CATALOGUE No. 906 PART ! THE HAMPTON L. CARSON COLLECTION OF ENGRAVED PORTRAITS BEN. BEORBE WASHINGTON Catalogue compiled and sale At the Art Auction Rooms of conducted by r DAVIS & HARVEY, STAN. V. HENKELS. 1 111 Walnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. CATALOGUE PRICE, $1.50 FACSIMILE OF SAINT MEMIN'S PHYSIONOTRACE OF GENERAL WASHINGTON, REDUCED. LOT 926 ,M / 'i a CATALOGUE No. 906 PART I THE UNIQUE COLLECTION OF ENGRAVED PORTRAITS GEN. GEORGE WASHINGTON INCLUDING Nearly all that are mentioned in Baker's " Engraved Portraits of Washington," and many rarities unknown to Baker, and THE GREAT ST. MEM IN PERSONAL COLLECTION of Proof Mezzotints of Portraits he engraved, and ST. MEMIN'S ORIGINAL PHYSIONOTRACE OF WASHINGTON TO BE SOLD Thursday, January 21, 1904, at 2.30 and 8 o'clock P.M., and Friday, January 22, at 10.30 o'clock A.M. ON EXHIBITION THREE DAYS PREVIOUS TO SALE Catalogue compiled and Sale At the Book Auction Rooms of conducted by DAVIS & HARVEY, STAN. V. HENKELS. 1112 Walnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. CATALOGUE PRICE, $1.50 PRESS or WU. F. FELL COMPANY PHILADELPHIA HAMPTON L. CARSON Telephone 3-43-92 JOHN KENT KANE LAW OFFICES JOSEPH F. LAMORELLE Rooms 315-317 REAL ESTATE TRUST BUILDING Broad and Chestnut Streets Philadelphia, Sept. 26th, I93- Mr. Stan V. Henkels, 1112 Walnut St. My Dear Sir: I have concluded to offer for sale through you my collection of "AMERICANA". As you are aware it is widely known throughout the country and dur- ing the last two or three years I have loaned from it for use by authors of books and proprietors of magazines over Five Hundred pictures. This has in- volved great labor and much attention by me per- sonally. These requests are being renewed constantly in different directions and it has become an im- possibility, with the pressure of professional and public duty, to adequately care for it and reply to the numerous demands, for essentially it makes me a curator of a public institution without the leisure to attend to it. Will you not therefore at your convenience have the pictures catalogued, properly advertised and sold? It would be fortunate if some institution could acquire them, as they must grow in value and in national interest with every year, illustrating the history of our country as nothing else can do, and it is now impossible to reconstruct another collection containing precisely the same subjects. Yours Very Sincerely, Hampton L. Carson. Die. H.L.C. REMARKS This catalogue embraces the first portion of the Hampton L. Carson Col- lection of Engraved Portraits, Views, and Autograph Letters, it being the largest and most important collection in America owned by one individual, and with a world-wide reputation on account of the many great rarities con- tained therein. The collection is the result of over thirty years' studious re- search and careful selection, and as Mr. Carson was ;one of the earliest collectors, there will naturally be found in it many items of the greatest and most important historical interest. Being well known to the dealers through- out the Continent and America, he was constantly the recipient of the treas- ures gathered by them in their quest for rarities, he usually having the first choice, and through this means he has been enabled to gather together not only a collection of rare Engraved Portraits and Views but the very choicest impressions to be had of such rarities, and in this aggregation is included the magnificent collection gathered by Mr. Clarence S. Bement, of Phila- delphia, which Mr. Carson purchased in its entirety several years ago, as well as that of the late Frederick D. Stone, Librarian of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania. With the exception of the magnificent collection of Portraits of English Legal Characters, and his truly beautiful and Unique Collection of Portraits and Scenes of, and relating to, Napoleon, the collection is of a purely American character, commencing with Portraits, Views, and Maps relating to the earliest discovery of America up to and including our great Civil War. Of these we might mention that of the officers in the American Revolution (French, English, German, and American), which has been the envy of collectors both far and near ; the Jefferson Portraits, which stand unrivalled both as to their number and rarity; the Franklin Portraits, which are unsurpassed and the catalogue of which will fill a long-felt want by furnishing a guide for future collectors ; the Presidents of the United States, members of the Continental Congress, Signers of the Declaration, Justices of the Supreme Court of the United States, Officers in the Wars of 1812 and 1848 and the War of the Con- federacy; the Foreign Royalty (sovereigns holding dominion over America), which is of the utmost importance and is replete with magnificent Proof Mezzotintos by the most noted Engravers of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries; the American Land and Naval Battles, being the most important ever brought together ; the Political Caricatures which have long been con- sidered the richest and largest grouping in the country; the Maps and Plans and Views from the first inception in relation to America, to the War of 1861 ; the Autograph letters of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence, 5 Members of the Continental Congress, Justices of the Supreme Court of the United States, Generals of the Revolution and Civil War, and Officers of the United States Navy; the extra illustrated books embracing the lives of American statesmen, and historical events, all combine to make this the most noteworthy event of the times. The Washington Portraits embraced in this catalogue are only those engraved on copper and steel, and of which there are many different states of the plate. They are so rich in rarities, and the collection so well known, that it is hardly necessary for us to enter into any lengthy praise of the same, except to mention that it includes, with few exceptions, copies of all that are enumerated in Baker's "Engraved Portraits of Washington 1 "; and many, very many, of the utmost rarity unknown to Baker (as well as an un- usually large collection of colored and plain Lithographs, which will appear in another catalogue), and THE GREAT ST.-MEMIN PORTRAITS, being St. Memin's own personal collection of Proof Mezzotintos of the portraits he engraved, mounted by him personally, and named in his autograph. They include 761 different portraits of mostly noted American characters who flourished during and shortly after the American Revolution, and compose a collection which could never be gotten together again ; being Profile Portraits engraved in the most beautiful manner in the form of circular medallions, and all correct likenesses, having been drawn from the living fea- tures by the physionotrace and reduced by the pantograph, and THE ORIGINAL PROFILE PORTRAIT OF WASHINGTON drawn from the life by St.-Memin, with the physionotrace, in black crayon, on pinkish paper, a little over life-size. We feel that some reason should be given for the defacing of the reproduc- tions in this catalogue. When it is taken into consideration the beautiful manner in which they are gotten up, had we not defaced them, the catalogue would have been sought after by many for the reproductions alone, and as great expense has been incurred in the printing (having followed and virtually reprinted with great additions Baker's "Engraved Portraits of Washington") we could scarcely afford to have the catalogue reach the hands of any except those who have the intention of purchasing at the sale ; consequently we hope that the delicate manner of the defacing will not prevent the reproductions from conveying an adequate idea of the rarity of the originals. STAN. V. HENKELS. INDEX. PAGE C. W. Peale Type .. i-io " " " " not known to Baker .= 10-16 Alexander Campbell Type 16-18 " not known to Baker !._ 19-21 Eugene Du Simitiere Type 21-22 " " not known to Baker 23 Wm. Dunlap Type 23 Joseph Wright Type 23-27 " not known to Baker 27-28 Robert Edge Pine Type 29 Jean Antoine Houdon Type 29-31 " not known to Baker 3 2 ~3S James Peale Type 36 Madame de Brehan Type 3^-37 " " " " not known to Baker 37 Christian Gulager Type 37 Edward Savage Type 38-42 " not known to Baker 42-43 John Trumbull Type 44-48 " not known to Baker 49-52 Archibald Robertson Type 52 Giuseppe Ceracchi Type 53 Williams Type 53 Walter Robertson Type 53~55 Samuel Folwell Type 55 " not known to Baker 56 Adolph Ulric Wertmuller Type 56 Gilbert Stuart Type 56-91 " not known to Baker 91122 Rembrandt Peale Type 123-124 " " not known to Baker 124 William Birch Type 125-127 " " not known to Baker 127 James Sharpless Type 127 " " " not known to Baker 128-129 Mrs. E. Sharpless Type not known to Baker 129 Saint-Memin Type 129 " " not known to Baker 130 The Great Saint-Memin Collection 131-146 Saint Memin's Physionotrace of Washington 146 Silhouettes 147 " not known to Baker 147 Memorial Designs 148-150 " " not known to Baker 150-154 Fictitious Portraits 154-158 " " not known to Baker 159-171 Statuary 171 " not known to Baker 172-173 pn m i _M . FACSIMILE OF LOT NO. 1 J >1 J L 'J? 5 ,\ L J f 'J >'- ^ J ENGRAVED PORTRAITS OF WASHINGTON Described According to Baker C. W. PEALE TYPE. 1. HIS EXCELL: G: WASHINGTON ESQ: LATE COMMANDER IN CHIEF OF THE ARMIES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Bust in uniform, head to right. Oval, with border in a rectangle. Mezzotinto. Height 7 8-16 inches; width 5 12-16 inches. Painted and Engrav'd by C. W. Peale 1787. Baker No. i. Excessively rare. First state, being an artist's proof before all letters, with an outside margin 14-16 inches wide. The only known copy in this condition; clean as the day of issue. See facsimile. 2. THE SAME. Second state, with the title in the border. Height 7 5-16 inches; width 5 12-16 inches. Fine copy. Cut oval. 3. GEN. WASHINGTON. Full bust in uniform, head to left, the right hand gloved, thrust in the breast. Circle, . with border, upon a pyra- midal base, in a rectangle engraved to represent stonework. - Line. Height 5 13-16 inches; width 3 11-16 inches. Wm Angus Sc. Published Sepr 23, 1785, by J. Fielding Pater Noster . Row. Baker No. 3. Proof before all letters with fine wide margin. Exceedingly scarce in this condition. 4. ANOTHER COPY. Lettered impression. 5. G. WASHINGTON. Three-quarter length, in the uniform of a colonel in the Virginia service. Mixed. Height 4 13-16 inches; width 3 12-16 inches. Painted by A. Dickinson. Engraved by J. C. Buttre. Baker No. 4. Etched proof before the plate was finished. 6. THE SAME. Fine proof on India paper, full margin. 7. " " " " full margin. i i 8. WASINGTON GENERALISSIME DES ETATS UNIS DE L'AMERIQUE. Full bust in uniform, full face. Oval, with border in an ornamented rectangle. In the oval to the left a tree, the branches of which spread over and behind the head, the title in a tablet beneath the oval. Line. Height 13 8- 1 6 inches; width 10 inches. Dessine par Bounieu d'apres un Tableau foumi par M. le Marquis de la Fayette. Grave par Chevillet. "Galerie des hommes Illustres vivans." Baker No. 6. Rare. 9. THE SAME. Without the inscription at top, "Galerie des hommes Illustres vivans." 10. THE SAME. Choice proof before the inscription, with the engraver's name scratched in. Excessively rare. 11. THE SAME, with different title; viz., WASHINGTON GENERALISSIMI DES AM RICAINS, LIBRATEUR DES ETATS-UNIS CONTEMPORAIN ET AMI DIT GNRAL LAFAYETTE. Dessine par Bounieu d'apres un Tableau fourni par M. le Marquis de la Fayette. Grave" par Chevillet. Chez Porlier, Graveur Editeur, Rue des Cinq Diamans, No. 8. The above four lots form an unique collection of the various states of this rare print. We doubt if there is such another set in this country, or, indeed, in Europe. 12. GENERAL WASHINGTON. Bust in uniform, full face. Oval. Line. Height 3 11-16 inches; width 3 inches. T. Cook del et sculp. Publish' d as the Act directs Aug. 21, 1783, by S. Bladon. Baker No. 7. Very rare. Although the title does not agree with Baker, nor the size exactly, it is, however, the same print the difference being in the wording of the title. 13. WASHINGTON AT THE AGE OF TWENTY-FIVE. Bust in uniform, head to right. Oval. Line. Height 2 13-16 inches; width 2 5-16 inches. J. De Mare, from a miniature on ivory presented by Washington to his niece Harriet, and now belonging to her daughter's family (copy- right 1851). Baker No. 8. India proof. 14. THE SAME. Choice proof before all letters. 15. " Proof before the inscription. 16. " Ordinary impression. G EXE HAL CKOKC'.E WASHINGTON. FACSIMILE OF LOT No. 19, REDUCED i ;. GENERAL GEORGE WASHINGTON. Born Feb. 22, 1732, in Westmoreland County, Virginia, and died Dec. 14, 1799, at Mount Vernon. Full bust, head to left. Stipple. Height ii 4-16 inches; width 9 inches. R. Peale Pinx, D. Edwin, Sc. Baker No. 9. Fine and brilliant impression. Very rare. Baker says: " From the lettering of this plate, it is usually considered to have been executed from the first portrait by Rembrandt Peale, painted at the age of seventeen. But this, we think, is an error, and if the engraving is a close rendering of its original, incline to the opinion that the lettering is incor- rect, and that it is really after one of Charles Willson Peale's later portraits." 18. THE SAME, but with the publisher's address. "Published by J. Savage 1800." Small shot-hole in the forehead. Very rare. 19. GENERAL GEORGE WASHINGTON. Full bust, head to left. Stipple, printed in colors. Height 12 15-16 inches; width 10 1-16 inches. R. Peale Pinxt, D. Edwin Sculpt. Printed in colors by H. Charles. Published by H. S. Tanner, Philadelphia. Baker No. 10. Very rare. A superb impression, printed in colors and of excessive rarity. See facsimile. 20. THE SAME. Plain impression, with address of the publisher cut off, but a very good and sharp impression. 21. G. WASHINGTON. 1772, JEt 40. Three-quarter length, in the uniform of a colonel in the Virginia service. Vignette. Stipple. Height 5 4-16 inches; width 3 8-16 inches. C. W. Peale. J. B. Forrest. Original in possession of G. W. P. Custis, Esq. New York, G. P. Putnam &* Co. Baker No. n. India proof. Presentation copy from G. P. Putnam & Co. to Rembrandt Peale. 22. THE SAME. Proof before all letters on India paper. 23. GENERAL WASHINGTON. Full length in military costume, lean- ing upon a field -piece to the left, a riding-switch in his right hand; the left, in which is his hat, rests upon a horse fore-shortened at the right. In the extreme distance to left upon a hill, a large building with cupola. Mezzotinto. Height 19 12-16 inches; width 13 14-16 inches. Peel pinxit Philadelphia, Stotdard delint- Londini. J. Brown Execudit, V. Green fecit, Mezzotinto Engraver to the King of Great Britain and the Elector Palantine. From an Original Picture in the Possession of Mr. Brown: Published by him April 22d 1785, and Sold at No. 10, George Yard, Lombard Street, London. Baker No. 12. Brilliant, open letter proof, with scratched title and fine margin. Extremely rare. Baker says: " Different from any other full-length executed by Peale, and although ascribed to him by the lettering of the plate, and as having been painted at Philadelphia, its authenticity is extremely doubtful." . 4 24. THE SAME. Mezzotinto printed in colors, with engraved title, in open letter. .'- Magnificent brilliant impression, and probably unique, being printed in colors. 25. BUST IN UNIFORM;- FULL FACE. Oval of a single line. (The Etching of the Print of St. Aubin Baker No. 31.) Height 4"'8-i6 inches? width 4 inches. Haider Sculp. Baker No. 13. (Essai sur la Physiognomonie par Jean Gaspard Lavater, Imprime a La Haye 1781-86.) 26. THE SAME. Without the Engraver's name. 27.*LE GENERAL WASHINGTON, COMMENDANT EN CHEF DES ARMEES AMERICAINES, NE EN VIRGINIE EN 1733. Bust in uniform, head to right. Oval, with border in a rectangle, resting upon a tablet, in which is a representation of the surrender at Yorktown, inscribed "lourne'e memorable du 19 Octobre 1781 a York en VirginieV' Title within the border. Line. Height 7 13-16 inches; width 5 8-16 inches. Grave* d'apres le Tableau de N. Piehle peint d'apres nature a Phila- delphie en 1783. Baker No. 14. Rare. Brilliant impression with full margin. 28. GENL. WASHINGTON. Bust in uniform, head to right. Oval, with border in a rectangle, beneath which is a representation of the surrender at Yorktown, inscribed "Event of the iQth of Octr- 1781, at Yorktown in Virginia." Line. Height 7 11-16 inches; width 5 8-16 inches. The English artist has followed the lines of the print in the French original after a picture by Piehle on account of the remarks of Mr. Lavater. Published by T. Holloway &" The other Proprietors, May 21, 1794. Baker No. 15. Very rare. Brilliant impression with full margin. 29. BUST IN UNIFORM. Head to right. Oval, with three lines for a narrow border, suspended by a ring, above a tablet containing a repre- sentation of the surrender at Yorktown. Outline. Height 4 10-16 inches; width 3 12-16 inches. Tom. 6 PL 339. Page 219. Baker No. 16. Extremely rare. 30. THE SAME. But with different lettering. "Tom 6. PL 338." First state. Extremely rare. A CIRCULAR FROM HIS GEORGE COMMANDER IN CHIEF UNITED STATES AddreiTed to the GOVERNORS on his refigning the Command of the Army LETTER, EXCELLENCY SHINGTON, OF THE ARMIES OF THE of ^ M E R I C ^ of the feveral STATES, and retiring from public Bufmefs. (CIRCULAR:) mortem to riie fuch a tone to the federal Go- vernment, as will enable it to anfwer the ends of is inftitution ; or, this may be ihe ill-fated mo- Irns might here be iiUncrJ !o prcvc, that he Union, we cannot exilf as an independent reils of my country ; having, in confequence of my fixed belief, in fome meafure, flexed my- felf lo the army, that thrir country would finally as the palladium of our fecurity, and ihe nrll effectual refort in cafe of hollility: It is elTen- S I R, ment for relaxing the powers of the Union, an- lower. It will be fumcient for ray purpofe to do them complete and ample juftice, and not lial, therefore, that the large fyftem Ihould per- f^&f|nfp? "LKetono^Thold nihilating the cement of the Confederation, and ^"greateft'imporTance .' "h 'bcne'fitsof il awifc'and liberal Go- that will have greater influence, efpecially when we recollect that the fyftem referred to, being the fation offered by Congre'fs, at a lime when they had nothing elfe 'to give to officers of the army, for fervices then to be performed: It was the and with much lefs expence than has been u> curred, the war might have been brought to tho ImpreflVdvv'iih the liveliell fonCbilily on this plealing occafion, I will claim the indulgence of dilating the more copioufly on the fubjeCt of our vernment, will, I flatter myfelf, fooner or later. mult be eftecmed, if not perfect, certainly the leaft objectionable of any that could be devifej ; fervice : It was a part of their hire, I may be allowed to fay, it was the price of their blood, fame happy conclufion, if ths rcfourcej of the) Continentcouldhavebeen properly called fonh| that the dillreffes and difappointment! which mutual felicitation. When we confider the "o'uolful nature oVthe conleft, and the favour- - Trier-rare fourihings which I humbly conceive are effenlial 10 the well-being, I jnay even ven- and tht, if it mall nol be carried into imme- diate execution, a national bankruptcy, with all its deplorable confequences, will take place be- can never be cdnfidered as a penfion, or gra. ftance^, refulted mcrt from a w'ant of energy in the Continental. Government, than a deficiency ihr.'.l find ihc ereaieft poffible reafon for gratitude and rejoicing ; this is a theme that w'll afford ture to lav, Brtneertfrenceof-cne- United Slate* "* Tft.' AnlndiffoluWe union of the States under or adopted; fo preffing arc the prefcnt circum- ftances, and fuch is the alternative now offered and foldiers, it is fufhcient that the uniform expe-* the particular States : That the in- efflfacy of -n.eaTurcs, ariflng from the w'ant 0f. an adequate authoriiy in ihc fupreme power. one federal head. to the States. rience of every nation of the world, combined ' from " B ariiil rSnrlJsncc nith t/n* jen^iifuiona the parent of future happincfs ; and we (hall have equal occafion lo felicitate ourfelves on the lot which Providence has aligned us, whether ue view it in a natural, a political, or moral 2dly. A facred regard to public jufticc. idly. The adoption of a proper peace efta- blRhment. And, Athly. The prevalence of that pacific and friendly difpofmon among the people of the United States, which will induce them to forget The ability of the country to difcharge the debis, which have been incurred in ils defence, myfelf, will nol be wanting ; the path of our duiy is plain before us ; honcfty will be found, on every experiment, to be the bell and only true policy. Let us then, as a nation, be juft ; of the difcrimination. Rewards in proporliou Tines, ihe foldiers have perhaps generally had the large bounties which have been paid them. of Congref, in fome of the States, and from a failure of purClualitv in others, white they tended to. damn the zejl of thofe who were more .willing to exert thercfelres, fcrred affil to fruftrate the bed concerted plans ; 'and that the difcouragcmcnt occafioned by the r0 Tneciii S zens of America, placed in the moft enviable condition, as the Cole Lords ai.d Pro- facrince ilieir individual' advantages to the'in- let us fulfil ihe public contracts which Congrefs had undoubtedly a right to make for the pur- land, the payment of arrearages of cloathing complicated difficulties and embarraffmcnts, ia which our affairs were by this means involved, would have long ago produced the diffolution eh d' al' t*ie various foils and climates of laith we fuppofe ourfelvei bound to perform and wages (in which articles all the component of any army, l=f, patient, left virlnom, and Icli the world, and abounding with all the neceffa- latc fatisfaflory pacification.'acknowledged to dency ; ihcy are from this period to be confider- whic'h feems'to be peculiarly defigned by Provi' dence for the difplay of human greatnefs and felicity: Here they are not only furrounded Thrfe are the pillars on which the glorious fa- muli be fupported. Liberty is the bafis and overturn the ftruClure, under whatever fpecious pretexts hc'may attempt it, will merit the bit- which can be inflicted by his injured country. On the three firft articles I will make a few obfcrvalions; leaving the laft to the good fcnfe our private cngagem n s. their proper bufinefs, as individuals, and as membirs of fociety, be earneftly inculcated on ihe citizensof America; then will they ftrenglhen the hands of government, and be happy under his labours ; every one will enjoy his own ac- 3uifitions, without moleftation, and without anger. footing) we take into the eflimatc the boun- ihe gratuily of one year's full pay, which is promifed lo all, poffibly their fituation (every circumllance being duly confidered) will not be deemed lefs eligible than that' of the officers. Should a further reward, however, be judged enje!y a gre'ater W fatisfaciion than myfelf, if an ex- perfevering, than that which I have hid the ho things, which are notorious fads, as the defeds of our federal conftitulion, parlicularly in the profecutioa cf a war, I bes it may be underilood, that as I have ever taken a pleafure in gratefully acknowledging the affiftance and fupport I have derived from every clafs of citizens ; fo (hall I always be happy todojultice to the unparalleled exertions of the individual States, on many in- wilh every 'i""^^*^"^^^ 1 ."^ 1 .* ^ e ^ but Heaven has crowned all its other bleflings' In this Hate, of abfolute freedom and perfect fecurity, who will grudge to yield a very little bee P n i peairned XC for"n aI fole ; 1nft"nc ( e"foI'a^y I have thus freely difclofed what I wifhed to by giving a furer opportunity for political fa^ireVimn? T'othino can illuftrate thefe obfervations more forcibly than a recollection cf the happy conjuncture of times and circum- /!anc:inn ; this is the moment when the eyes of the whole worli are turned upon them ; ed'by the Articles' of Confederation, it will be fure navcVenlavifhed for no purpofe; lhal fo manv fufie 'nps have been encountered without pernicious councils, will be rcfponfible for all United States, in which a due attention will be of the Union upon a regular and refpeClablc footing ; if this Ihould be the cafe, I Ihould beg leave to 'urge the great advantage of it in the- Your Excellency's moft obedient and moft humble fervant, G. WASHINGTON. lional character for ever ; this is the favourable been made in vain. Many other confidera conceived bcft fuited to promote the real inte- ftrongeft term,. LONDON: Printed for S. BLADON, N 13, PATER-NOSTER-ROW. FACSIMILE OF LOT NO. 76, REDUCED cUL u-cu^ 1 - 31. S. E. GEORGE WASHINGTON GENERAL EN CHEF DES ARMEES DES ETATS UNIS DE L'AMERIQUE. Full bust in uniform, full face, the right hand gloved, thrust in the breast. Oval, with border, resting upon a base in a rectangle. Line. Height 10 5-16 inches; width 7 inches. Le B. Pinx, J. L. Sculp. Baker No. 18. 32. THE SAME. Proof before the tablet in the border and the artist's name. Extremely rare in this state. 33. GEORGES WASHINGTON, Eqer. GENERAL EN CHEF DE L'ARMEE ANGLO-AME'RIQUAINE NOM DICTATEUR PAR LE CONGRES EN FEVRIER 1777. Full bust in uniform and cocked hat, head to left, a drawn sword partly seen on the left. Oval, with border in a rectangle, resting upon a base, the title in a tablet upon the base. Line. Height 6 4-16 inches; width 4 inches. Desrais del. Le Beau sculp. A Paris chez Esnauts et Rapilly, rue St- Jacques a la mile de Coutances. Baker No. 19. Rare. Fine proof, full margin. 34. LE GENERAL WASHINGTON NE QUID DETRIMENT! CAPIAT RES PUBLICA. Full length in uniform, standing to the left in front of a tent; in his right hand, a roll displaying sheets inscribed "Declaration of Independence," "Treaty of Alliance," etc.; his left hand, gloved, is thrust into the breast; beneath his feet are various torn documents, marked "Protection to Rebels," "Conciliatory Bills," etc., etc.; in the rear a negro servant with a horse; and in the extreme right distance, on lower ground, an encampment. Line. Height 16 9-16 inches; width 12 10-16 inches. Peint par L. le Paon Peintre de Bataille de S. A. S. M. le Prince de Conde. Grave" par N. le Mire des Academies Imperiales et Royales et de celle des Sciences et Arts de Rouen. Grave d'apre*s le Tableau Original appartenant a Mr. Marquis de la Fayette. Cette Estampe ce Vend avec Privilege du Roy a Paris chez le Mire Graveur rue et porte S*- Jacques. Maison de Mr- le Camus Md. de Drap, prix 12 limes. Baker No. 21. Brilliant impression, with fine margin. 35. THE SAME. Brilliant impression before the "By" with full margin. Very rare in this state. 36. THE SAME. Brilliant proof before the inscription or address, and before the "By." Exceedingly rare in this state. 37- GENERAL WASHINGTON. Full figure in uniform, standing to the left, in front of a tent. Mezz:iinto. Height 12 15-16 inches; width 10 inches. Printed for and sold by Carington Bowles NO 69 in S* Pauls Church Yard London. Published as the Act directs, 24 June 1783. Baker No. 22. Extremely rare. A copy of the preceding print, omitting the tree in the rear of the tent and the landscape to the right . 38. THE SAME. Contemporaneously colored. Brilliant impression. Possibly unique in this state. 39. GENERAL WASHINGTON. LATE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. From a fine original engraved at Paris. Full figure in uniform, standing to the left, in an easy attitude in front of a tent, in the right hand an open scroll, inscribed " Declaration of American Independence." The left hand, gloved, is thrust into the breast. In the left foreground a camp-stool, upon which is a field-glass and cocked hat, and in the right distance, on lower ground, the view of an encamp- ment . Mezzotinto . Height 13 4-16 inches; width 9 15-16 inches. Published 25^ May 1797, by Laurie 6r Whittle, 53 Fleet Street, London. Baker No. 23. Extremely rare. A copy of Baker No. 21, with variations. 40. HIS EXCELLcY. GEORGE WASHINGTON, ESQR GENERAL AND COMMANDER IN CHIEF OF THE ALLIED ARMIES, SUPPORTING THE IN- DEPENDENCE OF AMERICA. Bust in uniform, full face. Oval, with border in a rectangle, resting upon a small pedestal, inscribed "Tem- perance, Prudence, Fortitude, Justice"; emblems of war on either side. Line. Height ii 10-16 inches; width 9 4-16 inches. B. Blyth del. J. Norman Sculp. Taken from an Original Picture in possession of his Ex c y. Gov r . Hancock. Published by John Coles, Boston, March 26th, 1782. Baker No. 26. Excessively rare. Companion : MRS. WASHINGTON. Bust, with lace cap, full face. Oval, with border in a rectangle, resting upon a small pedestal ; festooned flowers on either side. Line. Height ii 5-16 inches; width 9 1-16 inches. B. Blyth del., J. Norman Sculp. Published by John Coles, Boston, March 26th, 1782. This pair of prints are of the greatest rarity, and "are the first portraits of Genl. Washington and Mrs. Washington executed by a professional engraver in America. The mezzotinto by Peale, adver- tised for sale in 1780, although the first in point of time, must be considered in a different light, as Peale was not a professional engraver, the plates he produced being often his own designs." (Baker.) FACSIMILE OF LOT 66 7 41. WASHINGTON Mt. 40. Three-quarter length, in the uniform of a colonel in the Virginia service. Landscape background. Line. Height 4 10-16 inches; width 3 13-16 inches. Engraved by J. W. Paradise, From a Picture by J. C. Chapman after C. W. Peale. From the original portrait in the possession of G. W. P. Custis, Esq r . Arlington House. Baker No. 27. 42. G. WASHINGTON. 1772 ^t. 40. Three-quarter length, 'in the uniform of a colonel in the Virginia service. Vignette. Stipple. Height 4 12-16 inches; width 3 12-16 inches. C. W. Peale. Geo. Parker. Original in possession of G. W. P. Custis, Esq. Arlington House. New York, G. P. Putnam 6 s Co. Printed by W. Pate. Baker No. 28. India' proof. 43. GEORGE WASHINGTON COMMANDANT EN CHEF DES ARMIES DBS ETATS UNIS DE L'AMERIQUE. Bust in uniform, with black neckerchief, head to right. Oval, with a narrow border (in a rectangle) resting upon a base, upon which is the title; on either side of the base, emblems of wars; over the oval, a rattlesnake and Liberty cap. . Line. Height 6 2-16 inches; width 4 4-16 inches. N. Pruneau del. et Sculp. A Paris chez I'Auteur, rue St. Jacques vis a vis le College du Plesis, et chez Dennel graveur, rue de P ( - Bourbon atten^ la Poire S l - Germain. Baker No. 29. Fine impression. . Extremely rare. 44. THE SAME. Proof before all letters. Excessively rare in this state. . ". $ .'''/'!. 45. G. WASHINGTON. Three-quarter length, in the uniform of a colonel in the Virginia service. Oval, with ornamental border; landscape back- ground. Line. Height 6 inches; width 5 inches. C. W. Peale. J. Rogers. New York, Virtue, Emmins &= Co. Baker No. 30. 46. GEORGE WASHINGTON, COMMANDANT EN CHEF DES ARMEES AMRICAINES, NE'EN VIRGINIE EN 1733. Bust, in uniform, full face. Oval medallion in a rectangle; beneath the oval, a tablet, in which is the title. Line. Height 7 12-16 inches; width 5 10-16 inches. Se trouve a Paris, chez Aug. De St Aubin. Graveur du Roi et de la Bibliotheque, actuellement rue Therese Bute S l - Roch, et a la Bibliotheque, et chez Mr. Cochin, aux Galleries du Louvre, A. P. D. R. Baker No. 31. Fine wide margin. Rare. 47. THE SAME. Choice proof before the engraver's address. Wide margin. Very rare in this state. 8 48. WASHINGTON. Full bust in uniform, head to left. Outline. Height 3 10-16 inches; width a 3-16 inches. N. Piehle pinxt. Landon dirext. Hist. D'Amerique. Baker No. 32. 49. WASHINGTON. Full bust in uniform, head to left. Outline. Height 4 inches; width 2 9-16 inches. R. Sands sculp. Published by Verner, Hood &> Sharpe, Poultry, Jany i, 1811. Baker No. 33. 50. HIS EXCEL. G: WASHINGTON ESQ : LATE COMMANDER IN CHIEF or THE ARMIES OF THE U. S. >OF AMERICA & PRESIDENT OF THE CONVENTION OF 1787. Bust in uniform, head to right. Oval, with border in a rectangle, the title in the border. Mezzotinto. Height 6 inches; width 4 12-16 inches. Engraved by John Sartain, From the Original print in possession of W. A. Whitman, Esq. Engraved by C. W. Peale, in 1787, From a Painting by himself. Baker No. 34. Fine proof, full margin. 51. THE SAME. Without border or rectangle. Full margin. 52. GEORGE WASHINGTON, COMMANDER IN CHIEF OF YE ARMIES OF Y E UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Bust in uniform, with black neckerchief; head to left. Oval, with border in a rectangle; above, a tablet in which is the title; on either side of the tablet, emblems of war; over the oval, a rattlesnake and Liberty cap, with the legend, "Don't Tread on me"; at the sides, olive and laurel branches, flags, etc.; on the flag to the right thirteen stars. Line. Height 6 3-16 inches; width 4 7-16 inches. Engraved by W. Sharp, from an Original Picture. London, Published according to Act of Parliament Febr. 22^ 1780. Baker No. 35. Very rare in this slate. 53. WASHINGTON IN 1772 ^/TATIS 40. Three-quarter length, in the uniform of a colonel in the Virginia service. Line. Height 5 9-16 inches; width 4 5-16 inches. Painted by A Dickinson. Engraved by J. W. Steel. " I certify that the painting of Washington in 1772, executed by Anson Dickinson, Esq., from the original picture by Peale, in my possession, is a faithful re- semblance of the original, the only original of the Patriot prior to the revolution. Arlington House, July 18, 1830. George W. P. Custis." Entered according to Act of Congress, 1833, by A. Dickinson in the Clerk's office of the District Court of the United States in and for the Eastern District of Penna- Baker No. 36. India proof, original impression. Rare. 9 54- THE SAME. India proof without the reference to the copyright. 55. GENERAL WASHINGTON. Bust in uniform, head to right. Oval, with a border in a rectangle, engraved to represent stonework; beneath the oval, a tablet in which is the inscription and the Washington arms, with the motto "Exitus Acta Probat." Line. Height 6 inches; width 3 10-16 inches. J. Trenchard ScP*. Columb. Mag. Baker No. 37. Rare. From the Columbian Magazine, Philadelphia, January, 1787. Fine brilliant impression. 56. G. WASHINGTON GENERAAL DER NOORD AMERICAANER. Bust in uniform, head to left. Inclosed within border resembling a picture- frame suspended over a pedestal (in a rectangle) upon which is the inscription. On the tablet lies a hat, baton, etc. A curtain hangs over and conceals the upper left corner of the frame. Line. Height 5 9-16 inches; width 3 8-16 inches. Rein r Vinkeles, Sculp., naar een Origineel Schildery, by den Wei Ed. Heer P. van Winter, Nic: Z. Baker No. 39. Brilliant impression, with full margin. 57. THE SAME. Choice proof before the inscription in the tablet and with the artist's name scratched in. Very rare in this state. 58. WASHINGTON (GEORGES) PRESIDENT DE LA REPUBLIQUE DES ETATS-UNIS D'AMERIQUE DU NORD, X 1799- Full length in uniform, standing to the right, leaning by the left hand upon a field-piece. In the rear an attendant with a horse and a flag partly shown, upon which is a circle of thirteen stars. In the left distance a building with cupola (Nassau Hall, Princeton), with some troops in the middle ground. Mixed. Height 9 11-16 inches; width 6 6-16 inches. Tableau du temps Gravd par Wolff. Dessine par Girardet. Dia- graphe et Pantographe Gavard. " Galrie. histque. de Versailles." Baker No. 40. India proof. 59. WASHINGTON. Bust in uniform, head to right. Title in a border. Outline. Height 4 4-16 inches; width 2 10-16 inches. Zerlander Sc. Baker No. 41. Very rare. So rare that Baker only saw one impression. 60. GEN L . WASHINGTON. Bust in uniform, with black neckerchief; head to right. Vignette. Stipple. Height 4 6-16 inches; width 3 10-16 inches. Published Nor. ist y 1784, by Whitworth &" Yates, Bradford Street. Baker No. 42. Very rare. 10 61. GEORGE WASHINGTON COMMANDER IN CHIEF OF THE AMER- ICAN ARMY. Bust, in uniform, full face. Oval, with border upon a base (in a rectangle) upon which is the inscription. Line. Height 5 11-16 inches; width 3 6-16 inches. Engraved for the Universal Magazine. Printed for J. Hinton, at the King's Arms, in Paternoster Row. Baker No. 43. 62. EL GENERAL WASHINGTON. Bust in uniform, head slightly to right. Circle, with border the sides partly reduced, in a square. Line. Height 4 11-16 inches; width 4 6-16 inches. Baker No. 45. See facsimile. A beautiful impression of one of the rarest and most interesting portraits of Washington; with fine margin. Engraved by a Spanish artist, at an early period of Washington's Revolutionary military life. PORTRAITS AFTER C. W. PEALE NOT KNOWN TO BAKER. 63. LE CELEBRE G. WASINGTON, GENERAL DES ANGLOS AMR- ..'"'' IQUAINS. Full figure in uniform, standing on the banks of a river; head to right; right arm, with cocked hat in hand, resting upon a sword to the left; left arm resting upon the right hand; to the right a negro servant with a horse only partly visible; to the left a rocky eminence upon which is a fortress; in the river ships. Colored by hand. Line. Height 9 7-16 inches; width 7 1-16 inches. A Paris dies Basset, Rue S*. Jacques. II tient Magasin de Papiers en Rouleaux. Probably unique. See facsimile. 64. GENERAL WASHINGTON. Bust in uniform, full face. Oval. Stipple. Height 3 13-16 inches; width 3 2-16 inches. London, Pub d . April n, 1788, by Hedges, No. 92 Cornhill. Beautiful impression and of the greatest rarity. 65. Bust in uniform, head to right. Oval. Line. (On the same sheet with a portrait of General Elliott.) Line. Height 3 4-16 inches; width 2 8-16 inches. Excessively rare. Similar to Baker No. if. 66. HIS EXCELLENCY GENERAL WASHINGTON. Bust in uni- form, head to left. Oval in a rectangle, resting on a base. On the same sheet with "LADY WASHINGTON." Bust, head to left. Oval in a rectangle, resting on a base. Line. Each, height 4 5-16 inches; width 2 15-16 inches. Of extreme rarity. The only copy that has come under my observation. See facsimile. FACSIMILE OF LOT NO. 62 C lv I V C ., L 1 1- H - a ,v i MU M M 1 ? 1 1 -M Lc Celebre G . Vafmgton, General des Anglos Ameriquains Paris rAfs Bass,( flu FACSIMILE OF LOT 63, REDUCED II 67. GENERAL WASHINGTON: LATE PRESIDENT OF THE AMERICAN CONGRESS. Full length figure in uniform, standing in front of a tent; full face. The right hand, gloved, thrust into the waistcoat; over the right arm is thrown a military doak, and in the hand a scroll; to the right a camp-stool upon which is a field-glass; over the tent, trees; to the left, an encampment. Mezzotinto. Height 6 8-16 inches; width 4 15-16 inches. London, Published June 16, 1797, by Haines &* Son, 19 Rolls Buildings, Fetter Lane. Of extreme rarity, and a beautiful impression; evidently from the same picture as Baker No. 21, only in the reverse and with variations. See facsimile. 68. - Full figure in uniform, head to right, standing with left arm embracing the figure of the Goddess of Liberty, to the left of an oval upon which is engraved a map of the United States; the right arm extended,; hi the hand a scroll. Over Washington the figure of Fame blowing a trumpet. To the left the full length figure of Franklin seated, with a book held on the knees by both hands; in the rear of which are figures of History and Justice, pine trees, etc. Line. Height 6 inches; width 7 1-16 inches. Woodman. & Mutlow sculp. Published 18 March, 1783, by J. Wallis, at his Map &" Print Warehouse, Ludgate St* London. Of the greatest rarity. The head similar to Baker No. 35. 69. GENL. WASHINGTON. Bust in uniform, head to right. Vignette. On the same sheet with a portrait of "Dr. Franklin." Bust, head to left, with fur cap. Vignette. Stipple. Each, height 2 5-16 inches; width 2 inches. Very rare. . 70. GENL. WASHINGTON. Bust in uniform, head to right. Oval, with a border. Mezzotinto. Height 5 inches; width 4 7-16 inches. Pub d 25^ July 1781 by Whitworth &> Yates, Birmingham. Similar to Baker No. 42. Evidently a modern impression from an old unpublished, plate. 71. GEORGE WASHINGTON. COMMANDANT EN CHEE DES ARMEES AMRI CAINS. N EN VIRGINIE IN 1733. Bust in uniform, full lace. Oval, with narrow border. Aquatint in sepia. Height 4 12-16 inches; width 4 3-16 inches. Very rare. Brilliant impression, with full margin. 72. G. WASHINGTON. Bust in uniform, head to left. Oval, with border representing a miniature frame. Etching. Height 2 15-16 inches; width 2 4-16 inches. After a Miniature of same size by C. W. Peale (etched by Ferris). India proof. 12 7,2$. GEORGE WASHINGTON. Bust, head to left. Vignette. Etching. Height 6 inches; width 4 10-16 inches. C. W. Peale, Pinxt. S. J, Ferris, Del. & Sculp. Published March, 1882, by John Wanamaker, Philadelphia. 73. - Bust in uniform, full face. Vignette. Outline. Height 4 1-16 inches; width 3 10-16 inches. Tom 6, PL 339 (bis). Similar to Baker No. 13. Very rare.' 74. LE GENERAL WASHINGTON COMMEND ANT EN CHEF DES ARMEES AMERICAINES NE EN VIRGINIE EN 1733. Bust in uniform, head to left. Oval,' with a border in a rectangle, resting upon a tablet, in which is a representation -of the surrender at Yorktown; inscribed "Journe'e memorable du 19 Octobre 1781, a York en Virginie." Title within the border. Line. Height 7 11-16 inches; width 5 7-16 inches. Similar to Baker No. 14. Excessively rare. Fine brilliant impression, with wide margin. $$. HONNEUR AUX LIBERATEURS DE DEUX MONDES, WAS- INGTHON, LAFAYETTE. Half length in uniform with cocked hat, full face, with flags on either side and cannon to right. Vignette. Lafayette, full bust in- uniform, head to left, French flag over left shoulder. Vignette. " Underneath each portrait laudatory verses in French. Wood engraving in colors. Height 8 6- 1 6 inches; width 6 7-16 inches. Chez Julienne, Successeur de M. Tautin, rue Saint-Merri, No. 37, . a. Paris. , .,..;;, This wood-engraved portrait is thus placed with the copper and steel-plate engraved portraits on ' ' account of its interesting character and great rarity. 76. - : -- Bust ' in "uniform. Oval, with outline border. The heading to a sheet entitled " A Circular Letter from his Excellency George Washington, Commander in Chief of the Armies of the United States of America, addressed to the Governors of the several States, on his resigning the Command of the Army, and retiring from public Busi- ness." "Head Quarters, Newburgh, June 18, 1783." Line. Height 4 1-16 inches; width 3 7-16 inches, including outline border. F. Cook del et Sculp. London: Printed for S. Bladon, No. 13, Pater- noster Row. Size of sheet: Height 18 11-16 inches; width 13 10-16 inches. Excessively rare. Although this is undoubtedly the same portrait described by Baker, No. 7, from the brilliancy of the impression, and the letter-press accompanying it, we believe this to be one of the earliest impressions, as it was no doubt engraved for this purpose, and that the impression described by Baker is a later one from the same plate, to which was added the publisher's address. See facsimile. GKNKKAJ, IVAS esident oft/u -hncr/, -\ } .} \ ^ FACSIMILE OF LOT 164 27 160. G. WASHINGTON AS HE APPEARED WHILE REVIEWING THE CONTI- NENTAL ARMY ON BOSTON COMMON 1776. Bust in uniform, in profile to right. Oval medallion, in the centre of a rectangle ruled with waved lines and inclosed by a border. Stipple. Height 5 14-16 inches; width 5 inches. Drawn by N. Fullerton. Engraved by G. G. Smith. Entered ac- cording to Act of Congress, in the year .1851, by Charles Fox, in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of Massachusetts. Baker No. 96. 161. THE SAME. Oval in a fancy border (without the rectangle). Height 5 2-16 inches; width 4 5-16 inches. India proof. 162. G. WASHINGTON. Born Virginia Febry nth 1732. General of the American Armies 1775. Resign 'd 1783. President of the United States 1780. Full bust in uniform, in profile to left. Circle. Stipple. Diameter 3 9-16 inches. Baker No. 97. On India paper. The reprint after the 'plate was altered by removing the ribbon on the arm on which was the title. JOSEPH WRIGHT TYPE NOT IN BAKER. 163. WASHINGTON. His Path be Ours. Bust in profile to left. Oval. Stipple. Height 2 4-16 inches; width i 13-16 inches. A. Todd, Sculp. Extremely rare. 164. GENRL. WASHINGTON. Full bust in uniform, in profile to left. Oval with a border. Stipple. Height 4 2-16 inches; width 3 1-16 inches. Extremely rare. See facsimile. 165. GEO E . WASHINGTON ESQ*. COMMANDER IN CHIEF OF THE FORCES, & LATE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Full bust in uniform, in profile to left. Oval. Line. Height 3 10-16 inches; width 2 14-16 inches. London. Published by G. Cawthorne. British Library, 132 Strand, 31 June, 1799. Baker No. 428. We have placed this under the Wright portraits, as Baker no doubt was mistaken in placing it with the fictitious portraits. 28 166. GEO. WASHINGTON. Full bust in uniform, in profile to right. Oval. Stipple. Height 4 2-16 inches; width 3 5-16 inches. Engraved for the Ladies' Mag. Baker No. 429. We have placed this under the Wright portraits, as Baker no doubt was mistaken in placing it with the fictitious portraits. 167. GEN*-. GEORGE WASHINGTON. Bust in uniform, in profile to left. Circular medallion suspended by a ribbon on the column of an arch, over the figure of the Goddess of Liberty; on the other column is a similar portrait of " Doc 4 . Benjamin Franklin," and underneath the inscription, America trampling on oppression. Etching. Height 5 7-16 inches; width 3 5-16 inches. Wightman. Sc. Rare. 1 68. . Bust in uniform, in profile to right, on a sheet with four other portraits of Franklin, Bonaparte, Duke of Sully, and Lafay- ette. Vignette. Stipple. Height 5 7-16 inches; width 3 5-16 inches. Rare. 169. GEORGE WASHINGTON. Full bust in uniform, head to right. Vignette. Etching. Height 5 8-16 inches; width 4 8-16 inches. Joseph Wright Pinxit Phila 1784. Albert Rosenthal, Phila, 1888 Aqua Fortis. From the original painting in the possession of the Powel Family Newport, R. I. India proof. 170. THE SAME. "Etched expressly for Baker's Bibliotheca Washingto- niana." Japan paper proof. 171. THE SAME. Artist's proof, signed. 172. THE SAME. From the first to the ninth state.' 9 pieces. An unique collection. 173. THE ORIGINAL PENCIL DRAWING by Albert Rosenthal from which the above etching was made. 174. G. WASHINGTON. Bust in uniform, in profile to right. The title on a ribbon beneath the bust. Oval. Stipple. Height 2 8-16 inches; width i 14-16 inches. J. Wright Pinx. & Ft Hollyer Engr. Artist's proof, signed. No. 27 of 50 India proofs signed by J. O. Wright & Co. 2 9 ROBERT EDGE PINE TYPE. 175. WASHINGTON. Half length in uniform, head three-quarters to left; the right hand rests upon a walking-stick. Vignette. Stipple. Height 5 8-16 inches; width 4 inches. H. B. Hall. From the original Picture from life by Robert Edge Pine taken in 1785. (In the possession of J. Carson Brevoort, Esq., Brooklyn, N. Y.) Engraved for Irving' 's Washington. Baker No. 98. India proof. 176. THE SAME. Proof before all letters. 177. G. WASHINGTON. Bust in uniform. Head three-quarters to left. Oval, in a frame adorned with laurel leaves, resting upon a base in a rectangle. At the top of the frame, " E Pluribus Unum," and beneath it an open scroll containing facsimile autographs of the signers. Stipple. Height 8 9-16 inches; width 6 4-16 inches. Painted by A. Chappel. Engraved by G. R. Hall. From the original portrait by Pine in the possession of J. Carson Brevoort Esqr. (Copy- right 1856.) Baker No. 99. 178. THE SAME. India proof. 179. THE SAME. An impression from the retouched and altered plate. " Copyright 1879 by Henry J. Johnson." jgo, Half length in uniform, head three-quarters to left; right hand rests on a walking-stick. Colored photogravure. Height 16 14-16 inches; width 13 3-16 inches. From the original picture by Robert Edge Pine. Copyright 1902, by Henry T. Coates & Co. JEAN ANTOINE HOUDON TYPE. 181. WASHINGTON. Profile head and bust, to right. Vignette. Line. Height 3 4-16 inches; width 2 4-16 inches. From Houdon's Bust. Engraved by A. B. Durand, 1833. Baker No. 100. 182. THE SAME. India proof. 30 183. WASHINGTON. Profile head and bust, to right. Vignette. Stipple. Height 4 2-16 inches; width 2 8-16 inches. From Houdon's Bust. Title-page to " Life of George Washington, by Washington Irving, vol. 3. New York, G. P. Putnam, No. 506 Broadway, 1859." India proof. Baker No. 101. 184. THE SAME. Different state. 185. " " " " 186. WASHINGTON. Profile head and bust, to left, in a rectangle. En- graved by a roulette. Height 2 12-16 inches; width 2 1-16 inches. Wm. Hamlin Sc. ^.91. From Howdan's Bust. Richmond, Va. Baker No. 102. 187. THE SAME. Brilliant impression, from Wm. Hamlin's own collection. 188. WASHINGTON. Profile head and bust, to right, in a rectangle. Stipple. Height 5 inches; width 4 inches. Drawn by J. Wood from Houdon's Bust. Engraved by Leney. Pub- lished by Joseph Delaplaine Chestnut S f . Philad a . 1814. Baker No. 103. 189. THE SAME. Variation in the type of the title. 190. WASHINGTON. Head in profile to left. Oval medallion, suspended by a ring, in a ruled rectangle. Height 10 10-16 inches; width 9 2-16 inches. Ormsby's Pentography. Baker No. 104. On India paper. Rare in this state. 191. GEO. WASHINGTON. Full figure in uniform, standing upon a pedestal. Head in profile to left; the right hand rests upon the folds of a military cloak thrown over the ends of a bundle of fasces, and the left upon a walking-stick. Vignette. Stipple. Height 6 inches; width 2 8-16 inches. From the statue by Houdon in the Capitol, Richmond, Va. Da- guerreotyped from the Statue. Geo. Parkes. Baker No. 105. 192. WASHINGTON. Profile head and bust, to right. Vignette. Stipple. Height 2 8-16 inches; width i 8-16 inches. From Houdon's bust. Engraved by G. F. Storm. Baker No. 107. 193. THE SAME. Variation in title. 1- 194. G. WASHINGTON. Head in profile to left, the hair flowing and tied by a ribbon. Circular medallion; title on left. Line. Diameter 2 15-16 inches. Dessine et Grave d'apres Houdon par Alexandre Tardieu. " Pour sauver son pays du pouvoir arbitraire, Washington combattit en guerrier valeureux: Mais il acquit bien plus qu'une gloire vulgaire ; II fut homme d'Etat, humain et vertueux. Par J. Castera." Depose d la Bibliotheque National 'e le 9 Vendemiaire An g. A Paris chez Alex. Tardieu Gr. de la Marine Rue de I'Universite N. 296, au Depdt National de Machines. Baker No. 108. Fine impression. Full margin. Very rare. 195. THE SAME. Before the verses. Very rare in this state. 196. THE SAME. Cut close to margin and laid down. 197. PROFILE HEAD AND BUST, to right. Vignette. Stipple. Height 6 inches; width 3 8-16 inches. Engraved to imitate a crayon drawing. Baker No. 108. Very rare. 198. HEAD IN PROFILE, to right. Circular medallion upon a base, inscribed "Born Feb. 22 A. D. 1732 Died Dec. 14, 1799"; a figure of Liberty on the right, the U. S. shield on the left ; the centre of a circle ornamented with views at Mount Vernon. Line. Diameter 2 1-16 inches. Designed by H. Billings. Engraved by the American Bank Note Co. Entered according to Act of Congress in the year 1859 by H. Barnes in the Clerk's office of the District Court of the District of Massachusetts. Baker No. no. JEAN ANTOINE HOUDON TYPE NOT IN BAKER. 199. GIORGIO WASHINGTON. Profile head and bust, to right. Cir- cular. Stipple. Diameter 2 8-16 inches. Excessively rare. 200. G. WASHINGTON. Profile head and bust, to left. Circular medal- lion. Stipple. Diameter 2 6-16 inches. Nach Tardieu von Senn. Similar to Baker No. 108. Very rare. 201. G.WASHINGTON. Profile head and bust, to right. Circular medal- lion, underneath a tablet with the title. Stipple. Diameter 5 10-16 inches. Very rare. 202. GEORGE WASHINGTON. Profile head and bust, to left, with title on either side of bust. Circular medallion. Aquatint. Diameter 3 8-16 inches. C. C. Wright D. & F. Rare. 203. GEORGE WASHINGTON. Profile head and bust, to left, with title on either side of bust. Circular medallion. Aquatint. Diameter 3 8-16 inches. C. C. Wright D. & F. Printed in tints. Different plate from Lot aoa. 204. GEORGE WASHINGTON. Profile head and bust, to left, with title on either side of bust. Circular medallion. Diameter 3 8-16 inches. C. C. Wright, D. & F. J. W. Steel, Anaglyptograph. " The Medallic Memorials of Washington in the Mint of the United States, by James Ross Snowden." 205. GEORGIO WASHINGTON. SVPREMO Dvci EXERCITWN ADSER- TORI LIBERTATIS. CoMixiA AMERICANA. Profile head and bust to right. Circular medallion in a ruled rectangle. Line. Height 4 7-16 inches; width 3 5-16 inches. W. L. Ormsby Sc. 33 206. GEORGIO WASHINGTON SVPREMO Dvci EXERCITWN AD- SERTORI LIBERTATIS, CoMixiA AMERICANA. Profile head and bust, to right. Circular medallion. Diameter 2 10-16 inches. Machine engraving. Title page of " The National Portrait Gallery," 1834. 207. GEORGE WASHINGTON. Profile head and bust, to right. Vig- nette. Stipple. Height 3 4-16 inches; width i 14-16 inches. d'apres la buste de Houdon. Similar to Baker No. 100. 208. GEORGIO WASHINGTON SVPREMO Dvci EXERCITWN AD- SERTORI LIBERTATIS, COMITIA AMERICANA. Profile head and bust, to right. Circular medallion. The front of a medal; underneath the reverse, and on either side the Washington arms. Line. Diameter 2 13-16 inches. Medaille d'honneur offerte a George Washington par le Congre*s. 209. GEORGIO WASHINGTON. SVPREMO Dvci EXERCITWN AD- SERTORI LIBERTATIS, COMITIA AMERICANA. Profile head and bust, to right. Circular medallion. The front of a medal; to the left the reverse. Line. Diameter 2 13-16 inches. Copy of a Gold Medal presented to General Washington by Congress on the Evacuation of Boston. 210. GEORGIO WASHINGTON SVPREMO Dvci EXERCITWN AD- SERTORI LIBERTATIS, COMITIA AMERICANA. Profile head and bust, to right. Circular medallion. The front of a medal; underneath the reverse; on either side the Washington arms. Diameter 2 13-16 inches. Copy of a Gold Medal presented to General Washington by Congress on the Evacuation of Boston, i, Arms of the Washington Family obtained from the Herald's College London. 2, Copy of General Wash- ington's seal. 211. Full figure standing upon a pedestal, with cloak thrown round the shoulders. Head three-quarters to right; scroll in the right hand. Stipple. Height 4 6-8 inches; width i 9-16 inches. 212. Head and bust in profile, to right. On a sheet with 35 other portraits. Vignette. Line. Height i 7-16 inches; width i 4-16 inches. 34 213- PRO PATRIA. Head and bust in profile, to right. Oval medallion on the side of an altar, upon which is a fire ; to the right a female figure with a crown upon her head on which is the word "Union," in the act of offering up a sacrifice; to left a building; in the background the ocean. Stipple. Height i 14-16 inches; width 3 7-16 inches. Banknote vignette. 214. Head and bust in profile, to right. Oval. To the left a revolutionary soldier; to right the figure of Liberty reclining on the oval, and two Indians. Stipple. Height a 1-16 inches; width a 9-16 inches. 215. Head and bust in profile, to left. Oval. Stipple. Height 14-16 inch; width 11-16 inch. Cut close. 2 1 6. Head and bust in profile, to right. Oval medallion in a frame representing a laurel wreath, with floriated corners. Height i 12-16 inches; width i 7-16 inches. Engraved by a machine. India proof. 217. Head and bust in profile, to left. Oval in a border representing a frame ornamented with flowers, over the top of which is the American shield. Stipple. Height i 8-16 inches; width i 4-16 inches. Cut dose. 218. Head and bust in profile, to left. Circular. Stipple. Diameter 11-16 inch. American Bank Note Co. India proof. 219. Head and bust in profile, to right. Oval on a sheet containing three other portraits of Washington after Stuart, Trumbull, and Peale. Line. Height 3 2-16 inches; width a 3-16 inches. Houdon 1785. Engd. by H. B. Hall & Sons 13 Barclay St., N. Y. 220. WASHINGTON. Bust, head to left; in background oval at top. Line. Height 8 12-16 inches; width 6 11-16 inches. Copyrighted 1897 by Alfred Jones, N. A. Delt. et Sculpt. India proof. 35 221. - Full bust, head to left. At left of bust two books. Landscape background. Oval. Height 5 12-16 inches; width 4 7-16 inches. Engraved by machine. 222. - Bust, head three-quarters to left, crowned with laurel wreath, on a pedestal. To left a cannon; to right an easel upon which hangs a palette; on the ground in front, books, sword, compass, etc. Vignette. Stipple. Height 6 12-16 inches; width 6 inches. F. O. C. Barley. J. C. McRae. Philadelphia, John C. Version 6* Co. Masonic Publishers. Title to "A Portrait Gallery of Prominent Freemasons." 223. GEORGE WASHINGTON. Born, 22. February 1723. Head and bust in profile, to left. Circular medallion surrounded with a wreath of flowers, tied with a ribbon at top ; scrollwork on either side. Height 3 8-16 inches; width 13 3-16 inches. " Chameleon Stripe." Machine engraved. Dry-goods label. 224. - Head and bust in profile, to right. Oval in a rectangle, with border resembling a frame. Height 3 1-16 inches; width 2 11-16 inches. "Warranted Fast Colors." Machine engraved. Dry-goods label. 225. - Head and bust in profile, to left. Circular surrounded with scrollwork. Diameter 2 5-16 inches. "Superior Steam Loom Cottons. Washington Mills, Gloucester, New Jersey, near Philadelphia." Machine engraved. Printed on green paper. 226. Head and bust in profile, to left. Circular medallion surrounded with scrollwork. Diameter 2 14-16 inches. " Washington Prints Gloucester New Jersey." Machine engraved. Dry-goods label. 227. - Head and bust in profile, to right. Circular medallion in the centre of a border engraved to resemble a frame. Height 6 2-16 inches; width 7 6-16 inches. "Washington Manufacturing Co. Gloucester, near Philadelphia." Printed on green paper. Dry-goods labek 36 JAMES PEALE TYPE. 228. G. WASHINGTON. Bust in uniform, head nearly in profile to right. Vignette. Line. Height 3 6-16 inches; width 3 inches. Engd. by H. B. Hall, N. Y. 1865. J. Peale Pinx 1788. (Private Plate.) Baker No. in. India proof. 229. THE SAME. Proof before the inscription, on India paper. Presentation copy to Henry B. Dawson, from Mr. Hoffman. 230. THE SAME. Proof before the inscription, on India paper. 231. Half length in uniform, head three-quarters to right, the right hand on sword-hilt. In the rear to left, a tent partly visible, and in the right background an attendant with a horse. Mezzotinto. Height 8 4-16 inches; width 6 4-16 inches. Engraved by J. Sartain after the Original Painting, From Life by James Peale. Baker No. 112. The engraver has written on the margin: " For Mr Sheepshanks Proof before the letters from a private plate of a portrait of Washington painted in 1778, belonging to Mr Lenox of New York. The portrait represents Washington in a military costume of that period." 232 GEORGE WASHINGTON. Full bust, head in profile to left. Etching. Height 4 5-16 inches; width 3 1-16 inches. Etched by Albert Rosenthal 1899 from the Water-color by James Peale, drawn from life, Philadelphia 1795, in the possession of Charles Henry Hart, Esq., Phila. Twenty-five sets in four states printed and subscribed for: Artist's proof, signed; proof; lettered impression; and defaced plate. 4 pieces. Sold as lot. 233. THE SAME. An unique set of eight trial proofs, showing the progress of the etching from the commencement to the completion. MADAME DE BREHAN TYPE. 234. GEORGE WASHINGTON N EN VIRGINIE LE n FE~VRIER 1732. Profile, head to left, laureated. Circular medallion in the upper part of a rectangle. The title in a tablet. Stipple. Height 5 12-16 inches; width 4 inches. Grave d'apres le Came'e peint par Madame de Brehan a Newyork 37 en 1789. Dirige par P. F. Tardieu. Grave par Roger. Baker No. "3- Brilliant impression. Fine margin. Rare. 235. G. WASHINGTON. Profile, head to right, laureated. Vignette. Line. Height 2 8-16 inches; width 2 2-16 inches. "The President's compliments accompany the enclosed to Mrs. Morris." Engraved and printed at the Bureau Engraving and Printing. This profile of Washington is engraved from the original now in pos- session of Gen. Geo. B. McClellan, which was presented to Mrs. Morris by Genl Washington, accompanied by a note of which the above text is a true and exact facsimile. Baker No. 1 14. India proof. 236. THE SAME. India proof, before the inscription. 237. " " Proof before the inscription. MADAME DE BREHAN TYPE NOT IN BAKER. 238. GEORGE WASHINGTON. Profile, head to right, laureated. Circu- lar medallion, with border, suspended by a ring, tied with a ribbon. Aquatint. Height 3 12-16 inches; width 3 5-16 inches. Grave d'apre*s le Came'e peint par M me . le Marquise de Bryant par A. F. Sergent 1790. " Vengeur de son pays, sa force, sa prudence L'affranchit des tyrans, et ce bras respecte", Qui d'un monde opprime conquit 1'independance, Sous la garde des loix maintient la liberte." Brilliant impression. Exceedingly rare. CHRISTIAN GULAGER TYPE. 239. GEORGE WASHINGTON. Head and bust, three-quarters to right. Oval in rectangle. Line. Height 4 10-16 inches; width 3 13-16 inches. Engd. by Wm. E. Marshall from a Portrait by Gulligher belonging to E. Belknap Esq. Baker No. 115. 38 EDWARD SAVAGE TYPE. 240. GEORGE WASHINGTON, ESQ*. PRESIDENT OF THE UNITF^ STATES OF AMERICA. Full bust in uniform, the order of the Cincinnati on the left breast; head three-quarters to right. Oval, in a rectangle. Stipple. Height 5 3-16 inches; width 4 3-16 inches. Painted & Engraved by E. Savage From the Original Picture Painted in 1790 for the Philosophical Chamber, at the University of Cambridge, in Massachusetts. Published Feby 7, 1792 by E. Savage, No. 29 Charles Street, Midd x . Hospital. Baker No. 116. A superb impression, with full margin. Very rare. 241. THE SAME. Choice impression. Cut close to title, the inscription and address being cut off. 242. GENERAL GEORGE WASHINGTON. Full bust in uniform, the order of the Cincinnati on the left breast; head three-quarters to the right. Oval, in a rectangle. Stipple. Height 5 3-16 inches; width 4 3-16 inches. Painted & Engraved by E. Savage. Baker No. 117. 243. GEORGE WASHINGTON ESQ*. PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Nearly full length, sitting, legs crossed, at a table to the right, upon which is a hat with a large rosette; head three-quarters to right. A large chart upon the table is held by the right hand; the left arm rests upon it, the hand hanging over in front; the background is formed by a curtain, which, drawn at the right, reveals the sky and the lower portion of a pillar. Mezzotinto. Height 18 inches; width 14 inches. E. Savage pinx. et sculp. From the Original Portrait Painted at the request of the Corporation of the University of Cambridge in Massa- chusetts. Published June 25, 1793 by E. Savage No. 54 Newman Street. Baker No. 118. Framed. This copy is considered by connoisseurs to be absolutely the most brilliant and beautiful impression of this rare print known, with a fine wide margin. It certainly is the finest copy I ever saw, and is prized by Mr. Carson as one of the gems of his collection. 243^. GEORGE WASHINGTON PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Nearly full length sitting, legs grossed, at a table to the right. (Same description as the preceding print.) Mezzotinto. Height 18 inches; width 13 14-16 inches. From the original Portrait Painted at the request of the Corporation of the University of Cambridge in Massachussetts. Baker No. 119. This is a different Plate from the preceding one, although very similar. It is not so well ex- ecuted, and slight differences are visible throughout, the most marked, perhaps, being the Rosette on the hat, which is entirely different. It is supposed to be by Savage. It is exceedingly scarce. Baker only saw two impressions. This is a very good one. 39 244. THE WASHINGTON FAMILY. George Washington his Lady and her two Grandchildren by the name of Custis: La Famille de Washing- ton, George Washington Son Epouse et Ses deux petits Enfants du Nom de Custis. Full figure in military costume, seated to the left of the print. His right arm rests on the shoulder of the boy who is stand- ing, while the left is upon a chart-extended on a table, to a part of which Mrs. Washington points with a fan. Stipple. Height 18 6-16 inches; length 24 6-16 inches. Painted and Engrav'd by E. Savage. Philadelphia. Published March loth 1798, by E. Savage & Rob*. Wilkinson No. 58 Cornhill London. Baker No. 120. Beautiful brilliant impression, with the full margin. Probably a finer copy could not be found, as this is perfectly free from spots and the margin has not suffered by being framed, as is the case with nearly all copies. 244^. THE SAME. Open letter proof. 245. Portrait of George Washington, from the above de- scribed print. Cut square. Height 3 15-16 inches; width a 15-16 inches. 246. WASHINGTON. Bust in uniform. Head three-quarters to right. Vignette. Line. Height 3 2-16 inches; width 3 8-16 inches. Marckl. Del. Bertonnier Sculpt. PuUie par Pourrat F. a Paris. Baker No. 121. 247. THE SAME. Choice proof before letters, with full margin. Very rare in this state. 248. THE SAME. Proof before the publisher's address. 249. WASHINGTON. Full bust in uniform, the order of the Cincinnati on the left breast; head three-quarters to right. Vignette. Mezzotinto. Height 4 8-16 inches; width 3 10-16 inches. Engd. by J. C. Buttre N. Y. After a Painting by Edward Savage in 1790. Baker No. 122. 250. THE SAME. Proof before all letters on India paper. 251. " " India paper proof . 252. " " " " ' before the "1790." 40 253. GEN*- GEORGE WASHINGTON. Nearly full length in military coat, sitting at a table to the right, crossed legs. Upon a pedestal to the right, relieved against the sky, an urn, with halo at top, bearing the inscription "G. W. Obt Decbr. i4th I799 & 68." On the side of the pedestal, "The Grateful Tribute of his Admiring Countrymen," and on the front, in three lines, " Death ere thou hast slain another Wise and Great and Good as He, Time shall throw his dart at thee." Mezzotinto. Height 17 11-16 inches; width 13 14-16 inches. E. Savage Pinxt. W. Hamlin Sculpt. Published July 1800 by Wm. Hamlin, Providence, R. I. Baker No. 123. A copy with variations noted of the mezzotinto by Savage, Baker No. 118. Only 100 impressions of the plate were taken for subscribers. It is extremely rare. See plate. 254. GEORGE WASHINGTON ESQ*. Obt. Decbr. i 4 th I799 & 68. Nearly full length, sitting at a table to the left, crossed legs ; head three- quarters to the left. Mezzotinto. Height 7 5-16 inches; width 5 8-16 inches. E. Savage pinxet. Wm. Hamlin sculp. Providence. Baker No. 124. Copy in the reverse of the mezzotinto by Savage, Baker No. 118. Modern impression. 255. GEN*-. GEORGE WASHINGTON. Bust in uniform, head three- quarters to right. Oval. Stipple. Height 3 14-16 inches; width 3 3-16 inches. E. Savage, Pinxt. Wm. Hamlin, Set. Provid. " Farnsworth's Edi- tion." Baker No. 126. Very rare. 256. GENL. GEORGE WASHINGTON. Full bust in uniform, head three-quarters to right. Oval, surrounded by rays. Stipple. Height 10-16 inch; width 7-16 inch. W m Hamlin, Sculpt. Baker No. 127. 257. THE SAME. Very early impression. From Wm. Hamlin's own col- lection. 258. GENL GEO. WASHINGTON. Full bust in uniform, head three- quarters to left ; the order of the Cincinnati on the right breast. Oval, in a rectangle. Stipple. Height 4 2-16 inches; width 3 inches. W. Harrison Junr. Sculpt. Baker No. 128. Very rare. FACSIMILE OF LOT 253, REDUCED U ;J J J. J f 259. GEORGE WASHINGTON, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES 'OF AMERICA. Full bust in uniform, head three-quarters to right;' the. order of the Cincinnati on the left breast. Oval, in a rectangle. Stipple. Height 4 inches; width 3 inches. Engraved by S. Hill. Baker N.o. 129. ' Rare. Brilliant impression. 260. GEORGE WASHINGTON, Esqr. Full bust in uniform, head three- quarters to right; the order of the Cincinnati on the left breast. Oval. Stipple. Height 4 4-16 inches; width 4 2-16 inches. Houston, Sc. Philad a . Published for Tho s . Coridie Bookseller. Baker No. 130. Brilliant impression. Rare. 261. Full bust in uniform, head three-quarters to left. Oval. Stipple. Height 4 9-16 inches; width 3 8-16 inches. Savage pinx. O'Neill Sc. Published by Elias Dexter, 546 Broadway, N. Y. Baker No. 131. India proof, before the title. 262. THE SAME. India proof before the title or address. 263. GEORGE WASHINGTON. PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. Full bust in uniform, head three-quarters to left; the order of the Cin- cinnati on the right breast. Oval. Stipple. Height 4 14-16 inches; width 3 12-16 inches. Savage Pinxt. Rollinson Set. Baker No. 132. Rare. 264. THE WASHINGTON FAMILY. Ge<>. Washn. Parke Custis, Genl Geo. Washington, Eleanor Parke Custis, Martha Washington, William Lee. (Copy of the print by Savage, Baker No. 120.) . Mezzotinto. Height 16 4-16 inches; length 23 12-16 inches. Painted by Edward Savage. Engraved by J. Sartain. Baker No. 133. 265. GEORGE WASHINGTON, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Nearly full length, sitting at a table to the right, with crossed legs. Line. Height 4 13-16 inches; width 3 12-16 inches.- I. Scoles, del et sculp. Published by Smith, Reed, and Wayland. Baker No. 134. 42 266. G. WASHINGTON. Full bust in uniform, head three-quarters to the left. Oval. Stipple. Height 4 12-16 inches; width 3 12-16 inches. Savage pinx. Tanner, sc. "Engraved for the Washingtoniana." Baker No. 135. 267. THE SAME. Fine impression before the "Engraved for the Washing- toniana," with full margin. 268. GEORGE WASHINGTON EsQr. PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Full bust in uniform, head three-quarters to right; the order of the Cincinnati on the left breast. Oval. Stipple. Height 5 inches; width 3 13-16 inches. From the Original Picture painted by Savage in 1 790, for the Philo- sophical Chamber of the University of Cambridge in Massachusetts. London, Pub d . for the Proprietor, Aug* 10, 1793, by E. Jeffery, No. n, Pall Mall. Baker No. 136. See plate. Rare. 269. THE SAME. Beautiful impression, with wide margin. Printed in brown. Very rare in this state. 270. GEORGE WASHINGTON. PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Bust in uniform, body slightly to left, head drawn in rather an awkward manner, three-quarters to right. Oval. Stipple. Height 4 inches; width 3 4-16 inches. from an Original Miniature in the Possession of Benjamin Smith of Philadelphia. Published June 10^ 1794, by T. Palfer, No. 4, Bridge Road Lambeth near the Turnpike. Baker No. 137. Extremely rare. EDWARD SAVAGE TYPE NOT IN BAKER. 271. GEORGE WASHINGTON, Eso/. Full bust in uniform, head three- quarters to right; the order of the Cincinnati on the left breast. Oval. Stipple. Height 4 14-16 inches; width 4 2-16 inches. Very rare. 272. GIORGIO WASHINGTON. Bust in uniform, head three-quarters to right. Circular. Stipple. Diameter 2 4-16 inches. Minatelli's, Pubblicato in Venezia a spese di Catterin Minatelli e Comp. Very rare. FACSIMILE OF LOT 268 THE ORIGINAL IS IN COLORS C U I V . t- I* .. I I !- .' i. 43 273- Full bust in uniform, head three-quarters to right; the order of the Cincinnati on the left breast. Vignette. Outline. Height 4 inches; width 3 4-16 inches. Very scarce. 274. WASHINGTON FAMILY. George Washington seated to the right of a table, upon which is spread a map, with sword resting upon it; to the left, in the rear, Martha Washington; to the right Geo. W. P. Custis, in the rear Nellie Custis; in the front right corner a globe, etc. Mezzotinto. Height 13 5-16 inches; width 9 14-16 inches. Painted by F. B. Schell. Engraved by A. B. Walker. Published by John Dainty 15 S. 6th St. Philadelphia. After the style of Savage's Washington Family. 275. Full bust, head three-quarters to right; curtain in the background. Mezzotinto. Height 10 inches; width 8 3-16 inches. (Engraved by S. Arlent Edwards from an engraving by Edward Savage.) Artist's remarque proof, signed; a close copy with variations of Baker No. 118. 2 75 A. WASHINGTON FAMILY. Washington Parke Custis, George Washington, Eleanor Parke Custis, Martha Washington, William Lee (copy of the Print by Savage, Baker No. 120). Mezzotinto. Height 18 inches; width 24 14-16 inches. (Engraved by Jno Sartain) Published by Thos Kelly, 346 Third Avenue, between 22? and 2$* St. N. Y. Similar to Baker No. 133. 2758. THE SAME. Height 16 3-16 inches; length 23 11-16 inches. Painted by Edward Savage. Engraved by J. Sartain. Similar to Baker No. 133. 44 JOHN TRUMBULL TYPE. 4 ' 276. WASHINGTON. Full bust in uniform, a cloak around the left shoul- der, head to left. Line. Height 8 6-16 inches', width 6 6-16 inches. Dessine par Couder. Grave par A. Blanchard. "Dedie a S. E. le General Jackson, President des Etats-Unis d'Ame'rique, Par son tres- respecteux admirateur, le Typographe N. Bettoni." Baker No. 139. India proof. 277. THE SAME. Fine proof before the inscription. 278. WASHINGTON. Half length in uniform, head to left. Vignette. Height 4 4-16 indies; width 3 4-16 inches. Burt. Baker No. 140. 279. GENERAL WASHINGTON. Full length in uniform, head to left; a field-glass in the extended right hand, the left on a sword-hilt at his side. In the rear, a soldier with a horse, and in the extreme back- ground the representation of a battle (Trenton). At his feet a dis- mounted cannon. Stipple. Height 25 6-16 inches; width 17 7-16 inches. Painted by John Trumbull Esqr. Engraved by T. Cheesman. London. Published by A. C. De Poggi NO. 91, New Bond Street, June 1796. Baker No. 141. Fine impression. 280. THE SAME. Choice proof before all letters, with the address of the publisher scratched in, "10^ 1795 by A. C. De Poggi New Bond S*. London." This superb brilliant proof, with wide margin, is no doubt one of, if not the earliest impression known; it will be perceived that the date is 1795, a year earlier than the regular impressions. 281. THE SAME. With variation in the address of the publisher. "London Published by A. C. De Poggi, NO. 91, New Bond Street." Brilliant impression. y> 282. THE SAME. With variation in the address of the publisher, it being printed under the title, instead of immediately under the print, as in the first described. Beautiful mellow brilliant impression. 45 283. THE SAME. Without the address of the publisher. The above five engravings by Cheesman form a remarkable collection, and I doubt if it could be duplicated. Any of them are rare, the proof especially so. Here we have five distinct different states, all printed from the one plate, at close intervals, the variations being mainly in the address of the publisher. 284. GAL WASHINGTON. Bust in uniform, head to right. Vignette. Etched. Height 3 11-16 inches; width 3 4-16 inches. Couche* fils sc. Baker No. 142. 285. WASHINGTON. Full length in uniform. (Fully described in the print by Cheesman, No. 279.) Stipple. Height 5 2-16 inches; width 3 7-16 inches. Engraved by A. Daggett from the original Painting by Colonel Trumbull. Published by Nathan Whiting New Haven Con. Baker No. 143. 286. THE SAME. Inscribed "Washington at Trenton, N. J. January 2RGE WAS'HI.N'G E NT of the UXITEI? STATED FACSIMILE OF LOT 343, REDUCED 330. THE SAME. India proof before all letters. 331. WASHINGTON IN 1775. THE PERIOD OF His TAKING COMMAND OF THE ARMY. (Fully described in the Print Lot 329.) Stipple. Height 7 1-16 inches; width 5 7-16 inches. From the original by Alonzo Chappel in the possession of the Pub- lisher. Copyright 1879 by Henry J. Johnson. Henry J. Johnson, Publisher, New York. 332. CORNWALLIS RESIGNING HIS SWORD TO WASHINGTON. Full length in uniform, in the act of receiving the sword from Corn- wallis on the field at Yorktown, surrounded with American and English officers. Line. Height 7 10-16 inches; width 5 inches. Painted by Smirke. Engraved by Heath. Corrected by Goulding. ', 1 ' . 334. GEORGE WASHINGTON. Bust, head to right. Oval. (On the same sheet with portrait of Martha Washington.) Etched. Height 3 11-16 inches; width 2 13-16 inches. Etched by Albert Rosenthal, from the Painting by Jno. Trumbull in the National Museum, Washington, D. C. Copyright 1900 Albert Rosenthal. "Twenty-five sets in four states of the plate printed and subscribed for": Japan proof, colored and signed; Japan proof, un- colored and signed; lettered impression, Japan paper; lettered impres- sion on Japan paper, with list of subscribers; and impression from defaced plate. The set contains a signed proof uncolored, not with the regular sets published. 335. THE SAME. Trial proofs (2 Washington, 2 Martha Washington). 4 pieces. 336. WASHINGTON. Full bust in uniform, head to left. Vignette. Line. Height 3 2-16 inches; width 2 8-16 inches. Bureau Engraving and Printing. 337. G. WASHINGTON. Half length in uniform, head to left. M ezzotinto. Height 4 10-16 inches; width 3 10-16 inches. Trumbull, Bannister. 338. GEORGE WASHINGTON. Full length in uniform. (In reverse of the print by Cheesman, Baker No. 141.) Line. Height 6 15-16 inches; 4 0-16 inches. Engraved by W. E. Tucker from an original Painting. 52 33 8 A. The Surrender of Lord Cornwallis at Yorktown, Va., Oct. I9** 1 1781. Full length in uniform on horseback, riding to the front between two lines of American troops. Stipf's, colored. Height 3 14-16 inches; length 5 14-16 inches. Eng^ by D. C. Hinman from the original painting by Col. Trumbull, in the Gallery at Yale College. Entered according to Act of Congress in the year 1844, by D. C. Hinman, in the Clerk's office of the District of Conn. ARCHIBALD ROBERTSON TYPE. 3383. G. WASHINGTON 1796. Bust, three-quarters to right. Oval. Stipple. Height 2 14-16 inches; width 2 3-16 inches. F. Bolt, f 1796. Baker No. 161. Rare. 3380. GEORGE WASHINGTON. Bust, head three-quarters to right. Oval. Stipple. Height 3 8-16 inches; width 2 14-16 inches. From the original Miniature on Ivory, Painted from life by Arch d Robertson, in Philadelphia, in December 1791. Elias Dexter, 564 Broadway, New York, 1866. Baker No. 162. India proof. 3380. GEO. WASHINGTON. Bust, head three-quarters to right. Oval, with border upon a pedestal, in a rectangle, a large scroll in front, to the right a sword and scales, and to the left a Liberty cap and oak branches. Line. Height 7 inches; width 4 inches. Grainger sculpt. Published as the Act directs July i; 1794 by H. D. Symonds Paternoster Row. Baker No. 163. 338E. GEO. WASHINGTON. Bust, head three-quarters to right. Oval. Line. Height 3 10-16 inches; width 2 13-16 inches. W. Grainger Sculp? Published as the act directs Oct. 25, 1794 by H. D. Symonds Paternoster Row. Baker No. 164. 338r. GEORGE WASHINGTON. Bust, head three-quarters to right. Stipple. Height 3 5-16 inches; width 2 9-16 inches. nach Frey gest v. Krethlow. Zwickau, b. d. Geb. Schumann, 1818. Baker No. 165. 3380. THE SAME. Colored. 53 GIUSEPPE CERACCHI TYPE. 338n. WASHINGTON. Bust in profile to left, head filletted. Vignette. Stipple. Height 3 6-16 inches; width 3 inches. H. B. Hall. From the Bust by G. Ceracchi, taken from life (now in possession of Gouverneur Kemble Esq. Cold Spring). Engraved jor Irving's Washington. Baker No. 166. India Proof. 339. THE SAME. Without "Engraved for Irving's Washington," but with Publisher's address, " G. P. Putnam's Sons." 340. WASHINGTON. Bust, upon a pedestal, head nearly in profile to left. Vignette inclosed by a single line. Stipple. Height 3 9-16 inches; width a 14-16 inches. Drawn by J. G. Chapman, from the Original bust by Ceracci. Engv'd by J. F. E. Prud'homme. Harper & Brothers. Baker No. 167. WILLIAMS TYPE. 341. WASHINGTON. Half length, in Masonic dress as a Past Master, head to right. Vignette. Mixed. Height 5 inches; width 4 inches. O'Neill N. Y. Engraved from the Portrait painted from life by Williams, for Alexandria Washington Lodge NO 22, Virginia 1794. Masonic Pub. & Man. Co. N. Y. Baker No. 168. 342. THE SAME. Fine proof before all letters, on India paper, with large margin. Rare in this state. WALTER ROBERTSON TYPE. 343. GEORGE WASHINGTON, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. Full bust in uniform, with black neckerchief, head to right. Oval, with narrow scroll border. On the point of a straight sword, which extends from the top of the oval, is a liberty cap, and across the middle the word "Libertas" surrounded by a laurel wreath; rays diverge from the wreath, losing themselves in the clouds. Beneath the oval 54 an eagle in clouds, with a long ribbon in his beak, the ends over his wings (which are outspread), inscribed "E Pluribus Unum." At each side, flags and palm branches reaching to the top, the whole inclosed with two slight lines. Stipple. Height ii 13-16 inches; width 9 3-16 inches. Painted by W. Robertson. Jo? Ja s Barralet Invenit 1795. En- grav'd by R. Field. Published by Walter Robertson, Philadelphia, 6 New York i s . ( August 1795. Baker No. 169. This Print is so rare that Baker only saw two impressions. This copy has been cut off slightly at the top, and is slightly stained in the upper and lower right-hand corners. It is, however, a very pretty impression. See Plate. 344. GEORGE WASHINGTON, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. Full bust in uniform, with black neckerchief, head to right. Oval, with narrow scroll border. Above the oval, a star with rays, and beneath an eagle with outspread wings in cloud, with a long ribbon in his beak, the ends over his wings, inscribed " E Pluribus Unum." At each side, flags and palm branches reaching to the top, the whole inclosed with two slight lines. Stipple. Height ii 14-16 inches; width 9 indies. Robertson Pinxt. Walker Execudit. Baker No. 170. Very rare. With the exception of the star, in place of the sword above the oval, this is a close copy of the preceding Print. Brilliant Impression 345. THE SAME. Beautiful Brilliant Impression, but cut down close to the oval at top, and to the shape of the clouds at bottom, but with the full inscription and address of the publisher. "Published March 25, 1797, by E. Walker, N Peck, New Haven Conn. Baker No. 293. 541. THE SAME. Open letter proof on large paper, before the publisher's address. 542. GEO. WASHINGTON ESQ? LATE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Full bust, head to left. Stipple. Height 8 14-16 inches; width 7 7-16 inches. C. G. Stuart pinx 1 . W Nutter sculp 1 . From an original Picture in the possession of I. Seb m De Franca Esq^ of Devonshire Place to whom this Plate is Dedicated by his obliged humble Serv 1 . Rob 1 . Cribb. London, Published Jan? 15, 1798, by R. Cribb, Holborn. Baker No. 294. . Very rare. Magnificent brilliant impression, with a fine wide margin; a finer copy could not be found. 543. THE SAME. Beautifully printed in colors. The lower margin cut close to the title. Exceedingly rare. Magnificent brilliant impression, with colors as bright as day of publication. See plate. 544. GEORGE WASHINGTON ESQ? LATE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Full bust, head to left. Oval. Stipple. Height 5 2-16 inches; width 4 2-16 inches. C. G. Stuart pinx 4 . W. Nutter, sculp*. London, published by R. Cribb, Jan? 15, 1799. Baker No. 295. Excessively rare. Choice brilliant impression, with fine wide margin. 545. WASHINGTON. Half length, head to left (Lansdowne). Line. Height 7 7-16 inches; width 6 2-16 inches. W. L. Ormsby Sc. Boston, Published by S. Walker. Baker No. 296. 546. THE SAME. Open letter proof. 547- WASHINGTON. Full length. The "Lansdowne Portrait," fully described in print by James Heath, Lot No. 478. Line. Height 20 2-16 inches; width 13 inches. Painted by Gilbert Stuart. Eng'd on Steel by W. L. Ormsby N. Y. Published by W. L. Ormsby 116 Fititon Street N. Y. Baker No. 297. Choice open letter proof on India paper. Very scarce in this state. 8i 548. THE SAME. "Presented to the subscribers of the Family Circle & Parlor Annual -who pay Two Dollars for Two Years subscription. J. G. Reed Publisher 140 Fulton St. N. Y. " 549. THE SAME. Early trial proof. Very rare. 550. GEO. WASHINGTON. Bust, head to left. Oval. Stipple. Height 2 inches; width i 10-16 inches. (Peabody sc) Baker No. 299. From History of the United States, Keene, N. H., 1832. 551. WASHINGTON. Bust, head to left. Border resembling a picture- frame suspended by a ring. Stipple. Height 5 2-16 inches; width 4 6-16 inches. Engraved by M 6 . 1 Pekenino, Philadelphia, 1822. From an original Portrait by G. Stewart. Baker No. 300. 552. THE SAME. Different state. (Light background.) 553. WASHINGTON. Full length. The "Lansdowne Portrait," fully described in the print by James Heath, Lot No. 478. Line. Height 20 inches; width 13 inches. Painted by Gilbert Stuart. Engraved by O. Pelton. Published by Gurdon Bill, Springfield, Mass. Baker No. 301. 553$. THE SAME. Variation in the publisher's address. "Published by E. R. Pelton, Office of Eclectic Magazine No. 5 Beekman St. N. Y." 554. THE SAME. Different state of the plate. " Painted by Gilbert Stuart 1797. Given with the American Publisher." 555. WASHINGTON. Full bust to left, head to right. Vignette. Stipple. Height 3 9-16 inches; width 3 6-16 inches. Engraved by Geo. E. Perine, N. York. Baker No. 303. 556. THE SAME. India paper proof. Large paper. 557. WASHINGTON. Bust, head to left. Inclosed by a square border of lathe-work, with a star in each corner. In the upper margin an eagle displayed, with the U. S. shield and motto "E Pluribus Unum." In the lower margin a flag (upon which is the title) rolled about a staff. Stipple. Height 2 13-16 inches; width 2 4-16 inches. Perkins & Heath. Patent Hardened Steel. Baker No. 304. 6 Very rare. 82 558. GEORGE WASHINGTON. Full bust, head to left. (Lansdowne.) Oval. Stipple. In colors. Height 4 6-16 inches; width 3 10-16 inches. L. Portman Sc. Baker No. 307. Very rare. 559. G. WASHINGTON. Full length. The "Lansdowne Portrait." Fully described in the print by James Heath, Lot No. 478. Mezzotinto. Height 19 14-16 inches; width 13 4-16 inches. Painted by G. Stuart. Engraved by J. R. Rice. Published by Pohlig & Rice, Philadelphia. Printed by Illman Bros. 617 Arch St. Philad? Baker No. 309. 560. THE SAME. India paper proof, before the address of the publisher. 561. G. WASHINGTON. Full length. The " Lansdowne Portrait." Mezzotinto. Height ii 3-16 inches; width 7 10-16 inches. Engraved by E. A. Rice. Smith fir 5 Holden Publishers, 82 West Baltimore St. Baltimore, Md. Baker No. 310. 562. THE SAME. India proof before all letters. 563. GENERAL WASHINGTON. Full bust, head to right. Oval. Stipple. Height 4 inches; width 3 8-16 inches. Engraved by W. Ridley, from an Original Picture in the Possession of Sam 1 . Vaughan, Esq? "European Magazine." Published by J. Sewell, 32 Cornhill, April i s . 1 1800. Baker No. 311. 564. THE SAME. Choice India paper proof. Very rare in this state. 565. G. WASHINGTON. Full length standing, head to left, right hand on an upright book upon a table to the left. The left hand upon the hilt of a dress sword, the point on the ground. The background formed by an alcove and pillars, and in the rear, to the right, an armchair. Mezzotinto. Height 26 6-16 inches; width 19 10-16 inches. P. F. Rothermel, pinxt A. H. Ritchie Sc. Published by R. A. Bachia & Co. 23 Chambers St. N. Y. Entered according to Act of Congress in the year 1852 by R. A. Bachia & C. in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the Southern District of New York. Baker No. 312. 566. THE SAME. , Variation in the name of publisher, " Boston L. A. Elliot & Co." 567. THE SAME. Beautifully colored by hand. Cut close to plate. 568. G. WASHINGTON. Full length. The "Tea Pot Portrait," fully described in the print by J. H. Hills, No. 481. Mezzotinto. Height n 8-16 inches; width 7 12-16 inches. Painted by Gilbert Stewart. Engraved by A. H. Ritchie. (Private Plate.) Baker No. 313. Proof before letters on India paper. Presentation copy to Mr. Sheepshanks by Mr. Lenox. 569. THE SAME. Proof before letters on India paper, with the Washington arms. 570. Bust, head to left. Oval. Stipple. Height 3 2-16 inches; width 2 8-16 inches. (Engraved by Jno Roberts) Baker No. 314. Very rare. This plate was left unfinished, but not destroyed, as stated by Dunlap in his sketch of the Engraver of it, John Roberts. Baker. 571. GEORGE WASHINGTON. Nearly full length. (Lansdowne.) Mixed. Height 5 7-16 inches; width 3 13-16 inches. J. Rogers Sc. 381 B. W. New York, D. Appleton &> Co. Baker No. 316. 572. THE SAME. Different state, without the publisher's address. 573. GEORGE WASHINGTON PRESIDENT DER VEREINIGTEN STAATEN VON AMERICA. Bust, head to left. (Lansdowne.) Oval. Stipple. Height 5 7-16 inches; width 4 inches. Rosmaster sculp: Baker No. 317. 574. WASHINGTON. Half length, head to left. Vignette. Stipple. Height 4 12-16 inches; width 3 14-16 inches. Russell, sculp. London, Published (for the Proprietors} by John Saunders, 25 Newgate Street 1835. Baker No. 318. Rare. 575. GEORGE WASHINGTON. Full length. The "Lansdowne Por- trait," fully described in the print by James Heath, Lot No. 478. Mezzotinto. Height 20 4-16 inches; width 16 inches. Painted by G. Stuart. Engraved by H. S. Sadd, N. Y. Published at the Albion Office, New York 1844. Baker No. 319. 84 576. WASHINGTON. Full length in uniform. (Washington at Dorches- ter Heights.) Fully described in the print by T. Kelly, Lot No. 504. Mezzotint o. Height jo 14-16 inches; width 7 10-16 inches. G. Stuart P. On steel by H. S. Sadd. From the celebrated picture in Faneuil Hall, Boston. Printed by Burton. Baker No. 320. 577. G. WASHINGTON. Bust, head to left. Vignette. Mezzotinto. Height 4 12-16 indies; width 4 inches. Engraved by J. Sartain. Baker No. 322. 578. G. WASHINGTON. Full length. The "Tea Pot Portrait." Fully described in the print by J. H. Hills, Lot No. 481. Mezzotinto. Height it 4-16 inches; width 7 4-16 inches. Engraved by John Sartain. The Original Picture by Gilbert Stuart. (Private Plate.) Baker No. 323. Rare. 579. WASHINGTON. Full length. The "Tea Pot Portrait." Mezzotinto. Height 6 8-16 inches; width 5 inches. Painted by G. Stuart. Engraved by J. Sartain. Baker No. 324. 580. GEORGE WASHINGTON. Bust, head to left. Oval in a rectangle: Mezzotinto. Height 10 8-16 inches; width 8 12-16 inches. Painted by Stuart. Engraved by John Sartain. Bradley & Co. Publishers, 66 Nth. $th St. Philadelphia. Entered according to the Act of Congress in the year 1865, by Bradley & Co. in the Clerk's Office o) the District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. Baker No. 325. Artist's proof on India paper, signed. 581. GEORGE WASHINGTON. Full bust, head to right. Oval in a rectangle. Mezzotinto. Height ii 2-16 inches; width 9 6-16 inches. Engraved and Published by William Sartain 728 Sansom S( Philad a . Baker No. 326. Open letter proof on India paper. 582. THE SAME. Open letter proof. 583. THE SAME. Before the rectangle was finished. 85 584. GENf GEORGE WASHINGTON DEPARTED THIS LIFE DEC? 14 1799, AGED 68. Bust, head to right. Oval in a rectangle. The title &c in a tablet with arched top, beneath the oval. Stipple. Height 4 4-16 inches; width 2 14-16 inches. Scoles sc. Published by I. Low N York. Baker No. 327. Rare. 585. GENf WASHINGTON. Born Fefr 22, 1732. Died Dec? 14, 1799. Bust, head to left. Oval. Stipple. Height 3 10-16 inches; width 2 3-16 inches. Published by M. Carey. Baker No. 328. Very rare. Engraved by Scoles. From Weems' Life of Washington. Philadelphia, 1808. 586. GEORGE WASHINGTON. Bust, head to left. Oval. Stipple. Height 2 11-16 inches; width 2 3-16 indies. Scoles sculp. Baker No. 329. Rare. From Corry's Life of Washington; New York, 1809. 587. GEN L GEORGE WASHINGTON. Bust, head to left. Oval. Stipple. Height 2 12-16 inches; width 2 4-16 inches. (J. R. Smith Boston) Baker No. 331. Reprint. 588. G. WASHINGTON. Head to left. Oval, in a rectangle. Stipple. Height 8 4-16 inches; width 6 10-16 inches. Engraved by H. W. Smith from the original by Stuart in possession of the Boston Athenaeum. Entered according to Act of Congress in the year 1860 by S. Walker Jr., in the clerks office of the Dis( Court of Mass. Walker &= Virtue Boston. Baker No. 332. 589. THE SAME. Choice proof before letters on India paper. 590. G. WASHINGTON. Head to left. Vignette, with background ruled to a rectangle. Stipple. Height 7 11-16 inches; width 5 14-16 inches. G. Stuart Pinx* H. W. Smith, N. Y. Entered according to Act of Congress in the year 1875, by S. Walker 6 Co. in the Office of the Libra- rian of Congress at Washington. Baker No. 333. 591. G. WASHINGTON. Head to left. Vignette, with background ruled to a rectangle. Stipple. Height 12 4-16 inches; width 9 13-16 inches. Engraved by H. Wright Smith after the Portrait by Stuart. Copyright, W. S. Baker. Published by Lindsay 6^ Baker, Philadelphia, 1879. Baker No. 334. India proof. 86 592. THE SAME. No. 8 of 60 proofs before all letters on India paper. Signed by the publishers. 593. THE SAME. Different state, with the facsimile of Washington's sig- nature. 594. GEORGE WASHINGTON L.L.D. [1790] Bust, head to left. Oval. Stipple. Height 3 8- 1 6 inches; width 3 inches. G. Stuart. R. Soper. Published by J. C. Bultre, N. Y. Baker No. 335. India proof. 595. GEORGE WASHINGTON. Half length, head to left. (Lans- downe.) Stipple. Height 3 8-16 inches; width 3 inches. Engraved by G. Stodart. Baker No. 336. Rare. 596. Bust, head to left, on a pedestal partly hidden by an open scroll inscribed "Constitution of the United States." An U. S. shield in front of pedestal. Aquatint. Height 9 inches; width 6 8-16 inches. Baker No. 337. Very rare. Engraved by Wm. Strickland. Fine and brilliant impression. 597. G. WASHINGTON. Bust, head to right. Oval in a rectangle. The title in a tablet beneath the oval. Height 3 3-16 inches; width 2 6-16 inches. Tanner Sc. Engraved for the Rev d M. L. Weems. 598. GJ- WASHINGTON. Bust, head to right. Oval in a rectangle. Stipple. Height 3 3-16 inches; width 2 6-16 inches. Baker No. 339. Engraved by Benj. Tanner. 599. G. WASHINGTON. Bust, head to right. Oval. Stipple. Height 4 8-16 inches; width 3 13-16 inches. B. Tanner Sc. Baker No. 340. Very rare. Cut to oval and inlaid. 600. GEORGE WASHINGTON. Full bust, head to left. Stipple. Height 4 6-16 inches; width 3 8-16 inches. Painted by G. Stuart. Eng d by J. Thomson. Baker No. 342. 87 601. THE SAME. Proof before all letters. Very rare in this state. 602. GEORGE WASHINGTON. Full bust, head to left. Oval. Stipple. Height 8 13-16 inches; width 6 13-16 inches. Painted by G. Stewart. Engraved by C. Tiebout. Published by C. Tiebout N. 28 Gold Street New York January &* 1800. Baker No. 343. Very rare. Magnificent Brilliant Impression, with full margin; Cornelius Tiebout was the first American Engraver to attain any excellence in his art. This print is a good example of his abilities. Baker. 603. GEORGE WASHINGTON. Bust, head to left. Oval. Stipple. Height 3 4-16 inches; width 2 8-16 inches. G. Stewart Del. C Tiebout Sculp. Baker No. 344. Very rare. From Rev. Uzal Ogden's Discourse on the Death of Genl. Washington. Newark 1800. Fine brilliant impression with full margin. 604. GEN. GEO. WASHINGTON. FIRST PRESIDENT or THE UNITED STATES. Bust, head to left. Oval, surrounded by a wreath with diverging rays. Stipple. Height 8- 1 6 inch; width 6-16 inch. R. Tiller Sc. Baker No. 345. Very rare. The copy has no title. 605. GENERAL WASHINGTON. Bust, head to right. (Lansdowne.) Line. Height 4 6-16 inches; width 3 4-16 inches. Painted by G. Stuart. Engraved by S. Topham. Leeds, Published by Dames & Booth. Baker No. 346. 606. WASHINGTON. Bust, head to left. Oval in a rectangle. Mezzotinto. Height 16 3-16 inches; width 13 5-16 inches. Engraved by Samuel Walmsley after the original painting taken from life by Gilbert Stuart. Baker No. 347. 607. Half length, head to left, a scroll in the right hand, the arm resting upon the muzzle of a cannon; a sword in the left hand. Vignette. Etched. Height 4 6-16 inches; width 3 8-16 inches. G. Longhi gez. A Weger sc. Lpzg. Verlag von Carl B Lorck in Leipzig. Baker No. 349. India proof. 608. G. WASHINGTON. Half length, head to left. Mezzotinto. Height 5 3-16 inches; width 4 4-16 inches. Engraved by T. B. Welch from a Portrait by G. Stuart Printed by A. E. Lent & Co Baker No. 350. Large paper. 88 609. WASHINGTON. Head to left. Vignette, with background ruled to a rectangle. Stipple. Height 22 14-16 inches; width 18 inches. (Engraved by Thos. B. Welch (by Permission) From the only Original Portrait by Gilbert Stuart in the Athenaeum Boston. Pub- lished by Geo. W. Childs, Philadelphia.) Baker No. 351. Choice Proof before all letters. The most important work of the engraver, and a very close rendering of the original. Baker. 609$. THE SAME. Choice proof before all letters. Signed by the En- graver, Thos. B. Welch. 610. GEORGE WASHINGTON. Inaugurated President 1789. Vig- nette. Stipple. Height 2 4-16 inches; width 2 2-16 inches. A. Willard. Title page to Goodrich's History of the United States. Hartford, 1824. 611. WASHINGTON. Bust, head to left. Circular medallion, heading to an imperial folio sheet, containing "The Declaration of Independence," surrounded by fifteen smaller medallions, two of which contain busts of Adams and Jefferson, the others coats of arms of the thirteen original States. Line. Diameter 3 6-16 inches. Whole plate, height 25 13-16 inches; width 19 6-16 inches. Engraved by Wm. Woodruff. Philad a . Published Feb? 1819, by William Woodruff. Printed by C.P.Harrison. Baker N 0.353. Rare. 612. WASHINGTON. .Bust, head to left. Circular medallion. (The Por- trait of Washington cut from a copy of the preceding Print.) Baker No. 353. Diameter, 3 6-16 inches. 613. - Bust, head to left. Oval, with border. Line. Height 4 inches; width 3 8-16 inches. Trott Del 4 . Wright Engraver N. Y. Baker No. 356. 614. WASHINGTON. Full length. The " Lansdowne Portrait." Stipple. Height 8 1-16 indies; width 5 13-16 inches. Baker No. 359. Excessively rare. Only one impression of this print has come under the notice of Mr. Baker. 615. G. WASHINGTON. Born Feb. n th (O.S) 1732. Died Dec' 14* 1799. Line. Height 8 13-16 inches; width 7 7-16 inches. Baker No. 362. Very rare. A remarkably fine impression with wide margin of this very rare print. 89 6x6. GEO. WASHINGTON. Bust, head to right. Oval. Stipple. Height 2 10-16 inches; width 2 inches. Deare's Edition. Dedicated to the Washington Benevolent Societies in New Jersey. Publish' d 6 Sold by Lewis Deare N Brunswick N Jersey. Baker No. 363. Rare. 617. GENL GEORGE WASHINGTON. Full bust, head to right, in the left distance an encampment distinctly seen. Oval. Stipple. Height 3 6- 1 6 inches; width 2 13-16 inches. Baker No. 364. Rare. From Weems' Life of Washington. Philadelphia, 1823. 618. WASHINGTON. Bust, head to left. Circular. Stipple. Diameter 3 10-16 inches. Pub. by P. Price J r . Philad : Baker No. 365. From Thomas' New American Biographical Dictionary. Philadelphia, 1829. 619. Bust, head to right. Oval. Line. Height i 14-16 inches; width i 9-16 inches. Baker No. 366. Title page of " The Book of the Army of the United States" by Jno. Frost. New York, 1845. 620. Bust, head to right. Oval. Line. Height 2 inches; width i 10-16 inches. Baker No. 368. Title page^of A Pictorial History of the Wars of the United States, by John L. Denison, 1860. 621. GEORGE WASHINGTON, FIRST PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Bust, head to left. In the background an open bookcase, with a window to the right. Vignette. . Stipple. Height 2 14-16 inches; width 2 6-16 inches. Engraved from an original Picture in the possession of the Marquis of Lansdown. London, William Darton, 58, Holborn Hill, i. mo. 28, 1824. Baker No. 370. Rare. 622. GEORGE WASHINGTON, FIRST PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF NORTH AMERICA. Full bust, head to right. (Lansdowne.) Vig- nette. Stipple. Height 3 8- 1 6 inches; width 3 inches. Published by G. Smeeton, S f . Martin's Church Yard. Baker No. 371. 623. THE SAME. Colored. 9 o 624. GEORGE WASHINGTON. Bust, head to left. Border with lions' heads in each corner. Stipple. Height 3 inches; width 2 7-16 inches. Published March 13, 1824 by George Smeeton, 3 Old Bailey. Baker No. 372. 625. THE SAME. Before the address of the publisher. 626. GENERAL WASHINGTON. Full bust, head to left. Stipple. Height 5 6-16 inches; width 4 11-16 inches. London, Published by Rich d . Evans, 17 Paternoster Row. Baker No. 373- 627. G. WASHINGTON. Bust, head to left. The background ruled per- pendicular, and the corners rounded. Line. Height 4 inches; width 3 inches. Caspar Y Roig Editores, Madrid. Baker No. 374. India proof. Extremely rare. The only copy that has come under my observation. 628. GEORGE WASHINGTON ESQ? LATE PRESIDENT or THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Full length, standing, right hand upon a scroll upon a table to the left, inscribed " Declaration of Independence." To the right, an armchair, and in the background a curtain, drawn up at the left, shows some pillars and the open sky. Mezzotinto, colored. Height 18 8-16 inches; width 13 12-16 inches. Engraved from an Original Drawing by Savage. Published by I. Le Petit, Latimer House, Hammersmith near London. Baker No. 375. Excessively rare. Only one impression had come under the notice of Baker, and that without the publisher's address, which had probably been cut off, as well as portions of the margin; which would account for this copy not quite agreeing in size. It has the Stuart head, and the general characteristics of the figure and accessories resemble the " Tea Pot Portrait." This is a very fine clear impression and has been colored contemporaneously. 629. G. WASHINGTON. Half length, head to left. Upper corners rounded. Line. Height 5 4-16 inches; width 3 14-16 inches. Baker No. 376. 630. G. WASHINGTON. Full length. The "Lansdowne Portrait." Fully described in the print by Heath, Lot No. 478. Stipple. Height 19 14-16 inches; width 13 4-16 inches. Philad. Pub. by M. Carey N". 118 Market S l . This plate was engraved by C. Tiebout, and is one of the first impressions, which were evidently published without the artist's name, which appears only on the retouched plate. 631. THE SAME. Retouched plate with the artist's name, "Painted by G. Stuart, Engraved by C. Tiebout," and by a different publisher, "Pub- lished by Wm. Smith 702 5. yd St. Philad." 632. THE SAME. Retouched plate, without the artist's name or publisher's address. 633. WASHINGTON. Bust, head to right. Oval. Stipple. Height 3 7-16 inches; width 2 9-16 inches. Baker No. 378. Very rare. GILBERT STUART UNKNOWN TO BAKER. 634. WASHINGTON. Bust, head to left. Circular medallion, heading to an imperial folio sheet containing "The Declaration of Independence" surrounded by fifteen smaller medallions , two of which contain busts of Adams and Jefferson, the others, coats of arms of the thirteen original States, the whole surrounded with a black border with white stars. Diameter 3 6-16 inches. Whole plate, length 26 inches; width 19 4-16 inches. Lith. de H. Brunet et C 1 ? a Lyon. On satin. Very rare. The work on this plate is so close to the original engraved by Wm. Woodruff, Baker No. 353, and exhibits such a beautiful specimen of the lithographic art, that we have not considered it amiss to place it with the copper and steel engravings. 635. THE SAME. On paper, but without the border of stars. The upper right hand and lower left hand corners torn off. Very rare. 636. GENERAL WASHINGTON. Full length, standing. "The Lans- downe Portrait," fully described in the print by James Heath, Lot No. 478. Aquatint printed in colors. Height 22 14-16 inches; width 16 12-16 inches. From the original Picture in Philadelphia. Publish' d July i s f 1801, by Atkins & Nightingale, N 100. Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. Excessively rare. Magnificent brilliant impression printed in colors, with fine wide margin, and valued by Mr. Carson as one of the greatest gems of his collection; a more perfect copy could not be obtained. See Plate. 637. Full length, standing. "The Lansdowne Portrait," fully described in print by James Heath, Lot No. 478. Mezzotinto. Height 26 7-16 inches; width 20 4-16 inches. (E. Savage Execu 4 ?) Excessively rare. Magnificent brilliant proof before all letters, with fine margin, of the greatest rarity and possibly unique in this state. 9 2 6 3 g. Full length, standing. "The Lansdowne Portrait," fully described in print by James Heath, Lot No. 478. .Line. Height 20 1-16 inches; width 13 2-16 inches. Painted by Gabriel Stuart 1797. Engraved by James Heath His- torical Engraver to his Majesty, and to his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales. Published Jan? i, 1800, by J. Heath, N. 42, Newman Street & Mess r ? Robinson's Paternoster Row. Very rare. Better known as the "Fake Heath Portrait." Heath did not engrave it. but it is a very clever copy of that celebrated print, and much more rare. 639. WASHINGTON. Full bust, in uniform, head to left. Oval in a rec- tangle. Etched. Height 24 13-16 inches; width 21 2-16 inches. Henri Lefort Delineavit & Sculpsit, Anno 1880. Imprimerie a Sal- mon Paris. The most effective and strongest portrait of Washington ever etched. 640. THE SAME. Artist's proof, signed. 640^. " " Trial proof. 641. Bust, head to right. Oval in a rectangle. Etched. Height 13 14-16 inches; width 12 4-16 inches. T. Johnson 1900. No. 42 of 25 artist's proofs, signed, on India paper. Published by J. O. Wright & Co. 642. G. WASHINGTON. Bust, head to left. Vignette. Line. Height 18 inches; width 14 12-16 inches. Painted by Gilbert Stuart. Engraved by J. R. Rice. Bradley & Company Publishers 66 North Fourth St. Philadelphia. W. W. Bost- wick & Co. 177 &" 179 West Fourth St. Cincinnati, Ohio. Copyright by Bradley &* Company 1876. 643. G. WASHINGTON. Three-quarter length. The " Tea Pot Portrait," head to left. Height 17 12-16 inches; width 13 14-16 inches. Painted by Gilbert Stuart. Engraved by William Sartain. Pub- lished by William Sartain 728 Sansom St. Philadelphia. Entered ac- cording to Act of Congress in the year 1888 by William Sartain in the Clerk's office of the District Court of the U. S. for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. India proof, signed. 644. THE SAME. Open letter proof on India paper. 93 645- Full bust, head to left. Mezzotinto. Height 12 14-16 inches; width 9 11-16 inches. Jas Pagan. Artist's reraarque proof, signed, on India paper. 646. Full bust, head to left. Mezzotinto. Height 13 12-16 inches; width 10 14-16 inches. S. Arlent Edwards. \ Artist's proof, signed, on India paper. 647. GEN. GEORGE WASHINGTON. Born February 22** 1732. Ap- pointed Commander in Chief of the American Army June i5th, 1775. Elected first President of the United States March 4 th 1789. Died 14* Dec r . 1799. Half length, seated, head to left. Book in the right hand. Dress sword partly visible rests on the left arm. Stipple. Height 13 13-16 inches; width n 1-16 inches. Engraved from a copy after Stewart. 648. WASHINGTON. Full bust, head to left. Oval in a rectangle. Mezzotinto. Height 12 4-16 inches; width 9 8-16 inches. Engraved by H. B. Hall's Sons, New York Painted by Gilbert Stuart. 649. G. WASHINGTON. Bust, head to left. Oval. Stipple in colors. Height 6 8- 1 6 inches; width 5 3-16 inches. G. Stuart. J. C. Buttre. India proof. 650. Full bust, head to left. Vignette. Stipple. Height 8 3-16 inches; width 6 12-16 inches. Unfinished proof, only three copies taken from the plate in this state. Engraved by J. C. Buttre. 651. Full length, standing. " The Lansdowne Portrait," fully described in the print by James Heath, Lot No. 478. Etched. Height ii 7-16 inches; width 7 8-16 inches. W. H. W. Bicknell Sc. Artist's proof, signed. 652. Bust, head to left. Oval. The center of a folio sheet entitled "In Memory of the Illustrious Champion of Liberty General George Washington, First President of the United States of America." 94 Over the oval oak and laurel branches, underneath flags and imple- ments of war. Stipple. Height 3 8-16 inches; width 3 inches. Rare. 653. Born February 22* d 1732. Died December 14* 1799. Full bust, head to left. Oval. Bust composed of fancy pen scroll- work. Rays emanating from the head. The centre of a folio sheet entitled " Sacred to the Memory of the Illustrious Champion of Liberty, General George Washington ; First President of the United States of America." Stipple. Height 5 7-16 inches; width 4 14-16 inches. Engraved by R. Lowe, N. York. "Presented to - by As a Reward of Merit." Published by John Donlevy N. Y. Entered according to Act of Congress in the year 1838 by Samuel Green in the Clerks office of the District Court of the Southern District of New York. Rare. 654. WASHINGTON WAS THE FATHER OF HIS COUNTRY. EULO- GIUM SACRED TO THE MEMORY OF THE ILLUSTRIOUS GEORGE WASHING- TON, COLUMBIAS GREAT AND SUCCESSFUL SON HONORED BE HIS NAME. Full bust, head to left. Oval. The center of an imperial folio sheet entitled " Sacred to the Memory of the Illustrious Champion of Liberty General George Washington; First President of the United States of America." On either side of the oval a scroll inscribed "Born Feb. 22, 1732" "Died Dec 13, 1799"; beneath the oval view of the Capitol at Washington, beneath which is a scroll entitled "Family Register, Names, Births, Marriages, Deaths," on either side of the scroll two cherubs holding circular medallions upon which is inscribed the Lord's Prayer. Line. Height 4 4-16 inches; width 3 12-16 inches. Whole plate, height 27 4-16 inches; width 21 8-16 inches. Engraved by McLees New York. Rare. 655. WASHINGTON AND HIS FAMILY. Full length, seated to the right of a table, upon which is an outspread map, the right arm resting thereon; to the right of the table Martha Washington, seated, with left hand resting on the map; back of table Nelly Custis standing; to the right of Washington, George Washington Park Custis standing; in the extreme right Wm. Lee, the negro servant, entering a door. Mezzotinto. Height 13 12-16 inches; length 10 4-16 inches. Original Painting by C. Schussele, Phil* Engraved by William Sartain Phil? Published by Bradley & C. 66 N. Fourth S l . Philadel- phia. Entered according to Act of Congress in the year 1865, by William Sartain, in the Clerks Office of the District Court, for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. Open letter proof on India paper. 95 656. THE SAME. Artist's proof, signed, on India paper. 657. WASHINGTON AND HIS FAMILY. Full length, seated to the right of a table. Fully described in the preceding print. Mezzotinto. Height 17 10-16 inches; length 34 13-16 inches. Original Painting by C. Schussele, Phil? Engraved by W m Sartain, Phil? Bradley 6* C. Publishers, 66 N* 4'.* St. Philadelphia. En- tered according to Act of Congress in the year 1864, by C. Schussele in the Clerk's office of the District Court for the Eastern District of Penn- sylvania. Open letter proof on India paper. 658. THE SAME. Proof before the title, with variation in the publisher's address. " Published by William Sartain 728 Sansom St. Philadelphia." 659. GEORGE WASHINGTON. Bust, head to left. Vignette at the bot- tom of a large engraving entitled " This Representation of Peter Fran- ciscos Gallant Action with Nine of Tarleton's Cavalry in sight of a Troop of Four Hundred Men, Took place in Amelia County Virginia 1781. Is Respectfully inscribed to him by James Webster and James Warrell." Stipple in colors. Height i 4-16 inches; width i 2-16 inches. Whole plate, height 19 12-16 inches; length as 10-16 inches. Design 'd by Warrell. Drawn by Barralett. Engraved by D. Ed- win. Published Dec r . i, 1814 by James Webster. Entered according to Act of Congress the i */ day of December 1814 by James Webster of the State of Pennsylvania. A magnificent copy of an original impression in colors of this very rare print, and the largest engraved by Edwin. It is as clean as the day of issue, with full margin, and is accompanied with the very rare descriptive broadside issued by James Webster at the time of publication, giving Fran- cisco's personal account of the engagement. It is doubtful if there is another copy equal to this in existence. 660. THE SAME. Modern impression. 661. Full length, in Masonic regalia; advancing to the front of a room in a Masonic temple leading two little orphans by the hand, at the head of a long line of orphan children; on either side, standing, numerous Masonic characters of all nations, including General Lafay- ette. Stipple. Height 15 6-16 inches; length 20 7-16 inches. Stothard del? Kearny Soil? "To the Grand Lodges of the United States. This Print representing the Distinguishing Characteristic of Masonry, Charity bestowed on proper objects." Published by F. Kearny & J. How. Copy-right secured according to Act of Congress, Philad^ Sep. 1830. Fine impression of this very rare print. 96 662. THE SAME PRINT, after DeWitt Clinton's portrait had been sub- stituted for one of the Masonic characters on the right, and with the addition of a line at the bottom, " is respectfully dedi- cated." Rare. 663. GEORGE WASHINGTON. Bust, head to left, circular medallion. The centre of a folio sheet entitled " The President of the United States," with 13 other medallions containing the portraits of the presidents from Adams to Pierce. At the top an eagle with outspread wings, holding a ribbon in its beak, upon which is inscribed "E Pluribus Unum," U. S. shield, and flags. In the centre "Capitol of the United States Washington, D. C. with the New Extension"; at the bottom a repre- sentation of "Washington's Head-Quarters at Newburg, N. York." Stipple. Diameter 3 13-16 inches. Whole plate, height 22 inches; width 16 inches. 664. WASHINGTON. Bust, head to left. Oval. Stipple. Height 3 3-16 inches; width 2 11-16 inches. 665. WASHINGTON. Full bust, head to left. Oval in a rectangle. Stipple. Height 7 8-16 inches; width 5 14-16 inches. From the original by Stuart in the Boston Athenaeum. Johnson, Fry 6 Company Publishers, New York. Fine early impression on large paper. 666. THE SAME. On India paper, without the publisher's address. 667. GEORGE WASHINGTON. Full bust, head to left. Oval in a rec- tangle. Stipple. Height 9 10-16 inches; width 7 15-16 inches. 668. Full bust, head to left. Curtain in the background. Oval. Stipple. Height 3 8-16 inches; width a 12-16 inches. Proof before all letters. Extremely rare. 669. Bust, head to left. Oval, surrounded with vignettes representing the New and the Old Year. Stipple. Height 3 inches; width i 14-16 inches. "New Year" "1863." Evidently engraved for a magazine. 670. Bust, head to left. Circular, with arabesque border. Line. Diameter a 14-16 inches. Rare. 97 671. Full bust in uniform, head to right. Oval in a rectangle containing the companion portrait of Martha Washington. Mezzotinto. Height 5 1-16 inches; width 7 15-16 inches. S. Arlent Edwards. Artist's proof, signed. No. 6 of 25 signed proofs, signed by J. O. Wright & Co. 672. GEORGE WASHINGTON. Born Feb v 22? d 1732. Inaugurated President March 4 l . h 1789. Retired March 4* 1797. Died Dec r 14* 1799. Full bust, head to left. Oval with a border in which is the title. Line. Height 5 11-16 inches; width 4 8-16 inches. Painted by G. Stuart. Eng d by Story & Atwood N. York. Excessively rare. Evidently cut from the centre of a large ornamented sheet. 673 . THE SAME. Different state, with name of artists cut off. These are the only copies of this print that have come under the observation of Mr. Chas. Henry Hart. 674. WASHINGTON. Bust, head to left. Oval in a rectangle. Stipple. Height 4 11-16 inches; width 3 11-16 inches. Eng d by Geo. E. Perine N. York. India proof. 675. GEORGE WASHINGTON. FuU bust, head to left (Lansdowne). Oval. Line. Height 6 4-16 inches; width 4 14-16 inches. From the Original Painting by Stuart. 676. Full bust, head to left. Oval with border of a single line. India ink drawing. Height $ 6-16 inches; width 4 1-16 inches. Arnet min. desine". An original India ink drawing taken from the Lansdowne portrait. 677. WASHINGTON. Bust, head to right. Circular. Stipple. Diameter 3 inches. Proof with the scratched title. 678. Full bust, head to left. Oval, surrounded with olive branches, tied at the bottom with a ribbon upon which is the motto "Pater Patriae"; underneath in large figures "1860"; over the oval an eagle with a shield. The whole in an ornamental frame. Stipple. Height 5 inches; width 4 4-16 inches. Whole plate, height 12 inches; width 10 8-16 inches. Eng by A Hoen & Co. " This Bust is respectfully dedicated by the Carriers of the Baltimore Sun to their Patrons." 7 9 8 679. WASHINGTON. Full bust, head to right. Oval in a border sur- rounded with scrollwork. Stipple. Height 3 3-16 inches; width a 8-16 inches. Evidently cut from the centre of a large sheet. 680. WASHINGTON. Full bust, head to left. Circular medallion with scrollwork border. On a sheet containing sixteen medallion portraits, two of Washington, two of Lafayette, two of Washington Irving, Voltaire, Bolivar, Mme. De Stael, Mile. Mars, Walter Scott, Boyer, Benjamin West, Talma, Fenelon, and Lord Byron. Stipple. Diameter a 10-16 inches. Very rare. Evidently engraved for ornamenting old-time snuff-box lids. 68 1. THE SAME. Portrait of Washington only, cut circular. 682. WASHINGTON. Bust, head to left. Circular medallion. Diameter 4 3-16 inches. Engraved from the medal by the anaglyptographic process by J. W. Steel. 683. GEORGE WASHINGTON, ESQ? THE FRIEND OF MAN. Full bust, head to left. Oval. Stipple. Height 3 12-16 inches; width 3 inches. Gobrecht, sculp. Excessively rare. 684. GEORGE WASHINGTON. Born Feb. 22** 1732. Died Dec. 14 th 1799. Bust, head to left. Oval, with wreath of laurel and oak leaves falling to either side from the top, over which is an eagle with outspread wings; the whole surrounded with fancy scrollwork, at the bottom of which is a U. S. shield, plough, scroll, inkstand, and pen. Line. Height of oval i 6-16 inches; width i 3-16 inches. ^ 685. THE SAME. Proof before the title. 686. Full bust, head to left. Oval in a border in which is the artist's name. Stipple. Height 3 10-16 inches; width 3 inches. G. Stuart Pinx* G. Fairman Sculp*. Similar to Baker No. 230. 687. First in War, First in Peace, and First in the hearts of his countrymen. Full bust, head to left. Oval in a wreath of oak leaves tied at the bottom, from which emanate diverging rays and 28 stars; inside of wreath is the inscription. Line. ( Height of oval i 5-16 inches; width i 2-16 inches. ASH i > : c; 'i o > FACSIMILE OF LOT 69O, REDUCED 99 688. Half length, seated, head to right, a dress sword partly visible resting on right arm. Mezzotinto. Height 7 13-16 inches; width 5 14-16 inches. (Engraved by Doney) Similar to Baker No. 201. 689. GEO. WASHINGTON. Full bust, head to left. Stipple. Height 3 7-16 inches; width 2 14-16 inches. Engraved for the Washington Benevolent Society. Similar to the portrait engraved by Leney, Baker No. 376. Very rare. ' i' ' '-.: i i'i'j s .'/* f*'^ ',<:*.,/ ,*''* ,' * 690. GENERAL WASHINGTON. FATHER AND PROTECTOR or AMERICA. Full length, standing, head to left; the right arm extended, the left resting on the hip; to the left, two pillars partly concealed by a curtain which hangs over and across to the right. Mezzotinto. Height 12 12-16 inches; width 9 12-16 inches. One of the rarest of Washington portraits, and a beautiful brilliant impression. The only other copy I ever saw, and that is colored by hand, is in the collection of Chief Justice Mitchell. See Plate. 691. G.WASHINGTON. Full bust, head to left. Stipple. Height 4 10-16 inches; width 3 8-16 inches. 692. Full bust, head to right. Line. Height 2 inches; width i 6-16 inches. 693. GEORGE WASHINGTON, PRESIDENT -OF THE U. S. FROM 1789 TO 1797. Full bust, head to left, surrounded with fancy scrollwork, over which is an eagle, on a sheet with similar portraits of Jno. Adams, Jef- ferson, Madison, J. Q. Adams, Van Buren, Monroe, and Jackson. Stipple. Height i 6-16 inches; width i 2-16 inches. Published by T. C. Story Eng'. 7 John St. N. Y. Very rare. 694. GEORGE WASHINGTON. Full bust, head to left. Stipple. Height 4 12-16 inches; width 3 14-16 inchest 695. GEORGE WASHINGTON. Full bust, head to left. Stipple. Height 4 7-16 inches; width 3 8-16 inches. Painted by G. Stuart. India proof. 696. G. WASHINGTON. Full bust, head to left. Mixed. Height 4 11-16 inches; width 3 11-16 inches. Published by J. C. Buttre Co. Working proof from unfinished plate. 100 697. GEORGE WASHINGTON. Full bust, head to right. Mczzotinto. Height 3 7-16 inches; width a 4-16 inches. - 698. GENf GEORGE WASHINGTON. Bust, head to right. Line. Height a inches; width i 12-16 Laches. Rare. 699. Full bust, head to left. Mezzotinto. Height 4 11-16 inches; width 3 11-16 inches. Proof. 700. GEO. WASHINGTON. Full bust, head to left. Stipple. Height 3 7-16 inches; width a 14-16 inches. A. Reed sc. E. W. Con. Engraved for the Washington Benevolent Society. Similar to Baker No. 308. Very rare. 701 . Full bust, head to left. Stipple. Height 4 inches; width 3 6-16 inches. Proof from unfinished plate. 702. GEORGE WASHINGTON. Full bust, head to left. Stipple. Height 4 ia-i6 inches; width 3 14-16 inches. Similar to Baker No. aio. 703. THE SAME. Colored by hand, cut close to print. 704. G. WASHINGTON. Full bust, head to left. Stipple. Height 4 12-16 inches; width 3 3-16 inches. The upper portion of the background deeply shaded. 705. GEO. WASHINGTON. Born Feb. 22, 1732. In. March 4, 1789. Obt. Dec. 14, 1799, M. 68. Full bust, head to left. Line. Height 3 5-16 inches; width a 14-16 inches. Rare. 706. WASHINGTON. Full bust, head to left. Line. Height 4 7-16 inches; width 3 11-16 inches. From the Original Painting by Stuart in the old Hall of Representa- tives in the Capitol at Washington. 707. GENERAL WASHINGTON. Half length, head to left. (Lans- downe.) Line. Height 9 13-16 inches; width 7 10-16 inches. From G. Stuart's Painting. Very rare. 101 708. GEO. WASHINGTON. PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. Half length, head to left. (Lansdowne.) Stipple. Height 3 6-16 inches; width a 12-16 inches. Stewart dett T. A. Dean sculpt London, Published Nov r . i, 1831, by John Brooks, 421, Oxford Street. Large paper. Rare. 709. . Half length, head to left. (Lansdowne.) Stipple. Height 6 7-16 inches; width 4 11-16 inches. From the celebrated Portrait Painted by Stuart. India proof. 710. G. WASHINGTON. Full bust, head to left. Vignette. Line. Height 5 3-16 inches; width 3 15-16 inches. Stuart Girsch. D. Appleton 6r Co. India proof. Large paper. 711. GEO. WASHINGTON. Full bust, head to left, in a border resem- bling an ornamented frame. Stipple. Height 4 8-16 inches; width 3 14-16 inches. Size of border, height 10 8-16 inches; width 8 13-16 inches. Manly 6r Orr, Philadelphia. Evidently an impression of one of the portraits engraved by Edwin for Marshall's Life of Wash- ington, printed in an ornamental border. 712. WASHINGTON. Half length, head to left (Lansdowne), surrounded by a framework of oak leaves, over the top of which is a pen and scroll, underneath a representation of a military review. Line. Height 7 7-16 inches; width 6 2-16 inches. 713. GIORGIO WASHINGTON. Full bust to right, head to left. Line. Height 7 inches; width 5 2-16 inches. Francesco Petroncini incise. Rare. A close rendition of the print by Longhi, Baker No. 281. 714. G. WASHINGTON. Nearly full length, seated. The right hand resting upon an upright book on a table to the right, a dress sword lying in the left arm which is resting on the arm of a chair; a curtain in the background, drawn aside and partly revealing a pillar to the left. Line. Height 7 3-16 inches; width 5 8-16 inches. From the original painting by Chappel in the possession of the pub- lishers. Johnson, Fry 6* Co., Publishers, New York. Entered accord- ing to Act of Congress A. D. 1870, by Johnson, Fry &= Co. in the clerk's office of the district court of the southern district of New York. 715. GENL GEORGE WASHINGTON. Full bust, head to right. Stipple. Height 3 7-16 inches; width a 13-16 inches. Rare. 716. WASHINGTON. Full bust, head to left. Line. Height 4 7-16 inches; width 3 11-16 inches. Publ. at the Music Depot of W. G. Metzerott. From the Original Painting at the Atheneum, Boston. 717. WASHINGTON. Full bust, head to left. The upper one on a plate with two medallion portraits of "Clive" and "Hastings," underneath which is the representation of an elephant; between the two medallions at the top are two swords. Line. ;J* Height 7 inches; width 4 8-16 inches. 718. Bust, head to left, in wreath of olive leaves, on a pedes- tal. To the left the figure of Liberty holding a flag which floats over the bust; to the right an eagle resting on a shield; on the base of the pedestal a representation of Washington resigning his commission. Vignette. Line. Height 5 inches; width 3 4-16 inches. Engraved by J. C. Buttre. 719. Full length, head to left. The "Lansdowne Portrait." Rounded at top. Stipple. Height 6 8-16 inches; width 4 4-16 inches. F. F. Walker. India proof. 720. WASHINGTON RESIGNING HIS COMMISSION. Full length, standing, head to left (in the House of Congress), with hands extended toward a table at the left, upon which is a book, inkstand, etc.; in the right hand a scroll; to right portraits of various Congressmen. Stipple. Height 5 12-16 inches; width 4 7-16 inches. H. T. Stephens. Augustus Robin, N. Y. 721. CHIEF OF THE PATRIOT HOST. Full length, seated on a settee to right on the plaza at Mount Vernon, in front of which are sheep, foxes, etc. ; in the back distance the buildings. Line. Height 3 8-16 inches; width a 10-16 inches. "An example to the citizens; an ornament to the Republic; invested with the highest executive magistracy, he well performed the du ty of protecting industry and restraining fraud and violence, and at length he enjoyed, for a short time, a dignified repose. See Page 230." 103 722. G. WASHINGTON. Full length as a Master Mason; head to left, right hand resting on an upright book on a table to left, the other resting upon a pedestal to right; in the background pillars; to right a chair. Stipple. Height 5 4-16 inches; width 3 9-16 inches. 723. Full length, seated, head to left. The right hand resting on an upright book on a table to left. A dress sword lying on the left arm, which is resting on the arm of a chair; to the right lower corner, books. A curtain in the background partly drawn aside reveals pil- lars. Stipple. Height 7 8-16 inches; width 5 7-16 inches. India proof, large paper. 724. G. WASHINGTON. Full length in uniform on horseback receiving a salute on the field of battle. Vignette. Stipple. Height 4 10-16 inches; width 4 inches. 725. Full length in uniform, head to left, right hand extended holding an open scroll, the left resting on a dress sword; in the back- ground a pillar and a curtain partly drawn, which reveals a military encampment. Mezzotinto. Height 4 12-16 inches; width 3 3-16 inches. Sartain Sc. 726. WASHINGTON. Full length, standing. The "Lansdowne Por- trait." Stipple. Height 4 7-16 inches; width 2 15-16 inches. 727. WASHINGTON. Bust, head to right. The upper left-hand one of five busts, the others being of Wolfe, Thos. Warton, Walcot, and West. Line. Height 3 2-16 inches; width 2 inches. (Lizars sc) Rare. 728. WASHINGTON. Bust, head to left. The centre of five vignette busts. The others being Bonaparte, Alexander, Peter I, and Charles XII. Etched. Height of bust 14-16 inches; width 14-16 inch. C. E. King Sc. Pub. by Collins & Hannay: New York. " Engraved for Dr. Irving's Universal History." Rare. 729. Bust, head to left. Circular medallion. At the top of a sheet entitled "Declaration of Independence July 4 1776," being one of 1 6 medallions, the others containing the portrait of Jefferson, arms of the U. S., and the thirteen original states, with fancy border. Line. Height i 7-16 inches; length 2 8-16 inches. American Bank Note Company New York. On large glazed card- board. 104 730. THE SAME. Before the border, on small card. 731. GEN. WASHINGTON. Bust, head to left. The upper left-hand one of a group of 12 portraits, the other being those of Union officers. Stipple. Height i 6-16 inches; width z inch. 732. GEORGE WASHINGTON, 1789 to 1797. Bust to right, head to left. The upper one of 13 oval medallions of the Presidents down to Fillmore, surrounding a larger one in the centre containing a bust of Franklin Pierce. The background composed of stars and olive branches ; over the top an eagle and flags, and a ribbon flowing to either side upon which is the motto "E Pluribus Unum"; underneath a flowing ribbon upon which is the inscription "The Presidents of Our Great Republic." Stipple. Height 15-16 inch; width 13-16 inch. Sold by Charles Magnus, 12 Frankfort Street New-York. 733. GEORGE WASHINGTON, FROM 1789 TO 1797. Bust, head to right. The centre one of 14 other smaller medallions, containing portraits of the presidents down to Buchanan, and the Goddess of Liberty. The background composed of stars and olive branches; on the top an eagle and flags, and a ribbon flowing to either side upon which is the motto "E Pluribus Unum"; in the lower margin a flowing ribbon upon which is the inscription "The Presidents of Our Great Republic." Stipple. Height i 13-16 inches; width x 11-16 inches. Sold by Charles Magnus, 12 Frankfort Street New- York. 734- Bust/head to left, oval medallion (and companion por- trait of Martha Washington), over an engraved biographical sketch of Washington, surrounded with fancy scrollwork, at the top of which is a star encircled with laurel wreath, at the bottom a representation of the " Residence of Washington, Mount Vernon." Height of medallion i 14-16 inches; width i 8-16 inches. Portraits Eng? by G. F. Storm. Border &c. by T. Pollock. Pub. by N. Currier 2 Spruce S l . Entered according to Act of Congress in the year 1838, by G. F. Storm 6 T. Pollock, in the clerk's office of the District Court of Massachusetts. Rare. Injured in upper left-hand corner of border. 735. Bust, head to left. Oval. The upper one of 7 other oval medallions containing portraits of the presidents down to Jackson; around which is fancy scrollwork, in the centre a ruled square in which is a view of the "President's House at Washington" and names of the Presidents: "Washington, Adams, Jefferson, Madison, Adams, Monroe, Jackson, Van Buren." Over the medallion of Washington an eagle, and flags on either side. Height of oval i 8-16 inches; width i 3-16 inches. 736. WASHINGTON. Bust, head to left. Oval. The centre of four other oval medallions, surrounded with scrollwork, containing portraits of Franklin, Marshall, Lafayette, and DeWitt Clinton. Height of oval i 2-16 inches; width 15-16 inch. "Patrons of the Masonic Art" (1849) 737. G. WASHINGTON 1787. Bust, head to left. One of 15 medallion portraits on the side of a monument containing portraits of G. Morris, C. Golden, DeWitt Clinton, etc. Over the monument the figure of Fame with trumpet; at the base America seated resting the right arm on the U. S. shield; to the right a view of a canal lock. Vignette. Stipple. Height 7 4-16 inches; width 5 inches. Engraved from a Drawing by John L. Morton, by Stephen H. Gimber. Printed by W. Neale N. Y. "For the good which has been done by individuals or communities, in relation to this work, let each have a due share of credit. DeWitt Clinton." India proof. 738. WASHINGTON. Bust, head to left. Oval. One of three medal- lions, the others containing portraits of Green and Franklin, surrounded with drapery. Stipple. Height 5 2-16 inches; width 3 6-16 inches. Height of oval i 15-16 inches; width i 9-16 inches. Willard Sc. Rare. 739. WASHINGTON. Bust, head to left. Oval medallion, the upper one of a group of five, in an ornamented vignette. The others contain the portraits of Adams, Jefferson, Madison, and Monroe. Stipple. Height of oval 2 inches; width i 7-16 inches. Similar to Baker No. 218. 740. GEORGE WASHINGTON. Full bust, head to left. One of a group of four oval medallions around a centre one, containing a view of the capitol at Washington. The others contain portraits of Jackson, Buchanan, and Lincoln. Vignette. Stipple. Height of oval i 11-16 inches; width i 5-16 inches. Eng d by J. C. Buttre, N. Y. Published by B. B. Russell 55 Cornhill, Boston. India proof, large paper. io6 740^. THE SAME. With title, "Presidents of the United States," and with authority, "Engraved expressly for Abbott's Lives of the Presidents," but without the address of publisher. 741. GEO. WASHINGTON. Full bust, head to left. Oval medallion. The centre of six others containing portraits of Patrick Henry, John Hancock, Sam'l Adams, Jas. Madison, Thos. Jefferson, and Benj. Franklin. The medallions bordered with flags and olive leaves. Stipple. Height 2 inches; width i 10-16 inches. (Eng'd by H. B. Hall & Sons) India proof. 742. THE SAME. With names of the engravers. 743. WASHINGTON. Full bust, head to right. Vignette in an oval of a single line in which is the title. One of a group of 10 oval medallions. The others containing portraits of "Vergniaud, C. Vernet, H. Vernet, Volnai, Villemain, Walter Scott, Weber, A. Zamoyski, and Thomas Zan. Stipple. Height i 8-16 inches; width i 2-16 inches. Bessine* et Grave* par Montaut. Very rare. 744. Bust, head to right. Oval medallion, with ornamented border. The upper one of 7 medallions (encircling an eagle and U. S. shield), the others containing portraits of Grant, Sherman, Andrew John- son, etc., over a vignette of the "United States Treasury." Vignette. Stipple. Height 13-16 inch; width 11-16 inch. Engraved & Printed at the Treasury Department. 745. Bust, head to right, with engraved border resembling a frame. The upper one of a group of six portraits, the others being Jno. Marshall, Thos. Jefferson, Gen. Lafayette, Alex. Hamilton, and R. B. Taney. Line. Height r 2-16 inches; width i inch. Title page of " The Jewel or Token of Friendship." 746. WASHINGTON. Bust, head to left. Circular. The upper one of a group of ten medallions, the others containing portraits of the Presidents down to Tyler, all surrounded with scrollwork. Vignette. Stipple. Diameter 14-16 inch. O. Pelton Sc. 747. THE SAME. With the addition of portraits of Polk, Fillmore, and Taylor, but without the name of the engraver. 748. WASHINGTON. Full bust, head to left. Oval, the centre of a group of oval medallions, the others containing portraits of Lincoln, Foote, Pope, Dupont, Burnside, Banks, McClellan, and Halleck. Vignette. Stipple. Height i 3-16 inches; width i inch. Engraved by J. C. Buttre " United States Life Insurance Company 40 WaU Street, New York." 749. THE SAME. India proof. 750. Bust, head to right. Oval. The upper one of a group of eight oval medallions (around a centre one of Washington after Houdon, engraved with a roulette), the others containing portraits of Marshall, Harrison, Clay, Webster, Clinton, Fulton, and Frelinghuysen, the whole surrounded with scrollwork. Line. Height of oval i 3-16 inches; width 13-16 inch. Engraved by Danforth, Underwood & Co. 751. WASHINGTON. Bust in uniform, head to left. Circular medallion, suspended on a grouping of implements of war. The right-hand side ornament on the title page of " An Illustrated Atlas, Geographical, Sta- tistical and Historical of the United States and the Adjacent Countries by T. G. Bradford"; the left side decorated in a similar manner with a medallion portrait of an Indian ; on the upper margin a vignette view of Niagara Falls, and in the lower margin view of the capitol at Washing- ton, etc. Stipple, colored. Diameter of medallion i 12-16 inches. Eng? by Ja? Archer. Excessively rare. 752. Bust, head to left. Oblong oval. The centre of a sheet entitled "Sacred to the Memory of George Washington. Born Feb. 22, 1732. Died Dec. 13, 1799. American Hero and Statesman." Stipple. Height 11-16 inch; length 13-16 inch. Rare. 753. Full bust, head to left. Oval from which are diverging rays, in the upper portion of a large oval surrounded with vignettes of various subjects, including portraits of Fulton and Franklin, Treasury of the United States, etc. Line. Height i 8-16 inches; width i 4-16 inches. Engraved by Draper, Welsh & C? , Philad a Diploma of the Metropolitan Mechanics' Institute. io8 754. Bust, head to left. Circular. One of a group of 21 medallions on a sheet entitled the "Declaration of Independence," containing portraits of Adams, Jefferson, Madison, Monroe, J. Q. Adams, Jackson, and Van Buren, and the coats of arms of the thirteen original States. Line. Diameter i 5-16 inches. Eng? & Published by Geo. G. Smith, 186, Washington, corner of Franklin St. Boston. 755. THE SAME. With variation in the address of engraver and pub- lisher: "Engraved by Geo. G. Smith. Published by Cha s . Root, 186 Washington, corner 0} Franklin St. Boston." 756. Bust, head to right. Oval in a border of olive leaves; to the left figure of Justice, to the right figure of Fame; in the back- ground, buildings on fire. Height 4 6-16 inches; width 7 9-16 inches. On India paper. Beautifully engraved. Evidently a heading to an early fire insurance policy. 757. WASHINGTON. Bust, head to left. Circular. One of a group of 9 medallions containing portraits down to Harrison, in the upper part of engraved work representing a frame around an engraving entitled " The Declaration of Independence with Fac-similes of the Signatures and Likenesses of the Signers. The Arms of the States and of the United States and Portraits of the Presidents Published by James Fisher 71. Court St. Boston." Line. Height ii 14-16 inches; width 8 8-16 inches. Engraved by D. Kimberly. The Lettering by J. B. Bolton. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1841, by the Franklin Print Co. in the Clerks Office of the District Court of Massachusetts. Pr. by Chas Thomas &* Co. 758. WASHINGTON. Bust, head to left. Circular one of a group of 8 medallions containing portraits of the Presidents down to Van Buren; fully described in the preceding print, with variation in the border and the American eagle in the place of Harrison, the medallions and the border being all re-engraved. Height ii inches; width 8 8-16 inches. Engraved by D. Kimberley The Lettering by J. B. Bolton (Copy- right). Evidently one of the first issues, and published before the preceding print. 759. WASHINGTON. Full bust, head to left, in an ornamented border resembling a frame rounded at the top, in the lower portion of a sheet entitled "Washington's Farewell Address," surrounded with 7 orna- log mented vignettes of scenes from his life, the upper one being a repre- sentation of "The Battle of Monmouth." Stipple. Height 3 4-16 inches; width 2 14-16 inches. Whole plate, height 16 12-16 inches; width n 14-16 inches. Engraved 6 Published by J. C. Buttre 48 Franklin St. N. Y. Border drawn by W. Momberger. Lettering by W? 1 Kemble. Entered according to Act of Congress AD 1856 by J. C. Buttre in the clerks office oj the district court of the southern district of New York. 760. Bust in uniform, head to right. One of a group side by side of 12 portraits, including Lafayette, Franklin, Wm. Penn, etc. Vignette. Etched. Height i 14-16 inches; width i 10-16 inches. Rare. 761. THE FATHER AND THE SAVIOUR OF OUR COUNTRY. Full length, standing, the right hand resting on an upright book on a table to the left, to right the full-length figure of Abraham Lincoln, standing, with left hand resting on a document on a table to left; in the back- ground pillars, etc. Oval. Mixed. Height 8 10-16 inches; width 6 8-16 inches. Engraved by John MlGoffin. Publishd by J. C. M'.Curdy & Co. Philadelphia. 762. WASHINGTON'S TRIUMPHAL JOURNEY TO THE CAPITAL. Full length in uniform, on horseback; head to right, a chapeau in the raised right hand ; numerous little girls casting flowers in front of horse. Line. Height 3 8-16 inches; width 2 10-16 inches. G. Cruikshank del* Davenport, sculp 4 . London, Published by Thomas Tegg N 73, Cheapside, S? Sep*. 1838. * 763. Full bust, head to right. Oval medallion with orna- mented border resting on two columns, between two views entitled " Washingtons Denkmal" and "Das Grabmal Washingtons." Stipple. Height i 7-16 inches; width i 2-16 inches. Leipzig d. Engl. Kunst.Anstalt. (A. H. Payne, sc). 764. Full length, dressed as a Master Mason, leading two little children by the hand, at the head of a long row of orphan children, between two rows of Masonic dignitaries, in a large arched room. Mezzotinto. Height 3 13-16 niches; length 5 1-16 inches. Eng Co. New York & Philad* 811. Full bust, head to left. Oval medallion encircled by an oak and olive wreath tied at the bottom with a ribbon. Line. Height 2 inches; width i 10-16 inches. Bank-note vignette. India proof. 812. Bust, head to left. Proof of i2c. United States postage stamp. Height i inch; width 9-16 inch. Rare. 813. Bust, head to left. Oval medallion surrounded with diverging rays. On either side the bust of Washington after Houdon; in the centre the full-length figure of "Washington at Dorchester Heights," on the right of which is the full-length figure of Washington n6 after the Lansdowne portrait, and to the right a full-length statue of Washington; underneath a back and front view of Canova's statue of Washington. Line. Height i 6-16 inches; width i a-i6 inches. Memorials of Washington. 814. Bust, head to left. Oval in a border of lathe-work, on a sheet with similar portraits of Jefferson, Adams, Patrick Henry, and Franklin. Height 12-16 inch; width 7-16 inch. Bank-note vignette. 815. Feb. 22 nd 1876. Full length, standing, head to right; left hand close to the body holding a chapeau; the right arm extended. Vignette. Line. Height 2 8-16 inches; width I 3-16 inches. Bank-note vignette. 8 1 6. Half length, head to left. Line. Height i 5-16 inches; width i 1-16 inches. Bank-note vignette. 817. Half length, head to left, in a square ornamented on three sides with scrollwork. Line. Height i 5-16 inches; width i 1-16 inches. Bank-note vignette. 818. Bust, head to right. Oval, surrounded with a wreath of flowers, in the upper right-hand corner of a share in the " Kentucky Coal Mining Company." Line. Height i 6-16 inches; width i inch. 819. Bust, head to right. Line. Height i 3-16 inches; width i inch. Bank-note vignette. India proof. 820. Bust, head to left. Oval medallion suspended on a palm tree, aside of which is the Angel of Fame with two trumpets in the right hand. Line. Height 7-16 inch; width 6-16 inch. Bank-note vignette. Proof. 821. Bust, head to left. Oval with a border of lathe-work, in the advertising card of the " Society for the Encouragement of Faith- ful Domestics," with similar portraits of Penn and Franklin, and view of the Fairmount waterworks. Line. Height 17-16 inch; width 11-16 inch. 822. G. WASHINGTON. Bust, head to right. Oval. Line. Height i 10-16 inches; width i 5-16 inches. Bank-note vignette. 823. GEORGE WASHINGTON. Three-quarter length, standing, scroll in the left hand; right hand resting on a table to right; in the left back- ground an armchair. Vignette. Line. Height 2 inches; width i 12-16 inches. Bank-note vignette. 824. Full bust, head to right. Oval in an ornamental border. Line. Height i 11-16 inches; width t 8-16 inches. Bank-note vignette. Proof. 825. Bust, head to left. Oval, on a sheet entitled "Specimen of an improved plan of preventing forgeries of Bank Notes," etc., con- taining also ii other portraits of Washington, 7 of Franklin, and 2 of Wm. Penn, and various other medallions and ornaments. Height 13-16 inch; width 13-16 inch. Philadelphia 1821. Murray Fairman fir 3 C Rare. 826. Bust, head to right. Oval, on a specimen sheet of vig- nettes, including the portrait of De Witt Clinton. Line. Height i 3-16 inches; width i inch. Bank-note engraving. Underwood, Bald, Spencer, and Hufty, Phila- delphia. Danforth, Underwood 6 C. New York. Rare. 827. Bust, head to right. Oval, in an ornamented border. Stipple. Height i 2-1 6 inches ; width x inch. Bank-note vignette. 828. Bust, head to left. Oval in a rectangle. Line. Height a 4-16 inches; width i 13-16 inches. Bank-note vignette. India proof. g 2 p Bust, head to right, encircled with wreath of flowers tied at the bottom with a ribbon. Line. Height i 6-16 inches; width i 2-16 inches. Toppan, Carpenter & C. New York, Philad* &* Boston. India proof. n8 830. Bust, head to left. Oval in a laurel wreath. One of four different medallion portraits of Washington on a sheet of 5 tickets in the "Washington Monument Lottery." "Baltimore June 1816." Stipple. Height i 10-16 inches; width i 5-16 inches. Plate Presented by Simkins &" Usher. Rare. BADGES. 831. Bust, head to left. Oval medallion on the side of a pedestal, upon which is a vase with flowers from which are diverging rays over which are the words "Centennial Celebration"; on the base of the pedestal the inscription "Born Feb. 22, 1732. Died Dec. 14, 1792." On silk. Line. Height 12-16 inch; width 11-16 inch. Published by R. Morgan 279 Market St. 832. Full bust, head to left. Oval. Over the oval "Cente- nary Anniversary"; underneath "Feb. 22, 1832." On blue silk. Stipple. Height 2 8-16 inches; width i 14-16 inches. 833. Bust, head to left; on a pedestal, on the side of which is the figure of Charity and three small children. Over the bust the words "Caritatis Auspiciis"; on the base of pedestal the inscription "Wash- ington Benevolent." On white silk. Vignette. Line. Height 9-16 inch; width 5-16 inch. 834. Bust, head to left. Oval medallion, ornamented with wreath of oak leaves and corn sheaf; over the oval the figure of a sailor and American eagle; on a badge entitled "Our Country and Her Flag. Native Americans of Fifth Ward, Southwark." On white silk. Stipple. Height i 6-16 inches; width i 2-16 inches. 835. WASHINGTON. Born Feb? 22 1732. Died Dec' 1799. Circular medallion, with a border in which is the inscription; over the medallion an eagle with outspread wings, with arrows and olive branch in its talons. On white silk. Vignette. Line. Diameter i 15-16 inches. 836. Bust, head to left. Oval medallion in a fancy scroll border, over which is the inscription, " These United Colonies are and of right ought to be Free and Independent States," and an eagle flying with a partly unfurled United States flag; from the medallion at the up bottom hang pendants with the names of the thirteen original States and " 1776-1876"; at the bottom a shield over which is a ribbon with the motto "E Pluribus Unum." Woven in colors on silk. Height 2 6-16 inches; width 2 inches. 837. Bust, head to left; on a pedestal in an arch formed with keystones, upon which are the names of 38 States. Over the arch an American eagle with shield and flags, underneath the Liberty Bell ; on a badge woven in different colored silks, entitled "Centennial Memento of the United States of America." Height 12-16 inch; width 9-16 inch. FOLIO SHEETS. 838. Bust, head to right. Oval in ornamental lathe-work. One of a grouping of vignettes on an imperial folio sheet including por- traits of Lafayette, Jefferson, Robt. Morris, Wm. Penn, Andrew Jackson, Columbus, etc. Line. Height 12-16 inch; width 11-16 inch. Whole sheet, 16 4-16 inches; width 13 14-16 inches. Fairman, Draper, Underwood & Co., 1830. India paper. 839. Bust, head to right. Oval in ornamental lathe-work. One of a grouping of vignettes on an imperial folio sheet including portraits of Franklin, Raleigh (3), and another bust of Washington to left. Height 12-16 inch; width 11-16 inch. Whole sheet, 15 12-16 inches; width 12 11-16 inches. Fairman, Draper, Underwood & Co. India proof. 840. GEORGIO WASHINGTON. SVPREMO Dvci EXERCITVVM ADSER- TORI LIBERTATIS. Bust, head to left. Circular medallion. The centre of a grouping of vignettes on an imperial folio sheet. Engraved with a roulette. Diameter 2 7-16 inches. Whole sheet, height 17 inches; width 15 5-16 inches. Fairman, Draper, Underwood & Co., 1830. India proof. The portrait on this sheet is after the Houdon type. 841. Bust, head to right. Oval. One of a grouping of vignettes on a portion of an imperial folio sheet of vignettes containing portraits of Marshall, Van Buren, Chas. Carroll of Carrollton, Thos. H. Benton, Wm. Penn, Benj. West, etc., and another full-length por- trait of Washington standing to the left of a horse. Height i 1-16 inches; width 14-16 inch. Whole sheet, height 17 inches; width 14 5-16 inches. Toppan, Carpenter, Casilear & Co. 120 842. Full length, in uniform, head to left; left arm resting on a horse foreshortened to right; chapeau held in the right hand. One of a group of vignettes on an imperial folio sheet containing another similar portrait of Washington, and portraits of Franklin, Webster, etc., so arranged as to form a square around a plain centre. Line. Height i 14-16 inches; width i 5-16 inches. Whole sheet, height n 9-16 inches; length 15 indies. Presented by the New England Bank Note C? to M* Alex. Vattemare, for the American Album. Boston, U. S. A. 1841. India proof. 843. Bust to left. Oval. One of a grouping of hundreds of bank-note vignettes on an imperial folio sheet, including three other portraits of Washington, after Stuart and Houdon, portraits of Presi- dents and other statesmen. Line. Height i 6-16 inches; width i 2-16 niches. Whole sheet, height 34 3-16 inches; width 29 inches. Toppan, Carpenter, Casilear & C? Bank Note Engravers, Phila- delphia, New-York &> Boston. 844. Bust, head to left. Oval (Houdon type). Engraved with a roulette. The centre of an imperial folio sheet containing hun- dreds of vignettes, including two other portraits of Washington after Stuart and Trumbull, and many portraits of statesmen. Height 7 9-16 inches; width 5 13-16 inches. Whole sheet, height 35 inches; width 25 12-16 inches. Rawdon, Wright, Hatch, & Edson, Bank Note Engravers New- York. India proof. 845. Bust, head to left. Oval. The heading to an imperial folio sheet entitled " Washington's Farewell Address to the People of the United States." Stipple. Height 3 6-16 inches; width 3 inches. Whole sheet, height 35 12-16 inches; width 23 12-16 inches. G. Stuart Pinx. G. Fairman Sculp 1 . The vignette after Sully by G. Fairman. Similar to Baker No. 220. 846. THE SAME. Before the portrait. 847. GEORGE WASHINGTON. Full length. The "Lansdowne Por- trait." Mixed. Height 25 is-i6 inches; width 20 4-16 inches. Painted by G. Stuart. Engraved by C. W. Carter. 121 848. GEORGE WASHINGTON. FIRST IN WAR, FIRST IN PEACE, AND FIRST IN THE HEARTS OF HIS COUNTRYMEN 45 YEARS DEVOTED TO HIS COUNTRY. Bust, head to right. Oval in a rectangle. The head- ing to an imperial folio sheet entitled " Centennial Memorial of American Independence." Over the oval "Born in Westmorland County, Vir- ginia, February 22, 1732. Died at Mount Vernon, Virginia, December 14, 1799." Height 3 7-16 inches; width 3 6-16 inches. American Bank Note Company, New York and Boston. Entered according to Act of Congress in the year 1873 by Joseph Leeds in the Office of the Librarian of Congress. Artist's proof. 849. GEO. WASHINGTON. Born Feb. 22, 1732. In. March 4, 1789. Obt. Dec. 14, 1799 IE. 68. The upper left-hand portrait on an imperial folio sheet entitled "National Galaxy, containing the Portraits and Biographies of all the Presidents, with the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States"; the other portraits being the Presidents down to Polk. Line. Height 3 4-16 inches; width 2 14-16 inches. Printed by S. N. Dickinson & Co. Boston 1846. Engraved by Nathaniel Dearborn. Rare. 850. Bust, head to left. Vignette. The centre of an im- perial folio sheet containing the vignette portraits of all the Presidents down to Hayes. Stipple. Height 3 inches; width 28-16 inches. Engraved by S. Hollyer. Artist's proof, signed. 851. G. WASHINGTON. Full bust, head to left. Oval in a rectangle. The upper left-hand one of a grouping of seventeen other portraits of the Presidents down to Grant on an imperial folio sheet. Stipple. Height 4 5-16 inches; width 3 9-16 inches. Whole sheet, height 14 inches; length 23 inches. Engraved by J. R. Rice, from Authentic Portraits. Published by T. S. Arthur fr 3 Son 1129 Chestnut St. Philadelphia. Entered according to Act of Congress in the year 1876 by T. S. Arthur &* Son in the office of the librarian of Congress at Washington. 852. Bust, head to right. Oval in a border. The heading to an engraved imperial folio sheet entitled "Diploma awarded by the American Institute." Line. Height i 12-16 inches; width i 8-16 inches. American Bank Note Co. New York. 122 853. WASHINGTON. Bust, head to right. One of 16 portraits including the Presidents down to Wm. Henry Harrison, and Lafayette, Franklin, and Roger Williams, and thirty medallions of the coats-of-arms of the States; forming a border to Phelps' National Map of the United States 1853. On imperial folio sheet. Line. Height i 8-16 inches; width i 6-16 inches. Drawn and Engraved by J. M. Atwood N. Y. Entered according to Act of Congress in the year 1849 by Ensign fir" Thayer in the clerks office of the District Court of the Southern District of New York. 854. GEORGE WASHINGTON. 1789 to 1797. Bust, head to right. Oval with an ornamented border, in which is the title. The heading to an imperial folio sheet entitled "Zachary Taylor. The People's Choice 1 2th President," in the centre of which is a large oval portrait of Zachary Taylor, encircled with portraits of eleven other Presidents. Stipple. Height 2 13-16 inches; width a 5-16 inches. Whole sheet, height 15 inches; width n 4-16 inches. Published by Read & Co., 10 Johnson's Court, Fleet St. 855. WASHINGTON. Bust, head to left, in an ornamented border, arched at the top. At the bottom of an imperial folio sheet entitled "Wash- ington's Farewell Address." Ornamented with vignettes of scenes in Washington's life. Stipple. Height 3 6- 1 6 inches; width 2 12-16 inches. Whole sheet, height 16 14-16 inches; width xi 10-16 inches. Border drawn by W. Momberger. Lettering by W Kemble. Engraved &> Published by J. C. Buttre 48 Franklin St. N. Y. 856. GEO. WASHINGTON. Bust, head to left. Vignette. Line. Height a 3-16 inches; width i 15-16 inches. Stenczel. Very rare. 857. Full length in uniform, on horseback, receiving a salute. Vignette. Etched. Height 10 4-16 inches; width 8 2-16 inches. Jas Fagan Artist's proof on vellum, signed. 123 REMBRANDT PEALE TYPE. 858. WASHINGTON. Bust, head to right. Vignette. Lithograph. Height 16 inches; width 14 10-16 inches. From the Original Portrait Painted by Rembrandt Peale. Drawn on Stone by Rembrandt Peale. Lith. 0} Pendleton, 9 Wall St. Copy- right secured. Baker, page 171-173. Excessively rare, so much so that Baker only saw an imperfect copy. This is a remarkably fine copy with a full margin. Mr. Baker wrongly describes the " Patriae Pater" Portrait as the one referred to by Peale hi his communication to Wm. Dunlap (Arts of Design, vol. 2, p. 57) in which Peale says: " I was among the first of the Artists who employed this admirable method of multiplying original drawings. My first attempt in New York was a head of Lord Byron, and a female head from a work of Titian. In 1826, I went to Boston, and devoted myself for some time to lithographic studies, and executed a number of portraits and other subjects, and finally, a large drawing from my portrait of Washington, for which I obtained the silver medal from the Franklin Institute at Philadelphia, in 1827. Unfortunately, the workmen by some neglect, destroyed this drawing on the stone, when but a few impressions were taken." The Portrait above described is the one really referred to by Peale, a fact which Mr. Baker discovered after the publication of " The Engraved Portraits of Washington," and up to the time of Mr. Baker's death he never saw but the imperfect copy herein mentioned; this is the only perfect copy that has come under my observation. 859. WASHINGTON, PATRICE PATER. Full bust, head three-quarters to right. Oval with a border surrounded by an oak wreath in a rectangle, the whole imitating stonework; a cloak or mantle hangs over the front of the oval, with a colossal antique head as a keystone. The title beneath the oval. Lithograph. Height 19 6-16 inches; width 15 6-16 inches. ( From the Original Portrait Painted by Rembrandt Peale. Drawn on Stone by Rembrandt Peale. Copyright secured 1827. Pendleton's Lithography, Boston. Baker No. 379. Very rare. Fine brilliant impression of this very beautiful specimen of the lithographic art. 860. WASHINGTON. Bust, head three-quarters to right. Oval. Lithograph. Height 23 inches; width 19 inches. R. Peale. Duval & Co. Drawn by Rembrandt Peale from his Original Portrait. Copy Right secured 1856. Baker No. 380. 861. Bust, head three-quarters to right. Vignette. Stipple. Height 4 3-16 inches; width 4 inches. Rembrandt Peale. H. B. Hall. New York, G. P. Putnam. Baker No. 381. India proof. 862. THE SAME. Plain impression. 863. WASHINGTON. Bust, head three-quarters to right. Vignette. Line. Height 4 3-16 inches; width 4 inches. Eng 1 ? by H. B. Hall N. Y. 1865, after a Painting by Rembrandt Peale. Baker No. 382. 124 864. THE SAME. Proof before letters on India paper. 865. " " India proof. 866. G. WASHINGTON. Full bust, head three-quarters to right. Oval, with border surrounded by an oak wreath in a rectangle, the whole engraved to represent stonework. A cloak or mantle hangs over the front of the oval, with a colossal antique head as a keystone. Beneath the oval the words " Patriae Pater." Mezzotinto. Height 19 inches; width 15 2-16 inches. Rembrandt Peale pinx* Adam B. Walter sculpt Published by C. N. Robinson N. 248 Chestnut St. Philad a . Baker No. 384. India proof before letters. A close copy of the Lithograph No. 859. 867. THE SAME. With the inscription, " Engraved from the original paint- ing of Washington from life by Rembrandt Peale. Respectfully Dedi- cated to the People of the United States." 868. THE SAME. With the addition of " Goupil & Co. Paris & London" as publishers. REMBRANDT PEALE TYPE NOT DESCRIBED BY BAKER. 869. G.WASHINGTON. Born February 2 2 d 1732. Dec'd December 14 th 1799. Bust, head three-quarters to right. Vignette. Lithograph. Height 6 4-16 inches; width 5 8-16 inches. Rembrandt Peale Pinx* Lith. of P. Haas, Washington City. India proof. 870. THE SAME. With background to imitate India paper. 871. G. WASHINGTON. Bust, head three-quarters to left. Vignette. Lithograph. Height 6 8-16 inches; width 5 12-16 inches. 872. G. WASHINGTON. Bust, head three-quarters to right. Vignette. Plumbeotyped. Height 4 2-16 inches; width 3 8-16 inches. 87 2$. G. WASHINGTON. Bust, head three-quarters to right. Oval. Lithograph. Height 22 14-16 inches; width 19 inches. Rembrandt Peale. P S Duval & Co Phil? A different portrait from that described by Baker No. 380, but a very dose copy. 125 WILLIAM BIRCH TYPE. 873. GEO: WASHINGTON. Full bust, head three-quarters to right. Oval, with narrow border, on the upper part of a rectangle. An eagle with laurel wreath rests upon the top of the oval, and around the sides and base are flags, laurel branches, and war emblems. Over the eagle a circlet of ten stars. The title on a tablet in the rectangle. Stipple. Height 6 6-16 inches; width 3 13-16 inches. Edwin, sc. Baker No. 385. From the American Artillerist's Companion, by Louis De Tousard. Philadelphia, 1800. 874. Full bust, head three-quarters to right. Vignette. Line. Height 3 8-16 inches; width 3 inches. Eng? by H. B. Hall, N. Y. from an Original Miniature by W m Birch in the Possession of Cha? G. Barney, Esq T . Baker No. 386. India paper proof. , Private plate. Only one hundred and twenty-five impressions taken, and the plate destroyed. Presentation copy to Henry B. Dawson, from Mr. Hoffman. 875. WASHINGTON. Bust, head three-quarters to right, the left hand thrust in the breast. Vignette. Stipple. Height 2 inches; width i 11-16 inches. W. Read sc. London, Published Jari* 9, 1823 by Sir R. Phillips & Co. Bride Court, Bridge Street. 876. THE SAME. Different state of the plate. 877. GEORGE WASHINGTON. Ne a Bridges-Creek, le 22 Fevrier 1732, Mort le 14 De'cembre 1799. Bust, head three-quarters to right. Oval, in a border, in the upper part of a rectangle; above a tablet in which is the title. Height s 11-16 inches; width 3 11-16 inches. A Paris, chez Menard & Desenne, Rue Git-le-Coeur N 8. Baker No. 388. 878. THE SAME. Choice proof on India paper. The title "Washington" in open letters, the tablet without lines. Rare in this state. 879. THE SAME. Before the publisher's address. 880. GEORGE WASHINGTON, LATE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Full bust, head three-quarters to right, the left hand thrust in the breast. Oval, with border resembling a picture-frame, leaning against some rocks in a landscape, and surrounded by flags and 126 war emblems. In the background, the rays of a setting sun. Oblong 4to sheet. Stipple. Height 4 inches; width 3 6-16 inches. Whole plate, height 8 7-16 inches; length n 14-16 inches. Painted by W Birch, Esq. of Carolina. Engraved by P Roberts. " This Plate is Humbly Dedicated to the Friends of the above Gentleman by their most Obedient Humble Serv* P. Roberts." London, Pub- lished as the Act directs April 10, 1800, by P. Roberts at Mr. Hollands, 50 Oxford Street. Baker No. 389. Rare. 881. THE SAME. With variation in the name of publishers. "Pub? by R. Pollard, Spa Fields London." 882. THE SAME. With publisher's name as Lot 880, but with the addition of a printed biographical sketch of Washington. The whole on an im- perial folio sheet. Very rare in this state. 883. HIS EXCEL? GEN!- GEO? WASHINGTON. Full bust, head three-quarters to right. The centre of an ornamental rectangle. Above, the sun dispersing clouds ; beneath, a female figure with right hand on a bundle of fasces and a child holding a pole surmounted with a liberty cap. Line. Height 7 3-16 inches; width 5 10-16 inches. Engraved by I. G. Walker. From a Picture by W. Birch. 1796 Painted from Life in the Office of His Excellency The General, by the request of I. G. Van Staphorst Esq* of Amsterdam, in whose possession the original Portrait now is. " To I. G. Van Staphorst Esq* the par- ticular Friend of the General, this Print is with permission most re- spectfully Inscribed, by His Obliged & Obed 4 . Servant, I. G. Walker." Published as the Act directs June 21, 1800 by M r . Bowyer, Historic Gallery Pall Mall, M r . R Wilkinson N. 58 Cornhill, M r . Brewer the corner of Newgate Street 6 s /. G. Walker Church Lane, Hammersmith. Baker No. 390. Rare. 884. Full bust, head three-quarters to left. Circle, sur- rounded by an outer border of laurel leaves. Stipple. Diameter a ia-i6 inches. Baker No. 392. From ".the Columbiad, a Poem, By Joel Barlow, Paris 1813." 885. THE SAME. Choice proof before the border of laurel leaves. Very rare in this state. 127 886. Bust, head three-quarters to left. Oval surrounded by a wreath, and inclosed by circular lines. Between the oval and the lines, the words, " Columbian Total Abstinence Society." Beneath the circle " Aux, To Washington T. B. S." Line, Height i ia-i6 inches; width i 6-16 inches. Evidently a reprint from the original plate. ~- WM. BIRCH TYPE NOT DESCRIBED BY BAKER. 887. Full bust, head three-quarters to right. Oval in a rectangle. Stipple. Height 3 4-16 inches; width a 11-16 inches. (After the Portrait on Enamel by W? Birch.) Choice proof before all letters. 888. WASHINGTON. Full bust, head three-quarters to right, left hand thrust into the breast. Vignette. Stipple. Height r 15-16 inches; width i 11-16 inches. Similar to Baker No. 387. 889. WASHINGTON. Full bust, head three-quarters to right, left hand thrust into the breast. Vignette. Stipple. Height i 15-16 inches; width x 11-16 inches. Similar to Baker No. 387. JAMES SHARPLESS TYPE. 890. G. WASHINGTON. Head and bust in profile to left. Vignette. Line. Height 3 inches; width 3 inches. Eng^ by H. B. Hall from a Miniature painted from life by Sharpless in 1796. Private Plate. Baker No. 394. India paper proof before the title. 891. THE SAME. India paper proof, before the engraver's address. 128 JAMES SHARPLESS TYPE NOT DESCRIBED BY BAKER. 892. G. WASHINGTON. Full bust and head in profile to left. Vignette. Stipple. Height 3 14-16 inches; width 4 inches. From a Portrait by Sharpless Presented by Washington to Col Tal- madge Eng 1 ? by H. B. Hall & Sons for the Magazine of American History. 893. THE SAME. India proof. 894. " " " " before the publisher's address. 895. " " Japan paper proof with publisher's address. 896. " Brilliant early proof, before all letters, on India paper; not the usual reprint on India paper. 897. GEORGE WASHINGTON. Full bust and head in profile to left. Oval on a rectangle. Mezzotinto printed in colors. Height 9 7-16 inches; width 7 3-16 inches. Sharpless Fecit. S. Arlent Edwards Sculpsit. Published 1899, By J. Percy Sabin, 80 Nassau St. New York. Printed in colors and so signed by S. Arlent Edwards. 898. THE SAME. Not in colors. Artist's proof on India paper, signed. 899. GEN!- GEORGE WASHINGTON. Full bust, head three-quarters to right. Mezzotinto. Height 9 inches; width 7 inches. Engraved by Max Rosenthal Philadelphia 1900. From a Sharpless Pastel owned in Philadelphia. Twenty five sets in five states of this plate printed and subscribed for, viz Artists Proof colored, and Signed. Artists Proof uncolored and Signed. India Paper Proof with Title. India Paper proof with subscription list 6r Impression from defaced plate. Sold as a lot. 900. THE SAME. A set, from the first to the fifth trial proof. 5 pieces. 901. Full bust and head in profile to left. Oval. Lithograph. Height 8 7-16 inches; width 6 9-16 inches. 129 902. Bust and head in profile to left. (Cut to outlines of portrait.) Pastel. Height 9 7-16 inches; width 7 3-16 inches. A Pastel portrait, being a very close copy of the same by James Sharp- less. MRS. E. SHARPLESS TYPE NOT DESCRIBED BY BAKER. 903. G. WASHINGTON, 1796. Full bust, and head in profile to left. Vig- nette. Stipple. Height 2 14-16 inches; width 2 13-16 inches. Painted by Mrs E. Sharpless. Engraved by P. Hall. "Original Portrait in the possession of the Evans Family." 904. G. WASHINGTON. Bust and head in profile to left. Oval. Lithograph. Height 3 7-16 inches; width 2 8-16 inches. " Miniature of Washington on Ivory by Mrs Sharpless." SAINT-MEMIN TYPE. 905. WASHINGTON. Profile bust in uniform to right. Oval. Mezzotinto. Height 10-16 inch; width 8-16 inch. Baker No. 395. Excessively rare; only three impressions had come under the observation of Mr. Baker. The one herein described is a brilliant impression with a fine margin. 906. Profile bust, in uniform, to right. Oval, surrounded by laurel branches, with diverging rays; at the top a pen and sword crossed, and beneath on a ribbon "First in war, First in peace, First in the Hearts of his countrymen." Height 10-16 inch; width 8-16 inch. Baker No. 396. Extremely rare. From the Valedictory address of Washington to the People of the United States, Philad 1810. 907. GEORGE WASHINGTON. Bust in uniform, in profile to left. Vignette. Stipple. Height 3 4-16 inches; width 3 inches. From the original Portrait done in crayon by C. B. J. F. de St. Memin, and now 1866, in the possession of J. Carson Brevoort Esq^ Elias Dexter, 564 Broadway, New York. Baker No. 397. (Engraved by Dudensing.) India proof. 908. THE SAME. Proof before all letters on India paper. 9 I 3 SAINT MEMIN TYPE NOT DESCRIBED BY BAKER. 909. Profile bust, in uniform, to right. Oval, surrounded by laurel branches with diverging rays; at the top a pen and sword crossed, and beneath on a ribbon, "First in War, first in Peace & first in the hearts of his Countrymen." Around the oval a large circular wreath of oak leaves and corn-stalks, over which is an eagle and shield, with arrows in claw and ribbon in its beak; at the bottom bee-hive and war implements. Height 10-16 inch; width 8-16 inch. Whole engraving, height 5 inches; width 5 6-16 inches. Similar to Baker No. 396. Extremely scarce, no margin. 910. WASHINGTON. Profile bust in uniform to left. Vignette. Stipple. Height 4 2-16 inches; width 3 inches. From the St. Memin Crayon in possession of J. Carson Brevoort Esq. Eng d by H. B. Hall & Sons, New York. 911. THE SAME. Large paper proof on Japanese paper. 912. " " " India proof before letters. 913. Profile head to left. Vignette. Etching. Height 4 8-16 inches; width 2 12-16 inches. (Etched by Albert Rosenthal after the original by St. Memin.) Artist's proof, signed, with portrait of St. Memin as remarque. 914. THE SAME. Unfinished proofs. First and second states. Signed by Albert Rosenthal. 2 pieces. 915. WASHINGTON. Bust in profile to right, with laureated head. Oval with border of olive leaves in a rectangle. Mezzotinto. Height 5 14-16 inches; width 4 13-16 inches. Engraved by Max Rosenthal from the Engraving by St. Memin in the St Memin collection owned by Hampton L. Carson Esq Phila. Border designed by the Engraver. Copyright by Max Rosenthal. Only twenty-five sets in four states of the plate printed and subscribed for: viz., Artist's proof signed, with small portrait of Washington after S. Memin as remarque; India proof with artist's address; India proof with list of subscribers; and impression from defaced plates. 916. The first and second trial proofs. 2 pieces. 917. Proof Impression of the Small Remarque Portrait from the preceding print. Height 8-16 inch; width 7-16 inch. FACSIMILE OF SEVEN PORTRAITS TAKEN AT RANDOM FROM THE SAINT MEMIN COLLECTION. LOT 925 THE PORTRAIT OF WASHINGTON IS REVERSED 9 1 8. The original drawing of the design for the border of print, lot No. 915. 919. G. WASHINGTON. Bust in uniform in profile to left. Vignette. Stipple. Height 3 inches; width- i 13-16 inches. The last portrait from life, 1798, age 66. En? x by Hollyer after S* Memin. Artist's proof on India paper, signed. No. 26 of 50 India proofs. 920. WASHINGTON. Full bust in uniform in profile to left. Oval in a rectangle. Stipple, Height 5 14-16 inches; width 4 9-16 inches. (Engraved by Chas. B. Hall.) 921. THE SAME. Artist's proof on India paper, signed. No. 3 of ten published in this state. 922. THE SAME. Autograph proof on India paper. No. 3 of twenty proofs in this state. 923. Bust in uniform in profile to left. Vignette. Wood engraving- Height 4 12-16 inches; width 3 1-16 inches. R. A. Muller, 1891. 924. THE SAME. Signed proof on India paper. THE GREAT ST. MEMIN COLLECTION OF ENGRAVED PORTRAITS. The Artist's Own Collection of Proofs^ All Mounted, and Named in His Auto- graph, Consisting of 761 Portraits of Washington, Jefferson, Madison, and Other Noted Americans. 925. St Memin's own personal collection of proofs of 761 Portraits Engraved from the life by him, all neatly mounted by himself, and named in his- autograph, including Portraits of Washington (2), Jefferson, Madison, Genl. Gates, Gen. Bloomfield, W. Bradford, DeWitt Clinton, Winthrop Sargent, Genl. Jas. Clinton, Commodore Decatur, Genl. Henry Lee, Commodore Perry, &c., including also Portraits of the artist and members of his distinguished family. In reference to the Artist and this collection Mr. Baker says: "Charles I 3 2 Balthazar Julien Fevrel de Saint Memin, to whom we are indebted for the last portrait of Washington taken from life, was born at Dijon, France, on the 12 th day of March, 1770, and quite early in life showed an aptitude for design, and displayed considerable mechanical talent. " Destined for the profession of arms, he entered as a cadet at the military school in Paris April i, 1784, was appointed supernumerary Ensign in the following year, and Ensign April 27, 1788. His sympathies at the outbreak of the French Revolution were with the Royal family, and the army of the Princes being formed, he joined it, and served in that organi- zation until it was disbanded, at which time he was entitled to the rank of lieutenant-colonel, which was afterwards (Jan 29, 1817) conferred upon him by Louis XVIII, taking grade from May i, 1792. While with the army, he turned his attention, during his leisure hours, to drawing and painting. "He came to America from Switzerland, where he had learned to gild and carve in wood, landing in Canada in 1793, and from thence going to New York, in which city he learned to engrave. 11 Towards the end of the last century, a Frenchman named Chretien had invented a machine, by means of which he copied the human profile mathematically accurate. This invention, termed Physionotracy, had great success. Saint Memin knowing of the popularity of this process, practiced also by Queneday and others, determined to introduce it into this country, and therefore applied himself to the construction of such a ma- chine, according to his understanding of it, and also made a pantograph. " His profiles were produced of life-size by the Physionotrace (of which one of Genl. Washington is described in lot No. 926) and finished in crayon"; the pantograph reduced them to the size required for the plate, the portrait being drawn on the copper, in a circle of a little more than two inches in diameter. Having thus obtained the perfect outline, the details were worked up by the graver, the shading being finished by the roulette, the latter tool made by a machine of his own invention. " These profile portraits, produced very rapidly, number about eight hundred and twenty, and are interesting, most of them being likenesses of the prominent personages of the time, Saint Memin travelling to all the principal cities of the Union for that purpose, his summers being passed with the family at Burlington, N. J., where he executed the engravings. In this he was assisted at first by a fellow-exile, M. de Valnuit, and the plates produced previous to 1797, when Valnuit returned to France, bear both their signatures. These plates became the property of the different sitters, Saint Memin retaining only a few impressions for his private collection. "While in Philadelphia in 1798, Saint Memin secured a profile of Washington, who was in that city during the month of November, engaged in organizing the army for the threatened war with France. This draw- ing was not engraved at the time like the others, being, as it would appear, an undertaking of his own, and was retained by him. It was purchased afar his death, from his nephew and heir, and is now in the possession of J. Carson Brevoort, Esqr., of Brooklyn, N. Y. It is a bust in uniform, half life-size, drawn in crayon on tinted paper, is strikingly characteris- tic, and bears every evidence of originality. The engraving by Dudensing is a fair rendering of this interesting profile, the last portrait of Wash- ington taken from life. "Saint Memin made a short visit to France in 1810, and returned finally in 1814. At the time of his decease, which occurred June 23, 1852, he was Director of the museum at Dijon, to which office he had been appointed July 27, 1817. "After his return to France, Saint Memin arranged the impressions retained by him of his different plates in two sets, adding the names of the originals, which being done from memory, are not always correct. These sets purchased at the same time as the above mentioned drawing (November, 1859) were brought to this country. One of them is in the 1 Cor cor an Gallery of Art,'' Washington, and the other is owned by Elias Dexter, of New York, who published Photographic Copies of them in 1862. "All these prints except two of Washington, Wm. Bradford, Doctor Thornton, Thos. Jefferson, Mrs Law, B. Ferrand, Mrs Brockholst Livingston, Miss Surges, the Artist's Mother, Sister, and his own, are of the same size. One of the Washington's is marked 'Houdon' (the drawing, life-size, is also owned by Mr. Brevoort) and the other is found in the drawing above referred to. The latter, an oval, quite small, is beautifully executed, and it is presumed was not outlined on the plate in his usual manner." This set we are now describing is the one owned by Elias Dexter, and was purchased by Mr. Carson from his American agent several years ago. We have deemed it advisable to publish the list of portraits, with such identification as is afforded by the work published by Mr. Dexter. Mr. Carson's set is much larger than the one in the Corcoran Gallery. LIST OF PORTRAITS IN THE ST. MEMIN COLLECTION. No. 63. Allen, John. Wealthy citizen of New York. 126. Alden, Major Roger. Officer in the Revolution. 180. Armat, Thos. Merchant of Phila- delphia. 319. Ash, Mrs. 358. Alexander, Dr. Ashton. Physician of Baltimore. 364. Alexander, Henry. Merchant of Baltimore. No. 534. Atterbury, Louis. Son-in-law of Elias Boudinot. 548. Anthony, J. C. Merchant of Rich- mond, Va. 551. Anderson, Thomas O. Mid-ship- man in the U. S. Navy. 616. Anderson, Overton. Merchant of Richmond, Va. 656. Adam, . 753. Adam, Mrs. 134 No. 9. Bradford, Wm. Officer in the Rev- olution. Att'y General of the U. S. ii. Burges, Miss. Daughter of Wm. Burges, Merchant of Philadel- phia. 24. Breck, Miss Hannah. Daughter of Saml. Breck, of Boston. 27. Barton, Benj. Smith. Distinguished Professor in the University of Pennsylvania. 32. Busti, Mrs. Elizabeth. Wife of Paul Busti, of Philadelphia. 36. Brumand, Mrs., of Philadelphia. 41. Burral, Jonathan. Assistant Pay- master General in the Revolu- tion. 51. Bruce, Dr. Archibald. Eminent New York Physician. Mineralo- gist. 53. Beekman, , of New York. 60. Barclay, Andrew D., of New York. 61. Brown, Dr. 66. Bell, Isaac. Merchant of New York. 68. Bache, Theophylact. Merchant of New York. 71. Bache, Wm. Eminent lawyer of New York. 97. Beale, J. 98. Blake, J. 100. Brooks, . 102. Brunei, Marc Isambard. Cele- brated French Engineer. Built the Thames Tunnel. no. Barney, Wm. Brother of Commo- dore Barney. Served in War of 1812. 129. Buckley, Anthony M. Distinguished citizen of Philadelphia. 155. Bassett, Rich'd. Governor of Dela- ware. M. O. C. 166. Bordley, J. B. Judge of the Provin- cial Court of Maryland. Friend of Washington. 167. Breck, Ant. 175. Biddle, Geo. Merchant of Phila- delphia. 176. Birch, Wm. Young. Eminent phil- anthropist of Philadelphia. 178. Boggs, James. Merchant of Phila- delphia. 186. Bloomfield, Jas. Governor of New Jersey and General War 1812. No. 193. Brailsford, Edward, of South Caro- lina. 222. Boyd, Gen. Jno. P. Brig. Gen'l War of 1812. 227. Baer, Geo. Congressman from Maryland. 237. Brazier, Amable. Philadelphia jew- eler. 240. Badaraque, Thos. Merchant of Philadelphia. 241. Bazile. Cuban planter. 247. Bell, Mrs. Originally Miss Walker, of Petersburg, Va. 251. Brumaud. 262. Bache, Miss Helen. Daughter of Theophylact Bache, of New York. 265. Bruneleau, . Merchant of Bal- timore. 290. Boon, Gerrit. Agent of Holland Lard Company in Trenton. 291. Bohlen, Jno. Merchant of Phila- delphia. 293. Busti, Paul. Agent of the Holland Land Company in Philadelphia*. 306. Biddle, Judgq, of Chambersburg, Penna. 311. Brouard, . 312. Boisgerard, Felix de. A Frenchman from San Domingo. 330. Bowie, Robt. Governor of Mary- land, officer in the Revolution. 342. Bland, Theodoric. Chancellor of Maryland. M. O. C. 351. Buccanan, James H. Wealthy merchant of Baltimore. 355. Barney, Louis. Son of Commodore Joshua Barney. 370. Braestler, Chas. 379. Brent, Richard. U. S. Senator from Virginia. 393. Brent, Thos. L. L. U. S. Charge d' Affaires to Portugal. 397. Burbeck, Gen. Henry. Brig. Gen'l War of 1812. 409. Brent, Wm. Prominent citizen of Virginia. 429. Bayard, Jas. A. U. S. Senator from Delaware. 442. Blunt, Thos. Member of Congress from North Carolina. 448. Baldwin, Simeon. Mayor of New Haven, Conn. 450. Boudinot, Elias. President of the Continental Congress. 135 No. 468. Brace, Jonathan. Member of Con- gress from Connecticut. 472. Bartlet, Bailey. Member of Con- gress from Massachusetts. 476. Burwell, Wm. A. Member of Con- gress from Virginia. 479. Betton, Silas. Member of Congress from New Hampshire. 480. Bedinger, Geo. M. Officer in the Revolution, early settler of Ken- tucky. 486. Bryan, Joseph. Member of Con- gress from Georgia. 489. Broom, James Madison. Member of Congress from Delaware. 503. Beverley, Robt., of Virignia. 511. Bullus, Dr. Jno. Navy agent Port of New York. 525. Bartleman, . Merchant of Alexandria, Va. 531. Butts, Dr. Elisha de. Eminent professor of Chemistry in Balti- more. 541. Burwell, Carter. 550. Burnet, Jacob. One of the founders of Ohio. 557. Bell, John. Merchant of Rich- mond, Virginia. 579. Brown, J. Merchant of Richmond, Virginia. 583. Briscoe, Henry L. Merchant of Manchester, Virginia. 595. Barn, Joseph. 596. Bates, James W. Member of Con- gress from Arkansas. 607. Barbour, James. Governor of Vir- ginia, Sec. of War. 608. Breckenridge, James. Member of Congress from Virginia. 617. Burnet, , of Norfolk, Va. 620. Bankhead, James, of Virginia. Officer in the Revolution. 625. Brooke, Richard. Merchant of Richmond, Va. 632. Broadfoot, J. B. Merchant of Charleston, South Carolina. 635. Brown, Jno. 636. Baron, Dr. Alexander, Jr., of Charleston, South Carolina. 646. Baron, Dr. Alexander. Eminent physician of Charleston, South Carolina. 66 1. Barnwell, Nathaniel. Planter of Beaufort, South Carolina. No. 663. Barnwell,'Jno. G. Planter of Beau- fort, South Carolina. 682. Burr, Aaron. Vice-President of the United States. 705. Bossee, . 712. Bloomfield, Gen. Joseph. Governor of New Jersey and Gen'l War of 1812. 714. Burr, Miss Theodosia. Only daugh- ter of Col. Aaron Burr. 720. Bourcel, Mdme. 729. Butts, Mrs. De. Wife of Dr. Elisha de Butts, of Baltimore. 751. Bloomfield, Mrs. Wife of Governor Bloomfield, of New Jersey. 757. Burr, Theodosia. Daughter of Col. Aaron Burr, when nine years of age. 31. Cunningham, Mrs. Wife of Capt. Jno. Cunningham, of Philadelphia. 32. Clay, Matthew. Congressman from Virginia. 43. Cruger, Jno., of New York. 54. Cummings, James, of New York. 57. Clinton, Gen. James. Brig.-Genl. in the American Revolutidn. 75. Codington, . 78. Cuyler, James, of New York. 94. Codrington, Captain. 119. Caldwell, David. Clerk of the Dis- trict Court of the U. S. (Philadel- phia). 1 20. Cruger, Peter. Merchant of New York. 131. Cox, Daniel. Merchant of Phila- delphia. 135. Caldwell, S. R. Clerk of the Dis- trict Court of the U. S. (father of 119). 156. Caldwell, J. R. Lieutenant in the U. S. Navy. 183. Cooper, . 185. Cuthbert, Jno. American Consul to Hamburg. 198. Cuthbert, James L. Merchant of Philadelphia. 214. Chollet, T. 218. Champneis, R. Merchant of Charleston, South Carolina. 226. Carmick, Daniel. 235. Chaudron, Simon. Silversmith of Philadelphia. 242. Cottineau, Denis. Merchant of Philadelphia. 136 No. 245- 252. 261. 274. 275- 33- 34- 310. 314. 327- 332. 333- 334- 375- 376. 378- 402. 414. 416. 427. 428. 459- 464. 469. 473- 477- 533- 539- Chevalier, Jno. A. French Consul at Richmond, Va. Chauveau, . Coulon, . Merchant of Phila- delphia. Chanceaume, . Chardon, Anthony. First manufac- turer of wall-paper in America. Comegys, . Merchant of Phila- delphia. Comegys, Cornelius. Merchant of Philadelphia. Coiron, . Merchant of Charleston, South Carolina. Contades, D. Carrere, Jno. Merchant of Balti- more. Carroll, Chas., of Carrollton. Signer of the Declaration of Indepen- dence. Carroll, Chas., Jr. Son of the pre- ceding. Calhoun, James. First Mayor of Baltimore. Coale, Edwd. J. Book-seller of Baltimore. Carter, . Campbell, I. Comegys, Jno. R. Lottery agent for the Washington Monument in Baltimore. Cassin, Capt. Jno. Lieutenant in U. S. Navy. Custis, G. W. P. Adopted son of Gen'l Washington. Coles, Isaac A. Officer in the War of 1812. Campbell, Jno. Member of Con- gress from Maryland. Clay, Joseph. Member of Congress from Philadelphia. Claiborne, W. C. C. Governor of Mississippi. Champlin, C. G. U. S. Senator from Rhode Island. Clinton, De Witt. Governor of New York. Claiborne, Thos. Member of Con- gress from Virginia. Clarke, Wm. Governor of Missouri. Craven, Tunis. Merchant of Vir- ginia. Cocke, B. Merchant of Alexan- dria, Va. No. 561. Carter, Wm., of Virginia. 562. Cooper, Jonathan. 565. Carter, L. 573. Carter, Landon, of Virginia. 575. Cabell, Wm. H. Governor of Vir- ginia. 584. Cabell, Nicholas, Jr. Brother of the preceding. 587. Clarke, . 588. Currie, James. Merchant of Vir- ginia. 604. Carter, Peter. Planter of Albe- marle Co., Va. 623. Carr, Dr. Physician of Burlington, N.J. 634. Constable, A. J. 665. Cockran, Thos. Merchant of Charleston, South Carolina. 713. Carter, Robt. Eminent citizen of Virginia. 724. Clinton, Mrs. De Witt. Wife of Governor Clinton, of N. Y. 726. Chardon, Mrs. 732. Cox, Mrs. Danl. Wife of Daniel Cox, of Philadelphia. 737. Cummings, Mrs. Wife of James Cummings, of New York. 739. Cabell, Mrs., of Virginia. 740. Carter, Mrs. Mary. Wife of Dr. Robert Carter, of Virginia. 742. Clinton, Mrs. General. Wife of Gen. James Clinton, of New York. 744. Caldwell, Miss. Daughter of Sam- uel R. Caldwell, of Philadelphia. 750. Conyers, Miss S., of Richmond, Va. 20. Dutilh, Miss. Daughter of Stephen Dutilh, of Philadelphia. 25. Duponceau, Mile. Daughter of Peter S. Duponceau, of Philadel- phia. 34. Dubourg, W. L. V. A distin- guished R. C. Bishop. Founder of St. Mary's College, Baltimore. 86. De Peyster, Nicholas, Jr., of New York. 96. Derby, Jno. Merchant of New York. 105. Delessert, . Merchant of New York. 136. Dutilh, Edmund G. Merchant of Philadelphia. 137. Dutilh, Edward, of Philadelphia. No. 138. Dallas, Alex. J. Secretary of Treas- ury and Secretary of War. 159. Duane, Wm. Editor of the "Au- rora." 162. Dorsey, John. Celebrated amateur architect and designer of Phila- delphia. 169. Dugan, John. A wealthy merchant of Philadelphia. 181. Dickens, R. 203. Door, Eben. 204. Dodge, . Merchant of Rich- mond, Va. 255. Ducatel, Edmund. Chemist of Bal- timore. 256. Darien, , of Philadelphia. 258. Dubarry, John. Merchant of Phil- adelphia. 259. Ducorneau, . 263. Dupan, . 270. Dudrenec, . 295. Duffield, John. 299. Dutilh, Etienne. Merchant of Phil- adelphia. 307. Dufief, Nicholas Gouin. French schoolmaster. 322. Destrehan, . 323. Debrigny, Peter. Governor of Louisiana. 337. Dorsey, Walter. Chief Justice of Court of Oyer and Terminer of Baltimore. 363. Dubois, N. 365. Day, J. 377. Dodge, . 399. Dearborn, Geo. R. Son of Gen. Henry Dearborn. 400. Dearborn, H. A. S. Son of Gen. Henry Dearborn, Member of Con- gress. 401. Dearborn, Genl. Henry. Maj.-Gen. U. S. Army. 404. Duval, Gabriel. Justice Supreme Court of the United States. 407. Decatur, Stephen, Sr. Father of Commodore Decatur, commander of Sloop of War "Delaware." 426. Davenport, John. Member of Con- gress from Connecticut. 430. Dana, S. W. U. S. Senator from Connecticut. 436. Dwight, Thomas. Member of Con- gress from Massachusetts. No. 444. Dayton, Jonathan. Member of the Constitutional Convention. 470. Davenport, Franklin. Member of Congress from New Jersey. 499. Dennis, John. Member of Con- gress from Maryland. ' 521. Deveaux, Thomas. 524. Dick, Dr. Physician to Gen. Wash- ington. 531. De Butts, Elisha. Chemist of Bal- timore. 586. Delaplaine, Jno. F. Merchant of New York. 621. Dalton, Dr., of Charleston, South Carolina. 644. Dent, Jno. H. Lieutenant in U. S. Navy. 648. Drayton, John. Governor of South Carolina. 650. Decatur. Stephen. Commodore in U. S. Navy. 658. Destouches, . 664. Dawson, John. Merchant of Char- leston, South Carolina. 673. Deveaux, Barnwell. Lawyer of Beaufort, South Carolina. 680. Delagrange, Miss. 686. Dwerhagen, H. C. Merchant of Baltimore. 691. Dacossa, . 703. Desobry, . Merchant of New York. 715. Delacroix, Marie J. Wife of J. M. J. Delacroix, of New York. 722. Dutilh, Catharine M. Wife of Stephen Dutilh, of Philadelphia. 725. Delage de Volade, Natalie. Daugh- ter of Paul Joseph Jean Delage de Volade. 736. Davenport, Miss. 749. Drayton, Mrs. John. Wife of the Governor of South Carolina. 19. Erskine, Mrs. David. Wife of Mr. Erskine, British Minister to the U. S. 40. Evans, J. B., of Philadelphia. 172. Edwards, Wm. 344. Ellicott, J., of Baltimore. 398. Eaton, Gen. Wm. U. S. Consul at Tunis. 443. Eppes, Jno. W. U. S. Senator from Virginia. 517. Edwards, . 609. Edbretz, J. 138 No. 619. 626. 674. 694. 707. 16. 73- 112. 141. 171. 209. 246. 267. 288. 3 08. 362. 410. 4I3- 5I3- 576. 690. 7 l8. 727. 29. I4O. 182. I9O. 199. 2OO. 22O. 228. 234- Edwards, James. Everett, Charles. Prominent Citi- zen of Virginia. Elliott, Benj. Lawyer of Charles- ton, S. C. Edwards, Edward. Merchant of Philadelphia. Erskine, Hon. David. Lord Er- skine, Minister from Great Brit- ain to the U. S. Ferrand, B. Ferguson, , of New York. Ferguson, John. Mayor of New York. Franklin, Walter. Attorney Gen- eral of Pennsylvania. Fothergill, Dr. Anthony. Cele- brated physician of England. Freeman, T. B., of Philadelphia. Fazi, . Foucher, . Forsyth, Alex. Fayolle, Peter. French exile, of Charleston, S. C. Forbes, John, of the Eastern Shore, Maryland. Fenwick, Capt. Jno. R.- Officer in the U. S. Navy War of 1812. Foxhall, Henry. Ironfounder of Georgetown, D. C. Frey, . Nephew of Col. Swan, of the U. S. Army. Fitzhugh, Wm. H. Father-in-law of Geo. W. P. Custis. Fuller, . Facio, Fitch, Miss. Foxhall, Mrs. Henry. Wife of Henry Foxhall, of Georgetown, D. C. Guenin, , of Philadelphia. Giles, Gen. Aquillar, of the Revolu- tion, Marshal of the District of New York. Gay, Jno. Giles, James. Lieutenant in the Revolution. Gray, . Gray, Sullivan. Gwynn, Wm. Proprietor and editor of "The Federal Gazette." Gervais, Jno. L. Member of the Continental Congress. Georges, . Clerk for Stephen Girard. No. 250. Gardette, James. Genl. Washing- ton's dentist. 260. Girardin, L. H. Author of the con- tinuation of Burk's Virginia. 269. Gervais, Jr., of South Carolina. 277. Garchet, . 284. Gilmor, Mrs. Robt. Wife of Robt. Gilmor, of Baltimore. 324. Guenet, . French dancing- master of Philadelphia. 325. Gourgeon. 341. Goodwin, Lyde, Jr. Judge of the Criminal Court of Baltimore. 352. Gilmor, Robt. Merchant of Balti- more. 353. Gilmor, Wm. Merchant of Balti- more, son of the preceding. 361. Goddart, J., of Baltimore. 368. Grequiere, F. W., of Baltimore. Lost at sea. 380. Glenn, Elias. Judge of the Crimi- nal Court of Baltimore. 415. Goldsborough, C. W. Clerk in the Navy Department of the U. S. 465. Groves, Chas. 487. Griffith, . 493. Goodrich, Chauncy. Lieut.-Gov. of Connecticut. 500. Griffin, Thomas. Congressman from Virginia. 515. Gates, Gen. Horatio. Maj.-Gen. in the Revolution. 553. Graham, Jno. Minister-Plenipo- tentiary to Brazil. 556. Gaines, Gen. Edmund P. Brig.- Gen. in the War of 1812. 563. Gibson, Patrick. Merchant of Rich- mond, Va. 568. Gibson, Alex. Merchant of Rich- mond, Va. 569. Gray, Wm. 671. Gourdin, Theodore. Planter of South Carolina. 672. Green, Thomas. 706. Gilman, Benj. Ives. Son of Jos Gilman, Chairman of the Com- mittee of Safety of New Hamp- shire. 23. Hampton, Gen. Wade, of South Carolina. Distinguished in the Revolution. 56. Hill, Dr. Physician of New York. 90. Hart, Abraham, of New York. 1 1 6. Hallo well, . No. 148. Hurst, J. H. Lawyer of Philadel- phia. 149. Hurst, Wm. Physician of Philadel- phia. 163. Hamilton, Andrew. Wealthy gen- tleman of Philadelphia. 211. Hazlehurst, Robt. Merchant of Philadelphia. 217. Heysham, Robt. Served in the Revolution at Trenton when only 1 6 years old. 271. Hewson, Miss Eliza. Daughter of Dr. Wm. Hewson, of Philadel- phia. 283. Hazlehurst, Samuel. Merchant of Philadelphia. 331. Hanson, Alex. F. Chancellor of Maryland. M. O. C. 340. Hollingsworth, Francis. Merchant of Baltimore. 354. Hollins, Jno. Merchant of Balti- more. 368. Haskin, . 391. Hazlehurst, . 421. Henry, Dr. Isaac. Surgeon in the U. S. Navy. 435. Hastings, Seth. Member of Con- gress from Massachusetts. 447. Harrison, Gen. W. H. President of the U. S. 453. Harper, Robt. G. United States Senator from Maryland. 455. Hill, Wm. H. Member of Congress from North Carolina. 458. Holmes, David. Governor of Mis- sissippi. 471. Hosmer, H. L. Member of Congress from New York. 488. Huger, Benj. Member of Congress from South Carolina. 504. Howison, Wm., of Annapolis, Md. 509. How, Robt. F. 516. Hambleton, Saml. 522. Herbert, Jno. C. Wealthy citizen of Alexandria, Va. 564. Hubner, Jno. C. Merchant of Rich- mond, Va. 598. Harris, T. H. Merchant of Rich- mond, Va. 611. Heth, Col. Henry, of Virginia. 612. Harrison, Benj. Planter of Vir- ginia. 630. Heyward, Nathaniel. Planter of Combahee, S. C. No. 652. Heyward, Nathaniel, Jr. Planter of Beaufort, S. C. 660. Harper, Arthur. 668. Huger, Jno., of South Carolina. 677. Hall, Henry, of Charleston, S. C. 683. Hewson, Dr. Wm. Physician of Philadelphia. 684. Herron, Walter. Ropemaker of Norfolk, Va. 699. Hazlehurst, Andrew. Merchant of Philadelphia. 710. Hudson, Benj. 752. Herron, Mrs. Walter. Wife of Wal- ter Herron, of Virginia. 133. Irwin, J. B. Merchant of Philadel- phia. 144. Iredell, Judge James. Justice of the Supreme Court of the U. S. 273. Imbert, Felix. Merchant of Phila- delphia. 395. Izard, Ralph. Officer in the U. S. Navy. 649. Irving, Jno., of Charleston, S. C. 716. Ismenard, Miss. 746. Imley, Mrs. Wife of Jas. H. Imley, Member of Congress from New Jersey. 10. Jefferson, Thos. Author of the Declaration. President of the U. S. 80. Jay, Peter Augustus. 115. Jenkins, . 150. Johns, Kensey. Chief Justice of Delaware. 192. Johnson, J. C. 224. Jacobs, Doctor, of Philadelphia. 276. Jay, Miss. 381. Johnson, Thomas. Member of the Continental Congress. Governor of Maryland. 441. Jefferson, Thomas. President of the U. S. 501. Jackson, Gen. James. Officer in Revolution and U. S. Senator from Georgia. 528. Jones, Judge. 546. Jones, Skelton. Celebrated duellist of Richmond, Va. ' 580. Jefferson, Peter. Brother of Thos. Jefferson. 601. Johnson, Peter. Celebrated Vir- ginia Judge. 613. Johnston, . Merchant of Rich- mond, Va. 140 No. 717. Jay, Miss Maria. Daughter of Jno. Jay, of New York. 738. Johnson, Lady. Wife of Sir Jno. Johnson, of New York. 48. Kennedy, Hon. Robt. Born of English parents at Newark, N. J. Brother of the Earl of Cassilis. 62. Kemper, Daniel. Wealthy gentle- man of New York. 191. Kinsey, James. Member of the Continental Congress. Chief Jus- tice of New Jersey. 232. Kuhl, Frederick, of Philadelphia. 233. Kuhl, Henry, of Philadelphia. 424. King, Benj. 554. Kerr, I. 603. Kinney, Jacob, of Virginia. 647. King, Miles. Navy agent of Nor- folk, Va. 678. Knox, , of Charleston, S. C. 687. Kalkman, C. F. Merchant of Bal- timore. 688. Konig, C. S. Merchant of Balti- more. 730. Kennedy, Mrs. Robert. Wife of Hon. Robt. Kennedy, of New York. 8. Ludlow, Mrs. Danl. Wife of Danl. Ludlow, merchant of New York. 12. Law, Mrs. Wife of Thos. Law, of Washington, who was brother of Lord Ellenborough. 15. Livingston, Mrs. B. Wife of Judge Brockholst Livingston, of New York. 18. Laval, Capt. Jacinth, of the United States Army, resided in South Carolina. 35. Lawrence, Capt. James, of the U. S. Navy. Commanded the Chesa- peake. 42. Lagarenne, Charles De, of France. Sometime a merchant in New York. 47. Lucet, Eugene, of the French Navy. Wine merchant in New York. 81. Ludlow, Daniel. Merchant of New York. 83. Livingston, Schuyler. Son of Wal- ter Livingston, of New York. 85. Ludlow, Jno. C. Wealthy gentle- man of New York. 92. Laight, Edward W. Distinguished citizen of New York. No. 104. Livingston, Robert R. Chancellor of the State of New York. in. Lincklaen, Jno. Dutch Naval Offi- cer, afterward resided in New York. 123. Latimer, James. Lawyer and mer- chant of Delaware. 132. Leech, . Merchant of Phila- delphia. 139. Levy, Sampson. Eminent lawyer of Philadelphia. 231. Landais, Capt. Pierre. Captain of the Alliance in the Navy of the Revolution. 239. Lagarenne, De. Merchant of Phila- delphia. 248. Laneuville, De. 257. Lacoste, . 264. Loup, . 279. Loir, J. B., of Philadelphia. 281. Lagrange, De. 294. Lewden, Joseph. 302. Livingston, Mrs. Eliza. Wife of Schuyler Livingston, of New York. 387. Lespinasse, De. 406. Lee, Gen. Henry. Gen'l in the Revolution. Governor of Vir- ginia. 420. Lewis, Meriwether. Governor of Upper Louisiana. 425. Laughlin. 433. Livingston, Henry Walter. Mem- ber of Congress from New York. 446. Lee, Silas. Member of Congress from Massachusetts. 456. Leib, Dr. Michael. U. S. Senator from Pennsylvania. 467. Latimer, Henry. Surgeon in the Army of the Revolution. 474. Lewis, Joseph. Member of Con- gress from Virginia. 483. Lee, Wm. 496. Lowndes, Thomas. Member of Congress from South Carolina. 545. Lynn, A. Silversmith of Alexan- dria, Va. 560. Lomax, Jno. Taylor. Judge of the Circuit Court of Virginia. 567. Luckett, J. N. 615. Lindsay, Capt. Robt., of Alexan- dria, Va. 670. Livingston, Miss Eliza. Daughter of Judge Brockholst Livingston, of New York. No. 689. Lohman, C. R. 696. Law, S. A. 733. Livingston, Mrs. Sarah. Wife of Philip P. Livingston, of New York. 734. Levy, Mrs. Mother of Sam'l Levy, of Philadelphia. 735. Lincklaen, Mrs. Helen. Daughter of Benj. Ledyard, of Connecticut. 745. Levy, Mrs. Martha. Wife of Hugh Nelson, of Virginia. 6. Moreau, Jean Victor. Celebrated French General. 22. Macllvaine, J., of Burlington, N. J. 44. Macomb, Alex. Father of Gen'l Alex. Macomb. 49. Macomb, Jno. Navarre. Merchant of New York. 52. Morton, Jno. Merchant of New York. 59. Morton, Jno. 64. Moses, Solomon. Merchant of New York. 65. Morton, Washington. Lawyer of New York. 72. Moseby, Captain. Served in the War of 1812. 74. Marston, Thomas. Merchant of New York. 76. Mouchet, Joseph. 77. McEvers, Charles, of the firm of Leroy, Bayard & McEvers, of New York. 117. McTavish, Simon, of Baltimore. 127. Murgatroyd, S. Merchant of Phil- adelphia. 128. Murgatroyd, Daniel. Merchant of Philadelphia. 161. McKie, J. Merchant of Baltimore. 165. Morris, Samuel. Governor of the Fishing Club on the Schuylkill, Phila. 170. Miens, . 184. Morell, P., of Philadelphia. 187. Mcllvaine, Dr., of Burlington, N. J. 188. Mcllvaine, J., of Burlington, N. J. 196. Murray, Rev. Jno. First Universal- ist Minister of Boston. 219. MacCleary, . 236. Mouchet, Joseph. 238. Monges, Dr. John. Physician of Philadelphia. 289. Meschert, M. A. Merchant of Philadelphia. No. 297. Martin, Miss. Daughter of Luther Martin, of Baltimore. 320. Morton, Mrs. M. S. K. Wife of Jno. Morton, merchant of New York. 326. Majastre, . 336. McHenry, James. Member of the Continental Congress. 359. McDowell, Dr. Jno. Physician of Baltimore. 445. Machir, James. Member of Con- gress from Virginia. 451. Morris, Lewis R. Member of Con- gress from Vermont. 452. Mason, Jonathan. U. S. Senator from Massachusetts. 490. Mitchell, Nahum. Member of Con- gress. 507. McDaniel, Jno. Clerk in the Navy Dept., Washington. 510. May, Dr. Frederick. Eminent phy- sician of Washington, D. C. 514. Morton, . 535. Mackea, Capt. 540. Moore, Thos. Member of Con- gress from South Carolina. 543. Muse, Carter. 552. Mosby, Jno. G. Planter of Rich- mond, Va. 559. Marks, Hyman. Merchant of Rich- mond, Va. 571. Minor, Garnett. Lawyer of Fred- ericksburg, Va. 574. Mercer, Hugh. Son of Gen'l Hugh Mercer, of the Revolution. 577. Muse, Lawrence, of Virginia. 592. Marshall, John. Chief Justice of the United States. 593. Marshall, Thomas. Son of the pre- ceding. 594. Murry, P. Merchant of Richmond, Va. 599. Mayo, Jno., of Richmond, Va. 600. Madison, James. President of the United States. 618. Mosby, Benj. Paymaster in the War of 1812. 633. Mendenhall, . 637. Macomb, Gen. Alex. Maj.-Gen. in the U. S. Army. 638. Mulford, Capt. 640. Means, Rev. Robt. Clergyman of South Carolina. 651. Moncreif, Jno. Merchant of South Carolina. 142 No. 653. MacNeal, Neil. Merchant of Charleston, South Carolina. 659. MacNeal, Capt. Sea captain of Charleston, S. C. 685. Manhardt, C. L. German Mer- chant of Philadelphia. 704. Messimy, De. 719. Macomb, Mrs. Alex. 728. McEvers, Mrs. Chas. Wife of Chas. McEvers, merchant of New York. 741. Macomb, Miss. Sister of Gen'lAlex. Macomb. 33. Nightingale, T. 58. Norton, Jno. L. Wealthy gentle- man of New York. 497. Newton, Thos. Member of Con- gress of Virginia. 591. Nelson, Wm. Officer in the Revo- lution. Professor in William and Mary College, Va. 602 . Nelson, , of Virginia. 627. Nivison, Wm. T. Lawyer of Nor- folk, Va. 628. Nicholas, Geo. Brother of Gov- ernor Nicholas, of Virginia. 657. Nelson, Hugh. Member of Con- gress from Virginia. 746. Nelson, Mrs. Eliza. Wife of James H. Imley, of New Jersey. 38. Ormsby, Mrs. 88. Ogden, Nathaniel. Merchant of New York. 89. Ogden, John, of New York. 125. Old, Jacob, of Lancaster, Pa. 164. Old, Davis. Ironmaster of Lancas- ter, Pa. 348. O'Rourke, Charles, of Baltimore, Md. 350. Oliver, John. Merchant of Balti- more, Md. 369. Owings, T. D., of Baltimore, Md. 373. Owings, Nimrod, of Baltimore, Md. 679. Ormsby. 695. Old, S., of Lancaster, Pa. 698. Ogden, David B. Eminent lawyer of New York. 700. O'Hara, James. One of the founders of Pittsburg, Pa. 143. Penington, Isaac. Father of Ed- w'd Penington, bookseller of Phil- adelphia. 154. Park, Dr. Thomas, of Philadelphia. 157. Peale, Charles Willson. Eminent Artist and Revolutionary Patriot. No. 205. Pfister, Philip. Bookseller of Rich- mond, Va. 212. Phillips, James. 215. Poyntell, Wm. Wealthy English- man of Philadelphia. t 266. Perpignan, . Goldsmith of Philadelphia. 268. Pecholier, G. Broker of Philadel- phia. 286. Phillips, R. 318. Poignan, . 357. Potter, Dr. Nathaniel. Professor of Medicine in the University of Maryland. 383. Pinkney, Capt. Chas., of Maryland. 431. Purviance, Sam. D. Member of Congress from North Carolina. 434. Pickering, Timothy. Officer in the Revolution. Secretary of State. 440. Poindexter, Geo. Governor of Mississippi. 462. Powell, Levin. Gallant officer in the Revolution from Virginia. 481. Plumer, Wm. Governor of New Hampshire and U. S. Senator. 494. Parker, Jonah. Member of Con- gress from Virginia. 518. Peter, Robert, of Georgetown, D. C. 558. Pollock, Allan. Merchant of Rich- mond, Va. 582. Pleasants, Archibald. Merchant of Richmond, Va. 641. Proileau, Dr. P. G. Eminent phys- ician of Charleston, S. C. 643. Perry, Com. O. H. Distinguished Commodore in the U. S. Navy. 654. Price, Thomas. Planter of Charles- ton, S/C. 662. Porteous, Jno. Planter of Beaufort, S. C. 95. Quincy, Josiah. Congressman, Mayor of Boston, and Presid't of Harvard College. 702. Quincy, Mrs. Josiah. 28. Rodney, Caesar A. Attorney Gen- eral of the United States. 67. Ramsay, Wm., of New York. 69. Rogers, Benj. Woolsey. Merchant of New York. 70. Ramsay, Chas. Merchant of New York. 79. Reedy, David. Insurance broker of New York. 143 No. 124. Rodman, Wm. Served in the Rev- olution, Member of Congress. 130. Reardan, D. 147. Reed, Joseph. Recorder of Phila- delphia. 153. Rush, Dr. Benjamin. Signer of the Declaration of Independence. 177. Reynolds, John. Merchant of Phil- adelphia. 189. Richards, Wm., of Philadelphia. 201. Revere, Paul. The Mercury of the Revolution. 282. Rodman, Thomas. Merchant of Philadelphia. 305. Rodgers, . 382. Ross, James. Member of Congress from Pennsylvania. 384. Ridgely, Charles S., of Baltimore, Md. 439. Read, Nathan. Judge of Hallo- well, Maine. 461. Randolph, David Meade, of Vir- ginia. 508. Rodgers, Henry, of Delaware. 520. Rochmont, De. 544. Ricketts, Benj. 547. Rochmont, De. 566. Roddey, . 585. Rootes, Edmund W. Merchant of Richmond, Va. 614. Robertson, Thos. Boiling. Gov- ernor of Louisiana. 635. Ricketts, Benj. 642. Russell, Nathaniel. Merchant of Charleston, S. C. 721. Randolph, Mrs. David. Wife of D. M. Randolph, of Virginia. 723. Ramsay, Eleanor. Wife of Geo. Fitzwilliam, of Trinidad. 1. St. Memin, C. B. J. Fevret de. The Artist who drew from life and en- graved the portraits in this collec- tion. 2. St. Memin, B.C. Fevret de. Father of the Artist. 3. St. Memin, E. C. A. Fevret de. Youngest sister of the Artist. 4. St. Memin, Madame de. Mother of the Artist. 5. St. Memin, C. B. J. Fevret de. The Artist. 37. Schuyler, Miss Cornelia. Daughter of Gen. Philip Schuyler, of New York. No. 84. Seton, Jno. Curson. Merchant of New York. 87. Seton, Wm. Distinguished mer- chant of New York. 101. Schweighauser, . Merchant of New York. 113. Sitgreaves, Wm., of Easton, Pa. 145. Smith, Gen. Samuel, of Baltimore. 158. Savage, Jno. Merchant of Phila- delphia. 1 60. Stuart, Dr. James, of Baltimore, Md. 173. Smith, Allen, of Philadelphia. 216. Simmons, . Coachmaker of Philadelphia. 221. Smith, Chas. H. Paymaster in the U. S. Navy. 253. Salles, Lewis, of Philadelphia. 254. St. Quily, . 272. Smith, Mrs. Allen. Wife of Allen Smith, of Philadelphia. 280. St. George, de. 300. Sargeant, Winthrop. Governor of Mississippi Territory. 313. Soissons, . 321. Sauve, . 328. Seton, Mrs. Ann Eliza. Daughter of Dr. Rich'd Bayley, of New York. 329. Soulier, Jno. Marie. Merchant of Philadelphia. 335. Smith, Thorowgood. Mayor of Baltimore, Md. 343. Smith, Robert. Secretary of Navy and State. 345. Sterrett, Sam'l. Member of Con- gress from Maryland. 346. Sterrett, Charles, of Baltimore, Md. 347. Sterrett, Andrew. Officer in the U. S. Navy. 349. Smith, Louis B. Son of Gen'l Samuel Smith, of Baltimore, Md. 356. Shaw, J., of Baltimore, Md. 372. Shepherd, . 390. Smith, Alex. 411. Swan, Caleb. Paymaster-General U. S. Army. 417. Stewart, Com. Chas. Commodore U. S. Navy. 437. Stedman, Wm. Member of Con- gress from Massachusetts. 449. Sedgwick, Theodore. United States Senator from Connecticut. 144 No. 454- 460. 463- 475- 482. 492. 502. 5i9- 53- 536. 537- 538. 555- 610. 624. 6 39- 645- 655- 667. 675- 692. Smith, Gen. Samuel. Col. in the Revolution and Maj.-Gen. in War of 1812. Sitgreaves, Samuel. Member of Congress from Pennsylvania. Smith, Jno. Member of Congress from New York. Stephenson, James. Member of Congress from Virginia. Sailly, Peter. Member of Congress from New York. Smith, Jno. Cotton. Governor of Connecticut. Smith, Jno. Officer in the U. S. Navy. Sherburne, J. S. Member of Con- gress from New Hampshire. Smyth, Alex. Maj.-Gen'l in the War of 1812. Sutton, . Sandford, Wm. Sailmaker of Alex- andria, Va. Semmes, Thos. Eminent physician of Alexandria, Va. Scott, Joseph. Capt. in the Revo- lution from Virginia. Smith, Jno. S. Somerville, Wm. C. Lawyer of Maryland. Simons, Rev. James Dewar. Cler- gyman of Charleston, S. C. Smith, Gen. Benj. Governor of North Carolina. Stoney, Jno. Merchant of Charles- ton, S. C. Shrewsbury, S. C. Smith, H. Sperry, of Charleston, . Merchant of Phila- delphia. 693. Smyth, Mrs. Alex., of Wyth Co., Virginia. 701. Smith, Jno. R. 711. Spaight, Wm. 731. Sargeant, Mrs. Winthrop. Wife of Winthrop Sargeant, of Philadel- phia. 747. Smith, Mrs. Robt. Wife of Robt. Smith, of Baltimore, Md. 755. Stoney, Mrs. Jno. Wife of Jno. Stoney, of Charleston, S. C. 756. Seze, Madame de, of New York. 17. Thornton, Dr. Wm. Laid out the city of Washington. No. 21. 82. 91. 103. 134- 195- 223. 226. 244. 249. 287. 298. 3I5- 316. 3I7- 371- 385. 390- 408. 412. 4l8. 419. 432. 466. 478. 484- 485. 491. 49 8. 512. 526. Trippe, Capt. Jno. Brave lieuten- ant in the U. S. Navy under Preble, before Tripoli. Turner, , of the firm of Lang, Turner & Co., Printers, New York. Thompson, Thomas, of New York. Tallyrand, Perigord C. M. de. Celebrated French Diplomatist. Taylor, Charles, of Boston, Mass. Thompson, Geo. Merchant of Philadelphia. Planter of Cuba. Artillery Officer U. Merchant of Phil- Tregant, . Tousard, Gen. S. Army. Tarascon, L. A. adelphia. Thieubert, . Turner, Wm. Trest, Hoare Brows. Collector of the Port of New York. Trigant, Jr., of Philadelphia. Trigant, Sr., of Philadelphia. Trigant, De la Tour. Son of the preceding. Tilghman, W. H. Thorndyke, . Tingey, Capt. Thos., of the United States Navy. Taylor, Joseph, of Mount Airy, Vir- ginia. Tucker, Thos. T. Patriot of the Revolution, Member of Congress from South Carolina. Thomas, Capt., of Philadelphia. Thompson, Capt. Thacher, Sam'l. Member of Con- gress from Massachusetts. Truxton, Thomas, Jr. Officer in the U. S. Navy. Thomas, Jno. C. Member of Con- gress from Maryland. Thomas, David. Member of Con- gress from New York. Thompson, T. W. United States Senator from New Hampshire. Thompson, Philip R. Member of Congress from Virginia. Thompson, . Taylor, Jno. U. S. Senator from South Carolina. Turner, Charles. Thompson, P. Merchant of Alex- andria, Va. 145 Taylor, J. Tazewell, L. W. Governor of Vir- ginia. Triplett, Daniel. Merchant of Richmond, Va. Taylor, Thomas, of Richmond, Va. Tucker, St. George. Judge of the Court of Appeals of Virginia. Trigg, Guy L. Turner, Thos. Taylor, Mrs. Wife of Thos. Tay- lor, of Richmond, Va. Unknown No. 549- 57- 572. 578. 59- 629. 631- 754- 7- 45- 109. " 114. 142. 168. " 179- 197. 229. 301. 666. 669. 681. 708. 759- 760. 761. 46. Van Cortlandt, Pierre. Congress- man from New York. 50. Von Pfister, Alex. Merchant of New York. 55. Van Rensselaer, Stephen. The Pa- troon. Maj.-Gen. War of 1812. 106. Van Staphorst. Banker of Amster- dam, friend of Washington. 107. Van Staphorst, Jr. Son of preced- ing. 108. Van Polen, . 151. Vandyke, Nicholas. United States Senator. 243. Volozan, A. D. French artist of Philadelphia. 278. Villers, Petit de. 292. Van Polanen, R. G. Dutch mer- chant of Bridgeport, Conn. 296. Van Ness, W. P. Second of Aaron Burr in his duel with Hamilton. 309. Villers, De. . 389. Van Bibber, . Merchant of Baltimore. 405. Van Ness, Jno. P. Mayor of Wash- ington, D. C. 10 No. 438. Van Rensselaer, K. K. Member of Congress from New York. 597. Van Ness. 13. Washington, George. First Presi- dent of the United States. 14. Washington, George. First Presi- ', dent of the United States. 30. Wickham, Mrs. E. S. Wife of Jno. Wickham, of Richmond, Va. 93. Wallace, , of the firm of Low & Wallace, wine merchants, New York. 99. White, Henry. Wealthy gentleman of New York. 118. Wart, Jno. 121. Wescott, Robt., of Philadelphia. 122. Wharton, Jno., of Philadelphia. 146. Wells, C., of Philadelphia. 152. Williams, Gen. Jonathan. Judge and officer in the War of 1812. 174. Wain, Jacob S. Merchant of Phil- adelphia. 194. Watson, Jno. F. Annalist of Phil- adelphia. 202. Walde, Jno. Jones. Merchant of Philadelphia. 206. Watt, . 207. Wood. Wm, B. Theatrical Mana ger of Philadelphia. 208. Webster, Thomas. Bookseller of Philadelphia. 210 Wilson, Robt., of Philadelphia. 213. Woods, Henry. Member of Con- gress from Pennsylvania 225. Wells, Mrs. 230. Wescott, Mrs. 285. Wilson, Miss Susan. Daughter of Dr. Robt. Wilson, of Charleston. S. C. 339. Winder, Gen. Wm. H. Brig.-Gen. in the War of 1812. 360. Waguman, , of Baltimore. 366. Williams, Nathaniel. Eminent citi- zen of Baltimore, Md. 367. Walter, . 374. Winder, Gen. Wm. H. 388. Wilkinson. 392. Woods, Thomas. 394. Wilkinson, Gen. James. Brig.- General in the Revolution. 403. Washington, Bushrod. Judge of the Supreme Court of the United States. 422. Way, George. Printer for the U. S. Government. 146 No. 423. Wayman, Charles. 457. White, Capt., of the U. S. Army. 495. Wells, Wm. H. Member of Con- gress from Delaware. 506. Webster, T., of Maryland. 523. Woodhouse, Thos. 542. Winterberg, . 581. Wirt, Wm. Attorney General of the United States. 589. Wilkinson, . 605. Wickham, Jno. Eminent lawyer of Virginia. 606. Watson, Dr. Geo. Physician of Richmond, Va. No. 622. Wagguman, 676. Wilson, James. Merchant of Char- leston, S. C. 697. Watson, Jno. F. Annalist of Phila- delphia. 709. West, Benj. Merchant of Philadel- phia. 748. Wilson, Miss Susan. 758. Wilkinson, Mrs., of Virginia. 26. Yeaton, Mrs. Wm. 529. Young, Geo. Lawyer of Alexan- dria, Va. 532. Yeaton, Wm. Merchant of Alex- andria, Va. ST.-MEMIN'S ORIGINAL PHYSIONOTRACE OF WASHINGTON. 926. WASHINGTON. The Original Portrait of Genl Geo Washington. Profile to left, laureated, taken from the living features with a physio- notrace by M. De St.-Memin; in crayon, on light pink paper. Height 18 inches; width 10 8-16 inches. Framed and glazed. A magnificent specimen of St.-Memin's original crayon drawing, and an unique portrait from life of Washington, exhibiting, as it must (being taken by the Physionotrace), a correct rendition of the profile features of that great man. It formerly belonged to Mr. Clarence S. Bement, and it was from this portrait that Mr. Max Rosenthal made his beautiful mezzotinto portrait which is herein described. See facsimile. 927. St.-Memin Collection of Portraits, consisting of Seven Hundred and Sixty Medallion Portraits, Principally of Distinguished Americans, Photographed by J. Gurney and Son, of New York, from proof im- pressions of the original copper-plates Engraved by M. De St.-Memin, from drawings taken from life by himself, during his exile in the United States from 1793 to 1814; to which are prefixed a Memoir of M. De St.-Memin and Biographical notices of the Persons whose Portraits constitute the collection, compiled from authentic and original sources by the Publisher. Folio sheets. New York, Published by Elias Dexter 1862. These portraits were photographed from the collection of proof impressions from the original copper plates, described under Lot No. 935 in this catalogue. 147 SILHOUETTES. 928. Bust, profile to left. Vignette. Height 3 14-16 inches; width 2 12-16 inches. From the original (cut with scissors) by Miss De Hart, Elizabethtown, N. J., 1783. Presented by Mrs Washington to Mrs Duer, Daughter of Lord Stirling. Baker, page 186. 929. GENERAL WASHINGTON. PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. Bust in uniform, profile to left. Vignette. Height 2 10-16 inches; width i 14-16 inches. From the Profile taken in 1791 ^Etat 59. Published by J. Boston, Salisbury, 1796. Baker No. 398. From Wansey's Excursion to the United States in the Summer of 1794. Salisbury 1796. 930. Bust in uniform, profile to right. Surrounded by an oval border, Grecian pattern, at the top a ribbon tied into a bow; the border printed in brown. Stipple. Height 3 12-16 inches; width 3 2-16 inches Baker No. 399. Extremely rare. The only copy I ever saw, and Baker only saw one copy. This is a remarkably fine impression with a full margin. SILHOUETTES NOT DESCRIBED BY BAKER. 931. Bust, profile to right. Oval in a rectangle on a sheet with an outline portrait of Benj. Franklin. . Height 3 11-16 inches; width 2 13-16 inches. Columb. Mag. lore. 932. G. WASHINGTON. Profile to left, nearly life size. Height 10 inches; width 8 inches. 933. GEORGE WASHINGTON. Bust, profile to left. Vignette in a ruled background. Outline. Height 5 5-16 inches; width 3 12-16 inches. From an original Pen and Ink Sketch in the possession of President Ewell of William and Mary College, Va. Supposed to have been drawn at the General's table by B. H. Latrobe. 148 MEMORIAL DESIGNS. 934. AMERICA LAMENTING HER LOSS AT THE TOMB OF GENERAL WASHINGTON. Intended as a tribute of respect paid to departed Merit and Virtue, in the remembrance of that illustrious Hero and most Amiable man who Died Dec' 14, 1799. Profile bust in uniform, to right. Oval medallion, upon the shaft of a monument, surmounted by a funeral urn; over the medallion a wreath, and beneath "G. Washington" Upon a tablet the following inscription: "Born ii^ Feb? 1732 Com' Cont! Army 1775 Pres 1 .Fed. Convention 1787 Pres 4 . United States 1789 Declined Election 1796 Com 1 ; FedrArmy 1798." ., . , .f... . > ,...!,--. ; , ' 7 America represented by a female figure leaning weeping upon the base of the monument, to the right. On either side cypress and willow trees, and in the immediate foreground an eagle with bowed head. Line. Height ii 12-16 inches; width 7 6-16 inches. (Designed, Engraved & Published by Aikin & Harrison JunF, Philad? Jan? 20*' 1800.) Baker No. 400. Only two impressions had come under the notice of Mr. Baker. 'The profile resembles the Sharp- ' less Portrait. See facsimile. 935. Full figure, in uniform, standing upon a pedestal, head to right, a baton in the extended right hand, the left resting lightly upon the sword-hilt at his side. The coat is buttoned, with the order of the Cincinnati on the left; on the left of the figure, a bundle of fasces against the trunk of a tree, upon a branch of which is a cocked hat. In the background, and to the right and left, representations of various battles. Upon the pedestal, engraved to represent marble, "First in war First in Peace and First in the Hearts of his country." (Head after Stuart.) Stipple. Height 23 2-16 inches; width 18 11-16 inches. Design'd Engrav'd & Publish'd by John Eckstein Philad a "To the Honorable the Society of the Cincinnati this monument of Gen 1 . George Washington. Is very respectfully inscribed by the Artist." Copyright secured according to Law. Baker No. 401. Extremely rare. An exceptionally fine copy of this remarkable and rare print. 936. APOTHEOSIS OF WASHINGTON. Full figure seated on clouds, a cherub in the act of crowning him with a laurel wreath. Beneath, to the right, a view of the Mansion at Mount Vernon. Stipple. Height 20 14-16 inches; width 14 10-16 inches. Painted by R. Peale. Eng'd by Edwin. Published by G. Kennedy, N". 129 Chestnut St. corner of 4 th Philadelphia. Baker No. 402. Very rare. Fine original impression with full margin ' ( i fc >' I ; RA I , U AS 1 1 II N G'I'ON C*-< A/-- /,/./, //,,/./,<,,/,,/. //,<,/ / FACSIMILE OF LOT 934, REDUCED e u i v . c L- j c Lti-e u k 1 1 fi ~. f J / C 149 937- GEN. GEORGE WASHINGTON departed this life Dec 1 . 14^ 1799. ^E 67. And the tears of a Nation watered his grave. Full bust in uniform, head to right. Oval, with border, in the lower part of an imperial folio sheet entitled " Eulogium Sacred to the Memory of the Illustrious George Washington Columbia's great and Successful Son. Honored be his Name"; in the upper half of the border the words "Sacred to the memory of the brave"; in the lower half, eighteen stars. The oval rests on a base, upon which are the words: "Washington's no more, by silence grief's express'd. Lo! here he lies, his works proclaim the rest." A medallion upon the base contains the title, etc., in eight lines. The center of the sheet containing verses in script, etc., and with facsimile signature of Washington. Stipple. Height 4 12-16 inches; width 4 3-16 inches. Engraved by P. Maverick. Newark N. Jersey. Designed written and Published by Benjamin O. Tyler, Professor of Penmanship New York 1815. "Penmanship in all the Ancient and Modern hands Taught on an improved System (entirely his own) by Benjamin Owen Tyler, at N? 126 Broadway opposite City Hotel, N. York." Baker No. 404. 938. THE SAME. With variety in date, " 1817," and without the facsimile of Washington's signature. 939. THE SAME as Lot 937, but with variety in the publisher's advertise- ment, it being in much smaller itah'cs in this copy, and without the facsimile of Washington's signature. 940. THE SAME. Portrait and base only, cut close to oval, from the imperial folio sheet. 941. IN MEMORY OF GEN^ GEORGE WASHINGTON AND HIS LADY. Busts of Washington and Mrs. Washington, facing each other, upon a large funeral urn on a pedestal, placed in a landscape beneath a weeping willow. Washington, in uniform, head three- quarters to right. In the background a view of the Mansion House and out-buildings at Mount Vernon. Three figures, two of whom are females (are weeping), one advancing to the left. (The head resembles Savage.) Stipple, colored. Height ii 5-16 inches; width 16 8-16 inches. (S. Seymour Fecit.) Philad* Jan. i, 1804. Published by J. Savage according to Law. Baker No. 405. Evidently a more recent impression than the one described by Baker. 942. COMMEMORATION OF WASHINGTON. Full figure sur- rounded by clouds rising from a tomb, supported by Time and Im- mortality, the latter pointing upwards. To the left, figures of Faith, Hope, and Charity. In the foreground to the right, an Indian with bowed head, and to the left Liberty with war emblems at her feet. On the tomb the inscription, "Sacred to the Memory of Washington, Ob. 14 Dec. A. D. 1799. JE,t. 68." I. J. Barralet Fecit. Stipple. Height 24 inches; width 18 6-16 inches. Drawn and Engraved by J. J. Baralet. Baker No. 406. 943. THE SAME. Printed in tint, and with the printer's address "Published 22 d Feby. 1816 by B Tanner Engraver N? 74 South Eighth Street, Philadelphia." 944. GEO. WASHINGTON. Full figure in uniform, upon a pedestal, in the middle distance of a design in the form of an arch with obelisks on either side, upon which is inscribed "Liberty," "Independence." In the right hand, an open scroll inscribed " Friends and Fellow citizens" ; the left, upon a sword at his side. Army and navy emblems on each side of pedestal, upon which is the title. Over the statue on the top of the arch an eagle with outspread wings with a flowing ribbon in its beak, upon which is the motto "E Pluribus Unum"; underneath the eagle sixteen tablets upon which are inscribed the names of the States. In the immediate foreground, in front of the statue, a large funeral urn upon a pedestal, on which in a tablet are the words " Sacred to Patriotism." In the background a view of Bowling Green, New York. Height 23 9-16 inches; width 21 6-16 inches. (Designed and Drawn by Chas. Buxton. M. D. Tiebout sculp.) Baker No. 407. (The head is after Stuart.) Exceedingly scarce. Very fine impression, but cut close to print on bottom and sides. MEMORIAL DESIGNS NOT DESCRIBED BY BAKER. 945. WISDOM SUPPORTED BY LIBERTY, PRESENTING GEN L WASHINGTON A CODE OF LAWS FOR ESTABLISHING AMERICAN INDEPENDENCE. Oval in a rectangle. Washing- ton is represented in uniform seated in an armchair, holding in his hands a scroll presented to him by Wisdom, represented as a full- length figure standing to the right; in the centre, between Washington and Wisdom, the full-length figure of Liberty, supporting a liberty cap on a pole; in the background a curtain, drawn aside, revealing the rays of a rising sun. Mezzotinto in colors. Height 12 12-16 inches; width 9 14-16 inches. Published Nov. 5, 1801, by I. Hinton, 44, Wells Str*. Oxford Sir*. & P. Stampa, 94, Leather Lane, Holborn. Excessively rare. Only two impressions have come under my observation. 946. WASHINGTON. Bust in uniform, head three-quarters to left. Oval medallion, suspended on a pedestal with two other medallions, contain- ing portraits of "Franklin" and "Louis Seize"; on the base of the pedestal the inscription, " L' Amerique et les Mers, 6 Louis ! vous recon- naissen* pour leur Liberated"; on the top of the pedestal a crowing cock perched on a globe; to the right an Indian maiden with foot resting on a lion's head, a staff in the left hand and the right resting on the base of pedestal; to the right of the Indian, palm trees, one of which is encircled with a ribbon upon which is inscribed "En M'Elevant je M'Embellis " ; to the left an anchor; in the left distance shipping. Circular, underneath which is the inscription " Independence des Etats- Unis": and 28 lines of script in double columns. Colored aquatint. Diameter 5 5-16 inches. Duplessis Berteaux del, L. Roger sculp. 1786. A Paris chez Blin, Imprimeur en Taille-Douce, Place Maubert, N". 17 vis-a-vis la rue des 3 Fortes, A.P.D. R. 947. GEO WASHINGTON. Born, FebY n, 1732. Died Dec 1 : 13, 1799. Bust, head in profile to left. Oval medallion with a border in which is the title on the base of a pedestal, in the right of a landscape; to the left of the pedestal, the figure of America holding an American flag on a staff in the left hand; on the ground to the left a negro child seated reading a book; over the pedestal a fir-tree; in the background shipping. The whole in an oval in a rectangle; in the bottom of the oval the words " America." Line, colored. Height 5 15-16 inches; width 4 7-16 inches. Pub. Oct r . 13, 1804, by P. Gaily, AT C. in Nassau St. New York. Baker No. 420. 987. GEORG WASHINGTON. Full figure in uniform and chapeau, on horseback advancing to the left, a drawn sword in extended right hand, a palm tree in the background to the left, and some negroes and low buildings on the right. The landscape southern in character. Line. Height s 14-16 inches; width 4 inches. H. Pinhas, sc. Baker No. 421. Very rare. 158 988. GIORGIO WASHINGTON. Full length, standing on the bank of a river, right hand in the breast ; the left, the arm parallel with the body, open, the palm downwards; on the right two male figures, one about entering a small boat ; to the left a palm tree. Stipple. Height 6 12-16 inches; width 4 10-16 inches. . G. B. Bosio des. G. A. Sasso inc. Baker No. 422. Very rare. Only one impression had come under the observation of Mr. Baker. 989. GENERAL WASHINGTON. Bust, head nearly in profile to right. Line. Height 3 8-16 inches; width 2 8-16 inches. R. Scott Sc. Baker No. 423. Rare. 990. WASHINGTON AS A MASON. Full length, standing in Masonic regalia, the right hand on an upright book (upon a table) labelled "Ancient Masonic Constitutions"; the left holds a mallet upon a pedestal. Oval. Mezzotinto. Height 8 2-16 inches; width 6 3-16 inches. Engd by A. B. Walter. Published by John Dainty 15 S. 6^ St. Philadelphia. Baker No. 425. 991. GEORGE WASHINGTON. PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Full figure in civil dress, head to left, a medallion on his breast, suspended by a ribbon around his neck. In the right hand a cocked hat; the left, by the side, holds a dress sword in an awkward manner. Inclosed by a narrow border, in which at the top is a roll crossed by a pen, inscribed "Revolution"; no background. Line. Height 6 inches; width 4 4-16 inches. Published by H. D. Symonds, June 18, 1796. Baker No. 427. Very rare. 992. GEORGE WASHINGTON ESQ? Bust, head nearly in profile to left. Oval. Line. Height 3 5-16 inches; width 2 9-16 inches. Published by G. Kearsley, Fleet St. May i, 1800. Baker No. 430. Rare. From the British Magazine, Vol. I, Jany to July 1800. A sketch of the Life of the late General Washington, by John Corry. 159 FICTITIOUS PORTRAITS NOT DESCRIBED BY BAKER. 993. WASHINGTON. Full length, in profile to right, the body in outline, with duplicate portions of the body and dress in outline in same plate. Stipple, in colors. Height 10 1-16 inches; width 4 inches. Kellogg & Bulkeley, Hartford, Conn. "A Pattern for Pen Wiper. In making the pen wiper the ground work may be made any shape desirable and the figure dressed according to taste." Entered accord- ing to Act of Congress in the year 1866 by E. B &> E C. Kellogg in the Office of the Clerk of the District Court of the United States for the District of Connecticut. Very rare. The head only is printed in colors. 994. WASHINGTON. Head in profile to left. Circular medallion with a border in which is the title. At the bottom of a " Perpetual Calendar " over the top of which is an oval medallion displaying shipping and Mercury seated on a box of merchandise. The whole enclosed in a border with ruled background. Line. Diameter 13-16 inch. Whole engraving, height 6 9-16 inches; width 4 5-16 inches. Excessively rare. The only copy I ever saw. 995. WASHINGTON. Bust nearly full face, circular medallion, encircled with laurel leaves, with tablet in the border at bottom, in which is the title, on a sheet with similar portraits of Benoit XIV, Cook, Franklin, and Malesherbe in the corners. Stipple. Height 4 7-16 inches; width 2 14-16 inches. Very rare. 996. JAMES NAPPER TANDY ESQ* CAPTAIN OF THE LIBERTY AR- TILLERY &c &c. Full length in uniform, the left hand holding a scroll upon which is inscribed " Congress," the right hand holding a chapeau and resting on a cannon partly visible to the right; in the rear distance buildings. Line. Height 6 6-16 inches; width 3 17-16 inches. This is intended for a portrait of Geo. Washington; it was published by the Hibernian Magazine during the War of the Revolution, and for political reasons was wrongly named. Very rare. 997. Bust, head in profile to right. Vignette. Stipple in colors. Height 2 8-16 inches; width i 14-16 inches. Excessively rare. The only copy I ever saw. 998. G. WASHINGTON E? GENERAL OF THE CONTIN? ARMY IN AMERICA. Head in profile to left. Circular medallion with a border in which is the title, in a rectangle, resting on a base upon which is the inscription, "Washington re'unit par un rare assemblage Les latens du Guerrier i6o et les vertus du Sage, Voltaire." On either side of the medallion at the lower portion are olive branches, flags, trumpet, etc. Line. Height 4 10-16 inches; width 3 9-16 inches. Dessin et grave par Testard d'apres la Medaille frappee a Londres par le parti des opposants. A Paris dies Testard rue des Cordeliers audessus de 1'Egout. Excessively rare. 999. WASHINGTON. Bust, head three-quarters to right, on a sheet with 19 other portraits of Lafayette, Franklin, Jefferson, Madison, Monroe, Adams, etc. Vignette. Stipple. Height 12-16 inch; width 12-16 inch. 1000. G. WASHINGTON, PRES. UNIT. STA. Bust and head in profile to right, the obverse of a medal, with the reverse, upon which is " Com- miss. Resigned: Presidency Relinq. 1797." Stipple. Diameter i 10-16 inches. 1001. GENERAL WASHINGTON. Inscribed to his memory by D. Eccleston Lancaster, MDCCCV. Bust in armor, head in profile to right. Obverse of a medal, with reverse, two circular medallions. Line. Diameter 2 15-16 inches. Engraved from Mr. Eccleston's superb medallion of General Wash- ington. Rare. 1 002. Half length, nearly full face in clouds, crowning Abraham Lincoln. Oval, with two angels in the upper left-hand side. Line. Height i 10-16 inches; width i 7-16 inches. 1003. Full length in civilian dress with hat, nearly full face, a walking-stick in the right hand. Negroes working in a field in the distance. Line. Height 2 3-16 inches; width i 9-16 inches. 1004. Bust in profile to right. Circular medallion in a rectangle. Engraved with a roulette. The upper left hand one on a sheet containing nineteen other medallion portraits of Calvin, Cortes, Montaigne, etc. Height 2 4-16 inches; width 2 3-16 inches. India proof. 1005. WASHINGTON. Full bust in military cloak, head nearly in profile to left. Line. Height 4 8-16 inches; width 3 4-16 inches. Staklstich v. Carl Mayer's Kunst Anstalt in Niirnberg. Verlag von Julius Niedner in Wiesbaden. 1006. Full bust and head three-quarters to right. Oval. Etched. Height 3 inches; width 2 4-16 inches. P. A. Peticolas pinx^ Henri lefort. sc. Proof with if and W as remarque. 1007. WASHINGTON. Full bust on 'a pedestal, full face. Vignette. Etched. Height 4 5-16 inches; width 2 8-16 inches. Bocourt. From the Christ Church bust. 1008. GENERAL WASHINGTON'S RESIGNATION. Full length in uniform, standing on the upper part of a stairway leading to a throne upon which is seated a female figure with scroll in left hand, to the right of which is a pedestal upon which incense is burning; in the left distance the building at Mount Vernon; in the lower right-hand corner an eagle with shield and cornucopia. Line. Height 6 inches; width 3 12-16 inches. Barralet Invt & Direxit. Lawson sculp. 1009. THE SAME. With address of publisher. "Published by B. Davies Philada ist Feby 1799." 1010. G. WASHINGTON. Full figure in uniform and cocked hat, on horseback advancing to the right ; the right hand extended as if giving orders on the field of battle. Stipple. Height 7 5-16 inches; width 5 6-16 inches. Painted by A. Chappel. Engraved by F. Halpin From the original Painting in the possession of the Publishers. Johnson, Fry &" Cf Publishers New York. (Copyright.) ion. Full length in civilian dress, as a young man. (Inter- view with Governor Dinwiddie.) "To-morrow to day this hour, and at all hours I am at the service of my country." Line. Height 3 9-16 inches; width 2 9-16 inches. E. W. Clay Del. C. G. Childs Sc. Engraved for the American Monthly Magazine, " The Wilderness, Vol. I." 1012. BRISSOT'S INTERVIEW WITH GEN WASHINGTON. Full length, with cocked hat, cane in right hand, on the lawn at Mount Vernon with dog at his feet; Brissot standing to the left. Line. Height 2 10-16 inches; width 3 13-16 inches. Kirk del. Tanner sc. ii l62 1013. Full length, head to left, right hand resting on a plough, a cocked hat held in the left, sheaves of wheat at his feet, on a pedestal with a tablet inscribed, and with a representation of, " Cin- cinnatus." Line. Height 8 10-16 inches; width 6 inches. Drawn by A. Chappel. Engraved by J. Smillie. " Life & Times of Washington, Vol. 2." 1014. Full figure, seated in a chair on a pedestal, the right hand extended holding a scroll; the left arm resting on the back of chair, the hand holding a cocked hat; On either side, Vignette Views of Scenes in the life of Washington. Line. Height 9 inches; width 6 inches. Drawn by A. Chappel. Engraved by J. Smillie. "The Life & Times of Washington by J. F. Schroeder D D. Revised by Benson J. Lossing LL.D." 1015. Full length in uniform on horseback, advancing to the left. The right hand extended holding a chapeau. (Representa- tion of the Battle of Princeton.) Height 7 5-16 inches; width 5 8-16 inches. F. F. Walker. India proof. 1016. Full length figure as a surveyor, the right hand sup- porting a transit, the left holding a chain, standing near an assistant who is placing a stake in the ground; a negro with a pick to the right. Vignette. Line. . . Height 4 6-16 inches; width 4 4-16 inches. (Designed by F. O. C. Darley.) India proof before letters. 1017. Full figure in uniform and cocked hat, quelling the mutiny in the Pennsylvania line. Line. Height 4 7-16 inches; width 3 4-16 inches. 1018. Full figure in uniform and cocked hat on horseback, advancing to the right, a drawn sword in the extended right hand. Vignette. Line. Height i 10-16 inches; width i 4-16 inches. 1019. Full length standing to the right near a desk in Hall of the Continental Congress; entitled "Convention at Philadelphia 1787." Line. Height 2 7-16 inches; width 2 14-16 inches. 163 1020. Full figure in uniform, a drawn sword in the extended right hand, the left, holding a chapeau, resting on the hip; at his feet the reclining figure of Gen Mercer, assisted by two other soldiers. Vignette. Line. Height i 11-16 inches; width a inches. Death of Mercer, from a picture by Peale. Title page of " The Heroes of the Revolution," New York, 1844. 1021. Full figure in uniform, on horseback, advancing to the right (Washington crossing the Delaware). Vignette. Line. Height i 8-16 inches; width a S-i6 inches. T. Sully pinxt. Title to the Life of Washington. American Sunday School Union. 1022. WASHINGTON. Full figure in civilian dress, the right hand raised in the act of taking the oath of office; in the open before the Town Hall, New York, surrounded by soldiers and various other figures. Line. Height 5 9-16 inches; width 3 12-16 inches. Maly. A curious German conception of the Inauguration of Washington. 1023. Full figure in military cloak and cocked hat, on horse- back, the centre of a group of officers. (The surrender of Col. Wahl at Trenton.) Stipple. Height 5 3-16 inches; width 7 7-16 inches. India proof before all letters on large paper. 1024. GEN WASHINGTON AT HOME. Full length, standing, right arm extended, the left holding a dress sword. (Similar to the Lans- downe portrait.) Pen drawing. Height 4 8-16 inches; width 2 12-16 inches. A very old and curious pen drawing. 1025. Profile to right in the shaping of an apple tree, with a similar profile to left of Jno. Adams, the letters of their names being engraved on the apples on the tree. Buildings in the background. At the bottom a tablet with the inscription, "The Portraits of George Washington & John Adams." Line. Height 4 8-16 inches; width 2 14-16 inches. Scoles sculp. 1026. GENERAL WASHINGTON. Bust in uniform, in profile to right, the upper right-hand one of a group of five vignette portraits, in- cluding Gen. Gates, Dr. Franklin, Henry Laurens, and Jno. Paul Jones; being one of 17 illustrations of scenes in the life of Washington, 164 including a large map of North America, a colored copy of the first American flag, and colored representation of officers and men in the Continental Army; all neatly mounted on large folio sheet. Line. Height i 3-16 inches; width 15-16 inch. The illustrations are taken from Allgemeines histerisches Taschenbuch etc. Published at Berlin in 1784. 1027. Bust, nearly full face, at the heading of an engraved sheet entitled "The United States Centennial International Exhibi- tion, Shares I. No 253," etc.; on the same sheet 'are numerous vignettes representing the industries of the country, and at the bottom an oblong medallion with a representation of the Signing of the Declara- tion of Independence. Line. Height 2 4-16 inches; width i 11-16 inches. Engraved and Printed at the Bureau, Engraving & Printing. Geo B. McCarter, Chief of Bureau. Geo W. Casilear Sup 1 , of Engraving. 1028. - TRIUMPHAL PROCESSION OF WASHING- TON. Original India ink drawing of General Washington on horse- back at the head of his troops entering a fortress. Victory accompanies Washington, and Fame is hovering over him. India ink drawing. Height 9 6-16 inches; length 15 6-16 inches. A beautifully executed India ink drawing by a contemporaneous French artist, exhibiting hun- dreds of figures most delicately drawn, and designed from an allegorical standpoint, but of great historical interest. 1029. LE GENERAL G WASHINGTON. Full length in uniform, nearly full face ; the left hand, gloved and thrust into the breast, resting with the right arm on a rock, the hand holding a cocked hat. Vignette, on the same sheet with a full-length portrait of General Lafayette. The right hand extended, the left holding a dress sword, a cocked hat in the forearm. Vignette. Water-color paintings. Height 8 3-16 inches; width 5 12-16 inches. Two beautifully executed original water-color portraits by Alfred Albert, a French artist. Painted in 1789-1790. 1030. WASHINGTON PASSING THE DELAWARE. Evening pre- vious to the Battle of Trenton, Dec. 25 th 1776. Full figure in uniform and cocked hat, on horseback; to the left soldiers embarking and about to embark; to the right officers on horseback, etc. Line. Height 14 8-16 inches; width 18 11-16 inches. Painted by T. Sully. Etched by W. Humphries. Engraved by G. S. Lang. 1031. SIEGE D' YORK-TOWN. LE G A . L ROCHAMBEAU ET WASHING- TON, DONNENT LES DERNIERS ORDRES POUR I/AlTAQUE. Washing- ton, full length in uniform, with cocked hat, with riding-whip in right hand, standing amidst a group of French and American officers before a military tent. Line. Height 9 5-16 inches; width 10 15-16 inches. Peint par Couder. Grave par J. M. Fontaine. Dessine* par Sandoz et Girardet. Diagraphe et Pantographe Gavard. 1032. Reddition de 1'Armee Angloises commandee par My lord Comte de- Cornwallis aux Arme'e Combine'e des Etats unis de 1'Amerique et de France aux ordres des Genereaux Washington et de Rochambeau a Yorcktouwn et Glocester dans la Virginie, le 19 Octobre 1781. II s'est trouve"s dans ses deux postes 6000 hommes de troupes reglees Angloises ou Hessoises et 22 Drapeaux 1500 Matelots 1 60 Canons de tout Calibre dont 75 de Fonte 8 Mortiers 40 Batimens dont un Vaisseau de 50 Canons qui a e"te Brule 20 Coules Bas; Ce jour ajamais memorables pour les Etats unis en ce quil assura definitive- ment leurs inde"pendance. Line. Height 12 8-16 inches; width 20 5-16 inches. A Paris chez Mondhare rue S l . Jean de Beauvais prs celle des Noyers. An excessively rare contemporaneous engraving, colored by hand, of the siege of Yorktown, portraying the York River with the French fleet, and the combined American and French army on land, General Washington and Count Rochambeau being on horseback. 1033. SUWAROW. Full bust in uniform, head three-quarters to right. Mezzotinto. Height 16 4-16 inches; width 13 5-16 inches. Painted by G. M J. Kalechew. Engraved by H. S. Goed (Hodges). London, Published June 4, 1799, by A Milne, Tottenham court road. Open letter proof. This print is placed with the Washington portraits, as copies are in existence with Washington's name in place of Suwarow's. The engraving is one of Hodges' masterpieces. 1034. WASHINGTON AT THE OUTPOSTS OF VALLEY FORGE. Full figure in uniform, on horseback, advancing to right, a field- glass in the extended right hand pointing to two soldiers to the left; to the right a cannon partly visible, and the breastworks at Valley Forge. Line. Height 16 6-16 inches; width 12 13-16 inches. F. O. C. Darley. R Hinshelwood. Entered according to act of Congress A D 1859 by F. O. C. Darley in the clerks office of the dis- trict court for the southern District of New York. Printed by A. R. Hamilton. Open letter proof. 1035. THE SAME. Choice proof before all letters on India paper. 1036. THE SAME. Rare early trial proof. 1 66 1037. Half length in profile to right, in clouds meeting the spirit of Abraham Lincoln, surrounded by angels, dne of which is about crowning Lincoln with olive leaves. On a sheet entitled "Abraham Lincoln, the Martyr Victorious." Mezzotinto. Height 18 3-16 indies; width 13 15-16 inches. Designed by W. H. Hermans. Engraved by John Sartain, Phil' 1 Published by W H Hermans Penn Yan Yates C. N. Y. (Copy- right 1866.) 1038. WASHINGTON AT HOME. Full figure seated to the right in an arm-chair, full face, with book in the right hand, the forefinger between the leaves. Martha Washington standing to left, leaning on the back of the chair, knitting, two children on the left, to the rear. Mixed. Height 23 5-16 inches; width 17 9-16 inches. Painted by Alonzo Chappel. Eng 1 ? by H. B. Hall. Entered ac- cording to Act of Congress A. D 1867 by H. B. Hall Jr. in the clerks office of the District Court for the Southern District of New York. India proof before the inscription. 1039. MOUNT VERNON IN THE OLDEN TIME. Washington at - 30 years of age. (Returned from the hunt with the spoils of the chase.) Line, stipple. Height 18 12-16 inches-, width 24 6-16 inches. Drawn by A Henning. Engraved by H. B. Hall, New York. Published and Engraved under the Superintendence of W H Holbrooke Broadway and Pall Mall London. (Copyright 1855.) 1040. WASHINGTON AND HIS MOTHER. Full figure in uniform seated to left of a table, conversing with his mother, who is seated to the right. Mixed. Height 15 inches; length 21 8-16 inches. Painted by Henry Brueckner. Engraved by John C. McRae. Published by John C. McRae N. Y. 1041. WASHINGTON'S FIRST INTERVIEW WITH HIS WIFE. Full length in uniform, with chapeau in right hand, a sword resting on the forearm, the left hand resting on the back of an arm-chair, to the right of Mrs. Custis seated at a window; two children playing on the floor. Mixed. Height 17 inches; length 21 12-16 inches. Painted by J. W. Ehninger Engraved by G. R. Hall. "From the Original Painted Expressly for this Engraving." Published by Pike's New York Opera House Association Office 627 Broadway N. Y. 167 1042. THE PRAYER AT VALLEY FORGE. Full length in uniform and cloak, kneeling in the open ; to the right a horse, camp-fire, soldiers, etc. ; in the rear to the left the old mill at Valley Forge. Mixed. Height 15 4-16 inches; length 21 10-16 inches. Painted by H. Brueckner Eng ' fl -. ' l V* ! i- t '< \ .'-- * *- '* 1134. TH. JEFFERSON. Full bust, head three-quarters to left, white neckerchief, turned-down coat collar. Stipple. Height 3 13-16 inches; width 3 3-16 inches. Drawn & Engraved by J. B. Longacre from the Portrait by Field after Stuart. 1135. THOMAS JEFFERSON. Full bust, head three-quarters to left, white neckerchief, stand-up coat collar. Stipple. Height 4 6-16 inches; width 3 9-16 inches. Engraved by J. B. Longacre from the original painting by G. Stuart. 1136. THE SAME. Proof before all letters. 1136$. THOMAS JEFFERSON. Full bust, nearly full face, white necker- chief, turned-down coat collar. Vignette. Stipple. Height 3 3-16 inches; width 3 inches. Drawn by I. Hooper. Engraved by W. Maddocks. 1137. THOMAS JEFFERSON. Full bust, head three-quarters to right, white neckerchief, turned-down coat collar. Vignette. Stipple. Height 3 9-16 inches; width 3 8-16 inches. Stahlstich von Carl Mayer. Stuttgart, J. Scheible's Buchhandlung, Druck von Carl Mayer Nog. 1138. JEFFERSON. Full bust, head slightly to right, whte neckerchief, turned-down coat collar. Stipple. Height 4 8- 1 6 inches; width 3 8-16 inches. Stahlstich von Carl Mayer. Aus. a, Kunstanst. d. Bibliogr. Instit. in Hildbh. Zeitgenossen N? 136 (vi Jahrgang). 1139. ANOTHER COPY. 8 i i4o. ANOTHER COPY. With border. Shaded lines through title and variation in the address: "Inst. Bibl. excudit." "Meyer's Conv. Lex NO 89." 1141. ANOTHER COPY. Proof before all letters. 1142. JEFFERSON. (Double title.) Full bust, head three-quarters to left, white neckerchief, turned-down coat collar. Vignette. Stipple. Height 3 8- 1 6 inches; width 3 inches. Vernier del. Lemaitre dir. Millot Sc. 1143. ANOTHER COPY. Single title. 1144. THE SAME. Proof before all letters. Exceedingly scarce in this state. 1145. THE SAME. Open letter proof. 1146. TH. JEFFERSON. Full bust, head three-quarters to right, white neckerchief, turned-down coat collar. One of a group of 10 oval medallion portraits. Stipple. Height i 10-16 inches; width i 4-16 inches. Dessine" et Grave" par Montaut. 1147. JEFFERSON. Full bust, head three-quarters to right, white necker- chief, turned-down coat collar. Vignette. Lithograph. Height 9 4-16 inches; width 9 2-16 inches. Lith: de C.' Motte. Mauraisse ft 1826. India proof. 1148. ANOTHER COPY. Plain impression. 1149. THO! JEFFERSON PRESIDENT DER VEREINIGTEN STAATEN IN AMERICA. Full bust, head slightly to right, white neckerchief, turned- down coat collar. Oval. Stipple, colored. Height 4 2-16 inches; width 3 3-16 inches. Gem. v. Stuart in America, gest. v. f W. Nettling. L. 1801. 1150. ANOTHER COPY. Un colored. 1151. TH. JEFFERSON. Full bust, head three-quarters to left, white neckerchief, stand-up coat collar. Vignette. Lithograph. Height 4 10-16 inches; width 3 8-16 inches. On Stone by A Newsam. P. S. Duval. Lith. Phil? 1152. THOMAS JEFFERSON. 3^ PRESIDENT or THE UNITED STATES. Full bust, head three-quarters to left, white neckerchief, turned-down coat collar. Oval in a fancy border resembling a frame. Lithograph. Height 10 4-16 inches; width 9 inches. On Stone by A. Newsam. P. S. Duval. Lith. Philad a Philadelphia, Published by C, S. Williams, N. E. corner of Market 6- 7* St. (Copyright 1846) 1153. TH. JEFFERSON. Full bust, head three-quarters to left, white neckerchief, turned-down coat collar. Line. Height 3 2-16 inches; width 2 7-16 inches. Painted by Stuart. Eng? by O. Pelton. Boston. 1154. Full bust, head three-quarters to right, white necker- chief, turned-down coat collar. Vignette in a ruled border. Stipple Height 4 13-16 inches; width 2 15-16 inches. T. Pfitzer sc. Rare. 1155. THOMAS JEFFERSON. Full bust, head three-quarters to left, white neckerchief, turned-down collar. Etching. Height 17 inches; width 12 14-16 inches. (Etched by Albert Rosenthal after the Painting by Stuart) Copy- righted and Published by William J. Campbell Philadelphia 1895. 1156. THE SAME. Artist's remarque proof, signed, on parchment. 1157. THE SAME. Artist's remarque proof, signed, on Japan paper. 1158. THO! JEFFERSON ESQ? Full bust, head slightly to left, white neckerchief, turned-down coat collar. Stipple. Height 3 13-16 inches; width 3 inches. Painted by G. Stuart. Engraved by S. Topham. Leeds, Published by Davies 6* Booth. 1159. ANOTHER COPY. 1160. THOMAS JEFFERSON. INAUGURATED PRESIDENT 1801. Full bust, head three-quarters to left, white neckerchief, turned-down coat collar. Vignette. Stipple. Height 2 4-16 inches; width 2 3-16 inches. A. Willard. Title-page to "History of the United States. Hartford, 1823." IO 1161. THE SAME. Cut down and name of engraver erased. 1162. THOMAS JEFFERSON. Full bust, head three-quarters to left, white neckerchief, stand-up coat collar. Stipple. Height 3 10-16 inches; width 3 inches. G. Stuart. Pinx' T. B. W. sc. 1163. Bust, head three-quarters to left, white neckerchief, turned-down coat collar. Vignette in a circle composed of two lines. Line. Height 2 7-16 inches; width 3 6-16 inches. Proof. Extremely rare. 1164. JEFFERSON. Bust, head three-quarters to right, white neckerchief, turned-down coat collar. Vignette in a circle of a single line. Stipple. Height 2 6-16 inches; width 2 3-16 inches. Proof. Extremely rare. 1165. THO? JEFFERSON. PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Full bust, nearly full face, white neckerchief, turned- down coat collar. Oval. Stipple. Height 4 3-16 inches; width 3 3-16 inches. Painted by Stuart, in America. Sold &* Published August i, 1801, by Edit/* Orme, 59, New Bond Street, London. Printed in brown. 1166. THE SAME. "European Magazine." Published by J. Sewell, Cornhill June i. 1802. Printed in black. 1167. JEFFERSON. Full bust, head three-quarters to left, white necker- chief, turned-down coat collar. Vignette. Stipple. Height 3 4-16 inches; width i 13-16 inches. Very scarce 1168. THO? JEFFERSON. BORN, APRIL 2, 1743. IN. 1801. OBT. JULY 4, 1826. JE 83. Full bust, head three-quarters to right, white neckerchief, turned-down coat collar. Line. Height 3 5-16 inches; width 2 15-16 inches. India proof. 1169. ANOTHER COPY. India proof, slightly damaged. 1170. TH. JEFFERSON. Full bust, head three-quarters to left, white neckerchief, stand-up coat collar. Vignette. Mezzotinto. Height 4 8- 1 6 inches; width 4 inches. II 1 I7i. THOMAS JEFFERSON. Full bust, head three-quarters to left, white neckerchief, turned-down coat collar. Oval in a border in which is the title. Line. Height 3 6-16 inches; width 3 4-16 inches. G. Stuart Del. 1172. Full bust, head three-quarters to left, white necker- chief, fur coat collar. In engraved work resembling a frame. Line. Height 2 4-16 inches; width a inches. 1173. Full bust, head three-quarters to left, white necker- chief, stand-up coat collar. Oval. Stipple. Height a inches; width i 11-16 inches. 1174. Full bust, head three-quarters to left, white necker- chief, turned-down coat collar. Oval in ornamental border. Stipple. Height i 12-16 inches; width i 8-16 inches. Bank note vignette. Proof. 1175. Full bust, head three-quarters to left, white necker- chief, stand-up coat collar. Oval in an ornamental border. Line. Height i 11-16 inches; width i 8-16 inches. Bald. Causland &* Co. Phil a . India proof. 1176. THOMAS JEFFERSON. Full bust, head three-quarters to right, white neckerchief, turned-down coat collar. Oval in border of olive leaves tied with a ribbon at the bottom. Line. Height 2 4-16 inches; width 2 2-16 inches. Bureau, Engraving & Fruiting. Script title. Proof. 1177. ANOTHER COPY. With title in Roman letters. India proof before the publisher's address. 1178. THOMAS JEFFERSON. Bust, head three-quarters to left, white neckerchief, turned-down coat collar. Stipple. Height i 7-16 inches; width i 4-16 inches. Bank note vignette. India proof. 1179. THOMAS JEFFERSON. PRESIDENT OF THE U. S. 1801 TO 1809. Full bust, head three-quarters to left, white neckerchief, stand-up coat collar; with ornamental border. Height 3 5-16 inches; width 2 inches. 12 n8o. THOMAS JEFFERSON. Bust, head three-quarters to left, white neckerchief, turned-down coat collar. Circular medallion, with title in the upper margin of the border. Stipple, Diameter 4 inches. Cut from a large sheet entitled " The Declaration of Independence." 1181. ANOTHER COPY. With Thomas Jefferson's name imperfectly spelled "Thomas Jeffer." Very rare in this state. 1182. TH. JEFFERSON. Full bust, head three-quarters to right, white neckerchief, turned-down coat collar. Oval. Stipple. Height i 10-16 inches; width i 4-16 inches. 1183. Full length, head three-quarters to left; seated in an armchair at a table, writing; to left upon the table are some books; to the right on the floor, back of the chair, is a large book; in the background a curtain drawn aside revealing a pillar. Stipple. Height 7 5-16 inches; width 5 7-16 inches. From the original painting by Chappel, in the possession oj the Publishers. 1184. ANOTHER COPY. Proof before all letters, on India paper. Large paper copy. 1185. TH. JEFFERSON. Three-quarter length, seated at a table, writing; head three-quarters to left; curtain in the background drawn aside revealing a pillar. Stipple. Height 7 7-16 inches; width 5 6-16 inches. From the original painting by Chappel in the possession of the publishers. Johnson, Wilson, & Co., Publishers, New York. (Copy- right 1873) 1 1 86. Half length, seated; head three-quarters to left; hands clasped and resting upon a table to left, upon which is a bust of Franklin, books, documents, and inkstand; curtain drawn aside in the left background. Lithograph. Height ii 8-16 inches; width 9 10-16 inches. Choice India proof before all letters, and a fine specimen of stone engraving. 1187. THOMAS JEFFERSON. THIRD PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. Half length, seated. Fully described in the preceding print, but without the bust of Franklin. Colored lithograph. Height ii 4-16 inches; width 8 12-16 inches. Lith & Pub by N. Currier 2 Spruce St. N. Y. 13 n88. THOMAS JEFFERSON. THIRD PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. Half length, seated. Fully described in Print No. 1186, but without the bust of Franklin. Colored lithograph. Height ii 12-16 inches; width 8 12-16 inches. 1189. THE SAME. Plain impression. Stained. 1190. TH. JEFFERSON. Half length, head three-quarters to right. Oval, surrounded with a border in which are engraved scenes from Jefferson's life. Stipple. Height 5 15-16 inches; width 4 14-16 inches. Entered according to act of Congress AD 1856 by Martin, Johnson & Co in the clerk's office of the district court of the southern district of New York. 1191. ANOTHER COPY. Copyright cut off. 1192. JEFFERSON. Half length, seated; head three-quarters to left; hands clasped resting upon a table, on which are some books, an inkstand, and a document; with ornamental border with a vignette in the lower margin of the signing of the Declaration of Independence. Stipple. Height 6 5-16 inches; width 5 3-16 inches. 1193. THOS. JEFFERSON. Bust, head three-quarters to right, white neckerchief, turned-down coat collar. Process print. Height 16 14-16 inches; width 14 inches. Copyright 1895 by the Taber Art Co. 1194. Full bust, head three-quarters to left, white necker- chief, stand-up collar. Vignette on black background. Colored lithograph. Height 18 inches; width 14 inches. 1195. THOMAS JEFFERSON. Head three-quarters to left, white necker- chief, turned-down coat collar. Vignette. Lithograph. Height 1 8 2-16 inches; width 15 4-16 inches. 1196. Three-quarter length, seated in armchair; head three- quarters to left; right arm resting upon a document upon a table to the left; the left arm resting upon the knee; drapery and pillars in the background. Photogravure. Height 20 inches; width 16 12-16 inches. Proof on India paper, with view of Monticello as remarque. 14 BOUCH TYPE. 1197. JEFFERSON. Full bust, nearly full face, white neckerchief, stand- up coat collar. Line. Height 8 9-16 inches; width 6 6-16 inches. Dessind par le Baron Desnoyers, Grave par Dequevauvillier. Dedie au General Lafayette, Par son tres respectueux et reeonnaisant admirateur le Typographe N. Bettoni. India proof, full margin. 1198. THE SAME. Choice proof before letters. 1199. THE SAME. India proof, before the dedication, full margin. 1200. THE SAME. Plain impression. An unusual collection of the different states of this beautifully engraved and rare portrait. 1 201. THOMAS JEFFERSON. PRESIDENT DES ETATS UNIS DE L'AMER- IQUE, EN 1801. Full bust, fully described in the preceding print. Stipple. Height 9 12-16 inches; width 7 12-16 inches. Bouch detf Aug Desnoyers Sculp 1 . Depose a la Bibliothlque Nationale le 25 Sruelidor ang. Se trouve le C Martin M d . d'Estampes. Rue Fosse's Montmartre AT. 27. 1202. ANOTHER COPY. Open letter proof, before the address. Very rare in this state. 1203. ANOTHER COPY. Plain impression. 1204. THOMAS JEFFERSON. THIRD PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES 1801-1809. Full bust, full face, white neckerchief, stand-up coat collar. Vignette. Lithograph. Height 8 4-16 inches; width 7 inches. Lith by A. Fry. Printed by Hoff & Blode. Published by HojJ &* Bloede 180 William St r . corner of Spruce St r . N. York. India proof. 1205. THOMAS JEFFERSON. THIRD PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, 1801-1809. Full bust, nearly full face, white neckerchief, turned-up coat collar. Vignette. Lithograph. Height 4 8-16 inches; width 4 inches. A. Frey Del. Sinclair's lith. 1206. TH. JEFFERSON. Full bust, full face, white neckerchief, stand-up coat collar. Vignette. Line. Height 4 inches; width 3 8-16 inches. Eng d by H B. Hall's Sons, New York. India proof. 1207. JEFFERSON. Full bust, full face, white neckerchief, turned-up coat collar. Stipple. Height 4 15-16 inches; width 3 15-16 inches. Engraved by W. Hall. From a Print engraved by A. Desnoyers, under the Superintendence of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. Published by Charles, Knight & Co. Legate Street. Choice proof on large paper. 1208. THE SAME. Plain impression. 1209. THOMAS JEFFERSON. Full bust, nearly full face, white necker- chief, stand-up coat collar. Oval with arabesque border, with vignette in the lower portion, entitled "Jefferson shewing the draft of Declara- tion of Independence to Franklin and Adams." Stipple. Height 5 inches; width 3 12-16 inches. Bouch. T. Knight. 1210. Full bust, full face, white neckerchief, turned-up coat collar. Vignette. Line. Height 3 8-16 inches; width 3 4-16 inches. Eug Leguay sc d'apies A. Desnoyers. Proof before the inscription. 1 21 1. THOMAS JEFFERSON. Full bust, full face, white neckerchief, stand-up coat collar. Vignette. Line. Height 3 8-16 inches; width 3 4-16 inches. Gust. Leguay sculp. Imp. F. Chardon aine 30 r. Haukfeuille Paris. 1 21 2. THOMAS JEFFERSON. Bust, full face, white neckerchief, stand- up coat collar. Vignette. Lithograph. Height 18 8-16 inches; width 17 inches. lith* of M. H. Traubel & Co 46^ Walnut St. Philada. Very scarce. 1213. T. JEFFERSON PRESIDENT DES ETATS-UNIS DE L'AMERIQUE. Full bust, head three-quarters to right, white neckerchief, stand-up coat collar. Oval. Stipple, colored. Height 3 12-16 inches; width 2 14-16 inches. T. Jefferson President des Etats-unis de L'Amerique. Very rare. 1214. ANOTHER COPY. Choice proof before the inscription. Very rare in this state. Uncolored. 1215. ANOTHER COPY. Plain impression. 1216. Full bust, full face, white neckerchief, stand-up coat collar. Vignette. Stipple. Height 3 6-16 inches; width 2 8-16 inches. i6 1217. T. JEFFERSON PRESIDENT DES ETATS-UNIS DE L'AMERIQUE. Vignette. Outline. Height 3 inches; width 2 6-16 inches. F. L. CECILE TYPE. 1218." JEFFERSON. Bust, head in profile to left, with queue. Vignette. Lithograph. Height 4 7-16 inches; width 3 5-16 inches. Cecile F. L Fecit. De"die a Monsieur Warden, ancien Consul des tats Unis a Paris. Very rare. 1219. Photograph from the original drawing of the portrait from which the preceding print was engraved. 1 2 20. Bust, head in profile to right, with queue. Vignette. Process print. Height 14 8- 1 6 inches; width n inches. Copyright 1893 by E. W. Smith. THOMAS SULLY TYPE. 1221. Full length, head three-quarters to left, body to right, with long coat with fur collar and cuffs; standing between two pillars, scroll in the left hand. Stipple. Height 5 11-16 inches; width 3 9-16 inches. Thomas Sully Pinx. J. A. J. Wilcox, Sc. India proof before letters. ST. MEMIN TYPE. 1222. TH. JEFFERSON. Head and bust in profile to right. Circular medallion. Stipple. Diameter 2 4-16 inches. From an Engraving on copper by St Memin made for Mr Jefferson during his residence in Paris, and until recently in Possession of his grand Daughter Mrs. Benjamin Franklin Randolph. M. BROWN TYPE. 1223. TH. JEFFERSON. Half length, seated, head three-quarters to right; right arm resting on some papers on a table to right; figure of Liberty in the right distance. Line. Height 4 15-16 inches; width 3 14-16 inches. Painted by M. Brown Engraved by T. House. Engraved for Bancroft's History of the United States from the original picture, painted for John Adams, in 1786. India proof, large paper. 1224. TH. JEFFERSON. Half length, seated, head three-quarters to right; right arm resting on some papers on a table to right. Stipple. Height 5 3-16 inches; width 4 inches. Eng d by A B. Hall, New York. D. Appleton & Co. VARIOUS TYPES. UNKNOWN. 1225. THO? JEFFERSON THE PRIDE OF AMERICA. RETIRED MARCH 4, 1809. Head and bust in profile to right, surrounded by clouds; over the bust the figure of America; under the bust The Angel of Fame blowing a trumpet. Oval, with border of two lines, in which is the name of the engraver; underneath the oval crossed olive branches with ribbon on which is the inscription. Stipple, colored. Height 6 8-16 inches; width 5 2-16 inches. Des d & Engd by T. Gimbrede N. Y. Published by Griffin and Rudd. New York. Printed at the N York Copper Plate Printing Office, 41 Chambers St r . Excessively rare. 1226. T. JEFFERSON. Full bust, head three-quarters to right, white neckerchief, turned-down coat collar. Oval in a rectangle; in the lower portion a tablet, on which is the title. Stipple. Height 5 6-16 inches; width 3 6-16 inches. Scoles sc. Very rare. 1227. T JEFFERSON. Full bust, head three-quarters to right, white neckerchief, turned-down coat collar. Oval in a rectangle; in the lower portion a tablet on which is the title. Stipple. Height 5 5-16 inches; width 3 5-16 inches. A close copy of the Print by Scoles, Lot 1226. 1228. ANOTHER COPY. Stained. 2 i8 1229. THO? JEFFERSON. PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. Bust, head three-quarters to right, white neckerchief, turned-down coat collar. Oval with border. Stipple. Height 5 6-16 inches; width 2 12-16 inches. 1230. ANOTHER COPY. 1231. JEFFERSON. Full figure on a pedestal, full face; pen in right hand; in the left hand a scroll entitled: "In Congress July the 4th 1776. The Unanimous Declaration of the thirteen United States of America." Vignette. Line. Height 6 13-16 inches; width 4 12-16 inches. Sculpt par P. J. David Grave* par Laroux. 1232. JEFFERSON. Bust and head nearly in profile to left, white necker- chief, stand-up coat collar. Vignette. Stipple. Height 5 6-16 inches; width 2 6-i6][inches. Couche* fels sc. Proof, rare. 1233. TH. JEFFERSON. Full bust, head three-quarters to left, with fur collar. Photogravure. Height 5 8-16 inches; width 4 6-16 inches. Financial New York. Proof on japan paper. 1234. TH. JEFFERSON. Bust on a pedestal, head three-quarters to right. Vignette. Stipple. Height 4 3-16 inches; width 2 12-16 inches. J. B. Longacre H Meyer. From a Bust in Possession of the American Philosophical Society. 1235. ANOTHER COPY. Inlaid. 1236. THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE, JULY 4 TH 1776. Painted by John Trumbull. Engraved by A. B. Durand. Copy Right secured according to the Act of Congress Dec r . 2o th 1820. Line. Height 20 4-16 inches; length 30 inches. A beautiful brilliant early original impression; very seldom found in such a fine state. Hfij?, ANOTHER COPY. Choice open letter proof, with full margin. 1 238. ANOTHER COPY. Open letter proof, slightly damaged on margin. 1 .M U 1 1 -V \ THE THOS. JEFFERSON PORTRAIT FROM LOT 1239 ALBUM OF MEZZOTINTO PORTRAITS BY ST. MEMIN. A Gift from the Artist. 1239. THO. JEFFERSON. Full bust, in profile to right, with queue. Oval medallion. Mezzotinto. Height 2 14-16 inches; width a 6-16 inches. St. Memin del? et sd . This portrait of Thos. Jefferson, to use the words of the late President Garfield, " is one of the most exquisite Engravings I ever saw, and a most beautiful portrait." It is the first one of Sixteen Portraits, mounted in an Album and Engraved by St. Memin, all being named in his Autograph. The other Portraits are Peter Jefferson, father of the President (called George by St. Memin); Kilian K. Van Rensslaer, Member of Congress from Albany; Felix Constant de Boisgerard, of Charleston, S. C.; Thos. Newton, of Richmond, Virginia; Dr. Alex Baron, of Charleston, S. C.; Capt. Jno. Cassin, of the U. S. Navy; J. H. Carr, officer in the U. S. Marines; Gabriel Duval, Justice of the Supreme Court of the U. S.; Hugh Nelson, of Fredericksburg, Va.; Mrs. Eliza Nelson, wife of Jas. H. Imley, of New Jersey (called Mm. Eliza Wilson by St. Memin); James Madison, father of the President (called Wm. Madison by St. Memin); Com. Oliver Hazard Perry (called Theo. Hunt by St. Memin); John F. Delaplaine, of New York; N. Morton, of Richmond, Va.; and St. Memin's Own Portrait. These are all neatly mounted Proofs, on separate Pages, with their names written underneath, and an Index of the whole in the handwriting of the Artist, who has through fault of memory wrongly named a few which I have corrected as above noted. The Title- page is also in the Autograph of the Artist, and reads: "Gagne pain d'un exile 1 AUX ETATS-UNIS D'AniRiQUE. ''' ; de 1793 a 1814 Dijon 1842. Le nombre des portraits de ce genre dessines et grave's par M r . de S* M. dans les prin cipales villes des Etats-Unis d'Amerique, 61eVe a 760." On the fly-leaf is St. Memin's Autograph presentation of the Album to his friend, as follows: .'.' Offert A Monsieur G. Peignot. comme un faible hommage du sincere, respectaeux et Ire's affectueuse denouement du depinateur et graveur Fevret de S* Me'min." The Album is neatly bound in red morocco Gilt, by P. Pralon of Dijon, according to the order of the Artist, of whom a more interesting memento could not be had, as he evidently selected the portraits contained therein as the best examples of his work. See Plate. LOT 1240 ENGRAVED PORTRAITS OF BENJ. FRANKLIN. CHARLES WILLSON PEALE TYPE. 1240. HIS EXCELLENCY B. FRANKLIN L.L.D. F.R.S. PRESIDENT OF PENNSYLVANIA & LATE MINISTER OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AT THE COURT OF FRANCE. Full bust, head to right, with eyeglasses. Oval with a border; the Title in the border. Oval. Mezzotinto. Height 6 5-16 inches; width 5 5-i6 inches. C. W. Peale pinxt et. Fecit, 1787. Choice proof before all letters. A magnificent and Unique copy of this rarest of Franklin Portraits, with fine margin, and treas- ured by Mr. Carson as the Gem of his wonderful Collection of Franklin Portraits. See Plate. 1241. THE SAME. Lettered impression, with full margin; printed in brown. Of Excessive rarity, a finer copy of which is not to be had. 1242. DR FRANKLIN AGED 84. Full bust, head to left, with eyeglasses. Oval. Stipple. Height 2 8-16 inches; width a inches. C. W. Peale Pinx. D. Edwin, Sc. Very rare. 1243. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. AET 84. Half-length seated, head to left, with spectacles, left arm resting on a table, upon which are some papers and an inkstand; in the background a curtain, drawn aside from a window, reveals an electric storm. Vignette. Etching. Height 4 12-16 inches; width 3 12-16 inches. C. W. Peale Pinxit. Albert Rosenthal Sc. From the original painting in the possession of the Historical Society of Penn? India proof. 1244. THE SAME. Artist's proof, signed. 1245. THE SAME. First and second trial proofs. 2 pairs. 1246. Full bust, head to left, with eyeglasses. Oval in a rectangle. Wood engraving. Height 6 9-16 inches; width 5 3-16 inches. H. Velten. Proof. 21 22 1247- THE SAME. Proof on India paper. 1248. Full bust, head to left, with eyeglasses. Oval, in a frame. Phototype. . Phototype from the Original Painting by C, W. Peale. B. WILSON TYPE. 1249. R FRANKLIN OF PHILADELPHIA, 1761, L.L.D. F.R.S. ( Three-cjuarter length, head and body three-quarters to left, the right hand holding a book entitled " Electric 1 . Exp 4 . 5 "; the left hand point- . ing to the book; to the right a table and chair and some electrical apparatus; upon the table are some books and an inkstand; to the 1 [ : v left is -a view of a city, over which an. electric storm. is passing, the lightning striking a building; in the upper right-hand corner is a cur- tain drawn aside. Mezzotinto. Height 12 inches; width o 13-16 inches. B. Wilson Pinxt. ' J? M'Ardell fecit. Excessively rare. Beautiful brilliant impression. See Plate. . 1250. B. FRANKLIN : OF, .PHILADELPHIA, L.L..D. F,R.S: Three- quarter length, head and body to left, with spectacles; the right hand holding a book entitled * Electric' 1 . Exp 4 . 3 "; the left hand pointing to the book; to the right 'a chair and table upon which is a scroll and inkstand, and an electrical apparatus; to the left a view of a city over which an electrical storm is passing, the lightning striking one of the .buildings. Mezzotinto. Height, 12 1-16, inches; vridth 9. 1 4- 16-. inches. . B. Wilson PinxW J* MeArdeil fecit. Fine impression; excessively rars. ,, ''.> , ,.,.,- THE SAME. With the publisher's' address : " Published May 1794, by Laurie &* Whittle, 53, Fleet Street, London." 1252. D. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, ET VITA INTER AMERICANOS ACTA, ET MAGNIS ELECTRiciTATis PERicuLis CLARUS. : . Bust, head three-quarters to left. Oval resting on a base in a rectangle. The title in a tablet.. Mezzotinto. Height 8 inches; width 5 3-16 inches. I. E. Haid sculp. A. V. 1778. Brilliant impression; very rare. LOT 1249, REDUCED L U. l V. C ^ L U- C v T> r t j r LOT 1256, REDUCED J 7.. 'j 2 3 1253. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. Full bust, head three-quarters to left. Vignette. Stipple. Height 3 inches; width 2 4-16 inches. 1254. THE SAME, but lettered "Roger Williams Born 1599 Died 1683. Engrv d For Daniel L. Jones." VANLOO TYPE. 1255. FRANCKLIN. Full bust, head three-quarters to right, with eye- glasses. Oval. Aquatint printed in colors. Height 9 12-16 inches; width 8 4-16 inches. Vanloo Pinxt. P. M. Alix, Sculp* A Paris chez Marie Francois Drouhin, Editeur & Imprimeur Libraire, Rue Christine, AT? 2, Imprim chez lin par Bechet. Very rare. Fine impression, full margin. 1256. THE SAME. Choice proof before all letters; exceedingly scarce in this state. See Plate. 1257. BENJ. FRANKLIN. Full bust, with spectacles. Head three- quarters to right. Vignette. Etching. Height 3 12-16 inches; width 3 10-16 inches. Etch? by H. B. Hall N. Y. 1879. India proof. 1258. Full bust, with spectacles, head three-quarters to right. Vignette. Line. , Height 3 10-16 inches; width 3 10-16 inches. (Engraved by H. B. Hall.) Choice proof before all letters. 1259. FRANKLIN. Full bust, with spectacles, head three-quarters to right. Vignette. Stipple. Height 4 inches; width 3 4-16 inches. Van Loo Pinx. J A J. Wilcox Sc. ~ . ^ tj ' .. J t V >*"'. 1260. BENJ* FRANKLIN. Full bust, with spectacles, head three- quarters to right. Oval surrounded with a wreath of oak and laurel. Lithograph. Height 9 7-16 inches; width 7 14-16 inches. Lith. de H. Brunet a Lyon. Very rare. S. ELMER TYPE. 1261. THE POLITICIAN. Half-length, nearly in profile to right, with eyeglasses, seated at a table reading a newspaper; the left hand resting on a pamphlet entitled "Observations on the nature of Civil Liberty," etc. Line. Height 13 6-16 inches; width n 11-16 inches. Painted by S. Elmer A. Engraved by T. Ryder. Publisheda s the Act directs May i s ? 1782 by T. Ryder & Sold by A Torre & /. Thane N. 28. Hay Market. Fine original impression; rare. 1262. THE SAME. Proof before the title, with variety in publisher's address: "Published Feb r ? i s f 1787 by Benj Beale Evans, Poultry London." 1263. THE SAME. Rare early trial proof before the title on the pamphlet. 1264. THE SAME. Variety in title: "The Politician [D 1 ; Benj. Franklin]." " The Original Plate Re-published July i, 1824, by Z. Sweet 38. Chancery Lane." 1265. THE SAME. Before the title. 1266. THE SAME. Variety in title: "The Politician" in open letter. London, S. Russell. Edinburgh, Rob 1 . Simpson London, Ackerman 1267. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. ERIPUIT CCELO FULMEN SCEPTRUMQUE TYRANNIS. Fully described in Print No. 1261. Height 4 inches; width 3 6-16 inches. I. G. Walker, Sculp 4 . 1268. THE SAME. Before the artist's name, and variety in title: "D^ Benjamin Franklin" in open letter. LOT 1270, REDUCED M. CHAMBERLIN TYPE. 1269. B. FRANKLIN, PHILADELPHIA L.L.D. F.R.S. Three-quarter length, head three-quarters to left, body to right; seated at a table upon which the left hand is resting holding a manuscript ; .the right hand holding a pen; to the left is a bookcase and some electrical apparatus, and a curtain drawn aside, which reveals to the right a view of an electrical storm passing over a city, the lightning striking a building. Mezzotinto. Height 13 11-16 inches; width 10 15-16 inches.- -*/-' -j M. Chamberlin pinxt E. Fisher fecit. Sold by M. Chamberlin in Stewart Street, Old Artillery Ground, Spittal fields. Fine impression, full margin; very rare. 1270. THE SAME. Choice proof before all letters. Excessively 'rare in this condition. See Plate. 1271. Three-quarter length. Fully described in Print No. 1269. Stipple: Height 6 8-16 inches; width 4 2-16 inches. Dessine* et Grave par F. 'N. Martinet. II a rari le beu dea Cieux II fait fteurir les Arts en des Climats sauvages, L'Amerique le place a la tete des Sages La Grece Vauroit mis au nombre deses Dieux. 1272. THE SAME. Later impression with the publisher's address. "Se vend a Paris chez Esnauts et Rapilly. Rue S l . Jacques a la Ville de Coittances" ......... 1273. D? FRANKLIN. Three-quarter length, fully described in Print No. 1269. . Stipple. Height 6 6-16 inches; width 4 2-16 inches. Rare; full margin. 1274. B. FRANKLIN, OF PHILADELPHIA, L.L.D. F.R.S. Tfcee- quarter length. Fully described in Print No. 1269. . Mezzotinto. Height 5 6-16 inches; width 4 5-16 inches." . M. Chamberlin, Pinx' C. Turner, Sculpl A. R. A. Published for Bancroft's History of America. 1275. THE SAME. After the title was changed to a facsimile signature of Franklin, and without publisher's address. 26 1276. BENJ A FRANKLIN. Three-quarter length, head nearly full face, body to right; seated at a table upon which the left hand is resting, holding a manuscript; the right hand holding a pen. Vignette in a ruled border. Stipple. Height 4 inches; width 3 1-16 inches. Engraved by W. J. Alias. 1277. BENJ 1 ? FRANKLIN, L.L.D. THE LEGISLATOR OF AMERICA. DIED AT PHILADELPHIA, AGED 84. Half length, seated; head three- quarters to left; body to right; seated at a table upon which the left hand is resting holding a manuscript; the right hand holding a pen; to the left is a bookcase, some electrical apparatus, and a curtain drawn aside which reveals to the right a view of an electrical storm passing over a city, the lightning striking a building. Vignette. Stipple. Height 3 4-16 inches; width a 11-16 inches. London, William Darton, 58. Holborn Hill, 1822. 1278. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, L.L.D. ENVOY FROM THE AMERICAN CONGRESS TO THE FRENCH COURT. Three-quarter length, head three-quarters to right, body to left, seated in an armchair at a table; the right hand, resting thereon, holding some manuscript; the left hand hanging over the arm of the chair; to the right a window and a curtain drawn aside. Stipple. Height 6 inches; width 4 1-16 inches. 1279. THE SAME. Without the background of the window and curtain. 1280. THE SAME. Without the background of the window arid curtain, and with a slight variation in the chair. 1281. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, L.L.D. Full length, head three-quarters to left, body to right; seated in an armchair at a table, upon which the left hand is resting, holding a manuscript; the right hand holding a pen. Vignette in a ruled border. Line. Height 7 inches; width 4 8-16 inches. M. Chamberlin pinx; G. M. Brighty del. J. Romney sculp. Pub. by C. Dyer Complom Str( Rare. 1282. BENJA FRANKLIN. Three-quarter length, head nearly full face, body. to right; seated at a table upon which rests the left hand, only partly visible, holding a manuscript; the right hand holding a pen; to the left an electrical apparatus, a curtain drawn aside reveals an electric storm passing over a city, the lightning striking a building. Stipple. Height 4 8-16 inches; width 3 9-16 inches. M. Chamberlin. S. Freeman. A. Fullarton &> C. LOT 1287 27 1283. B. FRANKLIN OF PHILADELPHIA, L.L.D. F.R.S. Half length, head three-quarters to left; body to right, seated in an armchair; the right arm resting on the chair, the hand holding a pen. Stipple. Height 8 4-16 inches; width 6 8-16 inches. Chamberlin Pinx'. W. Haines Sd Philadelphia, Published by W. Haines N. 270 Arch Street Oct: 13'.* 1804. A beautiful impression with full margin of an excessively rare print; the only copy I ever saw. 1284. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, L.L.D. Half length. Fully described in the preceding print. Stipple. Height 3 12-16 inches; width 3 inches. W. Haines Set Published April i, 1806, by Longman, Rees, Hurst, &= Orme, Paternoster Row. 1285. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, L.L.D. Half length. Fully described in print by Haines, No. 1283. Stipple. Height 3 14-16 inches; width 3 1-16 inches. S. Topham Sculp. Leeds, Published by Davies &" Booth. 1286. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. Bust, head three-quarters to left. Cir- cular medallion. Line. Diameter 2 8-16 inches. d by H B Hall N .Y. From the Portrait in Almon's Intelli- gencer, London 1777. Engraved from the Original Picture by Jno. Lodge. 1287. - Bust, head three-quarters to left, body to right. Cir- cular medallion . Mezzotinto . Diameter i 9-16 inches. The excessively rare Watch-case Portrait. A choice proof before all letters, with a fine margin. See Plate. 1288. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, L.L.D. Full bust, head three-quarters to left, body to right. Oval. Underneath the oval a vignette of a building and a representation of Franklin flying a kite in an electric storm. Height 4 7-16 inches; width 3 6-16 inches. J. Chapman sculp. London, Published as the Act directs May 24^ 1806 by J. Wilkes. 1289. THE SAME. Printed in colors. 28 1290. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, L.L.D. & F.R.S. Bust, head three- quarters to left, body to right. Oval. Underneath the oval the motto, " Ubi Libertas, ibi patria." Height 4 7-16 inches; width 3 14-16 inches. " Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." Address of the Assembly of Pennsylvania, in 1755. Engraved from an Original Picture by Jn Lodge. Printed accord- ing to Act of Parliament, for J. Almon, in Piccadilly, London 2i s f April 1777. Rare. 1291. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. Half length, head three-quarters to right, body to left; seated in armchair; left hand resting on arm of chair. Vignette. One of a group of five patriots on a quarto sheet, the others being Dr. Hugh Blair, William Cowper, Gen. Elliot, and Earl of Chatham. Height 3 7-16 inches; width 3 4-16 inches. Published by James Cundee, Albion Press. London 1811. 1292. Bust, head three-quarters to left, body to right. Cir- cular medallion. Lithograph. Diameter i 10-16 inches. Copy of the Watch-case Portrait. Rare. C. N. COCHIN TYPE. 1293. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. N A BOSTON, DANS LA NOUVELLE ANGLETERRE LE 17. JANVIER 1706. Three-quarter length, with spectacles; head to left, with fur cap; coat trimmed with fur; seated in a chair to the right of a table upon which are some letters, an ink- stand, pen, etc.; the right hand holds a letter; in the background a curtain which, drawn aside, partly reveals to the left a bookcase and books. Mezzotinto. Height ii 13-16 inches; width 8 14-16 inches. Joh. Lorenz Rugendas Sculp et excud. Aug. Vind. Excessively rare. Magnificent impression. See Plate. 1294. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, L.L.D. F.R.S. Full bust, head to left, with spectacles and fur cap. Vignette in a border resembling a frame. Line. Height 2 10-16 inches; width 2 2-16 inches. From the works of Benjamin Franklin. Edinburgh 1829. K.XL \AU N 1 K \ N < k i j N . e nleniji'o fault lit/ -e t\i oruf/^dJ ^ ^ l/nrt * n,' if li'ft /r,-. i 1 - i .>. *. -. ";*,'' * -- * i .$>'' 1297^. D. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN ET VITA INTER AMERICANOS AC ETTA, MAGNIS ELECTRICITATIS PERICULIS CLARUS. Full bust, head to ' left, with fur cap and spectacles. Oval resting on a base in a rectangle. The title in a tablet on the base. Mezzotinto. Height 8 2- 1 6 inches; width 5 3-16 inches. I. Elias Haid Sculp 1780. Fine Impression. Rare. 1298. D. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, ET VITA INTER AMERICANOS, etc. Fully described in the preceding print. Mezzotinto. Height 8 2-16 inches; width 5 3-16 inches. I. Elias. Haid. Sculp. 1780. a different Print from Lot 1297, perceptible in the Fur Cap and the Eye. Fine impression. Rare. 1299. D. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, ET VITA INTER AMERICANOS ACTA, ET MAGNIS ELECTRICITATIS PERICULIS CLARUS. Fully described in the print by Haid, Lot 1297. Mezzotinto. Height 8 2-16 inches; width 5 3-16 inches. I. Elias Haid. Sculp 1780. . Very rare; an entirely different plate from either of the two preceding prints, perceptible in the fur Cap, Buttons on the waistcoat, "etc. ' 1300. D. BENIAMIN FRAENCKLIN, GRAND COMISSAIRE PLENIPO- TENTIAIRE DU CONGRES D'AMERIQUE EN FRANCE NFJ , A BOSTON 1706, EN 17. JANVIER. Nearly half-length, head to left, with fur cap and spectacles; the left hand holding a paper. Oval in a rectangle. Mezzotinto. Height 7 13-16 inches; width 6 3-16 inches. desine par C. N. Cochin Chev. de 1'ordre du Roi a Paris 1777. Se vend a Londres chez Thorn Hart. Excessively rare. Fine brilliant impression. See Plate. 3 1301. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. NE A BOSTON DANS LA NOUVELLE ANGLE- TERRE LE 17 JANVIER 1706. Full bust, head to left, with fur cap and spectacles. Oval in a rectangle Title in a tablet beneath the oval. Line. Height 7 9-16 inches; width 5 9-16 inches. nach St. Aubin von Anton Kriiger gest. Very rare. 1302. A. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN DOCTEUR DE MEDICINE. NE" A BOSTON CAPITALS DE LA PROVINCE DE MASSACHUSSET EN AMERIQUE LE 17 JANVIER 1706. Full bust, head to left, with fur cap and spec- tacles. Oval in a rectangle resembling a frame, resting on a base, on which is an opened book entitled "Pro Patria," a globe, inkstand, laurel branches, and some other books. The title in a tablet on the base. Line. Height 6 3-16 inches; width 4 inches. " Sa Vertue son Courage et sa Simplicity De Sparte ont retrace le Caractere Antique Et cher a la raison, cher a I'Humanite' II Eclaira 1' Europe et sauva rAmerique." P. Marin del Sculp. Very rare. 1303. DR FRANKLIN. BORN AT BOSTON, IN AMERICA JAN? 17, 1706. Full bust, head to left, with fur cap and spectacles. Oval in a rectangle. Mezzotinto. Height 5 5-16 inches; width 4 7-16 inches. Sold by W. Humphrey. Price i* A Superb impression; excessively rare. See Plate. 1304. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. NE A BOSTON DANS LA NOUVELLE ANGLETERRE, IMPRIMEUR ET FONDATEUR DE LA RE'PUBLIQUE DES TATS UNIS DE L' AMERIQUE SEPTENTRIONALE. Full bust, head to left, with fur cap. Oval in a rectangle. The title in a tablet beneath the oval. Stipple. Height 6 6-16 inches; width 3 11-16 inches. AParis chez Bance, Rue Zacharie N? 72. Excessively rare. The only copy I ever saw. 1305. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, NE" A BOSTON DANS LA NOUVELLE ANGLETERRE LE 17 JANVIER 1706. Full bust, head to left, with fur cap and spectacles. Oval in a rectangle. The title in a tablet beneath the oval. Stipple. Height 7 10-16 inches; width 5 6-16 inches. Very rare. 1306. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, L.L.D. F.R.S. Full bust, head to left, with fur cap and spectacles. Oval in a rectangle. The title in a tablet beneath the oval. Line. Height 5 6-16 inches; width 3 8-16 inches. LOT 1303 3 1 1307. DOCTOR FRANKLIN. Bust, head to left, with fur cap and spectacles. Oval in a rectangle, with border representing the walls of Troy. Line. Height 4 4-16 inches; width 2 15-16 inches. 1308. DR. FRANKLIN. Full bust, head to left, with fur cap and spec- tacles. Vignette. . Stipple. Height 2 5-16 inches; width i 15-16 inches. Ja? Newton sculpsit. Proof. Very rare. 1309. THE SAME. Printed in brown, before the artist's name. Very rare in this state. 1310. THE SAME. On a quarto sheet, to the right of a similar portrait of Genl. Washington. Very rare. 1311. D? FRANKLIN. Full bust, head to left, with fur cap and spec- tacles. Vignette. Stipple. Height 4 6-16 inches; width 3 11-16 inches. Published No? i s . 1 1784 b y Whitworth & Yates Bradford Street 1312. D? FRANKLIN. Bust, head to left, with fur cap and spectacles. Vignette. Line. Height i 3-16 inches; width i 2-16 inches. Cut from a sheet containing other portraits. 1313. D? FRANKLIN. Full bust, head to left, with fur cap and spec- tacles. Oval over the top of which is olive branches tied with a ribbon. The heading to a sheet entitled " The Art of Making Money Plenty in every Man's Pocket by D T . Franklin." Stipple. Height 3 6-16 inches; width 2 11-16 inches. Neele sculp*. London, Published Nov r . io( h 1791 by John Wallis N 1 6 Ludgate Street. Excessively rare. " The Art of Making Money Plenty," etc., is here displayed in the old familiar Rebus of Franklin's. 1314. Full bust, head to left, with fur cap and spectacles. Vignette in the upper part of a folio sheet of a Rebus entitled "The art of making money plenty in every Man's Pocket: by Doctor Frank- lin." Stipple. Colored. Height 3 inches; width 3 inches. Published by S other an 6 s Son, 10 Little Tower Street, London 1844. Ent d . Sta. Hall. Very rare. 3 2 1315. D? BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. Full bust, head to left, with fur cap and spectacles. Oval over which are olive branches tied with a ribbon. Line. Height 3 2-16 inches; width a 6-16 inches. J. Bannerman sculp. Rare. 1316. BENJ. FRANKLIN. Full bust, head to left, with fur cap and spectacles. Oval with a border. Line. Height 2 5-16 inches; width i 13-16 inches. C. Eilig. Sculp: Very rare. 1317. D? BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. Full bust, head to left, with fur cap and spectacles. Oval, over which are olive branches tied with a ribbon. Stipple. Height 5 5-16 inches; width 2 7-16 inches. Engrav'd by P. R. Maverick 65 Liberty Street. 1318. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, LL.D. F.R.S. ONE OF THE AMERICAN PLENIPOTENTIARIES OF THE COURT OF FRANCE. Full bust, head to left, with fur cap and spectacles. Oval with a border. Line. Height 4 4-16 inches; width 3 6-16 inches. Pollard sculp. Engraved for " Murray's History of the American War." Printed for T. Robson, Newcastle upon Tyne. 1319. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. BORN AT BOSTON, JANUARY THE 17 1706. Full bust, head to left, with fur cap and spectacles. Circular. Stipple. Printed in colors. Diameter 5 2-16 inches. C. Ruotte Sculp. Extremely rare. Beautiful impression with full margin printed in colors. 1320. THE SAME. Printed in red. Beautiful impression with full margin. 1321. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. PRESIDENT DES CONGRESSES zu PHILA- DELPHIA, GEB. zu BOSTON D. 17. JAN. 1706. GEST D. 17. APR. 1790. Full bust, head to left, with fur cap and spectacles. Oval. Stipple. Height 3 7-16 inches; width 3 inches. C. F. Sprinck. sc. Dresden 1796. Very rare. 1322. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. N A BOSTON, DANS LE N L ? ANGLE- TERRE, LE 17 JANVIER, 1706. Full bust, head to left, with fur cap and spectacles. Circular medallion, with a border. Stipple. Diameter 3 1-16 inches. Very rare. 33 1323. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. LL.D. F.R.S. Full bust, head to left, with fur cap and spectacles. Circular medallion in a rectangle, the title in a tablet beneath the medallion. Line. Height 5 6-16 inches; width 3 8-16 inches. 1324. FRANCKLIN. Full bust, head to left, with fur cap and spectacles. Circular medallion in a rectangle. One of 6 portraits on an octavo sheet; the others being "Linnee," "Buffon," "Mabli," "J. J Rous- seau," and "Fr&le"ric II." Line. Height i 4-16 inches; width i 5-16 inches. 1325. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, LL.D. F.R.S. Full bust, head to left with fur cap. Oval with a border. Line. Height 4 4-16 inches; width 3 3-16 inches. 1326. Full bust, head to left, with fur cap and spectacles. Oval, resting on a scroll entitled " The Art of making money plenty in every man's Pocket By D* Franklin." Over the oval olive branches tied with a ribbon. Stipple. Height 5 inches; width 3 9-16 inches. Pub. & Sold by S. Wood, 357 Pearl S*. N. Y. Modern impression. 1327. Full bust, head to left, with fur cap and spectacles. One of three portraits in a circular medallion, with the inscription over the portraits " Le Flambeau de L'Univers." In a border around the medallion is the title, "Voltaire ne en 1694; Mort en 1778, J. J. Rousseau ne en 1712; mort en 1778. B. Francklin, ne en 1706; mort en 1790." Slipple. Printed in colors. Diameter 2 5-16 inches. Exceedingly scarce. 1328. THE SAME. Together with the same medallion engraved in the reverse, both printed on one sheet. A later impression, but very rare. 1329. D? FRANKLIN. Full bust, head to right with fur cap and spec- tacles. Oval, over the top of which are the rays of a setting sun and clouds, underneath the oval electrical apparatus. Line. Height 6 10-16 inches; width 4 4-16 inches. G. M. Brightly d. J. Brown s Published by T. Kinnersley June i,*' 1816. 3 34 1330. THE SAME. Without the artists' names and with different pub- lisher: "London, Published by J. M^Gowan" 1331. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. N A BOSTON, DANS LA NOUVELLE ANGLETERRE LE 17. JANVIER 1706. Full bust, head to right, with fur cap and spectacles. Oval in a rectangle. Mezzotinto. Height 8 8-16 inches; width 6 6-16 inches. Dessine" par C. N. Cochin Chevalier de 1'Ordre du Roi I. S. Negges Sculps, et exc: A superb copy with full margin of this excessively rare print. 1332. BEN A FRANKLIN. Full bust, head to right, with fur cap and spectacles. Oval in a rectangle. Mezzotinto. Height 7 8-16 inches; width 5 8-16 inches. Engraved by Geo. E. Ferine N. Y. for the Eclectic, after Drawing by C. N. Cochin 1777. 1333. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. N A BOSTON, DANS LA NOUVELLE ANGLETERRE LE 17 JANVIER 1706. Full bust, head to right, with fur cap and spectacles. Oval in a rectangle. The title in a tablet beneath the oval. Line. Height 7 8-16 inches; width 5 8-16 inches. Dessine par C. N. Cochin Chevalier de 1'Ordre de Roi, en 1777. et Grave par Aug. de S* Aubin Graveur de la Bibliotheque du Roi. Se vend a Paris dies C. N. Cochin aux Galleries du Louvre; et ches Aug. de S l . Atibin, rue des Mathurins. 1334. THE SAME. Choice proof before the publisher's address, with the artists' names scratched in the lower corners of the rectangle. Very rare in this state. 1335. THE SAME. Before the address of the publishers. Fine impres- sion with full margin. Rare. 1336. THE SAME. Unfinished proof. 1337. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. Full bust, head to right, with fur cap and spectacles. Oval in a rectangle. Title in a tablet beneath the oval. Line. Height 5 8-16 inches; width 3 5-16 inches. C. Westermayr f. Very rare. 35 1338. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, BORN AT BOSTON, THE 17^ J AN Y Full bust, head to right, with fur cap and spectacles. Oval in a rectangle. The title in a tablet beneath the oval. Line. Height 5 9-16 inches; width 3 5-16 inches. Printed for T. Hinton. at the Kings Arms, in Paternoster Row, Engraved for the Universal Magazine. 1339. DR BENIAMIN FRANKLIN, GEBOHRN Zu BOSTON DEN 17 JAN*.? 1 1706. Nearly half-length, head to right, with fur cap and spectacles; a book in the right hand, a curtain to the left. Oval in a rectangle resting on base upon which is the title. Line. Height 6 3-16 inches; width 3 p-i6 inches. (H. T. Tyroff. fc) 1340. BENJAMIN FRAHKLIN. N A BOSTON LE 17 JANVIER 1706. Nearly half-length, fully described in the preceding print. Aquatint. Height 6 inches; width 3 8-16 inches. 1341. Full bust, head to right, with fur cap and spectacles. Oval. Aquatint. Height ii 12-16 inches; width 9 2-16 inches. Drawn by C. N. Cochin 1777. Engraved by. S. H. Gimber. Proof. 1342. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, L.L.D. F.R.S. Full bust, head to right, with fur cap and spectacles. Oval. Line. Height 3 10-16 inches; width 2 12-16 inches. W. Harrison Jun? Sculp. For the American Universal Magazine. Scarce. 1343. DR. FRANKLIN. Full bust, head to right, with fur cap and spec- tacles. Oval on a sheet with a printed biographical sketch of 47 lines. Stipple. Height i 14-16 inches; width i 8-16 inches. Holl, Sculp. India proof. 1344. THE SAME. Plain impression. 1345. THE SAME. Choice proof before the title or biographical sketch. Very rare in this state. 1346. BENJf FRANKLIN. Full bust, head to right, with fur cap and spectacles. Oval. Stipple. Height 4 8-16 inches; width 3 14-16 inches. Drawn by C. N. Cochin 1777. Eng d by A. H. Ritchie. India proof. 36 1347- THE SAME. Plain impression. 1348. FRANKLIN. Bust, head to right, with fur cap and spectacles. Oval medallion, suspended on a pedestal with two other medallions containing portraits of "Washington" and "Louis Sieze"; on the base of the pedestal the inscription " L'Amerique et les Mers. 6 Louis ! vous reconnaissen 4 . pour leur LiberateuF"; on the top of the pedestal a crowing cock perched on a globe; to the right an Indian maiden with foot resting on a lion's head, a staff in the left hand and the right resting on the base of pedestal; to the right of the Indian, palm trees, one of which is encircled with a ribbon upon which is inscribed "En M'Elevant je M'Embellis"; to the left an anchor; in the left distance shipping. Circular, underneath which is the inscription " Inddpendance des Etats-unis"; and 28 lines of script in double columns. Aquatint. Printed in colors. Diameter, 5 S-i6 inches. Duplessis Berteaux del. L. Roger sculp, 1786. A Paris chez Blin, Imprimeur en Taille-Douce, Place Maubert, N. 17 -vis-a-vis la rue des 3 Fortes, A.P.D. R, 1349. D? FRANKLIN. Full bust, head to right, with fur cap and spec- tacles. Circular medallion with border, in the upper part of which is the inscription; to the right and left of medallion are olive leaves and palms. Line. Diameter 2 3-16 inches. C. Schule fee. Lipz, 1788. On the title page of "iAnleitung zum Selbstunterricht auf der Harmonika von Johann, Christian Muller. Leipzig 1783." 1350. Bust, head to right, with fur cap and spectacles. Oval. Line. Height i 9-16 inches; width i 8-16 inches. Title page, Vol. II of the " Works of Benjamin Franklin, consisting of His life written by him- self. &c. Second Edition. London Printed for G. G. J. and J. Robinson Pater-noster Row 1793" 1351. THE SAME. The title page to the Third Edition of the same work from which the preceding~print was taken 1352. B. FRANKLIN. Full bust, head to right, with fur cap and spec- tacles. Oval medallion suspended by a ribbon. Stipple. Height 2 14-16 inches; width 2 3-16 niches. India proof. Very rare. 1353. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN IM HATTSKLEIDE. Full bust, head to right, with fur cap and spectacles. Oval with a border. Line. Height 3 12-16 inches; width 3 6-16 inches Rare. 37 1354- D? FRANKLIN. Bust, head to right, with fur cap and spectacles. Vignette in oval of two lines; underneath the bust the title. Stipple. Height 3 10-16 inches; width 2 15-16 inches. Rare. 1355. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN LL.D. F.R.S. BORN JAN? 17*? 1706. DIED APRIL 17 1790. Bust, head to right, with fur cap and spec- tacles. Circular, around the margin of which is the title. Stipple. Diameter a inches. Printed on Silk. Very rare. Intended for a watch case and a beauti- ful specimen of engraving. 1356. FRANCKLIN. Bust, head to right, with fur cap and spectacles. Circular medallion in a rectangle, resting on a base on which is the title. One of twelve portraits in an oblong 4to sheet, the others being Mirabeau, Rousseau, Voltaire, Descartes, Newton, etc. Stipple. Height i 10-16 inches; width i 7-16 inches. 1357. BENJ. FRANKLIN. Full bust, head to right, with fur cap and spectacles. Octagon. Stipple. Height 3 5-16 inches; width 2 9-16 inches. N. Cochen del. F. Bolt Sc. 1822. Zwickau, b. d. Geb. Schimann. 1358. THE SAME. Colored. Very rare. 1359. FRANKLIN. Nearly half-length, head to right, with fur cap and spectacles. Line. Height 3 8-16 inches; width 2 5-16 inches. Bosio inv. G. Caratteni inc. Colored. 1360. FRANKLIN. Full bust, head to right, with fur cap and spectacles; ruled background. The title in a tablet. Outline. Height 3 12-16 inches; width 2 7-16 inches. Drawn by Cochin Engraved by G. Cooke. London, Published by Vernor, Hood &" Sharpe, Poultry, 1807. 1361. THE SAME. With an arabesque border. 1362. THE SAME. Without the background, with border of four lines. The title spelled "Francklin" and variety in artist's name: "C. N. Cochin del' London direxj"; and "Hist. D'Amerique." 38 1363. FRANKLIN. Full bust, head to right, with fur cap and spectacles. In a rectangle with border resembling a frame. The title in the lower portion. Outline. Height 4 2-16 inches; width 2 14-16 inches. Scoles. sculp. India proof. Rare. 1364. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. NE A BOSTON, DANS LA NOUVELLE ANGLETERRE LE 17 JANVIER 1706. Three-quarter length, head to right, with fur cap and spectacles, and long coat with fur cuffs; stand- ing to the left of table, upon which are writing implements and paper ; the left hand resting on the table, the right holding a letter; a curtain partly visible to the left. Mezzotinto. Height 13 inches; width 9 5-16 inches. Dessine par C. N. Cochin chevalier de 1'Ordre du Roi, en 1777. Joh. Martin Will excudit Aug. Vind. Fine impression of this excessively rare print. 1365. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. NE" A BOSTON, DANS LA NOUVELLE ANGLETERRE LE 17. JANVIER 1706. Three-quarter length, head to right with fur cap and spectacles, and long coat trimmed with fur, standing to the left of a table, upon which are writing implements and paper, the right forefinger resting on the table, the left hand holding a letter; a curtain drawn aside to the right. Mezzotinto. Height 13 inches; width 9 6-16 inches. Dessine par C. N. Cochin Chevalier de 1'Ordre du Roi, en 1777. Joh. Martin Will, excudit Aug. Vind. An entirely different print from the preceding, and of the greatest rarity. 1366. FRANKLIN. Full bust, head to right, with fur cap and spectacles. Line. Height 2 8-16 inches; width 2 inches. 1367. D? FRANKLIN. Full bust, head to right, with fur cap and spec- tacles. Line. Height 3 8-16 inches; width 2 11-16 inches. Published Aug 22, 1812 by G. Smeeton S f . Martin's Lane. 1368. FRANKLIN. Full bust, head to right, with fur cap and spectacles. Line. Height 2 7-16 inches' width 2 inches. Eng* on Steel & Printed at Pendleton Establishment. Boston. 39 1369. DOCTOR FRANKLIN. Nearly half-length, seated in an arm- chair, head to right, with fur cap and spectacles. Stipple. Height 4 10-16 inches; width 3 8-16 inches. London, Published by William Cole 10 Newgate Street, Jan? 1825. India proof. 1370. THE SAME. Plain impression. 1371. THE SAME. Variety in publisher's address :" Engraved for the Select Portrait Gallery in the Guide to Knowledge." 1372. BEN 1 ?* FRANKLIN. Full bust, head to right, with fur cap and spectacles. Vignette. Lithograph. Height 2 2-16 inches; width i 8-16 inches. Oil color printing. David Davidson, 109 Nassau Street, N. Y. 1373. Bust, head to right, with fur cap and spectacles, resting on a base on a monument; to the left the figure of America seated, resting on a shield; over the monument an eagle flying and holding a ribbon upon which is inscribed "Economy is wealth"; in the background shipping; on the monument the inscription " Rankin, & Fowler, Hat Manufacturers Market (122^) Street Philadelphia" Vignette. Line. Height 4 8-16 inches; width 3 8-16 inches. Young & Delleker sculp. 1374. THE SAME. Only with different engraver's address: "P. Maverick, Durand & C? sc. New York." 1375. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. BORN AT BOSTON, IN NEW ENGLAND, JAN? 17 1706. Full bust, head to right, with fur cap and spectacles. Vignette. Lithograph. Height 3 4-16 inches; width 4 13-16 inches. M. Gauci del. Printed by C. Hullmandel. London Pub: by B: Taylor, May, 1873. India proof. Rare. 1376. FRANKLIN IN PARIS, AGED 71. Full bust, head to right, with fur cap and spectacles. Vignette. Stipple. Height 3 7-16 inches; width 3 7-16 inches H. B. Hall. 1377. B. FRANKLIN. Full bust, head to right, with fur cap and spec- tacles. Vignette. Lithograph. Height 3 11-16 inches; width 3 11-16 inches. K. St: v. C. W. Mieling. 40 1378. D? FRANKLIN. Full bust, head to right, with fur cap and spec- tacles. Vignette. Stipple. Height 2 5-16 inches; width i 15-16 inches. J. Norman. Sc. "Ccelis eripuit fulmen Sceptrumque Tyrannis." Very rare. 1379. BENJ. FRANKLIN. Full bust, head to right, with fur cap and spectacles. Vignette. Lithograph. Height 3 15-16 inches; width 4 12-16 inches. J C. Steinmetz fee. Zu Jdunna 1829. Steindr. v. C. E. Klinkicht, Buchdr. in Meissen. 1380. BENJf FRANKLIN. Bust, head to right, with fur cap and spec- tacles. Vignette. Stipple. Height 5 14-16 inches; width 2 6-16 inches. Cochin P! 1777. Eng. by H. Wright Smith. Proof before the title. 1381. THE SAME. Plain impression. 1382. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. Full bust, head to right, with fur cap and spectacles. Vignette. Stipple. Height 2 inches; width i 7-16 inches. 1383. D? FRANKLIN. FuU bust, head to right, with fur cap and spec- tacles. Vignette encircled with an olive wreath. Stipple. Height i 5-16 inches; width i 1-16 inches. Very rare. 1384. D? FRANKLIN. Full bust, head to right, with fur cap and spec- tacles. Vignette. Stipple. Height 2 4-16 inches; width i 15-16 inches. Choice proof. Excessively rare. 1385. FRANCKLIN. Full bust, head to right, with fur cap and spectacles. Vignette. Outline. Height 2 12-16 inches; width 2 4-16 inches. C. N. Cochin. Imp. de Liadieres: r. S*. Jacques, 171. Paris. 1386. Bust on a pedestal, head to right, with fur cap; at the foot of a column upon which an eagle with outspread wings is perched; to the right the figure of Industry, seated on a plough, a beaver in the foreground; in the left distance shipping; underneath the whole, a fancy scroll upon which is the inscription, barely visible, "Franklin Manufactory of Patent Hats. 122^ Market Street Phila- delphia." Vignette. India ink drawing. Height 4 2-16 inches; width 2 12-16 inches. 1387. FR^ENKLIN. Full bust, head to right, with cap and spectacles. Oval. Line. Height 2 8-16 inches; width i 14-16 inches. Baekrenstecker sc. Exceedingly scarce. ' 1388. D. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. BEVOLMAGTIGTER DES AMERICAN- ISCHEN CONGRESSES IN FRANCKREICH, GEB. zu BOSTON D. 17 JAN. 1706. Full bust, head to right, with fur cap and spectacles and coat trimmed with fur. Oval in a rectangle, resting on a base; the title in a tablet beneath the oval. Line. Height 6 inches; width 3 7-16 inches. J. C. G. Fritzsch Sc. 1778. Rare. 1389. BENIAMINO FRANKIN. Full length, seated in an armchair, head and body to right, with fur cap and spectacles; a table to the right upon which the left arm is resting, near some books and inkstand; to the left lower corner a scroll; in the left distance a window; in the right background a Franklin stove. Stipple. Height 6 12-16 inches; width 4 10-16 inches. G. B. Bosio dis. G. A. Sasso inc. Rare. 1390. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. NE A BOSTON DANS LA NOUVELLE ANGLETERRE LE 17 JANVIER 1706. Full bust, head to left, with cap. Oval medallion suspended by a ring tied with a ribbon, resting on a base in a rectangle; the title on a tablet in the base. Line. Height 6 7-16 inches; width 4 6-16 inches. Desrayes del. le Beau scul. A Paris ches Esnauts et Rapilly, rue S'. Jacques a la Ville de Coutances, A. P. D. R. 1391. FRANKLIN. Full bust, head to right, with cap and embroidered coat. Oval in a rectangle; beneath the oval a tablet in which is the title and the following: "Troplongtemps son ge"nie enchama le tonnerre, Vous tyrans, fremissez il regagne les Cieux, II va rendre a la foudre et sa force et ses f eux , Pour punir desormais les crimes de la terre." Stipple. Height 5 5-16 inches; width 3 9-16 inches. A Paris chez Mad e . Bergny M de . d 'Estampes de S. A. S. la Princesse Lamballe, rue du Coq S. Honor e A. P. D. R. 1392. THE SAME. Printed in colors. Very rare. 42 NINI TYPE. 1393. BENJ. FRANKLIN. Full bust, head and body in profile to right, with fur cap. Oval. Stipple. Height 3 10-16 inches; width 2 12-16 inches. Anderson S. Rare. 1394. D? BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. Full bust, head and body in profile to left, with fur cap. Oval. Line. Height 3 2-16 inches; width 2 9-16 inches. R. Gray sculp 1 . Published by W. Falconer, Glasgow, 1814 1395. BENJ^ FRANKLIN. Full bust, head and body in profile to left, with fur cap. Oval. Line. Height 3 11-16 inches; width 2 14-16 inches. W. Grainger Sculp' London, Published by H. D. Symonds, Patter- nosier Row, September the 25, 1794. 1396. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. Full bust, head and body in profile to right, with fur cap. Oval. Underneath the oval is the following: "II a ravi le feu des Cieux II fait fleurir les Arts en des climats sauvages L'Amerique le place a la tete des sages La Grece 1'auroit mis au nombre de ses Dieux." Line. Height 3 2-16 inches; width 2 11-16 inches. Heath sculp*. From a Medallion in the possession of D^ Lettsom. J 397- - Fu H bust, head and body in profile to right, with fur cap. Oval. Stipple. Height 2 2-16 inches; width i 11-16 inches. Hopwood sc. Sold by George Nicholson, Poughnill. 1398. D? BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. Full bust, head and body in profile to right, with fur cap. Oval. Line. Height 3 3-16 inches; width 2 10-16 inches. E. Mitchell sc. Published by Oliver and Boyd. Edin r . 1812. 1399. BEN A FRANKLIN. Full bust, head and body in profile to right, with fur cap. Oval with a background engraved to represent an electric storm. Stipple. Height 4 3-16 inches; width 3 6-16 inches. Eng d from an Old Print, by J. A O'Neill. New York Elias Dexter, 562 Broadway. 43 1400. BENJ? FRANKLIN. Full bust, fully described in the preceding print by O'Neill. Oval. Line. Height 3 10-16 inches; width 2 13-16 inches. Scoles sc. Rare. 1401. D* FRANKLIN. Full bust, 'head and body in profile to left, with fur cap. Vignette. Stipple. Height 2 inches; width i 10-16 inches. 1402. FRANKLIN. Full bust, head and body in profile to right, with fur cap. Oval in a rectangle with border resembling a picture-frame. Stipple. Height 4 inches; width 3 8-16 inches. 1403. FRANKLIN. Full bust, head and body in profile to right, with fur cap; on a sheet with 19 other portraits entitled " Miscellaneous Writers." Vignette. Line. Height i 7-16 inches; width i 4-16 inches. 1404. B. FRANKLIN. Bust, head and body in profile to left, with fur cap; surrounded by diverging rays. Line. Height 4 4-16 inches; width 3 4-16 inches. Very rare. 1405. BENJN FRANKLIN. Full bust, fully described in the print by O'Neill, No. 1399. Oval. Stipple. Height 3 10-16 inches; width 2 13-16 inches. 1406. Full bust, head and body in profile to right, with fur cap. Vignette. Line. Height i 4-16 inches; width i 2-16 inches. John Ball Belt et Sculp* Fine proof. Rare. 1407. Full bust, head and body in profile to right, with fur cap. Circular. Line. Diameter 4 2-16 inches. Rare. 44 VERSAILLES TYPE. 1408. FRANKLIN. Full bust, full face, body turned to left, with fur cap and collar; right hand thrust into the breast. Line. Height 5 9-16 inches; width 4 9-16 inches. Grave* par G v ? Levy. Paris Public par Gavard. Editeur, Rue de Verneuil, 34. Open letter proof. 1409. THE SAME. Open letter proof before the publisher's address. 1410. THE SAME. Open letter proof on India paper. 1411. FRANKLIN. Full bust, full face, fully described in the preceding print by Levy. Stipple. Height 4 4-16 inches; width 3 5-16 inches. H. W. Smith. From the Painting in the Gallery of Versailles. Open letter proof. D. MARTIN TYPE. 1412. FRANKLIN. Half-length, head to left, sitting at a table reading, the chin resting on the thumb of the right hand. Mezzotinto. Height 4 3-16 inches; width 3 6-16 inches. Engraved by J. C. Buttre. 1413. THE SAME, but with different title: "Benjamin Franklin, The Self Educated Man." 1414. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. Half-length, head to left, seated with arms resting on a table, reading; the chin resting on the thumb of the right hand; to the left a curtain and a bust. Line. Height 3 15-16 inches; width 3 3-16 inches. Painted by Martin. Engraved by Geo. B. Ellis. 1415- BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, LLD. F.R.S. Half-length, head to left, seated, with arms resting on a table, reading; the chin resting on the thumb of the right hand. Stipple. Height 4 12-16 inches; width 3 13-16 inches. D. Martin Pinx* C. Gobrecht sculpt 45 1416. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. L.L.D. Half-length, fully described in the preceding print. Stipple. Height 4 6-16 inches; width 3 10-16 inches. Engraved by C. Goodman & R. Piggott, from an original painting by Martin, for the Analectic Magazine. Published by M. Thomas, 1818. 1417. DR FRANKLIN. Half-length; fully described in the print by Gobrecht, No. 1415. Stipple. Height 4 8-16 inches; width 3 10-16 inches. Martin Pinx Goodman & Piggot sc. An entirely different print from the preceding. 1418. D* FRANKLIN. Full length, head to left, seated under a tree with a book in the left hand, resting on the knee ; to the left four little children ; to the right a tree encircled with a ribbon upon which is the inscription "Save your Pence"; at his feet an open book entitled "Franklin's Works, Mind your business"; in the background buildings. Line. Height 3 6-16 inches; width 2 4-16 inches. Jas. Harris S.c. "Frontispiece." Rare. 1419. BENJN FRANKLIN. Half-length, head to left, seated with arms resting on a table, reading; the chin resting on the thumb of the left hand. Vignette. Stipple. Height 2 12-16 inches; width 3 3-16 inches. Drawn by Hoppner Mayer from an original Painting, Engraved by T Illman. Entered according to act of Congress in the District Court, N. Y. 1420. BENJ4 FRANKLIN. Half-length; fully described in the print by Gobrecht, No. 1415. Stipple. Height 3 11-16 inches; width 3 inches. Engraved by Illman & Pilbrow. 1421. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. Half-length; fully described in the print by Gobrecht, No. 1415. Stipple. Height 4 8-16 inches; width 3 12-16 inches. Martin Pinx! T. Kelly Sc. 1422. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. Half-length; fully described in the print by Gobrecht, No. 1415. Stipple. Height 3 11-16 inches; width 3 1-16 inches Engraved by J. B. Longacre, from a Painting by Martin. 46 1423. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. Half-length, fully described in the print by Ellis. Lot 1414. Stipple. Height 4 13-16 inches; width 3 15-16 inches. Painted by Martin. Engraved by Longacre. Published by Joseph Delaplaine. 1424. THE SAME. Choice proof before all letters. Very rare in this state. 1425. THE SAME. With printer's address: " J. Porter Printer." 1426. THE SAME. Variety in publisher: "Published by S. C. Atkinson, PhiladV 1427. FRANKLIN. Half-length, head to left, the left hand holding a book; the chin resting on the thumb of the right hand; with arabesque border. Stipple. Height 4 14-16 inches; width 2 11-16 inches. Painted by Martin. Engraved by J. B. Longacre. C. S. Williams, New Haven Ct. 1428. FRANKLIN. Full bust, head to left, the chin resting on the thumb of the right hand. Oval medallion, one of four portraits as a Frontis- piece to Chambers' Biographical Dictionary 1835. Line. Height i 3-16 inches; width 15-16 inch. Lizars sc 1429. FRANKLIN. Bust, head to left, the chin resting on the thumb of the right hand. Oval medallion; one of six portraits, the others being Washington, Jefferson, Adams, Lafayette, and Columbus. On the side of a monument surmounted with a vase and flowers; at the base of the monument, to the left, an old man seated. Stipple. Height 4 14-16 inches; width 3 inches. O. Pelton sc. 1430. FRANKLIN. Full bust, head to left, chin resting on the thumb of the right hand; in a border engraved with a rulette; over the border, the representation of an electric storm; beneath the border, a tablet on which is the title. Stipple. Height 4 2-16 inches; width 2 4-16 inches. Perkins & Heath. Patent Hardened Steel Plate. 1431. THE SAME. Proof before all letters, on India paper and before the representation of an electric storm. Table, or ornaments in the corners of border. LOT 1432, REDUCED 47 1432. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, L.L.D. F.R.S. Three-quarter length, head and body to left, seated with arms resting on a table, reading; the chin resting on the thumb of the right hand; on the table to the left are some books and papers and a bust; in the left distance a curtain. MezzoMnto. Height 17 14-16 inches; width 14 inches. D. Martin pinx! E. Savage' sculpV London Published Sep 1 . 17. 1793. by E. Savage, N. 50 Hatton Garden. A magnificent brilliant original impresson, with wide margin, of this very rare print. See Plate. 1433. THE SAME. Choice brilliant original impression, but cut close to margin. 1434. THE SAME. Modern impression. Printed & Published by A. Trochsier, 116 Washington St. Boston. 1435. THE SAME. Modern impression, on India- paper, much superior to the preceding print. .. ' ' l< '-.. ' >'' ;"' ' ' 1436. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. Half-length, fully described on the print by Gobrecht, Lot 1415. Line. Height 2 9-16 inches; width 2 inches. Martin del. W. D. Smith sc. 1437. BENJ4 FRANKLIN. Half-length, fully described in the print by Gobrecht, Lot 1415. Stipple. Height 3 10-16 inches; width 3 inches. Engraved by A Willard. 1438. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. Half-length, fuUy described in the print by Ellis, Lot 1414. Stipple. Height 3 10-16 inches; 3 12-16 inches. Engraved by T. B. Welch from the Portrait by Martin in possession of the American Philosophical Society. 1439. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. Full bust, head to left, chin resting on thumb of right hand; in border resembling a frame, suspended by a string from a nail. Stippple Height 3.2-16 inches; width .2 4-16 inches. 1440. BENJN FRANKLIN. Half-length, hefad and body to left; reading; left hand holding a book; the chin resting on the thumb of the right hand. Vignette. Stipple. Height 2 14-16 inches; width 3 inches. Entered according to act of congress in the District Court. N. Y. 48 I44I- BENJAMIN FRANKLIN L.L.D. Half-length, fully described in the print by Gobrecht. Lot 1415. Stipple. Height 4 6-16 inches; width 3 11-16 inches. 1442. Half-length, fully described in the print by Gobrecht, Lot 1415. Stipple. Height 5 inches; width 3 15-16 inches. Choice proof before all letters. 1443. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. Half-length, fully described in the print by Gobrecht, Lot 1415, but with an ornamental border, the title on a tablet in the border. Stipple. Height 8 4-16 inches; width 5 5-16 inches. Philad" Published by M. A. Milliette 320 Chestnut St. 1444. Full bust, head to left, chin resting on thumb of right hand. Oval with a border. Line. Height i 8-16 inches width i 4-16 inches. (Bank note vignette) 1445. Full bust, head to left, the chin resting on the thumb of the right hand. Oval in a rectangle. Line. Height i 8-16 inches; i 4-16 inches (Bank note vignette) 1446. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. Full bust, head to left, the chin resting on the thumb of the right hand. Oval with an ornamented floral border. Line. Height i 8-16 inches; width i 5-16 inches. National Bank Note Co. N. Y. India proof. 1447. Bust, head to left, chin resting on the thumb of right hand. One of six oval medallion portraits, the others being Wash- ington, Jefferson, Marshall, Lafayette, and Wm. H. Harrison. Line. Height 15-16 inch; width 13-16 inch. India paper proof. Rare. 1448. Bust, head to left, the chin resting on the thumb of the right hand. Oval in a circular border, inside of which is the following: "Philip Garrett & Son's Clock, Watch, Jewellery, Silver Ware, and Spectacle Store. N? 144 Market Street Between Fourth and Fifth Philad?" Line. Height 13-16 inch; width 11-16 inch. Rare. 49 1449- ~ F UU " bust, head to right, chin resting on the thumb of the left hand, with a similar portrait of Genl. Washington, after Stewart, on a two-dollar note of "The Kensington Savings Institu- tion" Philada Stipple. Height i inch; width 13-16 inch. 1450. DOCTOR FRANKLIN. Full bust, head to left, reading a book held in the left hand, the chin resting on the thumb of the right hand; in an ornamental border. The heading to an engraved rebus on a folio sheet entitled " The Art of making Money Plenty in every Man's Pocket by Doctor Franklin." Colored lithograph. Height 3 inches; width 2 7-16 inches. Lith. & Pub. by S. Currier, 152 Nassau St. cor. of Spruce N. Y. 1451. Full bust, head to left, chin resting on the thumb of the right hand ; on an ornamented title page of " Philadelphia as it is in 1852." Colored lithograph. Height i 2-16 inches; width i 4-16 inches. Printed in colors by Thomas Sinclair Lithographers. Lindsay &" Blakiston. Publishers 1452. Full bust, head to left; chin resting on the thumb of the right hand. Oval in an arabesque border. The heading to a folio sheet entitled "Fac simile of a Letter from Benjamin Franklin to Humphrey Marshall a Pennsylvania Farmer." Line. Height i 3-16 inches; width 15-16 inch. Published by Thomas Fisher 1 10 South Front St. Philad a . DUPLESSIS TYPE. 1453. BENJ. FRANKLIN, L.L.D. Full bust, head to left. Circular in a rectangle, resting on a base. The title on a tablet in the base. Line. Height 5 12-16 inches; width 3 8-16 inches. W. Angus. Sculp From a Painting in the Possession of F. Schwe- diauer, M. D. in Newman Street. Published April i s . 1 1783 by J. Fielding, Paternoster Row, J. Sewell, Cornhill 6* /. Debrett, Piccadilly. 1 4 53 . BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, MINISTRE PLENIPOTENCIARIO DE LOS ESTADOS UNIDOS DE AMERICA EN FRANCIA. NACIO EN BOSTON EL DIA 17 DE ENERO DE 1706. Full bust, head to left, with fur collar. Circular medallion, suspended by a ring, resting on a base in a rectangle. The title on the base. Stipple. Height 4 11-16 inches; width 3 5-16 inches. Duplessis Pinxit De la Cruz Sculpsit. Se hallara en Madrid con otros Retratos, Casa de D. M. Copin, Car*? de S. Ger Rare. 4 5 1454- BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. Full bust, head three-quarters to left, with fur collar. Oval in a rectangle, resting on a base, on which is the title, and in a tablet on the base the following: " Honneur du nouveau monde et de I'humanit6 Ce Sage aimable et vrai les guide et les e'claire Comme un autre Mentor, il cache a 1'ceil vulgaire, Sous les traits d'un mortel, une divinite, par M. Feutry." Line. Height 10 8-16 inches; width 7 inches. Duplessis Pinxit Parisiis 1778. Chevillet Sculpsit. Tire du Cabinet de M. le Ray de Chaumont. Brilliant impression, full margin. Very rare. 1455. A. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, DOTTORE IN MEDICINA. NATA A BOSTON CAPITALE DELIA PROVINCIA DI MASSACHUSSET IN AMERICA LI 17 GENNARO 1706. Full bust, head three-quarters to left. Circular medallion resting on a base in a rectangle. The title on a tablet in the base. Olive leaves over the medallion. Line. Height 6 15-16 inches; width 4 8-16 inches. In Napoli per Talani e Gervasi al Gigante N. 3 e 7. Rare. 1456. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, MINISTRE PLENIPOTENTIAIRE DES ExAxs UNIS DE L'AME'RIQUE PRES S. M. LE Roi DE FRANCE. N A BOSTON LE 17 JANVIER 1706. MORT A PHILADELPHIE EN AVRIL 1790. Full bust, head three-quarters to left. Oval in a rectangle, resting on a base, on which is the title, Line. Height 5 8-16 inches; width 3 12-16 inches. Fr. Janet, sc. 1457. THE SAME. Choice proof before all letters. Very rare in this state. 1458. THE SAME. Early trial proof. 1459. A. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN DOCTEUR EN MEDECINE. N A BOSTON CAPITALE DE LA PROVINCE DE MASSACHUSSET EN AMERIQUE LE 17 JANVIER 1706. Full bust, head three-quarters to left. Oval in an ornament rectangle, resting on a base, upon which are olive leaves, books, inkstand, globe, and open book inscribed "Pro Patria." The title in a tablet on the base. Line. Height 6 5-16 inches; width 4 inches. P. Maren del Le Beau Sculp. " Sa Vertu son Courage et sa Simplicite De Sparte ont retrace" le Caractere Antique Et cher a la raison, cher a I'Humanite' II Ectaira 1' Europe et sauva 1'Amerique." Beautiful impression with full margin. 5 1 1460. A. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. DOCTEUR EN MEDECINE. N A BOSTON CAPITALS DE LA PROVINCE DE MASSACHUSSET EN AMERIQUE LE 17. JANVIER 1706. Full bust, head three-quarters to left. Oval in an ornamented rectangle, resting on a base upon which are olive leaves, books, inkstand, globe, and an open book inscribed "Pro Patria." The title in a tablet on the base. Line. Height 6 5-16 inches; width 4 inches. P. Marin del sculp. Rare. 1461. FRANKLIN, ERIPUT COELO FULMER, SCEPTRUMQUE TYRANNIS. Full bust, head three-quarters to left. Oval in a rectangle resting on a base, upon which is the inscription. Line. Height 4 14-16 inches; width 3 1-16 inches. Engraved by Cha? Pye from an original Picture by Duplessis, in the possession of W Temple Franklin, Esq<: Published by Henry Colburn, London, Ocf. 1817. Choice impression, full margin. 1462. THE SAME. Choice proof before all letters on India paper. Very rare in this state. 1463. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. Full bust, head three-quarters to left, with fur collar. Oval in a rectangle resting on a base, a wreath of oak leaves tied by a ribbon at the top extending on either side of the oval; on the base to the right an eagle; to the left an open map and books; on the front of the base the word "Vir." Line. Height 6 2-16 inches; width 3 13-16 inches. T. Pelicier Sculp 1782. Rare. 1464. THE SAME. Choice proof before all letters. Very rare in this state. 1465. THE SAME. Early trial proof. 1466. FRANKLIN. Full bust, head three-quarters to left. Oval in a rectangle, resting on a base upon which is the title. Line. Height 3 11-16 inches; width a 4-16 inches. Duplessis Pinx^ Alex r . e Tardieu Sculp 4 . India paper proof. Rare. 1467. THE SAME. Choice proof before the title. Very rare in this state. 1468. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, COMPAGNON IMPRIMEUR, MINISTRE PLENIPOTENTIAIRE DES 14 ETATS-UNIS DE L' AME'RIQUE SEPTEN- TRIONALE, N A BOSTON. CAPITALE DE LA NOUV-ANGLETERRE LE 17 JANV. 1706. MORT A PHILADELPHIE EN AVRIL 1790. Full bust, 52 head three-quarters to left. Oval in a rectangle, resting on a base. The oval encircled with oak leaves. Over the oval 14 stars. On the base a roll, Liberty cap, and some books; on the edge of the base the following inscription: "!' Amour de la Patrie et de la Liberte." "Eri- puit Coelo Fulmen Sceptrum que Tyrannis." Line. Height 8 10-16 inches; width 5 4-16 inches. Labadye del Voyez Junior Sculp. Dessine et Grave sous la direction du S* Dejabin, Editeur de la Collection des Portraits de M. M. les Deputes, Place du Carouzel. N? 4. Brilliant impression with full margin. Rare. 1469. THE SAME. Choice proof, before the dedication on the tablet, with full margin. Very rare in this state. 1470. BENJAMIN FRANCKLIN. NE" A BOSTON, EN 1706 MORT A PHILADELPHIE, LE 17 AVRIL 1790. Full bust, head three-quarters to left, with fur collar. Oval in a rectangle; beneath the oval a tablet, on which is the title. Line. Height s 6-i<5 inches; width 3 8-16 inches. a Paris chez Menard & Desenne Rue Git le Coeur N 8. Proof. 1471. THE SAME. Proof, with only the word "Francklin" in open letter on tablet. On India paper. 1472. THE SAME. Choice proof before all letters. Very rare in this state. 1473. B. FRANKLIN. Full bust, head three-quarters to left. Oval in a rectangle; beneath the oval a tablet in which is the title. Stipple. Height 3 10-16 inches; width 2 4-16 inches. Proof. 1474. FRANKLIN. Full bust, head three-quarters to left. Oval in a rectangle, with a base, upon which is the title. Line. Height 3 12-16 inches; width 2 6-16 inches Very rare. 1475. FRANKLIN. Full bust, head three-quarters to left, with fur collar. Vignette. Stipple. Height 3 inches; width 3 4-16 inches. Steendr. van H. J. Backer. Dordt. 1476. FRANKLIN. Full bust, head three-quarters to left, with fur collar. Vignette. Stipple. Height 3 4-16 inches; width 3 2-16 inches. Bouvier Sc. 1833. Open letter prooj on India paper. 53 1477- THE SAME. Proof before the title, on India paper. 1478. THE SAME. Open letter proof. 1479. THE SAME. Trial proof on India paper. 1480. FRANKLIN. Full bust, head three-quarters to left, with fur collar. Vignette. Line. Height 3 4-16 inches; width 3 6-16 inches. Vernier del. Lemaitre dir. Delaistre. Sc. Open letter proof. 1481. THE SAME. With the double title. 1482. FRANKLIN. Half-length, head three-quarters to left, with fur collar. Vignette. Stipple. Height 4 inches; width 4 2-16 inches. E. Dentu, Ed. 13. Gal. d'Orleans (Pal. R) Paris. Euge*ne Leguay Gilquin et Dupain Imp. r. des Fosses. S l . Jacq. 3. Paris. India proof. 1483. THE SAME. Early trial proof. 1484. B. FRANKLIN. Full bust, head three-quarters to left, with fur collar. Vignette. Stipple. Height 3 2-16 inches; width 3 inches. Kl, St: v. C. W. Mieling. 1485. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. Full bust, head three-quarters to left, with fur collar. Vignette. Stipple. Height 3 4-16 inches; width 3 4-16 inches. Duplessis gem. Stahlstich von Carl Mayer: Stuttgart, J. Schieble's Buchhandlung, Druck v. Carl Mayer. Nbg. 1486. BENIAMINO FRANKLIN. Full bust, head three-quarters to left, with fur collar. Vignette. Stipple. Height 3 3-16 inches; width 2 14-16 inches. Savevio Pistolesi dis. inc. India proof. 1487. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. Full bust, head three-quarters to left, with fur collar. Vignette. Stipple. Height 3 3-16 inches; width 3 4-16 inches. F. Weber. Sc. durch Kunst-Verlag, W. Creuzbauer in Carlsruhe. 1488. THE SAME. Proof before all letters. Rare. 54 1489. THE SAME. Before the address of the publisher. 1490. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. GESANDTER DER VEREINIGTEN NORD- AMERIKANISCHEN STAATEN AN DEM FRANZOSUSCHEN HOFE. GE- BOHREN zu BOSTON D: 17? JAN. 1706. GESTORBEN zu PHILADELPHIA IN APRIL 1790. Full bust, head three-quarters to left, with fur collar. Oval with a border. Stipple. Height 3 8-16 inches; width 3 3-16 inches. Rare, 1491- Full bust, head three-quarters to left, with fur collar; on an ornamented sheet with 4 other portraits, the others being Dr. Johnson, Addison, Goldsmith, and Steele. Height 13-16 inch; width 12-16 inch. From Longacre's private collection. 1492.^ FRANKLIN. CITOYEN DES ETATS-UNIS. Full bust, head three- quarters to left, with fur collar. Vignette. Outline. Height 3 8-16 inches; width 2 6-16 inches. 1493. BENJA FRANKLIN. Full bust, head three-quarters to left, with fur collar. Vignette. Woodcut. Height 3 8-16 inches; width 2 12-16 inches. 1494. FRANKLIN. Full bust, head three-quarters to left, with fur collar. Vignette. Line. Height 3 8-16 inches; 3 8-16 inches. Duplessis J. Andrews. From the original Picture by Duplessis in the possession of M? Barnett of Paris. Published by Whittemore, Niles 6 Hall. Printed by C. D. Andrews 1495- Bust, nearly full face, with cap and eyeglasses; on a sheet with eleven other portraits of European celebrities. Vignette. Height 2 2-16 inches; width i 14-16 inches. 1496. Full bust, head three-quarters to left with fur collar. Vignette. Line. Height 3 8-16 inches; width 3 inches.' 1497. FRANKLIN. Full bust, head three-quarters to left. Vignette. Pen drawing. Height 12-16 inch; width 9-16 inch. An original design for a breastpin. 1498. FRANCKLIN. Full bust, head three-quarters to left. Oval. Pen drawing. Height i 1-16 inches; width 12-16 inch. Original design for a breastpin. 55 1499- Full bust, nearly full face, spectacles'on forehead, with fur collar. Vignette. Lithograph, Height 9 8- 1 6 inches; width 10 12-16 inches. Vtry rare. Proof before all letters. 1500. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. Full bust, head three-quarters to left, with fur collar. Vignette. Lithograph. Height 9 2-16 inches; width 9 10-16 inches. Print d'apres nature pour la Famille. Expose* au Salon de 1779. Duplessis pinxit. A. Maurin. lith. Imp. lith. de Villain, rue de Sevres, N. 23. 1501. THE SAME. Proof before all letters on India paper. 1502. FRANKLIN. Full bust, head three-quarters to left, with fur collar. Vignette. Lithograph. Height 3 6-16 inches; width 3 9-16 inches. Publti par van Lier jreres a la Haye. 1503. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. Full bust, head three-quarters to left, with fur collar. Vignette. Lithograph. Height 4 14-16 inches; width 4 12-16 inches. 1504. D? FRANKLIN. Full bust, head three-quarters to left, with fur collar. Vignette. Lithograph. Height 9 Laches; width "9 4-16 inches 1505.' BENIAMINO FRANKLIN. Full bust, head three-quarters to left. Vignette . Lithograph . Height 6 i a- 1 6 inches; "width 6 12-16 inches. Lit. Ridolfi. Fabia. Si vende alia Liberia e Cartoteria all'insegna di Franklin in Via Vacchereccia. India proof. 1506. THE SAME. Variety in the address. 1507. D* BN FRANKLIN. Full bust, head three-quarters to left. Vign- ette. Lithograph. Height a 8-16 inches; width 2 8-16 inches. i 1508. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. Full bust, head three-quarters to left. Vignette. Lithograph. Height 6 4-16 inches; width 6 6-16 inches. Imp. Litho. de M el . le Formentin. a Paris, chez Deerouan, rue S*. Severin, N. 14. 56 1509. THE SAME. With an ornamental border. 1510. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. N A BOSTON LE 17 JANVIER 1706. MORT LE 17 AVRIL 1790. Full bust, head three-quarters to left, with border of three lines. Line. Height 2 13-16 inches; width 2 3-16 inches Bertonnier sculp. India proof. 1511. THE SAME. India paper proof, before the title. 1512. THE SAME. Plain impression. The title in facsimile of Franklin's signature. 1513. THE SAME. With ornamented border. Title in facsimile of Franklin's signature, and in Roman type in brackets, and address of Publisher: "Benard, Editeur, Galerie vivienne, N. 49." On India paper. 1514. THE SAME. Within square of one line. Proof before all letters on India paper. 1515. THE SAME. With artist's name. Proof on India paper. 1516. THE SAME. Plain paper proof. 1517. THE SAME. With a biographical sketch of Benj. Franklin, etc., in three columns, from " Iconographique instructive." Paris, De I'lm- primimerie de Rignoux, rue des Francs-Bourgeois-S. -Michel, N. 8. The above 8 lots form a remarkable series of this beautiful little portrait. 1518. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. Full bust, head three-quarters to left, with fur collar. Line. Height 3 7-16 inches; width 2 13-16 inches. From a French Painting. Carter, Andrews & Co. Sc. 1519. I AM YOURS B. FRANKLIN. Full bust, head three-quarters to left, with fur collar. Line. Height 3 6-16 inches; width 2 13-16 inches. From a French Painting. Dick Sc. New-York, Harper & Brothers. 1520. FRANKLIN. Full bust, head three-quarters to left, with fur collar; with border of 4 lines. Line. Height 2 10-16 inches; width 2 1-16 inches. A. Dutillois sculp 1 ; 57 1521. THE SAME. With an ornamental border; with a tablet at the top in which is the inscription "Sciences." Danlos, Editeur, Quai Mala- quais, i. Paris. 1522. THE SAME. With title in facsimile of Franklin's signature, and in Roman type, and ornamental border; over the border " Galerie Napo- leon." Bernard, Editeur, Galerie vivienne, N. 49. 1523. THE SAME. With an arabesque border. Proof before letters. 1524. THE SAME. In a square composed of one line, with a biographical sketch of Franklin in three columns, from " Iconographie instructive." Paris De I'lmprimerie de Rignoux, rue des Francs-Bourgeois-S.- Michel, N. 8. 1525. THE SAME. With a biographical sketch of seventeen lines and variety in artists' names. "A. Dutillois Scu f . e Duplessis Pinxit." 1526. THE SAME. Choice proof before all letters. On India paper. 1527. THE SAME. Proof before all letters. The above 8 lots form a remarkable series of this beautiful little portrait; they are entirely different from the lots 1510-1517. 1528. FRANKLIN. Full bust, head three-quarters to left, with fur collar; hi ornamented border; the title in drapery on top of border. Stipple. Height 4 3-i6;inches; width 2 10-16 inches. Engraved by W. T. Fry. Published by Tho? Tegg, Cheapside. 1529. Full bust, head three-quarters to left, with fur collar; in border resembling a frame. Stipple. Height 2 13-16 inches; width 2 5-16 inches. Janinet Pinx* G. Murray Sc. London. Published by John Sharpe, Piccadilly 1820. TitleJPage to "pr. B. Franklin's Essay, Vol. I." 1530. THE SAME. Choice proof before all letters. 1531. FRANKLIN. Half length, full face, seated at a table; the right forefinger resting on a paper on the table entitled " Philadelphie " ; in the left distance some buildings; to the right a curtain. Line. Height 5 14-16 inches width 4 6-16 inches. G. Staal del. Mocquet sc. Imp. Geny-Gros, Paris. Gamier freres Editeurs. 58 1532. THE SAME. Proof before all letters. 1533. FRANKLIN. Full bust, head three-quarters to left. Line, Height 4 inches; width 3 7-16 inches. Nordheim sculp. Zu Meyer's Monatshejten. (Published for Herr- mann J. Meyer, New-York") 1534. THE SAME. Variety in publisher's address: "Eigenthum & Verlag des Bibl. Instituts in Hildburghausen." 1535. FRANKLIN. Full bust, head three-quarters to left, with fur collar; in border resembling a picture-frame, suspended by a ring. Stipple. Height 5 13-16 inches; width 4 10-16 inches. Disegnato ed inciso da Ml e Pekenino in America 1822 Sopra la Miniatura di Janinet Pub? by the Engraver, Philadt 151 Pine St. 1536. B. FRANKLIN. Full bust, head three-quarters to left, with fur collar; in border resembling a frame, suspended from a nail. Stipple. Height a 14-16 inches; width 2 2-16 inches. Janinet p. Pekenino sc. 1537. B. FRANKLIN. Full bust, fully described in the preceding print by Pekenino. Stipple. Height 2 14-16 inches; width 2 2-16 inches. S coles sculp. 1538. Full bust; head three-quarters to left, with fur collar. Line. Height 2 1-16 inches; width i 10-16 inches. A. Simonet. India proof before letters. Very rare. 1539. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. L.L.D. F.R.S. Full bust, head three- quarters to left, with fur collar. Stipple. Height 3 8-16 inches; width 2 13-16 inches. From a French Painting. Engraved by T. Wright. 1540. THE SAME. On a sheet with a portrait of Capt. James Cook. 1541. Full bust, head three-quarters to left. Stipple. Height 2 4-16 inches; width i 11-16 inches. Proof before letters; a copy of the portra'it by Bertonnier, Lot 1510. 59 1542. Full bust, head three-quarters to left, with fur collar. Line. Height 4 6-16 inches; width 3 11-16 inches. Proof before all letters. 1543. Full bust, head three-quarters to left, with fur collar. Stipple. Height 3 8-16 inches; width a 13-16 inches. Proof before all letters on India paper. 1544. FRANKLIN. Full bust, head three-quarters to left, with fur collar. Lithograph. Height 3 15-16 inches; width 3 4-16 inches. Gallerie beruhmter Manner N? i. Frankfurt a /m. in der Ifth. Anstalt V F. C. Vogel. 1545. BENIAMINO FRANKLIN. Full bust, head three-quarters to left. Lithograph. Height 7 inches; width 5 2-16 inches. Lith di Gio, Ricordi. Pietro Fontana Milano presso Antonio Bossi Negoziante di Stampe Contrada dei tre Re N. 4091. 1546. THE SAME. Proof before all letters. 1547. BEN * FRANKLIN. Full bust, head three-quarters to left, with fur collar. Oval with an ornamental border, at the bottom of which is a representation of Franklin flying his kite. Stipple. Height 4 10-16 inches; width 3 9-16 inches. Faulted by Duplissis Eng? by R. E Babson & J. Andrews. Walker & White. Boston. New York Philadelphia & Baltimore. 1548. FRANKLIN. N A BOSTON LE 17 JANV. 1706. MORT A PHILA- DELPHIE EN 1790. Full bust, nearly full face, with fur collar. Oval. Stipple. Height 2 7-16 inches; width 2 1-16 inches. F. Bonneville del. Delatour Sculp. Rare. 1549. THE SAME. Colored, and with the address of the publisher: A Paris, Rue du Theatre Francois N". 4. 1550. B. FRANKLIN. Bust, head three-quarters to left. One of a group of nine oval medallion portraits including W Penn, Sir Walter Raleigh, etc.; ornamented with floral wreath. Stipple. Height 1 2- 1 6 inch; width 10-16 inch Drawn by W. M. Craig Engraved on Steel by W. T. Fry. 6o 1551. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. N A BOSTON LE 17. JANVIER 1706. Full bust, nearly full face, with fur collar. Oval. Aquatint, printed in colors Height 9 12-16 inches; width 8 4-16 inches. F. Janinet sculp. 1789. Avec Privil, du Roi A Paris chez Janinet, rue Haute Feuille, N 5. Brilliant impression. Very rare, with fine margin. 1552. THE SAME. Printed in colors. Brilliant proof before all letters with full margin. Excessively rare in this state. See Plate. 1553. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. NE A BOSTON, LE 17 JANVIER 1706. IMPRIMEUR; FONDATEUR DE LA RPUBLIQUE DES ETATS UNIS DE L'AMERIQUE SEPTENTRIONALE, MORT A PHILADELPHIE EN 1790. Full bust, head three-quarters to left, with fur collar. Oval. Stipple. Height 7 inches; width 5 8-16 inches. Dessine par Desrais. Grave par Cit? Montaland. A Paris, chez Basset M d . d'Estampes, rue Jacques, au coin de celle des Mathurins. Very rare. Engraved by a woman, the celebrated Citoyenne Montaland. 1554. THE SAME. Printed in colors, with no margin. Extremely rare. 1555. B. FRANKLIN. L.LD. F.R.S. BORN, BOSTON JAN? i7 T . H 1706 DIED AT PHILAD* APR?- 17 1790. Full bust, head three-quarters to left, with fur collar. Oval in a rectangle; the title around the oval. The centre of an imperial folio sheet; surrounded with 24 engravings in ovals, entitled " Poor Richard Illustrated. Lessons for the Young and old on Industry, Temperance, Frugality &c by Benja- min Franklin." Height 4 8-16 inches; width 4 11-16 inches. Size of whole sheet, height 16 14-16 inches; width 23 inches. Engraved by O. Pelton. Entered according to act of Congress in the year 1859 by Samuel A. Allen, and Tho s . R. Holland, in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of Massachusetts. India proof. 1556. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN (PHYSICIEN ET PHILOSOPHE) MEMBRE DE LA SOCI^TlS ROYALE DE LONDRES. N A BOSTON (ETATS UNIS D'AMERIQUE) LE 17 JANVIER 1706. MORT A PHILADELPHIE LE 17 AVRIL 1790. Full bust, head three-quarters to left, with fur collar. Oval. Stipple. Height 4 1-16 inches; width 3 5-16 inches. Dessine d'apres le portrait peint par Duplessis a Paris en 1778. et Grave par Ambroise Tardieu. Fine impression, with full margin. 6i 1557. THE SAME. Proof before all letters. Very rare in this state. 1558. Full bust, head three-quarters to left, with fur collar. Oval. Line. Height 3 11-16 inches; width a 15-16 inches Proof before all letters. 1559. FRANKLIN. Bust, nearly full face. Oval medallion, on the front of pyramidal monument, with the portraits of J. J. Rousseau and Voltaire. On the base of the monument a tablet in which is the in- scription, "Aux amis de la veYite* la poste'rite Reconnoissante " ; on the top of the monument an urn, over which is a liberty cap, a flying cherub in clouds, holding a crown over the same; on either side of the monument are seated cupids near flambeaus, each holding a book, upon which is inscribed "Contrait Social" and "Melange Philosop." The whole in a circular medallion, with a border, around which is the title; over the medallion the motto "Les Immortels." Stipple. Diameter 3 1-16 indies. Paris, Rue du Theatre Francois NO 4. Very rare. 1560. Nearly half-length, head three-quarters to left. Circular medallion surrounded with wreath of oak leaves. Stipple. Diameter 3 8-16 inches. Choice proof. Rare. 1561. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. Full bust, head three-quarters to left, with fur collar. Oval. Line. Height 4 3-16 inches; width 3 9-16 inches. 1562. THE SAME. Proof before all letters. Very rare in this state. 1563. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. GESANDTER DER VEREINIGTEN NORD- AMERIKANISCHEN SlAATEN AN DEN FRANZOSISCHEN HOPE. GEBOHREN zu BOSTON D: 17! JAN: 1706. GESTORBEN zu PHILADELPHIA IM APRIL 1790. Full bust, head three-quarters to left, with fur collar. Oval with a border. Stipple. Height 3 8-16 inches; width 3 2-16 inches. 1564. Full bust, head three-quarters to left. Oval. Stipple. Height 2 inches; width i 9-16 inches. Choice trial proof. 1565. Full bust, head three-quarters to left, with fur collar. Oval. Line. Height i 8-16 inches; width i 4-16 inches. Rawdon, Wright, Hatch & Edson, New York. India proof. 62 1566. Full bust, head three-quarters to left, with fur collar. Oval with an ornamental border. Line. Height 5 4-16 inches; width 4 4-16 inches. India proof. 1567. Full bust, head three-quarters to left, with fur collar. Oval with ornamental border. Line. Height 2 inches; width i p-i6 inches. (Bank note vignette.) 1568. - Bust, head three-quarters to left. Oval in a wreath of flowers; the heading to a rebus on an octavo sheet, entitled: "The Art of making money plenty in every Man's Pocket by Doctor Frank- lin." Stipple. Height i 4-16 inches; width r 3-16 inches. 1569. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. Bust, head three-quarters to left. Oval. Lithograph. Height 3 5-16 inches; width 2 8-16 inches. 1570. B. FRANKLIN. BORN BOSTON JANY 17 1706. DIED AT PHILAD. APR^- i7 T . H 1790. Full bust, head three-quarters to left, with fur collar. Oval in a rectangle; the title around the oval. The centre of a folio sheet containing 24 engravings in ovals, entitled "Poor Richard Illustrated, Lessons for the Young and old on Industry, Temperance, Frugality, &c by Benjamin Franklin." Height 3 4-16 inches; width 3 6-16 inches. Whole sheet, height 12 6-16 inches; length 20 12-16 inches. 1571. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. Full bust, head three-quarters to right, with fur collar. Line. Height 4 8-16 inches; width 3 11-16 inches. Eng? by R. W. Dodson from a Painting by J. B. Longacre after an Original Miniature in possession of W J Duane Esq 1 : 6 (Copy right 1835) 1572. THE SAME. Without the copyright. 1573. FRANKLIN. Full bust, head three-quarters to right. Line. Height 5 2-16 inches; width 3 11-16 inches. C. A. Bovara inc. Per Vine? Ferrario. 1574. BENJ A FRANKLIN. Full bust, head to right, with fur collar. Mezzotinto. Height 4 11-16 inches; width 3 13-16 inches. J. D. Gross S9 63 1575- F UU< bust, head three-quarters to right. Aquatint printed in colors. Height 7 1-16 inches; width 5 2-16 inches. G. Gallina f . Excessively rare. 1576. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. Nearly half-length, head three-quarters to right. Line. Height 5 4-16 inches; 3 14-16 inches. Engraved by H. B. Hall from the original picture in Pastel painted from life by J. A. Duplessis hi 1783, and now (1868) in the possession of John Bigelow Esq. 1577. THE SAME. Fine proof before all letters on India paper. 1578. BENJf FRANKLIN. Full bust, head three-quarters to right. Line. Height 5 8-16 inches; width 4 inches. Engf'iu / r (7ircnlen.i)t.->L>riiiaire chi (on en. I7OO. ' LOT 1603, REDUCED li U. I \. . C L- c u L l l r e u u l 6 7 1608. Full bust, nearly full face. Oval. Stipple. Height ig inches; width 15 6-16 inches Dessind par le Barbier 1'Aine d'aprds le Buste de Houdon. Grave par Alix. A Paris chez Jean, rue Jean de Beauvais, N. 32. Depose a la Bibliotheque Nationale. Very rare. 1609. Full bust, head three-quarters to right, with fur collar. Oval with a fancy border. Line. Height i 12-16 inches; width i 8-16 inches. Bald, Cousland &" Co. Phil : India proof. 1610. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. N A BOSTON LE 17 JANVIER 1706. Full bust, nearly full face. Oval. Aquatint. Height 7 3-16 inches; width 6 2-16 inches. E. Gosselin. pt. 1611. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. N6 A BOSTON, LE 17 JANVIER 1706. MORT A PHILADELPHIE EN 1790. Full bust, nearly full face, with fur collar. Oval. Stipple. Height 4 8-16 inches; width 3 10-16 inches. F. Bonneville Deli. Gautier Sculp. A Paris chez, I'Auteur rue du Theatre Francais N. 4. 1612. THE SAME. Colored. Rare. 1613. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. Nearly half-length, head three-quarters to right. Oval in a rectangle. Line. Height 13 12-16 inches; width n 4-16 inches. A. Krause sc. Druck v. Zehl. Leipzig. Pramie zum funfundzwan- zigsten Bande des New-Yorker Belletrishschen Journals. 1614. THE SAME. Proof before letters. Very rare in this state. 1615. BENJAMAIN FRANKLIN. NE A BOSTON EN 1706, MORT LE 17 AVRIL 1790. Full bust, head three-quarters to right; with fur collar. Oval, with a border in a rectangle. Line. Height 4 6-16 inches; width 3 inches. Maria Miou sculp. 1616. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. MINISTRE PLNIPOTENTIAIRE A LA COUR DE FRANCE POUR LA REPUBLIQUE DES PROVINCES UNIES DE L'AMERIQUE SEPTENTRIONALE. N A BOSTON, LE 17. JANVIER 1706. Full bust, head three-quarters to right, with fur collar. Oval in a rectangle, resting on a base, supported by a figure of Diogenes and his 68 lantern; over the oval a liberty cap on a spear; in the upper left-hand corner a flying dove with a ribbon; to the left a tree and a large tub; in the lower right-hand corner an eagle standing on a document en- titled "Ameriq Septent."; in the lower left-hand corner a bunch of beets; on a base upon which the oval rests is the motto "Stupete Gentes! Reperit vivum Diogenes." Line. Height 10 10-16 inches; width 8 1-16 inches. N. L. G. D. L. C. A. D. L. del. et Sculp. Presents' a son Excellence quelle a acceptee le 14 Juillet 1780. par son tres Humble et tres obeissant Serviteur Bligny. A Paris chez Bligny Lander du Roi, M d . d'Estampes, Peintre, Doreur et Vitrier, Cour du Manege aux Thuilleries. 1617. THE SAME. Choice proof before letters. Excessively rare in this state. 1618. BENJAM: FRANKLIN. SCHUFTSTELLER, GESANDTER DER NORD- AMERICANISCHEN FREGSTAATEN, UND ERFINDER DER WETTERABLEITER GEBOHREN AM 17. JAENNER 1708, GESTORBEN AM 17 APRIL 1790. Full bust, head three-quarters to right. Oval. Aquatint printed in colors. Height 6 5-16 inches; width 5 3-16 inches. Ritter v. Radmannsdorf del. Exceedingly scarce. 1619. Nearly half-length, head three-quarters to right. Oval. Stipple. Height 9 2-16 inches; width 7 8-16 inches. Portrait of Benjamin Franklin. Painted by A. Scheffer. En- graved by Ed. Girardet. Imprint 6r" Publie par Goupil & C*? Paris London Berlin New- York. 1630. Bust, head three-quarters to right. Oval medallion, in an ornamental vignette of the " Franklin Fire Insurance Company of Philadelphia." Mezzotinto. Height i 9-16 inches; width i 5-16 inches. Groome del. Tucker sc. 1631. Bust, nearly full face. Oval. Stipple. Height i inch; width 14-16 inch. Bank note vignette. Proof. 1632. Bust, head three-quarters to right. Circular. Woodcut. Diameter 12-16 inch. Notice of the expiration of a policy in the Franklin Fire Insurance Co. 69 1633- BENJ. FRANKLIN. Full bust, head three-quarters to right, with fur collar. Oval, with ornamental border. Line. Height 2 2-16 inches; width a 1-16 inches. Bureau Engraving & Printing. India proof. 1634. B. FRANKLIN. Full bust, head three-quarters to right, with fur collar. Oval. Etching. Height 3 11-16 inches; width 3 inches. Open letter proof. 1635. FRANKLIN (BENJAMIN) N6 A BOSTON EN 1706, MORT EN 1790. Full bust, head three-quarters to right, with fur-trimmed coat. Vign- ette. Line. Height 2 10-16 inches; width 2 8-16 inches. Ferdinard Sc* Public par Blaisot. 1636. THE SAME. Variety in title: " Le Sellier 'de Varsovie. " 1637. THE SAME. Proof on India paper, before letters. Very rare in this state. 1638. BENIAMINO FRANKLIN. Full bust in clouds, head three-quarters to right. Vignette. Line. Height 4 4-16 inches; width 4 inches. Gaet Boncetti inc. 1639. BENJ A FRANKLIN. Full bust, head three-quarters to right. Vignette. Etching. Height 4 8-16 inches; width 4 inches. Etch? by H. B. Hall, N. Y. 1879. India P roo f- 1640. THE SAME. Proof before all letters, on India paper. 1641. THE SAME. Proof before all letters. 1642. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. Full bust, head three-quarters to right, with fur collar. Vignette. Stipple. Height 3 12-16 inches; width 4 inches Eng? by Geo. E. Perine. N. Y. India proof. 1643. THE SAME. Plain impression. yo 1 6 4 4. BRONZE STATUE OF BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. INAUGU- RATED SEPTEMBER 17, 1856, IN BOSTON. Full length on a monument, head three-quarters to right; on the base of the monument to the right and left, vignettes of scenes from Franklin's life; in the back- ground people. Vignette. Machine engraving. Height 7 indies; width 4 2-16 inches. Drawn by H. Billings. Eng? by Smith Knight & Tappan. 1645. Full bust, head three-quarters to right, with fur collar. Vignette. Stipple. Height 3 5-16 inches; width 3 1-16 inches. J. A J. Wilcox Sc. From a Miniature by Duplessis in the possession of Mr Gillespie. Proof. 1646. THE SAME. Proof on India paper, before the authority. 1647. D * FRANKLIN. Half-length, head three-quarters to right. Vign- ette. Stipple. Height 3 8- 1 6 inches; width 2 12-16 inches. Published by G. Smeeton S. Martin's Church Yard. i 1648. BENJA FRANKLIN. Full bust, head three-quarters to right; the background a representation of an electric storm. Vignette. Stipple. Height 4 inches; width 4 inches. 1649. Three-quarter length, leaning on the back of a chair; head and body three-quarters to right. Vignette. India ink drawing. Height 12 1 2- 1 6 inches; width q 4-16 inches. Beautifully executed and undoubtedly by a French artist. 1650. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. Full bust, head three-quarters to right, with fur collar. Vignette. Lithograph. Height 7 inches; width 7 12-16 inches. Lith. de. J. Brodtmann 1651. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. N A BOSTON EN 1706. MORT LE 17 AVRIL 1790. Full bust, head three-quarters to right, with fur collar. Vignette. Lithograph. Height 4 8-16 inches; width 5 4-16 inches. Lith de Ducarme. Julien. Galerie Universelle. Publie par Blaisot. 1652. FRANKLIN. Full bust, head three-quarters to right. Vignette. Lithograph. Height 8 8-16 inches; width 9 12-16 inches. Mauzaisse ft. 1826 Lith de C Motte. 1653. THE SAME. India paper proof. 1654. FRANKLIN. Full bust, head three-quarters to right, with fur collar. Vignette. Lithograph. Height 5 12-16 inches; width 5 6-16 inches. Prether. 1655. - Full bust, head three-quarters to right. Vignette. Lithograph. Height 3 9-16 inches; width 3 8-16 inches. Radeau. 1656. R FRANKLIN. Full bust, head three-quarters to right, with fur collar. Vignette. Lithograph. Height 4 10-16 inches; width 4 5-16 inches. A! e Farey. Paris, Rosselin, edit Quai Voltaire, 21 Lith. Auguste Bry, 142, r. du Bae. 1657. FRANKLIN. Full bust, head three-quarters to right, with fur collar, ignette. Height 3 4-16 inches; Schubert Inth? Lith de Loux. Vignette. Lithograph. Height 3 4-16 inches; width 3 inches. 1658. B 1 * FRANKLIN. Full bust, head three-quarters to right, with coat trimmed with fur. Vignette Lithograph. Height 8 inches; width 7 8-16 inches. Toussaint. Rosselin editeur, quai Voltaire 21 Imp. par Auguste Bry, rue du Bae. 134. 1659. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. Full bust, head three-quarters to right. Vignette. Lithograph. Height 19 10-16 inches; width 16 inches. Kurz & Allison's Art Studio, Chicago U. S. A. 1660. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. Full bust, head three-quarters to right, with fur collar. Vignette. Lithograph. Height 3 4-16 inches; width 3 12-16 inches. W. C. C & O. Publie par Soetens & Fils a la Baye. 7 2 1661. FRANKLIN. Full bust, head three-quarters to right, with coat trimmed with fur. Vignette. Lithograph. Height 9 12-16 inches; width 8 8-16 inches. B. 1840 et a Toulouse, rue S'. Rome. 18. a Paris rue S( Jacques. 1662. BENJA FRANKLIN. Full bust, head three-quarters to right, with * fur collar. Vignette. Lithograph. Height 3 inches; width 3 inches. NK. 1663. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. Bust, head to right. Vignette. Lithograph. Height 6 inches ; width 4' 8-16 inches. Lith. Duck u Verlag v Wilk Heimer in Berlin. 1664. Full bust, head three-quarters to right, with fur collar. Vignette. Lithograph. Height 3 12-16 inches; width 3 inches. 1665. FRANKLIN - . Full bust, head to right. Vignette on a folio sheet with portraits of Napoleon, Lord Bacon, Scott, Shakespeare, Byron, Combe, Spurzheim, and the crania of various races; entitled Coomb's New Phrenological Chart. " Lithograph. Height 2 6-16 inches; width 2 6-16 inches. Modeley, litho. 3 Wellington S'. Strand. Published by H. Renshaw, 356 Strand. This is copyright. 1666. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. Full length, seated in an armchair, facing to right; right hand resting on a map upon a table; the left resting on arm of chair, holding a pair of spectacles; a large book leaning against the chair to left; in the lower left corner a terrestrial globe, scroll and book; in the left distance a bookcase; in the right distance a window. Lithograph. Height 18 8-16 inches; width 12 12-16 inches. After the celebrated painting by T. H. Matteson, Eq. 1667. Full Bust, head three-quarters so left, with fur collar. Vignette with black background. Colored lithograph. Height 19 8-16 inches; width 17 8-16 inches. 1668. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. Full bust, head three-quarters to left, with fur collar. Vignette. Colored lithograph. Height 20 4-16 inches; width 21 indies. M. H. Traubel & C. 46^ Walnut St. Phila. 1669. THE SAME. Uncolored. 73 PROFILE PORTRAITS. 1670. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. Bust and head in profile to right. Oval. Line. Height 4 3-16 inches; width 3 8-16 inches. J. Akin Sc. Philad* Published by W Duane. Philadelphia, 1809. Rare. 1671. FRANKLIN. Bust and head in profile to right. Circular medallion. One of four portraits on a quarto sheet, the others being Voltaire, Rousseau, and Mirabeau. Aquatint. Diameter 3 inches. A Paris, Chez Allais, Graveur, rue de la Barillerie Maison de M r . le Clere, Apoticaire, au 3*" Excessively rare. 1672. PETER I, FRANKLIN, FRIEDRICK II. Three busts in profile to right. Oval. Stipple. Height a inches; width i 13-16 inches. D. Berger Sculp. 1808. Very rare. Proof. 1673. BENIAMIN FRANKLIN. Bust and head in profile to left. Circular medallion, on a sheet with a portrait of John Howard. Line. Diameter i 14-16 inches. D. Berger sc. 1792. Very rare. 1674. Bust and head in profile to left. Oval. Line. Height 12-16 inch; width 10-16 inch. (C. Burt) Bank note vignette. India proof of the portrait used on postage stamp. Very rare. 1675. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. Bust and head in profile to left. Cir- cular medallion. One of four portraits on an octavo sheet engraved with a roulette; in an ornamental border with a ruled background. .Diameter i 9-16 inches. Executed by J. Bate by means of his Patent Engraving Machine. For the Mechanics Magazine Vol xxv Printed by Ellis & Co Old Broad St. Published I s * Dec r . 1836 by J. Cunningham, Peterboro Court. 1676. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN GEBOHREN 1706. Bust and head in profile to left. Oval medallion, suspended by a ring tied with a ribbon, in a rectangle. The title under the medallion. Line. Height 4 11-16 inches; width 2 11-16 inches. D. Berger. Sculp 1783. Very rare. 74 1677- THE SAME. With variation in the address of the artist: " D. Berger Sculps. Berolini, 1783." 1678. B. FRANKLIN. L.L.D. AND F.R.S. BORN AT BOSTON. JANY 17, 1706. DIED AT PHILADELPHIA, APRIL 17, 1790. Head and bust in profile to left. Circular medallion in an oval, in a rectangle, with a border; the medallion encircled with oak and olive leaves. The title in the border. The heading to an imperial folio sheet containing 24 beautifully engraved oval medallions, entitled "Bowles's Moral Pic- tures or Poor Richard Illustrated, Being Lessons For the Young and the Old, on Industry, Temperance, Frugality, &c. By the late Dr. Benj. Franklin." Line. Height 3 7-16 inches; width 4 10-16 inches. Dighton del 4 . Published as the Act directs, 29, Sep r . 1803. Printed for and Sold by Bowles and Carver, No. 69 St. Paul's Church Yard. London. Very rare. 1679. B. F. Full bust and head in profile to right. Circular medallion in a wreath of oak leaves, bound together at the bottom with a ribbon. Stipple. Diameter 9 3-16 inches. Lethere Delineavit. Darcis Sculpsit. A Paris Chez Potrelle. M d . d'Estampes. Rue Honore, N. 54. Rare. 1680. THE SAME. Proof before the publisher's address with the artist's name scratched in. 1 68 1. Bust on a pedestal, head in profile to right; at the bottom of the bust are some books. Stipple. Height 4 6- 1 6 inches; width i 12-16 inches. From Edwin's Portrait of Jefferson. 1682. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. BORN JAN? 17 1706. DIED APRIL 17 1790. Head and bust in profile to left. Vignette. Stipple. Height 2 13-16 inches; width i 9-16 inches. Edwin sc. 1683. BENJ. FRANKLIN, L.L.D. F.R.S. Bust and head in profile to right. Oval. Line. Height 4 2-16 inches; width 3 7-16 inches. Drawn by T. Holloway from the Bust modelled at Paris from the Life, engrav'd by Allardice. R. Campbell & C. s . Edition of the History of England. 1684. THE SAME. From the "Literary Magazine." 75 1685. BENJ. FRANKLIN. GEBOREN zu BOSTON IN NEW ENGLAND D. 17. JAN. 1760. NON SORDIBUS AUCTOR NATURAE VERIQUE. Bust and head in profile to right. Oval. Stipple. Height 3 7-16 inches; width a 10-16 inches. I. Hess sc. 1686. BENJ. FRANKLIN, L.L.D! Bust and head in profile to right. Oval. Stipple. Height 4 2-16 inches; width 3 3-16 inches. W. R. Jones sc. Rare. 1687. BENJ. FRANKLIN NATUS BOSTON, XVII JAN. MDCCVI. Head and bust in profile to left. The obverse and reverse of a medal by Dupre*. Etching. Diameter i 14-16 inches. Jules Jacquemart. India proof. 1688. BENIAMIN FRANKLIN. Bust in profile to right on a pedestal mounted on a monument, being crowned with a wreath of oak leaves by the figure of Liberty, which is standing to the right; a cupid is seated at the bottom of the monument holding a map of the two hemi- spheres, with a wand in the right hand pointing toward the map; drapery in the upper left-hand corner. Line. Height 6 1-16 inches; width 3 6-16 inches. H. Lyps det & sc 1689. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. Head and bust in profile to left. Vign- ette. Etching. Height 2 6-16 inches; width a 8-16 inches. Etched by Thomas Landseer. Published by Hunt & Clark, Tavi- stock Street, Covent Garden. Transferred from copper to stone by C. Hullmandel. Very rare. 1690. BENI. FRANKLIN. GEBOREN zu BOSTON IN NEU ENGLAND, DEN 17. JAN. 1706. NON SORDIBUS AUCTOR NATURAE VERIQUE. Bust and head in profile to right. Vignette. Line. Height 3 4-16 inches; width 2 inches. C. G. Nestler fee. Very rare. 1691. M? LE D? FRANKLIN. Bust and head in profile to left. Oval medallion. The title in a tablet beneath the oval. One of 40 por- traits hanging on the wall of a representation of Voltaire's drawing- room. Line. Height i 10-16 inches; width 13-16 inch. Whole sheet, height 10 4-16 inches; length 16 g-i6 inches. Dessine* par Duche. Grave par Ne'e. Proof before letters, with bust of Voltaire as remarque. Rare. 76 1692. BENJ* FRANKLIN, L.L.D. F.R.S. Bust and head in profile to left. Oval draped with an olive wreath, on the same sheet with a portrait of " The Hon b l e John Adams. " Line. Height 3 14-16 inches; width 3 4-16 inches. Noble sculp. New London Magazine. Published by Alex r . Hogg at the King's Arms N. 16 Paternoster Row. Mar. i, 1780. 1693. B. FRANKLIN. L.L.D. F.R.S. AMBASSADOR FROM THE CONGRESS OF AMERICA TO THE COURT OF FRANCE. Head and bust in profile to left. Oval with a border. Line. Height 4 4-16 inches: width 3 7-16 inches. J. Norman Sc. Very rare. 1694. B. FRANKLIN, L.L.D. F.R.S. Bust and head in profile to right. Oval in a rectangle, suspended by a ring, draped with olive leaves, and resting on a tablet in which is a vignette representation of an army. Line. Height 6 11-16 inches; width 3 12-16 inches. Engraved from the Original Medallion for the Hib* Magazine (1810). "Where Liberty dwells there is my Country!" Very rare. 1695. THE SAME. Before the authority or address. Excessively rare in this state. 1696. BENJ. FRANKLIN, L.L.D. F.R.S. "Where Liberty dwells, there is my country. " Bust and head in profile to right. Oval. Line. Height 2 5-16 niches; width i 11-16 inches. Scoles, sculp. Rare. 1697. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. Bust and head in profile to right. Oval medallion suspended by a ring, with ribbon tied in a bow at top, in a rectangle; the title under the medallion. Line. Height 4 10-16 inches; width 2 11-16 inches. Saack. sc. Very rare. A close copy in the reverse of the Print by Berger Lot 1676. 1698. BENJ. FRANKLIN. GEB 1706; GEST; 1790. Bust and head in profile to right. Oval. Stipple. Height 2 5-16 inches; width i 14-16 inches. Stottrup sculp. Excessively rare. It rates in rarity with the portrait of Washington engraved by Wright. See Plate. LOT 1698 u u t \ . c t- C U L 1 1- C U U 77 1699- BENJ. FRANKLIN, L.L.D. Bust and head in profile to right. Oval. Line. Height 4 3-16 inches; width 3 6-16 inches. Engraved by Thackara & Vallance. Philad? 1794. 1700. D* BENJ. FRANKLIN. Bust and head in profile to right. Oval in rectangle, on a background representing stonework. The title in a tablet beneath the oval. Stipple. Height 3 11-16 inches; width 2 13-16 inches. Tanner sc. Philadelphia, Published by W. W. Woodward, 1801. 1701. BENJ. FRANKLIN L.L.D. Head and bust in profile to left. Oval. Line. Height 3 8-16 inches; width 3 inches. Engraved by B. Tanner, N. York, Sept? 1794. New York Pub- lished by Sam 1 . Campbell Oct r . 1794. 1702. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. Head and bust in profile to left. Vign- ette. Line. Height 2 8-16 inches; length i 9-16 inches. J. V. N. Throop. sc. 1703. FRANKLIN. Head and bust in profile to left. Vignette. Stipple. Height 3 2-16 inches; width i 10-16 inches. From Houdon's Bust. Engraved by T. B. Welch. Boston, Pub- lished by Hilliard. Gray & C. H. Zing. Printer. 1704. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. BORN JAN? 17 1706. DIED APRIL i7 T . H 1790. Head and bust in profile to left. Vignette. Stipple. Height 2 12-16 inches; width i 10-16 inches. Warnicke. Sc. 1705. THE SAME. Proof before all letters. 1 706. Head and bust in profile to left. Vignette. Stipple. Height 2 6-16 inches; width i 7-16 inches. Eng d by E. Wellmore from an original drawing by J. B. Longacre after the bust by Houdon. On the Title Page of " The National Portrait Gallery of Distinguished Americans." 1707. BENJ: FRANKLIN. Bust and head in profile to left. Circular medallion. Stipple. Diameter 2 4-16 inches. C. Westirmayr fecit 1794, nanch einem Basrelief. Excessively rare. 7 8 1708. Bust and head in profile to left. Oval in a rectangle. Outline. Height 4 4-16 inches; width 3 12-16 inches. Rare. 1709. B. FRANKLIN, L.L.D. F.R.S. BORN AT BOSTON IN NEW ENGLAND. JAN 17 1706. Head and bust in profile to left. Vignette. Line. Height 2 4-16 inches; width i 14-16 inches. Non Sordibus Auctor Naturae Verique. 1710. - Bust on a base, in profile to left, resting on a bracket upon which is a lamp, globe, books, etc.; over the top the motto, "Eripuit Coelo Fulmen, Sceptrumque Tyrannis. " Vignette. Line. Height 2 7-16 inches; width 3 13-16 inches. 1711.- Head and bust in profile to left. Machine engraved. Height i 8-16 inches; width i 5-16 inches. On the title page to " My Son's Book. Henry F. Anners Philadelphia." 1712. THE SAME. On a certificate of stock of the Sugar Loaf Coal Com- pany, with similar portrait of Washington. 1714. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. Head and bust in profile to left. Vign- ette. India wash drawing. Height 4 8-16 inches; width 4 4-16 inches. Original India ink drawing, beautifully executed, about the early half of the nineteenth century. 1715. Full bust and head in profile to left. Vignette. Process print. Height 8 inches; width 5 2-16 inches. From the Patience Wright Wax Portrait. 1716. B. FRANKLIN, L.L.D. F.R.S. BORN AT BOSTON IN NEW ENGLAND, JAN. 6 1706. DIED AT PHILADELPHIA; APRIL i7 T . H 1790. Bust and head in profile to left. Oval. Line. Height 3 13-16 inches; width 3 inches. Eripuit Coelo Fulmen; Sceptrumque Tyrannis. N? V] Massachu- setts Magazine [Vol. 1 1 . Very rare. 1717. B. J; FRANKLIN. EST MORT. Bust and head in profile to left. Circular medallion, underneath which is an olive wreath with diverg- ing rays, in the center of which is the title. Stipple. Height 3 12-16 inches; width 2 3-16 inches. Dediee an Caffe Piscope. Very rare. 79 1718. - Bust and head in profile to left. Oval, on a sheet with a silhouette portrait of Genl. Washington. Oval. Outline. Height 3 13-16 inches; width 3 inches. Columb. Mag. (March 1788). 1719. BENJ. FRANKLIN. NATUS BOSTON XVII. JAN. MDCCVI. Bust and head in profile to left. Circular, the obverse and reverse of a medal. Engraved with a roulette. Diameter i 12-16 inches. London, Published May 10, 1833, by Effingham Wilson, Royal Exchange. 1720. Head and bust in profile to right. Stipple. Height 6 8-16 inches; width 4 6-16 inches. Very rare. 1721. LE DOCTEUR FRANCKLIN COURONN PAR LA LIBERTE. Bust in profile to right, resting on the globe ; supported by an angel holding a sword in the right hand, and a scroll in the left, inscribed " Con- stitution du Gouvernement de Pensilvanie Art. if"; to the right Liberty with a crown of olive leaves in each hand in the act of crowning Franklin; at the bottom in the foreground a bundle of fasces and olive leaves ; at the top a Liberty cap on a pole, from which are emanat- ing diverging rays. Aquatint. Height 9 1-16 inches; width 7 8-16 inches. Rare. 1722. Bust and head in profile to right. Oval medallion sus- pended on the side of a tree, to the right a crowing cock perched on a fence, and shipping in the distance. Vignette. Stipple. Height 3 inches; width 2 10-16 inches. " Franklin office, Barber & Perry Copper Plate Printer's. Back of N? 8 South Sixth S 4 . Philadelphia." 1723. Full bust and head in profile to right. Silhouette in circle of two lines. India ink drawing. Diameter 2 inches. Beautifully executed. 1724. BENJ. FRANKLIN, L.L.D. F.R.S. "Where Liberty dwells, There is my Country. " Bust and head in profile to right in oval. Stipple. Height 4 4-16 inches; width 3 8-16 inches. Rare. 8o 1725. BENJ. FRANKLIN, L.L.D. F.R.S. Bust and head in profile to right. Oval. Line. Height 3 inches; width 2 8-16 inches. Rare. - - Bust and head in profile to right in the center of a wreath of flowers. Oval in a rectangle. Stipple. Height 5 4-16 inches; width 4 4-16 inches. "Bristol Hard Porcelain Flower Piece, (size 8f in. X 7$ in.). Por- trait of Benjamin Franklin. In the collection of M^ William Edkins, Bristol. " 1727. BENJ. FRANKLIN. NATUS BOSTON XVII. JAN. MDCCVI. Bust in profile to right; the obverse and reverse of the Dupre medal. Stipple. Diameter i 10-16 inches. Copia. Sculp. 1728. - Full bust and head in profile to right. Circular medallion with a Grecian border. Stipple. Diameter 2 9-16 inches. 1729. - Bust in profile in right. Oval. Outline. Height 3 13-16 inches; width 3 1-16 inches. From Lavater's Physiognomy. 1730. - Bust in profile to right. Vignette. Stipple, printed in colors. Height 2 3-16 inches; width i 7-16 inches. Very rare. 1731. - Full bust and head in profile to right. Vignette. Outline. Height 2 6-16 inches; width 2 inches. 8i BENJAMIN WEST TYPE. 1732. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, L.L.D. Full bust, head three-quarters to left. Vignette. Stipple. Height 2 i a- 1 6 inches; width a 14-16 inches. Engraved by R. Page. Published by J. _ Robins 6* C. London, July i, 1826. 1733. B. FRANKLIN. Full bust, head three-quarters to left, in border resembling a frame, suspended from a nail. Stipple. Height a 15-16 inches; width a 3-16 inches. Janinet p. Pekenino sc. 1734. BENJ. FRANKLIN, LLD. FRS. Full bust, head three-quarters to right. Line. Height 3 7-16 inches; width a 11-16 inches. R. Scott sc. 1735. B. FRANKLIN. Full bust, head three-quarters to left, in a border resembling a frame, suspended from a nail. Height 3 14-16 inches; width a 3-16 inches. Scoles sculp 1736. FRANKLIN. Full bust, head three-quarters to left. Vignette, one of five portraits on an octavo sheet, the others being Scott, Cowper, Wilberforce, and Belzoni, in an ornamented border. Stipple. Height i 3-16 inches; width i inch. 1737. BENJ A FRANKLIN. Full length, seated, head to right, legs crossed, walking-stick lying on the knee; the left hand holding a paper, the right pointing thereto; in the right background a curtain and books; to the left a table. Line. Height 7 8-16 inches; width 5 inches. Painted by Alonzo Chappel. Eng"? by T. Phillibrown. Martin, Johnson, & Company, Publisher, New York (Copyright 1859) 1738. THE SAME. Variety in publisher's address. India proof. 1739. Full bust, head three-quarters to left. Oval, with drapery on either side. Over the oval a representation of a kite and electric storm; at the bottom of oval a kneeling Indian girl and the Angel of Fame blowing a trumpet. Stipple. Height 5 8-16 inches; width 3 10-16 inches. Pub. July. i. 1805, by M. Jones, Paternoster Row. 6 82 1740. D? BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. Full bust, head three-quarters to right. Oval with a border in which is the inscription. Stipple. Height 3 6-16 inches; width a 10-16 inches. From an original Picture in the Possession of the late General Wash- ington. From the Works of the late Celebrated Dr. Franklin. Edinburgh, 1808. 1740^. Full length, seated, head three-quarters to left, with red cloak; the right hand testing the electric spark from a key which is suspended on the string of a kite flying in an electric storm; in the lower left, cherubs playing with electric apparatus; to the right, three cherubs surprised at Franklin extracting electricity from the clouds. Colored process print. Height 13 3-16 inches; width 9 11-16 inches. From an Original Picture by Benjamin West. P. R. A. India proof. THOS. GAINSBOROUGH TYPE. 1741. DOCTOR BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. Full bust, head three- quarters to right. Oval. Stipple. Height 3 3-16 inches; width a 10-16 inches. Engraved by W Evans from an original picture (the last painted) in the possession of D? Ja? Hamilton. Published for Lackington Allen fir 3 C. Jan? i, 1804. 1741$. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. ESQ* 2 Half-length, head three-quar- ters to left, right hand thrust into the waistcoat. Mezzotinto. Height 5 3-16 inches; width 4 3-16 inches. Tho? Gainsborough. R. A. G. Sanders. From the original Picture in the possession of the Marquis of Lansdowne. London. Henry Graves fir Camp? 6 Pall Mall. 1868. GIACOMO TOURON TYPE. 1742. B. FRANKLIN. Bust, head three-quarters to right. Oval in a rectangle, resting on a base, in which is the title. Flowers strewn around the base. Line. Height 4 10-16 inches; width 2 14-16 inches. Ramondi incise. Dal depinto sopra smalto di Giacomo Touron presso il Marchese Girolamo d'Adda in Milano. Choice proof on India paper, signed. 1743. THE SAME. Proof before all letters on India paper. 1744. THE SAME. Plain impression. 1745. Bust, head three-quarters to right. Oval in a rectangle. Line. Height a 15-16 inches; width i 13-16 inches. T. Holloway Direxit. On a Page from a work on Physiognomy, evidently by Lavater. Rare. 1746. Bust, head three-quarters to right. Oval in a rectangle. Stipple. Height 4 1-16 inches; width 3 5-16 inches. A close copy of the Preceding Print, from a French Edition of a work on Physiognomy. Evidently by Lavater. L. C. DE CARMONTELLE TYPE. 1747. Full length, seated in front of a table, head and body to left; arms folded; a hat lying on some documents on the table, en- titled "Les Loix de la Pensilvanie " ; in the background an open window, looking out on shipping. Line. Height 12 4-16 inches; width 7 10-16 inches. L. C. de Carmontelle, Del. Nee, Sculp. " On 1'a vu ddsarmer les Tirons et les Dieux." Paris chez Neeruedes Frances Bourgeois, Porte S( Michel. A.P.D. R. Rare. 1748. THE SAME. Choice impression with full margin before the en- graver's name. Very rare. 1749. THE SAME. Choice proof before all letters, with wide margin. Excessively rare in this state. 84 1750. B. FRACNKLIN. Full length, seated, head and body to right. Stipple. Height 3 12-16 inches; width 2 4-16 inches. Senn Sculp. A copy of the Preceding print, although much smaller, and without the inscription on the Document. 1751. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. Nearly half-length, seated, head and bust in profile to left. Circular medallion, suspended by a ring tied with a ribbon, in a rectangle, resting on a base in which is the title; on the edge of the base the motto, " On 1'a vu desarmer les tyrons et les dieux." Line. Height 7 2-16 inches; width 4 11-16 inches. Carmontelle del E. G. sc. Choice impression. Very rare. 1752. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. L.L.D. Full length, seated, head and body in profile to right. Stipple. Height 3 13-16 inches; width 2 5-16 inches. A close copy of the print by Senn, Lot 1730. THOS. W. SUMNER TYPE. 1753. FRANKLIN AT TWENTY. Full bust, head three-quarters to right. Vignette. Stipple. Height 4 4-16 inches; width 3 14-16 inches. H. B. Hall. Painted in London. 1754. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. Three-quarter length, head to right, the left hand thrust into the waistcoat. Stipple. Height 4 15-16 inches; width 3 13-16 inches. G. F. Storm Sc. From the original Picture in the Possession of Thomas W. Sumner Esq. MISCELLANEOUS TYPES. 1755. Full bust, head three-quarters to left. Oval. Line. Height 4 4-16 inches; width 3 8-16 inches. Zambellis sc; On India paper. 1756. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. L.L.D. Full length, standing, head three- quarters to right; the left hand thrust into the breast; the right hand in the coat pocket, with hat tucked under the arm. Vignette in a border resembling a frame. Line. Height 6 10-16 inches; width 4 7-16 inches. Published by H. D. Symonds, Aug( 27, 1796. Rare. 1757. Full bust, head nearly full face, laughing; one of a group of portraits in caricature; on a table to the right a document entitled "Acts of Common Council." Oval. Line. Height 3 12-16 inches; width 2 13-16 inches. 1758. Full length, seated, with a pair of bellows before furnace to the left, on which is a retort emitting various papers which are falling in an urn to the right inscribed "Anecdotes"; in the back- ground to left a bookcase and books; to the left a curtain. Line. Height 6 8-16 inches; width 4 3-16 inches. I. P. A. Mo 1 . H. S. Grimm Del? I. Macky Sculp* Excessively rare. Caricature. 1759. FRANKLIN. Bust, head to left, with cap. Circular. Line. Diameter i 6-16 inches. 1760. TO THE MEMORY OF BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. THE PRO- FOUND PHILOSOPHER. DIED PHILADELPHIA APRIL i7 TH 1790. AGED 85 YEARS. Bust, head three-quarters to right. Oval in a border, surrounded by the title, which is in ornamental script ; under the oval the motto, " Fulmen eripuit coelo, sceptrumque Tyrannis." Line. Height i 1-16 inches; width 15-16 inch. Written & Engraved by Joseph Perkins, New York. 1761. BENJ. FRANKLIN. Three-quarter length, seated, nearly full face; a book resting on the knees, which are crossed; spectacles in the left hand; a bookcase in the right distance and books at his feet. Line. Height 5 3-16 inches; width 4 5-16 inches. Geo. Catlin pinx 1 . Peter Maverick sculpt 86 1762. Bust, head three-quarters to right. Vignette. One of a group of 49 portraits, with an ornamented border of flags, etc., with pedestals at either side supporting the figures of Justice and Liberty, on a quarto sheet entitled "The Signers of the Declaration of Inde- pendence." Stipple. Whole engraving, Height 5 4-16 inches; width p 2-16 inches. Engraved by W. Wellstood. Designed and Engraved expressly for the Ladies Repository. MEMORIAL DESIGNS, SCENES FROM FRANKLIN'S LIFE, CARICATURES, ETC. 1763. L'AP6TRE DE LA LlBERT^ IMMORTALISED ALLEGORIC DEDIEE AUX AMIS DE LA CONSTITUTION FRANCAISE PAR L'AUTTTR, ET PRESENTEE A L' ASSEMBLED NATIONALE. Representing an angel in clouds ascend- ing with Franklin; the figure of Time to the left holding on to his leg, resisting his flight; to the left a figure of an Indian kneeling amidst broken shackles, pleading with Franklin not to leave them; in upper centre a rift in clouds emitting diverging rays, to the right of which is the flying figure of Fame blowing a trumpet; on the extreme right a monument upon which is a circular medallion portrait of Franklin in profile to right, on which is a tablet with the motto: "Franklin ne peut. mourier"; underneath the medallion are a liberty cap, torch, and books, diverging rays shining on the same from a rent in the clouds ; at the base of the monument are two weeping figures, the one being America, helmeted, holding a shield and scroll in the right hand upon which is inscribed "ddcret pouv le deuil de franklin"; in the lower left a representation of the infernal regions. Line. Height 13 12-16 inches; width 17 5-16 inches. Compose et execute" par Barincou Monbrun, A B dx p che 3 me Se trouve die's 1'auteur quai du pont S l . Jean A Bor d . x N? 249. Under the title are six lines in script eulogistic of Franklin. Very rare. 1764. L'AMERIQUE INDPENDANTE. Representing Franklin in a Roman dress, crowned with oak leaves, standing amidst a group of figures at the foot of a statue of Liberty, with a wand in his left hand, pointing to an Indian maiden kneeling at the base of the monument ; over the whole the figure of "War" with shield and spear; in the background trees and shrubbery in the margin at the bottom a harp in a circle 87 composed of thirteen links, upon which are the names of the thirteen United States, on either side of which are flowers, horn of plenty, etc. Line. Height 17 2-16 inches; width 13 11-16 inches. A Borel invenit et delineavit 1778. J. C. le Vasseur Sculptor Regis et Ma jest Imper m et Reg Sculp. "Dedie"e au Congres des Etats unis de 1'Amerique." A Paris ches I'auteur rue Boucher at au coin de la rue Xaintonge Par leur tres humble et tres obeissant Serviteur Borel. Fine impression, with full margin. Scarce. 1765. THE SAME. Choice proof before the dedication. Very rare in this state. 1766. THE SAME. Proof before letters, and before the harp and links in the margin, with full margin. Excessively rare in this state. 1767. APOTHOSE D'HONORE GABRIEL RIQUETTI CI-DEVANT COMTE DE MIRABEAU. Represents the portrait of Mirabeau held by an angel in clouds, amidst a group of allegorical figures, between three columns upon which are suspended medallion portraits of Franklin, Mon- taigne, Voltaire, Rousseau, etc. The portrait of Franklin only partly visible. Aquatint. Height 10 5-16 inches; width 7 9-16 inches. Dedie aux o Amis de la Constitution, par Claude Hoin Peintre de Monsieur; des Accademies de Dijon, Toulouse, Lyon et Rouen. Very rare, with full margin and key. 1768. ERIPUIT COELO FULMEN, SCEPTRUMQUE TIRANNIS, Au GENIE DE FRANKLIN. The full-length figure of Franklin ascending heavenward between the figures of America, War, and Victory; in the lower margin prostrate figures of royalty, etc. Original wash drawing. Height 19 12-16 inches; width 15 4-16 inches. Very rare. The Original Pen and Ink wash drawing from which the succeeding print was en- graved. 1769. THE SAME SUBJECT. Beautifully etched and printed in brown. Height 18 12-16 inches; width 14 11-16 inches. Open letter proof. Full margin. Excessively rare. 1770. MIRABEAU ARRIVE AUX CHAMPS ELISEES, SUR SA TETE PLANE LE G^NIE DE LA LIBERT^ PORTANT UNE BANDEROLLE AVEC CETTE IN- SCRIPTION: LA FRANCE LIBRE, IL S'AVANCE VERS I. I. ROUSSEAU ET LUl PRESENTE UN DE SES OUVRAGES: FRANCKLIN LUI POSE UNE COURONNE DE CHENE SUR LA TETE: MONTESQUIEU, VOLTAIRE, MABLY ET FENELON VIENNENT LE RECEVOIR. SUR LE 2^ PLAN. DEMOS- THANES ET ClCERON S'ENTRETIANMENT DE L'ORATETJR FRANCAIS ET LE CONTEMPLENT: DES G^NIES LE SUIVENT CHARGE'S DE SES OEUVRE. Mirabeau is holding a scroll entitled " Essai sur le Despotisme." Line. Height 9 3-16 inches; length 13 inches. J. M. Moreau le I n 9 inv. L J. Masquelier sculp, se vend a Paris chez Basan Rue, et H6tel Serpente, N? 14. Fine impression. Rare. Before the address of Marel. 1771. THE SAME. Choice proof with the title and artists' names scratched in, and before the descriptive text and the address of Marel. Exces- sively rare in this state. 1772. THE SAME. With the words "Essai sur le dest" on the scroll in Mirabeau's hand, and before the address of Marel. Rare. 1773. THE SAME. Plain impression, with the address of Marel: "A Paris chez Marel rue S^ Jacques." 1774. THE SAME. Early trial proof. Very rare. 1775. Vite, Souftons, Souftons Morbleu! Eteignons les lumieres, Et rallumons le feu. An Early French caricature, indicating the attitude of the Catholic Church towards the teachings of the modern philosophers, including Franklin, Mirabeau, Voltaire, Mably, and others, the busts of whom are grouped on a stand to the right of the engraving. Line, colored. Height 7 15-16 inches; length 13 inches. rHuillier, Rue Serpente. N. 16. a Paris. Ch. n de M r . Berenger, Voyez, la minerve 63 e . Liv. n Avril 1819. Very Rare. 1776. LEMAGNE'TISME DE'VOILE'. Early French caricature representing the mouth of the infernal region, and the Devil being placed under the influence of electricity; the full-length figure of Franklin stands to the left holding a scroll upon which is inscribed "Rapport des Com- missaires. ' ' Etching. Height 10 1-16 inches; width n 15-16 inches. Excessively rare. 1777. LE TOMBEAU DE VOLTAIRE FouDROYE\ Franklin is represented, clothed in the garb of an Indian, with furs, standing amidst a group of figures before the figure of Christianity holding a cross, and standing before the tomb of Voltaire. Line. Height 6 14-16 inches; width 10 10-16 inches. Vachez, inv. De"rais del. Letelie Sculp. ' "Vos e"loges, Monde flatteur, -Elle sait pardonner 1'Erreur, La Religion les efface, Et fait justice de 1'Audace." A Paris, chez Vachez, Rue de Crenelle S l . Honore, vis-a-vis le petit Hotel des Fermes. 1778. A PHILOSOPHER IN CONDUIT STREET. An early English caricature representing a Professor lecturing on Physics ; in the upper right-hand corner is a medallion portrait of Franklin ; face in profile to left. Etching. Height 8 10-16 inches; width 6 15-16 inches. London. Pub? March 29^ 1796. by H. Humphrey New-Bond Street. Rare. 1779. Allegorical drawing representing King Louis XVI, accompanied by Benj. Franklin, giving orders to his Admirals, Estaing, Grasse, and Vaudreuil; allegorical and mythological figures in back- ground; in the clouds in the upper left, the Demons of War; in the right distance, shipping. Colored crayon and India ink drawing. Height 12 4-16 inches; width 17 1-16 inches. Probably drawn by Desrais 1778. A beautifully executed and original drawing of the very rare engraving by Palliere at Bordeaux. 1780. LE TOMBEAU DE VOLTAIRE. Representing Benj. Franklin in Indian dress, Empress Catharine II, Rousseau, and the Prince of Oronoko, being driven by a bad angel from the tomb of Voltaire. Line. Height 8 1-16 inches; width 12 6-16 inches. D. N. inv. C. M. sculp. DeMie" a Madame la Marquise de Villette, Dame de Ferney. Se vend a Paris chez Alibert M? d'Estampes, au Palais Royal. Et chez le Noir M d . du Cabinet des Estampes du Roi, au Louvre. Beautiful impression. 1781. RECEPTION DE FRANKLIN ATI PALAIS ROYAL PAR LE Due D'ORLEANS (Louis PHILIPPE) 1778. Franklin amidst a group of courtiers being introduced to the Duke and Duchess d'Orleans. Lithograph. Height 13 10-16 inches; width 9 11-16 inches. Weber del. lith de Ch. Motte. " Histoire du Palais Royale (Steuben)" India proof. Rare. go 1782. A close copy of the preceding print. Lithograph Height 13 10-16 inches; width 9 12-16 inches. Lith Ligny, rue Salle au Comte, 5 et 7. A Paris, chez Chardot. boulevard S l . Martin. 7. 1783. LA PHILOSOPHIE ET L'INNOCENCE RENDENT LES DERNERS DEVOIRS A FRANKLIN. Representing a female figure weeping beside an altar, upon which are two urns, one being placed thereon by a boy to the right; to the left are numerous people carrying a lance upon which is a medallion portrait of Franklin; in the right foreground an allegorical figure, the arms aloft, holding a ribbon upon which is inscribed, "Pleuron les grands Hommes, ils sont cares"; over the whole a cherub hovers with two crowns. Oval. Stipple. Height 3 10-16 inches; width 7 inches. Dessine* par Boiseau. Grave" par Colibert. A Paris chez Basset, rue Jacques, N. 670. Choice impression, full margin. Very rare. 1784. Bust, head to right, on a drawing board, in the centre of a representation of a Professor lecturing on Natural Science to his pupils. Oval. Mezzotinto. Height 5 8-16 inches; length 7 2-16 inches. 1785. FRANKLIN AND ELECTRICITY. Franklin in an open field flying his kite in an electric storm. Vignette. Line. Height 2 6-16 inches; width 2 inches. Bureau Engraving & Printing. India proof. 1786. THE PHILOSOPHER AND HIS KITE. Franklin in an open field, with a boy, flying his kite in an electric storm. Mezzotinto . Height 5 2-16 inches; width 6 8-16 inches. H. S. Sadd. sc. 1787. Franklin flying his kite in an electric storm. Woodcut. Height i 9-16 inches; length 2 10-16 inches. 1788. READING THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE. Franklin standing near a table at which Jefferson is seated, reading the "Declaration" to Jno Adams, Robt. Livingstone, and Roger Sherman. Line. Height 7 inches; width 5 6-16 inches. Choice India proof before all letters, large paper. 1789. SCENES IN FRANKLIN'S LIFE. Representing Franklin as a farmer and as a philosopher, his air balloon, and the ship which carried him to Europe. Four ornamented ovals in quarto sheet. Line. Height 6 2-16 inches; width 5 "2-16 inches. W. Groome del. 1790. VUE DE LA TERRASSE DE M? FRANKLIN A PASSY. A representation of Franklin's balloon ascension from Franklin's garden at Passy, with 7 lines of descriptive text. Line, colored. Height 4 15-16 inches; width 3 8-16 inches. A Paris chez Vachez quai de GeVres, a 1'Esperance. Very rare. Engraved by Lavachez. 1791. FIRST READING OF THE DEC. OF INDEPENDENCE. Franklin seated at a table, aside of Jefferson and Adams, Livingstone standing in the background. Vignette. Line. Height 2 4-16 inches; width 2 14-16 inches. American Bank Note Co. India Proof. 1792. DER PHILOSOPH VON FERNEY SEGNET DEN JUNGEN GROS-SOHN FRANKLIN'S "Gorx! FREYHEIT! FRIEDE!" Representing Franklin standing in the centre of a room beside an old man, who is blessing a little child. Line. Height 4 9-16 inches; width 2 10-16 inches. D. Chod. del F. Berger sc. 1793. FRANKLIN, THE MAN OR THE BOY. Representing Franklin be- stowing food on a poor woman and her children, who are seated in a rowboat. Line. Height 5 inches; width 6 10-16 inches. Eng? by W. H. Dougal. 1794. COMMITTEE OF CONGRESS DRAFTING THE DECLARA- TION OF INDEPENDENCE 1776. Representing Thomas Jeffer- son reading the "Declaration" to Jno Adams, Benj Franklin, Robt. Livingstone, and Roger Sherman. Line. Height 22 inches; width 18 2-16 inches. Painted by P. F. Rothermel. Engraved by T. D. Booth (Copy- right 1865) 9 2 1795- LTNDESPENSABLE PERP^TUEL CONTENANT I/ENSEMBLE DES NOTIONS UTILES A TOUT LE MONDE. Full-length portrait of Franklin, Wash- ington, Poniatowski, Mirabeau, Napoleon, Louis Philippe, Constant and Foy; the heading to an imperial folio sheet. Woodcut. Size of whole sheet, height 19 6-16 inches; width 24 6-16 inches. An almanack for 1830, and perpetual calendar. Rare. 1796. FRANKLIN BEFORE THE LORDS IN COUNCIL 1774. Stipple. Height 17 10-16 inches; width 25 2-16 inches. Painted by Schuesseler. Engraved by Robert Whitechurch. This Engraving from the Original Painting is respectfully dedicated to the People of the United States by the Publisher. 1797. FRANKLIN'S RECEPTION AT THE COURT OF FRANCE, 1778. Aquatint. Height 20 8-16 inches; width 30 2-16 inches. Respectfully Dedicated to the People of the United States. Pub. by John Smith. 756 South 4 f . h S*. Phila. 1798. FRANKLIN AT THE COURT OF FRANCE 1778. Mixed. Height 27 13-16 inches; length 39 12-16 inches. Painted by Baron Jolly, Bruxelles. Engraved by W. O. Geller, London. " Receiving the homage of his Genius, and the recognition of his country's advent among the Nations." This Engraving from the Original picture is respectfully dedicated to the People of the United States. Published by William Jay, Charles J. Hedenberg, and William H. Emerson, Philadelphia Pa. (Copyright 1853) India proof. 1799. FRANKLIN BEFORE THE LORDS IN COUNCIL, WHITEHALL CHAPEL, LONDON 1774. Stipple, in colors. Height 27 inches; length 37 10-16 inches. Painted by C. Schuessele. Engraved by Robert Whitechurch. " This Engraving from the Original painting is respectfully dedicated to the people of the United States by the Publisher." Published by John M. Butler 242 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. (Copyright 1860) Slightly torn 93 MEMBERS OF FRANKLIN'S FAMILY. 1801. W FRANKLIN. Full bust and head in profile to left. Oval. Lithograph. Height 3 12-16 inches; width 2 13-16 inches. From a small bassoreleivo in the possession of Archer Gifford. Lith of Sarony & C? New York. 1802. WILLIAM FRANKLIN. GOVERNOR OF NEW JERSEY. Full bust in uniform, in profile to left. Oval. Woodcut, Height 2 11-16 inches; width 2 3-16 inches. 1803. WILLIAM TEMPLE FRANKLIN. NAT 176008 1823. Full bust, head three-quarters to left. Vignette. Etching. Height 4 2-16 inches; width 3 10-16 inches. Trumbull Pinx. Al. Rosenthal Sc. From the original painting in the Trumbull Collection, Yale School of Art. India proof. 1804. WILLIAM FRANKLIN. NAT 1730. OB 1813. GOVERNOR OF NEW JERSEY 1762-1776. Full bust, head three-quarters to left. Etching. Height 5 6-16 inches; width 4 inches. Albert Rosenthal sc From the original painting in the Philadel- phia Library. 1805. MRS FRANKLIN. Full bust, head three-quarters to left. Line. Height 4 9-16 inches; width 3 12-16 inches. Engraved by Jos. Andrews. From an original Painting in the possession of Professor Hodge. 1806. THE SAME. With publisher's address: "Boston, Published by. Tappan & Dennet." LOT 1807 PORTRAITS OF GEN L GILBERT MOTIER DELAFAYETTE. CHARLES WILLSON PEALE TYPE. 1807. THE MARQUIS DE LA FAYETTE MAJOR. GENERAL IN THE ARMIES OF THE UNITED STATES or AMERICA. Full bust in uniform, head three-quarters to left. Oval with a border, in which is the title. . ..Mezzotinto. Height 6 2-16 indies; width 5 1-16 inches. C. W. Peale'Pinx? et Fecit. Fine impression, with wide margin; of excessive rarity; and forming a companion portrait to Peak's portrait of Washington. See Plate. 1808. LE MARQUIS DE LA FAYETTE. Full 'bust in nniforfn,- with black neckerchief, head three-quarters to right. Oval in a rectangle. Mezzotinto. Height 7 2-16 inches; width 6 10-16 inches. Grav par Jean Young Engraveur en Maniere noire a' son Altese Royale le Prince de Galles. A Londres il sevend chez J. Bradshaiv; Coventry Street, Hay Market, Sept b r e 8, 1789. Fine brilliant impression. Excessively rare. | t .,-^, ,yj 1809. Three-quarter length, head three-quarters to right, left hand resting on his sword-hilt, the right thrust into the waistcoat; curtain in the background. Etching. Height 5 14-16 inches; width 4 3-16 inches. . C. W. Peaie pinx Albert Rosen thai' sculp. From the original portrait of the Marquis de la Fayette, painted for General Washing- ton, now in the possession of General G. W. Custis Lee, Lexington, Va. Etched for Charlemagne Tower, Jr., Philad a 1894. India proof. 1810. THE SAME. Artist's proof, signed. (First printed proof.) 1811. THE SAME. A series of four proofs taken during the progress of the etching. 4 pieces. 1812. THE SAME. Plain impression. 95 9 6 1813. MADAME DE LA FAYETTE. Half length, seated, full face, with hair in Pompadour style; the right hand supporting the chin; the elbow resting on a table to the right. Circular. Etching. Diameter 4 5-16 inches. Etched by Albert Rosenthal for Charlemagne Tower, Jr., Phila- delphia, 1894. From a miniature in the possession of the family India proof. 1814. THE SAME. Artist's proof on parchment, signed. 1815. THE SAME. A series of five proofs taken during the progress of the etching. 5 pieces. 1816. (MADAME DE LA FAYETTE.) Half length, nearly full face. Etching. Height 5 1-16 inches; width 4 inches. Etched by Albert Rosenthal for Charlemagne Tower, Jr., Phila- delphia, 1894. India proof with portrait of Genl. Lafayette as re- marque. 1817. THE SAME. Artist's remarque proof on parchment, signed. 1818. THE SAME. A series of five proofs taken during the progress of the etching. 5 pieces. C. A. JACOBI TYPE. 1819. LA FAYETTE. Full bust in uniform, with cocked hat and plume, head in profile to left. Stipple. Height 3 11-16 inches; width 2 14-16 inches. Bellinger sc. Zwickau, bei Gebr. Schumann. Rare. 1820. LA FAYETTE FRANZOSISCHER FELDHERR 1792. Full bust in uniform, with cocked hat and plume, head in profile to left. Oval. Stipple. Height 3 1-16 inches; width 2 5-16 inches. J. F. Bolt, Sculp. Berlin. 92. Very rare. 1821. LA FAYETTE. Full bust in uniform, with cocked hat and plume, head in profile to left. Oval. Stipple. Height 2 11-16 inches; width 2 3-16 inches. F. Bolt Sc. 1796. Choice proof, printed in brown. Exceedingly scarce. '1 11 ' fftH-M'tf LOT 1823, REDUCED il jj j J. 'J 97 1822. LA FAYETTE, MARECHAL DER FRANZOSISCHEN NATIONALARME 1792. Full bust in uniform, with cocked hat and plume, head in profile to left. Oval in a rectangle; beneath the oval a tablet on which is the title. Stipple. Height 5 10-16 inches; width 3 3-16 inches. im Verlag des Buchhandlers Creutz. T. C. G. Fritzsch Sc. Hamb. 1794. in Magdeburg. India proof, very rare. 1823. LA FAYETTE. Full bust in uniform, with cocked hat and plume, head in profile to left. Oval surrounded with a wreath, resting on a base on which is the title. Over the top of the oval a plumed helmet, sword, and baton ; under the oval a shepherd's horn and palm crossed. Stipple. Height 10 15-16 inches; width 5 14-16 inches. C. A. Jacobi. pinxit Hirschmann A beautiful impression of an excessively rare print. See Plate. 1824. M* DE LA FAYETTE, COMMANDANT GENERAL DE LA GARDE NATIONALS PARISIENNE. Full length in uniform, with cocked hat and plume, advancing to the left, a walking-stick in the left hand, the right hand extended and pointing to the left; in the right back- ground a company of infantry marching. Aquatint in gold and colors. Height ii 3-16 inches; width 6 11-16 inches. Hoffmann f. 1790 Se trouve chez Jaujrel M A . d'Estampes. Ex- ceedingly scarce. 1825. LA FAYETTE FRANZOSISCHER FELDHERR. Full bust in uniform, with cocked hat and plume, head in profile to left. Oval in a rect- angle, the title on a tablet beneath the oval. Stipple. Height 7 6-16 inches; width 5 inches. F. Rick Sculp. Berlin. Proof. Very rare. 1826. THE SAME. Proof before all letters and before the title on the tablet. Excessively rare in this state. 1827. M. LE MARQ? DE LA FAYETTE. Ce He'ros, cher a tous, et de tous respecte Sail par une active prudence, Nous conserver la Liberte", Que Paris en un, jour a conquis a la France. Full length in uniform, with cocked hat and plume, on horseback advancing to the right, a sword in the right hand pointing to the right ; in the background military tent, buildings, etc. Oval. Stipple. Height 3 12-16 inches; length 4 13-16 inches. Very rare. 7 9 8 1828. M? LE MARQUIS DE LA FAYETTE. COMMANDANT GENERAL DE LA GARDE NATIONALE ET CITOYENNE DE LA VILLE DE PARIS PRO LIBERTATE, PRO PATRIA. Full length in uniform and cocked hat on horseback, advancing to the left. Vignette in a border of one line. Aquatint in colors. Height 10 3-16 inches; width 7 13-16 inches. A Paris ches Basset Rue St Jacques, au coin de celle des Mathurins a PImage S9 Genevieve. A. P. D. R. II tient Magasin de Papiers en Rouleaux. Of extreme rarity. 1829. M? LE MARQUIS DE LA FAYETTE, COMMANDANT DE LA GARDE PARISIENNE. Full length in uniform and cocked hat; head in profile to left; the left arm resting on the hilt; the right hand, holding a sword, is extended and pointing to the right. Vignette in a border of a single line. Etching in colors. Height 7 6-16 inches; width 6 2-16 inches. A Paris chez Basset rue S*. Jacques au coin de celle des Mathurins. Very rare. QUENEDEY TYPE. 1830. M. DE LAFAYETTE. Bust and head in profile to right, in uni- form, with queue. Oval. Stipple. Height 4 inches; width 3 2-16 inches. T. Clarke Sculp 1 . Philad* 1831. M? LE MARQUIS DE LA FAYETTE, GENERAL COMMENDANT DER PARISER NATIONAL GARDEN. Bust and head in profile to left, in uniform with queue. Oval on a base in a rectangle, suspended with a ring, tied with ribbons; to the right a sword, on the point of which is a liberty cap; on the base in the right-hand corner olive branches and oak leaves. The title in a tablet on the base. Stipple. Height 5 13-16 inches; width 3 7-16 inches. S. C. Miger del. Paris G. G. Endner sc. Lipsiae 1791. Rare. 1832. GILBERT MOTIER MARQUIS DE LA FAYETTE. SA BELLE CONDUITE AU SI^GE DE YORK-TOWN, EN VlRGINIE LE FIT LIRE EN 1787 MEMBRE DE L'ASSEMBL^E DE NOTABLES ET EN 1789 DEPUTE A L' ASSEMBLED NATIONALE. Bust and head in profile to left, in uniform, with queue. Circular. Aquatint. Diameter 4 1-16 inches. D'apres le physionatrace de Quenedey. Ed NadonalcParisieiiuc ';n "/>,: V.lii.-xiHs .-/ llaniK, ./v/^ .<'..i.if', /./ 1'iti,' it,- . V ,//,//.->-... V-'.xi . :\y Priv.hiRoi. LOT 1930, REDUCED J ;J J 7, J s -a i J / a ii "3 1928. M. LE M* s DE LA FAYETTE, Em PAR ACCLAMATION, COM- MANDANT DE LA GARDE NATIONALS. Sous les drapeaux francois, son intre'pe'dite En brisant d'autres fers, honora la Patrie; Anfourd'hui, le francois qu'inspire son Ge'nie, Range sous ses drapeaux, marche a la Liberte, Par le Ch P. de Berainville. Full bust in uniform, head three-quarters to right. Oval in a rectangle. The title on a tablet beneath the oval. Stipple, colored. Height 5 13-16 inches; width 3 8-16 inches. Verite Sculpsit. A Paris chez Mad e . Bergny M d . e d'Estampes de S. A. S. Mad e la P es . se Lamballe, Rue du Coq S( Honore. Very rare. 1929. THE SAME. Plain impression. Very rare. BOURNIEU TYPE. 1930. M? LE MJ S DE LA FAYETTE. MARSHAL DE CAMP EX COM- MANDANT GENERAL DE LA GARDE NATIONALS PARISIENNE. Full bust in uniform, head three-quarters to left. Oval in a rectangle; the title on a tablet beneath the oval. Stipple printed in colors. Height 8 4-16 inches; width 5 8-16 inches. Grav par Darcis de Demiere. a Paris chez Esnauts et Rapilly, rue S'. Jacques, a la Ville de Coutances, N. 269. Av. Priv du Roi. Ex- cessively rare. See Plate. 1931. LA FAYETTE. Full bust in uniform, head three-quarters to right. Vignette. Lithograph. Height 3 2-16 inches; width 2 2-16 inches. Drummond del. Published by H. L. Hunt and C. C. Clarke Tavistock Street. Printed by C. Hullmandel. 1932. LAFAYETTE. Full bust in uniform, head three-quarters to right. Vignette. Line. Height s 4-16 inches; width 4 4-16 inches. Engr. by H. Gugeler. 1933. THE SAME. Proof on large paper. H4 1934- LAFAYETTE NOMME" GENERAL DE LA GARDE NATIONALE LE 15 JUILLET 1789. PROCLAM GNRAL EN CHEF DE LA MEME GARDE LE 28 JUILLET 1830. Full bust in uniform, head three-quarters to right. Oval in a rectangle in a border resembling a frame; the title on a tablet beneath the oval. Line. Height 13 7-16 inches; width 9 is-i6 inches. Dessine* par Bounieu d'apres une Miniature. Grave* par Van- gelisti, chez Porlier, Graveur Editeur, Rue des cinq Diamans, N? 8. "Galene" de hommes illustres vivans." 1935. THE SAME. With variety in title: "Le Marquis de la Fayette Mare*chal de Camp," and the tablet with background of crossed lines, and before the "Galerie des hommes illustres vivan." Very rare in this state. L. LE PAON TYPE. 1936. DE LA FAYETTE. Full bust in uniform, head three-quarters to right. Circular medallion on a base in a rectangle engraved to repre- sent stonework; the title on a tablet on the base. Line. Height 5 14-16 inches; width 3 11-16 inches. Angus Sculp. Published Aug. 26. 1785. by I. Fielding. Paternoster Row. 1937. M. LE MQV 15 DE LA FAYETT. MARECHAL DES CAMPS. GNRAL DE LA MILICE PARISIENNE. Full length in uniform, stand- ing, head three-quarters to left; feet crossed; left hand resting on a pedestal to right; a sword in the right hand, held under the coat-tails; back of the legs, in the lower left distance, a view of an encamp- ment in the upper left-hand corner a curtain. Aquatint in colors. Height 12 11-16 inches; width 8 6-16 inches. B c . e sculp*. A Paris, chez Bance, rue S l . Severin, N. 26. Rare. 1938. THE SAME. In brown. Rare. 1939. GEN. THE MARQUIS DE LA FAYETTE. Half length, in uniform, head three-quarters to left; a chapeau under the left arm; the hand holding a sword. Vignette. Stipple. Height 6 4-16 inches; width 4 9-16 inches. H. B. Hall. (From a French print 1781.) New York G. P. Putnam & Co. Printed by W. Pate. India proof. 1940. DE MARQUIS DE LA FAYETTE, VELD-MARSCHALK, GENERAAL DER PARYSCHE BURGER-MILITIE. Full bust in uniform, head three- quarters to left. Oval. Stipple. Height 3 6-16 inches; width 2 10-16 inches. F. Bohn, Excudit. Rare. 1941. DE MARQUIS DE LA FAYETTE. Full bust in uniform, head three-quarters to left. Oval. Stipple. Height 3 5-16 inches; width a 10-16 inches. C. Kobell. f. gouda. Rare. 1942. CONCLUSION DE LA CAMPAGNE DE 1781 EN VIRGINIE, LE MARQUIS DE LA FAYETTE. MARCHAL DE CAMP DES ARMIES DU Roi, ET COMMANDANT DE LA GARDE NATIONALE PARISIENNE. L'Amerique e"toit asservie, ( Ses succes au dela des Mers Ce Heros vint briser ses fers ; ( Presageoient ceux de sa Patrie. Full length in uniform, head three-quarters to left, standing on the field of battle, to the left of a horse partly visible, held by a negro servant; chapeau under the left arm, a sword held in the hand; the right hand pointing to a battle in progress in the left distance; in the border a wreath of olive leaves encircling the word "Liberte*" and Liberty cap. Line. Height 16 9-16 inches; width 12 9-16 inches. Peint par L. le Paon Peintre de Bataille de S. A. S. M? r le Prince de Conde*. Grave par N. le Mire des Academies Imperiales et Royales et de celle des Sciences et Arts de Rouen et de Lille. Cette Estampe se vend avec Privilege du Roi, a Paris chez Le Mire, rue et Porte S 1 . Jacques N. 122. 1943. THE SAME. Variety in title: "Conclusion de la Campagne de 1781 en Virginie, To his Excellency General Washington this Likeness of his friend the Marquess de la Fayette, is humbly dedicated, By le Mire." " Cette Estampe se vend avec Privilege du Roy a Paris chez le Mire rue et porte S( Jacques, a cdte du Cafie d Aubertin N. 122." Very rare in this state. 1944. THE SAME. Choice proof before all letters. Excessively rare in this state. 1945. LA FAYETTE IN 1781. Was born in France in 1757, espoused the American cause in 1776, arrived at Charleston, S. C. Jan? 1777, and joined the Continental Army as a Volunteer; he was Commis- sioned by Congress as Major General July 1777. He went to France n6 in 1779, and returned in 1780 with a large Reinforcement. In 1781 he commanded in Virginia and took an active part in the Capture of Cornwallis; in 1784 when he saw our Independence secure he embarked again for his native Country, loaded with Honour and the gratitude of the American People. Returned to the U. States as a National guest in 1824. Full length in uniform; fully described in the print by Le Mire No. 1942. Stipple. Height 18 9-16 inches; width 14 10-16 inches. Painted by L. le Paon Historical Painter to the Prince of Conde". Engraved by F. Kearny Philadelphia 1824. Published by F. Kearny 96 Chesnut S*. Very rare. 1946. LA FAYETTE. Full bust in uniform, head three-quarters to left; to the right a pine tree; in the left distance a battle scene. Stipple. Height 4 8- 1 6 inches; width 3 5-16 inches. 1947. LAFAYETTE. (Prise d'lorktown. 19 Oct. 1781.) Full length in uniform, fully described in print by le Mire, Lot 1942. Vignette. Etching. Height 5 7-16 inches; width 4 6-16 inches. "L'Avenir des Peuples. Histoire Contemporaine." 1948. THE SAME. Proof after the plate had been altered. 1949. M. LE MARQUISE DE LA FAYETTE MARCHAL DES CAMPS, GNRAL DE LA MILICE PARISIENNE. Full bust in uniform, head three-quarters to right. Oval with a border in a rectangle, resting on a base; the title on the base. Mezzotinto. Height 7 10-16 inches; width 5 7-16 inches. Excessively rare. MARTINET TYPE. 1950. LAFAYETTE. Full length, in military cloak, head three-quarters to left; the right hand thrust into the breast, the left holding a scroll; standing on a rocky elevation; in the rear distance a view of an en- campment. Aquatint. Height 15 10-16 indies; width n 7-16 inches. Martinet pinx. Charon sculpt. n 7 1951- THE SAME. With seven lines in script eulogistic of Lafayette, in French, a Paris, chez Jean, rue S*. Jean de Beauvais, N 10. Depose. Printed in Tints. GERARD TYPE. 1952. LE GENERAL LAFAYETTE, N EN AUVERGNE DE 6 SEP B . RE 1757. AMI DE WASHINGTON DIGNE EMULE DE SA GLOIRE. CAM- PAGNE D'AMERIQUE DE 1777. &c &c. Full bust, in civilian dress, white neckerchief, head three-quarters to right. Circular medallion in a rectangle. Stipple. Height s 3-i6 inches; width 5 3-16 inches. M e Meyer Del. Boutran Sculp* Ddpose* a la Directoire a Paris, ches I'Auteur, Rue des Francs-Bourgeois S l . Michel, TV? 6. 1953. LAFAYETTE. Full bust in military cloak, head three-quarters to right. Vignette. Line. Height 3 14-16 inches; width 4 6-16 inches. Faith del Ballin sc Gilquin et Dupain, imp. r. de la Calandre, 19. Paris. Publi6 par Dufour, Mulat et Boulanger. 1954. LAFAYETTE. Full bust in civilian dress, head three-quarters to right, with border resembling frame. Stipple. Height 4 7-16 inches; width 3 10-16 inches. Gerard px { . Burkhart. u. Fr. Stober, sc Inst. Bibliogr. excudit. 1955. THE SAME. Without the border, and variety in title and en- graver's address: "Nach dem Leben gezeeihnet, Lafayette, General- Commandant Nationalgarde dei Pariser," etc. 1956. LAFAYETTE. Full bust in civilian dress, head three-quarters to right. Oval. Lithograph. ;''.' Height 3 14-16 inches; width 3 inches. Loritz del. Liths. de C. Motte. India proof. 1957. LAFAYETTE. Full bust in civilian dress, head three-quarters to right. Vignette. Underneath the portrait a vignette representing Lafayette embracing an Indian. Lithograph in colors. Height 9 inches; width 8 12-16 inches. Maurin. Lith. de Villain chez 1'Editeur, rue Richer, N? 15. 1958. THE SAME. Uncolored. n8 1959. LE GENERAL LAFAYETTE. Full length in civilian dress, seated on a deck of a ship, head three-quarters to right; the spirits of Wash- ington, Franklin, and other defenders of American liberty to the right; to the left the genie protectors of America driving away the storm; the following inscription in French and English: "The spirits of the defenders of the American liberty are visiting him during his passage; the genie protectors of America drive away the storms." Mezzotinto. Height 16 5-16 inches; length 21 7-16 inches. Dubouloz Del. et inv 1 . Moreau Sculp 1825. a Paris, chez Chaillon Potrelle Edit. Rue S l . Honore N. 140. 1960. LE GENERAL LAFAYETTE. (DEPUTE DU DE"PARTEMENT DE LA SARTHE). Full bust in civilian's dress, head three-quarters to left. Vignette. Lithograph. Height 4 2-16 inches; width 4 8-16 inches. Singry Lith. de Langlume'. With inscription in French of five lines in script. 1961. M. LE G A ^ DE LAFAYETTE. DEPUTE DU DEPT DE LA SARTHE LU EN 1818. Full bust in civilian's dress, head three-quarters to right. Oval. Stipple. Height 4 1-16 inches; width 3 5-16 inches. 1962. THE SAME. Variety in title: "M. Le G* 1 De Lafayette, De'pute' du Dep* de Seine et Marne, Commandant Ge'ne'ral des Gardes Na- tionales de France en 1830." 1963. LAFAYETTE. Full bust in civilian dress, head three-quarters to right. Vignette. Lithograph. Height 5 inches; width 4 12-16 inches. Lith. v. Boisch. Druck v. Ed. Pielzsch u. C?. Dresd. Beilage z. Sachs. Dorfzeitung. 1964. LAFAYETTE. Full bust in civilian's dress, head three-quarters to right. Vignette. Lithograph. Height 4 10-16 inches; width 4 12-16 inches. Lith. v. Brand, gedr. b. E. Ponicke Leipzig. 1965. LE GENERAL LAFAYETTE. Full bust in civilian's dress, head three-quarters to left. Vignette. Lithograph. Height 5 inches; width 4 12-16 inches. A L. Lith de Ducarme. Public par Blaisot. Galerie Universelle "9 1 9 66. THE SAME. "Lith de Fenrouge." 1967. LE GENERAL LAFAYETTE. Full bust in civilian's dress, head three-quarters to left. Oval in a wreath of oak leaves; underneath the oval a group of war implements. Lithograph. Oval, height 6 10-16 inches; width 5 4-16 inches. Lith de H. Brun et Cl e a Lyon. 1968. LAFAYETTE. Full bust in civilian's dress, head three-quarters to right. Vignette. Lithograph. Height 8 12-16 inches; width o 4-16 inches. Chez VEditeur Rue Richer N 15. Litho. de Demanne. 1969. LAFAYETTE. Full bust in civilian dress, head three-quarters to right. Vignette. Stipple. Height 2 4-16 inches; width 2 3-16 inches. Page Jutf London. T. North. 162. Fleet St'. 1970. LAFAYETTE. Full length in civilian's dress, head three-quarters to right, hat in the left hand, leaning against a grassy mound, in front of the tomb of Washington. Lithograph. Height 12 4-16 inches; width 9 2-16 inches. De"ssin6 par F. Loritz. Litho: de C: Motte. 1971. Three-quarter length in civilian's dress, nearly full face, standing before an armchair; the left hand resting on a table to right, a paper in the right hand. Stipple. Height 7 7-16 inches; width 5 7-16 inches. Choice India paper proof before all letters. 1972. LAFAYETTE. GNRAL EN CHEF DE LA GARDE NATIONALE. Full bust in civilian's dress, head three-quarters to left. Vignette. Lithograph. Height 7 2-16 inches; width 7 12-16 inches. Litho: de Menaowze. 1973. LAFAYETTE. Full bust in civilian dress, head three-quarters to right. Circular medallion with an ornamental border. Stipple. Diameter 2 10-16 inches. I2O 1974- MARQUIS DE LAFAYETTE GENERAL DER PARISER NATIONAL- GARDE, GEB. D. i SEPTBR. 1757. zu CHAVAGNAC IM DEPART. DER OBERN LOIRE. Full bust in civilian's dress, head three-quarters to left. Vignette. Lithograph. Height 4 6-16 inches; width 4 2-16 inches. Weber'sche Lithographic Leipzig. Verlag von Phil. Lenz in Leipzig. MAURIN TYPE. 1975. LAFAYETTE. Full bust in civilian's dress, head three-quarters to left. Vignette. Lithograph. Height 6 8-16 inches; width 6 10-16 inches. Linati Se vend chez I'Auteur rue J. J. Rousseau N. 20. 1976. LAFAYETTE (1830). Full bust in civilian's dress, head three- quarters to right. Vignette. Etching. Height 3 inches; width 2 8-16 inches. 1977. THE SAME. Without the artist's name, but with "Galerie des. Contemporaines Illustres" "Imp de Pernel Rene et C?" 1978. LAFAYETTE. N A CHAVAGNAC. LE i* R SEPTEMBRE 1757. MORT A PARIS. LE 20 MAI 1834. Full bust in civilian's dress, head three- quarters to right. Vignette. Lithograph. Height 9 12-16 inches; width 9 14-16 inches. Lith. de Delpech. Dessine" d'apres nature par Maurin : 1979. LAFAYETTE (1830). Full bust in civilian's dress, head three- quarters to left. Vignette. Lithograph. Height 2 10-16 inches; width 2 3-16 inches. "Galerie des contemporains Illustres." Imp. de Rene et Ci e Rue de Seine. 37. India proof. 1980. THE SAME. Plain impression. 1981. LAFAYETTE. Full bust in civilian's dress, head three-quarters to left. Vignette in a border of two lines. Lithograph. Height 4 14-16 indies; width 4 4-16 inches. Lith. Royale P. Degobert. Public par ch s . Hen. a Bruxelles. 121 1982. LAFAYETTE. Full bust in civilian's dress, head three-quarters to left. Vignette. Lithograph. Height 3 12-16 indies; width 3 12-16 inches. Lith. de Delpech. ARY SCHEFFER TYPE. 1983. LAFAYETTE. Three-quarter length in civilian's dress, head and body three-quarters to left; the right hand resting on a walking-stick and holding a hat; the left hand thrust into the coat pocket. Stipple. Height 7 4-16 inches; width 5 4-16 inches. Eng? by Annin & Smith from the admired print by Leroux after a painting by Scheffer published in Paris the present year. 1824. 1984. G^ L LAFAYETTE. Full bust in civilian's dress, head three- quarters to left. Vignette. Stipple. Height 3 3-16 inches; width a 15-16 inches. Couche* fils sc. 1985. LAFAYETTE. Full bust in civilian's dress, head three-quarters to left. Vignette. Stipple. Height 5 2-16 inches; width 5 inches. t Painted by A. Scheffer. Engraved 6r Published by G. Fairman & C. G. Childs. 45 Sansom S( Open letter proof. 1986. THE SAME. A later impression, without the publisher's address and with name of the artist: "C. G. Childs. sc. on Steel." 1987. THE SAME. With the name of the publisher: "Published by S. C. Atkinson for the casket" 1988. G A . L LAFAYETTE. Full bust in civilian's dress, head three-quarters to left. Vignette. Lithograph. Height 3 10-16 inches; width 3 10-16 inches. Colleye. f Lith. de la Cour. 1989. LA FAYETTE. Full bust in civilian's dress, head three-quarters to left. Line. Height 4 1-16 inches; width 3 inches. Scheffer del Dequevauvillier sculp. 122 1990- THE SAME. Proof before the title, on India paper. 1991. LA FAYETTE. GRENABLE SOUVENIR DU 16 AOUT 1829. DDI A MONSIEUR GEORGES DE LAFAYETTE ET A LA FAMILL^. Full bust in civilian's dress, head three-quarters to right. Vignette. Lithograph. Height 4 13-16 inches; width 4 12-16 inches. al. debeille 1829 Lith. de H. Brunei a Lyon. 1992. GENERAL LAFAYETTE. Nearly half length in civilian's dress, head three-quarters to right. Line. Height 3 inches; width a 4-16 inches. ? Engraved by T. S. Engleheart. John Cumberland. 2. Cumberland Terrace, Camden. New Town. 1993. GENERAL LAFAYETTE. BEHOLD THE PATRIARCH OF LIBERTY IN BOTH HEMISPHERES! Full bust in civilian's dress, head three- quarters to left, in an ornamental border, in the centre of a sheet entitled "The Three Days of Paris," with letterpress. Line. Height 2 2-16 inches; width i 10-16 inches. A. Scheffer. T. M. Fontaine Sculp*. London Published, August 10, 1830, by Colnaghi. Son, and Co; n, Pall Mall East. 1994. THE SAME. With French letterpress. 1995. THE SAME. Without the letterpress. "Galerie Napoleon" Be"r- nard. Editeur. Galerie Vivienne, No 49. India proof. 1996. THE SAME. With a different border. "Tellier. Andrew, Best Leloir." 1997. THE SAME. Fine proof without the border. Rare in this state. 1998. THE SAME. Proof before all letters, on India paper. Very rare in this state. 1999. THE SAME. With border of three lines. 2000. LAFAYETTE. Full bust in civilian's dress, head three-quarters to left. Vignette, on a sheet with a similar portrait of Louis Philippe i. Line. Height 2 4-16 inches; width i 10-16 inches. Ferdinand Set 123 2001. Full bust in civilian's dress, head three-quarters to left. Oval. Stipple. Height 9 4-16 inches; width 7 10-16 inches. (Engraved by Girardet) Choice proof before all letters on India paper. Very rare in this state. 2002. Full bust in civilian's dress, head three-quarters to right in a border engraved to represent a frame, suspended by a nail. Stipple. Height 4 10-16 inches; width 3 10-16 inches. Grave par Hopwood. se trouve chez Martinet Rue du Coq St Honor e, Chaillou et Patrelle rue S' Honor e et chez I'Auteur Quai des Augustins AT? 15. 2003. THE SAME. With a different border and variety in publisher's address: "Paris chez Baudry. Libraire. Rue duCoq S f Honore N. 9." 2004. LAFAYETTE. Full bust in civilian's dress, head three-quarters to left. Vignette. Stipple. Height 3 12-16 inches; width 3 6-16 inches. Ary Scheffer Pinx. Cyprien Jacquemin sc. Imp. Chardon Aine et Fils. R. Hautejeuille. 2005. THE SAME. With variety in publisher's address: "Public par Pagnerre." 2oo6.^LAFAYETTE. Half length, in civilian's dress, head three-quarters to left. Vignette. Stipple. Height 4 12-16 inches; width 3 8-16 inches. Drawn and Engraved by J. B. Longacre, from the Portrait in pos- session of M? 3 Bloomfield. 2007. LAFAYETTE. Full length in civilian's dress, head and body three- quarters to left, standing in front of some rocks; the left hand thrust into the coat-pocket; the right supported by a walking-stick, holding a hat. Line. Height 21 8-16 inches; width 14 8-16 inches. A. Scheffer Pinx* 1822 Leroux Sculp*. 1824. a Paris, chez I'Auteur, Rue S l . Victor, N. 9, et chez Chaillou, M? d'Estampes, Rue S l . Honore. N. 140. Choice open letter proof. Rare in this state. 2008. THE SAME. Choice proof before letters, with the artists' names etched in. Very rare in this state. 124 2009. Full bust in civilian's dress, head three-quarters to right. Vignette. Line. Height 3 8-16 inches; width 2 12-16 inches. Sam 1 . Maverick. Rare. 2010. LA FAYETTE. Full length in civilian's dress, head and body three-quarters to left, standing in front of some rocks; the left hand thrust into the coat pocket, the right supported by a walking-stick, holding a hat. Line. Height 2 15-16 inches; width 2 3-16 inches. Tiller Sc. On a glazed card. 201 1. VIVE L'ORDRE ET LA LIBERT^ AU LAFAYETTE A PARIS CANTATE A LA GARDE NATIONALE. Full bust, in civilian's' dress, head three- quarters to right. Vignette. Lithograph. Height 5 10-16 inches; width 6 inches. Vigneron Lith. de Engelmann. 2012. THE SAME. India proof before all letters. Very rare in this state. i 2013. Full bust in civilian's dress, head three-quarters to left. Oval. Stipple. Height '3 inches; width 2 7-16 inches. Early trial proof. 2014. LAFAYETTE. Full bust in civilian's dress, head three-quarters to right. Vignette. Lithograph. Height 3 1 2- 1 6 inches; width 4 inches. Lith. de C de Lasteyrie. 2015. LAFAYETTE. Full bust in civilian's dress, head three-quarters to left, in an ornamental border, at the top of which is a cupid sitting on a sword on a rock, holding a pair of scales; on the right of border is an oak and laurel wreath, on the left a cornucopia; at the bottom drapery, on which is the title. Stipple. Height 3 10-16 inches; width 2 10-16 inches. 2016. LAFAYETTE. Full bust in civilian's dress, head three-quarters to right. Vignette. Stipple. Height i 15-16 inches; width 2 14-16 inches. 2017. LAFAYETTE. Full bust in civilian's dress, head three-quarters to left. Vignette in clouds. Line. Height 2-16 inches; width 2-16 inches. Rare. 125 2018. GENRi- LA FAYETTE THE FRIEND or LIBERTY. (This title is printed reversed.) Full bust in civilian's dress, head three-quarters to left. Circular medallion. Stipple. Diameter 3 4-16 inches. The "Pitcher Portrait," so called because it was engraved for transferring on china pitchers made to commemorate I^afayette. Excessively rare. 2019. THE SAME. Proof before all letters; possibly unique. 2020. DE LAFAYETTE. MAJOR GENERAL 1777 VISITED THE UNITED STATES 1824. Full bust in civilian's dress, head three-quarters to left. Oval medallion. Three impressions on a quarto sheet, in the center of ornamental designs for badges. Stipple. Height 10-16 inch; width 8-16 inch. Eng'd N? 45 Sansom St. 202 1. Half length, seated on a chair, head three-quarters to left, curtain in the background. Line. Height 7 9-16 inches; width 6 11-16 inches. Fine proof. 2022. Full bust in civilian's dress, head three-quarters to left. Oval. Line. Height i 7-16 inches; width i 3-16 inches. Bald, Cousland 6* Co. New York &" Philad": Indian proof. 2023. GEN. GILBERT MOTTIER LAFAYETTE. BORN SEPT. 6ra 1757. DIED MAY 20 1834. AGED 76 YEARS 8 MONTHS AND 14 DAYS. FUNERAL OBSEQUIES PERFORMED TO HIS MEMORY JULY 21, 1834. Full bust in civilian's dress, head three-quarters to left. Oval, over the top of which is a funeral urn with draped flags; the title printed around the oval. Stipple. Height a a-i6 inches; width 2 1-16 inches. India proof. Modern impression. 2024. LAFAYETTE. Full bust in civilian's dress, head three-quarters to left. Vignette. Stipple. Height 4 12-16 inches; width 3 12-16 inches. 2025. GENERAL LA FAYETTE. THE COMPANION IN ARMS OF WASH- INGTON. BORN SEPT. 6 T ? 1757. DIED MAY 2o T ? 1834. Full length in civilian's dress, standing in the open, head and body three-quarters to left; the right hand leaning on a cane holding a hat, the left thrust partly into the coat pocket. Colored lithograph. Height la inches; width 8 9-16 inches. Lith. & Piib. by N. Currier. 152 Nassau St. Cor. of Spruce, N. Y. 126 MME. MARCHAND TYPE, MOSTLY AFTER THE ARY SCHEFFER HEAD. 2026. LAFAYETTE. Full bust in uniform, head three-quarters to left. Vignette. One of a group of five portraits on a folio sheet entitled "Galeriedes Grands Hommes"; under the portrait are crossed oak branches with sword and scroll inscribed "Honneur et Merite." Lithograph. Height 3 10-16 inches; width 3 inches. Paris, chez M m . e V ve . Turgis, rue S l . Jacques N. 16, et a Toulouse rue S( Rome N. 36. 2027. LE G A . L LAFAYETTE COMMANT EN CHEF DES GARDES NATIONALS DU ROYAUME. Full bust in uniform, head three-quarters to left. Vignette. Lithograph. Height 8 4-16 inches; width 9 inches. Lith. de Delaisie. L. Desmarai? a Paris, chez Terry, Boulevard de bonne Nowvelle, 37. 2028. LAFAYETTE. Full bust in uniform, head three-quarters to right. Vignette. Stipple. Height 3 10- 1 6 inches; width 2 8-16 inches. Forestier, sculp. Ambroise Tardieu direxit. 2029. LA-FAYETTE. Full bust in uniform, head three-quarters to right. Line. Height 5 2-16 inches; width 3 10-16 inches. L. Bridi ine. Per Vin? Ferrario. 2030. GENERAL LAFAYETTE. Full bust in uniform, head three- quarters to right Vignette. Lithograph. Height 4 8-16 inches; width 3 12-16 inches. C. Hamburger, Lithog. Printed by C. Hullmandel. London. Published by Colburn & Bentley, 8 New Burlington Street. India proof. 2031. THE SAME. Plain impression. 2032. GENERAL LAFAYETTE. Full bust in uniform, head three- quarters to right; one of a group of three portraits, the others being Louis Philippe and General Gerard. Vignette. Lithograph. Height 4 4-16 inches; width 3 10-16 inches. Julien, de* Lith. de Bicnebois aine rue Clery. N? 23. a Paris, chez Bance, rue Saint Denis. N. 214. 127 2033- LAFAYETTE. Full bust in uniform, head three-quarters to left. Vignette, with facsimile of four lines of writing in Lafayette's autograph. Lithograph. Height 3 8-16 inches; width 3 9-16 inches. Lith. Delaunois, r. du Bouloy, 19. Depose a la Direction de la Librairie (Mai. 1834). 2034. LAFAYETTE COMMAND? G* DES GARDES NAT L F S DU ROYAUME. Full bust in uniform, head three-quarters to left; in the title a double wreath of oak leaves, inscribed "14 Juillet 1789 27, 28, 29 Juillet 1830." Vignette. Lithograph. Height 6 6- 1 6 inches; width 6 8-16 inches. M e Marchand. Lith. de Delaporte S' de Langlume. Paris, chez M. J. Marchand, rue S( Severin N. 30. 2035. LAFAYETTE. Full bust in uniform, head three-quarters to left. Vignette. Beneath the portrait under crossed flags is a vignette view of Lafayette's triumphal procession in Paris. Lithograph. Height 8 10-16 inches; width 9 8-16 inches. Maurin, Lith. de Lemercier. Paris, chez Giraldon Bovinet et C? 26 Passage Vivienne. London published by McLean 26 Hay Market, 2036. GENERAL LA FAYETTE. Full bust in uniform, head three- quarters to right. One of a group of five portraits on a folio sheet, the others being Laffitte, Perier, and Gerard; beneath the portrait a view of Paris during the Revolution. Vignette. Lithograph. Height 5 6-16 inches; width 4 2-16 inches. A. Maurin. a Paris, chez Bulla, rue S( Jacques. N. 38. Lith. de Lemercier, rue du Four S. G. N? 55. 2037. LAFAYETTE. Full bust in uniform, head three-quarters to left. Vignette. Stipple. Height 3 14-16 inches; width 4 inches. Stahlstich von Carl Mayer. Stuttgart. J. Scheible's Buchhand- lung, Druck v. Carl Mayer Nbg. 2038. LAFAYETTE. GENERAL DES GARDES NATIONALES DE FRANCE. Full bust in uniform, head three-quarters to left. Vignette. Lithograph. Height 4 inches; width 4 4-16 inches. A. Maurin. Paris, chez Chaillou Potrelle, rue S'. Honere. N. 140. Lith. de Lemercier, rue du Foier S. G. N? 55. 2039. THE SAME. Variation in publisher's address: "Newyork at Bourne's 359 Broad Way." 128 2040. LE GENERAL LAFAYETTE. Full length in uniform, seated to the left of a table, head three-quarters to left; the right hand resting on the table writing a letter. Aquatint. Height 8 4-16 inches; width 4 12-16 inches. Dessine et grave par Pauquet. 2041. THE SAME. Proof before all letters, on India paper. 2042. LAFAYETTE. Full bust in uniform, head three-quarters to right. Line. Height 3 15-16 inches; width 3 10-16 inches. Grave par Portier a Paris. 2043. LAFAYETTE. Full bust in uniform, head three-quarters to left. Vignette. Lithograph. Height 7 8-16 inches; width 6 8-16 inches. Pouellie" del. & Paris, chez Basset, rue S( Jacques. N. 64. 2044. LAFAYETTE. COMMANDANT-GNRAL DES GARDES NATIONALES DE FRANCE. Full bust in uniform, head three-quarters to left. Vignette. Lithograph. Height 9 6- 1 6 inches; width 8 8-16 inches. Lithographic par E. Simon fils. Imp. Lith. de Simon P. et F. a Strasb'g. , " DecUe" a la Garde nationale de Strasbourg par un de ses membres." Se vend au profit des victimes du 27, 28 et 29 Juillet 1830. 2045. LAFAYETTE. Full bust in uniform, head three-quarters to right. Vignette. Lithograph. Height 4 inches; width 4 inches. 2046. LAFAYETTE. Full bust in uniform, head three-quarters to left. Vignette. Lithograph. Height 4 inches; width 3 14-16 inches. Paris, Rosselin, Editeur 21 Quai Voltaire. Imp. Lith. Formentin &> C? 10 Rue des S'. s Peres. 2047. THE SAME. With variation in publisher's address. 2048. Full bust in uniform, head three-quarters to left. Vignette. Stipple. Height 5 4-16 inches; width 5 4-16 inches. 2049. LE G AL LAFAYETTE. Full bust in uniform, head three-quarters to right, on a quarto sheet with portraits of Louis Philippe and Gen. Gerard, in a grouping backed by crossed flags bearing the inscrip- tion "Liberte", Ordre Public, 27.28.29 Juillet 1830." Vignette. Stipple. Height 4 13-16 inches; width 4 inches. Size of whole print, height 10-16 inches; width p 4-16 inches. 129 2050. LE GENERAL LAFAYETTE. NE EN AUVERGNE LE 6 SEPTEMBRE 1757. AMI DE WASHINGTON DIGNE EMULE DE SA GLOIRE. Full bust in uniform, head three-quarters to left. Stipple. Height 9 4-16 inches; width 7 10-16 inches. a Paris chez Cereghetti, Rue Galande N. 51. Depose. Very rare. 2051. LA FAYETTE. Full bust in uniform, head three-quarters to right. Lithograph. Height 21 3-16 inches; width i6'g-i6 inches. Lith". & Published by Endicott, 359 Broadway, New York. (Copy- right 1835.) 2052. LAFAYETTE. Full bust in uniform, head three-quarters to right. Oval in a wreath of oak leaves. Line. Height i 6-16 inches; width i 2-16 inches. 2053. LAFAYETTE. Full bust in uniform, head three-quarters to left. Circular medallion. Stipple. Diameter i 12-16 inches. 2054. LAFAYETTE. Full bust in uniform, head three-quarters to right. Vignette. Lithograph. Height 2 4-16 inches; width 2 inches. Lith. de la Cour. 2055. LA FAYETTE. Full bust in uniform, head three-quarters to left. Vignette. Woodcut. Height 2 4-16 inches; width i 14-16 inches. 2056. LE G A . L LAFAYETTE. COMMANDANT EN CHEF DES GARDES NATIONALES DU ROYAUME. Full bust in uniform, head three-quarters to left. Vignette. Stipple. Height 3 12-16 inches; width 3 12-16 inches. de Beauvaise, N. 10. 2057. LE GENERAL LAFAYETTE. Full bust in uniform, head three- quarters to left. Vignette. Lithograph. Height 4 6-16 inches; width 3 10-16 inches. Lith. de Engelmann & O. 6 2058. GENERAL LAFAYETTE. Full bust in uniform, head three- quarters to right. Vignette. Lithograph. Height 3 11-16 inches; width 3 10-16 inches. Pendleton's Lith. Boston. Pub. by Lilly Wait & Co. Boston, 1833. 9 I 3 2059. Full bust in uniform, head three-quarters to left. Vignette, underneath which is a view of Lafayette's triumphal pro- cession in Paris. Stipple. Height 2 7-16 inches; width 2 9-16 inches. Marcilly, rue S* Jacques, N? ?i. 2060. Full bust in uniform, head three-quarters to left; fully described in preceding print. Stipple, colored. Height 3 10-16 inches; width 4 10-16 inches. Seven d, a Paris, Chez PreVost, Rue S^ Denis. N? 32. The heading to a letter-sheet gotten up to commemorate the French Revo- lution. 2061. LA FAYETTE. Full bust in uniform, head three-quarters to left. Oval medallion in a laurel wreath, over which is an eagle with out- spread wings, with ribbon in its beak, upon which is inscribed " The Nation's Guest"; under the eagle a scroll, upon which is the title; on each side and beneath the oval, flags and implements of war; in the background shipping. Vignette. Line. Height 2 12-16 inches; width 2 inches. 2062. LA FAYETTE. A GRATEFUL WELCOME TO THE FRIEND OF OUR ILLUSTRIOUS WASHINGTON. Full bust in uniform, head three- quarters to left, to the right of a similar portrait of Washington. Oval in a wreath of olive leaves, over which is a cupid with trumpet and wreath. Line. Height 14-16 inch; width 12-16 inch. Duly Entered According to Act 0} Congress. Silk Badge to com- memorate Lafayette's Visit in 1824. 2063. THE SAME on a sheet with General Lafayette's visiting card and an autograph note signed by General Lafayette. 2064. LAFAYETTE. Full bust in uniform, head three-quarters to left. Oval on a base on which is the title ; on either side of the oval a soldier with a musket; perched on the top of oval is an eagle with outspread wings, with a ribbon in its beak upon which is inscribed "1776," encircled with diverging rays. Vignette. Line. Height 2 2-16 inches; width i 10-16 inches. "The Soldier's model, the Patriot's Glory." Silk Badge to com- memorate Lafayette's Visit in 1824. 2065. LAFAYETTE. GENERAL EN CHEF DE LA GARDE NATIONALS DE FRANCE. (DEFENSEUR DE LA LIBERT^ DES DEUX MONDES.) Full bust in uniform, head three-quarters to right. Vignette in clouds. One of a group of four portraits, the others being Louis Philippe, Marie Amelid, and Due d'Orleans. Lithograph. Height 4 8-16 inches; width 3 10-16 inches. Julien del 1 . Lith. de Bichebois aine" cl&y, N? 23. a Paris chez Lamoureux et Danlos, Editeurs, rue de Seine, N. 4. Be*nard, Galerie Vivienne, N? 49. 2066. GENERAL LAFAYETTE. "SA CONFIANCE DANS LE TRIOMPHE DE LA LIBERT^ EST LA M^ME QUE CELLE D'UN HOMME PIEUX DANS LA VIE A VENIR." Full bust in uniform, head three-quarters to right. Vignette. Lithograph. Height 7 12-16 inches; width 7 inches. E. Lemaitre del 1 . Lith. de Engelmann & C 1 . 6 2067. LAFAYETTE. Full bust in uniform, head three-quarters to left. Vignette, underneath which is, beneath crossed flags, a representation of the triumphal procession in honor of Lafayette in Paris. Lithograph. Height 8 12-16 inches; width 9 6-16 inches. Maurin. Lith. de Lemercier. Paris, chez Giraldon Bovinet et C? 26 Passage Vivienne. London, published by McLean. 25 Hay Market. 2068. Full length in uniform, head three-quarters to left, embracing Louis Philippe i? { Lithograph. Height 12 12-16 inches; width 9 8-16 inches. A. Maurin del Lith. de Lemercier. "Voila le Roi qu'il nous fallait, C'est la meilleure des republiques." a Paris, chez I'Editeur rue S( Honore. N. 190. et chez Rittner Boulevard Montmartre N. 12. et chez Challou Potrelle rue S( Honore N 140. London, published by Ch. Tilt 86 Fleet Street. 2069. Full bust in uniform, head three-quarters to left. Vignette, beneath which are crossed flags with a crowing cock in the center. Stipple Height 2 13-16 inches; width 3 inches 132 JULIEN TYPE, HEAD AFTER ARY SCHEFFER. 2070. Full length in uniform, head three-quarters to right, the right hand holding the hat and the left the scabbard of a sword; standing to the left of a monument upon which is inscribed " Declara- tion des Droits de 1' Homme," etc. ; to the left the full-length portrait of Mirabeau; over the monument a crowing cock, olive leaves, and a hat of the Commune; to the right and left in the background flags. Vignette. Aquatint, Height 15 inches; width 13 1-16 inches. Ecrit par Bernard. Binet, Rue Aubrey le Boucher, 34. 2071. THE SAME. In colors. 2072. LAFAYETTE. Full bust in uniform, head three-quarters to left. Vignette. Lithograph. Height 3 8-16 inches; width 3 6-16 inches. Public par Soetens &" Fils, a La Haye. 2073. LA FAYETTE. (GILBERT-MOTTIER, MARQUIS DE.) DPUT D'AUVERGNE AUX STATS GEN^RAUX. Full bust in uniform, head three-quarters to left. Vignette. Etching. Height 2 6-16 inches; width 2 3-16 inches. On the same page is an Etching by Pollet of Lafayette at Champ de Mars. 2074. LE GEN^ LAFAYETTE. Full bust in uniform, head three- quarters to left. Vignette. Stipple. Height 2 12-16 inches; width 2 12-16 inches. Hautvillier 1833. 2075. THE SAME. With publisher's address: " Publie par Blaisot." 2076. THE SAME. With variety in publisher's address: "Publie par P. H. Krabbe." 2077. THE SAME. With variety in publisher's address: "D. Cavailles, editeur. Publications Historiques." 2078. THE SAME. Proof before all letters on India paper. 2079. LAFAYETTE. Full length in uniform, advancing to the right, chapeau in the left hand, the right hand extended; in the rear a com- pany of the National Guard. Vignette. Lithograph. Height 10 8-16 inches; width 7 4-16 inches. Julien del* Petit direx* lith. de Bichebois aine, rue clery, N? 23. "30 et 31 Juillet, 1830" "Revue des Braves Patriotes d'Elbeuf, de Rouen et du Havre, &9" India proof. 2080. Full bust in uniform, head three-quarters to right. Vignette. Line. Height 3 6-16 inches; width 2 10-16 inches. Julien del. Ch. Ransonnette sc. " L'AnUrigtte, par lui, gagna sa liberte. La France, son salut, son rang, sa digniti." 2081. THE SAME. With title: "Le G^ 1 Lafayette," but without the two commendatory lines. India proof. 2082. THE SAME. Without the artists' names. 2083. LE GENERAL LAFAYETTE. COMMANDANT EN CHEF LA GARDE NATIONALLE. Full length in uniform, advancing to the left, with left hand resting on the hilt of a sword, the right hand extended; in the background a company of the National Guard. Lithograph. Height 9 12-16 inches; width 7 2-16 inches. Lith de Gobert et Ci e rue S*. Marten 79. "dessine* a 1'Etat Major de 1'Hotel de ville, Par M 1 ? P. B. et H Charge's par ordre du Ge"ne"ral en Chef Lafayette de tous dessins Lithographiques relatifs aux glori- eux evenements de la revolution de 1830." Se trowve chez M r . Petit rue S( Denis N. 135. GEILLE TYPE, AFTER THE ARY SCHEFFER HEAD. 2084. LAFAYETTE. Full bust in uniform, head three-quarters to left. Oval in a rectangle engraved to represent masonry work. Line. Height ia 13-16 inches; width 9 11-16 inches. Dessine et Grave* par Geille. Paris, chez I'Auteur, Rue de Savoie, N. 7. Imprime par Char don aine. E. Mascre et Widerkehr J n . e Rue de Provence, N. 16. Open letter proof. 2085. THE SAME. Choice proof before all letters. Very rare in this state. 2086. LAFAYETTE. Full bust in uniform, head three-quarters to left. Vignette. Woodcut. Height 3 8-16 inches; width 3 inches. A. B. L. 2087. Nearly half length in uniform, head three-quarters to left. Vignette. Line. Height 2 12-16 inches; width 2 8-16 inches. Proof before letters. 134 2o88.^LE G A . L LAFAYETTE. Full bust in uniform, head three-quarters to left. Oval in a rectangle. Stipple. Height 3 6-16 inches; width 2 12-16 inches. E. Leguay sculp. Gilquin et Dupain. Imp. r. de la Catantre 19. Paris. Per? Sartorious Edit. 9. rue Mazarine. AL. MASSARD TYPE, ARY SCHEFFER HEAD. 2089. LAFAYETTE. GENERAL EN CHEF DE LA GARDE NATIONALE. Full bust in uniform, embroidered collar, head three-quarters to right. Vignette. Lithograph. Height 9 12-16 inches; width 7 8-16 inches. Lecler 1830. Imp. Lith. de E. Ardit. a Paris chez E Ardit editeur rue Vivienne. 2090. LE^GA L DE LAFAYETTE. Full bust in uniform, with embroidered collar, head three-quarters to right. One of four portraits on a folio sheet, the others being Perier, Chauvelin, and La Borde. Vignette. Lithograph. Height 5 10-16 inches; width 4 6-16 inches. Lecler, 1823. a Paris, chez I'Auteur quai de Gevres N. 10. Lith. de G. Engelmann. 2091. S. A. R. MQ? LE Due D'ORLEANS EMBRASSANT LE GNRAL LAFAY- ETTE, ET ARBORANT LES COULEURS NATIONALES, SUR LE TERRASSE DE SON PALAIS, LE 30 JUILLET 1830. Full length in uniform, with em- broidered collar, embracing the Due d'Orleans on a balcony. Lithograph. Height 9 9-16 inches; width 7 10-16 inches. Labastide del. Lith. de Fonrouge, quai Conti N? 5. 2092. LE T GENERAL LAFAYETTE. Full bust in uniform with em- broidered collar, head three-quarters to left; in the centre of the title afcrouching lion partly covered with the French flag, upon which is perched a crowing cock. Line. Height 5 11-16 inches; width 4 14-16 inches. Al. Massard Del et Sc. a Paris, chez Legendre. Rue des deux Fonts, N. 26 (Ne S( Louis'). 2093. M * LE MQV IS DE LAFAYETTE. Full bust in uniform, with em- broidered collar, head three-quarters to right. Oval. Etching. Height 4 11-16 indies; width 3 9-16 inches. Montaut del! et sc. Rare. 135 2094- LAFAYETTE. A CITIZEN or THE TWO WORLDS. CITIZEN DES DEUX MONDES. Full length in uniform, with embroidered collar, head three-quarters to right, standing in front to the right of an armchair with a scroll in the right hand, the left hand resting on a scroll on a table to the right, upon which is a book, globe, etc.; a window in the right distance. Lithograph. Height 7 inches; width 5 8-16 inches. Lithog. de Benard. ft Paris, Chez Aubert, Galerie, Vero Dodat. India proof. 2095. LAFAYETTE. COMMANDANT G A F- DE LA GARDE NATIONALS. Full bust in uniform, with embroidered collar, head three-quarters to left, encircled with a striped ribbon. Vignette. Lithograph. Height 6 10-16 inches; width 5 12-16 inches. 2096. VOILA LE ROI QU'IL NOUS FALLAIT. PHILIPPE i* R Roi DES FRANCAIS, RECEVANT DES MAINS DU GENERAL LAFAYETTE LE DRAPEAU NATIONALE. Full length in uniform, with embroidered collar, head three-quarters to left ; standing on a balcony, the left hand grasping the hand of Louis Philippe, the right extended back of Louis Philippe's shoulder about relinquishing its hold on a flag which he has presented to the King. Stipple printed in colors. Height 12 inches; width 9 5-16 inches. A Paris, chez M m . e V Turois rue S( Jacques N. 16 et a Toulouse rue S*. Rome N. 36, Depose. Very rare. 2097. LAFAYETTE. Full bust in uniform, with embroidered collar, head three-quarters to right. Oval. Stipple. Height 3 inches; width 2 8-16 inches. 2098. LAFAYETTE. COMMANDANT-GE'NE'RAL DES GARDES NATIONALES DE FRANCE. Full bust in uniform, with embroidered collar, head three-quarters to right. Vignette. Lithograph. Height 9 8-16 inches; width 9 2-16 inches. " Dedie' aux Gardes Nationales de 1' Alsace. Au profit des Victimes des 27. 28 et 29 Juillet 1830" Lithographic de F. G. Levrault a Stras- bourg. 2099. LAFAYETTE. CITOYEN DES DEUX MONDES. Full bust in uniform, with embroidered collar, head three-quarters to right, beneath which are the French flags crossed over a wreath of holly, upon which is perched a crowing cock; in the wreath the inscription "Liberte Ordre Publique"; on the flags, "14 Juillet 1789," "27.28.29, Juillet 1830." Vignette. Stipple in colors. Height 4 4-16 inches; width 4 6-16 inches. i 3 6 MISCELLANEOUS TYPES, AFTER THE ARY SCHEFFER HEAD. 2100. THE FRENCH REVOLUTIONISTS, i LE GENERAL LA FAYETTE. 2 J. LAFITTE. 3 LE GENERAL M. E GERARD. 4 LE GNRAL SEBAS- TIANI. Full bust in uniform, with fur collar, head three-quarters to left. Vignette. One of a group of four portraits on a quarto sheet. Stipple. Height 3 10-16 inches; width 2 10-16 inches. 2101. LA FAYETTE, GEB DEN 6 T P SEPTBR, 1757, GEST. DEN 2o T P MAY 1834. Full bust in uniform, with fur collar; head three-quarters to right. Oval. Lithograph. Height 3 7-16 inches; width a 12-16 inches. 2102. LAFAYETTE. Full bust in uniform, with fur collar, head three- quarters to right. Vignette. Lithograph. Height 3 inches; width 2 12-16 inches. 2103. LE GENERAL LA FAYETTE. Full bust in uniform, with fur collar, head three-quarters to right; in the centre of the title, an olive wreath encircling the following inscription : " Brandwine, Monmouth, Virginie, Pensylvanie, York-town, Versailles, Paris, Philippeville, Maubeuge, Florennes." Vignette. Lithograph. Height 10 10- 16 inches; width 10 14-16 inches. Lith. de Senefelder. India proof. Very rare. 2104. LE GENERAL LAFAYETTE. Full bust in uniform, fully de- scribed in the preceding print, but with head three-quarters to left. Vignette. Lithograph. Height n 10-16 inches; width n 4-16 inches. Lith. de M 6 ! 16 Farmentier, rue des S l . s Peres. N9 10. 2105. LAFAYETTE THE NATIONS GUEST. Full bust in uniform, head three-quarters to left. Circular medallion; over the medallion a ribbon on which* is the title. Line. Diameter 2 11-16 inches. 2106. Half length in uniform, head three-quarters to left, body to right; scroll in the left hand. Stipple. Height 6 inches; width 5 inches. Proof before letters. Rare. 2107. LE GENERAL LAFAYETTE, COMMANDANT GENERAL DE LA GARDE NATIONALE. Full bust in uniform, head three-quarters to right. Vignette. Lithograph. Height 3 8-16 inches; width 3 13-16 inches. L. Desmorais. Lith. de. V. Ratier. 137 2108. LAFAYETTE, (MARIE -PAUL -JOSEPH- YVES- GILBERT -MOTTIER, MARQUIS DE) GENERAL EN CHEF DES GARDES NATIONALES DE FRANCE, 1834. Full length in uniform, head to left, standing to the left of a table upon which are some books, a chapeau in the left hand; in the back distance an armchair. Line. Height 8 1-16 inches; width 5 inches. Peint par Court. Grave" par Aug. Blanchard. Dessine* par Girardet, Diagraphe et Pantographe Gavard. Gal ri . e de Versailles. 2109. LAFAYETTE. Full bust in civilian's dress, head three-quarters to right. Oval, between two flags, over the top of which is an eagle and diverging rays. The title on a scroll beneath the oval resting on a pedestal. Vignette. Stipple. Height a 3-16 inches; width i 5-16 inches. 2 1 10. LE GENERAL LAFAYETTE. Full bust in civilian's dress, head three-quarters to left. Vignette. Lithograph. Height 5 2-16 inches; width 4 inches. Devezia 1823. Lith de Langlume. 21 1 1. Full bust in civilian's dress, head three-quarters to right. Vignette, the center of a folio sheet with 10 characteristic vignettes of French characters. Lithograph. Height 5 inches; width 4 4-16 inches. (Engraved by E. Bernard). Very rare. 21 12. Full bust in civilian's dress, head three-quarters to right. Vignette. Lithograph. Height 5 2-16 inches; width 4 4-16 inches. 2113. LE G*?- LAFAYETTE. Full bust in civilian's dress, head three- quarters to right. Vignette. Lithograph. Height 7 12-16 inches; width 5 7-16 inches. C. L. S. Chez, Boidoin rue de Vanguard N. 36. 2114. LAFAYETTE. Full bust in civilian's dress, three-quarters to right; view of shipping in the background, with border resembling a picture- frame, suspended by a ring and ribbon. Line. Height 8 5-16 inches; width 6 10-16 inches. Engraved by B. Tanner, from a Lithographic Print published in Paris in 1818. Published March 2f. h 1824, by B. Tanner N. 74 South Eighth Street, Philadelphia. 2115. LAFAYETTE. Full bust in civilian's dress, head three-quarters to left. Vignette. Lithograph. Height 8 10-16 inches; width 7 14-16 inches. Linecti. Lith de ch. Motte. 138 11 i6. M? LE MARQUIS DE LA 'FAYETTE. COLONEL DE LA MILICE PARISIENNE. Full bust in uniform, head three-quarters to right. Oval medallion, suspended by a ring, with ribbons, and resting on a base upon which is the title ; oak and olive leaves on either side of the oval. One of five portraits on a folio sheet, the others being Due d'Orleans, Bailly, Mirabeau, and Necker. Stipple. Height 4 4-16 inches; width 3 4-16 inches. I. Nilson Sculps. Chez Fietta et Compani, & Kriegshaber, pres d'Augsbourg. Very rare. 2117. GENERAL LA FAYETTE. SKIZZIRT, AUF SEINER REISE DURCH LEIPZIG, NACH AMERIKA. Full bust in civilian's dress, in profile to left. Oval. Stipple. Height 3 6-16 inches; width 3 11-16 inches. G. G. Endner del et sculp, in Leipzig zu finden bey G. G. Endner. 2118. M. LE MARQUIS DE LA FAYETTE. DEPUTE DE LA SENECH C ? DE RlOM EN AUVERGNE. ELU PAR ACCLAMATION, COMMAND? GENERAL DE LA GARDE NATIONALS PARISIENNE. Full bust in uniform, head three-quarters to right. Oval in a rectangle, resting on a base on which is the title; over the oval oak leaves tied with ribbons; in the center of the title a hand-glass, from which rays diverge, a snake coiled around the handle. Aquatint. Height 7 14-16 inches; width 6 4-16 inches. Collection Gdndrale des Portraits de M. M. les Deputes a PAssem- ble"e Nationale tenue Versailles le 4 Mai 1789. A Paris, chez Le Vachez sous les Colonnades du Palais Royale N. 258. Very rare. 2119. A. L. MARQUIS DE LA FAYETTE MAJOR GENERAL DES ARMEES DES ETATS UNIS DE L'AMERIQUE. Full bust in uniform, head three- quarters to left. Oval in a rectangle resting on a base, upon which is a plumed helmet, shield, flag, field-glass, etc. ; over the oval a globe with diverging rays, in the centre of wreath of olive leaves; the title on a table on the base. Line. Height 6 9-16 inches; width 4 2-16 inches. A Paris chez Mondhare rue S l . Jacques. Rare. 2120. M? LE MARQUIS DE LA FAYETTE COLONEL DE LA MILICE PARISIENNE. Full bust in uniform, head three-quarters to left. Oval with a border, resting on a base, oak and olive leaves extending upward on either side of the oval; the title on the base. Aquatint. Height 6 12-16 inches; width 4 12-16 inches. A Paris chez Basset M d . d'Estampes et Fabricant de Papiers peint, rue S( Jacques, au coin de celle des Mathurins. A. P. D. R. Very rare. 139 2iai. LOUIS XVI. ROI DES FRANCAIS: NE LE AOUT 1753. M? DE LA FAYETTE, COM D ? GE'N^- DE LA GARDE N A P PARISIENNE: N LE6 7 b F e 1757. Full bust in uniform, head three-quarters to left, facing a portrait of Louis XVI. Circular medallion with a border; the title in the border. Stipple printed in colors. Diameter a 4-16 inches. A Paris, chez Blin, Place Maubert. N. .17. Excessively rare. 2122. M? DE LA FAYETTE. DPTJT DE RIOM A L'ASSEMBLEE NATIONALS ET COMMANDANT GE'NE'RAL DE LA GARDE NATIONALS PARISIENNE. DDl A TOUS LES DEFFENSEURS DE LA LIBERT^, PAR AUDOUIN GRENADIER VOL R ? DE LA SECTION DU LUXEMBOURG. Full bust in uniform, head three-quarters to right. Oval with a border in a rect- angle resting on a base; the title on a tablet on the base. Line. Height 12 11-16 inches; width 8 q-i6 inches. Dessin^ et Grave" par Audouin. a Paris rue du petit Bourbon N. 22. Rare. 2123. Full bust in uniform, head in profile to right. Cir- cular medallion in a rectangle suspended by a ring, tied with a ribbon ; beneath the oval a tablet (blank). Line. Height 7 inches; width 5 inches. Choice Proof before all letters, with the blank table. Excessively rare. 2124. 1789. Full bust in uniform, head in profile to right. Circular medallion. Machine engraved. Diameter 3 8-16 inches. 2125. Bust in uniform, head in profile to right. Vignette in an ornamental border inclosed in olive branches. Silhouette. Machine engraved. Height i 14-16 inches; width i 4-16 inches. Rare. 2126. THE SAME. In a border resembling a picture-frame. 2127. Bust in uniform, head in profile to left. Stipple in red. Height ii 8-16 inches; width 8 2-16 inches. A. P. D. R. Defaced. 2128. LA FAYETTE. Bust in uniform, head in profile to right. Circular medallion, with border on the lower portion, on which is the title. Line. Diameter i 6-16 inches. 140 . LAFAYETTE (1789). Full bust in uniform, head three-quarters to right. Vignette. Lithograph. Height 2 10-16 inches; width 2 3-16 inches. Galerie des Contemporains Illustres. 2130. LA FAYETTE. Full bust in uniform, head three-quarters to right. Oval. Stipple. Height 4 10-16 inches; width 3 7-16 inches. Engraved by Madan. 2131. LAFAYETTE. Full bust in uniform, head three-quarters to right. Vignette. Line. Height i 14-16 inches; width 2 inches. G. Due del. India proof. 2132. THE SAME. Plain impression. 2133. LAFAYETTE. Three-quarter length in uniform, resting on a hillock, head to left, right hand resting on a sword, the left thrust into the waistcoat; soldiers in the distance. Line. Height 4 14-16 inches; width 3 12-16 inches. Geoffrey De Gonet, editeur. 2134. MARIE PAUL JOS H YVES GIL MOTTIER MQ U ! S DE LA FAYETTE. LIEUTENANT G A . L COMMANDANT IN CHEF L'ARMEE DU CENTRE 1791. GENERAL EN CHEF DES GARDES N AL F S DE FRANCE 1830. Three-quarter length in uniform, head to right, right arm resting on a rock to the left, and scroll in hand, a chapeau in the left hand. Vignette in border of one line. Etching. Height 4 4-16 inches; width 3 8-16 inches. Lariviere pt dessine* par Pot. Justus Grave" par Morinet. India proof. 2135. THE SAME. Plain impression, on a quarto sheet with portrait of Rochambeau. 2136. MARIE PAUL JOS? H YVES GIL MOTTIER MQ U ! S DE LA FAYETTE, etc. Fully described in preceding print. Etching. Height 2 3-16 inches; width i 14-16 inches. Diagraphe et Pantographe. Gavard. Grave" par Reveil. On a quarto sheet with Portrait of Rochambeau, Montesquieu, and Bournonville. 141 2137. LAFAYETTE 1791. Full length in uniform, head to right, a scroll in the left hand, chapeau tucked under the right arm, a riding-whip in the hand; standing to the left of a pillar partly hid with drapery; in the left distance, military; with ornamental border. Line. Height 5 10-16 inches; width 3 7-16 inches. Druaux Del Laderer Sculp. "Historic de France Anquetil et Leonard Gallois. L d Gallois Page 60." 2138. THE SAME. Proof before all letters. Rare in this state. 2139. GARDE NATIONALS LE COMMANDANT GENERAL. Full length in uniform, head in profile to left; the left hand held before the breast, a chapeau in the right hand. Vignette in a border of a single line. Colored etching. Height 3 10-16 inches; width 2 9-16 inches. Rare. 2140. M. LE MARQUIS DE LA FAYETTE COMMANDANT GNRAL DE LA GARDE NATIONALE DE PARIS. Sous les drapeaux francois, son intrtpiditt. Aujour d'hui le Francois qu' inspire son genii En brisant d'autres fers, honore la Patrie. Ranges sous ses drapeaux, marche i la liberle. Par le Chev. de Besainville. Full length in uniform, head in profile to left; the right hand ex- tended holding a chapeau, the left resting on the hip. Vignette in border of a single line. Colored etching. Height 7 3-16 inches; width 55-16 inches. A Paris chez J. chereau Rue Si Jacques pres la F S( Severin, N. 257. Very rare. 2141. LAFAYETTE. Full length in uniform, head to left; seated to the right of a table upon which is an inkstand and book; a map held by both hands resting on the knees; to the right a chapeau on a drum, flag, musket, etc. Line. Height 7 13-16 inches; width 5 8-16 inches. Drawn by Alonzo Chappel. From an authentic painting in the possession of the publishers. India proof. 2142. LAFAYETTE. Full length in uniform, head nearly in profile to left; standing to the right of a pedestal surrounded with altar fires; a chapeau in the left hand, the right extended towards the pedestal. Tinted lithograph. Height 7 3-16 inches; width 4 12-16 inches. A. Lacauchie. Imp. Rigo freres et C 1 . 142 2143- LAFAYETTE. Bust in uniform, head three-quarters to left. Oval. One of 12 portraits of French officers, on an octavo sheet with orna- mental background. Line. Height i 4-16 inches; width i inch. Henri Pottin del Thomassin soil. 2144. LAFAYETTE, 1834. Full bust in uniform, on a base, head to left. One of four busts on an octavo sheet. Vignette. Etching. Height 2 8-16 inches; width i 12-16 inches. Diagraphe et Pantographe Gavard. 2145. M. P. J. R. I. G MORTIER MQ UIS DE LA FAYETTE NE" LE 6 SEPT. 1757. Full bust in uniform, head in profile to left. Circular medal. Etching. Diameter i 11-16 inches. The obverse of the medal by Duvivier, with the reverse. 2146. GT M^ DE LA FAYETTE. OBERBEFEHLSHABER DER PARISER NATIONALGARDE. Full bust in uniform, head three-quarters to left. Vignette. Lithograph. Height 3 4-16 inches; width 3 5-16 inches. 2147. MARQUIS DE LAFAYETTE. GENERAL DES PARISER NATIONAL- GARDE GEB DER SEPT. 1757 zu CHAVAGNAC IM DEP. DER OBEIN LOIR. Full bust in uniform and military cloak, head three-quarters to right. Vignette. Lithograph. Height 5 12-16 inches; width 5 14-16 inches. 2148. GILBERT MOTTIER MARQUIS DE LAFAYETTE. Full length in court dress, with cocked hat, head three-quarters to right, left hand thrust into the waistcoat pocket, the right hand extended. Vig- nette in border of two lines. Stipple in colors. Height 5 12-16 inches; width 3 6-16 inches. Imp Camus XVIII 6 Siecle. Regne de Louis XVI. 2149. LAFAYETTE. Full length in uniform and chapeau, head three- quarters to left, standing back of a barricade; the left hand extended, a sword in the right, pointed towards the ground; to the left a flag upon which is the word "Liberte"; in the lower right corner a knap- sack, musket, etc.; the title in an oak wreath at the top. Line. Height 5 8-16 inches; width 3 13-16 inches. J. Potier. del* P r ? Adam, sculp 1 . "La Libert^ Triumphera ou nous PeYirons ensemble." a Paris, chez VAuteur, Rue des Noyers, N. 27 et tous les M d . s d'Estampes. LAFAYETTE S f st f/sff s/s's /s/ rf/sf/fs LOT 2156, REDUCED 2 1 so. THE SAME. India proof, slightly defaced. 2151. THE SAME. Proof before all letters. 2152. Full length in uniform and chapeau, head three- quarters to right, standing on raised ground, hands crossed and resting on a walking-stick; in the right -distance two soldiers. Original water-color. Height ii 4-16 inches; width 6 14-16 inches. Beautiful original water-color Painting of Lafayette before his departure for America, 1777. 2153. LE G A . L LAFAYETTE, DEPUTE. Full length in civilian's dress, standing to the right of a table, the right hand resting upon a scroll thereon ; the left hand raised before the breast ; head nearly full face. Vignette. Lithograph. Height 9 2-16 inches; width 6 3-16 inches. Dess. d'apres nature par Dusaulchoy, 1823. De Pimp. Lith. de Sentex. Rue Richilieu. N? 10. Proof, so certified in the Autograph . of the Publishers. Very rare. r r 2154. LAFAYETTE. Full length in civilian's dress, head three-quarters to left, in the act of placing a wreath upon the tomb of Washington. (The lettering on the Tomb is " G. Wasingtbni") Lithograph. Height 12 inches; width 9 inches. Prevost F'. lithogv de Burggraaff. a' Bruxelles. " Journal de la Sentinelle.' ' 2155. G A . L LAFAYETTE LE HERDS DES DEUX MONDES. Full length in uniform and chapeau, on horseback advancing to right, a sword held perpendicular in the right hand; on a hillock in the distance a group of French flags around a shield upon which is inscribed "Aux He"ros Morts Pour la Liberte*"; the title in the upper margin; in the lower margin verses entitled "La Parisienne, chant Patriotique." Colored -wood engraving. Height 18 8-16 inches; width 14 2-16 inches. J. B. Thidbaut (Propriete de 1'Editeur) De la Fabrique de P. Lacour, Graveur, Faubourg Saint : Georges a Nancy. (Depose a la Direction.) Very rare. 2156. LAFAYETTE GENERAL EN CHEF DE LA GARDE NATIONALS. Full length in uniform and chapeau, head three-quarters to left; on horse- back advancing to the left; in the left distance. a regiment. of cavalry barely visible. Stipple. Height 12 7-16 inches; width 9 10-16 inches. D. Adam Pfuzer sculp 1 , a Paris chez Remoissenet Quai Mala- quai N. 9. Excessively rare. See Plate. 144 LAFAYETTE. COMMANDANT GENERAL DE LA GARDE NATIONALE PARISIENNE (1789). Full length in uniform and chapeau, nearly full face; on horseback advancing to right, a sword in right hand resting on the rump of the horse. Vignette in border of three lines. Lithograph. Height 8 4-16 inches; width 6 inches. H. de Viel-Castel. Lith. de Villain. 2158. DE LA FAYETTE. OBERBEFEHLSHABER DER PARISER NATIONAL- GARDE. Full length in uniform and chapeau, nearly full face; on horseback advancing to the right, a sword held perpendicular in the right hand resting on the rump of the horse; view of a city in the background. Colored etching. Height ii 7-16 inches; width 10 inches. Nurnberg, bei C. Trummer. N? 334. Par: 74. Excessively rare. 2159. LAFAYETTE. Full length in uniform and chapeau, head three- quarters to left; on horseback advancing to the left, a sword in the right hand, the point only visible; a troop of cavalry partly visible to the right; a view of buildings in the left distance. Lithograph. Height 18 14-16 inches; width 15 11-16 inches. A. Regnier, Pinxit et Del* Imp. Lith. de Guerrier, Cloitre des Bernardines N? 6 "Dedie" a la garde nationale de France, et aux patriotes des deux mondes. a Paris, chez Dauty, Palais Royal. Imp. PEditeur. Rue de 1'Arbre Sec. N? 9. CARICATURES AND SCENES ILLUSTRATIVE OF THE LIFE OF LAFAYETTE. 2160. Full length in uniform, advancing to the left, arm-in- arm with a soldier of the Revolution, his chapeau in the right hand; to the right an Indian with a gun seated on a log; to the left Diogenes and his tub, in the act of blowing out his lantern, having discovered an honest man in Lafayette; in the right background soldiers, and in the left and middle distance buildings; in the margin the French flags crossed, upon which is a crowing cock, under an olive wreath. Lithograph. Height 12 3-16 inches; width 16 8-16 inches. Proof before letters. Rare. 145 2161. DOUBLE CARICATURE. Liberty in Utopia; Liberty in France. The former being represented by Liberty, old and decrepit, on crutches, surrendering to old Father Time, to be buried; a soldier with sword in uplifted hand stands before a pile of stones labeled "Tax on Malt," "Tax on Beer," "Tax on Sugar," "Tax on Tobacco," etc. The latter is represented by Liberty -standing on clouds, amidst diverging rays, taking the hand of General Lafayette, who stands with three other French officers to the right, and imparts to him the following: " Hold in your remembrance these sacred words which are the guarantee of your decrees. The nation, the law and the king The nation is yourselves, the law is your own for its your will, and the King is the guardian of the law." Colored etching. Height of each 14 inches; width n 8-16 inches. London Pu"b A . May 12. 1791. by W m . Holland N. 50. Oxford S l . 2162. CARICATURE. " Les Mortels Sont Egaux Ce n'est pas La Naissance C'est La Seule Vertu qui fait La Differenc." Lafayette in uniform standing to the left of a negro, the figure of Justice to the left, holding a rod over their heads; immediately over the rod a triangle with three fleur de lis, emitting diverging rays; the negro holds in his left hand a scroll upon which is inscribed "Droit de 1'homme," etc., and in the right hand a scroll inscribed "Decret de 15 mai"; in the extreme left the demons Injustice, Aristocracy, Insurrection, etc., flying away; on each side of title are four lines of descriptive text in French. Colored etching. Height 12 7-16 inches; length 18 5-16 inches. Very rare. 2163. LA PHILOSOPHIE ET LA PATRIOTISMS VAINQUEURS DES PREJUGES. Lafayette, full length in uniform, being received into the National Guard of France by various brother officers, who . :. are trampling on Tyranny writhing on the ground at the foot of a monument in the shape of a pyramid, upon which History is inscribing the decree of the National Assembly of January, 1790; in the margin in clouds an olive wreath encircling the motto "La Nation, La Loi, Le Roi" and three fleur de lis. Line. Height 14 inches; width 10 2-16 inches. Bessine* par Marechal, 1790. Grave par Picquenot a Paris, chez Picquenot, Graveur, rue des Carmes, au college de Presle. "Dedie a la Nation, Pre'sente' a 1'Assemble'e Nationale," with 20 lines of de- scriptive text in French. 2164. THE SAME. Proof before the title, inscription, or printer's address, and before the "La Nation" in the olive wreath in the margin. Very rare in this state. 146 2165. SCENE REVOLUTIONNAIRE. A very sacrilegious caricature of Lafayette, Louis Philippe, and various other French Revolutionists sitting down to a meal at a table in imitation of Leonardo da Vinci's Last Supper, a female figure representing the French Republic taking the place of the Saviour, Louis Philippe taking the place of Judas. Lithograph. Height 8 15-16 inches; length 17 6-16 inches. Au bureau chez Aubert. Galerie Vero-Dodat. Litho. Delaunois, r. du Bouloi. India proof. Very rare. 2166. CARICATURE. Bon mot. D'une Ambassadrice. La reputation Du Grand General Ressemble A une Chandelle Qui Ne Brille Que chez Le Peuple. Et Pile En Seteignant. The bust of Lafayette, on a candlestick; out of his head protrudes a candle, lighted. Etching. Height 5 4-16 inches; width 3 4-16 inches. Rare. 2i66. QU AS MARE LECERNEBAT LAFAYETTE LIBERTATE CONNECTIT. Full length portrait of Lafayette, in uniform, be- tween the figures of America and Europe, who are about placing on his head a crown of olives, over which is ribbon, upon which is the motto; over the ribbon an eagle displayed, with shield, and arrows and olive branches in its talons, in a circle of stars and diverging rays. Colored etching. Height 7 inches; width 5 13-16 inches. Excessively rare. 2 1 67. T CARICATURE. Le cauchemar. Representing Lafayette lying on a couch, asleep, with a large pear resting on his stomach; in the left hand, which is resting on the floor, is a paper entitled "Programme de 1'hotel de ville." Lithograph. Height 9 inches; width n 8-16 inches. Rogelin. Lith. de Delaporte. On s'abonne chez Aubert, galerie vero dodat. 2168. CARICATURE. Le pouvoir Exdcutif a cheval sur la Constitution: Casse col des Jacobins en attendant &9 &9 &? &9 The figure of a horse with a very long body and the head of a female, upon the back of which is seated King Louis Philippe; the figure of a soldier with a chicken's head; an officer and General Lafayette; to the right a view of the Bastille. Oval. Aquatint in brown. Height 3 8-16 inches; length 5 9-16 inches. Very rare. 147 2169. CARICATURE. "Zehn geheim vezborgene Silhouetten Dumourier la Fayet Marat Kellerman Custine Petion Barnave Tbouret Danton Robespierre." Representing Robespierre standing with a torch in hand near a representation of the earth, which he is trying to set on fire; to the left various articles plundered from churches, palaces, etc.; in the branches of a tree to the left is depicted the portrait of Lafayette; in the background a view of a burning city. Etching. Height 4 3-16 inches; width 5 11-16 inches. Very rare. 2170. CARICATURE. Grande Seance aux Jacobins en Janvier 1792. ou 1'on voit le grand effet interieure que sit 1'anonce de la guerre par le Ministre Linote a la suite de son grand tour qu'il venoit de faire. A caricature representation of the National Assemble", depicting it in not a very decent manner; on the upper border of the print and hanging over each corner is the representation of two snakes, a spear pro- truding out of the mouth of each, upon which is inscribed "Lafayette" and "Mirabeau." Aquatint. Height 5 9-16 inches; length 8 8-16 inches. Vilette invenit. Extremely rare. 2171. CARICATURE. Le Ministre-Linotte Declarant la guerre a la Noblesse francaise, aux freres du Roi, a tous les peuples de PEurope &c &c &c &c Linotte being represented by a soldier's body with a chicken's head, standing on the beach amidst implements of war, with a scroll in the left hand, upon which is inscribed "Projet de guerre"; the right hand pointing towards the sky in the upper left hand corner; where, in clouds, are to be seen the portraits of Lafayette and several crowned heads. Oval. Aquatint. Height 4 3-16 inches; width 5 13-16 inches. Very rare. 2172. CARICATURE. The Frogs who wanted a King. Lafayette repre- sented with his head on a crane's body, to the left of a pool of water in which numerous frogs are basking; to the right a pole upon which is a man's head holding a nag on a stick in his mouth, upon which is inscribed "Martial Law" and around which bats and vultures are flying; on the ground are cocks fighting and other fowl; in the left distance a net mounted on poles. Etching. Height 3 11-16 inches; length 5 11-16 inches. Excessively rare. 2173. CARICATURE. Le Ge'ne'ral en racourey Fuyant de Noyen. Con- versus est Retrorsum. A caricature portrait of Lafayette on horse- back, before a company of the National Guard, a diminutive sized man seated on the horse, back of, and with his arms around Lafayette's waist; two soldiers running from either side toward the horse. Oval. Aquatint. Height 3 8-16 inches; length 5 8-16 inches. 148 2174- THE SAME. Proof before all letters. Very, rare in this state. . . - 2175. CARICATURE. Le Le*gislateur la Resource. Perisse cent fois la France plutot que je marche en retrogradant comme une Ecrevisse. Lafayette represented as a sand flea rolling a globe ornamented with fleur de Us towards the ocean to the left, upon which are two ships; to the right a soldier of the French Republic. Oval. Aquatint. Height 3 8-16 inches; length 5 6-16 inches. Rare. . 2176.' CARICATURE. Le Ministre Grave Directeur du Spectacle. In which' Lafayette is represented standing on' the top rung of a ladder balancing a pole on his nose; Rochambeau is sitting on the supports 'of a tightrope playing the castagnettes ; Luckner is performing a dance on a tightrope and Minister Grave is represented with a cham- pagne bottle for a head; the Due d'Orleans, Brissot, Vilette, Camus, . etc:, form the orchestra; a view of buildings in the background. Aquatint. Height 6 13-16 inches;, length 9 12-16 inches. Extremely rare. See Plate. , ... \ .... 2177. CARICATURE. Us viennent se bruler a la Chandelle. Representing Napoleon standing on a hill, holding a flambeau, with a scroll in the left hand 'upon which is inscribed " Discour' aux deux chambies In- dependence," etc.; strewn on the hill around his feet are many skulls and bones, whilst around him, each with wings of a bat, are heads of Lafayette, Regnault, Merlin de Douay, Dumolar, Queen Hortense, etc. ; at the foot of the hill a river and a bridge partly destroyed. Colored etching. Height ii inches; width 9 15-16 inches. Deposes a la Direction GeneYale. Very rare. 2178. CARICATURE. Das.Unersattliche Thier der National Versamlung. A- curious caricature on the French Revolution, representing a' monster with three -heads, one being that of a dragon, the others Voltaire, etc. ; the body is composed of hoops, filled with church vestments, church bells,' etc.; the feet trampling on the scales of Justice and a crown; to the left a military encampment and to the right soldiers dancing around a funeral pyre; the inscription in- 16 lines of German text. Etching. Height 7 4-16 inches; width n 15-16 inches. Rare. 2179. CARICATURE. .Lafayette represented with two faces standing with his foot oh a scroll inscribed " Patriotisme, Liberte, Vertu'.'; the face to the left' is 'inscribed "Lhomme De la C our 1791"; that to the right, "Lhomme Dupeuple 1789"; in his right hand is held a bag 149 full of coin, from which float two ribbons inscribed "Liste Civile" and "Opinions sur les Hommes de Couleurs"; underneath the follow- ing: " Tantot Froid, tantot chaud, Tantot Blanc, tantot noir, A Droite maintenant, mais autrefois a Gauche, Je vous disois bon jour, et je vous dis ben soir." Aquatint. Height 6 12-16 inches; width 4 inches. Rare. 2180. CARICATURE. Cupidon, Tambour Major National. Representing a monument surrounded with civilians and soldiers; on the base of the monument to the left is Lafayette; in the centre on a pedestal mounted with guns, swords, liberty cap and pole, is the figure of an angel holding the liberty pole and in the act of crowning Lafayette; to the right is a cupid with a drum and a soldier with the right arm extended holding a sword; over the liberty cap is a sun with diverging rays, underneath which is a scroll upon which is inscribed "Vive la Nation La Loi et La Roi." Etching. Height 6 4-16 inches; length 7 12-16 inches. On either side and underneath the print on the margin is text in French, entitled "Marche Nationale." 2181. CARICATURE. D'Animaux Malfaisants C'etoit un tres bon plat. Lafayette represented with the body of a horse, standing to the left, with two other French characters to the right, with bodies of a monkey and a cock; faggots burning in the foreground. Circular. Aquatint. Diameter 3 inches. Rare. 2182. CARICATURE. "Si j'ai dchappe 1'un, au moms attrapperai je Pautre" "Le baton de Marechal qui tombe du Ciel au General." Representing Lafayette chasing after a baton which is in the air above him, a fortress in the left distance; portion of a building with hanging lamp to the right. Circular. Aquatint. Diameter 2 14-16 inches. Rare. 2183. CARICATURE. "Depart du General parisien pour la fameuse nuit du 5 au 6 Octobre." "Mes amis menez moi je vous prie couchez a Versailles." Lafayette represented with a horse's body saddled, being led to the left by a man carrying a spear and an axe; on a building in background is inscribed "PHotel de Ville." Circular. Aquatint. Diameter 3 indies. Rare. ^184. CARICATURE. "Le Sans Tort le chagrin monte en croupe et Galoppe avec Lui." Lafayette represented with the body of a galloping horse, grasping for a key, a chapeau in the left hand and a court fool on his back; in the middle background are three spears upon which are human heads, beneath which is a circular placard inscribed " Dor- me'z Tranquile se repons de Tout 5 et 6 8 b . re 1789," etc. Circular. Aquatint. Diameter 2 15-16 inches. 2185. CARICATURE. CONSTITUTION DE LA FRANCE. M. le Due d'- Orleans, et M. le Marquis de la Fayette, soutiennent M. Necker qui foule aux pieces les Instrumens de 1'Esclavage et qui d'une main soutient la couronne de France, et de 1'autre porte en triomphe le Bonnet de la Liberte. Aquatint. Height 7 1-16 inches; width 5 14-16 inches. a Paris chez Bourgeois Hotel Soison No 17. Excessively rare. See Plate. 2186. CARICATURE. La constitution Francaise. Fondee sur la liberte naturelle et les Droits imprescriptible de 1'homme. Count Necker seated on a stool holding a crown and liberty cap in each hand, being carried in triumph on the shoulders of the Due d' Orleans, General Lafayette, and several others; a view of the Bastille in the left distance. Colored etching. Height 6 13-16 inches; width 5 8-16 inches. 2187. CARICATURE. Constitution de la France. Fully described in print, "Lot 2185; engraved on the reverse. Colored etching. Height 9 2-16 inches; width 7 inches. Excessively rare. 2188. CARICATURE. Le chute du Ministre Linotte. Aquatint in brown. Height 3 11-16 inches; length 5 12-16 inches. Of this caricature, the least said the better. 2189. CARICATURE. Resultat du pacte federatif ou jour memorable du 14 Juillet 1790. La Statue eleve" sur un obelisque au milieu des Ruine de la Bastille Represente Louis XVI. proclame Premier Roy des Francais et Pere d'un peuple libre, la Renomee presantant d'une main la palme aux Gardes Nationales qui vont preter Serment de fraternitd et de 1'autre posant une Couronne de laurier sur la tte de MX de la Fayette, qui ^claire* par la prudance et fort de sa valeur acheve terrasser 1'aristocratie. Aquatint in brown. Height 6,2-16 inches; length 8 15-16 inches. Penet Invenit. a Paris chez Penet M? Destamps quai de la feraille N. 26. Extremely rare. <'crlean*f, tie I'Esclavayf. et yiu CONSTITUTION BE JLA FRANCE - le-Jfaryuw d& foftu/ette, 'wte m