirty or forty minutes. The hydrochloric acid, by its presence in sufficient quantity, not only enables the pepsin to act, but also prevents fermenta- tion of the food and kills all germs that may enter the stomach. The saliva continues its work even in the stomach until neutralized by the acid. The pepsin then begins to act. The outside of the food particles is acted upon first, and this digested part is then rubbed off by the peristaltic movements, and the next layer is acted upon. Its action is confined to the protein. In fat meat the albuminous walls of the cells are eaten away and the fat is set free but not digested. Starch may also be set free from albuminous envelopes. The food is thus reduced to a semifluid condi- tion and is called chyme.* After the food has been reduced to chyme, the pylorus FIG. 112. Three glands of the stomach, e, epithelium at inner sur- face of stomach ; m, mouth of gland ; p, principal cells of gland ; ov, ovoid cells ; c, connective tissue below and between the glands. 1 68 Healthful Living opens every minute or two, permitting a little of the chyme to escape into the intestine. But if some hard object, as a button, or a lump of raw starch from an unripe apple in- sufficiently masticated, enters the stomach, the pylorus, after a while, will become fatigued and will relax and allow it to pass without becoming semifluid. Action of the Acid Chyme. As the acid chyme passes into the duodenum it causes an important chemical action. When the acid chyme comes in contact with the mucous membrane of the intestinal wall some of it is absorbed, and this, acting on an enzyme (prosecretin) in the intestinal cells, causes the formation of another enzyme, secretin. The secretin passes into the blood and, coming to the liver, pancreas, and cells of the intestinal walls, causes these organs to pour out their digestive juices. For many years it was not understood how the pancreas or liver could know when to free their digestive juices, because the food did not come in direct contact with their cells. It is the secretin, therefore, which tells these organs when they must give up their juices for digestive purposes. The secretin causes the flow of the pancreatic juice, the bile, and the intestinal juice (page 184). Absorption from the Stomach. A slight absorption may take place in the stomach of a portion of the protein digested there. Some of the sugar resulting from the salivary diges- tion of starch by the saliva may also be absorbed. Nearly all the absorption of the food takes place in the small in- testine, and it is there likewise that most of the digestion occurs ; for, upon leaving the stomach, the greater part of the protein, carbohydrates, and all the fats and oils, remain to be acted upon. The Stomach as a Storehouse. It is a common notion that digestion is carried on chiefly in the stomach. Some physiologists give tables stating that pork requires five hours for digestion, fried beef four hours, roasted beef three hours, apples one hour, etc. ; what is meant is that it requires that The Digestion of Food 169 length of time for these foods to leave the stomach, the di- gestion being far from complete. Investigation in the last few years shows that the stomach is a kind of storeroom or antechamber in which food is stored, being softened and kept free from germs and gradually delivered to the intestine. Of the thirty or more feet of the alimentary canal, the food, upon leaving the stomach, has traversed about two feet. Of the fourteen hours required for digestion, about three or four hours have passed. A portion of the starch and protein has been digested and a small amount of each absorbed by the blood vessels/ The fats have not yet been acted upon. It is essential that the part performed by each prior organ should be well performed, for this determines whether the changes in the food in the next organ shall be easily and com- pletely accomplished. If the food is thoroughly masticated in the mouth and the saliva well mixed with it, this alkaline condition excites the flow of the acid gastric juice, which otherwise would be scanty. If the gastric juice is strong and acts freely upon the food, the acidity of the food as it leaves the stomach and enters the small intestine excites the flow of the alkaline intes- tinal juices. The small intestine. When the chyme passes the pylorus, it enters the small intestine, which is a tube about as large around as the thumb, and about twenty feet long, lying coiled in the central part of the abdominal FIG. 113. A portion cavity. The first part of it, about ten O f small intestine 'cut inches in length, is called the duodenum * folds (from a word meaning twelve, because its length is twelve fingers' breadth). The mucous and submucous coats of the small intestine are wrinkled by 1 70 Healthful Living numerous folds which are crescent-shaped, since no single fold goes entirely around the tube (Fig. 113). The folds are so numerous that they occupy almost the entire inner sur- face. The small in- testine is the chief organ of absorption as well as of diges- tion, and the absorb- ing surface is greatly increased by the folds. On and be- tween the wrinkles are innumerable tiny projections called villi * (Fig. 114). Each villus contains a loop of blood vessel and a very small lymphatic called a lacteal. Since the FIG. 114. To show the structure of the -ii- thirklv wall of the small intestine, v, villi, and g, glands V11J LK1 ^ of the mucous membrane ; c, circular muscle layer ; I, longitudinal muscle layer ; p, peri- toneum, or serous coat. placed as to cover the entire mucous coat of the intestine like the pile on a piece of velvet, the absorbing surface is enormously increased. The Support of the Intestine. The abdominal cavity, or the portion of the large cavity of the trunk below the diaphragm, has, like the thoracic cavity, a lining to prevent friction. This membranous lining is called the peritoneum, and like the pleura, it is double. It covers up the wall of the cavity all around, lining it like a thin sheet, until it reaches the place under the diaphragm where the esophagus The Digestion of Food 171 and larger blood vessels (aorta and vena cava) enter, where it is reflected and courses downward, enveloping the stomach and other digestive organs. It penetrates between them by means of foldings and turnings, thus assisting to hold them in place. The largest fold of all is called the great omentum and covers the small intestine. The peritoneum surrounding the intestines is called the mesentery. It is fan- shaped and its contracted part is attached to the spinal column for a firm support. The alimentary canal, beginning with the stomach, may be said, therefore, to have a fourth layer, or covering, the peri- toneum. The mesentery, which surrounds the intestines, is attached to the back wall of the abdominal cav- ity. It assists in holding them up in place. This support is dependent upon and is assisted by the abdominal muscles in front. People who stand with a relaxed, protruding abdominal wall, lack the support which they should receive from the abdominal muscles. There is a consequent falling down of these organs. Such a condition is known by the name viceroptosis (dropping of the viscera). Constipation is a frequent accompanying condition, due to interference with the circulation in the intestines. It is very important, FIG. 115. Showing how improper posture favors viceroptosis ; the mesentery is stretched and the circulation to the loop of intestine is lessened. 172 Healthful Living therefore, to stand and walk with the abdominal wall held in (Figs. 115, 93) and to exercise these muscles by partici- pating in sports, games, athletics, and dancing. The Digestive Fluids. The digestive fluids that enter the small intestines are the pancreatic juice from the pancreas, the intestinal juice from the small intestinal glands (Fig. 114), and the bile from the liver. The bile will be discussed later in consideration of the liver. At present we will study the other two juices that come into the small intestine. (a) The pancreatic juice. The pancreas, or sweet- bread, is flat, narrow, and about six inches long. It lies be- hind the stomach, and tapers toward the left, ending above the left kidney. Its shape has been compared to a dog's tongue, and like the root of the tongue, it bends downward at its broader end, where its duct leaves it and joins the bile duct just before emptying into the duodenum. Its internal structure resembles the salivary gland. The amount of digestion accomplished in the small intestine exceeds that in any other division of the canal, and the pancreas is the most active and powerful of all the glands. Its secretion, the pancreatic juice, is alkaline, and contains three enzymes, one of which (amylopsin) is hardly to be distinguished from the ptyalin of the saliva, and continues the digestion of the starchy food ; another (enterokinase) joins with the trypsino- gen of the intestinal juice and forms trypsin. Trypsin has an action similar to pepsin, and digests protein; while the third (lipase) begins the digestion of an important class of foods, the fats, which have not heretofore come in contact with a digestive fluid that could act upon anything more than the protein envelopes of the fat cells. Two definite changes occur in the digestion of fat. At an early stage a physical change occurs and the fat is broken up into minute globules. This favors the second stage, but in itself is not a digestive act, because they are only in a The Digestion of Food 173 state of fine division and no chemical change has occurred. Such globules, floating in a liquid, form what is called an emulsion. Milk is an emulsion of cream. It is the cream in sweet milk that gives it the white appearance, for the globules of fat reflect the light. When it is churned these minute particles touch and adhere, forming butter. The chemical change is a splitting of the fat molecule by the action of the enzyme, lipase, producing fatty acids and glycerin. These chemical substances are absorbed by the intestinal walls and passed into the lacteals and blood stream. (6) The intestinal juice. Besides the two large glands, the pancreas and liver, there are a great number of very small glands (Fig. 114) which furnish a digestive fluid to the in- testine. The intestinal glands are scattered throughout the lining membrane, and their secretion is called the intestinal juice. This juice contains : (1) Enterokinase, which activates* the trypsinogen from the pancreas, forming trypsiri. (2) Erepsin, which splits peptones received from the gastric digestion. (3) Maltase, invertase, and lactase, which split disac- chrides into monosacchrides as described under the para- graphs on enzymes. These enzymes are often called invert- ing enzymes. Absorption from the Small Intestine. The fats are absorbed by the lymphatic system. Many minute lym- phatics called lacteals (Fig. 116) are found in the villi of the intestines, and the epithelial cells of the mucous lining take up the fat and transmit it, slightly changed, to these lacteals, which unite one to another and empty into the thoracic duct. The thoracic duct empties into the sub- clavian veins under the left clavicle. The fats thus pass into the blood stream. The sugars and proteins are carried by the portal circu- i 7 4 Healthful Living lation to the liver. In this organ the sugars are changed to glucose and stored until needed by the muscles. The protein is passed and serves to build new tissue. In two different ways, therefore, do the digested food elements reach the main circulation. This provision resembles in a way the means of travel for people on the earth. Some go by one FIG. 116. Diagram of villus, with enlarged section showing minute structure. road and others by another. Some may go from New York to Boston by rail and others may take the boat. The result of the journey is the same they reach Boston. The mineral matter is taken into the blood through the intestinal loops and apparently in the same way that we account for the passage of the digested protein and carbohydrates. This passage of these elements through an animal membrane at The Digestion of Food Co/or? one time was explained according to the law of osmosis, 1 but it is now believed to be accomplished by. specific se- cretory power of the intestinal cells. In other words be- cause the intestinal cells are intestinal cells, they are able to do this. They differ in this respect from epithelial cells in other parts of the body. The large intestine (or colon). The large intestine is about five feet long. Its walls are drawn into pouches, or puckers, by bands of muscles running length- wise along it. The small intes- tine joins it in the lower part of the abdomen on the right side (Fig. 117). The junc- tion is not at the end of the large in- testine but above the end. The part below the junc- tion is called the caecum. Attached to the caecum is a small tube called the vermiform appendix. Above the juncture the large intestine is called the colon. The ascending colon runs up along the right side nearly to the waist. It is then called the transverse colon, and it comes forward and crosses just 1 Osmosis. "Whenever two solutions of different concentrations are separated by a membrane which is permeable to water, there will be a flow of water through the membrane in the direction of the greater concentra- tion." This means that the solution that has the greatest concentration of substances in it will exert a greater force on the weaker solution. Cecum FIG. 117. The valve between the small and large intestine ; opening of small intestine and appendix. Why is the valve called ileocaecal? 176 Healthful Living in front of the lower line of the stomach. It then retreats to the rear wall and passes downward, being now called the descending colon. Near the left hip it makes a double bend called the sigmoid flexure (from sigma, the Greek letter S). The nine inches remaining are without the pouched appear- ance, the walls being smooth; this part is without bends and is therefore called the rectum (from Latin rectus, straight) . Absorption in the large intestine is very active and its contents soon lose their fluidity. Although it is mostly the watery portion that is absorbed, any digested food that may have escaped absorp- tion in the small intestine is ab- sorbed by the colon. How sav- ing and econom- ical the body is ! All the undigested and indigestible food gathers in the sigmoid flex- ure, and descends at intervals into the rectum, from which it should be evacuated at regu- lar intervals. Appendicitis. The vermiform appendix (worm- like appendage) FIG. 118. Abdominal viscera displayed so as to show the portal vein carrying the blood from the viscera to the liver. /, liver ; g, gall bladder ; s, stomach, and d, duodenum these have been divided from each other ; p, pancreas ; e, spleen ; c, large intestine ; i, small intestine. The trans- verse colon and part of the small intestine have been removed. The Digestion of Food 177 is a part of the intestine which has degenerated in man because of non-use. At one time it served a purpose; today it serves none. Constipation, causing a clogging and congestion of the appendix favors infection, and this organ may become inflamed, causing appendicitis. Appendicitis may prove fatal if the operation of removing the diseased appendix is delayed too long. Constipation. As the undigested part of the food passes through the colon, it gradually loses its water and becomes semi-solid. This is waste material and should be removed daily by a regular habit of emptying the bowel. If the bowel is allowed to remain filled with its waste contents, there occurs absorption of poisons from this mass of waste material. These poisons taken into the blood (Fig. 118) and carried throughout the body, cause headache, lassitude, weakness, and other disorders. The Use of Foods in Constipation. There are many causes of constipation but it is generally recognized that im- proper selection of food may play an important part in the production of the disturbance. For this reason it is of value to know the foods that are laxative* from those that are constipating and to use this knowledge with reference to the selection of proper foods. All do not need a choice of laxative food and no rule can be made for all people. Food must be sele'cted with reference to the individual's need. LAXATIVE CONSTIPATING 1. Whole wheat and graham 1. White flour bread, hot flour products, such as Pastry made with lard and bread, crackers, gems, baking powder prepara- biscuits, mush tions Cake and custard puddings 2. Fruits such as prunes, dried, 2. Meats stewed peaches, dried, Salted, dried and smoked stewed fresh fruits of all meats kinds Poultry Salted and dried fish 178 Healthful Living LAXATIVE CONSTIPATING 3. Vegetables 3. Vegetables Beets Beans, dried Celery Corn Cauliflower 4. Cereals Onions Rice Peas, green Farina Rhubarb Spinach Squash . 5. Miscellaneous Cheese 4. Meats Cocoa and chocolate Wild game, as rabbit, Milk, boiled duck, pigeon, quail, deer, Tea etc. Coffee substitutes made of Liver wheat, corn and barley 5. Oysters The liver. The liver is a large, heavy organ situated on the right side of the body in the abdominal cavity and lying up under the diaphragm. With each inspiration the liver is pushed downward and compressed by the diaphragm, the blood being forced out toward the heart, and it fills again as soon as the breathing muscles relax. This rhythmic compression is of great im- portance in keeping the blood supply to the liver fresh and pure, and preventing congestion in it. By tight clothing the liver is often forced downward, out from the cover of the ribs, and becomes permanently displaced. As a result, other organs, lower in the abdomen and pelvis, are crowded upon each other and also become dis- placed. The circulation in the liver is diminished, and hence its activity is decreased and the complexion loses its freshness. Pain in the right side after a rapid walk is due to con- gestion of the liver with blood from the legs. What would pain in the left side be due to ? The Digestion of Food 179 Anatomy of the liver. The liver is the largest gland in the body. It is of a reddish brown color and weighs about three and one half pounds. The upper and front surfaces of the liver are very smooth and even. The under surface is very irregular; it is here that the various vessels with which this active organ is supplied make their entrance or exit. Its connecting vessels, beside the lymphatics, are the hepatic artery from the aorta, bringing pure blood; the portal vein, bringing the digested food ; the hepatic vein, carrying impure blood to the vena cava ; and the bile duct, carrying the bile to the intestine. The bile duct, on its way from the liver, gives off a side branch to the gall bladder. This is a little dark green bag, in which the bile is stored until it is required for digestion. Circulation through the Liver, or Portal Circulation. The portal vein and its function have been mentioned (Fig. 118). When it enters the liver, it does a very unusual thing ; in fact, it conducts itself as no other vein in the body does, except some of the veins in the kidneys. It subdivides into capillaries. Thus the portal vein (Latin, porta, a gate, since it enters under a kind of archway) both begins and ends in capillaries, for it begins in the capillaries of the digestive tract and ends in the capillaries of the liver. After these capillaries have passed in among the cells, they unite again to form the hepatic veins, which go directly to the ascend- ing vena cava. There is another large blood vessel in the portal circulation. This is the hepatic artery, which enters the liver directly from the aorta and supplies the liver cells with arterial blood with which to repair themselves and carry on their work. The capillaries from this artery unite with those of the portal vein in forming the hepatic vein. A cow's liver, cut in two, shows in places small gaping holes, which are branches of the hepatic vein. Microscopic Structure. If you examine the surface of a piece of liver obtained from the butcher, you will find it 180 Healthful Living to be of a dark red color, and mottled over with little areas, each measuring about one twentieth of an inch across. These are the round lobules of the liver arranged around a branch of the hepatic vein (Fig. 119). The capillaries of the portal vein and hepatic artery and the branches of the bile duct pass between these cells. Study carefully Figure 120, which represents a segment of a lobule. When you understand FIG. 119. Diagrammatic representation of two hepatic lobules. The left-hand lobule is represented with the intralobular vein cut across : in the right-hand one the section takes the course of the intralobular vein. p, interlobular branches of the portal vein ; h, intralobular branches of the hepatic veins ; s, sublobular vein ; c, capillaries of the lobules passing in- wards. The arrows indicate the direction of the course of the blood. The liver cells are represented in only one part of each lobule. Trace the blood through these veins and name the vessels. the circulation in a lobule, you will understand the circula- tion in the entire liver, for a lobule is the liver in miniature. Represent a lobule by a wagon wheel. The rim corresponds to the capillaries of the portal vein and hepatic artery circu- lating around the lobule. The spokes correspond to the two kinds of capillaries united and on the way to the hepatic vein in the hub, which will take the blood away from the liver. Between the spokes are located the hard working liver cells which get oxygen and food from the capillaries in the spokes, and relieve themselves of impurities by means of the finest bile ducts and lymphatic ducts, which begin among the cells. The Digestion of Food 181 Functions of the liver. These cells of the liver have three functions : (1) to secrete bile for digestion of food ; (2) to store certain food elements after digestion, and (3) to ex- crete from the blood certain waste substances. Secretion Duties. The secretion of the liver is the bile. It passes from the liver cells in a common duct that leads to the intestine and gall bladder. When the duct is filled, the bile " backs up " into the gall bladder, where it is stored until food is eaten, when it enters the small intestine close to the stomach. The bile aids in the emulsifica- tion of the fats. The bile contains an enzyme, amylase, which has the same function as the ptyalin of the saliva. It digests starch. The bile salts dissolve the fat acids, promoting emulsification and assisting in absorption of fat. Storehouse Duties. - The sugars and protein when digested are carried to the liver. The protein passes through and goes on to the cells of the body. The sugar remains in the liver until needed. If a frog be dug up in the first part of its winter sleep, and its liver be examined under the microscope, the cells will be found swollen and full of glycogen, a substance stored up for the winter needs of the frog. It is a carbohydrate ma- terial resembling starch and made from digested sugar. FIG. 120. Microscope, high power. Diagram of a portion of a lobule of the liver, showing the blood vessels and bile ducts injected with fluid, p, interlobu- lar branch of portal vein sending capil- laries to open into h, intralobular branch of the hepatic vein which lies in the middle of the lobule ; b, a lymphatic ; c, branch of hepatic artery ; d, branch of bile duct ; into this (d) open the ducts which lie between the liver cells. 182 Healthful Living The liver cells of a frog which has just come out in the spring will be found shrunken and containing no glycogen (Fig. 121). If a starving rabbit be killed and its liver cells examined, no glycogen will be found, but the liver cells of a rabbit which has recently been fed on turnips will be full of glycogen. If two rabbits be well fed, one kept in a cage and the other hunted around all day, much glycogen will be found in the liver of the quiet rabbit, and very little in the liver of the hunted one. The gly- cogen stored up is used during muscular work or starvation. The sugar absorbed by the small intestine reaches the liver through FIG. 121. A, Liver cells of dog after a tne POrtal Vein. It is thirty-six hours' fast; 5, also fourteen taken Up by the liver hours after a full meal in the latter case -,-, -, -, -, , swollen with glycogen. cells and changed into granules of glycogen, to be turned into sugar again during times of hunger and hard work. Thus, only a small amount of sugar is allowed to enter the circulation at one time, only 1^ ounces in every 1000 ounces of arterial blood. If more than this quantity enters the blood, sugar passes out through the kidneys. Excretion Duties. The excretory function of the liver is important. As the blood containing the food passes through it, waste substances in the blood from the tissues, or poisons that may be in the food, are destroyed and the products resulting from the destruction are sent out of the body by either of two routes ; by way of the bile duct and alimentary canal or by way of the blood vessels and kidneys. All the blood in the body passes through it once every three or four minutes, and as it passes it is purified. The waste products resulting from the work done in the body are made more soluble, so that they can be carried through the kidneys. The Digestion of Food 183 The yellow color of the bile is due to a pigment resulting from the destruction in the liver of wornout red corpuscles. The bile is partly an excretory product, but such is the econ- omy of the system that it serves to aid digestion, and to keep the alimentary canal in an aseptic condition. A man could not smoke were it not for the liver. This organ takes up the nicotine, if not too great in amount, and destroys it. If one drinks alcohol, the liver endeavors to oxidize it and get rid of it, so that the body may not suffer harm and in- jury from it and usually the liver of a habitual drinker is crippled or destroyed by its long struggle with alcohol. A man would live many yea* s longer than he does if he were not all the time producing waste products in his body by his ordinary activities. The excretory organs are taxed to remove them. In the young child as it is growing and developing, the skin is so active, the kidneys are so healthy, and the liver is so vigorous, that the waste is all removed and the blood is pure. That is why a healthy child has so sweet a breath, such bright eyes, and so fair a skin. When he becomes older it is different. The same is true of a dog; the puppy's breath is pure, its body is clean, so that it may lie in a lady's lap or on a sofa and leave no unpleasant odor. But when he is old, the dog becomes so offensive that he has to be driven out of the house. The strong odor results from the accumulation of waste substances in the body. Urea is the chief waste product which results from the breaking down of protein, and it is believed that the nitroge- nous urea is formed by the liver. An excess of protein, such as lean meat and cheese, in the diet, produces an in- creased excretion of urea through the kidneys. It is ob- vious that excess of food and lack of exercise may lead to the disturbance of liver function. Such disturbance may be relieved by a spare diet and vigorous exercise. The poor, overworked liver should not be blamed, however, nor the statement made that " the liver is not acting." At the very 184 Healthful Living The Digestion of Food 185 time the complaint is made, the skin and eyes may be yellow, showing the presence of too great a quantity of bile, which is a product of the activity of the liver. Functional disturbance of the liver may result from three causes : (1) The first and most usual form is caused by fermentation and other forms of indigestion, and by the poisonous products therefrom entering the blood. (2) Stop- page of the chief bile duct because of congestion, which ex- tends to it from the stomach. This congestion is caused by irritation of undigested food; (3) The liver cells and ducts may become choked up from excessive food. The waste products from food elements. When the foods are oxidized in the body there are several products of oxidation called waste products. The starches and sugars, the fats and oils, when oxidized, give rise to water and carbon dioxide. The protein gives rise to various products, of which the most important are urea, uric acid, and creatin. These are excreted by the kidneys. There are also found, in the excretion of the kidneys, small quantities of phosphate and sulphate of calcium, sodium, and potassium. Urea is a substance of great importance, as it is the most abundant nitrogenous waste substance produced by the processes of action and growth in the cells of the body. ' Carbon dioxide leaves the body through the lungs, and water leaves it through the lungs, kidneys, and skin. If a man were to live all day in a small chamber placed upon very delicate platform scales, he would find that he lost weight every second of his existence except when taking food, and more rapidly at some times than at others, the amount. of loss depending upon the activity of his body. The loss of weight occurs through the excretions which the man gives off. At average temperature of the air and average activity of his body, the day's loss to be replaced by food eaten, water drunk, and air breathed, would be about as follows : i86 Healthful Living From the large intestine ... 5 oz. excrement From the skin . . . , . . . 25 oz. perspiration From the kidneys 50 oz. excretion From the lungs 35 oz. carbon dioxide and water Total 115 oz. The total loss is, then, nearly 8 pounds, three fourths of which is water (nearly 6 pounds) . The remainder, except the 5 ounces of excrement, consists of those waste materials (solid or gaseous) which result from the breaking down of the active living protoplasm into simple chemical sub- stances, through the process of oxidation. This amounts to 27^- ounces and is apportioned as follows : perspiration, J- ounce of salts, and a trace of urea ; the kidney secretion, 1 ounce of salts and 1-J ounces of urea ; the lungs, 25 ounces of carbon dioxide gas. APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY LABORATORY EXERCISES Experiment 1. To study the intake of fluid by the body per day. Material. Coordinate paper, record of the number of glasses of fluid taken. Method and observation. Estimate the number of ounces of fluid taken by counting the number of glasses of water, milk, soda, etc., taken in one day. The common tumbler or glass will hold eight ounces. Continue this observation for one week. At the end of that time, record on coordinate paper on the abscissa the days, and on the ordinate the total ounces per day. Connect the points by straight lines. This will give a graphic representation of the fluid intake for one week. If this experiment is performed in the warm weather, it will be interesting to carry along with this record of the fluid intake, the average temperature of the atmosphere on each day. If this is done, record the temperature on the chart and observe any rela- tionship that exists. Experiment 2. To test food material for starch. Material. Cornstarch, tincture of iodine, and test tubes, Method and observation. The Digestion of Food 187 (a) Mix a small amount of starch and water in a test tube to the consistency of a thin paste. Add a few drops of iodine to the mixture. What is the result ? (6) Add some water to a small part of a boiled potato. Mash the potato in the water. Add a few drops of iodine. What is the result ? Iodine gives a deep purple in the presence of starch. Experiment 3. To test for sugar (glucose). Material. Glucose, the Fehling copper and the Fehling alka- line solutions, 1 test tubes, and Bunsen flame or alcohol lamp. Method and observation. Dissolve some glucose in water in a test tube. To this solution add equal parts separately of the Fehling solutions and heat to boiling. The presence of glucose is determined by the change of the solution to a brick red. Experiment 4. To test for fats and oils. Material. Nuts or animal fats, white paper, ether. Method and observation. (a) Rub the kernel of a nut with the covering removed on a piece of paper. Hold the paper to the light. The fat changes the light qualities of the paper. (6) Mash the kernel of a nut in a dish and add ten cubic centimeters of ether. Break up the kernel thoroughly and allow the preparation to stand several minutes. Filter and save the nitrate, allowing it to evaporate. Ether extracts oil from substances and on evaporation leaves the oil. Experiment 5. To test for protein. Material. White of egg (raw), nitric acid, ammonia, caustic soda or potash, dilute copper sulphate, test tubes. Method and observation (a) The Xanthoproteic reaction. Place the white of the egg in a test tube and add nitric acid. Heat gently to boiling. Cool and add ammonia. If protein is present, a deep yellow color will appear on the addition of the ammonia. (6) The Biuret reaction. Place the white of an egg in a test tube and add two centimeters of the caustic soda. Then add a few drops of the dilute copper sulphate solution, being careful to avoid excess. If protein is present, a purple color will appear. A blue color without any red is a negative test. 1 The Fehling copper solution is made by adding 35 grams of copper sulphate (CuSOO to 500 c.c. of water; the alkaline solution by adding 160 grams of sodium hydroxide (Na(OH) 2 ) and 173 grams of Rochelle salt to 500 c.c. of water. 1 88 Healthful Living GLOSSARY Absorption. The process by which nourishing material is taken up by the body through the mucous membrane of the ali- mentary tract. Activates. To make active and to induce therein activity. Alimentary canal. The digestive tract or canal along which passes the aliment from which the body absorbs nourishing material. Chyme. The partly digested food as it passes from the stomach into the small intestine to be converted into chyle. From the Greek word, chymos, meaning juice. Epiglottis. A small leaflike structure above the glottis. The glottis is the name given to the upper end of the larynx. Hydrochloric acid. A colorless, corrosive compound (HC1). It occurs in the gastric juice in .3 to .5 per cent. Laxative. A substance which stimulates the action of the in- testines. It acts by increasing peristaltic action. Neutralize. To render inert, incapable of further action. Acids neutralize alkalis, and vice versa. Peristalsis. The wavelike contraction that passes over the intestines and stomach due to the contraction of the circular and longitudinal muscle fibers. Pharynx. The back part of the mouth. The cavity from which goes the air through the larynx, trachea, and bronchi to the lungs, and food and drink through the esophagus to the stomach. Pylorus. The gateway between the stomach and small intes- tine. Rheumatism. A condition in the body caused by disease-pro- ducing organisms. These get into the blood and attack the membranes of the joints and heart valves. The entry is most often made through the cavities of teeth or infected tonsils. The disease is not caused by uric acid. Tonsil. A small lymphatic gland on each side of the mouth at the entrance to the pharynx. Uvula. The tiplike structure hanging down from the margin of the soft palate at the margin of the pharynx. Villus. A small finger-like projection from the mucous membrane of the small intestine. The plural form is villi. CHAPTER XI THE HYGIENE OF DIGESTION I. Digestion, and Health. II. Digestion and Environment. III. Hobbies about Nutrition. Hot water Raw food No condiments Vegetarianism No breakfast IV. Man's Original Food Resources and How They Have Been Enlarged. V. Present-day Sources of Food. Nuts Pods or legumes Milk, cheese, and eggs Fruits Grains Meats Vegetables VI. Patent Medicines. VII. Shall we drink water at meals? VIII. General Rules Modified by Individual Needs. Indigestion Two ways out of a difficulty IX. Cooking. Meats Cereals Vegetables Eggs X. The Fireless Cooker. XI. Times for Eating. Exercise in relation to eating Digestion and health. A wit once said that if he had been consulted at the creation of the world, he would have 189 190 Healthful Living made good health " catching " instead of disease. Obser- vations show that happiness, industry, health, faith, and other of the strong elements that make up life are more contagious than misery, idleness, sickness, worry, and the other weak elements that tend to destroy life. Fear causes a tightening of the muscles and a waste of energy, as well as oppressed breathing and a lack of oxygen. Courage brings calm, full breathing which purifies the blood, and a steady and economical use of the muscles which saves the vital energy. A brave and cheerful visitor can inspire an ailing friend and assist in his recovery. A happy, unselfish teacher or pupil can dispel worry or gloom, and impart strength and increased power for work to the whole school. The body tends to health and not to disease. The dyspeptics * that we see have been able to break down their health only after long-continued attacks upon it, and outrages many times repeated. Fresh air brings health, and forces its way into the home to bring it, but the dyspeptic made every attempt to keep it out. Sunshine brings health, but he shut himself up in a stuffy ill-lighted office, a slave to dollars or to fame. He curtained the sunshine out from the home to protect the carpets and hangings from fading. Exercise brings health, but the promptings to stir about, to walk, to run, or to work with the hands, were repressed until the impulses ceased. When activity was lessened, the appetite for food diminished, but instead of following the prompting of nature, he sprinkled more salt and pepper and other condiments upon the food, that he might eat with an unnatural appetite. By keeping up these artificial ways for months and years, he at last succeeded in breaking down his health. It took more perseverance to weaken the body than it will take to make it strong again. There must be a return to sensible ways of living with a reasonable trust in the inherent tend- ency of the cells to restore soundness when given a chance. If, however, he commits the folly of thinking that months The Hygiene of Digestion 191 are not needed for recovery, but that disease brought on by months or years of wrong living can be cured in a few days by taking magical drugs and patent medicines, he will in- jure himself still more and probably lose his chance of re- covering sound health. Digestion and environment. It is known that the race originally did not dwell in houses, and had few tools or cook- ing utensils. Man probably first lived in the tropics and subsisted upon the fruits which ripened in the never-ending summer, and, as he migrated to the colder climates, sub- sisted upon the results of the chase. That individual who refused to peel his apples because, as he said, Adam had no pocket knife, and slept with his windows open because Adam had no house, had a right principle in view. If his teeth were as sound as the teeth of primitive man, and his habit of mastication as thorough, fruit skins would be an aid to digestion. Man possesses a stomach intended to digest the pure food of the forest, obtained by activity in the open air. If a man eats plain food and leads an active life, his appetite is a perfect guide. If he does not, it is unsafe to trust to the appetite alone, for the reason that he lives under conditions unlike those for which this instinct was built up. A cow's appetite is a certain guide to her among poisonous plants and berries, yet she will eat a bucket of paint and harm her- self ; the bucket of paint is beyond the range of her inherited habits. Even if man's instincts had their early strength, they could hardly guide him among the many food concoc- tions and preparations undreamed of by primitive man. We can train our taste into wrong ways, and we can likewise train it into right ways and into liking food that we know is wholesome. It is found that returning to natural habits by going on camping, hunting, and fishing trips is one of the most ef- fective hygienic measures for the restoration of health. 192 Healthful Living Hobbies about nutrition. The subject of food and di- gestion is a more complicated one than that of exercise or breathing, and common sense is required to master it. Therefore, more persons fail to master it, and allow their minds to come to rest on some one fact or view of the subject and so become' extremists. Hot water. Some would cure every digestive ill by means of water. Their belief is " water internally, ex- ternally, and eternally." They sometimes drink it as hot as it can be borne, yet hot water is very relaxing to the walls of the stomach and weakens the flow of the gastric juice. This extreme belief arose from the fact that hot water re- moves the mucus from a stomach suffering from catarrh (or congestion*) and diminishes the activity of the gastric glands if too much acid is being secreted. Raw food. Some persons have a fad called the raw food doctrine, and eat no cooked foods. They should consider that man's digestive organs are not as vigorous now as they were ages ago, before he learned the use of fire. This fad is a reaction from bad cooking. Cooked vegetables are more likely to ferment in a weak stomach than raw vegetables. The thorough chewing required by raw food is an advantage to digestion. No condiments. Some persons will not have condiments or any kind of seasoning, not even salt, in their foods. This is because many cooks destroy the natural flavors of the food by bad cookery and hide the result by high seasoning. There are many delicate and delicious flavors of grains, fruits, and fresh vegetables that a natural appetite takes pleasure in ; but because of long use of badly cooked and highly seasoned foods the sense of taste in many persons has become so depraved and dull that they have only five kinds of taste left : the taste for grease, salt, pepper, vinegar, and sugar. Their dull nerves require everything to be very salty or peppery or sweet or greasy or sour. The Hygiene of Digestion 193 Vegetarianism. Some people have an aversion to eating animal food but will eat vegetable food only. In develop- ment, animal and plant came from the same source and life in each differs only in degree. It is known that animal protein is absolutely necessary for health. Pellagra, a very serious disease producing marked changes in the nervous system, results from the exclusion of certain essential animal food elements. Most " vegetarians " are not vegetarians at all. They are only " no meat eaters/' because they eat eggs, butter, and milk and these are all animal food. Those with whom meat does not agree, or who for humane scruples, or other causes, adopt a vegetarian diet, sometimes fall into serious error. If fruits and nuts are not freely used, but the diet is confined to grains and green vegetables, a large excess of starch is consumed, and the diet is very bulky in spite of the fact that it is greatly lacking in fat and protein. Persons who do not eat meat should replace the protein of meat with that of nuts, cheese, beans, and peas, and employ fat in the form of nuts, cream, milk, eggs, and butter. No breakfast. Those who eat no breakfast, make up in amount at the other two meals. Instead of taking three meals to eat the food necessary for them, they eat it in two. It is more hygienic to eat three small meals than two large ones. Moreover, one can do better work in the morning after a good breakfast. A good breakfast might include prunes, milk, rolls, and a boiled egg. The practice of eating some mushy cereal loaded with fruit and covered with cream and sugar is not to be recommended. Cooked cereal, such as oatmeal, eaten with a little butter on it is a desirable form of breakfast food. Man's original food resources and how they have been enlarged. Cuvier, Owen, Huxley, and other comparative anatomists agree that man was originally frugivorous; he ate tree fruit, both nuts and fleshy fruits. Tree fruits con- tain all the four chemical classes of foods, proteins, fats, 194 Healthful Living carbohydrates, and minerals. The present sources of his food, besides the original nuts and fruits, are flesh, grains, herbs, and he has added them to his dietary probably in the order named above. In the warm regions of the earth, the banana, plantain, mango, orange, and cocoanut trees bear their luscious fruit the year round. But the multiplication of the race and perhaps times of drought and famine led man to use the food stored up in the flesh of other animals which had obtained it from grass and herbs. This necessity doubly increased with migration to colder climates. In the frigid zones the inhabitants live very largely on animal food. They consume immense quantities of blubber, or the fat of certain animals, such as the whale, the walrus, and the seal. This kind of diet, by sustaining the necessary bodily heat, enables these people to withstand the intense cold to which they are subjected. Grains in their natural state are too small and collecting them was too tedious before the time of that long-forgotten genius who first thought of cultivating them in order to im- prove them. Fruits and grains belong to the seed part of the plant. The coarser woody leaves and stem and roots were probably not added to man's food until the art of cook- ing was much advanced. The degree of digestibility seems to coincide in most persons with the order of adoption of the classes of foods by the race. If one leads a sedentary life, or his digestion becomes impaired, the weedy, fibrous vege- tables should be the first to be discarded from the diet, while flesh and fruits seem to furnish the main substance for in- valids even after grains and starches prove hard to digest. Present-day sources of food. We have learned that man's digestive tract has developed with reference to plain food gathered by his own physical efforts. Man's food to-day both in its form and its method of production has under- gone remarkable changes. Many articles are brought from lands far away and land transportation makes it very easy The Hygiene of Digestion 195 to eat in Maine what has been grown in California. The city man may buy all his food in a shop and never in all his life produce actually one article of food. Of course, he pro- duces in other ways. It is necessary that he make up in other ways for the lack of physical exercise that is one of the advantages gained from tilling the ground. Nuts. Nuts are the most concentrated and nutritious of all foods. Beefsteak is three fourths water, while nuts are less than one fourth water. Nuts are how many times as nutritious as beefsteak? This refers to the nut "meats " or kernels. Nuts may be said to consist of one half fat, one fourth protein, and the remaining one fourth, water and mineral. The fat, unlike that of butter, oil, and fat meat, is emulsified* in nuts, and does not need to be divided up before absorption by the lacteals in the small in- testine. Their density encourages the habit of thorough chewing. Nuts are made up of little cells, each of which has its proportion of proteins, fat, and dextrin,* a kind of sugar. The small boy climbs the tree and gathers the nuts, cracks and eats them, and digests them thoroughly. The man stays in his office, has some one else to gather them, masticates less thoroughly, and he may find them less di- gestible, especially if he always eats a full meal before tak- ing the nuts. Green or rancid nuts are not digestible. Nuts should be eaten during the meal the same as meat. They are not easily digestible raw. Persons who usually eat nuts after they have already eaten too much, consider them very indigestible. They are not digestible if eaten between meals, or if not thoroughly chewed. Pods or legumes. Pods or legumes resemble nuts very closely in chemical composition, but they require long and thorough cooking. Their seed coats, or hulls, consist of cellulose* or woody fiber, which may well be removed. The hulls can be loosened by soaking them in cold water before they are cooked. Beans and peas have been called the lean 196 Healthful Living meat of the vegetable kingdom, and they contain a high percentage of protein. Fruits. Fruits have four important advantages : (1) Their agreeable flavors are a natural and healthy stimulus to the digestion. (2) They contain vegetable acids (either citric, malic, or tartaric) that are perfect germicides,* and are of value in purifying the alimentary canal. (Fruits have almost no protein.) (3) They contain very valuable mineral salts that are of highest use to the blood and tissues. (4) The carbohydrate in ripe fruits is all in the form of levulose or fruit sugar, which is absorbed without digestion. With these advantages there is the disadvantage that fruits are largely water, so that the nutriment they contain is very scant, except in the case of grapes, bananas, and olives. The proverb that fruit is golden at breakfast, silver at noon, and lead at night, is not true. Fruit is golden at all times, if it is sound and ripe, and if the stomach is not already filled with food. Fruit juices are valuable as restoratives to health, since they tax the digestive organs very little and are quickly assimilated. Since germs will not grow in fruit juices, a fruit diet for several meals will disinfect the ali- mentary canal and ward off a " bilious " attack. Juicy apples, pears, lemonade, orangeade, pomegranateade, ripe peaches, etc., are pleasanter than medicines. Meat. Protein is the principal food substance in meat. Beef contains the largest amount among the common meats, and pork the least. The fat of meat is also of great impor- tance : fat is abundant in pork. Meat that is salted and smoked, or dried, or prepared in any way so that germs will not grow in it, can be kept for a long time, but its digesti- bility is greatly impaired. This is because its fibers have been hardened so that the gastric juice cannot readily pene- trate them. Meat which has much connective tissue is tough; the most tender and digestible of meats consist almost wholly of muscular tissue and fat. The Hygiene of Digestion 197 Experiments show that ordinarily one fifth of the protein in vegetable food passes through the intestine undigested and unabsorbed, and is thus wasted, while only one thirtieth of the protein in meat escapes digestion. A pound of fat requires three times as much oxygen in its oxidation as a pound of sugar, and therefore yields three times the heat and energy. The digestibility of fat is increased by the fact that it ferments with difficulty, while sugar and starch ferment more easily. Meat should be thoroughly cooked to avoid the danger of diseases from Trichina spiralis and other parasites. Meat Extracts. Researches concerning the nutritive value of meat extracts show that in none of them is a large quantity of food concentrated in a small bulk as the public is led to believe. A glass of milk contains far more nourish- ment than a cup of beef tea. The best way to get the nour- ishment out of a steak is to eat it. The beef extract contains but a fraction of the protein in beef, and all of the nitrogenous waste material allied to urea. The most nutritious part of the beef is not soluble, but the excretory part of the meat is soluble, and this is found in the beef tea or beef extract. This extract throws work upon the kidneys and is harmful. The part of the beef that has most value is thrown away in making the extract. Many lives are no doubt annually sacrificed by starvation through the popular faith in beef tea as a concentrated and nourishing food. Beef tea and meat juice can be used as flavoring agents with other food since they stimulate the secretion of pepsin, but they should not be regarded as real food. By drying meat it can be reduced to one fourth its weight (since it is three fourths water). Thus 100 pounds of beef can be reduced to 25 pounds and sold in a form useful to travelers. The meat will keep fresh as long as it is kept dry. Water is added to the meat when it is cooked. Milk, cheese, and eggs. Cow's milk is suited for calves, and was intended to be obtained by sucking and to be swal- 1 98 Healthful Living lowed gradually. It does not contain the right proportion of food elements for infants and, therefore, must be modified when fed to infants. The casein or protein part is coagu- lated in flakes by the rennin, and when a child vomits coagu- lated milk, it does not mean that it is suffering from indi- gestion, although it may sometimes mean that it is being overfed. The tendency of milk to produce constipation in some persons may be explained as follows : when adults drink sweet milk rapidly, especially toward the end of the meal, when much acid is present in the stomach, the acid coagulates the casein into large lumps of curd, which may seriously disturb the digestion, for milk was not intended 'to be drunk rapidly. Heat retards the production of acid in the gastric juice and increases the secretion of rennin. If taken before meals, hot and slowly, milk will agree with those who have found it to produce indigestion. Butter- milk is one of the most digestible of foods. Cheese is a concentrated food, and is one of the cheapest although not one of the most digestible forms of protein. Eggs are valuable food and in proportion to their value are cheaper than meat. They are very digestible when properly cooked. Eggs should not be fried nor boiled hard. Grains. Nearly all the starch of our food is supplied by grains. They also contain from 8 to 15 per cent of a protein called gluten. The chief grains are wheat, oats, barley, corn, rice, buckwheat. The more of gluten there is in grain, the more gluey or sticky its flour will be. Sticky flour will retain the bubbles of gas formed from baking- powders or by the growth of the yeast plant. Wheat has much gluten, and its flour makes very light bread. Corn meal has not enough gluten to make it very sticky, and corn bread will not rise well. Corn contains more fat than any other grain, yellow corn containing more fat than white corn. Wheat is richer in starch and protein than any other grain. If cooked several hours, the starch of grains is so thoroughly The Hygiene of Digestion 199 dextrinized that it is changed to sugar almost instantly when brought in contact with the saliva. Grains may be cooked during the preceding meal and the cooking finished in preparing the meal at which they are to be eaten. If oatmeal and other mushes are sticky, it shows the presence of half -cooked starch. Rice and oatmeal may be first browned in the oven and afterward steamed. Toast and brown crust are almost as digestible as ripe fruit and may be eaten by invalids. Three Kinds of Flour. There are three ways of grinding wheat to make flour : (1) Using the whole grain and the husk which incloses the grain. This makes graham flour. (2) By using the whole of the grain. This makes whole wheat flour. (3) By rejecting the outer and darker portion of the grain, thus losing part of the gluten and retaining all of the starch. This makes the ordinary flour. Graham flour is most stimulating to peristalsis in the canal. Its large amount of waste matter furnishes something for the intestine to contract upon, and thus sweep all waste matter on and out of the body, contributing to the cleanliness of the canal. It sometimes causes congestion in irritable stomachs. Sometimes flour which is merely dark with dirt is sold for graham flour. The whole wheat flour is stimu- lating to the canal but is not irritating. White flour is used more extensively because it makes white bread. This is judging the food by its appearance and not by its food value. It is believed by some that the whole wheat flour is more desirable as it contains salts, food ele- ments, and waste material that are very important. Nations in time of war, when economy is necessary, use the whole of the wheat in the milling of flour. Nations in time of peace and plenty use white flour. Nations at peace should not be wasteful, and, moreover, they should use at all times foods which will make the healthiest and most efficient citizens. In the Great War, Germany, on account of the shortage soo Healthful Living of wheat, was compelled to use other cereals and even potatoes in the making of flour. As early as December 1, 1914, the Bundesrat issued a decree that no bread should be baked of pure wheat flour. The war flour prescribed " must con- tain at least ten parts, by weight, of rye flour to ninety parts of wheat flour. Rye flour must contain at least five parts potato flour to ninety-five parts of rye flour. The baker may increase the portion of potato flour, but bread with more than five parts potato flour must be marked with the letter "K" (Kartoffel, potato). If there are more than twenty parts potato flour, the figure must be added to the " K." The term bread includes loaves, rolls, etc." Vegetables. Root vegetables and tubers, such as potatoes, sweet potatoes, and turnips, contain a small percentage of starch. But vegetables in general consist almost entirely of water and woody fiber (cellulose). This is especially true of green vegetables, or those which consist of the leafy part of the plant. But green vegetables contain an iron- bearing albumin, which is of great value to the blood and tissues. This form of albumin is easily destroyed in the intestine before it reaches the blood, if fermentation takes place. As some leafy vegetables are more likely to ferment if cooked, there is an advantage in eating them raw. Iron and valuable mineral salts are thus obtained. Cellulose. Cellulose has the same chemical composition as starch. It forms the cell walls and woody fibers of plants, and is hardly digested at all by man ; hence, starch requires cooking to burst the cellulose envelopes of the starch grains. Cellulose and water are the chief constituents of grass, and of greens, cabbage, and other fibrous vegetables. It forms the fibers in watermelons, which also contain cane sugar, the sweetest of the sugars. The woody skins of beans and peas are cellulose. Hence, many find the legumes more digestible in a pure*e, or cooked with the skins removed. Cellulose is the natural stimulant to peristalsis and activity of the canal. The Hygiene of Digestion 201 Cattle digest cellulose, and with them it takes the place of starch. Patent medicines. There are a considerable number of people who violate laws of health and then seek to escape from the results by taking a pill or a tonic*. The digestion of food is not a mysterious act and it will proceed in a satis- factory manner, if simple rules of living are adhered to. Errors in diet can be atoned for, not by the taking of patent medicines, but by learning the art of living, and of this lesson, spare diet, hard work, exercise, and recreation form the first and last page. Health of the body comes by living in a hygienic manner. Health will come and will stay only when the body is cared for properly and given sufficient exercise and recreation. Shall we drink water at meals. Food should be chewed until it is broken into fine parts and thoroughly mixed with the saliva. Thorough mastication is essential. It not only prepares the food better for digestion in the stomach but it also prevents overeating. Drink should not be used to wash the food down the esophagus. The food should be chewed and mixed with the saliva until it can be swallowed easily. If one desires to drink water at meals and follows the right method there is no harm in so doing, but the habit of using liquid to wash the food down is easily acquired and one should be careful not to form it. General rules modified by individual needs. The student readily sees that the question of individual needs is important. There is truth in the old adage, " What is one man's meat is another man's poison." No cast-iron rules can be laid down for any one's life. Common sense can never be dispensed with. Persons with moderate powers of observation find by experience what is best, and they should have will power enough to adhere to what they find is best for them, although opposite ideas may be presented 202 Healthful Living to them as the only correct way, by persons of narrow views. What is enough for one is a surplus for another. Sex, age, occupation, and heredity, each has its influence on diet. The wear and tear of an active body requires a class of food which to one of sedentary occupation would be a burden. Exercise lights the fire that burns up the refuse of the body, and thus it increases the appetite and strengthens the di- gestion. Indigestion. If a person confines himself closely with brain work and takes no exercise whatever, he may not digest his food well, but he need not think his digestive organs unsound, and begin dieting himself. He should take more exercise, and by better habits of life stir up his circula- tion, use the food stored in the cells, and they will become hungry for more, and digestion will be perfect. There is a saying, " You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink." So you may put food in the alimentary canal, but you cannot make the cells assimilate it, although, by high seasoning, you may have aroused an appetite for it. The fact that such food is not digested does not mean that the digestion is weak, it means only that too much food and too many condiments have been used. Two ways out of a difficulty. Exercise is the best way out of digestive troubles ; yet, if a student or office man is under the delusion that he " just simply has not time " to take plenty of exercise, he may partly meet the difficulty and keep his brain clear by an abstemious diet. Cooking. The cooking of food should involve more than applying heat sufficient to burst the envelope of cellulose or coagulate the protein. It should convert it into a di- gestible condition. This is essential, but it is also important to cook it in such a way that when served it will be pleasing because the digestion of the food is dependent, as you re- member, upon psychic stimuli. In this connection, it should be stated that the frying pan is an undesirable utensil for any The Hygiene of Digestion 203 household. Roasting, baking, stewing, boiling, broiling, are good methods, but frying should be abolished. Meat. Meat should be roasted by putting it into a hot .oven at first, to form a crust to keep in the juices, then lower- ing the temperature of the oven to prevent drying out and hardening. When broiling meat, it should be turned over every ten seconds to send the juices back and prevent their escape, thus broiling the meat in the heat of its own juices. Meat should not be salted until after it has been cooked, for salt draws the juices out. Cereals. You learned that the starch of fruit, when it ripened, was turned to sugar. Ordinary cooking bursts the cells of starch in the grain and begins the transformation into dextrin, a substance intermediate between starch and sugar. This is a great help, for the saliva does not act upon raw starch, and the pancreatic juice acts only slightly and after several hours' delay. Cooking that amounts to little more than moistening and heating the starch, is a disad- vantage, and makes it more likely to ferment than if eaten raw ; but thorough cooking adds greatly to the digestibility of starch. Oatmeal, cracked wheat, and other grain foods should be cooked at least 40 minutes. Rice should be washed in cold water in a colander after cooking. After washing, the rice may be reheated by steaming. It is then very palatable. Bread is best if made of whole-wheat flour. It should be cooked in a slow oven, so that the inside of the loaf may be well baked. The loaves should be made small and not touch- ing, so that there may be much crust. Crust (1) cleans the teeth like a brush and makes them healthy from use ; (2) it increases flow of saliva by its dryness and the longer chewing required ; (3) it is more easily digested than the crumb, or white portion, as it resembles sugar. Beaten bread is the most digestible, like the hoe cake and other unleavened breads. Yeast bread comes next in digest}* 204 Healthful Living bility. Baking powders containing alum, and soda, if not thoroughly neutralized by sour buttermilk, are injurious, even to the healthy. Yeast belongs to the class of plants called fungi, that can live in darkness, and have neither leaves nor blossom. Most plants get nourishment from the soil, air, and water, but yeast and other fungi derive their sustenance from vegetable or animal matter in process of decomposition. Yeast plants are microscopic cells of oval shape, and, like other plants, require food in liquid form. They cannot absorb dry or solid food. Their most suitable food is sugar. The flour of wheat contains starch, a small amount of which is con- verted into sugar by the diastase which lies next the, bran. Yeast grows best at a temperature of from 70 to 80. A slow growth at a lower temperature favors the development of other micro-organisms which make the yeast unhealthy and produce bad flavors. With a high temperature its growth is rapid and of extremely short duration. Fermentation * may go through several stages ; in the first stage, or alcoholic fermentation, the yeast decomposes the sugar, splitting it into alcohol and carbon dioxid gas. This is the stage for bread-making, the gas causing the bread to rise. In the second stage, or vinegar fermentation, alcohol is changed to acetic acid the acid in vinegar. Hard wheat has more gluten than other wheat, and the bubbles formed in its flour will not break easily. Why does bread from such wheat rise well ? Why is bread set in a warm place to rise ? Why does it " fall " if left to stand too long? Under what conditions does bread made from yeast become sour ? Why does bread set to rise in a cold place sometimes have a bad flavor? Vegetables. Irish potatoes, to become mealy instead of soggy, should be put into boiling water, and, after they are cooked, the water should be poured off, and the pot should be set on the back of the stove for the potatoes to dry. The Hygiene of Digestion 205 Roasting them in the oven with their skins on also retains their flavor and makes them mealy. Onions are better if cooked, to drive off the acrid, irri- tating oil. Raw cabbage, which is water and cellulose, is treated by the stomach as a foreign substance, and sent promptly to the intestine ; but the stomach attempts to digest boiled cabbage, and it remains there several hours. Peanuts are nutritious and digestible if properly prepared. Boiling water should be poured over the raw peanuts so that the skins can be removed. They should simmer on the stove for hours until they can be easily pressed through a colander. This with the addition of a little salt is a palatable food. Raw and roasted peanuts are not easy to digest. Eggs. Eggs should be cooked by placing them in boiling water and taking the pot off the stove. They cook while the water is cooling, and the albumin is jellied but not hardened. The fireless cooker. Cooking meat and vegetables by placing them in a closed cabinet and providing heat in the form of heated stone is a desirable method of cooking. Meats are made more tender. Vegetables can be cooked thoroughly and yet they will retain their form. A fireless cooker makes housework easier and for this reason alone it should be part of the furnishing of a home. Times for eating. Different nations have various habits of eating. The number of meals varies from two to five, or even eight, meals daily. Such facts show the adaptability of the stomach to different habits. It is an organ which readily forms habits, and is greatly benefited by regularity. If a person avoids disturbing the stomach between meals and allows it needed rest, both appetite and digestion are promoted. Three meals a day seem to be needed, especially by hard workers. The Greeks ate two meals a day, and developed the most beautiful and perfect bodies in the world, as shown by the statues left by them. 206 Healthful Living Exercise in relation to eating. Very active exercise tends to hinder the work of the stomach, but facilitates that of the intestines. For a half hour after a full meal, hard work of every kind should be avoided, but hard work an hour or two later will aid digestion. The arrangement of the meals must take into account the other habits of the individual. For example, if three meals are eaten in twenty-four hours, the last ought to be the lightest ; but, as business is trans- acted in large cities, a business man can hardly find time for a hearty meal in the middle of the day. Hence he does right in eating a lunch at noon, and having the heartiest meal come in the evening, when the day's labor is over and there is time to relax. If he takes the principal meal in the latter part of the day, he should not eat ,very heartily the next morning or during business hours ; to do so would surfeit the system. Late suppers should not be eaten, as they prevent sound sleep. The lower animals may lie down in the shade and sleep after eating, but it is only for a short nap. A nap of ten minutes, just long enough to bring about relaxation, is often of benefit after a meal. During sleep the heart beats less frequently and with less force; the lungs are less active ; the brain nearly ceases its activities ; the muscles relax and become motionless ; peristalsis and secretion in the alimentary canal become slow, and the di- gestive organs should have rest. If a person is troubled with a too great flow of blood to the brain, some light, di- gestible article of food taken just before retiring may bring sleep ; but it should be taken simply to regulate the circu- lation, and should be so digestible as to give little work to the stomach. A farmer will do a better afternoon's work if he will rest for half an hour after the noon meal. The rule that every individual must be a law unto himself may be abused by those who consult their appetites alone without reference to their common sense. If we believe that regularity in eating is desirable, the stomach and The Hygiene of Digestion 207 appetite can be trained to it, although if one is used to eating at all times and between meals, the desire to do so may re- main for a time. An appetite for whisky is an acquired one, and is not an evidence of a normal and healthy demand. Emaciated and half -starved persons may suffer from want of appetite, but it may be a sign that they should increase the activity of other organs, as the muscles, not that they should follow the guidance of appetite and eat insufficient food. A good and healthy appetite comes from the expenditure of energy and rebuilding of the tissues, and a person with such an appetite enjoys best the simple foods that will best give energy and build tissue. The best pleasures of eating are for those who have appetites of this kind, not for the epicure or glutton. This is only one example of the general truth that mere pleasure seekers do not have the best pleasures ; but they enjoy life best whose living is complete, all the duties and pleasures of life being given their proper place. APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY Exercise I 1. How do you explain the difference in the way a dog eats meat and a horse eats grain? (Compare with question 8.) 2. Clothing and shelter for man or beast economize what kind of food? 3. Why does wheat bread rise better than corn bread? 4. Why is corn bread one of the most fattening of grain foods ? 5. Why is it that you can tell best about the digestibility of bread while you are slicing it ? 6. What kind of persons would not find it well to take a long walk before breakfast ? 7. Why are late suppers unhealthf ul ? 8. Why should bread remain longer in the mouth than meat? 9. In snowballing what is the appearance of the hands when they itch from cold? Why does ice- water not satisfy the thirst, but often produces a craving to drink more water? 10. Why is it more difficult to swallow a small pill than a large one? 208 Healthful Living Exercise II 11. When is hunger a safe guide? 12. Why does not fat meat taste as well in summer as in winter ? 13. Name organs which receive more benefit from the blood than they give to it. 14. Name organs which give greater benefits to the blood than they receive from it. 15. Why should pork be thoroughly cooked ? 16. What necessary step in preparing salt meat to be cooked lessens its nutritive value ? 17. Should biscuits, having a yellow tint or dark spots due to soda, be eaten? 18. Why, during an epidemic, are those who have used alcohol as a beverage usually the first to be attacked ? 19. What is the effect of alcohol upon albuminous substances? 20. Explain how it is that when people speak of an inactive liver they usually mean an overworked one. Exercise III 21. How does the possession of a gall bladder furnish evidence that man should have meal times and not eat at all times ? 22. Who attains greater success in life and true happiness, the man who makes millions of dollars but loses his health by close application to money making, and has to live on gruels and soups, and does not have sound sleep, or the man who makes a living and no more, sleeps soundly, enjoys his food, and has strong nerves? Which do you regard as a truly successful man? Which does public opinion regard as more successful? 23. Do you buy more wood (cellulose) when you buy beans or when you buy nuts? 24. Do you buy more water when you buy bread or when you buy meat ? 25. Which is true, the original saying: "Stuff a cold, and you will have to starve a fever," or the modern way of stating it? 26. Why is soda sometimes good medicine to neutralize a sour stomach, and very bad for digestion if eaten in bread? 27. What advantage in digestibility may a hot biscuit have over a loaf of stale bread? Vice versa? 28. Some physiologists hold that the eating of much meat causes an irritable temper. Does your observation of others or your personal experience confirm or disprove this ? The Hygiene of Digestion 209 29. Why do people who live in overheated rooms often have poor appetites? 30. Why may the taking of prepared pepsin weaken the stom- ach? 31. Why is there often an outbreak of colds when a warm moist spell of weather succeeds several weeks of cold dry weather? 32. Explain how the stomach may be weakened by the eating of predigested foods. APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY LABORATORY EXERCISES Experiment 1. To study the changes which take place in the diges- tion of starchy foods in the mouth. Material. Crackers, Fehling solutions, test tubes. Method and observation. (a) Test an unsweetened cracker with Fehling solution for sugar. Note the result. (6) Test some saliva with Fehling for sugar. Note the result, (c) Chew some of the unsweetened cracker and test some of this chewed cracker with Fehling. Note the result. What conclusion would you draw from this one experiment as regards the digestion of starch in the mouth of the experimenter? With observation of other people what conclusion could be drawn as regards such digestion in general ? Experiment 2. To study cooking processes. 1. Try at home cooking rice and then washing it in a colander and compare the result with that obtained by washing the rice before cooking. The washing process removes the sticky gluten that has been set free by the cooking process. 2. Notice the difference in the white (albumin) of a fried egg and a boiled egg. GLOSSARY Cellulose. A substance that forms the chief material of the structure of plants. Coagulation. The process of solidification of a liquid. This may be accomplished by means of heat or by acids. When an egg is cooked the protein of the white coagulates. Congestion. An abnormal and excessive accumulation of blood in the vessels of an organ or a part, p 2io Healthful Living Dextrin. A brownish- white compound with the chemical formula (Ci 2 H 2 oOio). It is derived from starches by a process of remov- ing two molecules of water. It is one of the steps in the digestion of starches. Dyspeptic. One who has dyspepsia. Dyspepsia is an old term to denote difficult and painful digestion. To-day the term "in- digestion " is used and is more acceptable. In one respect the older term is satisfactory. It comes from Greek origin, dys meaning bad, and pepto cook. Bad cooking is often the cause of indigestion. Emulsify. To convert into an emulsion. Emulsion. A liquid mixture in which a fat or oil is suspended in minute globules. Milk is an emulsion. The butter fat is suspended in such minute globules that they do not appear in fresh milk. After milk has " stood " for some time, the fat will rise to the top because it is lighter than the other ele- ments in the milk. Fermentation. A chemical decomposition of an organic com- pound usually induced by living organisms. The action of enzymes in causing chemical change in digestion is also spoken of as fermentation. Germicide. A substance capable of killing germs (Bacteria). Could be called bacteriocide. Tonic. A medicine or regimen having the power to invigorate and build up the body. Medicines chiefly by improving the appetite. Fresh air, out-door exercise, change of activity, sleep are the best tonics for the body. CHAPTER XII THE CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD I. How the Circulation of Blood Serves the Body. II. The Nature of Circulation. III. The Composition of the Blood. The work of the red corpuscles The work of the white corpuscles The work of the plasma IV. The Heart as a Pump. How the heart works The circulation traced V. The Blood Vessels as Tubes. Structure of the vessels Arteries and veins compared Adaptation of the vessels VI. Blood Pressure. How the pressure is measured Modification of pressure and blood flow Need for modification VII. The Heart Rate. How the circulation of blood serves the body. It will be recalled that the tissues composing the body are made up of cells ; that these cells are active and must have food ; that the food for the cells is the nutritive food elements (protein, fat, and carbohydrate) and the non-nutritive food materials (water, and salts) ; that some of these substances undergo slow combustion in the tissues ; that this combus- tion or uniting with oxygen gives rise to carbon dioxide and other waste substances. The blood which serves as the vehicle for the transportation of food and the removal of 212 Healthful Living waste from the cells to the excretory organs, has other im- portant functions. It also serves in equalizing the temperature of the body. The heat of the body is continually kept at a certain point (98.6 F.) in health, by the blood vessels bringing to the sur- face of the body the heated blood and allowing radiation of this heat to occur. The blood also serves to protect the body from infections by having in its plasma, substances which protect the body. The blood also carries secretions from internal glands which control growth and development. The nature of circulation. To have a circulation, there must be a fluid, a pump, and a system of tubes or pas- sages through which the fluid is forced. In a city water system, the fluid is the water, the power station provides the pump, and the mains are the tubes. In the body the fluid is the blood, the pump is the heart, and the tubes are the arteries and veins. In studying the circulation, there- fore, we must study the blood, the heart, and the blood vessels. Composition of the blood. When seen un- der the microscope blood no longer appears of a uniform red color. It is found to consist of a clear, colorless liquid called plasma,* in which floats a multitude of small bodies called cor- puscles . * The corpuscles themselves are seen to be of two kinds. By far the greater number are round, yellow, and flattened, but a few, perhaps one in four hundred, are round, white, and globular, and larger than the yellow ones (Fig. 122). The yellow ones FIG. 122. Blood cells, a, red corpus- cles seen from the side ; b, red corpuscles, seen on edge, are run together in rows c, section through middle of red corpuscle d, red corpuscle swollen with water e, white corpuscles. The Circulation of the Blood 213 are called the red corpuscles, because the light shining through a great number of them gives the blood a red color. The white ones are called the white corpuscles. The follow- ing presents in tabular form the elements making up the blood : f Red blood cells [Cells \ (-lymphocytes* [ White blood cells ( [ leucocytes * Blood Water 90 per cent f oxygen Gases I carbon dioxide [ nitrogen f albumin tein 1 S lobulin I fibrinogen Food carbohydrate glucose chlorides ' sodium Inorganic carbonates 1 potassium salts sulphates f calcium phosphates j magnesium Plasma Waste products urea and uric acid Protective substances agglutinins, etc. Growth determiners hormones * The work of the red corpuscles. The red corpuscles serve to carry oxygen (Fig. 123). They contain a substance in their protoplasm which has the power of combining chemically with oxygen. This substance is haemoglobin. When the red cell passes in the pulmonary vessels through the lungs 214 Healthful Living FIG. 123. a, human blood corpuscles, side and front view ; b, frog's blood corpuscles, side and front view. Both are drawn to the same scale. the haemoglobin " takes up " oxygen in accordance with the needs of the body. This is an important fact. When the body has used oxygen in large amounts, the red cells will be depleted and so will take up more when they make their next trip through the lungs. The work of the white corpuscles. The blood of healthy persons possesses a certain power of destroying germs of disease which may enter the body; this is called its germicidal or germ-killing power. The germs are minute one- celled organisms to be seen only through a powerful microscope. Some float in air ; others are found in liquids or solids. Most kinds of germs are not harmful to man. For instance, there is a germ which gets into milk and causes it to turn sour. The yeast germ, used in bread making, is a microscopic one-celled plant which obtains its nourishment from sugar. The germicidal power of the blood rests in part, at least, in the white corpuscles. When the flesh is cut, or when bacteria lodge in the tissues, these little scavengers may be seen collecting at the danger point in great numbers ; some of the germs are devoured bodily by the white corpuscles ; others are killed probably by substances in the plasma which were formed by these little guardians. In no way is the provision for our welfare better shown than by the existence of these corpuscles (Fig. 124). The work of the plasma. That the blood may flow readily through every little tube, it must be liquid, hence a large part of it is water. The water is important also as a solvent for the salts, waste products, food, and other substances carried. The gases present in the blood are nitrogen, oxygen, and carbon dioxide. The nitrogen is inert and is only ab- The Circulation of the Blood sorbed physically. The oxygen is in chemical combination with the haemoglobin of the red corpuscle. The carbon dioxide which results from combustion in the cells is removed by the blood and carried partly in chemical combination with various salts and partly in physical solution in the plasma. The food elements are all repre- sented. The proteins are albumin, globulin, and a special protein concerned in coagulation. If some blood from an animal is allowed to stand in a vessel, it soon becomes a red, jelly like mass. This change is called coagulation. If we let the coagulated blood stand, it gradually ,-, J FIG. 124. Migration of white cor- Separates into two parts, puscles through the walls of a vein. a light yellow liquid called They are sh n ** different stages of . * migration. The red corpuscles remain Serum, which IS Colored by in the stream. a few blood cells, and a semi-solid mass called the clot, which contains most of the cells together with some threadlike fibers (Fig. 125). A FIG. 125. Diagram to illustrate the process of coagulation. A, fresh (corpuscles and plasma) ; B, coagulating (formation of fibrin) ; C, coagu- lated (clot and serum) . Plasma minus fibrinogen equals serum. Corpuscles plus fibrin equal clot. 2i6 Healthful Living substance called fibrinogen was in solution in the plasma. It has solidified into fibers, called fibrin * which, by entangling the red and white corpuscles, caused the formation of the clot. The portion of the plasma that remains liquid is com- posed of the water with all the other elements in solution. The carbohydrate element is represented by glucose. The fats vary in amount. During digestion the fat content is higher than in the intervals between digestion. The salts of the plasma are mainly salts of sodium. There are some potas- sium salts in the corpuscles, but the inorganic matter is repre- sented largely by the salts in the liquid portion of the blood. The waste products which result from the breaking down of chemical compounds in the production of energy are present in the blood on their way to the organs of elimina- tion, the kidneys, skin, and lungs. Urea* and uric acid,* which arise mainly from protein oxidation, carbon dioxide, which comes from the breaking down of carbohydrate, and fat are the chief substances. The protective substances in the plasma serve to kill bacteria. It is known that many diseases produce a con- dition as an after effect that protects the individual ever afterwards from that disease. Some of these substances act separately and others in conjunction with the white cor- puscles. According to their function, they have been given names, such as bacteriolysins (to dissolve bacteria) , agglutinins * (to produce a cluster), precipitins (to cause a precipitate), opsonins (to prepare as food for). The last three are ap- parently concerned more with making it possible for the white corpuscles to attack the bacteria. The growth determiners are substances produced by glands in the body. The secretions are taken up by the blood and control, in some way not clearly demonstrated, the growth and development of the body. The glands pro- ducing these secretions are thyroid, thymus, pituitary, adrenal, pancreas, ovary, and testicle. The Circulation of the Blood 217 The heart as a pump. The organ which gives the push or impulse to the blood and causes it to circulate in the tubes or vessels is the heart (Fig. 126). The tubes that conduct the blood away from the heart to the organs and tissues are called arteries. The tubes through which it returns to the heart are called veins. The very small tubes that take the blood from the arteries to the veins where it begins its re- turn journey are called capillaries. The blood must cir- culate in order that it may go to the digestive organs to get food, or to the lungs to get oxygen, and to all the tissues in Supe. FIG. 126. Diagrammatic section of heart. order to distribute these things, and to carry away waste materials to the organs that will free the body of them. Can you see in your mind the dark color of a piece of beef and the lighter color where a fresh cut is made? Blood going from the lungs to the tissues is bright red, about the color of a piece of new beef when the knife cuts into it. The blood going from the tissues to the lungs is darker, about the color of the outside of the piece of raw beef some time after it is cut. The heart is situated in the chest, between the two lungs. It is a hollow muscle, and has the remarkable power of con- tracting and relaxing itself with periodical regularity. The 218 Healthful Living movement of contraction is called the systole * ; the re- laxation is called the diastole.* The period of systole is the systolic phase ; the period of diastole is the diastolic phase. The hear-t is divided by a vertical partition into halves (Fig. 127). The right half receives the dark blood from the body and sends it to the lungs. The left half receives the Aorta Pu/monery Artery Superior^ Vena Cava Pulmonary Veins Jnferior Vena Cave Right Ventricle Aorta FIG. 127. Diagram to show the course of the blood through the heart. The vessels containing impure blood are drawn darker than the others. bright blood from the lungs and sends it to every part of the body. Each half is also divided by a horizontal partition, but unlike the vertical ones, these partitions are- pierced with openings for communication. The heart, therefore, contains four chambers; the two .upper ones are called auricles, the two lower ones ventricles. The right auricle communicates with the right ventricle just below it, and the left auricle communicates with the left ventricle. The Circulation of the Blood 219 FIG. 128. The right side of the heart. The blood flowing through the valve into the How the heart works. From all parts of the body (ex- cept the lungs) the blood arrives at the right auricle, dark red in color, and charged with carbon dioxide, a gas that is unfit for support- ing life. The blood has come through two large veins, the superior vena cava, from the head, arms, etc. (Fig. 127), and the inferior vena cava, from the lower parts of the body. The first chamber of the heart that it enters is the right auricle. The auricle contracts and presses the blood into the right ventricle (Fig. 128). It begins to squeeze together just around the openings of the veins, so that it closes their openings. The blood, owing to this, cannot go back into the veins, but is forced into the ven- tricle. The right ventricle, thus filled with blood, at once begins to contract. The first effect of the pressure thus produced is to force blood behind the flaps of the tricuspid valve, the valve between the auricle and ventricle, consisting of three flaps made of white fibrous tissue. The blood behind the flaps brings the flaps together and so blocks the way to the auricle (Fig. 129). The contraction of the ventricle goes on, and soon the Wood presses hard enough upon the semilunar valve to open it and go on ^ the pulmonary artery (Fig . 129 ) . the semilunar valve opens when the pressure in the ventricle is greater than the pressure in the pulmonary artery. When the ventricle has emptied itself, it relaxes. The FIG. 129. The blood e o The lungs. Tricuspid valve closed, semilunar valves 22O Healthful Living semilunar valve is composed of three pockets, which the swollen pulmonary artery fills with blood as soon as the ventricle begins to relax. The pockets of the valve are thus pressed together, and no blood flows back into the ventricle. The auricle was relaxing while the ventricle was contracting, and it is already filled with blood that has flowed in from the veins. After a short pause, it again contracts ; and the same action is repeated. More and more blood is thus driven by the right ventricle through the semilunar valve into the pulmonary artery, so that the blood which is al- ready in the artery is sent on through the numerous small branches and through the multitude of fine tubes called capillaries, which go through every part of the lungs. In the lungs the carbon dioxide passes into the air passages, and the oxygen brought by the breath goes into the blood of the capillaries, which changes in color to bright red. The capillaries unite again to form the pulmonary veins, which lead back to the heart. We thus see how the blood is sent from the heart through the lungs and back to the heart. How is the blood sent through the body and back to the heart ? We shall find that this is done by the left side of the heart; that the two ventricles, acting like pumps, work in unison ; that, in fact, a wave of muscular contraction start- ing at the top of the heart passes downward over both sides of the heart at once, both auricles contracting at the same time and then relaxing as the contraction passes to the ventricles. As we learned, the pressure from the right ventricle keeps the blood moving through the pulmonary artery, the capil- laries of the lungs, and the pulmonary vein. It returns to the heart again, and this time it enters the left auricle. When the left auricle is full, it contracts and drives the blood through a valve called the mitral valve, into the left ven- tricle (Fig. 130). The left ventricle (at the same time with its mate, the right ventricle) then contracts, forcing the blood behind the flaps of the mitral valve, closing the way The Circulation of the Blood 221 back to the left auricle. The pressure of the ventricle opens the semilunar valve in the mouth of the great aorta, which is the large artery carrying the blood from the left ven- tricle. The aorta takes the blood to every part of the body FIG. 130. View of the orifices and valves of the heart from below, the whole of the two ventricles being cut away, a, aorta ; b, pulmonary artery, each with its three cups of the closed semilunar valves seen convex from below ; opening between right auricle and right ventricle, surrounded by three flaps of the tricuspid valve with chordae tendineae between them, to which three cords are tied, taking the place of the papillary muscles, d, opening between left auricle and left ventricle, with two flaps, of the mitral valves and chordae tendinae, to which cords are tied. This figure may be said to show the roof of the two ventricles, with the two great valves, by which the blood enters the ventricles and the two great valves by which it leaves them. All the openings of the ventricles are up- ward. except the lungs. It gives off smaller arteries, and the division is repeated until arteries are supplied to every organ and tissue. In the tissues the arteries empty into smaller tubes called capillaries. The aorta, with its branches, becomes distended with blood, and as more and more is forced into it by the left ventricle at each heart beat, the 222 Healthful Living distention is kept up, and some of the blood already in the aorta is forced along its branches, and the same pressure forces it through the capillaries and into the veins (Plates V and VIII). The blood flows slowly through the capillaries and performs its function of ex- changing substances needed for those used up. It next goes into the veins on the return journey to the heart, where it enters the right auricle again, which was our starting place in this descrip- tion (Fig. 131). The circulation traced. The blood comes from the tissues through the veins and enters the right auricle, goes through the tricuspid valve into the FIG. 131. Diagram illustrating ventricle, then through the the circulation, a, right auricle ; . . , , , semilunar valve it enters the b, left auricle ; c, right ventricle ; d, left ventricle ; e, vena cava superior ; /, vena cava inferior ; g, pulmonary arteries ; h, lungs ; i, pulmonary veins ; j, aorta ; k, ali- mentary canal ; I, liver ; ra, hepatic artery ; n, portal vein ; o, hepatic vein ; follow the arrows and see whether you come around to the starting point again. the aorta by the semilunar valve, thence to the capillaries of the system, thence to the veins, and through them it returns to the heart, completing the circulation. Blood vessels as tubes. The blood tubes are built of tissues so arranged that they provide the correct kind of pulmonary artery. Travers- ing the capillaries of the lungs, it goes by the pulmonary veins, to the left auricle, then through the mitral valve to the left ventricle, thence into The Circulation of the Blood 223 tube needed for the circulation of blood in the body. They differ in their properties from galvanized pipe that is used in water supply systems, and these differences are important. FIG. 132. Transverse section of part of the wall of an artery, highly magnified, a, epithelial (endothelial) layer, or inner coat ; b, muscular layer, or middle coat ; c, outer coat, consisting of connective tissue. In order to understand how the arteries, veins, and capil- laries are adapted to their work, we will study their anatomy. We shall find three kinds of tissue (Fig. 132) used in their construction, epithelial tissue to prevent friction,* connective tissue to give both strength and elasticity, * and muscular tissue to enable the vessels to change in size. Structure of the vessels. The epithelial tissue forms the inner- most layer of the vessels. The endocardium or inner lining of the heart is formed of this mem- branous layer, and is continued throughout the arteries, capil- FlG 133 . _ Epithelial cells laries, and veins. In these forming the walls of capillaries, vessels the inner mat is oallpH The nuclei and the outlines of VtyOOV/lO* l/llt/ llllltyl L-V/dU Ife CdliL'd ,1 11 i ml f the cells may be seen. The form- the endothelmm. The epithe- ing of the thin tubular walls of Hal Cells forming this Smooth ^e capillaries is one of the most curious among the many wonder- layer are thin and flat, and ful feats accomplished by the cells. 224 Healthful Living serve to diminish friction. The walls of the capillaries, the smallest vessels, consist simply of this epithelial membrane (Fig. 133). The middle coat is muscular and is made up of the muscle cells arranged in circular fashion. The muscle is more abun- dant in the arteries than in the veins, but is present in both. The outer coat is made of connective tissue. This 'layer is outside of the muscular tissue, and forms the outer surface of the artery. It contains both white fibers and yellow elastic fibers (Fig. 132). In fact, some of the yellow elastic fibers (Fig. 132) are found also in the other coats. The muscular and connective FIG. 134. An artery and corresponding vein cut . , across. A, artery; B, vein; a, endothelial cells; tlSSUe layers be- b, muscular coat ; c, connective tissue. Notice the come still thicker nuclei of endothelial cells, and the greater amount of . . muscular tissue in the artery. m the larger ar- teries. So the wall of an artery consists of three layers : (1) the endo- thelium; (2) the muscular coat; (3) the connective tissue coat on the outside (Figs. 132 and 134). The arteries are, therefore, very firm and elastic, and do not collapse when they are cut, but stand open, and the flow of blood through them is unobstructed. The walls of the veins consist of the same three layers. Their walls are not so thick as those of the arteries, for the muscular and connective tissue layers are much thinner (Fig. 134). When a vein is cut it col- lapses, that is, the thin walls fall together, and the bleeding is stopped unless the vein is large. Arteries and veins compared. (If this is made a written exercise, underline the words which you supply.) The Circulation of the Blood 225 Walls. The walls of the are very elastic, while the walls of the are slightly elastic. The walls of the are thicker and stiffer than the walls of the . It is necessary that they should be so, because they must sustain the of the . Work of Each. The arteries take pure blood from the to the , and impure blood from the to the The veins take pure blood from the to the , and im- pure blood from the to the . Connections at Heart. The are connected with the auricles. The are connected with the ventricles. Rate of Flow. The blood flows more rapidly in the Manner of Flow. The blood in the flows uniformly. The blood in the flows . Control of flow. The are abundantly supplied with . The have none. Location. The arteries as a general rule are located . The veins are generally located . This adds to the of the body. Definitions. The arteries are tubes that carry blood (both pure and impure) - - the . The veins are tubes that carry blood (both pure and im- pure) the . Accidents. If an artery is cut, the pressure is to be ap- plied the cut and the . If a vein is cut, the pres- sure is to be applied the cut. A cut vein may be told from a cut artery in the three following ways : Adaptation of the vessels. The white fibers of the con- nective tissue coat (Fig. 132) give strength and firmness to the vessel, and the yellow elastic fibers give elasticity. The muscular, or middle coat enables the arteries and veins to change in size, and the inner, or endothelial layer gives smoothness and prevents friction. Why are these three properties necessary to blood vessels ? Q 226 Healthful Living Elasticity of the Blood Vessels. The aorta and its branches are full of blood all the time. When the left ventricle with its great muscular walls contracts, the blood cannot move forward into the narrow arteries and capil- laries fast enough to make room for the new supply so sud- denly sent out of the ventricle. Therefore, the aorta be- comes more than full. If a cup is full, it cannot become " fuller " ; not so with an artery. The yellow elastic fibers of its connective tissue allow it to expand as a thin rubber hose does under pressure. The first part of the aorta having expanded to receive the incoming blood, the portion of the aorta just ahead of the expanded portion is less tense, or tight, so the stretched elastic fibers contract and force blood into it, expanding it in turn. Thus a wave of expansion travels along the blood vessel. It is, called the pulse and may be most easily felt in the wrists and neck. The dis- tended elastic walls exert pressure on the blood in the arteries, and this presses some of the extra blood out of them into the capillaries. As much blood as is being pressed on into the capillaries is being thrown into the aorta by the beat of the heart ; so that during life a distention is always kept up, and the blood in the vessels is always under pressure. Al- though the arteries may get rid of the additional distention following each heart beat, there is a normal distention that always remains. It has existed ever since life began, and will remain until the heart ceases to beat. The pulse, there- fore, is only an additional distention following the contrac- tion of the ventricle. You should not think that the muscular layer actively contracts and helps to send along the pulse ; for the pulse is simply the passive stretching and contracting of the elastic tissue ; as a wave travels across a pond when a stone is dropped into the water. The force of the pulse is furnished by the heart. What, then, is the purpose of the muscular layer in the arterial wall ? . The Circulation of the Blood 227 Use of the Muscular Coat. The body of an adult con- tains about five quarts of blood. We have learned that the blood supplies the substances needed for the activity of each organ. If an organ is working, it needs more blood than usual, and it is supplied by the other organs that are at rest ; they get along with less blood for the time. The muscular coat of the blood vessels makes this possible. This coat is usually in a condition of slight contraction, but the nerves controlling the muscular coat in the blood tubes of the active organs may cease to act, thus allowing the muscu- lar coat to relax and the blood tubes to enlarge under the pressure from the heart, so that the active organs may ob- tain the additional supply of blood needed. While this is happening, part of the pressure in the blood tubes of the inactive organs is relieved and they become smaller. If cold air strikes the face, the nerves stimulate the muscular coat of the blood tubes in the face to contract more strongly than usual, and the face turns white. This driving of the warm blood from the face saves heat to the body, which would be lost if the warm blood remained in the skin. Thus the amount of blood circulating in any organ is regulated by means of the muscular coat of the blood vessels and of the action of the nerves upon this coat. Use of the Inner Coat. We learned that the inner coat of the heart and blood vessels is made of epithelial tissue, like that which forms the outer layer of the skin, and the smooth lining of the mouth and other organs. This lining membrane is very smooth and thus friction is lessened. The friction, however, is inconsiderable in the large vessels ; but in the smaller vessels it is greater ; and in the minute capil- laries it becomes of very great importance. We see, there- fore, why it is necessary to have this smooth coat in the capillaries, although the muscular and connective coats are not prolonged into them. It should be stated here that although the extremely minute size of the capillary tubes 228 Healthful Living increases the friction and the pressure which the heart must expend in sending the blood through them, yet their re- sistance to the blood flow is lessened by their great capacity. The united capacity of the capillaries is six hundred times that of the blood arteries that supply them. In the capil- laries the blood flows slowly like a river which flows into and out of a lake. Blood pressure.* The force with which the heart sends the blood into the vessels and the resistance offered to the flow produces a pressure in the arteries. This pressure is greatest in the aorta and gradually decreases in the course of the vessels until in the veins that come into the heart it has fallen nearly to zero. This pressure in the arteries is fluctuating. At each beat of the heart it is increased by the push given by the volume of blood forced out of the left ventricle, but as this wave of pressure passes toward the capillaries it grows less just as the ripples on a lake will de- crease in size from the point where a stone was thrown into the water. This wave of pressure gradually decreases, until in the capillaries the flow of blood is now constant, and owing to the resistance the pressure has become less. After passing through the capillaries, the pressure in the veins continues to fall until it reaches the heart again. We shall learn later how the contractions of the muscles and their squeezing effect upon the veins passing through or beneath them, aid the heart to move the blood; also how the expansion and contraction of the lungs act as a great pump ; and how these aids, together with changes of posture, enable the blood to reach the heart again. If one stands perfectly still for some time, the blood, owing to its weight and the lack of pressure on the veins, slowly con- gests in the veins in the lower part of the body, and the consequences may be serious. Hence the pressure is greatest in the arteries, less in the capillaries, and least of all in the veins. The Circulation of the Blood 229 How the pressure is measured. This blood pressure, as it is called, can be measured (Fig. 135) and it is found that for normal adults it is nearly constant. The systolic pressure is that pressure which exists dur- ing the contraction of the heart and is stated to be from 110 to 120 m.m. of mercury 1 ; the diastolic pressure is that pressure existing during the re- laxation of the heart and is found to be about 65 m.m. of mercury. It has been found also that whatever increases the force of the heart's beat will increase the blood pressure and vice versa; and whatever increases the resistance to the flow in the capillaries will in- crease the blood pressure and vice versa. The blood pressure is an indication of health in the body and hence it is measured to determine certain conditions. The instrument used for measuring the pressure is called a sphygmomanometer (Fig. 135) . FIG. 135. Blood pressure machine (sphygmomanometer) . This instrument determines the force which exists within the arteries under different conditions. 1 Blood pressure is usually measured in terms of millimeters of mercury. This means that the force exerted in the blood vessel would support a unit column of mercury of a certain height. The height in this case would be 110 to 120 m.m. The examination of college freshmen by Dr. Lee at Har- vard, and my own examinations at the University of Cincinnati, indicate that the normal is higher than the 120 m.m. usually given. It may be con- sidered normal at 130 m.m. mercury. 230 Healthful Living Modification of pressure and blood flow. We learned that the ability to do this lies in the muscular or middle coat of the vessels, and that the muscular coat in turn is controlled by the nerves. The nerves that control the sizes of the blood vessels are called vasomotor nerves and are of two kinds. One kind, the constrictor nerves, stimulates the walls of the blood vessels to contract, while the other kind of vasomotor nerves, called the dilator nerves, neutralizes or inhibits the effect of the constrictors, and thus allows the blood tubes to enlarge. The regulation is involuntary, or beyond the control of the will; for instance, the blood vessels of the brain may become enlarged and the great pressure there cause a headache, but the will cannot drive it away. We sit before a fire, and the face becomes red as the warmth soothes the constrictor nerves into inactivity; or the constrictors leading to the face may become paralyzed by mental confusion and we blush. The amount of blood passing through one organ may be increased by the vasomotor nerves, but it is only because the amount going through the enlarged vessels of that organ has been withdrawn from other organs whose blood tubes, not being enlarged just then, afford greater resistance to the passage of the blood than the dilated vessels afford. But can the total amount of blood reaching, in a given time, not a single organ only, but all the organs in the body, be increased ? Yes, for if the one and one fourth gallon of blood flow faster all over the body, more fresh blood will reach each organ. This is accomplished by faster or stronger beating of the heart. During rapid general exercise, as running, when the de- mands of the body are increased, the heart beats faster, as you have doubtless observed. When the body in general is at rest, as during sleep, the heart beats more slowly. Thus the general blood supply is regulated. But how is the heart itself regulated? For these facts The Circulation of the Blood 231 show two things : first, that we cannot directly control it by the will ; and second, that there is something in the body that does control the heart, and perhaps our wills may in- fluence the beating of the heart indirectly. The heart, like the blood vessels and the muscles in general, is supplied with nerves ; but there is this difference, namely, that the heart can go on beating without receiving impulses along its nerves. The heart of a frog, after being cut out of the body, will go on beating for several hours if it is kept moist ; if it is cut into several pieces, the pieces will go on beating. It is the property of the heart muscle to contract, and it will do so as long as its protoplasm is alive. Need for modification. We have learned that there is a mechanism by which the amount of blood in any part may be modified. It is indeed necessary that this be so. The necessity for this comes from the fact that if the one and one fourth gallon of blood were evenly distributed, none of the organs would be capable of any powerful and effective action. A person weighing 157 pounds has only 12 pounds of blood, for the blood is Y 1 ^ of the total weight of the body. There is not enough blood in the body to distend all of the blood vessels at once. The skin alone with all of its blood vessels distended could contain two thirds of all the blood in the body. The veins have twice the capacity of the arteries ; they could contain every drop of blood in the body. When the brain works, it requires more blood. When digestion is in progress, the lining of the digestive organs blushes a rosy red and the digestive fluids are poured out. During the digestion of a hearty meal, one will not do his best thinking. When a muscle is used, the dilator nerves act, the blood tubes in the muscle become enlarged, and its supply of blood increases to serve it during its action. The impulses that run along the vasomotor nerves arise in the enlargement at the top of the spinal cord called the me- 232 Healthful Living dulla oblongata . The part of the medulla that in this way regu- lates the caliber of the arteries is called the vasomotor center. It is constantly sending impulses along the constrictor fibers so as to keep the muscles of the arteries slightly contracted. The vasomotor center thus keeps a rein upon the arteries, holding them in a condition of tone, as this slight contraction is called. Sudden paleness, due to fear, is brought about by extra strong impulses from the vasomotor center, caus- ing the muscular walls of the small arteries of the face to grip the vessels tight and driving the blood from the face. Alcohol destroys the tone of the blood tubes. From tem- porary drinking the face becomes red ; from habitual drink- ing swollen blood .tubes in the nose become purple and the " rum blossom " results. The heart rate. The rate of contraction of the heart is controlled by nerves. The nerves act not to make the muscle contract but to regulate the frequency of the beats. A nerve called the vagus nerve, extending from the medulla oblongata to several organs, goes to the heart ; and gentle impulses which are almost always passing down the vagus nerve from the medulla oblongata, restrain the heart from too great activity, and are the chief means of regulating the strength and frequency of its beats. When an animal re- quires a greater supply of blood, as in running, these im- pulses for a time cease, and the heart beat is quicker and stronger. There are other nerves, part of the autonomic nervous system, called accelerator nerves, connected with the spinal cord below the point at which the vagus branches, that bring impulses to the heart which are opposite in effect to those brought by the vagus. These impulses also start in the medulla ; they cause a quickening and strengthening of the beats (Fig. 174). Do the vagus nerve fibers or the ac- celerator nerve fibers resemble the whip which a driver uses in driving a horse? Which kind corresponds to the reins? The Circulation of the Blood 233 Thus the need of the body for a greater or less active blood supply is regulated by controlling the rate and strength of the heart beats. If the nerves are all in order, the heart beats more slowly when the tissues of the body need little blood, and more rapidly when the tissues need more food or more oxygen. But quickening of the heart beats cannot send more blood through one organ without sending more blood through all the organs, hence it is not so delicate a means of regulating the blood supply as the vasomotor By the nerve mechanism explained in the preceding para- graphs, it is learned that the rate of the heart can be ad- justed. The heart rate is not the same for all people. It varies according to sex, size, and age. The average rate in women is 80 beats a minute, in men 70 beats per minute. Tall individuals have a slower pulse than short ones of the same age and sex. This is true also for animals other than man as shown in the following : Elephant ....... 25-28 beats per minute Horse . ....... 36-50 beats per minute Rabbit ..... ... 140-150 beats per minute Mouse ........ 660-670 beats per minute The rate is highest in infancy and decreases in adult life. In extreme old age it goes up again. The following indicates the heart rate for different ages : At birth ........ 140 beats per minute Infancy ... ..... 120 beats per minute Childhood . . . . . . . 100 beats per minute Youth ......... 85 beats per minute Adult ......... 72 beats per minute Old age ........ 70 beats per minute Extreme age ...... 75-80 beats per minute GLOSSARY Agglutinin. A chemical product in the blood which arises as a defense to protect the body from disease-producing bacteria. 234 Healthful Living The agglutinin has the power of massing the bacteria so that they may be readily ingested by the leucocytes. Blood pressure. The pressure which the blood exerts in the blood vessels. It is measured by an instrument called the sphygmo- manometer. Corpuscle. One of the cells of the blood. We speak of the red corpuscle and of the white corpuscle. Diastole. The period in which the heart is not contracting. It includes the time of relaxation of the heart muscles and the rest before the next contraction. Elasticity. The property of tissue by virtue of which the part tends to return to its former size or position. Fibrin. A substance formed when the blood clots. In the blood is a protein called fibrinogen. When blood is drawn from a blood vessel, the fibrinogen changes into fibrin. The fibrin is a tough, elastic structure and it holds the blood cells in a firm mass. This is the clot. Friction. Resistance to motion due to bodies rubbing in contact with other bodies. Hormone. A secretion from glands in which the product of the gland is not passed out through a duct, but passes directly into the blood. Sterling invented the name ; the Greek word opvdw, meaning to stir up, to excite, was used because of the excitatory properties of the secretion. Leucocyte. One of the white corpuscles. It is capable of amoe- boid movement and ingests bacteria. A leucocyte has a three-lobed nucleus. Lymphocyte. One of the white corpuscles. Lymphocytes are of the large and small variety. They have a single, spherical nucleus. Plasma. The liquid portion of the blood. Systole. The contraction of the heart. Urea. A soluble, colorless, crystalline compound, (CO(NH 2 )2). It is formed in the oxidation of protein in the body and is excreted by the kidneys. Uric Acid. A white chemical compound composed of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, and oxygen (CeH^N^s). It results from incomplete combustion in the body. At one time it was thought to be the cause of rheumatism, but it is known now that rheumatism is caused by other conditions. CHAPTER XIII THE CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD (Continued) I. How the Heart Is Aided in Its Work. By valves in the veins By exercise By the lungs By massage and position II. The Lymphatic Circulation. How the nourishment gets from the blood into the tissues Lymph The origin and course of the lymphatics What makes the lymph flow The lymphatic glands The spleen III. Hygiene of the Circulation. The importance of good circulation Taking cold Effects of unusual exercise Sleep and the blood The influence of thought and feeling Clothing Injury to the blood vessels The effect of alcohol The " tobacco heart " Purification of the blood How the heart is aided in its work. The heart seems to be constantly at work, but such is not the case. As a matter of fact, the heart occupies nearly as much time in resting as in working. It works for about half a second and rests for about half a second. Yet it does work in a day equiv- alent to raising a ton of coal nearly two hundred feet. This 235 236 Healthful Living Pec fora/73 Major work of the heart is aided by the valves in the veins, by mus- cular exercise, by the lungs, and by massage and position. By valves in the veins. In- crease the circulation in the arm by exercising it for a few minutes. The veins in the front of the wrist will then be plainly visible (Fig. 136). The skin and walls of the veins make the blood in the veins appear blue, but it is dark pur- plish red. (Did you ever see "blue" blood?) Place the tip of the middle finger on one of the large veins ; with the forefinger then stroke the vein toward the heart so as to push the blood from a portion of it, keeping the two fingers in place. The vein re- mains empty between the fingers. Lift the finger nearer the heart, and no blood enters the vein; there is a valve above which holds it back. Lift the other finger, and the vein fills instantly. Stroke a vein toward the hand, and see the blood cause the veins to swell up into little knots where the valves are. (Experiments upon veins are plainest with adults, whose veins are large.) The veins have valves placed frequently along their course. The valves are pockets made by a fold in the inner coat of the wall of the vein (Fig. 137). When you place your hand in your pocket, the latter swells FIG. 136. The veins near the surface on the arm. Nerves may be seen accompanying the veins. The fibrous sheaths covering most of the muscles have not been removed. The veins of the first three fingers are not shown. The Circulation of the Blood 237 out ; but if you rub your hand on the outside of the pocket from the bottom toward the top, it flattens down. So with the action of the blood upon the valves ====== in the veins (Figs. 138, 139). They all c ^ > H open toward the heart. The valves sup- ~~A port a column of blood in each vessel and this support is very valuable in re- turning the venous blood from the legs. By exercise. Suppose a muscle hardens FIG. 137. Diagram as it contracts and presses upon a vein of the valves of veins. ... A, H, heart side ; Which goes through the C, capillary side. muscle; the blood is The arrow shows the direc- tion of flow. B, The pressed OUt Of the Vein. va lve prevents the The blood cannot go ^J d from going back " toward the capillaries, for the valves fill and close when it starts that way; so it is all pressed out toward the heart. When the muscle relaxes, the blood that has been pressed forward FIG. 138. Valve cannot come back because of the valves, but the valves nearer the capillaries open, and the When the muscle contracts again, the same effect on the blood move- ment is repeated. We see, therefore, that every contracting muscle acts like a pump forcing the blood through the veins, and when a person works or exercises, many pumps of a muscular kind are working all over the body, aiding the heart in its func- tion (Fig. 140). This aid makes the blood flow faster and relieves the heart of part of its work, so that it beats faster, just as a horse might trot faster if half the load were removed. All of the body gets fresher blood than it got when the muscles veins are filled. FlG - i39.-Vein Healthful Living were still and the blood flowed more slowly. This help comes during active work, just when the body is demanding more blood and the heart needs help. By the lungs. On inspiration * the lungs help to circulate the blood, since, when they expand and the air rushes into them, the blood as well is drawn to- ward the cavity of the chest. Does the elas- ticity of the arterial wall furnish any force to aid the heart? No. When the arteries con- tract as the pulse passes, it is the force of the heart that is doing it. When you open a door or gate that is closed by an elastic spring, it is the force furnished by you to the spring that shuts the door FIG. 140. -Diagram showing effect of mus- after y U release cular contraction upon venous circulation. The your hold, valves prevent the blood from flowing in two * R and tne P omts ot by what is shown in Fig. 160. attachment of the diaphragm are thus raised and separated so that the diaphragm flattens without any great descent. But in pure abdominal breathing, the movement is con- fined to the diaphragm and abdomen, and lateral action of the chest is suppressed (Fig. 159). The effect of this is to cause too great a displacement downward of the liver, stomach, kidneys, colon, and other organs. But in natural breathing, any great degree of downward movement The Respiration 275 is prevented by expansion of the trunk at the waist. In abdominal breathing, the abdominal walls are entirely re- laxed as the diaphragm descends, and the liver and other organs are moved but not compressed. In natural breath- ing they are compressed and slightly moved, and the com- pression squeezes the blood out of them toward the heart and presses the lymph upward, through the thoracic duct ; the expansion of the chest at the same time helps to draw the blood upward. During expiration fresh blood is sent back to the abdominal organs, and so they are kept fresh and strong. Women who wear skirts with bands tight enough to support them at the waist, gradually lose the power of lifting the ribs outward at the waist. This expansion is most important for good breathing, because the lungs are largest there. The belt used by men for supporting the trousers, should rest on the hip bones (ilium) and not above them. Ventilation* The evil effects of rebreathirig air can hardly be exaggerated. The blood stagnates, the heart acts slowly, the brain is clogged, the head aches, and either a dull or a feverish feeling arises. The body becomes sensitive to cold. The skin becomes pale, the blood is loaded with im- purities, and the whole body is obstructed with refuse ma- terial. In such a human body, colds, catarrh, consumption, and other diseases readily develop. The constant breathing of even the slightly impure air of most private houses can- not but tend to undermine the health and prevent that perfect soundness of body which thorough ventilation or life in the open air insures. Judgment with regard to ventilation is rare. In many churches and assembly rooms the windows are tightly closed except in warm weather. If, during the meeting, the room becomes too warm, some one will open one or more windows to their full height ; the strong draught soon cools the room and chills some one, whereupon he goes to the window and 276 Healthful Living shuts it tight. One absurd extreme thus follows another. All that was necessary, if there was no scientific provision for ventilation, was for all of the windows to have been opened, for an inch or less, when the assembly began, and allowed to remain so ; then no one would have been too hot or too cold, or would have suffered from vitiated* air. The ventilation of the schoolroom is often deplorable. A visitor, upon entering a schoolroom, especially if the school has been in session for an hour or more, may notice a stifling, foul-smelling atmosphere. The children have rushed in from their active games with their clothing satu- rated with perspiration. Their healthy skins perspire more freely than do those of adults. Some of them may have coughs or colds, some may have come from sick rooms. The dust from the pattering of many feet, the clouds of chalk dust, accumulate until they become almost unbearable, and all that gets out leaves the room on the clothes of the pupils, or on the mucous membrane of their nasal passages and lungs ; for the janitor is more ignorant usually than the housekeeper, and unless forced to do so he will not open the windows before sweeping because of the trouble; or, if persuaded to open them, he must be compelled by the principal to allow them to remain open for the dust to blow out, otherwise he will close them on leaving each room to avoid the annoyance of returning. These are the conditions of many, many schoolrooms and homes, for, unfortunately, some persons' knowledge of physi- ology is never put into practice. It is not strange that lung troubles are common and that people, ignorant of their cause, take " patent medicines " instead of pure air. Many of the Indians of Patagonia died of consumption within nine months after being taught by the missionaries to live in houses. The missionaries neglected to tell them how to live in houses. It is necessary to give children knowledge of the geography The Respiration 277 of Africa and other remote lands, but it is at least as neces- sary to train them to sit and to stand correctly. Frequent periods of relaxation and play would help to counteract the deforming effects of prolonged sitting, would help them to grow up well-formed men and women, and would make them more ready to learn the geography as well. The health of children at school often suffers, and parents usually think it is because of the number of studies. This FIG. 162. The proper method of ventilating a room with stove. The stove is on the side toward the cold winds. The inlet is near the stove, the outlet farther away. If the window near the stove were lowered from the top, what would happen? If another window near the stove were opened, what might happen? If the prevailing cold winds came from the opposite direction, what changes should be made in the room? How do you ascertain whether the outlet fails to serve its purpose and become an inlet? idea is no doubt largely erroneous. The breathing of the bad air, both at home and at school, the close confinement in the schoolroom, sitting in a cramped position, and study- ing by improper light, are the true causes in a majority of cases. Some persons in their anxiety for pure air become ex- tremists, and forget that the body may likewise be injured by cold. In ventilating a room, not one but two purposes must be kept in view : to furnish air that is pure, and air at the proper temperature. 2 7 8 Healthful Living Methods of ventilation depend upon the principle that hot air is lighter than cold air and is pushed up by it. If you have two openings for ventilation, one higher than the other, at which opening does the warm air go out? If the higher opening is near the ceiling, do the persons in the room get the coldest or warmest air? Does such a method econo- mize the fuel ? If the inlet is near the floor, why should the stove be near the inlet? Why should the outlet be on the side of the room far- thest from the stove ? Good ventilation is arranged so that the fresh air shall be heated before or just after it enters the room, and that it shall pass across the room in order that the inmates may get the benefit of both its warmth and its purity before it passes out (Figs. 162, 164). Test the direction of the air currents in your bedroom and in your schoolroom by means of a spider web hanging from the end of a stick. Why is it best not to have the outlet on the side of the house toward the pre- vailin s wind in winter? If the inlet is so situated that the cold air does not pass over the stove, a board or screen may be placed before the window to deflect the current up- ward and prevent its chilling those seated nearest the window (Fig. 163). If you find by holding your hand near the inlet that there is a good inward current, you may be sure there is sufficient outlet ; although if it is not far enough from the stove, heat will be wasted. If you know there is a strong outward current, for instance when a fire is burning in an open fireplace, you may be sure that the same amount of air is entering somewhere, if only through minute cracks. When over-enthusiastic people become interested in ven- FIG. 163. Window board prevents cold air is directed upward. The Respiration 279 tilation, they sometimes injure themselves by chilling draughts and low temperatures. The temperature of the room should be kept between 65 and 68 degrees F. The fore- going directions for ventilation apply to cold weather. For warm weather no special directions are necessary, for most people are more anxious to avoid unpleasant heat or the possibility of soiling their collars with perspiration, than they are moved by the danger of breathing foul air. The effect of tobacco on the respira- tory organs. The hot smoke irri- tates and dries the mucous membrane of the mouth and throat, producing an unnatural thirst that may readily lead to the use of alcoholic drinks. Inhaling the poisonous smoke, which occurs to the greatest degree in cigarette smoking, inflames the deli- cate mucous lining of the bronchial tubes and air cells. There may result from this an irritating cough, short breath, and chronic bronchial catarrh. FIG. 164. Stove for rural school where furnace is not used. The air en- ters through a special inlet General considerations. The hy- and is warmed as it passes giene of respiration is only a phase throu s h a hood surround- ,, , . ,. . ing the stove. of the hygiene of living. All the methods that are available to help people to live finer individual lives and to preserve their strength and health for the welfare of the race are valuable. Cleanliness of air is very important, but cleanliness of living is more important. Cleanliness. Nearly all people are very careful to wear clothes that are perfectly neat and clean. Dust or mud upon their clothes is considered the highest degree of uncleanli- ness. Many think it of the highest importance to health and refinement to keep the skin clean by regular baths. 280 Healthful Living But there are a few that think it of still greater importance to keep the air clean that goes into the lungs. A few also think it necessary to keep the alimentary canal pure through- out by reasonable eating and living. We also meet with those who believe not only that the clothes, the skin, the lungs, the digestive organs, must be kept clean, but that the blood must be clean and fresh, ever renewed by a strong and vigorous flow, and they so live that as far as possible it shall always be so. The daintily dressed lady or the dandified man would be horrified at a particle of mud that fell upon the clothes, but sometimes if you are so unfortunate as to catch a whiff of the breath of such a person, its repulsive, sickening odor shows that foulness and uncleanliness have taken possession of the lungs, or digestion, or blood. We should be careful to observe these five degrees of cleanliness, but which should we value most highly? There is another aspect of cleanliness that relates to the way the person lives. It is concerned with thoughts and actions. What is the relative value of these three : clean clothes, clean body, and clean conscience? The Mistake of the Over-studious. The pale student, thinking only of the desire for learning aroused by teacher or parents, and neglecting the promptings of his natural instincts* toward complete living, thinks he is doing wisely and right when he is constantly delving into books. On the contrary, he is sinning against part of his nature and unfitting himself for accomplishing the best work he is capable of doing. The Essential Unity of Body and Mind. All students should remember the fact that the individual, particularly as regards mind and body, is a unit and the health of the whole is dependent upon the health and vigor of its parts. The mind cannot achieve extraordinary success at the expense of the body, without a loss of real health values in both mind and body. Furthermore, it is important to remember that The Respiration 281 the brain, in its development from lower forms, followed the development of the muscular system, and for this reason we must always look to the muscular system as the founda- tion upon which to build a safe and serene mind. This does not mean that one should seek to develop large and unsightly muscles with the hope of thereby achieving mental power, but it does mean that bodily activity in physical forms is. absolutely essential for the highest and finest development of the brain and nervous system. The student in school or college who seeks to be excused from physical education classes is progressing in a direction which will bring a weak and devitalized body unless he provides on the outside a large and wholesome participation in games or sports. In this day of interest in and plans for national preparedness, it is the duty of the boys and girls of the nation to share in this movement and bring to the service of the nation in all fields of endeavor a finer body and a more vigorous spirit. APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY Exercise I 1. State how in the case of a person of poor figure, a gradual remolding of the cartilages, the strengthening of the muscles, and the practice of chest lifting may each contribute toward acquiring a correct and perfect figure. 2. How far is it in one's power to determine the shape and appearance of his own body? 3. Give reasons why the weight of our clothing should hang from the shoulders and not from the waist. 4. How can the hat be ventilated? (A punch for making the hole costs a dime.) 5. Name habits that impair the power of the lungs. 6. How could you convince a person that a bedroom should be open while and after it is swept? That it should be ventilated at night? 7. Why do some persons " get out of breath " readily after a meal? 282 Healthful Living 8. Can a person become so used to bad air that he will not notice it ? That it will not injure him ? Exercise II 9. Which is the more offensive, the tobacco chewer, who chiefly pollutes the ground, or the smoker, who pollutes the air? 10. Why are those who have pimples on the face likely to multiply their number by picking and squeezing them with the fingers? 11. Give the advantages of slow, deep breathing as compared with quick, shallow breathing. 12. Why do those who stand up to hoe not get tired half as quickly as those who bend or " hump " over? 13. Why do students who sit in rocking-chairs, or from other causes lean the head forward when they study, often find that they recover from drowsiness if they sit erect? 14. How are high collars a fruitful source of bad colds? 15. Is ventilation easier in winter or in summer? 16. If the draught up the chimney of the fireplace, when the fire is burning, takes up a volume of air sufficient for many people, why is it unwise to open a window? LABORATORY EXERCISES Experiment 1. To study modifications of the breath. Study the following list of experiments with your own breath- ing. Write after each word I or E according as inspiration or expiration is chiefly involved in the action : Sighing Coughing Sneezing Sobbing Laughing Hiccoughing Crying Yawning Snoring Experiment 2. To study the mechanism of respiration. Material. Respiration apparatus as show in Figure 165. Method and observation. (a) Locate upon the respiration scheme what corresponds to the following structures : 1 trachea. 2 glottis, 3 thoracic cavity, 4 lungs, 5 intrapleural space, 6 dia- phragm. (6) Produce inspiration by lowering the diaphragm. What happens to the lungs? What change occurs in the pressures in the chest cavity? (c) Produce expiration by raising the dia- phragm. Describe and explain what is noticed, (d) Close the glottis and try experiments a, 6, and c. The Respiration Experiment 3. To study the effect of forced breathing. Material. Watch with second hand. Method and observation. The sub- ject, seated, breathes naturally and counts the rate. Then breathes as deeply as possible about 18 times a minute. The attention should be fixed on drawing deep inspirations. Continue it for 30 seconds, at once at the end of the 30 seconds count the rate and compare this with the rate before the experiment. The deep inspirations removed the excess of carbon dioxide from the blood, and with this removed the stimulus was less to the respiratory center in the medulla and so the rate was slowed. Repeat the experiment for one minute. Experiment 4. To study forced breath- ing without the excessive elimina- tion of carbon dioxide. Repeat experiment 3 while holding a paper bag over the nose and mouth of the subject. Record the results ob- tained, compare with experiment 3 and explain. Experiment 5. To study the produc- tion of apnea (period of no respi- ration). (a) At the end of a normal expi- ration, the subject holds the breath until no longer able to do so. How long can it be held? (6) Repeat experiment (a) after taking a deep inspiration and counting from the end of a normal expiration. How long can it be held ? Is this period longer or shorter ? Why is this so ? FIG. 165. This apparatus is made by -tying over the bottom of the bell jar a sheet of dental dam which has tied in the center a marble for a handle. The mouth is fitted with a cork through which passes a glass tube with stop cock. At one end of the glass tube is tied a small rubber bag. When the tube is in- serted in the jar and the cork put in place the rubber dia- phragm should be pressed up- ward as it is iri the human body. 284 Healthful Living Experiment 6. Respiration may be studied by means of the appa- ratus shown in Figure 166 ob- tained from the Harvard Appa- ratus Company, Back Bay Post Office, Boston, Massachusetts. GLOSSARY Atmosphere. The gaseous mass, chiefly air, that surrounds the earth. This mass* at sea level will support a column of mer- cury 30 inches high at a tempera- ture of C. This pressure is sometimes stated as being equal to 15 pounds to the square inch. Humidity. Refers to the moisture in the atmosphere. This mois- ture varies and two terms are used to express the relation as it exists at different times. Absolute humidity. The amount of water vapor in the air ex- pressed in the number of grains of moisture per cubic foot of air. Relative humidity. The ratio of the actual quantity of mois- ture in the air to the quan- tity that would saturate it at the temperature and pressure of the air at that time. Insertion. The point or points of attachment of a muscle to a bone. The insertion, as contrasted with the origin, the other attachment, is considered as more movable. Another distinction between insertion and origin is .that the latter is on the bone nearer the center of the body, and the insertion further from the central part of the body. FIG. 166. The respiration scheme. About one third the actual size. (Harvard Appa- ratus Co., Boston.) The water diaphragm is made to move up and down and causes a filling of the rubber bag. The water is moved by means of water in connection with the tube at the bottom of the picture. The left-hand mercury U-tube shows the change of pressure within the interpleural space ; the other U-tube shows the change in pressure within the lung. The Respiration 285 Instinct. A natural, spontaneous impulse moving to action with- out the intervention of reason. This impulse acts most powerfully in connection with preservation and development. Mobility. The quality of being freely movable. Negative pressure. The pressure of the atmosphere in millimeters of mercury is 760. A pressure less than 760 mm. of mercury is a negative pressure. Origin. One of the points of attachment of a muscle to a bone. It is attached at the more stationary part of the bone or is nearer the central part of the body. Statistics. A mass of facts pertaining to a body of things, system- atically gathered, classified, and tabulated. Statistics are essential in the conduct of a large business, in manufacturing and in all scientific studies. Temperature. The condition of the body or thing as regards heat and cold. Turbinate. Top-shaped. The turbinate bones of the nose are of this shape. Ventilation. The process of providing free circulation of air. Vitiated. Refers to air. To vitiate is to injure the qualities. Vitiated air is air that has lost the qualities of freshness, of freedom from dust and bacteria, and is not of the proper tem- perature and moisture. CHAPTER XV THE NERVOUS SYSTEM I. The Functions of the Nervous System. Communication Coordination II. The Nerve Cell the Unit of the Nervous System. Dendrites Axone Neuron Ganglion Nerve center Neuroglia Terminations of nerve fibers Efferent, afferent, and association fibers III. Nerve Action. IV. Sensations. General Special V. Injury to Nerves. VI. General Arrangement of the Nervous System. The spinal cord The autonomic system The brain The functions of the nervous system. Communication. The amoeba and other one-celled animals need no nervous system, but the larger animals, consisting of a colony of cells, as it were, need a means of communication between the cells, in order that their life may be harmonious. On Robinson Crusoe's island a telephone or a post office system would have been of no use, but a number of individuals living together and practicing a division of the labor of the 286 The Nervous System 287 community for their mutual advantage, are compelled to communicate with each other in order to make their wants known. The lowest of the many-celled animals, such as the sponges, have no cells specially set apart for carrying messages between the cells, but each cell passes the impulses it re- ceives to its neighbor cell. This will do for a small and simple community of cells, but a larger community, like one of the higher animals, possesses certain cells, called nerve cells, whose chief function is to keep up the communication between the cells. In the chapter on nerve tissue you learned that the nerve cells did this by means of branches, which in some cases are several feet long. Coordination. Did you ever see a crowd of people at a fire when a neighbor's house was burning? Everybody ran out, yet very little was done. Everybody shouted orders which nobody obeyed. But on the arrival of the chief of the fire department or the head of a fire company, who had had experience in the control of men fighting a fire, the scene changed ; valuable property was saved, and the fire was stopped. Every community has certain deliberative and controlling bodies ; these may be a board of aldermen, a court of jus- tice, a legislature, or a congress. In a similar way the great number of individual cells which make up the human body must be controlled by some central power, or they will not work in harmony; nothing will be accomplished, but a state of anarchy and helplessness called disease will follow. The seat of this central controlling power is located in the brain. The nerve cells receive, modify, and send out impulses. By these three kinds of acts the nervous system accomplishes what is called coordination. This term signifies not only that the cells work together at the same time, but that they work together as a part of a plan for the accomplishment of some definite result. Suppose that a man sees a bright 288 Healthful Living dollar on the road and picks it up. In order that he may do this, the cells receiving through the optic nerve the im- pression of the shining coin must be in communication, either directly or indirectly, with the muscles of the hand ; and that the hand may reach the coin, the muscles of the arms, legs, trunk, head, and neck must act together. Even the heart and respiratory muscles must modify their action somewhat to suit the movement. Other Organs besides Muscles Must Be Coordinated. Suppose a boy sees a large red apple. He notices the odor which tells him it is ripe, and his " mouth waters " for it ; that is, the salivary glands begin to work, even before he puts the apple to his mouth. The chewing and swallowing, the secretion and peristalsis in the digestive organs, are all carried on under the control of impulses that reach them through the nerves. Without these impulses, the salivary glands would not work when the mouth was chewing the food ; the dry food would stick to the esophagus and have to be washed down with water ; the gastric juice would not be secreted at just the right time ; the food would ferment in the stomach, and the person would soon be ill. The nerve cell the unit of the nervous system. You learned when studying the tissues that the nervous system consists of nerve cells with their branches, called nerve fibers. Nerve cells are microscopic bits of protoplasm, like other cells, yet they are remarkable among animal cells for their large size. Some of the cell bodies in the spinal cord are so large as to be almost visible to the unaided eye, and they have branches leading from the cord to the hand or foot. Each cell contains a nucleus, within which is a nucleolus (Fig. 167). Nerve cells are the most remarkable in the body for irregularity of shape (Fig. 176) ; some of them have so many branches that they have a starlike appearance. Dendrites* The dendrites are branches of nerve tissue from the cell body. The dendrites of a nerve cell are the The Nervous System 289 treelike branches which bring impulses to the cell (Fig. 31). Through the dendrites the cell may be in communication with numerous other cells. A branch of one cell does not join the branch of another cell. It has not yet "been settled by physiologists whether the ends of the dendrites of com- municating cells actually touch. The axone and its parts. In most of the fully developed nerve cells, one of the branches is very greatly prolonged as a fine thread of protoplasm, which becomes the core of a nerve fiber (Fig. 167). Every nerve fiber has such a core. Axis Cyftnde. Afettuttery Sheath WucJeus -JVeuroyJfa Cell FIG. 167. Nerve cell showing axone, medullary sheath, and field of fibers. In most of them this central thread of protoplasm becomes covered with two coats (Fig. 32) ; an outside protective coat forms a tube, called the connective sheath, and between the walls of this tube and the central thread is a coat of semi- liquid, fatty substance called the medullary sheath, which, shining through this outer sheath, gives a silvery white ap- pearance to the fiber. Such fibers are called medullated* fibers, or white fibers. Some fibers lack the medullary sheath, and are called non-medullated, or gray fibers. Neuron* One nerve cell together with all its branches, both dendrites and axone, is called a neuron. A neuron is the unit, and the nervous system is built up of an enormous 2 9 Healthful Living number of these units, together with supporting tissue (Fig. 167). Many nerve fibers may be bound together by connective tissue until they form a cord large enough to be seen by the unaided eye (Fig. 168). A bundle of nerve fibers is called a nerve. The sciatic nerve in the thigh is as large as the end of the little finger. The fatty sheaths of the fibers are supposed to insulate the fibers so that a nerve impulse cannot go across to another fiber ; they serve the same pur- pose as -the insulating substances with which wires used to conduct electricity are sometimes coated. As a rule, a large nerve accompanies an artery down the inside of each limb, and across the joint on the side toward which the limb bends. Thus they are well protected. One exception to this is a nerve cord which crosses the elbow on the side away from which the elbow bends. Therefore, it is sometimes hit, and the end of the bone there is called the funny bone because of the tingling sometimes felt, as if it were in the hand at the termination of the nerve. Ganglion. The cells are not scat- tered singly throughout the nervous system but are gathered into groups. This seems to afford easier communication from one cell to another through their branched dendrites, which are unusually short. One such group of cells situated outside the cord is called a ganglion. Ganglion is not to be confused with the term " nerve center," which relates primarily to function. The term ganglion refers to structure. Nerve center. PL group of nerve cells, situated in the FIG. 168. Section of two nerves, show- ing many nerve fibers bound together in con- nective tissue sheaths, to make nerves. The Nervous System 291 brain or spinal cord, performing a definite function, such as controlling the muscles of breathing, form what is called a nerve center. The brain consists of a number of large nerve centers with their connecting fibers. There are many nerve centers in the spinal cord also. Where nerve cells, ganglia and gray fibers are abundant, the nerve substance is gray ; where medullated fibers with their hidden gray cores are abundant, the nerve substance is white in appearance. This led anatomists and physiologists in times past to classify nerve substance as gray matter and white matter. Neuroglia. The fibers and cells of both the gray and the white matter are held in place by a tissue called neuroglia, which is composed "of extremely fine fibers and minute cells. Though like connective tissue in function, its chemical com- position is different; nor is neuroglia developed from con- nective tissue (Fig. 167). Terminations of nerve fibers. If we could trace toward the central nervous system the course of the various nerve fibers in a nerve like the great sciatic, for example, we should find that every one of its thousands of nerve fibers ends, with- out exception, in a nerve cell in the spinal cord or brain, or in any one of the ganglia near the central nervous system. If we should trace these same fibers away from the central nervous system, they would be found to have various endings. Some enter the muscles where they subdivide, and finally end in the muscle cells. Others follow the blood vessels and end in the muscle fibers forming the middle layer of their walls. Others go to the gland cells ; for example, the sweat glands in the skin. Others, passing to the skin, terminate at the roots of the hair, or in curious little bodies composed of cells and called touch corpuscles (Figs. 169, 170). Depending upon its function every nerve fiber ends centrally in a nerve cell or peripherally * in either a muscle cell, a gland cell, or a sense organ cell. Fibers that end cen- trally are sensory and carry impulses to the brain or cord ; 2Q2 Healthful Living fibers that end peripherally are motor or secretory and carry impulses from the brain or cord. Efferent,* afferent* and association* fibers. Fibers that connect nerve cells with muscles or glands are called effer- ent (outward bearing) fibers ; (they may be motor or secre- tory) ; those that connect nerve cells with sense organs are called afferent (in bearing) fibers (they are always sensory). There is a third kind, ^. which connects nerve cell with nerve cell in the brain; they are known as association fibers. Nerve action. If an afferent nerve be irritated at its outer endings in afM^ssner the Cells of the tisSUCS, an impulse will travel to the brain or spinal cord. If it goes to the brain, consciousness of the im- pulse will be apparent; if. it goes only as far as the cord, there will be FIG. 169. Sens6ry nerve ending in skin, i Pnn o P i nil onp?q nf showing tactile corpuscle of Meissner. the fact. In either case there may be a motor response to the sensory impulse in the form of a reflex* act. Impulses may originate in the brain and pass to different cells in the body, causing them to act. This occurs when one consciously makes a muscular movement. Transmitting nerve impulses is the whole duty of nerve fibers. The endings of the nerves are so abundant in the skin just beneath the epithelium that the point of a needle cannot enter without causing pain. They are more numerous there than in any other part of the body. Afferent nerves are not so abundant in the muscles -Nerve The Nervous System 293 and internal organs as in the skin, so that a cut gives most pain as it enters the skin and may be continued into deeper parts with only slight pain. Efferent nerves begin in the nerve cells of the spinal cord and end in the muscles and glands of the body. Efferent nerves and efferent impulses have three functions, controlling motion, secretion, and growth. Because of this multiplicity of function, it is desirable to call them efferent nerves rather than to use the old term " motor." The nerve im- pulse, as demon- strated in the frog, travels about 100 feet per second. This is the speed of an PYnross train 1 going 70 miles an hour. It is prob- able that in warm-blooded animals, such as man, the rate is even faster. General sensations. The cells of the body are constantly sending impulses to the central nervous system, signifying their needs. These impulses give rise to feelings to which the mind assigns no definite location in the body; hence they are called general sensations. Such feelings as hunger, thirst, fatigue, and sleepiness belong to this class. They are as well understood by a baby or any young animal as by a man, and unlike the special sensations, the meaning of general sensations does not have to be learned, as the memory of them owing to inherited habit seems to reside in the nervous system. General sensations are sometimes called instincts. Special sensations. When something outside of the body acts upon the nerves, it produces a feeling or sensation by FlG ' 170. Pacinian body. These touch end- ings give the sense of pressure. dermis. Located in the 294 Healthful Living which the mind forms ideas of the surroundings of the body. The meanings of these feelings must be learned when first perceived, and they are mostly learned in childhood. The special senses, taste, sight, smell, pain, temperature, and muscular sense, are of such importance that all will be in- cluded in a separate chapter. Injury to nerves. If motor or efferent nerves going to a muscle are cut, there is paralysis of the muscle, so that there can be no voluntary or reflex action in the part. If an efferent nerve going to a gland is cut, the function of the gland will be almost suspended. Even if food is taken into the mouth and the sensory nerves carry the news to the brain, the efferent nerve being cut, no impulse can return and the secretion will be very slight. When the motor nerve to a part is cut, the cells will be almost too inactive to absorb and carry on growth and repair ; hence unless continually under the influence of motor nerves the cells dwindle away. When the cells are much used, the impulses sent cause them to take in more nourishment and to grow in size. Thus a muscle increases in size and strength when much used. You learned that during the action of a. muscle, the vasomotor nerves going to the arteries in the muscle cause what change ? Will this also aid in growth ? When a nerve is cut, the ends, if placed together, will grow again, the parts supplied by it being paralyzed in the meantime. Nerves may become inflamed, and the disease is called neuritis, just as inflammation of the tonsils is called ton- sillitis, or of the stomach is called gastritis. Neuritis of the sciatic nerve is called sciatica; it is a very painful disease. One of the many dangers of using alcohol is that it may produce neuritis. Either slow, steady drinking or occasional "sprees" may cause it. The disease gives no warning before it comes, and may remain a long while. Rheumatism or malaria may also cause it, but alcohol produces the disease as often as all other causes combined. The Nervous System 295 General arrangement of the nervous system. The brain and the spinal cord make the central nervous system. The nerves coming from the brain are the cranial * nerves (Fig. 171). There are twelve pairs. The nerves from the { face -Sensory Face-Motor Taste Spinal Cord /st Spfna/ Nerve -2d Spina/ Nerve \ \^ L,iver *-...-* FIG. 171. Diagram of the twelve cranial nerves. These are twelve pairs of cranial nerves which arise from the brain and go out through the holes in the lower wall of the skull. (How many pairs of spinal nerves are there?) The cranial nerves are numbered according to the location of their roots, from above downward. cord are called the spinal nerves. There are thirty-one pairs of spinal nerves. These nerves running from the central nervous system make up the peripheral system. There are other nerves connecting mainly the involuntary structures with the cord. This connection is made by nerves that end in masses of nerve cells (ganglia) lying along each side of 296 Healthful Living the front of the vertebral column. These make up the autonomic* system. The spinal cord. Structure. The various white nerve fibers, both efferent and afferent, of the entire body unite and form forty-three pairs of larger nerves ; twelve of these pairs, called cranial nerves, go to the brain, and thirty-one pairs, called spinal nerves, go to the spinal cord. Each one of the sixty-two spinal nerves enters the spinal cord by two roots, one posterior and one anterior. It is significant that all the efferent and afferent fibers of a spinal nerve separate from each other. The efferent fibers enter by the anterior root, and the afferent nerves by the posterior root (Fig. 173) . The afferent fibers do not really enter the cord but end in a ganglion on the posterior root, and the ganglion sends dendrites into the cord by the posterior root. The spinal cord extends from the foramen magnum " or great open- ing," in the occipital bone down to about the second lumbar vertebra. What parts of a vertebra form the canal for the cord? Is the canal made of bone throughout its length? How are the vertebrae united with one another ? The spinal cord is about the size of the little finger. It is only about two thirds as large as its tube, so that it is not likely to be injured by bending the spinal column. The rest of the space in the canal is taken up by a lymphlike liquid, and three membranes called meninges which form a triple covering for the cord. These membranes extend into the skull and cover the brain. An inflammation of them constitutes a very serious disease called cerebro-spinal meningitis. A cross section of the spinal cord shows that it is a double organ (Fig. 172), the halves being united by a narrow por- tion ; it shows also that the central part of the cord is of gray matter in the outline of a butterfly, and surrounded by a thick layer of white fibers. The gray portion is made up of nerve cells that give off fibers, many of which go to the The Nervous System 297 spinal nerves and some go upward in the outer white portion of the cord. The white tract also contains motor threads Posterior /foot White Matte GrayMettt Anterior Root V FIG. 172. Cross section of the spinal cord. Afferent impulses come in over the posterior root ; efferent impulses go out over the anterior root. that bring impulses from the brain to the cells in the graj r matter. Function. The brain sends impulses to the cells in the spinal cord, and they, being aroused, in turn send motor impulses to the muscles. When a person wills to move his hand, an impulse goes to the spinal cells, and they in turn send impulses that cause a contraction of the muscles in the arm. The brain sends about ten impulses per second to keep the muscle in action. Thus, before it can relax, another impulse reaches it. Each muscle has its own set of spinal cells in the cord which act as a relay station be- tween the muscle and the brain. The cells of the spinal cord have another very important duty; they largely con- trol reflex action. At times it would take too long for the brain to act, so the body needs a quicker governing power to supply its needs or protect it from injury. If the finger touches a hot object, the brain becomes conscious of the 298 Healthful Living burn and of the movement of the finger at about the same time. There are also many acts that are performed so often that the spinal cord acquires the habit of sending back the appropriate impulses. Thus muscles and other organs may be controlled and the brain be relieved to attend to other duties. The same motor cells of the spinal cord that produce mo- tion in a part, also exercise an oversight that controls the growth and nutrition of the cells in that part. The impulses from the spinal cells furnish a constant stimulus to growth and repair. A crumb entering the larynx brings on a fit of coughing. A dash of cold water makes us hold our breath. A pinch of pepper causes us to sneeze. If the foot of a sleeping person is tickled, he will kick; if a fly settles on his face, he will brush it off. Sometimes a person in an unconscious con- dition will drink a cup of water if it is placed to the lips. If the back is broken, reflex actions persist although all sensation and volition concerning the parts below the injury are suspended. The leg will kick when the foot is tickled, etc. A surgeon tickled the foot of a man whose spinal cord was injured, and the feet kept up a vigorous kicking. He asked the man if he felt it ; he said, " No, but you see that my feet do." On carefully testing the sensibility of such a man, a line can be traced girdling the body, dividing the sensitive from the insensitive part. The brain also may act seemingly in a reflex manner as in cases of somnambulism, or sleep-walking. When one is learning new movements, such as walking, skating, writing, riding a bicycle, each movement is a vol- untary one as far as the will is capable of watching so many muscles, The movements are, therefore, slow and awkward. After the movements have been made many hundreds of times, they become easy and graceful, and also less vol- untary. This is accomplished by the nerve impulse select- The Nervous System 299 ing the pathway that gives the right response. At first many pathways are used and tried. When the pathway is found that gives the result sought and there is pleasure in the reaction, then the movement is learned and it becomes easy and graceful. We must not think of reflexes as being only related to muscles and movement. They may have a character that prevents or suppresses movement. A dash of cold water on the chest will inhibit respiration. A sudden emotional shock may be so terrifying as to prevent muscular contraction and one will stand still in the face of great danger. Reflex activity of glands is often not related to movement. The secretion of tears, caused by a cinder in the eye, is reflex. The impulse is carried to the lachrymal (tear) gland by the secretory nerves. These nerves are efferent but not motor. Education of reflex action consists mainly of the forma- tion of habits. The impression on the nervous system from the training is made chiefly on the spinal centers. When the muscles of the hand are educated, it is really the spinal cells that are educated. During youth, one is always acquiring good habits or bad habits. The habit of an upright, easy walk, the habit of dropping into a stooping posture, of putting the hands in the pockets, of making wry faces, of mumbling and stammering, or of talking distinctly and without hesi- tation, may be acquired, and will probably remain through life, for impressions made on the nervous system in youth are lasting. The habit of eating temperately of pure food, the habit of stuffing, of awaking the nerves with stimulat- ing condiments, of using alcoholic stimulants, of using tobacco, are easily acquired, but are lost with difficulty. Good habits are good friends ; bad habits are enemies. It often requires years of constant effort to root out bad habits, but it is very easy to keep them out in the first place; Yet if the wish and will for a better habit is really strong, one need never despair, for on account of the large size and great 300 Healthful Living activity of the brain, and its preponderance over the lower reflex centers, man is distinguished above all other animals by his power of forming new habits. If our ideals are high, we can go on forming better habits, and intrusting them to the keeping of the nerve centers, and thus make step after step toward our ideal. If our ideals are not high, or if they are mere theories and never affect our acts, we may never improve, but may even degenerate: The autonomic system. The nerves coming off from the spinal cord and going to the muscles are called the spinal or skeletal nerves. Those coming from the brain are called the cranial nerves. There are other nerves which innervate the organs of the body and these come from both spinal cord and brain. At one time they were called " sympathetic* nerves " but now the name autonomic is given to these nerves. They supply the viscera, blood vessels, glands, and hair. It is seen, therefore, that skeletal muscles receive their stimulation from the central nervous system and the involuntary muscles of the body receive their stimulation from the autonomic system. Now the motor nerves supply- ing the skeletal muscles come from cells which lie in the ventral part of the spinal cord ; the glands and smooth muscle of the viscera receive their innervation from nerves which come from ganglions which lie outside the spinal cord. The difference between the two systems in type is shown in Figure 173. The neurons running to the visceral organs usually have their cell bodies grouped in ganglia and this arrangement gives rise in certain places to a mass of nerve tis- sue which receives the name plexus. Hence, we have the solar plexus, the cardiac plexus, the splenic plexus, etc. (Fig. 175). The ganglia and plexuses of the autonomic system are con- nected with the brain and spinal cord by neurons whose cell bodies lie within the spinal cord. It is to be noticed, therefore, that there are two sets of neurons of this system ; one from the cord and brain to the ganglion sometimes called the pre- The Nervous System 301 ganglionic neuron ; and one from the ganglion to the viscera and gland and sometimes called the postganglionic neuron. This arrangement is shown in Figure 174. This figure should be studied with reference to the arrangement of the three divisions of this, system. The name autonomic has been suggested by Langley and indicates that the structures Post-Gangfionfc Fiber Post-Ganqtionic Gang/ion of 'ufonom/c System FIG. 173. The preganglionic fibers of the autonomic system leave the motor root and run to the ganglion. supplied by these nerves are not under voluntary control. In addition only a part could be classed under the old head- ing of sympathetic. So it is that there are given three divisions, the thoracico-lumbar * (sympathetic), the cranial, and the sacral.* Thoracic-Lumbar Division. The second division has the largest distribution. It sends fibers to the eyes and causes dilatation of the pupils. To this division belong the accelerator nerves that go to the heart (Figs. 174, 175). They cause it to beat faster. They also carry impulses to Artery of Salivary G/and y - Surface Artery Sweat G/and rtery FIG. 174. Diagram of the important parts of the autonomic nervous system, (a) preganglionic fibers ; (6) postganglionic fibers ; (c) plexus ; (d) ganglia situated outside the cord; spinal cord and medulla and the parts to which the fibers go. 302 The Nervous System 303 the muscle of the arteries and so make possible vaso-con- striction. The stimulation of the fibers which go to the muscles of the hair causes the hair to stand on end. It is also known that the stimulation of these nerve fibers occurs Spinal Ganglia Spinal Ganglia Spinal Ganglia Cardiac Plexus Solar Plexus -ffypotjastric Plexus FIG. 175. Diagram of trunk showing one of the two rows of autonomic ganglia near the spinal column and the plexuses. under conditions which call forth emotional reactions. For example, when one is afraid, the hair stands on end; de- pressing conditions cause the flow of tears; the heart rate is increased at times of emotional disturbance. 304 Healthful Living Cranial Division. The cranial autonomic serves to protect the body and to conserve its strength. The main part of the cranial division is the vagus nerve which runs to the heart and all the abdominal organs (Fig. 174). The cranial autonomic goes also to the salivary gland and causes it to secrete more saliva. It slows the heart and causes the contraction of the pupil. An analysis of these functions will show that this division serves to conserve the body. By slowing the heart, the cardiac muscle is given a chance to rest ; by contracting the pupil the retina is protected ; by stimulating the flow of saliva, gastric, and other digestive juices and by causing the contraction of the smooth muscle of the viscera, all the processes of digestion are accelerated and energy is produced with the least expenditure of energy. This makes for conservation of strength and reserve force. Sacral Division. The sacral division provides for the contraction of the smooth muscles concerned in emptying the organs which hold the waste of the body. These nerves control the action, therefore, of the colon, rectum, and bladder. This section may be thought of as rendering serv- ice to the body by keeping the waste removed and so it is of importance in body health and conservation. Antagonism between the Sympathetic Division and the Cranial and Sacral. This very complex mechanism for controlling the involuntary action of the bodily processes has a very interesting action, in that there is antagonism be- tween the ends and central part of the system. Cannon says, " When the mid-part meets either end part in any viscus their effects are antagonistic." For example, the cranial fibers contract the pupil, the sympathetic fibers dilate it. The cranial fibers (the vagus) slow the heart, the sympathetic (the accelerator nerves) accelerate the heart. These opposed effects are indicated in Figure 174 in which + means contraction, acceleration, and means relaxation, retardation. The Nervous System 305 Functions of the Autonomic System. It is important to understand the working of this mechanism and to see how this knowledge can guide us in shaping our lives so that we may act in harmony with the mechanism of our bodies and not against it. It is always of value to act in accordance with the laws of health as well as the laws of the nation. From an understanding of this autonomic system, we ap- preciate why it is desirable to be happy and cheerful at meal- times in particular. Emotional disturbance near meal times interferes with digestion because the sympathetic fibers carry the impulses concerned in rage, anger, fear, .or pain," and these impulses will interfere with the impulses sent by the cranial division, supplying the digestive juices. So it is that all the processes of the body are assisted and accel- erated by conditions that are cheerful. Happiness is a desirable stimulant and will work marvelously to keep the body well. One should not give expression to feeling of crossness, sullenness, pouting, anger, etc. Beyond the fact that they injure the body, of more importance is the fact that they make other people unhappy. Afferent Nerves of the Autonomic System. The afferent impulses through these nerves are slow and faint, seldom reaching beyond the spinal ganglia to the brain. Thus the circulation of the blood and the digestion of the food usually go on without our consciousness, but a very strong irrita- tion may give rise to consciousness and pain in the abdominal organs, as in colic or in vomiting. Sensory impulses, signify- ing the needs of the cells and the necessity for movement in the arteries and intestines, are being continually sent to the spinal ganglia (Fig. 175). Only very strong impulses caused by disturbances that may injure the body, reach the brain, and cause pain. Efferent Nerves of the Autonomic System. The efferent nerves carry impulses which cause the epithelial cells of the glands to make their secretions, and the muscles of the 306 Healthful Living arteries and intestines to contract. They do this as a re- flex response to the impulses going to the spinal ganglia from the sensory nerves of the system. At a flash of bright light the eye winks and the pupil contracts. The sweat glands secrete under the influence of warmth. It was formerly believed by physiologists that the " sympathetic " ganglia themselves sent the reflex motor impulses, but it is now believed that these come from the spinal ganglia. The "sympathetic" ganglia are supposed to reenforce the current and aid in the nutrition of the nerves that pass through them. The brain. The spinal cord can act only in response to impulses at the moment they are received. The brain can originate impulses which are not in direct response to a stimulus from the outer world. Its acts are apparently spontaneous, but they probably result from the combination of impulses previously received, which memory has enabled it to store up and retain. The brain not only causes action and directs the cord in giving order to voluntary movements, but it can restrain excessive action in the spinal cord. Self- control comes largely through the power possessed by the brain of restraining the spinal cells from sending out reflex impulses when strong and sudden impulses are received from the outer world. This is called the inhibitory power. If a door slams, a person whose brain is not exerting good control jumps suddenly. Coverings of the Brain. What facts did you learn about the skull, showing that it is well constructed for protecting the brain ? The brain is covered by three membranes ; the outer tough one lines the skull and the spinal canal. The next is thinner. There is a lymphlike fluid, called the cerebro-spinal fluid, within this membrane, so that the brain is surrounded by a kind of water bed. The third, and inner- most, covering is hardly a membrane, for it is merely a thin network of fine blood vessels and connective tissue. It dips The Nervous System 307 down into every depression and fold of the outer layer of gray cells of the brain. This layer of gray matter is called the cortex. The folds in it are called convolutions (See Plate VII). Numerous folds signify great intelligence. Weight. The weight of the brain of the average man is forty-nine ounces (a little over three pounds), and of the average woman is forty-four ounces. The woman's brain is as large in proportion to the size of her body as a man's brain. Man's brain is surpassed in weight by the brains of only two animals. A whale, measuring seventy feet long, has a brain weighing only five pounds, and an elephant's enormous body is controlled by a brain of about eight pounds. Birds' brains are heavier in proportion to their bodies than the brain of any other animal. The brain grows very rapidly till the fifth year, then very slowly; the growth after twenty is very slight. Cromwell's brain is said to have weighed almost eighty ounces. Other great men have had large brains, but some great minds have inhabited very small brains. Quality is as important as quantity. The brains of idiots are usually very small. The Cerebrum. The chief parts of the brain are the cerebrum, the cerebellum, and the medulla oblongata. The cerebrum, or great brain, divided by a cleft into two parts, is highest in the skull, and covers all the other parts (Plate VI) . It is composed of cells which lie in the cortex and fibers which pass from the cells to and from the spinal cord and cranial nerves (Figs. 176, 177). Sense-perception, consciousness, reason, and the will are located in the cerebrum. The cerebrum, as all other organs, is dependent upon circula- tion, respiration, digestion, and excretion. If the heart sud- denly weakens its action very much, or if the vasomotor nerves allow the arteries to lose tone suddenly and increase their capacity for blood, the person faints, from a weakening of the circulation through the brain. Recovery is brought about by placing the head on a lower level than the body, so that 3 o8 Healthful Living the blood may run to the brain with less exertion on the part of the heart. A violent blow on the head may make one insensible at once. By breathing chloroform, ether, or carbon dioxide, by taking mor- phine, the quality of the blood may be so altered as to bring sleep. In order that the brain may act, it must be constantly aroused by impulses from the outer world. Man loses con- sciousness as soon as his cerebral hemispheres cease to act ; but his heart and lungs keep at work. It is curious that touching the cerebrum, or stimulating it with electricity, when it has been ex- posed by accident, arouses no sensation, although this organ is believed to be the seat of con- sciousness. This fact is of great interest, for it shows that im- pressions coming from the sense organs alone enter into conscious- . ,. ness. Fresh air, good food, and FIG. 176. Microscopic dia- . ' gram of the cells in the cortex pure blood are essential for the of the cerebrum, a external best functioning of the cerebrum. layer showing association cell, ' . axone, and dendrites ; 6, py- Effect of Removing Cerebrum. ramidai cell which sends off _ A f ter destruction of the cere- axone to enter the layer of m meduiiated fibers c. The den- brum, an animal may continue to drites of the pyramidal cells R tf f d b h d j t can run pass into layer a. J about, and swallow food placed within its mouth. It will be disturbed by a loud sound, such as the blowing of a horn. It might avoid a bright flame if placed in its path, but would go stupidly against other objects; but it is idiotic, for all acts of intelligence TJte Nervous System 39 cease. Its time is spent in sleep or mechanical wandering. A frog deprived of its cerebrum retains some more extensive powers than a warm-blooded animal. It starts to hopping when touched, avoids obstacles in its path, re- covers its usual position when placed on its back, swims when thrown into water, and when placed on a board that is slowly tilted, it will preserve its balance by climb- ing to the top. These actions are reflex but of a higher order than a simple reflex act. The reason the frog continues hopping after be- ing touched is that each hop, owing to the contact of the skin with the ground, excites FIG. 177. Diagram of the motor area and the another hoD the motor tract in the brain. Find centers for leg, arm, animal never be- gins to move of its own accord. Centers in the Cerebrum (Figs. face. Notice that most of the motor fibers from one hemisphere cross to the opposite side of the spiral cord ; and if one half of the brain is injured, the opposite half of the body loses motion and sensation (paralysis). Trace nerve impulse from cell 1 in cortex at c to muscle at 6 (1-3). Trace reflex impulse from skin at a to muscle at b (4, 5, 6, 3). 3 io Healthful Living 178, 179, 180). When the part of the cerebrum that lies behind the ear is destroyed, a loss of the memory for the meaning of words may result. One can speak, but his words follow each other without sense or meaning. The sense of hearing is supposed to be located in the same region. The sense of sight is located in the rear part of the cerebrum. If FIG. 178. Localized areas of the cortex. the rear part of the left hemisphere is destroyed, a man is unable to see anything to the right of his nose when his eyes are directed straight forward. The sense of smell lies at the base of the cerebrum toward the front (Figs. 179, 181). A wounded soldier was brought to the surgeons with part of his skull torn away. The surgeons used an electric current to test whether the nerves were paralyzed. They were astonished to find that whenever the electric current was applied to the wounded part of the head, muscular The Nervous System movements were excited. It was soon determined that by stimulating electrically a certain area of the cerebral cortex movements on the opposite side of the body can be excited. This area, called the motor area (Fig. 178), lies under the parietal bone, and extends from the top of the brain to the level of the ear. By experi- ments On monkeys FlG - 179 - ~ View of one cerebral hemi- 1 . , sphere from between the hemispheres showing and dOgS, and by mo tor and sensory centers. studying cases of acci- dents to the skull in human beings, this area has been sub- divided. Stimulation of the lowest part causes movements of the face ; of the middle part, the arm ; and of the upper part, the leg, the movement al- ways being on the side opposite to the stimulation (Fig. 180). When the lowest part of the area on the left side in right-handed per- sons is injured, the Fio. 180. Motor and sensory centers. Most power of speech is centers occur in both hemispheres, and if one is , m , injured, the other will continue to work. lost. Ihe Compre- hension of words and the ability to write, read, and hear language is not lost. With left-handed persons, this center is on the right side. 312 Healthful Living The Cerebellum. The cerebellum, or small brain, is at the base of the skull behind. If a pigeon has its cerebellum removed, it is restless and has wide-open eyes; it flutters, but cannot fly. If the cerebrum is removed, leaving the cerebellum, it is stupid, but flies if thrown into the air. By placing the hand at the back of the skull between the occiput and the neck, you will cover the part occupied by the cere- bellum. Coordination of the muscles is carried out by the cerebellum. You will to walk through activity of the cere- brum ; the control of the muscles while walking is the function of the cerebellum. Function of the Cerebellum. The removal of the whole of the cerebellum from an animal does not produce death so long as the medulla is not injured, but the animal becomes weak and unsteady in its movements. If the cerebrum re- mains, the mental faculties are retained. Disease of the cerebellum in man produces dizziness and leads to a stagger- ing, reeling gate. Hence it is believed that the function of the cerebellum is to aid the cerebrum in the control of the muscles. It brings about proper coordination of the muscu- lar movements, so that in such movements as standing, walking, talking, the different muscles may each act at the right moment and with due force. The spinal cord also coordinates movements. For instance, if a frog is decapi- tated and left quiet for an hour or two, so that the spinal cord may recover from the shock due to the injury, it may be made to execute seemingly purposeful movements. If a drop of acid be placed on the flank of such a frog, the leg will be drawn up and the acid wiped off with the toes. But such coordinated movements are not accompanied by con- sciousness. The Medulla Oblongata. This, the most important of the cerebral ganglia, may be looked upon as the part of the spinal cord within the skull. It is just within the foramen magnum, and is intermediate in position and function be- The Nervous System 313 0/fBCtory O/ factory ~ Bulb tween the brain and spinal cord. The spinal cord acts re- flexly; the brain acts consciously. Conscious actions are those which are influenced by mental images or ideas. The medulla contains reflex centers and the centers of automatic action. This kind of action should not be confused with acquired reflexes, such as walking, to which the term "auto- matic" is sometimes applied. Automatic centers are those which are con- trolled by the condition of the blood. They are stimulated by an increase of carbon dioxide in the blood. The chief of these centers is the respiratory center of the medulla If it ^ IQ> ^^' ^ e ^ ac t r y nerve. The main nerve . . . * ends in the form of a bulb on the floor of the skull. IS injured, death The fibers branch from this bulb like the roots from ensues bv Sllffo- an omon an d spread out on the walls of the nasal k chamber. cation. The cerebellum or even the cerebrum may be injured or removed from the lower animals without causing death, but the smallest injury to the respiratory center kills the animal immediately. In cases of hanging, it is injury to this center that causes death. Another very important center in the medulla, controlled by automatic action, that is, by the varying condition of the blood, is the center for vasomotor nerves, which regulate the size of the blood vessels. It was previously learned that the vasomotor fibers belong to the autonomic system. There are also important reflex centers in the medulla, viz., the centers for the secretion of saliva. for swallowing, for vomiting. 314 Healthful Living Mucous Membrane How Automatic Centers Work. As the blood becomes deficient in oxygen and charged with carbon dioxide, the respiratory center is irritated and sends out impulses which cause deeper breathing. This improves the condition of the blood, and the respiration is quieter until the blood again loses oxygen; then stronger impulses are sent, and so on, thus regulating the condition of the blood auto- matically. The size of the blood vessels is regu- lated in the same way by the vas- omotor center in the medulla, in- crease of carbon dioxide causing contraction of the FIG. 182. Diagram of a salivary gland. Showing automatic control (after Landois and Sterling). SUriace Vessels, decrease of it causing relaxation. Automatic acts take place in series. Reflex acts, such, for example, as walking, can take place in series also, but the first stimulus in reflex acts comes from without the body ; in automatic acts from the blood. Fig- ure 182 shows how a center controlling the secretion in a gland may receive impulses from the mucous membrane, from the brain, and then impulses are sent to the blood vessel to dilate and supply more blood and to the gland to begin to secrete. GLOSSARY Afferent (nerves). Conducting inward toward the cord and brain. Association. Refers to nerve fibers that are concerned in purposely connecting different nerves or brain areas. The Nervous System 315 Autonomic. Entirely independent and self-supporting in itself. Cranial. Relating to the cranium or the organ within the cranium, the brain. Dendrites. The tree-like branches of a nerve cell. The den- drite receives the nerve impulse from the axon. Efferent (nerves). Conducting away from the cord and brain. All efferent impulses are not motor and so efferent and afferent are more desirable terms than motor and sensory. Medullated. Covered with a soft fatty substance ; that is, covered with a medulla. Neuron. A nerve cell with its dendrites and axon and hence the structural unit of the nervous system. Peripherally. Away from the center. Reflex. An act that goes on without the direction of the brain. It occurs before the individual is hardly conscious of the act. He may be conscious afterwards that he has acted but he has given no direction in the process. Sacral. Relating to the sacrum, near the sacrum or coming from the sacrum. Sympathetic. A part of the nervous system of the body that originally was supposed to be concerned in acts that were of a sympathetic character. The name now is autonomic be- cause it is known that the chief characteristic of this sys- tem is the ability to carry on its activities without direc- tion or help. Also its activities involve more than was connoted by the term " sympathetic." Thoracico-lumbar. A compound word referring to the thoracic and lumbar regions of the vertebral column. CHAPTER XVI HYGIENE OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM I. Connection between Body and Mind. II. The Effect of Activity on the Nervous System. III. The Effect of Sleep. IV. The Effect of Fatigue. V. The Effect of Alcohol. VI. Improper Functioning of the Nervous System. Drugs and insanity Communicable disease and insanity Habits of mind and insanity VII. Ten Golden Rules of Health for School Children. Connection between body and mind. The body and the mind are very closely related, are interdependent and are a unit. We have learned that muscle and nerve are interdependent. So it is with mind and body. Only rarely do you find a fine mind in a poor body; and in such an instance, the individual has lost largely the quality of bodily vigor which enables him to perpetuate his greatness. This unity of body and mind, this balance of physical and mental powers is essential for the welfare of the race. Men and women should not only preserve, but if possible im- prove the quality of life they have, so that the race will be en- riched. There are many familiar examples of the connection between mind and body. Most men who have been great workers with their minds have also been zealous in using their muscles. There is a flexibility of mind and disposition that results from a mixed occupation which is in great con- trast with the machine-like dullness and narrowness of mind 316 Hygiene of the Nervous System 317 produced by a monotonous, one-sided occupation, whether mental or physical. Gladstone chopped down trees; Li Hung Chang when eighty years old walked three miles daily around the courtyards of his palace ; Napoleon rode horse- back; William Cullen Bryant, upon rising in the morning, swung a chair around his head, took wand exercise with a cane, and practiced other gymnastics. He walked five miles to his work. The connection between body and mind is readily illus- trated. The pulse rate is affected by every emotion. Shame causes the blood vessels of the face to dilate. Painful emo- tions excite the activity of the lachrymal* or tear glands. Joy increases ease of movement. If an excited or angry man who is walking to and fro sits down, his excitement decreases. A starving man and one suffering from fever have hallucinations.* The Romans had the proverb " a sound mind in a sound body." The care of the body for the mental effect as well as for the sake of the body itself, is only gradually regaining the high place it held among the Greeks and the Romans, a place which it lost during the Dark Ages. " Hysteria * and nervous exhaustion are the fruits not of over-work, but of lack of varied and interesting employment. The absurd opinion that hard work is menial and low, leads to most pernicious consequences. The girl who, turning from brain work to manual labor, can cook, scrub, wash, and garden, invites the bloom of health to her cheeks ; while the fine do-nothing lady loses her good looks, suffers from the blues, and is a nuisance to her friends and a misery to herself." The effect of activity on the nervous system. If the cells of any tissues are not active in the performance of the work for which they are intended, they become weakened. It is the same with the nervous system. Fresh and new sensations are necessary for the health of the brain; those mental faculties that are used become strong. Unused 318 Healthful Living muscles become flabby and ill-nourished because the circu- lation in them is weakened ; the circulation in inactive nervous tissue also becomes less active. Mental activity strengthens the nervous system and the body in general. If one protects his sensory nerves by too warm clothing and never lets the cold air strike them, they become weakened and unreliable and allow the blood vessels to lose tone. They are likely to do strange things with the circulation, causing colds and disease. If, because of pulpy or soft food, the nerves of the alimentary canal are not stimulated mechan- ically, peristalsis is weakened and the intestine becomes clogged. The loss of tone in the circulation and the sluggish peristalsis, with the troubles that follow, can often be improved by taking a cold bath every morning. The stimulus to the sensory nerves spreads reflexly to the vasomotor nerves and to the autonomic fibers of the intestine ; these are " toned up " and restore activity to the involuntary muscles. The effect of sleep. The cells of the body with all their in- dustry are not tireless, and at intervals require rest (Figs. 183, 184, 185). During sleep the heart beats more slowly, respira- tion is less rapid, the muscles in general are relaxed, the gland cells diminish their secretions, and digestion is slow. The production of heat is lessened and the body must be pro- tected from cold. Yet consciousness is the only function entirely in abeyance. The sound of a passing vehicle quickens the pulse of the sleeper without awaking him; if he is touched, he moves. Sleep is deepest during the second hour, and it then takes a much louder sound to awaken him than during later hours. Sleep becomes gradually lighter until awakening occurs. When consciousness is partly present, the condition is called dreaming.* In somnambu- lism,* the sleeper may talk or walk as he dreams. There are different explanations given for the cause of sleep. Some believe that it results from the accumulation of waste products in the body ; it is also held that it is due Hygiene of the Nervous System V%fehK)-j; : <-/. X *Sr / .x-v -.%.- '.3 ..:*%:.%. -- , i .: FIG. 183. Showing various types of nerve cells (bodies) from the spinal cord. These cells are rested. 320 Healthful Living to lack of circulation in the brain. Now the process is not fully known, but it is perfectly clear that individuals re- quire sleep (Figs. 184, 185). If sleep is interfered with, the body is injured. There should not be in this as in so many other things the disposition to make yourself and your friends uncomfortable by the insistence at all times on a certain number of hours. There are occasions when it may be very FIG. 184. Tired nerve cell bodies from the spinal cord. These cells show the nucleus to one side, the chromatin * decreased in amount and at the wall of the cell. Compare with the cells shown in Figs. 183 and 185. desirable to take less sleep than customary, and we should be able to go with less sleep for a time in the accomplish- ment of important work. The number of hours of sleep for children of different ages is given on page 326. For a sound nervous system, nothing is so indispensable as plenty of sound sleep. It is necessary for growth and re- pair of the cells (Fig. 185). Infants sleep almost all the time ; children of four or five, nearly half the time ; those of Hygiene of the Nervous System 321 ten or twelve, ten hours; most college students require eight hours, and this amount is required by most adults. The morning should bring a feeling of vigor. If we wake tired and discouraged, there is something amiss. It may be that there was over-exertion the day before and the sleep has not been long enough, or that we have been up too late or have eaten improper things. If the last is the case, there is apt to be a bad taste in the mouth on awakening. By FIG. 185. Brain cells at rest, in action, exhausted (Crile). going to bed at the same hour every night, the habit is formed of dropping off promptly and soundly to sleep. A cheerful state of mind with resolute avoidance of worry promotes sound sleep at night. The sleeping room should be cool, but it is not necessary that water freeze " in the pitcher." It should be well ventilated, the window being left open even in moderately cold weather in the northern states, and in very cold weather in the Gulf states, unless the room is loosely built. 322 Healthful Living The effect of fatigue. Waste products produced in one part of the body are carried by the circulating blood, before they can be removed, to all parts of the body. Fatigue in one part causes a loss of efficiency in other parts. It is well known that the boy who plays football for two hours in the afternoon is unable to study in a satisfactory way in the evening. Such fatigue is natural and healthful. After the period of rest, the body is recreated and the taking in of food by the body cells, called assimilation,* results in the organization of the food into living tissue. It is known that mental activity does not greatly increase waste sub- stances, but that does not mean that one cannot overwork mentally. The feeling of fatigue which comes from tired eye muscles and tired joints should indicate the need for a change of activity. This change will be satisfied best by physical exercise of the game or sport type. The effect of alcohol. As alcohol acts on many organs through its action on the nervous system, it would naturally be supposed that the nervous matter itself would be injured, and such is the case (Figs. 229, 230). In fact, it is upon the delicate nervous system that its most destructive effects are wrought. One of the first effects of alcohol is flushing of the face and a feeling of warmth on the surface of the body. This is due to the quickened action of the heart and the dila- tion of the small blood vessels from the effects of alcohol on the nerve centers controlling these organs. The mind is at first more active, because the little vessels of the brain are dilated and blood is sent more freely to that part. A little later the alcohol begins to disturb the reflex and coordinating powers of the nervous system, and ordinary muscular move- ments are performed imperfectly and with difficulty. The nerve centers seem to be attacked and paralyzed progressively by alcohol, beginning with the highest and proceeding toward the lowest. The will power and judgment first become paralyzed, and only the emotional and impulsive instincts Hygiene of the Nervous System 323 of human nature are left ; these, being no longer under con- trol of reason and judgment, are likely to cause the individual to act in an irrational manner. In the last stages, conscious- ness and volition are lost, and only that part of the nervous system in the medulla which governs circulation and res- piration remains active. In other words, the man is " dead drunk. " A large quantity of alcohol may produce death by paralyzing even these nerve centers, thus stopping all organic functions. This overact ion and irregular action of Alcohol and Precision as Shown by Marksmanship 1st Tests. No Alcohol -Average No. of Hits 23 2nd Tests. Alcohol Taken Average No. of Hits 3 3rd Tests. No Alcohol -Average No. of Hits 26 FIG. 186. Fewer hits were made on the alcohol days, but the soldiers thought they were shooting better. ; the nerves, when repeatedly occurring, has the effect finally of deforming or destroying the nerve tissue. It is well known that skill in a movement or act is de- veloped by a training of the nervous system. Now alcohol lessens skill and precision in fine work. There is no work or play that man performs that cannot be performed better without alcohol. In tests of target shooting, the advantage of abstinence and the disadvantage of using alcohol were clearly shown by experiment. In this test (Fig. 186), during the first series no alcohol was used ; in the second series two thirds of a wine glass of brandy was taken 20 to 30 minutes before shooting and an equal amount of alcohol in punch on the evening before. No one who aims to achieve a place in the world and in the respect of friends 324 Healthful Living can afford to use alcohol in any form. Its effect on the nervous system is especially disastrous. Alcohol lessens skill and precision in fine work where head, hand, eye, muscles, and nerves must work together for deftness and accuracy. It is common knowledge that a musician, who is indulging in alcohol, will make more mistakes in playing. The fine adjustments and coordinations are then no longer possible. Those who look forward to having power over and control of the body should guard against the danger of alcohol. Improper functioning of the nervous system. Nearly everyone has known of some one who has gone insane. Such disease of the mind was little understood in the past, and insane persons were thought to possess evil spirits. In- sanity * is usually thought of as coming quickly, and the most fantastic causes are given for its occurrence. Now the im- portant thing for us to remember is that insanity usually develops slowly and its causes are well known. Insanity is much more frequent than is generally supposed, and in the state of New York about one in every 200 of the adult popu- lation is in an insane hospital. In ten years insanity in this state has increased 104 per cent. Drugs and insanity. Opium,* morphine,* and cocaine * cause a large proportion of the insane in every state. Alco- holic insanity may be caused by the regular use of alcohol even in moderate quantities which do not produce intoxica- tion. It is stated that 30 per cent of the men and 10 per cent of "the women in the state hospitals are suffering from conditions due to alcohol. In states where there is pro- hibition, the amount of insanity is much less. This is scientific information and has the support and belief of the highest medical authorities. These poisons, alcohol, opium, morphine, and cocaine make up the principal parts of many patent medicines. This is another reason for forbidding Hygiene of the Nervous System 325 their use because they often weaken the mental powers and produce insanity. Communicable diseases and insanity. Mental disturb- ance of a serious nature may follow certain diseases. The poison from typhoid fever,* diphtheria,* and tuberculosis* may so injure the nervous system that complete recovery does not occur. Many cases of insanity are produced by a specific communicable disease that is contracted through immoral acts. Those who are weak enough not to con- trol themselves may look forward to the possibility of " softening of the brain/' or, as it is called by doctors, general paralysis. Habits of mind and insanity. Habits of mind are im- portant factors in producing mental disturbance. The state of mind that is most favorable for the health of the nervous system is the one in which the individual is satisfied with life and is not nursing the misfortunes that happen to befall him. It is dangerous to brood and pout over slights, disappointments, and injuries. Such unwhole- some mental reaction if persisted in may tend toward insanity. Some people think that their disposition is fixed like the color of the eye, but it is not so. A cheerful, optimistic, friendly, and happy disposition may be trained and achieved. Hard work alone rarely causes a breakdown of the nervous system, unless there is associated with it loss of sleep and worry. Henry Ward Beecher once said, "It is not hard work that kills men ; it is worry." v TEN GOLDEN RULES OF HEALTH FOR SCHOOL CHILDREN 1 I. Sleep get as many hours in bed each night as this table indicates for your age. Keep windows in bedroom well open. 1 Proposed by Dr. Thomas D. Wood, Columbia University. 326 Healthful Living HOURS OF SLEEP FOR DIFFERENT AGES AGE HOURS OP SLEEP TIME IN BED 5-6 13 6 P.M. to 7 A.M. 6-8 12 7 P.M. to 7 A.M. 8-10 lit 7 : 30 P.M. to 7 A.M. 10-12 11 8 P.M. to 7 A.M. 12-14 10| 8:30 P.M. to 7 A.M. 14-16 10 9 P.M. to 7 A.M. 16-18 . 9 9 : 30 P.M. to 7 A.M. II. Eat slowly never between meals. Chew food thor- oughly. Drink water with meals but never when there is food in the mouth. Drink water several times during the day. III. Brush your teeth at least once a day. Rinse mouth out well with water after each meal. IV. Be sure your bowels move at least once each day. V. Take a warm, cleansing bath with soap once or twice a week. Take a tepid or cool sponge (or shower) bath each morning before breakfast and rub -body to a glow with a rough towel. VI. Keep clean body, clothes, and mind. Wash your hands always before eating. VII. Play hard and fair. Be loyal to your team mates and generous to your opponents. VIII. Study for keeps. IX. Do all you can to help keep your school and your home clean and attractive. X. Be cheerful and do your best to make the world a better place to live in. APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY Exercise I 1. Why is it best to change from very absorbing work to work of less interest a while before retiring? 2. Why is the power of habit a blessing ? A danger ? Hygiene of the Nervous System 327 3. How does travel often cure a sick person when all else fails? 4. Why should we never study immediately after eating? 5. Is it better for children to play or to take exercise? 6. What causes the peristaltic action of the stomach? 7. Is one more likely to sleep soundly who does his brain work in the forenoon and muscular work in the afternoon than if he reverses the order? 8. How do fatigue and sleep affect the nervous system? Exercise II 9. How does anger cause indigestion ? 10. Does perfectly comfortable clothing from head to foot con- tribute to one's ease in company? 11. Does uncomfortable clothing make one self-conscious? 12. Is it as important to have the shoes and the clothing per- fectly comfortable when going out as when staying at home ? 13. Would you get more rest by sleeping for four hours undis- turbed, or by sleeping eight hours but being awakened every half hour by some noise, and going immediately to sleep again ? 14. When one sits with the leg under the body, why is it that the compression causes a tingling sensation or paralyzed feeling in the foot ? 15. Do the girl, who frets over washing the dishes, working with an unwilling mind, and the boy who, while he is sawing wood, is wishing to go to a baseball game, do their work with more or less fatigue than if they worked cheerfully and willingly? Why? 16. What are the causes of improper functioning of the nervous system ? Exercise III 17. How is a sneeze a protective act? 18. Why may a dyspeptic digest a large Thanksgiving or Christ- mas dinner when he often has trouble with an ordinary dinner ? 19. Why is it more difficult for an adult to learn to speak a language than for a child? Why do adults find drawing and languages more difficult to acquire than history and mathematics ? 20. In what two ways may opening a window when a student is becoming dull and drowsy at his books enable him to wake up and study with ease ? 21. Muscles may be classed as minor, such as those of the eye, voice, hand; and major, such as those of upper arm, leg, trunk. 328 Healthful Living Why is the use of the minor muscles exhausting to the nerves, while the use of the major muscles strengthens the nerves? 22. Why do you throw cold water upon a fainting person? 23. Why may cold feet cause sleeplessness ? 24. Why does constant moderate drinking undermine the health more than occasional intoxication ? 25. The vasomotor nerves control the size of the blood vessels. Which nerve centers control these nerves? Why does a draught blowing on the back of the neck often cause a cold? LABORATORY EXERCISES Reaction Time. The nervous system is arranged to protect the body from injurious conditions affecting it through its environment. This protection is shown when the eyes are closed to shut out the light that is too bright, when the hand is thrown in front of the face to ward off a thrown missile, and when the hand is withdrawn FIG. 187. The inductorium. (The set screw holding the trunnion block tube against the side rod is not shown.) on coming in contact with a hot stove. These are a few of the many instances of the protective reactions of the nervous system. Now the quickness of this reaction varies in different people, and the length of the time from the moment the outside stimulus is received and the body reacts is shorter or longer depending on the activity of the nervous system. This time is called the reaction time and is capable of measurement. Hygiene of the Nervous System 329 Experiment 1. To study the reaction time of the nervous system. Material. Inductorium, signal magnet, copper wires, elec- tric batteries, kymograph, and keys. (Figs. 187, 188, 189, 190.) FIG. 188. Electrodes. About two fifths the actual size, electrodes are attached to the inductorium. The Method and observation. Arrange a signal in the primary cir- cuit of the induction apparatus with the two keys. Place the kymograph with smoked paper in contact with the recording point of the signal magnet. Let the subject hold the electrodes of the inductorium on the tip of the tongue with one hand and with the other hold down the one key. The experimenter will then spin the drum and close the other key. This closing of the key will make the circuit and hence will produce an electric shock. When the subject feels the shock on the tongue, he breaks the circuit by opening his key. This clos- ing and opening of the circuit produces a movement of the signal which is recorded on the kymograph, and so there is a graphic record of the time the stimulus was received and the moment the response was given. This interval is the Reaction Time. FIG. '189. The simple key ; about three eighths the actual size. FIG. 190. The signal magnet. 33 Healthful Living GLOSSARY Assimilation. The last act of the process of nutrition. It follows digestion and absorption. After the food elements are di- gested and absorbed, the transformation of them into an in- tegral part of the cells of the body is assimilation. Chromatin. The coloring matter of the nucleus. The chromatin contains the essential elements of the cell and is important in reproduction of the cell. Cocaine. A white, bitter, crystalline alkaloid with the formula (Ci 7 H2iNO 4 ). It produces loss of feeling when injected into the skin. Diphtheria. A disease caused by the Bacillus diphtheria. The organisms grow on the mucous membrane of the throat, larynx, and nose and produce toxins which circulating in the blood cause the injury to the heart and nerves and the re- sulting symptoms. Dream. A succession of mental images, usually incoherent and confused, that come in sleep. Fever. A general disturbance of the body characterized by an increase in body temperature. Often preceded by a chill and followed by quickened pulse and respiration. The communi- cable diseases all produce some fever. Hallucination. An apparent perception with no corresponding external object. Sights seen and sounds heard without there being any object or cause of sound, illustrate the condition. Hysteria. A nervous state in which the individual rapidly changes from laughing to crying accompanied with a choking sensation in the throat. Insanity. A condition of the mind brought about by diseased processes in the brain or nervous system. The individual lacks the ability to think and act in the way which is con- sidered by most people to be sane. Lachrymal. The gland which secretes tears ; the duct which carries them over the eye ball; the name of the secretion itself. Morphine. A bitter, crystalline, narcotic alkaloid with the formula (CnHigNOs). It is a derivative of opium. Opium. A product of the unripe capsules of the poppy. Chemi- cally it is a mixture of different alkaloids, chief among them being codein and morphine. Hygiene of the Nervous System 331 Somnambulism. Performing the act of walking and other pur- posive acts during sleep. Tuberculosis. A disease caused by the Bacillus tuberculosis. This organism may attack almost any structure in the body. There may arise tuberculosis of the lungs, of the liver, of the brain, of the kidneys, of the intestines, and other organs. Typhoid fever. A disease caused by the Bacillus typhosus. This organism attains entrance to the body through water, milk, or food that has been contaminated by one sick with the disease. CHAPTER XVII SENSATION AND THE SPECIAL SENSES I. Classification of the Senses. II. The Sense of Taste. III. The Sense of Smell. IV. The Sense of Sight. The external parts of the eye The interior structure of the eye The .act of accommodation Regulation by the iris of the amount of light admitted Defects of vision Care of the eyes V. The Sense of Hearing. Structure and function of the ear Care of the ear VI. The Sense of Touch. Temperature Pain Pressure VII. The Muscular Sense. VIII. General Sensations. Hunger Thirst Classification of the senses. In animal life the develop- ment of the nervous system has produced certain groups of nerve cells for the purpose of carrying on particular tasks. The eye is a nerve structure which has undergone a re- markable development so that man may be more familiar with his environment. The endings of a nerve in the tongue make possible the distinction between sweet and sour, palatable and distasteful food. Sensory nerves in the skin 332 Sensation and the Special Senses 333 inform us regarding the objects in the world around us. The touch sensation is compound. It conveys qualities of pressure, warmth, cold, and pain. The temperature sen- sation is always projected externally to objects; the pain sense goes inward and is felt as a sensation * within the body. The sensory nerves in the skin have special endings and each nerve has special work to do. There are cold and warm, pressure and pain nerves and, when stimulated, each carries its own kind of sensation. Pressure nerve endings transmit a sense of pressure ; cold endings carry a sensation of cold, etc. Sensory nerves also have endings in the muscles and these nerves on contraction of the muscle tell the brain how intense the contraction is and where the part has moved. Some of these fibers end in the cerebellum and this sense at work helps to maintain the balance of the body. It is called our muscle sense. In addition, there are certain common sensations, such as hunger and thirst. We feel them as existing within the body. 1. Taste 2. Smell Special 3. Sight Senses 4. Hearing f Temperature 5. Touch ] Pain 6. Muscle sense I Pressure General 1. Hunger Senses 2. Thirst Sensations The sense of taste. It was mentioned that the tip of the tongue has a very keen sense of touch. The tongue is a very muscular organ, and when we are eating, it helps to keep the food between the teeth ; it also does the chief part of the work in the beginning of the process of swallowing. But perhaps its most important function is to afford a home for the nerves of taste. These nerves consist of a branch of the fifth pair of nerves, which are distributed over the 334 Healthful Living front part of the tongue, and the ninth pair, which go to the back part of the tongue (Fig. 171). Although we often speak of food as being palatable, the sense of taste in the palate is very feebly developed. What we call flavors affect us through the sense of smell. If the nostrils be held closed, a piece of onion placed on the tongue does not have the " taste " of onion at first, nor at all, unless particles are wafted up and pass through the pharynx into the nose. An apple is, under the same conditions, as tasteless as an Irish potato. If the nose is held shut, ground coffee placed upon the tongue loses its flavor and is as tasteless as sand, if the tongue is wiped dry. The way to make these tests is to obtain the articles and have them given to you for tasting, without knowing which you are getting ; then find whether or not you can tell the difference. Substances, in order to be tasted, must first be dissolved on the tongue. The tip of the tongue is most sensitive to sweets and salines, the back part to bitters, and the sides to acids. The sense of smell. In quiet breathing most of the air passes along the lower parts of the nasal passages, just above the hard palate. Fibers of the olfactory nerve end mostly in the higher part of the nasal passages. When we wish to test an odor, we sniff, that is, we take a sudden inspiration by jerking the diaphragm down. A volume of air larger than usual rushes in, more of it passes over the parts of the walls in which the olfactory fibers are located. It is necessary that the substance producing the odor be in a very finely divided condition, probably gaseous. Smell has its source in the beginnings of the respiratory passages, just as taste is at the gateway of the alimentary canal ; and just as taste by its influence on the salivary and gastric glands, greatly influences digestion, so the sense of smell greatly influences the respiratory acts. The breath- Sensation and the Special Senses 335 ing of a pleasant odor increases the depth of the breathing. Pleasant odors, as of flowers and of fresh country air and of the forest, contribute to our health and well-being. Why do foods lose flavor when one has a very bad cold in the nose? The sense of sight. The eye brings to the brain from the external world pictures of form, color, and movement. With- out the eye, color and movement could not be ascertained and form would be only partially sensed. How would form be known in part? This marvelous structure, the eye, is set into a hollow, formed by the bones of the skull. The camera in structure and function is similar to the eye. Familiarize yourself with the parts of a camera and identify these with parts in the eye. The external parts of the eye. The eye is a globular organ, set in a bony socket. It is controlled in its movements by muscles, protected from dust and dirt by the lids and lashes, and on its exposed surface, the conjunctiva, it is moistened by a secretion from the lachrymal gland. These structures form the external parts of the eye and will be described be- fore the internal structure of the eye proper will be given. The Oculo-motor Muscles (Fig. 191). The eyeball is capable of being turned in all directions by means of six slender muscles which begin in the back part of the orbit. Four of them are straight. The one above turns the eye upward, the one below turns it downward, the one toward the nose turns it inward, and the one toward the temple turns it outward. The other two are oblique. The superior oblique muscle passes forward through a loop which serves as a pulley near the inner upper front part of the orbit (Fig. 191). It rotates the eye in one direction, and its antag- onist, the inferior oblique muscle, rotates it in the opposite direction. " Cross eyes " are caused by too great con- traction of the internal straight muscles, and " wall eyes " are caused by too great contraction of the external straight 336 Healthful Living xe-c,u s FIG. 191. A, the muscles of the right eye- ball (viewed from above). B, the muscles of the left eyeball (viewed from the outer side). muscles. The defects may be remedied by a skillful surgeon, who cuts the proper muscle with a suitable instrument, and permits it in healing become attached another point f 1 1 i i Optic to to farther back. A person is blind while the eyes are moving. Watch while some one in front of the class tries to move the eyes gradually and uniformly across the field of vision. Do the eyes move by jumps or steadily? The motions of the lids and eyeball give the expression of the eye. The eyeball itself has hardly more expression than a glass eye. We judge the distance of objects by the lines of conver- gence of the two eyes. This conver- gence is accomplished by the harmoni- ous action of the eye muscles. A boy with one eye has difficulty in knowing when a ball thrown will reach his hand. When we look at a solid object, each eye sees a little more of the object on its side than does the other. Thus two eyes make it easier to distinguish bodies. By taking two photographs of a solid scene from slightly different points and arranging them so that the eyes of light from A and B are look at the pictures separately &' FlG192< _ Diagram of a stereoscope. Two photo- the same time the idea of solidity appear to come from c. Sensation and the Special Senses 337 is given. The stereoscope * (Fig. 192) secures this arrange- ment. The Lids. The upper and lower lids protect the eye. They are supplied with muscles and can be moved very quickly. The upper lid has greater movement. From the edges of the lids grow hairs, called lashes. The lashes pro- tect the eye from dust and are very sensitive to all pressure. The under surface of the lids is covered by conjunctiva in which are located glands which produce an oily secretion. This secretion prevents the rapid drying of the watery se- cretion that comes from the lachrymal gland. The Lachrymal Gland. The lachrymal gland is some- times called the tear gland. It is located above the eye- ball, between the ball and the bony arch on the side toward the temple. It is flattened and oval in shape, about three quar- ters of an inch in length. About J)uct ' ten small ducts lead from it and open on the under side of the upper lid. The secretion that it furnishes to the conjunctiva is partially dissected to show lach- formed continually. The tears J^ *^ d and lachrymal pass across the eye and flow into two small ducts, the openings into which can be seen on the borders of each eyelid near the inner angle of the eye. They open into a canal which leads into the nasal passage (Fig. 193). When one weeps, why is it necessary to blow the nose fre- quently? At the ordinary rate of supply, the tears do not overflow, as there is a waxy secretion along the edge of the eyelid that turns them toward the ducts. When have you noticed a waxy secretion in the corner of the eye? The Conjunctiva. The eye is apparently set in a slit in the skin of the face, but this is not really the case. The skin of the eyelids turns inward over their edges and becomes 338 Healthful Living a thin, transparent, and exceedingly sensitive mucous mem- brane, called the conjunctiva. It is, like other mucous membranes, composed of epithelial cells. The conjunctiva goes back under the lid and over half the eyeball itself to the other lid, so that the eye is really behind the skin. When the eye is directed very much to one side, the conjunctiva is sometimes seen lying in wrinkles. The veins which we think we see in the white wall of the eyeball when the eye is " blood-shot " are usually in the conjunctiva, which is so transparent that we do not easily see it unless its vessels are swollen. Trachoma,* sometimes known as " sore eyes," is a disease of the conjunctiva. This serious infection of the conjunctiva is not infrequent among school children. This disease is very serious and affects the sight if not properly cared for. It is transmitted from child to child by use of the common roller towel, by borrowed handker- chiefs and other personal property that comes in contact with the face of the child. Always use your own individual towel and never lend or borrow a handkerchief. The Health Department of the City of New York has issued the following bulletin for parents : DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH THE CITY OF NEW YORK Instructions to Parents Regarding Trachoma Trachoma is a contagious disease of the eyelids. If left un- treated it is very dangerous to the eyesight. It first attacks the inner surface of the eyelids, later it spreads to the eyeball itself and causes loss of sight. In the beginning the eyes may be red and watery and they may, from time to time, contain matter, but often for a long time there are no symptoms that the person notices, and the disease is frequently first discovered by the doctor. It is very difficult to cure trachoma, and it is the more difficult the longer the disease has lasted. For this reason trachoma should be detected as early Sensation and the Special Senses 339 as possible. It is contagious when secretion, that is to say " matter," is present. This secretion is conveyed from the eye of the person affected to the eye of the healthy person and thus sets up the disease. The secretion is for the most part conveyed by means of towels, washrags, and handkerchiefs, and persons with trachoma should always be careful that their towels, washrags, and hand- kerchiefs are used by themselves only. It is not on the street that trachoma is transmitted from one person to another, but generally in the home, and it is, therefore, in the home that the greatest precautions should be taken. Children who have trachoma are not allowed to attend school unless they are regularly treated. If your child has sore eyes, take it to your doctor or to a Dis- pensary * at once. The interior structure of the eye. The eyeball (Fig. 194) is a globular chamber filled with transparent fluids. This Irrs Ci/iary Musc/e Retina Choroief 'c/erot/c Coat FIG. 194. The anatomy of the eye. chamber is divided into two compartments (Fig. 194) by a semi-solid crystalline * substance called the lens,* and a mus- cular diaphragm (Fig. 195), the iris. The wall of the eye is made of three layers of tissue, called coats of the eye. Coats of the Eyeball. The sclerotic * coat is the tough white outer coat of connective tissue. It preserves the 34 Healthful Living shape of the eye and serves for the attachment of the muscles. This coat is pierced in only one place, and that is for the entrance of the optic nerve. It is continuous over the front of the eye, where it becomes transparent, and is called the cornea. You can see the cornea bulging out in the front, of a classmate's eye if you look at it from the side. The middle coat, the coat just within the sclerotic, is the choroid.* It consists of pigment cells and blood vessels. The choroid coat does not cover completely the whole ball. It is not over the cornea, but at the beginning of the cornea the choroid turns toward the center of the eye and forms the iris. The iris has an opening called the pupil,* and this opening be- cause of small muscles can change in size. The iris changes the opening of the pupil to allow just sufficient light to properly stimulate the optic nerves. When the light is dim, the pupil is opened wider and in bright light it is con- tracted to a small opening. The point where the choroid leaves the sclerotic coat to form the iris marks the attach- ment of the lens to the choroid. These two structures, iris and lens, divide the 'chamber of the eye into two compart- ments. In the anterior chamber is the aqueous humor;* in the posterior, is the vitreous humor.* The retina * is the third or innermost layer of the wall. It lines the chamber. It is composed of the end filaments of the optic nerve. These are a hundred thousand or more in number. The ray of light on coming into the eye stimulates these sensory endings of the optic nerve. To receive this stimulus of the light ray is 'the function of the retina, and to transmit it to the brain, is the function of the optic nerves (Fig. 197). The Aqueous Humor. The aqueous humor is a trans- parent liquid. This liquid gives firmness to the front part of the eye. It allows rays of light to pass through without deflection. The Vitreous Humor. The posterior compartment is Sensation and the Special Senses 341 the larger and main part of the chamber. The vitreous humor that fills this space is a perfectly clear liquid. The Crystalline Lens. The lens (Fig. 194) is a perfectly clear transparent structure, jelly-like in consistency. It is suspended by ligaments from the choroid at the place where the iris begins. The ligament is called the suspensory ligament. Take a lens that is rounded outward (convex) * on both sides, such as a hand magnifier, or even a strong lens from an old person's spectacles. Hold this up on the side of a room opposite to a window and catch the image* of the window on a white cardboard held back of the lens. This illustrates how the image of an external object is formed by the crystalline lens upon the retina. If some one stands up in the window, does he appear in the upper or lower part of the image? If he moves to the right, in what direction does his image move? The reversals are explained by the crossing of the rays of light as they pass through the lens. If two lenses of different thickness be used, it will be found that the cardboard must be moved close to catch the image from the thicker lens. The lens serves to refract the rays of light and focus them to produce a clear image. The Yellow Spot. The yellow spot is a minute area of the retina that is in direct line from the pupil. The nerve endings in this area are of such a character that vision is clearest at this point (Fig. 194). The Blind Spot. Light falling on the optic nerve itself does not give the sensation of light, but gives it only when falling upon the ends of the nerve fibers. Where the optic nerve enters the eyeball, there are none of these endings, and the light that falls there does not enable us to see any- thing. In the following experiment shut the right eye, and be careful not to let the eye. waver : * Read this line slowly. Can you see the star all the time? If not, change the dis- 342 Healthful Living tance to the book and read the line again. In the human eye the optic nerve enters not in the center, but at a point toward the other eye. The optic nerve along its course is not sensible to light, but if it is cut, it gives the sensation of a flashlight. This shows that the nerve, when stimulated, responds by transmitting the kind of impulse that is as- sociated with its function. The act of accommodation. Hold a pencil or finger in line with some object, as a picture on the wall. When looking at the finger, the picture is blurred and vice versa. FIG. 195. Diagram to illustrate accommodation. When looking up from a book that we are reading, to a distant object, we do not realize that any change in the eye is necessary; but the lens changes in shape, becoming more flattened for the more distant object, and becoming thicker again when a near object is looked at, thus always bringing the rays to a focus upon the retina at whatever distance the object may be (Fig. 195). But the power fails at a point called the near point, about four inches from the eye for most persons, and the image becomes indistinct. The change in shape of the lens is called accommodation ; it is brought about by means of the muscular fibers around the lens. Straining of the muscles is required for looking at very near objects. Sensation and the Special Senses 343 Regulation by the iris of the amount of light admitted. Look toward a bright window or the sky and note by means of a hand mirror the size of the pupil. Turn at right angles to the light, still looking in the mirror, and note the size of the pupils. What have you noticed about the eyes of a cat at night or in the darkened room? How do your own eyes feel when going from the dark into a lighted room ? Can you see as well when you first go from a brightly * he retina at B - lighted room into a dimly lighted one, as after being in the dim light for a short time ? The iris contains circular muscle fibers, A which reduce the size of the i t i- . . /! i i Myopic, or nearsighted eve, in pupil, and radiating fibers, which which ,!,,, raya of light ( A , A) enlarge the pupil. The arrange- '-- '.- l ^ " ment Of pigment Sometimes fol- the retina at B, the rays diverging lows the line of the fibers. Have you ever noticed lines in the iris ? Did you ever whirl a stick with a glowing coal on its end ? What was noticed? Can you notice anything similar if vou * Hypermetropic, or farsighted, eye, shake the hand up and down in which parallel rays of light (A, A) . , , , ,, ., ,, r, -re are focused behind the retina at D, quickly before the face ? If yOU producing a blurred image at B. gaze for a moment at a bright FIG. 196. light, then quickly close the eyes, what is noticed after the eyes are closed? These effects, called after-images,* are produced by the action of light upon the pigment of the retina, an effect which persists for a fraction of a second after the light is removed. Defects of vision (Figs. 196, 198). In near-sighted eyes the eye is too long from front to back, and the rays come to a 344 Healthful Living focus before reaching the retina. Among savage nations, where no books are used, almost every one has good sight, and nearsightedness is hardly known. Nearsightedness may be inherited or may begin with children at school. Some children seem to have a natural wish to get their eyes close to the book or writing. This is very undesirable for nearsighted persons. The head should be held erect in reading, to prevent blood congesting in the eyes, and to pre- vent round shoulders and flat chest. The proper distance for reading is fourteen to eighteen inches. The farsightedness that occurs in youth is caused by the eyeball being too flat. In the farsightedness of old age the lens has also lost its elas- ticity, so that its shape cannot be sufficiently changed to bring the lights from near objects to a focus on the retina. In farsightedness, convex glasses are used, and in nearsightedness, concave glasses are used. Astigmatism * is a defect caused by unequal curva- ture of the cornea in different directions. Care of the eyes. Sight is priceless. (When reading is mentioned in these suggestions, it is meant to include such work as writing, sewing, embroidering, etc.) 1. It is important to have proper light. The light should be steady, not flickering; we should not read after sunset by the fading twilight ; we should not read with the sunlight falling on the book; we should not read facing a window or with a light directly in front, unless the eyes are protected FIG. 197. Diagram of the course of the retinal nerve fibers. Light from A strikes the outer part of the right, and the inner part of the left, retina. The fibers from these parts go to the right half of the brain, B. N represents the nose. The spots A and A on the retinae are habitually stimulated together. Sensation and the Special Senses 345 346 Healthful Limng by a shade. The best artificial light is that given in the indirect or semi-indirect * method of illumination, either by gas or electricity (Fig. 199). In such lighting there is no glare. Is there glare on the blackboard in your room? FIG. 199. Indirect lighting without glare. This means that the windows are not placed properly. Light curtains diffuse the light evenly, but dark curtains cause lights and shadows. 2. The state of the eyes is of importance. We should not read when tired or sleepy; when convalescing from an ill- ness ; with the head bent down ; when the eyes are sore ; when they are tired, unless we rest them every few minutes by looking at far objects: when riding in jolting cars and carriages ; when the circulation is impeded by tight clothing around the neck. " Tobacco blindness " sometimes results from smoking. Sensation and the Special Senses 347 The first symptom is color blindness, which is followed by haziness of vision, and finally, by partial or complete loss of sight. 3. The character of the object of vision is of importance. The type from which books are printed should be large. The paper should not be pure white or glazed, but a neutral tint ; it should be opaque, so that the printing will not show through from the reverse page ; the lines should not be more than four and a half inches long. Publishers of magazines are the worst offenders in using shiny glazed paper because it brings out the beauty of fine engravings. The sense of hearing. The ear brings to the auditory area of the brain sensations derived from sound. These sensations are received and transmitted by the auditory nerve. For, the purpose of receiving it has a special sense organ, the ear. Structure and function of the ear. The ear may be de- scribed in three parts, the outer, middle, and inner ear Auditory Nerve Semi- Cir cula C 'a nets Middle Ear with Bones FIG. 200. Diagram of ear and Eustachian tube. (Fig. 200). The outer ear consists of the cartilaginous concha, the part that is usually spoken of as the " ear," and the meatus, the canal leading into the head from the lower part of the concha. Which part of the concha is not 348 Healthful Living cartilaginous but fatty tissue ? Part of the wall of the meatus is of cartilage, but the deeper part has a wall of bone. The entrance of the meatus is guarded by hairs, and its wall is covered with a bitter wax secreted by glands in the lining. Its inner end is closed by the tympanic membrane, which is sometimes called the drum, but it is only a drum skin. Three little bones stretch across the true drum, which is the middle ear, to a small film separating the middle ear from the internal ear. These three little bones are called the hammer, anvil, and stirrup. The middle ear communi- cates with the pharynx by a narrow tube called the Eusta- chian tube. This tube is for the purpose of admitting air to the middle ear, so as to equalize the air pressure on each side of the membrane and prevent straining it. Sometimes blowing the nose may press the air up into the middle ear and press the walls of the Eustachian tube together and close it. This causes slight deafness for the time. The pressure may be relieved by holding the nose closed and swallowing, thus opening the passage to the middle ear. One end of the hammer is attached to the inner surface of the drum skin ; the other end is attached to the anvil ; and one prong of the anvil is attached to the stirrup, which in turn is fastened by base to the small film stretched across the round hole in the bone, opening into the inner ear, or labyrinth. The inner ear consists of several cavities con- taining a liquid in which rest the endings of the auditory nerve. The endings of the nerve are elaborated into an organ, the cochlea, for receiving sound waves and three semi-circular canals which are concerned in equilibrium.* Soimd waves, entering by the meatus, set the drum skin to shaking; the vibrations are conveyed by the chain of bones (Fig. 201) across the middle ear to the liquid of the inner ear. The wave travels through air in the outer ear, solids in the middle ear, and liquids in the inner ear. The vibrations of the liquid, in the cochlea, start nerve impulses Sensation and the Special Senses 349 FIG. 201. Bones of right ear, enlarged ; malleus, incus, and stapes. in the fibers of the auditory nerve, and when these impulses are received and interpreted in the brain, the miracle of the conversion of the external sound wave ~^ /ncus into the sensation of sound is complete. It is now believed that the semi-cir- cular canals (Fig. 202) of the inner ear are not concerned in hearing. The weight of the liquid they contain press- ing upon the nerve fibers located in them and exerting a varying pressure according to the position of the body, gives us the " equilibrium sense," which enables us to know the position of the body at all times, that we may preserve its equilibrium. Sight and the muscular sense also contribute to maintain the equilibrium. Care of the ear. The meatus is self-cleansing ; the wax changes into dry scales, which fall out. The external ear should be washed, but when we reach the passage, we should go no deeper than we can easily reach with the tip of the finger covered with a damp cloth ; es- pecially the finger should not be forced into the tender ears of children. A blow with the flat hand upon the ear may force the air in and injure the tympanum. Picking the ear with hard or sharp objects is dangerous to the tymimnum. Vestibule Sem/'-C/rcif/ar Cana/s Coch/ea FIG. 202. The inner ear, or labyrinth. 35 Healthful Living Sometimes the wax collects in a lump near the drum, causing deafness. The remedy is to syringe the meat us with warm water until the lump is softened and comes away. The bitter wax is a protection against insects. Quinine often interferes for a time with the hearing. Chronic cold in the throat reaching the ear through the Eustachian tube sometimes injures the hearing. The sense of touch. The four special senses of sight, sound, smell, and taste are located in special organs. Touch is located in all parts of the body. When an object touches the skin, an impulse is taken to the brain. There it gives FIG. 203. Four papillse of the true skin, magnified. The epidermis has been removed. Most papillae contain touch corpuscles. touch (Fig. 203), com- posed of temperature *; (warmth Or cold), pain, Qr pressure . Three kinds r of sensations are thus in- cluded in the general name of touch. Touch strictly gives only such ideas as those of size, shape, location, smooth- ness, hardness, and dampness. The ends of the fingers can distinguish two points as separate points if they are only -^ of an inch apart, while if the- two points are applied to the back, they feel as if they were one point until they are separated two inches. The covering of epidermis not only protects the nerves and the other delicate organs in the true skin, from injury, but also modifies any impression, so that in producing a sensation it is spread over several nerve endings instead of one, and is thus turned into a gentle instead of a painful sensation. Temperature. Temperature may give warmth or cold sensations. This part of the sense of touch is located only Sensation and the Special Senses in certain points or spots, called heat spots and cold spots, situated a small fraction of an inch apart (Fig. 204). Some spots give a sensation of heat only, and some of cold only. The sense is so delicate that a difference of -J- of a degree of temperature between two ob- jects can be detected. Ex- tremely hot and cold objects injure the cells and do not give sensations of temperature but only of pain. Pain. A sensation greatly increased or often repeated be- comes unpleasant and is called pain. The same physical in- fluence may be felt at one time as a pleasant touch, and at another time as a pain, depending upon the state of the nerve tissue. When an influence is becoming strong enough to endanger the body, the simple sensation of touch becomes changed into one of pain and warns us to avoid the danger. When a nerve is laid bare and touched, or cut midway in its course, the feeling is not one of touch, but of pain. Pain is a protec- tion, and therefore more of a good than an evil. In many diseases it is a prominent symptom, and the physician is begged to give relief. But the wise physician hesitates before giving morphine or other sedatives, knowing that to drown the pain is to conceal the danger, and take away his best evidence as to the state of this disease. At the same time, he runs a risk of starting a habit in the patient of deadening pain and hiding unpleasant feelings by taking narcotics, a habit that may become fastened upon the FIG. 204. Cutaneous "cold" spots (light shading) and "hot" spots (dark shading) ; anterior surface of the thigh. 352 Healthful Living patient and ruin his life. Hence when sick we should bear pain bravely. Usually pain arising from the skin is located definitely by the nervous sj^stem and the place is easily recognized. Pain arising from an internal organ is located very inaccurately, For example, the pain from a severe toothache may be felt quite generally over the side of the face. Often the pain from an internal organ is felt in a definite skin area and so cutaneous pain in certain places refers to trouble in cer- tain internal organs. For example, pains arising from the stomach are located in the skin at the tip of the sternum; pains from the heart in the region of the scapula. Pressure. The sense of pressure is a part of the touch complex. The pressure points in the skin are more numer- ous than the temperature points and in the parts of the body supplied by hairs these pressure points lie over the hair follicles. This explains the delicate mechanism provided in animals which can feel their way in the dark by the long hairs of the face. What animals show such provision? It has been found that after anesthetization of an area of the skin, there remains a deep or subcutaneous sensibility to pressure and movement. The nerves that enable us to distinguish lighter pressures are associated with the recog- nition of temperatures. The muscular sense. When an object is lifted, it is felt to be distinctly heavier if its weight is increased by only j^, but when it is laid upon the skin, its weight must be increased by before it feels heavier. Hence it is con- cluded that sensations of weight and resistance to the muscles depend upon the amount of muscular effort needed to over- come the resistance as well as upon the feelings of pressure upon the skin and body. Close your eyes and place the in- dex finger of your right hand on your left eye. Are you able to do this? Sensations coming from the muscles of your arm, from the tissues of the joints of the arm, go to the Sensation and the Special Senses 353 brain and tell how to direct the hand. This sense is called the muscle sense. It is of great service in maintaining the balance in walking and in making coordinations. General sensations of the body. We have besides the special senses, the general sensations of hunger and thirst. These two bodily sensations arise from conditions within the body due to the chemical reactions or water content of the tissues. Hunger. The sensation of hunger is due to the con- tractions of the empty stomach. It has been stated in the past that hunger was due to a general need of the body for food, but the sensation passes away long before there is time for digestion and absorption to occur. In addition, hunger may be appeased by taking only a small amount of food. That contraction of the empty stomach produces the sensation of hunger has been experimentally demon- strated by Dr. Cannon of Harvard, and others have seen by an opening in the abdomen so that the stomach could be observed, that the stomach is contracted during the time that the sensation of hunger persists. Eating between meals keeps the stomach working so that at mealtime it is not contracted and ready to digest the food. This is an im- portant reason for not eating between meals. The contracted state is an expression of its readiness to receive food and care should be taken, therefore, not to have habits that produce a relaxed stomach. Thirst. The sensation of thirst is felt in the pharynx and the nerves in this region have the power of giving this sensa- tion. It has been learned that the cells of the body are made of protoplasm and that this protoplasm is liquid. We also remember that the cells are bathed in lymph. The fluid content of the body in health remains nearly constant. When we sweat, water is lost and we replenish that removed by drinking more water. When the water content falls below a certain point the nerves in the mucous membrane 2A 354 Healthful Living of the pharynx are stimulated by the blood, which has lost the water. This gives us the sensation of thirst. APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY LABORATORY EXERCISES Experiment 1. To study the sense of sight. Material. Snellen Test Chart (Plate X, back inside cover), and figure for testing astigmatism . (Fig. 205). Method and Observation. 20 feet from the observer. Place the Snellen chart a distance of Have it placed at the level of the eyes and in good light. The distance 20 feet is chosen, because at that distance light comes into the eyes in parallel rays. Hold a book in front of one eye and have the observer read the line marked 20 feet. If he can read the letters correctly, the vision in that eye is normal. If he can read only the "40 feet" line, the vision is \. Test the other eye in similar fashion. The test for astigmatism is made by seeing at 20 feet if all the lines of the chart (Fig. 205) are of equal width. Some of the lines may appear heavier or more distinct than others. Experiment 2. To study the sense of hearing. Method and Observation. At a distance of 20 feet have the observer stand with one hand over one ear. At that distance, whisper in a low voice and test whether or not the observer hears and understands. The whispered voice will be heard at 20 feet by the normal ear. In similar fashion, test the other ear. Experiment 3. To test color blindness. Material. A set of standard color worsteds with their tints and shades. Method and Observation. Test the student with the different colors anci note the difference in accuracy, FIG. 205. Test for astig- matism. Reading distance. If this defect exists, the lines that run in one direction will appear more distinct than the lines in other directions. Sensation and the Special Senses 355 Experiment 4. To analyze sunlight. Material. Prism. Method and Observation. Throw the rays of the sun after passing through the prism upon a sheet of paper. Note what colors are present in the spectrum. Experiment 5. To test sharpness of vision. Material. White thread and black card. Method and Observation. Cover one eye and measure the greatest distance at which the thread can be seen on the card. Test each eye. Test both eyes. Determine the greatest distance when the card is placed 30 and 60 degrees from the line of vision. Experiment 6. To test change in iris. Material. Two persons. Method and Observation. Place subject facing window. Cover one eye and on raising the hand, note the change in size of the pupil. Compare size of pupil when looking at near and at distant objects. Experiment 7. To test the dermal senses. (Fig. 204.) Material. Drawing compass, scale graduated to millimeters, fine horsehair, pencil, forceps, vessels of cold, lukewarm, and hot water. Method and Observation. (1) Place a straight piece of horse- hair in forceps and determine the greatest length that will give sensation of pressure. Then test the relative sensitiveness of the palm and back of the hand, the cheek and lips, forearm and fore- head. (2) Determine the least that the points of the compass may be separated and still be recognized as two points, when placed in contact with the parts given in (1). (3) Make slight pressure on the back of the hand with pencil and determine the sensations that arise. (4) Put finger of right hand into a vessel of warm water and finger of left hand into a vessel of cold water. Notice the kind of sensations that come from the two fingers. Does this sensation change while the fingers are kept in the water? Withdraw both fingers and place them at once into a vessel of lukewarm water. What are the sensations experienced now? Experiment 8. To test the sense of taste. Material. Salt, sugar, vinegar, quinine. Method and Observation. Test with the different substances the tip, the sides, the back of the dry tongue and determine where the sense of taste for the different substances is located. 356 Healthful Living GLOSSARY After-image. The sensation of an object after the object ceases to be present. Aqueous humor. The water-like liquid in the front chamber of the eyeball. Astigmatism. A condition of sight in which the light rays which come into the eye on the horizontal plane of the eyeball come to a different focus than the rays that come in over the ver- tical plane. It is due to a difference in the curvature of the surface of the cornea. Choroid. The middle layer of the eyeball. In this layer are the blood vessels that supply the eye. Convex-lens. A lens that is curved like the surface of a sphere. Crystalline. Like a crystal, transparent, clear. Dispensary. An institution at which sickness is treated and medi- cines given. Equilibrium. A state of control of the body ; balance. Image. A visible representation of a thing. Lens. A structure capable of directing rays of light. This may be reflection to bring them to a point (as a sun mirror) or to scatter them. Perception. Understanding of the sensation that is received. Pupil. The opening in the center of the eye caused by the arrange- ment of the iris muscle. This muscle has a circular and radial arrangement and can constrict or dilate the pupil. Retina. The innermost layer of the eyeball. It is formed by the branching endings of the optic nerve. Sclera. The outermost layer of the eyeball. It is formed of con- nective tissue and provides the eye with a firm capsule. Semi-indirect. A variety of illumination. In this variety the light units are suspended in a bowl-shaped structure from the ceiling and rays of light are reflected downward from the ceil- ing and also pass directly through the bowl. Sensation. A conscious state resulting from a stimulus. Stereoscope. An optical instrument for blending into one image two pictures of an object. Trachoma. A very contagious disease of the eye. It is commonly called " sore eyes." Vitreous humor. The glass-like liquid in the back chamber of the eyeball. CHAPTER XVIII SOME SPECIAL REGULATIVE PROCESSES I. The Regulation of the Temperature of the Body. II. The Regulation of Body Activity and Growth. Thyroid secretion Thymus secretion Adrenal secretion Pituitary secretion Pancreatic secretion III. The Control of the Voice. The breath The larynx The resonant chambers Pitch, volume, and quality The care and culture of the voice The regulation of the temperature of the body. Man lives in the torrid zone and in the frigid zone, yet his tempera- ture remains the same as he goes from one zone to another, and as summer changes to winter. The temperature of the healthy body is about 98.6 F. This is unmistakable evi- dence that some means of maintaining a uniform temperature exists in his body. This means for regulation of heat works in two ways. The body controls its loss of heat as well as its production of heat and under normal conditions both means are used. Heat is lost from the body in the following ways : 1. Through the excreta and waste of the body. 2. Through the expired air. This air is warmer than the inspired air. 357 358 Healthful Living 3. By the evaporation of moisture from the skin. This heat loss is increased with the increase of perspiration. 4. By conduction and radiation of heat from the skin. We can to some extent control this heat loss through evaporation and radiation by wearing appropriate clothing. In winter the clothing should be chosen to diminish this heat loss and the material usually selected is wool. There is also automatic control of the heat loss by reflex control of the sweat nerves and the nerves to the blood vessels (vasomotor nerves). These vasomotor nerves are appar- ently under the guidance of a special center, so that a greater or less amount of blood, as desired, may be sent to the skin. On warm days the skin vessels are dilated; on cold days they are contracted. Heat is produced in the body by oxidation of food materials. The body burns its food and so forms heat, and an increase in good food gives more material for heat. Why do we eat more in cold weather? This heat production is regulated by the heat center or other controlling centers acting through the nerves going to the muscles. It is also regulated by the quantity and character of the food eaten and this is de- termined by the appetite. Body heat, therefore, in its pro- duction and in its loss is cared for by the body. By an understanding of the physiology of the process, we may so act as to assist the body. If we act contrary to the body laws, we are working against the body. Write down in two columns the ways in which the body may be assisted in heat production and in heat loss. The regulation of body activity and growth. It has been learned that there are secretions which empty into the ali- mentary canal through ducts leading from the secretory glands. Now there are other glands which produce secre- tions which they give directly to the blood stream and such are called internal secretions. They are discussed under the chapter on special regulative processes because they in- Some Special Regulative Processes 359 fluence the activity of organs through the body; in ad- dition, some are concerned in the phenomena of growth and development. If you have ever seen a cretin,* you have seen a person who lacks one of these internal secretions, that from the thyroid gland, situated in the neck. These secretions are called hormones (from oTrvaco, arouse or excite) . Thyroid secretion. The thyroid is a gland lying in the middle line of the neck and just below the thyroid cartilage. This secretion is necessary for proper physical and mental growth. Thymus secretion. The thymus is a gland that develops until the age of 12-13 and then decreases in size. It lies just above the heart. This gland gives an internal secretion that is of great importance in the development of the child. Adrenal secretion. The adrenals are small glands lying on top of the kidneys. These glands give in their secretion a substance, epinephrin, which acts as a stimulant to the heart and blood vessels and serves to increase the blood pressure. This gland becomes very active under emotional conditions. The power that one has when stimulated by fear or excitement to do a tremendous physical feat is given by the epinephrin from the adrenals. Pituitary secretion. At the base of the brain, lies a little gland, the pituitary gland. This gland has two lobes, an interior (front) and a posterior (back). The posterior lobe furnishes a secretion which causes a rise in blood pres- sure and slowing of the heart beat. The anterior lobe ap- parently gives a secretion of importance in the growth of the body and especially in the growth of bones. Increased activity of this lobe of the gland is responsible for giantism.* Pancreatic secretion. The pancreas gives a duct secre- tion. What are its enzymes? It also gives a hormone directly into the blood and this hormone is concerned in the oxidation of sugar in the body. Disturbance of this secretion, produces the disease known as diabetes. 360 Healthful Living It will be noticed, therefore, that the human body is very complex in its regulation and control. Unseen forces are at work directing its growth and controlling its development. It is a mistake to believe that body health and vigor may be obtained by the performance of formal gymnastic exercise in the home or gymnasium. This human body must be used with reference to its controlling mechanisms and its evolutionary development. If man will use his body in natural and wholesome ways of exercising it, eschewing alcohol and tobacco, selecting good foods and pure water, and obtaining fresh air and clean surroundings, then weak- ness and disease will not be so common. The body in this way will serve, as it should, as a fine and splendid temple for the soul and the soul will be enriched. The control of the voice. Man conveyed ideas in primi- tive * times before the use of the voice, by gestures. To-day this is called pantomime and as a means of conveying ideas it is less necessary because man has the ability to express his wants and desires by the spoken word. The voice, there- fore, is the means of communication between individuals; it is not the only means, however, nor should it be used alone because the use of the muscles of the body in producing movement and different forms of expression makes clearer and more forceful the meaning of the thought conveyed by the voice. The voice is used to convey ideas in song, and this use is not only utilitarian but also may be such as to give pleasure. Now whether the word is spoken or sung there are certain important facts in the production of this sound that are to be considered. The first of these is the breath by which the sound is produced, the second is the larynx in which the sound is produced, and the third is the resonating chambers which modify and mold the sound. The voice may be likened to a musical instrument in which the breath is the motive factor, the larynx is the string in the case of a violin, and the resonators are curves and flut- Some Special Regulative Processes 361 ings of the horn. In certain respects the voice resembles more a violin and in others it may be likened to a horn. It is verj^ important that the child learn to use the voice properly and to this end there should be instruction in speak- ing and singing. The motor factor breath. For the production of sound, air must be taken into the lungs and while under control it is allowed to pass out over the strings in the larynx, thus producing sound. In the chapter on respiration it was learned that there were three ways of breathing: costal, abdominal, and natural. Now, inasmuch as the diaphragm is so important in supporting the sound produced you have another reason why breathing should combine abdominal and costal. This form of breathing will give more air and at the same time will have it under better control. It is very important that the parts of the body be adjusted in the proper way and in this connection is it important to remember the correct standing position. How often have you seen girls and boys who were unable to speak plainly? Did you notice that their standing position was very poor? One who wishes to have a good voice must learn to stand in a position that will allow the chest to have free and un- obstructed movement and that will keep the abdomen well drawn in. As a result, the larynx will be supported in the proper place in the throat. The weal instrument the larynx. The larynx, in which the voice originates, is a cartilaginous box with three sides, the sharpest corner forming a ridge in front (Fig. 206). In many persons the larynx is prominent in the neck, and is called the Adam's apple. The lid of the voice-box, or larynx, is also of cartilage, and is called the epiglottis. Across the middle of the box are stretched two bands, or half curtains, called the vocal cords (Fig. 207). Their ends are attached to the front and back of the larynx. They- are not true cords, however, as they are thin and flat, and one 362 Healthful Living Epiglottis ffyoicf JBor edge of each band is attached to the side of the larynx. Since the cords run across the middle of the chamber from front to back, the free edges are brought near together. The slit, or opening between these edges, is called the glottis. During ordinary respiration the cords are re- laxed and the slit is wide open. To make the voice, the vocal cords must be brought very near together and drawn tight, and a cur- rent of air must be forced through the narrow slit to throw the cords into vibra- tion. The front ends of the Larynx Cricoid Cortifaae FIG. 206. View of the right side of the larynx, from the front. cords are attached to the larynx just within the angle, or ridge, called the Adam's apple. The rear ends are attached to two little movable cartilages at the back of Left Vocg/Cord Right Voca/ Cord Arytenoid Carti/age 207. Cross-section of the larynx above the vocal cords, with the mucous membrane removed. Some Special Regulative Processes 363 the chamber. The moving of these little cartilages by the muscles of the larynx brings the edges together and tightens the cords. Sound waves, or sound vibrations, are imparted to the air by the tremulous motion of the cords. The limits of the vibrations which the human voice is capable of making are from 42 vibrations per second for the lowest tone, to over 2000 vibrations per second for the highest tone. Lower C of the soprano is produced by 256 vibrations per second. The limits of vibrations which the human ear is capable of hearing are from 16 to 50,000 vibrations per second, but until they reach a rate of about 50, the sound is more like a buzz than a tone. Some people cannot hear the voice of mice, or the squeak of a bat, because the high pitch is be- yond the limit of their hearing. The resonant chambers. The vibration of the vocal cords alone produces a weak, squeaky sound, but their vi- FIG. 208. The shape of the mouth in sounding the vowels a, e, oo. brations are reenforced or strengthened by the vibration of the walls of the. lungs and trachea below, and of the nose and mouth above (Fig. 208). These echoes, combining with and ree'nforcing the vibration of the cords, determine the quality of the voice. Just as the shape and material of the walls of the violin give the quality to its tone, so the shape and condition of the nasal passages, throat, etc., give 364 Healthful Living characteristic quality to each human voice (Fig. 209). If the nasal passages are stopped up by catarrh, the person is said to speak in a nasal tone, or through the nose, but a " nasal " tone really results only when the sound can- not come through the nose. Such a person's voice does not change its quality when he speaks with his nose stopped with his fingers. But a voice which has correct nasal resonance * will change its quality when the nostrils are held. Try it, and see whether your voice retains its nasal resonance. Let one pupil read aloud at the back of the room where the FIG. 209. The resonant chambers. A, resonance cavity of the nose; B, resonance cavity of the mouth ; C, resonance cavity of the pharynx ; D, soft palate ; E, tongue ; F, point at which vibration begins. The figure on the left shows soft palate (D) in normal position, allowing air in iiaso-pharynx to vibrate in unison with initial note. The middle figure shows soft palate raised, shutting off the resonance and rendering tone thin and hard. The figure on the right shows another common fault. The tongue is lowered, increasing the size of the mouth cavity. This increases the volume of the tone, but renders the quality harsh and hollow (Latson). others do not see him, and find whether they can tell, by the change in his voice, at which word he closes his nostrils in the midst of the reading. The vocal cords are not used at all in whispering. It is akin to whistling. In singing, single sounds are more or less prolonged. In speech, the principal changes are in the duration of the sound, and in the reso- nance in the mouth. In whispering, audible breathing is cut Some Special Regulative Processes 365 off by the tongue and lips, and words are articulated, al- though no sound comes from the vocal cords. A public speaker ordinarily utters 125 words per minute. If there are four sounds to a word, this amounts to 500 sounds each minute or eight each second. Pitch, volume, and quality. The rate of vibration of a cord, and hence the pitch of a sound, are influenced in several ways. Is the string of a violin or of a guitar tuned up or down by tightening it? Which is higher in pitch, a long or short string of a harp or a piano ? Which makes a higher note, the light or the heavy string of a violin or a guitar? The pitch of the note given by a string may be raised in three ways : tightening, shortening, or decreasing the weight of the string. From these facts explain why the voice rises in pitch when we are excited, the muscles at that time be- ing contracted with greater force. Why does a cold with congestion of the cords cause a person to speak in a hoarse, deep voice? Why does a man, whose larynx is larger than a woman's, have the deeper voice? Why does a boy's voice change as his larynx enlarges? A man's voice has usually a pitch of one octave* below that of a woman or a boy. The range of the human voice is about two octaves. The voice may also vary in volume, or loudness, as well as in pitch. How do we speak loudly at one time and softly at another? If a tin pan is struck gently, the sound is weak; if it is struck with force, the sound is louder. We make the voice louder by stronger expiration of the breath, thus sending the air with more strength against the tightened vocal cords. Two persons sing a song together in the same pitch and with the same loudness ; yet you can readily distinguish a difference in the two voices. This is because of a difference in quality, which is the third variation possible in a voice. Sound in wind instruments is strengthened by resonance, which is a kind of instantaneous echo in the pipes. 366 Healthful Living The care and culture of the voice. The voice should not be used more than is absolutely necessary when it is hoarse. Catarrh may injure the voice by injury to the vocal cords or by obstruction of the nasal passages. The best way for a child to acquire distinct and refined speech, is to hear it habitually. Great numbers of people are handicapped by hasty, harsh, indistinct, or disagreeable speech. Parents and teachers should remember as children are growing up, what an advantage to them in after life a refined, melodious voice will be. Nearly all children have sweet voices when young, but many lose them before adult life on account of acquired nervous habits, dusty and ill- ventilated rooms, deformity of lungs due to restrictive clothing, or from singing during the time their voices are changing or attempting tunes beyond the compass of their voices. Smokers are frequent sufferers from affections of the throat. Smoking may produce a constant " hacking " cough. The hot, poisonous smoke, to say nothing of the poisonous vapor of nicotine, brought in contact with the vocal cords, is almost certain to produce mischief. Singers and public speakers usually have to give up the use of tobacco on this account. Cigarette smoking is especially bad for the voice, as the smoke is inhaled. . The deep-toned voice of the chronic drinker may be an indication of inflammation of the larynx, a disease from which beer drinkers often suffer. Methods of voice training vary, but it should be noted that there is no special virtue in any one system. To train the voice properly there must be considered the motor factor, the vocal instrument, and the resonant chambers. In some pupils one factor may need more emphasis than the others and the successful teacher will meet the needs of the pupil rather than pursue with every pupil a rigid system. To secure a rich, resonant, and flexible voice is the goal. Hence there must be no straining and no tense- Some Special Regulative Processes 367 ness. Breathing exercises that call for a rigid over-filled chest destroy flexibility. Swedish formal gymnastics are distinctly harmful in this respect because they make the individual tense and rigid. GLOSSARY Cretin. A person suffering from cretinism. This condition is caused by a deficiency in the secretion of the thyroid while the individual is a child. Giantism. A condition of the body in which all parts are enlarged and the person appears as a giant. This condition results from disturbed secretion of the pituitary gland. Octave. The interval between any note and that note that gives twice as many or hah 3 as many vibrations in a second. Primitive. Pertaining to the earliest times, especially before modern or ancient civilization. Resonance. A prolongation or reinforcement of sound by means of sympathetic vibration. The vibrations of the resonating chamber must come at the same time as the vibrations of the instrument producing the sound. CHAPTER XIX BACTERIA AND DISEASE I. Injury to the Body by Forces in Its Environment, II. Microscopic Forms of Life. Molds Yeasts Bacteria The work of these organisms III. The Effects of Bacterial Growth in the Body. Ptomaines Toxins IV. The Germ Theory of Disease. V. Antitoxins and Immunity. Smallpox vaccination Typhoid vaccination VI. Injury of the Body by Poisons in Food. Fish and shellfish Meat poisons Poisons in milk VII. Injury of the Body by Physical Agents. Heat exhaustion Sunstroke Electricity , Mountain sickness Caisson disease VIII. Injury of the Body by Chemical Agents. Lead poisoning Other poisonous metals IX. Diseases Caused by Mosquitoes. Malaria Yellow fever X. Tuberculosis. XL Prevention of Communicable Diseases. Cleanliness of the mouth 368 Bacteria and Disease 369 Drinking water Food Care of the bowels Bathing Sleeping Prevention of influenza XII. Table of Ways and Means of Communication of the Im- portant Infections of Man. XIII. How Bacteria Are Destroyed Within the Body. XIV. How Bacteria Are Destroyed Outside the Body. Disinfection Antiseptics XV. A Curious Theory of Disease. XVI. Health Rules for School Children. Injury to the body by forces in its environment. It is very important to remember that the human body is the kind of bod} r it is, because of the way in which the members of the race have lived. For example, man has an alimentary canal that requires a mixed diet, partly because in the growth and development of the alimentary tract, a diet of flesh, vegetables, grains, nuts, and fruits is used. Now the body is injured if man in his foolishness tries to live only on nuts. Also the body of man has developed with reference to exercise. Man has inherited the need for exercise just as definitely as he has inherited his biped position. Therefore, the man or woman who sits in an office all day and does not par- ticipate in games or sports or gymnastics of any kind, will suffer from disturbances in the body due to the lack of physical exercise. The body may also be injured by attacks from forces out- side the body, such as bacteria. These minute microscopic animals are present in the air and water and are often found on objects of all kinds. They cause disease by obtaining an entrance into the body and growing there. As they grow they produce poisons, which passing into the blood 2s 370 Healthful Living in the circulation, injure the body cells and in some cases kill them. Protection from such forces, therefore, will be obtained by preventing these bacteria from obtaining en- trance to the body or by keeping the body so well that, if they do get in, they cannot grow and develop. Do you remember the parable of the sower ? Well, bacteria are like seed. If they fall on stony ground (good, vigorous, healthy bodies) they die; if the leucocytes and protective agents in the blood are able and sufficient, they will play the part of tares and birds in destroying the bacteria; but if the bacteria come into the lazy, weak, inefficient body, they will produce many fold. Microscopic forms of life. As we trace back to their origins the lines of development of the animal and plant kingdoms, we find them converging to one common type, a single cell organism, so simple in construction and so un- specialized in function that it is impossible to tell whether it is plant or animal. These cells are so small that they can only be observed by means of the high power of the microscope. They are much smaller than the cells of the body. There are many different forms, but the ones important for us to know, are molds,* yeast, and bacteria. Molds. Every one has seen fungus * plants, such as mushrooms and puffballs, that do not bear flowers but multiply by spores. They live upon dead logs or where there is much dead organic matter in the soil. Imagine a fungus that grows on an average about ^ of an inch in height ; this is called mold (Fig. 210). It grows, for in- stance, upon moist bread in warm weather. Mold forms a kind of network as it grows through any substance that will nourish it, and sends up stalks with knoblike ends, the knobs being full of minute spores. FIG. 210. Ring- worm fungus in a hair. Bacteria and Disease 37 1 Yeast. Think, if you can, of small plants only about of an inch in length, and composed usually of one oval cell, a plant that makes new plants by " budding," or the forming of a smaller cell on the old one. Yeast cakes consist of yeast plants scattered among the grains of flour of which the cake was made. Yeast plants multiply rapidly, doubling in number in Iwo hours (Fig. 211). They grow upon sugar, decomposing it into alcohol and carbon dioxide. This process called fermentation. In wine making, s FIG. 211. The yeast plant. alcohol is the product sought; in bread making, carbon dioxide is the useful product, this gas giving the bread its lightness, while the small amount of alcohol formed is driven out by the heat in cooking. Bacteria. But suppose the microscope shows a much smaller organism which averages aoAoo of an inch in diameter, a one-celled organism that multi- plies by division like the amoeba and other one-celled animals, and lives upon albu- minous substances; only for its food, This is a bacterium. Bacteria are called also microbes * or germs ; and they are FIG. 212. -The organism that causes pneu- monia is a micrococcus and is called the pneu- mococcus. These bacteria have a capsule surrounding the organism. The large cells are polymorphonuclear leucocytes. the ing smallest of liv- organisms. A that k . tU1U L rod-shaped is Called 372 Healthful Living a bacillus ; a round-shaped bacterium is called a micrococcus ; and if spiral, it is called a spirillium (Figs. 212, 213, 214). Under favorable conditions abundance of food and con- siderable warmth and moisture bacteria may double in numbers every half hour. Thus millions may result from even one in a short time. (You will comprehend this better by referring to "geometrical progression" in your arith- metic.) Dryness and cleanliness prevent their growth ; cold retards their growth and division, hence the utility of ice in preserving meat, milk, fruits, and other foods in warm weather. Can you now ar- range the names yeast, mold, and bac- terium in order of size? Can you give the kind of material that each uses for , food? Can vou tell FIG. 213. These bacteria are the cause of " cholera and are called cholera spirilla. They DOW each multiplies, have small hair-like processes which serve as tails Qr reproduces its for locomotion. These are called flagellae. kind? What is a bacillus? For what is " microbe " another name? The work of these organisms. Molds are nature's tools for destroying hard and durable tissue like logs, bone, and hides, which otherwise would not decay but would fill the earth, leaving no room for living creatures. Ringworm is caused by the growth of one form of mold within the skin. It does not grow in a sound and clean skin. Falling of the hair is often accompanied by the growth of mold in the hair follicles, but it must be preceded by overheating and starving Bacteria and Disease 373 of the cells of the scalp by a tight hat, too much brain work, or other cause. Yeast prevents the calamity of all plant food accumulating in the form of starch and sugar. Bacteria destroy the dead and excreted matter of vegetables and animals so that it melts away and is stored in the soil, ready to be utilized as plant food again. Mold, yeast, and bac- teria are great blessings, for they are indispensable friends of all other living beings. They do not always wait for the dead or dying material to be ex- creted, or separated from the animal or plant, before attack- ing and destroying it. If more food is eaten than can be digested, and it re- mains longer than five hours in the FIG. 214. The diphtheria bacilli are the small rods shown in the picture. These organ- isms are killed by antitoxin given to those who have the disease. stomach, starchy food may ferment by the action of yeast plants, giving rise to carbon dioxide gas, and albuminous .food may undergo decomposition from the action of bacteria. The effects of bacterial growth in the body. Ptomaines* You learned that bacteria produce decay in unsound tissue. They destroy the albumin in which they grow, producing foul-smelling gases and a number of poisons called ptomaines, if formed after death. Ptomaines cause most of the symp- toms produced by eating decayed meat. A special kind of ptomaine sometimes forms in milk and ice cream which been kept for a long while. This is why ice cream 374 Healthful Living which has been melted, and frozen a second time, is dangerous. Toxins* The growth of bacteria in an unsound, living body, produces poisons called toxins, which, circulating among the sound tissues, produce weakness and disease. Disease germs may grow upon the injured cells in an open wound, causing offen- sive matter to form. Diphtheria (Fig. 214), typhoid fever (Fig. 215), tuber- culosis (Fig. 225), cholera* (Fig. 213), lockjaw* (Fig. 216), and la grippe* are all diseases in which germs have been proved to be present, and all produce poi- sonous toxins. The germ theory FIG. 215. Typhoid bacilli. The growth Q f disease. Loilis of these organisms in the intestine produces typhoid fever. Pasteur, the great French scientist, made possible the modern understanding of disease and opened up the way for the treatment of many diseases that had caused scourges and plagues * in the past. Robert Koch explained and demonstrated the " germ theory of infectious diseases " mainly as follows : 1. Each infectious disease is caused by a specific germ. These germs may be found in the tissues or fluids of the body affected and the products from the growth of these germs are the poisonous agents which injure the body and give the symptoms of the disease. The germ of diphtheria is the Diphtheria Bacillus. The Bacteria and Disease 375 poisons from the growth of these germs in the throat give the symptoms of the disease. 2. The specific germ taken from one body and introduced into another body susceptible to the disease, will produce in the second body the same disease. Why do we have quarantine ? * In a recent epidemic of infantile paralysis in New York City, a mother fearing to take her child to a hospital left her home and traveled with the sick child to another part of the city. Why should she not have / ~ /,._o, done this ? Did she / I / , f /o e Report by the US.DFPAffrMFNr OF LABOR of an investigation authorized by Conyress,/897. \ I Represents employers who do consider en app/icant's drink/ny habits . K\\\\\\\\VJ Represents employers who do not consider an applicant's drinking habits. 77% of A// Establishments Reporting 56.5% of Mines and Quarry-men ^^^^^^ 72% of Agricu/lur/sts 79% of Manufacturers 88% of Trades E V% of Transportation FIG. 228. Drinkers are not sought as workmen or for responsible positions. it is for the drinking man to obtain employment. It is harder for him to hold it, if he gets it, because he is less efficient, more liable to injury, and often causes trouble among other employees. It is significant that great industrial organizations, rail- roads, and mercantile houses are requiring that their men do not drink. They know that alcohol in any form lowers the efficiency of their men and the men are beginning to realize that they are more capable and advance more rapidly if they leave drink alone. George Patullo writing in the Saturday Evening Post of the encampment of the National Guard on the Mexican Border says, " It is growing to be the same with the soldier as with every other calling. He finds that booze The Effect of Alcohol and Tobacco 411 does not pay, that it is a losing game and hurts his health. He has discovered that commanders frown on it and people with whom he would like to associate are temperate and prone to shy off from a hard drinker." Insanity. The sober man thinks first and then acts ; the man under the influence of alcohol acts first and thinks afterward. Alcohol so interferes with the working of the mind (Figs. 229, 230) that the man is unable to make correct judgments. Consequently after a time his mind is really impaired. In the State of New York over 25 per cent of the insane in the hospitals of the state are insane be- cause of the use of alcohol. It is estimated that there is lost to the State of New York every year, through insanity, over $2,400,000 and to the United States $12,000,000. The report of the states in which alcohol is not allowed shows a decrease in the in- sanity of that state. For example, the State of Kansas has made great improvement in this regard. Now at one time it was thought right and proper to drink, and in some places to-day drinking is a custom, a tradition that is followed. There are parents who drink alcoholic liquors because they formed the habit in their youth when drinking was considered less harmful than it is known to be to-day. The one test of growth, in a people, is to make im- provements from one generation to another. So the child is not to judge the parent either as regards action or motive. FIG. 229. This figure shows four nerve cells from the brain of a man who died of alcoholic insanity. It will be noticed that the body of the cells and the nerve fibers are broken up and degenerated. The changes shown in Fig. 230 are the more severe changes, and repre- sent complete destruction of the nerve tissue. 412 Healthful Living The new generation, better acquainted with the facts, many of them discovered recently, must see that it takes advantage of the facts and does not repeat the mis- takes of the older generation. In this way civilization, in which we all have a part to play, will advance. Summary of the effects of alcohol. In conclusion on this question it may be stated that the fol- lowing represents the results of alcoholic drinks as a beverage : 1. Alcohol tends to reduce physical strength and endur- ance and the amount of work done. 2. It impairs men- tal work. 3. Alcohol belongs to the class of habit- forming drugs, like opium and morphine, which tend to create a craving for increas- ing amounts. In certain persons this leads inevitably to heavy drinking and its serious consequences. 4. The alcohol user on the average is especially liable to sickness and to premature death. FIG. 230. An illustration of the nerve branches and fibers in a case of alcoholic in- sanity. The patient died of this disease, and when the nerve fibers were examined under the microscope, they were shown to be swollen and broken down in the manner illustrated in the drawing. The swellings of the nerve fibers, as seen in this illustration, are characteristic, and are usually seen in the brain of those dying from alcoholic insanity. The Effect of Alcohol and Tobacco 413 5. Drink increases liability to accident even in the person who is never intoxicated. 6. The use of alcohol by parents is often responsible for a high death rate in children, or for physical or mental defects. 7. Alcoholism does not necessarily mean drunkenness. The habitual user of alcohol may show some of its effects without ever reaching the stage of intoxication. 8. Alcohol is not a stimulant to the nervous system, but a depressant.* 9. Because of the effect of alcohol on mind and body it is responsible directly and indirectly in the United States for at least one fourth to one half of all poverty and neglect, for more than one third of pauperism, for one fifth of the insanity and divorces, and one half of the crime. Tobacco. The leaf of the tobacco plant is used for smok- ing and chewing. At one time it was used in powdered form as snuff. There are many reasons why tobacco should not be used by man, and no satisfactory reason why it should be used. With this viewpoint in the foreground there are some people who say that a person who uses tobacco is a fool and that he will go insane if he smokes cigarettes. Now such a statement is at variance with the facts. In con- demning or praising any method or practice, care should be exercised in forming a judgment and discretion used in stat- ing a belief. What does tobacco do to the cells of the body ? How does it injure them ? What may be the loss in terms of efficiency? These are questions that we should be pre- pared to answer. General effects of tobacco. In the first place we can think of men who are strong physically, keen mentally, and sound morally, who at times use tobacco. If they use it moderately, they may reply to our question by saying, " smoking does not hurt me." By such a statement one may mean that no perceptible harm is felt. But, how much keener mentally, how much stronger physically, would he be, if he did not smoke. 414 Healthful Living Smoking contributes nothing to a man. Men smoke but the smoking is not a characteristic of manliness. So, be- cause you know men who smoke, do not think that smoking does not hurt them. Think rather of how much better in every way they would be if they did not smoke. It is true that the use of tobacco forms a habit that tends to increase the amount of tobacco used. This is the special danger in cigarette smoking. It leads frequently to the use of so many cigarettes that health and strength are lost. That smoking causes undesirable effect upon the body is shown in the custom of college athletes. Coachers and trainers do not permit smoking by those who play on the team and all athletes who seek to excel in sport, do not use tobacco. We know that smoking impairs one's physical efficiency. A war correspondent visiting the Italian trenches in the Trentino during the recent war writes as follows : "As we pushed on, all our old sins of pipes and cigarettes began to be expiated in our middle-aged hearts. ... So we struggled on, the easy perspiration bathing our bodies. Hiatt was doing better than I, being younger and less guilty of cigarettes. I would force myself until I could go no farther ; would stop ; would droop over my alpen-stock and pant like a netted fish." Men who smoke to excess find that they become nervous, lose their appetite for wholesome food, and show a distinct loss in efficiency. The effects of tobacco upon youth. The youth who looks forward to physical efficiency as well as mental efficiency as important factors in doing a work and achieving a place in the world, will leave tobacco alone. The growing boy suffers the most of all from the use of tobacco. His growth is interfered with, his heart is injured, and his stomach dis- turbed. If the boy thinks he wants to smoke, he should wait until he is twenty-five years old ; then with developed The Effect of Alcohol and Tobacco 415 body and a wiser mind, if the use of tobacco seems desirable, let him make the choice, cognizant of its dangers and limita- tions. The youth who looks forward to excellence in athletics, to achievement in business or the professions, to authority and control in store and factory, will select his habits as carefully as his friends, his food as carefully as his facts, and he will leave tobacco out of the things that are for him. APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY 1. Should a person with a " cold " keep away from other people ? 2. What is the value of vaccination ? Are you vaccinated ? 3. Do you take reasonable care to see that your food is fresh ? Is this important ? Can ill health result from decayed food ? 4. What diseases may flies carry? How is your home pro- tected against flies? 5. How many hours a night do you sleep ? Does it satisfy the requirement ? What is the requirement for your age ? 6. Do you wash your hands before eating? In what diseases is this habit very important ? 7. Do you sleep at night with your windows open ? In winter? 8. Do you attend to the elimination of the body waste every day ? How important a habit is this ? 9. Are bacteria destroyed within the body? 10. Which is the most important, prevention of infection, or disinfection after infection has resulted from carelessness ? 11. Is cleanliness of value in the home? How much more valuable is it in the person ? 12. How many Health Rules for Children do you know and follow? 13. Is alcohol a food? How did the Russian government solve the question? 14. What is fatigue? How can you tell when it is time to rest? 15. Are stimulants advisable when you are tired? What will rest do that stimulants will not do ? Is restoration of more value than stimulation? 16. What is the difference between natural and artificial stimulants ? 17. Write an essay on alcohol with reference to its impairment of the efficiency of the body. 4i 6 Healthful Living GLOSSARY Benzine. A colorless and highly inflammable liquid obtained from crude oil by distillation. Depressant. A substance that lowers the irritability of the body cells, and makes it difficult for them to respond. Opiate. A substance allied to opium and capable of inducing sleep. Sedative. A medicine having the power to quiet and sooth the body. Strychnin. A white crystalline poisonous compound with the formula (C 2 iH 2 2N 2 02). It is a strong stimulant of the nervous system and highly poisonous. APPENDIX FIRST AID IN EMERGENCIES Artificial respiration. This is a means for getting air into the lungs of a person after drowning, smothering, gas poisoning, and the like. It is a rather simple procedure and not so complicated as a young friend of the author seemed to think when she called it " agricultural perspiration." It is performed in the following way (Schaefer Method). Place the subject face downward on the ground, turn the face to one side, and bring the hands to a resting place beside the face. Kneel astride the body of the person and place your hands on each side of the back in the region of the lower ribs. You are now ready to begin. It must be remembered that the average rate of respiration is about 18 times a minute and the procedure you are to follow should proceed at about the same rate. (1) Lean forward on your hands so that all your weight may be brought to bear on the ribs of the subject. This forces the air out of the chest. (2) Raise your body and release the pressure on the ribs. The elastic chest wall will fill out and take in air. This pressure and release at the rate of 18 times a minute will cause the air to pass in and out of the lungs and so will provide for the neces- sary oxygen. Inasmuch as the most frequent cause for the use of artificial respiration comes from drowning, it is important to know and remember the proper care regarding accidents on the water. If the boat or canoe upsets, the first efforts should be directed to getting hold of the side of the upturned ves- sel. A boat or canoe will float and will support the weight 2E 417 418 Appendix of several persons. After support is obtained, then one may look around to see what is the desirable thing to do. In many cases other people will see you and come to your assistance. Their assistance is often too late if the one having the accident has thrown himself around in the water, has called out, and has taken a lot of water into the mouth causing choking and making breathing difficult. Do not cry out as the boat upsets, for you are liable to choke with water taken in with the mouth open. Black eye. A blow in the face, by bruising the soft tissues around the eye, may cause discoloration. The best treatment is the immediate application of an ice pack (chipped ice in an ice bag) or cold compresses applied every half hour. If this does not entirely prevent the discoloration, the part may be painted by a face paint but usually this is unnecessary. Beefsteak serves no valuable purpose in this injury when applied to the part. Burns. Burns are of different degrees of severity de- pending upon extent of the burn in area and in depth. The depth of the burn is described as follows : The first degree shows a reddening of the cells of the epidermis ; the second degree shows a separation of the epidermis from the dermis, with the formation of serum between the two layers (blister) ; the third degree shows the destruction of the epidermis with some burning and injury in the dermis. After the burn, be it from heat, chemical, or other source, do not touch the part burned with the fingers, do not apply salve of any kind, and do not open any blisters. The best first-aid dressing is the application of the following on a sterile gauze dressing : Picric acid 65 grains Alcohol 2.5 ounces Distilled or sterile water 1 quart This solution is made by dissolving the picric acid in the alcohol and then adding the water. Do not remove the Appendix 419 dressing for three days if the above precautions have been taken. If, however, the above dressing is not available, bak- ing soda may be applied directly to the burn and the wound then covered with a sterile bandage. On about the third day, blisters may be opened with a needle after its tip has been heated in a flame to a red heat (a match may be used for this purpose). Burns which do not blister are not danger- ous and they may be treated by applying sterile vaseline. Broken bones. A broken bone is a fracture of the bone. In case of such acci- dent keep the patient quiet. If he must be moved, a splint for the part may be made by means of a shingle, umbrella, pillow, or folded newspaper. Send for the doctor. If the end of the bone pro- jects through the flesh, do not touch the wound but cover it with a sterile bandage. Cuts and wounds. -Keep the cut or wound clean (Fig. 231). This does not mean putting some so-called antiseptic on it to clean it, but it means in most cases putting nothing FlQ 231 I Boy gcouts giving first aid On it but a Sterile treatment to a comrade. 420 Appendix dressing. If there is dirt in the cut, painting the area with tincture of iodin will be good treatment. Hydrogen peroxide and other first-aid remedies are less valuable. Protect the wound from anything that will infect it as fingers, clothing, or other objects, and help it to heal by keeping the part at rest. If the wound bleeds severely and the blood does not clot, pressure (see hemorrhage) may be applied above the wound (Fig. 232). If the wound does not bleed freely, as in the case of pin pricks, injuries from nails and other sharp instruments, every effort at first should be directed toward causing free bleeding. Tincture of iodin on the end of a tooth pick wrapped with a small amount of cotton, should then be inserted in the wound. If this treatment does not effect a cure in one day a surgeon should be consulted. Fainting. The practice of throwing a bucket of cold water on the person who faints is not to be approved. If the person is reclining, let him lie and keep the head lower than the feet. Loosen all tight clothing and gently fan the person or bathe the brow with cold water. Never give whisky to a fainting person. Keep people away, allow plenty of air, and maintain quiet. After the attack, do not move the person for at least half an hour. Foreign body in the eye. Cinders or dust particles in the eye are best removed with the tip of a handkerchief. If the object is on the upper lid, the lid must first be everted. This is best done by asking the person to look down at the time you are folding the lid back over a pencil. FIG. 232. The method of applying the knotted handker- chief to compress a divided artery, a, 6, track of the inner artery of the left arm. Appendix 421 In many cases it is necessary to have the services of a physician. Foreign body in the ear. In removing objects from the ear, care must be taken not to put any instrument in the ear. Children sometimes put such things as peas, grains of corn, etc., in the ear. They can be removed by washing out with an oil; do not use water because that will make the grain swell. Insects should be killed by oil and then they can easily be washed out. Hemorrhage. Hemorrhage is bleeding from a part, but this term is not used in the case of simple cuts. Where the flow is marked, the term hemorrhage is more aptly applied. In nose bleeding from an injury, keep quiet and compress the nostrils, breathing through the mouth. Often the nose bleeds from picking the nose with the finger nail. It is important not to pick the nose in such manner, and such bleeding usually comes from an ulcer caused in this way. Such an ulcer may need to be cauter- ized by a physician. Bleeding from the lungs gives frothy blood. Do not be alarmed but keep the patient absolutely quiet. Send for the doctor. Bleeding from the stomach usually shows in vomiting and the blood has a black appearance like " coffee grounds." Send for the doctor. Bleeding from the bowels occurs usually in case of piles. Keep quiet, avoid cathartics, and consult the doctor. Bleeding from other parts of the body following an accident FIG. 233. a, b, the track of the right femoral artery ; the compress applied near the groin. 422 Appendix is best controlled by applying with pressure a pad of sterile gauze and holding it in place with a bandage. If this fails, pressure above the bleeding point may be performed but in most cases this is unnecessary. The application of such pressure is to be made over the artery going to the part and by means of a handkerchief loosely tied around the part and then twisted tightly with a stick (Figs. 232, 233). Sprains. The spraining of a joint is due to a twist or fall. If the injury is cared for at once the best treatment is to immerse the part in ice-cold water and keep it there for fifteen minutes. If the injury cannot be cared for at once, the sub- sequent treatment is the application of heat in the form of hot water. In either case, afterwards the part should be strapped properly and the patient allowed to use the part. Bad sprains should be treated by a physician because there is often a break in one of the bones entering into the forma- tion of the ankle joint. Poisoning. The elaborate tables of the common poisons with their symptoms, antidotes, and treatment are of little use because they are too long and difficult to memorize and they are not available, as a rule, when most needed. The principle may be taken as a general rule : if the poison is an irritant that destroys tissues such as acids, lyes, metallic poisons, etc., give to the patient the raw whites of several eggs. First, however, send for the doctor. If the poison is of another kind, a narcotic, such as chloral, alcohol, cocain, laudanum, then make the patient vomit. Vomiting may be caused by giving a teaspoonful of mustard in a glass of warm water. This may be supplemented by more warm water and by tickling the back part of the throat with the finger. In poisoning, there is always depression of the vital powers, so keep the patient quiet, apply heat externally, and, if neces- sary, give artificial respiration. External heat may be pro- vided by blankets, hot water bottles, or heated stones applied to the body. Appendix 423 FIRST-AID REMEDIES TO HAVE IN THE HOME Sterile gauze Bandages of one and one half inch Alcohol (grain) Tincture of iodin Adhesive plaster, one inch wide Powdered boric acid Aromatic spirits of ammonia Picric acid for making the solution for burns Sterile vaseline in tubes Chlorazene surgical cream . . 4 ounces Castor oil 4 ounces Seidlitz powders 1 box of 12 Mustard, powdered .... 2 ounces Syrup of ginger 2 ounces Syrup of ipecac 2 ounces Talcum powder 1 tin Clinical thermometer ... 1 Red Cross first-aid packets . . 3 Uses of these remedies. Sterile gauze. This is used to cover open wounds. There must be care in handling so that FIG. 234. Various forms of handkerchief bandages: A, for the chest; B, for the shoulder, hand, and arms ; C, double bandage to prevent motion of the arm. it is not contaminated. The hands should touch only a corner and in no instance should they touch the part applied to the wound. 424 Appendix Bandages. They are used to hold the gauze in place, or give support to an injured part (Figs. 234-242). They may be used for sprains and with splints for broken bones. FIG. 235. Hand- FIG. 236. Three- FIG. 237. Four- kerchief bandage for cornered bandage for corner bandage for perineum and hip. arm. arm. Alcohol. Used externally in sprains, strains, and bruises. May be used for massage or rub. Tincture of iodin. Used on wounds to kill the bacteria. May also be used as a counter-irritant in sprains and strains. Adhesive plaster. Used to give support to an injured part. Boric acid. A saturated solution is valuable for cleansing and soothing the conjunctiva of the eye. Used after being exposed to wind and dust or in mild infections of the eye. Aromatic spirits of ammonia. FIG. 238. -Four-tailed bandage. ~ F r fainting, shock, Or marked depression, it serves as a stimulant. One teaspoonful in a half glass of water is the dose. It may be repeated. Picric acid. For burns. (See page 418.) Sterile vaseline. Vaseline may be used in all wounds so that the dressing will not adhere. It should be sterile. Chlorazene surgical cream. Superior to vaseline because of its disinfectant powers, it should be used on infected wounds. It is very valuable. Appendix 425 Castor oil. This is a mild cathartic. Dose for adult, 1 tablespoonful ; for child 6-12 years, 1 to 2 teaspoonfuls ; for infant, % to 1 teaspoonful. Seidlitz powder. Mild purge for headache, and symptoms of constipation and sluggishness of excretions. Mustard powder. Used to provoke vomiting by giving a teaspoonful in a glass of luke- warm water. May also be. used in mixture with flour (4 parts mustard and 7 parts flour) for a mustard plaster in bronchial and throat con- ditions. Syrup of ginger. One third teaspoonful in a glass of water is used for cramps and diarrhoea. Syrup of ipecac. One teaspoonful used with children to produce vomiting. Valuable in croup because it increases FIG. 239. Many-tailed bandage. FIGS. 240 and 241. Four-tailed bandage for the head. FIG. 242. Four-tailed bandage for the jaw. the secretion in trachea and lessens the obstruction. Talcum powder. Used in sunburn and for drying and soothing action on skin. Red Cross first-aid packet. This outfit contains a gauze bandage, a triangular bandage, and two safety pins. The gauze and triangular bandage are arranged to permit 426 Appendix application to wound without danger of contamination. It is very valuable for those who are unfamiliar with the handling of sterile equipment. EQUIPMENT FOR AN EMERGENCY ROOM IN A PUBLIC SCHOOL Furniture Two couches (rattan) One table Two chairs (wood) Closet Four woolen blankets Two hot-water bags One ice bag Two granite basins One dozen clean towels Splints for broken bones Medicine case Aromatic spirits of ammonia Toothache plasters Bi-carbonate of soda Picric acid (65 grains) Alcohol (grain) Mustard Olive oil Surgical case Sterile absorbent cotton Sterile gauze Sterile bandages Zinc oxide adhesive plaster Sterile vaseline in tubes Tincture of iodin Dressing forceps Surgical scissors Safety pins Book on the treatment of emergencies INDEX Abduction, 92 Absorption from stomach, 166 Adduction, 92 Adenoids, 20, 105, 270 Adrenal, 359 Air, composition of, 268; foul and fresh, 268 Albumin, 128, Alcohol, 3, 128, 404; and the blood, 249; and gout, 105; and insanity, 411; and lead poisoning, 383; and physical efficiency, 46, 408; and sunstroke, 382; as a food, 405; effect of, on blood vessels, 232; effect of, on nervous system, 322 Alimentary canal, structure and function of, 158 Amoeba, 3, 245 Animals, one-celled, 3; and primi- tive society, 7 Antagonist, 125 Antiseptic, 394 Antitoxin, 375 Appendicitis, 176 Appendix, vermiform, 175 Appetite, 191, 202, 207 Artery, 212, 217; hardening of, 249 Astigmatism, 342 Athlete, 46; effect of alcohol on, 47 Athletics, 131, 138 Auricle, 218 Autonomic system, 300; function of, 305 Axone, 289 Bacteria, 214, 216, 371; work of, 372 Bathing, 28, 389; sea, 133 Blind spot, 341 Blood, amount of, in body, 227; coagulation of, 215; carbohydrate of, 216; composition of, 211, 212, 245; effect of alcohol on, 249; effect of exercise on, 134; effect of sleep on, 247; fat of, 216; gases of, 214; germicidal power of, 214; growth determiners of, 216; pro- tective substances of, 216; pro- teins of, 216; purification of, 250; salts of, 216; table of elements in, 213; waste products in, 216 Blood pressure, 228; how to measure, 229; modification of, 230 Bone, broken, 96, 419; composition of, 88; function of, 73; growth of, 41, 104; nourishment of, 95, 104; structure of a long, 87 Boxing, 134 Brain, 292, 305; weight of, 306 Breathing, abdominal, chest, and natural, 273; muscular action in, 271; nose, 270 Bronchus, 259 Burns, 418 Calorie, 151 Camping, 133, 139 Capillary, 217, 220, 228 Carbohydrate, 147, 151, 216, 240 Carbon dioxide, 4, 185, 211, 214, 220, 240, 256-281, 313 Cartilage, structure of, 40 Cells, 1, 211, 288; origin of, 4; prop- erties of, 4 Cerebellum, 312; function of, 312 Cerebrum, 307; effect of removing, 308 Cheese, 197 Cholera, 372 Choroid, 340 Chyme, 167 Cilia, 260 Circulation, aids of, 235; action of lungs on, 238; course of, 222; effect of exercise on, 237, 247; effect of massage on, 238; hygiene of, 245; importance of good, 245; lymphatic, 239; modification and control of, 230, 248 ; nature of, 212 427 428 Index Circumduction, 92 Coagulation of blood, 215 Cold, taking, 246 Conductivity, 5 Constipation, 171, 177; and appen- dicitis, 177 ; use of foods in, 177 Contractility, 5 Cooker, fireless, 205 Coordination of muscles, 123, 287, 298 Corpuscles, 212, 244; work of red, 213; work of white, 214 Dancing, 137 Dandruff, 24 Degeneration, 7; fatty, 128 Dendrites, 288 Development, 9, 212; of jaw, 17; over-, 140; power of self-, 44 Dermis, 16-23 Diaphragm, 262 Diastole, 218 Diet, 150; of different peoples, 153 Dietary of Atwater, 150; of Voit, 150 Digestion, and environment, 191; enzymes and, 155; of food, 158; and health, 189 Diphtheria, 373 Disease, 3-7, 214, 374; caused by mosquitoes, 385; table of ways of communicating, 391, transmission of, 393 Disinfection, 393 Dislocation, 96 Drugs, 325 Ear, care of, 349; foreign body in, 421; structure and function of, 347 Eating and exercise, 206; times for, 205 Eggs, 197, 205 Elasticity of the blood vessels, 226 Emulsion, 173, 181 Energy, effect of stimulants on, 402; expenditure of, 123, 125; muscular, 123; origin of muscular, 42; po- tential and kinetic, 43; production of, 123, 400-401 Environment, 369; and digestion, 191 Enzyme, 155, 173 Epidermis, 24 Ergograph, 46, 142 Esophagus, 165 Eugenics, 110 Eustachian tube, 348 Evolution of the nervous system, 65 Excretion, 15 Exercise, 3, 127, 172; an aid to the circulation, 237; corrective, 99; effect on complexion, 29; for foot, 97; forms of, 132; and growth, 129; and health, 131 ; the heart in, 230; respiratory, 272 Expiration, 265 Extension, 91 Eye, black, 418; care of, 344; foreign body in, 420; internal structures of, 339 ; muscles of, 335 Fainting, 420 Fat, 147, 151, 240 Fatigue, 46, 321; meaning of, 402; muscular activity and, 127; sub- stances, 127 Fencing, 134 Fibrin, 216 Fibrinogen, 216 Flexion, 91 Flour, 199 Food, 146-157; composition of, 148; digestion of, 158; poisons in, 378; sources of, 193, 194; sources of food elements, 148 Food values, calculation of, 151; table of, 153 Foot, exercises for, 97; hygiene of, 85; proper shoe for, 87; structure of, 85; weak, 96 Fruits, 196 Function, 6; of epithelial tissue, 13; of skin, 24 ; of nerves, 293 Ganglion, 49, 66, 290 Germs, 214 Glands, 14; lachrymal, 337; lym- phatic, 244; oil or sebaceous, 26; salivary, 160; sweat, 25 Glucose, 216 Glycogen, 45, 181, 182 Grains, 198, 203 Growth, 4, 211, 216, 358; of bone, 41; determiners of, 216, 358; effect of exercise on. 129; effect of Index 429 tobacco on, 414; and repair of tissue, 52 Haemoglobin, 213, 215 Hair, 30; care of, 31; superfluous, 31 Health, 4; cleanliness and, 279; digestion and, 189 ; essentials for, 139, 251, 280-281, 317-318, 404; golden rules of, 326 ; indications of, 32 ; influence of exercise on, 131, 140, 244; importance of cir- culation for, 245 ; rules, 395 Hearing, 347 Heart, activity affecting, 230, 231 ; as a pump, 217 ; rate of, 232 ; rate in animals, 233 ; rate in man, 233 ; tobacco, 249 ; valves of, 219 ; work of, 291 Heat a form of energy, 124 Height, 129, 130 Hemorrhage, 248, 421 Heredity, 110, 129 Hockey, 136 Humidity, 269 Hunger, 353 Hyperopia, 343 Immunity, 375 Impulse, nerve, 5-8, 45, 50, 51, 232; nerve, in coordination, 123 Infection, 211 Influenza, 389-390 Injury, to blood vessels, 248 ; to nerves, 294 ; of body by poisons in food, 378-382; of body by physical agents, 382-383 ; of body by chemical agents, 383-384 Insanity, 325,411 Inspiration, 264 Instincts, 132, 191, 280 Intestine, absorption from large, 176 ; absorption from small, 173 ; large, 175 ; small, 169 ; support of, 170 Irritability, 5, 127 Joints, 89 : ligaments of, 90 ; motion in movable, 90-93 Juice, digestive, 14, 156, 172; gas- tric, 166; intestinal, 173; pan- creatic, 172 ; salivary, 161 Larynx, 258 Legumes, 195 Lens, crystalline, 341 Leucocytes, 213-214 ; and bacteria, 392 Lever, 115 Ligament, 39, 90, 96, 98 Liver, 178; anatomy of, 178; cir- culation through, 178; disturbance of, 185 ; functions of, 181 ; micro- scopic structure of, 179 Lung, aid to the circulation by, 238 ; external appearance of, 261 ; in- ternal appearance of, 260; tuber- culosis of, 387 Lung capacity, 129 Lymph, 240, 241 ; cause of flow of, 243 Lymphatic, origin and course of, 242 Malaria, 385 Massage, 238 Meat, 196, 203 ; extracts, 197 Mechanism, neuro-muscular, 122 ; table of digestive, 184 Medicine, patent, 201 Medulla oblongata, 232, 312 Membrane, mucous and serous, 14 Mesentery, 171 Metabolism, 5 Milk, 197 Molds, 370 Mosquitoes, 385 Mucus, 14 Muscle, 109-121 ; attachment of, 113 ; cardiac, 112 ; comparison of, 113 ; coordination of, 123 ; kinds of, 110; names and positions of, 117; and nerve, 1 10 ; property of, 109; involuntary, 112; volun- tary, 111 Muscular sense, 352 Myopia, 343 Nails, 31 ; care of, 32 Narcotic, 128 Nerve, structure of, 49-50, 289-290 Nerve center, 290 Nerves, accelerator, 232, 304 ; ac- tion of, 292 ; cranial, 295 ; func- tion of, 293 ; inhibitory, 232, 304 ; injury to, 294 ; terminations of, 291 ; secretory, 15 ; of the skin, 25 ; spinal, 295 430 Index Nervous system, arrangement of, 295; effect of activity on, 317; effect of alcohol on, 322 ; effect of fatigue on, 321 ; effect of sleep on, 318; function of, 286 Neuro-iiiuscular mechanism, 122 Nourishment, 13, 214, 239 Nucleus, 3 Nucleolus, 3 Nutrition, hobbies about, 192 Nuts, 195 Organism, 6 Organs, 6; of the circulatory system, 64 ; of the digestive system, 62-63 ; of the excretory system, 66-67 ; of the muscular system, 61; of the nervous system, 64-65 ; of the reproductive system, 6768 ; of the respiratory system, 63, 64, 257; of the skeletal system, 61 Osmosis, 175 Ovum, 4 Oxidation, 42-43 Oxygen, 211, 213, 214, 220, 240, 256- 281 Pain, sense of, 351 Pancreas, 172, 359 Papilla, 16 Pasteurization, 379 ; value of, 381 Patent medicine, 201, 251 Periosteum, 42 Peristalsis, 165, 166 Peritoneum, 170, 171 Perspiration, 15-25 Pharynx, 163, 258 Physiology, 3, 12 Pituitary, 359 Plasma, 212 ; work of, 214 Plexus, 300 Pneumonia, 371 Poisoning, 422 Posture, 100 Pressure, of the blood, 228; sense of, 352 Prevention of communicable diseases, 388; of influenza, 389-390 Process, 4 Properties of cells, 3-5 Protein, 147, 151, 240; of the blood, 251 Protoplasm, 2, 213, 288 Psycho-motor, 122 Pulse, 226 Pylorus, 165 Reflex act, 299 Reproduction, 5 ; organs of, 67, Respiration, 264, 282-284; artificial 416 ; hygiene of, 269 Retina, 340 Rheumatism, 162, 239 Rotation, 93 Running, 134 Saliva, 161 Secretion, 14, 168 Sensation, general, 293, 353 Senses, classification of, 232 Serum, 14 Shoe, characteristics of good, 97 Sight, 335 Skeleton, use of, 72 ; parts of, 75 Skin, dermis of, 16-23 ; hygiene of, 28; injury of, 28; organs of, 24; protection of, 26-28 ; structure of, 22 Skull, 75 Sleep, 318 Smallpox, 376 Smell, 334 Spermatozoon, 4 Spinal cord, function of, 297 ; struc- ture of, 296 Spine, curves of, 80, 81 ; function of, 79 ; deformities of, 97-100 Spleen, 245 Sprains, 96, 422 Stimulant, 128, 154; artificial, 402; natural, 403 Stimulus, 127 Stomach, absorption from, 168; as a storehouse, 168; structure and movements of, 165, 166 Sugar, 147 Sunstroke, 382 Swimming, 133 Systole, 218 Taste sense, 333 Teeth, 16-18; hygiene of, 20; parts of, 19 Temperature of the body, 212, 357; regulation of, 357 Index 431 Temperature sense, 350 Tendon, 114, 119, 126 Tennis, 133 Tetanus, 374 Theory of spontaneous generation, 4 Thirst, 353 Thoracic duct, 243 Thorax, 81 Thymus, 359 Thyroid, 359 Tissues, 2-5 ; building good, 52-54 ; connective, 38-42; epithelial, 13; kinds of, 12; muscular, 42-49; nervous, 49-54 ; how the nourish- ment reaches the, 239 Tobacco, 139, 413-416 ; effect of, on the heart, 249 ; effect of, on the respiratory organs, 279, 366 ; and diseases of the throat, 163, 366 Tone, muscular, 126 Tonsils, 162 Touch sense, 350 Toxins, 374 Trachea, 163, 258 Trachoma, 338 Tuberculin, 388 Tuberculosis, 387 Typhoid, 374 Uvula, 164 Vaccination, 376-377 ; value of, 378 Vagus, 232 Valves, of the heart, 219; of the veins, 236 Vasomotor, center, 232 ; nerves, 231 Vegetables, 200, 204 Vegetarianism, 193 Vein, 212; valves of, 236; varicos*. 249 Ventilation, 275-279 Ventricle, 218 Vermiform appendix, 175 Vertebra, 77 Vertebral column, 76 Vessels, effect of alcohol on blood, 232; function of the blood, 225- 228; structure of the blood, 223- 225 Viceroptosis, 171 Vigor, 4'; of the hair, 30 Villus, 170 Voice, care and culture, 366 ; con- trol of, 360-366 ; effect of smoking on, 366 Walking, 104, 131, 134 Waste products, 185. 216, 217 Water, 147, 153, 389 ; at meals, 201 ; as a solvent for waste products, 214 Weight, 129, 130 Wounds, 419 Wrestling, 134 . Yeast, 204, 214, 371 Yellow fever, 387 Yellow spot, 341 Printed in the United States of America. (UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY BERKELEY Return to desk from which borrowed. This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. MAY 1 1848 LD 21-100m-9,'47(A5702sl6)476 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY