THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES GIFT OF U. of Calif. Berkeley MODERN STEAM TURBINES BRITISH AND FOREIGN. COMPRISING DESCRIPTIONS OF SOME TYPICAL SYSTEMS OF CONSTRUCTION. UNDER THE EDITORSHIP OF ARTHUR R. LIDDELL, Vol. I. THE SCHULZ STEAM TURBINE. MODERN STEAM TURBINES. VOL. I. THE SCHULZ STEAM TURBINE. THE SCHULZ STEAM TURBINE FOR LAND AND MARINE PURPOSES With special reference to its application to War Vessels, BY MAX DIETRICH, Marine-Oberingenieur A.D. of the German Navy, With 43 illustrations and diagrams, and 6 tables. NEW YORK E. P. DUTTON AND COMPANY 31 WEST TWENTY-THIRD STREET 1907 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. &i e inriiig Libr.r, TJ PREFACE. The growing importance of the steam turbine for land purposes, and still more for the propulsion of ships, has prompted us to bring some of the results of British and foreign endeavours in this field within the reach of interested parties. The volumes of this series comprise descriptions of some of the systems of which encouraging practical trial has been made, or which, in view of the past record of their authors, have a prima facie claim to be taken seriously as engineering probabilities of the future. It is clear that a new departure in practical engineering must present for solution many new problems, each of which may be approached in a variety of ways, and a knowledge of the successes and failures of other designers who have made practical trial of this or that expedient will doubtless supply hints in many directions. Even untried proposals may point the way to solutions of difficult questions, whether of principle or of detail. In regard to matters of controversy between rival inventors, which show themselves in some of the works in the collection, it is not the intention to take sides between different engineers or different schools of engineering, nor to show preference in any direction, but simply to lay ex parte statements before our readers 733411 with all impartiality, in the hope that mutual understanding and appreciation may thereby be promoted, and that the advantages of different systems may, in course of time, be combined in one good standard type of engine. It is hoped that the publication of the present series may prove a timely one and may bring advantage to the engineering profession. AKTHUB E, LIDDELL. August, 1906. This volume is an authorised translation of "Die Dampfturbine von Scbnlz," by Max Dietrich, published by C. J. E. Volckmann, of Rostock, German 1906. THE SCHULZ STEAM TURBINES. These turbines are not only for land purposes, such as that of supplying the motive power for light and power installations and locomotives, but are also especially adapted for marine work, such as the driving of the screw propeller. Richard Schulz, the designer of these turbines, as Engine- works Manager of the Germania Shipyard of Friedrich Krupp in Kiel, has had many years of experience in the construction of engines for use on land, and still more in that of marine engines. He has, therefore, had ample opportunity of studying the conditions which such turbines must fulfil, if they are to enter into successful com- petition with the ordinary reciprocating engine. Since in the Ger- mania Shipyard at Kiel not only large torpedo boats, but the very largest ships of the German Navy are built, Herr Schulz has been obliged to consider the suitability of the turbine for warships of every possible kind. The patents published hitherto and the designs embodied in them show that both the action and the reaction principles have had application, and have been developed as independently as possible. Turbines on the action principle with expansion stages, in which each of the working-wheels runs in a separate chamber the walls of which support the guide blades, have been known for more than thirty years (See "Roues et turbines a rapeur," by K. Sosnowsky, Paris). The steam turbines of Bateau, Zoelly, Curtis, &c., are newer constructions on the same principle ; but no types hitherto known make complete use of the available motive power in this case the steam ichen the work to be done is small. 8 To alter the output, Zoelly simply throttled the steam. Ratcau sometimes, and Curtis probably always, employed as con- stant an initial pressure as possible, but devised no means of regu- lating the pressure in the subsequent expansion stages. Conse- quently, they failed to make full use of the steam energy, especially when the output was inconsiderable. In the new Schulz turbines, on the other hand, not only the initial pressure, but the pressure in every expansion stage is so regu- lated, either by hand or by some automatic device, that full use can be made of the steam, even for a minimum of work. The principal patent in this connection is the "Regulating apparatus for multi-stage expansion turbines," No. 132,868; class 14c, of March 26th, 1901. This and the patents mentioned in the specification refer to (a) Several expansion stages, as in the designs of Rateau, Zoelly, &c. (b) Several expansion stages with subsidiary speed-expan- sions, as in those of Curtis, Riedler, Stumpf, &c. The new action turbine, of Schulz (Fig. 14) is devised chiefly for use on land. It has from one to ten or even more expansion stages, each of which can be amplified by one or several subsidiary speed stages. In every detail of its construction this turbine shows the requisite simplicity and strength. Between the fixed and the rotating portions are clearance spaces of from to \ of an inch. This ensures safe working. A special valve or ring slide regulates the work done in each expansion stage, so that the available boiler pressure is used to the best advantage, whatever may be the output. This condition is fulfilled likewise by the Laval turbine ; for in it, whether the work done be little or much, the pressure and change of temperature of the steam are utilized as completely and evenly as possible. 9 Schulz' action turbines can be used both for the smallest out- puts of 2 or 3 horse-power and for the highest up to 15,000 horse- power or more. Moreover, both high and low peripheral velocities down even to 65 feet a second or less can be obtained. The number of expansion stages, and especially also that of the subsidiary speed stages, depends on the required peripheral velocity. The shaft may be placed either vertically or horizontally. Schulz' reaction turbine differs from the well-known Parson's turbine principally in the fact that the end thrust unavoidable in this sort of turbine is nullified without the employment of a grooved "labyrinth piston." Schulz has solved the problem in many different ways ; the contrivances for this purpose are described in detail further on. This reaction turbine is remarkable for its strength and for the ease with which it can be constructed. Its length is less than that of turbines of other systems; and since in spite of this the steam is utilized satisfactorily, this turbine is powerful in proportion to its size and weight (See the comparison between the various turbines in Figs. 39 to 43). It can be employed for outputs of from 50 to 15,000 horse-power, or even more. Superheating is considered an advantage in both kinds of turbine. The first problem attacked by Schulz was to make turbines reversible, that is, to enable them to drive ships either forwards or backwards. He laid the greatest stress on this point in his first designs, which go back as far as the year 1897. Only in his later plans did he pay increased attention to the other properties which should be possessed by an engine for use on land or sea. The most important of these is that the turbine should be economical, not only 10 when its output is large, but also when the work done is moderate or little. For a marine engine, economy in the use of steam is usually demanded only for motion ahead. When the engines are reversed , a rapid answer of the ship to the rotation of the propeller is of more importance. The engines of warships or merchant vessels are reversed when the ship is manoeuvring or is going in or out of a port, and when the danger of a collision or some similar unforeseen circum- stance arises. In these cases an economical use of the steam is- generally not necessary, for when the engines are worked irregularly, we cannot regulate the generation of steam in the boilers so that the pressure is no greater than the needs of the moment require. In most cases superfluous steam is formed, which must be carried off to the condenser to avoid waste of fresh water. One simple means of obtaining a reversible turbine system is- to place two equal turbines on a common shaft, one for motion ahead and the other for motion astern. The weight and space require- ments of this system are, however, so great as to render it unsuitable for a marine engine. The designers of steam turbines have often supposed that they could avoid this difficulty by using a large turbine for motion ahead and a small one for motion astern. Experiments on such systems have, however, shown that they are, at any rate, inapplicable to men of war. The disadvantages of a go-astern engine of small output are not so noticeable in smaller vessels, such as tugs or torpedo boats, but in larger ships they are very much in evidence. In such cases the hull answers to the propeller much too slowly, and it is a long time before the ship begins to move in the direction opposite to that in which she had previously been going, perhaps at a high speed. This drawback is exaggerated by the fact that a turbine engine is obliged to have a comparatively small screw. If, however, vessels of any sort manoeuvre indifferently, they 11 are in frequent danger of collision, while men of war lose their value as fighting units. We draw the following conclusions as to the conditions which should be satisfied by a marine turbine. For motion ahead it must make full use of the available energy, so as to economise coal. For motion astern this is of less importance, but the turbine should be of a size sufficient to affect the ship's motion promptly and effectively. Schulz has made a number of designs to satisfy these con- ditions, and has protected them by patents in Germany and else- where. In these the chief consideration has been to make the go- astern turbine as powerful as possible without its at the same time being unreasonably extravagant in the use of steam. Although in manoeuvring a large quantity of steam must be at our disposal, and often some of it must be led away into the condenser or into the open air, yet occasionally this superfluous steam is not available, as for instance, when the engines are reversed for several minutes at a time. It follows that a go-astern turbine should not use more steam than would have been required during the time in which it acted for motion ahead. It is convenient to enclose the go-ahead and go-astern tur- bines in a single case. Parsons also recognised this fact, and a year later than Schulz he took out a patent for a go-astern reversing tur- bine placed abaft of the go-ahead engine. He thereby economised weight and space, but the reversing turbine had too small an output and was not sufficiently accessible for inspection and repairs. The two first Schulz turbines (Figs. 1 and 18) were turned out from the Engineering Works of the Germania Shipyard at Tegel, near Berlin, in the years 1898 and 1900. The improvements which time has brought w r ere partly tested on these experimental turbines. In 1901 the second of the turbines represented in Figs. 18 and 19 was, immediately after completion, placed in a boat of 19 tons displacement and performed all its manoeuvres without a hitch. A description of these turbines is given further on. 12 The first turbines designed by Schulz are shown in Figs. 1 and 2. They were patented in April, 1898, as "Compound turbines" (No. 103,879; Class 14). Many experiments on the driving of screws and dynamos were made in 1899 with the radial turbine of Fig. 1. Some results of these tests are given in Table I. The maximum output was 51 electric horse-power, when the number of revolutions was 1,700 per minute and the boiler pressure was 2051bs. per square inch. Fig. i. In the case G are one or more working wheels fastened to the shaft /. These carry on their sides the working-wheel blades ar- ranged in concentric rinjjs. Attached to the case are the fixed 13 blades g, also concentrically arranged, which guide the steam in the necessary direction to the working-wheel blades. Part T of the working-wheel drives forwards : the other part, T', backwards. The entry of the steam is regulated by a three-way valve. The tube V leading from this opens into the steam chest a and enables the steam to drive forwards. The steam finds its way to the ring of blades b r lying next to the shaft /, and after going through the other rings in order, finally passes through the outermost ring c and leaves the case at d. Thence it passes into the condenser or to the open air. The tube R, also leading from the three-way valve, opens into the two steam chests e, and enables the steam to drive backwards. ID Fig. 2. this case also the steam passes first through the blades nearest the shaft and finally, after its energy has been exhausted, leaves the case at d, as before. The end thrust is eliminated by the arrangement of two equal turbines with the common steam supply for motion ahead arranged between them and with separate supplies for motion astern arranged at their outer sides. One of the oldest of Schulz' patents, viz., the engine illustrated in Fig. 2, may here appropriately take its place. 14 It is composed of a go-head turbine with axial flow and a go- astern radial turbine. The working-wheel here takes the form of a drum shaped like a truncated cone. The two ends of this cone are closed by the plates i and i , which serve as bearings for the shaft J. The case g, which supports the fixed blades, fits the shape of the working parts. The rings of working- wheel blades (b to c), which drive forwards, are fixed on the sloping sides of the working drum. Those which drive backwards are placed on the base of the drum. The design and arrangement of the steam supply may be seen in the figure. The rings of blades for motion astern are of as large a diameter and are situated as near the steam exit d as possible, so that they may offer no resistance while the engine is driving ahead. A disadvantage of reaction turbines is the end thrust with which the steam acts on the working- wheel. In large turbines this may reach very considerable values. Parsons eliminates this thrust by the use of counteracting pistons, forming the well-known "laby- rinth apparatus." These increase the length of the turbine and consequently waste space ; moreover they are extravagant in steam. Economy of space is, however, one of the chief aims of modern builders of every kind of engine, and loss of steam (though this is less important) .should also be avoided. The use of reaction turbines as marine engines necessitates the employment of a large number of fixed and revolving blades, if the peripheral velocity is to be sufficiently low. Marine turbines must, therefore, have comparatively many more rings of blades than stationary engines. It is necessary, especially for marine purposes, 15 that these numerous blade rings should be divided among several drums, so that the shaft may, by reason of the shortness of the indivi- dual drums, be more firmly and securely mounted. Schulz' designs satisfy this condition adequately and at the same time eliminate the end thrust. Schuh patented a compound steam turbine in November, 1900 (No. 137,792; Class 14 C ), in which two turbines are symmetri- cally arranged with their end thrusts acting in opposite directions. A number of rotating blades are fastened on two drums of different diameters. By means of a suitable flow of steam the end thrusts of these drums are opposed in such a manner that the pressure on the thrust block is entirely eliminated, or at least brought within reason- able limits. Fig. 3 shows a compound turbine of this kind, in which the diameters of the rings of fixed and revolving blades (as in Fig. 2) increase in the direction of flow of the steam. Jn the patent, how- ever, provision is also made for the case in which the rings of the high and low pressure turbines respectively are of equal diameter. In Fig. 3 the high-pressure turbine with the smaller blade rings is denoted by the letter a, the low pressure turbine with larger rings by 6. Both revolving drums are enclosed in a common case d 16 and are fixed to the shaft c. The steam enters the turbine at e, and after passing through the fixed and revolving blades of the high pressure engine, is regulated by the valve g. Tt then goes through the connecting pipe / arid the tube It, finds its way at h into the low pressure turbine, and is led away at i into the condenser or into the open air. In a and b the steam flows in opposite directions. The fixed blades in a and b are placed in such a way that both a and b drive in the same direction. The valve g at the mouth of the pipe / regulates the pressure of the steam as it leaves a. In this way the resultant end thrust on the thrust block n can be altered within certain limits. As in Fig. 2, the moveable reversing blades are fastened to the base of the low-pressure working drum and the fixed blades to the corresponding cover of the case. The steam for reversing enters through the pipe m , and in this case also reaches the smallest of the concentric rings of fixed blades first. The steam, as in the case of direct rotation, leaves at i, close to the outermost ring. This radial go-astern turbine can also be replaced by a shorter axial engine, as is shown in a diagram in the patent specification. Compound turbines are composed of two or more turbine- drums, whose rotating parts are placed in separate cases, and sit either on a single shaft or on several distinct shafts. Of the many combinations which are given in the before-mentioned patent No. 137, v 02, v\e shall mention only two. Fig. 4 shows four turbine-drums a, b, u, v, placed on a single shaft. The arrows show the direction of the driving steam and Fig. 4. 17 hence the directions of the corresponding end thrusts. We see that a,b, and u give an end thrust to the shaft in a direction opposite to that given by v. In Fig. 5 the drums are divided between two shafts. Here we see an arrangement in which the smaller turbines a and b act on one shaft, the larger ones and v on the other. The distribution of the steam flow necessary to counteract end thrust is clear from the figure. In this diagram only the grouping of the four drums is new. Monsieur Tournaire (as is well known) had as early as 1853 described in detail a method in which several turbines, worked one after another by a flow of steam, can be made to drive several shafts simultaneously. In stationary turbines the end thrust should, of course, be abolished as completely as possible. In marine engines, on the other hand, the end thrust should be adjusted by a suitable choice oi the diameter of the revolving parts, so as just to counterbalance the thrust of the screw. When the ship is going ahead, this screw thrust is towards the bow, so that the turbine thrust should be of equal amount, but should act in the direction of the stern. 18 For better regulation of the axial thrust the use of manometers on suitable parts of the high and low pressure engine cases is advan- tageous. When the pressures of the steam in the two turbines are known, the end thrust may be determined. The difference of pres- sure and hence the thrust may be altered to some small extent by the valve g (Fig. 3). Another design patented in July 1901, (No. 135,937; Class 14c) also aims at the abolition of end thrust. Two such turbines are represented in Figs. 6 and 7. Fig. 6 shows a longitudinal section of a turbine rotating in a single direction only. It is admirably suited for use 011 land. The flow is partly radial and partly axial. The axial portion of the rotating parts is denoted by a, and the radial by 6. The case e is Fig. 6. 19 closed by the covers x and y. The radial portion of the revolving blades is placed in a ring-shaped extension of the case, and here also is the steam chest z for the entering steam. The cover y carries the chest /, through which the steam exhausts. The direction of flow of ihe steam is shown by arrows. Fig. 7 shows a section through a turbine with radial and .axial flow, which is reversible. For direct motion this turbine Fig. 7. "has two axial drums, a larger and a smaller, denoted by 1 and 2 respectively. The rotating apparatus a 6 for reversing is, a,s in Fig. 6, partly axial and partly radial. In the turbine of Fig. 6, and in the reversing portion of Fig. 7, the steam is divided on its entrance into the case and passes at the same lime through the radial (6) and the axial (a) parts of the common 20 rotation rings. Both a and b give an end thrust towards the right , but the steam flowing against the back of the flange-like part b before its entrance into a, gives a thrust towards the left. This latter may be regulated at pleasure so, for instance, as exactly to counter- balance the thrust to the right. In eliminating the end thrust, the chief consideration is, in the go-ahead turbine, the difference of pressure in 1 and 2 in the reversing turbine the breadth of the flange placed on the drum wall of b. After solving the problem of the design of a turbine which should fulfil the necessary conditions of ease of reversal and elimina- tion of end thrust, Scliulz turned his attention to the question of economy. Steam turbines with several blade rings work economically only while they are giving the largest possible output under maxi- mum boiler pressure. The cross section of the steam passage is generally calculated to suit the greatest output, and the steam is led into the first blade ring at as high pressure as possible. When the steam goes through the other rings its pressure gradually diminishes till the condenser is reached, when, provided the energy be well utilised, it becomes com- paratively small. If a smaller output be demanded from the turbine with its steam passages formed as above, it becomes necessary to resort to throttling. By this, however, the steam loses its pressure to a con- siderable extent even before it reaches the first ring, and economy is thereby sacrificed. To meet this objection, Scliulz devised means 21 of varying the cross section of the steam pipes in each separate ring of blades. The entry of the steam to the revolving parts is thereby so regulated with reference to the desired output, that the full boiler pressure is employed, whatever may be the rate of working. This is effected by the placing of a ring-slide valve before each ring of guide blades or before a portion of the ring (German Patent No. 132,868; Class 14c; March, 1901). By altering the position of this valve we can leave free a varying number of holes in the fixed rings for the passage of the steam to the rotating parts. In Fig. 8 the individual fixed rings are stationary, but the ring slides, while arranged for simultaneous ad- justment by a common lever, can on occasion be moved separately. The same regulation of the steam may also be obtained by the moving of the individual blade rings relatively to their ring-slide valves. 22 There is no essential alteration in the operation of the steam when the rings of guide blades are made moveable, either separately or simultaneously, instead of the ring slides. Fig. 8 shows a section of a turbine constructed in this manner, In Figs. 9 to 12 the above-mentioned adjustments are depicted. The action turbine of Fig. 8 has axial flow and is provided with five expansion stages. Each of these has three subsidiary Fig. 9. speeds. The case (6) has a greater diameter at the steam exit than at the entrance, but the working- wheels all have the same mean diameter. The five wheels (3) are fastened to the common shaft (1), which is supported by the covers (4 and 5) at the ends of the turbine. Each wheel bears three revolving blade rings (2), corresponding with the speed stages. The first fixed blade ring of each stage is ad- justable, and is placed on the corresponding partition wall. The two others are formed of blades (15) arranged in ring fashion round the inner periphery of the case. On the cover (4) is the chest for the introduction of the steam ; on the cover (5) is the chest for its exit. The direction of the steam flow is shown by arrows. The different expansion stages are formed by the partition walls (7) (Fig. 9). They reach nearly to the shaft, and the clearance space being so small, no appreciable loss of steam can there take place. The ring slide (8) and the corresponding adjustments are represented in Fi r i ' ^ O M b g' s ll- I i H 42 Fig. 25. 49 Fig. 26. 44 used both singly and in pairs during the test) varied from 12 to 16 inches, while the number of revolutions per minute varied from 1,000 to 2,200. The greatest speed was more than 13 knots, the highest average over the measured mile on Lake Tegel being 12'35 knots. No vibration was felt even at the highest obtainable speed. The boat manoeuvred satisfactorily, and the engines worked perfectly throughout the trials. The results obtained in the test are given in Table III. The economy of this comparatively small turbine may be gathered from the curves of Figs. 25 and 26. Especially at speeds above 11 knots a comparatively low consumption of fuel is noticeable. The abscissae in Fig. 25 represent numbers of revolutions ; these range from 1,000 to 2,500 per minute. In Fig. 26 the abscissae give the number of knots per hour. Curve 1 gives the number of revolutions per minute. Curves 2 and 3 give the mean peripheral velocities of the first and last working-wheels of the turbine. Curve 4 gives the speed of the boat in knots. Curve 5 gives the screw-thrust when the boat is moored and the engine is driving ahead. Curve 6 gives the same when the engine is driving astern. Curve 7 gives the corresponding thrust when the boat is moving. Curves 8 and 9 give the work done by the screw when the boat is stationary and when it is in motion respectively. Curves 10 and 12 give the steam consumption per hour. Curves 11 and 13 give the steam consumption per horse-powei per hour. 45 The excess pressure of the driving steam at this trial varied approximately from 200 to 213 Ibs. per square inch. The super- heating of the steam was generally about 160 to 180 cleg. F. ; in some cases, however, it amounted to more than 780 deg. F. The vacuum was never more than 9'4 Ibs. per square inch. A better vacuum could not be obtained, owing to the insufficient output of the air-pump. When the comparatively small peripheral velocities of the first and last turbine wheels (100 and 165 feet a second) are con- sidered, the results shown by Table III. and by the curves in Figs. 25 and 26 must be considered excellent. With an output of 195 horse-power and a speed of 2,200 revolutions per minute, only 22 Ibs. of steam per horse-power per hour were used, in spite of the bad vacuum of 9'4 Ibs. per square inch. The brake trials in the Tegel workshop during June, 1901, in which a higher vacuum was at disposal, gave an appreciably larger output. In fact, for every extra. Ib. per square inch in the vacuum, the turbine gave respectively 13'0, 13'7, and 15'1 extra horse-power when the numbers of revolu- tions per minute were 2,000, 2,200, and 2,600. Allowing for this, we get an additional output of 240 horse-power when the number of revolutions is 2,200 per minute, while the steam consumed per hour for each horse-power of output is 17'8 Ibs., instead of 22 Ibs. (see Table IV.) The steam used during these experiments in the various auxi- liary engines was led into the low-pressure turbine, so that its energy could be completely utilised. The steam consumption in these auxiliary engines is not included ; it was found by special investiga- tions to be about 880 Ibs. per hour. The economy of the turbine is considerably increased if this steam is also reckoned, as in the curves- of Figs. 25 and 26, where the steam consumption for the subsidiary engines is denoted by the shaded portion. According to the latest trials of the "Turbinia," fitted with large Parsons turbines, the steam consumption with the highest out- put of 1 ,600 to 1 ,700 horse-power is about 20 Ibs. per horse-power per 46 hour. It must be noticed, however, that these turbines are appre ciably larger than the Schulz turbines under discussion. Moreover, according to page 193 of "Engineering, 1 ' August 1st, 1903, the velocities of the steam in the first and last blade rings of the Parsons turbine were 150 and 280 feet per second respectively, the number of revolutions being 2,200 and 3,000 a minute. The velocity in the Schulz turbine, on the other hand, was only 100 to 165 feet per second, when the output and speed of revolution were at their maxima. The results of Table I. apply to the turbine of Fig. 1 : those of Tables II., Ill, and IV. to the turbine of Figs. 18 and 19. TABLE I. EXPERIMENTAL TURBINE No. 1 DRIVING A DYNAMO. 1899. Number of Experiment. Boiler pressure .. .. .. .. .. .. 12345 Excess pressures in atmospheres, 15 15 11 7-4 5-2 Steam pressure in entrance chamber .. .. Pressure behind first expansion stage Pressure in passage from 1st to 2nd turbine Pressure in middle expansion stage of 2nd turbine. . Number of revolutions per minute .. (Voltage 10 1 Current in Amperes (Kilowatts Output l Electric Horsepower 12 12 10-5 7 5 9 8-9 7-8 4-8 3-5 2 2 1-9 1-15 0-7 0-25 0-25 0-2 1700 1400 1200 980 800 150 160 100 80 75 250 170 200 110 70 37-5 27-2 20 S'S 5-25 51 37 27-2 11-97 7-14 The steam turbine weighs, with all the mountings and fittings, about 12 cwts. 2 s 5 i - 1 t 6 5 o 6 t~ 6 | ep o t- o i 2 o o s j to o t- i '& 1 05 at I *o i i iN t~ i g e* 2 " 1 g 6 r- s g 8 6 1 a eS t- 6 *n . t'< \O s o g 8 tp "* ~ _ ' 8 O 1 6 8 t- I i >O a - 1 6 05 F t- 6 t- 6 i | JO 8 o s a No. of Experiment. No. of Revolutions per Minute. Pressure behind main turbine ,, in condenser . . Horse-power . . Pressure behind main turbine in condenser .. Horse-power . . Pressure behind main turbine ,, in condenser Horse-power . . . . Pressure behind main turbine ,, in condenser . . Horse-power Pressure behind main turbine ,, in condenser Horse-power .. Pressure behind main turbine .. in condenser Horse-power . . '$ J3 be "S ^ a 2 .5 3 H autSua jo jnoaj n; 9jnBS9j,j t- C3 1-1 CO 'O o TABLE III. EXPEPIJIENT IN THE BOAT WITH TuBHINK No. 2. 1 2 3 4 5 C 7 8 9 10 11 1-2 13 ii Mean peri- pheral velocity in feet per second Boat's speed in kncts. Screw thrust in cwts. Output of screw in horse-power Hourly consumption of steam in Ibs. of I of first ! last when stationary when when station- when mov- when stationary] when moving per 1 per for- back- moving ary. ing. Total horse- j Total. horse- turbine wheel. wards. wards. power. ] power. 1000 46-2 73-8 7-4 7'G 7-6 | 6-8 33-7 28-5 2380 70 ! 1950 68 1400 G47 103-3 9-1 13-0 12-1 10-9 82-1 69 3700 45 2730 40 1800 83-1 132-8 10-7 18-5 16-9 15-4 1504 126-5 5070 34 3500 27 2200 101-6 102-4 12-35 20-1 195 4300 22 2300 12-6 21-2 211 4500 21 2400 110-9 177-2 13 22-4 228 4G70 20-5 Vacuum = 5 of an atmosphere. TABLE IV. l 9 12 13 per square in. No. of Revolutions Effective Horse- Steam Consumption in Ibs per minute. power. per hour. per horse-power. 9-4 195 22 2,200 4,300 12-8 240 17-8 49 After the experiments with the above-mentioned boat had been carried through successfully, Schulz turned his attention to the construction of an engine suitable for all men-of-war, including battleships, cruisers, and torpedo boats. Merchant ships, whether they be cargo, passenger, or mail boats, steam steadily at their highest possible speed, except, foi instance, when the weather is rough or foggy. The construction of turbines for such vessels, therefore, offers no special difficulties. With men-of-war the case is very different ; their engines must always be prepared to develop their utmost power, but this output is required but seldom, and then only for short spaces of time. Moreover, in warships it is demanded that the consumption of fuel in proportion to horse-power be the most economical when the output is small or moderate, say from T V to ? of its maximum value. The multi-stage marine turbines constructed by Parsons and Rateau use appreciably more coal in proportion to the output when the latter is small, than when it is large. On the well-known sea- going torpedo-boats, "Viper" and "Cobra," the consumption of fuel for small outputs was nearly twice as great as in the sister-ships, "Albatross" c., which were fitted with reciprocating engines. Rateau and Parsons before him have combined reciprocating engines with large-sized turbines for use when only a small output is required. Parsons, however, has gone back to pure turbine engines. The steam consumption on the German sea-going torpedo-boat, "S 125," fitted with Parsons' turbines, cannot even yet be accurately determined, the air-pump having at the first series of trials, proved unsatisfactory. Several months were then wasted while the latter was being replaced, and since other mishaps have meanwhile inter- vened to delay the trial trips, it may be still some time before the coal consumption is determined. However, it is fairly evident from the reports on the first trials, that the above-mentioned conditions will not be satisfactorily fulfilled by this engine. D 50 Schulz has now patented another marine turbine (No. 160,863; Class 65a ; April 23rd, 1901), which is shown in Figs. 27 and 28. This plant is arranged for a single shaft only. In ships- with several screws it is proposed to use one of these engines for each shaft. In front of the main turbine a number of turbine wheels are placed, which can also be separated into groups. The steam is cut off from these when the output is large, so as to prevent them from. Go-asten Turbine. Disconnectable Auxiliary Turbines. Fig. '27. sharing in the work. The smaller the output, the larger is the number of auxiliary turbines which contribute their share to the work done. When the output is at its smallest, the steam passes through the stop-valve 1 into the turbine d, the remaining stop- valves 3,5, 7, being then closed, and the exit valves 2,4,6 opened. When the output is larger, the smallest turbine d is cut off by the closing of the stop-valves 1 and 2, and the steam passes by the valve 3 into the 51 second turbine c. On further increase of the work the turbine c is also cut off by the closing of the valves 3 and 4 ; and when the output is at its maximum, all the valves 1 to 7 are closed, so that the steam only enters the main turbine a. By this arrangement an increasing number of turbines contri- bute their share of work as the output diminishes, so that, owing to the increasing number of expansions, the difference of steam pres- sure in two successive expansion stages is always very small. The initial pressure may, therefore, be so high that the difference between the pressures at the entrance and exit passages respectively of the engine always maintains its maximum value. Fig. 28. If, then, the auxiliary turbines be of suitable size, the full energy of the steam is utilized, whatever may be the speed, and due economy is observed. It is indifferent whether the whole apparatus is enclosed in a single case or whether each separate turbine has its own cover. Fig. 28 shows a section of this compound engine. The rotating wheels 1 to 4 are placed on the common shaft 15, and work directly ; the wheel 5 is for motion astern. To regulate the end 52 thrust the steam flows in opposite directions through the largest turbines (4) and the smaller ones (1, 2, 3). The main stop-valve 7 allows the steam for forwards motion to flow through the pipe 10 and the valve 11, through the pipes 10 and 19 and the valve 30, or through the pipes 10, 19, and 25, and the valve 26, into the various turbines. The steam for reversing passes through the pipes 8 and 9. The pipe 29 allows steam to pass from turbine 1 to turbine 2. The circular passages, 18, 23, 24, 27, and 12, serve as chests for the steam before its entrance into the various tur- bines ; the passages, 28, 31, 21, and 13, serve as exit chests. The steam is led to the condenser through the pipe 13. The Parsons turbine is at present the most popular for marine purposes. It is, therefore, of interest to compare this engine with the Schulz turbine, especially as lawsuits have been brought by the former engineer against the latter for infringement of patent. These lawsuits were decided in favour of the defendant. The plaintiff relied chiefly on the English patent, 11,223/97, with which the German patent No. 103,559 corresponds. He maintained that Schulz' arrangement had been already protected by this patent and that consequently Schulz' patent No. 160,863 (Figs. 27 and 28) was invalid. Parsons' arrangement in the patent No. 103,559 is shown in Pigs. 29, 30, and 31. Though he has made many laborious and costly experiments to get a low steam consumption in both low and high outputs, he has failed, and Schulz was the first to obtain a satis- factory solution of the problem. Parsons subsequently followed in the path already trodden by Schulz. 53 In Parsons' attack en Schulz' system (Figs. 27 and 28) atten- tion was first called to an article by the naval engineer, Herr Grauert, in the Marine- Rundschau, of January, 1904. Notice was also taken of Grauert's remarks in "Steam Turbines," by Dr. A. Stodola, relating to the economy of steam necessary for warships. Fig. 29. Now in this article we read : "For constant output, the fuel burnt per horse-power is appre- ciably higher at low rates of revolution. If, however, the output and speed of rotation fall simultaneously, the consumption of steam is altered but little." Fig. 10. 55 The first of these two statements would be intelligible only if it were, under normal circumstances, possible for the output of a marine engine to remain constant when the speed altered. More- over, it is easily proved that, when output and speed diminish, the fuel consumption, so far from being lessened, is very considerably increased. Grauert's diagram is reproduced in Fig. 32. Now we must not suppose that in the production of this diagram three equal turbines of 1,500 horse-power were used, working on a single shaft parallel to the boiler. For to use a second and a third engine of 1,500 horse-power directly the required output exceeded 1,500 and 3,000 horse-power respectively would be too extravagant a method to be of any practical use. . 31. The experimental trials on which Grauert's diagram was based were, no doubt, made on a normal stationary Parsons turbine, in which it was possible to alter the rate of revolution without change of output. A very similar diagram is found on page 37 of a paper circulated by Parsons' representatives, "The steam turbines of Brown, Boveri, and Parsons for stationary and marine engines." CONSUMfTtON Of STEAM n* H P'ei HOVK > * (f ffe * 2-2 Let) Fig. 32. S7 The curve given here for light load is that used in Grauerfs diagram. It is only applicable to marine engines with uncoupled shafts, and is- worthless for trials of steam consumption on marine engines, so that on this ground also we assume that a stationary Parsons turbine is- ref erred to. If this assumption be correct, the conclusions drawn from the diagram are of value only when applied to the driving of stationary engines, and not in the case of marine engines working at markedly varying speeds. In ships' turbines it is impossible to maintain constant output with varying speed of revolution. In such engines the output varies as the cube of the speed of rotation ; for example, if the speed be halved, the output will have only an eighth of its former value. Now the diagram shows four outputs of a single turbine for speeds of revolution differing but little from each other. To arrive- at a satisfactory conclusion we must consider the lower speeds also. The diagram, however, has a very different aspect when it is ex- tended so as to cover the smallest ordinary speeds as well as the higher ones. It is usual to take 40 % of the maximum for the lowest speed ordinarily employed. Since we may suppose the speed roughly proportional to the number of revolutions in a given time, the limits- to be considered lie between 600 and 240 rotations per minute. Now, in a marine engine the output (as mentioned before) varies approximately as the cube of the number of revolutions per minute, and the 600 revolutions per minute necessary for the maxi- mum output of 4,500 horse-power with a steam consumption of 73,000 Ibs. an hour (about IG'l Ibs. per horse-power per hour), being taken as a basis, the consumptions for other outputs work out as- given in Table V., here following. We assume that in the diagram an ordinate of 1 mm. represents an hourly use of 1,100 Ibs., or a, consumption per horse-power per hour of I'l Ibs. 58 TABLE V. Output in horse-power. No. of revolutions per minute 600 Steam con Per hour. sumption. Per horse-power per hour. 4,500 73,0:0 16-1 3,000 522 51,800 17-3 1,590 5G2 415 300 3G,400 28,800 24-2 4-2-3 288 240 18,700 64-S Grauert's diagram reproduced in Fig. 32 was extended with the help of this table. The curves thereby added show clearly the great difference of output and corresponding fuel consumption in one and the same turbine for greater and smaller speeds. The trials on the well-known "Turbinia," constructed at the Parsons works, have given similar results. Prof. E wing has col- lected these at the instance of the Marine Steam Turbine Company. They were published in a paper read by Parsons before the Institu- tion of Naral Architects on June 26th, 1903, and are given, amongst other matters, on page 185 of the "Marine Engineer" for 1903. Table VI. contains these results. TABLE VI. Output in horse-power referred to the resistance of the ship. *r>,Wi in ' S'eam consumption per knits horse-power per hour in )bs. in kg. Steam pressure per square inch in Ibs. in aim. 98n on 23-7 13-0 1G2 ll'O 704 28 33-0 15-0 129 8-75 325 20 41-9 19-0 72 4-9 184 in 52-5 23-8 47 3-2 90 13 68-3 31-0 29 2-0 31 10 88-2 40-0 13 0-9 . ( 7 ATAt.= /+ . ?JLBS. f* S tN. ) Fig. 33. 60 In the last column of this table is given the initial pressure of the steam at its entrance into the turbine. We see that when the output is at its minimum the steam must be throttled below atmos- pheric pressure before it finds its way into the engine. This explains the great losses of steam sustained by these turbines as their output diminishes. Fig. 33 gives the results of Table VI. in graphical form. Comparison of Figs. 32 and 33 show r s the similarity of the two- Parsons turbines, and proves that when they are used for ships the steam consumption increases considerably as the work done per horse-power per hour diminishes. It is now quite evident without further explanation, why the torpedo-boat destroyers "Viper" and "Cobra" consume nearly twice as much fuel on an ordinary voyage as their sister-ships "Albatross," &c., which are fitted with reciprocating engines. The turbines of the "Viper" and "Cobra" are shown in Fig. 30 (Fig. 2 of the patent Xo. 103,559). Since it was mainly on this patent that Parsons relied in his lawsuit against Schuh, it is sufficiently shown that it is not by this method that we can solve the problem of securing the same economy with small outputs as with large ones. Parsons also has recognised the fact that the arrangement of his patent Xo. 103,559 cannot bring much success. This is evident from the circumstance that he had recourse to reciprocating engines for slow speeds. This system was protected in the English patent 16,551/1900, but also proved a failure. The German Naval Adminis- tration, for example, was averse to a composite system, and Parson t then had recourse to detachable turbines en the Schidz pattern. S chitl z had patented his system in England on April 23rd , 1901. Soon after the publication of the patent specification (8,378/1901), Parsons, on August 7th, 1902, brought out the Eng- lish patent 17,391/1902, which relied on the principle of small detach- able turbines for ordinary voyages, similar to those in Scliulz' pre- vious patent, 8387/190]. Parsons' only alteration was the intro- duction of additional steam into the individual turbines, by which he 61 obtained a better graduation of the output while sacrificing the advantage of greater economy. It is true that Parsons described in his patent, and fitted in the German torpedo-boat " S 125," and in the English cruiser" Amethyst," a system in which the smallest turbine is cut off during fast voyages Turbines for Full Power Disconnectable Auxiliary Turbines for Low Powers. Fig 34. and the steam led directly into the second turbine (Fig. 37). In this he followed the Schulz system. He failed, however, to notice that, owing to the distribution of auxiliary turbines adopted, the outer shafts communicated very unequal amounts of energy to their screws, and that, consequently, the system is quite unsuited for marine purposes. 62 These considerations quite dispose of Parsons 1 statement,, that he had by the method of his former patent No. 103,559, practi- cally solved the difficulties arising from the varying rates of speed at which marine turbines must work. This will be still clearer if we- submit the specification of the patent to a searching examination. Fig. 35. We can only obtain the maximum economy with a turbine r or with a combination of turbines, when the expansion of the steam from the boiler to the condenser has a considerable range, and when the current in the turbine flows without discontinuous changes of pressure. For this purpose we must give a suitable succession of cross-sections to the passages by which the steam is led from its entrance into the first turbine to its exit into the condenser. To- 68 emphasize the difference between Schulz' and Parsons 1 turbines, we reproduce a number of diagrams in which, for the sake of clearness , all the turbines of the plant are placed side by side. The diagrams- are only intended to show the variation of pressure as the steam passes through the turbines, and make no claim to accuracy in detail. Fiji. 36. From Fig. 34 it is quite clear that Schulz' system satisfies the above- mentioned conditions. As we pass from the maximum output to a, lesser one and so down to the minimum, we are continually adding smaller and smaller turbines. In all cases the steam passes at its- boiler pressure into the foremost of the additional turbines, and undergoes a continuous and complete expansion as it passes through passages of continuously increasing cross-section. 64 Now we cannot construct a turbine plant in such a manner that .at every speed all the working- wheels contribute to the expansion of the steam. It is usual to secure the most favourable case when the output is at its maximum, as is apparent from the diagrams. As the output is lessened, an increasing number of turbines at the con- denser end cease to share in the work. This is, however, inevitable, and does not affect the general principle, that increase in the number of turbines should accompany decrease of output. Parsons has attempted to secure an economical use of fuel ;it till speeds by a redistribution of the turbines, but has only actually attained this in those cases which in Figs. 35 and 36 are num- bered I, VI, and VIII. All the remaining arrangements fail to secure a continuous expansion of the steam. It is apparent from the patent specification that Parsons also, for small outputs, sends the steam through all the turbines one after another, but it appears that for larqe outputs he also sends it through all the turbines by a route that is several times as long. If we consider first of all the method of Fig. 35, we see that, on plotting the fall of pressure, we get a normal curve only when all the eight turbines are placed in series. In II. the turbines B and D hardly contribute any share to the output, while between A' and B' and also between C ; and D' we have an exceptionally large fall of pressure without any corresponding per- formance of work. Fig. 36 shows the decrease of pressure due to the arrangement of Fig. 30 (Fig. 2 of Parsons' patent). This is the system fitted on the "Viper" and "Cobra." If we assume that the turbines work satisfactorily when connected in parallel (Fig. 36, VI.), this can no longer be the case when all four of them are con- nected in series to suit small outputs. The turbines A and D then -do hardly any work a fact which explains the large coal consump- tion of these vessels. Consideration must, moreover, be given to the above-mentioned inequality in the distribution of the work. Similarly, Figs. 36, VIII, IX, and X, prove that the system of Fig. 31 (Fig. 3 of the patent specification) is economical only when Jthe turbines are connected in series. 65 Except, then, in the case of the distributions I, VI, and VIII we cannot obtain a gradual fall of pressure by any of the methods of the patent No. 103,559. The steam passages leading from the boiler to the condenser will not have properly graduated cross-sections, and the division of work among the screw shafts will be so uneven, that the distribution methods described in the patent specification cannot possibly produce a plant that will be economical at all speeds. For the principal turbines of a plant on the Schulz system (Fig 34) intended to drive a large-sized man-of-war, from 60 to 90 working- wheel blade-rings are necessary. The number of rings in the auxiliary turbines depends on the smallest output required. In most cases a distinctly larger number of rings is necessary for the auxiliary than for the main turbines. If we have found the number of blade-rings required in the principal turbines, and also the number in the other turbines suitable for the smallest reasonable speed of working, we can evidently get every possible speed that lies between the maximum and minimum limits. We have only to determine how best to group the blade-rings of the auxiliary turbines so that the various speeds may be obtained with the greatest economy. In Fig. 34 is shown an arrangement of this kind with three detachable turbines. For the smallest output all three groups of blades are employed. The steam passes through each in turn, then through the main turbine, and so on, into the condenser. It may happen that the steam has expanded completely before it has passed the last blade-ring. This last ring will then turn in the vacuum without performing work, but the slight disadvantage connected therewith is inevitable 66 If a greater output be required, the first auxiliary turbine is cut off, and the steam enters the second one. For still higher out- puts only one auxiliary turbine is used, and for the maximum only the main turbine. By this means we can get the best result at every intermediate speed, provided we know how to determine the total number of rings necessary for the smallest output required, and how to divide them properly into the various groups. If, now, an output having the highest possible economy be desired for only one or two given speeds besides the maximum, it is natural to apply the Schulz system only so as to satisfy these require- Fig. 37. ments and to pay no attention to the intermediate outputs. This, however, in no way detracts from the merits of the new method of working, the inventor of which is Schulz. It is, moreover, a matter of complete indifference, whether his auxiliary turbines are mounted on the same shaft as the main tur- bine, or whether they are distributed over several different shafts and connected by pipes of greater length. Schulz has given due con- sideration to such arrangements, and has applied for further patents. 67 After the publication of Schulz' new system, Parsons, as mentioned above, employed similar arrangements. For instance, in a French torpedo-boat he placed a turbine for ordinary voyages in front of the main turbine, and in the English cruiser "Amethyst" and the German torpedo-boat "S 125" he built a similar auxiliary turbine in front of the main turbine of each of the outer shafts. Fig. 37 shows this arrangement. The two auxiliary turbines are denoted by 1 and 2 : the three main turbines by 3,4,4. When the output is at a minimum, the steam goes from 1, through 2, to 3. Then it is divided and passes through 4 and 4. If a larger output be required, Parsons, following Schulz' method, cuts out 1, and sends the steam directly into 2, and thence, by way of 3, to 4 and 4. Fig. 38. For turbine plants with four screw shafts, Parsons solves the problem in a similar manner. Fig. 38 shows the system adopted on the small German cruiser "Lubeck." The usual voyage speeds of this vessel are 11 and 19J knots per hour, corresponding with out- puts of 1,400 and 7,000 horse-power respectively. When the smaller speed is required, the steam passes first into the auxiliary turbines 1 and 2, placed on the two inner shafts in front of the corresponding main turbines. On leaving 2 it is divided and passes through the main turbines 3 and 4 on one side of the ship and 3' and 4' on the other side. For high speeds and for some of 68 the intermediate ones 1 and 2 are cut off, and the steam passes directly into 3 and 3'. In all these cases, Schulz' new principle of detachable turbines is adopted, but only to a limited and, therefore, imperfect extent. Moreover, both the plants of Figs. 37 and 38 give rise to un- even and asymmetrical distributions of the work amongst the shafts. Besides, in the system of Fig. 38 the central partition-wall of the ship is pierced three times by steam pipes, including one pipe for the go-astern engine. This interdependence of their two sides is cer- tainly unfavourable for the working of the engines. We have shown that m Schulz' Marine Turbine (Patent No. 168,863), there is a continuous fall of pressure and, therefore, a per- fect use of the available energy under all possible circumstances. In Parsons' system, on the other hand, this is only true for certain special cases. Schulz' method certainly gives the surest solution of the problems connected with the turbine engines of war and mer- chant vessels. When the output of a reciprocating engine alters, the economy does the same, for it diminishes with diminishing output. The same is true in steam turbine engines also. Machines for stationary plant almost invariably work at speeds bearing constant ratios to the different outputs. These ratios vary within narrow limits, being mostly either 1 : 2 or 1 : 4. On this speed of working the economy of stationary engines chiefly depends. The case is different with marine engines, and especially with those of men-of-war. Here the speed may vary from the maximum down to the 1/1 5th part of it, 69 In steam turbines the cross-section of the steam passages is made just large enough for the highest output, i.e. , for the maximum consumption of steam. When the work to be done is smaller, these passages are much too large. Since a resort to throttling is here necessary, the steam pressure in the first expansion stage must fall abruptly, and waste of energy is always the result. Now Schuh has. above all things, secured the maximum of efficiency at different speeds by dividing the whole turbine complex into detachable por- tions and by passing the steam into these various turbines in such a manner that a state of expansion is always present. When the out- put decreases, an increased number of turbines or turbine drums come into play. For the minimum of work all the turbines share in the propulsion. The paradoxical nature of the arrangement makes it the less surprising that this device should have escaped the notice of the earlier designers of marine turbines, Parsons and Rateau. Schuh was the first to perceive that here was the means of obtaining a steady fall of pressure. Now it is in general true, that every turbine makes the maxi- mum use of the energy supplied to it only at one particular peripheral velocity and rate of steam flow. Schulz has accordingly chosen the number of expansion sta.ges, the blading, and the cross-section of the steam passages in the individual turbines to suit a certain mean speed of flow. Since the elasticity of the steam has also to be con- sidered, the loss of economy is very slight, even if the rate of flow vary within small limits. The number of auxiliary turbines neces- sary for maximum economy during manoeuvres can only be deter- mined by experience. The Schulz turbine works at every speed with nearly constant boiler pressure. If its speed is to be reduced, the number of the auxiliary expansion stages is increased and the rate of flow of the steam becomes smaller, because the latter has to go through turbine? 71 with passages of small cross-section before it passes into the main turbine on its way to the condenser. The speed of the turbine decreases as the number of the expansion stages is increased, and extravagance in fuel is thus avoided. Now, it is impossible to secure an absolutely perfect use of steam at every speed. If, for example, the main turbine be so designed that the steam will , at the highest output , already have reached the condenser pressure at its exit from the last expansion stage, it is inevitable that, when all the auxiliary turbines are used, the last blade rings of the main turbine should rotate without performing work. In fact, the condenser pressure is attained before the steam leaves the main turbine ; for it is impossible so to arrange the blading and the cross-sections of the passages that all requirements are satis- fied at both high and low pressures. If, at the smallest output of the plant, the last few expansion grades be ineffective, the uselessly revolving hindmost blade rings waste work in unnecessary ventila- tion, and the amount of this must be deducted from the effective output of the engine. The loss is, however, small, owing to the fact that the condenser pressure is always low, and it also becomes less as the rate of steam consumption diminishes. We have shown that the Schulz turbine system possesses the following essential advantages for marine use : 1. The maximum of economy at all speeds. 2. High pressure of the steam on its entrance into the tur- bine at every speed. 72 3. Powerful and prompt action in reversing. 4. The regulation of the end thrust exerted on the shaft by the steam and by the propeller respectively. 5. The combination of action and reaction turbines in one system. 6. The division of the whole plant into several detachable portions, so that a steady expansion of the steam is always attained. 7. The simple and convenient arrangement of the various valves. 8. An even distribution of the work over the different shafts. 9. Economy in space and weight in comparison with other systems (Figs. 39 to 43.). In Figs. 39 to 43 a comparison is made between the space re- quirements of the best known turbine systems. The diagrams show the plans and elevations of these turbines on a scale of 1 to 100. The outputs range approximately from 500 to 600 horse-power in the cases of Curtis' turbine and Schulz* reaction turbine from 500 to 800 horse-power. The speeds of revolution are from 2,000 to 3,000 per minute. This comparison shows that the Schulz turbine econo- mizes space to a considerably greater degree than do those of the other systems. The patent specifications bear reference to the further development of the action turbines, as well as of the reaction turbines on the Schulz system and to the distribution of the turbines, in a compound engine, over several shafts. 73 In this, special attention is paid to the simplicity and con- venience of the levers which control the cutting off of the various auxiliary turbines during manoauvres. Unlike many other inventions on the domain of steam tur- bines, the Schulz system has a firm foundation in the extensive practical experience of its designer. It is to be greatly desired that these turbines be soon brought into competition with those of other types ; their success will then not be long delayed. University of California SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY 405 Hilgard Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90024-1388 Return this material to the library from which It was borrowed. 'JULO LOJ A 000316646 9 STACK J172