^^ Digitized by the Internet Arciiive in 2006 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/findingoflotswifOOclarrich The Finding of Lot's Wife THE FINDING OF LOTS WIFE BY ALFRED CLARK ^^^ Of OTI^^ [TJiriVBRSITrl ev •Wew l!?orft anb lon^on Frederick A* Stokes Company PUBLISHERS ^- w / -T Copyright, t896 By Frederick A^ Stokes G)mpany CONTENTS. Chapter L A Strangle Legend n» In Perils of the Wilderness m. The Sheikh's Daughter IV* The Beni Azaleh V. A Disappointing; Discovery VL The Professor ♦ Vn* The Monastery of SU Lot Vm. Isha Payne IX» AJudas • • X« Selim • « XI* The Attack on the Monastery Xn* A Young Martyr XIII* Brother Manon's Experiences XIV. Prisoners ♦ XV. The Valley of Madness. XVI. Ay^da's Devotion . , XVIL Lot's Wife XVIII. The Pass of Many Voices XIX. A Miracle Page 5 12 28 44 57 72 /^ 102 U5 128 H9 t6& J89 209 233 252 268 289 303 Q^ Bo6j2:^ The Finding of Lot's Wife CHAPTER L A Strangle Legfend. A PARTY of travelers was slowly and wearily making its way along a steep and stony wadi, or valley, among wild, arid mountains in South- eastern Palestine. It was a desolate scene. Precipitous red cliffs, streaked with dull yellow and brown strata, shut in the valley on two sides, and beyond them rose bare, barren hills, glowing in the afternoon sun- light. Great boulders, bleached by centuries of exposure to the weather, lay at the foot of the cliffs, while the whole wadi was strewn with masses of gray stone like the refuse of a foundry. The ground was channeled and fissured as if by the action of water ; but there was no other indi- cation that rain ever fell there. The only vege- tation to be seen was one or two prickly pears growing in the crevices of the cliffs, and a few stunted, half-dead juniper bushes. The land- 6 The Findings of Lot's Wife» scape was quivering, in the hot, hazy air ; and every sound, however slight, even the fall of crumbling earth high up the face of the cliffs, was distinctly audible. Human beings appeared out of place in such a spot, which was more fitted to be the undisturbed home of the gray hyena, the bald vulture, and the deadly horned cerastes. The travelers were two young Englishmen, attended by a dragoman and a cook, and accom- panied by an escort of armed Arabs. The elder of the two men was Hal Aylward, of Lang- holme Hall, in Berkshire — a tall, broad-shouldered young man, whose blue eyes, light curly hair, and drooping flaxen moustache showed his Saxon ancestry. He was not exactly good-looking ; but the expression of his face, that of an honest, true-hearted man, was very pleasant. A sort of good-humored nonchalance and an intelligent taciturnity were characteristic of him ; but he could be quick enough, both with hands and tongue, when there was occasion. Some six months before he had inherited a fine property through the death of an uncle, one of his few surviving relatives. He at once re- signed the commission he held in the army, and, after all business matters in connection with the estate left to him had been satisfactorily settled, gratified a long-felt wish and started on a visit to the East. Not caring to travel alone, he asked a friend, a man he had known from boyhood, to A Strangle Legend* 7 accompany him — an invitation which, to his great pleasure, was at once accepted. Noel Yorke, his friend, was an artist by pro- fession, and, though quite a young man, had already made a name for himself as a painter of Eastern scenes and life. For a number of years he had spent every winter in Egypt, where he had learned to speak Arabic fluently, and had made himself thoroughly conversant with the home-life and modes of thought of the natives. He was slight in build, but was very good-look- ing, with clear-cut features and dark eyes. He had a small moustache, the ends of which he had a trick of continually twisting, and he wore an eye-glass. Being an amusing talker and of a light-hearted, easily-pleased disposition, Aylward found him an excellent companion, and the friendship between the two men deepened every day. There being no occasion for hurry, the two friends traveled very leisurely. After spending some three months in Algeria, they visited Morocco and Tunis, going on for the winter to Egypt, where they remained a long time. Ayl- ward sauntered about, visiting places of interest and doing a little shooting when he got the opportunity, while Yorke sketched assiduously. He was engaged on a series of types of Eastern beauty, a task beset with many difficulties. More than once he got himself into trouble by 8 The Finding of Lof s Wife* ill-advised attempts to portray the features of veiled brown maidens whom he met. About a year after they had left England, the two men drifted over to Palestine. They had journeyed to Damascus, climbed Lebanon, and inspected nearly all the sacred places, traveling just as the humor seized them day by day, and were returning from a visit to the Dead Sea, when something happened which cut short their tour and greatly affected their after-lives. During a visit to the famous cliff-monastery of Mar Saba they were told by the monks there of a belief current among them that, in the moun- tains to the south-east of the Dead Sea, there existed an extraordinary community of ancho- rites, whose monastery was. perched on an inac- cessible pinnacle of rock in a lonely valley. It was affirmed, however, that no human being unconnected with this wonderful retreat had ever seen it or knew the way there. This curious legend so deeply interested Noel Yorke that he made further inquiries about it. He found that not only the monks of Mar Saba, but all the Arabs of the neighborhood had heard of this strange place, and believed firmly in its existence. They all spoke of it as the Monastery of Mar Lood or St. Lot. The inmates of it were supposed to have become more than human through their pious austerities, and to have attained immunity from death or disease. They A Strange Legend. 9 were said to have long white hair and beards, and their bodies to be covered with gray fur in place of clothes, also to have lost the power of speech through protracted observance of their vows of silence. Their food was believed to be brought to them by ravens, and the water they drank to be provided by a miraculous dew that fell every night. These naked, speechless monks and their ministering ravens were reputed to be the only living things in the desolate valley over- looked by the monastic eyrie. Countless evil spirits, however, were said to haunt the moun- tains round, who were always seeking to gain entrance to the monastery, but were kept out by the sound of a sacred bell tolled continually by the monks. The vivid imagination of the artist was so fired by this weird legend that, after talking about it for several days, the insane idea, as his friend did not hesitate to term it, suggested itself to him that they should go in search of the Monastery of St. Lot ! He explained to Aylward that he did not suppose that any such place existed as that described by the monks, peopled by nude, voiceless eremites, centuries old and fed by ravens, but that he thought it possible that there was some foundation for the legend, and hoped that they might find something extraordinary and worth seeing. Alyward did not share, in the least, his friend's interest in the matter, or lo The Findings of Lot's Wife. expect that they would discover anything worth the trouble of the journey ; but, on being asked by Yorke whether he would accompany him, cheerfully consented to do so, hoping to get some sport among the unfrequented mountains they intended to explore. The two men soon found that there were formidable difficulties in the way of their pro- posed expedition. On learning the object of the journey, all their servants and followers, with the exception of two, positively refused to go with them, being filled with superstitious fears. Their dragoman Georgis and their cook Hanna, both Syrian Christians, consented to accompany them, after much persuasion and on promise of double pay. But the greatest trouble they had was with the Arabs, of whom it was necessary to take a number as guides and as a guard against robbers. There was an encampment of Jehaleh Arabs in the neighborhood of Mar Saba, and negotiations were opened with the sheikh for an escort. Yorke, attended by the dragoman, had several wearisome interviews with him, and listened with ill-concealed impatience while the wily old savage magnified the dangers to be met with in the mountains, and demanded fabulous sums for the services of his ragged followers. At length the eloquence of the dragoman prevailed and a bargain was struck. The sheikh was to furnish, for the sum of ten Turkish pounds and a A Strange Legend. ii bakshish, six men mounted and armed and led by his nephew, an evil-looking and evil-smelling ruffian, to serve as an escort for a stipulated period of ten days. He persisted in adding a proviso, that should his men come across any- thing which was, in their opinion, uncanny, they were to be at liberty to turn back at once, and to this Yorke was forced to consent. After the usual irritating delays and false excuses on the part of the Jehaleh, the expedition started. Aylward had bought at Jerusalem for the trip to the Dead Sea a number of country-bred horses and riding and baggage donkeys. Of these he and Yorke selected for their own use a pair of good-looking Syrian stallions, and gave the dragoman and the cook a stout riding donkey each. Half-a-dozen other donkeys were laden with a small tent, carpets and pillows, saddle- bags containing clothes, crates of provisions and cooking utensils. They were driven by a couple of Arab boys, each clad in a single ragged and filthy garment, and a skull-cap apparently glued to his shaven skull with dirt. The Jehaleh escort rode in front on their wiry, bony mares, armed to the teeth, a picturesque troop of rascals. CHAPTER n. In Perils of the "Wilderness^ At the end of the third day the travelers found themselves among bare, waterless moun- tains far from any known human habitation. By this time the toilsome stony way, the scanty fodder and water, and the excessive heat had so told on the Syrian horses, which were unaccustomed to fatigue and privation, that they became too exhausted to be ridden, and Aylward and Yorke were forced to dismount and lead them. The condition of the riding donkeys was almost as bad, but neither the dragoman nor the cook saw the least necessity for walking so long as the poor beasts under them could stagger along. The former was a very stout man, and the miserable donkey whose hind quarters he bestrode could scarcely support his weight. The cook's steed was more fortunate, for its rider was a wizened, little old man. In Perils of the Wilderness* 13 " May God curse the father of this donkey! " exclaimed the dragoman in Arabic wrathfully, when the wretched creature, unable to move another step, stopped with outstretched feet and quivering flanks. The figure presented by the obese rider was a ludicrous one. His fat legs, clad in baggy blue trousers, hung like bolsters on each side of the saddle. The heels of the red slippers, balanced on his bare toes, nearly touched the ground. His tightly-fitting and much-embroidered jacket seemed about to burst, and his fez cap, bound round with a yellow silk handkerchief, about to fall off as he gave vent to his indignation. "Will you not go on, O bundle of obstinacy? Must I weary myself beating the hair off your hide, O animal sunk in sloth ? " he cried, bela- boring the donkey furiously with a heavy koor- batch or cowhide whip that he carried. " Hold hard, Georgis ! Don't thrash the poor little brute like that ! " shouted Aylward, who had turned on hearing the sound of the blows. " Get off and walk, you lazy beggar ! Don't you see that the wretched brute is too done up to carry you any further ? " added Yorke, indig- nantly. Slowly and grumblingly the dragoman did as he was ordered, sliding off over the donkey's tail. 14 The Finding of Lot's Wife* " Please God, I shall see the vultures picking out your eyes before lorig, O pig of a donkey ! " he muttered viciously. Dragging the worn-out but patient brute by the bridle and giving it a cruel back-cut with his whip from time to time, he followed the rest of the party sulkily. He found some satisfaction to his wounded feelings in roughly ordering the cook to dismount, which the old man did, muttering resentfully. " I t'ink t'ese Arab raskils not know where t'ey going ! ** exclaimed the dragoman in English, on coming up with his masters. " That has been pretty evident for some time," observed Aylward quietly. " I heard them say just now that they expected to find water under the cliffs at the end of the wadi," remarked Yorke. " I hope to heaven that they will, for these poor brutes won't be able to hold out much longer ! " returned Aylward. At this moment the Jehaleh, who were riding some twenty paces in front, simultaneously drew rein and sat staring at 'something that had unexpectedly come into view. Following their gaze, the two Europeans saw a sight which filled them with surprise and some alarm. On the crest of some rising ground, about a quarter of a mile distant, appeared a score or more of horsemen armed with long tufted lances. They had shown themselves so suddenly that they In Perils of the Wilderness* 15 seemed almost to have sprung from the ground. On catching sight of the two white men and the armed party with them the strangers halted abruptly, and sat motionless as equestrian statues, looking towards them. The Jehaleh were obvi- ously greatly terrified at the sight. " By God ! who are these ? " exclaimed their leader anxiously. ''They must be jin, for no human beings live in these mountains!" " You talk folly. They are Bedawin like your- selves. One of you ride forward and greet them," ordered Yorke ; but not a man of the es- cort seem disposed to obey him. " Let us ride off ! Please God, they will not follow us. Even if they are but men and not jin, we cannot face them, for they number a score, at least, of lances and have guns ! " cried the leader of the escort to his followers. At that moment the strangers, who had been consulting together, began to advance towards them at a walk. The Jehaleh at once wheeled their mares' heads round and galloped off, fol- lowed by the two donkey boys, running like hares. The dragoman would fain have fled, but he was too fat to run, and his donkey had taken the opportunity of the halt to lie down. The old cook wrung his hands and cried out, in his native tongue, in his fear: " Wah ! wah ! they are harami.* They will * Robbers. 1 6 The Finding of Lot's "Wife^ spit us on their spears like quails on skewers. Let us run ! let us run ! " " Worse ! worse ! " groaned the dragoman, quak- ing. " They are savage Arabs from the Great Desert ! Look at their long 'abaiyehs and black camel's-hair akals — and they have their faces hidden in their keffiehs — they intend us evil ! Ya Allah ! We shall all have our throats cut ! " The dragoman spoke in Arabic in his excite- ment and terror. Yorke translated what he had said to his friend, and the two men at once pre- pared for defence. They hastily capped their re- volvers, the chambers of which were charged, and began to load their rifles. Meanwhile, the strangers had come within two hundred paces, and had again halted on seeing the preparations being made for their reception. After a few moments' hesitation their leader rode out alone till he was within easy speaking distance. He was a very swarthy sinister-looking man, with thin hard features, hook nose, and close-set hawk-like eyes. He carried a long-barreled gun, the sickle-shaped stock of which was encrusted with mother-o'-pearl. At his side hung a crooked ram's horn powder-flask, and in his belt was stuck a couple of flint-lock pistols and a khanjar or double-edged knife. He was riding a lean but handsome mare, and his graceful flowing robe, curious rope head-dress, and antique weapons made him a picturesque figure. In Perils of the Wilderness* 17 " Who are you, O men ? " he demanded in a harsh voice. "■ Go forward and speak to the fellow, Georgis ! " ordered Yorke. The dragoman did as he was directed, but evi- dently thought he was going to his death. He had armed himself with a dabus, or Arab club, dropped by one of the Jehaleh, but it shook so in his grasp that it seemed about to fall from his hand. " O Arab, son of an Arab ! " he began in Arabic, in quivering tones, when he had advanced a few paces towards the strangers, " these Franks whom you see are two English milords who are trav- eling for pleasure ! " " From whence have you come, and whither are you going?" " We come from El Khoddes (Jerusalem), but where we are going God only knows ! Who can tell what mad Englishmen will do or where they will go?" replied the dragoman, forgetting in his trepidation that one of his masters understood what he was saying. " But what has brought them here, where there is nothing to be seen ? " asked the Arab suspiciously. " They heard some lying stories about a won- derful Christian monastery somewhere in these mountains, and are come to look for it." The Arab seemed much struck by this informa- tion. (uiri7IESlf yj i8 The Finding: of Lot's Wife. " By God ! is that so?" he observed thought- fully, directing a searching glance at Aylward and Yorke. After a short pause he asked, '' Who were the men who fled at our approach ? " "They were Jehaleh from the Saba whom my masters had engaged to protect them on the jour- ney. May the hyenas crack their bones, the cowardly dogs ! " " Where do you intend to camp to-night ? " " We were looking for a suitable spot when you rode up, O Sheikh, but could find no water." The Arab did not reply, but, turning, rode back to his companions, with whom he held a short consultation, after which he returned to where the travelers stood and said ungraciously, though his words were friendly enough : " If the noble ones, your masters, will honor the poor camp of the Beni Azaleh with a visit, they will be welcome. Our tents are pitched under that cliff yonder, where there is water." He pointed with his lance up the wadi to a spot about half a mile distant. " Thank him for his invitation, Georgis, and tell him that we accept his hospitality heartily," said Yorke, which the dragoman did. Before starting for the Beni Azaleh camp, Aylward and Yorke looked round anxiously, hop- ing to find that their escort had halted on seeing that they had not been followed, but the Jehaleh had galloped out of sight, and the donkey boys In Perils of the Wilderness* 19 had also disappeared. As they had but a short distance to go, the two EngHshmen continued the journey on foot, leading their horses, followed by the dragoman and cook dragging along their worn-out steeds. Most of the Arabs rode in front, while two or three followed, driving the baggage donkeys before them with the butts of their lances. The dragoman's alarm had not subsided. As they went along he confided his fears to his masters, representing the Beni Azaleh to be the most cruel, rapacious, and treacherous of all the desert marauders. '* T'ey t'ink the blood of Franks too good medi- cine for t'eir women when t'ey are seek ! " he whispered in a tone of horror. Both Aylward and Yorke were, however, rather favorably impressed by the appearance and bear- ing of the horsemen. Though they saw no reason to suspect them of treachery, they never- theless kept their weapons ready to hand in case of sudden attack. On nearing the camp several of the Arabs spurred their mares with the sharp edges of their stirrups, and rode off to give notice of the coming of the strangers. Others galloped about making their steeds to pirouette, and brandishing their long, quivering lances till they bent nearly double. On coming in sight of the tents, the dragoman urged his masters to mount their horses. ''Mustn't walk to Arab people*s camp — too 2Q The Finding of Lot's Wife, much shame. T*ey will t'ink my masters com- mon fellows," he explained. Seeing this to be good advice, Aylward and Yorke rode their tired horses the short distance they had still to go, and the dragoman and cook also mounted their donkeys. It was in " honor- able fashion," as the dragoman said, that they entered the Beni Azaleh camp. It consisted of about threescore black camel- hair tents, hidden from view in a hollow under a high cliff. They were grouped round a shallow well in a cleft on the rocky ground. A solitary wild date palm, laden with dead branches, stood beside it, the only tree for miles. A thick deposit of animal-droppings lay all round. Num- erous camels, many with heads decorated with woolen ornaments, were picketed on the open places of the camp. At the doors of many of the tents were tethered mares of excellent breed, though rough-coated and in poor condition, some of which had foals suckling them. A number of miserable donkeys, cruelly hobbled to prevent them from straying, were limping about the camp. The news of the coming of the travelers had spread, and everyone in the camp had hurried out to see them : swarthy bearded men ; old hags with faces begrimed with the dust of years ; married women in bright-colored but filthy clothes, accompanied by naked unwashed chil- In Perils of the Wilderness* 21 dren, also graceful girls laden with tawdry finery. None of the women and girls wore face-veils, and many had blue tattooed foreheads and lips. The tent of the sheikh stood near the well. It was larger than any of the others, and a long, handsome lance tufted with ostrich feathers was stuck in the ground in front of it. The leader of the party of horsemen conducted their guests to the door of the tent, and, springing off his mare, invited them to enter. Aylward was about to step in, revolver in hand, when the dragoman interposed. " Master, please not take pistol into tent, Arabs will be angry," he whispered warningly. Aylward thereupon thrust the revolver into the holster of his saddle, and then entered the tent, followed by Yorke, also unarmed. Both men felt that their weapons would be of little avail to save them if the Arabs treacherously attacked them, and that it would be better for them to feign the confidence they did not feel. The tent was capacious, but very bare of fur- niture. In it some twenty men were assembled to receive the guests of the tribe. On a thread- bare carpet on the floor, in the place of honor, sat an old man, very much lighter in complexion than Arabs usually are, with fine features and a long beard streaked with gray. There was a va- cant expression on his face and a troubled look in his eyes, which struck both Aylward and Yorke 22 The Finding of Lot's Wiic as strange on seeing him. He did not speak or make any gesture of welcome as they entered the tent. From the silent respect shown to him by all present, it was evident that he was the sheikh. Beside him sat another old man, whose dress showed him to be a mullah or Mohamme- dan priest. His green robe and turban indicated that he was a hadji, one who had made the pilgrimage to Mecca. He had a forbidding wrinkled face, rheumy but austere eyes under overhanging bristly eyebrows, and a thin, gray beard. He looked what he was, the embodiment of fierce fanaticism. As the two Englishmen came in he eyed them keenly, but without curi- osity. A number of tribesmen stood round, also several negroes. One of the latter was a huge, Caliban-like creature whose hideous black features, pitted by small-pox, were more like an exaggerated mask representing the brute pas- sions than a human face. On entering the tent, Yorke exclaimed in Ara- bic : " Peace be to you ! " To which the mullah replied coldly, with a grave inclination of his head, but without rising, " On you be peace ! ** and all the Arabs present repeated the saluta- tion. A couple of camel saddles were brought forward by a negro, and Aylward and Yorke seated themselves on them, with the dragoman standing beside them. After a few moments* silence, the mullah asked in grave, measured In Perils of the Wilderness. 23 tones, whom the Beni Azaleh had the honor to receive in their camp. The dragoman, indicating Aylward with a respectful gesture, said that he was a great English milord of vast wealth, who was traveling for pleasure. " Good ! good ! he is welcome ! " responded the mullah, and then asked who Yorke was. The dragoman replied that he was a great friend of the milord, and that he accompanied him in order to paint pictures of the places they visited and of the people they met. " Praise to the Prophet ! " ejaculated the mul- lah disapprovingly, for to depict any created thing, and especially the human form or face, is contrary to Moslem tenets, as savoring of idola- try. He then asked what had brought the Eng- lish gentlemen to the mountains. The dragoman repeated what he had told the leader of the party of horsemen they had en- countered. His announcement of the object of the journey his masters had undertaken was fol- lowed by a long silence. On hearing his state- ment most of the Arabs gazed suspiciously at the Englishmen, others glanced at each other mean- ingly, and one or two whispered together. The mullah sat fingering his rosary, with his eyes on the ground, as if he had heard nothing. "Ask them if they know anything of the Monastery of Mar Lood, Georgis," said Yorke, noticing the effect on the Arabs of the dragoman's 24 The Finding of Lot's Wife* statement. The man did as he was ordered, addressing the question to the mullah, but the old man did not reply. The sun was now set- ting, and it was the hour of prayer. Rising with much solemnity and with a sanctimonious ex- pression of face, the mullah began his orisons, sometimes standing with his hands folded on his breast or clasped above his head, at other times kneeling and bowing continually with his face to the ground. Several of the Arabs present fol- lowed his example, imitating his genuflexions, but it was obvious that prayer was not an every- day exercise with them. When the performance, which lasted some minutes, was over, Yorke ordered the dragoman to repeat his question. " We do not know of any such Christian mon- astery. No one lives in these mountains but the Beni Azaleh," replied the mullah slowly after a few moments' thought, but there was something in his manner which showed that he was not speaking the truth. A conversation followed, in which some of the Arabs present joined. Numerous questions were asked of Aylward and Yorke, to which they replied through the dragoman. The comments made by their hosts on the appearance and ways of their guests were often far from flattering. Though Yorke understood all that was said, he thought it well not to show his knowledge. The old sheikh did not say a word during the whole In Perils of the Wilderness* 25 interview, but sat looking about him as if uncon- scious of what was going on. " Inform your masters," said the mullah at length to the dragoman, " that they are welcome to the tent of Abd'allah Abou Mansur, Sheikh of the Beni Azaleh, who hopes they will honor him by remaining many days in his camp, accepting such poor hospitality as he can offer." This being formally translated by the drago- man to his masters, they directed him to express to the mullah their thanks and their acceptance of the invitation. A great copper dish, about three feet in diameter, was now brought in by two negroes, on which smoked a kid stewed in rice and set round with piles of thin, flat, tough Arab bread, lumps of dates, and pats of butter. The trav- elers being invited to partake, seated themselves beside the huge dish and began to convey small portions of stewed meat and greasy rice to their mouths with their hands in the best way they could. Neither the sheikh nor the mullah joined in the feast ; but two or three of the older men present squatted on the floor and began to tear the kid to pieces with their fingers and to shovel balls of rice down their throats. By way of dessert they dipped dates in the butter and ate them. When they were satiated, others took their place and fed as voraciously. In a very short time all the meat, rice, and butter had dis- 26 The Finding of Lofs Wife* appeared, and all that remained were the date- stones which the feasters had spat out on the floor. One of the Arabs wiped his dripping fin- gers on the shock head of a child who had crept into the tent ; but most of them cleansed their hands with dust from the floor. Meanwhile Hanna, the cook, assisted by some of the Arabs outside, had unladen the baggage donkeys, and had put up the small tent that the travelers had brought with them. As it was by this time getting dark, Aylward and Yorke, after saluting the company, left the sheikh's tent and retired to their own. They had much difficulty in getting rid of the men, women, and children who crowded round it, whose curiosity was in- satiable. Then, having made themselves com- fortable for the night, they threw themselves on their carpets, too tired even to talk. They passed an uncomfortable night, being disturbed by the grunting of the camels and the tinkle of their bells, the neighing of horses, the bleating of goats, and the plaintive cry of a newly-born camel foal, which was tied close to the tent door. Constantly throughout the night voices could be heard roaring out desert songs, shouting at quarreling camels and squealing mares, or talking noisily. The disgusting odor which pervaded the camp seemed to thicken during the night. " What beasts these Arabs are ! " muttered In Perils of the Wilderness^ 27 Aylward, as he turned on his carpet restlessly for the tenth time. ** They be ryght foule folke and of evyll lyking," murmured Yorke sleepily, quoting Sir John Maundeville's dictum on the Tartars. The " Voiage and Travayle " of this old romancer was a favorite book with the artist, and he was al- ways quoting from it. CHAPTER HL The Sheikh's Daughter* The two young Englishmen soon found that they had nothing to fear from the Beni Azaleh, who treated them as honored guests, and gave them of the best they had. Presents of kid stewed in milk with spices, butter and coarse sugar mixed together, lumps of dates, greasy sweetmeats, and other Arab delicacies were brought to them by the leading men of the tribe, who were delighted to receive small quantities of coffee in return. There were, however, three men who openly showed ill-will to the guests of the tribe, though it was only by the expressions of their faces. The principal of these was the mullah, whose reason for regarding them with disfavor was probably because they were, in his eyes, infidels and enemies of God. When he happened to meet them he was coldly courteous, but took no The Sheikh's Daugfhten 29 further pains to hide his feelings towards them. The leader of the party of horsemen whom the travelers had encountered was another man who was obviously unfriendly to them, for he never came to their tent_, and would scarcely conde- scend to return their greeting when they met. They learned that he was the nephew of the sheikh, and also his heir, as the old man had no son, also that he was always spoken of as El Jezzar, or '' the butcher," which seemed to be considered a complimentary appellation. They did not under- stand for what reason he was so ill-disposed towards them, but supposed it was because he would fain plunder them, but did not dare to do so against the will of the tribe. There was one other man who always scowled and muttered malevolently when he saw them ; but as this was only the hideous negro who had been present in the sheikh's tent when they were received by the leading men of the tribe, they did not trouble themselves in the least about him. He bore, they learned, the very appropriate nickname of El Wahsh, or " the wild beast." The dragoman informed his masters on the morning after their arrival in the camp that he had been told by the tribesmen that the reason why the old sheikh had not spoken to or taken any notice of them during their visit to his tent was because he had suddenly lost his reason some months before. He was, however, still re- so The Finding of Lot's wife* garded by the tribe as their leader, as they firmly believed that the medicines and prayers ot the mullah would soon cure him of his mental malady. At the request of their guests the Beni Azaleh sent out a party of horsemen to look for the Jehaleh escort, who, it was thought, might still be in the neighborhood. The pursuers followed the tracks of the fugitives all day, but without coming up with them. The Jehaleh had re- treated to Mar Saba as fast as their jaded steeds could take them, leaving the travelers whom they had been paid to protect, to the mercies of the armed strangers they had met so unexpectedly. As their horses and the riding and baggage donkeys were quite unfit for traveling after the toils and privations of the past three days, and as they themselves and their servants needed a rest, the two Englishmen determined to remain with the Beni Azaleh a few days, leaving their future movements to be decided on according to circum- stances. The hospitality and friendliness shown to the travelers was due to some extent to the popular- ity of the dragoman in the camp. Like all Arabs, the Beni Azaleh were very fond of listen- ing to stories, and Georgis soon became a great favorite with them owing to his gifts in that respect. In a few days he was known throughout the camp as El Hakwatieh, or the " story-teller." The Sheikh's Daughter 31 He was a good-natured man, and, though he affected great contempt for Arabs, nevertheless condescended to spin interminable and full- flavored stories for their amusement every night. Sitting cross-legged in an open spot in the camp and surrounded by an appreciative audience, he told them of the marvelous things he had seen in his travels, such as women growing on trees, men with dogs' heads, and animals of the most extraordinary description, and related many stories of the wonders wrought by King Solomon by means of his cabalistic seal ; of the amours and escapades of sultans and viziers ; of the evil doings of magicians and giants, and many similar fables. At the conclusion of each story he in- variably solemnly swore by God that it was true. Aylward made inquiries through the dragoman as to what sport was to be obtained in the neigh- borhood, and was informed by some of the Beni Azaleh that they had seen ibex on the high ranges above the wadi. He accordingly went in search of them, accompanied by two or three men as guides and gun-carriers ; but though he spent the greater part of three days wandering about the bare, rocky hills, he did not find so much as the footprints of the wild goats. He therefore gave up the pursuit, being satisfied that the game he had been looking for existed only in the im- agination of the tribesmen. Yorke occupied himself all the morning of 32 The Finding: of Lot's Wife* their first day in the camp in making inquiries re- garding the Monastery of St. Lot, as he was quite convinced that the mullah had lied in reply to his question on the subject the evening before. But he learned nothing. The Beni Azaleh de- clared that they were strangers to the mountains, having come there from the Nefood Desert, only some fifteen moons before. The " mistrowing men," as the artist called them, positively denied all knowledge of any Christian monastery or other inhabited building of any kind in the neighborhood, and grew sulky and silent. When Yorke, much disappointed and indignant at what he believed was their foolish and purposeless lying, roundly expressed his disbelief in their statements, they admitted that they had seen " sura hdjar *' or stone pictures on the rocks, but protested that these were the only evidence that the barren almost waterless wadis round them had ever been inhabited. Yorke was possessed of a fair knowledge of rough surgery and simple medicine, and this fact having been made known by the dragoman to the Beni Azaleh, the artist was dubbed by them El Hakim or doctor, and was pestered all day by sick persons seeking relief. Men and women crowded round the tent door, and publicly de- scribed their ailments with embarrassing minute- ness and absence of reticence. No case was con- sidered too hopeless to benefit by the hakim's The Sheikh's Dau^hten ' ^ 33 skill. Persons stone-blind and incurably de- formed presented themselves for medical treat- ment, also several unhappy wives who hoped to get some medicine that would cure them of barrenness or bring about the birth of male children. A screaming child was brought to him one morning, who, it was said, had been bitten by a "mother of forty-four," which mysterious creature turned out, on inquiry, to be a centipede. The medicine most popular was white lump sugar, of which the travelers had a good supply. Troops of children hung about the tent all day in hope of getting a piece, and even the men did not disdain to beg for some. The women and girls, several of whom were very handsome, showed no fear of the Englishmen, and chatted freely with Yorke, much to the disapprobation of the dragoman, who professed to be scandalized by what he chose to regard as their immodesty and forwardness. In the early morning, and also before sunset, when not engaged in his medical duties, Yorke was accustomed to wander about the camp taking sketches, generally attended by a retinue of youths and children. He made a number of ex- cellent drawings of swarthy sons of the desert tending their mares, women making butter in goat-skins, graceful girls carrying pitchers of water on their heads, and other camp scenes. Very early one morning, before the camp was 34 The Finding of Lot^s Wife* astir, the artist, who was always up before day- break, came out of the tent and sauntered off, looking for something to sketch. One or two men who stood yawning in their tent doors saluted him, but nobody followed him, and he arrived alone at the outskirts of the camp, where he stopped. As he stood looking about him, an Arab girl whom he had not seen before appeared from another direction with a large wooden bowl on her head, and, going towards some she-camels tethered near, began to milk one of them. She had not seen the young man, who was partly hidden by a tent. The girl, who was about sixteen years old, was of remarkable beauty, tall and slender, with small hands and feet. Her complexion was unusually light for one of her nation, being of a delicate, golden olive tint, and she had clear-cut features of the aquiline Bedawin type. Her lustrous, dark eyes looked unnaturally large, being painted round with henna. She was clad in a flowing dark-blue garment, open at the throat, which, at every movement, revealed the outline of her lithe figure and supple limbs. A loosely tied sash en- circled her slender waist. Her long black hair hung down her back, partly hidden by a hood thrown gracefully over her head. Rows of gold sequins and other coins hung over her forehead, and round her shapely neck were numerous necklaces of silver, amber, and glass beads. She had large The Sheikh's Daughter 35 silver rings in her ears, and curiously shaped bracelets and chains on her delicate wrists and ankles. Yorke stood for some moments admiring the girl and wondering who she was, and how it was that he had not seen her before. He then seized his pencil and block, and began to make a furtive and rapid sketch of her in the act of milking the she-camel. He had very nearly finished it when she caught sight of him. The foal of the camel she was milking, a little creature all legs and eyes, having pushed against her in its efforts to get at its dam, she had looked round and had seen the artist. She did not appear startled, but gazed at him fearlessly yet modestly, obviously wonder- ing what he was doing. The young man beck- oned to her to come and look at the sketch he had made, and she at once came to his side and stood for some moments looking at the picture. " Do you like it, O girl ? " asked Yorke. " It is most wonderful, my lord," she replied, with a little sigh of delight. " Do you think it is like you ? " *' No, my lord," replied the girl, laughing musi- cally. " Why, O fair one ? " " Because my lord has drawn with the skill God has given him a most beautiful peri, while I am but a Bedawi girl." " You are far prettier than I have made you in 36 The Finding of Lot's Wife* the picture, O modest one," returned the young man, looking up into the girl's lovely face. Just then the voices of people approaching be- came audible. Yorke had no difficulty in recog- nizing one of them from its harshness, as being that of El Jezzar, the nephew of the sheikh. On hearing it, the girl darted off, and, catching up the bowl of camel's milk, tripped gracefully away. The artist looked after her smilingly. She evi- dently read the admiration in his face, for she shot a half-amused, half-pleased glance from her dark eyes at him as she disappeared. Yorke went back to the tent, where he found Aylward sitting down to the early morning meal that Hanna the cook had just brought in, and joined him. When they had finished, he handed his friend the sketch he had just made, with the remark — " What do you think of that ? " " H'm — an English girl dressed in Arab female costume, milking a she-camel," commented Ayl- ward^ glancing at the picture. ** She's a Beni Azaleh girl of pure blood," ob- served Yorke testily. " Doesn't look it. Where did you see her ? " " Out in the camp just now. She's the pretti- est Eastern girl I have ever seen." "So you've discovered another paragon of Ori- ental beauty, have you ? Let's see — this makes the seventeenth, I think, to whose dusky charms -f- The Sheikh's Daughter. 37 you have fallen a victim since we came to the gor- geous East together. There was that Berber creature you raved about at Tangiers, and that Jewess at Algiers, and that Galla slave-girl at Cairo, and " " Oh, shut up ! This girl is far and away pret- tier than any of those." " Of course ! The last black beauty that bursts on your enraptured vision is always the prettiest," retorted Aylward. " How you can find beauty in any of these brown tattooed Arab females, adorned with beads and dirt, beats me ! I expect to hear you some day singing the charms of a woolly-haired negress ! " " I never saw such a prejudiced fellow as you are, Hal. If a girl has a dark skin, you think she must necessarily be hideous." " Every man to his taste. To my eyes, a plump, rosy-cheeked English dairy-maid is far prettier than any of your black but comely belles." " I'm pretty sure that if you saw the girl I met just now you would acknowledge her to be the loveliest and most graceful creature you ever saw." " Who is she ? " demanded Aylward, with an incredulous laugh. " Haven't the least notion. It is a strange thing that I should not have seen her before. I thought every girl in the camp had been round to beg for sugar." 38 The Finding of Lot's Wife* '* Well, if you will take my advice, Noel, you won't attempt to meet her again. The fact that you have never seen her before shows that she is not allowed to go about like the other girls, prob- ably because she is of better birth. She is sure to have a husband or lover who will want to cut your throat if he catches you talking to her." The subject then dropped. Aylward, accom- panied by half-a-dozen of the Beni Azaleh, went off to look for the mythical ibex said to frequent the hills around, while Yorke sat down to finish the sketch he had made. He worked at it all the morning, taking much pains, and was well pleased with the result when he had finished it. As he worked he thought a great deal of the beautiful girl he had seen. He knew that the advice his friend had given him was sound common sense ; nevertheless he resolved to ascertain who the girl was and to try and meet her again if possible. The dragoman, he knew, would find out all about her, if ordered to do so, but he did not care to speak to him on the subject. He felt that his only chance of seeing her again would be another accidental meeting. The whole of that afternoon the artist wan- dered about the camp, pretending to be looking for something to sketch. As he strolled along he gazed round in all directions, glancing into every tent that he passed, but saw nothing of the girl he was in search of. At length he decided that The Sheikh's Daughter 39 for some reason that he could not guess she was being kept out of sight, and he accordingly left the camp in dudgeon and went towards the cliffs some two or three hundred paces distant. There were several picturesque caverns at the foot of the cliffs which had been converted into folds for goats, and his object was to sketch them. As he neared the cliffs, he saw, seated at the entrance to the largest of the caves, two girls who were tend- ing a flock of black, long-eared goats ; and the idea instantly occurred to him that one of them might be the girl he was looking for. He was followed as usual by a crowd of children, and he determined to get rid of them before going any farther. He was feeling in his pocket for some copper paras with which to bribe them to go away, when there was a sudden commotion in the camp behind. A vicious camel had attacked its owner open-mouthed, and had then bolted, throw- ing out its long ungainly legs as it fled down the wadi, followed by all the idlers in the camp. On seeing this, all the children at the artist's heels ran off after the runaway camel, screaming with excitement. Congratulating himself on his good fortune in getting rid of his satellites so easily, Yorke went on. He had not gone a stone's throw when a smile of satisfaction crossed his face, for he had recognized the slender, graceful form of one of the girls. It was the beautiful girl whom he had 40 The Finding of Lot^s Wife* met that morning and for whom he had been looking all the afternoon. The other was a plump, merry-faced little creature, about twelve years old, who wore a silver ring through her under-lip. The young man recognized her at once by this singular ornament, as one of the children who had come to the tent to beg for sugar. She was the first to see him, and she pointed him out excitedly to her companion, who, however, did not rise, but looked round calmly as the artist approached. For a moment Yorke was at a loss how to accost the girl ; but, seeing, a bowl of goat's milk standing beside the stone on which she sat, he pointed to it and said — *' May I drink, O girl ? " Rising, she took up the bowl, and handing it to him said, with a graceful gesture, " Drink, my lord." Having sipped a little of the milk, the young man put down the vessel, and, seating himself at the girl's feet, began to talk to her. *' What is your name, O girl ? " " Ay^da, my lord." ** Whose daughter are you ? " " The daughter of the Sheikh, Abd'allah Abou Mansur." " Is your mother alive? " " No, my lord." ** Have you any brothers or sisters ? " The Sheikh's Daug^hter* 41 "They are all dead," replied the girl sadly. " Where is your husband ? " " I have no husband, my lord." " How is that ? Is it not the custom for the Bedawin maidens to be married very young?" " Yes, my lord. Feydeh here is married. Are you not, Feydeh ? " "Yes; I was married last date-season," said the younger girl, conscious of her dignity. " But El Jezzar is going to marry you, Ay^da," she »added. The elder girl made no remark, but the ex- pression of her face seemed to show that she did not view the prospect with pleasure. "Your future husband is your cousin, then?" " Yes, my lord ; he is the son of my father's brother," replied Ay^da, with evident reluctance to talk on the subject. " Why do they call him El Jezzar ? " " Because he and El Wahsh crept one night into the camp of the Awdhineh and cut the throats of a score of men and women while they slept," replied the younger girl Feydeh gleefully, evidently considering the bloody deed to have been a highly meritorious feat. " A full wicked man and a fell," quoted Yorke in English. He sat in silence for some time, glanc- ing up every now and then at Ay^da's lovely face. " How is it that you are so different from the other maidens of your tribe ? " he asked at length. ^2 The Finding of Lof s Wife. " In what am I different, my lord ? " " In your appearance. You are very beauti- ful, and your skin is nearly as fair as mine." " It must be because of my blood. The first- born males of my family have been sheikhs of the Beni Azaleh for many generations, and have always taken wives of the best born and most beautiful of the Bedawtn maidens," replied Ay^da simply, but with a pleased smile. " Is it not a little over-bold for a lovely girl Hke you to go outside the camp with only a child as a companion ? " " What should I fear, my lord ? Nobody lives in this wadi but my own people, and there are no wild beasts." " I am glad to see that you are not afraid of me, though I am a stranger and an unbeliever." " I would be foolish indeed to fear you. All our tribe know that Englishmen are good." ** El Jezzar does not love Franks," remarked Feydeh, nodding her head with deep conviction. At that moment Ay6da made a warning ges- ture of silence. She sat in a listening attitude for a few moments, then rose and glanced towards the camp. " My lord, he of whom Feydeh spoke is com- ing, and is near at hand," she said in a low voice, turning to Yorke. " It will not be well for him to see you with us. Hide yourself in the cave till he has gone on his way." The Sheikh's Daughter* 43 The artist was unwilling to get the girl into trouble with the man she was to marry, so did as he ,was bidden in silence. He stood back in a narrow dark recess on the side of the cavern, from which position he could both see and hear all that happened. He saw El Jezzar arrive, and heard him ask the two girls in a loud authoritative tone why they were idling there, but neither of them made any reply. The fel- low then ordered them sharply to go back to the camp at once. The younger girl rose to obey, but her companion remained seated and took no notice of her kinsman's order; and Feydeh, after glancing timidly from one to the other, seated herself again. El Jezzar, with an oath, again ordered them to the camp, but neither of them moved ; so, seeing that they did not in- tend to obey him, he walked off muttering angrily. A minute or two later Yorke heard Ay^da's clear voice say, " He is gone, my lord," and accordingly came out of the cave and again seated himself at her feet. " El Jezzar was so angry ! " remarked Feydeh, her eyes wide open and shining with excitement. " He ordered us to return to the camp, but Ay^da would not go." " It will be time enough for me to obey him when I am his slave, and he can beat me if I re- fuse," said Ay^da, with flashing eyes and defiant curl of her lips. CHAPTER IV. The Bcni Azaleh. YORKE continued to talk to the two girls for some time, addressing himself principally to Ay^da. During their conversation the girl al- luded to the misfortunes which had befallen her tribe, whereupon the artist asked what had hap- pened to them. " I suppose you fled to these mountains from enemies ? " he remarked. Before replying, the girl rose and glanced round to assure herself that El Jezzar was not in sight, and no one else coming to disturb them. Then seating herself, she began to tell the young man the sad story of her tribe and family, with eyes flashing with indignation or wet with grief. She spoke with dramatic force, gesticulating with her little hands, every line of her graceful form being instinct with feeling. ** Listen, my lord, and I will tell you how it The Beni Azalch* 4S has pleased God to bring our tribe to nought," she said. " The Beni Azaleh are true children of the desert. Our home is many days* journey from here — in the great Sand country, south of the Euphrates. Only some fifteen moons ago we were a powerful tribe ; our tents numbered over fifty score, and our camels and goats cov- ered the country. There were no horses like the horses of the Beni Azaleh. We led a happy life, wandering from pasture to pasture, and enrich- ing ourselves by the sale of our foals and young camels. There was no fighting except chance encounters with robber-tribes. " One day there came to our camp from Da- mascus a white man, an Englishman, and he brought his lady with him. He was a very saint, though it was said that he was an unbeliever, and she was a blessed one. They said they had come to live among us till God took them. The effendi became the brother of my father the sheikh by the blood-ceremony. Ere long he was looked upon as a father by the men, and his lady, the hatdun, as a mother by the women of our tribe. They taught us many holy things, espe- cially about the goodness and mercy of God, who had sent his son Esa to take on himself the bur- den of our sins ; and gradually our men began to forsake their evil ways and foul talk, and our wo- men to grow pure and gentle. But an evil day came. The hatdun sickened and died, and soon 46 The Finding: of Lot's Wife* after the wise and good effendi, who sorrowed greatly for her, also died. "Soon after this war broke out between us and the Awdhineh. We had always been ene- mies" — here Ayeda linked her little fingers to- gether to express " enemies " — " for they were bitterly jealous of us. They trespassed on one of our camel-pastures, and refused to leave when ordered to do so by my father. Thereupon the men of our tribe cried to the sheikh to lead them against the enemy. But my elder brother, Man- ser, restrained them, remembering the words of the saintly effendi, that all war was evil, espe- cially between people of the same race. Alone and unarmed he rode to the camp of our enemies, hoping to settle the dispute without bloodshed. But the tent of the Awdhineh is the abode of shame. As Mansfir left the tent of the sheikh, where he had eaten salt with him, he was stabbed in the back by the sheikh's brother with his yem- biya and fell dead in the doorway. When the news of his treacherous murder reached our camp, every man, woman, and child cried aloud for vengeance, and before nightfall five hundred armed horsemen had started on a great 'ghazu.' * They took with them the sacred ' atfah.' " " What was that ? " interrupted Yorke. " It is a great basket-saddle, my lord, adorned with ostrich feathers and carried by the finest * War-party. The Beni AzalcK 47 camel in the tribe. It was ridden by my sister Fasala, whose right it was to do so as the eldest daughter of the sheikh. The possession of it was believed by our people to ensure victory to them, but they soon found that it was not so. The Awdhineh knew well what to expect after their wickedness, and prepared to defend themselves. They induced by lying promises several other tribes — who, though they professed to be our friends, had long been jealous of us — to join them. A great battle was fought. The Beni Azaleh acquitted themselves like men, but were beaten, being overpowered by their enemies. My sister received a bullet in her side, but con- tinued to chant the war-song till she fell dead, and then the ' atfah ' was taken by the enemy. When they saw what had happened, our people lost heart and fled. The Awahineh pursued them, and our whole tribe retreated before them deeper into the desert. Day and night we trav- eled, almost without rest. We were forced to abandon our flocks of goats, and our camels and horses died by scores in that terrible flight. Our enemies followed hard, and cut off and slew many of our tribe who had been unable from fa- tigue to keep up with the rest. When at length they gave up the pursuit and turned back, there was left of the great tribe of the Beni Azaleh only the handful you now see. Our people thought scorn to go and live among the fellahin in the 48 The Finding: of Lot's Wife* Ghor, so we made our way to these desolate mountains, where we are safe from our enemies. Here we are likely to remain the rest of our lives." " I suppose it was the destruction of his tribe that made your father the sheikh what he now is ? " remarked Yorke sympathetically. Ayeda shook her head. *' No, my lord ; it was an even greater misfor- tune which bereft him of his senses. My father had two sons — Mansur, who was murdered by the Awahineh, and Selim, who was born after me, and he loved them both with his whole soul. Mansur was the best horseman in the tribe, and no one could wield the lance or shoot so well as he. But Selim cared neither for horses nor weapons. He loved to sit at the feet of the English effendi and listen to his words of wis- dom. Both the effendi and the blessed one, his lady, cherished the boy and taught him daily , and when they died he wept many days, refusing to be comforted. "After Mansur's death my father could not bear to let Selim out of his sight, and guarded him as a precious jewel. Nevertheless one day, about six moons ago, the boy disappeared and has never been seen by any one since. Most of of our people say that he was carried off by jtn, of which these mountains are full. Some whis- per that El Jezzar murdered him, and hid his The Beni Azalch^ 49 body in order that he might himself become sheikh of the tribe after my father's death. But this I do not believe, else would I slay myself rather than marry him. There are a foolish few who think Selim is with — But I forget — the mullah has forbidden us to speak of that. " When Selim disappeared, my father was like one distracted. He and all the men of the tribe searched every wadi and cave and earth-crevice for miles around, ascending even to the tops of the mountains, but without finding any trace of him. They killed several horses in the search. One day my father, followed by six men, came on a narrow cleft in the cliffs in a wadi some miles distant from here. There was a rough path at the bottom of it leading downwards into the earth. My father, who was on his black mare * Wind Drinker,' rode into this gorge, following the path, with his men behind him. They had not gone far when the hearts of the men follow- ing him began to fail them, for the path grew darker and darker because of the height of the cliffs above them, till they could scarcely see their horses' heads. The gorge was full of 'daughters of the voice,'* who mocked them when they spoke, and jin sat on the ledges above and threw down stones on them. And as they rode down the ever-descending path it grew hotter and hotter, till they began to fear that their horses' hoofs * Echoes. .a^^^^^'-^J^^ [UHIVBRSITTJ 50 The Finding of Lot's Wife* would melt, and the sweat dripped from them through the heat and from fear. At length the six men drew rein and cried to my father that it was the road to hell, and that they would go no far- ther. But he paid no heed to them and rode on. Then those cowards turned their mares* heads and galloped back to the camp, with the news that the sheikh had descended into the bowels of the earth by a perilous path, dark as night and full of jin. Some of our people went at once to the mouth of the gorge and waited there for my father's return. On the third day he came out on foot, looking like a dead man that walked. He could scarcely stand, was shrunk to the bones, and dying of hunger and thirst. They brought him to the camp, and by careful tending his life was saved, but his reason had departed. From that day to this he has not known any of us, even me, his own daughter, nor spoken a word. We hoped that with his strength his rea- son would return to him, but it has not been so : he is now as he was then. A party of our people went some moons ago to Damascus and brought back with them the learned mfillah who is now in the camp, in order that he may cure the sheikh. The holy man has already begun the necessary ceremonies. Please God, my father will soon be well again." " It was very strange that your brother should disappear so completely," observed Yorke ; " are The Beni Azalch.^ 51 you sure that he was not carried off by some wild beast ? " " There are no wild beasts here, my lord ; and moreover, had he been killed by one, our people would certainly have found the remains of his body or clothes." It was evident that the girl had loved her young brother very deeply and felt his loss keenly, for her voice broke when speaking of him, and tears stood in her dark eyes. Yorke felt for her, and in order to change the current of her thoughts began to talk about his art. Though the artist spoke Arabic in Egyptian fashion, pronouncing his " g's " hard, and though Ay^da used many expressions peculiar to the desert, the Englishman and the Arab girl had no difficulty in understanding each other. In talking to the young man, Ayeda showed no shame- facedness or mock-modesty. She was quite aware that her people would regard her conduct with strong disapproval at the least, but she had such faith in the honor of Englishmen that she felt no shame in disregarding conventionality. The younger girl Feydeh sat listening to their talk deeply interested, and feeling delightfully bold and wicked. The conversation was sud- denly and rudely interrupted. "Infidel dog! what are you doing here?" shouted a loud, strident voice ; and El Jezzar stood before them, brandishing his khanjar, his 52 The Finding: of Lot's Wife* face distorted with rage. He had crept up unseen and unheard, and his jealous fury at find- ing the girl betrothed to him talking in private with the young Englishman, showed itself in every line of his evil face. Yorke did not rise on seeing him or reply to his abusive interrogation, but, putting up his eye-glass, gazed at him with calm face. El Jezzar seemed somewhat taken aback by the artist's cool reception of him. " Have you dared to meet this Frank dog in secret, O shameless one ! Would that I had a stick that I might break it over your back, O creature of infamy ! " he shouted, turning on Ay^da. The girl, though her eyes flashed, did not look at him, or make any reply. Infuriated by her contemptuous silence, the fellow began to abuse her in foul terms, making such charges against her in the coarsest language that Yorke grew hot with shame and anger. Fearing that the ruffian would strike her, and being resolved not to allow him to do so, he slipped his hand into his pocket and drew out his revolver. The sight of the weapon had an immediate effect on the raging Arab. He stopped flourishing his khanjar, and his language took a different tone. "Go you back to the camp, girl," he ordered sullenly. " I will afterwards speak to you of this matter." Casting a scornful glance at him, Ay^da rose silently and moved off with stately composure, The Bern A^aleh^ 53 with Feydeh clinging to her, frightened and crying. As soon as they were gone Yorke, after yawning with exaggerated deliberation, picked up his sketching things and strolled leisurely off to the camp. El Jezzar followed him with scowl- ing face ; and though the artist thought it not impossible that the scoundrel might stab him in the back, he did not take the slightest notice of him. Nevertheless he felt relieved when he reached the camp and the fellow left him and went off to the sheikh's tent, frowning fiercely and muttering threats. Yorke found Aylward just returned from his unsuccessful search for ibex, and at once told him all that had taken place. " I warned you how it would be if you at- tempted to speak to the girl," said his friend, with a disgusted air. " I suppose there will be a row now. It is a pity you were not content to worship your dusky divinity from afar." " I'm sorry, Hal ; but I didn't think there was any harm in speaking to her, considering how many girls I've chatted with and chaffed in the camp here." " There is a good deal of difference, my young friend, between talking to an ordinary girl in the camp and meeting the daughter of the sheikh in private outside. However, I'm afraid your artis- tic appreciation of Oriental beauty is too strong for you, and you'll go on discovering peerless 54 The Findingf of Lot's Wife. brown maidens and getting into trouble with their male belongings to the end of our travels." The two men called in the dragoman and informed him of what had happened. He looked very blank at first, on hearing of El Jezzars anger and threats, and gave his masters to under- stand that Yorke's indiscretion might produce very grave results, but took a more cheerful view of the incident on reflection. " T'ese Arab peoples wort'less, quite wort'less," he observed. "You give them 'nough money and t'ey let you do any mortil t'ing — cut t'eir mothers* t'roats if you like. You give El Jezzar two — t'ree pounds, and he sell t'at girl to you, Mr.'Yok." "By Jove! that's a new idea, Georgis. You must buy her for me, cheap," said Yorke gravely. " I'll take her home and make my fortune out of her by hiring her out as a model." The dragoman looked doubtingly at him, evidently puzzled to know whether he was in earnest or not ; but, seeing Aylward smile, he realized that the artist was joking. " You talking funny, Mr. Yok. English gen- tlemen not buying Arab girls," he observed, grinning. " But I go now and see what t'ey talking in the tents, and come back soon and tell," he added and departed. It was dark when he returned ; but the news he brought was reassuring. He had learned, he The Beni Azaleh* 55 said, that El Jezzar had summoned all the lead- ing men to the sheikh's tent, and had informed them how he had found one of the two Franks then in the camp — he who the people called El Hakim, and who violated the ordinances of Allah by impiously painting pictures — talking to the daughter of the sheikh, who, they were aware, had been promised to him in marriage. He had represented Yorke's conduct as not only a dis- honor to himself, but also an insult to the whole tribe, and had demanded his punishment. This view of the matter had not commended itself to the meeting. It was the general opinion that, if anyone was to blame, it was the girl for not running away when the hakim spoke to her so far from the camp. It was pointed out that Yorke had been allowed to talk freely with all the women and girls in the camp, and that he had not done or said anything in the least offen- sive; also that he had been very kind to the children, and had relieved the sufferings of many of their sick by his medical arts. It was obvious, they said, that he was a good man, and they refused to allow him to be injured in any way ; but recommended that the girl should be given a beat- ing to teach her to be more modest in future. '* Good God ! I hope the brutes won't thrash the poor girl ! That must be stopped at all hazards ! " exclaimed Yorke indignantly, spring- ing to his feet. $6 The Finding: of Lot^s Wife* *^Do not be frightened for tat, Mr. Yok. T'ey will not touch her. It is only Arab talk," said the dragoman soothingly. He went on to say that El Jezzar had continued to rage and to demand satisfaction for his wounded honor, and the meeting had at length decided to leave the matter to the decision of the mullah. The holy man had approved of the opinion expressed by the meeting that no vio- lence should be offered to the artist as a guest of the tribe, but directed that the strangers should. be sent away honorably as soon as possible. It had then been decided that the two Englishmen and their servants should be escorted next morning to some place, apparently in the neighborhood, but the exact locality of which the dragoman was not able to learn. " It strikes me, Noel, that we have got out of this mess pretty well. Let it be a warning to you, my susceptible young friend," observed Aylward. " I do hope that they won't ill-treat that poor girl, Hal. It makes me miserable to think that they may beat her because she allowed me to talk to her ! " exclaimed Yorke ruefully. "Wat for you troubling, Mr. Yok? Little "beating good for girls," remarked the dragoman. "You're a brute, Georgis ! " retorted the artist angrily. CHAPTER V* A Disappointingf Discovery. Very early next morning Aylward and Yorke were awakened by the dragoman entering the tent with a lantern. " El Jezzar and some of the other Arabs wait- ing to see my masters," he announced. "What's the time, Georgis?" asked Yorke drowsily. " It quite dark, Mr. Yok, not enough light to tell white thread from black one." " They are in a mighty hurry to get rid of us," grumbled Aylward. In a few minutes the two men were dressed, and went out to interview El Jezzar and his fol- lowing. The Arabs, wrapped in their 'abaiyehs and mounted and armed, were waiting in silence before the tent, a disquieting sight in the dim light. • " Peace be to you, brothers ! why have you $8 The Finding of Lot's Wiic roused us so early ? " demanded Yorke in Arabic. One of the hooded horsemen, whom he had no difficulty in recognizing from his harsh voice to be El Jezzar, replied gruffly — " The Beni Azaleh have decided that it is not for the welfare of the tribe that Frank strangers should continue to reside among them. We have therefore been deputed to escort you and your servants and baggage out of the camp." "Where do you intend to take us? " asked the artist. El Jezzar made no reply. " The fellow won't say what they are going to do with us, which looks as if they meant mis- chief," remarked Yorke, turning to his friend. " We can't help ourselves ; — we are in their power, and must consent to anything they pro- pose," replied Aylward. " I fancy they will take us a mile or two from the camp, and then leave us to find our way back to Mar Saba as best we can. You had better tell them that we shall be ready to start in a few minutes." Yorke did so, and El Jezzar grunted some in- articulate response. The two men then retired to their tent, where Hanna the cook brought them biscuits and coffee. They made a good meal by lamplight, being in doubt as to when they might be able to eat and drink again. When they had finished, the tent was struck and the baggage donkeys A Disappointing Disco very* 59 loaded. The horses and riding donkeys, which had quite recovered from the fatigues of the journey from Mar Saba, were then saddled and led up. Day had just begun to dawn when the party started. El Jezzar and his companions, half a score in number, rode in front with the Englishmen, and their servants behind them, and the baggage donkeys in the rear, driven by two or three youths on foot. As they rode through the camp, they could hear the voices of people just awak- ened from sleep. Men and women came to the doors of their tents, on hearing the hoof beats of the cavalcade, and gazed sleepily after them. Yorke glanced eagerly about him, hoping to see Ayeda peeping out from one of the tents, but she did not show herself. The thought that the slender, graceful creature might be cruelly beaten that day, because she had listened when he talked to her, troubled the artist greatly, and he more than once drew rein with the intention of turning back and appealing to the men of the tribe to prevent the brutality ; but, realizing on reflection that his interference would probably only make matters worse for the girl, he rode on, comforting himself with the thought that her relatives would content themselves with scolding and abusing her, as the dragoman had assured him they would. As they passed through the camp. El Jezzar every now and then turned in his saddle 6o The Finding of Lot's Wifc^ and glared fiercely at him. He seemed to under- stand what the artist's motive was in gazing at the tents so keenly, and to resent the action bitterly. His long lance quivered continually in his grasp, as if he could scarcely restrain himself from plunging its sharp point into the hated stranger. After riding some miles along rock-strewn wadis and winding gorges on the red, barren hills, the party suddenly emerged, through a tunnel-like passage, on a white plain, about a mile wide, surrounded by lofty cliffs. The mo- ment they entered the plain, Yorke gave a shout of surprise and rapture — " Great Caesar ! Look, Hal, look ! — the Mon- astery of St. Lot ! " Near the centre of the plain stood a great isolated pinnacle of rock, some two hundred feet high, with perpendicular sides. Though it seemed inaccessible, it was nevertheless crowned with buildings, the white walls and red roofs of which were brilliantly illuminated by the sun- beams streaming over the eastern cliffs. The monastery — for such it obviously was — was perched on a ledge near the top, with a great round rock rising above it. It was of consider- able extent, consisting of a picturesque main building, surmounted by a dome, and detached houses and towers here and there clinging to the rock, wherever there was space to build. An A Disappointing^ Discovery* 6i irregularly built parapet wall ran round the sum- mit along the edge of the precipice. A number of large trees were growing among the buildings. The two travelers halted abruptly to gaze on this unexpected but welcome sight. The Beni Azaleh had shown no surprise on coming in sight of the monastery-crowned rock in the midst of the mountains. They had evidently been aware of its existence. " What ghastly liars these fellows are ! " ex- claimed Yorke, wrathfuUy, alluding to them. '' They swore by God and by their Prophet that there was no building inhabited by human beings anywhere in the neighborhood of their camp, but it is obvious from their demeanor that they knew perfectly well of this place." " It is the wonderful monastery they told us of at Mar Saba right enough ; it can't be anything else," said Ay 1 ward, staring at the great rock as if he could scarcely believe his eyes. " I wonder if they are going to take us there," cried his friend, eagerly. The doubt was soon solved. El Jezzar, after a few moments' discussion with his tribesmen, turned his mare's head and led the way across the plain, going slowly and cautiously. The other Arabs followed him, riding in single file, and the Englishmen and their servants did the same, for they saw that the path was a dangerous one. It wound like a snake-track across the 62 The Finding; of Lot's Wife* plain, which was covered with white salt crystals and patches of sulphur efflorescence, skirting brine-pools, filled with blue water and black bitu- men-pits, from which rose a suffocating odor. " Take care, O hakim ! To fall into one of these subbkhas is death ! " grunted the rearmost of the Beni Azaleh, half turning his head to speak to Yorke, who was behind him. The dragoman, in the rear, overheard the warning, and was seized with terror. " By God ! I would rather trust my own two legs than the four legs of this pig of a donkey ! I will walk," he exclaimed. He slid off the ani- mal's hind-quarters, but so clumsily that he al- most threw it down. In trying to save itself the donkey trod on the brittle overhanging brink of a brine-pool, and the next moment the poor beast had disappeared into its blue depths. " Ride on ! ride on ! " shouted the Arabs on hearing the splash. " If you stop, the path will sink and we shall all fall in." In an agony of fear the dragoman seized the tail of Aylward's horse and roared for help. *' Don't yell like that, my man, or you'll scare the horses ! Walk quietly behind, and you'll be all right," exclaimed his master. But the drago- man had been too much startled by the sudden disappearance of his donkey and his own narrow escape to be able to restrain himself, and he con- tinued to utter ejaculations of terror and horror A Disappointing Discovery. 63 as he staggered after his master. No attempt whatever was made to rescue the drowning don- key. As they neared the lofty rock, Yorke, who was greatly excited, began to indulge in all sorts of speculations as to what they were about to dis- cover. He was more than half inclined to believe, in the state of mind he was in, that the accounts the monks and Arabs of Mar Saba had given him of this lonely monastery would prove true. " I don't see the ravens, Hal," he remarked in a disappointed tone. " There ought to be scores of them flying about the trees up there." " They are all away — gone to get food for the monks," returned his friend dryly. "We ought to be able to see some of the monks now," continued the artist, gazing up anxiously. " If we find that they wear clothes and that they can use their tongues, I shall con- sider that we have been shamefully imposed upon." At that moment a strange clanging, vibrating sound came from the monastery above, and was echoed by the surrounding cliffs again and again. " There goes the sacred bell that the monks ring to kee.p the devils off ! " exclaimed Yorke with delight. '' By Jove, Hal, this looks as if we were going to see something wonderful ! " By this time they had crossed the plain and had reached the foot of the rock on which the 64 The Finding: of Lot's Wife» monastery stood. About one hundred and fifty feet above them was a small tower, built on two great beams that projected out from the face of the rock. In the floor of the tower overhanging the precipice was a closed trap-door. As no living thing was visible the Beni Azaleh shouted long and loudly, calling on the inmates of the monas- tery to show themselves, but no one appeared and no voice was heard in reply. El Jezzar then unslung his gun, and, after several unsuccessful attempts, managed to fire it off, rousing count- less echoes. Suddenly, while the whole party was looking up for some sign of life in the monastery, the trap- door in the tower above was opened, and a face appeared for a moment looking down and then vanished. There was instantly a yell of amaze- ment from all the Beni Azaleh. Though the face had been visible only for a second or two, too brief a time for either of the Englishmen to be able to say whether it was the face of a man, woman or child, the keen eyes of the Arabs had evidently recognized it. " Wah ! wah ! " '' By God ! " '' Saw you that, brothers ? " " Praise be to God ! " and other exclamations of surprise and joy burst from their lips, and they stared at one another with startled eyes as if they had seen something too wonder- ful for belief. At a word from El Jezzar, who appeared the most disturbed of them all, they A Disappointingf Discovery* 65 rode off, out of earshot of the rest of the party, and talked excitedly among themselves- with animated gestures, pointing frequently up at the monastery with their lances. El Jezzar's harsh voice could be heard reiterating vehemently some opinion he held. At length all the Arabs, to the surprise of the travelers and the consternation of their two servants, wheeled round and rode off across the plain at a much faster pace than they had come. They were followed by the don- key-boys, who bolted without a word of explana- tion. Neither Aylward nor Yorke could see any good reason for this extraordinary behavior on the part of the Beni Azaleh, though it had obvi- ously been caused by the sight of the face look- ing through the trap-door. " What do those fellows mean by leaving us in that unceremonious fashion, Georgis? What were they jabbering about ? " demanded the for- mer indignantly. ''I not know, Mr. Ilwad, but I t'ink they see one devil in the tower up t'ere," re- plied the dragoman, with a frightened glance up- ward. " Don't be an ass, Georgis ! " was his master's testy rejoinder. Just then two or three dark, bearded faces ap~ peared at the trap-door above them. Aylward fancied that he also saw a white face, apparently that of a European, looking down. Presently a 66 The Finding of Lot^s "Wife* voice was heard, asking in broken Arabic who they were and what they wanted. " They're not dumb, at any rate ! ** remarked Yorke, disgustedly. He then shouted in reply, in the same language, that they were English- men who had lost their way, and that they craved the hospitality of the monks for themselves and their two servants. There was a few minutes' silence, and then another voice said distinctly in excellent English^ — " A rope is about to be sent down to you, gentlemen, to draw you up into the monas- tery." " Angels and ministers of grace, defend us ! Did you hear that, Hal ? " ejaculated the artist, with dismay on his face. " One of the monks is an Englishman, I sup- pose," returned his friend coolly. " Or there are English travelers there, and we have been forestalled in our discovery of the wonderful Monastery of St. Lot," said Yorke, in a tone of deep annoyance. While they were speaking, a faint creaking sound became audible, and a long thick rope began to descend slowly through the trap-door above. It had an iron hook at the end, from which hung a strong rope-net and a goat's-hair blanket. When the rope reached the ground, the voice they had last heard spoke again in Eng- lish— A Disappointingf Discovery^ 67 " If one of you will get into the net, he will be drawn up." " I'll go up first, if you don't mind^ Hal," said Yorke, eagerly. ''AH right. I'll follow you. Georgis and Hanna can send up the baggage and come up afterwards." " How about the horses and donkeys? I sup- pose the monks won't haul them up." " We had better ask what we are to do with them." Raising his voice, Aylward asked in English whether there was any place below where they could leave the animals. After a few moments' silence the voice from above said — " The monks say that you will find a cave in the face of the cliff, a little to the east, where you can tether them." " The fellow is a traveler like ourselves, con- found him ! I wonder if there are any more of them," exclaimed Yorke, on hearing this. Having unsaddled the horses and riding- donkeys, and unladen the baggage animals, the two men, assisted by the dragoman and cook, led them to the cave indicated, which was close at hand. It had been converted into rude stables, but there was no sign that they had ever been occupied by any animal. Posts had been driven into the floor, to which the travelers tethered the horses and donkeys. Yorke now made ready to ascend to the monas- 68 The Finding of Lot's Wife. tery. The rope net was laid on the ground with the blanket spread over it, and the artist having seated himself, his friend caught up the outer meshes of the net and slipped them on to the hook. He then signaled to the monks above, and Yorke was drawn up, tightly enveloped in the net. As he ascended he revolved slowly and bumped softly every now and then against the face of the rock. Once or twice the rope gave a jerk which sent his heart into his mouth. The dragoman and cook gazed up after him, uttering ejaculations of surprise and horror. The pros- pect of having to ascend in the same perilous fashion filled them with dismay. On being drawn up into the tower, through the trap-door, Yorke felt himself grasped by half-a- dozen hands, dragged to one side, and gently de- posited on the floor. He was then released from the rope-net, and at once sprang to his feet. As he did so he heard himself addressed in English, and became aware that an old man, in semi- European costume and wearing colored glasses, was holding out his hand to him. The stranger was rather short and spare, with a thin intellectual face and a long gray beard. " Permit me to introduce myself, sir — Professor Abraham Payne, of Clarksonville University, Illinois/' said the stranger, in a slightly nasal voice, which betrayed his nationality. " Delighted to make your acquaintance. Pro- A Disappointing^ Discovery* 69 fessor. My name is Noel Yorke," returned the artist, shaking hands with him, and then looking round him with eager curiosity. In a moment all his preconceived ideas and hopes were dashed to the ground. One glance was sufficient to show him that the monks of the Monastery of St. Lot were not the centuries-old, naked, hairy ascetics they had been represented to be. There were about a dozen of them present, only one of whom was aged ; the rest, with the exception of one young man, being men of middle age. They all wore long, dark robes, bound with camel-hair girdles, and had on their heads strangely-shaped hats with flanged tops. All were barefooted, and wore long hair and beards, and looked as if personal cleanliness was not one of their monastic rules. " This, sir, is Father Polycarp, the hegoumenos or superior. He wishes me to say that the Brotherhood of St. Lot welcome you and your friend to their monastery," said Professor Payne to Yorke, indicating one of them. The hegoumenos was a portly, elderly man, with good features and a beard of unusual length. There was nothing in his dress to distinguish him from the other monks. He made a dignified, courteous gesture and bowed gravely on hearing himself named. Yorke was then introduced to Brother Sophronius, the patriarch of the monas- tery, whose snowy beard, almost sightless eyes, 70 The Finding: of Lot^s Wife* and trembling limbs bore out the Professor's statement that it was over seventy years since he had joined the brotherhood. All the other monks were then made known to the artist by name, and the monastic office and duties of each explained to him. Yorke was amazed to see that, though the visits of strangers to the monastery must have been extremely rare, not one of the monks showed the least excitement, pleasure, or curiosity, or said a word. Each one wore a solemn, sorrowful expression of face, as if he had some unshriven sin on his conscience. While these grave courtesies were being ex- changed, the monks had again let down the rope. It passed round a large windlass standing in the middle of the tower and securely fastened to the floor and roof-timbers. It was turned with bars by half-a-dozen monks, while two others watched at the trap-door and directed their movements. Presently the monks began to turn the creaking capstan, and in a couple of minutes Aylward ap- peared, enveloped in the net, with the stolid look on his face that an Englishman puts on when anything unusual is happening to him. His friend helped him to his feet and introduced him to Professor Payne, who presented him to the hegoumenos and the rest of the monks. Ayl- ward expressed no surprise or curiosity, for it had seemed to his strong common sense to be impossible that the monastery should be tenanted A Disappointingf Discovery^ 71 by any but human beings of ordinary appearance and habits, and it did not seem to him a matter for surprise that other European travelers should have found their way there. When the introductions were over, the rope was again lowered, and all the baggage of the travelers having been packed into the net by their servants was hoisted up. Hanna the cook was then drawn up, and was followed by the dragoman, who had himself to slip the meshes of the net in which he sat over the hook at the end of the rope. His terror lest the net should slip and he should fall out was excessive, and he ar- rived in the tower in a pitiable state, trembling exceedingly and bathed in perspiration. The fervency of his self-congratulations on his safe ascent was greatly damped by the thought that he would have to return the same way. " By my father's beard ! " he muttered to him- self in Arabic, " I will become a monk and stay here the rest of my days, for go back that way I will not, though my tarbush be filled with gold pieces ! " CHAPTER VI- The Pfofesson When the two Englishmen, their servants, and their baggage had all been drawn up by the wind- lass into the monastery, Father Polycarp, address- ing Aylward and Yorke in Greek, Professor Payne acting as interpreter, informed them that a cham- ber had been got ready for them, to which he would conduct them if they would honor him by accompanying him. Guided by the portly hegou- menos, and followed by the dragoman, the cook and some of the monks carrying their baggage, the travelers and the Professor passed out of the tower, up some stone steps and through an arch- way cut in the solid rock, to a small building standing on the very verge of the precipice, and opening on a shady cloister. It contained only one dark room, with a stone divan running round three sides of it, and had small windows, an earthen floor, and whitewashed walls. It was The Profcs^^^^i^^^ bare of furniture or ornaments, witlTnie excep- tion of a small low table, about a foot from the ground, and a picture of a hard-featured saint painted on wood. All the baggage having been put into the room, Father Polycarp expressed the hope, through the Professor, that they would be comfortable, and took his departure, but returned for a moment to say that the mid-day meal would be ready shortly. " I suppose you are surprised to see us. Profes- sor ? " remarked Yorke, seating himself on the stone divan, the old savant and Aylward doing the same, while the dragoman and cook busied themselves in unpacking the saddle-bags. *' Not more so, I think, than you were on find- ing us — me here, sir," was the reply. '* That's true enough. To tell you the truth, we not only did not expect to find any traveler here, but almost thought, froni the extraor- dinary stories we had been told about the place, that it would prove to be tenanted by naked, hirsute monks, hundreds of years old, who had lost the power of speech ! " said the artist, laugh- ing. " It is one of the strangest communities of re- cluses I ever met with, though happily not so ex- traordinary as you had imagined," remarked the old man. " How did you find your way here. Professor? as far as we have been able to learn, the existence 74 The Findingf of Lofs "Wife. of this monastery is only known to the outer world by the vaguest rumors." " It was partly through an accident that we discovered the place." " We ! " repeated Yorke. " Are you not alone here then ? " *' No, my daughter is with me." "Your daughter!" ejaculated the artist, while Aylward's face showed his surprise. '^ Excuse my rude exclamation, but I thought that these celibate monks would not permit females, even of animals, to enter their monas- teries ! " " That is true, sir, but they think my daughter to be a boy." " Is she dressed as one ? " "Yes, sir." " Pardon the question, Professor, but how old is she?" "Nineteen." " Great Caes We shall have the pleasure of seeing Miss Payne, I hope." " She will not come out of her room till the evening, for she feels a very natural reluctance to appear before two young gentlemen in the dress that circumstances have forced her to adopt, and which she dislikes extremely." " Well, this is the strangest of all the strange experiences of the morning ! Who would have dreamt of meeting a young lady here?" The Professor* 75 " My daughter has been with me in many strange places, poor child." *' I hope you will not think my curiosity imper- tinent, Professor, but I should very much like to know what brought you here, and how it is that your daughter is with you." " I will tell you with pleasure, Mr. Yorke, but I must first explain what my vocation is. The past fifteen years of my life have been spent in wandering about the East searching for the many almost unknown monasteries which exist in remote mountains and deserts, in order to inspect their literary treasures. About three years ago I went to England to see my daughter, Isha, my only child, and made the surprising discovery — though it will, no doubt, seem absurd to you — that she had grown up, in my absence, to be a young woman, too old to remain at school. As she had no mother — my wife, who was an Eng- lishwoman, having died in giving birth to her — and as I had no relatives with whom I could leave her, I determined to take her back with me to the East to be my companion on my travels. It was not till we arrived in Abyssinia that I real- ized what a mistake I had made. I had not fore- seen in my foolishness that the companionship of a girl would be an obstacle to my studies, as she would not be admitted to the monasteries in which they were carried on. I was considering what to do, when my daughter, who had discov- 76 The Finding of Lot^s Wife* ered my dilemma, suggested that she should dress as a boy, in which guise she could safely accompany me. I consented, after some little demur, thinking that as we should meet only ignorant monks, and few if any people of our own class, it was immaterial what dress she wore. I did not at all understand the sacrifice of her feelings that she had made, but actually supposed that she would find childish pleasure in masquerading in boy's clothes. ** For a time all seemed to go well. We visited several monasteries, and my daughter's disguise was not suspected. The life we were forced to lead must have been a very trying one to a young girl, but she made no complaint, and I had no idea that she was unhappy. One day, however, I found her in tears, and was distressed beyond measure to discover how acutely she was suffer- ing. She loathed the unmaidenly part she had to play, and was pining for the society of her own sex. All those months she had been hiding her real feelings from me lest she should inter- rupt my studies. I tell you all this, gentlemen, that you may see that it was simply love for her old father which led her to adopt male costume." " You are much to be congratulated on your daughter, Professor!" interrupted Aylward warmly. " A girl of a thousand ! " added Yorke. " Thank you, gentlemen," said the old man, The Professor* 77 with a pleased smile, taking off his glasses, which had become dimmed, and wiping them. "At the time I made this discovery," he con- tinued, '* circumstances made it impossible for me to change my plans, but about three months ago I found myself free to return home, and started at once, being anxious to take my daugh- ter back to civilized life as soon as possible. We were then at a remote monastery in an oasis of the Nefood Desert ; and the Bedawin having in- formed us that the nearest way to Jerusalem lay through these mountains, we came this way. We, however, lost ourselves among the wadis and wandered about in great danger of dying of thirst, when, through the providential straying of one of our camels, we discovered this valley. At sight of the monastery the Bedawin with us, who were our only attendants, were thunderstruck, and swore that the buildings we saw were not real, but were built of air by evil spirits to lure belated travelers to destruction. They positively refused to approach the rock, preferring to run the risk of perishing among these barren, water- less mountains rather than go near to it. Ac- cordingly my daughter and I left them, and made our way across the plain on foot to the monastery, carrying a few necessaries with us. We were hospitably received by the monks, and have re- mained here ever since. The Bedawin who had come with us no doubt gave us up for lost, for 78 The Finding: of Lot^s Wife* next morning they had disappeared, taking all our belongings with them. Being thus deprived of the means of continuing our journey, we had almost begun to fear that we should have to end our days here, for we soon discovered that we were the first visitors to the monastery within the memory of any of the monks. You may there- fore imagine with what pleasure we learned of your arrival, for we thought you would not refuse to allow us to accompany you when you resumed your journey." "We shall be very pleased indeed, if you and Miss Payne will join us," said Aylward, speaking as the leader of the party ; " but the fact is, we are almost as badly off as you are, for, though we have horses and donkeys and provisions, we have no guides to show us the way out of the moun- tains, and shall probably have to find it for our- selves." He then gave Professor Payne some account of himself and Yorke, and of their jour- neyings during the past few months, and of their recent adventures among the Beni Azaleh. While he was speaking the loud clanging noise they had heard while at the foot of the rock, again arose, and they could hear its echoes booming in the distance. " They are striking the semandron as a signal that the mid-day meal is ready," remarked the Professor, seeing the surprise of the other two at the strange sound. The Professor* 79 " What is a semandron ? " asked Yorke. '*It is a beam of hard, sonorous wood that is hung from a tree in the courtyard and is pounded with a mallet. The monks use it instead of a bell. If you are ready, I will conduct you to the refectory." The two young men hastily changed their travel-soiled dress for clean garments ; and having washed in a brass basin of cool, clean water brought by the dragoman, declared themselves to be ready to follow the old man. The refectory was close at hand. It was a large, crypt-like apartment, with arched roof, stone-paved floor, and narrow windows. A long table stood in it, at which the monks were al- ready seated on forms. Roughly-made chairs had been placed for the travelers near the hegou- menos, who sat at the head of the table. Being courteously invited by him with a wave of his hand to seat themselves, the three men did so, and were waited on by the dragoman, who put before them food which had been prepared by the old cook. After a long grace in Greek from Father Polycarp, he and his brethren began to partake sparingly of the poor fare before them, consisting of barley bread, thin lentil soup, and a little fruit. The two young Englishmen, glanc- ing round the table, were struck with the sorrow- ful faces and dejected attitudes of all the monks. They ate with frequent pauses and downcast 8o The Finding of Lot's Wife* eyes, as if they felt they were giving way to sin- ful indulgence in satisfying their appetites. " Would you mind asking the hegoumenos, Professor, whether he and his monks will not honor us by sharing with us some of the things we have brought?" said Aylward. ''We have some Lebanon wine which our man will produce if they care to try it. It seems so unsociable for us to be feasting on tinned luxuries while they are filling themselves with broth and black bread." Professor Payne communicated his wish to Father Polycarp, who, however, shook his head, while a stern expression came into his face. '' We are much indebted to the gentlemen for their kindness and thought for us, but we cannot accept their generous offer," he said in Greek. " We wish them to feel themselves at liberty to partake of such things as they may have brought with them, for our poverty permits us to offer our guests only food to which they are doubtless un- accustomed. As for us, it behoves us to mortify the flesh to the utmost limit of our human en- durance. Never since the founding of the mon- astery of St. Lot have the brotherhood had such need for humbling themselves before God." On hearing these austerely spoken words sev- eral of the monks groaned audibly ; one or two pushed away their bowls of soup, while Brother Sophronius, the aged monk, trembled so exces- sively that a monk sitting next to him put his The Professor. 81 arm round him to support him. None of them spoke, however. Professor Payne translated to Aylward what the hegoumenos had said, but without remarking on the agitation shown by the monks at the con- clusion of their Superior's reply. *' I suppose you have found out by this time all about this queer place, Professor? " remarked Yorke, after a few minutes' silence. '' Well, yes, sir. I think I have learned all that is to be learned of the monastery and its inmates from the monks themselves and from their rec- ords. It is without doubt one of the strangest places in the world." " It is a Christian monastery, of course? " " It belongs nominally to the Greek Church ; but, though the monks profess to be under the spiritual jurisdiction of the Patriarch of Con- stantinople, I doubt whether his Holiness is even aware of their existence. They follow the rule of St. Basil and are under vows of poverty, silence, and, it need hardly be said, of celibacy. They elect their own hegoumenos." " What sort of fellows are they ? I hope none of them understand English, by the way ? " " Oh, no. They are chiefly Greeks, and do not speak any language but their own. The hegou- menos can converse in Arabic, however. They are an excellent. God-fearing, simple-minded body of men, superior to the ordinary run of 82 The Finding of Lofs Wife. monks of the Eastern Church ; but, like their brethren in other places, ignorant and somewhat uncleanly in their habits. They live entirely on vegetable food, and their only treatment for sickness is prayer and application of balm of Gilead." " I suppose the monastery is a very ancient one?" " The monks say that it was founded by the Emperor Justinian in the sixth century. It is possible that it then became a Christian monas- tery ; but my belief is, from archaic inscriptions I have found and from ancient records in the library which I have deciphered, that this rock was inhabited by a community of ascetics long before the Christian era." " I wonder, seeing how unknown the monastery is and that the monks have no communication with the outer world, that it has not ceased to exist, through the death of all its inmates." ** The monks made an extraordinary statement when I questioned them on the subject. They assured me that there are never more nor less than twelve brothers in the monastery, and that it always happened when one of them died, that a candidate for admission into the Brotherhood, sent by God, presented himself at the foot of the rock at daybreak next morning! " " The age of miracles has evidently not yet passed in these parts," observed Yorke, dryly. The Pfofesson - 83 " I see that there are only eleven monks pres- ent," remarked Aylward, looking round the table. " That is so, sir. I have not seen Brother Barlaam, one of them, for some days," said Pro- fessor Payne. " The hegoumenos told me some time ago that no brother had ever been known to break his vows, but I fancy that something of the kind has at length happened,. judging from the unusual conduct of all the monks recently. They have obviously been in a state of great horror and distress about something." '' I suppose they have locked up the erring brother in one of the cells ? " said Yorke. " I think so, sir." " I hope they won't build him up alive in the walls, or commit any such barbarity of the Mid- dle Ages ! One somehow feels that anything is possible in this extraordinary place." " They will probably keep him in confinement till he has expiated his sin by penance and has obtained absolution. I think it unlikely that they will treat him more severely." By this time the monks had finished their silent, frugal meal ; some, indeed, including the hegoumenos, having eaten scarcely sufficient to support life. A short thanksgiving was then repeated by them, all standing, after which they filed out of the refectory with hanging heads and mournful faces. Father Polycarp, with an apolo- 84 The Finding of Lot's Wife. getic murmur and a grave inclination of the head, followed them. The three travelers, who had risen to their feet as the monks retired, seated themselves again and continued their conversation. They had much to tell each other, and sat for some hours in the refectory talking together with animation. Professor Payne proved himself to be a most entertaining companion, having a vast fund of information regarding the strange places and stranger people he had seen in his wander- ings, and many stories of adventure and peril to relate. He appeared to take a great interest in the political and social questions of the day, and, not having had any reliable news of what was going on in the world for many months, had many questions to ask. He was anxious for news of the war then raging in the Crimea, and heard with greM satisfaction of the recent vic- tories of the Allies. " Good heavens, Noel ! We have forgotten all about those poor brutes of ours that we left in the cave at the foot of the rock ! " exclaimed Aylward, suddenly. " I heard the hegoumenos give directions to one of the brothers to take down some locust- beans and water for them, and the creaking of the windlass soon after ; so I think the animals have been attended to," remarked Professor Payne. The Professor. 85 " That was really very good of the old fel- low ! " observed Yorke. " One would imagine from his thinking of the needs of animals, of which he must have long ceased to have any experience, that he was in the habit of enter- taining travelers daily." '' As I said before, there is no record or even rumor of any stranger ever having come to the monastery previous to the arrival of my daughter and myself," said the old savant. "It is almost too marvelous for belief!" ejaculated Yorke. " I say. Professor, will you show us over the place? I suppose you know your way about it ?" " I think I know every nook and corner of it, sir, and shall be delighted to act as cicerone. There are many things in it that are well worth seeing." " Do the monks object to smoking?" " They do not indulge in the habit themselves, but I feel sure they will make no objection to their guests doing so." " Here goes, then ! " Yorke lit his pipe ; and his friend having followed his example, they left the refectory to explore the Monastery of St. Lot under the Professor's guidance. CHAPTER VIL The Monastery of St. Lot* Passing through a door at the end of the refectory, the three men found themselves in a stone-paved courtyard, round three sides of which ran a shady cloister, while the remaining side was open to the precipice, protected only by a low parapet wall. The courtyard was full of ancient olive-trees, the gnarled and twisted trunks of several of which were quite hollow. Beneath their great branches the ground was covered with white blossoms like snow. Above the courtyard on one side rose the main building of the monastery perforated with small windows, and, on the other, a great rock raised its rounded head some fifty feet above the roofs of the build- ings. A dark passage at the end of the court- yard gave access to a stone bridge which spanned a deep chasm. Beyond was a flight of steps rudely cut in the rock, protected by chains The Monastery of St. Lot. 87 swinging from iron supports over the precipice. Professor Payne led the way up this perilous path to the top of the rock, whence they had a magnificent view. Round the monastery-rock stretched a laby- rinth of rocky mountains, ridge beyond ridge, glowing like red-hot iron in the brilliant sun- light. They looked like waves of molten lava which, while running storm-high, had been sud- denly commanded to stand still. Torn and racked by convulsions of nature, they were piled confusedly together, terminating in bold bluffs that looked like ruined strongholds or in sheer precipices. Their faces were scored with terraces and land-slips, and their summits crowned with domes, towers, pinnacles, and mighty boulders. A tremulous blue haze lay over the scene. " How in the world did the ancient builders of this monastery succeed in climbing the rock? It is surrounded by precipices on all sides," ob- served Aylward, after they had stood in silence some time, looking round them and admiring the scene. " Perhaps they used kites, like our steeple- jacks at home," suggested Yorke. " I think the monks know of some secret path up, the entrance to which they have hidden, but where it can be I have not the least idea, though, actuated by curiosity, I have searched every part 88 The Finding of Lot's Wife* of the monastery open to my inspection," said Professor Payne. Below the three men lay the monastery, a picturesque group of red-tiled buildings straggling irregularly over the rock, with the sky-line above them. Fruit trees of different kinds grew wher- ever there was room for their roots, comprising olive-trees, their dark-blue foliage contrasting with the pale green of mulberry and almond trees ; orange and citron trees laden with golden fruit ; pomegranates ablaze with crimson flowers, and figs and locust trees. Some had been planted in the clefts of the rocks, and their branches overhung the precipice. Narrow paths had been cut to these along the face of the cliffs, from cranny to cranny, to enable the monks to collect the fruit. On top of the rock, where there was a level space some two acres in extent, was the mon- astery garden, every foot of which was culti- vated. The soil had no doubt been brought up from below — a toilsome work which must have occupied the monks of bygone centuries for many years. The garden was full of melons, beans, onions, cucumbers, and culinary and sweet-scented herbs, and was surrounded by a wall built of loose stones. A couple of monks were at work in it, but they took no notice of the travelers. In a hollow in the rock below the garden The Monastery of Su Lot* 89 was a pool of clear, cool, sweet water. An ancient donkey, almost white from age, was working a roughly-made, groaning shadoof, which drew up water from the pool for the irrigation of the garden. A silent monk, sitting in the shade of the rock, was watching it. " The monks say that this pool is always kept full miraculously, as there is no spring and the rain never falls ; but the probability is that the water is forced up some pipe-like fissure in the rock from a great depth, as in an Artesian well," observed the Professor. ** It certainly is a very strange thing that there should be a never failing well at the top of this bare rock ! " responded Aylward. ''That donkey is the only living thing in the monastery besides the monks and ourselves — and the fleas," continued the old man. " Father Polycarp told me that it was brought here by a new brother more than a hundred years ago, and that it was even then old ! " " I am quite prepared to believe from its ap- pearance that it is the identical ass that, we are told, remonstrated with the irate prophet for beating it ! " remarked Yorke, flippantly. At the back of the garden, and hidden from view by the wall of loose stones, was a ledge of rock sloping inwards. Professor Payne led the way towards it. " This is where the monks dispose of their 90 The Finding: of Lof s Wife* dead. A gruesome sight, is it not? " he said, on reaching the spot. " Great Caesar ! I should think it was ! " ejacu- lated Yorke. Arranged in rows on the flat surface were a number of corpses of monks clad in their ordi- nary robes, with their dead faces turned up to the sky, and their bony hands folded on their sunken breasts. Most of them looked like mum- mies, for the hot sun and dry, still air had desic- cated and deodorized the bodies ; but a few had, in the course of years, gradually crumbled to dust. In a hollow, under the overhanging rock, were neatly stacked scores of whitened skulls and bones. No carrion birds had ever attacked the human remains in that strange cemetery, and the dead monks lay there undisturbed, awaiting the resurrection. " I am informed that some of these sun-dried mummies are the bodies of monks who died more than a hundred years ago ! " remarked the Professor. "It's horrible !— let's get out of this!" ex- claimed Yorke ; and Aylward cordially agreeing with him, they left the spot and descended to the courtyard. They were not sorry to return to the shade of the old olive-trees, for the sur- face of the rock above had been so heated by the sun as to be almost too hot to walk on. Pro- fessor Payne then took them to see the church. The Monastery of Su Lot* 91 It was built on a broad ledge against the cliff on the western side of the rock facing Jerusalem. The path to it, hewn with infinite difficulty and labor, passed above the windlass tower and below the main building of the monastery. The church was in the form of a Greek cross, and was surmounted by a tiled dome. The interior was very dark, but refreshingly cool, and was per- vaded by the odor of incense. The walls were adorned with many icons or sacred pictures in costly frames. Numerous lamps hung from the roof, some ancient and very valuable and hand- some, others of common glass tumblers in tin frames. A number of ostrich eggs were also suspended from the roof. At the end of the church stood a richly-gilded iconostasis or altar- screen. Near it was the carved chair of the hegoumenos, and a lectern inlaid with ivory and mother-o*-pearl, an ancient imperial gift to the monastery. Behind the iconostasis was the apse, hewn out of the solid rock. The roof was black with the smoke of the lamps, and the stone floor was spotted and slippery with yellow taper droppings. Over the altar, on which stood a great cross of carved wood, set in gold and jewels, hung an extraordinary and very realistic picture of the Last Judgment. Goat-headed devils with forked tails were represented as tormenting the wicked, while rov.'s of ugly little saints, very hairy and •V-^feJ^Sk, 92 The Poinding of Lot's Wife very holy, with what appeared to be white plates on their heads, looked on round-eyed. Yorke's delight on seeing this altar-piece was in- tense. " Look at these * halowes of heaven,' Hal ! " he cried, indicating the staring saints ; " did you ever see anything funnier?" The picture fascinated the artist, and he stood before it a long time, finding fresh amusement in it every minute. In a recess at the side of the apse stood the reliquary. It was an exquisitely carved ebony cabinet on which were arranged many costly relic-receptacles, containing the bones and other portions of the bodies of martyrs and saints. Gold and silver sacramental vessels, and many beautiful specimens of ancient art-work and jewelry, also stood on the reliquary, quite unprotected. In the place of honor was a long, narrow golden casket encrusted with gems. "That casket, gentlemen," observed Professor Payne, pointing to it, *' contains a relic of in- estimable value ; nothing less than the staff of St. Lot, presumably the identical one used by the patriarch when fleeing from the doomed Cities of the Plain ! I was informed by the hegoumenos that its virtue is such, that, should any mentally afflicted person touch it, he would immediately become perfectly sane. However, whatever its healing powers may be, I am The Monastery of St* Lot. 93 sure that it is the most ancient relic in the world." " How do you make that out, Professor?" ** I will show you presently, sir, a document over three thousand years old, in which it is mentioned." *' By Jove, that will be worth seeing ! " " I suppose you have been shown some queer relics in your visits to out-of-the-way monaster- ies, Professor," remarked Aylward. The old savant's eyes twinkled behind his spectacles as he replied — *' I have seen many, sir. I was once shown, as a very sacred relic, what I was assured was a finger of the Woman of Samaria. On another occasion the Superior of a Maronite monastery exhibited to me with much pride a piece of the potsherd with which the patient patriarch Job had scratched himself ! " '*0h! come, come. Professor!" exclaimed both Aylward and Yorke simultaneously. '' Quite true, I assure you, gentlemen," re- turned the old man, laughing, as he led the way out of the church. Having peeped into one or two of the dark comfortless cells tenanted by the monks, and having examined an ancient olive press cut out of the solid rock, and some inscriptions which the Professor said were very ancient and were names probably of ascetics who had lived on the 94 The Finding: of Lot^s Wife* rock centuries before the Christian era, the three men entered the monastic library. It was a small vaulted chamber not far from the church, and stood on the edge of the precipice, with a deep window commanding a view over the valley. The books, manuscripts, and rolls were arranged in niches in the thick walls. "This is the most valuable and best kept of all the monastic libraries that I have met with in my travels. It contains treasures for which wealthy bibliomaniacs in Europe and America would give thousands of pounds," said Professor Payne, enthusiastically. So saying, he reverently and carefully took down a number of priceless manuscripts, and exhibited them to his companions, pointing out their beauties and peculiarities. He showed them an Evangelistarium of the ninth century, written in uncial letters in the form of a cross ; a fine folio of Job in large letters, surrounded with *' scholia " in a smaller hand and illustrated with numerous ghastly miniatures of the patriarch's sufferings ; a rare Byzantine manuscript written in purple ink powdered with gold dust; an illuminated Menologia or Lives of the Saints on gazelle skin ; a manuscript in " charta bombycina," a material used in very early times, and many other fine examples of ancient art. ''Owing to the monastery being almost un- The Monastery of St* Lot. 95 known, to the dry climate, and to the ignorance of the monks, who have handled these manu- scripts but little, they are in a wonderful state of preservation," observed the Professor. " My experience hitherto has almost invariably been that the monks of Eastern monasteries take little or no care of the literary treasures many of them possess, and often put them to extraordinary uses. I remember finding in an Armenian monastery a bed of penance contrived out of ancient tomes, bound in wooden boards studded with metal bosses. I have frequently seen monastic accounts kept in priceless vellum books, from which the exquisite illuminations and lettering had been washed off. I have several times found whole libraries so eaten by insects, or so rotten from damp, as to fall to pieces at my touch ! " The old savant spoke in a tone of indignation and grief. " You must have been able to purchase many valuable books in your travels. Professor," re- marked Aylward. " I have never bought a single book, sir. I am of opinion that the proper place for ancient works such as these is the monastery library in which they have lain for centuries. I have made it a practice to acquaint the monks with the great pecuniary value of their books and manuscripts, and to urge them not to part with them on any account." gS The Finding of Lot's Wife. Yorke, meanwhile, was examining with the deepest interest specimens of the illuminator's art, such as he had never seen before. His artis- tic training and tastes enabled him to appreciate fully the wonderful coloring, quaint designs, and microscopic detail of the paintings before him. Some of the manuscripts looked as fresh as if they had just left the hands of the monk-artists whose work they were. Yorke pored over them in silence for some time, and then his pleasure found vent in words. " They are really wonderful ! The sight of these manuscripts is worth all the trouble we had in finding the monastery, Hal ! " he exclaimed. "That is what I myself thought, sir, when, the day after my arrival here, I discovered this treasure-house of ancient wisdom and art," said Professor Payne. " But I had almost forgotten. I have not yet shown you the three-thou- sand-year-old document that I told you of, which, I think, is the most curious thing in the library." Saying this, he took out of an antique silver case that lay in a separate niche in the wall, made apparently, from its shape, expressly for its reception, an ancient sheep-skin scroll, the rods of which were of ebony ornamented with gold. It was wrapped in many folds of embroidered silk. The parchment was grimed and yellow with age, with its edges greatly frayed, and the writing on The Monastery of St« Lot* 97 it was much faded, portions of it being quite il- legible. " What is it, Professor ? " asked the artist when the old savant had gazed at it, unrolled on the table before him, without speaking for some time. "It may be described as the charter of the Monastery of St. Lot, sir," was the reply. " It is written in archaic Hebrew ; and from internal evidence that it contains, I am convinced that the hand that guided the reed that wrote it, became dust at least three thousand years ago. Only about half the writing is legible. I have tried every means that long experience in deci- phering ancient manuscripts has taught me, to make out the faded portions, but with little suc- cess ; but, by piecing together detached sentences and scattered words, I have been able to gather the general sense of the document. "It begins with the solemn invocation of Jehovah, followed by a prayer for the sins of mankind. A remarkable declaration is then made. It states that, when God cursed Lot's wife and turned her into a pillar of salt. He left it standing at the southern end of the Salt Sea that covered the site of the accursed cities He had destroyed, as a warning to all men against disobedience. But, says the parchment, so many men went mad at the sight of the awful Woman of Salt, that God, in His mercy, removed it to 98 The Finding of Lot's Wife* the Valley of Madness among the mountains, the only road to which lies along the Pass of Many Voices, — a narrow way, dark and danger- ous. Then follows another strange statement. It says that God further ordained that a House of Mercy should be built in the mountains, the duty of the inmates of which should be to restore to his senses any unfortunate man who might enter the Valley of Madness and look on Lot's wife. That portion of the parchment which apparently specifies how this is to be done is very illegible. All I have been able to make out are several unintelligible references to the Staff of Lot, which, as I told you, is believed by the monks to possess miraculous powers. The men- tion of it in this exceedingly ancient document goes to show what a unique relic is possessed by the monastery." The two young men listened with the deepest interest to the old savant's account of the vener- able dilapidated parchment, and, when he ceased speaking, examined it carefully. It was with feelings almost of awe that they gazed at its crabbed, faded characters. ** I suppose the monks know of the existence of this scroll ? " observed Yorke. " They do, sir, but they are unable to read it. It is probable that no inmate of the monastery has been able to read it for many hundreds of years past; nevertheless its contents appear to The Monastery of SU Lot* 99 have been handed down by oral tradition. Father Polycarp, to whom I spoke of it, was obviously aware of its strange nature, and of the duty it imposes on him and his fellow-monks. He, however, seemed so unwilling to give me any information in regard to it, that I forebore to question him." "It was the universal belief in the Middle Ages that the Pillar of Salt was still standing near the Dead Sea," remarked the artist. "For instance, dear old Sir John Maundeville says: ' At the ryght side of this see dwelleth Lothe's wife in a stone of salt, for that* she looked againe when the citie sanke downe,' and many other old travelers say the same." " I have seen so many strange things in my travels that I can afford to be thought credulous, so I do not mind saying, gentlemen, that I firmly believe that parchment before you to be an authentic document," said the old savant. " Oh, come. Professor ! " expostulated Ayl- ward, " you don't mean to say that you think that Lot's wife, or rather the Pillar of Salt, is still in existence, and that " " By Jove, Professor ! " interrupted Yorke ex- citedly, " it has just occurred to me that I heard only yesterday a wonderful story, which seems to confirm one statement at least in this old parch- ment." He proceeded to repeat what Ayeda had told loo The Finding of Lot's Wife^ him of her father's discovery of the great rift in the cliffs, and of his ride down into the bowels of the earth in search of his son, and of his return, three days afterwards, hopelessly insane. '' Now I should very much like to know whether that is true or not ! " exclaimed Pro- fessor Payne with animation. ** Unfortunately, long experience of the Bedawin has convinced me that of all people they are the most addicted to falsehood. It has often seemed to me that they lie for pleasure, for they frequently make false statements when they have nothing to gain or lose by speaking the truth. They have not even grace enough to be ashamed of the vice. If you doubt any statement made by an Arab, he will retort : ' The fore-foot of my camel stands on the centre of the earth. If you don't believe me, go and measure for yourself ' ! " *' You're right enough. Professor, they are liars of the first magnitude ; the least gifted of the Beni Azaleh could give Ananias heavy odds. But I am sure that the girl who told me the story I have just repeated was speaking what she be- lieved to be the truth." " Her story strangely corroborates what is stated in this ancient manuscript. I should think it would be time well spent to inquire further into the matter," remarked the Professor. The three men stayed in the library talking to- gether about the wonderful old scroll and other The Monastery of St* Lot. loi subjects till the sun had set. Professor Payne, realizing from the sudden darkness that came on how late in the day it was, hurried off, reproach- ing himself for having left his daughter alone so long. The other two men strolled off to the courtyard. >'' at ram *• UiriVBRSITT] CHAPTER VUL Isha Payne* As the young Englishmen walked up and down the blossom-strewn courtyard, Yorke amused himself with conjectures as to the per- sonal appearance and manners of the Professor's daughter, whom they had not yet seen. " I suppose she'll prove to be a cheeky, slangy young woman, of scraggy build, with a thin face and a hard reedy voice spoken through her nose," he said. " Her mother was English, and she was educated at home, so I don't see why you should suppose anything of the sort," returned his friend. " Perhaps we shall find her to be a spectacled young person, very plain and prim." " If she had been a girl of that sort, she would not have consented to wear boy's clothes." "After all, I should not wonder if she turned Isha Payne* 103 out to be a gawky school-girl, too shy to do any- thing but giggle." " She's nineteen, and must have got over that period of girlhood." '^ Or a regular tomboy, who will want us to romp with her and -'* " Be quiet ! Here she comes with her father," interrupted Aylward in a low voice. Though the sun had set, leaving only a faint red glow in the west, there was plenty of light, for the full moon hung unclouded over the horizon. By its silvery beams the two men saw Professor Payne advancing towards them accompanied by a pic- turesquely-attired young girl, who seemed to come reluctantly, and to be trying to hide her- self behind the old savant's spare form. She was dressed in loose Turkish trousers, bound about the waist with a broad sash, and in a red silk blouse under an embroidered Albanian jacket. On her head, which was covered with short curly locks, was a small fez cap, and she wore a pair of dainty little Parisian boots. She had thrown a shawl round her in such a way as to partly hide that part of her boyish dress of which she was evidently most ashamed. She wore no jewelry or ornaments of any kind. The instant Yorke saw her he realized that his forebodings as to her appearance had been unfounded, for the Professor's daughter was an extremely pretty girl. 104 The Finding of Lofs Wife* " My dear, allow me to present to you Mr. Aylward and Mr. Yorke," said her father, indicat- ing each of the young men with a wave of his hand. The girl bowed to them gracefully, but with a somewhat embarrassed smile on her face, and did not speak. " You have no idea how surprised we were this morning to find that there was a young lady stay- ing in this extraordinary place, Miss Payne," said Aylward. " You must have been still more surprised to hear that she was dressed — in boy's clothes, Mr. Aylward," returned the girl, blushing painfully. She spoke in a clear, sweet voice, without a trace of nasal accent. *' Your father has explained to us the necessity there is for the disguise, and all I can say is that, if I had been blessed with a sister who dressed as a boy in order to accompany me to places where we could not otherwise have gone to- gether, I should be very proud of her indeed. Miss Payne." "Thank you, Mr. Aylward," was the girl's grateful response, as she smiled brightly. " You don't travel about with a toilet glass in which you can see yourself full length, do you. Miss Payne?" asked the artist. " No, indeed, Mr. Yorke." " Well, if you did, I think you would be more reconciled to the dress you wear. I am an artist, Isha Payne* 105 you know, and privileged to tell people how they look in costume." " You are right, sir," said Professor Payne. " I have always thought, my dear, that the pretty costume became you, but I shall be pleased when the necessity for wearing it no longer exists." " I am glad you like it, father dear," responded the girl quietly, but in a tone which showed that she did not wish the subject pursued. After a little further conversation the three men and the girl began to stroll up and down the courtyard in the moonlight. Presently Aylward and Miss Payne found themselves walking to- gether; the Professor and Yorke, who had got on the subject of monastic art, having stopped under one of the old olive-trees to argue out some point. **Is it not a strangely beautiful scene. Miss Payne ? " observed Aylward, gazing round. *' You will perhaps think it silly and sentimen- tal, Mr. Aylward, but moonlight is always associ- ated in my mind with Heaven." " I can understand the feeling perfectly. I think most people have felt the influence of the silvery radiance which softens and beautifies everything it touches. Beautiful cloud scenery, the sound of running water, and the scent of flowers at night have much the same effect. The best feelings of our hearts are stirred by the sweet sights, sounds, and odors of nature, and io6 The Findings of Lot's Wife* we feel, while enjoying them, as near Heaven as it is permitted for us to be in this world." It was seldom indeed that Aylward spoke in this strain, but it seemed natural enough under the circumstances. The young lady said nothing in reply, and they went together to the parapet wall along the brink of the precipice, and leaning on it gazed round for some time in silence. The salt-encrusted plain lay below like a lake of silver, with the winding path across it faintly visible. Round'them the mountains raised their heads in majestic gloom, their desolation hidden by the silver veil of the moonlight. Far away a snow-capped peak peeped over the distant rocky ridges with a diadem of stars round its glisten- ing turban. Behind and above glittered the white walls and red roofs of the monastery buildings, with the dark outlines of the trees sharply de- fined against them. An inexpressible calm reigned over the scene, only deepened by the distant solemn chanting of the monks at even- song. As Aylward stood leaning over the parapet wall, he had an opportunity of better observing his companion. He saw that she was taller than he had supposed, her boy's dress having had the effect of making her look small. That she was painfully conscious of her masculine costume was shown by her restless plucking of the shawl she had draped about her. Her face was not only Isha Payne^ 107 beautiful, but full of animation, and had that sweet innocent look that is a maiden's chief charm. Her hair was cut short, which, instead of detracting from her good looks, seemed to add piquancy to them. She had large, trustful, dark gray eyes, and a sensitive little mouth with smiles ever lurking in its corners. *' By what name does your father address you in public, Miss Payne ? " asked Aylward, breaking the silence. *' Arthur is my man's name, Mr. Aylward," re- plied the girl, smiling. " How came your own name to be an Arabic one ? " " It is not Arabic, Mr. Aylward." " Surely Ayesha is an Arab girl's name. If I remember right, it was the name of one of Mo- hammed's wives." ^' Yes, but my name is Isha, I-s-h-a." • " Sounds like Japanese, somehow." *' It is Hebrew, and was Eve's first name. It was my father's fancy to give it to me." " Never knew before that Eve had any other name ! " " You will find it given in the margin of your Bible. It means simply ' woman.' " " Has your father taught you Hebrew, Miss Payne?" " I am glad to say that he has not thought it necessary to do so," replied the girl, laughing. io8 The Finding: of Lot's Wife* " I suppose you know a lot of modern lan- guages, though ? " " Besides the French and German I learned at school, I have picked up, during the last two years, Arabic and modern Greek, and can speak both languages pretty fluently." *' Do you know, Miss Payne, I think you are one of the pluckiest girls I ever met ? " " I am so glad that you don't think I did wrong in putting on these boy's things," returned Isha, blushing with pleasure. ''Wrong! " repeated the young man, " I think it was a remarkable act of self-sacrifice. I am sure that even the most frigidly decorous of Quaker maiden ladies would approve of it under the circumstances." " Oh, Mr. Aylward ! there are thousands of girls who would have done the same." " For their lovers, perhaps — not for their fathers." There was a pause, during which the young man and young woman gazed in silence over the moonlit plain, occupied with their own thoughts. Presently Aylward remarked — " You must often have felt the want of com- panions of your own sex and age during your wanderings. Miss Payne." " Yes, indeed. It would have made such a difference if a sister, or even a young brother had been with me. I often longed for a girl-friend to Isha Payne* 109 talk to, but there were no women, of course, in the monasteries and I could not talk to the Arab girls we sometimes saw, as they all thought I was a young man ! " replied the girl, glancing down at her Turkish trousers with a comical twist of her mouth. " I suppose your father and you sometimes met with adventures in your journeys?" " Oh, yes, we have had some strange experi- ences,'* returned Isha, half laughing and half sighing. *' Would you mind telling me some of them ? " '' I will do so with pleasure, Mr. Aylward, only you must not think that the — the inconveniences I have had to piit up with were due to any want of consideration for or care of me on the part of my dear father. The troubles we have met with were accidental and unavoidable." " I am sure that your father would not need- lessly expose you to any risk or discomfort." "Well, perhaps, I had better tell you first, what happened to us in Abyssinia. Early last year we were staying in a Coptic monastery in the in- terior, the black monks of which were very wicked men. My father, on discovering what dreadful lives they led, was anxious to take me away, but we could not leave at once, as our horses had been stolen. I spent a miserable month there, shut up in my chamber all day. The superior was a good-natured old man, but a great drunkard who no The Finding of Lot's "Wife* had no control over his monks. One day they poisoned him, and set the monastery on fire and fled. We had great difficulty in escaping from the burning building, and, still more, in making our way on foot across the mountains to the next monastery." " Good heavens ! what an experience ! " cried Aylward, aghast at the perils the young girl had passed through but of which she spoke so calmly. ** Have you any more ' Inconveniences,' as I think you call them, to relate ? " he asked. " Plenty," responded the girl with a laugh. " We spent the winter before last in a monastery among the Pasaroum mountains in Persia, and were snowed up and nearly frozen and starved to death. When we had consumed all our stock of provisions, including the store of dried apricots that the monks had prepared during the autumn for sale, we were forced to boil down for food, the vellum pages of ancient and priceless books in the library and to burn their covers for fuel. I do not know how many lives of the saints, martyrologies, and works of the Fathers we did not eat in the form of thin soup in which floated strips of pappy vellum ! My father was almost distracted by the destruction of the library, and when, in our extremity, the monks cut up and boiled a magnificent manuscript of the Psalms, on purple vellum, in gold letters, beautifully illuminated and bound with jeweled clasps, he Isha Payne» in fairly cried ! You have no idea how thin we all were when the thaw came at last and freed us " My dear young lady, you're a heroine to have faced such privations ! " exclaimed her compan- ion, admiringly. '^ It was an unpleasant experience," admitted the girl, quietly. *' But I have been forced to wit- ness sights, and to hear things which I found harder to bear. Once when we were at a Maro- nite monastery in Lebanon, a monk, while digging in the garden, discovered a treasure-trove con- sisting, as my father said, of a potful of silver coins of the Selucidae, Kings of Antioch. The monks tried to hide the treasure, but the Pasha heard of it and claimed it, and on the refusal of the monks to give it up, attacked the monastery with a party of soldiers. Several of the inmates were killed, and I saw their bodies lying in the courtyard. Some of the monks were then put to the torture to make them confess where they had concealed the money. I tried to shut my ears to the shrieks of the poor men, but I heard them through the blanket I wrapped round my head. It was dreadful. The Pasha soon found the treasure and carried it off." " I had no idea that such things were done in Palestine now. One would think you were relat- ing an incident of the Middle Ages," remarked Aylward, deeply interested. 112 The Findingf of Lot^s "Wife^ Isha then related briefly, in the same quiet, laatter-of-fact fashion, other perils which she and her father had encountered : how they had been seized and kept prisoners in a cave by Kurdish robbers ; how their camp, while traveling in Abyssinia, had been attacked by three lions ; how they had been nearly smothered by a sand- storm while crossing a desert, and other inci- dents. The shyness the girl had at first shown, had, by this time, worn off, and she talked well and amusingly, showing a keen sense of humor. The pair were soon very good friends, and grew confidential. The young man spoke of his home in England, and she talked to him of her school- life and girl friends. Involuntarily they drew closer together and dropped their voices. Ayl- ward had no idea that he was not behaving to- wards his companion in the way to be expected of a young man who had just met a young lady for the first time. The strange loveliness of the scene round them, the girl's own beauty, and his admiration of her courage and devotion to her father, unconsciously affected* his manner. He bent towards her and gazed into her dark gray eyes earnestly while he spoke in low tender tones. The heart of the girl who, for over two years, had been cut off from all companionship, save that of her old father, thrilled with pleasure as she listened. As she glanced up at him shyly Isha Payne* 113 from time to time, she thought what a good, manly fellow he looked, and the shame she felt that he should see her in such hybrid attire, deep- ened every minute, and called up frequent flushes to her face. They had been talking together for some considerable time, when they both started on hearing Professor Payne, who had approached with Yorke unheard, say — " My dear, it is getting late." " Father, dear, I think I could stay up till daylight, such a lovely night as this," replied his daughter, turning to him with a happy smile on her face. **You can safely do so, Miss Payne. You don't want any beauty sleep ! " said the artist. ** I won't risk it, Mr. Yorke — good-night ! " she replied, shaking hands with him. She then held out her hand to Aylward in silence, who took it also in silence. It somehow did not seem neces- sary for either of them to say anything. As they shook hands, their eyes met, and the blush and little smile that instantly appeared on the girl's sweet face, showed that something in the young man's glance had pleased her. '' Good-night, gentlemen ! I too must re- tire," said Professor Payne, and went off with his daughter. Aylward and Yorke watched them in silence as they crossed the courtyard till they disappeared in the deep shadow of the cloister. 114 The Finding: of Lot's Wife* " Anything more scandalous than the way in which you flirted with that girl I never saw ! " exclaimed the latter to his friend severely, when the old savant and his daughter were out of ear- shot. *' However," he added, " you had some ex- cuse, she's very pretty.'* CHAPTER DL A Judas* For several hours the two young men walked up and down the courtyard, or sat on the para- pet-wall along the precipice, talking earnestly together. They had many things to discuss ; the discovery of the monastery, the inexplicable conduct of the Beni Azaleh on their arrival there, the meeting with the old savant and his pretty daughter and the marvelous things they had learned of the monastery and its inmates. The surroundings were so strange and lovely, the moonlight so brilliant, the air so still, and the silence so profound, that both men felt as if some spell was on them, and it was not till nearly midnight that they sought their chamber. By the dim light of a lamp burning in a smoke- blackened niche in the wall, they saw that the dragoman had laid out their carpets, blankets and pillows on the floor. In a few minutes they ii6 The Finding of Lot's Wife* were stretched on their hard beds, courting sleep ; trying to shut out of their minds the exciting- events of the day. And they had scarcely closed their eyes, when they simultaneously made a horrible discovery ; the room swarmed with fleas of the liveliest and most blood-thirsty breed. In a few minutes both men were slapping and scratching themselves vigorously, muttering an- athemas and expressions of disgust. " This is awful," growled Aylward, sitting up and shaking his garment furiously to dislodge the enemy. " They told us at Tiberias that the King of the Fleas held his court there, but I think his Majesty must have come here for a change of air, with all his courtiers and subjects!" exclaimed Yorke, kicking out his legs violently. " We can't possibly stop here ; we shall be eaten alive ! " " At any rate we sha'n't be able to get a wink of sleep. Let's wake up Georgis, and ask him to find us a place where we shall not be dragged out of bed by ravenous insects." The dragoman, with the cook beside him, was sleeping in the cloister close by, wrapped in a white sheet and snoring loudly. It took some time to rouse him, for he was a phenomenally heavy sleeper. When he at length realized that some one was shaking him violently, while some one else was bumping his head on the floor, he A Judas* 117 emitted a series of loud grunts, and finally sat up. Several more minutes were occupied in making him understand why his masters had roused him so unceremoniously. " Fleas ! " he repeated contemptuously, on comprehending the state of affairs. '' What for you troubling 'bout fleas, Mr. Yok? You stop quite quiet, and after little time they all go 'way." " Confound you ! Do you think we can lie still while we are being devoured by vermin, you old pachyderm ? Get up and^ tell us where we can sleep in peace." The dragoman was deeply insulted by the opprobrious term applied to him by the artist, the more so as he did not understand its mean- ing. Drawing his sheet over his head he lay down again in dignified silence. " Isn't there a clean room anywhere about where we can sleep, Georgis ? " asked Aylward, when the dragoman did not reply to his friend's question. " Better go and sleep in the church, Mr. Ilwad. No fleas ever go into Christian church," replied Georgis, in a sullen tone from under his sheet. '*By Jove, that's a queer fact in natural his- tory that we will at once investigate the truth of ! " exclaimed Yorke. " The church stinks of incense and lamp oil ; ii8 The Finding of Lot's Wife* but anything is better than the fleas," remarked Aylward. They returned to their chamber and brought out their bedding, and having beaten and shaken each piece to get rid of the noxious insects it harbored, tucked the bundles under their arms and made for the church. On arriving at the open doorway they saw lights inside and heard voices and supposed that midnight service was being held by the monks. It was, of course, impossible for them to use the church as a dormi- tory while the [monks were at prayers, so they resolved to go quietly in and look on till the service was over. The interior of the church, save at the farther end, was steeped in darkness, only relieved by the moonlight streaming in at the door. None of the lamps hanging from the roof, were lit. The hegoumenos, clad in his ceremonial robes, sat in his chair of office before the gilded altar screen. On either side of him stood four of the monks, each with a dimly-burning taper in his hand. They were chanting in low, deep, mourn- ful tones what sounded like a solemn confession of sin. There was a sort of wail in their deep voices, the pathos of which much impressed the two men listening. Again and again was the refrain, '' O God, have mercy on us ! O Christ, have compassion on us ! " repeated in every tone of sorrowful supplication. A Judas* 119 The chant was at length concluded, and all the monks stood for a long time in silence with bent heads. Presently Father Polycarp raised his hand slowly, and at the signal two monks ad- vanced from some recess in the side of the church where they had remained unseen during the singing. They led between them another monk, a dark, mean-looking little man, on whose sullen face looks of shame and fear were strug- gling with a resentful scowl. It was evident that he was Brother Barlaam, the monk who, as Professor Payne had surmised, had broken his vows. It was obvious too, that he was now about to be tried or punished, and the two Englishmen, standing unobserved in the semi- darkness at the end of the church, looked on with keen interest. The hegoumenos regarded the sinning and apparently unrepentant monk for some moments in silence, with a stern look in his eyes. He then, in measured tones, asked some question to which the accused made no reply. The question was repeated three times,, but the monk was obdur- ately silent. A short silence followed, till Father Polycarp, with an expression of pain on his face, and with an obvious effort, made a sign to one of the monks guarding the prisoner, who produced from under his robe a scourge of three cords. Another monk, standing beside the hegou- menos, stepped forward at the same moment, I20 The Finding: of Lofs Wife* after laying his burning taper on the floor, to assist in the punishment about to be adminis- tered. The back of the culprit was bared, in spite of some feeble resistance on his part, and while he was firmly held by the arms by two of the monks, the third gave him, with the scourge, thirty-nine blows, which were counted by Father Polycarp in a trembling voice. The punishment was far from severe, yet the monk under disci- pline struggled violently, and shrieked and whined for mercy. When it was over, he fell groveling on the floor. Meanwhile the church resounded with the sobs and groans of the rest of the brethren. For a long time the hegoumenos sat with his face in his hands, obviously unable to speak, while his monks stood in their places, weeping with downcast faces. Presently, having regained command of his voice. Father Polycarp looked up and began to address the writhing monk lying before him. Neither Aylward nor Yorke could understand more than a word here and there of what the hegoumenos said in Greek, but his ges- tures were eloquent, and the tenor of his address was clear enough to them. He pointed out to the cringing culprit the enormity of the crime he had committed, reproaching him, with deep emotion, for bringing such shame and sorrow on the brotherhood as had never been known since its establishment centuries before. He exhorted A Judas* 121 him to repentance, and then solemnly pro- nounced on him sentence of expulsion from the monastery. The two young men in the doorway, seeing that the monks were about to leave the church, slipped out, and standing in a dark corner, in the shadow of the rock, waited to see the end of the strange affair. Presently, all the monks headed by the hegoumenos, came out of the church in procession into the moonlight. The prisoner, who had been stripped of his monastic robe and hat and now wore the dress of a lay- man, followed, guarded by two monks. The procession marched slowly and in silence to the windlass tower and disappeared into it. The two Englishmen did not follow them, but going to the parapet wall, watched for the final act in the scene they had witnessed. Presently they heard the creaking of the capstan, and saw a dark ob- ject, which they knew to be the expelled monk, being lowered to the foot of the rock. When the rope reached the ground, they saw the man in the net disengage himself and spring to his feet. They then distinctly saw him raise his clenched hand towards the monastery above and shake it threateningly. The monks apparently did not observe their late brother's action, or regarded it only as fresh evidence of his evil disposition, for no voice of censure or sorrow came from the tower. They all emerged a moment later 122 The Finding: of Lofs Wife* and dispersed dejectedly and in silence to their cells. " The monastery is well rid of that fellow," ob- served Aylward, " ^ Scoundrel ' was written in every line of his face. I wonder what offence he committed ? " '' He must have tried to murder one of his fel- low-monks by pushing him over the precipice, perhaps, or have attempted something equally atrocious, judging by the horror and agitation of the holy men." ** It was a strange sight. I would not have missed it for a good deal." The two men watched the dark figure of the ex-monk crossing the plain along the serpentine track till it disappeared in the distant darkness. They then returned to the church, and spreading their bedding on the floor near the door, lay down to sleep. They soon found, however, that the dragoman's statement that the sanctity of the church was respected by the fleas was purely legendary. There were as many lively members of that insect tribe there as in the chamber they had fled from. Anathematizing the monks for their want of cleanliness, they took up their carpets and pillows, and making their way to the moonlit courtyard, laid them in the open air, in the dark shadow of an olive- tree. Here they were not molested by vermin ; but, as the hours passed, the air grew very cold. A Judas* 123 Just before dawn they woke from their uneasy sleep, and getting up, began to walk up and down the courtyard briskly, in order to warm them- selves. When the stiffness resulting from their hard beds and the cold had passed off, they went to the edge of the precipice and stood, wrapped in their blankets, watching the dawning of the day. The first gray streaks of light had just appeared in the east when the faint sound of deep voices came from the church. The monks were already at their morning devotions. The two men began to talk about the strange scene they had wit- nessed during the night. ''By the way, Hal," exclaimed Yorke, ''do you remember the Professor telling us yesterday in the refectory, that when any monk died or left the monastery a candidate for admission into the brotherhood invariably presented himself at daybreak next morning? We shall see now, I suppose, whether it was only a monkish fable or not. I can't say I believe it." " If it is not true, how do you account for the fact that the monastery has now, and has appar- ently always had, its full complement of monks, though they have no communication with the the outer world ? " " You are taking that for granted. I am not so sure that they have no means of communica- ting with their ecclesiastical superiors and monks of other monasteries." 124 The Findings of Lot's Wife* "Well, but from what the Professsor told us yesterday, it was evident that the offence for which that monk was unfrocked and ejected last night, could have been committed only about three days ago, which would scarcely have given time for the hegoumenos to arrange for another man to take his place." " By Jove ! Hal, look at that fellow up there ! " Yorke pointed upwards as he spoke. A solitary monk was standing on the edge of the great rock above them, his gaunt figure, in long loose robes and a flanged hat, silhouetted against the gray dawn. He was gazing from his elevated position over the plain, and the rigidity of his attitude showed that he was watching eagerly for something. " Upon my word, Hal ! I believe he is on the lookout for the expected man ! " continued the artist, excitedly. At that moment the watching monk suddenly changed his position. He bent forward, and every line of his dark form became instinct with intense expectation. He shaded his eyes with his hand as if to strengthen his vision, and stood like a statue for a few moments. Then'he uttered a loud cry, and turned, and disappeared, to reap- pear a few seconds later running rapidly down the stone steps cut in the steep face of the rock. Darting into the courtyard, he seized the mallet of the semandron and began to pound the bar A Judas. ^ ^tx./^25 like a madman. The sonorous vibrations went rolling in waves of sound across the plain and broke in countless echoes on the cliffs around. The chanting that came from the church ceased at the first clang of the semandron ; but a mo- ment later it rose again louder and clearer. The monks had broken into a paean of praise and thanksgiving. Meanwhile Aylward and Yorke were looking eagerly over the plain for the cause of the monk's excitement. At first they could see nothing, ow- ing to the deep shadows of the mountains, but when the light grew stronger, they saw in the dim distance a small moving object coming ap- parently towards the rock. The two friends glanced at one another on catching sight of it. Aylward made no remark, but Yorke muttered : " It's all humbug! a pious fraud of the monks! It can't be anything else ! " They watched with keen interest the approach of the object, which, when looked at through a powerful telescope, which the artist fetched from their chamber, proved to be a solitary man carrying a staff, and nothing else. He was walk- ing rapidly and followed the dangerous path winding among the salt pools and bitumen pits of the plain, as if he was familiar with it. The sun had just risen over the mountains when he arrived at the foot of the rock. By this time the monks had made their prep- J 26 The Finding of Lofs Wife* arations for receiving the new brother. They had come in procession out of the church headed by the hegoumenos in his vestments and had gone to the windlass tower ; the two Englishmen followed them there and stood looking on. The rope was lowered and touched the ground just as the stranger reached the spot. " Get into the net, my son, and we will draw you up ! " cried Father Polycarp to him through the trapdoor. The man did as directed and the monks began to turn the capstan. When the new-comer had been hoisted into the tower and was released from the net he proved to be a tall, powerfully-built young man wkh a black beard and a broad honest face. He knelt at the feet of the hegoumenos and ex- claimed in Greek, in a singularly clear, musical voice : " Father, I, Manon, a humble follower of Christ, and an unworthy servant of the Church, crave to be admitted to the Brotherhood of St. Lot." " God has sent you to us, my son ! You are welcome in His name — thrice welcome ! " cried Father Polycarp joyfully, raising him and kissing him on both cheeks. All the other monks em- braced him in turn, welcoming him. The hegou- menos then raised a psalm of thanksgiving, and led the way back to the church, holding the new brother by the hand. The faces of the monks as A Judas. 127 they followed singing, exhibited the utmost satis- faction and joy, their gloomy sorrow-stricken looks having all disappeared. Yorke's suspicions were dispelled at once, though he would not own it. " What do you think of it all now, Noel ? " asked his friend when all the monks had disap- peared into the church. The artist shook his head gravely and did not reply to the question. " Let us go and make ourselves decent, the Professor and Miss Payne will be out soon," he said. CHAPTER X. Selim« Neither Aylward nor Yorke cared to enter again the insect-infested chamber out of which they had been driven during the night, so per- formed their ablutions and toilet in the cloister outside. They had just finished when they heard the voices of Professor Payne and his daughter, who were coming down the steps from their chambers above, and went to meet them. Both men saw, on glancing at the girl as she entered the courtyard, that the moonlight the evening before had not deceived them as to her appear^ ahce. From the short curly hair, which clus- tered round her sweet face, to her dainty little feet Isha Payne was as pretty a girl as they kad seen for a long time. She still wore a shawl draped round her loose Turkish trousers, with one end thrown over her shoulder plaid-wise. The crisp morning air had tinted her somewhat Selim* 129 pale cheeks and added lustre to her dark gray eyes. Her picturesque dress, graceful form and lovely face made her a charming little figure. On meeting the two friends she glanced quickly at Aylward, but spoke to Yorke first, who, with his usual assurance, complimented her on her looks. "Traveling in the wilds seems to suit you, Miss Payne, if bright eyes are any criterion," he remarked, after they had exchanged morning sal- utations. " Perhaps it is the pleasure of meeting you that has had that nice effect, Mr. Yorke ! " replied the girl, with a smile. " I wish — I do wish I could hope that, Miss Payne! " exclaimed the artist with mock earnest- ness, laying his hand on his heart. As Isha shyly offered her hand to Aylward there was a look in her eyes which caused the young man to gaze keenly at her, retaining the little hand in his grasp. Neither of them spoke, but after a few seconds Isha withdrew her hand a little abruptly and turned away, but the half-sup- pressed smile on her face showed that she was far from resenting his apparent rudeness. Yorke oljiperved this somewhat singular behavior on the part of his friend and the young lady — they had met for the first time so recently — and his eyes twinkled with amusement. " I hope you slept well, gentlemen ; but, judg- 130 The Finding of Lot's "Wife. ing by my own experiences I fear you must have passed an uncomfortable night," said Professor Payne, shaking hands with both men. " We had some strange experiences during the night, Professor," replied Yorke, who went on to tell him of the torment they had suffered from the fleas ; of their retreat to the church ; of the punishment of Brother Barlaam which they had witnessed there ; of his explusion from the mon- astery, and of the apparently miraculous advent of his successor, to all of which the old savant and his daughter listened with deep interest. " It strikes me. Professor, that this monastery is a survival of the days of miracles. There is nothing too strange to happen here. If you as- sured me that the monks wore wings under their robes, and were accustomed to fly about the rock like pigeons on saint's days, I should believe you implicitly after what we have seen," said the artist in conclusion. He had scarcely finished speaking when the whole party was startled by hearing the report of a gun from below, followed by loud shouts. On going to the parapet-wall and looking down they saw, to their great surprise, a large party .of mounted and armed Arabs below the windlass- tower. "They're the Beni Azaleh ! What's brought them back, I wonder ? " exclaimed Yorke. " Perhaps their consciences troubled them for Selim* 131 deserting you so unceremoniously yesterday and they have returned to offer to escort you out of the mountains," suggested Isha. " I am afraid that is not why they have come, my dear. The conscience of a Bedawi may be described in mathematical language as an unknown quantity," remarked her father, dryly. **Our friend El Jezzar is with them, I see," ob- served Yorke, turning to Aylward. ** I don't think he has any conscience about him worth mentioning. It isn't any good motive that has brought the villain back." By this time the report of the gun and the shouting of the Arabs had roused the monks. The hegoumenos, attended by two or three brothers, made his appearance and descended to the windlass-tower. Yorke and Aylward, hoping to find that the Beni Azaleh, acting on some Bedawin code of honor, had returned to escort their late guests to Mar Saba, followed the monks, accompanied by Professor Payne and his daughter. When they entered the tower the monks were just opening the trap-door in its floor. Father Polycarp stood for a few moments looking down on the Arabs, a hundred and fifty feet below, who presented a curiously fore- shortened appearance. He then demanded in Arabic what they wanted. The harsh voice of El Jezzar was heard in reply. 132 The Finding: of Lot's Wife* " We are men of the Beni Azaleh. We know that you have the son of our sheikh up there, and we require you to give him up to us at once." " O, father, they have come for Stephanos ! " exclaimed Isha, on hearing these words. " May I ask who Stephanos is. Miss Payne," said Aylward. " He is a Bedawi boy, Mr. Aylward, who, the monks say, came alone to the foot of the rock about six months ago and asked to be admitted to the monastery as he wished to be a Christian. They took him in, and after instructing him for some months, baptised him. He is here now. I wonder that you have not seen him." Yorke uttered an ejaculation on hearing that there was an Arab boy in the monastery. " By Jove ! So Master Selim, who was sup- posed to have been carried off by evil spirits, is here, is he ? " he exclaimed. " Selim is his Arabic name ; but how did you know it, Mr. Yorke?" asked Isha, in surprise. " His sister told me about him," replied the artist, and he proceeded to relate to the others the story Ay^da had told him of the mysterious disappearance of her young brother ; of the fruit- less search made for him, and its unhappy end- ing in the insanity of her father. ** I wonder how his people found out that he was here ? " observed Isha, deeply interested. Selinru 133 " The boy was in the tower yesterday when our friends arrived, and his tribesmen must have caught sight of him through the trap-door," re- marked her father. ''Which accounts for their extraordinary be- havior at the time," said Aylward. ''They no doubt rode off to the camp at once with the news." While they were talking together Father Polycarp, who had not replied to El Jezzar's demand, had sent one of the monks to call the boy for whom the Arabs had come. The brother returned in a few minutes, accompanied by a remarkably handsome boy of fifteen, who was no darker in color than any of the monks. He was dressed in a white robe descending to his knees, and was bareheaded and barefooted. Yorke saw at once that he was the living image of his sister Ay^da. " What a good-looking youngster he is; one would think he was a girl in disguise," he re- marked, and then silently apostrophized himself as an ass, while Isha blushed consciously. The hegoumenos, taking the boy by the arm, led him to the trap-door and pointed down at the Beni Azaleh below. " Stephanos, my son, your brethren have come for you," he said in Arabic. " Father, I see them," replied the boy, in a soft voice. 134 The Finding of Lot's Wife* " Will you return to your tribe with them or will you stay with us, my son ? " " Father, with your permission I will stay here with you and the brothers." " My son, think well before you speak again," said Father Polycarp, in a kind voice. "■ If you return to your tribe you will some day be their sheikh and be honored of men." " Father, have you not taught me that it is better to please God than to receive honor of men? I will stay here and serve Him." "You are young, my son, and it may be that you will grow weary of us and yearn to return to the world you are renouncing. For the third time I ask you, will you stay with us or return to your brethren?" The hegoumenos spoke in a voice that qua- vered with anxiety. " Father, though you ask me a hundred times I shall give no other answer : I will stay here till God takes me." " The blessing of the triune God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit rest on you, my son ! " exclaimed Father Polycarp, tears of joy starting to his eyes. The monks crowded round the boy, patting him on the head and praising him. Yorke, exclaiming " Good lad ! " shook hands with him, in which kindly act he was fol- lowed by Professor Payne and Isha. Aylward, who had not understood the conversation between Selim. '35 the hegoumenos and the boy, looked on with surprise. Father Polycarp now went to the trap-door and cried in a joyful voice to the Beni Azaleh below that the boy, having been given his choice of leaving the monastery or staying, had decided to remain with them. '' Let him say so himself ! " shouted El Jezzar, incredulously, in reply. At a sign from the hegoumenos Selim came to the trap-door and stood for a moment looking down on his tribesmen in silence. Then he said in a clear, quiet voice : " Has'n ibu Menifeh, I that speak to you am your cousin Selim. I have resolved to remain here the rest of my life serving God. Let me be to you all as one that is dead." On hearing these words the whole party of horsemen gave a shout of surprise and anger and began to talk together excitedly. The hegoumenos ordered the trap-door to be closed and taking the boy affectionately by the hand led the way out of the tower, followed by all present. Professor Payne and his daughter and the two young Englishmen returned to the courtyard and leaning over the parapet-wall watched the doings of the Beni Azaleh below. A number of the older men among them dismounted and seated themselves on the ground, holding their mares 136 The Finding: of Lot's Wife. by their rope bridles. A long discussion fol- lowed, but little of what was said could be heard by those above. The rest of the horsemen occu- pied themselves in shouting to the boy Selim to show himself and speak again with them, and in uttering curses and threats against the monks. Presently all the men who had dismounted rose to their feet and springing on their mare's backs prepared to ride off. But before they left a party of them went to the cave at the foot of the rock, where the horses and mules belonging to Aylward's party were tethered, and led them out. " The scoundrels are going to steal our nags, Hal!" exclaimed Yorke furiously on seeing this, and he hurried off to their chamber to get a rifle and ammunition, with which he hoped to so intimidate the Arabs as to put a stop to the theft. Meanwhile the Beni Azaleh had ridden off a short distance and had then stopped for the party driving the stolen horses and donkeys to come up. El Jezzar was directing operations. Glanc- ing up as he rode in the rear, he caught sight of Professor Payne and his daughter, and Aylward, watching them from above, and a murderous scowl appeared on his dark face. He unslung the long-barreled gun hanging at his back and examined its flint lock and priming. *' You think yourselves safe up there, O bastard Selim* 137 sons of unbelieving mothers ! but, please God, we shall find means to reach you, when we will cut. the throat of every dog of you !" he yelled. as he raised the sickle-shaped stock of his gun to his shoulder and pulled the stiff trigger. Aylward saw the ruffian's action, and, on the impulse of the moment, caught Isha, who was leaning over the wall beside him, round the waist and dragged her back. The next second the ill- fitting bullet from El Jezzar's gun went singing past just over their heads, cut through the leaves of the olive-tree behind them, and struck the wall of rock behind. '' Pray forgive my violence. Miss Payne. I saw that the scoundrel was going to fire, and there was no time to warn you ! " exclaimed Aylward, as the girl disengaged herself blushingly from his grasp. " I have nothing to forgive, Mr. Aylward, but much to be grateful for. I think you saved my life," replied the girl, softly. "Indeed he did, my dear!" exclaimed her father, grasping Aylward's hand. "The bullet would certainly have struck you but for our friend's presence of mind. Pray accept our warmest thanks, sir." At this moment Yorke returned with his rifle loaded and capped. Before Aylward could pre- vent him he had advanced to the parapet wall, and taking a hasty aim had fired over the retiring 13^ The Finding of Lot's Wife* party of horsemen. The bullet did no harm, but the effect of the shot was ludicrous. The Beni Azaleh, who had been riding jauntily away flour- ishing their weapons, on hearing the report of the rifle and the whistle of the ball over their heads, spurred their mares furiously and galloped off, bending low in their saddles. " I'll give the thieving blackguards another shot ! " exclaimed Yorke, raising his rifle again. But Aylward interposed. *' Don't, Noel. You can't prevent them carry- ing off the beasts now, and you might hit one of them and make matters worse for us." The artist saw the force of his friend's remon- strance and forbore to fire. They all watched the flight of the alarmed Arabs with much amuse- ment and some concern, for they^ momentarily expected to see one or more of them engulfed in the salt pools and black pits that yawned on both sides of the winding path. The whole party however got safely across the plain with the stolen horses and donkeys and disappeared through the tunnel-like passage at the southern end of the vallejj. Professor Payne, his daughter, and the two young men spent the day together. They took their morning meal in a corner of the cloister, waited on by the portly dragoman with much sulky dignity, for he was brooding over the insult- ing term which he supposed Yorke to have ap- Selim^ 139 plied to him during the night. They had much to talk about, and the conversation and laughter never flagged. The Professor told several capi- tal stories, some comical, others almost tragical. They were all personal experiences, and though simply told showed what an adventurous life the old savant had led in the pursuit of his studies, and what remarkable courage, patience and tact he possessed. Isha proved that she could talk well and amusingly, and charmed her new friends by her pretty ways and quaint remarks. After the meal they all went out into the shady courtyard, and very soon Aylward found himself alone with Isha, his friend having en- gaged her father in an animated conversation on some subject of absorbing interest to the old man. As soon as the young man and maiden discovered that they were out of earshot of their companions they suddenly grew silent and walked up and down the courtyard more than once without exchanging a word. At length Isha, glancing up shyly, broke the embarrassing silence by a remark regarding the olive-blossoms on the ground, and soon the pair were talking merrily together. Before long the sun grew too hot for walking to be pleasant, so they seated themselves close together in a hollow of an ancient olive-tree and talked uninterruptedly for a couple of hours or more. When the semandron clanged as a signal that the monks' midday meal I40 The Finding: of Lot's Wife. was ready they felt as if they had known each other for years. As they rose at the sound out of the tree-hollow there was an expression on the girl's sweet face and a light in her great gray eyes that showed how thoroughly she had been en- joying herself, while Aylward's face had a happy flush on it. They discovered on looking round that Professor Payne and Yorke had left the courtyard, and went in search of them. They met them returning from the library, where the artist had been feasting his eyes on the exquisite works of art treasured there. They all went to- gether to the refectory and dined in company with the monks. The faces of the brothers seated round the table wore very different expressions to those that had clouded them during the meal the day before. Satisfaction and joy now reigned in every face. Brother Manon, the new monk, sat at the bottom of the table, with devout happi- ness written on every feature. Behind Father Polycarp stood the Arab boy Selim, who, after grace had been said, waited on the monks. They received his services in silence, but with kindly looks and little affectionate pats on the arm. When the repast was over and as the monks were leaving the refectory Yorke asked, through Professor Payne, the permission of the hegou- menos to speak to the boy, which was at once accorded with a smile. Selim* 141 ''You have not forgotten, it seems, what the English effendi and his lady taught you at your camp in the desert, Selim, son of Abou Mansftr," he said to him in Arabic. The boy started with surprise on hearing the words. " Oh, my lord, did you know the holy effendi and the hatoun, blessed among women?" he burst out eagerly, his face aglow with delight. " No, O boy ; but I heard of them from your people. Tell me of them." It was soon evident that no more welcome request could have been made to the boy. It was a keen pleasure to him to talk of the good old Englishman and his wife, who had lived so long with his tribe, whose memory he so revered, and whose teachings had brought about so great a change in his life. Speaking in the picturesque language of the desert, and with many graceful gestures, he poured out to the artist the story of the sojourn of the effendi and his lady among the Beni Azaleh. His beautiful face shone as he spoke of their saintly character and how they were honored and loved by all the tribe. When he alluded to the affection they had shown him, and to the care they had bestowed on him in teaching him their holy faith, it was in a low voice, as if their love for him was almost too sacred a thing for him to speak of. His voice broke and tears welled into his dark eyes when 142 The Finding of Lot's Wife* he related the death of the hatoun, followed by that of the aged effendi. Yorke was moved by the emotion shown by the boy, and talked to him a long time. He thought of telling him of the mental condition in which his unhappy father was, and of the deep sorrow felt by his sister at his disappearance and supposed death, but forebore to do so, reflecting that it would only distress him unnecessarily. He however told him what little he had been able to learn of the affairs of the Beni Azaleh while in their camp. Though the boy had re- nounced his tribe and kindred he was eager to hear news of them, and asked numerous ques- tions, many of which the artist was not able to answer. Professor Payne and Isha joined in the conversation, and the latter translated to Ayl- ward most of what was said by the boy, who was evidently a great favorite with her. When they left the refectory the party sepa- rated, and they all sought the cool seclusion of their chambers, away from the heat and glare. The surface of the great rock had become so heated by the sun that the bare hand could not be laid on it with impunity. There was not a breath of wind stirring, the only air in motion being what rose, like the hot blast of a furnace, from contact with the glowing face of the rock. Aylward and Yorke lay on the floor of their chamber, which had been thoroughly cleansed of Selim. 143 its insect pests by Hanna the cook, who had swept it with a flaming torch and consumed them all. The young men, having passed an uncom- fortable sleepless night, now slept soundly, in spite of the heat and motionless air. It was late in the afternoon when they awoke and shouted to the dragoman to bring water and towels. Hav- ing refreshed themselves they went out to the courtyard, where they found Professor Payne and Isha sitting under one of the olive-trees. Yorke was just about to utter some commonplace about the heat when there came across the salt plain the distant but unmistakable roar of some an- imal. "A lion, by Jove! I had no idea there were any here ! " exclaimed the artist. ^' It seemed to me more like the bellow of a vicious camel," remarked the professor, to whose ears the sound was familiar. " We ought to be able to see the brute, what- ever it is," observed Aylward, going to the parapet-wall, followed by the rest. " Hello ! " he added in surprise, as he glanced across the plain. A string of heavily laden camels was defiling into the valley through the narrow entrance at the end of it, stalking along in stately delibera- tion with necks and noses in the air. Troops of horses and baggage-donkeys and flocks of goats followed them. A number of horsemen then 144 The Finding of Lot's Wife. appeared, who galloped about keeping the strag- gling caravan in line. Parties of women and children trudging on foot brought up the rear. On entering the plain the caravan stopped, and it was soon evident that they were about to camp under the cliffs. Before long the baggage ani- mals had been unladen and numerous black tents began to rise. The angry roars of the camels, the cries of their drivers, " Haa-o ! had-o ! " the neighing and whinnying of the horses and mares, the braying of donkeys, the bleating of goats and the shrill voices of women could be plainly heard. " The whole tribe of the Beni Azeleh, by all that's wonderful ! What brings them here ? " exclaimed Yorke, on seeing this. "They are come to besiege the monastery, I think," remarked the Professor, quietly. " Great Caesar ! You don't mean that ? " " I fear so, sir. Their object, no doubt, is to intimidate the monks, and force them to give up the son of their sheikh." "It can be nothing else," observed Aylward. " For what other reason would they break up their camp and come to this waterless, pasture- less plain ? " The proceedings of the Beni Azaleh soon proved that Professor Payne had been right in his surmise. They laid out their camp in a way which his experience told him showed that they Selim* 145 intended it to be a permanent one. The tents were pitched in line, spaces for tethering the camels, horses and goats were marked out, and men could be seen digging under the cliffs appar- ently with the hope of finding water. Yorke was the only one of the party who seemed disturbed by the coming of the Beni Azaleh and their apparently hostile intentions. The discovery of the monastery had delighted him, and its inmates and the many wonderful and beautiful things it contained deeply interested him. Nevertheless, the prospect of being kept there a prisoner for an indefinite time was any- thing but pleasing to him. " Good Heavens, Hal ! This is a serious busi- ness ! " he exclaimed, anxiously. *' It will be im- possible for us to get away while those fellows are in camp there. They will murder us to a cer- tainty if we venture down ! " " It's a bad look-out ; but things might be worse. We're safe enough here, at any rate," replied his friend, who seemed disposed to accept the situation very calmly. Professor Payne, too, appeared to be little con- cerned by the turn affairs had taken. He re- marked that for his daughter's sake he would be glad to return to civilization as soon as possible ; but that a few days' or weeks' delay was of no great moment. Turning indignantly from the two men, Yorke asked Isha what she thought of 146 The Finding of Lot's Wife. affairs, and she replied dutifully that she was con- tent to remain at the monastery so long as her father thought that there was nothing else to be done. Having said this, she, to the artist's wrath and amusement combined, glanced towards Aylward, who was apparently awaiting her reply with interest. The reason for the resignation shown by his friend and the young lady at the prospect of a long enforced sojourn at the mon- astery was obvious enough to him. Meanwhile the hegoumenos, who had been apprised of the arrival of the Beni Azaleh, had entered the courtyard and surrounded by all the monks stood looking down on the camp. It was clear that they understood what was the object of the Bedawi in coming, yet their faces exhibited no alarm, but only gentle curiosity. At Yorke's suggestion the Professor asked Father Polycarp what he proposed to do. The hegoumenos replied that there was nothing to be done or nothing to be afraid of, as the children of Ishmael, as he called the Arabs, could do them no harm. He said that he deeply regretted that anything should have happened to prevent the guests of the Brotherhood leaving whenever they wished, but that they need be under no apprehension they would be detained long, as it was impossi- ble for their enemies to stay on that desolate valley with their flocks and herds for any length of time. If, however, they did succeed in finding Selim. 147 pasturage and water, and did not depart soon, he would find means to send the travelers away in safety. " Which means, I suppose, that he will, if nec- essary, show us some secret way of escape that he knows of ! " muttered Yorke, not at all satisfied by the promise made. The monks remained only a few moments, and then returned to their cells. When they were gone, the Europeans occupied themselves in watching through their glasses all that went on in the Beni Azeleh camp. Yorke brought out his large telescope, and with it searched the whole camp, hoping to see Ay^da, the sheikh's daughter. He at length caught sight of her, standing in a dejected attitude in the doorway of one of the tents and looking towards the rock. She had no doubt heard of the discovery that her brother was in the monastery, and of his refusal to return to the tribe, and it was plain that she was full of sorrow at the prospect of never seeing him again. The artist watched the slender, graceful figure for a long time, the glass enabling him almost to read the expression of her face. He did not, however, point her out to the others, and they did not observe her. Just before dark, while Yorke was taking a last look through the telescope, he caught sight of a man who sneaked out of one of the tents and gazed up at the monastery in a furtive man- 148 The Finding of Lot^s Wife* ner that seemed to show that he did not wish to ^pQ seen from it. The artist saw that he was not 2tn Arab, but could not distinguish his face. He called the attention of Professor Payne, who was standing near, to the man, and gave him the glass to look at him, but by this time the fellow had slunk back into the tent. The Professor, after scanning the camp for some minutes, re- marked : *' Do you notice that hardly any men are to be seen ? I suppose they are all assembled in the sheikh's tent and are holding a council of war." "Their deliberations will result in a good deal of wasted breath, I fancy ! " said Yorke. " Un- less they grow wings and fly up to us we are safe enough from attack." When the sun had set the Beni Azeleh camp became a picturesque scene. The lurid glare of the bitumen-fed fires blended strangely with the flood of silvery moonlight that lay over the white salt plain. The contrast between the brilliantly illuminated noisy camp below and the moonlit silent monastery above was very strik- ing. CHAPTER XL The Attack on the Monastery* That night, as Aylward and Yorke lay sleep- ing in their chamber, they were awakened about midnight by the braying of the monastery don- key. From the direction of the sound, it was evident that the animal was standing on top of the rock some fifty feet above the courtyard, but, so powerful was its voice and so still the night, that the whole monastery resounded with the discordant din. " Confound that noisy brute ! " growled Ayl- ward, when the donkey had continued braying without cessation for some minutes. ^' A decrepit centenarian, if you please!" ex- claimed Yorke disgustedly, referring to the ancient animal. " Why, the old beast has ten- donkey-power lungs ! " *' What can it be making such a row about ? " *' If it doesn't stop soon those mummies of ISO The Finding of Lot's Wife^ ?nonks in the cemetery will be getting up to pro- test ! " The excited braying of the old donkey had even awakened the dragoman and the cook, who were sleeping in the cloister before the door of their master's room. Yorke heard them apostro- phizing the animal. " Oh, father of asses ! your voice is most ravishing, but, by God, we have heard enough ! " grumbled the cook. " The long-eared pig must see a whole caravan of devils ! " grunted the dragoman, alluding to the Eastern belief that when a donkey brays it is a sign that the devil is near. " Oh, melodious one ! you have sung enough ! Will you not reserve some of your music for an- other night?" continued the cook, after a pause. " May the devil slit the nostrils of that don- key ! " added the dragoman, wrathfully. But all their expostulations and curses were unheard and unheeded by the strident-voiced offender, who continued to utter prolonged hys- terical brays ending in convulsive sobs. " Something's got to be done to stop that brute ! " exclaimed Yorke at length, in despera- tion. " I remember reading somewhere that the way to stop a donkey from braying is to tie a stone to its tail!" observed Aylward. " Let's go and do it at once!" returned the The Attack on the Monastery* 151 artist. " But, by Jove, if the old beast's kick is as powerful as its voice we shall have a tough job of it ! " The two men proceeded to carry their design into execution. Having, with the cook's assist- ance, procured a stone of suitable size, they tied firmly round it a piece of cord with a slip- noose at one end. They hoped to take the don- key by surprise and to slip its tail through the noose before it had time to resent the attention with its heels. Aylward, carrying the stone and followed by his friend, crossed the courtyard, and began to creep cautiously up the steep steps to the summit of the rock where the donkey was stiir braying with unabated vigor. On reaching the top of the steps, Aylward saw at once that the animal was alarmed at something it saw or heard. It stood facing the cemetery with its nose stuck ^ut and its tail stiff out behind. With long ears cocked, and huge lips drawn back over its teeth, it was giving vent to bray after bray. " What in the world is the matter with the brute ? " ejaculated Aylward, under his breath. At that moment his companion clutched his arm quickly and pointed in the direction in which the old donkey was looking. Just visible over the ledge of rock, beyond which lay the mummified monks, were the plumed heads of two or three long Arab lances with the moonlight glinting on their polished points. For a few seconds, the 152 The Finding: of Lot's Wife. two men gazed at this amazing sight in silence, and then the same conviction flashed into the minds of both. " Great Caesar! the Beni Azaleh are upon us!" exclaimed Yorke, in an intense whisper. " That infernal blackguard of a monk who was expelled from the monastery last night must have betrayed to them the secret way up the rock ! " Their suspicions were verified a moment later. A head appeared over the edge of the rock and gazed a few moments at the defiant donkey. The indignant Englishmen recognized at a glance the dark, mean face on which the moonlight had deepened the malevolent yet cringing sneaking expression which seemed habitual to it. " The scoundrel himself ! " whispered Yorke, excitedly. " Let's go down and warn the monks. Per- haps they will know of some way of circumvent- ing the villains," suggested Aylward, in a low voice. ** Or shall we make a rush and secure while we can, the entrance to the secret way, which is, probably narrow and easily guarded ? " "Too late, I'm afraid. Several of them have already got to the top, and there may be a score of them, all armed, crouching behind that rock. We had better go down and get out our guns and revolvers as soon as we can." Fortunately the Beni Azaleh had not seen or The Attack on the Monastery^ 153 heard them, their attention being diverted by the braying donkey. Hastily, but noiselessly, the two men descended the steps to the courtyard. As they went down, Yorke whispered to his com- panion his surprise that none of the monks had been disturbed by the braying of the donkey, or had come to ascertain the cause of such unusual behavior on its part, but, at that moment, they heard the distant sound of singing in the church, and concluded that even the donkey's stentorian voice was inaudible in the cave-like sanctuary where the monks were at prayers. Having roused the dragoman and the cook, who, on learning the news were seized with panic and loudly expressed their fears, Aylward as- cended to Professor Payne's room in the main building of the monastery, and awoke him. The old savant, who showed no alarm and little con- cern, on hearing what the young man had to tell him, went to the door of his daughter's chamber, and called to her in a low voice to get up. " Yes^ father," she replied quietly from within ; but forbore to ask any question, though she realized at once that something serious must have happened. Meanwhile, Yorke hurried to the church, and unceremoniously interrupting the service, in- formed the hegoumenos in Arabic, that the Beni Azaleh had by some means ascended the rock, and would probably attack the monastery in a (■[THI7SIlSITr\ 154 The Finding of Lofs Wife. few minutes. Father Polycarp received the ter- rible news with marvelous composure. Turning to the monks, he said a few words in Greek with calm face and tranquil voice. One of them, on hearing his superior's announcement, murmured audibly the words of the Psalmist. " O God ! the heathen are come into Thy inheritance. Help us, O God of our salvation, for the glory of Thy name!" but most of the- others merely clasped their hands and gave no other sign of agitation. " What do you propose to do, good friend ? " asked the hegoumenos of Yorke. " Fight," returned the artist, laconically. At this moment. Brother Manon, the new monk who had arrived at the monastery that morning, stepped forward and knelt at the feet of the hegoumenos. " Father ! " he cried in a deep voice, '* I have not yet taken on me the vows, the oil of conse- cration has not yet been poured on my head. In my youth, ere God ca-l-led me, I was a man of war. Suffer me, I pray you, to fight the Lord's battle, and to help our friends to drive the heathen out of His sanctuary," " Go, my son," returned Father Polycarp, after a moment's hesitation. *' May God strengthen your arm, if it be needful for you to strike in de- fence of His holy place and servants. We will meanwhile, betake ourselves to prayer, in the The Attack on the Monastery* i55 hope that He will, in His mercy, deliver us from our enemies without bloodshed." *' Come, O friend, there is not a moment to lose ! " exclaimed Yorke, addressing Brother Manon, who, having made a deep reverence to the altar, and having crossed himself, followed the artist out of the church. The monk was evi- dently a man of action, for as he went he tucked up his robe, and bared his brawny arms. When the two men arrived in the courtyard they found there Aylward, Professor Payne and Isha. The old savant had thought it necessary to rouse his daughter and warn her of the danger that threatened them ; but had begged her to stay in her chamber. She had, however, entreated him to allow her to be with him and their two friends, and the old man had felt powerless to refuse her request. " Do not be afraid, Mr. Aylward, I shall not be in the way and may be of use in loading the guns, if you are going to fight," she was saying when Yorke and the monk came up. The artist also tried to persuade her to return to her room, but the girl seemed determined not to leave her father's side under any circumstances. At length the three men gave up urging her to go and began their preparations for repelling the momentarily expected attack. ''Where are Georgis and Hanna, Hal?" asked Yorke, looking round. 156 The Finding of Lot's Wife. " They have hidden themselves, I fancy. Best thing they could do, — they would both be per- fectly useless." The dragoman and cook, quaking and perspir- ing with fear, were at that moment perched on the beams in the roof of their master's chamber, the only hiding-place they could think of in their perturbation. Aylward had brought out all the fire-arms they had, which consisted of a rifle, a double-barreled shot-gun, and a couple of revolvers. Professor Payne was not able to contribute any weapon for the defence, as the most lethal instrument he pos- sessed was a pen-knife. He remarked that in all his wanderings in wild countries he had never before been called upon to defend himself from armed enemies, though he had many times stood in danger of rough treatment and robbery. While Aylward and Yorke were rapidly but carefully loading their guns and revolvers, they discussed the best method of meeting the rush that the Beni Azeleh would no doubt make in a few minutes. To reach the monastery, the enemy would have to descend the steep steps from the summit of the rock to the courtyard, and it seemed obvious that if they could be pre- vented from making use of the stairway the mon- astery would be safe. Yorke proposed that they should destroy the bridge that spanned the deep crevice at the foot of the steps, but on examining The Attack on the Monastery* 157 it, they found that it would be the work of hours to break it down. They therefore contented themselves blocking it by a heavy table which they brought out of the refectory and laid on its side across the foot-way. Aylward armed with the shot-gun and one of the revolvers, climbed the wall over the entrance to the courtyard, and sitting outside of it, in the deep shadow of an over-hanging olive-tree, waited for the coming of the Beni Azaleh. He grasped his gun ready for action, with the ham- mer at full cock, while his revolver lay on the wall before him. Isha stood below him, holding his powder-flask, shot-pouch and caps, which duty she had insisted on undertaking in spite of the renewed protests of her companions. Yorke took up his position on the roof of the cloister armed with the rifle and the other revolver. Professor Payne stood within reach ready to supply him with ammunition. The weapons of the two Eng- lishmen commanded the steps descending the rock, down which no one could come without be- ing exposed to a cross-fire from them. Brother Manon, on being informed by Yorke from what corner the attack was expected, placed himself in the most perilous position. Grasping in his sinewy hands the heavy wooden mallet of the semandron he waited in the shadow of the arch in the courtyard wall ready to rush out to the defence of the bridge, should the Arabs succeed 158 The Finding of Lot's Wife. in descending the rock in the face of his com- rades' fire. Meanwhile, the ancient donkey had not ceased to bray ; but no other sound broke the stillness. The defenders of the monastery awaited in silence the rush of the enemy, who, on their part, neither uttered any sound nor showed themselves. The singing of the monks in the church had ceased, and the camp of the Beni Azaleh in the plain be- low lay dark and noiseless. Suddenly the don- key began to bray with redoubled vigor, but a few moments later, it uttered a sort of scream and then became silent. '* They've speared the poor beast, Hal ! " ex- claimed Yorke, in a loud whisper. " They will be down in a minute — look out ! '* responded his friend in the same tone. " If you see that scoundrel of a monk give him both barrels, Hal." He had scarcely spoken, when a crowd of armed Arabs appeared at the edge of the rock above them. There were about forty of them, and the moonlight revealed that they were all armed with lances, swords, knives and clubs. Two or three of the leaders whispered together, and then led the way down the steps cut in the face of the rock. The party crept down silently, one by one, taking care not to make any noise with their weapons, their object obviously being to take the monastery by surprise. They evi- The Attack on the Monastery^ 159 dently had no suspicion that they had been seen, or that preparations had been made for their re- ception. The foremost man, whom the moon- light showed to be El Jezzar, had got half-way down the steps when Yorke demanded loudly in Arabic what they wanted. There was a mo- ment of surprise and hesitation on the part of the attacking party, and then El Jezzar, shouting to his men to follow, was about to spring down the remaining steps when Aylward and Yorke fired simultaneously. The bullet from the latter's rifle missed El Jezzar; but apparently struck the man behind him, for he uttered a loud cry and staggered as if about to fall into the deep crevice below him. The shot from Aylward's gun raked the whole line of men behind, who yelled with pain and dismay. El Jezzar, who had reached the bottom of the steps, shouted to them furi- ously to come on ; but a second charge of shot from Aylward's left-hand barrel completed their discomfiture, and they turned and fled up to the top of the rock, slipping and stumbling so much that it was a marvel none of them fell over the precipice. El Jezzar, finding himself deserted by his followers, and that he was exposed to fire, also retreated, bounding up the stone steps like a wild goat. Yorke fired two barrels of his revolver after him, but without hitting him. "Have you driven them back, Mr. Aylward?" i6o The Finding: of Lot's Wife* whispered Isha, looking up at him. She spoke calmly, but her face was very pale. "Yes, for the time. Miss Payne ; but they will be down again soon, I think. Give me the powder-flask, please, quick ! " It was soon apparent, however, that the warm reception they had received had demoralized the Beni Azaleh, and that they had no desire to face again the fire-arms of the defenders of the mon- astery. While Aylward and Yorke were reload- ing their weapons, assisted by the Professor and his daughter, the enemy remained invisible and perfectly quiet. ** Do you think they will attack us again, O friend ! " cried Yorke in Arabic to Brother Manon, who stood in the archway grasping his improvised club with a look of grim satisfaction on his face. " If they are men they will," returned the stal- wart monk. " Did you kill any of them with your guns, my lord? I could not see what happened." " One of them received a bullet from me ; but he did not fall. I do not think my friend slew any of them, though he must have wounded many with shot," replied the artist. At that moment, Aylward, having loaded his gun, glanced up to see if any of the enemy were showing themselves, and caught sight of a long brightly-polished gun barrel hanging over the edge of the rock above. It was pointed down into the courtyard, and there was an Arab lying The Attack on the Monastery* i6i behind it taking aim, his head and shoulders only being visible. Before the young man could shout a warning to his friend, El Jezzar, for it was he who held the gun, had fired. Yorke, who had just seated himself again on the tiles of the cloister-roof after reloading his rifle, fell forward at the shot and rolled off into the courtyard. Professor Payne tried to catch him in his arms, and succeeded in partly breaking his fall. As El Jezzar rose on his hands after firing, Aylward raised his gun, and the next moment the Arab's arm was shattered at the elbow, and his gun fell out of his hand on to the roof of the cloister. Springing off the wall, Aylward ran to his friend's assistance followed by Isha. " Noel ! Noel ! are you hurt ? " he cried anx- iously, seeing the artist did not attempt to get up. " Got a beastly chewed Arab bullet through my leg, I believe, Hal," replied Yorke, cheerfully. " Lucky I did not get it through the top of my head. But don't mind me — go and guard the bridge ! " Aylward would not leave him, however, till he had ascertained how he was wounded. He and the Professor carried him under one of the trees and on examination, found that El Jezzar's bullet had passed through the artist's leg an inch or two above the knee but without breaking the bone. The wounded man protested that he 1 62 The Finding: of Lot's Wife* was but slightly hurt and urged his friend to go back to his post. This Aylward at length re- luctantly did, followed by Isha, leaving Professor Payne to bind up the artist's wound. Half an hour passed, and as nothing was seen or heard of the enemy, Aylward began to hope that the Beni Azaleh, dismayed at the hot re- ception they had met with and the bullet and shot wounds many of them had received, had given up the attack, and had retreated by the secret path. But the reason for their apparent inaction was at length revealed. Some twenty men suddenly appeared on the edge of the rock above, and the next moment a hail of heavy stones descended into the courtyard, tearing through the tree-tops and crashing through the roof-tiles. The Beni Azaleh had taken a large number of stones from the wall round the monks' garden, and half of them were bombarding the defenders of the monastery, while the rest again essayed the descent of the stairway to the courtyard. Aylward fired both barrels at the shouting Arabs above him, and then springing off the wall, darted under the archway for shelter, calling on Isha to follow him. Had any of the stones struck them, death or mutilation would have been the instant result, but they reached the arch in safety. Brother Manon was standing there, swinging his mallet. " Is your friend badly wounded, my lord?" he The Attack on the Monastery* 163 asked quietly in Arabic, referring to Yorke. Aylward not understanding him, shook his head, and was about to ask Isha what he had said, when the monk, glancing towards the bridge, said quickly, — " My lord — they come ! " A score of the Beni Azaleh, under cover of their comrades' stone-bombardment, were again descending the rock. They came springing down the steps, flourishing their weapons and yelling like demons. Aylward's gun was empty, but he had his revolver, and he rapidly emptied all five chambers at the enemy, hoping to check the rush. None of the bullets apparently took effect, for the Arabs did not stop, but springing on the bridge, began to clamber over the table that had been laid across it to bar the way. As the first man, khanjar in hand, leaped into the archway. Brother Manon's mallet descended, and the fellow fell with a broken shoulder. Shout- ing " In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit ! " the monk swung up his for- midable weapon, and dashed into the midst of his foes. A couple of them went down before him, but in striking a third blow he missed the man he aimed at, and the mallet alighting on a bridge-post, its helve was shivered in his grasp. In another moment half a dozen men had sprung on him and borne him to the ground. Aylward, meanwhile, standing in front of Isha, 1 64 The Findingf of Lot^s "Wife* was fighting desperately. He struck down with his clubbed gun the first man who approached him, breaking off the stock with the force of the blow. He continued to keep off his assailants for a short time with the gunbarrels, but very soon both he and Isha were thrown down and pinioned. Thinking that they were about to cut his throat, he struggled furiously ; but pres- ently, feeling that his hands and feet were being tied with ropes, he ceased to resist, for he realized that they would not take the trouble to secure him if they intended to murder him at once. Having pinioned Aylward, Isha, and Brother Manon, the Beni Azaleh dashed into the court- yard, and were met by a volley from Yorke, who sat under the tree with Professor Payne behind him. The artist fired his rifle at the leading man, but missed him in the uncertain light. He then snatched up his revolver, and had fired two shots from it when the Arabs rushed on him in a body, wrenched the weapon from his grasp, and roughly bound his hands and feet. The Pro- fessor was thrown down and secured in the same way. At this moment a cry was heard, and Selim, the Arab boy whose flight to the monastery had brought about the attack on it, ran into the court- yard, his white robe glistening in the moonlight. ** Do not kill the Englishmen ! Oh, spare The Attack on the Monastery^ 165 them, brothers, spare them ! " he cried, in an agonized voice. One of the Beni Azaleh, the leader in the second assault, a fierce-eyed grey-beard, down whose swarthy face blood was trickling, stepped forward and seized the boy by the arm. " Do you, whose wickedness has caused the blood of so many of your kin to flow, plead for the lives of these Franks, O traitor to your faith and tribe?" he exclaimed, wrathfully. "Are you not ashamed to wear women's garments, O unworthy son of your father?" he added, contemptuously glancing at the boy's white robe, which somewhat resembled in shape an Arab girl's dress. Selim, seeing that the Europeans lay bound on the ground, and that his tribesmen had no im- mediate intention of murdering them, remained silent. " Do you, Ali, and you, Yusef, take this young infidel whelp to El Jezzar," said the old Arab to two young men among those crowding round. " By God, O boy, you will have to answer to him for his broken arm. Expect no sweet words from him ! " The two young men, grasping the boy's arm roughly, led him away. He did not resist or protest, and betrayed no fear at the prospect of meeting his wounded cousin, but the expression on his face showed that he was wondering why 1 66 The Finding: of Lot's Wife^ he was to be taken to El Jezzar, and not before his father, the sheikh. " Leave the Franks lying there, brothers, and follow me to the church. We shall find the monks there, and will teach them not to steal boys of the Beni Azaleh again ! " cried the old grey-beard. Flourishing their weapons, the Arabs rushed off, after taking possession of the guns and re- volvers that Aylward and York had used with such effect against them. Three or four young men were left to guard the prisoners. Yorke and Professor Payne, who saw that it was the inten- tion of the Beni Azaleh to murder all the monks, listened with beating hearts for the sounds an- nouncing the commencment of the massacre. But several minutes passed, and all they could hear were the yells of the Arabs, who were hunt- ing for their intended victims. The would-be murderers searched the church, the library, the refectory, the cells, and every other part of the monastery, but without finding any trace of the monks. They trooped back in about half an hour, and their fierce faces and angry voices showed how furious they were at being balked of their vengeance. "The monks have doubtless betaken them- selves to some hiding-place," whispered the Pro- fessor to Yorke as the Arabs returned from their fruitless search. The Attack on the Monastery* 167 " It's a good thing for them that they have such a plaee to retreat to. These fellows will cut the throat of every mother's son of them if they find them," returned the artist faintly, his face contorted with the pain of his wound, which began to be severe, owing to the way his legs were tied. The Beni Azaleh discussed noisily what was to be done with their prisoners. Yorke and the Professor could hear all they said, and were re- lieved to find that they did not seem to harbor any resentment against them on account of the desperate resistance they had made, and which had cost them so much. No proposal was made to kill them or to maltreat them. At length all four men and Isha, bound hand and foot as they were, were carried by the Arabs one by one to the chamber which Aylward and Yorke had occu- pied, and were laid on the floor. The door was then closed and bolted from outside. CHAPTER Xn* A Youngf Martyr* The chamber into which the Beni Azaleh had thrust their captives was very dark. No lamp was burning in it and the only light it had was the faint moonshine which struggled in at a narrow window shadowed by the cloister roof. The prisoners lay still for a minute or more after the door had been shut on them without ex- changing a word. Suddenly a husky, tremulous voice was heard in the darkness proceeding apparently from somewhere above them. " Mr. Ilwud ! — Mr. Yok ! " said the voice, which both men named recognized at once. " Is that you, Georgis ? " asked Aylward, in a whisper. " Yes, Mr. Ilwud." " Where are you ? " " Hiding on the roof, Mr. Ilwud.*' " Where's Hanna ? " A Youngf Martyn 169 " He here also." " For goodness' sake, get down, man, and untie these ropes ! " groaned Yorke, who was suffering intense pain. " The Arabs all gone way, Mr. Yok ? " "They're on watch outside, so don't make a row ; drop down quietly ! " replied Aylward. With many qualms of fear and suppressed groans and grunts the fat dragoman did as he was ordered, but, in dropping from the beam, he came to the floor with such a thump, and uttered so loud an ejaculation of fright that all present expected the door to open and their cap- tors to appear, to ascertain the cause of the noise. Luckily it passed unnoticed, and the dragoman picked himself up and rubbed his bruised person tenderly. The cook followed him more circumspectly, and the two then began to fumble in the dark for the knots of the ropes with which their masters were bound, and untied them. Aylward then freed Professor Payne, who un- bound the ropes with which his daughter's hands and feet had been lashed. The hard camel-ropes, which the Beni Azeleh had brought up with them for the purpose of binding their prisoners, had bruised the girl's slender wrists badly, but she had made no complaint. Brother Manon was the last to be set free. The first thing done was to attend to Yorke's wound. They were afraid at first to light the 170 The Finding: of Lot's Wife. oil-lamp in the room, lest the guard outside should see it, but at Isha's suggestion, Aylward held his coat against the window, and the drag- oman struck a match and lit the floating wick. By this feeble light the professor washed and bound up the artist's wound, who bore the pain in stoical silence. When this was finished the lamp was put out for fear of discovery, and the whole party sat in darkness, whispering to- gether. For several hours the sound of voices and the smell of smoke came from the courtyard, the Beni Azeleh having evidently camped for the night under the olive-trees. The prisoners could hear the movements of their guards in the cloister outside, also their talk, though they could understand little of what they said, owing to the thickness of the walls and door. About an hour before dawn all noises outside ceased, the Arabs having apparently gone to sleep. Aylward proposed that they should try to open the door, and, if successful, to creep out, collect the weapons of their sleeping enemies, and, after arming themselves, to throw the rest over the precipice. A little discussion, however, showed how slender was the chance of such a desperate undertaking being successful, and the idea was abandoned. " Think you, O friend, that the Bedawi will find your brethren?" asked Professor Payne, A Youngf Martyn 171 touching Brother Manon, who was sitting silently beside him in the dark. " No, my lord ! God will protect His servants from their enemies ! " replied the monk confi- dently, in his deep musical voice. " Father Poly- carp showed me our hiding-place after even-song yesterday. It is a cave for which one might search for days without finding it. The brethren have food and water, and will continue to wor- ship God day and night where they are till their enemies grow weary of looking for them and go away." " I trust that the jewels, relics and pictures have not fallen into the hands of the Bedawin." " Fear not, my lord ; the first care of the brethren was, doubtless, to remove the holy things to some secret place, where they will be safe from the heathen." ** What think you, O friend, will happen to us?" " I cannot say, my lord. It may be that they will murder us all in order that there may remain no witnesses of their unlawful deeds. As for my- self, if they find that I am of the Brotherhood, they will kill me without doubt," returned the monk, grimly. *' We are in the hands of the Merciful One ! " sighed the Professor. " All we can do now is to await with such calmness as we can command, the fate He has decreed for us." 172 The Finding of Lot's Wife* " I have something to propose, my lord." "What is it, O friend?" " Let us make a hole in the roof, and I will es- cape through it ; descend the rock by the secret way by which our enemies came up ; make my way through the mountains to the Holy City, and report what has happened to the consul, who will doubtless take steps at once to send help." Professor Payne shook his head doubtfully, and then told Aylward and Yorke of the propo- sal the monk had made. " I can tell you, from experience, exactly what will happen, should our good friend succeed in reaching Jerusalem safely on his errand," he ob- served. *' The consul, on hearing of our plight, will at once insist on the Pasha sending troops to our assistance. That worthy will promise to do all in his power, but will do practically nothing. He will send out a troop of his ragamuffins, who will not attempt to come here, but will gallop about the country firing off pistols into the air, and living at free quarters. A descent will per- haps be made on some small Arab tribe who have made themselves obnoxious to the Turks ; one or two of them will be declared to be our mur- derers, and will be hanged to please the consul, and the rest will be mad-e to * eat stick ' ad libitum — and there will be an end of the business." " I daresay you are right. Professor," said Ayl- ward ; " but it must be remembered that this A Youngf Martyr* 173 brave fellow is certain to be murdered in the morning, as soon as the Beni Azaleh discover that he is a monk, and if he is willing to make the attempt he proposes, I think he should be allowed to do so in his own interests, as well as in ours and his fellow-monks. Even if no real effort is made by the authorities to rescue us, at least our friends will get news of us." " If the Beni Azaleh find that a messenger has been despatched to Jerusalem to ask for assist- ance, I fancy they will be afraid to maltreat us," observed Yorke, in a faint voice. " On the other hand, they may take all our lives at once, and retreat to the desert, out of the reach of the Turkish troops," added the professor, dryly. The dragoman, on being consulted, agreed with Professor Payne that there was very little likelihood of the Pasha taking any active steps to send them help, however much he might be urged by the consul. After some further discus- sion it was decided that the monk should be allowed to do as he had suggested. On being informed by the Professor, in grateful terms, that his offer was accepted by his fellow-pris- oners. Brother Manon rose at once, and said he was ready to start. Aylward, being the strong- est man present, leaned up against the wall, and the monk springing on his shoulders, grasped a beam in the roof above, and swung himself up on 174 The Finding: of Lot's Wife. to it. He then carefully and noiselessly removed some of the tiles, and forced apart the' roof tim- ber, till he had made a small hole, through which he squeezed himself. Before he disap- peared he looked down into the dark chamber, and whispered, " God be with you all, O brothers in affliction ! " And the Professor and the dragoman responded in low tones, '' May He go with you, O friend!" "Allah protect you, brother ! " The imprisoned party heard the monk creeping slowly and cautiously over the tiles, and listened with beating hearts, fearing every moment to hear the shout of the Arabs on catching sight of the escaping man. But several minutes passed, and no alarm was raised. Brother Manon had evidently succeeded in pass- ing through their sleeping enemies unseen. About an hour after the monk's escape, the day began to dawn. Soon after sunrise the door of the chamber in which the prisoners were con- fined was opened, and half a dozen armed men came in. They looked surprised as they glanced round and saw that their captives had freed themselves from the ropes with which they had been bound after the fight. " Did we not carry in hither five men bound last night, O brothers ? Lo, there are now six men unbound ! " exclaimed one of them. " By God ! here is the merry one. El Hak- watieh, also the Syrian cook of the Franks ! " A Young Martyn 175 remarked another with surprise. '' How came you in here, brothers? We saw you not last night ! " Before the dragoman, who was trembling excessively, could reply, the first man who had spoken uttered an exclamation, and pointed with his drawn khanjar to the hole in the roof. " Look, O brothers. They have been trying to escape! " He then glanced keenly round the little group of prisoners. " By the Prophet ! one of them has escaped — the big, bearded man who fought with the wooden hammer last night ; the rest are all here. Out, brothers, and search for him ; he cannot be far off." Two of the men at once darted out of the room, crying out to their comrades outside, that one of the Franks had escaped. On the entry of the Arabs armed with knives and clubs, the prisoners had at once concluded that they were about to be massacred. Isha threw herself into her father's arms, who, grasp- ing her tightly, breathed a prayer that their deaths might be mercifully speedy. Aylward stepped in front of them with clenched fists, determined to protect them to the utmost of his power, and to sell his life dearly. Yorke stag- gered to his feet, resolved to strike at least one blow before he was murdered. The dragoman and the cook crouched, terror-stricken, against the wall. But the words uttered by the Beni 176 The Finding of Lot's Wife* Azaleh on entering, showed such of the im- prisoned party as understood Arabic, that their captors had no immediate intention of taking their lives. Aylward, not understanding them, was about to spring on the nearest man in order to wrest his weapon from him, when he was arrested by hearing Isha, who divined his inten- tion, whisper quickly, — "Stop, Mr. Aylward; they do not intend to kill us ! " " Will you come quietly with us if we do not bind you, O Franks?" asked the leader of the party. " We will do so," replied Professor Payne, and then told Aylward what the man had said. *' I suppose it would be useless to resist," said the young man. "Tell the fellow to lead, Pro- fessor, and we will follow." The Professor did so, whereupon the Beni Azaleh all turned and left the room, and the six prisoners, headed by Aylward supporting Yorke, passed out after them into the courtyard. A number of Arabs were congregated there. Four of them were carrying off in their arms a sorely wounded man covered with blood. They were followed by sev- eral others, whose contortions and groans showed that they had been severely hurt during the night-attack. They went in the direction of the windlass tower, from whence came a creaking sound, showing that the Beni Azaleh were lower- A Young: Martyn 177 ing their wounded and disabled to the foot of the rock. Their guard led Aylward and his compan- ions through the courtyard and up the stone steps to the top of the rock. At its highest point and close to the edge of the precipice, were grouped about a score of Beni Azaleh. Seated on a carpet laid on the rock was the mullah, who, with bent head, was fingering a string of beads and muttering prayers. Beside him sat the demented sheikh of the tribe, gazing before him with expressionless face. Neither of these old men had been with the attacking party during the night, but had come up from the camp that morning. The prisoners were led forward, and made to stand in a row before them. Yorke being unable to stand from the pain of his wound, soon subsided on the rock. Isha stood between her father and Aylward, while the dragoman and the cook stood in frightened, suppliant attitudes at the end of the line. The mullah did not look up as they approached, but continued his me- chanical prayer-making without taking any no- tice of them. The old sheikh gazed at them as if he did not see them, and uttered no sound. The traitorous ex-monk, Brother Barlaam, though he had been with the attacking party during the night, was not now present. Aylward was about to suggest to the Professor that he should ask the mullah what the Beni Azaleh meant by their treatment of them, when 178 The Finding of Lot's Wife. all the Arabs standing round turned their faces to look at a small party of men coming over the rock toward them. El Jezzar was leading, and grasped in his left hand a long, tufted lance. His shot-broken right arm was hidden in his cloak, but the pain he was suffering from it was shown by the ferocious expression of his haggard face. Behind him came Selim, the sheikh's son, guarded by two of his tribesmen. On being led forward, the boy gazed eagerly at his father with a face full of affection and joy at seeing him ; but the old man looked at him with unrecogniz- ing eyes. A look of intense surprise, followed by a spasm of pain, crossed the boy's beautiful features when he realized that his father had taken no notice of him. Tears started to his eyes and he sighed slightly, but said nothing. It was obvious that he was not aware of the con- dition of the old sheikh's mind. He did not look towards his fellow-prisoners, the shock of his father's reception of him having for the mo- ment made him oblivious of everything else. Meanwhile the mullah had raised his head, and was regarding him keenly. For some moments he remained silent, and then said slowly and austerely, — " Selim, son of Abd'allah Abou Mansur, sheikh of the Beni Azaleh, you have sinned against God and against your tribe and kin. " Six moons ago," he continued, when the boy A Youn§f Marty n 179 made no reply, " you secretly fled from the tents of your people, from those in authority over you, from those who loved you, to herd here with Christian dogs, enemies of God and of His Apostle. Behold the result of the deadly sin you have committed ! Your father has lost his reason in his search for you, and the blood of your tribesmen has been shed by unbelievers." On hearing the mullah's statement regarding his father, Selim started and gazed at the old sheikh with eyes overflowing with grief. Every line of his expressive face showed the deepest distress and contrition. His lips trembled, as if he was about to speak, but he restrained himself, and said nothing. *' Do you know, boy, that if God wills it, you will one day be the sheikh of the Beni Azaleh ? " demanded the mullah. " I renounce my right," replied Selim firmly, but in a voice that vibrated with pain. " Dare you say that to our very beards ? " shouted El Jezzar wrathfuUy, though an ill-con- cealed look of satisfaction passed across his face on hearing the boy's words. The mullah mo- tioned to him with his hand to be silent. " You cannot renounce your right," he said, addressing Selim. " There are but two things that can prevent you becoming some day the sheikh of your tribe — your death or your apostasy." i8o The Finding of Lot's Wife* The boy was silent. " Selim, child of the Beni Azaleh, I call on you to repeat the Eshed ! " continued the mullah. The boy made no reply. *'Say, my son, 'God is the Lord, and Moham- med is the Prophet of God ! ' " Selim did not speak. El Jezzar uttered an im- patient execration. "You waste words in questioning him, O saintly one ! " he exclaimed. " Can we not all see that he has become an infidel and spits on the Eshed?" "Is it even so, O unhappy one? '* demanded the miillah, eyeing the boy sternly. Selim kept silence. "What! Will you, a son of Islam, renounce the Faith and throw in your lot with these Christian swine, blasphemers of God and His Prophet ? " Still the boy said nothing. " Are you prepared to meet the fate of all un- believers ? Will you risk the fire that is fed with the bodies of men?" cried the mullah, angrily. "Listen, O obdurate one," he continued, in a cold hard voice, on receiving no reply. " It has been decided by the council of the tribe, that if you have abjured the Faith, you are not only unfit to lead the tribe after your father's death, but even to live." Selim's face quivered, but he did not speak. A Youngf Martyr. 18 1 El Jezzar cursed and threatened him, but the boy did not seem to hear him. *' If you do not at once repeat the Eshed, I swear by the beard of the Prophet that you shall be thrown from the rock ! " shouted El Jezzar, furiously. He beckoned to the hideous negro El Wahsh, one of the boy's guards, who, with a grin on his bestial face, dragged him to the edge of the precipice, and forced him to look down. Selim shuddered visibly, but no sound came from his lips. " See, you young Christian dog," continued El Jezzar, sticking his lance upright in a crack in the rock, '* if you have not renounced the cursed teachings of those vile sons of shameless mothers before the shadow of this lance has shortened one span, you shall be thrown over ! " Some minutes passed in total silence. The Beni Azaleh standing round, looked on stolidly and silently, showing no feeling in their dark faces. The mullah bent over his beads and re- sumed his prayers. El Jezzar stood glaring ma- levolently at Selim, who with eyes on the ground remained motionless and silent. Once the boy looked up and glanced appealingly at his father, but lowered his eyes again, for the old sheikh was obviously unconscious of what was going on. " Father, oh, father ! surely they will not do as they threaten ? " whispered Isha, horrified at hearing El Jezzar's last words. i82 The Finding: of Lot's Wife* " I fear they will, my child," returned Profes- sor Payne, in an agitated voice. " We can only pray that God will give the dear boy strength — and receive him." Isha covered her face with her hands, and prayed fervently that the boy's life might not be sacrificed. She could not bring herself to pray that he might stand steadfast, and meet a mar- tyr's fate. The shadow of the lance receded inch by inch, watched by all in a silence which to Isha and her companions seemed terrible. The mo- ment approached. Suddenly the mullah looked up. " Selim, son of Abd'allah Abou Mansur, Asrael, the angel of death, awaits you below," he said, in a cold deliberate voice, in which there was no trace of human feeling. " For the last time I call upon you, in the name of the Prophet of God, on whom be peace, to repeat the Eshed ! " There was a moment's silence, and then the boy spoke. He drew himself up, his face glowed, and his eyes dilated as he said, in a clear ringing voice, — " I believe in God, the Father of all, and in His Son, Esa, the Christ, and in " " In the name of God, the Mighty, the Merci- ful ! " interrupted El Jezzar loudly, making a furious motion with his hand. The next moment Selim was gone. El Wahsh, A Youngf Martyr. 183 the negro, with the yell of a wild beast, had pushed him over the precipice. " My God ! " exclaimed Aylward, springing forward. He had seen from the fierce face and loud voice of El Jezzar, and the rough handling of the negro, that they were threatening the boy, but, not having understood what had been said, had not realized what tragedy was being enacted before him. ** The murderous scoundrels ! " ejaculated Yorke, trying to rise to his feet, but sinking down again with a groan, for the effort had caused him agonizing pain. Meanwhile Isha, white to the lips, stood gaz- ing before her with dilating eyes, her hands out- stretched supplicatingly. She stood in this attitude, speechless with horror for some mo- ments, and then swayed slightly. Her father was just in time to catch her in his arms as she sank fainting to the ground. Aylward heard the choking cry she gave as she fell, and sprang to her assistance. He and her father were so en- grossed in attending to the unconscious girl that they did not see what happened directly after Selim's murder. Yorke, too, was occupied in watching their efforts to bring Isha back to con- sciousness and saw nothing, while the dragoman and the cook were so demoralized by fear as to be oblivious of everything but their own sup- posed danger. i84 The Finding of Lot's Wife* The old sheikh had sat through the terrible scene in silence without showing any recognition of his son, but the moment the boy disappeared over the precipice he rose hastily and looked wildly round. Then with a heartrending cry of " My son ! my son ! " he rushed to the spot where Sclim had stood, and before any of the startled bystanders could prevent him, had sprung over the precipice. Uttering cries of dis- may, all the Beni Azaleh ran to the edge and peered down. Two shapeless objects lay close together on the sand at the foot of the rock. " He moves ! Thanks be to God ! " exclaimed several of the Arabs. " No, by God, he is dead ! Could one fall so far and yet live ! " returned others. A look of satisfaction that he tried in vain to suppress passed for a moment over the face of El Jezzar as he gazed down. He was now the sheikh of the tribe. " It is the will of the Disposer of all things. Let some of you descend at once. It may be that there is yet life in the sheikh," ordered the mdillah, calmly. He had not risen or shown any agitation on witnessing the murder of Selim or the suicide of the boy's demented father, except that he ceased for a moment to finger his beads. Half a dozen men at once hurried off to carry out his order. Isha soon recovered from the swoon, but not A Youn§f Martyn 185 from the shock she had received. She lay for some minutes in her father's arms, unable to speak, her features convulsed with horror and distress. At length she gasped out, — " Oh, father dear ! Oh, Mr. Aylward ! Is he — is he dead?" " I fear so," responded Aylward, gravely. " He is now in the presence of the Christ he would not deny, and is wearing the martyr's crown, the noble boy," said Professor Payne, with a sob in his voice. Isha burst into tears. " Hush, my dear, restrain yourself, or the sus- picions of the Bedawin will be roused," contin- ued the Professor warningly. With a strong effort Isha choked back her sobs, and endeavored to compose her agitated features. The old sheikh's sudden action had fortunately drawn the attention of all the Beni Azaleh from them, or the girl's fainting fit and tears would certainly have betrayed her sex to them. Meanwhile El Jezzar, the mftllah, and some of the older men present had been talking together in low tones ; but much of what was said by them was overheard by the prisoners. El Jezzar spoke in a fierce voice, glaring malevolently from time to time at Yorke, who took little notite of the fellow, being in great pain. It soon became evident that the new sheikh was proposing that all their captives should be thrown over the precipice. The mullah and the others, however, i86 The Finding of Lot's Wife, refused to consent to the murder, much to the ruffian's wrath and dissatisfaction. They then talked some minutes about the dragoman and the cook, and some proposal that El Jezzar made seemed to meet the approval of the mullah, for he nodded his head gravely, whereupon the former roughly ordered the dragoman to come forward. Georgis stepped out of the line of prisoners, and approached in a cringing attitude, ready to grovel with fear. " You have seen what befell one who forsook the Faith, and blashemed God and His Prophet," observed the m(\llah, eyeing him sternly. " Are you a Christian ? Speak, fellow ! " The dragoman hesitated for some moments, and then, in a quavering voice, acknowledged that he belonged to the Nestorian Church. "Infidel dog! eater of the leprous pig! If you do not at once abjure your false creed you also shall be thrown from the rock ! " exclaimed El Jezzar, motioning to El Wahsh to seize him. The negro dragged Georgis to the edge of the precipice, and forced him to look down. The dragoman struggled in the black ruffian's grasp, and howled for mercy. " I renounce ! I renounce ! " he cried, in an agony of terror. "I will become a Moslem! I will repeat the Eshed ! — anything, anything — only spare my life ! " At a sign from the mullah El Wahsh drew the A Young Marty n 187 trembling dragoman before him. Having looked at him in contemptuous silence for a few seconds, the mullah ordered him to repeat the Eshed after him, and then the following abjuration : "I renounce the society of unbelievers in this world and in that which is to come. I choose God for my Lord, Mohammed for my Prophet, and Islam for my faith." The wretched man was led off by two of the Arabs with the perspiration standing in beads on his fat face. Hanna, the cook, was next brought forward, and interrogated by the mullah as to his religious belief. He renounced Christianity at once, and was led away weeping. The Euro- pean prisoners felt sure that their turn was now come, and the thought in the mind of each was which of them would be called on first to face the trial. It was soon obvious, however, that the Beni Azaleh had no intention of attempting to force them to apostatize. During the next half-hour El Jezzar and his followers were occupied in watching the removal of the body of the old sheikh from the foot of the rock to the camp. Beyond giving one brief order in regard to the corpse, the mullah exhibited no interest in the proceedings, but sat praying, bent over his beads. Aylward and his companions were then conducted to the windlass-tower and lowered to the ground, one by one, to be taken to the camp. The loot collected by the Beni i88 The Finding of Lot's Wife* Azaleh, which consisted only of cooking-utensils, porringers, and plates from the refectory, and other articles of little value, were afterwards sent down. A party of armed men, led by El Jezzar, then made a final and careful search for the hid- den monks, but found no trace whatever of them. They decided at length that their intended vic- tims must have made themselves invisible by magical arts, and accordingly gave up the search. They descended from the monastery by the secret way, and joined the rest of the party, who were waiting for them at the foot of the rock. Though the distance to the camp was not great, the Europeans found the march across the salt plain very trying, for the sun was by this time high in the heavens, and the heat in- tense. Professor Payne, Isha, and Aylward trudged on foot, but Yorke, being unable to walk, was mounted on a horse. As they neared the camp, a shrill, tremulous cry arose from one of the tents. It was. the death-wail raised by the women of the tribe for the late sheikh. On reaching the camp, the prisoners were placed, with their baggage, in a small tent, and a guard put over them. The dragoman and the cook had been taken on before to another part of the camp, and being now Moslems, were given their liberty, and were well treated. CHAPTER Xm* Brother Manon's Experiences^ Brother Manon, who had undertaken to con- vey to the authorities at Jerusalem the news of the attack on the monastery by the Beni Azaleh, and of the peril in which the European travelers stood, did not succeed in escaping to the hills before sunrise, as he had hoped. Having whispered the farewell to his fellow- prisoners through the hole in the roof of the chamber in which they were confined, the monk crept on his hands and knees to the ridge of the roof. Though he moved with the utmost delib- eration and caution, the tiles creaked and broke under him, and he feared every moment that some of them would slide off and crash on the stones below. On reaching the ridge, he peered over into the courtyard. By this time the moon was low on the horizon, and the shadows were long and deep. The fires, 190 The Finding: of Lot's Wife* too, that the Arabs had made, were burning but dimly. There was, nevertheless, sufficient light for the monk to see that nearly all the Beni Azaleh were asleep, wrapped in their abaiyehs, with the exception of a few wounded men, who lay or sat round the fire. No guard > had been posted, and no precautions taken against any sud- den attack. The lances, knives and clubs of the Arabs lay on the ground or rested against the trees. It was evident that they felt no appre- hension that their weapons might be wanted again that night. Having watched the enemy for some minutes. Brother Manon slowly crept down to the eaves of the roof, and, removing a number of the tiles as a precaution, swung himself over and dropped noiselessly to the ground. After a few moments' hesitation, he made his way, his bare feet mak- ing no sound, to the windlass-tower, hoping to find the rope hanging down, in which case he had resolved to slip down it to the plain below. To his disappointment he found the rope wound up. He made an attempt to turn the capstan, to let the rope run out, but the clumsy machine gave so loud a creak as it moved, that the monk at once desisted, fearing that the noise would alarm the Beni Azaleh. There was only one other way of descending from the monastery, and that was by the secret stairway, but to reach the head of this it was Brother Manon's Experiences. 191 necessary for him to pass through the courtyard, past the Arabs bivouacked there. It was a peril- ous proceeding, but the monk did not hesitate a moment. He slipped through the door giving access to the courtyard, and crept on hands and knees alon^ the dark cloister, past the sleeping guard at the chamber-door, till he stood within a few yards of the Beni Azaleh under the trees. The nearest to him was a man who sat with his face half hidden in the hood of his cloak. It was El Jezzar, but Brother Manon did not know that it was the leader of the party, and the most evil- disposed of them, who sat there apparently on the alert, or he might have hesitated to venture near him. The ruffian was very restless, and from time to time groaned and cursed audibly. Watching his opportunity, when El Jezzar had for a moment pulled his hood over his face, and dropped his head on his drawn-up knees, the monk rose quickly and walked boldly across the courtyard, keeping as much as possible in the shadow of the olive-trees. He passed in full view of all the armed men, but not one of them saw or heard him. A shaft of moonlight shot across the courtyard, and the monk saw that the white olive-blossoms that carpeted the ground were spotted with blood. It was with a sigh of relief that he stepped into the vaulted passage at the end of the courtyard and emerged on the bridged chasm beyond. Scrambling over the 192 The Finding: of Lot's Wife* table, which still blocked the way, he ran up the steps cut in the rock to the summit, and made hastily for the monastic burial-place. On the way he passed the body of the faithful old don- key lying in a pool of blood. The rows of dead monks, lying on the rock, presented a ghastly appearance in the moonlight, and the monk, glancing at them, crossed himself, and hurried to the spot where he knew was the head of the secret stairway. It was under the shelving rock which overhung a part of the cemetery. The stack of monks' skulls and bones which had con- cealed the entrance to it, had been thrown down, revealing an open trap-door. Murmuring a prayer. Brother Manon lowered himself through the door till his feet rested on steps below. The stairway, which went down a narrow natural cleft in the rock, not visible either from outside or below, was pitch dark, and extremely steep and dangerous. The monk saw that a slip might precipitate him to the bottom and therefore descended very deliberately, clutch- ing the rock-wall with his fingers and feeling for every step with his feet. More than once he found that he had to stride across the narrow rock-fissure, for there was no step below. He was a brave man, but his limbs shook and the perspira- tion started on his face, as hanging over the dark chasm he, from time to time, as he descended felt about for foot-hold on the opposite side. Brother Manon's Experiences* 193 When he had got about half-way down the day began to break. He saw the grey light of the dawn shining through a narrow crevice in the rock, and stopped to consider what he should do. It was now too late to attempt to cross the plain, for he would certainly be seen and pur- sued by the Beni Azaleh before he could reach the hills. It was dangerous for him to stop where he was, for it was more than probable that some of the Arabs would descend the rock by the way they had come up, when he would cer- tainly be discovered. Casting his eyes round in this dilemma, he saw with relief that projections and cracks in the rock-wall made it possible for him to climb into the crevice above, through which the daylight was now streaming. He resolved to clamber into the recess, and hide there all day, till darkness made it possible for him to escape. On creeping into the crevice he found at its extremity a very narrow path, evidently cut by human hands, leading along the face of the cliff. He followed it with great difficulty for some thirty yards and came on a small cave only just large enough to enable a man to stand upright or to lie at full length in. Its walls and shelving roof were adorned with very ancient rude fres- coes and archaic inscriptions. It had no doubt been the retreat many centuries before of some anchorite, who had found life in the monastery 194 The Finding: of Lot's "Wife* above not sufficiently mortifying to the flesh and soul-satisfying, and had therefore retired to this hole in the cliff to pass his days in solitary medi- tation. The utensils that had supplied the holy man's simple wants were still there, but half buried in the dust of ages. The cave commanded an extensive view over the plain towards the camp of the Beni Azaleh, but was not visible from below. About an hour after sunrise Brother Manon saw a party of Arabs carrying across the plain their comrades who had been wounded during the night. As he sat watching them something suddenly shot past the mouth of the cavern, and a moment later a dull sound like a heavy blow came from below. On peering down he was horrified to see lying on the sand what he in- stantly recognized to be the body of the young proselyte Stephanos. Holding his breath, he gazed down eagerly, hoping to see some sign of life ; but the boy did not move, and the monk saw that he was dead. " Lord Jesus, receive the soul of Thy young martyr ! " he exclaimed fervently, crossing him- self. The words had just left his lips, when another human body rushed through the air in front of him, and struck the ground at the foot of the precipice with a sickening thud. " Holy God ! they are throwing down the Brother Manon's Experiences* i95 English gentlemen ! " cried Brother Manon aloud, in his horror. But another peep down the precipice showed him that the second corpse now lying there was that of an elderly Arab with gray hair and beard. He wondered greatly what was going on above, and whether the pris- oners were fighting for their lives, and had thrown one of their assailants from the rock in the struggle. For several minutes he sat with his powerful hands tightly clasped and a set look on his brown face, waiting for the next victim to be hurled down. But when he had sat for a con- siderable time without anything happening, he began to breathe more freely. His conviction that the boy Stephanos had been murdered by his tribesmen because he had refused to apostatize was presently confirmed. Hearing voices [below, he peeped cautiously down, and saw a number of Beni Azaleh standing near the two bodies that lay on the sand. Several of them looked up to shout to their comrades above, and the monk for a moment feared that they would discover him, but they were too excited to notice the face peering down, and the monk withdrew his head quickly. As he did so he heard one of them shout, — " The sheikh is dead ; we will carry his body to the camp ! What shall we do with the boy ? " An answering cry came from above in El Jezzar's harsh voice, — 196 The Finding of Lot's Wife. ** Let the young Christian dog lie and rot ! Why should you trouble yourselves about such carrion ? " Soon after, Brother Manon saw from his hid- ing-place a party of Arabs carrying the crushed body of their late leader, wrapped in a cloak, across the plain. The body of Stephanos re- mained untouched. Not long after the monl^ saw the dragoman and the cook being escorted to the camp by a few Arabs. The fact that their masters were not with them, and that they were walking at liberty, revealed to him at once what had happened. " They have denied their Lord ! May He have mercy on them in the day when they must an- swer for their sin ! " he murmured, sorrowfully. About an hour afterwards, he saw with satis- faction a large party of the Beni Azaleh crossing the plain with the four Europeans in their midst. Three of them were walking, and though unbound, were evidently prisoners, while the fourth, whom the monk recognized to be Yorke, rode a mare, her owner walking on one side and Aylward on the other, supporting the wounded man. Brother Manon watched the procession till it disappeared among the tents of the camp. A few minutes later he heard the voices of a number of men descending the secret stairway. They were talking and laughing loudly with the object obviously of keeping up their courage, Brother Manon's Experiences, 197 while they went down the dark rock-rift, which they believed to be haunted by evil spirits. Brother Manon remained in his hiding-place all day. The sun streamed into the cave in the afternoon, making it a very oven. In spite, however, of its burning rays, the reflected heat of the rock-walls around, and the blinding glare, the monk contrived to get a few hours' sleep, in a crouching attitude at the back of the cave. He awoke parched with thirst, and stiff from the cramped position in which he had slept, just as the sun set over the hot red hills. The golden glow died quickly out of the western sky, and ere long was succeeded by the silvery light of the moon. As soon as the ghostly white orb appeared over the hills, the monk rose. He was resolved to fulfill his promise to his fellow-prisoners and carry the news of the lawless doings of the Beni Azaleh to the authorities at Jerusalem. His brethren were now safe, as the Arabs had appar- ently vacated the monastery ; but the European travelers were captives in the hands of the heathens and he felt it was his duty to succor them if possible. As he stepped out of the cave into the narrow path leading to the secret way, he cast a glance towards the camp of the Beni Azaleh, and saw a solitary figure coming across the plain towards the rock. As it approached, he saw by the iqS The Findingf of Lofs Wife. bright moonlight that it was that of an Arab girl. She came hurriedly to the foot of the rock, and fell on her knees beside the body of the martyred boy lying there, and then a long, low, wailing cry arose on the still night air. Brother Manon stood looking down with deep compassion in his dark face. " Selim ! Selim ! O my brother! my little brother, speak to me ! It is I, your sister, who call you. I, Ay^da, your own sister ! I am come to help you — to heal your hurts, to take away your pain. O Selim, Selim, speak to me, my brother ! " cried the girl, in a heart-broken voice. But no sound came from the motionless, huddled heap of bruised flesh and broken bones before her. Wringing her hands, she raised her agonized face to the sky, and wailed aloud. Then, throwing herself on the sand beside the corpse, she sobbed convulsively. Every now and then she sat up, and threw handfuls of dust over herself with despairing cries. " Poor child ! I will go down to her. It maj^ be that God will send comfort to her by me," murmured the monk. Making his way along the path, he lowered himself through the crevice in the cliff on to the dark stairway, and descended with great difficulty to the bottom. There he found a hole excavated in the rock, and crawling along it on hands and knees, emerged at the foot of the precipice. The Brother Manon's Experiences. 199 sand that had hidden the entrance had been scraped away by the Arabs. A small cross cut in the rock marked the spot, and had enabled the traitorous monk, Barlaam, to find it when betraying the monastery to the Beni Azaleh. Having satisfied himself that no enemy was lurking near, and that the girl was alone, Brother Manon walked round the rock till he came to the spot where she was wailing over her brother's body. Ay^da lay with her face in her hands, her whole slender frame shaking with her chok- ing sobs, and did not notice the approach of the monk. " My daughter ! He on whom you call is standing in the presence of God,,in the company of the blessed martyrs and saints. Everlasting happiness will be his reward ; therefore, weep not for him ! " said Brother Manon, in Arabic, gently. On hearing his voice Ay^da looked up, but showed no surprise or fear, for overwhelming grief had swallowed up all other feelings. She gazed at him in silence, but with questioning eyes for a few moments. " I am an unworthy servant of God, and have come in the hope that I may be able to help and comfort you." So saying, the monk bent over the body of the dead boy, and gently and tenderly turned the beautiful face, happily uninjured, to the 200 The Finding of Lot's Wife. moonlight, and straightened the broken limbs. Ay^da threw herself on the corpse, and kissed the rigid, dead features again and again, wailing and sobbing unrestrainedly. Brother Manon stood by, his lips moving in silent prayer. Pres- ently he moved off a few paces and began to dig a grave in the sand with his hands. It took him about an hour to excavate a hole deep enough to receive the boy's body. He then returned to where Ay6da was, and found her sit- ting with eyes fixed on the dead boy's face, sob- bing quietly, for grief had exhausted her. " My daughter, it is time for us to consign our dead to the earth, to await the resurrection of the just," he said. " It is well, O servant of God ! My people have left Selim to the wild beasts ; but we will put him out of their reach," returned Ayeda, in a choking voice. Taking up the crushed remains in his power- ful arms, the monk carried them to the rude, shallow grave he had prepared, and gently laid the body in it. He then knelt and recited in Greek the prayers for the dead. Ayi^da stood beside him, looking down on the dead form so dear to her, with her face convulsed with grief. When he had finished praying, Brother Manon filled in the grave with his hands, and picking up some loose stones, arranged them in the form of a cross above it. Ayeda did not give him any Brother Manon's Experiences. 201 assistance, being evidently incapable of it. When all was over, the monk and the girl stood for some moments in silence. " Are the English gentlemen safe in the camp of your people, my daughter ? " asked the for- mer. Ay^da nodded. '' They are all alive now, for the holy mullah will not allow them to be hurt ; but if El Jezzar had his will, he would cut all their throats," she said, with deep indignation. " Who is El Jezzar ? " " He who killed Selim," returned the girl, with flashing eyes. " He is now the sheikh of the tribe, having caused the death of my father and my brother. He is a most wicked man, a very son of Shaitdn ! " " Was it your father who fell from the rock af- ter your brother was thrown down ? " The girl nodded, and her tears began to flow afresh. *^ My father sprang down the precipice when he saw Selim pushed over," she sobbed. " One of the English gentlemen was wounded in the fight with your people. How is his hurt ? " " El Jezzar shot him, and he will die ! " ex- claimed the girl, with a little cry of despair. *' Not so. The wound was but a flesh one, and will soon heal," returned the monk. A look of relief passed across Ayeda's face. '' What has become of the wicked man — may 202 The Finding of Lot's Wife* God forgive him ! — who betrayed us to your peo- ple ? " " El Jezzar threw him into one of thesubbkhas, where the salt will eat the flesh off his bones, though he swore to him on the koran that he would not harm him. He is such a son of evil that he cannot keep faith even with those who serve him ! " " When was this done ? " demanded the monk, his face showing deep concern at the news. " At midday, after El Jezzar returned to the camp.'* " Can you show me the place where the unfor- tunate man is, my daughter ? I must go to his help. Peradventure he is yet alive." " What ! " cried Ayeda, indignantly. " Do you ask me to help you to save from the fate he de- serves the man who caused, by his treachery, the death of my father and my brother ? " " It may be that God will change his heart, and that he will repent of his evil deed," said Brother Manon. The girl made no reply. " My daughter, if your brother could rise from his grave, he would say, ' Avenge not yourself, forgive your enemy, return good for evil,' " con- tinued the monk, earnestly. For a moment Ay^da stood silent ; then she said quietly, — " You are a good man, and I will show you the place." Brother Manon's Experiences. 203 Before she left the spot to lead him there, she dropped on her knees and kissed the cross of stones that lay on her brother's grave. Then, saying simply, " Come ! " she walked off in the direction of the camp, followed by Brother Ma- non. Soon they found themselves among the salt-pools that covered the plain, through which the girl threaded her way slowly and cautiously. When they had gone half-way across the plain, the monk heard cries a short distance ahead, and urged his companion to hurry to the spot. '* Nay, servant of God, we must go slowly. The moonlight is deceitful and death will follow a false step," was her reply. In a few minutes they arrived at the edge of a large subbkha or brine-pit, out of which came pierc- ing cries of pain and despair. The brink and sides of the pit were covered with salt, which glistened like snow in the moonlight. The bottom was filled with water of inky blackness, from which came a strong sulphurous odor. The moon- light revealed the figure of a man up to his neck in the black water, and clinging to the snowy walls of the pit. He had evidently made frantic efforts to climb out of the corroding brine ; for his hands, torn by the sharp crystals of salt, were covered with blood. His long hair was plastered with salt, which also encrusted his face, giving his contorted features a horrible expression. " Brother, we are come to your help ! " shouted 204 The Finding: of Lot^s Wife^ the monk. But the man in his fear and pain, ap- parently did not hear him, for he continued his frantic cries, echoed by the steep walls of the pit. Brother Manon crawled on hands and knees along the brink of the subbkha, till he reached a spot where a ledge of crystalized salt projected from the side of the pit a few feet over the head of the struggling man. Ayeda watched the monk on his perilous mission of mercy, fearing every moment that the brittle crust overhanging the pit would give way and precipitate him into the black brine. He, however, reached the other side in safety, and prepared to attempt the de- scent to the projecting ledge some twenty feet below him. ** Take care ! take care ! if you slip you will die a fearful death ! " cried Ay^da, seeing what he was about to do. Brother Manon paused for a moment to cross himself and to utter a prayer, and then lying down, lowered himself gradually over the edge, and half sliding and half clinging to the sloping side of the pit, succeeded in reaching the ledge below. Bending down, he tried to grasp the hands of the man he was risk- ing his life to save, but they were just out of his reach. He then unwound his camel-hair girdle, and throwing one end down, shouted to the wretched man to seize it. He soon saw, how- ever, that the salt had blinded the poor creature, and that fear and burning pain had bereft him of Brother Manon's Experiences* 205 reason, for he took no notice of his reiterated cries to him to grasp the girdle, but continued to utter piercing shrieks and to pray and curse in- coherently. At length the monk drew up the girdle, and having made a running noose at one end, was about to throw it over the other's head, when the doomed man, with an appalling yell, threw up his hands and disappeared into the black depths of the pit. After hours of agony the traitor had met the fate he had brought on himself by his wickedness. *' God have mercy on you ! God have mercy on you ! " ejaculated Brother Manon, horror-struck at the man's awful end. For some minutes he stood praying fervently and gazing into the water, in the hope that the drowning man might come to the surface. But he never rose again ; only a few bubbles appeared at the spot v^here he had sunk. The monk now attempted to climb out of the pit the way he had descended. He contrived to scramble half the way up, and then found it was impossible to advance another step. The wall of salt was too steep to afford foothold and crum- bled away at every effort he made to scale it. Again and again, with the perspiration streaming from him, he dug his toes and fingers into the cracks and fissures, and tried to raise himself, only to slip back each time in imminent danger of falling into the black brine that lay like pel- 2o6 The Finding of Lot's Wife* ished ebony below. He had begun to despair, and was standing in silence on a narrow ledge of rock-salt, trying to compose his mind in order to be able to meet with godly fortitude the awful death that he thought awaited him, when he heard a voice above say, — " Servant of God, throw the end of your girdle up to me ! " Ayeda had come to his help at peril of her life. She had crept on hands and knees round the edge of the subbkha, and was now kneeling above him, with her hand outstretched for the monk's girdle, by which she hoped to help him up. " Nay, my daughter, I should only draw you in to perish with me. Go back to the path, and return to your people. I do not fear death, and will remain here till it please God to take back the life He gave me," replied Brother Manon, gratefully but firmly. But the girl refused to leave him to his fate. She protested that she was stronger than she seemed to be, and was positive she could drag him up if the girdle held. For a long time the monk would not consent to imperil her life, but, seeing that she was determined not to go, he at length threw the end of his girdle to her, with repeated injunctions to stand well back from the bank, in case the overhanging crust gave way. The girl grasped the knotted end firmly, and cried to him to draw himself up hand Brothel* Manon's Experiences. 207 over hand. With a prayer on his lips, not for himself, but for the brave girl above, the monk slowly and cautiously began to ascend, thrusting his naked toes into the crumbling wall of salt, while he raised himself with his strong arms. In a few moments he stood safe on the edge of the brine-pit, drawing deep breaths of relief; then, followed by Ayeda, he crawled back to the path. They had scarcely reached it when the whole side of the subbkha, where the monk had scram- bled out with the girl's assistance, suddenly fell in with a mighty splash, making the black brine- pool boil for a few minutes. ** I thank Thee, O God, and dedicate anew to Thy service the life Thou hast preserved ! " ex- claimed Brother Manon, fervently. It was by this time midnight. The camp of the Beni Azaleh, about half a mile distant, lay dark and silent. At the monk's request Ay6da conducted him across the plain beyond the brine- pits, to the path leading through the passes of the mountains to the west. He then stopped and bade the girl farewell. '' My daughter, your martyr-brother is doubt- less at this moment interceding for you at the Throne of God. May the All-merciful speedily bring you to a knowledge of the Faith for which Stephanos died. The blessing of God, of His Son, and of His Spirit rest on you forever, my daughter. Farewell!" ^ i , . ' (viriTSItSIT 2o8 The Finding of Lot's Wife. The monk strode away on his mission to Jeru- salem on behalf of the English prisoners of the Beni Azaleh, and his tall form soon disappeared in the darkness. Ayeda returned to the camp, slowly and sorrowfully, but not weeping. The good man's blessing had been as balm to her heart-wounds. CHAPTER XIV. Prisoners* The Beni Azaleh treated their prisoners kindly- enough, though they kept them confined in one of their tents, guarded by a couple of armed men. They were not bound or ill-used in any way, and they soon ceased to fear that any violence would be offered to them. All their possessions, except their weapons, had been placed in the tent intact, but they did not know what had been done with their horses and donkeys. They could not im- agine what their captors intended to do with them, but anticipated that eventually they would conduct them out of the mountains to the Ghor, and then leave them. They had no knowledge of what had become of Brother Manon, except that he had certainly escaped from the monastery and had got safely off on his mission. All they could do was to exercise patience, and hope for the best. 2IO The Finding: of Lot's Wife* The prisoners saw nothing of either the drago- man or the cook, who were lodged in another part of the camp, and were well treated, as being con- verts to Islam. Dressed food, evidently prepared by Hanna, was brought twice a day to the Euro- peans. While they were having their first meal as prisoners in the camp, just at sunset, they heard distinctly the clanging of the semandron from the monastery, showing that the monks had come out of their hiding-place and had resumed their usual avocations. At the sound many of the Beni Azaleh came to their tent-doors and gazed up at the rocks, muttering curses and threats. Professor Payne and Aylward screened off a portion of the tent for Isha's use, and made as comfortable a bed as they could for Yorke on the floor. His wound had inflamed and become very painful, and feverish symptoms had set in. The Professor during his wandering life had dressed many wounds, the result of fights or ac- cident. He did his best for Yorke, but the heat and uncomfortable surroundings had a bad effect on the wounded man. Isha waited on him all day, relieved at intervals by her father and Ayl- ward. Not being allowed to talk, the artist oc- cupied himself in watching the actions and looks of his young nurse, which seemed to amuse him, for faint smiles sometimes passed across his face. As Aylward sat beside him on the morning after Prisoners* 2 1 1 their arrival in the camp, Isha having given up charge of him to attend to something her father had asked her to do, Yorke beckoned to him to bend down. "Hal," he whispered into his friend's ear, " that girl has lost her heart to you." " Nonsense, my dear fellow," returned Ayl- ward quickly, though a tell-tale flush crossed his face. " It's true enough, Hal," returned the artist. " She can't keep her eyes off you, and listens to every word you say, though she doesn't seem to. You're a lucky fellow, Hal. She's as good as she's pretty and plucky, and that's saying a good deal." Aylward made no reply, and Yorke said no more, but the next time the former spoke to Isha there was something in his manner and in the tone of his voice which made the girl's hands tremble, her color to rise, and her eyes to brighten. Yorke noticed the little scene, and a grin that was compounded half of amusement and half of pain flitted across his pale face. The day following that on which they had been brought prisoners to the camp Professor Payne, Aylward and Yorke discussed together what steps they should take to obtain their lib- erty. It was decided that the Professor should ask for an interview with the new sheikh, and offer him a good round sum for safe conduct to Mar 212 The Finding: of Lofs Wife* Saba. He accordingly spoke to the Arabs guarding the tent, one of whom went off to in- quire what El Jezzar's pleasure was. After con- siderable delay a message was brought that the sheikh would see Abou* Dukhu, which was the name the Beni Azeleh had given the Professor on account of his long white beard. He left the tent, escorted by half the tribe, and was absent about half an hour. On his return his face exhibited mild indignation and some dis- gust. " Well ! how did the ruffian receive you ? " asked Ay 1 ward. " He was present, lying on a carpet in the corner of the tent, but took no part in the pro- ceedings, being too ill. He was in a high fever, owing to his shattered arm. I was received by the mullah and about a dozen of the elders of the tribe. They were civil enough, but I could not get from them any direct answer to our offer, or, indeed, any reply at all. The mullah took the lead in the palaver, though what he condescended to say was very little indeed. I asked him whether he was aware of the probable consequences to himself and the tribe of their lawless acts as soon as the Turkish authorities heard of them. He made no reply, but, stroking his beard, observed piously, ' Please God ! ' I then said that we would overlook their treat- * Father of a beard. Prisoners* 213 ment of us, and would intercede for them with the Pasha, should the matter come to his ears, on condition that they at once released us. Whereupon he remarked, ' Thanks be to God ! * and made no other answer. Finally I promised to pay down one thousand piastres if they es- corted us in safety as far as Mar Saba. To this offer the only reply I got was, ' God is great ! * It seemed to me that they were alarmed at what they had done, and do not know what to do with us, being equally afraid to detain us or let us go. The mfillah was evidently disinclined to commit himself to any promises. He and some of the old men present held a whispered consultation, at the end of which I was told that my offers would be considered, and I should have my answer in the evening." " Is the sheikh in a bad way. Professor ? " asked Aylward. " I examined his wound before I left, at the request of some of the men present, and found him in a very critical condition. The shot had nearly cut his right arm off, and the bones were splintered. They had applied some useless con- coction of herbs, which had only served to in- flame the wound. On removing the dressing, I saw that gangrene was setting in, and that amputation was the only thing that could save him. I proposed it, but of course they would not hear of it, and I had to be content with 214 The Findingf of Lot's Wife* washing and binding up the man's arm. I am afraid his days are numbered." " I suppose I ought to be sorry that it was I who gave him his wound, but I can't truthfully say I am," observed Aylward. " He is a mur- derous scoundrel, whose death will be no loss to the world." " I was much struck with the evil expression of his face. Cruelty, rapacity and lust were written in every line of it. The sight of it enabled me to realize the force of the Bedawin curse : * May God multiply your sheikhs,' " remarked the Professor. " It's a comfort to think, Hal, that there is little chance now of the brute ever forcing that beautiful girl to marry him," observed Yorke, lan- guidly. Aylward explained to Professor Payne and Isha, that his friend referred to the daugh- ter of the late sheikh, and the sister of Selim, whose dreadful death they had witnessed and that she was betrothed, most unwillingly, to El Jezzar. The Professor declaimed against the brutality of the Bedawin to their women, whom they treated with less consideration than their camels and horses. He said that their marriage rites might be described as " Wedded with a wink, and divorced with a kick," and that '^ My babuj * did not fit, so I cast it off," was the way in which * Slipper. Prisoners* 215 an Arab would announce his repudiation of his wife. " I fancy that the man we have most reason to fear is that blear-eyed old villain of a mullah," remarked Ay 1 ward. " I think you are right, sir," returned the Pro- fessor. " He is ill disposed towards us because he looks on us as unbelievers and enemies of God. He is a hadji and is therefore a mixture of fana- ticism and scoundrelism. There is a significant Arabic proverb which says, ' If your neighbor has made the pilgrimage to Mecca, watch him ; if twice, avoid his society ; if three times, move into another street.' " The answer to the Professor's ultimatum prom- ised by the mullah was not sent, though the prisoners sat up till late, hoping to hear be- fore they lay down to sleep what their fate was to be. About the middle of the night, Isha, who was a very light sleeper, was awakened by a slight sound on the soft other side of the camel-hair wall of the tent. The footsteps of some person who was creeping cautiously round to the door were distinctly audible. She at once divined that any one approaching in so furtive a fashion could not have any good object in view, and the terrible thought instantly occurred to her that the Beni Azaleh had resolved to murder them all in their sleep, and that it was the assassin she heard 2i6 The Finding: of Lot's Wife. coming on his evil errand. For a moment her heart stood still, but in another she had quickly but silently risen to her feet, and had stepped out from the recess in which she had lain screened from her companions. She had resolved that if she saw that murder was intended, to give the alarm, and hoped to be the first victim, if it was to be their fate to be massacred. The moonlight shining through the tent-door revealed her father lying asleep on the floor, with Yorke near him sleeping uneasily, and across the doorway lay Aylward, with the moonlight streaming on his face. Isha, as she stepped lightly over him, cast a glance at him that would have made his heart leap could he have seen it. She was relieved to find two men fast asleep at the door of the tent, squatting with their heads be- tween their knees, and their spears stuck in the ground beside them. They had drawn their camel-hair cloaks over their heads, so that the slight sound made by the girl's movements was unheard by them. A fire of camel-bones and dung was burning before the tent. Some dead juniper wood from the salt plain had been thrown on it, apndi)ufned-with/a bluish flame. On coming out of the tent, Isha, with a fast- beating heart, glanced nervously round, half expecting to see a swarthy assassin, with a gleam- ing khanjar in his hand, crouching near. The next moment she started violently, and uttered Prisoners. 217 a low frightened cry, for standing close by, in the shadow of the tent, was a motionless figure. A second terrified glance showed her, to her intense relief, that it was not that of an armed man, but of a tall slender Arab giri. Isha gazed at her in surprise for a few moments, and then saw that she was beckoning to her. She hesitated, for she could not imagine what object the girl could have in coming to their tent secretly at such an hour, but plucking, up courage she stepped out of the doorway, and passing between the two sleeping Arabs, went towards her. The girl turned and led the way to the back of a neighboring tent, where they could not be seen by the guard. Isha saw by the moonlight that she was of re- markable beauty, and that her face was very sad. She knew at once who she was from Yorke's account of her and from her striking resemblance to Stephanos. But for her female dress she might have been mistaken for the martyred boy himself risen from the dead. It was Ay^da. " Does my lord understand the speech of the Bedawin?" asked the girl in a whisper. Isha indicated with a little nod of her head that she did. A. ^--^-^^t^^ I " My lord, I pray you pardon my boldness. I am the daughter of Abd'allah Abou Mansur, who was sheikh of the Beni Azaleh two days ago, but is now dead. I have brought some leben for my lord, the young hakim who is wounded." 2i8 The Finding: of Lofs Wiic* So saying, she handed to Isha a pot full of sour curds. "The hakim will be pleased/' replied Isha, un- derstanding that she referred to Yorke. *' But why bring your gift at such an hour as this, O girl ? " On hearing Isha's voice Ay^da started, gazed ^keenly at her face, and surveyed her from head to foot with obvious surprise and interest. " Because my people would not allow me to bring it in the daytime," she replied simply ; and then she added, after a few moments' silence, " My lord has the voice of a maiden and the face of a maiden, yet my lord is dressed like a man." It was a shock to Isha to find that the keen- eyed Arab girl had penetrated her disguise, and she did not for the moment know what to do or say. She realized that if it was so easy for a young girl to detect her by moonlight, it would be impossible for her to hide her sex from the Beni Azaleh long. She stood in silence for some moments, while Ayeda gazed at her with an ex- pression which showed that some painful thought had occurred to her. Isha decided to confide in the girl, and to trust to her evident wish to be- friend them not to betray her. " 1 am a girl like yourself, and I dress like a man to please my father," she said, in a low voice. " You are doubtless the daughter of the old man whom our people call Abou Dukhu ? " ''Yes, O girl." Prisoners^ 219 "Are you married, O lady?" Isha shook her head. ** Do you love either of the two young lords ? " asked Ayeda eagerly, almost rudely. " We girls of the west think it unmaidenly to speak of such things," replied Isha, with a blush. But the Arab girl did not heed the reproof. " Is it the young hakim, he who is wounded, that you love ? " she demanded in a hard whisper, her eyes shining in the moonlight like those of some wild animal. " No, O girl ; but you must not ask me any more such questions." Ay^da uttered a sigh of relief, and the two girls stood looking at each other for a considerable time without speaking. '* I have evil tidings for you, O lady," said Ayeda, at length. " Let me hear them, O girl," replied Isha, anxiously. "Just after sundown, as I was passing at the back of the sheikh's tent on my way home from milking the camels, I overheard El Jezzar talking about you all. The holy mullah and some of the old men of the tribe were with him. El Jezzar spoke in a very low voice, for he is ill. It is said in the camp that he is dying. I heard him say that if the news of the attack on the monastery and of the capture of the Frank travelers by the tribe reached the Holy City, the Pasha would 220 The Finding: of Lot's Wife. send troops against us, and that only by cutting the throats of all the strangers would we be safe. The mullah, the blessing of God be on him, and the old men present would, however, by no means consent to your death. Then El Jezzar proposed that they should allow Abou Dukhu and his son, that is, you and your father, to go ; but that they should put to death the hakim and his friend, in revenge for the wounds they had in- flicted on the men of the tribe. But to this also the mullah and the others would not give consent. They said that the two young lords had been the guests of the Beni Azaleh, and must not be hurt ; also, that in wounding men of the tribe they had only been defending themselves from attack. Then, O lady, the mullah suggested something, but I could not hear all that was said, for they spoke in whispers ; but this much I heard. You are all to be escorted from the camp to-morrow morning and taken to some place among the moun- tains, I know not where, and there left to find your way out if you are able. When you are gone the camp is to be broken up, and the Beni Azaleh are to return to the Great Desert. I fear me that, though they will not kill you, evil is in- tended, O lady." " Will they not give us horses and food, that we may have at least some chance of making our way to the Ghor?" asked Isha, with a sinking heart. Prisoners* 221 " I know not, O lady ; but I fear that they will take you to some place from which it will not be possible for you to escape." Filled with concern at what the girl had told her, Isha left her, after thanking her for her kind- ness and receiving from her a promise that she would not divulge to her people the fact that one of their four prisoners was a girl in disguise, and crept back to the tent, which she succeeded in reaching without disturbing the guards. She awoke her father, and communicated to him what Ay^da had told her. Professor Payne aroused Aylward, and the two men discussed for some time the alarming news brought to them by the Arab girl. They decided at length that she was probably mistaken in supposing that her people intended their prisoners any harm, and that the Beni Azaleh would probably take them to within a few miles of Mar Saba, and then leave them to find the rest of the way themselves. Comforting themselves with this thought, they lay down and went to sleep again. Very early in the morning they were roused by the two men who had guarded them all night, who entered the tent noisily, shouting, — '* Rise, O Franks ! Men are come to ride with you from the camp. The morning star is shin- ing, and all is ready for the journey that is before you." ' On hearing this peremptory order, which Pro- 222 The Findingf of Lot's Wife* fessor Payne translated to Aylward, the two men rose hastily, and went to the door of the tent. Standing before it, in the bright moonlight, were two horses and two riding-donkeys, saddled ; also two baggage-donkeys, one laden with saddle- bags apparently containing provisions, and the other with two skins full of water. The horses and donkeys were led by armed Arabs, while half a dozen others sat their mares beyond, each man with his long lance in his hand. The mounted men were evidently to form their es- cort from the camp. The Europeans would have liked to have had some food before starting, but the Beni Azaleh were evidently impatient to be off, and the Professor advised that they should make no protest, but start at once. As Yorke could not walk Aylward carried him out in his arms, and lifted him on to one of the two donkeys. Isha, without a word, mounted the other donkey, sitting it as a man would. Aylward was about to help her into the saddle, but a warning look from the girl restrained him. He wished to walk beside his friend, but the Beni Azaleh, to his great wrath, would not allow him, but ordered him to mount his horse, which he at length reluctantly did, realizing that it would be useless to resist. Professor Payne mounted the other horse, and the party started. An Arab led Yorke's donkey by its bridle, while another walked beside him, supporting him. Prisoners* 223 The six armed men rode in front. As they went through the camp, the travelers glanced about them, hoping that they would be joined by the dragoman and the cook, but saw nothing of them. When daylight appeared, Aylward, happening to glance at their escort ahead, saw, with surprise and apprehension, that the leader was El Wahsh, the negro. "Good heavens, Professor!" he exclaimed, turning in his saddle, "the brutal nigger, who murdered that poor boy at the monastery, is in charge of the party ! " " I saw that it was so when we started, sir," replied the old man, riding up to him and speak- ing in a low voice, so that his daughter should not hear. " I fear, from such a ruffian being de- puted to escort us, some villainy is intended." " Oh, for a revolver, that I might put a bullet through the black brute's head at the first hint of violence ! " groaned Aylward. The party had not ridden a mile from the camp when the pain of Yorke's wound became so excruciating that the perspiration started on his face, which grew so pale that his companions thought every moment that he was about to faint. He bore the torture without a murmur, and replied to their anxious questions that he could hold out if only they went slowly. It was evident that Isha was extremely nervous, and was 224 The Finding: of Lot's Wiic* experiencing great discomfort, but she, too, said nothing. The miserable half-starved baggage- donkeys in the rear could scarcely stagger under their loads, and were mercilessly belabored every moment by the Arabs who drove them. They left the salt plain in the midst of which the monastery-rock stood, and rode up a long narrow wadi, on reaching the head of which they began to turn and twist among the defiles and gorges of the arid mountains, apparently going at haphazard, for there was no sign of any path. Suddenly, after they had been in the saddle for three hours or more, Aylward exclaimed, — "I'll be hanged, Professor, if I don't think these rascals are taking us round in a circle ! The sun was at our backs when we started, and we are now facing it ! " Professor Payne, who had been sunk in a reverie, glanced about him in surprise, without replying. " I'm sure that strangely-shaped peak in front of us is the one at the north end of the valley where the monastery is," remarked Isha. " It certainly is," returned her father. " We can't be far from where we started, in spite of our long ride." He then said something in Arabic to El Wahsh, who was riding a little in front. The negro gave a short gruff reply. "What did you ask him, Professor?" said Aylward. Prisoners* 225 " I asked him where we were going, and he said ' Towards God's Gate,' which is a Bedawi's usual reply when he does not wish his destina- tion to be known." At that moment a familiar clanging, vibrating sound, coming from no great distance, was dis- tinctly heard by all the party. " By Jove, that's the semandron at the mon- astery ! " exclaimed Aylward. " I knew that the villains were playing us some trick ; but what can their motive be in bringing us back to the valley by such a circuitous route?" " Perhaps they have lost their way," suggested Isha. " They are not acting as if they had. Miss Payne ; they showed no surprise at hearing the semandron," returned Aylward. Meanwhile, Professor Payne had again ad- dressed the negro leader of the escort, and had received another curt reply, which had produced broad grins on the faces of the other Arabs. "What does the sooty satyr say now? " asked Aylward. " He says that the sounds we heard were caused by evil spirits." " The impudent black scoundrel ! " exclaimed Aylward, indignantly. The party had been riding up a very narrow gorge, the sides of which were formed by lofty terraced cliffs. It apparently led directly to the 226 The Finding; of Lot's "Wife place from which the sound of the semandron had come, and the travelers were momentarily ex- pecting to come in sight of the monastery, when one of the escort, turning in his peaked saddle towards the Professor, pointed with his lance to something a short distance ahead. It was a huge monolith, one face of which had been chiseled smooth and some strangely-shaped characters of gigantic size engraved on it. On reaching the rock the Beni Azaleh all sprung from their mares, and each man touched the rock and then his forehead, exclaiming aloud, " In the name of God ! " ^ "^- -^ Meanwhile Professor Payne was gazing through his spectacles at the strange inscription with the keenest interest. *' What can it be ? ** he mused, aloud. " It is certainly not an Arab tribe-mark. No Bedawi would take the trouble to engrave a mark of such size so high up the face of the rock. It is cer- tainly writing of some sort, though the characters are not like those of any ancient language with which I am acquainted. Gentlemen ! — my dear! this seems to me a most important discovery ! " "They look to me something like Hebrew, though I can't say I know a word of that lan- guage," remarked Aylward, indifferently. " No, sir, they are not Hebrew characters," re- turned the Professor, with something of gentle contempt in his voice. " The inscription is cer- Prisoners^ 227 tainly not in any ancient Eastern language of which we have any knowledge. What if it should prove to be a fragment of a lost language of Canaan, written before Israel entered the Promised Land ! I have never met with any- thing more interesting in all my travels ! " Hastily drawing out his note-book, the excited old savant began to copy the characters on the rock, every line of which was deeply and sharply cut. The Arabs, who had not mounted again, stood looking on, showing no impatience. " Mr. Aylward, look at that curious fissure in the cliff! " exclaimed Isha, suddenly. Aylward had dismounted, and was talking to Yorke, who sat bent with pain on his donkey. On hearing the girl's remark he turned, and looked in the direction she indicated. Behind the inscribed monolith, and hidden by it, was a narrow rift in the face of the cliff, extending from the top of it to its base and fully five hundred feet deep. It was only four or five yards wide, and the entrance was partly blocked by a pile of stones that had fallen from above. " It looks as if the cliff had been riven by an earthquake," observed Aylward. "Do you know, I think that the inscription which father is copying must refer to that fis- sure." " I think it must be the way to the valley where Lot's Wife is supposed to be hidden," re- 228 The Finding of Lot's Wife. marked Yorke slowly, looking up at the great rift with lack-lustre eyes. '• Oh, Mr. Yorke, do you really think that ? " " Oh, nonsense, Noel ! " exclaimed Aylward. "You surely don't believe in that monkish fable?" Professor Payne, who had been carefully copy- ing the inscription on the rock, and had been too engrossed in the work to hear the remarks of his companions, turned round at this moment. " The characters are not unlike the cuneiform Assyrian writings, but I cannot identify a single letter of them," he said, with chagrin in his face. " Father, dear, look behind the rock ! " said Isha. The old savant stepped one side, and gazed at the extraordinary cliif fissure above him for some time in silence. It was evident that he was deeply impressed by it, and that the sight of it had suggested something almost incredible to his mind. " I begin to understand — yes, it must be so," he said at length, turning to the rest of the party, his eyes glittering with excitement behind his spectacles. '' This is, without doubt, the Pass of Many Voices, a narrow way, dark and dangerous, leading to the Valley of Madness, where God placed the Pillar of Salt, according to the ancient scroll in the library of the Monastery of St. Lot." "Oh, father, perhaps this inscription was cut Prisoners* 229 by the monks, and is intended as a warning to people not to approach the spot ! " " It was certainly not cut by them, my dear ; for they would have written it in Greek or Arabic, or some other known language. But I daresay it is a warning of some sort." "Ask the fellows, Professor, whether it was down this passage that their late sheikh rode in search of his lost son," said Yorke, in a faint voice. The old savant did as the artist had suggested. The Beni Azaleh looked surprised at the ques- tion, and glanced at each other, but none of them replied to it. After a few moments' silence El Wahsh, pointing with his lance to the rift in the cliff, said something in a harsh, peremptory voice. When he had spoken, the Professor stared at him in surprise, a look of dismay passed over Isha's face, and Yorke raised his drooping head quickly. " What's the matter ? " demanded Aylward, on seeing these signs of agitation among his com- panions. " The man says that our way lies along the bottom of that rift, and that they cannot come any further with us ! " explained the Professor. There was horrified silence for some moments, and then Aylward ejaculated, — " They can't mean that ! You must have mis- understood the fellow 1 " 230 The Finding of Lot's Wife* " No, sir, that is what he said," returned the old savant mildly. Ayhvard burst into a tower- ing rage. " Tell the scoundrels that we will not enter the passage," he cried, angrily. '' For all we know, it may be a death-trap they have prepared for us. They must take us to the monastery, which can- not be far off, or conduct us to Mar Saba." Professor Payne conveyed to the black leader of the escort what Aylward had said. The fel- low scowled, and growled out in reply some words which made Isha turn pale. " He says that if we do not at once enter the path leading into the cliff, they will drive us into it with their lances," said the Professor, quietly. On hearing this Aylward stormed and threat- ened, but without producing any effect on the Beni Azaleh but black looks and significant shakes of their long lances. He soon saw that all opposition and expostulation were useless, that they were entirely at the mercy of the Arabs, and that continued refusal to do their bid- ding was only to endanger their own lives. Professor Payne meanwhile expostulated with El Wahsh, pointing out that one of the party was wounded and ill, that they had no servants or tents and but little food and water, and that if they went on without guides they would prob- ably lose themselves among the wadis, and die of hunger and thirst. His intimate acquaintance Prisoners^ 23 1 with Bedawin customs enabled him to appeal to their peculiar ideas of honor so strongly, that several of the Beni Azaleh seemed much dis- turbed, and glanced uneasily at each other. Their negro leader, however, remained unmoved. His hideous features wore a look of brutal de- termination, and he took no notice of the old savant's remonstrances. '' I suppose we shall have to give in. Professor ; I see the brutes mean mischief," said Aylward bitterly, seeing what little effect their expostula- tions had produced. " You had better tell them that we will obey their orders, confound them ! We will go down the path till we are out of sight and hearing of them, and encamp for the night, and in the morning we will turn back and make the best of our way to the monastery." Professor Payne informed El Wahsh that they were ready to enter the path he had pointed out. The negro nodded, and said something which the Professor translated to Aylward. " He says we must start at once while the sun is high, that otherwise we shall not be able to see our way. He also says that he and his men will remain here some days, and that should we attempt to turn back we shall be put to death ! " Aylward muttered something between his teeth, and then said, — "Ask the black brute where the path leads to." 232 The Finding of Lot's Wife, The Professor put the question to El Wahsh, who, however, made no reply. " I suppose it is of no use asking the scoun- drels anything," growled Aylward, seeing that the negro had not replied to the Professor's ques- tion. " We must trust to finding a way through or over the mountains at the end of this mysteri- ous path, I only hope it won't prove to be a cul de sac ! " No preparations were needed, and they started at once. Aylward led the way, riding, and lead- ing the provision donkey by the bridle. Isha followed him on her donkey, and then Yorke clinging to his saddle, and Professor Payne brought up the rear, leading the donkey with the water-skins. The horses and donkeys scrambled over the debris at the entrance, and the party found themselves in a narrow gorge that seemed to lead straight into the mountains. When they had gone some fifty paces, Isha exclaimed, — " I'm afraid you will think it silly of me, Mr. Aylward, but I have a strong presentiment that we are going to see something wonderful." CHAPTER XV* The Valley of Madness* For a short distance the path at the bottom of the gorge was almost level, but some two hundred paces from the entrance it began to descend. In some places the great cliff-fissure opened to a width of fifty feet or more, in others it was so narrow that its two sides could be touched with the outstretched arms. The rock- walls rose perpendicularly several hundred feet on either side, overhanging threateningly, or ap- proaching each other so closely as almost to meet, so that no sky was visible above. The path was so choked with boulders and jagged rocks, that Aylward, Professor Payne, and his daughter soon found that it was easier to walk and to lead their steeds than to ride. Yorke, however, being unable to walk, did not dismount and his donkey went stumbling down the stone- strewn path, shaking the wounded man griev- 234 The Finding of Lot's Wife* ously, and causing him intense pain. As they could only proceed in single file, Aylward and the Professor drove the baggage-donkeys before them, leading their own horses. Isha was de- lighted to dismount from her riding-donkey, and trudged along bravely, dragging the unwilling beast behind her. It was with infinite difficulty and labor that the travelers made their way down the ever-de- scending ravine, and their progress was very slow. At times they could scarcely see the path, as the sunlight did not penetrate to the bottom of the deep canyon along which they were crawl- ing. It was toilsome work to scramble over the heaps of rock and loose earth, and to squeeze past the great boulders that barred their passage every few yards. The turnings and twistings in the path were endless. Several times they passed under tunnels formed by the fall of great rocks from above, which had stuck in the narrow gorge without reaching the bottom. The travelers soon understood why the ravine was called the Pass of Many Voices. Its acoustic properties were marvelous. The footsteps of their horses and donkeys were echoed and re- echoed till they seemed like the hoof-beats of a squadron of cavalry. The clattering of the stones and pebbles displaced by the stumbling beasts in scrambling down the steep path sounded like the roar of a landslip. When Aylward shouted The Valley of Madness, 235 at the baggage-donkey he was driving before him, the echoes, in tones of thunder, sprang from rock- wall to rock-wall, till they died away in angry mut- terings in the distance. The blows he gave the obstinate brute, though by no means heavy, were echoed like successions of pistol-shots. The low moans sometimes wrung from Yorke by the torture he suffered from the rough paces of his donkey were multiplied and intensified till it seemed to the horrified party as if they were listening to the groaning of the damned in torment. So instan- taneous and overpowering was the din that followed the slightest sound that the travelers, awe-struck, spoke to each other only just above their breath, but even then, their whispers were caught up and repeated again and again, till the whole gloomy defile seemed filled with voices. They could hear the talking of the Beni Azaleh, who had apparently followed them a little way into the mouth of the gorge, as distinctly as if they were standing beside them, though the two parties were by that time a considerable distance apart. Another thing which was noticed with dismay and apprehension by the travelers was the fact that, as they descended the gorge the air grew hotter and hotter every minute. Secluded as the bottom of the pass was from the sun's rays, and out of reach of the hot wind, it should have been cooler there than on the bare burning hills 236 The Findingf of Lot's Wife* above, but was, nevertheless, infinitely hotter. The heated air did not seem to be rising from the depths below, but was as motionless as in the interior of a closed oven. The temperature was almost high enough to warrant the travelers in believing that they were descending a volcanic shaft. Professor Payne touched the sides of the ravine, and, finding the rock to be not abnormally hot, was satisfied from that circumstance, and for other reasons, that the great heat was not due to seismic agency. He said nothing, but trudged on, glancing round from time to time, hoping to see inscriptions on the rocks around. Yorke rode in front of him, his pallor showing, in spite of his stoical silence, what pain he was enduring, and Isha toiled behind him uncomplainingly, her fair face flushed and her parched lips apart. Pres- ently, Aylward, who, was leading, turned and, wiping the perspiration from his face, said, — " Have you noticed how hot it is getting as we go down, Professor? If it gets any worse I shall begin to think we are descending into the infer- nal regions ! ** The echoes instantly caught up and repeated his last words, and cries of *' 'fernal regions ! 'fernal regions ! " rose on all sides, as if troops of gnomes were mocking them. As Aylward spoke he glanced towards Yorke, and saw him, livid to the lips and with closed eyes, swaying in his saddle. He at once sprang The Valley of Madness. 237 ^ to his friend's assistance, and caught him in his arms as he fell forward in a swoon. The pain of his wound, the long ride, the want of food, and the intense heat had at last conquered the artist's dogged determination not to give in to the faint- ness he had felt coming on him. Aylward laid him down with his head on an extemporized pil- low which Isha hastily contrived, and, drawing some water from a skin carried by one of the baggage-donkeys, dashed it on the unconscious man's face. In a few minutes he recovered and sat up, but was so evidently unfit to go on, that, anxious as they all were to get out of the gorge into the open air, they determined to rest and re- fresh themselves before continuing the descent. They ate a few dates, which they found to be the only food that the Beni Azaleh had provided for them, and drank thirstily of the dirty, mawkish water in the skins. After an hour's much needed rest they resumed their journey. Yorke was lifted on to his donkey by Aylward, who walked beside him, supporting him, while the Professor, aided by Isha, drove the other horses and don- keys before them. Their progress was now even slower than be- fore. The gorge grew so dark that they had almost to feel their way, and the piles of rock- debris that obstructed the path seemed at times to make all further advance impossible. The heat, too, increased so much that the horses and 238 The Finding of Lot's Wife donkeys began to hang out their tongues and to show signs of distress, while the four travelers gasped at every step, and staggered on, half- blinded by the perspiration which streamed into their eyes. They were beginning to fear suffoca- tion, when Aylward suddenly gave a shout, which was repeated like claps of thunder by the echoes. "Look, Professor!'* he exclaimed, ''there is light ahead ! We shall be out of this awful place soon. Another hour of it would be our death." The echoes shouted threateningly. '' Death ! death ! " " I pray God we may find open country when we emerge from this extraordinary ravine. We must find some other way out of the mountains. By this path we can never go back," replied the old man in gasps. The echoes took up his last words, and cried exultingly, " Never go back ! never go back ! " The light in front of them grew stronger every minute, and at length the exhausted travelers reached the bottom of the frightful gorge along which they had been traveling for some six hours. Aylward helped Yorke off his donkey, and all the travelers threw themselves panting on the ground, too worn out by the heat and fatigue even to glance round to see in what kind of country they had arrived. They lay mo- tionless for a long time with eyes closed and mouths open, inhaling in gasps the hot air. Isha I The Valley of Madness. 239 had turned very pale, and both she and Yorke looked more like corpses than living persons, the only evidence of life they exhibited being their faint breathing. Professor Payne was the^first to stir. He sat up, and after carefully wiping his glasses, which were dimmed with perspiration, looked round him anxiously. Aylward just then opened his eyes, and rising stiffly to his feet also gazed at the scene before them. Neither of the two men spoke for some minutes. It was by this time late in the afternoon ; but the blazing sun was still in the white hot sky. Its rays were streaming over a broad but much broken up valley, surrounded by lofty irregular cliffs. The sunlight shone on the mighty rock- rampart along the eastern side revealing immense fissures and huge inaccessible caverns in its face. The other side was a dark wall, a thousand feet high, throwing deep black shadows over the plain. Above the cliffs rose mountain ranges, their crests worn into many fantastic shapes. At the far end of the valley stood a huge cliff of black basalt, apparently sloping outwards over its base, its square summit looking like some gigantic fortress. The cliffs were scored here and there with what looked like the marks of extinct waterfalls that had been dry since the days of the Deluge. The bottom of the valley was a white waste of salt, in some places as hard as marble, and in others as soft and crisp as 240 The Finding: of Lot's Wife. snow. Patches of sponge-like volcanic cinders and lines of black flints lay here and there on the plain. Contorted by earth-heavings, burnt and eroded by a never-clouded sun, fissured and fur- rowed by everlasting drought, the scene was one of surpassing desolation. ** If this is the Valley of Madness, I must say its appearance justifies its name," observed Ayl- ward at length, panting as he spoke. " I have never looked on a scene of such grim grandeur. It is truly an ' abomination of desola- tion,* " replied the old savant, with dry lips. " Have you the least idea where we are, Pro- fessor! " " I cannot say that I have, sir. All I am sure of is that we must be now two thousand feet at least below the level of the sea." " I thought as much from the time it took us to come down that awful pass. It is a bit start- ling, though, to realize that the top of that tre- mendous rock in the distance is only about sea-level. The fact that we are so much below the surface accounts, of course, for this perfectly awful heat. What do you suppose the ther- mometer would stand at here ? " " A hundred and twenty degrees in the shade, at the least." " If we are so deep down, thero ought to be a lake in this valley, if only a salt one like the Dead Sea." The Valley of Madness. 241 "Not necessarily, sir, I should judge this to be an almost rainless region. What little rain fell would be at once evaporated." " It will be a poor look-out for us if we do not find water soon or a way out of the valley. The water in the skins will only last us a few hours more." " As soon as the sun sinks behind the cliffs we must search for water, looking for springs at the heads of the wadis or for rain-water in the clefts of the rocks," replied Professor Payne. " If we find none by midnight, which, I fear, is but too probable, we must at once seek a path up the cliffs." " It will be awful work riding about this red- hot valley, even at night," groaned Aylward. " The air is evidently very dry here, and I am inclined to think that as soon as the sun goes down the radiation of heat will be very rapid, in which case the night will probably be extremely cold," said the Professor. " All the better ; anything is better than this unbearable heat," returned Aylward. The two men then turned their attention to their companions. Aylward bathed his friend's face with water, and Professor Payne did the same for his daughter. In a few minutes Yorke and Isha were suflficiently recovered to sit up. They were not able to do more than sip the tepid fluid which Aylward served out, and could not 242 The Finding: of Lot's Wife* touch the dry dates which he urged them to eat. He and Professor Payne munched a few, more from a conviction that they ought to fortify themselves against any privations which they might be called upon to endure, than because they had any appetite. As soon as the shadows of the cliffs covered the plain, the travelers left the mouth of the terrible pass down which they had come, and began the search for water. They mounted their horses and donkeys, for they were' too fatigued to walk. Before they started, Aylward gave each of the evidently suffering animals a small quantity of water, which act of humanity seriously diminished their stock of the precious fluid. It was soon evident that there were no human beings living in that desolate valley. There were no signs to indicate that any living things had ever drawn breath there before. No birds flew overhead, and no earth-creatures, not even reptiles of the lowest form, showed themselves. There was not a tree, or a bush, or a blade of grass to be seen anywhere. No streams or pools were visible, or even any dry depressions on the sur- face showing signs that water had once stood there. Not a breath of wind was stirring. Deep silence reigned through the valley ; even the echoes seemed to be dead. The travelers rode along the western side of The Valley of Madness. 243 the valley. Though they were in the shadow of the cliffs, the heat was still very great. They could feel it radiating from the white marble-like surface of the plain, making their faces burn. Professor Payne, who had been looking about for signs of water, in which, from long experience of desert-traveling, he had become an adept, happened to glance down, and at once uttered an exclamation. They had just come on a stretch of white crisp salt, and going across it, all in one direction, were a great number of footprints. " Look, Mr. Aylward," he exclaimed, dismount- ing from his horse hastily, " here is a strange thing indeed ! " " The track of a caravan, by all that's marvel- ous ! " ejaculated Aylward, amazed at this very unexpected sight. Professor Payne, bending over the footprints, examined them through his spectacles with in- tense interest. So absorbed was he in scrutiniz- ing them that he did not hear Aylward's question, twice repeated, asking whether he was able to make out whose they were. At length he raised himself with a look of wonder on his face that was solemn in its intensity. " I can scarcely credit it — it is almost too mar- velous for belief ! Yet they cannot be anything else," he exclaimed aloud, but addressing himself. " I thank God that it has been permitted to me to see so wonderful a thing ! " 244 The Finding: of Lot's Wife. "What is it, Professor?" asked Ay 1 ward in surprise, while Isha added in a tired voice, ** Have you discovered anything, father dear?" ''Yes, indeed I have, my dear," replied her father. " Mr. Aylward — Mr. Yorke — my dear," he continued, turning to each, " you see before you, on that soft salt soil, the footprints of men who have been dead many hundreds of years." Aylward stared at the old man, too surprised to be able to make any remark. Yorke gazed at the mysterious footprints with expressionless eyes, while Isha, seeing how pleased and excited her father was, smiled a wan smile of loving sym- pathy. " Dismount, sir, and tell me what you make of them," said the Professor to Aylward, whereupon the young man alighted and examined the marks in the salt with a puzzled air. "They are queer-looking footprints, I must say," he remarked. " You may think me demented, sir, but I am quite convinced that these marks were made hun- dreds of years ago, probably by men who, like ourselves, had accidentally found their way into this wonderful valley," said the Professor. " These," he continued, pointing to a series of club-footed marks, " are doubtless the footprints of one of that misguided class of eremities which flourished in the ninth century, who cut off their fingers and toes for the honor and glory of God, The Valley of Madness* 245 poor creatures; and these, I am sure, are the foot- prints of some mail-clad crusader, and these again were made, I doubt not, by the caligae of Roman soldiers. Here are the footprints of the sandals, slippers and naked feet of men of many nations, some of which were made, it may be, two thou- sand years ago, and others but a few hundred years back. Nevertheless, they look as if they had been made but yesterday. It is truly mar- velous ! " The old savant's face beamed with pleasure as he spoke. " But how is it that these marks have not dis- appeared centuries ago?" asked Aylward, with an incredulous smile. *' Because the ordinary effacing agencies of nature are absent here. Apparently no rain ever falls, the air is perfectly still, and does not, I fancy, contain a particle of moisture. There are no animals to trample on the marks, or in- sects to burrow under them. It may seem to you, sir, absurd, but I firmly believe that our own footprints that we are now making will, if undis- turbed by human beings, remain distinct and recognizable till the crack of doom or till some change takes place in the climate here." " By Jove, there are the marks of a horse's hoofs!" exclaimed Aylward, looking down on the stream of footprints. '* They must be those of the old sheikh's mare, when he descended into the valley in search of his son. There can be no 246 The Fmdm§f of Lot's "Wife* doubt now of the truth of the story that girl told you, Noel." " I never doubted it, Hal," returned the artist, faintly. " Where were all these people going, father? " asked Isha. " That we have yet to learn, my dear. It is a strange circumstance that the footprints all point one way. Not one of these ancient wayfarers ever turned back," replied her father solemnly, as he remounted his horse. The travelers resumed their march, following the broad trail of footprints. By this time dark- ness had begun to descend over the valley, and as Professor Payne had predicted, the tempera- ture began to fall rapidly. When the moon rose, which was about two hours after sunset, the air was so cold that the travelers were glad to wrap them- selves in blankets which formed part of the load which was carried by one of the baggage-donkeys. Just after sunset the party witnessed a strange phenomenon. A blaze of light suddenly ap- peared on the opposite side of the valley and floated along the base of the cliff southward. It seemed like a gigantic will-o'-the-wisp and its weird light illuminated brightly the rock-wall above, shining into the dark caverns and glancing over the great rocks and boulders at the foot of the cliffs. The travelers halted and gazed at the extraordinary spectacle. The Valley of Madness, 247 " What is it, Professor? " asked Aylward, much impressed. " It is no doubt caused by electricity produced by the extreme dryness of the air. I have seen something like it before in the Nefood desert, but on a smaller scale," replied the old savant, gaz- ing at the mysterious light with much interest. The phenomenon was repeated at least a dozen times during the earlier part of the night. The travelers followed the track of human footprints till they lost it on hard ground about half-a-mile beyond the spot where they had come on it. They continued their ride till midnight, going up the valley on the western side. They looked in vain for any indications of water, though they examined every likely place they passed ; nor did they see any opening in the cliffs up which a path might be found out of the valley. The moonlight was so clear and was so brightly reflected by the white salt plain that everything could be seen almost as distinctly as by day. It now became evident that the whole party, including the horses and donkeys, were utterly worn out. Yorke sat his donkey in a sort of stupor of exhaustion, and Isha rode half asleep, in momentary danger of falling off. The ne- cessity for keeping a sharp look-out for water and for some outlet from the valley had sustained Professor Payne and Aylward, but they both felt now that they could not go any further. The 248 The Findingf of Lot's Wife* horses and donkeys, with hanging heads and lol- ling tongues, crawled along rather than walked. About midnight one of the baggage-donkeys lay down and its example was immediately fol- lowed by its fellow. The donkey staggering under Yorke showed signs of being unable to keep its feet much longer. They were at the time close to a deep, low-mouthed cavern at the foot of the western cliffs, and decided to stay there for the night. Aylward carried Yorke into it and laid him down at its further end. Professor Payne and Isha dropped out of their saddles, rather than dismounted, and followed the two men. In a few minutes all four were fast asleep on the hard floor, wrapped in their blankets. They had been too exhausted to unsaddle or un- pack their horses or donkeys, or to hobble them, and the wretched beasts had collapsed outside, and lay quivering and panting. When the day 'broke, Aylward, rising with ach- ing limbs, went to the mouth of the cave, and looked out. He glanced to the right and left and all round, and his face assumed a look of sur- prise and then of alarm. The horses and don- keys had all disappeared ! The thirsty creatures had no doubt wandered off in search of water. Uttering an exclamation, Aylward ran out a short distance into the plain, and looked up and down the dim valley ; but no animal was in sight. Much disturbed, he returned to the cavern and The Valley of Madness. 249 roused Professor Payne, whose troubled face showed his deep concern at the news the young man bought him, though he said nothing. The two men hurried out into the plain, and for several hours wandered about, looking for the strayed horses and donkeys. The ground all round the spot where they had stopped for the night was as hard as stone, and they could not find any tracks or traces that afforded them any clue as to the direction the animals had taken. They were at length forced by the intense heat to return to the cavern ; but did not do so till the scorching rays of the sun had blistered their faces and cracked their lips, and the glare had in- flamed their eyes and half-blinded them. It was a miserable day that the three men and their girl-companion spent. Even in the dark cavern the heat was suffocating. Outside, the whole plain glowed and radiated heat like a fur- nace. Yorke lay unconscious in the furthest recess of the cave, fanned assiduously by Isha with a folded handkerchief. The girl's face was drawn and white in spite of the heat ; but she suffered in silence. Her father and Aylward, their faces flushed brick-red, lay on the floor try- ing to sleep, but finding it impossible to do so, from the pain in their parched throats. Towards afternoon it became evident that heat-apoplexy was threatening Professor Payne, the result of ex- posure to the sun in the morning. He complained 2SO The Finding of Lot's Wife* of violent headache, and soon after began to talk in a disjointed, incoherent fashion, being ob- viously unconscious of what he was saying. His daughter, leaving Yorke to Aylward's care, went to look after him, for his condition terrified her. She sat beside him, holding his hand and fanning him, talking lovingly to him the while. As the fiery heat of the day began to subside the Pro- fessor grew less restless and rambling in his talk, and at length dropped off into an uneasy slumber. Isha herself dozed, leaning against the wall of the cave. Late in the evening, Aylward, who had also fal- len asleep, heard his name called in a terrified voice, and waking with a start, found Isha stand- ing before him, her face full of consternation. *' Oh, Mr. Aylward, my father is not here ! I am afraid he has wandered away in his delirium, while I slept." Staggering to his feet, the young man hurried to the cavern-mouth and looked round. Dark- ness had begun to settle over the still heated plain, and he could see nothing of the old man. He ran out into the plain two or three hundred yards and shouted hoarsely, '' Professor ! Profes- sor ! " but no answer came back, not even the echo of his own voice. After some minutes he returned to the cave, at the mouth of which stood Isha, gazing anxiously up and down the valley and listening intently. The Valley of Madness. 251 " Oh, Mr. Aylward ! " she exclaimed, in a chok- ing voice, " he will lose himself among the ravines and rocks ! I must go in search of him at once ! " " You must not go by yourself. Miss Payne ; I will come with you," replied Aylward. " But we cannot leave poor Mr. Yorke alone ! It would kill him to awake and find us all gone ! " " I am afraid it can't be helped. Miss Payne. We will make him as comfortable as we can before we start, and hurry back as soon as we have found your father. I do not think he can have gone far." They went into the cavern together, and did what they could for Yorke, moving the uncon- scious man into a more comfortable position and rearranging the extemporary pillow on which his head lay. Aylward tore a leaf out of his note- book, and writing a few lines on it, explaining what had happened, put it on the floor near the artist, with a stone on it. He and Isha then left the cave to look for the Professor. The golden glare of sunset had died out of the sky ; but the brilliant starlight enabled the young man and his companion to see their way without difficulty. CHAPTER XVI. Ay^a's Devotion. Soon after midnight, Yorke was awakened by the cold, from the fever trance into which he had fallen. The rest had eased his wound, which was now less painful, and the fever had left him. He felt extremely weak, but his head was clear, and he lay for a few minutes thinking of all that had befallen him and his friends during the last few days. Soon he became conscious of a raging thirst. The terrible heat of the past day and the fever between them seemed to have evaporated all the moisture of his body. He turned slowly on the blanket on which he lay, and tried to say, "Some water, Hal, for goodness' sake ! " but his tongue felt like a piece of leather in his mouth, and his dry lips refused to frame a word. He lay still for a moment and then tried again to call his friend to him — but he only succeeded in mak- ing a ghastly inarticulate chuckling sound. Not Ay^da^s Devotion^ 253 receiving any answer, he concluded that his com- panions were all asleep. His intolerable thirst, however, impelled him to try again to obtain relief. So, with an effort, he raised himself by his arms, and sitting upright on the floor, looked round for the water-skin. It was not till he had sat for some time gazing about him that he fully realized the startling fact that he was alone. The moonlight was shining brilliantly into the cavern, every recess and nook of which was visible. Not only was it certain that there was no one beside himself in the cave, but there was nothing to show that it had ever been occupied except the three blankets lying on the floor. The shock of this discovery was so great that Yorke sat for a long time in a dazed condition of mind, trying to think what could have happened. It occurred to him that his companions were possibly camping at the mouth of the cavern, in order to watch their horses and donkeys, and to guard the baggage. Rising with much difficulty, he staggered out of the cave, supporting himself by its walls. On coming out he saw at a glance that his conjecture had been wrong. His friends were not there, nor could he see any signs of them or of the animals. He knew that Aylward would never leave him to his fate, and terrible thoughts rushed into his mind as to what might have happened to him and the others. After a 254 The Finding: of Lot's "Wife* few minutes' reflection he resolved to go and look for them, though he felt that, in the condi- tion he was, he could not hope to go far. He first went back into the cavern, and made a short search, thinking it possible that his friends had left some water for his use, but he did not find any. In his excitement and alarm he did not see the note left for him by Aylward, which was partly hidden by the stone placed on it, and so missed the clue to the unaccountable disappear- ance of his companions. Leaving the cave with his blanket wrapped round him, he crept out on the plain, staggering at every step like a drunken man, and groaning with the pain his wound gave him. About the middle of the plain was a patch of snow-like salt. Here York stopped exhausted and dropping to the ground looked dreamily about him. The whole valley was bathed in moon- light, and he could see a great distance ; but not a living- thing was visible. The cold was very great, but he did not feel it. As he lay gazing about him, he heard, to his great relief, a long clear cry, " Lul-lu-lu ! lul-lu-lu ! " which seemed to come from a great rock that stood alone in the plain some two or three hundred paces distant. He at once recognized it to be an Arab camel-call, and responded, uttering a feeble, quavering " coo-ey," which, however, was audible at a great distance in the deathlike still- Ay^da's Devotion* 255 ness. A moment later he heard an answering cry, and saw two dark objects appear from behind the solitary rock and advance towards him. The moonlight soon revealed that one of the objects was a camel stalking sulkily along with its head down. It was not till they were close to him that the artist saw, with amazement, that the slender, graceful figure that walked before the camel, leading it, was that of an Arab girl and that it was Ayeda. On seeing him the girl uttered a cry of joy. " O my lord, thanks be to God, that I have found you ! " she exclaimed. It was some moments before the artist could persuade himself that it was the daughter of the old sheikh of the Beni Azaleh who stood before him, and that he was not the victim of some fever-dream. " Is that really you, Ayeda ? " he gasped out at length. ** It is indeed I, my lord," she replied softly, smiling with pleasure at hearing herself addressed by name by the young man. " Have you any water, Ayeda ? I am parched with thirst.'* '^ I have brought some for my lord," she re- turned eagerly ; and detaching a small goat-skin which hung from the camel's neck, she put its leathern mouth to Yorke's lips, who drank greed- ily. The dirty tepid fluid seemed to him more 256 The Findingf of Lofs Wife, delicious than the finest champagne he had ever quaffed. It gave him for the moment strength and hope, and his natural voice returned to him. " You have saved my life, O bright-eyed one ! " he said, gratefully. *' Do you know where my friends are?" he added. " My lord, I know not. It may be that God has punished them by allowing the jin to carry them off for leaving my lord alone in the wadi, wounded and dying of thirst." "No, no, Ayeda! They did not leave me to die. We have somehow got separated. Where are the rest of your party? " " My lord, there is no one with me." *' Did none of your tribesmen come with you ? " asked Yorke, in surprise. " No, my lord." *' You ventured all alone into this awful place ? Why did you come, O girl with a man's heart ? " '' To look for my lord," replied Ayeda simply, her eyes brightening at the young man's praise. " But how did you manage to leave the camp and to find your way here ? " " My lord, when I learned that the men of my tribe intended to take you and your friends to some terrible place among the mountains, and to leave you there to perish, I came to your tent in the camp at midnight, and warned the daughter of Abou Dukhu, she who is dressed like a man, of the evil thing intended. Then I went and Ayeda's Devotion* 257 roused El Hakwatieh, the fat one, also the little old Syrian, the servants of my lord, and told them that my people would assuredly cut their throats after their masters were gone, whereupon they, being terrified, cried to me to assist them to escape. I consented, and one hour before dawn we three left the camp, taking with us a bag of dates and a skin of water, and made our to the wadi that descends to the plain. On our way we came on this old camel, which my people had abandoned on account of its age and infirmities, and secured it. When daylight came we hid behind some rocks, making the camel lie down. We saw you all come from the camp, escorted by El Wahsh and the others, and you rode past close to where we lay. We followed you till you stopped at the mouth of the ravine where stands the great Rock of Writing. We saw the men of my tribe force you all to enter the dark passage, and waited for them to go away, that we might follow you ; but they remained there, in order, doubt- less, to prevent your return. All day we lay in concealment, watching them. We heard the bell of the monastery twice, and knew therefore that it was not far distant. When the moon rose, I proposed to the two men with me that we should creep past El Wahsh and the rest, who were asleep, and enter the gorge into which you had gone. But the men were afraid, and leaving me alone, departed to make their way to the 258 The Finding of Lot's Wife* monastery, after giving me a portion of the dates and of the water. When they were gone I, lead- ing the camel, advanced to where the seven men lay, and, by the favor of God, succeeded in pass- ing through them without being seen. After going a short distance down the path, I stopped, for the darkness was like a wall before me, and the 'daughters of the voice' mocked the sound of my feet and, it seemed to me, even the beat- ing of my heart. When daylight came I went on, and God guiding my steps, I entered this valley and found my lord." " You have done what few men would have dared to do. If I live, you shall not have cause to complain of my ingratitude, O brave and beautiful one ! " said Yorke, deeply touched by the devoted girl's simple story. Ay^da said nothing, but her sparkling eyes and smiling lips showed her pleasure at hearing the artist's words. " Will not El Jezzar, on discovering your escape, follow you here ? " asked Yorke, after a pause. " No, my lord ; he is dead. As I left the camp I heard the women of his tent raising the zulghut, the death-cry." "But perhaps others of the tribe will follow you?" " No, my Lord ; it has been settled by the mullah and the elders that as soon as the Franks had been got rid of, the camp should be broken Ayeda's Devotion^ 259 up, and the tribe return to the Great Desert. The Beni Azaleh are doubtless now on their way there. Moreover, why should they trouble them- selves about a girl who has neither father nor brothers, nor any other male kin left alive?" added Ay^da, bitterly. The girl's voice had been getting gradually fainter, and she spoke the last words in a very low tone. Yorke saw that she was standing in an attitude of weariness, and that her beautiful face was drawn and thin, making the great dark eyes look unnaturally large. " You have done more than what you had strength for, Ay^da ! You look as if you can scarcely stand, and half starved," he said, much concerned at her appearance. '' It is true, my lord, that I have had little to eat or drink since I left the camp ; but my lord forgets that we children of the desert are accus- tomed to fatigue and hunger and thirst." She did not tell him how the dragoman and the cook, unable to restrain themselves, had con- sumed the greater part of the slender supply of dates and water which they had brought with them, and how, since they had left her, she had eaten and drunk scarcely sufficient of the share they had given her to support life, fearing that it might be wanted for the man she had come to rescue from death. '' Will it please my lord to mount the camel, 26o The Finding of Lot^s Wife* and I will lead it and take you back to the mon- astery, to be healed of your wound," she said. " I cannot go without my friends, Ay^da." '' My lord, to stay in this wadi another day, wounded and weak as you are, will be your death." ''Then I must die, Ayeda. I cannot desert my friends." " If my lord wills it, I will go in search of them." " Help me up on the camel, Ayeda, and I will " No, lord, you would fall off from weakness ere you had gone a dozen paces. It is better I should go. If I do not find them, I will return at daybreak. My lord must stay here till I come." So saying, Ay^da climbed on to the camel's back, and rode off. After she had long disap- peared from view, Yorke could hear her musical cry, " Lul-lu-lu ! " in the far distance. Refreshed by the water he had drunk, he sat wrapped in his blanket, looking anxiously about him and listening intently. But the exertion he had just made began to tell on him ; red-hot pains began to run through his wounded limb, and his fever returned strongly. He grew worse every minute, and ere an hour had passed was stretched in an unconscious state. The day had just begun to dawn when Ay^da Ayeda's Devotion* 261 returned. She was so exhausted by her night's wanderings and the want of food and water, that when she slipped off the camel she swayed where she stood, for some moments unable to walk for weakness. But, at length, mastering her faint- ness, she advanced to where Yorke lay, and shaking him gently by the shoulder, said, in a faint, hollow voice, — '' My lord, I have not found your friends. Arise, the day is dawning, and we must leave the wadi at once." The artist did not reply, and the girl saw that he was unconscious. For some moments she gazed at the prostrate figure despairingly ; then taking her camel by its rope bridle, she led it close to him. The brute was very old and thin, all its ribs were visible, and its hump had almost disappeared. It was very mangy, and what little hair it had was clotted with filth. Ay6da or- dered it to kneel, whereupon it bent its swollen joints with difficulty, tucked its splay feet under it, and lay down with angry grunts. As it knelt, the vicious brute turned its wry neck and after gazing malevolently at her with its drunken- looking eye, drew its pendulous lips over its yellow fangs, and tried to bite her. She struck it sharply on the nose, whereupon it roared in- dignantly. Taking up the unconscious young man in her slender arms, the girl, with an effort that made her tremble and gasp, laid him on the 262 The Findingf of Lofs Wiic. camel's back. It had no saddle, but with a long rope which she had brought, she contrived to tie Yorke securely on the brute's bare back, across which he lay like a sack. She then made the camel rise, and leading it by its bridle, started up the valley towards its northern end. The old camel could only walk at a funeral pace, being lame, and Ay^da was so utterly worn out, that it was only with difficulty that she could drag her weary limbs along. They had not gone half a mile when the sun rose over the eastern cliffs, and the burning hot day began. The scorching rays streamed on the back of the unconscious man lying across the camel's bony back, and Ay^da saw that death would soon follow such exposure. She led the camel to the base of the cliffs, under the shadow of which they trudged on for another hour, by which time the valley was full of blinding light and the heat intense. Ay^da knew that the mouth of the gorge, for which she was making, could not be far off ; but realized that it would be madness to continue the journey during the heat of the day. She therefore led the camel under an overhanging rock, which gave some shelter from the sun, and making the brute kneel, lifted Yorke off its back, and laid him tenderly on the ground. Then unslinging the skin, which now contained only a small quantity of warm, stinking water, she seated herself, with his head in her Aycda's Devotion^ 263 lap, and began to moisten his lips and to bathe his face and throat. Not a drop did she drink her- self, though her whole emaciated frame quivered at the touch of the moist water-skin. In a short time Yorke began to show signs of returning con- sciousness, whereupon she poured a small quan- tity of water into his mouth, which he swallowed in spasmodic gulps. Presently he opened his eyes, but lay a long time looking up at the beau- tiful face above him without speaking. At length he asked, with an effort, — " Did you find them, sweet one ? " Ay^da shook her head. There was another long silence, and then the artist said, — " Ayeda, I am dying." The girl tried to reply, but the pain in her contracted throat prevented her uttering a sound. At the third attempt she said, in a sort of hoarse whisper, — " Let not my lord say so ! " " Ayeda ! " said Yorke again, after a pause dur- ing which he seemed to be unconscious. " I am here, my lord." " Did you really leave your people, and follow me into this oven of a place, to come to my help ? " " It is true, my lord." " And your people will cast you out, and you will have no home and no kindred ? " " Even so, my lord." 264 The Finding: of Lot's Wife* There was a long silence, and then Yorke said faintly, — " Ay^da ! " " I listen, my lord." " Do you love me ? " " Yes, my lord," replied the girl simply, with a smile that was infinitely tender and infinitely wan. " If we escape with our lives, will you go with me to my own country, and be my wife ! " asked the artist, taking the girl's small brown hand in his feeble grasp. Ay^da did not reply at once. With her other hand she caressed his face, and after some moments said softly, — " I will go with you, my beloved. Your peo- ple shall be my people, and your tent my tent." The exertion required for this short conversa- tion, and the happy shock she had experienced when Yorke asked her to be his wife, were more than the girl's little remaining strength could support. She did not faint, however, but sat a long time in a sort of stupor, only dimly realizing that some great happiness had befallen her. She was roused by the young man's voice saying, — "Give me water, Ay^da." " It is here, my beloved," she replied, pouring a few drops from the water-skin into his mouth. *' You must be thirsty yourself, sweet one ! Quench your thirst before the sun drinks all the water." Ay^da's Devotion, 265 " I am not thirsty, my beloved," replied the girl, though every word caused a spasm of pain in her dry throat. Hour after hour of that dreadful day passed, and still Ayeda sat motionless, but unconscious most of the time, with the young man's head in her lap. Yorke did not speak again, but gradu- ally sank into such a state that the girl feared more than once that he was dead, and was only reassured by feeling the faint beating of his heart. He scarcely breathed, and there was no movement of his black, swollen lips. Around them, beyond the shadow cast by the rock, the plain glowed like a lake of white lava. The heat seemed to heave round them in slow moving waves of colorless fire, but there was nothing that the wounded man and the exhausted girl could do but to sit still and suffer. The old camel lay with its neck and nose on the ground, motionless but for the occasional twitching of its thick lips. At last the sun sank behind the cliffs, and it was possible to venture out into the plain. Gently raising Yorke's head from her lap and laying it on the ground, Ay^^da rose to her feet, lifting herself with the help of her hands, and looked despairingly round ; but no help was in sight. She tried to lift the young man on to the camel, but to raise him from the ground was now quite beyond her strength. Taking him by the shoulders, she dragged him towards the recum- ^t 266 The Finding of Lot's Wife. bent animal, and by dint of repeated efforts managed to get the apparently dead body of the artist across its back. Having succeeded in this, she lay panting for a long time, utterly unable to rise to her feet. At length she crawled to the camel's side, and made Yorke's limbs fast with the rope, lest he should fall off. She then tried to give the word to the camel to rise but nothing but inarticulate clicking sounds-came from her dry lips. The obstinate brute did not move, and when the girl struck it with her feeble hands, it merely turned its hideous head towards her threaten- ingly, and did not rise. Suddenly, however, it rose with ungainly celerity, for Ay^da had be- thought herself of a little sharp-pointed imple- ment she carried, and had stuck it up to the head in the brute's lean flank. Staggering to her feet, she seized its rope bridle, and once more led the way towards the northern end of the valley. Exhausted to the last degree, panting with the awful heat, and suffering excruciating pain from thirst, the dying girl held resolutely on, though she swayed like a reed at every step. Her wasted form, trembling limbs, and hollow star- ing eyes showed that the end was near at hand. But, sustained by intense love for the man who, if they both lived, was to be her husband, she fought desperately against the death-swoon which she felt was creeping over her. Suddenly she saw with fast-fading eyes something ahead Ayeda's Devotion* 267 which caused her to givG a choking cry of joy. It was a deep black rent in the face of the cliff, extending from its base to its summit. She rec- ognized it to be the mouth of the gorge by which she had descended into the valley. The devoted love, courage and endurance that had carried the Arab girl through so many perils and privations could no longer support her. She tottered on a few paces, hoping to reach the gorge before she dropped, but suddenly her strength failed her, and she sank to the ground, letting the camel's bridle go as she fell. The brute did not stop, but plodded steadily on towards the mouth of the gorge. Ayeda looked after it with glazing eyes. " Go on, go on, O camel ! Take my lord in safety to the monastery ! " she tried to cry after the animal, but only succeeded in uttering a series of choking meaningless sounds. Leaning on one arm, she watched the camel till it reached the Pass of Many Voices, and dis- appeared into it with Yorke lying unconscious and helpless across its back. " O my lord ! O my beloved ! " cried Ayeda hoarsely, as she fell forward dying. She lay still for some moments, then raised her head a little, and looked wildly round. A slight convulsion passed over her face, and the next moment her great dark eyes had closed in death. CHAPTER XVn. Lot's Wife. The last lingering gleams of sunset were dying out of the western sky when Aylward and Isha left the cave in search of Professor Payne. The silver glow in the east, preceding the rising of the moon, had not yet begun to appear, but the myriads of stars jeweling the dark vault above gave ample light. Every rock and boulder on the white waste round was visible for a consider- able distance. On leaving the cavern Aylward stood irreso- lute for some moments, in doubt as to the direc- tion they should take. Away to the north stretched the long lines of cliffs, till they were lost in the darkness of night. At the south end of the valley rose the great fortress-like rock, black and awful in the indistinct light. Aylward determined to go in its direction, thinking that, as it was the most prominent object in sight, it Lot's Wife* 269 may have caught the Professor's eye, when he wandered out of the cave in his delirium, and have attracted him towards it. He told Isha of his reason for going south in their search, and they started. Walking side by side, they skirted the base of the cliffs, following the line that seemed the natural one for Professor Payne to take if he had gone in that direction. They entered every cavern they found in the cliffs, and peeped into every fissure and crevice and behind every boul- der. Aylward scrambled several times to the top of masses of debris lying at the foot of the cliffs,- and gazed anxiously over the plain, but nothing was in sight but blocks of rock salt and black boulders. He and Isha shouted frequently with hoarse and feeble voices, but no answering cry came, not even the echoes of their shouts. They glanced on the ground constantly as they walked, hoping to come on the Professor's footprints, but the hard marble-like plain showed no traces. Several times during the earlier part of the night they saw the mysterious electrical light which the whole party had watched with much interest the night before. It sometimes floated along the base of the cliffs on the other side of the valley, but more often they saw it gleaming in the distance. Once it came from behind, and flamed round them so brilliantly, that every object was as clearly visible as at noon-day. 270 The Finding of Lot^s Wife* Their hearts stood still, as the weird white light flashed by, but they felt no shock, and were none the worse for the startling phenomenon. Aylward and Isha had been on foot some hours when the moon rose. As soon as the sky began to lighten they stopped for a short rest. The air had by this time become very cold, but neither of them, in their anxiety, felt it in the least. They sat on the salt-encrusted ground almost in silence, for both were impressed by a sense of some great calamity impending over them, and moreover their contracted throats and dry mouths made talking painful. Aylward said a few words from time to time, to encourage his companion, but only half-heartedly, for he had too high an opinion of her common-sense and courage, to attempt to hide from her how desper- ate he considered their position to be. In his heart he hoped that her father had already gone the way which, he felt sure, the rest of the party would soon have to follow, that she might be spared the anguish of seeing him die. Though the girl said little, it was obvious that she was deeply distressed. She gazed about continually with troubled, anxious eyes. Every now and then she fancied she saw something moving in the distance, and gazed at the object eagerly, only to realize, after a few moments, that her excited imagination had deceived her. Aylward observed her pale, agitated face, sad, tearless eyes, Lot's Wiic 271 and twitching mouth, with deep but silent com- passion. As they sat together at the base of the cliffs the moon rose over the mountains, and shot her silver beams into the dark valley. The light slowly descended the illuminated face of the cliffs, till it touched the plain, across which it began to creep. Aylward now rose to his feet. " It is time we went on, Isha," he said. He had addressed her by her Christian name quite unconsciously, but the girl, though anxiety for her father occupied her thoughts to the exclusion of almost everything else, instantly noticed it. A flush, visible in the moonlight, crossed her face, as she replied softly, — " I am ready, Hal." On hearing this reply, the young man turned quickly, and gazed eagerly into the girl's face. Then stepping forward, he put his arm round her and raised her to her feet, saying tenderly, — '' Let us start, then, dear." He did not remove his arm from her waist, and they recommenced their search, he support- ing her, while she walked beside him with her arm over his shoulder, clinging to him. He did not kiss her or utter another word of endearment, yet the young man and maiden understood each other perfectly. They were content to realize that they loved each other, and felt that it was no time for protestations and caresses. 272 The Findings of Lot's Wife. Leaving the ch'ffs, they began to cross the moonht plain towards the great square rock at the end of the valley, the frowning features of which were now visible in their gloomy grandeur. Half a mile of snowy salt-waste stretched before it, glistening in the moonlight. They had gone only a few paces over the soft crisp salt which crepitated under their feet, when Isha uttered a little cry, for she had caught sight of a stream of footprints on the white ground ahead. They hastened to the spot, and saw that the marks were those they had seen the previous day, at the northern end of the valley. The prints of sandals, slippers and other foot-coverings of many shapes and sizes, and of naked feet, some without toes, were clearly impressed on the salt, all pointing towards the great rock. " Look, dear ! " exclaimed Aylward, pointing downwards. Among the stream of ancient foot- prints were the marks of a pair of square-toed boots of obviously modern make. On seeing them Isha's lips moved convulsively, but she was for the moment too overcome to be able to say a word. At length she sobbed out, " Thank God ! oh, thank God ! " This discovery put new life into the pair, and they hurried across the white plain, following the trail. As they neared the other side they came on a long double row of rocks piled on one an- other in such a way, that they looked in the Lot's Wife* 273 moonlight like mighty walls built by giants. They walked up the middle of this cyclopean street, following the footprints till they came to a series of low terraces like a titanic flight of steps. At the top of the terraces stood a strangely- shaped solitary rock, looking like a huge hand with the forefinger uplifted warningly. They were now close to the cliff, and became aware that it overhung its base so much as to form a stupendous cavern below, the black rock- roof of which was many hundreds of feet high. They saw that they were actually within the mighty cavern, though the base of the cliff was still distant two hundred paces or more. On ascending the rock terraces they stopped at the top and looked eagerly round, hoping to see the old man of whom they were in search standing near, but saw nothing of him. At the far end of the cavern, in the shadow of the clifT, was what looked like the mouth of an inner cave of considerable size. As Professor Payne had certainly ascended the terrace-steps, and was not in the cavern under the cliff, it seemed certain to Aylward that he must have gone on into the inner cave. He accordingly started across the hard stone-strewn floor of the cavern, supporting Isha, who, as she momentarily expected to see her father, was trembling with anxiety. When they had gone half across the cavern they simultaneously stopped and gazed 274 The Finding: of Lot's Wife^ ahead with startled faces. Lying on the rock- floor all round the mouth of the inner cave were a number of dark motionless objects. When, with hesitating steps and beating hearts, they ventured to approach these objects, they found them to be dead bodies. The light was suffi- ciently strong to enable them to see that they were those of men dressed in strange garments such as no human being had worn for hundreds of years past. Near them lay a crusader in splendid armor, whose golden-crested helmet and embossed cuirass and greaves glinted brightly. Round him lay a number of men-at-arms, whose spears and swords lay on the rock beside them. All round lay strangely clad corpses, citizens of ancient Rome and Greece, in their plain dark robes ; legionaries with shields on their arms, and Greek archers bow in hand ; turbaned Saracens grasping curved scimitars ; Assyrians in tasselled garments, long curled hair and beards in cases ; shaven-headed Egyptians in semi-transparent linen clothes and thin sandals with turned-up toes ; Persians in baggy breeches, long coats and pointed hats ; Christian devotees, long-haired and long-bearded, some with self-mutilated hands and feet, and all clasping crosses to their sunken breasts ; Arabs, negroes, and men of many other nations, some of which had long been extinct. Scores of bodies lay around, all sleeping the sleep which in the Lot's Wife. 275 case of most had already lasted centuries. Not a garment was displaced, not a particle of dust rested on any of the motionless figures, not a speck of rust dimmed the polished armor or the arms lying on the rock. Each hollow mummy face had the same expression on it — one of over- whelming horror such as would remain on the faces of men who had died mad with terror. It was a dreadful sight, and Aylward and his trem- bling companion stood for some moments look- ing on with horror in their faces and fear in their hearts. *' Oh, Hal, why should they all have come here to die ? " whispered Isha, in terrified tones. " I can't imagine, dear," returned Aylward, also in a whisper. ** It is the most awful sight I ever saw ! " "Oh, Hal, where can my father be?" wailed the girl. " He must be in that cave yonder," replied Ayl- ward, indicating the great black hole in the cliff- wall before them ; and then he added hesitatingly, glancing round with a shudder: "It may be that there is water there, and that it is poisonous, and that all these men died through drinking of it." Isha uttered an exclamation of alarm, and slip- ping out of her lover's encircling arm, hurried towards the inner cave. His words had raised a terrible fear in her heart that her father, in his 276 The Finding of Lot's Wdc. delirium and raging thirst, might have entered it to drink of the deadly water that was possibly there. A prayer rose to her lips that they might not be too late to prevent him slaking his thirst at the cost of his life. Aylward followed the girl, who, picking her way through the dead bodies which lay thickly round the mouth of the dark cavity, entered it, crying aloud, — "Father! father!" The cave appeared to be about fifty feet high. How far it extended into the cliff could not be seen, for the end of it was hidden in impenetrable darkness. It was bitterly cold inside, like the in- terior of an ice-cave. Undeterred by the awful gloom and silence of the place, and scarcely noticing the cold, Isha advanced into it a few paces, followed by Aylward, and stopped. She stood straining her ears for some sound indicat- ing her father's presence, while her companion listened intently, expecting to hear the splashing or dripping of water. But not the slightest sound broke the death-like stillness that reigned around. Isha now ventured further into the cave, feeling the way with her feet, for the re- flected moonlight shining in at its mouth did not penetrate far into the darkness. She had just cried again in a loud whisper, " Father! father! " when she became conscious that somebody or something was standing before her, dimly visible in the semi-darkness. In another moment she saw Lot's Wife* 277 that it was her father, and that he was standing motionless with his back towards her. The girl choked with joy, and was about to spring for- ward to embrace him, when a strange and terrible thing took place. A ray of what seemed to be moonlight, but which was of a more intense whiteness, suddenly streamed into the cave. It was a flash of the electrical light which they had seen several times that night. It lasted only for a moment, but for that space of time the whole cave was brilliantly illuminated from end to end. Aylward and his companion saw that they had penetrated nearly to the centre of a great cavern of salt. The floor was like the purest alabaster, and from it sprang snow-white salt pillars of fantastic shape, which seemed to support the lofty white roof. Great stalactites of delicate beauty and exquisite purity hung from the walls. The elec- trical flash was reflected blindingly by millions of salt crystals strewn through the cave. The glare of light that had illuminated the cave had revealed something more than its fairy- like loveliness. Isha's horror-struck eyes had seen in that momentary gleam something that struck her motionless and speechless with fear. Standing in the centre of the cave, on a block of marble-like salt, was a dazzling white statue so life-like in attitude and expression that it seemed to be moving. Of such blinding brill- 278 The Finding ^f Lofs Wife. iancy was it that no human eye could gaze long on it without risk of loss of sight. It was the figure of a very beautiful, though not very young woman, tall, and of graceful form. She was leaning slightly forward, as if in the act of run- ning, and with her left hand she was holding up her long tunic, as if to free her shapely limbs, which were exposed up to the knee. Her outer robe seemed to be flying behind her, revealing beneath it the cincture confining her tunic below the breasts. She wore a curious head-dress like a tiara, while her throat, wrists and ankles were laden with a profusion of barbaric ornaments. Her bare right arm was extended in an attitude of fear, and she was looking backwards over her shoulder. There was an expression in the marble-white face, a look of immeasurable, unutterable horror, which seemed to freeze the blood in Isha's veins as she gazed on it. Every feature of the awful face, its terror-drawn muscles, fixed staring eyes and convulsed mouth, was imprinted on her mind for ever. The appalling sight so terrified her, that for several seconds after the light had passed she stood as if rooted to the spot. Then, forgetful of everything else in her fear, she turned, and fled shrieking out of the cave. On reaching its mouth, Isha stopped and glanced round ; to her unspeakable dismay, she found that her father and her lover had not fol- Lot's Wife. 279 lowed her. She stood listening for a few mo- ments, with her white face half turned towards the outer cave, and her foot out, ready to con- tinue her flight. Not a sound came from the darkness within. Scarcely able to frame the words from fear, she gasped out, — " Father, oh, father ! Mr. Aylward ! Hal ! " No reply came to her agonized cries and her heart almost stopped beating as she listened again. The stillness of death reigned around. Again she cried to her father and to Aylward, in tones of despairing entreaties, to come out, but no answer came. That some terrible thing had happened to them, she felt certain, nevertheless the devoted girl determined to return into the cave, where the awful thing stood in the dark- ness, in search of the two men. With face distorted with fear, and wildly beating heart, she went steadily back towards the spot where she had stood when she saw the sight that had so horrified her. As she walked on into the increasing darkness, terror took such hold of her, that she was about to turn and flee again, when she caught sight of the two men a few feet before her, standing motionless as statues. Springing forward, she seized first her father and then Aylward by the hand, and cry- ing, " Come, come ! oh, come ! " drew them towards the mouth of the cave. As they turned to leave it, Isha saw that the strange flashing 28o The Finding of Lot's Wife* light was again coming. A moment later the whole cave was brilliantly lit up from floor to roof, but not for the world would the terrified girl have looked again on the awful figure in it. With averted face, she dragged her two compan- ions out of the darkness into the outer cavern, and stood there panting with her exertions and fear. '* Oh, Mr. Aylward, why did you stay in that dreadful place ? " she gasped, as soon as she found voice to speak. To her surprise the young man made no reply. " Hal ! " she whispered, laying her hand on his arm, " did you see that awful thing ? " Aylward did not respond. *' Hal ! Hal ! speak to me ! " cried Isha, now greatly alarmed at his silence, but the young man did not say a -word. Fearing she knew not what, the girl peered into his face. The light* was but dim, but she saw there a look that it had not worn a few minutes before, a fixed stare of frozen horror. She pressed her hand to her heart, and for some moments was unable to speak. She then turned to the Professor. " Father, dear ! " she said, quaveringly. The old man took no notice of her, but only stared at her with the same look of intense horror in his eyes. With clasped hands and white face working with agitation, Isha stood looking from one to Lot's Wife^ 281 the other of her silent companions, then glanced round her despairingly Scores of dead men, strangely clad, lay round her ; and it seemed to her exyted imagination, that they were all watch- ing her with their sunken, shriveled eyes. Sud- denly s,hesaw, with a throb of pain that seemed to pierce her heart like a knife, that the expression which now contorted the faces of her father and her lover, were the same as those on the dead faces turned to her. She realized at once what had happened. The awful white figure in the icy-cold salt cave was Lot's Wife ! The sight of the dreadful face had deprived the two men of their reason. All the dead men round her had, doubtless, centuries before, looked on the Wo- man of Salt, and had died mad in consequence. Falling on her knees in her despair and distress, the girl prayed fervently for help. It was a silent, wordless appeal to God, for in the tumult of her feelings she could not express her helpless misery.. > On rising to her feet she took her father and Aylward by the hand, and led them out of the great cavern, down the terrace steps, and through the rows of rocks into the plain. The two men accompanied her unresistingly, but in silence and with fear-convulsed faces. Isha now stopped to consider what she should do, but it was some minutes before she could collect her thoughts. The shock she had received by the sight of Lot's Wife, the awful calamity 282 The Finding of Lot's Wife* which had befallen her father and the man who, she knew, loved her, and the deadly peril they all stood in, so confused her that for the time her mind refused to work. At length she decided that their only chance of saving their lives was to find the gorge by which they had entered the Valley of Madness. She knew that it was at the northern end of the valley, and accordingly started off in that direction, leading the two men by the hand, as if they were children. The moon was by this time high in the heavens, and its light flooded the whole valley. They crossed the white plain, following the track of the footprints, and then skirted the cliffs on the eastern side. They went very slowly, for the girl was exhausted with fatigue and grief. As they passed by a mass of debris lying at the foot of the cliffs, Isha saw something move below a shelving rock. On approaching the object, she saw, with intense relief and deep thankfulness, that it was one of the donkeys which had strayed the night before ; the one that carried the water-skin. The other baggage- donkey lay among the rocks, a little further off. Both were evidently dying ; their dry tongues were hanging out of their leather-like mouths, and their eyes were glazing. Leaving her com- panions, the girl turned towards the nearest animal, .and found that the goat-skin on its back still contained a few mouthfuls of water. With Lofs Wife. 283 a sob of joy she seized it, and hastening to her father, held it to his mouth. He drank mechan- ically, but with obvious relief. She then held it to Aylward's lips, and he drank the remainder, gulping it down without evincing any sign that he was conscious of what he was doing. Isha then squeezed a few drops out of the sodden and evil-smelling skin into her mouth, and felt a little refreshed, though her thirst was still intense. Hanging from the other donkey's pack-saddle was the bag of dates which the Beni Azaleh had provided. With these the girl fed her compan- ions as if they were helpless children. She also ate several herself, but with difficulty, her mouth being so dry that she could scarcely masticate them. Day began to break when they reached that part of the valley where they had spent the pre- vious day. Isha soon found the cave in which they had left Yorke, and entered it hastily, to see how the young man was. To her surprise and dismay, she found it empty ! Not only was the artist not there, but she could not find any- thing that gave the smallest clue as to what had become of him. The blankets they had wrapped themselves in the night before still lay on the floor, and near them was the pencil-note which Aylward had left. The stone he had placed on it was still there, showing that the scrap of paper had not been seen by Yorke. The girl's first 284 The Finding of Lot's Wife* idea was that some wild beast had carried the artist off, but there was no sign of any struggle, and she reflected that it was improbable that any animal could live in that burning, waterless region. She decided that he must have wan- dered away either in search of his companions, or while he was delirious, but felt utterly incapable of going to look for him. , Knowing that in an hour or two it would be impossible for them to continue their journey, and being utterly worn out from fatigue and want of sleep, Isha decided to spend the day in the cave. She led her father and Aylward to the dark end of it, and after tying handkerchiefs to their wrists and securing the ends to her own, so that if either of them attempted to leave the cave she would be awakened, she threw herself on the rock-floor, and at once fell into a sort of swooning sleep which lasted many hours. It was afternoon when she awoke and the in- terior of the cave was like an oven. She sat up gasping for air and giddy. Her companions were crouching on the floor beside her, like uncom- plaining dumb animals, though the haggard look on their terror-struck faces showed how keen were their sufferings. They appeared to be as unconscious of each other as they were of the girl in whose care they were. Isha could not bear to look at them. The burning day at length came to an end. Lot's Wife* 285 and the shadows of evening began to creep over the plain, though there v^as little abatement of the heat. As soon as she thought it safe to venture out, Isha, leading her companions by the hand, left the cave, and they continued their weary tramp towards the northern end of the valley. As they walked the girl glanced about from time to time, hoping to see Yorke some- where near or to come on his tracks, but found no trace of him. They had gone about half a mile, when she came across the unmistakable foot-marks of a camel, and beside them the prints of a small human foot. She stood gazing at this unexpected sight for some minutes, trying to think what it meant. The thought that the tracks of the camel might lead to some Arab en- campment made her heart bound. They led northward, and Isha, with rising hope, followed them, half leading and half dragging along her companions. The daylight had almost gone when Isha, look- ing ahead eagerly, saw something lying on the white surface of the ground close to the cliffs. On reaching it she saw, to her horror, that it was the body of an Arab girl. Uttering an exclama- tion, she stooped and gently raised the girl, and then saw, to her intense surprise and dismay, that it was Ay^da, the beautiful daughter of the shiekh of the Beni Azaleh. " Why do you lie there, O girl ? Are you ill ? " 286 The Finding of Lot's Wife* she asked in Arabic, in a trembling voice. Ayeda made no reply, and Isha saw, with a pang at her heart, that she was dead. Life had left the slen- der, graceful body but very recently, for it was still warm. For some minutes Isha stood gazing down at the dead girl with compassionate but tearless eyes. Wondering in a vague dazed way, what had brought the poor creature alone to that awful valley, she again took her companion's hands and led them on, following the camel's tracks. She had not gone three hundred paces further, when suddenly she became aware that yawning before her, in the cliff opposite, was the dark lofty mouth of the Pass of Many Voices. She recognized at once the narrow black rift in the cliff-wall. The surface of the plain at this spot was all slab rock-salt, on which the tracks of the camel were lost, but Isha felt sure that the animal had made for the gorge, and accordingly went straight towards the cliff. In a few minutes she and her companions were standing at the entrance to the dark defile. Glancing up the gorge, now steeped in impenetrable darkness, the girl saw that it would be madness to attempt to ascend it till daylight came again. There was no alterna- tive but to stay where they were for the night. By this time it was very dark, and the only light in the sky was that shed by myraids of brilliant stars. Lofs Wife. 287 While Isha was looking for some place where they could lie down, her eyes fell on a strangely- shaped object not far off. On approaching it, she saw that it was the camel whose tracks she had been following. It was lying down, and had something on its back. Seized with a sudden fear, Isha turned towards it, and saw that some man was lying like a sack across the creature's back. A moment later, she saw that it was Yorke's apparently inanimate body. It wanted but this sight to fill the unhappy girl's cup of trouble and sorrow to the brim. She felt sure that the artist was dead, for his jaw had fallen, his eyes were open, and his tongue protruded. No tears came to her eyes, for her troubles had now passed the weeping stage ; but every line of her wan-drawn face expressed grief and despair. She stood gazing at the old camel, with the motionless man on its back, and at the two stricken men whose hands she held, with a sharp pain at her heart, and a sensation in her throat which seemed to choke her. She was so stupefied by the shock of this discovery that it did not strike her as strange that she should find the body of the artist fastened to the back of a recumbent camel, with no one in charge, nor did she connect the Arab girl she had just seen lying dead in the plain, with the circumstance. Suddenly, as she stood there, she heard a sound which caused her to turn her head quickly 288 The Finding of Lot's Wife. and glance up the dark gorge with parted lips and dilated eyes. It was a loud, confused sound, which evidently came from a great distance. Presently, to her inexpressible joy, she heard a human voice, and then another, but was not able to distinguish the words spoken. The talking ceased, after a few moments, and then came through the darkness, a deep clear musical voice, upraised in sacred song. It seemed to the girl's enraptured senses like the hymn of a seraph singing in glory, yet the voice seemed familiar to her. The unseen singer had not concluded the first verse, before Isha knew who he was. It was Brother Manon, chanting in stentorian tones a psalm in Greek. The words came pealing down the black gorge, every one as distinct as if spoken at her ear. " They wandered in the wilderness i7t a solitary way ; they found no place to dwell inT " Hungry and thirsty ^ their soul fainted in themr " Then they cried unto the Lord in their troubled ^^ And He delivered them out of their distress'' " And He led them forth by the right way'' " Oh, that men would praise the Lord for His goodness." ^^ And for His wonder ful works to the children of men." Isha heard no more. She realized that help was at hand, and sank to the ground fainting. CHAPTER XVm. ' The Pass of Many Voices* ISHA never knew how long she lay uncon- scious on the ground. When her senses returned to her, she became aware, from sounds she heard around her, that their rescuers had found them. She overheard a voice that she instantly recog- nized, say in tones of amazement and hor- ror, — " Mr. Ilwud ! Mr. Ilwud ! what for you look- ing like t'at? You not know me? Georgis, dragoman ! " And then she heard him ejaculate in Arabic : *' Ya allah ! my master is mad ! " Isha opened her eyes and made an unsuccess- ful effort to sit up. A man who, she saw, was Brother Manon, was bending over her. He carried a nearly burnt-out torch in his hand, the light of which streamed over his dark, honest face, which expressed concern and compassion. On seeing the girl open her eyes, and the look of 290 The Finding of Lot's Wife. joy and relief that came into them, he smiled reassuringly. ** Thanks be to God ! My lord's senses have returned to him," he exclaimed, in his deep, clear voice. "Water! " muttered Isha, with dry lips. Brother Manon placed the torch he held up- right in a crack in the rocky ground, and pres- ently the girl felt her head gently raised, and a gourd of water put to her lips. She drank eagerly, but before she had satisfied her consum- ing thirst, the monk took the gourd from her, saying,— " It is not good to drink much at first, my lord. Moreover, there is but little, and we must husband it." Isha had, however, drunk sufficient to relieve the contraction and burning sensation in her throat, and other painful effects of thirst. Greatly refreshed, and feeling as if new life had been given to her, she staggered to her feet. Brother Manon helping her. She expected to find a number of monks from the monastery present, but on glancing round, she saw by the flickering light of the torch-end burning on the ground, that their rescuers consisted only of Brother Manon, Georgis the dragoman, and Hanna the cook. The monk had the gaunt, haggard appear- ance of a man who had been on foot for several days and nights. The dragoman did not look so The Pass of Many Voices. 29^ fat and important as usual, while the old cook's face wore an alarmed expression, instead of its ordinary air of peevish discontent. Georgis and Hanna were staring affrightedly, and in silence, at their master, and at Professor Payne, who gazed back at them with horror-filled unrecogniz- ing eyes. Taking the gourd from Brother Manon's hand, Isha tottered towards her father and placed it to his mouth. When he had drunk a little of the water, she did the same for Aylward. The two unfortunate men drank without showing any sign of relief or pleasure, except that a sort of convulsion seenied to seize them in the throat, when the water touched their lips. "Mister Art'ur, w'at dreadful t'ing is t'is? Why my master not speak to me ? Why he look like one mad fellow?" asked the dragoman, in an awed whisper. "Nay, my lord, do not speak," interposed Brother Manon. " You are too exhausted and ill. Lie down again and rest. We will do what we can for my lords, your companions." "But where Mister Yok?" ejaculated the dragoman, as if it had suddenly struck him that the artist was not present. Isha pointed towards the spot where the camel lay, and then overcome with faintness, sank to the ground, and lay in a semi-conscious state. Having put a folded blan- ket under the girl's head. Brother Manon, fol- 292 The Findingf of Lot^s Wife* lowed by the other two men, went in the direc- tion indicated by her, and found the camel with Yorke lying across its back. The dragoman and cook loudly expressed their surprise and horror at the position and condition in which they had found the artist. The three men unbound his hands and feet, and taking the apparently dead body off the camel, carried it to where Isha lay motionless and with closed eyes. They then tried to restore the apparently dying man to consciousness, moistening his mouth and'bathing his face with water, but their efforts were unsuc- cessful. While they were thus engaged, the torch went out. When Isha awoke from the sleep of exhaustion into which she had fallen, and sat up, pitch dark- ness and deep silence reigned around her, and it was bitterly cold. Startled at finding herself alone, as she thought, she uttered a cry of fear. She was assured by hearing the voice of Brother Manon saying quietly, — " Be not alarmed, my lord, we are all here." ** Did you bring no light? " the girl asked. " Only the torch I happened to have with me, and it went out soon after we found my lord. There is here no wood with which we could make a fire." "What is the hour, friend ? " "It must be some hours after midnight; the day will dawn ere long." The Pass of Many Voices. 293 "Are my father and the other gentleman near? Are they safe ? " " They are here and safe, my lord." Isha crept towards the monk through the ebon darkness and felt for her father's hand. She found him lying down, but, though she passed her hand softly over his face, could not tell whether he was sleeping or not. She then felt timidly for Aylward's hand, and took it, together with her father's hand, into her own. For the rest of that weary night she sat clasping their hands, fearful lest either of them should wander away unseen in the darkness. Just before daybreak she heard Brother Manon stirring, and soon after overheard him repeating his morning prayers. After going through the prescribed offices, he prayed fervently, but in low tones, that God would deliver them from death, and bring them safely out of their troubles. Isha understood the words, and silently prayed with him. When the monk had finished his prayer, she said, after a short silence, — " Are you awake, friend ? " " Yes, my lord." "Have you any water left? I am parched with thirst." " There is a portion remaining, but drink spar- ingly, my lord. We shall have to go through much fatigue ere we reach the monastery." So saying, the monk handed the girl the gourd 294 The Finding: of Lot's Wife. of water. She drank only a very little, and re~ turned the vessel to him. He then gave her a handful of dried raisins and a piece of barley bread, which she ate with avidity on being assured by the monk that there was more for the others. ** It needs not to ask what has befallen the no- ble ones, your companions," observed Brother Manon. "They have doubtless looked on the Woman of Salt?" " How know you that, friend?" asked Isha, in surprise. " Father Polycarp told me, on the morning of my arrival at the monastery, of this accursed valley, and of the certain fate of any man who entered it and looked on the awful thing hidden of God there." " O brother ! will my father and his friend never recover their reason and speech ? " cried the girl, despairingly. " Fear not, my lord. Within three days, if it please God to keep them alive till then, your father and the other noble ones shall be restored to health of mind and body." "But how, friend?" ejaculated Isha, filled with hope and joy on hearing this positive state- ment. " There is, in the church at the monastery, a most holy relic, the very touch of which will bring to his senses any man who may have been struck mad at the sight of Lot's Wife." The Pass of Many Voices. 295 "But I saw the awful thing myself! How was it that I too did not lose my senses ? " " I know not, my lord. Father Polycarp said that no man could look on the face of the Woman of Salt and retain his reason. But it may be that God, in His mercy to your youth, spared you." Brother Manon did not ask any questions as to all that had befallen Isha and her companions in the Valley of Madness, or evince any curiosity as to the appearance of Lot's Wife, thinking doubtless that it would be sinful to discuss so awful a mystery. " How fared you in your journey to Jerusalem, friend ? " asked Isha. " But badly, my lord," responded the monk. '' I reached the Holy City on the everting of the third day, and went forthwith to the house of the English consul. He was at meat with his friends, and sent word, when I craved audience of him, that he would see me in the morning. I replied that the matter was urgent, and that life and death depended on my seeing him at once. Whereupon he granted me a hearing, but being anxious to return to his friends, he treated me with scant courtesy. When I began to set forth in order all that happened, he interrupted me, bidding me to be brief. As soon as he under- stood the matter, he asked me a number of ques- tions. On my speaking of the Monastery of St. 296 The Finding of Lot's Wife. Lot, and that it was but three days' journey dis- tant, he laughed and said that he had no knowl- edge of it. When I stated that I knew not the names of the English gentlemen who had fallen into the hands of the Bedawin, and that I did not bring any letter from them, he refused to hear me any further, but bidding me apply to the Pasha for help, left the chamber abruptly to return to his friends. Whereupon, I went to the Pasha's palace, and after much difficulty, for I had nothing wherewith to bribe his attendants, obtained admission to him. He heard what I had to say in silence, but when I informed him that the armed men who had seized the monas- tery and taken captive the English travelers were Beni Azaleh, he called me ' lying Christian dog!' for that the Beni Azaleh lived in the Great Desert beyond the Euphrates. I swore to him by the Most Holy Name that I spoke the truth, nevertheless he ordered his kavasses to drive out the ' mad monk,' and I was accordingly thrust out. Seeing that it was ordained of God that I should get no help from those in au- thority, I left the Holy City to return to the monastery. As I neared my journey's end, at sunset yesterday, I met the two men, your ser- vants,, who informed me of the wicked and cruel act of the Bedawin in forcing their masters to descend into this accursed valley. Whereupon I persuaded them to accompany me down the The Pass of Many Voices* 297 gorge to search for you, bringing such food and water as we had. Praise be to the God, the All- merciful, we found you all alive." Soon after Brother Manon had ceased speak- ing, the first signs of returning day appeared. It was not, however, till some two hours after sunrise, that sufficient light penetrated the gorge to enable them to see their way. While waiting for the light, the monk and the dragoman dis- cussed together how Yorke, who was still un- conscious, was to be conveyed to the monastery. The latter suggested that the camel on whose back they had found the artist should be made to carry him. He went to where the brute lay with outstretched neck, and beat it unmercifully with its bridle-rope, to make it rise, but the creature merely twitched its thick lips and rolled its sunken eyes, but did not move. At length the monk cried to the dragoman to leave it alone, as it was dying. He then proposed that he should himself carry the wounded man on his back. ** Lack of food and hard travel during the past few days have taken some of my strength from me, but, with the help of God, I will carry the gentleman to the monastery," he said. Meanwhile Isha had remembered the dead Arab girl lying on the plain, and spoke of her to Brother Manon, who at once went to see the corpse. He was much amazed and deeply grieved 298 The Finding of Lot's Wife* to recognize it to be the body of the sheikh's daughter and the sister of Stephanos, the young martyr ; the girl who had risked her life to draw him out of the brine-pit into which he had de- scended to save the traitorous ex-monk. Kneel- ing beside it, he fervently commended her soul to God, and then, with the help of the dragoman, buried the body in the salt soil. On their return to the gorge Georgis and Hanna, assisted feebly by Isha, lifted the uncon- scious body of the artist on to Brother Manon's broad shoulders, and they started. Isha led her father by the hand, followed by the dragoman leading Aylward, while the cook brought up the rear, carrying their scanty supply of food and water. The descent into the awful valley they were now leaving had been difficult enough, but the ascent of the pass was more fatiguing. The brawny monk led the way, carrying Yorke. He went resolutely on and up in silence, but his straining muscles and labored breathing, told how severe was the task he had undertaken. It was well that the artist was of slight build, and much reduced by his illness, or Brother Manon's task would have been an impossible one. The perspiration streamed down the dragoman's fat face, but he did not grumble, though he panted and puffed lustily. Only once did he open his mouth, to exclaim dolefully, " Verily, this is the The Pass of Many Voices* 299 road of the sweater!" He was unremitting in his attentions to his stricken master, never letting go of his hand, and helping him gently over the rough places. The cook followed, muttering to himself, and then listening shudderingly to the echoes of his murmurs. For several hours they made their toilsome way up the gloomy ravine, stopping frequently to rest. At length Isha, who was on the verge of swooning again from exhaustion, cried to Brother Manon that she could go no further. The party accordingly halted, and throwing themselves on the rough path, stretched out their aching limbs. When they had rested a little, each of them drank a mouthful of water and swallowed a little of the dry food they had, after attending to the wants of the three helpless men. They continued their journey in the afternoon, and by nightfall had ascended half-way up the pass. As soon as darkness came on they stopped for the night. The twelve hours of darkness that followed, were to Isha the most dreary and unhappy that she had ever passed. She could not sleep, but lay awake watching her father and Aylward, whom, at her suggestion, her companions had secured with the camel-rope, to prevent their wandering away during the night. Hour after hour passed in total darkness, but not in silence, for the gorge was filled with the thunderous 300 The Finding of Lot^s Wife. echoes of the dragoman's snores and the old cook's nervous coughs. About midnight, Isha was startled by hearing a faint voice say, — " Hal ! " *'Did you call, Mr. Yorke ?" she asked, for she recognized the voice. " Is that — you. Miss Payne ? Where — are we ? Are we still in that — awful valley?" " No, Mr. Yorke, we are on our way back to the monastery, and we camped for the night in the ravine by which we descended to the valley." '' Is Ay^da— all right?" Isha knew that it would distress the young man deeply to hear the girl was dead, and was thinking how she could best tell him, when he spoke again. "You know — whom I mean — don't you, Miss Payne? Ay^da — the Beni Azaleh girl — who came to the valley — all alone — with a camel — to look for me ? " " She is not here, Mr. Yorke, " replied Isha, gently. " My God !— don't tell me she's dead ! " ex- claimed Yorke. Isha did not reply, and there was silence for a long time. She thought that he had relapsed into unconsciousness, but presently she heard him cry again, " Hal ! " Not receiving any reply, the young man cried out again in a broken voice, — " Hal ! Hal ! are you dead, too ? " The Pass of Many Voicesl .^\V^°^ " No, Mr. Yorke, Mr. Aylward is here, but he is — asleep," said Isha, chokingly. There was another long period of silence, and then the artist began to talk again, but was obvi- ously delirious. He evidently fancied, from the noise of the echoes, that he was in the camp of the Beni Azaleh. He called out his friend's name several times, and spoke as if answering questions from him. But it was the name of the dead Arab girl which was on his lips most in his delirium. He murmured continually words of admiration and praise in Arabic, but sometimes in English. Such expressions as " O pearl of beauty ! " '^ O gazelle-eyed ! " ''Sweet one ! " " Brave girl ! " were repeated over and over again, till the echoing gorge seemed to be full of whis- pering lovers. Isha listened with tears in her eyes. She understood now why the sheikh's daughter had left her tribe and had descended alone into the burning valley ; that it was love for the man who now lay murmuring her name un- consciously which had made her come in search of him and give her life for his. The wearied girl had begun to think that the sun would never rise again, when the gradual lightening of the gloomy defile told her that the day had broken. She roused her companions, and they continued their weary climb, but it was not till late in the afternoon that they reached the top of the ravine. Several times Brother 302 The Finding of Lot's Wife* Manon, with Yorke on his back, stopped as if he could go no further, his face haggard, his eyes glaring, and foam on his lips, but on each occa- sion he had started again and gone doggedly on in silence. Professor Payne and Aylward did not show much sign of distress. It seemed as if strength of body had been given to them in place of their lost mental faculties. So exhausted was Isha that the last few hours they spent in the gorge passed like a fever-dream, and when at length they emerged into the blazing sunlight of the wadi above, she stood for some time gazing round with expressionless face, not realizing that they were out of the dark, echo-haunted pass at last. A sound in the distance restored her wan- dering senses to her. It was the clanging of the semandron at the Monastery of St. Lot, and^it seemed to the wearied girl the sweetest music she had ever heard. After a short rest, they went up the arid stony wadi, the monk still carrying Yorke, and the rest following with staggering steps and hanging heads. The sun was just setting when the party came in sight of the monastery. CHAPTER XIX. A Miracle. " Praise be to God, the Gracious, the Merci- ful, that He has brought us on our way in safety so far ! " panted Brother Manon, gently deposit- ing his unconscious burden on the ground. " By God, we have come out of hell," exclaimed the dragoman, wiping his streaming face. " Verily, I would not go again there, though I were offered a mountain of gold," squeaked the cook. The party stopped a few minutes to rest, and Isha, reclining on the hot sand, feasted her eyes on the distant monastery. Ecstatic visions of soft beds, cold water, sweet fruit, and cool breezes filled her mind. If she could only have felt con- fidence in Brother Manon's positive assurance that her father, her lover, and his friend would be restored to their health and senses in a few days, she would have been perfectly happy. Mean- 304 The Finding of Lot's Wife, while it was bliss unspeakable to have escaped with their lives from the Valley of Madness and to be in sight of the hospitable monastery. The crimson glory of sunset was streaming over the great solitary rock, making it look like a gigantic pillar of carnelian. The red roofs of the buildings crowning it glowed as if red hot, and the white-washed walls were tinted with a pink flush. The rock stood out in sharp relief against the mountains beyond, buried in purple shadow. All round lay the salt-encrusted plain, over which night was creeping. As it would have been dangerous to attempt to cross the plain in the dark, in consequence of the numerous bitumen-pits and brine-wells that cov- ered its surface. Brother Manon advised, after a very short rest, that they should try to reach the monastery before darkness came on. They accordingly pushed on, the monk leading the way across the treacherous ground unerringly; nevertheless, they did not reach the foot of the rock till two hours after sunset. It was a long time before they succeeded in attracting the attention of the monks above, though Brother Manon shouted in his stentorian voice so power- fully that the dark mountains round echoed his cries. The dragoman and cook were too ex- hausted to give any assistance in rousing the monks, and they had all begun to think that they would have to stay where they were till the morn- A Miracle* 305 ing, when they heard the trap-door in the wind- lass-tower above open, and a voice that said in Greek, — "Who calls below?" ** It is I, Brother Manon, and with me are the English travelers and their servants." "Welcome, brother, welcome!" returned the voice, joyfully. " I will rouse Father Polycarp and the brethren, and will hasten back to let the rope down to you." Some minutes' silence followed, and then the voice of the hegoumenos was heard from the windlass-tower. " My son Manon, are you there ? " " I am in truth. Father." " God be thanked, that you have returned to us ! Who are with you, my son ? " " The English travelers. Father, who were car- ried away from the monastery by the Bedawin. Three of them are in evil case and helpless. Their two servants are also here." " We will lower the rope, my son. Send the sick men up first, that they may be attended to with all speed." There was a loud creaking sound, and pres- ently the rope appeared, twining and twisting above them, looking in the starlight like a huge writhing snake. Yorke was sent up first. He was unconscious, and lay so still and silent, as they put him into the net to be hauled up, that 3o6 The Finding: of Lot's Wife* they feared for the moment that he was dead. Professor Payne was taken up next, and was followed by Aylward. Neither of the two men gave the smallest trouble, but behaved like obe- dient dumb children. Isha on being drawn up into the windlass- tower found all the monks assembled, several of them carrying lighted tapers. Three of them, one of whom was the monastery leech, were busy attending to Yorke, who lay on the floor. Sev- eral others were holding her father and her lover by the hand, speaking to them kindly and encour- agingly, but receiving no reply or sign of recog- nition from them. The hegoumenos welcomed Isha gravely, and congratulated her on her return to the monastery in safety and in health of body and mind. Neither he nor any of the monks asked any question of her as to what had happened to her companions. They seemed, from the expression of their faces and their attentions to the stricken men, to be perfectly aware what had caused them to lose their reason. The dragoman and the cook, both in deadly fear of the rope breaking, or other accident hap- pening, were hauled up next. They were kindly received by the monks to their evident relief and satisfaction. They had been very apprehensive as to the reception they might receive, fearing that the brethren might have heard how they A Miracle* • 3^7 had denied the Christian Faith in order to save their Hves. They soon saw that the good men were ignorant of their apostasy, and the fright- ened, sheepish looks left their faces. When Brother Manon was drawn up last of all. Father Polycarp clasped him in his arms and blessed him, and all the monks embraced and kissed him, weeping tears of joy at his return. Seeing that he was scarcely able to stand from fatigue, two of them seized him by the arms, and led him away, staggering at every step. Yorke was then, by order of the hegoumenos, carried to the sick-chamber where Brother Luke, the leech, watched and prayed over him the rest of the night, for the artist seemed to be in a dying condition. Isha, her father, and Aylward were bestowed in the chamber that had been occupied before by the two young Englishmen. The hole in the roof through which Brother Manon had escaped, when the monastery was in the hands of the Beni Azaleh, was still there. Food and water were brought to them, but the monks would allow them to eat and drink very small quantities at a time. The dragoman and the cook were hospitably looked after in another part of the monastery. The whole of the next day, Isha lay dozing on the carpet, on which she had thrown herself when brought to the chamber. She only sat up to partake of the food and drink brought to her, 3o8 The Finding: of Lot^s Wife. and even then was scarcely conscious of what she was doing. She was so stiff that she could only with difficulty bend her limbs, and she felt racking pains in every joint. Now that all dan- ger was past, and she and her companions were in safety, she was in a state of collapse, from which only perfect rest and careful nursing could rouse her. She was quite unable to do anything for the sick men, much to her distress. The dragoman and the cook were, however, unwearied in their attendance on all of them, thereby earn- ing the girl's deep gratitude. About midnight Isha was roused by the un- ceremonious entrance of the dragoman into the chamber, carrying a lighted candle. " Mister Art'ur!" he exclaimed in an impres- sive voice, addressing her. " The 'oly monks are going to make miracle now, to make the effendi your father and my masters well ! " The girl sat up and gazed at him for some time, not understanding for the moment what he meant. The dragoman saw this, and proceeded to explain that the hegoumenos and his monks had come in order to carry the two demented men to the church, where a religious ceremony was to be performed which would restore them to their senses. '* The monks got something in the church, I not know what 'xackly, but most 'oly t'ing. After saying prayers to God they touch my masters A Miracle* 3^9 and the effendi with the t'ing, and lo-an'-be'old they get quite well and talk," he said. " Oh, Georgis ! do you think they really can do this?" exclaimed Isha, remembering Brother Manon's assurances. A thrill of joy and hope that seemed to clear her fatigued, dulled mind, and to take the pain and stiffness out of her limbs, ran through her at the thought. " Oh, yes, quite true. Mister Art'ur, T'ese monks wonderful men, can do miracles or any- t'ing," asserted the dragoman. '' I pray God it may be as you say, Georgis ; but — but I am so afraid that my dear father will never recover his reason." " You not 'fraid. Mister Art'ur. T'is place different from any ot'er place in the 'ole world. The monks make the effendi well, never fear." Having roused Professor Payne and Aylward, who rose obediently and in silence, the drago- man took the latter by the hand and led him from the chamber, after requesting Isha to follow with her father. Outside they found the hegou- menos and all the monks awaiting, each man holding a lighted taper in his hand. On an ex- temporized couch lay the unconscious body of Yorke, borne by four of the brethren. The whole party then went in procession to the church, headed by Father Polycarp, behind whom came the four monks carrying Yorke, followed by Isha and the dragoman leading the 3IO The Finding of Lot's Wife* Professor and Aylward. Brother Manon was present, and his magnificent voice led the chant that was raised by the monks as they walked slowly through the moonlit courtyard and along the cloisters and corridors of the monastery. The light of the numerous lamps, with which the church had been brilliantly illuminated, streamed out of the great doors as they entered. The iconostasis had been removed from before the apse. The altar was ablaze with lights, and on it were displayed all the sacred relics and vessels. The icons, or holy pictures, had been taken from the walls of the church and hung up behind the altar. The glittering of the jeweled reliquary, the gleaming of the gilded icons and pohshed vessels, and the gorgeous colors of the silken altar-cloth and hangings combined to make a dazzling picture. The monks bearing the litter on which Yorke lay, placed it before the altar, and Isha, still hold- ing her father's hand, and the dragoman, grasping his master's, were directed to stand beside it. The monks, holding tapers, took up their posi- tions in two rows on either side. The hegoume- nos retired into a dark recess at the back of the apse, but returned in a few minutes arrayed in resplendent vestments, and the midnight service began. Isha never had any clear idea of what followed. Her limbs ached so, and she felt so ill and weak, A Miracle* 311 that she was scarcely able to stand. The hope that the solemn appeal to God, that was evi- dently being made, would result in her father, her lover and his friend being restored to health and sanity sustained her. She watched all that went on as well as her fading eyes and dulled brain would permit her. The loud chanting of the monks, echoing through the crypt-like church, filled her ears like the rolling of drums. She could distinguish, however, the deep bass voice of Brother Manon, and the droning of the hegoumenos intoning the Greek prayers in the intervals of the psalmody. She could see the monks moving about in the procession during the service, kissing the icons and relics, swinging shining censers, and bowing and prostrating themselves every minute. The church was full of Mense clouds of incense, through which the light of the colored lamps hanging from the roof, of the candles on the altar, and of the tapers carried by the monks, shone mistily. Presently Isha became aware that all sound and movement in the church had suddenly ceased, and looked eagerly round, for she saw that the supreme moment had come. The monks had all prostrated themselves with their faces to the altar, before which lay the hegoume- nos at full length, with his hands in the attitude of prayer outstretched before him. For a long time, as it seemed to the expectant girl, who was 312 The Finding: of Lot's Wife* trembling from head to foot, a deep, solemn silence reigned through the church. Then she saw Father Polycarp rise slowly, and bow many times before the altar, the monks meanwhile lying with their faces to the floor. Ascending the steps to the altar in bent reverential attitude, the hegoumenos took out of a beautiful golden case, swathed in silken wrappings, a long black staff. Having kissed it with a face full of awe, he turned, and held it aloft with both hands. Isha with dilated eyes saw him descend the altar-steps, and advance slowly towards them. She saw him touch, with the end of the staff, the breast of the unconscious man lying on the litter, and then she wanted to cry out, but could not, for the artist's eyes had opened and the color had returned to his white face ! The next moment the heart of the trembling girl stood still ; for Father Polycarp, bearing aloft the sacred relic, was approaching her. With the tip of the staff, he gently touched her father on the forehead. In an instant the look of ghastly horror on the old savant's face disappeared, and he glanced round with an air of surprise, and began to fumble for his spectacles. The hegou- menos then turned to touch Aylward. The dragoman had let go his master's hand, and was groveling on the floor, filled with amazement and terror at what he had seen. So great was Isha's anxiety and excitement, that every muscle A Miracle* 3^3 and sense seemed to be paralyzed. Only her sense of hearing seemed to be left to her. There was a short agonizing silence, and then the quivering girl heard a voice say, — '' Good heavens, Professor ! where are we ? " And then a whisper, — " Isha, my darling ! What does all this mean ? How did we get here ? — Help, Professor ! help, Noel ! she's fainting ! " ^ * * ^ * It was the Private View at the Royal Acad- emy. A small crowd was assembled before a painting hanging on the line in the principal room, which promised to be the picture of the year. It repre- sented a beautiful Arab girl milking a she-camel in a Bedawin camp in the early morning. It was exquisitely painted, the graceful figure of the girl contrasting with the ungainly camel, and its still more ungainly foal standing by, all legs and eyes. Behind the black tents rose the arid mountains tinged rose-pink by the rising sun. The girl was the only figure on the canvas. She was looking over her shoulder, smiling at some- body or something not appearing in the compo- sition. It was a picture that caught and charmed the eye at once, and exclamations of admiration and pleasure rose from the crowd before it. Presently a tall young man, with sunburnt face, and drooping moustaches, accompanied by 314 The Findingf of Lot^s Wife* a pretty grey-eyed young lady, and followed by a slight-built, learned-looking old man in specta- cles, came into the room. A fat, dark-faced man in semi-Asiatic costume was in attendance on them. The party made its way through the crowd to the picture which was attracting so much notice. It was evident that they had seen it before. '' It seems to me more beautiful every time I see it ! " remarked the young lady, after they had stood in silence before it for a few moments. " Poor girl ! " said the young man, gazing at the lovely figure in the picture. *' And poor Noel — he will never forget her, " added the young lady. "What for Mister Yok painting t'is fool-pic- ture — common Arab girl milking one camel?" muttered their Asiatic attendant, contemptu- ously. THE END V^ OF THB^^ ;usriTBRsrT7l oar ^.11^^^ RETURN TO the circulation desk ot any University of California Library or to the NORTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY BIdg. 400, Richmond Field Station University of California Richmond, CA 94804-4698 ALL BOOKS MAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS • 2-month loans may be renewed by calling (510)642-6753 • 1-year loans may be recharged by bringing books to NRLF • Renewals and recharges may be made 4 days prior to due date, DUE AS STAMPED BELOW JUN101997 JUN?>&^9a^ SEP 14 2000 OCT a 9 ?QQ^ 12,000(11/95) U.C.BERKELEY LIBRARIES ca^5bEtDalD I UNIVERSITY OF CAIvlFORNIA UBRARY