THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES THE FAUNA OF BRITISH INDIA, CEYLON AND BURMA. PUBLISHED UNDER THE AUTHORITY OF THE SECRETARY OF STATE FOR INDIA IN COUNCIL. EDITED BY LT.-COL. C. T. BINGHAM. COLEOPTEEA,-Vol. L (CERAMBYCIDjE). BY C. J. GAHAN. LONDON: TAYLOR AND FRANCIS, RED LION COURT, FLEET STREET. CALCUTTA AND SIMLA : THACKER, 8PINK, & CO. BUEMA : MYLES STANDI8H & CO., BOMBAY : THACKER & CO., LIMITED. BERLIN : R. FRIEDLANDER & 8OHN, 11 CARLSTRA8SE. 1906. PRINTED BY TAYLOR AND TRANCIS, RED LION COURT, FLEET STREET. 301 FA PA not, PREFACE. THIS short volume is the first issued of a series that is intended to give a systematic account of the Coleopterous Fauna of British India. The present work on the Longicorn Beetles of India was undertaken some years ago by Mr. C. J. Gahan, whose unique knowledge of the group is well known. From a variety of causes, but chiefly want of leisure, the Author has been unable until now to complete a sufficient portion of the MS. to allow of the publication of even an instalment. This issue, therefore, is only Part I. of the contemplated volume, and deals solely with the forms arranged under the family Cerambycidae, which according to the latest classification includes the Prionidze. A considerable portion of Part II., which will give an account of the Lamiidse, is already in manuscript ; it is therefore confidently expected that the completion of the whole work will not be unduly delayed. Other volumes on the Coleoptera of India are in active preparation, arid it is intended to include a General Intro- duction to the Order with one of these volumes. In the 529918 IV PREFACE. meantime, to allow the reader to follow the technical terms used in the descriptions of these insects, diagrammatic illus- trations of the parts of beetles belonging to the group here dealt with, and explanations thereof, are subjoined below. I may add that Vol. II. of the Butterflies, the MS. of which is nearly completed, will follow this present volume. C. T. BINGHAM. October 1906. LIST OF THE PRINCIPAL WORKS QUOTED IN THE SYNONYMY. A. M. N. H. Annals and Magazine of Natural History. London, 1838- 1906. Ann. Mus. Civ. Genov. Annali del Museo Oivico di Storia Naturale di Geneva, Genoa.. 1870-1906. Ann. Soc. d'Agric. Lyon. Aunales de la Societe d'Agriculture, Histoire naturelles et Arts utiles de Lyon. Lyon & Paris, 1838-1906. Ann. Soc. Ent. Belg. Annales de la Society Entomologique de Belgique (0. E. Comptes rendus bound with the Annales, paged in Roman numerals). Bruxelles, 1857-1906. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. Annales de la Societe Entomologique de France. Paris, 1832-1906. Berl. ent. Zeit. Berliner entotnologische Zeitschrift. Berlin, 1857-74, 1881-1906. Boisd. Voy. 1' Astrolabe. Voyage de decouvertes de 1' Astrolabe. Faune Eutomologique, par le Docteur Boisduval. Paris, 1835. Bull. Soc. Imp. Nat. de Moscou. Bulletin de la Societe Imperiale des Naturalistes de Moscou. Moscow, 1829-1906. Casteln. Hist. Nat. Col. Histoire Naturelle des Insectes Coleopteres par M. le Comte de Castelnau. 2 vols. Paris, 1840. Cist. Ent. Cistula Entomologica. 3 vols. London, 1869-1884. (Of vol. iii. three parts only published.) Du Val et Fairm. Gen. Coleopt. d'Europe. Genera des Coleopteres d'Europe, par M. Jacquelin du Val. 4 vols. Paris, 1857-1868. (Vols. iii. & iv. by L. Fairmaire.) Encycl. Meth. Encyclopedic Methodique Insectes. Vol. V. par A. G. Olivier ; Vol. X. par Comte Le Peletier et Audinet-Serville. Paris, 1790- 1825. Ent. Mo. Mag. The Entomologists' Monthly Magazine. London, 1864- 1906. Ent. Nachr. Entouiologische Nachrichten. Putbus, Stettia und Berlin, 1875-1906. Entomologist. The Entomologist. London, 1840-1906. Ent. Tidskr. Entomologisk Tidskrift utgiven af Entomologiska Foreningen i Stockholm. Stockholm, 1880-1906. Fabr. Ent. Syst. Entomologia Systematica emendata et aucta, secundum classes, ordines, genera, species, adjectis synonymis, locis, observationibus, descriptionibus. 4 vols. Johann Christian Fabricius. Halniag, 1792 1794. Index 1796 ; Supplement 1798. yi WORKS QUOTED. Fabr. Mant. Ins. Mantissa Insectorum ; sistens eorum species nuper detectas, adjectis characteribus genericis, differentiis specificis, euiendati- onibus, observationibus. 2 vols. Johann Christian Fabricius. Hainia, 1787. Fabr. Syst. Eleuth. Systema Eleutheratorum, secundum ordines, genera, species, adjectis synonymis, locis, observationibus et descripti- onibus. 2 vols. Jobann Christian Fabricius. Kilise, 1801. Fabr. Syst. Ent. Systema Entomologist, sistens Insectorum classes, ordines, genera, species, adjectis synonymi?, locis, descriptionibus et obser- vationibus. Johann Christian Fabricius. Flensburgi et Lipsise, 1775. Gemm. &< Har. Cat. Col. Ca'alogus Coleopterorum hucusque descriptoruiu synonymicus et systematicus, auctoribus Dr. Gemminger et B. de Harold. 12 vols. Munich, 1868-1876. Geoffrey, Hist. Ins. de Paris. Histoire abregee des Insectes qui se trouvent aux environs de Paris. 2 vols. Paris, 1762. Germ. Mag. Ent. Gerinar, Magazin der Entomologie. 4 vols. Halle, 1813-1818. Gmelin, Syst. Nat. J. F. Guielin's edition of Linne's " Systeina Natura 1 ," Ed. 13. Lipsia?, 1788-1793. Gray's Zool. Misc. The Zoological Miscellany, ed. by J. E. Gray. London, 1831-1844. Guer. Icon. Regn. Anim.. Ins. F. E. Guerin-Meneville, Iconographie du Regne Animal de G. Cuvier Insectes. Paris, 1829-1844. Hor. Soc. Ent. Ross. Hone Societatis Entomologies; Rossicse ; ( Called also) Trudui Russkago entomologicheskago obsbchestva v. St. Petersburg. St. Petersburg, 1861-1906. Hiigel's Kaschmir. Kaschmir und das Reich der Siek. Baron C. A. A. von Hiigel. 4 vols. Stuttgart, 1840-1848. Ind. Mus. Notes. Indian Museum Notes, issued by the Trustees. Published by authority of the Government of India. Calcutta, 1889-1906. Journ. Ent. The Journal of Entomology, descriptive and geographical. 2 >ols. London, 1862-1866. Kirby, Fauna Boreali- Americana. Fauna Boreali-Americana, or the Zoology of the Northern parts of British America, by John Richardson, M.D. *Pt. IV. Coleoptera by the Rev. W. Kirby. London, 1837. Lacord. Gen. Coleopt. Histoire Naturelle des Insectes. Genera des Coleopteres, ou Expose" methodique et critique de tons les genres pro- poses jusqu'ici dans cet ordre d'insectes, par M. Th. Lacordaire. 12 vols. Paris, 1854-1876. Lap. et Gory, Hist. Nat. et Iconogr. des Ins. Coleopt. Histoire Naturelle et Iconographie des Insectes Coteopteres, publiee par Mono- graphies separees par F. L. Liporte (Comte de Castelnau) et H. Gory. Texte 4 vols. Planches 4 vols. Paris, 1837-1841. Leconte &/ Horn, Classif. Col. N. Amer. Classification of the Coleoptera of North America, prepared for the Smithsonian Institution by John L. Leconte and George H. Horn. Washington, 1883. Leicharting.Verz. Tyrol. Ins. Verzeichniss und Beschreibung der Tyroler Insecten, by Johann Nepoiuuk Elden von Leicharting. 2 vols. Zurich 1781-1784. WORKS QUOTED. Vll Linn. Syst. Nat. Systema Naturae, per regna tria naturae, secundum classes, ordines, genera, species, cutn characteribus, differentiis, synonymis, locis. Carl v. Linne. Ed. decitna reformata, Hake Magdeburgicie, 1758. Ed. duodecima reformata, Holmise, 1766-1768. Mem. Soc. Ent. Belg. Memoires de la Societe Entomologique de Belgique. Bruxelles, 1892-1906. Mem. Soc. R. Sci. de Liege. Memoires de la Societe Eoyale des Sciences de Liege. Liege, 1843-1906. Motsch. Etudes Entom. Motschoulsky, Etudes Entomologtques. Hels- ingfors et Dresden 1853-1862. Mulsant, Coleopt. de France. Histoire Naturelle des Coleopteres de France par C. Mulsant, Paris, 1862-1863. Notes Leyd. Mus. Notes from the Eoyal Zoological Museum of the Netherlands at Ley den. Ley den, 1879-1906. Nouv. Archives du Mus. Paris. Nouvelles Archives du Museum Histoire Naturelle. Paris, 1865-1906. Oliv. Ent. Entomologie, on Histoire Naturelle des Insectes, avec leurs caracteres generiques et specifiques, leur description, leur synonymic, et leur figure enluminee, par M. Olivier. Texte 6 vols. Planches 2 vols. Paris, 1759-1808. P. Z. S. Proceedings of the Scientific Meetings of the Zoological Society of Londou. London, 1830-1906. Redtenb. Fauna Austriaca. Fauna Austriaca. Die Kafer, nach der analytischen Methode bearbeitet, von Ludwig Eedtenbacher. Wien, 1858. Rev. Zool. Revue Zoologique par la Soci6te Cuvierienne, publie sous la direction de M. Guerin-Meneville. Paris, 1838-1848. Rev. et Mag. Zool. Revue et Magasin de Zoologie pure et appliquee, par Guerin-Meneville et Ad. Focillon. 2nd Series. Paris, 1849-1879. Schonh. Syn. Ins. Synonymialnsectorum, oder: Versucheiner Synonymic aller bisher bekannten Insecten, nach Fabricii Systema Eleutheratorum geordnet, 2 vols. Stockholm, 1806-1817. Scientific Results Second Yarkarid Mission, Coleopt. Scientific Results of the Second Yarkand Mission, published by order of the Govern- ment of India. Coleoptera by H. W. Bates. London, 1890. Silberm. Rev. Ent. Revue Entomologique, par Gustavo Silbermann. Strasbourg & Paris, 1833-1837. Stephens, Illustr. Brit. Ent., Mand. Illustrations of British Entomo- logy, or a Synopsis of Indigenous Insects, by J. F. Stephens. Mandibulata. 7 vols. London, 1828-1835. Stett. ent. Zeit. Entomologische Zeitung, herausgegeben von dem entorao- logische Verein zu Stettin. Stettin, 1840-1906. Thorns. Archiv. Ent. Archives Entomologiques, par Mons. J. Thomson. 2 vols. Paris, 1857-1858. , Essai Class. Ceramb. Essai d'une Classification de la famille des Cerambycides et inateriaux pour servir a une monographic de cette famille, par Mons. J. Thomson. Paris, 1860. , Syst. Ceramb. Systema Cerambycidarum, ou expos6 de tous les genres coinpris dans la famille des Ce>ambycides et families Limitrophes, par Mons. J. Thomson. Liege, 1864-1865. Vlll WORKS QUOTED. Trans. Ent. Soc. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London. London, 1836-1906. Trans. Linn. Soc. Transactions of the Liniiean Society of London. London, 1791-1906. Trans. Zool. Soc. Transactions of the Zoological Society of London. London, 1835-1906. Verh. z.-b. Ges. Wien. Verhandlungen der k.-k. zoologische-botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien. Vienna, 1852-1906. Westw. Cab. Or. Ent. The Cabinet of Oriental Entomology, by J. 0. Westwood, Esq., F.L.S. London, 1848. White, Cat. Coleopt. B. M., Longic. Catalogue of Coleopterous Insects in the Collection of the British Museum. Part viii, Longicornia, i & ii. London, 1853-1855. Zool. Jour. Zoological Journal. London, 1825-1835. EXPLANATION OF THE TERMS USED FOR THE PARTS OF A LONGICORN BEETLE. Fig. 1. Head of Nyphasia pascoei, Lac. Fig. 1. Upper surface of head. fr, front. fr.s, frontal suture. gen, gena. cl, clypeus. acl, ante-clypeus. Ib, labrum. md, mandible. Fig. 2. Underside of head of Oxymirus cursor, Linn. Fig. 2. Lower surface of head. gul, gula. gen, gena. sm, submentum. m, I, labium. mx, maxilla. md, mandible. epm ...-trnJ -tr. -:s.W-.*m a Fig. 3. Oxymirus cursor, Linn. ^ m/ ---, e/?s. 2 .-. e/Dw,?-- eps?..- epm?. Fig. 4. Nyphasia pascoei, Lac. Fig. 3. Sternum, showing the front and middle coxal cavities open, st. 1 , st. 2 , st 3 , pro-, meso- and metasternum ; epm 1 , epm 2 , epm 3 , epimera of pro-, meso- and metathorax ; eps 2 , eps 3 , episterna of meso- and metathorax ; tr, trochanter ; trn, trochantin. Fig. 4. Sternum, showing the front and middle coxal cavities closed, st 1 , st 3 , st 3 , pro-, meso- and metasternum; epm 1 , epm'-, epm 3 , epimera of pro-, meso- and metathorax ; eps 2 , eps 3 , episterna of meso- and metathorax ; p, pore. EXPLANATION OP TEEMS. CU..1 CI..1 Fig. 5. Wing of Oxymirus cursor, Linn. r < S.C. C. Fig. 6. Wing of Dorysthencs restrains, Fab. Fig. 7. Wing of Neocerambyx pari Fig. 8. Wing of Aphrodisium rubripennis. Figs. 5, 6, 7, and 8. Wing-venation (according txj Ganglbauer). c, costal ; sc, subcostal ; r, radial ; m l , m*, 1st and 2nd medial ; cu l , cu?, 1st and 2nd cubital; a 1 , a 2 , a 3 , a 4 , 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th anal. SUPERFAMILY LONGICORNIA. The superfamily LONGICORNIA can conveniently be divided into t\vo families the Cerambycidce and the Lamiidce, the chief differ- ences between which are briefly tabulated below. A. Head in front oblique or subverdcal; last joint of palpi not pointed at the end ; fore tibiae not grooved beneath B. Head in front vertical or bent inwards well below the thorax ; end ; fore tibiae generally witl at the a~groove beneath. Cerambycidae. Lamiidae. SYSTEMATIC INDEX, Order COLEOPTERA .... Suborder Polyphaga Superfamily LONGICORNIA. Fam. 1. CERAMBYCID^: .... Subfam. 1. Prionince 1 1 1 2 4 5 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 11 11 11 12 12 13 13 13 14 14 15 16 16 17 18 19 9. Logaeus, C. O. Water- house Page 19 20 21 22 22 23 23 24 25 25 26 26 27 28 29 29 30 30 32 32 33 33 34 35 36 1. subopacus, O.O. Water- house 10. Priotyrannus, Thorns. . . 1. mordax, White Group 2. Acanthophorini. 1. Acantbopborus, Serville. . 1. serraticornis, Oliv 2. rugiceps, Gahan .... 3. modicua, Gahan Group 3. Cantharocne- mini .... Group 1. Prionini 1. Dorystbenes, Vigors .... 1. rostratus, Fab 2. montanus, Guer 2. Dissosternus, Hope .... 1 pertii, Hope 1. Cantbarocnemis, Serville . 1. downesi, Pascoe Group 4. Eurypodini 1. Neoprion, Lacord 1. parandraeformis, Z/acord 3. Baladeva, Waterh 1. walkeri, Waterh 4. Lophosternus, Guer 1. indicus, Hope 2. zivetta, Thorns 3 socius Gahan 4. bugelii, Redtenb 5. falco, Thorns 6. palpalis, Gahan .... 7 buqueti, Guer. Group 5. Macrotomini 1. Rhaphipodus, Serville . 1. taprobanicus, Gahan. 2. subopacus, Gahan 3. gahani, Lameere . . . 4. andamanicus, Gahan. 2. Remphan, Waterhouse . . 1. hopei, Waterhouse . . 3. Macrotoma, Serville .... 1. fisberi, C. O. Water- 8. similis, Gahan 5. Paraphrus, Thorns 1. granulosus, Thorns. . . 6. Prionus, Geoffroy 1. corpulentus, Bates 2. elliotti, Gahan 7. Prionomma, White 1. atratum, Gmelin . . . 8. Ancvloprotus, White . . . 1. bigibbosus, White. . . 2. crenata, Fabr xiv SYS' 3. plagiata, C. O. Water- PEMA5 Page 37 38 38 39 40 41 42 42 43 43 44 45 45 46 47 47 48 48 49 49 50 50 51 51 52 52 53 54 54 55 56 56 57 57 58 59 60 i 60 61 61 62 63 64 64 65 65 66 66 66 DIC INDEX. Page (57 67 68 69 70 71 71 71 72 73 73 74 74 75 75 76 77 77 78 79 79 80 81 81 82 83 84 84 85 86 86 87 87 88 88 89 89 90 92 93 93 94 95 95 96 96 97 98 99 99 1. nigra, Gahan 4. spinosa, Fab 4 Zooblax Thorns 1. seneipennis, C. O. Waterhouse 1. Apatophysis, Chevrolat . . 1. kasnmiriana, Semenow . 2. elateroides, Thorns. . . Group 6. ^Egosomini 1. Baralipton, Thorns 1. maculosum, Thorns. . . 2. Dinoprionus, Sates .... 1. cephalotes, Bates 3. ^Egosoma, Serville 1. ornaticolle, White 2. marginale, Fab 3. cingalense, White .... 4 tibiale White 3 modica, Gahan 2. Peithona, Gahan 1. prionoides, Gahan . . . . 3. Capnolymma, Pascoe .... 1. cingalensis, Gahan. . . . 4. Apiocephalus, Gahan. . . . 1. licheneus, Gahan . . . . 5. Caraphia, Gahan 1. cribrata, Gahan 2. minor, Gahan 0. Teledapus, Pascoe 1. dorcadioides, Pascoe . . 5. buckleyi, Gahan .... 6. sulcipenne, White 7. bowringi, Gahan .... 8. costipenne, White ... 9. terminale, Gahan 4. Dandamis, Gahan 1. nigropunctatus, Auriv. 5. Sarmydus, Pascoe 1. subcoriaceus, Hope . . 2. antennatus, Pascoe . . Group 7. M o n o d e s m i n i . . 1 Anceme Gahan .... 1 cursor, Linn 8. Rhondia, Gahan 9. Leptura Linn. 1. rubriola, Bates 2. miniacea, Gahan .... 3. lavinia, Gahan 4. clytina, Gahan 5 lepta, Gahan .... 6. cribripennis, Gahan . . 7. manipurensis, Gahan. . 8. frainii, Fairm 10. Ephies, Pascoe 1. coccineus, Gahan .... 2. sulcipennis, Bates .... 11. Pyrocalymma, Thorns. . . 1. pyrochroides, Thorns.. . 2. conspicua, Gahan .... Subfam. 4. Cerambycinfe .... Group 1 Protaxini ... 1. andrewesi, Gahan .... Group 8 Philini . 1. teleph oroides, Pascoe. . 2. taprobanicus, Gahan , . 2. Philus, Saunders 1. globulicollis, Thorns. . . Subfam. 2. Disteniinee 1. Cyrtonops, White 1. punctipennis, White . . 2 nigra, Gahan 1. fulvescens, Gahan Group 2. Asemini 2. Dynamostes, Pascoe .... 3. Distenia, Serville 1. kalidasae, Lameere .... 2 dohertii Gahan 1. oreinum, Gahan 2. Criocephalus, Mulsant . . 1. exoticus, Sharp 2. unicolor, Gahan G roup 3. (E m i n i 1. Amimes, Pascoe 1. macilentus, Pascoe .... 3. dravidiana, Gahan .... 4. Typodryas, Thorns 1. callichromoides, Thorns. 2. trochanterius, Gahan . . 5. Melegena, Pascoe 1. flavipes, Gahan SYSTEMATIC INDEX. 2. Tetraommatus, Perroud. . 1. filiformis, Perroud 2. muticus, Pascoe 3. bimaculatus, Gahan . . 4. insignis, Gahan 100 101 101 102 102 2. venustus, Pascoe 5. Hoplocerambyx, Thorns. . 1 . spinicornis, Newman . . 6. Diorthus, Gahan 1 . simplex, White 130 131 131 132 133 5. nigriceps, Pascoe . . . . 3. Hypoeschrus, Thorns 1. indicus, Gahan 103 104 104 7. Pachydissus, Newman . . 1. parvicollis, Gahan. . . . 8. Derolus, Gahan 133 134 135 4. CBmospila, Gahan 104 1. mauritanicus, Buquet . 135 1. maculipennis, Gahan. . 5. Xystrocera, Serv 1. globosa, Oliv. 105 105 106 2. discicollis, Gahan .... 3. demissus, Pascoe .... 9. Maro'ites Gahan 136 136 187 2. festive, Thorns 107 1. exiguus, Gahan 137 6. Oplatocera, White 1. callidioides, White 2. oberthuri, Gahan Group 4. Hesperophanini 1. Gnatholea, Thorns. . . 107 108 108 109 110 2. modicus, Gahan .... 3. sulcicollis, Gahan 10. Dymasius, Thorns 1. macilentus, Pascoe . . 2. fulvescens, Gahan .... 3. minor, Gahan 138 138 139 139 140 140 1. eburifera, Thorns. 2. simplex, Gahan 111 111 111 4. plagiatus, Gahan .... 11. Dialeges, Pascoe 1. pauper, Pascoe 141 141 142 2. Hesperophanes, Mulsant . 1. cribricollis, Bates 2. erosus, Gahan 3. Stromatium, Serville . . . . 112 113 113 114 114 2. undulatus, Gahan .... 12. Sebasmia, Pascoe 1. templetoui, Pascoe. . . . 2. testacea, Gahan 3. nigra, Gahan 143 143 144 144 145 2. longicorne, Newman . . 115 ] ] K 13. Trachylophus, Gahan .... 1. sinensis, Gahan 145 146 1. maculatus, White . . . . 2. quadridentatus, Gahan. 3. fulguratus, Gahan .... 4. nilgiriensis, Gahan . . 5. eburioides, Lacord. . . 6. compressus, Fab 116 116 117 117 118 118 14. Rhytidodera, White. 1. robusta, Gahan 2. simulans, White .... 3. Integra, Kolbe 15. Xoanodera, Pascoe 1 . trigona, Pascoe 2. amoena, Pascoe 146 147 148 148 148 149 150 Group 5. Cerambycini ,. 1. Plocaederus, Thorns 1. ferrugineus, Linn 2. obesus, Gahan 119 120 121 121 3. regularis, Gahan .... Group 6. Phoracanthini . . 1. Nyphasia, Pascoe 150 151 151 3. pedestris, White 123 1. torrida, Pascoe 2. apicalis, Gahan 152 152 4. humeralis, White .... 5. consocius, Pascoe .... 2. Neocerambvx, Thorns. . . 1. paris, Wied. 12-3 124 124 124 3. fuscipennis, Gahan . . 4. pascoei, Lacord 2. Nysina, Gahan 152 153 153 2 grandis, Gahan 125 1. orientalis, White .... 153 3 ^Eolesthes, Gahan . . . 126 1. basicornis, Gahan .... 2. holosericea, Fab 3. sinensis, Gahan . . 126 127 128 Group 7. Callidiopsini .. 1. Gelonsetha, Thorns 1 hirta, Fairm 154 154 155 4. induta, Newman .... 5. indicola, Bates 6 sarta, Solsky 128 128 2. Trinophylum, Bates .... 1. cri bra turn, Bates .... 3. Ceresium, Newman 155 156 156 4. Massicus, Pascoe 1. unicolor, Gahan 129 130 1. gracile, Peivoitd 2. rufum, Lameere 157 157 SYSTEMATIC INDEX. Page 3. angustulum, Gahan . . 158 4. geniculatum, White . . 158 5. zeylanicum, White. . . . 158 6. leucosticticum, White . 159 7. rotundicolle, Pascoe . . 160 8. modestum, Gahan .... 160 9. ventrale, Gahan 160 10. apicale, Gahan 161 11. nilgiriense, Gahan . . 161 12. andamanicum, Gahan . 161 13. simplex, Gyll 162 4. Salpinia, Pascoe 163 1. socia, Gahan 163 5. Stenygrinum, Bates .... 163 1. quadrinotatum, Bates . 164 Group 8. Obriini 164 1. Obrium, Serville 165 1. posticum, Gahan 165 2. Steuhomalus, White 166 l.fenestratus, White ..166 2. Y-pallidum, Motsch. . 167 3. lateralis, Pascoe 167 3. Ibidioniduin, Gahan 168 1. corbetti, Gahan 168 Group 9. Molorchini 169 1. Molorchus, Fab 169 1 . taprobanicus, Gahan . . 170 2. nliformis, Motsch 170 2. Merionoeda, Pascoe 171 1. indica, Hope 171 2. andrewesi, Gahan .... 172 3. taprobanica, Gahan . . 173 4. nigriceps, White .... 173 5. amabibs, Jordan 174 3. Kunbir, Lameere 174 1. telephoroides, Lameere 174 Group 10. Rosaliini 175 1 . Rosalia, Serville 176 1. lameerei, Brongn 176 2. lateritia, Hope 177 3. gravida, Lameere .... 178 4. hariola, Thorns 178 5. decempunctata, Westw. 179 6. Ia3ta, Lameere 179 7. formosa, Sound 180 2. Callichromopsis, Chevr. . . 180 1. telephoroides, Westw. . 181 Group 11. Mythodini 182 1. Phyodexia, Pascoe 182 1. concinna, Pascoe 183 Group 12. Purpuricenini. . 183 1. Purpuricenus, Latrielle . . 184 1. sanguinolentus, Olio. . 184 2. malaccensis, Lncord. . . 185 3. haussknechti, Witte . 186 4. montanus, White .... 186 2. Eurypbagus, Thorns 187 1. lundii, Fab 188 Group 13. Callichromini . 189 1. Zonopterus, Hope 190 1. flavitarsis, Hope 191 2. consanguineu8,_Rzsema 191 3. redemanni, Nonfried. . 192 4. corbetti, Gahan 192 5. diversus, Gahan 193 2. Niraeus, Neiom 193 1. tricolor, Newin 194 3. Pachyteria, Serville 194 1. superba, Gestro 195 2. faaciata, Fab 195 3. calumniata, Ritsema . . 196 4. dimidiata, Westw. . . 196 5. chrysogaster, Ritsema . 197 4. Chloridolum, Thorns. . . 198 1. bivittatum, White 198 2. trogouinum, Pascoe . . 199 3. alcmene, Thorns 199 4. cinnyris, Pascoe 200 5. nympha, White 201 6. perleetum, White 201 5. Nothopeus, Pascoe 202 1. hemipterus, Oliv 203 2. fulvus, Sates 203 3. tibialis, Ritsema 204 6. Aphrodisium, Thorns. . . 205 l.cantori, Htye 205 2. planicolle, van de Poll . 200 3. cribricolle, van de Poll 207 4. hardwickianum, White 208 5. neoxenum, White .... 208 6. robusturn, Sates 209 7. griffithi, Hope 209 8. rubripennis, Hope 210 7. Ohelidonium, Thorns 210 1. argentatum, Dalm. . . 211 2. cinctum, Guer 212 3. sinense, Hope 212 4. gibbicolle, White 213 8. Polyzonus, Casteln 213 1. saigonensis, Sates 214 2. tetraspilotus, Hope . . 214 Var. megaspilus, Gahan . 215 Yar. microspilus, Gahan . 21 5 SYSTEMATIC IXDEX. Var. macrospilus, Ga/tan. rge 210 4. buqueti, Lap. et Gory Page 243 3. flavocinotus, Gahan . . 216 5. stebbingi, Gahan .... 244 4. bizonatus, White . . . . 216 0. lateralis, Gahan .... 244 5. brevipes, Gahan . . . . 217 7. quadripes, Chevr. 245 6. obtusus, Bates 218 8. subditus, Chevr 246 7. watsoni, Gahan .... 218 9. gestroi, Gahan 240 8. prasinus, White .... 9. democraticus, La- 219 10. hampsoni, Gahan . . 11. carinicollis, Jordan . . 247 248 meere 220 12. incur vatus, Chevr. . . 248 9. Anubis, Thorns 220 13. contortus, Gahan . . 249 1 inermis, White .... 220 14. subdepressus, Chevr. 249 2. rostratus, Bates .... 221 2. Clytus, Leichartin;/ .... 250 3. bipustulatus, Thorns. . 4. timbriatus, .... 221 222 1. callizonus, Gahan . . 2. monticola, Gahan . . 251 251 10 Ipothalia, Pascoe .... 222 3. simulator, N'onfried. . 252 1. pyrrha, Pascoe 223 4. montauus, Nonfried . 253 5. minutissimus, Non- 253 Group 14. Pyrestini .... 224 fried 253 1. Pachylocerus, Hope .... 1. corallinus, Hope .... 224 22o 3. Perissus, Chevr 1. fuliginosus, Chevr. . . 254 254 2. unicolor, Dohrn 225 2. Isetus, Lameere .... 255 3. sulcatus, Brongn 225 3. persimilis, Gahan. . . . 256 4. crassicornis, Oliv. .... 2 Pyrestes Pascoe 226 227 4. nilgiriensis, Gahan . . 5. mutabilis, Gahan . . 256 256 1. miniatus Pascoe 227 6. aper, Cheer 257 2. pyrrhus, Gahan .... 228 7. dohertii, Gahan .... 258 3. birmanieus, Gahan . . 228 8. myops, Cheer 258 4. dohertii, Gahan .... 3. Erythrus, White 229 229 9. parvulus, Gahan .... 4. Tscbnodora, Chevr 258 259 230 1. macra, Chevr. . 259 2. westwoodi, White. .. 231 5. Caloclytus, Fairm 260 3. coccineus, Gahan. . . . 231 1. annularis, Fab 261 2. Sagittarius, Gahan . . 261 Group 15. Protbemini .. 232 3. aj?natu8, Chevr 262 1. Homalomelas, White . . 1. gracilipes, Parry .... 2. quadridentatusjG'aAfm 3. zonatus, Patcoe .... 2. Prothema, Pascoe 232 233 234 234 2*5 0*4?; 4. jucundus, Perroud . . 5. arciferus, Chevr 6. socius, Gahan 7. distinguendus, Per r cud 8. rubricollis, Lap. et Gory 262 263 264 264 265 1. aurata, Gahan ZoO 9. alboscutellatus, Cheer. 2U5 Group 16. Tbraniini .... 1. Tbranius, Pascoe 236 236 10. 14-maculatus, Cheor. . 11. moestus, Chevr J2. melancliolicus, Cheer. 266 266 267 1. gibbosus, Pascoe .... 237 13. dohertii, Gahan .... 267 2. simplex, Gahan .... 3. triplagiatus, Gahan . . 4. fryanus, Gahan 237 238 238 14. patrieius, Gahan .... 15. cingalensis, Gahan . . 16. ludens, Gahan .... 268 268 269 17. assimilia, Hope .... 269 Group 17 Clytini 239 18 isynobilis Bates 270 1. Xylotrechus, Chew 241 19. parens, Allard .... 270 1. smei, Lap. et Gory . . 2. subscutellatus, Cheer. 241 242 6. Rhaphuma, Pascoe .... 1. diana, Gahan 271 271 3. carinifrons, Lap. et 2. patkaina, Gahan .... 272 Goru . . 243 3. horstieldi, White... 272 SYSTEMATIC INDEX. 4. phiale, Gahan . ^ 9. Psilomerus, Clievr. SB 5. fulgurata, Gahan .... 6. manipurensis, Gahan . . 7. sexnotata, Chevr 8. placida, Pascoe 274 274 275 275 1. angustus, Chevr 2. bimaculatus, Gahan . . 3. hampsoni, Gahan .... 10. Oligoenoplus, Chevr 300 300 301 301 9. fallax, Chevr . . 276 302 10. prseusta, Lameere . 276 2 niurinus, Allard 30-^ 276 303 12. quinquenotata, Chevr. . 13. trimaculata, Chevr. . . 14. suturalis, Gahan .... 277 277 278 1. humerosus, Cherr 2. fasciatus, Thorns 3. watsoni, Gahan 303 304 304 15. trinalba, Gahan 1 6. elegantula, Gahan .... 7. Clytocera, Gahan 1. chionospila, Gahan . . 8. Demonax, Thorns 278 279 279 280 280 Group 18. Epipedocerini . 1. Epipedocera, Chevr 1. zona, Chevr 2. laticollis, Gahan 305 305 30(5 307 '>81 2 balyi, Pascoe 282 3. ruonticola, Gahan .... 4. albosiguatua, Gahan . . 5. oblongomaculatus, Gahan 282 283 283 2. Centrotoclytus, Motsch. . . 1. quadridens, Motsch. . . 2. carinatus, Gahan .... 308 308 309 310 0. nigroniaculatus, Gahan. 7. literatus, Gahan 284 284 1. bimaculatum, Gahan. . 310 311 8. semiluctuosus, White. . 285 1 . cinctella, Gahan 311 9. dignus, Gahan 10. leucoscutellatus, Hope . 11. testaceus, Hope 12. decens, Gahan 13. decorus, Gahan 14. reticollis, Gahan 286 286 287 288 288 289 2. cserulescens, Gahan . . 5. Clytellus, Westwood 1. olesteroides, Pascoe . . Group 19. C 1 e o m en i n i .... 1 Artimpaza, Thorns. 312 312 313 313 314 15. walkeri, Pascoe 289 314 16. andamanicus, Gahan . . 290 2. Dere, White 315 18. dohertii, Gahan 19. mulio, Pascoe 20. quadricolor, Gahan . . 21. fryauus, Gahan 291 292 292 293 1. affinis, Gahan 2. fulvipennis, Gahan .... 3. apicalis, Gahan 3. Cleomenes, Thorns 1 chrvseus, Gahan . . 310 310 310 316 317 22. quadricollis, Gahan . . 293 318 23. bicinctus, Hope 24. dimidiatus, Chevr 25. albomaculatus, Allard. 26. divisus, Chevr 27. albicinctus, Hope 28. ascendent, Pascoe 29. formicoides, Lmneere. . 30. maculicollis, Gahan . . 31. delesserti, Chevr 32. persiruilis, Chevr 33. funebris, Lameere . . . . 294 294 295 295 296 296 297 297 298 298 299 1. flavovittata, Pascoe . . 2. andamanica, Gahan . . Group 20. Glaucytini 1 . Iresioides, Thorns 1. inoesta, Pascoe 2. brumiea, Thorns 3. kraatzi, Thorns 2. Polyphida, Pascoe 1. metallica, Nonfried . . 318 319 319 319 320 320 321 321 321 Order COLEOPTERA. Suborder POLYP HAG A. Superfamily LONGICORNIA. Family CERAMBYCID^. Head obliquely inclined in front, sometimes subvertical, but with the genal edge always oblique or vertical, formed into a more or less distinct and often projecting angle behind the base of the mandible; clypeo-frontal sutures generally distinct, the clypeus as a rule relatively large. Last joint of palpi not pointed at the end. Front tibiae not grooved under- neath, the middle tibiae, except in Disteniinw, never notched nor grooved on the outer margin. Tarsal claws always simple ; in the great majority of forms, widely divergent or divaricate. This family, although comprising fewer specific forms than the Lamiidce, is less homogeneous in character and probably contains as great a number of different genera. It appears to be on the whole the less specialised of the two, including as it does a much larger proportion of forms which have retained what may be regarded as primitive characters. But as these characters appear, some in one genus or group, some in another and never all together, the problem of determining the phylogenetic relationship of the various groups is one of the greatest difficulty, and the classification of the family remains for the present to a great extent artificial. The minor groups in which Lacordaire arranged the genera appear to me to be, with few exceptions, natural ones ; and in dealing with the larger subfamilies I have, with certain modifications, adopted them here, but have not adhered to his sequence in the arrangement of the groups. The family, so far as it is represented in the present fauna, I have divided into four subfamilies, three of which correspond to the three main groups into which Gangl- bauer has divided the European Cerambydnce; the fourth subfamily is equivalent to Lacordaire's group Disteniides with the addition of two genera which he had placed elsewhere. The division is based to some extent on larval characters, which however are not given in the following synopsis. VOL. i. n 2 CEEAilBYCID^. Synopsis of Subfamilies. A. Inner lobe of maxillae obsolete or very small ; gula without mentigerous process ; profchorax margiuate at sides ; front coxae strongly transverse Prionince. B. Inner lobe of maxillae more or less well developed; prothorax not marginate at sides ; front coxse rarely strongly transverse. a. Head more or less elongated and either gradually or abruptly narrowed behind eyes ; gula with a mentigerous process, which, as a rule, is very distinct ; mandibles frequently provided with a ligamentous fringe and molar tooth at base; wing- vein Cu. 1 usually bifurcate behind and joined near middle to Cu. 2. a'. Head very short in front ; antennae close to the base of the mandibles ; front coxae subglobular, with their aeeta- bula rounded, or exceptionally slightly augulated on outer side Disteniince. b'. Head longer in front ; antennae less close to base of the mandibles ; front coxae conical and prominent, with their acetabula more or less strongly angulated on outer side Lepturince. b. Head variable in form, but seldom distinctly narrowed behind eyes ; gula with or without a mentigerous process, this, when present, usually very short ; mandibles never provided with a ligamentous fringe or molar tooth at base; wing-venation generally reduced by disappearance either of Cu. 2 or branch of Cu. 1 or of both, sometimes as complete as in Lepturince, but only in forms which have no distinct mentigerous process to the gula Cemmbycina?,. Subfamily I. PRIONIN^. Prionides, Lacord. Gen. Coleopt. viii, p. 16 (1869). Prionidae, Sates, Biol. Centr.- Americana, Col v, p. 1 (1879). Prionini, Ganglb. (Bestim.-Tabell. Europ. Col. vii), Verh. z.-b. Ges. Wien, xxxi, p. 684 (1882). Inner lobe of maxillae obsolete or very small ; ligula corneous ; mentum not covering base of maxillae ; gula without distinct mentigerous process. Antennae usually inserted close to the base of the mandibles. Prothorax, except in a few species, margiuate at the sides. Mesonotum, except in the single genus Philus, without stridulatory area. Front coxae strongly transverse, with their acetabula widely open behind. AVing-venation conforming generally to the type represented in fig. 6 Intro., in which vein A 1 has a rather large subelliptical cell in its course, and vein Cu. 1 is simple and not united with Cu. 2 ; exceptionally however (group Philini) vein Cu. 1 gives off one or two branches and is united by a cross-vein with Cu. 2. From the subfamily as above defined two groups, sometimes placed in it, will have to be excluded. These groups the Paran- drides and Anoplodermides may be regarded as distinct sub- families, but as they are not represented in the Indian fauna it is unnecessary to characterise them here. The character by which the Prionince may be in practice most readily recognized is the possession by the prothorax of sharp lateral margins. These margins are usually distinguishable along the whole length of each side, running at a greater or less distance from the outer angles of the coxal cavities and from the prosternal sutures ; they are sometimes entire but more frequently dentate or spinose, the spines or teeth sometimes large and few in number, sometimes small and forming a series ; exceptionally the margins curve down- wards from the base so as to run very close to the acetabula and prosternal sutures ; in certain forms become obsolete or wholly disappear on the anterior half of each side ; they are completely wanting in one species only among those dealt with in the present fauna. This subfamily is represented in nearly all parts of the world, and includes many of the largest species of Coleoptera. In certain of the groups the eyes are finely facetted, and this character- is frequently associated with the possession of metallic or other bright colours. So far as at present known, no species belon. 53 (1869). Cj-rtognathus, Casteln. Hist. Nat. An. Art. ii, p. 389 (1840). Type, D. restrains, Fab. Range. India, Burma and Siam. 3 . Mandibles long, curved backwards below, gradually narrowed and only slightlv incurved towards the tip. Antenniferous tubers CERAMBYCID,!;. depressed, separated from each other by a channel which is very narrow in front, gradually widened behind. Antennae scarcely reaching beyond the middle of the elytra, 12-jointed, with the third joint a little longer than the first and distinctly longer than the fourth, slightly produced and acute at the apex on the anterior side ; fourth to eleventh successively shorter, produced each into an angulate process at the apex on the anterior side. Pro- notum convex, somewhat transversely hexagonal in form, its sides produced each into a flat angular process at the middle, convergent thence towards the apex and also, but less strongly, towards the base ; its front and hind angles rounded off. Elytra less than twice as long as broad, oblique at the shoulders, broadly rounded at the apex. Third joint of the middle and hind tarsi not cleft beyond the middle, each of its lobes narrowed to the apex and usually ending in a sharp spine ; the fourth joint short but distinct, triangular in form, sometimes spined on each side at the end. Prosternum with a strongly projecting anterior process which is pointed at the end. $ . Head and mandibles shorter; antennae much shorter and more slender, with joints fifth to eleventh feebly serrate at the apex. Elytra widened in the middle. Anterior tarsi not dilated ; first three joints of all the tarsi with a spine on each side at the apex. Prosternum with the anterior process very feebly developed. 1. Dorysthenes rostratns, Fab. (Prionus) JSnt. Syet. i, 2, p. 243 (1792) ; OUv. Ent. iv, no. 66, p. 36, pi.' x, fig. 37 (1795) ; Vigors (Dorvsthenes), ZooL Journ. ii, p. 516, pi. 19, figs. 4 &5a (1826); Ctutetn. (Cyrto- gnathus) Hist. Nat. An. Art. ii, p. 389 (1840) ; Guer. Rev. ZooL 1840, p. 40, pi. i, fig. 6. <5 . Head and elytra (except in slightly immature specimens) dark brown ; prothorax (except at the edges), antennae, legs, and under- side reddish brown. Headimpunc- tate and very shiny in front, p thorax of $, and side view of head the e .Y es > . and prothorax of cf. closely granulate at the sides. Scape of autenna3 barely reaching to the hind margin of the eye, the latter being large. Pronotum very glossy, nearly as long in the middle as it is broad at the base. DISSOSTEUSUS. 7 very sparsely punctulate except near the margins ; with a broad but very shallow depression in the middle. Elytra glossy, each with two or three feebly raised costae. Prosternal process long, not much wider at the base than in the middle, directed down wards and strongly forwards. Hind breast very densely covered with tawny pubes- cence. Last ventral segment sinuate at the apex. Front tarsi moderately dilated, with the first joint nearly twice as long as broad and distinctly longer than the second joint. Third joint of the middle and hind tarsi with a rather long spine at the end of each lobe. $ . Broader than the male ; the antennae slender, scarcely reaching beyond the basal fifth of the elytra ; all the tarsi narrow, the basal three joints all distinctly spined at the end. Last ventral segment with rounded hind margin. Lew/th 29-49 ; breadth 10-16 mm. Hob. Mysore and Madras ; (?) Siam. 2. Dorysthenes montanus, Guer. (Cyrtognathus) Rev. Zool. 1840, p. 39, pi. i, fig. 5. c? . Almost entirely reddish brown in colour, the head only being dark brown. Eyes smaller than in D. rostratus and more distant from each other above, the scape of the antennae reaching beyond their hind margin. Pronotum rather closely punctulate, not very glossy, its breadth across the base one-third greater than its length along the middle. Elytra only slightly glossy. Anterior process of prosternum very broad at the base, gradu- ally narrowed to the apex, its front face almost vertical and its hind one inclined so as to lie nearly in the same plane as the posterior part of the prosternum. Front tarsi rather strongly dilated, much broader than the hind ones, the first joint but little longer than broad and a little longer than the second joint. Hind breast not very densely covered with tawiiy pubescence. $ . Differs from the male as in D. rostratus. Length 26-44 ; breadth 9-15 mm. Hab. Southern India : Coonor, Nilgiris and Anaimalai Hills ; (?) Burma. Genus DISSOSTERNUS. Dissosternus, Hope, Proc. Zool. Soc. i, p. 64 (1833) ; id. Trans. ZooL Sue. i, p. 106 (1834) ; Lacord. Gen, Coleopt. viii, p. 53 (1869). Type, D. pertii, Hope. Range. That of the type species. c? . Head and mandibles as in Dorysthenes, but with the eyes smaller. Antennae reaching considerably beyond the middle of the elytra, 12- jointed, the joints from the fourth to the tenth strongly compressed and produced each into an acute angle or tooth at the apex on the anterior side. Pronotum convex, each of its lateral angles produced into a strong tooth or spine at the middle and a shorter tooth between the middle and the front margin ; its hind angles slightly projecting and feebly dentate. CEBAMBYClDjE. Elytra almost twice as long as broad, rounded at apex. Pro- sternum with a strong, wedge-shaped, anterior process which is directed downwards and deeply notched in the middle at the extremity. Legs as in Dorysihenes, but with the fourth tarsal joint smaller and more noduliform. 3. Dissosternus pertii, Hope, Trans. Zool Soc. i, p. 106, pi. 15, fig. 3 (1834). c? . Blackish brown in colour, the elytra chocolate-brown. Head rather closely punctulate and very shiny in front, more closely and strongly punctured above, the punctures replaced by granules behind and at the sides. Eyes rather small, broadly and somewhat deeply emarginate in front. Antennae : the first six joints glossy and sparsely ptmctulate, the rest dull ; first joint reaching by about a third of its length beyond the hind margin of the eye ; third a little longer than the first, shorter than the fourth and fifth united. Pronotum glossy, finely and rather sparsely punctured. Scutellum sparselv punctured. Elytra rugulose, with scarcely any gloss. Hind breast faintly pubescent. Front tarsi moderately dilated, with the first joint distinctly Dissosternus perHi, Hope, <$. longer than the second. Third joint of the middle and hind tarsi with a short spine or tooth at the end of each lobe. Last ventral segment sinuately truncate at the apex. Female not known. Length 25-28 ; breadth 8-10 mm. Hob. Poona. Genus BALADEVA. Baladeva, Waterh. Trans. JEnt. Soc. ii, p. 225 (1840). Cyrtognathus (part.), Lacord. Gen. Coleopt. viii, p. 52 (1869). Type, B. walkeri, Waterh. Range. That of the type species. In the structure of the head, antennae, and legs very closely resembles the genus Dorysthencs. Prothorax armed with three spines on each side, the longest at the middle, the shortest at the hind angle ; the lateral edge in front of the anterior spine short and strongly oblique. Elytra : the shoulders oblique in front, projecting slightly outwards and turned up at the angle. Inter- <;oxal part of the prosternum strongly raised in the middle, vertical and unarmed in front, curved behind, its end resting on the mesogternum. LOPHOSTEBNUS. 9 4. Baladeva walkeri, Waterh. Trans. Ent. Soc. ii, p. 226, pi. 21, fig. 1 (1840). c? . Dark brown or almost black in colour ; the back of the head, the prothorax, and the underside more or less reddish. Head feebly and sparsely punctulate above, somewhat granulate at the sides ; mandibles very long and, in well-developed speci- mens, armed with a tooth on the outer margin near the middle. Antennae not reaching to the middle of the elytra ; first joint reaching to the hind margin of the rather broad eye. Pronotum glossy, very minutely punctulate. Elytra rugulose and more or less nitid. Tibiae of the front and middle legs strongly asperate, or subspinose beneath ; front tarsi somewhat dilated, the tirst joint longer and narrower than the second or third. Hind breast with a faint tawny pubescence at the sides, a triangular area in the middle naked and glossy. Last ventral segment sinuate and slightly depressed, at the apex. $ . With much shorter head, and shorter and more slender antennae, than the male ; the legs also shorter, smooth, the front tarsi very little broader than the hind tarsi. Pronotum more deeply punctulate than in the male and not so glossy. Hind breast without pubescence. Last ventral segment rounded at the apex. Length 38-79 ; breadth 15-29 mm. Hob. Burma ; Siam. Genus LOPHOSTERNUS. Lophosternus, Guer. Icon. Regm Anim., Ins. p. 209 (1844). Cyrtosternus, Guer. Icon. Regne Anim., Ins. p. 210 (1844). Cyrtognathus (part.), Lacord. Gen. Coleopt. viii, p. 53 (1869). Type, L. buqueti, Guer. Range. Oriental Region. cJ . Head elongated behind the eyes, short in front ; mandibles long, curred downwards and backwards, crossing when closed, their inner edges sharp ; palpi long, the labial equal in length to the maxillary ; antennal tubers depressed, separated by a more or less deep channel ; eyes emarginate in front. Antennae usually shorter than the body, 11-jointed ; the first joint slightly curved, reaching to the hind margin of the eye or a little beyond ; the third longer than the first ; the fifth to the tenth, and some- times also the third and fourth, produced into a sharp angle or tooth at the apex on the anterior side ; the fourth to the tenth each much shorter than the third ; eleventh with a very distinct- appendix divided off by a transverse carina and projecting angle. Prothorax transverse, convex above, its lateral edge oblique and often denticulate in front, produced into a spine at the middle, into another spine between the middle and front margin, and sometimes sharply angulated or toothed near the base. Elytra 10 CEBAMBTCID2B. more than twice as long as broad, slightly narrowed behind, rounded at the apex, often with a small spine on each at the suture. Legs long, the anterior two pairs more or less asperate underneath ; tarsi elongated, the first joint as long as the second and third together ; third joint bilobed, the lobes rounded at the end. Intercoxal part of prosternum strongly arched up in the middle, curved down behind, its end resting on the mesosternuui. Last ventral segment slightly sinuate at the apex. $ . Head and mandibles shorter. Antennae much shorter, more slender and less strongly serrate. Pronotum shorter, its antero- lateral spine nearer to the front margin, the lateral edge in front of it more oblique. Last ventral segment with rounded hind margin. 5. Lophosternus indicus, Hope (Prionus), Gray's Zool. Misc. p. 27 (1831). Lophosternus (Cyrtosternus) hopei, Guer. Icon. Reyne Anim., Ins. p. 210 (1844). <5 . Dark brown or almost black in colour. Head coarsely punctured ; eyes rather narrow, the upper lobe at a distance of at least half its own width from the antennal tuber. Antennas from three-fourths to five-sixths of the length of the body ; first joint reaching to a short distance beyond the hind margin of the eye ; third slightly dilated, but not sharply angulate at the apex ; fourth slightly acute at the apex, fifth to tenth produced into an acute angular process at the apex on the anterior side. Pronotum closely and finely punctured in front and for some distance back along each side of the middle line, closely but more strongly punc- tured at the sides; hind angles more or less obtuse, often rounded off. Elytra more or less rugulese and punctate, with the little ridges closely and finely punctulate. Hind breast bare of pubescence. 2 . Antenna? reaching only to the middle of the elytra, much more slender than in the male. Last ventral segment with rounded hind margin. Legs smooth underneath. Length