367 R . r P T n r> v T .g w f* n T* ri UEJrT . 367 HOW TO STUDY THE STARRY HEAVENS 367 SCHNELL ASTRONOMY Being a Treatise on the Origin of the Planets and Daylight by Vibration WHAT PLANETS, MOONS AND COMETS EXIST FOR, ALSO EXPLAINING THE WORK- ING METHOD OP THE ENTIRE SOLAR SYSTEM, THE OBJECT AND THE USE OF ALL THE HEAVENLY BODIES THAT HITHERTO HAVE BEEN UNEXPLAINED WITH ENGRAVINGS ILLU^RAT- ING THE DIFFERENT PARTS NEW YORK AND SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. ALBERT FREDERICK SCHNELL 1909 COPYRIGHT, 1909 BY ALBERT FREDERICK SCHNELL ABfROHOMY OSPT, PREFACE ASTRONOMY up to the present time has been chiefly on mathematical points and the mapping of the heav- enly bodies, and more or less of the scientific points. But this book is for the purpose of showing the ori- gin of the Planets, their nature, and their working method, how they came into existence, what they exist for, and to show that each and every one has a specific purpose ; that they do not merely exist or hap- pen so, but that each and every one has a well-gov- erned law that rules it the same as Man, and that they have a regular system wherein if they transgress that law they must suffer as well as you and I. It also shows that our solar system is a well-organ- ized family, obeying and being governed by the same law as the human race; that the planets follow our lives and come into existence the same as we do, by mating, and then have their offspring, which in turn reproduce their kind, the same as Man, Beast, or Bird ; that every thing that exists, all organized bodies, obey one law, and that is to propagate their species, only that there are different stages of evolution of the lives that, exist. It is written in language that any ordinary mind can understand, and it is free from scientific or tech- nical points, so that it cannot help being an interesting family book, my aim having been to express and so word it that all can easily understand it, and not alone the professional man. M29H772 CONTENTS PAGE The Origin of Our Planets n Heat Coming From the Sun Disproven Outside of Tem- perature or Distance 18 Daylight Produced by Vibration 29 The Zodiacal Light 39 What Causes Aurora Borealis or Northern Light . . 40 Why It Is Warmest Near the Earth 45 The Moon and the Causes of High Tide . . . .49 Why the Moon Is Barren 53 Moon the Result of Positive and Negative Forces . . 55 Why the Moon Is Brilliant During an Eclipse . . .61 Comets 65 Comet's Tail Proves It Is Magnetism . . . .79 Earthquakes 81 Volcanic Eruption . . . . ' . . . .84 Sun Spots 86 Saturn's Rings . 89 Mars' Canals 91 Mars a Diseased Planet 95 The Cracks on the Moon 97 The Earth's Vitals 101 Planet Death or Disintegration 104 Double Stars in Star Clusters 121 Nebula Stars 125 Magnetic Nebulae 130 Magnetism the Force of Gravitation ..... 134 Why the Earth Attracts Everything 136 Material Substance Cannot Act Without Intelligence . 138 The Part Working the Same as the Whole . . .143 Birth of the Moon 164 Water and Air Do Not Come from Space . . . 166 Creation or the Beginning of All . . . . . 169 Vibra Light 173 Jesus Did Not Claim to Give Us the Whole Truth . . 183 The Final Outcome of the Continuous Increase of Life . 186 Radium 189 Conclusion . 200 ILLUSTRATIONS FIG. PAGE 1. The Diurnal Arc Motion of the Sun and Our Earth . 20 2. Showing the impossibility of the Sun shining to the North Pole in Autumn, according to the old theory 21 3. The Force (Gravitation) that binds the Earth to the Sun 26 4. Zodiacal Light ........ 27 5. Magnetism projecting out from the Sun to some distant Planet 32 6. Magnetism projecting out from the Sun to some distant Planet 33 7. Magnetism extending from other Planets to the Sun 36 8. Magnetism extending from other Planets to the Sun 37 9. Aspect of the disc of Mercury ..... 41 10. Earth, Sun and Moon magnetically bound together 48 n. Eclipse of the Moon ....... 60 12. Comet's Orbit, showing how the Comets leave our Solar System ........ 64 13. Comet broken in two -68 14. Meteor Comets disintegrating 69 15. Comets with their tails extending away from the Sun 75 16. Star shining through the aura of a Comet's tail . 78 17. Mars 93 18. Double and Multiple Stars no 19. Double and Triple Stars 114 20. Star Cluster 118 21. Cluster Star 119 22. Nebula Star 124 23. Magnetic Nebula 131 SCHNELL ASTRONOMY THE ORIGIN OF OUR PLANETS AND DAYLIGHT BY VIBRATION THIS system demonstrates that light and heat do not come from the Sun but are produced by vibration, and that our planets reproduce their kind the same as Man, the law that governs Man governing the planets. This system will prove all things in our solar system that the old theory cannot explain ; it will tell what are Earthquakes, the Sun spots, the rings around Saturn, the supposed canals on Mars, the origin of Comets, and why there are high tides during the dark moon and the full moon, why the Moon has no vegeta- tion, and all things hitherto that have been unex- plained. Man being the product of the Earth, the law gov- erning the Earth must govern Man. In studying na- ture you will observe that the part always works the same as the whole, and as Man has been produced, so has the Earth; when we see everything the Earth is made of reproduce its kind and to claim that Mother Earth does not, will not hold good. Man the animal, the insect and the worm in the Earth reproduce their kind. Even science acknowledges that everything of a material nature has a negative and a positive pole, male and female in its action. Therefore, if every- 12 DAYLIGHT BY VIBRATION thing that the Earth is made of works positive and negative, male and female, so do the planets, the Sun being the positive and the planets the negative male and female. To say the Earth does not produce offspring is not being proved by nature. Man, with his wife, his chil- dren, and all mankind, have a magnetic relation ; it is the same with vegetation and trees. It is known that a fruit tree will not bear fruit unless there is another tree or plant life in its vicinity or neighborhood, thereby showing that it must have magnetic connection with some other tree before it will bear fruit or seed to reproduce its kind. You can take a field of yellow corn and plant one grain of red corn in the field and you will see at the very beginning, in different places in the field, ears with red grains mixed in with the yellow corn, show- ing it can only impregnate through its magnetism ; and I claim that the same relation is being carried on be- tween the planets and the Sun. Your children are your creation, and through a simi- lar process are created the vegetation, the animals, and everything that creeps and that has wings to fly; and if everything in nature is created through the repro- ductive faculty, which we know to be the case, is it not plausible that planets do likewise? Surely one proves the other, especially when you see, as I explain farther on, that the planets and their offspring propa- gate in the same manner as Man, following the lives of our offspring step by step until they come to ma- turity. I maintain that the Sun and the planets have a sym- pathetic magnetic connection together and that the 1 ORIGTN OF THE PLANETS 13 Moons are the offspring of the planets, and from Moons they go to Comets, and then they finally leave our solar system and meet other Comets in space and then mate, forming a solar system of their own. THIS SYSTEM EXPLAINS EVERYTHING You will find that my system, that planets reproduce their offspring, will demonstrate everything in our solar system logically, and according to Man and na- ture, and according to the old theory where there is so much that cannot be explained. Here are a few of the things that the old theory at present cannot or does not explain properly, but which my system will thoroughly explain : What the Zodiacal Light is. The Diurnal Arc action of the Sun with the Earth. In autumn and spring daylight is equally at the north pole as it is at the south pole, yet the Sun when overhead is south of the equator. Why it is always colder the nearer we get to the Sun. Why the slant theory of heat will not hold good. Why Mercury and Venus have a light behind their planets when the Sun is in the front. Why the Moon is self-illuminous when a few days old. Why the Moon is self-illuminous during an eclipse of the Moon, Why the Moon has no atmosphere, no water or vege- tation. Why we can only see a shooting star while it shoots, and not before or afterward. What Comets are and their origin. 14 DAYLIGHT BY VIBRATION Why Comets have tails, and why the tail extends away from the Sun as it travels around the Sun. What the Sun spots are and the rings around Sat- urn. What produces earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. What produces the rents or supposed canals on Mars. What the Aurora Borealis or Northern Light is. It will be found that my system explains the above logically and in harmony with Man and nature, and that the theory is not made to fit the case but is based on facts. THE PHENOMENA CLAIMED OF THE SUN CANNOT BE DEMONSTRATED Can the theory of light and heat coming from the Sun be substantiated by facts? You will find that the astronomers of to-day, in explaining the nature of the other planets, will reason with the law gov- erning the nature of our planet, but not so with the Sun. What are claimed to be the phenomena of the Sun, and the Sun itself, are all contrary to the laws governing our planets. We know on this Earth that the closer you get to any heat the warmer it gets, and a direct heat is always warmer than any slant, but the closer you get to the Sun, the colder it gets. The areonaut going up in a balloon always finds it colder and darker the higher he goes, no matter what slant the Sun is in. Our high mountain ranges have snow on them the whole year round, regardless of the slant of the Sun. Last July the German, Russian, Italian, and French governments loaned their men-o'-war ORIGIN OF THE PLANETS 15 to some scientific men to investigate the temperature of the atmosphere in space. Balloons with self- regulating thermometers were sent up. Two miles up was found to be at freezing point, and seven and a half miles up the temperature was from 60 to 80 de- grees below zero. Always the closer you get to the Sun the colder it gets. In November of 1907 there was a Sun spot thirteen times larger than the earth, and yet being thirteen times larger than our planet there was no visible difference in heat or light as long as the Sun spot lasted. If heat comes from the sun, and the Sun spot being thirteen times larger than the Earth, it would certainly make a difference in heat on our Earth. This Sun has been burning millions and millions of years and never burns out; it must consist of material that science cannot fathom. There is so much evidence to demonstrate that light "^ and heat do not come from the Sun that it seems i almost childplay to proclaim that it does, for there is / not one phenomenon that is claimed of the Sun that ( can be based on fact or in harmony with the laws of nature. In winter we are over three million miles ^ closer to the Sun than we are in summer. That alonex ought to be sufficient, without all the other evidence^ Speaking to others, some will say that that is not much difference. Well, that is poor reasoning, for that is one-thirtieth of the distance of the Sun. In their ex- cuses they say that the atmosphere acts as a blanket. If that be the case, then the atmosphere becomes less as we go away from the Earth. As the atmosphere acts as a resistant in all cases, whether it be heat or anything else, and as the atmosphere becomes less as we go away from the Earth toward the Sun, it 1 6 DAYLIGHT BY VIBRATION ought to be warmer as we go toward the Sun, not colder, as all heat on this Earth is always warmer as we go to the source from which the heat comes. THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A SLANT OF THE HEAT ON THIS EARTH Astronomers of old, seeing so much evidence against light and heat coming from the Sun, as the closer we get to the Sun the colder it gets, claimed that it was on account of the slant of the Sun on this Earth. As that is yet held as an argument to substantiate the old theory, we will analyze the slant theory. When we have our summer the mountain ranges which have snow on them the whole year round get the same slant as the land below. It being the same latitude, and the tops of the mountains being closer to the sun than the land below, and getting the same slant, the atmosphere ought to be warmer not colder, if heat comes from the Sun. It cannot be said it is the resistance of the atmosphere, as the atmos- phere is thinner or rarer on the tops of the mountains than on the land below; therefore it ought to be ^warmer on the moutains if heat comes from the Sun. During our summer the sun is about over the equator. Give it the same degree of an angle of slant south, and they have their winter, and east and west of the sun it is always colder. That would be morning and evening, or the sun overhead at noon. Then if the slant theory holds good it must hold good south, east and west as well as north, as the Sun is round. The Earth is round and the effect of the heat on the Earth is also round, taking in one-half of the Earth, so the ORIGIN OF THE PLANETS 17 slant must hold as good one way as the other. If you will think for yourself, and take into considera- tion the effect of the heat on this Earth, you will see that it will deny any special slant theory. The effect of the heat on this Earth is in a circle, taking in half of the globe, and always warmer at the centre, and colder as you go to the edge. Every degree of a circle you go away from the centre it will become colder as you go to the outer edge and it is absolutely impos- sible to have any slant. Slant has nothing whatever to do with the different temperatures of the heat on this Earth. Consequently, if heat comes from the Sun, the mountain ranges and the atmosphere in space as we go to the Sun should be warmer, not colder. HEAT COMING FROM THE SUN DIS- PROVEN OUTSIDE OF TEMPER- ATURE OR DISTANCE THE Sun's Diurnal Arc will also disprove that light and heat come from the Sun. The Diurnal Arc mo- tion is when the Sun is overhead at noon, it is farther south than its rising and setting points. That is to say, when the Sun rises and sets at the equator, and when it is up overhead at noon, it is between the south pole and the equator. When it goes down again it comes back north and sets at the equator (see Fig. i). When the Sun is in this position in autumn and spring the light is equally to the north pole as it is to the south pole, and it is absolutely impossible for light to come from the sun, and shine to the north pole, when it is nearer to the south pole (see Figs. I and 2). Fig. i simply shows the position the sun takes as our Earth turns on its axis. Fig. 2 is the actual form of the Earth. The Earth being round it is im- possible for the Sun in autumn or spring to shine to the north pole, when it is nearest to the south pole. That is as much as to say that the Sun can shine around the planet. The Sun to shine equally to the North pole as it does to the south pole must be half- way between the two poles, which is not the case. Light and heat always come in straight streaks. There is no light or heat known to Man but what its 18 Fig. 1 The Diurnal Arc motion of the Sun and our Earth. 20 N \ Fig. 2 Showing the impossibility of the Sun shining to the north pole in Autumn according to the old theory. 21 ORIGIN OF THE PLANETS 23 nature is to flow in straight streaks. Consequently it would be absolutely impossible for the Sun to shine to the north pole when it is nearer to the south pole, and besides the centre of the heat on the Earth is never when the Sun is directly overhead, that is, taking the effect north and south ; or in other words, at noon the Sun is over the centre of the rays east and west, but north and south the Sun is always far- ther south than the centre of the heat on the Earth, and that also demonstrates that light and heat do not come from the Sun, for light and heat must come in straight lines or streaks, which it does not in this case ; but with my system the force that binds us to the Sun, which 1 claim to be magnetism, is in a curve, and the vibration of the atoms of this magnetism against the ether in space produces the heat. Conse- quently the magnetism, being in a curve, will explain why the Sun is not directly over the centre of the heat, north and south, and why the light shines equally to the north pole as it does to the south pole when the Sun is nearer to the south pole at autumn. LAW OF GRAVITATION ON THE SUN Another point that will not fit with the law of nature is that it is claimed that the Sun is a ball of fire, and in the beginning it projected out from its globe, the planet. The first question is, If the Sun created the planet, where did the Sun come from? The law gov- erning gravitation on our planet is to attract every- thing to it, not away from it. A cannon ball will travel ten miles with the level of the land, but shoot it up straight from the Earth and it won't go five miles, 24 DAYLIGHT BY VIBRATION such is the power of attraction of the Earth drawing it to its surface. A meteor could come within hun- dreds of miles of our Earth, and the magnetic aura around our globe will draw it to the Earth. You could not get enough explosive material from this Earth that would project any object away from it and not to come back again. Take this same law of gravitation for the Sun. How, then, could the Sun throw anything out from it? If the Earth was thrown out from the Sun it must be of the same substance as the Sun. Consequently, being of the same ma- terial, the law that governs the Earth must govern the Sun. If the Sun was a ball of fire and this Earth was a ball of fire, how could life or vegetation grow on the Earth? For fire will destroy everything, and nothing would grow in the ashes that remain, as there is no life in ashes. IN AUTUMN ! SUN SOUTH OF ITHELINEOFTHE .'EARTHS [EQUATOR Fig. 3 The force (Gravitation) that binds the Earth to the Sun. 26 Ficr. 4, ZODIACAL LIGHT AS OBSERVED BY MR. HEIS AT MUNSTER The Zodiacal Light is the Sun Magnetism projecting to our Earth. The Magnetism projects from our Earth to the Sun in the same cone-shaped manner, that being the force of gravitation that binds the Earth and Sun to- gether (Fig. 3). DAYLIGHT PRODUCED BY VIBRATION THE Diurnal Arc action of the Sun when overhead is farther south than its rising and setting points. Fig. i demonstrates that the force that binds us to the Sun is in a curve, and that is the cause of this peculiar motion of the Sun over our Earth. This force that binds us to the Sun I claim to be Mag- netism (see Fig. 3), and it is the cause of our daylight through vibration. The working of this magnetism is the same as Man magnetism. As Man has a mag- netic relation with his wife, children and all humanity, so have the planets. As Man cultivates his passion through his magnetism, so do the Sun and our planets. There is a substance called the Zodiacal Light that comes from the Sun (see Fig. 4). Astron- omers have never known its aim and object. I main- tain that this Zodiacal Light is the Sun magnetism extending to us, and our magnetism extends likewise to the Sun (Fig. 3), and the peculiar curve of this magnetism is the cause of the Diurnal Arc motion of the Sun and our Earth. The reader must get this clear in his mind, because it is the cause of daylight and the working of our solar system. There is a magnetic connection between us and the Sun (Fig. 3), our magnetism extending to the Sun and the Sun mag- netism likewise extending to us, and through this 29 3O DAYLIGHT BY VIBRATION magnetism the Sun and the Earth cultivate their animal nature. Consequently its magnetism is in a heated condition, and the vibration of the ether, in space which is cold and dry, against the magnetism the Earth projects to the Sun produces daylight, as we revolve around the Sun some seventy times faster than a cannon ball travels. This is the identical process by which lightning is produced. The lower stratum of air being in a heated condition on a summer day, goes up and meets the upper stratum of air or ether, which is cold and dry, and the vibration between the two produces lightning. Or take the case of a shoot- ing star. As the star shoots, its increased motion vibrates against the ether in space, producing the light. But we go round the Sun at a steady rate, producing a steady light, and the way in which the Sun receives its daylight is by the vibration of the ether against its magnetism, and no doubt also as the Sun travels around another centre, being magnetically connected with that centre. Our light not being Sun light, I will call it Vibra light, a shortening of Vibra-tion, as all light of whatever name or nature in our solar system is produced by vibration; even a shooting star is not seen before it shoots or afterward, but while it is in its increased motion, receiving increased vibration, making the light. There is no light in our solar system but what is produced by vibration, and I do not be- lieve that any astronomer would dispute that fact. Why the Sun or daylight is singled out to be the only one I cannot understand. The Sun is no more a ball of fire than our Earth; we all shine in the heavens, Sun and planets alike. Magnetism projecting out from the Sun to some distant Planet. Fig. 6 Magnetism projecting out from the Sun to some distant Planet. 33 Fig. 7 Magnetism extending from other Planets to the Sun. Fig; 8 Magnetism extending from other Planets to the Sun. 37 THE ZODIACAL LIGHT THE Zodiacal Light, which I maintain is the Sun magnetism extending to us (Fig. 4), astronomers have but a vague idea of, not knowing its purpose or object. They have taken very little interest in it, but claim that it also extends to other planets besides ours. The Zodiacal Light is in the shape of a cone. The photo- graphs of the eclipse of the Sun during past years show several cone-shaped fluids extending out from the Sun (see Figs. 5 and 6). Some writers state that they extend many millions of miles beyond the Sun. I maintain that these cones is the Sun having mag- netic connection with the other planets and other small bodies in the bowl of our solar system. Some of the photographs of the eclipses show the points of the cone extending to the Sun, showing the magnetism from other planets extending to the Sun (see Figs. 7 and 8, letter A). The cones of Figs. 5, 6, 7, and 8 are the same as the Zodiacal Light, the Sun being magnetically connected with the other planets. The supposed fire and flame which they see around the Sun during an eclipse is the ether vibrating against the Sun's magnetic aura as the Sun travels around another centre. 39 WHAT CAUSES AURORA BOREALIS OR NORTHERN LIGHT I MAINTAIN that all planets have a magnetic aura around them, the same as Man (see Fig. 9), which I will later on show to exist with the Moon and comets. With Mercury and Venus we get somewhat behind them. On the back of Mercury and Venus is seen a light, and the astronomers state that the Sun cannot shine behind these planets; so they claim that Mercury and Venus have an illumination of their own, and so they have, but all other light is made by the same process. Man has a magnetic aura extending around his body; so have the Sun, the planets and all other bodies, of which we have proof in Mercury, as during an eclipse of that planet it was observed to have a magnetic aura around it (see Fig. 9), and it is the vibration of the ether against the magnetic aura behind Mercury and Venus that makes the light that is seen. We have the same behind our planet, as well as .Mercury and Venus. The Aurora Borealis, called the Northern Light, is the ether vibrating against the magnetic aura surrounding our globe, the magnetism becoming denser at times, the vibra- tion being then greater, and causing the flurry of light called Northern Light. If we were off at a distance we would see at the back of our Earth a light, the same as with Mercury and Venus, and this magnetic 4 Fig. 9 Aspect of the disk of Mercury during its transit over the Sun, May 7, 1793, and the vaporous aureola, and bright point in the disk (Schiotes). The dark part is Mercury and the light part around it is its Magnetic Aura. ORIGIN OF THE PLANETS 43 aura around our globe is the cause of the magnetic needle pointing to the poles. A well-known astronomer states with regard to the Aurora Borealis that it is certain that it is connected with the magnetism of the Earth, and that a strong influence upon the magnetic needle is somehow ex- erted. He further states that telegraphic instruments and all other magnetic apparatus are greatly disturbed when the Aurora Borealis is brightest. This only verifies my theory. I have no lack of evidence to prove my theory by the planets themselves. Mercury is the smallest planet in our solar system, it being so much smaller than the Sun that during the eclipse of Mercury, the Sun being so much larger, it takes in Mercury and the whole magnetic aura that is around it (see Fig. 9). The statement under Fig. 9 is by the astronomer that photographed the eclipse, and you can see by his own statement calling it "vaporous aureola" that Mercury has around it a magnetic aura the same as has Man, and it is by this magnetic aura and the magnetic cone in Fig. 3 that I demonstrate the working method of our solar system and gravita- tion. If the reader will get these two points clear in his mind he will easily understand the working method that I have laid down to explain our solar system. That all planets have a magnetic aura around them, as shown in Fig. 9, and that they do project their magnetism in a cone shape to the Sun, as in Fig. 3 ; while Figs. 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8, with these cones, is the evidence that the Sun and planets do project their magnetism in the shape of a cone to one another, from Sun to planets and planets to Sun. Any one that understands the working method of man magnetism 44 DAYLIGHT BY VIBRATION from his body can see by these different planetary conditions that they work identically the same as man magnetism, but there are very few that know the working condition of their own magnetism, and it is one of the main conditions of man's inharmony and suffering in life. I will further on give an explana- tion of man magnetism, from which you can see that all the planets and starry heavens work the same as Man, and it will also demonstrate what the force of gravitation is, or why an apple always falls to the ground. WHY IT IS WARMEST NEAR THE EARTH THE reason why it is so much warmer closer to the Earth than in space is that the magnetism is denser close to the Earth than in space, thereby creating more vibration, as the magnetism vibrates against the ether as the Earth travels around the Sun, and the reason it is denser close to the Earth is that it extends to the Sun in a point. Therefore the magnetism is less in diameter at the point than at the bases, and the Earth being thicker through the centre, the bulk of mag- netism would naturally be greater within the centre of the Earth than at the poles, and the magnetic cone being to a point, it would draw the magnetism more from the centre of the Earth. Consequently it would be denser both in the centre and close to the Earth. Therefore the vibration would make it warmer both in the centre of the magnetism and warmer close to the Earth. Another reason why it is warmer close to the Earth than in space is that when Mother Earth draws in her magnetism, which is in a heated con- dition after vibrating against the ether in space, it meets a resistance and a certain percentage is left outside, and that is the reason why on a warm day, looking over the ground, you can see heat coming up from- the Earth. That in itself will explain why it is so much warmer close to the earth than on the moun- 45 46 DAYLIGHT BY VIBRATION tain tops, which have snow on them the entire year round, and will also explain why the Moon is so much brighter in one part than another. It shows that the Moon received at birth low and high land, as its parents. The magnetism would naturally be drawn through the shallow places on the Moon, then the higher lands, where it would meet the least resistance, the dark patches on the moon being the lands that would be above the oceans. I have often been asked, Why does the light reflect to us from space? It will be seen by Fig. 3 that our magnetism extends clear to the Sun, therefore the light is produced in space between us and the Sun, and it is our magnetism being electrified. Being our magnetism from our Earth, its current flows to the Earth, the source it came from; consequently the current of light is from its point near the Sun toward the earth. I have also been often asked how to account for our nights with my system. There are many who do not stop to think, but read right along, just as a horse trots. In my case it is the same as the old theory that the magnetic connection is always in the direc- tion the Sun is in from the Earth. When we have our night is when the Earth, turning on its axis, turns the dark side away from the Sun; consequently the magnetic connection is on the side that is toward the Sun. In other words, the force between the Earth and the Sun permits the Earth to turn on its axis without displacing the current of the force that binds us to the Sun. Fig. 10 Earth, Sun and Moon magnetically bound together. 48 THE MOON AND THE CAUSES OF HIGH TIDE THE Moon, or satellite, seems to have caused a variety of opinions. Some think it is a dead planet, and others do not. I call it the baby of this planet, and a male child at that, because of its large size, and no doubt that is why we have only one Moon, it being as much as its mother can take care of. As it comes to maturity it will become a Comet, and will finally go outside of our solar system and mate and be a Sun to other planets at some future time. Comets are known to leave our solar system and never return (see Fig 12). This system will explain why the Moon has no vegetation, water, or atmosphere, and every- thing that can be known to exist on the Moon. There is a magnetic connection between the Moon and the Sun, and its working method is the same as that of this Earth with the Sun, only void of impregnation. The vibration of ether against the Moon magnetism that extends to the Sun as it goes through space pro- duces light and heat on the Moon, and it is also mag- netically connected to this Earth (see Fig. 10), but in this case it seeks nourishment, sympathy, and a mother love, and when it leaves its mother it will then become a Comet and will have to get its own nourish- ment. Comets and planets must have subsistence the same as you and I. 49 50 DAYLIGHT BY VIBRATION The magnetism that extends out of the Moon to the Sun is without doubt in a heated condition, it being its grosser magnetism; but such is not the case with its magnetic connection with the Earth. I cannot see anything in nature without intelligence. That planets and Moon would have all the intelligence they need for their use and requirement. The magnetism the Moon projects to the Sun and Earth would be to receive from its parents what it requires ; the mag- netism the Moon projects to the Sun is its gross or animal magnetism, consequently it would be in a warm condition, or otherwise there would not be any heat or light produced by the vibration of the Moon mag- netism against the ether in space, as you must have the two opposite, as in the process of lightning. The Moon's magnetic connection with this Earth is simply seeking nourishment, as the Moon is nourished on this Earth as a baby is nourished on its Mother's breast. Consequently the Moon's magnetic connection between the Earth and the Sun is being used for two different purposes. In one case it seeks nourishment and in the other warmth, which it must have to sustain life ; that being its nature, its intelligence will see that it gets what is required. THE CAUSE OF HIGH TIDES The reason we have high tides during the dark and the full Moon is to be found through this sym- pathetic magnetic connection between the Earth and the Moon. The magnetism that goes out of our Earth is through the water and the moisture in the Earth, as we know that water is the most highly mag- ORIGIN OF THE PLANETS 51 netised part of the Earth, and during the dark of the Moon the Moon gets right in between us and the Sun, and the Moon is right in our magnetism that extends to the Sun. Consequently the one magnetism will do more or less for both the Moon and the Sun. Hence most of the magnetism that extends to the Moon is thrown back to the Earth (Fig. 10) ; coming out of the water, it returns to the water and swells up our tides. At full moon it works similarly. The Sun's magnetic connection with the Moon covers the surface of the Moon that faces toward us, and the coarse or grosser magnetism extending from the Moon to the Sun disconnects to a certain extent our magnetism that extends to the Moon. Then again our magnetism is thrown back into our water, hence the swelling of the tides. But at the new or dark Moon it gets into a larger bulk of our magnetism, on account of the Earth projecting a larger quantity of magnetism to the Sun, and that is why the higher tide of the NV two is at the dark or new Moon. The tidal motion demonstrates my theory that the magnetic connection between the Earth and the Sun is in the shape of a curve, because the Moon is not directly overhead when it is high tide, and it has a diurnal arc motion around the Earth the same as the Sun. Its magnetic connec- tion is also in a curve, and the tide precedes the Moon in its motion around the Earth, dragging the Moon after us, and it also demonstrates that the magnetism comes out of the water. For if it was not that we drag the Moon after us as we revolve on our axis, and the Moon holding on our water through the force that I call magnetism, the water would rotate with the Earth the same as our 52 DAYLIGHT BY VIBRATION lakes. As the moon holds on to our magnetism that is connected with our water, the rivers, unlike our lakes, having an outflow, it holds the water and re- tards its course with the rotation of the Earth. If you watch the highest tide during the dark Moon, by close observation or measurement you will observe that the tide, when it is at the highest point, will all of a sudden drop back from one-eighth to half an inch and sometimes more, showing that the moment the Moon gets over the line it to a certain degree lets go, showing that it actually puffs up the water while hold- ing on to our water when at its highest point; also every day that the Moon goes slower or faster the tide will do likewise, showing that the Moon is the cause of our tides, it being directly connected with our water. WHY THE MOON IS BARREN THE reason the Moon has no vegetation or water on its surface is because it is minus a cause which we have, and that is, turning on our axis, which the Moon does not do. If it could turn on its axis it would draw the atmosphere and moisture out of the magnet- ism that it extends to us and the Sun and circulate it / around its globe, and then it would form clouds and / atmosphere around the moon, and other conditions/ would cause it to rain. But I do not believe that the Moon is without atmosphere and moisture within its surface, for without them the Moon could not live. The Moon received its moisture at birth, and when it becomes a planet it will turn on its axis the same as our planet, and then it will have vegetation, oceans and rivers like our planet. I believe that the Moon has shallow places for oceans, because it was born like its parents ; the moisture and air on the outside are only necessary for life on the surface of the Moon. The Moon being so much brighter in certain parts than in others shows that it has shallow land for oceans and lakes, because the Vibra Light would flow in the Moon where it would meet the least resistance, and that would be the low lands, the high places being the dark places, and that would hold good also with our .mountain tops. The magnetism would flow to the land below, where it would meet the least resistance, 53 54 DAYLIGHT BY VIBRATION and that would also help to make the mountain tops colder. If we could get away from our Earth we would also see the same condition on this Earth as is seen on the Moon; we would find that the ocean would be much brighter than the land. MOON THE RESULT OF POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE FORCES THERE are many people who cannot comprehend that the planets could indulge in an animal nature and produce offspring. Is there anything in or on the Earth that does not increase or multiply? There is not one organized life but what reproduces its kind. Even take the Earth itself. Science acknowledges that everything of a material nature has a positive and a negative pole; that is to say, you could take a rock or metal out of the earth and it has a positive and a negative pole. You can charge the metal with elec- tricity, and it will immediately take on a positive and negative pole, male and female in its action, only void of pregnancy because it is only part of the whole (the Earth). Then, as all life reproduces its kind, and you can take a part out of Mother Earth and its action will be the same, positive and negative everything that Mother Earth is composed of and everything that creeps on her back multiplies then to say that Mother Earth does not multiply is not proving it by nature or by our experience. There is nothing for us to go by but our experience with man and nature, and that is also the case with the Sun. There is nothing that is claimed to be the phenomena of the Sun but what should be proven by the nature of our planet. 55 56 DAYLIGHT BY VIBRATION MAN CULTIVATES TOO MUCH OF HIS DESIRE NATURE As Man has developed in evolution he has also de- veloped his desire nature. He has thrown his whole being toward the gratification of his appetite and pas- sion, and in so doing he has become far more gross than all animal life beneath him. If we look at the life that is not as far along in evolution as Man it will be seen that it is not as physical in its relation as Man. Planets which are the first in evolution and vegetation next have but magnetic relation. Fish and birds have already developed more of their desire nature; they have physical contact besides the mag- netic and animal, and Man more so than all life beneath him. We can see through this scale of the different stages of lives; the less the intelligence do they become less in their animal relation. All life uses its intelligence as it develops along in evolution for the gratification of its appetite and passion. We have become more intelligent, but I fear farther away from our God. It is the controlling of our desire nature that will bring us closer to our God, our per- fectness. Appetite and passion are the cause of all our sorrow and sickness, yet they are stages in our evolution that it is necessary for the race to develop through, and just as sure as we have developed so far will we develop more spiritually. As the Bible states, "Through sorrow we become perfect." We have arrived where the physical and the mental have be- come balanced, and our future state will be more of the spiritual and less of the physical ; then we will go back to our original state as far as our appetite and passion are concerned, where we will not culti- ORIGIN OF THE PLANETS 57 vate the grosser physical nature, but will come back to the magnetic relation. If you study nature you will see that all life, nations, etc., come to their time of full strength or zenith and then retrograde to their former state, and so will humanity. In his develop- ment in this life he will see the folly of all this superfluous appetite and passion, and the sorrow and misery they bring, and as time progresses he will look more to the spiritual side of life, where he will drop this physical desire and physical appetite. Then will he come back in his relation to where the planets and the vegetation cohabit. We are here to develop per- fection, and you may think that we have come to the height of our development, but we have hardly begun. When Man looks at his appetites and passion and the sorrow and misery they bring, and how little he is able to control himself, then he will see that our gen- eration, our race, is far from being what it can be. MOUNTAINS ON THE MOON Has the Moon had volcanic eruption? It is con- sidered by some writers that there is evidence that it has had volcanic eruption, but they base their theory on the fact that the Moon has mountains, and its ap- pearance conveys the idea that there may have been an eruption at one time, but I am disposed to disbelieve that theory. In the first place, the Moon is the off- spring of the Earth and the Sun, consequently at birth it had to have the same form and similarity in appearance as its parents. It would be very peculiar to me if the Moon, being the offspring of the Earth, did not have any mountains and places for oceans, 5 DAYLIGHT BY VIBRATION lakes, and rivers. If it is the offspring of the Earth and the Sun, it must be like its parents. Our Earth, and its relation with the Sun, lets its magentism flow out to the Sun, and when its object has been attained it draws in its magnetism again. When it draws in its magnetism, it draws it in in a much more heated condition than when it left the Earth. It then has been played on by the ether, which has electrified its magnetism. Consequently within our Earth there is a pent-up force, which is electricity, which sooner or later will cause trouble, because naturally the Earth will, in its animal nature, store up more of this pent- up force than is required ; but with the Moon it is different. The Moon, being but a babe, needs this elec- tric force and heat for its growth ; it needs to assimi- late all the heat that it possibly can get for its strength and maintenance. The Moon would be entirely too feeble to cause any such disturbance as volcanic erup- tion. To say that it had done so would be equivalent to saying that a babe has the strength and ability of its parents. The Moon needs all the heat and force it can get for itself, and the mountains, if they can be called mountains, are but a natural condition of a newly born planet. In the Moon we can see the nat- ural condition of a planet before meeting the obstacles and experience of life. Fig. 11 ECLIPSE OF THE MOON The Moon having a copper color brilliancy while in the shadow of the Earth; it being the same color as the dark quarters at new Moon. 60 WHY THE MOON IS BRILLIANT DURING AN ECLIPSE IT has often been wondered why the Moon at new or dark Moon is illuminated on the dark quarters opposite the bright quarter that is connected to the Sun ; or, in other words, when the Moon comes out between the Earth and the Sun the dark part that is away from the Sun is sufficiently illuminated so as to see its whole outline, and on a clear night you can see the quarter or three-quarters of the darker part, whichever the case may be, the darker part being brilliant enough to be seen plainly, although on the opposite side of the Sun. It is called the copper color. It is the identical color of the Moon when it has a total eclipse, and it is the same process that makes the darker quarter at new moons that makes the illumi- nation at the total eclipse of the Moon. The total eclipse of the Moon cannot be a reflection of the Earth or Sun, as the Earth gets in between the Sun and the Moon. The Moon is then in the shadow of the Earth (see Fig. n). The Moon then has the same copper color as the dark quarters after coming out from the new Moon, showing that it is the vibra- tion of the ether against the Moon's magnetic aura that surrounds it, as the Earth carries the Moon around with it as it travels around the Sun at a tre- mendous speed, the Moon having a magnetic aura 61 62 DAYLIGHT BY VIBRATION around it the same as Mercury (see Fig. 9). The eclipse of the Moon demonstrates that it is not a dead planet, as a dead planet could not have an illu- mination of its own, which the Moon does have when in the shadow of the Earth during an eclipse. It is astonishing to note how many people do not know what makes the bright and dark quarters of the Moon. The bright quarter is made by the position the Sun is in toward the Moon. When the Sun is farthest away from us and the Moon, the Moon then has its bright side toward the Sun, and as the Sun conies around to the side of the Moon, we have the quarter Moon. We see only a quarter of the half that is toward the Sun, and when the Sun gets around to the front of the Moon we have the full Moon. The face of the Moon toward us is then magnetically con- nected to the Sun, causing the side of the Moon to be bright that is toward us and the Sun. Many believe the old theory that the quarters of the Moon are the shadow of our Earth, which has been taught, but that theory does not hold good, as the darker quarters on the Moon are made as the Moon travels around the Sun, the Moon's magnetic aura vibrating against the ether producing the copper color or dark quarters of the Moon. The total eclipse (Fig. n) proves this, as the quarter moon at new Moon has the same color and brightness as a total eclipse of the Moon. Fig. 12 Comet's Orbit, showing how the Comets leave our Solar System. 64 COMETS GALILEO during his time missing one of the moons on Saturn, asked, "Has Saturn swallowed her own child ?" I maintain that the moon that Galileo missed is a comet in our solar system; that these moons be- come comets, and that when a moon first goes into our solar system it takes a close circle around the Sun's call elliptic orbit and continues to go farther and far- ther away from the Sun until the comets go away entirely from the Sun or our solar system altogether, and then, meeting other comets in space, form a solar system of their own (see Fig. 12). We know that comets leave our solar system and never return, which accounts for those that do not come back. It is gen- erally believed that there is a vast number of comets in our solar system, but when we come to realize that our planets are many millions of years old, it would take the children a corresponding length of time to come to maturity. That comets could not only be centuries but even millions of years old is possible, therefore there would be a vast number of them in our solar system on account of the long time they take in coming to maturity. It is also known that comets have travelled around in a certain path, and that while they originally were whole comets, they came around broken into pieces (see Fig. 13) and then finally disappeared or became meteors. I claim 66 DAYLIGHT BY VIBRATION that meteors are comets disintegrating, the meteors being in many hundred pieces (see Fig. 14) ; that many comets that the astronomers see are not whole comets, and that many are not in full vigor or health and will not come to maturity and go outside of our solar system and mate. I claim that with the comets it is the same as with our children that it is the stage of life where many do not survive. I believe that many that astronomers call comets are but broken-up comets, as they also claim that many are so small that they are invisible. I believe, and the asteroid planets will also demonstrate it, that when planets and comets die they do so very slowly, and that should a comet be broken in two or more pieces, or disintegrate, that life will remain in each piece, the same as some of our reptiles and turtles when cut into pieces ; life remains for a long time in the dismembered parts. I do not believe that the life of a comet or of a planet will leave it until it becomes completely pulverized, which the asteroids demonstrate, as they were no doubt at one time a planet afterward broken into thousands of pieces, therefore there are not so many whole or surviving comets in our solar system. They are many broken-up comets and meteors, having no doubt come into existence millions of years ago. As planets have long lives, so will their children, the comets, have long lives. An astronomer states : "There are doubtless many comets which are so small that we never see them, probably all less than 15,000 miles in diameter." Then he says that the telescopic comets vary from 25,000 to 250,000 miles in diameter, yet the in- visible ones are less than 15,000 miles in diameter. It looks as though the moons have grown consider- Fig". 13 Comet broken in two, which was known at one time to be a whole comet. 68 Fig-. 14 Meteor Comets disintegrating. 69 ORIGIN OF THE PLANETS 71 ably after leaving the mother planet, but I do not think the comets are as large as the astronomers think they are. Astronomers see the magnetic aura around a comet and imagine that that is the body of the comet; otherwise a comet would be larger than one of our planets. Comets do not project their mag- netism to other planets like the Moon, having mag- netic connection with the Sun and our Earth ; there- fore they have more magnetism in the shape of aura around them, and that is why astronomers think they are so large they see the magnetic aura around the comets the same as Mercury (see Fig. 9). I think astronomers make the same mistake with Jupiter, which they claim to be such a large planet that they see the magnetic aura around it and do not see the body of the planet itself. The large telescopic comets are the ones that go outside of our solar system; when first seen they are round like our planets. The smaller comets stay within, and why do they stay at \ home? Are they the maidens that stay at home and I the large ones the boys roaming around seeking their I mates, or do they stay at home because they have not 1 come to maturity yet? From my researches in astron- 1 omy I am inclined to believe that the small comets \ will stay in our solar system for centuries before they come to maturity, and then they will be large enough J J to leave our solar system and finally meet other comets from other solar systems and mate and form ^/ a solar system of their own. The working of the comets is just like that of our offspring. The smaller comets do not leave home, but take a small and narrow circle around our Sun, called elliptic orbit, and as they come to maturity they 72 DAYLIGHT BY VIBRATION go farther away from the Sun, until they leave our solar system altogether (see Fig. 12). The law governing their lives is the same as governs the young in all life; they do not in their tender years stroll far from home, but keep within the solar system and stay close to the Sun. Comets, being the continuation of moons, do not, like the Moon, turn on their axes, but go in one steady motion around the Sun, vibrating against the ether in space, thereby receiving the heat that is necessary to sustain its life. I am satisfied that my system is like all other new truths that have been given to the world, slow to be accepted, especially when the old theory has existed so long, but if you study nature and see how the animals increase and multiply, and how their lives are similar to Man's, and then study my system, the planets and their offspring, and see how they corre- spond with Man and his offspring, it will be hard for you to dispute its correctness. As far as the old sys- tem is concerned, there is so much in it that cannot be explained by that system that I have no fear of the outcome of my system; only give Father Time a chance. THERE IS NO ABSOLUTE VACUUM Many people believe space to be a vacuum, and one noted astronomer in his writing states that there is no substance between planets in space, and also that a comet's forming a tail as it speeds through space is no proof that there is substance in space. I hold that that is the evidence that demonstrates to me that there is no vacuum ; that the very fact that the large comets, ORIGIN OF THE PLANETS 73 before entering our solar system, are round like our planet, and as they travel to the Sun they have a stream following them, and this stream or tail gets longer as they march to the Sun, is evidence enough that they meet resistance. I believe there is a mag- netism or ether that encircles our entire solar system, extending from the Sun to the farthest planet, and no doubt the resistance of this magnetism is the cause of the round comets forming a tail after they enter our solar system. This magnetism I believe has a part to play, in that comets and meteors all travel in a circle or elliptical shape around the Sun. I do not believe there is a vacuum in the whole starry heavens; if there are stars or planets indepen- dent by themselves, they must rest on some force, some substance of some kind. The very fact that our large comets do go outside of our solar system and come back again demonstrates that they must travel on force of some kind. He who believes in a vacuum must explain what becomes of the substance that our planets are made of when the end, death or dissolu- tion, comes if it does not go into space. As the material the Earth is composed of cannot be anni- hilated or lost, it must go in space. If there is a space beyond where stars do not travel, then I can believe in a vacuum a nothingness. I believe that the substance outside of our solar system is inactive, void of any current; that the large comets that go outside travel on this currentless sub- stance; that there being no current, a tail does not form on the large comets, but as soon as they come within our solar system they meet a resistance of the current that extends from the Sun; then a tail is 74 DAYLIGHT BY VIBRATION formed, and this current is so great that a comet's tail always extends away from the Sun as it travels around it (see Fig. 15), and the intelligence of the Sun would use its magnetism to keep the comet from coming too close to it, because the comet is but a child of the Sun, and it would see that it would not I get injured by running into it. V Fig. 15 Comets with their tails extending away from the Sun as they travel round the Sun. 75 Fig-. 16 COMET Star shining through the aura of a Comet's tail. COMET'S TAIL PROVES IT IS MAGNETISM PROOF that the tail of a comet is its magnetic aura is found in the fact that you can see the stars shine through the tail, and they do not even lose their lustre, showing that the tail cannot be solid substance, but is magnetic aura (see Fig. 16), or, as one astronomer states, "Curious as it may seem, these enormous tails are in actual mass so slight that thrusting the hand into their midst would bring no recognition to the sense of touch! If it was not for the vibration this magnetism receives, illuminating it, we would not know of its existence." In viewing the solar system, and especially the comets, with their tails, which play an important part in the life of a comet, I cannot see how Man can view things and not see intelligence or a supreme being. Comets, with their tails vibrating against the ether in space, as they speed through space, produce heat for the comet, which is as essential and necessary for the children of the planets as it is for our children or as necessary for the parent planet. Everything that has life must have heat. Comets work altogether on a different principle than the rest, take different circles than the planets, work independently by themselves, have no magnetic connection with other planets, unlike the Moon and planets which have magnetic connection 79 8o DAYLIGHT BY VIBRATION together, and through vibration produce the heat that is so essential for their own life. Yet the comet, hav- ing no magnetic connection, acting independently from the rest, has enough intelligence to pursue a course of its own, and by its tail and the aura around it re- ceives warmth and heat that is necessary for its life. Many will say it is the working of nature, and claim no intelligence, no superior guidance, only that it just happens so. Yet the comets are like our children. A mother, after nursing a babe and seeing to its every want, makes the child as it grows to maturity look out for itself, working out its own individuality. That is the method that moons and comets pursue, and when a comet gets near the Sun the Sun magnetism forces it away to such an extent that the tail extends away from the Sun, preventing the comet from getting injured by running into the Sun. I for one cannot see anything without intelligence or a higher intellectual guidance, call it what you may, God, supreme being, or intelligence, it is there just the same. One of our noted astronomers states in his writing : "Setting aside the fact that the head of a comet strictly obeys the law of gravitation, there is scarcely one known fact respecting comets which astronomers have succeeded in interpreting to their own satisfaction." This certainly indicates that the old theory is a poor foundation to take our deduction from; that some- thing is lacking or wanting. A correct system should explain everything. EARTHQUAKES EARTHQUAKES are the outcome of Mother Earth's animal nature and are caused by a magnetic electric disturbance within. Vibra Light (sunlight), when it enters within the globe, acts the same as lightning or our common electricity. As water is a conductor of our electricity, so is it a conductor of the Vibra Light or electricity when it enters the Earth. The water would attract the earthquake as a lightning-rod would attract lightning. I believe in the Biblical prophecy that we are about coming to the time when we shall have terrible disturbances and earthquakes. This will be when Mother Earth is going through her menstru- ation periods, which will not alone cause electric dis- turbances within the Earth, but also similar disturb- ances on its surface. While the Earth is going through these periods her magnetism that she projects to the Sun will become intensely heated, and the vibration of ether against her heated magnetism will produce terrible heat, such as is recorded in 2 Peter iii. 10, 12, wherein the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved and the elements shall melt with a fervent heat. The hot days which we have in the East, when so many are overcome, are but a warning of what is yet to come. During the earthquake in San Francisco mothers gave premature birth, and those whose time was not for several months afterward gave premature 81 82 DAYLIGHT BY VIBRATION birth nevertheless. In the latter cases you cannot say that the births could possibly be due to fright, because the time was too long after the earthquake. It shows that earthquakes are caused by the Earth's animal nature, and have a direct effect on the animal nature of the human race, and that is generally the effect it has in all severe earthquakes. We are but the product of the Earth. "And woe unto them that are with child and to them that give suck in these days" (Matt. xxiv. 19). This statement is after the Bible gives warning about earthquakes. What evidence have we that earthquakes are elec- tric disturbances? At all severe earthquakes there is an electric display on the surface of the Earth. At Valparaiso, Chile, during the earthquake there was an electric display flowing all over the hills. The mountain in Alaska which sank beneath the Earth during an earthquake had an electric display around the mountain before it sank that was a beautiful sight to those that observed it. Ancient earthquakes have generally been reported to be attended by electric dis- plays. If an earthquake is not an electric disturb- ance, why is it that there is so much electric display at an earthquake? During the earthquake in San Francisco I was outside watering the grass. At a short distance from my residence there is a wire bring- ing in electricity for power purposes from a waterfall outside of the city, and there was not a glass insulator all along the poles to which the wire was attached but what was on fire during the earthquake. That shows that the electricity in the wire was in harmony with the electricity in the Earth ; in fact, I believe that was the chief cause of San Francisco burning. We know ORIGIN OF THE PLANETS 83 that churches that took fire had no fire in their build- ing, but there were electric wires in them. What also demonstrates that earthquakes are electric disturbances within the Earth is that an earthquake will travel many miles in a few seconds, and there is nothing in nature except electricity that could travel so many miles in a second or two. Besides, earthquakes occur as a rule^v near large bodies of water. As water is a conductor and attracter of electricity, no doubt the electricity that makes the disturbance within the Earth follows more or less the streams within the Earth, and that would have a tendency to make earthquakes more numerous near bodies of water, as no doubt streams flow more or less from deep water into the earth, and the land would be more or less soaked with water nearby large bodies of water, giving the electricity plenty of_working room. I do not believe that earth- quaTce^r^r~eTe^clrlc~^dTsturbances, go deep within the Earth ; only a few miles at most, as I believe that they must have watery land to work through, and if the electric force comes from the depth of the Earth, it follows the streams up to the surface, where the land is more or less watery, and there creates de- struction. VOLCANIC ERUPTION VOLCANIC eruption is caused by the Vibra Light or electricity within igniting the gases and combustible material within the Earth, and after igniting them the volcano is fed by the interior gases, which keep it in a state of eruption. The many reports of electric display during earthquakes, and gases and sulphur fumes during volcanic eruptions, should be lesson enough to show to Man that these things are all caused by electric disturbances within the Earth. Vibra Light, being produced by vibration, means that it is electricity. The only difference between our common electricity and that produced by the vibration of our magnetism against the ether in space is that we condense it in a wire, and nature leaves it in a scat- tered form, but both the working principles are the same, and there is the same effect. But all of this destructive force is superinduced by the animal nature of the Earth. All volcanic eruptions, when they first break out, are attended with gases and sul- phur fumes. People who are overcome when a volcano suddenly bursts forth are overcome by gas and sulphur fumes. Such was the case at Mount Pelee and other volcanic eruptions, showing that these eruptions are fed by the gases within the Earth, being first ignited by the Vibra Light inside the Earth, in the same manner that lightning sets fire to objects on 84 ORIGIN OF THE PLANETS 85 the surface of the Earth. It is claimed that when lightning hits an object, it strikes with several re- peating jolts, instead of one jolt, and no doubt the same holds good at volcanic eruptions, the electricity repeatedly bombarding the combustible material at the base of the volcano, no doubt more so than light- ning. After the volcano is started by the Vibra Light within the Earth, and the volcano continues to throw forth flames and lava, it is the gases within the Earth that continually feed the volcano, just as we use nat- ural gas after boring holes in the Earth and tapping a gas vein. If the Earth is a ball of fire within it would be rather strange that there should be so much sulphur and gas displayed around volcanic eruptions, the tendency being that the gas and sulphur is ablaze and burning, and constantly feeding during the erup- tion, finding a vent or opening through the volcano. SUN SPOTS SUN spots are defects within the Sun itself, a de- ficiency of magnetism allowing the magnetism to sep- arate, and we see through the magnetism to the Sun's surface. The Sun, as large as it is, does not seem to fulfil the demand that is made on it, it being a positive force. Planets and all the other substances are neg- ative to it and their magnetism make a demand on the Sun's magnetism. The Sun spots indicate that the Sun mated with more than he can fulfil, and has a larger family than he can take care of. I also believe that the Sun travels around another centre, carrying the solar system with it, and if that be the case, it would have to have a magnetic connec- tion with that centre. Consequently th^re is consid- erable demand made on the Sun magnetism. I have read in our daily papers a prediction by an astronomer of a hot wave followed by a cold wave on account of Sun spots, which, because of their peculiar position on the Sun, would cause a hot wave followed by a cold one, which partly came true, thereby showing that there is some virtue in his theory. My explanation of this, if it were true, is that I totally disbelieve that the Sun spots have a direct influence on our planet. I believe that our planet is full of vigor and vitality, because the Aurora Borealis proves that, and the Earth in its relation with the Sun 86 ORIGIN OF THE PLANETS 87 makes a demand on the Sun magnetism which the Sun does not fulfil. Hence the deficiency of the Sun mag- netism, which causes the Sun spots, causing the mag- netism of the Sun to separate, and we look through the magnetism to the surface of the Sun, which is of the same kind of material as our Earth or any other planet. If the Sun spots made it hotter and colder alternately, it would be on account of our Earth pro- jecting more magnetism to the Sun, which would mean a larger bulk of magnetism. Then the vibration would be greater ; hence the warm wave. Then if followed by a cold wave, it would mean that our Earth drew in some of her magnetism, which would mean less vibration ; consequently it would become colder. THE EARTH MAKES ALL HER OWN TROUBLES Some of our scientific men have been trying to connect the Sun spots with the electric disturbances on our Earth. This, it seems, they have not suc- cessfully demonstrated to be a fact. Even if we had electric disturbances during the time of Sun spots, which do not generally occur, they would then be ex- plained by the manipulating of the Earth's forces. All the phenomena or electric disturbances on our Earth that have been explained so far have been dem- onstrated to come from Mother Earth herself, and one of our noted astronomers in his writing claims that when the Aurora Borealis is brightest it affects the magnetic needle and all other electric apparatus, and it can be all summed up in this that our Earth is in full vigor, and in her animal nature she throws out more magnetism at one time than another, which 88 DAYLIGHT BY VIBRATION causes electric disturbances in different directions and different parts of the Earth, and that is also the cause of hot waves at times in different parts of the globe. We know that the magnetic needle is guided by the magnetism of the Earth. That cannot be disputed, and if the Aurora Borealis also affects the magnetic needle and other electric apparatus, why should we look away from our planet for our trouble when what has been satisfactorily explained has been explained to be the manipulating of the forces on our own Earth. Electric disturbances, lightning, cyclones, and all other destructive forces on our Earth, come from the Earth and not from Sun spots. I feel safe in saying, if the other planets are inhabited, that when we observe Sun spots that they could not be observed on the other planets, because it is our own Earth that is making a demand on the Sun magnetism that extends to our planet, and it is our own Earth making all the trouble on our Earth. There is no use in looking to your neighbor; your troubles are of your own making, likewise the Earth. It makes all its own disturbances, both inside and outside of her surface. SATURN'S RINGS SATURN without a doubt has plenty of magnetism, and no doubt she has plenty of water around her \ equator, and Saturn's gravitation is naturally stronger / at the centre of the equator than anywhere else, and the bulk of magnetism within the planet would be in her centre, because she is thicker through at the equator than at the poles. If she would have lots of water in that region then naturally the surplus of magnetism would flow out through the water that would be in the region of the equator, as water is th0 most highly magnetized part of any planet, and that is the reason the rings are around Saturn, they being her V magnetism thrown out from the planet. From what \ I can observe, Saturn and Jupiter have a large quan- f tity of magnetism. I do not believe that Jupiter is as \ large as astronomers think it is. The belts and the spots around Jupiter are simply her magnetic aura around her surface, because the belts and spots are known to be changeable and to disappear. This magnetic ring around Saturn has brilliancy on the dark side of Saturn, as it has on the side that is toward the Sun; that is to say, in the shadow of Saturn, with the Sun in front, and its bril- liancy cannot come from the Sun or a reflection from 'Saturn. That demonstrates that it is self-luminous, the same as our Moon during an eclipse, when the 89 9O DAYLIGHT BY VIBRATION Moon is in the shadow of the Earth. That proves the ring to be her magnetism vibrating against the ether in space, as Saturn travels around the Sun, carrying the magnetic ring around with her, making the rings self-luminous in Saturn's shadow. Although Mars is much closer to us than Jupiter or Saturn, yet there is no magnetic display, such as belts, spots, or rings, seen on Mars, because on account of her depleted condition she has no surplus of magnetism. On the contrary, Mars is lacking in magnetism and needs more than what she has. MARS' CANALS MARS has very little atmosphere and moisture, and is one of the smallest planets in our solar system. Astronomers, not seeing much atmosphere or water on Mars, would imply that she has very little mag- netism, as magnetism comes out of the water. Not having much magnetism to extend to the Sun would make less vibration as she revolves round the Sun. That is why she is the least brilliant planet in our solar system, as her daylight is produced in the same manner as ours. The supposed canals fluctuate, come and go ; as one of our astronomers states, they are changeable, come and then disappear; in summer they appear and in autumn they disappear. One astronomer thinks they average forty miles in width and another seventy-five miles. One of the observatories, by means of photography, has counted as many as one hundred and eighty-three canals, and also reported that all of a sudden one night instead of a single canal a double canal appeared, like the twin rails of a rail- road track, extending upward of thousands of miles long. It would be impossible for workmen to build all of a sudden, at night, canals or irrigation ditches upwards of thousands of miles long and forty or seventy-five miles wide. It is claimed that some of these canals are as much as 200 miles wide (rather wide canals!), and they are so numerous and run at 92 DAYLIGHT BY VIBRATION such peculiar angles that it alone would prove that they are not canals (see Fig. 17). The supposed canals are but deep rents or cavities the. planet shrinking for the want of water and magnetism. There can be nothing but the planet itself that could cause of a sudden at night deep rents upward of thou- sands of miles long and forty miles wide. Man's engineering ability could not accomplish the task. The shrinkage mostly comes from within, on account of Mars being depleted in her magnetism. She has not enough magnetism for her requirements. The very fact that she does not give forth a bright light as other planets do shows she has not the required magnetism ; she has less magnetism than the Moon, but on account of her turning on her own axis she circulates the water around her surface, which the Moon does not do. Turning on her axis draws the atmosphere and moisture from the point where she is magnetically con- nected with the Sun; consequently Mars has life and vegetation the same as our planet, as life springs from water. That would also demonstrate that when planets get old or diseased they are depleted in their magnetism and have rents and cavities all over their surfaces. An old or diseased person does not throw out a magnetic aura like a person in the full bloom of life. Fig. 17 MARS The lines represent only a part of the cavities within the surface of Mars. 93 MARS A DISEASED PLANET TAKING that same law for Mars, it would show that she is either diseased or old aged. I believed that in the early stage of the formation of our solar system, probably before they got into a settled condition, and on account of the proximity of the asteroids around Mars, and Mars running out of a true circle around the Sun, they came in conflict together and the aste- roids were destroyed as a planet and Mars so wounded that she goes through life in a dwarfed and depleted condition. The deep rents in Mars show that when she collided with the asteroids planet she almost met the same fate, and probably all she can do is to hold herself together. The rents in Mars are all similar to our Earth when it cracks during a dry spell, only Mars' shrinkage is far worse, as it comes from within as well as from without, on account of her being de- pleted in her magnetism, as well as her moisture on the outside. The astronomers seeing the canals come and go and appearing of a sudden a thousand miles long proves in itself that it is the planet herself caus- ing the rents in her surface and not by any body of people, because nothing but the planet itself could cause these rents all of a sudden ; and the very fact that these cracks run in all directions and in all manner of shapes shows that it is the planet herself making the cracks within her surface. That is the manner in 95 96 DAYLIGHT BY VIBRATION which planets break up or disintegrate and form what is known as nebular and cluster stars, which I will more fully explain farther on. In the fourteenth chapter of Isaiah reference is made to Lucifer (the asteroid) as having fallen from her shining position in the heavens, and it is inti- mated that its people were not allowed to rest even in their graves. This would be literally true if the asteroids were destroyed as a planet. The fourteenth chapter of Isaiah will give a good description of the little disturbance that happened in that part of our solar system. THE CRACKS ON THE MOON WHY astronomers do not theorize from one planet to the other I do not know. They know that the Moon has marks on it the same as Mars, radiating from a spot like a star. It is claimed to be like an orange being bruised. It may in some way receive a blow at that particular spot. The cracks on the Moon are few and small, but the astronomers do not hesitate to call these lines on the Moon cracks, and why not so with Mars? The cracks on the Moon are not so large or deep as those on Mars. On the Moon they are simply surface cracks and may be due to dryness on the surface of the Moon. The Moon when born came out of one of our large bodies of water, or it may be possible that it came from within the Earth through one of our bodies of water. Then without a doubt it was thoroughly soaked with water, and the Moon being like and born from our Earth, it has parts of its globe the same as our Earth dryer in one part than other parts hence the cracks on the Moon. But we will study the nature of these cracks on the Moon. When the Sun is overhead these lines or cracks are very bright, and when the Sun's alti- tude is low they disappear. This demonstrates just what I have been putting forward as one of the reasons why the mountain tops are colder than the surface below; also why it is so much brighter on 97 9o DAYLIGHT BY VIBRATION the larger part of the Moon and not on its dark patches ; that the magnetism will naturally flow to the lowest level; where it is forced by the higher lands, making it brighter; and here we have the same effect with the brightness of these cracks on the Moon when the Sun is directly overhead. The magnetism will more readily flow into these cracks on account of the lower cavity, making it brighter when the Sun is overhead; whereas, on the other hand, when the Sun is low the reflection of the light that flows from space casts a shadow in the crevices from the high walls that are on both sides of the cracks, until they finally disappear. This again demonstrates that the cracks on the Moon are not as deep as the crevices on Mars ; otherwise, the Moon being so near, they would not disappear while the Sun was in a low altitude. But why not theorize about the lines on Mars as on the Moon? Why should they be canals on Mars and cracks on the Moon? One English astronomer asserts that the brightness of the lines on the Moon when the Sun is overhead is due to the salts of various minerals brought to the surface by evaporation, and he maintains that water in a free state does not now exist on the Moon's surface. It probably did so exist at one time. I claim thefe is no evidence that there has been water in a free state on the Moon. Neither has the Moon any appearance that it has had to withstand rainstorms. Neither does the Moon show evidence of having had volcanic erup- tions. There is one thing that the old system is weak and wrong on, and that is that these so-called volcanic craters lack a central cone. They are so astonishingly numerous on the Moon that they crowd, overlap, and ORIGIN OF THE PLANETS 99 run into one another, and the large ones are rilled with and surrounded by swarms of little ones. The Moon is one swarm of craters; that it is entirely out of the quesiton for them to be volcanic eruptions, and when I say that the Moon's surface has the appear- ance of a new-born planet, that it would be more appropriate and nearer to the appearance of the Moon than to say that it is a dead old planet with millions upon millions of volcanic craters and no sign of ever having rains or water on its surface, it is no wonder that they think the Moon to be a dead planet, with all these millions of volcanic eruptions. iMvpuld be enough to kill anything. When we look at the appearance of the surface of the Moon, with its mil- lions of saucer-like craters and its general surface, it does not look as if it ever had rains or been subject to air or water, or, as some astronomcial writers put it, "there is not one single feature which can be attrib- uted to air or water." The Moon's surface with its millions of saucer-like craters has the appearance of a new-born planet before being exposed to rain, air, or water, and the cracks on the Moon are due to its dryness on its surface. The only difference between the Moon and Mars is that the crevices are deeper and wider on Mars and come from within as well as from without on account of her being weaker and depleted in her magnetism. Mars is so completely covered with them that Fig. 17 does not fully represent them all, they are so numerous. It is known, as one of our astronomers states, that the canals do not develop or become visible until the polar cap or snow cap begins to melt. He also states that the canals cannot be due to the snow melting, for IOO DAYLIGHT BY VIBRATION it would not have time to flow there. This plainly indicates that the canals develop and become visible when the hot weather comes on, when they have their summers. And why do they then become visible? Because it is then dry from the summer's heat, caus- ing the planet to crack, like our Earth cracks in a very dry spell, only more so, and if my idea was not ac- cepted that Mars received a blow when running against the asteroid, which injured her, causing her to have less magnetism, and the rents or cracks come from within as well as from without, the supposed canals would be accounted for due to the planet's dryness during hot weather, causing it to shrink similar to the Moon surface cracks. Both the Moon and Mars are deficient in water and moisture, the Moon having none and Mars very little more, and yet the lines on the Moon are called cracks and those on Mars canals. THE EARTH'S VITALS IF the Moon is the offspring of this planet, which everything indicates to be the case, it must then have vitals similar to the inner organs of man and beast. I do not believe that the centre of our Earth is a ball of fire, but I believe that the interior of the earth is a solid rock and metal the storehouse of its mag- netism ; that the magnetism acts as its vitals, similar to the inner organs of men and animals ; that this storage of magnetism is divided and subdivided, part of the magnetism doing the work of a heart, beating and pulsating, and other parts the lungs, manipulat- ing the air ; and so on for all its requirements and its needs. That the centre of the earth is in a heated condition is without a doubt, but there is no fire. Neither could the electricity that causes earthquakes venture in this solid rock and metal in the centre of the Earth. If it could it would be vital to the planet that this rock or metal is porous enough for mag- netism, yet what heat, if any, could get in could only do so by absorption. I do not compare the rock on our surface with the rock within the depth of the earth. The rock within our surface has cracks and crevices all through it that Vibra Light can get in and cause earthquakes, but not so with the rock ancf metal in the centre of the Earth, which I believe to be one solid rock and metal, and probably all metal, with- IO2 DAYLIGHT BY VIBRATION out cracks or crevices. It is being generally accepted that the Earth is a solid rock and not a ball of fire with- in. I believe vegetation and trees work like the planets, that they have magnetic relation and have miniature magnetic vitals within working like men's and ani- mal's organs. As Man is greater and further ad- vanced in evolution, accomplishing greater works, his inner organs must also be greater for the increased demands that are made upon them. As for the Earth being a ball of fire within, take into consideration one's own body, which is also heated within. No matter how cold the outside at- mosphere is, the body will have heat within it. You may call it life, but that does not explain it. Is it not that your body is in a constant motion, and mo- tion produces heat by vibration ? Likewise is it within the planet. The planet within itself is in a constant motion, thereby producing heat by vibration, and it also absorbs the heat during the day, and that is why the Earth has heat within, but not fire. The same reason- ing holds good with you as with the Earth. If the Earth on account of being warm within is a ball of fire, and you are warm within, then you ought to be a ball of fire within also. METAL THE STRUCTURAL FORCE OF THE EARTH I believe that the metal within our Earth acts or takes the part in the Earth similar to that which the ribs and bones take in our body ; that metal is the bones of the Earth, and I believe also that the metal we find near the surface is but veins of the metal that comes ORIGIN OF THE PLANETS IO3 from the centre of the earth that in the centre it would be in bulk or large quantities. What would demon- strate to me that metal is the bones of the Earth is that meteors that have fallen to the ground are gener- ally metal, and I claim that they are but comets dis- integrating, and the comets are the children of the planets; hence the meteors are but parts of the planets. That the meteors are all metal when found shows that as a meteor travels through space, the rocky substance that is around the metal being much softer it is worn off by the constant friction it re- ceives against the ether in space; and the metal the structural part of the comet remains with the meteor to the very last. The meteor being metal when found, and that metal being heavily charged with magnetism, and that the attraction of the mag- netism is to the centre of the Earth, makes me believe that the Earth in the centre is almost if not entirely metal. PLANETS' DEATH OR DISINTE- GRATION IN showing how the Earth will come to its final end, we can take a lesson from Mars and Mercury. That Mars is cracked or has deep rents all over on account of her collision with the asteroids demon- strates to us how planets disintegrate or come to their end. This tends to show and indicates that planets when old, diseased or crippled begin to have rents and deep cavities all over their surfaces, which con- tinue to get larger and larger until they go apart and fall into pieces. This will happen to the Sun and all the planets in the last days, and even if they do not run into one another they will go to pieces naturally, break apart and then turn into nebulae or cluster stars, all life not leaving them until they be- come completely pulverized; although it has not then an organized body, consequently it cannot reproduce its kind. I believe life will stay in each particle, as with turtles and reptiles that are cut into pieces, and life remaining in each piece. The asteroids prove that, because the different pieces are brilliant, show- ing that they have yet magnetism within. Not until the planets become completely pulverized does life leave them, that this pulverized substance is the ma- terial that comets travel on when leaving our solar system. As you and I travel on dead people's bodies, 104 ORIGIN OF THE PLANETS IO5 so do the stars and comets travel on decomposed planets. Therefore I cannot believe in a vacuum. He who does must explain what becomes of the substance that our planets are composed of when death comes. The reason that the asteroid is not like a nebular star is because magnetism in the solar system keeps it in its orbit and it cannot leave our solar system but must circle around the sun, and that the asteroid has more life in it than a nebular star. I also believe that there are planets in the starry heavens that do not mate, but are bachelors and old maids, living celibate lives and travelling on the substance of which planets were at one time composed. That our planets could all meet with destruction, the same as the asteroid planet, there is no doubt. Tak- ing our lesson from Mars, she being depleted and dis- eased, going very much out of a centre, that our planets when old may do the same, go out of a true course around the sun and thereby run into one an- other, although I am not inclined to believe this. Mars, trying to fill the duty of a mother with chil- dren (moons), is taxed more than she can fulfil, and her life will be shorter than those of the planets that are in good health. Mars going out of a centre comes nearer to the Earth than any other planet, and if she continues to go more out of a centre, and runs against our planet, she will in my judgment get de- cidedly the worst of it ; because I believe that it would not take much of a blow to settle Mars. I believe that our planets, living in harmony with the laws that govern them, will pass away naturally and without ac- cident, although at the very last I believe that they will go apart and spread out into inconceivable size, and IO6 DAYLIGHT BY VIBRATION that is why a nebula is so large, the magnetism of the nebula will keep its broken parts together. EARTH DISINTEGRATION WILL BE SLOW Earth distintegration will take millions of years and no doubt by natural means and not by accident. The natural means will be as the planets follow our lives as children, so will they in their older days, as they go from babies to children, and after millions of years as children they stay in our solar system until they come to maturity. They then leave their homes and go out and mate. As they follow our lives while coming to maturity, so will they follow our lives in their last days if they do not meet with an accident; and their natural disintegration will be as they get aged they will have less magnetic connection, as man in his old age has less magnetism and less magnetic relation. As I know from my own observation that man in his old days becomes more depleted in his magnetism as age overtakes him, so will it be with the planets. The Sun and the planets will have less magnetic connection until they separate altogether ; and as their magnetism will become less and less so will the heat on the Earth become less, as through the vibration of the magnetism heat is produced, and the moisture and the atmosphere on the surface will become less and less also, until life becomes extinct altogether on the surface of the Earth the most ad- vanced life ceasing first, then the lower life, then after their magnetism that is projected out of our planet to the Sun would cease, then there would be no revolving around the Sun, no revolving around on ORIGIN OF THE PLANETS IO7 our axis, but they would survive in space as a nebu- lar star, that being the beginning or the origin of a nebular star, planets disintegrating which it will be explained further on. No doubt that long after planets have ceased projecting their magnetism to the Sun in a cone shape they will have common sympathy with one another through the magnetic aura that each planet has around it, and no doubt they will as a rule stay close to each other for a long time, then finally separate, each one going its own course, roaming the heavens; and while in this state, when they have ceased to revolve around the Sun or their axis, it will be no doubt many millions of years. After planets have come to the point where they cease to produce their kind, before breaking up or going into a nebula, they will be many years in that state; they would have to be, and no doubt will in order to let their children, the moons and the comets, come to maturity. A planet's life from birth until its end is untold mil- lions if not billions of years. LIFE WILL BECOME EXTINCT VERY GRADUALLY Life on the planet will decline very gradually. So slowly will life become extinct that the human race will not be able to keep the record of it, in fact will not be aware of the Earth's decline. The number of in- habitants will become less and less, naturally declin- ing through not being so prolific. There will not be moisture and atmospheric condition for vegetation to support the number of lives that is on it at the present time. I do not believe that our present number will become less through the lack of vegetation, or from IO8 DAYLIGHT BY VIBRATION starvation, but that the controlling power, the guiding intelligence, will regulate all things as it is necessary and humanity will become less in number as the planets decline, and I believe that to be the case with Mars at the present time. Although Mars is on the de- cline, yet without a doubt it has life on it, but not the number per square mile that we have, as the vege- tation is not there to support it, for with less heat, atmosphere and moisture the life there must corre- spond with the condition of the planet. \ c\ ', J d\ Fig. 18 DOUBLE AND MULTIPLE STARS Representing organized systems in space. no DOUBLE STARS TRIPLE, QUADRUPLE, AND MULTIPLE STARS THERE are 6,000 known double and multiple stars. Out of this total number 650 have been demonstrated to be physically or magnetically connected systems sun and planet, turning around a common centre of gravity. There are still more complicated groups or systems of three, four, or even seven stars no doubt planets circulating around a sun. The double stars revolve around their centre, and as a rule they have one large and one smaller star, indi- cating that one is a sun and the other a planet, the two being mated (Fig. 18, letter G). Some of the other planets are attended by very much smaller stars, they no doubt being the moons, as Fig. 18, b, c, d, e and f. It simply demonstrates that in our heavens the stars are all more or less mated, in some cases in couples (18 g), and in other cases in larger numbers, and some of them can be seen with all indication of having offspring, their moons around them. Virginis (Fig. 18, letter a) has six planets revolv- ing around one central sun. They travel in an elliptic orbit in one direction around the central sun, the time of its complete revolution being one hundred years. This solar system was observed in 1718 by Bradley. If the starry heavens could be mapped out, we would 112 DAYLIGHT BY VIBRATION find that in space the same manifestation is going on as in our solar system, that the stars are solar systems mated in different numbers and have moons and comets attending them the same as the Earth, and some of the double stars are so closely attached to one an- other that the slight distance between them condenses the magnetism that binds the two together and makes it practically a physical connection between the two, so that planet life is being perpetuated in space as with our solar system. And if that be the case then is it not also true that they are all inhabited the same as our planet, that the starry heavens are one living mass of humanity, brought about by a similar method as our lives ; that their experience may be somewhat dif- ferent from ours, thereby producing different physical structure, or perhaps a different nature than ours. But one law holds good for all, and that is that all life is perpetuated by the union of male and female, or the positive on the one hand and the negative on the other hand, the two opposites, and that to me expresses the very beginning of all life. The first in the beginning created by the action of the positive and negative forces together, and so is all life that is farther along in evolution, human or otherwise. The part working the same as the whole. The system of planets (Fig 18, letter b) is called the trapezium of Orion, and the astronomers' state- ment of this system is : Two of the stars in the trape- zium are seen to be accompanied by two other very small stars (moons), forming altogether a group of six stars. Probably, says one astronomer, it constitutes a real system, for the five smaller stars have the same proper motion as the principal one. Since then another Fig. 19 Double and Triple Stars. 114 ORIGIN OF THE PLANETS 115 star has been discovered, making a total of seven in this system (Fig. 18, b). If the astronomers see two of the stars or planets accompanied by two smaller stars is it not reasonable to suppose that they are moons, that Figs. 18 and 19 represent more or less numbers of planets with their moons (offspring) in the starry heavens, the moons being so much smaller that they are harder to be seen ; that all these systems in Figs. 18 and 19 that have four or more stars (planets) are similar to ours, and in these different systems they invariably discover more stars (planets), (Fig. 18, letter a.) This system of planets is known to have a motion of a hundred years going around a central star (I presume a sun), and that everything indicates that the starry heavens are a continuation of our planetary system, and why not? Surely we have the evidence. Our planet is a star in the heavens, shining to them in the same manner as they do to us, consequently our planet is a star, and those stars must be made of the same material, shining through and by the same force as we do. We can only make our deduction according to our solar system. We can only theorize according to what we are and not zvhat we are not. In these groups alone we have seven systems that have four or more stars or planets no doubt revolving around a centre just as we do. They are a, b, c, d, e, f of Fig. 18, and / of Fig. 19. Then we are forced to the conclusion that there are systems besides ours, because we can only make the deduction from our own solar system. There is where I have no fear but that my explanation of our solar system will be accepted, because I have entirely demonstrated our solar system according to Man and Il6 DAYLIGHT BY VIBRATION Nature. I do not care what opposition or criticism I may receive the proof is there. There is no doubt that there will be improvement on my system, but the foundation is there, and others will have to use this method that I have laid down, if they ever hope to explain or have knowledge of our solar system out- side of the mathematical points which I have not touched upon. STAR BRILLIANCY Stars are divided and called first, second, and third magnitude, according to their brilliancy. The bright stars are either very large in size or full of vigor and health, or both. The much-faded star that throws out very little brilliancy is one that is in poor health, and is in its last stage of life, because it has not got the magnetism to vibrate upon Mercury and Mars, being in poor health, give us the example from which to make our deduction, as they are the two least bril- liant planets in our solar system. Fig. 20 Star Cluster. 118 CLUSTER STAR A Planet broken in many small pieces. 119 STAR CLUSTERS STAR clusters are alluded to as so many suns together. I do not care into how many pieces the planet is broken, each piece is called a sun. In the heavens it does not matter how much smaller they are than our Moon. Even where they are small particles yet they are called suns. A cluster star is a star that is in hundreds if not thousands of small particles, so small that they cannot be even measured or separated, and yet they are called suns. I call what is termed a cluster star a planet, or perhaps a sun disintegrating a planet that is going to pieces to its final end. Cluster star and nebular star are one and the same thing, only they are different stages of a planet disintegrating. The old theory and I have gotten to two opposite ends. The old theory looks upon a cluster or a nebular star as a formation of a new planet, while I claim it to be a sun or a planet disintegrating in its last stage. I would like to know, according to the old theory, where they can bring in this cluster star with its thousands of broken-up pieces to be the beginning or the formation of a planet (see Figs. 20 and 21). Is not the asteroid the same thing, except that it is forced to travel around the sun, its motion pre- venting them from forming into a more compact clus- ter, as the cluster star does not travel around a centre like the asteroids around the sun? There will 122 DAYLIGHT BY VIBRATION be no doubt that in the course of time that the asteroids will be reduced and become less and less, until they become entirely pulverized, and then leave their course around the Sun altogether. They will continue to do so until they disappear altogether, be- ing in pieces without an organized life. They will be the same as meteors, which are but broken-up comets, and as their small particles vibrate against the ether in space they become pulverized and they cease to exist entirely as far as our observation is concerned. If cluster and nebular stars were the beginning of planets they would form from the centre out, instead of being broken and cracked in the centre as they are. The cluster and nebular stars do not show any evi- dence of being the beginning of the formation of a planet, but the direct opposite, of being something going to pieces. Fig. 22 NEBULA STAR A Planet breaking up in large pieces. 124 NEBULAR STARS NEBULAR stars and cluster stars are considered by the old system to be the beginning or the formation of planetary life; that by some method which no one can explain they form into planets ; that the magnetism (supposed gases) in the Milky Way is in some man- ner formed also into a planet. When we study the motion of the heavenly bodies we see that all the planets travel in a circle, always around a centre. There is no exception to that rule in our whole solar system; and that being the case, and looking to the planets forming by some mechanical means, we are forced to believe that if a planet does form by a mechanical method it would have to follow the rule of the other planets that travel in their motion around a common centre ; that the planet must necessarily also form at the centre in the beginning ; that if a nebular or clus- ter star is the formation of a planet it must form from the centre outwards. They seem to have any other tendency except forming out from the centre (see Figs. 20, 21 and 22). A real good, solid nebular star which is not merely magnetism circling around never forms or shows any sign of forming out from the centre, and that is absolutely necessary if it is to form into a planet, if we wish to go according to nature; if not, one guess is as good as another, and the nebular star (Fig. 22) is broken in the centre 125 126 DAYLIGHT BY VIBRATION instead of forming at the centre, which is contrary to what it should be if it is to form into a planet. Cluster star (Figs. 20 and 21) and all other cluster stars are broken into many hundreds, if not thousands of pieces. I do not see how it is possible to bring in a cluster star as the beginning of the formation of a planet. These figures surely indicate my idea that they are planets disintegrating or going to pieces, be- cause all real nebular stars that are more solid and not magnetism floating around are broken or cracked in various directions, and cluster stars represent a planet broken in many pieces. We also have in space magnetism floating in different directions, some tak- ing on various forms, and they are sometimes called nebular stars, but they have not the appearance of a nebular star. They have not the appearance of solid- ness, as in Fig. 22, therefore they never have a cracked appearance like a nebular star. Yet a nebular star on its outer surface has more or less of this same mag- netism, or what would be more properly be termed magnetic aura, and I believe that it is really hard to see the solidness of the interior of these nebular stars, on account of the quantity of the magnetic aura around them; but in Fig. 22 we have a nebula with the magnetic aura around its outer edge and in scant quantity, and by its general appearance I believe it to be the first stage of a dying planet. It has not been broken up into small lumps or where the mag- netism could escape from within. Then we have nebular stars that are so completely surrounded with this magnetic aura that the solid matter within can- not be observed, and this I claim to be the general case. It is similar to a comet, only a comet travels ORIGIN OF THE PLANETS 127 with such speed that a great part of its magnetic aura follows it and we term it the tail. Mercury (Fig. 9) during her transit across the Sun is the unit from which we can make our deduction. It is what I might call its natural state; its turning on its axis keeps its aura at an equal distance around it, and it needs to be so for the purpose of Mercury's requirements. Where a comet not turning on its axis goes in one direction it forms into a tail. The magnetism of broken-up planets, such as nebular and cluster stars, is in various forms, some with a big chunk of earth with the magnetic aura on its outer edges, others with the aura around the lumps, others with the aura in between the lumps of earth. Then we have the mag- netism floating by itself in different directions (see Fig. 23). In most cases nebular stars have the mag- netic aura so completely around them that the solid matter within cannot be seen. In Fig. 22 there is photographed a nebula that is in the first stage of dis- integration, where its part is yet in large chunks or pieces, and the magnetic aura not dense enough to cover the solid parts. In explaining the different parts of the solar sys- tem I do not have to rely upon the appearance of the thing itself, but its working method will also demon- trate them to be what I claim. We have a regular working channel by which planets and comets dis- integrate. Galileo had seen where a moon had left Saturn, and I claim that it went into our solar system as a comet, and after due time will leave our solar con- fines, never to come back again. I claim that the comets do form a solar system of their own, and also with Mars in its action, causing its rents all of a sud- 128 DAYLIGHT BY VIBRATION den, arising from running at one time against the asteroid which injured her. It is the same case with the nebular star. The astronomers know that they run into one another and are like meteors or comets disintegrating. Astronomers acknowledge that meteors are comets broken into many pieces and why not a nebula star a broken planet? The proof is there, as the action of a nebula is the same as a comet coming to destruction by running against another. It is known that the comets have appeared in a whole state, finally coming around in two pieces (Fig. 13), and the pieces continue to separate until the comet is reduced to a meteor (Fig. 14). In the same manner two nebular stars may be observed at a distance coming together, and finally when they meet (due to the attraction of their magnetism, gravitation) their speed increases and they finally pass one another, in a way that would lead one to think that they had only saluted one another ; but after they have parted with their increased speed, the magnetic aura that is around one of them will have the appearance of a pear, and then you will see it has parted, gone into two pieces. Here we have a nebular star broken into two pieces clinging together by its magnetism, and it is called a "Dumb-bell Nebula." Like comets turning into meteors, the nebular star con- tinues to reduce either by natural disintegration or to run up against another nebular star. We have also the heavens full of dark black nebular stars which far outnumber all the rest put together. These are the ones that I claim to be in the last throes of death, where there is no magnetism, no magnetic aura; they are cold, dark and forlorn, and there is no warmth, ORIGIN OF THE PLANETS I2Q no brightness to light their path, and they wait to be reduced to unrecognized, unseen particles. As I have stated before, to demonstrate another part of my subject, the nebulous substances are like turtles and reptiles, that you can dismember them and life will remain in the different parts until the soul has van- ished altogether. Consequently where the nebulae are bright and brilliant they have not been reduced to the throes of grim death dark, cold and lifeless; a black nebulous matter, a disintegrating planet, sun, star. These nebular stars are of an irregular mass of gigantic size. As one astronomer states, they are of such inconceivable size that literally thousands of sys- tems like our solar system could be accommodated within their bulk. Others state that you could put 600,000 suns like ours into one of these nebular stars. What does all this indicate? It simply shows that my theory alone can explain all such inconceivable objects; that these nebular stars are planets broken probably into thousands or millions of pieces ; that the magnetism binds and holds these pieces together and permits them to spread or to expand out to an inconceivable distance. It is almost impossible for a star to be a solid mass and be so large that you could put thousands of systems like our solar system in one star. These monster stars remind one of some of the old fish stories. If you were living on one of these gigantic nebular stars and desired to take a trip around the world, you would die of old age be- fore you could finish the journey. MAGNETIC NEBULA Fig. 23 is a nebular which shows how they can spread out to such an enormous size. This nebula is mostly magnetism, if not completely so. It has here and there pieces of earth which can be plainly seen, and it may be possible that they may be earth in its pulverized state, but I sincerely doubt it. It is magnetism that has become detached from some other nebula. It is too bright for a nebula whose earth has been reduced to a pulverized state. This nebula has a fluid appearance, which means that it is mostly magnetism, while Fig. 22 is more solid with scant quantity of magnetism, and Fig. 23 is without the solid appearance, being mostly all magnetism. This magnetic aura would not be brilliant, prob- ably not even seen or detected, if it were not for the vibration it receives as it travels through space. The Gombart comet (Fig. 13) was known to be a whole comet, and in the year 1846 it appeared in the form of two comets or pieces. The distance be- tween the two nuclei was 145,000 miles. In the year 1852 they were separated to the amount of 1,190,000 miles. The Biela comet, which was first observed in 1772 by Montaigne, was similar to the Gombart comet, in that it came around finally broken in two. This comet has been seen more than half a dozen times in its revolution around the sun. In the year MAGNETIC NEBULA Magnetism floating around with pieces of earth here and there. ORIGIN OF THE PLANETS 133 1864 it appeared with its two parts much farther apart and since then it has not been seen. It is sup- posed by the astronomers that this comet went into a shower of meteors. Here we have the comets, the children of the planets, working identically the same as the planets, being reduced to nebular stars. The comets, disobeying the law that governs them, go out of their path and run up against a planet or an- other comet, and are reduced to meteors, and then finally down and out. The nebulae or disintegrat- ing planets meet with destruction in the same manner, running into one another and also by natural death. I cannot see after the evidence I have given that it could be better demonstrated that nebular stars are planets disintegrating, and not the formation of a planet, as is generally claimed. MAGNETISM THE FORCE OF GRAVITATION MAN knows so little about his magnetism that I must demonstrate its working force before many can believe that they have any. Man has a physical mag- netic and mental relation with the opposite sex, and also with his children and fellow-men. Man's great- est passion is found in his animal nature, and there must be something powerful in its influence that will impel man to get a divorce or separation from the greatest passion he has. Nine times out of ten man seeks divorce from his mate because he is not properly mated magnetically ; his magnetism does not harmo- nize or blend with the one from whom he seeks sepa- ration ; instead of harmonizing, their magnetism repels one from the other, and then it is carried up to the mind. Then comes the divorce court. Magnetism is used as a force by the one that holds psychological influence over another by the hypnotist, and by the orator whom you say has strong personal magnetism. It is the force used by occult workers and magicians to do phenomenal work. They call it occult force and solar fluid, imagining that it comes out of the solar system somewhere, and also term it spirits, God, etc., etc. ; but they only manipu- late the earth magnetism. If you do a hard day's work and become very tired it is because you have lost your magnetism; you have used up the mag- 134 ORIGIN OF THE PLANETS 135 netism or vitality by your exertion. Through the loss of this magnetism you become weaker, the mag- netism being closely allied with the vitality or your body and it obeying the commands of your mind the same as your physical body. Personal or body magnetism is used in other evil directions that I dare not even mention. Man throws a magnetic aura around his body. It is what I term the "ethereal vitality" of his body, and whatever his body is constituted of, with this magnetism go his mentality, his disposition, his nature, his tempera- ment. That is the reason why a psychic-mental reader can read from any article that he car- ries about him, as you cannot touch anything without leaving your magnetism on it. If you are of a mild disposition you will show it in your magnetism; if you are quick tempered or passionate it can be seen in your magnetism by a clairvoyant. In this magnetic aura around you is the intelligence of your mind ; you cannot think but what your magnetism will obey the mandates of your mind. It will act and work as you think, and that is why the Earth and the Moon can have different magnetic connection. The intelligence will use it for the purpose needed. The Moon with its magnetic connection with the Sun, its animal mag- netism is brought out but is void of impregnation ; consequently, the magnetism is in a heated condition and the ether vibrating against its heated magnetism produces Vibra Light on the Moon, and its magnetic connection with the Earth is one of love and sympathy, seeking help and nourishment from its mother, getting nourished through the magnetism it projects to the Earth. WHY THE EARTH ATTRACTS EVERYTHING THE Earth, having an animal nature, is selfish, the same as you and I, and in its selfishness it will draw and bind everything that comes within the sphere of its magnetic aura that is around it, and that is the reason everything is drawn to the Earth. That is the cause of gravitation. The intelligence of our planet through its magnetic aura surrounding our globe will draw a meteor or any other body to its surface that comes within the sphere of its aura. There is nothing but what has magnetism around it to a certain degree. The apple on the tree has a magnetic aura around it, little as it may be, and that is what binds it to the earth's magnetic aura. That is why the apple falls to the ground ; the Earth's magnetism drawing on the apple, draws it to its surface; and man is also magnetically bound to the Earth in the same manner. There is not a thing in this uni- verse but what has its magnetic aura around it. The Earth's magnetic aura extends many hundreds, if not thousands of miles around the globe, the same as Mer- cury (see Fig. 9). There is nothing in nature without intelligence, and the planets with their magnetic con- nection use it for the puropse and for the work neces- sary. As the quality of your intelligence is in the 136 ORIGIN OF THE PLANETS 137 magnetic aura that surrounds man, so has the mag- netism of the planets the necessary intelligence for their requirements ; and that also holds good with vege- tation. I do not maintain that this magnetic aura around our planet extends to the Moon, but nature has ar- ranged things so that the Earth can project its mag- netism in a cone shape to any planet that it may be in sympathy with. Like the man who seeks divorce, if the Earth were not in sympathy with the Moon or Sun she would soon seek separation. I have had con- siderable experience with magnetism. Some years ago I read in a magazine that a man could put himself in a certain condition in which he could hear the Earth beat and pulsate. With very little experience I soon verified the truth of that statement, that the Earth does beat and pulsate. It is all done through your mag- netism and the Earth magnetism. Consequently I am not the only one that can verify the fact that the Earth does beat and pulsate, and if it does it must have life the same as we. MATERIAL SUBSTANCE CANNOT ACT WITHOUT INTELLIGENCE TO-DAY most men try to solve the problems of life on a mechanical basis, always looking at the working of things mechanically. I was once asked, "Do you not believe that the Earth turning on its axis is the cause of drawing everything to its surface?" And I had to reply in the negative. As I cannot see any- thing in nature without intelligence, it is impossible for me to see a blade of grass without seeing intelli- gence, as I cannot see how a blade of grass can form itself the same as all other blades of grass and then not be an intelligent act in itself. The earth revolves on its axis at about the rate of a mile in three or four seconds. We have flywheels that go around at least half that speed and by putting a piece of paper on a flywheel it will be drawn around, but throw a piece of wood or iron on it and it cannot draw either by. the suction of the wheel turning on its axis. The flywheel will draw a light piece of paper, but not even wood. Take that same law for the earth going twice as fast on its axis. How far from it would it draw anything around it? I think very little. Taking the standpoint that everything has enough intelligence for its use and purpose, it is my argument that the force of gravita- tion is what Kepler, Newton and Galileo, who are our authorities on gravitation, motion, etc., did not explain 138 ORIGIN OF THE PLANETS 139 that this magnetic aura around the planets is a force, the ethereal vitality of the Earth, and in this magnetism is the substance, the chemical quality and nature of which the Earth is composed. This magnetism is force and force alone, incapable of action or movement until its intelligence uses it and puts it into action. A planet having an animal nature as well as you and I, is selfish as well as you and I, and consequently it will use its magnetism (this force) selfishly for the purpose of drawing any and everything to itself. There- fore gravitation is the magnetism of the different re- spective planets, which use it by their intelligence for its use and their requirements ; such is the case with man's personal or body magnetism as your intelligence guides and controls it. So also does the intelligence of a planet control its magnetism for its aim and purpose. Matter is unable to move or act until intelligence sets it into action; your material body could not move if there was not a mind there to move it. Nor does any ma- terial object on the Earth move until some one with intelligence moves it. That also holds good with the material of which planets are composed; it re- quires intelligence for the movements of the planets. If you take a liking to a person your magnetism will immediately blend and harmonize with others. If you take a dislike to a person, then there will be a repulsion of your magnetism, the magnetism obeying the man- dates of the mind. This is the reason young couples will enjoy each other's company. Their magnetism blends together to such an extent that the simple touch 140 DAYLIGHT BY VIBRATION or clasping of hands gives them enjoyment that is long remembered. Much more could be said with re- gard to its animal properties, but I consider it better to leave it unsaid. Man's magnetism escapes from the pores of his body, and from flesh to moisture ; like- wise the Earth's, from earth to water. Water is the most colorless substance that we have on our Earth. The magnetism that comes out of it is still more color- less than the water, and for that reason we cannot see the force (magnetism) that binds us to the Sun. When I say colorless, I mean that this magnetism that binds us to the Sun is the color of space, and that is one of the reasons we cannot see it when we look into space. Is not water itself in color the nearest to space of any- thing on our Earth, and the magnetism that flows out of the water more colorless than the water, in fact more ethereal, more attenuated than water? But colorless really means a higher vibration, the highest vibration of any material substance that the Earth is composed of. Likewise with man's magnetism it is of a higher vibration than the rest of our material body, and the reason man cannot see it, or observe it, is because his eye and physical senses are of a much lower vibration. If our physical eye was of a higher vibration we could see the magnetic aura around us, the same as do the clairvoyants, who see it with their inner or soul eye. The magnetism in our body as well as in the Earth is interwoven, that is to say, in the pores of the solid material. Take a sponge as an example to better illus- trate my idea. That sponge, being the solid matter, then you can fill its pores with powder or fluid substance. Magnetism fills up the cells in our body, and at death this magnetism and the soul leave the solid mat- ORIGIN OF THE PLANETS 14! ter, the body, the magnetism being the covering of the body for the soul. Knowing what the force of gravitation is and its ac- tion in our solar system and Man's magnetism and the part it plays in life, it is very easy to discern the work- ing method of our solar system. It is surprising to see how few of humanity know the working of their own magnetism ; that Man's magnetism is one of the chief causes of his sorrow and happiness ; that it is one of the principal factors in his health, good or bad ; that if you understood the working of your magnetism, through your breath and this same magnetism you could keep and bring health to yourself. Poor health means a small quantity of magnetism. It scatters and leaves you. By knowing how to control your mag- netism you know how to have health, how to have warmth of body and physical strength. Most men do not know that they have any magnetism. Probably it is best that they do not know, as they cannot in their different mental attitudes control others without the use of this body magnetism. We can see it at work for evil in all directions, especially in the passionate and the licentious ones. No one could control others through hypnotism if he did not have a good supply of magnetism. Those that have may use it consciously or unconsciously, and I believe that in nine cases out of ten it is used unconsciously. ATTRACTION AND REPULSION The cause of attraction and repulsion seems to puzzle a good many, but if they would only theorize on Man or nature the task would be easy. We can- 142 DAYLIGHT BY VIBRATION not make our deduction from any other unit than Man. Man's material body cannot move or have ac- tion without the intelligence of the mind moving it. Cannot we see here that Man's physical body and his magnetic body are but material forces, incapable of ac- tion or movement until the intelligence puts it into action? Then is it not likewise with all the other ma- terial forces, be it planet or the planet's magnetism? Would not the intelligence in the Earth and the Sun use their magnetism to keep at the proper distance from one another? Again, would not this Earth in its relation with the Sun use its magnetism to go out to meet the Sun's magnetism, and when it has accom- plished its object draw it in again? So far as concerns the comets, would not the Sun, the father of the comets, look after his own children, and when they get near to him keep them at a distance, so that they would not run into him? How can force work without in- telligence? Force is a dead, inactive matter, incapable of action until intelligence puts it into action. The trouble with man is that he can only see his own in- telligence and not the intelligence that is far superior to his, and that which is far inferior. That is why so many cry, No God, no hereafter, because they be- lieve there is no intelligence beyond them ; nor can they see it beneath them. THE PART WORKING THE SAME AS THE WHOLE THE loadstone will demonstrate how and why the Earth attracts all other bodies to itself, it being a part of the Earth. It demonstrates that the centre of the Earth is not a ball of fire. I do not think that any one will dispute that if you could drill a hole clean through the Earth, and drop a ball in the hole, it would go to the centre and then stop. You can go down the deepest mine in the world, and if you drop any- thing it falls downward, always to the centre of the earth. The loadstone will attract other things by its magnetism, which fire will not do, and if everything falls to the centre, it demonstrates the centre of the Earth to be the storehouse of its magnetism, and not fire. I venture to say that there is plenty of metal in the centre of the Earth more heavily charged with magnetism than is the loadstone. The metal is the back- bone and ribs of the Earth, and I am inclined to be- lieve that the centre of the Earth is very nearly all metal, heavily charged with magnetism and veins shooting out in all directions from the centre, it being the structural part of the Earth. The meteors that fall to the Earth demonstrate that to be the case, as a meteor when found is as a rule a solid piece of metal. Meteors are but comets, the children of the planets, 144 DAYLIGHT BY VIBRATION disintegrating. If we look at the Earth's turning on its axis as the cause of drawing everything to it we must acknowledge it to be the suction of turning around on its axis, which suction would not exceed twenty feet from the Earth. Besides, we could detect or feel it if it was suction; and where we have metal that will not draw things to itself through suction but through magnetism, and the metal being a part of the Earth (the part working the same as the whole), I think that it will demonstrate and prove my theory that it is the Earth's magnetism that draws everything to it, and that metal is the condenser of magnetism, water and moisture within the Earth, the filter, the sponge, so to speak, that allows the magnetism to escape and return to the Earth. I love to study nature and I have never in all my experience in studying it seen one law broken or wrong, and that is that the part always works the same as the whole. As when we went to school we would subtract one set of numbers from another, and add the answer and the lesser num- bers to see if they would make the greater number, which was our proof, so will it be our proof that the part works the same as the whole. In studying nature it will never fail us. It is not alone that man, animal and vegetation reproduce their kind to demon- strate that our planet does the same, as you can take a rock or piece of metal out of the Earth, and it has a positive and negative pole (the part working the same as the whole), male the positive, female the nega- tive. If a part can be taken out of the Earth and it works positive and negative, so does the Earth; if everything in nature works positive and negative, male and female, look where you may so do the ORIGIN OF THE PLANETS 145 planets. I also claim, taking that same law, "the part works the same as the whole," and studying man, that you can see in him his whole future life. As the Bible states, it is given unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, and if you will study man and study deeply, his future is like an open book. The reproductive faculty is the creative faculty in all life, be it planet, animal or man, and that being the way creation is carried on there is nothing, past or future, but what man can see it through the creative faculty. The beginning of all, as the Bible claims God made all, then it was made by the working of a positive and a negative force, and we obey the same law in propa- gating our offspring, "the part working the same as the beginning." Later on I will show how everything was created, or, in other words, was made from nothing. There is one thing that I would like to impress on those that remember me or my book, and put it in large blazing words, and that is that the part works the same as the whole. If you study nature on that basis you will find her truths, and it is also the process of the life, action and working method of evolution. SUN S PHENOMENA MUST BE BASED ON NATURE It is a ridiculous proposition to think that it could be possible that the enormous heat that must be pro- duced in our solar system, which is required by all the planets, and the intense cold it must pass through in space could possibly come from the Sun. We are over ninety million miles from the Sun. Just think how much heat would be required, if the heat conies from the Sun, to warm up the intense cold in space 146 DAYLIGHT BY VIBRATION before it reached here, and likewise all the other planets. The statement that the cold in space does not have an effect on the heat from the Sun and yet af- fects a thermometer so it can be registered, is ridicu- lous, for cold will cool off heat in space as well as it does at the north pole or in our latitude. That it would meet no resistance in space is also ridiculous. There is no vacuum in space. There must be sub- stance in space. How could the different degrees of temperature at various distances from the Earth be registered if the cold in space had no effect? All ex- perience has shown that it is colder in space as you go away from the Earth, or the nearer you go to the Sun. The arguments that have been brought up to sustain the old theory are not well founded. The very fact that the comets that come from outside of our solar system meet resistance, and thereby form a tail, as they march to the Sun, proves that the heat meets resistance also in space. Aeronauts going up in a bal- loon know it to be colder and darker as they go far- ther into space. A body of scientific men took the temperature of space by sending self -regulating ther- mometers up with balloons higher than men could go, and they found it colder the higher the balloon went. Yet those who stand by the old theory say the cold in space has no effect on the heat that comes from the Sun, but it does affect everything else. It does not seem logical that the cold in space will affect a ther- mometer and not heat. The balloons with self-regulat- ing thermometers were sent up to great heights. I claim that there is no phenomenon that is claimed to be of the Sun that can be proven according to the na- ORIGIN OF THE PLANETS 147 ture of the Earth. There is no kind of heat on this Earth but what will be hotter as you go to the source whence it comes. It cannot be otherwise, whether it be daylight, electricity or any other heat. Take all the different planets of our solar system that are countless millions of miles away from the Sun. That the heat of the Sun must go through that enormous number of miles of intense cold to the different planets, and have enough heat to warm them up, is simply out of the question. It is considered now that the Sun is not a ball of fire but that the heat must come from the outside surface of the Sun. Through the later developments of the instrument used by as- tronomers, and through the eclipses of the Sun, it is now claimed that the Sun is not a ball of fire. It is generally claimed now that the Sun in some way con- tracts, and through the contraction forces out its gases, thereby creating the heat on its surface. Then if that be the case, if that be the nature of our planet, does not the gas within the Earth have veins like we have, and is it not our planet's nature not to let the gas escape, but keep it within its surface? Is it possible that it could produce enough heat by the gas being forced out from within the Sun to go through the intense cold in space and be sufficient to warm up the different planets? You will observe at a glance that my theory is certainly more logical, that all the different planets produce their own heat, as they all travel with an enormous speed around the Sun; that the force "magnetism" that binds them to the Sun as it vibrates against the ether in space produces the heat on the different planets. 148 DAYLIGHT BY VIBRATION THERE CANNOT BE A CAUSE WITHOUT AN EFFECT There is one thing sure that the planets all travel around the Sun; and there we have a cause, and it being a cause, it must have an effect. A shooting star, on account of its increased motion through space, be- comes brilliant. How could it be possible that the planet could go around at such a tremendous speed and have no effect ? . How could the planets, each and every one of them, have a well-governed revolution around the Sun and all for no purpose? "A cause without an effect." Impossible. You can see instead of this tremendous cold ether in space cooling off, it has a directly opposite effect, in my case like lightning on a warm summer day. The heated atmosphere going up meets the cold ether in space, and the vibration between the two produces lightning. It is the same with my theory. We have the two direct opposites to produce daylight, the magnetism being in a heated con- dition on account of its animal relation with the Sun, and the ether in space being the direct opposite, cold and dry, and the vibration between the two produces our daylight. On the other hand, if the heat comes from the Sun, even if it were produced by vibration on the outside of the Sun or within the Sun, the cold in space would cool it off after it left the Sun, and when we come to realize the intense cold in space it must pass through, I think it would be frozen before it could get here. It is preposterous to think that the Sun could produce the heat that is required, when it cannot even be proven by an experience with nature. ORIGIN OF THE PLANETS 149 OTHER PLANETS ARE EXPLAINED ACCORDING TO THE NATURE OF OUR PLANET Whatever is explained about the other planets, astronomers reason and explain things according to our planet. If the north pole of Mars tips toward the Sun, it is said the northern part of Mars has got its summer. And why? Because it is the same with our planet. When the pole of Mars is seen to diminish in size, it is said that it is the snowcap melting away, because it is the nature of our Earth at the poles. Whatever is explained about the other planets is explained accord- ing to the nature of our planet, and that is the only way we can study the nature of the other planets. But there is hardly one phenomenon that is claimed of the Sun that can be logically proven according to the nature of our planet. Surely there must be something wrong somewhere. It simply shows how poorly man will think for himself. What has been handed down to us from past ages we swallow without even trying to digest it, and the same holds good about the Bible. The ideas and conceptions that are being gotten out of the Bible are making more infidels, I might say, than the good they are doing. We have a hundred and one different religions gotten out of the one book, and we proudly boast about our twentieth-century civilization. I often wonder where we are, anyway. If we did our own thinking instead of accepting old theories because they have been handed down to us from past ages, we would immediately think that, the Earth revolving around the Sun at the tremendous speed of over a million and a half miles a day, all light and heat being produced by vibration, the force that binds this Earth 15 DAYLIGHT BY VIBRATION to the Sun must be the cause of our daylight, as it vibrates in its motion around the Sun. There is one thing we must acknowledge that there must be some force that binds us to the Sun, otherwise we would go in one straight line instead of one continuous circle around the Sun. Even if it was not known what this force was that bound us to the Sun, knowing that all light and heat are produced by vibration, it would have been logical to conclude that the force that binds us to the Sun as it revolves around the Sun produces daylight. Even if we did not know what that force was, we know that all light in the heavens is produced while in motion. A shooting star produces light when it is in its increased motion, or while it shoots. One will prove the other. It is almost impossible to con- ceive that the Earth could go around the Sun at such a tremendous speed as an average of 1,600,000 miles a day and be of no purpose and no aim. Surely nature does not frolic around at such a high rate of speed for nothing. Nature does not uselessly waste energy at that rate. We can say that our Earth travelling around the Sun at that high rate of speed has set up a cause, and there being a cause, it must have an effect. MOON MINUS A CAUSE ACCOUNTS FOR NOT HAVING VEGETATION There cannot be a cause, slight as it may be, but what has its effect. I show in another part of this book the reason why the Moon has no atmosphere, moisture and vegetation is because it does not turn on its axis to circulate the atmosphere and moisture around its globe, while our Earth has a cause that the Moon does not have. The Earth's turning on its axis ORIGIN OF THE PLANETS I5l creates a cause; consequently it has its effect. Like- wise the Earth's going around the Sun at a high rate of speed sets up a cause, and that cause must have its effect, and if it is not what I claim, what is it? The answer that it simply goes around the Sun does not answer the question. The arguments that are brought up to substantiate the old theory are not logical. You can bring up point after point and show that they are not based on fact. It has been tried in every con- ceivable way to make the old theory look plausible, but that will not answer. The world nowadays de- mands facts. But a few days ago a certain professor tried in one of our daily newspapers to substantiate the slant theory of the Sun, because the farther the Earth gets away from the Sun the hotter it gets, and made this statement : "If you hold your hand against a lamp chimney at a slant you will readily feel it to be much warmer." Is not on this Earth a direct heat warmer than any slant? Is it not warmer at noon than at any other time, the Sun being overhead and not aslant ? Do we not have our summers when the Sun is as far north as it can get, the Sun being directly over the Northern Hemisphere and we in the centre of the heat, the magnetism being denser in the centre? Conse- quently, the vibration being greater whenever the Sun is overhead, not aslant, a direct heat is always warmer than any slant. If you hold your hand directly against the lamp chimney or the stove instead of aslant it certainly will be warmer than by holding it at any angle. Heat and light always flow in straight streaks or streams, and it would be just as ridiculous for me to say that a board placed with the current of a river has the same resistance as to place it flat up against 152 DAYLIGHT BY VIBRATION the tide. Heat has a current the same as a river has a current, and whenever it strikes you it will be the hottest. A slant would, if anything, make it less effect- ive. When we have our summer it is because the Sun is as far north as it can get, not aslant. If the Sun could be over the north pole instead of aslant, I can assure you there would be no ice there. Probably instead of ice there would be peaches, grapes and watermelons, etc., and we would want to take ex- cursions to the poles. At the poles is the coldest part of the Earth simply because it only gets the slant, if you can call it a slant; but in fact there is no slant, for the effect of the heat on this Earth is in a circle, and every degree of a circle you go away from the centre it becomes colder. The poles are the coldest places on the Earth because they are always on the outer edge of the circle of its magnetism, not aslant, where the magnetism is less dense. I must confess that in my experience I have never met any one who has claimed to be able to tell that there was any difference in heat, slant or straight. Heat will always be warm- est at the nearest contact, and that slant makes no difference one way or the other. Wherever the heat strikes you first will be the warmest ; slant will make no difference; it is simply those that are trying to make the old theory look plausible on account of the closer we get to the Sun the colder it gets. They try to show up some ridiculous slant nonsense that the public at large will accept without doing any thinking. Slant makes no difference with any heat on this Earth, and it does not with the heat that is produced in space between us and the Sun (that we have been calling sunlight "Vibra Light"). ORIGIN OF THE PLANETS 153 ORIGIN OF THE PLANETS MUST BE EXPLAINED ACCORDING TO LAWS IN NATURE The origin of our planets, according to the old theory, has been explained by two methods. One is that the Sun, being a ball of fire, projected or threw out the mass that the Earth is composed of, and the other is the nebular theory. As far as the nebular theory is concerned, it does not tell us the method, or how the material can accumulate. It does not and cannot explain any definite working law that we know to exist in nature. It just happened so. It is consid- ered, according to some writers, that the nebular theory is brought about by two stars running into one another and thereby pulverizing the solid matter by the contact of the two stars, but the main theory is that it is an accumulation of gases into more solid matter thrown off by the planets. Here they are trying to explain it again by a mechanical means. Then, again, is it the nature of our planet? Do we or anything on this Earth by a mechanical means throw off a gas and pro- duce our kind? Can it be shown in the annals of his- tory that the Sun has ever done so ? No. Neither can it be shown by any working hypothesis that the nebu- lar star can accomplish it. This fluid substance that some believe to be an accumulation of gases that they see in our solar system is the magnetism detached from comets. In the Milky Way it is the magnetism from planets that are disintegrating. But never can it accu- mulate and make a planet. That would be as much as to say that the magnetism man throws off will make another like himself. A nebular star is a planet or sun that has come to its end by accident or disintegra- 154 DAYLIGHT BY VIBRATION tion a natural death and the solid parts are but lumps of the planet itself, and the aura, which is called gas substance, and which they see intermingle with the solid part and around it, is its magnetism, and that magnetism can become detached when meet- ing obstruction or resistance, but never can that be formed into a planet by mechanical means. A comet also has a large amount of magnetism following it, which is called a tail, and that can also be detached by coming in contact with something more solid than the magnetism itself. This fluid substance or mag- netism, like the ring around Saturn, or a comet's tail, has more or less brilliancy. That being the case, it must receive vibration by coming in contact with sub- stance that is more ethereal than itself, which would be the ether in space, but if it were gas, how can we account for it being illuminated enough to be seen? I do not know of any method by which gas could be illuminated and not be set on fire. I cannot see how the magnetism in the Milky Way could be formed into a planet. I would have to see some channel, some definite working law that exists in nature, whereby we could see or understand its working method or some intelligence working in the case, not that it happened so. As man, so the animal ; as the animal, so the vege- tation ; as the vegetation, so the planets, and the same law governs them all they all reproduce their kind. As for the idea that the Sun, being a ball of fire, threw off all the other planets, the first question would be, " Where did the Sun come from ?" Our solar system is entirely separate by itself, countless millions of miles away from any other system, and it is claimed now that the Sun is not a ball of fire ; in fact, the latter theory, ORIGIN OF THE PLANETS 155 according to the latest writers, is that the Sun is con- tracting, and the gas forced from the Sun produces the heat. If the Sun was a ball of fire there could not be any gas within, for the fire of the Sun would soon consume the gas. If this Earth was projected in any way whatever from the Sun, then the material that it is composed of must be the same as the Sun material. Being from the Sun, it follows that it must be like the Sun. Therefore if the material that the Earth is com- posed of is the same as that of the Sun, then the law that governs this Earth must be the same law that governs the Sun. That being the case, how could the Sun, by force or explosion, project the mass of earth away from it, when we know that the law governing the Earth is to attract anything and everything to its surface? As I have said before, you could shoot a cannon ball ten miles over the Earth's surface, but it will not go five miles up straight from the Earth, such is the attraction of the Earth. There is not enough explosive material in the Earth to project anything away from it by force or explosion; for the magnetic attraction of the Earth is many miles away, and this Earth being the same material as the Sun, if it came from the Sun, then it must follow that the same law is in vogue in the Sun. How, then, can the Sun pro- ject the planets by force away from it, all the planets and comets being projected from the Sun to their different respective places all with mathematical ac- curacy, one from the other, and just happen so no intelligence within the planet no guidance only hap- pen so an accident ? I cannot understand it that way ; if it cannot be proven by nature or man, then there is nothing to it. I at least give a plausible system based 156 DAYLIGHT BY VIBRATION on laws that govern man and nature, for they are the only things that we have to go by, are man and nature, and from which we can make our deductions. ENERGY IS INTELLIGENCE AND SUBSTANCE WORKING TOGETHER I cannot see how the planets could be projected from the Sun and accidentally all be about the same dis- tance apart, revolving around the Sun, not one disturb- ing the other, each one having its separate path. The comets, numbering many thousands, all have their different orbits so they can keep in their respective paths without guidance or intelligence. The comets and meteors alone are so numerous that they form one entanglement, and yet they are projected out by the Sun by a mechanical means. It seems to me that this alone demonstrates that there must be some intellectual working method or guidance in the whole scheme. That things just happen so does not look plausible. You could not make a sound or expression but what the sound would use the magnetism that is around the Earth to convey or carry it. So with the magnetism or material substance it needs intelligence to put it into action. Intelligence and material substance cannot act one without the other ; both are necessary in order to manifest or to have action. THE MOON IS NOT A DEAD PLANET As God has created us, so has He created the planets. As your children have been created through you, so has the animal been created, and as you and I, the animal and all there is on this Earth have been created through ORIGIN OF THE PLANETS the reproductive faculty, so have the planets. If the solar system's working method was not similar to man, then there would be some excuse for disbelieving my system and for believing that the Moon is not the off- spring of the Earth and the Sun, it being a dead planet. Does it not seem rather strange that all of the other planets have their moons, and that their moons are all dead planets ? Can it be logically explained how all of these other planets got so many dead moons around them ? I think they had better bury them or bury the idea or explain why these other planets have so many dead moons around them. All the other planets have as many moons and some far more than we have, and their nature and working method are the same as our Moon. That they should all have a swarm of dead moons around them does not seem plausible. Galileo, one of the great astronomers of old, gave us the foun- dation by which we can logically come to some con- clusion about these so-called dead moons. Galileo dur- ing his time missed one of the moons on Saturn, and his statement was, "Did Saturn swallow her own child ?" He therefore must have considered the moons to be children of the planets. The moon that Galileo noticed had disappeared from Saturn went into our solar system as a comet. Here we have a working hypothesis to show that moons do leave their mother planets and go' into our solar system as comets, for this is the only conclusion that we can come to about the moon that Galileo observed having disappeared it has matured to a comet in our solar system ; and the working method of the comets reminds us when chil- dren of our younger days. When a moon first goes into our solar system as a comet it stays close at home 158 DAYLIGHT BY VIBRATION and takes a small circle, called an elliptic orbit, around the Sun (see Fig. 12) ; as it grows older it goes farther away from the Sun (called parabolic orbit), and as it grows still older and comes to maturity it has a hyper- bolic orbit. In this orbit it continues to go so far from the Sun that it goes outside of our solar system alto- gether, and keeps on going so far away that it finally never comes back again. No doubt it finds its affinity in space and that settles it; it has no use for home any more. You can see that their working method is the same as that of man's offspring. Comets have gone from our solar system and have never come back. I claim that they have met other comets in space and then formed a solar system of their own. When they have formed a solar system of their own they then begin to propagate their own kind, and then turn on their axis the same as does the Earth. Turning on their axis creates a cause, and then life begins also on the surface of their globe. Then they have magnetic con- nection together the same as the planets and the Sun. I maintain that in this magnetism are the moisture and the atmosphere drawn out of the planet itself, and when it turns on its axis it circulates the atmosphere and moisture around its globe, which is the cause of clouds drawn from the magnetism that it projects to its mate. Then life begins on the planet which was once a moon, then a comet, void of atmosphere, water or life around its surface. THE BEGINNING OF LIFE ON A PLANET The question naturally arises, "Where does the life come from such as our planet has on it?" We know that water is life ; that by examining it with a magnify- ORIGIN OF THE PLANETS 159 ing glass we can see that it is one living mass of life or insects, and I could content many by simply saying that when the newly born solar system circulates the water around its globe it is from the water that life first springs on its surface, and by evolution life begins to increase and advance until it arrives at man's estate. That is no doubt true, but I conscientiously believe that it is not the only method or the only source from which life springs. I could also believe that water in certain parts of the newly born solar system becomes stagnant in small ponds and sides of streams, thereby forming a green scum, where life could be perpetuated ; but I believe that the lives of planets being so long, they would be mated millions of years before they would have offspring. We must take into considera- tion the long lives of the planets, that at that stage, their lives being young and newly mated, they would have strong prolific force, forcing the lower vegeta- tion to grow on their surfaces after being moistened and receiving atmosphere. I could state that the life sprang from the water and it would be accepted as being plausible, but I do not believe that it is the only source that life could come from. Life could spring from the lower weeds or vegetation. It would be forced from the newly mated Earth itself after receiv- ing the water ; that is to say, the very lowest kind of vegetation that we have on our Earth. Take a stalk or a branch of a plant and transplant it and it will continue to grow. By this we can see that it is not necessary in all cases for vegetation to have seed to spring from; that it might be possible that vegetation could spring in the beginning from the soil itself, as we can see that vegetation can be perpetuated without l6o DAYLIGHT BY VIBRATION seed, and that if it were possible to wipe out all vege- tation on the globe the Earth could renew it again. Vegetation is the only life that can be made to grow without seed. There is not a thing in all life that you could take a part of and make it grow. If vegetation can be made to grow without seed, why not in the beginning with the lower weeds? I once lived on the prairies, where houses were made from the sod. When you would take up this sod that no man had heretofore disturbed, the patch from which the sod was taken would produce a different kind of weeds, the like of which would be nowhere in the neighborhood for miles, the prairie being all grass; but in every case where sod was taken up for the first time, all kinds of weeds would spring up, and it was always a question as to where the weeds came from, as prairie land is all grass. It is possible that they came from the life in the moisture of the atmosphere, but I can believe also that life on a planet of a newly born or mated solar system can force vege- tation to spring from the land itself, as well as life com- ing from water. Is not vegetation the covering of the Earth and as natural as the hair on an animal? If so, has not the intelligence in nature the ability to grow this covering on the Earth? I claim that nature is so endowed that it could accomplish almost anything that is a necessity. I believe that Mars, on account of her depleted condition, has not enough moisture, heat or magnetism for the vegetation that our globe has. Nevertheless I believe that Mars is inhabited, the same as our planet ; that the guiding intelligence there would bring about conditions to meet the requirement that is necessary. Mars may have less variety of vegetation ORIGIN OF THE PLANETS l6l than we have, but the vegetation itself would develop to the condition that is required. We have the same condition on the Pacific coast, where the days and nights are much colder than in other parts. When seed is brought here from other places it may not do well the first season. Then it is generally remarked that it must first be acclimated. Therefore I maintain that if Mars has not got the water and heat the vege- tation could be acclimated to meet the condition. Like- wise the planet in the beginning would have a law whereby it could force vegetation from its own soil when all other conditions were favorable, and from the lower vegetation in time would develop the higher vegetation for the needs of man. If by analyzing water we know it to be alive why cannot that same condi- tion exist in the soil? As for the Moon I do not look alone that it has no vegetation because it has no at- mosphere or moisture, but it has not arrived at that stage of maturity where life should be increased or forced from within. It being a babe, it would not have the forcing condition. The Moon itself not having the life for increasing or multiplying it would not have the tendency to increase anything on its surface. Not until the Moon arrives where it begins to produce its kind will life be forced to grow on its surface. Life does not come from one thing, one constituent alone ; likewise life on the Moon requires the forcing condi- tion within as well as moisture and atmosphere with- out. I do not believe that the Moon is totally or abso- lutely void of moisture and atmosphere on the surface. This magnetic aura that all planets have around them, which is the cause through vibration of the illumina- tion during an eclipse of the Moon or the darker or 1 62 DAYLIGHT BY VIBRATION lesser illuminated part of the new Moon, that the mag- netic aura must have within itself atmosphere and moisture, but it would be very rare, very attenuated, not enough for the requirement of life on the Moon. But through this aura the Moon has the power to at- tract or draw everything to its surface the same as our magnetic aura, but as it does not turn on its axis it does not circulate the moisture around its globe so as to produce clouds; consequently it has no rain to cause vegetation or life to grow. The fact is the Moon is but a babe and has not arrived at the stage where life should increase within or without ; consequently there is not anything favorable for life on its sur- face. But I venture to say that if there was a volcanic eruption on the Moon the lava and fire would be at- tracted by it, and would fall to the surface of the Moon the same as on our Earth, because the magnetic aura around the Moon would attract them the same as our magnetic aura. It is claimed by some of the astrono- mers that there is evidence that the Moon has had vol- canic eruption. Then, according to the old theory that the Moon, not turning on its axis, would be void of at- traction, the lava would fall in all directions. Being forced from within the Moon, it would naturally leave it altogether, and presumably fall into space, there be- ing according to the old theory no attraction. That certainly would be a peculiar state of affairs. It has always been claimed that if you could fire a gun off on the Moon that the ball would go in a straight line, and not be attracted to the Moon. I do not believe this, as the Moon has the power to attract the same as our Earth, because it is not the turning on our axis which is the cause of attraction. Turning on our axis ORIGIN OF THE PLANETS 163 could only attract but a few feet at the utmost, as we only revolve on our axis about twice as fast as a large flywheel. It is on these points that I ridicule the method the old theory uses ; if you study it, you will see that it is all based on a mechanical action, void of intelligence, which is impossible, for one cannot act without the other. It requires intelligence and matter for a manifestation. BIRTH OF THE MOON How did the Moon leave the Earth? Claiming that the Moon came from this Earth, the question would naturally be asked, If I do not believe that the Sun could by a mechanical means project the planets out by explosion, how can it be explained that the Moon left the Earth at birth? In the first place I do not believe in an explosive or mechanical action, which has not got the intelligence to put the force into action. As you and I and all lower life have had birth by an intellectual working force, so has it been with the Moon. The second reason is, if the Sun was the first, the beginning of all, it had no magnetic connection with other planets, and I claim the Moon went out into space through this magnetic cone that we project to and connect with the Sun (see Fig. 3). It then had a channel by which it could leave our planet, which was not the case with the Sun, according to the old theory. The Sun being the first, then projecting the planets out, it could not have had any magnetic connection with any of the planets, because there were no planets. I believe that at birth the Moon came out of one of our large bodies of water; then it travelled through the magnetism that this Earth extends to the Sun, and it will keep on travelling slowly away from the Earth until it becomes old enough to take care of itself. Then it will leave this Earth and go into our solar 164 ORIGIN OF THE PLANETS 165 system as a comet. What will demonstrate this is that when we have the dark or new Moon, when the Moon gets in our magnetism between us and the Sun, the Sun has the power to draw or attract the Moon out of its path. It will draw the Moon south to a certain extent, out of its daily path in the position the Sun is in, from our Earth, showing that the Sun continually attracts the Moon, drawing it to itself, demonstrating the attraction the Sun can have over the Moon, attracting it from the Earth, and controlling it after it becomes a comet, and will continue to control the comet while it travels around the Sun, as all comets do. Then, the Sun being the attracting centre, this shows a tangible working method whereby from birth to grown-up children, or comets, they are controlled until they finally come to the point in life where they mate, and then go and hustle for themselves like hu- man beings. If this system is not the right founda- tion its working method certainly corresponds with all nature and explains the working principle of the entire solar system thoroughly. WATER AND AIR DO NOT COME FROM SPACE IT is generally considered that the air we breathe and the water we drink have their origin in space, but I hold that moisture and atmosphere are products of the Earth. It is true that we breathe in space, but that is not where air and water come from. Moisture and atmosphere come out of the Earth through the mag- netism. The magnetic aura around our globe has mois- ture and atmosphere in it, but the magnetic aura around our globe is not very dense. It is mainly through this magnetism that we project to the Sun and the Moon in what I call magnetic cones (see Figs. 3 and 10) where we are connected with the Sun and the Moon. By the Earth turning on its axis the at- mosphere and moisture are drawn out of this mag- netism that we project to the Sun and Moon and cir- culates them around its globe and we have then the clouds. The moisture and atmosphere will become less the farther they go from the Earth, until they become extinct. That in itself demonstrates that it does not come from space, because it becomes less as we go to space. The same holds good with magicians in their magic work. They say that the force they use comes from the solar system or God, and they call it the solar 1 66 ORIGIN OF THE PLANETS 167 fluid, just as if it had come out of the solar system somewhere, but they only manipulate the magnetism that comes out of the Earth. Physical or material forces in all cases come from the Earth itself, it being the source of all matter or material substance. Spirit and spirit alone is in space. If you stop to think you will see that atmosphere and moisture come from Mother Earth and not from space, not alone because of their becoming extinct as we go into space, but when you analyze water and air you find their composition to be also in the solids of the Earth, showing conclusively that they are but part of our planet diluted and extracted from the earth. Consequently how can we think of their coming from space, when space is void of atmosphere and water, and the earth contains them. The Earth is supposed to have been at one time a ball of fire, and it rained day and night to cool it off. The rain or water had to come from the Earth, for there is none in space, and when this great fire was cooled off there was made from the ashes in some hocus-pocus way, it is claimed, all different kinds of material and all varieties of substance, and a living variety of all kinds of life, and generally when fire gets through with anything on this Earth there is no life left When flying machines get into good working order and they accidentally lose their bearings and get too far away from Earth and breathing gets difficult, I assure you that they will return to the Earth to get air. Moisture and air be- come denser as we get near the Earth. The old theory is poor reasoning. There is not a thing on this Earth or around its surface but what is the product of the Earth, and that holds good with electric disturbances, 1 68 DAYLIGHT BY VIBRATION or any disturbances, whatever name or nature. Sun or sun spots produce nothing on or around this Earth. The Earth is responsible and the Earth alone for any disturbances or upheaval within the globe or around it. CREATION OR THE BEGINNING OF ALL GEN. i : i, 2: In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Second verse : And the earth was without form, and void. Isa. 45 : 7 : I form the light, and created darkness. St. John 1:3: All things were made by him ; and without him was not anything made that was made. Col. i : 1 6 : For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and in- visible, Heb. 2:3: Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the Word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of the things which do appear. These quotations from the Bible tell us that God created or made everything, and all our advanced spir- itual teachers in other countries have taught the same. Buddha taught it and so did Lau Tsze, a Chinese phil- osopher, born 604 B. c., who was a great spiritual teacher, and whose statement translated into our lan- guage is : Heaven and earth and all things come from existence, but existence comes from non-existence. I claim that vibration is the beginning and cause of all life, that everything there is has come from vibra- tion. The motion of two objects, positive and nega- 169 I7O DAYLIGHT BY VIBRATION tive, has produced everything that exists. The origin or the beginning of all life is the result or effect of vibration. The vibration of two objects produces heat, and that heat is new life, whether it be the rubbing or vibrating of our magnetism against the ether, or the vibrating of two metals. That the composition of the metal does not go into the heat itself, but the heat or elec- tricity is new created life. If you could harness electricity and analyze the elec- tric fluid, you would find that it is not of the same com- position as the metal is made of at the dynamo that is rubbing together and is creating the electric fluid. The metal on the dynamo which produces the elec- tricity by friction practically does not wear out, and the quantity of electricity it will make is unlimited. This proves in itself that electricity does not come from the substance that the metal is composed of, but is new life. That is the reason why humanity has not been able to solve the question, Where does electricity come from? That is the reason up to this day that our scientific men have not been able to solve or fathom the essence of one single thing in the uni- verse, for the simple reason that in the last analysis there is no essence, because all life in the beginning came from nothing. The electric fluid when formed into a light, its rays ethereal or fine as it may be, does not become extinct or annihilated. The rays that you see coming from a light become a part of the Earth. The rays and streaks from the light are substance and become part and parcel of the Earth. I know that many will take issue with me in showing that electricity comes from nothing, and yet the burden of proof ORIGIN OF THE PLANETS I/I would lay on them. If electricity does not come from nothing, where does it come from ? That question they cannot answer; their opposition cannot be sustained. We know that it did not exist before the rubbing of the two metals at the dynamo, and by the friction of the metal is produced heat, which is new life. That is the reason that heat is so essential to the care and the raising of the young; in all life heat is first and the absolute void of all heat means nothingness. When you come to analyze anything that exists to its last essence it is heat, is it not? The reason that space is so cold is because you come down toward nothing- ness, less vibration. Heat is the most essential thing, whether it be for planets, vegetation, or the human race, and why? Because it is the first essence in life, the first that comes from nothing by the vibration of two objects ; the result of the conflict of the two pro- duces heat. Electricity through the motion of the dynamo demon- strates to us how all things have been created from nothing, that "Vibra Light" (Sunlight) is the begin- ning and the cause of life, that Vibra Light being elec- tricity its method or procedure is the same as our com- mon electricity, produced by the vibration of our mag- netism against the ether in space, electrifying the atoms of the magnetism, thereby feeding and making our planet. By that process all life has come into exist- ence. The only thing that has existed and always will exist is the method ; but mind you, when I say method, method is not a tangible something. Method is only the scheme, the process, by which life has through time been perpetuated, but it is not a real tangible something. That is, as you and I have had our parent- 172 DAYLIGHT BY VIBRATION age, so with the planets. As the Sun and the Earth are the parents of the Moon, so has the Earth had its parentage. The working of the positive and negative forces is the method through which creation has had its beginning, and all nature in its evolution follows the same process, "the part working the same as the whole," as at the beginning, and that method or process has always existed and will always exist. From what I have written on astronomy and the above article you can see that there is something lacking, espe- cially when I show that planet life is the result of vibration. Then the question naturally arises, Where is the starting point of Man and how has all this physical substance been accumulated? This I will explain later on with a book on evolution. Life is progression, advancement, evolution. The trouble with man in not seeing how God created or made everything is that he understands that his own body and every- thing on the earth come from Mother Earth, but he never stops to think, and think deep enough, where Mother Earth comes from. Man knows that he must be fed, but surely he thinks very narrowly if he thinks Mother Earth does not have to be fed. What feeds her is the "Vibra Light," the direct result of vibra- tion. I showed in the forepart of this book how on a warm day you can see the heat coming up from the Earth, which is the consequence or result of the "Vibra Light" meeting obstruction as it flows into the Earth. That which flows into the Earth nourishes the Earth. All planets and comets are nourished by this same method. A comet as it travels through space vibrates against the ether, producing the heat or nourishment that is necessary to sustain its life. VIBRA LIGHT TURNING INTO MATERIAL SUBSTANCE VIBRA LIGHT, or electricity, that we have been call- ing sunlight, becomes various parts of the Earth ac- cording to its vibration, after being assimilated by the Earth. Vibra Light is the highest vibration on our globe, and as it becomes a part of the Earth it comes to a different or less vibration, which is the cause of the different kinds of material of which our Earth is composed. The fluids and the water of the Earth are of a much higher vibration than the solid material, such as rock and metal, these being of a much lower vibration than the fluids within the Earth. Vibra Light being the beginning of all things and it being a mode of motion, consequently everything there is in exist- ence is but a mode of motion. Electricity will be harnessed some day while it is in a fluid state before it turns into light. Then our chemists will be able to analyze it and will be able to tell us its chemical constituents. DARKNESS AND LIGHT A MODE OF VIBRATION It is maintained by some of our scientific men that darkness is the absence of anything, and that light is not a material substance, but a wave of energy, but I cannot accept the present theory of some of our scientific 173 174 DAYLIGHT BY VIBRATION men on light and darkness. I believe in Sir Isaac Newton's theory on light. Newton claims that light is small particles or minute atoms in other words, very ethereal substance. The trouble with some of our scientific men is that they do not realize the ethe- real nature of light. As light is probably one of the most ethereal substances we have, and in consequence of its ethereal nature, they are not able by mechanical means to discern or analyze it. But in the last few years science has been verifying Newton's theory, as it is claimed now that light has pressure and weight. In the first place, what is meant by material or matter is not matter, something that exists, something that has weight. In other words, in order that we do not beat around the bush, we should ask ourselves whether it is something or it is nothing. If it is something, it is ma- terial. No matter how ethereal or how light in weight it is, nevertheless it is material substance. Then if light can be seen, can be weighed and has pressure, we cannot say it is nothing; it must be something in order to have pressure and weight. Consequently it is ma- terial. It is also claimed that if you were in a totally dark room and the light were to shine through a hole, and there were no particles of dust in the. room, you would not see the ray of light until it struck the op- posite side of the wall. That is what demonstrates the ray of light to be something that if the particles of dust were in the room we could see the ray, for the simple reason that the ray would strike the particles of dust. The dust does not and cannot of itself emit rays of light, but it is the ray of light playing on the dust. The main contention is brought up on this point that if you look sideways at the rays reflected from ORIGIN OF THE PLANETS 175 a light, you cannot see them unless the rays hit some object. But that does not say that they do not exist; it shows only that the rays are of a very high vibration of ethereal substance. The course or stream of light is thrown from the main body of light, and its reflection is straight ahead. On account of the reflection being straight ahead, and being of an ethereal nature, man cannot see it sideways, but that does not say that it does not exist, that it is not a minute atom. We cannot see air in its natural state, that is to say, not to bring in any artificial means, such as liquefying it; but because we cannot see air does not show it not to be material substance. We cannot see mind, thought, ether, or magnetism, the force that binds us to the Sun; we cannot see, touch, hear, or smell it, and you would not want to say that such a powerful force that binds us to the Sun does not exist simply because we cannot see it with our physical senses, and cannot weigh or measure it. All the ma- terial substance we cannot see or feel is because our physical senses, being of a much lower vibration, we cannot see the more ethereal and higher vibration. Darkness has a color, and having a color it must be something. Even the Bible states that God created the darkness. Darkness is a very ethereal substance with different wave motion than light, and its atoms are not of a different temperature, by which Vibra Light is produced. Its magnetism being of a different tem- perature than the ether it vibrates against consequently produces a greater heat and light. Mind or intelligence is a very high vibration of ethereal matter, far more ethereal than the magnetism and the ether that produce daylight, and no doubt it is of an altogether different 176 DAYLIGHT BY VIBRATION texture and wave motion, vibrating within itself. When I say mind I do not mean the brains. The brains are the physical structure that the mind works or manifests itself through. Mineral and other solid substances are solid because they are not of an ethereal nature. The atoms are of a different texture and of a slower vibration. What makes the different variety of things in life is because of this different vibration, taking into consideration the ethereal particles of its atoms that are vibrating, and the texture and length and curvature of their waves, the dryness and moistness of their particles. Daylight and lightning are the atoms moistened on the one side, and the op- posing atom very dry, and the difference of the temper- ature of their atoms vibrating; namely, if one atom is cold and vibrating against an atom that is in a heated condition, it would produce far more heat and light than if the two atoms were of the same temperature in both cases, being of the same velocity. The greater the heated atom on the one side and the colder the opposing atom on the other side, the greater will the heat and light be from their vibration, that being the case both with lightning and daylight. The mag- netism, being heated and moistened, vibrates against the ether in space, which is cold and dry, producing daylight. In electricity we make up in the solidness of the materials vibrating together; at the same time it produces a different light than daylight. Your body is from what you eat, and what you eat comes from Mother Earth. Consequently your body is Earth. But it is not like the Earth, and why ? Because the mind and the magnetism that animate it are of a higher vibration, thereby bringing the Earth up to a ORIGIN OF THE PLANETS 177 higher vibration and causing it to be different than the Earth itself. When you die the mind and the mag- netism, the higher vibration, are withdrawn, and then your body is reduced to the original vibration. That being the same vibration as the Earth, consequently the body returns to Earth, the higher vibration, the mind and the magnetic body that animated it, being withdrawn. We are living in a time in which all humanity is going to the extreme. We, with our government, have developed to the extreme. Religion is in its extreme also. We have what are called the Holy Rollers, Holy Jumpers and the New Tongue, and many other fanati- cisms, so that we cannot help asking ourselves if religion has not gone mad. It also seems that science is going to its extreme when it is stated that a tangible some- thing, having pressure and weight, is not material sub- stance, but only a wave of energy. But it is only a matter of time when they will again accept Newton's theory that light is minute material atoms. Surely in the last few years the tendency has been that way, and they acknowledge it when it is claimed that light has pressure and weight, for nothing has no heft or weight to it. Because some of our scientific men have not had any mechanical means to discern or detect light or sound does not prove their non-existence. What is sound? Is it not the concussion of two objects to- gether, producing a vibration? The voice is a sound created by the lungs manipulating the air within them, forcing the air through the larynx, which is back of the "Adam's apple," and the lips at the top of the lung are elongated, shortened, or made tense, and vibrate in various ways, with corresponding differences in the 178 DAYLIGHT BY VIBRATION sound produced. A gun has been invented that is soundless. Its process is that the moment the gun is fired the chamber is closed, so a concussion of the air in the chamber is not permitted, thereby killing the sound by not permitting the air to rush in suddenly, to fill up the vacuum in the chamber, not permitting a sud- den vibration. The vibration of two objects suddenly together produces a material substance, otherwise sound could not travel through metal or space. Sound will travel a greater distance through water than air, and farther through metal than either water or air. If it is considered that sound is but a wave, how can sound produce a wave through a solid piece of metal? That wave theory might hold good in air, but there can be no wave in metal. Does this not demonstrate that sound is like electricity, that it comes from vibration, and on account of its etherealness it will pass through metal the same as electricity. As for the atoms in the air, how can one atom vibrate against another unless there is some power to force one atom against the other? One atom will not voluntarily of itself strike another to create a wave, unless there is some force of some kind to move one atom against the other. I can- not see how those who take an opposite view to New- ton's theory have demonstrated their side of the case by calling it a wave of energy, by which term they really mean that it is nothing. They but juggle words. If you were to ask them what the wave of the ocean is, they would tell you water in action, but that the wave of energy is a wave simply a wave. There cannot be a wave unless there is some material substance in ac- tion. I claim there is not a thing in the universe but what is substance, and that on account of its being of ORIGIN OF THE PLANETS 179 such a high vibration of ethereal substance that we, with our physical senses, of a slow vibration, cannot see it. Heat, light and sound are something being created from nothing, created by vibration or the mo- tion of two objects together. In analyzing anything in nature, I do not care what it .is, if you go down to the first cause you run up against motion, and there you stop, and then comes heat. Everything in its last analysis is heat, and heat can only be produced by vibration. Do what you will, motion is the bottom of everything and heat is its effect. That is the reason you cannot tell the essence of one single thing in na- ture, because the beginning of all and everything in life is the result of motion. Man not being able to tell the essence of one single thing in nature, and having chem- istry and other means to analyze everything, you would think it would set him to thinking and wondering if the Bible is not correct when it states that everything has been created from nothing. The old book is yet too deep for many of our learned men who deny light to be minute atoms, calling it a wave of energy. And what is energy? Is not energy a substance, a force in action? Even in trying to express themselves they cannot unless they use matter. The trouble is that there are two things they do not comprehend, and those are that all matter comes from the vibration of two objects, causing new substance, and their failure to realize the exceeding etherealness to which matter can be reduced. Lately they have been subdividing the atoms, and I think they will have to continue to do so, especially mentally. Light rays and sound waves are so exceedingly ethereal that the material substance from innumerable repeated blows of two objects would l8o DAYLIGHT BY VIBRATION not produce enough material to be detected. But it is there just the same. Whether or not we can weigh or measure it by mechanical means, we can come to some realization of the exceeding etherealness of things when we come to take into consideration mental thought, which we cannot detect by any means and yet we know that it exists. You can hypnotize a person, or by the power of suggestion send a mental thought, "not an audible one," any distance through space and make a person do what you want him to do. You can- not say that this mental thought is nothing, when it travels through space, lodges in the mind of the second party, and compels him to do what you want him to do. Here is something travelling through space inde- pendently, lodging in the mind of another person and accomplishing something, and because we cannot anal- yze it does not say that it does not exist. I consider mind and material substance one and the same thing, only different stages of evolution, mind being farther along in evolution than anything on this globe, and also the highest vibration of the most ethe- real substance on our Earth, much more ethereal than either light or sound. Consequently, on account of its being the highest vibration of ethereal substance we have on this Earth, it is utterly impossible for us to detect it by any mechanical means, and we can only analyze it by reasoning. The trouble with mankind is that they do not get to the depth of things in nature. Take, for in- stance, the man that says there is no hereafter. He does not believe there is a hereafter on account of not being able to see intelligence that is superior to his or inferior. He cannot see intelligence in vegeta- ORIGIN OF THE PLANETS l8l tion or the planets. Likewise he cannot see the intel- ligence in a perfect God. He can only theorize on his little narrow self, and it is the same way with those who state that light and sound are not minute atoms. They cannot get down to see the etherealness to which substance can be reduced. Sound, like mind, cannot be analyzed or seen, yet it is a real something, and if it was not a real something, sound could not pass through metal. It is no doubt more ethereal than elec- tricity, and in earlier times efforts were made to demonstrate that electricity was also nothing, that it was one atom of the metal in the wire vibrating against the preceding atom. But the jump spark coil will absolutely disprove that theory. For instance, take a five-inch jump spark coil and the electric fluid will flow steadily and permanently from the end of one wire through the space of five inches to the end of the other wire. You can take a solid piece of wood and place the end of one wire in the centre of the wood and the other end of the wire on the opposite side of the wood, and a perfectly steady current of electricity will run around the wood from one end of the wire to the other with the wood in between the two ends of the wire, providing it does not exceed five inches around the wood. That proves that electricity is a fluid substance, and yet it is claimed by some that elec- tricity is one atom vibrating against its preceding atom in the wire. Yet the electric fluid will run around a piece of wood and the same fluid when reduced to light is claimed to be nothing. For instance, an incandes- cent light is caused by a large wire running the electric fluid through a small wire in the incandescent globe, and that produces a greater vibration on account of 1 82 DAYLIGHT BY VIBRATION running the electric fluid through a small wire, which produces a light ; yet that light is claimed by some of our scientific men to be nothing, because of its ethereal nature, it being more ethereal than the electric fluid. We have not arrived yet at the point where we can discern all things. It simply shows how imperfect man is, and that he has yet a lot of experience and knowledge to get. We boast about our twentieth cen- tury civilization, but if we could come back a few hundred years from now we would consider those ot this era to be barbarians, especially when we think that in order to get land an army of men, under a gov- ernment, will go kill and cripple each other, and if any one should in anger or jealousy kill another, "Hang him by the neck" is the law. It seems that we have hardly begun in civilization, that we have much yet to learn. What is considered as scientific and true to-day is disproven to-morrow. It shows how much there is yet for us to learn in our boasted civilization that we are not yet very far in the stage of evolution. JESUS DID NOT CLAIM TO GIVE US THE WHOLE TRUTH Jesus told His disciples that they could not bear the whole truth, and I fear there are few now that could bear it if the whole truth were given them. i Cor. 3:2: "I have fed you with milk, and not with meat: for hitherto ye were not able to bear it, neither yet now are ye able." John 16:12: "I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now." John 16 : 13 : "Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth." Now then, according to this statement, did Jesus give us the whole truth, when He told His disciples in His last days that they could not bear it? It is further stated that when He, the Spirit of truth, is come He will guide us into all truth. Did not Moses and the prophets come to teach the people what they could comprehend at their stage of evolution? As people progressed farther along in evolution, then Jesus came to teach the people what they could com- prehend at that time, that stage of evolution. As we have progressed still farther in evolution, then does not the second coming of Christ mean another teacher, to teach us what we can comprehend at this stage of evolution. If they always came as teachers before, will not the second coming of Christ mean 183 184 DAYLIGHT BY VIBRATION another teacher? We may not then be wrangling together so much to know what nature is. There are many that say God's word conflicts with nature, and the trouble is that they do not know what na- ture is, much less God, and do not give the old Book honest consideration. Further on in this same chapter Jesus states : "These things have I spoken unto you in proverbs : but the time cometh when I shall no more speak unto you in proverbs, but I shall shew you plainly of the Father." Does not this show that in His second coming Christ will give us the whole truth? I think so. If He told His disciples that they in their time could not bear the whole truth, and states when He, the Spirit of truth, is come He will guide us into all truth, it surely shows there is something for us that has not been given to us through the disciples, especially when He states that in His second coming He will not then speak in proverbs, but will show us plainly of the Father. If evolution is so plausible and logical, may it not be that evolution will be taught to us in His second coming, for He shows in this chapter that He has not given us the whole truth. If the second coming of Christ is not for the pur- pose of giving us advanced truth, let it be what it may, what is His second coming for? When Jesus told His disciples that they could not bear the whole truth it was in His last days, because in the next chapter Jesus states: "Father, the hour is come," and afterward came His crucifixion. Therefore, it cannot be said that Jesus may have told His disciples afterward. There is one thing sure, Jesus, Moses, and the ORIGIN OF THE PLANETS 185 prophets came to this world as spiritual teachers, and as that has been the case, we can surely look for the second coming will be to give us the teach- ing that the disciples could not bear. I am afraid that there will be few that can bear it now, few that will receive Him in His second coming, especially if He gives the Christian world something different from what it believes now. As the Jews persecuted Him will He not be persecuted again in His second com- ing? Why, I would like to ask, is all this turmoil and persecution during the second coming of Christ that is recorded in the Bible. If in His second coming He will give us truth that the disciples could not bear, will all of the Christians of to-day who are set in their ideas and theories accept Him? I fear not. Life is progression, evolution. The race has been advancing since the dark days of old, and spiritual teachers have always come to enlighten the race as it progressed. So will it be again, and as the teachers have always been persecuted one way or the other, so will they be again if they teach something different from what has been accepted. I fear the Christian Church of to-day will not re- ceive the second coming of Christ any more than did the Jews when He came as a Jew. THE FINAL OUTCOME OF THE CON- TINUOUS INCREASE OF LIFE THE question could be naturally asked whether I believe that everything came from nothing, and how can I account for, or what will be the final outcome of, the continuous increase of life, produced by vi- bration. That can be easily demonstrated by na- ture. I believe that the same law is operative with the planets as it is in man or nature, and that there is, so to speak, a time of reckoning in the pleasures of life, whether the case be man or planets. Every- thing on our planet comes to its zenith, then retro- grades. Man comes to the time when he is full of vigor and manhood, in the full bloom of life, and then he becomes childish again in his old age. Does not vegetation obey the same law? Does not the fruit tree come to the time when it will bear the most fruit, and then become less and less until it has degenerated to its former state and finally dies away? Do not all nations obey that law? The Asiatic countries were all at one time at their zenith and then retrogression set in. Were not Egypt, Turkey, and Greece at their zenith, then retrograded to their former state? Were not Rome and Spain also at one time at their zenith? And that is one of the most remarkable evidences to demonstrate that everything reaches its zenith and then retrogrades. Rome in her 186 ORIGIN OF THE PLANETS 187 time, to keep at her zenith, worked out the superstition of her people, crucifying and torturing whosoever attempted to cross her path. In spite of her states- manship and persecution and her main hold work- ing on the superstition of her people, yet she had to obey the law of arriving at the zenith and then retrograding. To me it is one of the most remark- able proofs of the correctness of the law when we see at the time of Rome's zenith, with all the intel- lect at her command, yet had to obey that law. I defy any one to point to any organized life or being that does not obey the law, come to their zenith and then retrograde. If that be the case, so will the race obey it, and it seems to me that the relics that have been found underground show that there has been a civil- ization before us and there will be again after us. I could demonstrate this also by the Bible, and it be- ing the case that all nature comes to its zenith and then retrogrades, so will the planets. I do not believe that we would even get to the point where the planet could not support or feed its people on account of the increased population. Before we get to that point the disturbances the Bible mentions would come about, or other conditions set in that would make the race de- cline. There is one thing sure that all nature works on the principle of arriving at the zenith and then retro- grading. Mind you, I claim you cannot show one or- ganized body that does not obey that law. Conse- quently I believe the planets will do likewise ; that they will keep on increasing in numbers, producing more by vibration, until they reach their zenith and then will diminish in number. This continual increasing of life is but the result of our desire nature, the pleasures 1 88 DAYLIGHT BY VIBRATION of life. The pleasures of life mean but suffering, and there is a divine law that says, So far and no farther, and the day of reckoning will come, let it be where it may, whether it be with man, beast, or planets. If man could only learn the lesson of life there would be less suffering. Heb. 5:8: Though he were a Son, yet learned he obedience by the things which he suffered ; RADIUM OR WHY RADIUM RETAINS ITS BRILLIANCY IN studying the working nature of radium it is a question to me whether radium is not more or less a part of the Earth's magnetism. We have been able to extract from the soil some of the forces of magnetism, or a part of the mineral that contains magnetism of a very high vibration. When exposed it is charged with the electricity in the atmosphere. Being of a high vibration it would be sensitive, and in sympathy with the higher vibration in the atmosphere; consequently the electric vibration in the atmosphere would keep the radium in its brilliancy. What demonstrates that to be a fact is that when you put radium in lead, which is of a very low vibration, the radium immediately loses its brilliancy, because the lead with its low vibration has separated the radium with its high vibration from the higher vibration in the atmosphere; consequently the loss of its brilliancy. The trouble is that man, not knowing why radium continually keeps its brilliancy, fails to take into consideration that life is but vibration from the lowest to the highest. Even a piece of iron is heat, but iron, being of a very low vibration, could not throw out any heat like electricity, which is of a much higher vibration. Wood is warmer than iron and iron is warmer than ice, and if these things were not 189 19 DAYLIGHT BY VIBRATION heat they would not have different temperatures one would not be warmer than the other. SUPPOSED PLANET NEAR MERCURY A MYTH At least one problem that has baffled scientists and astronomers for nearly a century was solved by the expedition to Flint Island in January, 1908, to observe the total eclipse of the Sun. It is claimed that this ex- pedition achieved probably the most elaborate and complete records of any expedition ever sent out to observe the eclipse of the Sun. It was supposed previ- ous to this expedition that there were planets that drew Mercury out of her true centre around the Sun, but the expedition showed conclusively that the long- sought intermercurial planet, which is supposed to be drawing Mercury steadily out of its orbit, does not exist, that the idea that one or more planets are be- tween Mercury and the Sun is a myth. The members of the expedition could not discover any trace of the unknown planets, or group of planets, that have been supposed to exist somewhere immediately outside the Sun's corona, and which it has been the theory for nearly a century to draw Mercury out of her true course around the Sun. MAR'S CANALS DOUBTFUL One of the members of the expedition to Flint Island was asked for an expression of opinion about the canals on Mars, and whether canals existed there. He stated that there is no scientific evidence of life on Mars, and the so-called canals on the planet have no scientific verity. The lines or markings on Mars may be vege- ORIGIN OF THE PLANETS IQI tation instead of canals. In my opinion the former theory is as likely as the latter. Much of the so-called scientific talk about Mars involves matters which com- petent engineers would deem impossible. This simply shows how uncertain people are on the old theory, and that they have not succeeded in inter- preting things to their own satisfaction. I do not know how or where in our solar system or any other place it can be demonstrated that one planet will draw another out of its orbit. The only case that I know where one planet influences another, is by their mat- ing while comets, and when once mated there is no planet or body of planets that can draw or deflect a planet out of its orbit ; and Mercury belongs to our family. We have an example in this respect in the asteroids. Although the asteroid planet was run into and broken into millions of pieces, nevertheless the broken-up planet goes in a true circle around the Sun, the same as the other planets going in their orbits, the same as it did before it received the blow. As I have stated before as to Mercury, we can draw our les- son from Mars, she being so much closer to us than Mercury that we can more readily investigate her con- dition. Lines or markings are seen on Mercury the same as Mars, which are supposed to be the canals, only Mercury has less. The working of Mercury is identically the same as that of Mars, only not as bad as that of Mars. Mars is going very much out of a centre when travelling around the Sun; she has not much moisture and is a dwarfed planet, and the least brilliant planet in our solar system, Mercury, is simi- lar to Mars. She is going out of a centre, she is lack- ing in her moisture, and next to Mars in inferior bril- DAYLIGHT BY VIBRATION liancy. Both planets are similar. They are the only two dwarfed planets in our solar system. By this we can see that Mercury is depleted the same as Mars. Why they do not reason or take their deduction from Mars, which planet is going more out of a centre than Mercury, is more than I can understand. It never has been attempted to explain that Mars is going out of a centre on account of some other planets drawing or deflecting her out of her course or true orbit around the Sun, the same as the other planets travel. The two planets, Mercury and Mars, going out of a centre more than any of the other planets simply shows that they are weaker than the other planets; that in their mag- netism that binds them to the Sun, the force of gravi- tation, as we have been calling it, is weak; that they have not got the necessary quantity of magnetism ; that the two planets have not got the vitality and strength to manoeuvre as do the other planets that are in good health. The reason Mars has imperfect health is be- cause she at one time ran up against the asteroid when a planet and received an injury that I do not believe she will ever outgrow. Mercury no doubt received an injury while a comet, running into some other comet, which injured her, which she is now suffering from. The reason that Mercury is so much more dwarfed in size than Mars is that she received the injury while a comet, which prevented her from attaining her full growth, her maturity; while Mars received her injury after she became more mature. In other words, Mer- cury received her injury while a child, roaming around in our solar system as a comet, and Mars received her injury after coming into the solar system, being then a planet. ORIGIN OF THE PLANETS 193 Comets that have appeared in two or more pieces were known to be whole comets at one time (Fig. 13), and it shows that they cannot only be injured but can go to destruction altogether. The only reason that Mars did not go to pieces is because she withstood the blow, but no doubt as she ages she will go to pieces, because the rents are changeable, large and deep, and doubtless as time goes on they will become more nu- merous, wider and deeper until the planet goes to pieces altogether. As high as one hundred and eighty-six rents have been counted in Mars, which would make it appear that Mars is in a bad condition. Mars goes very much more out of a centre than Mercury and there are not so many lines or marks on Mercury as on Mars. It seems that Mars is in a very bad condi- tion, that the magnetism that binds her to the Sun is insufficient and weak, and is the cause of the planet going out of a centre. Both of these planets lack the stability and brilliancy and perfect condition of the other planets in our solar system. The different de- fects simply show the health and vigor of the planets. The sun spots show the defectiveness of the Sun with all its boasted size. The Sun has more to take care of than it is able to. The sun spots show a deficiency of magnetism, and that means it has not got the vigor and energy that it ought to have; or otherwise the Earth is making a demand on the Sun's magnetism that it does not care to give or part with. But I do not fear that the old fellow will go to pieces. There is no doubt that Mercury will pull through, but Mars is in a bad condition. Mars will not last as long as the other planets in our solar system, and when it does go to pieces it will circulate around the Sun in pieces, 194 DAYLIGHT BY VIBRATION the same as the asteroid does, until it becomes pul- verized, and then its substance will scatter. If the asteroids were all put into one piece it would not be large enough to make a small sized planet. I believe that it would not be as large as our Moon. Its par- ticles have become pulverized and scattered. That demonstrates two things that the accident between Mars and the asteroids occurred when our solar system began to form, before it got into a settled condition, or otherwise it happened many millions of years ago, or the asteroids would not be reduced down to their present size. It also demonstrates to me that our solar system is many millions of years old, that comets and nebular stars disintegrate very slowly. When planets die or disintegrate they disintegrate very slowly, tak- ing millions of years before it is accomplished, al- though with the asteroids it is somewhat different than with nebular or cluster stars. As the asteroid travels with a greater speed, it being in our solar sys- tem, it is kept in motion by the activity of the Sun's magnetism with the asteroid's magnetism, and by that constant motion around the Sun it is being reduced by the friction it receives while in motion. While the nebular and cluster stars do not have that motion to contend with, yet it would take millions of years to reduce the asteroid to its present size. THIS SYSTEM PROVES ITSELF BY ITS OWN WORKING METHOD I have had many ask me how do I know that I have the right system. I feel this way could any one lay down a foundation and base it on Man and the ORIGIN OF THE PLANETS IQ5 working of all nature, and that foundation not be right? Explain everything in our solar system com- pletely, and demonstrate it logically and according to fact as it exists in nature, I do not care how deep you go into my system all the more will it explain itself. As to my statement about Mars and Mercury, I do not alone depend on my statement that they are injured planets, and that Mars ran up against the asteroids when in a planet state, looking to some time in the long ago to get my deduction, it will demonstrate my system as it works now. Through my writings I show how the magnetism comes out of the water and moisture in the Earth, and I show that the planets receive their light through the vibration on their magnetism. Our as- tronomers acknowledge that Mars has very little mois- ture, and that Mercury is lacking also, because they cannot see the clouds there to their satisfaction. Here we have two planets, the least brilliant planets in our solar system Mars by far the worse of the two and why are they less brilliant than the other planets ? Be- cause, as I have stated in my system, magnetism comes from the water, and if they have very little water on their planet it means less magnetism, for there is where the magnetism comes through. Conse- quently they are the least brilliant planets because they have not the magnetism to vibrate on. Then, again, Mars being the least brilliant planet in our solar sys- tem, other parts of the heavens can be logically ex- plained by the same working method, it demonstrating why one star or nebula in the heavens is less brilliant than another star or nebula, that the star that is less brilliant than the other is so because it is closer to death's door than another. The brightness DAYLIGHT BY VIBRATION shows the state of health. Therefore I can take the foundation that I have laid down and explain one thing, and it will demonstrate itself to be correct in all other directions. You cannot take my system that I have laid down and explain one thing by it and then turn around and not make it fit in another direction. The secret of the whole thing is that I know what the force of gravitation is, and also its working method, and that in turn explains the working method of our solar system. That again demonstrates to me what these different bodies are and their origin, and the reason why I know what the force of gravitation is is because I have been a close student of Man and na- ture, acquiring my knowledge not out of books and col- leges, but by hard experience in nature, and with Man's personal magnetism especially, as I have had con- siderable experience of the use, and I might also say the abuse, of Man's own magnetism, which has been at times to my sorrow. By applying the working method of Man's magnetism to the working method of our solar system, I have been able to explain what is called the force of gravitation. In my research the worst fault that I have seen in Man is his prejudiced nature, not so much his intelligence. Take the different relig- ions ; take, for instance, three distinct and separate ones, the Christians, the Theosophists, and the Spirit- ualists. They condemn one another altogether, simply from the standpoint of prejudice, never having had experience in the direction of the one that they con- demn. We have the same trouble among our astron- omers and our scientific men, many of whom cry that there is no God, no hereafter. I contend that no man can get into the truth of anything unless he gets into ORIGIN OF THE PLANETS 197 the spirit of it, and that means you must broaden your mind to receive all truth. We know so little of the truth that we do not know enough to keep out of sor- row and misery. OTHER PLANETS INHABITED THE SAME AS OURS I believe that all planets are inhabited by people, at least those that are farther away from the Sun than we are. It may be the case that Mercury has a race of people on its planet, but I am inclined to think that it only has the lower life, such as vegetation, and perhaps animal life. Mercury is not so far advanced in the stage of evolution as are the other planets. I believe that all planets that are farther away from the Sun are farther along in evolution than those that are nearer to the Sun, and I draw my lesson from two points. You will see that Jupiter and Saturn have more chil- dren (moons) than the other planets on either side of them, the one close and the others that are farther away from the Sun. In that they express to me the evolution of man's life, wherein we come to middle age, having our family of children and then declining, both in the beginning and the latter end of life hav- ing no children. Then again the part works the same as the whole, the planets obeying in their evolution the same process that man follows in his own life, which some day I will more fully explain when I write on evolution. The second reason is that planets that are farther away from the Sun are farther along in evolu- tion. In studying astrology you will see that the planets that are farther away from the Sun have a more spiritual influence on man's life than the ones IQ DAYLIGHT BY VIBRATION nearest to the Sun. Neptune, which is the farthest away from the Sun, has a more spiritual influence over man than any other planet. Astrologists claim that those who have Neptune in their horoscope are what they call psychic; in other words spiritual per- sons. They claim that all church-going people are more or less psychic, although some will take issue on that point and claim that a psychic is not neces- sarily a spiritual person, and to a certain extent I agree with them. But psychic persons are persons born with spiritual natures, and if they turn their minds toward spiritual things they can rise much higher in the spiritual realm than those who are not psychic. It all depends in what direction they turn their minds. They have the spiritual attributes if they want to make use of them, but if they choose to seek the lower they will surely get what they seek. Astrologists claim that Mercury, the nearest one to the Sun, controls America, and is a money-maker, and I do not know but what money as a rule takes you as far away from your God as anything can take you away, for money is sought for what money will get. Venus, the next planet to the Sun, controlling influence over the human race, is to make the people have a loving nature, but it is an animal and not a spiritual nature. Many will also dispute this state- ment, claiming that Venus's people are spiritual people, but they fail to recognize the difference between an animal love and a spiritual love. Venus's people are very affectionate and are very good business people, because of their accommodating nature, but it is always on the animal plane. An animal love is a selfish love, and not a spiritual love. Spiritual love is expressed in ORIGIN OF THE PLANETS IQ9 our great spiritual teacher, Jesus, who lived a celi- bate life and not an animal life. Then if according to astrology the planets have more of a spiritual influence on man's life, those that are farther away from the Sun than those that are- closer to the Sun ; if they are inhabited and I cannot see any reason why they are not then the people that live on the planets farther away from the Sun are more spiritual than those that are living on the planets closer to the Sun. CONCLUSION IN conclusion I wish to say that you will see that m explaining my system I demonstrate my points only with the things that exist in our solar system ; that cer- tain things that exist in our solar system that the old system knows to exist, yet is absolutely at a loss to explain, or know what their aim or object is, while according to my system they have all a place and a use. Without this unexplained part my system would not be complete, or could not be easily understood or explained. ' If the truth of astronomy is known, if the old theory is the right foundation, then the work- ing of the solar system in this enlightened and search- ing age ought to be known, instead of there being so many things unexplained and the astronomers being unable to explain things to their own satisfaction. In mathematical points and the knowledge of the motion of the heavenly bodies I do not believe that the as- tronomers of to-day can be beaten, but when it comes to telling you the origin, the nature and the working principle of the heavenly bodies, the old theory is to- tally at a loss to explain, and I believe that I have sup- plied a long- felt want, and I cannot help feeling that as time progresses my system must and will be ac- cepted as the correct solution, as the deeper you get into my system in connection with the solar system, all the more will it explain itself. And as to the planets in- ORIGIN OF THE PLANETS 2OI creasing and multiplying, if the average man would know the working of his own magnetism (Man, know thyself), and apply the same method to the planets, he would be unable to dispute the similarity of the working method of our solar system with that of man. I have explained the whole solar system in all its minutest details, and it corresponds with the working and the life of man, from the cradle to the grave. While I am aware of the slowness and the cautious- ness with which new theories are accepted, yet the solar system could not so completely follow man's life in producing its kind and its working method all the way through, and there be no truth in it. I believe my ideas will meet with strenuous opposition, for it is hard for man to get out of an old rut, but I have no fear but that old Father Time will straighten out all things. 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