Urn- THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES •V r\ GALIGNAiM'S (^r^mmar ant) €xtvmts. IN TWENTY-FOUR LECTURES ON THE ITALIAN LANGUAGE; IN WHICH THE PRINCIPLES, HARMONY, AND BEAUTIES Of that Language are, bt/ an Original Method, SIMi'LIl-lED AND ADAPTED TO THE MEANEST CAl'ACJTY; ANl> 'iJIE fttbolar cnablcD to attain, toitfj dEaac anD JFaciUtu, A COMPETENT KXOWLEDGE OF THE LANGUAGE, WITHOUT THE HELI' OF ANY MASTEB. FOURTH EDITION, k xl arced j xi) improved, By ANTOMO MONTUCCI, SANESE, LL.D. LONDON: PKINTKO FOR BOOSKY AND SONS, BIIOAO STIIKKT, ROYA!. K\- CHANOB; and (.. ^ W. H. WHHTAKKH, AVB-MARrA LANK. I. O N HON: VUlKTtJ) JbV tOX AND BAYLIS, GllJSAl QUEEN STREET. AL x\013ILISSIM0, E VALENTISSIMO UOMO ALESSANDRO HAMILTON DE- DUCHI DI HAMILTON D' OGNl UTILE E LIBER ALE STUDIO CULT ORE E PROTETTORE, CUT LA SUA SOMMA E SPEZIALE AFFEZIONE PELLE TOSCANE LETT ERE PIACQUE APERTAMENTE MOSTRARNE, DIUTVRNAMENTE NELLF. ITALICHE CONTKADE UIMORANDO, BELLA TOSCANA FAVELLA T riU PREZIOSI ANTICHI MONUMENTI RAGUNANDO, E DI QUELLA SUO SECONDO MATERNO LINGUAGGIO FACENDOi COIV SOMMA COiNVENEVOLEZZA IL PRESENTE VOLUME 1 FRECETTI E I MODI DI QUELL' IDIOMA DILUCIDANTE. JMl'ETKATA PEIIMISSIONE, A CAGIONE U' ONORE, ED , A, HENCHE TENUE, DIMOSTRAZIONE D' UMILLSSLMA SERVITIJ E VIVLSSIMA GRATnUDINE OSSEQIJIOSAMENTE I) 1) D. L' KDirom; kd ai iokk, ANTON !<) MON rUUCI, A Ki)nni()U(;() nrl M.nccr.wi ii TABLE OF THE CONTENTS. N.B. The Articles of this TABLE marked f, arc cither added, or materially altered by the Editor. I'age The Genius of the Italian Language, by J. J. Rousseau . . xi \ Directions for Beginners, shewing them how to u^c this copious Grammar, in the way of a small book of Rudiments . . xiii Extract from the Monthly Review, containing their account of the first Edition of Galignani's LECTunES, with Notes by the Editor xix T Advertise.ment by the Editor xxi LECTURE L — On the Letters, and their true pronunciation : where the imperfection of the Italian Orthography, in respect to the uncer- tain and difficult sounds of the letters E, 0,S,Z, is supplied by prac- tical Rules ; and also the sound of the most difficult Italian Sylla- bles is conveyed by the corresponding English sound . . 1 *i Advertisement by the Editor .... ib. Rules on the sound of the Vowels E and O . . .3 General Rule for those who know Latin . . . .4 E open . . . . . ib. E close . . . . . . .5 O open ........ ib. O close . . . • . • • . n Rules on the sound of the S ..... ib- Rules on the .sound of the Z ..... 7 Short Observations on the sound of some other Letters and Syllables S ATablcof Italian Element a, yi\\\\ the most difficult Syllables exemplified 10 LECTL'RE II.— On Nouns Substantive, tluir Variations, Gender, Number, &c. . . . . • . . 1'3 Remarks on the Nouns ending in O, and 10, CA, and GA, CO, and GO, &c. IT LECTURE IIL— On Adjectives and Articles, with useful Tables, shewing the variations of all Nouns, and the mctliod of joining their Articles with sotiir Prepositions . . . IR Of .Vdjcctives ....... ib. Of the Articles conunonly called IJcfinitc . . . ib- A Table of the ArticlcB and their Variations, with short lU-murks 17 A Table of the Variations of Substantive and Adjective Nouns, with their article, together witli some Prepositions . . .18 1^^^'5-31 VI Page Nouns of the Masculine Gender which require the Article IL. . 18 Nouns of the Masculine Gender which require the Article LO . . 20 Nouns of the Masculine Gender which require the Article LO with an Apostrophe . . . . . .22 Nouns Masculine in the Singular, often made Feminine in the Plural ib. Nouns in the Feminine Gender which require the Article LA . 27 Nouns of the Feminine Gender beginning with a Vowel . . 28 1 Nouns which have the same termination in the Singular and in the Plural . . . . . . . .29 General Observation on all the foregoing Declensions . . 31 Exercises upon Articles and Nouns, both Substantive and Adjective, together with some Prepositions . . , .32 LECTURE IV.~Further Remarks on the Use of the Articles, IL, LO, LA. . 33 Exercises . . . . . . . . ib. Exercises . . . . . . . .34 Exercises . . . . . . . - . . ib. LECTURE V. — On the proper Position of Adjective Nouns . 35 Exercises . . . . . . , .30 LECTURE VL— On the Indefinite, Numeral, and Partitive Articles ib. Orthography of the Indefinite Articles . . . .38 Of the Numeral and Partitive Articles . . . . ib. Exercises . . . . . . . .40 Exercises . . . . . . . ' . 41 LECTURE VII. — On the Degrees of Comparison, and on Super- lative Nouns •••.... ib. Exercises on the Comparatives . . . . .43 Of Superlative Nouns . . . . . . ib. Exercises on the Superlatives . . . . .44 LECTURE VIII.— On Diminutive, Augmentative, and Collective Nouns . . . . . . . .45 H Tables of their Terminations . . . . .46 Exercises . . . . . , . .48 LECTURE IX.— On the Numerical Nouns . . .49 H Observations on Cardinal Numbers . . , . ib. If Observations on Ordinal Nouns . . . . .50 More Observations on the above Nouns . . . .52 Exercises on the above Rules . . . . .54 LECTURE X. — On Pronouns in general ; and on the Personal or Primitive Pronouns in particular . . . .54 T Advertisement by the Editor ..... ib. Of the Personal or Primitive Pronouns . . . .55 VII I'agf RciiKirki on these Pioikhiiis . . . . . ."JG ExiTcises on the above Proiiomis . . . .59 • PecuHar use of these Pronouns among the Italians . . (iO LECTURE Xl.—Clncludhig Lectures XI. and XII. of the Author.) On Conjunctive or Derivative Pronouns, callcil hy the Tuscan Grammarians Affissi ..... Most obvious Meanings of the foregoing Pronouns Position of the foregoing Pronouns E.xcrcises . . . . . Other important Remarks on the Conjunctive and Relative Pronoun Exercises ....... T LECTURE XIL— By the Editor. A Tabld, exhibiting the most important Significations, and a full and methodical displat/ of all the Grammatical Combinations of the [)ronominal Particles called CoNJlSCTIVE PrONOINS, Of Al FISSI •■ Advertisement ..... ^ Preliminary Observations to illustrate the Use and Mechanism of the following Table ..... T A Methodical TABLE of the Conjunctive Pronouns explained exemplified, (!v:c. ..... LECTURE XIIL— On the Possessive Pronouns . Their TABLE Examples on the Conjunctive .... Examples on the Disjunctive .... Examples on the Relative .... Exercises ....... Rlriite(l and exemiililu'd, arc refcrren^c waM tlien unknown lo bin), however similar its conti-ntH may appear t(j liic fcillowiiig exiraet fi'om p. Ix.wi. fif the ^anle Tmilusr. — " I'erhaps without rhylhfue there eatniot be melody, " tluTe Ciinnot he liarmony in speech. The Chine-e have foiiiid il by means of " lonri i the (irreks and I.,atins obtained it princi|inlly by means of rhi/thme ; " and the Italians by the natural facility of the articulations, ni\d the just " mixture of vowels and eonsorianiB ; by avoiding nasality ami aspiration ; but " still n)ori: by that woiirlerful vaneli/ of iimni.i, of wlii( h we have ahead) • ' treated." -Eduor h 9 DIRECTIONS FOR BEGINNERS, Shacing- them how to use this Copious Grammar, in the icai) of a small Book of Rudiments. In my lonp; practice of Teacher of Languages, for a space of upwards ol" twenty years, 1 have observed that those who undertake to study a modern language, may be with propriety (h>iinguishod into two very ditVerent classes. The first, and far tnore numerous, is that of those who, despising all the ininiiruv of grammar, care for nothing else thnu a stnatteriu"- of the lauffuafje, consistiuij in a fluent reading olsome of the most common books, and the acqui- sition of some familiar phrases, to be understood in con- versing on the most common subjects in life. The other less numerous class consists of those who are never satisfied in their philological researches : they wish to enter into the real spirit and genius of a language; they thirst after the solution of all its grammatical difficulties; thev are eager to know all its resources, and to view, as it were, all the naked beauties of the language they study. For this second class no grammar can prove too copious, and it is for them that I have chiefly written the long addi- tions I have made to this volume. i'licre arc many voluminous Italian grammars ; but none, to my knowledge, are swoln with grammatical subjects, all taken, like these, from the purest source of those gramma- riaii'i, who are universally acknowledged as the Lawgivers of the Tuscan Literary Republic. (See farther on, my AF)\ KUTISb:MMNT, at p. xxi.) 1 should, however, deserve blame, if the utility of this volume did not extend to the improvement of the most nu- merous class of students : and 1 should have certainly de- feated the views of the Proprietors, and disappointed the PuMic at large. Let therelbre begituu'rs, and those who lo:ill)e ^rainniatiral siihjerfs, attend to the following 1)1- RIK TION^, and they will find this work as nselul as any small book ofrudimrtils, and much more acceptable, as they b 3 XIV may fully rely on the accuracy of its contents, save only a few typographical errors. Those pages of this Grammar, the contents of which are most indispensably necessary to beginners, are here enu- merated in the same order as they ought to be read and studied, to attain that superficial knowledge of the Italian language they wish. P. 2. Here the pupil will find the Italian ALPHABET, with the proper PRONUNCIATION of each letter. After having learnt to read it well, neglecting all the rules upon the E, o, s, and z, let him go to p. 8, where; having read those short Observations on the use and pronunciation of some letters, let him continue to read at pp. 10 and 11, the Table of the Italian Elements, and having learnt the right pronunciation of all the Italian words therein given, he will find no difficulty in reading. P. 12 to 15. There is nothing to neglect in these pages, containing most necessary rules for the formation of the gender of adjectives, and of the ^jfural for all nouns. — Let the pupil correct rule No. 19, p. 13, according to Note"^, at p. 258. P. 16. I would recommend to the pupil to pay attention to the dis- play of declensions of articles and nouns joined to some pre- positions, as given from p. 16 to SI ; but if he does not like declensions, let him learn them by practice, and let him only examine this page, where the most important rules on the use of the article are given ; and then, P- 17, with its Notes, containing the table of articles, with further remarks. P. 22. He must then fix in his memory the list of irregular nouns given in this page. P. 32. Let him try then these Exercises, to acquire practice of the rules he has read concerning articles or nouns, their gender and number. XV \\ 23.7, '>j6, i237, 239. Ill doing those Exercises, lethiiu make use of the Sj/noplical 'iiibUs conctM'iiing- articles, nouns, nnd pro/ioiois given in these pages; particuhirly as their contents are the result ot" a most nuiture meditation on the pages of the Grand Vocabolario deda Crusca, and consequently more accurate than what is contained from l(j to ^2 of this Grammar. — After he has done them, let him consult the KEY at tlie end of this Grammar, and let him correct them by it. P. 33 to 43. I cannot dispense the beginner with reading most attentively the contents of these pages, being very little more than what the author originally wrote, to teach the proper application of (iriichs dijinite indcjinile, nanieral, and piuiiti'Le. Also the position of adjectives, and the formation of comparotives and supcrlatircs. The whole is interspersed with Exercises which the pupil must do, and then consult the KMY to the Exercises gi\ en in this Grammar, as directed above. P. 49 to 52. Here the pupil will find copious tables of numerals, both cardinal and ordinal. He only needs to consult them occa- sionally. But he must peruse attentively p. 52, containing the rules for the use of numerals. P. 221 to 222.— Also p. 229 to 240. At the same time that the pupil peruses the pages pointed out ab(ne, he niust read the contents of these, and put tiiem in practice as he writes the Exercises, in order to learn the [iroper orthography, the contraction, -dud increment of words, iVC. &c. Pp. 55 and 56. Here the pupil will fitid the idhlos oi' the personal pronouns, and, at the Exercises upon them, which he will do as directed above. Pp. (jO and fi2 will teach him how to addicss Italians in a polit(> way, which is done by s|)caking in the third person ol the feminine gen- der, both with ladies and gentlemen. Pp. (i2 to 70. I have in these pages etonon»ically ahiidged what the author had originally said on that \e\) dinicult and important part I. 1 XVI of Italian grammar, the Conjunctive Pronouns. The pupil therefore must attentively peruse them ; and particularly retain the contents of p. 66, nn. 18. and 19, being the most important rules for the prac- tical use of the conjunctive pronouns ; and let him read at the same time the Note*", at p. 169, and the other markedf at p. 171. Pp. 67 and 70. The Exercises found at these pages must also be done, and corrected, as mentioned before. P. 110 to 113. Here the i)upil will find a useful table of the possessive pro- nouns, with their declension and Exercises. P. 113 to 116 contain further rules upon thens, equally necessary, and more Exercises. P. 117 to 129,^ The same page 1 19 contains a useful Table of tho demonstra- tive pronouns ; and in the following pages similar Tables are given of the relative, interrogative, and indcjinile pronouns, with as short rules as possible, and Exercises for all these pronouns. The whole indispensable to the pupil. — Always recollecting to consult the KEY for the correction of the Exercises. P. ISO to 145. In these pages are contained the conjugations of the auxilia- ries, Avere, to have, and Esserc, to be ; which the pupil ought to have learnt by heart, all tiie while he studied the pronouns, and did the Exercises upon them. The pupil ought to learn by heart first the conjugation of these auxiliaries alone, and then the whole again connected with these short sentences, which will enrich his mind, at the same time, with familiar phrases and colloquial forms. Let him also take particular notice of the Notes at the bottom of each page. P. 146 is most essential, containing instructions for the accurate for- mation of ajjirmative, negative, and interrogative sentences. P. 147 to 1.50 contain E.acrcj5C5 and rules of the highest importance for the accurate formation of some of the regular tenses of verbs, the use of the injinitive, preterite, participles, &c. XVil p. 2G5. The perspicuous Table of the three regular conjugotions ex- hibited in this page, supersedes the necessity of the pupil studying the verbs fully displayed from p. J 50 to 158. P. 1G6 to 172 are most essential, exhibiting models of the passive and re- flect ivc verbs. P. 172 to 177 are no less important, sliewinij the conjugation of the rmjKr- soval verbs and participles. The Exercises should be done, and tlicn corrected according to the Kei/ above quoted. P. 301, and following, containing the Irregular Vabs,alpliabeticallj/ arranged, the pupil niav consult occasionally, attending to the DlllEC- TIONS prefixed to it. P. 178 to 193. Tlie pupil mnv learn by heart a little every day of the phrases whicli fill almost all these pages ; and while he improves him- self in till' attainment of {\w eollocjiiial style, he will insensi- bly become acquainted with \\\c syntax awA proper M5c of the lidXvAn prepositio7is, adverbs, and cotijunclions exemplified in them. P. '208 to 213. Tin- student desirous o{' speaking, or zcriting Italian graimna- liealli/, i-hould pay particular attention to tlie rules of concord laid down in these pages, and p. 208 to 213 ' will be particularly useful and acceptable to him, as contain- ing prarlieal remarks for turning several JVei/rli and English iiliunis into good Italian. Finally, the VERY COPIOUS ALPHABETICAL IN- DEX at the end of the Volume, will occasionally refer the ^ludious to the smallest part of this work, without bestowing much pains in finding what he wauls, {'or this purpose, not only yvhatever has been observed on every article, pronoun, or any other Italian word, has l)(>en summarily referred to under each of them, but even the hinj;lisli pronouns, and all other ICngli^h words or idioms, of which (lie version has been taught in the course of the work, have all been alphabeti- cally registered in this LMJIOX, in order that even the per- son n(»t >-o well couversaiit with jjramuiar as to be able to know at first sight whether (he translation of an English XVlll word might be expected to be taught in this Grammar, or where it ought to be found, may get out of all perplexities at once, by looking for it in this INDEX. The SUPPLEMENT (which may be had of the Publishers of this work) will not only prove to the reader an agreeable pastime for his leisure hours, by unravelling the Anecdotes with a pocket Dictionary, but will even supersede the ne- ,cessity of purchasing another book, at least, for the express purpose of improving himself in the knowledge of the Italian language ; since he n^ay learn by it all styles, familiar and elevated, pro?e or verse. The Vocabulary* will teach him how to call by its pro- per name all the most important articles of life, whether concerning arts, sciences, or civil life. The Phrases and Dialogues* will be as so many Italian companions of various trades and stations, who will converse with him as long as he likes, and initiate him in the easy and daily mode of speaking in Italy without either appearing a stranger, a pedant, or an idiot. The Letters will give him some idea of the Italian epis- tolary style, chiefly on literary subjects — and the Selection from eminent poets and prose writers will familiarize him with most of the learned or entertaining Italian books now extant. * Concerning tlie accuracy of these Articles see the Editor's Account, pre- fixed to the SUPPLEMENT. Extract from the Monthly RcvicWj New Series, vol. XXI. page 87. September 1796. GALIGNANIS TWENTY-FOUR LECTURES, Sfc. Sfc. " Though it seeiiis imjjossible for a person, vvlio is ignorant of the llalian language, to comprehend and retain the grammatical rules laid down by this author when delivered, viva voce, in Lectures ; yet in a careful perusal and meditation, they appear capable of ful tilling- all the promises in the title-page. " A few foreiiin idioms* occur in the Enjrlish, which, however, are not of such a kind as will render the explanatory part of this work unintelligible. Of the precepts it may be justly said, that they are ncvv^, clear, and well-digested ; and though the usual grammatical forn> has been abaniioned, the chief j)nr[)oscs of a Grammar seem supplied in a less dry and ibrmal manner than has hitherto been devised by ancient writers on the subject. " The exercises which the Author has g;iven in radical words, for the student to find out the genders, numbers, and inllexions (in the manner of our old school-book, Clark's Exercises), would perhaps have been rendered still rnore useful, remote trom a master, if they had ixen inserted at the end of the ♦ Of these I have endeavoured to rectify several ; but, I am a foieijincr too : nor is tliere any dillcrei.ce bctwciu the Autlior and the P^ditor in this respect, than tliat the former had (hen resided in I^nf;l.inil about four years, while I came lo I'iiigl.un! in March l/Sy, and have remained in it ever since, a few numlhs only ex- cepted Editor. XX book in good Italian,* for the student to consult for instruction, when he has rendered them as perfect as he is able by the rules which the Author prescribes. The praxis which Sig. Galignani has furnished for every part of speech, and particularly for the articles, prepositions, degrees of comparison, and auxiliary verbs, are admirably calculated to facilitate the acquisition of correct speaking and composition. Many idioms, peculiar to the Italian tongue, arc pointed out and explained, which have not before been remarked in any grammatical Tract, written expressly for our own country. " The use of the auxiliary verbs avere (to have), and essere (to be), is exemplified in a new and in- genious manner;" see Lecture XVlii.t '^' as a specimen of the uiode in which the Author has contrived to connect the sense tJnough all words and tenses of the verbs, with the three personal pro- nouns shigular and plural. " On the whole, we do not recollect to have seen so much useful knowledge, on this subject, com- pressed into so small a compass in any other book." * The student will find that the improvement here sugjjjested by learned Reviewers has been supplied by me at the end of the volume : and this Grammar will, I believe, be the only one pos- sessing that advantage. — Editor. ■\ The Reviewers give here a long quotation out of the auxiliary verbs of Sig. Galignani, I have substituted to it the reference to the Lecture itself, where they are to be seen. Although the Re- viewers have honoured the Author with an unexampled long ac- count, for an eli^mentary book on a foreign language, yet they have forgot noticing the peculiar advantages resulting from ihe alphabeti- cal list of the irregular verbs. See the Advertisement I have prefixed to the same, where some strictures will be found on the usual method of exhibiting them in all other Italian Grammars, — Editor. ADVERTISEMENT BY THE EDITOR. The merit of this Graminur is sutiicieiitly esta- blished by the authority of the eminent Reviewers^ of wliich an extract has been just given.* It being- a common practice with the generality of editors to assure the reader in the preface or title- page, that the work is greatlij enlarged, corrected througJiout, considerably unproved, &c. while, on collating the former editions with their own, such eidargeinents and iniprovenunls prove imperceptible, I have thought proper to distinguish the most mate- rial of mine with the sign H in the body of the work, and with the word Editor in the additional notes. The many slight alterations which the text and notes have undergone are not noticed: but when only a few words have been retained in either, and the sense totally altered, 1 have thought myself entitled to distinguisii such paragraphs or notest as wholly mine. W hoevcr has made any progress in the Ualian Grammar, will readily agree with me, that one of its most dillicult parts are the cor/junctive pronouns. To the elucidation of this intricat(! subject the author had allotted the two Lectures XI. and XII. IJut he had * However lib- ral and diffuse tlic encomiums arc witli which the Reviewers have honoured tliis (iraininiir : See a material omission of theirs pcjinted out in the luregoinj^ notej*. f Some iKttes having rectivcil only uii aihlitiua at ihc cml, llic wor'l Anl/tor poiud out wla-rc my addilioii, begins. XXll omitted^ as well as all his predecessors^ a full displai/ of these pronouns, wherein the reader could find at one view all the possible combinations they are liable to. I have therefore given a new cast to the two Lectures above-mentioned, and made only one of both, with- out omitting- any thing but useless repetitions which occurred here and there. So that Lecture XIL is wholly mine, and exhibits the mnch -wanted display of the conjunctive pronouns, methodically arranged, explained, and enriched withexamples*and observa- tions; the whole being now, for the first time, com- mitted to press in Great Britain. As to the importance and merit of these additions, I appeal to the judicious Italian critic, and to the Author himself, who cannot possibly deny that our joint f exertions were then greatly checked by short finances and time, to give the proper extent and polish to such an important production. With all other readers I have no better means to justify myself than by submitting to their perusal the following enumeration of the classical works, from which I can most solemnly assure them to have derived the whole of the grammatical part of my own materials. * Although the examples are taken from Cinonio, as well as the whole display here mentioned, they will not be found accompanied with quotations ; since, to make them as short as possible, they have undergone some alterations ; but they are fully sufficient, short as they are, to convey to the student the instruction they are meant to contain. f Let me observe here, that all the part I had in the former edi- tion was to lend the Author my Treatise on Pronunciation, an Index of the Irregular Verbs, and to look over the revisal of several sheets. XXlll Vocaholaiio dolla Ciusca, 5 vols.4to. Veneziu, 1763. Buommatei, Graminatica della Lini;na Toscana, pubblicata dagli AccadcMiiici della Crusca, 4to. Firenze, 1760.* Pistolcsi, Prospetto de' Verbi Toscani, 4to. Roma, 1161. Rabbi, Sinoniiui, ed Aggiunti Italiarii, 4to. Parma, 1778. Cinonio, Osservazioni della Lingua Italiana, 2 vols. 4to. Vonezia, 1739. Ma.strolini, Dizionario Critico de' Verbi Italiani, 2 vols. 4to. Roma, 1814. The celebrity of llie above volumes is so universal, that it will seeure me the unanimous approbation of all those who will do me the honour of crediting the above assertion. For the inarginal directions of the former edition, I have substituted an Index, which, being alpha- betically digested, and far more copious than them, will prove of a much readier and more useful assis- tance to the student. Arabic figures, in regular progressions, have been added to each paragiaph, and their series recom- menced at every Lecture, for a more precise re- ference to any j)artor the work, either in the prose- cution of the same, or in tliecom[)ilation of the Index. As to the Supplement containing Dudognes, * Most inipudcnt siib<.e(incnt cdifors have been found of tliis iiiva- liiabU- work, \vlioliavctInii-(l to disfi-^ure, altrr, and oniit many of the learned annotations of the Acadtinicians. Let, the reader l)e iiwarc that tliis is tlir only edition to whieli implicit credit ought to be given. XXIV Anecdotes, Letters * and Selection of Italian pieces, they are entirely my own addition from other Gram- mars and books, since the former edition contained none. I am of opinion, that an elementary book can scarcely deserve the name of Grammar without these useful appendag-es, which, besides being esta- blished by the almost unanimous practice of other grammarians, they save also the scholar the pur- chase of other books for some time. Many being apt to judge of the merit of a publi- cation without reading the Preface, little caring for what the author might say to recommend his work in preference to any other, I have prefixed an Ad- vertisement to the Lectures on Pronunciation, on Personal and Corijunctive Pronouns, to the Models of the Begular, and the List of Irregular Verbs, as well as to my Dialogues, including some strictures on the usual method of treating and collecting similar sub- jects in almost all other Italian Grammars. To those I refer my readers ; and, soliciting their kind indul- gence, I beg of them to remember, that a Grammar cannot contain all the possible rules belonging to the language it explains ; but that the student ought to be contented if the most important are not omitted, and if whatever it contains is accurately and perspicuously delivered, which I humbly pre- sume to be the qualification of the present work. * Sonic of these are from well known and eminent literary cha- racters, whom the editor has had the good fortune to be acquainted with, and to them he begs leave to refer those who might feel in- clined to doubt his qualifications for the art he professes. TW EN T Va FO U il [.E("r U li KS ON THE ITALIAX LANGUAGE. LECTURE I. On the Letters^ and tlicir true Pronunciation: zchere the im- prr/'(\l^ion of tfic Jlalian Orlliograp/ij/, in jrspcct to the zniccrtain and dijjicuU sounds of the letter E, O, S, Z, is supplied hij practical Rules : and also the sound of the most difficult Italian S/yllabhs is coniej/ed bij the cor- responding English sound. ADVERTISEMENT BY THE EDITOIl. The roll(i\\in<'(J bv tlie Anllior fVoiu my Treatise on the ])roiuinriation of the Italian Language, and the celebrated proverb, '• Lingua Toscana in bocca lio7nana,'' being- often objected to me as a Tuscan, I beg leave to insert the fol- lowing observation from the above-mentioned Treatise, wlitTcin the origin of this celebrated adage is ingenuously investigated : observing, at the same time, that either a Uoman or a Tuscan may have a correct pronunciation, if lie has bestowed some attention to get clear of national pre- judices and mistakes. At page 31, of my Treatise, where? 1 treat of the follow- ing elements : (See tlie Table of Elements at the end of this Lecture.) .'J. r. Boft, as in cacio. 4. c. ch. hard, as in eneche. 3. ch. Hat, us in occhw. 10. g. soft, as in seggio. 1 I. g-gh. har(l,asiiw/g-o//g7//. 12. gh. Hat, as sfregghia. We reail a-. f(>llf)W^ : " 'VUp lovers nf tlie delicacy of the Italian language onglit cautiously toguard again>l imitating the vulgar ailiongtltc Tuscans in pronouncing too languidly the C and (] (snft^) making of the ')ne improperly (hf ele- ment S(\ placed in llie table at N 25, and of ihe other the French J ; and it would be likewise very blamenble to pro- nounce with aspiration the elements 4th and 5th,* as an awkward and disagreeable mode to the delicate ears ot" the learned : on the contrary, each (^ ' the above enumerated elements ought to be distinctly heard in pronunciation, without any alteration taking place in the pure sound of the following vowel.—- The Romans pronounce these elements with much grace and correctness ; and perhaps this sole reason has given rise to the known proverb, " Lingua Tos- cana i}i hocca llomana •''' since, in every other respect, the Tuscan is superior to all Italy, b6th in purity of the lan- guage, and the delicacy of the pronunciation. 1. The Italian Language is written witli the following twenty-two characters or letters, viz. A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, Z. Which by the Tuscans are thus called : all, bee, chee, dec, a*, effay, gee, ackali, ee, ee looiigo, A, Bi, Ci, Di, E, Effe, Gi, Acca, 1, J lungo, ellay, emmay, enuay, o, pee, koo, errav, essay, tee, oo, voo, EUe, Emnie, Enne, O, Pi^ Cu, Erre, Esse, Ti, U, Vu, dsaitah. ^^' Zeta. B, C, D, G, I, J, O, P, Q, T, U, V, are considered as of the masculine gender, and the other ten, A, E, F, H, L, M, N, R, S, Z, are of the feminine. 2. The Italian tongue has this great advantage over the English, French, and other European languages; the words are written exactly as they are pronounced : so that there is not a letter useless in writing, except the letter //, which is introduced at the beginnning of four words, where it is silent, as will be observed in its proper place. 3. The various elemenls or sounds of the Italian language being thirli/ in number, as it will appear from a Taijlr at the end of this Lecture, and the letters employed in writing them being only twenti/-two, as has been observed, some * The error of accompanying these elements with an aspiration is very ancient; for Catullus ridcules Arius for not o'.Ay aspirating llievowels jireceded by C, but even the pure vowels, as we learn by that famous epigram Commoda dicehat, si quando Commoda vellet Dicere et Hindidias, Arins^inshiias, S^'c- 3 difficulties iiecessnrily occur in tlie Italian pronunciiition : These cliicflv consist in the di»ul)le sound of the vowels K and O, which are sometimes pronounced close, sometimes open ; and in the consonants S and y^, which in some words are sounded so/'t, in others hard. Jh/les on the sound of the Vowels E and O. i. The true j)ronuncialion ot'ilip vowels E and O is very important, not only to preserve that sweet variety which the Tuscans jjive to them, b\ an o/)(;/and close pronuncia- tiim, but still more to di>tini;iiish several words, which, if E or () he sounded open, siirnifv one thinji;-, and, sounded close^ they sii^nify another. Examples: m(7n<; honejj^ with the E close means apples. The E in pesea sounded open signifies a peach; sounded close, it means fisliini;. Jiolte, witli the O open, si<>-nifi('s />/oui'.9 ; with the O close, it means a eash\ Colto sounded open tueaiis gathered ; sounded close, it sii;nifies cullivatcd. ^^ ords hivino two or more meaninu;s, though written >\i(!i the same letters, and pronounced either the same, or with (lilVerent sounds, even independent of tho~e iniluenced by the E or O, are very numerous in Italian, as in most other tongues, nor can we prescribe any other rule than jtractice. 5. The following lists are subjoined to give the student some idea of the diflerence of meaning by the two sounds of the vowels E and (J. E o|)en, as c ill let E close, as ai in pain Tcwa — Subject, (in Oratory) Tenia — Fear Eegge — He reads -f^'SS*^ — I-"'^^ f^enti — Winds f^enti — Twenty Accetta — Accepted,/;«/7.ytv?/. Acectla — \x Peste—VVMXvxe P( ste—\*ouui\ci\, part, ft nt.pl. jMcssc — Harvest Mfsst — Mas-es * Afezzo — Means JSfezzo — Over-ripened Esca — Let him go out Esca — IJait, Enticement () open. liKc n in not () close, like o in note Post a — Post Posta — Put, pari, f'cni. Torta — 'I'uistcd Turta — Tart • Tlie variout »i'^iiifi(aii"ns of .\tcxx<> ilf|n*iMl aUn from tlic (lilTi'iciit soiiiiH^ of itie double Z, wliicli, in tin- fir»l iiislana-, is Mjuiidcd rimcma. and in tlio oilier ifiiK,liarilii. Sic lluien on this letter at p. 7. Kilitnr. II y Corso — Corsicnn r\)r50~Coiirse,or race-ground Foro — The \yav Foro — Hole Roccn — Citadel Rocca — Distaff Toii\ brown colour ; dare, orange colour. IV. In the diminutives in ETTO, as Icggiadrclto, amiably graceful ; Giovhictto, a youn^- man. V. In the adverbs ending in MEAT/.', as egKahmnle, Cfjuallv ; (Hiiicfifvolnicnle, amicably; lottdnic/ilc, entirely; (irdilmni'nte, boldly, &c. VI. Betwixt the consonants M and N, as alnicno, at least ; argonicnio, argument ; and before two NN's, as citnio hint ; pt una. pen. VII. The 1j which derives from an 1 Latin, is always close, as, cinis, fides, si/va, simplex, pirum, Sec. ; ecnere, ashes; ifede, faith; selva, forest; scmplice, single: pera, a pear, iS:c. 9 O is open. I. In all words having an accent on tlie O final, as in tin- first persons sin;::nlar of the future tense ofany Italian verb, as (inirio, I '-hall love; /(gg(ri>, I shall read; .\, ■,\-> slo, I stay; la, I go; do, I ^ivo; so, I know; ?/<;, not, «'^c. IN. \V lien till' O on finale-, from the diplitlnnig .-/ T ol iIm' Lalin, ;i-: (luitt/ii. l* smnus, Sec: oro, g<>lil ; hsmo. treasure. it J IV. O following U, as in fuoco, fire; cuore^ heart Uonio, man. V. When O is immediately preceded by an R joined to any other consonant, as trovo, I find ; provo, I prove, &c. 10. O is close. I. In words ending with the vowels 01 0, OIA, as /«- tatoio, a place for washing ; mangiatoia, a manger. II. Ill words ending in ONTO, ONTA, and their plurals, A^ affronto, affront, ajfronti ; acconto, intimate, gc- curiti ; pronto, ready, pronli ; 07ita, shame, onte. III. In the terminations ogno, ogna, ono, ona, one and their plurals, as bisogno, Wc^ni ; sogno, d.eam; vergogna. shame; menzogna, lye; doiio, gift; perdono, forgiveness; corona, ciow n, persona, person ; bastone, stick ; ragione, reason. ly. In al! the O^s coming from the Latin U, as pu his, polvere^ powder; stultiis, stolto, foolish; multus, niollo, much; ylugusfus, Agosto, August; sepitUus, sepolto, buried; rudis,rozzo, ignorant; super, sopra, upon. Conclusion. 11. From what has been said it must be evident that E or O open never occurs, except in those sylhihles on which the accents fall ; although, as has been exemplified, there are many syllables of that nature in which the E or O are close. \2. Corollary, — No word can contain more than one open O or E. Hides on the sound of the S. The pronunciation of this letter is one of the most delicate in the Italian tongue, and not perfectly understood by all Italians ; the Florentines can with justice boast the most graceful pronunciation of this letter.* For learning the true sound of the -S, which sometimes must be pronounced gaglidrda (smart), sometimes rimessa (hissing), the follow- ing rules are given. 13. S. is gaglidrda (smart), as the S in the English word, close. * Beware of a barbarous sound that the Romans and some Tuscans give to the 5, soundini' it like, a Z, vvlien before a liquid, and pronouncing pensare, scarso, ike. as if they were \vrit;en ucnzare, scarzo. EdiLor. f. Before the C()n?onanls, C, F, P, Q,T, as scog/io, rock ; .v/>rrff, a whip ; spccc/iio, a looking-<;lass : 5(y;W/r/, a squa- dron, sti'tdio^ study, J I. Followed hy a vowel, as in srl/a, saddle; Santo Saint ; gclsomi/io, jessamine ; sordo, deaf. III. Wiien it is double, wherever it be placed, as in lesso, boiled; i7iesso, put ; ^mowrtw^ff, dissonance ; sas>!o, stone. IV. IBetween two vowels in the adjectives cndini;- in OSO, OSyl^ OSJ, OSJJ, us fdsioso, pompous, fastusi ; virtuoso, -virtuous, c/?7w65// sctnida/oso, scandalous, ,vc«;?(/a/yse; cinio- rosa, amorous, amorose. V. In the names of nations endini^ in ESE, as Sveszcse., Swede ; O/amicsc, Dutchman ; Ing/csc, Enj^lishman; Gcno- fd5e, Genovese; iMilaiicsc, i'vom Milan; C/;/c'i'f, Chinese. Note, Fravchc, a Frenchman, is excepted, and must bo pronounced with the .S hissing-. 14, S. in rimcssn (hissing), as in the Knglish word nisi/. I. Before every consonant, except those whicli ha\ e been spoken of at No. I. of the .S gag/innhi ; as in the words smou tare to descend ; sbigottire, to be frightened ; disdire, to deny; .vo-rtw/mrc, to undeceive ; 5/eg-^irr, to loosen ; stwddrcy to untie; stadia'tre, to root u[). I!, in all words which, in Latinand in French, are writ- ten with an A, as esempio, example; esdnie, examination ; cscrcilo, army ; esorlazione, exhortation. III. When preceded bv the vowel U, as ahasare, to abuse ; cofifiho, contounded ; oltiiso, obtuse ; dc/i'iso, deceived ; accd- sare, to accuse; causa, cause. Except yi/.vo, spindle; in which .S is sounded smart. IV. Adjectives in ESE, ESI, as cortcsc, kind, rortisi ; patese, public ; pa/csi, Sec. V. When it is placed between vowels, as inprosa, prose ; rosa, rose; Paradiso, l*aradise; xiso, face; Asia, Asia. IJul (lii^ rule lias a great niimbi-r of exceplions, and tlwMe are many words in which the .S is sounded siwtrl, \\< in //.s'o, laugh ; rasa, house; posa, rest ; and others, which can only be learned by practice. Rules on the sound <>fl/ii Z. 'I lli•^ lifter has likewise two sound^^, \i/. gagHardai (smart); ov rivu'ssa, (hi-^iiii;). Hut to discern (hem pro- perly, is, perhaps, more dillicnlt lliau those of the N. 8 15. ji is gagllarda (smart), and sounds pretty near the ts, in the English words, wits, fits. I. In nouns ending \nANZA or ENZA, as danza dance ; cpsldnza, constancy ; cltmenza, clemency ; veemenza, vehe- mence. &c. II. In words having after ^ one of the following diph- thongs, lA, IE, 10, us pigrizia, idleness; amicizia, friend- ship ; amicizie ; azione, action, azioni, &c. III. In general, when there are two ZZ between two vowels, as in bellezza beauty ; dolcezza, mildness ; fortezza, foriitude; certczza, certainty; asprezza, hardship; giovi- Ht'sca, youth ; caressf/, caress ; pozzo, well; prezzo, price. Exception. — Some words are excepted, as mezzo, half; dimezzcire, io cut in two parts ; intramezzdre, interpose ; in which z is sounded hissing. -^is rimcssa, hissing ; as ds in the English word Windsor. \Q. There is a great number of words in which this letter is to be sounded hissing, as in zejiro, zephyr ; znnzdra, gnat ; rezzo, shade ; rozzo, rude ; zelo, zeal ; zenzero, ginger ; J^o(/iV/co, Zodiac ; sero, nothing ; g'or;26we, a boy ; donzella, a girl; orso, barley ; razzo, a squib : but without the assis- tance of a teacher, it is somewhat difficult to learn the true sound of this letter. Short Observations on the sound of some other Letters and Syllahles. 17. J lungo is a vowel in Italian ; we make use of it at the end of some nouns, or verbs, instead of two i'.v, as will be observed in Lecture II. where we shall treat of the forma- tion of the plural of nouns, and in Lecture XYIII. contain- ing remarks respecting the formation of the various inflec- tions of verbs. To write noja, instead of tibia, vexation ; cuojo, instead of ciioio, leather ; librdjo, instead oi' librdio, bookseller ',jeri in- stead oiieri, yesterday \ JKridico, instead ot iuridico, lawful, is a modern corruptio!., not adopted by the authors of the Vocabolario della Crusca, nor by Metastasio, and other eminent modern writers, and by none of the ancients.* * BuoMMAiTEi, in liis Giainmar, has even called this letter a consonant ; but how wrong lie has been in ihis point might be proved by one of his own defi- nitions of the vowels and consonants. The academicians Delia Crusca have edited tliis valuable work, but have rejected this principle, by uniformly printing, with a comino-.i /, all those words in which the J lungo had been introduced in former editions. See also § XI. on the letter / of their /^cn//o/ano. lieware of subsequent spurious, and ilistigured editions of this c.\cellent Grammar. — Editor. ^ 9 18. C before E and / is sounded sofu as CH in the I'^n:;- lish Avords, chess, chi// ; in all otiier conibin-ilions it has the /uir(/^o\ind of the Eni^lish letter K. 19. The sound of the G is soft when followed by E or 7 / as in the Eni^lish words, gr?/i, gin ; and it is hard IxMore all other letters. When the syllables CI ov Gl are followed by y/, O, U, as / ciacco, a piij: cionco, I drink; Inccio, a pike: as the first elements of these words chant, chop, chew ; gianiino, i^ar- den ; giorno, day ; giudice, judge ; they may be pronounced in Ei\i::;\'\sh ja:i\ job, jeic, because the vowel /, in such com- binations, is very little !-oiinded. 20. Those words in which the vowel / bears the accent, as bacio, a shady spot ; apologia, apology ; bugia, lye ; as- trolo2;ia, astrology ; are excepted from the al)ove rule, it being indispensable then to lay a particular stress on the 7. t?l. G 7> before / has a soft pronunciation, as in weg7/o, better: rng/io, I will ; figlio, son ; it sounds pretty near as the GL in the I.'nglish word Seraglio. Exception. — T!ie words negligcnza, negligence,;?^ o-//^r///r, negligent, ncgligcre, to neglect, Anglicdno, Briton, are sounded hard as in English, Anglia, (poet.) England. 22. The letters GN must be [)ronounced soft, as in cam- pagna, country, regno, kingdom. It sounds very near the same as gn in the word poignant. 23. GC' before A, E, I, O, has the same pronunciation as the ><\ llables gicali, gzcaty, gicce, gn'o, have in English : gua- dagndre to gain; read gicahdagndrc ; gucrcio, squinting; read gunijrcio ; ndeguo, 1 level; read adaigico ; guida, guide ; read giceeda. 24. The letter 77 has no sound at the beginning of words, as in the English words hour, hamonr, herb ; but wiien it comes between 6' and E, r.\ind 7, or G and E, G and /, it serves to give them a hard sound, as the ch in Chorus, and g \i\ geese. 2.5. The few words in which 7/ at the; Ix'iiiiniing is now used, to avoid an e(|uivocal signilicalion, and which are very easy to retain, are the iollowin*; : ho, I have; to distinguish it from <>, or ; hai, thou hast ; from ai, to the ; ha, lie has ; trom a to : hanno, they have ; fr«jm anno, year. In the in- tcrjertionc, such as ah! eh! dth! Sec. oh! or pray ! (S:c. the 77 serves only to lengthen the sound of the vowel. 2f). QU hi'{'(/i), Chioslro ChiucchixirUtia Dado, Dtiada Jicuc, luclc Pt'iia, Fcde Filosofo Fifa Grille, Giiigin Guillo, Giardino Gclo, I.eggerc Giro, Gi^diite Ciosira, Gioranc Giurdre, Giudicc Lngo, Ago Laghi, yighi (iiicrddrc, Gudnio Gucrcio, Sdiigiic Guida, Laiiguirc GItidia, Rdgghi Ghidccio, Ghidnda Lnsiiighicro, Vi'gghie Ghiotto, Iiighiottire EgU, Figlio a glio, Ciptglio Jiriglia, Figlia Moglie, Foglie Miglio, Cotisiglio Sonagliuzzo, Pcigliuca Magliuulo, Figliiiolo Segno, Fegno Campdgna, Legna Montdgne, Insignc Rt'gni, Ogni Guaddgno, Bagno Ignudo, Ignuddrc I'ino, Tini Tcmpj, Ufizj Saltclldrc, ImUq Mamma, Tempo Nano, ylnzidno Jiolta, Parola Noiiw, Conlo Pappagdllo, Papa Rumore, Partdrc Jiaso, Sasso iJsina, Sbdglio Sccsa, Fiiscio Seitigura, Fdscia Sc6tnpio, SeeiiH Scintilla, Scimia Sciocco, Fascio ylsciiitto, PresciuUo Ti'ttlo, Natio Fumo. Ciii IJitmo, Cudrc Raitvimrc, yivo Carfzv, '/.ana Zanzdra, Zclo A demand, a church A nail, a cloi>ter A hooting crowd A die, a nyinpii Tlic good, bile I'ain, faith I'liilosopher, a lapwing People, a gum Yellow, garden Prost, to rea»I Bonier, a giant Tilting, a young person To swear, a judge Lake, needle Lakes, needles To keep, glove S(iuint-e_veil, blood A guide, languish Gravel, brays Ice, the acorn Plattering, watchings Greedv, to swallow He, son Tiie eye-brow, a frown A bridle, daughter A wife, leaves A mile, council A small rattle, or straw A vine shoot, a son A sign, a pledge Country, fire-wood IMountains, renowned Kingdoms, every Gain, bath Naked, to strip naked Pine-trees, tubs Temples, ofKces To jump, chatt' Mama, time Dwarf, elder A blow, a word A noun, accoimt A parrot, a pope Noise, to speak Satin, a stone An awl, a blunder A descent, a bundle Misfortune, a band Slaughter, scene A spark of tire, an ape A fool, a buiuUe Dry, ham All, native Snuike, whom A man, heart To enliven, alive Caresses, a cradle A gnat, zeal \2 LECTURE II. On Nouns Substantive, their Variatiofis, Gender, Number, Sfc* 1. Most nouns in Italian are terminated in the singular by one of the vowels A, E, O ; some few in / and U. 2. f Gkneral Rule. — All nouns, whether substantives or adjectives, having the accent on the final vowel, are in- declinable ; as, re, king or kingst ; "cirtii, virtue or virtues ; veritd, truth or truths ;:^ Lunedi, Monday or Mondays, &c. ; raso or rasidore, satin, or satins of orange colour, &c. 3. Nouns in A generally make their plural in E ; as, pidnta^ plant, pidnte ; sorella, sister, sorelle. 4. Nouns of both genders, ending in E or O, take their plural in I ; as, padre, father, padri ; capello, hair, capeJli ; cappello. hat. cappelli. 5. Effigie, effigy, specie, species, superficie, surface, bar- bdrie, barbarity, serie, series, progenie, offspring, are excejit- ed, and have the same termination in the plural. 6. Nouns in / are indeclinable ; as, /' etifasi, the em- phasis, le enfasi. Those in C/ belong to {\\e general rule, No. 2. 7. There are some feminine nonns which have a double singular and double plural ; as, veste or vesta, a vest; dote or dota, portion ; frode or froda, fraud ; fronde or fronda, a leaf: ale or ala, wing; arm e or arma, arn); lode or loda, praise ; canzone or canzona, song.§ 8. Nouns in A are of the feminine gender. 9. The catalogue of nouns in A making an exception to this rule may be seen in Lecture XXIV, table 1. 10. Nouns in E, some are masculine ; as, padre, father ; * Tlie Author treating here alternately, aud without niiicii order, souietimes of the gender, and somel^imes of the number of suhstantives, the stuileut will readily find any of the rules concerning eacii of iheiii hy consulting the Index under these words. Any attempt to arrange this Lecturf. would have proved a laborious ta-k, and no adequate idea would have been derived from it. 'I'he TuU's are perfectly accurate. — Euitor. t Those monosyllables, as re, te, &c. having only one vowel, are by some improperly written with an accent. The accent is useless, but they belong nevertheless to this rule. — Editor. ^ Snth substantives in verse, and sometimes in elegant prose, are lengthened by the addition of the syllabie de, or le, as veritale or veritade, virtute or vir- lude, &c. and then they are changed in the plural, as other nouns in E. Se^ next rule. § Ca?i,toHa is quiie vulgar ; vtsia, dota, Jwda, frviidi:, bida, are very htlle used in prose. \r> o«(Uf , lionour : some feminine ; as, ;?/rtr//r, mother ; ripida- zione^ lepiilation. Complete taiii.f.s of those of either •gender will be found in Lecture XXIV. 11. A few may be eitlier masculine or feminine; as ctncrCj* ashes ; Jifie, end ; C(jfc(rc, prison : Jonic, fountain ; scrpc, snake. 12. Substantives endinji in JORE are all masculine, and those in SIONE, or ZIOJVE, all feminine, without exception. 13. Nouns ending in LE, 3/E, ORE, ONE, ENTE, OXTE, are masculine ; as, vidle, walk ; lume, light ; Jiore, flavour: busi one, f^iick; dent e, iooiU ; ponle, bridge. 14. The follow in;- are excerpted; viz. fame, hunger; speme, hope ; gnile, people ; which are feminine. 15. All nouns in () are masculine. 16. I'jxcept w^rt/.'o, hand ; and a few proper names, coming from the (rreek ; as, Sajfo, S;ipp]io; Erato, Eratho ; Cloto, Clotho ; Atropo, Atropos; yi/t'//o. A lecto ; and also 7J /Wo, Dido; Cartago, Carthage; /w;«/i^o, an image ; which are only used in poetry, instead o'i D'ldoiie, Cart('igin€,imm(igine. 17. The ['e\v substantives ending in U are indeclinable and feminine. Of those in / equally indeclinable, two co- pious TABLES specifying the gender will be found in Lecture XXIV. And in the same Lecture, various tables will lie found of nouns, both substantives and adjectives, which change their iinal vowel, and either change or retain the same meaning. Ranarhs on the Nouns ending in O, and 10, CA, and GA, CO, and GO, cSr. 18. Uumo,ma.u, takes a syllable more in the plural, and makes nomini, men. Din, or J dd/o^ God, {Idd/o is never used with an article close to il : see Lkctuuk III.) in the plural, sj)eaking of Heathen Deities, makes Dei, or Jddii,and takes the article g/i. 19. There arc some words in O which have two termina- tions; viz. in ARO and A JO, as, libraro or lihniio, book- seller ; ralzoldro or calznldio, shoemaker ; /o/v/«ro or for- ;/r//o, baker ; fi'enndio or Cw( mid io, Jiiuuary ; Febbrdro, or J'(bbrdii), Fcbru: ry. The -second termination, which is more elegant, becomes plural by only lo-ing its last vowel ; as, Hbrdi,forndi, calzoldi, i<^c.i • Ccnrre, in the plural, in femiiiiiir ; ciiid xn is circere. t See ;ivcry iinportaul nolc», at Ltcluic XXiV. No. fi. 14 20. Some others may also terminate in RE and EO ; as, doppicre or doppiero^ a taper ; nocchitre or noccliiero, pilot ; arciere ov arciero, archer: leggiere or leggiero, light; «V*- triere or destricro, horse ; mcstiere or viestiero, trade. The first terujiiuition, viz. in -RJ5^, is most approved, and used by the best writers." 21. A i>reat number of substantives, ending in O, in the singular, end in ^i in the plural ; and by such a variation they become feminine, as braccio, arm ; bntccia, arms ; osso, bone, ossa, bones. In the declension of nouns, a List of such substantives will be given in its proper place. 22. 5 Of nouns ending in 10, it must be observed, that in some the 1 serves to modify the sound of the preceding consonants, and in others does not. 23. Those of the first class are terminated in CIO, CIIIO, GHIO, GIG, GLIO, or SC70, and become plural by merely taking away the O ; as bacio, kiss, bad ; specchio, looki!!g-glass, specchi ; ringhio, ringhi, grinning ; orologio, watch, orologi ; consiglio, counsel, consigli ; fascia, Jhsci, bundle. 24. The second cla-s embraces all others, and becomes plural by changing 10 into a long J ; as tempio, tem|)le, tempj ; princ/pio, he^'inmug, principj ; studio, study, studj : to write studii, principii, tempii, with two i's, is obsolete. + 25. Those words which end in CIA, SCI A, GIA, tlie accent not tailing upon that /, change the lA into E in the plural; as, gudncia, cheek, giuhice ; coscia, thigh, cosce ; spidggia, sea coast, spidgge. 26. f i3ut if the accent fails upon the 7, thej form their plural according to the Rule 3 ; as gaggia, a cage, gaggle. 27. Ail nouns feminine ending in CA, or GA, take an //, in the plural, after the C and G, without any exception.: thus; CUE, GIIE; as, pidga, the wound; pidghe, the wounds ; grammdtica, grAmmo^v ; grammdtiche, granmiars. * The stiuietit imiM not imitate the Romans, wiio fiiiis^li almost all the above nouns ill A'/ in the singular; for no other of them can have that termiiiation except leggiere and mesticre, which may end in RI in botli numbers. — Editor. f h must be observed that nouns in JO, which are pronounced with the accent on the /, cannot be written with a J /ungo in tiie pUual ; but the O must be changed into a second /; as desio, desire, desii ; viormorio, murmur, mormorii. — Author. The above two rules are entirely original from my 7 Vf a/we; see them at lenuth at Note 46, ihid. They are founded upon the constant practice of the Academicians Delia Crusca. .A few exceptions only are against it ; they write, for instance, nfficj, servigj, offices, services ; but we could even find some reasons for these in iheir derivation frocn others meaning perfectly the same, and ending in xio in the singular, as servizio, uffizio, which of course belong to the second class, and make their plural sercizj, ujDhj.— Editor. IT) 2S. Ill the same manner the inaiJculine nouns endinij^ in CO or GO take an H more in the plural ; as, luogo, place, /i/os^iii places ; fuoco^ fire, ftioc/ii, Hres. i?9. E.ir( plioi/.— TUvy do not i;(.>!ierally take tiie // when tiiey are conjposec! of more than (wo syUal)les; as, aiuico, friend, owic/, friends, woi a miclii ; /f('>/ooo, a divine, tculogi, divines, not tco/og/ii. 30. Nevertheless, tnanv words will be found of three or four syUables, taking an 7/ in their plural; as, hijolco^ ploni>hnian, bifolchi ; (//7/o//o-o, diplithon;;, diltong/ii ; mdnico^ handle, ;//r/,Of the Dei, or De'k Of the Dili. Al, To the, or at the Ai, or A'^ To the, or at the Abl.7^n/, From the,o?by the /)«/, or7J«'§ From the, or by the t)ioui;li sucli a metliod could not be consiilered as a fault, ilie Acadt'iniciaiis Delia Crw5Cdf liavc constantly followed the above rule, as 1 liave alured it ac- core//o, Orthe iJegli, Of the Dat. Alio, To the,or atthe Agli, To the, or at the A bl. Dallo, From the, or bj the Dagli, From the, or by the Sing. Fern. Plur. Nom. and Ace. La, The+ Le, The Gen.jDe//«, Ofthe Belle, Of the Dat. Alia, To the, or at the Alle, To the, or at the Abl. i)a//«, From the, or by the Z)«//e, From the, or by the 11. A Table of the Variations of Substantive and Adjective Nouns, with their Article, together with some Prepositions. Nouns oftheMa?culineGender,vvhich require the Article iZ/. Sing. Plur. // cielo stelldto I cieli stelldti, The starry heaven The starry heavens T)el cielo stelldto Dei or de^ cieli stelldti, Ofthe,«&c. Ofthe, &c. Al cielo stelldto Ai or a' cieli stelldti To the, or at the, &c. To the, or at the, &e. X)«/ cielo stelldto Dai or da' cieli stelldti, From the, or by the, &e. From the, or by the, Szc. vowels after the first consonant; as, de" miei aniici, of my friends; a' citoi fortiy.lo the strong hides. — Editor. * The article LO suffers always, in the singular, an elision before a vowel ; as, I' Amore, tht- love ; but it is not the same in the plural. In the latter case it happens only when the nouns begin with an /, in order to avoid the dis- as-reeable sound of two i'5, following one another; hs, I'lmperature, the Em- peror ; Gl' J mperatori, the Emperors; not Gli Imperatori. — Author. Wlien LO is a pronoun, and is after the particle no instead of won in the sublime, we write them both in one word; thus, nol voglio, instead o( rion lo voglio, I will not have it : whfn preceded by another pronoun, see Lecture Wl.'-Edilor. f What has been observed in the elision of the article LO in the singular number, applies likewise to the article LA in both numbers : but it must be re- marked, tl at before a few words which have, in the sinijular and plural, the same tcrniiiiation, the number being entirely determined by the article, it may be better in such ciises to write it without an elision; l' eta, the age; le eta, the ages; I' estremiia, the extretnity ; le cstremita, the extremities. — Aiilhor. The Academicians do not admit of any such distinctions ; and Cinonio is also for the elision before any noun, as the most universal way of writing it. — Editor. 19 Nel cit'/o s( icno * Pel citlo risp/rndaite f Col ciclo osniro X Sill cit'lo cristallino Net or we' ciili sereni PiiKPOSITIOiNS. Sing. In the serene heaven For the resplendent, (S:c. Witli the obscure, &c. Upon thf crystulline, Sec. Siiik'. In the serene heavens ^ I'ei or pe' citli risplendcnti For the resplendent, &c. II Coi or co^ cicli osciiri With the obscure, &c. ^ Sii i cicll cristdllini Upon the crystalline, &c. 12. These Prepositions must always be used in this man- ner before a masculine noun, which recjuires the Article IJLy either in the siii<;ular only, or in both numbers; as, Sing, The generous prince Ofthr, &c. 'Vo the, or at the, &'c. I'rom the, or by the, &c. Pur. The generous princes Ol'tlie, &c. To the, or at the, Sec. From the, or by the, &c. Sing. The difficult beginning Ofthe&c. To the, or at the, &c. From the, or by the, &c. Plur. J I principr generoso J)(l pri/icipr g-f neroso .7/ principc gv ncroso JJiil principc generuso I pi incipi gcnerosi ** /)e' priucipi gencrosi A^ principi gowrusi Da'' principi gemrusi II principio mnlngcxole ])( I principio innlagexole Al principio nial./ A' principi nialagnoli I) a' principj malagcioU The difficult beginnings nfthe,&c. 'Yu tlu', or at the, ifcc. From the, or by the, &c. • Some !«;iy per il, iiistea^'ra|iliy. •• I bare writtt ii di-', a , d.i , prituipi noi itri, oi, dat, ^r. (or the reason allcgcil in liie article*. Sec (he Table of Oie Article, |> I", note §. f 2 20 // drsio fervido Del dcsio fervido A I desio fervido Dal desio fervido I desiifervidi jDe' desii fervidi A'' desii fervidi Da' desii fervidi II di sventurdto Del dl sventurato Al dl sventurdto Dal di sventurato I dl sventurdti De' dl sventurdti A^ di sventurdti Da^ dl sventurdti II Dio de* Christidni Del Dio de* Christidni Al Dio de' Christidni Dal Dio de' Christidni II zannigoffo Del zanni goffo A I zanni gqffo Dal zanni goffo Sing The ardent desire Ofthe,&c. To the, or at the, &c. From the, or by the, &c. I'liir. The ardent desires Of the, &c. To the, or at the, &c. From the, or hy the, &c. Sing. The unhappy day Ofthe, cSsc. To the, oral the, &c. From the, or by the, &c. Plur. The unhappy days Ofthe, &c. To the, or at the, &c. From the, or by the, &c. Sing. The God ofthe Christians Ofthe, &c. To the, or at the, &c. From the, or by the, &c. Sing. The awkward buftbon Ofthe, &c. To the, or at the, &c. From the, or by the, &c. Id.NounsoftheMasculineGenderwhichrequiretheArticieLO. Lo spavento terribile Dello spavento terribile Alio spavento terribile Dallo spavento terribile Gli spaventi terribili Degli spaventi terribili Agli spaventi terribili Dagli spaventi terribili Sing. The terrible fright Ofthe, &c. To the, or at the, &c. From the, or by the, &c. Plur. The terrible frights Ofthe, &c. To the, or at the, &c. From the, or by the, &c. o 2\ ^1115. /.<> studio i/ilcnolto The interrupted study J)tllo studio ifitinolto Oftlie, &c. --///o studio inttrrotto To the, or at the, &c. J)a//o studio interrotto From the, or by the, &c. I'lur. Gli studj interrotli The interrupted studies D(i:;li studj intcrrntd Of the, &c. ^'Ig/i studj intcrrutti To the, or at the, &c. Dagli studj intcrrutti From the, or by the, &c. PREPOSITIONS.* Sing. Nello sccttro dureo In the p;olden sceptre Pcllo sccttro Tcale For the royal, &c. (olio sccttro ducalc With the ducal, &c. Sullo sccttro iinpcridle Upon the imperial, &c. Plur. Nccrli sccltri durei In the golden sceptres Pc(^li scctlri rcdli For the royal, Sec. Cogli sccttri ducali With the ducal, &c. Sugli sceltri imperidli Upon the imperial, Sec. The same Prepositions nuist be thus written before every Masculine Noun which takes the Article J^O even only in the plural ;t as, I'lur. Gli d< i dc gctitili The gods of the heathens Dcgli dci de: gcutili Of the, &c. Agli dci de' gcntili To the, or at the, &c. Dagli dci dc"" gcnlili I'rom the, or by the, Sec. Plur. fili zii hisht'tici The whimsical uncles J)(gli zii hislhlici Oftlie, Sec. Agli zii bisbctici To the, or at the, &;c. Ddgli zii bisbctici I^Vom the, 0/ by the, &c. • Some- (.ay (and it is cfitially proper) per /o, iiisti-ud of prilo; per pli, iiiHtiad of pe/^li ; run lo, iri'lcaij of (olto ; co)i gli, iii.Hluaii of cogli ; sopra lo, for mllo ; Mo/tra f;li, for xugli. t Sec my note faip. H'>, and my addition to note t at |>. \i\,— lidUoi. C *y 1? am ore cieco De/P mnure imprudente AW (onore itrcetcrdto JJaW amorefinto 22 14. Nouns of the Masculhie Gender which require the Article LO with an Apostrophe. Sing. The blind love or the imprudent, &c. Tothe,orat the inveterate, &c. From the, or by the feigned &c. Plur. The blind loves Of the imprudent, &c. To the, or at the in veterate, &c. From the, or by thefeiq;ned,&c. Sing. The dreadful fire Of the inextinguishable, &c. To the, or at the ruinous, &c. From thcjOr by the amorous, &Cc Plur. The dreadful fires Of the, &c. Git amor i ciechi Degli amori imprudenti Agii amuri inveterdti Dagli amori Jinti U incendio spaventeiole DeW incendio inestingtribile AW incendio rovinoso DaW incendio amoroso GV incendj spaventevoli DegP incendj inestinguibili AgV incendj rovinosi DagV incendj amorosi To the, or at the, &;c. i\> W 01 lio pe rp 't uo PeW Homo duhbene From the, or by the, &c. PREPOSITIONS. Sing. In the perpetual liatred For the honest man With the bloody sword Upon the paternal love Plur. • In the perpetual hatreds For the honest men Witli the bloody swords Upon the paternal loves These Prepositions are always placed in the same manner before every Masculine Noun which begins with a vowel. 15. Nouns Masculine in the Singular often made Feminine in the Plural. Sine. Plur. // ginocchio The knee. Le ginocchia The knees Del ginocchio Oftlie, &c. Delle ginocchia O? the, 8cc. Al ginocchio To the, or at Alle ginocchia To the, or at (^o/r (icridio insanguindto Suir amore patcrno Negli 6dj perpetui Pegli uomini dahbcne Cogli nccidi insanguindti Sugli amori patcrni the, &c. the, &c. Dal ginocchio Fromtlie, &c. Dalle gi7i6cchia From the, &c. 23 Sine. Plur. II hri'iccio J)tl bruccio Al brdrcio The arm T.c hraccUi Of the, &:c. Ddle hracc'ut To the, or at Allc braccia the, &c. The arms Of the, ^c. To the, or at the, , th;it cannot be used in familiar st^le or conversation, without being noticed as a pedant throughout all Tuscany. T/ie Obelisk + marks those which ought not to be used in polite conversation, tor they are looked upon as charac- teristics of a low education, though tiie greater part of them are to be met with in prose writers and in the most cele- brated poets. The Double Obelisk ^ points out such plurals as are mere barbarisms, uttered only by very vulgar persons. The Section k points out others used in the beautiful and elegant capital of Tuscany, but if adopted elsewhere, they would be pedantry. 1. It is proper to observe that anello signifies a Rins; and a Thimble, the thimble is the measure used in Italy tor selling by it the Silk-Worm-Eggs : therefore though the Tuscans use Anelli for Rings, and the Florentines only say anella ; the latter is the only word used throughout all Tus- cany to express the aforesaid measure. 2. Both at Florence, and in every other part of Tuscany, Budclli is always used when the word is preceded by a numeral noun, as due Budelli, tre Budelli, S,-c. 3. Coltella is frequently used in the singular number, but then it means a hunter's or butcher's large knife. 4. Corni is the only plural of Corno when applied to a musical wind-instrument, but in other cases Coma is pre- ferable. 5. Dilello, with its plural terminations, was used in Boc- cace's time; few Florentines would now understand what it means. At present we say L^iseel/a, fem. sing, and Tj'ascelle, fi.'m.piur. Besides Ditelli would always be considered a barbarism. 6. rUa is better than Fili when it stands as the plural of /V/o, meaning thread ; but taken in the sense of the edge of cutting instruments, we must always say Fdiy and never nin. 7. Speaking of several and various kinds of fiuit, Frutta is the only fashionable plural ; but if it be intended to sig- nily many fruits of the same phmt, we must say I'ri/tti, and not I'rulta, Ex. lloxeduto una rama di (lii/ggiolo pieiia di 26 frutti. Frutii is likewise the ow\y plural of Frullo in the metaphorical sense, as interest for money, effects, conse- quences, &e. Frulte is properly the plural of Frutta, sing, f. not of Friitto. 8. Gesti means the gestures of Orators, Actors, &c. but Gesta, the warlike feats and glorious deeds. 9. Grani is always the only plural for grains of Weight and Corn. The Florentines do elegantly use Grana in the sense oi'seed, corns or small lumps. Ex. Tre grani dipepe. Due grana (Tincenso. 10. Legni is the plural o^Legno, when taken in the sense of pieces of wrought wood, or fit for some particular use, as also when it means ships, or travelling conveyances ; but Legna is always used when it signifies a quantity of wood for fuel, whether in faggots or logs. 11. Migli is the only plural used when speaking of diffe- rent kinds of Millet. 12. Meriggi and merigge signify nothing else, but the shadows caused by the objects opposed to the sun, and in this sense Meriggi is to be preferred. When it means Noon on the sonthern quarter of the world, nieriggio has no plural, but has the singular feminine two ways, Blerigge and Meriggia, and Meriggio masculine. 13. ikTwro means walls that surround parks, gardens, &c. il/wrct are the rasiiparts of a town, and also the walls of a room; of this, however, the properest word is Parete, f. sing, and Pareti, f. plur. 14. Ossi is always the plural of Osso, when speaking of bones given to a dog, or cleared from table. Ossa, and at times O^SiJ, signifies the bones of an animal, or rather the whole body of bones or skeleton of the human body, or of any other animal. 15. Quadrella is the poetical plural in the sense of arrows or shafts. 16. Risi is the plural of Riso., rice; but, for bursts of laughter, we must say Risa.^ in which sense Risi would be a barbarism. 17. Rubbio is a corn-measure, which answers to the Me- dimnus of the Latins; it contains at least six Italian Moggia. This word has escaped the notice of many Dictionaries ; 97 but still there is not in Italy any Book of Aritlnnetic, how- ever small it may be, but treats of the RuhbiOj though this measure be not in great use in Tuscany. 17. Nouns of the Feminine Gender zchich require the Article LA. J.n fdlien incredible J)( lid fdliea incr( dibit Alia fatiea incredible Dallafaiica incredible L,e fafiehe incredibili DeUe fetiche incredibili A lie fatiche incredibili Dalle fatiche incredibili La mnglie inganndta Delia mnf^lie ingnnnata Alia jnuiilie inij^(tnnata Dalla 7}u'iglie inganndta Le mvsli ingannate* Delle miigli ingannate Alle mofili infranndte Dalle mngli ingannate Jm gudncia pienotfa Delia gudneia pienotta Alia gudneia pienotta Dalla gudneia pienotta Le gudnee piendttef l)( III' gudnee piendtte ytlli gudnee pietiutte JJalle gudnee piendtle Sitig. The incredible fatiji^ue Of the, ^c. To the, or at the &,c. From the, or by the, &.c. Plur. The incredible fatigues Of the, kc. To the, or at the, &c. From the, or by the, &c. Siug. The deceived wife or the, &c. To the, or at the, ike. From the, or by the, &.c. Plur. The deceived wives Ofthe, &c. To the, or at the, 8cc. From the, or by the, ike. Sing. The plump cheek Ofthe, ike. To the, or at the, ike. From the, or by the, &c. Plur. The plump cheeks Ofthe, ike. 'i'o the, or at the, ike. From the, or by the, &c. • M^iflie, as here sliown, becomes plural by losing the E ; aiiee K'lle, n. 'J.'), \t. II, in i.ecline II. vvhith lilt Aullior had hue imiirojicrly otaltd as liable to eXte|)lions. — I'Jditor. 28 PREPOSITIONS. Sing. With the continual fatigue For the inexpressible, &c. In the infidel wife Upon the soft cheek Plur. With the continual fatigues For the inexpressible, &c. In the infidel wives Upon the smooth cheeks Make use of these prepositions before every feminine noun which does not begin with a vowel. Colla fatica continiia Pellafatica indicibile Nella mos^lie infedele Sulla gudncia morbida Colle fatiche contimie^ Pelle fatiche indicibili Nelle mogli infedeli Sulle gudnce morbidi 18. Nouns of the Feminine Gender beginning with a Vowel. Sing. The feeble authority Of the, &c. To the, or at the, &c. From the, or by the, &c. Plur. The feeble authorities Of the, &c. To the, or at the, &c. From the, or by the, &g. Sing. U autoritd leggieri DelV autoritd leggieri Air autoritd leggieri DalV autoritd leggieri \Le autoritd leggieri Delle autoritd leggieri A lie autoritd lego-ieri Dalle autoritd leggieri U educazibne trascurdta Deir educazione trascurdta Air educazione trascurdta DaW educazione trascurdta Z/' educazioni trascurdte DeW educazioni trascurdte AlV educazioni trascurdte Dair educazioni trascurdte The neglected education Ofthe, &c. To the, or at the, &c. From the, or by the, &c. Plur. The neglected educations Ofthe, &c. To the, or at the, &c. From the, or by the, &c. * Some say (without impropriety) con la, con le, instead of colla, colle ; per la, per le, instead of pella, pellc. t The author had here forgot his own note f at p. 18, and had written the plural article LE without an apostrophe hefore anime. I have therefore changed the exemplification, to justify in some measure the orthography of this article; but in so doing I have been compelled to choose a noun properly be- longing to the next class, p. 29. See ai>o my addition to the same note, and the whole of next note | too at p. 2!). — Editor. 29 Pf?EPOSITIONS. Slug. *\rir nvirrsifa pcscinfe In the heavy adversity *rflir autorita principa/e With the principal authority Pcir cdiicaziunc uialcnm For the maternal education Suir educazione patcrna Upon the paternal, &c. Plur. *Xel(e avrersifa pesanfi In the heavy adversities *ro/ic autorita principd/i With the principal authorities Pc/r educazioni matcrne For the niaterual educations SuW educazioni patcrne Upon the, &c. Every feminine noun besinnin|- are applicable not only to all the nouns inserted after each of them, but also lo any other comprised under those rules. Sins- L' eta viatura The ripe age Deir eta axanzata Of the advanced age AW eta decrcpita To the, or at the decrepit, &c. Dair eta gioxanile From the, or by the, &c. Pliir. Le eta matureX The ripe ages Delle eta axanzulc Of the advanced, iS;c. Alle eta decrepite To the, or at the decrepit, tSic. Dalle eta giovanili From the, or l)y the, ^c. -^. ^ So are declined, with their article and adjectives, all indeclinable feminine sub-^tantives commencing with a vowel : as, amistd^ friendship ; ipdtcsi, hypothesis ; cstasi, • Some alterations have licre also taken |ilacc, for reasons in luy |)icceding note. — Editor. f The'i.ruiilii)n of lliein to n'her noiin*. — EititoT. ♦ Kecolkct here what lias lu'cn .«.aid in the Tahle of An irlfs, note } p. 18. At the same time, it is worth observng, tlial tlie article LE before eta mature, aviinuttr, and derrr/jite, may be n^ed wilh an a|(o''lro|ihe, n^^ the adjerlive not only *hovvH the nninher, ImiI even the nenijcr. — Authnr. In fact, wlien there is an adjective it ouRlit to be indeclinable Ion, to wiite this ailicle without clis-ion with propriety. — Editor. 30 extasy ; en fast , emphasis ; iri^ for mWe, rainbow ; cffii^if^, effig-y ; intenipcrie, the inteiiiperature of the air ; cquHd, equity ; opporlumtd, opportunity ; i/iiquiUl, iniquity, &c. 21. ^ Exception. — But if there is with them an ad- jective that discovers the number, as in the above exem- plification, it is by far more regular to write the article with an elision, even in the plural. (See note %■) P- 18.) Sing. Z/' eclissi soldre The solar eclipse Deir eclissi soldre Of the, &c, AlV eclissi soldre To the, or at the, &c. DaW eclissi soldre From the, or by the, &c. Plur. Gli eclissi soldri The solar eclipses JJegli eclissi soldri Of the, &c. Agli eclissi soldri To the, or at the, &c. Dagli eclissi soldri From the, &c. 22. ^ Thus are declined, with their articles and ad- jectives, all other indeclinable masculine substantives, com- mencing with a vowel, if there beany more; for I cannot recollect a single one just now besides the above, which the author had most improperly declined as feminine. Apply the Exception as above. Sing. La superficie quadrdtra The square surface Delia superficie quadrdta Of the, &c. Alia superficie quadrata To the, or at the, &c. Dalla superficie quadrdta From the, or by the, &c. Plur. Le superficie quadrate The square surfaces Delle superficie quadrate Of the, &c. Alle superficie quadrate To the, or at the, &c. Dalle superficie quadrdte From the, or by the, &c. 23. ^ Thus are declined, with their articles and adjec- tives, all other indeclinable feminine substantives com- mencing with a consonant; as, fedelta, fidelity; belld^ beauty ; crudeltd, cruelty ; dignitd, dignity ; hontd. good- ness; virilitd, virility; puritd, purity; casiild, chastity; caritdy charity ; potesfd, or podesla, power ; getierosita, ge- nerosity ; maestd, majesty ; libertd, liberty ; schiaviiu, sla- very ; servitii, servitude ; tribii, tribe ; virfii, virtue ; gru, crane ; diocesi, diocese ; pardfrasi, paraphrase ; parentesi, 31 parenthesis: mctmmh-foai, metamorphosis; specie^ kind; fiidci, reward: tcnipcric, iho tenipeniture of the air: bar- Ixirif^ barbarity: stric, series; progcnie, oiVspring; pari, equal ; Gcnesi, Genesis.* // tej- odoroso Del te odoroso AI te odoroso Dal le odoroso I te odorosi X)e' te odorosi A^ te odorosi Da^ tc odorosi Sing. The sweet tea Of the, &c. To the, or at tlie. &c. From the, or by tlie, &c. Plur. The sweet teas Of the, &c. To the, or at the, &c. From the, or by the, &c. 24. ^ Thus are declined, with their article and adjectives, all indeclinable masculine substantives commcncinj^ with a consonant : as, re, king ; lare/ic, a running footman , vicere, viceroy, {kc. 2:3. ^ Exception. — As to those, if any, commencing with an S followed by a consonant, or with a y?, it is to be ob- served that they will receive the same article, as has been above exemplified, for similar declinable nouns. — See p. 21 and 22. General Observation on all the foregoing Declensions. 26. •" Observe that the articles, as given above, might not be the proper ones, if the adjectives required to be put before the substantives, for then they would still agree with their substantives in gender and number; but as to the adopt ini,r //^ or L() in the masculine, or putting an apostroj)lic to the article of both genders, the initial of the adjective, whether a consonant, a vowel, an N i))ipnr(\ or a X, would determine the (piestion, since the article would, in such case, |)recede the adjective. We shall treat (jf the position ofadjccti\es in lAcliirc V. • Genesi ]%n( botli ^'emlerx ; pari is of lioili i^piulcrs and nueiiliers ; and wc rnay say, un pari votiro, ^ucll a n)aii as you ; una pan inslra, micIi a woman as you; I //art juoi, tlii-i; rqiial^ ; lepariiuf, llii-ir (•(|uals f Till- Academiciani at ihi* word CIA, •'yni>iiyni last word witli n Rravc aca-nt, thus, U. but ai the word TK, they write it four lime* wiihoiit accent, so thai it may be written either way. — Editor. 32 Exercises iipoti Articles and Nouns, both Suhslantivc and Adjective, together with some Prepositions. The great events and revolutions of France. The eclipses of grande evento rivoliizione Francia eclissi the moon. The study of belles lettres. Thelookini^-jrlass of luna stiidio belle letterc, pi. f. specchio my room. The fear of the torments of hell. The virtues of mio camera timbre tormento inferno virtii the Romans. The hatred of my enen)ies. All the bones of Romano odio mio nemico osso your body. The ring- of the princess. The fable of tlie frogs. Tostro corpo onello principessa fdxola ranucchio The looks of the assembly. The country of the Amazons. occhiata assejnblea paese Arndz%one To imitate the ancients. The handsome women of London. imitc'ire antico bello donna Londra All the prophets ofthe world. All thebooksellcrsofthistown. profeta mondo libraio questo cittd The great satisfaction I have. The tree of liberty. The grande soddisfazione, che io ho albero libertd bottles and glasses. Tne friends and enemies of your country. hoccia bicchiere amico nemico vostro paese The misfortunes ofthe people. The Emperors and Empresses. disgrdzia popolo imperature imperatrice The diligent master 1 have got. The most difficult exercises. diligente maestro, che io ho piii difficile esercizio The herbs of the apothecary. The loves of Phyllis. I have trba spezidle ambre Fillide Io ho three uncles. The happy state of England. The bad snccess tre zio felice stato Inghilterra caltivo successo of that undertaking, The black eyes of my sister. The noise quello impresa nero bcchio di mia sorella rinnore of the mob. The days of the week. With the spirit. With plebdglia dl settimdna spirito the books. With the honour. With the thinkingsoul. Upon libro onore pensdnte dnima the table. Upon the organ. Upon theharpsichord. Upon the tdvola brgano gravicembalo appearances. In the election. In the chamber. In the npparenza ekzibne cdmera kingdom. In the winters. In the effigies. For the time. regno invcrno ^ff^S'^ tempo For the love. For the study. Forthewifp. For t!ie bitterness. ambre studio wbglie amarezza 33 LECTURE IV. Further Remarks on the Use of the Articles, IL, LO, LA. I. There are many nouns in English wliich do not atlniit of the article before them.; such as those of Jr/.v, Sciences, Virlues, f'ices, Metals, and others. In Italian, they always take the article, as uill be seen in the lollowiny; instances. Virtue cannot affrec with vice. La xirtit non pub accorddr- SI col IIZIO. Chastity, modesty, and huini- La east/td, la viodestia, e lity, are lovely viitues. /' timilt(isonozirlu.amdbili. Drunkenness is abominable. L' ubbriachexza e abbomine- xole. Hope is the 34 4. EXERCISES. Rye, wheat, barley. I love wine. I proclaim peace. Segale, grano, orzo. Mi place vino. Jo bandisco pace. I declare war. Salt, vineoar, oil. You admire beauty. lo intimoguerra. Sale, acclo, olio. Vol ammirdtebellezza. 5. The article is also placed in Italian before nouns of dig- nity ; as, King Charles, // ?e Carlo ; Prince Henry, 11 prin* cipe Amiga ; Queen Jane, La Regina Gioxunna. 6. EXERCISES. Count S;ixe; General Ligonier ; Marshal d'Estress ; Conte di Sassonia; Generdle Ligonier ; Marescidllod' Estres; Lieutenant Ciordon ; Queen Charlotte ; EmperorLeopoldo. JLuogotenenteGordon ; Reg iruiCar lotto : ImperatoreLiCopoldo . 7. We likewise meet the article before adverbs or verbs to the infinitive mood ; as, e 'I dove, and where; e'l quando, and when ; del come, of how ; il perc/ie, the reason ; il par- tare, the speech ; il tacere, the silence.* 8. The four parts of the world, and some names of nations, islands, and provinces, generally take the article ; as, /' Affrica, deW Ajfrica, dfc. /' America., delP America, S)C. V jLuropa; V Asia ; la Frdncia ; r Jnghilterra ; la Mirdndola ; il Cairo; la Lombdrdia ; la Sardegna ; la Corsica; V Elba, 8fc. Some of the above nouns may also take the indefinite ar- ticle, as will be observed in the following Lecture. 10. Nouns of family, when applied to a single person, ad- mit of the articles ; as, il Dante ; il Boccaccio ; il Pelrdrca ; r Ariosto ; il Tasso ; il Fracastoro ; // ColteUini, c^'C.f 11. In Italian the article is almost always repeated after the conjunctions; as, the Kings and Princes, / Re ed i prin- dpi ; the light and darkness, La luce e le tetiebre ; the bro- thers and sisters of the Emperor, 1 fratelli e le sorclle delT Imperatbre. 12. EXERCISES. The eyes and ears ; the arms and legs ; the father, motJier, occhio e orecchia ; braccio e gamba ; padre, madre. * k is manifest that such words are, in tliis case, adopted as nouns ; tlie Englisii do so with tlie gerunds of their verbs, to whicii they often prefix prepo- sitions and arlicles, as we do to tlie intinitives. See the con.ingntions. — Editor, ■f Quel Luon omaccirio delCollellini, tliat little good man, Cottellim. (Salviui.) lo veggo il Fracastor, il Bevazzario, Trifun Gabricte., e il Tasso piu lonlano, I see Frascotoro, Bevazzano, Trifon Gabriele, and a little farther I see lasso. (Ariosto.) ^5 and cliildren ; the day?, and niijhts ; the palace and c;ardon. e figlio ; giorno nolle ; pahnzo giardhio. 13. In several instances the Italians make use of the article instead of the possessive pronoun ; as, I will break your head, lo li roiuperb il capo ; my eyes are sore. Ho male ogli occhi ; I uill throw this at your face, Vi getlerb questo ul liso. See Lecture XII. 14. EXERCISES. Wash your hands; my headaches: I have burnt myfinjier; iMtaUxi niano; mi duulc capo ; vii sono brucialo dito ; bhe has lost her sii^ht ; he has lost his hat and purse. clla ha pcrdalo vista ; egli cappcllo borsa. LECTURE V. On the proper Position of Adjective Nouns. 1. Adjectives in En*jlish are always placed before the sub- stantives, unless somethinir depends upon the adjective; as, food convenieiit for nio, ciho convenicnle per me ; or the ad- jective be empiiatical, as, /Vlcxander the V\vi^\\\.^ Alessdndro il grande.* In Italian they may generally be placed either before or after the substantive : as, an amico buono, a good friend, or loi buon amico; nn ncgozio bridlo, a bad affair, or 20i bnitto ncgozio ; i/n nobile aspclto, a noble face, or iin aspctto nbbilc. 2. Nevertheless, there are some cases in which the adjec- tives ;u-e u-eH alter the substantives, as will be specified in the lbllo\vitiiiiid in Kii^I'mIi after tlio Riilman- rive; a* tlie |)riiicciii royal, la prtiici}>f.ua reuU ; in sucli cases tlic Uuiiaiis fol- low also ilic Fliiglj-^li synlnx. — KJitor. I) 2 36 ground ; unfuoco inttnso, an intense fire ; im aria salubre, a wholesome air ; tejjipo caldo orfreddo, hot or cold weather. IV". Adjectives expressing colours; ns, 2m dbito nero, a black coat or suit ; occkio 7^osso^ red eye ; vim bianco, white wine ; nnfior giallo, a yellow fellow. y. Adjectives of taste; as, im' erba amara, a bitter herb; sidro agro, sour cider ; frutlo dolce, sweet fruit. VI. Verbal adjectives; as, t)iwo cotto, burnt wine : pas- sione domindnte, an over-ruling- passion. VII. In all other instances, when a substantive is accom- panied by a single adjective, the shortest of the two must pr^.bede : ex. Un nomo virtuoso, a virtuous man; un vero amico, a true friend. 3. There are some other cases in which adjectives are placed after substantives, chiefly for the sake of harmony of sound ; but they may be easily learnt by practice. 4. Generally when there are two or more adjectives joined to the noun, it is more usual in the familiar style to let them follow the substantive ; as, una donna dotta e religiosa, a learned and religious woman; but in many cases we hud the reverse of this rule. The ear should be our guide, particu- larly in the sublime. 5. EXERCISES. English politics : French fashions ; Chinese language ; the Jnglese politica; Francese moda ; Cinese lingua; Italian music ; a square table ; round balls ; an oval picture ; Italidna musica,- quadra tdvola ; rotunda pul/a ; ovale piilura ; triangular plan ; wholesome situation ; a warm wind ; a bad triangoldre pidno ; sano situazione ; caldo vento, • caltivo air ; a foggy season ; a red cap ; black hats ; a white coat ; aria nebbibso stagidne rosso berretta nero cappello bianco dbilo, brown gown ; bad fish ; insipid grape; unripe peach; the scura dbilo, • cattiiopesce,- insipido iiva; inimutura pesca ; overruling religion ; discoloured flower ; a toothless old domindnte religione ,- scolorito fiore ; sdentdto woman ; an awkward young man. vecchia ; sguaidto giovane. LECTURE VI. On t/ie Indejinitc, Numeral, and Partitive Articles. 1. Besides the above-mentioned articles, which are gene- rally called definite articles, there are some prepositions, 37 wliicli, a>; they shew (lie Latin cases of nouns, and are pre- fixed to them, are coiiinionlv called indt finite articles^ and by the Italian grammarians, segnacasi. These are, r//, of; a, to ; d(i, fiom.* The first sliowini:^ the genitive, the next the dative, and the 1 ist the ablative cases. '2. The indcfiiiitc articles are indiscriminately pnt before nouns masculine or feujinine, singular and plural ; before j)ronouns, as well as before infinitive of verbs, adverbs, and prepositions, as nil! be shown by the following miscellaneous rules illustrated by proper examples; but to enumerate them all would be an endless work. I. IJetween two nouns substantive; as, 7tnn rniinanza di dotme^ a company of women ; un escreilo di soldati, an army of soldiers ; un eappcllo di pdglia, a straw hat ; iota corutia (/' (dliiro, a laurel crow n. II. iJefore a proper name; as, di Piclro, of Peter ; a Pms, ^inec tlii» distinction is C'lrnrnony found in ^■ranl^lars, it Ims lieco ailopli-d li ii- as the oidy one lo which the i;ineraliry of scholars arc accostonied. — ./utiior. '1'1\\a remark was inipropeily phued in the Uxi. —-EfHlor. f Very 'ew case!! excepted. 'I'lie poime«Hive pronouni take in Italian the defi- nh<- article. .Sec Lecture \IV. —Editor. * Noun* of naiion^, a» alr'-ady i>taled, ailniit a' so before ihein the definite aitidc^ .Ik, Lti Frantia, dtUa I'tanna, I. a (jirmania, delta diTinania, ikc. 1) :j 38 parmi di vedere, it seems tome to see ; in which case the par- ticle :i vadey ; whicli is the same as to say, reggo idcuni uecilli ; poiloxi cilcunc calze ; scorgo alcnni uoDiiiii, cd alcihie domic,]- c\r. 6 f. No Italian will deny, that the rule contained in the above parai;ra|^h may be followed, without p;is-f piojier arliclcM, unless we resort to riicuinioeiilioiw.— .■iuihoT. '\'\\\n note i' extracie'l from the most classical of ^'i animal s, Zy/zom- muiin't, wliicii has oci-a^ioned that many siih^cqiienl writers felt inclineiit iink-ss the >enlencc Ik: rr)iii|»licaliMl. or \i\Utt, as tiic foriKoini;, tlir fimt term »i, tnu, or tanto, wliieli «niwer'» to tlic first particle as of the Eimlisli, is omitted, and only qnanl'i,nT come, is rttaiiicd, as ihc cxnmplc.^ in the above lule, ii. 2. !iifli( itiitly »hew. — Eililor. 42 or via meno corretto del Tasso, Ariosto is a great deal less correct than Tasso ; Pompeo e moUo meno stinidto di Cesare, Pompey is much less esteemed than Cajsar. 5. The Eni>iish comparative particle than, or than the, may be translated in Italian in four ways : i. By the definite article of the genitive case. II. By the definite of the same case. IlI.By c//f. I V . By che non. 6. Ifthe word than is preceded by the verb tohe and fol- lowed by a noun or pronoun, which in Italian takes the de- finite articl', it must be expres^sed by defovdel/o, dcl/a, dei, or dc\ degfi, or dclle, according to the kind of noun follow- ing; as, the schoi r is more learned than the master, lo scoldre e pill dotto del maestro ,• it is brighter than the look- ing-glass, eg/i e piii lucente dcllo specehio, plural, deg/i spee- ch i ,- your hands are whiter than snow, le xostre mani sono pill bidnehe della neve, plural, delle nevi ; your book is larger than mine, il zosiro lihroe piii grande del mio, plural,* de^ miei. 7. Ir than is followed by a noun or pronoun, which requires the indefinite article, then //.'o;? is translated by DI ; as An- thony is more cunning- than Peter, Antonio e piii asti'do di Pietro ; Mary is more modest than you, Maria epiu modesta di voi. This house is handsomer than that, questa casa e piii hella di quella ,- London is larger than Constantinople, /.o«- dra e piii grande di CostantiiT&po/i. — But if any other verb hut to be precedes the particle than, then che may be used in preferesice to the article of the genitive, which niight pass however, without solecism. Tims in the above examples we would say, Antonio si jnosfra piii as t a to che or di pietro— Maria semhra piii modeslache, or di voi. Questa casa j)are piii bella che or di quella ecc 8. If immediately after than follows an adverb, or au ad- jective, than is to be expressed by che ; as, e meg/io tardi che niai, it is better late than never; cl/a e piii graziosa che hella, she is more graceful than handsome: and when after than there is a verb, it must be rendered by che non ; ex, io saivo pill che non parlo, 1 write more than I speak.f * Before flie pnss-cssive pronouns my or mine, thy or thine, !i;c. tlie Italians put tile definite article, as will be shewn in its proper place. See l^ecl. XI 11. f Than is also rendered by t/ie when the comparison is made betweiii two substantives imply in^' a ntialiticaiion, and therefore ntter paved than Paris; dolto Dante Londra lustricalo Parigi Venice is much less populous than Naples ; the female sex Venezia popoluta Napoli femminile is muchmore delicate than the masculine; rather a little than g( n/i/cdi eonij)/( ss/nnc nNiscolinopiattostonn poco nothing ; he is mure weak than strong ; it is better to study nu//a deboJe forte egU e stndidrr than be idle ; he is a better captain than soldier ; it is more stare ozinso egli e capilano sulddto bianco white than jcllow. giiillo. Of Superlative Nouns. I I. There are diflerent ways of expressing the superla- tives in Italian. 1. Hy putting the article 11j before the comjiarative ; as, il piit bello, the most handsome, or the haiulsomest ; il pin * Observe iliit ffgKio and meglin arc very nftni adverbs, and then tlipy are noi i-yiiuiiyuioiis of prgc/orc or m/A'/'orf, nor could llione last then he used in- Btrad of the fdiiiitr : as in lliese neiitfnces, i meglio un in'ivo oft;i c/ir una f^allinii dorntini, an eKK lo-day is belter than a fowl to-uiorrovv i scrivi: pcggio di sua torilUt, b« wiiles worise tliun her kiatcr.— yv/t/or. 44 gramle, the greatest ; il meno dotlo, the least learned, &c. which might be called superlatives of comparison ,• but the generality of grammarians call them superlative relatives, since thej always show a reference to some other object or objects. il. By taking away the last vowel of the adjective, and adding issimo ; as, from brutto^hruttissimo, very or extremely ugly ; from bello, biUissimo, extremely, or infinitely hand- some.* Some few take also the terniination in errimo, as celleberrimo, from celebre, renowned ; integerrimo, from m- tegro, just; salubcrrimo, from salubre, wholesome. These are called absolute superlatives. III. Other forms of absolute superlatives are obtained either by the repetition of the adjectives; as, un uomo vir- tuoso, virtuoso, a very virtuous man ;t or by putting an ad- jective before a superlative ; as,ya un tempo bello bellissimo, it is extremely fine weather; fa caldo caldissimo, or freddo freddiss'imo, it is extremely hot, or cold, or extremely cold weather, which iwe cdWed superlatives o{ exaggeration ; ren- dered in English, by the above adverbs, or others like these, injinitelij, severely, vastly/, tSx. 12. The adjectives, mdssimo, greatest ; menomo, least ; sommo, sovruno, or supremo, highest, or supreme ; otlimo, perfectly good, &c. are superlatives without any addition or alteration. 13. Almost all the superlative adverbs are formed by changing the last vowel of the superlative into amente ; as, irom ricchissimo, very rich; richissimamente, richly; fell' cissinw, very happy ; felicissimamcnte, happily. 14. Exercises on the Superlatives. The most proud of men ; the most pernicious of all crimes ; orgoglioso uomo pernicioso tutto delitto those that seem to be the most ingenious are not always the colbro sembrano essere ingegnnso non sono sempre most learned ; he is very humom'some: she was extremely un- dotto egli e fantdstico ella era in- * The scholar ought to be particularly mindful in observing that the termina- tion ill isnimo serves in Italian to the formation of that kind of superlative? call- ed ulsolutc, and that it can never be translated in Kiiglish hy those English Miperliitives ending in si, or est, which areof the rcZ^/h'ue kind, and translated in Italian by the mere adjectives picceded by il pih, la pin, ^-c. as, the shortest pi-era, V, piu carlo pocma, not cortissimo poe/na ; a veiy great man, un grandis- iimo vomo, not il piu grand uomo, f Ellc (for elkno) si vorreibero vive vive metier nelfuoco, they would commit themselves quite alive to the flames. 45 luipp) ; they have been extremely civil, and vaslly prodigal ; ftlice cgUno sono stuti corlcsr, c prudigo God is intinitely just : yostrrday it was extremely cold, and J)io t' gii'islo icri era p-cddo, e >erv 'oggy weather; she i>^ exceedinj^ijood ; this is the hand- 7U bbioso tempo el/a (^ bitotio qucsto c bel- somest work of your hands. 16 opera vostro indiio. LECTURE VIII. On Dimitnttive, ylugmeutalhe, and Collective Nouns. 1. From the most part of the Italian nouns others are formed which diminish or enlarge the signification by some particular terminations : they are quite peculiar to the Ita- lian lauifuage, which derives from them a great number of tender, or otherwise very expressive words. 2. The terminations of (he diminutives are the following, viz. Ino, Iceinn, Etlo, El/o, Etiino, Erello^ for masculine nouns; //m, Jccina, Etta, Lasa, a house \ n ' i Upolo S . ' I Casupola Uzzaccio Donna, a woman l)o7iniizzdccia * Solanzone, or camerone, a large room ; porldiie, a large door ; casone, a great house ; (lonndne, a stout manly woman, are iiiabculiiie, though the numis from whence they are formed be feminine. Tu sei un hel donndne. Da nnn trnvdr nella lua leltafondo. — Berni. Thou art a fine masculine woman ; the extent of thy beauty is not to be measured. — So is campanoite, a great bell, from campuna, fern. ; as, Somite il campandne, ecco il consiglio Delle vcdove, ch' entra. — Buonarroti. Ring the gieat bell ; behold the assembly of widows which enter. 47 Accbw Jlo Alio Atlel/o AUoliito Cello Ellino Kretlo Erattolo ] cello Icolo IgilO Jjino O^tiolo O/icello \ Olfino j Czzo \ Tcnniinilions iniplj/ing Diminulion. Vomncriiio Coino, a man Cabio^ or V a stag Cenio ) Bit stone, a stick Piallo, a dish Vojto, wind Buco, a liole Frate, a monk lAbro, a book I'trde, ijreej) l>asso, a brickbat Amdro, bitter f Certiato ^ Cerhiatio '\ CerriitllcUo V. Ccrhidt/olhio BostoiircHo PialUllhio Vciitirc/lo Buchcradolo Fralictlln Ubrlrolo Vfrdlinno Sdsso/ino Amaroonnlo r LfCprof/Ci'llo I T.( prctlhio Colo \ Colin o I Czzo I o Fcgi^liiuzza C Cagnnnln \ Cagnuolino Donuzzolo. Ecpre, a hare Tcgghia, a backinij-pan Tirminations implying IVhcidling icith Diminulion. Anzuolo- Trislo, puuy Tris/anznolo Cagna, a bitch Dono, a present CoNCI-USlOV. 10. *' From tlio above Tjist^ nnd all the precedinij obser- vation.^ on the.»e derivati\ es. tlie Tollowinji^ principles may be easily interred. ]st, That a lew synal)les, either various- ly combined or alone, are applied to nouns (o modily thenj, as before exphiincd. 9(1, That they are liabb' to vnd in (), A, /, E, accorcHng- to tlje prouder and number of the lunsn they are joined with. 3(1, 'I'hat by such unions (he primitive noun in some instances chanveral of then) to the same nonn, their number and siijnilicalions mu^-t become innumei aide. Hut, concerning thi^ last point, take notice of the Ibllouinij im- portant Cautiov. 11. It is to be observed, that all noims are not sn-cepfi- ble of the above terminalioiis, and the exact discrimination rrile to know which ot iIumm slionhi be useht to be very cautious in forming compound words without authority. 20 venti 21 vent lino 22 ventidue 23 venti tre 24 lenthjudttro 25 ventici'iKine 26 venti sei, venzei 1 unu* 2 due 3 Ire 4 ([Hiitlro 5 cniciue 6 sei 7 sette 8 (Ato 9 nwe 10 dim 1 1 tindici 12 dodici 13 trrdici 14 <{Uiilli'>rdui 15 (luindici 16 Sf'dici 1 7 dictassrtte 18 diciollo 19 diciannuve 39 t rent a nove 40 (juardiita 45 quarant'i cinque 48 qnarrantdtto 50 cuujudnta ^54 cin(juanta(judttro 58 cinqiiuntuUu 27 ventisette, venzette 60 sessdnta 28 ventdtto 29 venti nove 30 trenta 31 t rent unu 32 trenta due 33 trenta Ire 34 trcntaqudttro 35 trenldcinque 36 trenta sci 37 trenttt selte 38 trentutto 64 sessanta(iudttro 70 settdnta 80 ottdnta 87 otlanzt'tle 90 novdnta 100 (T^/o 140 ceuijuardntii 150 cencinqudittu 160 arisessdntii 1 70 censt'tldnta lyo eennovunta • Sec lln- (Iccli ii>i(iii 1111(1 iiM- iif USO, aii ottdvo eighth decimoterzo \ nono ninth { tredicmmo f decimo tenth eleventh twelfth ) thirteenth - fifccciiili quartoiUcimo ^ dtcimoquiirto or ,* foiii tecntb ijitatiordici'simo j (juiiitod('ciiiio decmoquinio or (luuidictsiiiw seslodecimo sedict'simo or - sixteenth decimos^sto j diciassettVuno or ) , , . .,,. ' sevtiUeenth decimosttlimo ^ diciottt'simo or ? . , . , , • ,, - |- tliflltCCIltll ileciinottuvo ) ^ dUiannovcaimo ov ) . nineteenth twentieth 51 trenlacinquf'simo i ihir ty-fifili dtcimonono S vcntesimo or flgi'simo tentuti('simo vigi'simo or renlt'shim prlmo venlidiu'airno vigesinio or vcnlciimo secondo vtnticinquf'simo vigt'simo or venttsimo quinto vtntotlijslmo vigi\iinu or venltsinio ottuvo ircnti'siniu or irige.simo trentatret'simo or trigt'siino ierzo trentaqunttrcahno or trigrsimo qudrtu trigiVimo qnlnio qnaranU-stmo or j ^^^^5^^,^ qu(idrag(simo J quarantacinquesimo ^ or .- fortv-fii'th quarantcixmo quinto ) quuranttotteaimo 1 or '- forty-eighth qnarantcaimo oitavo ) cinquaiitt'simo fiftieth ciitquantaquattresimo 1 or ^ [- fifty-fourth cinquanlesimo quarto y clnquantottesiino or cinquatrsimo ottuvo twenty- first .^essanttsmo seisantaquattreainio or twenty-second sessant^simo qudrto sessanti'simo ottanltsimo twenty- fifth novanttsimo centt'sinio dugentesimo twenty-eighth trccenti'niino fifty-eightli sixtieth > sixty-fourth thirtieth thirfv-third tliirty-fourth seventieth eightieth ninetieth hniulredth two hundredth three huiuhethli quattroctnti'sbno four hundredth clnquecenti'sii)w five hundrechh chiqncccndiciulti'simo five hunch'ed eighteenth seceiiti's'uno, S^c. six huiuhedth vidlis'uuo H thousandth. The same word means also the date of the year. amhiduc* umbcdue } hotl 9. DlSTItmUTIVES. vim rent fun tttm I rent til a a score a score and a half • Wc aUo say in familiar myle, L'uno, r /' allro, rliaimnl ariorditii; to i,'cii(k'r anil iiiinilH-r ; :iiiil tutii e due, or lulti a tluf, in wliicli, wlieii luitli olijects arc feiiijiiiiic, lutti is tliiiii.cd iiil" lulle. Tlic Miuiiniis will iint tlidlikc, I prc^iniic, lo xi-f Iwre :i l.i%t of ;i 1 the viirioiit wayn in wliicIi tlif liiili;«n> can i xjufss the am//o (if ilic l.aiin, or tin- /o'/i i>f llif Knciisli. lint li-l (lain iccoliiit, tliat tlie only al><»vi--ntpniionc(l are ailinixfiilile in ilie faiinli.ir style. 'I'lif Italians cnii Bay lolli in no ics.s llian scvnitrrn ilifirnit u ai/x, williotit ri'clionini,' tin* divtrsili- caiious by grnder, vii. \. Amluh'i*', and wlien wr cliooxe to opiMily tlial lioili ilie object*, or one of tliini arcol tlitinascniinu gender, we sav amii a pair una quarantina two scores un centindio or) r .. , > live scores centmaro ) a score a dozen un vii^lkuo or miglidro delle mlslidia ad uno ad uno a due a dut* } a thousand some thousands one liy one two by two More Observations on tlie above Nouns. 10. Un is used before a masculine noun bei>inning either with a vowel or a consonant ; as, iin /ibro, one book ; un anno, a year. Uno is placed before a masculine noun be^innini? with an S, followed by another consonant; as, tino specchio, one looking glass; i/fio stroniento, one instrun)ent. Una before a feminine noun beginning with a consonant; as, tma tavola, one table ; nna signora, one lady. Un'' with an apostrophe is put before a feminine noun be- ginning with a vowel ; as, ttn'' anhna, one soul.f ? Gliune and Ic iine, pL masc. and pi. feni. are used in Italian almost in the same sense as the ones in Euglish, but they are still more frequently met with, and can in no in- stance receive an apostrophe. 11. Jn poetry we often meet with duo and dui instead of due, as in Petrarca ; /o splendor feri gli ocehi at duofratelli, the splendour struck the eyes of the two brothers ; n^ mcglio 2. Amledi'te. 3. /Imlo for bolli sjciuleis ; but wlier. we wisli to specify t!ie gen- der, 'ds ill ambidui, we »'d.y am hi ; av.d ambr, if Imtli llie objects are feaiiiiiiu-. Ambi, however, is not to be niei wiili siimle in the best classics; but in compo- sition is very frequent, as tiie following words will show. 4. ^mbedilo. 5. Amlidiio. a. Ainbidue. 7. Aivlodi'i.o. 8. Ainendile. *). Ammcndue. 10. Amendiiiii used with authority for the masculine, as ambidui; and for liie feminine, amevdiaie, usul ixti ombe. 11. Entrambi, used as amhidid; and for the feminine, tntrcimbe, used as nmhi'. 12. Inlrdmbo, for both i^enders ; also for the masculine, intrdmbi, used as (imbidid ; and iiitrdvibe, used for the feminine, as owZ^c. ['i. Intramtiidde. 14. Iramendi'ie, and, lo .specify the luas- culiiie, we say tramendin, used as ambidfii. l^.Tiammdnui, used foi the n)as- culine as (imbidid, and for the feminiue tramendune, used as ambc. Ki. L' uno, e r aUfo, see above. 17. 7'u/l.i e Hue, or luUi a due, ste above. — Editor. * The proportional numbers are the following: Sein/jlke, single; duppio, double; rt:->s lhirdlt^,fourtlili/, they say in terzo luogo ; in quarto luogo, iSjC. viz. in the third place, in the fourth place, &c. f The same must be observed, when ica, uno, una, un', answer to the English article, a, or an. 53 s'liccoppinro iniqu altri di/i (Ariosto) : nor ever were two people more liappiJy joined tog;<'ther, \-2, In Enijlish we can say, one and twenty, two and twenty,?//? ci(/i/i, due e xoiti ; but in Italian we always snv, twentv-one, twenty-two, i'(jilih!o,ic?itidiu\ 6,r. — Observe that when the numbers enditii^ in mio, as, xcnluno^trentiaw, t be siij)presse(l.|- 1 i. Thev sav likewise eleven lui/idred, twelve hundred, \\>i> MOiiie o'lier iii-^tancfH in which the luiitle, eilher indefinite or de-fitiiie, i» nut cxpreiiMil in Italian: a?, I am « hachilor, soitu xcapoln ; he WAS a merchani furmi'rly, era una vuUa meraintt ; slie \» hmii at I'aris, the capital of France, cUa i nain a Pariui \c. E J 54 17. EXERCISES On the above Rules. One and twenty horses; one thousand and fifty-one caxaUo provinces ; thiricon hundred soldiers ; Levvi>; the Fourteenth proiincia soldiito Luigi was much less adniired than Henry the Fourth : William era admhdto Arrigo Gugliehno the Third was a great conqueror; a hundred head of grande conquislatorc testa Aristotle's friends; three thousand pounds sterling-; both Aristolile amico lira sterlina legs ; both ears, &c. gamba orecchia. LECTURE X. On Pronouns in general ; and on the Personal or Primil'rce Pronouns in particular. I. f Pronouns are words intended to spare the too fre- quent mention of the person or thing- alluded to ; and as they allude to either in various ways, so there are various sorts of them. ^. The great variety of pronouns adds a peculiar beauty and precision to the Italian language.* They may be divided into I, Personal or Primilixe. 2. Conjunctive or Deriva- tive. 3. Possessive. 4. Demonstrative. 5. Relative, ii. Interrogative ; and, 7. Indefinite. 3. ADVERTISEMENT BY THE EDITOR. Before we enter into the tiieory of Pronouns, the learner must be fully acquainted with what we mean hy persons^ when we speak of them in grammar. This necessary expla- nation was entirely omitted by our Author, and by others is improperly postponed tothe pronouns. 4. AH possible objects to which the proncuns can relate, have been reduced in grammar under three classes : Thus, if, in speaking, we allude to the very person or persons who ♦ " III I•:tl^li^^ll, for want of a suflicient variety of pronouns, chiefly [KM-sonal, we are ofit'M obliged, in a con)i)lex sinteiice, to have recourse to explanations, >vhich eamioi, he introduced without apijcaring very awkward." (hec |lr. Piicslly's lludiiiients of English Giamniar.) speak, such subject is called ihofirsl person. If we allude to the person or persons who hear, or are supposed to be addressed by the speaker, the subject is then called the second person. But if we do not allude to either of tho-e two person's, we tlien consider all such subjects, which may be animate, or inanimate, as the i/iird person. So when we say 7 or zee, the allinion i-^ made to the s[)eaker, and is con- sidered a pronoun of the (irst person, than or //on, the >econd, and he, she, it, or thej/, the third ; a:jd so on fur all other pronouns. Of tJic Personal or Primilive Prononns. 5. ^ They are thus called from th^^ir chiedy represendni^ the persons in the conjugation oi'veil)-, and from their sim- plicity of (bin), which is not derived from anv other pron jun, but it rather enters iti the composition ofseveial of the com- pound ones. Tiiey are as follows : Masc. Sing. Fern. Sing. RIasc. Plui. Feiii. Tiur. Jo, I In Noi, we, or us ]\oi 7'//, thou Tu Voi,yo, or you Pbi J'^g/i, he /y/a, she Kglino, they . Klleno (Se, himself, or .Se, herself, or .Sr, themselves, or ^'t* him her them i:^5,<^o.thesame, £"^5^, the same, L\v5/,the same, selves Esse sell-same, 0?- self-same, or same, or them liiin her Desso Dessa Dessi • J)esse Stesso S/essa Slessi St esse J\fedcsimn — Afedesuna* — Medcsimi iMedcsinir 0. tj AH the above pronouns admit of the preposition di, a. dii, commcjiilv called indefinite artit Ics, except niedcsitno, which, in many instances, is declined like all common sub- stantives. 7. The foliowiufj declensions will bosulbcicnt toj^uide the student in the rij^ht w^c ol them, Nom, /o I, Noni.V'//, Tliou (ffu. I)int(, Of me, (leu. I)i te, Of thee I).i(. ./;//<', Tome, D.it. .tie, 'l"o thee Ace. J/( , Me, Ace. 7V, 'i'hee .M)l. 0« ;//e, I"r()m,orbynie Abl. Du le, I'roni, (;r by thee • Viic\'^ »ny m^dttmo, mc(U$mrace- ful, but not admissible in familiar st> le ; and, whenever used, they must be written in one word ; thus, contsso, sot- tesso, soiTcsso, him^/icsso, I.J. Dcsso, or dessa. with their plurals (in the nominative case only) have more eneroy than < s:/i or csso ; as, lo vegs;o^ eo/i r dt sso, \ see him, it is certainly he; ccrto clla e dtssa, there i^ no doubt it is she herself. -j 16. J'^gli or r/A/, are sometimes not personal pronouns, but expletives orracefully used in Italian : as, cgli fo freddo^ it is cold : clla c cos), il is so ; {/lunid cgli ardc il cn'lo^ w hen heaven shines ; eg'ixi sono mollis tSr. there are many, tS:c, 17. In the familiar dialect of 'ruscany, we often say /«, in>tead oi'dhi ; as, la uii disse, she told me; and i>// instead o( cgli. as "•//■ r grnndc, he is tall ; but, in writini;, such con- traction< niM^t he avoided. Is. Liiild^ A^ro, mu>-t be only employed in the obli(|tie cases, audit is as manifest an error (chiefly in writini;) to make u>-e of them in the nominative ame case, /r, or /;/<, lor ///, or io. .See these de- clensions above, 19. % 'I'liere are, however, three instances in which these pronouns miij^ht ap[)ear in the nominative case ; but the tact • Di rhcvcngn de$inAre con esso not, desire liim lo come and dine willi us; cnniir.iinTio a canliire, e le valti con rtno lero risp6n(/ono, ttiey bigin to sing, aud llic valiifK ccIm ilitir minic-. Ilorcaccio. I .Si-f nioie reniaiki on ttei$o .iiid med/iimo at tlif end of this I^ccturc. — Edi'.or f In Tufcany iliey are not very tenacious of tlii-t rule, for llicy often make ufie, in iiininion coii\Tr»atiiin, of lui instfiid of r^li, lii instead itf rlla, and /«r» (i>T I'ultnii, I'llrno, eni,ts>e. ytiilhur. We uiiiM , however, except the Kloren- linea from this diari^f, wlio arc never guilty of nucli deNpicable soiecisms. Editvr. 58 is, that the Italians adopt the accusative case, instead of the nominative. 1st, When the verb essere is placed between two pronouns, and means the transformation of the one into the othor. Ex. Credendo, cW iofossi fe, mi ha con unbas- tone tidtb roilo ,- mistaking- me for thee, he has bruised me all oyer with a stick, (Bocc.) 'Id. After the adverb fo??2c or «c- come.^ Ex. Cosloro, die daW allra parte trano, siccome lui, maliziosi, c^c. those who, on the other hand, were as mali- cious as he. (Bocc.) 3d. In exclamations of joy, or grief, in which the personal pronoun is also put in the fourth case, as in Latin : Oh, padre ! oh, caro jmdre ! oh, me felice ! Oh, father ! oh, dear father ! oh, happy that I am ! (Metast.) 9.0. The pronoun loro, in the dative case, is elegantly used without the article: as, io dissi loro, I told them, in- stead oCdissi a loro ; in which case this pronoun belongs to the class of the conjunctive pronouns, as the others me, te, and se, do in similar cases. See Lecture XIL* ^I. The moderns in writing or speaking, put the pronoun di lui, di hi, between the definite article and substantive in the shape of possessive pronouns ; as, il di lui, or il di lei onore, his, or her honour; but the classics have said, with more propriety, Vonore di lui, or di lei. 22. ^ Observe here the superiority of the Italian over the French and English ; since the latter specify only the gen- der of the possessor, and say, his house, her hat, if the house belonged to a gentleman, and the hat to a ladv, and the former only that of the thing possessed, translating the same words in the same cases, sa maison,son chapeau : But the Italian may either say, wi'h the French, la sua casa, il suo cappello, or point out the gender of the possessor and thing possessed at the same titne, and say, la casa di lui, il cappello di lei; and if the house belonged to a lady, and the hat to a gentleman, we could say, la casa di lei, il cappello di lui ,• and thus the article would show the gender of the thing possessed, and lui, or let, that of t'le possessor. See a very pertinent remark of the Author on this subject at the end of Lecture XIII. 23. It is very common in Tuscany to say ro' and no\ \n- stead olroz, wo/y ns, vo'' par late male, you speak badly ; no' audidino via, we go away ; but it is an unwarrantable mode of clippiiig words, never adopted in writing. * The autlinr premised here some observaiioiis and notes on oliier particles represeiitini; ot'ti-n tlie pronoun Loro, whieii belongiii',' projjerlv to tiie conjunc- tive prononns, tlic rcadei- will tind Ibcni in their places in Lecture XI. and XII. — Editor. 59 24. Ill poetry is used vui, for roi, nui, for iioi ; as, facciam tioi quel, che si pub far per mti (Ariosto), let us do all (hat it is ill our power to do ; in qucslo stato son donna per xuiy (Pctrarca), in this situation 1 am on your account, my fair one. t?5. EUi, and ellino, for eglino, and the first even for egli, as well as cllc for c/leno, in prose, are quite obsolete; but in poetry they are sonietinics used. i2(). (jbserve here, that instead of con se, with iiim, her, or them ; con te, with thee ; con me, with me; we elegantly say, sccOf teco, meco. ''21. ^V, one's-self, is a reflected pronoun of the third per- son, that serves indilVerenlly for both genders and numbers, and has no nominative case, as appears from its declension above exhibited.* '■I'S. To se, as well as to other personal pronouns, wo often add the adjective pronoun siesso or nudcsiino, himself; as, in English, the pronoun onm or self, to the pronouns tn/y, our, t/ij/. ijonr, 6,c. to express emphasis or opposition ; as, Cafone, piiittosto che cadcre nellc nuini di Cesare, si uceisc, or itceise se medcsinio, or da se siesso si nccise, Cato, rather than fall into the hands of Caesar, killed himself; la donna e buona in se stessa, the woman is good in herself;t lo feci io stesso, or lo feci da me mcdcsimo,l I did it my own self; that is, no one else. 29. EXERCISES On the above Pronouns. I speak of me, of thee, of you, of them ; thou lovest me; ho, parlo vuoi bene or she comes near us; we see them every day; you can do (hat xiene xicino xcdidmo ogni gioriio poU'te far cih forme, for us, for them ; they are covetous with her, with sono aidro • Da xe, bt'kidcs beiiij,' tlic ablative case of tiie above pronoun, lias also the followinn meanings; dt se, viz. di sua nalura, of his nature; a^, pif^ro da se, ma 'I ^Taii piacer lo sproiia, naturally slow, but tlic urtat pliasiUie siirs bini up. — /Ju se, or da per sr, vi/. s'paralaiiinite, sc\y.u■r^[^■\\ ; as, ciasruiia dr/ti QTli anduva d'l pir se, \'illani. — /■'i/iir di sr, MJ^^iiifu's lo lie out of bis niiiid. f Sonic, i-s|>tciiilly the llotnans, with great inipn'inicty say in /<•/ stessa, in- htviul o{ $e stessa ! in lui stessa, (ur se stesso ; in loro stessi, instead of .vc i/M.(i, wlieii the nominative of the sentence in ibe same person alluded to by tbtsc prcMMiuns. — Au'lmr. The worreate.st part rf which heini;; erroneous, are now correct and becpme wirae) at the end of Lecture XII. mi the conjunctive pronouns. I liave now transposed tliciu liere, where they may be with equal propiicty, as before the conjugations of verbs. — Editor. f Alherti's Didinnary lias tliis word inserted both with a double S, and a single one. 'Die first orthoL'raphy is airainst the Tuscan iironunciaiion, and the constant i-racticeof the Academicians Delia Crusca. — Editor. 61 tho inns would make ii^^e of the same title in atldicssing more iIkiii one: — l>iit, in jwlite circles, or familiar style, we sdy, as af)(»ve ior si<];/iur/^ or siii;n6re^ c^c. — And the verb is of course put lo (he third person plural. 3). • It will l)i' probably asked, whether, in sentences similar to these three, I. You, Sir, areveri/ icarnrd. 2. .S/r, t/oH Slim ven/ l/nuaxJi/fifl. 3. You haxe sliotcn j/oursctj'. Sir, botJi li'isc culiue, or with the title, which is feminine; and, consequently, whether the adjectives /f^r^r^- td, caidioKs, zcisf, nudlind, should be masculine or fenunine. Jt. •" To this query we may answer with the i'oliowiiii;' 7///<.'. — \Vhenever the verb to bf alone is between j/i>u or l^. S. and the adjective, the latter ou^ht to be made ai;ree with title, and not with the per'^on ; because the verb to he is called !;//l>sliifiliic, for thi>^ very reason, that whatever fol- lows it in the same sentence is always in the Ibrce of ad- jective, or adverb. Therefore the first example should be Iran-lated tliu>. 1, f\ S. or f^/la c moHo dotla. — I3ut., if any other y<;, 3, Ella si c mostrata si^norc, nou itictio sdvio, cfir b( fii^/io 35. * .\s to the plural, it seems that the formal expres- sion, It signorie loro, recjuires the adjective, in all the above cases, to be plural feminine, and aijree with the title ; a^--, ie signorie Ivro sonomollo dottc, AVr. s^entUMnen, \ou are very learned, Sec. JJut since, as it was observed, in yenteel com- ]):ini('S. we say lor signori, and lor signorc, tlu? aj^rcoment III tliiit case cannot perplex; since it will agree both with tlie per-<»nsand the titles, 3i). Exception. — Observe, that if the adjective i^ aj)plie(Jii(i.'(l in li.tly, I't'lure tilt hiiieriitli tiMii III ), wf caiiniaiici.'s iiiiglil be Iixiiul Id ilicni a»iiubvci»Mc ol lUc above iirintiiilc. — LJUut, 62 loro mi paiono SpngmwH, or Ilulldni (not Spagnuole^ or Italuhic), you f>entlemen look like Spaniards or Italians; El/a e Spagnuolo sicuramente, you are certainly a Spaniard, Sir. LECTURE XL (Including Lectures XI. and XII. of the Author). On Conjunctive, or J^erivntive Pronouns, called hi/ the Tuscan Grammarians Afeissi. 1. ^ These pronouns are thus called, because they are derived some from the personal, and others from the re- lative pronouns ; and because they are joined to the verbs either in one word at the end, or in separate words before them, as it will be observed hereafter. They mi<>ht also have been called conjunctive, from their peculiar property of coupling together two by two, or three by three, loro only excepted, as we are about to see. Thej are as follows. 2. 3Ii, or me; ti, or ie ; si, ov se ; ci, or ce; vi, or ve ; loro ;* which are derived from the personal pronouns, and bear the same signification in most cases. And gli, or li ,• lo, or il .; la; le ; ne ; glie ; which seem derived from relative pronouns, although they have a mere personal signification. 3. For the better understanding o^ ihe&e monosjjllahles, which perplex not only the beginners, but even those who have made some proficiency in the Italian language, two points must be considered, ^f::. 1. Their most obvious mean- ings ; and, 2. Their proper place in a sentence. 4. Most obvious Meanings of the foregoing Pronouns. Mi (when dative) is equivalent to a me ; as, il re mi con- cede ial grdzia (viz. concede a me ;) the king grants me such a favour. Mi (when accusative) is equivalent to me ; as, Dio mi vede (viz. vede me), God sees me. Ti (dative) is equivalent to a te ; as, io ti parlero domcini (viz parlero a te), I will speak to thee to-morrow. * The pronoun loro is certiiiiily a conjunctive pronoun, wlienever used in the dative ])hiiai without the inrletinite article ; as, fg/i scrisse loio, he wrote to tliem, lie. hut, being the only one that lias under^^one no change from il>< personal state, it has been overlooked by graniinaiian?. Vv'e uii^ht as well say that neither nf the nous or vati\e. F). 5 The pronouns ri and ei are often used as mere ex- pletives, or adierbia/h/ in the sense of iJiere, hillier, Ihillier, here, in t/iis p/cce, in l/iose iliin^s, or places, i<;e., and it is always optional to adopt the one or the other of them, notwitlistandiuij^ what sophistical ^grammarians riiay have ol)verved to the contrarv, 6. ^ Excepdon. — 'riio "only case in which the use of either ci or r/, in the above sionification^^, cannot be op- tional, i'^ whenever one of them is found in the same sen- tence in its personal sii;;nification, as explained before; for, in such cases, we do not like to repeat twicer/, or tv, but adopt, for an expfetiie or ndrerh, the other of them, not wanted as personal. Ex. 1o vi ei eondnno, \ shall take ) on there, and not /o xixieondurrb; noi ci xi conduccmnio • AniitluT example of the ufic of tlic pronoun, ne, (wliicli is generally moie usrd in |ioi try than prosej is to be seen in tlic followini,' verMS : Che nnn nmbizvui avuri fi/frlli. \e tprnii^tro fvi/. n'/i) a//' imjnrsa, o nr fur pitltla, (vi/. a noi). Tasso. For anilifiiouH or covetouo dcsirc< did not move um to lliis cniir|jri/c, nor were our guide. Pfrchi con lui radnl t/u/lla iprr^ma. Che ne fr (vi/. noi} vanrpgiar ii Imnn- minie (Pclrarra), For wifli liim thai liopc shall fitii which made us frainie •u long. 61 avdnti pranzo^ we conveyed ourselves there before dinnery and not noi ci ci condifccmtno, <^'C, 7. fT IjOro is equivalent to a !oro, to them, and cannot be any other case, when conjunctively used, without any preposition : see the first note to this Lecture. The Eng- lish use /hem without preposition. Just in the same way as io cliedi loro. I ^ave them ; where it is evident that loro, or them, is iintead oi' a loro, or to them. 8. "U Loro as a conjunctive pronoun, hns this peculiarity, thatbein;j^a dissyllable, it cannot be jointed in one word with any of the other pronominal monosyllables of the conjunctive kind, as they all occasionally do one with the other; and it very seldom keeps on the same side of the verb with any of them. Ex. EgU me lo fia raccoi/ianddto, he has recommend- ed him to me ; l)ut, if instead of to me we wanted to say to t/icni, then we would say in Italian, Egli lo ha raccornnn- ddfo loro, or loro rnccomanddto ; I promised to recommend him to you, promisi di raccomanddroelo ; but it were to be to them ; Promesi di raccoinnnddrlo loro. See this point far better illustrated in next Lecture, at LORO, XVIL pronoun. 9. it is observable, that the conjunctive pronouns do not admit before them an indefinite article, as the oblique cases of personal pronouns do; consequently it cannot be said di mi, a ci, da gli ; but di me, a noi, da lui, and so on. 10. Gli tiiictii)ii of gli before ;i vowel, and li befme a consonant; tlie laitei' begins lunv-a-diys to be rejecic, nieanirm /o him, or to her : see Lecture XII. at (iLI, X. pronoun, and at GLlii, Xlll. proi.ouu. —Editor. 65 recarono liii) (liooc.) piiii'iii,'': \vi(li "reat ccmoiiiohv t\iul solemnity, tlu>y cairictl him {o (he chiirdi.* 12. Im is equivalent to lei; as. // inarito cn'dii/o allc nltruc fiilsita In fa uccidcrc. c 7nangi('ir a^ liipL (viz. /a vcct- r/t/r /(/) ( IJocc) the husband, beiievini;' the liilse represen- tations, causes her to be killtHl, niul clevoiircii by wolves. 13. Le (when dative) is equivalent to a hi ; as, la donna con la sua fantc. si consi<^lih, se ben Jatlo le paresse, (viz. parcsse a lei) cli^ ell a usasse (jncl henc^ clie inndnzi le aver a (viz. (iveva a Id,) la fordhia niandalo, (13occ.) the woman consulted her servant whether she thought it expedit;iit she should avail herself of that favourable opportunity which fortune had thrown in her way. -Lr (when accusative) is equivalent to loro ; as, la Ninella, che il desidcrio dclle sorelle sapcra, in tanta rohmtd di qm'slo fatto le accese, cfie, cSt. (viz. acctsc loro) (Bocc.) Nancy, who knew the inclination of her sisters, roused in them such a desire ol" it, that (Sec. 14. A^e is equivalent to di lui, di lei, or, di loro ; as, non tni parli ne del siii;n6r, rte della signora, N .N . pereln' non fie xSglin sapir nulla, (viz. non voglio super nulla ne di lui, ne di lei), do not sj)eak to me either of the gentleman, or of the lady N.N. because I will know nothing of hini, of her, or of them. iW, which may be called a general relative pronoun, is also equivalent to di cio, di (jueslo, di ejuesla, di quesli, di queslc, or quelle rose, of it, of that, of them, or of some of iheui ; as la signora ce ne parlo, (viz. ci parlb di rid, or di questo) the lady sjioke to us of it, ofthi-^, of that. Me ne darelevoi.'' (\'iz. nii darelc vui di qucsia, or quellacpsa) will ^ou give me some of it, or of that ? porlalemene qunndt) sono mature, bring me some of them when they are ripe. A'e sometimes is an adverb of |)lace : as, ;/r vengo ova (viz. lengo ora da qud luugo), I conie no\\' from that place, or from there. iVc, when accented, is a conjunctior), and does not belong to (his Lecture: it then means m illier or not; as, io non poiso nt: purlnre ni taeere ; I can neither speak nor be silent. J 5 . Position of the foregoing Pronouns. The con j II net ivf and relative pronouns are more frequently put before the veil): as, uii p(nlo, si d/tole, vi anio ,- and may also be placed after it ; as, pentonti dual si, ihnovi. • Tlic ortllo^ra|»lly of these pronouns, when prcrcciled by a vowel, h lite !«:itiip an that obsiTved ai the ailcflf", //., and f.U, to the singular iiiiiiibfr; see note f at p. Ik, and note* p. \'J.—Kilil<>r. F 66 16. 51 Important Caution. — Elegant prose writers and poets prefer this second position; but they take great liberties about this part of the Italian syntax ; so that there is scarcely one of the following rules but what might be proved false with the authority of our best classics. The scholar, therefore, is to consider them for the most part as necessary only in common conversation, and in writings of a familiar and easy turn. 17. The oblique cases of personal pronouns may likewise be placed before the verb, as well as after it, instead of the conjunctive pronouns ; as, io parlo a vol, non a lui, I speak to you, not to him ; or a vol parlo, non a lui. This point will be farther elucidated by the following examples : We may say, ella mi pidce, 1 , io Io vedo "^ ella pidcemiy V 1 • ^'' vedolo V I see him. ellapidce a me, C ' io vedo lui J or, a me pidce,3)'C. ) egli mi desidera 1 . ,' \ . io gli diedi un lihro, n j- egli desiderami V n iodiedigli un lihro, (,p egli desidera me ) ' io diedia luiun libro,t % ,. or, a lui diedi, SfC. ) 18. It will probably be here asked, if the above-mention- ed different ways of placing the conjunctive or personal pro- nouns are all equally good ; or if one is better than the other? To this question may be answered ; the first man- ner, viz. mi pidce is more frequently used, and is the best in common conversation. The second, viz. pidcemi, is more proper for the elegant style. The third and fourth, viz. pidce a me, or a lui dicdi, are never used except in more ex- pressive and em[>hatical sentences, or when the pronouns form a kind of antithesis : as, Paolo loda te, e bidsima me, Paul praises thee, and blames me; il giudice conddnna voi, e assohe me, the judge condemns you, and absolves me ; a lui died) uno scucJo, ed a lei uno sceUino, I gave a crown-piece to him, and a sh lling to l»er. Or eniphatically thus : a me voi ardite dire si falle noxelle ? dare you tell such stories to me ? 19. % Exception. — There are five cases in which the con- junctive or relative pronouns are placed after the verb, and joined with it in one word, viz. 1. The first per-^on plural, and (he second person of both numbers to the impera- tive mood of all verbs; as, love me, dmami, or umdlemi ; let us take him thither, conducidmovelo. — Exc. When the imperative sentence contains a negative, then the pronouns 67 resume their respective place before the verb; as, do not love me, nan mi (iDu'irc, or )ion inc amiUe ; let us not take hiiu thither, non ve lo conduciihno. 2. The infinitive ; as, to tell it riji;ht. n diila ii'nhta.* 3. The gerund; as, leaving him to his chance, ubbimdonandolo alia sorte. 4. The participle past : as, having broiii>ht him so far, he stopped, portdtolo iin la, si, /crmb. b. The adverb ecco ; as, there I am, iccomi ; heie he is, eccolo. See last note,* at the end of Lecture XIX. 20. EXERCISES. Tell me that : Ood sees thee ; I love you ; he chose us; dite lo J)io V(dc voglio bene scclse believe me ; 1 gave him the book ; she speaks to me, not to credtle ditdi libro parln non you; they see him; speak to us the truth ; I will teach her lalo/io ditc vcro ifisegnero Italian : I never spoke to him; I do not understand them ; Jtaliuno non ho nuii parlulo capisco she will I'iveyou the letter; the king grants us such a favour ; darn ' h'ltcra re concede lal favore they devoted themselves to you ; give me some bread ; to tell dcdicdrono date pane per vou the thing as it is ; in leaving me alone ; here we are; cosa come c lascidndo solo ecco qui there they are. ecco 1(1 ()(/ur imporldnt Remarks on the Conjunctive and Rclulrcc Pronouns. 21. % Tlu'-^e five pronouns, ;;//, //, si, ci, r/, may be cou- ])l(.d together, and tliey iiiver change their termination through their mutual union ; as, perchi' mi ci mcndsli / why (lid vou tjike me I hit her ? I'gli ti si dichiarnd J'cdcU, he will declare hilll^el^ true to you. 22. Hut when the same five pronouns are copulated with the relative pronouns, viz. lo, la, Ic, gli, or //, nc, the) must change J into /,', thus. • ObnLTvc licrc, Uial ih«- last vnwel <>( nil iiifiiiifc vt-rlit is always cut off, when ilicre i^ after tlu-iii a |iniii(niii ; c«nM()uciitly it imisi not lie said, dtr^ta, amarelo,farcne, vriUr^a ; but dtrla, to l«ll il ; amurli, to love liini ; J'lirnt, to do it ; r.r'tT/a, to .itr liirr. — Author. Tlie poeti* aiul elcKaut wrilcis use similar coiitrac lions iuotlur tcn.tiH too ; a«, Vidul coin cli' i or i« prtito alvero, (I'etr.) tliat it, lo veda, let liir sec it, who is now no near tiutli ; midi di fersi morriido fi,-,m.^,c. fl'clr.) that i», it/erono, or ffcrro, uiy days became clcninl by iiiy death. — Editor. I 2 68 Me lo date, you give me it ; not 7ni lo. Te la manda, he sends her or it to thee ; not ti la. , Se ne mette in tasca, he puts some in his pocket; not si ne, Ce li inostra come sono, she shows them to us as they are ; not ci li. Ve le piglidte tiitte^ you take them all for yourself; not vi le. 23. f Exception. — When three conjunctive pronouns come together, the first of them never changes / into E ,- whenever both the first and second of them are out of the Jive mentioned at n. 21, which do not change their final /, coming together. Exam. Noi non xi ce ne manderemo di queste pere., we shall send you none of these pears there.* 24. 5[ Note. — These pronouns, when two by two, may be written in elegant writings in one word ; thus, jnel, tel, &)C. or W2CW, ten, SfC. whenever they precede a verb com- mencing with a consonant, which is not S, impure. See the third Lecture at p. 18, note *, but see much more on the subject in the next. ^ But before verbs commencing with a vowel, the con- traction is then marked with an apostrophe, and the pro- nouns written separate ; as, lo te I'accurdo, I grant it to thee ; egli ne n' avrd obbligaziune, he will be obliged to you for it. 23. We read often in our best classics, for the sake of elegance, Jo il xi daro, 1 will give you that : instead of zo ve lo darb ; and io la xi ho data, 1 have given it to you ; in- stead of xe r ho data, &jc. 26. The conjunctive gli, to him, or to it, which is copu- lated with the pronominal particles, lo, la, li, le, or 7ie, does not change I into E ; but, in order to soften the pronuncia- tion, it takes an £more; -d^, glielo, gliela, glieli, glele, in- stead o^ glilo, glila, glili, glile.— When joined to the same pronominal particles, glie represents also the dative femi- nine singular, expressed by le when alone, so that the above couples of pronouns stand as well instead of lelo, lela, leli, lele, which are not admissible : so (hat glie means either to him, or to her. Exam. In glielo in-ciiii,\ I sent him, or it to her, or to him, viz. io P inxidi a lei, or a liii. * GbseiTP well this Exception, vvliicli is not followed by niost Italians with rigour ; since tliey are apt to say, promiscuously, either n'>i nun vi ce ne, or noi n'jnvecene; whicli last models extremely incorrect, and not ccuinenanced hy any classical aiithoror grammarian.' — Editor, f This and other above-mentioned instances show, that the accusative case, which is constantly before the dative in English, is placed next to it in Italian. '-Author. The student should also observe, that Boccace, that great father 69 27. ■! Glic is niso joined to wr, and means likewise to hhii, or to her ; but the union of /c fic for the teininine is ccjually ill use, and rather preterahle to gliLiic. 28. When it i^ requisite to incorporate one or more con- junctive pronouns at tlie end of verbs, if sucli verbs are marked with an accent at the end. or are uiono-yUables with a single vowel, it is necessary to (louble t!ie consonant of the pronoun next to it, and write them all close to the verb as if they were single woids, thu^, »///?/, ///. vr/, tS'r. and then the accent on the last \owel oftiie veib is lost in writini"", but not in the j)ronuiicia(ion : as, lo donniiiUi, \'\7..ioiniti (fo, I devote myself to thee ; io ch//o a voi\ \\'/,. /o do aroi\ 1 j;ive it to you ; ( <:!;li dardvri, viz. r/ dura, he will give it to you ; incn'iUastuc, viz. se lie la mcnh^ lie took her himself tVoiij thence. 29. Gil is excepted ; a«, lo s;li dtirh i/ prcmid, or darogli, f)C. I will give to him tiie price; where no consonant is doubled. 30. fj Observe that the verb, neither in the above, nor in auAother instance, alters the position of the accent, l)y tlie addition of all these pronominal jnirticles. Ex. Jo con- r^ruliiloinenc con loi, I congratulate you upon it; the accent js on the a. as in the verb conrrralitlo alone. 31. When, by so many pronouns, the accent would run too far backwards, we either put them before the verb, or avoid one of the conjunctive j)articles, by substituting to it the per>onal projioun, with a preposition ; thus, in the fore- going^ example, we read, congratnloninie con xoi, instead of congralitlomivcne ; although this combination of three pro- nouns be perfectly gramujatical : See it in next Lecture at .M I, 1st [)ionoun. 32. % Vqy the savne reason, when in elegant composition, wo add one or more pronoui\s to the end of those third per- sons pbiiiil of the verbs, in which the accent lies either on the last but two, or last but three ; it is inevitable to curt;iil such verbs of their last vowel, as we couunonly do to the inliiiitives ; (see note"^, p. G7.) thus, rcchinsclo snllc spa/fc^ unl rt'(/iino''(fo, let (hem load it on their shoiddeis ; CixUno iHc'\ini( i \illinii(t^ woi dkciunoci^ i\\vy wereaijusing us, ivc. of llic Tii«-aii i'lo<|iii'iice, has never declined this co'iipmiiul |>if)iioiin ^/jV/c ; so lliai ilii- «(CiiH;iiJvc /t, ill liii worlin, rcl.UeH I'lilii-r n» h masiiiliiic siiii;iil;ii, oi- K'liiiiiiiir fiiii^iniir, iii:f<('iirnit- |>liiral or roiniiiiiit' |>liii'al. It .sliiiiilil iiii>|iii'<( jon- at>ly he iiiaOc iiiili-cliiialilc in any clcuaiit (-iii^i|isible siijnilicatious. Indeed, how could they do it in a tew paragraphs ? We may have observed in the precedini; Lecture (see p. 62. n. ^.) that the conjunctive particles which can be joined either two by two, or three by three, are sixteen* in number ; tlierelore very little knowled>je of arithmetic is sufficient to tind, that \\\e\x posuhlc comhinalions must an)ouut to no less than /o//r tliousond three hundred and ff I i/4zco. And how can we expect to have any other rule than aulJiora^ and nae in the selectinij;, out of siuh a vast number, the comparatively few oTfl;;/;//«//r«/ coml)inations of these particles, which (if we reflect that the perspicuity of the plan adopted requires the inserlin2: e;>cii of them /it/rrj in the followin;;- List) will be found to amount precisely to no more tluin onk hundred and THiuTV-NiNE ! without reckoning; tlieir orthographical diversifications ? Noi' can we suppose the ascertaining of all their significa- tions to be less arducus, if we consider that thev contain the relative and personal pronouns to all cases:|: (nominative only excepted), with their governing particles or prepositions. So that they mu>-t have as many dillereut meanings, as there are preposition* to diversify them. The catiilogue, there- fore, of rt// their cond)ination'^, with every possible significa- tion to each of them, would make rather a volume than a chajiter. Hence it follows, (hat elassical authors and ?/5e. Ill tlie Vlllth prclirjii /Kny obscnalioji, ihc T-dhlc ♦.W'tliose conjiiiK'tivo pronouns is inserted with tho same order as in the conrse ot this Lecture, tluon^hont which, at the top of eacli column, the rinifiins; ////r ]ioints out what pronoun or pronoun>; it explains. The scholar, therefore, needs only to observe wliat is tho person and numher of the English personal or conjunctive pronoun he wishes to translate, and he will readily find it exjilained and exeinplilied in this TAni.r:, with all its i^raniniatical conibinaliuns in re<;ular order; those where tho |)ronoun in (piestion is imikfixrd couiini:: first, and tlie others where it is suhjoined coming iui mediately after. I I. And since neglect, rather than tinio, has cflTected great change in the modern use of these pronouns, an asterisk (*) has been prefixed to those combinations^ to be met with in the writings of the most eminent classics, and which might be successfully used in anv poetical or elegant composition, but mu^ joined, will admit of them. v. 'I" he reafler will find sevcTal rojpbinfitions achhd by me, even unaccompanied by any c.i p/anntion or c.raiiip/c. Let him not loo lia>(ily blame me on that account. I-'or tho si i^ni fir (it inn of tUc?>o. pronominal particles being extensively given where each of them is registered sini^le^ accortling to f (^)li«rrvc ili;»t M lifti two or more (•(niibiiiatidns follow closely c.nrli other, even joiifil Ity alrtiif, tin; imlic.iii'nt til'ilu; uitmsk ilncn not I'xit'iid any lit^ilicr ilian to Uiut very one lo which it is prclixcii, bcini; irpcutcJ wlu-rcvci' it was ne- cessary. 74 the numerical progression of the Roman figures annexed to each (^ee Observation Vlll ), it is easy to know all tlie pos- sible meaiiinijs ofeach combination^ bj consulting this Tablr at the several places where its component particles are to be found. And, as to the want of an example^ the following observation is submitted, as containing those canons o^ scru- pulous analogy^ which have been my constant guidance in registering as grammalical several of the following conibi- natiorjs, which 1 have not yet had the good fortune to find exemplified in any of our good authors. In combining these conjunctive particles together, either two by two, or three by three, our authors have manifestly attended to these tzi^o essential points, viz. 1. Harmonious arrangement of sounds : and, 2. Sj/ntactical association of meanings. — Now, if we examine, with some attention, all these pronouns exhibited and explained in the foregoing- Lecture, we shall find that we may arrange the greatest part of them under ^/jrce distinct series or classes, of which the component pronouns shall be respectively found perfectly analogous in the above tziH) points. These are for the first series, mi ; ti ; si ; ci : vi : for the second, me ; te ; se ; CE ; VE ; and, for the third, il, or lo ; la; gli, or li ; le. Hence it follows, that a (;o?«/';/7W//o« once found in authors with one or more of them, we may be entitled to establish as grammatical all the others that may be obtained by the ex- change of one or two of the component particles for others of the same 5me5 respectively ; provided no classical critic he against it, and that no harsh sound, or any si/ntaciical im- propriety, may arise from it. Thus, for instance, having found in Boccaccio^s Ammeto, the cond>ination mi se nk, (see the quotation copied from Cinonio in N E, XVI. pro- noun), we shall be allowed to exchange mi for ti, ci, or vi, and make {\\e combinations, ti se ne, ci se ne, vi se ne ; buinot SI SE NE, for both the identical signification ofsi and se, and the bad sound resulting from the union of these two monosyllables, are against the iioo principles established above. The same combination mi se ne, by exchanging the first and second particles, each for another of its respective series, will give the grammatical and analogous combina- tions ti me ne, si te ne, ci se ne, vi ce ne, &c. but not TI TE ne, (M GE NE, VI VE N E, &C. for reasoUS jlist UOVV shown. Av,(\ as to n e, it will not be prudent to venture to exchange it for any other, for though its sound be perfectly c-naloffous with those of the ^cco??r/ scries, yet its meanings and u.-e differ too widely from any of them to expect from 75 such an p\rhaii2,o, lliat sjjntactkal ossocialion of meanings above alliulcil to. It will not be (iiflicult for the critic to extend these canona ofamilosf/ to all the couihinnlions introduced by me in the tollowiiiij Tahle without a (]'.iotiition. and I hope he uill find that I lia\e conformed to lliesanu> in all instance?. On the other hand, the less iiujiii-^itive student will be able to make an extensive use of this Table, without ever readin^ this ()I)S( rvdlion. \'I. The translation of the examples annexed to each com- bination of the pronouns will be f>und, tio doubt, ex- iriinflij harsh and even barbarous ; but, if it be intelli«;ible, it will fiillv answer the desired end of oivinir the pupil to understand the enerijy of these pronominal parti* Us in its full Ibrce. That such a harshness was in this ca^e unavoid- able, will readily occur to any one, who will advert to the •xreat uuwhvr oi' iiiipcrsn)i(i/ and rrciprorn/ verbs used in the Italian lan^uaoe, and not admissible in the English. These beini; coui^trued in Italian with the conjunctive pronouns, and the syntax of n»auy other verbs beinj^ dilferent in the two lanijuaires, have been the unavoidable causes of that asperiiv, whi( h 1 could not |)ossibly a\oid in the translation of the Ibllowinir exani|)les, without deleating the very end for \\ hich they were intended. VII. As to {ho position of the conjunctive pronouns, nith respect to their rerbs, let tiie student attend to llie observa- tions ofthe pre'^edini;- Lecture ; and lor I'amiliar use chielly to Hii.K, n. IS. and its Exceptio.v. p. 6(i. I\tr the follow- ing examples * bei'iii taken from elec fxaiji|ik-s l.ikcii from thissical autlior.s linvi- I'lidfriioiii' some aliriatioii«, and oili> r ri-asoiis foi- so doiiij; will be occasioiiall) staitil in llic course of ilic followiiiu' 'I'alh: Neveitheless, in order tlial thr most severe cri- tics may not too rafilily prniiouncu thin iiietliod as unwarrantable, let ilieni ob- »er»c tiere, iliat tlio<(C (^raminui iaii«, wh" are il.e first to esiabiisli i iiles u|ion ti'.e langna^e till y teacli, niu'-t ni'i-('s«ai ily jiroduce fienuine exaniplis from aiillioi « to give them llicir jiioier weikflil ; but these rules, ami I lie re|iulaiion of ilie i.rum- iiiarian^ wlio liave u''s:gii<'l a'* much as p<>sKible ol the lan^m^e of the classicn in these examples, piovidi'U thcdkiiuii may not prove ibiough it cither uugraiiimdticulor baibaruutr 76 Vlll. Finally, the reader will observe, that to each of the following pronouns a Roman figure has been annexed in regular progression, in order that the reference to each of then), in the course of this Lecture, might be as short and plain as possible. For the guidance of the studious, I shall here enumerate them all in the same order, and with the same Roman i\s:ures, as will be found in the followinij TABLE. -"^- • - ■■ - Read again OhserxalionX. c o o 'First Person. Sins.ulaT. I. MI. II. ME. Plural. III. CI. IV. CE. XVt. NE. Second Person.. Singular. V. Tl. VI. TE. Plural. wn VI. VIll.VE. Third Person. Singular Masc. IX. IL, or LO. X. GLI, or LI. Singular Fern. XI. LA. XII. LE. Singular Common. XIII. GLIE. XIV. SI. XV. SE. XVI. NE. Third Person. ' Plural Masc. X. GLi, or Ll. Plural Fern. XII. LE, Plural Common. XIII. GLIE. III. CI. IV. CE. VII. VI. VIII. VE. XIV. SI. XV. SE. XVI. NE. XVIII. LORO. N.J3. Wherever you see the pronouns printed s)tm/f,ihoy are only occasionally noticed ; but they are fully explained and exemplified where they are printed in large capitals^ as the series of the Roman Jigures directs. A mctliodical TABLE of the Conjunclive Pronouns e.r- plained., rxemp/ified, and interspersed with useful ObservU' lions, Remarks, and Notes. FIRST PERSON SING. I. MI. Me, of me, to me, from me, on me, over me, about mc, oft" nie, by me, wilh me, in me, for me, &c. myself, of myself, to myself, &c. — Also as an expletive pro- noun. 2. IT IS PREFIXED THUS : MI TI. Myself to thee. Ex. lo, mi ti feci paleae, I made vii/self known to thee. MI SI, To ine himself. Ex. Egli cela- I. MI. tantcnte appressdndom'm mi pose paura, Approaching tiimself slyly to me, he frightened me. MI ci. Me there, or thither. Ex. Egli non solo non mi ci tiene, ma nep- ■pdr mi ci mena. Not only hu does not keep me there, but he does not even take me tliillicr. * Ml VI. Myself to you. Ex. II vostro omico di cut io mi vi rammaricdi. Your friend of whom I made 7?;y- se//'a complaint to you. 77 1. MI. • MI TEN', "i or r MI TE NE ) Myself to thee about it. Ex. Non so che rfj'rmitene, I don't know wyself what to say to thee abuul it. * MI SEX 1 or - MI SK NE ' In me itself for it. Ex. Non redo che g'ui'ui mi se ne accresca, 1 (io not see that joy augments ii- sclj in mc for it. * M I. MJ. n. ME. il mi potristi. Nor could you deny it to me. Sieti assdi I' atrrlomi fatto condscerc. Let it be enough tor thee to have made it known to me. GLI MI "^ or > 1*^ LI MI J Them from me. Ex. Io son di^ spdsto /('/"gliuii (/' adddsso, I am disposed to get them from about me. LA MI. M MI VEN' "I r I VE NE J Myself to you of it. Ex. Avrn- do forsr avtito pir male che in mi ve ne 5ja doluta, He having, per- haps, taken it ill, that I have ?«//- «e//' remonstrated to you of it. * MI CEN "j or \ Ml CE NE J This combination becomes grammatical, since the above three analogous to this are founii in the classics, viz. mi te ne, mi se in; mi ve ne. C-^ See the principles of this analogy explained above at Pre- liminarij Observation V. 3. IT IS SUBJOINED THUS : VI MI. See this combination establish- ed at VI. \'II. pron. CI MI. Sec this combination at CI. III. pron. * IL MI "j or \ * LO Ml J It to inc. Ex. W: voi negdrc Her to me. Ex. Quantunque tu la mi promttta in isposa, non posso tanto sperdre, Ahhoa^U thou pro- niisest her to we in marriage, I cannot hope so much. * LE MI. With her me. Ex. Ei^li le mi mctlera in ddio. He will put me in disgrace with her. 4. II. ME. It has the same significations as MI ; see above : but it is never used witiiout being coupled with other pronominal particles, and 5, IT IS OnllJ PKEFIXED THUS : * MEL (<;) ME EL((/) -^ LO J For me it, to me it. Ex. JM/ui' disi per un maestro il qintl mel tragga. Let us send for an ope- ritor, who will draw it forme. Poiclie tu di di fdrmt\o vcd6re, saro conte'nto, ^incc thou sayst that thou wilt sjiuw it to »i. , I will be batislicd. MI >IE ci.i ^ or > ME LI J Off mc them. ICx. Io inti'ndo (a) The Aca(lcnii cannot easily get in it, or thiihtr. J ^^ The above combination Se io vi is one of those very uncommon gvdrisco, che merito me ne segui- ones, liable to an inhnite number rd P If I cure you, what merit of meanings. See my Adueriibe- vvill accrue to me for it? ment at the beginning, and the * ME NEL "j Preliminary Observations. or /- Ci Ti. ME NE LO J To us thee. Ex. E priego ME NE LA 9U^gl' Iddii, li quali vinti da ME NE GLi ^ molti prieglu molto gruziosa ment e or V ci ti dondrono. And I pray to ME NE LI J those Gods, who, induced by our ME NE LE. frequent prayers, gave thee very The above combinations are graciously to us. established on the principles of J^^ Cinonio, at the above analogy explained in the V. Pre- combination, subjoins the follow- liminary Observation, afterhaving ing remark, to mainlain the above found in classical authors the example as genuine, " That pas- analogous ones se ne Zo, se we g/i, sage oi Filocolo (by Boccaccio), se ne la. See them at SE, XV. at the end of the 4th book, is not an error of print, since all the MSS. write it so, and even the printed copies at Florence, lately published (written in 104L*), pron. FIRST PERSON PLURAL. 6. III. CL Us, of us, to us, from us, on where we read CI prefixed to us, over us, about us, off us, by TI, against the universvtl outciy us, with us, in us, for us, &c. one of all those who have written and another, of one another, to one maintained that this combination another, &c. each other, of each is not only inadmissible, but that c CI SE LO J CI SE LA CI SE GLl"l or V CI SE LI J CI SE LE _^^_ The above combinations nuisl be aduiitted only in case that CI has an adverbial sif^niti- cation, like vi ; and, in tint case alone, the rules of analo'.'y, esta- blished at Freliminary Observa- tion V. are favourable to these combinations. See the renmrk before tiael, at VI. VII. pron. * CI VEN "^ or > CI VE NE J * CI MEN ^ I CI ME NE J * CI TEN "i r CI TE NB J ^gf The combination ci sr nr onoe found in Hoctace, is (juilc kiiflicient to admit of theic three perfectly annlof^ous, and of a limilar sound and signification III. CI. with ci se ne. See Preliminary Observation V. See also at NE, XVI. pronoun. 8. IT IS SUBJOINED THUS : MI CI. Me there. Ex. PercJic mi ci mencisti? ^^ by did yon take nit? there, or here? according to the place alluded to. See above the bignitications of ci when adverb. T[ CI. Thee thither. Ex. lo ti ci portcrb di peso, I shall carry ihve thither in my arms. VI CI. You there, or thither, Ex. Giocondo giorno vi ci donb, A most happy day he gave i/ou there. ^^^' And both adverbially, or one of them, as expletive, are often heard in Tuscany, and are found in the following example from Boccace, a very remarkable one indeed. lo nan vedo come not vi ci possidnpervenirc, I don't see how we may possibly reach there. * IL CI "I or > * LO CI J It in it ; it to lis. Ex. Per dilettdr gl' intendenti io il ci misi. To please the connoisseurs F inserted it in it, (speaking of some observation in a treatise, I've.) Ihblis lo ci manifhta, Byblis proves il to us. * GLI CI "j i» or S * LI CI J Them to it. Ex. // pecciitn gli ci conduce. Sin leads them to it. * L\ ci. Her heic. Ex. Io twddto rion la ci III), I iiavL- seen her here. ' LK ci, Tiicm to it. Ex. II pecci't to "ic ci condurc. Sin leads them tn it. 0J^' Tlii^ combination of |)n)- nouns is enumerated in the loin- 80 I Hi. CI. IV. CE. lolario, and in Cinonio, but neilher of thera give any example. I have therefore applied to it that of gli ci, which is a combination veryanalagous to this, the gender of the first pronoun being the only difference between the two. See note *, p. 75. 9. IV. CE. it has the same signification as CI, see above ; but it is never used without being coupled with other pronominal particles, and 10. IT IS only PREFIXED THUS: * CEL (6) or CE LO To us it. Ex. La natitra apertamente eel mostra, Nature openly shows \t to us. No7i ce lo negate, Do not deny it to us. —And adverbially just the same as CI. Ex. Ingt'gnati di ritener- celo. Endeavour to keep him here. CE GLI or CE LI For us them. Ex. Gli amici noi ahbidmo qudli ce gli eleggidmo. We have such friends as we chose Ihem for us. CE LA. On it it. Ex. lo ce la farTy dipignere, I will get it painted on it. CE LE. For us them. Ex, Le mogll noi abhiumo qudli ce le elegginmo. We have such wives, as we chose them, for us. I^frhis combination of pro- nouns is enumerated in the Voca- } IV. CE. XIV. NE. bolario, and in Cinonio, as per-' fectly grammatical, and fre- quently used even at present ; but they having quoted no exam- ple of it, I have applied to it that of ce gli, since they are perfectly analogous, and they differ in nothing else than the gender of li and le. * CEN or CE NE Upon us of them. Ex. Delle tue beffe tue non ce ne potrestifar piii. As to your tricks you could not play more of them upon ns. * GE NEL or CE NE LO. CE NELA CE] } "1"- } ;negli"| or V ; NE liJ CE CE NE LE 1^^ The above combination? are established on the principles of analogy explained above at Preliminary Observation V. after having found in the classics the analogous ones se ne lo, se ne gli, se ne la. See them at SE, XV. pron. II. XVI. NE. Observations upon ne. The poets have given this par- ticle the same significations as to CI and CE, when pronouns of iht first person plural ; and have combined it with other pronomi- nal particles, sometimes like the one, and sometimes Irketheother of them. But since ne, in its (/') 'I'he Academicians Delia Cnisca do not aprove of re 7, tluis written by- some before a consonant, as apjifars from their own orthography in tlie Focn~ buh'irio. See the Observations prctixed to thc.promuns of the tMrd person, anct note (/) ibid. 81 xvr. NE. V. Ti. most usual significations, ex- presses I lie third person singular, or a peculiar adverb; see all its possiole combinations amoni; the conjunctive pronouns ottliat per- son as its Roman figure directs. SFXOND PERSON SING. 12 V. TI. Thee, of thee, to tliec, from thee, on thee, over thee, about thee, off thee, by thee, wiih thee, in thee, for thee, 6cc. thy- self, of thyself, to thyself, Sec. Also as an e.rplefive pronoun. 13. IT IS PREFIXKD THUS : TI SI. Thee it. Ex. lo ti farb quelV ondre che ti si conviene, 1 shall do you an honour as i^ becomes thee. TI CI. Thee hither. Ex. La mala ventilra ti ci ha condutto, Bad luck has brought thee hither. t^^ ^Ve are expressly taught by the Academicians and Cinoriio to say mi ti, and vi ti, and to re- ject the combinations vii ti, and ti vi, which seem analogous to those at MI, I. pronoun. I dare not, therefore, enumerate them here, having found no example in any book. * TI SEN "J or /■ TI SE NK J .Sec this combination establish- ed at NE, XVI pronoun. * TI VEN ^ V. Tr. be admitted on those principles of analogy established above, Prellntindrij Observation V. See at NE, XVI. pronoun. 14. IT IS SUBJOINED THUS : MI Ti. Myself to thee. Ex. To mi ti rnccomdndo, I recommend myself to thee. CI TI. See this combination at TIj III. proii. VI TI. Thither thee. Ex. lo vi ti menerh, I shall conduct thee thither. or TI VE NE * TI CV.V. "^ I TI CE NE J ♦ TI MEM ^ I TI MR ST. ) * IL TI "^ . "'■ r *" LO TI J It to thee : him to thee. Ex, Dio il ti perdoni, God forgive it to thee. Acciocche io possa dire per qui'sto dono avcr\o\.\ scmpre obligdto. That I may say to have made him for ever indebted to thee for this present. * GLI Tl"^ or V * LI TI J These combination^ nwM Them for thee. Fx. In non so a che io mi tengo, che io non ti jieco le mani negli occhi, c trdggo- giiti, I don't know what hinders me from thrusting my hands into your eyes, and pull tliein out for thee. * LA TI. It from thee. Ex. La tan vita non mi basteru'bbe loglithid(>\'\\, Your life would not be cnouuU for mc, if i were to t.ike it front thee. * LE TI. Them from ihec. Fx. Io re- f/j/To/lcti dimattiua a casii, 1 shall bring them home to-moriow niorning/or thee. It h.n the same significatiom iiM TI, ^ce above ; but it is never 82 15. VI. TE. used as a conjunctive pronoun, without being coupled with other pronominal particles, and 16. IT IS only prefixed thus: * TEL (c) •EL (c) 1 or /• 'E LO J GLI "^ LI J TE For thee it ; it to thee. Ex. lo medhima tel trarro, 1 shall draw it myself very well /or thee. yoglidmte\o, aver detto, acciocche tu non t'l possi di noi rammaricdre, We are glad to have told it to thee, that thou ciayst not com- plain to us. •» TE G or TE L To thee them. 'Ex. Nonph'm- gere chenon te 11 darb, Weep not, for I shall not give them to thee. TE LA. 2^e as an expletive, and la means her. Ex. Oh, disse Bruno, tu te la griferdi. Oh, oh, Bruno said, you will enjoy her. TE LE. Thee them. Ex. lo non credo, che con V dnimo dir te le fdccia, I do not believe that she makes thee say them from thy own soul. * TEN or TE Thee for it Ex. lo non me ne maraviglio, ?ie te ne so rlpi- glidre, 1 neither wonder at it, nor can I blame thee for it, * TE or TE TE NE LA TE ' } NE J Ex. lo ne te ne r wonder eefor it. NEL ^ or V NE LOj NE LA TE NE GLI^ or y TE NE LI J TE NE LE. VI. TE. VII. vr. f^^ The above combinations are established on the principles of analogy, explained above at Preliminary Observation V. after having found in classical authors the analogous ones se ne lo, se ne U, se ne la. See them at SE, XV. pron. SECOND PERSON PLURAL. 17. VII. VL You, of you, to you, from you, on you, over you, about you, off you, by you, with you, in you, for you, &c. one another, of one another, to one another, &c. each other, of each other, &c. yourselves, of yourselves, &c. — Also as a pronominal adverb — and as an expletive pronoun . 1 n these two instances it has the very same meanings, and is used entirely like CI, III, pronoun : see there- fore that particle above. 18. IT IS PREFIXED THUS : VI TI. There for thee, Ex. lo vi ti porrb una coltricetta, e ddrmiv'\t\, I shall put there a small feather- bed for thee, and you may sleep on it. {^^ Observe ti is expletive in the second instance ; and the second vi is adverbially used . but as it relates to a particul-.u' thing (a feather bed), it cannot be translated by there or here, but it must be rendered by on it, as above. See above the adverbial significations of CI, III. pron. VI SI. To you we. Ex. Foi non ricevete da noi quilla cortesiu, che vi si converr^bbe, You do not receive from us that courtesy which ive ought to pay to you. (c) The Academicians Delia Criisca tin not approve of /e'Z, thus written hy sonic before a consonant, as appeuis Ironj ilicir own orthourapliy in tlic Focabolario. See tlie Oi'^erua^io?/ > prefixed to Xh^ pronoum of tlie third person, and note CD ^''"'- 83 VII. VI. VII. VI. Il^-'r' Observe si trinslated for J^^Thefollowingcombination we, because impersonally used as of the pronoun VI with /wo more. OS in French. Si'c its impersonal sisjnilications underneath among the pronouns of the third person. VI CI. \oii here. Ex. lo diru, die vi c'l dbhinfatto venire per dendri, I shall say thr.t I made you conic here for money. VI MI. ^^ After having found all the abo\e combinations, this remains are admiltcd by Delia Ciusca imd Cinonio ; but since neither of theiir . have furnished (luotations to ex- cmplifv them, 1 have applied se- veral passages of Duccacc to this purpose, with as little alteration oi the text as possible. — (Sec above, note *, page 75.) Observe farther, 1. That in such combina- tions the particle VI must be in its adverbial signification, and Observation V * VI MEN or VI Mli XE established on those principles of therefore these combinations analogy explained at Preliminary cannot be extended to mi, or ti, " -- although the rules of atialogy es- tablished at Preliminarij Ohserva- /iortV. might, at first sight, seem to admit of this extension. 2. That these combinations (the fiist only excepted) are in use in Tuscany even at present, but they often corrupt the first particle vi, and say ve, which is improper ( VI CE N^E J The above combinations are established at ne, XVI. jiro- noun, on those principles of analogy explained ,it Preliminary Observation V ; but even the fol- lowing vi se ne would be sufficient sely"e venire, The king, who was in to establish them. VI SEN "^ or > VI SE NE J There they impersonally of them. Ex. Fornirono due case a trav&so il candle, I' una di sopra, e t altra di sotlo; cd anc^raper I' online vi cc nc dovrn Jar (piutlro prinotc, Tliey erected two houses ovci the canal, the one al)/ iheni there ftuhpcndcd above the otbcrsi. hiscloset, desirous of heaiinghim, ordered liim to come to Jiimself there, Odisse Calandrino, cot/stoi hunn paese; ma dimmi chc sifa del cinghidle, the cudcon coldlo ? ri- sp6se Maso ; i Baschi vi sc lo mdngiano tutto, Oh, Calandrino said, that is a fine country : but, tell me, what do they do with the wild boar which they dress ? the Bfischi eat it all themselves (here. VI SE V. or VI SK LI There by him them. Ex. liruno (ILl "j LI J {fl) See llic'iulc licrc alluilcil to in ilic Excrplion, ii. '2?. niiil tlic note • at |>. fi'-J, of tlic iircccdiiik' JA'cturc. c, 2 84 VII. VI. volgendosi intdrno disse ; Caldn- dn'no e Buffalmdcco dove sono ? comecche presso vi se li vedhse, Bruno, turning himself round, said, where are Calandrino and Buffalniacco ? although he saw them there hard by him. VI SE LA. Thereon binaself it. Ex. Cowe notte si venne facendo, il maestro trovb sue scuse in casa con la vid- glie e trattane celatamente la sua bella roba, come tempo gli parve, vi se la mise indusso, e se n' andb sopra uno de' detti avelli, As soon as it began to grew dark, the doctor invented some excuses at home with his wife, and having slyly taken out his handsomest robe, he puti^ on (himself) there, and, when be thought it was time, be went to sit upon one of those lombs. ^g^ Observe that the English could not possibly admit of the word himself written above be- tween parenthesis ; so that the pronoun se, with respect to the English language, may be con- sidered as an expletive in this sentence. VI SE LE. Here themselves them. Ex. Ed ordindrono che essa, e la f ante fdsser la notte da' fratelli portute a Fiienze , ed essi sopra una tuvola acconcidtele studiosamente vi se le portdrono. And they resolved that in the night both her and her maid should be conveyed by their brothers to Florence, who having laid them upon a board, carried them (themselves) there very care- fully. Apply to the word them- selves of this sentence the same remark just before on the word himself. 19. IT IS SUBJOINED THU3 : MI VI. To me theie. Ex. Simili cose e VII. VI. viH. VE. piggidri, se piggiuri esser possono in alcuno, mi vi parve in tanta gruzia di tutti vedere, che, Sfc. Such doings, and worse, if any worse can be perpetrated by any one, seemed to me to see tJiere so greatly encouraged, that, &c. ^^" CiHOJ/icihadhtre forgothis own combination and example given at Ml; but so frequent is this combination, that I have been able to furnish here another quo- tation from Boccaccio, G. J. n. 2. CI VI. See this combination at CI, III. pronoun, and the remar/c before it. . VI "^ or > a VI J ■^ LO It to you. Ex. Non so perch'i hosogni, cJi io il vi promitta, I don't know why it is necessary that I should promise it to you. A me dee piacere di render\o\i, It must give me pleasure to re- turn it to you. * GLI VI"| or V * LI VI J Them upon it. Ex. // tesoriire prese quelli marchi, e mise un tap- peto in una sula, e vers6l\Wi suso. The treasurer took those species, laid a carpet on a saloon, and poured them upon it, * LA VI. It of you. Ex. Quista grdzia io ho ricevuta da vol senza doman- darlavi, I have received this favour from you without asking it of you. * LE VI. Them to you. Ex. Io le vi donerh volentu'ri, I shall willingly present them to you. 20. VIII. VE. It has the same significations as VI. see above ; but it is never used as a conjunctive pronoun, 85 VIII. VE. without being coupled with other pronominal particles, and 21. IT IS only prefixed thus : * VEL (e)' ir. IL or i O. Tcrbs without their piepositions, arc ical conjunctive pronouns. VEL (f)"| or V VE LO J To you it. Ex. lo Irevemt'nte vel faru cliiuro, I shall shortly make it clear to you. lo ve 1<» prcti'ndo diiuostrdre, 1 presume to deaionstrate it to you. * VE GLI "j or V VE LI J There fhein. E.\. Manduvdo- veli da FiTttize, Sending l/icin there trom Florence. VE LA. To yon it. Ex. £;"// vc la poti'va Liscidrc. He might leave »/ to you. VE LE. To you them. Ex. Se ve le volf'ssi tutte contdre, If I were willing to relate them all to you. * VEN "j or V TE NE J You of it. Ex. Qiivsta prudva ve ne posso dare, I can give you this proof of it. — Observe that voti, in this instance, is a conjunc- tive pronoun in English, for it •tnnds instead of to you, as ve is instead of a voi in Italian. 1^^^ From this example, and many more, we may observe how wron;; are tlio^e authors who snp- posethat tlicEtigli^h l.inguiii;e h;is no conjunctive pronouns, which is very erroufous. It h;is not indeed any peculiar particle to express thcai, but the obli'pic cases of the personal pronouns, when joined to * VE NEL "I VE Ni; LO J VF. NE LA VE NE GLi") or V VE NR LI J VK NE LE See the above combina- tions established on fluxe prin- ciples of ^naloiry explained above Ht Preliminary ObservationV. afitr havitig found in the classics the analogous ones se nc lo, se nc gli, se ne la. See at SE, XV. pronoun. THIRD PERSON SING. 22. Obsekvatioks on il or lo, IX. Pronoun and on some of its conilnnafions tcitk other pro- nominal Particles. 1. Whenever il and lo are articles, if is evident that they do not rome within the scope of this Lecture. 2. When they are conjunctive pronouns, their meaning is per- fectly the same, so that only one example might liMve been suffi- cient for both of them to each of their combinations : since the use of the one or the other does not depend upon the meaning of the sentence, but only on the accessory distinctions of use, which will fol- low hereafter. Nevertheless, since Cinoiiio has furnished twodistinct series of conibin itions and ex- aiiij>les for il ;nid l<>, I will not de|)rive the student of the greatest resource to learn the right use of these pronouns, for which no fej 'file Acadeniiiiami Drlla Cruica i\o nolnpcroTe of cr '/ ilius wiittenby some licforc • oiixKn^iit, at ajipcarn from tlieir «iwii (nlliopinphy in llie Fofahtlnrin. Sve. ilie Obtcrvalvtu'. irdiMil Ui iUv jironount nl ilu- thud pen in, aiiti iiou- fjj Hut. 86 TX. IL or LO. rule is so effect uil as classical exainples. 3. IL alo77e is only put before verbs commencing with a conso- nant (S impure excepted) ; and it is only used in poetry or sublime prose. 4. i-o alone is used in all sorts of compositions, and before any letter whatever, observioi; always the usual elision of the 0, if be- fore a vowel, with an apostrophe in its stead. 5. IL, when in conjunction with other pronouns, preserves still its privilege of belonging solely to elevated compositions. 6. LO, in cotijunctionwith other pronouns, is of the sublime style, ii prefixed to others, as the aste- risks will show. But, if subjoined to others, it is common to all styles. 7. We have seen above, and we shall see it still better in the following list of combinations, that the pronouns me, te, se, ce, ne, ve, are found followed by one of the above two pronouns con- tracted in one word, thus : mel, tel, sel, eel, nel, vel, concerning which observe : 8. That according to the above Observation, n, 2. it is certain, that whether the L represents the pronoun il, or lo, its signifi- cation in the above combinations will be always the same : 9. That the above contracted IX. IL or LO. combinations are only used in the sublime and in poetry, as the asterisks show, before verbs com- mencing with a consonant only ; s impure excepted. 10. And that before verbs be- ginning with a vowel, in all styles, we must write the above pro- nouns with an apostrophe, and in two separate words thus : me V, te V , se r, ce V , ne /', ve V . — Be- fore s impure no elision or apos- trophe can take place, but we must then write them whole in two distinct words, me lo, te lo, se lo, ce lo, ne lo, ve lo. H. Now it appearing from Observation, n. 4. that lo, when pronoun, may be found before any letter whatever, and it being certain, that when we cannot adopt the conjunctive pronouns, and must say emphatically a te, a me, Sfc. instead of ti or me, mi or me, 8^-c. (seen. 18. p. 66, of the preceding Lecture) we may equally say io lu dissi a te, or io il dissi a te, I said it to thee ; egli lo disse a me, or egli il disse a me, S^c. he said it to me, (ob- serving always, with respect lo IL, what was stated above, nn. 3. and 5.) — Why shall we not con- sider the contractions mel, tel, Sfc. as pronouns compound either of nie il, te il, S^'c. or of ?»e lo, te lo, S^c. (/) as analogy seems to suggest ? (fj I have made this query, hecause Cinonio malnlaiiis mel, tel, S^c. to be only contractions from me il, le il, Sf^c. and Delia Cnisca]mn hiui, adding'lRsides, what is stranger still, thai; in such cases il is changed into le, (see, in tlieir J'ocaholario, IL I'ronome, § 11.)— But to enter upon such discussions at Itngtii, would he just as rizare ddlu lana capyina. Let, therelbre, the learner only remember the proper use l-oth of mel, tel, ^c. and of me 7, te 7, c^t. as prescribed above, nn. 9. and 10.— Take notice also that Cinonio and others admit of a .synonymous orthotrrapliy for mel, tel, i^c. writing them indiscriminately sometimes as above, and sometimes me 7, te 7, in those cases mentioned at n. . 17. 88 IX. IL or LO. * IL VI "^ or > * LO VI J Him there ; him therein. Ex. Siccdme lafortuna il \\ guidb. As fortune led him there. La donna lui/ece ricoverdre in que'lla cassa, e serrollovi dentro, The woman bid the man squat himself down in that chest, and shut him there. * IL SEN * LO SEN * IL SE NE or * LO SE NE See this combination establish- ed upon classical authority at ne, XVI. pronoun. * JL MEN * LO MEN I * IL ME NE '- or i LO ME NE^ ^ 1 NE N J * * IL TEN * LO TEN * IL TE or # LO TR NE * IL VEV * LO VEN * IL VK NE or * LO VE NE * IL CEN * LO CEN * IL CE I§E or * LO CE NE ^^ These combinations are established upon those rules of analogy explained at Preliminary Observation V. after having found their anahjgous ones, il se ne and ia se ne, in the classics. See them at NE, XVI. pronoun. 25. IT IS SUBJOINED THUS : * MEL IX. ILor LO. To me it. Ex. Questamattfna mel fe sapere, This morning he communicated it to me. Tu non me lo credevi. You did not be- lieve it to me. * TEL "j or > TE LO J Thyself it; to thee it. Ex. Tu tel vedrdi. Thou shalt see it thyself. Mi pudsi in cudre di darti quello, e di/ditelo, I had de- termined in my mind to give thte that, and I gave it to thee. * SEL or SE LO Se, expletive, it ; to himself him. Ez. In grandissima grdzia sel reputdva, He considered it a very great favour. E fdttosdo chiamdre gravissimam/nte il ri- prese. And having caused him to be sent to himself, rebuked him most severely. * CEl } CEL "I I CE LO J To us it. Ex. Chiaram^nte eel dimu'stra ne' Proverhj, He clearly shovvs it to wsin Proverbs, Seegli. non i disdicevole, diccdo. If it be not improper, tell it to us. NEL ") or > NE LO J Ol * ME L .} Ne, expletive, him ; of it him. Ex. Alia sua donna nel mandb a Pdvia, He sent him to his lady at Pavia. y4 lei onesta cosa nonpa- rcva il ricchiedernelo. It appear- ed to her an indelicate thing to request him of it. * VEL or VE Thither him ; to you it. Ex. Isabella una notte vel fece venire, Isabella one night made him come Ol. ' } LO J S9 IX. I Lor LO. thither. Con poche porule ve lo inttiido dimostrdre, I mean to prove it to you in a few words. * CI or ;i SEL "» or V :i SE LO J See these combinations esta- blished at CI, 111. pronoun. * T) TI SBL ~1 VI SE LO J See these combinalions esta- blished at V'l, V'll. pronoun, and the remark there premised to vi sel. it NEL "^ or V )E NE LO J See this combination establish- ed at SE, XV. pronoun. * ME N' EL "j or > MENB LO J * TE NEL "^ TE NB LO J * CE NEL ~j or V CE NE LO J * VB NEL "^ I VE NE LO J Tliese four combinations are t-stablislied at their respective initials, mb, te, ce, vk. upon their analogous ones, sc tie lo, se ne li, tc ne la, found in the clas- sics, see llicin at se, XV. pro- noun. See likewise Preliminarij Observation V, where the prin- ripies of their analogy are ex- plained * GLIKL ^ CLIELO J X. GLI crLI. See this combination at GLIE, XIII. pronoun. 26. Observations on the Pronoun GLI, or Li, X. Pronoun. 1. Nothing more strange than what we read in many grammars with respect to the pretended difterenceof use and signitication between the pronouns gli and LI ; some affirniiug the first to be dative singuhir, and the other accusative plural; others that gli should precede a vowel, and li a consonant. Lei, therefore, the student remain assured that these two particles are perfectly the same, and their use quite optional in all instances ; but gli, as Cl- nonio properly observes, has had the preference with most authors, and particularly among the less ancient ones. To this we may add, that when this pronoun is joined to glib, we must cn>pIoy LI, and never gli. See at glib, XIII. pronoun. 2. GLI, or LI, in elegant com- jjositions, ought only to represent the third person singular mascu- line, and the same person in the plural ; but with this difference, that in the singular it should ex- press some of the ohlicpie cases, (see notef , p. 71,) the accusative excepted ; and in the plural, the accusative case only : but in the familiar style, the custom, so uni- versal in Tuscany, of saying gli or /(, for to Ihrni instead of torn, (when in the masculine plural.) or for to her, instead of Ic, nuist be allowed, (.:,') notwith-tandiiig what almost all the (iraiinnarians say. Delta Crutca not excepted. (g) For the »i«iiifi(;ilii>n of gli or It, in llic scum- of tu llirm, wlicn masculine plur.tl, nine «|iiolaiioii» an- Kivtii in the yocalolario, \\i. two fioii Giivanni f'lltant ; one fioui Maltco Ftllani; two from P. Crestemlo ; one from D.AN 1 K 90 X. GLI or LI. 3. The examples to each com- bination of the pronoun gli^ or LJ, will be single_, since Cinonio has given none to li ; and ac- cording to what I have just ob- sorved at n. 1. it would have proved a superfluous and endless task to go beyond the limits of that learned critic. But every combination will be exhibited double, as I have done in the preceding pronouns. 4. The following- exemplifica- «ion will partly allude to the sin- gular, and partly to the plural meanings of this pronoun. But the series of its significations will be previously registered here in a comprehensive and compendious manner, as it has been done for the other pronouns j and when we shall treat of the third ■person plural, we shall give proper re- ferences to this place. rGLl 27. X. \ or Lli. Of him, to him, from him, on him, about him, off him, by him, with him, in him, for him, &c. And in the. familiar style, it may be also used for of her, to her, &;c. (see note (g), p. 89.) ALSO, them : and in the famdiar style, it may be used for of them, to them, Sj'c- provided the noun re- ferred to be masculine plural. — X. GLI or LI. See same 7iote {g), at p. 89, and the other no less important ones, marked (i) at LE, XII. pron. and («). at LORO, XVII. pron. 28. IT IS PREFiXED THUS : * GLI MI ^ or S- * LI MI J To him nie. Ex. Lascidteg\im\ appressdre. Suffer me to draw near to him. "'* GLI Ti "I or > * LI TI J Them to thee. Ex. Se avessi libri, io gli ti prestt^rei, if I had books, 1 would lend them to thee. GLI SI or LI SI } To him herself. Ex. Pdstogli in tnano un antHlo, gli si fece sposdre, Having placed a ring in his hand, she caused //erseZ/" to be married to him. * GLI CI "I or V ^ Ll CI J To him ourselves. Ex. A^e' ndstri bisdgni gli ci raccommun- didmo. In our wants we recom- mend ourselves io him. * GLI VI or * LI VI Them in it. Ex. Tu gli trahti della loro abitazidne, rimettiVin, Paradiso ; one from BOCCACCIO Amorosa Fisione ; one from Fazio degli Uherti; ;iikI one from Slork Pislolesi. These autliors not ouly flouiislied ill tliat refined aue, the Xlllth century, but are the very best anKMit; the writers of that time ; so that whatever is repeatedly found in them can never be an ermr, particularly when countenanced by custom. — To say, however, gli or li for to them in the feminine, would always be a solecism. The same Focuhoiario gives'also the following four quotations of gli or li, in the sense to her ; viz. one from the DECARIERONE, G. v. n. 5, on the authority of the celebrated MS. Maiielli, and the best editions; o7ie from DANTE's Paradiso ; one from Matteo Fillani ; and one from the Gradi di S. Girolamo : of which the first alone is of such weight, as to justify the expression, even in the most di;^nifii(l style.— Sec 7wte (n) at LORO XVil. pronoun. N.B. The ancients used GLI adverbially, for VI or CL— See this last. 91 I x.GLIor LI. Tliou hast driven them from their habitation, place them in it again. * GLI NE or * LI NB Them of it. Ex. £;'/i e assdi util cosn tra gli udmhii cotisidc- rdre, die c riU'di'siiiii sono sotto- pusti a quella inedtlsima calawitd: ma pruvdrh per esperU'nza pli iie fu piu certi, It is very u'^eful to iiiortaU to reflect that they arc themselves liable to the same calamity, but experience makes thtiu more certain oj it. g:Jf Observe that we generally write £r/icJ('> or resolve this com- pound conjunctive into a personal pronoun with ue. The above example, however, is given more ditluselv by Ctnonio from Vilhuii. See at GLIE, XIII. pronoun. * GI ;liel "^ or V SLIELO J Gl GLIELA CLItXI GLIBLE G L I B N B Sec all these combinations at GLIE XIII. pronoun. * GLI TKN * LI TEN or * GLI TE NK * LI TE NE * GLI Ml,N * LI MEN or * GLI ME KE * LI .MR NE * GLI GEN * LI CEN or * GLI C-E NE * LI CE NB X. GLI or LI. * GLI VEN * LI VEN or * GLI VE Ne' * LI VE NE * GLI SEN * LI SEN or *■ GLI SE NE * LI SE NE ^^ See the above five double pairs of ronibinations established at NE, XVI. pronoun, upon those rules of analogy explained in PrcliniiiKinj Ohservntion V. after liaviiig found in the classics their analogous ones, il se ne, antl la se ne. 29. IT IS SUBJOINED THUS : ME GLI "^ or > ME LI 3 Myself to him. Ex. Vol('ndo- mcgli a' j)}r giftdrc, csso si dipart'i, Wishing to throw vvjself at his feet, he departed. ^^ Observe here (bat the English idiom turns the conjunc- tive (o hint into a possessive pro- noun ; because speaking of the parts of the body, of dresses, &c. the English use the possessive pronoun, instead of the article, as the Italians do ; who, on the other hand, turn very freqjiently the force of (he possessive by tlie conjunctive, which they affix to tlie verb of tlie sentence. This will be better explained in the bubsctpient Lecture. TI PE GLI "I or V PE LI J To ihcc them. Ex. lo tc gli dvrt^i DMiidiHi, se avvssi snpntn dove, I should have sent them lo thee., if I hud known where. 92 X. GLI or LI. SE GLI "I or y SE Ll J To himself them. Ex. II giii- dice se gWfece chiamare, e ih lor (lisse, The judge ordered them to be sent to himself, and spoke to them thus. * N£ GLI ^ or y * NE LI J Of it to him. Ex. lo ne gli parleru, I shall speak to him of it- CE GLI "^ or \ CE LI J Upon ourselves them. Ex. Ma tuttdvia chenti die elli si su'no stdti i rimbrdtti da lui a me dctti, io non voglio, che ce li rechidmo, se non come da uno ubbridco, But, nevertheless, whatever the rebukes hnve been which he has made me, I do not intend that we should take them upon ourselves otherwise than coming from a drunkard. ^g° This combination had been admitted by Cinonio, but not exemplified. I have there- fore adapted to it a passage from G. 7. n. 8. with as little variation as possible, (see at p. 75, note* , of the Preliminary Observations). And, indeed, the rebukes cast by ylrriguccio upon SisrAonda tended to insult her brothers as well as herself. So that she could have expressed herself, as above, equally as well as we read in the text, to repulse slyly, as she did, the just accusations of her husband. VE GLI ^ or V VE LI J X. GLI or LI. nelle fattche sostengono i mortdli, ma volontariame'nte soitentrdr ve gli fanno, The temptations of an ample fortune not only support men in their labours, but they make them voluntarily submit to them. OLIELI. See this combination at G LIE, XIII. pronoun. VI SE Gl or VI SE LI See this combination esta- blished at VI, VII. pronoun. CI ;li ^ -I J I SE GLI "I or V I SE LI J CI This cotnbination remains esta- blished by those rules of analogy at Preliminary Observation V. with those restrictions mentioned at CI, III. pronoun, and at the remark before vi sel : see at VI, VII. pronoun. * SE NE GLI "I or y * SE NE LI J See this combination esta bl ished at SE ;, XV. pronoun MB NE GLI ^ or > ME NE LI J TE NE GLI ~^ or > TE NE LI J CE NE GLI ~1 or V CE NE LI J To them them. Ex. Lc forze della buunafortuna non solamente VE NE GLI "j or > VE NE LI J ^^ The four combinations above are established at their respective initials me, te, ce, ve, upon their analogous ones se ne lo, se ne li, se ne la, found in the classics. See them at CE, XV, 93 X GLI or LI. XI. LA, pronoun. See likewise Pitlimi- tuiry Observntion V. wlicie tiie j)i iiicijiles of iheir analogy are explained. 30. XI. LA. {h) Her, it. — Observe that tliis pronoun will be translated by it only when it relates to inanimate things made in Italian of the feminine guider. — Also, as uii expletive pronoun. 13. IT IS PREFIXED THUS " * LA MI. It to me. Ex. lo ti richieggo, die tu la mi ossuvi, I request thee to kee[) it to me, meaning ihe promise, which is feminine in Italian. * LA TI. Her to thee. Ex. Togli, noi la ti didnw, Take it, we give her to thee. * LA Sf. It for themselves. Ex. Trovb li prestaldri aver l' area imboldta, ed in casa m/ssala'si. He found that the usurers had stolen the chest, and put it in their own Louse. ^^ Observe here themselves turned into their own, for a simi- l.ir reason to what was allegi-d before in a similar phrase. !5ee above at me gli. * LA CI. It to US. Ex. Mid piit persdna non la ci,j'arci, Nobody will ever do z^ tv us. — Idiomatically we •ay (will ever play us kuch a trick.) * LA NR. Her, ne expletive. Ex. Cur- rddo It: dissc, che scco la ne XI. LA. mendsse, Currado told her, thtt she should take hvr away with her. * LA VI. Her in that. Ex. Riccidrdo con molte pardle la vi confermb su, Richard, with many words, confirmed her in that. * LA SEN ^ or > LA SE NE J See this combination establish- ed at NE, XVI. ])ronoun. * LA MEN ^ or > LA MB NK J * LA TEN ^ or > LA IE NE J * LA TtN '1 or V LA VE NE J * LA CEN ^ or ^ LA CE NE J __ These four combinations are established upon la se ne, found in the classics, according to the principles ot analogy ex- plained at Preliminary Observa- tion V. See also at NE, XVI. pronoun. 32. IT IS SUBJOINED THUS : ME LA. Upon me her. Ex. Essnidole diveniito uemico, me la conviene in (]U('sla guisa seguildre, Having become her enemy, it is incum- bent u])un me to puisne her thus. TE LA. To thee her. Ex. File e tale, quale io te \;idisegndi. She is iucb as I represented her to thee. (A) 'I'liL- Florciuincii say A, ■f to the noininative iii»le:iil of Ella, nIh' ; but a1thoui(li Ci'oniu i|uoles ainlioiilii-s Id «ui>|)<)ri lliis alm.-c of tint |iiy C!, llf. |)roi!oun, and VI. VII. pronoun, as was observed above, when we spoke of all tlieir signifi- atioiis. The same may be .saiil otthe plural loko, in the conjunctive jsignificatioii of to them ; for both this and gli and le arc better calculated to allude to persons than to things. Thus, for instance, speaking of one or more pictures ; if we want to say, give toil, or in them a darker shade, we may with great propriety, allude to all gendeis and numbers by saying Dalevi, or Dalcci un omhra piu cupa. — But observe, if we wish to express the same by the other pronouns, we must pay attention to the sub.stantiies gender and number, sayiuK of one pic- ture alone, dategli tin' omhra, &c. since quadro is masculine. But if the suhject of the painting were a hou:e, and we wished particularly to allude to it, it would i)e more accurate to say, rfafe/ew?i' oTnZira, &c. since casa is, feminine in Italian. Vet to say, even in similar cases, dategli, or dateli, could not be an error, as it was observed above, in note {g), p. 8!), — Thus, if there were more than one picture, or several objects painted on the same piece of canvass, it would be better to say, date loro, whether they represented things of the mas- 95 XII. LE. 3-1. IT IS PKEFIXED THUS : * LE MI. To lier myseU'. Ex. Racco- »;i((n(/fllcini, e fVitli con Dio, Recommend myself to her, and God speed you. * LE TI. To her tbyself. Ex. Non caccidr la fortiiint, y"((/leti incon- tro. Do not reject Ibrtunc, go thyself to Iitr. * LE SI. Them for himself. Ex. Cod fatte cose ciasciiii convu'n, che le si procdccl, Such things every one must procure them for him- self. * LK CI. See exemplification and remark at CI. III. pionoun. * LE NE. To her of it. Ex. Dopo molte confermaziiinif(itte\tnedal Zeppa, After many proofs alleged to her by Zeppa in confirmation of it. * GLIEL "i or /• GLIELO ) XII. LE. niay contain. DKCAxMERONE, G. 5. n. 4. Observe, however, that si an- swers here to on of the French, which the Eti|;li^h would trans- late us, and the particle vi, in tlie same (piotation, is in its adverbial signification of there, thither, S^c, GLIELA GLIELI GLIELB GLIENE See under at GLIE, XII. pronoun. * LK VI. Them to you. Ex. Covie to le vi porgo, As I present them to you. * LE VI SI. For her there us. Ex, Faccin- lev'uii un letlo Idle, fjwile egli vi cope, Come, let us make there such a bed for her as the place * LE SEN "^ or > LE SE NE J * LE TEN "j or V LE TB NB J * LE MEN "^ or y LE ME NE J CEN "^ or V CE NE J VEN ~^ or y VR NE J LE LE LE See the above five pairs of coMil)inations establibhed at NPl, XV'I. pronoun, upon those rules of analogy explained in Prclimi- nary Observation V. S.*). IT IS SUBJOINED THUS : ME LB. For me them. Ex. Nnino conusco, che far me le possn ever se non voi, I know nobody that can procure them for me but you. TE LE. To thee them. Ex. Mi puice ill racconturlc\e, I like to relate them to ihee. SE Lr:. Himself them. Ex Ln per- st'iiKi le raceuntera, crednitUt'.cXe. aver veramcnte fatic. The person culiiic or of tliL- fi.Miiiiiinc pciider : iitii wlicti of llic m.'siuliiii: we liiiKlit also sav, ill a finiiliar w.iy, dntti^li, iiisti-ad of ilaU lorn, piiriiculiirly as llie fitnmr in imivi-r'Hlly iin'il in Tuscany. — Sec ihe same »»<;/*(;'), p. fcsy, uiid iw^k (n). •^^ LORO, Xll.proii. 96 XII. LE. will relate them, thinking to have really done the7n himself. * NE LE. Of it to her. Ex. Corsa ad un alloro ne le fece una ghirldnda, Running to a laurel, she made her a garland out of it. ||^P° Observe here, as in very frequent instances, the personal pronoun in English is without a preposition by ellipsis, as her, instead of to her, or for her. In such cases the English personal pronouns may be looked upon as conjunctive. See ven at VE, VIII, pronoun. CE LE. See exemplification and remark at CE, IV. pronoun. VE LE. To you them. Ex. Caro vi sar^bhe, che io ve le rendhsi, It would be acceptable to you, that I should return them, to you. ! CI SE LE. See this combination at CI, III. pronoun. SE NE LE. See this combination at SE, XV. pronoun. GLIELE. See this combination at GLIE, XIII. pronoun. VI SE LE, See this combination at VI, VII. pronoun, ME NE LE CE NE LE TE NE LE VE NE LE ^g^ See the above four com- binations at their initials, vie, ce. xii. LE. XIII. GLIE. te, ve, where they are established on those principles of analogy explained at Preliminary Obser- vation V. 36. Observations upon GLIE, XIII. pronoun, and its con- nectives, LO, LA, LI, LE, and NE. 1. Custom, and the delicacy of the Italian language not al- lowing to join these four pro- nouns, GLi, LO, LA, and LE to- gether, neither two by two, nor otherwise ; and, on the other hand, their various meanings, above enumerated, coming often together in the same sentence, the two following expedients have been resorted to, in order to render their union practicable and harmonious. 2. Boccace, and the best wri- ters, have added an E to GLI, and made GLIE, to which hav- ing joined LE, the compound pronoun GLIELE was formed, which they constantly employed indeclinable, to express the va- rious meanings that the following combinations of pronouns would have, if custom allowed them, v'lz.gli-lo, gli-la, gli-li, gli-le, or le-lo, le-la, le-li, le-le ; but only in those cases in which that gli or le placed the 6rst has a singu- lar signification (*i), and the other placed after a plural one. See above the explanation of all these pronouns. 3. According to this principle, the compound pronoun gliele (*i) Although it has been observed at p. 89, n. 26, and note (e), that gli may have, in the familiar style, the si'jnification of /o ihem masculine plural; yet, when changed into glie, and combined with it? anuloj^ous, lo, la, li, le, or ne, it .should never be used in tliat sense; since out of ni?ze ex."inipies quoted in the Vocaholario to support that signitieatioii, only one exhibits gli accompanied witli U, and that one must be looked upon as obsolete, not being written glieli, or glide, but glili, quite unwanaiitable according to modern use. 97 Mil. GLIE. has, in Boccace and others, all these meanings, to him it, or him, to him it, or her, to Jiim them, masculine or feminine ; also to her it, or him, to her it, or her, and to her them, masculine and feminine. Also, instead of to, any other of those prepositions may be substituted which were given above to the singular mean- ings of gli or li. 4. Other authors, e"ipcciidly the moderns, have preservfd glie indeclinable, to express either to him, or to her, but they have joined to it either lo, la, li, or LE, according to the things or persons aUuded lo being singidar or plural, masculine or feminine. See, therefore, all the meanings of LO and la, and all the plural meanings of LI and le. 5. In the subsei|uent exempli- fication I have followed the ex- ample of Cinonio, and have made use of the same ({nutations from Boccaccio, varying his indeclin- able conipomid pronoun gliele, as above mentioned at n. 4, since this is the custom now prevailing in Tu!?cany ; in-omuc'i that we could not use gliele indeclinable, as mentioned at n. 3. in any familiar or coHutpiial style. G. We find also Gi.itNE com- pound of the same glie and ne. In which case observe, 1. 'I hat GLIE seldom means to her ; for, as we lia\e seen above, it is very elegant to suy le ne, (see at LL, XlJ. pr<»noiin). 2. That some- times GLiK ex()rc«ses them, accu- sative plurul , but, in ilegant style, we find Loru ne, ise. 3. Tiiat He joined to filic may, in all instances, have all the significa- tions atlrd)Uted to it when alone, (see under at NK, XVI. pro- uoun). 4. That sometimes we XIII. GLIE. find GLI NE in two words ; but then gli means only them, accu- s.tive plural, as by the example at GLI or LI, X. pronoun. 7. Having pointed out, in the preceding observations, all the significations of the pronouns joined to Glie, or given references where they are to be found, no other sign;6cation will be assigned to the following enumeration of their combinations with glie, but that which is contained in the annexed example, as it has been ])rHCtiscd throughout this Lec- ture. 37. XIII. GLIE. To him, to her, to i^ &c. in him, &c. for him, &c. with him, Sec. with himself, &c. — Also themselves, ^ec above, Observa- tion Gth and (*i), at p. DG. 38. IT IS only prefixed tih;s : "■ GLIEL "j or \ GLIELO J For him him. Kx. Rese grd- zie at compare, ehe glielo uvea guarito. He returned thanks to his fiiend who had cured him. for him. ^^ It is possible to find this cofidjination of pionouiis written giiel before consonants ; but lioccaee wrote it always with- out co.uraction, as Delia Crusca and the he-t ]\I5«S. prove; al- though Aluuiio makes him often the authfjr of it. — Kxcept in poe- try, I woulil never acK ibc to write it coiitraeted in any case what- e\er. GLIKLA. Olf him it. Ex. // condnnno nella teata, e gliela fece tagUdre, He coiidennied him to lo^e his heiid, und caused it to be cut ojf httn. II 98 XIII. GLIE. * GLIE l'. It is sometimes written thus ii)steail of gliclo, or gliela, before vowels. See examples above. — Kot to be adopted except in poetry. GLItiLI. To bim tlieni. Ex. Porto i falconi al sohhino, e i^'iieli pre- sentb, He brougiit tbe bawks to the sultan, and presented thein to bim. GLIKLE. For bim tbem. Ex. Se spaccidr voile le cose sue, gliele convi'nne gettdr via, If he wished to sell bis goods, it was necessary for him to tlirow them away almost for nothing. — See above Observation, n. 2. GLIENE. In bim for bim ; tbem from hence. Ex. VecUndo V iiumo la scniplicita del fanciullo, gliene i7e?i?je pie^rt, The man seeing tbe simplicity of the child, pity was awakened in him for him. Amen- ddni gli fece piglidre a tre svoi servitori, e ad un sua castello legdti moiargliene. He caused them both to be taken by three of his servants, and to be con- ducted both of them from hence to one of his castles. Jj^p° See above Observations on GLIE, particularly n. 6, and its significations. * GLIEN "J * glien' > * GLIE n' J These contracted forms of gliene might be found, the first before consonants, and the other two before vovvels : but the Academicians Delia Crusca do not countenance any of tbem, not even tbe last, which analogy seems to introduce more plau- sibly than any of tbe others ; for XIII. GLIE. tbey write this beautiful line of Petrarch, from Canzdne 8, thus, Cercan d1 e notte pnr chi gliene appdghi, My eyes seek night and day her who can indulge them in it! (that is, in shedding tears). 39. VERY IMPORTANT. Addiiionul Observation upon GLIE. It is both inharmonious and ungranimatical to put either be- fore or after gliene, or any other of tbe combinations of i;7je, any conjunctive pronoun whatever. — Thus Albergati was wrong in his Novella della Beneficenza, where be said, Rodrigo arresidtosi in ludgo, ore molte se gliene ap- prestntano, Rodrigo having stop- ped in a spot where many streets presented themselves to him from thence. He ought to have said, gli se ne appres<^ntano , or, with more elegance, se ne li ap- presmtano. See these two com- binations at GLI or LI, X. pro- noun. — But large volumes of just criticism might be written against a fev? pages, not only of Alber- gati, who humbly joins to this name the other diminutive one of CapacelU, but also against those of other modern writers, who termin?tte their names in the augmentative syllables, otti and ONI, such as Cesarotti, Algarotii, Frugoni, Fabbroni, whose merit in point of style is a very dimi- nutive one indeed j and, if they have accpiired fame, they owe it to other eminent * LO SI ) IL VI J or V tJI SI J or LO VI ~^ or V CI SI J Him himself; it themselves. Ex. Quasi come se davdnti il si vedtsse. As if he saw him before himself. lo dehho credere, che essi il corpo di Scannadio non vdgliono per doverlosi tenere in braccio, I must believe that they are not desirous of having the dead body of Scannadio to hold it in their own arms. — Observe their own for themselves, for rea- sons hinted above at vi si. * GH SI or * Ll SI GLI XIV. SI. To it one (inipersonallij) . Ex, Se paradiso si potesse in terra fare non sapevano die altra forma gli si potesse dare. If a paradise could be made upon earth, they dic gii iiiniii^i'o, Havii;g bouglit the tapon«, he eat them Jumeelf SE LA. Erom himself her. Fx. Co*^ sc la tolsc ilaranti. Thus he got her removed from himself, (that is, got rid of her). SH LP.. To himself ihem. l,x. /'/// volte Tcilerur sc le fece. Many XV. SE. times be made ttiem be repeated to himself. SEN ^ or V SE NE J Himself from thence. Ex. Currddu anduto sene piit nan tor- novvi, Currado betook himself ii\\-.\y from thence, and returned there no more. SE NEL "I or > SP. NE LO J SR Himself, lie (expletive) it. Ex. Ella se iiel porta sotterra, e 'n lii'h. She (death) carried it (Laura's face) away /itrse//' under giound, and up to heaven. C3" The ahove line of the 272 sonnet of Pclrarra, is thus read by the learned librarian of the Medicean Library at Flo- rence, on the authority of many and invaluable MSS. (see his edition of Petrarca, Florence, I 748, Svo.) We are therefore autiiorized to enumerate se iiel, or its synonimous se ne lo, among the grammatical combinations of the conjunctive pronoinis ; al- though not noticed by Cinonio. Sec il se na at NR, XVI. pro- noun. * SE NE GLI ^ f SE NB LI J \Vc (iiupcrsondlli/J of them to him ; himself, them, thence, Ex. Qudiite cose gli si promi'llono tut to il (Ci, chc lion se ne gli uttinie vidua, G. .3. n. I, How many things do we promise to him en rij iloy, or else (/// the day long, (/, 'I lie ALail('iniciiiii<) D'U t Cruirn do mil aprovc of .»f 7, lliiis written li^ •oinr bc.tiri" a ron'niiaiit, a.i ap|ivai ship which was f-eady. XVI. NE. ^g^ Analogy fully entitles us to admit of this combination, after having found the three pre- ceding ones in the classics : And if Cy77ion and Lysimachus, in G, 5. n. 1 . had not given their ladies to carry to their friends, but had taken them themselves to the ship, Boccaccio would never have ex- pressed himself otherwise, than we read in the above passage, altered by me to siiit this exem- plification. See note * p. 75, at the Preliminary Observations to this Lecture. 45. Observations upon NE, XVI. Pronoun. 1. When NE stands after ano- ther of these pronominal particles me, te, se, ce, ve, they are some- times found written in one word, thus, men, ten, sen, cen, ven, in- stead of me ne, te ne, se ne, ce ne, ve ne, and it is obvious that their meaning must be respec- tively the same, but their use is as follows. 2. Men, ten, cen, sen, ven, are only thus written before verbs commencing by consonants, 6' impure excepted, and they are used in the sublime or poetical style only, as the asterisks will show in the following exemplifi- cation. 3. Me ne, te ne, se ne, ce ne, ve ne, are used before verbs com- mencing with any of the conso- nants, both in the familiar and the elevated style ; but when S impure follows, they can in no instance be written other- wise. 4. Before verbs commencins by a vowel, the same pronouns may be written as above at n. 3. or contracted Avith an apostrophe, and in two words, thus : me n , 103 XVI. NE. te n , ig n', ce n', vs n'. See tlic important remark after the siijnificatioi) of SE. b. Sometimes .vz, as a particle, expresses a conjunction nejiative, without the least shade of pro- nominal signification ; it is then written with a grave accent, tlins, 111-, anil does not belong to this Lecture. 4G. XVI. NE. Some, of some, to some, from some, on some, over some, about some, off some, by some, with some, in some, for some, &c. of liim, to him, from him, &c. of licr, to her, from her, &c. of it, to it, from it, &.c. of them, to liy in the yQiaho- Unxo. Sif llie Ofii«rfa*to)H pitfixtd to \\\c pronoun t of the I hira per »on, uii\\ noil (J) \ild. II 1 104 XVI. NE. * GLI NE "I or > * LI NE J See an example of this combi- nation and its remark at GLI or LI, X. pronoun. See also Obser- vation n. 6. at GLIE, XIII. pro- noun. GLIENE GLIE^f glien' or GLIE n' See these combinations with remarks at GLIE, XIII. pro- noun. * LE NE. Them from thence. lo voglio anddre al hosco e, /a'rlene venire, I will go to the wood, and get themhevefrom thence. * MEI or ME Myself of it. Ex. Ancur non me ne pento, I don't yet repent myself of it. J^^ Observe here ??iyseZ/' quite supertiiious in English, this being one of the many verbs met with in many of the foregoing ex- amples, which is reciprocal in Italian, and not in English. See, on this subject, the VI. Prelimi- nary Observation of this Lecture. * TEN "j or > TE NE J To thee over them. Ex. Dio vittdria te ne promette, God promise to thee a victory over them. * SEN or SE NE Themselves from hence. Ex. La gente se ne va, The people take themselves from hence. EN "^ neJ XVI. NE. * CEN ^ r CE NE J Ourselves off. Ex. Andidmo- cene subitamente, Let us take ourselves off directly. ' VEN ^ r VE NE J Yourselves from hence. Ex. Voi ve ne potete scendere in can- tina. You may take yourselves from hence into the cellar. ^' MI TEN "^ or V * MI TE NeJ See this combination at MI, I. pronoun. * SI ;i TEN ^ or \ 31 TE NEJ * CI TEN "^ f CI TE NE J * VI TEN "^ or > VI TE NE J } ^^^ These combinations may be considered as grammatical, since the preceding one, mi te ne, once found in the classics, we are fully entitled to admit of these on those scrupulous rules of ana- logy explained above. Preliminary Observation V. * MI VEN "^ r MI VE NE J Myself with you of it. Ex. Sicuramtnte gli elite, cli io sia stata quella, che qutsto vi dhbia detto, e siomivene doluta, You may freely tell him that it was I who told you so, and that I have myself complained toith you of it! 105 XVI. NE. * TI VEN "I or V TI VE NeJ * SI VEN ^ or V SI VE NE J * CI VEN ^ or > CI VE NeJ The saaie rules of ana- logs explained at Prelimbuiry Observation V. entitle us to ad- mit of these three combinations, the prcccdinif one mi ve ne, being instanced and exempli tied from Boccace. * XVI. NE. For the same reason aUej^ed just above, these com- binations are to be looked upon as granniKitiail, being no less analogous to vii ve ne than any of the preceding ones- Mi * VI SEN "^ or > VI SE NF, J These four pairs of com- binations are no less analogous to mi ve ne, than the three foregoing ones ; they arc, therefore, to be looked upon as gramnutt'ical on the rules of analogy explained in the said Prdlminary Observa- tion V. * TI MEN "^ or V Tl MK NE ; * SI MEN I or - SI M K N E 1 * VI MEN f or )r I M K N K y or VI * CI MEN 1 CI ME NEJ MI SEN ^ or > ME SE Ne} To me there {impersonally) of them. Jo ii farb conoscere la qualita delle case degl' IiUh'i, dclle (judli ninna parte mi se ne occulta, I shall show you what the abodes of the gods are, for there is no part of thcni that remains occult to me. * ;i SEN ^ or V •l S E N E J See this combination at CI, III. pronoun TI SEN "^ or /► TI SE NE J To thee it (impersonally) for il. E\. E a tc nc fart' mo an cor a rptell' ondre, che ti se ne conviene. And we shall likewise pay to tfue that honour /o/- if, that becomes thee. — Observe iltee instead of to thee, by ellipsis, as observed at ne Ic in LIx XII. ^'j'- There being no doubt of the above combination being perlectly analogical, from so many similar to be found in the classics ; and, from all the ob- servations made above, I have exemplified it by a slight altera- tion of a passage in G S. n. 9. of the Dccamcrour, which runs in the oiiginal as in the next com- bination. IWit if lirnno and linjf.iluitiico had not been over civil to the Doctor on account ol the good treats they were regaled with by him, they would have 106 } XVI. NE. addressed him with thou, being the most usual among such com- rades as they were, and Boccace would then have expressed him- self exactly as above. See Pre- liminary Observation V * VI. SEN or VI SE NE To you it (impersonally) for it. Ex. Ed a voi nefar^mo an- cdra quell' onore, die vi se ne con- viene, And we shall likewise pay to you that honour for it as it be- comes you. — Observe you for to you. bee above at ne le in LE, XIII, pronoun. * IL SEN * LO SEN or IL SE NE LO SE NE It himself, ne (expletive). Ex, Ella il se ne porta sotttra e 'n cii'lo, She (death) carried it i^Laura's face) herself away under ground, and up to he.tven, E^^ The Academicians Delia Crusca at NE, § 6. reading, as above, this line from the 2/2 Sonnet of Petrarch, it may serve to illustrate this combination. For whether Petrarch said il se ne,OY senel, (see this combination at SE, XV. pronoun) as in many MSS. it remains always certain, that both these combinations must have been in use with the poets of his time, particularly as they would be very elegant even now. — As to lo se ne, it is per- fectly synonymous with il se ne, and the following combination instanced in the classics, fully establishes its use by analogy. * LA SE or L\ SE iN ^ i NE J XVI, NE, Her himself from thence. Ex. Prese Ansiona figliuola del detto Re Laumedone, e menolasene in Grecia. He took Ansiona, daughter of the said King Lau- medone, and took her himself from thence into Greece. * GLI SEN * LI SEN or * GLI SE NE * LI SE NE * LE SEl or LE SE |^g° These combinations are no less admissible than the fore- going ii sene, lasene, found in authors, being of a very uniform composition ; since the particles li or gli, le, il or lo, and la, are perfectlyanalogous both in sound and signification ; no other diffe- rence subsisting between them than that of gender and number. See Preliminary Observation V, * IL TEN * LO TEN or * IL TE NE * LO TE NE * LA TEN "I or > * LA TE NE J * GLI TEN * LI TKN or * GLI TE NeI 5t LI TE NE iN "1 i NE J * LE TEN or LE TE NE * IL VEN * LO VEN or * IL VE NE •* LO Vif NE 107 XVI. NE. * LA VEN or LA VE NE GLI VKM * LI VEN or * GLI VE NB * LI VE NE * LE LE VEN ^ or >■ VB NB J IL CEN LO CEN or LI CE NK LO CE NE ^ IL MKV * LO MKN * or IL Ml'. NE * LO M E N E * LA MEN or LA .ME NE * GLI MEN * LI mt:n or c ; 1. 1 ME N K y .1 ME NE 7 .} LE MEN or LE ME N t^^t^ All the above combiiiu- XVI. NE. tions must be admitted as f;ram' jiiatical, although neither C'uionio nor myself ever had the <^oot\ fortune to meet with any of them in the classics. But Use lie, and la sc ne, once found in good authors (see them above), all these become no less admissible than aiiv of the foregoing, on those too often quoted principles of analogy exphiined at Prclimi- tian/ Observation V. to which the Author of this Lecture begs leave to refer once more his most diligent and critical readers. THIRD PERSON PLUR.VL, 49. X. GLI, or /,/. XII. LE. The plural significations of tliese pronouns arc very common, and many instances have been given in the examples above, where we have fully explained each of them respectively in the order of their Rom.Hu figures. Jiut, to know with what restric- tions they express the plural, see in particular Observation, n. 2. at GLI or LI, X. pronoun. 30. XIII. GLIR. This pronoun vciy seldom re- presents the p!ural number, and oidy when followed by ne. 8ee the Observatious premised to its examples, and particnlai ly tlie tilh. .01. III. CI. VI. CE. Vil. VI. VIII. //;. These pronouns may allude to the plural nimdier in their adrcr- hiiil sif^iii/irdtion. I might here forbear giving any example, tbat of my own, in vole (i), at LE, XM. pron<»un, being sufficient to prove a signification so very com- 108 THIRD PERSON PLURAL, uion, and in universal use even at present; but CiHO«(0 furnishing^ a classical one, and having myself found another, I shall give them both here for a better illustration of these particles. Clnonio quotes the Fiammetta of Boccaccio as follows : Qia'ste parole, o somig- lldnti, non una vulta ma rnolte, e senza risp6ndery\ alciina cosa ascoltdi 10 con grave anhno, \ heard these or the like expressions iiot once, but many times with a sore heart, and without answering to them at all. In the beautiful description of the gardens, at the beginning of G. 3. of the Deca- merone, we read as follows. Le luiora delle qudli vie tntte di rosdi hianchi, evermigli, e di gelsomini erano quasi cliiuse, per le qudli cosenonchelamattma, ma qualdra ilsole era piu alto, sotto odorffera, e dilettevole ombra, senza esser tocco da quello, vi si potha per iuito anddre. The sides of those walks were nearly stopped with white and red rose-bushes and jessamines ; so that, not only in the morning, but even when the sun was very high, one might walk every where through them, under a delicious and sweet- scented shade, without bein» scorched by it. — See above the significations and combinations xvii, LORO. of these particles as the Roman figures direct; but particularly at CI, III. pronoun. 52. XIV. SI. XV. SE. The plural significations of these are as common as the sin- gular ones. See their combina- tions and examples above where their Roman figures direct. 53. XVI. NE. We have observed, speaking of the conjunctive pronouns, Jirsi person plural, that this particle is, by poets and elegant writers, used instead of ci or ce, and then it means ns, to its, S^'c. as these do. — But even when i(s significations allude to the third person it is frequently plural, as we have seen in its numerous examples given above. — In its adverbial sigmfi- cations it is also occasionally plural, and extremely common in conversation. We would say, for instance, Lascidte una volta cott'sti campi, e venitevene alia citta. Leave once for ever those fields, and come from thence (that is, from those fields), to town. 54. XVII. LORO («). To them, in them, with them, by them, from them, &c. (n) Ii is a iniiversal ci'stom in 'J'uscatiy, and other p;i!t.'. (f Italy, to nsc tlie pronoun li, or g/i, and glie, for iiro, in the signification i.f /<; them, dative |)iiiral of botli gendpi.s ; or of (o her, instead of le. Such a custom is utterly wrong as to the particle ^Zie, as we have observed above, p. 1)6, note (*i) ; but as to the other, li, or gli, it may be certainly permitted in the signification cither of /o her, or to them, masculine plural wily, at least in familiar style, as it has been observed at p. 89, ?iote (g), and p. 100, note (k) ; the insiaiues of such a use being both venerable and uumeroiis in the classics, as we have shewn, Tlius, th's phrase, Jo gli dissi co.sl may mean, I said so to him, or to them, if alluding to gentlemen; and even /o /ifr, if alluding (o a lady. Yet this one, logUelorac- cutitai, tan only mean, I related it to him, according to what iias been obser- KK) XVII. LORO. ^^^^ Tin's is theonlv conjunc- tive pronoun that Im" no other si^nitication but that of the iliiid person plural. Many wouhl ex- clude it from the class of the cnnjunctive ; but, in (ioiiir so, we could not tind a conjunctive pronoun, thu could express most of the ol)li(]ue cases, and particu- larly the ilat'ice to the plural number, especially for animate beiu'js, of which we distinguish the sex, or fur real persons. For as to inanimate things, we have fseen ju';t now that v\, ci, and lie, might ansTver that purpose. This is not, iiowever, the true reason why we should admit LORO as conjunctive in n)any cases. We .•■hould admit it, be- cause, when maintained such, it has all the most important pro- perties of the conjunctive pro- nouns, which are, 1. To stand close to tl:e verb, either before or after. 2. To be found without any preposition to those cases, in which the personal pronouns have some, as we see from the following examples taken from Boccaccio, of which we mif^ht easily furnish the centujile num- ber, Ed ho sentito, ed udi'to pi^ volte, se pure alcihiP (persone) ce tie sono quci^li cotali senza ftire ftiitinzidne alciina dalle cose oni'ste a rjueltc, die om'stc non sono, solo die I' iipjHti'to le clirg- ffia, e soil ed accompngndti, c di iCi e di nolte fimllr fare, die jjiii di dili'lto LOR pdrgOHO, And 1 have found and heard many XVII. LORO. times, that those persons, if any now, are left, without any dis- crimination between what is honest and what is not, both alone, and accoinp.inied, are doing those things which afford a greater pleasure TO tiifm, whenever their dc?ires prompt them so to do. Coti consciiti- vieiito Concorde tntte dissero, die essi J<).sscr diiiiuidti, e Lou si di- cesse la loru iiiteiizioiie, ^Vitll unanimous consent the ladies all said, that ihty sliould be called, and their intention communica- ted TO THEM. Senipre ro' pdveri di Dio qiu'llo, die ho gua- daguato, ho parttto per mezzo, la mia intta convertendo ne' inu'i iisdgni, C altru meta dando loro, 1 have always divided with the poor of God whatever 1 have earned, one half applying it to my own wants, and giving the other half to them. Dict/ido nidna ultra medecma essere contro le pestilenze viiglidre, iie co.sl budna, come il fuggire loro da- vdnli, Saying that there was no better remedy, nor even any as good against the contaji^ious dis- eases, than flying fhom thi.m. Fdttigli chiamdre amendiUii, fece LOK ve'li're, die la hocrn pulfra Loiio, Having caused them both to be ctUed, she made it appear to them, lhnt THEin mouth had an nnplcisant smell. — Obseixe tliMt the KiiL:li^li idiom, as it lias been often ribseived above, (le- •pientlv c!i;injies tlie pioimuns lo llieiii, lo him, lo her, i)'c. into the red ai note (*i), p. yfi. Nevcrtliele'*^, it J' ceitiiin tliat, in rlevaiel ^tylf, loro ^llOulll lit pieli-irril — 'llie ^aIl)c may Ik; said ol i^li, or li, iim-cI iii-lca-l iif /c, in Itic .iuiik; nciiNf ui to fur. ISec tlic same note [gj, p. H'.t, ulsu nule {»), \), '.i(i. no XVII. LORO. possessive their, his, her, Sfc. as in this last instance. — Any one may easily collect, from tbe above examples, that lord is there in the full force of a con- junctive pronoun. A peculiarity of this pronoun, which is exclusively its own, and not common to any of the other conjunctive pronominal particles, is, as was observed in the pre- ceding Lecture, p. 64. n. 8. that it never joins in one word with the verb, nor with any of the other pronominal particles, as these do in those cases mention- ed in the same Lecture, p. 66. n. 19. Nay, it seldom keeps on the same side of the verb, when there is in the same sentence some of these pronouns, as was hinted at the same p. 64 ; but the following genuine passages from Boccace, will prove these points far better than my own observations. Che piii ? cdccinmi via questi cotdli, qualora io ne domdndo loro. What more ? Let such men turn me away whenever I ask them some (mean- ing bread). Essi vientono, per- XVII. LORO. ciocche mai io non la vendc LOROj They are wrong, for I never sold IT to them. Where we see, that while ne and le stand before the verb, loro is after 5 which would never be the case with any other conjunctive particles. But this peculiarity is not a proof of its 7iot being a conjunc- tive pronoun, since what occa- sions it, is rather that loro is a dissyllable, and all other con- junctive pronouns arc mono- syllables. Observe also that several of the above examples, and an in- finity of others, prove how mis- taken Veneroni and other gram- marians have been, who have maintained that i-ouo follows al- ways the verb, when conjunctive. Loro not associating, as we have said, with any other con- junctive particle, and often not keeping on the same side of the verb, when there are some in the same sentence, it remains impos- sible to subjoin here its combi- nations, and for this very reason CiNONio could not give any. LECTURE XIII. On the Possessive Pronouns. \. ^ These pronoun?, besides alluding; to the person who possesses the object in question, contain also the meanin-h the nuniber and the three persons of tlie pos- sessors, but not tlu'ir i;ender as the l'2ni^lish do ; which, on the otiier hand, do not specify the gender of the possessed object at all. — See, iiowever, above (Lecture X. n. ^2. p, 58.) bow we can spccily the gender of tlie possessor too, by the means of the personal pronoun. 3. For a clearer explanation of these pronouns, we shall here divide them into three classes, viz. in conjunclive, dis^ junctivc^ and rclalive. The conjuneti'ce are those which are united to nouns ; as, il wio libra., my book : i miei parcnli, my relations. The disjunctive are those which are not united to nouns ; as, la rostra casa^ e in w/r/, your house and mine; 1 tniei eies.<«ivc pionmin liy llie addil'iDlliil piniiniiii oirn — as, viy ou-n look, i/our otrn u-ork, fiis ouni fault .—^ 'I In* liali III rciid'.T it I y the adjcclivf prnprio, which in this (mxi- Iu coiiifS (i sort nf iiiiperfcct pi''ii(iiiM, hikI a;iy, il mioprnpno lihro, Utaslro propriolamrnja viia pro- pria col/in. Prnprici-' al.«{)a n al iiokSL'.isJvi' pr(iiiiMin,(scclielii\v al Ni<.2ll.) — Kililor. f The piiriil oiicht to obicrriMlial tlie Ualiaii syntax re(|iiir'-s all possfN>iiL- pronoun'* "o be aecoinp'inied with an ariicle (a few ea^cs only cxrejilcd, as will tie > tat I'd liereafier), and that wlint tlie anililir am jliiitex totlii« soit ot prunoiiiiii h, ill fact, the peculiii|iro|icity of tin* vrih In he, w jiirli comxIsIh il)ioinin^', wiili- out any aitlch, all iioini.'< or proiiuinit wliicii follow it iniiiioliately in the yainc 112 4. Examples on the Conjunctive. Jlmio libro My book Del mio libro Al mio libro Dal mio libro I mici libri Z)e' mici libri A* mici libri Da* mici libri La nostra camera Delia nostra camera Alia nostra camera Dalla nostra camera Le noslre cdmere Delle nostre cdmere AUe nostre cdmere Dalle nostre cdmere Of my, &c. To my, &c. From, or by, &c. My books or my, &c. To my, he. From, or by, &c. Our chamber. Of our, &c. To our, &c. From, or by, &c. Our chambers Of our, &c. To our, &c. From, or by, &c. Of my, &c. To my, &c. From, or by, &c. His state and yours Ofhis, &c. To his, &c. From, or by, &c. Your house and mine 5. Examples on the Disjunctive. Ilsuo stato, ed il vostro My state and yours Del suo stato, e del vostro Al suo stato, ed al vostro Dal suo stato^ e dal vostro 1 suSi stati, edi vostri De' suoi stali, e de' vosti'i A'' suoi stati, ed a^ vostri Da' suoi stati, e da' vostri La vostra casa, e la mia Delia vostra casa, e della mia Of your, &c. Alia vostra casa, e alia mia To your, t^c. Dalla rostra casa, cd alia mia From or by, &c. Le vostre case, e le mie Your houses and mine Delle vostre case, e delle mie Of your, &c. Alle vostre case, e allc mie To your, &c. Dalle vostre case, e dalle mie From, or by, 8:c. 7. Examples on the Relative. E mio — mia It is mine Era tuo — tua It was thine sentence ; for lliis reason we say, I am a soldier, i'oHosoWa^o, S;c. In fact, let us cliangt' the verb, atul suppose we would say, Our friends refused our goot.'s, hut they praised your.': very much ; in tliis seiileiiec yours \voa\i\ certaiidy be a rela- lire possessive pronoun ; yet we would say in Italian, witli an article, 1 nostri amicl ricusiirono le nostre mercam/r, ma lodurono le voslre senzajine. — Editor. lu si/0 — Slid It ua> liis or liers Sara nostra — nostra It will be ours \u/i pud csscr vostro — lostra It cannot be yours. Sono mici — viic They are mine J'rnno ti(oi~tuc Tlioy were thine JVnono siioi — sue They wore his or hers Siirinino nostri — noslre They will be ours \unp6ssonocsscriostri — ro5/reThey cannot be yours. 7. EXERCISES. Thy horses and thy dofjs are very jjood ; my action is not cari'illo cane sono buono ; non blameable; their watch isahvaysout oforder ; their affairs are biashuLiolt ; oriitolo va sempre male ; nfjdre sono ina bad state ; yourlove is false; ourhouseis finer thanyours; incatliio stalo ; amorv cfinto ; casa hello his coach is not liandsonie ; my friends and yours ; your carrozza hillo umico ijarden is larijer than mine : our servants and theirs; it is o-iardino grande scrvilure not mine but yours ; that box is ours ; do you see that palace, via scdlolu xedclc quel paluzzo it was mine, &c. era Iie7Jinrk-s on the Possessive Pronouns. 8. ^ Gkntiiai. Rule. — Let it be first of all observed, as it was said in note*, that the most p^eneral rule is to accom- j)any the possessive pronouns with the definite article, /7, /o, or la. 9. Exception. — \Micn these pronouns are immediate Ij/fol- lotced by a '■iib-^tantivf^ in t/ie sini^nhu., which signifies a title of t/Zi,'" ;?/(// or hindrtd., they are declined in the same manner as in ICtiglish, viz. with the indefinite article, ;ino, bis cousin, di suo eugino, of, 8:c. mionipdte, di mio nipdte, i^-c. 10. N.IJ. I. We said, imniediateli/ folloictd ; because if between the possessive pronoun and substantive there be an adjective, then it takes the definite article ; as, il mio caro fratitlo, my dear biuther ; la mia afjeziondta madre, my aflictioiiatt! mot Ik r. 11. We aKo said, in tin singular ; because the llxeeplion does not hold :^(H)d in the plural, in which case the p;eneral I 114 rule must be foliowed ; as, le Loro 3Iaesld, delle I^oro Muestd ; i snoi fnilc/li, de' siioi fratSlli y i siwi iiipotiy his nephews ; le voslre nipSti, your nieces. III. But suppose the possessive pronoun is transposed, and phiced alter the substantive, in that case we must, with an article, say, la Maestd Sua ; it fratcllo suo ; il padre mio ; which is not usual. 1 1. Observe likewise that the Ena^lish particle than^ when followed hy the possessive pronoun, must be expressed by the respective article of the genitive case in Italian ; as, This hat is handsomer than mine, questo cappello epiu bello del mio ; your cousin is taller than your brother, vostro cu- gino e pill grande di lostro fratello. 12. ^ It nsust also be noticed here, that the Italian urba- nity, wliich makes us address one another to the third per- son feminine, extends also to the following- manners of speak- ing, viz. 7/our book, j/our buckles, ?/our watcli, and such like ; so that, in polite circles, and especially speaking with our superiors, they must be translated, not by il vostro libro, le vostrejibbie, 8jc. but by // suo libro, le suefibbie, il suo oriuolo ; and if the possessors be more than one, il loro libro, le loro fibbie, S)C. although we may use suo, sua, ^t. for both numbers. See the display of these pronouns at the beginning of this Lecture. Recollect here what has been said at the end of Lecture X. concerning the f?7/e used by the Italians in their complimentary way of speakings, viz. Vo- signoria, or lor Signori, or Signori, or Signore, see p. 61. 13. The following expressions, viz. one of miy cousins, one ofmj/ Jriends, one of my relations, one of my servants, and such like, in Italian, are commonly expressed thus, iin mio cugino, un mio amico, un mio parente, un mio servo, as if they were in English, one my cousin, one my friend, &c. 14. In English, and sometimes in French, the possessive pronouns are more frequently used in a sentence than in Italian, as may be seen by the following phrases, 1. Put this note in j/owr pocket. 2. You will do that dX your lei- sure. 3. He has lost his liberty. 4. Put on your hat. 5. Being arrived with his wife, his children, and his friends. In all these cases, as well as in many others, the possessive pronoun is suppressed in our language, as, 1. 3Iettctevi (juesto viglietlo in tasca. 2. Voi la farete con comodo. 3. Egli ha perdido lalibertd. 4. Mettelevi in capo Heap- jpcUo. 5. Giiinto colla moglie, co^Jigli, e cogli aimici. 13. These pronouns are also suppressed in speaking of the members of the body; as, wash ^/owr hands, lavdtevi le ivani ; \ will break ^owr head, vi rompei'o la testa I have 115 burnt mi/ finp^er, mi sono brucinlo il dito ; my head aclies, mi ditult it capo, or la trsla. Il3. «| But let the reader not omit observing, that the Italians do not lose the sii^nification of possession, by adoptinp; the article instead of a possessive pronoun ; for they aild, in almost all instances, a conjunctive pronoun to the verb, which fully answers the purpose; thus, in the above examples, there are the conjunctive vi and mi, which show the possession as well as tlie followiiii;' expressions would do in Enijlish, if they were tolerated by the idiom of the lanijuafic. fVasli to yoursclics tJicluoids. 1 have burnt to mj/sc/ft/ie finger, S;c. ^c. — Even the examples n. 1, and 4, of the precedinj^ paragraph, n. 14, sho^v that the sup- pression of the possessive pronoun brings on the conjunc- tive in its stead. Indeed it would be better Italian to put a conjunctive particle to all the others, the 5th only except- ed, and say, "-J. Voi xc lo farcte, 8jc. 3. Egli s^ ha per- duto, tiguity which is . '■2. 3 riur. 1. IVr.^. i?. .'3. 'I'his That That These Those Those Masc. Qitislo Cotcslo Quel Qucsli Co'.csti Qtu/li or or Qiftsli Coih'sto Qucllo Cosluro CocUsli Qucgli or ^ or Cosliii Colcsti Qiiciyli Cotestoro Qitt\ or Quel or or or Coicstui Coli'ii Coloro Tqv,\. Qiu'sltj ("i)ti iiigrulo ; vi/. di ,j>'i'sto ingriiio; till ttlva, cili tormcnti, for 7«t'«to irlva, i/ii^ili tormcnti, Una lonst, tlii-!ii(hu\ or slamattina : this niijht ; this evening ; this morning-. 12. Cosli'd, colui) costei, co/ci, cuforo, cannot be cn)j)loYcd but in speaking- of rational beinr^s in poetry ; and when they aie used in the familiar style, they generally imply a kind of disrespect, if not used in laying- down some niaxim or prin- ciple. See n. 15. • 13. The general pronoun Cib, (his or that, which is look- ed upon a> belonging to the luniter gender, because it never alludes to anv specified thing or person, deserved to be classed among the above. It is equi\alent to (ji/isto, colcslu^ qucly qin'llo, i^c. when substantively taken ; as yion pile c/o, ov tion fdlc (/iiesto, qucllo, don't do this or that: it signiiies also it ; as, rion possofar cib, I cannot do it. It is the very same with crx-i, or cela of the French. li. Coles tui, cotestci, instead of colcslo i/bnio, colcstu (lonmi ; and ro/rA7();-o, in the plural, are obsolete, and there- fore co.^//J/, and ro.f/r/ answer the liist and second per^on, but with the limitation prescribed at n. 12. \b. ^ It is here worth observing, that in English, before the relative zclio^ zchom, or l/uil, we lind tlu; piMsonal pronoun, and in Italian we use the demonstrative instead of it; as, she Zi'honi 1 admired so much, qiulla rlic vii piarfjiie lanlo ; he thai begged in the streets, colui clie (iciallava pellc strcidcy ^c. — Or in y\n\ way of laying down a moral maxim, or a general principle: as, blessed are IIkj/ Ifuit die in the Lord, f'clici fj/nlii, rlir viubiono lu I Signbrc ; //t- ///;// gathereth i;i summer is a wise son, eo/ui clic ricbgiie d^ cslalc c loi Jl- gliunl sdggio. — Yet these last sentences are more pr(r ma-culitie, by the i(dalivi; (hi, which implies both the Italian demonstrative and rela- tive pronouns, as will be seen in the next Lecture. in. loxEUCiSEs. ■ This woman was formerly very happy. Tliis man pleases Dmniu fn iinlimpo fiiur vuiiio /lincc me \er) iiMiiIi. This horse goes not well. These ladies iirc niulto. carollo turn nt bcuc si>in6ru sono 1 I \20 modestly dressed. These sentlemen seem to be foreijiners. jnodesiamente vestilo signore semhratio furcslicre That tree is loaded witli fruit. How do_you iiketluit liouse? dlbero e cdrico di frutto come pidce casa This is a despicable man. That woman is prone to vice, and disprc^zdhile e dedilo xizio inclined to virtue. These girls have a very bad character, and inclindlo virtu giovane han?io assdi calfivo cnrdttere those a very good one. That vexes me. 1 do not believe molto hubno inquiela non credo that. Prince Eugene and King Frederic were two great principe Eugetiio Re Federigo furono grande generals; the latter was a friend to Voltaire, the former to generdle fu amico di T^oltaire di the Emperor. H e that came this morning. He that told you Jmperatore e venuto mottina disse such a thing. She that gave me your letter. That which you tal co5a diede Icltera look for. He whom you have recommended. They that do cercdte avete i^accomunddto fanno so are to blame, f 05/ sono da. LECTURE XV. On the Relative and Intcrroiralixe Pronouns. 1. Relative pronouns are those which relate to a person or thing before mentioned. 2. It is evident that such pronouns cannot concern the first or the second person. They belong, therefore, to the third person, and are the following. Quale, which ; Che, that ; Cui, who ; Chi, who ; and Ondc, or Donde, whence. 3. The same pronouns are called Interrngotive, whenever they are used in ashing questions, as we shall see hereafter. 4. The two last take no other articles than r//, a, da ,- the second and third sometimes the articles, ?7, la, S^c. and some- times the others di, r/, da. 5. The pronoun quale., ifnot interrogative,* has constantly the definite article, and is thus declined. * QudLe iiu'Hns sonieliincs like and same, and then lias no arliclc. Sec llic remarks, n. 20 ami 21. — Editor. 1^21 .M;i«c. Sins;. Mat be usL'd : as, Pictr'o ehe leg^e^ Peter who read'^ ; /a ragazza, ehe roi ?7/g//rirgm/r, tlie girl whom you admire ; voi ed io, ehe par/iamo insicme, you and I who are speaking together ; ijui'i giurani, ehe voixedete, tho^o young n)en whom you see. 10. For otiier cases, in speaking of a person, (ui is com- monly used ihu<, di eui, a eui, da eui ; as, (juisli r /' uoino, di eui }i hn j'ar/ali), this is the maiJ (d'whom I spoke toyoii; a eui fcei sieurta, tor whom I was security : da eui horieevnto i/ douo.Wufu whom I have received tiie gill. See n. IS. I I . I>iil when (he relates to an animal, or to a thiny;, it is expressed in ICnglish by whieh ,■ and is not only ol" both genders and numbers, but even of all cases, and admits tiither • Li t I licrpforo ihi' student carefully obitcrvc, \hai Che, in Iialian, aiiswcr.s botli to thf 7tii and till- 7«'((f ilic Fii-ncli, rxc.|(i wlicii /yta i> iutcrrogaiivc, or III ilioK- CISC!) mcnli'jiKd at n. 7, and f,. — lidtlor. 122 the indefinite or the definite article; as di c/ie, a die, da che, or del che, al che, dal che ; as, /' opha, di che atete ricevuto lode, the work for which you have been praised ; i libri, che atete letti, the books which you have read ; di che, or del che me ne dolsi, of which 1 did complain : but when the object is well known, as in the first example, Quale, with the article il, del, S)C. is preferable in any case but nominative and accusative for the familiar style. See n. 19, &c. 12. Che, however, with the definite article, never relates to a person,or thing, but to an action, and means la qudl cosa; as, egli voile esporsi a quel pericolo ; il che, (viz. la qudl cosa) fu causa della sua morte, he would expose himself to that danger, which was the cause of his death. 13. *\\ Che, between a participle past and an auxiliary verb, becomes an adverb of time, and means qudndo ; as, pranzdto che ebbi, when I had dined ; imbarcdto che fu, when he had got on board the ship, &c. ; we may also say, qudndo ebbi pranzato ; qudndo fui imbarcdio, without the least alteration as to the meaning.* 14. Che is very often equivalent to the English pronoun Zijhat ; as io solo so che pena soffro, I alone know what pain I sutler ; vedete che bclla donna! see what a fine woman ! non so, che sia, I do not know what it is. 15. Che is sometimes synonymous with cosa ; as, e tin gran che, viz. e una gran cosa, it is a great thing. 16. Che, before a word beginning with a vowel, and even with E, except in poetry, is very seldom contracted ; as, lo scolare, cli* e diligente, the scholar who is diligent; better che e,+ Sfc. 17. Cui,as has been said, at n. 10, is generally made use of in speaking of persons ; but is very oiten also employed in speaking of animals or things ; as, i bei giardini, di cui vi hoparldlo, the beautiful gardens of which 1 spoke to you ; il superbo paldzzo di cui avcte fait o il disegno, the superb palace of which you have made the drawing; // Leone, il ruggito di cui spaventa i pastori, the lion, the roaring of which frightens the shepherds. 18. The particles di, a, are very often elegantly suppress- * Che has the same meanhigs when found between the compound gerund and the verb y«re; as, weii' incammindrsi chcfece verso Roma, when lie directed his journey towards Rome j nello scoppuir chefecc la bomba, when tlie bomb burst- ed, &c. — Efliior. f The autiior iiere observed tliat che before an h, is sometimes cut off of two letters, and that we write, i leUcruli c hanno intrapresa, .^-c. the men of ietteis wlio iiave undertaken, &c. I iiave taken this remark away, since such an ortho- graphy is not to be followed. — Editor, 123 ed before Cut : as, i ciii mtrUi, whose merits ; instead of/ di cui ititriti ; ciii dissi chiarauiaite^ to whom 1 clearly told ; instead o^ a cui dissi, cSr. 19. II quale * i quali, la quah\ le qud/i, as has been ob- served, at n. hi, is equivalent to chc, and relate to persons, or thiiii^s; as, r uomo, il quale, t^c. the man who. Sec. la donna, la quale, «^t. the woman who, &c. il libra, H quale, the ])ook which, &:c. /' animdle dal quale mi salrdi, the animal from which 1 saved myself. Seen. 11. i^O. Quale, when used without the article, means 5omr/ as, Qual se ti' andb in contddo, c qual qua, c qual Id povcra- incnte in arnesc, {Uocc.) Some wont into the country, some liere, and some there, in a very poor dress. — And this line t)f Petrarch, E qudif morti da lui, qudi presi vivi, And some killed by him, and some taken alive; in which case quale is to be considered as an indefinite pronoun. 21. (?//^/(' belongs to the same class of pronouns when it means li/ce or such ; as, Divenulo nel viso qual <) la mollo secca terrUf Become in his countenance like some very dry earth. iii. It must be observed that the general pronoun Onde or Domic, instead oi^ del quale, della quale, di cuiy di che^ dal quale, dalla quale, da cui, da che, co7i cui, con che,per cui ; is very elep;anlly used in poetry or sublime writings ; as, il Idccio, onde iaxxinto, the tie with which he is bound; non so ddnde proccda, I do not know from what it proceeds. Vane speranze ond^ ioviver solca, (Petr.) Vain hopes on which I used to live. — il sunno Di quei sospiri, ond' ionudrira il core In sul n\io prii/io gio-cenile crrdre, (Idem.) The sound of those sighs with which 1 fed my Heart in my first youthful errors. 23. exercisl:s On llic liclalivc Pronouns. Alexander who found the earth too little. The man whom Ahssdndro slinio /< rra troppn pleeolo uniiio I have seen. He is a person to wliom 1 am much obliged. ho redulo persona sono mollo obligd/o • Quille, wlii'ii :i relative pronoun, cannot lie nscd willioiit llic articli'; it is ihcrffoic a manilest error to say, wiili boine Itonian nicrcliaiils, il lihro quale mi mau'limlf, iiifitcad of (7 tjiialc, tlic hook wiiicli ynu M'lit to nif ; la U'tlera ijuale wi icnrrtti, iiisicud of la r/uule, llic Ifitci wliirli you wrote to nic j \vt niiyli', liowfvcr, "ay fhe, in!«lfa or A;. i feome,* or whoever ^ / • . 7- (^htx^ . C/n 5 ' Qualsivogiia | Whatsoever Chiiinque '\ Whosoever Qualunque ) Chi che sia, or y or Chicchessia\ j Whoever 3. 5[ Observe, that of all the above indeclinable pronouns, the following, qualche, qiialsisia, qualsivogUa, and qualunque, may be joined to a substantive masculine, or feminine, but only in the singular number. We say, for instance, qualche cosa, or qmdche Signore, some thing-, or some g-entleman ; qualsivoglia lihro, or qualsivuglia persona, any book what- ever, or any gentleman whatever : but not qualche Signori or cose ; neither, qualsivogUa libri,8)C. For if we want the plural for qmdche, we must say alcuni, and for qualsivo- gUa, qualunque, &,c. we must say, qualsivogUa de" libri, or delle persone, and so on for the other two pronouns above mentioned. 4. Take notice that Og77i is never abridged in prose, though followed by a noun that begins with a vowel ; it can only be incorporated with the words nno, una, ora ; as, ognuno, ognima, every one ; ognbra, every hour.§ 5. Ogni, being indeclinable, cannot be used before nouns of the plural number, except before numeral numbers ; as, ogni sei anni, every six years; og7ii due mesi, every two months. 6. Ognisanti, the day of All Saints, is the only word ex- * Those who wish to see in wliat cases chi means some, and is an indefinite pronouif, let them consult the prcctdinp; Lecture, n. 6, 7, and 8.— Editor. f These three pronouns are only to be applied to persons. ^ This pronoun is now out of use, but is found even in Petrarch. — Editor. § It is also incorporated with di, a day ; and otta, a time : but then it forms the compound words thus written, ognidi, ogiiutta, every day, every time; which cannot be used in common style. — Editor. y 127 cepted in all the Italian lanijuage ; bnt then it is written in one word, thus : Ognissd/ili* 7. f Tiftto is the other pronoun which implies the same universality as of^ni, and which may be used in both numbers and 2;endcrs, in the sense of even/, as well as a//, by varyini;- it as an adjective; but it has this peculiarity, that it admits of the article between itself and the substantive, if there be any. Ex. Every man lias his fault. Tit!ti everyone. Ciascheduno, ciascheduna) • We .ilsofind in the claxsics to the plural number, ogni aUri, all others; DIkI d' ogni mdrih'rc, of ;ill sort*. — Editor. f Some does not always sii^iiify qmilche, but is sometimes equivalcut to the genitive articlf, del, drlla, di-lLe, (teglt,,'^r. as has been observed, p. 'Mi. u. Ct. } The Author had iii-re inserted, as indefinite pronouns, itesto, and mrdtsimo, and their licrivations ; I have taken them awav, and liave tniued of them in l.tituie X. aspeisonal pronouuK ; siiue, far from heintj indelinite in Iheir siKui- fication, they only serve lo identify, better and heller, the person meant by liiu perHonal pronoun or liie nouns meniioncd. — E'tilur. 5 Weliavcto regret the loss of this pronoun, so often and so elegantly intro- duced by Boccaccvt in his Dttarrnrone. nobody, no one or none some- 128 Neuno^ ntuna,* neum^ luune^ Nessuno^ ne^sunn* iiessnni, iiessune, Nissuno, trissuna^* nissiini, nissuiie, Veruno, xerima,^ leruni, i eriine^ Niihw, niuna^* niuni, viiine^ Nulla, nulla,-'^ nuUi, nulle. QiHilcuno, qualcima,^' qiialcuni, qnalcune^ Qiialcheduno, qmlcheduna,* qualcheduni^ qiiakhe- J-'J^'^j^' dune. J Taluno^ Taliina,* taluni, talune, such an one, su(;h ones. Remarhs on these Pronouns. 10. Allro, without beins accompanied with a substantive, sij^nities one, or anotlter thing-; as, altre e parlar di morte, aitroe morire, (MafFei) It is one thin^- to speak of death, and another to die. Sembidnte facendo di rider d'' a!tro, (Bocc.) Feiijninfi^ to laugh at another thing-. 11. Altri is sometimes a substantive, and is used for the nominative case of the singular ; as, altri pidnge, altri ride, one weeps, another laughs ; or, some weep, some laugh.f 12. VV^e may consider Altrui as one of the oblique cases of altri, and it may take the articles di, a, da, but it is far more elegant without pay a vi>ii lo the faii;oiis C'orilla (that is to hay, I used to go). — .lulhor. — However triie be the (|ueslioii, wiieiher we ought to terminate the first person of this tense in 0. or in A, anil say, io aveva, io era, lo par lava, cfc. or io avt'vu, in ero, to parliivo, yd il i>i an unpardonable omission not to »ay a word about it in a (iramniar. Those who will read atten- tively our classics, will he convinced, that in |)Oi-try,and in all sublime writings, no other termination than that in /f can be ad lor him, and • III (iiH'liy iiggm lit, or «j.'/i ; uf^guiir nn. — \'uli;ui Ihiiih anil .sulciiMii.", uibia tu ; al'li tgli ; avKtmo uoi ; aviiitr VII}, ul-Otno rglino.— /■Editor. f Avoid Uie tame vulKari.iiiiK as ubtcrvcd in the note to tlic iiii|icrativc iiioo'l. —JCdilor. K 3 134 lu uhhi, or dbhia egli abbia noi abbid- mo voi abbidte eglino db- biano scritto ill favor thou hast suo non gli e riuscito a be- ne : ma quan- tunque vinto la sua lite, e he has die perduta la nostra,\\e liave 7wn e per questo, in migliore siato di tioi ; e sebbene deir autoritd tra you have gU ubmini, e che del rispctlo pella they have vostra digniid, essi bidsimano le vostre azioni. written in his fa- vour, he has not succeeded : but although gained his suit at law, and lost ours, he is no better off than we are j and though some authority a- mongst men, and some respect for your character, they blame your actions. 7. First Imperfect. Which, being joined to a Particle past, becomes the first Pluperfect of the Conjunctive Mood.* lo avrei tu avresti Egli av- rebbe not avrem- mo Voi avreste Sefossi iuo tutore piu o meno I should have stima per te, secondocM piu o meno thou shouldst have pas si one pel giuoco. allora ragio- He would have ne di lagndr- si, perche impedito V we should have esecuzione* c?e' suoi or- dini conchiuso You would have questo mu' triinonioy men Ire Were I thy guar- dian more or less esteem for thee, in pro- portion as more or less passion for gaming. then reason to com- plain, because hindered the execu- tion of his or- ders. concluded this mar- riage, while • Poets say, io, or egli avria; noi avriamo, or avriemo ; eglino avriano. Vul- gar barbarisms, lo auerJi, or arei: noi avrebbamo, or avrebbemo: voi avresti: eglino areblero. 135 eglitio nv- nbbcro, or axrtbbono intraprcso they would have (//' oppor- lisi underlakcn to op- pose it. S. tu avcssi might have thou hadst Second Imperfect. Which, bein;; joiiiecl to a Participle past, becomes the second I'luperfoct of the Conjunctive Mood.* If to avcssi ^ autoritd sit di tc^ I had, or authority over thee and that a mind to continue to do ill, I would chastise thee. If a mind to leave off his bad habits, and a sure voucher for his future con- duct, we would help him. If some thankfulness towards your friends, and that reason to approve your conduct, they would have protected you. e die vos:li(i di cant I- iiuare a far del male J io ti punirH. Se ( o/j avcsse ; intcnzione di lascid- he had re i suoi catti- xi costumi^ c ehc noi avtssi-' [ una sici'ira promts- we had mo voi avcslc cglino avcs- sero sa dclla sua fu- tiira condotla, 7ioi r aiutercm- ino. Se dilla gratiti'iditie you had they had Tcrso I xosiri amici, e cite avido ragioiic di approxdrc la xostra con- dntta, VI a- irebbero pro- tclto. Perfect. I Quantunquc io dbbia a- pucu fa una I have had xulo nialattia pcricolusa^ non nic tie riscnto. Thoun;h a little while ai^o a dauij^crous ill- ness, 1 am not the worse for it. • It is a worililcss folucisiii, peculiar lo tlic Uomaiis, lo uhc tliis tciin; instead of ilic perfect to ilic iiiiJicalivc iiiooil, ami .lay, S/oi avi'ssiino icri un ItLdwfrli- ninto, (instead of not avtmmo,) \Sv. look yesterday a fine diveraiou. But many from all parin of Italy art guilty of ilie following barbaiihniii — lo afssi, m^ssc, or avi-ur ; lu aciii, or avciti ; cpli (ivcs.ri ; uui arss,'mij, oi (ivissi!m . < per cssrre. ov pel csscreAor be\Uir. EnUNI) rRESENT,* i' ,,. , ' ^ , i i ■ ' Jco/l csserCj or ro« cssere, by being. V ?w essere, or we//' essere, in being. Gehusd Past, essciido stato, having been. PARficu'LE Present, essade,-\- being. Participle Past, stato, stata, slafi, state, been.+ 23. This verb being joined to a participle past in all its moods, tenses, and persons, forms the passive verb. 24. Note. 1st. That the compound tenses of tliis auxiliary, essere. contrary to the French and longlish lanjrnagcs, are formed by its simple tenses and it^ own [)articiple, stalo. 2dlv. That when the verb to be is followed in English by the participle present in ///g- of another verb, it ought not to he ex|iressed in Italian : and the gerund must be put in the same tense, number, and person, as the verb /o be i^. Ex. A diligent scholar is always learning, Uno scolare dilif^ente stiidia di eoiitinifo. Apelles was daily drawing, 5:c. Apclle dis> irniixd o^vi giorno, &;c. They will be perpetually lament- ing their foUj, Si lamoderanno perpetuainculc della loro pazzia. 25. EXERCISES on this hist Rule. Whilst the master is instructing, the scholars are playing. jMentrc maestro insegnare scolare ruzzdre. T hey will be every moment condemning themselves, and sa^fingj &c. dire. ad ogni mnmcnto coudannare, LECTURE XVIII. fienrral R< marks on Verbs, rcifh l/nir ^lonvA.^for t/ic three regular Conjugations.*' I. A verb is conjugated four ways^ &c. • Stf an ini|)oit:ujt note', at p. I'M. — Editor. f Stc a critical notff, at p. 1;17, calculatcil to prove tlie csislciice of tliis par- ticiple — Editor. \ 'I'lii- ri'al [inrticiple p:i.«t of tin- veib esseie, is tuto, or rfsufu ; but lliry nr« now (>b»r)!eic, at lea»t in familiar disrour'c; for wc have iiil-ame termination in /wg expresses in Iviglish the participle present, which in Italian ends in ante, lor the first conjugation, 'and in ente for all other verbs. See, on this subject, note *, at p. I '37. — These participles are con- stantly made to agree with their substantives, as all adjec- tives etuiing in />. See p. 16, n. I. 7. Although the Englisli participles past are very irregu- lar, tli« y gcuerallv terminatt' in (d, as lov(d. In Italian they have three termiiiati(jns foi- the regular verbs, of the thrj'o conjugations, viz. iti ato, as, (unuto, loved, for the first conjugation: in nto, Vk^, crcduto, believed, f(»r the second ; in //o, as, si rvito. served, for (he third. H. Some participles of the irregular verbs ha\e ditlercnt terminations, as will be observed in the G'fwcrn/ O/Mcrrr/- I, 2 148 tions, and in the yilphahelical List of the san.c, exhibited in Lecture XXIV", which see. 9. The infinitive, in Italian, when preceded by tl)e defi- nite article, has the nature of a substantive ; as, e proibito il far male^ it is forbidden to do evil. Non e civile P interrom- pere gli altri quundo piirlanO, it is not poliie to iiitei rupt others when they speak. Non e sempre bene il correggere i fanciulli^ it is not always proper to correct children. // ruzzare e qudlche volta necessario, to play is sometimes ne- cessary. 10. In the above instances, and others similar to them, which very frequently occur, the infinitive mood does the office of the substantive in EnoJish, as well as in Italian ; the only difference is, that in English the particle to sup- plies the place of the Article, and consequently it cannot be then looked upon as a mere sign of the infinitive-, as many maintain without any restriction. 11. ^ The English do not join to their infinitives any other particle than to ; and, therefore, in all other sen- tences, besides those like the above n. 9, the Italian infini- tives are expressed by the English gerunds ; as, /' essere^ the being-; il niatigidre, the eating; lo sludiare, the study- ing ; in, or neir avere, in having; col bere, by drinking; collo studidre, by studying ; senza mangidre, without eating; per ridere, for laughing. 12. The indefinite articles, or prepositions, di, a, da, are very often placed before the Italian infinitives, and are mostly rendered by the English particle to. Ex. E tempo per V. S. di comincidre a parldr Italidno, it is time for you. Sir, or Madam, to begin to speak Italian ; questo e unfrutto da iuangidre, this fruit is good to eat; la signora e anddta a passeggidre, the lady is gone to take a walk. 13. When the English simple preterites come alone in a sentence, they are expressed in Italian in two ways, viz. by the first, or by the second perfect. \mo. If the past action, expressed by the English preterite, is fixed in re- gard to time ; as, 1 had it from him yesterday, then the first perfect must be used; as, V ebbi da luiieri ; \ was there last week, io fui Id la settimdna passdta ; I spoke to her last night, le parldi ieri sera. 2do. But if the action past is not determined with regard to time, or if it was done the same day it is spoken of, the second perfect must be used : as, 1 had it from him, io V ho avuto da lui ; I was there, io sono slnto Id ; I spoke to her, io le ho parldto. 14. ^ The compound tenses, in all active, and some of the neuter verbs, are formed by the help of the auxiliary 149 \erh avfre, iuldiiii; (o it the participle past ; us, lo ho par- lato, lo arevn parfalo, ielore the similar oiich, annoi, tiami, o\ ttic verbs annoiare, Hlanni'ire, written with an i, uiiisi be nupiioxd >.\\^\i\. in- accuracies of the Acadeniiciaii*', rather ttiaii pmofs Mul(vcr>lve of the llllivcr^al rule nnnlKneil by ibein for the right use of tiie j lungo. — See an (diservaiion on the verb oduire, in tlie Alfhabttxcal List of ilie irregular verbs. — Edilur, I. 'i 150 19. In our language we have no simple tenses for the passive verbs, as the Latins, who say, amor, amabar, Sfc. but we make use of the verb essere with the passive par- ticiple of the verb we intend to conjugate ; as, io sono amatOj or amnta, I am loved ; io era, or fid amato, 1 was loved ; and so forth, as we shall see hereafter. See more observations on the formation of the tenses of verbs at Lecture XXIV. just before the Alphabetical List of Irreoular Verbs. MODELS Of the three Regular Conjugal ions. 20. Advertisement bj/ the Editor. The Author having entirely omitted noticing the inflec- tions of the Tuscan verbs, which are either only poetical, or iniproperly used by the Italians of low education, and therefore called vulgar, I have pointed them out in the notes throughout the two auxiliaries, avere and essere. For the sake of brevity and perspicuity in the display of the three following models, I have placed each such inllec- tion in separate columns, at the right hand of the correct ones, accordins: to the method first taught by Gigli, and followed by Pistolesi and 3Iastrqfini on a much larger scale. By these means, the student may learn several thousand words only poetical, since each regular verb will have as many of them as its model; and niay, in the same proportion, avoid imitating the incorrect Italians in the abuj^e of their language, at least as to the conjugation of the regular verbs. The above-mentioned eminent grammarians, indeed have also exhibited in separate columns the obsolete terminations of the verbs. These I have omitted, for two reasons : 1st. Because whatever is obsolete in verbs cannot be met with but in authors beyond the reach of the learner. 2dly. Be- cause many of the obsolete inflections have still remained in the mouth of the illiterate in Italy, and I have therefore been able to exhibit them among the vulgar ones. First Regular Conjugation in Are. 21. INDICATIVE MOOD. Present. Correct. I speak To pdrlo Thou speakest iu pdrli Bespeaks egli pnrla Poetical. parle Vulgar. 151 Correct. We speak noi parlidmo Vou speak voi pnrlate They speak tgli/io pdrlnuo I'oeiical. Correct. I did speak, or I parh'rca^ or «as speakiii llie liali.iii tt'n.'>es lo par- lu"a, Jo trmh}'t, /o/thlva. The ICnulisli, Ihctcfurc, want this (c"n>e only in the reili to havr, uml to it, and vaiy rroiii (Ik- liali.niii in the use of it in sonic iu- • lances. NeviTiht-lfi^H, if learners v\oul(l riiiunihir, tliiii wlnnvvi-r the Eng- li»h U'e kiich (uni|io(ni(l lenoc, or that it wnuld In- po»sililc to use- it, the Italian iiii|)CTf(Ct n)ii>t he adopti-d, th<-y niiuht avoid a nunilier of inisiakes ton frequent anions (he students uf the Iialian language. — See another iinpoi tant nolr |, p. 1.11. — h.dilOT. f See a nioM despicable Roman solecism in the use of this tense, at note *, p. 132 —A.V/i/'M-. 1,1 152 22. Correct. Wanting Speak thou Let him speak Let us speak Speak you Let them speak IMPERATIVE MOOD. Poetical paria pdrii parlidmo parldte par lino Vulgar. 2S. CONJUNCTIVE MOOD. Correct. I may speak pdrli Thou mayest speak pdrli He may speak We may speak You may speak Thej may speak Present. Poetical. parle parle pdrli parlidmo parlidte par lino First Imperfect. Correct. I should speak parlerei Thoushou\dsts\ie-a\i parleresti He should speak parlerebbe We should speak parlerem- mo You should speak parlereste They should speak parlereb- bero, or par- lerebbono Poetical. parhre' parleria parleriamo, or parleriemo parleriano Second Imperfect.* Correct. I might speak parldssi Thou mightest speak parldssi He might speak parldsse We might speak parldssimo You might speak parldste They might speak parldssero Poetical. Vulgar. pdrliano Vulgar. parlarei parlardsti parlarebbe parlarebbamo, parleressimo or parlareb- bamo pari ar est e parlerebboro, ov parlareb^ bano Vulgar. parldsse parldsse parldssi parldssemo parldsse, par- ldssi, or par- Idsti parldssino * Concerning this tense, see a most despicable Roman solecism observed at 7iote •, p. 135. — Editor. 163 21. INFINITIVE MOOD. Present, to speak, par lure. Pekfect, to have spoken, aver parlnto. (axtr a pai'/are, Future, to be about to speak, ^ csscr per parlurc, (_(lovtr parldrc. Glruxd Present, speakinij^, parldndo. / otspcakinj::. ili parldre, or del parldrc. n> c ^\ \ to sneakinii', a varldre. or at varldre. Compound of the /^ i- /' i .i' „ h \\\{mpcdkwj^,cuipariare,orcoii par lure i n spcakiiiji', tu/parldre, or /;/ parldre. Gerund Past, having spoken, axendo parldlo. Participle Present, speakini;,pfl?7^/;//e ti.-\ Participle Past, spoken, pa?'/(/^o, la, ti, te. J^^ See other Characteristic Moods at the end of the last reguhu" conjugation. Second Regular Coyijugation in Ere. 25. INDICATIVE MOOD. Present. I fear Thou fearest He fears ^Ve fear You fear They fear Correct. lo tenio iu tend egli t^nie noi lemidnio xoi temete ('sUno temono Poetical. Imperfect. Correct. [ Poetical. I did fear, or was temeva, ov temta temero I temni tcmci icnicxa tcun'a temexdmo temcaino fearinjTJ Thou didst fear H. 137, cakuliited lo piDve llie exisceiicc oliliis parti- i-iple. — iLititnr. \ Sec note*, at the u/»/)fr/)artiu.sIU)iuans()k'riMn, iti ilic u'-c of tliis tense, ohservi'd ;it Ttoif •, |). I. 'J.I. — Editor. ■f .See an itii|)orMiii wile*, at |i. 13G. — Editor. j .See a critical note f , |i. 137, calculated l(» juovc tiic existence of tliis p,\Ti'\- c'n>\c.— Author. I A verb in tiro is given for the third regular conjugation instead of ilu verb 156 Correct. Poetical. 1 hou endest tufmisci He ends egli finisce We end noijiniamo You end voi finite They end eglino jiniscono Imperfect. Poetical jiniva., or jinia Jinivo Jinivi fin ha fmia jinivamo Jinivide jinivano Correct I did end, or was ending* Thou didst end He did end We did end You did end They did end Vulgar. Jimschiamo, Jinidno, or Jinimo jiniscano Vulgar. Jiniano, orji- nieno Perfect.! Correct. I ended Thou endest He ended We ended You ended They ended Correct. I shall end Thou shalt end He shall end We shall end You shall end They shall end Jinii Jinisti Jim jinimmo Jiniste Jinirono Poetical. Jin to Jiniro Future. Jiniro Jinirdi Jinird Jiniremo Jinirete Jinirdnno Poetical. finimio \Jmivi finivono Vulgar. Jinie finisti finirno, or Jininno Vulgar. jiniroe finirde Jimreno dormire, to sleep ; servire, to serve, or the like ; since, amongst the verbs end- ing in ire, for one that is conjugated like dormire, there are twenty like^nlre, as will be seen by the List of the verbs in ire, and the paragraph f 14, placed after them in Lecture XXIV. The verb dvrmlre (like servire and others) is conjugated as follows : Indicative Present, dormo, dormi, dorme, dormidmo, dor- mite, dormono. Imperative, dormi, dorrna, dormidmo, dormite, Mormano. Con- junctive Present, ch' io dorma, che tu donna, ch' egli dorma, chc noi dormidmo, che voi dormidte, ch' ^glino dormano. The other tenses WkeJiniTe. • See here 7io^e *, on the tm;)er/f'c< of tie first conjugation, p. 151. — Also no ^e ^, |). 130. — Editor. f Sie a vile solecism peculiar to the Romans in the use of this tense, at note *, p. \6\.— Editor. 1 »• »« :;0. IMPERATIVE MOOD. Correcr. if'anlino- ivul lllJU Lot him end Let us end End yon Let thoni end Ptx.tical. fniisci finhca jiniamo Jinite finiscmio Vulgar. Jinisci Jinischuio 3L COXjrNCTIVE MOOD. Present. T mi\\ end Thou may est end lie may end ^\'e may end Y(in mav end Correct. fin i sen fiiusclii,Jimsca fmisca /if/it'inij fniiale PoL'tical. Tliey may end fniiscano First Imperfect. Correct. Poetical. I should end Ji/iirci finirta Thcjii shouldstend Jiniicsli We should end Jiriirtbbe finiria We hhould end You should end Thev should end Correct. I mii^ht end Thou mi<;htest end lie mii;ht end We mif^ht end You nii^ht end Thev mi:;lit end Jin i rem mo Jinirestc finirchhcro Jiniriano Second Imperfct.* Poetical. Jinissi Jiiiissi /i/iissc Jinissvno Jin isle fmissero A'lilcar. Jinischi finischi finischiamo Jiniscliinle Jinischino Vulvar. fminbln ftnireste Jinirdve finiresti, or Ji- nirtssi fmirebbamo^ov I Jiniressimo ijuiirebbano \'ulgar. Jinissc /inisti jinissi fmissemo finisli^ovfinissi finissn/K/^ or Ji' nisni/io 32 INMXniVE MOOD. Pre8P,nt, to oud.finirr. Perfec 1 ,1" liavc ctided, arcrfini/o. * Cuiicrriiiiig the ure of this lenitc, >ee H pitiful Uoiiiiii solecism obsci ved at vote^, \). Wi. — fCditoT. 158 iattr afimre, esser perjinire, or doi er- Jin ire. Gerund Present, endino-^«e«^o. S of ending, dijinire, or delfinire. to endino- a finire, or al finire. , . for endi.^, per finire, orpeljinire. ' in ending, nel finire, or injinire. Gerund Past, having ended, avendoJinHo. Participle Present, ending,^/?e;?/e ti.-\ Participle Past, ended, ^««7o, ta, li, ie. Q^ These are the three models of regular conjugations ; but as there are a great many verb? which in some tenses deviate from them, and are called Irregular, they will be found alphabetically arranged, and conjugated at the end of Lecture XXIV. See, however, the important Observa- tions prefixed to them, as they may be of very great use to the learner. STRIKING CHARACTERISTIC MOODS or FORMS in the Conjugation of the Italian Verbs. 33. ^ It is common to hear English Grammarians boast- ing of the advantages of the English tongue over most of the modern languages, consisting in the power of conjugating their verbs in three ways, being able to say either I speak, I do speak, or / am speaking, and so on for all the simple tenses and persons of the verbs to be, or to do. 34. 51 This advantage becomes quite trifling, when com- pared to that of the Italian Language, which has nothing to envy in all the supines, gerunds, and participles of the Latin, since we can conjugate its verbs (besides the Models just now shewn, and the Passive or Reciprocal to be exhibited hereafter) in no less than seven different Manners, by the means of the auxiliaries, «wc?are, stare, avere, e,ssere,farsi, and venire, always implying a different accessory meaning with respect to the agent. Here they are : — I. Manner. 35. f With the verb andare, and the gfr?/w6f of any other verb wliich implies a frequentative sionification, but with motion in the agent of what is meant by the gerund ; as * See an in)|)oi tarit note *, at p. 136. — Edifor. t See ri critical notef, p. 137, calculated to jiiove the existence of this parti- ciple. — Editor. 159 lo to parldndo, I am speaking, but properly, I walk, or move on speaking. Ttt vai parhhido. Thou art speaking, dire. EgU III parldndo. He is speaking, Sec. tioi andidmo parldndo, »t d o • . i r a -....e •< ' A'.B. See mistakes ot modern writers, Vol andate parlando, with nsptct to this conjugation, after Eglino vanno parldndo. these Seccn Manners. And so on for all tenses of andare. II. Manner. 36. ^ Willi (he verb stare, and the gerund of any other verb which implies stillness in the agent of what is meant by the gerund ; as lo sto parldndo, I am speaking, hut properly, T Tu stai parldndo, stand still and speak, &c. Egli sta parldndo, ]srjj, ft is evident that neither this, Noi stidino parldndo, nor the above manner of coiij Heating Voi state parldndo, Italian verb?, can he rendereil in Eiig- Eglino stanno parldndo. 'i^h. «if»'out some quaint periphrases. And so on for all the tenses o( stare. III. Manner. 37. f With the verb avere, the preposition da, a, or ad, and the infinitive of any other verb which iini)lies a compul- sion or dittj/ imposed upon the agent of what is meant by the infinitive ; as lo ho da, or a parldre, I must speak_. &c. Tu bai da, or a parldre, JSlote. Vw this tense we arc well Bali ha da, or a parldre, provided in Knglish ; hut what should Noiabbidmodo,ov aparlare, ^^e say for liie imp-rfect and other ,/■■/, I I' lenses.' '1 he verh owe/iMniplit cive the yoiavele da, or a parlare, ,,,,^„u.^, but tiie tense would remain Eglino hanno da, or a parlare. unspecified.— It is, therefore, impo.ssi- ble, for instance, to render, lo aveva da parlare, without a petty periphrasis, and say, / xiiis oitiged to.\pcak, or rather II was incumbent upon me to speak, ijj-c. And so on for all the tenses of avere. IV. Manner. 38. ^ With the verb essere, the preposition per, and the j/?////77ae of any other verb which implies the imminence or impendence of /j/?<^, either present, future, past, or conditional., \\\{\\ respect to the agent's uiideri;;oiiig, or doin;;, what is meant by the injinitive ; as Jo son per parldre, I ;ini j^oiu^ to speak, Tu set per parldre, '1 lioii art going to speak, J-l^h e }i
  • est clatjbics, and the grammatical M 162 labours of Bembo, Salvial?^ Ciiwnio, Bifonihiattei, and many more eminent men, tos^etlier with what the learned Aca- demicians Delia Criisca have left us on that art. See, on the subject of the present decline of Tuscan literature, my Essay, prefixed to the Supplement of this work. — See also above, at p. 93. n. 39. 45. f The First Manner, however, by the verb andare, and the Second, by venire, might be attacked with some ap- parent reason, since Cinonio (see Trattato rfe' Verhi. cap. Ixii. and Ixiii.) does not seem to have sufficiently set forth the different sense they convey in his Treatise on the Verbs. His numerous quotations are, however, sufficient to strengthen my definitions, to invalidate any contrary argu- ment, aiid to prove as incorrect many passages of Sonve, a modern writer of great fame, but whose suavitij of style will never give delight to any classical Tuscan ear. For one instance out ofa hundred, we read in Antonio Leonelli, Pur la speranza d^unimpiego, che ognor parea vicino, nelsuo cor- doglioV unddxa racconsoldndo ; Yet the hope of obtaining a situation, which seemed always near, continually Aep^ cow?- forting him in his sorrow. There being not the smallest shade of motion in the agent of the gerund racconsoldndo, which is hope, the verb cmddva is highly improper ; and Soave ought to have said, il veniva racconsoldndo ; which implies no motion* in the agent, as stated in the definition of the Seventh Manner. 46. H To convince my reader of what I have just advanced, it will, no doubt, be sufficient to state, that Cinonio, ibid. gives no less i\i2ixv fourteen examples of the first conjugation, which I might easily double, and not one among them but what implies implicit motion in the agent; while among those of anddre, only one contains the idea of motion in the sentence. Referring the most curious of my readers to Cinonio at large, I shall here subjoin, in a contracted manner, (see on this method, note *, p. 75,) the fourteen examples of the * I have said, in the seventh defiiiilion, iliat the significution of that conju- gation /tas no parlicular allusion to motion : but let my reader understand uic rightly. I do not mean, that it cannot possibly imply motion in the agent ; hut only, that it may be used without this motion bein? supposed in it. — And, on the contrary, the First Manner should never be used without positive allusion to motion with respect to the agent, as stated in the definition. Thus, for instance, in tiie Decamerone, G. 8. u. 3, we read, that Bruno and Buffalmacco, to make Calandrino believe that he had found a stone, which remleicd him in- visible, Or cnn unaparola, or con un' altra su per lo Mugiwrie insino alia porta San Galloilvdnncro Idpiddndo. Now with one word, and now with another, they kept throwing pebbles at him as they went up the Mugnonc, as far as San \G3 verb andare, and then dismiss tliis subject, in bopcs of haviiii:; convinced any reasonable reader of the accuracy of what 1 liave above advanced. Examples — 1. 67/ vi'nne vediita mm He accidentally saw a very pretty gioviiH'tta assi'd bella, la young girl, who went on gathering quelle andiiva per U cam- some plants about the fields. pi certe erbe cogliendo. Dtc.imeioiit', G. 1, ii. -1. 2. La G'wvane delta sua The young woman, grieving at her sc'uigura dob'ndos't, tutto misfortune, spent all that day :/ (Ti per lo salviitico lucu wandering about that wild forest. «' andti avvolg^ndo. Id. G.5, n. 3. 3. Til ridi forse perche vcdi Thou laughest, perhaps, because thou me uoni d' arme andur seest nie, a military cliaracter, doniandando (/i 9Ht's/e cose going about and enquiring after femini'li. these won)anish trinkets. Id, G. 2, U.K. Let the reader remember, that these words were said by tlic betrayed wife of Bermibo, who, in tlie diseuise of a Turkish oflicer, meets with iier iittrayer as she was riding alout tlie iair of Acre. 4. Solo, e pensdso i piii de- Alone, and thoughtful, / go onmea- st'rti campi suring the most deserted fields with Vo misurando a passi a grave and slow pace. tardi e lenti. I'etrarca. .'). Vidi in una Jiorita, e verde pidggia Genie, die d' avidr giva ragion&ndo. Idem. 6. Gidvane, e bella in sogno Methought, in my dream, I saw a I saw, on a flowery and green hill, people, who went on talkinir of love. nil pan a Donna vciUr anddr per una banila Cogliendo Jiori — iilctii. young and beautiful woman, (wi one side, going on and gathering flowers. 7. La Simdna nonfu percib Simona was not, however, of such di si pdvero dnimo, che a low spirit, as not to dare to ella non ardi'sse a rici'vere harbour in her mind love, which, amdre nella &ua mente, il for a long time, had shewn its in- C«//o'i gate. Here we |il;iiiily see tii.'\t they were all in motion, and waiivirig; yet, nince Buccact mrver mtant to allMih- pat lii uhirly to llial ^late of the aneiits, but ratlier to lUcfrrquentaiivr nii^nitkalioii of the action of throwing pebbles at Ciilaudrino, lie UBed the auxiliary venire witii greater propriety than ondi'irr, tvhich hill he would have iin<|ueHliona>'ly juefiMTcd, if the motion of the agents h. Ill been the niii>i iinpoitani ciicumsiani e of ihiii xenteiu'e, a» his other ex- amples alleged ill the text abtiiidantly piove. — Kditur. M y 164 tention of dwelling there, by means of the pleasing gestures^ motions, and woidsj of a youth of no higher condition than herself, who wfls going about camjing wool to spin, for a wool weaver, his master. Fiametta went 07i a -pleasure walk with her party, on the dewy turf of a most extensive plain, until the sun was high, conversing together on various subjects. quale con gli atti, e colle parole piacevoli (Tun gio- vanetlo di non maggior peso di lei, die dando an- dava per un suo maestro lanaiu6lo lana a filure, huona pezza mostrdto a- veva di volervi entrdre. Decanieione, G. 4, n. 7. 8. Fiametta per V dmpia pianura su per le rugia- ddse erbe infinattantoche alqudnto il sol fu alzdto, con la sua campagma, d' una cosa, e d' ultra con lor ragiondndo, di- portando s' ando. Id. G.5. Proem. 9. Comincidrono i cani di Currddo a seguire i due cavrinoli, li qudli gia grandicelli pascendo an- davano. Id. G. 2, II. 6. 10. E se al contdr non erro oggi ha sett' anni, Che sospirando vo di riva in riva. Petrarca. 1 1 . La 've cant&ndo andai di te molt' anni, Or come vedi vo di te piangdndo. Idem. The poet makes liere, (as hi many other passages of his poems), by the words, Id 've, there where, a plain allusion to those flowery meads, watered by the Sorga, where lie constantly used to walk up and down, thinking of his Laura, for many years both before and after her death. 12. y^ man manca* con lui The Mantuan poet went on singing cantando giva at the left hand of him (meaning II Mantovdn. Homer). Idem. There is not here the smallest doubt of Petrarch's vision consisting in a p)o- cfssio7i of fiinions men, whom he supposes follotving the triumplial car of Fame. The dogs of Currado began to pursue the two fawns, which, grown al- ready somewhat bigger, began to go grazing about. And, if I mistake not in the reckon- ing, it is seven years this day, since I kept going and sighing from bank to bank. There, where I went on singing of thee for many years, I am now going, as you see, weeping for thy sake. * Lui, relating to Homer, very properly the Librarian of the Medicean Library, on the authority of invaluable MSS. lias .•substituted to n rnajw a mun, as univer- sally leail, (meaning in succer.sion), the words a man manca, to the left hand; since the wor^ls con lui plainly hint, that these two poets were j^oing together, and not one after another, as the old reading would mean. — Editor. ir)5 — Obsirve a!so, that in tlic cxaiHples, n. ", 8, \), 10, 11, and 12, the gerund ptect'dis the wib owii'tre, which inversion must he left to tlic poets, or to the luost elecant prose-writers. One of the l:ibourcrs of this woman's estate had unfortunately missed that day two bogs^ and going in search of them, he went near that small tower ; and while he thus tvcnt about, looking every where for them, he heard the p.tiful moaning of that unfortu- nate woman. This done, after some time time, he brought him out, and made him walk before him, and going on be- hind him, and keeping the chain in his hand, be led him as fur as the square. 13. Ai\va per isciagitra un lacoralare di (pus I a donna quel (Fl due sudi porci sniar- riti, c andandogli cercando, a quelld iorrictlla pencnne, e andando gutdndo per tut- to, se i sudi porci vedi'sse, sent') il niistrdbile pidnto, che la sventurdta donna fa- ceva. Decamerone,G. 8, n. 7. 14. E ipiesto fatto, dopo al- qudnto il menu fudri, e lui- seselo inndnzi, ed andiuidol tcnC'ndo per la catina di dii'tro il condiisse in su la piazza. M. G. 4, u. 2. Tliii>, from all the above examples, we plainly see, that tlie first uf the Seven JSfanners above exhibited, must imply motion in tlie assent, and that whoever would adopt it, like Soave^ above cited, n. 45, would unquestionably make a f;;reat blf.iider, and provehimseirunacquaintedwith thissoundprin- ciple of the Italian langua<;e. 47. 5 I recollect two passages in the Decamcrone that might be brought against me ; the one, in the Introduction, where we read, yl me mcdcsimo incresce andarmi tanlo Ira tunle jniscrie ravio/gendo ; It grieves my very heart to dwell so long on such unfortunate events. And the other, in Cm. 3. n. 3. Niioia rosa c al mondo, che a lei dispidccia comefai tu, e tu pur ti mi riprozdndo ; There is nothing in the world she di-likes more than your person, and yet you still try, again and ai;aiii, to seduce her. 48 f 1 might justify each of these examples, by observing, that, in the fir-^t, there is, both in the auxiliary, mi, and its :;erund, ratcii the imperative, conjunctive, and iiilinitive moods of all verbs, ol' whatever coujufiation, which may become passive. .'J. By the above coiijui;ation, it is evident, tlial the parli- riplcs nf passire verbs always chaiiijo their terminations, as the a(ij<'Ctives do, irom mascidine to feminine, and from sin- •jiilar to pluial, and alwavs afjree with the nominative case of the sentence, accordinj*; to its jjender and nundjer. I. 'I'he jMcposition A//, or h// l/ic^ n>e(l in an l']nj;lish sen- tence, whose verb is passive, is translated in Itaban by the article of the ablative case; as, Ij(i /i^/i, p. 'i'i, we may further cbserve, that these conjunctive |moiiouiis, whenever u'>>, n. I'J. See, aho, all the significations of si c.vemplifietl at |». 'fJ, \\'>.\\.— Editor. 174' O", or vifu^ there was. Ci, or vi furono^ there were. C e, or ii' e .s^a^o, or s/fite, there has been. C/, or r?* sono stat'i^ or 5^fl/t any inort', we have seen it fall otV in our clays: gii aniici vushi soni) piiiiili, tioii gli ho poliili leiicre, your iViends are gone, I conld not stop tlieni. 18. V'l. The passive participles aijree always in n use, with ^'rcat propriety, tlic vein r,n,,r, iur-ital of the rerb /ij»*r/- ; :i', I' uMrfnlu-zz'i vieii i-i'isimdta da lutli, ili uiikfiincfH ir> Itliimcil t»y every body ; I'ghno vinunno luildii, llicy >li;ill in- piiiinid ; Mi vicii delta, ( liiivc bfiMi told, —.lulhor. Fcir tlif Irac riiciuiiii^ of lucli cNpri's.-tioiin, m-c, liin\ iv«;r, llie ('iuuiCTKUH»Tir Moons, at I.ect. XVIII. jip. ir)H, IfiO, and \l'>''. 178 LECTURE XXI. Oil Preposilions exemplified. 1. ^ A preposition is an indeclinable part of speech, wliich denotes the several relations of substantives and pronouns, and even of verbs, or adverbs taken in the sense of sub- stantives. 2. All prepositions in Italian govern some of the oblique cases ; some govern one, some two, and others three, as will be seen in the following examples. Vem'te con me, or meco Come with me Parlo per vol 1 speak for you La veggo ogni giorno, eccdtto le I see her every day, Sundays ex- Domeniche cepted Avanti ogni cosa Before every other thing Mi regolo secondo le circostdnze I act according to circumstances Andro in cavipagna fra, or tra I will go into the country in a' due settimdne fortnight Mi trovo fra, or riio (V oggi le cose vim vude Appresso di, a, or I'osignoua By you, sir, madam, or miss Andidmo victno, or presso dtlla, Jjct us go near the tower alia, or la torre Qucuido sciremo gliititi dirimpetto When we arc arrived o\er del, al, or il fiiime against the river E cadiitQ sotto della, alia, or la It is fallen down under the tdvola table lo I' ho messo sopra della, alia, I have it put upon the chair or la si'ggiola Passeggiaidvio Inngo del, ul, or We were walking along the iljiiiiiie river Oltre di, or a n't) Besides that Quando J'umino di la dal logo Wluii we were on the other side of the lake Ora die sidmo di qua dal Ta- Now we arc on this side of the migi Ihames Trovdndomi lontdno dalla mia In finding myself far from my pdtria country Siain mnlto lungi da casa lostra We are very far from your house Noi fuiiuno ieri dal Signorc, or di. We had been yesterday at Mr. or in casa della Signura or Mrs. 3. EXERCISES On the above Prepositions. Lean airainst the wall. He is with his cousins. Since that yjpj)02;s;i(i>'si muro cugino da lime he is always before, or behind. They are on the other t( nipo scnipre bide the bridy:c. She has jumped over the talkie. Look under ponte sallare taxola giatrddre and upon the bed. Let us divide this between us. He walks /cllo (liiid( re passrgi^iare towards the city. Be civil towards every body. It is about riltd cortesecon tulli six o'clock. I liave boii^^ht that for you. They were amongst le sei eom peril re the populace. He works whilst the others play. According to fri'nt('i<:;Hu lavorare sjuisst'irsi secdiido my opinion, he is in the wronnj. Act acct)rdin£j to our rule. pari re lin lorto npert'ire rci^^ohi Take iIkmm all, except these two. It is on account of her prcndere lullo due a ri<^n<'irdo temper. I}r>ides your beinn; i^ljnorant, you are obstinate. In niturii/e esse re i'j^nornnle osd/idto in s 2 ISO rciiard, or uillj respect to yon, I say notlMiin. lie lives over quanlo dire nulla sfare against the Exchange. Let tis walk alon"- the rivulet. He piazza rfe' inercanti passeggidre rasccllo is near his journey's end. She is out of danger. He does xiaggio t ermine pericolo not live far. Stay till to-morrow. /\s for me, I do not know laii(liiiK llicse rcti|)eciatjle aiillioriiie!>, tlictauiimn pupil will d.i well to say, mullo bine, ulii'iunlo tempo, and so on, wtiencvtr the sentence implies no tompiiison, and that the term cxpressHik! the qua/ilitij plainly modifies the MiliMantivc. — Editor. • Id thi», at well a.'* in all the foliowiun examples (those ol ilie I\', Clas," ex- cepted), the pronoun you is trunsl.Ued in Italian by the pronoun ella, or liy yosi- f^norin, in older to utcustoiu tlje scholar to the Italian ceremony spoken oi' p. (iO audCl. I8r2 Camtmni presto lernotte* venne atrovdrmi L' ultima volta die lo vidi Ella gUfece una visita il gidrno inndnzi Altra volta ella impardva bene, (more familiarly), Per I' ad- dietro, Sfc. Si credha cih a' tempi antichi Bevaprima L' ha sposdta da poco in quh lofui da lui iermattina Mori iers&a Cominciai la settimdna passdta lu v' era, or era la I' anno pas- sdta Fino a qia, Jin qih, sin qui, or sin a qmf nan ha detto una pardla Ella ha ben fatto findra jL' incontrdi otto gidrni fa, or sono Sono quindici gidrni ch' epartito Non e molto ch' egli era qui E qualche tempo da che e ritor- ndto Non e un momenta ch' e escito Son otto gidrni ch' e ammaldto Noi v' andremo, or andremo la domdne, domdn V altro, or dopo domdne II gidrno dopo le sue nozze mi lascib Gli tenni di4tro il gidrno seguente Vi vada qu^sta matiina, or sta- mattina, qvesto dopo pranzo, questa sera, or stasera Partir a presto, ovfrapoco walk fast last night he came to see me the last time I saw him she paid him a visit the day be- fore you learned well formerly they believed that in the days of yore drink first, or before he has married her lately I was at his house yesterday morning he died yesternight I began last week I was there last year hitherto he has not spoken a word you have done right till now I met him eight days ago he has been gone this fortnight it is not long since he was here he has been back some time he has been gone out but a mo- ment he has been sick these eight days we shall go there to-morrow, or after to-morrow the day after his marrirge he left me I followed him the day after, or following go thither this morning, this afternoon, or this night he will set out soon, or shortly * Observe, the Italians never use ?iof/e for the first part of the night, which they call sera : so that iernutte means yesterday uiglit, about uiidnight. — Editor. f Although we do not find these four synoniinous adverbial forms alplia- beticaliy registered in the Focabulario dclla Crusca, yet we are authorised (be- sides the universal use even at present) by the same Academicians to admit them upon two authorities, aleged by them at the words fino aw-X sino ; one from an ancient MS. entitled, Tavola ritonda, and the other frotii Bembo. See their LeHer prefixed to the Vlth Vol. — Editor. 183 Venga siibito Ella coDiincenl da qii) a xm anno Da qii\ inminzi non gli parltrb pill Tra, or ft a quattro giurni viio ])adre ritornera Da prima non disse nulla Ella mi stiirba ad ogni momento ; or, in interrompe Qudndo la rivedrb ? or la vedrb di nuovo Ella non mi rircdra inai pitl Lo invito di rado Egitno sono qualche volta in cilia Egli i spessu fudri di casa Ella non parla quasi mai Scrivi'teci quanta prima Non ci vorrdnno meno di tre set- timdne al piii carlo, avdnti die sia siciiro di scampdrla Frasei settimune alpiil lungo me ne rado a Berlino M' aspetli alle tre al piu presto J'errb alle quattro al piu tardi Non e quasi 7nai in casa Ella chide chicr a come al sdlito Nulladimeno, or non ostdnte voi sit'te quasi sempre insieme Presto, tardi egli perira Ordinariam/nte ella vu'ne o trop- po presto, troppo tardi Venga di huon ora, or per tempo Esce di budn malti'no E egli arrivdto ? non uncdra, or non per anche Allura egli esci ; e da quel tempo in qua non I' ho piu vediito Qudndo terra ella P la viattina, il d()])0 pranzo ? Venga la sera ; o di nolle tempo Da qui I tempo invnnzi, or da al- Idra inuanzi, non la vide pih. come directly she will begin a year hence henceforth I shall speak to him no more four (lays hence my father will come at Hist he said nothing you disturb me every minute when shall I see you ai^ain ? you shall never see me again I seldom invite him they are sometimes in town he is often out she hardly ever speaks write to us as soon as possible he cannot possibly be out of danger before three weeks, at soonest* in six weeks hence, at farthest,* I am going to Berlin expect me at three o'clock, at soonesf* I shall come at four, at farthest* he is liardly ever at home she prates as usual nevertheless, you are almost al- ways together sooner or later he will perish you commonly come either too soon, or too late come early, or in good time he goes out early is he arrived ? not yet then he went out, and since that time I have not seen him when will you come? in the morning, or in the afternoon ? come in tlic evening, or in the night from that time he saw her no more • Obn-vc tlic (liflrLTiiicc of lrall^lalinK^ «J snojifst, at farthest, in I he above four txiiuiplfs ; ill ibi- two firM, ilieliinc fDiisintiiiK in ilays, we>ay, al plil torto, alpiU turigo; bill, in llic oll.ir two, Ibi- lime being liciurH, wc suy, al fiiii pritto. III piu liiTdt, — HdiloT. N i 184 Noi lofaremo, or farcmo clb a nostra bell' agio La rapl di bel meriggio lo vo, or vado a trovdrla un gidrno si, e un gidrno no Lo fdccia iutto in un tempo, or ad nn tratto Studia piu che piu Ella viene in tempo molto a pro- posito, or ad or a molto oppor- tuna Me ne servo nelV occasidne, or nel bisdgno Spafi in un batter d dcchio Lnpdra tre regole ogni gidrno we shall do that at leisure he carried her off at noon-day I go to see her every other day do that all at once she studies more than ever you come very seasonably I make use of it occasionally he disappeared in the twinkling of an eye she learns three rules every day 9. Adverbs of Place. Sifcrmi qv), stay there Dove va in tuntafretta ? where are you going so fast ? Per dovee ella passdta ? which way did you pass ? Di dove viene ? where does he come from ? Venga di qua come this way Perche vien ella si tardi ? vvhy do you come so late ? Vi sono due nnglia da, qui a la it is two miles from hence thither Quanta c e da qui a casa vostra ? how far is it from hence to your house ? Passidmo di qxii Chi v' e lassie? Gtidrdi laggiu Gudrdi qtii softo Cominci di sopra Finisca qiii basso Passeggidmo da su, a giu Egli era dentro, ed iofudri Sin dove e ella statu P Sono stato sin, or Jin la L' ha buttdto a terra L' ho vediito da. vicino Vcdidmolo piit da vicino Lo metta da parte E' su la parte dindnzi delta casa Non e contenta in nessiin ludgo Andidmo dunque altrdve Gli ho cercdti da per tutto let us pass this way who is up there ? look there below look under here begin upward make an end downward let us walk up and down he was within and I without how far have you been ? I have been thus far he has thrown him upon the ground I have seen him close let us see that nearer put that aside he is on the forepart of the hou^e she is satisfied no where let us go elsewhere, then I have looked for them every where 185 Fensia du qucstu parte J'dda lUi (jUt'llii parte I ada a distra L' insrgnae a man sinistra Vada drifto Soiio cadilto da alto a basso come on tliis side go on tliat side turn to tlic riglit the sign is on the left hand Avalk straight along 1 lelltVoin the top to theboltoin. HI. lO. Adverbs of Order. do that first let us read by turns let us walls abreast once, twice, or thrice all is topsy turvy you do every thing by halves how much did this handkerchief cost ? how long have you been here ? Fiicc'ia prima cih Lcgguimo vn dopo V altro Cnmminiamo di jiari Una volta, due, or trc volte Tutto e sottosdpra, or sossdpra Ella ammi'zza ogni cosa Quanta casta qui'sto fazzolclto, muccichino, or pczzudla Quanta tempo c die el la e qui ? Qitdnto tempo c ch' egli e uscito ? Da qudnda in qua c egli venuio in citta, f IV. II. Adverbs of Quanlitij and JnlerrogcUion. ^ Ai^ B. M.iny of tliu exampli's of tliis clu^s are taken from classical authors ; but as they have been altered, >ouietiine-i for brevity's sake, and sometimes to ill(i>irate ilie belter the proper use of each adverb, liie quotation has been omitied. — See tlie Adverliscmenl |)refixed lo this Work, and note *, at p. 75. See also above, n. 6. p. 181. how lontr has he been out ? how town ? ong IS It since he came to Abbastunza vi dovn'bbero pur giu avi'r placdta le niie di- sgruzie Noi ne abbidmo a bastdnza Essi'ndo og^i* alqiidnto le leggi ristrttte al piacvre Fiitto alqudnti pussi riiorndi a casa II Sc til mi credcssi, tu fari'sti * altreltdle Ilaccdnta a' tudi Jigliudli le azi'hii gluridse dtgll udminl ilUistri, se vudi die divintino *ullrettdU my misfortunes should have already sufficiently ai)peascd you we have enough of them pleasure being to-day somewhat restricted by the laws after taking a few steps, 1 re- turned home if you would take my word for it, you would do the same relate to your sons the actions of illustrious men, if you wish them to become such • All adverbs- (tf quantity marked tlius •, arc twice exemplified ; first, adver- bially taken, and used inderliiialdy; and afierwardi, deelineil like adjective;'. — Sec tyte ; nltlir)ui'li I hey m.iy be u.teil with |;real elegance in jioclry, or kublime tompo-'itiou*. — E'lilo'. 186 Oltre una buona somma di de- nciro, gli dlede tayiti gio'u'lli, die valevuno forse* altrettanto. II macelldio ha ammazzdto in qut'sta settimdna* altrettdnte pecore, die it mese passdto Mettete siibito questijidri in molle per due ore alnuinco Riposidmoci almeno tre gidrni in quista terra Parendogli aver veduto assdi,f se ne torno a casa Desiderdso di guadagndre assai,-f e di spender poco La dud d' Edinbiirgo sitpera d' assdif ogni ultra Britdnnica in bellt'zza Assaif n &ano, die non si mara- viglidvano della di lui morte, per die sapevano aver egli degli anni assdi Qiieste perle cdstano* caro in questo paese Lefridta non sono care la state Eglino harmo del dendro in grati cdpia Trovidmo, die da trent" anni ad- dietro v' erano circa trecento botte'ghe Ordindrono, die frutta fdssero portdte a dovizia alia Jin e del pranzo § Come vi chiamate ? Non so come fare a torndrmi a casa II E ricorddr ti dei qudnti, e come endrmi mali per malizia operdti Iddio dbbia coll onde delfonte della sua pietd lavati besides a large sum of money, he gave him as many jewels, as, perhaps, came to as much the butcher has killed as many sheep this weeks, he did all last month put immediately these flowers in water, for two hours at least let us repose ourselves at least three days in this village having, as he thought, seen enough, he returned to his house he was desirous of gaining much, and spending little the City of Edinburgh, for beauty, greatlj^ excels every other in Great Britain there were many who did not wonder at his death, because they knew he was advanced in years these pearls are very dear in this country fruit is not dear in summer they have money in abundance we find that, about thirty years ago, there were about three hundred shops they ordered fruit to be served up in abundance, at the end of the repast what is your name ? I do not know how I shall do to get home and thou oughtest to call to thy recollection how many and often enormous evils, done through wickedness, have been washed away by God, with the waters of the fountain of his piety * Seethe foregoing note, thus marked*. — Editor. f Observe this and the three examples immediately following, wherein asidi lias always a different signification, and, in the last example, is an adjective in bfith instances, although indeclinable. — Editor. § Tlie adverbs of the sentences marked thus §, are interrogatively used, as the sign plainly shews. — Editor. II See nci^e thus marked ||, in the foregoing page. — Editor. 18? II C'daudrnto gV invitb a ceua Calandrino invif.ed tliem to sup- * cotiile alia irista, the coluro per in such a dry iiiaiiner, tbat non i-i vuller restdre they did not clioosc to stay H O mani inique ! voi ornatrni O, guiliy hands ! that decked my delle viie belh'zze, foste grun ^ hcaiity, yoii were in a great cagiune che comparissero co- nieasme the cause of my ap- tali, da esser io da molti desi- pearing so, and of my being dtrata desirt d by many Non sidte di gruzia *cotdnio for heaven's sake, do not be so avdro di voslre visile sparing of your visits II Oime, viisera me, a cui ho io O, unhappy I ! Whom have I col'inti anni portiilo* cotdnto so many years so much loved ? a mure 9 \ Dove sit'te slaii ? where have you been ? II Levdssi un groppo di venlo, e there sprung up so furious a gale «1 *grande in qiu'sta cassa of wiuil, which blew full upon ditde, che riversdta, per forza this chest, that it was over- Landulfo andh sotlo V onde. turned, and thereby Landolpho went under the waves Voi avt'le* gran faccnide in you have a vast deal of business quesUi mercdto in this market II Egli non istctte guari, che tra- it was not long ere he died, and passb, e da loro fu onon'vol- he was by them honourably vitnte fatto seppcUire buried Si vendtvano l oche a un soldo they sold geese at a penny a- V una, e si dava U7i unitra piece, and gave a duck into giunta the bargain Qucsti diamdnti sovo del peso di these diamonds weigh each dramnie due V unu inarca about two drachms 11 secdndo strumento non i altro the second instrument is no- che una cdpia del primo falto thing else but a copy of the in piccolo first in miniature Egli parti) lie piu ue vieno come he spoke neither more nor less se eglij^osse prof^ta than as if he had been a pro- phet Mi rincrtjsce meno, che non pen- I am less sony than you think sate Meno^ parole, e pihfatti few words and more deeds Alia donna parccu aver mezzo the lady thought she had half inteso understood // vdo del tnnpio di Salomdne si the veil of Solomon's temple was divt'sf per *viizzo divided in the middle Le nt'spole da scrbdrc, si cdlgo- the medlars intended for keeping, • Sec note iIiiim marked •, at p. IBf). — Editor. } ObitiTvc liiTi-, wirh Cinonio, tlial althoiii;li wi'/io is not iiindo to aj;rce wiili parule, yet it \^ rcitaiiily usfd a* an ndjiciivc : »u is/ziu, in the sciUeme llms Minrkiil J. See I^F.c i . II. n. 2. — Editor . y Sic a noir ttiiis markiil || , in p. IH^t. I Sreaitorr tliut marked §, in furcguing page. 188 CO, die non sien mezze ^, le (judli inolto negli lilborl dure- rdnno* o co' picciiioli, mezze mature e per cinque d1 mace- rate in acqua salsa Mi rlncrrsce *molio di sentir che mio fratello s'la maldtu Si trdvano* molte cicdle su gli itlivi cZ' Italia Suo marito non le Idscia man- car* nulla II Era morto in quell' anno il Re d' Unglieria, del quale non ri- mdse* nulla Jigliuulo maschio § Perche non ve n anddte ? Perche non son per ancdra ie- didto della vostra campagnia Mangiate di quel che piii vi piuce, ne vi riguardate da quel, che vi va a genio, piu che sc foste in casa vostra JE manddto per piil del sudi aniici, a parenti, dissc loro Ijl miei duhhidsi pensieri il piil mi traevano tutto il gidrno incerta di dolermi, a di rallegrdrmi Starb du voi cinque gidrni al piii Ddtemcne un hicchier di piil Chi s' arri'schia nel giiioco, ania poco* se stesso Sono pochi* gidrni, die arrivdi in questa cittd Vdglio un poco discdrrer con voi di quest' affdre Ella si vergogno un pochette are gathered before they are too ripe, as tliey will keep good a long while, either on their trees, or gathered with their own stalks when half ripe, and steeped in salt water for five days I am very sorry to hear of my brother being ill there are to be found many grass- hoppers on the olive-trees of Italy her husband lets her want for nothing the king of Hungary died that year, and left behind him no male child why do not you go away? because I am not vveaiy of your company eat of whatever best pleases you, and follow your taste without any more restraint than if you were at home. and having sent for several of his friends and relations, he said to them my dubious thoughts drew me along the whole day, uncer- tain whetlier I ought to be merry or sad I will be absent from you five days at most give me another glass of it whoever games deeply has little regard for himself 1 arrived in town only a few days ago I wish to talk to you a little on this business she was somewhat ashamed ^ Observe in this sentence, the firit mezze means over-ripen 'd, and the second, half, or ly half, owing to its different pronunciation. — See Lect. I. n. 5, and the note *, p. 6. — Editor. * See a nole thus niaiked *, at p. 185. — Editor. II Sec a note thus marked ||, at p. 185. — Editor. § See a ii')le llius marked §, in page 18(j. — Editor. X Sec a note thus marked \, in the to.egoingpage. — Editor. 189 Dutemi un pochettino di ijucl panc\ Delle cose buone bisvgna fare a mica'no Un simile effetto, j)ressappuco,Ja I' in/iisioiie delle rose secchc Qiicindu§ rlturneretedi Francia? Quail to^ costano qiu'sti cavdlli ? Non saprei inostrdrvi app'u'iio* qiuUito suite iiigaundto da coldro L' amico glicavo di borsa* qudnti dendri egli aveva I'i vendcro qiu'sti libri a piaccrc, e vi darb la cassu per soproppiil Quanle volte^ sitte stato a Roma ? Qiirst' dbito mi costu qiuisi il duppio del vostro II Chi pnrla rado'-' c teni'Uo a grado Grail dolure rade* volte invecchia Donne sunili a qiu'lle sono piu rude cite le feni'ci I'oi mi ci vedrcte di rado 10 pidngo spesso* la perdita del mio amico 11 Ogni cosa die e spcssa* dive'nta vile per molto uso Non mi pote'va accadtr cosa, die mi fosse* tanto dispiaciuta Ho tanlc* pt'core qudnlr capre Troppo* mi spiuc(pic il silo pro- ct'dere Troppe* sono le ragioni, die mi ftrzano a negdrvi il favore ridiiestomi Basta, basta, non mi date piil fravole, die gid sono* troppe give inc a small bit of that bread good things sho\»hl be spariiitly tlc.ilt out a similar ctlect is produced by the intusion ot (hied roses when will yoii return from France ? what is the price of these horses ? I could not sufficiently shew yon, how much you have been been taken in by those people the friend took out of his purse all the money be had I will sell you these books very cheap, and give you the box into the bargain how often have you been at Rome ? tins suit cost me almost the double of your's he is sure to please, who speaks little excessive grief seldom grows old ladifs, like those, are more rare than phoenixes ymi will see me here seldom 1 often weep the loss of my friend every thing, often repeated, be- comes common through fre- fpient use nothing could happen to me that would be so displeasing to me I have as many sheep as goats bis proceedings displeased me too much I liave too many reasons that compel me to refuse you the favour asked of nie enough, enough — give me no more strawberiics, for 1 have already too many f Obstrvc liere llic hicoinparable copionsiipss of the Tiisran laiiKuaue ; llie paululiim (a little) of the L;iiiii, may he rendfrod in eleven ililft re(it worilx ; viz. \. un pu' piici. l.unpochHlo. '.i.un forhellinn. ■\. un porhiito. ^i. un poco- linn. (i. un micciihi'io. 1 . un minuiziltnu. H. un viiccino. !>• un m'colino. 10. un tanlinrt'o. 1 1. nn lanlino. — Kdilor. II See n:l<- lliii'. luaiked || , at p. ia.'». Aluo aiiOtlier, niaikcd llais*, at \). iHJ. ■—Editor. 190 V. 12. Adverbs of Quality. Cib mi tocca sul vivo Eglifa molto male ifatti su6i Ella dpera trascuratamente Lo safondatamente Le verro incuntro a mezza stracla Ha app^nu I' uso della ragi6ne\ Fa tutto di mala vdg Ha Lo faccia volentieri, or di bum cuore, or di bu6na vdgUa Nonfo nulla a modo mio Le piace questa cosa ? or le da nel genio Operi ciascuno come gli pare e pidce, or a secdiida del sua genio Ella gli hafatto il suo ritrdtto at naturdle Faccia due passi indi^tro Caddi rovescidne, or supino Noi cammindmmo a tentdne Ella lo maltrdtta a torto, or in- giustamente Ella opera a malizia U hafatto per ischerzo Lofeci per isbdglio 2/' ho incontrdto a caso, or acci- dentalmente Vi andrh a qualdnque partito Tenga loro dietro da vicino Lo vudl avere a ogyii modo, or per forza Andidmo a piedi F' andrh a cavdllo that touches me to the quick he is very low in his circum- stances you act carelessly she knows that thoroughly 1 will meet you half way Le has scax'ce common sense you do every thing against the grain do it willingly, or heartily, or with a willing mind I do nothing to my mind is that to your mind ? let every one act to his mind you have drawn his picture after life make two steps backward 1 fell backward we walked groping you use him ill wrongfully you act out of ill-nature he has done it in jest I have done it by mistake I have met him by chance I shall go there, let the worst go to the worst watch them narrowly she will have him by all means let us go on foot I shall go there on horseback + To ask many of my countrymen what we sliould say iov eommon sense, tliey would rashly assert, that it is impossible to translate tliose words, otherwise than by semo cnmune, as the author had here said ; but if we calmly investigate the genius of the Italian language, we .shall find in this, as well as in other iii- uumerahle instances, that it abounds in peculiar expressions, without resorting to barbarous Gallicisms, as senso comiine is. For the above sentence may be translated in several ways besides the above, and always idiomatically, we might say, appena sa discernere il hen dal male ; epoco men che mentecdtto ,■ and Boccace woulcf have said, senteanzi dello sce'mo chc no, — Editor. \9\ Ella v' aitilra in naricetlo* you shall i^o in a boat Null ho data nc jiiu tie ineno 1 j^ave neither more nor less A'oi s'uimo ambidue d' accordo we have agreed on both sides St' ho /alto cibper lei, tanto piil if I have done that for yoii, I lo furo per lui shall do it much more lor him. VI. \3. Adicrbs of yijprriinlion, Negntioit^and Douhl. 51 mio carofralrllo yes, my dear brother Lofarl) duvv^ro, or in verita, I shall do it indeed SI, ceravu'tite, me lo disse yes, truly, he told it nie Ella ha ben ragidne you are much in the right Per dir la verita, egU ha it torto to tell the truths he is in the wrong S^i da vera yes, truly V acconscnto volenticri 1 consent to it willingly No, ne V amo, ne lo temo no : I neither love nor fear hira Non lo credo I do not believe it Non e panto cambidta she is not at all changed Forse verra perhaps he will come E pcrchc no? why not? Lofarb probabilwente 1 shall do it probably Cio pub t'ssere, or puo darsi that may be EAla opcrera coil, or in qw'da you shall act thus, or so matih'ra Cammini coil w^alk so Ella dice dist, ed io dico di ?io you say yes, and I say no VII. 1-i. Adveibs of Cumpurison. % Thc?eare partly iiichuled in the IVth Class, containinj^ the Adverbs of Quaiitit}', and paitly explaitied in Lf.ct. VII. p. 4 I to 45, where we treated of the Comparison, which see. ON CONJUNCTIONS. 15. i: " A Conjunction is a part of speech void of sig;nifi- " cati'in itself, but so formed, as to help sij^Mification, by " tnakin;^ two or nior(> sii;nificant sentences to be one signi- '• fuant sentence." (Harris's Hermes, p. 238.) I(j f The usual classification of conjunctions is here omitted, as unimportant, the following exemplilication being deemed fjuite suilicient for the guidance of the scholar. Con patto, che verra domdni on condition ih.it ho will come to-n>orro\v • If it were fi.r five or six mile;', or airosi" i» rircr only, we would say, in bar- ih^tlo. — Editor. 192 Per paiira di dispiacMe Per dir il vero, non e un gran die, or gran cosa JDonde viene, ch' ella e cos'i mesta yljine di per/ezioncirla Affindie ella gli scriva A proposito, die ora e? or die or a e egli ? A die, or a qudl proposito ha egli detto cio? Puo appe'na cammindre Se ella non vien sublto Se non si spicda non potrci rag- giugnerla Secondodic, or mentre gli uni en- trano, gli altri escono Ancordie non volessero In caso die ella venga, entri per la porta del giardino In vece di do egli spende tutto il siio* Cioe, or doe a dire, die V. S. non verra punto Al contrdrio, or anzi veirb pre- stissimo Appiinfo per qiiesto, io son venuto E' ella d' accdrdo, o no ? Tanto pin la stimo, qudnto mug- gidr pena si prende Da die V. S. e qui, io non imparo nulla Dimanieradie ella pub Jar cio die le pidce Tosto die, or suhito die V. S. sara vesiita, escir^mo Intanto, or frattdnto to leggeru un capitolo Posto die, or in caso die venga, Io faccia entrai e In ogni modo le parli Non gia di io volessi privdrnelo Nemme'n io, se n' accerti Venga qui, altrimcnti io verro a preiiderla. for fear nf displeasing you to tell the truth, it is no great thing how comes it that you are so sad ? in order co perfect yourself in order tliat you may write to him now I think on it, what is it o'clock? to what purpose has he said that ? he can scarce walk unless you come unless he makes haste, he will not be able to overtake her as they come in, the others go out though even they would not in case you come, get in at the garden door / instead of that he spends all his wealth that is as much as to say, that you will not come at all far from that, I shall come very soon it is for that I came have you agreed, or no ? I esteem her so much the more that she takes pains since you are here, I learn no- thing so that you may do what you please as soon as you are dressed, we shall go out in the meanwhile, I shall read a chapter in case he comes, make him come in be it as it will, speak to him not that I would deprive him of it nor I neither, I assure you come hither, or else I shall go and fetch you * Spendtre, or consumdreilsuo, means to spe!)d or wastt- away one's own pro- pej'ty ; as, fon57^77j«re Z' aZ/rdi means to waste away tlic prcperty of ano'biT. 193 Se ella restdsse la, or i-i reitilsse, terr/i a trovcirla* In oUre, or oltredichc ella j^H dim, die, i^'c. Alldra noi partinmo insieme Cioe a dire, die ella non I' in- tende \ Poidie ella ha tantafretta, se nc vada Posto die J'. S. dt'aiui con noi Al contrdrio ami'co miu Sana alieni'ssiinu dallo sprczzdr nessiino In quel mentre egU arrivo Sopra di cib tin di lore gU disse Findi^ elld sara dilig^nte, ogniino la loderd AUrimenti ella sara d'lsprezzdta Ajfi'itlo, uppdnto, or gidsio lo stesso di quello, cK ella compro Talmente die, dimanicradi'i' , or intunto die non ritornb piil Ogni volta, or tutta volta die lo vedrd O parli, no Non ne parli piil, die db mi fa pcna Gliel' ha promesso, ma non le creda, or no7i le diafcde Per die ella s ingdnna spesso, or spesse volte Ella vede, come son maltratldti Quest' e, perdie son forestie'ri, or per rsser foresticri Oltr' d cib di'cale, die si spied, or fdccia presto Fdccia andie qui'sto Suiito die ritorna, io rsro Altrimi'nti sarele gastigdti, cosl i grandi, come i pt'c( oli, or tantn grandi, che, i^c. O che Leva, a che mangi A ogni vindo, or nulUidimento non ha jierdulo il suo tcntjio Intanto, or frattdnto Jinirthnu if you were to stay there, I would go and 8ee you besides that, you will tell him that, &c. then we shall set off together that is to say, that you do not understand it since you are in such a hurry, go your ways provided you dine with us far from it, my friend I am very far from despising any body In the meanwhile he arrived whereupon, one of them said to him as long as you are diligent, every body will praise you otherwise you will he despised precisely like that which you bought so that he returned no more every time you see him whether he speaks or not do not speak of it any more, for it gives me pain she has promised it you, but do not believe her because she often mistakes you see how ill they use them it is because they are foreigners moreover, tell him to make haste do that also as soon as you come back, 1 shall go o-it otherwise you will be chastised, both great and small whether you drink, or eat nevertheless, he has not lost his time however, we shall give over • 5e generally govcrm s verb in tlio second iniperfect of tlie conjuiiclivc mood. 194 A Caution by the E^ditor. 17. f In the above numerous phrases which, from p. ISl, to tliis, exemplify both the adverbs and conjunctions, the judicious critic will find some arranged among the latter of these two parts of speech, which properly belong to the former, or even to the prepositions ; and vice versa. The fact is, that the Editor inadvertently sent these pages to the press without paying much attention to them, and when he perceived the Author's inaccuracy on this point, it was too late, and too expensive, to remedy it. But the diligent pupil will easily discriminate the adverbs from the conjunc- tions, both by the knowledge he is supposed to possess of his native tongue, and by applying to each of those above exemplified, the definition given of either. At the same time, the above phrases, containing nothing but what is pure Tuscan idiom, will safely facilitate the art of speaking in company, both correctly and without affectation. ON INTERJECTIONS. 18. % The interjection is a part of speech calculated to express the feelings and sudden emotions of the mind, or the heart, and therefore inserted between the other words of the sentence, as their name implies, without forming any close connection of meaning with any of them. 19. % There are interjections of as many different sorts as the feelings or emotions of which our heart and mind are susceptible. The following are, however, the most usual species : Of joy. Viva, viva ! eh viva ! long live! M ! ah ! all ! ah ! Buono ! bene! good! Allegrezza, allegrezza ! \ lit'' O che allegrezza /J J ^ " Of grief and help. Ah J ahi I oi J ohi ! oh ! ah ! J) eh ! pray ! Oivie ! ohime ! omef Aime ! Lasso J V alas ! A he lasso ! Lasso me 9 Aiuto ! socc(^)rso? help! help! Alisero me ! poor wretch that T am ! O Din ! o God ! 195 Oh cergogna f Oibb ! Eh Pi )ibb ! S ■Ji via! > Animo su ! Cordggio ! Su presto Su via .' Via su 1 sto ! "j / via!) Of aversion ami contempt. o for shame ! fie for slinme ! o fie ! o fough ! Of ertcoii raging . cheer up I take courage ! come on ! come, then \ Of wonder. Come ! Per bacco ! Cdppita I Cappilenna ! Ci'ipperi Ciinchero how so ! upon my word ! / Cappiterma ! "^ / > liey-day ! lack-a-day ! / Cdnchitra ! J Of calling Ehi ! (in familiar) '^ Old! (a King calling on his >1 'g- ■here attendants) 'Ad . halloo ! Of teaming and threatening. Gudi ! Ohe, ohe ! Gudrda ! guarda ! Largo, largo ! Zitto ! sta, sta ! Piano! addgio ! Mto ! Ecco ! t'ccoti ! Silrtnio ! 7 Ctieto ! tacele ! j } woe take care ! have a care Of silence and suspension. whist ! hush ! softly ! halt ! bihold ! silence ! lo! Of approbation and applause. hr;iv() ! well ! very wel huzza ! Bravo ! f/ravissitno ! Dene ! va bene ! Viva ! eh viva / Da capo ! encore 'ifl. ^ OiisF.iivr. — Altlioiii;li \hv iiitcrjoclioii 1)0 an indc- clinaljle part of speech, the ahove live, hravo ! hraiissinio! zitto ! inisero mc 1 lasso me ! are liable to ho aijrecd in «jeii- der and imniher, accordin;^ to the most general rules of the afjreeniont o( ;u!i 196 interjection is elliptically understood, than interjections themselves. The first three must agree with the person or persons we address, and the other two with the person who utters them ; and if the speaker mean to embrace others in the exclamation besides himself, the pronoun wie would be also changed into noi. ON EXPLETIVES.* 21. Grammarians mean by expletives, some particles which, although they are not absolutely necessary for gram- matical construction, serve, however, to give a particular strength and energy to the discourse. The Tuscan grammarians call such particles r//?2ewo / of which the following are the most common. BenCy Or bene, Si bene. Exam. JS bene, volete voifarlo ? well, will you do it ? Or bene, qual partito prenderemo noi? well, what course shall we take ? Gli domanddi, se gli bastdva V dnimo di eaccidrJo via : ed egli rispSse, si bene, (Salv.) I asked him, if he had courage to send him away : and he answered, yes. Pure. Exam. La cosa e tanto da ridere, cK' io pur la dirb, (Firenz.) the thing is so laughable, that I must tell it. — When pure is put before an adverb of time, it menns just ; as, 1 Signori erano pur allbra arrivuti; the gentlemen were just then arrived. Poi. Exam. Non e poi vero qudnto mi dicesfe ; what you told me is not true. Gid. Exam. Non credo io gid, die ve we avrete a male (Anni- balCaro.) ; I do not think you will take it ill. Mai. This is likewise an expletive, since we say sometimes, Mai sempre, mai si, mai no ; only meaning, sempre, si, no ; al- ways, yes, no ; yet it gives a greater force to the expression. Bello. Exam. // vostro vestito e beW efatto ; your suit of clothes is finished. Ho pagdto cinquecento belle guinee ; I have paid five hundred guineas. * This interesting subject having been totally omitted by tlie author, I have supplied it from ^erg:ani'5 grammar.— £rf?7or. 197 TitUu. Iv\am. Son tutto stauco ; I am quite tired, f.d donna iiiUndo cosli'ii parlare, il (jiit'dc < Ua crcdcia tnulo/o, tntla stordt, (Bocc. 3. 1.) llie woman, hcai'ii)g that n)an speaking whom she thought dumb, was quite amazed. Alh'imaiti. Exam. lo nan so nltrimaitu c/ii cgli sia ; I do not know wijo he is. Via. Exam. Sc spaccidrvoNc le cose sue, glicle comrnnc gettur via, (liocc. t?. 4.) if lie wished to get rid ofhis goods, he was oI)liged to throw them away. Eg/i. Exam. Che tempo fa egli? how is the weather r Che ora e egli ? w hat is it o'clock ? Egli t ora di desinarc ; it is din- ner time. Ella Exam. Ella von andid scmprc cost ; it shall not always he so. Esso. See page 57. n 13 and 14. Non. Exam. Egli c piii dodo, ch^ io non credcva ; he is more learned than I thought. Tcnio chexoi non >ni aOba/idonidlc ; 1 am afraid yon will forsake n>e. This idiom cannot be literally translated, since the word non would make no sense in iMiLjli-li : l)ut in French it would adn»it of a liteial trans- lation, thus : // (s/ })lus saianl, quejc nc croj/ois. Jc crains, que vans ne niabandonniez. Mi, Ti, a, Vi, Si, Ne. Exam. Io mi crcdeva, chexoi foste partita ; I tliought you wore gone. Dcsidcro, chr In con noi ti rimdnga (/!/csla sera ; I ui-h lliou wowldvt stay with us to-n ght. Noi ci scdt rcmo fjui ; we will sit down here. Non so, se voixi conoscidle iin certo ('alaadiino ; 1 do not know whether you areac(juainted with one Calandriiu*. Del paldgio ,s' nsc), e fiig/' (anio sino alia fun'slra ,- he gently went as far as the wnul( w — See more on these la>t expletives at Eect: XII o J 198 LECTURE XXIII. On Syntax^ Orthographj/, and their respective Figures. % 1. Syntax, or Construction, is the regular inflecting and joining of the parts of speech, or sentenceSj togethery conformably to the genius of a language. i[ 2. In the construction of the Italian tongue, three things are most accurately to be considered : I. The proper arrangement and use of the parts of speech in the sentences, and of sentences in the periods. II. The government of those parts of speech that are susceptible of any. III. And finally, their concord, or right inflection. ^ 3. The Arrangement, or use of the parts of speech or sentences, may be either natural, artificial, or Jigurative. <|[ 4. The natural order of words is the following: The nominative, substantive, or pronoun, should always be placed first ; the adjectives belonging to it should have the second place; if the nominative has an article, the article must necessarily precede both ; then the verb should follow ; and, if there be an adverb, it ought to be put immediately after the verb ; afterwards the accusative ; and then the other cases, preceded by their prepositions, if there be any. ^ 5. The artificial order of words and sentences in periods, consists in those allowable deviations from the natural, which are suggested by the taste and harmonic talents of a judicious writer ; it cannot, therefore, be reduced to rules, and must be attained by a serious perusal of the most eminent authors. The Italian language abounds, above all the modern ones, in elegant and various transpositions, which are of a very difterent cast in the ancient and modern classics, from those to be met with in writers of a more recent date, who cannot form the standard of the language ; yet these are so tenacious of the preference due to their mode of arranging periods and sentences, or rather so little disposed to take the trouble of cultivating their own language, and conforming their taste with that of those immortal men, whose fame and celebrity know no bounds, that they en- deavour to dignify their own style by despising and ridiculing what the rest of the world most admire. The arrangement of the words, however, is not the onlv dilFerence between the above-mentioned two classes of writers. The most pure Tuscan and harmonious words are discarded by the moderns, and others of exotic architecture 199 substituted ; t!)e e|jithels ill cIiov\l' quite familiar with the writin2;s of Boccaccio, n//ani, (\isa, Bcmho^ Galileo^ JSIacchiavclli, Uavanzati, J'a,chi^ Borghi/ii, llretizitola, Scgncri^ Sec. S)C. See. and then let hi(n read the modern writers, mentioned at p. 9S, n. a9, if he feel inclined to ^ive tlie preference to these, I submit to his blaming me tor this diijjression ; provided, as I have said before, he institutes the con)parison, the most difliiult authors be qifitc faviiUnr to him : otherwise, his preference miijht be ijiiided rather bv an uiiftiir supposition, that the real "enius of the Italian tongue, was that which most re- sembles his mother tongue, than by the harmonic powers of the classical Tuscan orators, of which the ear of a well in- structed foreiijner is oven a better jiidi^e that that of a native. /lures qit'iri/m est judicium supcrbissimuin. — Cic. ^ G. The figurative order, use, or infieclion of words, with respect to the syntax, consists in certain de\ iations from the ruif ura / ixhove described, which, l)eini; common to the Greek and Latin, have been classified, and proper names assigned to them : of the principal of these, I shall here give an ac- cotjnt, freely translated from the French of Signor Peretli, \\h<} h;is ingeniou>«ly and judiciously ai)ridged the Capitolo X\'II, in the libra secoiulo of Coutickf.m's Orammar, whither I refer those of my readers who wish for a more ex- tensive instruction on this characteristic part of the Italian Grammar. f 7. The most important Figures of the Italian syntax, are five, viz. I. The ELLIPSIS, or de/iciencj/, by which some part of speech is omitted, which must be understood to com- plete the sense. II. The PLEONASM, or redundauc//, by which sonie word is added, not essential to convey the meaning of the sentence. III. I'he sVLLKPsis, or conception, by which a part cd' speech does not duly agree with the :ip|)arent acci- dence of others, without conceiving either the ex- clusion or the introduction (tf some word-, exjiressed or understood in the period. • See nioic on ihis .lubjccl in my K.SS.W, |)rifiicl to ilu Supplrmcni of iliiv (M.imiiiur. o I 200 IV. The ENALLAGE, or permutation^ by wliich a pavt of speech, or a tense of a verb, is used instead of ano- ther. V. The iiYPERBATioN, or inversion, by which the natural order of words is inverted, according- to one of the five canons, prescribed by the five figures, which embrace the various species of the Hyperbation, as we shall see in its place. f 8. Examples of the Ellipsis. I. Ellipsis of the substantive. Ex. lo ci tornerb, e darbttene tante, che io tifarh tristo per tutto il tempo, che tu ci viverdi. I shall return and give you so many (understanding busse, blows), that 1 shall make jou wretched as long as you live. Thus, we say, Cdder da alto, to fall from a high (meaning- luogo place ;) Levarsi, to raise, (understanding dal leitOy from bed,) Sec &c. II. Of the adjective. The adjectives Z>?/6wo, good ; dbile, able, or capdce, fit ; are elegantly understood in the follow- ing expressions: Sempre poi da molto V chbe (understand molto dbile) afterwards he thought him very able ; Egli nol conosceva da tanto (understand capdce da tanlo), he did not know him as^^ for so much. III. Of the auxiliary verbs inflected. The omission of these is very frequent in the classics ; but, above all, that passage is eminent, which occurs in Passavanti's Specchio di Penitenza, fol. 48, where the landlord at 3Ialmaniile, questioned by a venerable man on his situation in life, an- swers thus : Io ricco, io sano, io bella donna, assdifigliubli, grande famiglia ; ne ingiuria, onta, o danno rieevetii mat da persona : riverito, onordto, careggiuto da tulta gente: io noti seppi mai che male si fosse o trisiizia ; ma sempre licto e con- ictito sono vivido, evito. I am rich, in good health, I have a handsome wife, many children, and servants ; 1 never received any injury, dishonour, or loss, from any body ; I am respected, honoured, and fondled by all ; 1 never knew Avhat was illness, or sadness; but 1 have always lived, and fitill live, cheerful and happy.-» Observe. The auxiliaries wanted in the Italian text, are printed in italics in the ver- sion. IV. Of the same auxiliaries in the infinitive mood. Ex. Con poche parole rispose ; impossibil, che mai i siioi beneficj e il suo valbre, di mente gli uscissero, (understand essereim- possibile, Sfc.) He answered with a few words, to be im- possible, that his benefits and his valour should ever be for- gotten by him. 201 v. 'riiciiifinilives of ot!)cr \eibs are ellipticallysiipprossotl ill the follow iiiii' Italian lonns: a/idar per una pcrsoun. (uiuier- slaiul per troiiirc, or pn'/idrrr.) to £;o and letch, or call for, a person; non foposso, (understandyare, porlure, c^c.) 1 cannot ilo i(^ or cnrri/ it. VI. Ellipsis of the participle. Ex. O sc cssi mi caccias- scro gli occhi, oj'accsscnju alvt'ino a/lro cos/Jatto giiioco, a clic sartiio ? (understand ridutlo,) and if they were to pull my eyes out, or would play nieanj other such trick, what should 1 he hroug/il to ? \ II. The ellipsis of tiic prepositions /)er and c?rt is evident ill these forms of speech ; xostrainercc\, throughyour favour; dar mangu'ire^ e here, to give to eat and drink; and the like. VIII. The ellipsis of tlie personal pronouns is in almost every sentence of the Italian periods, and requires no exem- plification. IX. No less frecjuent are the ellipses of the conjunctions exemplified by Corlicdli^ as well as those of the adverbs and interjections (of these last, see some hints at p. 195, n. 20.) ; hut theN are not so important as to require exemplification; and the studious may find instances in the above quoted Grammar, and in reading approved authors. •I 9. Examples of the Pleonasm. I. The whole of the Expletives enumerated and exem- plified in the preceding Lecture, belongs to tliis figure. II. The pronouns repeated in the same sentence, are graceful instances of the pleonasm in the following examples; but the student will do well to confine himself to the obser- vation of such forms, lest he might prove unsuccessful in the riijht use of them. Ev. 1. Comecche ogiii allro uumo mollo di lui si lodi ; io vie nc posso pneo lodarc in ; although every body else sp< ak very highly of him, I cannot say much good of him. Elle non sunno delle sclle xollc Ic sei qnello, die elle si xoolinno el/eno stesse ; they do not know six times out of seven what llicy want. Jiene sla, tii di^ liie parole ///, io per ;//r, taiitl) uscii l(i|- itic same, and never oilicrwisc : but if we loiisidcr the \i)cal part of iliis siiiRnliir lal)^ua(:<■, we nhall find it notoriously abundant willi t-nallaKes, since about l.'JOO iniiuosyllables (ouMitule tlic whole ol its spoken voealiles, of «liicli three cpiai - ters have no ;umgi('ir/a tor nuinsiiasscla). VIII. The present ot the conjunctive for that of the indica- tive ; as, when Licisca roughly complained of Tindnro^ in- terrupting iier words, thus ; f\di bcstia (V iiumo, clu- ardisce, doic io sidy a par/are prima di me. Now see, what a brute of a man, wiio dares, wliere I am, to speak before J have done (dove io sia is instead of (/ore io sono). IX. The perfect instead of the present of the indicative. l^x. A)iichino S^itlb un g-rniidissinio sospiro ; la donna giiar- iatolo disse ; die aicsti AnicJiino? Anichino heaved a very Jeep sigh : the woman looking at him, said, What ails you, Anichino? {che avcs/i instead ofche hoi.) X. The second imperfect of the conjunctive mood for the eecond pluperfect of the same. Ex. yllzb qucsti la spada c ffdilo r oinbbe, se non fosse iino, che Io tenne per Io hraccio. This man lifted up his sword, and would have wounded him, if it had not l)ecn for another man, who laid hold of his arm [sc non fosse for se non fosse slalo). XI. The first imperfect of the conjunctive mood for the first pluperfect of the same. Ex. Egli sono slate assi'ii vo/le il d}, cJC io xorrci pinlluslo (ssei'estato morlo cheriio. It has liappened many times a day that I have wished to be sooner dead than alive (vorrei instead o^avrci volido), XII. I3ut the most frequent Enallage, and common to all tlie modern languages, has been omitted by Couth elt>i and Peretii, which consists in adopting the present of the indica- tive, instead of its imperfect, or perfect, used in narratives, where a rapidity of action is to be shewn. Out of a thousand instances of this species of Enallage, I shall here present my reader with the description, given by Pilade to Egisfo, of the supposed death ofOrcste, in the tragefly of this name, l)y .i IjI'J 11 R I ; and let the reader sav, whether these lines areany thing inferior tothat part of the speech in the J'hedrc o( Racine, whem the death of Jlippofj/lus is described : << >< Fcrocc tioppo, impa/iL'iite, incauto, Or delliivoic iiiiiiaccio>///o, or (Ortirc///, and niore safely the great f'ocahn/ariu /)< //a Cn/sra, where every word is 208 accompanied with a copious variety of examples, from whicli we may safely learn the regimen peculiar to each word in its different meaning. III. CONCORD, Or right Inflection of the Parts of Speech. % 16. Concord is the absolute agreement of, 1. The ar- ticle, the adjective, and the participle, with the noun or pro- noun. 2. The verb, with its subject or nominative. 3. The relative, with its antecedent, or the subject it refers to. Even on this subject, the pupil will find sufficient instruct lion interspersed in the foregoing Lectures ; particularly in those which treat of the Articles, Substantives, Adjectives, and Pronouns. Yet I intend to subjoin a few general ob- servations* and rules, that will most frequently occur, and prove useful to the learner. — To these an APPENDIX of practical remarks will follow, which I trust will prove of great assistance to the Student. f 17. The first observation to be made is concerning the proper use of the articles // or lo, and that of the apostrophe with these, and all other articles, upon which let the learner observe, that the rules given ori these subjects in Lecture in. are founded not upon grammar, but upon the delicacy of sounds ; therefore, although the gender and number of the substantive must be attended to, to determine whether the article is to be masculine, feminine, singular, or plural ; yet to say ?7 or lo, and to use or reject the apostrophe, we must not consider the first letter of the substantive, unless it be placed immediately after it ; for when adjectives or parti- ciples precede their substantives, the article must be just before all of them, and written according to the beginning- ofthe first adjective or participle coming after it. Thus, although amico, a friend, begins with a vowel, yet if the ad- i^eci\\efedele, faithful, or one of the participles viaggiante, travelling, stancdto, wearied, shall precede it, the article will be il, and not /', as it has been assigned to nouns mas- culine beginning with a vowel. On the contrary, although casa, a house, begins with a consonant, if the adjective alta, high, be placed before it, we must say, /' alta casa, and not la alta casa; though we must write, la casa alta, dyC. * [ owe several of these observations to Chamlaud and /)ef Carrieres, beii)g applicable to the Italian as well as to the French language ; but I hope I shall soon have it in my power to refer my readers to an ITALIAN EXERCISE Eoi)k, now in the press, where a great many jiractical ruUs are interspersed, relative both to tlie Concord tiwA Government of the parts of speech. — Editor. 209 Let the judicious pupil extend this important rule to all inuiijinable cases, where articles are used either alone, or iiiiiteil with tlie prepositions di, «, f/rt, in, con, per, S^x. as ex- plained in the liKCTURE quoted above. f 18. * When two or more nouns of different numbers and oeiulers, or ijenders only, have an adjective, or a parti- ciple common to both, w hicli comes immediately after them, it agrees in number and gender w ith the last. Ex. Avcta gU occhi, e la bocai aperta, or h baccn, e gli occin apcrti, his eyes and mouth were opened; trovb le paltuli, cd i fiumi gcltUi, he found the marshes and rivers Irozeu over. — On- SERVK. Let, however, the plural noun be the last, if you possibly can, whenever one of them is singular, as in the first example. f 19 Exception. 1, — But when there is one, or more words between the last noun and the adjective, that adjective (common to all) agrees with the noun masculine though the last noun be feminine. 2. And if the nouns are each of lira sinmdar number, then the adjective shall be put in the plural number, and (he masculine gender. Ex. Jlfiumc, c Je paludi chc trovb gchili. The rivers and the marshes which he found frozen over. II siio falicarc, il conlcgno, e lafortuna scniprc nnili u proctnarg/i un olliino riuscimcnto, 3)C. His labour, conduct, and good fortune always united to obtain him a complete success, &c. 3. Whenever these substantives may be connected with the preposition con, or with one of these generic ternis, ro.sT, things, tY/»^/gg/, advantages, ???fl//, evils, beni, good things, &c. itsliould be done ; and then the agree- ment of the adjective is plain : for if there be the preposition con, it will be made to agree w ith tjic substantive before it ; and ifonoof tlie generic terms just mentioned, it will agree w ith it, and not with the subslantive. Ex. // re con gli nltri cavalieri risalilo a cavullo, lascib subHo la caccia. The king with the other noblemen mounted on horseback left the chase immediately. L'oro., la favia, <■ gli onori, sono cose incerle e pcrieo/i'jsr, or sono bi ni incerti, r pe.rieolosi. (iold, iame, arul honour, are uncertain and dangerous things. H 20. Collective nouns, such as la gentc, the people, il pnhhiiro, the pn!)lic, &c. although conveying a plural idea, )et we make them agree w ilh the lingular number: while the English, if they changed their adjectives, would make them plural, as appears from the verbs made plural in Eng- • We iiiiRht finil in our ClaMic« antlioritics contradicting lliisarul other rules lirrc giicti on Comoni ; yi-t tin* Kafi--t way iit to follow iliem, a-* tiify arc con- Miiant Willi llic prt-JiMit unc, and can never prove to 1 c errorx.—- £f/)7or. r 210 lish, when such nouns govern them. Ex. La gente era rwttosa, The people were riotous, llpubblico lo disapproval The public disapprove it, &c. ^ 21. Exception. — The following collective, and partitive, nouns ooverning the following substantive in the genitive, do not suffer the adjective to agree with them, but with that sub- stantive they govern, aith<)u<4h of a different gender and number. They are the following: mm parte, a part; la maggior parte, the most part ; folia, crowd ; triippa, troop ; moltitudine, multitude ; numero^ number ; inetd, half; specie, kind; sorte, sort. Ex. Trovb una metd una parte cr la mag- gior parte de^ suoi solddti uccisi and not uccisa. He found a half, a part, or the most part of his soldiers killed. Una truppa or moltitudine di persone che corrtcano spaventdte and not spaventdta, a troop, or multitude of people who ran away terrified, &c. — Observe, however, that if any of the nouns just above enumerated express a part of a single in- dividual, then the adjective will agree with such partitive noun. Ex. Rimdse vivo, ma con una parte del brdccio destro tutta brucidta. He remained alive, but with a part of his right arm all burnt. f 22. Other partitive nouns specifying the quantity with more precision, such as wi terzo, a third; un qudrto, a fourth, &c. are not liable to the above exception ; and the adjective agrees with them. Ex. Un terzo delle sue viti e unddlo male, (and not sono anddte), one-third of his vines are spoiled. Tre qudrti delle sue entrdte sono dissipdti, (and not dissi- pate) three fourths of his income are squandered away. H 23. The verbs agree with their subject or nominative, whether a substantive, or pronoun : but when this pronoun is of a relative kind, then the verb agrees with the noun to which the relative pronoun refers. Ex. Sidmo noi, che non lo credidmo. It is we, who do not believe it. lo vedo un ubmo che beve. I see a man who is drinking, &c. ijj 24. Many nouns singular will have the verb in the plural. Ex. // suo spirito, la sua bontd, c la sua pazienza superdrono ogni ostacalo. His understanding, goodness, and patience surmounted every obstacle Ne la generositd, ne la forza ve V indurrdnno. Neither generosity nor violence will in- duce him to do it. H 25. Exception.— ^ni when of the substantives connect- ed, one only is to do, or to receive the action, the verb must then be in the singular. Ex. O la generositd, o la forza ve Vindurrd : either generosity, or violence will induce him to do it. Ne il duca, ne il conte sard eletto ambasciatore. Neither the Duke, nor the Count will be appointed am- 211 bassador; but iftherc were t\vo ainbassacloi\i to be appoint- ed, we should then say aaranno tlclli. \ 56. Exciption to lliis exception. — If tlio nominatives are of clirt'erent persons, then the verb is plural; although only one can be supposed to do, or to receive the action of the verb. Ex. Ne io, tie loi sarenio eltlti ambascintori ; neither I, nor vou sliall be appointed ambassadors (even if the am- bassador be only one). O voi, o hii vi rii/scirclr. Either you or or he will succeed. — Observe. To know in which of the three persons plural the verb must be in similar sen- tences, read underneath at No. 29. ^[ 27. If one of the nouns constitutiiii^ the nominative is plural, the verb must agree with it. Ex.Ilpiincipe,c i suddlti desiderano la pace. The prince and his subjects wish for peace. —Observe. Let the plural noun come the last, if possible. 1i 28. Exceptio72. — When one of these particles ; 7iia, but ; tutto, all ; fiiente, nothing ; coniplctes, and, as it were, sums up an enumerative phrase, even composed of many substan- tives plural, the verb must be in l/ie singular ; although it refers to them all. ILx. Non solamcntei siwi onori, e le sue ricchezze, ma la sua virtii slessa svani. Not only his honours and riches, but even his virtue vanished away. Le dignifd^ le ricchezze, gli amici, tutto finalmcntc V ubhandono. Digni- ties, riches, friends, all in fine forsook him. Nd i libri, ne le passegiate, ne V amena mia villa, niente mi divertc. Neither the books, nor the walks, or my pleasant country-house, nothing can amuse me. — Observe. That witli ?;?«, as in the iirst sentence, the verb must be pluial, if the noun after it were of that number; but this can never be the case with tutto, or niente, exemplified as above. • 29. When the verb has many nouns and pronouns of different persons i'or its subject, or nominative, it must be put, I. in the first person plural, if a pronoun of the first person, either singular or plural, is among them : 2. in de- fect of pronouns of the first person, the verb must be in the second person plural, if a pronoun of that person, and if either number is one of the subjects: 3. and if the nomina- tives are all to the ihird person, cither plural, or singular, the verb will be in the third plural. Examples for the tliiee cases. 1 . Piitro, -coi, ed io, or t: noi, sianio cV aeeordo. IN'ter, you, and I, or and we, agree. — Oiiserve. That Italian urbanity requires tlie first perhf)n cither plural, or singular, to be mentioned the last. 2. 7'//, or V'oi, il tiiio anilco, c v 2 212 lui* sare/e hiasimali da tutti : Thou, or You, my friend, and he will be blamed by every body. 3. / vicini, il padre, la madre, i passegieri, e lei'^ corsero alV aiido suo. The neii^h- bour, the lather, the mother, the passengers, and even she, ran to his assistance. f SO. Observe further ; that verbs having for their nomi- native a collective, or partitive noun, are made plural or sin- gular, according to the same canons established above at n. 20, 21, and 22, for the agreement of adjectives. — Also at p. 51, n. 15. and note *. ^ 31. When the conjugation SE, if, is conditional, and means in case that, supposing that, and the like, it is to be observed, that if the first verb is in the future tense, the other next to it must also be future. Ex. Se verrete da me, sarete contento ; if you come to my house you will be happy: Where we see that the English put the present of the con- junctive, instead of the first future, and the second verb is as in Italian. — But if the first verb is in the second imperfect of the conjunctive, the other must be in the first imperfect of the same mode. Ex. Se vents fe da me, sareste contento. If you would come to my house, you would be contented : where we see that the English use the first imperfect of the conjunctive in both verbs. Again, if SE be placed between two verbs, the former of them being in the future, the following must be in the same tense. Ex. Gli Dei sardnno ingiiisti, se non ci per donner anno dopo tante iimili supplicazioni. The Gods will be unjust, if they do not forgive us after so many humble supplications : where we see that the English still put the present of the conjunctive after the particle if, though weoften hear in Eng- land the indicative present used instead of it. — And if the first verb were to be in the first imperfect of the conjunctive, the second must be in the second imperfect of the same mood. Ex. Gli Dei sarebhero ingiiisti, se non ci perdonassero dopo tante umili supplicazioni; The Gods would be unjust, if they would not forgive us after so many humble supplications : where we see that the English agree with the Italians as to the first verb ; but the second is put to the same first imper- fect of the conjunctive mood. 5 32. The conjunction qua ndo, when, requires the verb * Wn have oliserved at p. 57. n. 19, three instances in which the pronouns lui, lei, loro, and others wiiich are not nominative cases, must be used as nomi- natives. To these we may add the ahove examples, and estaldisli as a very gene- ral principle, that lui, lei, or loio are nominatives in all such phrases, in which the verb does not agree vvitli them, i)rovided they area part of iis nominative.— Edilor. 213 to be ill the future tense in Italian, ^vllenevl'l• the thing alhiiled to is to take phice some time after. Ex. Qua/ido ovru tempo, vi scriicrb ; when I have time, 1 shall wriie to you: where we see that the Enijlish put the first verb in the present tense, and the second as in Italian.* ^ 33. Verbs denotiuii; permission, prohibit ion, asking, admiration, jo//, grief, grudge, ignoranee, doubt, fear, icish, intention, desire, affietion, passion, sentiment, or motion oj the mind, recpiire the next verb to be in the conjunctive mood, with CUE, that, which connects it with thom. Ex. JJesidero, elic si fdeeia onore; I w ish he may succeed. T'oglio, che voi studiate ; I wish you to study. Dubito, c/ienon iscriva, come ha promesso ; 1 doubt whether he will write, as he has promised. Mi muraxiglio, che abbiiite lanto ard'ire ; I won- der that you dare so much. i\on so che egli sia arrivdlo ; I don't know that he is come. Let the pupil take notice in tlie above examples, how va- riously this uniform expression of the Italian lanii;iiage is rendered in English. — Observe tarther. that in Euiilish the conjunction that is very often omitted, and in Italian must be always expressed. APPENDIX. Of Miscellaneous Practical Remarks. 1 hope the follow inij^ remarks, pointinirout the translation of several words and idioms from the English into Italian, will not prove irk^^ome, or unacceptable to the studious, although not properly belonging to the subject of concord. ^ 34. It is oliservable, that the English language has im- properly neglected to distinguish a very essential diflference in the nature of human notions : some being common to the best organized brutes, and some exclusively bestowed on man by tlie Almighty. Thus (hey say indiscriminately to knoxi', Algebra, and to knon: one's mastei\ The Italian, with most of the Euro|)(>an languages, have two distinct verbs to render the English verb to know according to the species of notions alluded (o. Thus wc say, Sapere /' algebra, and conoscere il suo padrone ; since the fir^t is a iu)tion, of which oidy man is capable, and the second man has in conunon with a doi^^, a horse, ivc. We sav in Italian, se conoscrJe il prezzemolo, andule a coglier- inenc nel giardino. If you know parsley, go and gather me • If the Italian plira^cn at ii. :U ami 32 an; not conccily translated, tlie liuruL-r, vvlio is auppoMd to |>(j»8C!<<« his own laiiKiiaKc giuninialicaliy, njay icctily (he iiiaccuriMjics, and alter tlic a|iplic:uion of my remarks aicurdingly.— '£(i posao fare piit r/' una eosa alia vo/la. — Once 7rna tolta ; twice due voile ; thrice /;r volte; four Umc^ quattro volte, 8fc. — How many times have you been at Rome? Qucinte volte sitle stafo a Roma? — Also, this old way of l)e'rinninir a tale for children : Once on a time there was, Sec. Era unavolla,S{e. — 2. But if we allude to apart of the year, or age, then time is translated by stagione, or tempo. Ex. What is the proper tinie to sow cabbage? J)i chc sta- giiou si scminano i eavoli / It is not yet time to manifest my intentions. Non c tempo ancbra di nutnifestdre le mie inlen- zioni. 3. And if we allude to a part of the day, we then say in Italian ora. Ex. What time do you go to bed ? a c/ie nra anddte a Icllo ? Do you know what time the play- house will be opened r Sapcle a elie ora il tedlro sard apnio ? This is not breakfast time. Quesla non e V ora delta eole- zibur, S)T.* * 37. In the rlivi>ion of the DAY TIME the student should also observe, that although the Italians say, like the fiiijlish, one day, two days, &c. un gibrno, due gidrni, <5"r. meaning four and twenty hour-, yet g/«;vw,when alliuiing to • Observe thai at present we cay, Colnione, for brc"akf;i«t ; Imi in tlu- t'oca- lolario D'lla Cruua, wv. find tlie fullowini; (li'tiniii{in, incliullni; ilic |»r<)|)t'r tcnn for cicli liiilc refri'.'limeni, lakcn i-itliei' bi'foix' «>r afiir ilinnci-, niul siippn. At llic woril coi.nzioNK we read a« follmvs : Il parriwenlr nl-nrci /nor dfldni- v/irf r di-Ua crna, (nmf r /" .hcinlvrn lirltn nmtliii't. In Mcrrnda Hrl i^iorr.a, r il I'uti/^nn dfipn crna. Wli;ii :i pily iba* ilii* jiulicionx dislinciinn is now nfulccicil. iiiid rnleiinnf nwd onlv f." ntrintv.i, ' ihiiu^'ti llii.i last is nndcixond at I'Id- Wwr.f.^Kdilor. V \ 216 a part of the day, answers to the afternoon, (see Note under- neath) as mattina to the morninsf, sern^ to the evening, and notte to the latest part of the night. Thus we cannot say as in English ; There is a new play acted to-night. Si rappre- senta una commedia nuova questa notte; but we must say, questa sera, this evening. Also when we wish to express the successive and regular progression of all the minutes of time, as it were, of a day ^ mornings evenings or night, ihiit are to be employed in doing something, we have in Italian peculiar words unknown to the English language, and we say, for instance ; yesterday I spent all day at play ; leri passai tutta la giorndta al giubco. I have lost all the morn- ing ; Ho perduto tutta la mattindta. Will you come and spend the evening with me ? Volele venire apassdr la serdta "•dame? I sat up all night to wait on that patient; Ho fatto nottoldla per guarddr quelV ammaldlo. — Observe. Out of the capital of Tuscany the word nottoldta is impro- perly pronounced, and written nottdta. — ALSO. The fol- lowing words are not used in the same sense, notwithstand- ing their similarity of sound, and the definitions in Delia Crusca, viz. mesdta, and anndta, which allude now only to paymentsio be made every month, or every year : just as we say, trimestre, or semestre, for rent to be paid every quarter, or every six months. <[f 38. I have said so much of the advantages of the Italian over the English, it is now time to set forth some of the supe- riorities of the latter over the former. A very great one are the AUXILIARIES, do, did, let, must, may, can, might, should, could, would, shall, will, which express the various modifications of time and circumstance in verbs, with so much precision and logical accuracy, when used in that philosophical manner pointed out by Bishop WiLKiNS and Dr. Louth. The Student, however, will easily translate them in Italian, if he attends to the given conjugations of verbs in Lectures xvii. and xviii. — In the following instances, however, they require explanation. ^ 39. In giving answers, instead of Yes, or A^o, and even instead of repeating the verb, the English use the auxiliary ; which being wanted to the Italians, the following forms will show how to turn it. Do you like music? I do. — Vipidce la musica? Si signore, ov SI signure, mi pidce. Do you understand it ? 1 don't. — Ve n' intendSte ? No signore, or No signore, non me w' intendo. And when we speak with familiarity, the word signore is omitted. Shall you write to him ? Perhaps I may. — Gli scriverele ? Pub essere, or, Pub darsi, che gli scriva, or Forse gli scrivcrb. You must 217 write to him. Indeed I shall not.— Bis62;>m chc gli scriviatc. Aon on by the third person singular of the im- perative, and the pronoun si forming a kind of impersonal ; and sometimes by the first person plural of the same impera- tive mood, which is certainly an imperfection. Ex. I have promised, let me go then ; Jlo promcsso, dunque si vada, or undii'nno. — Orserve. That when there is a regimen, other than the third person, we then translate the verb by the infi- nitive mood, and tlie auxiliary /(/ by lasciare, putting it in that person of the imperative mood, which agrees with the regimen. Thus, if we were to translate the following beautiful beginning of the adniirable soliloquy in Macbeth, Is this a dagger, wliicli I see before me, Till' handle low'id my hand ? Come, let me clutch tlioe. We would turn it verbally thus : A" qutsta uiiasaittn ch' io mi vr^go diminzi Col suo (mere verso la mia dcstra f Su via, hisciamili afferrdrt. % 41. The third difliculty in translating the English auxiliaries, arises iiom the occasional use the English make oliheni in (heir own signification, and not as marks of the tenses of other verbs, as they are generally ap^joiuted to represent, which is certainly an abuse, though now irre- m('dial)le, greatly tending to defeat the jjhilosophical end for whicli they were intended. Ex. Sinc( //oh zci/l lislcnto lur., you zcill not repent it. Hence it is plain that the first icill may be turned into the present arc tvi/ling., but the second cannot po^-ibiy be turned so. Hence the first zci// would be traii^lati-d in Italian by xoUrc present tense, and the second omitted, putting, however, the \vrh pentirsi in the fiiUire, of which tense will is a proper sign ; and we would say, (ii/Kc/ii mi xoli'/r dar rdta, non re nr pcntin'lc. — Also — Yvii should wrilt him an lunurliiunl nolc. ( A nswer. ) 1 should he ruined^ if I did. The first should n»ay be turned by ought to, and does not express the conditional, or first imperfect of 218 the conjunctive mood •, hence the necessity of translating it in Italian hy dovere, but the second cannot he turned so; therefore it is suppressed in Italian, and the next verb put in the first imperfect of the conjunctive, of which should is a proper sign; so that we vsould translate the above thus: Dovreste scrivergli un viglietto impertinente— Sarei rovinato se lo scrivessi. Let the pupil, therefore, try to turn the auxiliary into another verb, and according as such change makes a good or a bad sense in the sentence, he will know whether it is used as the sign of a tense, or in its own signification. Yet I would not vouch this rule to be a safe s;iiide in all cases. H 42. The English, with the verbs TO LIKE and TO LOVE, express all the different ramifications of that f (leasing sensation. It is not so in Italian, at least in fami- iar or colloquial style ; for the following three-fold distinc- tion must be observed. — 1. Sweethearts, parents, children, and others, feeling for each other a tender and nature-like sensation ; never say, lo amo il mio Guiscardo, Noi amiamo i noslri jiglhwli ; e sidmo aUrettdnto amdti da loro. But they constantly say, by the compound verb, xoJer bene, thus, lo 'Doglio bene al mio Guiscdrdo, I love my Guiscardo. Noi voglidmo bene a' nostri JigltuSli, ed esse ce ne vogliono allrei- tanto ; We love our children, and they love us as much. Even when servants or strangers get a strong- attachment for us, we do not say, die ci dmano, but che ci vogliono bene, that they love us ; or, che ci sono ajfeziondti^ that they are attached to us.~2. If the/ot^e we feel arises principally from a religious or social duty, we then say, amdre. Ex We must love our neighbour; Bisogna nmdre il prossimo. Christ taught the heroic virtue of loving our enensy ; Gesii Cristo insegno queW eroica virtii d' amdre i propj nemici. S. Finally, for our liking the manners or character of persons, as well as for the inanimate things we like, we never say, in Italian, amare, as the French aimer, and the English sometimes, to love ; but we mostly turn it by the verbs piacere, gustdre, anddr a, or aver genio, and the like. Ex. I don't like music; non ho genio alia mnsica. I don't like soup; non mi pidce la zuppa. Eat of this boiled meat; — I don't like it; mangidte di qucslo lesso ;—Non mi gusta, or non mi pidce. I don't like that man, that coachman ; QuelT itomo non mi va a genio. Quel cocchihe non mi pidce. U 43, The pupil must likewise take care not to translate the verb TO OBLIGE by obbligare, whenever it expresses only a sense of gratitude : but only when it means to compel, or to bind over : for, when the first meaning is in request 219 we i-ay in Italian. hli^o nie ; Sc mi prcslastc d'u'ci lire slcr/inc, vi i^arti ohhligalo, or ?;?/ fart'stc faxore. or le trraf/irti. 1 will lend them to voir, merolv to oblige vou ; Ve le preatcro, solamcnie per compiaeervi. Sir, you ohlio;e me by such an otFer ; Si2:ii(>re^ ella e troppo gentile faetn- domi K/ia tal esibizione. It you come to see u«, Sir, you will oblii^e me ; Se ella verra a farci tina vcsifn, Signore, mi fard Jinczza, c^r. i^c. ^ 44. J.ikewise, do not say eompnrtdrc in Italian, as the French say, coinpnrter^ tor the En<;-lisli TO BEJIAf^E, because com pari (ire means only fo bear^ to tolerate. This iron is so hot, that one cannot bear one's hand upon it ; Qu{ now time to put an c;ul to my practical remarks^* and to tell mv reader with Boileau, Siir ce vaste sujet sij'aUois tout tracer, Tu verrois sous via main des tomes s'amasser. Leavinij, therefore, the rest to the judicious observation of the attentive learner, I conclude with another Motto no less known than true, iSUS TE PLURA DOCEBIT. ^ 46. ON ORTHOGRAPHY. OnTHOGRAPHV is the art of representing with characters the sounds and articulations of a language. Its rules, there- fore, concern letters, accents-. dip/it /lorigs^apostroplny^sfjllahles, and zcords, with tiie method oUengthcning, contracting, com- pounding, or dividing them. — Also the Orthographical, or Poetical fignres. ^^ Tlio subject of Orthographf/ being materially con- nected with pronunciation, I refer my readers to Lecture I. for many important rules, which will not be mentioned here. f 47. Of Letters. The letters deserving our notice with respect to ortho- graphy are the following: I) is generally added to the particles a, to ; c, and ; when they arc followed by an initial vowel, not admitting any pause between : od and tied are often used by poets for o, or : and nr, nor : the former is even prosaic, but will not do every where. // i-itobe used only in these four words belonging to the verb arrre ,- ho, hai, ha, hanno ; or after the consonants c and "• when they are pronounf'ed hard before c and /'; and with some interjections ; hh, ah ! ahi ! dth ! oh! * It would be eai«y to coiiiradict Home of tlic above practical remarks, Uy aullioritif* from ttic tlraivl Tor a/o/ano, nr from the rla-^sic* ; but let tlie ri-ador obiervc that llii'* AI'I'KNDIX iscalciiliitcd to teach tlie transl.ition ot some Kng- linh form* into the lani?uaKe .»|>oken now in I'uscany in ilie best circles, hy peo- ple of good eduratiuii, but without heine supposed to iiavo Ktiiiiied cither any of the modern languages of Kuropo, or even their own mother tonguB. — F.diitr. 222 .7. Never use the j lungo either at the befjinning or in the middle of words ; but only at the end of the plural number of those masculine nouns which in the singular end in to, not having the accent or stress on the i, and not having before their final to either a vowel, or one of these consonants, c, ch, S-> S^h Sh ^^'* The same letter j ought to be adopted at the end of some inflections of verbs. See the verb Odiare further on it! the List of the Irregular Verbs. Q must alwaj s be followed bv m .• it is never doubled ; but receives an additional c before it, when the sound of it is to be very strong. S. When a word beginning with an s, followed bj another consonant (which is called an s impura), is preceded bj these four particles, coii, in, non, per, an i should be added before the s to avoid harshness of sound. Z is only doubled between two vowels ; but even then is written single, if followed by two vowels- the first of which is an i short, not accented. ^^' (j:f There are several words in Italian which may indif- ferently be written with a variation of letters, on account of a certain ajjinily between them admitted by classical authors, the knowledge of which the learner may acquire both by reading the Treatise of Pronunciation prefixed to the Amusing Instructor (London, 1793, in 12mo.), by the Editor of this work, and by applying to good authors, and dic- tionaries, particularly io L'Ortogr of ia moderna di Facciolati. See also farther on the Orthographical Figure Antithesis. % 48. Of Accents. Accents in orthography are certain marks over vowels, calculated to shew the pronunciation, and some other par- ticulars of the words or letters. There are in Italian only two accents, the acute bending to the right, thus, (') and the grave bending to the left, thus (' ). Their use is as follows : All Italian words which have in the pronunciation their stress on the final vowel must have a grave accent marked on it ; as, sanitd, virtu, amb, lunedt, Sfc. Some monosyllables having two meanings, in order to avoid ambiguity, the accent is marked upon one, and omitted in the other : the following are thus distinguished . * Wlien before io final, not accented, of a noun masculine, there is either a vowel, or one of the above consonants, tlie plural is made by the mere suppres- sion of the o; liut if the t of to tinal be accented, the two t'l must be written in the plural ; thus, n,- and if the noun has no other vowel, thus, «. — Editor. 223 e, he is (verb) from <°, and (conj.) (/ ^iirn ot an impersonal pas- tion oico.sv, thus (adv ) I • i ^ ' 'J sive verb. /(I, there (adv.) la, 1 , , ... her ) . „ . ,.\, -,, r , , ,.' I the (art.) ,, ^ (pron.) //, thither i^adv.) //, j ^ ^ they ) ^' . . , 7 us, or 7 , . ttc, norCneg. conj.) tie, V ^J. j^ J (pron.) Some of those spelt with the same letters.^ but of different sii;nifications, are distinguished by markini>; an accent where tlie stress lies ; which is marked grave, if on the last vowel ; and acate, or none at all, if the stress lies on any other vowel but the last ; thus, gia, already, is distinguished from gia, he was going die, he gave die, day (poet.) pie, foot pie, pious (fern, plur.) iui, a wren fui, him ba/ia, power bafia, a nurse The learned Academicians Delia Crusca have constantly nun Led with an acute accent all the Vs of the final diph- thongs irt, ie, ii, to, whenever other vowels are in the same word, and the stress lies on those i^s ; (the pron. chicchessia, cliinchtsia, and rpialsifiia, only excepted) ; but many of the moderns (not to be imitated) are regardless of this rule, as well as of more imj)ortant grammatical principles. — See farther on an OBSERVATION after the Orthographical Figure Diastole. Of Diphthongs. % 49. Whenever the sound of two diflerent vowels is heard in the same syllable, we then pronounce a diphthong ; and if the vowels thus sounded are three, it is then a triph- thong ; if four, a (juadi iphlhong, iS:c. In orthography, letters thus pronounced are called the same. % 50. The Italian diphthongs are commonly divided by the Italian grammarians into distcsi (open), and raecolii (close). Under the d(MUtmination of distesi, are included those diphthongs, of which both vowels are equally heard in pronouncing tliem ; and those of which the first vowel is iiardly perceptible, and the second, or last, more forcibly pronounced, are denominated rdccolli. • 01. IVom all this, it is plain, that the accurate pro- nunciation alone of each word can ascertain whether a couple of vowels be a diphthong, or not, and of what sort. The following, however, is a list of them, with their ex- amples. AE, as Aerimdnte, a soothsayer lA, as piano, plain by means of air. IE, — pieno, full AI, — maist, certainly lO, — Jjore, flower AO, — aorcdre, to strangle lU, — Jiiane, river AU, — augurio, an omen OI, — oime ! alas I EA, — Borea, Boreas UA, — giidncia, cheek El, — Deitd, Deity UE, — qitesto,i\\\^ EO, — E6i, oriental, adj. pi. m. UI, ■ — guida, guide EU, — Europa, Europe UO, — ubmo, man <([ 52. Although it is not possible to establish by rules when and which of these diphthongs are distesi, or raccolti, without giving a vocabulary of all the words in which they are to be found ; yet the reader may be assured, that the diphthongs ea, ei, eo, eu, ia, ie, io, iu, ua, ue, ui, uo, are always to be pronounced raccolti, after any of these con- sonants, c, ch, g, gh, gl, AT, and q, unless the pause or stress of the word lies on the first of these vowels, when they can- not be looked upon as diphthongs. See lower down. 5[ 53. According to the genuine definition of a diphthong, a double a, o, e, &c. can never be considered as such ; for either each of them is uttered with a distinct impulse of the breath, and then each will constitute a separate syllable (see its definition at p. 250, n. 62), or they are both pro- nounced together, and then they will only express a single vowel, wliose quantity is long. Those, therefore, who find a diphthong in ee, andoo, oiiveeyiiente, vehement, cooperdre, co-operate, and the like, do not sufficiently attend to the real nature of a diphthong. ^ 54. Those are no less wrong, who maintain a diphthong to exist in words like dere, air ; amdi, I loved ; Paulo, Paul ; and the like : for, whenever the stress of the word is to be laid on the first of the two vowels, we must necessarily dwell too much upon it, not to renew the impulse of breath in the pronunciation of the following one, and double the syllable. "^ 55. For the same reason, the words qitdi, which, 777ia, mine, (both pi. m.) cannot be produced as instances of Ita- lian triphthongs, the final 1 being necessarily separated from the preceding vowel by the accent which falls upon it. Likewise the words muoio, 1 die; occhidia, the cavity of the eye ; do not contain any quadriphthongs, but only the diphthongs vo and io y id and ia ; since the emphasis falls on the first O and A of them. 0,2 J Oil the odior hand, tlio words aii'/to, n\\ ; aidto, loiterinij, are real thri|)htl)uni,'s, «inco tlio accent railing on {\\o Ui^l vowel does not disunite them. — For the sinie reason we must maintain tliat true quadriphtlion.o become so lean? Cecclii Donz. "" Quinilu piu xccchio cV arcoluio^iuc'gini.'" The older is the windinij-reel, the better it turns. And who would ever be so extravagant as to follow Salvini in this respect, who, rather than acknowledge the /, otow, aio, cSc. to be a ^o\\el, would reduce the j)ure and elegant Tuscan idiom of the above eminent authors to the barbarism of the old provc?izale dialect, and contract those words thus, primai\ noi\ Pistoi\ cucchim ^ although instances of such poetical svllables be ^o very numerous in the classics ? But it is not Stiliini alone who has advanced this strange opinion ; he has done notliing more than comment upon this striking passage of Biioimyiattci, p. 92, where speaking of the above words he says, " Sideoiio profferir tionclie volendo au'siustaie il verso, il clie iion e stato pci " uiio sri'Kolato capriccio, come qualclie sacceiite lia avuto aidir d'affermare; " ma per imitare i Proveiiicali, come beu disse il Bembo." And what merit, let me ask, could there be expected by the above authors, who are deemed to be the most pure and cor- rect Tu-can poets, in introducing the sounds of the old Pro- xenzalt in tlieir lines, which, compared with the Italian, scarcely deserves the name of language, although, perhaps, we owe to it th*' charn) of the rhyme? Is it not jnuch more natural to -iiy, that sucli great authors found no impropriety in joining all the above sounds together, because they re- garded them all as vowels, and consequently such as by the S^uiurcais co\\\(\ be united, with the utmost propriety, in one poetical syllable ?— It is also worth observing, that Cax- trlvetro, comuicnting on that passage oi' Jiciiibu, alluded to by Buoinmattei, flati.y denies that the iVorf;?:;«/e ever had such an aukward pronunciation. Besides, if ever Daute, lioccaccin and Pdrarcu \\:k\ ixny idea of imitating that dia- lect, could it be sui)po^ed that the other modern authors, Jitrni, Buonarroti^ Cccclii, and many more, who are full of similar licences, would Iia\c the most distant idea of reviving a language f|uite dead in their tinies, and which not one of them cjjuld either read or write ? IV. In the fourth j)lace we have to observe, that Bi:.mho himself, the original author of the pretended contraction in the above word-, plainly calls the U-tttrs ^/n;, ci/V/, c^r. / /'<-' vocali, and it seems that lut did not think of exnlaining this Q 2 228 poetical science by the Sj/naereris, or else he certainly would have done it. V. Castelvetro, however, his illustrious commentator, not only confirms the appellation of vozoels given to these letters by Bembo, but openly adverts to the fio;ure of Sj/- naeresis, wiiich he very properly calls ristringimento^ and explains the right pronunciation of these vowels completely, according to my theory, thus : " Medesituamente si e usato di fare questo medesimo ristringimbnto acci- " dentale della vocale doppia para con la vocale aiidaiite avaiiti ne' nomi, die " finiscouoiii Aio, in oio, in oia, seguendo consoiiante in verso. Quindi leg- " gianio OIO in Uccellatoio, ed aio in Primaio, ed oia, o ancoia ioia in Gioia, " come una sillaba ristretta per accidente ; e deonsi iiitte le vocali scrivere, e " far sentire uel prefferimento di una sillaba sola heiiche I poco suoiii." VI. I will not omit observing another absurdity that would arise from considering the i of the many nouns end- ing in oio^ or aio, as a consonant, which would be a very great one, that is, of establishing as a rule, that the Italian language has a great many nouns whose plural ends in aeon- sonant^ which would be quite against the genius of this har- monious tongue; yetcolatoio, a strainer; must make colatoi in the plural ; fornaio, a baker ; Fornai ; and so on for an infinite number of them. VI I. Again, Messrs, the Academicians, having been ex- tremely minute in their Vocaholario^ in assigning to each letter all its imaginable powers of combination and sound, why did they not assign the nature of a consonant in some instances to the vowel i? On the contrary, they have never followed the abuse of writing an j lungo in the above sylla- bles, although many authors have done and still doit. VIII. The Academicians have moreover printed, without animadversion, the following judicious definition and dis- tinction of vowels and cf)nsoi)ants by Buomnattei^ at p. 24, as follows :* *• A formare un elemento biso:.'nii eh' e' s'apra la bocca. Ora se con quel' " apertura si maiida tuor la voce scrniilicfmeiitc, si mandano fuora quegli ele- " inenii.che si (iicon vocali, quasi forinati da un puro passaggio di voce per gli " btruiuenti. Ma .se ail' apertura dclla bocca s' HL'giugue alcuna percwiworae, o " alcun accostamento sensibile dei^Ii struuiciiti. si fi)rnwuio quelli, che si chiainano " consonanti foise da quel suoiui, die rcndono gli stiuuienti in forinargli ; non " percheessi in percotendosi facciaii roniore, ma perdie in quella percussione il " predetto suotio bacompimeuto." While {\\e percussione o'i {he upper teeth with the lower lip, is manifest in the pronunciation of v, who will discover any, • Mb. Harris, in his Hermes, gives the very same definition of a vowel and consonant,whichhe supports with eminent Greek and Latin authorities.— Ediior. or be able to describe it, in the i, of the syllables mo, oia^ and the like: And if the above definition be wronij, why did the Academicians approve of it by their silence ? IX. Let us therefore conclude, with Pumbo^ Cdslclrctro, the Chevalier Sa/iiati, and the Right Re\erend Canon Nor- c/iiati, that the Italian J ov J is, in all instances, a vowel ; and that even when it changes its figure into (hat ofy, its nature is always that of a vowel. See more on the subject in the Amusinii; Instructor. Ofthe Apostrophe.* 5f 59. SvUables and letters are, as we shall heroafter ob- serve, freciuentlv omitted in writing; and for this piirj)ose we make use ofthe Apostrophe, the term by which we tlenote that little c reversed, usually written by the side ofthe first or ofthe last letter of a word, and which indicates the omis- sion of a vowel or syllable. Thus, grdtuV vomo, great n)an, wants the vowel r ; and r' x'lsse, he lived; the syllable g-/z second syllable of egli. In (he same manner also lo ''mpera- dore wants its first vowel i. — The Greeks made use ofthe ^ipostrophe : it was not, however, introduced amongst our authors of the refined age, having not been known to us (ill the commencement ofthe sixteenth century. ^ 60. With respect to its use, our Academicians Delia Cnfscn, in their Preface to the focabolario, remark, that it is not in every case ofthe omission of one or more letters that we are to have recourse to the apostrophe ; for if a word, which, preceding a consonant, would never have lost its final letter, happens, however, to lose it in consequence of its concurring with a vowel, this loss is then marked by the sign of the apostrophe, and is thus written. Example from Dante: " Ond' esta oUracoldnzainvoi s' alUlta f " Froiuwheuce arises your pres'.imptinn ? 11 61. But if that word admitted of an abbreviation even before a consonant, it must not be marked with an apos- trophe, either before a consonant or a vowel ; lor this reason cuor, heart ; pcnsicr, thought ; vedcr, to see ; and other similar words, which may be curtailed, whether followed by a vowel, or a consonant, do not rec( ive the apo-lrophe. — Hence C'^V is written without it, when it is mi-sculine, not, • All that follows on \\\t*a\i'}ccioi Apostrophe, Syllahlrs, anil U'ords, lius been faUeii from Couth emj's ficflli-iii (irainniar, with due :ilu'raiionw and ri'iicncli- nii'iitA ; »incc till- Autlior lia^ been botli confuted and iu.ii'curatc in liandlin^' 4 sulijeci, onwhicli (lie inucli admired delicuiy of (he 'I'li^can language so much il«-|fl Dels. — EdtloT. 230 however, when it is i'eniinine; since we just as well write un ubmo^ a man ; as, iin diamante^ a diamond ; both beino; masculine nouns; but not un sella^ a saddle; nor yet un miserkordia, a mercy ; therefore, when we write u)i anima, a soul ; or mi' essenza^ a body ; the apostrophe oua;ht, un- doubtedly, to be employed. Of Sj/llables, and their Division. 51 62. A Syllable is the sound, or sounds, represented by one or more letters pronounced at a single impulse of the breath. — And in Orthography, the written letter, or letters thus pronounced, are called the same. When a word cannot be entirely comprehended in one line, it is necessary to break it, and place the remainder at the beginning of the following one, and for this reason it is proper to knovv how to divide the word according to its dif- ferent syllables. ^ 63. Rule 1. — When two or more vowels are found to- gether in the body of the word, they should not be separated, unless the accent falls on the first, or any of the intermediate ones. Ex. Pagliaiuolo may be only divided thus, ^;«-g*//«?M6- /o, since the accent falls upon the last of the six vowels ; but occhidia may be divided either so, oc-chidia, or oc-chid-ia, because the accent equally divides the four vowels into two syllables. % 64. Rule 2. — No syllable ought to begin with two similar consonants ; as, for example, with two s's, two Ps, two »w'5, and so on ; therefore, the first of them should be left with the preceding syllable ;* thus the word asse, a board, is not divided thus, a-sse, but so, asse. ^ 65. Rule 3. — The syllable ought not to begin with two such different consonants, as could not be found at the be- ginning of an Italian word ; for example, the word mente, mind, is not spelt me-nte ; because iit cannot begin a word, but men-te. The syllable may, however, begin with any number of consonants, if they are such, and so arranged, as to be found at the beginning of a word ; thus, for example, the word 2w/r«5cr2^/o, underwritten, is spelt m-jTm-^crj^-Zoy and the words degno, worthy :figlio,son, are spelt de-gno,fi-glio. • This rule is pood, altliougli not consistent witli reason, as is ably demon- strated by BuoMMATTEr, lib. I. 'J'rat. iV. Cap. VI, for since the juonunciation of the \v(>r(ls(7ccidt;.'2;, or with / lolloucil by other cuiisonants, arc not ubbie\iated, nor can we say, for example, lo ''more for V amove ^ the love ; patio 'iiorato tor pnlC onordlo ; la \iolalria for ido/alria. % 75. CAUTION. — In orderto justify such abbreviationp, the liquid followin<; the 7 requires to liiive anoliier conso- nant after it, ditVerent from itself; therefore, if it should be followed by a vowel or a similar consonant, the abridgement could not take place. — The observance of this principle may be remarked in the examples of the precedini; rule. — We cannot then sav, hi 'tnitazione for /' imitaziunc, the imi- tation ; fit 'fiabile for fu imibi/e, he was unable ; nor lo 'mmortdlt, motto ^nnditzi, lor /' immortdle^molto iimdnzi ; the immortal, mucli before. Exception. — The words innamordre., to charm, innalzure, to raise, and others commencino; with INN, are sometimes found abbreviated in tiie Classics. Ex. (Dante.) Ma nostra xitu scnzu nnzzo spira. La somma be nindnza, c la ''nnai/tora. But our whole lite is incessantly animated by divine bene- volence and love. (Id.) Poicfie 'nnalzdi itn pocopiti le ciglia, Vidi 'l maestro (li color, ehe sanno. On rai>ing my eyes a little more, I saw the master of those who are most learned. If 7G. Rule 2. — Those words which have the accent, or stress upon the first syllable, are not abridged at the begin- ning ; nor do we say, for example, lo ^mpeto for /' impeto, the impetuosity ; la 'nclila for/' inelita, the glorious. 77. H Ri/le 3. — When the foregoing word finishes in a consonant, the subsequent one, although it may have all the rc(|uisitts of the preceding rules, is not however abridged, as we cannot say, for example, per'/nperio, in ''ngegno. in- stead of per imperio, iningcgno, for empire, in talent. Hou^ JVords maj/ be curtailed at the end. H 78. All the words in the Tuscan language cud in vowels, except some few monosyllables, cow, iw, il^non, per, with, in, the, not, for ; and a few polysyllables which seldom occur. Ifence, it fre(iiieiitly happens, that in order either lo .-.ol'ien some asperity of sound, or to render the speech more connected and robust, words are abbreviated in their last syllables, and fretpiently marked with an apostrophe, which mav denote the abbre\ iation. (See rules lor using this hign above, p. 2i^9.) Hut (hi- recpiires lo be done with great caution, observing (he Ibllowini; rules. H 79. .MosTOENEUAL ituLK. — Words; immediately fol- lowed by aiiotlici- (•ominenciuir "itii an S impdra, in no instance wliatever can be curtailed. Thus we cannot say, 234 gentil spirito for gentile spirito, pliable mind ; far studio for fare studio, to study, &c. — Only the poets have ventured to trespass sometimes against this rule, and they do not deserve to be imitated in this point. 5 80. Rule 2.-^The\ast words of periods, sentences, and their divisions, are not abbreviated, because the voice rests upon them for some little time, it not being easy to lay the emphasis on an abbreviated word. Exception. — Modern poets, and among these Chiabrera, sometimes conclude their verses very elegantly with abbre- viated words ; as, amor, dolor, timor, 3fc. Jove, grief, fear, &c. Miser vergine ! Sue membra nobili Belva divennero. Ah gran dolor! Miserable virgin! her noble members became a wild beast, ah great grief I 5f 81. Rule 3. — Words which have the accent on the last syllable, are not abbreviated, as we cannot say, for example, and' in villa for andb in villa, he went into the country ; nor, far"* bene for faro bene, I shall do well. — The abbreviation must rather be made according to the rules above, on the first vowel of the following word ; as, andb 'w villa, he went into the country. Exception. — The word che, that, with all its compounds, henche, although, perche, because, <^c. although they may have the grave accent, are, however, sometimes abbreviated. (Boccaccio.) Pregdndolo, cW egli 5' avaccidsse. Intreating of him, that he would make haste. Also, Bench'' ella fosse contraffdtta della persona. Although deformed in her per- son. Also, (Petrarca) Qm son sicura, e vovvi dir perch'' io, Non, come soglio, il folgordr paxento- Here I am secure, and I will tell you why 1 no longer fear the thunder as usual. <|[ 82. Rule 4. — Words which have a diphthong in the last syllable ; as, cdmbio, exchange, doppie, pistoles, nebbia, fog, &c. are not abbreviated. f 83. Rule 5. — Words terminating in A, when before a vowel, may be abbreviated ; as, for example, rob"* unta, a greasy thing ; aW erba, to the grass, &c. — But not when before a consonant, particularly if they end in RA ; nor can we say, alcurU gente for alciina gente, some people ; nor una sol volta (which is, however, heard every day), but una sola volta, only once; and much less Jier^ novella for fiera novella, horrid intelligence. First Exception. — The adverb OR A, with all its com- pounds, &c. may be abbreviated of its last vowel before a consonant. (Boccaccio.) Or bene., come faremo? Well, how shall we accomplish it ? or manage it ? (Petrarca.) Allor che fulmindto e morlo gidcque II mio sperdr. At the ^235 time my hope lay dead, struck by a thunderbolt. — Also, Talor- sua do/ce lista rasscrcna. Her sweet coiuitenance sometimes calms. Stcond Exception. — The word SUORA is only abridtrcd belbre a vowel, when used as an adjective in mentioning the members of some sisterhood ; as, suor AppcUagia, sister AppcUan^ia. i 8i. Rule 6. — Words terminatinij^ in JE", unaccented, may be abbreviated betbre a vowel, liocc. G. 2. N. 9. Non era si poco cfic oltr a dicci mila dohhrc no7i xaUsse. Which was not so trilling as not to be worth more than ten thousand pistoles. Exception. — When the last E of the word is preceded by Cor G, it is not taken away. For example, we cannot say, lane'' antiche for lance antiche, ancient spears ; otherwise it would require to be pronounced harshly, as if it were writ- ten lancantiche. ^, 85. Jhilcl . — All unaccented words ending in £, may be abbreviated before a consonant ; provided only, that after omitting the />", the last remaining consonant be single, and one of the following liquids, Z<, A, II. (Boccaccio.) Ddlolc mangiarr pa/i laxato. Having given her bread steeped in water to eat. AUo., Comdre egli non si vuol diie. Friend, it must not be mentioned. And, Se vi cal di me. If you have any regard for me, ^Sic. — Recollect here, as an excep- tion to this rule, the other most general one laid down at No. 79. Eirst Exception. — The plurals of nouns ending in E, are not abbreviated, nor can we say, for example, pen' gravi, canlin fresehe, {hv pene grazi, cantine fresehe ; heavy pains, cool cellars. Second Exception. — Theadverb come, and the word nome, are not abbreviated before a consonant for the sake of har- mony. Pftrarca, however, at times availed himself of this licence, in which he is not to be imitated. f Sf). /iulf S. — Words terminating in /, are frequently deprived of that letter, both before? a vowel and a consonant. (Hoccaccio.) Si eomineidrono uddvere in odio fuor di inodo. They beijan to hate each other beyond all measure. Eirst /■Exception. — The word 0(i \E according to (lie opi- nion oi'tlie best author^^, does not achnit of any ai)breviation ; nor can w<' say, ogn' altro, f>gfi^ uno, ogn^ erba, but ogni altro^ ogni una, ogni erba., fore a conso- nant and a vowel bv the modern^, whrn it stands for an adjectiw given to the mendx-rs ol' a religions Ijiolherhood, and immediately followed by the proper name of the person alluded to; as, Era Pdoto, Biother Paul; Era Andrea, J>rothei- Andrew, tSjc. — But the best authors have not con- tracted it before a vowel.* • Here CoTliceUi hui iiisciteil an .■Ijtptndije, llu* i-khIi-iii^ of wliiili liavc alrcaB. — Editor. 238 fl 90, Rule 12. — The words meglio, better; voglio^ I will; tnali, bad; pi. m. ; qudli, which, pi. m. ; egli, he; are abridged bj the poets of the last syllable from a certain Tuscan grace. (Dante.) Se' sdvio, e intendi me\* c/t' io non ragiono ; You are wise, and understand better than I can explain. (Petrarca.) Senniiccio, io vo* che sappi, in qual maniera Trattato,sono, &,-c. ; Sennuccio, I want you to know how I am treated, &c. (Dante.) Che diedi al Re Giovanni i ma' conforti ; Who gave to king John such a bad advice, (Petrarca.) Dcntro alle qua'' peregrindndo albSrga Un signor valoroso, which are inhabited by a brave gentleman. (Dante.) E' 111' incresce di me si malamente ; I am so painfully bur- thensome to myself. This last contraction of e' for eg-//, may be used in elegant prose. The others should be left to poets. f 91. Rule 13. — The words Z>e//i, handsome, pi. m. ; alii, to them; dalli, from them ; delli, of them ; nelli, in them; pelli, for them ; colU., with them ; quelli ; those, (all pi. m.) lose the last vowel with both the preceding consonants ; and are written and pronounced thus, before words commencing with a consonant, which is not an S impura, viz. be\ a\ da\ de\ ne\pe\ co\ que'' . Some authors do not write the apos- trophe over the abovementioned words, but add an / at the end; as,bei,ai, dai, dei, tiei, pei, coi, qiiii ; but the more exact Tuscan authors always write and pronouncesuch words with the apostrophe, as appears from the works of Salvini, and from the Vocabolario itself of Z)e//c! Crusca. OBSERVE, Do not confound the above obsolete com- pound articles, alii, dalli, delli, nelli, pelli, colli, which belong to the plural of this article /Z/, with the following, agli, dagli, degli, negli, pegli, cogli, which belong to the plural of the article LO, and must be used when this article is neces- cary. See Lecture 111. Of Compound JVords. ^92. Observation theFirst. — TheTuscans, in order to give an additional elegance to their pronunciation, frequently join in writing two words into one ; but with respect to this no certain rule can be given, nor should any one take upon himself to form similar compositions, but make use of those only which are admitted in the great Vocabolario, and are in general use with the best authors. It is permitted them to write ognuno, every one ; gentiluomo, a nobleman ; soito- * The same contraction me' stands for mezzo, when preceded by pt:r, and means uear, about, &c. as, s' avhine •per me' la cesla (Bocc.) He happened to go uear the basket. But tlie pupil will do well to forbear imitaiine tlie eminent authors in this contraction, and others mentioned iu this rule, lest he should uot prove as successful in the use of them. — Editor. 239 Lvcf, ill II low voice ; sottomdno^ underhand; iiioudinu no, or tiu/ladiinciio, nevertheless, &c. &c. See the dictionary, and the Obstriatiovs made above on the Numerals. Lec- ture IX. ^ 93. Obscrcatioti the Seeoud. — When the first of the component words ends in a vowel, and the second begins with a consonant, the Tuscans general/j/ pronounce them *vith greater tbrce, and for this purpose they very often, but not always (look for them in the Vocabolario Delia Criisca, or any good Dictionary. See also underneath, Observation the Fourth), double tiie initial consonant of the second word and write ; Sopraecib, ognissduti, sopranuoine, oltraceib, Si^c. for Sopra eib, a Director ; ogni saiiti, all saints ; sopra name, family name, or a nick-name ; oltra cib, besides this, or that. — Observe. The words compounded from the monosyl- lables /i*7 and ILJ, differ in this point, that the pronuncia- tion is stronger in RA than in /?/, and therefore the redu- plication is made in the former, and not in the latter ; hence we say, for example, raddirizzdre, and ridirizzare, to re- dress. — For the same reason of pronunciation, we should always write as Delia Crusca do, l^osiguoria, and not fossi- gnoria, as many improperly spell it. % 94. Obsercation the Third. — Sometimes the first of the component words loses its final vowel, with all the conso- nants before it, and the first consonant of the second word is doubled, as in sotl&rra^soppdtmo, sossbpra, 8fc. for sotlo terra, under-ground; sotto panno, lining of coats ; sotto sopra, topsy-turvy, &c. 5J 95. Observation the Fourth. — The pronominal particles mi, ti, &ic. (see them at p. 62, n. %) when joined to verbs ending in an accented vowel, or having only a single one, double their initial consonant; the same happens to all wordn cominencing with a consonant, when joined to one of those monograms : A, to; O, or; E, and. Thus, we say, damvii, dirbiti, i-vvi, ot-vero, ececiera, appresso, ^e. for vn da, give me ; ti diib, 1 shall tell thee; vie, there is ; o r(ro, or rather : e ert( ra, Etc. or &c. ; a eanto, by the side ; a presso, near, &c.— Except the pronoun GLl ; for wc never write diroggli, but dirbgli, for gl/diib, I shall toll him.— Ouseuve. As to the pronominal particles, that if the verb to which the particle i-i allixed becomes accented on its final vowel, by losing one in the composition, the consonant of the particle is not doubled ; for which reason f//r«/,/v//, udii, form in their com j)ositioiw///v/A>, for lodirdi, thou shalt say \i: fardne, for nc f'ardi, thou slialt (l(j it ; udita, for lo udii,{ heard him j but tluie compound forms are not now familiar. 240 ^. 96. Ohsn-oation the Fifth.— The consonant is sotne- times chansjed in the composition of some words, in order to facilitate the pronunciation, placing by way of example before the B or P, which are lahinl letters, instead of the N, the M, which is likewise a labial letter : thus we say, combaciare, to sit close ; i?7ipra(>cahile, impracticable ; al- thougli these words are compounded by coti and bacidre, in and practicdbile. Thus, in translating Edinburgh.^ or other geographical words, where an N is before a B, or a P, we should write an M, and say Edimburgo, ^c. ALSO, iVom the similarity of articulation, the N is placed before the C, or L, instead of the M, as in amidnci, farcnlo., S)C. instead of amidmcij or amidnioci, let us love one another; faremlo, or loforemo, we shall do it. Of the Orthographical or Poetical Figures. ^ 97. The figures which I am going to enumerate and exemplify here ought rather to make a part of a Treatise on Vej'sification, than one on Orthography/ ; the poets resorting to them far more frequently than prose writers : but since the bulk of this work is already too considerable to make room for such a Treatise,* I shall here briefly explain these figures, which may be said with some propriety to belong to orthography too, if we advert to that uniformity generally observed by the Italians in writing their sounds with appro- priate letters, without much redundance or deficiency, both in prose and verse; so that whenever the sounds of a word vary, as by these figures, we may be sure that its orthogra- phjj\ varies too. The figures alluded to are yfr/eew in number ; viz. i. S^- naeresis. 2. Diaeresis. 3. Dialoephe. 4. Si/naloephe. 5. St/stole. 6. Diastole. 7. Prosthesis. 8. Aphaeresis. 9. Epenthesis. 10, Sj/ncope. 11. Paragoge. 12. Apocope, 13. Tmesis. 14. Atiiithesis. 15. Metathesis. 16. Ana- diplosis. — I shall now proceed to treat of them it) the same order. * Another reason for omitting a treatise on Ilaliaiiversijication, is the obvious imposisibility of writini,' a better one than that to be found at the end of Mr. Tourner's Grammar, in8vo. Edinburgh, 1794, from page 299, to 300, to which I refer my readers with pleasure, as I plainly acknowledge to have myself derived from it some assistance, in treating of these figures, — Editor. f The only variiUion of sound not distinguished by the Italian inOrlhograpliy, is the seat of the emphasis, when not ou the vowel I last but one, mr on the final. Those figures, therefore, which consist in the variation of the em|>hasis, will not be found distinguished in books. See,however, towards the end of No. 48, at p. 225.~Also Observation at p. 247, n. 104. ^241 H 98. SY^AKliESlS, Epis/ynaloephc, ov S^necphonesis, is a (iijure which joins into one syllable the sound of two or more vowels that ought to be pronounced separate, and as nuikiiig two syllables; as, " Qui'mdo mostrdi di chiiider gli occhi, apersi." Petiiarca. " Q'lul foconon avridn giu fpento, e mcrto." Id. " SciuT, senza sospillo, onde i miei gudi." Id. where we see that the accent fallinj^ on the A o( mostraiy and on the I of avriafi, the vowels AI and lA ou^rht to make each a syllable (see on this subject above, p. 2*21;, n. 54 and 55.) : yet the measure of the above verses compels us to apply to them the Sj/?iacre$is, and to make only two syllables of7}wstr(h\ and no more ofavridn. The same may be said of ;;//t'/, in the third lino, where it is made a mono- syllable, notwilhstandiui; the accent upon the E. To this fiijure may be attributed likewise the joint pro- nunciation of several vowels in one >syllable, whenever they coii<;tituie,evcn in |>rose, real (l/pfitlio>igs,(ripltllio)jos^ ^c. and are in the body of a word, as in pa/ha ^ inguiare, calcolaiuolo : and particularly those, which althouijn in prose be con- stantly pronounced with a raccOlto diphthonj^, yet the poets make it a rule to resolve that diphthong;; into two syllables, as in the words Jasiidioso, maliziuso^ iiaziofie, fidtn, which, by the rules of poetry, are divided into syllables thu^ : fa- sti- di-6 so, niali'zi-6-so, nn-zi-6-ne, fi-d-la ; and only by the S/yi/ncrrsis are found sometimes in tlie lines of Dante, Pe- trarca, and others, divided, as they are constantly in prose, thus : fa-sti-diu-so, 77ia-li-zid-so, na-zi6-ne,fid (a. To the same figure is to be attributed the joint pronun- ciation of many vowels coming together which in prose would bo pronounced into two syllables, being disjoined by the accent. See above, at p. 226 to 229, n. 58, where we prove th'' I or J to be a vowel in all instances. The examples o!"tlie S//)ititr(s/s are also multiplied by the S//fi(opr, which by taking some consonants away from the body of a word, occasions the union ol'iDany vowels together. See this figure farther on, n. 108, p. 217. % 99, ni A I'WI'SIS, or /}iah/sis\ which separates two vowels, that should be jointly pronoiiuced, as " E trorto ri'un mavf, e fhi6'o lumr." PcTKARrA. " Pur Fau.iitnri il fa qui star a .ifgno." Id. where the two r/ji/r.?/ diphthongs OA mi sndiCy and Al^ in Ffjnstma, arc by the L'iurrrsi^ pionounce- instance of the S'/nahx plic is the tonitli line, where we see that the vowels OIAEI of the words Pis- tvia^ e imakeonlv two syil-ibles ; and the accent fallini;- upon tile first of theni. beiiii;- the O of Pistoia^ the following four lAEI, must be contracted into one single syllable. To this figure we may refer all the elisions made bv the apostrophe, either at the beginning or at the end of words, as we explained above, p. 2-i9, n. 59 to 61; and from p. 2J2 to 2^8, n. 74 to 91, provided they are preceded or fol- lowed by a vowel. The pronunciation of final triplitJiorigs, quadrip/iiliovgs, o I' cmpia diparlUa." Id. the initial I added to the word sciisinla is a grace given to the line by the Prosthesis ; and we may say the same of the syllable DI in the word dipartita, which has besides fur- nished Petrarch an additional poetical syllable: for it is evident that the meaning of partita, in this line of the same poet, has completely the like meaning with dipartita above. " Ma panni chc sua sub'Ua pailila." To this figure may be attributed theoccasional lengthening of the words at their beginning, even in prose. See above, n. 71, J). 2.) I. A\su the additional initial syllables of a great many words, which do not contribute to the diflerence of signification ; as, nddiniafidare, for diniandt'irc ; unnoxtrare, for noxerare .• ifirntitra, for contra, .St. tween vowels, will never feel inclined to favour the opinion of RuoMMATTri and Saf-vi.m, however g;reat their authority i-^ ; but rather attribute, with me, the above poetical sylla- bles to (he S//narrrsis, <^ince the I is no nir)i<' a consonant in thosf words than tin.' !•- in the word ;///('/, or the O in suoi, which Petrarch has used as a sinjijle («yllable ; as we saw above, n. 98. 101, where ^ve spoke of the Si/it(trvcsis and S//nn/ocphc. — On the subject of thi^ I beinij in all iii^-lanrcs 250 a vowel, see our detailed observations above, p. S56 to 229, n. 58. Also the Amusmg Instructor. ^I 111. TMESIS, which divides a word in two, and intro- duces between some letters or words ; as, " Accio, disse Solin, die non rimanga " Terra di qua die non ti sia scoperta." F. D. Uberti Ditt. where we see that between accib and che, which are parts of the conjunction acciocche, the words disse Solin are in- serted This figure, exemplified as above, cannot be said as pro- perly belonging to Poetry or Orlhognipliy, but rather to the ^figurative Syntax., it being a species o^ Hyperhaton ; which see above at p. 209, n. 14. With the Latins the Tmesis was certainly of two different species, since they put between the two parts of a word sometimes whole words, and sometimes only a syllable, although implying some meaning : such as que instead o^ et; or a little pronoun, as te, se, me^ S^c. To the Tmesis, as an orf/iograpliical ^gure, might however be attributed those divisions of the words mentioned above, in treating oi' the Diastole (see p. 244, 103.), and used by poets, who make sometimes a part of the word end a poetical line, and the remainder begin the next ; for although, in so doing, they do not put any word between, yet the additional emphasis laid by this means on a syllable which ought to have none, and the pause requisite to render the poetical measure of the two lines sensible to the ear, are surely sulfi cient to alter materially the natural harmony of a word, and disunite its parts no less than when some other syllables are put between them : as we have seen, speaking of the Dias- tole ; but will more strongly be felt in the following in- stances from Ariosto. " Fece la donna di sua man le sopra- " -vesti, S(c. " Dico co7ne vestir, come precisa- " -mente abbia adir," ^c. The poets should not follow Ariosto in such licences, until they can equal all his beauties ; and if they are fond of the Tmesis, let them try to rival that immortal bard in that instance of it, which we read in his Fuiiioso, Canto XLII. where the poet, relating the death o^ Brandimarte, and how he recommended his fair Fiordiligi to Orlando, expresses himself thus : " Nemen ti raccommdndo la mia Fiordi " Ma dir non pote ugi, e quljinio. 2j1 CorliccUi attributes to the Tmesis the separation of the final MEN'TE in some adverbs like these, inorttihueiitc^ aldimmle., in the tollowinij examples : San Gioiumii non peccl) mni ne niorta/e, ne icniii/niente (Sdcchelt'i), instead of vt morlalmente^ tie vcnialmente. Also this, Co* suoi danari alia, e riccamcnte rhnarilnr la polnbhe (Lasca), instead of allamnite c riccainaile : but 5l name, c!re called AFFINITIVES OF THE LETTERS or ELE- MENTS. The learned Cavamer Salviati calls them Amistd, or Parenlele. (See Avxcrtimenti del la Lingua, Lib. Ill, cap. 3, part. 19.) There I refer the inquisitive student, desirous of reading; all that may be said most judiciously on this subject ; and I shall here confine myself to the bare enumeration of these ajfinities (some are added not in Sfl/r/f/^/), exhibitino; each ofthein accompanied with a single example, in the following perspicuous TABLE. N.B. For the denominations and sounds of the Elements, here introduced, see their Table given at Lecture I, p. J6, l7, and 18. — Those words with an asterisk * are o/;5o/p/f, and consequently that species of afjfinityioo, ohly pardonable to poets, for the rhyme sake. By the Power of AFFINITY, or ANTITHESIS, it often happens that Ec/o5e, thutwewrite, dAnari, or dEnari Ambasciafore-Imbasciatore *astrolAgo — ;!strolOgo deBBo— deGGio *Brivilegio — Privilegio treCCia~*treZZa SaCro — SaGro AntioCHia — *AntioCCia seDendo — seGGendo servi Dore — ServiTore dEsiderio — ^dlsiderio Eguale — Uguale raFano — raVano seCjJuente — seQuente veGNente — veNente *Iudicare — Giudicare esempio— esem pLo dimanda — dOmanda Gennalo — oennaRo *compIlare — compUtare A is changed into E close^ tht A I A O close BB GG soft B P CC soft ZZ smart Chard G hard CH flat CC soft D GG soft D T E close I E close U V V G hard Q GN N 1 before vowels GI I L I O close 1 between Toweli R I U 253 L D L GL soft LL GL soft L N L H LG GLI O U Q C hard R p S smart C soft S hissing C sojl S smart K S smart Z SC\U flat STI u r. V B V D V GG soft V G hard V M V P Z smart C soft 7j smart G soft Z hissing D Observe. One of tho greatest iulvantai^os that the be- ginner uill reap from t!ie above table of adinities, i>< that of findinnf a word in a compendious dictionary by lookino; for it with another orthoijraphy, when he has been disappointed in fiirlin:; it. /:.r. After havinj^ looked unsuccessfully for I.MPio. lindinu; from the above table that E has an aflinity with I. he will look for empio, and he will find it. — If he knows ihat fino prip. means unii/, findinij in a book si no, and knowini; the (ifjinil.y that sulisi'^ts between S and \'\ he will save himself the trouble of lookinnj for it, and will be sure that si no means find ; or at least he will try that mean- iiii; before he looks for it. Let us finally ol)^erve, tiiat many words liable to the Eprnlhrsis, or S/yncopc^ mij;ht be bjoked upon as belonging to thi'. (i;;ure. c IJJ. MF/r VTIIRSIS. Which chan-es the order of letters in a word ; a.«, " Tulle U notti ti lain6nta, r jni'tsyie." I'r.TRAiiCA. " Mcntrc If jiarla, c jiian^i; c jnii V ahl/raccut." Id. where we see that in the fiiNt lirje the siune word piagnc is Hpelt with (j.\, and in the second with NG, without thf ♦oLore — oDore saLi — saGLi queLLi — cpieGLi *caIjoniz/are — caNonizzare aLbuscello — allbuscello DoLGo— DoCiLIo sepOltura — sepUlutra Quoio — Ctioio raUo — raDo Sicilia — Cicilia viSitare — *viCitare inSino — iiiFino Soifo-Zolfo SCHlacciare — STIacciare laUe uiiich consist in the addition or sup- pression of a letter or svUable, are considered by Gram- marians as a species of the Ml'iTAPLASMUS, which by some is wrongfully reckoned as a distinct ortJwgraphical or poetical figure. LECTURE XXIV. Containing SYNOPTICAL TABLES of the Articles, Nouns^ and Regular T'crbs. Also the Conjugation of the Irres:ular Verbs, arranged in an AJjPHABETICAL LIST. The whole interspersed with useful Remarks. ^ L TABLES, Shewing the formation of the compound Articles from their radicals. The following two tables, which I have premi^^ed to that shewing the union of the article with the noun, will be found, I presume, of great assistance te the student, in retaining the proper use of all the variations of the article, when joined to various prepositions, by observing what additional letters are to be joined to the ;Y/f//cr// form of the articles (shewn here by large capitals), to obtain their various cases, genderSj and numbers. f 2. SINGULAR NUMBER. M. M. V. M.& F. before all couso- before S impura, before a before all nanls. Except S and Gil. coiisuiiaiu. vowels. impuTj, ij- Gil. Thi D IL LO LA V of 131; of the DEL lo la r to A; to the AL la la r from DA ; from the DAL lo la r in L\ : in the iN EL lo la r for PER ; for the PEL ''lo *la */' or or f)r r I'KR LO^ i'i:ii LO TEIl LA pi; 11 L* • Till- articlfs marked tlius, •, are of an inffiior incril, iind those Hynoni- ntioud to thcin should have the |irefiTencc. f Observe, llie aposlrnphr of these radical ailielen in lost, when they are joined to iheir res|)eciivc adililMiiial letters, marked in Italirs, in the same line. J This article, loth sing, and ptur. is frequent iu the classics; but would now be allowed to poctn ou\y.^Edilor. 256 with CON; with the COL lo la V upon SU; upon the SUL ) or CON LO lo 1 or or CON LA CON L' la } V or V *SU'L ) or ( SU LO ) or SU L. \) SU L' ^ 3. PLURAL NUMBER. Th ofDe; M. before consonanls. Except S, impura, Gn, or Z, and the plural DEI. e I of the DE't M. before S imp-urn, On, or Z, the pkiral DEI, ai d the vowels A, E, O, U. GLI gli M. before the vowel I. GL' F. before conso- nants. LE lie F. before vowels L' //' to A ; or •DEI to the A't gli gl' lie //' from DA ; or *AI from the DA' - gli g^' lie //' in IN ; or *DAI in the N E'f Sii gi' lie W for PER ; or »NEI for the PE't *gli ) V *lle ^ir or } or or or *PEI, or PER GLI ) PERGL' PER LE PER L* PER LJ- with CON ; with the CO'i *gli "^gP *lle *ir or or or or or *COI CON GLI CONGL'CONLE CONL- uponSU; upon the SU't *gli *«■/' *lle IV or ' or or or or *SUI SUGLI SUGL* *SULE *SUL* 4. A TABLE of the ARTICLES, with their NOUNS. 2V". B. For the rij;ht use of each of these articles see LECTURE III. at length, or the short directions at the top of the foregoing Tables of tiie sing, and plur. Articles. DEFINITE ARTICLE {a). Masculine Gender. A' , or ai principi, to the, &c. Sing. (6). 11 pn'ncipe, the prince Da, or dai principi, from, &c. Del principe, of the, &c. Masculine Gender, yil principe, to the, or at the, &c. Sing. Lo sdegno, the anger, Dal principe, from, or by the, &c. Dello sdegno, of the, &c, Plur. I principe, the princes Alio sdegno, to the, or at the, &c. De\ or dei principi, of the, &c. Dallo sdegno, from, or at the, &c. (a) The definite article is generally nsed before conuuon nouns, possessive pronouns, and before the i-elative proiioun quale, wliich. {I) Tlie article il often receivt's an apostrophe instead of the i, when preceded by e, and ; fra or tra, between; se, if; ne, neither j and, in poetry, before che, that, and »o for non, not. — Editor. 2bl Plur. Git sJegni, tbe angers, All' amico, to the, or at the, &c, Degli sdegni, of the, c^c. DaW amico, from, or by the, &c. Agli sdegui, to the, &:c. Plur. Gli amici, the friends, DagUsde^tii, frouj, &c. Digli ami'ci, of the, &c. Feminine Gender. y}^H amid, to tlie, ur at tbe, &c. Sin^. iff term, tbe earth, Dagliamici, from, &c, Dc//rt ^crrff, of the, &:c. Feminine Gender, AlUi terra, to the, or at the. Sec. Sing. L' I'^o/t/, the island, Dalla terra, from, or by the, &c. DeW isola, of the, culine or ffininine, luxiiuiint; wi;li a vowel. (^) Wc make use of the partitive article wiien we ilo ikjI ypeak of the whale lubstancr, a* del pane, bread, or »0Die bread, &c. S 258 are feminine, as tliey commonly are, they change A into E, as tavola, tavole. When the singular ends in E or 0, the plural must end in /, as padre, padri, mano, mani, <^c. ; except a few nouns which, ending in E in the singular, retain the same termination in the plural, as spezie, requie, effigie, superjicie. — Also the word Uomo, its plural being Uomini. If, f Nouns in I'O, vvliea the emphasis lies on that I, as desio, desire ; zio, uncle, &c.are all masculine, andare terminated byadoubleiin the plural, with- out ANY EXCEPTION ; as desit, desires, zii, uncles ; with this only difference, that if there are other vowels in that noun, the I last but one is marked with an acute accent in both numbers, and if there is no other vowel, the accent is omitted, as we have seen in tlie examples just now given. III. Nouns ending in / in the singular, do not change their termination in the plural. — The same is to be understood of nouns ending in an accented vowel, and of monosyllables having only one vowel. IV. f Italian adjectives are made to agree with their substantives in gender and number, for which purpose, they are varied by the same method just now shewn : Therefore every adjective ending in O, as luo/w, good, vvill change either into ^, and say Imona, for thefemitiine, in /, and say, huoni for the mas- culine plural, or in E, and say luone, for the feminine plural. — But if in I'O, with an acute accent, as reslio, restive, j^fo, pious, its plural masculine will be in a double I, as restii, pii, constantly following the II Remark above. — On the contrary, if an adjective end in E, it will suit both genders, and its plural will end in /, let the substantives be masculine or feminine : And if it ends in I, or an accented vowel, it will then be indeclinable, according to the III Remark. V. Observe likewise, that substantives ending in J will be mostly feminine, and those ending in will be all masculine; except only Mano, a hand, and a few proper names. — Tiie gender of substantives ending in E is dubious, and must be learnt by practice ; But those ending in ORE are ail masculine ; and those in SIONE or ZIONE all feminine. f 6. EXCEPTIVE RULES /o the above Remarks. NOUNS MASCULINE. whether substantive or adjective, ending in the singular (except Remark II. above), either in BIO, DIO, FIO, LIO, MIO, NIO, PIO, RIO, SIO, TIO, VIO, or ZIO, make their plural either in BJ, DJ, FJ, LJ, MJ, NJ, PJ, RJ, SJ, TJ, VJ, or ZJ. The same (with the same exception) ending in the singular, either in AIO,* CIO, OHIO, GIO, GHIO, GLIO, 010,* SCIO, or UIO,* make their plural either in Al,* CI, CHI, Gl, GHI, GLI, O 1,* SCI, or UL* The same ending in the singular, either in CA, CO, GA, GO, SCA, or SCO, ^ N. B. This rule hrts some make their (jiural either in > exceptions, which practice CHI, CHI, GHI, GHI, SCHI, or SCHI. ) must teach. * I have turned over and over again the folio volumes of the grand Vocabolario Delia Criisca ; both the last classical edition, Florence, 1729, and the other of l!iap\es, 1746; to ascertain the right orthography of nouns ending in AIO, OIO,o)- UIO, but in vain: since the illustrious Academicians have not observed any u7iformili/ on this point /'avert/ pardonable and trifling inaccuracy, indeed, for a ivork of such mag- nitude and superior merit), having ended these plurals, in some instances, in AI, OI, or UI, and in others in AJ, OJ, or UJ; nay, even the very same quotations, with such plural nouns are to be met with, repeated, and ivritten either way, in various jilaces of their Vocabolario, At the word Ranniere, for instance, u'cfind colatoi, and at Colatoio, ive read colatoj. At Merciaio we find calzolai, velettai ; and at Calzolaio there is calzolaj, velettaj. At Buio, adj. we meet with bui ; and at Scarlatto we see biij : and so' on for many more. Neoertheless, if we advert to the real useful purpose for which the J was substituted to the I in the plurals of nouns ^259 NOUNS FEMININK, vvliether siihstantivcor adjertivi-, ciKling iii the sincular eithfr in CA, GA, or SCA, make their plural uitlier in CHE, GHi", or SCHK. The same cndiae; in the siugnlar, either in CIA, GIA,or SCIA, make their plural cither in CK, GR, or SCE A DISPr.VV of nil the Personal and ('otijnnclive Pro- nouns of the ludiun Lanonagc, uv7/i Remarks. SINGULAR. First Person Second. Tliiril. I^oni. io tu or >m. ei vi. } ello, olla,/. esso, m. essa.y. si, neut. Gen. di me di te di lni, m. d\ lei,/. lie, m. and/. di esso, 7n. di essa, f. Dal a me a (e a Itii, in. mi ti a lei,/ nie te ad esso, in. ad essa,/. glio, m. and/. or >7;j. and/ li, J le,/ ending either in BIO, DIO, &c. (see them above), nnmily ta inform the reader that such j)lurai nouns litd nul end, in the' singulor, in BO, DO, ^c. Init in BIO, D\0, Ike. u-c shall find the vae tif the i no less supcrjliwus in the phinih of words ending in AIO, 6lO, or VIO, thtm in those ending in CIO, CIIIO, &c. (sec them alK>vc) conslanlti/ written by the yleademicutns with I ; sineejnst ns the pecu- liar iotind nf the consmianls, C, (,'II, &c. intimates to us without the si/rn of the 5, that the sin'^ular of the plurals ending in CI, CHI, Ac. must he CIO, ("IIlO, &c. othrni'iv the ronsotmnts would niter their sounds fsee the Tal>U' of Italian KleiiKiils at p. 'JK, if my Amusing InstrucUir, anil prrfind to my l'(>ck<'l Ilaliau Dietionary, Londun, ITJj), in like manner the genius of the Italian tunjiue leads vs to su)>j>i>m-, that the tiniiulnr of the jilural wrun* enitinR in A I, OI, or \J\,musl be in AIO, OIO, or UIO, there lieing no noutu in this lanffuane that end either in AO, OO, or L'O; hence the use of ttw J fir such jmrjiose would he superfluous. I .it us finally oIimti:-, that the I at the end of such plural nouns it three linwt laore friijii>'iil in Ihti Vocaliolnrio (/i/in the J. — K'litor. 8 2 260 Ace. First Perion. Secoiui. 'J^liiid. ine te lui, m. mi ti lei,/, esso, m essa, f. or >m. si,^ or >?;j.and/ se.J Abl. da me da te da lui, m. jni ti da lei,/, me te da esso, m. da ess a,/. giie, m. and /! or > in. le,/ .Hi, ^ o?- >m. ^-li,J PLUR7IL. Kot7i. noi voi eijlino, m. eili, o?- ei tMleno,/. elle,/ essi, m. esse,/ si, w. Gm. li, J ne ;/i. and^. and /'. ( 1 ) Ella for cgti., c/li or egli tor eglino, elk for elleno, are obsolete, but permitted to poets. (L^) jE's^o, essa,essi, esse, throiij^liout thoir declensions, are used lor inanimate things, and even for persons, if removed tar from the sentence. (3) Mi, vie, ti, tc, glie, gli, or // ; /r, ci, cc, tie, vi, ve, lo, or //, la, si, when not neuter, se (also loro when not accusa- tive case) are the only* conjunctive pronouns, and can never be nominntive case. Wiien used either sinjjle, coupled, or tripled, in the familiar or colloquial style, it is better to place them constantly before the verb written each sepa- rately [lorn is never joined either to verbs or pronouns, and is placed where it sounds best to the ear. Extept I". All the first and stcond persons of the imperative mood, when allirmali\e only. JI". The inlinitives. III". The gerunds. I\'". All participles, whrri \\''Vi\ without tlieir auxiliaries ; III wliiili ciisc-' they are joined in one word to the end of the \erl». which constantly loses its finals in the infinitive. (4) Me, te,se, when not followed by anolher pronoun, are persomil, and not conjunctive. (.0) /'/, (i, li, si, mi, change into re, ce, le, se, vie, when before either lo, la, le, li, or gli, or 7ir. " All the conjunrtivc pronouns luay be met wiili in a Jinie merely rmpliaticni, •ml arc then no rnim ilian graceful (.•xplciives. I 3 262 (6) Vi, ve, ci, ce, are also adverbs, and mean there, here^ in it., in them, SfC. (7) iVf, when third person, belongs to inanimate things, answering- the French EN. And when in the first person plural, it is only poetical. (8) Gli or li, a or da lei, a or da loro may pass in the fami- liar style, but in this last sense it refers only to nouns mas- culine. (9) // for /o is only poetical. (10) Glie CRn never be used alone, but must be joined either to lo, la, li, le, or we. N.B. Gliele, compound o^ glie and le, has been used by the classics as indeclinable, but we say now glielo, gliela, glicli, gliele, according to the gender and number of the derivatives alluded to by lo, la, li, le. (11) Si is often used as ON in the French language, and only in such instances it may be looked upon as being of the neuter gender and in the nominative case. H 7- A TABLE, Shewing the UNIVERSAL TERMINATIONS of the Simple Tenses of all Italian Verbs, both Regular or Irregular. Any Italian verb whatever will be found to end in its pri- mitive tenses as follows, and the preceding letters only will prove it either irregular, or belonging to one of the three regular conjugations. For instance, Andcire is a most irre- gular verb, yet in the present singular terminates in O, I, and ^, just the same as in the most regular verb, only the letters before these finals prove it an irregular verb ; for instead of saying, io ando, tu andi, egli anda, we must say, io vo, or vado, tu vai, egli va. Let the pupil, therefore, fix well in his mind these Universal Terminations of the inflections of verbs, and then he will easily become acquainted with the diversifications occasioned in the preceding letters, by the various conjugations or other anomalies of the verbs. INFINITIVE MOOD. (9) Present, re. (10) Gerund, ndo. (11) Part, past, to or so, (12) Part. pres. nte. INDICATIVE MOOD. Sing. Plur. \stpers'. 2d. 3d. Istpers. 2d. 3d. (1) Pres. o i a, or e ianio te anoj or ono (2) Imp.va, or vo vi va vamo vate vano (3) Pret. i sti b, e, i, or e mmo ste ono, or ero (4) Fut. ro r^i rk r^mo r^te rknno t1 '263 IMPEIIA riVK MOOD. Sini^. Plur. lst.pers~ 2d. 3d. 1st pers. 'J(/. 3d. (5) Pres. uunt. a,ori i, ur a iamo te ino, or ano CONJUNCTIVE MOOD. (6) Pics, i, or a i, or a i, or a iamo iate ino, cr niio {/) F.Imp.re\ resti iiibbe r^mmo reste rebbcro (8) S.Imp.ssi bsi sse ssimo ste sseio 1[ 8. OnSJ:nVATJOXS upon tfieforcgoing Table. Four important observations are to be aiaclo on the uni- versal terminations of verbs. I. That each PEU80\ in all tenses ends in some charac- teri-Jtic letters {{\w first and sccofid s'n/tr. only excepted), which are in all instances the same, as IbJlows : Singular. j Plural. ] St Pers. its cbarac- [ \st Pers. its charac- teristic is uncertain. \ teristic is MO 2(/. I, or A 2d. TE 3(/. uncertain. < 3d. NO, or RO, II. Let us also observe, that in general all verbs, even the irre«ruiar. form the person of their tenses as follows : — From tiie first sinjjular the two third persons are formed, and from the second sinirnlar tlic first and sectmd plural take their orin^in.— Ex. From Jo dissi are evidently made egli disse, tglino disscio; as, from tu diccsti.fXvv'wa noi diccinmo, vol dicistc. The alteiidinj; to this rnlo will j^roally facilitate the conjugation of all verbs, notwithstanding its exceptions. III. The third observation is, that iho J 7)ip(r a live is partly formed from the present tense of the Indicative mood, and partly from tiiat of the conjunctive: and that this promis- cuous formation is done according to the principle just now estabhMied in the preceding Obscrxathm ; so that by only knowing that the second person singular is taken from the indicative, and the thiro (iom the conjunctive, the lormation (J'liie three persons plural becomes obvious. Kxrcplion.— Xu all the verbs of the first conjugation the second person singular of the imperative ends constantly in A. IV. liCt U8 finally observe, that from tht iulure of tho fl 4 264 indicative the First imperfect of the conjunctive may in all instances be formed, bj retaining the letter R, and excbang-- ino- the remaining respective characteristic universal termi- nations of each person. ^ 9. DIRECTIONS Hozi) to use the foUowino- TABLE, containing a Displa?/ of the PRIMITIVE TENSES in the three Regular Con- jugations, with their English Characteristics. The use of the following Table is very plain, and very extensive. Attend, however, to the following Directions. I. To the name of each Italian tense bein^ annexed the distinctive characteristic of its corresponding one in English, the student, even the least proficient in grammar, will be able to find the Italian tense corresponding to any Englisii tense he wishes to translate. Thus, for instance, if he is to translate //e loves, or we were thinking ; after having found in the dictionary that the Italian infinitives of these two verbs are amdre, and pensdre, he will immediately know that they both belong to the^r*^ conjugation, marked with the fissure 1st in each tense of fhe following TABLE ; and it will not be more difficult to discover that loves belongs to the present indicative, since the additional letter S is found among the English characteristics of that tense only ; he will know as easily that were thinking is the imperfect tense of the indicative mood, finding among its English charac- teristics I was — ing. II. The proper tense once found, let him examine what person, and of what number, is the English verb in question, and then striking off the final of the Italian infinitive, whe- ther are, ere, or ire, and by substituting to it the termination of the intended person, number, tense, and conjugation, he will immediately obtain a correct version of any English verb, when among the regulars in Italian. Thus, to trans- late he loves, he will strike off from the infinitive amare the letters ARE, and by adding an A to the remainder AM ; that being the regular termination put down for the third person singular present tense indicative mood of the first conjugation ; he will ol)tain ama, the correct Italian inflec- tion of that tense and person in the first conjugation. — Likewise, seeing at the imperfect of the first conjugation indicative mood, first person plural, corresponding to we were thinking, the letters AVA'MO, taking off the same ARI2 from the infinitive pensdre, and adding to the remain- 265 inir PENS the letters AVA-MO, he will obti'.in pensavdmo, as the riii;ht inflection eoiij;ht for. OcsERVE. The dUliculty ol" knowing: tlio proper tense in Enj;li>h, u hen no c'aracteristic (listin;;iii>hes it, must be overcome by practice : — As well as the other, of knowinj;^ how to chanjie some i^nglish tenses into others in Italian, wlien the syntax of the two languages doe^ not agree. III. Let the pupil, however, cnrefuUj/ OllSEUVE, that before he applies the above method to an Italian verb, he must first be sure that such verb is not an Irregular one, which he will easily know, In attending to tli(> DIKKC- TIONS which precede their ALPHABETICAL LIST after the following Tahle. IV. For further remarks on the formation of the tenses of regular verbs, I refer the student toLECTUiii: XV^III, p. 143 to 150. — Also \otes, f p. 131, * p. 1 3,3, * p. 137, t p, ibid^ * p. 131, ^ p. 135. 10. THE TABLE. N.B. f These rules — placed after the names of the tenses, stand for a!iv English verb in its radical form of the infinitive mood ; and whatever is before or after the rule in italics, are the cliarocterislies which must be added to the infinitive, to obtain the tense to which they are annexed. — For the use of the nundiers (1), C2), (3), iS:c. before the names of the tenses, see Direction HI, before the LIS T of the Irregular Vtrbs. INFINITIVE MOOD. (9) Present Tense. — Its English Characteristics are — To — ; or — 1st Italian Conjugation in ARE, as IWl-arc ; to speak. 2cl E U E, . . 'ri-in-<;re ; to fear. 3d I U E, . . l-in-irc ; to cud. (10) Gerund — i"i'- I St. rAHL-indo. 2d TKM-<-ndo. 3d iMN-endo. SiNCLUAR. Pl.tKAl.. (11) PnrtiripU- Vast — '/ , or —rd. 1st I'ARi^ato, VI. u(.i, /. 'iti, m. Ate, /. 2d TuM-^to,. . . . 6tii, /'li. . • I'Hi'. • 3d Fixilo, ....Ita, '". •• 't^"' •• ( 1 2) Participle Pretrnt — i'i«. Ut PAKf^antc, m and/. ''"<'. »"• '""*/. 2d Tem-^-i.U- <""". 3d Fin- 6nle ^^^ 266 INDICATIVE MOOD. Singular. Plural. ( 1 ) Present Tense, . . I — ,- I do — ; / am — ing ,• thou — st ; he — ; or he — ths, ^c. 1st Parl-o, X^tpers. i, 'i.Apers. a, 3d^;er5. iamo, \iXpers. ate, 2d^jer6- ano, 3d;;e)-x. 2d Tem- o, i, e, iamo, ete, ono, Sd Fin- isco, .... isci .... isce, .... iamo, ite, iscono . . , , (2) Imperfect, I was --ing ; I—d; I — ed; or I did — ; thou — dst; or thou — edst, ^c. 1st PARL-*ava, .... avi, .... ava, .... avamo, .... avate, avano 2d Tem- *ev3, .... evi, .... eva, .... evamo,. . . . evate, evano 3d Fin- *iva, .... ivi, .... iva, .... ivamo,. . . . ivate, ivano (3) Preterite ...... I — d ; I — ed ; I did — ; thou —dst, or thou — edst, ^c. 1st PARL-ai, asti, 6, ammo, aste, arono 2d TEji-f ei, esti,. ... f e, ^mmo, ^ste, . > . . f erono Sd Fin- ii, isti, i, immo, iste, irono (4) Future I shall — ; or / tuill — 1st PAUL-ero, .... erai, .... era ... . er^mo, erete, .... eranno 2d Tem- ero, .... erai, era .... eremo, erete, .... eranno 3d Fin- iro, .... irai, ira . . . , iremo, irete, .... iianno IMPERATIVE MOOD. (5) Present Let me — ; or — 1st Parl- wanting . . a, i, iamo, , ate, ino 2d Tem. — . . i, a, iamo, ete,. ..... ano 3d Fin. — . . isci .... isca, .... iamo, ite, iscano SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD. (6) Preseiit I — ,- / 7nay — ,• or / can — . 1st PARL-i, i, i, iamo, iate, .... ino 2d Tem- a, a, or i, .... a, .... iamo, iiite, ano 3d Fin- isca,, . ..isca, .... isca,.... iamo, iate, iscano (7) First Imperfect . . . . I could, would, or should — . 1st PARL-erei, eresti, .... er^bbe,. . eremmo, .... er^ste, .... erebbero . . . , 2d Teji- erei, .... eresti,. . . . erebbe,. . eremmo, . . . ereste, .... erelibero . . . . 3d Fin- ir^i, .... iresti, .... irebbe,. . iremmo, .... ireste, .... irebbero . . . . (8) Second Imperfect . . .. I — ed, or I — d ,- also / miglit — 1st PARL-assi, .... assi, .... asse, .... iissimo, .... aste,, assero 2d Tem- essi, .... essi, . . -. . esse, ... essimo, .... <5ste, t'ssero 3d Fin- issi, .... issi, isse, .... issimo, iste, issero *#* All those iuHectious marked tliiis *, may also end in O, instead of tlieir final A, for which see Note f, p. 131, the latter part ot it. — Editor. The in- flections marked thus f, may also terminate in etti, elte,ettero, in mo.st verbs. See their list, at p. 271. 11. A COLLECTION* Of Regular Verbs in ARE conjugated like Parl are. — Theii^ accent of the Infinitive is constantly/ on the A of their final ARE. Abbandonare, \ ^" ^^■"'^l'^' «'' Abbruciare, to burn I abandon Accampare, encamp Abbracdare, embrace Accarezzare, caress * This and the two foUowiug Collections have been improperly giren by the Author at the end of the work. I have transposed them here with many addi- tions, &i the only place where the Student is likely to look for ihtm.— -Editor. 267 Acctttare, to accept Assicurare, to assure Accommodare, mend Afunzarc, advance Accommodarsi, Accompagnare, sit down accompany Avricinare, f go, or put \ near Acconciare, mend Avvisare, give notice Accordare, agree, or put in tune Augurare, Aumentare, wish increase Accost are, approach Daciare, kiss Accusare, accuse Bagnare, wet Acquis tare. acquire Ballare, dance Adattare, adupt Battizzare, baptize { point out Bt'stemmiare, cur>o Additare, with one's Be fare, deride finger Biasimare blame Addormentdrsi Adirdrsi, r \ fall asleep fall into a passion Barlare, Bussare, r jest or laugh I at knock Adulare, flatter Cagionare, cause AJfeniiare, affirm Camminare, walk Affittare, let out Caiubiare, change Affrettarc, hasten Can tare, sing Affroutarc, affront Ctj scare. fall Aiutare, help Castigare, punish Alloggiare, lodge Cavalcare, ride Allontanare, remove Ccnarc, sup Ahare, Alzursi, { raise rise or to get up Cercare, Certificare, / seek or look I for certify Ammazzare, kill Cilia mare, call Amministrare, administer Ciarlare, prattle Ammirare, admire Cicalare, chatter Annno^lidrsi, Ampli/icare, m;irry, or to take for wife amplify Cumandare, Cominciare, Incominciare, command ^ begin A line gar e. drown Compitare, spell Applicare, apply Comprare, buy Appoggiare, { support or lean Cvndanare, Cuufessare, condemn confess Approvare, approve Cutifcrmare, confirm Arrivciarc, curl ConJ'roiitare, confront Arr'isrhiarc, } venture or Cnniugiare, conjugate Arrisicare, hazard Consegnare, deliver Arrivare, Capitnrc, } arrive at Cunservarv , r keep or pre- \ serve Asciu'^nre, ilry Considerarc, consider Ascoltare, hearken Consigliare, advise Asset It arc, assault Cunsultarc, consult Asstdiarc, Arpettarr, { hesiege expect, or wait for ('ontrustare, Copiare, r quarrel or \ contend copy 268 Curonare, to crown Gettare, Corteggiare, court Buttar, via Curare, cure Giocare DecUnare, decline Giudicare, Dedicare, dedicate Giurare, Desiderare, desire or wish Gonjidre, Des'mare, dine Governare, Dichiarare, declare Gratijicare, Diffidare mistrust Gr attar e, Digiunare •fast Gridare, Dimenticarsi forget Guadagnare, Disfidure, challenge Guardare, Disimpegnare, disengage Dispensare, bestow Guastare, Disputare, dispute Guidare, Disegnare, design Gustare, Dissimulare, dissemble Assaggiare, Dissipare, waste Saggiare, Disingannare, undeceive Imbarazzare, Disprezzare, despise Imbrogliare, Disturbare, disturb Inibriacare, Diventare, become Dimandare, Domandare, ask Imitare, Immaginarsi, Domare, tame Imparare, Dominare, Dubitare, domineer doubt Impegnare, Durare, last Impiccare, Entrare, come in Impegnare, Ereditare, inherit Inclinare, Errare, mistake Incoraggiare, Esaltare, exalt Incontrare, Esperimenfare, ( Sperimentare, S experience Indorare, Indoviiiare, Esortare, exhort Liformare, ' Evitare, avoid Infiavimare, Fabbricare, build Ingannare, Faticare, work hard Fatigare, vex Ingiuriare, Favellare, speak Innamorursi , Felicitare, make happy Fermare, stop Insegnare, Fidare, trust IntagUare, Fissare, fix o ' Fonicntare, foment Inventare, For mare, form Invidiare, Fortijicare, fortify Invitare, Frequentare, frequent Irritare, Fumare, smoke Lagrimare, Gelare, fieeze Lamentarsi, { to throw away play judge swear swell govern gratify scratch cry out win, or get look at, to guard spoil guide taste r embarrass, L or perplex {make one drunk imitate to imagine learn S engage, or ^ pawn hang employ incline encourage meet gild guess inform inflame f cheat, or de- \ ceive abuse {fall in love with leach j engrave, or ~) carve invent envy invite irritcite weep coujplain '^1)9 Lasciare, Lav are, Legare, JLevnre, Licenziare, Licemiarsi, i { Lodare, Mandare, Maiulare a dire, Ala tic are, JSIangiare, yiarciarc, Marinare, Alaritarsi, Masticare, Merit are, JSIescolare, MigUorare, Minacciiire, Minchionars, Mirare, Misurare, Most rare, Mutare, Narrarc, Naufragare, Negoziare, Nettare, to leave wash tie, or bind take away dismiss lake one's leave praise send send word fail eat niat( li pickle marry, viz. to lake a husband chew deserve mix prow belter threaten joke, or laugh Provare, at Provocare, look, or beholdi^u/;A/icrtre, Pesare, Pettinare, Piegare, Pigliare, PigUare in prcstito Ptzzicare, Porture, Pratizarc, Predare, Pregiare, Pri'dicarc, Prcparare, Prescntare, Prestare, Privare, Procurare, Prolungare, Procrastiuare, Pronunziare, Pronunciare, { 5 Notare, Nuotare, Obbligare, Occnpare, Odorare, Onorare, Ornare, Osservare, Piiu,(irc, Purlarc, The model 2f)(i. Passarr, Passegginre, 1 Spasieggian , \ Pfggiurare, Pt-nsarr, Perdonare, measure shew change relate wreck trade polish, or cleanse note swim oblige occu|)y smell honour adorn observe pay iiliiii-i a p pass take a walk grow worse think pardon RaccommanJare, Raccontare, Rallegrdrsi, Rassomigliare, Recilart', Replicare, Rcspirare, Ricamare, Ricordare, Ri/iutarc, Himediare, Riiigraziare, Riportare, < Riposare, Ripulare, Risvtltare, liitui nare, Ritlmre, Rurinare, Russure, Sdllnre, Salittare, Sanarc, Scaldare, to weigh comb told up take borrow pinch carry, or bring dine prey prixe preach prepare present lend deprive procure, or endeavour prolong delay pronounce try provoke publish recommend relate rejoice resemble repeat reply breathe embroider remember refuse remedy thank carry back again rest repute respect relinn steal, or rub ruin snore jump salute heal warm 270 Scancellare, Scappare, Scherzare, Scusare, Sdrucciolare, Seguitare, Separare, Sgraffiare, Sgridare, Sigilla7~e, Smoccolare la cand^la, Soffiare, Sognare, Solleticare, Sollevare, Sommare, Somministrare, Sonnecchiare, Sopportare, Sospettare, Sospirare, Sotterrare, Sparagnare, Spaventare, Sperdre, Spiegare, Spogliare, Sporcnre, Sputare, Stampare, Starnutare, Stimare, Stracciare, to blot out Strapazzare escape Studiare, joke Sudor e, excuse Svegliare, slip, or slide Superare, go on or foWow Suppllcaj-e, } separate scratch scold seal to snuff the caudle blow dream tickle raise cast up furnish slumber suffer suspect sigh bury spare affright hope explain undress dirty spit print sneeze esteem tear Tagliare, Terminare, Testificare, Tirare, Til are di spada, Toccare, Tollerare, Tormentare, Trafjicare, Tram arc, Traspotare, Trascnrare, Traslalare, Trattare, Tremare, Trio7ifare, Trovare, Vacillare, Vantarc, Vendicarsi, Viaggiare, Vletare, Fisitare, Folare, Voltare, Vomttare, Usare, Usurpare, to ill use study perspire awake overcome beseech cut finish testify pull fence touch suffer torment trade plot transfer neglect translate treat tremble triumph find be wavering boast or praise revenge travel forbid visit fly turn vomit use, to usurp, &c. 12. A COLLECTION* Of Verbs in ERE, conjugated like Temere in Preterite and Participle. th cir Ass6lvere, Batter e, Cedere, Concedere, Dipendere, Credere, Empiere, Infinitive to absolve beat yield grant depend believe fill Fretorite. ei, or etti, ei, etti, etti, ei, ei, ei. etti. Participle. uto. uto. uto. uto. uto. uto. uto. * See A'ote * above, at p. 266. 211 Jntiiiitive. Pi eterile Ft'ndere. to cleave ei. Frtmere rage ei. etti, G tin ere, g'oan or weep ei. etti. Godere, rejoice ei. etti. Mietere, reap ei. Pdscere, feed ei. Pt'ndere, hang ei. Pirdere, lose ei. etti. Pnmtre, press ei, etti. Preci'dere, precede ei. etti etti. Proctdere, proceed ei. liecere. vomit ei. etti. Hinder e, restore ei, etti. Riavere, receive ei. etti. Riempere, fill again ei. Ripcttre, repeat ei. Risvlvere, resolve ei. etti, Srrpere, cr:i\vl ei. Splt'ndere, shine ei. Succe'dere, siiccted ei. etti. Temtre, The Mode 1. a- hove, at p. 2fif) Tdndere, fleece ei. Vender e. sell ei, Participle. utu. uto. ulo. uto. uto. uto. uto. uto. uto. uto. uto. uto. uto. uto. uto. ulo. uto. uto. uto. uto. \:i *A COLLECTlONf Of r'crhs in II{R, co/7/wo-a/rf/ //Ar FiNiuE, /;/ t/io.sc persons which end in J SCO, ISCA, &;c. — See the Tablr of the Rp2^iilar Conjus^dtions, at p. 206. — Their accent of the in- ftnitixc ?9 eonslanlh/ on the I of their final. \\\ M — X.I3. Tlioso marked with an a^-ti-rij^U (*) alter them mav he also conju- jjatedas the second regular conjiii^ation, without ihesyllahle isco^ especial Iv in poetry, but seldom in familiar prose. {%) ' Abbellire,* ' Ahborrlrc,* • Ahbroslirc, 4" \ ' AbbrostoUre, i Aholirr, ' Aborrire,* ' Abortire, ' Accanire, to embellish abhor toa^t too iiiiicli abolish abhor miscarry enrage Acetire, Addcbolirc, ' Addnldre, ' Adempire,* Adcrirc, ' Agjiradirc, ' Allef^frerire, ' Allenire, to become sour weaken sweet in accomplish adhere accept ease alleviate • Sec Xote • alK.vc, at p. 2Cf). f No l(; tliis li«t. Sec abo the N 15. at t>. 271. — K'hlor. \ Tin* rcaMiii (if thr«c flouMc inflection", liowi-vcr, mostly nrlKi's for tin- possi- bility of tirmiiialiiiK tin- iiifinitivcn of Midi verlit in l",KK, or Altl'"., as will .u in IKK. See thcli^ts of such verbn, ia advaiire, nl I al)I- \'ill. — F.JUitr. 273 Amhire, to crave Constituire, to constitute * Jmmollire, soften Costruire, construe Ammonire, admonish Custodire, preserve • Ammorhidire, soften Definire, define ' Ammutire, ' Ammutolire,* \ grow dumb Differire, Digerire, delay digest ' AnnichUire* annihilate Diminuire, diminish ' Annobilire,* ennoble ' Diver tire,* divert * Apparire,* appear Esaudire, hear favourably ' Appassire, fade Eseguire, execute ' Appetire, desire Esihire, offer ' Appiacevolire, cheerlap ' Fallire, fail ' Applaiidire,* applaud ' Favorire, favour Ardire, dare * Ferire* wound Arricchire, enrich ' Finire, The Model ' Arrossire,* blush See it above, p. 266. Arrostire, roast Fiorire, flourish Arrugginire, rust For hire, polish Assalire* assault Fornire, furnish Asserire, affirm ' Garantire, warrant ' Assopire, make drowsy * Gemire* weep ' Assorbire* absorb, ifs Gestire, make gestures participle is either ossorbito or Gioire, rejoice assorto. Gradire, accept ' Assordire* deafen Guarire, cure Assortire* match Guurnire, furnish Atterire, frighten Iinbastardire, degenerate Attribuire, attribute Inibestialire, grow brutal ' Attristire* afflict Imbruttire, grow ugly Avvertire,* warn Imbuonire, grow good Avvilire, debase ' Immorbidire, soften Balbntire, stnmniar Impadronire, seize Bandire, banish * Impallidire, grow pale Bianchire, whiten ' Lmpaurire,* frighten Brunire, burnish ' Irnpazzire,* become mad Capire, understand Impedire, hinder ' Chiarire, grow clear Impiacevolire, soften ' Colorire,* colour ImpiccoUre, lessen Colpire, strike ' Impietrire,* petrify ' Comparire, appear before Impigrire, grow lazy ' Compartire,* distribute Impoverire, grow poor ' Compatire, compassionate ' Impoltronire, grow lazy ' Compire, fulfil Imputridire, rot ' Concepire, to conreive, the par- ticiple is concepiio, conceputo, ' Inacetire, ' Inacidire, S grow sour and concetto. ' Inanimire, encourage Condire, season ' Inaridire, grow dry ' Conferire, bestow Innsinire, become stupid ' Conseguire,* obtain ' Inaaprire,* exasperate Coniribmre, contribute Incallire, grow callous 213 ' Incenerire, to reduce to ashes Ordire, to warp IiicitUire, j^row polite ' Par lire, divide Iitcoltorlre, hi'CDine angry Piirtoiire, lie in ' Incoras^ire, ( • Snlriie, ) * noui i^ti ' Slarnutirc,* St ordire, snce/e stun • Offlrirc* offer Slupire,* Houdcr ^iij fii clwtKiral aullioia we ruiil lliix vrrli ending lii are 274 Svanire, Suggerire, Supplire, Tradire, Tramortire, to evaporate suggest supply betray faint away Trasgredire, Trasricchire, Ubbidire, Unire, to transgress grow very rich obey unite ^ 14. N. B. The above verbs in IRE are only the most usual; they might be easily doubled by consulting Mastrojini's Index. Those not marked with au inverted comma (') are defective in the first person plural of all the present tenses, and in the second person plural of the present of the conjunctive mood ; so that such persons must be supplied either by an equivalent verb, as Inghiollire by Iiigoiare ; Gioire by Rullegrarsi; Avvilire, by Ahhassate, or Deprimere ; Punire by Gastigare ; Marcire by Imputridire, ^c. or by express- ing that first or second person plural by a periphrasis, thus, for Ainhire we may say abhiamn ambizione, or siate amhiziosi ; for Ardire, ahbiamo, or ahliale in dire , fov Ing'igliardirc, lorniamo, ov (orniate gagliardi, ov riprendiam gagltardia; for Intisichire, diamo, or diate in tisico ; for Smaltire, procuriam dl smaltire ; for Siupire, restiamo stvpiti; for Ubbidire, vogliamo ubbidire, or facciate I' ubbidi- enza, ^-c. which manners of speaking may be observed in reading the approved Italian writers. Those who choose a verb like Sentire for the model of the conjugation in IRE, must give all the above as irregular; but by adopting Finire as a model, they become all legular, and only the following are irregular, with some of their com- pounds, viz. Aprirc, Boltire, Convervire, Cucire, Dormire, Fuggire, Partire, to set out) Peniirsi, Seguire, Servire, Vestire, being the only ones conjugated like Sentire. On the IRREGULAR VERBS, and THEIR LISTS, Alphabetically Arranged. 15. Advertisement 6j/ /^e Editor. It is a well known fact, that the Verbs which are irregular in most languages, as well as in Italian, are precisely those of which the use is most familiar and frequent, consequently of the greatest importance to the learner. It bei[)g the province of an Universal^ and not of a Particular Grammar ^ to inquire into the causes of these anomalies, I shall entirely pass them over in silence here ; but I cannot do the same with respect to those defective methods of treating this very important part of the Italian Grammar, universally adopted by all the grammarians who have written for the use of Great Britain ; these three only excepted, viz. hno. The Rudiments of the Italian Grammar, at Wingrave's, Strand, London); ^do. Vergani's New Grammar (Birmingham) ; and, 3i'aniiiinriun, and acknowledged liy tlicin as Uie b«*t (.see ili'-ir nolr to liiiomm'itlii't (iratnniar, at Uie vcib monrr) ; but my astonishment wa* lately redoubled in tindini; the very learned i'rofesHor .Mas- TkoKiMi, ill hU iiironiitaralile Pictionary of the llaliaii verbs, tiiualiy ignorant of ibc same luU. — Editor. T 3 278 N.B. The application of the same principle of the accent will account for many anomalies of the irregular verbs. For instance, if we want to fix a rule to know when the inflec- tions oi Andare ou^ht to begin with A or with V, let us observe the seat of the accent, and we shall find that the V begins ail those inflections which have the accent on the A immediately following.— Also, if we want to ascertain when the inflections of Uscire ought to begin with E, or with U, let us attend to the accent, which will be a safe guide to its anomalous forms beginning with E. — The studious will find this principle useful, to fix the irreg^ularity of almost all the verbs contained in the following LIST. <(y Exceptions. — l«?o, In order that the above rule be true, a single consonant must follow the diphthong, or else it is lost. Hence, in the verbs xenire^ solere, we say, io soglio, or vengo ; eglino sogliono, or vengono, S tense, n. 6. viz. the present of the conjunctive mood, and that tlie others proceed regular, according to the table of io/ivcrsal tertninations ; so by substitiitini;; to a (the universal termination of the third ])er- son singular of that tense), the universal termination iainu^ we >hall have tlie first plural of the same tense; if we put iate, the second plural will bcolitained, and soon. VIII. The abbreviation (v.) after a verb means tide or sec ,• that is, it refers the student for the conjugation of the verb before it to that placed after; whence we are directed to suppose that they vtvo both irregular in the same tenses, and that the hi/phcn in the verb we look for is tobe suj)pose(l before as manv final letters of the infinitive as in the verb referred (o; which being rejected and the same termination added to the remainder, we shall obtain the right inilection us wanted. — For instance, looking Un Acchiitdcrc, we are referred to Assidt conjui^ale tliein in these, or any other irrei,Milar verb, arcoi ilin^,^ (<» the T \ ni-i; of (he llir( e rei;ular ri»ii)uga(i()iis giviii above at \}.*2(}'). (see above, nn. 1. and Ho 283 TABLE 1. of Words of the Masculine Gender in a. stock or cod fish Flemma phlegm, patience j catasplasm or Idioma idiom 1 poultice Planeta planet climate Prisma prism diadem Problema problem drama Poema poem f diaphragm or \ midritl" Sistema system Sofa sofa enigma or riddh ^ Sperma sperm epigram Taffeta taffety or taffetta f phantom or I phantasm Teorema theorem Tema theme Table Baccala Cataplasma Clima Diadema Dramma Diaframma Enimma Epigramma Fantasma (^ To these must be added all other nouns in a of pure Greek origin, and others, either evidently or most probably implying an attribute peculiar to the male sex ; such as Pa- triarca, Eresiarca, Profeta, Poeta, Monarca, Duca, Leggista, Artista, Geometra, Bloralista, 8)C. particularly as many of them, when applied to the female sex, assume the termina- tion in essa, as Profeta, tesstty f. m. Profetessa, f. Poeta, m. Poe- TABLE IL Table of Words of the Masculine Gender in e. Ahdte, Abete, Abdumine, Accattapane, Adipe, A' ere, Aff'dre, Alee, Alcidne, Algdre, Alid6re, Allurne, Aloe, Aldne, Al/ire, Aniore, Anctle, abbot fir tree abdomen a beggar fat air affair elk halcyon chiilness dryness alum aloes f halo, a circle Angue, A'nice, A'pice, Apn'le, Arbore, (some- snake, adder anise apex, or summit April times of the fem gender.) Argine, Ariete, Arn^se, Artefice, Baccaldre, Baccandle, I a tree I round a planet Bacile, odour, or smell Badile, love Barile, f a sacred shield a-Bastione, \ mong theRomansjB-3MZe, a bank of a river {aries, battering ram harness artificer a pretended wit bacchanal bason a sort of spade barrel bastion trunk 283 Buchiere, drinking glass Krrure, an error BlatiSne, blazon E pate. Bote, an ox Elide, m. c*^' f. heir or heiress Barrace, borax /a foot soldier. Breve, fa brief or short I writing \ man or woman, Fante, m. i^- f. < servant, a knave. Caciuvere, corpse i the knave ac (yp. coffee Vcards Calce, "^ the handle of a Fele, tiele. the gall or [ spear, or the hwiiFine, the end Calcio,) end of a gun FU'rre, a flower Cdlice. chalice Finnic, a river Calle, passage Funic, m. &c. f. a fountain Canape, hemp rope Genere, a kind or genus Cane, a dog Gcrme, germ or seed Can one, r canon or church 1 law Glave, Glutine, the sword-Hsh glue Capezzale, bolster Guardamac- f the guard of a I gun Cappune, capon cliie. Card be. sort of amber richor, a sharp CanUtere, character Fcore, J humor issuing Curbdne, coals L from sores Cardamomum , medicinal seed J'strice, urchin Curdine, a hinge Igne, fire Carme, a verse or poem 1st ante instant Carnefice, executioner Intcressc, interest Cece, Ccrcine, split pea a porter's knot Lache, ( a footman or 1 lackey Cignale, cin- ghiale, ? a wild boar Latte, Lcndine, milk a nit Cddice, r a codex or book Lume, \ of law Mdntice, light bellows Compdre, godfather Mare, sea Conclave., conclave Margine, m. h f. edge or border Confine, limit, boriler Mele, iniele. honey Console, consul Mcse, mouth Comdrte, m. ~j consort, husbam d Monte, mountain or hill S^f. / or wife Nepote, neplicw or niece CoTsnle, a pirate Noce, a walnut tree Curtate, court yard Nome, name CuOTf, heart Nox'('mbre, November Di'cenihre, December Ondre, honor Dcnte, tooth Or he. orb 'Die, a day Ordinr, in. 8t f. order Do hi re, JJomdne & D pain or grief \ to-morrow On'Jice, J worker in gold I or silver imine, rn. c*^ Ostr, a landlord DiKP, leader or captain Ostr, m. h f. the army r.li/iiutr, clephaiU Osjit ft ()\pitr, a guest I'.'mbrice, a tile Ottobrc, October Entc, • being Otrr, a leather but tit! 284 Padre, father Padule, m. \ a bog or marsh Palude, m. &f, Palvete, pavese, a kind of shield Pane, bread Pepe, pepper Pettine, a comb Piedc, pie. a fool Podere, power, a farm Pudice, podex or buttock Ponte, a bridge Prete, a priest Pube, pubes Rame, copper Re, rege, king Refe, thread Rene, when pkiral, m. & f. I kidney ^ Rovere, oak Sale, salt Sangue, blood Sapone, soap Scerhffe, mockeries Scange, silk shot Sc hid one. a spit Sciame, swarm Sedile, a seat Seme, lead Settcmbre, September Sole, ■ Sorce, Spiede, Sprone, Spcrone, Staffile, i. Stame, Stivdle, Stranie, Sudore, i TagUaborse, Tane, Tor rente, Tralce, TrdniHe, Trrpode, \ Tripit'de, f Vate, Ventre, r Vertlce, \ Vidle, Pinie, Find ice, } Vomere, Unidre, sun a mouse a spit ;i spur a strap or lea- thern scourge yarn a boot provender sweat, perspira- tion a pickpocket chesnut colour a torrent a shoot of a tree a pass or way a trivet, tripod a poet, a bard belly vortex or top of any thing an alley a shoot or twig a revengeful ffoddess a ploughshare humour Qr^ This Table contains very few nouns in ORE ; which are very numerous in Italian, and ail nuisculine, without exception. TABLE III. Table of Words of the Feminine Gender in e. Alice, yilpe. Ape, Arpe, arpa. Arte, Asce, ascia, Assc, Aste, asta, A'ligc, Azione, { a sort of corn the Alps a bee an harp an art hatchet board or plank spear, lance the apogee of a planet action Baccnnte, \ f. c«t m. / Barhdrie, Bile, Brace, hrage, Cagidne, Calce, Cnligine, Calvizie, Canizie, Canzone, a votary of Bac- chus barbarity choler, anger a live coal cause lime soot baldness hoariuess song 285 CaricSy a sort (it '.vecd ( a fox, the blast, Came, meat Golpc, \ (•^peaking of Curcere, a prison I . corn) Cenere, ashes Gregge, f. & m . a flock Chi'ave, a key Immagine, an image Chimide, rtlie upper vest of J the ancient llo- Indole, { temper or dis- position L man soldiers J ride, rainbow Cliisse, a class La be, spot or stain Coltre, counterpane Lanugine, down or soft hair Comdre, a godmother Legge, law Cuiigth-'ie, a heai) or mass Lente, lentils Consortt', f. & ni. liusbaiul or wife Lepre, f. & m. a hare Codrte, a cohort Lite, lawsuit ra cornice. Lode, praise Cornice, J frame, a dim Luce, light Carte, (^ or raven a court Mace, { mace or busk of nutmeg Cote, a whct-stone Madre, mother Crise, Croce, a crisis a cross Masticc, or Mastricc, } niastick Cusjnde, a sharp end ISIentc, mind Cute, skin, bark M( ne, vierctde. mercy Decade, a decade Moglie, wife Dlabete, 'diabetes, a disease Mole, Morte, a heap death Dizidne, diction Nave, a ship Dote, r dower, marriage \ portion : Noce, Notte, a walnut night Effi'gie, effi-y Ode, an ode Eke, Eiicr, f holfu tree, or \ scarlet oak Origine, Pace, an origin peace Face, a torch P• Wednesday Thursday Friday Cacapensieri, Cacastechi, eclipse 1 a man of my > character or } rank (a. sort of dis- < temper among (^ horses an herb a sort of stone an herb compound words. fa man of an un- J settled mind, who J always finds ob- jections where there are none ; a waverer a stingy man 2S7 CacciddiavoU, an exorcist ,^ . ,■ ■ fa bolcher, a r'^^ ; /r ..,; i * cheertui merry \ bunt^ler * I tellow Infilacappi, a botlkiii Cadaventi, a dentist Lavaceci, a silly fellow rtlie worm of a I'agliacantoni, a murderer, Cara^^rofci, ^ ramrod, a cork- &r. &c. I screw Andliii, Antitesi, Apoteusi, Crisi, E'ufasi, '2. Or TiiE Feminine Gender. analysis antithesis apotheosis crisis emphasis In, Gf'ncsi, JMelamdrfosi, Tesi, with some more of Greek extraction ending in i. iris or rainbow Genesis metamorphosis thesis TABLE V. ( a ) Table of JVords u/iich by a different denomination have another or the same ineaning. ]. In a. Alba, the dawn yija, a barn floor, r discourse or ha- J ranguc, a (_ herring a plank "I absence, dis- / tance a little stick or switch a joke a whale f a ball, a round \ body a side Art'uga, Assa, Ass^zia, or Assenza, Bacchetta, Baja, Bdla, Band a, In O Alho, white Ajo, a tutor Aringo, lists in tourna- ments Asso, ace in cards Asstnzio, wormwood { Hit rid ltd, liitTa, Barca, Buifii, I { Bajo, Httteno, Ballu, Bando, BaiuUto, { a ban, a place where it is for- bidden to hunt, shoot, or fi-h a hicr, a lilltr Bnro, a boat BtiTco, parco, basting or long Busto, itilchci bay colour lightening a ball, a dunce a ban, proclama- tion an outlaw a knave, a cheat a park a pack-saddle 288 Bolla, Botta, Branca, Bricca, Bisogna, Brocca, Buffa, Calla, Capella, Casd {a bubble, a seal Bollo, or stamp accia, Cassa, Cocca, Colla, Colpa, Corba, Costa, Cotta, Doglia, Famiglia, Fata, Fava, Fiata, Fila, Foglia, Fonda y Frega, Galla, Ganiba, Genia, Gesta, Gola, Gorgu, Grida, { { { { a blow or stroke fang or claw a wild place business a pitcher a trifle, a toy an entrance or passage a young goat an old ruinous house a chest the notch of a crossbow or arrow glue blame, guilt a basket a rib a surplice, an upper garment Co^^o, Botto, Branco, Brando, Bisogno, Brocco, Buffo, Callo, CapeUo, Casdccio, Casso, Cocco, Collo, Colpo, Corbo, corvo, Costo, pain, grief Doglio, family Famiglio, a fairy Fato, a bean Favo, C as una fiata, due Fiato, Ifiata, once, twice a ro,w Filo, the leaf of a tree Foglio, { a purse, or sling Fondo_ friction, a long- Frego, ing desire gall-nut Gallo, the leg Gambo, breed Genio, race Gesto, the throat the gullet Gorgo, proclamation Grido, { { { \ the same as bolla the same as botta a herd or drove a sword, poeticiil want a peg, a stump a whitf, a puff of air a corn, hardened skin hair of the head a strange acci- dent the sternum, or hollow part of the breast cochineal the neck a blow or stroke a raven, a crow cost, charge rasmuch as is boil- J ed, baked, or (^ roasted at once f an earthen pot to I keep any liquor in f a servant, a bailiff, 1 an officer fate, destiny honeycomb the breath { thread a sheet of paper, page or leaf of a book depth, bottom a dash, a stroke a cock the stem of a plant genius gesture a whirlpool cry, clamour 28:> Grojrpa, Ldccia, Libra, JAma, Lntta, Lustra, Lulta, Macca, Maglia, Mattica, Mnzza, vuizzuola, Mora, Malta, Mttsa, Najjpo, Ora, Orza, Otta, ora, Paletta, Palma, Pasta, Piaiui, Pidnta, Piva, Porta, Post a, Pozza, Punta, Puiga, Quadra, Ilusjia, Razza, Rczza, he go la, liiva, Rocca, Romba, Saja, ihe crupper shad Gill a poumi a file wrtstliiiij a dcii, cave wrestling pleuty Grappo, ijruppu, Liiccio, Libra, J Amu, Lotto, Lustra, lustre, iKstrum, Lulto, Mat CO, } a knot or bunch { mail for armour Maglio, a sleeve AJanico, a sledge, or great Mazzo, hammer, a mace, )nnzziiolo, club the juelt or spleen Milzu, ihcmuiberrytruit Muro, a clod Motto, muse, song Muso, a tassel Nappo, hour Oro, thelarboard sheet Orzo, time Otto, a shovel Palcllo, palm tree, pahnPa//yio, ot the hand paste Paslo, apliiik, a ho&rdPiano, a plant Pianlo, bag-pipe Pivo, a door Porto, posture, the post- Posto, office a shjugh Pozzo, point, sharp end Panto, a purge Pun^o, tlie (|ua(!raMt Qiiadrn, a rasp Riispo, race of people Razzo, fishing net Rrzzo, u rule Re'^olo, a bank Rivo, a (listaii Racco, a »lii)g Pnmbo, serge Sajo, V } } a snare a book mire, mud lottery the sprtce of five years mourning a dish of beans boiled to a nmsh a niallit a handle a bunch, little bundle flabby a moor, the mul- berry tree a motto, an em- blem or device face, mouth a bowl gold barley sight a little pall a sj)an a meal slow, n plain wcej)ing a peg a port a place, station a well point, a period a fidler's work- house, a mill a picture biMich of grapes ray of light sliado of trees a |)ctty u rivulet a bishop's staff a hu/.7.ing a man's frock 290 Salma, burden Sahito, a psalm Sambuca, sackbutj a musical instrument Sambnc.o, an elder tree Solfa, zolfa, a musical note Solfo, zolfo. sulphur or brim- stone Somma, a sum Sommo, top, height Spira, a spire Spiro, breath Sporta, abasketorhamper Sporto, projectnre Squilla, a little bell Squillo, a sound or harmony Stalla, stable Stallo, habitation, mansion Stampa, impression, press, print Stampo, Suolo, the soil Tempia, the temple, late- Tempia, a temple, place of ral part of the worship head Testa, the head Testo, text Torto, a pie or pudding Torto, ' a wrong, an injury Tracolla, a shoulder belt Tracollo, a nod Ventaglia, vizor of the hel- met Ventaglio, a fan ( b ) Words of different Terrtiinations and Cleanings in e and a, or e and o. Apostrofe, or Apostrofa, Asse, Botte, Calce, Calle, Colle, 2. In E. Apostrophe, in rhe- toric, a diversion of speech to another Apostrofo, person than the speech appointed did intend or require plank, board Asso, a cask Botta, butt end of a lance Calca, or musket a path, road, street, passage In a or O. Apostrophe, in gram- mar, the contraction of a word by the use of a Comma, as V grand, Sfc. the ace at cards a blow or thrust a crowd or throng a hill Colla, Colle, Conte, a count, an earl Conto, Folk, mad, foolish Folia, Mela, Mele, honey Mela, Parte, a part Pario, Peste, pestilence, plague Pesta, Calla,callo, entrance or passage through the hedges, to get into the fields glue, a rope to rack malefactors vvith the neck an account a crowd, a throng the apple fruit the apple tree a birth, production the track ♦^91 Pescf, Rome, Salute, Sarte, Scure, Sete, Sette, Sorte, Stats, Mi Fesca, the, fishery, act ot fish- iiii; copper Jianio>rama«'"*'" Miwiua.o a dose Moiggin, o U 2 an idolater an image C an iHi|)iession, a re- [ (|ucst, loan ( hyperbole, ex;.g- \ geration an hypocrite Eamjiada, e a lanip j a stoni-, l)ut rather I a tomb-stone Imago, e Impronta, n Iperbola, e Ipocrifii, o { Lapida. e Lej,na, a, o ^tzia,o { wood flllectation, allure- ments {• praise a mill-stone a lilfli- pretty hand niiti ilay, the south 292 Mortadella, o Bologna sausage Nacchera, o kettle-drum Nevischia, o sleet Ndttola,o I bat, a winged ani- ' I mal JVuvola, a cloud Oda, e an ode Omhrella, o umbrella Orecchia, o the ear Orezza, o fresh air Ot70, o a leather bottle Palandrana, o a great coat Palizzata, o a palisado Palpebra, o eye-lid Pdpera, o a gosling Pare, o an equal Pdssero, e, a a sparrow Pasticca, pastil Pendaglia, o a belt Pentecdsta, e pentecost ■n , . 1 (an earthen pot to Pentola, o < , • » i • ' I dress victuals in Pezza, o a piece Pilota, o a pilot, or mate „. ,, r a pine-grove, or PmHa, I /^^j Pome, o apple, pommel Pdrpora, o purple Posa, o pause Predellina, o a foot-stool Prestigia, o jugg'ing Pres<^pe, | a manger presepio, } ° Priega, o prayer, intreaty Progenie, a progeny „ . (a plumb-tree Prunaja,o | pi^^ntation Puzza, o a stench Querela, e an oak Ragnatela, o a spider's web Rama, o a branch, bough Rddica, radice, a root T> . ,, r a sniallbrancluor Kanncella, o < i , ' L bough Rnndcchia, o a fi'og Rebi'lle, o a rebel Rt'dhut, e therein of abridle Reqiiid, e rest, ease, repose Riserba, o ") „. )■ reservation Hiserva, o J Rovella, '"^ge, fury Rdvere, o the male oak RiiHa a r the play of rolling Sacea, o a sack, or bag Salcie, "1 ,, .,» o , . >the Wilton balcio, J Sbarra, o a bar or spur Sherleffe, o mockery Scagliuolo, a a kind of alum Seanefa, o | ^ ^j^^,f ocansia, o j Scaramuccia, o a skirmish Scatalone, a a large box Scheggio, a a rock Scidnie, o a swarm Scolare, o a scholar Scura, e hatchet, axe Stadia, o ") 1 • c./ . >a chair Seggia, o J Segdle, a I'ye c .fa blood-sucker, begavene, i < .. ° I an impostor o • , fa little chair, or Seggwla,o I ^^^^ Sernenta, e a seed Senapa, e mustard seed Sesta,e a compass Siero, e whey Srncope, a sincope Sofisma, sophism Sorce, sorca, "l . > a mouse sorco, sorcio, J Soprascritta, o superscription Sorta, e a sort, or kind Spasma, ") Spasima, o j Spiede, o Spiga, Spdla, o a pin Sposalizia, o a wedding Sprazza,o \a sprinkling, as- Spruzza, o j persion spasm a spit an ear of corn Stecc'j, Sterpo, e Stilo, e Stipito, e Strofa, e aflat piece of wood a shoot of a plant f style of writing, or \ speaking r stem of a plant, ( pole stanza in poetry 293 Talpa, e Tan fa, o Tegola, Termine, o Ttatina, o TigUa, Tigrc, a, Timbra, o Tina, o Tinrlla, Turtora, e Tossa, e Trafusola, e Tovagliula, o Trambuslo, a {the animal called Tubera, o mole Viijuole,o (be mouldy smell ^aso, e a tile Ferine, o an end, or term I'trmito, a a small bead Vesta, e ( erain in wood, „ ^^ ,. < ^ ■ • , Fettovagha, o (. vein lu stones ^ tiger lie, via, the herb savoury I'iuttula, o a vat a small v it a tiiiile dove r a ht I silk little skein of f itizza, Ulcer a, c, o UUvdto, a Tramezzo, a < Unqua, e rdmcro, e Zacchcra, o inner sole of the Zampettu, o Zenzevero, e a napkin ( confn.^ion, disoi I der slioe ■A kind of tree tlie stnall-pox a vase, a vessel a worm a liard winter a gown, or robe Msions, vic- Is a way, or road a narrow street, an alley ulcer a plantation of olive trees, or olive yard never, ever r coulter, plough- 1 sbare dirt, splash a little paw ginger r provi I tual y ( d ) J fords in ere and era, ofzcliirh there are some zchich have three different Termiuaiions. Arciere, o Banchiere, o Barbiere, o, i Camiere, a, o, Condottiere, o Cavalier e, o Cimiere, io Consiglicre, u Carrier e o > Destrier^y o, i Droghiere, o Forestiere, o Foriere, o Gabbierc, o Giardimpre, o lugegncrr, o {an b \ fakni \ hor /the I bel { or Mestiere, o, i Nocchii're, o Novelliere, o Ostiere, o Palafrcnierc , o Paniere, a Pensiere, o Poltroniere, o Pomicre, o Prt'gliiera, o Frigivniere, a Quartieri, i archer bowman a banker a barber a budget, pouch, cloak-bag a carrier a knight, trooper, rseman Paniere, a crest of a Pensierc, o elmet a counsellor a courier a steed, a horse, (poetical) a druggist a foreigner a forerunner the man at the to dc- Schacchicre, o r an trade mate, in { {the man at top-mast to scry land, (jr enemy a gardener an engineer Scliinicrc, to prepare, nt up >-, Ammamre, J * ' ' Carpire, A mniansnre, 'I to lame, make Ammnnsirv, J tractable Ammollare, i to moisten, soften, /^/,;^ .^,^g Ammollire, / affect, loosen c'/ji.ir/re,' , . , rto make lender, ^mmor/>., r/r.-, J ,^ ,,,^,^^^^„^ CV/orar^, Ammorbidm; | ^,^f,^.,, Ammortnrr, i to fiuench, cxiin Ammorlirr, J guish, put out Ammnlari , \ Ammutirr, f . . « i . u . , , ' > to betouic dumb Ammutolnr, ) grace > to annihilate }to become dark, or grow towards night > to annul > to become cloudy to fade away» to wither, to decay to blush, to colour, to be ashamed }to render wise, to give sense ~) to fit or adapt one J thing to another > to make deaf > to make sad 1 to stop one's ears « to dry, shrivel up. { wrinkle unmer, tostut- Carpare, \ }lo stai tcr I to snatcli from to creep along as children do {to clear, to ex- plain, to unfold, to resoKe Colorin Divlmirdn , to colour declare Iran, "1 Ditrliiitrire, J DiscnUirmc, 1 to spoil or takeaway Disciiloriii , J the colour Fitllarc, rallire, to fail, do amiiS 298 *Favorare, Favorire, Finare, Finire, Granare, s. . i ^ . ' f to become grain (jrramre, J ° Grugnare, > \ to favor \ to finish } to grunt to guarantee ' V to embalm Imbersonarsi, { . r n ,. , , . . > to rail out Jmbersomrst, J Grugnire, -\ Guarentare, r Guarentire, Tmbalsamare, Imbalsamire 1 to tarnish, to grow Imbrunare, Imbrunire, S brown Imbruttare, 1 ^ i i m I t xa- > to daub, soil Jmbruttire, J ' Immezzare Inwiezzire rto ire, I ' < wrin ' L with grow kled, ered soft, Impallidare A , Impallidire, J ° " Impaurare, \ to frighten, to ter* , J rify } to hinder, to stop, to thwart to rot or grow rot- ten to exasperate, to stir, to provoke S( to {to grow sharp, vinegar turn Inipaurire *Impedimen- tare, *Impedimen' tire, Imporrarc, j Imporrire, Inacerbare Inacerbire, Inacetare, Inacetire, Inagrare, Inagrire, Inanimare, Inanimire, Jnaridare, Inaridire, Inasprare, > to exasperate, to in- Inasprire, cense Incancherare, Incancherirc, Incatarrure, I ^ ^ , . , > to catch cold > to grow sour { to animate, to en- courage, tohearten, to embolden I to dry up 7 to fester, to pu- 5 trify, to rankle Incatarrlre, Incenerare, Incenerirc, Indolciare, Indolcare, Indolcire, Indurare, Indurire, Infervorare, Infervorire, Infiorare Injiorire, Infracidare, Infracidire, Infrigidare, Infrigidire, Ingiallare, Ingiallire, Immalinconi- care, Immalinconi- chire, Inorgogliare, Inorgoglire, Inquietare, Inquietire, Inretare, Inretire, Irretire, Insalvaticare, Insalvatichire, Insozzare, Insozzire, * Insuperbare, *Insuperbiare, (obsolete), Insuperbire, Intenebrare, Intenebrire, Intiepidare, Intiepidire, lutepedire, Intirixzare, Intirizzire, ^ to sweeten, to > soften, to allay, J assuage {to grow obsti- nate, to become or make hard rto encourage, in- ■} flame with fer- L vor }to blossom, bloom, biow "I to rot, putrify, J corrupt {to cool, chill, to become cold or chilled ? to make or be- } come yellow I to become me- )> lancholy, orme- ^ lancholic to make or be- come proud or haughty }to disquiet, ren- der uneasy I to catch with j nets, to ensnare pto become or J grow savage, J woody or rug- '^ ged 7 to foul, soilj dir- 3 ty to grow proud or insolent ^to darken, or be- come dark or L obscure to make or be- - come lukewarm or tepid ^to grow stiff with cold, to be be- . numbed to burn to ashes ^299 Intorhulure, Jntorbidire, Intrlstarc, Intristire, Invagare, Incaghire, Invcitninare, Inverjitinire, Invietare, Iinietire, Invipcrare, Inviperire, Laidare, Ldidlre, *Offtirare, Offerere, (obsolete.) Ojf'cnre, *Prqfferare, *Proff'erere, (obsolete.) Profflnire, * * trouble or Sciipricciarc, Scapricire, or muddy to to sneeze to enrage, make angr}', to put out the fire by taking oil the fire-brands rto wonder, be ) amazed, asto- (^ nished /^to take away the J poison, to give J vent to one's V. passion f to appease or t allay 1 to become proud, ) or pulled up > to tingle, rcs(jund 300 Ad^mpiere, Adempire, Apparere, Apparire, Appetere, Appetire, Appldudere, Applaudire, AssdrberCy Assorbire, Cernerey Cernire, Compiere, Compire, Conc^pere, Concepire, DivMere, Divertlre, *Ferere (obsolete.) Ferire, Fr^mere, Fremire, (obsolete.) TABLE Vlll. Of Verbs in ere and ire. to fulfil to appear, to be seen to desire, to co- vet } } } \ applaud V absorb \ to sever, to sift }to finish, to end to close > to conceive to divert, amuse } } to wound Garner e, Gemire, Influere, Influire, * Offer ^re, * Offer are, (obsolete.) Offerire, *Profferere, *Profferare, (obsolete.) Profferire, *Rdggere, (obsolete.) Ruggire, Scernere, Scernire, Sovvertlre, Souvertire, Trusperere, Trasperire, } } } } } to groan, lament, mourn to influence, to sway to offer, present, tender to utter, speak, prefer } } } to roar to discern to subvert to shine through, to be transparent to fret, rage, vex AN ALPHABETICAL LLST or TIIK IRREGULAR VERBS, IMPORTANT CAUTION.— Do not look in ihi^ list for any verb endini; in ARI] or ARSI, except the followinij, >Tliiih are the only irregular ones, and will be found in their |iioj)cr places. yidddre Allevidre Andiire ylssiiefdre Cunjdre Coutasture, or Cuntraslare C out raff are Dare Disfdre Fare Lifjuefare Ma If are Misfdre Negdre Odidre Frcgdre Rianddre liiddre 111 fare Rintondre Risondre Ristdrc Sddre Sfare Sondre Soprajffdre Soprustdre Sovrastdre Spazidre Stare Slondre Tondre Varidre. N.B. Tlie COMMA (') shews the verbs newly added by the Editor. The (^) pa- RACKAfK the rcinarksalso added by tlie same. Wlifn the conjugation of a tense ha^i been mati-rially altered, the astfiiisk (•) has been prefixed to its first intiection. 'Hie • Notet added are indicated by tlie single letter — K. AnBORRiRK, and 7 . ., n »-• ' » ' (to abhor, like Finirc, Aborr-ire, > See the mndrl of tJie third regular con- cation, at J). 'J.W. It is often conjiif^ated as follows, and especially in poetry : 1. o, i, e : * iumn, ite, ono 5, i, a : ianio, ilr, aim 0. a, i, or a, a : Uimo uite, ann. Accadere, lo hrifjicn, v. Caderc. Tlic former is an impersonal verb. Accen-derc, to Hglil, v. Prenderc ; but ;}. io-si, an with 1 1, sn. c are poetical expressions. Acchiutlere, in nictusr, v. Assidere. •Aci'if^ncre, and Actingere, to prepare om't-silf, f.Cingere. Accogliere, In rcciii'f, »'. Cogliere •Acconsentire, toconvnl, v. Dorinire Acc6r-gere, to jterrcivc .",. si, ni-iti, sc : gcmmo, gJstc, kto , Ei brama on<)rc, c 'I »uo contr.^rio ablM')rre. ( f'rir.) — E. »> E spesso r un contrfirio r nllroucci'nse. (/''■) *• IVriiuii IrovUrvi i duo bei lumi uccensi. (/''•) 302 11. to. N.B. This is generally a reflec- tive verb, and its compound tenses are formed with essere, which is the case with all reflective verbs. Tts conjugation, however, serves as a model to many verbs not reflective. Accorre, a contraction of Accogiiere. Accorrere, to run to, v. Correre Accrescere, to enlarge, v. Condscere 'Addare, to perceive, v. Dare 'Addire, to befit, v. Dire. Addivenire, to happen, v. Venire; the first is an impersonal verb. Adducere [obsolete) now Addu-rre, to bring, to allege 1 . CO, ci, ce : cidmo, cete, cono 2. civo, S^c. 3. ssi, cesti, sse : cemmo, ceste, ssero 4. rrd, c^c. 5. ci, ca : ciamo, cete, cano 6. ca, ca, ca : cidmo, date, cano 7. rrA, S(C. 8. chsi, <|'c, 10. cendo 11. Addotto. N.B. Poets say Addutto, and so for all verbs conjugated like this. * AA&capiere, to fulfil, v. Compiere 'Adempire, to fulfil, v. Empire 'Adergere, to raise, v. Ergere Aflf^ggere, tojix, v. Affliggere 11. afisso Affli-ggere, to afflict 3. SSI, ggesti, sse : ggemmo, ggeste, ssero 11. tto 'AfFragnere, & to throw doivn, to reject Affrangere, v. Frangere Aggiacere, to stilt well, lu Giacere 'Aggiugnere, & > . ,, ^■ oq ^ o ' Wo add, V. Gi Aggmngere, S Algere, to freeze ; a verb used cliiefly in poetry, and only in the third person sin- gular of the present tense, viz. • 1 . egli alge Also in the first and third person singu- lar of the preterite indicative mood, viz. * 3. io alsi, egli alse : 'Alleviare, to alleviate, see Odiare Ammettere, to admit, v. Mettere Tiunaere Ancidere, to kUl, v. Assidere *\ N. B. This verb is only for poets, who, although they have conjugated it as Assidere, it is worth while to inform the student that Petrarca has only used these three inflections, viz. * 1. egli ancide ; eglino ancidono ; * 6. egli ancida. Andare,d to go. f N. B. This verb often changes in its inflections even the radical A into a V, because its conjugation is made up partly of the inflections of the obsolete verb Vddere, and partly of its own, as follows : 1. vado, or vo, vai, va : andidmo, anddte, vanno 4. andrb, <^c. better than anderb, <^c. 5. va, vada : andidmo, anddte, vddano 6. vada, vadi, better than vada, vdda : andidmo, andiate, vddano 7. andrei, SfC. better than onder& * 9. anddre,gire, and ire. ^ N.B. For the inflections originated from these two irregular infinitive forms, see each of them alphabetically. Angere, to grieve, e a defective verb, and used only in poetry. 'Anteponere, Sc 1 , r t> ™« . ^ S ' > to prefer, v. Forre. Anteporre, ) ' J ^ 'Antidire, toforetel, v. Dire Antivedere, to foresee, v. Vedere Antivenire, to anticipate, v. Venire 'Aijpa-rere, & 1 ^ iL , > to appear. Appa-rire, ^ •'•' f N.B. This verb is conjugated regu- larly as the model of the verbs in IRE, (see it above, p. 268), but it has besides all the following inflections, which de- rive from the other infinitive Apparere : *l.io, ri, re,f eglino-io7io *3. io-rvi, egli-rve, and in poetry, io-rsi, egli-rse : egUno-rvero and 7-sero in poe- try. *6. io, or egli-ia *8. res si. Sec. *1 1 , rso, but better the regular, rito Appartenere, to belo7ig, v. Tenere Appendere, to hang, v. Prendere ^ This verb is often made reflective with the particles 5e ne ; as anddrsetie, which answers to the French s'e7i alter. In the second person singular of the imperative mood we double the t, and say vdttene, and soinetimes vaiuie, especially in poetry. Its compound tenses are fonned with esse7-e. We also make use of the verb aiidure instead of dovcre ; as Questo 7ion va drtto ; quello 11071 a7iddva fatto, tjc. meaning Q,uesto 71071 deve dirsi ; ipiello 7ion dovevafarsi, ^c. e Poria '1 fuoco allentar che '1 cor tristo ange. fPetr.) D' auro ha la chioma, ed or dal bianco velo Trainee involta, or discoperta apparc. ( Tasso.) 303 Abbor- f. I'orre. 'ApplAuclorc, & } to applaud, i\ .^ ' Applaudire. J riiv 'Apuoncre, & > , . . __ f to impute, Appurre, J •' ' Appri-ndere, to team, v. Premiere Ap-rire, to ojk^i, v. Donnire, except S. ersi, or rii, ruti, Jrse, or ri: rimmo, riste, ersero, riroiio 1 1 . erto Ar-dere, to bum S.si, dt'sti, sc : demmo, disU, sero 11. sa. Ardirc, to dare, like the rcjrular verb Fi- nire, only we never say tirdiamo, ardi- lile, ardrndo, these intlections being like tliose of the verb urden; to burn. ^^"e make use in the above tenses of tlie re- gular verb osi'ire, or else we say, obbi- limo ardire, abbuile ardirc, orindo ardire, in order to prevent any ambiguity Uiat migiit arise. See the N. 13. at p. l'TG. Arrendere, to surrender, v. Ilendere Arridere, to xmUe, v. Assidere Arrogere, to add, a defective and poetical verb *l.e^li arroge g *3. arrosi, tjc. •10. arr agendo *11. arroto. ^ N. B. Altliough tliis verb is called defective in the Vocabolnriu, analogy prompts us to derive all inflec- tions from tlie above tenses ; and Ihtmn- ■inatld, in fact, does not admit it to be such. Ascendere, to ascend, v. Scendere Asctvndere, to conceal 3. «', ndvsti, se : ndemmo, ndeste, sero 11. so Ascrivere, to ascribe, v. Scrivere Asper-gere, to sprinkle 3. .«', ghli, se : ghnmo, gi'sle, sero 11. so Assalire, to assault, v. Sallre 'Asseguire, to attain, v. Donnire 'Assentlre, to coiisent, c. Uonnire AssWere, to sit down a. si, d^sti, se: di'mmo, distc sero G. da, da, da : ^-c. 11. JO Asslitere, to assist 1 1 . asfiitito. Asv')lvcre, to absolve, v. Riiw'ilverc . . / , c t to aoifitrli, V. Uornure. •Aiiwjrbirc, J M. assurto in poetry 'Aasuefdrc, to accusiom, v. l-'are Assu-mere, to assume 3. nsi, mt'nti. niC : mimmo, mtste, nsrro 1 1 . nto .\stenerc, to abstain, v. Tenerc Astracre, &. ) , „, Astrarre. ^ to abstract,,: 1 rarrc Astrignere, ^: j , t^ , 'Astringere, } '" ''""i"'' '■'- Slri"gere. Attendere, to wait, v. Prendcre Attenere, /(I ;)cr/arm, c. Tenerc 'Attignere, to draw (ai from a well), v. Cingere Attingere, /(> reach, v. Cingere Attt'ir-cere, to ticutt 3. si, cesti, se : cimmo, ciste, sero II. to \ttr;iggere, attract, t<. Trarra 'Attraggere, ^ Attiiiere, & Wo 'Atfn'irre, ) \ to meet with, v. Venire Avellere, to pluck out, v. Svellere. I'oots may say to the preterite *y. cgli avulse '' Avvenire, & Avvenlrsi, Of these two vcrtis the former signifies to happen, and is impersonal ; the latter to meet with, and is reflective. 'Avvcrtire, to admonish, r. Dormire Bencdicere, (obsolete) now Benedire, to bless, v. Dire Be-re, to drink 1 . o, I, e : i('i)no, tte, ono 2. A'a, evi, eva ; ccumo,evAte, cvi'ino 3. xwi, hti, I've: emmo, tste, wero 4. ro, cji'-c. 5. i. a : i/imo, ite, ano 6". a, i, or a, a : iumo, idle, ano 7. rei, ijj-c. 8. ^ssi,\'^;c. 1.3. endo 11. iito. N. B. We likewise make use of J7('irrr, which is a regular verl) : l)ut instead of berri, beve : btterb is not the safest for student's practice. Benvolere, to love, v. ^'^)lere Ca-dere, to fall 3. ddi, desli, ddc : dihnnio, dtslc, ddcro 4. dero, or dro, c\ c. 7. deriH, or drei, ijic. 10. di'ndo. — Si-e next verb, 't'iigg-ere, to full ; u defective veib, to hi- met with in poet« and elegant prose writers ; yet we nhould not adopt any E ■ eglino ck^rono •4. lu chcrrdi *6. to, or egli chera •jO. chcrvndo. The whole of these in- (lections to be only allowed to poets, who know liow to niake a proper use of th'.'tn. Chie-dcre, to osk. •1. d), ggo, ggio, or Cht'srguh di, dc : diAnio, d^te, dono, ggono, ggiono, or Chegsitjno • J. si, dr$li, se : dSmtno, destc, .lero *5. di, da, or gga : di/tmo, dile, dano, or ggano •fi. da, pga, gpia, or Cheggia, di, or gglii, da, sgicf or Cheggia : didnto, or ggititno, di/ilf, or ggidtc, diino, ggano, ggiano, or Ch^ggidno •10. dendo, or ggendo 11. sto. ^ X. B. TIk- inflections pre- serving the I) are the safest in the fiiniiliar klyle; tliu-.>.' widi the GC> nut tbllovTed by 1 will do u^ »i.-ll in poetrT, or elegant pn>se ; but tlie oUier losing tJie I al'Ur L'll, must be kft to die ancient classics. Chiudcre, to shut, i. Assidere 'Cign-ere, & > /•- 1 to inrd Cnj-gere, \ * go, gt, gc : gittmo, gcle, goiM 1. :i. si, ghti, se : gthnmo, g^ste, sero II. to Circoncidere, to circumcise, v. Divldere 'Circonducere, ( obsi^lilc ) now 'Circondiirre, to turn about, v. .Addlirc Circon^crivere, but belle/- 'Circoscrivere, to limit, v. Scrivere Circonveuire, to circumvent, v. Venire 'Cocere, see Cuocere C6-gliere, or C'orre, to gather I. g/io, or Igo, gli, glie : glidmo, gliite, gliono, or Igono 3. lesi, gli^stc, Isc : g/iemmo, gliiste, Lero •4. rro, or glieru,^ S^c. *3. gli, Iga : glinmo, glictc, Igimo *6. glia, or Iga, in the singular for the tJnee persons : gliamo, better than Ighitnnn, glidte, Igano, or gliatio •7. rr^i, or glier^i, ^c. C61ere, tn honour. N. B. This verb is only used by poets, in a few inflection*, of which the following are the most usual ; 1 . io colo,^ egli ru/*'' 6. e-iU co/«c Cominettcre, to commatul, v. ^lettcre Coniinuovere, lo affect, v. INIuoveru Comparire, to apjiear, v. Appariro 'Compartire, to distribute, v. Dormire Coinpiacere, to amip'tf, v. Piacere 'C'ompiaiinicre, & } to lament, v. Fran- C'oiiipiiingere, j( gcre » / haix: rejected the double V fiom th'^ first and second prison }>liirat of this lente, 01 Pistole^i has done, lo shew the rcui'ivul of the accent, which takes place in these in- flections, accordinj^ lo the harmonic principle alleged above, note ("), which tee.—K. u .Mcrce ti chero, dolce niio signore. {Bocc.)—K. « Soccorso a sui'ii perigli altro non chere. (^Tusso.) y — — ^ Uoina ognora 'I'i cliicr incrce datutti sctte i colli. (Prtr.) I K fo Ixito a Dio, che io 'I cogliero altrove. (n>ccac. Dee. G. 7, n 6.)— let u> here obtrrve, that it it a mittake of I'isfolesi l.i suppose thai Ca^telvetro has asserted iiuh itiflrclians as these of the verb Coglierc, not to have been used bi/ Boc- caccio.— V'/i/' above eminftit crilic asserts so of the simitar inflections of the verbs Condi'irre, Torre, Trarre, and I'orri-; and in this hi- is i/nite right. See his Giniita 70. In BemlK). — /•;. • die per te coiispcrAlo onoro, r culo, (I'etr.) b O Gct.in/a goiilil ? clii Dio bfn cole. fd.)—Yl. I.ii ciKir, rhf 'n ^u 'I'«miji anro ti cola. (Dntile.) — K. 306 'C6mp-iere, see observation at next verb *1. io, i, ie : idmo, iete, iono *5. i, ia : idmo, iate, iano *6. ia, i, ia : idmo, iate, iano 'Comp-ire, to fulfil : see Empire *1. io,i,ie: idmo, lie, iono *5, i, ia : idmo, itc, iano *n', in, i, ia : idmo, idte, iano ^ N. B. The Romans and Tuscans of- ten conjugate this verb as regularly- ending in iscn ; but no authority sup- ports such inflections : and, since the above conjugation is as often heard in Tuscany as the other, it must be adopted in writing, not only for this verb, but for Empire and its com- pounds too, which are this verb Com- pire, liiempire, and Adcmpire. It is, however, advisable to prefer in all tliese verbs the termination in icre, removing the accent to the syllable before, and saying, E'mpicre, Eit^m- picre, Adimpiere, Compierc, conjugat- ing them all as this last, which see. *Comp6nere, & > , . ti Comp6rre, \ ^^ compormd, v. Porre Comprendere, to comprehend v. Pren- dere 'Comprimere, ' ^ I to sneve, v. Ungere Compungere, > Conce-dere, to grant *S. delti, dhti, dette : demmo, diste, deltero This is the most correct conjugation of this tense ; yet, in familiar discourse, or in poetry, we might pass the follow- ing too : S. io-ssi, or del, egli-sse, or de : eglino- ssero, or dettero *11. diito, much better than sso 'Concepere, 8c \to conceive ; regular like ' Conce-plre, ^ Finire it has besides 1 . egli-pe in poetry *3. io-peiti, or pel; egli-piette, axiAjieo, (in poetry) egUno-iierono, or pettero *11. elto and piito. These participles are better than the regular coiicepilo Concernere, to concern v. Scernere Conchiudere, to conclude, v. Assidere Conc6rrere, to concur, v. Correre 'Concu6cere, to concoct, v. Cu6ccre Condescendere, to condescend, v. Sceii- dere Condolcre, to complain, v. Dolei'e 'Conducerc, (obsolete) now Condun-e, to lead, v. Addiirre 11. co«rfi(«od, in poetry ConfAre, to become, v. Fare Configgere, to nail, v. Affliggore Conf6ndere, to confound, v. F6ndere 'Congiugnere, & ^ ^ . . ^., ,r< • c to Win, V. Giungere 'Congiungcre, J 'Cognoscere; a verb of tlie same signi- fication and conjugation with the fol- lowing, of which txamples, in the best MS. of tlie Decameron, and other clas- sical works, are innumerable; but tlie pupil must now forbear the use of it, it being a token of low education with the Tuscans at present ; since nobody uses it but peasants^ and the lowest class of people. Cond-scere, to knoiv 3. bbi, scesli, bbe : scemmo, sceste, bbero 11. sciiito Conquidere, to afflict, v. Assidere 'Conscrivere, to register, v. Scrivere Conseguire, to obtain, v. Aborrlre Consentire, to consent, v. Dormire Consistere, to consist, v. Assistere 'Construire; but better Costruiie Contendere, to quarrel, v. Prendere Contenere, to contain, v. Tcnere Cont6rcere, to contort, v. T6rcere Contradire, to contradict, v. Dire Contraff^re, to counterfeit, v. Fare 'Contrapponere, (obsolete J now Contrapp6n-e, to oppose, v. Pon-e 'Contraggere, ^ 'Contraere, & > to C07ilract, v. Trarre Contrarre, ) 'Contrascriverc, to ivrite quite the re- verse, V. Scrivere Convenire, to agree v. Venire 'Convertire, to convert, v, Dormire Convincere, to convict, v. Vincere Convivere, to live together, v. Vivere Conv61gere, to ivallow, v. Volgere Coprire, to cover *1. copro, or cuopro ; copri, or ctiopri ; copre, or cuopre ; copridmo, coprite, cdprono, or cuuprono *3. co2>^rsi, or coprii; copristi, copr}, or copirse : coprimmo, copriste, copri- rono, or copersero *5. copri, or cuojn-i, ^c. f N. B. This ^ E^ gita al Cielo, ed hammi a tal condutto. Clie gli ocelli miei non Idssan loco asciutto. (Petr.) 3(K tense, ajul .ill other inrici-tions of llii> verb, may be Ibuud eitlicr with the diphtliong tio, or witli o alone ; Init read Observation II. prefixed to this List of Irregular Verhs, p. 277, to know when tlie one or die other mode of ortJiography ought to be adopted. * II . cop^to. Corre, a contraction of C6gliere Correggere, to correct, v. Leggere Gi-rrere, to run 3. rsi, rrtsti, rse ; rremino, rriste, rsCro, more usual than rsono 1 1 . rso Corrisp6ndere, to agree with, v. Rispon- dere Corrodere, to fret, v. Rodere Corrompere, to deprave, v. R6mpcre Cosj)ergere, r. Aspcrgere Costrignere & Cobtrlngere, to constrain, V. .Stringere ' Costruiro, to construct ; regular as Fi- lurc, but we may also say •11. Cotlrutto 'Credere, to hcliae. ^ N. B. Tliis verb is generally regular ; but in tlie preterite tJie inflections witli ti ought to be adopt- ed as the best, and sanctioned by the best authors. The following inflections are irregular, but fourul in autliors, and in familiar use in Tuscany even at pre- sent. I. tu crei, or crc^^ in poetry 3. io ere si, egli crese : eglino crisero 4. crederrb, ^'-c. 7. crederrei, S^c. II. creso. Cre-scere, to grow, v. Con6sccre Crocifiggere, to crucify, v. Affiggerc Cu-cire, to sew 1 . do, ci, cc : ciumo, cite, tiono 5. ci, cia : ci^mo, cite, ciano 6. cia, ^-c. Cuoccre, & Cocerc, to oook or bake 1. cuocn, cuoci, cuoce ; cociimo, cocSic, cuocono .3. cotsi, cocesti, cosse : cocimmo, co- c^ste, cusscro 4. focero, cj-c. 7. cocerti, ijr. 8. cocitri, S(C. 10. cochido II. cotto. 1| N. B. I have altered tills conjugation in some influctioiis, al- though the autlior had puhlisiieil it ac- cording to tiiat of Vistolt-^i ,■ for to be accurate in tlie choice of the two ways of spelling several of its inflections, eitlier with O or UC), we must attend to Obsekvatiov II. prefixed to this List of Irregular Verbs, p. 277. Cuoprire, v. Coprire. f N. B. Not- witlistanding the second Obscrratwn just now quote'!, Cuoprire is much inferior to Coprire ; since, altiiough the Acade- micians liave registered it, tlicy liave not been able to produce a single aulliority to establish the use of this infinilive witli tlie diphdiong UO. Dare, to give I. do, dui, da : di^tino, date, dnnno 3. diedi, or detli, and dic'^ in poetry; desti, dit^de, dette, or die : demmo, deste, diidero, deltero, diedono, diirono, and in poetry diir, diero,^ denno^* *4. daro, ^-c. 5. da, dia, and formerly dea : di/imo, dale, dieno, diano, and dt'ano in poetry G. dia, dii, or diti, dia : di/imo, didte, dieno, or diano, and deano in poetry 7. dart'i, S^c. 8. dessi, dessi, desse : detsimo, deste, dessero, or dt^ssono Dccadere, to decay, e, Cadere Deciderc, to decide, r. Assidere 'Decrescere, to decrease, v. Conoscere 'Deducere, (obsolete J now IXdurrc, to deduce, t: Addurre Deli'ulere, to delude, v. Assidere 'Demergere, to plunge, v. Aspergere 'Dep6nere, (obsolete J now Di'porre, /() depose, v. Vorw 'Depriniere, to depress, v. Ksprimere Dcridere, to deride, r. Assidere Descrlvere, to describe, v. Scrlvere Detergerc, to scour, v. Asiiergere Detraggere & Detrarre, to detract, r. Trane Dcvere, to owe, v. Dovere Diacere, v. Giacerc •Dicadere, tnfa// short, v. Ca, e 1' luia e 1' Rltrn tiilJH, Ch" al corso del iiiiu »iver luiiie denno ? (7V/i .) X 2 308 Diffoudere, to dlff'use, v. F6ndere Dimettere, to discontinue, v. Mettere 'Dipartire, logo from, v. Dormlre Dipingere, to paint, v. Cingere 'Diponere, (obsolete) now 'Dip6rre, to depose, v. Porre Di-re, to say 1. CO, ci, or Di, ce: ci&mo, te, cono 2. ceva, <|-c. 3. ssi, cisti, sse : cirrnno, teste, ssero 5. Di, ca: ciimo, te, cuno 6. ca, chi, or ca, ca : ciamo, ciufe, cano *8. cessi, L^-c. 10. chido 11. Dctto Dirigere, to direct, v. Erigere 'Discegliere, to select, v. Scegliere Discendere, to come down, v. Scendere Discernere, to perceive, v. Scernere 'Discerre, v. Discegliere Discliiudere, to open, v. Assidere 'Disciogliere, to untie, v. Cogliere Disciorre, a contraction of Disci6gliere Disconvenire, to misbecome, v. Venire Discoprire, to discover, v. Coprire Disc6rrere, to discourse, v. C6rrere 'Discrescerre, to diminish, v. Con6scere 'Discuoprire, to discover, v. Coprire Disdire, to deny, v. Dire 'Dissentire, to dissent, v. Dormire Disfare, to undo, v. Fare 'Disgiugnere, & Disgiungere, Dismettere, to dismiss, v. Mettere Disparire, to disappear, v. Apparire Disperdere, to disperse, v. Perdere 11. disperso. Dispergere, to scatter, v. Aspergere Dispiacere, to displease, v. Piacere 'Dispunere, (obsolete) now Disp6rre, to dispose, v. Porre Diss61vere, to dissolve, v. Rls61vere 'Dlssuadcre, to dissuade, v. Persuadere Distendere, to stretch, v. Prendere Distin-guere, to distinguish 3. si, guesti, se : guimino, guiste, sera 11. to Dist6gliere, to divert from, v. C6gliere 'Dist6rcere, to distort, v. Attorcere Distorre, a contraction of Dist6gliere 'Distriigsere, ") DistrAere, & >to avert from, v. I rarre • Distrarre, 3 > to disjoin, v. Giungere Distruggere, to destroy, v. Struggere 'Disudire*, to forget to have heard, V. Udire 'Disvegliere, ^ Disvellere, & > to pluck, v. Sv^W^xq 'Disverre, j 'Disvolgere, to unreave, v. Volgere Ditenere, to detain, v. Tenere Divedere, to show, v. Vedere ' Divegliere, ^ Divcllere, & Wo root up, v. Svellerc 'Diverre, j 'Divenire, to become, v. Venire ^ 'Divertire, to amuse, v. Abborrire 'Divestire, to strip, v. Dormire Dividere, to divide, v. Assidero Div61gere, to turn about, v. Volgere Dolere, an imper.,onal verb, which signi- fies to ache ; as Mi dvole la testa, ray head aches. It is impersonally conju- gated like the next verb. Do-lersi, a reflective verb, to complain 1. Igo or glio, Dudli, Uuble: gliumo, Icte, Igono, or gliono 3. Isi., lesti, Ise : lemmo, teste. Isero ^ N. B. Boccace, in his Decameron, according to the excellent MS. Man- nelli has sanctioned, by his repeated use, these preterites, io Dolfi, egli Dolfe : eglino Dolfero ; but such in- flections are now out of date. 4. rro, cj-c. 5. Duoli, Iga, or glia : gli/imo, Ute, Igano, or gliano 6. glia, or Iga, Ighi, Ip.a, or glia : gli&- mo, glic'tte, gliano, or Igano. 7. rrei, ^c. The compound tenses of this verb arc formed with Essere. 'Dorm-ire, to sleep *\. 0, i, e : iumo, ite, ono *5. I, a : ikmo, ite, ano *6. a, a, a : iumo, idle, /mo Dovere, or Devere, to oive 1 . dcvo, debbo, or deggio, devi, debbi, or dei, deve, debbe, dee, or rfe' in poetry : dobhii'tmo, debbiamo, or dovemo, dovi'te, devono, debbono; deggiono, or diono, and denno^ in poetry. Of the three first inflections belonging to each of the persons in this tense, (the 1st and 2d of the plural only excepted) the first is only for common conversation, or familiar writings ; the second is * The almost only use of this verb is in the proverb handed down to the present age from the times of Brunetli Latini, who died 1294 : Chi ode, noN diSude ; that is to say, People are apt to take advantage of what they hear, and never forget to have heard whatever concerns their interest. — E. i es5er sue parti denno DeliberAre, e commander altri'ii. (TVwio.) — E. 30!) the nioit correct ; and tlie third it poetical. 3. dott'i, or dorStti, dot'hti, doihi, or JtTj, deva, debha, or d<^;^- gin : dobbiAmo, dobbU'ite, dibbano, de ■ vano, or d^_^ano. •6. debba, dtia, and in poetry dMia, or de;^fiiti, dt-bbi, debba, or devu, in pootrj' ilrggiit, or d^bbia : dobbiamn, diibbinmo, or dovemo, dobbidtc, dtb- baiio, in poetry d^'ij^iano, devano, or dtbbutno^ ^ N'. K. For the second singular of this tense, tlie only inflection sanction- ed by an ahnost iinaniuioiis use of the best classics, is dcbbi only ; hut for some of the other four immediately followinj; might p;iss in conversation, or in familiar writings ; altiiough tliey properly belong to the third person singular. 7. dovrei, ij-r. 9. deverr, f)r dov^e ^ N. B. It is astonishing to find the in- finitive J},rtre, which is synoiiimous •witli Ihn-ere, entirely omitted by the learned Jiitotnmattci and his F.dilors, as well as by tlie copious and accurate Ciiuniin. \Ve scarcely find a few hints of this infinitive, and of the inflections derived from it in I'ista/csi and C'ur- ticdli ; but neither of them have ex- hil)ited one half of the whole, although tlie greatest j)art are sanctioned by rerBARrii, as the nnles, wliich I s'lall annex underneath, to most of them, will amply bhcw. — Let tlie student however observe, that, except tlie lew inflections repeated in the conjugation alKive, their use is only I'octual, but by no means obsolete, as some would have them. *1. dero, d,ti, deteK- dei'Sino'", di- v^te«, d^fono *'2. dereva, or devia°, Sfc, •.S. de>-^i, or dcvilti\',S^c. •4. rfc/Tuq, ijc. *5. devi, deva : d^rano eglino *0". io-iiera, esH deva : enliito devano 7. devrtV, or devria', devristi, de- vrMe : or devrio^ : ij-c. *8. - vtre, and it ought to have even other inflections not marked aliove : but of tliese not one could be looked upon as iihsolfte or vulvar. Ducere, iv ") , , , , , 1 Di'irrc 1 '" ''""' ''"''' obsolete ; m- steai! of them we make use of Condiirrc 'Etfinulere, to e^/'uxr, v. Fondere El^ggcre, to elect, v. Leggere Eliccre, /() drate. A defective and po- etical verb, of which Petrarch and 'J asso liave adopted on!y the following inflec- tion : 1 . f.i'/i I'lirey 1 do not recollect of any other in our (loets. Eh'idere, to eUidr, v. Assidere 'Emcrgere, to emerge, v. Aspi'rgere 'Einpiere, tit Jill, v. Compiere p. 7G. *■■ Mentrc son qu<5sti alio bell' opre intent! Perche debhiano tosto in uso porse. (TV/.mo.) ' Si ricca donna dcve esser contenta. (I'ctra) — E. "I Devemo iicro intendere. (I'drrlii.) — E. " Devote dir pict/)sa, e sanra sdeimo. [Petr.)—F.. ° Anzi del mio ; che dcvca torcer gli occhi. ( fd.) — E. Che spender si deveano in miglior uso. (Id.) the judicious obiervalion on this ten.ir, by Pistolcsi, note 21, niul (drtirclli, prio onAr alzar inai gli occhi. [Id.) — E « Gran cagif'in hni di dcv6r pi.'iiigor moco. (W )— E. > V, par<')lf" <• «<>*pfri anron' elire. ( f'rir.) Qui-slo finio doli'ir da roolti rlice E.i2rin>« *er« ( Tto extract, v. Trarre Estrarre, J Fdcere, (olsolete) now Fare, to do 1. fo, or f&ccio, fai, fa, and/accfiz in poetry : faccikmo, fate, fanno 2. Facho, faceva, or facia, fachi, fac&va, facea, and fea^ in poetry; facev&mo, Sfc. 3. feci, fe' or fei in poetry, facesti, fece, fe, orfeoh in poetry : /acimmo, facSste, ficero, and poetically /(^rono<^, fero^, and/(?nrzoe 4. faro, ^c. 5. fa, or fai, fdccia : facci&mo, fate, f&cciano 6. fascia, fdcci, orf(iccia,faccia : fac- cidmo, faccidte, facciano 8. facessi, fachsi, facesse, and poeti- caWyf esseh facessimo, faces t e,fach- sero 9. farei, faresti, farebhe, and poeti- cally /(/«« : faremmo, fariHe,fareh- bero,farehlono, or fariano in poetry 10. facendo 11. fat to 'F^ggere (obsolete) now Fiedere f N. B. The only inflections of this verb, to be found in the ancient au- thors, are the following : *1. io fSggio : Sglino feggiono *6. egli figgia *9. figgere Ferire, to strike, regular like Finire I . fero, feri, fere^ -. are poetical ex- pressions II. fericto for ferito: we read it in Dante, and in some other ancient poets, but ferito (regular) is the only inflection used by any modern writer of note. Fiedere, to strike ^ N. B. A poetical and defective verb, but regular. We only find in authors z Che pro ? se con quegli occhi ella ne face Di state un ghiAccio, un foco quando verna ? (Pclr.) a Audace, e baldo II fea degli anni, e dell' amore il caldo. ( Tasso. ) b Italia, Itiilia, o tu cui feo la sorte Dono infelic'i di bellezze, &c. (Filicaia.) c Certi si feron sempre con riguArdo. (Dante.) — E. d iVIolti cadendo compagnia gli fero. (Tasso.) ^ Ove son le bellezze acc61te in ella, Che gran tempo di me lor voglia fenno ? (Petr.) t II magr;i6r don, che Dio per sua larghezza Fesse crtamdo, &c. (Dante.) I Chi sa com difende, e come fere, Socc6rso a' su6i perigli altro non chcre. 311 tliesc inflictions, and even poets ought not to adopt others. *\.iofiedo, luJ\M,Y\ cgUJiMc '*9.Jieili-re. — See besides Ft'ggcrr, above Figgere, /i>yiV. c. Attiiggere 1 1 . jL'to and Jisso Fingere, toftign, v. Cingere Fondere, to melt 'i.fusi, fondesti, fuse ■ fondhnmo, fon- desteyfiisi-ro 1 1 . /uso Franunettere, to put among, v. Mettere •Fnignere,& ) FrAn-gere, J 3. si, gCiJi, sc : g^rnmo, ghtc, sero \\. to 'Frapponere, (obsolete) now Frapporrc, to intcr])osf, v. Porre Friggere, to/rt/, v. Affliggere 'Fuggire, /o^ff, V. Dormirc F'ulgerc, to be bright •3. io falsi, eglifulse : cglino fulsero Gia-cere, to lie dou-n 1 . ccio, ci, ce : cci/tmo, cele, cciono 3. C(/ui, chli, cqiw : chnmo, chtc, cqucro 5. CI, ccia: cciamo, c^te, cciano 6. ccia, ccia, ccia : cciumo, ccii'itc, cciano \\. ciutn. ^ N.B. PisTOLEsi contends that many of the inflections of this vcrli, and all others conjugated like this, should be written with a single C : b>it the constant practice of our classics and Academicians enables us to establish as an invariable rule; that the double CC should lie constantly written in all those inflections havingeithcr the dipli- tJiong I A or I O after it. Girc, to go, a defective verb, and used only in poetry •1 nuigiumo (obsolete), voi gite 2. givo, giva, or gia, givi, giva, or gia : giv/imo, gii/ite, giv6nu, or gtano 3. tu gisti, egli gi, or gio : gimmo, gislc, ginno *5, gite voi •8.gUsi,.ST. "10. gendo (obsolete) 'n.gllo Giucnere & > y.. /" > to arrtve, or win Gaui-gere, ) '' 3. *i, getti, sr : gemma, giite, sero \\. t; llludere, to drludr, v. Eludere Iiiibere, A: f to imbdif, v. liere, and the Imb6vere, J .V./y. toil. Imnicrgere, to immtri:c, v. Aspergcrc 'Inipellere, to im/f/, v. Espellcre •Impendere, to hniigup, v. Prcndere Inipi'mcre, fobsolctej now Iniporrc, to order, v. Porre Imi)rcndere, to undertake, v. Prendere Imprimcro, to print, r. Esprltnere Inchiudere, to inclose, v. AssSdere IiK'idere, to ettgravc,v. Assidere Inch'ulere, /.) (/(c/n(/c, i'. Assidere Incorrcre, to incur, r. Correre Increseere, to be sorri/ (impersonal verb) c. Conoscere 'Indvicere, {obsolete J now Indurre, to induce, v. Addurre Infignere, 8c ? , /. ■ r^, n li \ to fctgn,v. C\x\"cr , ^. , *^ ' Wo c/tar^f, f. Oiungcrc Inguingerc, \ ° ° Inscrivere, to inscribe, v. Scrlvcre 'Inscguire, to pursue, v. Dormlre Insistcre, to insist, r. Assistere lns6rgere, to riseagainst, r. Acc6rgcre Instruire, better, Istruire Intendere, to understand, j . Prendere Intercedere, to intercede, v. Concedere Interdirc, to prohibit, v. Dire InteniK'ttcre, to interrupt, v. I\Itohni>i)fn, i: \*iime 'Intravvennire, J 11 ' Iiilrldtri', to dilute, or mir, r. Assidere ' Inlrixliicere, (obsol-tr) now liittodi'irre, to inJroiluee, r. Alldure ■Intromcltere, /oi/i/tryxwr-, r Metlere '• Kcco 10 fhinij Ic br/ircia, e (' apprcM-iito Sfliza dif^-sa il petto ; or clip nol fiedi ? ( Tusso.) N 1 312 Intrudere, to intrude, v. Assider* InvAdere, to ijivade, v. Persuadere 'Investire, to vest, r. Dormire Inv6!gere, to cover, v. V61gere lnv6Ivere, to wrap up, a poetical verb', See Vtilvere 11. hivolulok Ire, to go. This is a defective verb, and seldom used but by poets. The inflec- tions in use are the following : *1. voiite *2, 10, or egli iva . egUno ivano *4. nol irSmo, voi treble *5. ite voi^ 6. egli ea (obsolete) 11. ito. This paiticiple is more used than anduto, the regular participle of the verb .'Endure. Istruire, to instruct, v. Costruire 'Languire, to languish, v. Abborrire Le-dere, to off'fnd S, si, dcsti, se ■■ dentmo destc, sero 11. so Lecere, a poetical verb, v. Ijilcere Leggere, to read 3. ssi, ggdsti, sse : ggcmino, ggeste, ssero *6. tu-gghi, better than tu-gga 11. tto Licere, or Lecere, to he lawful, permit- ted, ^T. A defective and impersonal verb, which is seldom used but in poe- try. The only inflections of this verb ars *1. egli lece'", and *1 1. licito, and Iccito Liquefare, to melt, v. Fare Lu-cere, to shin:'. This verb is widiout a participle. 3. ssi, cesti, sse : cemmo, cistr, ssero 'Maledicere, {obsolete) now Maledire, to curse, v. Dire Malftire, to do wrong, v. Fare 'Manere, {obsolete) r. Rimancre •Manoraettere, to make the Jirst cut, v. Meltcre Mantenere, to muinta'n, v. Tenure egli Uce'^ 'Mentire, to lie, v. Dormire Mergere, to plunge, v. Aspergere Mescere or Mesciere, to tni.v, to pour out, Mescio, Mesci, Mesce, &c. Mettere, to put 3. misi, met!hti,mise: meti!:mriio,met- teste, misero 11. messo, and misoo in poetry Misfire, to perpetrate, r. Fare M6r-dere, to bite .'5. si, desti, se : dimmo, destr, sero II. so Morire, to die I. muoio, and poetically, moroP, muSri, niuore, or poetically mure: niuoiduo, or moridmo, morite, tnuoiono, or m6ro)to 3. morii, moristi, mori, and morio'^ in poetry : &c. 4. morro, better tlian moriro, St. 5. miiurt, or poetically mori, muoiu, or poetically mora : muoi/tmo, or morid- mo, mori'e, muoiano, or morano 6. muoia, mudi, muoia : muoiumo, mu- oidle, muoiano 7. morrii, better than morirSi, i^v. I I. miirtn, which is sometimes used tdr luciso, killed. ^ N. B. See Observa- tion II. p. 277. prefixed to this List of the Irregular Verbs, concerning the inflections having the diphthong UO, or alune, — As to muoidmo, it ought to be admitted, and looked upon as an exception, where the UO is retained, on account that nothing but vowels separate it from tlie accent, so that they form all together a quadriph- thong. See what was observed above, at p. 254 and 255, n. 54 and 56.— See also Observation II. above quoted. Movere, to move, v. Muovere ']\Iuggire, to bfllow ,- a regular verb, but poets say *!. rgli mugge'' Mugnere, & Mun-gere to milk Kcco il nemico c qui ; mira la polve, Che Kott' orride nubeil cielo involve. (Tasso.) Cir e di t6rbidi nuvoli involiito. [Dante.) — VJ. Ite rime dolenti al duro sasso. (Petr.) — E. Omai ti lece Per te stesso parlar con chi ti piAce. (Id.) Se dir lice, e conviensi ; Vergine d' .ilti sensi. (Id.) Ov' Ete6cle col fratel fu miso. {Dante.) Mille volte il di moro, e mille nasco. (Prtr.) E tal morio qiial visse. {Dante.) Mugge in niai'dra Tarmenlo. {Guarini.)—V.. 213 3. ti, gt'sli, se : gimmo gitte, tero 11. to Muovere, or MiSverc, to mwr I. muovo, muovi, muove : movidmo, movett, muovano 3. tnoeti, movcsle, moste: in vt^mmo, movt\ste, mossero II. mos'o. ^ N. B. The piLM'iit and pieierite of tliis veib ()ui;lit to be ron- jugaiedas above; but as to ilii'otbir ti'iises, see tlie saiil Observation 11. pietixed to this LIST ot iirfi-ulai- vtibs, to know when to adopt t/''>, or \\lieii ii iiiu^t be cliaiigcd into ihe ^ilnple O NA-scire, to ie horn li. cqui, scesti, cque: scemrro, sci'ste, cquero •11. to >.'.i!-c6iidcre, r. A^condere •11. nascoso, beiier tiian nascusto •Nfg.iie, to deny, a iei!iil.ir verb like J'aTlt'ue ; but it may bf conju;.'itte>i as follows, ill these tenses and persons. tiee the same OZien,a//on II. piiti.Ne.l to this List. 1. 10 nif'i'O, tu nicghi, fgli uiiga : /glino migano •5. nidga tu, nitglii igli: n'igldno rglino •6. in, tu, and eglino iiu-ghi : eglino uU^h'no Neg inere, to neglect :\. hsi, i%isti, isic: i;^mmo, i^isie, ^tsero 1 1. cUo •Nudiirc, V. .N'uliiie Nu6ceie, In hurt 1. nuoco,nuuci,nu6ce : nociamo,n6cett, nuocuno, or nocciono 3. nocqui, noct'sii, nocque: noc^mino, rvjchle, nocq.ero 5. nuuft, nuoca, or noccia : fwci/imo, nocite, nuocano •6. nw'ica, riu'jca, nuoca and poets say to all the three pirvins sini;nlar, nuc- lia: and plural, nociiimo, noMte, fiiuicarui ; . nd inpoeiiy, nucriano • 11. nociiUo. ^ N.U. Tokno«rwlien lo adopt, or when I" reject iIk- diph- IhoiiR I'O ill this verb, nad Oust k- \ATlos II. prefixtd lo this M> T of lrrci;utar Verbs, p. 277. liiii its pre- terite must becoiijUL-attd ai alovi. •Nuiilre, rj nouf«*'i, V. .\hhoriiie •Oi{alioii. Oiire, lu smell, a defective verb • rouiini ore "1 ^ol occidt i ft6ii, e I'trlia. {I'elr.) — K. 314 *1. tti oil *2. va, vi, va : eglino-vano Ometteie, to omit, v. Mettere 'Op()6iieie, {obsolete) now Opp6rrc', to oppose, v. Porre Opptimere, to oppress, v. Esprimere Otteiiere, to obtairt, v .Teuere Pa-i ere, to appear I. zo, ri, re: idmo, rete, iono 3. rvi,r6sti,rvo: rSmnw,rhte, 7'veio f N. B. We find sometimes in poetry, io Parsi, egli Parse: eglino PArsero 4. rro, Sfc. 5. ri, ia : idmo, rete, iano 6. ia, ia, ia : iitmo, riAte, iano 7. rrci, S^-c. II. ?-H^o, better tlian ?'5o The com[)oiiii to paint, vAAagnrc Pingere, J Pi6-vere, to rain, an impersonal verb 3. we; vvero ; and sometimes bhe; and dbero Ponere, (obsolete) v. Porre Porgere, to present, v. Acc6rgere Po-rre, anciently P6nere, to put 1. ngo, ni, ne : ni/tmo, or g7iamo, better than nghidmo, nete, ngono 2. neva, &^'c. 3. si, ne'sti, se : nSmmo, nhte, sera 4. rrb, i^'c. ^ 5. ni, nga: niumo, or gndmo, better than nghiamo, nilc, ngano *6. nga, nghi, better than nga, nsa: niAmo, or gn/t mo, better than nghid- mo, niAle, or gndle, better than nghi&te, ngano, better than nghino 7. rrH, ^-c. 8. ncssi,SyC. 9. nere, (obsolete) 10. ncndo 11. sto 'Poslp6iiere, (obsolete) now Posp6rre, to postpone, v. Porre Possedere, to possess, v. Sedere Po-tere, to be able 1 . sso, Puui, Pud, and Puole^^ in poetry ; t E quclla, in cui I'elAde Nostra si mira, la qual pi^niho, o legno Vedeudo e, chi non pave. (Petr.) Ne cosi di leggier si turba, o |)ave. (Tasso.) " Qn^sti, or Mac6ne adoia, e su Chri~ti;iiio Ma i primi riti anc6r lafciAr non pu6te. (Tasso.) 315 stiamo, aud in poetry temo', tile, sono, and H!ioi' in poetry 3. lei, leste, li, and i" (Kietry leoz; lim- mo, teste, tcrono. *, N. B. 1 lie iii- Ilectioiis io-tetli, egli-telte : egliiio- titleru, are of a t'ainiliar use. 4. tro, cj-f. 5. wanted. 6. isa, ssi, or ssa, ssa: siiamo, ssu'ite, ssdno 7. trci, triiti, treble, tria, or ria^ in ))oelry : trihnmo, triste, tr^bhero, and Hiano, in poetry. 'Pr.ciilere, to cut off, v. Assidere Precorrere, to forerun, v. Corrcre Pieilire, to predict, v. Dire Prcfiirgire, to prefix, v. .Mliugere •PregAre, /o /)ray. ^ N. IJ. This lerb is regular, but, from its obsolete iuti- nitive Prirg/ire, it may be C()MJui;ated thus in the following tenses and per- sons : I. lo prit'go, lu pritghi, e^li priega : t'tiHno, piic^ano 5. prii'ga lu, prtejhi egli : prii'ghino cglino ♦>. lo prieghi, lu pritghi, egli piieghiiw eglino prieghino See Obseuvation II. p. '277. Prenieiiere, lo premise, v. .Meticre Pr^-ndere, lo take 3. si, belter tlian n/iH, ndi^sti, se; better than nd^ : ndemmo, ndeslc,sero, belter tiian nd^rono II. so 'Prop<5ncre (obsolete) now Prep(')rrc, to prefer, v. Porre Prescrivere, lo prescribe, v. Scriverc Prcsedere, to preside, v. Sedere Presumere, to presume, v. .Assiimere *Presu;pp6nere, (obsolete) now Prcsupp6rre, to presuppose, v. P( to promote, v. Muovere Promnovere, J '^ 'Proptlncrt', (obsolete) now Proporrc, to propose, v. Porrc Pror6mpeie, tobreak forth, v. Rompere Proscii)!?liere, & \ to L'ather, v. Cogliere Raccorrc, 3 Itadere, to shave, v. Persuadere Kaggii'ignere, & ? ,„ /->•' ■' > to rejoin, V. Gnignevc 'Kaj,'giiiiigere, ) Uatteiierc, lo detain, v. Tenere Ravvolnerc, to weep, v. X'ok'crc 'Kecederc, to recede, v. Contedere Rcc-ere, to vomit I. to, i, e: ii'tmo, lUe, iono .'). i, ia : ii'imo, etc, ttino f). ia, i, or t:;, ia : iitmo, i&te, iihto II. iiilo * '■' non pot<^Mijo entrAre nmfii sen?,' ira. (Dant:) — K y i ■ — alle iiiL- brArcia Che seuoler forte, e sollev.''iila poiino. (I'ttr.) '■ fjuefte fur I'arti, onde iiiill' alme e inille I'li'iiiler furlivanieiite elia |)/il('i). [Tassn.) * .Ma qua! suon poria niai SHlir tarit alto? (Prir.) Sl(*) Kecideie, lo cut, v. Ashidere Ked-imere, to redeem 3. ensi, imesti, inse : imeinmo, imiste, cnse'-o 11. into 'Ke.iiip, &■) Tfltirn, both olsolete N. B. Tlicii- conjugation was like that of Dormire, except that tlie first of them sometimes terminated in some persons of the present tense indiciitive mood, as the verb VeiUre, viz. io reg- go, noi reggi/imo, esilino rei^'goiio, which iiitiections at present belong only to tlie veib Rc^gge^-e. — The poets now use the regular verb Ri^dere, of which however no inflection should be adopted, vvithout being instanced in good authors. Re.'gere, togoverii, v. Leggere *Reiid-ere, to tender *.'^. ei, better than i-tli, hli; e, better tlian eite: I'mrro, estc, ^rono, better than (ttiro. — To write io resi, rgli, rese : Sylino rhero, will always be a fault, except for |)oets. They may |)ass in conversation too. *I1. uto, never write Reso, except in poetry in the familiar style. 'llep^llere, to repulse, v. IC-pcllere Repiinrere, to repress, v. lispiimere Resciivere, to transcrile, v. Scrivere llesi-itcre, toreust,v. Assis,ere *Respia;nere, &1 , , n' ,,, / > to repulse, v. Ciiieere 'llespinptere, J Retrocedere, to recede, v. Concedere Riaccendere, to rekindle, v. Acceiidere 'Jlianth'ire, to reiolne, v. AiidAre f N. B. Salviati has used in the impe- rative the infiectioti ru'iiida, which would prove this verb regular; but other qnntation.s by Pistolesi, and in the F'lcdlolario D.lla Crusca, both at AndAre TiwA Riaiidare, prove the above inflection as obsolete as anda is, in- stead of va\n Auddre ; and that the best method is to conjugate this verb irregular, and to look ujiou it as de- fective in all those inflections, which should he formed from the short ones of AndArf, such as ?'o, vai, va ; in- stead of which we may have recourse to the veib F,snmiii/to remove, v. Muovjti' Kuiiiioieie, J Kiii.lsceri', to te iom again, v. NH ,„^ ^^ ,.. (■; ..^^ Rispingcro, S Risj)(>-n'lcre, to answer 3. si, n'ltiti, se : ndeinmo, ndcste, sero 1 1 . sto •RUtrigntre, A ) „ , Ri.tringcrc, \ '" '""'"'""• '■'• StJmgerc Kitenore, to retain, v. JViiorc Ritingero, lo die again, r. t'ingere l{it6glicre, lo retake, v. Togliere Rotorcerc, lo I wist back, I: 'lYircire Ritorri.', a cont ruction if Rituglicre 'Ritraggere, {obsolete) now RitrAere, & > , , ,,, •Ritnirre, ] '<' ^'^'racl, v. Inirro Rivc'doro, lo ritise, v. Yedvro Rivondere, to resell, v. Vcudcrc Rivcnire, /d return, v. Venire ' Rivcstirc, /() ctollie again, v. Dormire Rivivere, to come to life again, v. Vivere Rivf'ilgere, to revolve, r. ^'61ge^c 'Rivolvere, to revolve, v. Volvere Riiiscirc, lo succeed, v. I'scire Riklero, (,> gnc : rompi'm mo, rompeste, ruppero *n. rotnpre in poi'try !> 1 I . rotlo 'Rugglro, lo roar, a regular verb ; but poets say *1. egli rugge c Saglire {obsolete) v. Salire ^ N. B Tills verb is regular, and is met with, in all its intleclions, in the ancient authors. — At present none are in use but those given underneath, as belonging to tlie verb Sdire, altliough dearly dtiived i'roin the intitn'tivi' ,SVi- glire. Otliers, besides tiieni, miglit l)e used (tliougl) seldom met with), in which the emphasis falls precisely on the vowel immediately l)efore the (,'/.. whicli must also be followed bv one of the diphthongs f.l, //•.', fO, or by / standing almost lor two J's, as io st'i- gtin, ti'i sag/i, (being almost In saglii), egUnosagliuno, ^-c. — The student, how- ever, will do well to use only the given conjugation of the next verb Sal-ire, to ascend 1. go, i, e : Sagliimoi, better tliaa gtiidmo, lie, g:mo h .\rder con gli occhi c rompre ogjii aspro scoglio. ( /V/r. ) — K. <" Ruggi- il leoiie al bosrcK {Guarini.) — K. «l ('<>:> Pollion, die 'n lal supi'rbia salsc. {Pelr.) — 1',. f Delle prime iioli/ie ui'imo iion sape. { Danli.) The antir/uUi/ of ihu iii/teclion nf the verb S.Tpere, in prose, will appear from t'le folLiuing interesting jiassaee in G. Villaiii, l.ib. li, Caji. H:\. — " Negli anni di " Christo I'J'JO. tutti i baroiii d' iiitonio propuoscro, e furono in eoncordin, per Id " moglio di jiarte (Jhibcllina. di ilisfare id tiiflo la ('itti'i di I'iren/.e, c di reen l.i " a iKjrgoni ; accitx-lii' di suo sLilo nini lion fosse rininno, fnma ne podi-rc. .\ll.i " <|unl |iro|)<>sta ki levo, e contraddisse il valeiitre, «• savio Cnvaliere M. l'nrii\.it.» " degli L'hcrli, v jiropuose in »'ia direria, i due aiitiehi, f gio^»i p.oveiiii ; tlie 318 *3. Regular; but the poets say, io salsi, cgU salseA : egliiw sdlsero *5. i, ga : Saglidmo, better than -ghia- mo, ite, gano *6. ga, glii, better than ga, ga : Saglia- ino, better than ghidmo : Sagliute, better than ghidte, gano ^ N. B. For other inflections with a GL, still in use, see those given above, at Saglire Sapere, to hiow I. so,sai,sa: mippiamo, sapete, sanno, Tn the ancientS; and in poetry, we find tu sapi, egll sape '^ 3. seppi, sapisli, seppe : sapimmo, sa- pcsk', s^ppero 4. sapro, <|-c. 5. sappi, sappia : seppidmo, sappUite, sdppiano 6. sappia, c^-e. Also tu sappi 7. saj>rii, t^-c. 'Savere (obsolete) now Sapere Scadere, to decay, v. Cadere Sce-gliei'e, to chouse *L igo, gli, glie : gliamo, gliStc, Igono S. Isi, gliesti, Ise : gliemmo, glieste, hero *5. gli, Iga : gliimo, glidte, Igano *6. Iga, Iga, Iga : glidino, glicite, Igano *9. rre, or as above II. ito Sce-ndere, to descend 3. si, ndesti, se : ndemmo, ndiste, sera 11. so Scer-nere, to discern 3. si, ncsti, se : nemmo, neste, sen And let it l)e observed, that Cernere is conjugated like this verb ; but Con- cemere and Discdrnere are regular, though deprived of their participle, which inflection in the verb Cernere is regular, and in Sccrnere does not ap- pear to exist, any more than in the other two verbs. 'Scerre, a contraction o/" Scegliere Schiudere, to open, v. Assidere e ■ ' '^ ' > to untie, v. Coeliere Sciorre, i ' & - Sconimettere, to bet, v. Mettere 'Scomponere, & ? ,. „/ c, , > to discompose, V. rorxfi Scomporre, J -' ' Sconfiggere, to rout, v, Affliggere Scontorcere, to wrest, v. Turcere Sconvenire, to misbecome, v. Venire Sconvolgere, to confound, v. Volgere Scoprire, to uncover, v. Coprire Scorgere, to discover, v. Accorgere Scorrere, to ruji slow, v. Cijrrere Scri-vere, to write 3. ssi, vesti, sse : vhnjno, vcste, ssiro 11. tto 'Scucire, to unrip, v. Cucire 'Scuoprire, to discover, v. Coprire Scuotere, to shake, v. Percu6tere 'Sdare, to leave off, v. Dare 'Sdrucire, to rip open, v. Cucire Sedere, to sit down 1 . seggo, or siedo, siedi, siede : sedidmo, or poetically seggidmo, sedete, seggono, or siSdono 5. siedi, siSgga, or sieda : sedidmo, or poetically seggidnw, sedete, s6ggano, or siedano *6. sieda, or segga, si(}di, or segghi, sedihno, or poetically seggidmo ; se- didte, or poetically seggidte ; siedano, or seggano *10. sedendo, or poetically seggendo, <^c. ^ N. B. To know in what inflections of this verb the diphthong IE may be introduced, see Observation II. at p. 277. — Observe also, that the poets have used the following inflections : *I. io seggiot' : eglino seggioiio *6. io seggia%, tu segge 'Seducere (^obsolete) now Sedurre, to seduce, v. Addurre Seguire, to follow. A regular verb among the ancient classics ; but now we conjugate it like Dormire ; ob- serving, however, that " dicono. Come asi.no sape, cosi minuzza rape ; r Vussi capra zoppa, se liipo " non la 'ntoppa. I quali due proverbj rinnestro in uno dicendo. Come asino •' sape, SI va capra zoppa; cosi minuzza rape, se il lupo non la 'ntoppa -. Recando " poi con savie parole esempio, e comperazione sopra il grosso proverbio ; e come «' era follia di cio parlare, e che gran danno, e pericolo ne potea avvenire : E <' che se altii, che egli non fosse, mentre che avesse vita in corpo, con la spada in " mano la difenderebbe. Sicche per un buono. e vertudioso Cittadino, che " fece a modo, e guisa del buono Camillo di Roma scampo la nostia clttA di " Firenze da tanta furia, distruggimento e ruina." — For the explanation of the above two proverbs, see the Vocabolario della Crusca, at the words ASINO and CAPRA.— ^. f E '1 Po dove doglioso, e grave or seggio. (Petr.) — E. g La v' io seggia d'amor pensoso, e scriva. ( W.) — E. 3\9 1. segno, is better than sitguo, iJl. — In poetry, io s^go '' *5. stgui, \c. *6. se^ita, t\V- ^ N. B. PisroLEsi, ou tlie single aii- thoritv ot* the Chevalier liaidrdcauii's 37th Annotation to Cinonio, admits of the diplitliong IE in this vcrh, in all those inilections having tiie empha- sis ujion its E, aecording to the jnst now quoted Observation II. 15ut since neither Boccaccio, Pelrarca, nor any of tlie classics quoted in tlie Voca- bolario, exhibit any instance of sucli inflections, they cannot be admitted into any correct writing, altiiough use might sanction tliein in the familiar and colloquial style. •Sentire, to hear, v. Domiire 'Scrvire, to serve, v. Uormire Sfarc, to tindit, v. Fare •Sfuggire, to shun, i-. Donnire Sllere, to l>e siJeiit, a defective verb, used only in poetry i. — No inllection ought to be adopted without being instanced in some good autlior. 'Smentire, Io giij)rcss, v. Esprimere 'SopraffTire, Io orrrjionvr, ?-. Fare 'Sopraggii'ignere, & ") /() come nncrpecled, Sopraggiungere, J r. Giungere 'Soprapprendere, to overtake, v. Pren- dere Soprascriverc, to superscribe, v. Scrivere Sopraspendere, to spend loo vinch, v. Sjjendere 'Soprassedere, to ceasi for a limr, v. Sedere 'Soprasti'irc, to overhang, v. Stare Soprav venire, to come unexjiecled/i/, v. Venire Sopravviverc, Io survive, v. Viverc Soprinttndere, to sujterintejid, v. Inten- dere Sorgere, to rise, v. Accurgere Sorprendere, to surpruit', v. Prendere Sorregere, Io support, v. Keggere Son-idere, to smile, v. Ilidere Soscrivere, to subscribe, v. ScHverc -ond' ei mi mcna 'l'.ili)r III parte, ov' ioper forza il sego. (/'/.) — E. i Or diibbi tu, e dubitando sili. (Donle.) Preso dai iiuovo canto stupe, e sile. ( Varehi.) k Cjiasuo' tu far il inio sonno almen degiio Delia tua vista. IJ'rIr.)— E. ' Coine tuluru al caldo tempo hale. (/'/•) — E- "' (iir/mdo il montc come far wilemo. (Dante.) — E. II .Anlonii, e stiuggn ami'ir coin' io ^ilia. (I'etr.) — K. 32n Sjspeiidere, to suspt;)itl, ti. Preiidera Sospiiigere, 3 Sostenere, to sustain, v. Tenure Sottinteudere, to understand, v. Inten- dere Sottomtttere, to submit, v. IVIettere Sottoscrivere, to subscribe, v. Scrivere 'Sottniggere, [obsolete) now Sottraere, & > , ^p 'Sottrarre, { '" '^''"'" ''""'^^ ''■ ^""''^ 'Sovrastare, to overhans:, v. Stare Sovvenire, to help, v. A^enire 'Sovvertire, to subvert, v. Dormire 'Spandere, to spread, regular, but we may say 11. s panto, or spaso'^ in poetry Spar-gere, to scatter 3. si, gesti, se : gcmnio, gSste, sero *1 1. to, or so Sparire, to disapjicar, r. Apparire 'Spaziare, to push, V. Cmgere Spingere, J 'Sponere, (obsolete) now 'Sporre, to explain, v. Pon-e Sp6rgere, to stretch out, v. Acc6rgere Sprowedere, to leave destitute, v. Prove- dere Stare, to stai/, or to be, v. Dare ^ N. B. Except the perfect; for it would be a most odious vulgarism, only common to the Romans, and the rabble of Tuscany, to say, io stiedi, egli stiede, ^-c. while to say, io diedi, cgli diede, is as classical as io detti, egli dette ; but tiiis last mode of in- flecting the preterite of Dare is the only one similar to that of this verb. Stendere, to extend, v. Prendere •Stignere, & ) ^ ,. , ^• «c.- > to discolour, V. Cmgere ^Stmgere, ) ' ° > to bind fast Stogliere, to dissuade, v. Cogliere Stonaie, to git out of tune, v. Sonai-e Storcere, to twist, v. Torcere 'Storre, a contraction of Stogliere Stravedere, to see much, v. Vedere Stravolgere, to wrest, v. V61gere 'Stridere, to scream, v. Assidere Strignere, & Stringere, :3. si, gesti, sa : gdmmo, ghte, sero 11. Slretto Stru- ggere, to melt .'5. ssi, gghli, sse : ggemmo, ggeste, ssero 11. tto Stiipere, to wonder, a defective verb, and merely poetical. I. egli stupe P, he wonders Siiccedere, to Succeed, v. Conccdere 'Succignere,&"l Succ-ingere, /'" '""-'^ «'"• "■ ^'"^ere *Sv($gliere, & ) Svel-lere, \ ^" f"'" "/' 3. si, I6sli, se : khnmo, teste, siro II, to Svenire, to faint away, v. Venire *Sverre, a contraction o/" Svellere 'Svestire, to strip one, v. Dormire Svolgere, to unfold, v. Volgere 'Sv61vere, to unfold, v. Volvere 'Supponure, [obsolete) now Supporre, to suppose, v. Porre 'SQrgere, io rise, v. Accorgere Sussistere, to subsist, v. Esistere Tacere, to hold one's tongue, v. Giac^i-e Tangere, to touch, a defective and poe.. tical verb, of which we find 1. -tangeq, and few inflections besides Tendere, to tend, v. Prendere Ten-ere, to hold 1. go, Tieni, Tihie : idmo, cte, gono. \ Poets may say, io Tegno, tu Tenni, egli Tenc ■ noi Tegn&mo, or Tengh- i/inio S. ni, esti, ne : Smmo, hte, nero 4. Terro, cjc. 5. Tieni, and in familiar Te, ga, and Tegna in poetry : id?no, ^te, gano, and Tisnano in poetry. *6. io-ga, tu-n^hi, or nga, S^c. In poetry we find tu Tegna: noi Teg- ndmo, or Tenghi&mo, vol Tens.hidtc, eglino Tegnano. 1. Terre^, <.j;-r. Che non corresson la coll' ale spase. [Boer. T'es.) — E. P Preso dal nuovo canto stupe, e sile. ( Varchi.) 1 Io son fatta da Dio, sua merce, tale, Che la vostra mi.seria non mi tange. [Dante.) 3'n Ti'rgere, to i-/rti»i, v. AApergere 'Ticnere, St \ . ,-■ .,>.*' ' > to due, V. Ciiigere • 1 iiigere, J 'Tollere, an obsolete form of llie mo- dem infinitive To::/i--rt\ The pcH-ts might yet make use of the following intltctions only : I . tu toUi, ei^li lollc : '■2. egli lolira 9. lollere 10. tollmdo Toixliere, to tnkr nirai/, v. Cogliero IVx'ts may sjiy, •1. tu tvi, or lo'^. lliis last is also fa nu liar. 'Tonare, to thunder, v. Sonare Torccre, to twist, v. Attorcerc 'Torre, a contraction of Togliere Tossire, to couf^/i, v. Dormlre ' Truduccre (ol>solrtL'), now Tradiirre, to tramlalr, v. Addi'irre Trafiggerc, to transfir, v. Affliggere Traliicere to Mne through, v. Li'icere Trucre, &. \ , . . •laggere, / *• ^' Tra rrc«, tn draw *l. ggo, better tJian Trao ; i, or ggi, r, or g;:ir : ii't/rit., or ggiiimo, ele, ggonn, better than uno 2. tra, a;r. '.i. ssi, f'x.'r, sse : ^mmo, ^slr, s.t^u 4. rro, ^-c. •.5. I, or nffi, gga : uinio, or ggiiiino, ite, ggano *6. gun, ghi, or ggn, gga : iAmo, or ggiumo, iute, or g^idt-j, gganu now I ere 7. rti'i, iji-. S. t'ssi, lo snWt, x\ Seemlier * 1 rascerre, J ° Trascendere, to surjuiss, v. Sci'iidere Trascorrere, to run uvcr, v. Correre IViLscrivere, to transcribe, v. Scrivere Trasfondere, to pour from one vrsfc/ into another Trasmettere, to transmit, v. IMetterc 'Traspoiiere (^nhsolctc), now Trasporre, to transpose, v. Porre Tratten^'re, to entertain, v. Tenere Travedere, to sec double, v. Vetiere 'Travestire, to dis-^nisr, v. Dormire Travolgere, to invert, v. Vcilgere 'Vadere (nbsoletc), v. Andiire Va-lcre, to be vorlh 1. glio, li, le : gtiamn, like, gliono 3. hi, lesli, Ise : Itmmo, It'-stc, Iscrit 4. rro, ^-f. 5. li, glia ; glidnw, lite, gliuuo 6. glin, ^c. C. rr^i, ^'r. •11. h'lto, better than Unto 5f N.B. PisToi.Ksi, zealous to reniova equivocal* in spite of the use esta- blished bv authors o{ imiuortal fame. r Quel vago, dolce, c-aro, one.sto sguju-do Dir parea : to' di me (juel clietu pu6i. f Petr.J-^E. • Since all the injinitiies of verbs tn the Tuscan language end either in arc, ere, or- ire, it it clear that Trarre i.« a contracted verb ; nor can we say that Tirare is its radical; for although the meaning be the same, yet Tirare has the w^wle of its regular cu nj II satwn in are, and has nothin'/ to do vilh the inflections of iLrarrc, which ma- Tufrslly belnne to the second conjugation. We must, therefore, consider it as either d<:ritr TrAggerc, for the jirimilive riKit of 'inirrc, reuiains undrcltled ; since the ytcadrmicians, Uiiig sUent on the subject, hair admitted of the partirijtle present triientc, and the greatest port of the irifli-rJiunt of trarre are very seldom fiiind with (>ii in the classics. On the othrr hand, we find Tr;ig;jerc i/ji/'rf by l>aiite, and even by Petrarch, in this line : " Mi fa del m*l pifukkto trigger gudi." — /-*/ the uime observation be applied m every respect to all the drriviaiwes of Trarre, whwh are Aifr^irre, ContriuTe, Kiir.^re, and Sottrirre. .fee them nt their jdacet.— V.. would devlale even from Cinonio, and cancel the GL in all the inflec- tions of this verb, where they become the same with those of the verb J'a- gliare, to sift ; substituting to it some- times the simple L, and sometimes the LG : but if we were to listen to arguments of this kind, and thus contradict the universal use of the classics, we might frame quite a new grammar and language ; for cases of similar ecjuis'ocals are innumerable, but unavoidable : so let the pupil conjugate this verb, and the others like it, as exhibited above, and he will never be wrong. *VariAre, to vary, v. Odiare Uccidere, to kill, v. Assidere Udire, to hear 1 . odo, odi, ode : udiamo, vdite, odono *4. udiro, i^c. and in poetry udro, cj-f. 5. odi, odd : udi&mo, udlte, odano 6. oda, odi, or oda, oda : iidiamo, iidicite, odano *1. udirti, <^c. and in poetry udrti, cjc. Ve-dere, to see *1. ggo, ggio, or do, di, de ; ggiatiw, or diamo, dete, ggono, ggiono, or dono *?>. J'idi, del, delti, or ddi, dSsti, Vide, dc, ditte, or dde : demmo, destc, Vi- dero, derono, dSttero, or ddero *4. dro, or dero, <^c. *5. di, or Ft"'', gga, ggia, or d-a : 'ggi/imo, or dihmo, dete, ggano, ggia- no, or dano *6. gga, ggiri, or da, ghi, ggi, or di, gga, ggia, or da • these three last in- flections might be used for the second person singular, but those preceding them are the most proper : ggicimo, or didmn, ggiftte, or diule, ggano, ggiano, or dano *7. drei, or dcrii, S-c. *10. ligcnilo, or dcndo * 11. rf((fn, better than Visto f N.B. Whoever would use the first inflection to the many given .ibove to each tense and person of this verl>, would be sure of never being wrong ; nay, he would always be the most accurate speaker or writer. Yet, tlip.t the more inquisitive student may ap- preciate the merit of each of the above num.erous inflections, I shall subjoin here proper remarks to each tense, v,hich I shall represent by the usual figures, 1, 2, 3, 4, &-c. 1 . ^ For those persons which have va- rious inflections we ought to adopt those with a GG, not followed by I. in elegant prose ; those with GG fol- lowed by I in verse, and those without GG in familiar and colloquial style; except tidi Vcggia7no, which is the only good one, both in poetry and elegant prose. .S. f The inflections printed at length are by far the best : those with DI) may pass in conversation, and those in dei, detti, de, dltte ; df'rono, dcttero, may be supported by classical autho- rity, but should not be used, except in poetry, or in eloquent periods, with great discrimination. Yet they are perhaps preferable in the conjugation of the compoimd verb Provvedt^re, as it appears from authorities of great weight. 4. ) ^ However preferable the contract- 7. > ed inflections of these two tenses be, yet the regular and extended ones have the support of the most pure writers, and might be used in any writings of an elevated style, if suiting the rhyme or the period. (). I ^ For the choice of these inflec- 10. ', lions, apply to them the very sai^.ie remark as given above at No. 1 . except iioi Veggichno, voi Veggiate, and Veggendo, being the only good ones for verse or prose of an elevated style. Ven-ire", to come *• To this inflection one, of the particles lo, la, le, li, is often annexed, dovhling the 1 ; thus, vello, vella, &c. meaning. See him, or her, &c. The vse of such expression is excellnth/ pointed out in the following lines cf Lasca : Tu sarai messo da' fanciulli in baia, E diranno -. ecco Alfonso, vello vello, Che pruprio par la Bili(')rsa gala. — 1-J. " ITe sometimes make a reflective verb of Venire, and say Venirsene. Exam. Mirata da ciascun pasKa e non mira La bella Donna e inninzi al re sen viene. (Tasso.) S-^mitim^s Viene is used instead ofe, it is; as Vieii detto, Vien suppusto, it is said, itis siip]>'jsed. 3iS I. go, aijJ ill puc'.ry /i-rij', Vimi, y It lit- : uiitio, better than ghiumi, pocUL-ally Vcgtiu'ii I, it.-, gfiio, aiul poetically Vignoitu 'J. ni, isti, «<• .- linnio, iit<', ncro -I. i'erro, mo, or ghiute ; gnut\ In elegant prose, or verse, it is better to say, /o V.gnn, egli Vcgna : 7ii)i frgtu'iino, t\>i FtgniUe, e'Jiint Vegnano. Even tn Vfgni might be iiistaiicetl, but tti l''fnglil\'^ preferable. 7. f'crri'i, ijc. II. uto 'Vestirc, to dress, v. Uorn.irc Vlgere, to bi- i/^"»ni<.s, a delcctive verl>, of «!iitli D Ihi Crusca gives us only the following infltctiors ; and as no grammarian speaks of it, it would not be advisable to adopt it, but as ati iinpei-sonal verb, and only in elegant prose or virse. *\.egli,rigcy •4. egli rigerii Vin cere, to oniqiuT 3, si, ci'ili, *• .• a'mtiw, ctstr, sera 11. to Vi-verc, to lire •1. 'Hus tense is regular, but the poets may say, noi f'iic'iii)'- 3. SSI, vi'sli, ss,-: Vi'iiuii'^, vi'sic, tscro. The purest classics authorize the poets or oilier elegant writers, to use the following inflvillons, but not in fami- liar, viz. •S. in Vii'vlii, egli rircllr^ : egHw< Viv^ttrrn •4. vera, ^c. and in poetry, vro, .Jc •7. v-'rci, <.\-c. and in poetry cn'i •11. wii^", better tlian ssiUo : a;.d in ptK'try Sf<^ L'eriere, &: J , • , ,.° f to anoint Ln-gere, \ 3. Ji, gf-'j//, «• : grntmo, '^rsl,; sent \\. to Vo-lere"", txj be willing. I. glio, ami To', Vuoi, or f'uu', biitur than I'ui'ili, I'ui'il,-, and in poetry /'j/,-' . gliomo, and in poetry Itino, Ulc, giu'mo :J. Hi, Usti, lie: Ummo, U'ste, llrro. Pr.- t;iarcii and other eminent author^ entitle the poets to tlie u>e of thu^e inflections, •;1 iu-lsi, eij li Lk : t^tino Isero 4. rro, cj|-c. *tJ glia, qli, better than ;7w, glin . ^e. 7. rrti, Si,-c. II. luto, far better than lsiit>, which however is not quite an error. Vol-gcre, to turn .S. si, gi'Sti, Si- : gt'inmo, gcitt; sent. Take can, tn VJg^i'^ h a poetical in- flect'on of the imperfect, which is besides a perfectly rcguhu" tense. 11. ro 'Volvere, sit Volgere \ N. B. To refer to Volgi'rc for the meaning of this verb, is very proper ; but to confound its inflections with those of the same verb, as Dtllu Crusca have done, is certainly inaccurate. — Volvcre is a regular verb ; and fror.i tlie numerous instances of it, and of its compounds, Involvcn; Rivolierc, and Svt'ilrerr, which occur in the poets, we may fairly attribute to it all the tenses and moods of a re/ular verb, with the only excei)tion o:' the Paili- ciple Past, which must be borrowed from Volvcre to make Vollo. For iJie participle involiUo of its compound Iiivolvcrc could not authorize us to form any similar p.itlei|)'.e for tlu primitive Volverc, nor for any other of its compounds above given, l)ecause they would cause e«]uivoeation with the participlesof other verbs, anil could not bisidvs be instanced in any good anther. 'I'o giv(.' an eiample of thij v.Ty elegant verb, it will be sullicient to quote tliis highly poetical descrip- tion of Firtiiiic Troni D.\NTh. Jiif. 1. » Rimen.br.''indo ond' io vcgno, e con quAi pii'ini/'- /c.) — I'.. > O Donna, ill cui la niia spcninza vige. (/>««/(•.)— K. ^ Che -Jinza s|ienie viu'ino in disio. (/'/.) ' I'goHri d" .\.'zo, die vivt'ite vo.sco. {Id.) — I". ^ VtuTi'i qii.il fiii, vivro com' io win \\s\o. {I'.lr.) — Iv r \olere u Ktmrtimet ui>rdj.ir Dovere, as Si vuole osserv.'ife, <5c. i' > vTM-d, iVv. whi-ri- %\ Vuole means «i deve. •1 Spirtofelice, die si dohenicntc N'olgei qiiegl'o.ihi (/V/».)— L". \o be ob- 3^24 Qu^sta e colei, ch* ^ tanto posta in croce we attend to tlie examples quoted, we Pur da color, che le dovrian dar lode, shall willingly reject Escire, and never Dandole biasmo a torto, e mala voce : adopt any itiflection of this verb, com- Ma ella s' e beata, e cio non ode : mencing with E, but thoic in which Con r altre prime creature lieta the accent or stress of the word lies Volve sua spera, e beata si gode. upon it, according to the principle Uscire, to go 07it. established by Cinonio and Delia ^ N. B. We read in the Vocabolario the Crusca ,- which see at length, in Ob- infinitives Escire and Uscire, but if servation II. p. 277. Ni credo, ch 7 mio dir ti sia men caro, Se oltre promission teco si spazia, — Dante Pueg. 28. Nor do I think that my speech will be less acceptable, Because it proceeded to a greater length than I promised. CAUTION TO THE STUDIOUS.— Let the studious not despise the insertion of so many Obsolete verbs to be met with in this LIST. They deserve his particular attention, not because he may make any use of them, but because they will be his best «fuide for tracing to the modern infinitive some of the most difficult inflections of the modern irregular verbs. For instance, if he meet in some book io oclo, eglino odonOf <5'6'. in vain would he look at the letter O for a verb likely to be the root of these inflections, if the obsolete verb Odire had not been inserted : but by finding this obsolete in- finitive, and being there referred to Udire, he will soon find the inflections sought for, and will be, moreover, able to account for their origin. A KEY TO THE EXEKCLSES GIVEN IN THIS GRAMMAR. By the EciTon, As suggested bi/ the Monthly Reviewers, see p. xix, xx. N.B. Iht marginal minibtr indicates tht pn^c iphere these Extrciits are %iven in English. p. 35. I f^rand' evcnti, e rivoliizioni di Francia. Gli eclissi della Lima. Lo studio delle belle lettrre. Lo spccchio della luia camera. 11 timore de' tormenti dell' inferno. Le virtu de' Rouiani. L' odio de' mici nemici. Tutte i' ossa del vostro corpo. L' anello della principessa. La (i'lvola delle ran(')cclue. L' occhiate dell' asseniblea. II pao!.e deir Aniazzoni. luiitare gli antichi. Le belle doune di Londra. Tutti i prof'eti del niondo. Tutti i librai di questa citth. La gran soddisfazione, che io ho. 36. L' albero della lil)erta. Le bocce, ed i bicchi^ri. Gli amici, ed i nemici del vostro paese. Le disgriizie del popolo. or Imperatori, e l' Imperatricj. 11 maestro (liligente, che io ho. I piu dilVicili esercizj.* L' erbe dello speziale. Gli amori di Fillide. lohotrezii. Lo statu felice dell' Ingliilterra. 11 cattivo succcsso di qiieir impresa. Gli occhi neri di mia sorella. 11 ru- niore della plebaglia. I di della settimana. Collo spirito. Co' libri. Coll' onore. Coll' anima pensante. Su la tavola. Sii l' organo. Sul graviccmbalo. Su l' apparcnze. Nell' elezione. Nella camera. Nel regno. Negl' inverni. Nelle elli'gie. Pel tempo. Per 1' amore. Per lo studio. Per la nioglie. Per 1' ama- rezza. 37. I'lgli punisce I' orgogllo ; ella biasima la vanita ; voi predicate la temperanza ; oglino amano la virtu ; 8chi- fare la pigrizia. Ricompensare la sobrieta ; tu odi il vizio : Io irnparen') il disegno ; Studiare la geografia ; trascuraie la pitd'iia ; il lerro, e l' acciaio sono piii titili deir oro, e dell' argento. 37. La segale, il grano, l' orzo. Mi piace il vino. Io handisco la pace. Io iiitimo laguerra. II sale, 1' acdto, I' olio. Voi ainmirate la belliizza. • Ob»prvp, tliat if lor exercises were meant llic ta^k of tlie teaclier, called in French la (ache, or Irdevrtir, wecO'ild nay noiliiiitf eUt- for il tlun Lettint ; but III Mil)' otiier tciKC rifrriin; il il» propti rorri'«poiidiii(( iciin. V 3 326 p. 58. II Conte di Sassonia ; II Generale Ligonier ; II Mares- ciallc) d' Estres; 11 Liiogotenente Gordon ; La regina Carlotta ; L' liiiperatore Leopoldo. 38. Gli occhi, e r orecchie; le braccia, e le gainije; il padre, le inadre, ed i figii ; i giorni, e le notti ; il palazzo, e il giardino. 39. LaviUevi le niaiii ; mi duole il capo ; mi son bruciato il dito ; ella ha perduto la vista ; egli ha perduto il cap- pello, e la borsa. 40. La politica Inglese ; !a modn Francese ; la lingua Ci- ncse; la musica italiaua ; una tavola quadra; palle rotonde; una pittura ovale; il piano triangolare; la situazione sana ; un vento caldo ; un' aria cattiva ; una bUJijione nebbiosa; una berretta rossa ; cappelli neri ; n!3 abito biaiico ; abito*scuro; tiesce cattivo ; uva in- sipida ; pesca immatura ; religione doininante ; fiore scolorito ; una vecchia sdentata: un giovane sguaiato. A3, Un nianicotto; una scatola da polvere ; una camera da letto; uii bue, de' buoi ; una ragazza ; delle ra- geizze; delta seta; della biancheria ; del sale; del denaro ; delle fibbie d' argento ; de bicchieri ; del vi- tello ; delle pernici ; io bevo senipre acqua ; sento delle donne che bisticciatio. Io non mangio tuai frntta. 44. II cavallo del mio pardrone ; i gufi:!ti deila mia serva; i bbri de' niiei amici: il figlio di mio zio. L' olio da insalata ; un cavallo da carrozza ; una pa- letla da fnoco; una berrclta da nolte. Un mantello di scarlatto ; delle culzette di seta ; una cassa di legno ; un pettine di corno; un anellu d' oro. Sonaref la spinetta ; sonare il gravicembalo : giuocare alia palla a corda ; giuocare all' ombre, alle palle. 4(j. La Germania e piu grande, e piu potente dell' Italia ; Giulia e piu bella, o bella quanto, o meno bella di Ma- ria ; Virgilio scrisse piu di qualunque altro poeta del suo tempo ; le mani di vostra sorella sono piu bianche deir alabastro ; ella e piu savia, savia quantc, o meno savia di me; Miltone era molto piu dotto di Dante; * Accoiding to our present mode of speakiug, we say dbito, both for a coat anil a gown ; and if we particularly wish to specify the latter, we say un dbito dadoiiiia. The author had translated gown, roia, which is not now understood in any such uicanin!? ; and the classics have much oftener used it for a king's, or couusfllor's robe, than for a lady's gown. Feslllo is also used for ALito,'n\ gene- ral, and Veh'tta for a gentleman's coat. I The auilior had given to the verb sonare the article of the genitive delhi, del, &c. wliich is a gross Gallicism : but when the verb sapere governs soiidre, we inay then prefix to the instrument the particle di, thus : I can play on tlie tam- bourine, So sonar di cembalo. He can play on tlie violin, Sa sonar di vioVmo, i^c. TiOiitlra e molto mc^^lio lastricata* di l'arii;i ; V'riiezia v inolto mcno populatu di Napoli; il st-ssd t'einmiiulo e ii:olto pill delicato j- di complessioiie del inascoliiio ; piuttosto un poco, che nulla ; e piu debole, clie forte; c nicii;lio sludiair, che stare ozioso ; e miglior capi(aiio, die solda(o : e p u bianco, che ijiallo. p. 48. II piu or^oijlioso di futti <;li uoinini ; it piu pernicioso di tutti i delitti ; coloro che seiubrano essere i piu in- fjej;iio>.i. iu)n sono seniprc i j)iu dotti ; egli e fautasti- chi>siino: ella era intelicissiina ; Ci^liiio sono stati cor- teisissimi, e prodii',hissinii ; Dio e i>iustissiiiio ; ieri era nil tempo freddissinio, e nebbio-iissinio ; ella e bonis- siina; questa e la {)iu bell' opera delle vostre niani. •'Jl. ^ Uii rai;a/>zetto, una raii^azzina, una creaturella, una caseltiiia, un lepratto, or Icpretto, nn berrettino (xcc n. l^p.W, ajul the note ibid), un ruscellettino, una don- iiiiKi {sec the Exception, n. 1^, p. 48), nn tavolino (see as referred above, at beret(ino), una donnicciuola, un ca-one {see the reference cbove, at tavolino), pioi>!jerclla, ii:i salotie, un cappellone, un cappellaccio, j^^entai^liaccia, or gentanie {steti. IJ, p. 48), ribaldaccio {sec at n. G and S, p. 4G), un poetuzzo, im (ilos-otastro, poUamc, car- nanie,<§ i;en(a!2;iia, i^entaine, or oontafiliaccia. .07. Ventuu cavallo; niille cincpiantuna provincia {see Exception, n. 3, p. 49), niille trecento soldati ; Luiu;i deciino qnarto era molto nieno ammirato d'Arriij^o quar- lo ; (juglicliiio teizo In un i^ran conqnistatore ; cento teste Ira j^li amici d' Aristotile : trcmila lire sterline ; tiitt' e due le ijambe, anibedue 1' orecchie. {Sec n. 9, and its note, p. .51.) GJ. lo parlo di me, di te, di voi, di loro : tu mi vu.)i bene ; e^li, or ella ci viene vicina ; uoi i> li vediamo oi>;ni <;i(')rno ; voi potete far cio per me, per noi, per loro ; ejjlino «ono avariseco lei, secolui. I\^;linoirli st imanomoltis'^imo ; ella mi, or ci parlo piu volte : staranno con noi per sem|)re ; certamente e dessa ; lolodissi loro due volte; fo cio per lei, uon per lui; andro con loro: lo mi vedo; • l)hiiervi', tliatilic Kufjlii-li wnnl jxivnl must )w uin!nM(jiiil of rlic siiKs only of ilie Btrectsof l.ontlnii ; loi if it wtrc the middle, vvc tlicii would say, ulcidlo, or fiiltoldtd, if tlictu-.vii were paved at London. f 'I'lii^ word in iiiucli belter in this .lentencc than cfitilr. I In these llxtracis the ^ til iucliiiiilii alia virlu. (^iicste uiovaui hauuo un ca- laltereassai cattivo, e coicste ( if near (he ptrso/i zee speak to) l' iiaiiiio nioho huono ; {the u'unls V liaiino must be (uUUd i)i Jlnlian.) Cotesto {or Cio) in' iiiqiiiota, {supposing to allude to sonuthiui>; nieulioned Ij// t/u per- son :i:e sptak to, see n. \o, p. 119.) Non credo cio, or CoU'stoiion lo credo {supposing the same). llprincipeliLu- ^Miiio. e il Ive I'V'deiigo linoiio due ijran Generuli,qiiesti fu amico di Voltaire, e (|ueiili dclT linperalore {see n.5, and note *, p. 118). Quc^;li, die veinie questa mat- tina. Qiiegli, clie vi disse una tal cosa. Quclla clie mi dlcde la vostra lettera. Quel die voi cercate. (^ucijli die voi avete raccoininaiuhito. Coloro die, or Quelli die taiino coi, sono da iiiasiiuare. Or, Chi fa cosi, e da biasimare {see n. 15, p. 1 19). 1'. I2G. Ale«Haiidro, chestimo la terra troppo piccoja. L' iio- ino, die ho vednto. Vj una persona, a ctii (o/all;i quale) sono niolto obblij^ato. Qiiclla c la donna di cui \i parlai. {read n. lo, p. iJ9.) 11 Signore dal quale io venni. Le ricoinpcnse, che sono proinesse. I libri, die voi avcte stainpati. II che mi duole moltissimo (read n. 11, /;. \'2\). Del che mi compiaccva tanto. Le predizioni alle quali voi date fede. II che alle voile la rende ardita. La ragazza, che mi porto la vostra lottera. L' uoiiio che, \i percosse senza pieta. La Fortuna da cui (or daila quale), ho ricevuto tante in^iurie. 11 denaro, che m' c slato mandato ieri L' oro c un metallo, checi a^siste in tutti i nostri biso^ni. Non so, quel che dice. Che bel tiorc ! Cio non e gran cosa. 127. Che uomoe qui'i^Ii ? or Chi e quell' uonio r Che nie- sticrelalc? Che dite ? Chevolete? Che volcte berc ? Quale vi piacepiu di(|uesti due cavalli ? Da chi a\etc avuto qiie-fa nu(')va r Qual c la sirada per aiidare a Ijondra? Chi ride, e chi piaiige. Che educazionc avete avuto ? I'Ji. Tutti i^li uoinini di fpirsto moiulo (o;- Oijni iioiiio, 8 and there for la ; since ci and vi cannot indicate wiiii prcJsion either the vicinity ortiie distance of any place. generallij muUrstood}. Ho coiinHMuto cotcsto per vui. Erano tra la ijeiitai^lia. Ei^li lavora, nientre gli altri si spassaiio. Secondo il inio p ucre c^;li Iia torto. Operate secondo la nostra regola. Piijliateli tutti, eocrtto (picsti due. \L^ a riguardo del siio iiatiirale, {diid if inipoiidul to spccij)/ the gender, saj/J del naturale di lei. Oltre all' essere ignoraiito, sicte ostinato. In fpianto a voi, non dico luilla. Sta diriinpelto alia piazza de' inercanti. Passe-r^iiaino liintio il rusfcllo. E^ vicino al termini' del suo viaggio. E^ luor di pericolo. Non ista lontano di casa. Asj)ett;'ite sino a doniani. Qnanto a ine non !a cono^co. Veiinero dopo di me. I ND OF rrrr i/c t rt:ni:s. INDEX. N. B. V. stands for vide ; p. for the page or pages of the loork ; and n. for the number or numbers luith which the paragraphs in each Lecture are numbered. A ; an indefinite article ; v. Ad. Absolute ; v. Participle. Absolute superlatives j p. 43 ; n. 1 1 , ii. Participle ;>ai<. Accents ; different sorts, and their use, p. 222, n. 48. accino ; a diminutive termination, p. 47, n. 9. accio, ^ terminations implying con- nccione, > tempt, p. 46, 47, n. 6, acciiitto, J 9. Active ; v. Participle. Acute (accent), its use, p. 222, n. 48. Ad; for a, p. .38, n. 3. — Its exceptions, ibid, note f. ADJECTIVES ; their three termina- lions, and formation of their feminine and plural, p. 16, n. 1. — Much im- proved, p. 42, n. 5, 6. — Their femi- nine omitted in dictionaries, note *, p. 16, n. 1. — Their position, p, 35, 36, n. I to 4, also, note *. ADVERBS; their definition and for- mation, p. 180, n. 1 to 4.— ITieir seven classes exemplified, from p. 181 to 191 n. 8 to 14. — V. Time; Place; Order ; Quantity ; Interrogation ; Quality ; AJfirmation ; A^egafion ; Doubt, and Comparison, each in its place. Affirmation, adverbs of, p. 191, n. 13. Affissi; V. Conjunctive pronoun. Again ; how translated, p. 214, n. 35. Age; how translated, p. 137, n. 12. aglia ; a termination of nouns, p. 48, n. 14. Alcuno; an indefinite pronoun, p. 127, n. 9. ALFIERI ; quoted,, p 205, n. 1.3. All ; how translated, p. 127, n. 9, also p. 128, n. 14. yitrimenti; an expletive, p. 197, n. 21. Altro ; an indefinite pronoun, p. 127, 128, n. 9, 10, 11 — p. 138, note *. Altrui; an indefinite pronoun, p. 126, n. 2, also p 128, n. 12, 13, and 7wte *. ame ; a termination of collective nouns, p. 48, n. 13. Anadiplosis ; a figure, explained, p. 254, n. 116. Anastroi'he, in syntax, what, p. 206, n. 14. Akacoluthom ; in SYNTAX, what, p. 207, n. 14. Andare ; reciprocal, and like dorere,- v- its use, p. 302, note d. Andar parlando, cjc. explained, p. 158, n. 35. — Its proper use, p. 162 to 166, n.46 to 49. Another; translated, p. 127, n. 9. Antithesis; a figure, its division and use, p. 251, n. 112, to p. 252, n. 14. anzuolo ; a diminutive termination, p. 47, n. 9. ArHAEKEsis ; a figure, its use, p. 246, n. 106, Apocope; a poetical figure, its use, p. 248, n. 110. APOSTROPHE ; its use, p. 229, n. 59 to n. 61. Arrangement in SYNTAX divided into natural, artificial, or figurative, p. 198, 199, n. 3 to 6. ARTICLES, V. 'i^ov^s— Definite, p. 16, n. 5. — Tables of their use and variations, p. 17, n. 10. — The same improved, p. 255 to 258 n. 2 to 5. — Their union with in, per, con, and su, exemplified, from p. 19 to 23. — Table of the same, p. 255, n. 2, 3. — Further remarks on their use, from p. 33, n. 1, to p. 35, n. 13, also note |, p. 37, and Tables improved, p. 255, n. 2, 3. — Indefinite, their use, p. 36, n, 1, to p. 37, n. 3. — Numeral and Partitive, their use, from p. 38, n. 4, to p. 39, n. 7. — See Exercises. 3:i3 A* ; 8s much as ; so as ; translated, j). 41, n. •_', and itute *. .\^piration ; a defect among tlie Tus- cans, p. 'J, and ;iti.v *. ibid. — Sti- aUo at C ajid H. as'ro, t , ■ ■ , • f terminations implying con- , \ temi)t, p. 40, n. 5, 9. aslronzolo, ) ' ' ato,—altell'>, } diminutive tcrmina- atlo, — altolino, y tions, p. 46. n. 9. Augmentative nouns ; rules for, from p. 45 to 47, n. 7, 8, 11, 1'2. Auxiliaries ( English), how rendered in Italian, p. -Jib", '_>18, n. :}8 to 42. AvERE ; its conjugation exemplitied, with remarks, from p. 130 to p. 138, n. 1 to 13. — also its notes, ibid. — A- vere is substituted for esserc, p. 1 38, n. 12, 13. .Ivere da, or a parlarc, ^'c. explained, p. 159, n. 37. avco ; a termination implving contempt, p. 4G, n. 9. Be (to) afraid, asliamed, ilc. translated, p. 137, n. 11. — V. Hungry; Dry; Hot; Cold; alphabetically. — Used in Italian instead of to hair, p. 137, n. I'J, 13. Being ; wlicn suppressed in Italian, p. 1 7G, note *. Delia ; an expletive, p. 19G, n. L'l. Brm ; an expletive, p. 190', n. 21. lienino, an adverb of diminution, p. 45, n.3. Better ; how translatei, from p. I H to 'M, ah;o p. 1 1',7. (', tnjl and hard, it* |)ioMunriatioii. p. 1. — (-", atpirnled wronjf, ilii SARA^ (amofto) cor- rected, p. 220, n. 45. Chiun. TABLES; IRRE- GULAR; and VERBS. CONJUNCTIONS; their definition and examples, p. 191 to 194,n.l5to 1 7. Conjunctive pronouns ; from p. 62 to 67, n. 1 to 19. — Their derivation, p. 62, n. 2. — Obvious meanings, il)id. p. 62, 63, n. 4 to 6.— Their pcisi- tion, p. 65, a. 15 to 17, and p. 174, note f . — IMost important rule an.d ex - ception on the same, p. 66, n. 18, 19, and p. 67 note *. — also p.l 7 1 .note +. — Furtlier remarks on ditto, p. 67 to 69, n. 21 to 32.— A methodical T.\bi.k of ditto, w th their Combination^', p. 76 to 110. — Advertisement on ditto, p. 70 to 72. — Preliminary Observa- tions on dit'o, p. 72 to 76. — Analo- gical jirinciples to combine them, p. 73. ObserV'ition 5th. Con'ymctive possJsm. Ill, n. 3. — Examples, p. 112. n. 4. Contraction ; v. Words Cosa ; a pronoun, p. 124, n. 28. Cestui; a pronoun, p. 1 16 to 1 19, ii 1, 2, 12. Coteslo; a pronoun, ]>. 116 to 119, n. I, 'J, 6, 9, 10, 14. Cvi; a pronoun, p. 120, n. 2. — Its use as a relative, from p. 121 to 1 23, n. 10, 17, 18, 22. — Its use as an interroga- tive, p. 125, n. SS. Da ; a preposition, called an indefinite article, p. 36 to 38, n. 1 to 5. Day time ; its division how expressed, p. 21.5, n. 37. de ; an additional termination of sub- stantives, how used, p. 12, 7inle \. JDf' ; a definite article, its use ; v. p. 17, note §. Del; a puriitive article, p. 38, 39, n. 5 to 7.— Its declension, p. 256, n. 4. and note (g) p. 257. Defect ; v. Comparison. Demonstrative pronouns ; tiielr dis- play, p. 116, 11, n. 1. — Specification of their persons, ibid. n. 2. — Their use, p. 1 1 7 to 1 1 9, n. 3 to 1 5. Derivative; v. Conjunctive pronouns. Desso ; a pronoun, p. 55, n. 5. — Its use, p. 57, n. 15, and note f. Di ; a preposition, or indefinite article, p. 36 to 38, n. 1 to 5. Diaeresis, or Diali/sh ; a poetical figure, p. 241, n. 99. DiALOEPifE, a poetical figure, p. 242, n. 100. Diastole; a poetical figure, p. 244, n. 103. DiMi.vuTivES ; rules for, from p. 45 to 48, n. 1, 2, 3, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12.-^ Their terminations registered here al- ])habctically, ibid. Diphthongs; their division and enu- m.eration, p. 223, 224, n. 49 to 54. Disjunctive ;ios,?i'.<;.s7ir pronouns, p. Ill, n. 3 — Examples, p. 112, n. 4. Distributive ; v. Numerical Nouns, p. 49, n. 1. Di'iudire ; for the use of this verb, v. a proverb, Chi ode, &c. Donde ; a pronoun, p. 120, n. 2, also p. 1S3, n.22. Doubt; adverbs of, p. 191, n. 13 Dry, to be dry; translated, p. 137, ii. 1 1, and note f . E ; its close and open sounds exempli- fied, p. 3, n. 4, 5. — General Rule upon them, p. A, vote*. — Particular rules concerning the same, p. 4, 5, n. 6 to 9. ir ; a contraction of epH, p. 56, n. 12. Each ; translated, p. 126, n. 2. I'cTAsis ; V. Diastole. Ei final, its pronunciation, p. 10, n. 7. Rules. Fgli; a pronoun, p 56, n. 7.— Its de- clension, use, and contraction, p. 56, n, 7, 10, 11, 12. — As an expletive, p. 57, n. 16, 17, also p. 196, n.21. /■,'(■; a contraction of egli, p. 56, n. I'J. 33: Eleuknts; r. SouiuU. Ell(r ; a prunouii, p. 5C, n. 7. — Used as an iiplf-tite, p. oT, ii. IC, and p. \9G, n.Sl. ellino ; a diiuiinitive tcnniiiatioii, p. 4 7, n. 9. Ki.i.ipsis; a fif^uri.', cxempliiicd. p. 2('0, II. S. tUo; a tinal, it> opiii sound, p. A, ii. 7. Itulo .">t!i. — A pronoun, ust'd tor ri;// ; p. j(), II. '2. Enali.agf ; a figure ; its use, p. 20?,, n. 1;). i-ntc ; a final ; its ()j)en sound, p. 4, n. 7, Rule 'Jd. — Its gender, p. 1:5, n. \•^. Efemiiesis ; a poetical figure, its use, p. 2\G, n. 107. F^pisyxaloephe; v. Synacresis. Equality ; r. Coinpaiison. crcitlo/o, ) diminutive terminations, p. erello, J 4.5, 47, n. '-'. !». ersi ; a final in ve'bs ; its open sound, p. 4, n. 7, Rule 1st. Essfke; its conjugation exemplified, witli remarks, from page I;)9to 14.', n. 1 to 'J4, and notes, ibid. — Its con;- pound tenses how formed, p. 1 44, n. Ul.— Its impersonal forms, p. 17:; to 174, n. 7 to 9. — Idioniatical expres- sions, p. 174, note *. Essere per j^ailun; c^r. explained and exemplified, p. 1.59, n. 3S. Esso ; a pergonal pronoun ; its use, ]>. 55 to 57, n. 5, 11, IS, 14, and tioli-*. p. 57 Also, an expletive, p. 19f>, n. -Jl. eltinii ; a diminutive termination, p. 45, n. 2. etii ; a termination of verbs ; its open lironunciation, j). 4, n. 7, Rule 1st. I'tt.i ; a diminutive termination, p. 5, n. 8, Rule 4lli Its close sound, p. :>, □. .'. Every; how translated, j). I'JtJ, n. '2, also p. Iti7, n. !». fvolc ; caution respecting tlie use of ad- jectives wbich < nd in t II. Ii7, aUo p. .4:5 to 30", n. 2, 4, <;. \'2, 14. — On adjectives, p. ^6, n ."ii. — On numeral .iiid partitive articles, p. 40, 41, n. H to l:i.— On coinpanuiveii, p. 4:5, n. IC— On su- perlative*, p. 44, n. 14. — On nume- raU, p. 54. n. I".— On iHTV>nal pro- nuuiis, p. 59, n. 'I'.U — On conjnmtive pronouns, p. «,7, ii. '20, .-.nd 7. — Ofi ]i proiionnt, p 11:5. n. 7, and p IIC, n. 21. — On demon- strative pronouns, p. 119, n. lo".— On relative pronouns, p. 1'23, n. 2:^. — On interrogative pronoims, p. 125, n. ;54. — On indefinite jjronouns, p. 129, n. 17. — t)n a peculiar use of tlie verb < ■.<>•(•;■(■, p. 145, n. 'J5. — On the conjugation of verbs, p. 147, n. :3. — On the verb cssiir, impersonal, p. 175, n. 10. — On the participles, p. 177, n.'iO. — On prepositions, p. 179, n. 3, the key to tliem from p. S'_'5 to:?:51. Excess ; V. CompariNon. E X PL ETI VES ; exemplified and enu- merated, p. 1,9G, 197, n. 'Jl. Farai a jmrlarc, I'yc. explained and ex- emplified, p. I(j0, n. 40. F(i caldo, fii fntldo, cjjr. explained and improved, p. 17'_'. EICiURES of Syntax explained, p. 199. n. 7. — exemplified, p. *J00 to 207, n. 8 to 15. Find (to), how translated, p. 219, n. 45. Frate : its orthography, p. 2:1C, n. 89. G. sofl and /innl ; its pronunciation, p. 1, in the Adrertiscmciil. Also p. 14, 9, n. 1 9 to 2.'3. Genesi; of both genders; r.ndc*, p.:;!. Gerund ; its English foiTn, how rendered in Italian, p. 1:57, note*, r. Participle presiiit. — Its termination, p. 147, n.5. Gh. hard and flat ; their pronunciation, p. I, in the Advertisfnicnl. Also p. 9, n. 19 to 24. fju); an expletive, p. 19(j, n. 21. Gti, or //■ ; a conjunctive pronoun, p. (M, n. 10, and tiule *, also p. 90", n. ;)()' to 99, n. 40. — .'Vlso, its signification extended to, to her, or, to thrm, mas- culine plural, in familiar style. (Hi uni, a declinable pronoun, ]). 127, n. 9. Ciovernment in .SY.NT.AX, what, p. 19H, n. 2 ;also p. 2(17, n. 15. Grande ; its contraction, p. 2'M>, n. W. (Jrave (accent) ; its use, p. 222, n. 4S. Cireater ; translated, p. ■^'^, n. !t. II. silent, p. :', n. 2.— When, inul lo what letters II gives a hard sound; p. 9, n. '.M,also|». 14, 15. \\. 27 to:! I. Have (to) ; v. To be. Having; whfii supprfssed in Italian, p. 1 7'), note *. lie ; translated, )). ri'^, n. 5. Her ; translated, p. I 10, n. I. 3SG Himself; translated, r. pronouns, p. 55, n. 5. His; translated, p. Ill, n. 1. Hot, to be hot; translated, p. 1S7, n. 11, and notcf. Hungry, to be hungry ; translated, p. 137, n. 11, and 7iote f. Hyperbaton; in SYNTAX, explain- ed and exemplified, p. 206, n. 14. I. or J; a letter proved to be a vowel always, and its use shewn ; v. J. I ; a pronoun, translated, p. 55, 56, n. 5, 9. I ; an article, when changed into an apostrophe ('), p. 17, note*. icello - icciafo ^ diminutive termina- iccialtolo — icano f .,• „, . ., „ ^^- ♦„ . . . . , ' > tions ; v. p. 46 to iccio — icciuolo I 4- „ o 1 o ICOlo Ig7l0 J II; an article; when it admits of an elision; v. 'L. — Further remai'ks on its use. p. 33, n. 1. //; a conjunctive pronoun ; v. Lo, p. 64, n. 11. Imperative ; first person singular, how rendered in Italian, p. 217, n. 40. — Negative, its form, p. 146, n.2, note j, also p. 1 33, note *. Imperfect, its use, and difference from the first perfect, p. 131, note-f. — Its first person, when ended, in A or O, ibid, also, p. 134, note *, and p. 135, note *. — How expressed in English, p. 151, note *, Impersonal Verbs distinguished into jrroper and improper, with examples, p. 172, 173, n. 1 to 6. Increment; v. Words. Imprestare, for prestare, a barbarism, coiTected, p. 137, 12. Indefinite pronouns ; a display of the indeclijiable, p. 126, n. 2.— Ditto of the declinable, p. 127, n. 9. Infinitives used with articles, p. 35, n. 7, fiote *. — How rendered in English, ibid. — Their terminations, p. I41,n.4. ino : a diminutive termination, p. 46, n. 2. INTERJECTIONS; their definition different classes, p. 194 to 196, n. 18 to 20 — Some are declinable, p. 195, n. 20. Interrogation ; adverbs of, p. 185, n. 1 1. Interrogative pronouns, p. 120, n, S, v. all these words, Quale, Che, Cui, Onde, Donde. — Further remarks upon them, p. 124, 125, n. 25 to 34. 10; a termination of nouns masculine ; how to be made plural , p. 1 4, n. 22 to 24, and notr\. — (Jreatly imjirovedr'P' p. 257 to 258, n. 5, 6, and 7iote *. lo, a pronoun, p. 55, 56, u. 5, and p. 56, n. 9, 10. ionr, a feminine tei-mination, p. 13, n. 12. ipulo ; a termination implying contempt, p. 46, n. 9. IRREGULAR Verbs; p.27I.— Ad- vERTisEMENT,ibid.n.l5. — Their struc- ture and niechani.sm, p. 276, n. 16. — Directions to find tliem in the Al]>ha- betical List, p. 280, n. 17. — Tlieir ALPHABETICAL LIST, p. 301 to 324 . issimo, a termination of superlatives, p. 44, note*. Italian Language; its advantage over the Latin, p. 39, note f . J lungo ; its use, according to the Voca- bolario della Cry sea, p. 8, n. 17.— Also, p. 221, n. 47. — When impro- perly employed, p. 8, n. 17. — Erro- neously considered as a consonant by BuoMMATTEi, ibid. V. likewise note *. — Further demonstration of its being in all instances a vowel, p. 225 to 228, n. 57, 58. K ; wanted in the Italian Language ; but it is inserted in the Italian hori>- book, and called Kappah. KEY to the Exercises, from p. 325 to 331. Know (to) ; how translated, p. 213, n.34. L for//; when used, p. 17, nole\, and 65, note f . — {g), also p. 256, note (a). and p. 232, n. 74. La ; an article.— Wlien used with an apostrophe, p. 11, note ^. — ^T3etter, at p. 255, n. 2. La ; a conjunctive pronoun, p. 65, n. 12. le ; a masculine termination, p. 1 3, n. 13. Le : an article, when used with an apos- trophe, p. 18, note\. — Better, at p. 256, n. 3, and at p. 257, note (c) — A conjunctive pronoun, p. 65, n. 13. Lei ; a personal pronoun, p. 55, n. 7. — Also a conjunctive, p. 65, n. 12. Less; translated, p. 41, n. 1, 4. — Also p, 43, n. 9. LETTERS, their number and pronun- ciation, p. 1 to 10, n. 1 to 28.— For those omitted, r. this Index, each in its place. — Rules concerning them, p. 221, n. -iT.— Then affinity, p. 252, n. 114. Li ; V. Gli. LlNUl'A ToStASA IN KOll A KojIANA ; a proverb, oxpliiincd at p. I, in llic ^■filrrrtistiiictU. Like (to) ; how translated, p. 218,n. -IJ. /ino; a diminutive termination, p. 46, n. 9. LIST of the Irreguliir Verbs conju- gated, p. ;501 to :52-l. Little; translated, p, 189, note f. Lo ; an article. — Its ancient use. — Rules for its projier use, p. 16", n. G, also notes -f-. J. I', likewise the Table, at \t. -JO, n. 2. — Its improper use correct- ed, p. 16, note \. — When lo suire:-s an elision, p. IS. note f. Lo ; a conjunctive pronoun, p. G 1, n. 1 1. — K(]uivalent to /;//, ibid. Loro ; a conjunctive jironoun, p. G-1, n. 7, 8, and note *, p. ()2, also p. 108 to 1 10, n. .^-1. Loro ; a possessive pronoun, p. 1 10, n. 1. Lovo (to) ; how translated, p. 218, n. 42. Lui; a personal pronoun, p. .'55, n. 7. — Its use, p. 57, ,^K, n. IH, 21, 22, Hnd note |. ^[ai■, an expletive, p. 19fi, n. 21. Mafsiino; p. -14, n. 12. vie; a termination of masculine nouns, p. l.S, n. 1:5. — A jjersonal ])ronoun, V. p. 55, n. 7. — Also a conjunctive pronoun, v. ifi. Me', for mrglio, or mezzo; v. p. 248, n. 1 10, note *. Medcmo ; a Roman corrui)tion ofmcdc- linio ; V. next article. Medesimo ; a pronoun, p. 55, note *, also p. 5% n. 28. Mr/ilio and Mi^liore ; p. 4:1, n. 9. — Their difference, i/nd. iu'lc •. Afeno, (less); its use, p. 41, n. 1 to 4. Menomo; p. 44, n. 12. nu-nle ; a termination of adverbs, its close sound, p. 5, n. 8, Rule 5, Metathf-SiS; a figure, its use, p. 2.53, n. 11.5. Mczz^ : its meaning and pronunciation, p. :i, note *. J/i, or Me ; a conjunctive pronoun, p. 62, n. 4. — Its signification, use, and combinations ; v. the Tabi.k, p. 76 to 78, n. 1 to C. — AUo an expletive, ibitl. and p. 197, n. 21. Miffliore, v. Afrc/io. Mine! translated, p. Ill, ii. I. Mio ; a poHsewsivtr pronoun, p. I 1 1, n. 1 . Mn^lie; it<< plural ; v. note*, p. 27. JMorc ; lrnn.^laled, p. 41 to 42, n. I, ^, n, 7, 8. :\lOTTt)S; corrected, p. 220, n. 4j. Most preceded by the ; translatetl, p. 4:5 and 11. n. 11, and note '. Miiro; plural tcnninalions, p. 2G. ^ly ; translated, p. Ill, n. 1. At'; a conjunctive pronoim, p. fi3, ii. -I, and mile * — also j). 65, n. 14. — An expletive, p. 197, n. 21, v. also Ci. Negation, adverbs of; p. 191, n. 1;5. AV.«i(;(i) ; an indelinite pronoun, p. 128, n. 9, also p. 129, n. 15, 16. XLtino : an obsolete pronoun, p. I2>', n. 9. Xissiiiio : an indefinite ])ronoun, p. I'^S, n. 9, also p. 129, n. 15, 16, Xiii7io; an indelinite pronoun, p. 128, p. 9, also )). 129, n. 15, 16. Nobody; translated, p. 128, n. 9. A')/ ; a personal pronoun, p. .55, n. 5. — Inijiroperly pronounced, p. 58, n. 23. — A poetical licence, p. 59, 24. A'(i« ; an ex])!etive, p. 197, n. 21. None ; ti-anslated, p. 128, n. 9. Xi'stri) : K possessive pronoim, p. Ill, n. 1. NOl^NS ; their termination — when in- declinable — gender — variations — number, p. 12 to 1:5, n. 1 to :13. — Which rc(]uire the article if, from p. IS, n. 11, to p. 20, n. l:i. — Which require the article/.), from p. 20 n. 13top. 21, n. 14. — Which require the article v»'ilh an apostrophe, from p. 22, n. 14. — How declined, p. 18 to:!l, n. 1 1 to 25. — Their double plural, p. 2f5, n. 16. — Which rc(juire the article /a, p. 1' to p. 28, n. II. — Those which arc undeclinable, p. 29 to :51 , n. 19 to 25. — Tlieir union with the article, i/iid. — Their dhninuliri , ausiiieiildlirr, and eolleelife qualities, p. 45, n. 1. — Xuiiwriciil, which ?•. — Also ('. TAni.F.s. XhIIo; a poetical pronoun, p. 128, n. 9, also note *. Number; v. Nouns, and Proportional. Numeral ; v. Articles. Numerical Nouns ; divided into(Vnf/(- iial, Ordiiuil, Distrihiiline, and I'ru- jiiirtional, f. each in its respective place. — Their rules, from p. 491o5;5, n. I to 16, t'. Taiii.ks. O ■,11/Kii ;uid ( Ai.vc ; influencing the mean- ing of words, p. :t, n. 4, 5. — Hulcs concerning its double sound exem- ficd, fioin p. 5, n. '.), . 21 >s n. 4 " 3SS onzolo, 7 1 onzolino, f Bccio; an augnienlative termination, p. 45, n, 8. Ogni; an indefinite pronoun, p. 126, n. 2, also p. 1 26, n. 4, 5, 6, and note §. How written, p. 235, n. 86. ogiwlo ; a diminutive termination, p. 47. Ognuno; an indefinite pronoun, p. 127. n. 9. onaccio ; an augmentative termination, p. 46, n. 8. oncello ; a diminutive termination, p. 47. n. 9. Onde ; a relative pronoun, p. 120, n. 2, also p. 12.3, n. 22. one ; a termination of masculine nouns, p. 13, n. 13. — Of an augmentative, p. 46, n. 8, and note *. One of my cousins, and similar expres- sions, translated, p. 114, n. IS. onte ; a termination of masculine nouns, p. 13, n. 13. terminations of contempt, p. 45, n. 4. Order, adverbs of, p. 185, n. 10. Ora ; orthographical rule upon, p. 234, n. 83. ore; a masculine termination, p. 13, n. 13 ; also p. 258, n. 5. Remark V. Ordinal, numerical nouns; p. 49, n. I, and p. 50, n. 5. to 8. ORTHOGRAPHY ; its objects, p. 221, n. 46, V. Lelters, Accents, Diph- thongs, Triphlhongs, Qnadriphthongs, Q UINTIVHTHONQS, Apostrophe, Syllables and Words, each in its alpha- betical place. Other; translated, p. 126, n. 2, p. 127, n. 9. ottino ; a diminutive termination, p. 47, n. 9. olto; an augmentative termination, p. 46, n. 8. Our; translated, p. lll.n. 1. Own; translated, p. Ill, note *. Paragoge ; a figure, explained, p. 248, n. 109. Parenthesis, in SYNTAX, what ; p. 206, n. 14, article 111. Fnri ; indeclinable; v. note *, p. 31. Participle {present) ; its character, and difiTerence from the Gerund, p. 137, 7wlc *. — Its termination in ante or ente, ibid. p. 8. — also p. 147, n. 6. — its impersonal form, p. 176, note *. — Participle Past, divided into Active, Passive, and Absolute, p. 175, 176, n. 12 to 16. — Further remarks upon the Active, p. 176, n. 16, 17. — On the Passive, ibid. n. IS, — On the Absolute, p. 177, n. 19. Partitive; v. Articles. — i\"ow«s, remarks upon, p. 210, n. 21, 22. Passive Verb ; its model, p. 166, n. 2. — Its participle declinable, p. 167, n. 3. — Its case, ibid. n. 4. Passive ; v . Participle. Past; V. Participle. PEERAGE (English); corrected, p. 220, n. 45. Peggio and Peggiore ; p. 43, n. 9.' — Their difference, ihid. note *. Peggiorativi Nouns (implying con- tempt) ; rules for, p. 45 to 47, n. 4 to 6, and from 9 to 1 2. Peggiore ; v. Peggio. Per il ; improper, v, note *, p. 21. Per la ; admitted ; v. note *, p. 28. — preferable to pella, p. 255, n. 2. Perfect (first) ; its use ; v. Imperfect — also note*, p. 132. — Roman solecism, note*, p. 135. Persons, in Grammar, what, p. 54, n. _ 3, 4. Personal Pronouns, their use and de- clension, p. 55, n. 5 to p. 56, n. 8. — Further remarks, p. 56 to 61, n. 9 to 36. Pill (more) ; how usfed, p. 41 to 42, n. 1 to 3, and from 6 to 8. — With an article, p. 4.3, n. 1 1 , and note *. Place, adverbs of, p. 184, n. 9. Pleonasm ; a figure in the Italian SYN- TAX, exemplified, p. 201, n, 9. Plural, how formed in nouns: p. 14, 15, n. 2 to 33. — also from n. 1 to 4. — And much improved, p. 257 to 258, n. 5, 6, note *. — In which nouns change the gender, p. 22, to 24, n. 15, 16. Poi; an expletion, p. 196, n. 21. Possessive Pronouns ; divided into Con- junctive, Disjunctive, and Relative, p. 110, n. 1 to 3. — Their examples, p. 112, n. 4 to 7— used with the defi- nite article, p. 42, note*. — General Rule, p. 1 1 3, n. 8. — Its exceptions, p. 113, 114, n. 9 to 11. — Their use in compliments, ibid. n. 12. — When used in English and not in Italian, p. 114, n. 14 to 16. — Used without an article, from p. 113 to 115, n. 9, 10, 17. — Poetical licences, ibid. n. 18. — Their striking pre-eminence over the English, p. 115, 116, n. 19. PREPOSITIONS; their definition and examples, p. 178, 179, n. 1, 2. — Con, per, in, su; their use be- fore nouns, from p. 18 to 29, n. 1 1 339 to 1;». — llow \M-itteii before thi* arti- cles, /M/. — Bclori- iL, p. 18, II. 11. — Before lo, p. "20, n. l.S. — Before i.a, p. 'JT, 'i8, n. 17, IS. — IiuproNO- ment upon their use; c. T.\bi.f.s, al p. 255, n. -2, :!. IVesent; f. rarticiplc. Primitive N'umerii-al Nouns ; v.Ciirxli- mil. — Personal pronouns, p. 54, n. 1. PRONOUNS; Personal, Coiijii iicliir, Ptjsscssiif, Dfinoustrntiri', jtclalitt; Ittlcrro::atiit; Inilffinilf, v. under eadi of tliese denominations ; ,■. 'IW- BLLS. Pronunciations; vicious with tlie Tu-^- cans, p. 1, in tlie Advkktiskment. — .\i-curate with tliv- Unmans, ihid. — Delcctive witli tJio same ; r. Jlomniis, — I.in^ua TosiiDia ui bocca liomana ; V. Ll.SUl'A, \c. Propakalepsis ; v. Paragoge. Proportioual, a numeral ; p. 5'2 note '. I'roprio, wlicn a pronoun, p. 1 1 1, note *, alst) p. 1 It;, n. 120. 1'rosthesis, or Vrothesh, a poetical figure ; its use, p. 'J-Ij, n. lOJ. Prorenuile Dialect; s, 127, n. J, 8. I r iiidetinite pronoun.'., J). , ,'"" C 128, n.!),and;iu/t'f. Qualcuiio, 3 ' Qiuile; a pronoun, p. 120. — When used interrugtUivel;/, p. 120, n. :5. — When as a rt'Litive, and how declined, p. 120, n. 5, and itnle *. — Further re- marks upon its use and sigiiilicatioii, p. 123 to 12.1, n. 19 to 21, also notes •, f, and n. 29, 'i'2. iiuale ; an indefinite pronoun, p. 127, n. 9. (iuality ; adverbs of, p. 190, n. 12. iitinhisaut, "J indetiiiile pronouns, iiiuilsii'u;itiii, > tlieir use, )). l'2<'>, tituduntjue, ) ii 2, '.*. Quantity ; adveriis of, j>. 185, n. II. — Keinarks upon, p. 180, n. 5, (i, also mite -f-. Quruli; a demonstrative pronoun, p. llti, n. 1.— als7 to G9, n. 21 to :}2. — Possessive Pronouns, p. Ill, n. :5. — Examplev, p. 112, n. 1. — Innccur.Uely delined, p. Ill, note f. — Relative Pronouns ; from p. 120 to 12:!, n. 1 to 22.— When tliey become Interrof^ntive, p. 120, n. 3. — Various remarks on tlieir use, p. 120 to 121, n. 1 to 24. — ti. also ail these words. Quale, C/u; Cui, Onde, Donde. ri ; a plural termination of some nouns, p. 14,7(y/c*. — Its abuse by the Ro- mans, ibid. — Hi, wlien initial in verbs, how trnn.slatod, p. 21-1, n. ;i5. RecipriKal Verbs, what, p. 1 72, ti. 8. Retlective Verb ; its formation and .mo- del, p. 1G8, n. J, <;. — Its imperative corrected, p. 169, note *.— Its partici- ple present corrected, p. 171, note-\-- liil'iino; what, p. 196, n. 21. Romans; v. IJniina. — Their accurate pronunciation, p. 1, in the .Advkr- TisEiiKNT. — Defective in sounding the S. p.6, mill*. — Tuscan words cor- rupted by them, p. 14, note*, p. 55, note*, p. 59, ?iote f, p. HX), vote (k), ]). l:iO, 7J0/1,' *, p. 13.5, note *, p. 139, milef, p. 143, note * . S; its smart and liMini; Round ; pro- nounced gracefully by the Floren- tines, p. G. — Improperly by the Ro- mans and some Tuscans, p. <), note *. Hini/iuni; what, p. KJ. — Orthogr.iphi- cal rules upon it, p. 2:>I, ii. 71, also p. 23S, n. 79. Same ; translated ; r. Prunoiins, p. 55, n. 5. .SVi;i/i<, orthograjihical rule upon, p. 2M>, n. 89. Siifete ; V. it* proverb, Comk. am no »Art. &c. /. Ii 340 SC; their sound before the vowels J?, or /, p. 9, n. 27. Se ; a reflected pronoun, its declension, p. 56, n. 7, and p. 59, n. 27, 28, and note*. — V. Si. — Se; a conjunction, remarks upon, p. 212, n. 31. Segnacasi; what, p. 36, n. 1. Sense ; v. Common sense. Si, or Se ; a conjunctive pronoun, p. 62, n. 4. — Its use ; v. Table, p. 99 to 103, n. 40 to 45. — Si serves to imper- sonal verbs, p. 173, n. 4, 5. — Wanted in the English. — How turned in that Language, ibid, n.6, and note *. — Also an expletive, p. 197, n. 21, sione ; a feminine termination, p. 258, n. 5. So; V. As. — So, translated by lo, or iJ ; 2'. MORE CORRECTIONS, after this Index. Some; translated, p. 126, n.2, and 7iote*, also p. 127, n. 9, and note f . Somebody; translated, p. 128, n. 9. Sono; a verb; orthographical rule upon, p. 236, n. 88. Sounds of the Italian Language enu- merated and exemplified, p. 10 and 11, n. 3 and 28. Star parlando, i^-c. explained, p. 159, n. 36. — Its proper use exemplified, p. 161, n. 42. Star per parlare, S^c. explained and ex- emplified, p. 160, n. 39. Stesso ; a pronoun, p. 55, n. 5, and p. 59, n. 28, also noLef. Substantives; lu NOUNS. Such; translated , p. 127, n. 9. Such an one; translated, p. 128, n. 9. Su 7; remarks upon, v. note \, p. 19. — Also p. 255, n. 2, and note *. Sui, or suoi; v. note f , p. 19. Also p. 256, n. 3, and note f in p. 255. Sua ; a possessive pronoun, p. 1 11, n. 1. Siiora ; orthographical rule upon, p. 235, n. 83. Superlative ; how expressed, p. 44, n. 1 1 to 13, also 7Mle *. — Relative — Abso- lute — Of exaggeration, p. 44, n. 11. — Adverbial, theirformation, p.44,n. 13. Syllables ; rules on their division, p. 230, n. 62. Syllepsis ; a figure in SYNTAX, ex- emplified, p. 202, n. 12. Sykaeresis : its application in scanning Italian verse, p. 226, n. 58. — Its na- ture and use, p. 241, n. 98. Synaloephe; a figure, explained, p. 242, n. 101. Synchisis; in SYNTAX, what, p. 206, n. 14. Syncope ; a poetical figure, its use, p, 247, n. 108. Synecphonesis ; v. Synaeresis. SYNTAX; its definition, and division into Arrangement, Government, and Co?«con/, p. 198, 199, n. 1 to 6 v. these three words in their alphabetical places. Systole ; a poetical figure, its use, p. 243, n. 102. TA BLES; of Italian elements, p. 10. — Of articles, p. 17. — Ditto, improved, p. 255, 256, n. 2 to 4.— Of substan- tive and adjective nouns declined, p. 18, n. 11. — Of numerals, from p. 49 to p. 52, n. 3 to 9. — Of conjunctive pronouns, p. 76. Observation VIII. — Of personal and conjunctive pronouns, together with notes, p. 259. — Of pos- sessive pronouns, p. lll,n. 1. — Of de- monstrative pronouns, p. 1 16. n. 1. — Of the universal terminations of verbs, p. 262, n. 8. — Ditto for the three regu- lar conjugations, p. 264. — Table of words of the masculine gender in a, p. 282.— Ditto in e, p. 282 to 284. — Ditto feminine in e, p. 284 to 286. — Table of words in i of both genders, p. 286. — Table of words which by a different termination have another or the same meaning, p. 287 to 290. Table of words in co, which in the plural take the termination c/ii ci, or both, p. 294 to 296.— Table of verbs which may end eitlicr in ABE or IRE, and either in ERE or IRE, p. 297 to 300. Tale; an indefinite pronoun, p. 127, n. 9. Talimo ; an indefinite pronoun, p. 128, n. 9. le; a final syllable; its use in lengthen- ing nouns ; V. note \, 12. Te ; a monosyllable; improperly ac- cented, V. note f , p. 12.— A personal pronoun, p. 55, n. 7. — Also, A con- junctive pronoun, v. Ti. Te; meaning tea; how written, note f, p. 31. Terminalions of nouns, from p. 46 to p. to 48. Tlian ; how translated, p. 41, 42, n. 3 to 8, also 7iotes *, f , p.42, also p. 1 14, n. 11. That; how translated, p. 117, n. 1. Thee ; do. p. 55, n. 7. llieir; do. p. 1 II, n. 1. Them ; do. p. 55, n. 7. These ; do p. 117, n. I , 341 Thine; liow tmnslated, p. Ill, n. 1. 'I'liirst ; til what verb it is joimil when translated in Italian, |). 1:^7, n. 11, and 710^-f. This; how translated, p. 117, n. 1. Tliose ; do. ibid. Thou ; do. p. 53, n. 5. Thy ; do. p. 1 1 1 , n. I . 77, or Tc- ; a conjunctive pronoun, p. G'i, n. -1 —Its use, r. TABLES, &c. Also from p. SI n. I'J top. 8'-', n. 17. — Also an expletive, p. 197, n. 21. Time, adverbs of; p. 181, n. 8. Time (substantive) ; how translatetl, p. '213, n. 30". Tirare ; !'. Trarre. Tornarr \ its use, p. 214, n. '^5. TO r H N E K' S Treatise on Ital ian Ver- sification commended, nt p. I-IO, tiote *. Triphthongs ; exemplified and explain- ed, p. 22-1, n. 35. Trarre and Tiran- ; an important ob- servation on tliese verbs, p. 321, notes. Tromre ; a verb, its true meaning and use, p. 219, n. 45. Tu ; a pronoun, its declension, p. 53, n. 7. Tito ; a possessive pronoun, p. 1 1 1, n. I . Tulto; an indelinite pronoun, p. 127, n. 7, 9. — Also an expletive, p. 197, n.21. vccio ; a termination of contempt, p. 4,5, n. 4. umc ; a termination of collective nouns, p. 48, n. 13. Uno ; its declension and use, p. 52, 53, n. 10 to 17, 7«./# t- uolo, 7 diminutiveterminations, p.47, uoihio, 3 n. 9. tijtitlii : a termination expressive of con- tempt, ]i. 40", n. 9. Us ; translated, p. 5G, n. 7. iittaccio ; a termination of conteinpt, p. 4G, n. 9. 1IZM, ) diminutive tenninations p. 47, i/tso/o, J n. 9. rr; V. n. Velio and Vella, explained nt p. 322, note (IJ. Vkvfkoxi ; not to be imitated, p. 48, ■nutr * Corrected, ]i. 110. n. 51. ^Strictures on his absurd scliemc of the irrigulnr vcrlis, 275, n 15, n GO, n. ^0, and note f , fossignorla, ) also p. 239, n. 93. f'ostro ; a possessive pronoun, p. Ill, n. 1. Vowel ; its definition coinciding in Bco.MMATTKi and IIakius, p. 228, ii. 58, and note *. \y. is wanted in tiie Italian language, and never seen in any Italian hoin- l)ook. W'h.it ; how translated, p. 124, n. 28, 29, 31. Whatever; do p. 127, n. 9. Whatsoever; do. p. 126, n. 2. We ; a pronoun, do. p. 55, n. 5. Wlic.ue; Edition of ITALIAN EXTRACTS; being an extensive Selection from the best Classic and Modern Italian Aidhors ; pre- ceded by a copious Vocabulary ; urilh Familiar Phrases and Dia- logrues. Intended as a Supplement to Galicrnanis Grammar and Exercises. By the Editor, Antonio Montucci, Sanese, LL.D. This work contains Extracts from the fulloiving Authors and Jf^orks : — Alficri — Algaroiti — Ariosto—Baretli — Boccaccio — Ca- ro — Casa — Dalzcl — Dante — Davanzati — Facciolati — Firenzuola — Goudar — Go/doni — Gigli — Mat bias— Metastasio — Montucci — Nardini— Petrarca — Polidori—Rcdi — Sacchetti — Saggio di Prose — Salviati — Segneri — Tasso — Vergani, Sfc. Sfc— Besides copious Extracts from those Authors, this work contains a most extensive Vocabulary, easy Dialogues, Letters, Anecdotes, and Sonnets, from various Authors ; illustrated by Arguments and \otes, by Dn. Montucci. The tvhole (viz. Galignaui's Gram- mar and Exercises, and this Supplement,) tvill form a Complete Course of the Italian Language, by xvhich the Learner is con- ducted, by easy Steps, to a thorough KiWK'ledgc of the Language. I () \ l> ON: miHrlll) B> LOX AND UAVtIS, CIREAT 'JtlVfS MRrf.I. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. 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